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a hundred levels
higher level
index (levels of brightness)
Level 10 Attributes
Level 10 Disciplines
levels of
Levels of appreciation of Savitri
Levels of Interpretation
Levels Of Knowing And Existence Studies In General Semantics
Levels of Knowledge or Knowing
Levels of relation to God
Levels of Remembrance



level 1 cache {primary cache}

level 2 cache {secondary cache}

leveled ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Level

leveler ::: n. --> One who, or that which, levels.
One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.

leveling ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Level ::: n. --> The act or operation of making level.
The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for finding a horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level between different points of the earth&

levelism ::: n. --> The disposition or endeavor to level all distinctions of rank in society.

levelled ::: --> of Level

level/line fallacy (LLF) ::: The confusing of a level in a line with the line itself. There are two major versions of the level/line fallacy: fixation, where a level in a line is glorified and absolutized, and thus the entire line is frozen at the level where the confusion originally occurred; and repression, where a level in a line is denied or suppressed and thus the entire line is suppressed.

levelling ::: --> of Level

levelly ::: adv. --> In an even or level manner.

level ::: n. --> A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular; a line or surface which is everywhere parallel to the surface of still water; -- this is the true level, and is a curve or surface in which all points are equally distant from the center of the earth, or rather would be so if the earth were an exact sphere.
A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence

levelness ::: n. --> The state or quality of being level.

level of measurement: the type of data collected; nominal, order, interval or ratio, which subsequently affects the inferential statistic used.

level one cache {primary cache}

levels ::: A level is a general measure of higher and lower. While the terms “structures,” “stages,” and “waves” are sometimes loosely used to refer to “levels,” each term has their own important nuances. Any specific level has an actual structure. Levels tend to unfold in a sequence and thus progress through stages. Finally, levels are not rigidly separated from each other but are rather fluid and overlapping waves. In short, levels are abstract measures that represent fluid yet qualitatively distinct classes of recurrent patterns within developmental lines. Some examples include egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

level-sensitive scan design ::: (circuit design) (LSSD) A kind of scan design which uses separate system and scan clocks to distinguish between normal and test mode. Latches are used in low during system operation but cause the scan data to be latched when pulsed high during scan. ____| | scan operation. Allowing it to be use as a second system latch reduces the silicon overhead. (1995-02-15)

level-sensitive scan design (circuit design) (LSSD) A kind of {scan design} which uses separate system and scan clocks to distinguish between normal and test mode. Latches are used in pairs, each has a normal data input, data output and clock for system operation. For test operation, the two latches form a master/slave pair with one scan input, one scan output and non-overlapping scan clocks A and B which are held low during system operation but cause the scan data to be latched when pulsed high during scan.  ____ |  | Sin ----|S | A ------|" | | Q|---+--------------- Q1 D1 -----|D | | CLK1 ---|" | | |____| |  ____ | | | +---|S | B -------------------|" |    | Q|------ Q2 / SOut D2 ------------------|D | CLK2 ----------------|" |    |____| In a single latch LSSD configuration, the second latch is used only for scan operation. Allowing it to be use as a second system latch reduces the silicon overhead. (1995-02-15)


levels of processing theory: Craik and Lockhart's theory that the 'deeper' information is processed, the more likely it is to be retained in memory.

level two cache {secondary cache}

LEVEL5 OBJECT ::: From Information Builders.[What is it?]

LEVEL5 OBJECT From {Information Builders}. [What is it?]

Level: A grade or type of existence or being which entails a special type of relatedness or of organization, with distinctive laws. The term has been used primarily in connection with theories of emergent evolution where certain so-called higher levels, e.g. life, or mind, are supposed to have emerged from the lower levels, e.g. matter, and are considered to exhibit features of novelty not predictable from the lower levels. -- A.C.B.

Level: A grade or type of existence or being which entails a special type of relatedness or of organization, with distinctive laws. The term has been used primarily in connection with theories of emergent evolution where certain so-called higher levels, e.g. life, or mind, are supposed to have emerged from the lower levels, e.g. matter, and are considered to exhibit features of novelty not predictable from the lower levels.

Level of Concern ::: The concentration in air of an extremely hazardous substance above which there may be serious immediate health effects to anyone exposed to it for short periods.


1. Irregular; varying; not uniform. 2. Not smooth or level; rough, irregular, broken, rugged.

2. By extension the term has come to mean the pursuit of the good of others, whether motivated by either self-centered or other-centered interest, or whether by disinterested duty. By some it is identified with the protective and other-regarding feelings, attitudes, and behavior of animal life in general; while by others its use is restricted to mean such on the level of reflective intelligence. -- W.L.

(2) Life-symbols such as derive naturally from our day-to-day life, c.g. mountain, a symbol of path of joga, Ic\'el above level.

(5) If there is gossip about others and harsh criticism not to join— for these things are helpful in no way and only lower the consciousness from its higher level.

ABC 1. "computer" {Atanasoff-Berry Computer}. 2. "language" An {imperative language} and programming environment from {CWI}, Netherlands. It is interactive, structured, high-level, and easy to learn and use. It is a general-purpose language which you might use instead of {BASIC}, {Pascal} or {AWK}. It is not a systems-programming language but is good for teaching or prototyping. ABC has only five data types that can easily be combined; {strong typing}, yet without declarations; data limited only by memory; refinements to support top-down programming; nesting by indentation. Programs are typically around a quarter the size of the equivalent {Pascal} or {C} program, and more readable. ABC includes a programming environment with {syntax-directed} editing, {suggestions}, {persistent variables} and multiple workspaces and {infinite precision} arithmetic. An example function words to collect the set of all words in a document:  HOW TO RETURN words document:   PUT {} IN collection   FOR line in document:     FOR word IN split line:       IF word collection:        INSERT word IN collection   RETURN collection {Interpreter}/{compiler}, version 1.04.01, by Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens, Steven Pemberton "". ABC has been ported to {Unix}, {MS-DOS}, {Atari}, {Macintosh}. {(}. {FTP (}, {FTP (}, {FTP uunet (}. Mailing list: "". E-mail: "". ["The ABC Programmer's Handbook" by Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens and Steven Pemberton, published by Prentice-Hall (ISBN 0-13-000027-2)]. ["An Alternative Simple Language and Environment for PCs" by Steven Pemberton, IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 56-64.] (1995-02-09) 2. "language" Argument, Basic value, C?. An {abstract machine} for implementation of {functional languages} and its intermediate code. [P. Koopman, "Functional Programs as Executable Specifications", 1990]. (1995-02-09)

abreast ::: adv. --> Side by side, with breasts in a line; as, "Two men could hardly walk abreast."
Side by side; also, opposite; over against; on a line with the vessel&

abstract syntax "language, data" A form of representation of data that is independent of machine-oriented structures and encodings and also of the physical representation of the data. Abstract syntax is used to give a high-level description of programs being compiled or messages passing over a communications link. A {compiler}'s internal representation of a program will typically be an {abstract syntax tree}. The abstract syntax specifies the tree's structure is specified in terms of categories such as "statement", "expression" and "{identifier}". This is independent of the source syntax ({concrete syntax}) of the language being compiled (though it will often be very similar). A {parse tree} is similar to an abstract syntax tree but it will typically also contain features such as parentheses which are syntactically significant but which are implicit in the structure of the {abstract syntax tree}. (1998-05-26)

Accent "language" A very high level interpreted language from {CaseWare, Inc.} with strings and tables. It is {strongly typed} and has remote function calls. (1994-11-08)

acephali ::: n. pl. --> A fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.
A Christian sect without a leader.
Bishops and certain clergymen not under regular diocesan control.
A class of levelers in the time of K. Henry I.

Act3 "language" A high-level {actor} language by {Carl Hewitt}. A descendant of {Act2} which provides support for automatic generation of {customers} and for {delegation} and {inheritance}. ["Linguistic Support of Receptionists for Shared Resources", C. Hewitt et al in Seminar on Concurrency, S.D. Brookes et al eds, LNCS 197, Springer 1985, pp. 330-359]. (1994-11-08)

— active only when driven by an energy, otherwise inactive and immobile. When one first falls into direct contact with this level, the feeling in the body is that of inertia and immobility, in the vital-physical exhaustion or lassitude, in the physical mind absence of prakasa and pravrtti* or only the most ordinary thoughts and impulses. Once it is illumined, the advantage is that the sub-conscient becomes conscient and this removes a very fucidamfintal obstacle from the sadhana.

ACT ONE "language, specification" A specification language. ["An Algebraic Specification Language with Two Levels of Semantics", H. Ehrig et al, Tech U Berlin 83-1983-02-03]. (1994-11-08)

Ada/Ed "language, education" An {interpreter}, editor, and {run-time environment} for {Ada}, intended as a teaching tool. Ada/Ed does not have the capacity, performance, or robustness of commercial Ada compilers. Ada/Ed was developed at {New York University} as part of a project in language definition and software prototyping. AdaEd runs on {Unix}, {MS-DOS}, {Atari ST}, and {Amiga}. It handles nearly all of {Ada 83} and was last validated with version 1.7 of the {ACVC} tests. Being an interpreter, it does not implement most {representation clauses} and thus does not support systems programming close to the machine level. A later version was known as {GW-Ada}. E-mail: Michael Feldman "". {(}, {(}. {For Amiga (}. {RISC OS port (}. (1999-11-04)

Adaptable User Interface "tool, product" (AUI, Oracle Toolkit) A toolkit from {Oracle} allowing applications to be written which will be portable between different {windowing systems}. AUI provides one {call level interface} along with a resource manager and editor across a range of "standard" {GUIs}, including {Macintosh}, {Microsoft Windows} and the {X Window System}. (1995-03-16)

adequate ::: (vak) having the qualities of the lowest level of style, which "has the power to make us . . . see the object or idea in a certain temperate lucidity of vision"; most often combined with a higher level, as in the effective-adequate style or the inevitable form of the adequate.

Aditi "database, project" The Aditi Deductive Database System. A multi-user {deductive database} system from the Machine Intelligence Project at the {University of Melbourne}. It supports base {relations} defined by {facts} (relations in the sense of {relational databases}) and {derived relations} defined by {rules} that specify how to compute new information from old information. Both base relations and the rules defining derived relations are stored on disk and are accessed as required during query evaluation. The rules defining derived relations are expressed in a {Prolog}-like language, which is also used for expressing queries. Aditi supports the full structured data capability of Prolog. Base relations can store arbitrarily nested terms, for example arbitrary length lists, and rules can directly manipulate such terms. Base relations can be indexed with {B-trees} or multi-level signature files. Users can access the system through a {Motif}-based query and database administration tool, or through a command line interface. There is also in interface that allows {NU-Prolog} programs to access Aditi in a transparent manner. Proper {transaction processing} is not supported in this release. The beta release runs on {SPARC}/{SunOS4}.1.2 and {MIPS}/{Irix}4.0. E-mail: "". (1992-12-17)

adj. 1. Having dropped or come down from a higher place, from an upright position, or from a higher level, degree, amount, quality, value, number. 2. Having sunk in reputation or honour; degraded. 3. Overthrown, destroyed or conquered, esp. of those who have died in battle. (Also, pp. of fall**.**)

adreh sanu ::: a level of the hill (of being). [Ved.]

aflat ::: adv. --> Level with the ground; flat.

aflush ::: adv. & a. --> In a flushed or blushing state.
On a level.

A Hardware Programming Language "language" (AHPL) A {register}-level language by Hill and Peterson, some of whose operators resemble {APL}. HPSIM2 is a function-level simulator, available from Engrg Expt Sta, {University of Arizona}. ["Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design", F. Hill et al, Wiley 1987]. (1995-01-26)

Ahriman: (Middle Persian) Zoroaster, in building upon an ancient Indo-Iranian antecedent, expounded a thoroughgoing dualism in which Ormazd (s.v.) is the good, Ahriman the evil principle, corresponding to the Christian God and Devil, locked in combat on all levels of thought and existence. In that they are reciprocal and of a dialectic necessity, this dualism has, philosophically, the implication of a monism which was, indeed, ethically and eschatologically elaborated in the Zoroastrian optimism that postulates the ultimate victory of Ahura Mazdah (s.v.) or Ormazd. -- K.F.L.

AI-complete "artificial intelligence, jargon" /A-I k*m-pleet'/ (MIT, Stanford: by analogy with "{NP-complete}") A term used to describe problems or subproblems in {artificial intelligence}, to indicate that the solution presupposes a solution to the "strong AI problem" (that is, the synthesis of a human-level intelligence). A problem that is AI-complete is, in other words, just too hard. See also {gedanken}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-04-12)

air level ::: --> Spirit level. See Level.

aladr.s.t.i (trikaldrishti) ::: trikaladr.s.t.i by means of inspiration; the second level of ideal trikaladr.s.t.i.

aladr.s.t.i (trikaldrishti) ::: trikaladr.s.t.i by means of intuition; the lowest level of ideal trikaladr.s.t.i.

aladr.s.t.i (trikaldrishti) ::: trikaladr.s.t.i by means of revelation; the highest level of trikaladr.s.t.i on the first plane of ideality. revelatory vij ñana

Al-Habir ::: The One who is aware of the manifestations of His Names at all times. The One who allows his manifestations to discern the level of their comprehension via their outputs.

…all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes.We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word "plane" suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 818-19

:::   ". . . all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes. We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word ‘plane" suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.” The Life Divine

“… all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes. We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word ‘plane’ suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.” The Life Divine

ALLOY "language" A language by Thanasis Mitsolides "" which combines {functional programming}, {object-oriented programming} and {logic programming} ideas, and is suitable for {massively parallel} systems. Evaluating modes support serial or parallel execution, {eager evaluation} or {lazy evaluation}, {nondeterminism} or multiple solutions etc. ALLOY is simple as it only requires 29 primitives in all (half of which are for {object oriented programming} support). It runs on {SPARC}. {(}. ["The Design and Implementation of ALLOY, a Parallel Higher Level Programming Language", Thanasis Mitsolides "", PhD Thesis NYU 1990]. (1991-06-11)

all- ::: prefix: Wholly, altogether, infinitely. Since 1600, the number of these [combinations] has been enormously extended, all-** having become a possible prefix, in poetry at least, to almost any adjective of quality. all-affirming, All-Beautiful, All-Beautiful"s, All-Bliss, All-Blissful, All-causing, all-concealing, all-conquering, All-Conscient, All-Conscious, all-containing, All-containing, all-creating, all-defeating, All-Delight, all-discovering, all-embracing, all-fulfilling, all-harbouring, all-inhabiting, all-knowing, All-knowing, All-Knowledge, all-levelling, All-Life, All-love, All-Love, all-negating, all-powerful, all-revealing, All-ruler, all-ruling, all-seeing, All-seeing, all-seeking, all-shaping, all-supporting, all-sustaining, all-swallowing, All-Truth, All-vision, All-Wisdom, all-wise, All-Wise, all-witnessing, All-Wonderful, All-Wonderful"s.**

Altair 8800 "computer" An {Intel 8080}-based machine made by {MITS}. The Altair was the first popular {microcomputer} kit. It appeared on the cover of the January 1975 "Popular Electronics" magazine with an article (probably) by Leslie Solomon. Leslie Solomon was an editor at Popular Electronics who had a knack for spotting kits that would interest people and make them buy the magazine. The Altair 8800 was one such. The MITS guys took the prototype Altair to New York to show Solomon, but couldn't get it to work after the flight. Nonetheless, he liked it, and it appeared on the cover as "The first minicomputer in a kit." Solomon's blessing was important enough that some MITS competitors named their product the "SOL" to gain his favour. Some wags suggested {SOL} was actually an abbreviation for the condition in which kit purchasers would find themselves. {Bill Gates} and Paul Allen saw the article on the Altair 8800 in Popular Electronics. They realised that the Altair, which was programmed via its binary front panel needed a {high level language}. Legend has it that they called MITS with the claim that they had a {BASIC} {interpreter} for the Altair. When MITS asked them to demo it in Albuquerque, they wrote one on the plane. On arrival, they entered the machine code via the front panel and demonstrated and sold their "product." Thus was born "Altair BASIC." The original Altair BASIC ran in less than 4K of RAM because a "loaded" Altair had 4K memory. Since there was no {operating system} on the Altair, Altair BASIC included what we now think of as {BIOS}. It was distributed on {paper tape} that could be read on a {Teletype}. Later versions supported the 8K Altair and the 16K {diskette}-based Altair (demonstrating that, even in the 1970s, {Microsoft} was committed to {software bloat}). Altair BASIC was ported to the {Motorola 6800} for the Altair 680 machine, and to other 8080-based microcomputers produced by MITS' competitors. { Altair 8800 page (}. [Forrest M. Mimms, article in "Computers and Electronics", (formerly "Popular Electronics"), Jan 1985(?)]. [Was there ever an "Altair 9000" microcomputer?] (2002-06-17)

altitude ::: n. --> Space extended upward; height; the perpendicular elevation of an object above its foundation, above the ground, or above a given level, or of one object above another; as, the altitude of a mountain, or of a bird above the top of a tree.
The elevation of a point, or star, or other celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between such point and the horizon. It is either true or apparent; true when measured from the rational or real horizon,

Amal: “‘The flaming Hierarchies’ are the inner spiritual levels in their true order.”

Amal: “There are several levels between the mind and the Supermind. One of them is that of the Ideal. A common classification by Sri Aurobindo is: the Higher Mind, the Illumined Mind, the Intuition, the Overmind Intuition, the Overmind, the supramentalised Overmind. In an early chapter of The Life Divine, there is a triple scheme: the Phenomenal, the Ideal, the Real. The Ideal here would cover all the planes between mind and Supermind.”

. a (manomaya purusha) ::: "the Soul on the mental level", the purus.a as a mental being "in whose nature the clarity and luminous power of the mind acts in its own right independent of any limitation or oppression by the vital or corporeal instruments"; the "Spirit poised in mind" which "becomes the mental self of a mental world and dwells there in the reign of its own pure and luminous mental Nature".

A Manufacturing Language "language, robotics" (AML) A {high-level language} developed by {IBM} in the 1980s for industrial {robots}. ["AML: A Manufacturing Language", R.H. Taylor et al, Inst J Robot Res 1(3):19-43]. (1995-09-25)

Amiga E "tool" An {Amiga} {E} {compiler} by Wouter van Oortmerssen. Amiga E compiles 20000 lines/minute on a 7 Mhz Amiga. It allows {in-line} {assembly code} and has an integrated {linker}. It has a large set of integrated functions and {modules}. V2.04 includes as modules a flexible {type} system, quoted expressions, {immediate} and typed lists, low level {polymorphism} and {exception} handling. It is written in {assembly language} and E. Version 2.1b {(}. {(}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.sys.amiga.programmer}. (1997-08-26)

"A mind of light will replace the present confusion and trouble of this earthly ignorance; it is likely that even those parts of humanity which cannot reach it will yet be aware of its possibility and consciously tend towards it; not only so, but the life of humanity will be enlightened, uplifted, governed, harmonised by this luminous principle and even the body become something much less powerless, obscure and animal in its propensities and capable instead of a new and harmonised perfection. It is this possibility that we have to look at and that would mean a new humanity uplifted into Light, capable of a spiritualised being and action, open to governance by some light of the Truth-consciousness, capable even on the mental level and in its own order of something that might be called the beginning of a divinised life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“A mind of light will replace the present confusion and trouble of this earthly ignorance; it is likely that even those parts of humanity which cannot reach it will yet be aware of its possibility and consciously tend towards it; not only so, but the life of humanity will be enlightened, uplifted, governed, harmonised by this luminous principle and even the body become something much less powerless, obscure and animal in its propensities and capable instead of a new and harmonised perfection. It is this possibility that we have to look at and that would mean a new humanity uplifted into Light, capable of a spiritualised being and action, open to governance by some light of the Truth-consciousness, capable even on the mental level and in its own order of something that might be called the beginning of a divinised life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

amphitheatre ::: n. --> An oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats about an open space called the arena.
Anything resembling an amphitheater in form; as, a level surrounded by rising slopes or hills, or a rising gallery in a theater.

Amulet "processor" An implementation or the {Advanced RISC Machine} {microprocessor} architecture using the {micropipeline} design style. In April 1994 the Amulet group in the Computer Science department of {Manchester University} took delivery of the AMULET1 {microprocessor}. This was their first large scale asynchronous circuit and the world's first implementation of a commercial microprocessor architecture (ARM) in {asynchronous logic}. Work was begun at the end of 1990 and the design despatched for fabrication in February 1993. The primary intent was to demonstrate that an asynchronous microprocessor can consume less power than a synchronous design. The design incorporates a number of concurrent units which cooperate to give instruction level compatibility with the existing synchronous part. These include an Address unit, which autonomously generates instruction fetch requests and interleaves ({nondeterministic}ally) data requests from the Execution unit; a {Register} file which supplies operands, queues write destinations and handles data dependencies; an Execution unit which includes a multiplier, a shifter and an {ALU} with data-dependent delay; a Data interface which performs byte extraction and alignment and includes an {instruction prefetch} buffer, and a control path which performs {instruction decode}. These units only synchronise to exchange data. The design demonstrates that all the usual problems of processor design can be solved in this asynchronous framework: backward {instruction set} compatibility, {interrupts} and exact {exceptions} for {memory faults} are all covered. It also demonstrates some unusual behaviour, for instance {nondeterministic} prefetch depth beyond a branch instruction (though the instructions which actually get executed are, of course, deterministic). There are some unusual problems for {compiler} {optimisation}, as the metric which must be used to compare alternative code sequences is continuous rather than discrete, and the {nondeterminism} in external behaviour must also be taken into account. The chip was designed using a mixture of custom {datapath} and compiled control logic elements, as was the synchronous ARM. The fabrication technology is the same as that used for one version of the synchronous part, reducing the number of variables when comparing the two parts. Two silicon implementations have been received and preliminary measurements have been taken from these. The first is a 0.7um process and has achieved about 28 kDhrystones running the standard {benchmark} program. The other is a 1 um implementation and achieves about 20 kDhrystones. For the faster of the parts this is equivalent to a synchronous {ARM6} clocked at around 20MHz; in the case of AMULET1 it is likely that this speed is limited by the memory system cycle time (just over 50ns) rather than the processor chip itself. A fair comparison of devices at the same geometries gives the AMULET1 performance as about 70% of that of an {ARM6} running at 20MHz. Its power consumption is very similar to that of the ARM6; the AMULET1 therefore delivers about 80 MIPS/W (compared with around 120 from a 20MHz ARM6). Multiplication is several times faster on the AMULET1 owing to the inclusion of a specialised asynchronous multiplier. This performance is reasonable considering that the AMULET1 is a first generation part, whereas the synchronous ARM has undergone several design iterations. AMULET2 (under development in 1994) was expected to be three times faster than AMULET1 and use less power. The {macrocell} size (without {pad ring}) is 5.5 mm by 4.5 mm on a 1 micron {CMOS} process, which is about twice the area of the synchronous part. Some of the increase can be attributed to the more sophisticated organisation of the new part: it has a deeper {pipeline} than the clocked version and it supports multiple outstanding memory requests; there is also specialised circuitry to increase the multiplication speed. Although there is undoubtedly some overhead attributable to the asynchronous control logic, this is estimated to be closer to 20% than to the 100% suggested by the direct comparison. AMULET1 is code compatible with {ARM6} and is so is capable of running existing {binaries} without modification. The implementation also includes features such as interrupts and memory aborts. The work was part of a broad {ESPRIT} funded investigation into low-power technologies within the European {Open Microprocessor systems Initiative} (OMI) programme, where there is interest in low-power techniques both for portable equipment and (in the longer term) to alleviate the problems of the increasingly high dissipation of high-performance chips. This initial investigation into the role {asynchronous logic} might play has now demonstrated that asynchronous techniques can be applied to problems of the scale of a complete {microprocessor}. {(}. (1994-12-08)

ana ::: a term used in the last dated entry of 1920 for a plane of consciousness whose arrangement "on the lower levels of the ideal thought-powers" had then begun; in view of evidence for the connection of the term imperative with revelation or dr.s.t.i, imperative vijñana is perhaps the same as the earlier seer ideality, whose "deputed power" in the logistic ideality was mentioned in 1919.

ana [Greek and Sanskrit] ::: a term used in October 1920 for three levels encompassing much of what was formerly called logistic ideality; applied more specifically to the highest of these levels, also termed highest representative ideality, which corresponds to full revelatory ideality and "has to deal with three movements": actualities, potentialities and the "imperatives of the infinite".

ana ::: (in 1914) same as inspirational vijñana; (in 1920) the second plane of ideality, previously called the hermetic ideality, whose essence is sruti or "inspired interpretation". It enters into the lower plane, the logistic ideality or luminous reason, "attended by a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence". The "illumined" level of higher mind in the diagram on page 1360 (c. 1931) may be correlated with the hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana of 1919-20. srauta vyapti srauta

ananda ::: ananda manifesting on the various levels of the inner being, as distinct from physical ananda; especially, the five forms of ananda called suddhananda, cidghanananda, ahaituka ananda, premananda and subjective kamananda, or any one of these.

ANANDA. ::: Delight; essential principle of delight; bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the bliss of the Spirit which is the secret source· and support of all existence.
Ānanda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
It is the Divine Bliss which comes from above. It is not joy or pleasure, but something self-existent, pure and quite beyond what any joy or pleasure can be.
Something greater than peace or joy, something that, like Truth and Light, is the very nature of the supramental Divine. It can come by frequent inrushes or descents, partially or for a time, but it cannot -remain in the system so long as the system has not been prepared for it.
It can come not only with its fullest intensity but with a more enduring persistence when the mind is at peace and the heart delivered from ordinary joy and sorrow. If the mind and heart are restless, changeful, unquiet, Ānanda of a kind may come, but it is mixed with vital excitement and cannot abide. One must get peace and calm fixed in the consciousness first, then there is a solid basis on which Ānanda can spread itself and in its turn become an enduring part of the consciousness and the nature.
Ānanda (ascension into) ::: It is quite impossible to ascend to the real Ānanda plane (except in a profound trance), until after the supramental consciousness has been entered, realised and possessed; but it is quite possible and normal to feel some form of Ānanda consciousness on any level. This consciousness, wherever it is felt, is a derivation from the Ānanda plane, but it is very much diminished in power and modified to suit the lesser power of receptivity of the inferior levels.
Ānanda (divine) in the physical ::: self-existent in its essence, its manifestation is dependent only on an inner union with the Divine.
Ānanda (of the Brahman) ::: there is an absoluteness of immutable ecstasy in it, a concentrated intensity of silent and inalienable rapture.

ananda ::: the sanmaya level of the plane of ananda.

ananda ::: the tapomaya level of the ananda plane.

And still we can recognise at once in the Overmind the original cosmic Maya, not a Maya of Ignorance but a Maya of Knowledge, yet a Power which has made the Ignorance possible, even inevitable. For if each principle loosed into action must follow its independent line and carry out its complete consequences, the principle of separation must also be allowed its complete course and arrive at its absolute consequence; this is Overmind in its descent reaches a line which divides the cosmic Truth from the cosmic Ignorance; it is the line at which it becomes possible for Consciousness-Force, emphasising the separateness of each independent movement created by Overmind and hiding or darkening their unity, to divide Mind by an exclusive concentration from the overmental source. There has already been a similar separation of Overmind from its supramental source, but with a transparency in the veil which allows a conscious transmission and maintains a certain luminous kinship; but here the veil is opaque and the transmission of the Overmind motives to the Mind is occult and obscure. Mind separated acts as if it were an independent principle, and each mental being, each basic mental idea, power, force stands similarly on its separate self; if it communicates with or combines or contacts others, it is not with the catholic universality of the overmind movement, on a basis of underlying oneness, but as independent units joining to form a separate constructed whole. It is by this movement that we pass from the cosmic Truth into the cosmic Ignorance. The cosmic Mind on this level, no doubt, comprehends its own unity, but it is not aware of its own source and foundation in the Spirit or can only comprehend it by the intelligence, not in any enduring experience; it acts in itself as if by its own right and works out what it receives as material without direct communication with the source from which it receives it. Its units also act in ignorance of each other and of the cosmic whole except for the knowledge that they can get by contact and communication,—the basic sense of identity and the mutual penetration and understanding that comes from it are no longer there. All the actions of this Mind Energy proceed on the opposite basis of the Ignorance and its divisions and, although they are the results of a certain conscious knowledge, it is a partial knowledge, not a true and integral self-knowledge, nor a true and integral world-knowledge. This character persists in Life and in subtle Matter and reappears in the gross material universe which arises from the final lapse into the Inconscience. …

antariksa (Antariksha) ::: "the intervening habitation"; the midregion; the intermediate or connecting level of the vital or nervous consciousness; the vital worlds. ::: antariksam [nominative]

  A piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; a doorsill. Also fig. 2. Fig. A level or point at which something would happen, would cease to happen, or would take effect, become true, etc. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.)

Apple Address Resolution Protocol "networking" (AARP) {Apple}'s system to allow {AppleTalk} {protocol} to work over networks other than {LocalTalk}, such as {Ethernet} or {Token Ring}. {AppleTalk} {nodes} announce their presence to the network so that other nodes can address messages to them. AARP maps between AppleTalk addresses and other schemes. It is actually a general address mapping protocol that can be used to map between addresses at any protocol level. [G. Sidhu, R. Andrews, and A. Oppenheimer, "Inside AppleTalk", Addison Wesley, 1990]. (2006-04-18)

Application Program Interface "programming" (API, or "application programming interface") The interface (calling conventions) by which an {application program} accesses {operating system} and other services. An API is defined at {source code} level and provides a level of {abstraction} between the application and the {kernel} (or other privileged utilities) to ensure the {portability} of the code. An API can also provide an interface between a {high level language} and lower level utilities and services which were written without consideration for the {calling conventions} supported by compiled languages. In this case, the API's main task may be the translation of parameter lists from one format to another and the interpretation of {call-by-value} and {call-by-reference} arguments in one or both directions. (1995-02-15)

Application Protocol Data Unit "networking" (APDU) A {packet} of data exchanged between two {application} programs across a {network}. This is the highest level view of communication in the {OSI} {seven layer model} and a single packet exchanged at this level may actually be transmitted as several packets at a lower layer as well as having extra information (headers) added for {routing} etc. (1995-12-19)

AQAL matrix ::: The configuration of all quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types at any given time in any given occasion.

AQAL ::: Pronounced “ah-qwul.” Short for “all-quadrants, all-levels,” which itself is short for “allquadrants, all-levels, all-lines, all-states, and all-types.” Developed by philosopher and author, Ken Wilber, AQAL appears to be the most comprehensive approach to reality to date. It is a supertheory or metatheory that attempts to explain how the most time-tested methodologies, and the experiences those methodologies bring forth, fit together in a coherent fashion. AQAL theory’s pragmatic correlate is a series of social practices called Integral Methodological Pluralism (IMP). The personal application of AQAL is called Integral Life Practice (ILP). “AQAL” is often used interchangeably with Integral Theory, the Integral approach, the Integral map, the Integral model, and Integral Operating System (IOS).

Arjuna "language" An {object-oriented programming} system developed by a team led by Professor Santosh Shrivastava at the {University of Newcastle}, implemented entirely in {C++}. Arjuna provides a set of tools for the construction of {fault-tolerant} {distributed} applications. It exploits features found in most object-oriented languages (such as {inheritance}) and only requires a limited set of system capabilities commonly found in conventional {operating systems}. Arjuna provides the programmer with {classes} that implement {atomic transactions}, {object level recovery}, {concurrency} control and {persistence}. The system is {portable}, modular and flexible; the system software has been available via FTP since 1992. {(}. (1995-03-06)

ARM7 "processor" A {RISC} {microprocessor} architecture from {Advanced RISC Machines} Ltd. (ARM). Building upon the {ARM6} family, the goal of the ARM7 design was to offer higher levels of raw compute performance at even lower levels of power consumption. The ARM7 architecture is now (Dec 1994) the most powerful low voltage {RISC} processor available on the market. The ARM7 offers several architectural extensions which address specific market needs, encompassing fast multiply and innovative embedded {ICE} support. Software development tools are available. The ARM7 architecture is made up of a core CPU plus a range of system peripherals which can be added to a CPU core to give a complete system on a chip, e.g. 4K or 8K {cache}, {Memory Management Unit}, {Write Buffer}, {coprocessor} interface, {ICEbreaker} embedded {ICE} support and {JTAG} {boundary scan}. The {ARM710} {microprocessor} is built around the ARM7 core. {(}. (1995-01-05)

Arousal Theory ::: The theory stating that we are motivated by our innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal.

Ar-Rahman ::: Ar-Rahman signifies the materialization of the essence of every iota with Allah’s Names in His knowledge. In modern terms, it designates the quantum potential. It is the potential of the source of the entire creation. It is the name of the Dimension of Names! All things obtain their existence at the level of knowledge and will with the attributes denoted by this name.

Artistic movement which maintains that there exists, and seeks access to, a "real" world that lies behind the artificial world of ordinary objects given in normal awareness. Argues that what is found on the conscious level is an arbitrary construct of mind, determined by habit and custom, and that the function of art is to recover and report the world as originally experienced and felt. Seeks to disintegrate the clear logical life of intellect, so as to search for its materials on the subconscious level, and discover there the true and primitive meanings that things have for us prior to the forms that we impose on them. -- I.J.

astyllen ::: n. --> A small dam to prevent free passage of water in an adit or level.

asynchronous logic "architecture" A {data-driven} circuit design technique where, instead of the components sharing a common {clock} and exchanging data on clock edges, data is passed on as soon as it is available. This removes the need to distribute a common clock signal throughout the circuit with acceptable {clock skew}. It also helps to reduce power dissipation in {CMOS} circuits because {gates} only switch when they are doing useful work rather than on every clock edge. There are many kinds of asynchronous logic. Data signals may use either "dual rail encoding" or "data bundling". Each dual rail encoded {Boolean} is implemented as two wires. This allows the value and the timing information to be communicated for each data bit. Bundled data has one wire for each data bit and another for timing. Level sensitive circuits typically represent a logic one by a high voltage and a logic zero by a low voltage whereas transition signalling uses a change in the signal level to convey information. A speed independent design is tolerant to variations in gate speeds but not to propagation delays in wires; a delay insensitive circuit is tolerant to variations in wire delays as well. The purest form of circuit is delay-insensitive and uses dual-rail encoding with transition signalling. A transition on one wire indicates the arrival of a zero, a transition on the other the arrival of a one. The levels on the wires are of no significance. Such an approach enables the design of fully delay-insensitive circuits and automatic layout as the delays introduced by the layout compiler can't affect the functionality (only the performance). Level sensitive designs can use simpler, stateless logic gates but require a "return to zero" phase in each transition. {(}. (1995-01-18)

“ At a certain spiritual and supramental level the Duality becomes still more perfectly Two-in-one, the Master Soul with the Conscious Force within it, and its potentiality disowns all barriers and breaks through every limit.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Atlas Autocode "language" The {Autocode} for the {Ferranti} {Atlas}, which may have been the first commercial computer with {hardware-paged} {virtual memory}. Whereas other {autocodes} were basically {assembly languages}, Atlas Autocode was high-level and {block-structured}, resembling a cross between {Fortran} and {ALGOL 60}. It had {call-by value}, {loops (loop)}, {declarations}, {complex numbers}, {pointers}, {heap} and {stack} storage generators, {dynamic arrays}, and extensible {syntax}. (2000-04-03)

atmo ::: n. --> The standard atmospheric pressure used in certain physical measurements calculations; conventionally, that pressure under which the barometer stands at 760 millimeters, at a temperature of 0¡ Centigrade, at the level of the sea, and in the latitude of Paris.

atmosphere ::: n. --> The whole mass of aeriform fluid surrounding the earth; -- applied also to the gaseous envelope of any celestial orb, or other body; as, the atmosphere of Mars.
Any gaseous envelope or medium.
A supposed medium around various bodies; as, electrical atmosphere, a medium formerly supposed to surround electrical bodies.
The pressure or weight of the air at the sea level, on a unit of surface, or about 14.7 Ibs. to the sq. inch.

atrium ::: n. --> A square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels.
An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at the entrance of a basilica or other church. The name was extended in the Middle Ages to the open churchyard or cemetery.
The main part of either auricle of the heart as distinct from the auricular appendix. Also, the whole articular portion of the

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

AUTOMATH "language, mathematics" A very high level language for writing proofs, from Eindhoven, Netherlands. ["The Mathematical Language AUTOMATH, Its Usage and Some of its Extensions", N.G. deBruijn, in Symp on Automatic Demonstration, LNM 125, Springer 1970]. (2001-07-09)

automatic baud rate detection "communications" (ABR, autobaud) A process by which a receiving device determines the speed, {code level}, and {stop bits} of incoming data by examining the first character, usually a preselected sign-on character. ABR allows the receiving device to accept data from a variety of transmitting devices operating at different speeds without needing to establish data rates in advance. (1996-06-18)

A. V. Vasihev, Space, Time, Motion, translated by H. M. Lucas and C. P. Sanger, with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, London. 1924, and New York, 1924. Religion, Philosophy of: The methodic or systematic investigation of the elements of religious consciousness, the theories it has evolved and their development and historic relationships in the cultural complex. It takes account of religious practices only as illustrations of the vitality of beliefs and the inseparableness of the psychological from thought reality in faith. It is distinct from theology in that it recognizes the priority of reason over faith and the acceptance of creed, subjecting the latter to a logical analysis. As such, the history of the Philosophy of Religion is coextensive with the free enquiry into religious reality, particularly the conceptions of God, soul, immortality, sin, salvaition, the sacred (Rudolf Otto), etc., and may be said to have its roots in any society above the pre-logical, mythological, or custom-controlled level, first observed in Egypt, China, India, and Greece. Its scientific treatment is a subsidiary philosophic discipline dates from about Kant's Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der reinen Vernunft and Hegel's Philosophie der Religion, while in the history of thought based on Indian and Greek speculation, sporadic sallies were made by all great philosophers, especially those professing an idealism, and by most theologians.

Axiomatic Architecture Description Language "language, architecture, parallel" (AADL) A language allowing concise modular specification of {multiprocessor} architectures from the compiler/operating-system interface level down to chip level. AADL is rich enough to specify target architectures while providing a concise model for clocked {microarchitectures}. ["AADL: A Net-Based Specification Method for Computer Architecture Design", W. Damm et al in Languages for Parallel Architectures, J.W. deBakker ed, Wiley, 1989]. (2003-06-30)

axiomatic set theory "theory" One of several approaches to {set theory}, consisting of a {formal language} for talking about sets and a collection of {axioms} describing how they behave. There are many different {axiomatisations} for set theory. Each takes a slightly different approach to the problem of finding a theory that captures as much as possible of the intuitive idea of what a set is, while avoiding the {paradoxes} that result from accepting all of it, the most famous being {Russell's paradox}. The main source of trouble in naive set theory is the idea that you can specify a set by saying whether each object in the universe is in the "set" or not. Accordingly, the most important differences between different axiomatisations of set theory concern the restrictions they place on this idea (known as "comprehension"). {Zermelo Fränkel set theory}, the most commonly used axiomatisation, gets round it by (in effect) saying that you can only use this principle to define subsets of existing sets. NBG (von Neumann-Bernays-Goedel) set theory sort of allows comprehension for all {formulae} without restriction, but distinguishes between two kinds of set, so that the sets produced by applying comprehension are only second-class sets. NBG is exactly as powerful as ZF, in the sense that any statement that can be formalised in both theories is a theorem of ZF if and only if it is a theorem of ZFC. MK (Morse-Kelley) set theory is a strengthened version of NBG, with a simpler axiom system. It is strictly stronger than NBG, and it is possible that NBG might be consistent but MK inconsistent. {NF (} ("New Foundations"), a theory developed by Willard Van Orman Quine, places a very different restriction on comprehension: it only works when the formula describing the membership condition for your putative set is "stratified", which means that it could be made to make sense if you worked in a system where every set had a level attached to it, so that a level-n set could only be a member of sets of level n+1. (This doesn't mean that there are actually levels attached to sets in NF). NF is very different from ZF; for instance, in NF the universe is a set (which it isn't in ZF, because the whole point of ZF is that it forbids sets that are "too large"), and it can be proved that the {Axiom of Choice} is false in NF! ML ("Modern Logic") is to NF as NBG is to ZF. (Its name derives from the title of the book in which Quine introduced an early, defective, form of it). It is stronger than ZF (it can prove things that ZF can't), but if NF is consistent then ML is too. (2003-09-21)

backbone network "networking" In a {hierarchical network}, a top-level network that carries network traffic between the {mid-level networks} and {stub networks} that connect to it. The largest backbone network is the {Internet backbone}. (2017-12-02)

background 1. "operating system" A task running in the background (a background task) is detached from the terminal where it was started (and often running at a lower priority); opposite of {foreground}. This means that the task's input and output must be from/to files (or other processes). Nowadays this term is primarily associated with {Unix}, but it appears to have been first used in this sense on {OS/360}. Compare {amp off}, {batch}, {slopsucker}. 2. "jargon" For a human to do a task "in the background" is to do it whenever {foreground} matters are not claiming your undivided attention, and "to background" something means to relegate it to a lower priority. "For now, we'll just print a list of nodes and links; I'm working on the graph-printing problem in the background." Note that this implies ongoing activity but at a reduced level or in spare time, in contrast to mainstream "back burner" (which connotes benign neglect until some future resumption of activity). Some people prefer to use the term for processing that they have queued up for their unconscious minds (often a fruitful tack to take upon encountering an obstacle in creative work). (1996-05-28)

backsight ::: n. --> The reading of the leveling staff in its unchanged position when the leveling instrument has been taken to a new position; a sight directed backwards to a station previously occupied. Cf. Foresight, n., 3.

balance ::: n. **1. A state of equilibrium or equipoise; mental, psychological or emotional. 2. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. 3. An undecided or uncertain state in which issues are unresolved. v. 4. To have an equality or equivalence in weight, parts, etc.; be in equilibrium. adj. 5. Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion. 6. Mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behaviour, judgement. balanced, balancing.**

bank ::: n. --> A bench; a high seat, or seat of distinction or judgment; a tribunal or court.
A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as, a bank of clouds; a bank of snow.
A steep acclivity, as the slope of a hill, or the side of a ravine.
The margin of a watercourse; the rising ground bordering a

bare metal 1. New computer hardware, unadorned with such snares and delusions as an {operating system}, an {HLL}, or even {assembler}. Commonly used in the phrase "programming on the bare metal", which refers to the arduous work of {bit bashing} needed to create these basic tools for a new computer. Real bare-metal programming involves things like building {boot PROMs} and {BIOS} chips, implementing basic {monitors} used to test {device drivers}, and writing the assemblers that will be used to write the compiler back ends that will give the new computer a real development environment. 2. "Programming on the bare metal" is also used to describe a style of {hand-hacking} that relies on bit-level peculiarities of a particular hardware design, especially tricks for speed and space optimisation that rely on crocks such as overlapping instructions (or, as in the famous case described in {The Story of Mel}, interleaving of opcodes on a magnetic drum to minimise fetch delays due to the device's rotational latency). This sort of thing has become less common as the relative costs of programming time and computer resources have changed, but is still found in heavily constrained environments such as industrial embedded systems, and in the code of hackers who just can't let go of that low-level control. See {Real Programmer}. In the world of personal computing, bare metal programming is often considered a {Good Thing}, or at least a necessary evil (because these computers have often been sufficiently slow and poorly designed to make it necessary; see {ill-behaved}). There, the term usually refers to bypassing the BIOS or OS interface and writing the application to directly access device registers and computer addresses. "To get 19.2 kilobaud on the serial port, you need to get down to the bare metal." People who can do this sort of thing well are held in high regard. [{Jargon File}]

barfmail "messaging" Multiple {bounce messages} accumulating to the level of serious annoyance, or worse. The sort of thing that happens when an inter-network {mail gateway} goes down or misbehaves. [{Jargon File}] (1996-01-05)

basement ::: the substructure or foundation of a building usually below ground level.

Basic Encoding Rules "protocol, standard" (BER) {ASN.1} encoding rules for producing self-identifying and self-delimiting {transfer syntax} for data structures described in {ASN.1} notations. BER is an self-identifying and self-delimiting encoding scheme, which means that each data value can be identified, extracted and decoded individually. Huw Rogers once described BER as "a triumph of bloated theory over clean implementation". He also criticises it as designed around bitstreams with arbitrary boundaries between data which can only be determined at a high level. Documents: {ITU-T} X.690, {ISO} 8825-1. See also {CER}, {DER}, {PER}. (1998-05-28)

Basic Input/Output System "operating system" (BIOS, ROM BIOS) The part of the {system software} of the {IBM PC} and compatibles that provides the lowest level interface to {peripheral} devices and controls the first stage of the {bootstrap} process, including installing the {operating system}. The BIOS is stored in {ROM}, or equivalent, in every PC. Its main task is to load and execute the operating system which is usually stored on the computer's {hard disk}, but may be loaded from {CD-ROM} or {floppy disk} at install time. In order to provide acceptable performance (e.g. for screen display), some software vendors access the routines in the BIOS directly, rather than using the higher level operating system calls. Thus, the BIOS in the compatible computer must be 100% compatible with the IBM BIOS. As if that wasn't bad enough, many {application programs} bypass even the BIOS and address the screen hardware directly just as the BIOS does. Consequently, {register} level compatibility is required in the compatible's display electronics, which means that it must provide the same storage locations and identification as the original IBM hardware. (1999-06-09)

basic structures of consciousness ::: 1. “Empty” levels of consciousness used as a general measure of vertical development. A measure of the degree or “altitude” of awareness in any particular stream. These altitudes are often described using the colors of the natural rainbow: Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange, Green, Teal, Turquoise, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, and Clear Light. 2. Enduring structures that are actually laid down along these markers of altitude and thus are roughly synonymous with basic levels of consciousness. These are the rungs in any developmental ladder. Cognitive development, for instance, is often used since it is necessary but not sufficient for development in other lines.

baud "communications, unit" /bawd/ (plural "baud") The unit in which the information carrying capacity or "{signalling rate}" of a communication channel is measured. One baud is one symbol (state-transition or level-transition) per second. This coincides with bits per second only for two-level {modulation} with no {framing} or {stop bits}. A symbol is a unique state of the communication channel, distinguishable by the receiver from all other possible states. For example, it may be one of two voltage levels on a wire for a direct digital connection or it might be the phase or frequency of a carrier. The term "baud" was originally a unit of telegraph signalling speed, set at one {Morse code} dot per second. Or, more generally, the reciprocal of the duration of the shortest signalling element. It was proposed at the International Telegraph Conference of 1927, and named after {J.M.E. Baudot} (1845-1903), the French engineer who constructed the first successful teleprinter. The UK {PSTN} will support a maximum rate of 600 baud but each baud may carry between 1 and 16 bits depending on the coding (e.g. {QAM}). Where data is transmitted as {packets}, e.g. characters, the actual "data rate" of a channel is R D / P where R is the "raw" rate in bits per second, D is the number of data bits in a packet and P is the total number of bits in a packet (including packet overhead). The term "baud" causes much confusion and is usually best avoided. Use "bits per second" (bps), "bytes per second" or "characters per second" (cps) if that's what you mean. (1998-02-14)

BCPL "language" (Basic CPL) A British systems language developed by Richards in 1969 and descended from {CPL} (Combined Programming Language). BCPL is low-level, typeless and block-structured, and provides only one-dimensional {arrays}. Case is not significant, but conventionally reserved words begin with a capital. Flow control constructs include: If-Then, Test-Then-Else, Unless-Do, While-Do, Until-Do, Repeat, Repeatwhile, Repeatuntil, For-to-By-Do, Loop, Break and Switchon-Into-Case-Default-Endcase. BCPL has conditional expressions, pointers, and manifest constants. It has both procedures: 'Let foo(bar) Be command' and functions: 'Let foo(bar) = expression'. 'Valof $(..Resultis..$)' causes a compound command to produce a value. Parameters are {call-by-value}. Program segments communicate via the global vector where system and user variables are stored in fixed numerical locations in a single array. The first BCPL {compiler} was written in {AED}. BCPL was used to implement the {TRIPOS} {operating system}, which was subsequently reincarnated as {AmigaDOS}. ["BCPL - The Language and its Compiler", Martin Richards & Colin Whitby-Stevens, Cambridge U Press 1979]. See {OCODE}, {INTCODE}. Oxford BCPL differed slightly: Test-Ifso-Ifnot, and section brackets in place of $( $). The original {INTCODE} {interpreter} for BCPL is available for {Amiga}, {Unix}, {MS-DOS} {(}. A BCPL compiler {bootstrap} kit with an {INTCODE} {interpreter} in {C} was written by Ken Yap "". (1995-03-26)

BeBOP "language" A language combining sequential and parallel {logic programming}, {object-oriented} and {meta-level programming}. Both {don't know nondeterminism} and {stream AND-parallelism}. {Prolog} {theories} are first order entities and may be updated or passed in messages. BeBOP is implemented by translation to {NU-Prolog} and {PNU-Prolog}. {(}. E-mail: Andrew Davidson "". (1996-10-27)

Becoming: (Medieval) Any kind of change is actualization of potencies. It is often called, following Aristotle, a "movement", because moving is a striking instance of becoming, and because the thing "moves" from the lower level of potentiality to the higher of actuality. Actualization is achieved only by a factor which is act itself. The act is in this sense prior to the potency not only in nature but also in time. See Being, Dialectic, Hegel. -- R.A.

bed ::: n. --> An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs.
(Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage.
A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little

Being, hierarchy of: (Scholastic) The Neo-Platonic conception of a hierarchy of "emanations" from the "One" persisted throughout the Middle-Ages, though it was given another meaning. Emanationism properly speaking is incompatible with the notion of creation. But the medieval writers agree that there is a hierarchy, comprising within the visible world inanimate beings, plants, animals, and rational beings, men; above them rank the immaterial substances (subsistent forms, angels) and finally God Who, however, is so far distant from any created being that he cannot be placed in line. Whatever is asserted of God is so only "analogically" (see Analogy). There is analogy also between the grades of created beings; their various levels are not of one kind, no transition exists between inanimate and animate bodies, or between material and spiritual substances. Though the original meaning has been abandoned, the term "emanation" is still used, even by Aquinas. -- R.A.

Berkeley Network (B-NET) Top level {Unix} {Ethernet} software developed at the {University of California at Berkeley}. There are no formal specifications but UCB's {4.2BSD} {Unix} implementation on the {VAX} is the de facto standard. Distributed by {Unisoft}. Includes net.o driver routines for specific hardware, {pseudo ttys}, {daemons}, hostname command to set/get name, /etc/hosts database of names and {Internet address}es of other hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv host-wide database to control remote access, .rhosts per user version of hosts.equiv. UCB's implementation of the {Internet Protocol} includes trailers to improve performance on paged memory management systems such as {VAXen}. These trailers are an exception to the Internet Protocol specification.

beta testing "programming" Evaluation of a pre-release (potentially unreliable) version of a piece of {software} (or possibly {hardware}) by making it available to selected users ("beta testers") before it goes on general distribution. Beta testign aims to discover {bugs} that only occur in certain environments or under certain patterns of use, while reducing the volume of feedback to a manageable level. The testers benefit by having earlier access to new products, features and fixes. Beta testing may be preceded by "alpha testing", performed in-house by a handful of users (e.g. other developers or friends), who can be expected to give rapid, high quality feedback on design and {usability}. Once the product is considered to be usable for its intended purpose it then moves on to "beta testing" by a larger, but typically still limited, number of ordinary users, who may include external customers. Some companies such as {Google} or {Degree Jungle (} stretch the definition, claiming their products are "in beta" for many months by millions of users. The term derives from early 1960s terminology for {product cycle} checkpoints, first used at {IBM} but later standard throughout the industry. "{Alpha test}" was the {unit test}, {module test} or {component test} phase; "Beta Test" was initial {system test}. These themselves came from earlier A- and B-tests for hardware. The A-test was a feasibility and manufacturability evaluation done before any commitment to design and development. The B-test was a demonstration that the engineering model functioned as specified. The C-test (corresponding to today's beta) was the B-test performed on early samples of the production design. (2013-06-09)

“Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

bhukti ::: enjoyment; the "enjoyment of our liberated being which brings us into unity or union with the Supreme"; the third member of the siddhi catus.t.aya, resulting from suddhi and mukti and consisting of "the Delight of existence in itself, independent of every experience and extending itself to all experiences". It has three states (rasagrahan.a, bhoga and ananda), each with three intensities (rati, ratna and ratha), on each of seven levels corresponding to the seven planes of existence.

bhūsvarga (bhuswarga) ::: a heavenly world (svarga) belonging to the higher levels associated with the terrestrial plane (bhū) or to the subtle bhū.

bhū ::: the three levels of the earth-consciousness or plane of material existence (bhū), consisting of a purely physical, a vital and a mental layer. triple d dasya

binary file "file format" Any {file format} for {digital} {data} that does not consist of a sequence of printable {characters} ({text}). The term is often used for executable {machine code}. All digital data, including characters, is actually binary data (unless it uses some (rare) system with more than two discrete levels) but the distinction between binary and text is well established. On modern {operating systems} a text file is simply a binary file that happens to contain only printable characters, but some older systems distinguish the two file types, requiring programs to handle them differently. A common class of binary files is programs in {machine language} ("{executable} files") ready to load into memory and execute. Binary files may also be used to store data output by a program, and intended to be read by that or another program but not by humans. Binary files are more efficient for this purpose because the data (e.g. numerical data) does not need to be converted between the binary form used by the {CPU} and a printable (ASCII) representation. The disadvantage is that it is usually necessary to write special purpose programs to manipulate such files since most general purpose utilities operate on text files. There is also a problem sharing binary numerical data between processors with different {endian}ness. Some communications {protocols} handle only text files, e.g. most {electronic mail} systems before {MIME} became widespread in about 1995. The {FTP} utility must be put into "binary" mode in order to copy a binary file since in its default "ascii" mode translates between the different {newline} characters used on the sending and receiving computers. Confusingly, some {word processor} files, and {rich text} files, are actually binary files because they contain non-printable characters and require special programs to view, edit and print them. (2005-02-21)

bit bashing (Also "bit diddling" or {bit twiddling}). Any of several kinds of low-level programming characterised by manipulation of {bit}, {flag}, {nibble}, and other smaller-than-character-sized pieces of data. These include low-level device control, encryption algorithms, checksum and error-correcting codes, hash functions, some flavours of graphics programming (see {bitblt}), and assembler/compiler code generation. May connote either tedium or a real technical challenge (more usually the former). "The command decoding for the new tape driver looks pretty solid but the bit-bashing for the control registers still has bugs." See also {bit bang}, {mode bit}.

bit pattern "data" A sequence of {bits}, in a memory, a communications channel or some other device. The term is used to contrast this with some higher level interpretation of the bits such as an integer or an {image}. A {bit string} is similar but suggests an arbitrary, as opposed to predetermined, length. (1998-09-27)

bits per pixel "hardware, graphics" (bpp) The number of {bits} of information stored per {pixel} of an {image} or displayed by a {graphics adapter}. The more bits there are, the more colours can be represented, but the more memory is required to store or display the image. A colour can be described by the intensities of red, green and blue ({RGB}) components. Allowing 8 {bits} (1 {byte}) per component (24 bits per pixel) gives 256 levels for each component and over 16 million different colours - more than the human eye can distinguish. {Microsoft Windows} [and others?] calls this {truecolour}. An image of 1024x768 with 24 bpp requires over 2 MB of memory. "High colour" uses 16 bpp (or 15 bpp), 5 bits for blue, 5 bits for red and 6 bits for green. This reduced colour precision gives a slight loss of image quality at a 1/3 saving on memory. Standard {VGA} uses a {palette} of 16 colours (4 bpp), each colour in the palette is 24 bit. Standard {SVGA} uses a {palette} of 256 colours (8 bpp). Some graphics hardware and software support 32-bit colour depths, including an 8-bit "{alpha channel}" for transparency effects. (1999-08-01)

bitwise "programming" A bitwise operator treats its operands as a {vector} of {bits} rather than a single number. {Boolean} bitwise operators combine bit N of each operand using a {Boolean} function ({NOT}, {AND}, {OR}, {XOR}) to produce bit N of the result. For example, a bitwise AND operator ("&" in {C}) would evaluate 13 & 9 as (binary) 1101 & 1001 = 1001 = 9, whereas, the logical AND, ({C} "&&") would evaluate 13 && 9 as TRUE && TRUE = TRUE = 1. In some languages, e.g. {Acorn}'s {BASIC V}, the same operators are used for both bitwise and logical operations. This usually works except when applying NOT to a value x which is neither 0 (false) nor -1 (true), in which case both x and (NOT x) will be non-zero and thus treated as TRUE. Other operations at the bit level, which are not normally described as "bitwise" include shift and rotate. (1995-05-12)

leveled ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Level

leveler ::: n. --> One who, or that which, levels.
One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.

leveling ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Level ::: n. --> The act or operation of making level.
The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for finding a horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level between different points of the earth&

levelism ::: n. --> The disposition or endeavor to level all distinctions of rank in society.

levelled ::: --> of Level

level/line fallacy (LLF) ::: The confusing of a level in a line with the line itself. There are two major versions of the level/line fallacy: fixation, where a level in a line is glorified and absolutized, and thus the entire line is frozen at the level where the confusion originally occurred; and repression, where a level in a line is denied or suppressed and thus the entire line is suppressed.

levelling ::: --> of Level

levelly ::: adv. --> In an even or level manner.

level ::: n. --> A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular; a line or surface which is everywhere parallel to the surface of still water; -- this is the true level, and is a curve or surface in which all points are equally distant from the center of the earth, or rather would be so if the earth were an exact sphere.
A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence

levelness ::: n. --> The state or quality of being level.

levels ::: A level is a general measure of higher and lower. While the terms “structures,” “stages,” and “waves” are sometimes loosely used to refer to “levels,” each term has their own important nuances. Any specific level has an actual structure. Levels tend to unfold in a sequence and thus progress through stages. Finally, levels are not rigidly separated from each other but are rather fluid and overlapping waves. In short, levels are abstract measures that represent fluid yet qualitatively distinct classes of recurrent patterns within developmental lines. Some examples include egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.


blowhole ::: n. --> A cavern in a cliff, at the water level, opening to the air at its farther extremity, so that the waters rush in with each surge and rise in a lofty jet from the extremity.
A nostril or spiracle in the top of the head of a whale or other cetacean.
A hole in the ice to which whales, seals, etc., come to breathe.
An air hole in a casting.

boning ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Bone ::: n. --> The clearing of bones from fish or meat.
The manuring of land with bones.
A method of leveling a line or surface by sighting along the tops of two or more straight edges, or a range of properly spaced

bossage ::: n. --> A stone in a building, left rough and projecting, to be afterward carved into shape.
Rustic work, consisting of stones which seem to advance beyond the level of the building, by reason of indentures or channels left in the joinings.

bottom-up implementation "programming" The opposite of {top-down design}. It is now received wisdom in most programming cultures that it is best to design from higher levels of abstraction down to lower, specifying sequences of action in increasing detail until you get to actual code. Hackers often find (especially in exploratory designs that cannot be closely specified in advance) that it works best to *build* things in the opposite order, by writing and testing a clean set of primitive operations and then knitting them together. [{Jargon File}] (1996-05-10)

bottom-up testing "programming" An integration testing technique that tests the low-level components first using test drivers for those components that have not yet been developed to call the low-level components for test. Compare {bottom-up implementation}. (1996-05-10)

bowl ::: n. --> A concave vessel of various forms (often approximately hemispherical), to hold liquids, etc.
Specifically, a drinking vessel for wine or other spirituous liquors; hence, convivial drinking.
The contents of a full bowl; what a bowl will hold.
The hollow part of a thing; as, the bowl of a spoon.
A ball of wood or other material used for rolling on a level surface in play; a ball of hard wood having one side heavier than the

brahmacharya. ::: the first stage of life, the stage of the religious studentship with celibacy; moderation in all things; freedom from craving for all sensual enjoyments; self-restraint on all levels; dwelling in Brahman

Brilliant One of five pedagogical languages based on {Markov} {algorithms}, used in ["Nonpareil, a Machine Level Machine Independent Language for the Study of Semantics", B. Higman, ULICS Intl Report No ICSI 170, U London (1968)]. See also {Diamond}, {Nonpareil}, {Pearl}, {Ruby}.

brimmed ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Brim ::: a. --> Having a brim; -- usually in composition.
Full to, or level with, the brim.

buffer 1. An area of memory used for storing messages. Typically, a buffer will have other attributes such as an input pointer (where new data will be written into the buffer), and output pointer (where the next item will be read from) and/or a count of the space used or free. Buffers are used to decouple processes so that the reader and writer may operate at different speeds or on different sized blocks of data. There are many different algorithms for using buffers, e.g. first-in first-out (FIFO or shelf), last-in first-out (LIFO or stack), double buffering (allowing one buffer to be read while the other is being written), cyclic buffer (reading or writing past the end wraps around to the beginning). 2. An electronic device to provide compatibility between two signals, e.g. changing voltage levels or current capability.

built-in (Or "primitive") A built-in function or operator is one provided by the lowest level of a language implementation. This usually means it is not possible (or efficient) to express it in the language itself. Typical examples are the basic arithmetic and {Boolean} operators (in {C} syntax: +, -, *, /, %, !, &&, ||), bit manipulation operators (~, &, |, ^) and I/O primitives. Other common functions may be provided in libraries but are not built-in if they are written in the language being implemented. (1995-02-14)

Burst Static Random Access Memory "storage" (BSRAM) A kind of {SRAM} used primarily for external {Level 2 cache} memory. [How does it work?] (1998-02-24)

bus error "processor" A fatal failure in the execution of a {machine language} instruction resulting from the {processor} detecting an anomalous condition on its {bus}. Such conditions include invalid address alignment (accessing a multi-byte number at an odd address), accessing a {physical address} that does not correspond to any device, or some other device-specific hardware error. A bus error triggers a processor-level {exception} which {Unix} translates into a "SIGBUS" {signal} which, if not caught, will terminate the current process. (2000-04-04)

butte ::: n. --> A detached low mountain, or high rising abruptly from the general level of the surrounding plain; -- applied to peculiar elevations in the Rocky Mountain region.

