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object:list of philosophers
subject class:Philosophy

Aenesidemus, (1st century BC)
Agastya,(c.1000 BCE)
Alcibiades, (c. 450-404 BC)
Alcmaeon of Croton, (5th century BC)
Anacharsis, (6th century BC)
Anaxagoras, (died 462 BC)*
Anaxarchus, (fl. 340 BC)
Anaxilaus, (1st century BC)
Anaximander, (c. 610-c. 546 BC)
Anaximenes of Miletus, (585-525 BC)
Andronicus of Rhodes, (c. 70 BC)
Angiras, (c. 11th century BC)
Anniceris, (fl. 300 BC)
Akspada Gautama,(8th century bc)
Antiochus of Ascalon, (c. 130-68 BC)
Antiphon, (480-403 BC)
Antisthenes, (c. 444-365 BC)
Arcesilaus, (316-241 BC)
Archimedes, (d. 212 BC)
Archytas, (428-347 BC)
Aristippus the Elder of Cyrene, (c. 435-366 BC)
Aristo of Chios, (fl. 250 BC)
Aristotle, (384 BC-322 BC)
Aristoxenus, (4th century BC)
Asclepiades of Bithynia, (129-40 BC)
Ashvapati, (c. 1000 BC)
Ashtavakra, (c. 1000 BC)
Titus Pomponius Atticus, (110-32 BC)
Bdaryaa, (c. 3rd century BC)
Blossius, (2nd century BC)
Gautama Buddha, (6th century BC)
Callicles, (late 5th century BC)
Carneades, (c. 214-129 BC)
Crvka, (c. 200-150 BC)
Cebes of Thebes, (5th century BC)
Chaerephon, (c. 460-c. 400 BC)
Chanakya (or Kautilya) (321-296 BC)
Chao Cuo (c. 200-154 BC)
Chia Yi (or Jia Yi or Chia I), (201-169 BC)
Chrysippus, (279-207 BC)
Cicero, (106 BC-43 BC)
Cleanthes, (301-232 BC)
Cleobulus, (fl. 560 BC)
Clitomachus, (187-109 BC)
Confucius, (551 BC-479 BC)
Crantor, (4th century BC)
Crates of Thebes, (4th century BC)
Cratylus of Athens, (c. 400 BC)
Democritus, (born 460 BC)
Dirghatamas (14th century BCE)
Deng Xi (501 BC)
Diagoras, (5th century BC)
Dandamis (4th Century BCE)
Diodorus Cronus, (3rd century BC)
Diogenes Apolloniates, (c. 460 BC)
Diogenes the Cynic of Sinope, (412-323 BC)
Dong Zhongshu (or Tung Chung-shu), (c. 176-c. 104 BC)
Ellopion of Peparethus, (4th century BC)
Empedocles, (490 BC-430 BC)
Epicharmus, (c. 540-450 BC)
Epicurus, (341 BC-270 BC)
Epimenides, (6th century BC)
Eubulides of Miletus, (4th century BC)
Euclid of Alexandria, (c. 323-283 BC)
Euclid of Megara, (c. 400 BC)
Eudoxus of Cnidus, (410 or 408 BC-355 or 347 BC)
Gaozi, (c. 420 BC)
Gautama, Aksapada, (c. 2nd century BC)
Gautama, Siddhartha (or Buddha), (ca. 563-483 BC)
Gargi Vachaknavi (8th century BCE)
Geminus, (c. 110-c. 40 BC)
Gongsun Longzi, (c. 300 BC)
Ghosha (8th century BCE)
Gorgias, (c. 483-375 BC)
Guan Zhong (or Kuan Tzu or Kwan Chung or Guanzi) (740-645 BC)
Han Feizi, (d. 233 BC)
Hecato of Rhodes, (135-50 BC)
Hegesias of Cyrene, (c. 300 BC)
Heraclides Ponticus, (387-312 BC)
Heraclitus of Ephesus, (ca. 535-475 BC)
Hicetas, (400-335 BC)
Hipparchia of Maroneia, (4th century BC)
Hippasus, (c. 500 BC)
Hippias, (5th century BC)
Hippocrates, (460-380 BC)c]
Hsu Hsing, (c. 300 BC)
Huai Nun Tzu (or Huainanzi or Liu An), (179-122 BC)
Hui Shi, (4th century BC)
Isocrates, (436-338 BC)
Jaimini, (c. 3rd century BC)
Kapila, (c. 6th century BC)
Kanada, (c. 2nd century BC)
Lao Zi (or Lao Tzu), (4th century BC)
Leucippus, (5th century BC)
Li Kui (455 BC-395 BC)
Li Si, (c. 280-208 BC)
Liezi (or Lieh Tzu), (c. 440 BC-c. 360 BC)c]
Lu Ban (507-440 BC)
Lucretius, (c. 99-55 BC)
Mahavira, (599-527 BC)
Makkhali Gosala ,(6th century BC)
Melissus of Samos, (late 5th century BC)
Mencius (or Meng K'o or Meng-tzu or Mengzi), (372-289 BC)
Markandeya , (c.1000BCE)
Menedemus, (c. 350-278 BC)
Maitreyi (8th century BCE)
Metrocles, (c. 300 BC)
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the elder), (5th century BC)
Metrodorus of Chios, (4th century BC)
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the younger), (331-278 BC)
Metrodorus of Stratonicea, (late 2nd century BC)
Mozi (or Mo Tzu, or Mo Ti, or Micius), (c. 470-c. 390 BC)
Nagasena (born 150 BC)
Ostanes, Iranian alchemist mage
Parshvanatha,(8th century BC)
Panaetius, (c. 185-c. 110 BC)
Pini, (c. 600-500 BC)
Parashara (c.1200 BCE)
Parmenides, (5th century BC)
Pacaikha (6th century BCE)
Parshva, (c. 877-777 BC)
Patajali, (2nd century BC)
Payasi (6th century BCE)
Pippalada,(6th Century BC)
Pherecydes of Syros, (6th century BC)
Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, (20 BC-AD 40)
Philo of Larissa, (1st century BC)*
Philo the Dialectician, (c. 300 BC)
Philodemus of Gadara, (1st century BC)*
Philolaus of Croton, (c. 480-c. 405 BC)
Pingala, (c. 4th century BC)
Plato, (c. 427 BC-c. 347 BC)
Polyaenus of Lampsacus, (died 278 BC)
Posidonius, (c. 135-51 BC)
Prodicus, (c. 450-399 BC)
Protagoras, (c. 481-420 BC)
Purana Kassapa (6th century BCE)
Pakudha Kaccayana (6th century BCE)
Pyrrho, (c. 360-c. 270 BC)
Pythagoras, (c. 570 BC- c. 495 BC)
riputra (6th century BCE)
Seneca the Younger, (c. 4 BC-AD 65)
Shang Yang (or Gongsun Yang), (d. 338 BC)
Shvetaketu,(9th century BCE)
Shen Buhai, (d. 337 BC)
Shen Dao (or Shen Tzu), (c. 350-275 BC)
Shvetashvatara, (c. 4th century BC)
Socrates, (470 BC-399 BC)
Solomon, (970-931 BC)
Shukracharya (8th century BCE)
Speusippus, (410-339 BC)
Stilpo, (380-330 BC)
Strato of Lampsacus, (c. 340-c. 268 BC)
Sun Tzu, (4th century BC)
Sung Hsing (or Sung Tzu), (360-290 BC)
Su Qin (380-284 BC)
Thales, (c. 635 BC-543 BC)
Theodorus of Cyrene, (c. 340-c. 250 BC)
Theophrastus, (372-287 BC)
Thrasymachus, (5th century BC)
Thucydides, (c. 460-c. 400 BC)
Timaeus of Locri, (5th century BC)
Timon of Phlius, (c. 300 BC)
Tiruvalluvar, (c. 1st century BC-2nd century CE)
Uddalaka Aruni (c. 1000 BC)
Vasishtha (12th century BCE)
Xenocrates, (396-314 BC)
Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)
Xenophon, (427-355 BC)
Xun Zi (or Hsun Tzu), (c. 310-237 BC)*
Xu Xing
Yajnavalkya, (fl. c. 7th century BC)
Yang Chu, (370-319 BC)
Yang Xiong (or Yang Hsiung) (53 BC-AD 18)
Zengzi (505 BC-436 BC)
Zeno of Citium (333 BC-264 BC)
Zeno of Elea (c. 495 BC-c. 430 BC)
Zeno of Sidon (1st century BC)
Zeno of Tarsus (3rd century BC)
Zhang Yi (c. 329-309 BC)
Zhuang Zi (or Chuang Tzu or Chuang Chou), (c. 300 BC)
Zichan (522 BC)
Zisi (c. 481-402 BC)
Zou Yan (3rd century BC)

Abbo of Fleury, (c. 950 - 1004)
Abd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmad, (c. 935 - 1025)
Abhinavagupta, (fl. c. 975 - 1025)
Ab anfa, (c. 699 - 767)
Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi, (787 - 886)
Abu Tammam, (859 - 937/947)
Abu Zayd al-Balkhi, (c. 850 - 934)
Adi Shankara, (c. 788 - 820)
Aedesius, (died 355)
Agrippa the Sceptic, (1st/2nd century)
Albinus, (c. 130)
Alcinous, (2nd century)
Alcuin, (c. 740 - 804)
Alexander of Aphrodisias, (2nd century)
Alhazen (or Ibn al-Haytham), (965 - c. 1040)
Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi, (died c. 982)
Ab al-Al al-Maarr (December 973 - May 1057 CE)
Ambrose, (c. 340 - 397)
Abu'l Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-'Amiri, (died 992)
Ammonius Hermiae, (5th century)
Ammonius Saccas, (3rd century)
Anandavardhana, (820 - 890)
Apollonius of Tyana, (2 - 98)
Apuleius, (c. 123 - c. 180)
Aristides, (fl. 2nd century)
Arius, (256 - 336)
Al-Ash'ari, (874 - 936)
Asanga, (c. 4th century)
Aspasius, (c. 100 - 150)
Athanasius of Alexandria, (298 - 373)
Augustine of Hippo, (354 - 430)
Marcus Aurelius, (121 - 180)
Avicenna (or Ibn Sina), (980 - 1037)
Al-Baqillani (died 1013)
Basilides, (c. 117 - 138)
Bede (672/3-735)
Bhartrhari, (5th century)
Bodhidharma, (c. 440 - 528)
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, (480 - 524 or 525)
Buddhaghosa, (5th century)
Burchard of Worms (c. 950 - 1025)
Calcidius, (4th century)
Candidus Wizo, (fl. 793 - 803)
Candrakirti, (born c. 600)
Cebes of Cyzicus, (2nd century)
Celsus of Alexandria, (2nd century)
Candrakirti, (7th century)
Cheng Hsuan (or Zheng Xuan), (127 - 200)
Chih Tun (or Zhi Dun), (314 - 366)
Chrysanthius, (4th century)
Clement of Alexandria, (2nd - 3rd century)
Cleomedes, (2nd century)
Cyril of Alexandria, (376 - 444)
Damascius, (c. 462 - 540)
David the Invincible, (late 6th century)
David ibn Merwan al-Mukkamas, (9th century)
Dawud ibn Khalaf, (815/8 - 874)
Demetrius the Cynic, (1st century)
Dharmakirti, (c. 7th century)
Dignaga, (c. 480 - c. 540)
Diogenes Lartius, (3rd century)
Diogenes of Oenoanda, (2nd century)
Dunash ibn Tamim, (10th century)
Elias, (6th century)
Epictetus, (55 - c. 135)
Johannes Scotus Eriugena, (c. 800 - c. 880)
Eusebius of Caesarea, (264-339)
Al-Farabi, (870 - 950)
Favorinus, (c. 80 - c. 150)
Fazang (or Fa-Tsang), (643 - 712)
Fridugisus, (9th century)
Fulbert of Chartres, (c. 960 - 1028)
Gaius Musonius Rufus, (110 - 180)
Galen, (131 - 201)
Gaudapadacharya, (c. 7th century)
Gerbert of Aurillac (or Pope Silvester II), (c. 950 - 1003)
Gottschalk of Orbais, (c. 805 - 868)
Pope Gregory I, (540 - 604)
Gregory of Nyssa, (c. 335 - 398)
Han Yu, (768 - 824)
Heiric of Auxerre, (841 - 876/7)
Hierocles the Stoic, (2nd century)
Himerius, (315 - 386)
Hincmar, (806 - 882)
Ho Yen, (190 - 249)
Hsi K'ang, (223 - 262)
Hunayn ibn Ishaq, (808 - 877)
Hypatia of Alexandria, (370 - 415)
Iamblichus, (c. 245 - c. 325)
Yahya ibn Adi, (893 - 974)
Ibn ar-Rawandi, (c. 910)
Ibn Furak, (c. 941 - 1015)
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, (780-855)
Ibn Hazm, (994 - 1069)
Ibn al-Khammar, (942 - c. 1030)
Ibn Masarra, (883 - 931)
Ibn Miskawayh, (940 - 1030)
Abd-Allh Ibn al-Muqaffa, (c. 720 - c. 756)
Ibn al-Rawandi, (died c. 910)
Ibn al-Tayyib, (died 1043)
Ikhwan al-Safa', (10th century)
Issac Ben Solomon Israeli, (c. 850 - 950)
Isidore of Seville, (c. 560 - 636)
Isvarakrsna, (5th century)
Jbir ibn Hayyn, (died c. 806-816)
Jahm bin Safwan, (died 746)
Jayanta Bhatta, (c. 9th century)
John of Damascus, (c. 676 - 749)
Juan Chi, (210 - 263)
Justinian I, (483 - 565)
Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, (9th/10th century)
Al-Kindi, (801 - 873)
Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani, (died c. 1021)
Ko Hung, (4th century)
Kkai, (774 - 835)
Kumrila Bhaa, (c. 7th century)
Kundakunda, (c. 2nd century)
Kuo Hsiang (or Guoxiang), (c. 312)
Li Ao, (722 - 841)
Linji Yixuan (or Lin Chi), (c. 810 - 867)
Longinus, (1st century)
Cassius Dionysius Longinus, (213 - 273)
Lucian, (c. 120 - c. 180)
Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, (1st century)
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, (fl. c. 430)
Gaius Marius Victorinus, (4th century)
Abu Mansur Maturidi (before 973 - c. 944)
Al-Mawardi, (974 - 1058)
Mazdak, (died c. 526)
Miskawayh, (c. 932 - 1030)
David Ibn Merwan Al-Mukammas (or Daud Ibn Marwan al-Muqammas or David ha-Bavli), (died 937)
