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responsibility ::: n. --> The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.
That for which anyone is responsible or accountable; as, the resonsibilities of power.
Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.

Responsibility accounting – Is used to refer to the accounting method of the collection, summarisation, and reporting of the financial information about different decision centres throughout an organisation.

Responsibility centre – Is that unit of the organisation that has control over costs, revenues, or investment funds. For accounting purposes, responsibility centres are classified as cost centres, profit centres, investment centres or revenue centres.

Responsibility - The duty to complete a task.


abandon ::: 1. To give oneself up, devote oneself to (a person or thing); to yield oneself without restraint. 2. To withdraw one"s support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; desert: leave behind. 3. To give up; discontinue; withdraw from. abandons, abandoned, abandoning.

abdicate ::: to renounce (a throne, power, responsibility, rights, etc.), esp. formally.

absolve ::: v. t. --> To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such ties as it would be sin or guilt to violate; to pronounce free; as, to absolve a subject from his allegiance; to absolve an offender, which amounts to an acquittal and remission of his punishment.
To free from a penalty; to pardon; to remit (a sin); -- said of the sin or guilt.
To finish; to accomplish.

accept ::: 1. To take or receive (a thing offered) willingly, or with consenting mind; to receive (a thing or person) with favour or approval. 2. To take formally (what is offered) with contemplation of its consequences and obligations; to take upon oneself, to undertake as a responsibility. 3. To agree or consent to. 4. To regard as true or sound; believe. accepts, accepted, accepting.

agency theory: theory developed by Milgram to explain why people obey orders that go against the conscience. When people see themselves as mere agents of another person, they will obey that person's orders, feeling themselves free of individual responsibility.

Agranat Commission ::: Special committee of inquiry established to determine the events that led to Israel's lack of preparedness for the Yom Kippur War. The committee was headed by Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice Shimon Agranat and determined that Israeli forces were not adequately prepared for the war mainly due to a false conception that Egypt would not attack without first gaining air superiority. The commission report absolved Prime Minister Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan of direct responsibility for the military's lack of preparedness, pressed the establishment of a ministerial committee on security, and called on Major General Eliahu Zaira (Chief of Military Intelligence) and Lt. General David Elazar (Chief of Staff) to resign.

Agreed upon procedures - Applies to engagements relating to agreed-upon procedures to specified elements or accounts. Agreed-upon procedures is when the accountant is hired to issue a report of findings based on specified financial statement items. The users of the report agree upon the procedures to be conducted by the accountant that the user believes are suitable. The user takes responsibility for the adequacy of the procedures. In this engagement, the accountant does not express an opinion or negative assurance. Instead, the report should be in the form of procedures and findings. A representation letter is prepared that depends on the nature of the engagement and the specified users.

Although the noun when capitalized refers to an officer of the British judiciary or one of several officials of the Exchequer, formally titled the Queen’s or the King’s Remembrancer, who has the responsibility of collecting debts that are owed to the Crown or an official representing the City of London, especially on various ceremonial occasions, or to represents the inters of Parliament, when defined in lower case the first definition given is person who reminds.

Among his most important works the following must be mentioned: Paz en la Guerra, 1897; De la Ensenanza Superior en Espana, 1899; En Torno al Casticismo, 1902; Amor y Pedagogia, 1902; Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho, 1905; Mi Religion y Otros Ensayos, 1910; Soliloquios y Conversaciones, 1912; Contra Esto y Aquello, 1912; Ensayos, 7 vols., 1916-1920; Del Sentimiento Tragico de la Vida en los Hombres y en los Pueblos, 1914; Niebla, 1914; La Agonia del Cristianismo, 1930; etc. Unamuno conceives of everv individual man as an end in himself and not a means. Civilization has an individual responsibility towards each man. Man lives in society, but society as such is an abstraction. The concrete fact is the individual man "of flesh and blood". This doctrine of man constitutes the first principle of his entire philosophy. He develops it throughout his writings by way of a soliloquy in which he attacks the concepts of "man", "Society", "Humanity", etc. as mere abstractions of the philosophers, and argues for the "Concrete", "experiential" facts of the individual living man. On his doctrine of man as an individual fact ontologically valid, Unamuno roots the second principle of his philosophy, namely, his theory of Immortality. Faith in immortality grows out, not from the realm of reason, but from the realm of facts which lie beyond the boundaries of reason. In fact, reason as such, that is, as a logical function is absolutely disowned bv Unamuno, as useless and unjustified. The third principle of his philosophy is his theory of the Logos which has to do with man's intuition of the world and his immediate response in language and action. -- J.A.F.

and extent, despite every effort at rooting them out. The responsibility is solely mine. I cheerfully

Application Developer ::: (job) A person who writes computer programs to meet specific requirements. The term often implies involvement with, or responsibility for, requirements capture and testing, in contrast to the term programmer.(2004-03-06)

application development "programming" Writing {computer programs} to meet specific {requirements}; the job of an Application Developer. Application development often includes responsibility for {requirements capture} and/or {testing} as well as actual {programming} (the more limited activity implied by the term {programmer}). (2013-08-15)

asya (dasyam) ::: an intermediate form of dasya, also called secondary / prakritic dasya, in which, unlike simple dasya, "there is no active & constant freedom, but only a general & ultimate freedom which is used little", for "we do not determine what is God"s will and act thereby or order Prakriti to act thereby, but leave everything to God to determine; the whole responsibility is His & a given impulse of Prakriti fulfils itself or not as He chooses without our interference". double sam samadhi

At the end of the third round, there were forerunning monads who were already human in nature and characteristic, and who were leading the way towards the true humanity of the fourth round, and therefore were the guides of the less progressed human monads when it became the latter’s turn to incarnate during the fourth round. These advance-guard monads are sometimes termed the Sons of Yoga. As intellectual and moral responsibility appears in the evolving human monads only when mind enters the picture — which occurred for the majority of the human monads only during the third root-race of the fourth round — during the third round few monads had reached the stage of true intellectual and moral responsibility; and during the second round even these forerunners were themselves unfolding the powers and responsibilities of mind and of choice. During the third round: “He had now a perfectly concrete or compacted body; at first the form of a giant ape, and more intelligent (or rather cunning) than spiritual. For in the downward arc he has now reached the point where his primordial spirituality is eclipsed or over-shadowed by nascent mentality. In the last half of this third round his gigantic stature decreases, his body improves in texture . . . and he becomes a more rational being — through still more an ape than a Deva man” (ML 87-8) — that is, manas (mind) was not yet functioning. Thus while the third-round forerunners may be considered truly human, the great bulk of the human kingdom was still but in the elemental stages of intellectual and moral responsibility. Mind was only just beginning to show itself, and hence the humans were rather cunning than intellectual, instinctual rather than spiritual.

Audit opinion - Report rendered by the independent CPA at the end of an audit investigation. The auditor reports on the nature of his or her work and on the degree of responsibility assumed.

balabhava ::: the state of being (like) a child; childhood; childlikeness; the childlikeness of the free physical mind, "a state of pure happy and free irresponsibility of action"; "the royal and eternal childhood whose toys are the worlds and all universal Nature is the miraculous garden of the play that tires never". bala b ala bh bhava

Baptism: A rite of dedication and induction of an individual into a circle of social and religious privilege. The rite is usually of a ceremonious nature with pledges given (by proxy in the case of infants), prayers and accompanied by some visible sign (such as water, symbol of purification, or wine, honey, oil or blood) sealing the bond of fellowship. In its earliest form the rite probably symbolized not only an initiation but the magical removal of some tabu or demon possession (exorcism -- see Demonology), the legitimacy of birth, the inheritance of privilege, the assumption of a name and the expectancy of responsibility. In Christian circles the rite has assumed the status of a sacrament, the supernatural rebirth into the Divine Kingdom. Various forms include sprinkling with water, immersion, or the laying on of hands. In some Christian circles it is considered less a mystical rite and more a sign of a covenant of salvation and consecration to the higher life. -- V.F.

Bar (Bat) Mitzvah ::: (Heb. son (daughter)-of-the-commandment(s)). The phrase originally referred to a person responsible for performing the divine commandments of Judaism; it now refers to the occasion when a boy or girl reaches the age of religious maturity and responsibility (thirteen years for a boy; twelve years and a day for a girl).

responsibility ::: n. --> The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.
That for which anyone is responsible or accountable; as, the resonsibilities of power.
Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.

British Mandate ::: (1922-1948) After WWI the British army seized control of Israel from the Ottoman Turks in 1918. Later in July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the responsibility of fostering the "Palestine Mandate" until it became self-sufficient.

Budgetary accountability - In government accounting, process of recording budgetary amounts in the accounts of a fund. Recording the balances has a dual effect. (1) The control aspect of the budgetary function is stressed, and (2) recognition is given to the legal foundations of the budget. The need for such recording is consistent with the responsibility of fund accounting. It is concerned with per­formance in terms of authority to act and the action itself.

burden ::: n. 1. A weight that is to be borne; a load. 2. Something that is emotionally difficult to bear. v. **3. To load or overload. 4.** To oppress; tax; with responsibility, etc.

bureaucracy ::: n. --> A system of carrying on the business of government by means of departments or bureaus, each under the control of a chief, in contradiction to a system in which the officers of government have an associated authority and responsibility; also, government conducted on this system.
Government officials, collectively.

care ::: n. --> A burdensome sense of responsibility; trouble caused by onerous duties; anxiety; concern; solicitude.
Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity.
Attention or heed; caution; regard; heedfulness; watchfulness; as, take care; have a care.
The object of watchful attention or anxiety.
To be anxious or solicitous; to be concerned; to have regard

Casuistry: Study of cases of conscience and a method of solving conflicts of obligations by applying general principles of ethics, religion, and moral theology to particular and concrete cases of human conduct. This frequently demands an extensive knowledge of natural law and equity, civil law, ecclesiastical precepts, and an exceptional skill in interpreting these various norms of conduct. It becomes necessary to determine the degree of guilt and responsibility and weigh all the circumstances of the case, especially by taking into account all the conditions affecting motive and consent. -- J.J.R.

charge ::: 1. An assigned duty or task; a responsibility given to one. 2. Care; custody. 3. An order, an impetuous onset or attack, command, or injunction. 4. The quantity of anything that a receptacle is intended to hold. v. 5. *Fig. To load to capacity; fill. *charged.

charged ::: 1. Filled; loaded to capacity. 2. Given the responsibility of or for; entrusted.

Chosen People ::: According to the Torah, Jews were chosen by God to receive the Torah and given the special responsibility (or duty) to be “A Light Unto The Nations,” thereby, spreading the word of God.

Collective Responsibility ::: The doctrine which asserts that a group is responsible for the actions of its individuals, and can therefore be punished for those actions.

Committed costs - Costs, usually fixed costs, which the management of an organization has a long-term responsibility to pay. Examples include rent on a long-term lease and depreciation on an asset with an extended life.

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility "body" (CPSR) A non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise and problems of {Information Technology} and the effects of computers on society. CPSR was founded in the USA in 1981 but has spread to many other countries. CPSR is supported by its membership. CPSR sponsors conferences such as their Annual Meeting, Directions and Implications in Advanced Computing (DIAC), the Participatory Design Conference (PDC) and the Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP) conference. {CPSR Home (}. (2012-11-04)

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility ::: (CPSR) A non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise and problems of Computing (DIAC), the Participatory Design Conference (PDC) and the Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP) conference. . (1994-11-30)

cooperative multitasking ::: (parallel, operating system) A form of multitasking where it is the responsibility of the currently running task to give up the processor to allow other tasks to run. This contrasts with pre-emptive multitasking where the task scheduler periodically suspends the running task and restarts another.Cooperative multitasking requires the programmer to place calls at suitable points in his code to allow his task to be descheduled which is not always easy If a task does not allow itself to be descheduled all other tasks on the system will appear to freeze and will not respond to user action.The advantage of cooperative multitasking is that the programmer knows where the program will be descheduled and can make sure that this will not cause unwanted than pre-emptive multitasking because of the greater control it offers over when a task may be descheduled.Cooperative multitasking is used in RISC OS, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh System 7. (1995-03-20)

cooperative multitasking "parallel, operating system" A form of {multitasking} where it is the responsibility of the currently running task to give up the processor to allow other tasks to run. This contrasts with {pre-emptive multitasking} where the task {scheduler} periodically suspends the running task and restarts another. Cooperative multitasking requires the programmer to place calls at suitable points in his code to allow his task to be {deschedule}d which is not always easy if there is no obvious top-level {main loop} or some routines run for a long time. If a task does not allow itself to be descheduled all other tasks on the system will appear to "freeze" and will not respond to user action. The advantage of cooperative multitasking is that the programmer knows where the program will be descheduled and can make sure that this will not cause unwanted interaction with other processes. Under {pre-emptive multitasking}, the scheduler must ensure that sufficient state for each process is saved and restored that they will not interfere. Thus cooperative multitasking can have lower {overheads} than pre-emptive multitasking because of the greater control it offers over when a task may be descheduled. Cooperative multitasking is used in {RISC OS}, {Microsoft Windows} and {Macintosh} {System 7}. (1995-03-20)

Corporate responsibility – The willingness of a business to accept responsibility for its actions and their impact on a range of stakeholders.

CPSR {Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility}

Defense Data Network Network Information Center (DDN NIC or just "The NIC") The {DDN} {NIC}'s primary responsibility is the assignment of {Internet address}es and {Autonomous System numbers}, the administration of the root domain, and providing information and support services to the {DDN}. It is also a primary repository for {RFCs}. See also {Internet Registry}. (1994-12-07)

Defense Data Network Network Information Center ::: (DDN NIC or just The NIC) The DDN NIC's primary responsibility is the assignment of Internet addresses and Autonomous System numbers, the administration of the root domain, and providing information and support services to the DDN. It is also a primary repository for RFCs.See also Internet Registry. (1994-12-07)

Delegation - Authority (and sometimes responsibility) passed down from superior to subordinate.

deny ::: v. t. --> To declare not to be true; to gainsay; to contradict; -- opposed to affirm, allow, or admit.
To refuse (to do something or to accept something); to reject; to decline; to renounce.
To refuse to grant; to withhold; to refuse to gratify or yield to; as, to deny a request.
To disclaim connection with, responsibility for, and the like; to refuse to acknowledge; to disown; to abjure; to disavow.

desert ::: v. To withdraw from, especially in spite of a responsibility or duty; forsake; abandon. deserting.

Devachan is a state of peace and happiness beyond ordinary mental cognizance, and no disturbing element can enter until the reincarnating ego has finished resting and recuperating its energy for a new sojourn on earth. Because the reincarnating ego builds its own paradise out of the materials it gathered in the last incarnation, there are great varieties in the devachanic state. It is the product of every individual’s unfulfilled spiritual yearnings, longings, and aspirations: since these were not fulfilled or only partly so in earth life, during the interval between earth-lives the ego seeks to fulfill them, rehearsing its spiritual yearnings which, being mental visions or pictures, are thus real in a far truer sense that anything possible on earth, where the consciousness is so thickly enshrouded with the obscuring veils of lower attractions. It is the quality of these aspirations, however, which determines the length of the devachanic state: the more lofty and spiritual the aspirations, the longer the stay. Devachan is not a state of positive action and responsibility, and therefore not a field of retribution for wrong done in the past.

deviation ::: n. --> The act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty.
The state or result of having deviated; a transgression; an act of sin; an error; an offense.
The voluntary and unnecessary departure of a ship from, or delay in, the regular and usual course of the specific voyage insured, thus releasing the underwriters from their responsibility.

diffusion of responsibility: occurs in groups when an individual feels less responsibility because accountability is diffused amongst the group. Evident in emergency situations, whereby the larger the number of bystanders, the less responsibility each bystander feels.

Direct material - The cost of raw materials and other components that can be identified with individual units of production or a responsibility centre.

disavow ::: v. t. --> To refuse strongly and solemnly to own or acknowledge; to deny responsibility for, approbation of, and the like; to disclaim; to disown; as, he was charged with embezzlement, but he disavows the crime.
To deny; to show the contrary of; to disprove.

discharge ::: v. t. --> To relieve of a charge, load, or burden; to empty of a load or cargo; to unburden; to unload; as, to discharge a vessel.
To free of the missile with which anything is charged or loaded; to let go the charge of; as, to discharge a bow, catapult, etc.; especially, said of firearms, -- to fire off; to shoot off; also, to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar.
To of something weighing upon or impeding over one, as a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to

disclaim ::: v. t. --> To renounce all claim to deny; ownership of, or responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject.
To deny, as a claim; to refuse.
To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow another&

domain ::: 1. (mathematics) In the theory of functions, the set of argument values for which a function is defined.See domain theory.2. (networking) A group of computers whose hostnames share a common suffix, the domain name. The last component of this is the top-level domain.See administrative domain, Domain Name System, fully qualified domain name.3. Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network.4. (programming) A specific phase of the software life cycle in which a developer works. Domains define developers' and users' areas of responsibility and the scope of possible relationships between products.5. The subject or market in which a piece of software is designed to work. (1997-12-26)

domain 1. "networking" A group of computers whose {fully qualified domain names} (FQDN) share a common suffix, the "domain name". The {Domain Name System} maps {hostnames} to {Internet address} using a hierarchical {namespace} where each level in the hierarchy contributes one component to the FQDN. For example, the computer is in the domain, which is in the domain, which is in the domain, which is in the uk {top-level domain}. A domain name can contain up to 67 characters including the dots that separate components. These can be letters, numbers and hyphens. 2. An {administrative domain} is something to do with {routing}. 3. {Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network}. 4. "mathematics" In the theory of functions, the set of argument values for which a {function} is defined. See {domain theory}. 5. "programming" A specific phase of the {software life cycle} in which a developer works. Domains define developers' and users' areas of responsibility and the scope of possible relationships between products. 6. The subject or market in which a piece of software is designed to work. (2007-10-01)

easy ::: v. t. --> At ease; free from pain, trouble, or constraint
Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like; quiet; as, the patient is easy.
Free from care, responsibility, discontent, and the like; not anxious; tranquil; as, an easy mind.
Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth; as, easy manners; an easy style.
Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much

ESOTERIC HISTORY AFTER 1875 The instrument the planetary hierarchy had chosen for the task of publicizing the knowledge which had been kept secret since Atlantis was H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891). Blavatsky was enjoined not to give out any esoteric facts without special permission in each individual case. She was not to mention anything about the planetary hierarchy.

The truth, or the knowledge of reality, is only to be given gradually, with sparing facts, to a mankind unprepared to receive it. It is necessary to find connections to established fictions of which people have heard enough for them to believe that they comprehend what it all is about. A new, revolutionary system of ideas would be rejected off hand as a mere fantastic invention. It could not be comprehended, let alone understood, without careful preparation.

The most important reason, which probably only esotericians are able to understand, is the fact of the dynamic energy of ideas.

Once the esoteric knowledge was permitted to be published there was no longer any need of initiation into the old knowledge orders, nobody having been initiated into anyone of them since 1875. Although those initiated in previous incarnations were not given the opportunity to revive all their old knowledge, enough was made known, and besides hinted at, for them to be able to discover the most essential by themselves.

The most important esoteric facts to be found in the works of Sinnett, Judge, and
Hartmann &

Expressionism: In aesthetics, the doctrine that artistic creation is primarily an expressive act, a process of clarifying and manifesting the impressions, emotions, intuitions, and attitudes of the artist. Such theories hold that art has its foundation in the experiences and feelings of its creator; it is a comment on the artist's soul, not on any external object, and its value depends on the freshness and individuality of this creative spirit. The artist is he who feels strongly and clearly; his art is a record of what he has felt. It is maintained that the artist has no responsibility to respect reality nor to please an audience, and the primary synonyms of beauty become sincerity, passion, and originality. -- J.J.

GObject Introspection "programming" A {GNOME} project that defines a {syntax} for {introspection annotation} {pragmas} to be used in the {GObject library} {source code}. Rather than actual {introspection}, these are intended to allow automatic generation of {bindings} ({API}s) to expose the library to higher-level languages. The sort of information provided is the type and direction (in, out, inout) of function parameters and the responsibility for freeing memory used by data structures. {GObject Introspection Home (}. (2010-01-19)

Guilt: In ethics, conduct involving a breach of moral law. The commission of a moral offense considered as the failure of duty. Defection from obligation or responsibility. In the psychology of ethics, the sense of guilt is the awareness of having violated an ethical precept or law. Opposite of innocence, merit. -- J.K.F.

handle ::: n. 1. A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand. v. 2. To deal with or have responsibility for; conduct.

Hyonjong non. (顯正論). In Korean, "Treatise on the Exposition of Orthodoxy," composed by the Choson-dynasty monk KIHWA (1376-1433). In this one-roll treatise, composed probably sometime after 1398, Kihwa attempted to counter the anti-Buddhist polemic of Confucian scholars of his time (e.g., Buddhism as a foreign religion that is financially corrupt, socially parasitic, and philosophically nihilistic) by clarifying the truths of Buddhism. First, Kihwa explains that the nature of the mind is inherently pure and free from discrimination and thus implicitly transcending all religious differences. Kihwa then demonstrates that, despite their differences, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism each exhibits in its own way the practice of "humaneness," or "altruism," toward others, which ensures that all beings have shared responsibility for each others' quality of life. In the course of his examination, Kihwa clarifies the various attitudes of Buddhists and Confucians toward religious teachings, societal obligations, harming life, drinking liquor, wealth accumulation, and so forth. Kihwa also defends the Buddhist practice of cremation and the notion of KARMAN. Kihwa ultimately contends that a harmonious relation between Confucian and Buddhist teachings is required to regulate the family and govern the state.

I absolve them at the same time of responsibility for any errors, oversights, theological sins, indefensible

incumbency ::: n. --> The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something.
That which is physically incumbent; that which lies as a burden; a weight.
That which is morally incumbent, or is imposed, as a rule, a duty, obligation, or responsibility.
The state of holding a benefice; the full possession and exercise of any office.

incurrence ::: n. --> The act of incurring, bringing on, or subjecting one&

incur ::: v. t. --> To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous; to put one&

Initiation: A test to pass a young mage from the ranks of apprentice to full responsibility within a Tradition.

insanity ::: n. --> The state of being insane; unsoundness or derangement of mind; madness; lunacy.
Such a mental condition, as, either from the existence of delusions, or from incapacity to distinguish between right and wrong, with regard to any matter under action, does away with individual responsibility.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ::: (body, networking) (ICANN) The non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for IP address allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions now performed under U.S. Government contract by IANA and other entities. .(2002-01-09)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers "body, networking" (ICANN) The non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for {IP address} allocation, protocol parameter assignment, {domain name system} management, and {root server} system management functions now performed under U.S. Government contract by {IANA} and other entities. {ICANN Home (}. (2002-01-09)

Internet Registry (IR) The {Internet Assigned Numbers Authority} has the discretionary authority to delegate portions of its responsibility and, with respect to {network address} and {Autonomous System} identifiers, has lodged this responsibility with the {IR}. The IR function is performed by the {Defense Data Network} {Network Information Center}.

Internet Registry ::: (IR) The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has the discretionary authority to delegate portions of its responsibility and, with respect to network address and Autonomous System identifiers, has lodged this responsibility with the IR. The IR function is performed by the Defense Data Network Network Information Center.

Investment centre - The responsibility centre within an organisation that has control over the revenue, cost, and the investment funds. It is normally a profit centre that performance is bases on and evaluated via the return earned on the amount of invested capital.

irresponsibility ::: n. --> Want of, or freedom from, responsibility or accountability.

jad.atva (jadatwa) ::: inertness, "the inert irresponsibility of the free physical mind".

Job enrichment - An attempt to give employees greater responsibility and recognition by 'vertically' extending their role in the production process.

Joint venture – Two firms sharing the cost, responsibility and profits of a business venture.

kleptomania ::: n. --> A propensity to steal, claimed to be irresistible. This does not constitute legal irresponsibility.

Kumano. (熊野). In Japanese, lit. "Ursine Wilderness"; a mountainous region in Wakayama prefecture on the Kii Peninsula; Kumano is an important site in the history and development of SHUGENDo, a syncretistic tradition of mountain asceticism in Japan. Artifacts from the seventh century provide the earliest traces of Kumano's sacred roots, although worship there likely predated this time. Throughout the medieval period, the area developed ties with the powerful institutions of Japanese Tendai (TIANTAI), SHINGON, the Hosso monastery KoFUKUJI, and the imperial family, with additional influences from PURE LAND Buddhism. By the eleventh century, its three major religious sites, collectively known as Kumano Sanzan (the three mountains of Kumano), were well established as centers of practice: the Hongu Shrine, home to Amida (AMITĀBHA); the Shingu Shrine, home to Yakushi (BHAIsAJYAGURU); and Nachi Falls and its shrine, the residence of the thousand-armed BODHISATTVA Kannon (AVALOKITEsVARA; see SĀHASRABHUJASĀHASRANETRĀVALOKITEsVARA). Following the principle of HONJI SUIJAKU (buddhas or bodhisattvas appearing in the world as spirits), Buddhist deities were readily adopted into the local community of gods (KAMI). Hence, Amida took the form of the god Ketsumiko no kami, Yakushi manifested as Hayatama no kami, and Kannon appeared as Fusubi no kami. Kumano developed close ties with the aristocratic elite in Kyoto from the tenth through the twelfth centuries. After the ex-Emperor Uda's pilgrimage to Kumano in 907, a long line of monarchs, often retired, made one or multiple journeys to the sacred destination. In the early twelfth century, ex-Emperor Shirakawa granted Shogoin-a Japanese Tendai (TIANTAI) monastery in Kyoto-to the monk Zoyo, whose appointment included responsibility for overseeing Kumano. Later in the Tokugawa Period (1600-1868), it was Shogoin that regulated Tendai-affiliated Shugen centers around the country, consequently making a large impact on their doctrine and practice. The nearby Yoshino mountains of Kinbu and omine, where Shugendo's semilegendary founder EN NO OZUNU regularly practiced, share much history with Kumano. A text known as the Shozan Engi (1180?) describes Kumano as the garbhadhātu (J. TAIZoKAI, or "womb realm") MAndALA and the northern Yoshino mountains as the vajradhātu (J. KONGoKAI, or "diamond realm") mandala. These two geographic mandalas, now superimposed over the physical landscape, became the basis of the well-known Yoshino-Kumano pilgrimage route, which is still followed today. As the prestige and patronage of the court began to wane in the late twelfth century, revenue from visitors to the area became an important source of income for the local economy. In the following centuries, increasing numbers of pilgrims, including aristocrats, warriors, and ordinary people, undertook the journey, accompanying Kumano Shugen guides (sendatsu).

Legal liability - 1. obligation with specified terms and conditions by which a defined payment amount in money, goods, or services is to be paid within a defined time period in return for a current benefit. Or 2. responsibility of the accountant to the client and third parties relying on the accountant's work. Accountants can be sued for fraud and negligence in performance of duties.

Limited liability – The limitation of the financial responsibility of an owner (shareholder) of a corporation to the amount of money that the shareholder has actually invested in the firm by purchasing its shares.

lookout ::: n. --> A careful looking or watching for any object or event.
The place from which such observation is made.
A person engaged in watching.
Object or duty of forethought and care; responsibility.

Manasa-dhyanis (Sanskrit) Mānasa-dhyāni-s [from mānasa mental, intelligent from manas mind + dhyāni-s class of pitris from dhyāni meditation] The agnishvatta pitris, the givers of manas (mind) and intellectual consciousness to man; those solar and lunar pitris or dhyanis who incarnated by irradiation from themselves in the mentally senseless forms of semi-ethereal flesh of third root-race mankind. In the Puranas, considered the highest of the pitris (fathers of mankind). The agnishvattas or manasa-dhyanis are intimately connected evolutionally and in occult cosmology with the sun, and are hence often called the solar ancestors of mankind. They are, in fact, one of the several classes of monads springing directly from mahat who provided man with his intellect, mind, and sense of individual moral responsibility.

Manasaputra(s)(Sanskrit) ::: This is a compound word: manas, "mind," putra, "son" -- "sons of mind." The teaching is thatthere exists a Hierarchy of Compassion, which H. P. Blavatsky sometimes called the Hierarchy of Mercyor of Pity. This is the light side of nature as contrasted with its matter side or shadow side, its night side.It is from this Hierarchy of Compassion that came those semi-divine entities at about the middle periodof the third root-race of this round, who incarnated in the semi-conscious, quasi-senseless men of thatperiod. These advanced entities are otherwise known as the solar lhas as the Tibetans call them, the solarspirits, who were the men of a former kalpa, and who during the third root-race thus sacrificedthemselves in order to give us intellectual light -- incarnating in those senseless psychophysical shells inorder to awaken the divine flame of egoity and self-consciousness in the sleeping egos which we thenwere. They are ourselves because belonging to the same spiritray that we do; yet we, more strictlyspeaking, were those halfunconscious, half-awakened egos whom they touched with the divine fire oftheir own being. This, our "awakening," was called by H. P. Blavatsky, the incarnation of themanasaputras, or the sons of mind or light. Had that incarnation not taken place, we indeed should havecontinued our evolution by merely "natural" causes, but it would have been slow almost beyondcomprehension, almost interminable; but that act of self-sacrifice, through their immense pity, theirimmense love, though, indeed, acting under karmic impulse, awakened the divine fire in our own selves,gave us light and comprehension and understanding. From that time we ourselves became "sons of thegods," the faculty of self-consciousness in us was awakened, our eyes were opened, responsibilitybecame ours; and our feet were set then definitely upon the path, that inner path, quiet, wonderful,leading us inwards back to our spiritual home.The manasaputras are our higher natures and, paradoxical as it is, are more largely evolved beings thanwe are. They were the spiritual entities who "quickened" our personal egos, which were thus evolved intoself-consciousness, relatively small though that yet be. One, and yet many! As you can light an infinitenumber of candles from one lighted candle, so from a spark of consciousness can you quicken andenliven innumerable other consciousnesses, lying, so to speak, in sleep or latent in the life-atoms.These manasaputras, children of mahat, are said to have quickened and enlightened in us themanas-manas of our manas septenary, because they themselves are typically manasic in their essentialcharacteristic or svabhava. Their own essential or manasic vibrations, so to say, could cause that essenceof manas in ourselves to vibrate in sympathy, much as the sounding of a musical note will causesympathetic response in something like it, a similar note in other things. (See also Agnishvattas)

Mandate, Palestine ::: Responsibility for the administration of Palestine conferred on Britain by the League of Nations in 1922.

NESL ::: (language) A parallel language loosely based on ML, developed at Carnegie Mellon University by the SCandAL project. NESL integrates parallel algorithms, functional languages and implementation techniques from the system's community.Nested data parallelism offers concise code that is easy to understand and debug and suits irregular data structures such as trees, graphs or sparse matrices.NESL's language based performance model is a formal way to calculate the work and depth of a program. These measures can be related to running time on a parallel computer.NESL was designed to make parallel programming easy and portable. Algorithms are typically more concise in NESL than in most other parallel programming languages and the code resembles high-level pseudocode. This places more responsibility on the compiler and run-time system for achieving good efficiency.NESL currently runs on Unix workstations, the IBM SP-2, the Thinking Machines CM5, the Cray C90 and J90, the MasPar MP2, and the Intel Paragon. Work is symmetric multiprocessors, such as the SGI Power Challenge or the DEC AlphaServer.Latest version: Release 3.1, as of 1995-11-01. .[NESL: A Nested Data-Parallel Language, Guy Blelloch, CMU-CS-93-129, April 1993]. (1997-04-13)

NESL "language" A parallel language loosely based on {ML}, developed at {Carnegie Mellon University} by the {SCandAL} project. NESL integrates parallel {algorithms}, {functional languages} and implementation techniques from the system's community. Nested {data parallelism} offers concise code that is easy to understand and debug and suits irregular data structures such as {trees}, {graphs} or {sparse matrices}. NESL's language based performance model is a formal way to calculate the "work" and "depth" of a program. These measures can be related to running time on a {parallel computer}. NESL was designed to make parallel programming easy and portable. Algorithms are typically more concise in NESL than in most other parallel programming languages and the code resembles high-level {pseudocode}. This places more responsibility on the {compiler} and {run-time system} for achieving good efficiency. NESL currently runs on {Unix} {workstations}, the {IBM SP-2}, the {Thinking Machines} {CM5}, the {Cray} {C90} and {J90}, the {MasPar} {MP2}, and the {Intel} {Paragon}. Work is underway (April 1997) on a portable {MPI} {back end}, and an implementation for {symmetric multiprocessors}, such as the {SGI} {Power Challenge} or the {DEC} {AlphaServer}. {Home (}. ["NESL: A Nested Data-Parallel Language", Guy Blelloch, CMU-CS-93-129, April 1993]. (1997-04-13)

net.police /net-p*-lees'/ (Or "net police", "net.cops") Those {Usenet} readers who feel it is their responsibility to pounce on and {flame} any posting which they regard as offensive or in violation of their understanding of {netiquette}. Generally used sarcastically or pejoratively. See also {net.-}, {code police}. [{Jargon File}]

net.police ::: /net-p*-lees'/ (Or net police, net.cops) Those Usenet readers who feel it is their responsibility to pounce on and flame any posting which they regard as offensive or in violation of their understanding of netiquette. Generally used sarcastically or pejoratively.See also net.-, code police.[Jargon File]

original sin: A theological doctrine, stemming from the Bible, arguing that all humans at the moment of conception inherit collective responsibility and guilt for the sins of Adam and Eve, along with an innate tendency towards evil.

Or la&

Orphism, Orphic Mysteries [from Greek orphikos] Orphism originally taught of the Causeless Cause on which all speculation is impossible; the periodical appearance and disappearance of all things, from atom to universe; reimbodiment; cyclic law; the essential divinity of all beings and things; and the duality in manifestation of the universe. It postulated seven emanations from the Boundless: aether (spirit) and chaos (matter), from which two spring the world egg, out of which is born Phanes, the First Logos; then Uranus (and Gaia) the Second Logos, with Kronos (and Rhea, mother of the Olympian gods) a later phase of the Second Logos; and Zeus, the Third Logos or Demiurge — who starts a minor sevenfold hierarchy of emanation by begetting Zagreus-Dionysos the god-man, the divine son. Characteristic of Orphic cosmogony is the important place given to the number seven. “The rise of the Orphic worship of Dionysos is the most important fact in the history of Greek religion, and marks a great spiritual awakening. Its three great ideas are (1) a belief in the essential Divinity of humanity and the complete immortality or eternity of the soul, its pre-existence and its post-existence; (2) the necessity for individual responsibility and righteousness; and (3) the regeneration or redemption of man’s lower nature by his own higher Self” (F. S. Darrow).

Philosophy of Religion: An inquiry into the general subject of religion from the philosophical point of view, i.e., an inquiry employing the accepted tools of critical analysis and evaluation without a predisposition to defend or reject the claims of any particular religion. Among the specific questions considered are the nature, function and value of religion; the validity of the claims of religious knowledge; the relation of religion and ethics; the character of ideal religion; the nature of evil; the problem of theodicy; revealed versus natural religion; the problem of the human spirit (soul) and its destiny; the relation of the human to the divine as to the freedom and responsibility of the individual and the character (if any) of a divine purpose; evaluation of the claims of prophecy, mystic intuitions, special revelations, inspired utterances; the value of prayers of petition; the human hope of immortality; evaluation of institutional forms of expressions, rituals, creeds, ceremonies, rites, missionary propaganda; the meaning of human existence, the character of value, its status in the world of reality, the existence and character of deity; the nature of belief and faith, etc.

Piliavin (1969): completed a famous experiment demonstrating diffusion of responsibility by exploring factors that influence helping behavior of bystanders.

PLANETARY GOVERNMENT Into the planetary government can enter individuals who have attained the second divine kingdom. The head of the planetary government belongs to the third kingdom.

Like all governments in still higher kingdoms, the planetary government is divided into three main departments dealing with the three fundamental functions concerning the aspects of matter, motion, and consciousness. They have the ultimate responsibility that all the pertaining processes of nature work with unfailing precision. They see to it that all receive what they need for their consciousness development and that implacable justice is done to all in accordance with the law of sowing and reaping. K 1.39.1f

Our planet received its own government about 21,7 million years ago. (K 3.1.4)

prerogative ::: n. --> An exclusive or peculiar privilege; prior and indefeasible right; fundamental and essential possession; -- used generally of an official and hereditary right which may be asserted without question, and for the exercise of which there is no responsibility or accountability as to the fact and the manner of its exercise.
Precedence; preeminence; first rank.

primary carer: the individual that holds primary responsibility for the care of an infant, often the biological mother.

Probation The process of testing undergone by an aspirant to initiation, who may be simply watched to see how he will meet the temptations and trials of life, or may be caused to encounter certain experiences specially designed to test his powers. The latter is very rare and appertains only to certain conditions of occult training. Life is the great school, and a person tests himself by his actions and reactions to himself and to surrounding nature. He alone thus defines or classifies himself. A candidate taking a vow places himself under such specific watching because he has issued a challenge to his lower nature, which thereupon begins a defensive warfare against him. The process is similar in principle to that undergone by an aspirant to a position of responsibility in worldly affairs, but the aspirant to wisdom has to dig deep into his own nature: he arrays against himself powers that formerly slept, ventures into regions where unknown dangers must be encountered, and by his own will and intelligence climbs the ladder to luminous victory and undreamed of success, or if he fails — he fails but to try again.

proxy ARP "networking" The technique in which one {host}, usually a {router}, answers {Address Resolution Protocol} (ARP) requests intended for another machine. By "faking" its identity, the router accepts responsibility for routing {packets} to the "real" destination. Proxy ARP allows a site to use a single {IP address} with two physical networks. {Subnet}ting would normally be a better solution. (2007-09-03)

Representative (union) - Person with responsibility to communicate union information between members and regional offices and to represent the union members to management.

Responsibility accounting – Is used to refer to the accounting method of the collection, summarisation, and reporting of the financial information about different decision centres throughout an organisation.

Responsibility centre – Is that unit of the organisation that has control over costs, revenues, or investment funds. For accounting purposes, responsibility centres are classified as cost centres, profit centres, investment centres or revenue centres.

Responsibility - The duty to complete a task.

responsible ::: a. --> Liable to respond; likely to be called upon to answer; accountable; answerable; amenable; as, a guardian is responsible to the court for his conduct in the office.
Able to respond or answer for one&

Rissho Koseikai. (立正佼成会). In Japanese, "Society for Establishing Righteousness and Peaceful Relations," one of Japan's largest lay Buddhist organizations. Rissho Koseikai was founded in 1938 by NIWANO NIKKYo (1906-1999), the son of a farming family in Niigata prefecture, and NAGANUMA MYoKo (1889-1957), a homemaker from Saitama prefecture. In 2007, it claimed 1.67 million member households, with 239 churches in Japan and fifty-six churches in eighteen countries outside of Japan. Originally formed as an offshoot of REIYuKAI, Rissho Koseikai is strongly influenced by NICHIRENSHu doctrine, although it bears no organizational ties with the latter school. In terms of its ethos and organizational structure, it embodies many of the characteristics of Japan's so-called new religions. Rissho Koseikai emphasizes worship of the SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA ("Lotus Sutra") as a means for self-cultivation and salvation as well as for the greater good of humanity at large. Religious practice includes recitation of chapters from the Saddharmapundarīkasutra every morning and evening and chanting of the Japanese title of the sutra, or DAIMOKU, viz., NAMU MYoHoRENGEKYo. As is common among schools associated with worship of the Saddharmapundarīkasutra, Rissho Koseikai believes that people share karmic links with their ancestors. Through recitation of Saddharmapundarīkasutra passages and its title, along with repentance for one's past transgressions, one can transfer merit to one's ancestors. This transference aims to subdue the troubled spirits of ancestors who did not attain buddhahood, as well as to eliminate any negative karmic bonds with them. Rissho Koseikai is headquartered in Tokyo. However, its organization is largely decentralized and it has no priesthood. This structure places more value and responsibility on its laity, who are presumed to be capable of transferring merit and conducting funerals and ancestral rites on their own. Group gatherings generally address counseling issues for individuals and families alongside the study of Buddhist doctrine. In contrast to Reiyukai, which emphasizes devotional faith to the Saddharmapundarīkasutra without the need for detailed doctrinal understanding of Buddhism, adherents of Rissho Koseikai, in line with the school's founders, include the analytic study of doctrine as complementary to their faith.

Segment - A functional or responsibility area within a business that can be reported upon separately.

SELF OR SELF-REALIZATION, LAW OF The law of self says that every monad must itself acquire all the qualities and abilities requisite for omniscience and omnipotence, from the human kingdom and onwards: understanding of law and the responsibility following upon this. K 1.41.11

Senior SS personnel who assumed responsibility for coordinating the activities of the Orpo, Sipo, SD and General SS in military administrative districts. Their principal functions were to control the local police authorities, monitor and carry out tasks relating to intelligence and security matters and perform whatever other tasks that they were allocated by Himmler, or by the military authorities in the occupied territories.

sinecure ::: n. --> An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls.
Any office or position which requires or involves little or no responsibility, labor, or active service. ::: v. t. --> To put or place in a sinecure.

Social audit - A process for evaluating, reporting on, and improving an organisation's performance and behavior, and for measuring its effects on society. The social audit can be used to produce a measure of the social responsibility of an organisation. It takes into account any internal code of conduct as well as the views of all stakeholders and draws on best practice factors of total quality management and human resource development. Like internal auditing, social auditing requires an organisation to identify what it is seeking to achieve, who the stakeholders are, and how it wants to measure performance.

Social responsibility - The responsibility that a business has towards those directly or indirectly affected by its activities.

SOLID "programming" An acronym for some principles of good {software architecture}, originally compiled by {Robert C. Martin} in the 1990s. The letters stand for: - SRP {Single Responsibility Principle} - OCP {Open Closed Principle} - LSP {Liskov Substitution Principle} - ISP {Interface Segregation Principle} - DIP {Dependency Inversion Principle} (2017-11-15)

Solomon’s Seal: Two interlaced triangles, the angles of which form the six-pointed star. Often one of the triangles is dark and the other light, symbolizing the union of soul and body. According to occult symbology the apex of the emblem represents the human head or intelligence; the two upper outstretched points, sympathy with everything that lives; the two lower, human responsibility; the angle at the bottom, pointing earthward, procreative power—the cryptograph, in its entirety, denoting complete individuality or human entity. (Also called Solomon’s sign.)

Speer, Albert ::: Hitler's architect and the German minister of armaments from 1942-45. Speer was appointed minister of armaments after Fritz Todt was killed in 1942. In this position, Speer dramatically increased armaments production through the use of millions of slave laborers. After the war, Speer was tried at Nuremberg, found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and sentenced to twenty years in prison. At his trial Speer admitted his guilt and took responsibility for the actions of the Nazi regime.

Stewardship - The responsibility for taking good care of resources entrusted to one, e.g., boards of directors must show good stewardship towards the company for which they are a board member.

SUBJECTIVISM Consistent subjectivism leads to complete disorientation in existence, sovereign arbitrariness, lack of principle, and irresponsibility. K 5.37.1

Attempting to explain external, objective, material reality by sense perceptions is typical of the modern subjectivists, whether they call themselves psychologicists of logicists.

To doubt the existence of the external world, or that we can apprehend it as it is in its given physical reality, is to doubt one's own common sense and all correct apprehension of reality. K 5.43.6,8

  The Mother: "Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender.” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3.

The Mother: “Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender.” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3.

There are many types of karma, such as human, racial, national, family, individual, etc. A chain of causation, stretched out in time, will be intersected by any given present moment; so that in speaking of a person, we may say he sums up in himself both his past and his future, he is his own karma. Since the whole universe and all the beings which compose it are linked and blended together, it follows that no person can have exclusive interests and that the karma of all beings is linked and, in a profound sense, identical. Karma in its moral aspect is cosmic justice. It should not interfere in any way with helping others, nor does it render futile the exercise of compassion, for we incur as much responsibility by refraining from action as by acting. “Sow kindly acts and thou shalt reap their fruition. Inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin” (VS 31).

“These advanced entities are otherwise known as the Solar Lhas, as the Tibetans call them, the solar spirits, who were the men of a former kalpa, and who during the third Root-race thus sacrifice themselves in order to give us intellectual light — incarnating in those senseless psycho-physical shells in order to awaken the divine flame of egoity and self-consciousness in the sleeping egos which we then were. They are ourselves because belonging to the same spirit-ray that we do; yet we, more strictly speaking, were those half-unconscious, half-awakened egos whom they touched with the divine fire of their own being. This, our ‘awakening,’ was called by H. P. Blavatsky, the incarnation of the Manasaputras, or the Sons of Mind or Light. Had that incarnation not taken place, we indeed should have continued our evolution by merely ‘natural’ causes, but it would have been slow almost beyond comprehension, almost interminable; but that act of self-sacrifice, through their immense pity, their immense love, though, indeed, acting under Karmic impulse, awakened the divine fire in our own selves, gave us light and comprehension and understanding; and from that time we ourselves became ‘Sons of the Gods,’ the faculty of self-consciousness in us was awakened, our eyes were opened, responsibility became ours; and our feet were set then definitely upon the path, that inner path, quiet, wonderful, leading us inwards back to our spiritual home. . . .

truant ::: neglectful of duty or responsibility; idle.

Tsi'u dmar po. (Tsi'u Marpo). The DHARMAPĀLA of BSAM YAS monastery; he succeeded PE HAR when the later moved to GNAS CHUNG outside of LHA SA. Tsi'u dmar is the leader of the BSTAN class of Tibetan spirits. His medium traditionally resided in the Tsi'u dmar lcog dbug khang at BSAM YAS, where each year the Lha sa glud 'gong would arrive bearing all the negative fortune of the city. Inside, Tsi'u dmar was said to sit in judgment of the dead, chopping up their spirits with such frequency that each year the chopping block would need to be replaced. According to legend, the deity Dza sa dmar po, the spirit of a nobleman who died of an illness caused by the Bsam yas protector, once defeated Tsi'u dmar, forcing the god to abandon his seat at Bsam yas. Dza sa dmar po later voluntarily left when he discovered he was unable to shoulder the burden of Tsi'u dmar po's helmet, and hence the responsibility of guarding Bsam yas; having established peaceful relations with the dharmapāla, he was installed by the monks at Bsam yas in his own protector temple at the monastery. In memory of the conflict, the mediums of Tsi'u dmar po begin their trance by thrusting their swords in the direction of Dza sa dmar po's temple.

Usually there cannot but be a mixture of these two ways until the consciousness is ready to be entirely open, entirely submit- ted to the Divine’s organisation of all its action. It is then that all responsibility disappears and there is no personal burden.

weinuo. [alt. weina] (S. *karmadāna/*karmādāna; T. las su bsko ba; J. ina/ino; K. yuna 維那/唯那). In Chinese, "rector"; a term designating either the process of overseeing, or the specific supervisor of, such crucial monastic activities as apportioning dwellings, managing the refectory, arranging sleeping quarters, cleaning the monastery grounds, etc. According to various VINAYA codes and Chinese pilgrimage accounts such as YIJING's NANHAI JIGUI NEIFA ZHUAN, it was the rector's duty to strike instruments, such as gongs or chimes (GHAntA), to remind others of the monastic schedule. Assemblies, meals, and services were conducted with the help of the rector's announcements. Because of his formal role in maintaining the monastic schedule, the rector may have thus come to serve as the principal supervisor or manager of daily activities in the monastery. The Sanskrit term *karmadāna does not appear in the extant corpus of Indian Buddhist literature, although it is attested in the MAHĀVYUTPATTI Sanskrit-Tibetan lexicon, and the reconstruction is confirmed in Chinese transcriptions. In India, however, karmadāna may not necessarily have referred to a specific monastic office, but rather to the general act of "assigning" (lit. giving, DĀNA) "duties" (lit. action, viz., KARMAN) within the monastery. The Chinese term weinuo, however, clearly refers to a monastic office. The term is typically parsed as a combination of a lexical translation and phonetic transcription, and means something like "regulating (wei) the [dā]na," an interpretation related to the literal sense of the Sanskrit term as "assigning duties," and becomes used in East Asian Buddhism as the specific title of a monastic administrator who delegates responsibilities within the monastery-and thus a "rector." According to the Chinese monastic codes (QINGGUI), the rector was responsible for all matters regarding the SAMGHA and especially the saMgha hall (SENGTANG). The rector not only was in charge of the physical maintenance of the hall itself, but he also was called upon to settle issues, such as the determination of relative seniority or the appropriate punishment for transgressions committed by residents of the saMgha hall. The rector had the responsibility for appointing various low-ranking positions within the monastery, such as attendants, and conducted the tea ceremony. The weinuo also was in charge of leading the formal chanting at daily services, which involved much use of gongs and percussion instruments; weinuo is thus sometimes translated as functionally equivalent to the Western monastic office of "precentor," the leader of the monastic choir. In Korean monasteries, the yuna serves as a "rector" in that he has formal responsibility for enforcing discipline, making work assignments, and arranging the time for group work; in addition, however, he also serves as nominal head of the meditation compound in the monastery and spiritual advisor to the meditation monks.

wenda. (J. mondo; K. mundap 問答). In Chinese, lit. "question and answer"; pedagogical technique used in the CHAN (J. ZEN; K. SoN) school that involves an "exchange" or "dialogue" between a Chan master and a disciple regarding the Buddhist teachings. The exchange often consists of questions from the disciple and the master's response, but sometimes the master would also question the disciple to check his or her level of understanding and attainment. The master's answers are typically not a theoretical or discursive response to the question, but instead will employ logical contradiction, contextual inappropriateness, and illocutionary uses of language in order to challenge the understanding of the student. The master's answer might not even be a verbal response at all but might instead employ "the stick and the shout" (BANGHE) as a way of goading the student out of his conventional ways of comprehension. The ultimate goal is to prompt not mere intellectual understanding but an experience of awakening (C. WU; J. SATORI). The recorded sayings (YULU) of eminent Chan masters often include a section on their wenda. These wenda constitute a major part of the GONG'AN literature of the Chan tradition, and the practice of wenda is itself performed using phrases drawn from the gong'an texts. During the Song dynasty in China, Chan monks were appointed to monastic positions, such as "interrogating monk" (wenseng) or "Chan receptionist" (chanke), whose responsibility was to ask questions of the master on behalf of the congregation, transforming wenda into a formal, ritualized occasion.

workplace stressors: aspects of the working environment (e.g. impending deadlines) that are experienced to be stressful, including physical stressors (such as noise, length of working day and inherent danger) and psychosocial stressors(such as relationships with co­workers, organisation of work, and role responsibility).

QUOTES [45 / 45 - 1500 / 8247]

KEYS (10k)

   6 The Mother
   3 Peter J Carroll
   2 Dalai Lama
   2 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   2 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   2 Sri Aurobindo
   1 Viktor Frankl
   1 T. S. Eliot
   1 there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known
   1 The Mother
   1 Swami Turiyananda
   1 Sri Sarada Devi
   1 Sebastian Dabovich
   1 Saul Williams
   1 Richard Feynman
   1 Noam Chomsky
   1 Martin Luther King Jr.
   1 Joseph Weizenbaum
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 Jordan B. Peterson
   1 John Paul II
   1 Jean Gebser
   1 James Cromwell
   1 Hermann Hesse
   1 Fritjof Capra
   1 Eleanor Roosevelt
   1 Denis Waitley
   1 Carlos Castaneda
   1 Benjamin Franklin
   1 Alfred Korzybski
   1 Rudolf Steiner
   1 Adyashanti


   18 John C Maxwell
   16 Anonymous
   14 Dalai Lama
   12 Simon Sinek
   10 Barack Obama
   9 Henry Cloud
   9 Haruki Murakami
   8 Stephen King
   8 Peter Drucker
   8 Mark Manson
   7 John F Kennedy
   6 Rupi Kaur
   6 Jay Asher
   6 Dean Koontz
   6 Bryant McGill
   5 Winston Churchill
   5 William J Clinton
   5 Ronald Reagan
   5 Richard Bach
   5 Rajneesh

1:Whatever happens on the earth-man must share the responsibility. ~ Jean Gebser,
2:One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
   ~ Martin Luther King Jr.,
3:The responsibility of tolerance lies in those who have the wider vision. ~ T. S. Eliot,
4:It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.
   ~ Benjamin Franklin,
5:There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." ~ Denis Waitley,
6:Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life." ~ James Cromwell,
7:There is no meaning in attributing responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
8:Seek my grace within the Heart. I will drive away your darkness and show you the light. This is my responsibility. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
9:As soon as a man takes on the responsibility of a family, he is weighed down and feels himself unfit for the high attainments of life. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
10:The wisdom and love of God in turning our evil into His good does not absolve us of our moral responsibility. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin, Facts and Opinions,
11:Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life. ~ Dalai Lama,
12:You must obey God, above the public and all other masters, or lose your souls for the responsibility which rests upon you for the present and future welfare of your children. ~ Sebastian Dabovich,
13:As long as you perceive that anyone is holding you back, you have not taken full responsibility for your own liberation. Liberation means that you stand free of making demands on others and on life to make you happy. ~ Adyashanti,
14:Even this body of mine perishes - do you think I can be free even then so long as a single person of whom I have taken charge remains in bondage? I shall have to be with them all. I have taken the responsibility for their well-being. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
15:Education is a creative activity with persons as its only possible object... all that is by nature present in the human being to be educated is material for the educators, material which their love must find and mould. ~ John Paul II, Love & Responsibility,
16:Surrender is the decision to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. This is done either through the mind or the emotion or the life-impulse or through all of them together.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
17:One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
18:We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on. ~ Richard Feynman,
19:Wherever the Lord keeps you, that will be for your good. He knows best. Leave everything to Him & don't forget Him - that is your duty. It is His responsibility where & in what condition to keep you & what He will make you do. For your part, just see that you may not forget Him.~ Swami Turiyananda,
20:Education is the best way to train ourselves that we will secure our own well-being by concerning ourselves with others. It is possible to create a better world, a more compassionate, more peaceful world, which is not only in everyone's interest, but is everyone's responsibility to achieve. ~ Dalai Lama,
21:For you, the world is weird because if you're not bored with it you're at odds with it. For me the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable; my interest has been to convince you that you must assume responsibility for being here in this marvelous time. ~ Carlos Castaneda,
22:Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility-these three forces are the very nerve of education. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
23:A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the 'why' for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any 'how'.
   ~ Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning,
24:Scientists, therefore, are responsible for their research, not only intellectually but also morally. This responsibility has become an important issue in many of today's sciences, but especially so in physics, in which the results of quantum mechanics and relativity theory have opened up two very different paths for physicists to pursue. They may lead us - to put it in extreme terms - to the Buddha or to the Bomb, and it is up to each of us to decide which path to take. ~ Fritjof Capra,
25:The salvation of the world depends only on the individual whose world it is. At least, every individual must act as if the whole future of the world, of humanity itself, depends on him. Anything less is a shirking of responsibility and is itself a dehumanizing force, for anything less encourages the individual to look upon himself as a mere actor in a drama written by anonymous agents, as less than a whole person, and that is the beginning of passivity and aimlessness.
   ~ Joseph Weizenbaum,
26:The other day I happened to be reading a careful, interesting account of the state of British higher education. The government is a kind of market-oriented government and they came out with an official paper, a 'White Paper' saying that it is not the responsibility of the state to support any institution that can't survive in the market. So, if Oxford is teaching philosophy, the arts, Greek history, medieval history, and so on, and they can't sell it on the market, why should they be supported? Because life consists only of what you can sell in the market and get back, nothing else. That is a real pathology. ~ Noam Chomsky,
27:When a man attains the Knowledge of Brahman he shows certain characteristics. The Bhagavata describes four of them: the state of a child, of an inert thing, of a madman, and of a ghoul. Sometimes the knower of Brahman acts like a five-year-old child. Sometimes he acts like a madman. Sometimes he remains like an inert thing. In this state he cannot work; he renounces all action. You may say that jnanis like Janaka were active. The truth is that people in olden times gave responsibility to their subordinate officers and thus freed themselves from worry. Further, at that time men possessed intense faith. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
28:Imaginary Bondage ::: Once you realize that all comes from within, that the world in which you live has not been projected onto you but by you, your fear comes to an end. Without this realization you identify yourself with externals, like the body, the mind, society, nation, humanity, even God or the Absolute. But these are all escapes from fear. It is only when you fully accept your responsibility for the little world in which you live and watch the process of its creation, preservation, and destruction, that you may be free from your imaginary bondage. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That, Talks with Sri Nisargadatta,
29:I am not a philosopher, I am not a scholar, I am not a savant, and I declare it very loudly: neither a philosopher nor a scholar nor a savant. And no pretension. Nor a littérateur, nor an artist - I am nothing at all. I am truly convinced of this. And it's absolutely unimportant - that's perfection for human beings. There is no greater joy than to know that you can do nothing and are absolutely helpless, that you're not the one who does, and that what little is done - little or big, it doesn't matter - is done by the Lord; and the responsibility is fully His. That makes you happy. With that, you are happy. Voilà.
   ~ The Mother, Agenda Vol 5, Satprem,
30:To do this is to enter the magical world view in its totality. He takes complete responsibility for his present incarnation and must consider every experience, thing, or piece of information which assails him from any source, as a reflection of the way he is conducting his existence. The idea that things happen to one that may or may not be related to the way one acts is an illusion created by our shallow awareness. Keeping a close eye on the walls of the labyrinth, the conditions of his existence, the magician may then begin his invocation. The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
31:The guru demands one thing only: clarity and intensity of purpose, a sense of responsibility for oneself. The very reality of the world must be questioned. Who is the guru, after all? He who knows the state in which there is neither the world nor the thought of it, he is the Supreme Teacher. To find him means to reach the state in which imagination is no longer taken for reality. Please understand that the guru stands for reality, for truth, for what is. He is a realist in the highest sense of the term. He cannot and shall not come to terms with the mind and it's delusions. He comes to take you to the real; don't expect him to do anything else. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
32:What is surrender?

It means that one gives oneself entirely to the Divine.

Yes, and then what happens? If you give yourself entirely to the Divine, it is He who does the Yoga, it is no longer you; hence this is not very difficult; while if you do tapasya, it is you yourself who do the yoga and you carry its whole responsibility—it is there the danger lies. But there are people who prefer to have the whole responsibility, with its dangers, because they have a very independent spirit. They are not perhaps in a great hurry—if they need several lives to succeed, it does not matter to them. But there are others who want to go quicker and be more sure of reaching the goal; well, these give over the whole responsibility to the Divine. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
33:Part 3 - Return
12. Refusal of the Return:When the hero-quest has been accomplished, through penetration to the source, or through the grace of some male or female, human or animal, personification, the adventurer still must return with his life-transmuting trophy. The full round, the norm of the monomyth, requires that the hero shall now begin the labor of bringing the runes of wisdom, the Golden Fleece, or his sleeping princess, back into the kingdom of humanity, where the boon may redound to the renewing of the community, the nation, the planet or the ten thousand worlds. But the responsibility has been frequently refused. Even Gautama Buddha, after his triumph, doubted whether the message of realization could be communicated, and saints are reported to have died while in the supernal ecstasy. Numerous indeed are the heroes fabled to have taken up residence forever in the blessed isle of the unaging Goddess of Immortal Being. ~ Joseph Campbell,
34:A person doing his true will is assisted by the momentum of the universe and seems possessed of amazing good luck. In beginning the great work of obtaining the knowledge and conversation, the magician vows 'to interpret every manifestation of existence as a direct message from the infinite Chaos to himself personally'
   To do this is to enter the magical world view in its totality. He takes complete responsibility for his present incarnation and must consider every experience, thing, or piece of information which assails him from any source, as a reflection of the way he is conducting his existence. The idea that things happen to one that may or may not be related to the way one acts is an illusion created by our shallow awareness.
   Keeping a close eye on the walls of the labyrinth, the conditions of his existence, the magician may then begin his invocation. The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null, Liber LUX, Augoeides [49-50],
35:the importance and power of surrender :::
   Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine you cannot manage. Or you may have a spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy, a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: I do not belong to my self, you say, and give up the responsibility of your being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: Here I am, a creature of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer myself as I am to you, take me up with all my ups and downs, conflicting impulses and tendencies - do whatever you like with me.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
36:The Lord sees in his omniscience the thing that has to be done. This seeing is his Will, it is a form of creative Power, and that which he sees the all-conscious Mother, one with him, takes into her dynamic self and embodies, and executive Nature-Force carries it out as the mechanism of their omnipotent omniscience.
   But this vision of what is to be and therefore of what is to be done arises out of the very being, pours directly out of the consciousness and delight of existence of the Lord, spontaneously, like light from the Sun. It is not our mortal attempt to see, our difficult arrival at truth of action and motive or just demand of Nature. When the individual soul is entirely at one in its being and knowledge with the Lord and directly in touch with the original Shakti, the transcendent Mother, the supreme Will can then arise in us too in the high divine manner as a thing that must be and is achieved by the spontaneous action of Nature. There is then no desire, no responsibility, no reaction; all takes place in the peace, calm, light, power of the supporting and enveloping and inhabiting Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 218,
37:Two Paths Of Yoga :::
   There are two paths of Yoga, one of tapasya (discipline), and the other of surrender. The path of tapasya is arduous. Here you rely solely upon yourself, you proceed by your own strength. You ascend and achieve according to the measure of your force. There is always the danger of falling down. And once you fall, you lie broken in the abyss and there is hardly a remedy. The other path, the path of surrender. is a safe and sure. It is here, however, that the Western people find their difficulty. They have been taught to fear and avoid all that threatens their personal independence. They have imbibed with their mothers milk the sense of individuality. And surrender means giving up all that. In other words, you may follow, as Ramakrishna says, either the path of the baby monkey or that of the baby cat. The baby monkey holds to its mother in order to be carried about and it must hold firm, otherwise if it loses its grip, it falls. On the other hand, the baby cat does not hold to its mother, but is held by the mother and has no fear nor responsibility; it to nor has nothing do but to let the mother hold it and cry ma ma.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
38:The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity ~ in all this vastness ~ there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. ~ Carl Sagan,
39:The scientists, all of them, have their duties no doubt, but they do not fully use their education if they do not try to broaden their sense of responsibility toward all mankind instead of closing themselves up in a narrow specialization where they find their pleasure. Neither engineers nor other scientific men have any right to prefer their own personal peace to the happiness of mankind; their place and their duty are in the front line of struggling humanity, not in the unperturbed ranks of those who keep themselves aloof from life. If they are indifferent, or discouraged because they feel or think that they know that the situation is hopeless, it may be proved that undue pessimism is as dangerous a "religion" as any other blind creed. Indeed there is very little difference in kind between the medieval fanaticism of the "holy inquisition," and modern intolerance toward new ideas. All kinds of intellect must get together, for as long as we presuppose the situation to be hopeless, the situation will indeed be hopeless. The spirit of Human Engineering does not know the word "hopeless"; for engineers know that wrong methods are alone responsible for disastrous results, and that every situation can be successfully handled by the use of proper means. The task of engineering science is not only to know but to know how. Most of the scientists and engineers do not yet realize that their united judgment would be invincible; no system or class would care to disregard it. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
40:... one of the major personality traits was neuroticism, the tendency to feel negative emotion. He [Jung] never formalized that idea in his thinking. Its a great oversight in some sense because the capacity to experience negative emotion, when thats exaggerated that seems to be the core feature of everything we that we regard as psychopathology. Psychiatric and psychological illness. Not the only thing but its the primary factor. So.

Q: What is the best way to avoid falling back into nihilistic behaviours and thinking?
JBP:Well, a large part of that I would say is habit. The development and maintainance of good practices. Habits. If you find yourself desolute, neurotic, if your thought tends in the nihilistic direction and you tend to fall apart, organizing your life across multiple dimensions is a good antidote its not exactly thinking.
Do you have an intimate relationship? If not then well probably you could use one.
Do you have contact with close family members, siblings, children, parents, or even people who are more distantly related. If not, you probably need that.
Do you see your friends a couple of times a week? And do something social with them?
Do you have a way of productively using your time outside of employment?
Are you employed?
Do you have a good job? Or at least a job that is practically sufficient and enables you to work with people who you like working with? Even if the job itself is mundane or repetitive or difficult sometimes the relationships you establish in an employment situation like that can make the job worthwhile.
Have you regulated your response to temptations? Pornography, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, is that under control?

I would say differentiate the problem. Theres multiple dimensions of attainment, ambition, pleasure, responsibility all of that that make up a life, and to the degree that is it possible you want to optimize your functioning on as many of those dimensions as possible.
You might also organize your schedule to the degree that you have that capacity for discipline.
Do you get enough sleep?
Do you go to bed at a regular time?
Do you get up at a regular time?
Do you eat regularly and appropriately and enought and not too much?
Are your days and your weeks and your months characterized by some tolerable, repeatable structure? That helps you meet your responsibilities but also shields you from uncertainly and chaos and provides you with multiple sources of reward?
Those are all the questions decompose the problem into, the best way of avoiding falling into nihilistic behaviours and thinking. ~ Jordan B. Peterson,,
41:On that spring day in the park I saw a young woman who attracted me. She was tall and slender, elegantly dressed, and had an intelligent and boyish face. I liked her at once. She was my type and began to fill my imagination. She probably was not much older than I but seemed far more mature, well-defined, a full-grown woman, but with a touch of exuberance and boyishness in her face, and this was what I liked above all .

   I had never managed to approach a girl with whom I had fallen in love, nor did I manage in this case. But the impression she made on me was deeper than any previous one had been and the infatuation had a profound influence on my life.

   Suddenly a new image had risen up before me, a lofty and cherished image. And no need, no urge was as deep or as fervent within me as the craving to worship and admire. I gave her the name Beatrice, for, even though I had not read Dante, I knew about Beatrice from an English painting of which I owned a reproduction. It showed a young pre-Raphaelite woman, long-limbed and slender, with long head and etherealized hands and features. My beautiful young woman did not quite resemble her, even though she, too, revealed that slender and boyish figure which I loved, and something of the ethereal, soulful quality of her face.

   Although I never addressed a single word to Beatrice, she exerted a profound influence on me at that time. She raised her image before me, she gave me access to a holy shrine, she transformed me into a worshiper in a temple.

   From one day to the next I stayed clear of all bars and nocturnal exploits. I could be alone with myself again and enjoyed reading and going for long walks.

   My sudden conversion drew a good deal of mockery in its wake. But now I had something I loved and venerated, I had an ideal again, life was rich with intimations of mystery and a feeling of dawn that made me immune to all taunts. I had come home again to myself, even if only as the slave and servant of a cherished image.