But this exclusive consummation t$ not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one’s own being but in all beings, and, finally, the realisation of even the pheno- menal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the pTay of its fonns and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the dirine level, to its spiritualisation

by hand 1. Said of an operation (especially a repetitive, trivial, and/or tedious one) that ought to be performed automatically by the computer, but which a hacker instead has to step tediously through. "My mailer doesn't have a command to include the text of the message I'm replying to, so I have to do it by hand." This does not necessarily mean the speaker has to retype a copy of the message; it might refer to, say, dropping into a subshell from the mailer, making a copy of one's mailbox file, reading that into an editor, locating the top and bottom of the message in question, deleting the rest of the file, inserting """ characters on each line, writing the file, leaving the editor, returning to the mailer, reading the file in, and later remembering to delete the file. Compare {eyeball search}. 2. By extension, writing code which does something in an explicit or low-level way for which a presupplied library routine ought to have been available. "This cretinous {B-tree} library doesn't supply a decent iterator, so I'm having to walk the trees by hand." [{Jargon File}]

Byzantine "jargon, architecture" A term describing any system that has so many labyrinthine internal interconnections that it would be impossible to simplify by separation into loosely coupled or linked components. The city of Byzantium, later renamed Constantinople and then Istanbul, and the Byzantine Empire were vitiated by a bureaucratic overelaboration bordering on lunacy: quadruple banked agencies, dozens or even scores of superfluous levels and officials with high flown titles unrelated to their actual function, if any. Access to the Emperor and his council was controlled by powerful and inscrutable eunuchs and by rival sports factions. [Edward Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"]. (1999-01-15)

c2man "tool" An automatic {documentation} extraction tool by Graham Stoney. c2man extracts comments from {C} source code to generate functional interface documentation in the same format as sections 2 and 3 of the {Unix} Programmer's Manual. It looks for comments near the objects they document, rather than imposing a rigid {syntax} or requiring the programmer to use a typesetting language. Acceptable documentation can often be generated from existing code with no modifications. c2man supports both {K&R} and {ISO}/{ANSI C} coding styles. Output can be in {nroff} -man, {Texinfo} or {LaTeX} format. It {automagically} documents {enum} parameter and return values, it handles both {C} (/* */) and {C++} (//) style comments, but not C++ grammar (yet). It requires {yacc}, {byacc} or {bison} for syntax analysis; {lex} or {flex} for {lexical analysis} and {nroff}, {groff}, {texinfo} or {LaTeX} to format the output. It runs under {Unix}, {OS/2} and {MS-DOS}. Version 2.0 patchlevel 25 (1995-10-25). {Washington FTP (}. {Stuttgart FTP (}. {Patches (}. Patches posted to {Usenet} newsgroups {news:comp.sources.bugs} and {news:comp.sources.reviewed}. (2003-05-02)

cable modem "communications, hardware" A type of {modem} that allows people to access the {Internet} via their cable television service. A cable modem can transfer data at 500 {kbps} or higher, compared with 28.8 kbps for common telephone line modems, but the actual transfer rates may be lower depending on the number of other simultaneous users on the same cable. Industry pundits often point out that the cable system still does not have the {bandwidth} or service level in many areas to make this feasible. For example, it has to be capable of two-way communication. See also: {DOCSIS}. (2000-12-19)

Call-Level Interface "database, standard" (SQL/CLI) A programming interface designed to support {SQL} access to {databases} from shrink-wrapped {application programs}. CLI was originally created by a subcommittee of the {SQL Access Group} (SAG). The SAG/CLI specification was published as the {Microsoft} {Open DataBase Connectivity} (ODBC) specification in 1992. In 1993, SAG submitted the CLI to the {ANSI} and {ISO} SQL committees. SQL/CLI provides an international standard implementation-independent CLI to access SQL databases. {Client-server} tools can easily access databases through {dynamic link libraries}. It supports and encourages a rich set of client-server tools. SQL/CLI is an addendum to 1992 SQL standard (SQL-92). It was completed as ISO standard ISO/IEC 9075-3:1995 Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 3: Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI). The current SQL/CLI effort is adding support for {SQL3}. {(}. (1996-10-27)

campagna ::: n. --> An open level tract of country; especially "Campagna di Roma." The extensive undulating plain which surrounds Rome.

Capability Maturity Model "software" (CMM) The {Software Engineering Institute}'s model of {software engineering} that specifies five levels of maturity of the processes of a software organisation. CMM offers a framework for evolutionary process improvement. Originally applied to software development (SE-CMM), it has been expanded to cover other areas including Human Resources and Software Acquitition. The levels - focii - and key process areas are: Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None. Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software Project Planning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, Software Subcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software Configuration Management, Requirements Management. Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation Process Focus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, Training Program, Inter-group Coordination, Software Product Engineering, Integrated Software Management. Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - Software Quality Management, Quantitative Process Management. Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process Change Management, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention. {(}. (2001-04-28)

Cascading Style Sheets "web" (CSS) An extension to {HTML} to allow styles, e.g. colour, {font}, size to be specified for certain elements of a {hypertext} document. Style information can be included in-line in the HTML file or in a separate CSS file (which can then be easily shared by multiple HTML files). Multiple levels of CSS can be used to allow selective overriding of styles. {(}. (2000-07-26)

Categorical Abstract Machine Language "language" (Originally "CAML" - Categorical Abstract Machine Language) A version of {ML} by G. Huet, G. Cousineau, Ascander Suarez, Pierre Weis, Michel Mauny and others of {INRIA} and {ENS}. CAML is intermediate between {LCF ML} and {SML} [in what sense?]. It has {first-class} functions, {static type inference} with {polymorphic} types, user-defined {variant types} and {product types}, and {pattern matching}. It is built on a proprietary run-time system. The CAML V3.1 implementation added {lazy} and {mutable} data structures, a "{grammar}" mechanism for interfacing with the {Yacc} {parser generator}, {pretty-printing} tools, high-performance {arbitrary-precision} arithmetic, and a complete library. CAML V3 is often nicknamed "heavy CAML", because of its heavy memory and CPU requirements compared to {Caml Light}. in 1990 Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez designed a new implementation called {Caml Light}, freeing the previous implementation from too many experimental high-level features, and more importantly, from the old Le_Lisp back-end. Following the addition of a {native-code} compiler and a powerful {module} system in 1995 and of the {object} and {class} layer in 1996, the project's name was changed to {Objective Caml}. ["The CAML Reference Manual", P. Weis et al, TR INRIA-ENS, 1989]. (2003-04-12)

CA-Telon "application" A {Computer Aided Software Engineering} (CASE) tool for designing, generating and maintaining {COBOL} and {PL/I} {application programs}. Telon was developed by {Pansophic} Systems who were bought by {Computer Associates} in 1991, whereupon it was renamed CA-Telon. It supports high-level, non-{prodedural} design and prototyping, combined with automatic {code generation}. There are {mainframe} and {PC} versions. The generated COBOL applications can execute in {AIX}, {HP-UX}, {VSE}, {OS/400} for the {AS/400}, {PC-DOS}, or {OS/2}. (2000-01-19)

cathetometer ::: n. --> An instrument for the accurate measurement of small differences of height; esp. of the differences in the height of the upper surfaces of two columns of mercury or other fluid, or of the same column at different times. It consists of a telescopic leveling apparatus (d), which slides up or down a perpendicular metallic standard very finely graduated (bb). The telescope is raised or depressed in order to sight the objects or surfaces, and the differences in vertical height are thus shown on the graduated

caturyuga (chaturyuga) ::: a series of four ages (satyayuga, treta, dvapara and kaliyuga), one hundredth of a pratikalpa, forming a cycle of apparent decline leading to a new cycle beginning on a higher level in a "cosmic circling movement" through which "God is perpetually leading man onwards to loftier & more embracing manifestations of our human perfectibility".

causey ::: n. --> A way or road raised above the natural level of the ground, serving as a dry passage over wet or marshy ground.

cavalier ::: n. --> A military man serving on horseback; a knight.
A gay, sprightly, military man; hence, a gallant.
One of the court party in the time of king Charles I. as contrasted with a Roundhead or an adherent of Parliament.
A work of more than ordinary height, rising from the level ground of a bastion, etc., and overlooking surrounding parts. ::: a.

CCITT HIgh-Level Language "language" (CHILL) A {real-time} language widely used in telecommunications. CHILL was developed in the 1970s and improved in 1984, 1988, 1992, and 1996. It is used in several countries including Germany, Norway, Brasil, and South Korea. {Cygnus} are developing a compiler based on {gcc}. {(}. ["An Analytical Description of CHILL, the CCITT High Level Language", P. Branquart, LNCS 128, Springer 1982]. ["CHILL User's Manual", ITU, 1986, ISBN 92-61-02601-X. ISO-9496 (1988?)]. (1997-01-20)

Celeron "processor" {Intel Corporation}'s trade name for its family of {Pentium II} {microprocessors} meant for use in low-end computers. The Celeron is constructed on the 0.25 micron Deschutes base. {Clock rates} of 266, 300 and 333 {MHz} are supported. It is built on the same {daughterboard} as the Pentium II without the black plastic case and {heat sink}. Four Celeron models are in production as of October 1998. The 266 and 300 MHz models are essentially Pentium II {CPUs} without the Level 2 {cache} {RAM}. The 300A and 333 MHz Celerons include 128k of Level 2 cache. A special mounting bracket on the motherboard is used to secure the Celeron in place in its standard 242-pin Slot 1 socket. Intel calls the caseless design SEPP (Single Edge Processor Package) to differentiate it from the Pentium II SEC (Single Edge Cartridge). Some believe that the real purpose for the different mounting configurations is to prevent users from placing lower cost processors onto Pentium II motherboards. A Celeron is about one third the cost of a similar speed Pentium II. Hardware {hackers} claim that the Celeron 300 without Level 2 cache could be {overclocked} to perform as well as a Pentium II at a fraction of the price. {(}. {Tom's Hardware (}. (1998-10-06)

Cellular Neural Network "architecture" (CNN) The CNN Universal Machine is a low cost, low power, extremely high speed {supercomputer} on a chip. It is at least 1000 times faster than equivalent {DSP} solutions of many complex {image processing} tasks. It is a stored program supercomputer where a complex sequence of image processing {algorithms} is programmed and downloaded into the chip, just like any digital computer. Because the entire computer is integrated into a chip, no signal leaves the chip until the image processing task is completed. Although the CNN universal chip is based on analogue and logic operating principles, it has an on-chip analog-to-digital input-output interface so that at the system design and application perspective, it can be used as a digital component, just like a DSP. In particular, a development system is available for rapid design and prototyping. Moreover, a {compiler}, an {operating system}, and a {user-friendly} CNN {high-level language}, like the {C} language, have been developed which makes it easy to implement any image processing algorithm. [Professor Leon Chua, University of California at Berkeley]. (1995-04-27)

center of gravity ::: A phrase used to describe an individual or group’s central point of development. An individual’s center of gravity typically hovers around their level of proximate-self development in the self-identity stream. In groups, it usually "resides" in the dominant mode of discourse.

Ceres workstation Oberon System "language, tool" A complete {Oberon} {compiler} written in {Oberon}. Source to most of the complete Ceres workstation Oberon System, including the {National Semiconductor 32032} {code generator} is available. Less of the low level system specific code is available. {(}. (1994-12-14)

champaign ::: n. --> A flat, open country. ::: a. --> Flat; open; level.

Charles Babbage "person" The British inventor known to some as the "Father of Computing" for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his {Analytical Engine}. His previous {Difference Engine} was a special purpose device intended for the production of mathematical tables. Babbage was born on December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1814 and graduated from Peterhouse. In 1817 he received an MA from Cambridge and in 1823 started work on the Difference Engine through funding from the British Government. In 1827 he published a table of {logarithms} from 1 to 108000. In 1828 he was appointed to the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge (though he never presented a lecture). In 1831 he founded the British Association for the Advancement of Science and in 1832 he published "Economy of Manufactures and Machinery". In 1833 he began work on the Analytical Engine. In 1834 he founded the Statistical Society of London. He died in 1871 in London. Babbage also invented the cowcatcher, the dynamometer, standard railroad gauge, uniform postal rates, occulting lights for lighthouses, Greenwich time signals, and the heliograph opthalmoscope. He also had an interest in cyphers and lock-picking. [Adapted from the text by J. A. N. Lee, Copyright September 1994]. Babbage, as (necessarily) the first person to work with machines that can attack problems at arbitrary levels of {abstraction}, fell into a trap familiar to {toolsmiths} since, as described here by the English ethicist, Lord Moulton: "One of the sad memories of my life is a visit to the celebrated mathematician and inventor, Mr Babbage. He was far advanced in age, but his mind was still as vigorous as ever. He took me through his work-rooms. In the first room I saw parts of the original Calculating Machine, which had been shown in an incomplete state many years before and had even been put to some use. I asked him about its present form. 'I have not finished it because in working at it I came on the idea of my {Analytical Machine}, which would do all that it was capable of doing and much more. Indeed, the idea was so much simpler that it would have taken more work to complete the Calculating Machine than to design and construct the other in its entirety, so I turned my attention to the Analytical Machine.'" "After a few minutes' talk, we went into the next work-room, where he showed and explained to me the working of the elements of the Analytical Machine. I asked if I could see it. 'I have never completed it,' he said, 'because I hit upon an idea of doing the same thing by a different and far more effective method, and this rendered it useless to proceed on the old lines.' Then we went into the third room. There lay scattered bits of mechanism, but I saw no trace of any working machine. Very cautiously I approached the subject, and received the dreaded answer, 'It is not constructed yet, but I am working on it, and it will take less time to construct it altogether than it would have token to complete the Analytical Machine from the stage in which I left it.' I took leave of the old man with a heavy heart." "When he died a few years later, not only had he constructed no machine, but the verdict of a jury of kind and sympathetic scientific men who were deputed to pronounce upon what he had left behind him, either in papers or in mechanism, was that everything was too incomplete of be capable of being put to any useful purpose." [Lord Moulton, "The invention of algorithms, its genesis, and growth", in G. C. Knott, ed., "Napier tercentenary memorial volume" (London, 1915), p. 1-24; quoted in Charles Babbage "Passage from the Life of a Philosopher", Martin Campbell-Kelly, ed. (Rutgers U. Press and IEEE Press, 1994), p. 34]. Compare: {uninteresting}, {Ninety-Ninety Rule}. (1996-02-22)

CHILL {CCITT HIgh-Level Language}

CHIP-8 "language, games" A low-level {interpretive language} (really a high-level {machine code}) developed at {RCA} in the late 1970s for {video games} on computers using {RCA}'s {CDP1802} processor. It could also be used on the {DREAM 6800}. {Amiga interpreter (}. (2002-04-09)

chute ::: n. --> A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel.
See Shoot.

circus ::: n. --> A level oblong space surrounded on three sides by seats of wood, earth, or stone, rising in tiers one above another, and divided lengthwise through the middle by a barrier around which the track or course was laid out. It was used for chariot races, games, and public shows.
A circular inclosure for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship, acrobatic displays, etc. Also, the company of performers, with their equipage.

C "language" A programming language designed by {Dennis Ritchie} at {AT&T} {Bell Labs} ca. 1972 for systems programming on the {PDP-11} and immediately used to reimplement {Unix}. It was called "C" because many features derived from an earlier compiler named "{B}". In fact, C was briefly named "NB". B was itself strongly influenced by {BCPL}. Before {Bjarne Stroustrup} settled the question by designing {C++}, there was a humorous debate over whether C's successor should be named "D" or "P" (following B and C in "BCPL"). C is terse, low-level and permissive. It has a {macro preprocessor}, {cpp}. Partly due to its distribution with {Unix}, C became immensely popular outside {Bell Labs} after about 1980 and is now the dominant language in systems and {microcomputer} applications programming. It has grown popular due to its simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility. C programs are often easily adapted to new environments. C is often described, with a mixture of fondness and disdain, as "a language that combines all the elegance and power of {assembly language} with all the readability and maintainability of assembly language". Ritchie's original C is known as {K&R C} after Kernighan and Ritchie's book. A modified version has been {standardised (standard)} as {ANSI C}. See also {ACCU}, {ae}, {c68}, {c386}, {C-Interp}, {cxref}, {dbx}, {dsp56k-gcc}, {dsp56165-gcc}, {gc}, {GCT}, {GNU C}, {GNU superoptimiser}, {Harvest C}, {malloc}, {mpl}, {Pthreads}, {ups}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-06-01)

Clement of Alexandria: (150-217) An early Christian thinker and theologian who attempted to raise the attitude of faith to the level of knowledge; he was influenced by Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and Philo Judaeus. -- R.B.W.

CLI 1. "operating system" {Command Line Interface}. 2. "database, standard" {Call-Level Interface}.

clinometer ::: n. --> An instrument for determining the dip of beds or strata, pr the slope of an embankment or cutting; a kind of plumb level.

Colilen light is that of the Divine Truth on the higher planes ; the light of the Divine Truth which comes out from the supra- mcntal sunlight and modified according to the level it crosses, creates the ranges from Overraind to Higher Mind. It always means the light o£ Truth ; but the nature of the Truth varies according to the plane to which it belongs.

complanate ::: v. t. --> Flattened to a level surface.
To make level.

Confidence Interval ::: The level of certainty that the true score falls within a specific range. The smaller the range the less the certainty.

Configuration: (Lat. configurare from con, together and figurare, to form) A structural pattern at the physical, physiological or psychological level. The term has been suggested to translate the German Gestalt. See Gestalt Psychology. -- L.W.

Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range. There are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it uncons- cious, — supraroental or overmental and submental ranges.
By consciousness is meant something which is essentially the same throughout but variable in status, condition and operation, in which in some grades or conditions the activities we call consciousness exist cither in a suppressed or an unorganised or a differently organised state.
It is not composed of parts, it is fundamental to being and itself formulates any parts it chooses to manifest, developing them from above downward by a progressive coming down from spiri- tual levels towards involution in matter or formulating them In an upward working in the from what wc call evolution.

Consentience: (Lat. con + sentire, to feel) Conscious unity existing at the level of sensation after the subtraction of all conceptual and interpretative unity. Consentience includes both: (a) the intra-sensory unity of a single sensory continuum (e.g. the visual, tactual or auditory) and (b) the inter-sensory unit embracing the diverse sensory continua. Consentience plays an important role in the psychological doctrine of the presentation-continuum of J. Ward and G. F. Stout. An allied concept is the sensory organization of Gestalt Psychology. See Gestalt Psychology. -- L.W.

Consequence: (Ger. Konsequenz) In Husserl: The relation of formal-analytic inclusion which obtains between certain noematic senses. Consequence: See Valid. Consequence-logic: (Ger. Konsequenzlogik) Consistency-logic (Logik der Widerspruchslosigkeit); pure apophantic analytics (in a strict sense); a level of pure formal logic in which the only thematic concepts of validity are consequence, inconsequence, and compatibility. Consequence-logic includes the essential content of traditional syllogistics and the disciplines making up formal-mathematical analysis. -- D.C.

Contemplation: (Lat. contemplare, to gaze at tentively) (a) In the mystical sense: Knowledge consisting in the partial or complete identification of the knower with the object of knowledge with the consequent loss of his own individuality. In Hugo of St. Victor (1096-1141), Contemplatio is the third and highest stage of knowledge of which cogitatio and meditatio are the two earlier levels.

Co-ordination and harmonisation of parts is absent in many ; it is a thing that has to be attained to or built up. Moreover at a certain stage in sSdhana there is almost always a disparity or opposition between the parts that are already turned towards the Truth and are capable of experience and others that are not and pull one down to a lower level. The opposition is not equally acute in all cases, but in one degree or another it is almost uni- versal. Co-ordinadon and univeisaUsation can be satisfactorily done only when this is overcome. Till then oscillations are inevitable.

cosmic mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Nevertheless, the fact of this intervention from above, the fact that behind all our original thinking or authentic perception of things there is a veiled, a half-veiled or a swift unveiled intuitive element is enough to establish a connection between mind and what is above it; it opens a passage of communication and of entry into the superior spirit-ranges. There is also the reaching out of mind to exceed the personal ego limitation, to see things in a certain impersonality and universality. Impersonality is the first character of cosmic self; universality, non-limitation by the single or limiting point of view, is the character of cosmic perception and knowledge: this tendency is therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes, — towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process.” *The Life Divine

"If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth, . . . we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine, the energy of the Illumined Mind beyond it to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming sun-stuff. Still beyond can be met a yet greater power of the Truth-Force, an intimate and exact Truth-vision, Truth-thought, Truth-sense, Truth-feeling, Truth-action, to which we can give in a special sense the name of Intuition; . . . At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, — not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links it with that greater Truth-Consciousness while yet at the same time with its brilliant golden Lid it veils the face of the greater Truth from our sight, intervening with its flood of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality.” The Life Divine

"There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"[The results of the opening to the cosmic Mind:] One is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one"s mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one"s own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There are many other results, but this is the fundamental one.” Letters on Yoga

"The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga*

crosscut ::: v. t. --> To cut across or through; to intersect. ::: n. --> A short cut across; a path shorter than by the high road.
A level driven across the course of a vein, or across the main workings, as from one gangway to another.

cuddy ::: n. --> An ass; esp., one driven by a huckster or greengrocer.
A blockhead; a lout.
A lever mounted on a tripod for lifting stones, leveling up railroad ties, etc.
A small cabin: also, the galley or kitchen of a vessel.
The coalfish (Pollachius carbonarius).

deplanate ::: v. t. --> Flattened; made level or even.

dervish :::   lit., poor one; formal member of an order; murid who has attained a certain level of maturity

Descent — three kinds ::: One is the touching of the base of the centres wWch rest on the spinal chord- Another is through the head into the body going from level to level till the whole body is filled and opening all the centres of consciousness.

dioptra ::: n. --> An optical instrument, invented by Hipparchus, for taking altitudes, leveling, etc.

dips ::: 1. Plunges briefly into water or another liquid and removes quickly. 2. Sinks or drops down, or below a particular level, as if dipping into water; goes down, sinks, sets. 3. Has a downward inclination; inclines or slopes downwards; is inclined to the horizon. dipped, dipping.

divah. ::: heavens; levels of mind.

DOUBLE MOVEMENT. ::: Our yoga is a double movement of ascent and descent ; one rises to higher and higher levels of consciousness, but at the same time one brings down their power not only into mind and life, but in the end even into the body.

downward ::: adj. 1. Descending from a source or beginning. 2. Moving or tending to a lower place or condition. 3. Toward a lower amount, degree, or rank. adv. 4. Spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position.

downward ::: adv. --> Alt. of Downwards ::: a. --> Moving or extending from a higher to a lower place; tending toward the earth or its center, or toward a lower level; declivous.
Descending from a head, origin, or source; as, a downward

Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard: (1867-1940) An experimental biologist turned philosopher, he as a rationalist became the most prominent defender of a renovated vitalism. He excludes the physical-chemical level of reality from his vitalism. He asserts that every organism has its own entelechy. For what he terms phylogenetic development, a more inclusive vitalism of the whole evolutionary process, he postulates a super-personal phylogenetic entelechy. He offers an a priori justification of his vitalistic theory, and treats incisively the logic of the psychological. Main works: Philosophy of the Organism; Ordnungslehre, 1912; Wirklichkeitslehre, 1917; Alltagsrätsel des Seelenlebens, 1938; "Kausalität und Vitalismus" in Jahrbuch der Schopenhauer Gesellschaft, XVI, 1939.

Each successive level in the descent of the Divine is to mao a stage in an ascension.

effective-adequate ::: (vak) combining the qualities of the two lowest levels of style.

effective illuminative ::: (vak) combining the qualities of the second and third levels of style. effective telepathy; effective vy vyapti

effective ::: (vak) having the qualities of the second level of style, more dynamic and powerfully expressive than the adequate style and characterised by "aptness and vividness and richness and beauty of phrase".

egocentric ::: The general level(s) where one is identified exclusively with “me,” or with the bodily self and its impulses. See ethnocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

elevator ::: n. --> One who, or that which, raises or lifts up anything
A mechanical contrivance, usually an endless belt or chain with a series of scoops or buckets, for transferring grain to an upper loft for storage.
A cage or platform and the hoisting machinery in a hotel, warehouse, mine, etc., for conveying persons, goods, etc., to or from different floors or levels; -- called in England a lift; the cage or platform itself.

embankment ::: n. --> The act of surrounding or defending with a bank.
A structure of earth, gravel, etc., raised to prevent water from overflowing a level tract of country, to retain water in a reservoir, or to carry a roadway, etc.

Energy: (Gr. energos, at work) The power by which things act to change other things. Potentiality in the physical. Employed by Aristotle as a synonym for actuality or reality. (a) In physics: the capacity for performing work. In modern physics, the equivalent of mass. (b) In i axiology: value at the physical level- -- J.K.F.

Entropy: Thermodynamic state approaching a maximum level of zero difference of energy potentials. Enumerable: A class is enumerable if its cardinal number (q.v.) is aleph 0. -- A.C.

equal ::: adj. 1. As great as; the same as (often followed by to or with). 2. Having the same quantity, value, or measure as another. 3. Evenly proportioned or balanced. 4. Tranquil; equable; undisturbed. 5. Impartial; just; equitable. n. 6. One who is equal to another in any specified quality. v. **7. To become equal or level with. equalled.**

equalitarian ::: n. --> One who believes in equalizing the condition of men; a leveler.

equilibrium ::: n. --> Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state of rest produced by the mutual counteraction of two or more forces.
A level position; a just poise or balance in respect to an object, so that it remains firm; equipoise; as, to preserve the equilibrium of the body.
A balancing of the mind between motives or reasons, with consequent indecision and doubt.

Error Level ::: The level of accepted error within a given set of data. The greater the error level, the wider the confidence interval.

esplanade ::: n. --> A clear space between a citadel and the nearest houses of the town.
The glacis of the counterscarp, or the slope of the parapet of the covered way toward the country.
A grass plat; a lawn.
Any clear, level space used for public walks or drives; esp., a terrace by the seaside.

Esthesis: (Gr. aisthesis, sensation or feeling, from aisthanesthai, to perceive) A state of pure feeling -- sensuous, hedonic or affective -- characterized by the absence of conceptual and interpretational elements. Aesthesis at the sensory level consists of pure sense data. See Sense datum. Though the existence of pure esthesis is challenged by most psychologists and epistemologists (see C. I. Lewis, Mind and the World Order, pp. 54-5); a state of mind approximates pure esthesis when the conceptual, interpretative and constructional elements are reduced to a minimum. -- L.W.

estrade ::: n. --> A portion of the floor of a room raised above the general level, as a place for a bed or a throne; a platform; a dais.

ethnocentric ::: The general level(s) where one is identified exclusively with “us,” or one’s family, group, tribe, or nation. See egocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

evenly ::: adv. --> With an even, level, or smooth surface; without roughness, elevations, or depression; uniformly; equally; comfortably; impartially; serenely.

evenness ::: n. --> The state of being ven, level, or disturbed; smoothness; horizontal position; uniformity; impartiality; calmness; equanimity; appropriate place or level; as, evenness of surface, of a fluid at rest, of motion, of dealings, of temper, of condition.

even ::: n. --> Evening. See Eve, n. 1. ::: a. --> Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of motion of action; as, even ground; an even speed; an even course of conduct.
Equable; not easily ruffed or disturbed; calm; uniformly

Evolutionism: This is the view that the universe and life in all of its manifestations and nature in all of their aspects are the product of development. Apart from the religious ideas of initial creation by fiat, this doctrine finds variety of species to be the result of change and modification and growth and adaptation rather than from some form of special creation of each of the myriads of organic types and even of much in the inorganic realm. Contrary to the popular notion, evolution is not a product of modern thought. There has been an evolution of evolutionary hypotheses from earliest Indian and Greek speculation down to the latest pronouncement of scientific theory. Thales believed all life to have had a marine origin and Anaximander, Anaximenes, Empedocles, the Atomists and Aristotle all spoke in terms of development and served to lay a foundation for a true theory of evolution. It is in the work of Charles Darwin, however, that clarity and proof is presented for the explanation of his notion of natural selection and for the crystallization of evolution as a prime factor in man's explanation of all phases of his mundane existence. The chief criticism leveled at the evolutionists, aside from the attacks of the religionists, is based upon their tendency to forget that not all evolution means progress. See Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Hemy Huxley, Natural Selection, Evolutionary Ethics. Cf. A. Lalande, L'Idee de dissolution opposee a celle de l'evolution (1899), revised ed. (1930): Les Illusions evolutionistes. -- L.E.D.

fausse-braye ::: n. --> A second raampart, exterior to, and parallel to, the main rampart, and considerably below its level.

Fechner, Gustav Theodor: (1801-1887) Philosophizing during the ascendency of modern science and the wane of metaphysical speculation, Fechner though as physicist believing in induction, analogy, history and pragmatic procedure, expounded a pure, objective idealism of Berkeley's type. With Oken and Schelling as spiritual guides, he held that everything is in consciousness, there are no substances, no things-in-themselves, everything, including animals, plants, earth, and heavens, shares the life of the soul (alles ist beseelt). In a consequent psycho-physicalism he interpreted soul (which is no substance, but the simplifying power in contrast to the diversifying physical) as appearance to oneself, and matter as appearance to others, both representing the same reality differentiated only in point of view. He applied the law of threshold to consciousness, explaining thus its relative discontinuity on one level while postulating its continuity on another, either higher or lower level. In God, as the highest rung of existence, there is infinite consciousness without an objective world. Evil arises inexplicably from darker levels of consciousness. With poetic imagination Fechner defended the "day-view" of the world in which phenomena are the real content of consciousness, against the "night-view" of science which professes knowledge of the not-sensation-conditioned colorless, soundless world.

field ::: 1. A wide unbroken expanse, as of ice. 2. An area or sphere of activity. 3. A broad, level, open expanse of land; a stretch of open land, esp. one used for pasture or tillage; a plain. 4. The surface on which something is portrayed or enacted. An area of human activity or interest. 5. A piece of ground devoted to sports or contests; playing field. 6. A region of space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure. fields, field-paths, star-field, time-field, play-fields, race-fields.

First Tier ::: A phrase used to summarize the first six major levels of values development according to Clare Graves and Spiral Dynamics: Survival Sense, Kin Spirits, Power Gods, Truth Force, Strive Drive, and Human Bond. First-Tier stages are characterized by a belief that “my values are the only correct values.” This lies in contrast to Second-Tier levels of development, wherein individuals recognize the importance of all value systems. Integral Theory uses First Tier to refer to the first six degrees or levels of developmental altitude (Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange, and Green).

flashboard ::: n. --> A board placed temporarily upon a milldam, to raise the water in the pond above its usual level; a flushboard.

flatland ::: 1. When the interior quadrants (the Left-Hand path) are reduced to the exterior quadrants (the Right-Hand path). For example, scientific materialism. The dissociation of the value spheres Art, Morals, and Science, followed by the colonization of Art and Morals by Science. The “bad news” of Modernity. See gross reductionism and subtle reductionism. 2. Using any one level as the only level in existence.

flatness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being flat.
Eveness of surface; want of relief or prominence; the state of being plane or level.
Want of vivacity or spirit; prostration; dejection; depression.
Want of variety or flavor; dullness; insipidity.
Depression of tone; the state of being below the true pitch; -- opposed to sharpness or acuteness.

flat ::: superl. --> Having an even and horizontal surface, or nearly so, without prominences or depressions; level without inclination; plane.
Lying at full length, or spread out, upon the ground; level with the ground or earth; prostrate; as, to lie flat on the ground; hence, fallen; laid low; ruined; destroyed.
Wanting relief; destitute of variety; without points of prominence and striking interest.
Tasteless; stale; vapid; insipid; dead; as, fruit or

flatten ::: a. --> To reduce to an even surface or one approaching evenness; to make flat; to level; to make plane.
To throw down; to bring to the ground; to prostrate; hence, to depress; to deject; to dispirit.
To make vapid or insipid; to render stale.
To lower the pitch of; to cause to sound less sharp; to let fall from the pitch.

footlight ::: n. --> One of a row of lights in the front of the stage in a theater, etc., and on a level therewith.

foresight ::: n. --> The act or the power of foreseeing; prescience; foreknowledge.
Action in reference to the future; provident care; prudence; wise forethought.
Any sight or reading of the leveling staff, except the backsight; any sight or bearing taken by a compass or theodolite in a forward direction.
Muzzle sight. See Fore sight, under Fore, a.

Freud, Sigmund ::: Dr. Freud is often referred to as the father of clinical psychology.  His extensive theory of personality development (psychoanalytical theory) is the cornerstone for modern psychological thought, and consists of (1) the psychosexual stages of development, (2) the structural  model of personality (id, ego, superego), and (3) levels of consciousness (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious).  See Psychoanalysis.

fulcrum ::: A developmental milestone within the self-identity stream, or the proximate-self line of development. Fulcrums follow a general 1-2-3 process: fusion or identification with one’s current level of self-development; differentiation or disidentification from that level; and integration of the new level with the previous level. AQAL theory, and Integral Psychology in specific, focus on anywhere from nine to ten developmental fulcrums.

furring ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Fur ::: n. --> The leveling of a surface, or the preparing of an air space, by means of strips of board or of larger pieces. See Fur, v. t., 3.

gable ::: n. --> A cable.
The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building, from the level of the cornice or eaves to the ridge of the roof. Also, a similar end when not triangular in shape, as of a gambrel roof and the like.
The end wall of a building, as distinguished from the front or rear side.
A decorative member having the shape of a triangular gable,

Gestalt Psychology: (German, Gestalt, shape or form) A school of German psychology, founded about 1912 by M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka and W. Köhler. Gestalt psychology reacted against the psychic elements of analytic or associationist psychology (see Associationism) and substituted the concept of Gestalt or organized whole. The parts do not exist prior to the whole but derive their character from the structure of the whole. The Gestalt concept is applied at the physical and physiological as well as the psychological levels and in psychology both to the original sensory organization and to the higher intellectual and associative processes of mind. Configuration has been suggested as an English equivalent for Gestalt and the school is accordingly referred to as Configurationism. -- L.W.

gimbals ::: n. --> A contrivance for permitting a body to incline freely in all directions, or for suspending anything, as a barometer, ship&

gnosis ::: "a power above mind working in its own law, out of the direct identity of the supreme Self", a faculty superior to buddhi or intellect, possessing not only the "concentrated consciousness of the infinite Essence", but "also and at the same time an infinite knowledge of the myriad play of the Infinite"; (in 1919-20) the supra-intellectual consciousness (also called ideality or vijñana) with its three planes of logistic, hermetic and seer gnosis, each successive level being more "intense and large in light, imperative, instantaneous, the scope of the active knowledge larger, the way nearer to the knowledge by identity, the thought more packed with the luminous substance of self-awareness and all-vision"; (in most of 1927 before 29 October) a plane of consciousness usually referred to as above the supreme ...64 supermind and descending into it to form supreme supermind gnosis, also rising to the "invincible Gnosis of the Divine"; (in April 1927) a term encompassing three degrees of supramental gnosis (corresponding to planes later redefined as parts of the overmind system) and a fourth degree of divine gnosis; (from 29 October 1927 onwards) equivalent to "divine gnosis", a grade of consciousness above overmind (but sometimes distinguished from supermind, which occupies a similar position) and descending into it to form gnostic overmind or gnosis in overmind.

gods "the necessary static elements, ::: Space, the ordered movements of the worlds, the ascending levels, the highest goal"; in later Hinduism, the Preserver of the world, one of the "three Powers and Personalities . of the One Cosmic Godhead", of which the other two are Brahma, the Creator, and Śiva or Rudra2, the Destroyer; also regarded as the Lord himself (isvara) who incarnates in the avataras, and the one deva of whom all the gods are manifestations; in the Record of Yoga, usually a subordinate aspect of Kr.s.n.a, sometimes identified with Pradyumna as the personality of the fourfold isvara whose sakti is Mahalaks.mi.Vis Visnu-Narayana

grade ::: n. --> A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order; relative position or standing; as, grades of military rank; crimes of every grade; grades of flour.
The rate of ascent or descent; gradient; deviation from a level surface to an inclined plane; -- usually stated as so many feet per mile, or as one foot rise or fall in so many of horizontal distance; as, a heavy grade; a grade of twenty feet per mile, or of 1 in 264.

grading ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Grade ::: n. --> The act or method of arranging in or by grade, or of bringing, as the surface of land or a road, to the desired level or grade.

Great Chain of Being ::: Traditionally refers to the central claim of premodern wisdom traditions: that reality consists of a great hierarchy of knowing and being which can be summarized as matter to body to mind to soul to spirit, and at which any level human beings can operate. In Integral Theory, the Great Chain is not accepted as pregiven, but is considered the product of evolutionary unfolding.

gurmy ::: n. --> A level; a working.

harrow ::: n. --> An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other, and set with iron or wooden teeth. It is drawn over plowed land to level it and break the clods, to stir the soil and make it fine, or to cover seed when sown.
An obstacle formed by turning an ordinary harrow upside down, the frame being buried.
To draw a harrow over, as for the purpose of breaking clods and leveling the surface, or for covering seed; as, to harrow land.

height ::: 1. A high point or position. 2. Elevation above a given level, as of the sun or a star above the horizon; altitude. Also fig. 3. The highest or most advanced degree, material or immaterial; the zenith. heights.

height ::: n. --> The condition of being high; elevated position.
The distance to which anything rises above its foot, above that on which in stands, above the earth, or above the level of the sea; altitude; the measure upward from a surface, as the floor or the ground, of animal, especially of a man; stature.
Degree of latitude either north or south.
That which is elevated; an eminence; a hill or mountain; as, Alpine heights.

hermetic ::: closed, sealed, esoteric; relating to hermetic ideality on its own plane or in a modified form as an element of some of the highest levels of logistic ideality.

hermetic logistic ideality ::: (in 1919) a high level of logistic ideality suffused by the light of the hermetic ideality; perhaps the same as the later interpretative revelatory vijñana.

Hierarchy of Needs ::: Maslow’s Theory of Motivation which states that we must achieve lower level needs, such as food, shelter, and safety before we can achieve higher level needs, such as belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) a plane of consciousness with three levels: "liberated intelligence", "intuitive [higher mind]" and "illumined [higher mind]" (in ascending order). The first level may correspond to vijñanabuddhi in the earlier terminology of the Record of Yoga. The "intuitive" and "illumined" levels may be what Sri Aurobindo soon after making the diagram began to refer to as "higher mind" (defined as "a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spiritborn conceptual knowledge") and "illumined mind" (characterised by "an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit"); cf. logistic ideality (also called luminous reason) and hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana (distinguished by "a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence") in the terminology of 1919-20.

Higher Mind ::: I mean by the Higher Mind a first plane of spiritual [consciousness] where one becomes constantly and closely aware of the Self, the One everywhere and knows and sees things habitually with that awareness; but it is still very much on the mindlevel although highly spiritual in its essential substance; and its instrumentation is through an elevated thought-power and comprehensive mental sight—not illumined by any of the intenser upper lights but as if in a large strong and clear daylight. It acts as an intermediate state between the Truth-Light above and the human mind; communicating the higher knowledge in a form that the Mind intensified, broadened, made spiritually supple, can receive without being blinded or dazzled by a Truth beyond it.Our first decisive step out of our human intelligence, our normal mentality, is an ascent into a higher Mind, a mind no longer of mingled light and obscurity or half-light, but a large clarity of the spirit. Its basic substance is a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamisation capable of the formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming, of all of which there is a spontaneous inherent knowledge. It is th
   refore a power that has proceeded from the Overmind,—but with the Supermind as its ulterior origin,—as all these greater powers have proceeded: but its special character, its activity of consciousness are dominated by Thought; it is a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spirit-born conceptual knowledge.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 27, 21-22 Page: 20, 974

Higher Planes ::: From the point of view of the ascent of consciousness from our mind upwards through a rising series of dynamic powers by which it can sublimate itself, the gradation can be resolved into a stairway of four main ascents, each with its high level of fulfilment. These gradations may be summarily described as a series of sublimations of the consciousness through Higher Mind, IlluminedMind and Intuition into Overmind and beyond it; there is a succession of self-transmutations at the summit of which lies the Supermind or Divine Gnosis.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 972

highest ideality ::: same as revelatory logistis (the highest level of logistic ideality) or seer ideality (the highest of the three planes of ideality).

hill ::: n. --> A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising above the common level of the surrounding land; an eminence less than a mountain.
The earth raised about the roots of a plant or cluster of plants. [U. S.] See Hill, v. t. ::: v. t.

horizontal ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or near, the horizon.
Parallel to the horizon; on a level; as, a horizontalline or surface.
Measured or contained in a plane of the horizon; as, horizontal distance.

horizontally ::: adv. --> In a horizontal direction or position; on a level; as, moving horizontally.

Hsien: The Confucians and Mohists demand that people of "superior moral character" should be rewarded and put in power, irrespective of their previous achievements; or "better", someone above the normal level of human capacity, almost a sage. -- H.H.

hummock ::: n. --> A rounded knoll or hillock; a rise of ground of no great extent, above a level surface.
A ridge or pile of ice on an ice field.
Timbered land. See Hammock.

hypsometry ::: n. --> That branch of the science of geodesy which has to do with the measurement of heights, either absolutely with reference to the sea level, or relatively.

illuminative ::: (vak) having the qualities of the third level of style, which gives "the pure untranslated language of intuitive vision" full of "a greater illumination in which the inner mind sees and feels object, emotion, idea not only clearly or richly or distinctly and powerfully, but in a flash or outbreak of transforming light which kindles the thought or image into a disclosure of new significances of a much more inner character, a more profoundly revealing vision, emotion, spiritual response".

illumined higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the third ("illumined") level of higher mind, perhaps corresponding to hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana in the terminology of 1919-20.

inequality ::: n. --> The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; as, an inequality in size, stature, numbers, power, distances, motions, rank, property, etc.
Unevenness; want of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as, the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab, etc.
Variableness; changeableness; inconstancy; lack of

inevitable ::: (vak) having the qualities of the highest level of style, which brings the "absolute and revealing word", either in the pure inevitable form or as a "magical transformation" of a lesser style 72"raised to inevitability" in its own line.

Inner consciousness and outer ::: There is an inner as well as an oliter consciousness all through our being, upon all its levels.

INNER CONSCIOUSNESS (Divisions) ::: There are five main divisions. At the top above the head arc layers (or as we call them planes) of which we arc not conscious and which become conscious to us only by sadhana — those above the human mind — that is the higher consciousness. Below from the crown of the head to the throat are the layers (there are many of them) of the mind, the three principal being one at the top of the head communicating with the higher consciousness, another between the eye-brows where is the thought, sight and will, a third in the throat which is the externalising mind. A second division is from the shoulders to the navel ; these are the layers of the higher vital presided over by the heart centre where is the emotional being with the psychic behind it. From the navel downwards is the rest of the vital being containing several layers. From the bottom of the spine downward are the layers of the physical consciousness proper, the material, and below the feet is the sub- conscient which has also many levels.

inspirational mentality ::: the middle level of idealised mentality, a "mind of luminous inspiration" which, in dealing with the movement in time, sees things "in the light of the world"s larger potentialities"; its defect is that it may be liable "to a hesitation or suspension of determining view as between various potential lines of the movement or even to a movement away from the line of eventual actuality and following another not yet applicable sequence".

inspiration ::: same as sruti, truth-hearing, the faculty of jñana which "comes as a vibration which carries the Truth in it and sometimes it comes as the actual word"; also, an instance of the working of this faculty; sometimes equivalent to inspired logistis, the middle plane of logistic ideality; (of vak) the characteristic of the fourth level of style (see inspired).

inspired ::: having the nature of inspiration (sruti), as it acts on the level of inspired logistis or another level of ideality or intuitive mind, often in combination with intuition or revelation; (vak) having the qualities of the fourth level of style, which "brings to us not only pure light and beauty and inexhaustible depth, but a greater moved ecstasy of highest or largest thought and sight and speech".

inspired logistis ::: the middle level of logistic ideality, where inspiration (sruti) determines the predominant character of the working of the luminous reason; also, the second gradation of this level, between the intuitional inspired and revelatory inspired forms of logistic ideality.

Integral Life Practice (ILP) ::: The practice of body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature. The personal expression of the AQAL framework. A modular and scalable approach to personal and professional growth. ILP focuses on tailoring a customized approach to the quadrants, levels, lines, states, or types of one’s own potential.

(Integral) psychograph ::: A representation of the unique constellation of levels and lines (as well as states and types) within an individual. The AQAL matrix as it appears in an individual, with particular reference to the Upper-Left quadrant.

Intellect: (Lat. intellects from intellegere, to understand) The cognitive faculty of the mind as it operates at higher abstract and conceptual levels. -- L.W.

intermediate zone ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers. ::: It is not necessary for everyone to struggle through the intermediate zone. If one has purified oneself, if there is no abnormal vanity, egoism, ambition or other strong misleading element, or if one is vigilant and on one"s guard, or if the psychic is in front, one can either pass rapidly and directly or with a minimum of trouble into the higher zones of consciousness where one is in direct contact with the Divine Truth.

Intermediate Zone ::: The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higherMind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels, but one can receive something from them, even from the Overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 118

intuitional ::: having the nature of intuition, as it acts on the level of intuitional ideality or another level of ideality or intuitive mind, often in combination with inspiration or revelation.

intuitional ideality ::: the lowest level of logistic ideality, where intuition (along with discrimination or viveka, the other component of smr.ti) determines the predominant character of the working of the luminous reason, the other faculties of jñana being inactive or subordinate to it.

intuitional intellectuality ::: the lowest level of idealised mentality, the "primary intuitive action" of the intuitive mind, which "dealing with the triple time movement . . . sees principally the stream of successive actualities in time, even as the ordinary mind, but with an immediate directness of truth and spontaneous accuracy of which the ordinary mind is not capable".

intuition ::: direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process. intuition"s, intuitions, half-intuition.

Sri Aurobindo: "Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrates with the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries in it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude.” *The Life Divine

   "Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of ``stable lightnings"". When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge.” *The Life Divine

  "I use the word ‘intuition" for want of a better. In truth, it is a makeshift and inadequate to the connotation demanded of it. The same has to be said of the word ‘consciousness" and many others which our poverty compels us to extend illegitimately in their significance.” *The Life Divine - Sri Aurobindo"s footnote.

"For intuition is an edge of light thrust out by the secret Supermind. . . .” The Life Divine

". . . intuition is born of a direct awareness while intellect is an indirect action of a knowledge which constructs itself with difficulty out of the unknown from signs and indications and gathered data.” The Life Divine

"Intuition is above illumined Mind which is simply higher Mind raised to a great luminosity and more open to modified forms of intuition and inspiration.” Letters on Yoga

"Intuition sees the truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental intelligence by seeking and reaching out for indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of the Intuition as compared with the supermind is that it sees things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming into the mind it gets mixed with the mental movement and forms a kind of intuitive mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the higher Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and that is practically its function.” Letters on Yoga

“Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of ``stable lightnings’’. When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge.” The Life Divine

Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into andmodified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and th
   refore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of stable lightnings.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 983

intuition ::: the faculty of jñana that "suggests a direct and illumining inner idea of the truth, an idea that is its true image and index, . . . a representation, but a living representation"; one of the two components of smr.ti, it "does the work of reasoning without the necessity of reasoning to arrive at a conclusion"; also, an instance of the working of this faculty; sometimes equivalent to intuitional ideality, the lowest level of logistic ideality; (in 1927) same as gnostic intuition.

intuitive higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the second ("intuitive") level of higher mind, perhaps corresponding to logistic ideality in the terminology of 1919-20.

intuitivity ::: (in 1919-20) a term for intuitive mind (also called intuivity), used especially with reference to three levels ("mechanical","pragmatic" and "truth-reflecting") regarded as higher counterparts of levels of the intellectual reason; (in April 1927) apparently the same as gnostic intuition, the first degree of supramental gnosis.

isobar ::: n. --> A line connecting or marking places upon the surface of the earth where height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time, or for a certain period (mean height), as for a year; an isopiestic line.
The quality or state of being equal in weight, especially in atmospheric pressure. Also, the theory, method, or application of isobaric science.

*It is from the Overmind that all these different arrangements of the creative Truth of things originate. Out of the Overmind they come down to the Intuition and are transmitted from it to the Illumined and higher Mind to be arranged there for our intelligence. But they lose more and more of their power and certitude in the transmission as they come down to the lower levels. What energy of directly perceived Truth they have is lost in the human mind; for to the human intellect they present themselves only as speculative ideas, not as realised Truth, not as direct sight, a dynamic vision coupled with a concrete undeniable experience.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.28, Letters on Yoga-I, Page: 155

Jhumur: “Anarchs is a strange word here because to me it symbolises rulers, forces that dominate, and yet anarchy is a state where there is no rule. So, the rulers of chaos and disorder. But there is always this core of anarchy which is a form of absolute inconscience, the original inconscience. At a very early level all form of order is a sign of consciousness, organisation, and this is the opposite, the first expression of the Inconscience, the descent into Night which is ruled by all these forces of darkness, the forces that refuse harmony.”

Jhumur: “ I think Amal and many others have talked about it. Sri Aurobindo is talking about the mind. Two powers and yet it is the same bird. At a certain level of our mental approach we perceive by opposites, we only see half the truth and only understand this half in relation only to the other. If this is white, this has to be black. And yet, it is one bird. It is fundamentally one truth, that is the mystic truth. Beyond the opposition there is the wholeness which sometimes we don’t perceive. We are so busy looking at the black head or the white tail and finding opposites.”

Jhumur: “It is perhaps a conscious plane of existence which is freely moving on the heights without any obligation to a downward pull. It lives on the heights freely like a bird can freely move. It is a level of existence.”

Jhumur: “Law is capital, it has to be! It is a very powerful dominating force, a force of resistance, a force of refusal, whatever in us denies the acceptance of light. If this law were not there then there would be an immediate rising into the light and there would be perhaps no play of the manifestation. For a long time there was a kind of a backward pull for each forward attempt so that you would have to work your way up from below and these lower levels have their very strong demands or pulls to resist. Slowly you have to take up all these movements and rise, otherwise the spirit would have risen really without any restriction and that would not have been what the divine intention was, to manifest here in the inconscient, the Divine.”

Jhumur: “These are not just images and not just there for effect. They represent certain movements in the being, certain forces that are universal, independent. It is not one man who suffers. At a certain level of existence these experiences are universal. There are forces that are at work on these levels, forces that really prey on man, really hound him in that sense. You can’t seem to escape them. When one is semi-conscious or lives as we do in an in-between state, not knowing exactly which is your direction, you have this force really at your heels, pushing you sometimes into suffering, into death. You feel that you have been deserted. Sometimes there is a notion of karma, at other times you feel that it is some force that is pushing you. These are universal forces in the field of life, in the field of the subconscient, in the unconsciousness. On these levels they are not images they are powers which Sri Aurobindo has given a certain shape, form, image.”

Jnana Yoga ::: The Path of Knowledge aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual
   reflection, vicara, to right discrimination, viveka. It observes and distinguishes the different elements of our apparent or phenomenal being and rejecting identification with each of them arrives at their exclusion and separation in one common term as constituents of Prakriti, of phenomenal Nature, creations of Maya, the phenomenal consciousness. So it is able to arrive at its right identification with the pure and unique Self which is not mutable or perishable, not determinable by any phenomenon or combination of phenomena. From this point the path, as ordinarily followed, leads to the rejection of the phenomenal worlds from the consciousness as an illusion and the final immergence without return of the individual soul in the Supreme. But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one’s own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the divine level, to its spiritualisation and to the justification of the cosmic travail of knowledge in humanity.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 38-39

jump ::: n. --> A kind of loose jacket for men.
A bodice worn instead of stays by women in the 18th century.
The act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.
An effort; an attempt; a venture.
The space traversed by a leap.
A dislocation in a stratum; a fault.
An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.

Karma Yoga ::: Aims at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Will. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an interested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renunciation it so purifies the mind and the will that we become easily conscious of the great universal Energy as the true doer of all our actions and the Lord of that Energy as their ruler and director with the individual as only a mask, an excuse, an instrument or, more positively, a conscious centre of action and phenomenal relation. The choice and direction of the act is more and more consciously left to this supreme Will and this universal Energy. To That our works as well as the results of our works are finally abandoned. The object is the release of the soul from its bondage to appearances and to the reaction of phenomenal activities. Karmayoga is used, like the other paths, to lead to liberation from phenomenal existence and a departure into the Supreme. But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 39-40

KARMA YOGA. ::: It alms at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Wilt. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an inter- ested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renuncia- tion it so purifies the mind and the will that we become easily conscious of the great universal Energy as the true doer of all our actions and the Lord of that Energy as their ruler and director with the individual as only a mask, an excuse, an instrument or, more positively, a conscious centre^ of action and phenomenal relation. The choice and direction of the act is more and more consciously left to this supreme Will and this universal Energy. To that our works as well as the results of our works are finally abandoned. The object is the release of the soul from its bondage to appearances and to the reaction of phenomenal activities. Karmayoga is used, like the other paths, to lead to liberation from phenomenal existence and a departure into the Supreme. But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoislic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the

Kosmocentric ::: The general level(s) where one is identified with the all of manifest and unmanifest reality. See egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, and planetcentric.

Level: A grade or type of existence or being which entails a special type of relatedness or of organization, with distinctive laws. The term has been used primarily in connection with theories of emergent evolution where certain so-called higher levels, e.g. life, or mind, are supposed to have emerged from the lower levels, e.g. matter, and are considered to exhibit features of novelty not predictable from the lower levels. -- A.C.B.

li bella ::: n. --> A small balance.
A level, or leveling instrument.

libratory ::: a. --> Balancing; moving like a balance, as it tends to an equipoise or level.

lines ::: Relatively independent streams or capacities that proceed through levels of development. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences is one example of the study of developmental lines. There is evidence for over a dozen developmental lines, including cognitive, moral, self-identity, aesthetic, kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, and mathematical. Integral Theory generally classifies these lines according to one of three types: cognitive lines (as studied by Jean Piaget, Robert Kegan, Kurt Fischer, etc.); selfrelated lines (e.g., morals, self-identity, needs, etc.); and capacities or talents (e.g., musical capacity, kinesthetic capacity, introspective capacity). Cognitive development is necessary but not sufficient for development in the self-related lines and appears to be necessary for most of the capacities.

logistic ideality ::: the plane of luminous reason, the lowest of the three planes of ideality; its essence is smr.ti (intuition and discrimination, the latter often regarded as inherent in the former) and it has three levels ... with three or more forms of each, based on various combinations of intuition with inspiration and revelation, the higher faculties of jñana. On each successive level, "the lower first calls down into itself and is then taken up into the higher, so that on each level all the three elevations are reproduced, but always there predominates in the thought essence the character that belongs to that level"s proper form of consciousness". The logistic ideality of 1919-20 may be correlated with the "intuitive" level of higher mind in the diagram on page 1(c. 1931).

logistic tapas ::: tapas acting on any level of logistic ideality. logistic vijñana

logistis in the hermesis ::: the lowest level of hermetic ideality.

logistis ::: same as logistic ideality; in October 1920, restricted to intuitive ideality as the lowest level of logos vijñana.

Logomachy: (Gr. logos, word + mache, battle) A contention in which words are involved without their references. A contention which lacks the real grounds of difference, or one in which allegedly opposed views are actually not on the same level of discourse. A battle of words alone, which ignores their symbolic character. -- J. K.

logos reason ::: a term used in October 1920 for the second level of logos vijñana; it is defined as "the lower representative idea", apparently referring to the form of intuitive revelatory logistis previously called representative revelatory vijñana. logos vij ñana

Lower Confidence Limit ::: The lower limit of a confidence interval. If prediction states that the true score falls between 80 and 90, then the lower confidence level is 80.

lowering ::: bringing down the voice to a lower level.

lowland ::: n. --> Land which is low with respect to the neighboring country; a low or level country; -- opposed to highland.

Madhav: “Our time is divided into past, present, future, but there is a level where Time is continuous. The past, the present and the future are spread out as a map, undivided; in one glance one can see everything.” Sat-Sang Vol. IX

Madhav: “This creation is an ordered manifestation of the Divine. There is a central Will, expressing the originating Truth-vision, impelling the whole movement. But also there are special emanations from the Divine charged with specific tasks in the organisation and maintenance of the emerging creation. These are the gods and goddesses, deities, Powers and Personalities that are in charge of their respective domains, on different levels of existence. Each world has its own guardians entrusted by the Supreme Creative Spirit with the work of building and furthering the manifestation of the particular Truth-principle that pushes for expression in that world-formula.” Readings in Savitri Vol. I.

mall ::: n. --> A large heavy wooden beetle; a mallet for driving anything with force; a maul.
A heavy blow.
An old game played with malls or mallets and balls. See Pall-mall.
A place where the game of mall was played. Hence: A public walk; a level shaded walk.
Formerly, among Teutonic nations, a meeting of the notables

manas brahman ::: brahman experienced on the mental level.

manas. ::: mind; reason; mentality; the middle levels of mind which exist as or include the mental body &

Materialistic psychology calls this hidden part the Inconscient, although practically admitting that it is far greater, more power- ful and profound than the surface coasclous self, — very much as the Upanishads called the superconsclent in us the Sleep-self, although this Sleep-self is said to be an iniuiitely greater Intelli- gence, omniscient, omnipotent, Prajna, the Ishwara. Psychic science calls this hidden consciousness the subliminal self, and here loo it is seen that this subliminal self has more powers, more knowledge, a freer field of movement than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which our waking consciousness is only a wave or series of waves, cannot be described by any one term, for it is very complex. Part of it is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness, part of it is on a level with it but behind and much larger than it ; part is above and superconscient to us.

meadow ::: n. --> A tract of low or level land producing grass which is mown for hay; any field on which grass is grown for hay.
Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rives and in marshy places by the sea; as, the salt meadows near Newark Bay. ::: a.

mechanical intuivity ::: the lowest form of intuivity, corresponding on the level of the intuitive mind to the habitual mind on the intellectual plane; it is related to intuitional intellectuality and stresses the perception "of the powers and tendencies of the present and what they mean and presage".

Meinong, Alexius: (1853-1921) Was originally a disciple of Brentano, who however emphatically rejected many of Meinong's later contentions. He claimed to have discovered a new a priori science, the "theory of objects" (to be distinguished from metaphysics which is an empirical science concerning reality, but was never worked out by Meinong). Anything "intended" by thought is an "object". Objects may either "exist" (such as physical objects) or "subsist" (such as facts which Meinong unfortunately termed "objectives", or mathematical entities), they may either be possible or impossible and they may belong either to a lower or to a higher level (such as "relations" and "complexions", "founded" on their simple terms or elements). In the "theory of objects," the existence of objects is abstracted from (or as Husserl later said it may be "bracketed") and their essence alone has to be considered. Objects are apprehended either by self-evident judgments or by "assumptions", that is, by "imaginary judgments". In the field of emotions there is an analogous division since there are also "imaginary" emotions (such as those of the spectator in a tragedy). Much of Meinong's work was of a psychological rather than of a metaphysical or epistemological character. -- H.G.

MENTAL BEING. ::: The true mental being is not the same as the inner mental ; true mental, true vital, true physical being means the Purusha of that level freed from the error and ignorant thought and will of the lower Prakriti and directly open to the knowledge and guidance above.

mezzanine ::: n. --> Same as Entresol.
A partial story which is not on the same level with the story of the main part of the edifice, as of a back building, where the floors are on a level with landings of the staircase of the main house.

middle hermesis ::: the second level of hermetic ideality.

Missing definition "introduction" First, this is an (English language) __computing__ dictionary. It includes lots of terms from related fields such as mathematics and electronics, but if you're looking for (or want to submit) words from other subjects or general English words or other languages, try {(}, {(}, {(}, {(} or {(}. If you've already searched the dictionary for a computing term and it's not here then please __don't tell me__. There are, and always will be, a great many missing terms, no dictionary is ever complete. I use my limited time to process the corrections and definitions people have submitted and to add the {most frequently requested missing terms (missing.html)}. Try one of the sources mentioned above or {(}, {(} or {(}. See {the Help page (help.html)} for more about missing definitions and bad cross-references. (2014-09-20)! {exclamation mark}!!!Batch "language, humour" A daft way of obfuscating text strings by encoding each character as a different number of {exclamation marks} surrounded by {question marks}, e.g. "d" is encoded as "?!!!!?". The language is named after the {MSDOS} {batch file} in which the first converter was written. {esoteric programming languages} {wiki entry (!!!Batch)}. (2014-10-25)" {double quote}

module ::: Any aspect of human capacity that can be trained (e.g., quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types).

mountain ::: n. --> A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land; earth and rock forming an isolated peak or a ridge; an eminence higher than a hill; a mount.
A range, chain, or group of such elevations; as, the White Mountains.
A mountainlike mass; something of great bulk. ::: a.

n. 1. The horizontal line or plane in which anything is situated, with regard to its elevation. 2. A plane or position in a graded scale; position in a hierarchy. 3. On the same plane, on an equality (with). levels. *adj. 4.** *Having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. 5. Height, position, strength, rank, plane, etc. Also fig. v. 6. Fig. To bring persons or things to an equal level; equalize. levelled, all-levelling.**

Nafs-i Ammara :::   Dominant Nafs; the first of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Lawwama :::   Blaming Nafs; the second of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mardziyya :::   Satisfying Nafs; the sixth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mulhama :::   Inspired Nafs; the third of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mutmaina :::   Tranquil Nafs; the fourth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Radziyya :::   Satisfied Nafs; the fifth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Safiyya :::   Purified Nafs; the seventh of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

nakasya prsthe ::: [in] the highest level of Heaven. [RV 1.125.5]

NAVEL CENTRE. ::: The Nabbipadma commanding the larger life-forces and passions and larger desire-movements is the main seat of the centralised «tal consciousness (dynamic centre) which ranges from the heart level (emotional) to the centre below the navel (lower vital, sensational desire centre).

Nolini: “Usually the first spiritual experience comes as wonder. The birds symbolise the forces at play in this level of Wonder, beings in that consciousness of Wonder.”

nondual ::: The ever-present union of subject and object, Form and Emptiness, Heaven and Earth. Nondual can refer to both the suchness or “isness” of Reality right now and also the very highest basic level or structure-stage of awareness, where this suchness is a permanent realization. It is both the ever-present ground of evolution, as well as its ultimate goal.

nonnal present mind, a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could wcO 6e of that nature ; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still Supramental from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and

norm ::: 1. A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical. 2. General level or average.

normal ::: conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.

Occultism is in its essence man’s effort to arrive at a knowledge of secret truths and potentialities of Nature which will lift him out of slavery to his physical limits of being, an attempt in particular to possess and organise the mysterious, occult, outwardly still undeveloped direct power of Mind upon Life and of both Mind and Life over Matter. There is at the same time an endeavour to establish communication with worlds and entities belonging to the supraphysical heights, depths and intermediate levels of cosmic Being and to utilise this communion for the mastery of a higher Truth and for a help to man in his will to make himself sovereign over Nature’s powers and forces.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 906-07

One may say that these are projections of the Jivatman put there to uphold Prakriti on the various levels of the being. The Upa- nishad speaks also of a Supramental and a Bliss Purusha, and if the Supramental and the Bliss Nature were organised in the evolution on earth, we could become aware of them upholding the movements here.

opening ::: the release of the consciousness by which it begins to admit into itself the working of the Divine Life and Power; the ability of the consciousness on the various levels to receive the descent of the Higher Consciousness above.