Musonius Rufus, (1st century)
Nagarjuna, (c. 200)
Ibrahim an-Nazzam (died 835/45)
Nemesius of Emesa, (fl. c. 400)
Numenius of Apamea, (2nd century)
Olympiodorus the Younger, (495 - 570)
Origen of Alexandria, (c. 182 - c. 251)
Pelagius, (c. 360 - c. 435)
Peter the Iberian, (411 - 491)
Peter of Pisa, (744 - 799)
Joannes Philoponus, (early 6th century)
Philostratus, (2nd - 3rd centuries)
Photios I of Constantinople, (c. 810 - c. 893)78
Plotinus, (died 270)
Mestrius Plutarch of Chaeronia, (c. 45 - c. 120)
Porphyry, (c. 232 - c. 304)
Prabhkara, (c. 7th century)
Proclus, (412 - 487)
Prudentius of Troyes, (died 861)
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, (5th century)
Ptolemy, (c. 85 - c. 165)
Abd al-Karm ibn Hawzin Qushayri, (986 - 1072)
Qusta ibn Luqa, (died 912)
Rabanus Maurus (or Hrabanus Maurus), (c. 783 - 856)
Ratramnus, (died c. 868)
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (or Rhazes), (865-925)
Abu Hatim al-Razi, (died c. 934)
Remigius of Auxerre, (c. 841 - 908)
Saadia Gaon, (892 - 942)
Ahmad ibn al-Tayyib al-Sarakhsi, (c. 835 - 899)
Sedulius Scottus, (fl. 840s - 860s)
Sengzhao, (384 - 414)
Sextus Empiricus, (2nd/3rd century)
Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i, (767 - 819)
Sibawayh, (c. 760 - c. 796)
Siddhasena Divkara, (5th century)
Adi Shankara, (788 - 820)
Abu Sulayman Muhammad al-Sijistani, (c. 932 - c. 1000)
Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani, (10th century)
Simplicius of Cilicia, (early 6th century)
Syrianus, (5th century)
Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, (c. 930 - 1023)
Tertullian, (c. 160 - c. 220)
Thbit ibn Qurra, (c. 830 - 901)
Themistius, (317 - 387)
Theodore Abu-Qurrah, (c. 750 - c. 816)
Udayana, (c. 10th century)
Uddyotakara, (6th century)
Uisang, (625 - 702)
Umsvti or Umasvami, (c. 2nd century)
Vcaspati Mira (c. 9th century)
Valentinius (or Valentinus), (c. 100 - c. 153)
Valluvar (undated; probably c. 300 BCE to 400 CE)
Vasubandhu, (4th century)
Vasugupta, (860 - 925)
Vatsyayana, (5th century)
Walafrid Strabo, (c. 808 - 849)
Wang Bi, (226 - 249)
Wang Ch'ung, (27-97)
Wasil ibn Ata, (700 - 748)
Wonchuk, (613 - 696)
Wonhyo Daisa, (617 - 686)
Zhiyi, (538 - 597)
Zongmi, (780 - 841)

Abner of Burgos (1270-1348)
Adam Parvipontanus (died 1181)
Abraham ben Moses Maimonides (or Abraham ben Maimon; 1186-1237)
Adelard of Bath (12th century)
Ata (982-1054)
Akka Mahadevi (c.1130-1160)
Akshobhya Tirtha (c. 1282- c. 1365)
Alain de Lille (c. 1128 - 1202)
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)
Albert of Saxony (c. 1316 - 1390)
Albertus Magnus (or Albert the Great or Albert of Cologne; c. 1193-1280)
Alexander of Hales (died 1245)
Amalananda (13th century)
Al-Hilli (1250-1325)
Abraham ibn Ezra (1092 or 1093-1167)
Anselm (1034-1109)
Abu al-Hakam al-Kirmani (12th century)
Averroes (or Ibn Rushd; 1126-1198)
Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi (1070-1136)
Abul Maali al-Juwayni (1028-1085)
Bartolus de Saxoferrato (1313-1357)
Bernard of Chartres (died 1130)
Bahya ibn Paquda (1040-1110)
Bhoja (1010-1055)
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
Bernard Silvestris (or Bernard of Tours; 1147-1178)
Basaveshwara (1134-1196)
Basava (1130-1667)
Basil Bessarion (1395-1472)
Blasius of Parma (or Biagio Pelacani da Parma; 1345-1416)
Boetius of Dacia (c. 1240 - c. 1280)
Bonaventure (1221-1274)
Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti (died c. 1280)
Chang Tsai (or Zhang Zai; 1020-1077)
Chakradhar Swami (13th century)
Cheng Hao (or Ch'eng Ming-Tao; 1032-1085)
Cheng Yi (or Ch'eng Yi Chu'an; 1033-1107)
Chou Tun-Yi (or Zhou Dunyi or Chou Lien-Hsi or Zhou Lianxi; 1017-1073)
Christine de Pizan (c. 1365 - c. 1430)
Clarembald of Arras (1110-1187)
David of Dinant (12th century)
Dnyaneshwar (1275-1296)
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dietrich of Freiberg (13th century)
Dominicus Gundissalinus (12th century)
Dogen (also Dogen Zenji or Dgen Kigen; 1200-1253)
Duns Scotus (c. 1266 - 1308)
Durandus of St. Pourain (c. 1275 - 1334)
Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Francis of Marchia (c. 1290 - c. 1344)
Francis of Meyronnes (1285-1328)
Gangea (fl. c. 1325)
Gennadius Scholarius (died c. 1473)
George of Trebizond (1395-1484)
Gangesha Upadhyaya (14th century)
Gerard of Cremona (1114-1187)
Gerard of Odo (or Gerald Odonis; 1290-1349)
Gersonides (or Levi ben Gershon; 1288-1344)
Gilbert of Poitiers (1070-1154)
Giles of Rome (c. 1243 - 1316)
Godfrey of Fontaines (c. 1250 - 1309)
Gregory of Rimini (died 1358)
Henry of Ghent (c. 1217 - 1293)
Henry of Harclay (1270-1317)
Hasdai Crescas (c. 1340 - 1410)
Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghd\aadi (1080-1165)
Hemachandra (1088-1173)
Herman of Carinthia (c. 1100 - c.
Hervaeus Natalis (or Herv Nedellec; 1250-1323)
Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
Hillel ben Samuel of Verona (1220-1295)
Hugh of St Victor (c. 1078 - 1141)
Ibn Arabi (1165-1240)
Ibn Bajjah (also Avempace; died 1138)
Ibn Daud (also Rabad I or Avendauth or John of Spain; 1110-1180)
Ibn Kammuna (1215-1284)
Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)
Ibn Sabin (1217-1268)
Ibn Taymiya (1263-1328)
Ibn Tufail (1110-1185)
Ibn Tzaddik (c. 1149)
Immanuel the Roman (or Immanuel of Rome; c. 1270 - c. 1330)
James of Viterbo (1255-1308)
Jinul (or Chinul; 1158-1210)
Joachim of Fiore (1135-1201)
Jayatirtha (c.1345 - c.1388)
Jan Hus (1369-1415)
John of Jandun (1280-1328)
John of La Rochelle (1190-1245)
johannes Capreolus (1380-1444)
Jean Buridan (1300-1358)
John of Mirecourt (c. 1345)
John of Paris (1260-1306)
Jean Gerson (1363-1429)
John of Salisbury (c. 1115 - 1180)
Judah ben Moses of Rome (or Judah Romano; 1292-1330)
Judah Ben Samuel of Regensburg (c. 1200)
Khana (12th century)
Kavindra Tirtha (c. 1333 - c.1398)
Lu Hsiang-shan (or Lu Xiangshan, also Lu Chiu-yuan or Tzu-ching or Ts'un-chai; 1139-1193)
Shri Madhvacharya (1238-1317)
Moses Maimonides (also Rambam; 1135-1204)
Marsilius of Inghen (1330-1396)
Madhava Tirtha (died 1350)
Manuel Chrysoloras (c. 1355 - 1415)
Moses ibn Ezra (1070-1138)
Mahapurna (12th century)
Meister Eckhart (1260-1327 or 1328)
Mamaidev (12th century)
Marsilius of Padua (or Marsiglio or Marsilio dei Mainardine; 1270-1342)
Matthew of Aquasparta (1238-1302)
Moses Nahmanides (1194-1270)
Narayana Panditacharya (c. 1290 - c. 1370)
Moses Narboni (c. 1300 - c. 1362)
Narahari Tirtha (c. 1243 - c. 1333)
Alexander Neckham (1157-1217)
Naropa (12th century)
Nichiren (1222-1282)
Nimbarkacharya (1130 - .1200)
Nicholas of Autrecourt (c. 1300 - 1369)
Nimbarka (c. 13th century)
William of Ockham (c. 1285-1349)
Peter Olivi (1248-1298)
Nicole Oresme (1320-1382)
Omar Khayym (1048-1131)
Paul of Venice (1369-1429)
John Peckham (died 1292)
Peter Aureol (c. 1280 - 1322)
Pierre d'Ailly (1350-1420)
Profiat Duran (also Efodi or Isaac ben Moses Levi) (c. 1349 - c. 1414)
Pietro d'Abano (c. 1250 - 1316)
Pietro Damiani (c. 1007 - 1072)
Peter Lombard (c. 1100 - 1160)
Prabhcandra (11th century)
Peter of Auvergne (13th century)
Peter of Spain (usually identified with Pope John XXI; 13th century)
Petrarch (1304-1374)
Joane Petrizi (12th century)
Pillai Lokacharya (1205-1311)
Padmanabha Tirtha (died 1324)
Philip the Chancellor (1160-1236)
George Gemistos Plethon (c. 1355 - 1452)
Isaac Polgar (early 14th century)
Michael Psellus (11th century)
Ramanuja (1017-1137)
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149-1209)
Roger Bacon (1214-1294)
Robert Alyngton (died 1398)
Roger Marston (1235-1303)
Richard Kilvington (or Richard Chillington; 1302-1361)
Robert Kilwardby (1215-1279)
Ramon Llull (1235-1315)
Richard of Middleton (c. 1249 - 1306)
Ratnakrti (11th century )
Robert Holcot (1290-1349)
Radulphus Brito (c. 1270 - c. 1320)
Robert Grosseteste (or Robert of Lincoln or Robert Greathead; 1175-1253)
Richard of St. Victor (died 1173)
Richard Rufus (or Richard of Cornwall or Richardus Sophista; 1231-1259)
Roscelin of Compigne (c. 1050 - c. 1120)
Jan van Ruysbroek (1293-1381)
Richard Brinkley (fl. 1350-1373)
Shao Yung (1011-1077)
Shinran (1173-1261)
Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021-1058)
Shem Tob Ibn Falaquera (1223-1290)
Someshvara III (1127 - 1138 CE)
Siddheshwar (12th century)
Samuel Ibn Tibbon (c. 1165 - 1232)
Simeon ben Zemah Duran (also Rashbaz) (1361-1444)
Sigerus of Brabant (1240-1284)
Simon of Faversham (c. 1260-1306)
Henry Suso (1300-1366)
Johannes Tauler (c. 1300 - 1361)
Thierry of Chartres (fl. c. 1130 - 1150)
Thomas Kempis (1380-1471)
Theodore Metochita (died 1332)
Thomas of Erfurt (14th century)
Thomas Bradwardine (c. 1290 - 1349)
Trivikrama Panditacharya (c.1258 - c.1320)
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Thomas of York (13th century)
Je Tsongkhapa (or Dzongkaba or Rinpoche; 1357-1419)
Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-1274)
Ubertino of Casale (1259 - c. 1328)
Udayana (11th century)
Ulrich of Strasbourg (1220-1277)
Urso of Calabria (died c. 1225)
Mdhava Vidyranya, (c. 1268-1386)
Vedanta Desika (1268-1369)
Vincent of Beauvais (c. 1190 - c. 1264)
Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)
Vidyaranya (1296-1391)
Vedanta Desika (1268-1369)
Vital Du Four (1260-1327)
Vishnu Tirtha (13th century)
Walter of Bruges (c. 1225 - 1307)
Walter Hilton (c. 1343 - 1396)
Walter of Mortagne (c. 1100 - 1174)
William of Alnwick (1270-1333)
William of Heytesbury (or Hentisberus or Hentisberi or Tisberi; 1313-1373)
William Crathorn (14th century)
William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris (1180-1249)
William of Auxerre (died 1231)
Walter Chatton (1290-1343)
William of Champeaux (c. 1070 - 1121)
William of Conches (c. 1080 - 1154)
William of Durham (died 1249)
William of Falgar (died 1297/8)
William Hothum (c. 1245 - 1298)
William de la Mare (fl. 1270s)
William of Lucca (died 1178)
William of Macclesfield (died 1303)
William of Moerbeke (c. 1215 - 1286)
William of Nottingham I (died 1254)
William of Nottingham II (c. 1282 - 1336)
William of Pagula (c. 1290 - c. 1332)
William Perault (c. 1200 - 1261)
William Peter Godin (c. 1260 - 1336)
William of Saint-Amour (c. 1200 - 1272)
William of St-Thierry (c. 1080 - c. 1148)
William of Sherwood (also Shyreswood &c.; 1190-1249)
William of Soissons (12th century)
William of Ware (fl. 1290-1305)
Witelo (c. 1230 - c. 1290)
Adam de Wodeham (1298-1358)