   I find it difficult to think back to that time without a certain fondness. Once more I was trying most strenuously to construct an intimate "world of light" for myself out of the shambles of a period of devastation; once more I sacrificed everything within me to the aim of banishing darkness and evil from myself. And, furthermore, this present "world of light" was to some extent my own creation; it was no longer an escape, no crawling back to -nether and the safety of irresponsibility; it was a new duty, one I had invented and desired on my own, with responsibility and self-control. My sexuality, a torment from which I was in constant flight, was to be transfigured nto spirituality and devotion by this holy fire. Everything :brk and hateful was to be banished, there were to be no more tortured nights, no excitement before lascivious picures, no eavesdropping at forbidden doors, no lust. In place of all this I raised my altar to the image of Beatrice, :.. and by consecrating myself to her I consecrated myself to the spirit and to the gods, sacrificing that part of life which I withdrew from the forces of darkness to those of light. My goal was not joy but purity, not happiness but beauty, and spirituality.

   This cult of Beatrice completely changed my life.

   ~ Hermann Hesse, Demian,
42:Coded Language

Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic community to its drum woven past

Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom.

Whereas the velocity of the spinning vinyl, cross-faded, spun backwards, and re-released at the same given moment of recorded history , yet at a different moment in time's continuum has allowed history to catch up with the present.

We do hereby declare reality unkempt by the changing standards of dialogue.

Statements, such as, "keep it real", especially when punctuating or anticipating modes of ultra-violence inflicted psychologically or physically or depicting an unchanging rule of events will hence forth be seen as retro-active and not representative of the individually determined is.

Furthermore, as determined by the collective consciousness of this state of being and the lessened distance between thought patterns and their secular manifestations, the role of men as listening receptacles is to be increased by a number no less than 70 percent of the current enlisted as vocal aggressors.

Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize

We have found evidence that hip hops standard 85 rpm when increased by a number as least half the rate of it's standard or decreased at ¾ of it's speed may be a determining factor in heightening consciousness.

Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

Equate rhyme with reason, Sun with season

Our cyclical relationship to phenomenon has encouraged scholars to erase the centers of periods, thus symbolizing the non-linear character of cause and effect

Reject mediocrity!

Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which as been given for you to understand.

The current standard is the equivalent of an adolescent restricted to the diet of an infant.

The rapidly changing body would acquire dysfunctional and deformative symptoms and could not properly mature on a diet of apple sauce and crushed pears

Light years are interchangeable with years of living in darkness.

The role of darkness is not to be seen as, or equated with, Ignorance, but with the unknown, and the mysteries of the unseen.

Thus, in the name of:


We claim the present as the pre-sent, as the hereafter.

We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun.

We are not afraid of the darkness, we trust that the moon shall guide us.

We are determining the future at this very moment.

We now know that the heart is the philosophers' stone

Our music is our alchemy

We stand as the manifested equivalent of 3 buckets of water and a hand full of minerals, thus realizing that those very buckets turned upside down supply the percussion factor of forever.

If you must count to keep the beat then count.

Find you mantra and awaken your subconscious.

Curve you circles counterclockwise

Use your cipher to decipher, Coded Language, man made laws.

Climb waterfalls and trees, commune with nature, snakes and bees.

Let your children name themselves and claim themselves as the new day for today we are determined to be the channelers of these changing frequencies into songs, paintings, writings, dance, drama, photography, carpentry, crafts, love, and love.

We enlist every instrument: Acoustic, electronic.

Every so-called race, gender, and sexual preference.

Every per-son as beings of sound to acknowledge their responsibility to uplift the consciousness of the entire fucking World.

Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain

Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain
~ Saul Williams,
   The magicians most important invocation is that of his Genius, Daemon, True Will, or Augoeides. This operation is traditionally known as attaining the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It is sometimes known as the Magnum Opus or Great Work.
   The Augoeides may be defined as the most perfect vehicle of Kia on the plane of duality. As the avatar of Kia on earth, the Augoeides represents the true will, the raison detre of the magician, his purpose in existing. The discovery of ones true will or real nature may be difficult and fraught with danger, since a false identification leads to obsession and madness. The operation of obtaining the knowledge and conversation is usually a lengthy one. The magician is attempting a progressive metamorphosis, a complete overhaul of his entire existence. Yet he has to seek the blueprint for his reborn self as he goes along. Life is less the meaningless accident it seems. Kia has incarnated in these particular conditions of duality for some purpose. The inertia of previous existences propels Kia into new forms of manifestation. Each incarnation represents a task, or a puzzle to be solved, on the way to some greater form of completion.
   The key to this puzzle is in the phenomena of the plane of duality in which we find ourselves. We are, as it were, trapped in a labyrinth or maze. The only thing to do is move about and keep a close watch on the way the walls turn. In a completely chaotic universe such as this one, there are no accidents. Everything is signifcant. Move a single grain of sand on a distant shore and the entire future history of the world will eventually be changed. A person doing his true will is assisted by the momentum of the universe and seems possessed of amazing good luck. In beginning the great work of obtaining the knowledge and conversation, the magician vows to interpret every manifestation of existence as a direct message from the infinite Chaos to himself personally.
   To do this is to enter the magical world view in its totality. He takes complete responsibility for his present incarnation and must consider every experience, thing, or piece of information which assails him from any source, as a reflection of the way he is conducting his existence. The idea that things happen to one that may or may not be related to the way one acts is an illusion created by our shallow awareness.
   Keeping a close eye on the walls of the labyrinth, the conditions of his existence, the magician may then begin his invocation. The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within.
   Directly on awakening, preferably at dawn, the initiate goes to the place of invocation. Figuring to himself as he goes that being born anew each day brings with it the chance of greater rebirth, first he banishes the temple of his mind by ritual or by some magical trance. Then he unveils some token or symbol or sigil which represents to him the Holy Guardian Angel. This symbol he will likely have to change during the great work as the inspiration begins to move him. Next he invokes an image of the Angel into his minds eye. It may be considered as a luminous duplicate of ones own form standing in front of or behind one, or simply as a ball of brilliant light above ones head. Then he formulates his aspirations in what manner he will, humbling himself in prayer or exalting himself in loud proclamation as his need be. The best form of this invocation is spoken spontaneously from the heart, and if halting at first, will prove itself in time. He is aiming to establish a set of ideas and images which correspond to the nature of his genius, and at the same time receive inspiration from that source. As the magician begins to manifest more of his true will, the Augoeides will reveal images, names, and spiritual principles by which it can be drawn into greater manifestation. Having communicated with the invoked form, the magician should draw it into himself and go forth to live in the way he hath willed.
   The ritual may be concluded with an aspiration to the wisdom of silence by a brief concentration on the sigil of the Augoeides, but never by banishing. Periodically more elaborate forms of ritual, using more powerful forms of gnosis, may be employed. At the end of the day, there should be an accounting and fresh resolution made. Though every day be a catalog of failure, there should be no sense of sin or guilt. Magic is the raising of the whole individual in perfect balance to the power of Infinity, and such feelings are symptomatic of imbalance. If any unnecessary or imbalanced scraps of ego become identified with the genius by mistake, then disaster awaits. The life force flows directly into these complexes and bloats them into grotesque monsters variously known as the demon Choronzon. Some magicians attempting to go too fast with this invocation have failed to banish this demon, and have gone spectacularly insane as a result.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,

THE EDUCATION of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.

   Indeed, if we want this education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity - this is the part of education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!

   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.

   We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.

   There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to one's child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

   With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the child's mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.

   Another pitfall to avoid: do not scold your child without good reason and only when it is quite indispensable. A child who is too often scolded gets hardened to rebuke and no longer attaches much importance to words or severity of tone. And above all, take good care never to scold him for a fault which you yourself commit. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers; they soon find out your weaknesses and note them without pity.

   When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.

   Bulletin, February 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
45:The Two Paths Of Yoga :::
   14 April 1929 - What are the dangers of Yoga? Is it especially dangerous to the people of the West? Someone has said that Yoga may be suitable for the East, but it has the effect of unbalancing the Western mind.

   Yoga is not more dangerous to the people of the West than to those of the East. Everything depends upon the spirit with which you approach it. Yoga does become dangerous if you want it for your own sake, to serve a personal end. It is not dangerous, on the contrary, it is safety and security itself, if you go to it with a sense of its sacredness, always remembering that the aim is to find the Divine.
   Dangers and difficulties come in when people take up Yoga not for the sake of the Divine, but because they want to acquire power and under the guise of Yoga seek to satisfy some ambition. if you cannot get rid of ambition, do not touch the thing. It is fire that burns.
   There are two paths of Yoga, one of tapasya (discipline), and the other of surrender. The path of tapasya is arduous. Here you rely solely upon yourself, you proceed by your own strength. You ascend and achieve according to the measure of your force. There is always the danger of falling down. And once you fall, you lie broken in the abyss and there is hardly a remedy. The other path, the path of surrender, is safe and sure. It is here, however, that the Western people find their difficulty. They have been taught to fear and avoid all that threatens their personal independence. They have imbibed with their mothers' milk the sense of individuality. And surrender means giving up all that. In other words, you may follow, as Ramakrishna says, either the path of the baby monkey or that of the baby cat. The baby monkey holds to its mother in order to be carried about and it must hold firm, otherwise if it loses its grip, it falls. On the other hand, the baby cat does not hold to its mother, but is held by the mother and has no fear nor responsibility; it has nothing to do but to let the mother hold it and cry ma ma.
   If you take up this path of surrender fully and sincerely, there is no more danger or serious difficulty. The question is to be sincere. If you are not sincere, do not begin Yoga. If you were dealing in human affairs, then you could resort to deception; but in dealing with the Divine there is no possibility of deception anywhere. You can go on the Path safely when you are candid and open to the core and when your only end is to realise and attain the Divine and to be moved by the Divine. There is another danger; it is in connection with the sex impulses. Yoga in its process of purification will lay bare and throw up all hidden impulses and desires in you. And you must learn not to hide things nor leave them aside, you have to face them and conquer and remould them. The first effect of Yoga, however, is to take away the mental control, and the hungers that lie dormant are suddenly set free, they rush up and invade the being. So long as this mental control has not been replaced by the Divine control, there is a period of transition when your sincerity and surrender will be put to the test. The strength of such impulses as those of sex lies usually in the fact that people take too much notice of them; they protest too vehemently and endeavour to control them by coercion, hold them within and sit upon them. But the more you think of a thing and say, "I don't want it, I don't want it", the more you are bound to it. What you should do is to keep the thing away from you, to dissociate from it, take as little notice of it as possible and, even if you happen to think of it, remain indifferent and unconcerned. The impulses and desires that come up by the pressure of Yoga should be faced in a spirit of detachment and serenity, as something foreign to yourself or belonging to the outside world. They should be offered to the Divine, so that the Divine may take them up and transmute them. If you have once opened yourself to the Divine, if the power of the Divine has once come down into you and yet you try to keep to the old forces, you prepare troubles and difficulties and dangers for yourself. You must be vigilant and see that you do not use the Divine as a cloak for the satisfaction of your desires. There are many self-appointed Masters, who do nothing but that. And then when you are off the straight path and when you have a little knowledge and not much power, it happens that you are seized by beings or entities of a certain type, you become blind instruments in their hands and are devoured by them in the end. Wherever there is pretence, there is danger; you cannot deceive God. Do you come to God saying, "I want union with you" and in your heart meaning "I want powers and enjoyments"? Beware! You are heading straight towards the brink of the precipice. And yet it is so easy to avoid all catastrophe. Become like a child, give yourself up to the Mother, let her carry you, and there is no more danger for you.
   This does not mean that you have not to face other kinds of difficulties or that you have not to fight and conquer any obstacles at all. Surrender does not ensure a smooth and unruffled and continuous progression. The reason is that your being is not yet one, nor your surrender absolute and complete. Only a part of you surrenders; and today it is one part and the next day it is another. The whole purpose of the Yoga is to gather all the divergent parts together and forge them into an undivided unity. Till then you cannot hope to be without difficulties - difficulties, for example, like doubt or depression or hesitation. The whole world is full of the poison. You take it in with every breath. If you exchange a few words with an undesirable man or even if such a man merely passes by you, you may catch the contagion from him. It is sufficient for you to come near a place where there is plague in order to be infected with its poison; you need not know at all that it is there. You can lose in a few minutes what it has taken you months to gain. So long as you belong to humanity and so long as you lead the ordinary life, it does not matter much if you mix with the people of the world; but if you want the divine life, you will have to be exceedingly careful about your company and your environment.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,