Optimal Level of Arousal ::: Theory arguing that humans are driven to increase or decrease arousal to produce a comfortable level that is not over- nor under stimulating.

Or it may be a pressure from above ; let us say, some supra- mental or mental power precipitating its formation from above and developing forms and movements on the vital level as a means of transit to its self-creation in the material world. Or it may be all these things acting together, in which case there is the greatest possibility of an effective creation.

overhead ::: over or above the level of the head; high or higher up; situated or operating above head height or some other reference level; on high.

Overmind ::: Above the mind there are several levels of conscious of the Truth. But in between is what he has distinguished as the Overmind, the world of the cosmic Gods. Now it is this Overmind that has up to the present governed our world: it is the highest that man has been able to attain in illumined consciousness. It has been taken for the Supreme Divine and all those who have reached it have never for a moment doubted that they have touched the true Spirit. For, its splendours are so great to the ordinary human consciousness that it is absolutely dazzled into believing that here at last is the crowning reality. And yet the fact is that the Overmind is far below the true Divine. It is not the authentic home of the Truth. It is only the domain of the formateurs , all those creative powers and deities to whom men have bowed down since the beginning of history. And the reason why the true Divine has not manifested and transformed the earth-nature is precisely that the Overmind has been mistaken for the Supermind.being, among which the really divine world is what Sri Aurobindo has called the Supermind, the world. The cosmic Gods do not wholly live in the Truth-Consciousness: they are only in touch with it and represent, each of them, an aspect of its glories.

overmind system ::: a term used on 29 October 1927 (when the word "overmind" first occurs) for what earlier in that year had consisted of a series of planes, divisible into four groups, rising from supramentality to gnostic supermind. In 1933, Sri Aurobindo wrote that the overmind "can for convenience be divided into four planes", which he called mental overmind, intuitive overmind or overmind intuition, true overmind, and supramental overmind or overmind gnosis, "but there are many layers in each and each of these can be regarded as a plane in itself". In the diagram of overmind gradations on page 1360 (c. 1931), mental overmind seems to be missing, but overmind logos is listed between intuitive overmind and formative maya, the latter evidently designating the principal plane of true overmind. Overmind logos may represent mental overmind; its position in the diagram could be explained if its highest level is assumed to be a form of mental overmind taken up into true overmind and constituting a plane of overmind proper, like the supramentalised mind in overmind of 1927-28.P

Oversoul ::: We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance, luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery. We become aware, in a certain experience, of a range of being superconscient to all these three, aware too of something, a supreme highest Reality sustaining and exceeding them all, which humanity speaks of vaguely as Spirit, God, the Oversoul: from these superconscient ranges we have visitations and in our highest being we tend towards them and to that supreme Spirit. There is then in our total range of existence a superconscience as well as a subconscience and inconscience, overarching and perhaps enveloping our subliminal and our waking selves, but unknown to us, seemingly unattainable and incommunicable.

pasyanti vak ::: [the second level of speech], the seeing word, speech with the vision of truth in it.

pave ::: n. --> The pavement. ::: v. t. --> To lay or cover with stone, brick, or other material, so as to make a firm, level, or convenient surface for horses, carriages, or persons on foot, to travel on; to floor with brick, stone, or other solid material; as, to pave a street; to pave a court.

paves ::: covers or lay (a road, walk, etc.) with concrete, stones, or the like, so as to make a firm, level surface. sword-paved.

peak ::: 1. The pointed top of a mountain or ridge. 2. The highest or most important point or level. peaks, peaked, peak-climb, low-peaked, highpeaked, eagle-peaks.

photosculpture ::: n. --> A process in which, by means of a number of photographs simultaneously taken from different points of view on the same level, rough models of the figure or bust of a person or animal may be made with great expedition.

Physical fatigue in sSdhana ::: It may come from ( 1 ) receiv- ing more than the physical is ready to assimilate. The cure is then quiet rest in conscious immobility receiving the forces but not for any other purpose than tbe recuperation of the strength and energy. (2) It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness dotvn towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. The cure here is to get back into the true consciousness and to rest there, not in inertia. (3) It may be due to mere overstrain of the body — not giving enough sleep or repose. The body is the support of the yoga, but its energy is not inexhaustible and needs to be husbanded ; it can be kept up by drawing on the universal vital Force but that reinforcement too has its limits.

PHYSICAL FATIGUE. ::: It may come from receiving more than the physical is ready to assimilate. It may be due to the passivity taking the form of inertia ; inertia brings the consciousness down towards the ordinary physical level which is soon fatigued and prone to tamas. It may be due to mere oveistrain of the body — not giving it enough sleep or repose,

pitch ::: 1. The highest point or greatest height. 2. A level or degree, as of intensity.

pitched ::: 1. Erect or established; set up; as a tent, etc. 2. Set at a certain point, degree, level, etc. 3. (of sound) set to a certain pitch or key; usually used as a combining form; "high-pitched”, "sky-pitched”.

plain ::: n. 1. An extensive, level, usually treeless area of land. plains. adj. 2. Obvious to the mind; evident. 3. Not elaborate or complicated; simple.

plane ::: higher or lower level, grade, degree. **planes.

plane ::: n. --> Any tree of the genus Platanus. ::: a. --> Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface.
A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that

Planes, Higher ::: …from the point of view of the ascent of consciousness from our mind upwards through a rising series of dynamic powers by which it can sublimate itself, the gradation can be resolved into a stairway of four main ascents, each with its high level of fulfilment. These gradations may be summarily described as a series of sublimations of the consciousness through Higher Mind, IlluminedMind and Intuition into Overmind and beyond it; there is a succession of self-transmutations at the summit of which lies the Supermind or Divine Gnosis.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 972

planetcentric ::: The general level(s) where one is identified, not just with all humans, but with all sentient beings, including plants, animals, and natural processes. See egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, and Kosmocentric.

plano- ::: a. --> Combining forms signifying flat, level, plane; as planifolious, planimetry, plano-concave. ::: --> See Plani-.

plano-horizontal ::: a. --> Having a level horizontal surface or position.

plateau ::: an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland.

plateau ::: n. --> A flat surface; especially, a broad, level, elevated area of land; a table-land.
An ornamental dish for the table; a tray or salver.

platform ::: n. --> A plat; a plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern. Used also figuratively.
A place laid out after a model.
Any flat or horizontal surface; especially, one that is raised above some particular level, as a framework of timber or boards horizontally joined so as to form a roof, or a raised floor, or portion of a floor; a landing; a dais; a stage, for speakers, performers, or workmen; a standing place.

Plato's theory of knowledge can hardly be discussed apart from his theory of reality. Through sense perception man comes to know the changeable world of bodies. This is the realm of opinion (doxa), such cognition may be more or less clear but it never rises to the level of true knowledge, for its objects are impermanent and do not provide a stable foundation for science. It is through intellectual, or rational, cognition that man discovers another world, that of immutable essences, intelligible realities, Forms or Ideas. This is the level of scientific knowledge (episteme); it is reached in mathematics and especially in philosophy (Repub. VI, 510). The world of intelligible Ideas contains the ultimate realities from which the world of sensible things has been patterned. Plato experienced much difficulty in regard to the sort of existence to be attributed to his Ideas. Obviously it is not the crude existence of physical things, nor can it be merely the mental existence of logical constructs. Interpretations have varied from the theory of the Christian Fathers (which was certainly not that of Plato himself) viz , that the Ideas are exemplary Causes in God's Mind, to the suggestion of Aristotle (Metaphysics, I) that they are realized, in a sense, in the world of individual things, but are apprehended only by the intellect The Ideas appear, however, particularly in the dialogues of the middle period, to be objective essences, independent of human minds, providing not only the foundation for the truth of human knowledge but afso the ontological bases for the shadowy things of the sense world. Within the world of Forms, there is a certain hierarchy. At the top, the most noble of all, is the Idea of the Good (Repub. VII), it dominates the other Ideas and they participate in it. Beauty, symmetry and truth are high-ranking Ideas; at times they are placed almost on a par with the Good (Philebus 65; also Sympos. and Phaedrus passim). There are, below, these, other Ideas, such as those of the major virtues (wisdom, temperance, courage, justice and piety) and mathematical terms and relations, such as equality, likeness, unlikeness and proportion. Each type or class of being is represented by its perfect Form in the sphere of Ideas, there is an ideal Form of man, dog, willow tree, of every kind of natural object and even of artificial things like beds (Repub. 596). The relationship of the "many" objects, belonging to a certain class of things in the sense world, to the "One", i.e. the single Idea which is their archetype, is another great source of difficulty to Plato. Three solutions, which are not mutually exclusive, are suggested in the dialogues (1) that the many participate imperfectly in the perfect nature of their Idea, (2) that the many are made in imitation of the One, and (3) that the many are composed of a mixture of the Limit (Idea) with the Unlimited (matter).

playa ::: n. --> A beach; a strand; in the plains and deserts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, a broad, level spot, on which subsequently becomes dry by evaporation.

Power or possibility of the Infinite Consciousness can be admitted, its power of self-absorption, of plunging into itself, into a state in which self-awareness exists but not as knowledge and not as all-knowledge; the all would then be involved in pure self-awareness, and knowledge and the inner consciousness itself would be lost in pure being. This is, luminously, the state which we call the Superconscience in an absolute sense,—although most of what we call superconscient is in reality not that but only a higher conscient, something that is conscious to itself and only superconscious to our own limited level of awareness. This self-absorption, this trance of infinity is again, no longer luminously but darkly, the state which we call the Inconscient; for the being of the Infinite is there though by its appearance of inconscience it seems to us rather to be an infinite non-being: a self-oblivious intrinsic consciousness and force are there in that apparent non-being, for by the energy of the Inconscient an ordered world is created; it is created in a trance of self-absorption, the force acting automatically and with an apparent blindness as in a trance, but still with the inevitability and power of truth of the Infinite.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 358-359

pradiv (pradiv; pradiva) ::: the "intermediate mentality", a level of consciousness described as "pure mind in relation with nervous"; a mental akasa defined as the ether of the "prano-manasic buddhi" behind the cittakasa.

pragmatic intuitivity ::: the second form of intuitivity, corresponding on the level of the intuitive mind to the pragmatic reason on the intellectual plane; it is related to inspirational mentality and gives the perception of the "powers and forces which attempt to create a future not bound by the probabilities of the present".

prairie ::: n. --> An extensive tract of level or rolling land, destitute of trees, covered with coarse grass, and usually characterized by a deep, fertile soil. They abound throughout the Mississippi valley, between the Alleghanies and the Rocky mountains.
A meadow or tract of grass; especially, a so called natural meadow.

pratibhasika. ::: apparent or illusory life based on imagination alone; personal world; the level in which appearances are actually false, like the illusion of a snake over a rope, or a dream; having neither basis, nor any existence; unreality

presence ::: 1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 2. A divine, spiritual, or supernatural spirit or influence felt or conceived as present. 3. The immediate proximity of someone or something.

Sri Aurobindo: "It is intended by the word Presence to indicate the sense and perception of the Divine as a Being, felt as present in one"s existence and consciousness or in relation with it, without the necessity of any further qualification or description. Thus, of the ‘ineffable Presence" it can only be said that it is there and nothing more can or need be said about it, although at the same time one knows that all is there, personality and impersonality, Power and Light and Ananda and everything else, and that all these flow from that indescribable Presence. The word may be used sometimes in a less absolute sense, but that is always the fundamental significance, — the essential perception of the essential Presence supporting everything else.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"But if we learn to live within, we infallibly awaken to this presence within us which is our more real self, a presence profound, calm, joyous and puissant of which the world is not the master — a presence which, if it is not the Lord Himself, is the radiation of the Lord within.” *The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

"If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance, — all Nature is its external proof, — we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” *The Life Divine

"The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” *The Life Divine

"There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"They [the psychic being and the Divine Presence in the heart] are quite different things. The psychic being is one"s own individual soul-being. It is not the Divine, though it has come from the Divine and develops towards the Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

"For it is quietness and inwardness that enable one to feel the Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” *Essays Divine and Human

The Mother: "For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart — not in the physical heart but the psychic centre — of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

Presentational Immediacy: (Lat. praesens ppr. of praeesse, and in + medius, middle) Presentational immediacy characterizes any items which are in the direct cognitive presence of the mind such as sense data, images, emotional and affective data. Immediacy is ascribed by some epistemologists to higher levels of knowledge, e.g. perception and memory and by the mystic to the knowledge of God. -- L.W.

Probability of Error ::: The likelihood that error caused the results of data analysis. If the probability of error is greater than the predetermined acceptable level of error then the results are said to be &

prone ::: a. --> Bending forward; inclined; not erect.
Prostrate; flat; esp., lying with the face down; -- opposed to supine.
Headlong; running downward or headlong.
Sloping, with reference to a line or surface; declivous; inclined; not level.
Inclined; propense; disposed; -- applied to the mind or affections, usually in an ill sense. Followed by to.

purus.a-prakr.ti (purusha-prakriti; purusha prakriti) ::: "the great dupurusa-prakrti ality, Soul-Nature" which "in aspect separate, is inseparable", the dualism of purus.a, "a witness recipient observing experiencing Consciousness which does not appear to act but for which all these activities inside and outside us seem to be undertaken and continue" and prakr.ti,"an executive Force or an energy of Process which is seen to constitute, drive and guide all conceivable activities and to create a myriad forms visible to us and invisible and use them as stable supports for its incessant flux of action and creation". On the lower planes of existence, purus.a-prakr.ti differs from isvara-sakti in that "Purusha and Prakriti are separate powers, but Ishwara and Shakti contain each other", but at "a certain spiritual and supramental level", this dual power becomes "perfectly Two-in-one, the Master Soul with the Conscious Force within it, and its potentiality disowns all barriers and breaks through every limit"; in the perception of the world, the darsana of purus.a-prakr.ti in all things and beings rises to the vision of Kr.s.n.akali.

Purusha ::: The Conscious Being, Purusha, is the Self as originator, witness, support and lord and enjoyer of the forms and works of Nature. As the aspect of Self is in its essential character transcendental even when involved and identified with its universal and individual becomings, so the Purusha aspect is characteristically universal-individual and intimately connected with Nature even when separated from her. For this conscious Spirit while retaining its impersonality and eternity, its universality, puts on at the same time a more personal aspect;7 it is the impersonal-personal being in Nature from whom it is not altogether detached, for it is always coupled with her: Nature acts for the Purusha and by its sanction, for its will and pleasure; the Conscious Being imparts its consciousness to the Energy we call Nature, receives in that consciousness her workings as in a mirror, accepts the forms which she, the executive cosmic Force, creates and imposes on it, gives or withdraws its sanction from her movements. The experience of Purusha-Prakriti, the Spirit or Conscious Being in its relations to Nature, is of immense pragmatic importance; for on these relations the whole play of the consciousness depends in the embodied being. If the Purusha in us is passive and allows Nature to act, accepting all she imposes on him, giving a constant automatic sanction, then the soul in mind, life, body, the mental, vital, physical being in us, becomes subject to our nature, ruled by its formation, driven by its activities; that is the normal state of our ignorance. If the Purusha in us becomes aware of itself as the Witness and stands back from Nature, that is the first step to the soul’s freedom; for it becomes detached, and it is possible then to know Nature and her processes and in all independence, since we are no longer involved in her works, to accept or not to accept, to make the sanction no longer automatic but free and effective; we can choose what she shall do or not do in us, or we can stand back altogether from her works and withdraw into the Self’s spiritual silence, or we can reject her present formations and rise to a spiritual level of existence and from there re-create our existence. The Purusha can cease to be subject, anısa, and become lord of its nature, Isvara.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 362-63

qutb :::   lit., pole; a person of extremely high spiritual level who acts as administrator in the spiritual hierarchy of the world; human conduit of spiritual power from Allah, through whom it is distributed in the world.

rand ::: n. --> A border; edge; margin.
A long, fleshy piece, as of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak.
A thin inner sole for a shoe; also, a leveling slip of leather applied to the sole before attaching the heel. ::: v. i.

rase ::: v. t. --> To rub along the surface of; to graze.
To rub or scratch out; to erase.
To level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to raze. ::: v. i. --> To be leveled with the ground; to fall; to suffer

raze ::: n. --> A Shakespearean word (used once) supposed to mean the same as race, a root. ::: v. t. --> To erase; to efface; to obliterate.
To subvert from the foundation; to lay level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to demolish.

redan ::: n. --> A work having two parapets whose faces unite so as to form a salient angle toward the enemy.
A step or vertical offset in a wall on uneven ground, to keep the parts level.

revelatory ::: having the nature of revelation (dr.s.t.i), as it acts on the level of revelatory logistis or another level of ideality or intuitive mind, often in combination with intuition or inspiration; (in 1920) sometimes equivalent to full revelatory, sometimes to lower revelatory.

revelatory logistis ::: the highest level of logistic ideality, where revelation (dr.s.t.i) determines the predominant character of the working of the luminous reason.

revelatory mentality ::: the highest level of idealised mentality, a "mind of luminous revelation" which, in dealing with the movement in time,..."sees what is determined behind the play of potentialities and actualities".

rink ::: n. --> The smooth and level extent of ice marked off for the game of curling.
An artificial sheet of ice, generally under cover, used for skating; also, a floor prepared for skating on with roller skates, or a building with such a floor.

rodsman ::: n. --> One who carries and holds a leveling staff, or rod, in a surveying party.

ropewalk ::: a. --> A long, covered walk, or a low, level building, where ropes are manufactured.

rough ::: n. --> Having inequalities, small ridges, or points, on the surface; not smooth or plain; as, a rough board; a rough stone; rough cloth.
Not level; having a broken surface; uneven; -- said of a piece of land, or of a road.
Not polished; uncut; -- said of a gem; as, a rough diamond.
Tossed in waves; boisterous; high; -- said of a sea or other piece of water.

sahaja. ::: natural; used by Ramana Maharshi to designate the permanent and highest level of experiencing the Self

samane urve ::: in the level wideness. [Ved.]

sanoh sanum ::: from level to level. ::: [see the following]

sanu ::: level, peak, elevation. ::: sanuni [plural]

sanu ::: level, plane. sanu

savanna ::: n. --> A tract of level land covered with the vegetable growth usually found in a damp soil and warm climate, -- as grass or reeds, -- but destitute of trees.

sea level ::: --> The level of the surface of the sea; any surface on the same level with the sea.

SEA. ::: In this yoga one sees many levels of consciousness which appear as skies or else as seas.

Second Tier ::: Used to summarize the Flex Flow and Global View stages of value systems development from the Spiral Dynamics model. These stages are defined by their capacity to see the relative importance of all value systems, as opposed to First-Tier value systems, which declare their values to be the only correct values. Integral Theory uses Second Tier to refer to the Teal and Turquoise levels of developmental altitude.

seer hermesis ::: seer ideality in the hermesis; the highest level of hermetic ideality.

seer logistis ::: (in 1919) a high level of logistic ideality full of the influence of the seer ideality; same as revelatory logistis or full revelatory ideality.

seiches ::: n. pl. --> Local oscillations in level observed in the case of some lakes, as Lake Geneva.

self-system ::: A third-person descriptor for the overall self. The self-system is the locus of identification, will, defenses, metabolism, and integration (i.e., balancing the various levels, lines, states, and types of consciousness).

Sentience: (Lat. sentiens, from sentire, to feel) Consciousness at a rudimentary sensory level. -- L.W.

shamble ::: n. --> One of a succession of niches or platforms, one above another, to hold ore which is thrown successively from platform to platform, and thus raised to a higher level.
A place where butcher&

Shruti: “Vijnana maya purusha. The angel who holds and brings forth the occult mysteries of life, the mysterious truths of existence, the occult laws of Nature, the level of being. Hiranyagarbha, the golden embryo is also the Angel of mysterious ecstasies. He is also the man who has attained the state of Vijnana where he is now Mind, Life, Matter.”

  "Sincerity means to lift all the movements of the being to the level of the highest consciousness and realisation already attained.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

“Sincerity means to lift all the movements of the being to the level of the highest consciousness and realisation already attained.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

SINCERITY. ::: SiDcezity means to lilt all the movements of the being to the level of the highest consciousness and realisation already attained.

sink ::: n. 1. A cesspool; a covered cistern into which waste water and sewage flow. Also fig. 2. An area of ground that slopes below the level of the surrounding land. v. 3. To descend to the bottom; submerge. 4. To fall, drop, or descend gradually to a lower level. 5. To decline or cause to decline in moral value, pass into a lower state or condition. etc. 6. To fall or drop to a lower level, especially to go down slowly or in stages; subside, as land. 7. To diminish or appear to move downward, as the sun or moon in setting. 8. To become lower in volume or pitch; gradually become fainter. sunk.

siphon ::: n. --> A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a liquid can be transferred to a lower level, as from one vessel to another, over an intermediate elevation, by the action of the pressure of the atmosphere in forcing the liquid up the shorter branch of the pipe immersed in it, while the continued excess of weight of the liquid in the longer branch (when once filled) causes a continuous flow. The flow takes place only when the discharging extremity of the pipe ia lower than the higher

Sky ::: A symbol of the mental consciousness (or the psychic) or other consciousnesses above the mind. The higher conscious- ness In any of its levels is seen usually us a sky or ether but when felt through the vital it is often p>erceived as a sea. In this yoga one sees many levels of consciousness which appear as skies or seas.

slant ::: v. i. --> To be turned or inclined from a right line or level; to lie obliquely; to slope.
Inclined from a direct line, whether horizontal or perpendicular; sloping; oblique. ::: v. t. --> To turn from a direct line; to give an oblique or sloping

Sleep and the subconscient ::: Sleep because of its subconscient basis usually brings a falling do\vn to a lower level, unless it is a conscious sleep ; to make it more and more conscious is the one permanent remedy ::: but also until that is done, one should always react against this sinking tendency when one wakes and not allow the effect of dull nights to accumulate.

slight ::: n. --> Sleight.
The act of slighting; the manifestation of a moderate degree of contempt, as by neglect or oversight; neglect; indignity. ::: v. t. --> To overthrow; to demolish.
To make even or level.

soaring ::: fig. Ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual.

soar ::: v. **1. To rise or fly upwards into the air. 2. Fig. To ascend suddenly above the normal or usual level. n. 3. The act of soaring. soars, soared.**

soil ::: “I think you said in a letter that in the line light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri—1946

‘soil" was an error for ‘soul". But ‘soil" is correct; for I am describing the revealing light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri — 1946

"Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharva itthâ padam asya rakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâti devânâm janimâni adbhutah. The ‘births of the gods" is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

“Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharva itthâ padam asya rakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâti devânâm janimâni adbhutah. The ‘births of the gods’ is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

“Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharvaitthâpadamasyarakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâtidevânâmjanimâniadbhutah. The ‘births of the gods’ is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

span ::: The number of holons on any given level. While “span” refers to the horizontal dimension of a holon, “depth” refers to its vertical dimension (i.e., the number of levels within a holon). See depth.

Speech comes from the throat centre, but it is associated with whatever is the governing centre or level of the consciousness — wherever one thinks from. If one rises above the head, then thought takes place above the head and one can speak from there, that is to say, the direction of the speech is from there.

spill ::: n. --> A bit of wood split off; a splinter.
A slender piece of anything.
A peg or pin for plugging a hole, as in a cask; a spile.
A metallic rod or pin.
A small roll of paper, or slip of wood, used as a lamplighter, etc.
One of the thick laths or poles driven horizontally ahead of the main timbering in advancing a level in loose ground.

spiritualised mind (gradations of) ::: higher ranges of Mind overtopping our normal Mind and leading to Supermind; these successive states, levels or graded powers of being are hidden in our own superconscious parts. In ascending order the gradations of spiritualised mind are:

..[Spiritual planes above the normal range of Mind, the Higher Mind and the Illumined Mind] of the ascent enjoy their authority and can get their own united completeness only by a
   reference to a third level; for it is from the higher summits where dwells the intuitional being that they derive the knowledge which they turn into thought or sight and bring down to us for the mind’s transmutation. Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrateswith the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries in it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 981-982

spiritual ::: The word “spiritual” has at least four major usages: 1. “Spiritual” refers to the highest levels in any developmental line (e.g., transrational cognition, transpersonal self-identity, etc.). 2. “Spiritual” is a separate developmental line itself (e.g., Fowler’s stages of faith). 3. “Spiritual” refers to a state or peak experience (e.g., nature mysticism). 4. “Spiritual” means a particular attitude or orientation, like openness, wisdom, or compassion, which can be present at virtually any state or stage.

Sri Aurobindo: A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation…. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There are, however, different kinds of symbols: 1. Conventional symbols, such as the Vedic Rishis formed with objects taken from their surroundings. The cow stood for light because the same word `go ‘ meant both ray and cow, and because the cow was their most precious possession which maintained their life and was constantly in danger of being robbed and concealed. But once created, such a symbol becomes alive. The Rishis vitalised it and it became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2. What we might call Life-symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the surroundings which condition our normal path of living. To the ancients the mountain was a symbol of the path of yoga, level above level, peak upon peak. A journey, involving the crossing of rivers and the facing of lurking enemies, both animal and human, conveyed a similar idea. Nowadays I dare say we would liken yoga to a motor-ride or a railway-trip. 3. Symbols that have an inherent appositeness and power of their own. Akasha or etheric space is a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. In any nationality it would convey the same meaning. Also, the Sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 4.* Mental symbols, instances of which are numbers or alphabets. Once they are accepted, they too become active and may be useful. Thus geometrical figures have been variously interpreted. In my experience the square symbolises the supermind. I cannot say how it came to do so. Somebody or some force may have built it before it came to my mind. Of the triangle, too, there are different explanations. In one position it can symbolise the three lower planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones: so both can be combined together in a single sign. The ancients liked to indulge in similar speculations concerning numbers, but their systems were mostly mental. It is no doubt true that supramental realities exist which we translate into mental formulas such as Karma, Psychic evolution, etc. But they are, so to speak, infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol may also express many different ideas. Letters on Yoga

  Sri Aurobindo: ". . . thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.” *The Life Divine

stage ::: n. 1. A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented. 2. The scene of any action. 3. The distance between two places of rest on a journey; each of the portions of a journey. 4. A level, degree, or period of time or development in the course of a process. 5. A point in the course of a life, an action or series of events. stages, earth-stage. v. 6. staged. Represented, produced, or exhibited on or as if on a stage.

stages ::: A term used to emphasize the sequential unfolding of levels of development. See levels.

stair ::: n. --> One step of a series for ascending or descending to a different level; -- commonly applied to those within a building.
A series of steps, as for passing from one story of a house to another; -- commonly used in the plural; but originally used in the singular only.

standpipe ::: n. --> A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level at a distance.
A supply pipe of sufficient elevation to enable the water to flow into the boiler, notwithstanding the pressure of the steam.

states ::: States are fleeting, temporary aspects of phenomena found in all four quadrants. In the Upper Left, for example, there are the three great natural states of waking, dreaming, and deep dreamless sleep; meditative states; and peak experiences (all of which can be accessed by virtually any level of development). Other examples of states include brain states in the Upper Right; cultural states (e.g., mass hysteria) in the Lower Left; and weather states in the Lower Right.

stature ::: 1. The natural height of a human or animal in an upright position. 2. Degree of development attained; level of achievement. thought-stature.

storeys ::: floors or levels in a building (in modern usage, stories).

story ::: v. t. --> A set of rooms on the same floor or level; a floor, or the space between two floors. Also, a horizontal division of a building&

strickle ::: n. --> An instrument to strike grain to a level with the measure; a strike.
An instrument for whetting scythes; a rifle.
An instrument used for smoothing the surface of a core.
A templet; a pattern.
An instrument used in dressing flax.

structure ::: The stable pattern of any occasion. In Integral Theory, structure most often refers to the unique, enduring pattern and actual structure of a level of development. See levels.

style ::: a quality of vak, the inward speech expressing a higher knowledge, which "may frame itself in the language now employed to express the ideas and perceptions and impulses of the intellect and the sense mind, but it uses it in a different way and with an intense bringing out of the intuitive or revelatory significances of which speech is capable"; this "seeing speech" has "different grades of its power of vision and expression of vision", the main levels of which are the adequate, effective, illuminative, inspired and inevitable styles.

subconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga.

"The subconscient is a concealed and unexpressed inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as what we call the superconscient is really a higher consciousness above from which things descend into the being, so the subconscient is below the body-consciousness and things come up into the physical, the vital and the mind-nature from there.

Just as the higher consciousness is superconscient to us and supports all our spiritual possibilities and nature, so the subconscient is the basis of our material being and supports all that comes up in the physical nature.” Letters on Yoga

  "That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” *The Life Divine

"The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently or whenever it can old suppressed reactions, reflexes, mental, vital or physical responses. It must be trained by a still more persistent insistence of the higher parts of the being to give up its old responses and take on the new and true ones.” Letters on Yoga

"About the subconscient — it is the sub-mental base of the being and is made up of impressions, instincts, habitual movements that are stored there. Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements before there can be a permanent and total change in the nature. When the higher consciousness is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconscient and changes that also, makes a bedrock of itself there also.” Letters on Yoga

"The sub-conscious is the evolutionary basis in us, it is not the whole of our hidden nature, nor is it the whole origin of what we are. But things can rise from the subconscient and take shape in the conscious parts and much of our smaller vital and physical instincts, movements, habits, character-forms has this source.” Letters on Yoga

"The subconscient is the support of habitual action — it can support good habits as well as bad.” Letters on Yoga

"For the subconscient is the Inconscient in the process of becoming conscious; it is a support and even a root of our inferior parts of being and their movements.” The Life Divine *subconscient"s.

Subconscient, The ::: The subconscious in us is the extreme border of our secret inner existence where it meets the Inconscient, it is a degree of our being in which the Inconscient struggles into a half consciousness; the surface physical consciousness also, when it sinks back from the waking level and retrogresses towards the Inconscient, retires into this intermediate subconscience. Or, from another view-point, this nether part of us may be described as the antechamber of the Inconscient through which its formations rise into our waking or our subliminal being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 439

sunken ::: situated at a lower level than the surrounding area.

superconscience ::: “But a third power or possibility of the Infinite Consciousness can be admitted, its power of self-absorption, of plunging into itself, into a state in which self-awareness exists but not as knowledge and not as all-knowledge; the all would then be involved in pure self-awareness, and knowledge and the inner consciousness itself would be lost in pure being. This is, luminously, the state which we call the Superconscience in an absolute sense,—although most of what we call superconscient is in reality not that but only a higher conscient, something that is conscious to itself and only superconscious to our own limited level of awareness.” The Life Divine

superconscience ::: Sri Aurobindo: "But a third power or possibility of the Infinite Consciousness can be admitted, its power of self-absorption, of plunging into itself, into a state in which self-awareness exists but not as knowledge and not as all-knowledge; the all would then be involved in pure self-awareness, and knowledge and the inner consciousness itself would be lost in pure being. This is, luminously, the state which we call the Superconscience in an absolute sense, — although most of what we call superconscient is in reality not that but only a higher conscient, something that is conscious to itself and only superconscious to our own limited level of awareness.” The Life Divine

Superconscient ::: The superconscient is consciousness taken up into an absolute of being.In the superconscience beyond our present level of awareness are included the higher planes of mental being as well as the native heights of supramental and pure spiritual being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, 21-22 Page: 495, 765

superlife ::: A word coined by Sri Aurobindo. super. A prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin with the basic meaning”above, beyond.” An individual, thing, or property that exceeds customary norms or levels.

superlife ::: a word coined by Sri Aurobindo. super. A prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin with the basic meaning "above, beyond.” An individual, thing, or property that exceeds customary norms or levels.

Supermind ::: The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and th
   refore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is th
   refore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or later. But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 13, Page: 558-62

SUPPRESSION. ::: In our path the altitude is not one of force- ful suppression, but of detachment and equality with regard to the objects of desire. Forreful suppression (lasting comes under the head) stands on the same level as free indulgence ; in both cases, the desire remains ; in the one it is fed by indulgence, in the other it lies latent and exasperated by suppression. It only when one stands back, separates oneself from the lower vital.

Suppression ::: In our path the attitude is not one of forceful suppression but of detachment and equality with regard to the objects of desire. Forceful suppression stands on the same level as free indulgence; in both cases, the desire remains; in the one it is fed by indulgence, in the other it lies latent and exasperated by suppression. It is only when one stands back, separates oneself from the lower vital,
   refusing to regard its desires and clamours as one’s own, and cultivates an entire equality and equanimity in the consciousness with respect to them that the lower vital itself becomes gradually purified and itself also calm and equal. Each wave of desire as it comes must be observed, as quietly and with as much unmoved detachment as you would observe something going on outside you, and must be allowed to pass, rejected from the consciousness, and the true movement, the true consciousness steadily put in its place.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 22-23-24, Page: 1465

supramental ::: (before 1920) same as vijñanamaya or ideal (sometimes restricted to the lower levels of vijñana); (in 1926-27 before 29October 1927) having the nature of supermind and related planes as defined before the introduction of the term overmind and the elevation of "supermind" above "overmind", sometimes applied especially to the planes below supreme supermind; ("the supramental" in some entries of January 1927) the next plane of consciousness above supramentality; (after 29 October 1927) expressing the working of supermind (in the latest sense) on its own plane or in the overmind, where "supramental" movements are sometimes regarded as higher than supramentalised and lower than gnostic.

supramentality ::: (in 1927-28) the first plane above the highest ideality, evidently the beginning of what came to be called the overmind system; its levels are referred to as "the supramentalities".

surface structures ::: Typically a Chomskyan notion. In Integral Theory, however, it refers to the local, cultural, or individually specific features, patterns, or contents on a given level of consciousness or complexity.

svargabhūmi (swargabhumi) ::: a heavenly world; a level of svarga. svargabhumi

Swedenborgianism: A highly developed religious philosophy arising from Emanuel Swedenborg (Jan. 29, 1688-March 29, 1772). Swedenborg claimed direct spiritual knowledge. He recognized three descending levels or "degress of being in God"; Love the Celestial, Spirit or the End; then Wisdom, the Spiritual or Soul, Cause; and finally the degree of Use, the Natural and Personal, the realm of Effects. Swedenborgism was formally launched in London in 1783 and is often called the New (or New Jerusalem) Church. -- F.K.

symbol ::: A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation…. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There are, however, different kinds of symbols: 1. Conventional symbols, such as the Vedic Rishis formed with objects taken from their surroundings. The cow stood for light because the same word `go ‘ meant both ray and cow, and because the cow was their most precious possession which maintained their life and was constantly in danger of being robbed and concealed. But once created, such a symbol becomes alive. The Rishis vitalised it and it became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2. What we might call Life-symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the surroundings which condition our normal path of living. To the ancients the mountain was a symbol of the path of yoga, level above level, peak upon peak. A journey, involving the crossing of rivers and the facing of lurking enemies, both animal and human, conveyed a similar idea. Nowadays I dare say we would liken yoga to a motor-ride or a railway-trip. 3. Symbols that have an inherent appositeness and power of their own. Akasha or etheric space is a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. In any nationality it would convey the same meaning. Also, the Sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 4. Mental symbols, instances of which are numbers or alphabets. Once they are accepted, they too become active and may be useful. Thus geometrical figures have been variously interpreted. In my experience the square symbolises the supermind. I cannot say how it came to do so. Somebody or some force may have built it before it came to my mind. Of the triangle, too, there are different explanations. In one position it can symbolise the three lower planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones: so both can be combined together in a single sign. The ancients liked to indulge in similar speculations concerning numbers, but their systems were mostly mental. It is no doubt true that supramental realities exist which we translate into mental formulas such as Karma, Psychic evolution, etc. But they are, so to speak, infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol may also express many different ideas. Letters on Yoga

Sympathy: On psychological levels, a participation in and feeling for other living beings in adversity or other emotional phases, not always painful, which may or may not lead to participating or alleviating action, explained naturalistically as a general instinct inherent in all creatures, ethically sometimes as an original altruism, sociologically as acquired in the civilisatory process through needs of co-operation, mutual aid, and fellow-feeling in family and group action. Stressed particularly in Hinduism, fostered along with pity (q.v.) in Christianity, discussed and recommended as a shrewd social expedient by such men as Hobbes, Bentham, and Adam Smith, Schopenhauer raised sympathy Mitleid), as an equivalent to love, into an ethical principle which Nietzsche repudiated because to him it increases suffering and through weakness hinders development. Sympathy, as a cultural force, becomes progressively more evident in the increasing establishment of benevolent institutions, such as hospitals, asylums, etc., a more general altruism and ejection (Clifford), an extension of kindness even to animals (first taught by Buddhism, see Ahimsa), reform and relief movements of all kinds, etc. Still regarded highly as a praiseworthy virtue, it has been gradually rid of its dependence on individual ethical culture by scientific conditioning in social planning on a huge scale. See v. Orelli, Die philosophischen Auffassungen des Mttleids (1912); Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie (1926). -- K.F.L.

Synthesis: In logic, the general method of deduction or deductive reasoning, which proceeds from the simple to the complex, from the general to the particular, from the necessary to the contingent, from a principle to its application, from a general law to individual cases from cause to effect, from an antecedent to its consequent, from a condition to the conditioned, from the logical whole to the logical part. The logical composition or combination of separate elements of thought, and also the result of this process. A judgment is considered as a synthesis when its predicate is accidental or contingent with respect to the subject: as the ground of such a synthesis is experience, synthetic judgments are a posteriori. The Kantian doctrine of synthetic judgments a priori involves a synthesis between two terms, prior to experience and through the agency of the forms of our intuition or of our understanding. The logical process of adding some elements to the comprehension of a concept in oider to obtain its 'logical division' in contradistinction to the 'real division' which breaks up a composition by analysis. The third phase in the dialectical process, combining the thesis and the antithesis for the emergence of a new level of being. In natural philosophy, the process of combining various material elements into a new substance. The ait of making or building up a compound by simpler compounds or by its elements. Also, the complex substance so formed.

table-land ::: n. --> A broad, level, elevated area of land; a plateau.

target ::: n. --> A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war.
A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile.
The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark; as, he made a good target.
The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff.
A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its

Temple, William: For many years Archbishop of York, Temple (born 1881) has written extensively on the philosophy of religion. In Mens Creatrix and most recently in Nature Man and God, he has argued for a universe of levels, culminating in value, and pointing to God as Supreme Value and hence Ultimate Reality. Recent work on the nature of revelation has given him the definition of revelation as "coincidence of divinely guided event and divinely guided apprehension", in this setting he places (see Christ the Truth) the Incarnation as central and most significant event apprehended by the Christian community. He is a Platonist in tendency, although within recent years this has been modified by scholasticism, and a study of Marxian philosophy. -- W.N.P.

terrace ::: v. --> A raised level space, shelf, or platform of earth, supported on one or more sides by a wall, a bank of tuft, or the like, whether designed for use or pleasure.
A balcony, especially a large and uncovered one.
A flat roof to a house; as, the buildings of the Oriental nations are covered with terraces.
A street, or a row of houses, on a bank or the side of a hill; hence, any street, or row of houses.

That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us,which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 762

“That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” The Life Divine

the act of rising to a higher level; ascent.

“The cosmic consciousness has many levels—the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga

"The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The fixity of this theoretical structure is not to be interpreted as incompatible with the continuous movement of discovery. The function of philosophy as such, in any age, is that of attempting to effect the theoretical ordering of the available fund of knowledge. There is implicit in Spinoza's conception of this function the recognition of the two-fold character of the task of philosophy. The task, on the one hand is reflection upon the available fund of insight and ideas, upon all the fruits of reflection and inquiry, with the purpose of coherent ordering and expression of the fund. In this sense, 'philosophy' is that which can be displayed in the geometrical fashion. It is equally the task of philosophy, however, to prepare for this display and ordering. Paradoxically, philosophy must prepare for itself. Philosophy, in this function, is reflection upon the conditions of all inquiry, the discovery of the grounds of method, of the proper and indispensable assumptions of inquiry as such, and of the basic ideas within whose domain inquiry will move. If inquiry is to be undertaken at all, then mind must discover within itself, and disclose to itself, whatever authoritative guidance can be assured for the enterprise. The competence of the mind to know, the determination of the range of that competence, the rational criteria of truth, the necessities levelled to mind by the very reflections of mind -- these and related questions define the task of philosophy as propaedeutic both to philosophy itself and to science. In this recognition of the two-fold character of philosophy, and of its relation to science, Spinoza is re-stating the spirit of Descartes.

The general direction of social evolution, on this view is from classless, collectivist forms (primitive communism) to class forms (slave-master, serf-lord, worker-capitalist) to classless, socialist, communist forms on the modern level of highly complex technics. Classes are defined as groups having antagonistic economic relationships to the means of production. The resultant conflict of interests is called the class struggle, which, involving the means and way of life, is carried on in all fields, often unconsciously.

The general philosophical position which has as its fundamental tenet the proposition that the natural world is the whole of reality. "Nature" and "natural world" are certainly ambiguous terms, but this much is clear in thus restricting reality, naturalism means to assert that there is but one system or level of reality, that this system is the totality of objects and events in space and time; and that the behavior of this system is determined only by its own character and is reducible to a set of causal laws. Nature is thus conceived as self-contained and self-dependent, and from this view spring certain negations that define to a great extent the influence of naturalism. First, it is denied that nature is derived from or dependent upon any transcendent, supernatural entities. From this follows the denial that the order of natural events can be intruded upon. And this in turn entails the denial of freedom, purpose, and transcendent destiny.

“The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.

The philosophy of Aristotle was continued after his death by other members of the Peripatetic school, the most important of whom were Theophrastus, Eudemus of Rhodes, and Strato of Lampsacus. In the Alexandrian Age, particularly after the editing of Aristotle's works by Andronicus of Rhodes (about 50 B.C.), Aristotelianism was the subject of numerous expositions and commentaries, such as those of Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus, and Simplicius. With the closing of the philosophical schools in the sixth century the knowledge of Aristotle, except for fragments of the logical doctrine, almost disappeared in the west. It was preserved, however, by Arabian and Syrian scholars; from whom, with the revival of learning in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, it passed again to western Europe and became in Thomas Aquinas the philosophical basis of Christian theology. For the next few centuries the prestige of Aristotle was immense; he was "the philosopher," "the master of those who know." With the rise of modern science his authority has greatly declined. Yet Aristotelianism is still a force in modern thought: in Neo-Scholasticism; in recent psychology, whose behavioristic tendencies are in part a revival of Aristotelian modes of thought; in the various forms of vitalism in contemporary biology; in the dynamism of such thinkers as Bergson; and in the more catholic naturalism which has succeeded the mechanistic materialism of the last century, and which, whether by appeal to a doctrine of levels or by emphasis on immanent teleology, seems to be striving along Aristotelian lines for a conception of nature broad enough to include the religious, moral and artistic consciousness. Finally, a very large part of our technical vocabulary, both in science and in philosophy, is but the translation into modern tongues of the terms used by Aristotle, and carries with it, for better or worse, the distinctions worked out in his subtle mind. -- G.R.M.

The position taken is that investigation reveals basic, recurrent patterns of change, expressible as laws of materialist dialectics, which are seen as relevant to every level of existence, and, because validated by past evidence, as indispensable hypotheses in guiding further investigation. These are Law of interpenetration, unity and strife of opposites. (All existences, being complexes of opposing elements and forces, have the character of a changing unity. The unity is considered temporary, relative, while the process of change, expressed by interpenetration and strife, is continuous, absolute.) Law of transformation of quantity into quality and vice versa. (The changes which take place in nature are not merely quantitative; their accumulation eventually precipitates new qualities in a transition which appears as a sudden leap in comparison to the gradualness of the quantitative changes up to that point. The new quality is considered as real as the original quality. It is not mechanically reducible to it it is not merely a larger amount of the former quality, but something into which that has developed.) Law of negation of negation. (The series of quantitative changes and emerging qualities is unending. Each state or phase of development is considered a synthesis which resolves the contradictions contained in the preceding synthesis and which generates its own contradictions on a different qualitative level.) These laws, connecting ontology with logic, are contrasted to the formalistic laws of identity, difference and excluded middle of which they are considered qualitatively enriched reconstructions. Against the ontology of the separateness and self-identity of each thing, the dialectical laws emphasize the interconnectedness of all things and self-development of each thing. An A all parts of which are always becoming non-A may thus be called non-A as well as A. The formula, A is A and cannot be non-A, becomes, A is A and also non-A, that is, at or during the same instant: there is no instant, it is held, during which nothing happens. The view taken is that these considerations apply as much to thought and concepts, as to things, that thought is a process, that ideas gain their logical content through interconnectedness with other ideas, out of and into which they develop.

“The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” The Life Divine

The soul is the principle of all vital actions and, though these vital operations on the biological, sensory and intellectual levels are attributed to various "faculties", these faculties are not really distinct from the essence of the soul. In this life the human intellect cannot operate without the aid of images supplied by sense perception. An intellectual concept of a single individual thing may be formed directly and then a universal concept of the common nature of many sensible things within a class may be developed by the intellect through the process of abstraction. The will is the faculty of rational appetite, it is free in the ultimate choice of its object, which is called a "good." Suarez emphasizes the psychological and moral supremacy of the will. The Suarezian theory of knowledge is what would be called naive realism today.

The various branches of psychology depend on the class of problems studied (a) physiological psychology is the most experimentally exact in so far as specific physiological processes and effects (vision, hearing, reaction-time, learning curves, fatigue, effects of drugs, etc.) are measurable and controllable. Wundt established the first laboratories of experimental psychology in Germany, Pavlov in Russia, James and Cattell in the U.S.; (b) pathological or abnormal psychology deals with cases of extreme deviations of behavior from what is regarded as "normal" (a statistical term often treated as a value); (c) social psychology deals with the behavior of groups as reflected in the behavior of individuals. Cf. Le Bon's law that the mentality of a crowd or mob tends to descend to the level of a least common denominator, the lowest intelligence present.

Third Tier ::: Conventionally, a tier is just an arbitrary grouping of stages. Integral Theory often highlights three tiers: First Tier, which consists of the levels up to and including Green altitude; Second Tier, which consists of Teal and Turquoise altitude; and Third Tier, which includes all post-Turquoise levels of development (Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, and Clear Light).

This opening is a throwing wide of all the nature on ail its levels and in all its parts to receive into itself without limits the greater divine Consciousness which is there already above and behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence.

Thoughts ::: Thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 979-80

thought ::: “… thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.” The Life Divine

Three senses of "Ockhamism" may be distinguished: Logical, indicating usage of the terminology and technique of logical analysis developed by Ockham in his Summa totius logicae; in particular, use of the concept of supposition (suppositio) in the significative analysis of terms. Epistemological, indicating the thesis that universality is attributable only to terms and propositions, and not to things as existing apart from discourse. Theological, indicating the thesis that no tneological doctrines, such as those of God's existence or of the immortality of the soul, are evident or demonstrable philosophically, so that religious doctrine rests solely on faith, without metaphysical or scientific support. It is in this sense that Luther is often called an Ockhamist.   Bibliography:   B. Geyer,   Ueberwegs Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil., Bd. II (11th ed., Berlin 1928), pp. 571-612 and 781-786; N. Abbagnano,   Guglielmo di Ockham (Lanciano, Italy, 1931); E. A. Moody,   The Logic of William of Ockham (N. Y. & London, 1935); F. Ehrle,   Peter von Candia (Muenster, 1925); G. Ritter,   Studien zur Spaetscholastik, I-II (Heidelberg, 1921-1922).     --E.A.M. Om, aum: (Skr.) Mystic, holy syllable as a symbol for the indefinable Absolute. See Aksara, Vac, Sabda. --K.F.L. Omniscience: In philosophy and theology it means the complete and perfect knowledge of God, of Himself and of all other beings, past, present, and future, or merely possible, as well as all their activities, real or possible, including the future free actions of human beings. --J.J.R. One: Philosophically, not a number but equivalent to unit, unity, individuality, in contradistinction from multiplicity and the mani-foldness of sensory experience. In metaphysics, the Supreme Idea (Plato), the absolute first principle (Neo-platonism), the universe (Parmenides), Being as such and divine in nature (Plotinus), God (Nicolaus Cusanus), the soul (Lotze). Religious philosophy and mysticism, beginning with Indian philosophy (s.v.), has favored the designation of the One for the metaphysical world-ground, the ultimate icility, the world-soul, the principle of the world conceived as reason, nous, or more personally. The One may be conceived as an independent whole or as a sum, as analytic or synthetic, as principle or ontologically. Except by mysticism, it is rarely declared a fact of sensory experience, while its transcendent or transcendental, abstract nature is stressed, e.g., in epistemology where the "I" or self is considered the unitary background of personal experience, the identity of self-consciousness, or the unity of consciousness in the synthesis of the manifoldness of ideas (Kant). --K.F.L. One-one: A relation R is one-many if for every y in the converse domain there is a unique x such that xRy. A relation R is many-one if for every x in the domain there is a unique y such that xRy. (See the article relation.) A relation is one-one, or one-to-one, if it is at the same time one-many and many-one. A one-one relation is said to be, or to determine, a one-to-one correspondence between its domain and its converse domain. --A.C. On-handedness: (Ger. Vorhandenheit) Things exist in the mode of thereness, lying- passively in a neutral space. A "deficient" form of a more basic relationship, termed at-handedness (Zuhandenheit). (Heidegger.) --H.H. Ontological argument: Name by which later authors, especially Kant, designate the alleged proof for God's existence devised by Anselm of Canterbury. Under the name of God, so the argument runs, everyone understands that greater than which nothing can be thought. Since anything being the greatest and lacking existence is less then the greatest having also existence, the former is not really the greater. The greatest, therefore, has to exist. Anselm has been reproached, already by his contemporary Gaunilo, for unduly passing from the field of logical to the field of ontological or existential reasoning. This criticism has been repeated by many authors, among them Aquinas. The argument has, however, been used, if in a somewhat modified form, by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz. --R.A. Ontological Object: (Gr. onta, existing things + logos, science) The real or existing object of an act of knowledge as distinguished from the epistemological object. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ontologism: (Gr. on, being) In contrast to psychologism, is called any speculative system which starts philosophizing by positing absolute being, or deriving the existence of entities independently of experience merely on the basis of their being thought, or assuming that we have immediate and certain knowledge of the ground of being or God. Generally speaking any rationalistic, a priori metaphysical doctrine, specifically the philosophies of Rosmini-Serbati and Vincenzo Gioberti. As a philosophic method censored by skeptics and criticists alike, as a scholastic doctrine formerly strongly supported, revived in Italy and Belgium in the 19th century, but no longer countenanced. --K.F.L. Ontology: (Gr. on, being + logos, logic) The theory of being qua being. For Aristotle, the First Philosophy, the science of the essence of things. Introduced as a term into philosophy by Wolff. The science of fundamental principles, the doctrine of the categories. Ultimate philosophy; rational cosmology. Syn. with metaphysics. See Cosmology, First Principles, Metaphysics, Theology. --J.K.F. Operation: "(Lit. operari, to work) Any act, mental or physical, constituting a phase of the reflective process, and performed with a view to acquiring1 knowledge or information about a certain subject-nntter. --A.C.B.   In logic, see Operationism.   In philosophy of science, see Pragmatism, Scientific Empiricism. Operationism: The doctrine that the meaning of a concept is given by a set of operations.   1. The operational meaning of a term (word or symbol) is given by a semantical rule relating the term to some concrete process, object or event, or to a class of such processes, objectj or events.   2. Sentences formed by combining operationally defined terms into propositions are operationally meaningful when the assertions are testable by means of performable operations. Thus, under operational rules, terms have semantical significance, propositions have empirical significance.   Operationism makes explicit the distinction between formal (q.v.) and empirical sentences. Formal propositions are signs arranged according to syntactical rules but lacking operational reference. Such propositions, common in mathematics, logic and syntax, derive their sanction from convention, whereas an empirical proposition is acceptable (1) when its structure obeys syntactical rules and (2) when there exists a concrete procedure (a set of operations) for determining its truth or falsity (cf. Verification). Propositions purporting to be empirical are sometimes amenable to no operational test because they contain terms obeying no definite semantical rules. These sentences are sometimes called pseudo-propositions and are said to be operationally meaningless. They may, however, be 'meaningful" in other ways, e.g. emotionally or aesthetically (cf. Meaning).   Unlike a formal statement, the "truth" of an empirical sentence is never absolute and its operational confirmation serves only to increase the degree of its validity. Similarly, the semantical rule comprising the operational definition of a term has never absolute precision. Ordinarily a term denotes a class of operations and the precision of its definition depends upon how definite are the rules governing inclusion in the class.   The difference between Operationism and Logical Positivism (q.v.) is one of emphasis. Operationism's stress of empirical matters derives from the fact that it was first employed to purge physics of such concepts as absolute space and absolute time, when the theory of relativity had forced upon physicists the view that space and time are most profitably defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured. Although different methods of measuring length at first give rise to different concepts of length, wherever the equivalence of certain of these measures can be established by other operations, the concepts may legitimately be combined.   In psychology the operational criterion of meaningfulness is commonly associated with a behavioristic point of view. See Behaviorism. Since only those propositions which are testable by public and repeatable operations are admissible in science, the definition of such concepti as mind and sensation must rest upon observable aspects of the organism or its behavior. Operational psychology deals with experience only as it is indicated by the operation of differential behavior, including verbal report. Discriminations, or the concrete differential reactions of organisms to internal or external environmental states, are by some authors regarded as the most basic of all operations.   For a discussion of the role of operational definition in phvsics. see P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, (New York, 1928) and The Nature of Physical Theory (Princeton, 1936). "The extension of operationism to psychology is discussed by C. C. Pratt in The Logic of Modem Psychology (New York. 1939.)   For a discussion and annotated bibliography relating to Operationism and Logical Positivism, see S. S. Stevens, Psychology and the Science of Science, Psychol. Bull., 36, 1939, 221-263. --S.S.S. Ophelimity: Noun derived from the Greek, ophelimos useful, employed by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) in economics as the equivalent of utility, or the capacity to provide satisfaction. --J.J.R. Opinion: (Lat. opinio, from opinor, to think) An hypothesis or proposition entertained on rational grounds but concerning which doubt can reasonably exist. A belief. See Hypothesis, Certainty, Knowledge. --J.K.F- Opposition: (Lat. oppositus, pp. of oppono, to oppose) Positive actual contradiction. One of Aristotle's Post-predicaments. In logic any contrariety or contradiction, illustrated by the "Square of Opposition". Syn. with: conflict. See Logic, formal, § 4. --J.K.F. Optimism: (Lat. optimus, the best) The view inspired by wishful thinking, success, faith, or philosophic reflection, that the world as it exists is not so bad or even the best possible, life is good, and man's destiny is bright. Philosophically most persuasively propounded by Leibniz in his Theodicee, according to which God in his wisdom would have created a better world had he known or willed such a one to exist. Not even he could remove moral wrong and evil unless he destroyed the power of self-determination and hence the basis of morality. All systems of ethics that recognize a supreme good (Plato and many idealists), subscribe to the doctrines of progressivism (Turgot, Herder, Comte, and others), regard evil as a fragmentary view (Josiah Royce et al.) or illusory, or believe in indemnification (Henry David Thoreau) or melioration (Emerson), are inclined optimistically. Practically all theologies advocating a plan of creation and salvation, are optimistic though they make the good or the better dependent on moral effort, right thinking, or belief, promising it in a future existence. Metaphysical speculation is optimistic if it provides for perfection, evolution to something higher, more valuable, or makes room for harmonies or a teleology. See Pessimism. --K.F.L. Order: A class is said to be partially ordered by a dyadic relation R if it coincides with the field of R, and R is transitive and reflexive, and xRy and yRx never both hold when x and y are different. If in addition R is connected, the class is said to be ordered (or simply ordered) by R, and R is called an ordering relation.   Whitehcid and Russell apply the term serial relation to relations which are transitive, irreflexive, and connected (and, in consequence, also asymmetric). However, the use of serial relations in this sense, instead ordering relations as just defined, is awkward in connection with the notion of order for unit classes.   Examples: The relation not greater than among leal numbers is an ordering relation. The relation less than among real numbers is a serial relation. The real numbers are simply ordered by the former relation. In the algebra of classes (logic formal, § 7), the classes are partially ordered by the relation of class inclusion.   For explanation of the terminology used in making the above definitions, see the articles connexity, reflexivity, relation, symmetry, transitivity. --A.C. Order type: See relation-number. Ordinal number: A class b is well-ordered by a dyadic relation R if it is ordered by R (see order) and, for every class a such that a ⊂ b, there is a member x of a, such that xRy holds for every member y of a; and R is then called a well-ordering relation. The ordinal number of a class b well-ordered by a relation R, or of a well-ordering relation R, is defined to be the relation-number (q. v.) of R.   The ordinal numbers of finite classes (well-ordered by appropriate relations) are called finite ordinal numbers. These are 0, 1, 2, ... (to be distinguished, of course, from the finite cardinal numbers 0, 1, 2, . . .).   The first non-finite (transfinite or infinite) ordinal number is the ordinal number of the class of finite ordinal numbers, well-ordered in their natural order, 0, 1, 2, . . .; it is usually denoted by the small Greek letter omega. --A.C.   G. Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction by P. E. B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. (new ed. 1941); Whitehead and Russell, Princtpia Mathematica. vol. 3. Orexis: (Gr. orexis) Striving; desire; the conative aspect of mind, as distinguished from the cognitive and emotional (Aristotle). --G.R.M.. Organicism: A theory of biology that life consists in the organization or dynamic system of the organism. Opposed to mechanism and vitalism. --J.K.F. Organism: An individual animal or plant, biologically interpreted. A. N. Whitehead uses the term to include also physical bodies and to signify anything material spreading through space and enduring in time. --R.B.W. Organismic Psychology: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, an instrument) A system of theoretical psychology which construes the structure of the mind in organic rather than atomistic terms. See Gestalt Psychology; Psychological Atomism. --L.W. Organization: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, work) A structured whole. The systematic unity of parts in a purposive whole. A dynamic system. Order in something actual. --J.K.F. Organon: (Gr. organon) The title traditionally given to the body of Aristotle's logical treatises. The designation appears to have originated among the Peripatetics after Aristotle's time, and expresses their view that logic is not a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) but rather the instrument (organon) of philosophical inquiry. See Aristotelianism. --G.R.M.   In Kant. A system of principles by which pure knowledge may be acquired and established.   Cf. Fr. Bacon's Novum Organum. --O.F.K. Oriental Philosophy: A general designation used loosely to cover philosophic tradition exclusive of that grown on Greek soil and including the beginnings of philosophical speculation in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, India, and China, the elaborate systems of India, Greater India, China, and Japan, and sometimes also the religion-bound thought of all these countries with that of the complex cultures of Asia Minor, extending far into antiquity. Oriental philosophy, though by no means presenting a homogeneous picture, nevertheless shares one characteristic, i.e., the practical outlook on life (ethics linked with metaphysics) and the absence of clear-cut distinctions between pure speculation and religious motivation, and on lower levels between folklore, folk-etymology, practical wisdom, pre-scientiiic speculation, even magic, and flashes of philosophic insight. Bonds with Western, particularly Greek philosophy have no doubt existed even in ancient times. Mutual influences have often been conjectured on the basis of striking similarities, but their scientific establishment is often difficult or even impossible. Comparative philosophy (see especially the work of Masson-Oursel) provides a useful method. Yet a thorough treatment of Oriental Philosophy is possible only when the many languages in which it is deposited have been more thoroughly studied, the psychological and historical elements involved in the various cultures better investigated, and translations of the relevant documents prepared not merely from a philological point of view or out of missionary zeal, but by competent philosophers who also have some linguistic training. Much has been accomplished in this direction in Indian and Chinese Philosophy (q.v.). A great deal remains to be done however before a definitive history of Oriental Philosophy may be written. See also Arabian, and Persian Philosophy. --K.F.L. Origen: (185-254) The principal founder of Christian theology who tried to enrich the ecclesiastic thought of his day by reconciling it with the treasures of Greek philosophy. Cf. Migne PL. --R.B.W. Ormazd: (New Persian) Same as Ahura Mazdah (q.v.), the good principle in Zoroastrianism, and opposed to Ahriman (q.v.). --K.F.L. Orphic Literature: The mystic writings, extant only in fragments, of a Greek religious-philosophical movement of the 6th century B.C., allegedly started by the mythical Orpheus. In their mysteries, in which mythology and rational thinking mingled, the Orphics concerned themselves with cosmogony, theogony, man's original creation and his destiny after death which they sought to influence to the better by pure living and austerity. They taught a symbolism in which, e.g., the relationship of the One to the many was clearly enunciated, and believed in the soul as involved in reincarnation. Pythagoras, Empedocles, and Plato were influenced by them. --K.F.L. Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Born in Madrid, May 9, 1883. At present in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Son of Ortega y Munillo, the famous Spanish journalist. Studied at the College of Jesuits in Miraflores and at the Central University of Madrid. In the latter he presented his Doctor's dissertation, El Milenario, in 1904, thereby obtaining his Ph.D. degree. After studies in Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, under the special influence of Hermann Cohen, the great exponent of Kant, who taught him the love for the scientific method and awoke in him the interest in educational philosophy, Ortega came to Spain where, after the death of Nicolas Salmeron, he occupied the professorship of metaphysics at the Central University of Madrid. The following may be considered the most important works of Ortega y Gasset:     Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914;   El Espectador, I-VIII, 1916-1935;   El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, 1921;   España Invertebrada, 1922;   Kant, 1924;   La Deshumanizacion del Arte, 1925;   Espiritu de la Letra, 1927;   La Rebelion de las Masas, 1929;   Goethe desde Adentio, 1934;   Estudios sobre el Amor, 1939;   Ensimismamiento y Alteracion, 1939;   El Libro de las Misiones, 1940;   Ideas y Creencias, 1940;     and others.   Although brought up in the Marburg school of thought, Ortega is not exactly a neo-Kantian. At the basis of his Weltanschauung one finds a denial of the fundamental presuppositions which characterized European Rationalism. It is life and not thought which is primary. Things have a sense and a value which must be affirmed independently. Things, however, are to be conceived as the totality of situations which constitute the circumstances of a man's life. Hence, Ortega's first philosophical principle: "I am myself plus my circumstances". Life as a problem, however, is but one of the poles of his formula. Reason is the other. The two together function, not by dialectical opposition, but by necessary coexistence. Life, according to Ortega, does not consist in being, but rather, in coming to be, and as such it is of the nature of direction, program building, purpose to be achieved, value to be realized. In this sense the future as a time dimension acquires new dignity, and even the present and the past become articulate and meaning-full only in relation to the future. Even History demands a new point of departure and becomes militant with new visions. --J.A.F. Orthodoxy: Beliefs which are declared by a group to be true and normative. Heresy is a departure from and relative to a given orthodoxy. --V.S. Orthos Logos: See Right Reason. Ostensible Object: (Lat. ostendere, to show) The object envisaged by cognitive act irrespective of its actual existence. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ostensive: (Lat. ostendere, to show) Property of a concept or predicate by virtue of which it refers to and is clarified by reference to its instances. --A.C.B. Ostwald, Wilhelm: (1853-1932) German chemist. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1909. In Die Uberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialistmus and in Naturphilosophie, his two best known works in the field of philosophy, he advocates a dynamic theory in opposition to materialism and mechanism. All properties of matter, and the psychic as well, are special forms of energy. --L.E.D. Oupnekhat: Anquetil Duperron's Latin translation of the Persian translation of 50 Upanishads (q.v.), a work praised by Schopenhauer as giving him complete consolation. --K.F.L. Outness: A term employed by Berkeley to express the experience of externality, that is the ideas of space and things placed at a distance. Hume used it in the sense of distance Hamilton understood it as the state of being outside of consciousness in a really existing world of material things. --J.J.R. Overindividual: Term used by H. Münsterberg to translate the German überindividuell. The term is applied to any cognitive or value object which transcends the individual subject. --L.W. P

threshold ::: 1. A piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; a doorsill. Also fig. 2. Fig. A level or point at which something would happen, would cease to happen, or would take effect, become true, etc. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.)

