classes ::: josh,
children :::
branches ::: my psychograph

bookmarks: Instances - Definitions - Quotes - Chapters - Wordnet - Webgen

object:my psychograph
my Psychograph range: past highest and recently lowests
am i describing states or stages are each both?

  Aesthetics (1-7)
  attitude (3-10)
  beliefs (3-10)
  behavior (3-8)
  cognitive (5-9)
  charisma (2-6)
  communication (2-6)
  creative (7)
  diet (4-7)
  destiny (4)
  drive (3)
  emotions (4)
  energy (5-7)
  environment (7)
  equanimity (3
  freedom from suffering
  rules (standards)
   the shadow

Cognitive:to get to know, to revolve in ones mind ~ 5-9
this is one of my strongest attributes though the quality of my thoughts range. On another note, what should be coupled with this is spirit or awareness because it will give me a objective relationship to thoughts. instead of identifying with them. There are many components of cognitive from memory, awareness, knowledge, interconnection (memory?). What is holding this area back? what pushes it further? If my memory seems poor then why is my cognitive attribute so high? is it because of it a unfolding of psychic phenomenon?
The Cognitive attribute is one of the most important. This is because it is needed in many cases to develop other areas. For example without a brain and mind can we really have a concept of the self?
The higher reaches of it IMO is taking what exists, comparing them, synthesizing them and from that creating novel and wonderful things that are greater that any parts that came before.
This can even apply to systems, so comparing systems and creating new systems from them.
Knowledge and Wisdom,Logic and Reasoning, Spatial, Connected and whole, Processing Power, Memory, Perspective Taking Ability What do you know? What have you put into practice?
Anything that occurs in the mind? What are you aware of? What are you thinking?
ideal:overmind, visionary, integral, worldly knowledge
I can control my thoughts but in an effort to witness them I have ceased doing so temporarily. They can coach the other members by offering a perspective on elements of their experience
how does spatial relate to vision logic?
Visualization: thinking about doing helps one do?
Charisma: grace, charm and favor ~3-6
my charisma ranges based on my current attitude. though my capacity to act according to others perspectives is not near the ideal joy I sometimes tap into is spread. but I am happy with it when my mood is good.
interpersonal x energy
Communication: to share, common ~3-6
Perspective taking x Lingustic?
my communication skills range drastically. To a certain sense when it comes down to it I feel like with enough love and egolessness that I can be successful in communication regardless of linguistic skills and perspective taking skills because if I am emanating love then. also when I am passionate sometimes that can create amazing communication but only if the person resonates with my skill.
Creative: to form from nothing ~7
my creative capacities can be quite terrific, this is due to my wide range of knowledge often and the many possible interconnections I can make that tend to birth things that have not yet been. in regards to artisticlly my capacity to draw with lets say permanent markers gives me the impression that creation is a natural result of love. which is the natural source of all things. the issue then is if I am not creating then what blocks it? Is it lack of energy? a dreary attitude? waste of sexual energy? fear?
Creativity is an expression of energy through ones unique makeup? This attribute is related to sexual as that is the most primary form of human creation. How to invoke the creative state?
Desire:you can have everything just not at once
how does desire relate to emotion?
the emotional section of our brain is more primative and can take over reason.
this section also seems to relate to the way, i guess the way is part of the bridge from here to there.
love, sexy women, lucid dreaming, paste from ideals section!!
Soul mate
Monies and no debt, investment cash, more integrated knowledge, sexy soul mate, more energy and focus, willpower, love, more renunciation, lucid dreaming, more powerful mind, draft of book, teach, lots of drugs, follow breath, care for others, less irritation
a Massive gratitude: Ananda
a Divine love, will and mind
a Commitment to these ideals until reached:
second simplicity feel of integral.
a Awareness of all states: gross, subtle, casual, witness and non-dual which results in:
a Outstanding physical health, vitality, energy! Jogged marathons, UFC, 50 chin-ups
a Complete control over mind: concentration, memory, divine intuition, non-reactivity
a can 3d mind map in head, perfect visualizer
a Lucid dreaming and perfect dream recall
a Aware of absolute truth
a Cyborg
a Living Purpose
a huge development across most major lines: cog, ego, values, morals, linguistic, social etc
a amazing social network
a complete renunciation of lower desires, not afraid of fear, complete self-control and power, unconditionally loving, grounded in truth
a Has written 30+ books
a Fucking amazing sex life
a Created integral Centers
a Could change state if desired
a Sleep 3 hours a day if at all
Jump out of bed
a has learnt and integrated following section: (learn section of SUPREME BEING)
Destiny: determination to manifest ones purpose
Diet: quality parts and fuel ~ 4
my diet is poor. this effects my energy levels which contri butes to my laxity. When at vipassana when I was eating more big salads my energy level was way higher and this made caffiene much more effective though this could be coupled with the fact that caffiene is best when limited drastically.
Emotional: to excite or to move from fear to love ~ 4
For gratitude to be effective it must be au thentic, in other words, you must believe it. So don't lie in thought. Start with truth no matter how small. If there is nothing to be grateful for, then what could someone else be grateful for. What is possible?
Is it possible to be grateful for the past (all of it?)
This causes satisfaction with the present. Then just add some hope for the future and you have something beautiful.
I think that when ranking emotions it should be high if my emotions are positive but a better relationship to them could be if I am able to experience the full range, am aware of what I am feeling, able to extract the benefit or lesson from each emotion. if I am able to connect to others in regards to whatever emotion. To have emotions be a asset in my life.
related: passion
ideal:subtle communication, motivation and weight to words
courage and love
We do things to change how we feel. States change how I feel. Affirmations require emotion
Emotions and memory formation
Energy: working from within (power points [PP]) ~ 3