1:Responsibility prevents crimes. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
2:And with privilege goes responsibility. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
3:Responsibility is the price of freedom. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
4:Freedom, Responsibility, Absolute Freedom ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
5:The price of greatness is responsibility. ~ winston-churchill, @wisdomtrove
6:Absolute freedom is absolute responsibility. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
7:Power always brings with it responsibility. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
8:We have the responsibility to put our gifts to work. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
9:Our responsibility begins with our imagination. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
10:The writer's only responsibility is to his art. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
11:Assume responsibility for the quality of your own life ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
12:The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
13:I grow spiritually when I accept responsibility for my life. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
14:Life has no meaning except in terms of responsibility. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
15:Manage by responsibility.It is a powerful way to grow people. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
16:One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
17:Responsibility is a grace you give yourself not an obligation ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
18:Our responsibility is no longer to acquire, but to BE. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
19:People that take responsibility are often given responsibility! ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
20:Your sense of responsibility to others can never be excessive. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
21:Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
22:Political action is the highest responsibility of a citizen. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
23:A sense of responsibility would spoil her. She's too pretty. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
24:Being proactive is about taking responsibility for your life.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
25:Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. ~ kahlil-gibran, @wisdomtrove
26:Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
27:Our responsibility is one of decision, for to govern is to choose. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
28:Responsibility and commitment are key elements in meeting obligations. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
29:Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
30:Enlightened people seldom or never possess a sense of responsibility. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
31:I am responsible for everything... except my very responsibility. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
32:Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
33:Leadership is not rank, privileges, title or money. It is responsibility. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
34:You have GREATNESS within you, and responsibility to manifest that greatness! ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
35:It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
36:Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
37:Once we know the Word of God, we have a responsibility to be obedient to it. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
38:Only by trusting in God can a man carrying responsibility find repose. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
39:To take responsibility for one's own actions, good and bad, is something else. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
40:The more knowledge, the more responsibility. The more love, the more ability. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
41:When you have once taken up a responsibility, you must see it through. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
42:Accept complete responsibility both for understanding and for being understood. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
43:Another person's life is that person's life. You can't take responsibility. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
44:It's not our church; it's God's - it's not our responsibility to run it! ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
45:When you forgive somebody else you accept the responsibility for your own future. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
46:I do not like giving advice: it is incurring an unnecessary responsibility. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
47:Next to the assumption of power was the responsibility of relinquishing it. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
48:The leader sees leadership as responsibility rather than as rank and privilege. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
49:waters of disillusion had left a deposit on his soul, responsibility and a ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
50:Why did the Lord give use so much quickness unless it was to avoid responsibility? ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
51:The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, &
52:What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
53:We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
54:The virtuous man is driven by responsibility, the non-virtuous man is driven by profit. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
55:I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
56:The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
57:Conscious evolution begins as we take responsibility for clearing our own obstructions. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
58:Our first responsibility in the midst of violence is to prevent it from destroying us. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
59:Responsibility is the possibility of opportunity culminating in inevitable fulfillment. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
60:Blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
61:Does a human being know the responsibility he has to himself and to all of mankind ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
62:You should never take responsibility for more children than you can give attention to. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
63:If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
64:Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility. ~ ambrose-bierce, @wisdomtrove
65:We can have peace and brotherly love by accepting our responsibility to preserve freedom. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
66:It is a great privilege, as well as our responsibility, to pray for our government leaders. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
67:You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
68:People need responsibility. They resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
69:Those who cannot think or take responsibility for themselves need, and clamor for, a leader. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
70:It is not selfish or narcissistic to love yourself. It is your first and foremost responsibility. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
71:The writer has no responsibility other than to jack off in bed alone and write a good page. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
72:You are the only person in existence who can use your potential. It is an awesome responsibility. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
73:Follow the three Rs:  Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
74:I am worrying about my country. I feel I have a responsibility as a novelist to do something. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
75:People love freedom – but nobody wants responsibility. And they come together, they are inseparable. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
76:All the shrewdness of &
77:A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences of his own doing. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
78:I don't think any of us should forget that the security of America is our highest responsibility. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
79:Do you realize the responsibility I carry? I'm the only person between Nixon and the White House. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
80:I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
81:Membership in a conspiracy, as in an army, frees people from the sense of personal responsibility. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
82:With freedom goes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by the individual himself. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
83:Our responsibility is much greater than we might have supposed, because it involves all mankind. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
84:A gentleman accepts the responsibility of his actions and bears the burden of their consequences. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
85:There's a responsibility in being a person. It's more than just taking up space where air would be. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
86:Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
87:By imposing too great a responsibility, or rather, all responsibility, on yourself, you crush yourself. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
88:The sister's face Fell all in wrinkles of responsibility. She wanted to do right. She'd have to think. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
89:Ethics is in its unqualified form extended responsibility with regard to everything that has life. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
90:Whatever else there may be in our nature, responsibility toward truth is one of its attributes. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
91:I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
92:It's good to know that if I behave strangely enough, society will take full responsibility for me. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
93:Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
94:It is a noble responsibility to not back down when you know that you know that you know that you are right. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
95:Men who reject the responsibility of thought and reason can only exist as parasites on the thinking of others. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
96:You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
97:A responsible choice is a choice that creates consequences that you are willing to assume responsibility for. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
98:If we wish to free ourselves from enslavement, we must choose freedom and the responsibility this entails. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
99:I know that I cannot take responsibility for other people. We are all under the law of our own consciousness. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
100:Self-responsibility is the core quality of the fully mature, fully functioning, self-actualizing individual. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
101:It does not matter whether the worker wants responsibility or not, ... The enterprise must demand it of him. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
102:The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
103:With the right to bear arms comes a great responsibility to use caution and common sense on handgun purchases. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
104:It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
105:It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
106:The &
107:Peak performance begins with your taking complete responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
108:The feeling of a direct responsibility of the individual to God is almost wholly a creation of Protestantism. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
109:You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life. ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
110:The more you take responsibility for your past and present, the more you are able to create the future you seek. ~ celestine-chua, @wisdomtrove
111:A fundamental responsibility of leadership is make sure that everybody knows the mission, understands it, lives it. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
112:Do you realize the responsibility I carry? I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
113:It's amazing how someone's IQ seems to double as soon as you give them responsibility and indicate that you trust them. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
114:The very act of accepting responsibility short-circuits and cancels out any negative emotions you may be experiencing. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
115:People can live tremendously rich, blissful, ecstatic lives. But the first thing is, we have to accept our responsibility. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
116:Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being... .. doing... . having, or feeling. ~ susan-jeffers, @wisdomtrove
117:Your ability needs responsibility to expose its possibilities. Do what you can with what you have where you are. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
118:Forgive others, forgive yourself, forgive yourself for not being perfect, and accept responsibility for your own life. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
119:Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
120:Living in a society, instead of on a desert island, does not relieve a man of the responsibility of supporting his own life. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
121:Real power comes when we stop holding others responsible for our pain, and we take responsibility for all our feelings. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
122:The manager is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
123:Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
124:There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
125:No decision has been made unless carrying it out in specific steps has become someone's work assignment and responsibility. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
126:I believe that it is the responsibility of everyone in corporate life to help with the funding of non-profit organizations. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
127:We have a responsibility to stand watch over one another, we are watchers, all of us, watchers, guarding against the darkness. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
128:The world howls for social justice, but when it comes to social responsibility, you sometimes cant even hear crickets chirping. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
129:Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
130:To each of us is entrusted the heavy responsibility of guiding the affairs of a democratic nation founded on Christian ideals. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
131:Each child belongs to all of us and they will bring us a tomorrow in direct relation to the responsibility we have shown to them. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
132:If it's never our fault, we can't take responsibility for it. If we can't take responsibility for it, we'll always be its victim. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
133:I just felt that it was my responsibility, since so many people had taken the time to help me along, to do the same for others. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
134:Self-respecting men and women think about the consequences of their actions-and are willing to take responsibility for them. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
135:A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says &
136:All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
137:I'm black, I don't feel burdened by it and I don't think it's a huge responsibility. It's part of who I am. It does not define me. ~ oprah-winfrey, @wisdomtrove
138:Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
139:Stop pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Your life can only change to the degree that you accept responsibility for it. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
140:Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your value, but you do. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
141:As a monk you have a responsibility to meditate many hours a day. Not just to sit there but to think of the ten thousand radiances. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
142:Meaningful work, not welfare, is every American's hope, and we have a continuing responsibility to make those hopes a lasting reality. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
143:A sovereign of high character and intelligence must be able to know the right man, should place the responsibility on him, and expect results. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
144:Artists are messengers whose responsibility is to unite the world - a faith that will lead not to destruction but to transformation. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
145:A Buddhist monk has a responsibility first and foremost to themselves, and that's to find the truth each day in every part of their life. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
146:“When once a decision is reached and execution is the order of the day, dismiss absolutely all responsibility and care about the outcome.” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
147:Choosing to take responsibility for ourselves and for the consequences our choices create looks like hard work, but it really sets us free. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
148:Curiously enough, it is often the people who refuse to assume any responsibility who are apt to be the sharpest critics of those who do. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
149:Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
150:The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. ~ m-scott-peck, @wisdomtrove
151:The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential. Values have not to be imposed on you. They should grow with your awareness, in you. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
152:As an elder of the Americas and of the rest of the planet, it is my responsibility to care for and protect, to the best of my ability, the young. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
153:Democracy is essentially anti-authoritarian&
154:It's our responsibility to see to it that the good outweighs the evil and I am convinced beyond a doubt that today's Americans will do exactly that! ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
155:Those of us who have been blessed with worldly success have an even greater responsibility to make an impact with our time, talents, and resources. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
156:There is not in all America a more dangerous trait than the deification of mere smartness unaccompanied by any sense of moral responsibility. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
157:Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
158:If you choose not to live self-responsibly, you count on others to make up your default. No one abjures self-responsibility on a desert island. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
159:Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
160:I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
161:Today, we are shapers of the world of tomorrow. That is plain truth. There is no way we can duck the responsibility, and there is no reason why we should. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
162:Did you know that every human being is created with a purpose and that they have a responsibility to not only discover their purpose but also to fulfill it? ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
163:You know I'm old in some ways-in others-well, I'm just a little girl. I like sunshine and pretty things and cheerfulness-and I dread responsibility. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
164:Democracy and equality try to denythe mystic recognition of difference and innate priority, the joy of obedience and the sacred responsibility of authority. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
165:If you're passionate, be passionate enough to fail. Fail small, accept responsibility, repeat. The people who make change are the survivors of serial failure. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
166:If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility. You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
167:One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
168:The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
169:Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
170:Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
171:My responsibility is simply being who I am and not buying into any projection as real. No projection is finally real, but projection does play a very important role. ~ gangaji, @wisdomtrove
172:Yoga means we take responsibility for the tasks in our life. Whatever we are supposed to have karmically, life gives us. The question is: how do we handle it? ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
173:Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
174:It is possible to renounce everything and attain enlightenment. But most people don't want to renounce; they wish to run away from responsibility and hard work. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
175:He understood well enough how a man with a choice between pride and responsibility will almost always choose pride&
176:You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
177:If you feel a sense of social responsibility, first of all keep working on yourself. Being peaceful yourself is the first step if you want to live in a peaceful universe. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
178:In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
179:Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
180:Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Don't make yourself a victim of yourself! ~ susan-jeffers, @wisdomtrove
181:The only rule is, do what you really, impulsively, wish to do. But always act on your own responsibility, sincerely. And have the courage of your own strong emotion. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
182:Wherever you go, go with inspiration and aspiration. Whatever you do, do with love and concern. Whomever you see, see with purity's beauty And responsibility's glory. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
183:It's just like Yeats said. In dreams begin responsibilities. Flip this around and you could say that where there's no power to imagine, no responsibility can arise. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
184:Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
185:In any civilized society, it is every citizen's responsibility to obey just laws. But at the same time, it is every citizen's responsibility to disobey unjust laws. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
186:I never look at the masses as my responsibility. I look at the individual. I can love only one person at a time. I can feed only one person at a time. Just one, one, one. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
187:To drive to extinction something He has created is wrong. He has a purpose for everything... We Christians have a responsibility to take the lead in caring for the earth. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
188:If our long-term survival is at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to venture to other worlds. Sailors on a becalmed sea, we sense the stirring of a breeze. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
189:It’s time to care; it’s time to take responsibility; it’s time to lead; it’s time for a change; it’s time to be true to our greatest self; it’s time to stop blaming others. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
190:The function and responsibility of the President is to set before the American people the unfinished business, the things we must do if we are going to succeed as a nation. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
191:Until you are willing to accept total and complete responsibility for every aspect of your life, your life will keep sending you experiences designed to get your attention. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
192:A lot of times, people feel that if they forgive the person who hurt them, then they will continue to take advantage of them or not take responsibility for what they did wrong. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
193:I encourage you to be a person who is not afraid of responsibility. In meeting resistance you will build your strength. If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
194:No responsibility of government is more fundamental than the responsibility of maintaining the highest standard of ethical behavior for those who conduct the public business. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
195:Motherhood isn't just a series of contractions; it's a state of mind. From the moment we know life is inside us, we feel a responsibility to protect and defend that human being. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
196:The writer's only responsibility is to his art... If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the &
197:When you're in a leadership role, you can never please all of the people all of the time. There's also a lot of responsibility that goes along with it that others may not realize. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
198:To Serve the God of Love one must be free, one must face the terrible responsibility of the decision to love in spite of all unworthiness whether in oneself or in one's neighbor. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
199:Even though modern life in many ways is nothing short of exhausting, we need to take responsibility for what is necessary to combat the stress and exhaustion of modern life. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
200:Man needs knowledge in order to survive, and only reason can achieve it; men who reject the responsibility of thought and reason, can exist only as parasites on the thinking of others. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
201:Karma means that all actions have consequences. Grace means that in a moment of atonement -taking responsibility, making amends, asking for forgiveness - all karma is burned. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
202:We don't always help people by doing everything for them. That type of behavior can actually contribute to their problems because it helps then never take responsibility on their own. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
203:The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
204:Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
205:Faith, in its most correct form, never removes responsibility; it removes fear of responsibility. The results are complete opposites with the greater saying, &
206:As I see it, the greatest responsibility of motherhood is to make sure that our children know that there are principles of kindness, compassion, integrity, excellence, and discipline. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
207:Each of us has a responsibility for being alive: one responsibility to creation, of which we are a part, another to the creator a debt we repay by trying to extend our areas of comprehension. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
208:I try to live what I consider a "poetic existence." That means I take responsibility for the air I breathe and the space I take up. I try to be immediate, to be totally present for all my work. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
209:In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
210:It is important that we learn humility, which says there was someone else before me who paid for me. My responsibility is to prepare myself so that I can pay for someone else who is yet to come. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
211:The ruling power is always faced with the question, In such and such circumstances, what would you do?’, whereas the opposition is not obliged to take responsibility or make any real decisions. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
212:I don't have to figure out how God is going to solve my problem. I don't have to understand how He's going to bring it to pass. That's His responsibility. My job is to simply believe that He will. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
213:Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
214:When it looks like the sun isn't going to shine any more, God puts a rainbow in the clouds. Each one of us has the possibility, the responsibility, the probability to be the rainbow in the clouds. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
215:You don't care where I live or how I feel, or what I eat or how I feed my kids or how I pay the doctor if I get sick, and yes I am stupid and bored and weak, but I am still your responsibility. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
216:People over-focus on teachers as an excuse to avoid their own life, and that way they fail to take responsibility for themselves. They have this feeling that the teacher will just take care of them. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
217:At the heart of all that civilization has meant and developed is &
218:Wouldn't it be better for the human spirit and for the soul of this nation to encourage people to accept more responsibility to care for each other rather than leaving those tasks to paid bureaucrats. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
219:Role modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents. Parents are handing life's scripts to their children, scripts that in all likelihood will be acted out for the rest of the children's lives.  ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
220:When you aren't satisfied with what has already been done, make something better. That is the greatest responsibility and the true freedom of creativity. The freedom is in that it doesn't need to complain. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
221:But victimhood was seductive, a release from responsibility and caring. Fear would be transmuted into weary resignation; failure would no longer generate guilt but, instead, would spawn a comforting self-pity. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
222:Whether in the workplace or in personal relationships, success belongs to those who are willing to take responsibility for attaining their desires-those who respond to life actively rather than passively. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
223:There will always be dissident voices heard in the land, expressing opposition without alternatives, finding fault but never favor, perceiving gloom on every side and seeking influence without responsibility. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
224:Every leader should have enough humility to accept, publicly, the responsibility for the mistakes of the subordinates he has himself selected and, likewise, to give them credit, publicly, for their triumphs. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
225:The word "Guru", as it is used in the contemporary American scene, is someone who takes all your money and tells you what to do with your life. You assume no responsibility. A lot of people want that free ride. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
226:Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that’s what maturity is all about. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
227:Take personal responsibility for who you are, what you do, and how you live. You are the only person who knows what is best for you. And you are the one who is most able to achieve it!! You have GREATNESS within you! ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
228:I never looked at the masses as my responsibility. I can only love one person at a time. So I began. I picked up one person. Maybe if I didn't pick up that one person, I wouldn't have picked up forty-two thousand. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
229:Our dreams of a pure virtue are dissolved in a situation in which it is possible to exercise the virtue of responsibility toward a community of nations only by courting the prospective guilt of the atomic bomb. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
230:We hold these truths to be self-evident; All people are born creative; Endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right and responsibility to express our creativity for the sake of ourselves and our world. ~ barbara-marx-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
231:Let us not despair but act. Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past - let us accept our own responsibility for the future. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
232:The Vietnam War ended because of the campus situation. And so many other injustices have been corrected in the World today only thanks to the young people. So, young people especially have a responsibility for Tibet. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
233:That's your responsibility as a person, as a human being - to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don't contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you're not thinking. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
234:The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
235:Having accepted things as they are, I will take responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
236:Atlas isn't carrying the world on his shoulders, no giant muscular hulk with a sense of responsibility; the world is balanced on a pyramid of clowns, and they are always tooting horns and wobbling and goosing each other. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
237:There is profound responsibility in being Love... more than the mind could imagine or hold up under. If most human beings truly realized the impact that they have on the whole, they'd be crushed by the realization of it. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
238:When you assume responsibility for what you experience and share what you experience in a spirit of companionship, that is the same as forgiveness. When you hold someone responsible for what you experience, you lose power. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
239:One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that &
240:Since the most important responsibility of a coach in regard to the actual playing of the game is to teach his players properly and effectively to execute the various fundamentals of the game, he is first of all a teacher. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
241:It's better to make a mistake with the full force of your being than to timidly avoid mistakes with a trembling spirit. Responsibility means recognizing both pleasure and price, action and consequence, then making a choice. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
242:Treason implies responsibility for something, control over something, influence upon something, knowledge of something. Treason in our time is a proof of genius. Why, I want to know, are not traitors decorated? ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
243:Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
244:Scientists surely have a special responsibility. It is their ideas that form the basis of new technology. They should not be indifferent to the fruits of their ideas. They should forgo experiments that are risky or unethical. ~ martin-rees, @wisdomtrove
245:If a man is respectful, he will not be treated with insolence. If he is tolerant he will win the multitude. If he is trustworthy in word his fellow men will entrust him with responsibility. If he is quick he will achieve results. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
246:If they were shocked, then Gregor had no further responsibility and could be calm. But if they took everything calmly, he he, too, had no reason to get excited and could, if he hurried, actually be at the station by eight o'clock. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
247:Life is always moving, changing, shifting into its next shape. The movement is natural. It is how we evolve. Let the shifts happen. Take responsibility for yourself each step of the way. Trust the new shape and form of your world ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
248:Political freedom is neither easy nor automatic, neither pleasant nor secure. It is the responsibility of the individual for the decisions of society as if they were his own decisions-as in moral truth and accountability they are. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
249:The aim of art, the aim of a life can only be to increase the sum of freedom and responsibility to be found in every man and in the world. It cannot, under any circumstances, be to reduce or suppress that freedom, even temporarily. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
250:We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem." Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes. ~ fred-rogers, @wisdomtrove
251:Our leaders must remember that education doesn't begin with some isolated bureaucrat in Washington. It doesn't even begin with state or local officials. Education begins in the home, where it is a parental right and responsibility. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
252:We have a spiritual responsibility to be consciously grateful because that energy's frequency flows from us and assists in our own healing, our brother's and sister's healing, and ultimately the healing of the planet, our EarthMother. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
253:The unhappy theory of business ethics is this: you have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. Period. To do anything other than that is to cheat your investors. And in a competitive world, you don't have much wiggle room here. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
254:In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for &
255:As photojournalists, we supply information to a world that is overwhelmed with preoccupations and full of people who need the company of images... .We pass judgement on what we see, and this involves an enormous responsibility. ~ henri-cartier-bresson, @wisdomtrove
256:Well, my theory is this: war is such a terrible, such an atrocious, thing that no man, at least no Christian man, has the right to assume the responsibility of beginning it; but it belongs to government alone, when it becomes inevitable. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
257:You must assume 100% responsibility for your financial life. If you're going to improve your situation, you have to put the full burden of doing so squarely on your own shoulders. First and foremost, you must hold yourself responsible. ~ steve-pavlina, @wisdomtrove
258:To experience emotional freedom, we must accept, surrender, and let go of our wounds. We must be willing to take responsibility for what we're holding on to, which is usually a hurt or pain from the past that leaves us feeling victimized. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
259:The only industries that function well are the industries that take responsibility for training. The Japanese, you know, assume that when you first come to work you know absolutely nothing. School isn't preparation for work and never was. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
260:Would you really like to live in a society where you have no responsibility and no freedom, no choice, only the false option of obedience to the law, or disobedience followed by punishment? Would you really want to go live in a prison? ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
261:Human nature has been sold short... humans have a higher nature which... includes the need for meaningful work, for responsibility, for creativeness, for being fair and just, for doing what is worthwhile and for preferring to do it well. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
262:If all responsibility is imposed on you, then you may want to exploit the moment and want to be overwhelmed by the responsibility;yet if you try, you will notice that nothing was imposed on you, but that you are yourself this responsibility. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
263:Eve was blamed for the fall of man, and in return all women to come were to inheret her karmic responsibility for the so-called "fall of man". Their punishment was to experience pain in childbirth, and never be trusted by man or God again. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
264:Loving yourself has nothing to do with being selfish, self-centered or self-engrossed. It means that you accept yourself for what you are. Loving yourself means that you accept responsibility for your own development, growth and happiness. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
265:Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
266:Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it and by the same token save it from that ruin which, except for renewal, except for the coming of the new and young, would be inevitable. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
267:I often say to people that producing is the best paid form of cowardice. When you produce things you almost always get credit, if it's a good record, but you hardly ever get the blame if it's not! You don't really take responsibility for your work. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
268:It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible, and which are not. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
269:This is what I found out about religion: It gives you courage to make the decisions you must make in a crisis, and then the confidence to leave the result to a higher Power. Only by trust in God can a man carrying responsibility find repose. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
270:Where globalisation means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.    ~ nelson-mandela, @wisdomtrove
271:The size of a challenge should never be measured by what we have to offer. It will never be enough. Furthermore, provision is God's responsibility, not ours. We are merely called to commit what we have - even if it's no more than a sack lunch. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
272:If you look at Earth from space you see a dot, that's here. That's home. That's us. It underscores the responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
273:A tiny blue dot set in a sunbeam. Here it is. That's where we live. That's home. We humans are one species and this is our world. It is our responsibility to cherish it. Of all the worlds in our solar system, the only one so far as we know, graced by life. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
274:Don’t become mesmerize by the pictures that have appeared if they are not what you want. Take responsibility for them, make light of them if you can, and let them go. Then think new thoughts of what you want, feel them, and be grateful that it is done. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
275:I have a primary responsibility to myself; to make myself into the best person I can possibly be. Then and only then, will I have something worthwhile to share.- I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
276:Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
277:A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the "why" for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any "how." ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
278:The essential psychological requirement of a free society is the willingness on the part of the individual to accept responsibility for his life. - Edith Packer When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny. ~ thomas-paine, @wisdomtrove
279:I used to get the feeling, and sometimes I still get it, that I was fooling somebody - I don't know who or what - maybe myself. I have feelings some days where there are scenes with a lot of responsibility, and I'll wish, &
280:The quiet conscience is the invention of the devil. No one of us may permit any preventable pain to be inflicted even though the responsibility for that pain is not ours. No one may shut his eyes and think that the pain which is therefore not visible, is non-existent. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
281:I feel I change my mind all the time. And I sort of feel that's your responsibility as a person, as a human being – to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don't contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you're not thinking. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
282:Our DNA is as a consumer company - for that individual customer who's voting thumbs up or thumbs down. That's who we think about. And we think that our job is to take responsibility for the complete user experience. And if it's not up to par, it's our fault, plain and simply. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
283:I'll confess that I don't watch the Olympics, but you'd have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the corruption and the expense. An amorphous organization with no transparency, unclear lines of responsibility, huge amounts of politics and a great deal of unearned power. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
284:Although you should not erase your responsibility for the past, when you make the past your jailer, you destroy your future. It is such a great moment of liberation when you learn to forgive yourself, let the burden go, and walk out into a new path of promise and possibility. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
285:... the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled. ~ aldous-huxley, @wisdomtrove
286:People have a right to change their minds and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. People change. As people change, their needs change. When people have a need, it is their responsibility to themselves to see their needs are met. And it has absolutely nothing to do with you. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
287:Character is a quality that embodies many important traits, such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence and wisdom. Unlike your fingerprints that you are born with and can't change, character is something that you create within yourself and must take responsibility for changing ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
288:We cannot abdicate our conscience to an organization, nor to a government. &
289:The roots of the word &
290:For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
291:As a parent, it's my responsibility to equip my child to do this - to grieve when grief is necessary and to realize that life is still profoundly beautiful and worth living despite the fact that we inevitably lose one another and that life ends, and we don't know what happens after death. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
292:Even as rigorous a determinist as Karl Marx, who at times described the social behaviour of the bourgeoisie in terms which suggested a problem in social physics, could subject it at other times to a withering scorn which only the presupposition of moral responsibility could justify. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
293:I have observed, on board a steamer, how men and women easily give way to their instinct for flirtation, because water has the power of washing away our sense of responsibility, and those who on land resemble the oak in their firmness behave like floating seaweed when on the sea. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
294:I learnt from an early age the need to delegate responsibility out to other team members as there is just too much for one person to do themselves. What is the point of hiring talented team members if you don't give them the freedom to make the most of the chance you have given them? ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
295:As long as you are free, you are free to select and choose alternatives, provided that you are willing to accept the responsibility for being free. And after you've tried your alternatives, and they don't work as you would wish, don't blame me. Blame your choice. Try another alternative. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
296:Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I'll" philosophy. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
297:Management means, in the last analysis, the substitution of thought for brawn and muscle, of knowledge for folkways and superstition, and of cooperation for force. It means the substitution of responsibility for obedience to rank, and of authority of performance for the authority of rank. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
298:One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage: If it is to be, it is up to me. That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn’t mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
299:Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We've seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
300:This evolution towards a real responsibility for others is sometimes blocked by fear. It is easier to stay on the level of a pleasant way of life in which we keep our freedom and our distance. But that means that we stop growing and shut ourselves up in our own small concerns and pleasures. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
301:One of the greatest challenges in creating a joyful, peaceful and abundant life is taking responsibility for what you do and how you do it. As long as you can blame someone else, be angry with someone else, point the finger at someone else, you are not taking responsibility for your life. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
302:A warrior takes responsibility for his acts, for the most trivial of acts. An average man acts out his thoughts, and never takes responsibility for what he does.When we feel stuck, going nowhere - even starting to slipbackward - we may actually be backing up to get a runningstart. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
303:You may think you’re getting the short end of the stick, but when it’s all said and done, God will make sure that you don’t lose anything truly valuable. Moreover, He’ll make sure you get your just reward. Your responsibility is to remain calm and peaceable even when those around you are not. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
304:All suicides have the responsibility of fighting against the temptation of suicide. Every one of them knows very well in some corner of his soul that suicide, though a way out, is rather a mean and shabby one, and that it is nobler and finer to be conquered by life than to fall by one's own hand. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
305:We should reserve the notion of &
306:The men upon whose shoulders rested the initial responsibility of Christianizing the world came to Jesus with one supreme request. They did not say, &
307:Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
308:Tomorrow's leaders not only have dreams, goals and plans. They are willing to work hard and to take responsibility for turning their plans into energy, perspiration and effort. They don't sit back and wait for someone else to turn their dreams into action. They take charge of executing their own plan. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
309:Having accepted this circumstance, this event, this problem, responsibility then means the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
310:It is better for you to take responsibility for your life as it is, instead of blaming others, or circumstances, for your predicament. As your eyes open, you'll see that your state of health, happiness, and every circumstance of your life has been, in large part, arranged by you - consciously or unconsciously. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
311:Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
312:Jesus never commanded believers to produce fruit. Fruit is the purpose of the branch, but it is not the responsibility of the branch. The branch cannot produce anything on it's own. However, if it remains attached to the vine, it will receive life-sustaining sap, nourishment, strength, everything it needs. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
313:The American taxing structure, the purpose of which was to serve the people, began instead to serve the insatiable appetite of government. If you will forgive me, you know someone has once likened government to a baby. It is an alimentary canal with an appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
314:Caution in handling generally accepted opinions that claim to explain whole trends of history is especially important for the historian of modern times, because the last century has produced an abundance of ideologies that pretend to be keys to history but are actually nothing but desperate efforts to escape responsibility. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
315:Taking on responsibilities that properly belong to someone else means behaving irresponsibly toward yourself. You need to know where you end and someone else begins. You need to understand boundaries. You need to know what is and is not up to you, what is and is not in your control, what is and is not your responsibility. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
316:But I think a life of raising prize cattle, going shooting two or three times a year, fishing in the summer, and interspersing the whole thing with some golf and bridge - and whenever I felt like talking or writing, doing it with abandon and with no sense of responsibility whatsoever - maybe such a life wouldn't be so bad. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
317:By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women to the same trouble. So abortion leads to more abortion. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
318:England is a domestic country. Here the home is revered and the hearth sacred. The nation is represented by a family,&
319:You have been called selfish for the courage of acting on your own judgement and bearing sole responsibility for your own life. You have been called arrogant for your independent mind. You have been called cruel for your unyielding integrity. You have been calle anti social for the vision that made you venture upon undiscovered roads. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
320:A good work ethic is not so much a concern for hard work but rather one for responsibility. There have been a great many men and women who have in fact used work or hustle or selfish ambition as an escape from real responsibility, an escape from purpose. In matters such as these, the hard worker is just as dysfunctional as the sloth. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
321:But innovation is more than a new method. It is a new view of the universe, as one of risk rather than of chance or of certainty. It is a new view of man's role in the universe; he creates order by taking risks. And this means that innovation, rather than being an assertion of human power, is an acceptance of human responsibility. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
322:The human species was too fond of lying, cheating, envy, ignorance, self-pity, self-righteousness, and utopian visions that always led to mass murder-but until and if it destroyed itself, it harbored the potential to become nobler, to take responsibility for its actions, to live and let live, and to earn the stewardship of the earth. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
323:Many people confuse authority and the power of efficiency, as if the first role of people with responsibility is to take decisions, command effectively and so exercise power. But their role first of all is to be a person to whom others can turn for help and advice, to provide security, to affirm, to support, to encourage and to guide. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
324:Harry Truman once said, &
325:It's so easy to settle for less than God's best for us because we don't always feel like taking responsibility for our behavior or putting forth some effort to do what we need to do so we can accomplish great things for God and help people. But the cost of settling for less is actually harder than being completely obedient to God's will. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
326:A person who believes that Elvis is still alive is very unlikely to get promoted to a position of great power and responsibility in our society. Neither will a person who believes that the holocaust was a hoax. But people who believe equally irrational things about God and the bible are now running our country. This is genuinely terrifying. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
327:You know, I think that allowing somebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like, the vessel you know, like the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable, eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile, human psyche. It's like asking somebody to swallow the sun. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
328:I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers.. I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: "An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
329:When life does not go our way or we inadvertently make a mistake, it is so easy to make excuses, place blame on others, or argue that circumstances were against us. But we only progress in life to the extent that we take responsibility for our actions and attitudes, and put forth the initiative necessary to create our own circumstances.    ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
330:We are both burdened and blessed by the great responsibility of the will - the power of choice. Our future is determined, in large part, by the choices we make now. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can and do choose our response to whatever arises. Reclaiming the power of choice, we find the courage to live fully in the world. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
331:I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, one's own family or nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.    ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
332:Few relationships are as critical to the business enterprise as the relationship to the government. Managers have responsibility for this relationship as part of their responsibility to the enterprise itself. It is an area of social impact of the business. To a large extent the relationship to government results from what businesses do or fail to do. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
333:Unrequited love may be painful, but it is safely painful, because it does not involve inflicting damage on anyone but oneself, a private pain that is as bittersweet as it is self-induced. But as soon as love is reciprocated, one must be prepared to give up the passivity of simply being hurt and take on the responsibility of perpetrating hurt oneself. ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
334:If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon the State; he must take pride in his own work, instead of sitting idle to envy the luck of others. He must face life with resolute courage, win victory if he can, and accept defeat if he must, without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
335:I think most presidents are amazed at the overwhelming responsibility they have when they enter office and the tremendous amount of work there is. See, a modern president has far more responsibility than a president years ago. And if I were rewriting the Constitution, I would suggest a president be more like a monarch and then have a prime minister under him. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
336:Look at the word responsibility—’response-ability’—the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
337:Look at the word responsibility—’response-ability’—the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognise that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behaviour. Their behaviour is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
338:I think one has to understand, not as a theory, not as a speculative, entertaining concept, but rather as an actual fact - that we are the world and the world is us. The world is each one of us; to feel that, to be really committed to it and to nothing else, brings about a feeling of great responsibility and an action that must not be fragmentary, but whole. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
339:There is nothing easy about becoming conscious. My own life was much easier before I knew about the deeper meaning of choice, the power of choice that accompanies taking responsibility. Abdicating responsibility to an outside source can seem, at least for the moment, so much easier. Once you know better, however, you can't get away with kidding yourself for long. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
340:We give up what we want to give up and keep what in some way we still want to keep. There are payoffs for holding on to small, weak patterns. We have an excuse not to shine. We don't have to take responsibility for the world when we're spending all our time in emotional pain. We're too busy. The truth that sets us free is an embrace of the divine within us. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
341:Each soul has it's own path. Children are young personalities but they are not always young souls. Incarnation into the domain of the five senses is a dramatic act of spiritual responsibility. Neonates are great souls and so I honor their paths. I do the best that I can, but the best that I can do is to change myself. To make myself a citizen like I want others to be. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
342:Innovative efforts should never report to line managers charged with responsibility for ongoing operations. The new project is an infant and will remain one for the foreseeable future, and infants belong in the nursery. The &
343:Men of widely divergent views in our own country live in peace together because they share certain common aspirations which are more important than their differences... . The common responsibility of all Americans is to become effective, helpful participants in a way of life that blends and harmonizes the fiercely competitive demands of the individual and society. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
344:There is nothing easy about becoming conscious. My own life was much easier before I knew about the deeper meaning of choice, the power of choice that accompanies taking responsibility. Abdicating responsibility to an outside source can seem, at least for the moment, so much easier. Once you know better, however, you can't get away with kidding yourself for long. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
345:I ask particularly that those of you who are now in school will prepare yourselves to bear the burden of leadership over the next 40 years here in the United States, and make sure that the United States - which I believe almost alone has maintained watch and ward for freedom - that the United States meet its responsibility. That is a wonderful challenge for us as a people. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
346:For in a democracy, every citizen, regardless of his interest in politics, "hold office"; every one of us is in a position of responsibility; and, in the final analysis, the kind of government we get depends upon how we fulfill those responsibilities. We, the people, are the boss, and we will get the kind of political leadership, be it good or bad, that we demand and deserve. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
347:If the whole responsibility is thrown upon our own shoulders, we shall be at our highest and best; when we have nobody to grope towards, no devil to lay our blame upon, no Personal God to carry our burdens, when we are alone responsible, then we shall rise to our highest and best. I am responsible for my fate, I am the bringer of good unto myself, I am the bringer of evil. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
348:It is not the responsibility of knights errant to discover whether the afflicted, the enchained and the oppressed whom they encounter on the road are reduced to these circumstances and suffer this distress for their vices, or for their virtues: the knight's sole responsibility is to succour them as people in need, having eyes only for their sufferings, not for their misdeeds. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
349:If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences. No excuses. No negativity. No psychic pollution. Keep your inner space clear. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
350:I know different ways of looking at things. I have my stockholders, and I feel a very keen responsibility to the shareholders, but I feel that the main responsibility I have to them is to have the stock appreciate. And you only have it appreciate by reinvesting as much as you can back in the business. And that's what we've done... and that has been my philosophy on running the business. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
351:The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we"; they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
352:To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention. The intention must be to understand ourselves and not to leave it to others to transform themselves or to bring about a modified change through revolution, either of the left or of the right. It is important to understand that this is our responsibility, yours and mine. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
353:There are many things children accept as "grown-up things" over when they have no control and for which they have no responsibility&
354:The Evangelistic Harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is strategic. We are not responsible for the past generation, and we cannot bear the full responsibility for the next one; but we do have our generation. God will hold us responsible as to how well we fulfill our responsibilities to this age and take advantage of our opportunities. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
355:Men and women, inspired by faith in man's dignity, goaded by conviction in man's responsibility, labored that this land might be a better home for those who followed them. Because every American generation attacked its problems with fresh vigor, we have peopled a continent, subdued its prairies and wilderness, tamed its rivers and devoted its resources to the betterment of those who dwell in it. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
356:Each contact is an opportunity for your own unique satsang with your Self, not in some strained or contrived way, but by keeping your mind inside your Heart, by trusting the inner guru and by recognizing each moment as perfect in itself and by simply being your Self. This is the true and natural responsibility or rather &
357:Today it is considered as exaggeration to proclaim constant respect for every form of life as being the serious demand of a rational ethic. But the time is coming when people will be amazed that the human race existed so long before it recognized that thoughtless injury to life is incompatible with real ethics. Ethics is in its unqualified form extended responsibility to everything that has life. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
358:Why, oh why must one grow up, why must one inherit this heavy, numbing responsibility of living an undiscovered life? Out of the nothingness and the undifferentiated mass, to make something of herself! But what? In the obscurity and pathlessness to take a direction! But whither? How take even one step? And yet, how stand still? This was torment indeed, to inherit the responsibility of one’s own life. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
359:I don't like your miserable lonely single front name. It is so limited, so meager; it has no versatility; it is weighted down with the sense of responsibility; it is worn threadbare with much use; it is as bad as having only one jacket and one hat; it is like having only one relation, one blood relation, in the world. Never set a child afloat on the flat sea of life with only one sail to catch the wind. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
360:I had come to realize the importance of the Nation, and of shared, communal, social responsibility, to be held as equally important as individual concerns. The elderly, the widowed, newly married couples, the poor, the unemployed, disbanded soldiers and children, who would be required to attend school, must be provided for from state funds. And all this support is not the nature of charity, but of a right. ~ thomas-paine, @wisdomtrove
361:I know when to say no and when to say yes. I take responsibility for my choices. The victim? She went somewhere else. The only one who can truly victimize me is myself, and 99 percent of the time I choose to do that no more. But I need to continue to remember the key principles: boundaries, letting go, forgiveness after feeling my feelings—not before, self-expression, loving others but loving myself, too. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
362:Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel—and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
363:The ethic of Reverence for Life prompts us to keep each other alert to what troubles us and to speak and act dauntlessly together in discharging the responsibility that we feel. It keeps us watching together for opportunities to bring some sort of help to animals in recompense for the great misery that men inflict upon them, and thus for a moment we escape from the incomprehensible horror of existence. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
364:We have usurped many of the powers we once ascribed to God. Fearful and unprepared, we have assumed lordship over the life or death of the whole world ¬ó of all living things. The danger and the glory and the choice rest finally in man. The test of his perfectibility is at hand. Having taken Godlike power, we must seek in ourselves for the responsibility and the wisdom we once prayed some deity might have. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
365:The writer's only responsibility is to his art. He will be completely ruthless if he is a good one. He has a dream. It anguishes him so much he must get rid of it. He has no peace until then. Everything goes by the board: honor, pride, decency, security, happiness, all, to get the book written. If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the &
366:The idea of responsibility is in your mind. You think there must be something or somebody solely responsible for all that happens. There is a contradiction between a multiple universe and a single cause. Either one or the other must be false. Or both. As I see it, it is all day-dreaming.   There is no reality in ideas. The fact is that without you, neither the universe nor its cause could have come into being. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
367:The Federal Government has a responsibility to manage wisely those public lands and forests under its jurisdiction necessary in the interest of the public as a whole. ... In the utilization of these lands, the people are entitled to expect that their timber, minerals, streams and water supply, wildlife and recreational values should be safeguarded, improved and made available not only for this but for future generations. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
368:Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. An artist is a creature driven by demons. He don't know why they choose him and he's usually too busy to wonder why. He is completely amoral in that he will rob, borrow, beg, or steal from anybody and everybody to get the work done. The writer's only responsibility is to his art. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
369:Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. An artist is a creature driven by demons. He doesn't know why they choose him and he's usually too busy to wonder why. He is completely amoral in that he will rob, borrow, beg, or steal from anybody and everybody to get the work done. The writer's only responsibility is to his art. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
370:When indeed shall we learn that we are all related one to the other, that we are all members of one body? Until the spirit of love for our fellow people, regardless of race, color, or creed, shall fill the world, making real in our lives and our deeds the actuality of human brother- and sisterhood, until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
371:Part of understanding the notion of Justice is to recognize the disproportions among which we live... it takes an awful lot of living with the powerless to really understand what it is like to be powerless, to have your voice, thoughts, ideas and concerns count for very little. We, who have been given much, whose voices can be heard, have a great duty and responsibility to make our voices heard with absolute integrity for those who are powerless. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
372:A failure remains a failure only if we refuse to learn from it. Any situation that teaches us greater humility, sobriety, wisdom about self and others, responsibility, forgiveness, depth of reflection, and better decision making -teaching us what's truly important&
373:The people with the best sense of what is essential to a community, of what gives and maintains its spirit, are often doing very humble, manual tasks. It is often the poorest person - the one who has a handica[p, is] ill or old - who is the most prophetic. People who carry responsibility must be close to them and know what they think, because it is often they who are free enough to see with the greatest clarity the needs, beauty and pain of the community. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
374:The real development I've seen of people in organizations, especially in big ones, comes from their being volunteers in a nonprofit organization - where you have responsibility, you see results, and you quickly learn what your values are. There is no better way to understand your strengths and discover where you belong than to volunteer in a nonprofit. That is probably the great opportunity for the social sector - and especially in its relationship to business. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
375:When someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good. . . . When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to re-perceive my world in a new way and to go on. It is astonishing how elements which seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens. How confusions which seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard. ~ carl-rogers, @wisdomtrove
376:It's not reckless, because when we leap, when we dive in, when we begin, only begin, we bring our true nature to the project, we make it personal and urgent. And it's not abandon, not in the sense that we've abandoned our senses or our responsibility. In fact, abandoning the fear of fear that is holding us back is the single best way not to abandon the work, the pure execution of the work. Later, there's time to backpedal and water down. But right now, reckless please. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
377:Men who find themselves late are never sure. They are all the things the civics books tell us the good citizen should be: partisans but never zealots, respectors of the facts which attend each situation but never benders of those facts, uncomfortable in positions of leadership but rarely unable to turn down a responsibility once it has been offered . . . or thrust upon them. They make the best leaders in a democracy because they are unlikely to fall in love with power. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
378:Scientists, therefore, are responsible for their research, not only intellectually but also morally. This responsibility has become an important issue in many of today's sciences, but especially so in physics, in which the results of quantum mechanics and relativity theory have opened up two very different paths for physicists to pursue. They may lead us - to put it in extreme terms - to the Buddha or to the Bomb, and it is up to each of us to decide which path to take. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
379:The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience... .. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
380:As a great democratic society, we have a special responsibility to the arts. For art is the great democrat, calling forth creative genius from every sector of society, disregarding race or religion or wealth or color. What freedom alone can bring is the liberation of the human mind and a spirit which finds its greatest flowering in the free society. I see of little more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than the full recognition of the place of the artist. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
381:It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life—daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
382:The usual people tried to claim responsibility. First the IRA , then the PLO and the Gas Board. Even British Nuclear Fuels rushed out a statement to the effect that the situation was completely under control, that it was a one in a million chance, that there was hardly any radioactive leakage at all, and that the site of the explosion would make a nice location for a day out with the kids and a picnic, before finally having to admit that it wasn't actually anything to do with them at all. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
383:Third, and finally, the educated citizen has an obligation to uphold the law. This is the obligation of every citizen in a free and peaceful society&
384:Authority never matches responsibility. That's one of the great myths and delusions of all times. Winning managers and individual performers at all levels know that effectiveness means building your own network and creating your own authority. Those who succeed always reach far beyond formal deputation, take initiatives, and take the heat when things go awry. That's true in the military in times of war, true for 200 person manufacturing firms, and true at giant automakers or software companies. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
385:Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it-that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life-that the vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
386:There are many other (besides testosterone) behaviour-eliciting hormones fundamental for humen well-being, including estrogen and progesterone in females. The fact that complex behavioural patterns can be triggered by a tiny concentration of moleculas coursing through the bloodstream, and that different animals of the same species generate different amounts of these hormones, is something worth thinking about when it's time to judge such matters as free will, individual responsibility, and law and order. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
387:The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a looter's stomach, is an absolute. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
388:When an injustice happens, we want to be vindicated. People feel that if they forgive the person who hurt them, then they will continue to take advantage of them or not take responsibility for what they did wrong. If we're honest, we'll admit that we usually want the person who hurt us to pay for what they did. We can't get past this until we get the revelation that only God can pay us back. He is our Vindicator - He will heal and restore us if we will trust Him and forgive our enemies as He has told us to do. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
389:The Lordship of Jesus Christ is not quite forgotten among Christians, but it has been relegated to the hymnal where all responsibility toward it may be comfortably discharged in a glow of religious emotion. Or if it is taught as a theory in the classroom it is rarely applied to practical living. The idea that the Man Christ Jesus has absolute final authority over the whole church and over its members in every detail of their lives is simply not now accepted as true by the rank and file of evangelical Christians. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
390:To the man who is truly ethical all life is sacred, including that which from the human point of view seems lower in the scale. He makes distinctions only as each case comes before him, and under the pressure of necessity, as, for example, when it falls to him to decide which of two lives he must sacrifice in order to preserve the other. But all through this series of decisions he is conscious of acting on subjective grounds and arbitrarily, and knows that he bears the responsibility for the life which is sacrificed. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
391:The realization that my problem was one that concerned all men, a problem of living and thinking, suddenly swept over me and I was overwhelmed by fear and respect as I suddenly saw and felt how deeply my own personal life and opinions were immersed in the eternal stream of great ideas. Though it offered some confirmation and gratification, the realization was not really a joyful one. It was hard and had a harsh taste because it implied responsibility and no longer being allowed to be a child; it meant standing on one’s own feet. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
392:Character in many ways is everything in leadership. It is made up of many things, but I would say character is really integrity. When you delegate something to a subordinate, for example, it is absolutely your responsibility, and he must understand this. You as a leader must take complete responsibility for what the subordinate does. I once said, as a sort of wisecrack, that leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
393:There is a powerful craving in most of us to see ourselves as instruments in the hands of others and thus free ourselves from the responsibility for acts which are prompted by our own questionable inclinations and impulses. Both the strong and the weak grasp at this alibi. The latter hide their malevolence under the virtue of obedience: they acted dishonorably because they had to obey orders. The strong, too, claim absolution by proclaiming themselves the chosen instrument of a higher power - God, history, fate, nation, or humanity. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
394:We in this country, in this generation, areby destiny rather than choicethe watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of peace on earth, good will toward men. That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
395:One observer commenting on security analysts over forty stated: "They know too many things that are no longer true." As long as I am "on stage", publishing a regular record and assuming responsibility for management of what amounts to virtually 100% of the net worth of many partners, I will never be able to put sustained effort into any non-BPL activity. If I am going to participate publicly. I can't help being competitive. I know I don't want to be totally occupied with out-pacing an investment rabbit all my life. The only way to slow down is to stop. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
396:Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it, and by the same token save it from that ruin which except for renewal, except for the coming of the new and the young, would be inevitable. And education, too, is where we decide whether we love our children enough not to expel them from our world and leave them to their own devices, nor to strike from their hands their chance of undertaking something new, something unforeseen by us, but to prepare them in advance for the task of renewing a common world. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
397:There was no God in his heart, he knew; his ideas were still in riot; there was ever the pain of memory; the regret for his lost youth-yet the waters of disillusion had left a deposit on his soul, responsibility and a love of life, the faint stirring of old ambitions and unrealized dreams... ... And he could not tell why the struggle was worth while, why he had determined to use to the utmost himself and his heritage from the personalities he had passed... He stretched out his arms to the crystalline, radiant sky. I know myself," he cried, "but that is all. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
398:You are worried about what man has done and is doing to this magical planet that God gave us. And I share your concern. What is a conservative after all but one who conserves, one who is committed to protecting and holding close the things by which we live... And we want to protect and conserve the land on which we live - our countryside, our rivers and mountains, our plains and meadows and forests. This is our patrimony. This is what we leave to our children. And our great moral responsibility is to leave it to them either as we found it or better than we found it. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
399:First of all, although men have a common destiny, each individual also has to work out his own personal salvation for himself in fear and trembling. We can help one another to find the meaning of life no doubt. But in the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for "finding himself." If he persists in shifting his responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence. You cannot tell me who I am and I cannot tell you who you are. If you do not know your own identity, who is going to identify you? ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
400:As long as you perceive that anyone is holding you back, you have not taken full responsibility for your own liberation. Liberation means that you stand free of making demands on others and life to make you happy. When you discover yourself to be nothing but Freedom, you stop setting up conditions and requirements that need to be satisfied in order for you to be happy. It is in the absolute surrender of all conditions and requirements that Liberation is discovered to be who and what you are. Then the love and wisdom that flows out of you has a liberating effect on others. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
401:The very reason why we object to state ownership, that it puts a stop to individual initiative and to the healthy development of personal responsibility, is the reason why we object to an unsupervised, unchecked monopolistic control in private hands. We urge control and supervision by the nation as an antidote to the movement for state socialism. Those who advocate total lack of regulation, those who advocate lawlessness in the business world, themselves give the strongest impulse to what I believe would be the deadening movement toward unadulterated state socialism. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
403:Now he realized the truth: that sacrifice was no purchase of freedom. It was like a great elective office, it was like an inheritance of power - to certain people at certain times an essential luxury, carrying with it not a guarantee but a responsibility, not a security but an infinite risk. Its very momentum might drag him down to ruin - the passing of the emotional wave that made it possible might leave the one who made it high and dry forever on an island of despair... Sacrifice by its very nature was arrogant and impersonal; sacrifice should be eternally supercilious. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
404:So far as I am concerned, poetry and every other art was and is and forever will be strictly and distinctly a question of individuality... If poetry is your goal, you've got to forget all about punishments and all about rewards and all about self-styled obligations and duties and responsibilities etcetera ad infinitum and remember one thing only: that it's you - nobody else - who determine your destiny and decide your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else... There's the artist's responsibility; and the most awful responsibility on earth. ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
405:The success of this Government, and thus the success of our Nation, depends in the last analysis upon the quality.of our career services. The legislation enacted by the Congress, as well as the decisions made by me and by the department and agency heads, must all be implemented by the career men and women in the Federal service. In foreign affairs, national defense, science and technology, and a host of other fields, they face problems of unprecedented importance and perplexity. We are all dependent on their sense of loyalty and responsibility as well as their competence and energy. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
406:God is true. The universe is a dream. Blessed am I that I know this moment that I have been and shall be free all eternity; ... that I know that I am worshiping only myself; that no nature, no delusion, had any hold on me. Vanish nature from me, vanish these gods; vanish worship; ... vanish superstitions, for I know myself. I am the Infinite. All these - Mrs. So-and-so, Mr. So-and-so, responsibility, happiness, misery - have vanished. I am the Infinite. How can there be death for me, or birth? Whom shall I fear? I am the One. Shall I be afraid of myself? Who is to be afraid of whom? ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
407:Secularism should not be equated with Stalinist dogmatism or with the bitter fruits of Western imperialism and runaway industrialisation. Yet it cannot shirk all responsibility for them, either. Secular movements and scientific institutions have mesmerised billions with promises to perfect humanity and to utilise the bounty of planet Earth for the benefit of our species. Such promises resulted not just in overcoming plagues and famines, but also in gulags and melting ice caps. You might well argue that this is all the fault of people misunderstanding and distorting the core secular ideals and the true facts of science. And you are absolutely right. But that is a common problem for all influential movements. ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove
408:The greatest guilt of today is that of people who accept collectivism by moral default; the people who seek protection from the necessity of taking a stand, by refusing to admit to themselves the nature of that which they are accepting; the people who support plans specifically designed to achieve serfdom, but hide behind the empty assertion that they are lovers of freedom, with no concrete meaning attached to the word; the people who believe that the content of ideas need not be examined, that principles need not be defined, and that facts can be eliminated by keeping one's eyes shut. They expect, when they find themselves in a world of bloody ruins and concentration camps, to escape moral responsibility by wailing: "But I didn't mean this! ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
409:That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call "free will" is your mind's freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and character. Thinking is man's only basic virtue, from which all the others proceed. And his basic vice, the source of all his evils, is that nameless act which all of your practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one's consciousness, the refusal to think - not blindness, but the refusal to see; not ignorance, but the refusal to know. It is the act of unfocusing your mind and inducing an inner fog to escape the responsibility of judgment. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
410:The many aspects of self are based on structures and processes spread throughout the brain and nervous system, and embedded in the body’s interactions with the world. Researchers categorize those aspects of self, and their neural underpinnings, in a variety of ways. For example, the reflective self (I am solving a problem) likely arises mainly in neural connections among the anterior cingulate cortex, upper-outer prefrontal cortex (PFC), and hippocampus; the emotional self (I am upset) emerges from the amygdala, hypothalamus, striatum (part of the basal ganglia), and upper brain stem (Lewis and Todd 2007). Different parts of your brain recognize your face in group photos, know about your personality, experience personal responsibility, and look at situations from your perspective rather than someone else’s (Gillihan and Farah 2005). ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
411:There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromise is the transmitting rubber tube. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:He shoulders responsibility ~ Anonymous,
2:Shouldering responsibility When ~ Ray Mears,
3:Crowds diffuse responsibility. ~ Sam Sommers,
4:Responsibility is freedom’s twin. ~ Anonymous,
5:Responsibility prevents crimes. ~ Edmund Burke,
6:Champions take responsibility. ~ Billie Jean King,
7:Knowledge increases responsibility. ~ Rick Warren,
8:we have a responsibility to them. ~ Reki Kawahara,
9:With freedom comes responsibility ~ Jesse Ventura,
10:Responsibility is good for your soul ~ Judah Smith,
11:With wealth comes responsibility. ~ Jonathan Sacks,
12:your actions are not my responsibility ~ Rupi Kaur,
13:Responsibility leads to development of character. ~,
14:else the responsibility for your life. ~ Mary Oliver,
15:Responsibility cannot be shared. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
16:Responsibility was our cruel mooring.... ~ David Brin,
17:So far no one has claimed responsibility. ~ Ben Elton,
18:Whatever happens, take responsibility. ~ Tony Robbins,
19:A new era of responsibility is here. ~ Valerie Jarrett,
20:no excuses. I accept full responsibility ~ Lisa Bevere,
21:With great power, comes great responsibility ~ Unknown,
22:In dreams begins responsibility. ~ William Butler Yeats,
23:My primary responsibility is to be funny. ~ Al Madrigal,
24:With great power comes great responsibility. ~ Stan Lee,
25:As architects we have a responsibility ~ Richard Rogers,
26:I'm really not tailored for responsibility. ~ Rick James,
27:My responsibility is to truth and beauty. ~ Amiri Baraka,
28:Quality is everyone's responsibility. ~ W Edwards Deming,
29:Responsibility is the ability to respond. ~ Lucille Ball,
30:Responsibility is the price of freedom. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
31:Here's to responsibility, twice a week. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
32:As designers we have a great responsibility. ~ Dieter Rams,
33:Sleep is death without the responsibility. ~ Fran Lebowitz,
34:With great responsibility comes great power. ~ Mark Manson,
35:With opportunity comes responsibility. ~ Winston Churchill,
36:Here's to responsibility, twice a week.', ~ Stephenie Meyer,
37:Making reality real is art's responsibility. ~ Eudora Welty,
38:Making reality real is art’s responsibility. ~ Eudora Welty,
39:Man has responsibility, not power—Tuscarora ~ Sylvia Browne,
40:‎With adulthood comes responsibility. ~ Mary Lydon Simonsen,
41:The ability to respond is responsibility ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
42:With a free press comes a responsibility. ~ Kellyanne Conway,
43:Your happiness is your own responsibility. ~ Jennifer Garner,
44:Anybody from my soil is my responsibility. ~ Asif Ali Zardari,
45:Real faith is sharing responsibility with God. ~ Bill Winston,
46:The price of greatness is responsibility. ~ Winston Churchill,
47:Winners take responsibility, losers blame others. ~ Brit Hume,
48:Democracy isn't a gift. It's a responsibility. ~ Dalton Trumbo,
49:I assumed my first undivided responsibility. ~ Charles Dickens,
50:I will take responsibility for all operations. ~ Shunroku Hata,
51:Take stands, take risks, take responsibility. ~ Muriel Siebert,
52:The world we want is an enormous responsibility. ~ Paul Polman,
53:We all must grow before we take on responsibility. ~ Emma Hamm,
54:Absolute freedom is absolute responsibility. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
55:Responsibility simply means your ability to respond. ~ Sadhguru,
56:Take responsibility for finding your one true love ~ Bo S nchez,
57:Take responsibility for the face of the world. ~ Timothy Snyder,
58:The price of greatness is responsibility. ~ Winston S Churchill,
59:BOREDOM IS A new challenge and responsibility. ~ Alain de Botton,
60:But responsibility hardens the heart. It must. ~ Ford Madox Ford,
61:Great power involves great responsibility ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
62:Knowledge is often a responsibility nobody wants ~ Cecelia Ahern,
63:Power always brings with it responsibility. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
64:Power-over is amoral. Power-to is responsibility. ~ Gloria Feldt,
65:Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom. ~ Sadhguru,
66:Responsibility is proportionate to opportunity. ~ Woodrow Wilson,
67:The price of greatness is responsibility.” That ~ John C Maxwell,
68:We can outsource the work but not the responsibility. ~ Gene Kim,
69:We have a responsibility to be aware of others. ~ Angelina Jolie,
70:Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility. ~ Osho,
71:With great penis comes great responsibility, honey. ~ Max Monroe,
72:With little power comes little responsibility. ~ Brian K Vaughan,
73:I certainly take work as a joyous responsibility. ~ Julia Roberts,
74:Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors. ~ Jonas Salk,
75:Our responsibility as Christians makes us tremble. ~ Oscar Romero,
76:Our responsibility begins with our imagination. ~ Haruki Murakami,
77:Take responsibility for making conscious choices. ~ Deepak Chopra,
78:Take responsibility for the energy you bring. ~ Jill Bolte Taylor,
79:The responsibility to nightmare is to wake up. ~ Michael S Harper,
80:With great hotness comes great responsibility. ~ Alyxandra Harvey,
81:You have to take responsibility for listening. ~ Banana Yoshimoto,
82:Your responsibility as an artist is to experiment. ~ Squarepusher,
83:Embrace the hell out of personal responsibility. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
84:Every man's happiness is his own responsibility. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
85:I have a responsibility to banks, to shareholders. ~ Arnon Milchan,
86:It's like a fugue of evaded responsibility. ~ David Foster Wallace,
87:Leadership is not a right-it is a responsibility. ~ John C Maxwell,
88:Men grow by having responsibility laid upon them. ~ Woodrow Wilson,
89:Responsibility always stops at the president's desk. ~ John McCain,
90:The writer's only responsibility is to his art. ~ William Faulkner,
91:Uniqueness isn't a virtue. It's a responsibility. ~ Mark Batterson,
92:We cannot avoid this responsibility, this freedom. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
93:With great knowledge comes great responsibility. ~ Haruki Murakami,
94:With great power, comes great responsibility. ~ Stephanie Erickson,
95:You have to take responsibility for who you are ~ Anthony Horowitz,
96:A prig always finds a last refuge in responsibility. ~ Jean Cocteau,
97:Divide responsibility and nobody is responsible. ~ W Edwards Deming,
98:Fault is past tense. Responsibility is present tense. ~ Mark Manson,
99:It is not your fault. But, it is your responsibility. ~ Mark Manson,
100:Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility ~ Grant Cardone,
101:Take responsibility for the things you build and invent. ~ Bill Joy,
102:We have a high moral responsibility to be rational ~ Charlie Munger,
103:When you assume responsibility for what you experience ~ Gary Zukav,
104:With great influence comes great responsibility. ~ Melanie Iglesias,
105:I take personal responsibility for everything I say. ~ George W Bush,
106:I take responsibility for myself and what I do now. ~ Paul Gascoigne,
107:Learn to caste your care, but not your responsibility. ~ Joyce Meyer,
108:Responsibility, I believe, accrues through privilege. ~ Noam Chomsky,
109:Responsibility without power is a really bad deal. ~ Patrick Califia,
110:Talent is an accident of genes, and a responsibility. ~ Alan Rickman,
111:The main social responsibility for a company is to win. ~ Jack Welch,
112:We children learned responsibility automatically. ~ James Earl Jones,
113:What a massive responsibility, being a moral creature ~ Isaac Marion,
114:Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility. ~ Rajneesh,
115:Being someone's responsibility makes them hate you. ~ Richard Bachman,
116:It is your duty and responsibility to become successful, ~ John Kehoe,
117:Ive no regrets. You take responsibility for your actions. ~ Ron Moody,
118:Leadership, like responsibility, is a voluntary act. ~ John C Maxwell,
119:Men don't want any responsibility, and neither do I. ~ Julie Christie,
120:My responsibility is to get people into the offense. ~ Deron Williams,
121:Only Individuals have a sense of Responsibility ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
122:Our number one responsibility is to protect the homeland. ~ Paul Ryan,
123:Taking responsibility is a step toward redemption. ~ Barbara Delinsky,
124:Talent is an accident of genes - and a responsibility. ~ Alan Rickman,
125:There is only one social responsibility of business ~ Milton Friedman,
126:What a massive responsibility, being a moral creature. ~ Isaac Marion,
127:You don't have to ask permission to take responsibility. ~ Ed Catmull,
128:You don’t have to ask permission to take responsibility. ~ Ed Catmull,
129:Blamelessness does not relieve us of responsibility ~ Orson Scott Card,
130:I do feel I have a responsibility to the youths. For real. ~ Sean Paul,
131:Only individuals have a sense of responsibility. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
132:Assume responsibility for the quality of your own life ~ Norman Cousins,
133:Paying tax is not a punishment. It's a responsibility. ~ Chris Matthews,
134:Public praying is a responsibility as well as a privilege. ~ D A Carson,
135:Somebody has to take responsibility for being a leader. ~ Toni Morrison,
136:Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful. ~ Timothy Leary,
137:The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. ~ Max DePree,
138:The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear. ~ John F Kennedy,
139:We all have a responsibility to create a just society ~ Bryan Stevenson,
141:But with great responsibility, one finds great loneliness.”  ~ Sara King,
142:Even if it's not your fault, it's your responsibility. ~ Terry Pratchett,
143:Fear bespeaks of wisdom. Recognition of responsibility. ~ Steven Erikson,
144:Freedom is a school of responsibility for human beings. ~ Dinesh D Souza,
145:I make all my own decisions and I take full responsibility. ~ Kanye West,
146:Innovation is everyones responsibility, not just R&Ds. ~ Albert Einstein,
147:I think it's a responsibility for everyone to give back. ~ Stacy Keibler,
148:It is alright to trust. But trust comes with responsibility. ~ Jon Jones,
149:Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power. ~ Seth Berkley,
150:Liberty and responsibility are inseparable. ~ Friedrich August von Hayek,
151:Our existence deforms the universe. That's responsibility. ~ Neil Gaiman,
152:Perhaps the most tragic ignorance is that of responsibility. ~ Anonymous,
153:Sure, I'd take the responsibility of queen any day. ~ Charisma Carpenter,
154:Testing is not the point. The point is about responsibility. ~ Kent Beck,
155:The bigger the contract, the bigger the responsibility. ~ Pedro Martinez,
156:The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. ~ Max De Pree,
157:The world is our responsibility. We cannot evade it. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
158:This is not your responsibility but it is your problem. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
159:A lack of responsibility unleashes the worst in us. There’s ~ Kevin Kelly,
160:Having people be afraid of you comes with responsibility. ~ Daniel Gordis,
161:I am one of those people who quite enjoys responsibility. ~ Stuart Pearce,
162:I grow spiritually when I accept responsibility for my life. ~ Louise Hay,
163:Life has no meaning except in terms of responsibility. ~ Reinhold Niebuhr,
164:No alibi will save you from accepting the responsibility. ~ Napoleon Hill,
165:No better blessing than the responsibility of fatherhood. ~ Stephen Curry,
166:Responsibility is the choice we make to respond with care. ~ Wayne Visser,
167:Contemporary culture is not very good on responsibility. ~ Simon Blackburn,
168:Everybody blames the culture without taking responsibility. ~ James Levine,
169:I like people who take responsibility for their lives. ~ Walter Dean Myers,
170:It's the responsibility of the survivor to tell the story. ~ Tom Spanbauer,
171:Man's responsibility increases as that of the gods decreases. ~ Andre Gide,
172:Men have to take more responsibility. Men have to intervene ~ Barack Obama,
173:Say what you say plainly, and then take responsibility for it. ~ Ai Weiwei,
174:Take responsibility for what you communicate with others. ~ Timothy Snyder,
175:The choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
176:To give up responsibility for our lives is not healthy. ~ Michael Crichton,
177:With great responsibility...comes great need to take a nap. ~ Rick Riordan,
178:You have a responsibility when you have a large community. ~ Pete Cashmore,
179:You must accept the responsibility of being self-made. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
180:I act with full responsibility and after extensive reflection. ~ Asger Jorn,
181:I'm crushed by the responsibility of writing a satirical book. ~ Al Franken,
182:Our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part. ~ Hillary Clinton,
183:Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. ~ John F Kennedy,
184:Responsibility is a grace you give yourself not an obligation ~ Dan Millman,
185:thinking isn’t a diversion, it’s a responsibility . . . ~ Arkady Strugatsky,
186:All of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care. ~ Newt Gingrich,
187:I feel a responsibility to get the truth out into the world. ~ Jeff Orlowski,
188:India has a responsibility to itself to fight Climate Change ~ Jairam Ramesh,
189:I take great responsibility in any character that I play. ~ Jessica Chastain,
190:I will never do a record without some sense of responsibility. ~ Talib Kweli,
191:Our responsibility is no longer to acquire, but to BE. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
192:People that take responsibility are often given responsibility! ~ Seth Godin,
193:Responsibility is the price every man must pay for freedom. ~ Edith Hamilton,
194:Today's church wants to be raptured from responsibility. ~ Leonard Ravenhill,
195:We need to bring personal responsibility back to the family! ~ John G Miller,
196:We were blessed, and with blessing comes responsibility. ~ Michaela DePrince,
197:Your sense of responsibility to others can never be excessive. ~ Dean Koontz,
198:A leader can give up anything - except final responsibility. ~ John C Maxwell,
199:An actors most important responsibility is to know lines well. ~ Harry Morgan,
200:Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life. ~ William Blake,
201:If I have the means, I have the responsibility to employ them. ~ Terry Brooks,
202:It's not pressure. It's responsibility We put it on ourselves. ~ Abby Wambach,
203:Political action is the highest responsibility of a citizen. ~ John F Kennedy,
204:Realizing your potential as a leader is your responsibility. ~ John C Maxwell,
205:Real responsibility means doing what’s right, even when it’s hard. ~ J D Robb,
206:When trust is extended, it breeds responsibility in return. ~ Frederic Laloux,
207:A man cannot get rid of the responsibility, for his own actions. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
208:As a writer, my only responsibility is to tell a compelling story. ~ Jay Asher,
209:Being paid to wonder seems like a heavy responsibility at times. ~ Hope Jahren,
210:Be the holder of your own Nature. It is a joyful responsibility. ~ Eric Fischl,
211:I never wanted children, maybe I'm afraid of responsibility. ~ Mahmoud Darwish,
212:It’s entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come true. ~ Jason Fried,
213:It's our responsibility as humans to take care of each other. ~ Caitlin Crosby,
214:My responsibility as a poet, as an artist, is to not look away. ~ Nikky Finney,
215:One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
216:Patriotism is a lively sense of collective responsibility. ~ Richard Aldington,
217:Responsibility is a tremendous engine in a free government. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
218:Responsibility is what awaits outside the Eden of Creativity ~ Nadine Gordimer,
219:Society works by putting opportunity and responsibility together. ~ Tony Blair,
220:That was half the problem with kids these days. No responsibility. ~ Susan May,
221:The responsibility of an artist is to be honest with themselves. ~ Talib Kweli,
222:Whatever happens on the earth—man must share the responsibility. ~ Jean Gebser,
223:Where there is great power, there is great responsibility. ~ Winston Churchill,
224:you won’t find the word responsibility in the Scriptures. ~ William Paul Young,
225:artist can never free himself from his responsibility as a creator. ~ Anonymous,
226:Consensus comes with another flaw. It dilutes responsibility. ~ Frederic Laloux,
227:I feel it's my responsibility to turn people on to great music. ~ Randy Jackson,
228:I feel some responsibility to shine light on things that I love. ~ Flying Lotus,
229:it's a lot of responsibility to hold a person's heart in your hands ~ Jenny Han,
230:Peace is a national issue, not only government's responsibility. ~ Ashraf Ghani,
231:Responsibility is what awaits outside the Eden of Creativity. ~ Nadine Gordimer,
232:Taking responsibility for your own life is not a Left wing idea ~ Dennis Prager,
233:The only way I see an out is for you to take full responsibility. ~ Johnny Hunt,
234:To practice magic is to bear the responsibility for having a vision. ~ Starhawk,
235:Whatever happens on the earth—man must share the responsibility. ~ Jean Gebser,
236:Artists have the responsibility to serve humanity give people hope. ~ Dalai Lama,
237:Crim has baggage: expectation, history, responsibility. ~ Lee Patrick Mastelotto,
238:It's a lot of responsibility to hold a person's heart in your hands. ~ Jenny Han,
239:Management has no power. Management has only responsibility.” I ~ John C Maxwell,
240:Power is the prize of responsibility; accountability is its price. ~ Fred Kofman,
241:Responsibility can never be given. It can only be taken. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
242:Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me. ~ George W Bush,
243:Where there is great power, there is great responsibility. ~ Winston S Churchill,
244:A sense of responsibility would spoil her. She's too pretty. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
245:Being paid to wonder seems like a heavy responsibility at times. At ~ Hope Jahren,
246:In Washington, of course, evading responsibility is an art form, ~ David Horowitz,
247:Literacy is not a luxury, it is a right and a responsibility. ~ William J Clinton,
248:Love can only exist where freedom and responsibility are operating. ~ Henry Cloud,
249:the greater the power, the more terrible its responsibility. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
250:Your body is not just yours. It is a gift and a responsibility. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
251:After a while, being somebody's responsibility makes them hate you. ~ Stephen King,
252:A loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. ~ Ronald Knox,
253:Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. ~ Khalil Gibran,
254:I'd have to say I've become more aware of my communal responsibility. ~ Jeff Koons,
255:I think people have to take responsibility for their own actions. ~ Marilyn Manson,
256:It is a great responsibility, to be trusted with another’s heart. ~ Claire Legrand,
257:It's a full on job just looking for human social responsibility. ~ Colin Greenwood,
258:Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
259:Masculinity is the glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility. ~ Douglas Wilson,
260:No, I'm not coaching. It's a huge responsibility to coach somebody. ~ Oksana Baiul,
261:One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
   ~ Martin Luther King Jr.,
262:The language of reactive people absolves them of responsibility. ~ Stephen R Covey,
263:There is no truth without responsibility following in its wake. ~ Kenneth Lee Pike,
264:To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility. ~ Patrick Ness,
265:You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility. ~ Byron Dorgan,
266:Divine sovereignty is not a substitute for human responsibility. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
267:I am bewildered by the death of love. And my responsibility for it. ~ Arthur Miller,
268:If you take the responsibility for your life, you can start changing it. ~ Rajneesh,
269:I'm totally independent. I don't bear any responsibility to any system. ~ Ai Weiwei,
270:It's my responsibility as a singer-songwriter to report the news. ~ John Mellencamp,
271:I use that as my responsibility on the show, to be the pragmatist. ~ Fisher Stevens,
272:Our responsibility is one of decision, for to govern is to choose. ~ John F Kennedy,
273:Some victims do need to "blame" themselves and take responsibility. ~ Bryant McGill,
274:Some will not look on suffering because it creates responsibility. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
275:Who will take responsibility for raising the next generation? ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
276:With freedom goes responsibility. You can’t have one without the other. ~ Ginny Dye,
277:Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it. ~ Steve Maraboli,
278:AIBO permits something different: attachment without responsibility. ~ Sherry Turkle,
279:Better guilt than the terrible burden of freedom and responsibility. ~ Ernest Becker,
280:I am responsible for everything... except my very responsibility. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
281:If I will not take responsibility, I cannot take control. ~ Cassie Dandridge Selleck,
282:Increased knowledge clearly implies increased responsibility. ~ Nicolaas Bloembergen,
283:Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge. ~ Stefan Molyneux,
284:Politicians have responsibility to act if the public opinion changes. ~ David Titley,
285:Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility of human life. ~ Woodrow Wilson,
286:There's a responsibility as a musician to do the music that you want to hear. ~ El P,
287:things in life can be solved with more responsibility and awareness. ~ Kevin Horsley,
288:To have a child is to be impaled daily on the spike of responsibility. ~ Steve Toltz,
289:Tomorrow’s opportunity is determined by yesterday’s responsibility. ~ John C Maxwell,
290:We have a responsibility to look after our planet. It is our only home. ~ Dalai Lama,
291:You cannot excuse your way out of responsibility for your own actions. ~ J T Cope IV,
292:Ability involves responsibility; power, to its last particle, is duty. ~ Ian Maclaren,
293:Change your thinking, take responsibility for everything in your life. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
294:Enlightened people seldom or never possess a sense of responsibility. ~ George Orwell,
295:Enlightenment demands that you take responsibility for your way of life. ~ Wayne Dyer,
296:Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is often a responsibility nobody wants. ~ Cecelia Ahern,
297:In Congress, I was a relentless advocate for fiscal responsibility. ~ Ann Kirkpatrick,
298:It is exclusively other people's responsibility to please themselves. ~ Bryant McGill,
299:Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses. ~ John C Maxwell,
300:Managing yourself requires taking responsibility for relationships. ~ Peter F Drucker,
301:Overblown responsibility was a part of my preoccupation with myself. ~ Susan Vreeland,
302:the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. ~ Robin S Sharma,
303:We will not spend four years blaming others, we will take responsibility. ~ Paul Ryan,
304:While their service is ending, our responsibility is just beginning! ~ Howard Schultz,
305:You have the freedom (and the responsibility) to rest. So take a nap. ~ Paul Coughlin,
306:You have to remind people of their own struggles. It's a responsibility. ~ Elia Kazan,
307:Building awareness and responsibility is the essence of good coaching. ~ John Whitmore,
308:Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. #truth ~ Liz Fenton,
309:I had seen beauty, but the beauty had burdened me with responsibility. ~ Rudolfo Anaya,
310:I think an artist's responsibility is more complex than people realize. ~ Jodie Foster,
311:I think you need to make responsibility something that's not just a word. ~ Bill Cosby,
312:We have a responsibility to disobey and violate unjust rules and laws. ~ Bryant McGill,
313:As soon as you take responsibility for your life, you can change the world. ~ Tom Basso,
314:Freedom is first of all a responsibility before the God from whom we come. ~ Alan Keyes,
315:If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
316:If you know your job, you have a responsibility to pass the knowledge on. ~ Tana French,
317:Making changes was my responsibility. Having a great guy was just a bonus. ~ Sylvia Day,
318:Nobody was innocent. There were only varying degrees of responsibility. ~ Stieg Larsson,
319:Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.”   (Jonas Salk) ~ Galina Krasskova,
320:The responsibility of tolerance lies in those who have the wider vision. ~ George Eliot,
321:We cannot defer this responsibility to posterity. Time will not wait. ~ Walter Cronkite,
322:Whenever you make a promise, you have a responsibility to that promise. ~ Deion Sanders,
323:You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
324:You must take responsibility for removing I can't from your vocabulary. ~ Jack Canfield,
325:A son’s responsibility isn’t to be like his father, but to be better than him. ~ Jo Nesb,
326:Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there. ~ Gary Snyder,
327:I never rejected any responsibility, but that depends on the decision. ~ Bashar al Assad,
328:Leadership is not a license to do less; it is a responsibility to do more. ~ Simon Sinek,
329:My job as a parent is a temporary responsibility with eternal consequences. ~ Tim Kimmel,
330:Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility. ~ Peter Drucker,
331:Responsibility is the most important ability that a person can possess. ~ John C Maxwell,
332:responsibility—“response-ability”—the ability to choose your response. ~ Stephen R Covey,
333:Taking responsibility, even for failures, is always a growth opportunity. ~ Scott Berkun,
334:Taking responsibility for oneself is by definition an act of kindness. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
335:•The abusive partner continually denies any responsibility for problems. ~ Beverly Engel,
336:the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. ~ Winston Churchill,
337:the responsibility of science, and the limits of technological progress. ~ Rachel Carson,
338:As the skills of production decline, the skills of responsibility perish. ~ Wendell Berry,
339:Evading responsibility was a proclivity of the human species, it seemed. ~ Steven Erikson,
340:Freedom is not only a gift, but a summons to personal responsibility. ~ Pope Benedict XVI,
341:Freedom without responsibility? What freedom is that? None at all. ~ David Clement Davies,
342:I don't take any responsibility for the lunatic fringes of my own religion. ~ J K Rowling,
343:Leadership is not rank, privileges, title or money. It is responsibility. ~ Peter Drucker,
344:Leadership - leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. ~ Mitt Romney,
345:Life gave you problems. It was your responsibility to rise above them. ~ Janette Rallison,
346:Responsibility without power, the fate of the secretary through the ages. ~ Ariel Dorfman,
347:the greater the power, the more frightening is the responsibility of wielding ~ Anonymous,
348:The main professional responsibility of a person in business is business. ~ Lee R Raymond,
349:The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision. ~ George Eliot,
350:The world is not changing if you don’t shoulder the burden of responsibility. ~ Ai Weiwei,
351:Being an adult isn't a matter of age. It's a matter of responsibility. ~ Jonathan L Howard,
352:Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together. ~ Napoleon Hill,
353:Freedom comes from taking responsibility; bondage comes from giving it away. ~ Henry Cloud,
354:I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility. ~ King Edward VIII,
355:In management terms, one's authority is not sufficient for his responsibility. ~ Anonymous,
356:I saw the errors I had made and assumed full responsibility for everything. ~ Henry Miller,
357:It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
358:My responsibility is to save Tibet, to protect its ancient cultural heritage. ~ Dalai Lama,
359:Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility. ~ Peter F Drucker,
360:Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves; its your responsibility ~ Lady Gaga,
361:Take responsibility for what you communicate with others. “What is truth? ~ Timothy Snyder,
362:The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, 'I've got responsibilities. ~ Richard Bach,
363:The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, “I’ve got responsibilities. ~ Richard Bach,
364:The duty of the media is to observe truth and social responsibility. ~ Salva Kiir Mayardit,
365:The one on whom all responsibility rests is apt to endure the most. ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs,
366:To take responsibility for one's own actions, good and bad, is something else. ~ Bruce Lee,
367:With great responsibility comes a great need to take a nap. -Nico di Angelo ~ Rick Riordan,
368:You need to accept responsibility for your mistakes. And I've done that. ~ Paula Broadwell,
369:Accepting responsibility is the fulcrum point for succeeding at anything. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer,
370:A sense of responsibility is the clearest indication of mature leadership. ~ John C Maxwell,
371:I hate it when people blame someone else and don't take responsibility. ~ William J Clinton,
372:I'm a pessimist. But I'm a pessimist with a sense of responsibility. ~ Maynard James Keenan,
373:I only work with actors who take full responsibility for their characters. ~ Jonathan Demme,
374:It is our responsibility to leave the people of the future a free hand. ~ Richard P Feynman,
375:The more knowledge, the more responsibility. The more love, the more ability. ~ Edgar Cayce,
376:When our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act. ~ Barack Obama,
377:When you create wealth, it’s your responsibility to return it to society. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
378:You can't assume the responsibility for everything you do or don't do. ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
379:You must personally accept the responsibility of improving your own life. ~ Chogyam Trungpa,
380:Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed-ask for more strength! ~ Sheng yen,
381:Each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak. ~ Mark Twain,
382:I'm convinced that responsibility is some kind of psychological disease. ~ Brandon Sanderson,
383:Is your home a retreat from responsibility, or a place of movement and growth? ~ Henry Cloud,
384:It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies. ~ Noam Chomsky,
385:I've learned it's a human responsibility to create fun, not just wait for it. ~ Greg Saunier,
386:Moral responsibility is what is lacking in a man when he demands it of a woman. ~ Karl Kraus,
387:Only by trusting in God can a man carrying responsibility find repose. ~ Dwight D Eisenhower,
388:Placing on writers the responsibility to represent a culture is an onerous burden. ~ Amy Tan,
389:The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you. ~ J K Rowling,
390:The responsibility will always go with the manager - you put out the team. ~ Brendan Rodgers,
391:Until you accept responsibility for your life, someone else runs your life. ~ Orrin Woodward,
392:When you are the first of anything, there is a bigger responsibility put on you. ~ Don Lemon,
393:When you have once taken up a responsibility, you must see it through. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
394:You can't blame your crimes on someone else; they're your own responsibility. ~ Kanae Minato,
395:You must personally accept the responsibility of improving your own life.^ ~ Lama Surya Das|,
396:"You must personally accept the responsibility of improving your own life." ~ Lama Surya Das,
397:Another person's life is that person's life. You can't take responsibility. ~ Haruki Murakami,
398:Be active!
Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
399:Critiquing relieves you of the responsibility of doing integrative thinking. ~ Deborah Tannen,
400:Each of us has the power and responsibility to become a rainbow in the clouds. ~ Maya Angelou,
401:Empowerment is never about blame; it is about taking personal responsibility. ~ Bryant McGill,
402:I believe art has to take responsibility but it should not give up being art. ~ Anselm Kiefer,
403:I have to take responsibility for anything that happened within its businesses. ~ Kenneth Lay,
404:I'm not going to just take office in January, I'm going to take responsibility. ~ Mitt Romney,
405:It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.
   ~ Benjamin Franklin,
406:It's frightening to be free, to have to take responsibility for your decisions. ~ Azar Nafisi,
407:It was as if the body disdained memory... or refused the responsibility of it. ~ Stephen King,
408:One can pass on responsibility, but not the discretion that goes with it. ~ Benvenuto Cellini,
409:The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, 'I've got
responsibilities. ~ Richard Bach,
410:To love a person or place is to take responsibility for its well-being. ~ Kathleen Dean Moore,
411:You not only have a right to be an individual. You have a responsibility. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
412:Your first responsibility is to yourself and to your own goodness of heart. ~ George Saunders,
413:an odd-job detective agency with fuzzy lines of authority and responsibility. ~ Bryan Burrough,
414:I feel that I'm very blessed. But with great blessings come great responsibility. ~ Kanye West,
415:I was raised to believe that everybody has a responsibility to their community. ~ Mary Travers,
416:Our only responsibility is to live our own life and take care of our own children. ~ Leon Kass,
417:Responsibility is the admission that you have a role in this game called life. ~ Asa Don Brown,
418:take responsibility for finding it. It is only by grace of the second type ~ Nathaniel Branden,
419:Taking responsibility takes all the joy out of life, and drains a man to dust. ~ Robert Jordan,
420:To ask another man’s blessing is simply to avoid taking the responsibility. ~ Bernard Cornwell,
421:We have a responsibility to carry the baton of faith to the next generation. ~ Christine Caine,
422:Yes, I did feel a special responsibility to be the first American woman in space. ~ Sally Ride,
423:Your responsibility as a parent is never great as the case is with the mother. ~ Fran Lebowitz,
424:Accepting responsibility for our problems is thus the first step to solving them. ~ Mark Manson,
425:Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
426:All this responsibility at such an early age made her a bitchy flibbertigibbet. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
427:Believing anything in life is fated is just a way to avoid taking responsibility. ~ Margot Hunt,
428:Civic education and civic responsibility should be taught in elementary school. ~ Donna Brazile,
429:Command & Query Responsibility Segregation and the Event Sourcing patterns. The ~ Anonymous,
430:Even Though Your Wounds Are Not Your Fault, Your Healing Is Still Your Responsibility ~ Unknown,
431:Excuses are a time thief. Have a goal, accept responsibility, and take action! ~ Steve Maraboli,
432:freedom with responsibility is the only sound basis for personal happiness. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
433:Good teachers and trainers know that the exercise of power is a responsibility: ~ Eric Greitens,
434:I do not like giving advice: it is incurring an unnecessary responsibility. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
435:I have just taken on a great responsibility. I will do my utmost to meet it. ~ Chester W Nimitz,
436:I’m saying people can be real creative when it comes to ducking responsibility. You ~ Matt Ruff,
437:Leadership is not a license to do less. Leadership is a responsibility to do more ~ Simon Sinek,
438:Liberty trains for liberty. Responsibility is the first step in responsibility. ~ W E B Du Bois,
439:Life is what you make of it, and our greatest responsibility is not to waste it. ~ Emily Hemmer,
440:Next to the assumption of power was the responsibility of relinquishing it. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
441:Pressure and responsibility are driving forces, but only knowledge creates power. ~ Katie Cross,
442:The corporation cannot be ethical, its only responsibility is to make a profit. ~ Jim Hightower,
443:The leader sees leadership as responsibility rather than as rank and privilege. ~ Peter Drucker,
444:There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility ~ Stieg Larsson,
445:We become leaders when we accept the responsibility to protect those in our care. ~ Simon Sinek,
446:Why did the Lord give use so much quickness unless it was to avoid responsibility? ~ Ogden Nash,
447:At the root of resilience is the willingness to take responsibility for results. ~ Eric Greitens,
448:It is not size or age that separates children from adults. It is responsibility. ~ Jules Feiffer,
449:Responsibility is our ability to respond to a situation. We always have a choice. ~ Louise L Hay,
450:The best way to develop responsibility in people is to give them responsibility. ~ Ken Blanchard,
451:The passengers were on my aircraft, and I have to take responsibility for that. ~ Tony Fernandes,
452:The primary responsibility of the mother is the nurture of those children. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
453:There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility. ~ Steig Larsson,
454:There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility. ~ Stieg Larsson,
455:The responsibility of the great states is to serve and not to dominate the world. ~ Harry Truman,
456:Those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. ~ Nicolas Cage,
457:What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
458:Any actor worth his salt has a responsibility to reinvent himself from part to part. ~ Matt Smith,
459:Because we bear responsibility for our own actions alone. Not for anyone else’s. ~ Tess Gerritsen,
460:If you don’t take responsibility for programming yourself, then someone else will. ~ Paul McKenna,
461:In Islam, it is not just your right, but your responsibility to get education. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
462:I see my love of country imbued with a responsibility to bear witness to its faults. ~ Dan Rather,
463:Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy. ~ Milton H Erickson,
464:Maturity doesn’t come with age. It begins with the acceptance of responsibility. ~ John C Maxwell,
465:My dogs are a priority and a big responsibility... but the payoffs are well worth it ~ Will Estes,
466:So, I have the responsibility of making sure that HUD functions and runs well. ~ Alphonso Jackson,
467:Voting is a civic sacrament - the highest responsibility we have as Americans. ~ Christine Pelosi,
468:We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility ~ Thomas Szasz,
469:What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
470:Work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
471:Art is no crime. It's every artist's responsibility to make art that is meaningful ~ Shirin Neshat,
472:But I can't take responsibility for criminal conduct of somebody inside the company. ~ Kenneth Lay,
473:I believe I have a personal responsibility to make a positive impact on society. ~ Anthony S Fauci,
474:I’m a wizard. That means I have power, and power and responsibility go hand in hand. ~ Jim Butcher,
475:I'm willing to deal with the consequences and accept responsibility for my actions. ~ Michael Vick,
476:I take having a kids' show real seriously. I think it's an enormous responsibility. ~ Paul Reubens,
477:I think in times of crisis it's the artists' responsibility to dig a little deeper. ~ Bruce Pavitt,
478:It is the essence of responsibility to put the public good ahead of personal gain ~ Robert Kennedy,
479:I would take responsibility for the fight. (I seemed to always take the blame!) ~ Malala Yousafzai,
480:Like many wealthy Americans, he was imbued with a sense of civic responsibility ~ Anthony Horowitz,
481:My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility. ~ Dalai Lama,
482:Overthrow the bureaucracy, and return to a system based on human responsibility. ~ Philip K Howard,
483:People have a responsibility, especially with today's media, to read between the lines. ~ Rob Lowe,
484:The voluntary approach to corporate social responsibility has failed in many cases. ~ David Suzuki,
485:To live a life of honesty and integrity is a responsibility of every decent person. ~ Noam Chomsky,
486:We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. ~ Jim Rohn,
487:You must take responsibility for your own life and make full use of your gifts. ~ Joanne Guidoccio,
488:As a person of color, there's no getting around the reality of its responsibility. ~ Benjamin Bratt,
489:Every right is married to a duty, every freedom owes a corresponding responsibility. ~ Russell Kirk,
490:God is absolutely sovereign, but his sovereignty never mitigates human responsibility. ~ D A Carson,
491:I don't personally feel a responsibility to be a role model, but as the actor, I do. ~ Chris Colfer,
492:I felt a responsibility to present a viable alternative to the popular electric sound. ~ Ron Carter,
493:If we don't take responsibility for ourselves, someone else will take it for you. ~ James Wasserman,
494:I owe the baby my life. I owe this baby everything and I have a responsibility now. ~ Nicole Richie,
495:I think it is the responsibility of a citizen of any country to say what he thinks. ~ Harold Pinter,
496:I think the greater responsibility, in terms of morality, is where leadership begins. ~ Norman Lear,
497:it was never your responsibility. You are not—were not—responsible for his actions. ~ Dot Hutchison,
498:Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. —GEORGE BERNARD SHAW ~ Timothy Ferriss,
499:Modeling is the secret to instilling a sense of responsibility about personal belongings. ~ Jim Fay,
500:Moral courage further demands that you assume the responsibility for your own acts. ~ Napoleon Hill,
501:Power without responsibility - the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages. ~ Stanley Baldwin,
502:Responsibility for it lies in the intolerance that can take over a person’s mind. ~ Haruki Murakami,
503:The artistic temperament is too often only an alibi for lack of responsibility.... ~ Edmund Crispin,
504:The Establishment likes people who take no responsibility and cannot respect themselves. ~ Yoko Ono,
505:The foremost corporate responsibility is to serve others so well you produce a profit. ~ James Cook,
506:There is a fine line between censorship and good taste and moral responsibility. ~ Steven Spielberg,
507:There's a lot of power and responsibility that comes with owning who you are as a woman. ~ Mia Goth,
508:The virtuous man is driven by responsibility, the non-virtuous man is driven by profit. ~ Confucius,
509:We can take responsibility for our attitudes and focus on our strengths and our joys. ~ Mary Pipher,
510:You don't just choose a name at random. A name is a name. A major responsibility. ~ Silvana de Mari,
511:Your body and mind is your own. Your happiness is your responsibility and your right. ~ Lucy Parker,
512:Any confusion of responsibility and ownership in our lives is a problem of boundaries. ~ Henry Cloud,
513:I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility. ~ Audrey Hepburn,
514:If you have a child, I said, you have a responsibility at least to stay alive. ~ Christiane Amanpour,
515:I'm slammed with an identity that can no longer say a word; mute with responsibility. ~ Kate Millett,
516:it's my responsibility to cultivate the man in my son. I can't be passive about that. ~ Randy Alcorn,
517:Karma means ultimate responsibility. You even take responsibility for your genetics. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
518:Never assume that people in positions of responsibility are behaving responsibly. ~ David McCullough,
519:Real leadership is not about prestige, power, or status. It is about responsibility. ~ Robert L Joss,
520:Take responsiblilty for yourself because no one's going to take responsibility for you. ~ Tyra Banks,
521:The best way to avoid trouble is to share responsibility,” his father had taught him. ~ Paulo Coelho,
522:The only corporate social responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits. ~ Milton Friedman,
523:The overuse of prescription drugs provides a vacation from personal responsibility. ~ Bruce H Lipton,
524:The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager. ~ Peter Drucker,
525:The responsibility of the great states is to serve, and not to dominate, the world. ~ Harry S Truman,
526:True education flowers at the point when delight falls in love with responsibility. ~ Philip Pullman,
527:We have to do the best we are capable of. This is our sacred human responsibility. ~ Albert Einstein,
528:A child was a brief and blissful interlude of responsibility, not a thing to be owned. ~ David Hewson,
529:All of us are flawed. It is our responsibility to find ways around those inherent issues. ~ Mark Tufo,
530:Anything that lifts responsibility for our actions is addictive, I’ve found. So ~ Catherine Ryan Hyde,
531:Give responsibility to persons of character and courage; and watch them change the world. ~ Anonymous,
532:I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. ~ John Wayne,
533:I just think it's my responsibility as a human being and an entertainer to see the soldiers. ~ Coolio,
534:I'm the youngest in a family where I didn't have to take responsibility for much. ~ Jennifer Lawrence,
535:In the abstract conception of universal wrong, all concrete responsibility vanishes. ~ Theodor Adorno,
536:It's not someone else's responsibility to honor my marriage. It's my responsibility. ~ David Duchovny,
537:Love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust. ~ Bell Hooks,
538:Love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust. ~ bell hooks,
540:No greater responsibility can rest upon a man, than to be a teacher of God's children ~ David O McKay,
541:Now I'm his dad, I live for [my son]. I have a responsibility. It's a big responsibility. ~ DJ Khaled,
542:Our first responsibility in the midst of violence is to prevent it from destroying us. ~ Henri Nouwen,
543:Responsibility is the possibility of opportunity culminating in inevitable fulfillment. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
544:Take responsibility for your fate. You still may not succeed, but at least you’ll try. ~ Guy Kawasaki,
545:The evasion of responsibility is the major cause of most peoples frustrations and defeats. ~ Ayn Rand,
546:The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. ~ Max DePree,
547:The rise of “teamwork” has made it difficult to trace individual responsibility, ~ Matthew B Crawford,
548:True compassion is universal in scope. It is accompanied by a feeling of responsibility. ~ Dalai Lama,
549:When people are in a group, in other words, responsibility for acting is diffused. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
550:You have a responsibility to confront the war games - the American killing machine. ~ Philip Berrigan,
551:Blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility. ~ James Redfield,
552:Education must assume full responsibility to enter the moral and spiritual lives of pupils. ~ Sai Baba,
553:For good or ill, I'm a person of leadership. I do my best. I don't dodge responsibility. ~ Gerry Adams,
554:I accept full responsibility for what I wrote and apologize to everyone who was offended. ~ Amy Pascal,
555:I feel a responsibility to my backyard. I want it to be taken care of and protected. ~ Annie Leibovitz,
556:I have a responsibility to lead, in more ways than one, and I take that very seriously. ~ LeBron James,
557:In some ways, it is easier to be a dissident, for then one is without responsibility. ~ Nelson Mandela,
558:Jefferson was ambivalent about executive power – until he bore executive responsibility. ~ Jon Meacham,
559:no problem can be solved until an individual assumes the responsibility for solving it. ~ M Scott Peck,
560:responsibility, had been shifted from the president’s weakening shoulders. It was now up ~ Jeff Shaara,
561:Sometimes, a responsibility can be the only glue that keeps a person from falling apart. ~ Jyoti Arora,
562:The    best way       to avoid responsibility is to say, “I’ve got    responsibilities. ~ Richard Bach,
563:The most important responsibility we have on this planet is to take care of one another. ~ Miley Cyrus,
564:There is accumulation. There is responsibility. And beyond this there is great unrest. ~ Julian Barnes,
565:The worst kind of job to have is a job with lots of responsibility and very little power. ~ E J Dionne,
566:To fall in love means to fall into something... And that something is responsibility. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
567:Your responsibility is not to the people you're making the gift for, but the gift itself. ~ John Green,
568:1. Build a culture around the idea of freedom and responsibility, within a framework. ~ James C Collins,
569:accepting personal responsibility for everything you experience is critical to ultimately ~ Mike Dooley,
570:always stressed that the comforts they enjoyed came with a responsibility to give back. ~ George W Bush,
571:Does a human being know the responsibility he has to himself and to all of mankind ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
572:Each individual has a universal responsibility to shape institutions to serve human needs. ~ Dalai Lama,
573:...every man shares the responsibility and the guilt of the society to which he belongs. ~ Henrik Ibsen,
574:Having been given that public trust, we have a responsibility to share with the public. ~ Steve Squyres,
575:Humans have more moral responsibility perhaps, because they are capable of reasoning. ~ Richard Dawkins,
576:I don't like having the power to take away someone's death. It's too much responsibility. ~ Lisa McMann,
577:I don’t think Will Herondale and a sense of responsibility are even on speaking terms ~ Cassandra Clare,
578:I know I have a responsibility as a role model to children and I try to fulfill that. ~ Mario Balotelli,
579:I see the work the pope has to do. It is a huge responsibility. Nobody campaigns for it. ~ Angelo Scola,
580:Life always gets harder toward the summit—the cold increases, responsibility increases. ~ Matthew Quick,
581:Now, I'm getting a little older, got more responsibility, I don't need to be depressed. ~ Noah Hathaway,
582:personal power is directly tied to personal responsibility, which most people avoid. ~ Brendon Burchard,
583:Rousseau created a new responsibility for evil; neither God nor man but human society. ~ Ernst Cassirer,
584:The last reason many of us overspend is that we have a lack of personal responsibility. ~ Laura D Adams,
585:The only way we can change our world is to take responsibility for our part in it. ~ Rachael Bermingham,
586:You just have to be strong and don't be stupid; freedom of choice is a big responsibility. ~ Jonah Hill,
587:You should never take responsibility for more children than you can give attention to. ~ James Redfield,
588:you should never take responsibility for more children than you can give attention to. ~ James Redfield,
589:accept complete responsibility for yourself, your life, and your results, with no excuses, ~ Brian Tracy,
590:Accepting responsibility for the actions of others contributes to your own greatness. ~ Edwin Louis Cole,
591:A person has the right, and I think the responsibility, to develop all of their talents. ~ Jessye Norman,
592:Art is a visual language, and Christians have a responsibility to learn that language. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
593:As believers, we all have the responsibility to leverage our wealth for kingdom purposes. ~ Andy Stanley,
594:A tremendous social responsibility comes with being a successful public performer. ~ A Bartlett Giamatti,
595:[...] god's cowardly, it doesn't want to know or take responsibility for what it's doing. ~ Steve Aylett,
596:If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams. ~ Les Brown,
597:i know that i am young, but i am ready for the great responsibility that lies before me. ~ Daisy Goodwin,
598:I really need people to take responsibility for the kind of energy they bring to me. ~ Jill Bolte Taylor,
599:responsibility on the individual, on the bootstraps with which she ought pull herself up. ~ Sarah Smarsh,
600:She was learning at breakneck speed that the price of freedom was responsibility. ~ Michael Z Williamson,
601:Since when does a militarily occupied people have the responsibility for a peace movement? ~ Edward Said,
602:Students and their families carry more responsibility for student success in the East. ~ Andy Hargreaves,
603:Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility. ~ Ambrose Bierce,
604:If you need ownership and responsibility from core workers, patriarchy can't get you there. ~ Peter Block,
605:If you're serious about being an architect, you've got to learn how to take responsibility. ~ Frank Gehry,
606:I lay there under the stars and thought of what a great responsibility it is to be human. ~ Donald Miller,
607:I mean, there's hell freezing over, pigs flying, and then there's me and responsibility. ~ Kristi Charish,
608:It is pretty hard to talk about responsibility unless you have exercised it yourself. ~ William J Clinton,
609:It's a big responsibility dating me. Because I come with a little bit of baggage, you know? ~ Demi Lovato,
610:Maybe the body is taking responsibility where the mind is not. It's scrapbooking for us. ~ Heidi Julavits,
611:No opposition politician has ever taken responsibility for his or her election failures. ~ Alexei Navalny,
612:Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom. ~ Horst Kohler,
613:The greater the feeling of responsibility for the person the more true love there is. ~ Pope John Paul II,
614:The man assumed office almost four years ago - isn't it about time he assumed responsibility? ~ Paul Ryan,
615:There is a certain responsibility that accrued to me when I got to this unexpected position. ~ Bill Gates,
616:There is a source of power in each of us that we don't realize until we take responsibility. ~ Diane Nash,
617:The young British players need to take responsibility themselves for their form and ability. ~ Tim Henman,
618:We can have peace and brotherly love by accepting our responsibility to preserve freedom. ~ Ronald Reagan,
619:An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual. ~ Robert Baden Powell,
620:As I held her I was overcome by a wash of feelings: love, protectiveness, responsibility… ~ Jake Remington,
621:Gymnastics taught me everything - life lessons, responsibility and discipline and respect. ~ Shawn Johnson,
622:I feel the responsibility to make things which on some level have something positive to say. ~ Judd Apatow,
623:if we don’t feel any responsibility for each other, who’s ever going to care about us? ~ Alexandra Bracken,
624:I only want the truth to be known, for everyone to take responsibility for their actions. ~ Jerome Kerviel,
625:I think it's my responsibility, to speak up when something threatens our very future. ~ Benjamin Netanyahu,
626:It is a great privilege, as well as our responsibility, to pray for our government leaders. ~ Billy Graham,
627:It's all a question of imagination. Our responsibility begins with the power to imagine. ~ Haruki Murakami,
628:It was not enough that she had never loved him. Love had nothing to do with responsibility. ~ Pearl S Buck,
629:I would never want the responsibility of being the prettiest girl on screen; it's too much. ~ Rumer Willis,
630:Neither claimed any responsibility for Milton Keynes, but both reported it as a success. ~ Terry Pratchett,
631:Nothing grates more on me than the vocabulary of moral intent and social responsibility. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
632:So you ask yourself: Am I willing to take responsibility for my life, in word and in deed? ~ Eric Greitens,
633:The lack of fiscal responsibility is one of the main reasons I finally left my old Party. ~ Lincoln Chafee,
634:There is no difference between machine autonomy and the abdication of human responsibility. ~ Jaron Lanier,
635:Wait for a miracle and it will never come. Take responsibility and you'll invite a miracle. ~ Laura Berman,
636:We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. ~ Barack Obama,
637:When God gives us a talent it is our responsibility to hone it for His purpose and glory ~ Yoshiko Sakurai,
638:When I am creating art, I have absolutely no social responsibility. It's like dreaming. ~ David Cronenberg,
639:When we decide to be happy we accept the responsibility to bring happiness to someone else. ~ Maya Angelou,
640:You think I have the responsibilty... I have the responsibility to give the fans a good time! ~ Thom Yorke,
641:A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility ~ Tom Brokaw,
642:Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the bitter joy of responsibility. ~ Charles de Gaulle,
643:All the shrewdness of 'man' seeks one thing: to be able to live without responsibility. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
644:As an Italian-American, I have a special responsibility to be sensitive to ethnic stereotypes. ~ Al D Amato,
645:As young Americans, you have an important responsibility, which is to become good citizens. ~ George W Bush,
646:I believe it is the responsibility of every generation to reach their generation for Christ. ~ Jack Wyrtzen,
647:I completely understand the responsibility I have in continuing the sonic style that I have created. ~ Mika,
648:I don’t think I’d want it; it’s a lot of responsibility to hold a person’s heart in your hands. ~ Jenny Han,
649:If you're man enough to fuck someone, be man enough to take responsibility for the results. ~ Suzanne Enoch,
650:I have a natural affinity with children and adults who can't accept adult responsibility. ~ Dexter Fletcher,
651:I'm no saint, but there are times when I simply cannot sanction freedom from responsibility. ~ Jim Steranko,
652:I'm not sure why I've always assumed that the responsibility of a conversation falls on me. ~ Julie Buxbaum,
653:It is imperative to base your life on yourself, to take responsibility for your own happiness. ~ Josei Toda,
654:It is the responsibility of the living to make meaningful the sacrifices of the dead. ~ Stephen R Donaldson,
655:It is your responsibility to change the society if you think yourself as an educated person ~ James Baldwin,
656:I wanted to leave my decision-making behind, along with my responsibility for all future ones. ~ Hugh Howey,
657:Modern politics has become little more than shirking responsibility and blaming somebody else. ~ Ross Perot,
658:People need responsibility. They resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it. ~ John Steinbeck,
659:Responsibility means being able to respond to whatever situation you may face in your life. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
660:The entire world gave men the responsibility for everything in it except for their dicks. ~ Karin Slaughter,
661:The European model is in danger if we obliterate the principle of personal responsibility. ~ Jacques Delors,
662:Wealth and power don’t go together. Power cannot be brokered. To me, power is responsibility. ~ Nita Ambani,
663:You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologize. ~ Tim Kaine,
664:Accepting both the opportunity and the responsibility evokes a great deal of humility. ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson,
665:A meaningful apology is one that communicates three R's: regret, responsibility, and remedy. ~ Beverly Engel,
666:And I take full responsibility for my actions and whatever consequences my peers see fit. ~ Kenneth Williams,
667:A person of responsibility can trust himself to choose the right thing over the easy thing. ~ John C Maxwell,
668:Becoming artistic directors is an enormous responsibility and not one that we take lightly. ~ Cate Blanchett,
669:But any perception of this application being speeded up requires me to take responsibility. ~ David Blunkett,
670:Creative people tend to pass the responsibility for getting down to brass tacks to others. ~ Theodore Levitt,
671:I have a responsibility to tell the truth. The truth about what we`ve done, and what we`ll do. ~ Rick Snyder,
672:It is a misuse of our power to take responsibility for solving problems that belong to others. ~ Peter Block,
673:It was the responsibility of the living to make meaningful the sacrifices of the dead. ~ Stephen R Donaldson,
674:Nature has come to a point where now, unless you take individual responsibility, you cannot grow. ~ Rajneesh,
675:Responsibility and fault often appear together in our culture. But they're not the same thing. ~ Mark Manson,
676:The boy who became a man progressed from darkness and unlearning to light and responsibility. ~ Stephen King,
677:The responsibility of a writer is to excavate the experience of the people who produced him. ~ James Baldwin,
678:The time has come to accept in our hearts and minds that with freedom comes responsibility. ~ Nelson Mandela,
679:Those who cannot think or take responsibility for themselves need, and clamor for, a leader. ~ Hermann Hesse,
680:To the frustrated, freedom from responsibility is more attractive than freedom from restraint. ~ Eric Hoffer,
681:We need to get back to a level of social responsibility that we haven't seen for a long time. ~ Billy Corgan,
682:With success comes more responsibility, a larger size of existence, which is uncomfortable. ~ Lupita Nyong o,
683:witness the sad demise of fundamental Western values. Pride. Order. Personal responsibility. ~ Richard Russo,
684:You never can tell what’s going to happen to a man until he gets to a place of responsibility, ~ Jon Meacham,
685:You were born free by accident. You live free by choice. To die free is your responsibility. ~ Russel Honore,
686:Being on camera, you have a responsibility to look good. If you don't, you'll hear about it. ~ Jennifer Lopez,
687:By perceiving ourselves as part of the river, we take responsibility for the river as a whole. ~ Vaclav Havel,
688:Excuses should be laughed at, not dignified. Excuses and responsibility cannot coexist. It’s ~ Tommy Newberry,
689:however peaceful you may wish to be, we all have the responsibility to rise up against evil. ~ Michelle Moran,
690:In a world of lies and liars, an honest work of art is always an act of social responsibility. ~ Robert McKee,
691:It is not your responsibility to make them follow the right path; God guides whomever He pleases. ~ Anonymous,
692:Orderly discipline and morale within an army was the responsibility of the Division Commander. ~ Iwane Matsui,
693:Science has brought us power and ideas but not the wisdom or responsibility to handle them. ~ Peter J Carroll,
694:The neurotic assumes too much responsibility; the person with a character disorder not enough. ~ M Scott Peck,
695:To keep our hearts open is probably the most urgent responsibility you have as you get older. ~ Leonard Cohen,
696:What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews. ~ Anne Frank,
697:because blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility. ~ James Redfield,
698:Clearly, we are not all ruined, and if we are, at some point it becomes our own responsibility. ~ Ann Patchett,
699:Fortunately, when you're a mom, the responsibility of caring for your child can keep you going. ~ Shania Twain,
700:He had been younger and easier then, unfettered by anything like responsibility or wisdom. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
701:I had to help to coax the performances and I really enjoyed that extra responsibility. ~ Christopher Eccleston,
702:I have always looked for ways to give back because I think it's a responsibility we all share. ~ Avril Lavigne,
703:I love the responsibility of being a Victoria's Secret spokesmodel. It's a great life skill. ~ Erin Heatherton,
704:It’s what people do. They believe. And then they will not take responsibility for their beliefs; ~ Neil Gaiman,
705:Loving anybody and being loved by anybody is a tremendous danger, a tremendous responsibility. ~ James Baldwin,
706:Only when a patient sees and admits his own responsibility can individual treatment be considered. ~ Carl Jung,
707:The reason why kids are crazy is because nobody can face the responsibility of bringing them up. ~ John Lennon,
708:The responsibility of a writer is to excavate the experience of the people who produced him. ~ James A Baldwin,
709:The ultimate step in taking responsibility is making sure our actions line up with our words. ~ John C Maxwell,
710:The writer has no responsibility other than to jack off in bed alone and write a good page. ~ Charles Bukowski,
711:Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace. ~ Dalai Lama,
712:We have been given the privilege and responsibility of living on Earth to see it isn't ruined. ~ Allen Johnson,
713:When you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take responsibility when other people act on it. ~ Jay Asher,
714:With glory came responsibility, blame, and a circus I didn’t have enough fucks to put up with. ~ Garrett Leigh,
715:You are the person who determines what you do. That's a big responsibility. Make the most of it. ~ Ron Kaufman,
717:And along with shift work comes a kind of shiftiness, a subtle undercutting of responsibility. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
718:A play that forces us to question our moral responsibility to the victims of human rights abuse. ~ Lynn Nottage,
719:As long as one person lives in darkness then it seems to be a responsibility to tell other people. ~ Bill Hicks,
720:As spiritual beings, what is our responsibility to the world? I'm interested in your viewpoints. ~ @CathyGinter,
721:Entitlement is the belief that I am exempt from responsibility and I am owed special treatment. ~ John Townsend,
722:Everybody is looking for a reason to not to take responsibility for their own actions in hand. ~ Clint Eastwood,
723:For me, socialism has always been about liberty and solidarity, but also about responsibility. ~ Jacques Delors,
724:I am worrying about my country. I feel I have a responsibility as a novelist to do something. ~ Haruki Murakami,
725:I feel I'll take on the responsibility of showing the world a whole different kind of Latin woman. ~ Eva Mendes,
726:In all, Nigeria belongs to us all and we have a personal responsibility to see that it succeeds ~ Fela Durotoye,
727:I think that what scares me more than getting fat during pregnancy is the responsibility of a child ~ Carol Alt,
728:Once you do learn about the truth, you end up having to take a certain responsibility for it. ~ Haruki Murakami,
729:Our responsibility, in medicine, is to deal with human beings as they are. People die only once. ~ Atul Gawande,
730:People love freedom - but nobody wants responsibility. And they come together, they are inseparable. ~ Rajneesh,
731:She was suffering the first pang of maturity's burden, the knowledge of responsibility misused. ~ Henry Kuttner,
732:To live means to buy, to buy means to have power, to have power means to have responsibility. ~ Florence Kelley,
733:we’re all prisoners. Prisoners of expectations, prisoners of responsibility, prisoners of life. ~ Courtney Cole,
734:Women will never be taken seriously until they accept full responsibility for their sexuality. ~ Camille Paglia,
735:As long as you expect someone or something else to take responsibility for you, you’re a child. ~ Charles Stross,
736:Historically, the responsibility for voting on the debt limit has gone to the party in the majority. ~ Jacob Lew,
737:If you can’t take responsibility for your own well-being, you will never take control over it. ~ Jennifer Hudson,
738:I have no family. My only responsibility is the welfare of Quebec. I belong to the province. ~ Maurice Duplessis,
739:I've always said that the better off you are, the more responsibility you have for helping others ~ Carlos Slim,
740:The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead. ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
741:the simple fact of bearing a responsibility can be something that gives meaning to life. ~ John Ajvide Lindqvist,
742:This is your life and you have the right and responsibility to make good decisions for yourself. ~ Bryant McGill,
743:To be rich is your birthright (Revelation 5:12); the saving of every soul is your responsibility. ~ Bill Winston,
744:We have a responsibility and an obligation to do everything we can to try to make this work. ~ John Hickenlooper,
745:Wicca puts the responsibility for running our lives back where it belongs – in our own hands. ~ Vivianne Crowley,
746:Yet this disburdening gives us fewer occasions for the experience of direct responsibility. ~ Matthew B Crawford,
747:Your only responsibility as a writer is to be true to the story that has chosen you as its writer. ~ Jean Little,
748:A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences of his own doing. ~ Bruce Lee,
749:As Christians, we have an obligation and responsibility to abide by the principles of the Bible. ~ S Truett Cathy,
750:I don't think any of us should forget that the security of America is our highest responsibility. ~ Ronald Reagan,
751:If and when family planning is the responsibility of females, males are best kept under lock and key. ~ Nell Zink,
752:I have nothing against respecting people who lived before, but we have no responsibility toward them. ~ Leon Kass,
753:In short, organizations do not need a committee — they need something called a responsibility matrix. ~ Anonymous,
754:I strongly prefer to know whose responsibility it is when I identify what I consider to be a problem. ~ Anonymous,
755:It is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only an intermediate link in a chain of action. ~ Stanley Milgram,
756:... Our ability to reason has not given us special status, only a greater responsibility. ~ Joseph M Marshall III,
757:The development of a love of medium and a responsibility for one's own pictures is an overall goal. ~ Minor White,
758:The essence of responsibility is the acceptance of the consequences—good and bad—of your actions. ~ Eric Greitens,
759:The number one responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow. ~ Ron Paul,
760:To be an artist is to take responsibility for the world's destiny. You shape it by your vision. ~ Laurence Gartel,
761:where curiosity could be assuaged, prestige maintained, and personal responsibility dissolved. With ~ Ngaio Marsh,
762:Clean air is a basic right. The responsibility to ensure that falls to Congress and the president. ~ Thomas Carper,
763:Command responsibility sometimes meant having to make decisions based on incomplete information.  ~ Mark Henrikson,
764:however, when our own lack of love or responsibility causes the suffering, pain becomes our teacher. ~ Henry Cloud,
765:I do feel a lot of times like I'm out of my league with my kids in terms of what my responsibility is. ~ Louis C K,
766:I have the responsibility to work hard and get ready so we can take this team where we need to go. ~ Philip Rivers,
767:I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. ~ Bob Dylan,
768:It's our responsibility to pass on what we inherited, not to squander it, but to build on it. ~ Christine Gregoire,
769:Membership in a conspiracy, as in an army, frees people from the sense of personal responsibility. ~ Frank Herbert,
770:My responsibility is to get the story right. I can't predict or be concerned with the consequences. ~ Tom Verducci,
771:One person doesn't have to shoulder all the responsibility for why a film does or doesn't do well. ~ Kevin Costner,
772:Responsibility is not doing as we are told, that's obedience. Responsibility is doing what is right. ~ Simon Sinek,
773:Slow Food unites the pleasure of food with responsibility, sustainability and harmony with nature. ~ Carlo Petrini,
774:To avoid taking responsibility, I become unresponsive but hang on until the other person leaves me. ~ Mason Cooley,
775:We must see the new Nigeria The Nigeria We Want we must accept personal responsibility to build it ~ Fela Durotoye,
776:We're all responsible. I'm the leader, the captain of the ship, and I have to take responsibility. ~ Alan Trammell,
777:Whatever else there may be in our nature, responsibility toward truth is one of its attributes. ~ Arthur Eddington,
778:When you have parents who are a little out of their minds, somebody has to take responsibility. ~ Shannon Woodward,
779:Winston Churchill said that ‘the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. ~ Robin S Sharma,
780:With freedom goes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by the individual himself. ~ Ronald Reagan,
781:Work well done is not only a responsibility to yourselves and society; it is also an emotional need. ~ Carlos Slim,
782:Your first step in taking responsibility is to quit blaming others and quit blaming the world. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
783:Your responsibility is to be an explorer, not a tourist in this adventure that is your life. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
784:Blame is a sort of comfort food for the soul. It diverts us from the effort of owning responsibility. ~ Henry Cloud,
785:Businesses should be focused on business and social responsibility should be government responsibility. ~ Terry Gou,
786:Follow the three R's: - Respect for self. - Respect for others. - Responsibility for all your actions. ~ Dalai Lama,
787:Good governance depends on ability to take responsibility by both administration as well as people. ~ Narendra Modi,
788:Grace does not cancel out our responsibility or accountability for the things God has given us to do. ~ Mike Bickle,
789:Her hand was calloused and the nails ragged and broken; it felt heavy in his, like responsibility. ~ Robin Oliveira,
790:I felt weary of the responsibility of owning houses and was glad enough to pass mine on to others. ~ Lillie Langtry,
791:I'm not sure I understand how responsibility for our choices makes sense if they are not determined. ~ Thomas Nagel,
792:I still totally believe in individual rights and individual responsibility and in choosing to do good. ~ Neil Peart,
793:Life always gets harder towards the summit - the cold increases, responsibility increases ~ Barbara Taylor Bradford,
794:My films have always been considered the benchmark in action. I have a big responsibility to shoulder. ~ Sunny Deol,
795:Our responsibility is much greater than we might have supposed, because it involves all mankind. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
796:Taking credit for what a child did well also meant accepting responsibility for what they did wrong. ~ Jodi Picoult,
797:The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond. ~ Robert Baden Powell,
798:The problem for me with liberals is that we've abdicated our moral responsibility to the universe. ~ Sherman Alexie,
799:This is the new politics. Personal responsibility. Not leaving it to others. I am my planet's keeper. ~ Hilary Benn,
800:To charge someone with love is a great responsibility; there will be an equal yet unexpected reaction. ~ Malinda Lo,
801:U.S. Constitution declares rather unambiguously that Congress has the responsibility to “declare war. ~ Marvin Kalb,
802:When people see light of trust, respect and responsibility in you. You are successful. You are a leader. ~ Amit Ray,
803:You have no greater responsibility than to determine what God put you here on earth to accomplish. ~ Tommy Newberry,
804:A gentleman accepts the responsibility of his actions and bears the burden of their consequences. ~ William Faulkner,
805:A leader's responsibility is to cause a vision and mission to have tangible results in the real world. ~ Henry Cloud,
806:And when you’re lucky, like my family always has been, it’s your responsibility to do the right thing. ~ Ally Condie,
807:A right without an attendant responsibility is as unreal as a sheet of paper which has only one side. ~ Felix Morley,
808:But the simple fact of bearing a responsibility can be something that gives meaning to life. ~ John Ajvide Lindqvist,
809:Fellowship is not just a social privilege to enjoy; it is more basically a responsibility to assume. ~ Jerry Bridges,
810:If you individualize an audience, it helps up the stakes of your responsibility to that audience. ~ Norbert Leo Butz,
811:I played Iris Murdoch, who had not long died, and I felt the responsibility very heavy on my shoulders. ~ Judi Dench,
812:I still love my people, not just my family - my people. I feel a huge responsibility for them. ~ Mosab Hassan Yousef,
813:I think the (brawl) made the league and the players more conscious of our responsibility to the public. ~ Joe Dumars,
814:It is India's responsibility to display its strength to the World through knowledge and innovations. ~ Narendra Modi,
815:It’s our responsibility to find people we can disciple, and it’s our responsibility to be discipled. ~ Matt Chandler,
816:It was a responsibility-free relationship; the pet frog didn’t expect me to walk, feed, or train him. ~ Janaki Lenin,
817:I wish we did have responsibility for the hair. I have been screwed up by the hair on many occasions. ~ Julie Harris,
818:Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past, let us accept our own responsibility for the future. ~ John F Kennedy,
819:Maybe that was the secret to happiness, I thought, being free of the responsibility of yourself. ~ Alexandra Kleeman,
820:Responsibility for the consequences of actions is not the price of freedom, but one of its rewards. ~ Charles Murray,
821:That’s the true power of a wizard. I know things. Knowledge is power. With power comes responsibility. ~ Jim Butcher,
822:The higher the level of knowledge and power, the greater must be our sense of moral responsibility. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
823:The people gave me the responsibility of building the future of this nation And I did it with honor. ~ Hosni Mubarak,
824:There's a responsibility in being a person. It's more than just taking up space where air would be. ~ John Steinbeck,
825:We always hear about the rights of democracy, but the major responsibility of it is participation. ~ Wynton Marsalis,
826:We humans have the ability to see beyond our species, and that ability confers a responsibility. ~ William McDonough,
827:when you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take responsibility when other people act on it. Later ~ Jay Asher,
828:Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people. ~ Seth Godin,
829:By imposing too great a responsibility, or rather, all responsibility, on yourself, you crush yourself. ~ Franz Kafka,
830:Do you blame the sword for killing? It is the hand and brain behind it which holds the responsibility! ~ Andre Norton,
831:His parents should be here soon. I shall feel happier when they are able to take the responsibility. ~ Winston Graham,
832:I am the one who got myself fat, who did all the eating. So I had to take full responsibility for it. ~ Kirstie Alley,
833:I believe I have a responsibility that goes along with the money I make. I can help a lot of people. ~ Pedro Martinez,
834:I learned the power of storytelling and the responsibility that people with influence have to speak out ~ Demi Lovato,
835:I started my political life in the Resistance. It was there that I had my first responsibility. ~ Francois Mitterrand,
836:It's a hell of a responsibility to be yourself. It's much easier to be somebody else or nobody at all. ~ Sylvia Plath,
837:Maloney / Chris Maloney Corporate Social Responsibility adds value to the brand and corporate reputation. ~ Anonymous,
838:Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
839:Our first responsibility is not to ourselves. Our first responsibility is to our country and to our God. ~ Alan Keyes,
840:..poking in the ashes of the past is just an excuse to evade personal responsibility for our actions. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
841:Responsibility will mellow and sober the youth and prepare them, for the burden they must discharge. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
842:The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potential terrorist attack. ~ Bob Etheridge,
843:There is no meaning in attributing responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
844:We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
845:When a person takes personal responsibility for his sin, he advances toward spiritual maturity. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
846:...when you hold people up for ridicule, you have the responsibility when other people act on it" -Hannah ~ Jay Asher,
847:Be quiet. Part of your responsibility is to honour the quiet inside yourself so you can hear the call. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
848:Each man must resolve within himself issues for which his society previously took full responsibility. ~ Carl R Rogers,
849:Ethics is in its unqualified form extended responsibility with regard to everything that has life. ~ Albert Schweitzer,
850:Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty. ~ John D Rockefeller,
851:Having a horse is a huge responsibility, so people should be very careful before they consider getting one. ~ Bo Derek,
852:I ask everyone with political responsibility to remember two things: human dignity and the common good. ~ Pope Francis,
853:I believe musicians have a duty, a responsibility to reach out, to share your love or pain with others. ~ James Taylor,
854:I believe strongly in an author's moral responsibility. But his first obligation is to write good books. ~ Orhan Pamuk,
855:If you're lucky enough to have done well, then it's your responsibility to send the elevator back down. ~ Kevin Spacey,
856:If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~ Abigail Van Buren,
857:I think the responsibility lies with the fashion world as a collective. We have to demand more variety. ~ Kevyn Aucoin,
858:Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation ~ C Everett Koop,
859:Restoring responsibility and accountability is essential to the economic and fiscal health of our nation. ~ Carl Levin,
860:She had the same responsibility as everybody else did: to live as softly as she could in the world. ~ Kevin Brockmeier,
861:Taking responsibility for situations, regardless of who caused them, always helps to expedite resolving ~ Scott Berkun,
862:The day you graduate from childhood to adulthood is the day you take full responsibility for your life. ~ Darren Hardy,
863:The greater the number of prescriptions, the more people's sense of personal responsibility dwindles. ~ Hans Monderman,
864:The most important thought that ever occupied my mind is that of my individual responsibility to God. ~ Daniel Webster,
865:There is no undertaking more challenging, no responsibility more awesome, than that of being a mother. ~ Gerald R Ford,
866:They must accept responsibility, recognizing that responsibility is not the same as culpability. ~ Stephen King,
867:We need to add to the three R's, namely Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic, a fourth--- RESPONSIBILITY. ~ Herbert Hoover,
868:When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others. ~ Kelley Armstrong,
869:A choice architect has the responsibility for organizing the context in which people make decisions. ~ Richard H Thaler,
870:A musicians or artists responsibility is a simple one, and that is, through your music to tell the truth. ~ Tom Morello,
871:As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else's cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours. ~ Andy Stanley,
872:As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else’s cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours. ~ Andy Stanley,
873:As the leaders and decision-makers of this great state, it is our responsibility to strive for perfection. ~ Roy Barnes,
874:Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. ~ Ambrose Bierce,
875:Formerly government was the responsibility of people; now people were the responsibility of government. ~ Garet Garrett,
876:I feel like my responsibility as an actor is to make characters as compelling and believable as possible. ~ Kevin Bacon,
877:If you take credit when things go well, you must be willing to accept responsibility when they go poorly. ~ J T Cope IV,
878:In order for a child to learn how to handle responsibility, he must be given responsibility to handle. ~ Richard Lavoie,
879:I think there is a huge responsibility upon governments to understand the consequence of their decisions. ~ Gerry Adams,
880:My responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns. ~ James G Watt,
881:One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice-president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'. ~ Dan Quayle,
882:Our first responsibility in all things is to preserve our goodness of heart - then and only then act. ~ George Saunders,
883:Power is only too happy to make football bear a diabolical responsibility for stupefying the masses. ~ Jean Baudrillard,
884:The extent to which YOU take responsibility over something is the extent to which YOU take control over it. ~ Adam Khoo,
885:The more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives, the more power we will exercise over our lives. ~ Mark Manson,
886:To make an excuse sidesteps responsibility. But to make a choice automatically assumes responsibility. ~ Brooklyn James,
887:We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
888:we need Governor Baker to say it is his responsibility to get the T running, putting an end to blame games. ~ Anonymous,
889:You can't make people smarter. You can expose them to information, but your responsibility stops there. ~ Mark Rippetoe,
890:You have chosen the pathway to your present destination. The responsibility for your situation is yours. ~ Andy Andrews,
891:You only find yourself when you disobey. Disobedience is the beginning of responsibility, I think. ~ Guillermo del Toro,
892:Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. ~ Les Brown,
893:All that children need is love, a grown-up to take responsibility for them, and a soft place to land. ~ Deborah Harkness,
894:and felt it as well to make his own freedom from responsibility quite clear without any delay. ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett,
895:Champions take responsibility. When the ball is coming over the net, you can be sure I want the ball. ~ Billie Jean King,
896:Disaster management should be coordinated by the federal government, .. It is our exact responsibility. ~ Alcee Hastings,
897:France now has a new president and he must be respected. I assume full responsibility for this defeat. ~ Nicolas Sarkozy,
898:Giving is a responsibility. It is an opportunity. And it is a blessing for every follower of Jesus Christ. ~ Greg Laurie,
899:Heterosexuality is the enjoyment with fear, the pleasure with responsibility and the lust with concerns. ~ M F Moonzajer,
900:I fought for the values of responsibility, and I'm not a man who does not accept his responsibilities. ~ Nicolas Sarkozy,
901:If you want to be positive, upbeat, and passionate, you need to take responsibility for being that way. ~ John C Maxwell,
902:I notice that when people have no sense of responsibility, you call them either criminals or geniuses. ~ Margaret Deland,
903:I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately. ~ Gordon Brown,
904:It is a noble responsibility to not back down when you know that you know that you know that you are right. ~ Criss Jami,
905:It was terrifying to have the responsibility of living in a world that was filled with so much wonder. ~ Heather O Neill,
906:I will resign as party leader to take full responsibility for troubling the public and party supporters. ~ Seiji Maehara,
907:...Laura knew the price of motherhood to be pain and responsibility; the reward, love and pride. ~ Bess Streeter Aldrich,
908:Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on. ~ Richard P Feynman,
909:Primary responsibility for Brexit lies with British conservatives, who took an entire continent hostage. ~ Martin Schulz,
910:That outgrowth of arrogance comes at a price: some people don't like is. I take responsibility for that. ~ Donny Deutsch,
911:That’s why, although other people can push you, it’s important to take responsibility to push yourself. ~ Tabatha Coffey,
912:The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace. ~ Michael Jordan,
913:The government can give citizens opportunity and it's their responsibility to take advantage of it. ~ Michael Mandelbaum,
914:The impact of armed conflict on children is everyone's responsibility. And it must be everyone's concern. ~ Graca Machel,
915:There has to a certain responsibility, whether it's TV news, online news, to sort out opinion from fact. ~ Barbara Boxer,
916:The statistician cannot evade the responsibility for understanding the process he applies or recommends. ~ Ronald Fisher,
917:The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs. ~ Joan Didion,
918:We empower ourselves every time we accept responsibility for choosing the thoughts and feelings we act on. ~ Karan Casey,
919:We have the responsibility to ensure that our first impulse in foreign affairs is one of bipartisanship. ~ Richard Lugar,
920:What I want you to know is that this is not your fault, even if it is ultimately your responsibility. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
921:When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself. ~ Miguel Ruiz,
922:Why didn't you warn us about it?' asked Richard.
'That was not our responsibility.'
Richard snorted. ~ Neil Gaiman,
923:You have a responsibility for the way you make the audience feel, and I want them to feel uncomfortable. ~ David Fincher,
924:A new position of responsibility will usually show a man to be a far stronger creature than was supposed. ~ William James,
925:Any clever person can make plans for winning a war if he has no responsibility for carrying them out. ~ Winston Churchill,
926:A woman has a responsibility and a privilege that a man doesnt have of given birth to another human being. ~ Peter Kreeft,
927:Everybody wants to take responsibility when you win, but when you fail, all these fingers are pointing. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
928:Everyone wants “freedom,” she decided, but the more free one was, the more responsibility one had. ~ Michael Z Williamson,
929:I'm an atheist how unfortunate it is to assign responsibility to the higher up for justice amongst people. ~ Ani DiFranco,
930:I'm aware of the decisions I make and the responsibility I have as a role model. I wouldn't disregard that. ~ Naomi Scott,
931:I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
932:it is 100 percent your responsibility to discover your purpose. Anything less is just people-pleasing. ~ Kevin W McCarthy,
933:It is your responsibility to find fault with me, it is mine to hear you out. But don't expect me to change. ~ John Irving,
934:Letting go of the need to control things doesn’t mean letting go of responsibility. It means embracing life. ~ Marc David,
935:Morally, no one has the right to judge anyone else. But legally, it's not a right - it's a responsibility. ~ Jodi Picoult,
936:Our responsibility is not to hoard our gifts but to use them in challenging ways so that others can benefit. ~ Jeff Goins,
937:People must take a modicum of public responsibility for each other even if they have no ties to each other. ~ Jane Jacobs,
938:sometimes life offers you something unexpected, and when it does, you have a responsibility to explore it. ~ Katy Regnery,
939:The ' pleasure' of being drunk is obviously the pleasure of escaping from the responsibility of Consciousness. ~ Ayn Rand,
940:There is accumulation. There is responsibility. And beyond these, there is unrest. There is great unrest. ~ Julian Barnes,
941:The social arrangements that produce responsibility are arrangements that create coercion, of some sort. ~ Garrett Hardin,
942:We must join with the tens of millions all over the world who see in peace our most sacred responsibility. ~ Paul Robeson,
943:With wealth, one is in a position of responsibility. You must try to help others. It is as simple as that. ~ Arpad Busson,
944:A responsible choice is a choice that creates consequences that you are willing to assume responsibility for. ~ Gary Zukav,
945:As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else’s cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours. So ~ Andy Stanley,
946:But maybe that was the trick—to accept the responsibility and forgo the control? To love without expectation? ~ Ruth Ozeki,
947:Eisenhower on LBJ: "He hadn't got the depth of mind nor the breath vision to carry great responsibility. ~ David Pietrusza,
948:Freedom of the press was not a privilege accorded journalists; it was another name for citizen responsibility. ~ Anonymous,
949:Give someone responsibility and they will do their best. Make them accountable and they will do even better. ~ Simon Sinek,
950:I know that I cannot take responsibility for other people. We are all under the law of our own consciousness. ~ Louise Hay,
951:I take responsibility only for the future, not the past. The past can't hurt you the way the future can. ~ Gregory Maguire,
952:It begins with accepting total responsibility for every aspect of your life and refusing to blame anyone else. ~ Hal Elrod,
953:I think it's unhelpful to suggest that the task of evangelism is essentially the responsibility of ministers. ~ Mark Dever,
954:I will work to restore fiscal responsibility to our country's budget and to provide for a more robust economy. ~ Ed Pastor,
955:Make good boundaries your goal. They are your right, your responsibility, your greatest source of dignity. ~ Elaine N Aron,
956:My responsibility to myself, my neighbors, my family and the human family is to try to tell the truth. ~ Toni Cade Bambara,
957:Pat thought that he had better disclaim responsibility for the misdeeds of his terrestrial predecessors. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
958:the heroic spirit of responsibility amid blood and failure. This struck me as the true image of a doctor. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
959:To have a child is the greatest honor and responsibility that can be bestowed upon any living being. ~ Christopher Paolini,
960:When people disappoint you, it's just as much your responsibility to be aware of it and what you don't want. ~ Angel Olsen,
961:After all, lies about guaranteed security are far more seductive than lectures about personal responsibility. ~ Ben Shapiro,
962:A man of power and responsibility nevertheless needs somebody to tell him when he is being a bloody fool. ~ Terry Pratchett,
963:Any clever person can make plans for winning a war if he has no responsibility for carrying them out. ~ Winston S Churchill,
964:As the lead of a movie, you really set the tone off-camera as well, and that's a really big responsibility. ~ Jenna Fischer,
965:But at least their provision was universal, and for good and ill they were regarded as a public responsibility. ~ Tony Judt,
966:But God does give us responsibility, and it takes biblical faith to do those things in dependence on God. ~ Craig Groeschel,
967:Don’t nurture a sense of guilt; rather, nurture a sense of responsibility married with a sense of humility. ~ Tariq Ramadan,
968:I know that given great responsibility men sometimes change, but Mr. Nixon's Presidency would worry me. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
969:I'm releasing myself from the responsibility of claiming to know when something is good and when it isn't. ~ Rachel Kushner,
970:In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins,
971:It does not matter whether the worker wants responsibility or not, ...The enterprise must demand it of him. ~ Peter Drucker,
972:Magic doesn't suit everyone. Only those prepared to take full responsibility for themselves should apply. ~ Peter J Carroll,
973:My circumstances of unrelieved responsibility and permanent distraction necessitated the short story form. ~ Raymond Carver,
974:My dad has no control over who works with me. Me, me and me alone has to take responsibility for anything. ~ Shane MacGowan,
975:My responsibility as an artist is to turn up at the page or the piano or the microphone. The rest is up to God. ~ Nick Cave,
976:My time was my responsibility. It was up to me and me alone to decide how I wanted to use and order my time. ~ M Scott Peck,
977:Protect him, yes, with my life; spare him of learning responsibility and to take care of himself, no. During ~ Ana Castillo,
978:Success must be approached from an ethical viewpoint. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility! ~ Grant Cardone,
979:The director I had most involvement with was Alex Rockwell. He gave me a lot of responsibility as an actor. ~ Steve Buscemi,
980:The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence ~ Denis Waitley,
981:Those who enjoy responsibility usually get it; those who merely like exercising authority usually lose it. ~ Malcolm Forbes,
982:We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
983:We share responsibility. It's important to have a good spouse; that's where I sympathize with single parents. ~ Hunter Tylo,
984:a lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done for ourselves -responsibility ~ Rupi Kaur,
985:A woman should have the ballot, because without this responsibility she cannot best develop her moral courage. ~ Jane Addams,
986:But when it comes to fiction, the writer's only responsibility is to look for the truth inside his own heart. ~ Stephen King,
987:Having intelligence, we must not act in ignorance. Having choice, we must not act without responsibility. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
988:He did it with a teacher's natural assumptions: lecturing was his responsibility, interruption his privilege. ~ Stephen King,
989:I disagree with you, but I recognize the integrity of your argument. I recognize your moral responsibility. ~ Ronald Dworkin,
990:If we wish to free ourselves from enslavement, we must choose freedom and the responsibility this entails. ~ Leo F Buscaglia,
991:I'm continuing to prepare very well because I have my responsibility and my (pride) as a man and an athlete. ~ Dayron Robles,
992:I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his [and her] freedom. ~ Bob Dylan,
993:I think the role of artists in the past was very different. Artists had less responsibility in many ways. ~ Marina Abramovic,
994:I think we make our own luck. Our parents give us life, but what we do with that life is our own responsibility. ~ Meg Cabot,
995:It's a huge responsibility to have influence and to steward it in a way that leads to God-honoring leadership. ~ Bill Hybels,
996:It's an awesome responsibility, not only to maintain the level of success the NFL has, but to build on that. ~ Roger Goodell,
997:I will always choose to believe you first. So it is your serious responsibility to be righteous in what you do. ~ Robin Hobb,
998:Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges. ~ Barack Obama,
999:Once it's everybody's responsibility and not just the household's we start making better investments. ~ Melissa Harris Perry,
1000:Responsibility to self simply means to acknowledge inner truth-our imperfections and our power, our beauty. ~ John Pierrakos,
1001:Self-care means accepting some risk, and accepting much responsibility. It is not for all people or all cases. ~ Andrew Saul,
1002:Start with the notion that yours is the sole responsibility unless there's powerful evidence to the contrary ~ Julian Barnes,
1003:The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. ~ Denis Waitley,
1004:The great guardian principle of all conduct in the church of God is personal responsibility to the Lord. ~ John Nelson Darby,
1005:The people of Zimbabwe have a responsibility to ensure that the government that they elected behaves properly. ~ Thabo Mbeki,
1006:the point is, when you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take responsibility when other people act on it. ~ Jay Asher,
1007:The responsibility of an architect is to create a sense of order, a sense of place, a sense of relationship. ~ Richard Meier,
1008:The responsibility of carrying and bringing a new life into this world is one that cannot be taken lightly. ~ Gloria Estefan,
1009:To some extent I happily don't know what I'm doing. I feel that it's an artist's responsibility to trust that. ~ David Byrne,
1010:While anonymity can be used to protect heroes, it is far more commonly used as a way to escape responsibility. ~ Kevin Kelly,
1011:a lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done for ourselves - responsibility ~ Rupi Kaur,
1012:And also, I know I have this responsibility or mission to show people, to encourage them to live their dream, too. ~ Bai Ling,
1013:As individuals, I just think that our biggest responsibility is to be self-aware, and some of us are not. ~ Pharrell Williams,
1014:Being in a rock band, I feel a certain responsibility to have a weird haircut. I mean, who else gets to do that? ~ Win Butler,
1015:I feel a sense of responsibility," said Jordan. "And where is this feeling located? In your pants, perhaps? ~ Cassandra Clare,
1016:I feel a social responsibility. We need to open people's eyes. There is a lack of education in Ethiopia. ~ Haile Gebrselassie,
1017:I just let people believe what they please. I don’t feel like it’s my responsibility to quantify myself for them. ~ Jenny Han,
1018:In any disagreement, I believe both parties are 50% wrong. Taking responsibility for your part fixes most issues. ~ L R W Lee,
1019:I think the writer makes a good story good or a good story bad. The writer has a great deal of responsibility. ~ Tom Robinson,
1020:It is always so much easier to blame someone else rather than accepting responsibility for your experiences. ~ Iyanla Vanzant,
1021:It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live. ~ Dalai Lama,
1022:I've really learned not to try to take responsibility for all things. And to keep my side of the street clean. ~ Sharon Stone,
1023:Learn to take responsibility for emotions, and to manage energies, always working within present resources. ~ Lillian Russell,
1024:My answer to your question'Does the writer have a social responsibility?' is NO.You owe me ten cents, sir. ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
1025:No one has the responsibility to be out to anyone but himself or herself. I made my choice a million years ago. ~ Lea DeLaria,
1026:Responsibility is powerful when thought of in its positive sense. It is the ability to choose our responses. ~ Steve Chandler,
1027:Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it. ~ Carrie Underwood,
1028:Taking personal responsibility is not about being "responsible" — it is about seeing your truth and evolving. ~ Bryant McGill,
1029:Taking responsibility as a co-creator with God presupposes a basic understanding of how creation works. ~ Carl Johan Calleman,
1030:That's what Humans are, too, don't forget. People who poison each other, then disclaim all responsibility. ~ Octavia E Butler,
1031:The ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility are not opposites. They are complementary to one another. ~ Max Weber,
1032:The thoughts I express, whether clearly or ambiguously, are my own and they are my individual responsibility. ~ Rudy Giuliani,
1033:We are bothered a good deal by people who assume the responsibility of the world when God is neglectful. ~ Anne Sullivan Macy,
1034:We must cultivate a universal responsibility toward each other and extend it to the planet that we have to share ~ Dalai Lama,
1035:When it comes to little girls, God the father has nothing on father, the god. It's an awesome responsibility. ~ Frank Pittman,
1036:When we realize we have the responsibility to teach the word, it changes everything about how we hear the Word. ~ David Platt,
1037:You can choose to be a victim to your circumstances or take responsibility for how you choose to perceive them. ~ Jen Sincero,
1038:You see, there's a responsibility in being a person. It's more than just taking up space where air would be. ~ John Steinbeck,
1039:A playwright has a responsibility in his society not to aid it, or comfort it, but to comment and criticize it. ~ Edward Albee,
1040:As long as I take the responsibility of the choice, I have to make the choice that is as right as possible. ~ Abbas Kiarostami,
1041:but Pat thought that he had better disclaim responsibility for the misdeeds of his terrestrial predecessors. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
1042:Delegation indicates you trust your subordinates and will make them want even more responsibility. ~ U S Department of Defense,
1043:Enron and 9/11 marked the end of an era of individual freedom and the beginning of personal responsibility. ~ Jeffrey R Immelt,
1044:I ain't got enough mad for both of y'all, so since you my responsibility, I'm gonna save all the mad for you. ~ Jason Reynolds,
1045:I do feel a responsibility. It's a privilege to be able to speak about it, but I don't speak for all gay people. ~ Damian Barr,
1046:I just had a responsibility to [Taylor Swift] as a friend you know, and I mean thanks for being so cool about it. ~ Kanye West,
1047:In a free society, government has the responsibility of protecting us from others, but not from ourselves. ~ Walter E Williams,
1048:individuals feel relieved of responsibility when they know that others have heard the same request for help. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
1049:It's none of your concern what others say or think about you. Your happiness is your own responsibility. ~ Richelle E Goodrich,
1050:I've borrowed tons of jewelry. Most people [in Hollywood] do. But it's your responsibility to keep track of it. ~ Rumer Willis,
1051:My aim is to make the viewer become aware of his or her responsibility in what he or she is looking at. ~ Jean Marc Bustamante,
1052:Personal responsibility is the willingness to completely accept choices that we have made throughout our life. ~ Asa Don Brown,
1053:Socialism increases in direct ratio and proportion with the surrender of personal responsibility to neighbor. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
1054:So travel for me is an act of discovery and of responsibility as well a grand adventure and a constant liberation. ~ Pico Iyer,
1055:taking responsibility for our problems is far more important, because that’s where the real learning comes from. ~ Mark Manson,
1056:The more we regard our success as our own doing, the less responsibility we feel for those who fall behind. ~ Michael J Sandel,
1057:The perfect bureaucrat everywhere is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility. ~ Brooks Atkinson,
1058:We make our own destiny. Believing otherwise abdicates responsibility for what happens, and I refuse to do that. ~ Alec Hutson,
1059:With the right to bear arms comes a great responsibility to use caution and common sense on handgun purchases. ~ Ronald Reagan,
1060:Writing without responsibility is like taking out your cloths in public and begging people to not look at you. ~ M F Moonzajer,
1061:accepting personal responsibility for everything you experience is critical to ultimately discovering your power, ~ Mike Dooley,
1062:A trustee has a responsibility to guard the assets of others with a higher degree of care than he does his own. ~ John Ashcroft,
1063:For the moral basis, it is obvious that man's ethical responsibility varies with his knowledge of consequences ~ G K Chesterton,
1064:Freedom is choosing your responsibility. It's not having no responsibilitie s; it's choosing the ones you want. ~ Toni Morrison,
1065:I just try and get the best out of an artist - we all have a responsibility to fill the world with awesome songs! ~ Matt Squire,
1066:It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. ~ Napoleon Hill,
1067:Leadership, pure and simple, is the assumption of responsibility for the pursuit of excellence in group life. ~ Philip Selznick,
1068:Myron, like countless NCO’s before him, had discovered the ideal compromise between power and responsibility. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
1069:Not just as a black woman, but as a woman, since the beginning of time, beauty has been our responsibility. ~ Nicole Ari Parker,
1070:The responsibility of the artist consists in perfecting his work so that it may become attractively disinteresting. ~ John Cage,
1071:The spoils of vice are a burdensome responsibility. - Will
Yet one you seem strangely able to bear. - Jem ~ Cassandra Clare,
1072:We bring God glory by worshiping him. Worship is our first responsibility to God. We worship God by enjoying him. ~ Rick Warren,
1073:When we believe ourselves to be alone, we have no responsibility to this world and are answerable to no one. ~ Marya Hornbacher,
1074:When we take on responsibility for others, or make them wrong so we can feel right, we get in the way of spirit. ~ Heidi DuPree,
1075:without effort, without training and proof that the lessons have taken hold, is to deny the responsibility that ~ R A Salvatore,
1076:You're all grown up now, so you have to take responsibility for your choices. Otherwise, you ruin everything. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1077:Having the attitude of just playing the game isn't my strength. I have to be productive. That's my responsibility. ~ Jim Edmonds,
1078:I feel a sense of responsibility," said Jordan.
"And where is this feeling located? In your pants, perhaps? ~ Cassandra Clare,
1079:If you are angry, even if someone else has sinned against you, it is your responsibility to do something about it. ~ Henry Cloud,
1080:I know my debt of gratitude to the women who went before, I know my responsibility to young women coming forward. ~ Nancy Pelosi,
1081:I never got married anyway, because I wasn't particularly keen on accepting the responsibility of another person. ~ Jimmy Savile,
1082:It is a sad reflection . . . that a sense of responsibility which comes with power is the rarest of things. ~ Alexander Crummell,
1083:Just pass the work I assign along to somebody else and trust to luck. We call that delegation of responsibility. ~ Joseph Heller,
1084:Leadership involves the heavy burden of responsibility, and the fear of getting it wrong can paralyze a leader. ~ John C Maxwell,
1085:Let your intuition guide you, but also use your head and take responsibility for the free will choices you make ~ Theresa Caputo,
1086:My parents taught me to approach the world critically, but also to approach it with a sense of responsibility. ~ Chelsea Clinton,
1087:Often you told me that responsibility and authority are privileges, not the rights of every man for the taking. ~ Alexander Kent,
1088:Our responsibility is to get God's word to their ears. Only God can get the word from their ears to their heart. ~ Albert Mohler,
1089:Taking responsibility for your life means owning your failures and faults as well as your successes and strengths. ~ William Ury,
1090:The feeling of a direct responsibility of the individual to God is almost wholly a creation of Protestantism. ~ John Stuart Mill,
1091:The feeling of relinquishing responsibility to someone else, letting him take control, was a relief beyond words. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
1092:The great escape of our times is escape from personal responsibility for the consequences of one's own behavior. ~ Thomas Sowell,
1093:The real question is: who has the responsibility to uphold human rights? The answer to that is: everyone. ~ Madeleine K Albright,
1094:To secure integrity there must a lofty sense of duty and a deep responsibility to future times as well as to God. ~ Joseph Story,
1095:We, as humans, have actually developed a sense of social responsibility. We have gone beyond our basic instincts. ~ Jane Goodall,
1096:When we are loving, we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust. ~ bell hooks,
1097:Without restoring an ethos of social responsibility, there can be no meaningful and sustained economic recovery. ~ Jeffrey Sachs,
1098:You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life. ~ Mary Oliver,
1099:Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyones responsibility. ~ Ban Ki moon,
1100:America, our endless blessings bestow an enduring burden. But as Americans, we welcome our responsibility to lead. ~ Barack Obama,
1101:Each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity. ~ Marie Curie,
1102:For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. ~ Richard Branson,
1103:Hey, you created me! I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility! ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1104:If I didn't try to assume responsibility for my own existence, it would seem utterly absurd to go on existing. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
1105:If you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for life. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1106:It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1107:I was the oldest child, and both my parents worked, so I had a great deal of responsibility from a very young age. ~ Suzanne Vega,
1108:Once someone is in your family orbit, there's a mutual responsibility, and whatever happens to them happens to you. ~ Hank Azaria,
1109:Politics must not be separated from religious values; religion must not be separated from political responsibility. ~ Joel Hunter,
1110:The ability to dream is all I have to give. That is my responsibility; that is my burden. And even I grow tired. ~ Harlan Ellison,
1111:The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority. ~ Stanley Milgram,
1112:The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life, is the moment you can change anything in your life. ~ Peter Voogd,
1113:The responsibility of leadership is not taken, it is given. Only when others choose to follow us can we truly lead. ~ Simon Sinek,
1114:Those of us who have the eyes and ears of the media have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the voiceless. ~ Peter Gabriel,
1115:Tim Kaine has a message of fiscal responsibility and generosity of spirit. That kind of message can sell anywhere. ~ Barack Obama,
1116:To have a child is the greatest honor and responsibility that can be bestowed upon any living being. - Arya ~ Christopher Paolini,
1117:We must exchange the philosophy of excuse - what I am is beyond my control for the philosophy of responsibility. ~ Barbara Jordan,
1118:While blame determines who is at fault for something, responsibility determines who is committed to improving things. ~ Hal Elrod,
1119:Yes, the living, the mangled, the scarified, with the crazed responsibility of remembering everything, everything. ~ Edna O Brien,
1120:You have given me a great responsibility: to stay close to you, to be worthy of you and to exemplify what you are. ~ Jimmy Carter,
1121:A chief of staff's job is to keep bad things from happening and then accept full responsibility when they do. ~ Katharine M Briggs,
1122:A man of power and responsibility nevertheless needs somebody to tell him when he is being a bloody fool. Granny ~ Terry Pratchett,
1123:A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good. ~ Barbara Jordan,
1124:As a person’s end draws near, there comes a moment when responsibility shifts to someone else to decide what to do. ~ Atul Gawande,
1125:As they say, with great power comes great responsibility.”
“Are you screwin’ with me, man?” Taylor asked bluntly. ~ David Estes,
1126:Each man of us is living his own personal work of art, and cannot evade artistic responsibility for his product. ~ Richard McKenna,
1127:Freedom of expression has a responsibility by those people who espouse it in the West, in particular non-Muslims. ~ Anjem Choudary,
1128:I let it come to this, and I can only take responsibility for my own mistakes. Unfortunately, I've made a lot of them. ~ K K Allen,
1129:I think it’s a responsibility for any artist to protect freedom of expression and to use any way to extend this power. ~ Ai Weiwei,
1130:I think the challenges that come with the responsibility of art directing something is something that appeals to me. ~ Alexa Chung,
1131:It is time historians took responsibility for explaining what we do, how we do it, and why it is worth doing. Most ~ Joyce Appleby,
1132:It may require courage to say what they said, but were they really able to take responsibility for the consequences? ~ Osamu Dazai,
1133:Moral responsibility is on the shoulders of those who take the technology out of the lab and use it to immoral ends. ~ Dean Koontz,
1134:More power to ’em. What do I care? My ‘thing’ is a thing of beauty. And being this hot is a terrible responsibility. ~ Damon Suede,
1135:Obviously you have a responsibility - one would like to think there is such a thing as ethics in filmmaking. ~ George Hickenlooper,
1136:Responsibility is fostered by allowing children a voice and wherever indicated a choice in matters that affect them. ~ Haim Ginott,
1137:The army should go back to their assigned duties, and police should take the responsibility of fighting the cartels. ~ Vicente Fox,
1138:The common good is the notion of shared collective responsibility and reciprocity. It's that that we've lost. ~ Joan Wallach Scott,
1139:There's a lot more responsibility at home, so a tour is like the opposite for me. It's like a breath of fresh air. ~ Travis Barker,
1140:We must cultivate a universal responsibility toward each other and extend it to the planet that we have to share. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1141:you must own the responsibility for developing your skills, understanding yourself, and making critical choices. ~ Robert S Kaplan,
1142:A fundamental responsibility of leadership is make sure that everybody knows the mission, understands it, lives it. ~ Peter Drucker,
1143:Don’t be so caught up in the noble cause of responsibility that you lose your passion for who you are living for. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1144:Do you realize the responsibility I carry? I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House. ~ John F Kennedy,
1145:From my perspective, the state has to assume responsibility for the integrity of international communications. ~ Thomas de Maiziere,
1146:God’s sovereignty does not negate our responsibility to pray, but rather makes it possible to pray with confidence. ~ Jerry Bridges,
1147:I can think of no greater God-given responsibility we have than that of extending a helping hand to our fellow man. ~ Conrad Hilton,
1148:I do feel a responsibility to address things that are problematic, but I don't have to go out of my way to do that. ~ Wesley Morris,
1149:If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1150:I have a responsibility to the woman of today - to make her feel confident, modern and above all else beautiful. ~ Carolina Herrera,
1151:I like being hired to do more and more stuff. Carry more and more responsibility. It's nice I'm getting that trust. ~ Jason Bateman,
1152:I'm glad I understand that while language is a gift, listening is a responsibility. (U.S. poet and writer, 1943- ) ~ Nikki Giovanni,
1153:I think being a good Christian father, your responsibility varies with the age and the stage that your children are at. ~ T D Jakes,
1154:It is to escape the responsibility for failure that the weak so eagerly throw themselves into grandiose undertakings. ~ Eric Hoffer,
1155:Life unravels the way it does, and it has an effect on you, but you have to take responsibility for dealing with it. ~ Shania Twain,
1156:Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country ~ Barack Obama,
1157:Overly playing the role of the victim can debar you from accepting responsibility for your actions and emotions. ~ Stephen Richards,
1158:responsibility is not a teaching in civics. It is the simplest and easiest way for you to express your own divinity. The ~ Sadhguru,
1159:State has the primary responsibility but the citizen has to spend his or her funds. This is part of neo-liberalism. ~ Andre Vltchek,
1160:Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being..... doing.... having, or feeling. ~ Susan Jeffers,
1161:We have a responsibility to control our borders. Building a wall is not an answer, not here in America or any place. ~ Nancy Pelosi,
1162:With the responsibility of being a professional athlete, I believe that it is on us to go out there and help people. ~ Torrey Smith,
1163:A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten', he does not say 'My men were beaten. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1164:Having an experience is taking part in the world. Taking part in the world is really about sharing responsibility. ~ Olafur Eliasson,
1165:Having children is a huge responsibility, and I just don't want to hand them off to a nanny or my mom to take care of them. ~ Thalia,
1166:I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion. ~ Dalai Lama,
1167:If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so. ~ Stephen Covey,
1168:It would be nice if all that exuberance and abundance was connected to a deep ethos of planetary responsibility. ~ William McDonough,
1169:I was much happier when I had less responsibility... when my only responsibility was to my work and to myself. ~ Robert Rauschenberg,
1170:Let's gear our advertising to sell goods, but let's recognize also that advertising has a broad social responsibility. ~ Leo Burnett,
1171:No man bears more responsibility for the present worldwide financial crisis and coming depression than Alan Greenspan. ~ Bill Bonner,
1172:Only you can take responsibility for your happiness..but you can't do it alone. It's the great paradox of being human. ~ Simon Sinek,
1173:Our sole responsibility is to produce something smarter than we are; any problems beyond that are not ours to solve … ~ Ray Kurzweil,
1174:Shiva does not spell religion. Shiva spells responsibility – our ability to take our very life process in our hands. When ~ Sadhguru,
1175:Take responsibility for your last bad decision, and then let it go. Don't blame others or make excuses for yourself. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1176:The cost of living the dream, I was taught, is the responsibility to expand it for others. It’s a more than fair price. ~ David Litt,
1177:The market is a mechanism for sorting the efficient from the inefficient, it is not a substitute for responsibility. ~ Charles Handy,
1178:The patrol system leads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility for the good of his patrol. ~ Robert Baden Powell,
1179:There is no power or authority without responsibility, and he who accepts the one cannot escape or evade the other. ~ Haile Selassie,
1180:The very act of accepting responsibility short-circuits and cancels out any negative emotions you may be experiencing. ~ Brian Tracy,
1181:This is what men must do. Their true job.” “What’s that?” “Take responsibility for what’s theirs and let go the rest. ~ Lance Weller,
1182:Those with visible responsibility for leadership are nearly always too visible to take responsibility for change. ~ Harlan Cleveland,
1183:To be part of a family, or any community, is to have duties and responsibility, to be bound by the rules of that group. ~ Robin Hobb,
1184:We have learnt, rather too late, that action comes, not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1185:You have a whole life in the outdoors, you realize you have a sense of responsibility to protect these wild places. ~ Yvon Chouinard,
1186:A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten,' he does not say 'My men were beaten.' ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1187:All real difficulty stems from no responsibility. Full responsibility is not fault; it is recognition of being cause. ~ L Ron Hubbard,
1188:A man doesn't need to be flawless to be a perfect father, but the commitment to his family is a precious responsibility. ~ Paul Young,
1189:-but the point is, when you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take the responsibility when other people act on it. ~ Jay Asher,
1190:Date a woman with children only if you are ready to man up, because it's a position that comes with responsibility. ~ Taraji P Henson,
1191:I don't like the climate in which writers have to work in the USA and I think it's my responsibility to talk about it. ~ Edward Albee,
1192:If all you've got to do is a couple of lines, dear Jesus, don't let them down. Other people are taking responsibility. ~ Ciaran Hinds,
1193:I'm super down with being irresponsible. I'm just trying to make sure my lack of responsibility no longer hurts people. ~ Ezra Miller,
1194:It's amazing how someone's IQ seems to double as soon as you give them responsibility and indicate that you trust them. ~ Tim Ferriss,
1195:It surprises me how much children like me, you know? If they look at me as an example, I have a big responsibility. ~ Mario Balotelli,
1196:Musicians ultimately are who they are, they aren't actors, so as a clipmaker you have a responsibility to protect them. ~ Adria Petty,
1197:People can live tremendously rich, blissful, ecstatic lives. But the first thing is, we have to accept our responsibility. ~ Rajneesh,
1198:Responsibility - moral responsibilities, responsibilities regarding society - these are things that come from the heart. ~ Dalai Lama,
1199:She was the eldest now and had inherited the vague, relentless, unsolicited responsibility such familial rank demanded. ~ Kate Morton,
1200:Sometimes the choices you make are good and other times it goes the other way. I take full responsibility as coach. ~ Roberto Mancini,
1201:The hardest question for anyone who takes responsibility for what he or she does is, What if I turn out to be average? ~ Atul Gawande,
1202:Whatever they may say, your story is truly your own. You have a responsibility to it, the way a father has to a child ~ Miguel Syjuco,
1203:When one knows and one does not, the one who does not must bow his head and the one who does must take responsibility. ~ Stephen King,
1204:WHY DO THEY MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED? ... So that those who have the responsibility for understanding can understand ~ Paulo Coelho,
1205:Your ability needs responsibility to expose its possibilities. Do what you can with what you have where you are. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
1206:A leader's responsibility to his team is paramount. It overshadows even his own personal feelings at any given time. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
1207:An institution has to decide, and it's not just an option, it's a responsibility, how much diversity can be tolerated. ~ Albert Mohler,
1208:Change is the immediate responsibility of each of us, wherever and however we are standing, in whatever arena we choose. ~ Audre Lorde,
1209:Character — the willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life — is the source from which self-respect springs. ~ Joan Didion,
1210:I believe in trying to get a balance between individual freedom on the one hand and social responsibility on the other. ~ Chris Patten,
1211:I do have some kind of gravitational pull towards young characters with more responsibility than they should have. ~ Jennifer Lawrence,
1212:If anything, there's more at stake when you're older, and more responsibility and more legitimate things to worry about. ~ Rob Corddry,
1213:If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so. ~ Stephen R Covey,
1214:If you let them, humans have an amazing power to live up to your high expectations of reasonableness and responsibility. ~ Jason Fried,
1215:I had to take responsibility, even if it meant saying no to an authority figure, because I was the authority on me. ~ Kelley Armstrong,
1216:I have long been a supporter of a free and independent press and I always will be. But with freedom comes responsibility. ~ Mike Pence,
1217:India and Fiji have many shared values, and it is the responsibility of both the countries to strengthen those values. ~ Narendra Modi,
1218:It is, after all, the responsibility of the expert to operate the familiar and that of the leader to transcend it. ~ Henry A Kissinger,
1219:I've got four kids to feed and a wife to provide for. It's a worry but a great responsibility as well and one I relish. ~ Eddie Marsan,
1220:"Take responsibility for your life. Do not pollute your beautiful, radiant inner Being nor the Earth with negativity." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1221:The great responsibility that we have today is to put the poor and the near poor back on front of the American agenda. ~ Jesse Jackson,
1222:the people of one nation alone cannot save their own children; each holds the responsibility for the others' children. ~ Margaret Mead,
1223:The true Mason takes full responsibility for the condition of his character and ever strives for its perfection. ~ William Howard Taft,
1224:The West has given us the liberal miracle of individual rights, individual responsibility, merit, and human satisfaction. ~ Ibn Warraq,
1225:We must take responsibility for our responses to daily events, especially the little offenses that tempt us to be angry. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1226:What you do with a gun," said Joachim Steuben softly from the door against which he leaned, "is your own responsibility. ~ David Drake,
1227:When you were made a leader you weren't given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others. ~ Jack Welch,
1228:you are not a cannibal
your actions are not my responsibility
you will control yourself