John Wyclif (c. 1330 - 1384)
Walter Burley (c. 1275 - c. 1345)
Yadava Prakaasa (12th century)
Yehuda Halevi (c. 1085 - 1141)
Zeami Motokiyo (c. 1363 - c. 1443)
Zhu Xi (or Chu Hsi) (1130-1200)

Isaac ben Judah Abravanel, (1437-1508)
Judah ben Isaac Abravanel, (c. 1460-c. 1535)
Alessandro Achillini, (1463-1512)
Uriel Acosta, (1585-1640)
Rodolphus Agricola, (1443-1485)
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, (1436-1535)
Leone Battista Alberti, (1404-1472)
Yohanan ben Isaac Alemanno, (1433-1504)
Isaac ben Moses Arama, (1420-1494)
Jacobus Arminius, (1560-1609)
Francis Bacon, (1561-1626)
Domingo Bez, (1528-1604)
Sebastiano Basso, (16th century)
Gabriel Biel, (1425-1495)
Jean Bodin, (1530-1596)
Jakob Bhme, (1575-1624)
Giovanni Botero, (c. 1544-1617)
Giordano Bruno, (1548-1600)
Thomas Cajetan, (1469-1534)
John Calvin, (1509-1564)
Tommaso Campanella, (1568-1639)
Gerolamo Cardano, (1501-1576)
Andrea Cesalpino, (1519-1603)
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, (1486–1534)
Pierre Charron, (1541-1603)
John Comenius, (1592-1670)
Nicolaus Copernicus, (1473-1543)
Johannes Crellius, (1590-1633)
Cesare Cremonini, (1550-1631)
Jalal al-Din al-Dawani, (1426-1502)
Elijah Delmedigo, (1460-1497)
Joseph Solomon Delmedigo, (1484-1558)
Denys the Carthusian (or Denys de Leeuwis), (1402-1471)
Ren Descartes, (1596-1650)
Guillaume du Vair, (1556-1621)
Desiderius Erasmus, (1466-1536)
Marsilio Ficino, (1433-1499)
Robert Filmer, (1588-1653)
Robert Fludd, (1574-1637)
Pedro da Fonseca, (1528-1599)
Fujiwara Seika, (1561-1619)
Galileo Galilei, (1564-1642)
Pierre Gassendi, (1592-1655)
Rudolph Goclenius, (1547-1628)
Wawrzyniec Grzymala Goslicki (1530-1607)
Hugo Grotius, (1583-1645)
Henricus Regius, (1598-1679)
Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, (1583-1648)
Abraham Cohen de Herrera (or Alonso Nunez de Herrera or Abraham Irira), (1562-1635)
Thomas Hobbes, (1588-1679)
Richard Hooker, (1554-1600)
John of St. Thomas (or Jean Poinsot), (1589-1644)
Joachim Jungius, (1587-1657)
Bartholomus Keckermann, (1571-1609)
Johannes Kepler, (1571-1630)
Isaac La Peyrre, (1596-1676)
Justus Lipsius, (1547-1606)
Martin Luther, (1483-1546)
Niccol Machiavelli, (1469-1527)
John Major (or John Mair), (1467-1550)
Juan de Mariana, (1536-1624)
Jacopo Mazzoni, (1548-1598)
Bartolom de Medina, (1527-1580)
Philipp Melanchthon, (1497-1560)
Marin Mersenne, (1588-1648)
Judah Messer Leon, (c. 1425 - c. 1495)
Mikyo Dorje (or Mi bskyod rdo rje), (1507-1554)
Muhammad Baqir Mir Damad (or Sayyid al-Afadil or Ishraq or Ibn al-Damad), (died 1631)
Luis de Molina, (1535-1600)
Michel de Montaigne, (1533-1592)
Thomas More, (1478-1535)
Mulla Sadra, (1571-1640)
Nicholas of Cusa, (1401-1464)
Agostino Nifo, (1470-1538)
Richard Overton, (c. 1599 - 1664)
Paracelsus, (1493-1541)
Francesco Patrizi da Cherso (or Franciscus Patritius) (1529-1597)
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, (1463-1494)
Pietro Pomponazzi, (1462-1525)
Franois Rabelais, (1493-1553)
Petrus Ramus, (1515-1572)
Raghunatha Siromani, (c. 1477–1547)
Francisco Sanches, (1551-1623)
Julius Caesar Scaliger, (1484-1558)
Michal Sedziwj, (1566-1636)
John Selden, (1584-1654)
Francesco Silvestri (or Francis Sylvester of Ferrara), (1474-1528)
Sosan Hyujong, (1520-1604)
Domingo de Soto, (1494-1560)
Francisco Surez, (1548-1617)
Nicolaus Taurellus, (1547-1606)
Bernardino Telesio, (1509-1588)
Teresa of Avila, (1515-1582)
Francisco Toledo, (1532-1596)
Lorenzo Valla, (1406-1457)
Vallabhacharya, (1479-1531)
Vyasatirtha, (c. 1460–1539)
Lucilio "Giulio Cesare" Vanini, (1585-1619)
Gabriel Vasquez, (1549-1604)
Nicoletto Vernia, (1442-1499)
Francisco de Vitoria, (1492-1546)
Juan Lus Vives, (1492-1540)
Wang Yangming, (1472-1529)
Thomas White, (1593-1676)
Yi Hwang (or Toegye) (1501-1570)
Yi I (or Yi Yulgok or Yi Yi) (1536-1584)
Jacopo Zabarella, (1533-1589)

Firmin Abauzit, (1679-1767)
Yves Marie Andr, (1675-1764)
Antoine Arnauld, (1612-1694)
Mary Astell, (1666-1731)
John Balguy, (1686-1748)
Pierre Bayle, (1647-1706)
Richard Bentley, (1662-1742)
George Berkeley, (1685-1753)
Franois Bernier, (1620-1688)
Hugh Binning, (1627-1653)
Samuel Bold, (1649-1737)
Robert Boyle, (1627-1691)
Peter Browne, (1666-1735)
Thomas Browne, (1605-1682)
Claude Buffier, (1661-1737)
Richard Burthogge, (1638-1704)
Joseph Butler, (1692-1752)
Gershom Carmichael, (c. 1672-1729)
Margaret Cavendish, (1623-1673)
Walter Charleton, (1619-1707)
William Chillingworth, (1602-1644)
Samuel Clarke, (1675-1729)
Johannes Clauberg, (1622-1665)
Catherine Trotter Cockburn, (1679-1749)
Arthur Collier, (1680-1732)
Anthony Collins, (1676-1729)
Lady Anne Finch Conway, (1631-1679)
Geraud de Cordemoy, (1626-1684)
Jean-Pierre de Crousaz, (1663-1750)
Ralph Cudworth, (1617-1688)
Nathaniel Culverwel, (1619-1651)
Richard Cumberland, (c. 1631-1718)
John Theophilus Desaguliers, (1683-1744)
Robert Desgabets, (1610-1678)
Kenelm Digby, (1603-1665)
Humphry Ditton, (1675-1715)
Elisabeth of Bohemia, (1618-1680)
Michelangelo Fardella, (1646-1718)
Franois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fnelon, (1651-1715)
Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, (1657-1757)
Simon Foucher, (1644-1696)
John Gay, (1685-1732)
Arnold Geulincx, (1624-1669)
Joseph Glanvill, (1636-1680)
Baltasar Gracin y Morales, (1601-1658)
Guido Grandi, (1671-1742)
James Harrington, (1611-1677)
Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont, (1614-1698)
Huang Zongxi (or Huang Tsung-hsi), (1610-1695)
Pierre Daniel Huet, (1630-1721)
Francis Hutcheson, (1694-1746)
Christiaan Huygens, (1629-1695)
Ito Jinsai, (1627-1705)
Samuel Johnson, (1649-1703)
Kaibara Ekiken, (1630-1740)
Lord Kames, (1696-1782)
Kumazawa Banzan, (1619-1691)
Louis de La Forge, (1632-1666)
William Law, (1686-1761)
Jean Le Clerc, (1657-1737)
Antoine Le Grand, (1629-1699)
Gottfried Leibniz, (1646-1716)
John Locke, (1632-1704)
Nicolas Malebranche, (1638-1715)
Bernard de Mandeville, (1670-1733)
Damaris Cudworth Masham, (1659-1708)
Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Henry More, (1614-1687)
Isaac Newton, (1642-1727)
John Norris, (1657-1711)
Ogy Sorai, (1666-1728)
Blaise Pascal, (1623-1662)
Robert Joseph Pothier, (1699-1772)
Samuel Pufendorf, (1632-1694)
John Ray, (1627-1705)
Pierre-Sylvain Regis, (1632-1707)
Hermann Samuel Reimarus, (1694-1768)
Jacques Rohault, (1617-1672)
Anna Maria van Schurman, (1607-1678)
John Sergeant, (1623-1704)
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, (1671-1713)
Baruch Spinoza, (1632-1677)
James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount Stair, (1619-1695)
Edward Stillingfleet, (1635-1699)
Gabrielle Suchon, (1631-1703)
Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688-1772)
Algernon Sydney, (1623-1683)
Christian Thomasius, (1655-1728)
Matthew Tindal, (1657-1733)
John Toland, (1670-1722)
Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, (1651-1708)
Giambattista Vico, (1668-1744)
Voltaire, (1694-1778)
Wang Fuzhi (or Wang Fu-Chih or Wang Chuanshan), (1619-1692)
Benjamin Whichcote, (1609-1683)
Gerrard Winstanley, (1609-1676)
Christian Wolff, (1679-1754)
William Wollaston, (1659-1724)
Yen Yuan (1635-1704)

Jacob Friedrich von Abel, (1751-1829)
John Abercrombie, (1780-1844)
Johann Heinrich Abicht, (1762-1816)
John Adams, (1735-1826)
Francesco Algarotti, (1712-1764)
Archibald Alison, (1757-1839)
John Allen, (1771-1843)
Anton Wilhelm Amo, (1703 - c. 1759)
Robert Aspland, (1782-1845)
Georg Anton Friedrich Ast, (1778-1841)
John Austin, (1790-1859)
Pierre Hyacinthe Azais, (1766-1845)
Franz Xaver von Baader, (1765-1841)
Charles Babbage, (1791-1871)
Samuel Bailey, (1791-1870)
Pierre-Simon Ballanche, (1776-1847)
John Ballantyne, (1778-1830)
Christoph Gottfried Bardili, (1761-1808)
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, (1714-1762)
James Beattie, (1735-1803)
Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria, (1738-1794)
Jacob Sigismund Beck, (1761-1840)
Charles Bell, (1774-1842)
Thomas Belsham, (1750-1829)
William Belsham, (1752-1829)
Friedrich Eduard Beneke, (1798-1854)
Jeremy Bentham, (1748-1832)
William Blackstone, (1723-1780)
Hugh Blair, (1718-1800)
William Blake, (1757-1827)
Robert Blakey, (1795-1878)
Bernard Bolzano, (1781-1848)*
Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald, (1754-1840)
Charles Bonnet, (1720-1793)
Rudjer Boscovich, (1711-1787)
David Brewster, (1781-1868)
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, (1755-1826)c]
Benjamin Collins Brodie, (1783-1862)
Henry Brougham, (1778-1868)
Thomas Brown, (1778-1820)
Robert Buchanan, (1786-1873)
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, (1707-1788)
William Burdon, (1764-1818)
Edmund Burke, (1729-1797)
Pierre Jean George Cabanis, (1757-1808)
Thomas Carlyle, (1795-1881)
Petr Iakovlevich Chaadev, (1794-1856)
Heinrich Moritz Chalybus, (1796-1862)
Chang Hsueh-ch'eng (or Zhang Xuecheng), (1738-1801)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (1772-1834)
Auguste Comte, (1798-1857)
tienne Bonnot de Condillac, (1715-1780)
Marquis de Condorcet, (1743-1794)
Benjamin Constant, (1767-1830)
Victor Cousin, (1792-1867)
Johann Ulrich von Cramer, (1706-1772)
Christian August Crusius, (1715-1775)
Jean le Rond d'Alembert, (1717-1783)
Joseph de Maistre, (1753-1821)c]
Emerich de Vattel, (1714-1767)
Denis Diderot, (1713-1784)
milie du Chtelet, (1706-1749)
Johann Augustus Eberhard, (1739-1809)
Jonathan Edwards, (1703-1758)
Adam Ferguson, (1723-1816)
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, (1762-1814)
Immanuel Hermann Fichte, (1797-1879)
David Fordyce, (1711-1751)
Charles Fourier, (1772-1837)
Benjamin Franklin, (1706-1790)
Jakob Friedrich Fries, (1773-1843)
Alexander Gerard, (1728-1795)
Giacinto Sigismondo Gerdil, (1718-1802)
Thomas Gisbourne, (1758-1846)
William Godwin, (1756-1836)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (1749-1832)
George Grote, (1794-1871)
Johann Georg Hamann, (1730-1788)
Sir William Hamilton, (1788-1856)
Renn Dickson Hampden, (1793-1868)
David Hartley, (1705-1757)
Julius Charles Hare, (1795-1855)
Graves Chamney Haughton, (1788-1849)
Laetitia Matilda Hawkins, (1759-1851)
David Ramsay Hay, (1798-1866)
Mary Hays, (1760-1843)
Francis Haywood, (1798-1858)
William Hazlitt, (1778-1830)
G.W.F. Hegel, (1770-1831)
Claude Adrien Helvtius, (1715-1771)
Johann Friedrich Herbart, (1776-1841)
Johann Gottfried Herder, (1744-1803)
John Herschel, (1792-1871)