My current concept is that energy works like a pressure building model,it can be generated (with injunctions like pranayam, yoga or exercise), it builds pressure until it becomes to much to take and some has to be released. What is important then is how it is used and not using it prematurely before it has any chance of effect. Meditation then is a way to charge energy, and calm ones mind and appetites so that it can be concentrated properly. Circulation of energy is another thing to be discussed.
My energy levels range, they tend to be like a childs going in waves often. I would not consider my energy an asset, it tends to be so only when I am drinking an energy drink. I lose touch with how important energy is. Which is what? awareness or feeling?
Environment: 5-7
my environment has ranged based on where I am at the time, environments from home, vancouver, work, anthonys. the move, vipassana. my most typical environment is home and work. My home is good in that I am mostly free to do whatever I want but it does not uplift me in the manner in which I expect my L & L Center to. what changes could be made to make this possible? Possibly just a cleaner, emptier room and a healthier fridge. Removing distractions. My work is a very positive environment because of its effect on my development. It is usually worth being at work in most regards, though this would be amplified if I used it more as a means to work on my site and book not just for. (location + interpersonal)
The most beautiful artificial garden? With a fountain and stream? Humidifier. Most comfy seats in the world. Natural sunlight. As many real plants as possible. Inspiring art.
Existential: reason for our coming into being ~ 7
Related to Purpose / Soul/ Destiny
existential being the reason for ones being, the purpose of my existence then is rated based on how aligned I am with my purpose if there is one inherient in my nature. If I were to have one it would probably be to propel human evolution rocketing forward through and beyond space and time. since this is fairly clear the issue if it were an issue, is its more specific manifestation, connecting to my soul and my unique form. my unique form is then my living and learning center, symposium, meetups and such. I feel like it is a strong 7. but that more absolute certainty that could be simmered into a mission statement that can become my soul focus would be of the highest benefit. This needs to be a section that I work on today.
Faith: 3-7
faith being a resolute belief, what those beliefs pertain to is of the utmost importance. faith then needs to be applied to certain attributes in particular such as purpose, self, the world, the universe, others. it comes mostly in response to realization though leaves soon after.
Financial: 5
money is a form of energy, when conserved or properly invested then it can grow and become something with accelerating returns granting many forms of freedom in this physical world. my relationship to finances ranges. since my willpower is often low I need to remove the option of spending, with that in place then I am strong with financial budgetting but I do not invest it ideally. To do this I need to earn more and cut of my potential for spending.
Money is a wonderful resource. But it can be abused and misused. Since there is no such thing as something for free this applies equally to debt and credit cards.
In - Passive income(from investments), Hourly wage, Pay per job
Out - Reacuring costs (rent), spending(drinking), debt and savings (investing).
Freedom: - 4
freedom is a boundary related attribute. Such as physical freedom, mental freedom, emotional freedom. Its not doing anything but being able to do anything even not do things. to be free for example one has to be free to say I will never do something and be able to follow it. This requires will and surrender. Surrender comes with emotions? What does good freedom mean? Fear and Laziness affect my capacity to act or think freely. Along with lack of training. For example willpower is needed to be free is as concentration. To be free to do something means my body-mind must be related in such a connected manner that they do as commanded. By trying to be free from responsibilities I have a childs form of freedom, which is still reliant on others. True freedom is never possible as everything is so interconnected. but freedom may move from child like, to burdened, to adult, to contrated and accomplished, to surrendered.
Opposite: boundaries.
Habits:established behavioral patterns - 2
though similar to behaviour; habits are more ingrained forms of behavior. things that happen possibly automatically in response to certain things such as daily routine or what happens when I get home or wake up. Because they take time to establish they require willpower to carve in many cases but the gains of such things are awesome. one limit is that a habits benefits taper off unless will is still developed and applied to constantly evolve the habits. habits must evolve.
Identity:the being one believes oneself to be ~
If one identifies with a particular duty, then is there any willpower needed? For how many people want to lose identity?
identity is who I call josh. Its the ground from which my actions come. it may consist of all these attributes but some parts I identify with more then others, such as cognitive. So an PA form of this is identifying as everything and nothing, though the everything is limited by what I am aware of. So for example even an enlightened sage who has continuous access to non-dual awareness could have a egoistic shadow if he is not aware of sexual pathology. For the sake of practicality. I want to identify as someone who has certain attributes well trained. So once i discover what attributes I want to develop then I can work on building references for those beliefs so that I can identify as such.
Identity itself is the sum total of ones personal beliefs and the feeling sense based on references and past experiences. return to this. perhaps its an average of these attributes though each attribute has different weight.
levels of self identity(id, ego and superego) vs levels of identity (such as from self to ethno to world)
Opposite: non-identity
Ideal:identification as spirit and everything, wholeness, love of all; pretend?
Relationship between voices, especially adult and child.
On identity
It seems like a lot of unnessecary pain occurs through the identification of the self. In this current situation it is that "I" feels hurt. My sense of self. I did something wrong. So in identifying with more then my limited I there may be promise.
If I identify with myself then the easiest thing to identify with would be whoever is most similar to me. If I can care for them as much that circle can be expanded to everyone eventually. Perhaps compassion meditation could help.
Starting with compassion for my own suffering
Why is it that I feel bad if someone thinks negatively towards me?
Why does it hurt me to think that I hurt others sometimes.
Budai - Joy, love + contentment
Inj trainer
King of states
how does one identity relate to relationships? like if ones identity expands to include everything?
Fear is relative to the self