"The Art of Growing ~ Rupi Kaur,
1229:A good leader recognizes that effective leadership is based on responsibility, respect, care, and helping others. When ~ Hannah Raybans,
1230:A man accepts the thankless burden of responsibility. We women do not. To us, life is a game we play one day at a time. ~ Clive Cussler,
1231:An encounter with the superior energy is open to anyone but remains far from those who shift responsibility onto others. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1232:Because these really are rules. And the foremost rule is that you must take responsibility for your own life. Period. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1233:...being in a position to know and nevertheless shunning knowledge creates direct responsibility for the consequences... ~ Albert Speer,
1234:Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him. ~ Booker T Washington,
1235:He's the President—it's the responsibility of every citizen to criticize aggressively when they think it's warranted. ~ Glenn Greenwald,
1236:His heart was too heavy to bear. He felt the weight of conscience, the weight of responsibility, the weight of fraternity. ~ R J Ellory,
1237:I believe an invitation from the Commission on Presidential Debates is similar to a draft notice - a civic responsibility. ~ Jim Lehrer,
1238:I`m 100 percent impartial. I`m - my responsibility is to manage this primary nominating contest neutrally and fairly. ~ Hillary Clinton,
1239:I see a New York where people who are down on their luck can get back on the road to responsibility, a job and dignity. ~ Carl Paladino,
1240:It is the least represented among us who will be the most affected first. We have a moral responsibility to protect them. ~ Don Cheadle,
1241:It's not hard to stand behind one's successes. But to accept responsibility for one's failures... that is devishly hard! ~ Vaclav Havel,
1242:Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. ~ Tony Robbins,
1243:Living in a society, instead of on a desert island, does not relieve a man of the responsibility of supporting his own life. ~ Ayn Rand,
1244:taking responsibility—even for a small part of the problem in communication—presents the opportunity for great repair. ~ John M Gottman,
1245:The main point is that it’s the speaker’s responsibility to bring energy to the audience and to work to activate them. ~ John C Maxwell,
1246:(The poverty of his son has diminished, apparently, but we are assured that Annan had no direct responsibility for that.) ~ Clive James,
1247:There's a definite responsibility that comes with being famous. You shouldn't be able to just dress up and look pretty. ~ Rashida Jones,
1248:To leave positions of great responsibility and authority is to die a little, but the time comes when that must be faced. ~ Dean Acheson,
1249:As a writer, I don't think it's my responsibility to make a point. I just write and hope there's someone who'll like it. ~ Tama Janowitz,
1250:Beware the person who seeks to lead and has not suffered, who claims responsibility on the grounds of a spotless record. ~ Eric Greitens,
1251:Definition of responsibility: a commitment of the head, heart, and hands to fix the problem and never again affix blame. ~ John G Miller,
1252:Does not the possibility or the power to do something about the situation at hand confer on one the responsibility to do it? ~ Rollo May,
1253:I felt unworthy to play Jesus. I just accepted the responsibility and said, 'What actor wouldn't want to play this role?' ~ Jim Caviezel,
1254:Leaders have the privilege and responsibility of going first. The most powerful way that anybody can lead is by example. ~ Michael Hyatt,
1255:Let us all take more responsibility not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. ~ William J Clinton,
1256:Most myths were made up by men who needed a scapegoat to avoid taking responsibility for a catastrophe of their own making. ~ S J Harper,
1257:One of the things I really want is for people to feel the civic responsibility, and not just refuse to vote out of protest. ~ Trent Lott,
1258:Real power comes when we stop holding others responsible for our pain, and we take responsibility for all our feelings. ~ Melody Beattie,
1259:Satan was offering them freedom without responsibility, freedom without consequences, and there can be no such thing. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1260:Seek my grace within the Heart. I will drive away your darkness and show you the light. This is my responsibility. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1261:The manager is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it. ~ Peter Drucker,
1262:The most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility, commitment, and concern for each of our fellow human beings. ~ Dalai Lama,
1263:The oldest rule in the book is that you can delegate authority, but never responsibility—not even to higher authority. ~ Taylor Anderson,
1264:Understanding future warfare is the most important responsibility of those who must defend a nation from future enemies! ~ Perry M Smith,
1265:We live in such extreme times that I think we all have a responsibility to be aware of what's happening and talk about it. ~ Ezra Koenig,
1266:Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
1267:You must not ever stop being whimsical.     And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life. ~ Mary Oliver,
1268:A company and leaders of the company have the responsibility of the precious lives of all the human beings that work there. ~ Simon Sinek,
1269:A compassionate open home is part of Christian responsibility, and should be practiced up to the level of capacity. ~ Francis A Schaeffer,
1270:A leader should not take credit when things go right if they are not willing to accept responsibility when things go wrong. ~ Simon Sinek,
1271:A sense that with the blessings that God bestowed upon this land, came the responsibility to make the world a better place. ~ Marco Rubio,
1272:As the art world changes, artists have more and more responsibility. You don't have a lot of luxury to be super secluded. ~ Frances Stark,
1273:Because these really are rules. And the foremost rule is that you must take responsibility for your own life. Period. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1274:Children involved in project work are encouraged to serve the group needs and share responsibility for what's accomplished. ~ Lilian Katz,
1275:I live in an ecotone. Employment must coexist with goofing off. Responsibility must coexist with irresponsibility. ~ Benjamin Alire S enz,
1276:It’s amazing how someone’s IQ seems to double as soon as you give them responsibility and indicate that you trust them. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1277:Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. ~ Anthony Robbins,
1278:Once I’ve fulfilled my child’s basic needs, my only responsibility regarding feelings is to accept and acknowledge them. ~ Janet Lansbury,
1279:She decided she would just be a fairy because she liked the option of flying without the responsibility of saving the world. ~ Amy Harmon,
1280:The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it. Peace requires responsibility. Peace entails sacrifice. ~ Barack Obama,
1281:There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them ~ Denis Waitley,
1282:Trust doesn't develop from always doing the right thing. Trust comes from taking responsibility when we do the wrong thing. ~ Simon Sinek,
1283:We have a great responsibility. Whatever we make will become the truth, the visual reality that a generation will accept. ~ James Cameron,
1284:Between an uncontrolled escalation and passivity, there is a demanding road of responsibility that we must follow. ~ Dominique de Villepin,
1285:Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. ~ Ronald Reagan,
1286:I can’t change the past, I can only walk into my future with eyes wide open, taking responsibility for myself and my actions. ~ Elle Casey,
1287:If our long-term survival is at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to venture to other worlds. —CARL SAGAN ~ Michio Kaku,
1288:It is often the people who refuse to assume any responsibility who are apt to be the sharpest critics of those who do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
1289:Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. ~ Anthony Robbins,
1290:Love is responsibility of an I for a You: in this consists what cannot consist in any feeling - the equality of all lovers. ~ Martin Buber,
1291:Man’s inhumanity to man, unleashed, was an obscenity, and that obscenity was each person’s own private responsibility. ~ Rosamunde Pilcher,
1292:No one can listen to your body for you... To grow and heal, you have to take responsibility for listening to it yourself. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn,
1293:One of the most powerful things you can do is take responsibility for your life. Your choices. Your actions. Your Life. ~ Jeanette Jenkins,
1294:Outsider means "I will accept the possibility that I don't have responsibility for what is happening inside my domain." ~ Aleksandar Hemon,
1295:Political action means taking on responsibility. This cannot happen without power. Power is to serve responsibility. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1296:Supporters of capital punishment bear a special responsibility to ensure the fairness of this irreversible punishment. ~ William J Clinton,
1297:There are 2 primary choices in life:
To accept conditions as they exist, or to accept responsibility for changing them. ~ Denis Waitley,
1298:There would be a sweet release of strength and responsibility, a sinking into another’s power, no need to feign her own. This ~ Hugh Howey,
1299:Well I think in a marriage you have to be honest and ask yourself, you know, what is my role? What is my responsibility? ~ Hillary Clinton,
1300:You want to take some responsibility for you choices so that it sets the groundwork for that next generation of actresses. ~ Nicole Kidman,
1301:Anyone can do your duty.

Your responsibility, only you can.

A duty you love to do responsibly, is a privelege. ~ Girish Kohli,
1302:As travelers, it is our responsibility to adapt, otherwise we miss the whole point: the opportunity to gain a new perspective. ~ Josh Gates,
1303:Batterers aren't renowned for taking responsibility for their abusiveness, Sam. They tend to shed blame like a snake molts. ~ Stephen White,
1304:Compassion is not sympathy. Compassion is mercy. It is a commitment to take responsibility for the suffering of others. ~ Joan D Chittister,
1305:God is not stupid. ~ Sun Myung Moon, The Way of God's Will Chapter 1-5. Tradition, Official Business, and Responsibility (1980 translation),
1306:He really did not care whether he survived or not, so long as it rendered him unconscious and absolved him of responsibility. ~ Mark Haddon,
1307:I am convinced that any attempt to restore harmony in the world can only rest on the renewal of personal responsibility. ~ Andrei Tarkovsky,
1308:I have a very strong opinions about health and our responsibility to our own health, and I will always say what I feel. ~ Melissa Etheridge,
1309:It is no longer acceptable to ignore the suffering, and designers must take responsibility for the way that their fur is produced. ~ Twiggy,
1310:Leaders must accept total responsibility, own problems that inhibit performance, and develop solutions to those problems. A ~ Jocko Willink,
1311:Life’s all about balance. And one of the most vital of all balance points is the one involving freedom and responsibility. ~ Robin S Sharma,
1312:Love is responsibility of an I for a You: in this consists what cannot consist in any feeling - the equality of all lovers.. ~ Martin Buber,
1313:No decision has been made unless carrying it out in specific steps has become someone's work assignment and responsibility. ~ Peter Drucker,
1314:One part of the science of living is to learn just what our own responsibility is, and to let other people's alone. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
1315:Our policies must be premised on, and must reinforce, values such as family, hard work, integrity and personal responsibility. ~ Dan Quayle,
1316:Our role is to empower students to see themselves as innovators who take responsibility for their own learning and leading. ~ George Couros,
1317:RESPONSIBILITY: Fulfill the obligations that the past posts to me. Embrace the opportunity for service based in love. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
1318:Responsibility means response-ability. Fear is speaking loudly in the world today; now we the people need to respond. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1319:Sometimes everyone does the right thing and there's still a mess left to clean up. Someone has to take responsibility for it. ~ Kami Garcia,
1320:The abdication of political responsibility by existing leaders often marks a nation’s first step toward authoritarianism. ~ Steven Levitsky,
1321:The government, whether state or central, is elected. That means we have a responsibility to elect the right kind of leaders. ~ Abdul Kalam,
1322:The idea that all violence in movies is okay simply because it happens is bull. Directors and writers have a responsibility. ~ Julie Taymor,
1323:The more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have. ~ Noam Chomsky,
1324:There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. ~ Dennis Waitley,
1325:There is a responsibility on all companies to look at the quantum of pay and the relationship between the top and the bottom. ~ Stuart Rose,
1326:The Spider Hero lived his life by this maxim: He who possesses great power is burdened also with great responsibility. — ~ Michael Swanwick,
1327:the voluntary relinquishing of responsibility for our lives and our actions is one of the greatest enemies of our time. ~ Genesis P Orridge,
1328:Understanding our fall and rise, owning our story, taking responsibility for our emotions—this is where the revolution starts. ~ Bren Brown,
1329:We were enjoying one of those rare summers of utter freedom – no financial responsibility, no debts, no time owing to anybody. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1330:You can't take responsibility for everything. You can't have that kind of control. At some point, it's all out of our hands. ~ Faye Dunaway,
1331:As a leader, you have to take responsibility for your own failures as well as successes. That's the only way you'll learn. ~ John C Maxwell,
1332:Each letter has a shape, she told them, one shape in the world and no other, and it is your responsibility to make it perfect. ~ Kim Edwards,
1333:Even potted plants got to be a responsibility, like everything else you took care of that couldn't make decisions for itself. ~ Tove Jansson,
1334:Even potted plants got to be a responsibility, like everything else you took care of that couldn’t make decisions for itself. ~ Tove Jansson,
1335:Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it's your responsibility to love it, or change it. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1336:I believe that it is the responsibility of everyone in corporate life to help with the funding of non-profit organizations. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1337:I believe that today's players who are Christians feel that it's important and their responsibility to acknowledge their faith. ~ Lynn Swann,
1338:If you had the freedom to decide what to do, you also had the responsibility to make good choices, given your priorities. What ~ David Allen,
1339:If you're playing any real person, live or dead, you certainly have a responsibility to produce that reputation in some way. ~ Jim Broadbent,
1340:I have a strong sense of responsibility. I like to be directed, it's true. If I didn't like that, I'd do something else. ~ Catherine Deneuve,
1341:I knew that by getting behind the wheel of the car and having had something to drink, the responsibility laid on my shoulders. ~ Tracey Gold,
1342:In whatever way change comes, the important thing is to take responsibility for this moment. Then, life becomes cooperative. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1343:Mortal duty has weight, things that have weight have gravity, and so the duty to bear mortal responsibility pulled me back. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
1344:My responsibility, she thought, and the idea brought no fear now, only an extraordinary sense of gratitude.
My kingdom. ~ Erika Johansen,
1345:Our responsibility is to see in the Word all that is ours in Christ, and then thank and trust Him for that which we need. ~ Miles J Stanford,
1346:Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life. ~ James Cromwell,
1347:The media has a responsibility. And we can't let them totally get away because they have to let the truth be seen and be told. ~ Alveda King,
1348:The object of the patrol method is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy. ~ Baden Powell de Aquino,
1349:The sense of responsibility in the financial community for the community as a whole is not small. It is nearly nil. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith,
1350:the world might be better off if more people accepted responsibility and dealt with consequences. — Dave Drake ~ David Drake, abuse the intellect for reasons of pride, vanity, or escape from responsibility, is the fruit of that same tree. ~ Walter M Miller Jr,
1352:We have a responsibility to stand watch over one another, we are watchers, all of us, watchers, guarding against the darkness. ~ Dean Koontz,
1353:Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
1354:You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel both a sense of responsibility and a deep sadness for those who have lost their lives. ~ Tony Blair,
1355:a lot of times
we are angry at other people
for not doing what
we should have done for ourselves

- responsibility ~ Rupi Kaur,
1356:Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others. ~ Abdul Kalam,
1357:Eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done, and have not done. ~ Hubert Selby Jr,
1358:I do hope that young men and women will start to think for themselves and start to take responsibility for their own thoughts. ~ Maya Angelou,
1359:If you see someone taking responsibility, give that person authority. If you see someone looking for authority, watch out! ~ Loren Cunningham,
1360:In a justly ordered universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. ~ James Allen,
1361:I started off as many fathers do. I enjoyed the good bits, but I was wary of the responsibility. But now I love being a dad. ~ Noel Gallagher,
1362:I think my favourite thing is understanding the responsibility of raising two human beings and putting them into the world. ~ Gwyneth Paltrow,
1363:I think that my responsibility to my art is to try to get it right or to push the boundaries of what I'm able to do in any way. ~ Robert Hass,
1364:I think that’s a responsibility that I have, to push possibilities, to show people: “This is the level that things could be at.” ~ Kanye West,
1365:It is all a question of imagination. Our responsibility begins with the power to Imagine. In dreams begin responsibilities. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1366:Love responsibility. Say: It is my duty, and mine alone, to save the earth. If it is not saved, then I alone am to blame. ~ Nikos Kazantzakis,
1367:Man's responsibility, then, is to choose his destination; the motive power to bring him there is furnished by the Infinite. ~ Neville Goddard,
1368:My responsibility is to try to tell true stories. To me a true story is always hopeful, but never simply, uncomplicatedly happy. ~ John Green,
1369:The danger is that the automatism of progress will depersonalize man further and withdraw more and more of his self-responsibility. ~ Various,
1370:The price of LEADERSHIP is RESPONSIBILITY....and part of that responsibility is to STAY POSITIVE whether you feel like it or not. ~ Lou Holtz,
1371:There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point ~ Richard Dawkins,
1372:The world howls for social justice, but when it comes to social responsibility, you sometimes cant even hear crickets chirping. ~ Dean Koontz,
1373:The world is hungry to hear the truth. ... We have it. Are we equal to the task-to the responsibility God has placed upon us? ~ David O McKay,
1374:We all sin, of course, but the unwillingness to take any responsibility for our sins implies a more deeply damaged spirit. ~ Charles J Chaput,
1375:We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” – George Bernard Shaw ~ Jacqueline Novogratz,
1376:You have to let your team get all the credit for all the good stuff that happens, and you take responsibility for the bad stuff. ~ Sam Altman,
1377:Anywhere there is an unhealthy or toxic relationship, there will be a poor and porous sense of responsibility on both sides, and ~ Mark Manson,
1378:are we really so clever if we put our cleverness and inventiveness ahead of our responsibility for the future of the planet? ~ Jostein Gaarder,
1379:As far as beauty is concerned, in order to be confident we must accept that the way we look and feel is our own responsibility. ~ Sophia Loren,
1380:Being human beings is not a responsibility we can avoid, but we can, and do, tell an awful lot of lies in trying to fulfill it. ~ S ndor M rai,
1381:Character—the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life—is the source from which self-respect springs. —Joan Didion ~ Bren Brown,
1382:Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1383:How Cable survived Second Coming and what his responsibility is to his daughter, Hope, may have something to do with the Avengers. ~ Jeph Loeb,
1384:I believe you’re a good fellow but you have yet to learn the dignity of altruism and the responsibility of the human individual. ~ James Joyce,
1385:If I do an interview, then I take full responsibility. I figure I'm not going to talk to anyone that I think is unethical anyway. ~ Diana Ross,
1386:If we wish to express anger fully, the first step is to divorce the other person from any responsibility for our anger. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
1387:I happen to believe that one's success comes only from responsibility, diligence and dignity." - King Hercalon V, King of Oomaldee ~ L R W Lee,
1388:I suppose it does come with a certain responsibility.”
“What does?” asked Annie.
“The magnificence of my person.”
“Gah. ~ Caleb Crain,
1389:I would never abdicate, nor would I expect any other governor to abdicate, the responsibility to protect the people of my state. ~ Joe Manchin,
1390:Nobody in rich countries wants to face responsibility for the lives of people in poor countries. They just want cheap groceries. ~ Greg Baxter,
1391:Perhaps we have been misguided into taking too much responsibility from our children, leaving them too little room for discovery ~ Helen Hayes,
1392:Since when do corporations not have responsibility to the community? Since when to the not have responsibility to their employees? ~ Joe Biden,
1393:Some people are as fragile as butterflies and sensitive and it’s your responsibility not to destroy them. Just because you can ~ Marisha Pessl,
1394:Sometimes responsibility sneaked up on you without your seeing it coming, and then, very suddenly, it wouldn’t let you go anymore. ~ Kai Meyer,
1395:Stop talking about how you care about people. Show me something. Show me a policy. Show me a policy where you take responsibility. ~ Joe Biden,
1396:The construction of meaning is a fundamentally individual, subjective, creative enterprise, and an intimidating responsibility. ~ Sean Carroll,
1397:The Eisenhower administration, and Ike himself, bear heavy responsibility for snuffing out responsible government in Iran. ~ Jean Edward Smith,
1398:The pains taken to preserve peace include a proportional responsibility that equal pains be taken to be prepared for war. ~ Alexander Hamilton,
1399:The security of the citizens of Israel, the future of the state of Israel, this is the Israeli governments responsibility. ~ Avigdor Lieberman,
1400:The world howls for social justice, but when it comes to social responsibility, you sometimes can't even hear crickets chirping. ~ Dean Koontz,
1401:To help all created things, that is the measure of all our responsibility; to be helped by all, that is the measure of our hope. ~ Gerald Vann,
1402:We don’t forget things, OK? We just choose to ignore them. Can you accept responsibility for your memory lapse and move on? ~ Ottessa Moshfegh,
1403:When God knows you're ready for the responsibility of commitment, He'll reveal the right person under the right circumstances. ~ Joshua Harris,
1404:You have to be doing things that matter - responsibility, but also responsibility with epic and beautiful and noble tasks. ~ Michelle Bachelet,
1405:As the leader, you ultimately have 100% responsibility for everything. Don’t waste your time blaming.” @DarrenHardy #JoinTheRide ~ Darren Hardy,
1406:Besides entertainment and action, I want to educate. You know, as a producer or director, we do have a responsibility to society. ~ Jackie Chan,
1407:Each of us has a responsibility for the sustainability of our planet and each of us can make a difference if we choose to do so. ~ Miranda Kerr,
1408:here's a payoff for everyone. The reason we hang on to self-defeating behaviors is because it's easier not to take responsibility. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1409:I feel that my main responsibility as a teacher isn’t to convey facts, but to rekindle that lost enthusiasm for asking questions. ~ Max Tegmark,
1410:If you do a job another's way, he or she must take the responsibility. If you do it your way, you must take the responsibility. ~ Napoleon Hill,
1411:If you want to use a cliche you must take full responsibility for it yourself and not try to fob it off on anon., or on society. ~ Lewis Thomas,
1412:I really believe that we have a responsibility, almost a sacred responsibility, to the animals that share this planet with us. ~ Emmylou Harris,
1413:It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest. ~ Barbara Jordan,
1414:It's not my responsibility to be beautiful. I'm not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me. ~ Warsan Shire,
1415:I was a serious kid to an absurd degree. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. You know, trying to play grown up. I overdid it. ~ Claire Danes,
1416:She wasn’t a bit of fun and could always be counted on to temper a boisterous occasion with a sermon on responsibility or safety. ~ Kate Morton,
1417:Since we humans have the better brain, isn't it our responsibility to protect our fellow creatures from, oddly enough, ourselves? ~ Joy Adamson,
1418:Sometimes, in fact, it was the people who loved us the most who felt it was their responsibility to train us to struggle. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1419:The courage of leadership is giving others the chance to succeed even though you bear the responsibility for getting things done. ~ Simon Sinek,
1420:The US is responsible for 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. It should take responsibility for leading the way. ~ Tony Juniper,
1421:To each of us is entrusted the heavy responsibility of guiding the affairs of a democratic nation founded on Christian ideals. ~ John F Kennedy,
1422:We all have a responsibility to protect endangered species, both for their sake and for the sake of our own future generations. ~ Loretta Lynch,
1423:We create the world in which we live; if that world becomes unfit for human life, it is because we tire of our responsibility. ~ Cyril Connolly,
1424:We fit the universe through our brains and it comes out in the form of nothing less than poetry. We have a responsibility to awe. ~ Jason Silva,
1425:We might be too proud to admit it as guys, but we still need to learn how to manage responsibility, how to face our challenges. ~ Ryan Reynolds,
1426:When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. ~ Edith Hamilton,
1427:Who cares if the people in your life don't like the boundaries you set for yourself? Their happiness is not your responsibility ~ Leigh Shulman,
1428:a lot of times
we are angry at other people
for not doing what
we should have done for ourselves