Samuel Heywood, (1753-1828)
Laurens Perseus Hickok, (1798-1888)
Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm Hinrichs, (1794-1861)
Thomas Hodgskin, (1787-1869)
Josef Hon-Wronski, (1778-1853)
Baron d'Holbach, (1723-1789)
Friedrich Hlderlin, (1770-1843)
John Hoppus, (1789-1875)
Wilhelm von Humboldt, (1767-1835)*
David Hume, (1711-1776)
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, (1743-1819)
Thomas Jefferson, (1743-1826)
Alexander Bryan Johnson, (1786-1867)
Dr. Samuel Johnson, (1709-1784)
Thodore Simon Jouffroy, (1796-1842)
Theophilos Kairis (1784-1853)
Immanuel Kant, (1724-1804)*
Heinrich von Kleist, (1777-1811)
Richard Payne Knight, (1750-1824)
Martin Knutzen, (1713-1751)
Hugo Ko
, (1750-1812)
Karl Christian Friedrich Krause, (1781-1832)
Nachman Krochmal, (1785-1840)
Wilhelm Traugott Krug, (1770-1842)
Julien Offray de La Mettrie, (1709-1751)
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, (1744-1829)c]
Johann Heinrich Lambert, (1728-1777)
Lamennais, (1752-1854)
Pierre-Simon Laplace, (1749-1827)c]
Pierre Laromiguire, (1756-1837)
Giacomo Leopardi, (1798-1837)
Pierre Leroux, (1798-1871)
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, (1729-1781)
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, (1742-1799)
Carl Linnaeus, (1707-1778)
Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, (1709-1785)
Salomon Maimon (or Salomon ben Joshua), (1753-1800)
Maine de Biran, (1766-1824)
Moses Mendelssohn, (1729-1786)
James Mill, (1773-1836)
John Millar, (1735-1801)
Lord Monboddo (or James Burnett), (1714-1799)
Motoori Norinaga, (1730-1801)
Novalis, (1772-1801)
Lorenz Oken, (1779-1851)
Thomas Paine, (1737-1809)
William Paley, (1743-1805)
Thomas Percival, (1740-1804)
Issac de Pinto, (1715-1787)
Richard Price, (1723-1791)
Joseph Priestley, (1733-1804)
Daniel Raymond, (1786-1849)
August Wilhelm Rehberg, (fl. late 18th century)*
Thomas Reid, (1710-1796)
Karl Leonhard Reinhold, (1757-1823)
David Ricardo, (1772-1823)
Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, (1797-1855)
Jean Jacques Rousseau, (1712-1778)
Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760-1825)
Pierre Paul Royer-Collard, (1763-1845)
Mulla Hadi Sabzevari, (1797-1873)
Marquis de Sade, (1740-1814)
Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760-1825)
Friedrich Karl von Savigny, (1779-1861)
Friedrich Schelling, (1775-1852)
Friedrich Schiller, (1759-1805)
Friedrich von Schlegel, (1772-1829)*
Friedrich Schleiermacher, (1768-1834)
Arthur Schopenhauer, (1788-1860)
Gottlob Ernst Schulze, (1761-1833)
Shah Wali Allah (or Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim or Waliullah), (1703-1762)
Lady Mary Shepherd, (1777-1847)
Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart, (1789-1844)
Hryhori Skovoroda, (1722-1794)
Adam Smith, (1723-1790)
Jan Sniadecki, (1756-1830)
Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, (1780-1890)
Anne Louise Germaine de Stal, (1766-1817)
Stanislaw Staszic, (1755-1826)
Dugald Stewart, (1753-1828)
Tai Chen (or Dai Zhen or Tai Tung-Yuan), (1724-1777)
Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, (1736-1807)
William Thompson, (1775-1833)
Tominaga Nakamoto, (1715-1746)
Abraham Tucker, (1705-1774)
Emerich de Vattel, (1714-1767)
Vauvenargues, (1715-1747)
William Whewell, (1794-1866)
John Witherspoon, (1723-1794)
Mary Wollstonecraft, (1759-1797)
Y Cheng-hsieh, (1775-1840)

Muhammad Abduh, (1849-1905)
Robert Adamson, (1852-1902)
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, (1839-1897)
Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, (1890-1963)
Konstantin Sergeyevich Aksakov, (1817-1860)
Samuel Alexander, (1859-1938)
B. R. Ambedkar, (1891-1956)
Henri-Frdric Amiel, (1821-1881)
John Anderson, (1893-1962)
Roberto Ardig, (1828-1920)
Valentin Ferdinandovich Asmus, (1894-1975)
Sri Aurobindo, (1872-1950)
Richard Avenarius, (1843-1896)
Gaston Bachelard, (1884-1962)
Alfred Baeumler, (1887-1968)
Alexander Bain, (1818-1903)c]
Mikhail Bakhtin, (1895-1975)
Mikhail Bakunin, (1814-1876)
James Mark Baldwin, (1861-1934)
Karl Barth, (1886-1968)
Jules Barthlemy-Saint-Hilaire, (1805-1895)
Georges Bataille, (1897-1962)
Bruno Bauer, (1809-1882)
David Baumgardt, (1890-1963)
Oskar Becker, (1889-1964)
Vissarion Belinsky, (1811-1848)
Gustave Belot, (1859-1929)
Julien Benda, (1867-1956)
Walter Benjamin, (1892-1940)
Nikolai Berdyaev, (1874-1948)
Henri Bergson, (1859-1941)
Eduard Bernstein, (1850-1932)
Nathan Birnbaum, (1864-1937)
Brand Blanshard, (1892-1987)c]
Ernst Bloch, (1885-1977)
Maurice Blondel, (1861-1949)
Benjamin Paul Blood, (1832-1919)
Hermann Blumenau, (1819-1899)
George Boas, (1891-1980)
Alexander Bogdanov, (1873-1928)
Niels Bohr, (1885-1962)
Ludwig Boltzmann, (1844-1906)c]
John Elof Boodin, (1869-1950)
George Boole, (1815-1864)*
Bernard Bosanquet, (1848-1923)
Emile Boutroux, (1845-1921)
Oets Kolk Bouwsma, (1898-1978)
Borden Parker Bowne, (1847-1910)
F. H. Bradley, (1846-1924)
Franz Brentano, (1838-1917)
Percy Williams Bridgman, (1882-1961)
Edgar S. Brightman, (1884-1953)c]
C. D. Broad, (1887-1971)
Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer, (1881-1966)
Orestes Brownson, (1803-1876)c]
Constantin Brunner, (1862-1937)
Emil Brunner, (1889-1966)
Leon Brunschvicg, (1869-1944)
James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce, (1838-1922)
Martin Buber, (1878-1965)
Ludwig Bchner, (1824-1899)
Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov, (1871-1944)
Rudolf Bultmann, (1884-1976)
Jacob Burckhardt, (1818-1897)c]
Samuel Butler, (1835-1902)c]
Cai Yuanpei, (1868-1940)
Edward Caird, (1835-1908)
Mary Whiton Calkins, (1863-1930)
Norman Robert Campbell, (1880-1949)
Georg Cantor, (1845-1918)
Pantaleo Carabellese, (1877-1948)
Rudolf Carnap, (1891-1970)*
Lewis Carroll, (1832-1898)
Paul Carus, (1852-1919)
Ernst Cassirer, (1874-1945)
Carlo Cattaneo, (1801-1869)
Emile Auguste Chartier, (1868-1951)
Nikolai Chernyshevsky, (1828-1889)
Ch'ien Mu, (1895-1990)
Leon Chwistek, (1884-1944)
August Cieszkowski, (1814-1894)
William Kingdon Clifford, (1845-1879)c]
Hermann Cohen, (1842-1918)*
R. G. Collingwood, (1889-1943)
Josephus Flavius Cook, (1838-1901)
John Cook Wilson, (1849-1915)c]
Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy, (1877-1947)
Hans Cornelius, (1863-1947)
Antoine Augustin Cournot, (1801-1877)
Louis Couturat, (1868-1914)c]
James Edwin Creighton, (1861-1924)
Benedetto Croce, (1866-1952)
Tadeusz Czezowski, (1889-1981)
Heinrich Czolbe, (1819-1873)
Nikolay Danilevsky (1822-1885)
Charles Darwin, (1809-1882)
Augustus De Morgan, (1806-1871)
Francesco de Sanctis, (1817-1883)
Richard Dedekind, (1831-1916)
Galvano Della Volpe, (1895-1968)
Paul Deussen, (1845-1919)
John Dewey, (1859-1952)
Albert Venn Dicey, (1835-1922)
Wilhelm Dilthey, (1833-1911)
Hugo Dingler, (1881-1954)
Juan Donoso Corts (1809-1853)
Herman Dooyeweerd, (1894-1977)
Fyodor Dostoevsky, (1821-1881)
Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch, (1867-1941)
Emil du Bois-Reymond, (1818-1896)
Curt Ducasse, (1881-1969)
Pierre Duhem, (1861-1916)
Eugen Dhring, (1833-1921)
mile Durkheim, (1858-1917)
Manilal Dwivedi, (1858-1898)
Julius Ebbinghaus, (1885-1981)
Mary Baker Eddy, (1821-1910)
Christian von Ehrenfels, (1856-1932)
Albert Einstein, (1879-1955)
George Eliot, (1819-1880)
Ralph Waldo Emerson, (1803-1882)
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)
Rudolf Christoph Eucken, (1846-1926)
Julius Evola, (1898-1974)
Thome H. Fang, (1899-1976)
Gustav Fechner, (1801-1887)
Feng Youlan, (1895-1990)
Ernest Fenollosa, (1853-1908)
Giuseppe Ferrari, (1812-1876)
James Frederick Ferrier, (1808-1864)
Ludwig Feuerbach, (1804-1872)
Kuno Fischer, (1824-1907)
John Fiske, (1842-1901)
Franciszek Fiszer, (1860-1937)
Robert Flint, (1838-1910)
Pavel Aleksandrovich Florenskii, (1882-1937)
Georges Florovsky, (1893-1979)
Jerome Frank, (1889-1957)
Philipp Frank, (1884-1966)
Semn Liudvigovich Frank (1877-1950)
Gottlob Frege, (1848-1925)
Sigmund Freud, (1856-1939)
Hans Freyer, (1887-1969)
Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov, (1829-1903)
Mahatma Gandhi, (1869-1948)
Rginald Garrigou-Lagrange, (1887-1964)
Nryana Guru, (1856-1928)
Giovanni Gentile, (1875-1944)
Otto von Gierke, (1841-1921)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, (1860-1935)
tienne Gilson, (1884-1978)c]
Asher Ginsberg (or Ahad Ha'am), (1856-1927)
Vincenzo Gioberti, (1801-1852)
Arthur de Gobineau, (1816-1882)
Henry George, (1839-1897)
Antonio Gramsci, (1891-1937)
Thomas Hill Green, (1836-1882)
Kurt Grelling, (1886-1942)
John Grote, (1813-1866)
D. V. Gundappa, (1889-1975)
G. I. Gurdjieff, (1872-1949)
Edmund Gurney, (1847-1888)
Paul Hberlin, (1878-1960)
Ernst Haeckel, (1834-1919)
Axel Hgerstrm, (1868-1939)
Bla Hamvas, (1897-1968)
Eduard Hanslick, (1825-1904)
Friedrich Harms, (1819-1880)
William Torrey Harris, (1835-1909)
Eduard Von Hartmann, (1842-1906)
Nicolai Hartmann, (1882-1950)*
Charles Hartshorne, (1897-2000)
Friedrich Hayek, (1899-1992)
Rudolf Haym, (1821-1901)
Martin Heidegger, (1889-1976)*
Hermann von Helmholtz, (1821-1894)
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, (1857-1894)
Alexander Herzen, (1812-1870)
Moses Hess, (1812-1875)
David Hilbert, (1862-1943)c]
Dietrich von Hildebrand, (1889-1977)
Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse, (1864-1929)c]
William Ernest Hocking, (1873-1966)c]
Shadworth Hodgson, (1832-1912)c]
Eric Hoffer, (1898-1983)c]
Harald Hffding, (1843-1931)c]
Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, (1879-1918)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., (1841-1935)
Max Horkheimer, (1895-1973)
Hsiung Shih-li, (1885-1968)
Hu Shih, (1891-1962)
Elbert Hubbard, (1856-1915)
Edmund Husserl, (1859-1938)
Thomas Henry Huxley, (1825-1895)
Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in, (1883-1954)
Roman Ingarden, (1893-1970)
William Ralph Inge, (1860-1954)
Muhammad Iqbal, (1877-1938)
Henry James Sr., (1811-1882)
William James, (1842-1910)
Alfred Jarry, (1873-1907)
Karl Jaspers, (1883-1969)*
William Stanley Jevons, (1835-1882)*
Rudolf von Jhering, (1818-1892)
Krishnamurti Jiddu, (1895-1986)
C.E.M. Joad, (1891-1953)
William Ernest Johnson, (1858-1931)c]
Carl Jung, (1875-1961)
Ernst Jnger, (1895-1998)
Kang Youwei, (1858-1927)
Mordecai Kaplan, (1881-1983)
Michael Ivanovich Karinski (1840–1917)
Karl Kautsky, (1854-1938)
Konstantin Kavelin (1818-1885)
Hans Kelsen, (1881-1973)
Norman Kemp Smith, (1872-1958)