Thus nature begins as a four-dimensional matrix in which it is the moving principle. Materiality, secondary qualities, life, mentality are all emergent modifications of proto-space-time. Mind is the nervous system blossoming out into the capacity of awareness. Contemplative knowledge, where the object is set over against the mind, and the actual being, or experiencing, or enjoying of reality, where there is no inner duplicity of subject and object, constitute the two forms of knowledge. Alexander conceives the deity as the next highest level to be emerged out of any given level. Thus for beings on the level of life mind is deity, but for beings possessing minds there is a nisus or urge toward a still higher quality. To such beings that dimly felt quality is deity. The quality next above any given level is deity to the beings on that level. For men deity has not yet emerged, but there is a nisus towards its emergence. S. Alexander, Space, Time and Deity (1920). -- H.H.

To higher levels persuades his parents’ steps,

transformation ::: A vertical change in deep structures. The emergence of deeper forms of agency and wider communions. A shift to any higher level in a holarchy. See Eros and Agape.

trapdoor ::: n. --> A lifting or sliding door covering an opening in a roof or floor.
A door in a level for regulating the ventilating current; -- called also weather door.

trapper ::: n. --> One who traps animals; one who makes a business of trapping animals for their furs.
A boy who opens and shuts a trapdoor in a gallery or level.

trisu sanusu ::: on the three levels (body, life and mind) . [Ved.]

truth-reflecting intuitivity ::: the highest form of intuitivity, corresponding on the level of the intuitive mind to the truth-seeking reason on the intellectual plane and related to the revelatory mentality.

tumid ::: a. --> Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh.
Rising above the level; protuberant.
Swelling in sound or sense; pompous; puffy; inflated; bombastic; falsely sublime; turgid; as, a tumid expression; a tumid style.

two-in-One ::: Sri Aurobindo: " At a certain spiritual and supramental level the Duality becomes still more perfectly Two-in-one, the Master Soul with the Conscious Force within it, and its potentiality disowns all barriers and breaks through every limit.” The Synthesis of Yoga

types ::: Horizontal styles available to any developmental level within the quadrants. Examples of types include Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, masculine and feminine in the Upper Left; body types in the Upper Right; cultural types in the Lower Left; and types of biomes in the Lower Right.

uneven ::: a. --> Not even; not level; not uniform; rough; as, an uneven road or way; uneven ground.
Not equal; not of equal length.
Not divisible by two without a remainder; odd; -- said of numbers; as, 3, 7, and 11 are uneven numbers.

Upper Confidence Level ::: The upper limit of a confidence interval. If prediction states that the true score falls between 80 and 90, then the upper confidence level is 90.

ū ::: the mental world within the physical; the mental layer of the earth-consciousness or plane of material existence, the highest level of the triloka in bhū.

ū ::: the vital world within the physical; the vital layer of the earth-consciousness or plane of material existence, the second level of the triloka in bhū.

vaikhari ::: [the fourth and lowest of the four levels of speech; articulate utterance].

vita prstha ::: the wide (the straight open) levels. [cf. RV 4.2.11]

vMeme ::: Short for value meme, a term used in Spiral Dynamics to denote a level of value systems development.

wali :::   protecting friend of Allah; guardian; saint; also wali ul Allah; Sufi of a high spiritual level

water battery ::: --> A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water.
A battery nearly on a level with the water.

water level ::: --> The level formed by the surface of still water.
A kind of leveling instrument. See under Level, n.

waves ::: A synonym for stages emphasizing the fluid, overlapping nature of levels of development. See levels.

way shaft ::: --> A rock shaft.
An interior shaft, usually one connecting two levels.

"We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery.” The Life Divine

“We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery.” The Life Divine

winze ::: n. --> A small shaft sunk from one level to another, as for the purpose of ventilation.

worldcentric ::: The general level(s) where one is identified with “all of us,” or all human beings, regardless of race, sex, or creed. See egocentric, ethnocentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

worldview ::: The way the world looks from a particular level of consciousness. Worldviews can be said to develop—to use one version—from archaic to magic to mythic to rational to pluralistic to holistic to transpersonal.

y level ::: --> See under Y, n.

y ::: n. --> Something shaped like the letter Y; a forked piece resembling in form the letter Y.
One of the forked holders for supporting the telescope of a leveling instrument, or the axis of a theodolite; a wye.
A forked or bifurcated pipe fitting.
A portion of track consisting of two diverging tracks connected by a cross track.

QUOTES [101 / 101 - 1500 / 12161]

KEYS (10k)

   27 Sri Aurobindo
   6 The Mother
   4 Ken Wilber
   3 Albert Einstein
   2 Yamamoto Tsunetomo
   2 Wikipedia
   2 Sri Aurobindo
   2 Rene Guenon
   2 Joseph Campbell
   1 Tsuang tse
   1 The Mother
   1 Stratford Caldecott
   1 Stephen Brust
   1 site
   1 Sharon Salzberg
   1 Satprem
   1 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   1 Robert Heinlein
   1 Robert Anton Wilson
   1 RB
   1 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   1 Novalis
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 "Mystic Wisdom: Rosicrucian Order AMORC"
   1 M P Pandit
   1 Max Weber
   1 KGentle
   1 Ken Wilber?
   1 ken-wi
   1 Kahlil Gibran
   1 Jean Piaget
   1 James W Fowler
   1 H P Lovecraft
   1 Henry David Thoreau
   1 Haruki Murakami
   1 Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
   1 Frederick Dodson
   1 Franz Bardon
   1 Eknath Easwaran
   1 Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook.
   1 Dr Robert A Hatch
   1 Dion Fortune
   1 David Foster Wallace
   1 Daniell Koepke
   1 Cleveland Amory
   1 Chwang-tse-
   1 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   1 Carl Sagan
   1 Bonaventure
   1 Asanga
   1 Aryeh Kaplan
   1 Archilochus
   1 Aquinas
   1 Alfred Korzybski
   1 Aleister Crowleys
   1 Swami Vivekananda
   1 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   1 Meister Eckhart
   1 Abraham Maslow


   39 Grover Cleveland
   21 Anonymous
   17 Frederick Lenz
   14 Deepak Chopra
   13 Albert Einstein
   12 John C Maxwell
   12 Cleveland Amory
   6 Janet Evanovich
   6 Hans Rosling
   5 Tony Robbins
   5 Tennessee Williams
   5 T D Jakes
   5 LeBron James
   5 James Clear
   4 Toba Beta
   4 Terry Pratchett
   4 Stephen King
   4 Sadhguru
   4 Neal Stephenson
   4 Laurence J Peter

1:Paradox is simply the way nonduality looks to the mental level. ~ Ken Wilber,
2:In the highest level a man has the look of knowing nothing . ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
3:We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. ~ Archilochus,
4:and at its deepest level, God itself." ~ "Mystic Wisdom: Rosicrucian Order AMORC", (Last edition 2015),
5:Happy is the soul that reaches the level of perfection that God desires!" ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
6:The external is an internal raised to the level of mystery - maybe it is also the other way round ~ Novalis,
7:Restore your attention or bring it to a new level by dramatically slowing down whatever you're doing. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
8:A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth. ~ Franz Bardon,
9:The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. ~ Albert Einstein,
10:urage and jubilation. This is rising to a higher level. It is like the saying, "The more water there is, the higher the boat rises. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
11:Rain water will run down to the lowest level, just as the mercy of God remains in the hearts of the lowly. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
12:Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
13:If you are never parted from the aspiring resolve to attain awak- ening, wherever you are born-whether above, below, or on the same level-you will not forget the thought of awakening. ~ Asanga,
14:Stories lie deep in our souls. Stories lie so deep at the bottom of our hearts that they can bring people together on the deepest level. When I write a novel, I go into such depths.
   ~ Haruki Murakami,
15:The speed and distance that you travel on the path is determined by the level of your courage to go in the opposite direction from what you have been doing since beginningless time. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
16:Sit in a room and read--and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the time. ~ Joseph Campbell,
17:Love at its purest and most detached level is nothing else in itself than God." ~ Meister Eckhart, (c. 1260 - c. 1328), a German theologian, philosopher and mystic, Wikipedia.,
18:That which has helped man upward, must be preserved in order that he may not sink below the level he has attained. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The National Value of Art,
19:Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has obtained a level of civilization and never before achieved. ~ Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,
20:One has continually to leave behind his past selves and to see, act and live from an always higher and higher conscious level. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Lower Vital Being,
21:Sit in a room and read--and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the time. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth,
22:So spirit is both the highest "level" in the holarchy, but it's also the paper on which the entire holarchy is written. It's the highest rung in the ladder, but it's also the wood out of which the entire ladder is made. ~ ken-wi
23:It is not by mental activity that you can quiet your miind, it is from a higher or deeper level that you can receive the help you need. And both can be reached in silence only.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
24:On a certain level all knowledge presents itself as a remembering, because all is latent or inherent in the self of supermind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supramental Instruments - Thought-Process,
25:The objective level is not words, and cannot be reached by words alone. We must point our finger and be silent, or we will never reach this level. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics,
26:The minority who actually loves its work seems to be made up chiefly of the writers, dancers, actors and other artists, most scientists above the technician-troll level, computer freaks, and the righteous dope-dealers of California. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
27:But these structures, forming different levels, are to be regarded as succeeding one another according to a law of development, such that each one brings about a more inclusive and stable equilibrium for the processes that emerge from the preceding level. ~ Jean Piaget,
28:No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." ~ Albert Einstein, (1879 - 1955) German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics, (alongside quantum mechanics), Wikipedia,
29:No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." ~ Albert Einstein, (1879 - 18 April 1955) German-born theoretical physicist, developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics, (alongside quantum mechanics), Wikipedia.,
30:Given that 'we' are the product of all previous human culture, we have at some level already experienced those gods... If we are truly to understand ancient [religion], it will be part of our task to 'remember' what we have forgotten, but which in some sense we already know. ~ RB,
31:We should understand divine things according to this union of grace. It is not as if we draw divine things down to the level of the things of our experience, but rather we are drawn out of ourselves & placed in God, so that by this union we are totally deified. ~ Aquinas, DDN 7.1,
32:Forceful suppression stands on the same level as free indulgence; in both cases, the desire remains; in the one it is fed by indulgence, in the other it lies latent and exasperated by suppression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, Food,
33:A natural hierarchy is simply an order of increasing wholeness, such as: particles to atoms to cells to organisms, or letters to words to sentences to paragraphs. The whole of one level becomes part of the whole of the next. In other words, natural hierarchies are composed of holons. ~ Ken Wilber,
34:Sincerity means to lift all the movements of the being to the level of the highest consciousness and realisation already attained. Sincerity exacts the unification and harmonisation of the whole being in all its parts and movements around the central Divine Will
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Sincerity,
35:To be "integrally developed" does not mean that you have to excel in all the known intelligences, or that all of your lines have to be at level 3. But it does mean that you develop a very good sense of what your own psychograph is actually like, so that with a much more Integral self-image you can plan your future development. ~ Ken Wilber,
36:Man who has towered
Out of the plasm and struggled by thought to Divinity's level,
Man, this miniature second creator of good and of evil,
He too was only a compost of Matter made living, organic,
Forged as her thinking tool by an Energy blind and ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ahana,
37:When water is calm, it reflects objects like a mirror. This tranquillity, this perfect level is the model for the sage. If water is transparent when it is in perfect repose, much more so is the intellectual essence. The heart of the sage in perfect repose is the mirror of heaven and of earth and of all existences. ~ Tsuang tse, the Eternal Wisdom
38:When water is still, it reflects objects like a mirror. This stillness, this perfect level is the model of the sage. If water is translucent when it is in perfect rest, much more so must it be with the intellectual essence. The heart of the sage in perfect repose is the mirror of earth and heaven and all existences. ~ Chwang-tse-, the Eternal Wisdom
39:A superintelligence is a hypothetical agent that possesses intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human minds. Superintelligence may also refer to a property of problem-solving systems (e.g., superintelligent language translators or engineering assistants) whether or not these high-level intellectual competencies are embodied in agents that act in the world.
   ~ Wikipedia,
40:Understanding is the level immediately below Wisdom. It is on the level of Understanding that ideas exist separately, where they can be scrutinized and comprehended. While Wisdom is pure undifferentiated Mind, Understanding is the level where division exists, and where things are delineated and defined as separated objects. ~ Aryeh Kaplan, Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice,
41:Why do men cling to a religion?

   Religions are based on creeds which are spiritual experiences brought down to a level where they become more easy to grasp, but at the cost of their integral purity and truth. The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
42:I insist that in private life men should not admit their passions to be an end, indulging them and so degrading themselves to the level of the other animals, or suppressing them and creating neuroses. I insist that every thought, word and deed should be consciously devoted to the service of the Great Work. 'Whatsoever ye do, whether ye eat or drink, do all to the glory of God' ~ Aleister Crowleys, Confessions of Aleister Crowley,
43:Your character grows as the game continues. Each monster defeated, each adventure completed, and each treasure recovered not only adds to your continuing story, but also earns your character new abilities. This increase in power is reflected by your character's level; as you continue to play, your character gains more experience, rising in level and mastering new and more powerful abilities.
   ~ Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook.,
44:Apotheosis (from Greek ἀποθέωσις from ἀποθεοῦν, apotheoun to deify; in Latin deificatio making divine; also called divinization and deification) is the glorification of a subject to divine level. The term has meanings in theology, where it refers to a belief, and in art, where it refers to a genre. this seems particularily important relative to define, which seems to be attempt at the highest potential of the word.
   ~ Wikipedia,
45:   Its like the word purity - one could lecture endlessly on the difference between divine purity and what people call purity. Divine purity (at the lowest level) is to admit but one influence the divine Influence (but this is at the lowest level, and already terribly distorted). Divine purity means that only the Divine exists - nothing else. It is perfectly pure only the Divine exists, nothing other than He.   And so on. ~ The Mother, Agenda Vol 02, 1961-07-07,
46:The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine
47:nabla9 on July 15, 2018 [-] Common Lisp as hackish vs protective is nice way to describe it.\n\nAnother way to describe it exploratory vs implementatory.\n\nIn some ways Common Lisp is like Mathematica for programming. It's a language for a computer architect to develop and explore high level concept. It's not a accident that early Javascript prototype was done in common lisp or that metaobject protocols, aspect-oriented programming, etc. were first implemented and experimented with Common Lisp. ~ site,,
48:Beneath the surface level of conditioned thinking in every one of us there is a single living spirit. The still small voice whispering to me in the depths of my consciousness is saying exactly the same thing as the voice whispering to you in your consciousness. 'I want an earth that is healthy, a world at peace, and a heart filled with love.' It doesn't matter if your skin is brown or white or black, or whether you speak English, Japanese, or Malayalam - the voice, says the Gita, is the same in every creature, and it comes from your true self. ~ Eknath Easwaran,
49:The profession of shaman has many advantages. It offers high status with a safe livelihood free of work in the dreary, sweaty sense. In most societies it offers legal privileges and immunities not granted to other men. But it is hard to see how a man who has been given a mandate from on High to spread tidings of joy to all mankind can be seriously interested in taking up a collection to pay his salary; it causes one to suspect that the shaman is on the moral level of any other con man. But it is a lovely work if you can stomach it.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks Of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
50:Breathe. It's okay. You're going to be okay. Just breathe. Breathe, and remind yourself of all the times in the past you felt this scared. All of the times you felt this anxious and this overwhelmed. All of the times you felt this level of pain. And remind yourself how each time, you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you've survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust that this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you don't give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it. ~ Daniell Koepke,
51:Faith is a coat against ... nakedness. For most of us, most of the time, faith functions so as to screen off the abyss of mystery that surrounds us. But we all at certain times call upon faith to provide nerve to stand in the presence of the abyss--naked, stripped of life supports, trusting only in the being, the mercy and the power of the Other in the darkness. Faith helps us form a dependable 'life space,' an ultimate environment. At a deeper level, faith undergirds us when our life space is punctured and collapses, when the felt reality of our ultimate environment proves to be less than ultimate.
   ~ James W Fowler, Stages Of Faith,
52:It is the same thing for the ego, the self. In order to pass on to a higher plane, one must first exist; and to exist one must become a conscious, separate individual, and to become a conscious separate individual, the ego is indispensable, otherwise one remains mingled with all that lies around us. But once the individuality is formed, if one wants to rise to a higher level and live a spiritual life, if one wants even to become simply a higher type of man, the limitations of the ego are the worst obstacles, and the ego must be surpassed in order to enter the true consciousness. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 367,
53:Someone told me that Ramana Maharshi lives on the overmental plane or that his realisation is on the same level as Shankara's. How is it then that he is not aware of the arrival of the Divine, while others, for instance X's Guru, had this awareness?

I can't say on what plane the Maharshi is, but his method is that of Adwaita Knowledge and Moksha - so there is no necessity for him to recognise the arrival of the Divine. X's Guru was a bhakta of the Divine Mother and believed in the dynamic side of existence, so it was quite natural for him to have the revelation of the coming of the Mother. 23 January 1936 ~ Sri Aurobindo,
54:All literature consists of whatever the writer thinks is cool. The reader will like the book to the degree that he agrees with the writer about what's cool. And that works all the way from the external trappings to the level of metaphor, subtext, and the way one uses words. In other words, I happen not to think that full-plate armor and great big honking greatswords are cool. I don't like 'em. I like cloaks and rapiers. So I write stories with a lot of cloaks and rapiers in 'em, 'cause that's cool. Guys who like military hardware, who think advanced military hardware is cool, are not gonna jump all over my books, because they have other ideas about what's cool. ~ Stephen Brust,
55:I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias,
56:It is in the silence of the mind that the strongest and freest action can come, e.g. the writing of a book, poetry, inspired speech etc. When the mind is active it interferes with the inspiration, puts in its own small ideas which get mixed up with the inspiration or starts something from a lower level or simply stops the inspiration altogether by bubbling up with all sorts of mere mental suggestions. So also intuitions or action etc. can come more easily when the ordinary inferior movement of the mind is not there. It is also in the silence of the mind that it is easiest for knowledge to come from within or above, from the psychic or from the higher consciousness.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
57:It is not a question of making a few changes in individual lines, that is a very minor problem; the real finality only comes when all is felt as a perfect whole, no line jarring with or falling away from the level of the whole though some may rise above it and also all the parts in their proper place making the right harmony. It is an inner feeling that has to decide that and my inner feeling is not as satisfied in that respect with parts of the third section as it is with the first two. Unfortunately the mind can't arrange these things, one has to wait till the absolutely right thing comes in a sort of receptive self-opening and calling-down condition. Hence the months. 20 November 1936 ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art,
58:But the vijnana or gnosis is not only truth but truth power, it is the very working of the infinite and divine nature; it is the divine knowledge one with the divine will in the force and delight of a spontaneous and luminous and inevitable self-fulfilment. By the gnosis, then, we change our human into a divine nature. But even the intuitive reason is not the gnosis; it is only an edge of light of the supermind finding its way by flashes of illumination into the mentality like lightnings in dim and cloudy places. Its inspirations, revelations, intuitions, self-luminous discernings are messages from a higher knowledge-plane that make their way opportunely into our lower level of consciousness.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
59:It depends on what is meant by the higher buddhi - whether you use the word to mean the higher part of the intellect or the higher Mind. The higher Mind in itself on its own level knows, but when it is involved in the ordinary human intelligence and works under limitations, it often does not know - or it has the idea merely that it must be so but has not the consciousness of its separate existence. The intellect can rise above its ordinary movements and feel itself as a separate power no longer working under the limitations of the vital and physical mind and the senses. It then begins to reflect something of the action of the higher mind but without the full freedom and greater light and truth of the higher mind.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
60:I mean by the Higher Mind a first plane of spiritual [consciousness] where one becomes constantly and closely aware of the Self, the One everywhere and knows and sees things habitually with that awareness; but it is still very much on the mind level although highly spiritual in its essential substance; and its instrumentation is through an elevated thought-power and comprehensive mental sight-not illumined by any of the intenser upper lights but as if in a large strong and clear daylight. It acts as an intermediate state between the Truth-Light above and the human mind; communicating the higher knowledge in a form that the Mind intensified, broadened, made spiritually supple, can receive without being blinded or dazzled by a Truth beyond it.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art, [9:342],
61:Why level downward to our dullest perception always, and praise that as common sense? The commonest sense is the sense of men asleep, which they express by snoring. Sometimes we are inclined to class those who are once-and-a-half witted with the half-witted, because we appreciate only a third part of their wit. Some would find fault with the morning-red, if they ever got up early enough. "They pretend," as I hear, "that the verses of Kabir have four different senses; illusion, spirit, intellect, and the exoteric doctrine of the Vedas;" but in this part of the world it is considered a ground for complaint if a man's writings admit of more than one interpretation. While England endeavors to cure the potato-rot, will not any endeavor to cure the brain-rot, which prevails so much more widely and fatally? ~ Henry David Thoreau,
62:higher mind: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) a plane of consciousness with three levels: liberated intelligence, intuitive [higher mind] and illumined [higher mind] (in ascending order). The first level may correspond to vijnanabuddhi in the earlier terminology of the Record of Yoga. The intuitive and illumined levels may be what Sri Aurobindo soon after making the diagram began to refer to as higher mind (defined as a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spiritborn conceptual knowledge) and illumined mind (characterised by an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit); cf. logistic ideality (also called luminous reason) and hermetic ideality or srauta vijnana(distinguished by a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence) in the terminology of 1919-20.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Record Of Yoga,
63:A certain atmosphere of breathless and unexplainable dread of outer, unknown forces must be present; and there must be a hint, expressed with a seriousness and portentousness becoming its subject, of that most terrible conception of the human brain - a malign and particular suspension or defeat of those laws of Nature which are our only safeguard against the assaults of chaos and the daemons of unplumbed space .... Therefore we must judge a weird tale not by the author's intent, or by the mere mechanics of the plot; but by the emotional level which it attains at its least mundane point... The one test of the really weird is simply this - whether or not there be excited in the reader a profound sense of dread, and of contact with unknown spheres and powers; a subtle attitude of awed listening, as if for the beating of black wings or the scratching of outside shapes and entities on the known universe's utmost rim. ~ H P Lovecraft,
64:This now leads us to elucidate more precisely the error of the idea that the majority should make the law, because, even though this idea must remain theoretical - since it does not correspond to an effective reality - it is necessary to explain how it has taken root in the modern outlook, to which of its tendencies it corresponds, and which of them - at least in appearance - it satisfies. Its most obvious flaw is the one we have just mentioned: the opinion of the majority cannot be anything but an expression of incompetence, whether this be due to lack of intelligence or to ignorance pure and simple; certain observations of 'mass psychology' might be quoted here, in particular the widely known fact that the aggregate of mental reactions aroused among the component individuals of a crowd crystallizes into a sort of general psychosis whose level is not merely not that of the average, but actually that of the lowest elements present. ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World,
65:Few poets can keep for a very long time a sustained level of the highest inspiration. The best poetry does not usually come by streams except in poets of a supreme greatness though there may be in others than the greatest long-continued wingings at a considerable height. The very best comes by intermittent drops, though sometimes three or four gleaming drops at a time. Even in the greatest poets, even in those with the most opulent flow of riches like Shakespeare, the very best is comparatively rare. All statements are subject to qualification. What Lawrence states1 is true in principle, but in practice most poets have to sustain the inspiration by industry. Milton in his later days used to write every day fifty lines; Virgil nine which he corrected and recorrected till it was within half way of what he wanted. In other words he used to write under any conditions and pull at his inspiration till it came. Usually the best lines, passages, etc. come like that.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, Inspiration and Effort - II,
66:We already saw that in evolution each of these structures emerges as a substitute gratification, and is abandoned when it ceases to gratify. And we can see now that each of them emerges as a substitute in evolution because each was created as substitute in involution. The self can climb back up this involved chain of substitutes only by tasting them, finding them lacking, accepting their death, and thus transcending them (all of which the self in involution refused to do). But the self will evolve up the chain of being only to the point at which it will accept the substitute gratifications as satisfactory (bodily substitutes, or mental substitutes, or subtle ones, or causal ones). At that particular level, its incest settles in, it accepts its substitutes as real, its Eros wins out over Thanatos, it will not undergo the separation anxiety of transcending and dying to that level, and so evolution stops cold (for this lifetime). The self has, in this life, gotten as close as it can to the Source (while still imagining it is the Source)
   ~ Ken Wilber, The Atman Project,
67:The so-called 'psychotically depressed' person who tries to kill herself doesn't do so out of quote 'hopelessness' or any abstract conviction that life's assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire's flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It's not desiring the fall; it's terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling 'Don't!' and 'Hang on!', can understand the jump. Not really. You'd have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.
   ~ David Foster Wallace,
68:A word that rose to honor at the time of the Renaissance, and that summarized in advance the whole program of modern civilization is 'humanism'. Men were indeed concerned to reduce everything to purely human proportions, to eliminate every principle of a higher order, and, one might say, symbolically to turn away from the heavens under pretext of conquering the earth; the Greeks, whose example they claimed to follow, had never gone as far in this direction, even at the time of their greatest intellectual decadence, and with them utilitarian considerations had at least never claimed the first place, as they were very soon to do with the moderns. Humanism was form of what has subsequently become contemporary secularism; and, owing to its desire to reduce everything to the measure of man as an end in himself, modern civilization has sunk stage by stage until it has reached the level of the lowest elements in man and aims at little more than satisfying the needs inherent in the material side of his nature, an aim that is in any case quite illusory since it constantly creates more artificial needs than it can satisfy. ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World
69:But for the knowledge of the Self it is necessary to have the power of a complete intellectual passivity, the power of dismissing all thought, the power of the mind to think not at all which the Gita in one passage enjoins. This is a hard saying for the occidental mind to which thought is the highest thing and which will be apt to mistake the power of the mind not to think, its complete silence for the incapacity of thought. But this power of silence is a capacity and not an incapacity, a power and not a weakness. It is a profound and pregnant stillness. Only when the mind is thus entirely still, like clear, motionless and level water, in a perfect purity and peace of the whole being and the soul transcends thought, can the Self which exceeds and originates all activities and becomings, the Silence from which all words are born, the Absolute of which all relativities are partial reflections manifest itself in the pure essence of our being. In a complete silence only is the Silence heard; in a pure peace only is its Being revealed. Therefore to us the name of That is the Silence and the Peace.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Purified Understanding, 302,
   Sweet Mother, is the physical mind the same as the mechanical mind?

Almost. You see, there is just a little difference, but not much. The mechanical mind is still more stupid than the physical mind. The physical mind is what we spoke about one day, that which is never sure of anything.

   I told you the story of the closed door, you remember. Well, that is the nature of the physical mind. The mechanical mind is at a lower level still, because it doesn't even listen to the possibility of a convincing reason, and this happens to everyone.

   Usually we don't let it function, but it comes along repeating the same things, absolutely mechanically, without rhyme or reason, just like that. When some craze or other takes hold of it, it goes... For example, you see, if it fancies counting: "One, two, three, four", then it will go on: "One, two, three, four; one, two, three, four." And you may think of all kinds of things, but it goes on: "One, two, three, four", like that... (Mother laughs.) Or it catches hold of three words, four words and repeats them and goes on repeating them; and unless one turns away with a certain violence and punches it soundly, telling it, "Keep quiet!", it continues in this way, indefinitely. ~ The Mother,
71:The Twenty Tenets of Holons
1. Reality as a whole is not composed of things, or processes, but of holons.
2. Holons display four fundamental capacities:
a. self-preservation,
b. self-adaptation,
c. self-transcendence.
d. self-dissolution.
3. Holons emerge.
4. Holons emerge holarchically.
5. Each emergent holon transcends but includes its predecessor.
6. The lower sets the possibilities of the higer; the higher sets the probabilities of the lower.
7. "The number of levels which a hierarchy comprises determines whether it is 'shallow' or 'deep'; and the number of holons on any given level we shall call its 'span'" (A. Koestler).
8. Each successive level of evolution produces greater depth and less span.
9. Destroy any type of holon, and you will destroy all of the holons above it and none of the holons below it.
10. Holarchies coevolve.
11. The micro is in relational exchange with the macro at all levels of its depth.
12. Evolution has directionality:
a. Increasing complexity.
b. Increasing differentiation/integration.
c. Increasing organisation/structuration.
d. Increasing relative autonomy.
e. Increasing telos.
   ~ Ken Wilber, Sex Ecology Spirituality, 1995, p. 35-78.,
72:Bhakti Yoga, the Path of Devotion; :::
   The path of Devotion aims at the enjoyment of the supreme Love and Bliss and utilses normally the conception of the supreme Lord in His personality as the divine Lover and enjoyer of the universe. The world is then realised as a a play of the Lord, with our human life as its final stages, pursued through the different phases of self-concealment and self-revealation. The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation are used only for the preparation and increase the intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation. ... We can see how this larger application of the Yoga of Devotion may be used as to lead to the elevation of the whole range of human emotion, sensation and aesthetic perception to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards love and joy in humanity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
73:The supramental memory is different from the mental, not a storing up of past knowledge and experience, but an abiding presence of knowledge that can be brought forward or, more characteristically, offers itself, when it is needed: it is not dependent on attention or on conscious reception, for the things of the past not known actually or not observed can be called up from latency by an action which is yet essentially a remembrance. Especially on a certain level all knowledge presents itself as a remembering, because all is latent or inherent in the self of supermind. The future like the past presents itself to knowledge in the supermind as a memory of the preknown. The imagination transformed in the supermind acts on one side as a power of true image and symbol, always all image or index of some value or significance or other truth of being, on the other as an inspiration or interpretative seeing of possibilities and potentialities not less true than actual or realised things. These are put in their place either by an attendant intuitive or interpretative judgment or by one inherent in the vision of the image, symbol or potentiality, or by a supereminent revelation of that which is behind the image or symbol or which determines the potential and the actual and their relations and, it may be, overrides and overpasses them, imposing ultimate truths and supreme certitudes.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
74:In terms of energy - there are three characteristic ways in which the energy manifests - Dang, Rolpa, and rTsal (gDang, rol pa, and rTsal). Dang is the energy in which 'internal' and 'external' are not divided from that which manifests. It is symbolised by the crystal sphere which becomes the colour of whatever it is placed upon. Rolpa is the energy which manifests internally as vision. It is symbolised by the mirror. The image of the reflection always appears as if it is inside the mirror. rTsal is externally manifested energy which radiates. It is symbolised by the refractive capacity of the faceted crystal. For a realised being, this energy is inseparable in its manifestation from the dimension of manifest reality. Dang, Rolpa, and rTsal are not divided.

Dang, Rolpa and rTsal are not divided and neither are the ku-sum (sKu gSum - the trikaya) the three spheres of being. Cho-ku (chos sKu - Dharmakaya), the sphere of unconditioned potentiality, is the creative space from which the essence of the elements arises as long-ku (longs sKu - Sambhogakaya) the sphere of intangible appearances - light and rays, non material forms only perceivable by those with visionary clarity. Trülku (sPrul sKu - Nirmanakaya), the sphere of realised manifestation, is the level of matter in apparently solid material forms. The primordial base manifests these three distinct yet indivisible modes. ~ Sam Van Schaik, Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig,
75:Bryan Del Monte (Author | Entrepreneur | Advertising & Marketing Expert | April 26, 2016
That's like asking - what's considered a good day... it's so broad it depends.

That said, here's some realities about website traffic generally...
Under 10K unique visitors a month, it's very hard to draw any meaningful conclusions from your analytics. You're just way too small.
Around 100K a month, you'll be able to really spot some decent trends in your analytics that will allow you to make better content...
If you're drawing a million unique visitors a year, you're rapidly approaching the top 2% of all websites in the world.
If you're at 5-10M a year in unique visitors, you're a name brand site in your niche that is routinely visited. It also means you probably have 1000's of articls that are drawing a few hundred visits a month through SEO.
To be in the top 1/2 1% - you need to draw over 10M unique views a month. If you're at that level... you're on the level of Drudge, Facebook, Amazon, Pintrest, Twitter, etc...
Most websites have less than 3000 visitors a month... and by most I mean like 98%.

Putting all the aggregate stuff aside, here are some things to think about:

New/Returning matters. Do people find your content useful or not? Anything under 80% is a win... which is the average bounce rate.
A thousand true fans can lead to a successful website - it's not all about aggregate stats. (see Kevin Kelly's post - The Technium: 1,000 True Fans ~ Bryan Del Monte, Quora,
76:I have spoken of Sri Aurobindo's life as a series of radical turns that changed the movement, the mode of life, almost radically every time the turn came. The turn meant a break with the past and a moving into the future. We have a word for this phenomenon of radical and unforeseen change. You know the word, it is intervention. Intervention means, as the Mother has explained to us more than once, the entry of a higher, a greater force from another world into the already existent world. Into the familiar established mode of existence that runs on the routine of some definite rules and regulations, the Law of the present, there drops all on a sudden another mode of being and consciousness and force, a Higher Law which obliterates or changes out of recognition the familiar mode of living; it is thus that one rises from level to level, moves out into wider ranges of being, otherwise one stands still, remains for ever what he is, stagnant, like an unchanging clod or at the most a repetitive animal. The higher the destiny, the higher also the source of intervention, that is to say, more radical - more destructive yet more creative - destructive of the past, creative of the future.

   I have spoken of the passing away of Sri Aurobindo as a phenomenon of intervention, a great decisive event in view of the work to be done. Even so we may say that his birth too was an act of intervention, a deliberate divine intervention. The world needed it, the time was ripe and the intervention happened and that was his birth as an embodied human being - to which we offer our salutation and obeisance today. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta,
77:Karma Yoga, the Path of Works; :::
   The Path of Works aims at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Will. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an interested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renunciation it so purifies the mind and the will that we become easily conscious of the great universal Energy as the true doer of all our actions and the Lord of that Energy as their ruler and director with the individual as only a mask, an excuse, an instrument or, more positively, a conscious centre of action and phenomenal relation. The choice and direction of the act is more and more consciously left to this supreme Will and this universal Energy. To That our works as well as the results of our works are finally abandoned. The object is the release of the soul from its bondage to appearances and to the reaction of phenomenal activities. Karmayoga is used, like the other paths, to lead to liberation from phenomenal existence and a departure into the Supreme. But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga, 39,
78:subtle ::: In Vedanta (Mandukya Upanishad and later teachings - e.g. Advaita - based on it) "subtle" is used to designate the "dream state" of consciousness, and in Advaita this also includes the Prana, Manas, and Vijnana koshas (= the vehicles of vital force, mind, and higher consciousness) re-interpreted from of the Taittiriya Upanishad.

In Tibetan and Tantric Buddhism it refers to an intermediate grade between the "gross" and "very subtle" "minds" and "winds" (vayu = prana).

The Sukshma Sthula or Subtle Body is one of the seven principles of man in Blavatskian Theosophy; it is also called the "astral body" (this has little similarity with the astral body of Out of Body experience, because it cannot move far from the gross physical vehicle, it seems to correspond to what Robert Monroe calls the "second body", and identified with the Double or Ka

In Sant Mat / Radhasoami cosmology - the Anda (Cosmic Egg) / Sahans-dal Kanwal (Crown Chakra) is sometimes called the Subtle; hence Subtle = Astral

The term Subtle Physical is used somewhat generically by Sri Aurobindo (in Letters on Yoga) to refer to a wider reality behind the external physical.

Ken Wilber uses the term Subtle to indicate the yogic and mystic holonic-evolutionary level intermediate between "Psychic" (in his series = Nature Mysticism) and "Causal" (=Realisation"); it includes many psychic and occult experiences and can be considered as pertaining to the Subtle as defined here (although it also includes other realities and experiences that might also be interpreted as "Inner Gross" - e.g. Kundalini as a classic example). ~ M Alan Kazlev, Kheper, planes/subtle,
79:The most outward psychological form of these things is the mould or trend of the nature towards certain dominant tendencies, capacities, characteristics, form of active power, quality of the mind and inner life, cultural personality or type. The turn is often towards the predominance of the intellectual element and the capacities which make for the seeking and finding of knowledge and an intellectual creation or formativeness and a preoccupation with ideas and the study of ideas or of life and the information and development of the reflective intelligence. According to the grade of the development there is produced successively the make and character of the man of active, open, inquiring intelligence, then the intellectual and, last, the thinker, sage, great mind of knowledge. The soul-powers which make their appearance by a considerable development of this temperament, personality, soul-type, are a mind of light more and more open to all ideas and knowledge and incomings of Truth; a hunger and passion for knowledge, for its growth in ourselves, for its communication to others, for its reign in the world, the reign of reason and right and truth and justice and, on a higher level of the harmony of our greater being, the reign of the spirit and its universal unity and light and love; a power of this light in the mind and will which makes all the life subject to reason and its right and truth or to the spirit and spiritual right and truth and subdues the lower members to their greater law; a poise in the temperament turned from the first to patience, steady musing and calm, to reflection, to meditation, which dominates and quiets the turmoil of the will and passions and makes for high thinking and pure living, founds the self-governed sattwic mind, grows into a more and more mild, lofty, impersonalised and universalised personality. This is the ideal character and soul-power of the Brahmana, the priest of knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 4:15 - Soul-Force and the Fourfold Personality
80:... The first opening is effected by a concentration in the heart, a call to the Divine to manifest within us and through the psychic to take up and lead the whole nature. Aspiration, prayer, bhakti, love, surrender are the main supports of this part of the sadhana - accompanied by a rejection of all that stands in the way of what we aspire for. The second opening is effected by a concentration of the consciousness in the head (afterwards, above it) and an aspiration and call and a sustained will for the descent of the divine Peace, Power, Light, Knowledge, Ananda into the being - the Peace first or the Peace and Force together. Some indeed receive Light first or Ananda first or some sudden pouring down of knowledge. With some there is first an opening which reveals to them a vast infinite Silence, Force, Light or Bliss above them and afterwards either they ascend to that or these things begin to descend into the lower nature. With others there is either the descent, first into the head, then down to the heart level, then to the navel and below and through the whole body, or else an inexplicable opening - without any sense of descent - of peace, light, wideness or power or else a horizontal opening into the cosmic consciousness or, in a suddenly widened mind, an outburst of knowledge. Whatever comes has to be welcomed - for there is no absolute rule for all, - but if the peace has not come first, care must be taken not to swell oneself in exultation or lose the balance. The capital movement however is when the Divine Force or Shakti, the power of the Mother comes down and takes hold, for then the organisation of the consciousness begins and the larger foundation of the Yoga.

   The result of the concentration is not usually immediate - though to some there comes a swift and sudden outflowering; but with most there is a time longer or shorter of adaptation or preparation, especially if the nature has not been prepared already to some extent by aspiration and tapasya. ... ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
81:Jnana Yoga, the Path of Knowledge; :::
   The Path of Knowledge aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual reflection, vicara ¯, to right discrimination, viveka. It observes and distinguishes the different elements of our apparent or phenomenal being and rejecting identification with each of them arrives at their exclusion and separation in one common term as constituents of Prakriti, of phenomenal Nature, creations of Maya, the phenomenal consciousness. So it is able to arrive at its right identification with the pure and unique Self which is not mutable or perishable, not determinable by any phenomenon or combination of phenomena. From this point the path, as ordinarily followed, leads to the rejection of the phenomenal worlds from the consciousness as an illusion and the final immergence without return of the individual soul in the Supreme. But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one's own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the divine level, to its spiritualisation and to the justification of the cosmic travail of knowledge in humanity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems Of Yoga, 38,
82:The majority of Buddhists and Buddhist teachers in the West are green postmodern pluralists, and thus Buddhism is largely interpreted in terms of the green altitude and the pluralistic value set, whereas the greatest Buddhist texts are all 2nd tier, teal (Holistic) or higher (for example, Lankavatara Sutra, Kalachakra Tantra, Longchenpa's Kindly Bent to Ease Us, Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka treatises, and so forth).

This makes teal (Holistic), or Integral 2nd tier in general, the lowest deeply adequate level with which to interpret Buddhism, ultimate Reality, and Suchness itself. Thus, interpreting Suchness in pluralistic terms (or lower) would have to be viewed ultimately as a dysfunction, certainly a case of arrested development, and one requiring urgent attention in any Fourth Turning.

These are some of the problems with interpreting states (in this case, Suchness states) with a too-low structure (in short, a severe misinterpretation and thus misunderstanding of the Ultimate). As for interpreting them with dysfunctional structures (of any altitude), the problem more or less speaks for itself. Whether the structure in itself is high enough or not, any malformation of the structure will be included in the interpretation of any state (or any other experience), and hence will deform the interpretation itself, usually in the same basic ways as the structure itself is deformed. Thus, for example, if there is a major Fulcrum-3 (red altitude) repression of various bodily states (sex, aggression, power, feelings), those repressions will be interpreted as part of the higher state itself, and so the state will thus be viewed as devoid of (whereas this is actually a repression of) any sex, aggression, power, feelings, or whatever it is that is dis-owned and pushed into the repressed submergent unconscious. If there is an orange altitude problem with self-esteem (Fulcrum-5), that problem will be magnified by the state experience, and the more intense the state experience, the greater the magnification. Too little self-esteem, and even profound spiritual experiences can be interpreted as "I'm not worthy, so this state-which seems to love me unconditionally-must be confused." If too much self-esteem, higher experiences are misinterpreted, not as a transcendence of the self, but as a reward for being the amazing self I am-"the wonder of being me." ~ Ken Wilber, The Religion Of Tomorrow,
83:But even before that highest approach to identity is achieved, something of the supreme Will can manifest in us as an imperative impulsion, a God-driven action; we then act by a spontaneous self-determining Force but a fuller knowledge of meaning and aim arises only afterwards. Or the impulse to action may come as an inspiration or intuition, but rather in the heart and body than in the mind; here an effective sight enters in but the complete and exact knowledge is still deferred and comes, if at all, lateR But the divine Will may descend too as a luminous single command or a total perception or a continuous current of perception of what is to be done into the will or into the thought or as a direction from above spontaneously fulfilled by the lower members. When the Yoga is imperfect, only some actions can be done in this way, or else a general action may so proceed but only during periods of exaltation and illumination. When the Yoga is perfect, all action becomes of this character. We may indeed distinguish three stages of a growing progress by which, first, the personal will is occasionally or frequently enlightened or moved by a supreme Will or conscious Force beyond it, then constantly replaced and, last, identified and merged in that divine Power-action. The first is the stage when we are still governed by the intellect, heart and senses; these have to seek or wait for the divine inspiration and guidance and do not always find or receive it. The second is the stage when human intelligence is more and more replaced by a high illumined or intuitive spiritualised mind, the external human heart by the inner psychic heart, the senses by a purified and selfless vital force. The third is the stage when we rise even above spiritualised mind to the supramental levels. In all three stages the fundamental character of the liberated action is the same, a spontaneous working of Prakriti no longer through or for the ego but at the will and for the enjoyment of the supreme Purusha. At a higher level this becomes the Truth of the absolute and universal Supreme expressed through the individual soul and worked out consciously through the nature, - no longer through a half-perception and a diminished or distorted effectuation by the stumbling, ignorant and all-deforming energy of lower nature in us but by the all-wise transcendent and universal Mother. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 218,
84:meta-systemic operations ::: As the 1950's and 60s begin to roll around the last stage of first tier emerged as a cultural force. With the Green Altitude we see the emergence of Pluralistic, Multicultural, Post-Modern world-views.

Cognition is starting to move beyond formal-operations into the realm of co-ordinating systems of abstractions, in what is called Meta-systemic Cognition. While formal-operations acted upon the classes and relations between members of classes. Meta-systemic operations start at the level of relating systems to systems. The focus of these investigations is placed upon comparing, contrasting, transforming and synthesizing entire systems, rather than components of one system. This emergent faculty allows self-sense to focus around a heightened sense of individuality and an increased ability for emotional resonance. The recognition of individual differences, the ability to tolerate paradox and contradiction, and greater conceptual complexity all provide for an understanding of conflict as being both internally and externally caused. Context plays a major role in the creation of truth and individual perspective. With each being context dependent and open to subjective interpretation, meaning each perspective and truth are rendered relative and are not able to be judged as better or more true than any other. This fuels a value set that centers on softness over cold rationality. Sensitivity and preference over objectivity.

Along with a focus on community harmony and equality which drives the valuing of sensitivity to others, reconcilation, consensus, dialogue, relationship, human development, bonding, and a seeking of a peace with the inner-self. Moral decisions are based on rights, values, or principles that are agreeable to all individuals composing a society based on fair and beneficial practices. All of this leads to the Equality movements and multiculturalism. And to the extreme form of relativitism which we saw earlier as context dependant nature of all truth including objective facts.

Faith at the green altitude is called Conjunctive, and allows the self to integrate what was unrecognized by the previous stages self-certainty and cognitive and affective adaptation to reality. New features at this level of faith include the unification of symbolic power with conceptual meaning, an awareness of ones social unconscious, a reworking of ones past, and an opening to ones deeper self. ~ Essential Integral, 4.1-52, Meta-systemic Operations,
A daemon is a process that runs in the background, not connecting to any controlling terminal. Daemons are normally started at boot time, are run as root or some
other special user (such as apache or postfix), and handle system-level tasks. As a
convention, the name of a daemon often ends in d (as in crond and sshd), but this is
not required, or even universal.
The name derives from Maxwell's demon, an 1867 thought experiment by the physicist James Maxwell. Daemons are also supernatural beings in Greek mythology,
existing somewhere between humans and the gods and gifted with powers and divine
knowledge. Unlike the demons of Judeo-Christian lore, the Greek daemon need not
be evil. Indeed, the daemons of mythology tended to be aides to the gods, performing
tasks that the denizens of Mount Olympus found themselves unwilling to do-much
as Unix daemons perform tasks that foreground users would rather avoid.
A daemon has two general requirements: it must run as a child of init, and it must
not be connected to a terminal.
In general, a program performs the following steps to become a daemon:
1. Call fork( ). This creates a new process, which will become the daemon.
2. In the parent, call exit( ). This ensures that the original parent (the daemon's
grandparent) is satisfied that its child terminated, that the daemon's parent is no
longer running, and that the daemon is not a process group leader. This last
point is a requirement for the successful completion of the next step.
3. Call setsid( ), giving the daemon a new process group and session, both of
which have it as leader. This also ensures that the process has no associated controlling terminal (as the process just created a new session, and will not assign
4. Change the working directory to the root directory via chdir( ). This is done
because the inherited working directory can be anywhere on the filesystem. Daemons tend to run for the duration of the system's uptime, and you don't want to
keep some random directory open, and thus prevent an administrator from
unmounting the filesystem containing that directory.
5. Close all file descriptors. You do not want to inherit open file descriptors, and,
unaware, hold them open.
6. Open file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 (standard in, standard out, and standard error)
and redirect them to /dev/null.
Following these rules, here is a program that daemonizes itself:
~ OReilly Linux System Programming,
   The ultimate invocation, that of Kia, cannot be performed. The paradox is that as Kia has no dualized qualities, there are no attributes by which to invoke it. To give it one quality is merely to deny it another. As an observant dualistic being once said:
   I am that I am not.
   Nevertheless, the magician may need to make some rearrangements or additions to what he is. Metamorphosis may be pursued by seeking that which one is not, and transcending both in mutual annihilation. Alternatively, the process of invocation may be seen as adding to the magician's psyche any elements which are missing. It is true that the mind must be finally surrendered as one enters fully into Chaos, but a complete and balanced psychocosm is more easily surrendered.
   The magical process of shuffling beliefs and desires attendant upon the process of invocation also demonstrates that one's dominant obsessions or personality are quite arbitrary, and hence more easily banished.
   There are many maps of the mind (psychocosms), most of which are inconsistent, contradictory, and based on highly fanciful theories. Many use the symbology of god forms, for all mythology embodies a psychology. A complete mythic pantheon resumes all of man's mental characteristics. Magicians will often use a pagan pantheon of gods as the basis for invoking some particular insight or ability, as these myths provide the most explicit and developed formulation of the particular idea's extant. However it is possible to use almost anything from the archetypes of the collective unconscious to the elemental qualities of alchemy.
   If the magician taps a deep enough level of power, these forms may manifest with sufficient force to convince the mind of the objective existence of the god. Yet the aim of invocation is temporary possession by the god, communication from the god, and manifestation of the god's magical powers, rather than the formation of religious cults.
   The actual method of invocation may be described as a total immersion in the qualities pertaining to the desired form. One invokes in every conceivable way. The magician first programs himself into identity with the god by arranging all his experiences to coincide with its nature. In the most elaborate form of ritual he may surround himself with the sounds, smells, colors, instruments, memories, numbers, symbols, music, and poetry suggestive of the god or quality. Secondly he unites his life force to the god image with which he has united his mind. This is accomplished with techniques from the gnosis. Figure 5 shows some examples of maps of the mind. Following are some suggestions for practical ritual invocation.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
87:An integral Yoga includes as a vital and indispensable element in its total and ultimate aim the conversion of the whole being into a higher spiritual consciousness and a larger divine existence. Our parts of will and action, our parts of knowledge, our thinking being, our emotional being, our being of life, all our self and nature must seek the Divine, enter into the Infinite, unite with the Eternal. But mans present nature is limited, divided, unequal, -- it is easiest for him to concentrate in the strongest part of his being and follow a definite line of progress proper to his nature: only rare individuals have the strength to take a large immediate plunge straight into the sea of the Divine Infinity. Some therefore must choose as a starting-point a concentration in thought or contemplation or the minds one-pointedness to find the eternal reality of the Self in them; others can more easily withdraw into the heart to meet there the Divine, the Eternal: yet others are predominantly dynamic and active; for these it is best to centre themselves in the will and enlarge their being through works. United with the Self and source of all by their surrender of their will into its infinity, guided in their works by the secret Divinity within or surrendered to the Lord of the cosmic action as the master and mover of all their energies of thought, feeling, act, becoming by this enlargement of being selfless and universal, they can reach by works some first fullness of a spiritual status. But the path, whatever its point of starting, must debouch into a vaster dominion; it must proceed in the end through a totality of integrated knowledge, emotion, will of dynamic action, perfection of the being and the entire nature. In the supramental consciousness, on the level of the supramental existence this integration becomes consummate; there knowledge, will, emotion, the perfection of the self and the dynamic nature rise each to its absolute of itself and all to their perfect harmony and fusion with each other, to a divine integrality, a divine perfection. For the supermind is a Truth-Consciousness in which the Divine Reality, fully manifested, no longer works with the instrumentation of the Ignorance; a truth of status of being which is absolute becomes dynamic in a truth of energy and activity of the being which is self-existent and perfect. Every movement there is a movement of the self-aware truth of Divine Being and every part is in entire harmony with the whole. Even the most limited and finite action is in the Truth-Consciousness a movement of the Eternal and Infinite and partakes of the inherent absoluteness and perfection of the Eternal and Infinite. An ascent into the supramental Truth not only raises our spiritual and essential consciousness to that height but brings about a descent of this Light and Truth into all our being and all our parts of nature. All then becomes part of the Divine Truth, an element and means of the supreme union and oneness; this ascent and descent must be therefore an ultimate aim of this Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Supermind and the Yoga of Works [279-280],
88:Can it be said in justification of one's past that whatever has happened in one's life had to happen?

The Mother: Obviously, what has happened had to happen; it would not have been, if it had not been intended. Even the mistakes that we have committed and the adversities that fell upon us had to be, because there was some necessity in them, some utility for our lives. But in truth these things cannot be explained mentally and should not be. For all that happened was necessary, not for any mental reason, but to lead us to something beyond what the mind imagines. But is there any need to explain after all? The whole universe explains everything at every moment and a particular thing happens because the whole universe is what it is. But this does not mean that we are bound over to a blind acquiescence in Nature's inexorable law. You can accept the past as a settled fact and perceive the necessity in it, and still you can use the experience it gave you to build up the power consciously to guide and shape your present and your future.

Is the time also of an occurrence arranged in the Divine Plan of things?

The Mother: All depends upon the plane from which one sees and speaks. There is a plane of divine consciousness in which all is known absolutely, and the whole plan of things foreseen and predetermined. That way of seeing lives in the highest reaches of the Supramental; it is the Supreme's own vision. But when we do not possess that consciousness, it is useless to speak in terms that hold good only in that region and are not our present effective way of seeing things. For at a lower level of consciousness nothing is realised or fixed beforehand; all is in the process of making. Here there are no settled facts, there is only the play of possibilities; out of the clash of possibilities is realised the thing that has to happen. On this plane we can choose and select; we can refuse one possibility and accept another; we can follow one path, turn away from another. And that we can do, even though what is actually happening may have been foreseen and predetermined in a higher plane.

The Supreme Consciousness knows everything beforehand, because everything is realised there in her eternity. But for the sake of her play and in order to carry out actually on the physical plane what is foreordained in her own supreme self, she moves here upon earth as if she did not know the whole story; she works as if it was a new and untried thread that she was weaving. It is this apparent forgetfulness of her own foreknowledge in the higher consciousness that gives to the individual in the active life of the world his sense of freedom and independence and initiative. These things in him are her pragmatic tools or devices, and it is through this machinery that the movements and issues planned and foreseen elsewhere are realised here.

It may help you to understand if you take the example of an actor. An actor knows the whole part he has to play; he has in his mind the exact sequence of what is to happen on the stage. But when he is on the stage, he has to appear as if he did not know anything; he has to feel and act as if he were experiencing all these things for the first time, as if it was an entirely new world with all its chance events and surprises that was unrolling before his eyes. 28th April ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
   Sometimes while reading a text one has ideas, then Sweet Mother, how can one distinguish between the other person's idea and one's own?

Oh! This, this doesn't exist, the other person's idea and one's own idea.
   Nobody has ideas of his own: it is an immensity from which one draws according to his personal affinity; ideas are a collective possession, a collective wealth.
   Only, there are different stages. So there is the most common level, the one where all our brains bathe; this indeed swarms here, it is the level of "Mr. Everybody". And then there is a level that's slightly higher for people who are called thinkers. And then there are higher levels still - many - some of them are beyond words but they are still domains of ideas. And then there are those capable of shooting right up, catching something which is like a light and making it come down with all its stock of ideas, all its stock of thoughts. An idea from a higher domain if pulled down organises itself and is crystallised in a large number of thoughts which can express that idea differently; and then if you are a writer or a poet or an artist, when you make it come lower down still, you can have all kinds of expressions, extremely varied and choice around a single little idea but one coming from very high above. And when you know how to do this, it teaches you to distinguish between the pure idea and the way of expressing it.
   Some people cannot do it in their own head because they have no imagination or faculty for writing, but they can do it through study by reading what others have written. There are, you know, lots of poets, for instance, who have expressed the same idea - the same idea but with such different forms that when one reads many of them it becomes quite interesting to see (for people who love to read and read much). Ah, this idea, that one has said it like this, that other has expressed it like that, another has formulated it in this way, and so on. And so you have a whole stock of expressions which are expressions by different poets of the same single idea up there, above, high above. And you notice that there is an almost essential difference between the pure idea, the typal idea and its formulation in the mental world, even the speculative or artistic mental world. This is a very good thing to do when one loves gymnastics. It is mental gymnastics.
   Well, if you want to be truly intelligent, you must know how to do mental gymnastics; as, you see, if you want really to have a fairly strong body you must know how to do physical gymnastics. It is the same thing. People who have never done mental gymnastics have a poor little brain, quite over-simple, and all their life they think like children. One must know how to do this - not take it seriously, in the sense that one shouldn't have convictions, saying, "This idea is true and that is false; this formulation is correct and that one is not and this religion is the true one and that religion is false", and so on and so forth... this, if you enter into it, you become absolutely stupid.
   But if you can see all that and, for example, take all the religions, one after another and see how they have expressed the same aspiration of the human being for some Absolute, it becomes very interesting; and then you begin... yes, you begin to be able to juggle with all that. And then when you have mastered it all, you can rise above it and look at all the eternal human discussions with a smile. So there you are master of the thought and can no longer fly into a rage because someone else does not think as you, something that's unfortunately a very common malady here.
   Now, there we are. Nobody has any questions, no?
   That's enough? Finished! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
90:This greater Force is that of the Illumined Mind, a Mind no longer of higher Thought, but of spiritual light. Here the clarity of the spiritual intelligence, its tranquil daylight, gives place or subordinates itself to an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit: a play of lightnings of spiritual truth and power breaks from above into the consciousness and adds to the calm and wide enlightenment and the vast descent of peace which characterise or accompany the action of the larger conceptual-spiritual principle, a fiery ardour of realisation and a rapturous ecstasy of knowledge. A downpour of inwardly visible Light very usually envelops this action; for it must be noted that, contrary to our ordinary conceptions, light is not primarily a material creation and the sense or vision of light accompanying the inner illumination is not merely a subjective visual image or a symbolic phenomenon: light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous enthousiasmos of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process of the Higher Mind by a swift, sometimes a vehement, almost a violent impetus of rapid transformation.
   But these two stages of the ascent enjoy their authority and can get their own united completeness only by a reference to a third level; for it is from the higher summits where dwells the intuitional being that they derive the knowledge which they turn into thought or sight and bring down to us for the mind's transmutation. Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrates with the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries in it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude. ... Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of stable lightnings.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
91:Of course we do." Dresden's voice was cutting. "But you're thinking too small. Building humanity's greatest empire is like building the world's largest anthill. Insignificant. There is a civilization out there that built the protomolecule and hurled it at us over two billion years ago. They were already gods at that point. What have they become since then? With another two billion years to advance?"
With a growing dread, Holden listened to Dresden speak. This speech had the air of something spoken before. Perhaps many times. And it had worked. It had convinced powerful people. It was why Protogen had stealth ships from the Earth shipyards and seemingly limitless behind-the-scenes support.
"We have a terrifying amount of catching up to do, gentlemen," Dresden was saying. "But fortunately we have the tool of our enemy to use in doing it."
"Catching up?" a soldier to Holden's left said. Dresden nodded at the man and smiled.
"The protomolecule can alter the host organism at the molecular level; it can create genetic change on the fly. Not just DNA, but any stable replicatoR But it is only a machine. It doesn't think. It follows instructions. If we learn how to alter that programming, then we become the architects of that change."
Holden interrupted. "If it was supposed to wipe out life on Earth and replace it with whatever the protomolecule's creators wanted, why turn it loose?"
"Excellent question," Dresden said, holding up one finger like a college professor about to deliver a lecture. "The protomolecule doesn't come with a user's manual. In fact, we've never before been able to actually watch it carry out its program. The molecule requires significant mass before it develops enough processing power to fulfill its directives. Whatever they are."
Dresden pointed at the screens covered with data around them.
"We are going to watch it at work. See what it intends to do. How it goes about doing it. And, hopefully, learn how to change that program in the process."
"You could do that with a vat of bacteria," Holden said.
"I'm not interested in remaking bacteria," Dresden said.
"You're fucking insane," Amos said, and took another step toward Dresden. Holden put a hand on the big mechanic's shoulder.
"So," Holden said. "You figure out how the bug works, and then what?"
"Then everything. Belters who can work outside a ship without wearing a suit. Humans capable of sleeping for hundreds of years at a time flying colony ships to the stars. No longer being bound to the millions of years of evolution inside one atmosphere of pressure at one g, slaves to oxygen and water. We decide what we want to be, and we reprogram ourselves to be that. That's what the protomolecule gives us."