philosopher, writer, teacher, dancer, journeyer, yogi, monk, business man, life coach, yoga instructor,healer, hermit, magician, lover, the sun, the fool, the vulnerable child, a supreme being, a teacher, a trainer, an internet personality, a poet, a chemist and as such I have a duty
Interpersonal: 4- 8
description: the interpersonal line is probably similar to relationships though relationships apply to everything where as interpersonal applies specifically to other people. relationship with other people depends on their values, interests, time, location, theyre social skills, communication skills or anything that allows has influence on making the connection occur. state at the time and many circumstances. Categories such as family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, strangers and my niggas.
personally: my interpersonal relationships range such that I have a decent relationship with family. Though none are as amazing as the ones such as my niggas but that category in itself is defined by the high rank of the quality of such relationship. Many of my relationships are super high quality including everyone in my collage. Though my interpersonal ideal consists of the L & L center hub. though the high rank of this line ranges whether the people are within proximity (location / environment) Interpersonal line seems to be dependent on my capacity to connect to each individual in such a way as to secure friendship. Which requires particular skills.
Intrapersonal: know thy self ~ 6
description: the intrapersonal line refers to the relationship of one's self to one's self. This could be known as self-knowledge. or awareness of oneself. This seems similar to identity, but perhaps identity is and intrapersonal is more of a self knowledge and awareness.
personally: my relationship to myself, ranges, it should be one of awareness and love. Knowing myself and being okay with myself. The process of analyzing my attributes, but i need to discover how to be aware of them. Is there holes in my self-awareness? yes. I need to be able to be aware of many many attributes at a time to be able to compare.
description: inventory is what one owns, possibly could apply to components or attributes but more specifically I am referring to objects instead of assets. These especially could include quality items but perhaps it is important to focus on all so that one could understand the waste in ones past spending. House, car, books, technology and nick-knacks.