John Maynard Keynes, (1883-1946)
Hermann von Keyserling, (1880-1946)
Aleksey Khomyakov (1804-1860)
Sren Kierkegaard, (1813-1855)
Wolfgang Khler, (1887-1967)
Alejandro Korn, (1860-1936)c]
Tadeusz Kotarbiski, (1886-1981)
Alexandre Koyre, (1892-1964)
Karl Kraus, (1874-1936)c]
Jiddu Krishnamurti, (1895-1986)
Leopold Kronecker, (1823-1891)
Richard Kroner, (1884-1974)
Peter Kropotkin, (1842-1921)
Kuki Shz, (1888-1941)
Antonio Labriola, (1843-1904)
Pierre Laffitte, (1823-1903)
Friedrich Albert Lange, (1828-1875)
Susanne Langer, (1895-1985)
Ferdinand Lassalle, (1825-1864)
Peter Lavrovitch Lavrov, (1823-1900)
Moritz Lazarus, (1824-1903)
Edouard Louis Emmanuel Julien Le Roy, (1870-1954)
Vladimir Lenin, (1870-1924)
Konstantin Nikolaevich Leont'ev, (1831-1891)
Jules Lequier, (1814-1862)
Stanisaw Leniewski, (1886-1939)
Lucien Lvy-Bruhl, (1857-1939)c]
George Henry Lewes, (1817-1878)
Kurt Lewin, (1890-1947)
Clarence Irving Lewis, (1883-1964)*
C. S. Lewis, (1898-1963)
John Lewis, (1889-1976)
Liang Qichao (or Liang Ch'i-ch'ao), (1873-1929)
Karol Libelt, (1807-1875)
Israel Lipkin, (1810-1883)*
mile Littr, (1801-1881)
Liu Shaoqi (orLiu Shao-ch'i), (1898-1969)
Karl Nickerson Llywelyn, (1893-1962)
Alain LeRoy Locke, (1886-1954)
Alfred Loisy, (1857-1940)
Jakob Lorber, (1800-1864)
Aleksei Fedorovich Losev, (1893-1988)
Nicholas Onufrievich Lossky, (1870-1965)
Hermann Lotze, (1817-1881)
Arthur O. Lovejoy, (1873-1962)c]
Georg Lukcs, (1885-1971)
Jan ukasiewicz, (1878-1956)
Rosa Luxemburg, (1871-1919)
Ernst Mach, (1838-1916)
John Macmurray, (1891-1976)c]
Philipp Mainlnder, (1841-1876)
Ernst Mally, (1879-1944)
Karl Mannheim, (1893-1947)c]
Henry Longueville Mansel, (1820-1871)
Mao Zedong (or Mao Tse-tung), (1893-1976)
Gabriel Marcel, (1887-1973)
Herbert Marcuse, (1898-1979)
Jacques Maritain, (1882-1973)
Harriet Martineau, (1802-1876)
James Martineau, (1805-1900)c]
Karl Marx, (1818-1883)
Tom Garrigue Masaryk, (1850-1937)
Fritz Mauthner, (1849-1923)
James Clerk Maxwell, (1831-1879)12
James McCosh, (1811-1894)
William McDougall, (1871-1938)
John Ellis McTaggart, (1866-1925)
George Herbert Mead, (1863-1931)
Georg Mehlis, (born 19th century)
Friedrich Meinecke, (1862-1954)
Alexius Meinong, (1853-1920)*
Gregor Mendel, (1822-1884)
Marcelino Menndez y Pelayo, (1856-1912)
Dsir-Joseph Mercier, (1851-1926)
Franklin Merrell-Wolff, (1887-1985)
Emile Meyerson, (1859-1933)
Carlo Michelstaedter, (1887-1910)
Nikolai Konstantinovich Mikhailovskii, (1842-1904)
Miki Kiyoshi, (1897-1945)
John Stuart Mill, (1806-1873)
Ludwig von Mises, (1881-1973)
William Mitchell, (1861-1962)
Dimitrije Mitrinovic, (1887-1953)
W. H. S. Monck (1839-1915)
Maria Montessori (1870-1952)
Addison Webster Moore, (1866-1930)
G. E. Moore, (1873-1958)
Gaetano Mosca, (1858-1941)
John Henry Muirhead, (1855-1940)
Max Mller, (1823-1900)
Paul Gerhard Natorp, (1854-1924)
John Neihardt, (1881-1973)
Leonard Nelson, (1882-1927)
Otto Neurath, (1882-1945)
John Henry Newman, (1801-1890)
H. Richard Niebuhr, (1894-1962)
Reinhold Niebuhr, (1892-1971)
Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900)
Nishi Amane, (1829-1897)
Nishida Kitaro, (1870-1945)
Shalva Nutsubidze, (1888-1969)
Anders Nygren, (1890-1978)
Georges Ohsawa, (1893-1966)
Karl Olivecrona, (1897-1980)
John Wood Oman, (1860-1939)
Jos Ortega y Gasset, (1883-1955)
Rudolf Otto, (1869-1937)
P. D. Ouspensky, (1878-1947)
Vilfredo Pareto, (1848-1923)
Giuseppe Peano, (1858-1932)c]
Benjamin Peirce, (1809-1880)
Charles Sanders Peirce, (1839-1914)
Ralph Barton Perry, (1876-1957)c]
Leon Petrazycki, (1867-1931)
Jean Piaget, (1896-1980)
Max Planck, (1858-1947)
Georgi Plekhanov, (1856-1918)
Konstantin Pobedonostsev, (1827-1907)
Henri Poincar, (1854-1912)
Michael Polanyi, (1891-1976)
Emil Leon Post, (1897-1954)
Roscoe Pound, (1870-1964)
Karl von Prantl, (1820-1888)
Henry Habberley Price, (1899-1984)c]
Harold Arthur Prichard, (1871-1947)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, (1809-1865)
Gustav Radbruch, (1878-1949)
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, (1888-1975)
Hastings Rashdall, (1858-1924)
Felix Ravaisson-Mollien, (1813-1900)
Paul Re, (1849-1901)c]
Wilhelm Reich, (1897-1957)c]
Hans Reichenbach, (1891-1953)
Adolf Reinach, (1883-1917)
Karl Renner, (1870-1950)
Charles Bernard Renouvier, (1815-1903)
I. A. Richards, (1893-1979)
Heinrich Rickert, (1863-1936)*
Bernhard Riemann, (1826-1866)
George Croom Robertson, (1842-1892)
Erwin Rohde, (1845-1898)
Francisco Romero (1891-1962)c]
Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz, (1805-1879)
Franz Rosenzweig, (1886-1929)
Alf Niels Christian Ross, (1899-1979)
William David Ross, (1877-1971)
Josiah Royce, (1865-1916)
Vasily Rozanov, (1856-1919)
Arnold Ruge, (1802-1880)
Bertrand Russell, (1872-1970)
mile Saisset, (1814-1863)
George Santayana, (1863-1952)
Ferdinand de Saussure, (1857-1913)
Max Scheler, (1874-1928)
F. C. S. Schiller, (1864-1937)
Moritz Schlick, (1882-1936)
Carl Schmitt, (1888-1985)
Erwin Schrdinger, (1887-1961)
Joseph Schumpeter, (1883-1950)
Alfred Schtz, (1899-1959)
Albert Schweizer, (1875-1965)
Charles Secrtan, (1815-1895)
Roy Wood Sellars, (1880-1973)c]
Lev Shestov, (1866-1938)
Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, (1879-1937)
Henry Sidgwick, (1838-1900)
Georg Simmel, (1858-1918)
Thoralf Skolem, (1887-1963)
Vladimir Solovyov, (1853-1900)
Georges Sorel, (1847-1922)
William Ritchie Sorley, (1855-1935)
Othmar Spann, (1878-1950)
Herbert Spencer, (1820-1903)
Thomas Spencer Baynes, (1823-1887)
Oswald Spengler, (1880-1936)
Afrikan Spir, (1837-1890)
Lysander Spooner, (1808-1887)
Walter Terence Stace, (1886-1967)
Henry Stanton, (1805-1887)
Olaf Stapledon, (1886-1950)
L. Susan Stebbing, (1885-1943)
Edith Stein, (1891-1942)
Rudolf Steiner, (1861-1925)
Leslie Stephen, (1832-1904)
James Hutchison Stirling, (1820-1909)
Max Stirner, (1806-1856)
George Frederick Stout, (1860-1944)c]
David Friedrich Strauss, (1808-1874)
Leo Strauss, (1899-1973)
Carl Stumpf, (1848-1936)
James Sully, (1842-1923)
Sun Yat-sen, (1866-1925)
Debendranath Tagore, (1817-1905)
Rabindranath Tagore, (1861-1941)
Hippolyte Taine, (1828-1893)
T'an Ssu-t'ung, (1864-1898)
Tanabe Hajime, (1885-1962)
Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz, (1886-1980)
Harriet Taylor Mill, (1807-1858)
Gustav Teichmuller (1837-1888)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (1881-1955)
William Temple, (1881-1944)
Frederick Robert Tennant, (1866-1957)
Henry David Thoreau, (1817-1862)
Paul Tillich, (1886-1965)
Alexis de Tocqueville, (1805-1859)
Leo Tolstoy, (1828-1910)
Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg, (1802-1872)
Ernst Troeltsch, (1865-1923)
Leon Trotsky, (1879-1940)
Benjamin Tucker, (1854-1939)
Kazimierz Twardowski, (1866-1938)
Pietro Ubaldi, (1886-1972)
Hermann Ulrici, (1806-1884)
Miguel de Unamuno, (1864-1936)
Dimitri Uznadze, (1886-1950)
Hans Vaihinger, (1852-1933)
John Veitch, (1829-1894)
John Venn, (1834-1923)
Milan Vidmar, (1885-1962)
Lev Vygotsky, (1896-1934)
Jean Wahl, (1888-1974)
Friedrich Waismann, (1896-1959)
Alfred Russel Wallace, (1823-1913)
James Ward, (1843-1925)
John B. Watson, (1878-1958)c]
Watsuji Tetsuro, (1889-1960)
Max Weber, (1864-1920)*
Otto Weininger, (1880-1903)
Christian Hermann Weisse, (1801-1866)
Victoria, Lady Welby, (1837-1912)
Felix Weltsch, (1884-1964)
Edvard Westermarck, (1862-1939)
Hermann Weyl, (1885-1955)
Alfred North Whitehead, (1861-1947)
Wilhelm Windelband, (1848-1915)*
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, (1885-1939)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, (1889-1951)
Woo Tsin-hang (or Chih-hui), (1865-1953)
Chauncey Wright, (1830-1875)
Dorothy Maud Wrinch, (1894-1976)
Wilhelm Wundt, (1832-1920)*
Peter Wessel Zapffe, (1899-1990)
Eduard Zeller, (1814-1908)
Ernst Zermelo, (1871-1953)
Zhang Dongsun, (1886-1973)
Florian Znaniecki, (1882-1958)
Xavier Zubiri, (1889-1983)

Elisa Aaltola (born 1976)
Richard Aaron (1901-1987)
Nicola Abbagnano (1901-1990)
Bijan Abdolkarimi (born 1963)
Taha Abdurrahman (born 1944)
Miguel Abensour (1939-2017)
Arash Abizadeh
David Abram (born 1957)
Gerd B. Achenbach (born 1947)
Peter Achinstein (born 1935)
Hans Achterhuis (born 1942)
H. B. Acton (1908-1974)
Marilyn McCord Adams (1943-2017)c]
Robert Merrihew Adams (born 1937)c]
Peter Adamson (born 1972)
Mortimer Adler (1902-2001)
Mantas Adomnas (born 1972)
Theodor Adorno (1903-1969)
Sediq Afghan (born 1958)
Michel Aflaq (1910-1989)
Giorgio Agamben (born 1942)
Sylviane Agacinski (born 1945)
Khurshid Ahmad (born 1932)
Timo Airaksinen (born 1947)
Shabbir Akhtar (born 1960)
Lilli Alanen (born 1941)
Rachel Albeck-Gidron (born 1960)
David Albert (born 1954)
Hans Albert (born 1921)
Rogers Albritton (1923-2002)
Linda Martn Alcoff
Virgil Aldrich (1903-1998)
Gerda Alexander (1908-1994)
Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov (1912-1999)
Robert Alexy (born 1945)
Lucy Allais
George James Allan (born 1935)
Anita L. Allen (born 1953)
Diogenes Allen (1932-2013)
William B. Allen (born 1944)
Henry E. Allison (born 1937)
William Alston (1921-2009)c]
Jimmy Altham (born 1944)
Louis Althusser (1918-1990)
Peter Alward (born 1964)
Karl Ameriks (born 1947)
Roger T. Ames (born 1947)
Gnther Anders (1902-1992)
Alan Ross Anderson (1925-1973)c]
C. Anthony Anderson (born 1940)
Elizabeth S. Anderson (born 1959)
John Mueller Anderson (1914-1999)
Pamela Sue Anderson (1955-2017)
R. Lanier Anderson
Judith Andre
Antanas Andrijauskas (born 1948)
Ian Angus (born 1949)
Loreta Anilionyt
Julia Annas (born 1946)
G. E. M. Anscombe (1918-2001)
Dario Antiseri (born 1940)
John P. Anton (1920-2014)
Louise Antony
Karl-Otto Apel (1922-2017)
Kwame Anthony Appiah (born 1954)
Richard Aquila
(born 1932)
Istvn Aranyosi (born 1975)
Reza Davari Ardakani (born 1933)
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Trker Armaner (born 1968)
A. H. Armstrong (1909-1997)
David Malet Armstrong (1926-2014)
John Armstrong (born 1966)
Juan Arnau (born 1968)
Richard Arneson
Nomy Arpaly
Raymond Aron (1905-1983)
Robert Arrington (1938-2015)
Zaki al-Arsuzi (1899-1968)
John Arthur (1946-2007)
Mariano Artigas (1938-2006)
Adil Asadov (born 1958)
Molefi Kete Asante (born 1942)
Karl Aschenbrenner (1911-1988)
Pandurang Shastri Athavale (1920-2003)
Margaret Atherton
Ronald Field Atkinson (1928-2005)
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (born 1931)
Gwenalle Aubry (born 1971)
Robert Audi (born 1941)
Lene Auestad (born 1973)