Dresden had stood back up as he'd delivered this speech, his face shining with the zeal of a prophet.
"What we are doing is the best and only hope of humanity's survival. When we go out there, we will be facing gods."
"And if we don't go out?" Fred asked. He sounded thoughtful.
"They've already fired a doomsday weapon at us once," Dresden said.
The room was silent for a moment. Holden felt his certainty slip. He hated everything about Dresden's argument, but he couldn't quite see his way past it. He knew in his bones that something about it was dead wrong, but he couldn't find the words. Naomi's voice startled him.
"Did it convince them?" she asked.
"Excuse me?" Dresden said.
"The scientists. The technicians. Everyone you needed to make it happen. They actually had to do this. They had to watch the video of people dying all over Eros. They had to design those radioactive murder chambers. So unless you managed to round up every serial killer in the solar system and send them through a postgraduate program, how did you do this?"
"We modified our science team to remove ethical restraints."
Half a dozen clues clicked into place in Holden's head. ~ James S A Corey, Leviathan Wakes,
92:The perfect supramental action will not follow any single principle or limited rule.It is not likely to satisfy the standard either of the individual egoist or of any organised group-mind. It will conform to the demand neither of the positive practical man of the world nor of the formal moralist nor of the patriot nor of the sentimental philanthropist nor of the idealising philosopher. It will proceed by a spontaneous outflowing from the summits in the totality of an illumined and uplifted being, will and knowledge and not by the selected, calculated and standardised action which is all that the intellectual reason or ethical will can achieve. Its sole aim will be the expression of the divine in us and the keeping together of the world and its progress towards the Manifestation that is to be. This even will not be so much an aim and purpose as a spontaneous law of the being and an intuitive determination of the action by the Light of the divine Truth and its automatic influence. It will proceed like the action of Nature from a total will and knowledge behind her, but a will and knowledge enlightened in a conscious supreme Nature and no longer obscure in this ignorant Prakriti. It will be an action not bound by the dualities but full and large in the spirit's impartial joy of existence. The happy and inspired movement of a divine Power and Wisdom guiding and impelling us will replace the perplexities and stumblings of the suffering and ignorant ego.
   If by some miracle of divine intervention all mankind at once could be raised to this level, we should have something on earth like the Golden Age of the traditions, Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth or true existence. For the sign of the Satya Yuga is that the Law is spontaneous and conscious in each creature and does its own works in a perfect harmony and freedom. Unity and universality, not separative division, would be the foundation of the consciousness of the race; love would be absolute; equality would be consistent with hierarchy and perfect in difference; absolute justice would be secured by the spontaneous action of the being in harmony with the truth of things and the truth of himself and others and therefore sure of true and right result; right reason, no longer mental but supramental, would be satisfied not by the observation of artificial standards but by the free automatic perception of right relations and their inevitable execution in the act. The quarrel between the individual and society or disastrous struggle between one community and another could not exist: the cosmic consciousness imbedded in embodied beings would assure a harmonious diversity in oneness.
   In the actual state of humanity, it is the individual who must climb to this height as a pioneer and precursor. His isolation will necessarily give a determination and a form to his outward activities that must be quite other than those of a consciously divine collective action. The inner state, the root of his acts, will be the same; but the acts themselves may well be very different from what they would be on an earth liberated from ignorance. Nevertheless his consciousness and the divine mechanism of his conduct, if such a word can be used of so free a thing, would be such as has been described, free from that subjection to vital impurity and desire and wrong impulse which we call sin, unbound by that rule of prescribed moral formulas which we call virtue, spontaneously sure and pure and perfect in a greater consciousness than the mind's, governed in all its steps by the light and truth of the Spirit. But if a collectivity or group could be formed of those who had reached the supramental perfection, there indeed some divine creation could take shape; a new earth could descend that would be a new heaven, a world of supramental light could be created here amidst the receding darkness of this terrestrial ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom, 206,
   The Chonyid is the period of the appearance of the peaceful and wrathful deities-that is to say, the subtle realm, the Sambhogakaya. When the Clear Light of the causal realm is resisted and contracted against, then that Reality is transformed into the primordial seed forms of the peaceful deities (ishtadevas of the subtle sphere), and these in turn, if resisted and denied, are transformed into the wrathful deities.
   The peaceful deities appear first: through seven successive substages, there appear various forms of the tathagatas, dakinis, and vidyadharas, all accompanied by the most dazzlingly brilliant colors and aweinspiring suprahuman sounds. One after another, the divine visions, lights, and subtle luminous sounds cascade through awareness. They are presented, given, to the individual openly, freely, fully, and completely: visions of God in almost painful intensity and brilliance.
   How the individual handles these divine visions and sounds (nada) is of the utmost significance, because each divine scenario is accompanied by a much less intense vision, by a region of relative dullness and blunted illuminations. These concomitant dull and blunted visions represent the first glimmerings of the world of samsara, of the six realms of egoic grasping, of the dim world of duality and fragmentation and primitive forms of low-level unity.
   According to the Thotrol. most individuals simply recoil in the face of these divine illuminations- they contract into less intense and more manageable forms of experience. Fleeing divine illumination, they glide towards the fragmented-and thus less intense-realm of duality and multiplicity. But it's not just that they recoil against divinity-it is that they are attracted to the lower realms, drawn to them, and find satisfaction in them. The Thotrol says they are actually "attracted to the impure lights." As we have put it, these lower realms are substitute gratifications. The individual thinks that they are just what he wants, these lower realms of denseness. But just because these realms are indeed dimmer and less intense, they eventually prove to be worlds without bliss, without illumination, shot through with pain and suffering. How ironic: as a substitute for God, individuals create and latch onto Hell, known as samsara, maya, dismay. In Christian theology it is said that the flames of Hell are God's love (Agape) denied.
   Thus the message is repeated over and over again in the Chonyid stage: abide in the lights of the Five Wisdoms and subtle tathagatas, look not at the duller lights of samsara. of the six realms, of safe illusions and egoic dullness. As but one example:
   Thereupon, because of the power of bad karma, the glorious blue light of the Wisdom of the Dharmadhatu will produce in thee fear and terror, and thou wilt wish to flee from it. Thou wilt begat a fondness for the dull white light of the devas [one of the lower realms].
   At this stage, thou must not be awed by the divine blue light which will appear shining, dazzling, and glorious; and be not startled by it. That is the light of the Tathagata called the Light of the Wisdom of the Dharmadhatu.
   Be not fond of the dull white light of the devas. Be not attached to it; be not weak. If thou be attached to it, thou wilt wander into the abodes of the devas and be drawn into the whirl of the Six Lokas.
   The point is this: ''If thou are frightened by the pure radiances of Wisdom and attracted by the impure lights of the Six Lokas [lower realms], then thou wilt assume a body in any of the Six Lokas and suffer samsaric miseries; and thou wilt never be emancipated from the Ocean of Samsara, wherein thou wilt be whirled round and round and made to taste the sufferings thereof."
   But here is what is happening: in effect, we are seeing the primal and original form of the Atman project in its negative and contracting aspects. In this second stage (the Chonyid), there is already some sort of boundary in awareness, there is already some sort of subject-object duality superimposed upon the original Wholeness and Oneness of the Chikhai Dharmakaya. So now there is boundary-and wherever there is boundary, there is the Atman project. ~ Ken Wilber, The Atman Project, 129,
94:Although a devout student of the Bible, Paracelsus instinctively adopted the broad patterns of essential learning, as these had been clarified by Pythagoras of Samos and Plato of Athens. Being by nature a mystic as well as a scientist, he also revealed a deep regard for the Neoplatonic philosophy as expounded by Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Neo­platonism is therefore an invaluable aid to the interpretation of the Paracelsian doctrine.
   Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.
   The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not inter­ preting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent. Is it possible to prove beyond doubt that the human being is capable of an inward realization of truths or facts without the assistance of the so-called rational faculty?
   According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence-a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that there are two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life. By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifesta­ tions or revelations ot one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. ~ Manly P Hall, Paracelsus,
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and had better come first. Purity means singleness. God is one. The wand is not a wand if it has something sticking to it which is not an essential part of itself. If you wish to invoke Venus, you do not succeed if there are traces of Saturn mixed up with it.

That is a mere logical commonplace: in magick one must go much farther than this. One finds one's analogy in electricity. If insulation is imperfect, the whole current goes back to earth. It is useless to plead that in all those miles of wire there is only one-hundredth of an inch unprotected. It is no good building a ship if the water can enter, through however small a hole.

That first task of the Magician in every ceremony is therefore to render his Circle absolutely impregnable.
If one littlest thought intrude upon the mind of the Mystic, his concentration is absolutely destroyed; and his consciousness remains on exactly the same level as the Stockbroker's. Even the smallest baby is incompatible with the virginity of its mother. If you leave even a single spirit within the circle, the effect of the conjuration will be entirely absorbed by it.> {101}

The Magician must therefore take the utmost care in the matter of purification, "firstly", of himself, "secondly", of his instruments, "thirdly", of the place of working. Ancient Magicians recommended a preliminary purification of from three days to many months. During this period of training they took the utmost pains with diet. They avoided animal food, lest the elemental spirit of the animal should get into their atmosphere. They practised sexual abstinence, lest they should be influenced in any way by the spirit of the wife. Even in regard to the excrements of the body they were equally careful; in trimming the hair and nails, they ceremonially destroyed> the severed portion. They fasted, so that the body itself might destroy anything extraneous to the bare necessity of its existence. They purified the mind by special prayers and conservations. They avoided the contamination of social intercourse, especially the conjugal kind; and their servitors were disciples specially chosen and consecrated for the work.

In modern times our superior understanding of the essentials of this process enables us to dispense to some extent with its external rigours; but the internal purification must be even more carefully performed. We may eat meat, provided that in doing so we affirm that we eat it in order to strengthen us for the special purpose of our proposed invocation.> {102}

By thus avoiding those actions which might excite the comment of our neighbours we avoid the graver dangers of falling into spiritual pride.

We have understood the saying: "To the pure all things are pure", and we have learnt how to act up to it. We can analyse the mind far more acutely than could the ancients, and we can therefore distinguish the real and right feeling from its imitations. A man may eat meat from self-indulgence, or in order to avoid the dangers of asceticism. We must constantly examine ourselves, and assure ourselves that every action is really subservient to the One Purpose.

It is ceremonially desirable to seal and affirm this mental purity by Ritual, and accordingly the first operation in any actual ceremony is bathing and robing, with appropriate words. The bath signifies the removal of all things extraneous to antagonistic to the one thought. The putting on of the robe is the positive side of the same operation. It is the assumption of the fame of mind suitable to that one thought.

A similar operation takes place in the preparation of every instrument, as has been seen in the Chapter devoted to that subject. In the preparation of theplace of working, the same considerations apply. We first remove from that place all objects; and we then put into it those objects, and only those {103} objects, which are necessary. During many days we occupy ourselves in this process of cleansing and consecration; and this again is confirmed in the actual ceremony.

The cleansed and consecrated Magician takes his cleansed and consecrated instruments into that cleansed and consecrated place, and there proceeds to repeat that double ceremony in the ceremony itself, which has these same two main parts. The first part of every ceremony is the banishing; the second, the invoking. The same formula is repeated even in the ceremony of banishing itself, for in the banishing ritual of the pentagram we not only command the demons to depart, but invoke the Archangels and their hosts to act as guardians of the Circle during our pre-occupation with the ceremony proper.

In more elaborate ceremonies it is usual to banish everything by name. Each element, each planet, and each sign, perhaps even the Sephiroth themselves; all are removed, including the very one which we wished to invoke, for that force ... ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA,
96:Mother, how to change one's consciousness?
   Naturally, there are many ways, but each person must do it by the means accessible to him; and the indication of the way usually comes spontaneously, through something like an unexpected experience. And for each one, it appears a little differently.
   For instance, one may have the perception of the ordinary consciousness which is extended on the surface, horizontally, and works on a plane which is simultaneously the surface of things and has a contact with the superficial outer side of things, people, circumstances; and then, suddenly, for some reason or other - as I say for each one it is different - there is a shifting upwards, and instead of seeing things horizontally, of being at the same level as they are, you suddenly dominate them and see them from above, in their totality, instead of seeing a small number of things immediately next to yourself; it is as though something were drawing you above and making you see as from a mountain-top or an aeroplane. And instead of seeing each detail and seeing it on its own level, you see the whole as one unity, and from far above.
   There are many ways of having this experience, but it usually comes to you as if by chance, one fine day.
   Or else, one may have an experience which is almost its very opposite but which comes to the same thing. Suddenly one plunges into a depth, one moves away from the thing one perceived, it seems distant, superficial, unimportant; one enters an inner silence or an inner calm or an inward vision of things, a profound feeling, a more intimate perception of circumstances and things, in which all values change. And one becomes aware of a sort of unity, a deep identity which is one in spite of the diverse appearances.
   Or else, suddenly also, the sense of limitation disappears and one enters the perception of a kind of indefinite duration beginningless and endless, of something which has always been and always will be.
   These experiences come to you suddenly in a flash, for a second, a moment in your life, you don't know why or how.... There are other ways, other experiences - they are innumerable, they vary according to people; but with this, with one minute, one second of such an existence, one catches the tail of the thing. So one must remember that, try to relive it, go to the depths of the experience, recall it, aspire, concentrate. This is the startingpoint, the end of the guiding thread, the clue. For all those who are destined to find their inner being, the truth of their being, there is always at least one moment in life when they were no longer the same, perhaps just like a lightning-flash - but that is enough. It indicates the road one should take, it is the door that opens on this path. And so you must pass through the door, and with perseverance and an unfailing steadfastness seek to renew the state which will lead you to something more real and more total.
   Many ways have always been given, but a way you have been taught, a way you have read about in books or heard from a teacher, does not have the effective value of a spontaneous experience which has come without any apparent reason, and which is simply the blossoming of the soul's awakening, one second of contact with your psychic being which shows you the best way for you, the one most within your reach, which you will then have to follow with perseverance to reach the goal - one second which shows you how to start, the beginning.... Some have this in dreams at night; some have it at any odd time: something one sees which awakens in one this new consciousness, something one hears, a beautiful landscape, beautiful music, or else simply a few words one reads, or else the intensity of concentration in some effort - anything at all, there are a thousand reasons and thousands of ways of having it. But, I repeat, all those who are destined to realise have had this at least once in their life. It may be very fleeting, it may have come when they were very young, but always at least once in one's life one has the experience of what true consciousness is. Well, that is the best indication of the path to be followed.
   One may seek within oneself, one may remember, may observe; one must notice what is going on, one must pay attention, that's all. Sometimes, when one sees a generous act, hears of something exceptional, when one witnesses heroism or generosity or greatness of soul, meets someone who shows a special talent or acts in an exceptional and beautiful way, there is a kind of enthusiasm or admiration or gratitude which suddenly awakens in the being and opens the door to a state, a new state of consciousness, a light, a warmth, a joy one did not know before. That too is a way of catching the guiding thread. There are a thousand ways, one has only to be awake and to watch.
   First of all, you must feel the necessity for this change of consciousness, accept the idea that it is this, the path which must lead to the goal; and once you admit the principle, you must be watchful. And you will find, you do find it. And once you have found it, you must start walking without any hesitation.
   Indeed, the starting-point is to observe oneself, not to live in a perpetual nonchalance, a perpetual apathy; one must be attentive.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, [T6],
97:The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and therefore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or lateR But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, 558,
98:How to Meditate
Deep meditation is a mental procedure that utilizes the nature of the mind to systematically bring the mind to rest. If the mind is given the opportunity, it will go to rest with no effort. That is how the mind works.
Indeed, effort is opposed to the natural process of deep meditation. The mind always seeks the path of least resistance to express itself. Most of the time this is by making more and more thoughts. But it is also possible to create a situation in the mind that turns the path of least resistance into one leading to fewer and fewer thoughts. And, very soon, no thoughts at all. This is done by using a particular thought in a particular way. The thought is called a mantra.
For our practice of deep meditation, we will use the thought - I AM. This will be our mantra.
It is for the sound that we will use I AM, not for the meaning of it.
The meaning has an obvious significance in English, and I AM has a religious meaning in the English Bible as well. But we will not use I AM for the meaning - only for the sound. We can also spell it AYAM. No meaning there, is there? Only the sound. That is what we want. If your first language is not English, you may spell the sound phonetically in your own language if you wish. No matter how we spell it, it will be the same sound. The power of the sound ...I AM... is great when thought inside. But only if we use a particular procedure. Knowing this procedure is the key to successful meditation. It is very simple. So simple that we will devote many pages here to discussing how to keep it simple, because we all have a tendency to make things more complicated. Maintaining simplicity is the key to right meditation.
Here is the procedure of deep meditation: While sitting comfortably with eyes closed, we'll just relax. We will notice thoughts, streams of thoughts. That is fine. We just let them go by without minding them. After about a minute, we gently introduce the mantra, ...I AM...
We think the mantra in a repetition very easily inside. The speed of repetition may vary, and we do not mind it. We do not intone the mantra out loud. We do not deliberately locate the mantra in any particular part of the body. Whenever we realize we are not thinking the mantra inside anymore, we come back to it easily. This may happen many times in a sitting, or only once or twice. It doesn't matter. We follow this procedure of easily coming back to the mantra when we realize we are off it for the predetermined time of our meditation session. That's it.
Very simple.
Typically, the way we will find ourselves off the mantra will be in a stream of other thoughts. This is normal. The mind is a thought machine, remember? Making thoughts is what it does. But, if we are meditating, as soon as we realize we are off into a stream of thoughts, no matter how mundane or profound, we just easily go back to the mantra.
Like that. We don't make a struggle of it. The idea is not that we have to be on the mantra all the time. That is not the objective. The objective is to easily go back to it when we realize we are off it. We just favor the mantra with our attention when we notice we are not thinking it. If we are back into a stream of other thoughts five seconds later, we don't try and force the thoughts out. Thoughts are a normal part of the deep meditation process. We just ease back to the mantra again. We favor it.
Deep meditation is a going toward, not a pushing away from. We do that every single time with the mantra when we realize we are off it - just easily favoring it. It is a gentle persuasion. No struggle. No fuss. No iron willpower or mental heroics are necessary for this practice. All such efforts are away from the simplicity of deep meditation and will reduce its effectiveness.
As we do this simple process of deep meditation, we will at some point notice a change in the character of our inner experience. The mantra may become very refined and fuzzy. This is normal. It is perfectly all right to think the mantra in a very refined and fuzzy way if this is the easiest. It should always be easy - never a struggle. Other times, we may lose track of where we are for a while, having no mantra, or stream of thoughts either. This is fine too. When we realize we have been off somewhere, we just ease back to the mantra again. If we have been very settled with the mantra being barely recognizable, we can go back to that fuzzy level of it, if it is the easiest. As the mantra refines, we are riding it inward with our attention to progressively deeper levels of inner silence in the mind. So it is normal for the mantra to become very faint and fuzzy. We cannot force this to happen. It will happen naturally as our nervous system goes through its many cycles ofinner purification stimulated by deep meditation. When the mantra refines, we just go with it. And when the mantra does not refine, we just be with it at whatever level is easy. No struggle. There is no objective to attain, except to continue the simple procedure we are describing here.

When and Where to Meditate
How long and how often do we meditate? For most people, twenty minutes is the best duration for a meditation session. It is done twice per day, once before the morning meal and day's activity, and then again before the evening meal and evening's activity.
Try to avoid meditating right after eating or right before bed.
Before meal and activity is the ideal time. It will be most effective and refreshing then. Deep meditation is a preparation for activity, and our results over time will be best if we are active between our meditation sessions. Also, meditation is not a substitute for sleep. The ideal situation is a good balance between meditation, daily activity and normal sleep at night. If we do this, our inner experience will grow naturally over time, and our outer life will become enriched by our growing inner silence.
A word on how to sit in meditation: The first priority is comfort. It is not desirable to sit in a way that distracts us from the easy procedure of meditation. So sitting in a comfortable chair with back support is a good way to meditate. Later on, or if we are already familiar, there can be an advantage to sitting with legs crossed, also with back support. But always with comfort and least distraction being the priority. If, for whatever reason, crossed legs are not feasible for us, we will do just fine meditating in our comfortable chair. There will be no loss of the benefits.
Due to commitments we may have, the ideal routine of meditation sessions will not always be possible. That is okay. Do the best you can and do not stress over it. Due to circumstances beyond our control, sometimes the only time we will have to meditate will be right after a meal, or even later in the evening near bedtime. If meditating at these times causes a little disruption in our system, we will know it soon enough and make the necessary adjustments. The main thing is that we do our best to do two meditations every day, even if it is only a short session between our commitments. Later on, we will look at the options we have to make adjustments to address varying outer circumstances, as well as inner experiences that can come up.
Before we go on, you should try a meditation. Find a comfortable place to sit where you are not likely to be interrupted and do a short meditation, say ten minutes, and see how it goes. It is a toe in the water.
Make sure to take a couple of minutes at the end sitting easily without doing the procedure of meditation. Then open your eyes slowly. Then read on here.
As you will see, the simple procedure of deep meditation and it's resulting experiences will raise some questions. We will cover many of them here.
So, now we will move into the practical aspects of deep meditation - your own experiences and initial symptoms of the growth of your own inner silence. ~ Yogani, Deep Meditation,
99:Intuition And The Value Of Concentration :::
   Mother, how can the faculty of intuition be developed?

   ... There are different kinds of intuition, and we carry these capacities within us. They are always active to some extent but we don't notice them because we don't pay enough attention to what is going on in us. Behind the emotions, deep within the being, in a consciousness seated somewhere near the level of the solar plexus, there is a sort of prescience, a kind of capacity for foresight, but not in the form of ideas: rather in the form of feelings, almost a perception of sensations. For instance, when one is going to decide to do something, there is sometimes a kind of uneasiness or inner refusal, and usually, if one listens to this deeper indication, one realises that it was justified. In other cases there is something that urges, indicates, insists - I am not speaking of impulses, you understand, of all the movements which come from the vital and much lower still - indications which are behind the feelings, which come from the affective part of the being; there too one can receive a fairly sure indication of the thing to be done. These are forms of intuition or of a higher instinct which can be cultivated by observation and also by studying the results. Naturally, it must be done very sincerely, objectively, without prejudice. If one wants to see things in a particular way and at the same time practise this observation, it is all useless. One must do it as if one were looking at what is happening from outside oneself, in someone else. It is one form of intuition and perhaps the first one that usually manifests. There is also another form but that one is much more difficult to observe because for those who are accustomed to think, to act by reason - not by impulse but by reason - to reflect before doing anything, there is an extremely swift process from cause to effect in the half-conscious thought which prevents you from seeing the line, the whole line of reasoning and so you don't think that it is a chain of reasoning, and that is quite deceptive. You have the impression of an intuition but it is not an intuition, it is an extremely rapid subconscious reasoning, which takes up a problem and goes straight to the conclusions. This must not be mistaken for intuition. In the ordinary functioning of the brain, intuition is something which suddenly falls like a drop of light. If one has the faculty, the beginning of a faculty of mental vision, it gives the impression of something coming from outside or above, like a little impact of a drop of light in the brain, absolutely independent of all reasoning. This is perceived more easily when one is able to silence one's mind, hold it still and attentive, arresting its usual functioning, as if the mind were changed into a kind of mirror turned towards a higher faculty in a sustained and silent attention. That too one can learn to do. One must learn to do it, it is a necessary discipline.
   When you have a question to solve, whatever it may be, usually you concentrate your attention here (pointing between the eyebrows), at the centre just above the eyes, the centre of the conscious will. But then if you do that, you cannot be in contact with intuition. You can be in contact with the source of the will, of effort, even of a certain kind of knowledge, but in the outer, almost material field; whereas, if you want to contact the intuition, you must keep this (Mother indicates the forehead) completely immobile. Active thought must be stopped as far as possible and the entire mental faculty must form - at the top of the head and a little further above if possible - a kind of mirror, very quiet, very still, turned upwards, in silent, very concentrated attention. If you succeed, you can - perhaps not immediately - but you can have the perception of the drops of light falling upon the mirror from a still unknown region and expressing themselves as a conscious thought which has no connection with all the rest of your thought since you have been able to keep it silent. That is the real beginning of the intellectual intuition.
   It is a discipline to be followed. For a long time one may try and not succeed, but as soon as one succeeds in making a mirror, still and attentive, one always obtains a result, not necessarily with a precise form of thought but always with the sensations of a light coming from above. And then, if one can receive this light coming from above without entering immediately into a whirl of activity, receive it in calm and silence and let it penetrate deep into the being, then after a while it expresses itself either as a luminous thought or as a very precise indication here (Mother indicates the heart), in this other centre.
   Naturally, first these two faculties must be developed; then, as soon as there is any result, one must observe the result, as I said, and see the connection with what is happening, the consequences: see, observe very attentively what has come in, what may have caused a distortion, what one has added by way of more or less conscious reasoning or the intervention of a lower will, also more or less conscious; and it is by a very deep study - indeed, almost of every moment, in any case daily and very frequent - that one succeeds in developing one's intuition. It takes a long time. It takes a long time and there are ambushes: one can deceive oneself, take for intuitions subconscious wills which try to manifest, indications given by impulses one has refused to receive openly, indeed all sorts of difficulties. One must be prepared for that. But if one persists, one is sure to succeed.
   And there comes a time when one feels a kind of inner guidance, something which is leading one very perceptibly in all that one does. But then, for the guidance to have its maximum power, one must naturally add to it a conscious surrender: one must be sincerely determined to follow the indication given by the higher force. If one does that, then... one saves years of study, one can seize the result extremely rapidly. If one also does that, the result comes very rapidly. But for that, it must be done with sincerity and... a kind of inner spontaneity. If one wants to try without this surrender, one may succeed - as one can also succeed in developing one's personal will and making it into a very considerable power - but that takes a very long time and one meets many obstacles and the result is very precarious; one must be very persistent, obstinate, persevering, and one is sure to succeed, but only after a great labour.
   Make your surrender with a sincere, complete self-giving, and you will go ahead at full speed, you will go much faster - but you must not do this calculatingly, for that spoils everything! (Silence) Moreover, whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and can maintain this concentration with a persistent will, nothing can resist it - whatever it may be, from the most material physical development to the highest spiritual one. But this discipline must be followed in a constant and, it may be said, imperturbable way; not that you should always be concentrated on the same thing - that's not what I mean, I mean learning to concentrate.
   And materially, for studies, sports, all physical or mental development, it is absolutely indispensable. And the value of an individual is proportionate to the value of his attention.
   And from the spiritual point of view it is still more important.
   There is no spiritual obstacle which can resist a penetrating power of concentration. For instance, the discovery of the psychic being, union with the inner Divine, opening to the higher spheres, all can be obtained by an intense and obstinate power of concentration - but one must learn how to do it. There is nothing in the human or even in the superhuman field, to which the power of concentration is not the key. You can be the best athlete, you can be the best student, you can be an artistic, literary or scientific genius, you can be the greatest saint with that faculty. And everyone has in himself a tiny little beginning of it - it is given to everybody, but people do not cultivate it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
   Can a Yogi attain to a state of consciousness in which he can know all things, answer all questions, relating even to abstruse scientific problems, such as, for example, the theory of relativity?

Theoretically and in principle it is not impossible for a Yogi to know everything; all depends upon the Yogi.

   But there is knowledge and knowledge. The Yogi does not know in the way of the mind. He does not know everything in the sense that he has access to all possible information or because he contains all the facts of the universe in his mind or because his consciousness is a sort of miraculous encyclopaedia. He knows by his capacity for a containing or dynamic identity with things and persons and forces. Or he knows because he lives in a plane of consciousness or is in contact with a consciousness in which there is the truth and the knowledge.

   If you are in the true consciousness, the knowledge you have will also be of the truth. Then, too, you can know directly, by being one with what you know. If a problem is put before you, if you are asked what is to be done in a particular matter, you can then, by looking with enough attention and concentration, receive spontaneously the required knowledge and the true answer. It is not by any careful application of theory that you reach the knowledge or by working it out through a mental process. The scientific mind needs these methods to come to its conclusions. But the Yogi's knowledge is direct and immediate; it is not deductive. If an engineer has to find out the exact position for the building of an arch, the line of its curve and the size of its opening, he does it by calculation, collating and deducing from his information and data. But a Yogi needs none of these things; he looks, has the vision of the thing, sees that it is to be done in this way and not in another, and this seeing is his knowledge.

   Although it may be true in a general way and in a certain sense that a Yogi can know all things and can answer all questions from his own field of vision and consciousness, yet it does not follow that there are no questions whatever of any kind to which he would not or could not answer. A Yogi who has the direct knowledge, the knowledge of the true truth of things, would not care or perhaps would find it difficult to answer questions that belong entirely to the domain of human mental constructions. It may be, he could not or would not wish to solve problems and difficulties you might put to him which touch only the illusion of things and their appearances. The working of his knowledge is not in the mind. If you put him some silly mental query of that character, he probably would not answer. The very common conception that you can put any ignorant question to him as to some super-schoolmaster or demand from him any kind of information past, present or future and that he is bound to answer, is a foolish idea. It is as inept as the expectation from the spiritual man of feats and miracles that would satisfy the vulgar external mind and leave it gaping with wonder.

   Moreover, the term "Yogi" is very vague and wide. There are many types of Yogis, many lines or ranges of spiritual or occult endeavour and different heights of achievement, there are some whose powers do not extend beyond the mental level; there are others who have gone beyond it. Everything depends on the field or nature of their effort, the height to which they have arrived, the consciousness with which they have contact or into which they enter.

   Do not scientists go sometimes beyond the mental plane? It is said that Einstein found his theory of relativity not through any process of reasoning, but through some kind of sudden inspiration. Has that inspiration anything to do with the Supermind?

The scientist who gets an inspiration revealing to him a new truth, receives it from the intuitive mind. The knowledge comes as a direct perception in the higher mental plane illumined by some other light still farther above. But all that has nothing to do with the action of Supermind and this higher mental level is far removed from the supramental plane. Men are too easily inclined to believe that they have climbed into regions quite divine when they have only gone above the average level. There are many stages between the ordinary human mind and the Supermind, many grades and many intervening planes. If an ordinary man were to get into direct contact even with one of these intermediate planes, he would be dazzled and blinded, would be crushed under the weight of the sense of immensity or would lose his balance; and yet it is not the Supermind.

   Behind the common idea that a Yogi can know all things and answer all questions is the actual fact that there is a plane in the mind where the memory of everything is stored and remains always in existence. All mental movements that belong to the life of the earth are memorised and registered in this plane. Those who are capable of going there and care to take the trouble, can read in it and learn anything they choose. But this region must not be mistaken for the supramental levels. And yet to reach even there you must be able to silence the movements of the material or physical mind; you must be able to leave aside all your sensations and put a stop to your ordinary mental movements, whatever they are; you must get out of the vital; you must become free from the slavery of the body. Then only you can enter into that region and see. But if you are sufficiently interested to make this effort, you can arrive there and read what is written in the earth's memory.

   Thus, if you go deep into silence, you can reach a level of consciousness on which it is not impossible for you to receive answers to all your questions. And if there is one who is consciously open to the plenary truth of the supermind, in constant contact with it, he can certainly answer any question that is worth an answer from the supramental Light. The queries put must come from some sense of the truth and reality behind things. There are many questions and much debated problems that are cobwebs woven of mere mental abstractions or move on the illusory surface of things. These do not pertain to real knowledge; they are a deformation of knowledge, their very substance is of the ignorance. Certainly the supramental knowledge may give an answer, its own answer, to the problems set by the mind's ignorance; but it is likely that it would not be at all satisfactory or perhaps even intelligible to those who ask from the mental level. You must not expect the supramental to work in the way of the mind or demand that the knowledge in truth should be capable of being pieced together with the half-knowledge in ignorance. The scheme of the mind is one thing, but Supermind is quite another and it would no longer be supramental if it adapted itself to the exigencies of the mental scheme. The two are incommensurable and cannot be put together.

   When the consciousness has attained to supramental joys, does it no longer take interest in the things of the mind?

The supramental does not take interest in mental things in the same way as the mind. It takes its own interest in all the movements of the universe, but it is from a different point of view and with a different vision. The world presents to it an entirely different appearance; there is a reversal of outlook and everything is seen from there as other than what it seems to the mind and often even the opposite. Things have another meaning; their aspect, their motion and process, everything about them, are watched with other eyes. Everything here is followed by the supermind; the mind movements and not less the vital, the material movements, all the play of the universe have for it a very deep interest, but of another kind. It is about the same difference as that between the interest taken in a puppet-play by one who holds the strings and knows what the puppets are to do and the will that moves them and that they can do only what it moves them to do, and the interest taken by another who observes the play but sees only what is happening from moment to moment and knows nothing else. The one who follows the play and is outside its secret has a stronger, an eager and passionate interest in what will happen and he gives an excited attention to its unforeseen or dramatic events; the other, who holds the strings and moves the show, is unmoved and tranquil. There is a certain intensity of interest which comes from ignorance and is bound up with illusion, and that must disappear when you are out of the ignorance. The interest that human beings take in things founds itself on the illusion; if that were removed, they would have no interest at all in the play; they would find it dry and dull. That is why all this ignorance, all this illusion has lasted so long; it is because men like it, because they cling to it and its peculiar kind of appeal that it endures.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931, 93?
101:It does not matter if you do not understand it - Savitri, read it always. You will see that every time you read it, something new will be revealed to you. Each time you will get a new glimpse, each time a new experience; things which were not there, things you did not understand arise and suddenly become clear. Always an unexpected vision comes up through the words and lines. Every time you try to read and understand, you will see that something is added, something which was hidden behind is revealed clearly and vividly. I tell you the very verses you have read once before, will appear to you in a different light each time you re-read them. This is what happens invariably. Always your experience is enriched, it is a revelation at each step.

But you must not read it as you read other books or newspapers. You must read with an empty head, a blank and vacant mind, without there being any other thought; you must concentrate much, remain empty, calm and open; then the words, rhythms, vibrations will penetrate directly to this white page, will put their stamp upon the brain, will explain themselves without your making any effort.

Savitri alone is sufficient to make you climb to the highest peaks. If truly one knows how to meditate on Savitri, one will receive all the help one needs. For him who wishes to follow this path, it is a concrete help as though the Lord himself were taking you by the hand and leading you to the destined goal. And then, every question, however personal it may be, has its answer here, every difficulty finds its solution herein; indeed there is everything that is necessary for doing the Yoga.

*He has crammed the whole universe in a single book.* It is a marvellous work, magnificent and of an incomparable perfection.

You know, before writing Savitri Sri Aurobindo said to me, *I am impelled to launch on a new adventure; I was hesitant in the beginning, but now I am decided. Still, I do not know how far I shall succeed. I pray for help.* And you know what it was? It was - before beginning, I warn you in advance - it was His way of speaking, so full of divine humility and modesty. He never... *asserted Himself*. And the day He actually began it, He told me: *I have launched myself in a rudderless boat upon the vastness of the Infinite.* And once having started, He wrote page after page without intermission, as though it were a thing already complete up there and He had only to transcribe it in ink down here on these pages.

In truth, the entire form of Savitri has descended "en masse" from the highest region and Sri Aurobindo with His genius only arranged the lines - in a superb and magnificent style. Sometimes entire lines were revealed and He has left them intact; He worked hard, untiringly, so that the inspiration could come from the highest possible summit. And what a work He has created! Yes, it is a true creation in itself. It is an unequalled work. Everything is there, and it is put in such a simple, such a clear form; verses perfectly harmonious, limpid and eternally true. My child, I have read so many things, but I have never come across anything which could be compared with Savitri. I have studied the best works in Greek, Latin, English and of course French literature, also in German and all the great creations of the West and the East, including the great epics; but I repeat it, I have not found anywhere anything comparable with Savitri. All these literary works seems to me empty, flat, hollow, without any deep reality - apart from a few rare exceptions, and these too represent only a small fraction of what Savitri is. What grandeur, what amplitude, what reality: it is something immortal and eternal He has created. I tell you once again there is nothing like in it the whole world. Even if one puts aside the vision of the reality, that is, the essential substance which is the heart of the inspiration, and considers only the lines in themselves, one will find them unique, of the highest classical kind. What He has created is something man cannot imagine. For, everything is there, everything.

It may then be said that Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. If it is read with this aspiration for Immortality, the reading itself will serve as a guide to Immortality. To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine. Each step of Yoga is noted here, including the secret of all other Yogas. Surely, if one sincerely follows what is revealed here in each line one will reach finally the transformation of the Supramental Yoga. It is truly the infallible guide who never abandons you; its support is always there for him who wants to follow the path. Each verse of Savitri is like a revealed Mantra which surpasses all that man possessed by way of knowledge, and I repeat this, the words are expressed and arranged in such a way that the sonority of the rhythm leads you to the origin of sound, which is OM.

My child, yes, everything is there: mysticism, occultism, philosophy, the history of evolution, the history of man, of the gods, of creation, of Nature. How the universe was created, why, for what purpose, what destiny - all is there. You can find all the answers to all your questions there. Everything is explained, even the future of man and of the evolution, all that nobody yet knows. He has described it all in beautiful and clear words so that spiritual adventurers who wish to solve the mysteries of the world may understand it more easily. But this mystery is well hidden behind the words and lines and one must rise to the required level of true consciousness to discover it. All prophesies, all that is going to come is presented with the precise and wonderful clarity. Sri Aurobindo gives you here the key to find the Truth, to discover the Consciousness, to solve the problem of what the universe is. He has also indicated how to open the door of the Inconscience so that the light may penetrate there and transform it. He has shown the path, the way to liberate oneself from the ignorance and climb up to the superconscience; each stage, each plane of consciousness, how they can be scaled, how one can cross even the barrier of death and attain immortality. You will find the whole journey in detail, and as you go forward you can discover things altogether unknown to man. That is Savitri and much more yet. It is a real experience - reading Savitri. All the secrets that man possessed, He has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must have the knowledge to discover it all, the experience of the planes of consciousness, the experience of the Supermind, even the experience of the conquest of Death. He has noted all the stages, marked each step in order to advance integrally in the integral Yoga.

All this is His own experience, and what is most surprising is that it is my own experience also. It is my sadhana which He has worked out. Each object, each event, each realisation, all the descriptions, even the colours are exactly what I saw and the words, phrases are also exactly what I heard. And all this before having read the book. I read Savitri many times afterwards, but earlier, when He was writing He used to read it to me. Every morning I used to hear Him read Savitri. During the night He would write and in the morning read it to me. And I observed something curious, that day after day the experiences He read out to me in the morning were those I had had the previous night, word by word. Yes, all the descriptions, the colours, the pictures I had seen, the words I had heard, all, all, I heard it all, put by Him into poetry, into miraculous poetry. Yes, they were exactly my experiences of the previous night which He read out to me the following morning. And it was not just one day by chance, but for days and days together. And every time I used to compare what He said with my previous experiences and they were always the same. I repeat, it was not that I had told Him my experiences and that He had noted them down afterwards, no, He knew already what I had seen. It is my experiences He has presented at length and they were His experiences also. It is, moreover, the picture of Our joint adventure into the unknown or rather into the Supermind.

These are experiences lived by Him, realities, supracosmic truths. He experienced all these as one experiences joy or sorrow, physically. He walked in the darkness of inconscience, even in the neighborhood of death, endured the sufferings of perdition, and emerged from the mud, the world-misery to breathe the sovereign plenitude and enter the supreme Ananda. He crossed all these realms, went through the consequences, suffered and endured physically what one cannot imagine. Nobody till today has suffered like Him. He accepted suffering to transform suffering into the joy of union with the Supreme. It is something unique and incomparable in the history of the world. It is something that has never happened before, He is the first to have traced the path in the Unknown, so that we may be able to walk with certitude towards the Supermind. He has made the work easy for us. Savitri is His whole Yoga of transformation, and this Yoga appears now for the first time in the earth-consciousness.

And I think that man is not yet ready to receive it. It is too high and too vast for him. He cannot understand it, grasp it, for it is not by the mind that one can understand Savitri. One needs spiritual experiences in order to understand and assimilate it. The farther one advances on the path of Yoga, the more does one assimilate and the better. No, it is something which will be appreciated only in the future, it is the poetry of tomorrow of which He has spoken in The Future Poetry. It is too subtle, too refined, - it is not in the mind or through the mind, it is in meditation that Savitri is revealed.

And men have the audacity to compare it with the work of Virgil or Homer and to find it inferior. They do not understand, they cannot understand. What do they know? Nothing at all. And it is useless to try to make them understand. Men will know what it is, but in a distant future. It is only the new race with a new consciousness which will be able to understand. I assure you there is nothing under the blue sky to compare with Savitri. It is the mystery of mysteries. It is a *super-epic,* it is super-literature, super-poetry, super-vision, it is a super-work even if one considers the number of lines He has written. No, these human words are not adequate to describe Savitri. Yes, one needs superlatives, hyperboles to describe it. It is a hyper-epic. No, words express nothing of what Savitri is, at least I do not find them. It is of immense value - spiritual value and all other values; it is eternal in its subject, and infinite in its appeal, miraculous in its mode and power of execution; it is a unique thing, the more you come into contact with it, the higher will you be uplifted. Ah, truly it is something! It is the most beautiful thing He has left for man, the highest possible. What is it? When will man know it? When is he going to lead a life of truth? When is he going to accept this in his life? This yet remains to be seen.

My child, every day you are going to read Savitri; read properly, with the right attitude, concentrating a little before opening the pages and trying to keep the mind as empty as possible, absolutely without a thought. The direct road is through the heart. I tell you, if you try to really concentrate with this aspiration you can light the flame, the psychic flame, the flame of purification in a very short time, perhaps in a few days. What you cannot do normally, you can do with the help of Savitri. Try and you will see how very different it is, how new, if you read with this attitude, with this something at the back of your consciousness; as though it were an offering to Sri Aurobindo. You know it is charged, fully charged with consciousness; as if Savitri were a being, a real guide. I tell you, whoever, wanting to practice Yoga, tries sincerely and feels the necessity for it, will be able to climb with the help of Savitri to the highest rung of the ladder of Yoga, will be able to find the secret that Savitri represents. And this without the help of a Guru. And he will be able to practice it anywhere. For him Savitri alone will be the guide, for all that he needs he will find Savitri. If he remains very quiet when before a difficulty, or when he does not know where to turn to go forward and how to overcome obstacles, for all these hesitations and incertitudes which overwhelm us at every moment, he will have the necessary indications, and the necessary concrete help. If he remains very calm, open, if he aspires sincerely, always he will be as if lead by the hand. If he has faith, the will to give himself and essential sincerity he will reach the final goal.

Indeed, Savitri is something concrete, living, it is all replete, packed with consciousness, it is the supreme knowledge above all human philosophies and religions. It is the spiritual path, it is Yoga, Tapasya, Sadhana, in its single body. Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth Sri Aurobindo brought down on the earth. My child, one must try to find the secret that Savitri represents, the prophetic message Sri Aurobindo reveals there for us. This is the work before you, it is hard but it is worth the trouble. - 5 November 1967