-responsibility ~ Rupi Kaur,
1429:Be compassionate ... and take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons, this world would be a better place. ~ Mitch Albom,
1430:Each child belongs to all of us and they will bring us a tomorrow in direct relation to the responsibility we have shown to them. ~ Maya Angelou,
1431:he felt that tiny warmth burning steadily within him. It was the warmth of decisions made and purpose seized. It was responsibility. ~ Anonymous,
1432:If it's never our fault, we can't take responsibility for it. If we can't take responsibility for it, we'll always be its victim. ~ Richard Bach,
1433:If we decide, we can change the pitiable condition of Indian economy. We have to take up the responsibility and show commitment. ~ Narendra Modi,
1434:I just felt that it was my responsibility, since so many people had taken the time to help me along, to do the same for others. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1435:I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up,” he said. “And it is my privilege and my responsibility to ride all the way up with you, ~ John Green,
1436:In a justly ordered
universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. ~ James Allen,
1437:I think everybody has a responsibility to themselves. If at the end of the day, you can rest and feel OK with yourself, that's fine. ~ Jean Grae,
1438:My mentor Jim Rohn said, “The day you graduate from childhood to adulthood is the day you take full responsibility for your life. ~ Darren Hardy,
1439:Self-respecting men and women think about the consequences of their actions-and are willing to take responsibility for them. ~ Nathaniel Branden,
1440:Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong ~ Tryon Edwards,
1441:The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. ~ John C Maxwell,
1442:The greatest responsibility is your children. If my children turned out badly, I'd feel that nothing I had done was worthwhile. ~ Jackie Kennedy,
1443:There is an odd sense of responsibility attached to appearing in a drama about a real piece of history. A work of fiction is fun. ~ James D arcy,
1444:The world howls for social justice, but when it comes to social responsibility, you sometimes can’t even hear crickets chirruping. ~ Dean Koontz,
1445:Though the power for godly character comes from Christ, the responsibility for developing and displaying that character is ours. ~ Jerry Bridges,
1446:Today scientists, technologists, businessmen, engineers don't have any personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions. ~ Bill Joy,
1447:We must take responsibility for our own actions, but we cannot take responsibility for the actions, either good or bad, of others. ~ J T Cope IV,
1448:When people feel their insignificance as individual persons, they also suffer an undermining of their sense of human responsibility. ~ Rollo May,
1449:With privilege comes responsibility, you must understand that. People expect us to lead by example and we shall not disappoint them. ~ Ben Elton,
1450:With the recognition comes additional responsibility, because then we're no longer a one-shot. We're now part of the environment. ~ Jerry Garcia,
1451:Yeah, all those things, responsibility, pressure. It's a bit stressful. I try and come to terms with it by not thinking about it. ~ Joe Strummer,
1452:You, alone, chose and accepted responsibility for your path, and that is why you will leave this chamber on your own two feet. ~ Jennifer Turner,
1453:Are you willing to take responsibility for your team's culture or do you treat it like the weather - something that happens to you? ~ Jared Spool,
1454:As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion. ~ Janeane Garofalo,
1455:Easter is all about remembering the importance of change, responsibility, and doing the right thing for the good of our children. ~ David Cameron,
1456:I think it has as much to do with honoring my own voice as it does with feeling a responsibility to my readers or my daughters. ~ Jennifer Weiner,
1457:It is the church's responsibility, the government's responsibility, and the personal responsibility of every one of us to love. ~ Shane Claiborne,
1458:It's my responsibility to walk around the hotel with a big smile on my face and not worry about what's happened in the last game. ~ David Beckham,
1459:It would be easier to fight the Russian army, and it would give me great satisfaction, but I have a responsibility to my people ~ Aslan Maskhadov,
1460:Laws have come down to us from old customs and folk-ways based on primitive ideas of man's origin, capacity and responsibility. ~ Clarence Darrow,
1461:Our brain is continuously being shaped - we can take more responsibility for our own brain by cultivating positive influences. ~ Richard Davidson,
1462:Our greatest duty and our main responsibility is to help others. But please, if you can't help them, would you please not hurt them. ~ Dalai Lama,
1463:Our narrative of happiness has become individualistic and punitive, totally divorced from social justice or wider responsibility. ~ Ruth Whippman,
1464:Responsibility. Those subjects facing the opponent who used the retreating strategy felt most responsible for the final deal. ~ Robert B Cialdini,
1465:The Author is a play about responsibility, how active we are as spectators and how responsible we are for what we choose to look at. ~ Tim Crouch,
1466:The rearing of children is considered too important to be left to the individual and should be the responsibility of the state. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
1467:The responsibility of leadership is not to come up with all the ideas but to create an environment in which great ideas can thrive. ~ Simon Sinek,
1468:they had reached that point in time when the responsibility for what happened next was passed baton-like from Preparation to Chance. ~ Jack Cheng,
1469:To counter the avoidance of intellectual challenge and responsibility, we must reduce the domination of certainty in education. ~ William Glasser,
1470:Truth is, young creative minds don’t need more ideas, they need to take more responsibility with the ideas they’ve already got. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1471:We have to all shoulder the responsibility for keeping the planet habitable, or we're going to suffer the consequences - together. ~ Barack Obama,
1472:Well, tell me. You see, there’s a responsibility in being a person. It’s more than just taking up space where air would be. What ~ John Steinbeck,
1473:We put a lot of responsibility on popular culture, particularly when some pop artifact somehow distinguishes itself as not terrible. ~ Roxane Gay,
1474:All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. ~ Jim Rohn,
1475:Any workout which does not involve a certain minimum of danger or responsibility does not improve the body - it just wears it out. ~ Norman Mailer,
1476:As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act. ~ Barack Obama,
1477:As writers we have the profound privilege and responsibility to create a new world when the current one takes a turn for the worse. ~ Chris Colfer,
1478:Beauty is a responsibility like anything else, beautiful women have special lives like prime ministers but I don’t want that. ~ Leonora Carrington,
1479:Because we’d rather believe the fairy tale that says some people are just special. That way, we don’t have any responsibility to act. ~ Jeff Goins,
1480:I felt I had a responsibility to do the right thing. And then I wanted to do the right thing by my family and there was no handbook. ~ Pat Benatar,
1481:I'm black, I don't feel burdened by it and I don't think it's a huge responsibility. It's part of who I am. It does not define me. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
1482:I'm just gonna do a podcast because it's mine, I can control it, I have complete responsibility over it, and no one can touch it. ~ Chris Hardwick,
1483:Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. ~ Sigmund Freud,
1484:Peace comes when you stop trying to control the world around you and instead take responsibility for the world within you. ~ Erwin Raphael McManus,
1485:Rich people...take responsibility for the results in their lives and act upon the mind-set "It will work because I'll make it work." ~ T Harv Eker,
1486:Stop pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Your life can only change to the degree that you accept responsibility for it. ~ Steve Maraboli,
1487:Take responsibility for your anger and learn to deal with it—process it and bring closure to it, and that will relieve the pressure. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1488:The responsibility of the company is to help the people, grow as people. If we can do that, then the company will grow as a company. ~ Simon Sinek,
1489:To newspapers and publishing houses I urge the use of fact over fiction, freedom of the press, and responsibility at all times. ~ Joely Richardson,
1490:Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1491:But responsibility and initiative are the heart of our relationship with God. We are not robots, and he does not work with robots. ~ Dallas Willard,
1492:For all of higher civilization's recorded history, becoming a man was defined overwhelmingly as taking responsibility for a family. ~ Dennis Prager,
1493:Having kids — the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings — is the biggest job anyone can embark on ~ Maria Shriver,
1494:I have gone from being a 21-year-old with wide eyes to a 24-year-old woman. With success comes a lot of responsibility and power. ~ Vanessa Carlton,
1495:It has been my experience that if you have the responsibility of leadership, you might as well have the jewelry to go with it. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1496:I think that anything that has privileges have responsibility and all people that is clear about their responsibility has compromise. ~ Carlos Slim,
1497:Sevastyan shouldn’t have taken on the responsibility of a new pet if he didn’t have time to watch her. My breed is very destructive. ~ Kresley Cole,
1498:The journey to happiness involves finding the courage to go down into ourselves and take responsibility for what's there: all of it. ~ Richard Rohr,
1499:To respect a person is not possible without knowing him; care and responsibility would be blind if they were not guided by knowledge. ~ Erich Fromm,
1500:What we have been watching is the steady shift of public responsibility onto the private sector to no discernible collective advantage. ~ Tony Judt,

IN CHAPTERS [232/232]

   96 Integral Yoga
   26 Occultism
   18 Philosophy
   16 Psychology
   13 Christianity
   11 Yoga
   7 Fiction
   4 Science
   2 Integral Theory
   2 Education
   1 Poetry
   1 Cybernetics
   1 Alchemy

   59 The Mother
   55 Sri Aurobindo
   40 Satprem
   14 Carl Jung
   12 Sri Ramakrishna
   10 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   8 Aleister Crowley
   7 Plotinus
   7 H P Lovecraft
   6 A B Purani
   5 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   4 Rudolf Steiner
   4 Jordan Peterson
   4 Franz Bardon
   3 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   3 Plato
   3 Nirodbaran
   3 Friedrich Nietzsche
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 George Van Vrekhem
   2 Genpo Roshi

   13 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   11 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   10 Record of Yoga
   7 Lovecraft - Poems
   6 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   5 Magick Without Tears
   5 Essays On The Gita
   4 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   4 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   4 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   4 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   4 Agenda Vol 11
   4 Agenda Vol 05
   4 Agenda Vol 03
   3 Words Of Long Ago
   3 Twilight of the Idols
   3 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   3 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   3 The Future of Man
   3 Talks
   3 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   3 On Education
   3 Liber ABA
   3 Letters On Yoga IV
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   3 Agenda Vol 13
   3 Agenda Vol 10
   3 Agenda Vol 09
   3 Agenda Vol 08
   3 Agenda Vol 04
   3 Agenda Vol 02
   3 Agenda Vol 01
   2 The Secret Doctrine
   2 The Life Divine
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 Some Answers From The Mother
   2 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   2 Questions And Answers 1954
   2 Questions And Answers 1953
   2 Preparing for the Miraculous
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   2 Aion
   2 Agenda Vol 12
   2 Agenda Vol 06

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Within a very short time Sri Ramakrishna attracted the notice of Mathur Babu, who was impressed by the young man's religious fervour and wanted him to participate in the worship in the Kali temple. But Sri Ramakrishna loved his freedom and was indifferent to any worldly career. The profession of the priesthood in a temple founded by a rich woman did not appeal to his mind. Further, he hesitated to take upon himself the responsibility for the ornaments and jewelry of the temple. Mathur had to wait for a suitable occasion.
   At this time there came to Dakshineswar a youth of sixteen, destined to play an important role in Sri Ramakrishna's life. Hriday, a distant nephew2 of Sri Ramakrishna, hailed from Sihore, a village not far from Kamarpukur, and had been his boyhood friend. Clever, exceptionally energetic, and endowed with great presence of mind, he moved, as will be seen later, like a shadow about his uncle and was always ready to help him, even at the sacrifice of his personal comfort. He was destined to be a mute witness of many of the spiritual experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and the caretaker of his body during the stormy days of his spiritual practice. Hriday came to Dakshineswar in search of a job, and Sri Ramakrishna was glad to see him.
   One day Girish felt depressed because he was unable to submit to any routine of spiritual discipline. In an exalted mood the Master said to him: "All right, give me your power of attorney. Henceforth I assume responsibility for you. You need not do anything." Girish heaved a sigh of relief. He felt happy to think that Sri Ramakrishna had assumed his spiritual responsibilities. But poor Girish could not then realize that He also, on his part, had to give up his freedom and make of himself a puppet in Sri Ramakrishna's hands. The Master began to discipline him according to this new attitude. One day Girish said about a trifling matter, "Yes, I shall do this." "No, no!" the Master corrected him. "You must not speak in that egotistic manner. You should say, 'God willing, I shall do it.'" Girish understood. Thenceforth he tried to give up all idea of personal responsibility and surrender himself to the Divine Will. His mind began to dwell constantly on Sri Ramakrishna. This unconscious meditation in time chastened his turbulent spirit.
   The householder devotees generally visited Sri Ramakrishna on Sunday afternoons and other holidays. Thus a brotherhood was gradually formed, and the Master encouraged their fraternal feeling. Now and then he would accept an invitation to a devotee's home, where other devotees would also be invited. Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music. The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. Many people who could not go to Dakshineswar participated in these meetings and felt blessed. Such an occasion would be concluded with a sumptuous feast.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Sri Ramakrishna was a teacher for both the Orders of mankind, Sannysins and householders. His own life offered an ideal example for both, and he left behind disciples who followed the highest traditions he had set in respect of both these ways of life. M., along with Nag Mahashay, exemplified how a householder can rise to the highest level of sagehood. M. was married to Nikunja Devi, a distant relative of Keshab Chander Sen, even when he was reading at College, and he had four children, two sons and two daughters. The responsibility of the family, no doubt, made him dependent on his professional income, but the great devotee that he was, he never compromised with ideals and principles for this reason. Once when he was working as the headmaster in a school managed by the great Vidysgar, the results of the school at the public examination happened to be rather poor, and Vidysgar attri buted it to M's preoccupation with the Master and his consequent failure to attend adequately to the school work. M. at once resigned his post without any thought of the morrow. Within a fortnight the family was in poverty, and M. was one day pacing up and down the verandah of his house, musing how he would feed his children the next day. Just then a man came with a letter addressed to 'Mahendra Babu', and on opening it, M. found that it was a letter from his friend Sri Surendra Nath Banerjee, asking whether he would like to take up a professorship in the Ripon College. In this way three or four times he gave up the job that gave him the wherewithal to support the family, either for upholding principles or for practising spiritual Sadhanas in holy places, without any consideration of the possible dire worldly consequences; but he was always able to get over these difficulties somehow, and the interests of his family never suffered. In spite of his disregard for worldly goods, he was, towards the latter part of his life, in a fairly flourishing condition as the proprietor of the Morton School which he developed into a noted educational institution in the city. The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Git that in the case of those who think of nothing except Him, He Himself would take up all their material and spiritual responsibilities. M. was an example of the truth of the Lord's promise.
  Though his children received proper attention from him, his real family, both during the Master's lifetime and after, consisted of saints, devotees, Sannysins and spiritual aspirants. His life exemplifies the Master's teaching that an ideal householder must be like a good maidservant of a family, loving and caring properly for the children of the house, but knowing always that her real home and children are elsewhere. During the Master's lifetime he spent all his Sundays and other holidays with him and his devotees, and besides listening to the holy talks and devotional music, practised meditation both on the Personal and the Impersonal aspects of God under the direct guidance of the Master. In the pages of the Gospel the reader gets a picture of M.'s spiritual relationship with the Master how from a hazy belief in the Impersonal God of the Brahmos, he was step by step brought to accept both Personality and Impersonality as the two aspects of the same Non-dual Being, how he was convinced of the manifestation of that Being as Gods, Goddesses and as Incarnations, and how he was established in a life that was both of a Jnni and of a Bhakta. This Jnni-Bhakta outlook and way of living became so dominant a feature of his life that Swami Raghavananda, who was very closely associated with him during his last six years, remarks: "Among those who lived with M. in latter days, some felt that he always lived in this constant and conscious union with God even with open eyes (i.e., even in waking consciousness)." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXXVII. P. 442.)

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  We are in an age that assumes the narrowing trends of specialization to be logical, natural, and desirable. Consequently, society expects all earnestly responsible communication to be crisply brief. Advancing science has now discovered that all the known cases of biological extinction have been caused by overspecialization, whose concentration of only selected genes sacrifices general adaptability. Thus the specialist's brief for pinpointing brevity is dubious. In the meantime, humanity has been deprived of comprehensive understanding. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual's leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others.
  Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war.
  The overconcentration on details of hyperspecialization has also been responsible for the lack of recognition by science of its inherently mandatory responsibility to reorient all our educational curricula because of the synergetically disclosed, but popularly uncomprehended, significance of the 1956 Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics of the experimental invalidation of the concept of "parity" by which science previously had misassumed that positive-negative complementations consisted exclusively of mirror-imaged behaviors of physical phenomena.
  Science's self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to announce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely metaphysical-because synergetically weightless. Metaphysical has been science's designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected-like it or not-life is but a dream.Science has found no up or down directions of Universe, yet scientists are personally so ill-coordinated that they all still personally and sensorially see "solids" going up or down-as, for instance, they see the Sun "going down." Sensorially disconnected from their theoretically evolved information, scientists discern no need on their part to suggest any educational reforms to correct the misconceiving that science has tolerated for half a millennium.
  Society depends upon its scientists for just such educational reform guidance.

0.00 - To the Reader, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The reader is requested to note that Sri Aurobindo is not responsible for these records as he had no opportunity to see them. So, it is not as if Sri Aurobindo said exactly these things but that I remember him to have said them. All I can say is that I have tried to be as faithful in recording them as I was humanly capable. That does not minimise my personal responsibility which I fully accept.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the sense of your full responsibility, come tomorrow morning,
  with a final and definite answer - I shall trust your word.
  thing may not happen. Do you realise our responsibility and
  WHAT IT MEANS if something serious happens?

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The doctors are always anxious to throw the responsibility
  for their incompetence to cure on the external conditions of life.

0 1956-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   No, it is exactly the opposite of what you are saying. It is not that the Divine in his divinity is opposed to his own manifested selfHe is very far beyond, beyond the necessity for Grace; He perceives his unique and exclusive responsibility, and that it is He and He alone who must change in His Manifestation so that all may change.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   On the one hand, there is what Sri Aurobindowho, as the Avatar, represented the supreme Consciousness and Will on earthdeclared me to be, that is, the supreme universal Mother; and on the other hand, there is what I am realizing in my body through the integral sadhana.2 I could be the supreme Mother and not do any sadhana, and as a matter of fact, as long as Sri Aurobindo was in his body, it was he who did the sadhana, and I received the effects. These effects were automatically established in the outer being, but he was the one doing it, not II was merely the bridge between his sadhana and the world. Only when he left his body was I forced to take up the sadhana myself; not only did I have to do what I was doing beforebeing a bridge between his sadhana and the world but I had to carry on the sadhana myself. When he left, he turned over to me the responsibility for what he himself had been doing in his body, and I had to do it. So there are both these things. Sometimes one predominates, sometimes the other (I dont mean successively in time, but it depends on the moment), and they are trying to combine in a total and perfect realization: the eternal, ineffable and immutable Consciousness of the Executrice of the Supreme, and the consciousness of the Sadhak of the integral Yoga who strives in an ascending effort towards an ever increasing progression.
   To this has been added a growing initiation into the supramental realization which is (I understand it well now) the perfect union of what comes from above and what comes from below, or in other words, the eternal position and the evolutionary realization.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And life itself has responded by bringing people forward to form a nucleus. Of course, we clearly saw that this would make the work a bit more complex and difficult (it gives me a heavy responsibility, an enormous material work), but from the overall point of view for the Workits indispensable and even inevitable. And in any case, as we were later able to verify, each one represents simultaneously a possibility and a special difficulty to resolve. I have even said, I believe, that each one here is an impossibility.3
   But this way of seeing is too far removed from the state of mind and spiritual education in which X has lived,4 of course, for him to understand. Nor am I in favor of proselytizing (to convince X); it would disturb him quite needlessly. He has not come here for that. He came here for something special, something I wanted which he brought, and I have learnt it. Now its excellent, he is a part of the group in his own fashion, thats all. And in a certain way, his presence here is having a very good effect on a whole category of people who had not been touched but who are now becoming more and more favorably inclined. It was difficult to reach all the traditionalists, for example, the people attached to the old spiritual forms; well, they seem now to have been touched by something.
   When Amrita,5 seized with zeal, wanted to make him understand what we were doing here and what Sri Aurobindo had wanted, it almost erupted into an unpleasant situation. So after that, I decided to identify myself with him to see I had never done this, because normally I only do it when I am responsible for someone, in order to truly help someone, and Ive never felt any responsibility in regard to X. So I wanted to see his inner situation, what could and could not be done. That was the day you saw him coming down from our meditation in an ecstatic state, when he told you that all separation between him and me had dropped awayit was to be expected, I anticipated as much!
   But when I did that, I saw what X wanted to do for me. As a matter of fact, I recalled that when we first met I had told him that everything was all right up to this point (Mother indicates the region above the head), but below that, in the outer being, I wanted to hasten the transformation, and things there were difficult to handle.

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Of course, I have a kind of responsibility because people expect me to organize everything, so I try to put things in their place. Thats why I told them I preferred they didnt hold seminars here, because it appears a bit I didnt say parasitic, but its like (laughing) a toadstool growing on an oak tree!

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It began with this famous World Union1 and now the Sri Aurobindo Society2 is meddling in it! They have put together a brochure saying, We will facilitate your relations with the Mother!! Luckily, the draft was sent to me. I said, I do not accept this responsibility. I agreed to be President because money is involved and I wanted to be a guarantee that all these people who make propaganda dont put the money into their own pockets for their personal use; so I agreed to be Presidentto guarantee that the money would really go to work for Sri Aurobindo, thats all. But no spiritual responsibility; I have nothing to teach to anyone, thank God!
   (Pavitra.) But Mother, A. has also been bitten by the propaganda bug; in the by-laws he sent, he put: The goal of the Centre dEtudes de Sri Aurobindo [Sri Aurobindo Study Center, in Paris] is to steer people towards Pondicherry and the Mother.
   After this, I received the draft of the Sri Aurobindo Societys brochure to be distributed among all disciples, all society members, in order to encourage them. Well, that was the last straw! Oh, the most asinine propaganda! And plump in the middle of a bunch of other things (which had nothing to do with me), I come across this: We have the great fortune to have the Mother among us, and we propose to be the intermediary for all who wish to come into direct contact with her! They wanted to print this and distribute it, just like that! So I took my brightest red ink and wrote: I do not accept this responsibility, you cannot make this promise. And that was that. I cut it. And now heres A., doing the same thing!

0 1961-06-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, its the old traditionyou step back from Nature and Nature does whatever she wants. It doesnt concern you, you have no responsibility, you are not that. Its the old idea.
   Sri Aurobindo was completely against it. Somewhere he makes fun of a man who said he was the Supreme and that whatever he did, it wasnt he himself doing itand then he was angry when his meal was late! But of course it wasnt him: the stomach-nature was angry!2

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Psychologically, there was no struggle, no tension, no effortnot ONCE; I was living in total and confident serenity. On the material plane there were attacks, but even these he took upon himself. Well, I saw it all, all those thirty years of life; not for a SECOND did I have any sense of responsibility, in spite of all the work I was doing, all the organizing and everything. He had supposedly passed on the responsibility to me, you see, but he was standing behindHE was actually doing everything! I was active, but with absolutely no responsibility. I never felt responsible for a single minutehe took the full responsibility. It was really.
   For the first seven years he was doing the work, not me. He was the one who saw people; I looked after his personal affairs, his housekeeping, his food, his clothes and so forth. I kept myself quietly busy with that, doing nothing else, not seeing people, simply looking after his material lifelike a child at play. It was seven years of integral peace.
   Later, when he withdrew and put me in front, there was naturally a bit more activity, as well as the semblance of responsibility but it was only a semblance. What security! A sense of total, total security for thirty years. Not once. There was just a single scratch, so to speak, when he had that accident and broke his leg. There was a formation at work (an adverse force) and he wasnt taking sufficient precautions for himself because it was directed against both of us, and more especially against me (it had tried once or twice to fracture my skull, things like that). Well, he was so intent on keeping it from seriously touching my body that it managed to sneak in and break his leg. That was a shock. But he straightened everything out again almost immediatelyit all fell back into place and went on like that till the end.
   And the feeling was so strong that even during his illness (which lasted for months, you know), I had a sense of perfect security; so much so that the idea of his life being really affected in the least by this illness couldnt even occur to me! I didnt want to believe it when the doctor said, Its over. I didnt want to believe it. And as long as I stayed in the room with me in the room he couldnt leave his body. And so there was a terrible tension in himon the one hand the inner will to depart, and then this thing holding him there in his body: the fact that I knew he was alive and could only be alive. He had to signal me to go to my room, supposedly to rest (I didnt rest); and no sooner had I left his room than he was gone.
   They immediately called me back. Thats how it was. Then when he came to me, when I really saw what had happened, when he went out of his body and entered into mine (the most material part of him, the part involved with external things) and I understood that I had the entire responsibility for all the work AND for the sadhana7well, then I locked a part of me away, a deep psychic8 part that was living, beyond all responsibility, in the ECSTASY of the realization: the Supreme. I took it and locked it away, I sealed it off and said, Youre not moving until until all the rest is ready.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, I am walking a little now, with someones assistance, to get the body used to it again. And when I started walking, I became aware of a rather peculiar state I might describe it as: what gives me the illusion of a body (Mother laughs). I entrust it to the person I walk with. In other words, its not my responsibility: the other person has to make sure it doesnt fall, doesnt bump into anythingyou see what I mean. And the consciousness is a limitless consciousness, like a material equivalent or expression of these gustsits like waves, but waves with no. Not separate waves, but a MOVEMENT of waves; a movement of what might be called material, corporeal waves, as vast as the earth, but not not round, not flat. Something giving a great sense of infinity but moving in waves. And this wave movement is the movement of life. And the consciousness (the body-consciousness, I suppose) floats along in this, with a sensation of eternal peace. But its not an expanse thats not the word for it. It is a limitless movement, with a very harmonious and very tranquil rhythm, very vast, very calm. And this movement is life itself.
   I walk around the room, and that is what is walking.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Several times (because I am almost never alone in my room, though there may be many other reasons), I have noticed a slight change, a small movement in the consciousness of the person or persons in the room. But I always hesitate to throw the responsibility onto something external, because that takes three-quarters of the possibility of control away from you.
   If only the mechanism could be found!

0 1962-07-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Had I taken the responsibility (I purposely didnt, for other reasons), I would have said, Keep him till tomorrow morning. And I would have done something overnight. But naturally, this is one case in a million. You cant make it a general rule.
   No, I meant what conclusions for you, for your experience, can be drawn from this episode?

0 1963-01-12, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Obviously, the whole difficulty is the mixing of two things: on one hand, the responsibility of everything, the entire organization, all these people hanging on to me (and naturally giving me work, even if we cut out whatever we can), and on the other, the study or recording of what goes on. If I had nothing to do and could note down my nights, what fascinating things there would be!
   For instance, two or three nights ago (I dont remember), I was with Sri Aurobindo, we were doing a certain work (it was in a mental zone with certain vital reactions mixed in), well, a general work. I was with Sri Aurobindo and we were doing the work together. He wanted to explain to me how a particular movement is turned into a distorted movement; he was explaining this to me (but theres nothing mental or intellectual about it, nothing to do with theories). And without even (how can I put it?) without even a thought or an explanation to forewarn you, a true movement is changed into a movement that is not false but distorted. I was speaking to Sri Aurobindo and he was answering, then I turn my head away like this (not physicallyall this is an inner life, naturally), I turned my head as if to see the [vibratory] effect. Then I turn back and send Sri Aurobindo the movement necessary to carry on with the experience, and I receive a reply which surprises me because of the quality of its vibration (it was a reply of ignorance and weakness). So I turn my attention back again, and as a matter of fact in Sri Aurobindos place I saw the doctor. Then I understood! Superficially, one may say, So, Sri Aurobindo and the doctor are the same! (To people who would see such a thing it would occur that they are the sameof course its all, all the same! All is one, people just dont understand this complete oneness.) Naturally it didnt surprise me for the thousandth of a second, there wasnt any surprise, but oh, I understood! This way (Mother slightly tilts her hand to the left), its Sri Aurobindo, and that way (slightly to the right), its the doctor. This way its the Lord, and that way its a man!!

0 1963-01-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I know I know He wants me to learn not to take seriously the responsibility ( responsibility isnt the right word), the formidable task of finding 8,000 rupees a day to meet the Ashrams expensesin other words, a colossal fortune every month.
   And I very well see (because I told Him several times, You know, it would be great fun if I had plenty of money to play with), so I see that He laughs, but He doesnt answer! He teaches me to be able to laugh at this difficulty, to see the cashier send me his book in which the figures are growing astronomical ([laughing] its by 50,000, 60,000, 80,000, 90,000), while the drawer is nearly empty! And He wants me to learn to laugh at it. The day when I can really laughlaugh, enjoy myselfSINCERELY (not through effortyou can do anything you want through effort), when it makes me laugh spontaneously, I think it will change. Because otherwise its impossible. You see, we have fun with all sorts of things, theres no reason we couldnt have fun with more money than we need and do things in style! It will surely happen one day, but we shouldwe shouldnt be overwhelmed by the amount, and for that we shouldnt take money seriously.

0 1963-02-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I always tell those who criticize the government: You deserve to be put in the place of the Prime Minister, or any other minister, with decisions to make; and with the responsibility placed on you, suppose you suddenly had to decide on things of which you know nothingyoud soon see what fun it is! You see, to govern properly, you have to be you have to be a sage! You should have a universal vision and be above all personal questions. There is not onenot one.
   Some are sluggish (theyre the best, because I can make them do what I want them to do); theyre like automatons, so you can get something out of them. But unfortunately they think they are they have the sense of their responsibility, so they think they are very superior then its terrible!

0 1964-03-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And there was that experience, which of all experiences was truly the most I could say the most decisive: that was when Sri Aurobindo left his body. Because materially, for the body, it was the complete collapse of a sort of unshakable trust, a sense of absolute security, of certitude that things were going to be done just like that, harmoniously. Then his departure the blow of a sledgehammer on the head. And the entire weight of the responsibility here, on the body. Voil.
   That means quite a preparationwhich is as wise as all the rest.

0 1964-08-11, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is no greater joy than to know that you can do nothing and are absolutely helpless, that youre not the one who does, and that what little is donelittle or big, it doesnt matteris done by the Lord; and the responsibility is fully His. That makes you happy. With that, you are happy.

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thank you! (laughing) Thank you for the responsibility.

0 1964-09-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know this: the SAME words, the SAME sentences, spoken by someone who sees and knows and spoken by the ordinary ignorant person, change entirely in nature and power and in action. There is a way of saying things which is the true way, whatever words you speak. And that is the solution: its inside himself, in the depths of his being, that he must find that light the light that knows what should be said and how it should be said. And then that feeling of responsibility and of complicity with falsehood is finished, it disappears completely. And necessarily, inevitably, absolutely, he will say the thing that should be said and as it should be said, in the way it should be said.
   Oh, what a beautiful realization to achieve! A beautiful work can be done in that way. To be able to feel and SEE the thing to be said, and THATS what should be saidnot with the thought, This man is going to die, I shouldnt make him too unhappy, I should, all that is perfectly useless. Perfectly useless, and you put yourself in a kind of mental muddle; besides, it doesnt really help, it doesnt have the expected effect. While this inner vision to see why that being is ill and what that physical disorder expresses in the destiny of the soul of that man or this womanits magnificent, magnificent!

0 1965-02-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And with the consciousness absolutely certain, because there have been other details. Three days earlier, Kali was in a fury because things werent as they ought to be on the earth, and especially among the people whose mission it is to prepare the new world. She was she really was in a fury. She saw all the blunders everywhere, and it made such a powerful vibration in the atmosphere, as though she wanted to begin her Dance; as for me, I kept telling her, Calm down, calm down. On the morning of the 11th, she was here and she kept going on about this, that, about the blunders in the government, in the town, in the Ashram, in this and thatshe saw everything. I tried to calm her down, but really without success. Finally, when I saw there was no way, I said to the Lord, Look after her and do what needs to be done, I beg You I handed over the responsibility to Him. And then, the same evening the attack started, and I saw it was her dancing. So I thought, We really had something to learn! And I saw, I had that experience and I KNOW now (I know it in a certain, absolute and unforgettable way) which is the vibration of Truth in the Physical, in which state the Physical must be so as to respond to the Truthso as to BE the Truth. Now I know. So that I, too, have learned my lesson. But everyone has learned something, and I hope it wont be forgotten.
   And this morning (this is rather interesting), I received a letter from R. telling me, That evening I had an extraordinary experience, but now its beginning to appear like an impossibility, like something unreal. The exact moment when the experience came over me (of course, when he received the news of the attack, his first reaction was that of human fear, with the hands becoming cold and so on, but he sat down, he braced himself, he called me), and then he felt a Peace come down from above, something he had never felt before, which swept through his whole being, took hold of him entirely and lasted for I dont know, I think he said till eleven at nightit lasted a long time. He had experienced a little bit of it from time to time, but it had never been like that: it came down into him, it seized hold of him entirely. And he says, I could move about: it was THERE, it didnt budge, it was inside me. So I thought, At last someone who felt! There has been at least one who felt.

0 1965-11-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And thats why its so difficult to know how one should be. Because in thought you can be in the same constant state, even in aspiration you can be in the same constant state, in the general goodwill, even in surrender to the Divine, it all can be the same thing, in the same stateits in here (Mother touches her body), and this makes the whole difference. I can very well conceive that there may be people in whom this opposition persists in the mind and the vital, but there its so obvious. But I am talking of something absolutely material. Some people say and think, How come? I have such goodwill, such a desire to do the right thing, and then nothing works, everything jarswhy? I am so good (!) and yet things dont respond. Or those who say, Oh, I have made my surrender, I have such goodwill, I have an aspiration, I want nothing but the Truth and the Good, and yet I am ill all the timewhy am I ill? And naturally, one small step more, and you begin to doubt the Justice that rules the world, and so on. Then you fall into a hole. But thats not it, thats not what I mean. Its much simpler and much more difficult at the same time, because it isnt blatant, it isnt evident, its not an opposition from which you can choose, its truly, totally and integrally leaving the entire responsibility to the Lord.
   Of all things, this is the most difficult for manits far easier for the plant and even for the animal, far easier. But for man its very difficult. Because there was a whole period in the evolution when in order to progress he had to take on the responsibility for himself. So the habit has formed, it has taken root in the being.
   I have noticed something very interesting. Suppose there is a pain, some sign or other that something in the body is out of order. In the consciousness in the consciousness you are absolutely indifferent, which means that whether its life or death, disease or health, there is equality; but if the body reacts according to its old habit, What should be done to get over it? and all that it involves (I am not speaking of a reaction in the mind, but here, in the body), the thing takes root. Why? Because it has to stay there (laughing) to enable you to study it! If, on the other hand, the cells have learned their lesson and say right away, Lord, Your presence (without words the attitude), pfft! the thing goes.

0 1966-12-28, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The doctor said something much worse than that, he said, If she returns to Pondicherry before spending at least two months in a cool climate (and Hong Kong isnt cool!), she will be incurably ill, her liver will never be cured. So faced with such a suggestion, I said, I am not taking any responsibility: go and get your suggestion cured in Hong Kong!
   They are terrible.
   And they said she was dying and they saved her, but that she would start dying again if she came back here. They wrote all this to me (its the husb and who wrote; as for her, she was preparing to come back here). I said, I dont want to take the responsibility, the suggestion is too strong, let her go and get the suggestion cured in Hong Kong.
   Its the suggestion that has to be cured!

0 1967-10-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The body itself is learning that every time it thinks of itself, theres a small catastrophenot catastrophe, but I mean on the bodys scale: a cellular catastrophe every time there is even a slight turning in on itself. It must forget itself completely, forget itself, and most importantly, it must not try to find support, comfort, understanding, help or anything of the sort (horizontal gesture all around)only there (gesture with palms open upward and the two hands forming a kind of upside down triangle): the only support is the Divine. The only support. The only help, the only responsibility. All the rest. There isnt one thing coming from or towards a human being that isnt mixed; and the moment its mixed, it means conflict.
   This is a time of extremes, even extremes in the downright material. Did I tell you both the other day that I had received the first flower of a plant which visibly was supramental powera flower like this (gesture), a hibiscus? And yesterday there was the first flower of another plant, also a hibiscus, this big, snow-white, with such a colour at the centre! An indefinable colour, it cant be described. Its golden pink, but so beautiful that you wonder how such colours can be physical. A flower this big (gesture, about fifteen centimetres), the first flower was yesterday. And that was VISIBLY (it expressed itself, you know) the Victory of Love, the Power of Love. Its as if all this physical Nature were, oh, like this (gesture of intense aspiration), tryingshe tries, and there is a Response. They are blessed not to have a mind.

0 1967-10-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now there is integrally, even for the most material consciousness, the body consciousness, this: to leave the entire responsibility to the Lordwhat He wants will be, and thats all. When He wants us to do something, we do it, but after all We do it simply because He tells us to do it. And what will happen will happen. Then, if you want to know, you put yourself in the attitude of the Witness and look on. And thats very amusing! As soon as you are in the attitude of the Witness, it becomes very interestingvery interesting and you smile.
   Thats how it is.

0 1967-12-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what weve said. The industries will participate actively, they will contri bute. If they are industries producing articles that arent in constant need and are therefore in quantities or numbers too great for the townships own use that will be sold outsidethose industries must naturally participate through money. And I take the example of food: those who produce food will give the township what it needs (in proportion to what they produce, naturally), and it is the townships responsibility to feed everyone. That means people wont have to buy their food with money, but they will have to earn it.
   Its a kind of adaptation of the Communist system, but not in a spirit of levelling: according to everyones capacity, his position (not a psychological or intellectual one), his INNER position.

0 1968-03-02, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother laughs) Because everyone finds the words arent the ones he wants. There has been quite a to-do with the Communists and the Soviet consul, a very intelligent man, it seems, who has read Sri Aurobindo, is quite interested, wants to be useful and he says, What can I do with divine consciousness!1 (Mother laughs) In our country the word divine is banned. He was told, This has nothing to do with God (a ban on God I quite understand, you see, because you can put whatever you like in the word), but he said, I cant. They sent a Russian translation, which luckily came after the ceremony; it was the translation of their own thought, not at all of my text! So we answered them it had come too late. Its T. who did the translation, but she refused to read it out [at the inauguration], because, she said, it was too heavy a responsibility! (Mother laughs) They are all like that. Finally it was read out by S. But then, we have a Communist architect, a Russian, who has been working a great deal for Auroville, on the models and so on (a young man, he is very nice), and yesterday he came with a prayer: whether he could change the word divine. I asked him, What are you offering me? He said, The universal consciousness. Then I answered (laughing), You are making it shrink terribly! He was bothered: whats to be done? I told him, Listen, Ill make a concession for you; if you like, well say perfect consciousness, thats harmless. So he was happy, I wrote perfect consciousness on his paper, and he left with it!
   But here, the group of (what shall we call them?) Y.s disciples, the forward group, dont at all like divine consciousness, and the woman who translated it into German (not a direct disciple of Y.s but one of M.s) went to M. to ask for his help (moral help, probably), and the best they could find was highest consciousness. So I asked, Where is your high? Where is your low?

0 1968-06-15, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Most of the time, its a sort of laziness, something unwilling to make an effort, to make a resolve: it prefers to leave the responsibility to others. In English I would call it the remnant, the residue of the Inconscient. Its a sort of spinelessness (gesture of groveling) which accepts a general, impersonal law: you paddle about in illness. And in response to that, there is inside, every minute, the sense of the true attitude, which in the cells is expressed with great simplicity: There is the Lord, who is the all-powerful Master. Something like that. It depends entirely on Him. If a surrender is to be made, its to Him. I make sentences, but for the cells its not sentences. Its a tiny little movement that expresses itself by repeating the mantra; then the mantra is fullfull of force and there is instantly the surrender: May Your Will be done, and a tranquillitya luminous tranquillity. And one sees that there was absolutely no imperative need to be ill or for the disequilibrium to occur.
   The phenomenon recurs HUNDREDS of times a day, for very small things.

0 1968-07-10, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They must know that steering their own life is their responsibility.

0 1969-07-30, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But listen, yesterday, I saw a dozen young men and women who came, I think, from America (they were from various countries), and theyd asked to see me. I said, I am not keen to see them. But they had asked, and L. was moved to pity and brought them to me. Mon petit, if you knew how HOLLOW they were! Hollow, nothing but words. And what questions they asked me! What is responsibility? One of the girls asked me, Whats the Divine? (Theyre all ultramodern people, you know, much too intelligent to believe in any godhead! Theyre far above that.) She asked me with a derisive little air, Whats the Divine? So I looked at her (Mother looks hugely amused), and told her, The Divine is the perfection you have to realize.
   I had some real fun! There was nothing more to be said. (Mother laughs)

0 1969-08-23, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And to crown it all, whos going to live there and watch over the children but A.A.!! A. is the one who has learned in Switzerl and this new method to describe peoples characters, its he who brought it back, and it interests him furiously I just said to Y., I hope there wont be any accidents. Then she told me, Oh, later, when we have enough money, well make a garden in Auromodle, and then well do it with all the necessary precautions. I thought they should rather wait. But to get money, they have to do something (thats how it is: you must start doing something, and afterwards youre given the money to do it). Me, of course, I dont say anything (Mother crosses her fingers on her lips). Ive named her responsible for the direction of education in Auroville (Mother laughs heartily). She told me, by the way, that she wants to have a bank account in the name of Auroeducationdo you know why? Because those young Americans who came here on a visit (did you hear about them?), a dozen or so I saw them all: quite ordinary people. They asked me, Whats responsibility?! Things of that sort.
   Yes, you told me about them.

0 1969-12-20, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Id like you to take the responsibility of the Bulletin.
   (various details follow)

0 1970-01-10, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, but then, if the thing is printed with any mistakes, what am I to say? Its my responsibility!
   Yes, and it would be better to We can try to tell him In the past, I used to see him once a week, so I had a little more control. Now I only see him once a month; maybe I should resume seeing him more often.

0 1970-01-17, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If they come and tell me, YOU have to take the responsibility, ah, then I would say, They are quite right. Thats quite different.
   They have been beside the point. Its not that.

0 1970-03-25, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The problem is always the same: those given the responsibility should be people with a universal consciousness, of course, otherwise Wherever there is a personal consciousness, it means someone incapable of governingwe can see how governments are, its frightful!
   (long silence)

0 1970-04-22, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its an impersonal person, I dont know; theres no personal relationship with it, but its someone whose responsibility is to see to this bodys well-being, and especially to its relations with others, because the body has reached the point where it really couldnt care less.
   Some curious things. Some people are quite well-disposed and even, I might say, full of affection, of care, and I dont know, I cant explain, but certain things have to remain as they are and there should be nothing to disturb those people but the body is quite unconcerned about that. The conscious, active being is turned only to the supreme Consciousness and exclusively concerned with doing what this Consciousness wants it to do, and so there are, as it were, people (or someone) whose responsibility is to see that things can be understood in the transitory state we are in. There.2

0 1971-11-10, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For example, he says he wrote you a month ago, in October, and you answered him in writing. He wrote you this: I have made a detailed study of the work to be done, and I have reached the conclusion that we [Aurovillians] can take upon ourselves the responsibility for the excavation and construction work of the four pillars; then a commercial firm such as EEC [I dont know what it is, its in Madras, I think] would agree to take over the construction of the Matrimandir itself , etc. It therefore appears that the work of the Aurovillians is not an obstacle to the rest of the work being handled by a specialized firm. Then you answered, Thats very good, I am fully in agreement. The safety and solidity of the work should come BEFORE PERSONAL QUESTIONS. I am counting on you to see that everything goes harmoniously.
   And then I realized. Afterwards, the others told me that he had written that without consulting them.

0 1971-11-24, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As for X and Y, you have no claim over them and no right to control their thoughts and actions. X is of an age to choose and decide; he can think and act for himself and has no need of you to think and act for him. You are not his guardian, nor Ys; you are not even the head of the family. On what ground do you claim to decide where he shall go or where he shall stay? Your pretension to have the responsibility for him or her before God is an arrogant and grotesque absurdity. Each one is responsible for himself before God unless he freely chooses to place the responsibility upon another in whom he trusts. No one has the right to impose himself on others as a religious or spiritual guide against their free will. You have no claim at all to dictate to X or Y either in their inner or their outer life. It is again the confusion and incoherence of your mind in its present state that prevents you from recognising these plain and simple facts.
   Again, you say that you ask only for the Truth and yet you speak like a narrow and ignorant fanatic who refuses to believe in anything but the religion in which he was born. All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders. Hindus and Confucians and Taoists and all others have as much right to enter into relation with God and find the Truth in their own way. All religions have some truth in them, but none has the whole truth; all are created in time and finally decline and perish. Mahomed himself never pretended that the Koran was the last message of God and there would be no other. God and Truth outlast these religions and manifest themselves anew in whatever way or form the Divine Wisdom chooses. You cannot shut up God in the limitations of your own narrow brain or dictate to the Divine Power and Consciousness how or where or through whom it shall manifest; you cannot put up your puny barriers against the divine Omnipotence. These again are simple truths which are now being recognised all over the world; only the childish in mind or those who vegetate in some formula of the past deny them.

0 1972-03-29a, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In your reply to the Swedish magazine, you emphasize, The major obstacle to tolerance is not agnosticism but Manichaeism. That is also why religions will never be able to unite humanity, because they have remained Manichaean in their principle, because they are founded on morality, on a sense of good and evil, necessarily varying from one country to the next. Religions will not reconcile men with one another any more than they have reconciled men with themselves, or reconciled their aspiration to be with their need for action and for the same reasons, for in both cases they have dug an abyss between an ideal good, a being they have relegated to heaven, and an evil, a becoming, which reigns supreme in a world where all is vanity. I would like to quote here a passage from Sri Aurobindos Essays on the Gita which throws a clear light on the problem: To put away the responsibility for all that seems to us evil or terrible on the shoulders of a semi-omnipotent Devil, or to put it aside as part of Nature, making an unbridgeable opposition between world-nature and God-Nature, as if Nature were independent of God, or to throw the responsibility on man and his sins, as if he had a preponderant voice in the making of this world or could create anything against the will of God, are clumsily comfortable devices in which the religious thought of India has never taken refuge. We have to look courageously in the face of the reality and see that it is God and none else who has made this world in his being and that so he has made it. We have to see that Nature devouring her children, Time eating up the lives of creatures, Death universal and ineluctable and the violence of the Rudra forces in man and Nature are also the supreme Godhead in one of his cosmic figures. We have to see that God the bountiful and prodigal creator, God the helpful, strong and benignant preserver is also God the devourer and destroyer. The torment of the couch of pain and evil on which we are racked is his touch as much as happiness and sweetness and pleasure. It is only when we see with the eye of the complete union and feel this truth in the depths of our being that we can entirely discover behind that mask too the calm and beautiful face of the all-blissful Godhead and in this touch that tests our imperfection the touch of the friend and builder of the spirit in man. The discords of the worlds are Gods discords and it is only by accepting and proceeding through them that we can arrive at the greater concords of his supreme harmony.2 I believe that the characters of your books would not be seeking sacrifice and death so intensely if they did not feel the side of light and joy behind the mask of darkness in which they so passionately lose themselves.
   Sri Aurobindo has constantly stressed that, through progressive evolutionary cycles, humanity must go beyond the purely ethical and religious stage, just as it must go beyond the infrarational and rational stage, in order to reach a new spiritual and suprarational ageotherwise we will simply remain doomed to the upheavals, conflicts and bloody sacrifices that shake our times, for living according to a code of morality is always a tragedy, as one of the characters in Hope notes.

0 1972-04-04, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Is there no one who could be given the responsibility for those things?
   Yes, Mother, well have to manage with what we have.

0 1972-04-05, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I arrived at about five past seven [in Mothers room, the evening of November 17] and saw that Dr. Sanyal was already there examining Her. Dyumanbhai [the disciple who brought Mother her meals] also had come. I went and felt the Mothers pulse. It was still there, beating at long intervals. There was still some respiration. But slowly everything stopped. The doctor gave an external heart massage to Her. It had no effect. Then he declared that the Mother had left Her body. This was at 7:25 p.m. Then, being present and feeling my responsibility, I thought what I should do. At that time there were present Andr [Mothers son], Champaklalji [the helper], Dr. Sanyal, Dyumanbhai, Kumud [the attendant] and myself. I talked with Andr and told him that I wanted to wait for some time and then take the Mothers body down, place it in the Meditation Hall for people to see. We would keep the body in such a way that it was not disturbed, then we would decide what to do. Andr agreed to my proposal. He wanted to remain with us but as he was not well I suggested that he should go home and take rest and come the next day. He left. We remained there and discussed what to do.
   Now we thought that if people immediately came to know about the Mothers passing there would be a big rush, and the crowd would all clamor to see Her. There would be noise and shouts and a tremendous confusion. So we thought of keeping the event secret for some time. Also Dr. Sanyal said that we must not disturb the body in any way for several hours. So the Mother was left as She was and after I I oclock, when the gate of the Ashram was closed, we cleaned Her body with eau de cologne, put a nice dress on Her, arranged everything and then Dyumanbhai and I went down and called Nolinida. Nolinida came up, saw everything, and asked what we were going to do. I mentioned my plans to him. He said the Mother had once told him that if it looked to us that She had left her body we should not be in a hurry, but see that Her body was properly kept, and then wait. I said, We are just about to do the same. We have cleaned Her, otherwise ants and insects would have come. We have put on Her a new dress and we shall carry Her quietly, carefully downstairs and lay Her in the Meditation Hall. After some time we shall call people. He agreed to our proposal. At about 2 oclock [in the morning] we brought the Mothers body down, placed Her on the bed, arranged everything. Then I went out, called Mona, told him to come and see me with four other boys, five of my lieutenants, so to say. When they came I explained to them what to do: to call the photographers first, then to call the [Ashram] trustees, then all those who were very close to Her. From 3 oclock the people who had been called started coming. While we were upstairs, we prepared some kind of statement that could go to the Press and to All India Radio so that no wrong information might go out. Our draft of the statement we got corrected by Nirodda and gave it to Udar to circulate. At 4:15 in the morning we opened the gate of the Ashram for people to come in and have a last Darshan.

02.01 - A Vedic Story, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Agni feared and tried to escape from the burden of his responsibility. He wrapped himself in a thick and vast cloak and hid in the depths of far waters. That is the parable way of describing the difficulty, the apparent impossibility of the undertaking Agni has to shoulder. Curiously however he has taken shelter just in the spot which seemed safest to him, from where begins his work, whose nature and substance he has to transform, that is to say, the nether regions of inconscience which is to be raised and transfigured into the solar region of the supra-consciousness.
   One interesting point in the story is the choice of the gods who formed the search party. They were Mitra, Varuna and Yama. Varuna is the god of the vast consciousness (Brihat), the wide universal, the Infinite. His eye naturally penetrates everywhere and nothing can escape his notice. Mitra is harmony and rhythm of the infinity. Every individual element he embraces and he holds them all together in loving unionhis is the friendly tie of comradeship with all. Finally Yama is the master of the lower regions, the underworld of physical and material consciousness, where precisely Agni has taken refuge. Agni is within the jurisdiction of this trinity and it devolves upon them to tackle the truant god.

02.06 - Vansittartism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The more democratic and liberal elements among the Allies do not also consider that Germany as a whole is smitten with an original sin and is beyond redemption. They say Germany too has men and groups of men who are totally against Hitler and Hitlerism; they may have fallen on evil days, but yet they can be made the nucleus of a new and regenerated Germany.Furthermore, they say if Germany has come to be what she is, considerable portion of the responsibility must be shared by the unprogressive and old-world elements among the Allies themselves who helped or pitied or feared the dark Germany.
   Hence it is suggested that for the postwar reconstruction of Germany what is required is the re-education of its people. For, only a psychological change can bring about a durable and radical change. But certain proposals towards this end raise serious misgivings, since they mean iron regimentation under foreign control. Even if such a thing were possible and feasible, it is doubtful if the purpose could be best served in this way. Measures have to be taken, no doubt, to uproot Prussianism and Junkerism and prevent their revival, no false mercy or sympathy should be extended to the enemies of God and man. But this is only a negative step, and cannot be sufficient by itself. A more positive and more important work lies ahead. The re-education of Germany must come from within, if it is to be permanent and effective. What others can do is to help her in this new orientation. As we have said, there are the progressive elements in Germany too, although submerged for the moment. The task of reconstruction will precisely consist in calling up and organising and marshalling these forces that are for the Light. The Allied organisation, it may be noted, itself has grown up in this way. When one remembers how Britain stood alone at one time against the all-sweeping victorious march of the Titan, how slowly and gradually America was persuaded to join hands, at first in a lukewarm way, finally with all its heart and soul and might and main, how a new France is being built up out of a mass of ruins, we can hope that the same process will be adopted in the work that lies ahead even after victory, with regard to Italy and with regard to Germany. In the second case the task is difficult but it has got to be done.

03.01 - The New Year Initiation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We who have taken the side that is for Light and Evolution and the great Future, must be thoroughly alive to the heavy responsibility that lies on us. The choice of the path is not by itself sufficient. Next to that, we have to see, at every step, and make sure that we are really walking straight along the true path, that we do not fall and slip down, that we do not stray unawares into a wrong track or a blind alley.
   So far as the World War is concerned all nations and peoples and groups on our side who have felt and proclaimed that they stand for equality, fraternity and freedom, the priests and prophets of a new future, of a happier humanity, all such warriors are also facing a solemn ordeal. For them also the time has come to be on their guard and be watchful. They must see that they give exact expression in their actions to what they have thought, felt and proclaimed. They have to prove by every means, by thought, word and deed, that their entire being is really one, whole and indivisible, in ideal and in intention.

03.05 - Some Conceptions and Misconceptions, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   One must not forget, however, that the principle of exclusive concentration cannot be isolated I from the total action of consciousness and viewed as functioning by itself at any time. We isolated it for logical comprehension. In actuality it is integrated with the whole nisus of consciousness and operates in conjunction with and as part of the total drive. That total drive at one point results in the multiple realities of Matter. When the element of limitation in the physical plane is ascribed to the exclusiveness of a stress in consciousness, it should not be forgotten that the act is, as it were, a joint and several responsibility of the whole consciousness in its multiple functioning. And the reverse movement is also likewise a global act: there too the force that withdraws, ascends or eliminates cannot be isolated from the other force that reaffirms, re-establishes, reintegrates,the principle of exclusiveness (like that of pain) is not proved to be illusory and non-existent, but reappears in its own essential nature as a principle of centring or canalisation of consciousness.

05.15 - Sartrian Freedom, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "Freedom is not abeing: it is thebeing of man, that is to say, his not-being". A very cryptic mantra. Let us try to unveil the Shekinah. "Being" means "being" i.e. existing, something persisting, continuing in the same condition, something fixed, a status. Freedom is not a thingof that kind, it is movement: even so, it is not a continuous movement. According to Bergson, the true, the ultimate reality is a continuity of urge (lan vital); according to Sartre, however, in line with the trend of modern scientific knowledge, the reality is an assemblage of discrete units of energy, packets or quanta. So freedom is an urge, a spurt (jaillissement):it acts in a disconnected fashion and it is absolute and unconditional. It is veritably the wind that bloweth where it listeth. It has no purpose, no direction, no relation: for all those attributes or definitions would annul its absoluteness. It does not stop or halt or dwell upon, it bursts forth and passes. It does not exist, that is stay: therefore it is non-being. Man's being then consist of a conglomeration (ensemble)of such freedoms. And that is the whole reality ofman, his very essence. We have said that a heavy sense of responsibility hangs upon the .free Purusha: but it appears the Sartrian Purusha is a divided personality. In spite of the sense of responsibility (or because of it?) he acts irresponsibly; for, acting otherwise would not be freedom. So then this essence, the self-consciousness, self-existence, presence in oneself is not a status, a fixed standing entity: it is not a point, even if geometrical; it is, Sartre describes, the jet from one point to another, for, real point there is none: so it is the emptiness behind all concrete realities that is the true reality, asat brahman, unyamto Sartre that is freedom, freedom absolute and ultimate.
   Practically this conception of freedom brings into high relief, makes almost all in all, only one aspect, one character or attri bute of freedom: the abolition of all ties and obligations and relations beyond oneself involving a hollow self-sufficiency. Naturally such an outlook requires against it a complementary one, even if it is not to correct and complete, at least to support and implement it. Sartre too cannot ignore the fact that the free being is not an isolated phenomenon in the world; it exists along with and in the company of others of the same nature and quality. Indeed human society is that in essence, an association of freedoms, although these movements of freedom are camouflaged in appearance and are not recognised by the free persons themselves. The interaction between the free persons, the reflection of oneself in others and the mutual dependence of egos is a constant theme in the novels and plays of Sartre.

05.26 - The Soul in Anguish, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But the new Anguish spoken of is a strange phenomenon: it is causeless and it is eternal. It has sprung unbidden with no antecedent cause or condition: it is woven into the stuff of the being, part and parcel of the consciousness itself. Indeed it seems to be the veritable original sin, pertaining to the very nature. Kierkegaard makes of it an absolute necessity in the spiritual constituent and growth of the human soul something akin to, but deeper, because ineradicable, than the Socratic "divine discontent". Sartre puts it in more philosophical and rational terms, in a secular atmosphere as a kind of inevitable accompaniment to the sense of freedom and responsibility and loneliness that besets the individual being and consciousness at its inmost core, its deepest depth.
   I was speaking of the depth, of the sounding of consciousness in present-day inquiries into human nature. Sartre's investigation links itself up with the eternal inquiry graphically and beautifully described in the famous parable of the Taittiriya Upanishad (III).
   It seems that the School of Anguish is on the borderl and between the second and the third stage, that is to say, the vital rising into the mental or the mental still carrying an impress of the vital consciousness. It is the emergence of the Purusha consciousness, the individual being in its heart of hearts, in its pure status: for it is that that truly evolves, progresses from level to level, deploying and marshalling according to its stress and scheme the play of its outward nature. Now the Purusha consciousness, as separate from the outward nature, has certain marked characteristics which have been fairly observed and comprehended by the exponents of the school we are dealing with. Sartre, for example, characterises this beingtre en soi, as distinguished from tre pour soi which is something like dynamic purusha or purusha identified or associated with prakrtias composed of the sense of absolute freedom, of full responsibility, of unhindered choice and initiation. Indeed, Purusha is freedom, for in its own status it means liberation from all obligations to Prakriti. But such freedom brings in its train, not necessarily always but under certain conditions, a terrible sense of being all alone, of infinite loneliness. One is oneself, naked and face to face with one's singleness and unbreakable, unsharable individual unity. The others come as a product or corollary to this original sui generisentity. Along with the sense of freedom and choice or responsibility and loneness, there is added and gets ingrained into it the sense of fear and anxiety the anguish (Angst). The burden that freedom and loneliness brings seems to be too great. The Purusha that has risen completely into the mental zone becomes wholly a witness, as the Sankhyans discovered, and all the movements of his nature appear outside, as if foreign: an absolute calm and unperturbed tranquillity or indifference is his character. But it is not so with regard to the being that has still one foot imbedded in the lower region of the vital consciousness; for that indeed is the proper region of anguish, of fear and apprehension, and it is there that the soul becoming conscious of itself and separate from others feels lone, lonely, companionless, without support, as it were. The mentalised vital Purusha suffers from this peculiar night of the soul. Sartre's outlook is shot through with very many experiences of this intermediary zone of consciousness.
   The being immersed in Prakriti, as normally it is, in relation and communion with others, may entertain as a pleasure and luxury, the illusion of its separateness and freedom: it can do so at ease, because it feels it has the secret support of its environment, it is courageous because it feels itself in good company. But once it rises out of the environmental level and stands truly apart and outside itit is the mental being which can do so more or less successfully the first feeling is that of freedom, no doubt, but along with it there is also the uncanny sense of isolation, of heavy responsibility, also a certain impotence, a loss of bearings. The normal Cartesian Co-ordinates, as it were, are gone and the being does not know where to look for the higher multi-dimensional co-ordinates. That is the real meaning of the Anguish which suddenly invades a being at a certain stage of his ascending consciousness.
   The solution, the issue out is, of course, to go ahead. Instead of making the intermediary poise, however necessary it may be, a permanent character of the being and its destiny, as these philosophers tend to do, one should take another bold step, a jump upward. For the next stage, the stage when the true equilibrium, the inherent reconciliation is realised between oneself and others, between the inner soul and its outer nature is what the Upanishad describes as Vijnana, the Vast Knowledge.

1.01 - A NOTE ON PROGRESS, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  and having reached this apogee of his responsibility and freedom,
  holding in his hands all his future and all his past, will make the

1.01 - Fundamental Considerations, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  We shall therefore beginwith the evidence and not with idealistic constructions; in the face of present-day weapons of annihilation, such constructions have less chance of survival than ever before. But as we shall see, weapons and nuclear fission are not the only realities to be dealt with; spiritual reality in its intensified form is also becoming effectual and real. This new spiritual reality is without question our only security that the threat of material destruction can be averted. Its realization alone seems able to guarantee mans continuing existence in the face of the powers of technology, rationality, and chaotic emotion. If our consciousness, that is, the individual persons awareness, vigilance, and clarity of vision, cannot master the new reality and make possible its realization, then the prophets of doom will have been correct. Other alternatives are an illusion; consequently, great demands are placed on us, and each one of us have been given a grave responsibility, not merely to survey but to actually traverse the path opening before us.
  There are surely enough historical instances of the catastrophic downfall of entire peoples and cultures. Such declines were triggered by the collision of deficient and exhausted attitudes that were insufficient for continuance with those more recent, more intense and, in some respects, superior. One such occurrence vividly exemplifies the decisive nature of such crises: the collision of the magical, mythical, and unperspectival culture of the Central American Aztecs with the rational-technological, perspectival attitude of the sixteenthcentury Spanish conquistadors. A description of this event can be found in the Aztec chronicle of Frey Bernardino de Sahagun, written eight years after Cortez conquest of Mexico on the basis of Aztec accounts. The following excerpt forms the beginning of the thirteenth chapter of the chronicle which describes the conquest of Mexico City:

1.01 - MAPS OF EXPERIENCE - OBJECT AND MEANING, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  others15) remain predicated on mythic notions of individual value intrinsic right and responsibility
  despite scientific evidence of causality and determinism in human motivation. Finally, in his mind even

1.01 - The Ego, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  question of responsibility.
  I have suggested calling the total personality which, though

1.02.1 - The Inhabiting Godhead - Life and Action, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  are given up to the Lord and our personal responsibility ceases
  in His liberty.

1.02 - Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.
  There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to ones child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  significance, or affective importance, that constitutes what is perhaps the major responsibility of the limbic
  system that, and the (integrally related) inculcation and renewal of memory [integrally related, as it is
  war. She is aggression, without the inhibition of fear and guilt; sexuality in the absence of responsibility,
  dominance without compassion, greed without empathy. She is the Freudian id, unconsciousness

1.02 - The 7 Habits An Overview, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  The little understood concept of interdependence appears to many to smack of dependence, and therefore, we find people often for selfish reasons, leaving their marriages, abandoning their children, and forsaking all kinds of social responsibility -- all in the name of independence.
  The kind of reaction that results in people "throwing off their shackles," becoming "liberated,"
  Either way -- authoritarian or permissive -- you have the golden egg mentality. You want to have your way or you want to be liked. But what happens, meantime, to the goose? What sense of responsibility, of self-discipline, of confidence in the ability to make good choices or achieve important goals is a child going to have a few years down the road? And what about your relationship? When he reaches those critical teenage years, the identity crises, will he know from his experience with you that you will listen without judging, that you really, deeply care about him as a person, that you can be trusted, no matter what? Will the relationship be strong enough for you to reach him, to communicate with him, to influence him?
  Suppose you want your daughter to have a clean room -- that's P, production, the golden egg. And suppose you want her to clean it -- that's PC, Production Capability. Your daughter is the goose, the asset, that produces the golden egg.

1.02 - The Stages of Initiation, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   to say anything. No other person, no being exacts an oath from him with this intent. Everything is left to his own responsibility, and he learns in every situation to discover within himself what he has to do, and an oath means nothing more than that he has been found qualified to be entrusted with such a responsibility.
  If the candidate is found fit for the foregoing experiences, he is then given what is called symbolically the draught of forgetfulness. This means that he is initiated into the secret knowledge that enables him to act without being continually disturbed by the lower memory. This is necessary for the initiate, for he must have full faith in the immediate present. He must be able to destroy the veil of memory which envelops man every moment of his life. If we judge something that happens to us today according to the experience of yesterday, we are exposed to a multitude of errors. Of course this does not mean that experience gained in life should be renounced. It should always be kept in mind as clearly as possible. But the initiate must have the ability to judge every new experience wholly according to what is inherent in it, and let it react upon him, unobscured

1.02 - The Three European Worlds, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  When Petrarch's glance spatially isolated a part of "nature" from the whole, the allencompassing attachment to sky and earth and the unquestioned, closed unperspectival ties are severed. The isolated part becomes a piece of land created by his perception. It may well be that with this event a part of the spiritual, divine formative principle of heaven and earth (and nature in its all-encompassing sense) was conveyed to man. If this is indeed so, then from that day of Petrarch's discovery onward man's responsibility was increased. Yet regarded from our vantage point, it is doubtful whether man has been adequate to this responsibility. Be that as it may, the consequences of Petrarch's discovery remain unaltered; we are still able to sense his uneasiness about his discovery, and the grave responsibility arising from it as documented in his letter.
  "Yesterday I climbed the highest mountain of our region," he begins the letter, "motivated solely by the wish to experience its renowned height. For many years this has been in my soul and, as you well know, I have roamed this region since my childhood. The mountain, visible from far and wide, was nearly always present before me; my desire gradually increased until it became so intense that I resolved to yield to it, especially after having read Livy's Roman history the day before. There I came upon his description of the ascent of Philip, King of Macedonia, on Mount Haemus in Thessalia, from whose summit two seas, the Adriatic as well as the Pontus Euxinus, are said to be visible."

1.03 - APPRENTICESHIP AND ENCULTURATION - ADOPTION OF A SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  equals instead of source of dependent comfort; where the provision of food and shelter is a responsibility,
  and not a given; where security final authority, in the form of parent no longer exists. As the childhood

1.03 - A Sapphire Tale, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  "My son, I have ruled this country for more than a hundred and seventy years and although, to this day, all men of goodwill have seemed content with my guidance, I fear that my great age will soon no longer allow me to bear so lightly the heavy responsibility of maintaining order and watching over the well-being of all. My son, you are my hope and my joy. Nature has been very generous to you; she has showered you with her gifts and by a wise and model education you have developed them most satisfactorily. The whole nation, from the humblest peasant to our great philosophers, has a complete and affectionate trust in you; you have been able to win their affection by your kindness and their respect by your justice. It is therefore quite natural that their choice should fall on you when I ask for leave to enjoy a well-earned repose. But as you know, according to age-old custom, no one may ascend the throne who is not biune, that is, unless he is united by the bonds of integral affinity with the one who can bring him the peace of equilibrium by a perfect match of tastes and abilities. It was to remind you of this custom that I called you here, and to ask you whether you have met the young woman who is both worthy and willing to unite her life with yours, according to our wish."
  "It would be a joy to me, my father, to be able to tell you, `I have found the one whom my whole being awaits', but, alas, this is yet to be. The most refined maidens in the kingdom are all known to me, and for several of them I feel a sincere liking and a genuine admiration, but not one of them has awakened in me the love which can be the only rightful bond, and I think I can say without being mistaken that in return none of them has conceived a love for me. Since you are so kind as to value my judgment, I will tell you what is in my mind. It seems to me that I should be better fitted to rule our little nation if I were acquainted with the laws and customs of other countries; I wish therefore to travel the world for a year, to observe and to learn. I ask you, my father, to allow me to make this journey, and who knows? - I may return with my life's companion, the one for whom I can be all happiness and all protection."

1.03 - The House Of The Lord, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Now, the part of the time that remains unaccounted for was the night. For a number of years, especially during the last ones, it was the most interesting period. For gradually, attending to Sri Aurobindo's meal, his walking and his sleep became very complicated since these activities had to depend on the Mother's round of work. I have said before that, like life, our daily routine was continually changing. The midday meal shifted from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. We had to be guided by her clock. She had thousands of things to attend to in addition to the organisational work of the Ashram. Now she had also to bear additional responsibility for Sri Aurobindo. No wonder her time had to be very flexible. And too subtle, elusive and quick are her movements for our human calculation! Can we imagine her holding collective meditation at 11 p.m., sometimes even at 1 a.m.? Consequently Sri Aurobindo's supper began to shift from normal hours to as late as 11 p.m. after which she would go down for meditation. But if she was late, then the meal had to be served after the meditation. Later on the meditation was followed by a regular Pranam attended by more than three hundred individuals. Then the Mother would come to Sri Aurobindo's room to attend to his walking, normally at 11 p.m., but there were occasions when she came even at 1 a.m.! Then she would come half an hour or one hour later to give him an eye-wash with a blue liquid called "blue water", and to rub lightly his upper body with a perfumed white cream. That was her last service of the day. We naturally had to keep awake till then, awaiting the soft tread of her feet in the corridor, for there was no knowing when she would turn up. Of course whenever possible, we did snatch a cat-nap in between, but it had to be "conscious sleep"! Purani, whose duty began at 2.30 a.m., sometimes found us awake! I am sure that it was Sri Aurobindo's radiant Presence which was the source of all our energy and kept us fit as a fiddle, in spite of many days of scanty sleep. I have read in Kalidasa that during Shiva's deep meditation, a constant stream of energy Tapas went out to fill his two attendants to enable them to keep vigil over the world of Nature. Even after the Mother's departure, Sri Aurobindo kept awake and only when he had learnt that she had retired, did our lights go out; that was at about 2 a.m. It was my duty to switch off the last light. The switch was above the foot, of his bed. Putting my hand on it I would look at him: he gave his impersonal sweet smile in return and the light went off. A night lamp was kept burning. Then we too would retire, sleeping in the same room. Once I had a frightful nightmare and screamed. Sri Aurobindo called me, "Nirod! Nirod!" and I woke up. Very often, Purani said, when he came he found me snoring. Champaklal amended, saying, "No, he snores even long before!" "That is perhaps in anticipation of Purani's arrival!" added Sri Aurobindo.
  In spite of there being a swarm of mosquitoes, Sri Aurobindo was not in the habit of using a mosquito net. Instead, mosquito-coils imported from China were lighted and placed around the bed. These coils burn slowly, emitting a thin white trail of smoke with a smell of burnt hay or dry leaves. Its somewhat sharp odour is supposed to stave off the invasion of the invincible army of tiny pests. Chinese discovery indeed! But the smoke-line, I fear, was not impregnable and some of the wily pests would, under the cover of night, plunge their keen short proboscis into Sri Aurobindo's bare tender skin producing angry weals or scarlet buttons. Some Insectol had to be applied to prevent sepsis. During the breeding season when the army division was at its height, the Mother would bring a globe-like thing and burst, as it were, a 'gas bomb' from it, just before she took her leave at night. A huge volley of white smoke with a strong smell would fill the whole room and clear up soon after. With the installation of the ceiling-fan, these crude devices were of course dispensed with. In the daytime, when the mosquitoes were flying and humming around him, or about to sit on his legs, we would rush to kill them with a clap of our hands. Sometimes he would ask, "Got it?" and on our answering "Yes", an approving smile would be our reward.