John Langshaw Austin (1911-1960)
Armen Avanessian (born 1973)
Jeremy Avigad (born 1968)
Francisco J. Ayala (born 1934)
Alfred Jules Ayer (1910-1989)
Michael R. Ayers (born 1935)
Hiroki Azuma (born 1971)
Joxe Azurmendi (born 1941)
Salvino Azzopardi (1931-2006)
Jody Azzouni (born 1954)
Harriet Baber (born 1950)
Babette Babich (born 1956)
Kent Bach (born 1943)
Bronisaw Baczko (1924-2016)
Alain Badiou (born 1937)
Julian Baggini (born 1968)
Archie J. Bahm (1907-1996)
Annette Baier (1929-2012)
Kurt Baier (1917-2010)
Alan Baker
Gordon Park Baker (1938-2002)
Lynne Rudder Baker (1944-2017)
Albena Bakratcheva (born 1961)
Gopal Balakrishnan (born 1966)
Tom Baldwin (born 1947)
tienne Balibar (born 1942)
Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949)
Michael Banner (born 1961)
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (1915-1975)
Dorit Bar-On
Karen Barad (born 1956)
Jos Barata-Moura (born 1948)
Alejandro Brcenas
Sidi Mohamed Barkat (born 1948)
Jason Barker
Stephen F. Barker (1927-2019)
Elizabeth Barnes
Jonathan Barnes (born 1942)c]
Marcia Baron (born 1955)
Eduardo Barrio
Phillip Barron
Brian Barry (1936-2009)c]
Christian Barry
Norman P. Barry (1944-2008)
William Barrett (1913-1992)
Roland Barthes (1915-1980)
Steven James Bartlett (born 1945)
W. W. Bartley III (1934-1990)
Jon Barwise (1942-2000)
Jacques Barzun (1907-2012)
David Basinger
Diderik Batens (born 1944)
David Batstone
Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
Nancy Bauer
Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017)
Francoise Baylis (born 1961)
Jc Beall
Monroe Beardsley (1915-1985)
Jean Beaufret (1907-1982)
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)
Anthony Beavers (born 1963)
William Bechtel (born 1951)
Lewis White Beck (1913-1997)
Gerhold K. Becker (born 1943)
Lawrence C. Becker (1939-2018)
Francis J. Beckwith (born 1960)
Hugo Bedau (1926-2012)
Mark Bedau
Helen Beebee
Hasna Begum (born 1935)
Frederick C. Beiser (born 1949)
John Lane Bell (born 1945)
Shannon Bell (born 1955)
Nuel Belnap (born 1930)c]
Aaron Ben-Ze'ev (born 1949)
Paul Benacerraf (born 1931)
Linos Benakis (born 1928)
Jos Benardete (1928-2016)
Seth Benardete (1930-2001)
David Benatar (born 1966)
Seyla Benhabib (born 1950)
Piers Benn (born 1962)
Jonathan Bennett (born 1930)c]
Geoffrey Bennington (born 1956)
Alain de Benoist (born 1943)
Bruce Ellis Benson (born 1960)
Sergio Benvenuto (born 1948)
Floris van den Berg (born 1973)
Frithjof Bergmann (1930-2021)
Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987)c]
Michael Bergmann (born 1964)
Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997)
Marshall Berman (1940-2013)
Robert Bernasconi (born 1950)
Andrew Bernstein (born 1949)
Jay Bernstein (born 1947)
Mark H. Bernstein
Marcus Berquist (1934-2010)
Peter Anthony Bertocci (1910-1989)
Steven Best (born 1955)
Richard Bett
Mark Bevir (born 1963)
Jean-Yves Bziau (born 1965)
Homi K. Bhabha (born 1949)
Roy Bhaskar (1944-2014)
Vladimir Bibikhin (1938-2004)
Cristina Bicchieri (born 1950)
Jacques Bidet (born 1935)
Jean Bis (1933-2014)
Anat Biletzki (born 1952)
Harry Binswanger (born 1944)
Alexander Bird (born 1964)
Peg Birmingham
Jeffrey Bishop (born 1967)
Frode Alfson Bjrdal (born 1944)
Max Black (1909-1988)c]
Simon Blackburn (born 1944)c]
Russell Blackford (born 1954)
Oliva Blanchette (born 1929)
Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003)
Joseph Leon Blau (1909-1986)
David Blitz
Ned Block (born 1942)c]
Allan Bloom (1930-1992)
Lawrence Blum (born 1943)
Albert Blumberg (1906-1997)
Andy Blunden (born 1945)
Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004)
Chris Bobonich (born 1960)
Susanne Bobzien (born 1960)
Jozef Maria Bochenski (1902-1995)
James Bogen
Paul Boghossian (born 1957)
Peter Boghossian
Gernot Bhme (born 1937)
Hilary Bok (born 1959)
Sissela Bok (born 1934)
Alisa Bokulich
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)
Laurence BonJour (born 1943)
George Boolos (1940-1996)
William James Booth
Michael Bordt (born 1960)
David Bostock (1936-2019)
Nick Bostrom (born 1973)
Alain de Botton (born 1969)
Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)
Jacques Bouveresse (1940-2021)
Richard Boyd (born 1942)
Joseph A. Bracken (born 1930)
Costica Bradatan
Michael Brady (born 1965)
Richard-Bevan Braithwaite (1900-1990)c]
Myles Brand (1942-2009)
Robert Brandom (born 1950)c]
Richard B. Brandt (1910-1997)
Ray Brassier (born 1965)
Michael Bratman (born 1945)
Stephen E. Braude (born 1945)
Jason Brennan (born 1979)
Samantha Brennan
Bill Brewer
Ingo Brigandt
Harry Brighouse
David O. Brink (born 1958)
Luc Brisson (born 1946)
Charles Francis Brittain
Dan W. Brock (born 1937)
Berit Brogaard (born 1970)
Stephen Bronner (born 1949)
Thom Brooks (born 1973)
John Broome (born 1947)
Janet Broughton
Wendy Brown (born 1955)
Kimberley Brownlee (born 1978)
Pascal Bruckner (born 1948)
Robert Brumbaugh (1918-1992)
Brian Bruya (born 1966)
Levi Bryant
Allen Buchanan (born 1948)
Ian Buchanan (born 1969)
Mario Bunge (1919-2020)
Martin Bunzl (born 1948)
Tyler Burge (born 1946)c]
Ronna Burger (born 1947)
J. Peter Burgess (born 1961)
John P. Burgess (born 1948)
John Burnheim (born 1928)
Elizabeth Burns
Myles Burnyeat (1939-2019)c]
David Burrell (born 1933)
Panayot Butchvarov (born 1933)
Judith Butler (born 1956)
Jeremy Butterfield (born 1954)
Victor L. Butterfield (1904-1975)
Stephen Butterfill
Charles Butterworth (born 1938)
Amlcar Cabral (1924-1973)
Julio Cabrera
Cheshire Calhoun
Daniel Callahan (1930-2019)
J. Baird Callicott (born 1941)
John Campbell (born 1956)c]
Albert Camus (1913-1960)
Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995)
John D. Caputo (born 1940)
Peter Carruthers (born 1952)
Alan Carter (born 1952)
Nancy Cartwright (born 1944)c]
Richard Cartwright (1925-2010)
Quassim Cassam (born 1961)
Hector-Neri Castaeda (1924-1991)
Roberto Castillo (1950-2008)
David Castle (born 1967)
Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)
Paola Cavalieri (born 1950)
Stanley Cavell (1926-2018)
Michel de Certeau (1925-1986)
Alan Chalmers (born 1939)
David Chalmers (born 1966)c]
Timothy Chambers
David Charles
Haridas Chaudhuri (1913-1975)
Albert Chernenko (1935-2009)
Roderick Chisholm (1916-1999)
William Chittick (born 1943)
Noam Chomsky (born 1928)
Alonzo Church (1903-1995)
Patricia Churchland (born 1943)
Paul Churchland (born 1942)c]
Frank Cioffi (1928-2012)
Emil Cioran (1911-1995)
Hlne Cixous (born 1937)
Andy Clark (born 1957)
Stephen R. L. Clark (born 1945)
Paul Cliteur (born 1955)
David Cockburn (born 1949)
Alan Code (born 1951)
Gerald Cohen (1941-2009)c]
Joshua Cohen (born 1951)
L. Jonathan Cohen (1923-2006)c]
Lucio Colletti (1924-2001)c]
Robin Collins
Mark Colyvan
Andr Comte-Sponville (born 1952)
Marcel Conche (born 1922)
John M. Cooper (born 1939)
Frederick Copleston (1907-1994)
Jack Copeland (born 1950)
Irving Copi (1917-2002)
Henry Corbin (1903-1978)
David Corfield
Drucilla Cornell (born 1950)
Newton da Costa (born 1929)
John Cottingham (born 1943)
William Lane Craig (born 1949)
Tim Crane (born 1962)
Alice Crary (born 1967)
Richard Creath (born 1947)
Roger Crisp (born 1961)
Ann Cudd
Jean Curthoys (born 1947)
Daniel O. Dahlstrom (born 1948)
Mary Daly (1928-2010)
Jonathan Dancy (born 1946)
Arthur Danto (1924-2013)c]
Lindley Darden (born 1945)
Stephen Darwall (born 1946)
Arnold Davidson (born 1955)
Donald Davidson (1917-2003)
Brian Davies (born 1951)
Martin Davies (born 1950)
Michael Davis (born 1943)
Charles De Koninck (1906-1965)
Paul de Man (1919-1983)
Guy Debord (1931-1994)
Manuel DeLanda (born 1952)
Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995)
Bernard Delfgaauw (1912-1993)
Daniel Dennett (born 1942)
Douglas Den Uyl (born 1950)
Keith DeRose (born 1962)
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
Vincent Descombes (born 1943)
Ronald de Sousa (born 1940)
Michael Detlefsen (1948-2019)
Michael Devitt (born 1938)
Cora Diamond (born 1937)
Zoran ini (1952-2003)
Do-ol (born 1948)
Daniel Dombrowski (born 1953)
Keith Donnellan (1931-2015)
Bradley Dowden (born 1942)
Burton Dreben (1927-1999)
Fred Dretske (1932-2013)c]
Hubert Dreyfus (1929-2017)
Dominique Dubarle (1907-1987)
Aleksandr Dugin (born 1962)
Michael Dummett (1925-2011)
John Dupr (born 1952)
Gerald Dworkin (born 1937)
Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013)
Davor Dalto (born 1980)
Miroslaw Dzielski (1941-1989)
William A. Earle (1919-1988)
John Earman (born 1942)c]
Kenny Easwaran
Umberto Eco (1932-2016)
Dorothy Edgington (born 1941)
James M. Edie (1927-1998)
Paul Edwards (1923-2004)c]
Mircea Eliade (1907-1986)
Ignacio Ellacura (1930-1989)
Brian David Ellis (born 1929)
Jacques Ellul (1912-1994)
Jon Elster (born 1940)c]
Pascal Engel (born 1954)
John Etchemendy (born 1952)
C. Stephen Evans (born 1948)
Gareth Evans (1946-1980)
Stanley Eveling (1925-2008)
Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (1963-2007)
Emil Fackenheim (1916-2003)
Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)
Austin Marsden Farrer (1904-1968)
Andrew Feenberg (born 1943)
Solomon Feferman (1928-2016)
Herbert Feigl (1902-1988)
Joel Feinberg (1926-2004)c]
Fred Feldman (born 1941)
Jos Ferrater Mora (1912-1991)c]
Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)
Hartry Field (born 1946)c]
Arthur Fine (born 1937)
Gail Fine
Kit Fine (born 1946)c]
Bruno de Finetti (1906-1985)c]
John Finnis (born 1940)c]
John Martin Fischer (born 1952)
Branden Fitelson (born 1969)
Owen Flanagan (born 1940)
Richard E. Flathman (1934-2015)
Antony Flew (1923-2010)
Luciano Floridi (born 1964)
Juliet Floyd
Vilm Flusser (1920-1991)
James R. Flynn (born 1934)
Jerry Fodor (1935-2017)
Dagfinn Fllesdal (born 1932)c]
Philippa Foot (1920-2010)c]
Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
Bas van Fraassen (born 1941)
William K. Frankena (1908-1994)c]
Nancy Frankenberry (born 1947)
Harry Frankfurt (born 1929)c]
Oliver Shewell Franks (1905-1992)
Michael Frede (1940-2007)c]
Hans Wilhelm Frei (1922-1988)
Peter A. French (born 1942)
Marilyn Friedman (born 1945)
Michael Friedman (born 1947)
Erich Fromm (1900-1980)
Northrop Frye (1912-1991)
Lon L. Fuller (1902-1978)
Dov Gabbay (born 1945)
Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002)
Raimond Gaita (born 1946)
Shaun Gallagher (born 1948)
Daniel Garber (born 1949)
John Gardner (1965-2019)
Christopher Gauker
David Gauthier (born 1932)c]
Peter Geach (1916-2013)c]