interests:ideals and value and desire
aurobindo,awareness,breakdancing, bhakti yoga, business, ,concepts,contact,dance,debate,dedication, devotion, discipline,entheogens,evolution,flow,futurism,God(as no-thing),gratitude, gymnastics,hugs,human development, the human condition,ideas,the information age,intensives, internet, integral theory,integral yoga, karma yoga,ken wilber,learning,love,lojong,life coaching meditation,metaphysics,metaphors,,networking,neuroscience,perfection,perennial philosophy,prayer,play, relativity,spirituality,states of consciousness, subjectivity, teaching,technology,truth, willpower, wisdom, wonder, women, witnessing awareness
karmic: purity in action
knowledge (maps and theory):
ideal knowledge means one can do just about anything with the world, make anything, build anything, manage a team, create a company,
This is the bridge to the casual which is under grossly emphasized. Love is the connector. The healer. Wholeness. Okayness. It is acceptance. It is service. It is gratitude. It is the force that makes the universe okay.
linguistic: span and depth
ideals:pure affirmative self talk, link to identity through person talking (ie tony robbins or supreme)
When speaking to one's self; one is the subject and object
Michelle thomas (language)

Not sure what to think about math. It's an interesting mental phenomenon of counting and comparing things and seeing how they relate and effect each other.
Mathematics and behavior, development recording and statistics for behavior for guaranteed development
If I meditate 40 minutes a day and want to meditate for 240 minutes within 2 months then I need to increase by 200/8 weeks = 25 minutes more per day per week. Ie every week increase your daily sitting by 25. Keep this going for 3 months and that's over 400 hours of practice.
Used to do 2^x now x^2
It's my mood based on the attractiveness of what is happening or is to occur according to the ego