1.03 - Time Series, Information, and Communication, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  law but which in reality transfer the responsibility for its use to
  the working statistician, or the person who ultimately employs

1.04 - ADVICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  MASTER: "As long as they feel pinched for food and clothing. But one need not take the responsibility of a son when he is able to support himself. When the young fledgling learns to pick its own food, its mother pecks it if it comes to her for food."
  M: "How long must one do one's duty?"

1.04 - On blessed and ever-memorable obedience, #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  The beginning of the mortification both of the souls desire and of the bodily members involves much hard work. The middle sometimes means much hard work and is sometimes painless. But the end is insensibility and insusceptibility to toil and pain. Only when he sees himself doing his own will does this blessed living corpse feel sorry and sick at heart; and he fears the responsibility of using his own judgment.
  You who have decided to strip for the arena of this spiritual confession, you who wish to take on your neck the yoke of Christ, you who are therefore trying to lay your own burden on Anothers shoulders, you who are hastening to sign a pledge that you are voluntarily surrendering yourself to slavery, and in return want freedom written to your account, you who are being supported by the hands of others as you swim across this great seayou should know that you have decided to travel by a short but rough way, from which there is only one deflection, and it is called singularity.3 But he who has renounced this entirely, even in things that seem to be good and spiritual and pleasing to God, has reached the end before setting out on his journey. For obedience is distrust of oneself in everything, however good it may be, right up to the end of ones life.
  And if one of them committed a fault, he would receive many requests from the brothers to allow them to take the case to the shepherd and bear the responsibility and the punishment. That is why this great man, on learning that his disciples did this, inflicted lighter punishments, knowing that the one punished was innocent. And he did not even inquire who had actually fallen into the blunder.
  Could any hint of idle talk and joking exist among them? If one of them began a dispute with his neighbour, then another, passing by, assumed the role of penitent and so dissolved the anger. But if he noticed that the disputants were spiteful or revengeful, he would report the quarrel to the father occupying the second place after the superior, and prepare the ground for their mutual reconciliation before sundown. But if they continued obstinate, they would either be punished by being deprived of food until they were reconciled, or else be expelled from the monastery.

1.04 - Reality Omnipresent, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  14:For we cannot suppose that the sole Entity is compelled by something outside or other than Itself, since no such thing exists. Nor can we suppose that It submits unwillingly to something partial within Itself which is hostile to its whole Being, denied by It and yet too strong for It; for this would be only to erect in other language the same contradiction of an All and something other than the All. Even if we say that the universe exists merely because the Self in its absolute impartiality tolerates all things alike, viewing with indifference all actualities and all possibilities, yet is there something that wills the manifestation and supports it, and this cannot be something other than the All. Brahman is indivisible in all things and whatever is willed in the world has been ultimately willed by the Brahman. It is only our relative consciousness, alarmed or baffled by the phenomena of evil, ignorance and pain in the cosmos, that seeks to deliver the Brahman from responsibility for Itself and its workings by erecting some opposite principle, Maya or Mara, conscious Devil or self-existent principle of evil. There is one Lord and Self and the many are only His representations and becomings.
  15:If then the world is a dream or an illusion or a mistake, it is a dream originated and willed by the Self in its totality and not only originated and willed, but supported and perpetually entertained. Moreover, it is a dream existing in a Reality and the stuff of which it is made is that Reality, for Brahman must be the material of the world as well as its base and continent. If the gold of which the vessel is made is real, how shall we suppose that the vessel itself is a mirage? We see that these words, dream, illusion, are tricks of speech, habits of our relative consciousness; they represent a certain truth, even a great truth, but they also misrepresent it. Just as Non-Being turns out to be other than mere nullity, so the cosmic Dream turns out to be other than mere phantasm and hallucination of the mind. Phenomenon is not phantasm; phenomenon is the substantial form of a Truth.

1.04 - The Conditions of Esoteric Training, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   an attitude of mind, for instance, alters the way I regard a criminal. I suspend my judgment and say to myself: "I am, like him, only a human being. Through favorable circumstances I received an education which perhaps alone saved me from a similar fate." I may then also come to the conclusion that this human brother of mine would have become a different man had my teachers taken the same pains with him they took with me. I shall reflect on the fact that something was given to me which was withheld from him, that I enjoy my fortune precisely because it was denied him. And then I shall naturally come to think of myself as a link in the whole of humanity and a sharer in the responsibility for everything that occurs. This does not imply that such a thought should be immediately translated into external acts of agitation. It should be cherished in stillness within the soul. Then quite gradually it will set its mark on the outward demeanor of the student. In such matters each can only begin by reforming himself. It is of no avail, in the sense of the foregoing thoughts, to make general demands on the whole of humanity. It is easy to decide what men ought to be; but the student
   p. 121

1.04 - The Divine Mother - This Is She, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Then a year later I believe it was in 1935, he came to me for treatment for the first time. I wrote to Sri Aurobindo in my medical report, "S's story is out. In addition to green mangoes, he had some rasagollas too. This food business is almost a possession with him." Sri Aurobindo wrote back, "So I heard. Why almost?" "We have decided to remove his stove for good. Rather childish, but what else can be done?" I continued, and he replied, "Quite right. The Doctor said that he was surprised by the relapses of S's health until he found that when he was not there, S used to get up and secretly cook food for himself on the stove! Palate satisfaction seems to be more precious to him than his life." After about five months I received a note from Sri Aurobindo, "Is the condition of S dangerous or critical? If it is so or if it becomes so, it will be better to send for a French doctor who will take the responsibility of the case.... The Mother was knocked up in the small hours and informed that S was very bad and hiccoughing. I presume the French Doctor has been sent for by this time. If it is serious, let us have news 2 or 3 times a day." I replied to him, "S's condition is neither dangerous nor critical. It is a case of hyperacidity. He has vomited a lot and has found some relief now. But I hear that he wants to be treated by our renowned homeopath R. I have no objection, subject to your approval." And this is what Sri Aurobindo wrote to me, "I expect you to put your medical feelings under a glass case in a corner for the time and help the... Homeopath so far as nursing and other care for S goes." I handed over the patient to R and did the nursing part as asked by Sri Aurobindo. He also wanted me to send him a regular report of the case. The patient started copious vomiting of blood and passing blood in the stool. When I asked the Guru how far the exact reporting was essential for the action of the Force, he replied, "It is absolutely essential. Wrong information or concealment of important facts may have disastrous consequences." I reported, "His condition will be critical at night. Two things must be done: hiccough has to stop, and he must have sleep. He is extremely weak. Are you sure about him?" His answer came, "No. From the beginning of the case I have not been at all sure of it.... The circumstances have been very contrary and there has not been the usual response to the Force which makes recovery only a matter of time. It seems to me that it is an old illness which has Suddenly taken an acute and perilous form. If tomorrow morning there is no improvement, we can call Philaire5 (I hope it will be in time)."
  The next day, there was a sudden good turn putting the patient beyond the danger zone. Synchronous with the Mother's coming down to give general blessings, he went into a sound sleep with the temporary cessation of the hiccough. It was at this time that I felt that he had crossed the danger line. Sri Aurobindo, confirming my feelings, wrote, "There was something a sense of a danger passed and a Force put out.... There is a change in so far as S's physical has begun to respond while before it was not responsive at all. There is no longer the predominance of the dark forces that there was before. But the response has to increase before one can be absolutely sure of the result. The obstinacy of the hiccough is a dark point that ought to disappear."

1.04 - The Gods of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But all this triple labour is a work of great responsibility, minute research and an immense & meticulous industry. Meanwhile I hold myself justified in opening the way by a purely hypothetical entrance into the subject, suggesting possibilities for the present rather than seeking to enforce a settled opinion. There is a possible theory that may be proposed, certain provisional details of it that may be formulated. A few initial stones may be laid down to help in crossing by a convenient ford this great stream of the Veda.
  The statement of a few principal details of the Vedic system according to the theory I wish to suggest, a simple enumeration without comments, may help the reader to find his way through the following pages.

1.04 - To the Priest of Rytan-ji, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  It is the third letter you have written and the third time your emissary has made a trip all this way to deliver it to me. I have been extremely negligent in failing to respond to your requests, but the reason I have not answered is because I find the responsibility involved in accepting such an invitation so intimidating. I know only too well how dim my prospects are for carrying it out. A hedge-parson such as myself is totally unfit for such a momentous task. It's like trying to make an earthworm roar like a dragon, or make a jackass perform tricks like a fine riding horse.
  Much closer to home in your own Ttmi Province, there are any number of excellent priests, all of them formidable dragons of the Zen seas. What could a shrimp like me accomplish at such a meeting?

1.04 - What Arjuna Saw - the Dark Side of the Force, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  away the responsibility for all that seems to us evil or terri-
  ble on the shoulders of a semi-omnipotent Devil, or to put
  were independent of God, or to throw the responsibility on
  man and his sins, as if he had a preponderant voice in the

1.05 - 2010 and 1956 - Doomsday?, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  draconian: To me, the human move to take responsibility
  for the living Earth is laughable the rhetoric of the power-

1.05 - Christ, A Symbol of the Self, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  judged, his responsibility is not so easy to determine. In order
  to do this, we would have to give a clear definition of the extent

1.05 - Problems of Modern Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  the inescapable truth that to make claims on others is a childish self-indulgence which must be replaced by a greater sense of responsibility.

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  weight of our true responsibility.
  5.2.1. The Adversary in Action: Voluntary Degradation of the Map of Meaning
  comparative responsibility and lack of security that are part and parcel of maturity.
  As maturation takes place, the environment transforms. As the developing individual masters his
  when mortality nonetheless threatens, but adherence to such requirements means increased responsibility,
  separation from the good mother, and sacrifice of the primary dependent relationship. Culture moulds the
  Group membership requires adoption of at-least-adolescent responsibility at least of the responsibilities
  associated with respectable behavior and this burden may seem too much to bear, as a consequence of
  superstitious of the past an article of faith, instead, and shirks his responsibility. [That is to say it is the
  desire to shirk that responsibility (and the heroic sacrifice it entails), that constitutes motivation for belief
  in intellectual superiority.] The suffering rebel stance that such adoption allows, as a secondary
  somehow avoided personal responsibility for the state of the modern world, because I was not really
  without discipline and responsibility, because he is ignorant of the terrible nature of the undifferentiated
  ground of reality, and is unwilling to bear the burden of order. When he starts to suffer as he certainly
  The stunted personality will experience life as a burden as a responsibility too heavy to bear and turn to
  resentment and hatred, as a justifiable alternative.
  of their impotence and lovingly try to lighten the burden of their responsibility, even allowing their weak
  nature to sin, but with our permission? Why have You come to interfere with our work?549
  for every vital decision; removes the responsibility for action from the individual, and therefore prevents
  him or her from discovering the potential grandeur of the soul. Life without law remains chaotic,
  beast of the underworld is very much akin to Solzhenitsyns discovery of his personal responsibility for
  the Gulag that imprisoned him. For a typical modern, an equal shock might be produced by his discovery of
  Perhaps we could reserve answer to the question of Gods nature, his responsibility for the presence of
  the evil in creation, until we have solved the problem of our own. Perhaps we could tolerate the horrors of
  because we are afraid of responsibility. Thus the necessarily tragic preconditions of existence are made
  fantasy for reality. It is desire for lack of responsibility that underlies this evasion, in part but it is also
  fear of possibility. At least this is how it seems to me.
  the confusion. That gain is abdication of the absolute personal responsibility imposed in consequence of
  recognition of the divine in man. This responsibility means acceptance of the trials and tribulations
  associated with expression of unique individuality, as well as respect for such expression in others. Such
  repression is the lie. The most dangerous lie of all is devoted towards denial of individual responsibility
   towards denial of individual divinity.

1.06 - THE FOUR GREAT ERRORS, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  sense of responsibility. Wherever men try to trace responsibility
  home to anyone, it is the instinct of punishment and of the desire
  existence hitherto.... We deny God, we deny responsibility in God: thus
  alone do we save the world.--

1.07 - A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible, #How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator, #Thubten Chodron, #unset
  we dont have to take responsibility for making it happen. In Tibetan Buddhism we make long life pujas with elaborate offerings for our teachers. Once
  some people in the West wanted to do this after a series of teachings, and
  enough, especially in the age of the spiritual supermarket. It is our responsibility to examine people before considering them our spiritual teachers in
  order to see if they have some or all of the above qualities. Instead of being
  Is it the responsibility of the Dharma students to pay for the teachers kids
  to have new Nike shoes? To pay for the teachers spouse to go to the gym to

1.08 - SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE SPIRITUAL REPERCUSSIONS OF THE ATOM BOMB, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  been opened to the meaning, the responsibility and the aspirations
  of his cosmic function in the universe; a man, that is to say, who

1.08 - The Splitting of the Human Personality during Spiritual Training, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   would have spurred him on to action, as though of its own accord. He can perform actions through resolutions of the will for which there is not the slightest reason for anyone not having undergone esoteric training. The student's great achievement is the attainment of complete mastery over the combined activity of the three soul forces; but at the same time the responsibility for this activity is placed entirely in his own hands.
  It is only through this transformation of his being that the student can enter consciously into relation with certain supersensible forces and beings, for his own soul forces are related to certain fundamental forces of the world. The force, for instance, inherent in the will can affect definite things and the beings of the higher worlds, and also perceive them; but it can only do so when liberated from its connection with thinking and feeling within the soul. The moment this connection is severed, the activity of the will can be exteriorized. The same applies to the forces of thinking and feeling. A feeling of hatred sent out by a person is visible to the clairvoyant as a fine luminous cloud of special coloring; and the clairvoyant can ward off this feeling of hatred, just as an ordinary

1.08 - The Supreme Will, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  15:The Lord sees in his omniscience the thing that has to be done. This seeing is his Will, it is a form of creative Power, and that which he sees the all-conscious Mother one with him, takes into her dynamic self and embodies, and executive Nature-Force carries it out as the mechanism of their omnipotent omniscience. But this vision of what is to be and therefore of what is to be done arises out of the very being, pours directly out of the consciousness and delight of existence of the Lord, spontaneously, like light from the Sun. It is not our mortal attempt to see, our difficult arrival at truth of action and motive or just demand of Nature. When the individual soul is entirely at one in its being and knowledge with the Lord and directly in touch with the original Shakti, the transcendent Mother the supreme Will can then arise in us too in the high divine manner as a thing that must be and is achieved by the spontaneous action of Nature. There is then no desire, no responsibility, no reaction; all takes place in the peace, calm, light, power of the supporting and enveloping and inhabiting Divine.
  16:But even before that highest approach to identity is achieved, something of the supreme Will can manifest in us as an imperative impulsion, a God-driven action; we then act by a spontaneous self-determining Force but a fuller knowledge of meaning and aim arises only afterwards. Or the impulse to action may come as an inspiration or intuition, but rather in the heart and body than in the mind; here an effective sight enters in but the complete and exact knowledge is still deferred and comes, if at all, later. But the divine Will may descend too as a luminous single comm and or a total perception or a continuous current of perception of what is to be done into the will or into the thought or as a direction from above spontaneously fulfilled by the lower members. When the Yoga is imperfect, only some actions can be done in this way, or else a general action may so proceed but only during periods of exaltation and illumination. When the Yoga is perfect, all action becomes of this character. We may indeed distinguish three stages of a growing progress by which, first, the personal will is occasionally or frequently enlightened or moved by a supreme Will or conscious Force beyond it, then constantly replaced and, last, identified and merged in that divine Power-action. The first is the stage when we are still governed by the intellect, heart and senses; these have to seek or wait for the divine inspiration and guidance and do not always find or receive it. The second is the stage when human intelligence is more and more replaced by a high illumined or intuitive spiritualised mind, the external human heart by the inner psychic heart, the senses by a purified and selfless vital force. The third is the stage when we rise even above spiritualised mind to the supramental levels.

1.09 - Equality and the Annihilation of Ego, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  11:Before this labour for the annihilation of desire and the conquest of the soul's equality can come to its absolute perfection and fruition, that turn of the spiritual movement must have been completed which leads to the abolition of the sense of ego. But for the worker the renunciation of the egoism of action is the most important element in this change. For even when by giving up the fruits and the desire of the fruits to the Master of the Sacrifice we have parted with the egoism of rajasic desire, we may still have kept the egoism of the worker. Still we are subject to the sense that we are ourselves the doer of the act, ourselves its source and ourselves the giver of the sanction. It is still the "I" that chooses and determines, it is still the "I" that undertakes the responsibility and feels the demerit or the merit.
  12:An entire removal of this separative ego-sense is an essential aim of our Yoga. If any ego is to remain in us for a while, it is only a form of it which knows itself to be a form and is ready to disappear as soon as a true centre of consciousness is manifested or built in us. That true centre is a luminous formulation of the one Consciousness and a pure channel and instrument of the one Existence. A support for the individual manifestation and action of the universal Force, it gradually reveals behind it the true Person in us, the central eternal being, an everlasting being of the Supreme, a power and portion of the transcendent Shakti.2

1.09 - SKIRMISHES IN A WAY WITH THE AGE, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  a fresh dose of _disgust_ to their patients. A new responsibility
  should be created, that of the doctor--the responsibility of ruthlessly
  suppressing and eliminating _degenerate_ life, in all cases in which
  wickedness: the will to tradition, to authority, to responsibility
  for centuries to come, to _solidarity_ in long family lines forwards
  any sense of responsibility; and this is precisely what they call
  "freedom." Everything in institutions which makes them institutions,
  of marriage--it lay in the exclusive legal responsibility of the man:
  by this means some ballast was laid in the ship of matrimony, whereas
  it lay also in the fact that the responsibility of choosing the parties
  to the contract, lay with the families. By showing ever more and more

1.09 - The Guardian of the Threshold, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
  "Yet my Threshold is fashioned out of all the timidity that remains in thee, out of all the dread of the strength needed to take full responsibility for all thy thoughts and actions. As long as there remains in thee a trace of fear of becoming thyself the guide of thine own destiny, just so long will this Threshold lack what still remains to be built into it. And as long as a single stone is found missing, just so long must thou remain standing as though transfixed; or else stumble. Seek not, then, to cross this Threshold until thou dost feel thyself entirely free from fear and ready for the highest responsibility. Hitherto I only emerged from thy personality when death recalled thee from an earthly life; but even then my form was veiled from thee. Only the powers of destiny who watched over thee beheld me and could thus, in the intervals between death and a new birth, build
   p. 236
   preparation must aim at enabling him to endure the terrible sight without a trace of timidity and, at the moment of the meeting, to feel his strength so increased that he can undertake fully conscious the responsibility for transforming and beautifying the Guardian.
  If successful, this meeting with the Guardian results in the student's next physical death being an entirely different event from the death as he knew it formerly. He experiences death consciously by laying aside the physical body as one discards a garment that is worn out or perhaps rendered useless through a sudden rent. Thus his physical death is of special importance only for those living with him, whose perception is still restricted to the world of the senses. For them the student dies; but for himself nothing of importance is changed in his whole environment. The entire supersensible world stood open to him before his death, and it is this same world that now confronts him after death.

1.09 - The Secret Chiefs, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Our business is solely to obey orders: our responsibility ends when we have satisfied ourselves that they emanate from a source which has the right to command.
  P.P.S. A visitor's story has just reminded me of the possibility that I am a Secret Chief myself without knowing it: for I have sometimes been recognized by other people as having acted as such, though I was not aware of the fact at the time.

11.15 - Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In this global reconstitution of the earth life, Sri Aurobindo gives India a great rolea mighty destiny and a heavy responsibility. For he considers India as the repository of the spiritual consciousness, the Guardian of Truth, as the Veda says, and in the new age of world unification her national being will act as the spearhead breaking into the old-world formations and signalling the shape of things to come.

1.11 - Oneness, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  whether we will it or no, something is crushed and broken, in which every breath of life is a breath too of death. To put away the responsibility for all that seems to us evil or terrible on the shoulders of a semi-omnipotent Devil, or to put it aside as a part of Nature,
  making an unbridgeable opposition between world-nature and Godnature, as if Nature were independent of God, or to throw the responsibility on man and his sins, as if he had a preponderant voice in the making of this world or could create anything against the will of God, are clumsily comfortable devices. . . . We erect a God of Love and Mercy, a God of good, a God just, righteous and virtuous according to our own moral conceptions of justice, virtue and righteousness, and all the rest, we say, is not He or is not His, but was made by some diabolical Power which He suffered for some reason to work out its wicked will or by some dark Ahriman counterbalancing our gracious Ormuzd, or was even the fault of selfish and sinful man who has spoiled what was made originally perfect by God . . . . We have to look courageously in the face of the reality and see that it is God and none else who has made this world in His being and that so He has made it. We have to see that Nature devouring her children,
  Time eating up the lives of creatures, Death universal and ineluctable and the violence of the Rudra136 forces in man and Nature are also the supreme Godhead in one of his cosmic figures. We have to see that God the bountiful and prodigal creator, God the helpful, strong and benignant preserver is also God the devourer and destroyer. The torment of the couch of pain and evil on which we are racked is his touch as much as happiness and sweetness and pleasure. It is only 136

1.11 - The Soul or the Astral Body, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  The phlegmatic temper in its active form: respectability, reputation, endurance, consideration, resolution, firmness, seriousness, scrupulousness, thoroughness, concentration, sobriety, punctuality, reservedness, objectivity, infallibility, responsibility, reliability, circumspection, resistance, self-assurance, and so on. In the negative form: insipidity, unscrupulousness, misanthropy, dullness, tardiness, laziness, unreliability, laconism, and so on.
  The qualities of the temperaments, according to the preponderant quality, form the basis of the human character. The intensity of these qualities shown outwardly depends on the polarity, the electric or the magnetic fluid. The total influence of the effects of the temperaments results in an emanation professionally called aura.

1.12 - God Departs, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  We could not say then that this change of mood had any connection with the disease. Not only with us, but with the Mother too, he became very reticent. However, with regard to his work, there was no flagging. Even when a little time was at our disposal and I was reluctant to bring out the numerous files containing the Savitri manuscript, just for half an hour, he would say, "We shall work a little." This provoked my other colleagues, particularly Champaklal, to an impish mirth, for they loved work and I did not, at least I did not then. And almost till his withdrawal the miscellaneous literary works and the labour on Savitri were carried on in full swing in spite of the discomfort caused by the gradual increase of the symptoms. In addition to these, when at this stage an importunate call came from an outside sadhika in Northern India to save her life from a dreaded and strange illness, he took great pains to cure her, especially as she was an intimate friend of an old sadhak who had made a desperate appeal to Sri Aurobindo's compassion. The story is rather long but intriguing. The doctors, as usual, differed about the diagnosis. Cancer, ulcer, T. B., none was found to be the case. One prominent symptom was profuse bleeding through the mouth but without any definite lesion of any organ. All kinds of tests and treatment failed. At last the patient gave up all treatment and said that she would depend entirely on Sri Aurobindo, even if she were to die. Sri Aurobindo then took up the responsibility at the supplication of the sadhak-bhakta, I believe, but on one condition that regular news must be supplied to him. The bhakta himself went from Pondicherry to the patient's place with a view to fulfil the condition. News began to stream in by letters, wires about her daily progress. Suddenly it stopped. Sri Aurobindo became anxious and enquired again and again if any news had come. I tried to plead on their behalf and give the usual excuses for the delay. At last he remarked, "How am I to save her if I have no news?" After two or three days, information began to flow in and very soon the patient recovered completely and came to settle in the Ashram. Her illness turned out to be a case of black magic. That is why the symptoms were erratic and there was no definite lesion in spite of their gravity. That was what probably made Sri Aurobindo so anxious about the case. We modern people may scoff at such unscientific superstition, but in this case, there was very solid ground in favour of such a belief. Though Sri Aurobindo took charge of the case, at each fresh arrival of news, he would ask me to keep the Mother informed. "Have you informed the Mother?" he would repeat. I did not understand why he was so insistent on the point; it was not his nature. Did he suspect that I might not, and I really felt no necessity, such was my human stupidity, trying to be wiser than the Guru! The reason for it became clear when he left the body. He had already taken the decision and wanted the Mother to know all about the case in anticipation of possible future developments.
  The revision of Savitri was going on apace with regular unabated vigour. Book after Book was getting done and fascicules of them released for publication. Some 400-500 lines of The Book of Everlasting Day were dictated on successive days, since we could not spare more than an hour a day for the monumental work and that too had often to be cut short to meet other demands. We were, nevertheless, progressing quite steadily. I marvelled at the smooth spontaneous flow of verse after verse of remarkable beauty. Once I had complained to him in my correspondence why, having all the planes of inspiration at his command, should he still labour like us mortals at his Savitri.Why should not the inspiration burst out like the "champagne bottle"? Now I witnessed that miracle and imagined that it also must have been the way Valmiki composed his Ramayana. At this rate, I thought, Savitri would not take long to finish. On everyone's lips was the eager query, "How far are you with Savitri?"

1.12 - THE FESTIVAL AT PNIHTI, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Friends of Mani Sen gave the money to Rkhl , requesting him to buy some mangoes and sweets for the Master. Sri Ramakrishna said to M.: "I have definitely said to Mani that I would not accept the money. I feel free now. But Rkhl has accepted it. His is now the responsibility."
  Sri Ramakrishna, accompanied by the devotees, took a carriage to return to Dakshineswar. They were going to pass the temple garden of Mati Seal on the way. For a long time the Master had been asking M. to take him to the reservoir in the garden in order that he might teach him how to meditate on the formless God. There were tame fish in the reservoir. Nobody harmed them. Visitors threw puffed rice and other bits of food into the water, and the big fish came in swarms to eat the food. Fearlessly the fish swam in the water and sported there joyously.

1.12 - The Sociology of Superman, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  But the very conditions of the uprooting of the old order may for a long time falsify the quest for the new order. And at first, this new order does not exist; it has to be made. A whole world has to be invented. And the aspiring superman or let us simply say the aspirant to something else must confront a primary reality: the law of freedom is a very demanding one, infinitely more demanding than all the laws imposed by the Machine. It is not a coasting into just anything, but a methodical uprooting from thousands of little slaveries; it does not mean abandoning everything, but, on the contrary, taking charge of everything, since we no longer want to depend on anybody or anything. It is a supreme apprenticeship of responsibility that of being oneself, which in the end is being all. It is not an escape, but a conquest; not a vacation from the Machine, but a great Adventure into man's unknown. And anything that may hamper this supreme freedom, at whatever level or under whatever appearance, must be fought as fiercely as the police or lawmakers of the old world. We are not leaving the slavery of the old order to fall into the worse slavery of ourselves the slavery of drugs, of a party, of one religion or another, one sect or another, a golden bubble or a white one. We want the one freedom of smiling at everything and being light everywhere, identical in destitution and pomp, in prison and palace, in emptiness and fullness and everything is full because we burn with the one little flame that possesses everything forever.
  What will they do, these wanderers, these transhumans of a new country that does not yet exist? In the first place, they will perhaps not move at all. They will perhaps have understood that the change has to be wrought inside and that, if nothing changes inside, nothing will ever change outside for centuries and centuries. They will perhaps stay right where they are, in this little street, this gray country, in a humble disguise, an old routine, but it will no longer be a routine because they will do everything with another look, in another way, with another attitude an inner way that changes all ways. And if they persevere, they will notice that this one little drop of true light they carry within themselves has the power to change everything about them surreptitiously. In their unpretentious little circle, they will have worked for the new world and precipitated a little more truth upon earth. But no circle is little when it has that center, since it is the center of everything. Or else, one day, perhaps they will feel impelled to join with their peers of the new world and with them build some living testimony of their common aspiration, as others built pyramids or cathedrals perhaps a city of the new world. And this is the beginning of a great enterprise, and a great danger.

1.13 - THE HUMAN REBOUND OF EVOLUTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  that he will seek, and righdy, to avoid the responsibility and pangs
  which this entails if the objective does not seem to be worth the effort.

1.15 - In the Domain of the Spirit Beings, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  Hermetics", or directly by word-power (cosmic language) and leads it through the world of causes of the relevant zone into the world of causes of the earth-zone, condensed by imagination, and from here, depending on the kind of effect it should cause, into the mental, astral or physical sphere. This is the actual procedure in respect of the beings capable of making their influence work from their zone into our sphere. A spirit being, however, is not able to do anything on its own accord or by its own will to influence our sphere. Only the strict order of a magician given with his absolute authority enables a being to influence our sphere effectively from its zone; by doing so the being cannot be made responsible for anything; every responsibility lies with the magician. To make it yet clearer: the work done by a being is the same kind of work which a servant does for his master.
  Of course, a true magician will never dare ask a being, especially a negative being, to do things causing negative effects, for although he has become the master of life and death, the master of the laws, Divine Providence still controls him, and he would have to atone immensely for evil deeds which he could not account for.

1.15 - LAST VISIT TO KESHAB, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "As is the disease, so must the remedy be. The Lord says in the Git: 'O Arjuna, take refuge in Me. I shall deliver you from all sins.' Take shelter at His feet: He will give you right understanding. He will take entire responsibility for you. Then you will get rid of the typhoid. Can one ever know God with such a mind as this? Can one pour four seers of milk into a oneseer pot? Can we ever know God unless He lets us know Him?
  Therefore I say, take shelter in God. Let Him do whatever He likes. He is self-willed.

1.16 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Evocational Magic, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  If a necromancer or sorcerer has a relatively high power of imagination and is able partially to raise up his consciousness, it may happen that, by using magic though barbarous names, he succeeds in having one of his evocations translated into the language of the being and the being he is evoking hears his voice. The next question to arise is whether the being reacts to the evocation and intends to do what the sorcerer wants him to do. For the being at once realizes whether the sorcerer is mature enough and developed enough to be able to exercise coercion or whether it can go easily in opposition. If a positive, good being is involved, it will pity the sorcerer. If the sorcerer has evoked an indifferent and less active being and if the sorcerer's desire, if it were realised, would not harm him, it might, now and then, give a token of sympathy and do what the sorcerer wants done. But if the sorcerer desires anything that might harm him or any other person without being able to take the full responsibility for this, then the being will not react to the sorcerer's evocation. All means of coercion mentioned in various books for the sorcerer's use in order to have the beings to work for him are ineffectual and but mere phrases with only a slight or no effect at all on astral beings. Negative beings, on the other hand, prefer to react to negative and evil intentions and try to help the sorcerer in their realization. But a head of demons also knows quite well that he need not do what the sorcerer wants, if the sorcerer desires something which would debit him too much karmically or which he could not take responsibility for from the karmic point of view. In such a case not even a demon would dare to fulfill the sorcerer's wish, for this being, even though it be a negative one, depends on Divine Providence. It cannot, on its own accord, create vibrations which would cause a chaotic tate in the harmony of a sphere. Therefore it is necessary to point out again and again that a certain degree of magical development and perfection is absolutely necessary for the evocation of the beings of any sphere and in order to be able to place one's consciousness into the relevant sphere or zone and to translate one's thoughts into the metaphorical language or cosmic language so that a being understands them.
  With these points in mind the magician will realize the true value of the book of charms which he has started for his personal use, and that the book actually is a language book of the cosmic language in which he will enter all the procedures of his art of magical evocation translated into symbolic picture-language. A necromancer or sorcerer working according to the worst rituals and carrying out the most barbarous invocations and evocations is by no means able to practise invocations in a systematic order, that is, to start a conversation with the being concerned, not to mention the authority he should be able to represent, for he is lacking the necessary magical maturity and perfection. A necromancer might, at the most, put himself into an ecstatic state during his operations, which is not more than a cry into the zone in question, even if his citations are most terrifying and appear to him very promising.

1.17 - The Spiritus Familiaris or Serving Spirits, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  According to these books serving spirits are put at the magician's personal disposal by high beings, especially by the principals of demQns with the idea that the magician need not bother personally with the principals of demons, that is their masters, on each occasion and for every trivial matter. The books further state that such serving spirits usually are delivered to the magician, or, as is more likely, to the sorcerer by that head or principal of demons with whom he has concluded a contract. By means of an ankhur the serving spirit is provided by its head with the same kind of force, power and faculties etc. that the head possesses. The magician does not care by whom the effect he wants is caused; whether it is by the head himself or by any of the spirits serving him. One thing, however, is important: the Karmic responsibility always lies with the magician, or with the sorcerer. As already mentioned in the chapter dealing with the various kinds of con114 tracts, the magician must, after the contract has expired in the physical world, follow the principal of demons into his sphere and there pay back in full measure for the work done by it. This repayment, of course, is not a material repayment, but a spiritual one.
  From the hermetic point of view, the serving spirit must not be taken for the so-called family spirits of the primitive peoples of antiquity. These family spirits were, in most cases, the deceased of a tribe, its ancestors and pre-ancestors, heroes etc. with whom a type of necromancy was practised similar to a more primitive kind of fetish-worsphip by keeping up a permanent contact with these deceased. This kind of necromancy may be compared with the spiritism of our own days. Since every initiate knows about the practices, cult operation etc. necessary for getting into contact with an ancestor, with a family spirit, I will desist from writing again about this matter. Not only had each family their family or house ghost; there were also numerous tribes having their own genius, as is known from history. The true magician is able to tell the difference, from the hermetic standpoint, between an actual spiritus familiaris and a family or ancestral spirit.

1.18 - The Divine Worker, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Arjuna, still in the ignorance, may feel in his heart the call of right and justice and may argue in his mind that abstention from battle would be a sin entailing responsibility for all the suffering that injustice and oppression and the evil karma of the triumph of wrong bring upon men and nations, or he may feel in his heart the recoil from violence and slaughter and argue in his mind that all shedding of blood is a sin which nothing can justify. Both of these attitudes would appeal with equal right to virtue and reason and it would depend upon the man, the circumstances and the time which of these might prevail in his mind or before the eyes of the world. Or he might simply feel constrained by his heart and his honour to support his friends against his enemies,
  The Divine Worker

1.19 - GOD IS NOT MOCKED, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Horizontally and vertically, in physical and temperamental kind as well as in degree of inborn ability and native goodness, human beings differ profoundly one from another. Why? To what end and for what past causes? Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. The man of science, on the contrary, would say that the responsibility rested with the parents who had caused the blindness of their child either by having the wrong kind of genes, or by contracting some avoidable disease. Hindu or Buddhist believers in reincarnation according to the laws of karma (the destiny which, by their actions, individuals and groups of individuals impose upon themselves, one another and their descendants) would give another answer and say that, owing to what he had done in previous existences, the blind man had predestined himself to choose the sort of parents from whom he would have to inherit blindness.
  These three answers are not mutually incompatible. The parents are responsible for making the child what, by heredity and upbringing, he turns out to be. The soul or character incarnated in the child is of such a nature, owing to past behaviour, that it is forced to select those particular parents. And collaborating with the material and efficient causes is the final cause, the teleological pull from in front. This teleological pull is a pull from the divine Ground of things acting upon that part of the timeless now, which a finite mind must regard as the future. Men sin and their parents sin; but the works of God have to be manifested in every sentient being (either by exceptional ways, as in this case of supernormal healing, or in the ordinary course of events)have to be manifested again and again, with the infinite patience of eternity, until at last the creature makes itself fit for the perfect and consummate manifestation of unitive knowledge, of the state of not I, but God in me.

1.2.07 - Surrender, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Usually there cannot but be a mixture of these two ways until the consciousness is ready to be entirely open, entirely submitted to the Divine's origination of all its action. It is then that all responsibility disappears and there is no personal burden on the shoulders of the sadhak.
  There are two possibilities, one of purification by personal effort, which takes a long time, another by a direct intervention of the

1.22 - ADVICE TO AN ACTOR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  MASTER (affectionately): "I don't give initiation. If a guru gives initiation he must assume responsibility for the disciple's sin and suffering. The Divine Mother has placed me in the state of a child. Perform the iva Puja as I told you. Come here now and then.
  We shall see what happens later on through the will of God. I asked you to chant the name of Hari at home. Are you doing that?"

1.23 - FESTIVAL AT SURENDRAS HOUSE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "May I ask you one thing? Does a man watching magic really feel compassion when he sees suffering in the performance? Does he feel, at that time, any sense of responsibility? One thinks of compassion only when one feels responsibility. Isn't that so?"
  How a Jnni looks on the illusory world
  "The idea of responsibility! Goodness gracious! Men like Sankaracharya and Sukadeva kept the 'ego of Knowledge'. It is not for man to show compassion, but for God. One feels compassion as long as one has the 'ego of Knowledge'. And it is God Himself who has become the 'ego of Knowledge'.
  Supreme power of dyakti in the relative world "You may feel a thousand times that it is all magic; but you are still under the control of the Divine Mother. You cannot escape Her. You are not free. You must do what She makes you do. A man attains Brahmajnana only when it is given to him by the dyakti, the Divine Mother. Then alone does he see the whole thing as magic; otherwise not.

1.240 - 1.300 Talks, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  There is no destiny. Surrender, and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God. Do not bear the burden yourself. What can destiny do to you then?"
  D.: Surrender is impossible.

1.240 - Talks 2, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  There is no destiny. Surrender, and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God. Do not bear the burden yourself. What can destiny do to you then?
  D.: Surrender is impossible.

1.26 - Sacrifice of the Kings Son, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  Zeus, but that they contrived to shift the fatal responsibility to
  their offspring, of whom the eldest son was regularly destined to

1.46 - Selfishness, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  P.P.S. The day after I had written the above postscript I came upon a copy of Graham Greene's The Ministry of Fear after a long search. He points out that pity is a mature emotion; adolescents do not feel it. Exactly; one step further, and he would have reached my own position as set forth above. It is the twin of "moral responsibility," of the sense of guilt or sin. The Hebrew fable of Eden and the "Fall" is clearly constructed. But remember that the serpent Nechesh {Nun-Cheth-Shin} is equivalent to Messiach, {Mem-Shin-Yod-Cheth}, the Messiah. The M is the "Hanged Man," the sinner; and is redeemed by the insertion of the Phallic Yod.
  P.P.P.S. An amusing coincidence. Just as I was polishing up this letter the lady whom I had just engaged to help me with some of my work irritated me to the point when my screams became so heartrending that the village will never sleep again as smoothly as its wont. They split the welkin in several places; and although invisible menders were immed- iately put on the job it is generally felt that it will never more be its original wholeness.

1.48 - Morals of AL - Hard to Accept, and Why nevertheless we Must Concur, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  * [AC42] The "Master" roughly denotes the able, the adventurous, welcoming responsibility. The "slave:" his motto is "Safety first," with all that this implies. Race, birth, breeding etc. are important but not absolutely essential factors.
   [AC43] "Zeugnis der Suchenden:" a declaration she had signed in 1925.

1.70 - Morality 1, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Of course, there must be certain courses of action which, generally speaking, will be right for pretty well everybody. Some, per contra, will be generally barred, as interfering with another's equal right. Some cases will be so difficult that only a Magister Templi can judge them, and a Magus carry them wisely into effect. Fearsome responsibility, I should say, that of the Masters who began the building-up of the New Aeon by bringing about these Wars!
  (I do wish that we had the sense to take our ideas of Peace conditions from the Bible, as our rulers so loudly profess that they do. The Enemy knows well enough that there is no other way to make a war pay.)

1.79 - Progress, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Then, somehow, as large a number of the most promising rebels should be selected to lead a life of luxury and leisure. Let every country, by dint of honouring its old traditions, be as different as possible from every other. Restore the "Grand tour," or rather, the roving Englishman of the Nineteenth Century. Entrust them with the secrets of discipline, of authority, or power. Hardship and danger in full measure: and responsibility.
  A great deal of such material will be as disgustingly wasted as it has been in the past; and there will be much abuse of privilege. But this must be allowed and allowed for; no very great harm will result, as the weak and vicious will weed themselves out.

1919 09 03p, #Prayers And Meditations, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   My God, Thou hast accepted my invitation, Thou hast come to sit at my table, and in exchange for my poor and humble offering Thou hast granted to me the last liberation. My heart, even this morning so heavy with anguish and care, my head surcharged with responsibility, are delivered of their burden. Now are they light and joyful as my inner being has been for a long time past. My body smiles to Thee with happiness as before my soul smiled to Thee. And surely hereafter Thou wilt withdraw no more from me this joy, O my God! for this time, I think, the lesson has been sufficient, I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. Nothing remains of the past but a potent love which gives me the pure heart of a child and the lightness and freedom of thought of a god.

1929-04-14 - Dangers of Yoga - Two paths, tapasya and surrender - Impulses, desires and Yoga - Difficulties - Unification around the psychic being - Ambition, undoing of many Yogis - Powers, misuse and right use of - How to recognise the Divine Will - Accept things that come from Divine - Vital devotion - Need of strong body and nerves - Inner being, invariable, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  There are two paths of Yoga, one of tapasy (discipline), and the other of surrender. The path of tapasy is arduous. Here you rely solely upon yourself, you proceed by your own strength. You ascend and achieve according to the measure of your force. There is always the danger of falling down. And once you fall, you lie broken in the abyss and there is hardly a remedy. The other path, the path of surrender, is safe and sure. It is here, however, that the Western people find their difficulty. They have been taught to fear and avoid all that threatens their personal independence. They have imbibed with their mothers milk the sense of individuality. And surrender means giving up all that. In other words, you may follow, as Ramakrishna says, either the path of the baby monkey or that of the baby cat. The baby monkey holds to its mother in order to be carried about and it must hold firm, otherwise if it loses its grip, it falls. On the other hand, the baby cat does not hold to its mother, but is held by the mother and has no fear nor responsibility; it has nothing to do but to let the mother hold it and cry ma ma.
  If you take up this path of surrender fully and sincerely, there is no more danger or serious difficulty. The question is to be sincere. If you are not sincere, do not begin Yoga. If you were dealing in human affairs, then you could resort to deception; but in dealing with the Divine there is no possibility of deception anywhere. You can go on the Path safely when you are candid and open to the core and when your only end is to realise and attain the Divine and to be moved by the Divine.
  One of the commonest forms of ambition is the idea of service to humanity. All attachment to such service or work is a sign of personal ambition. The Guru who believes that he has a great truth to teach to humanity and who wants many disciples and who feels uncomfortable when the disciples go away or who seizes on anybody that comes and tries to make him a disciple, is evidently following nothing but his ambition. You must be able, if you are ready to follow the divine order, to take up whatever work you are given, even a stupendous work, and leave it the next day with the same quietness with which you took it up and not feel that the responsibility is yours. There should be no attachmentto any object or any mode of life. You must be absolutely free. If you want to have the true yogic attitude, you must be able to accept everything that comes from the Divine and let it go easily and without regret. The attitude of the ascetic who says, I want nothing and the attitude of the man of the world who says, I want this thing are the same. The one may be as much attached to his renunciation as the other to his possession.
  You must accept all thingsand only those things that come from the Divine. Because things can come from concealed desires. The desires work in the subconscious and bring things to you which, although you may not recognise them as such, nevertheless do not come from the Divine but from disguised desires.

1951-02-05 - Surrender and tapasya - Dealing with difficulties, sincerity, spiritual discipline - Narrating experiences - Vital impulse and will for progress, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, and then what happens? If you give yourself entirely to the Divine, it is He who does the Yoga, it is no longer you; hence this is not very difficult; while if you do tapasya, it is you yourself who do the yoga and you carry its whole responsibilityit is there the danger lies. But there are people who prefer to have the whole responsibility, with its dangers, because they have a very independent spirit. They are not perhaps in a great hurryif they need several lives to succeed, it does not matter to them. But there are others who want to go quicker and be more sure of reaching the goal; well, these give over the whole responsibility to the Divine.
   The first effect of Yoga, however, is to take away the mental control, and the hungers that lie dormant are suddenly set free; they rush up and invade the being. What you should do is to keep the thing [the sex impulse] to disassociate from it, take as little notice of it as possible and, even if you happen to think of it, to remain indifferent and unconcerned.

1951-02-10 - Liberty and license - surrender makes you free - Men in authority as representatives of the divine Truth - Work as offering - total surrender needs time - Effort and inspiration - will and patience, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You must be able, if you are ready to follow the Divine order, to take up whatever work you are given, even a stupendous work, and leave it the next day with the same quietness with which you took it up and not feel that the responsibility is yours. There should be no attachmentto any object or any mode of life. You must be absolutely free.
   Questions and Answers 1929 (14 April)
   Every hour of my life I have learnt that one can learn something; but I have never felt bound by the opinion of others, for I consider that there is only one truth in the world which can know something, and this is the Supreme Truth. Then one is quite free. And it is this freedom that I want of youfree from all attachment, all ignorance, all reaction; free from everything except a total surrender to the Divine. This is the way out from all responsibility towards the world. The Divine alone is responsible.
   It is not possible, is it, for the surrender to be total from the very beginning?

1951-03-24 - Descent of Divine Love, of Consciousness - Earth- a symbolic formation - the Divine Presence - The psychic being and other worlds - Divine Love and Grace - Becoming consaious of Divine Love - Finding ones psychic being - Responsibility, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:1951-03-24 - Descent of Divine Love, of Consciousness - Earth- a symbolic formation - the Divine Presence - The psychic being and other worlds - Divine Love and Grace - Becoming consaious of Divine Love - Finding ones psychic being - responsibility
  author class:The Mother
   The fact of being born with a psychic being and upon earth which is a spiritual symbol proves that we have each one of us a great responsibility, doesnt it?
   Surely. One has a big responsibility, it is to fulfil a special mission that one is born upon earth. Only, naturally, the psychic being must have reached a certain degree of development; otherwise it could be said that it is the whole earth which has the responsibility. The more conscious and individualised one becomes, the more should one have the sense of responsibility. But this is what happens at a given moment; one begins to think that one is here not without reason, without purpose. One realises suddenly that one is here because there is something to be done and this something is not anything egoistic. This seems to me the most logical way of entering upon the pathall of a sudden to realise, Since I am here, it means that I have a mission to fulfil. Since I have been endowed with a consciousness, it is that I have something to do with that consciousness what is it?
   Generally, it seems to me that this is the first question one should put to oneself: Why am I here?

1951-04-07 - Origin of Evil - Misery- its cause, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I would not reply in this way now, it is an altogether administrative answer! It is thus that governments always reply; they say, It is not I who am responsible, it is my agents. Thats not nice, it is better to take the responsibility upon oneself.
   Mother continues her reading which begins with a question from the same listener:

1953-10-07, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The first thing is to learn how to know by identity. That is indispensable when one has the responsibility for others. To learn how to guide other people, the first indispensable step is to know how to enter into their minds so as to know themnot to project ones thought, imagine what they are, but go out of oneself and enter into them, to know what is happening there. Then, in this way, one knows them because one is them. When one knows only oneself in others, that means one knows nothing. One may be completely mistaken. One imagines it is like this or thatone judges by appearances or else through mental preferences, preconceived ideas; that is to say, one knows nothing. But there is one condition in which one doesnt even need to know, to try to know what somebody is like: one cant do otherwise but feel what he is, for he is a projection of oneself. And unless one knows how to do that, one can never do what is necessary for peopleunless one feels as they feel, thinks as they think, unless one is able to enter into them as though one were they themselves. That is the only way. If you try to know with a small active mind, you will never know anythingnor by looking at people and telling yourself: Why, he does this in this way and that way, so he must be like that. That is impossible.
   So, the first task of those who have a responsibility for instance, those who are in charge of educating other children, taking care of others, from rulers to teachers and monitors their first task is to learn how to identify themselves with the others, to feel as they do. Then one knows what one should do. One keeps ones inner light, keeps ones consciousness where it ought to be, very high above, in the light, and at the same time gets identified, and so one feels what they are, what their reactions are, what their thoughts, and one holds that before the light one has: one succeeds in thinking out perfectly well what should be done for them. You will tell each one what he needs to hear, you will act with each one as is necessary to make him understand. And that is why it is a wonderful grace to have the responsibility for a certain number of people, for that obliges you to make the most essential progress. And I hasten to tell you that ninety-nine times out of a hundred, people dont make it.But that is exactly why things are in such a bad way. Particularly those who have the responsibility of governing a countrythis is the last thing they think about! They are very eager rather to keep their way of seeing and their way of feeling, and fiercely refrain from realising the needs of those over whom they rule. But indeed one can see that the result is not up to much; so far it is evident that one cant say that governments have been remarkable institutions. It is the same thing on all levels: there are small governments, there are big governments. But the laws are the same, for all. And unless, when giving a lesson, you are able, there and then, to take in the entire atmosphere, to gather the vibrations around people, put them all together, keep all that before you, and become aware of what you can do with this stuff (with the vibrations you can spread, the forces you can give out, those which will be received, those which will be assimilated), unless you do that, mostly you too are wasting your time. In order to do the least work, one must make a lot of progress.
   The supramental does not take interest in mental things in the same way as the mind. It takes its own interest in all the movements of the universe, but it is from a different point of view and with a different vision. The world presents to it an entirely different appearance; there is a reversal of outlook and everything is seen from there as other than what it seems to the mind and often even the opposite. Things have another meaning; their aspect, their motion and process, everything about them, are watched with other eyes. Everything here is followed by the supermind; the mind movements and not less the vital, the material movements, all the play of the universe has for it a very deep interest, but of another kind.

1953-12-09, #Questions And Answers 1953, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ah! I wanted to ask you a question. We said at the beginning: one is surrounded by what one thinks about. You understand quite well what this means? (Turning to a child) Every time you think of something, it is as though you had a magnet in your hand and were attracting that thing towards yourselfyou understand. Now, there are people who have a very, very bad habit of always thinking about all possible catastrophes, and are in a sort of constant apprehension about some calamity befalling them the next moment. I know many like that, there are some here. And so, those people have as though a magnet in their hands to attract calamities, not only upon themselves but upon others also. That lays a big responsibility upon them. And if one cant stop all the time from thinking about somethingsome have a head that runs on and they havent found a way of stopping itwell, why not make it run on the right lines instead of letting it run on the others! Once your head begins to run, let it run on all the good things that can happen. If it is obliged to turn round and round, well, turn then to the good side! That is, if somebody is ill, instead of saying: What is going to happen, perhaps this is going to be very serious, and if it is that disease and a calamity comes so quickly, instead of all that, if one thinks: Oh! that is nothing, illnesses are outer illusions translating some deeper vibrations which are not seen, that is why one doesnt speak about them, but thats how it is. And these deeper vibrations may come and set in order what has been disturbed. And this imbalance, this illness or bad thing that has come, well, it will be absorbed by the Grace and will disappear, no trace of it will remain, except that of things agreeable and pleasant. One may continue to think in this way uninterruptedly. People always need to make their mind run, run, run, but then make it run on the right lines, you will see that it has an effect. For instance, let it go like this: that I shall learn better and better, shall know better and better, become healthier and healthier, and all difficulties will vanish, and wicked people will become sweet and good, and ill people will be cured, and houses which should be built will be built, and those things which should disappear will disappear, but giving place to better things, and the world will move in a constant progress, and at the end of that progress there will be a total harmony, and so on, and continue thus. You can go on endlessly. But then you will have around you and around your head all kinds of pretty things. Those who perceive the atmosphere see certain inky stains, like an octopus there, yes, like that, with its tentacles to try and upset your mindinstead of that, one will see happy formations, formations of light or rays of sunlight or perhaps beautiful pictures, all that. One will see beautiful things there are painters who do that and they always capture the thoughts.
   Sweet Mother, you have said: Each meditation ought to be a new revelation, for in each meditation something new happens.1 After the meditation, is one conscious of what has happened?

1954-08-25 - Ananda aspect of the Mother - Changing conditions in the Ashram - Ascetic discipline - Mothers body, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  There was a terrible fight with the inconscient; for, as I saw that the receptivity was not what it ought to be, I put the responsibility for it on the inconscient and it was there that I tried to give battle. I dont say that this had no result, but between the result obtained and the result hoped for, there was a great difference.
  But I tell you this, you see you are all so close, you ba the in the atmosphere, but who was aware of anything? You continued to live your little life as usual, didnt you?

1954-12-29 - Difficulties and the world - The experience the psychic being wants - After death -Ignorance, #Questions And Answers 1954, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The most important thing in this case is the last state of consciousness in which one was while both were joined together, when the vital being and the body were still united. So the last state of consciousness, one may say the last desire or the last hope or the last aspiration, has a colossal importance for the first impact the being has with the invisible world. And here the responsibility of the people around the dying man is much greater than they think. If they can help him to enter his highest consciousness, they will do him the greatest service they can. But usually what they do is to cling to him as much as they can, and to pull him towards them with a fierce selfishness; the result, you see, is that instead of being able to withdraw in a slightly higher consciousness which will protect him in his exit, he is gripped by material things and it is a terrible inner battle to free himself from both his body and his attachments.
  In fact, you see I say except for a very few, so few that one can hardly speak about themall men live in a total ignorance, a total ignorance of the way to live, not of the things in the universe but simply of the most elementary knowledge of living. They dont know how to live. All the time they do things they should not do, and I am not speaking of satisfying desires and all that, I am speaking simply of the life of each moment, the movement of each instant; because one is in a state of total ignorance, one does exactly the opposite of what one should do to get the result one wants. One tries to follow some aim, whatever it may beit may be a selfish aim, it may be a disinterested aim, it may be a material aim, it may be a spiritual aim, but one wants to get somewhere and one does just the opposite of what is necessary to go there, all the time. And if you are simply just a little attentive and are able to look at yourself at any minute, whatever be the thing you have to do, stop for half a second and look at yourself and ask, Do I know what I have to do? If you are sincere you will see that you dont know it at all. You do it automatically, instinctively, by habit or else with some kind of impulse, you see; but to know: Is this what must be done? Is it in this way that it ought to be done?I dont think once in a thousand times you can answer.

1956-02-15 - Nature and the Master of Nature - Conscious intelligence - Theory of the Gita, not the whole truth - Surrender to the Lord - Change of nature, #Questions And Answers 1956, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  But if one wants to be wise even without being a great yogi, one must be able to look at all these things with a smile, and not be affected by them. You have your own experience; try to make it as true and complete as possible, but leave each one to his own experience. Unless they come seeking you as a guru and tell you, Now, lead me to the Light and the Truth; then, there your responsibility begins but not before. (Looking at a disciple) He is longing to speak!
    Sri Aurobindo has said, The Gita pauses at the borders of the highest spiritual mind and does not cross them into the splendours of the supramental Light.

1957-04-10 - Sports and yoga - Organising ones life, #Questions And Answers 1957-1958, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  A leader of a small group can thus become a perfect leader for a large group, for a nation, and prepare himself for a collective role. It is a training-ground of great importance, and that is truly what we have attempted and are continuing to try out here: to give to everyone as soon as possible a responsibility, big or small, so that he learns to become a true leader.
  To be a true leader one must be completely disinterested and efface from oneself as much as possible all self-regard and all selfish movements. To be a leader one must master ones ego, and to master ones ego is the first indispensable step for doing yoga. And this is what can make sports a powerful aid for the realisation of the Divine.

1958-03-26 - Mental anxiety and trust in spiritual power, #Questions And Answers 1957-1958, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  With man there has begun this perpetual worrying about what is going to happen, and this worry is the principal, if not the sole cause of his torment. With this objectivising consciousness there has begun anxiety, painful imaginations, worry, torment, anticipation of future catastrophes, with the result that most men and not the least conscious, the most consciouslive in perpetual torment. Man is too conscious to be indifferent, he is not conscious enough to know what will happen. Truly it could be said without fear of making a mistake that of all earths creatures he is the most miserable. The human being is used to being like that because it is an atavistic state which he has inherited from his ancestors, but it is truly a miserable condition. And it is only with this spiritual capacity of rising to a higher level and replacing the animals unconsciousness by a spiritual super-consciousness that there comes into the being not only the capacity to see the goal of existence and to foresee the culmination of the effort but also a clear-sighted trust in a higher spiritual power to which one can surrender ones whole being, entrust oneself, give the responsibility for ones life and future and so abandon all worries.
  Of course, it is impossible for man to fall back to the level of the animal and lose the consciousness he has acquired; therefore, for him there is only one means, one way to get out of this condition he is in, which I call a miserable one, and to emerge into a higher state where worry is replaced by a trusting surrender and the certitude of a luminous culminationthis way is to change the consciousness.
  That is why all spiritual disciplines begin with the necessity of surrendering all responsibility and relying on a higher principle. Otherwise peace is impossible.
  And yet, consciousness has been given to man so that he can progress, can discover what he doesnt know, develop into what he has not yet become; and so it may be said that there is a higher state than that of an immobile and static peace: it is a trust total enough for one to keep the will to progress, to preserve the effort for progress while ridding it of all anxiety, all care for results and consequences. This is one step ahead of the methods which may be called quietist, which are founded on the rejection of all activity and a plunging into an immobility and inner silence, which forsake all life because it has been suddenly felt that without peace one cant have any inner realisation and, quite naturally, one thought that one couldnt have peace so long as one was living in outer conditions, in the state of anxiety in which problems are set and cannot be solved, for one does not have the knowledge to do so.

1.A - ANTHROPOLOGY, THE SOUL, #Philosophy of Mind, #unset, #Zen
  The self-possessed and healthy subject has an active and present consciousness of the ordered whole of his individual world, into the system of which he subsumes each special content of sensation, idea, desire, inclination, etc., as it arises, so as to insert them in their proper place, He is the dominant genius over these particularities. Between this and insanity the difference is like that between waking and dreaming: only that in insanity the dream falls within the waking limits, and so makes part of the actual self- feeling. Error and that sort of thing is a proposition consistently admitted to a place in the objective interconnection of things. In the concrete, however, it is often difficult to say where it begins to become derangement. A violent, but groundless and senseless outburst of hatred, etc., may, in contrast to a presupposed higher self-possession and stability of character, make its victim seem to be beside himself with frenzy. But the main point in derangement is the contradiction which a feeling with a fixed corporeal embodiment sets up against the whole mass of adjustments forming the concrete consciousness. The mind which is in a condition of mere being, and where such being is not rendered fluid in its consciousness, is diseased. The contents which are set free in this reversion to mere nature are the self-seeking affections of the heart, such as vanity, pride, and the rest of the passions - fancies and hopes - merely personal love and hatred. When the influence of self-possession and of general principles, moral and theoretical, is relaxed, and ceases to keep the natural temper under lock and key, the, earthly elements are set free - that evil which is always latent in the heart, because the heart as immediate is natural and selfish. It is the evil genius of man which gains the upper hand in insanity, but in distinction from and contrast to the better and more intelligent part, which is there also. Hence this state is mental derangement and distress. The right psychical treatment therefore keeps in view the truth that insanity is not an abstract loss of reason (neither in the point of intelligence nor of will and its responsibility), but only derangement, only a contradiction in a still subsisting reason; - just as physical disease is not an abstract, i.e. mere and total, loss of health (if it were that, it would be death), but a contradiction in it. This humane treatment, no less benevolent than reasonable (the services of Pinel towards which deserve the highest acknowledgement), presupposes the patient's rationality, and in that assumption has the sound basis for dealing with him on this side - just as in the case of bodily disease the physician bases his treatment on the vitality which as such still contains health.
  (c) Habit[7]

1f.lovecraft - At the Mountains of Madness, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   responsibility for unnamable and perhaps immensurable evils will not be
   responsibility toward Gedneyor what notdrive us on. Danforth
   whispered again of the print he thought he had seen at the

1f.lovecraft - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   deliberation; and with them would rest the responsibility of deciding
   whether or not to inform the Governor of the Colony, Joseph Wanton of

1f.lovecraft - The Dunwich Horror, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   tremendous sense of responsibility. Saturday afternoon he felt able to
   go over to the library and summon Rice and Morgan for a conference, and
   monstrous work, trembled with the responsibility he felt to be his.
   Night would soon fall, and it was then that the mountainous blasphemy

1f.lovecraft - The Electric Executioner, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   mad sense of my responsibility for the failure, and the result would be
   a red chaos of murderous rage. Therefore the experiment must be

1f.lovecraft - The Mound, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   a man of high intelligence and local responsibility, while his
   motherwho lived with him and was familiarly known as Grandma

1f.lovecraft - The Rats in the Walls, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   whisperingly at their responsibility for the occasional disappearance
   of villagers through several generations.

1f.lovecraft - The Statement of Randolph Carter, #Lovecraft - Poems, #unset, #Zen
   responsibility is in a certain sense mine, and I couldnt drag a bundle
   of nerves like you down to probable death or madness. I tell you, you

1.rmpsd - Its value beyond assessment by the mind, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  My only responsibility of stewardship
     is constant inward remembrance,

2.01 - Habit 1 Be Proactive, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  Even the most intelligent animals have none of these endowments. To use a computer metaphor, they are programmed by instinct and/or training. They can be trained to be responsible, but they can't take responsibility for that training; in other words, they can't direct it. They can't change the programming. They're not even aware of it.
  But because of our unique human endowments, we can write new programs for ourselves totally apart from our instincts and training. This is why an animal's capacity is relatively limited and man's is unlimited. But if we live like animals, out of our own instincts and conditioning and conditions, out of our collective memory, we too will be limited.
  We can subordinate feelings to values. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.
  Look at the word responsibility -- "response-ability" -- the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.
  Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us.
  Taking initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.
  Over the years, I have frequently counseled people who wanted better jobs to show more initiative -to take interest and aptitude tests, to study the industry, even the specific problems the organizations they are interested in are facing, and then to develop an effective presentation showing how their abilities can help solve the organization's problem. It's called "solution selling," and is a key paradigm in business success.
  It takes initiative to create the P/PC Balance of effectiveness in your life. It takes initiative to develop the Seven Habits. As you study the other six habits, you will see that each depends on the development of your proactive muscles. Each puts the responsibility on you to act. If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon. And growth and opportunity consequences attend either road.
  At one time I worked with a group of people in the home improvement industry, representatives from 20 different organizations who met quarterly to share their numbers and problems in an uninhibited way.
  The language of reactive people absolves them of responsibility.
  "That's me. That's just the way I am." I am determined. There's nothing I can do about it.
  That language comes from a basic paradigm of determinism. And the whole spirit of it is the transfer of responsibility. I am not responsible, not able to choose my response.
  One time a student asked me, "Will you excuse me from class? I have to go on a tennis trip."
  They're driven by feelings. Hollywood has generally scripted us to believe that we are not responsible, that we are a product of our feelings. But the Hollywood script does not describe the reality. If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so.
  Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like a mother bringing a newborn into the world. If you want to study love, study those who sacrifice for others, even for people who offend or do not love in return. If you are a parent, look at the love you have for the children you sacrificed for. Love is a value that is actualized through loving actions. Proactive people subordinate feelings to values. Love, the feeling, can be recaptured.
  Concern that is at least as big as their Circle of Influence, accepting the responsibility to use their influence effectively.
  --- Direct, Indirect, and No Control
  No control problems involve taking the responsibility to change the line on the bottom on our face -to smile, to genuinely and peacefully accept these problems and learn to live with them, even though we don't like them. In this way, we do not empower these problems to control us. We share in the spirit embodied in the Alcoholics Anonymous prayer, "Lord, give me the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept the things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference."
  Whether a problem is direct, indirect, or no control, we have in our hands the first step to the solution. Changing our habits, changing our methods of influence and changing the way we see our no control problems are all within our Circle of Influence.
  The net effect was that he alienated almost the entire executive team surrounding him. They would gather in the corridors and complain to each other about him. Their discussion was all very sophisticated, very articulate, as if they were trying to help the situation. But they did it endlessly, absolving themselves of responsibility in the name of the president's weaknesses.
  "You can't imagine what's happened this time," someone would say. "The other day he went into my department. I had everything all laid out. But he came in and gave totally different signals.
  It's the nature of reactive people to absolve themselves of responsibility. It's so much safer to say, "I am not responsible." If I say "I am responsible," I might have to say, "I am irresponsible." It would be very hard for me to say that I have the power to choose my response and that the response I have chosen has resulted in my involvement in a negative, collusive environment, especially if for years I have absolved myself of responsibility for results in the name of someone else's weaknesses.
  So these executives focused on finding more information, more ammunition, more evidence as to why they weren't responsible.
  It is here that we find two ways to put ourselves in control of our lives immediately. We can make a promise -- and keep it. Or we can set a goal -- and work to achieve it. As we make and keep commitments, even small commitments, we begin to establish an inner integrity that gives us the awareness of self-control and the courage and strength to accept more of the responsibility for our own lives. By making and keeping promises to ourselves and others, little by little, our honor becomes greater than our moods.
  The power to make and keep commitments to ourselves is the essence of developing the basic habits of effectiveness. Knowledge, skill, and desire are all within our control. We can work on any one to improve the balance of the three. As the area of intersection becomes larger, we more deeply internalize the principles upon which the habits are based and create the strength of character to move us in a balanced way toward increasing effectiveness in our lives.