~ The Mother, Sweet Mother, The Mother to Mona Sarkar, [T0],


1:New level, New devil. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
2:A man must constantly exceed his level. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
3:He who kisses girl on hillside is not level ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
4:Those who attempt to level never equalize ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
5:When things are steep, remember to stay level-headed. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
6:I'm an expert in higher level math. You + God = Enough ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
7:When our power level is down sufficiently, we die. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
8:Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
9:Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
10:As your power level goes down, you will become physically ill. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
11:Water always seeks the easiest path, the common level of life. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
12:However low a man sinks he never reaches the level of the police. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
13:Growth requires facing where you're at so you can go to the NEXT LEVEL ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
14:Never keep up with Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It's cheaper. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
15:So what is discord at one level of your being is harmony at another level. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
16:Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
17:The level of violence on the planet today is no longer sustainable. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
18:The greater our own level of narcissism, the more we detest it in others. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
19:What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
20:Loving people is the highest level of spiritual warfare that we could ever do ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
21:Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It's cheaper. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
22:Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self acceptance. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
23:We are disappointed at the way this was dealt with at the boardroom level. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
24:A person places themselves on a level with the ones they praise. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
25:People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
26:To increase your level of self acceptance, think of your unique talents and abilities. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
27:All History is current; all injustice continues on some level, somewhere in the world. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
28:When you make peace with yourself, the world will mirror back that same level of peace. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
29:The world is wonderful. It is beautiful when you are in a correct level of attention. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
30:Next Level Leadership by Gregory C. Scott, August 10, 2016. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
31:There are no limits. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
32:The first level of practice is illuminated by the qualities of courage and renunciation. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
33:Time eventually positions most photographs, even the most amateurish, at the level of art. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
34:By choosing to live above the ordinary level we create extraordinary problems for ourselves. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
35:There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
36:All life is experience, and one level is exchanged for another only when its lesson is learned. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
37:Have you set high standards in the past that make it clear what level of performance you demand? ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
38:You can tell a person's level of spiritual devlopment simply by watching how much they give. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
39:Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
40:Awareness, even at a subconscious level, beats fancy checklists without it, track or you will fail. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
41:Poverty on both a personal and worldwide level is supported by our collective belief in scarcity. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
42:Become detached from the outcome of your actions and paradoxically your level of performance will climb. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
43:Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
44:Sometimes what we think is a disappointment, is really God getting us in position to go to a new level. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
45:Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
46:The next best thing is to work with those who are not quite there yet to bring them up to that level. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
47:It is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of high maturity, to rise to the level of self-criticism. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
48:On the verbal level, everything is relative. Absolutes should be experienced, not discussed. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
49:The best leaders... almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
50:When you are afraid of someone, they can gain power over you, meaning they can drop your energy level. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
51:Gradual change does not take you to a new level of conscious being. You need courage to let go. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
52:Sometimes with a comedy it's just having the instinct of how real you play it and what level you want it. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
53:The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
54:The body is a very low level machine language. The language of the soul, of the mind, is much more evolved. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
55:We tend to feel most comfortable, "most at home", with people whose self esteem level resembles our own. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
56:Where much is expected from an individual, he may rise to the level of events and make the dream come true. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
57:You were created to excel. There’s no limit to how high you can go in life. Keep stretching to the next level. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
58:At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift, and no recipient... only the universe rearranging itself. ~ jon-kabat-zinn, @wisdomtrove
59:On a deep level the oneness of awareness is doing everything, just as the dreamer is doing everything in a dream. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
60:Perhaps it is only when people are somewhere near the starvation level that they have anything to sing about. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
61:Even when you make a tax form out on the level, you don't know when it's through if you are a crook or a martyr. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
62:Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any level in perfection is the pause of happiness ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
63:When the Okies left Oklahoma and moved to California, they raised the average intelligence level in both states. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
64:When you hold a grudge, you want someone else’s sorrow to reflect your level of hurt but the two rarely meet. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
65:A higher level of consciousness is awakened. I get in touch with the vast realm of intelligence beyond thought. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
66:People hear you on the level you speak to them from. Speak from your heart, and they will hear with theirs. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
67:Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
68:Since we are mortal, friendships are best kept to a moderate level, rather than sharing the very depths of our souls. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
69:When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
70:If you spend too much time in a place like that your power level will be lowered and these beings will annoy you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
71:I relax my body completely, relax my mind completely, and then imagine myself at a level where anything can happen. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
72:Our children take our level of vibration and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue evolution. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
73:Send your life to a whole new level! Zip up the negative words and start speaking faith and victory into your future. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
74:You must think of failure and defeat as the spring boards to new achievements, and to the next level of accomplishment. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
75:People tend to have a government that reflects the level of consciousness of the majority of people who voted. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
76:When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance and self-esteem goes straight up. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
77:Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
78:If you have knowledge and see a man weak, do not condemn him. Go to his level and help him if you can. He must grow. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
79:Every thought creates form on some level and all that our physical experience is - is a reflection of our thoughts. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
80:In justifying cruelty to animals we put ourselves also on the animal level. We choose the jungle and must abide by our choice. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
81:I think that's what we all want on this earth - to feel that at some level we have connected with other human beings. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
82:When you exercise your freedom to express yourself at the lowest level, you ultimately condemn yourself to live at that level. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
83:An organization which just perpetuates today's level of vision, excellence, and accomplishment has lost the capacity to adapt. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
84:When you manipulate others your attention level drops and you become prey, for you have dropped to the plane of manipulation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
85:happiness level is entirely in your hands, that your unhappy genes do not doom you to unhappiness or, worse, to depression. ~ sonja-lyubomirsky, @wisdomtrove
86:People you are emotionally open to can drain your power level or raise it tremendously, depending on what their intentions are. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
87:Marriage is the best state for man in general, and every man is a worst man in proportion to the level he is unfit for marriage. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
88:Surrender is a purely inner phenomenon. It does not mean that on the outer level you cannot take action and change the situation. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
89:The deepest of level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless ... beyond speech ... beyond concept. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
90:Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
91:All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
92:It is the American vice, the democratic disease which expresses its tyranny by reducing everything unique to the level of the herd. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
93:Action has meaning only in relationship, and without understanding relationship, action on any level will only breed conflict. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
94:The primary quality that Lao Tzu seems to emobdy is humility, which is the image of water - seeking the common level of existence. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
95:Women are incredibly intuitive. If anybody on the planet is going to evolve to the next level, that telekinetic thing, women will. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
96:But when I see that I have a higher level to my individuality, all of these problems evaporate. Death is not the end of my individuality. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
97:The level of consciousness you choose to tune in to each moment of each day will determine the quality of your experience of the world. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
98:Most of us are wiser than we may appear to be. On one level, wisdom is nothing more profound than an ability to follow one's own advice. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
99:Self-control is completely necessary for increasing and raising your attention level. One of the places you practice that is at work. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
100:I think every part of our lives begins at an energetic level. Like creativity. You can't separate anything from that archetypal process. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
101:The types of thoughts that you think create a state of mind. The reason you think the thoughts you do results from your level of power. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
102:There is in every organism, at whatever level, an underlying flow of movement toward constructive fulfillment of its inherent possibilities. ~ carl-rogers, @wisdomtrove
103:Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
104:I would recommend, initially, if you are trying to increase your personal power level, to meditate on the navel center, not the lower two. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
105:Through the imparting of moral principles, good behaviour, and education we must make the Chandala come up to the level of the Brahmana. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
106:We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
107:How high your awareness level is determines how much meaning you get from your world. Photography can teach you to improve your awareness level. ~ amsel-adams, @wisdomtrove
108:The glow of satisfaction which follows the consciousness of doing our level best never comes to a human being from any other experience. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
109:Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, and subconscious level. Goals give our life direction. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
110:I think every part of our lives begins at an energetic level. Like creativity. You can't separate anything from that archetypal process. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
111:Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
112:The greatest historian should also be a great moralist. It is no proof of impartiality to treat wickedness and goodness on the same level. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
113:The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
114:The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
115:Being yourself; not acting. You therefore can function near your own level of competence. Satisfy you own expectations rather than those of others. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
116:Heaven is beyond our imagination . . . . At our most creative moment, at our deepest thought, at our highest level, we still cannot fathom eternity. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
117:In martial arts, every time you graduate, move to another level, you don't forget everything you've done. You build on it, but it's always there. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
118:Of course you don't die. Nobody dies. Death doesn't exist. You only reach a new level of vision, a new realm of consciousness, a new unknown world. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
119:Music is a fair and glorious gift of God. I am strongly persuaded that after theology, there is no art which can be placed on the level with music. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
120:That is, sir, there can only be communication, communion, when you and I are on the same level, and with the same intensity, at the same time. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
121:A person acting from a motivation of contribution and service rises to such a level of moral authority that worldly success is a natural result. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
122:I don't like to go to conventions, and I don't like to relate to people on a level of hero worship, because there's no real communication going on there. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
123:I've not seen in my lifetime any politician who is a heroic figure. The manipulation that all politicians use on one level or another is so transparent. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
124:The sense of wrong is simply failure to see where something fits into a pattern, to be confused as to the hierarchical level upon which an event belongs. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
125:You can't realise love or yourself until you are still enough to drop down through the restlessness and frustrations into that deeper level of your being ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
126:Reason does not work instinctively, but requires trial, practice, and instruction in order to gradually progress from one level of insight to another.  ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
127:Daily it is forced home on the mind of the biologist that nothing, not even the wind that blows, is so unstable as the level of the crust of this earth. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
128:I love thee to the level of everyday's most quiet need, by sun and candle light... I love thee with the breath,smiles,t ears,of all my life. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
129:Men are seldom underrated; the mercury in a man finds its true level in the eyes of the world just as certainly as it does in the glass of a thermometer. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
130:It gave a tremendous level of self-confidence, that through exploration and learning one could understand seemingly very complex things in one's environment. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
131:It is curious how people take it for granted that they have a right to preach at you and pray over you as soon as your income falls below a certain level. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
132:There's always another level up. There's always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
133:What people call unemotional just doesnt have a single overriding emotion to it. The things that I like best are the ones that ambiguous on the emotional level. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
134:What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty. ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
135:A leader is one of the things that distinguishes a mob from a people. He maintains the level of individuals. Too few individuals and a people reverts to a mob. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
136:We should never underestimate human stupidity. Both on the personal and on the collective level, humans are prone to engage in self-destructive activities. ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove
137:There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
138:Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. ~ marc-and-angel-chernoff, @wisdomtrove
139:And the deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. it is beyond words, and it is beyond speech, and it is beyond concept. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
140:Almost all aspects of life are engineered at the molecular level, and without understanding molecules we can only have a very sketchy understanding of life itself. ~ francis-crick, @wisdomtrove
141:In America people have this funny idea about enlightenment and money. Money expresses a level of commitment. Studying enlightenment is like going to a university. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
142:We will not find the inner strength to evolve to a higher level if we do not inwardly develop this profound feeling that there is something higher than ourselves. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
143:My order of priorities reflects the level of my commitment to Christ. Whoever or whatever is in first place, if it isn't the Lord Jesus, is in the wrong place. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
144:It's something of a triumph for Guth and the people who developed the inflation scenario that 25 years later we get this level of detail and confirmation of inflation. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
145:I think enlightenment is something that you decide to do after you have met someone who is enlightened. Something touches your heart, your being at a very deep level. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
146:Perhaps some day someone will explain how, on the level of man, Auschwitz was possible; but on the level of God, it will forever remain the most disturbing of mysteries. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
147:Enter into the plane of mental development. Start to increase your personal power level. Your life will become quite wonderful and very happy. You move beyond delusion. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
148:The predominant quality of successful people is optimism... . Your level of optimism is the very best predictor of how happy, healthy, wealthy, and long-lived you will be. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
149:I found the experiences that I had with sexuality were wonderful, they were very uplifting - we had a good time - and they didn't seem to affect the level of my mediation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
150:The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
151:A level of mental maturity is reached when nothing external is of any value and the heart is ready to relinquish all. Then the real has a chance and it grasps it. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
152:Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
153:One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
154:I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy. ~ tony-robbins, @wisdomtrove
155:No one is an overachiever. How can you rise above your level of competency? Everyone is an underachiever to different degrees. The harder you work, the more luck you will have. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
156:The Universe favors the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
157:Everything you do, if not in a relaxed state will be done at a lesser level than you are proficient. Thus the tensed expert marksman will aim at a level less than his/her student. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
158:The American dream is not that every man must be level with every other man. The American dream is that every man must be free to become whatever God intends he should become. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
159:On the level of simple sensation and mood, making love surely resembles an epileptic fit at least as much as, if not more than, it does eating a meal or conversing with someone. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
160:When we begin to see each other through what the metaphysician calls, the third eye, we begin to know each other on a level that is beyond what our physical eyes can see. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
161:Common sense is an instinct given to man and enough of it is genius. Smartness is measured by the level of common sense one has, not by how much educated or knowledgeable he is. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
162:Relationships never end, because they're of the mind; only bodies can separate. When you're missing someone, know it just means that on a soul level they've come to visit. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
163:There is little that gives children greater pleasure than when a grown-up lets himself down to their level, renounces his oppressive superiority and plays with them as an equal. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
164:The more I see of democracy the more I dislike it. It just brings everything down to the mere vulgar level of wages and prices, electric light and water closets, and nothing else. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
165:Status anxiety definitely exists at a political level. Many Iraqis were annoyed with the US essentially for reasons of status: for not showing them respect, for humiliating them. ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
166:After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are always artists as well. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
167:Among human beings, the subjection of women is much more complete at a certain level of civilization than it is among savages. And the subjection is always reinforced by morality. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
168:Stories lie deep in our souls. Stories lie so deep at the bottom of our hearts that they can bring people together on the deepest level. When I write a novel, I go into such depths. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
169:The creative act lasts but a brief moment, a lightning instant of give-and-take, just long enough for you to level the camera and to trap the fleeting prey in your little box. ~ henri-cartier-bresson, @wisdomtrove
170:How ironical that it is by means of speech that man can degrade himself below the level of dumb creation - for a chatterbox is truly of a lower category than a dumb creature. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
171:If you lead a sloppy life, if you indulge in your emotions, if you're always upset, freaked out, stressful, and not happy, you are wasting power and your power level will get very low. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
172:I've never had a "hankering" to direct. I can perform, but I can't write on that level. I tend to go off on tangents. Directing also requires a kind of specificity and I don't have it. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
173:The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
174:It is a rude feeling, because it is natural only to people standing on the lowest level of morality, and expecting from other nations such outrages as they themselves are ready to inflict. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
175:Age makes you more confident. When you realize that it’s time now to just do things. When there’s not the pressure to perform on some level of expectations, there’s more to just explore. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
176:I wear a hat on stage so that people won't be blinded by the reflection from my head. Also, if I don't wear a hat, there's no way that the hat can be at that level by itself on the stage. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
177:The daemon in the after-death state is a deeper level of my individuality, which transcends and includes Tim, who is now seen as one of many life personas the daemon has dreamed itself to be. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
178:There are some people, who I'll charitably call snobs, who are dismissive of any conversation that doesn't begin with the full level of complexity. That's just not how the world works. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
179:There is no scriptural basis for segregation. The ground at the foot of the cross is level, and it touches my heart when I see whites standing shoulder to shoulder with blacks at the cross. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
180:The wisdom of samadhi is quite different. Higher level wisdom cannot be written down. It cannot be spoken. True wisdom is the knowledge of the universe that is beyond physical expression. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
181:We are now cruising at a level of two to the power of twenty-five thousand to one against and falling, and we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
182:Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
183:It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
184:Life is a book that never ends. Chapters close, but not the book itself. The end of one physical incarnation is like the end of a chapter, on some level setting up the beginning of another. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
185:Some people say that if you have sex you can't be enlightened. I think it isn't really so much whether you have sex or not, but it's what you're doing with your attention level during that time. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
186:Seeming contentment is real discontent, combined with indolence or self-indulgence, which, while taking no legitimate means of raising itself, delights in bringing others down to its own level. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
187:The only enlightened masters I know are the people that I see every day and the people that I've seen through my life who have had the understanding, at some level, that we're here to express love. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
188:Yoga is an art, a science and a philosophy. It touches the life of man at every level, physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a practical method for making one's life purposeful, useful and noble. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
189:You always think in terms of customer benefit. You always think, "How could I really benefit people at such a high level that they would love to buy my product or service and recommend it to others?" ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
190:He who calls in the aid of an equal understanding doubles his own; and he who profits by a superior understanding raises his powers to a level with the height of the superior standing he unites with. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
191:I just wanted to be in show business. I didn't care if I was going to be an actor or a magician or what. Comedy was a point of the least resistance, really. And on the simplest level, I loved comedy. ~ steve-martin, @wisdomtrove
192:So what I'm saying is why don't we think about changing Schrodinger's equation at some level when masses become too big at the level that you might have to worry about Einstein's general relativity. ~ roger-penrose, @wisdomtrove
193:The clearer you understand that on the level of the mind you can be described in negative terms only, the quicker you will come to the end of your search and realise your limitless being. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
194:Some people are like psychic sponges, they drain power form others constantly. They lower your awareness because they are at a lower level. If you spend too much time with them, you get pulled down. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
195:To Time it never seems that he is brave To set himself against the peaks of snow To lay them level with the running wave, Nor is he overjoyed when they lie low, But only grave, contemplative and grave. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
196:I believe that everyone experiences depression to some degree at some time in their lives. And there are probably millions of people who live with a low level of sadness and heaviness day in and day out. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
197:If you ever come to one of my seminars, you will notice I have volunteer workers. When I work with individuals like that, I expect a level of excellence displayed. Everything has to be done perfectly. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
198:The trains roared by like projectiles level on the darkness, fuming and burning, making the valley clang with their passage. They were gone, and the lights of the towns and villages glittered in silence. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
199:The better a man is, the more mistakes he will make, for the more new things he will try. I would never promote to a top-level job a man who was not making mistakes... otherwise he is sure to be mediocre. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
200:Keeping up with the Joneses was a full-time job with my mother and father. It was not until many years later when I lived alone that I realized how much cheaper it was to drag the Joneses down to my level. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
201:One wanted, she thought, dipping her brush deliberately, to be on a level with ordinary experience, to feel simply that's a chair, that's a table, and yet at the same time, It's a miracle, it's an ecstasy. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
202:The ethics of plagiarism have turned into the narcissism of small differences: because journalism cannot own up to its heavily derivative nature, it must enforce originality on the level of the sentence. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
203:If your power level gets low enough, you will die. You will get in a car accident. You will pick up a disease. That is why it is very important to keep your power level high, just to be a happy human being. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
204:Nothing is gained except by sacrifice... . Do not degrade it to the level of the brutes... . Make yourselves decent men! ... Be chaste and pure! ... There is no other way. Did Christ find any other way? ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
205:Make lists. Write down the things that give you power. Write down the things that take your power away also. Make lists of people close to you. Are you associations raising you to a higher level of attention? ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
206:At the deepest level of ecological awareness you are talking about spiritual awareness. Spiritual awareness is an understanding of being imbedded in a larger whole, a cosmic whole, of belonging to the universe. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
207:The highest level of creativity consists in being, not doing. When the being is intense enough, when the words are spoken enough, when the thoughts are thought enough, the doing will automatically follow. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
208:This kind of thinking, he found, is not the way to make one's self popular with other birds. Even his parents were dismayed as Jonathan spent whole days alone, making hundreds of low-level glides, experimenting. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
209:Naturally you need someone who is versed in the ways of power to teach you a thing or two about it. When you reach the next power level, they will teach you more. It is very much like the study of martial arts. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
210:The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
211:The number of teachers and guides that a soul has depends upon what it seeks to accomplish and its level of awareness. Souls that take upon themselves projects of more magnitude bring to themselves more assistance. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
212:When it comes to rock music, I'm not much of a player, but I do have entry-level chops. I'm more knowledgeable as a listener, and Revival gave me a way to write about rock and roll without being preachy or boring. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
213:At a simple level, good is that which helps people-evil is that which hurts people. At a higher level, good is that which is in harmony with divine purpose-evil is that which is out of harmony with divine purpose. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
214:It's not possible to present an accurate picture of our culture without all the voices of the people in the culture. So at the emerging level, you can't have a good survey art show without women and artists of color. ~ frida-kahlo, @wisdomtrove
215:So spirit is both the highest "level" in the holarchy, but it's also the paper on which the entire holarchy is written. It's the highest rung in the ladder, but it's also the wood out of which the entire ladder is made. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
216:What flows into you from myth is not truth but reality (truth is always about something, but reality is that about which truth is), and therefore, every myth becomes the father of innumerable truths on the abstract level. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
217:Many studies of research scientists have shown that achievement (at least below the genius level of an Einstein, Bohr, or a Planck) depends less on ability in doing research than on the courage to go after opportunity. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
218:The only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. Our charities should pinch and hamper us.  If we live at the same level of affluence as other people who have our level of income, we are probably giving away too little. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
219:An average Christian, in an average church, listen to an average Sunday sermon has achieved a level of arrogance simply unimaginable in scientific discourse - and there have been some extraordinary arrogant scientists. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
220:A prayer, it seems to me, implies a promise as well as a request; at the highest level, prayer not only is a supplication for strength and guidance, but also becomes an affirmation of life and thus a reverent praise of God. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
221:Success in investing doesnt correlate with I.Q. Once you are above the level of 25; once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
222:They were in the world and not of it&
223:Not all practitioners can jump to that highest level. They have to climb, step by step from the physical sphere to reach the spiritual sphere. If it is treated as exercise it is not the fault of yoga but of the practitioners. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
224:Setting customer expectations at a level that is aligned with consistently deliverable levels of customer service requires that your whole staff, from product development to marketing, works in harmony with your brand image. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
225:At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer; a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work and its integrity. ~ rachel-naomi-remen, @wisdomtrove
226:I am embarrassed to admit what drew me to psychology. I didn't want to go to medical school. I was getting good grades in psychology and I was charismatic and people in the psychology department liked me. It was as low a level as that. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
227:People don't necessarily take power from you for themselves. It just means they are operating at a lower attention level and you got pulled down by it. You are not sufficiently strong enough to be with someone and be unaffected. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
228:People have the most control over their affairs at the grass-roots level. Anything that can be fairly and efficiently handled at a grass-roots level should be thus handled, and only delegated to a higher authority when necessary. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
229:To change somebody's behavior, change the level of respect she receives by giving her a fine reputation to live up to. Act as though the trait you are trying to influence is already one of the person's outstanding characteristics. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
230:We have become convinced that it is better to avoid such symbolic disguisings of the truth in what we tell children and not to withhold from them a knowledge of the true state of affairs commensurate with their intellectual level. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
231:I believe that any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement, if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day, and as nearly as possible reaching the high-water mark of pure and useful living. ~ booker-t-washington, @wisdomtrove
232:I have many levels to my individuality. In a dream, I appear to be my dream persona. In the waking state, I appear to be my life persona. It seems to me that there is a yet more conscious level of my individuality, and this is my daemon. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
233:Thought is the first level of creation. Next comes the word. Everything you say is a thought expressed. It is creative and sends forth creative energy into the universe. Words are the second level of creation. Next comes action. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
234:We developed at the local school district level probably the best public school system in the world. Or it was until the Federal government added Federal interference to Federal financial aid and eroded educational quality in the process. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
235:There is only one thing for us to do, and that is to do our level best right where we are every day of our lives; To use our best judgment, and then to trust the rest to that Power which holds the forces of the universe in his hands. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
236:There is a level of grief so deep that it stops resembling grief at all. The pain becomes so severe that the body can no longer feel it. The grief cauterizes itself, scars over, prevents inflated feeling. Such numbness is a kind of mercy. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
237:When it comes to our health, there are essentially four things under our control: the decision not to smoke, a commitment to exercise, the quality of our diet, and our level of optimism. And optimism is at least as beneficial as the others. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
238:Those concerns of a national character-such as air and water pollution that do not respect state boundaries, or the national transportation system, or efforts to safeguard your civil liberties-must, of course, be handled on the national level. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
239:The greatest barrier to achievement and success is not lack of talent or ability but rather the feeling that achievement and success, above a certain level, are outside our self-concept-our image of who we are and what is appropriate to us. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
240:Trying to suppress or eradicate symptoms on the physical level can be extremely important, but there's more to healing than that; dealing with psychological, emotional and spiritual issues involved in treating sickness is equally important. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
241:What's important is to be supportive of all who practice. Anyone on any level, even if they don't call it self-discovery, who is seeking to awaken to their own potentials and possibilities, to the inner freedom, deserves your respect and support. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
242:Art is Individualism, and Individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. Therein lies its immense value. For what it seeks to disturb is monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
243:From a pure metaphysical perspective, there is no world outside ourselves. So, at the deepest level, the state of the planet is more a reflection of the consciousness of mankind than the consciousness of mankind is a reflection of world events. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
244:Motherhood is the second oldest profession in the world. It never questions age, height, religious preference, health, political affiliation, citizenship, morality, ethnic background, marital status, economic level, convenience, or previous experience. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
245:You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
246:My latest tendency is to collapse about 11:00 and with the tears flowing from my eyes or the gin rising to their level and leaking over, and tell interested friends or acquaintances that I haven't a friend in the world and likewise care for nobody. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
247:Angels can recognize the nature of our unique essence on the basis of nothing more than a brief conversation with us. From hearing the tone of our voice angels sense what we love; and from hearing what we say, angels sense our level of understanding. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
248:... you're on this earth with a divine purpose: to rise to the level of your highest creative possibility, expressing all that you are intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, and physically in order to make the universe a more beautiful place. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
249:We come into relationships often very much identified with our needs. I need this, I need security, I need refuge, I need friendship. And all of relationships are symbiotic in that sense. We come together because we fulfill each others' needs at some level or other. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
250:Your Majesty would have a perfect right to strike off his head," said Peridan. "Such an assault as he made puts him on a level with assassins." "It is very true," said Edmund. "But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did." And he looked very thoughtful. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
251:Every man gravitates to where he belongs in life, just as surely as water seeks and finds its level. His position is measured precisely by the quality and quantity of the service he renders, plus the mental attitude with which he relates himself to other people. ~ andrew-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
252:The earth is alive. There are places on the earth that are very powerful. Meaning that on another dimensional level, there is an interfacing dimension where there is a crossover point between dimensions and a tremendous amount of energy is passing back and forth. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
253:Today I will stop trying to control my relationships. I will participate at a reasonable level and let the other person do the same. I can let go, knowing that the relationship will find its own life-or not-and that I don't have to do all the work, only my share. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
254:Christianity as a specific doctrine was slain with Jesus, suddenly and utterly. He was hardly cold in his grave, or high in his heaven (as you please), before the apostles dragged the tradition of him down to the level of the thing it has remained ever since. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
255:One has a more practical survival level, that's the mind function. The heart function obviously has an internal level that has to do with the quality of developing perceptions, feelings, the self. And the spirit level has to do with the pondering part of our lives. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
256:The waves belong to the Ganges, not the Ganges to the waves. A man cannot realize God unless he gets rid of all such egotistic ideas as "I am such an important man" or "I am so and so". Level the mound of "I" to the ground by dissolving it with tears of devotion. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
257:They that soar too high, often fall hard, making a low and level Dwelling preferable. The tallest Trees are most in the Power of the Winds, and Ambitious Men of the Blasts of Fortune. Buildings have need of a good Foundation, that lie so much exposed to the Weather. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
258:Morality must relate, at some level, to the well-being of conscious creatures. If there are more and less effective ways for us to seek happiness and to avoid misery in this world - and there clearly are - then there are right and wrong answers to questions of morality. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
259:Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns. This level of violence must be stopped. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
260:Every positive change - every jump to a higher level of energy and awareness - involves a rite of passage. Each time to ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution, we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation. I have never found an exception. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
261:I never studied science or physics at school, and yet when I read complex books on quantum physics I understood them perfectly because I wanted to understand them. The study of quantum physics helped me to have a deeper understanding of the Secret, on an energetic level. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
262:My daemon is dreaming itself to be &
263:One has a more practical survival level, that's the mind function. The heart function obviously has an internal level that has to do with the quality of developing perceptions, feelings, the self. And the spirit level has to do with the pondering part of our lives. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
264:If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet. But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes, feeling like God put an angel on earth just for you. Who could rescue you from the depths of hell. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
265:Christianity isn’t moving people’s lives today. What’s moving people’s lives is the stock market and the baseball scores. What are people excited about? It’s a totally materialistic level that has taken over the world. There isn’t even an ideal that anybody’s fighting for. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
266:A level of anxiety and tension and outright fear that so many people have felt, not only during the recession but during this slow economic recovery since. This made me very much want to up the conversation about how miracle-minded thinking applies to that area of life. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
267:Take care of the problems now, or else you'll just have to suffer again later when you scew everything up the next time. And that repetition of suffering - that's hell.  Moving out of that endless repetition to a new level of understand - there's where you'll find heaven. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
268:You know what we need to heal are the thought forms and the feelings that cause us to create war and mass destruction on this kind of a level, because ultimately if we are to survive as a species, we have to become a human race for whom the thought of war is unthinkable. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
269:What seem our worst prayers may really be, in God's eyes, our best. Those, I mean, which are least supported by devotional feeling. For these may come from a deeper level than feeling. God sometimes seems to speak to us most intimately when he catches us, as it were, off our guard. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
270:A natural hierarchy is simply an order of increasing wholeness, such as: particles to atoms to cells to organisms, or letters to words to sentences to paragraphs. The whole of one level becomes part of the whole of the next. In other words, natural hierarchies are composed of holons. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
271:Focus very clearly on a few small things. The purpose of a business is to give someone something that they want. Have a product or service that's really excellent. [... ] What can you offer that no one else can offer and will satisfy them at a higher level than what anyone else can? ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
272:From the very first step on the path right now, all the way until you have reached the final end, it is of vital importance to rely on someone who is better than yourself. This is in order to direct your mind towards the spiritual practice of past masters and to raise your own level. ~ longchenpa, @wisdomtrove
273:If there is one thing I learned by reading Epstein's The Sports Gene it is that world-class athletes are, by definition, abnormal: that is, the kind of person capable of competing at that level is necessarily very different from the rest of us physiologically. They are outliers. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
274:You can't make good decisions that are going to be meaningful, productive, when you lose control, and you have to maintain mental control, emotional control and to be able to perform physically up to your own particular level of competency; you have to keep your emotions under control. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
275:When he utilizes combined energy, his fighting men become as it were like unto rolling logs or stones. For it is the nature of a log or stone to remain motionless on level ground, and to move when on a slope; if four-cornered, to come to a standstill, but if round-shaped to go rolling down. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
276:The self is neither, between nor beyond. To look for it on the mental level is futile. Stop searching, and see - it is here and now - it is that &
277:I'm just telling you, God permits things in our lives sometimes for reasons that we do not understand yet because of the spiritual level that we're on. We can't have any understanding of it, because we're not at a place of spiritual growth yet where we understand the deeper things of God. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
278:What you do in practice is going to determine your level of success. I used to tell my players, &
279:Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society's own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
280:This evolution towards a real responsibility for others is sometimes blocked by fear. It is easier to stay on the level of a pleasant way of life in which we keep our freedom and our distance. But that means that we stop growing and shut ourselves up in our own small concerns and pleasures. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
281:The inner master, when confronted with an obstacle, uses it as fuel, like a fire which consumes things that are thrown into it. A small lamp would be snuffed out, but a big fire will engulf what is thrown at it and burn hotter; it consumes the obstacle and uses it to reach a higher level. ~ marcus-aurelius, @wisdomtrove
282:The only way to increase it is to cultivate your own garden. And the only thing that will help you is poetry, which is the most concentrated form of style... . I don't care how clever the other professor is, one can't raise a discussion of modern prose to anything above tea-table level. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
283:There is, it appears, a conspiracy of scientists afoot. Their purpose is to break down religion, propagate immorality, and so reduce mankind to the level of brutes. They are the sworn and sinister agents of Beelzebub, who yearns to conquer the world, and has his eye especially upon Tennessee.] ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
284:Making coffee has become the great compromise of the decade. It's the only thing "real" men do that doesn't seem to threaten their masculinity. To women, it's on the same domestic entry level as putting the spring back into the toilet-tissue holder or taking a chicken out of the freezer to thaw. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
285:Nothing constructive and worthy of man's efforts ever has or ever will be achieved except by that which comes from a positive mental attitude, based on a definiteness of purpose and activated by a burning desire, and acted upon until the burning desire is elevated to the level of applied faith. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
286:We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
287:Don't try to change the world. First, change yourself or rather, your self-perception, and you find the world automatically corresponding to the level of your understanding. You will find that it has always been you who set the pace and depth of your experience by recognizing and honoring your true nature. ~ mooji, @wisdomtrove
288:You are dragging down reality to the level of experience. How can reality depend on experience, when it is the very ground of experience? Reality is in the very fact of experience, not in its nature. Experience is, after all, a state of mind, while being is definitely not a state of mind. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
289:Every creative genius has been a channel. Every masterwork has been created through the channeling process. Great works are not created by the personality alone. They arise from a deep inspiration on the universal level, and are then expressed and brought into form through the individual personality. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
290:No matter who we are, life is going to put us through the changes we need to go through. The question is: Are we willing to use this force for our transformation? I saw that even very intense situations don’t have to leave psychological scars, if we are willing to process our changes at a deeper level. ~ michael-singer, @wisdomtrove
291:We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness. Modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving way to breakthrough technologies wherein we heal ourselves at the level of all true healing, which is spirit. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
292:Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level. We need to literally &
293:Why do you suppose that in the last 100 years technology has evolved a thousand times further than it has in the last 3,000 years? It's the level of souls that are incarnating. The older Atlantean souls are coming back. They have a natural affinity for communication, electronics, medicine, law and media. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
294:Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
295:Those who profess contempt for men, and put them on a level with beasts, yet wish to be admired and believed by men, and contradict themselves by their own feelings&
296:God is speaking to us. But are we listening to Him? When our conscience begins to nudge us for whatever reason, we might have this low-level misery or uneasiness about whatever it is we've done or we're about to do. At times like this, it's wise to prayerfully consider whether we're offending God with our actions. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
297:A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn't be a great moral teacher. He'd be either a lunatic on a level with a man who says he's a poached egg or else he'd be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
298:The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have played into his hands. But he can make no progress until he becomes very much better acquainted with his own nature. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
299:The playing field of life is not level, and for you to compete in the game of life, you need an equalizer of some kind. In the old West, the equalizer was the six-shooter. It enabled a little guy to chop a bigger man down to size. Desire is also an equalizer&
300:Books can create a depth of story, a background of information and ideas, that televison and movies can't. Sure, the television shows may shock, but only on a superficial level. They'd never risk market share to really explore the issues. They report, but don't analyze or suggest any new ways for living our lives. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
301:Obviously, our political system is profoundly corrupted by, among other things, the influence of money. But, at a deeper level, the current structure is flawed because it looks to citizens for only two things - votes and money. I don't think we will see any healing until citizens are viewed in a whole new way. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
302:The atom bomb fueled the entire world that came after it. It showed that indiscriminate killing and indiscriminate homicide on a mass level was possible ... whereas if you look at warfare up until that point, you had to see somebody to shoot them or maim them, you had to look at them. You don't have to do that anymore. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
303:Come to me. Are you lost? I can see another way from where I live. The heart can see a path that's out of sight to the head-a path you'll surely overlook, left alone on your lofty perch up there, too distracted by your world to see the real world where I live. I live on the level of laughter, tears, and-yes-prayer. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
304:Certainly, none of us enjoy going through struggles, but you have to understand that your struggle may be an opportunity for advancement and promotion. The very thing you are fighting against so tenaciously may be the springboard that catapults you to a new level of excellence. Your challenges may become your greatest assets. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
305:Our struggle is&
306:To be "integrally developed" does not mean that you have to excel in all the known intelligences, or that all of your lines have to be at level 3. But it does mean that you develop a very good sense of what your own psychograph is actually like, so that with a much more Integral self-image you can plan your future development. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
307:You are not here to please other people or to live your lives their way. You can only live it your own way and walk your own pathway. You have come [here] to fulfill yourself and express love on the deepest level. You are here to learn and grow... When you leave the planet... the only thing you take is your capacity to love! ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
308:Q:  Is there such a thing as absolute sin or absolute virtue?   M: Sin and virtue refer to a person only. Without a sinful or virtuous person what is sin or virtue? At the level of the absolute there are no persons; the ocean of pure awareness is neither virtuous nor sinful. Sin and virtue are invariably relative. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
309:Reason in a creature is a faculty of widening the rules and purposes of the use of all its powers far beyond natural instinct; it acknowledges no limits to its projects. Reason itself does not work instinctively, but requires trial, practice, and instruction in order gradually to progress from one level of insight to another. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
310:If you've got the platform and the ability to make a difference, then this goes beyond &
311:If you surrender everything to the government and give it total power to plan the whole economy, this will not guarantee your economic security, but it will guarantee the descent of the entire nation to a level of miserable poverty&
312:In the case of various kinds of knowledge, we find that what in former days occupied the energies of men of mature mental ability sinks to the level of information, exercises, and even pastimes for children; and in this educational progress we can see the history of the world's culture delineated in faint outline. ~ georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel, @wisdomtrove
313:Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
314:Self-worth is an understanding on the intellectual level, trusting at the heart level, and accepting at the soul level that you are worthy just because you believe that you are. Your worthiness is proven by your existence. Your breathing. The beating of your heart. Your mere presence is all that is needed to establish your worth. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
315:I know of no American who starts from a higher level of aspiration than the journalist. . . . He plans to be both an artist and a moralist - a master of lovely words and merchant of sound ideas. He ends, commonly, as the most depressing jackass of his community - that is, if his career goes on to what is called a success. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
316:But it is necessary to insist more strongly than usual that what I am putting before you is a model-the Bohr model atom-because later I shall take you to a profounder level of representation in which the electron instead of being confined to a particular locality is distributed in a sort of probability haze all over the atom. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
317:It is of dangerous consequence to represent to man how near he is to the level of beasts, without showing him at the same time his greatness. It is likewise dangerous to let him see his greatness without his meanness. It is more dangerous yet to leave him ignorant of either; but very beneficial that he should be made sensible of both. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
318:Sit in a room and read—and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the time. This realization of life can be a constant realization in your living. When you find an author who really grabs you, read everything he has done.  ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
319:The natural tendency of representative government, as of modern civilisation, is towards collective mediocrity: and this tendency is increased by all reductions and extensions of the franchise, their effect being to place the principal power in the hands of classes more and more below the highest level of instruction in the community. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
320:By attacking the attacker, you are stooping to his level. Even if the person was mean or rude, you don’t have to be the same way. You don’t have to commit the same sins. By participating in personal attacks, we dirty ourselves. But if we can stay above that level, we feel good about who we are. And that’s the most important benefit of all.  ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
321:Directing requires great discipline, that ability to be in and out at the same time. The great ones I've worked with are like generals. It's a bit like a small war on that level. The great ones have that combination of freedom and control. I'm nowhere near that. There's still so much to do as an actor. I have enough to explore with that. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
322:Direct your attention inward. Have a look inside yourself. What kind of thoughts is your mind producing? What do you feel? Direct your attention into the body. Is there any tension? Once you detect that there is a low level of unease, the background static, see in what way you are avoiding, resisting, or denying life - by denying the Now. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
323:A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
324:Men, learn to speak blessings over your wife and you will see that woman rise to a new level. She will respond to your praise and encouragement. Your words don't have to be poetic, fancy, or profound. Tell her simply but sincerely, "You're a great mother to our children. And you are a great wife to me. I'm so glad I can always count on you." ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
325:Total experiences, of which there are many kinds, tend again and again to be apprehended only as revivals or translations of the religious imagination. To try to make a fresh way of talking at the most serious, ardent, and enthusiastic level, heading off the religious encapsulation, is one of the primary intellectual tasks of future thought. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
326:According to the ‘uncertainty principle’ of quantum physics, on an elementary level the physical universe is a collection of possibilities. Scientists have discovered that there has to be a conscious observer to ‘collapse’ the quantum possibilities, which stops particles being in two places at once and creates a world we can examine and measure. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
327:There is this tremendous body of knowledge in the world of academia where extraordinary numbers of incredibly thoughtful people have taken the time to examine on a really profound level the way we live our lives and who we are and where we've been. That brilliant learning sometimes gets trapped in academia and never sees the light of day. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
328:To become a chess grandmaster also seems to take about ten years. (Only the legendary Bobby Fisher got to that elite level in less than that amount of time: it took him nine years.) And what's ten years? Well, it's roughly how long it takes to put in ten thousand hours of hard practice. Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
329:I define democracy as control by the people. Slaves are those who allow others to control their lives. Insofar as people succeed in solving their problems fairly and efficiently at a grassroots level, they retain control over their lives. Insofar as they delegate their problem solving to a higher authority, they lose control over their lives. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
330:Those whose primary concern is to destroy others are at the lowest level of development. Those who are only interested in their own satisfaction are farther along. Those who both do things for their own satisfaction and the satisfaction of others are even father along. Then there are saints who just constantly live for the welfare of others. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
331:To become a chess grandmaster also seems to take about ten years. (Only the legendary Bobby Fischer got to that elite level in less than that amount of time: it took him nine years.) And what’s ten years? Well, it’s roughly how long it takes to put in ten thousand hours of hard practice. Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
333:The quantum physicists found that, on a deep level, reality has to be understood as inherently paradoxical. This has huge implications. It means we can’t think about the deep mysteries of life using normal logic, because normal logic treats paradox as… well… illogical. We need a way of thinking that can embrace paradox. We need to think paralogically. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
334:True self-love is having this level of trust in the universe, in your higher self. You know that even if you say no to an opportunity that seems great, because you don't feel like doing it right now, or maybe you're too tired or overbooked, you understand "if it's meant to be for me, it's going to come back when I'm ready". That is true self-love. ~ anita-moorjani, @wisdomtrove
335:Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect. When we don't have that, we shape-shift and turn into chameleons; we hustle for the worthiness we already possess. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
336:Each band or level, being a particular manifestation of the spectrum, is what it is only by virtue of the other bands. The color blue is no less beautiful because it exists along side the other colors of a rainbow, and "blueness" itself depends upon the existence of the other colors, for if there were no color but blue, we would never be able to see it. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
337:If you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. It’ll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being. There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
338:Stress is a hindrance thinking Stress leads to poor health, poor decision-making, poor thinking, and poor socialization.      We now understand that higher-level thinking is more likely to occur in the brain of a student who is emotionally secure than in the brain of a student who is scared, upset, anxious, or stressed.  Mawhinney and Sagan    ~ marc-and-angel-chernoff, @wisdomtrove
339:I feel that the term "new age" is used by basically hostile media to diminish and marginalize a conversation that is very significant. It's held in place by journalists who are constantly looking for hooks and sound bites to keep them from having to make the effort of a deeper understanding and a more profound level of communication with the public. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
340:Agape is something of the understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill for all men. It is a love that seeks nothing in return. It is an overflowing love; it's what theologians would call the love of God working in the lives of men. And when you rise to love on this level, you begin to love men, not because they are likeable, but because God loves them. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
341:Each band or level, being a particular manifestation of the electromagnetic spectrum, is what it is only by virtue of the other bands. The color blue is no less beautiful because it exits along side the other colors of a rainbow, and blueness itself depends upon the existence of the other colors, for if there were no color but blue, we would never be able to see it. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
342:If you believe in love, do you manifest it or just talk a lot? If you believe in compassion, in non-harming, in kindness, in wisdom, in generosity, in calmness, in solitude, in non-doing, in being even-handed and clear, do you manifest these qualities in your daily life? This is the level of intentionality which is required to keep your meditation practice vital. ~ jon-kabat-zinn, @wisdomtrove
343:Let those find fault whose wit's so very small, They've need to show that they can think at all; Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls, must dive below. Fops may have leave to level all they can; As pigmies would be glad to lop a man. Half-wits are fleas; so little and so light, We scarce could know they live, but that they bite. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
344:One day I was watching these construction workers go back to work. I was watching them kind of trudging down the street. It was like a revelation to me. I realized these guys don’t want to go back to work after lunch. But they’re going. That’s their job. If they can exhibit that level of dedication for that job I should be able to do the same. Trudge your ass in. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
345:Life without sex might be safer but it would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct which makes women seem beautiful, which they are once in a blue moon, and men seem wise and brave, which they never are at all. Throttle it, denaturalize it, take it away, and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, boresome, imbecile level of life in an anthill. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
346:It would be one of the greatest triumphs of humanity, one of the most tangible liberations from the constraints of nature to which mankind is subject, if we could succeed in raising the responsible act of procreating children to the level of a deliberate and intentional activity and in freeing it from its entanglement with the necessary satisfaction of a natural need. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
347:What Is Realisation? Living the spiritual life is a continuous ‘dying’ of layers of the individual’s self. With each significant ‘death’ there is an advance in consciousness, marked by a finer perception of spiritual truth and a distinct change in the persona. At the spiritual energy level the change is usually startlingly dramatic and is often referred to as realisation. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
348:When you are tempted to get discouraged, remind yourself that according to God’s word, your future is getting brighter; you are on your way to a new level of glory. You may think you’ve got a long way to go, but you need to look back at how far you’ve already come. You may not be everything you want to be but atleast you can thank God that you’re not what you used to be. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
349:I always resist seeing my own personal motivation in my work, but I guess it must be there on some level. And I do feel very much that my life follows the kinds of things I talk about in my books. I've always thought of myself as an insanely lucky person, so perhaps the success of my first two books led me to want to examine this phenomenon on some unconscious level. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
350:Gradually, physicists began to realise that nature, at the atomic level, does not appear as a mechanical universe composed of fundamental building blocks, but rather as a network of relations, and that, ultimately, there are no parts at all in this interconnected web. Whatever we call a part is merely a pattern that has some stability and therefore captures our attention. ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
351:If we only identify with the mortal world, then we identify with a level of scarcity and lack and brokenness, and that will be our experience. But if we shift our experience of self-identification - and this is what enlightenment is - from the body-self to the spiritual-self, then we place ourselves under an entirely different set of possibilities and probabilities. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
352:The Bible talks about how God uses difficult situations to develop our character and get us stronger. The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends. But out of that darkness, out of that disappointment in my life, that's what God used to push me into another level of victory or another level of ministry that I never knew I had. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
353:Despite all that education and experience can do, I retain a certain level of unsophistication that I cannot eradicate and that my friends find amusing. In fact, I think I sometimes detect conspiratorial plottings among my friends to protect me against my own lack of sophistication. I don't mind. I suspect that I am never quite as unsophisticated as they think I am, but I don't mind. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
354:I was much more afraid in Montgomery when I had a gun in my house. When I decided that I couldn’t keep a gun, I came face-to-face with the question of death and I dealt with it. From that point on, I no longer needed a gun nor have I been afraid. Had we become distracted by the question of my safety we would have lost the moral offensive and sunk to the level of our oppressors. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
355:I think energy medicine is a field that is probably for me the most authentic level of medicine that there is, because it takes into account what I would call &
356:I realised that everything is arising spontaneously as one, and when I first experienced this deep realization it was truly astonishing. All is the one flow of life. The writing of these words is happening as part of that one flow just as naturally as the sun rises each morning. On a deep level the oneness of awareness is doing everything, just as the dreamer is doing everything in a dream. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
357:The deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. It is beyond words, and it is beyond speech, and it is beyond concept. Not that we discover a new unity. We discover an older unity. My dear Brothers [and Sisters], we are already one. But we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
358:Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
359:The soul of man, left to its own natural level, is a potentially lucid crystal left in darkness. It is perfect in its own nature, but it lacks something that it can only receive from outside and above itself. But when the light shines in it, it becomes in a manner transformed into light and seems to lose its nature in the splendor of a higher nature, the nature of the light that is in it. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
360:We can't say that all religions are the same, different religions have different views and fundamental differences. But it does not matter, as all religions are meant to help in bringing about a better world with better and happier human beings. On this level, I think that through different philosophical explanations and approaches, all religions have the same goal and the same potential.     ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
361:I think it's very important that the competition authorities listen to the slightly smaller companies (and) try to create a level playing field so that the consumer gets the benefit of choice and gets the benefit of competition. ? I wish Pepsi well in that and I hope that Pepsi will not behave in the same way when we come knocking on the doors of some of the big retailers that they are in. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
362:I think energy medicine is a field that is probably for me the most authentic level of medicine that there is, because it takes into account what I would call &
363:It is amazing but true that it is easy for any of us to rebuke someone else who is intending to do something evil and say, Don’t do that—that’s a sin! And yet it is difficult for us to say the same thing to ourselves. The reason is that saying it to ourselves requires a movement of the will, but saying it to someone else requires only a low level of thought based on things we have heard. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
364:All the great enterprises of the world are run by a few smart men: their aides and associates run down by rapid stages to the level of sheer morons. Everyone knows that this is true of government, but we often forget that it is equally true of private undertakings. In the average great bank, or railroad, or other corporation the burden of management lies upon a small group. The rest are ciphers. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
365:The pain that you create now is always some form of non-acceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
366:The thinker seeks the laws of phenomena, and strives to penetrate by thinking what he experiences by observing. Only when we have made the world-content into our thought-content do we again find the unity out of which we had separated ourselves. We shall see later that this goal can be reached only if the task of the research scientist is conceived at a much deeper level than is often the case. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
367:We may as well face it: the whole level of spirituality among us is low. We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone (We) have imitated the world, sought popular favor, manufactured delights to substitute for the joy of the Lord and produced a cheap and synthetic power to substitute for the power of the Holy Ghost. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
368:When love is accompanied with deep intimacy, it raises us to the highest level of human experience. In this exalted space, we can surrender our egos, become vulnerable and know levels of joy and well-being unique among life experiences. We attain a glimpse of the rapture that can be ours. Boundaries are blurred, there are no limitations and we rejoice in union. We become one and, at the same time, both. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
369:From one perspective I agree that everything is arising spontaneously as one, and when I first experienced this deep realization it was truly astonishing. All is the one flow of life. The writing of these words is happening as part of that one flow just as naturally as the sun rises each morning. On a deep level the oneness of awareness is doing everything, just as the dreamer is doing everything in a dream. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
370:I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret. ~ tony-robbins, @wisdomtrove
371:When you rest deeply in the Unknown without trying to escape, your experience becomes very vast. As the experience of the Unknown deepens, your boundaries begin to dissolve. You realize, not just intellectually but on a deep level, that you have no idea who or what you are. A few minutes ago, you knew who you were-you had a history and a personality-but from this place of not knowing, you question all of that. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
372:If the immutable heart can be grieved by the puppets of its own making, it is Divine Omnipotence, no other, that has subjected it, freely, and in a humility that passes understanding. If the world exists not chiefly that we may love God, but that God may love us, yet that very fact, on a deeper level, is so for our sakes. If He who in Himself can lack nothing chooses to need us, it is because we need to be needed. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
373:There is a direct relationship between your own level of self-esteem and the health of your personality. The more you like and respect yourself, the more you like and respect other people. The more you consider yourself to be a valuable and worthwhile person, the more you consider others to be valuable and worthwhile as well. The more you accept yourself just as you are, the more you accept others just as they are. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
374:It's lonely at the top. Ninety-nine percent of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for "realistic" goals, paradoxically making them the most time-consuming and energy consuming. It is easier to raise $10,000,000 than it is $1,000,000. It is easier to pick up the one perfect 10 in the bar than the five 8s. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
375:Are you disappointed, discouraged and discontented with your present level of success? Are you secretly dissatisfied with your present status? Do you want to become a better and more beautiful person than you are today? Would you like to be able to really learn how to be proud of yourself and still not lose genuine humility? Then start dreaming! It's possible! You can become the person you have always wanted to be! ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
376:We don't need women. There are plenty other things in the world to have sex with, just go to a sexaholics meeting and take notes. There's microwaved watermelons. There's the vibrating handles of lawn mowers right at crotch level. There's vacuum cleaners and beanbag chairs. Internet sites. All those old chat room sex hounds pretending to be sixteen-year-old girls. For serious, old FBI guys makes the sexiest cyberbabes. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
377:The theory which I would offer, is simply, that as the land with the attached reefs subsides very gradually from the action of subterranean causes, the coral-building polypi soon raise again their solid masses to the level of the water: but not so with the land; each inch lost is irreclaimably gone; as the whole gradually sinks, the water gains foot by foot on the shore, till the last and highest peak is finally submerged. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
378:Whoever has experienced the power and the unrestrained ability to humiliate another human being automatically loses his own sensations. Tyranny is a habit, it has its own organic life, it develops finally into a disease. The habit can kill and coarsen the very best man or woman to the level of a beast. Blood and power intoxicate ... the return of the human dignity, repentance and regeneration becomes almost impossible. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
379:Isn't it sad that you can tell people that the ozone layer is being depleted, the forests are being cut down, the deserts are advancing steadily, that the greenhouse effect will raise the sea level 200 feet, that overpopulation is choking us, that pollution is killing us, that nuclear war may destroy us - and they yawn and settle back for a comfortable nap. But tell them that the Martians are landing, and they scream and run. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
380:Because You have called me here not to wear a label by which I can recognize myself and place myself in some kind of a category. You do not want me to be thinking about what I am, but about what You are. Or rather, You do not even want me to be thinking about anything much: for You would raise me above the level of thought. And if I am always trying to figure out what I am and where I am and why I am, how will that work be done? ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
381:Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us. Because this yearning is so primal, we often try to acquire it by fitting in and by seeking approval, which are not only hollow substitutes for belonging, but often barriers to it.  Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
382:The shift of paradigms requires an expansion not only of our perceptions and ways of thinking, but also of our values. […] scientific facts emerge out of an entire constellation of human perceptions, values, and actions-in one word, out of a paradigm-from which they cannot be separated. […] Today the paradigm shift in science, at its deepest level, implies a shift from physics to the life sciences. (Fritjof Capra, The Web of Life, 1996) ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
383:Gandhi and Mandela and Churchill and JFK and Reagan and Thatcher and Sarkozy and Franklin and Washington set the tone to an incredible degree-their "personal style" was their "brand." (&
384:Belonging: Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us. Because this yearning is so primal, we often try to acquire it by fitting in and by seeking approval, which are not only hollow substitutes for belonging, but often barriers to it. Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
385:I mean a man whose hopes and aims may sometimes lie (as most men's sometimes do, I dare say) above the ordinary level, but to whom the ordinary level will be high enough after all if it should prove to be a way of usefulness and good service leading to no other. All generous spirits are ambitious, I suppose, but the ambition that calmly trusts itself to such a road, instead of spasmodically trying to fly over it, is of the kind I care for. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
386:All the greatest and most important problems in life are fundamentally insoluble … They can never be solved, but only outgrown. This “outgrowing” proves on further investigation to require a new level of consciousness. Some higher or wider interest appeared on the horizon and through this broadening of outlook, the insoluble lost its urgency. It was not solved logically in its own terms, but faded when confronted with a new and stronger life urge. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
387:Just after I dedicated my life to service, I felt that I could no longer accept more than I need while others in the world have less than they need. This moved me to bring my life down to need level. I thought it would be difficult. I thought it would entail a great many hardships, but I was quite wrong. Instead of hardships, I found a wonderful sense of peace and joy, and a conviction that unnecessary possessions are only unnecessary burdens. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
388:There were times in my life when I said, "Oh God, I'm making a terrible, terrible mistake here." And on another level it looked as if that's exactly what I had done. All of us can look back across our lives and see what we thought was a disaster was actually a blessing - from a long-term perspective, it was a blessing. With practice, we can shorten the length of time between "what a dumb mistake I've made" and "what a brilliant choice that was. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
389:As regards the quietude of the sage, he is not quiet because quietness is said to be good. He is quiet because the multitude of things cannot disturb his quietude. When water is still, one's beard and eyelashes are reflected in it. A skilled carpenter uses it in a level to obtain a measurement. If still water is so clear, how much more are the mental faculties! The mind of the sage is the mirror of heaven and earth in which all things are reflected. ~ zhuangzi, @wisdomtrove
390:All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by two emotions&
391:There are many well-meaning people today who work at placing an economic floor beneath all of us so that no one shall exist below a certain level or standard of living, and certainly we don't quarrel with this. But look more closely and you may find that all too often these well-meaning people are building a ceiling above which no one shall be permitted to climb and between the two are pressing us all into conformity, into a mold of standardized mediocrity. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
392:Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don't even recognize that growth is happening... Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
393:The Pope going to Jerusalem, the Pope recognising the State of Islam, the Pope going to the wall organising a concert for the Holocaust in the Vatican, going to the synagogue in Vatican, and that happens in Protestant service as well. That doesn't mean that anti-Semitism disappear, but it is on certain level that Jews all the time, or with Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, meeting all the time, studying together, signing petitions for all kinds of causes. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
394:The strategy we've adopted precludes our following standard diversification dogma. Many pundits would therefore say the strategy must be riskier than that employed by more conventional investors. We disagree. We believe that a policy of portfolio concentration may well decrease risk if it raises, as it should, both the intensity with which an investor thinks about a business and the comfort-level he must feel with its economic characteristics before buying into it. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
395:The third level of wanting is "I commit to being rich." The definition of the word commit is to "devote oneself unreservedly." This means holding absolutely nothing back; giving 100 percent of everything you've got to achieving wealth. It means being willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. This is the warrior's way. No excuses, no ifs, no butts, no maybes-and failure isn't an option. The warrior's way is simple: "I will be rich or I will die trying." ~ t-harv-eker, @wisdomtrove
396:Perhaps we can only truly serve those we are willing to touch, not only with our hands but with our hearts and even our souls. Professionalism has embedded in service a sense of difference, a certain distance. But on the deepest level, service is an experience of belonging, an experience of connection to others and to the word around us. It is this connection that gives us the power to bless the life in others. Without it, the life in them would not respond to us. ~ rachel-naomi-remen, @wisdomtrove
397:The beginning of freedom is the realisation that you are not the "thinker." The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realise that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also begin to realise that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken.   ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
398:People talk about Frank Sinatra all the time - and they should talk about Frank - but he had the greatest arrangers. They worked for him in a different kind of way than they worked for other people. They gave him arrangements that are just sublime on every level. And he, of course, could match that because he had this ability to get inside of the song in a sort of a conversational way. Frank sang to you, not at you, like so many pop singers today. Even singers of standards. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
399:On Christmas morning, our joy or our happiness can be at a very high level, not because of our anticipation of what we might receive but, rather, in anticipation of watching our loved ones open our gifts to them. In fact, if we're not careful, we can fail to register sufficient excitement and joy upon opening the gifts we receive from others. We must remember that they are happiest at that time and to give them top billing, to stretch their happiness to its full length. ~ earl-nightingale, @wisdomtrove
400:What you and I might rate as an absolute disaster, God may rate as a pimple-level problem that will pass. He views your life the way you view a movie after you've read the book. When something bad happens, you feel the air sucked out of the theater. Everyone else gasps at the crisis on the screen. Not you. Why? You've read the book. You know how the good guy gets out of the tight spot. God views your life with the same confidence. He's not only read your story... he wrote it. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
401:Only a philosopher's mind grows wings, since its memory always keeps it as close as possible to those realities by being close to which the gods are divine. A man who uses reminders of these things correctly is always at the highest, most perfect level of initiation, and he is the only one who is perfect as perfect can be. He stands outside human concerns and draws close to the divine; ordinary people think he is disturbed and rebuke him for this, unaware that he is possessed by god. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
402:If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity, not an obligation—an opportunity for growth, for full Self-expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about you, and for ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls—if you take that vow instead of the vows you’ve been taking—the relationship has begun on a very good note. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
403:There is something in natural affection which will lead it on to eternal love more easily than natural appetite could be led on. But there's also something in it which makes it easier to stop at the natural level and mistake it for the heavenly. Brass is mistaken for gold more easily than clay is. And if it finally refuses conversion its corruption will be worse than the corruption of what ye call the lower passions. It is a stronger angel, and therefor, when it falls, a fiercer devil. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
404:Do you know of any more overwhelming and humbling expression for God's condescension and extravagance towards us human beings than that He places Himself, so to say, on the same level of choice with the world, just so that we may be able to choose; that God, if language dare speak thus, woos humankind - that He, the eternally strong one, woos sapless humanity? Yet, how insignificant is the young lover's choice between her pursuers by comparison with this choice between God and the world. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
405:People will then often say, &
406:I cannot make myself believe that God wanted me to hate. I'm tired of violence, I've seen too much of it. I've seen such hate on the faces of too many sheriffs in the South. And I'm not going to let my oppressor dictate to me what method I must use. Our oppressors have used violence. Our oppressors have used hatred. Our oppressors have used rifles and guns. I'm not going to stoop down to their level. I want to rise to a higher level. We have a power that can't be found in Molotov cocktails. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
407:There has been a missing piece in our culture of knowledge work: a system with a coherent set of behaviors and tools that functions effectively at the level at which work really happens. It must incorporate the results of big-picture thinking as well as the smallest of open details. It must manage multiple tiers of priorities. It must maintain control over hundreds of new inputs daily. It must save a lot more time and effort than are needed to maintain it. It must make it easier to get things done. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
408:Let us think of a Christian believer in whose life the twin wonders of repentance and the new birth have been wrought. He is now living according to the will of God as he understands it from the written Word. Of such a one it may be said that every act of his life is or can be as truly sacred as prayer or baptism or the Lord's Supper. To say this is not to bring all acts down to one dead level; it is rather to lift every act up into a living kingdom and turn the whole of life into a sacrament. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
409:It is only the man who is totally free who can look and understand immediately. Freedom implies really, doesn't it, the total emptying of the mind. Completely to empty the whole content of the mind&
410:Intellectual culture seems to separate high art from low art. Low art is horror or pornography or anything that has a physical component to it and engages the reader on a visceral level and evokes a strong sympathetic reaction. High art is people driving in Volvos and talking a lot. I just don't want to keep those things separate. I think you can use visceral physical experiences to illustrate larger ideas, whether they're emotional or spiritual. I'm trying to not exclude high and low art or separate them. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
411:I believe that a lot of people in our society today, people who have been hurt and even people who haven't been hurt, get their worth and value from what they do, what they look like, what they own, what kind of job they have, what kind of house they live in, how much money they have, what social circles they're in, what level of education they have, especially even how other people respond to them. They feel better about themselves if everybody is giving a smiling nod to the way they look and all their choices. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
412:..I sought a world philosophy-or an integral philosophy-that would believably weave together the many pluralistic contexts of science, morals, aesthetics, Eastern as well as Western philosophy, and the world's great wisdom traditions. Not on the level of details-that is finitely impossible; but on the level of orienting generalizations: a way to suggest that the world really is one, undivided, whole, and related to itself in every way: a holistic philosophy for a holistic Kosmos, a plausible Theory of Everything. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
413:For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself. At least that’s why I’ve put in the effort day after day: to raise my own level. I’m no great runner, by any means. I’m at an ordinary or perhaps more like mediocre level. But that’s not the point. The point is whether or not I improved over yesterday. In long-distance running the only opponent you have to beat is yourself, the way you used to be. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
414:[The] erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardised citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
415:The pursuit of happiness is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence as a right of all Americans, as well as on the self-improvement shelves of every American bookstore. Yet the scientific evidence makes it seem unlikely that you can change your level of happiness in any sustainable way. It suggests that we each have a fixed range for happiness just as we do for weight. And just as dieters almost always regain the weight they lose, sad people don't become lastingly happy, and happy people don't become lastingly sad. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
416:Avataric periods are like the spring-tide of creation. They bring a new release of power, a new awakening of consciousness, a new experience of life - not merely for a few, but for all. Qualities of energy and awareness, which had been used and enjoyed by only a few advanced souls, are made available for all humanity. Life, as a whole is stepped up to a higher level of consciousness, is geared to a new rate of energy. The transition from sensation to reason was one such step; the transition from reason to intuition will be another. ~ meher-baba, @wisdomtrove
417:The ignorant man is not free, because what confronts him is an alien world, something outside him and in the offing, on which he depends, without his having made this foreign world for himself and therefore without being at home in it by himself as in something his own. The impulse of curiosity, the pressure for knowledge, from the lowest level up to the highest rung of philosophical insight arises only from the struggle to cancel this situation of unfreedom and to make the world one's own in one's ideas and thought. ~ georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel, @wisdomtrove
418:A library is but the soul's burial ground; it is the land of shadows. Yet one is impressed with the thought, the labor, and the struggle, represented in this vast catacomb of books. Who could dream, by the placid waters that issue from the level mouths of brooks into the lake, all the plunges, the whirls, the divisions, and foaming rushes that had brought them down to the tranquil exit? And who can guess through what channels of disturbance, and experiences of sorrow, the heart passed that has emptied into this Dead Sea of books? ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
419:Since the Bible is a divine revelation, every single part of it is divine. Anything that comes from the divine could be no other way. Everything that comes from the divine goes down through the heavens all the way to people on earth. In heaven it is adapted to the wisdom of the angels there, and on earth it is adapted to the understanding of the people there. So the Bible has an inner, spiritual meaning for angels and an outer, material-level meaning for people on earth. That is why our connection to heaven happens through the Bible. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
420:Finally, I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end; where all men and all churches are treated as equal; where every man has the same right to attend or not attend the church of his choice; where there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc voting of any kind; and where Catholics, Protestants and Jews, at both the lay and pastoral level, will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
421:It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply." God actually rises up storms of conflict in relationships at times in order to accomplish that deeper work in our character. We cannot love our enemies in our own strength. This is graduate-level grace. Are you willing to enter this school? Are you willing to take the test? If you pass, you can expect to be elevated to a new level in the Kingdom. For He brings us through these tests as preparation for greater use in the Kingdom. You must pass the test first. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
422:I had a mind to make a body of more or less connected legend, ranging from the large and cosmogonic, to the level of romantic fairy-story - the larger founded on the lesser in contact with the earth, the lesser drawing splendour from the vast backcloths - which I could dedicate simply to: to England; to my country. ... I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
423:I remember when I got the part in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Jane Russell - she was the brunette in it and I was the blonde. She got $200,000 for it, and I got my $500 a week, but that to me was, you know, considerable. She, by the way, was quite wonderful to me. The only thing was I couldn't get a dressing room. Finally, I really got to this kind of level and I said, "Look, after all, I am the blonde, and it is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!" Because still they always kept saying, "Remember, you're not a star." I said, "Well, whatever I am, I am the blonde! ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
424:The analytic psychotherapist thus has a threefold battle to wage - in his own mind against the forces which seek to drag him down from the analytic level; outside the analysis, against opponents who dispute the importance he attaches to the sexual instinctual forces and hinder him from making use of them in his scientific technique; and inside the analysis, against his patients, who at first behave like opponents but later on reveal the overvaluation of sexual life which dominates them, and who try to make him captive to their socially untamed passion. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
425:Self-acceptance begins in infancy, with the influence of your parents and siblings and other important people. Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life. Your attitude toward yourself is determined largely by the attitudes that you think other people have toward you. When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance and self-esteem goes straight up. The best way to build a healthy personality involves understanding yourself and your feelings. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
426:But in the West today, we see a free world that has achieved a level of prosperity and well-being unprecedented in all human history. In the Communist world, we see failure, technological backwardness, declining standards of health, even want of the most basic kind - too little food. Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed itself. After these four decades, then, there stands before the entire world one great and inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among the nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
427:Without total freedom, every perception, every objective regard, is twisted. It is only the man who is totally free who can look and understand immediately. Freedom implies really, doesn't it, the total emptying of the mind. Completely to empty the whole content of the mind-that is real freedom. Freedom is not mere revolt from circumstances, which again breeds other circumstances, other environmental influences, which enslave the mind. We are talking about a freedom that comes naturally, easily, unasked for, when the mind is capable of functioning at its highest level. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
428:Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant "To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time, this definition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds. But in my opinion, this definition fails to recognize the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences - good and bad. Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as "ordinary courage. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
429:A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool; you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
430:But she did not take her eyes from the wheels of the second car. And exactly at the moment when the midpoint between the wheels drew level with her, she threw away the red bag, and drawing her head back into her shoulders, fell on her hands under the car, and with a light movement, as though she would rise immediately, dropped on her knees. And at the instant she was terror-stricken at what she was doing. &
431:So when such challenges come, as they always do, make it a habit to go within at once and focus as much as you can on the inner energy field of your body. This need not take long, just a few seconds. But you need to do it the moment that the challenge presents itself. Any delay will allow a conditioned mental- emotional reaction to arise and take you over.  When you focus within and feel the inner body, you immediately become still and present as you are withdrawing consciousness from the mind. If a response is required in that situation, it will come up from this deeper level.    ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
432:Prayer is not a way to get what we want to happen, like the remote control that comes with the television set. I think that prayer may be less about asking for the things we are attached to than it is about relinquishing our attachments in some way. It can take us beyond fear, which is an attachment, and beyond hope, which is another form of attachment. It can help us remember the nature of the world and the nature of life, not on an intellectual level but in a deep and experiential way. When we pray, we don't change the world, we change ourselves. We change our consciousness. ~ rachel-naomi-remen, @wisdomtrove
433:Whether one is rich or poor, educated or illiterate, religious or nonbelieving, man or woman, black, white, or brown, we are all the same. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, we are all equal. We all share basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and love. We all aspire to happiness and we all shun suffering. Each of us has hopes, worries, fears, and dreams. Each of us wants the best for our family and loved ones. We all experience pain when we suffer loss and joy when we achieve what we seek. On this fundamental level, religion, ethnicity, culture, and language make no difference.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
434:Being present does not mean you neglect whatever needs to be done on a practical level. In fact, the doing unfolds not only more easily, but more powerfully when the dimension of Being is acknowledged and so becomes primary. The outer purpose of the universe is to create form and experience the interaction of forms—the play, the dream, the drama, or whatever you choose to call it. Its inner purpose is to awaken to its formless essence. Then comes the reconciliation of outer and inner purpose: to bring that essence—consciousness—into the world of form and thereby transform the world. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
435:It is important to note, however, that these two loves can be more prevalent among commoners than among the great; more prevalent among the poor than among the wealthy; more prevalent among subjects than among royalty. The latter in each case are born into power and wealth. Over time, the latter come to view their power and wealth much the way people at a somewhat lower level—commanders, governors, admirals, or even impoverished farm workers—view their own households and possessions. It is not the same, though, when monarchs wish to exercise power over nations that are not their own.” ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
436:You cannot see yourself as independent of everything unless you drop everything and remain unsupported and undefined. Once you know yourself, it is immaterial what you do, but to realise your independence, you must test it by letting go all you were dependent on.  The realised man lives on the level of the absolutes; his wisdom, love and courage are complete, there is nothing relative about him. Therefore, he must prove himself by tests more stringent, undergo trials more demanding. The tester, the tested and the set up for testing are all within; it is an inner drama to which none can be a party. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
437:I have sent you nothing but angels and miracles. See the perfection in this moment. Your soul chose your life to create the opportunity to fulfil your soul's agenda. There is no such thing as a chance encounter. Everything is occurring in perfect order, as it should be. You are creating it so. There is always a reason at the soul level why your life is as it is. You are a spiritual being and you came to your body to experience Who You Are. To do this, you are, every moment, drawing to yourself the exact and perfect people, places and events to experience exactly what you came to your physical body to experience. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
438:A slower-paced life means making time to enjoy your mornings, instead of rushing off to work in a frenzy. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing, to appreciate the outdoors, to actually focus on whoever you’re talking to or spending time with — instead of always being connected to a Blackberry or iPhone or laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails. It means single- tasking rather than switching between a multitude of tasks and focusing on none of them. Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.  ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
439:Q: How can I set right a tangle which is entirely below the level of my consciousness?  M: By being with yourself, the &
440:In order for slavery to work, in order for us to buy, sell, beat, and trade people like animals, Americans had to completely dehumanize slaves. And whether we directly participated in that or were simply a member of a culture that at one time normalized that behavior, it shaped us. We can’t undo that level of dehumanizing in one or two generations. I believe Black Lives Matter is a movement to rehumanize black citizens. All lives matter, but not all lives need to be pulled back into moral inclusion. Not all people were subjected to the psychological process of demonizing and being made less than human so we could justify the inhumane practice of slavery. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
441:The Emotional Bank Account is a metaphor that describes the amount of trust you build up in a relationship. Much like a financial bank account, deposits are made and withdrawals are taken from an Emotional Bank Account. When you do something positive for another person, it can be a major deposit for that person. Deposits build a reserve of goodwill and trust. On the other hand, when you do something negative toward another person, you make a withdrawal. When withdrawals exceed deposits, the account is overdrawn and the level of trust deteriorates. With your relationships, it’s vital that you make continual deposits in order to sustain a high level of trust.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
442:The glass ceiling of happiness is held in place by two stout pillars, one psychological, the other biological. On the psychological level, happiness depends on expectations rather than objective conditions. We don’t become satisfied by leading a peaceful and prosperous existence. Rather, we become satisfied when reality matches our expectations. The bad news is that as conditions improve, expectations balloon. Dramatic improvements in conditions, as humankind has experienced in recent decades, translate into greater expectations rather than greater contentment. If we don’t do something about this, our future achievements too might leave us as dissatisfied as ever. ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove
443:Funerals, in fact, are one of the most powerful examples of collective pain. They feature in a surprising finding from my research on trust. When I asked participants to identify three to five specific behaviors that their friends, family, and colleagues do that raise their level of trust with them, funerals always emerged in the top three responses. Funerals matter. Showing up to them matters. And funerals matter not just to the people grieving, but to everyone who is there. The collective pain (and sometimes joy) we experience when gathering in any way to celebrate the end of a life is perhaps one of the most powerful experiences of inextricable connection. Death, loss, and grief are the great equalizers. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
444:A person functioning exclusively in the Cartesian mode may be free from manifest symptoms but cannot be considered mentally healthy. Such individuals typically lead ego-centred, competitive, goal-oriented lives. Overpreoccupied with their past and their future, they tend to have a limited awarenessof the present and thus a limited ability to derive satisfaction from ordinary activities in everyday life. They concentrate on manipulating the external world and measure their living standard by the quantity of material possessions, while they become ever more alienated from their inner world and unable to appreciate the process of life. For people whose existence is dominated by this mode of experience no level of wealth, power, or fame will bring genuine satisfaction ~ fritjof-capra, @wisdomtrove
445:Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. Take your pick, and choose wisely. The only sense to make of tragedies like this is that terrible things can happen to perfectly innocent people. This understanding inspires compassion. Religious faith, on the other hand, erodes compassion. Thoughts like, &