This amazing attribute explains how much we care about others. This is probably related to the identity attribute because if you identify with others you will be very moral.
FANTASTIC: Often our problems are just that, "our" problems. They may often affect very few others. If you start to care more about others it undoes at least half of your problems and replaces them with other peoples, which are just as equally important.
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." ~Plato
Physiological:Food, air, water, homeostasis, activity, rest, sensory stimulation and excretion
Emotional:Safety, worth, joy, love, giving, purpose, coping and surrender
Mental:Learning, Acceptance, Purpose, Self-Control, Reason, Equanimity, Overcoming and Goal Setting
Soul/Spirit:Belief, Prayer, Meditation and Transcendence
Communal Needs:Intimacy, Compassion, Friendship, Sex, Love, discussion, challenge, contact, worth/value, purpose, inclusion/cohesion and contri bution
Miscellaneous needs: financial
Robbins - 6 Needs:
Certainty / Comfort
Connection / Love
Contri bution
Maslow's - Hierarchy of Needs:
Love / Belonging
personality: see big mind and tarot
also related to identity but less permanent.
posture: put your back into it
If I want to master the mind it will help to steady the body so it is energized yet complacent and not distracting the mind with pain or sensation. For the body must learn to listen to the mind as the mind must learn to listen to the spirit to become soul.
Posture plays an important role in this because it seems like ideal positions for concentration are upright and still.
See book four
Lower back seems to need the most attention currently
There is a part of me that has to work, a part that wants to work, a part that doesn't want to work and a part that is indifferently witnessing the other parts
Purpose: see purpose section in YODW
Supreme works of meetups, site, coaching, and eventually living and learning center. Hub for evolution.
meetups, life coaching, training, teaching, internet identity, being, doing, is. site.
supreme knowledge, divine love,
use everything as a motivator towards my purpose. it must be the one thing to be had.
relationships and dating:
Perhaps the secret of relationships is to give without desire for return. For how does desire and ego normally affect this interaction.
When looking at others see their heart beating
Being high frequency for others can be hard but it's not for me, it's a gift
Other people's love is indication of their capacity to love me but also their capacity to love themselves
tell me about yourself?
Talking to a pretty girl is easy when you care less
Giving may be an instant dopamine rush for the receiver? Fuck
Everyone is completely selfish, though some have a quite expanded sense of identify.
it seems like relationships and identity are going to be related in the manner that how you relate to something is based on how many of the 3 primary perspectives towards it one has, ie does it exist? what is ones relationship to it? how is one it? why does one love it?
Other people's love is indication of their capacity to love me but also their capacity to love themselves
To hold on to a bill when handing it to a cashier may not be funny or show my wisdom it shows instead my lack of timidness and relative status
I don't like it when the girl is infatuated with me
Intentions I would like to stop seeing women as objects or just appreciating a beautiful face our body
references: (personal and others)
see references in attribute section.
References: / Anchor Material - Happy / Joyful / Ecstatic / Power -
personal resume
- cute Indian girl that was working at star bucks starting talking with me as I was buying my energy drink and she said I didn't
- Went to LCBO and talked to like three girls and complimented them on their beauty (courage)
- Anthony says I'm a fucking amazing life coach. (Quality service)
- Tony says I have the mind of a zen master
- Karen says she loves me more then anyone in the world, and I know this is true
- summoned Nana with my finger
- asked for that sexy girls number at York and got it
- I have a beautiful mind and experience Peak realizations often.
- I definitely want to help people and upgrading phones and giving people better deals is helping them
- I can dance freely cause it's so dope I don't give a fuck what people think, the power of surrender and vulnerability
- older guy asked if I can help him with cameras and I told him no Justin's the camera expert but that I could help him with phones no problem
- complimented a cute girl on her shirt/ sweater
- note it's much easier then complimenting her face
- complimented cute Asian girl working at miss fields in square one
- nude modeling
- approached a cute girl in mall and asked to sit down with her.