Ernest Gellner (1925-1995)
Tamar Gendler (born 1965)
Gerhard Gentzen (1909-1945)
Alexander George
Robert P. George (born 1955)
Bernard Gert (1934-2011)
Edmund Gettier (1927-2021)c]
Raymond Geuss (born 1948)
Alan Gewirth (1912-2004)c]
Rashid al-Ghannushi (born 1941)
Allan Gibbard (born 1942)c]
Margaret Gilbert (born 1942)
Donald A. Gillies (born 1944)
Neil Gillman (1933-2017)
Ren Girard (1923-2015)
Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917-2010)
Jonathan Glover (born 1941)c]
Clark Glymour (born 1942)
Kurt Gdel (1906-1978)
Peter Godfrey-Smith (born 1965)
Peter Goldie (1946-2011)
Alvin Goldman (born 1938)c]
Lucien Goldmann (1913-1970)
Dan Goldstick
Jacob Golomb
Nicols Gmez Dvila (1913-1994)
Robert E. Goodin (born 1950)
Nelson Goodman (1906-1998)
Paul Goodman (1911-1972)
Lewis Gordon (born 1962)
Paul Gottfried (born 1941)
Allan Gotthelf (1942-2013)
George Grant (1918-1988)
John Gray (born 1948)
A. C. Grayling (born 1949)
Celia Green (born 1935)
Leslie Green (born 1956)
Herbert Paul Grice (1913-1988)
James Griffin (1933-2019)
Paul E. Griffiths (born 1962)
Germain Grisez (1929-2018)
Adolf Grnbaum (1923-2018)c]
Flix Guattari (1930-1992)
Lisa Guenther
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (born 1948)
Gotthard Gnther (1900-1984)
Samuel Guttenplan (born 1944)
Gary Gutting (1942-2019)
Paul Guyer (born 1948)
Kwame Gyekye (1939-2019)
Susan Haack (born 1945)
Jrgen Habermas (born 1929)
Peter Hacker (born 1939)
Ian Hacking (born 1936)c]
Ilsetraut Hadot (born 1928)
Pierre Hadot (1922-2010)
John Haldane (born 1954)
Bob Hale (1945-2017)
Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990)
Philip Hallie (1922-1994)
Joseph Halpern (born 1953)
Stuart Hampshire (1914-2004)c]
Jean Elizabeth Hampton (1954-1996)
Alastair Hannay (born 1932)c]
Norwood Russell Hanson (1922-1967)
Sven Ove Hansson (born 1951)
Donna Haraway (born 1944)
Michael Hardt (born 1960)
John E. Hare (born 1949)
R. M. Hare (1919-2002)
Gilbert Harman (born 1938)c]
Graham Harman (born 1968)
Rom Harr (1927-2019)
Errol Harris (1908-2009)
Sam Harris (born 1967)
Tristan Harris (born 1984)
H. L. A. Hart (1907-1992)
David Bentley Hart (born 1965)
Sally Haslanger
John Haugeland (1945-2010)
John Hawthorne
Matti Hyry (born 1956)
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
gnes Heller (1929-2019)
Erich Heller (1911-1990)
Futa Helu (1934-2010)
Carl Gustav Hempel (1905-1997)
Michel Henry (1922-2002)
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972)
Mary Hesse (1924-2016)
John Hick (1922-2012)
Stephen Hicks (born 1960)
Alice von Hildebrand (born 1923)
Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)c]
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)
Ted Honderich (born 1933)c]
Axel Honneth (born 1949)
Sidney Hook (1902-1989)c]
Jennifer Hornsby (born 1951)c]
Paul Horwich (born 1947)c]
John Hospers (1918-2011)
Paulin J. Hountondji (born 1942)
Michael Huemer (born 1969)
David Hull (1935-2010)
Paul Humphreys
Rosalind Hursthouse (born 1943)
Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977)
Hsu Fu-kuan (1903-1982)
Thomas Hurka (born 1952)
Susan Hurley (1954-2007)
Jean Hyppolite (1907-1968)
Don Ihde (born 1934)
Ivan Illich (1926-2002)
Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov (1924-1979)
Peter van Inwagen (born 1942)
Luce Irigaray (born 1930)
Terence Irwin (born 1947)c]
Frank Jackson (born 1943)c]
Fredric Jameson (born 1934)
Christopher Janaway
Erich Jantsch (1929-1980)
David Lyle Jeffrey
Richard C. Jeffrey (1926-2002)c]
Hans Jonas (1903-1993)
Mark Johnston
Shelly Kagan (born 1954)c]
Charles H. Kahn
Daniel Kahneman (born 1934)
Frances Kamm
Robert Kane (born 1938)
David Kaplan (born 1933)c]
Jerrold Katz (1932-2002)
Walter Kaufmann (1921-1980)
Richard Kearney (born 1954)
David Kelley (born 1949)
Duncan Kennedy (born 1942)
Anthony Kenny (born 1931)c]
Mahmoud Khatami
Jaegwon Kim (1934-2019)c]
Mark Kingwell (born 1963)
Robert Kirk (born 1933)
Richard Kirkham (born 1955)
Philip Kitcher (born 1947)c]
Stephen Cole Kleene (1909-1994)
Martha Klein
Peter D. Klein (born 1940)
Brian Klug
William Calvert Kneale (1906-1990)c]
Joshua Knobe (born 1974)
Hans Kchler (born 1948)
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)
Erazim Kohk (1933-2020)
Alexandre Kojve (1902-1968)
Leszek Kolakowski (1927-2009)
Katerina Kolozova (born 1969)
Charles De Koninck (1906-1965)
Robert C. Koons
Hilary Kornblith
Stephan Krner (1913-2000)
Christine Korsgaard (born 1952)c]
Richard Kraut (born 1944)
Peter Kreeft (born 1937)
Georg Kreisel (1923-2015)c]
Michael Kremer
Norman Kretzmann (1928-1998)
Saul Kripke (born 1940)c]
Paul Oskar Kristeller (1905-1999)
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)
Irving Kristol (1920-2009)
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (1909-1999)
Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996)
Jonathan Kvanvig (born 1954)
Will Kymlicka (born 1962)
Jacques Lacan (1901-1981)
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (1940-2007)
Imre Lakatos (1922-1974)
Rae Langton (born 1961)
Franois Laruelle (born 1937)
Serge Latouche (born 1940)
Larry Laudan (born 1941)
Stephen Laurence
Stephen Law (born 1960)
Jonathan Lear (born 1948)
Michle Le Duff (born 1948)
Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991)
Claude Lefort (1924-2010)
Keith Lehrer (born 1936)c]
Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994)
Brian Leiter (born 1963)
James G. Lennox (born 1948)
Ernest Lepore (born 1950)
Isaac Levi (1930-2018)
Michael Levin (born 1943)
Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995)
Claude Lvi-Strauss (1908-2009)
Bernard-Henri Lvy (born 1948)
David Kellogg Lewis (1941-2001)
Dimitris Liantinis (1942-1998)
Suzanne Lilar (1901-1992)
Alphonso Lingis (born 1933)
Gilles Lipovetsky (born 1944)
Arthur Lipsett (1936-1986)
Christian List
Elisabeth Lloyd (born 1956)
Barry Loewer (born 1945)
Knud Ejler Lgstrup (1905-1981)
Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984)
A. A. Long (born 1937)
R. James Long (born 1938)
Roderick T. Long (born 1964)
Helen Longino (born 1944)
Paul Lorenzen (1915-1995)
E. J. Lowe (1950-2014)
John R. Lucas (1929-2020)
Peter Ludlow (born 1957)
William Lycan (born 1945)c]
David Lyons (born 1935)
Jean-Franois Lyotard (1924-1998)
Dwight Macdonald (1906-1982)
Margaret MacDonald (1907-1956)
Tibor R. Machan (1939-2016)
Alasdair MacIntyre (born 1929)
Louis Mackey (1926-2004)
John Leslie Mackie (1917-1981)c]
Catharine A. MacKinnon (born 1946)
Penelope Maddy (born 1950)
Bryan Magee (1930-2019)
Jane Maienschein (born 1950)
Norman Malcolm (1911-1990)c]
David Malament (born 1947)
Mostafa Malekian (born 1956)
Merab Mamardashvili (1930-1990)
Jon Mandle
Kate Manne
Ruth Barcan Marcus (1921-2012)c]
Julin Maras (1914-2005)
Donald A. Martin (born 1940)
Michael Martin (1932-2015)
Aloysius Martinich (born 1946)
Tim Maudlin (born 1958)
Abul A'la Maududi (1903-1979)
George I. Mavrodes (1926-2019)
John Maynard Smith (1920-2004)
Wolfe Mays (1912-2005)
Herbert McCabe (1926-2001)
Ron McClamrock
Deirdre McCloskey (born 1942)
John J. McDermott (1932-2018)
John McDowell (born 1942)c]
Colin McGinn (born 1950)c]
Brian McGuinness (1927-2019)
Ralph McInerny (1929-2010)
Terence McKenna (1946-2000)
Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
Jeff McMahan (born 1954)
John McMurtry
Quentin Meillassoux (born 1967)
Alfred Mele
David Hugh Mellor (born 1938)c]
Eduardo Mendieta (born 1963)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961)
Trenton Merricks
Thomas Metzinger (born 1958)
Vincent Miceli (1915-1991)
Mary Midgley (1919-2018)
Alan Millar (born 1947)
David Miller (born 1942)
Fred Miller
Peter Millican (born 1958)
Ruth Millikan (born 1933)c]
C. Wright Mills (1916-1962)
Jean-Claude Milner (born 1941)
Annemarie Mol (born 1958)
George Molnar (1934-1999)
Ray Monk (born 1957)
Richard Montague (1930-1971)
James H. Moor
Dermot Moran
Max More (born 1964)
J. P. Moreland (born 1948)
Sidney Morgenbesser (1921-2004)
Adam Morton (born 1945)
Timothy Morton (born 1968)
Mou Zongsan (1909-1995)
Chantal Mouffe (born 1943)
Richard Mouw (born 1940)
Kevin Mulligan (born 1951)
Stephen Mumford (born 1965)
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999)c]
Nancey Murphy (born 1951)
Alan Musgrave (born 1940)
Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999)
Arne Nss (1912-2009)
Yujin Nagasawa (born 1975)
Ernest Nagel (1901-1985)
Thomas Nagel (born 1937)
Jean-Luc Nancy (born 1940)
Jan Narveson (born 1936)
Hossein Nasr (born 1933)
Stephen Neale(born 1958)
Antonio Negri (born 1933)
Oskar Negt (born 1934)
Alexander Nehamas (born 1946)
John von Neumann (1903-1957)
Robert Cummings Neville (born 1939)
Jay Newman (1948-2007)
Huey P. Newton (1942-1989)
Shaun Nichols (born 1964)
Kai Nielsen (1926-2021)
Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990)
Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972)c]
Nel Noddings (born 1929)
Alva No (born 1964)
Constantin Noica (1909-1987)
Ernst Nolte (1923-2016)
Calvin Normore (born 1948)
Christopher Norris (born 1947)
David L. Norton (1930-1995)
Robert Nozick (1938-2001)
Martha Nussbaum (born 1947)c]
Anthony O'Hear (born 1942)
Onora O'Neill (born 1941)
Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990)
David S. Oderberg
Charles Kay Ogden
Susan Moller Okin (1946-2004)
Kelly Oliver (born 1958)
Michel Onfray (born 1959)
James Otteson (born 1968)
Albert Outler (1908-1989)
Gwilyn Ellis Lane Owen (1922-1982)
Jess Padilla Glvez (born 1959)
Peter Pagin (born 1953)
Arthur Pap (1921-1959)
David Papineau (born 1947)c]
George Pappas (born 1942)
Derek Parfit (1942-2017)c]
Rohit Jivanlal Parikh (born 1936)
Charles Parsons (born 1933)
Terence Parsons (born 1939)
Barbara Partee (born 1940)
John Arthur Passmore (1914-2004)
Jan Patoka (1907-1977)
L. A. Paul
Christopher Peacocke (born 1950)c]
David Pearce
David Pears (1921-2009)c]
Leonard Peikoff (born 1933)
Jean-Jacques Pelletier (born 1947)
Lorenzo Pea (born 1944)
Carlo Penco (born 1948)
John Perry (born 1943)
Richard Stanley Peters (1919-2011)
Philip Pettit (born 1945)
Herman Philipse (born 1951)
D. Z. Phillips (1934-2006)
Giovanni Piana (1940-2019)
Alexander Piatigorsky (1929-2009)
Gualtiero Piccinini (born 1970)
Massimo Pigliucci (born 1964)
Adrian Piper (born 1948)
Robert B. Pippin (born 1948)
Robert M. Pirsig (1928-2017)
Ullin Place (1924-2000)
John Plamenatz (1912-1975)
Alvin Plantinga (born 1932)c]
Thomas Pogge (born 1953)