446:we can never go back. We can rise up from our failures, screwups, and falls, but we can never go back to where we stood before we were brave or before we fell. Courage transforms the emotional structure of our being. This change often brings a deep sense of loss. During the process of rising, we sometimes find ourselves homesick for a place that no longer exists. We want to go back to that moment before we walked into the arena, but there’s nowhere to go back to. What makes this more difficult is that now we have a new level of awareness about what it means to be brave. We can’t fake it anymore. We now know when we’re showing up and when we’re hiding out, when we are living our values and when we are not. Our new awareness can also be invigorating—it can reignite our sense of purpose and remind ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
447:Whenever the Eastern mystics express their knowledge in words - be it with the help of myths, symbols, poetic images or paradoxical statements-they are well aware of the limitations imposed by language and &
448:You need to challenge your fear of life becoming unreasonable - because it is already unreasonable. In truth, your life has never been reasonable, it’s just that you keep hoping tomorrow will be different and that you will find a way to bring more control into your world. Recognize that life will always be full of challenges and crisis. The wise way is not to attempt to find one path that promises you will never have to endure the pain of loss and illness, but instead to learn how to endure and transcend when unreasonable events come your way. Learning to defy gravity in your world - to think, perceive, and act at the mystical level of consciousness - is the greatest gift you can give yourself, because it is the gift of truth. And as we are bound to learn again and again in this life, the truth does indeed set us free. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
449:You need to challenge your fear of life becoming unreasonable - because it is already unreasonable. In truth, your life has never been reasonable, it’s just that you keep hoping tomorrow will be different and that you will find a way to bring more control into your world. Recognize that life will always be full of challenges and crisis. The wise way is not to attempt to find one path that promises you will never have to endure the pain of loss and illness, but instead to learn how to endure and transcend when unreasonable events come your way. Learning to defy gravity in your world - to think, perceive, and act at the mystical level of consciousness - is the greatest gift you can give yourself, because it is the gift of truth. And as we are bound to learn again and again in this life, the truth does indeed set us free. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
450:Even in the context of suffering—poverty, violence, human rights violations—not belonging in our families is still one of the most dangerous hurts. That’s because it has the power to break our heart, our spirit, and our sense of self-worth. It broke all three for me. And when those things break, there are only three outcomes, something I’ve borne witness to in my life and in my work: 1. You live in constant pain and seek relief by numbing it and/or inflicting it on others; 2. You deny your pain, and your denial ensures that you pass it on to those around you and down to your children; or 3. You find the courage to own the pain and develop a level of empathy and compassion for yourself and others that allows you to spot hurt in the world in a unique way. I certainly tried the first two. Only through sheer grace did I make my way to the third. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
451:The power and nature of Soul encompasses heaven and guides it according to its will. To all this vast expanse, as far as it extends, it gives itself, and every interval, both large and small, is filled with Soul… Soul enlivens all things with its whole self and all Soul is present everywhere… And vast and diversified thought this universe is, it is one by the power of soul and a god because of soul. The sun is also a god, because ensouled, and the other stars, and if we ourselves partake of the Divine, this is the cause. Nothing is detached or severed from its prior, so that the higher soul seems to extend as far as plants; and in a way it does so extend, because the life in plants belongs to it. Not that soul is wholly within plants, but only to the extent that they are the lower limit of its advance, another level of existence created by its decline towards the worse.  ~ plotinus, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:I've won at every level. ~ Jason Terry,
2:At the level of spirit, ~ Deepak Chopra,
3:What counts is the cultural level ~ Ezra Pound,
4:A cretin is a high level moron, ~ W E B Griffin,
5:B-level work is bad for your soul. ~ Ed Catmull,
6:Water always finds its own level. ~ Tayari Jones,
7:A man must constantly exceed his level ~ Bruce Lee,
8:Let’s begin with Level Flight. . . . ~ Richard Bach,
9:Victory puts us on a level with heaven. ~ Lucretius,
10:Soldier's Comrades Level Grave Accusation ~ Anonymous,
11:For every level there’s another Devil. ~ Tyrese Gibson,
12:I want to take TSA to the next level. ~ John S Pistole,
13:Experience is the highest level of knowing. ~ Jon Fitch,
14:Giving is the highest level of living. ~ John C Maxwell,
15:He who kisses girl on hillside is not level ~ Confucius,
16:I know I can still play at a high level. ~ Michael Vick,
17:I took my weight training to a new level. ~ Ryan Lochte,
18:My confidence level is a tremendous high. ~ Vince Young,
19:People, like water, seek their own level. ~ Ann Landers,
20:We’d connected on a purely mental level. ~ Ernest Cline,
21:We live at the level of our language. ~ Ellen Gilchrist,
22:Annabeth is the most level-headed demigod ~ Rick Riordan,
23:I love that the level of mediocrity rises. ~ Paula Scher,
24:Those who attempt to level never equalize ~ Edmund Burke,
25:Death and the dice level all distinctions. ~ Samuel Foote,
26:Discord on one level is harmony on another ~ Alan W Watts,
27:Education begins at the level of the learner. ~ Aristotle,
28:I'm only in competition with my last level. ~ Erykah Badu,
29:The level of dishonesty is out of control. ~ Donald Trump,
30:I'd rather make one righteous dollar on my level ~ KRS One,
31:Those who attempt to level, never equalize. ~ Edmund Burke,
32:Change begins at the level of the heart. ~ Paul David Tripp,
33:Deep Work Helps You Produce at an Elite Level ~ Cal Newport,
34:For what level of mediocrity will you settle? ~ Brandon Lee,
35:You decide your own level of involvement. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
36:Work ethic must exceed the expectation level. ~ Tom Coughlin,
37:Dead people are all on the same level. ~ Charles Starkweather,
38:I like to think I can keep a pretty level head. ~ Luke Wilson,
39:On a personal level, you wear different masks. ~ Tika Sumpter,
40:Christian art, like obscene art, is surface level. ~ Anonymous,
41:Fear is self-awareness raised to a higher level. ~ Don DeLillo,
42:I'm always soul searching on a spiritual level. ~ Shania Twain,
43:Life externalizes at the level of our thought. ~ Ernest Holmes,
44:When things are steep, remember to stay level-headed. ~ Horace,
45:No man likes to be surpassed by those of this own level. ~ Livy,
46:Our losses... have reached and intolerable level. ~ Karl Donitz,
47:We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. ~ Iyanla Vanzant,
48:Believers of Jesus be denouncing Satan on every level, ~ KRS One,
49:I'm sorry I can't get into Scooby Doo on any level. ~ Mike Judge,
50:I'm very involved in the writing on every level. ~ Fran Drescher,
51:Leaders determine the level of an organization. ~ John C Maxwell,
52:People with goals are just on a different level. ~ Yuki Suetsugu,
53:Roman Catholic Church: The highest level of church ~ Daryl Aaron,
54:At its most basic level, the universe is beautiful. ~ Ann Aguirre,
55:I've learned that I've got to keep level-headed. ~ Samantha Barks,
56:The First Level of Reading: Elementary Reading ~ Mortimer J Adler,
57:The police need to come down to street level. ~ Alexander McQueen,
58:Your eyes will adjust to the level of deficiency ~ Iyanla Vanzant,
59:My level of awkward makes everyone else feel normal ~ Taylor Swift,
60:My struggles with myself seldom reach aerobic level. ~ Mason Cooley,
61:Nobody can act beyond their level of consciousness. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
62:No one can set your level of worthiness except you. ~ Bryant McGill,
63:The big thing for actors is the level of commitment. ~ Shia LaBeouf,
64:The illiteracy level of our children are appalling. ~ George W Bush,
65:The only entry level position on a movie is director. ~ Colin Hanks,
66:The web of trust is built at eye level, peer to peer. ~ Jeff Jarvis,
67:When our power level is down sufficiently, we die. ~ Frederick Lenz,
68:and graze ourselves up to a nice level of morbid obesity. ~ Dan John,
69:Boys are two years behind girls in maturity level. ~ Jennifer Echols,
70:I am comfortable with my level of public discourse. ~ Neil Armstrong,
71:I do it for the love. Bunk bed flow, always one level above. ~ Drake,
72:Interest level is measured by how much you remember. ~ Kevin Horsley,
73:L.A.'s magic has let me see every level of the dream. ~ Robert Crais,
74:Level 7 Selling Our Souls for a Video Game, Part One ~ Scott Douglas,
75:The rich live hand-to-mouth too-just on a higher level. ~ John Guare,
76:Gotta say you Portland people take weird to a new level. ~ Devon Monk,
77:I'm very touched on a deep level by cruelty to animals. ~ Ali MacGraw,
78:Kids are at my level. I like goofing around with them. ~ John Goodman,
79:level gaze that took in everything and gave nothing back. ~ Anonymous,
80:Love is the binding force on every level of existence. ~ Peter Kreeft,
81:Most nanny-state initiatives begin on a local level. ~ David Harsanyi,
82:only superficially rebellious, on the level of hair dye. ~ Amy Gentry,
83:President Obama believes in a level playing field. ~ Elizabeth Warren,
84:Theatre is how I first encountered art on any level. ~ Patrick Marber,
85:The world cannot live at the level of its great men. ~ James G Frazer,
86:To awaken human emotion is the highest level of art. ~ Isadora Duncan,
87:Was it possible, on some level, he knew we'd once had ~ Stacy Claflin,
88:A man should wear trousers at navel level, not below it. ~ Brett McKay,
89:Being a celebrity at a very high level is a good thing. ~ Donald Trump,
90:Good people always rise to your level of expectation. ~ John C Maxwell,
91:I actually think with age comes some level of wisdom. ~ Nina Totenberg,
92:To me, the acceptable level of fecal matter is... zero. ~ Richard Jeni,
93:Water seeks its own level and water rises collectively ~ Julia Cameron,
94:your shit needs to be more epic. level it up broseph ~ Johnny B Truant,
95:A lot of the high-level sports are really in your mind. ~ Ronald Graham,
96:Even in her madness, there’s still a level of control. ~ Krista Ritchie,
97:I am constantly amazed on every level at how lucky I am. ~ Clancy Brown,
98:If the reviews hurt they're probably right on some level. ~ Sean Lennon,
99:If you know two languages, the level of your intelligence ~ Bill Cosby,
100:Low-level programming is good for the programmer's soul. ~ John Carmack,
101:On every level of human life, compassion is the key thing. ~ Dalai Lama,
102:Tragedy at eye level is actually triumph at God’s level. ~ Randy Frazee,
103:Your results are an expression of your level of awareness ~ Bob Proctor,
104:You two have just reached the level of annoyingly cute. ~ Jamie McGuire,
105:All issues of crime are better addressed at the state level. ~ Rand Paul,
106:Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art. ~ Richard Avedon,
107:At the highest level the first two yards are in your head. ~ Bob Paisley,
108:But they also were on some base level congenitally brave. ~ Harlan Coben,
109:I want there to be a level of respect between everybody. ~ Kenny Chesney,
110:I was brought up as a Catholic. I've got A-level guilt. ~ Billy Connolly,
111:Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. ~ Peter Drucker,
112:..Our level of influence is not the same with everyone. ~ John C Maxwell,
113:The hardest thing to judge is what level of risk is safe. ~ George Soros,
114:The noise level subsided, as if people were distracted with ~ Lois Lowry,
115:What level of crazy is too much for you? I'm just curious. ~ John Murphy,
116:But not all of them are decorated to the same level of taste. ~ Max Maven,
117:Could be he was a demon. Low-level. Many politicians were. ~ Cynthia Eden,
118:Could I ever respect myself again if I stooped to their level? ~ A S King,
119:In reality, a higher level of war always trumps a lower. ~ William S Lind,
120:The next level. As though dating were a computer game. ~ Janette Rallison,
121:You marry at the level of your own psychological health. ~ Sonia Friedman,
122:Below Every Tangled Hierarchy Lies An Inviolate Level ~ Douglas Hofstadter,
123:Be nice to other people. At the universal level, they are you. ~ Matt Haig,
124:I have a really high tolerance level for twits. I really do. ~ Neil Gaiman,
125:Intruder on level one. All aliens, please proceed to level one. ~ Anna Lee,
126:never let our expectations define our level of thankfulness. ~ Tim Sanders,
127:The level of evolution in this world is not exactly high. ~ Frederick Lenz,
128:The populace drags down the gods to their own level. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
129:When you work alone, you need to socialize at some level. ~ Jeffery Deaver,
130:After I take this small dose, my melatonin level initially ~ Sara Gottfried,
131:Cute? I think my testosterone level just dropped - Ranger ~ Janet Evanovich,
132:I'm LeBron, baby. I can play on this level. I got some game. ~ Barack Obama,
133:it’s cute how you think you’re my enemy. You’re not on my level. ~ L J Shen,
134:talk with people playing the game at a higher level than you, ~ Peter Voogd,
135:You can never solve a problem on the same level as the problem. ~ Emmet Fox,
136:Your level of performance matches your dominant self image. ~ Jack Canfield,
137:At some level, all love is combat, a wrestling with ghosts. ~ Camille Paglia,
138:Friendship is mutual blackmail elevated to the level of love. ~ Robin Morgan,
139:Law 11: “No” simply means begin again at one level higher. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
140:On a personal level, I don't have many individual achievements. ~ Eddie Lacy,
141:Only passions can raise a man above the level of the animal. ~ Andre Maurois,
142:she just can’t compete with this level of estrogen. ~ Robert Jackson Bennett,
143:Surrender to the deepest level within that you're aware of. ~ John de Ruiter,
144:There's a level of trust that you have to have with somebody. ~ Mark Ruffalo,
145:The whole concept of the devil is a metaphor on one level. ~ Taylor Hackford,
146:Those closest to me will determine the level of my success. ~ John C Maxwell,
147:All change starts with a distant rumble at the grassroots level. ~ Tom Coburn,
148:◦"At the deepest level of Being, you are one with all that is ~ Eckhart Tolle,
149:At the level of the microcode, physical and abstract meet. The ~ Tracy Kidder,
150:I think that women often can connect at a heart to heart level. ~ Swanee Hunt,
151:Meditation is a way to take us to a deeper level of awareness. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
152:Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. ~ Quentin Crisp,
153:On some level, I think everyone felt like a dork in high school. ~ Grant Show,
154:Paradox is simply the way nonduality looks to the mental level. ~ Ken Wilber,
155:Students will rise to the level of a teacher’s expectations. ~ Donalyn Miller,
156:Ten years ago, the level was nowhere near what it is today. ~ Landon Donovan,
157:Texting is apocalyptic on some level. It's a reduction of things. ~ Nick Cave,
158:The game played a song and Mr. D progressed to level 254. “Ha! ~ Rick Riordan,
159:To do anything to a high level it has to be total obsession. ~ Conor McGregor,
160:You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you. ~ Tony Robbins,
161:A high point in a life lived at sea level, prone to flooding. ~ Michael Chabon,
162:And on some level it walways felt like kids paying at being grown ~ John Green,
163:"At the deepest level of Being, you are one with all that is." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
164:Cute? I think my testosterone level just dropped
- Ranger ~ Janet Evanovich,
165:Evidence is evidence, Your Honour. Like water, it finds its level. ~ M R Carey,
166:If you're playing with the best, you just rise up to that level ~ Tony Goldwyn,
167:I just want to make a name for myself and get to the next level. ~ Karl Malone,
168:I'm a level 5 vegan, I don't eat anything that casts a shadow. ~ Matt Groening,
169:I suppose it’s a compliment that I’m on level with your horse. ~ Ruth Cardello,
170:Life's greatest adventure is in doing one's level best. ~ Arthur Ernest Morgan,
171:Only art and science can raise men to the level of God. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven,
172:Scholes is very influential for England at international level. ~ Ron Atkinson,
173:There is just no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever. ~ Vani Hari,
174:As long as life has the level of being a game, you can play it. ~ L Ron Hubbard,
175:As your power level goes down, you will become physically ill. ~ Frederick Lenz,
176:At an everyday level I would reckon myself more than fortunate. ~ Peter Garrett,
177:At my level, the laws of physics are more like suggestions. And ~ Craig Alanson,
178:A very good side playing at the sort of level we are aspiring to. ~ David Moyes,
179:Behaviour arises from the level of one's consciousness. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
180:Could any woman live every day with that level of masculinity? ~ Larry McMurtry,
181:Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you. ~ Unknown,
182:I can say 'reduce your stress level' until I'm blue in the face. ~ Mary Stewart,
183:If you're not optimistic on some level, then you've given up. ~ Viggo Mortensen,
184:I plan to take thinking outside the box to a whole new level ~ Sahndra Fon Dufe,
185:It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level. ~ Douglas Adams,
186:It gives me my headache just trying to think down to your level ~ Douglas Adams,
187:I think nothing, at an objective level, is either right or wrong. ~ Karan Bajaj,
188:My skill level is so high I do things I don’t even try to do. ~ Janet Evanovich,
189:The single most important top-level trend is the shift to mobile. ~ Max Levchin,
190:Water always seeks the easiest path, the common level of life. ~ Frederick Lenz,
191:We never see ourselves as being on a higher level than our fans. ~ Kirk Hammett,
192:Your life will go only as high as the level of your expectations. ~ Joyce Meyer,
193:Your optimism today will determine your level of success tomorrow. ~ Jon Gordon,
194:I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past. ~ Mario Lemieux,
195:I try to stay pretty level-headed and just do what I have to do. ~ Sidney Crosby,
196:move up to another level in your career and personal life, then ~ John C Maxwell,
197:Table 2 When will human-level machine intelligence be attained?81 ~ Nick Bostrom,
198:The funniest comedians are in touch with their emotional level. ~ John Krasinski,
199:the level of narcissism has increased in presidents over time. ~ Jeffrey Pfeffer,
200:At the level of spirit, everything is always unfolding perfectly. ~ Deepak Chopra,
201:Co-leadership should permeate every organization at every level. ~ David A Heenan,
202:However low a man sinks he never reaches the level of the police. ~ Quentin Crisp,
203:I always had this energy level that made me want to come to New York. ~ Roy Ayers,
204:I'm thirty years old, but I read at the thirty-four-year-old level. ~ Dana Carvey,
205:In the highest level a man has the look of knowing nothing . ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
206:Is your integrity at the level of the thing you are praying for? ~ DeVon Franklin,
207:I voluntarily inflicted a certain level of insanity on myself. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
208:Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness. ~ John C Maxwell,
209:Pure art exists only on the level of instant response to pure life ~ Keith Haring,
210:the high-level position he has at Douchebags & Douchenozzles ~ Helena Hunting,
211:Truth on our level is a different thing from truth for the jellyfish. ~ T S Eliot,
212:And my body slopes toward yours no matter how level the ground. ~ Rosmarie Waldrop,
213:Dreams raise the emotional level of what I'm doing at the moment. ~ Maurice Sendak,
214:Going first is courageous. I'm just talking on a spirit level now. ~ John Densmore,
215:In the highest level a man has the look of knowing nothing . ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
216:Keep computations to the lowest level of the multiplication table. ~ David Hilbert,
217:Level 4,” Lachance said. “Lingerie, footwear, monsters, and beasties. ~ Tim Lebbon,
218:The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level. ~ Norman Mailer,
219:The minimum wage is mostly an entry-level wage for young people. ~ Mitch McConnell,
220:Theres no such thing as a free lunch, at least on the karmic level. ~ Joan D Vinge,
221:We have to continue at a high level and make them take tough shots. ~ LeBron James,
222:A man´s level of dignity must always be above his level of fear. ~ Eduardo Chillida,
223:At international level, giving the ball away doesn't work too often. ~ Ron Atkinson,
224:By 2040, 60 percent of Level 4 consumers will live outside the West. ~ Hans Rosling,
225:Cute,” Ranger repeated. “That just dropped my testosterone level. ~ Janet Evanovich,
226:I came to magic absolutely hating magic on a very, very deep level. ~ Penn Jillette,
227:I compromised my ability to tell my story, at the most basic level. ~ Joyce Maynard,
228:I'm going to do my best to channel the character on a spiritual level. ~ Vin Diesel,
229:I was brought up a Catholic, for that you get an A level in guilt. ~ Billy Connolly,
230:Juno MacGuff: I was out handling things way beyond my maturity level. ~ Diablo Cody,
231:On the most basic level, he simply could not link cause and effect. ~ Michael Wolff,
232:Our real beliefs are generally not to be found at the level of ego. ~ Peter Rollins,
233:she took advantage of the opportunity to do some high-level snooping. ~ Marie Force,
234:Splendid. I believe we've achieved a whole new level of doomed. ~ Christopher Moore,
235:The greater our level of understanding, the harder the tests become. ~ Muhammad Ali,
236:The highest level of creativity consists in being, not doing. ~ Marianne Williamson,
237:The other thing I knew I had was a high level of competitiveness. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
238:Welcome to the first level, Sara.  I like to call it...Humiliation. ~ Ernie Lindsey,
239:Your level of mental awareness attracts the habitual life you lead. ~ Vernon Howard,
240:Fatigue had the ability to turn even the most level-headed man mad. ~ Bethany Claire,
241:I believe excellence is being able to perform at a high level over and over. ~ Jay Z,
242:I'm trying to maintain a level of realness that my fans can appreciate. ~ Kevin Hart,
243:No man loses ever on a lower level by magnanimity on a higher. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
244:On a fundamental level, I am someone who would throw sand at children. ~ Allie Brosh,
245:That demon you met, Xerxes. He works for a fifth-level demon named Vald. ~ Angie Fox,
246:There is a reason Dante made betrayal the deepest level of Hell ~ Laura Schlessinger,
247:There's a level of realism you can only achieve through the imaginary. ~ Fumito Ueda,
248:The thing that kills startups at some level, is the founders giving up. ~ Sam Altman,
249:You cannot protect something without intervening on some level. ~ Thomas de Maiziere,
250:Almost all government starts at a very local level at some point. ~ John Hickenlooper,
251:Being on a television series is sort of life-altering on every level. ~ Victor Garber,
252:Challenges are solved by rising to a level higher than the challenge. ~ Deepak Chopra,
253:Crockery has been withdrawn from American culture below a certain level. ~ Don Watson,
254:Everything happens for a reason. I believe in this at the highest level. ~ Mpho Koaho,
255:I'm not going to get on any anti-corporation soapbox to an extreme level. ~ DJ Shadow,
256:In America, as elsewhere, the general irritability level keeps rising. ~ Edward Abbey,
257:level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. ~ Jeff Finley,
258:Policy change is most effectively enacted on the local and state level. ~ Jill Vialet,
259:Social distinctions tend to matter only at your own level and above. ~ Jonah Goldberg,
260:Sometimes a flame must level a forest to ash before new growth can begin ~ A G Howard,
261:Technology will have moved on to an unimaginable level in ten years. ~ Martin Sorrell,
262:The great Tao (or way) is very level and easy; but people love the by-ways. ~ Lao Tzu,
263:The level of outbreak is beyond anything we’ve seen - or even imagined. ~ Tom Frieden,
264:the more active the social tie, the greater the level of cooperation. ~ Alex Pentland,
265:To be able to create you have to have peace of mind on some level. ~ Edwidge Danticat,
266:Yeah. My skill level is so high I do things I don’t even try to do. ~ Janet Evanovich,
267:You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created. ~ Albert Einstein,
268:I don't want my faith level to go up or down. And so I don't fear. ~ Tammy Faye Bakker,
269:I think the president's comfortable with a certain level of violence. ~ Wayne LaPierre,
270:much of the writing of physicists barely reaches the level of prose. ~ Steven Weinberg,
271:Sometimes a flame must level a forest to ash before new growth can begin. ~ A G Howard,
272:The brain wasn’t engineered to deal with that rarefied level of dumbness. ~ Tim Dorsey,
273:The level of some people’s intelligence never failed to amaze her. ~ Paul Antony Jones,
274:There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level. ~ Helen Schucman,
275:The universal thing here is the level of understanding creating differences. ~ Unknown,
276:The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have ~ Albert Einstein,
277:Violence is the way stupid people try to level the playing field. ~ John Gregory Dunne,
278:by the end of this century, CO2 levels could reach a level not seen ~ Elizabeth Kolbert,
279:Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise ~ Michael Jordan,
280:He finds low-level jealousy to be enlivening, pleasantly astringent. ~ Maggie Shipstead,
281:I believe God promotes you when you graduate from the level that you're on. ~ T D Jakes,
282:if this chick senses my presence, she’s Level: Expert at hiding it. Clearing ~ Sara Ney,
283:If we can play like that every week well get some level of consistency. ~ Alex Ferguson,
284:I know I'm capable of greatness, and I'm expecting to reach that level. ~ Aaron Rodgers,
285:I'm difficult on every single level. I'm aware that I can be annoying. ~ Sandra Bullock,
286:I suppose you just feel on an instinctive level if something is honest. ~ Ray Stevenson,
287:I suspect that on some level, life is a matter of indefensible loyalties. ~ Mark Slouka,
288:Let me read you some of my poetry. My poetry just takes me to another level. ~ Rick Fox,
289:Shopping at any level is a bit of therapy for my medulla oblongata. ~ Theophilus London,
290:So what is discord at one level of your being is harmony at another level. ~ Alan Watts,
291:That sensation of being caught—claimed—challenged me on the deepest level. ~ Sylvia Day,
292:The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation ~ Terence McKenna,
293:The highest level of sexual excitement is in a monogamous relationship. ~ Warren Beatty,
294:the religion of personal fear remains nearly at the level of the savage. ~ George Eliot,
295:We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection. ~ Butler Lampson,
296:Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. ~ Jim Rohn,
297:At the quantum level, everything is interconnected energy, even matter. ~ Phyllis Curott,
298:It takes a panoramic attention to appreciate system-level interactions, ~ Daniel Goleman,
299:I want to stop time, freeze myself at this level and never let go of her. ~ Daniel Keyes,
300:Most of us commit to action only if we feel a certain level of motivation. ~ Mark Manson,
301:On a grassroots level we say that man can touch more than he can grasp. ~ Gabriel Marcel,
302:the battle for our culture must be waged at the level of the imagination. ~ Eric Metaxas,
303:The brain writes the autobiography of our species at the conscious level. ~ David Brooks,
304:The mind has the ability to influence the body on a subconscious level. ~ Amanda Stevens,
305:This is Louisiana, we don't have basements because of the water level. ~ Leah Rae Miller,
306:Truth-telling by a leader can legitimate truth-telling at every level. ~ Parker J Palmer,
307:Was this some new level of depravity? Had he developed a spinster fetish? ~ Lisa Kleypas,
308:You always share a higher level of trust with someone who pops your cherry. ~ K F Breene,
309:You’re so the fucking bomb, you’d level Hiroshima again if you visited. ~ Kristen Ashley,
310:a high level of performance is, in fact, an accretion of mundane acts. ~ Angela Duckworth,
311:All things in life, no matter how small, have some level of significance. ~ Saleem Haddad,
312:At the most basic level, I appreciate writers who have something to say. ~ Daniel Alarcon,
313:For me, it's really important to be able to compete on the highest level. ~ Allyson Felix,
314:I found my way to street level and into what optimists call 'fresh air ~ Gunnar Staalesen,
315:I've always felt that your belongings have never been on a level with you. ~ George Eliot,
316:I’ve always felt that your belongings have never been on a level with you. ~ George Eliot,
317:Lies need not be told....hold yourself to a higher level of accountability”. ~ Devin Blue,
318:On a human level, people want to see someone succeed who wants to change. ~ Danny McBride,
319:Sexual relationships are about creating a personal level of cohesiveness. ~ Asa Don Brown,
320:The level of violence on the planet today is no longer sustainable. ~ Marianne Williamson,
321:Trust is built step by step, commitment by commitment, on every level. ~ Robert C Solomon,
322:we have to think about what level of mercilessness we feel comfortable with. ~ Jon Ronson,
323:Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life. ~ Sadhguru,
324:You two have just reached the level of annoyingly cute,” America grinned. ~ Jamie McGuire,
325:Great organizations demand a high level of commitment by the people involved. ~ Bill Gates,
326:How much sinning could you actually have done at a second-grade level? ~ Bruce Springsteen,
327:I don't know if people have gotten ruder or if my tolerance level has declined. ~ Tim Gunn,
328:If I had a normal job and had been moving up, I'd be management level now. ~ Lauren Graham,
329:If you don't know what the defect level is, how do you know when to get mad? ~ Phil Crosby,
330:On a superficial level, I like girls with dark hair - I'm a sucker for that. ~ Elijah Wood,
331:Probems must be resolved at the level beneath the one at which they occur. ~ John Whitmore,
332:The greater our own level of narcissism, the more we detest it in others. ~ Steve Maraboli,
333:Wealth is measured by the level of experience in all aspects of life ~ Henry David Thoreau,
334:Working with Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson takes you up another level. ~ Benmont Tench,
335:Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life". ~ Sadhguru,
336:I like lists, I'm controlling, I like order. I'm difficult on every level. ~ Sandra Bullock,
337:In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence ~ Laurence J Peter,
338:I think there is a level of altruism that wants to help fellow human beings. ~ Frank Grillo,
339:Mao is the only real Marxist at the leadership level in the post-Marx period. ~ Paul Sweezy,
340:Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It's cheaper. ~ Quentin Crisp,
341:Sometimes, low-level jobs are challenging even to someone with CEO potential. ~ Marty Nemko,
342:Spirituality doesn’t exist on another level different from ordinary life. ~ Chogyam Trungpa,
343:Success demands a high level of logistical and organizational competence. ~ George S Patton,
344:Teach me your way, O LORD, and lead me on b a level path because of my enemies. ~ Anonymous,
345:Things fall apart, so they can fall together at a higher level of order. ~ Marilyn Ferguson,
346:What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. ~ Ram Dass,
347:Amen is not the end of a prayer, it just gets us ready to go to the next level. ~ Gary Busey,
348:And when I say craziest, I mean, like, I want to do like Olympic-level things. ~ Jaden Smith,
349:A problem can't be solved with the same level of thinking that created it. ~ Albert Einstein,
350:I boxed through college and I played college level football. I was a linebacker. ~ Greg Bryk,
351:I'm pretty sure my addiction to reading has just reached a whole new level. ~ Colleen Hoover,
352:I think every human being has a level of melancholy in life and in general. ~ Sandra Bullock,
353:It’s difficult when you love someone whom you know on some level is wicked. ~ Lorraine Heath,
354:Men's minds are raised to the level of the women with whom they associate. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
355:Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self acceptance. ~ Brene Brown,
356:Party loyalty lowers the greatest men to the petty level of the masses. ~ Jean de la Bruyere,
357:really had to experience a location to know it at an operational level. Court ~ Mark Greaney,
358:There's no way I can justify my salary level, but I'm learning to live with it. ~ Drew Carey,
359:Ultimately, the source of our problems lies at the level of the individual. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
360:A person places themselves on a level with the ones they praise. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
361:Emotions drive behavior- Every decision is an emotional decision at some level. ~ James Clear,
362:Every major accomplishment in a man's life requires a major level of commitment. ~ Jim George,
363:In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. ~ Laurence J Peter,
364:In AI 5.0, the CompassionateMind module works one level above the DeepMind module. ~ Amit Ray,
365:I think the level of devotion some sci-fi fans display turns other people off. ~ James Callis,
366:It’s not about how fast you do something, it’s about doing your level best. ~ Brent Schlender,
367:Matter is spirit at its lowest level. Spirit is matter at its highest level. ~ H P Blavatsky,
368:nodded. “I see that you’re a first-level Fighter. Which makes it all the more ~ Daniel Suarez,
369:On some level any appearance on Television can be seen as a product endorsement. ~ Marc Maron,
370:There's a sameness and comfort level you get living in a country like America. ~ Phil Keoghan,
371:There's nothing in computing that can't be broken by another level of indirection. ~ Rob Pike,
372:Third, how much you should study doctrine depends on your level of influence. Are ~ Anonymous,
373:Time rises and rises, and when it reaches the level of your eyes you drown. ~ Margaret Atwood,
374:Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life. The ~ Sadhguru,
375:A fundamental sense of terror is built into us humans, on the instinctual level. ~ K ji Suzuki,
376:A problem cannot be solved at the level of consciousness in which it occurs. ~ Albert Einstein,
377:A safety net for the poor indeed requires some level of income redistribution. ~ Ari Fleischer,
378:Be aware of the level of the stock market. Are yields low and PE ratios high? ~ Walter Schloss,
379:But I so want to walk that razor's edge,
Take feeling to a whole new level. ~ Ellen Hopkins,
380:He had a lot of muscle and a skill level somewhere between Batman and Rambo. ~ Janet Evanovich,
381:I don't have any fault steps. I play with good technique and good pad level. ~ David Wilkerson,
382:If you’re not uncomfortable, then you’re probably stuck at an “acceptable level. ~ Cal Newport,
383:I have a twenty-month-old baby, a sixteen-year-old boy - same maturity level. ~ Gloria Estefan,
384:I'm starting to think that my level of intrigue outweighs my fear of controversy. ~ Criss Jami,
385:I'm well known because I do music at a professional level, and a certain magnitude. ~ Kid Cudi,
386:I want to keep playing at the kind of level where I'll get respect from everybody. ~ Pau Gasol,
387:My sensitivity level is high, but I think that's one of my assets as an actor. ~ John Turturro,
388:Our gods are remote from us, Jean Louise. They must never descend to human level. ~ Harper Lee,
389:Our level of love or our level of fear determines the state of our reality. ~ Stephen Richards,
390:people are doing the best that they can from their own level of consciousness. ~ Deepak Chopra,
391:There's a cultural level of acceptable grief that I'm on the wrong side of. ~ C K Kelly Martin,
392:There was a level on which I believed that what had happened remained reversible ~ Joan Didion,
393:We don't rise to the level of our abilities, we fall to the level of our excuses ~ Peter James,
394:At the highest level in the NFL, the pass game is as complex as you can imagine. ~ Pete Carroll,
395:But I don't think the Democratic Party is at eye level with the middle class. ~ Charles Schumer,
396:group identity can be fractionated right down to the level of the individual. ~ Jordan Peterson,
397:I believe that all fiction is personal and all writing is at some level personal. ~ Kwame Dawes,
398:If you gave up, you've already lost. If you keep going, you get to a new level. ~ Lyoto Machida,
399:In the midst of creating, a person is raised to another level of consciousness. ~ Charlie Haden,
400:I study more of truth and enlightening. I had to go the next level to talk about life. ~ Jet Li,
401:It was a fractal of ugliness, disgusting at every level of self-similarity. ~ Eliezer Yudkowsky,
402:I want viewers to relate to me on a different level, not just a sexual level. ~ Morris Chestnut,
403:Leadership is not about a title, degree or level. Anybody can lead at any time. ~ Carly Fiorina,
404:Menuhin was playing Bach on a fantastic spiritual level when he was a teenager. ~ Nigel Kennedy,
405:Nothing is wrong with California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure. ~ Ross Macdonald,
406:"On a personal level, we all appreciate people who are kind and warm-hearted." ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
407:Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development. ~ Hal Elrod,
408:Reinvention begins at the level of thought. Don't let your thoughts think you. ~ Steve Chandler,
409:The calendar is a human invention; time does not exist on the spiritual level. ~ Isabel Allende,
410:There's a level of immaturity to people who just can't clean up after themselves. ~ Jann Wenner,
411:Trauma, and certain important experiences, can imprint on us at a genetic level. ~ Michael Helm,
412:We don’t rise to the level of our abilities, we fall to the level of our excuses. ~ Peter James,
413:We stared at each other. The level of politeness had risen to dangerous levels. ~ Ilona Andrews,
414:When you write something it has to hit the level that you accept as being good. ~ Will Champion,
415:All problems in Computer Science can be solved by another level of indirection. ~ Butler Lampson,
416:Almost every Spirit filled believer is able to prophesy on an inspirational level. ~ Mike Bickle,
417:Being a working mom is not easy. You have to be willing to screw up at every level. ~ Jami Gertz,
418:Confidence pumped to the level of giving zero fucks was portable, at least in theory. ~ T E Grau,
419:I have a level of fear going into every project, and that's what keeps me going. ~ Gerard Butler,
420:Intelligence is a measure of how well you function within your level of awareness. ~ Scott Adams,
421:Modern people are calibrated for a whole different level of danger acceptance. ~ Neal Stephenson,
422:Mysticism is in fact the only criticism people cannot level against my theory. ~ Albert Einstein,
423:No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~ Albert Einstein,
424:No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” I ~ Richard Rohr,
425:Sustained change only happens when we shift at an emotional rather than logical level. ~ Robin S,
426:The next level, by definition, is something you can't see and you can't understand. ~ Eben Pagan,
427:This requires a level of delusion/egomania usually reserved for popes and drag queens ~ Tina Fey,
428:To deal with individual human needs at the everyday level can be noble sometimes. ~ Jimmy Carter,
429:Train at your current fitness level, or slightly above — not where you want to be. ~ Scott Jurek,
430:We don't need a flat tax, but a flattening tax, to truly level the playing field. ~ Jello Biafra,
431:You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. ~ James Clear,
432:Extremely disappointed that corruption may have reached such a level in Mexico. ~ Barry McCaffrey,
433:group identity can be fractionated right down to the level of the individual. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
434:I am wired on some deep level to seek out something to be worried and obsess about. ~ Chuck Lorre,
435:I told myself if I ever made it to the level I want to be at, I'm gonna give back. ~ LeBron James,
436:It’s a tough moment when you have to confront the level of your own complacency. I ~ Lisa Gardner,
437:Morning can always be counted on to bring us back to a more realistic level. ~ Tennessee Williams,
438:Often it takes several generations for a family to move from Level 1 to Level 4. I ~ Hans Rosling,
439:People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
440:People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
441:The laziness level of a society can be understood from the size of their stomach. ~ M F Moonzajer,
442:The physics chip adds a level of reality in games we just haven't been able to get. ~ Rob Enderle,
443:To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself. ~ Neville Goddard,
444:We are obliged to place ourselves on the level of our age before we can rise above it. ~ Voltaire,
445:We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them ~ Albert Einstein,
446:We do not have the right to level out all experience into a single world. ~ Maurice Merleau Ponty,
447:We view the world on a molecular level. The building blocks, not the end results. ~ Susan Mallery,
448:You can't get on my level. you gon' need a space shuttle or a ladder; that's forever. ~ Lil Wayne,
449:A problem is a question you haven't yet answered to a level that has fulfilled you. ~ Tony Robbins,
450:By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible. ~ August Strindberg,
451:Finish that sentence, Raith, and we throw down,” said Murphy in a calm, level voice. ~ Jim Butcher,
452:I ain't never seen no head so level that it could bear the lettin' in of politics. ~ Ellen Glasgow,
453:I can't explain it, but on a deeper level, thiscride feels like it's everything. ~ Chelsea Camaron,
454:I can't explain it, but on a deeper level, this ride feels like it's everything. ~ Chelsea Camaron,
455:I feel very strongly about dresses on every level - a dress feels like underpinning. ~ Donna Karan,
456:Know when your space is too small for you...and you have to birthed to the next level! ~ T D Jakes,
457:Level 5 leaders are a study in duality: modest and willful, humble and fearless. ~ James C Collins,
458:Level with you child by being honest. Nobody spots a phony quicker than a child. ~ Mary MacCracken,
459:May the Lord level in the dust those who would deprive the people of their liberty. ~ John Hampden,
460:Once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension ~ Abdul Kalam,
461:Put bluntly, abortion supporters have lost the argument on the scientific level. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
462:The Church exists to connect people at the level of their hunger for a new world. ~ Rowan Williams,
463:The freedom of speech is an important yardstick for a society's level of civilization. ~ Ai Weiwei,
464:The love of life, at any and every level of development, is the religious impulse. ~ William James,
465:Those who are not true leaders will just affirm people at their own immature level. ~ Richard Rohr,
466:When you work at street level you never know who's going to walk through your door. ~ John Grisham,
467:You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.23 ~ James Clear,
468:You have to see it on a broader level. But you also have to activate it properly. ~ Martin Sorrell,
469:Acts of the devil revealed and reveled, designed to recline the mind to lower level. ~ Kool Moe Dee,
470:Any theology that does not lead to song is, at a fundamental level, a flawed theology. ~ J I Packer,
471:at its most fundamental level science is not undertaken for any practical reason. ~ Steven Weinberg,
472:[A writer] should try not to be too far, personally, below the level of his work. ~ Elizabeth Bowen,
473:I had my house converted to the Colorado altitude, so I am always above sea level. ~ Gilbert Arenas,
474:I'm sorry. I had the volume at a very high level, and the world sort of disappeared. ~ Jessica Park,
475:I never said to myself, I am longing; that feeling lived at a level below language. ~ Lauren Slater,
476:I think narrators expect a high level of intimacy with their readers, and vice versa. ~ Tom Barbash,
477:It was a good look. I wished I could pull off that level of condescending haughtiness. ~ Jaymin Eve,
478:Nothing you write is ever lost to you. At some other level your mind is working on it. ~ Erica Jong,
479:Our gods are remote from us, Jean Louise. They must never descend to human level.” “Is ~ Harper Lee,
480:The biggest jaguar snarled and leapt so high his head was level with the stone ledge. ~ Linsey Hall,
481:We are primarily the products of thinking that happens below the level of awareness. ~ David Brooks,
482:We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. ~ Archilochos,
483:We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. ~ Archilochus,
484:You can’t step up to the next level as long as you keep one foot on the lower level. ~ Larry Winget,
485:You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. 23 ~ James Clear,
486:Albrecht's Law: Social innovations tend to the level of minimum tolerable well being. ~ Paul Dickson,
487:Folk music had long been political but [Bob] Dylan's poetry took it to a new level. ~ Jay Michaelson,
488:I'm pretty sure there's no sexuality that justifies constant low-level harassment. ~ Mallory Ortberg,
489:Level 5 leaders display a workmanlike diligence - more plow horse than show horse. ~ James C Collins,
490:Music is a bridge, it connects floks on a higher level, saying what words can't say. ~ Emily Murdoch,
491:Music is a bridge, it connects folks on a higher level, saying what words can't say. ~ Emily Murdoch,
492:our state of mind, more than anything “out there,” determines our level of success. ~ Barbara Stanny,
493:...somewhere, on some subterranean level, her darkness and his may have connected. ~ Haruki Murakami,
494:The fact I've played well means that on a personal level I have enjoyed the season. ~ Steven Gerrard,
495:The Platonic world of ideas corresponds to Thinking and Sensation on the mystical level. ~ Carl Jung,
496:The problem is we don't fight on the same level. We have laws that protect everybody. ~ Donald Trump,
497:The unit tests are documents. They describe the lowest-level design of the system. ~ Robert C Martin,
498:The world we have made is a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far. ~ Albert Einstein,
499:Well, the thing about the obvious,” said Miss Level, “is that it so often isn’t. . ~ Terry Pratchett,
500:All History is current; all injustice continues on some level, somewhere in the world. ~ Alice Walker,
501:As labor strife increased and the economy faltered, the general level of violence rose. ~ Erik Larson,
502:At the very basic level all people are creators. We are all creating at every moment. ~ Bryant McGill,
503:Changing what you eat isn’t going to help unless you start managing your stress level, ~ Susan Albers,
504:I rolled my eyes." Has anyone told you you have the maturity level of a four-year-old? ~ Julie Kagawa,
505:I spent 22 years in the United States military, so I'm a pretty strategic level thinker. ~ Allen West,
506:This world is being directed by a level of evil that is almost impossible to comprehend. ~ David Icke,
507:We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. ~ Archilochus,
508:When you make peace with yourself, the world will mirror back that same level of peace. ~ Debbie Ford,
509:America is now a land that rewards failure - at the personal, corporate, and state level. ~ Mark Steyn,
510:Doubling my Seroquel at Pinecrest single-handedly knocked me to the next level of mania. ~ Ken Dickson,
511:Earth civilization had a way to transmit at the level of a Kardashev Type II civilization. ~ Liu Cixin,
512:I expect Europe's top-level domain, .eu, to become similarly as important as dot-com. ~ Viviane Reding,
513:I have a level. I am fully stocked with tools, despite being in possession of a vagina. ~ Katie Ruggle,
514:I still believe that sketch may be a cure for low-level depression if watched regularly. ~ Amy Poehler,
515:It takes a level of creative depression to hear 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' and weep. ~ Sloane Crosley,
516:I've always thought of science fiction as being, at some level, a 19th-century business. ~ Robert Reed,
517:My foot stands on level ground;           in the great congregation I will bless the LORD. ~ Anonymous,
518:One of the great gifts of the arcade was the way it put us all on the same level. ~ Drew Nellins Smith,
519:On one level, wisdom is nothing more profound than an ability to follow one’s own advice. ~ Sam Harris,
520:The falls of our life provide us with the energy to propel ourselves to a higher level. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
521:The world is wonderful. It is beautiful when you are in a correct level of attention. ~ Frederick Lenz,
522:Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement. ~ Alfred Adler,
523:While a trigger cues an action, motivation defines the level of desire to take that action. ~ Nir Eyal,
524:You have to come in on a professional level to make it, otherwise you just can't get into rap. ~ Ice T,
525:CD4 being the level of the lymphocyte that indicates the level of your immune function. ~ Judy Woodruff,
526:He could compartmentalize at an astonishing level. It came from not giving a shit. And ~ David Baldacci,
527:How is it a vegan won't visit the zoo or rodeo, but you'll level a man with martial arts? ~ DiAnn Mills,
528:I come from a culture that has refined the art of the dirge to a sublime level. ~ Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor,
529:I had a very wise mother. She always kept books that were my grade level in our house. ~ Beverly Cleary,
530:Interest level is measured by how much you remember.” ~ Kevin Horsley Philip A. Bossert ~ Kevin Horsley,
531:Is the ambient noise level of my life low enough for me to hear the whispers of the Lord? ~ Bill Hybels,
532:I think a basic level of fitness can help the body cope with all manner of incidents. ~ Richard Hammond,
533:John Connally's conversion to the GOP raised the intellectual level of both parties. ~ Frank Mankiewicz,
534:Mind doesn't work properly when taken into
a higher level where fear dominates the will. ~ Toba Beta,
535:No man should get every woman he wants. Keeps their douchebaggery to a tolerable level. ~ Jamie McGuire,
536:On some level, my life has been wasted on me. After all, if I can’t remember it, who can? ~ Nora Ephron,
537:Sustained change only happens when we shift at an emotional rather than logical level. ~ Robin S Sharma,
538:the purpose of schools was not to educate all students to the same level, but to sort them, ~ Todd Rose,
539:There are no limits. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level. ~ Bruce Lee,
540:There's just a deeper level of sophistication in the writing of female characters on TV. ~ Vera Farmiga,
541:To ponder is not to brood or grieve or even meditate. It is to wonder at a deep level. ~ Robert Fulghum,
542:You cannot be a rational subject without veto-control on the level of mental action. ~ Thomas Metzinger,
543:Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance. ~ Bren Brown,
544:You’ve got to try and take things to the next level, or you’ll just get stuck in a rut. ~ Ozzy Osbourne,
545:a girl can’t lose her social standing if she stands level with those poised to judge her. ~ Karen Abbott,
546:A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant. ~ Alan Perlis,
547:Because when you engage in the same things as the masses, you lower yourself to their level. ~ Epictetus,
548:behaviours? Human-level brain functions? Hungries who can do something besides run and feed? ~ M R Carey,
549:Developing an increased level of trust with other teams can enable the harder things. ~ David J Anderson,
550:Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. ~ Bob Smith,
551:I always knew, on some level, that I wouldn't live long. It's simply not written in my stars. ~ Marie Lu,
552:I know that if I perform at a really high level, we're going to have a better chance to win. ~ Pau Gasol,
553:I'm told that my blood sugar level was twelve times the legal limit - I was sweating honey. ~ Dave Grohl,
554:in every organization everyone rises to the level at which they become paralyzed with fear. ~ Seth Godin,
555:We may be fucked up here, but that’s a whole nother level of fucked-upness. ~ Thomas Olde Heuvelt,
556:Just when I think it couldn't get any bigger, 'Tuskegee' reaches a new level of success. ~ Lionel Richie,
557:My level of intervention in the press, trying to control stories, is zero. Subzero. ~ Benjamin Netanyahu,
558:Once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
559:People can judge me on whatever level they think but I've always tried to make my own songs. ~ Girl Talk,
560:Seorang yang kompeten dalam level tertentu belum tentu kompeten pada level berikutnya ~ Laurence J Peter,
561:Strictly speaking, every citizen above a certain level of income is guilty of some offense. ~ Max Frisch,
562:Things change only in relation to one another. At a fundamental level, there is no time. ~ Carlo Rovelli,
563:War did not just level, it plowed the field, raising the muck and sinking the stubble. ~ Neal Stephenson,
564:When actresses play actresses, or actors play actors, they have to find another level. ~ Kristen Stewart,
565:Your only gain is to try to get me to fall down to your level. Man, you worser than devils. ~ Snoop Dogg,
566:10Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. ~ Anonymous,
567:Anger is like an intoxicant; it reduces man and degrades him to the level of an animal. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
568:An untamed mind is usually doing its level best to attain or to retain unhappiness. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
569:A person's level of income and their desire to give have nothing to do with one another. ~ John C Maxwell,
570:Campaigning in Wyoming is politics at its most retail level. It's done one voter at a time. ~ Mary Cheney,
571:First, mental illness per se is not incompatible with reliably functioning at a high level, ~ Bandy X Lee,
572:Great stories give us the grace of a mystical experience, on the level of the imagination. ~ Peter Kreeft,
573:It took years of training to achieve the level of silence with which a Ranger could move. ~ John Flanagan,
574:No war today could be called just, given the inevitable level of casualties and atrocities. ~ Walter Wink,
575:once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
576:Quite often, ambition operates on a level of irritation. Not even jealousy, just irritation. ~ Geoff Dyer,
577:The first level of practice is illuminated by the qualities of courage and renunciation. ~ Jack Kornfield,
578:The higher one’s level of helpfulness to others, the greater wellbeing one will experience. ~ Les Parrott,
579:The highest level of achievement is attained by the teams with the best conditioned players ~ Jack Ramsay,
580:the most basic level of commitment by a Christian to his church is surprisingly substantial. ~ Mark Dever,
581:Then, they took things to the next level: They founded an anonymized text repo together, ~ Annalee Newitz,
582:There is no salvation for us but to adopt Civilization and lift ourselves down to its level. ~ Mark Twain,
583:Time eventually positions most photographs, even the most amateurish, at the level of art. ~ Susan Sontag,
584:Total nonviolent non-cooperation has no place in popular Raj, whatever its level may be. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
585:Your level of your concentration decides the extent of the realization of your dreams. ~ Stephen Richards,
586:...because on some basic, soul-deep level within me, he is the solid ground beneath my feet. ~ C J Redwine,
587:Because the man is merciless. He fights at a level of brutality that is purely his own. ~ Kathryn Le Veque,
588:Do people want to change, or are they comfortable with the current level of performance? ~ L David Marquet,
589:I can't swim at the level I used to. I had to retire because of an injury to my shoulder. ~ Scott Speedman,
590:I feel the responsibility to make things which on some level have something positive to say. ~ Judd Apatow,
591:I think I've reduced the amount of blood in my caffeine system to an acceptable level. ~ Alastair Reynolds,
592:I try to get as close to a childlike level as possible because we were all artists back then. ~ Kanye West,
593:It's not like I'm not writing great music anymore, it's just that I want to take it another level. ~ Drake,
594:It’s so much easier to operate from a low emotional level and to give high-level advice. ~ Stephen R Covey,
595:My whole thing is being sexy without showing too much, because thats my comfort level. ~ Samaire Armstrong,
596:Ordinary matter is a secondary manifestation of the Grid, tracing its level of excitation. ~ Frank Wilczek,
598:Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall. In this life you can fall from any level. ~ Rick Joyner,
599:The ability to change constantly and effectively is made easier by high-level continuity. ~ Michael Porter,
600:The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
601:Admit that there is some level that would make even you call yourself the victim of class war. ~ David Brin,
602:A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias. ~ Stephen Richards,
603:All movies on some level can aspire to be more than just whatever the label is of the movie. ~ Nicolas Cage,
604:Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting. ~ Casey Kasem,
605:At a basic level, community unites us to a purpose bigger than our own lives as individuals. ~ Randy Frazee,
606:At a very basic level, I think television exists for game shows, and I think it always will. ~ Andy Richter,
607:But my happiness in this world - my level of peace - is never going to be dictated by acting. ~ Chris Evans,
608:By choosing to live above the ordinary level we create extraordinary problems for ourselves. ~ Henry Miller,
609:Everything is in our cellular level. My mom's is definitely in my cellular memory. ~ Natasha Gregson Wagner,
610:fifteen minutes on the treadmill at Level 1 is the recommendation of exactly zero doctors. ~ Kelly Corrigan,
611:I am always a great fan of keeping things on an eye level for comedy because it plays better. ~ James Bobin,
612:I played professional level sports. When you're playing for money, it's a whole other level. ~ Kurt Russell,
613:Is it not obvious that science only pretends to explain the cosmos on its fundamental level? ~ Robert Lanza,
614:It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw. ~ Damien Hirst,
615:I want to make films that are worthwhile, on some level, but also very entertaining. ~ Charles Martin Smith,
616:Jesse Ventura took American politics and raised it to the level of professional wrestling. ~ Argus Hamilton,
617:My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government. ~ Barack Obama,
618:So I try not to have any actual expectations for myself for any level of success or failure. ~ Gavin DeGraw,
619:The Japanese actually approach the music on a high level. It's always been on a high level. ~ Billy Higgins,
620:The only way an artist can communicate with the world at large is on the level of feeling. ~ Howard Hodgkin,
621:There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist. ~ Ayn Rand,
622:The satisfaction of producing a work of art is the thing of getting off on it on some level. ~ Jerry Garcia,
623:Vision drive innovation and keeps the energy level high when the inevitable setbacks occur. ~ Carmine Gallo,
624:Whatever it takes to get the image to reach that level is what that photographer needs to do. ~ John Sexton,
625:When you are angry, you make bad decisions in direct proportion to the level of your anger. ~ W E B Griffin,
626:When you practice Transcendental Meditation you are given a key to the deepest level of life. ~ David Lynch,
627:All life is experience, and one level is exchanged for another only when its lesson is learned. ~ Henry Ford,
628:Anywhere the struggle is great, the level of ingenuity and inventiveness is high. ~ Eleni Zaude Gabre Madhin,
629:Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people. ~ Vinton Cerf,
630:Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~ Mark Twain,
631:The external is an internal raised to the level of mystery - maybe it is also the other way round ~ Novalis,
632:The horizon is always approximately three miles away from you when viewed at sea level. ~ Catherine Steadman,
633:The human race finds itself in a better situation when it has the higher level of freedom. ~ Dante Alighieri,
634:[T]here are no hard problems, only problems that are hard to a certain level of intelligence. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
635:This book is about street-level cooking and its practitioners. Line cooks are the heroes. ~ Anthony Bourdain,
636:To deny the predictive validity of race at this level is nonscientific and unrealistic. ~ J Philippe Rushton,
637:We need to get back to a level of social responsibility that we haven't seen for a long time. ~ Billy Corgan,
638:At the level of their biochemistry, the barrier between bacteria and complex cells barely exists. ~ Nick Lane,
639:Everyone knows, on some deep level, the conversations in which they don’t belong. Chloe ~ Catherine Ryan Hyde,
640:Fiscal policy, monetary policy, they need to work together to try and raise the level of growth. ~ Joe Hockey,
641:Have you set high standards in the past that make it clear what level of performance you demand? ~ Tom Peters,
642:If you look at anything physical, you find out that at the quantum level, it is non-physical. ~ Deepak Chopra,
643:It helps if you remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness. ~ Deepak Chopra,
644:I think great movies have to have some great moments in them to bring them up to that level. ~ Clint Eastwood,
645:Kids, man. They'll be the ones to take mountain biking to the next level for us. You just watch ~ Gary Fisher,
646:No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code. ~ Ken Thompson,
647:On more practical level, sometimes joyfulness
could be more valuable than fighting for truth. ~ Toba Beta,
648:Power is the ability to translate, that is, to shift from one level of attention to another. ~ Frederick Lenz,
649:Radicalism and extremism, while they are dangers, they exist in every society on some level. ~ Edward Snowden,
650:That on a romantic level, if you feel it about somebody and it's pure, it means that they do too. ~ Sean Penn,
651:The excitement level for me working on projects is really not a bit different from when I was 26. ~ Amar Bose,
652:The general intellectual level of South Florida is somewhere just above "functionally retarded". ~ Tucker Max,
653:There's no point in lying saying I am doing really, really well because I'm not; I'm cult level. ~ Gary Numan,
654:Why then do our doctors and nurses not learn about the disease patterns on every income level? ~ Hans Rosling,
655:You can tell a person's level of spiritual devlopment simply by watching how much they give. ~ Frederick Lenz,
656:Could the highest level of “right theology” involve loving God and people like Jesus suggested? ~ Jen Hatmaker,
657:Everybody got a taste of success and everybody wants to keep elevating that to the next level. ~ Kevin Harvick,
658:If we really want to be full and generous in spirit, we have no choice but to trust at some level. ~ Rita Dove,
659:I'm living at a very intense discomfort level because my career has been predicated on safety. ~ Adam Shankman,
660:In real life, a lot of people at that level will have their kimonos made especially for them. ~ Colleen Atwood,
661:I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention. ~ Frederick Lenz,
662:Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it. ~ Gary Zukav,
663:Society was supposed to be better than its criminals, never stooping to their level of depravity. ~ Simon Wood,
664:That which attempts to elevate the ugly to the level of beauty becomes neither; but an obscenity. ~ John Donne,
665:The big optimizations come from refining the high-level design, not the individual routines. ~ Steve McConnell,
666:We only really, deeply consider what our life is when we're faced with mortality on some level. ~ Bryan Fuller,
667:Whole new level of bullshit, more like,” CeeJay said. “What a waste of a penis that guy is. ~ Mary Kay Andrews,
668:All art at a certain level is entertainment. We go to a tragedy by Sophocles to be entertained. ~ John Banville,
669:Badassery, I’m discovering, is a new level of confidence—in both yourself and those around you. ~ Shonda Rhimes,
670:He maintains the level of individuals. Too few individuals, and a people reverts to a mob.” His ~ Frank Herbert,
671:I don't understand why the accent you speak in has to indicate what level of intellect you have. ~ Paloma Faith,
672:I try to be a truthful artist and I try to show a level of courage. I enjoy that. I'm a messenger. ~ Jeff Koons,
673:Just because things get a little dingy at the subatomic level doesn't mean all bets are off. ~ Murray Gell Mann,
674:Pirate, level with me. What made you start talking?" "Me? I always talk. Why'd you start listening? ~ Angie Fox,
675:Probably, on some subconscious level, I was motivated by not wanting to spoon-feed any similar flavors. ~ Feist,
676:Procedural knowledge is largely subconscious, residing at the behavioral level of processing. ~ Donald A Norman,
677:That’s what I want. I want her on every fucking level. I want her so much I can’t do it to her. ~ Adriana Locke,
678:The absolute gut-level truth was that he had no desire for God to interrupt him in this way. ~ Elizabeth Musser,
679:The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. ~ Kate Chopin,
680:There was nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure. ~ Ross Macdonald,
681:The sight of the bare katana inspires everyone to a practically Nipponese level of politeness ~ Neal Stephenson,
682:Truth is, generally I like film festivals; somewhere at some level there's an exchange of ideas. ~ Willem Dafoe,
683:You challenge, rebel against me, and pushed me on every level. I wouldn't have it any other way. ~ Meghan March,
684:A lot of my work is with children and there's a reason for that, because they really level you. ~ Robert Carlyle,
685:A state's potential power is based on the size of its population and the level of its wealth. ~ John Mearsheimer,
686:At a certain level of suffering or injustice no one can do anything for anyone. Pain is solitary. ~ Albert Camus,
687:bazaar shoppers who wear dark glasses in order to hide their level of interest from merchants. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
688:Even within one person, yesterday and today, there are differences. We must look at a deeper level. ~ Dalai Lama,
689:Everybody will make mistakes, and for some that mistake will rise to the level of being a crime. ~ Kamala Harris,
690:In terms of having high hopes that the level of consciousness will get higher and higher, yeah. ~ Anthony Kiedis,
691:level. The part that shares the last double chocolate chip cookie or donates to charity or gives a ~ Nicola Yoon,
692:Most rappers taste level ain't at my waist level. Turn up the bass 'til it's up in your face level. ~ Kanye West,
693:Once you get that addiction of realizing what you can do, you want to take that to the next level. ~ Gina Carano,
694:People weep at music all the time, because music gives form to some abstract level of integration. ~ Joe Bradley,
695:Social science affirms that a woman's place in society marks the level of civilization. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
696:Still, as I have said, accepting that God loved me was something I did only on the level of theory. ~ Rod Dreher,
697:The great thing about art on any level is that it can speak to all people if it's achieved properly. ~ Kate Bush,
698:The market makers are selling out at this level! It is the first sign of a move by the insiders. ~ Anna Coulling,
699:The quality of any creative endeavor tends to approach the level of taste of whoever is in charge. ~ John Gruber,
700:There is no man so insecure as a bottom-level functionary in a sinecure he has held for a long time. ~ Glen Cook,
701:The sight of the bare katana inspires everyone to a practically Nipponese level of politeness. ~ Neal Stephenson,
702:When it becomes clear that no one else shares your level of passion, you are where you belong. ~ Placido Domingo,
703:While decisions tap our willpower, the food we eat is also a key player in our level of willpower. ~ Gary Keller,
704:Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence. ~ Laurence J Peter,
705:All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions—fear or love. ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
706:As man's faculty attains higher level of development and sophistication, so do his wants in life ~ Haile Selassie,
707:A team in the business world will tend to perform at the level of the worst individual team member ~ Reid Hoffman,
708:Awareness, even at a subconscious level, beats fancy checklists without it, track or you will fail. ~ Tim Ferriss,
709:But I … I don’t want to do something to you that you don’t at least at some level want me to do. ~ Laurelin Paige,
710:but unless Western populations can rise to the level of Egyptians they’re going to remain victims. ~ Noam Chomsky,
711:Everyone has the notion that hip-hop is messy and loose, but there's also another level to it. ~ Laurieann Gibson,
712:Film actors reach a certain level, but they don't get beyond it unless they work in the theater. ~ Shirley Knight,
713:Get comfortable being uncomfortable, that's how you break the plateau and reach the next level. ~ Chalene Johnson,
714:I don't feel like I have the intelligence to really inhabit a consistently high level of prose. ~ George Saunders,
715:I'm always without sleep. I've got two kids. I understand sleep deprivation on a profound level. ~ Cate Blanchett,
716:In most cases the only difference between depression and disappointment is your level of commitment. ~ Marc Maron,
717:I think that, on some level, everybody lives vicariously through couples who are getting married. ~ Amy Dickinson,
718:I try to create characters that I am fascinated by on some level or intrigued by or can't stand. ~ Terry McMillan,
719:It's the nature of it. The players will want to compete at the highest level they possibly can. ~ Brendan Rodgers,
720:No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”—Albert Einstein ~ Timothy Ferriss,
721:Poverty on both a personal and worldwide level is supported by our collective belief in scarcity. ~ Shakti Gawain,
722:Rightly or wrongly, he used the level of chaos in his flat, as a thermometer for the state of his life. ~ Jo Nesb,
723:She lifted me up so that my face was level with hers. And then we turned to look at the world. ~ Melanie Benjamin,
724:There's an incredible comfort level that I have on film sets because it's where I've grown up. ~ Daniel Radcliffe,
725:The scholastic level of that school down the street, Atticus, couldn’t be any lower and you know it. ~ Harper Lee,
726:This is the nature of going forward into being: A series of self-transforming ascents of level. ~ Terence McKenna,
727:Writing is a necessary thing for me, just to keep myself level. It has beneficial effects on my life. ~ Nick Cave,
728:All around us we see a level of individual wealth unequaled since the early years of the 20th century. ~ Tony Judt,
729:But if being on the level didn't shield you from pain, maybe it was better to be up in the clouds. ~ Julian Barnes,
730:Community action is as valuable a principle on the international level as it has been domestically. ~ Barney Frank,
731:Every act of genuine creativity means achieving a higher level of self-awareness and personal freedom. ~ Rollo May,
732:He had not spoken to a desirable woman who was not at some level his enemy or a whore since 1944. ~ Michael Chabon,
733:Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create, to educate people on a larger level and to make a change. ~ Doug E Fresh,
734:I believe that given the audience attention level, we could do an even more compelling 90 minutes. ~ Vince McMahon,
735:I had to fight the urge to turn on him and level my sword at the shrunken black nugget of his heart. ~ Chloe Neill,
736:It’s not only the audacity of the goal but also the level of commitment to the goal that counts. ~ James C Collins,
737:Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. ~ G K Chesterton,
738:Sometimes people meet and none of the surface-level stuffs matters because they see past all that ~ Colleen Hoover,
739:Tala had proven herself to be level headed, more so than most of the women Graham had ever encountered. ~ A R Shaw,
740:To have a successful marriage, a man must, on a fundamental level be scared shitless of his wife. ~ Dustin Hoffman,
741:When a man writes on a wall, his instinct leads him to write above the level of his own eyes. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
742:You can't possibly have a reasonable expectation of privacy at your income level. ~ Gregory Scott Katsoulis,
743:Attitudes toward other creatures is conditioned by one's level of security within the universe. ~ Mamphela Ramphele,
744:Daughter: Dad, what is called a 'sea level'? Dad: Why do you want to know? Daughter: Because my geography ~ Various,
745:Department of Homeland Security. “Each one of them is mid- to upper-level management in their agencies. ~ Brad Thor,
746:I always loved music, but it's not something I thought I was gonna approach on a professional level. ~ Meital Dohan,
747:I didn't watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He's not at this level. ~ Floyd Mayweather Jr,
748:I do think, you know, you don't have to have 30 billion, but you have a certain level of freedom. ~ Hillary Clinton,
749:if you want to experience a mountain peak, you either elevate yourself to that level, or simply look up. ~ Sadhguru,
750:I know very well about the necessary level of reserves of the Central Bank as well as the purpose. ~ Vladimir Putin,
751:is hard to think of a cause of death that kills fewer people in countries on Level 4 than terrorism. ~ Hans Rosling,
752:I want to dominate a little more, just be a level beyond everyone else. I expect that from myself. ~ Andre Iguodala,
753:Our task is to accept each moment and move on from there, continuing to do our level best. ~ John Daishin Buksbazen,
754:The integrity of an artist lifts a man above the level of the world without delivering him from it. ~ Thomas Merton,
755:They know him at molecular level. He lives in them like chains of matter that determine who they are. ~ Don DeLillo,
756:Though I wouldn’t know for years that I’d been an accident, I felt the knowledge at an atomic level. ~ Sarah Smarsh,
757:Traumatic events always happen exactly two years before I reach the maturity level to deal with them. ~ Tim Sandlin,
758:When the pressure is on, you don't rise to the occasion. You fall to the highest level of preparation. ~ Chris Voss,
759:When the pressure is on, you don’t rise to the occasion—you fall to your highest level of preparation. ~ Chris Voss,
760:when things get really hard and people are really afraid, they sink to the level of their training. ~ Eric Greitens,
761:A flow of happiness and abundance will manifest when you have reached the deepest level of yourSelf. ~ Deepak Chopra,
762:A problem is solved not by confronting it directly, but by going to a level where no problem exists. ~ Deepak Chopra,
763:Do not answer the stupid one according to his foolishness, So that you do not put yourself on his level. ~ Anonymous,
764:For me, the peculiar qualities of faith are a logical outcome of this level of biological organization. ~ E O Wilson,
765:If you can raise the level of effort and performance in those around you, you are officially a leader. ~ Urban Meyer,
766:I must be the mate of the man I had chosen; and if he would not come to my level, I must go to his. ~ Jane Swisshelm,
767:I stopped explaining myself when I realized other people only understand from their level of perception. ~ Anonymous,
768:I think, on a surface level, people are surprised to see me playing such a passive role in 'Good.' ~ Viggo Mortensen,
769:I've always done roles that really appealed to me on a gut level and which I found inspiring. ~ Jennifer Jason Leigh,
770:Levellers wish to level down as far as themselves; but they cannot bear levelling up to themselves. ~ Samuel Johnson,
771:Making this level of profitability all the more remarkable was the state of the world’s economy in 1819. ~ Anonymous,
772:Once you achieve a certain level of success or fame, it becomes really difficult to go against type. ~ Famke Janssen,
773:One of the biggest changes for me on a practical level of shooting the film was having a second unit. ~ Duncan Jones,
774:The higher the level of knowledge and power, the greater must be our sense of moral responsibility. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
775:The level of civilization in Texas definitely wasn't very high if the old man was an example of it. ~ Larry McMurtry,
776:The other piece besides focus for execution is intensity. Startups only work at a fairly intense level. ~ Sam Altman,
777:There are two things that turn a boy into a man; the size of his dick and the level of his patience. ~ M F Moonzajer,
778:To paraphrase Descartes again: "I think; therefore I have no access to the level where I sum. ~ Douglas R Hofstadter,
779:We are so materially well off, yet so psychologically tormented in so many low-level and shallow ways. ~ Mark Manson,
780:When you arrive at a certain level it's very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no. ~ Jose Carreras,
781:While JFK had made the sale on a political level, he had not yet completed it on an emotional one. ~ David Pietrusza,
782:You have to get to the next level, or you're gonna get stuck where you are for the rest of your life. ~ Corey Taylor,
783:Beyond banking, cell phones are now enabling improvement at every level of our abundance pyramid. ~ Peter H Diamandis,
784:Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level. ~ Eileen Caddy,
785:Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be. ~ Carlos Castaneda,
786:I felt intimidated. I felt less than, not equal, and on a completely different, un-relatable level. ~ Portia de Rossi,
787:If you haven't had a major fail in your career - face-plant level - you aren't trying hard enough. ~ Sallie Krawcheck,
788:I'm trying to keep a level head. You have to be careful out in the world. It's so easy to get turned. ~ Elvis Presley,
789:Individual differences in testosterone level predict very little about differences in aggression. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
790:[In New York,] when you say you're an actor, there's a certain level of respect that goes with that. ~ Condola Rashad,
791:I took a Groundlings class in my 20s, and I was terrible. They didn't even pass me to the next level. ~ Rashida Jones,
792:It will level the playing field, ... It will give American workers choice, confidence and also control. ~ Elaine Chao,
793:Keeping my voice level, I shook my head. Mustn't enrage the antisocial monster standing five feet away. ~ J C Daniels,
794:Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~ George Carlin,
795:No drug in the universe will make you feel better, at the deepest level, than being kind to other people. ~ Matt Haig,
796:Not being anxious requires a level of humility, doesn't it? It does, I think. It's not all about you. ~ Rupert Graves,
797:Restoring the level of available sugar in the brain had prevented the deterioration of performance. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
798:The best leaders...almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols. ~ Tom Peters,
799:The causal body is like DNA or RNA in that it is the coding that determines your level of evolution. ~ Frederick Lenz,
800:The man who has done his level best... is a success, even though the world may write him down a failure. ~ B C Forbes,
801:The more expanded your sense of self, the more possibilities are released from the level of the soul. ~ Deepak Chopra,
802:The problems of today can only be solved at a higher level of thinking than that which created them ~ Albert Einstein,
803:The problems that exist in this world can not be solved by the level of thinking that created them. ~ Albert Einstein,
804:When you start out as a filmmaker, you do parodies, because you can't really compete on a studio level. ~ Bill Paxton,
805:You can never connect on a deeper level if you idolise someone - you don't see the real person. ~ Alexander Skarsgard,
806:America is replicated at every level of British life, from the taxi driver to the prime minister. ~ Timothy Garton Ash,
807:And if God has given you a lot of ability, I believe you should be held to a higher level of expectation. ~ Tony Dungy,
808:An imaginary perfection is automatically at the same level as I who imagine it neither higher nor lower. ~ Simone Weil,
809:at some level you remain an orphan for life; looking after children is one way of looking after yourself. ~ Ian McEwan,
810:At the university level, this perspective is commonplace – and that leads to ideological discrimination. ~ Ben Shapiro,
811:Conferences at the top level are always courteous. Name-calling is left to the foreign ministers. ~ W Averell Harriman,
812:For me, the ultimate form of expression is blues, where jazz appeals to me on an intellectual level. ~ Scott Henderson,
813:had reached a new level, and anger and suspicion were my first reactions to the world around me. Burt’s ~ Daniel Keyes,
814:I relate to [women and children in women's shelters] on a personal level because I've been there myself. ~ Nia Sanchez,
815:Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~ Mark Twain,
816:Princess, the age of some people can only be calculated by the level of - level of - rot in them. ~ Tennessee Williams,
817:Profound melancholia is a day-in, day-out, night-in, night-out, almost arterial level of agony. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison,
818:Really interesting novels, they always are so demanding of you on some level that you don't fall asleep. ~ Ben Katchor,
819:Separation before elevation. You have to let some people and things go so you can go to the next level. ~ Tony Gaskins,
820:She’d always been small, and it had always pissed her off, though she’d reached a level of acceptance now ~ James Hunt,
821:Sometimes I rise above my level, sometimes I fall below it, but always I fall short of the things I dream. ~ H G Wells,
822:The best leaders... almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols. ~ Tom Peters,
823:The best that most of us can hope to achieve in physics is simply to misunderstand at a deeper level. ~ Wolfgang Pauli,
824:The criminals will be humiliated... To hurt the enemy more, raise the level of your attacks. ~ Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf,
825:The next best thing is to work with those who are not quite there yet to bring them up to that level. ~ Frederick Lenz,
826:There's political content in almost every song we've ever written on some level. It colors everything. ~ Aaron Dessner,
827:the well-being of the other person is more important than the current comfort level in the relationship. ~ Bill Hybels,
828:We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training.” —Archilochus ~ Timothy Ferriss,
829:Wonderland is violent and bizarre, but charming in its way. AnyElsewhere is a whole new level of cruelty. ~ A G Howard,
830:Your tools have elevated gossip, hearsay and conjecture to the level of valid, mainstream communication. ~ Dave Eggers,
831:A poet's mission is to make words do more work than they normally do, to make them work on more than one level. ~ Jay Z,
832:At the atomic level, matter does not even exist with certainty; it only exists as a tendency to exist. ~ Bruce H Lipton,
833:At the most basic level, competition in health care must take place where value is actually created. ~ Michael E Porter,
834:being that all of my intelligence is wasted in the classroom, my common sense is at exactly level zero. ~ Kandi Steiner,
835:By now I’ve mastered the art of noticing his bulge without looking directly at it, a Jedi-level skill. ~ J T Geissinger,
836:Cultivate the habit of early rising. It is unwise to keep the head long on a level with the feet. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
837:Education no longer stops on graduation day. We must demand excellence at every level of education. ~ William J Clinton,
838:I should run, but I can't. I'm drawn to him on some deep, elemental level that I can't begin to understand. ~ E L James,
839:I studied voice for about two years with an amazing coach, and I never rose above the level of mediocre. ~ Danny Strong,
840:It is clear that Messi is on a level above all others. Those who do not see that are blind. ~ Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva,
841:It takes being together to another level when you go to bed for a purpose larger than your own feelings. ~ Tayari Jones,
842:I will work to bring peace to everyone - whatever economic level - as long as you are Haitian. ~ Jean Bertrand Aristide,
843:On some level, although we can’t handle the pain of acknowledging it, Good Friday happens every day. ~ Nadia Bolz Weber,
844:Restore your attention or bring it to a new level by dramatically slowing down whatever you're doing. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
845:The future will erase everything—there's no level of fame or genius that allows you to transcend oblivion. ~ John Green,
846:The life of a couple is lived on the mental level of the more mediocre of the two beings who compose it. ~ Andr Maurois,
847:The person who suffers from inner poverty is relentlessly driven to accumulate on the material level. ~ David R Hawkins,
848:We are always at the mercy of powers greater than us, even when our power is at its highest level! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
849:When the pressure is on, you don’t rise to the occasion—you fall to your highest level of preparation. One ~ Chris Voss,
850:When you are afraid of someone, they can gain power over you, meaning they can drop your energy level. ~ Frederick Lenz,
851:When you think you're good, you will play at that level. If you doubt yourself, you will play like crap. ~ Kurt Russell,
852:Yet to know oneself, at the deepest level, is simultaneously to know God; this is the secret of gnosis. ~ Elaine Pagels,
853:At a certain level of learning and understanding,
right or wrong ain't the issue, but different interest. ~ Toba Beta,
854:But a constant, low-level background of crime may help a society become more robust, more resilient. ~ Alastair Reynolds,
855:By dedicating so much concentration to the issue of security, bilateral matters pass to a secondary level. ~ Vicente Fox,
856:Cultures have gone down and rebuilt again and I'm sure we're all facing the same level of extinction. ~ Justin Broadrick,
857:Deeply funny musings and adventures elevate Paul Rudnick to the highest level of American comedy writing. ~ Steve Martin,
858:During meditation your metabolism and your breath rate go down to a level of rest, twice that of deep sleep. ~ Mike Love,
859:Fear is felt by writers at every level. Anxiety accompanies the first word they put on paper and the last. ~ Ralph Keyes,
860:Framingham who maintained a cholesterol level lower than 150 mg/dL has had a heart attack.3 So ~ Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr,
861:I learned that once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
862:I think if I wasn't in very high level, I never will be in the team. Cause I was high, in very high level. ~ Olga Korbut,
863:Literature is that which denounces and slashes apart the repressing machine at the level of the signified. ~ Kathy Acker,
864:Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
865:Past sea level varied by 10–20 meters (30–60 feet) for each 1C change in the global average temperature. ~ Peter Brannen,
866:Politically there were failures. And also on the personal level, there were tremendous failures. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger,
867:So Emily, how's your pain level on a scale of one to ten?"
"My head's a seven. The boots are twenty. ~ Julie Brannagh,
868:The future will erase everything. There's no level of fame or genius that allows you to transcend oblivion. ~ John Green,
869:War. What was it about the prospect of some bloody enterprises that reduced men to the level of animals? ~ David Gemmell,
870:We must use collegiality not to level people down but to bring together their strength and creativity. ~ Andy Hargreaves,
871:You have to sink way down to a level of hopelessness and desperation to find the book that you can write. ~ Susan Sontag,
872:Acting is a sport, like a game of tennis, and you and your opponent take turns setting the level of play. ~ Shawnee Smith,
873:Admiration takes on a whole new level when you appreciate just how complex it is to run a modern business. ~ Ursula Burns,
874:An enormous problem with paid media, especially at the congressional level, is it all starts to look alike. ~ Roger Ailes,
875:Creative Arts raise a person to another level of consciousness as if you could imagine life before words. ~ Charlie Haden,
876:Every experience that we have is unique to us because at some deep level we make an interpretation of it. ~ Deepak Chopra,
877:For many women today, on a personal level, the problem is not male dominance so much as male desertion. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
878:I approach most things in life with a dangerous level of confidence to balance my generally low self-esteem. ~ Roxane Gay,
879:I had reached a level of sophistication at which I could know I was fooling myself and still fool myself. ~ Wendell Berry,
880:I think, by and large, the level of acting is mediocre. When I go to the theatre, I get so angry. I don't go. ~ Uta Hagen,
881:It looks better. I mean, it’s still creepy as hell, but it’s back to its regular level of creepy. ~ Rachel Hawkins,
882:It's always lovely to be part of a project that, on a creative level, is done for all the right reasons. ~ Elaine Cassidy,
883:It's good to have critics because that's what motivates you and helps you take your game to another level. ~ Michael Vick,
884:Ive been interested in watching the level of conservative misinformation that circulates through the media. ~ David Brock,
885:Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson’s research into these questions—distilled in their book The Spirit Level ~ Johann Hari,
886:My level of sarcasm has gotten to the point where even I don’t know whether I’m kidding or not. -T-shirt ~ Lani Lynn Vale,
887:Should #‎ graffiti be judged on the same level as modern art? Of course not: It's way more important than that ~ Banksy,
888:Sins cut boldly up through every class in society, but mere misdemeanours show a certain level in life. ~ Elizabeth Bowen,
889:The future will erase everything - there's no level of fame or genius that allows you to transcend oblivion. ~ John Green,
890:The level of our educational development is high and serves as a strong basis for our future progress. ~ Hassanal Bolkiah,
891:the silent witness is that level where you know yourself, without regard for what others think they know. ~ Deepak Chopra,
892:The solution is never at the level of the problem. The solution is always love, which is beyond problems. ~ Deepak Chopra,
893:When a corporation kills people, it pays fines. Ironic, isn’t it? Pure capitalism, taken to a new level. ~ Matthew Mather,
894:When you're serving at the local level, you have to build strong personal relationships to get things done. ~ Wendy Davis,
895:Writing plays for me is often an act of looking at basement-level fears in terms of where they come from. ~ Stephen Karam,
896:Your ability to see beauty and possibility is proportionate to the level at which you embrace gratitude. ~ Steve Maraboli,
897:At the most subtle level, your inner intelligence is steadily progressing along the corridors of eternity. ~ Deepak Chopra,
898:Charity separates the rich from the poor; aid raises the needy and sets him on the same level with the rich. ~ Evita Peron,
899:Deficits do not in themselves produce inflation, nor does a balanced budget assure a stable price level. ~ William Vickrey,
900:Gross compassion quotient (GCQ) of a country is the measure of the level of compassion of the country as whole. ~ Amit Ray,
901:How many processes are going on, to keep that teacup level in your grasp? There must be a hundred of them. ~ Marvin Minsky,
902:I believe that it is in my power to elevate myself this very hour above the common level of my life. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
903:I'm not from a lower social level, but I think I relate more to lower levels then to people who've got money. ~ Gaspar Noe,
904:I never had a coach teach me, my style of batting, nor do I believe in coaching at an international level. ~ Shahid Afridi,
905:I think the reason Jesus is so popular, just on a celebrity level, is that he died at the peak of his career. ~ Marc Maron,
906:It is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of high maturity, to rise to the level of self-criticism. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
907:It is not the role of government to use the taxation and welfare system as a tool to level the playing field. ~ Joe Hockey,
908:It’s good for him. No man should get every woman he wants. Keeps their douchebaggery to a tolerable level. ~ Jamie McGuire,
909:rise to a higher level of freedom. We are not being called to run away from danger but toward safety. ~ Gerald G Jampolsky,
910:Sometimes with a comedy it's just having the instinct of how real you play it and what level you want it. ~ Robin Williams,
911:The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop,
912:the most successful companies in the world are the ones that know their target audiences at an intimate level. ~ Anonymous,
913:We know in one part of our brains that we are all going to die, but on some level we don’t quite believe it. ~ Nora Ephron,
914:Your leadership skills determine the level of your success, and the success of those who work around you. ~ John C Maxwell,
915:As an actor, that's nerve-wracking enough [drunk and doing coke] because you have to do it at the right level. ~ Ray Romano,
916:A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth. ~ Franz Bardon,
917:Conflict is a natural part of existence. Life is a struggle for survival for every organism at every level. ~ Bryant McGill,
918:Fashion, which elevates the bad to the level of the good, subsequently turns its back on bad and good alike. ~ Eric Bentley,
919:For the film to 'earn' the right to be criticized on a scientific level is a high compliment indeed. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
920:However, I think I managed to reach a new level with Koko, and I will always be grateful for the experience. ~ Peter Straub,
921:If somebody would come and they're not playing music, they would encounter certain people on another level. ~ Billy Higgins,
922:If we treat people as who they can become, they will be inspired to rise to the level of our expectations. ~ John C Maxwell,
923:If you're satisfied with everything you're just going to stay at one level and the world will move ahead. ~ Michael Jackson,
924:I grew up in a very modest house. We were poor-we lived on the poverty level. We all got jobs as young kids. ~ Chely Wright,
925:I intend to fight to ensure that Connecticut workers have a level playing field when competing for jobs. ~ Christopher Dodd,
926:I’m going to mark your cognition level at fifty-five percent.” “Fuck you.” “Let’s make that sixty percent.”) ~ Martha Wells,
927:My maturity level is rising. I think there are certain situations that I'm handling better than in the past. ~ Frank Thomas,
928:Technology has developed to a whole other level and theres the scientist part of me that loves that stuff. ~ Herbie Hancock,
929:Temporal landmarks slow our thinking, allowing us to deliberate at a higher level and make better decisions ~ Daniel H Pink,
930:These purchases were what she would use to prove to the loose women of Limbe that she was not at their level. ~ Imbolo Mbue,
931:The trick is learning which what goes where and does what.” “That was some Tennant-level vaguebabble. ~ Michael R Underwood,
932:They connected on every level - mental, philosophical, emotional. But she couldn't have him, not all of him. ~ Nicole Mones,
933:Top-level leaders in all walks of life spend much more time requesting advice than they do in giving it. ~ David J Schwartz,
934:We decentralise the ability to decide the level of publicity that's attached to any of our communications. ~ Edward Snowden,
935:What you value at the highest level needs to be in alignment with your partner or you will have conflict. ~ Shannon L Alder,
936:Wondering aloud, If we were orcs, wouldn't we, at a racial level, imagine ourselves to look like elves? ~ Junot D az,
937:A major criterion for judging the anxiety level of any society is the loss of its capacity to be playful. ~ Edwin H Friedman,
938:A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth. ~ Franz Bardon,
939:At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift, and no recipient... only the universe rearranging itself. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn,
940:Beauty I couldn’t control, but kicking him in the head to prove my dominance was well within my skill level. ~ Shannon Mayer,
941:Extreme corruption steals our dignity from us as human beings and degrades us to the level of animals, ~ Jeanne Marie Laskas,
942:If you don't like affirmative action, what is your plan to guarantee a level playing field of opportunity? ~ Maynard Jackson,
943:If you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them, at the cultural level any reflection of themselves ~ Junot Diaz,
944:Imagine if we could all see illness and adversity as opportunities to expand our love on a soul level. ~ Laura Lynne Jackson,
945:I’m drawn to you in a way that even if fifty years passed, I would still crave you on a primal level. ~ Aurora Rose Reynolds,
946:I'm not hugely technical with things, but I guess that the thing I use most is my iPhone, on a practical level. ~ Matt Smith,
947:I’m only a Level 16 Dragon,” I went on in an innocent tone, resurrecting the mad devils in Plinto’s eyes. ~ Vasily Mahanenko,
948:It's an awesome responsibility, not only to maintain the level of success the NFL has, but to build on that. ~ Roger Goodell,
949:I've never treated anyone in my band like they're not on the same level as me. I'm not that kind of person. ~ Marilyn Manson,
950:Life is profligate, blind at this level unconcerned with notions of justice. It can afford to waste multitudes. ~ Carl Sagan,
951:Our success already exists on a spiritual level; it's a matter of pulling it into the physical world. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach,
952:Provided one has the correct level of vitamin, mineral and nutritional input, the body can overcome disease. ~ Linus Pauling,
953:Second, the biblical principle of “ask, seek, and knock” is prudent advice for gaining a higher level of access. ~ T D Jakes,
954:The ability to connect and influence people, that's the job of a leader. And we're all leaders at some level. ~ Tony Robbins,
955:The body is a very low level machine language. The language of the soul, of the mind, is much more evolved. ~ Frederick Lenz,
956:The level of consumption that we identify with success is utterly unsustainable. We're gobbling up the world. ~ John Robbins,
957:Those who can think, but cannot express what they think, place themselves at the level of those who cannot think. ~ Pericles,
958:Too many people reach a level where their performance is "good enough" and then stop working on getting better ~ Gary Keller,
959:We tend to feel most comfortable, "most at home", with people whose self esteem level resembles our own. ~ Nathaniel Branden,
960:When I'm healthy, I can still pitch. I know I can still pitch at that level and get the results that I want. ~ Randy Johnson,
961:Where much is expected from an individual, he may rise to the level of events and make the dream come true. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
962:within a couple of weeks even earthquake survivors return to their normal level of unfounded optimism. ~ Daniel Todd Gilbert,
963:Women, I have long believed, are the more evolved of the species and have attained some higher level of being. ~ Paul Levine,
964:You can "prove" anything on the verbal level, just be accepting the necessary axioms at the beginning. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
965:You have to adhere to a certain morality, a certain level of decorum, or else you'll be punished and labeled. ~ Margaret Cho,
966:You must improve yourself on a higher level if you are to be able to help people, and not just weep over them. ~ Idries Shah,
967:Anybody can put sexual content to music, but I feel like I took it to a next level where it's a mood or feel. ~ Willie Taylor,
968:British men are peacocks. You see a lot more style on the streets here than you see anywhere else, on every level. ~ Tom Ford,
969:emptiness is a good sign; that it presages openness to a new level of awareness, new insights, new experiences. ~ Dan Simmons,
970:I don't think that anyone can really understand anything until it's understood on a cellular, emotional level. ~ Rebecca Hall,
971:Interference between universes at the quantum level means that information transfer takes place between them. ~ James P Hogan,
972:In the state of mind in which we "observe" we are a long way below the level to which we rise when we create. ~ Marcel Proust,
973:in the state of mind in which we “observe” we are a long way below the level to which we rise when we create. ~ Marcel Proust,
974:I think everybody ought to be allowed to be engaged in athletics at whatever level the audience will accept. ~ Gerald McRaney,
975:I think of art as the highest level of creativity. To me, it is one of the greatest sources of enjoyment. ~ David Rockefeller,
976:My early films were about self discovery, and films of internal conflict. At that level, they were very personal. ~ Ira Sachs,
977:Oh, how this sucked. This sucked so thoroughly. It was hard to even quantify the level of suck involved here. ~ F Paul Wilson,
978:People in positions of power and privilege have a duty to perform at a higher level. If not them, then who? ~ Kathleen Parker,
979:People who succeed at the highest level are not lucky; they're doing something differently than everyone else. ~ Tony Robbins,
980:Perhaps it is only when people are somewhere near the starvation level that they have anything to sing about. ~ George Orwell,
981:So you’re going to descend to his level?” “No, I’m just going to make sure I get his mates before he gets mine. ~ J K Rowling,
982:The carpeting on the stair risers caught, racing up to the first-floor level as if to tell dreadful good news. ~ Stephen King,
983:The good guys had to operate on a higher level than the killers--just for society to keep track of who was who. ~ Keith Ablow,
984:The purpose of art is to raise people to a higher level of awareness than they would otherwise attain on their own. ~ Brassai,
985:There comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness . . . that time is now. ~ Wangari Maathai,
986:The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. ~ Albert Einstein,
987:Times are ripe to discuss about the vote right, at least on an administrative level, for immigrant persons. ~ Gianfranco Fini,
988:Twenty-five percent of the Netherlands is reclaimed land. The whole country is sixteen feet below sea level. ~ Sidney Sheldon,
989:Wages therefore tend to the lowest possible level compatible with keeping an adequate supply of workers alive. ~ Peter Singer,
990:You have to be involved during midterm elections, you have to care about what happens at a school board level. ~ Barack Obama,
991:Aaron was one of the few Jewish volunteers in our study, and I felt a certain kinship with him at that level. ~ Rick Strassman,
992:And one of the most important values of Barack Obama is that he will always level with the American people. ~ Charlie Gonzalez,
993:classic example of the Peter Principle at work. Walder had successfully risen to the level of his incompetence. ~ Blake Pierce,
994:Even the small amount of infamy I have makes me uncomfortable - on a personal level and on a professional level. ~ John Hawkes,
995:Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any level in perfection is the pause of happiness ~ Leo Tolstoy,
996:I don't like the word rock opera, but I'm trying to write on that level that's reserved for plays still, or novels. ~ Lou Reed,
997:If you don't go to every level of your company, you distance yourself from the marketplace and from your people. ~ Aaron Levie,
998:if you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them, at the cultural level, any reflection of themselves. ~ Junot D az,
999:I have my whole office set-up at waist level; I don't sit at all during the day. Sitting, to me, is the devil. ~ Dean Karnazes,
1000:I just want to get to the level where I can say that that's my level, just try to play well, get up there. ~ Jennifer Capriati,
1001:I'm in Cleveland. I enjoy myself. I enjoy going out and competing at highest level for the Cleveland Cavaliers. ~ Kyrie Irving,
1002:In any human interaction, the required amount of communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust. ~ Ben Horowitz,
1003:In other words, the bar should be maintained at the level of a pluralistic and participatory democracy. ~ Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
1004:is that you are responsible for what you think because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. ~ Helen Schucman,
1005:I think everything we do, on one level or another, as writers, most of our writing is informed by our world view. ~ Ted Dekker,
1006:I think it takes a certain level of trust to sit next to someone and not feel the pressing urge to babble away. ~ Elle Kennedy,
1007:It's not really the life of cooking that's hard - it's what you make of it and what level you push yourself to. ~ Grant Achatz,
1008:On a relative level where we live, we need to have a sense of identity, otherwise we'd fall apart, wouldn't we? ~ Tenzin Palmo,
1009:Sometimes a flame must level a forest to ash before new growth can begin. I believe Wonderland needed a scouring. ~ A G Howard,
1010:The price of a pair of high heels is not necessarily proportionate to their comfort level, as it turns out. ~ Jessica Strawser,
1011:The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ~ Mark Gungor,
1012:The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. ~ Albert Einstein,
1013:We live on two levels ... the realistic level and the fantastic level, and which is the real one, really? ~ Tennessee Williams,
1014:When you hold a grudge, you want someone else’s sorrow to reflect your level of hurt but the two rarely meet. ~ Steve Maraboli,
1015:Age is just a number. If someone can perform at 45, who will stop that fellow from playing top-level cricket? ~ Harbhajan Singh,
1016:Albert Einstein goes, “The problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
1017:AMC is a fantastic network that does diverse programming, and does it at a really good level and of great quality. ~ Jamie Bell,
1018:And being honest at every level is really the most effective habit of all if you want to have massive success. ~ James Altucher,
1019:Arguing with him is like arguing with a madman—he’ll drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience. ~ K F Breene,
1020:[A]s a parent you just have no idea what anything means. On some level everything your kids do and say is in code. ~ Bill Clegg,
1021:A small country like Georgia has little influence on conflicts that must be resolved at the global level. ~ Bidzina Ivanishvili,
1022:Chemical and biological attacks are scary and will kill a lot of people but dont rise to the level of nuclear. ~ Nelson DeMille,
1023:Great passions are for the great of soul, and great events can be seen only by those who are on a level with them ~ Oscar Wilde,
1024:If speculative ideas can not be tested, they're not science; they don't even rise to the level of being wrong. ~ Wolfgang Pauli,
1025:If there’s one thing the AT teaches, it is low-level ecstasy—something we could all do with more of in our lives. ~ Bill Bryson,
1026:I'm neither professional fighter nor physicist, therefore on some level I will always consider myself a failure. ~ Dov Davidoff,
1027:It's a product of the fractal laws that govern the world at an informational level. There is no deeper truth. ~ Terence McKenna,
1028:Mad Men' was really my first television role, and it never feels like TV to me. It's done at such a high level. ~ January Jones,
1029:Maybe increasing the aggregate level of happiness in the world is one way to try and hold back the crash. ~ Charlie Jane Anders,
1030:Michael Jordan didn’t make his sophomore team because he was deemed too short and average to play at that level. ~ Sean Patrick,
1031:Mom is the most unconditionally loving person I will ever know, and she has always supported me on every level. ~ Rashida Jones,
1032:On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a joyous energy behind what you do. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1033:On an emotional level, I don't want to be a guide. I want people to hear things and experience them their own way. ~ Jenny Hval,
1034:One might almost define intelligence as the level at which an aware organism demands, 'What's in it for me? ~ Robert A Heinlein,
1035:Reduced to a miserable mass level, the level of a Hitler, German Romanticism broke out into hysterical barbarism. ~ Thomas Mann,
1036:Sea level rise and destruction of water resources as glaciers melt alone may have horrendous human consequences. ~ Noam Chomsky,
1037:That’s ridiculous, Roland,” Mom says. “This is Louisiana, we don’t have basements because of the water level. ~ Leah Rae Miller,
1038:Today's beauty ideal, strictly enforced by the media, is a person with the same level of body fat as a paper clip. ~ Dave Barry,
1039:Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups. ~ Stephen Jay Gould,
1040:Being on the spiritual path means you want to be a success in an existential sphere, not just on a social level. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
1041:Cooking hasn't yet been accepted as the art form it is. It should be on the level with any of the other art forms. ~ Julia Child,
1042:If there is one thing the AT teaches, it is low-level ecstasy—something we could all do with more of in our lives. ~ Bill Bryson,
1043:In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible. ~ Stuart Wilde,
1044:In one level, Om is the self-organizing power of the universe and self-awareness is the process to access that power. ~ Amit Ray,
1045:Kids are so dynamic; if you're tired and you walk into a roomful of kids, your energy is brought up to their level. ~ Jenna Bush,
1046:Many of the African musicians are well-schooled and well-versed...what they do takes a high level of musicianship. ~ Jake Holmes,
1047:Nobody was really surprised when it happened, not really, not on the subconscious level where savage things grow. ~ Stephen King,
1048:On an everyday level, I use alcohol and drugs in general mostly to be in a happier mood, with the people around me. ~ Gaspar Noe,
1049:Once you reach a good level in tennis it fills you with a lot of motivation. I hope I can do it for a long time. ~ Roger Federer,
1050:Recent history is the record of one vast conspiracy to impose one level of mechanical consciousness on mankind. ~ Allen Ginsberg,
1051:Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
1052:The professional is prepared at a deeper level. He is prepared, each day, to confront his own self-sabotage. ~ Steven Pressfield,
1053:The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1054:They have said this is a lower level. Ridiculous! They're really both the same light, just two different forms. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1055:Your most casual encounter could lead to something bigger, so treat those interactions with that level of respect. ~ Aziz Ansari,
1056:Are you willing to take the Big Leap to your ultimate level of success in love, money, and creative contribution? ~ Gay Hendricks,
1057:Aristotle, I swear that kid is going to get himself killed one of these days. He’s a dumbass at the genetic level. ~ Gary Ballard,
1058:Exploitation is a harsh word, I know that, but on a certain level, to me that is the central Hollywood story. ~ Bret Easton Ellis,
1059:Few scientists acquainted with the chemistry of biological systems at the molecular level can avoid being inspired. ~ Donald Cram,
1060:For far too long, independent voices have been relegated to places where these ideas are not seen on a mass level. ~ Ava DuVernay,
1061:I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be an actor. It has just always been an inevitability on some level. ~ Rebecca Hall,
1062:I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the level of success I've had. I was just writing stories for my own sons. ~ Rick Riordan,
1063:I had this epiphany that I like the interaction with people. I wanted to make things happen at a grassroots level. ~ Diane Paulus,
1064:I have been amongst the best players in the world for 8 years. None at that level played as many ties as I did. ~ Amelie Mauresmo,
1065:In the real world of competition, the players want to compete and they want to compete at the very highest level. ~ Vince McMahon,
1066:I think many people have an illusion of success based on entering in at a level that's higher than their experiences. ~ T D Jakes,
1067:Just because you've reached a certain level of success, that doesn't mean you've become corrupted by the system. ~ Shepard Fairey,
1068:Leadership is producing a standard in someone that they will live by to produce higher level results consistently. ~ Tony Robbins,
1069:Obviously not a Stephen King level writer, but I'd written short stories and short fiction, from the time I was 12. ~ Mick Garris,
1070:People hear you on the level you speak to them from. Speak from your heart, and they will hear with theirs. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1071:Remember the four income levels from chapter 1? In the year 1800, roughly 85 percent of humanity lived on Level 1, ~ Hans Rosling,
1072:Since we are mortal, friendships are best kept to a moderate level, rather than sharing the very depths of our souls. ~ Euripides,
1073:Splendid,” said the Emperor, without a hint of sarcasm. “I believe we’ve achieved a new level of doomed.”   Y ~ Christopher Moore,
1074:The action of giving is in a certain vibratory level, meaning giving exists in a certain plane of consciousness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1075:The process of achievement comes through repeated failures and the constant struggle to climb to a higher level. ~ John C Maxwell,
1076:There's a certain level of pageantry with 'Idol,' and in order to work the show, you kind of have to feed into it. ~ Adam Lambert,
1077:They beat me to it."
And that was when things really got weird.
I mean, my mom had broken into Sub-level Two. ~ Ally Carter,
1078:We are all connected at a deep, chemical level. We are all connected to the universe, and the universe is inside us. ~ Wendy Mass,
1079:What is a shame is that there isn't stuff that is as great as 'Oz' on a consistent level around today. ~ Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje,
1080:When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte,
1081:when we are an inch apart on strategy at the leadership level, our product teams end up miles apart in execution. ~ Satya Nadella,
1082:With athletes, it's never fully understood the level to which we push ourselves. Especially in an endurance sport. ~ Clara Hughes,
1083:because of the nature of a hologram, as we saw in Part II, a change on any level is reflected throughout the whole. ~ Gregg Braden,
1084:But they also were on some base level congenitally brave. There was a selflessness within them, a purity of action. ~ Harlan Coben,
1085:Fine," Jack said. "Kyrin's yours."
Those words affected me on a deep, primal level. Mine, I thought. All mine. ~ Gena Showalter,
1086:I did an A Level in Theatre Studies and had a really inspirational teacher, and then I just went on to university. ~ Jessica Raine,
1087:I don't think I have reached a plateau. I have just reached the level where I am today. But I need to go above it. ~ David Beckham,
1088:If we decide to take this level of business creating ability nationwide, we'll all be plucking chickens for a living. ~ Ross Perot,
1089:If you have achieved any level of success, then pour it into someone else. Success is not success without a successor. ~ T D Jakes,
1090:If you spend too much time in a place like that your power level will be lowered and these beings will annoy you. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1091:I’ll make sure she is avenged, make sure she knows I’ll always protect her. For her I’d level the fucking world. ~ Victoria Ashley,
1092:I’m low-level angry most of the time, never really know why,’ Simon told him. ‘You got the brunt of it. This time. ~ Sophie Hannah,
1093:In life, you don't have a level of confrontation and the nonsense you run into when you're a CEO. CEOs aren't born. ~ Ben Horowitz,
1094:I relax my body completely, relax my mind completely, and then imagine myself at a level where anything can happen. ~ Richard Bach,
1095:I sound like such a tool, but becoming a mother has made me next-level confident. I've never felt more empowered. ~ Kelly Clarkson,
1096:I try not to be preachy, I just try to deal with people on their own level, not to try to talk down or up to a person. ~ Chali 2na,
1097:Man cannot endure his own littleness unless he can translate it into meaningfulness on the largest possible level. ~ Ernest Becker,
1098:Myself, I think of this top-level goal as a compass that gives direction and meaning to all the goals below it. ~ Angela Duckworth,
1099:One of the garages on the first-floor level had been burned out, the metal door half ripped off and hanging askance. ~ Mark Dawson,
1100:On some level I believed him completely, as we always believe on some level, the worst thing our hearts can imagine ~ Stephen King,
1101:Our children take our level of vibration and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue evolution. ~ James Redfield,
1102:The Art of War is a manual about tactics on the battlefield, but at its deepest level it describes how to win conflicts. ~ Jo Nesb,
1103:The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt. ~ Lucretius,
1104:There is more than one way to measure profits and losses. On every level, institutions can and should have a heart. ~ Randy Pausch,
1105:The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ~ Stephen R Covey,
1106:The strongest predictors of who got the money were these traits: confidence, comfort level, and passionate enthusiasm. ~ Amy Cuddy,
1107:The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletariat to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeoisie. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1108:They set off and drove up and along Maltsborough road to the sound of AC/DC, played volume level two and a half. ~ Phaedra Patrick,
1109:To be first in the Middle East is not enough. We must raise ourselves to the level of a great world power. ~ Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,
1110:We always have to ask ourselves whether the level of risk is worth the story. What is bravery, and what is bravado? ~ Marie Colvin,
1111:When we see the brain we realize that we are, at one level, no more than meat; and, on another, no more than fiction. ~ Paul Broks,
1112:You're like an idiot...trapped in an idiot's body!"