2.01 - The Yoga and Its Objects, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  "Abandon all dharmas (all law, rule, means and codes of every kind whether formed by previous habit and belief or imposed from outside) and take refuge in Me alone; I will deliver thee from all sin and evil, - do not grieve." "I will deliver", - you have not to be troubled or struggle yourself as if the responsibility were yours or the result depended on your efforts, a mightier than you is busy with the matter. Neither disease nor calamity nor the rising of sin and impurity in you should cause any alarm.
  Hold fast only to him. "I will deliver thee from all sin and evil."
  The best foundation for the surrender of action is the realisation that Prakriti is doing all our actions at God's comm and and God through our svabhava determines the action. From that moment the action belongs to him, it is not yours nor the responsibility yours; there is indeed no responsibility, no bondage of
  Karma, for God has no responsibility, but is in every way master and free. Our actions become not only like the Shastric man's svabhavaniyata, regulated by nature and therefore dharma, but the svabhava itself is controlled like a machine by God. It is not easy for us, full as we are of the Sanskaras of ignorance, to arrive at this stage of knowledge, but there are three stages by
  The Yoga and Its Objects

2.02 - Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  To the extent to which we understand the principle of two creations and accept the responsibility for both, we act within and enlarge the borders of our Circle of Influence. To the extent to which we do not operate in harmony with this principle and take charge of the first creation, we diminish it.
  --- By Design or Default
  He finally admitted that this individual had had such an impact on him, but he denied that he himself had made all these choices. He attributed the responsibility for the unhappy situation to the administrator. He, himself, he declared, was not responsible.
  As we talked, little by little, he came to realize that he was indeed responsible, but that because he did not handle this responsibility well, he was being irresponsible.
  Many divorced people fall into a similar pattern. They are still consumed with anger and bitterness and self-justification regarding an ex-spouse. In a negative sense, psychologically they are still married -- they each need the weaknesses of the former partner to justify their accusations.
  In seeking to give verbal expression to that uniqueness, we are again reminded of the fundamental importance of proactivity and of working within our Circle of Influence. To seek some abstract meaning to our lives out in our Circle of Concern is to abdicate our proactive responsibility, to place our own first creation in the hands of circumstance and other people.
  Our meaning comes from within. Again, in the words of Frankl, "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible."
  Personal responsibility, or proactivity, is fundamental to the first creation. Returning to the computer metaphor, Habit 1 says "You are the programmer." Habit 2, then, says, "Write the program."
  Until you accept the idea that you are responsible, that you are the programmer, you won't really invest in writing the program.
  We each have a number of different roles in our lives -- different areas or capacities in which we have responsibility. I may, for example, have a role as an individual, a husband, a father, a teacher, a church member, and a businessman. And each of these roles is important.
  One of the major problems that arises when people work to become more effective in life is that they don't think broadly enough. They lose the sense of proportion, the balance, the natural ecology necessary to effective living. They may get consumed by work and neglect personal health. In the name of professional success, they may neglect the most precious relationships in their lives.

2.02 - Surrender, Self-Offering and Consecration, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine you cannot manage. Or you may have a spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy, a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: I do not belong to myself, you say, and give up the responsibility of your being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: Here I am, a creature of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer myself as I am to you, take me up with all my ups and downs, conflicting impulses and tendenciesdo whatever you like with me. In the course of your self-offering, you start unifying your being around what has taken the first decision the central psychic will. All the jarring elements of your nature have to be harmonised, they have to be taken up one after another and unified with the central being. You may offer yourself to the Divine with a spontaneous movement, but it is not possible to give yourself effectively without this unification. The more you are unified, the more you are able to realise self-giving. And once the self-giving is complete, consecration follows: it is the crown of the whole process of realisation, the last step of the gradation, after which there is no more trouble and everything runs smoothly. But you must not forget that you cannot become integrally consecrated at once. You are often deluded into such a belief when, for a day or two, you have a strong movement of a particular kind. You are led to hope that everything else will automatically follow in its wake; but in fact if you become the least bit self-complacent you retard your own advance. For your being is full of innumerable tendencies at war with one anotheralmost different personalities, we may say. When one of them gives itself to the Divine, the others come up and refuse their allegiance. We have not given ourselves, they cry, and start clamouring for their independence and expression. Then you bid them be quiet and show them the Truth. Patiently you have to go round your whole being, exploring each nook and corner, facing all those anarchic elements in you which are waiting for their psychological moment to come up. And it is only when you have made the entire round of your mental, vital and physical nature, persuaded everything to give itself to the Divine and thus achieved an absolute unified consecration that you put an end to your difficulties. Then indeed yours is a glorious walk towards transformation, for you no longer go from darkness to knowledge but from knowledge to knowledge, light to light, happiness to happiness. The complete consecration is undoubtedly not an easy matter, and it might take an almost indefinitely long time if you had to do it all by yourself, by your own independent effort. But when the Divines Grace is with you it is not exactly like that. With a little push from the Divine now and then, a little push in this direction and in that, the work becomes comparatively quite easy. Of course the length of time depends on each individual, but it can be very much shortened if you make a really firm resolve. Resolution is the one thing requiredresolution is the master-key.

2.02 - THE DURGA PUJA FESTIVAL, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  MASTER: "If it is His sweet will. But God doesn't take entire responsibility for a devotee unless the devotee is completely intoxicated with ecstatic love for Him. At a feast it is only a child whom one takes by the hand and seats at his place. Who does that with older people? Not until a man thinks so much of God that he cannot look after himself does God take on his responsibilities. Hazra doesn't inquire about his family. His son said to Ramlal: 'Please ask father to come home. We shall not ask anything of him.' These words almost brought tears to my eyes. Hazra's mother said to Ramlal: 'Please ask Pratap to come home just once. Also ask your uncle to request him to come home.' I told him about it, but he didn't listen to me.
  Duty toward mother

2.03 - Karmayogin A Commentary on the Isha Upanishad, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  the name of works does not properly apply, are free from responsibility. But this reasoning too is not consistent with divine
  teaching, with experience or with reason. For divine teaching
  no sense of sin and no more responsibility for his actions than
  the pure animal. His fall from the state of innocence was the

2.03 - On Medicine, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo: You can say Matter knows nothing about good and bad or sick and healthy. But the human body, I mean the physical consciousness, is not Matter. It is conscious, and therefore it can have its own responsibility with regard to diseases.
   Disciple: It seems A's standpoint referred to repentance and expiation. He wanted to say that to punish the body for the faults of the vital being or of the mind was to punish John for Jack.

2.03 - The Mother-Complex, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  Everything which reminds her of motherhood, responsibility,
  personal relationships, and erotic demands arouses feelings of

2.04 - Positive Aspects of the Mother-Complex, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  mous burden of meaning, responsibility, duty, heaven and hell,
  on to the shoulders of one frail and fallible human being so

2.05 - Habit 3 Put First Things First, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  Well, I didn't want to take the responsibility for that. I didn't want to put a cog in the wheel of one of the most productive people on the staff just because I happened to be managing by crisis at the time.
  The jobs I wanted done were urgent, but not important. So I went and found another crisis manager and gave the job to him.
  Transferring responsibility to other skilled and trained people enables you to give your energies to other high-leverage activities. Delegation means growth, both for individuals and for organizations.
  The late J. C. Penney was quoted as saying that the wisest decision he ever made was to "let go" after realizing that he couldn't do it all by himself any longer. That decision, made long ago, enabled the development and growth of hundreds of stores and thousands of people.
  If you know the failure paths of the job, identify them. Be honest and open -- tell a person where the quicksand is and where the wild animals are. You don't want to have to reinvent the wheel every day. Let people learn from your mistakes or the mistakes of others. Point out the potential failure paths, what not to do, but don't tell them what to do. Keep the responsibility for results with them -to do whatever is necessary within the guidelines.
  Resources: Identify the human, financial, technical, or organizational resources the person can draw on to accomplish the desired results.

2.06 - Union with the Divine Consciousness and Will, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The force which, when absorbed in the Ignorance, takes the form of vital desires is the same which, in its pure form, constitutes the push, the dynamis towards transformation. Consequently, you must beware at the same time of indulging freely in desires, thinking them to be needs which must be satisfied, and of rejecting the vital force as positively evil. What you should do is to throw the doors of your being wide open to the Divine. The moment you conceal something, you step straight into Falsehood. The least suppression on your part pulls you immediately down into unconsciousness. If you want to be fully conscious, be always in front of the Truth-completely open yourself and try your utmost to let it see deep inside you, into every corner of your being. That alone will bring into you light and consciousness and all that is most true. Be absolutely modest-that is to say, know the distance between what you are and what is to be, not allowing the crude physical mentality to think that it knows when it does not, that it can judge when it cannot. Modesty implies the giving up of yourself to the Divine whole-heartedly, asking for help and, by submission, winning the freedom and absence of responsibility which imparts to the mind utter quietness. Not otherwise can you hope to attain the union with the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Will. Of course it depends on the path by which you approach the Divine whether the union with the Consciousness comes first or with the Will. If you go deep within, the former will naturally precede, whereas if you take a standpoint in the universal movement the latter is likely to be realised first; but it is not quite possible to make a cut and dried generalisation because the sadhana is a flexible and fluid thing and also because the Divine Consciousness and Will are very closely connected with each other, being two aspects of one single Being. Take note, however, that the merely external similarity of your thought or action does not prove that this union has been achieved. All such proofs are superficial, for the real union means a thorough change, a total reversal of your normal consciousness. You cannot have it in your mind or in your ordinary state of awareness. You must get clean out of that-then and not till then can you be united with the Divine Consciousness. Once the union is really experienced the very idea of proving it by the similarity of your thought and action with mine will make you laugh. People living together in the same house for years or coming in daily intimate contact with one another develop a sort of common mind-they think and act alike. But you cannot claim to be like the Divine by such merely mental contact; you must consent to have your consciousness entirely reversed! The genuine sign of the union is that your consciousness has the same quality, the same way of working as the Divine's and proceeds from the same supramental source of Knowledge. That you sometimes happen to act in the external field as the Divine appears to act may be nothing save coincidence, and to demonstrate the union by such comparisons is to try to prove a very great thing by a very small one! The true test is the direct experience of the Divine Consciousness in whatever you do. It is an unmistakable test, because it changes your being completely. Evidently, you cannot at once be fixed in the Divine Consciousness; but even before it settles in you, you can have now and then the experience of it. The Divine Consciousness will come and go, but while the union lasts you will be as if somebody else! The whole universe will wear a new face and you yourself as well as your perception and vision of things will be metamorphosed. So long as you lack the experience you are inclined to look for proofs: proofs and results are secondary-what the union fundamentally means is that in your consciousness you know more than a human being. It is all to the good if, owing to your acquiring a pure, calm and receptive mind, you manage to think and act in accordance with my intentions. But you must not mistake a step on the way for the final goal. For the chief difference between the positive union and mental receptivity is that I have to formulate what I want you to carry out and put the formula into your pure and calm mind, whereas in the case of the actual union I need not formulate at all. I just put the necessary truth-consciousness in you and the rest automatically works out, because it is I myself who am then in you.... I dare say it is all rather difficult for you to imagine, the experience being well-nigh indescribable. It is, however, less difficult to imagine the union of the will with the Divine Will, for you can imagine a Will which is effective without struggle and victoriously manifest everywhere. And if all your will tends to unite with it, then there is something approaching a union. That is to say, you begin to lose your separate egoistic will and your being thirsts naturally to fulfil the Divine's behest and, without knowing even what the supreme Will is, wills exactly what the Divine wishes. But this means an unquestioning acceptance of the Higher Guidance. The energy in you which is deformed into vital desire but which is originally the urge towards realisation must unite with the Divine Will, so that all your power of volition mingles with it as a drop of water with the sea. No more then its own weaknesses and failings, but evermore the supreme quality of the Divine Will-Omnipotence!

2.06 - WITH VARIOUS DEVOTEES, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "To attain God a man must have certain favourable conditions: the company of holy men, discrimination, and the blessings of a real teacher. Perhaps his elder brother takes the responsibility for the family; perhaps his wife has spiritual qualities and is very virtuous; perhaps he is not married at all or entangled in worldly life. He succeeds when conditions like these are fulfilled.
  "In a certain family a man lay seriously ill. He was at the point of death. Someone said: 'Here is a remedy: First it must rain when the star Svati is in the ascendant; then some of that rain-water must collect in a human skull; then a frog must come there and a snake must chase it; and as the frog is about to be bitten by the snake, it must jump away and the poison of the snake must drop into the skull. You must prepare a medicine from this poison and give it to the patient. Then he will live.' The head of the family consulted the almanac about the star and set out at the right moment. With great longing of heart he began to search for the different ingredients. He prayed to God, 'O
  M: "God takes upon Himself complete responsibility for one who totally depends upon Him. It is like a guardian taking charge of a minor. You also told us that at a feast a child cannot by himself find a place to eat his meal; someone finds a place for him."
  MASTER: "No, that is not quite to the point. I said that the child doesn't fall if the father leads him and holds his hand."

2.07 - The Supreme Word of the Gita, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But there is another supreme reality of the Infinite that must also be recognised as an indispensable element of the liberating knowledge. This reality is that of the transcendent downlook as well as the close immanent presence of the divine government of the universe. The Supreme who becomes all creation, yet infinitely transcends it, is not a will-less cause aloof from his creation. He is not an involuntary originator who disowns all responsibility for these results of his universal Power or casts them upon an illusive consciousness entirely different from his own or leaves them to a mechanical Law or to a Demiurge or to a Manichean conflict of Principles. He is not an aloof and indifferent Witness who waits impassively for all to abolish itself or return to its unmoved original principle. He is the mighty lord of the worlds and peoples, loka-mahesvara, and governs all not only from within but from above, from his supreme transcendence. Cosmos cannot be governed by a Power that does not transcend cosmos. A divine government implies the free mastery of an omnipotent Ruler and not an automatic force or mechanical law of determinative becoming limited by the apparent nature of the cosmos. This is the theistic seeing of the universe, but it is no shrinking and gingerly theism afraid of the world's contradictions, but one which sees God as the omniscient and omnipotent, the sole original Being who manifests in himself all, whatever it may be, good and evil, pain and pleasure, light and darkness as stuff of his own existence and governs himself what in himself he has manifested. Unaffected by its oppositions, unbound by his creation, exceeding, yet intimately related to this Nature and closely one with her creatures, their
  The Supreme Word of the Gita

2.08 - On Non-Violence, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   They could not grasp the argument that the spiritual power of Vasishtha was responsible for the destruction. The original story is that the divine Cow kmadhenu did not want to go to Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra wanted to take it by force. But Vasishtha refused to resist. So the Cow asked him to allow her to resist Vishwamitra. Vasishtha said: "You can do whatever you like." She called upon the psychical powers to resist and the Asuras came on account of the spiritual power of Vasishtha. Because one saves himself from the act of killing, his responsibility is not less on that account. The question is whether one resists or not. If one resists it may be by physical force or soul force that is quite another matter.
   Disciple: Did you read Malavia's speech about the Multan riots and also what Rajagopalachari has said?

2.09 - The Release from the Ego, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Such possession is not indeed the aim of the traditional Yoga of knowledge whose object is rather to get away from the above and the below and the all into the indefinable Absolute. But whatever the aim, the path of knowledge must lead to one first result, an absolute quietude; for unless the old action of Nature in us be entirely quieted, it is difficult if not impossible to found either any true soul-status or any divine activity. Our nature acts on a basis of confusion and restless compulsion to action, the Divine acts freely out of a fathomless calm. Into that abyss of tranquillity we must plunge and become that, if we are to annul the hold of this lower nature upon the soul. Therefore the universalised Jiva first ascends into the Silence; it becomes vast, tranquil, actionless. What action takes place, whether of body and these organs or any working whatever, the Jiva sees but does not take part in, authorise or in any way associate itself with it. There is action, but no personal actor, no bondage, no responsibility. If personal action is needed, then the Jiva has to keep or recover what has been called the form of the ego, a sort of mental image of an "I" that is the knower, devotee, servant or instrument, but an image only and not a reality. If even that is not there, still action can continue by the mere continued force of prakriti, without any personal actor, without indeed there being any sense of an actor at all; for the Self into which the Jiva has cast its being is the actionless, the fathomless still. The path of works leads to the realisation of the Lord, but here even the Lord is not known; there is only the silent Self and prakriti doing her works, even, as it seems at first, riot with truly living entities but with names and forms existing in the Self but which the Self does not admit as real. The soul may go even beyond this realisation; it may either rise to the Brahman on the other side of all idea of Self as a Void of everything that is here, a Void of unnameable peace and extinction of all, even of the Sat, even of that Existent which is the impersonal basis of individual or universal personality; or else it may unite with it as an ineffable "That" of which nothing can be said; for the universe and all that is does not even exist in That, but appears to the mind as a dream more unsubstantial than any dream ever seen or imagined, so that even the word dream seems too positive a thing to express its entire unreality. These experiences are the foundation of that lofty illusionism which takes such firm hold of the human mind in its highest overleapings of itself.
  These ideas of dream and illusion are simply results in our still existent mentality of the new poise of the Jiva and its denial of the claim made upon it by its old mental associations and view of life and existence. In reality, the prakriti does not act for itself or by its own motion, but with the Self as lord; for out of that Silence wells all this action, that apparent Void looses out as if into movement all these infinite riches of experiences. To this realisation the Sadhaka of the integral Yoga must arrive by the process that we shall hereafter describe. What then, when he so resumes his hold upon the universe and views no longer himself in the world but the cosmos in himself, will be the position of the Jiva or what will fill in his new consciousness the part of the ego-sense? There will be no ego-sense even if there is a sort of individualisation for the purposes of the play of universal consciousness in an individual mind and frame; and for this reason that all will be unforgettably the One and every Person or Purusha will be to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises, Brahman acting upon Brahman, one Nara-Narayana351 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense, -- just as the supreme state of human love likewise is described as the unity of one soul in two bodies. The ego-sense is not indispensable to the world-play in which it is so active and so falsifies the truth of things; the truth is always the One at work on itself, at play with itself, infinite in unity, infinite in multiplicity. When the individualised consciousness rises to and lives in that truth of the cosmic play, then even in full action, even in possession of the lower being the Jiva remains still one with the Lord, and there is no bondage and no delusion. He is in possession of Self and released from the ego.

2.0 - THE ANTICHRIST, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  cold increases, responsibility increases. A high civilisation is a
  pyramid: it can stand only upon a broad base, its first prerequisite is

2.10 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - Time the Destroyer, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Indian spirituality knows that God is Love and Peace and calm Eternity, - the Gita which presents us with these terrible images, speaks of the Godhead who embodies himself in them as the lover and friend of all creatures. But there is too the sterner aspect of his divine government of the world which meets us from the beginning, the aspect of destruction, and to ignore it is to miss the full reality of the divine Love and Peace and Calm and Eternity and even to throw on it an aspect of partiality and illusion, because the comforting exclusive form in which it is put is not borne out by the nature of the world in which we live. This world of our battle and labour is a fierce dangerous destructive devouring world in which life exists precariously and the soul and body of man move among enormous perils, a world in which by every step forward, whether we will it or no, something is crushed and broken, in which every breath of life is a breath too of death. To put away the responsibility for all that seems to us evil or terrible on the shoulders of a semi-omnipotent Devil,
   or to put it aside as part of Nature, making an unbridgeable opposition between world-nature and God-Nature, as if Nature were independent of God, or to throw the responsibility on man and his sins, as if he had a preponderant voice in the making of this world or could create anything against the will of God, are clumsily comfortable devices in which the religious thought of
  India has never taken refuge. We have to look courageously in the face of the reality and see that it is God and none else who has made this world in his being and that so he has made it. - Teaching, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Just as we organise the school in such a way as to be able to discover and help outstanding students, in the same way, the responsibility for classes should be given to outstanding teachers.
  So I ask each teacher to consider his work in the school as the best and quickest way of doing his Yoga. Moreover, every difficulty and every difficult student should be an opportunity for him to find a divine solution to the problem.

2.14 - AT RAMS HOUSE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "A guardian is appointed only for a minor. A boy cannot safeguard his property; therefore the king assumes responsibility for him. God does not take over our responsibilities unless we renounce our ego.
  "Once Lakshmi and Narayana were seated in Vaikuntha, when Narayana suddenly stood up. Lakshmi had been stroking His feet. She said, 'Lord, where are You going?' Narayana answered: 'One of My devotees is in great danger. I must save him.' With these words He went out. But He came back immediately. Lakshmi said, 'Lord, why have You returned so soon?' Narayana smiled and said: The devotee was going along the road overwhelmed with love for Me. Some washermen were drying clothes on the grass, and the devotee walked over the clothes. At this the washermen chased him and were going to beat him with their sticks. So I ran out to protect him.' 'But why have You come back?' asked Lakshmi. Narayana laughed and said: 'I saw the devotee himself picking up a brick to throw at them. (All laugh.) So I came back.'
  (To Captain) "When a man attains the Knowledge of Brahman he shows certain characteristics. The Bhagavata describes four of them: the state of a child, of an inert thing, of a madman, and of a ghoul. Sometimes the knower of Brahman acts like a five-year-old child. Sometimes he acts like a madman. Sometimes he remains like an inert thing. In this state he cannot work; he renounces all action. You may say that jnanis like Janaka were active. The truth is that people in olden times gave responsibility to their subordinate officers and thus freed themselves from worry. Further, at that time men possessed intense faith."
  Sri Ramakrishna began to speak about the renunciation of action. But he also said that those who felt they must do their duties should do them in a detached spirit.

2.14 - The Unpacking of God, #Sex Ecology Spirituality, #Ken Wilber, #Philosophy
  Likewise, as a part (in communion), each holon exists in a network of care and responsibility. Like rights, responsibilities are not something added to holons. Networks of responsibility simply define the conditions necessary to support the whole of which the part is indeed a part. Further, the greater the depth of a holon, then the more networks of communion it is involved in, and thus the greater its responsibilities in communion (correlative with its greater rights of agency).12
  Thus, each and every holon in the Kosmos has equal Ground-value as a pure manifestation of Spirit or Emptiness.

2.16 - Oneness, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But at the same time the integral knowledge gives us the awareness of that infinite existence as the conscious-force which creates and governs the worlds and manifests itself in their works; it reveals the Self-existent in his universal conscious-will as the Lord, the Ishwara. It enables us to unite our will with His, to realise His will in the energies of all existences and to perceive the fulfilment of these energies of others as part of our own universal self-fulfilment. Thus it removes the reality of strife and division and opposition and leaves only their appearances. By that knowledge therefore we arrive at the possibility of a divine action, a working which is personal to our nature, but impersonal to our being, since it proceeds from That which is beyond our ego and acts only by its universal sanction. We proceed in our works with equality, without bondage to works and their results, in unison with the Highest, in unison with the universal, free from separate responsibility for our acts and therefore unaffected by their reactions. This which we have seen to be the fulfilment of the path of Works becomes thus an annexe and result of the path of Knowledge.
  The integral knowledge again reveals to us the Self-existent as the All-blissful who, as Sachchidananda manifesting the world, manifesting all beings, accepts their adoration, even as He accepts their works of aspiration and their seekings of knowledge, leans down to them and drawing them to Himself takes all into the joy of His divine being. Knowing Him as our divine Self, we become one with Him, as the lover and beloved become one, in the ecstasy of that embrace. Knowing Him too in all beings, perceiving the glory and beauty and joy of the Beloved everywhere, we transform our souls into a passion of universal delight and a wideness and joy of universal love. All this which, as we shall find, is the summit of the path of Devotion, becomes also an annexe and result of the path of Knowledge.

2.16 - The 15th of August, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo: Then, you want to throw the whole burden on me and evade your responsibility?
   Disciple: If you push me like that into a corner then I can't say anything.
   (After a pause, to a disciple) No, K you can't evade your responsibility. (Laughter)
   I am not doing an isolated Yoga. When I wrote that much-abused sentence about humanity in The Yoga and its Objects, there was a truth behind it though I was not conscious of it. It is true that my Yoga is not for humanity; but it is not for myself either; of course, my attaining to the Siddhi is the preliminary condition to others being able to attain it. If I were seeking my own liberation and perfection, my Yoga would have been finished long ago.
   Disciple: Probably he wants to know what is the responsibility of the sadhaks?
   Disciple: Yes, I mean that.

2.17 - December 1938, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo: No, it was directly transmitted into the pen. It is a great relief to get out of that responsibility.
   Disciple: Oh yes, Sir!
   Sri Aurobindo: I don't mean responsibility in general but that of thinking about everything. Some thoughts are given or reflected from above. It is not that I don't ask for knowledge. When I want knowledge I call for it. The higher faculty sees thoughts as if written on a wall.
   12 DECEMBER 1938

2.17 - The Soul and Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  This duality is self-evident. Without any philosophy at all, by the mere force of experience it is what we can all perceive, although we may not take the trouble to define. Even the most thoroughgoing materialism which denies the soul or resolves it into a more or less illusory result of natural phenomena acting upon some ill-explained phenomenon of the physical brain which we call consciousness or the mind, but which is really no more than a sort of complexity of nervous spasms, cannot get rid of the practical fact of this duality. It does not matter at all how it came about; the fact is not only there, it determines our whole existence, it is the one fact which is really important to us as human beings with a will and an intelligence and a subjective existence which makes all our happiness and our suffering. The whole problem of life resolves itself into this one question, -- "What are we to do with this soul and nature set face to face with each other, this Nature, this personal and cosmic activity, which tries to impress itself upon the soul, to possess, control, determine it, and this soul which feels that in some mysterious way it has a freedom, a control over itself, a responsibility for what it is and does, and tries therefore to turn upon Nature, its own and the world's, and to control, possess, enjoy, or even, it may be, reject and escape from her?" In order to answer that question we have to know, -- to know what the soul can do, to know what it call do with itself, to know too what it can do with Nature and the world. The whole of human philosophy, religion, science is really nothing but an attempt to get at the right data upon which it will be possible to answer the question and solve, as satisfactorily as our knowledge will allow, the problem of our existence.
  The hope of a complete escape from our present strife with and subjection to our lower and troubled nature and existence arises when we perceive what religion and philosophy affirm, but modern thought has tried to deny, that there are two poises of our soul-existence, a lower, troubled and subjected, a higher, supreme, untroubled and sovereign, one vibrant in Mind, the other tranquil in Spirit. The hope not only of an escape, but of a completely satisfying and victorious solution comes when we perceive what some religions and philosophies affirm, but others seem to deny, that there is also in the dual unity of soul and nature a lower, an ordinary human status and a higher, a divine in which the conditions of the duality are reversed and the soul becomes that which now it only struggles and aspires to be, master of its nature, free and by union with the Divine possessor also of the world-nature. According to our idea of these possibilities will be the solution we shall attempt to realise.
  As the pure Witness, the soul refuses the function of upholder or sustainer of Nature. The upholder, bharta, is another, God or Force or Maya, but not the soul, which only admits the reflection of the natural action upon its watching consciousness, but not any responsibility for maintaining or continuing it. It does not say "All this is in me and maintained by me, an activity of my being," but at the most "This is imposed on me, but really external to myself." Unless there is a clear and real duality in existence, this cannot be the whole truth of the matter; the soul is the upholder also, it supports in its being the energy which unrolls the spectacle of the cosmos and which conducts its energies. When the Purusha accepts this upholding, it may do it still passively and without attachment, feeling that it contri butes the energy but not that it controls and determines it. The control is another. God or Force or the very nature of Maya; the soul only upholds indifferently so long as it must, so long perhaps as the force of its past sanction and interest in the energy continues and refuses to be exhausted. But if the attitude of the upholder is fully accepted, an important step forward has been taken towards identification with the active Brahman and his joy of cosmic being. For the Purusha has become the active giver of the sanction.
  In the attitude of the Witness there is also a kind of sanction, but it is passive, inert and has no kind of absoluteness about it; but if he consents entirely to uphold, the sanction has become active, even though the soul may do no more than consent to reflect, uphold and thereby maintain in action all the energies of prakriti, not determining, not selecting, believing that it is God or Force itself or some Knowledge-Will that selects and determines, and the soul only a witness and upholder and thereby giver of the sanction, anumanta, but not the possessor and the director of the knowledge and the will, jnata isvarah. But if it habitually selects and rejects in what is offered to it, it determines; the relatively passive has become an entirely active sanction and is on the way to be an active control.

2.18 - January 1939, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   For the Yogi who has to conquer these things they will come, otherwise there would be nothing to overcome. It would be no real conquest at all. One can always feel the difficulties as opportunities, and in one sense one can say that whatever happens is for the best. Hostile forces are recognised as hostile, but from another standpoint they become the Divine power throwing out attacks for the work to be done. Ultimately all powers are from the Divine, they assist in the work. They throw up difficulties to test the strength. It is the Divine that has created the opposition and it is the Divine who sends you the defeat so that you may conquer the difficulties hereafter. This is necessary also to counter the egos sense of responsibility.
   At one time I experienced the hostile forces as the gods trying to test my strength. You have to act not for success but for the sake of the Divine, though it does not mean that you must not work for success. Arjuna complains to Sri Krishna in the Gita that he speaks in "double words" saying: "Do not be eager for the result" and at the same time "Fight and conquer."
   Disciple: Then, can one say that one has no responsibility? One can do as one likes? In that case one becomes a fatalist.
   Sri Aurobindo: No. One can't do as one likes. Everyone is not Hitler and can't do what Hitler does, because it is one's nature that makes one do things. Your question reminds me of the story of my grandmother. She said: "God has made such a bad world. If I could meet Him I would tell Him what I think of Him." My grandfather said: "Yes, it is true. But God has so arranged it that you can't get near Him so long as you have any such desire in you." (Laughter)
   Sri Aurobindo: Truth is not always consistent, but the contradiction you see does not mean that there is no responsibility or no morality, no right and wrong. The individual is responsible because he accepts the action of the Gunas.
   Disciple: But it is the Cosmic Spirit that makes him accept it, is it not?
   To get free of responsibility you must get rid of the ego, that is to say, of the mental and vital and other personalities. It is they who feel the responsibility and bear the consequences.
   Disciple: Can one be free if one acts without feeling responsibility?
   Sri Aurobindo: You can't get rid of responsibility like that. Even though you may say you are not responsible, you will feel internally that you are responsible.
   You must become free if you want to be free from responsibility. There are three ways, or rather several ways, of attaining that freedom. One is by the separation of Purusha from Prakriti and realising it as free from it. Another is by realising the Self, the Atman or the Spirit, free from the cosmic movement. A third is by the identification with the Transcendent by realising the Paramatman. You can also have this freedom by merging into the Shunyam through the Buddhistic discipline.
   Disciple: In the experience of the first two methods does the Purusha remain the witness?
   Many yogis when they go beyond, into the Spirit or the Cosmic Consciousness, allow Cosmic Nature to act through them without any sense of individual responsibility. They remain concentrated in, or identified with, the Higher Consciousness, and their nature moves sometimes uncontrolled; and you find, like X found, that at times such spiritual men use foul language. Of course, the yogi or the spirit in them is not bound by the rules of decency, that is why they act like Jada, or Pishacha, or Bala, allowing Nature to play freely in them.
   When one has attained the Higher Consciousness then, as the Upanishad says, one does not regret: "I did not do that which was good", or "I did this which is evil." It is not that all yogis act that way. But some of them know the reason, or the necessity of why they act at a particular time, in a particular way. Only, they are not bound by their action.

2.22 - The Supreme Secret, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   godhead there concealed from himself, subliminal to his consciousness, immobilised behind the obscure veil of a working that is not wholly his own and the secret of which he has not yet mastered. He finds himself in the world thinking and willing and feeling and acting and he takes himself instinctively or intellectually conceives of himself or at least conducts his life as a separate self-existent being who has the freedom of his thought and will and feeling and action. He bears the burden of his sin and error and suffering and takes the responsibility and merit of his knowledge and virtue; he claims the right to satisfy his sattwic, rajasic or tamasic ego and arrogates the power to shape his own destiny and to turn the world to his own uses. It is this idea of himself through which Nature works in him, and she deals with him according to his own conception, but fulfils all the time the will of the greater Spirit within her. The error of this self-view of man is like most of his errors the distortion of a truth, a distortion that creates a whole system of erroneous and yet effective values. What is true of his spirit he attributes to his ego-personality and gives it a false application, a false form and a mass of ignorant consequences. The ignorance lies in this fundamental deficiency of his surface consciousness that he identifies himself only with the outward mechanical part of him which is a convenience of Nature and with so much only of the soul as reflects and is reflected in these workings. He misses the greater inner spirit within which gives to all his mind and life and creation and action an unfulfilled promise and a hidden significance. A universal Nature here obeys the power of the Spirit who is the master of the universe, shapes each creature and determines its action according to the law of its own nature,
  Swabhava, shapes man too and determines his action according to the general law of nature of his kind, the law of a mental being emmeshed and ignorant in the life and the body, shapes too each man and determines his individual action according to the law of his own distinct type and the variations of his own original swabhava. It is this universal Nature that forms and directs the mechanical workings of the body and the instinctive operations of our vital and nervous parts; and there our subjection to her

2.24 - Gnosis and Ananda, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  he is all these things alternately, successively or at once. Or he may transform the lower forms into manifestations of the higher state; he may draw upward the childlikeness or the inert ir responsibility of the free physical mind or the free vital mind's divine madness and carelessness of all rules, proprieties, harmonies and colour or disguise with them the ecstasy of the saint or the solitary liberty of the wandering eremite. Here again there is no mastery, no sublimation of the Nature by the soul in the world, but a double possession, by the freedom and delight of the mental spiritual infinite within and without by the happy, natural and unregulated play of the mind-Nature. But since the mental being is capable of receiving the gnosis in a way in which the life-soul and physical soul cannot receive it, since he can accept it with knowledge though only the limited knowledge of a mental response, he may to a certain extent govern by its light his outer action or, if not that, at least ba the and purify in it his will and his thinkings. But Mind can arrive only at a compromise between the infinite within and the finite nature without; it cannot pour the infinity of the inner being's knowledge and power and bliss with any sense of fullness into its external action which remains always inadequate. Still it is content and free because it is the Lord within who takes up the responsibility of the action adequate or inadequate, assumes its guidance and fixes its consequence.
  But the gnostic soul, the vijnanammaya purusa, is the first to participate not only in the freedom, but in the power and sovereignty of the Eternal. For it receives the fullness, it has the sense of plenitude of the Godhead in its action; it shares the free, splendid and royal march of the Infinite, is a vessel of the original knowledge, the immaculate power, the inviolable bliss, transmutes all life into the eternal Light and the eternal Fire and the eternal Wine of the nectar. It possesses the infinite of the Self and it possesses the infinite of Nature. It does not so much lose as find its nature self in the self of the Infinite. On the other planes to which the mental being has easier access, man finds God in himself and himself in God; he becomes divine in essence rather than in person or nature. In the gnosis, even the mentalised gnosis, the Divine Eternal possesses, changes and stamps the human symbol, envelops and partly finds himself in the person and nature. The mental being at most receives or reflects that which is true, divine and eternal; the gnostic soul reaches a true identity, possesses the spirit and power of the truth-Nature. In the gnosis the dualism of Purusha and prakriti, Soul and Nature, two separate powers complementary to each other, the great truth of the Sankhyas founded on the practical truth of our present natural existence, disappears in their biune entity, the dynamic mystery of the occult Supreme. The Truth-being is the Hara-Gauri481 of the Indian iconological symbol; it is the double Power masculine-feminine born from and supported by the supreme shakti of the Supreme.

2.24 - The Message of the Gita, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  "This high consummation of the Yoga will at once solve or rather it will wholly remove and destroy at its roots the problem of action. Human action is a thing full of difficulties and perplexities, tangled and confused like a forest with a few more or less obscure paths cut into it rather than through it; but all this difficulty and entanglement arises from the single fact that man lives imprisoned in the ignorance of his mental, vital and physical nature. He is compelled by its qualities and yet afflicted with responsibility in his will because something in him feels that he is a soul who ought to be what now he is not at all or very little, master and ruler of his nature. All his laws of living, all his dharmas must be under these conditions imperfect, temporary and provisional and at best only partly right or true. His imperfections can cease only when he knows himself, knows the real nature of the world in which he lives and, most of all, knows the Eternal from whom he comes and in whom and by whom he exists. When he has once achieved a true consciousness and knowledge, there is no longer any problem; for then he acts freely out of himself and lives spontaneously in accordance with the truth of his spirit and his highest nature.
  At its fullest, at the highest height of this knowledge it is not he who acts but the Divine, the One eternal and infinite who acts in him and through him in his liberated wisdom and power and perfection.

2.25 - AFTER THE PASSING AWAY, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  M: "You have now put on the garb of a physician, as it were. You have become the guardian of these young men. Yours is the entire responsibility. You have to bring up the brothers of the monastery."
  NARENDRA: "Whatever spiritual disciplines we are practising here are in obedience to the Master's command. But it is strange that Ram Babu criticizes us for our spiritual practices. He says: 'We have seen him. (Sri Ramakrishna) What need have we of any such practice?'"

2.27 - The Gnostic Being, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Ordinarily, in the common notion, the separative ego is our self and, if ego has to disappear in a transcendental or universal Consciousness, personal life and action must cease; for, the individual disappearing, there can only be an impersonal consciousness, a cosmic self: but if the individual is altogether extinguished, no further question of personality or responsibility or ethical perfection can arise. According to another line of ideas the spiritual person remains, but liberated, purified, perfected in nature in a celestial existence. But here we are still on earth, and yet it is supposed that the ego personality is extinguished and replaced by a universalised spiritual individual who is a centre and power of the transcendent Being. It might be deduced that this gnostic or supramental individual is a self without personality, an impersonal Purusha. There could be many gnostic individuals but there would be no personality, all would be the same in being and nature. This, again, would create the idea of a void or blank of pure being from which an action and function of experiencing consciousness would arise, but without a construction of differentiated personality such as that which we now observe and regard as ourselves on our surface. But this would be a mental rather than a supramental solution of the problem of a spiritual individuality surviving ego and persisting in experience. In the supermind consciousness personality and impersonality are not opposite principles; they are inseparable aspects of one and the same reality. This reality is not the ego but the being, who is impersonal and universal in his stuff of nature, but forms out of it an expressive personality which is his form of self in the changes of Nature.
  Impersonality is in its source something fundamental and universal; it is an existence, a force, a consciousness that takes on various shapes of its being and energy; each such shape of energy, quality, power or force, though still in itself general, impersonal and universal, is taken by the individual being as material for the building of his personality. Thus impersonality is in the original undifferentiated truth of things the pure The Gnostic Being substance of nature of the Being, the Person; in the dynamic truth of things it differentiates its powers and lends them to constitute by their variations the manifestation of personality.

2.3.08 - The Mother's Help in Difficulties, #The Mother With Letters On The Mother, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It cannot work perfectly because the sadhaks themselves have not the right attitude towards food and kindred vital-physical things. But still there is a protection. If however the sadhaks go outside her formation, it must be on their own responsibility - the Mother does not and cannot sanction it. But this arrangement is for the Asram and not for those who are outside.
  14 July 1933

29.06 - There is also another, similar or parallel story in the Veda about the God Agni, about the disappearance of this, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   job, undertaken to shoulder this responsibility. But none succeeded, at least completely. So I don't want to take
   the trouble of repeating a failure. It is a useless attempt." The Gods persisted, prayed, entreated: "No, Agni, it

3.00.2 - Introduction, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  help rather than to the goodwill, the sense of responsibility and duty, the
  reason or intelligence, of his fellow men?

3.01 - Towards the Future, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  What is the use of trying to deceive myself? I have to admit it: just as her voice thrilled my whole being, so too her presence fills me with a calm and profound happiness. And now she has fallen asleep, under my protection, her first conscious sleep. Her very trust gives me a responsibility, a responsibility which would be very sweet to me. But my wife! I know that she is strong and brave, I know that long ago she realised that what I feel for her is nothing more than friendly affection. She herself cannot be satisfied with that; the depths of her love remain untouched. Yet I have responsibilities towards her too. How can I tell her that my whole being is concentrated upon another? And yet I cannot conceal my feelings; falsehood is the only evil. Besides, it would be quite useless: a woman like her cannot be deceived. Oh, life is often so cruel!

3.02 - King and Queen, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  are not a private matter they represent a supreme responsibility.

3.02 - The Psychology of Rebirth, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  In the crowd one feels no responsibility, but also no fear.
  226 Thus identification with the group is a simple and easy path
  not like to accept responsibility on any account.
  237 Our attitude towards this inner voice alternates between two

3.04 - LUNA, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [194] It is evidently a difficult thing, this cleansing from leprous filth; indeed, dEspagnet calls it a labour of Hercules. That is why the text turns back to the thief at this point. The thief, as we saw, personifies a kind of self-robbery. He is not easily shaken off, as it comes from a habit of thinking supported by tradition and milieu alike: anything that cannot be exploited in some way is uninterestinghence the devaluation of the psyche. A further reason is the habitual depreciation of everything one cannot touch with the hands or does not understand. In this respect our conventional system of educationnecessary as it wasis not entirely free from the blame of having helped to give the empirical psyche a bad name. In recent times this traditional error has been made even worse by an allegedly biological point of view which sees man as being no further advanced than a herd-animal and fails to understand any of his motivations outside the categories of hunger, power, and sex. We think in terms of thousands and millions of units, and then naturally there are no questions more important than whom the herd belongs to, where it pastures, whether enough calves are born and sufficient quantities of milk and meat are produced. In the face of huge numbers every thought of individuality pales, for statistics obliterate everything unique. Contemplating such overwhelming might and misery the individual is embarrassed to exist at all. Yet the real carrier of life is the individual. He alone feels happiness, he alone has virtue and responsibility and any ethics whatever. The masses and the state have nothing of the kind. Only man as an individual human being lives; the state is just a system, a mere machine for sorting and tabulating the masses. Anyone, therefore, who thinks in terms of men minus the individual, in huge numbers, atomizes himself and becomes a thief and a robber to himself. He is infected with the leprosy of collective thinking and has become an inmate of that insalubrious stud-farm called the totalitarian State. Our time contains and produces more than enough of that crude sulphur which with arsenical malignity prevents man from discovering his true self.
  [195] I was tempted to translate arsenicalis as poisonous. But this translation would be too modern. Not everything that the alchemists called arsenic was really the chemical element As. Arsenic originally meant masculine, manly, strong (
  [232] The dark sun of feminine psychology is connected with the father-imago, since the father is the first carrier of the animus-image. He endows this virtual image with substance and form, for on account of his Logos he is the source of spirit for the daughter. Unfortunately this source is often sullied just where we would expect clean water. For the spirit that benefits a woman is not mere intellect, it is far more: it is an attitude, the spirit by which a man lives.377 Even a so-called ideal spirit is not always the best if it does not understand how to deal adequately with nature, that is, with the animal man. This really would be ideal. Hence every father is given the opportunity to corrupt, in one way or another, his daughters nature, and the educator, husband, or psychiatrist then has to face the music. For what has been spoiled by the father378 can only be made good by a father, just as what has been spoiled by the mother can only be repaired by a mother. The disastrous repetition of the family pattern could be described as the psychological original sin, or as the curse of the Atrides running through the generations. But in judging these things one should not be too certain either of good or of evil. The two are about equally balanced. It should, however, have begun to dawn on our cultural optimists that the forces of good are not sufficient to produce either a rational world-order or the faultless ethical behaviour of the individual, whereas the forces of evil are so strong that they imperil any order at all and can imprison the individual in a devilish system that commits the most fearful crimes, so that even if he is ethical-minded he must finally forget his moral responsibility in order to go on living. The malignity of collective man has shown itself in more terrifying form today than ever before in history, and it is by this objective standard that the greater and the lesser sins should be measured. We need more casuistic subtlety, because it is no longer a question of extirpating evil but of the difficult art of putting a lesser evil in place of a greater one. The time for the sweeping statements so dear to the evangelizing moralist, which lighten his task in the most agreeable way, is long past. Nor can the conflict be escaped by a denial of moral values. The very idea of this is foreign to our instincts and contrary to nature. Every human group that is not actually sitting in prison will follow its accustomed paths according to the measure of its freedom. Whatever the intellectual definition and evaluation of good and evil may be, the conflict between them can never be eradicated, for no one can ever forget it. Even the Christian who feels himself delivered from evil will, when the first rapture is over, remember the thorn in the flesh, which even St. Paul could not pluck out.
  [233] These hints may suffice to make clear what kind of spirit it is that the daughter needs. They are the truths which speak to the soul, which are not too loud and do not insist too much, but reach the individual in stillness the individual who constitutes the meaning of the world. It is this knowledge that the daughter needs, in order to pass it on to her son.

3.04 - The Formula of ALHIM, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  with the inferior planes, that it is self-sufficient, that it involves no responsibility,
  and that it leaves its masters not only stronger in themselves, but wholly free to

3.06 - Charity, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is true that some people are more capable than others of entering into relation with this field of ideas and manifesting it through their conscious cerebrality. But this is nothing other than an additional responsibility for them: since they are in possession of this wealth, they are its stewards and must see that it is used for the good of the greatest number.
  The same holds true for all the other universal forces. Only the concept of union, of the perfect identity of everything and everyone, can lead to true charity.

3.09 - The Return of the Soul, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  virtuoso with no trouble at all. Intellectual responsibility seems always to

3.11 - Of Our Lady Babalon, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  compact. You take over the responsibility for the animal, thus
  building it up into your own magical hierarchy. This represents a
  any elemental, he is assuming a very serious responsibility. The
  bond which unites him with the elemental is love; and, though it

3.12 - Of the Bloody Sacrifice, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  link between its exponents, and therefore a responsibility.
  3. It appears from the Magical Records of Frater Perdurabo that He made this

32.03 - In This Crisis, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Hence a great responsibility faces every one of us - every one's life has assumed a special value and a special fulfilment. Each of us must take his stand either on this or on the other side. However small and insignificant we may be, whether we consciously adopt some ideal or sadhana or not, practically each of our thoughts, feelings, urges, or actions must be either for one side or for the other. So each of us has before him an immense responsibility which he must accept willingly or unwillingly. We all know that a modern war is a total war, it is not simply for the trained soldier but for all - men, women, children. In society there is no distinction as between military and non-military. All have come straight to the front line and taken their stand there. There is no more any chance, any way, any excuse to move aside or away into the background. 'You are military, so am I' - this is the prevailing mood.
   But then we have to know clearly on which side we are - on the side of truth or of falsehood, and what we want for the earth - light or darkness.
   For those who are grouped round Sri Aurobindo, who have adopted his sadhana, or who desire his light and blessings on the path of life, their course is clear. But then on this very account their responsibility too is twice as much. While remaining in the midst of asuric surroundings, they have to show, in their thoughts, impulses, actions, in their mind, life and body, that here too one can tread the path of light, can survive in the struggle for existence, and not only that, even when 'the sky colours and the night is densely dark, when clouds roar and lightnings flash, when from moment to moment thunders crash and the tempest grows wilder and fiercer,' we have to show that even through such dangers it is as reasonable as it is safe to take to the path of light, to walk the way of the gods. Whatever the immediate gains offered by the other path, proofs are not wanting that the ultimate end is terrible. We have to face the situation with a firm faith and conviction, a one-pointed devotion and determination, courage and spirit, and go through our day to day life, showing at every step that success, fulfilment and prosperity are not the exclusive gifts of the Asura; the Divine also has that power. What is more, the scope, extent and variety of that power is even wider and higher.
   We will not suffer the field of life and its richnesses to pass into the asuric hold. 'Give the devil his due' or 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' - this will not be our motto. That would be a betrayal of faith, an attitude of divided loyalty. The Divine alone is the Sovereign; He has no partner in this domain. 'I, thy Lord, am a jealous God'. There can therefore be no compromise or friendship with the Asura, with the untruth. Neither is it wise to avoid or bypass him. No, not that. We have to look the opponent in the face; we have to refuse his demand and impose ours on him. Strong in the strength of our inner force, calling down the divine Light of which we are devoted servants, protected by its

3.3.02 - All-Will and Free-Will, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  All times and nations have felt or played with the idea of Fate. The Greeks were pursued by the thought of a mysterious and ineffable Necessity presiding over the divine caprices of the gods. The Mahomedan sits calm and inert under the yoke of Kismet. The Hindu speaks of Karma and the writing on the forehead when he would console himself for calamity or failure or excuse himself from perseverance and masculine effort. And all these notions are akin in the general imprecision of the idea they shadow forth and the vague twilight in which they are content to leave its ulterior significance. Modern Science has brought in an equally formless and arbitrary predestination of Law of Nature and Heredity to contradict the idea of responsibility in a free, willing and acting soul. Where there is no soul, there can be no freedom. Nature works out her original law in man; our fathers and mothers with all that they carried in them are a second vital predestination and the dead generations impose themselves on the living; pressure of environment comes in as a third Fate to take from us the little chance of liberty we might still have snatched out of this infinite coiling of forces. The triple Moirai of the Greeks have been re-enthroned with other masks and new names. We believe once more in a tremendous weaving of our fate, but by the measured dance of immense material Powers. It is the old gods again, but stripped of intelligence and the chance of human sympathy, inexorable because they are conscious neither of themselves nor of us.
  It is doubtful whether belief in Fate or free-will makes much difference to a mans action, but it certainly matters a great deal to his temperament and inner being; for it puts its stamp on the cast of his soul. The man who makes belief in Fate an excuse for quiescence, would find some other pretext if this were lacking. His idea is only a decorous garment for his mood; it clothes his indolence and quiescence in a specious robe of light or drapes it with a noble mantle of dignity. But when his will clutches at an object or action, we do not find him pursuing it with a less strenuous resolution or, it may be, a less childish impatience or obstinacy than the freest believer in free-will. It is not our intellectual ideas that govern our action, but our nature and temperament,not dh,1 but mati or even manyu, or, as the Greeks would have said, thumos and not nous.

33.05 - Muraripukur - II, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The police had on more than one occasion suggested to Sri Aurobindo, in order that he might feel flattered or perhaps even get excited and be moved to act according to their wishes, that a strong and truthful and straightforward man like him could certainly not adopt a false pose or act in secret; that he had the courage to do openly whatever he considered to be his duty or the right thing to do; that he would never care to run away and hide himself; and that whatever he did he would frankly acknowledge and say without hesitation, "Yes, it is I who have done it." But Sri Aurobindo was not to be trapped like that: He held that far more important than any question of personal honour or indignities, or a parading of one's capacity or virtue, was the work to be done and its success. He would cite the example of Sri Krishna in the Mahabharata story; Sri Krishna had no intention of being caught by Jarasandha and he fled to Dwarka in order to make ready for the adversary. That is why Sri Aurobindo did not consider a retreat to be a bad thing always. "We live to fight another day": this should be the motto of the soldier. That is why he left standing instructions with Barin and his group that they were not to admit anything immediately they were caught by the police. They should keep their mouths shut and make whatever statements were necessary only when the time came at a later stage. It is however true that Barin and some of the senior members of the group did make a full confession soon after their arrest. But they did that purposely, with a view to save the party by the sacrifice of some of its members. They had hoped that by taking on themselves all the responsibility, the others might be proved to have been innocent, so that instead of all of us dying together, some might still live on to carry the work forward.
   Nevertheless, we were all arrested in a body. The police made us stand in a line under the strict watch of an armed guard. They kept us standing the whole day with hardly anything to eat. Only towards the evening, some of them were kind enough to get us some fried stuff from the market. Our throats were so dry by the time that we would have gladly taken a sip out of that famous pond of ours. In the evening, the order came, "Follow us." But follow where? I somehow had the feeling that here was the end - "Remember, O soul, the day of the Great Departure." I could not conceive at the moment that a case would have to be framed against us, that there must take place a trial and there might be a counsel to defend us. I thought on the contrary that they would take us straight to Fort William and finish us off with a firing squad! I was in fact getting myself ready for that. But things turned out rather differently. The British Government could not be so heartless after all. We were taken to the lock-up at the Lal Bazar police station. There they kept us for nearly two days and nights. This was perhaps the most trying time of all. We had no bath, no food, not even a wink of sleep. The whole lot of us were herded together like beasts and shut up in a cell. The police showed by their manner how rude and bitter they could be. Then, after having been through all this, we were taken to Alipore Jail one evening. There we were received with great kindness and courtesy by the gentleman in charge. He said, "Now there will be no more of that harassment by the police. You will find it quite comfortable here." And he had us served immediately with hot cooked rice. This was our first meal in three days, and it tasted so nice and sweet that we felt as if we were in heaven.

3.3.1 - Illness and Health, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  I do not know why working with X must make good health impossible, unless you mean that there is too much work imposed on you,but then the work can be lessened. In fact a complete rest and relief from the work can be arranged at present and for the future we can see afterwards. If you mean that working according to somebody elses ideas makes or keeps you ill, I do not see why it should be so. 999 people out of every 1000 do thatonly a few are able to carry out their own ideas and even they have to a large extent to suit their ideas to those of other people in the actual execution of their work. If you mean that to have to work under discipline, doing things in what you consider not the best way, makes you nervous, discouraged and ill, that is a pity. It would be so much better if you could leave the responsibility of the way of doing things to the Mother and do cheerfully what you have to do. However, if you cannot bring yourself to that attitude, some other way will have to be found hereafter. But at the present, if that is the case, to take rest as a relief would seem the only way.

3.3.3 - Specific Illnesses, Ailments and Other Physical Problems, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  We cannot take the responsibility of advising against operation. Glaucoma is supposed to bring inevitable blindness there is no known successful medical treatment the operation is considered the only chance of avoiding the natural result of the illness. So they must be left free to undergo it if there is no way out.

3-5 Full Circle, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  The second sighting variable, which is analogous to certain defects of the sighting mechanism, is the classifier's own mental-moral organization: his own grasp of the Periodic Law of Human Cultures. (In the history of chemistry, this mental variable produced the decisive difference between Newland's failure with his Octaves and Mendeleev's success with his Periodic Table, as described by Posin.--A famous example of this variation in anthropology is Ruth Benedict's own change of moral insight from 1934, when she copyrighted Patterns of Culture, to 1941 when she lectured on the same subject at Bryn Mawr College. In 1934 her sighting apparatus was cultural egalitarianism, which she and many others incorrectly labeled cultural relativism. It consists in flat contradiction of the Periodic Law. She stated this unequivocally in Patterns of Culture's concluding sentence, thus: "We shall arrive then at a more realistic social faith, accepting as grounds of hope and as a new basis for tolerance the coexisting and equally valid patterns of life which mankind has created for itself from the raw materials of existence" (italics added). This flat denial of the Moral Law spread widely, and has intensified the breakdown symptoms in our culture which Toynbee called promiscuity, truancy, and drift. This is the Existentialists' disastrous way of dealing with the multiplicity of sighting mechanisms which constitutes each individual culture's and sub-culture's compass; namely, the false assertion that they are "equally valid" the abdication of responsibility of judging and assessing them relative to what Heisenberg calls a central order. (This subject is dealt with extensively in Chapter V.)
  Frank Goble points out in The Third Force that by 1941, in her Bryn Mawr lectures, "Ruth Benedict was highly dissatisfied with the concept of cultural relativity, which was popular among anthropologists of her day, and with which her name has been closely associated. She struggled to develop a way of comparing various societies as unitary wholes or, in 20th-century terms, as "systems". She tried to correct her sighting error. Unfortunately, Benedict died in 1948. A part of her objective, however, was achieved by Ethel Albert a few years later, as shown above. - Rebirth and Karma, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And on the side of Karma, if we give to that its integral and not a truncated meaning, we must admit rebirth for the sufficient field of its action. For Karma is not quite the same thing as a material or substantial law of cause and effect, the antecedent and its mechanical consequence. That would perfectly admit of a Karma which could be carried on in time and the results come with certainty in their proper place, their just degree by a working out of the balance of forces, but need not in any way touch the human originator who might have passed away from the scene by the time the result of his acts got into manifestation. A mechanical Nature could well visit the sins of the fathers not on them, but on their fourth or their four-hundredth generation, as indeed this physicalNature does, and no objection of injustice or any other mental or moral objection could rise, for the only justice or reason of a mechanism is that it shall work according to the law of its structure and the fixed eventuality of its force in action. We cannot demand from it a mind or a moral equity or any kind of supraphysical responsibility. The universal energy grinds out inconsciently its effects and individuals are only fortuitous or subordinate means of its workings; the soul itself, if there is a soul, makes only a part of the mechanism of Nature, exists not for itself, but as a utility for her business. But Karma is more than a mechanical law of antecedent and consequence. Karma is action, there is a thing done and a doer and an active consequence; these three are the three joints, the three locks, the three sandhis of the connexus of Karma. And it is a complex mental, moral and physical working; for the law of it is not less true of the mental and moral than of the physical consequence of the act to the doer. The will and the idea are the driving force of the action, and the momentum does not come from some commotion in my chemical atoms or some working of ion and electron or some weird biological effervescence. Therefore the act and consequence must have some relation to the will and the idea and there must be a mental and moral consequence to the soul which has the will and idea. That, if we admit the individual as a real being, signifies a continuity of act and consequence to him and therefore rebirth for a field of this working. It is evident that in one life we do not and cannot labour out and exhaust all the values and powers of that life, but only carry on a past thread, weave out something in the present, prepare infinitely more for the future.
  This consequence of rebirth would not follow from the very nature of Karma if there were only an All-Soul of the universe. For then it would be that which is carrying on in myriads of forms its past, working out some present result, spinning yarn of karma for a future weft of consequence. It is the All-Soul which would be the originator, would upbear the force of the act, would receive and exhaust or again take up for farther uses the returning force of the consequence. Nothing essential would depend on its doing all these things through the same individual mask of its being. For the individual would only be a prolonged moment of the All-Soul, and what it originated in this moment of its being which I call myself, might very well produce its result on some other moment of the same being which from the point of view of my ego would be somebody quite different from and unconnected with myself. There would be no injustice, no unreason in such an apparently vicarious reaping of the fruit or suffering of the consequence; for what has a mask, though it be a living and suffering mask, to do with these things? And, in fact, in the nature of life in the material universe a working out of the result of the action of one in the lives of many others, an effect of the individuals action on the group or the whole is everywhere the law. What I sow in this hour, is reaped by my posterity for several generations and we can then call it the karma of the family. What the men of today as community or people resolve upon and execute, comes back with a blessing or a sword upon the future of their race when they themselves have passed away and are no longer there to rejoice or to suffer; and that we can speak of as the karma of the nation. Mankind as a whole too has a karma; what it wrought in its past, will shape its future destiny; individuals seem only to be temporary units of human thought, will, nature who act according to the compulsion of the soul in humanity and disappear; but the karma of the race which they have helped to form continues through the centuries, the millenniums, the cycles. - The Foundation, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And it is apparent, if we consider, that the individual's energy of action is not something miraculously separate and independent, it is not a power born of itself, living in itself, acting in its separate and wholly self-formed puissance. On the contrary it is the universal that acts in the individual energy and acts, no doubt with an individual application, but on universal lines and in harmony with its universal law. But if that were all the truth, then there would be no real individual and no responsibility of any kind except the responsibility of universal Nature to carry out the idea or to execute the force put forth in the individual as in the universal by the All-Soul, the cosmic Spirit. But there is also this soul of the individual, and that is a being of the Infinite and a conscious and efficient portion of the All-Soul, a deputy or representative, and puts forth the energy given to it according
  But again, if that were all, if each man came into life with his present nature ready determined for him and irrevocable and had to act according to it, there would be no real responsibility; for he would do good according to the good and evil according to the evil in his nature, he would be imperfect according to its imperfection or perfect according to its perfection; and he might have to suffer the return of his good or evil, bear exactly the just consequences of his perfection or his imperfection, but mechanically and not by his choice: for his apparent choice would be the compulsion of the nature in him and could not be in any way, directly or indirectly, the result of his spirit's will.
  But in fact there is within his being a power of development, a power of change, or in the language of our modern conceptions an evolutionary power. His nature is what it is because he has so made it by his past; he has induced this present formulation by a precedent will in his spirit. He has risen to humanity by

4.03 - Mistakes, #Words Of The Mother II, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  I have given you a big responsibility. I appreciate fully what you have done but there is still much to learn and I am sure that you will be quite glad to acquire knowledge and experience. With my love and blessings.
  13 October 1943
  After all, the whole, entire responsibility is the Lords and nobody elses. So there is nothing to worry about.
  It is good to recognise your mistakes, but you must not torment yourself.

4.03 - Prayer to the Ever-greater Christ, #Let Me Explain, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  13. The Evolution of responsibility in the World (1950)
  14. A Clarification (1950)

4.04 - In the Total Christ, #Hymn of the Universe, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  see it as being a tremendous responsibility but also,
  even at the lowliest stages of belief in God, we

4.08 - THE RELIGIOUS PROBLEM OF THE KINGS RENEWAL, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [531] Koepgen thinks along the same lines, as his dedication and motto show. It is easy to see what happens when the logical conclusion is drawn from the fourteenth chapter of John: the opus Christi is transferred to the individual. He then becomes the bearer of the mystery, and this development was unconsciously prefigured and anticipated in alchemy, which showed clear signs of becoming a religion of the Holy Ghost and of the Sapientia Dei. Koepgens standpoint is that of creative mysticism, which has always been critical of the Church. Though this is not obviously so in Koepgen, his attitude betrays itself indirectly in the living content of his book, which consistently presses for a deepening and broadening of the dogmatic ideas. Because he remained fully conscious of his conclusions, he does not stray so very far outside the Church, whereas the alchemists, because of their unconsciousness and naive lack of reflection, and unhampered by intellectual responsibility, went very much further in their symbolism. But the point of departure for both is the procreative, revelatory working of the Holy Ghost, who is a wind that bloweth where it listeth, and who advances beyond his own workings to greater works than these. The creative mystic was ever a cross for the Church, but it is to him that we owe what is best in humanity.415

4.17 - The Action of the Divine Shakti, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There is however a possibility of arriving at this result without the passage through the passivity of the mental Purusha, by a more persistently and predominantly kinetic Yoga. Or there may be a combination of both the methods, alternations between them and an ultimate fusion. And here the problem of spiritual action assumes a more simple form. In this kinetic movement there are three stages. In the first the Jiva is aware of the supreme shakti, receives the power into himself and uses it under her direction, with a certain sense of being the subordinate doer, a sense of minor responsibility in the action, -- even at first, it may be, a responsibility for the result; but that disappears, for the result is seen to be determined by the higher Power, and only the action is felt to be partly his own. The Sadhaka then feels that it is he who is thinking, willing, doing, but feels too the divine shakti or prakriti behind driving and shaping all his thought, will, feeling and action: the individual energy belongs in a way to him, but is still only a form and an instrument of the universal divine Energy. The Master of the Power may be hidden from him for a time by the action of the shakti, or he may be aware of the Ishwara sometimes or continually manifest to him. In the latter case there are three things present to his consciousness, himself as the servant of the Ishwara, the shakti behind as a great Power supplying the energy, shaping the action, formulating the results, the Ishwara above determining by his will the whole action.
  In the second stage the individual doer disappears, but there is not necessarily any quietistic passivity; there may be a full kinetic action, only all is done by the shakti. It is her power of knowledge which takes shape as thought in the mind; the Sadhaka has no sense of himself thinking, but of the shakti thinking in him. The will and the feelings and action are also in the same way nothing but a formation, operation, activity of the shakti in her immediate presence and full possession of all the system. The Sadhaka does not think, will, act, feel, but thought, will, feeling, action happen in his system. The individual on the side of action has disappeared into oneness with universal prakriti, has become an individualised form and action of the divine shakti. He is still aware of his personal existence, but it is as the Purusha supporting and observing the whole action, conscious of it in his self-knowledge and enabling by his participation the divine shakti to do in him the works and the will of the Ishwara. The Master of the power is then sometimes hidden by the action of the power, sometimes appears governing it and compelling its workings. Here too there are three things present to the consciousness, the shakti carrying on all the knowledge, thought, will, feeling, action for the Ishwara in an instrumental human form, the Ishwara, the Master of existence governing and compelling all her action, and ourself as the soul, the Purusha of her individual action enjoying all the relations with him which are created by her workings. There is another form of this realisation in which the Jiva disappears into and becomes one with the shakti and there is then only the play of the shakti with the Ishwara, Mahadeva and Kali, Krishna and Radha, the Deva and the Devi. This is the intensest possible form of the Jiva's realisation of himself as a manifestation of Nature, a power of the being of the Divine, para prakrtir jivabhuta.

4.3.3 - Dealing with Hostile Attacks, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  You ask whether the adverse Force is stronger than the Divine Force. The implication is that a man has no responsibility for his action and whatever he does or however he errs and falls in consequence, the Divine Force is to blame. It may be so, but in that case there is no need or utility in doing sadhana. One has only to sit still and let the adverse Force or the Divine Force do what they like! According to that theory the Devil was quite right in telling Christ, Cast thyself down from this mountain and let His angels come and upbear thee and Christ was quite wrong in rejecting the suggestion and saying, It is written Thou shalt not tempt (put to a test) the Lord thy God. He ought to have jumped and if he got smashed, it would only have proved that the adverse forces were greater than the Divine Force!
  If an adverse Force comes, one has not to accept and welcome its suggestions, but to turn to the Mother and refuse to turn away from her. Whether one can open or not, one has to be loyal and faithful. Loyalty and fidelity are not qualities for which one has to do Yoga; they are very simple things which any man or woman who aspires to the Truth ought to be able to accomplish.

5.01 - The Dakini, Salgye Du Dalma, #The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, #Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, #Buddhism
  Imagination is very powerful, strong enough to bind one to the sufferings of samsara for an entire life, and strong enough to make the dialogue with the dakini real. Often practitioners act toward the dharma as if it is rigid, but it is not. The dharma is flexible and the mind should be flexible with it. It is your responsibility to find how to use the dharma to support your realization.
  Rather than imagining how the day will go tomorrow, or the fight you had with the boss, or the evening ahead with your partner, it may be more helpful to create the presence of this beautiful dakini who embodies the highest goal of practice. The important point is to develop the powerful intention needed to accomplish the practice and a strong relationship to your true nature, which the dakini represents. As often as possible, pray to her for the sleep of clear light. Your intention will be streng thened each time you do.

5.06 - THE TRANSFORMATION, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [616] For a naive-minded person the imperfect, corrupt old Adam is simply contrasted with the perfect Primordial Man, and the dark Eve with an illuminated and altogether nobler being. The modern viewpoint is much more realistic, as it withdraws the archetypal schema, which referred originally to a mythological situation, back from projection, and peoples the stage not with mythical lay-figures but with real human beings and their psyches. The man, or the masculine ego-consciousness, is then contrasted with an animus, the masculine figure in a womans unconscious, who compels her either to overvalue him or to protest against him. The corresponding figure that contrasts with the woman and her feminine ego-consciousness is the anima, the source of all the illusions, over- and under-valuations of which a man makes himself guilty in regard to a woman. There is nothing to indicate in this schema that the man is better than the animus or vice versa, or that the anima is a higher being than the woman. Nor does it indicate in which direction the line of development is moving. Only one thing is clear, that when, as a result of a long, technical and moral procedure the patient obtains a knowledge of this structure, based on experience, and accepts the responsibility entailed by this knowledge, there follows an integration or completeness of the individual, who in this way approaches wholeness but not perfection, which is the ideal of certain world philosophies. In the Middle Ages philosophy prevailed over fact to such an extent that the base metal lead was credited with the power to turn into gold under certain conditions, and the dark, psychic man with the capacity to turn himself into the higher pneumatic man. But just as lead, which theoretically could become gold, never did so in practice, so the sober-minded man of our own day looks round in vain for the possibility of final perfection. Therefore, on an objective view of the facts, which alone is worthy of the name of science, he sees himself obliged to lower his pretensions a little, and instead of striving after the ideal of perfection to content himself with the more accessible goal of approximate completeness. The progress thereby made possible does not lead to an exalted state of spiritualization, but rather to a wise self-limitation and modesty, thus balancing the disadvantages of the lesser good with the advantage of the lesser evil.
  [617] What prevents us from setting up a psychological schema fully corresponding to the alchemical one is ultimately, therefore, the difference between the old and the modern view of the world, between medieval romanticism and scientific objectivity.