Louis P. Pojman (1935-2005)
John L. Pollock (1940-2009)
Leonardo Polo (1926-2013)
Richard Polt
Richard Popkin (1923-2005)
K. J. Popma (1903-1986)
Karl Popper (1902-1994)
Mark Poster (1941-2012)
Carl Posy
Dag Prawitz (born 1936)
Huw Price (born 1953)
Graham Priest (born 1948)
Jesse Prinz
Arthur Prior (1914-1969)
Duncan Pritchard
James Pryor (born 1968)
Harry Prosch (1917-2005)
Alexander Pruss (born 1973)
Stathis Psillos (born 1965)
Hilary Putnam (1926-2016)
Andrew Pyle (born 1955)
Zenon Pylyshyn (born 1937)
Qiu Renzong (born 1933)
Willard Van Orman Quine (1908-2000)
Anthony Quinton (1925-2010)c]
Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966)
Eduardo Rabossi (1930-2005)
James Rachels (1941-2003)
Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
Karl Rahner (1904-1984)
Peter Railton (born 1950)
Tariq Ramadan (born 1962)
Frank P. Ramsey (1903-1930)*
Ian Thomas Ramsey (1915-1972)
Paul Ramsey (1913-1988)
Jacques Rancire (born 1940)
David M. Rasmussen
Douglas B. Rasmussen (born 1948)
Joseph Ratzinger (born 1927)
John Rawls (1921-2002)
Joseph Raz (born 1939)
Franois Recanati (born 1952)
Tom Regan (1938-2017)
George Reisman (born 1937)
Nicholas Rescher (born 1928)c]
Michael Resnik (born 1938)
Rush Rhees (1905-1989)
Janet Radcliffe Richards (born 1944)c]
Radovan Richta (1924-1983)
Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005)
Howard Robinson (born 1945)
R. R. Rockingham Gill (born 1944)
Nayef Al-Rodhan (born 1959)
Avital Ronell (born 1952)
David Roochnik (born 1951)
Richard Rorty (1931-2007)
Gillian Rose (1947-1995)
Gideon Rosen (born 1962)
Stanley Rosen (1929-2014)
Alexander Rosenberg (born 1946)
Jay Rosenberg (1942-2008)
David M. Rosenthal
Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999)
Joseph Rovan (1918-2004)
William L. Rowe (1931-2015)
Ian Rumfitt (born 1964)
Michael Ruse (born 1940)
Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976)
Robert Rynasiewicz
David Rynin (1905-2000)
Mark Sainsbury (born 1943)c]
John Sallis (born 1938)
Nathan Salmon (born 1951)
Wesley Salmon (1925-2001)c]
Michael J. Sandel (born 1953)
David H. Sanford (born 1937)
Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1921-1990)
Sahotra Sarkar (born 1962)
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)
Crispin Sartwell (born 1958)
John Ralston Saul (born 1947)
Fernando Savater (born 1947)
Julian Savulescu (born 1963)
Thomas Scanlon (born 1940)c]
Richard Schacht (born 1941)c]
Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984)
Jonathan Schaffer
Israel Scheffler (1923-2014)
Samuel Scheffler (born 1951)
Stephen Schiffer (born 1940)c]
Hubert Schleichert (born 1935)
David Schmidtz (born 1955)
J. B. Schneewind (born 1930)
Malcolm Schofield (born 1942)
Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998)
Eric Schwitzgebel
Roger Scruton (1944-2020)
John Searle (born 1932)
Sally Sedgwick
David Sedley (born 1947)
Jerome Segal (born 1943)
Wilfrid Sellars (1912-1989)
Amartya Sen (born 1933)c]
Michel Serres (1930-2019)
Neven Sesardi (born 1949)
Russ Shafer-Landau (born 1963)
Oron Shagrir
Stewart Shapiro (born 1951)
Dariush Shayegan (1935-2018)
Gila Sher
Abner Shimony (1928-2015)
Sydney Shoemaker (born 1931)c]
Henry Shue (born 1940)
Richard Shusterman
Theodore Sider
John Silber (1926-2012)
Peter Simons (born 1950)
Peter Singer (born 1946)c]
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (born 1955)
B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)
Lawrence Sklar (born 1938)
John Skorupski (born 1946)
Brian Skyrms (born 1938)
Aaron Sloman (born 1936)
Michael Slote
Peter Sloterdijk (born 1947)
Hans Sluga (born 1937)
J. J. C. Smart (1920-2012)
Barry Smith (born 1952)
Huston Smith (1919-2016)
Michael A. Smith (born 1954)
Tara Smith (born 1961)
Raymond Smullyan (1919-2017)
Joseph D. Sneed (born 1938)
Scott Soames (born 1946)
Elliott Sober (born 1948)
Alan Soble (born 1947)
Robert C. Solomon (1942-2007)
Joseph Soloveitchik (1903-1993)
Richard Sorabji (born 1934)c]
Abdolkarim Soroush (born 1945)
David Sosa
Ernest Sosa (born 1940)c]
Thomas Sowell (born 1930)
David Spangler (born 1945)
Herbert Spiegelberg (1904-1990)
Robert Spitzer (born 1952)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (born 1942)
Wolfgang Spohn (born 1950)
Timothy Sprigge (1932-2007)c]
Susanne Sreedhar
Edward Stachura (1937-1979)
Robert Stalnaker (born 1940)c]
Jason Stanley (born 1969)
Kim Sterelny (born 1950)
Charles Leslie Stevenson (1908-1979)
Helen Steward (born 1965)
Stephen Stich (born 1943) c]
Bernard Stiegler (born 1952)
Dejan Stojanovi (born 1959)
Patrick Stokes (1978)
Jeffrey Stout (born 1950)
David Stove (1927-1994)
Galen Strawson (born 1952)
P. F. Strawson (1919-2006)
Gisela Striker (born 1943)
Barry Stroud (1935-2019)c]
Eleonore Stump (born 1947)
Cass Sunstein (born 1954)
Patrick Suppes (1922-2014)
Norman Swartz (born 1939)
William Sweet
Richard Swinburne (born 1934)c]
David Sztybel (born 1967)
Javad Tabatabai (born 1945)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (born 1960)
Robert B. Talisse (born 1970)
Tang Junyi (1909-1978)
Alfred Tarski (1901-1983)
Alfred I. Tauber (born 1947)
Charles Taylor (born 1931)
Kenneth Allen Taylor (1954-2019)
Richard Taylor (1919-2003)c]
Placide Tempels (1906-1977)
Neil Tennant (born 1950)
Paul Thagard (born 1950)
Irving Thalberg Jr. (1930-1987)
Helmut Thielicke (1908-1986)
Amie Thomasson (born 1968)
Paul B. Thompson
Judith Jarvis Thomson (1929-2020)c]
Claudine Tiercelin (born 1952)
Tzvetan Todorov (1939-2017)
Stephen Toulmin (1922-2009)
Peter Tudvad (born 1966)
Ernst Tugendhat (born 1930)c]
Raimo Tuomela (1940-2020)
Colin Murray Turbayne (1916-2006)
Alan Turing (1912-1954)
Stephen Park Turner (born 1951)
Michael Tye (born 1950)
Peter Unger (born 1942)
Ivo Urbani (1930-2016)
Alasdair Urquhart (born 1945)
Johan van Benthem (born 1949)
Bas van Fraassen (born 1941)c]
Jean Vanier (1928-2019)
Peter van Inwagen (born 1942)
Philippe Van Parijs (born 1951)
Francisco Varela (1946-2001)
Juha Varto (born 1949)
Gianni Vattimo (born 1936)
Achille Varzi (born 1958)
Adolfo Snchez Vzquez (1915-2011)
Henry Babcock Veatch (1911-1997)
J. David Velleman (born 1952)
Dirk Verhofstadt (born 1955)
Michel Villey (1914-1988)
Paul Virilio (1932-2018)
Gregory Vlastos (1907-1991)
Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)
John von Neumann (1903-1957)
Jules Vuillemin (1920-2001)
Jeremy Waldron (born 1953)
Margaret Urban Walker (born 1948)
Mark Alan Walker (born 1963)
Douglas N. Walton (1942-2020)
Kendall Walton (born 1939)c]
Michael Walzer (born 1935)c]
Ernest Wamba dia Wamba (born 1942)
Hao Wang (1921-1995)c]
Georgia Warnke
Geoffrey J. Warnock (1923-1996)c]
Mary Warnock (1924-2019)c]
Alan Watts (1915-1973)
Brian Weatherson
Simone Weil (1909-1943)
Paul Weiss (1901-2002)
Morris Weitz (1916-1981)
Carl Friedrich von Weizscker (1912-2007)
Albrecht Wellmer (1933-2018)
Peter Wenz (born 1945)
Cornel West (born 1953)
Jennifer Whiting
David Wiggins (born 1933)c]
Dan Wikler (born 1946)
John Daniel Wild (1902-1972)
Dallas Willard (1935-2013)
Bernard Williams (1929-2003)
Michael Williams (born 1947)
Timothy Williamson (born 1955)c]
Jessica Wilson
Margaret Dauler Wilson (1939-1998)
Robert Wilson (born 1964)
William C. Wimsatt (born 1941)
Peter Winch (1926-1997)c]
Richard Dien Winfield (born 1950)
Kwasi Wiredu (born 1931)
John Wisdom (1904-1993)c]
Charlotte Witt (born 1951)
Monique Wittig (1935-2003)
Susan R. Wolf (born 1952)
Ursula Wolf (born 1951)
Jonathan Wolff (born 1959)
Sheldon Wolin (1922-2015)
Richard Wollheim (1923-2003)c]
Nicholas Wolterstorff (born 1932)
Allen W. Wood (born 1942)
Paul Woodruff (born 1943)
John Worrall (born 1946)
Crispin Wright (born 1942)c]
Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003)
Jerzy Wrblewski (1926-1990)
Alison Wylie (born 1954)
Xu Liangying (1920-2013)
Stephen Yablo
Cemal Yldrm (1925-2009)
Francis Parker Yockey (1917-1960)
Arthur M. Young (1905-1995)
Damon Young (born 1975)
Iris Marion Young (1949-2006)
Jiyuan Yu (1964-2016)
Santiago Zabala (born 1975)
Naomi Zack
Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski (born 1946)
Dan Zahavi (born 1967)
Jos Zalabardo (born 1964)
Edward N. Zalta (born 1952)
Marlne Zarader (born 1949)
Ingo Zechner (born 1972)
Eddy Zemach
John Zerzan (born 1943)
Zhai Zhenming (born 1957)
Zhou Guoping (born 1945)
Paul Ziff (1920-2003)
Robert Zimmer (born 1953)
Dean Zimmerman
Michael E. Zimmerman (born 1946)
Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006)
Slavoj iek (born 1949)
Elmire Zolla (1926-2002)
Volker Zotz (born 1956)
Franois Zourabichvili (1965-2006)
Estanislao Zuleta (1935-1990)
Alenka Zupani (born 1965)
Jan Zwicky (born 1955)

see also :::

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list of philosophers




Cambridge School: A term loosely applied to English philosophers who have been influenced by the teachings of Professor G. E. Moore (mainly in unpublished lectures delivered at the Cambridge University, 1911-1939). In earlier years Moore stressed the need to accept the judgments of "common sense" on such matters as the existence of other persons, of an "external world", etc. The business of the analytical philosopher was not to criticise such judgments but to display the structure of the facts to which they referred. (Cf. "A defense of common-sense in philosophy," Contemporary British Philosophy, 2 (1925) -- Moore's only discussion of the method.) Such analysis would be directional, terminating in basic or atomic facts, all of whose constituents might be known by acquaintance. The examples discussed were taken largely from the field of epistemology, turning often about the problem of the relation of material objects to sense-data, and of indirect to direct knowledge. In this earlier period problems were often suggested by Russell's discussion of descriptions and logical constructions. The inconclusiveness of such specific discussions and an increasingly critical awareness of the functions of language in philosophical analysis has in later years tended to favor more flexible interpretations of the nature of analysis. (Cf. M. Black, "Relations Between Logical Positivism and the Cambridge School of Analysis", Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), 8, 24-35 for a bibliography and list of philosophers who have been most influenced by emphasis on directional analysis.) -- M.B.

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