- asking someone for help with a gay persona
- act like a monkey in front of a cute Asian
- asked for directions while studdering profusely
- went 21 days on the Nofap challenge
- said: 'hello welcome to target mobile my name is jay how are you doing today?' While Josip was around
- I've disciplined my life before and I can do it again
- could of tapped this girl Andrea that came into work
- when i know a girl is taken its so much easier to Mack cause i can do it fearlessly.
- was eye fucked like crazy at the move and felt confidence in a certain way.
- I coach myself, Tony, Tam, Karen and Nana
- word smith
- great with math
- Life Coaching Karen and Tony and having them both appreciate so deeply by perspective. - insane coaching with Tony with emotional embodiment release of anger and big mind
- when I told karen you want both. When I send my energy and ethusiasm to both. I can shine and heal with love.
- excited Book Shopping for potential knowledge at the seekers bookstore, coming across the ken wilber section.
- taking XTC and having to moan to handle all the amazingness.
- first handstand pushup in Australia
- Ayahuasca visions of quadratic dimensions
- integral study sesh visions
- life is an absolute miracle on mushrooms
- meditative states - kelowna
- Completed vipassana
- meditating in Vancouver on granville feeling like Jesus
- the sheer ecstasy of seeing the level 10 green goddess
- limb chopping game with karen on lava in vancouver and india
- being high on weed brownies with karen at the india subway station
- listening to tunes wasted in the basement
- listening to necro high as fuck laying in my old bed
- peak states from reading celestine prophecy in the basement
- peak state from reading sleep and dream yoga on the computer in the office
- my ninja room / cake / limitless pill lucid dream
- fly / space / battle energy blast lucid dream
- rancourous monster destruction lucid dream
- waking up to play ultima online and check macro development
- coming out of dispair on LSD with Nana pulling me out with book of the dead prayers
- the carronball room in india
- massaging cares thighs and eating w nana
- sex w karen @ forks of the credit
- jumping @ the barn and clearing my chest
- getting paid for integral meetups
- doing free life coaching and the lovely lady having wicked realizations
- eating karens strawberry shortcake - stops wars
- stanley park with karen and horatio
Skip, crack back, YES!
Or finger snap swipe
Learnt about IUD, life is a miracle
Did crow to handstand push-up
Caught the bee in one swipe
When I did 55 push-ups
Message from anthony
[6/01/2013 7:50:31 PM] Anthony: Brother, did you end up going to TO?
[6/01/2013 9:33:09 PM] Anthony: BRO, just thought I'd let you know that I feel priveledged to have met you. You are a precious human being and you ground me in my search for higher truth, goodness, and beauty. Thank you for existing. We walk an extraordinary path. We are novel occurrences in the history of humankind as we know it, and we will lead others into the highest reaches of themselves. Bless you nigga
- Life Coaching Karen and Tony and having them both appreciate so deeply by perspective.
when I told karen you want both. When I send my energy and ethusiasm to both. I can shine and heal with love.
- excited Book Shopping for potential knowledge at the seekers bookstore, coming across the ken wilber section.
- taking XTC and having to moan to handle all the amazingness.
- first handstand pushup in Australia
- ayahuasca visions of quadratic dimensions
- integral study sesh visions
- meditative states - kelowna
- meditating in Vancouver on granville feeling like jesus
- summoning nana with the finger gesture
- the sheer ecstasy of seeing the level 10 green goddess
- limb chopping game with karen on lava in vancouver and india
- being high on weed brownies with karen at the india subway station
- listening to tunes wasted in the basement
- listening to necro high as fuck laying in my old bed
- peak states from reading celestine prophecy in the basement
- peak state from reading sleep and dream yoga on the computer in the office
- my ninja room / cake / limitless pill lucid dream
- fly / space / battle energy blast lucid dream
- rancourous monster destruction lucid dream
- waking up to play ultima online and check macro development
- coming out of dispair on LSD with nana pulling me out with book of the dead prayers
- the carronball room in india
- massaging cares thighs and eating w nana
- sex w karen @ forks of the credit
- jumping @ the barn and clearing my chest
- getting paid for integral meetups
- doing free life coaching and the lovely lady having wicked realizations
- eating karens strawberry shortcake - stops wars
- stanley park with karen and horatio
where are these?
tony says I have the mind of a zen master,