5.4.01 - Occult Knowledge, #Letters On Yoga I, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There is no question of responsibility.1 The "Something" does not act arbitrarily, paying no heed to the play of forces or the man's nature. "Selects" does not mean "selects at random". If a man puts himself on the side of or into the hands of the hostile influences and says, "This way I will go and no other. I want my ego, my greatness, my field of power and action", has not the Something the right to say, "I agree. Go and find it - if you can"? On the other hand, if the balance of forces is otherwise,
  1 The correspondent wrote, in regard to the preceding letter: "If there is Something that looks, selects and uses our actions, then it is not the play of forces that is responsible for any action; the ultimate responsibility lies with this Something."

5 - The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  technics is capable of responsibility or not? Christianity has
  shown us the way, but, as the facts bear witness, it has not
  and is made an object of personal responsibility.
  47 Radin's trickster cycle preserves the shadow in its pristine

6.10 - THE SELF AND THE BOUNDS OF KNOWLEDGE, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  [778] With the advance towards the psychological a great change sets in, for self-knowledge has certain ethical consequences which are not just impassively recognized but demand to be carried out in practice. This depends of course on ones moral endowment, on which as we know one should not place too much reliance. The self, in its efforts at self-realization, reaches out beyond the ego-personality on all sides; because of its all-encompassing nature it is brighter and darker than the ego, and accordingly confronts it with problems which it would like to avoid. Either ones moral courage fails, or ones insight, or both, until in the end fate decides. The ego never lacks moral and rational counterarguments, which one cannot and should not set aside so long as it is possible to hold on to them. For you only feel yourself on the right road when the conflicts of duty seem to have resolved themselves, and you have become the victim of a decision made over your head or in defiance of the heart. From this we can see the numinous power of the self, which can hardly be experienced in any other way. For this reason the experience of the self is always a defeat for the ego. The extraordinary difficulty in this experience is that the self can be distinguished only conceptually from what has always been referred to as God, but not practically. Both concepts apparently rest on an identical numinous factor which is a condition of reality. The ego enters into the picture only so far as it can offer resistance, defend itself, and in the event of defeat still affirm its existence. The prototype of this situation is Jobs encounter with Yahweh. This hint is intended only to give some indication of the nature of the problems involved. From this general statement one should not draw the overhasty conclusion that in every case there is a hybris of ego-consciousness which fully deserves to be overpowered by the unconscious. That is not so at all, because it very often happens that ego-consciousness and the egos sense of responsibility are too weak and need, if anything, streng thening. But these are questions of practical psycho therapy, and I mention them here only because I have been accused of underestimating the importance of the ego and giving undue prominence to the unconscious. This strange insinuation emanates from a theological quarter. Obviously my critic has failed to realize that the mystical experiences of the saints are no different from other effects of the unconscious.
  [779] In contrast to the ideal of alchemy, which consisted in the production of a mysterious substance, a man, an anima mundi or a deus terrenus who was expected to be a saviour from all human ills, the psychological interpretation (foreshadowed by the alchemists) points to the concept of human wholeness. This concept has primarily a therapeutic significance in that it attempts to portray the psychic state which results from bridging over a dissociation between conscious and unconscious. The alchemical compensation corresponds to the integration of the unconscious with consciousness, whereby both are altered. Above all, consciousness experiences a widening of its horizon. This certainly brings about a considerable improvement of the whole psychic situation, since the disturbance of consciousness by the counteraction of the unconscious is eliminated. But, because all good things must be paid for dearly, the previously unconscious conflict is brought to the surface instead and imposes on consciousness a heavy responsibility, as it is now expected to solve the conflict. But it seems as badly equipped and prepared for this as was the consciousness of the medieval alchemist. Like him, the modern man needs a special method for investigating and giving shape to the unconscious contents in order to get consciousness out of its fix. As I have shown elsewhere, an experience of the self may be expected as a result of these psycho therapeutic endeavours, and quite often these experiences are numinous. It is not worth the effort to try to describe their totality character. Anyone who has experienced anything of the sort will know what I mean, and anyone who has not had the experience will not be satisfied by any amount of descriptions. Moreover there are countless descriptions of it in world literature. But I know of no case in which the bare description conveyed the experience.
  [780] It is not in the least astonishing that numinous experiences should occur in the course of psychological treatment and that they may even be expected with some regularity, for they also occur very frequently in exceptional psychic states that are not treated and may even cause them. They do not belong exclusively to the domain of psychopathology but can be observed in normal people as well. Naturally, modern ignorance of and prejudice against intimate psychic experiences dismiss them as psychic anomalies and put them in psychiatric pigeon-holes without making the least attempt to understand them. But that neither gets rid of the fact of their occurrence nor explains it.

Big Mind (non-dual), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  It is all my responsibility. If a voice is not clear about its functions, its duties, what it is supposed to do, it is my responsibility to help it become clear. If it's lazy, it's my job to motivate it. If it's doing too much, it's my responsibility to slow it down and make sure it gets proper rest, proper nutrition, proper exercise. These are all my responsibilities because I am the captain of this ship.
  If someone doesn't know whom they're working for, it's my responsibility to make it clear to them that the Controller and the Protector are working for me. They are not the head of the company. The Controller thinks he is the CEO, but I hired him to do a specific job, which was to control. I am the boss.
  FACILITATOR: Are you the boss of the self?

Big Mind (ten perfections), #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  GENEROSITY: I think it's the counterbalance. The more I don't care, the more I can care, the more I can give. The more detached I am, the more attached to the liberation of all beings I can be. How could I handle the enormity of the responsibility if I cared too much? You know, I would be limited by my very caring. In other words, when I manifest not caring, I can fully and truly care. So I don't see that as a 'far cry.' I see them as absolutely one.
  That's the interplay of Big Mind and Big Heart right there. Big Mind doesn't care.
  I appreciate and respect others' possessions and property. I give freely and generously. I don't act self-centeredly or egotistically. I am truthful unless the circumstances are such that it is more appropriate for me not to be. I am sober, attentive and mindful, and I don't allow myself to get too intoxicated by alcohol, or my own ideas or notions. I refrain from talking about others' errors or faults, and I find ways to be kind and considerate in speech toward others. I don't elevate myself and blame others. I don't put others down in order to build myself up. I am simply generous and nice to others. I do not find fault, and I take full responsibility for action and reaction, for cause and effect. I am generous and giving. I am joyful, friendly and compassionate toward others.
  FACILITATOR: Do you ever have doubts about your past actions, and think that after all they may not have been the best course?
  I think that a lot of religions teach shoulds and should nots, dos and don'ts, out of fear. I have never found that this serves the greater purpose. It's OK in the short term, but in a way it just produces a lot of rigidity and a lot of fear in people. A much more mature way is encouraging each individual to take full responsibility for cause and effect, for action and reaction, for consequences. So the responsibility is thrown back on each individual to make the wisest and most compassionate choices given their own wisdom and compassion. Shoulds and should nots really bind us - 'I should be this, I shouldn't be that, I should do this, I shouldn't do that.' Dropping all that is complete liberation. Wise and appropriate action is who I am
  FACILITATOR: No guarantees?
  Sometimes we put others down in order to make ourselves feel better or more important. Sometimes we find fault or blame others in order to evade responsibility for our actions. It is rather easy to find someone's faults if we are looking for them.
  Somehow it is more difficult to be nice and say kind words to people, and yet we all like to hear nice and kind things about ourselves. Loving and compassionate speech is the hallmark of a mature human being. Being more kind and compassionate toward all beings and speaking lovingly to others is ultimately the path of the human being.

Blazing P1 - Preconventional consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  people. Self-criticism is not characteristic. If he acknowledges responsibility for doing
  wrong, he is likely to blame it on some part of himself for which he disclaims responsibility,
  my eyes or my figure. This tendency may help explain the imaginary companion some

Blazing P2 - Map the Stages of Conventional Consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  One takes responsibility for others. Dependency needs are high. Fear of rejection leads
  conformists to be overly nice and to repress negative feelings. There is unquestioned
  total self-rejection at the lowest levels, but without a corresponding sense of responsibility for
  actions or their consequences. (Self-rejection may occur in depressed persons of any level;
  Along with the concepts of responsibility and obligations go the correlative concepts of
  privileges, rights, and fairness. All of them imply a sense of choice rather than being a pawn
  ability for self-criticism, and a deeper sense of responsibility. Future-oriented and proactive;
  initiator rather than pawn of system; blind to subjectivity behind objectivity; feel guilt when
  commitment and responsibility is differentiated from what is typically expected of a role
  occupant.) 49
  burden of responsibility for his or her own commitments, lifestyle, beliefs and attitudes.
  Where genuine movement toward stage 4 is underway the person must face certain

Blazing P3 - Explore the Stages of Postconventional Consciousness, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  achievement and the sometimes excessive moralism and responsibility for self and others at
  the Conscientious Stage. Moralism begins to be replaced by an awareness of inner conflict. At

BOOK II. -- PART I. ANTHROPOGENESIS., #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  mental darkness, they inflicted upon him the tortures of the self-consciousness of his responsibility -the result of his free will -- besides every ill to which mortal man and flesh are heir to. This torture
  Prometheus accepted for himself, since the Host became henceforward blended with the tabernacle

BOOK I. -- PART I. COSMIC EVOLUTION, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  The writer, therefore, is fully prepared to take all the responsibility for what is contained in this work,
  and even to face the charge of having invented the whole of it. That it has many shortcomings she is
  right of free-agency and responsibility, since man and angel are alike under Karmic Law.*
  "And there was war in Heaven. . . . Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon
  reality, the words "Scientists" and "Sciolists" ought alone to bear the responsibility for the many
  illogical theories offered to the world. In its great ignorance, the public, while blindly accepting

BOOK XIX. - A review of the philosophical opinions regarding the Supreme Good, and a comparison of these opinions with the Christian belief regarding happiness, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  For in his book called , in which he collects and comments upon the responses which he pretends were uttered by the gods concerning divine things, he says I give his own words as they have been translated from the Greek: "To one who inquired what god he should propitiate in order to recall his wife from Christianity, Apollo replied in the following verses." Then the following words are given as those of Apollo: "You will probably find it easier to write lasting characters on the water, or lightly fly like a bird through the air, than to restore right feeling in your impious wife once she has polluted herself. Let her remain as she pleases in her foolish deception, and sing false laments to her dead God, who was condemned by right-minded judges, and perished ignominiously by a violent death." Then after these verses of Apollo (which we have given in a Latin version that does not preserve the metrical form), he goes on to say: "In these verses Apollo exposed the incurable corruption of the Christians, saying that the Jews, rather than the Christians, recognised God." See how he misrepresents Christ, giving the Jews the preference to the Christians in the recognition of God. This was his explanation of Apollo's verses, in which he says that Christ was put to death by right-minded or just judges,in other words, that He deserved to die. I leave the responsibility of this oracle regarding Christ on the lying interpreter of Apollo, or on this philosopher who believed it or possibly himself invented it; as to its agreement with Porphyry's opinions or with other oracles, we shall in a little have something to say. In this passage, however, he says that the Jews, as the interpreters of God, judged justly in pronouncing Christ to be worthy of the most shameful death. He should have listened, then, to this God of the Jews to whom he bears this testimony, when that God says, "He that sacrificeth to any other god save to the Lord alone shall be utterly destroyed." But let us come to still plainer expressions, and hear how great a God Porphyry thinks the God of the Jews is. Apollo, he says, when asked whether word, i.e. reason, or law is the better thing, replied in the following verses. Then[Pg 335] he gives the verses of Apollo, from which I select the following as sufficient: "God, the Generator, and the King prior to all things, before whom heaven and earth, and the sea, and the hidden places of hell tremble, and the deities themselves are afraid, for their law is the Father whom the holy Hebrews honour." In this oracle of his god Apollo, Porphyry avowed that the God of the Hebrews is so great that the deities themselves are afraid before Him. I am surprised, therefore, that when God said, He that sacrificeth to other gods shall be utterly destroyed, Porphyry himself was not afraid lest he should be destroyed for sacrificing to other gods.
  This philosopher, however, has also some good to say of Christ, oblivious, as it were, of that contumely of his of which we have just been speaking; or as if his gods spoke evil of Christ only while asleep, and recognised Him to be good, and gave Him His deserved praise, when they awoke. For, as if he were about to proclaim some marvellous thing passing belief, he says, "What we are going to say will certainly take some by surprise. For the gods have declared that Christ was very pious, and has become immortal, and that they cherish his memory: that the Christians, however, are polluted, contaminated, and involved in error. And many other such things," he says, "do the gods say against the Christians." Then he gives specimens of the accusations made, as he says, by the gods against them, and then goes on: "But to some who asked Hecate whether Christ were a God, she replied, You know the condition of the disembodied immortal soul, and that if it has been severed from wisdom it always errs. The soul you refer to is that of a man foremost in piety: they worship it because they mistake the truth." To this so-called oracular response he adds the following words of his own: "Of this very pious man, then, Hecate said that the soul, like the souls of other good men, was after death dowered with immortality, and that the Christians through ignorance worship it. And to those who ask why he was condemned to die, the oracle of the goddess replied, The body, indeed, is always exposed to torments, but the souls of the pious abide in heaven. And the soul you inquire about has been the fatal cause of error to other souls which were not fated to receive the gifts[Pg 336] of the gods, and to have the knowledge of immortal Jove. Such souls are therefore hated by the gods; for they who were fated not to receive the gifts of the gods, and not to know God, were fated to be involved in error by means of him you speak of. He himself, however, was good, and heaven has been opened to him as to other good men. You are not, then, to speak evil of him, but to pity the folly of men: and through him men's danger is imminent."

BS 1 - Introduction to the Idea of God, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  What happens in the Old Testament, at least in part, is that consciousness is associated with the divine. Now you think, well, is that a reasonable proposition? Thats a very complicated question, but at least we might note that theres something to the claim, because there is a miracle of experience and existence thats dependent on consciousness. People try to explain it away constantly, but it doesn't seem to work very well. And heres something else to think about I think its really worth thinking about. People do not like it when you treat them like theyre not conscious. They react very badly to that. You dont like it if someone assumes that youre not conscious, and you dont like it if someone assumes you dont have free will that youre just absolutely determined in your actions, theres nothing thats going to repair you, and that you dont need to have any responsibility for your actions.
  Our culture, the laws of our culture, are predicated on the idea that people are conscious. People have experience; people make decisions, and can be held responsible for them. Theres a free will element to it. You can debate all that philosophically, and fine, but the point is that that is how we act, and that is the idea that our legal system is predicated on. Theres something deep about it, because youre subject to the law, but the law is also limited by you, which is to say that in a well-functioning, properly-grounded democratic system, you have intrinsic value. Thats the source of your rights. Even if youre a murderer, we have to say the law can only go so far because theres something about you thats divine.

ENNEAD 03.01 - Concerning Fate., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  To begin with, this Necessity and Fate would by their excess destroy themselves, and render impossible the sequence and concatenation of the causes. It is, indeed, absurd to insist that our members are moved by Fate when they are set in motion, or innervated, by the "governing principle." It is a mistake to suppose that there is a part which imparts motion, and on the other hand, a part which receives it from the former; it is the governing principle that moves the leg, as it would any other part. Likewise, if in the universe exists but a single principle which "acts and reacts," if things derive from each other by a series of causes each92 of which refers to the preceding one, it will no longer be possible to say truly that all things arise through causes, for their totality will constitute but a single being. In that case, we are no longer ourselves; actions are no longer ours; it is no longer we who reason; it is a foreign principle which reasons, wills, and acts in us, just as it is not our feet that walk, but we who walk by the agency of our feet. On the contrary, common sense admits that every person lives, thinks, and acts by his own individual, proper life, thought and action; to each must be left the responsibility of his actions, good or evil, and not attri bute shameful deeds to the universal cause.
  To this we answer that our astrologer attri butes indirectly to the stars all our characteristics: will, passions, vices and appetites; he allows us no rle other than to turn like mills, instead of responsibility, as befits men, producing actions that suit our nature. On the contrary, we should be left in possession of what belongs to us by the observation that the universe limits itself to exercising some influence on what we possess already thanks to ourselves, and which is really characteristic of us. Moreover, one should distinguish the deeds in which we are "active," from those in which we are necessarily "passive," and not deduce everything from the stars. Nobody, indeed, doubts that the differences of place and climate exert an influence over us, imparting to us, for instance, a cool or warm-hearted disposition. Heredity also should be considered; for children usually resemble their parents by their features, form, and some affections of the irrational soul. Nevertheless, even though they resemble them by their facial features, because they are born in the same place, they may differ in habits and thoughts, because these things depend on an entirely different principle. In addition, we can adduce to the support of this truth the resistance which the soul offers to the temperament and to the appetites. As to the claim that the stars are the causes of everything, because one can predict what is to happen to each man from a consideration of their positions, it would be just as reasonable to assert that the birds and the other beings which the augurs consult as omens produce the events of which they are the signs.

ENNEAD 03.02 - Of Providence., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  Unjust actions are involuntary only in this sense that one does not have the will to commit a fault; but this circumstance does not hinder the spontaneity of the action. However, when one acts spontaneously, one is responsible for the fault; one would avoid responsibility for the fault only if one were not the author of the action. To say that the wicked are such necessarily, does not mean that they undergo an external constraint, but that their character is constituted by wickedness. The influence of the course of the stars does not destroy our liberty, for, if every action in us were determined by the exterior influence of such agents, everything would go on as these agents desired it; consequently, men would not commit any actions contrary to the will of these agents. If the divinities alone were the authors of all our actions, there would be no impious persons; therefore, impiety is due to men. It is true that, once the cause is given, the effects will follow, if only the whole series of causes be given. But man himself is one of these causes; he therefore does good by his own nature, and he is a free cause.
  It might indeed be objected that it is absurd to introduce into the world souls some of which do good, and others evil; for when we absolve universal Reason from the responsibility of evil, we are also simultaneously taking from it the merit for the good. What, however, hinders us from considering deeds done by actors as1075 parts of a drama, in the universe as well as on the stage, and thus to derive from universal Reason both the good and the evil that are done here below? For universal Reason exercises its influence on each of the actors with so much the greater force as the drama is more perfect, and as everything depends on it.77

ENNEAD 03.04 - Of Our Individual Guardian., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  5. But if (before coming on to the earth) the soul chooses her life and her guardian, how do we still preserve our liberty? Because what is called "choice" designates in an allegorical manner the character of the soul, and her general disposition everywhere. Again, it is objected that if the character of the soul preponderate, if the soul be dominated by that part which her former life rendered predominantly active, it is no longer the body which is her cause of evil; for if the character of the soul be anterior to her union with the body; if she have the character she has chosen; if, as said (Plato), she do not change her guardian, it is not here below that a man may become good or evil. The answer to this is, that potentially man is equally good or evil. (By his choices) however he may actualize one or the other.

ENNEAD 03.07 - Of Time and Eternity., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  181 This Stoic term had already been noticed and ridiculed by Numenius, 2.8, 13; 3.4, 5; Guthrie, Numenius, p. 141. He taught that it was a casual consequence of the synthetic power of the soul (52). Its relation to free-will and responsibility, here considered, had been with Numenius the foundation of the ridicule heaped on Lacydes.
  182 Nic. Eth. x. 8.

ENNEAD 04.07 - Of the Immortality of the Soul: Polemic Against Materialism., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  13. (18). If intelligible entities are separated from sense objects, how does it happen that the soul descends into a body?88 So long as the soul is a pure and impassible intelligence, so long as she enjoys a purely intellectual life like the other intelligible beings, she dwells among them; for she has neither appetite nor desire. But that part which is inferior to intelligence and which is capable of desires, follows their impulsion, "proceeds" and withdraws from the intelligible world. Wishing to ornament matter on the model of the Ideas she contemplated in Intelligence, in haste to exhibit her fruitfulness, and to manifest the germs she bears within her (as said Plato, in the Banquet89), the soul applies herself to produce and create, and, as result of this application, she is, as it were, orientated (or, in "tension") towards sense-objects. With the universal Soul, the human soul shares the administration of the whole world, without, however, entering it; then, desiring to administer some portion of the world on her own responsibility, she separates from the universal Soul, and passes into a body. But even when she is present with the body, the soul does not devote herself entirely to84 it, as some part of her always remains outside of it; that is how her intelligence remains impassible.90

ENNEAD 06.05 - The One and Identical Being is Everywhere Present In Its Entirety.345, #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  Daemon's guidance does not hinder responsibility, iii. 4.5 (15-238).
  Daemons in charge of punishment of soul, iv. 8.5 (6-128).
  Guidance of Daemon does not interfere with responsibility, iii. 4.5 (15-238).
  Guilt cause of fall of souls, (Pythagorean), iv. 8.1 (6-120).
  Voluntariness, the basis of responsibility, vi. 8.1 (39-774).
  Voluntary movements, vi. 3.26 (44-980).

ENNEAD 06.08 - Of the Will of the One., #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  Before attacking these questions, we must, as is usual, begin by examining whether we ourselves possess774 freedom of will.166 First then, in what sense do we possess free will (or, responsibility, "that something depends on us"); or rather, what conception we should form of it? To answer this question will be the only means of arriving at a conclusion about whether or not freedom of will should be ascribed to the divinities, let alone (the supreme) Divinity. Besides, while attri buting to them freedom of will, we shall have to inquire to what it applies, either in the other beings, or in the Beings of the first rank.
  What are our thoughts when we inquire whether something depends on us? Under what circumstances do we question this responsibility? We ask ourselves whether we are anything, and whether really anything depends on us when undergoing the buffets of fortune, of necessity, of violent passions that dominate our souls, till we consider ourselves mastered, enslaved, and carried away by them? Therefore we consider as dependent on ourselves what we do without the constraint of circumstances, necessity, or violence of passions that is, voluntarily, and without an obstacle to our will.167 Hence the following definition: We are responsible for that which depends on our will, which happens or which is omitted according to our volition.168 We indeed call voluntary what we unconstrainedly do and consciously.169 On us depends only that of which we are the masters to do or not to do. These two notions are usually connected, though they differ theoretically. There are cases when one of them is lacking; one might, for instance, have the power to commit a murder; and nevertheless if it were one's own father that he had ignorantly killed, it would not be a voluntary act.170 In this case, the action was free, but not voluntary. The voluntariness of an action depends775 on the knowledge, not only of the details, but also of the total relations of the act.171 Otherwise, why should killing a friend, without knowing it, be called a voluntary action? Would not the murder be equally involuntary if one did not know that he was to commit it? On the contrary hypothesis, it may be answered that one had been responsible for providing oneself with the necessary information172; but nevertheless it is not voluntarily that one is ignorant, or that one was prevented from informing oneself about it.173
  3. The question must be examined carefully, for it will later be applied to the divinities. responsibility has been traced to the will, and this to reason first, and later to right reason. Better, to reason enlightened by knowledge; for freedom of will is not possessed incontestably if one be ignorant of why his decision or action is good, if one have been led to do the right thing by chance, or by some sensible representation. Since the latter is not within our power, we could not impute to free will the actions it inspired. By "sensible representation," or, "phantasy,"181 we mean the imagination excited within us by the passions of the body; for it offers us different images according as the body has need of food, of drink, or of sensual pleasures. Those who act according to the "sensible representations" excited within them by divers qualities of the humors of the body are not wholly responsible for their actions. That is why depraved men, who usually act according to these images, do not, according to us, perform actions that are free and voluntary. We ascribe free will only to him who, enfranchised from the passions of the body, performs actions determined solely by intelligence. We refer liberty, therefore, to the noblest principle, to the action of the intelligence182; we regard as free only the decisions whose principle it is, and as voluntary, only the desires it inspires. This freedom is that which we ascribe to the divinities, who live in conformity with Intelligence, and with the Desire of which it is the principle.778183
  6. How then did we previously refer liberty to volition, saying that "that which depends on us, our responsibility, is that which occurs according to our will"? Yes, but we added, "or does not occur." If indeed we be right, and if we continue to support our former opinion, we shall have to recognize that virtue and intelligence are their own mistresses, and that it is to them that we must refer our free will and independence. Since they have no master, we shall admit that (our) intelligence remains within itself, that virtue must equally remain calm in itself, regulating the soul so as to make her good, and that in this respect it itself is both free, and enfranchises the soul. If passions or necessary actions arise, (virtue) directs them automatically; nevertheless she still preserves her independence (or, freedom) by getting into relations with everything. For instance, (virtue) does not engage in exterior things to save the body in times of danger; on the contrary, she abandons it, if it seem advisable; she orders the man to renounce even life, wealth, children, and fatherland; for her object is to be honorable, relinquishing anything beneath her dignity. This evidently shows that our liberty of action and independence do not refer to practical matters,782 nor to external occupations, but to interior activity, to thought, to the contemplation of virtue itself. This virtue must be considered as a kind of intelligence, and must not be confused with the passions that dominate and govern reason; for these, as (Plato185) says, seem to derive something from the body, though trained by exercise and habit.

Euthyphro, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  This is the origin of the charge of murder which Euthyphro brings against his father. Socrates is confident that before he could have undertaken the responsibility of such a prosecution, he must have been perfectly informed of the nature of piety and impiety; and as he is going to be tried for impiety himself, he thinks that he cannot do better than learn of Euthyphro (who will be admitted by everybody, including the judges, to be an unimpeachable authority) what piety is, and what is impiety. What then is piety?
  Euthyphro, who, in the abundance of his knowledge, is very willing to undertake all the responsibility, replies: That piety is doing as I do, prosecuting your father (if he is guilty) on a charge of murder; doing as the gods doas Zeus did to Cronos, and Cronos to Uranus.
  Socrates has a dislike to these tales of mythology, and he fancies that this dislike of his may be the reason why he is charged with impiety. 'Are they really true?' 'Yes, they are;' and Euthyphro will gladly tell Socrates some more of them. But Socrates would like first of all to have a more satisfactory answer to the question, 'What is piety?' 'Doing as I do, charging a father with murder,' may be a single instance of piety, but can hardly be regarded as a general definition.

Liber 46 - The Key of the Mysteries, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   Between immoral fatality, and Draconic responsibility, which would
   conclude the damnation of all beings, there is only one possible mean:
   have prevented them incurred the whole responsibility for the frenzies
   of this monster. Seneca, Burrhus, Thrasea, Corbulon, theirs is the real

Liber 71 - The Voice of the Silence - The Two Paths - The Seven Portals, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
   escape responsibility in this vicarious way. It is peculiarly silly,
   because the whole point of Buddha's position is that there is no

LUX.05 - AUGOEIDES, #Liber Null, #Peter J Carroll, #Occultism
  He takes complete responsibility for his present incarnation and must consider every experience, thing, or piece of information which assails him from any source, as a reflection of the way he is conducting his existence. The idea that things happen to one that may or may not be related to the way one acts is an illusion created by our shallow awareness.
  Keeping a close eye on the walls of the labyrinth, the conditions of his existence, the magician may then begin his invocation. The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within.

r1912 07 01, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   The three forms of dasyam are now distinct and well-marked. The simple dasyam is that obedience to the divine impulsion which is self-chosen & depends on the individuals intelligence of Gods will and his consent, his readiness to obey. The Purusha is still karta & anumanta, a servant of God, not His slave. The great step bridging the transition from the simple to the double dasyam is the renouncement of the kartritwa abhimana, by which we perceive that Prakriti is the only doer of all our actions voluntary or involuntary from the most deliberately concerted endeavour even to the simplest trifle and, in consciousness, are aware of the impulse of Prakriti in every movement physical or mental. At first the consciousness tends to make a false division claiming the movement itself to be our own although the determining impulse is felt as a driving or a pressure proceeding from infinite Nature above or around us. The wearing away of this division marks a farther attenuation of servanthood and deepening towards the divine servitude. But so long as the anumanta keeps his abhimana and reserves his right of individual lordship (Ishwara) over Prakriti, we have not passed the stage of simple dasyam. For between the various impulses of Prakriti, we have the sense of choosing, of an active & constant freedom, & although we choose what we understand to be Gods will, it is still our choice that determines the action in the adhara & not His direct and imperative Will. In the double dasyam on the contrary there is no active & constant freedom, but only a general & ultimate freedom which is used little or only exceptionally. We are aware of ourselves as Ishwara & anumanta, the individual ruling & sanctioning authority, but, although we still have the power of refusing our sanction to any particular impulse of Prakriti if we choose, we do not choose; we make no choice, we do not determine what is Gods will and act thereby or order Prakriti to act thereby, but leave everything to God to determine; the whole responsibility is His & a given impulse of Prakriti fulfils itself or not as He chooses without our interference. If the will is used, it is used by Prakriti. We are aware of it as being not our will, but the will in the adhar used by Prakriti. In the triple dasyam, even this potential freedom disappears. Whatever impulse of infinite Nature comes, we could not interfere with it if we wished, any more than the drifting leaf can deny itself to the storm or the engine to the force that works it. We are aware of our body as a whole & in its various parts being moved not by will in the body but by a will or force outside the body; our thoughts, feelings, will-power similarly. Each of these stands perfectly apart from the others & is worked separately by Nature. The will wills & has done; it does not try to determine action but leaves the action to happen or not as Nature pleases; the thought thinks & is done, it does not try to determine either the movement of the will or the movement of the action; the feelings equally live for themselves, atmatripta, not striving to compel action & emotion or thought & feeling to agree. What harmony is necessary is determined by the Para Shakti that drives us, which we feel always as a Force driving us. But this Force is itself only an instrument of a conscious Will driving it,the Will or Anumati of the Purushottama, who is Parameshwara & universal Anumanta.
   This consummation is also attended by a ripening realisation of the Divine Master. Formerly I realised the Impersonal God, Brahma or Sacchidan[an]dam separately from the Personal, Ishwara or Sacchidananda. Brahma has been thoroughly realised in its absolute infinity & as the material & informing presence of the world & each thing it contains, yat kincha jagatyam jagat. But the sense of the One has not been applicable utterly & constantly,there have been lacunae in the unitarian consciousness, partly because the Personality has not been realised with equal thoroughness or as one with the Impersonality. Hence while dwelling on the Paratman, the mind, whenever the Jivatman manifested itself in the sarvam Brahma, has been unable to assimilate it to the predominant realisation and an element of Dwaitabhava,of Visishtadwaita has entered into its perception. Even when the assimilation is partly effected, the Jiva is felt as an individual & local manifestation of the impersonal Chaitanya and not as the individual manifestation of Chaitanya as universal Personality. On the other hand the universal Sri Krishna or Krishna-Kali in all things animate or inanimate has been realised entirely, but not with sufficient constancy & latterly with little frequency. The remedy is to unify the two realisations & towards this consummation I feel the Shakti to be now moving.

r1913 11 11, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   The dasyabuddhi has become a little blurred. It must be restored to its former energy. At present, the aishwarya working in the intellect is fitfully effective & with a struggle, the aishwarya must come out of the ideality & act freely & without responsibility.. In this way & in no other the ideal powers will manifest themselves. More has yet to be done with the rupa and samadhi today.

r1914 04 04, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   8) The delight of the ideal responsibility(ie the renunciation of the personal responsibility of the ego & the acceptance of the universal responsibility of the Prakriti to fulfil the commands of the Ishwara)
   9) It is still .. tonight (ie still resisted in the trikaldrishti tonight success)

r1914 07 08, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   6) The responsibility for the effectuality of delight is transferred to the ideality.
   7) It is delight that effects righteousness

r1914 08 16, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   This carries with it a corresponding andha visvasa & bhakti for the Ishwara, with anandamaya submission, but not faith in particular kriti. Sense of responsibility is repelled and begins to disappear. Vak is being definitely renounced into the hands of the Ishwara. The demand for truth is disappearing in its remnants, also the idea that anything done can be wrong or have the wrong results.
   The perception of Krishna everywhere and all as forms & names of his play is definitely & irrevocably established. Intensity of the perception with chanda ananda is being added to the fixity.

r1914 10 14, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   2) responsibility
   3) this is the fitful siddhi

r1914 12 19, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   Tertiary dasya in the mind is the condition of the last stage of sadhana. The sense of personal responsibility must be entirely renounced.
   1) responsibility to be banished.
   2) The brotherhood of the Ishwara (bhratra)

r1914 12 20, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   Tertiary dasya in all parts of the system and in all actions is becoming entirely normal. With its development the stress of tapas and the sense of responsibility are being entirely removed. The remnants of agraha & asamata over siddhi, satyam, mangalam are also being dispersedAt the same time action is proceeding with a perfect energy and regularity of the Prakritic mental type, but not coordinated & perpetualised in energy by the vijnana

r1915 06 15, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   Ananda is firmer, as the remnants of responsibility & desire have been diminished, the former to vanishing-point; but sraddha is not restored. There is sraddha in Yoga-siddhi minus Saundarya, imperfect in all Sharira except Ananda, but none in Karma.

r1917 08 21, #Record of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   The introduction of the dasya into the perceptive thought seems more difficult, but it is being easily done in the jnana. The test will be in the trikaldrishti-tapas. All responsibility for action, physical, vital, mental must be left entirely to the Iswara, the Shakti is only an instrument and the Jiva their meeting-place.
   All traces of the asamata, now only the occasional recurrence of an old habit, must be finally removed. This can be done by bringing forward the delight in the asiddhi.

Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna (text), #Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  at all, I take upon myself the responsibility of saving your son's life." Next He smiles when two brothers,
  who are busy partitioning their land, take a measuring tape, put it across the land and say, "This side is
  foolhardiness the responsibility of saving another, there is no end to the misery of both: Neither does
  the ego of the disciple vanish, nor are his worldly ties cut asunder. If the disciple comes under the
  depends upon you, perhaps your brother will assume its responsibility for you. Perhaps your wife will
  not hinder you in your spiritual life, but will rather help you; or perhaps you will not marry at all and will
  The Divine and Man's Moral responsibility
  895. Q, If God has become all, is there no sin, and no virtue?
  whole responsibility upon God, do your work in the world.
  1096. A thief entered the palace of a king at the dead of night and overheard the king saying to the

Talks 026-050, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
    All-wise and All-powerful Being. God is untouched by activities, which take place in His presence; compare the sun and the world activities. There is no meaning in attri buting responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. But Gods will for the prescribed course of events is a good solution of the free-will problem (vexata quaestio). If the mind is restless on account of a sense of the imperfect and unsatisfactory character of what befalls us or what is committed or omitted by us, then it is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free-will by regarding ourselves as the ordained instruments of the All-wise and All-powerful, to do and suffer as He pleases. He carries all burdens and gives us peace.
    --- Talk 29.

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 1, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  As these notes were not seen by Sri Aurobindo himself, the responsibility for the Master's words rests entirely with me. I do not vouch for absolute
  accuracy, but I have tried my best to reproduce them faithfully. I have made
  to get out of the responsibility.
  DR. MANILAL: Oh yes, Sir.
  SRI AUROBINDO: I don't mean responsibility in general, but of thinking about
  everything. Some thoughts are given, some are reflected from above. It is
  shirk our responsibility and lay it on the Divine,
  SRI AUROBINDO: I was speaking about the Bhakta. For the Bhakta whatever
  ego's sense of its own responsibility.
  At one time I experienced the hostile forces as gods trying to test my
  NIRODBARAN: Then has one no responsibility? Can one do as one likes. In that
  case one becomes a fatalist.
  not mean that there is no responsibility or no morality, no right and wrong.
  The individual is responsible because he accepts the action of the Gunas, the
  my responsibility?
  SRI AUROBINDO: But the individual in Nature has the freedom to accept Nature or to refuse. Arjuna refused to fight and eighteen chapters of the Gita
  SRI AUROBINDO: Of course, all Aryans are Germans. To get rid of responsibility you must get rid of ego, that is to say, of the mental, vital and other personalities.
  NIRODBARAN: If one could act without responsibility one would be free.
  SRI AUROBINDO: It is not easy. You can try and see. You may say you are not
  In order to be free from this responsibility you must become free first in
  consciousness. There are three ways of attaining that freedom: first, by separating the Purusha from Prakriti and realising its freedom from it; second, by
  them without any sense of individual responsibility. They remain concentrated in or identified with the higher consciousness and their nature sometimes moves in an uncontrolled way; then you find them using the foul language of which Dilip complains. The Yogis are not bound by manners or the
  rules of decency. They act like Jada, Bala, Unmatta or Pishacha, because
  SATYENDRA: It is better to foist all responsibility on God for all creation good
  and bad. Dr. Manilal objects to this because of the creation of Rakshasas.
  things the police came, he said. He seemed to be a man on whom responsibility was sitting very lightly.
  SRI AUROBINDO: Then he knew that the police were watching him but didn't
  would have been so careless with such a heavy responsibility on you.
  SRI AUROBINDO: As I said, I had nothing to do directly with the movement. I

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 2, #Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
  chance of a rest cure in jail. The Government refuses to take up responsibility for her.

The Act of Creation text, #The Act of Creation, #Arthur Koestler, #Psychology
  puppet: his experience of free will and moral responsibility on the one
  hand; the strings of determinism, religious or scientific, on the other.
  whole leads to a temporary suspension of individual responsibility
  which is replaced by unconditional subordination to the 'controlling

Theaetetus, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  Theodorus, the geometrician, had once been the friend and disciple of Protagoras, but he is very reluctant to leave his retirement and defend his old master. He is too old to learn Socrates' game of question and answer, and prefers the digressions to the main argument, because he finds them easier to follow. The mathematician, as Socrates says in the Republic, is not capable of giving a reason in the same manner as the dialectician, and Theodorus could not therefore have been appropriately introduced as the chief respondent. But he may be fairly appealed to, when the honour of his master is at stake. He is the 'guardian of his orphans,' although this is a responsibility which he wishes to throw upon Callias, the friend and patron of all Sophists, declaring that he himself had early 'run away' from philosophy, and was absorbed in mathematics. His extreme dislike to the Heraclitean fanatics, which may be compared with the dislike of Theaetetus to the materialists, and his ready acceptance of the noble words of Socrates, are noticeable traits of character.
  The Socrates of the Theaetetus is the same as the Socrates of the earlier dialogues. He is the invincible disputant, now advanced in years, of the Protagoras and Symposium; he is still pursuing his divine mission, his 'Herculean labours,' of which he has described the origin in the Apology; and he still hears the voice of his oracle, bidding him receive or not receive the truant souls. There he is supposed to have a mission to convict men of self-conceit; in the Theaetetus he has assigned to him by God the functions of a man-midwife, who delivers men of their thoughts, and under this character he is present throughout the dialogue. He is the true prophet who has an insight into the natures of men, and can divine their future; and he knows that sympathy is the secret power which unlocks their thoughts. The hit at Aristides, the son of Lysimachus, who was specially committed to his charge in the Laches, may be remarked by the way. The attempt to discover the definition of knowledge is in accordance with the character of Socrates as he is described in the Memorabilia, asking What is justice? what is temperance? and the like. But there is no reason to suppose that he would have analyzed the nature of perception, or traced the connexion of Protagoras and Heracleitus, or have raised the difficulty respecting false opinion. The humorous illustrations, as well as the serious thoughts, run through the dialogue. The snubnosedness of Theaetetus, a characteristic which he shares with Socrates, and the man-midwifery of Socrates, are not forgotten in the closing words. At the end of the dialogue, as in the Euthyphro, he is expecting to meet Meletus at the porch of the king Archon; but with the same indifference to the result which is everywhere displayed by him, he proposes that they shall reassemble on the following day at the same spot. The day comes, and in the Sophist the three friends again meet, but no further allusion is made to the trial, and the principal share in the argument is assigned, not to Socrates, but to an Eleatic stranger; the youthful Theaetetus also plays a different and less independent part. And there is no allusion in the Introduction to the second and third dialogues, which are afterwards appended. There seems, therefore, reason to think that there is a real change, both in the characters and in the design.

The Anapanasati Sutta A Practical Guide to Mindfullness of Breathing and Tranquil Wisdom Meditation, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  full responsibility and requests that these mistakes be
  pointed out to him. The sincere wish of the author is that all

The Dwellings of the Philosophers, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  temerity. This is why, aware of our responsibility, we urgently beseech those who do not
  possess this secret to abstain until then. They will thus avoid the fate of an unfortunate priest
  in an epigraphist conscious of his responsibility and the accuracy required by his occupation.
  According to Dr Texier, to whom we are obliged for this information, the figures of

The Logomachy of Zos, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  authority to shelve his own responsibility.
  Unappreciated ability becomes devitalized, breeds a self-indulgent
  The best commands my responsibility; the highest in me is stimulated by
  dormant egotism. What is known without is the exhausting part- a
  does what he so will and takes all responsibility- thus the virtue. Do as
  you please, to whom the pleasing is the law. Only what you enact has

The Mirror of Enigmas, #Labyrinths, #Jorge Luis Borges, #Poetry
  million men. An atrocious responsibility which is only apparent. Perhaps he
  is not responsible to God, but rather to a few human beings. If the poor of

Timaeus, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  (c) The morality of the Timaeus is singular, and it is difficult to adjust the balance between the two elements of it. The difficulty which Plato feels, is that which all of us feel, and which is increased in our own day by the progress of physical science, how the responsibility of man is to be reconciled with his dependence on natural causes. And sometimes, like other men, he is more impressed by one aspect of human life, sometimes by the other. In the Republic he represents man as freely choosing his own lot in a state prior to birtha conception which, if taken literally, would still leave him subject to the dominion of necessity in his after life; in the Statesman he supposes the human race to be preserved in the world only by a divine interposition; while in the Timaeus the supreme God commissions the inferior deities to avert from him all but self-inflicted evilswords which imply that all the evils of men are really self-inflicted. And here, like Plato (the insertion of a note in the text of an ancient writer is a literary curiosity worthy of remark), we may take occasion to correct an error. For we too hastily said that Plato in the Timaeus regarded all 'vices and crimes as involuntary.' But the fact is that he is inconsistent with himself; in one and the same passage vice is attri buted to the relaxation of the bodily frame, and yet we are exhorted to avoid it and pursue virtue. It is also admitted that good and evil conduct are to be attri buted respectively to good and evil laws and institutions. These cannot be given by individuals to themselves; and therefore human actions, in so far as they are dependent upon them, are regarded by Plato as involuntary rather than voluntary. Like other writers on this subject, he is unable to escape from some degree of self-contradiction. He had learned from Socrates that vice is ignorance, and suddenly the doctrine seems to him to be confirmed by observing how much of the good and bad in human character depends on the bodily constitution. So in modern times the speculative doctrine of necessity has often been supported by physical facts.
  The Timaeus also contains an anticipation of the stoical life according to nature. Man contemplating the heavens is to regulate his erring life according to them. He is to partake of the repose of nature and of the order of nature, to bring the variable principle in himself into harmony with the principle of the same. The ethics of the Timaeus may be summed up in the single idea of 'law.' To feel habitually that he is part of the order of the universe, is one of the highest ethical motives of which man is capable. Something like this is what Plato means when he speaks of the soul 'moving about the same in unchanging thought of the same.' He does not explain how man is acted upon by the lesser influences of custom or of opinion; or how the commands of the soul watching in the citadel are conveyed to the bodily organs. But this perhaps, to use once more expressions of his own, 'is part of another subject' or 'may be more suitably discussed on some other occasion.'


--- Overview of noun responsibility

The noun responsibility has 3 senses (first 3 from tagged texts)
1. (17) duty, responsibility, obligation ::: (the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr)
2. (2) province, responsibility ::: (the proper sphere or extent of your activities; "it was his province to take care of himself")
3. (2) responsibility, responsibleness ::: (a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct; "he holds a position of great responsibility")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun responsibility

3 senses of responsibility                      

Sense 1
duty, responsibility, obligation
   => social control
     => group action
       => act, deed, human action, human activity
         => event
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity
       => event
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 2
province, responsibility
   => sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena
     => environment
       => situation, state of affairs
         => state
           => attribute
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 3
responsibility, responsibleness
   => trustworthiness, trustiness
     => trait
       => attribute
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun responsibility

3 senses of responsibility                      

Sense 1
duty, responsibility, obligation
   => job
   => guardianship, keeping, safekeeping
   => moral obligation
   => noblesse oblige
   => burden of proof
   => civic duty, civic responsibility
   => filial duty
   => imperative
   => incumbency
   => legal duty
   => line of duty
   => white man's burden
   => prerequisite, requirement
   => requirement, demand

Sense 2
province, responsibility
   => ecclesiastical province

Sense 3
responsibility, responsibleness
   => fault
   => accountability, answerability, answerableness
   => dependability, dependableness, reliability, reliableness

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun responsibility

3 senses of responsibility                      

Sense 1
duty, responsibility, obligation
   => social control

Sense 2
province, responsibility
   => sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena

Sense 3
responsibility, responsibleness
   => trustworthiness, trustiness

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun responsibility

3 senses of responsibility                      

Sense 1
duty, responsibility, obligation
  -> social control
   => auto limitation
   => sanction
   => population control
   => government, governing, governance, government activity, administration
   => enforcement
   => domination
   => socialization, socialisation, acculturation, enculturation
   => duty, responsibility, obligation
   => occupation, military control
   => management, direction
   => privation, deprivation
   => appeasement, calming
   => nationalization, nationalisation, communization, communisation
   => denationalization, denationalisation, privatization, privatisation
   => detribalization, detribalisation
   => discrimination, favoritism, favouritism
   => patronage
   => mobilization, mobilisation, militarization, militarisation
   => demobilization, demobilisation
   => standardization, standardisation, normalization, normalisation
   => punishment, penalty, penalization, penalisation
   => corrections

Sense 2
province, responsibility
  -> sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena
   => distaff
   => front
   => kingdom, land, realm
   => lap
   => political arena, political sphere
   => preserve
   => province, responsibility

Sense 3
responsibility, responsibleness
  -> trustworthiness, trustiness
   => creditworthiness
   => responsibility, responsibleness

--- Grep of noun responsibility
civic responsibility
sense of responsibility

IN WEBGEN [10000/233]

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Themes of Emergence: Awareness, Responsibility, and Mutuality
selforum - subjectivity and responsibility
selforum - responsibility and hypocrisy
Psychology Wiki - Moral_responsibility
Psychology Wiki - Social_responsibility
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - collective-responsibility
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - computing-responsibility
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - moral-responsibility-epistemic
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - moral-responsibility
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - skepticism-moral-responsibility
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Akuma-kun (Movie) -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Horror Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Akuma-kun (Movie) Akuma-kun (Movie) -- The age of the demons has begun. Dr Faust has foreseen this rise of evil. Unfortunately, he is near death and is unable to personally battle this upcoming threat. Faust entrusts a young boy, Shingo Yamada, to take the responsibility of ridding the Earth of this new evil presence. Faust finds a birthmark on Shingo's forehead that signifies that he is the chosen demon fighter. Faust summons from hell what may be humanity's only hope of surviving: a less than enthusiastic devil named Mephisto rises. After signing a pact in blood to save humankind, Shingo and Mephisto set out to battle the supernatural world. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 15, 1989 -- 616 5.85
Ao no Exorcist Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Movie Ao no Exorcist Movie -- The atmosphere in True Cross Academy is lively and boisterous in the days leading up to the grand festival held once every 11 years. During this time, Okumura Rin is entrusted with the responsibility of suppressing the berserk Phantom Train. In the midst of his mission, he meets a devil whose appearance is that of a young boy. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 28, 2012 -- 221,053 7.62
Ao no Exorcist Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Movie Ao no Exorcist Movie -- The atmosphere in True Cross Academy is lively and boisterous in the days leading up to the grand festival held once every 11 years. During this time, Okumura Rin is entrusted with the responsibility of suppressing the berserk Phantom Train. In the midst of his mission, he meets a devil whose appearance is that of a young boy. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Dec 28, 2012 -- 221,053 7.62
Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- -- AIC ASTA -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- Ichirou Satou is an ordinary high school student who pretended that he was a hero by the name of "Maryuuin Kouga" back in middle school, which led to others frequently bullying him. Now that he has left this embarrassing phase behind, he does his best to avoid standing out and live a peaceful life, although he feels the world has become quite dull. But when he makes his way back to school one night to grab a textbook he left in class, he runs into a strange girl wearing a costume. -- -- This girl, Ryouko Satou, happens to be his classmate and is affected by the exact same condition that he once had, holding on to a delusion that she is someone else and dressing up to reflect this. The very next day, Ichirou is asked by his teacher to become friends with Ryouko, to which he adamantly refuses, unwilling to be reminded of his own history. When he sees that she is being bullied just as he once was, however, the boy makes it his responsibility to take care of her and break her free from that which what once plagued him—the perfect job for Maryuuin Kouga. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 13, 2013 -- 47,395 7.48
Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- -- AIC ASTA -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- Ichirou Satou is an ordinary high school student who pretended that he was a hero by the name of "Maryuuin Kouga" back in middle school, which led to others frequently bullying him. Now that he has left this embarrassing phase behind, he does his best to avoid standing out and live a peaceful life, although he feels the world has become quite dull. But when he makes his way back to school one night to grab a textbook he left in class, he runs into a strange girl wearing a costume. -- -- This girl, Ryouko Satou, happens to be his classmate and is affected by the exact same condition that he once had, holding on to a delusion that she is someone else and dressing up to reflect this. The very next day, Ichirou is asked by his teacher to become friends with Ryouko, to which he adamantly refuses, unwilling to be reminded of his own history. When he sees that she is being bullied just as he once was, however, the boy makes it his responsibility to take care of her and break her free from that which what once plagued him—the perfect job for Maryuuin Kouga. -- -- Movie - Apr 13, 2013 -- 47,395 7.48
Beatless -- -- Diomedéa -- 20 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Beatless Beatless -- With great advancements in technology, mankind has created hIEs, human-like robots that act as public and personal servants for society. Unlike many others, the kind-hearted high school student Arato Endou treats hIEs as equals, but his financial situation keeps him from ever owning one. -- -- However, his normal life is shattered when an ordinary run to the local grocery store goes horribly awry. Viciously assaulted by a hacked hIE, Arato is on the verge of death; but luckily, he is saved by an abnormal hIE carrying a weaponized coffin. Her name is Lacia, one of five highly advanced hIEs that recently escaped the clutches of the mysterious MemeFrame Corporation. -- -- Faced with a hacked car threatening to run them over, Lacia offers Arato a deal: in exchange for saving his life, he must register as her new owner, thus taking full responsibility for her actions. With little choice, he decides to trust this artificial girl and allows her to live in his home. Though Lacia begins to adapt to her new, peaceful lifestyle, she warns the entranced Arato of one thing—she does not have a soul. -- -- 141,056 6.20
Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? -- -- Pierrot Plus, Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons School Shounen Supernatural -- Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? -- The delinquents of Ishiyama High School either fear Tatsumi Oga or wish to defeat him, but the young fighter finds himself preoccupied with other matters—like tending to baby Kaiser de Emperana "Beel" Beelzebub IV, the son of the Demon Lord. -- -- Baby Beel's maid, Hildegard "Hilda," informs Oga that the infant has latched onto him due to the former's immense strength. In turn, Oga must take responsibility and raise the Demon Lord's son, or face Hilda's blade—that is, unless he can find someone stronger than him to appeal to Beel. Perhaps Oga can convince one of the Tohoshinki, composed of the four strongest fighters of Ishiyama High, to take Beel off his hands! -- -- Special - Oct 23, 2010 -- 33,247 7.30
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- -- Yumeta Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- As the Chosen Children and their partner Digimon live happily together in the human world, Taichi Yagami and Yamato Ishida, alongside their friends, dedicate themselves to maintaining this hard-earned peace. Though united by this innate responsibility, each one has already started to take their first steps toward a future beyond being a Chosen Child. -- -- However, this new journey is interrupted by the appearance of Menoa Bellucci, an American professor specializing in Digimon research. She bears news of several Chosen Children from around the world being found comatose, with their partner Digimon nowhere to be found. Menoa's investigations indicate that a new breed of Digimon is behind the alarming phenomenon: Eosmon, who hides within the internet's depths. -- -- To succeed in this mission, the team must endeavor through the growing distance between them and band together one last time. -- -- Movie - Feb 21, 2020 -- 26,274 8.19
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- -- MAPPA -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake further explores the world of sorcerers and the Hole, honing in on what the characters do in their spare time when they are not seeking out their enemies. -- -- Kamen Kakusa -- Fujita attends a mask conjuring ritual in hopes of a Devil bestowing him with an appropriate mask, like the ones his colleagues Noi and Shin possess. Hopefully his offering entices the mask-maker! -- -- Tenpo For You -- Nikaidou, lacking money and forced to sell gyoza on the streets of the Hole, stumbles upon a quaint shop selling tea and sweets. Its owner is the gentle and hospitable Syueron, but it seems the denizens of the Hole bear a grudge against him. -- -- Shitappa Seishun Graffiti -- Intrigued by the photographs hanging around the mansion, Ebisu approaches En hoping for a portrait of her own. However, she is disappointed to find that only members of the En Family can have their pictures taken. -- -- Anata no Shiranai Gyoza no Kai -- The Gyoza Fairy keeps the Hungry Bug in pristine condition, but his primary responsibility is ensuring the gyoza tastes good. So he becomes rather agitated when Nikaidou's customers do not properly enjoy their meals. -- -- Odoru Ma no Utage -- En is enthusiastic about his masquerade ball and is adamant on his family's participation. Per tradition, attendees must choose a partner and dance to appease the Devils. To their horror, they discover that failing to do so may incur nasty consequences! -- -- Yokaze ni Fukarete Ooba Kinenbi -- Nikaidou gives detailed instructions on preparing oba gyoza and Kaiman is eager to help! -- -- Special - Jun 17, 2020 -- 29,004 7.11
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Police -- Double Decker! Doug & Kirill Double Decker! Doug & Kirill -- The once peaceful city-state of Lisvalletta has found itself beset by a dangerous new drug called Anthem. The side effects of the drug allow the user to enter a state of Overdrive, wherein they mutate into superpowered beasts with inhuman abilities. With the police powerless to stop this new threat, the responsibility falls upon the Special Crime Investigation Unit SEVEN-O. To offset the dangers of this work, the investigators work under the patented "Double Decker" system, which requires them to team up in "buddy cop" pairs. -- -- As a child, average police officer Kirill Vrubel fantasized about being a hero who would save his school from a random terrorist attack. His chance to be a hero arrives when his landlady blackmails him into searching for her lost cat. Upon arriving and falling asleep in an abandoned warehouse, Kirill finds himself in the middle of a hostage situation involving an Anthem user. By teaming up with SEVEN-O detective Douglas "Doug" Bilingam, Kirill earns his spot as the newest member of SEVEN-O. Now, with the help of this secret organization, he may finally achieve his dream of becoming a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 31,463 6.85
Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- Despite being burdened with crippling debt to the morose Haruitsuki Abeno, Hanae Ashiya has come to enjoy his job as an exorcist. His ability to communicate with youkai has given him a sense of responsibility regarding the magical creatures, and he continues to work hard to send them to their true home in the Underworld. -- -- As Ashiya’s life finally stabilizes, the youkai threaten to upset it once again. Knowledge of his existence has begun to spread, and not everyone is happy to have a human working for the Mononokean, the interdimensional tea room. But one day, a simple visit to the Underworld draws the attention of those in power, and Ashiya soon learns that not every youkai is willing to go along with Abeno's plans. -- -- 37,757 7.56
Fushigi Yuugi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Magic Martial Arts Comedy Romance Historical Drama Shoujo -- Fushigi Yuugi Fushigi Yuugi -- While visiting the National Library, junior-high students Miaka Yuuki and Yui Hongo are transported into the world of a mysterious book set in ancient China, "The Universe of The Four Gods." Miaka suddenly finds herself with the responsibility of being the priestess of Suzaku, and must find all of her celestial warriors for the purpose of summoning Suzaku for three wishes; however, the enemy nation of the god Seiryuu has manipulated Yui into becoming the priestess of Seiryuu. As enemies, the former best friends begin their long struggle to summon their respective gods and obtain their wishes... -- -- 99,049 7.64
Fushigi Yuugi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Magic Martial Arts Comedy Romance Historical Drama Shoujo -- Fushigi Yuugi Fushigi Yuugi -- While visiting the National Library, junior-high students Miaka Yuuki and Yui Hongo are transported into the world of a mysterious book set in ancient China, "The Universe of The Four Gods." Miaka suddenly finds herself with the responsibility of being the priestess of Suzaku, and must find all of her celestial warriors for the purpose of summoning Suzaku for three wishes; however, the enemy nation of the god Seiryuu has manipulated Yui into becoming the priestess of Seiryuu. As enemies, the former best friends begin their long struggle to summon their respective gods and obtain their wishes... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Media Blasters -- 99,049 7.64
Go! Princess Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Go! Princess Precure Go! Princess Precure -- Ever since she was young, Haruka Haruno has always aspired to become a princess. Despite being mocked for this seemingly childish wish, Haruka perseveres to make her dream a reality, ultimately culminating in her acceptance into the prestigious Noble Academy—the birthplace of people's fantasies. -- -- When Haruka arrives at her new school, a chance encounter with a pair of magical creatures influences a series of unbelievable events, and Haruka awakens as "Cure Flora," the princess of blooming flowers. After two of Haruka's classmates also transform into legendary princesses, a story of self-discovery unfolds as the newfound team "Princess Precure" carries the responsibility of protecting everyone's dreams. Engaged in a battle between hope and despair, Haruka may find the key toward becoming the princess she has always dreamed to be. -- -- 13,058 7.71
Hiiro no Kakera -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hiiro no Kakera Hiiro no Kakera -- Gods and ghosts only exist in fairy tales, right? That's the impression that high school girl Tamki Kasuga has before she goes to live with her grandmother in the remote village of Kifumura. After being attacked by strange creatures upon her arrival, she is soon informed that females in her family contain the blood of the Tamayori Princess, who has the responsibility and power of keeping gods and ghosts sealed away so that they can't harm the general public. At first Tamaki has trouble believing this, but having five beautiful young men following her everywhere she goes acting as her guardians goes a long way towards convincing her. -- -- There's more to this job than Tamaki first realizes, however, and the path that lies ahead of her is fraught with peril and danger. Will she be able to successfully take on the heavy role that has been put on her shoulders? -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 1, 2012 -- 96,326 6.73
Hiiro no Kakera -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hiiro no Kakera Hiiro no Kakera -- Gods and ghosts only exist in fairy tales, right? That's the impression that high school girl Tamki Kasuga has before she goes to live with her grandmother in the remote village of Kifumura. After being attacked by strange creatures upon her arrival, she is soon informed that females in her family contain the blood of the Tamayori Princess, who has the responsibility and power of keeping gods and ghosts sealed away so that they can't harm the general public. At first Tamaki has trouble believing this, but having five beautiful young men following her everywhere she goes acting as her guardians goes a long way towards convincing her. -- -- There's more to this job than Tamaki first realizes, however, and the path that lies ahead of her is fraught with peril and danger. Will she be able to successfully take on the heavy role that has been put on her shoulders? -- TV - Apr 1, 2012 -- 96,326 6.73
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- 356,606 6.54
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 356,606 6.54
Kyoukai no Rinne (TV) -- -- Brain's Base -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance School Shounen -- Kyoukai no Rinne (TV) Kyoukai no Rinne (TV) -- Rinne Rokudou has bigger problems than going to school—namely, helping spirits pass over to the next life. Because of this responsibility, he often finds himself short on money and struggles to buy his necessities: food, clothes, and exorcism tools. -- -- Sakura Mamiya has been able to see ghosts since she was little. She hoped she would outgrow it, but even after starting high school, nothing has changed. To make matters worse, the first time her ever-absent classmate, Rinne, shows up for school, only Sakura can see him. She assumes, as anyone would, that he is a ghost. However, to Sakura's surprise, Rinne proceeds to attend school like normal the next day. Kyoukai no Rinne chronicles Sakura's journey as she learns of Rinne's true nature and the existence of a hidden supernatural world. -- -- 77,858 6.89
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Mekakucity Reload -- -- - -- ? eps -- Music -- Sci-Fi Comedy Super Power Supernatural Romance -- Mekakucity Reload Mekakucity Reload -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 33,398 N/A -- -- Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? -- -- Pierrot Plus, Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons School Shounen Supernatural -- Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!? -- The delinquents of Ishiyama High School either fear Tatsumi Oga or wish to defeat him, but the young fighter finds himself preoccupied with other matters—like tending to baby Kaiser de Emperana "Beel" Beelzebub IV, the son of the Demon Lord. -- -- Baby Beel's maid, Hildegard "Hilda," informs Oga that the infant has latched onto him due to the former's immense strength. In turn, Oga must take responsibility and raise the Demon Lord's son, or face Hilda's blade—that is, unless he can find someone stronger than him to appeal to Beel. Perhaps Oga can convince one of the Tohoshinki, composed of the four strongest fighters of Ishiyama High, to take Beel off his hands! -- -- Special - Oct 23, 2010 -- 33,247 7.30
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- -- ixtl, Satelight -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- Since 1973, an invasion of aliens upon Earth known as BETA has driven human civilization to destruction. In order to defend themselves from this enormous mass of enemy force, mankind has developed large humanoid arms called Tactical Surface Fighters and deployed them to its defense lines through out the world. However, its efforts could only slow down the impending defeat, and mankind has been forced to abandon the major areas of the Eurasian Continent. For 30 years, they have been caught in an endless war against BETA without any hopes of victory. -- -- Now in 2001, Imperial Japan faces difficulties in the development of the next-generation of Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF) as it defends the front lines of the Far East. The UN has proposed a joint development program between Imperial Japan and the United States as a part of its TSF international mutual development unit, the Prominence Project. -- -- Yui Takamura (a surface pilot of the Imperial Royal Guards of Japan) is given the responsibility of the project and sets off to Alaska. Meanwhile, Yuya Bridges, also a surface pilot of the US Army, heads to the same destination. -- -- They never had any idea just how drastically their encounter would change their fates. -- -- This story of internal dilemma takes place during the development of the new Tactical Surface Fighters, the most crucial and effective weapons against BETA. And this time, the stakes are much higher than a handful of lives and our sanity. -- -- All we can do is fight. -- -- (Source: Muv-Luv Total Eclipse Official English Website, edited) -- 81,759 7.11
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- -- ixtl, Satelight -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- Since 1973, an invasion of aliens upon Earth known as BETA has driven human civilization to destruction. In order to defend themselves from this enormous mass of enemy force, mankind has developed large humanoid arms called Tactical Surface Fighters and deployed them to its defense lines through out the world. However, its efforts could only slow down the impending defeat, and mankind has been forced to abandon the major areas of the Eurasian Continent. For 30 years, they have been caught in an endless war against BETA without any hopes of victory. -- -- Now in 2001, Imperial Japan faces difficulties in the development of the next-generation of Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF) as it defends the front lines of the Far East. The UN has proposed a joint development program between Imperial Japan and the United States as a part of its TSF international mutual development unit, the Prominence Project. -- -- Yui Takamura (a surface pilot of the Imperial Royal Guards of Japan) is given the responsibility of the project and sets off to Alaska. Meanwhile, Yuya Bridges, also a surface pilot of the US Army, heads to the same destination. -- -- They never had any idea just how drastically their encounter would change their fates. -- -- This story of internal dilemma takes place during the development of the new Tactical Surface Fighters, the most crucial and effective weapons against BETA. And this time, the stakes are much higher than a handful of lives and our sanity. -- -- All we can do is fight. -- -- (Source: Muv-Luv Total Eclipse Official English Website, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 81,759 7.11
Paprika -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Dementia Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller -- Paprika Paprika -- The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device with the power to delve into the dreams of others. Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita have been tirelessly working to develop this technology with the hopes of using it to deeply explore patients' minds and help cure them of their psychological disorders. -- -- However, having access to the deepest corners of a person's mind comes with a tremendous responsibility. In the wrong hands, the DC Mini could be used as a form of psychological terrorism and cause mental breakdowns in the minds of targets. When this technology is stolen and people around them start acting strangely, Atsuko and Kosaku know they have a serious problem on their hands. Enlisting the help of Officer Konakawa, who has been receiving this experimental therapy, they search both the real and dream worlds for their mental terrorist. -- -- Movie - Nov 25, 2006 -- 384,301 8.06
Shiyan Pin Jiating -- -- BigFireBird Animation -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Shiyan Pin Jiating Shiyan Pin Jiating -- Tanis, a child genius, is the youngest son of two mad scientists. His family has spent their lives withdrawn from normal society living on an isolated island, where the couple conducts experiments on Tanis' siblings that result in them gaining abnormal abilities. However, this activity is put to a stop when they are caught and arrested. -- -- Tanis is brought by government officials to a more populated island, alongside his four siblings: Snow, a dog-human hybrid; Ashise, a plant-human hybrid; Aisley, a spider-human hybrid; and Suishi, a mind-reader. Being the only one who has not been genetically modified, Tanis takes on the responsibility of adapting his siblings to society, all while trying to conceal their' distinctive characteristics. -- -- ONA - Apr 9, 2018 -- 38,656 6.35
Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 9 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy -- Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 35,286 7.12
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- 244,737 6.89
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 244,737 6.89
Acceptance of responsibility
Age of criminal responsibility
Age of criminal responsibility in Australia
American Bar Association Model Code of Professional Responsibility
Americans for Responsibility in Washington
Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility
Area of responsibility
Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
British Society for Social Responsibility in Science
Cabinet collective responsibility
Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility
Chain of responsibility
Chain-of-responsibility pattern
Choose Responsibility
Christian Social Responsibility
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Class-responsibility-collaboration card
Collective responsibility
Command responsibility
Comparative responsibility
Compassion and Responsibility for Animals
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Corporate Power and Responsibility
Corporate responsibility
Corporate social responsibility
Diffusion of responsibility
Diminished responsibility
Diminished responsibility in English law
Doctrine of Ministerial Responsibility
European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility
Extended producer responsibility
Family Responsibility Office
Fathers Rights-Responsibility Party
Filial responsibility laws
Fiscal Responsibility Act
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility
Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future
Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act
Hague Convention on Parental Responsibility and Protection of Children
Household responsibility system
House of Responsibility
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility
Individual ministerial responsibility
Individual shared responsibility provision
Intellectual responsibility
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Law on Social Responsibility on Radio and Television
Legal responsibility
Moral responsibility
Movement of National Responsibility
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
Norbert Wiener Award for Social and Professional Responsibility
Office for Budget Responsibility
Office of Professional Responsibility
Ownership, Unity and Responsibility Party
Parental responsibility
Parental responsibility (access and custody)
People for Internet Responsibility
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act
Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act
Philippine Area of Responsibility
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011
Power Without Responsibility
Privy Councillor with responsibility for the Crown Dependencies
Professional responsibility
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
Responsibility assignment matrix
Responsibility-driven design
Responsibility for the Holocaust
Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian War
Responsibility for the September 11 attacks
Responsibility Social Democratic Alliance of Political Parties
Responsibility to protect
Responsibility to protect in China
Scientists for Global Responsibility
Single-responsibility principle
Social responsibility
Tactical area of responsibility
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
Theory of decreasing responsibility
War-responsibility trials in Finland
With great power comes great responsibility

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authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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