others: behaviour worth contemplating
The guy stacking stones in TO and the pretty woman's reaction
Daiki taught me conversation for the sake of conversation is easy

Rules have a lot of potential for creating change. If you make a rule and implement it then it becomes leverage. For example I cant go to sleep until I meditate regardless of the time.
description: states, everything and nothing. awareness of many parts to see how they interact.
Being with the gross, subtle and casual. Equanimity is needed. Acceptance. To want to change is to resist. Does awareness expand automatically with equanimity?
Why fully believe a thought when thoughts are subject to change under the winds of emotion and often ridged circumstance?
Lucid dream practice.
Walking somewhere you have never been is a spiritual practice because there is no destination in mind, only the moment.
This attribute represents state-stages. Moving from access to the gross, subtle, casual, witness and non-dual states permanently.
subsections of gross (physical), subtle (emotional, mental), casual (identification as all), witness (ground of existance), non-dual (harmony of all states)
ideal:awareness through waking, dreaming and deep sleep.
relationship between awareness and equinamity. is eqinamity a line? will? a part or component of will.
soul:your special unique individual expression potential
your perfect manifestation?
the shadow:
How much do you have and how well do you use it? What is your relationship to time? Do you spend a lot of your time thinking about the past or future? In a positive or negative light?
What is your relationship to the past, present and future? Ideally it seems we must understand the past, be grateful for the present and have hope / plan for the future.
Eternal Recurrenceis a healthy method of relating to the present that I hope to explain further.Also what activity are you doing? A particular injunction? Is how your spending your time your choices or someone elses (such as at work). time management
time in relationship to injunctions, effective use of time
values:(Clare Graves and Don Beck)Axiology(ethics and aesthetics) or (good and beautiful value judgements)
virtues: unsorted positive qualities
wants: (see desire) wants map

aka perspective, or view
willpower: the power to do anything
This I think is the closest relating to the ideal of commitment. Willpower can apply to short-term and long-term but the long-term may often require willpower, as will anything of difficulty.
equanimitys relationship to will.
12 Surya = level 10 will + not a failure
24 Surya = level 20 will + decent life
36 Surya Namaskars = level 35 will + can find love + gift
48 Surya Namaskars = level 50 will + interpersonal success + gift
60 Surya Namaskars = level 65 will(great)+ energy(great) + successful
84 Surya Namaskars = level 75 will(powerful)+ 75 energy(fire) +soul mate + 7 across + living purpose + adept + can sit 1 hour
108 Surya Namaskar = level 85 will(iron) + 85 energy(lightning) + very adept + can sit 2 hours
168 Surya Namaskars = level 90 will (steel) + 90 energy (spirit) + mastery + can sit 3 hours
216 Surya Namaskars = level 95 + grandmastery
432 Surya Namaskars = level 98
1008 Surya Namaskars = Level 100 = Integral Perfection
development in early stages has minimal rewards in comparison to higher levels so thats why it must be easy to level up in early stages with incentives such as new capacities or treats. It grows infinitely sharp in that the highest level is retarded.

Work: we must play our part (purpose)
Brand ambassdor
Think box
Unlocking, repairs, resale, used phones and imported accessories.
Sell phones as means of development, must do my part to take care of them aswell.
Use work as a means of injunction practice
work (yoga of divine works) - see purpose, andway of effective action
Work on injunctions
On ideals of each attribute
Want a job? Befriend a manager.
work x success:
Charm, charisma, positive attitude, overcome challenges, references, belief, knowledge, action, will
work (life coaching)
get one! trade coaching for other skills!
Trade coaching for training
work (meetup)
how much do speed dating events make? create 50 such events. do them for free to gather people!
work (teaching)
everything I teach is just an opportunity to teach integral. YEE! Especially asana's to teach Raja yoga to teach integral
work (business)
3d printing? hiring someone else who has a 3d printer
getting a line of credit and paying someone 10-20 per hour to work on my book? ie 500-5000 hours of man labour :O
shesha bar with adeel
7across with tam and tony

see also :::

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
if the page you visited was empty, it may be noted and I will try to fill it out. cheers

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my psychograph




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authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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last updated: 2022-05-07 06:16:11
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