Hey it was funny at the time and level of intoxication. ~ Jedidiah Behe,
1113:You took a calculated risk with your story.” Deputy Director Brewer stood, putting his eyes on a level with mine. ~ Seanan McGuire,
1114:A family on the throne is an interesting idea. It brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life. ~ Walter Bagehot,
1115:An actor's job is about putting across the author's intention; I don't think of myself on the same level as a creator. ~ Jane Asher,
1116:Baseball is about talent, hard work, and strategy. But at the deepest level, it's about love, integrity, and respect. ~ Pat Gillick,
1117:Consistency is necessary, but its not sufficient to make it to a level that breaks you out in front of everyone else. ~ Ramit Sethi,
1118:employment depends not just on the overall level of production and the productivity of labor, but also on working time. ~ Anonymous,
1119:habits often appear to make no difference until you cross a critical threshold and unlock a new level of performance. ~ James Clear,
1120:He told us that most of us would die violently, and those who did not would be brought down to the level of beasts. ~ Ernest Gaines,
1121:If there is one thing the AT teaches, it is low-level ecstasy—something we could all do with more of in our lives. So ~ Bill Bryson,
1122:If your sleight of hand causes you to break eye contact with your audience, it is too advanced for your skill level. ~ Jeff McBride,
1123:I just feel like we’re starting to interfere on a level that’s sort of . . . extreme.” “But that’s what heroes do. ~ Seanan McGuire,
1124:I’m a cat person, myself,” she said, vaguely. A low-level voice said: “Yeah? Yeah? Wash in your own spit, do you? ~ Terry Pratchett,
1125:In the military we always say we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training, ~ David Goggins,
1126:I think I’ve reduced the amount of blood in my caffeine system to an acceptable level, if that’s what you mean. ~ Alastair Reynolds,
1127:It is amazing how many drivers, even at the Formula One Level, think that the brakes are for slowing the car down. ~ Mario Andretti,
1128:I would say that in the past year I have had to begrudgingly admit that I am finally a success of some level, sure. ~ Chris Gethard,
1129:Perhaps our own opposition to even the level of European integration we have now, let alone any more, is well known. ~ Nigel Farage,
1130:The old will disappear. Human level consciousness by itself can no longer resolve the complexities it has created. ~ David Spangler,
1131:The only thing that will transform this plane from war to peace is a level of consciousness that cannot adhere to war. ~ Paul Selig,
1132:To have insurance and have a diagnosis and to have doctors, I just felt it would be immoral on some level to complain. ~ Eve Ensler,
1133:Tuesday's victory was big. But it did nothing more than level the playing field and give you a shot. Take it. ~ Charles Krauthammer,
1134:Villains are kind of hard to really know on a personal level when you see them as mean, unsensitive-type people. ~ Wilt Chamberlain,
1135:We humans give ourselves such airs, even aggrandizing our poky little ‘sins’ to the level of cosmic significance! ~ Richard Dawkins,
1136:When you hit thirty-five or forty, you know on one level that you are no longer the physical specimen you once were. ~ Harlan Coben,
1137:You have to have some level of attachment, you can still have passion and believe but it has to be softened somewhat. ~ David Cross,
1138:483,000 government contractors hold top-secret clearances: a third of the 1.4 million people cleared at that level. ~ Bruce Schneier,
1139:Bring your dopamine or adrenaline level down by activating other regions of the brain other than the prefrontal cortex. ~ David Rock,
1140:Chloe, can you talk more about what you do? Use small words. Grant’s operating on a twelve-year-old maturity level. ~ Megan Erickson,
1141:Don’t be sad when you fail and happy when you succeed. Both are going to happen again and again at every new level. ~ James Altucher,
1142:Fake titties are inversely proportioned to their owners level of self esteem. This being said, part of me loves them. ~ Dov Davidoff,
1143:I don't think about success to be famous, because I've done that at the highest level, but it's all about my children. ~ Shane Filan,
1144:I have found it is surprisingly difficult to remain sad when a cat is doing its level best to sandpaper one's cheeks. ~ R L LaFevers,
1145:I love women. They're the best thing ever created. If they want to be like men and come down to our level, that's fine. ~ Mel Gibson,
1146:In magic, it takes two or three years for me to create a 5-minute illusion for me to get it to the level I want. ~ David Copperfield,
1147:Like Einstein, Kade thought. The problems we currently face can’t be solved at the level of thinking that created them. ~ Ramez Naam,
1148:Love is the highest vibration, when you relate to each other on a heart and soul level, you are uplifting each other as well ~ Raven,
1149:one of the good things about being a woman is that my level of testosterone poisoning is lower than most men's. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1150:On some level I believed him completely, as we always believe, on some level, the worst thing our hearts can imagine. ~ Stephen King,
1151:People tend to have a government that reflects the level of consciousness of the majority of people who voted. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1152:The interior of Mexico consists of a mass of volcanic rocks, thrust up to a great height above the sea-level. ~ Edward Burnett Tylor,
1153:The job of the color photographer is to provide some level of abstraction that can take the image out of the daily. ~ Joel Sternfeld,
1154:The principle of equality does not destroy the imagination, but lowers its flight to the level of the earth. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
1155:There are a lot of folks at Fox News who bring a certain level of sophistication to their understanding of politics. ~ David Shuster,
1156:There is no sensible way to invoke functional notions as explanatory concepts at the synchronic or ontogenetic level. ~ Noam Chomsky,
1157:Ultimately, what separates a Winner from a Loser at the Grandmaster level is the Willingness to do the Unthinkable. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1158:When a child enters the world through you, it alters everything on a psychic, psychological and purely practical level. ~ Jane Fonda,
1159:You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1160:At the simplest level, only people who know they do not know everything will be curious enough to find things out. ~ Virginia Postrel,
1161:Bottom line is, if you turn the ball over to a team that isn't as good, you then have brought them up to your level. ~ Terry Bradshaw,
1162:Decision making in the prefrontal cortex, which is a high-level brain process, affects the lower-level sensory processes. ~ Alex Korb,
1163:He told us that most of us would die violently, and those who did not would be brought down to the level of beasts. ~ Ernest J Gaines,
1164:I came into poetry feeling as though, on some level, these words were not just mine but my grandparents’, their parents’. ~ Joy Harjo,
1165:If I'd had a great level of success early on, who knows how I would have responded. I might have been a complete jerk. ~ Steve Carell,
1166:Often we need to use policy to level the playing field, or to be sure that a technology is managed in a responsible way. ~ Ramez Naam,
1167:One of the keys to harnessing this potentially unlimited power of the mind is to expand your level of self-awareness. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1168:Sometimes girls would come in and audition and they'd talk down, and it was like, "No, no, talk to the human eye level." ~ Jason Gann,
1169:The level of discourse reaching a mailbox simply cannot be limited to that which would be suitable for a sandbox. ~ John Paul Stevens,
1170:The more gifted a man is, the less progress he makes on the spiritual level. Talent is an obstacle to the inner life. ~ Emil M Cioran,
1171:There's a generation of children who don't like black and white movies. There's a level of impatience or intolerance. ~ Peter Jackson,
1172:There's a level of confidence in the actor you're working with that really helps a lot. It makes all the difference. ~ Christian Bale,
1173:You really get to meet people on such a personal level. There's a real bonding in someone beating the crap out of you. ~ Sarah Dessen,
1174:You say you will follow me into death yet fear to tread in the rain. What am I to think of your level of conviction? ~ Robert J Crane,
1175:Be fond of the man who jests at his scars, if you like; but never believe he is being on the level with you. ~ Pamela Hansford Johnson,
1176:Books are merely translations of our emotions into words that allow us to connect on an almost blood transfusion level. ~ Ksenia Anske,
1177:But the big feature of human-level intelligence is not what it does when it is works but what it does when it's stuck. ~ Marvin Minsky,
1178:By 12th grade, the average black or Hispanic is reading and doing math at the level of the average white 8th-grader. 38 ~ Jared Taylor,
1179:Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1180:Everything that we experience on an internal, psychological level is projected out into the world through symbols ~ Ralitsa Sartsanova,
1181:Given the difficulty of using wait and notify correctly, you should use the higher-level concurrency utilities instead. ~ Joshua Bloch,
1182:If I’d had any level of success last night, then I could justify my actions; as it was, I couldn’t even fake being proud. ~ Kiera Cass,
1183:If you choose to be a Muslim then you believe that it is on some level wrong to show the image of the Prophet Muhammad. ~ Aasif Mandvi,
1184:Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1185:Spend 70% of your spare time doing things close to home and the other 30% doing work at the global and national level. ~ Bill McKibben,
1186:The huge Yautja kneels to come down to her level. Isa can smell him. They all have a scent, like cinnamon and fresh meat. ~ Tim Lebbon,
1187:The only thing sadder than hateful people’s willingness to drag us down to their level, is our willingness to oblige. ~ Steve Maraboli,
1188:Your level of education. Oh, crap! A lie for a lie, let’s say PhD . . . No, I’ll just end up with a bunch of boring nerds. ~ Marc Levy,
1189:After I left the podium in Atlanta, I felt so fulfilled in my career that I lost my desire to compete at that level again. ~ Carl Lewis,
1190:All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They've been used to start revolutions and to stop wars ~ Banksy,
1191:Discipline is the highest form of love. If you really love someone, you have to give them the level of discipline they need. ~ Tom Izzo,
1192:Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1193:Enlightenment means rising above thought, not falling back to a level below thought, the level of an animal or a plant. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1194:Every level of inheritance requires a disinheritance from the devil. Satan must be moved off before the saint can move in. ~ Max Lucado,
1195:Every time we choose action over ease we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence. ~ John C Maxwell,
1196:I don't believe in curfews, because you can't treat men like they were boys without forfeiting a certain level of trust. ~ Phil Jackson,
1197:I find it amusing on one level, poignant on another, when people try to get recognition from an outside source. It's sad. ~ Grace Slick,
1198:If you've ever felt oppressed on any level, there's something from 'The Wire' that you can take and identify with. ~ Michael K Williams,
1199:I've never been one of those people who has an extremely high level of crisis. I just don't need all that emotional drama. ~ Demi Moore,
1200:level," said this hoarse messenger, glancing at his mare. "'Recalled to life.' That's a Blazing strange message. Much ~ Charles Dickens,
1201:Most organizations I’ve worked with have too many top priorities to achieve the level of focus they need to succeed. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
1202:My biggest surprise is probably the level of involvement of all the artists [in Valerian] who participated at every level. ~ Luc Besson,
1203:My feeling has always been if you entertain people, they give you permission to do more on a thematic or character level. ~ Noah Hawley,
1204:No matter what the level of your ability, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime. JAMES T. McCAY ~ Brian Tracy,
1205:Oh no, me wanting this is never going to happen. Like, the never-ever part is Taylor Swift level of never-ever. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1206:On a higher level we find fictions that men eagerly believe, regardless of the evidence, because they gratify some wish. ~ Martin Buber,
1207:"On a level you are already complete, and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1208:Our losses have reached an intolerable level. The enemy air force played a decisive role in inflicting these high losses. ~ Karl Donitz,
1209:Read at the level at which you want to write. Reading is the nourishment that feeds the kind of writing you want to do. ~ Jennifer Egan,
1210:Sometimes I suspect that everybody sleeps with their kids, and the only difference is the level of denial you’re in. ~ Catherine Newman,
1211:the level of tolerance for religious differences is much greater than the politically correct crowd would have us believe. ~ Ben Carson,
1212:There's always a way through things if you work hard enough and look close. It all depends on your level of determination. ~ Liz Murray,
1213:We're the most violent nation on earth. There's no getting away from that. But you've got to look at it on a broader level. ~ Spike Lee,
1214:You know, it's been proven that 35 to 40 hours a year with one-on-one attention, a student can get one grade level higher ~ Dave Eggers,
1215:A balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood and motivation at a consistently high level. ~ Doreen Virtue,
1216:Active listening asks couples to perform Olympic-level emotional gymnastics even if their relationship can barely walk. ~ John M Gottman,
1217:An unsuffering Christ Who did not freely pay the debt of human guilt would be reduced to the level of an ethical guide; ~ Fulton J Sheen,
1218:Financial stability is much more about doing the best with what you have and not about achieving a certain level of income. ~ Erik Wecks,
1219:First, by accepting that you choose your attitude, you demonstrate a level of personal accountability and proactivity ~ Stephen C Lundin,
1220:His regime has had high-level contacts with al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to al Qaeda terrorists. ~ Dick Cheney,
1221:If you have knowledge and see a man weak, do not condemn him. Go to his level and help him if you can. He must grow. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1222:I look at the deejay thing as a tier thing. If I'm not going to compete on that level, I'm just going to do it as a hobby. ~ Talib Kweli,
1223:I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties. ~ Princess Diana,
1224:once we’re above the survival level, the difference between prosperity and poverty lies simply in our degree of gratitude. ~ Vicki Robin,
1225:On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1226:Real change happens on the level of the gesture. It's one person doing one thing differently than he or she did before. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
1227:Real change happens on the level of the gesture. It’s one person doing one thing differently than he or she did before. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
1228:the indeterminacy of individual behavior can be regularized by considering people statistically at the level of the mass. ~ Louis Menand,
1229:We're artists. We cry out to be exploited on some level. Write a dissertation on my work. Write a biography about me. ~ Scott McClanahan,
1230:With girls, friendships are hard because you have to learn to get to a maturity level to love them but not want to be them. ~ Nikki Reed,
1231:You can’t take the team to the next level when you haven’t mastered the skills it takes to succeed on a personal level. ~ John C Maxwell,
1232:A compassionate open home is part of Christian responsibility, and should be practiced up to the level of capacity. ~ Francis A Schaeffer,
1233:All of comedy at some level is trial-and-error, whether it's a stand-up trying out jokes or a comedy show trying stories. ~ Michael Schur,
1234:At each level of gratitude our soul's capacity deepens, starting with contentment to meaningfulness, and finally, to pure joy. ~ M J Ryan,
1235:Because I knew I had got success at Ranji level, I was confident I would get some success in international cricket too. ~ Virender Sehwag,
1236:But something held me back. Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which contains the truth. ~ John Knowles,
1237:Every thought creates form on some level and all that our physical experience is - is a reflection of our thoughts. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1238:For many years quantum physics had been giving indications that there are levels of reality other than the material level. ~ Amit Goswami,
1239:For whatever we do in our lives, discipline and control over our own actions ultimately measure the level of our success. ~ R A Salvatore,
1240:Go figure a crazy, mixed-up country where ballet outsells boxing. I wouldn't be surprised if their wrestling was on the level. ~ Bob Hope,
1241:I am going for a level of perfection that is only mine... Most of the pleasure is in getting the last little piece perfect. ~ Chuck Close,
1242:I assemble stories-me and a hundred million other people-at the sentence level. Not by coming up with a sweeping story line. ~ Amy Hempel,
1243:I did study Shakespeare, that was sort of my thing; I got a Literature A-level, which is my only claim to academic fame. ~ Paul McCartney,
1244:I got to experience soccer at the highest level at a young age; I decided I wanted to be part of that for as long as possible. ~ Mia Hamm,
1245:I’m interested in knowing the secrets that connect human beings. At the very deepest level, all our secrets are the same. ~ David Shields,
1246:I take my job seriously, which means I'm going to need to get acquainted with the subject matter on a personal level. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
1247:I think it's worthwhile to expand your comfort level and just do something awful. I wasn't trying to make music for money. ~ Cass McCombs,
1248:I told you the one change we would make in the initial start level of the football pressure, but that's really about it. ~ Bill Belichick,
1249:I would suggest to you, what we need to do is assert a stronger leadership at the national level to support law enforcement. ~ Mike Pence,
1250:Only art and science make us suspect the existence of life to a higher level, and maybe also instill hope thereof. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven,
1251:On some fundamental level we find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are. ~ John Green,
1252:the higher one’s intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold “beliefs” of any kind. ~ Richard Dawkins,
1253:...the number of saintly men has not yet risen to the level where the census makes them a separate statistical category. ~ George Stigler,
1254:To consider meaning at any level implies a search for the depth and dimensions of what is significant, what truly matters. ~ Kate O Neill,
1255:What concerns me, is the general social tendency to enforce a level, above which nothing rises and stands out. ~ Dietrich Fischer Dieskau,
1256:You can control what you put in your body - 100 percent. You really can control your level of fitness and how your body looks. ~ Sara Rue,
1257:8: A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant. ~ Alan Perlis, Epigrams on Programming, 1982,
1258:Absolute trust is something hard to achieve even in a family, and it is much harder to achieve on an international level. ~ Vladimir Putin,
1259:All societies are based on a sort of minimum level of communism. Otherwise, you couldn't have any social relations at all. ~ David Graeber,
1260:At the Parliamentary level Collins privately explored every avenue open to him to bring down the Northern Administration. ~ Tim Pat Coogan,
1261:At the presidential level, everybody knows that Hillary Clinton is going to stand up for women's reproductive rights. ~ Stephanie Schriock,
1262:Charlotte had no idea the level of impact she'd had on my life, the depth of my feelings for her, because I'd never told her. ~ Vi Keeland,
1263:Don’t limit the Lord with your own shallow perceptions of Him, or assign Him a level of compassion equal only to yours … ~ Kathleen Morgan,
1264:Global warming has already triggered a sea level rise that could reach from 6 metres (19.69 ft) to 25 metres (27.34 yards). ~ James Hansen,
1265:He didn’t seem to understand that a person can function in the space between happy and unhappy. That space offered a level ~ Kendra Elliot,
1266:In justifying cruelty to animals we put ourselves also on the animal level. We choose the jungle and must abide by our choice. ~ C S Lewis,
1267:It is from the level of calamities, not that of every-day life, that we learn impressive and useful lessons. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray,
1268:I view my role now as providing more of a macro-level skepticism, rather than saying this poll is good or this poll is evil. ~ Nate Silver,
1269:I went to the computer and tried to experiment. I introduced a very high level of experiment in very pure mathematics. ~ Benoit Mandelbrot,
1270:Median real income is below its level of twenty-five years ago. For males, median real income is below what it was in 1968. ~ Noam Chomsky,
1271:Messi is on a different level. The fact he is doing what he is year after year says that he is the best of all time. ~ Ruud van Nistelrooy,
1272:Norm breaking was also evident at the state level. Among the most notorious cases was the 2003 Texas redistricting plan. ~ Steven Levitsky,
1273:One. My tongue was at a new level of uselessness. Two. Oh my God, I'm really doing this. Three. OK, fuck it, let's dance. ~ Drew Barrymore,
1274:Prayer will never descend to the level where it is nothing more than a retreat house in which we find strength for ourselves, ~ D A Carson,
1275:She had the feeling that the door was looking at her, which she knew was silly, and knew on a deeper level was somehow true. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1276:Sixteen years I've pounded my head against the mentality of America, which...I'd say it's about an 8th grade emotional level. ~ Bill Hicks,
1277:Slander, whose whisper over the world's diameter, as level as the cannon to its blank, transports its poisoned shot. ~ William Shakespeare,
1278:The Americans are completely stupid. The intellectual level in any single European country is higher than in America. ~ Michel Houellebecq,
1279:The level of ignorance is declining, and the ability to accumulate data and manipulate it for various ends is increasing. ~ Bruce Sterling,
1280:The principal mechanism for convergence at the international as well as the domestic level is the diffusion of knowledge. ~ Thomas Piketty,
1281:the principal mechanism for convergence at the international as well as the domestic level is the diffusion of knowledge. ~ Thomas Piketty,
1282:To be proven wrong should be celebrated, for it is elevating someone to a new level of understanding, furthering awareness. ~ Peter Joseph,
1283:We have to get back down to basics. We have to start organizing at the neighborhood level to get people educated to vote. ~ Dolores Huerta,
1284:We've had incredibly huge obstacles in our way - no tapes, no royalties, no cooperation on any level - and we sort it out. ~ Kevin Shields,
1285:What I've learned about comedy people is that they're defined by the harshest level they've been to, their personal Auschwitz. ~ Bob Saget,
1286:When I registered for econ, I had no idea that I'd be in for this level of reality-show drama. It's like a big fat bonus. ~ Tammara Webber,
1287:When we function from a fearful, low-level energetic state, our thoughts and energy can literally pollute the world. ~ Gabrielle Bernstein,
1288:When you have a country that's been accustomed to government spending at a certain level, it is really hard to ratchet it back. ~ Mike Lee,
1289:When you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that President Obama inherited, it was a real touch-and-go situation. ~ Hillary Clinton,
1290:Words are powerful instruments. Handle them and your understanding level of new information will grow in a spectacular way. ~ Kim Kiyosaki,
1291:At the deepest level, all living things that have ever been looked at have the same DNA code. And many of the same genes. ~ Richard Dawkins,
1292:By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth's population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people. ~ Paul R Ehrlich,
1293:Everybody that loves Nancy loves it in a slightly condescending way. Nancy is comics reduced to their most elemental level. ~ Bill Griffith,
1294:Every day we have the opportunity to make our relationships be on the outside what they really are on a spiritual level. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
1295:I did an O-level in domestic science when I was at school, but on the day of the practical exam, it was a cookery nightmare. ~ Lesley Nicol,
1296:I do not believe that a counterterrorism strategy all by itself, without a sufficient level of counterinsurgency, will work. ~ Rahm Emanuel,
1297:If you will get free from what everyone else thinks and start being who you were created to be, you will rise to a new level. ~ Joel Osteen,
1298:I grew up listening to albums by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix, and they all worked on that multi-layered level. ~ Dave Navarro,
1299:I'm no stranger to a bit of sexist backlash, but I was surprised by the level of vicious and misogynist hate I received. ~ Anita Sarkeesian,
1300:I'm passionate about the fact that this world that we live on is a stunningly beautiful place we have despoiled at every level. ~ DJ Spooky,
1301:In the end, there's something of the puritan work ethic about me that roles really must sustain me on an intellectual level. ~ Damian Lewis,
1302:I think that's what we all want on this earth - to feel that at some level we have connected with other human beings. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1303:Music is supposed to create an associate level, wherein I and you and you and I can associate without any misunderstanding. ~ Burning Spear,
1304:On a deep almost preconscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends. ~ Genevieve,
1305:Politics devoid of ethics does not further human welfare, and life without morality reduces humans to the level of beasts. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1306:Some jobs required a certain level of detachment; a turning off of emotions in order to do the things that needed to be done. ~ Julie James,
1307:The only thing a title can buy is a little time-either to increase your level of influence with others or to undermine it. ~ John C Maxwell,
1308:The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise. ~ Edsger Dijkstra,
1309:...there is no safe level of exposure to ionizing radiation, and the search for quantifying such a safe level is in vain. ~ Rosalie Bertell,
1310:There’s a level at which words are spirit and paper is skin. That’s the fascination of archives. There’s still a bodily trace. ~ Susan Howe,
1311:When you want your body to perform at a high level, it's important to make sure you are giving your body quality nutrients. ~ Travis Browne,
1312:While the Internet is censored in China, the censorship is allowing a level of speech to take place that's unprecedented. ~ Ethan Zuckerman,
1313:A bullet fired level from a gun will hit ground at same time as a bullet dropped from the same height. Do the Physics. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
1314:deep work. If you haven’t mastered this foundational skill, you’ll struggle to learn hard things or produce at an elite level. ~ Cal Newport,
1315:If we're told that human ain't the highest among creatures,
then it'd be difficult to raise human dignity into current level. ~ Toba Beta,
1316:I like to do things that are step by step. It takes experience to get to the next level. And you have to put your heart into it. ~ Reem Acra,
1317:I'm used on every level. I have no friends. I have no resting place. I never sleep. I can never close my eyes. It's horrible. ~ Tupac Shakur,
1318:In a global arena, what our businessmen need in order to be competitive is transparency and a level playing-field. ~ Gloria Macapagal Arroyo,
1319:Now … well, after what happened in Tartarus, it seemed like Percy had graduated to a totally different level of butt-kickery. ~ Rick Riordan,
1320:Now...well, after what happened in Tartarus, it seemed like Percy had graduated to a totally different level of butt-kickery. ~ Rick Riordan,
1321:On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the goings-on in one's own town. ~ David Byrne,
1322:one is reminded, at a level deeper than all words, how making a living and making a life sometimes point in opposite directions. ~ Pico Iyer,
1323:People want to bring kids to their level, and they want to make it seem like kids have this thing. It's seen as funny to them. ~ Mara Wilson,
1324:Suicide carries in its aftermath a level of confusion and devastation that is, for the most part, beyond description. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison,
1325:The original level of biodiversity is not likely to be regained in any period of time that has meaning for the human mind. ~ Edward O Wilson,
1326:The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them - Einstein ~ Stephen R Covey,
1327:[Visualisation] works most powerfully when you realize that it is already a reality on the unseen level. It's already there. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1328:We are destined not to go back to the level of animals that we've come from but to return to being by going beyond thinking. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1329:When kids look up to great scientists the way they do to great musicians and actors, civilization will jump to the next level ~ Brian Greene,
1330:You get the odd person [in social media] that will write something nasty and the trick is not to engage with them on any level. ~ Boy George,
1331:A child’s greatest achievements are possible in play, achievements that tomorrow will become her basic level of real action. ~ Lev S Vygotsky,
1332:A country either elevates the ignorant to the level of the learned or it itself sinks down to the level of the ignorant. ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1333:all witches must keep up a certain level of deviance in their personal lives, or we should be expelled from the union. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
1334:Each and every decision you make, regardless of its level of intensity, is vitally important as you seek to do God’s will. ~ Elizabeth George,
1335:Elite students climb confidently until they reach a level of competition sufficiently intense to beat their dreams out of them. ~ Peter Thiel,
1336:If China don't free up the political side, its economic growth will come to an end - while it is still at a very low level. ~ Milton Friedman,
1337:I have toyed with the idea of playing it straight. But, like I say, I really believe we are all out of our minds at some level. ~ Johnny Depp,
1338:I think jazz is actually quite unforgiving in its disdain for nostalgia. It demands creativity and change at its highest level. ~ Pat Metheny,
1339:I think on some level I knew I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you. It was the scariest feeling I’ve ever had in my life. ~ Harper Miller,
1340:I think that’s a responsibility that I have, to push possibilities, to show people: “This is the level that things could be at.” ~ Kanye West,
1341:It makes me feel like working non-stop: at least, on sets, the level of security gives me a bit of privacy. It's a relief. ~ Robert Pattinson,
1342:Love is transient even on a very personal level. We lose everyone that we love. Sometimes we drift apart and sometimes we die. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
1343:Most sex doesn't really bring people together. You have to reach a certain level of connection, I think, and that's pretty rare. ~ Erica Jong,
1344:Only our own strength, a strong conservative party, can prevent Red-Red-Green from taking power at the federal level in 2017. ~ Angela Merkel,
1345:Peace will be realized only by forging bonds of trust between people at the deepest level, in the depths of their very lives. ~ Daisaku Ikeda,
1346:People told me I'd have to deal more with losing at this level. I understood that, but I didn't want to start accepting losses. ~ Vince Young,
1347:Productivity is driven at the enterprise level. Better wages, better performing workplaces, are driven at the workplace level. ~ Bill Shorten,
1348:Sexual intimacy shouldn’t occur before there is communion, understanding, and sharing on the emotional and spiritual level. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1349:She was grateful to him. So Caroline had said “yes” to Arnold Dering and had done her level best to make him a good wife. She ~ D E Stevenson,
1350:To delude ourselves into believing we are perfect or that perfection exists at any level is an injustice to who we really are. ~ Sarah Noffke,
1351:We're giving them a real lesson today. Heavy doesn't accurately describe the level of casualties we have inflicted. ~ Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf,
1352:Work will be your mother, she whispered; it will lead you through dark days; it will clear you a level place to rest at last. ~ Emma Donoghue,
1353:Actors are trusting souls, and we must go by gut-level instinct, even after our agents and business managers weigh all the odds. ~ Anne Archer,
1354:An organization which just perpetuates today's level of vision, excellence, and accomplishment has lost the capacity to adapt. ~ Peter Drucker,
1355:Conflict sometimes produces results, but more often than not it produces confusion at the level of everybody on the same track. ~ Ciaran Hinds,
1356:God chooses community sometimes to bear an unfair burden to force us to rise to the next level of consciousness and understanding. ~ Van Jones,
1357:Have you ever wanted something that you knew you shouldn’t have? That it was wrong on every level, but you knew you needed it? ~ Jamie McGuire,
1358:I don't want to do romantic roles where I have to lip sync to a song. A role that explores romance on a new level would suit me. ~ Irrfan Khan,
1359:I like shows that have some level of intelligence to them. When it's not as predictable, when you don't know what's coming at you. ~ Mehmet Oz,
1360:I like writing sentences. It's tactile and exciting. Whereas working at the level of the scene is a more cerebral pleasure. ~ Matthew Specktor,
1361:It's odd that there is a high level of appreciation of nature. There is the aesthetic side that really loves nature and beauty. ~ Jerry Garcia,
1362:It's probably easier for rappers as far as a respect level. 'Cause with singers, the powers that be tend to feel that we're stupid. ~ Ginuwine,
1363:I wanna bring you down low to my level. I get off picturin’ makin’ you so dirty, so wild, so fuckin’ bad that it has to be good, ~ Layla Frost,
1364:Most people here don't have a wide emotional range. It's just the type of people astronauts are, they're required to be level. ~ Julie Payette,
1365:On a practical level I'm a TV producer and storyteller who's gone about as long as you can go without achieving a mass audience. ~ David Simon,
1366:Only fifty-nine percent of our voters demonstrated a level of comprehension high enough to vote on the issue,” Iloona said. ~ Randolph Lalonde,
1367:Screenwriters get paid a hell of a lot more money but their level of frustration seems to be so high that I don't want that. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1368:Similarly, habits often appear to make no difference until you cross a critical threshold and unlock a new level of performance. ~ James Clear,
1369:Some day, with all that the Cities could do, the available calories per person would simply fall below basic subsistence level. ~ Isaac Asimov,
1370:Still, clothing is a language of respect, he reminds himself, a world of manners that is the basic level of human charity. ~ Michael D O Brien,
1371:That was my goal in portraying Jesse Owens: bringing that level of humanity so people could understand who he was as a person. ~ Stephan James,
1372:The level of collective courage in an organization is the absolute best predictor of that organization’s ability to be successful ~ Bren Brown,
1373:There is a beauty in these laws that mirrors something that is built into the structure of the universe at a very deep level ~ Steven Weinberg,
1374:Too many people think that economics is this subject that should wait until the university level. But it can't wait that long. ~ Robert Duvall,
1375:To see a player dunk in women's college basketball is just amazing. It's great to see that the game has reached that level now ~ Holly Johnson,
1376:Typically you see the home office think up some great program but doesn't think through implementation at the store level. ~ Thomas G Stemberg,
1377:We need to achieve an Ease of Doing Business index to less than 50 compared to its present level of 132. (China is at 91). ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1378:When I see and feel the life beat of Spirit in every object, I evolve to a higher level of transformation called consciousness ~ Deepak Chopra,
1379:When you manipulate others your attention level drops and you become prey, for you have dropped to the plane of manipulation. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1380:You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected. ~ Ernest Mandel,
1381:An opened mind will eventually lead to a more well rounded artist and this will thus heightenen his or her level of professionalism. ~ St Lucia,
1382:But still at that particular level of commercialism I listen to those projects I still hear some stagnation in a lot of the stuff. ~ Kool Keith,
1383:Courage is God's way of testing the virtues you profess to have and your level of commitment to everything you think you are. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1384:Even a very tiny amount of useful intelligence embedded into an existing process boosts its effectiveness to a whole other level. ~ Kevin Kelly,
1385:Evolution continually innovates, but at each level it conserves the elements that are recombined to yield the innovations. ~ John Henry Holland,
1386:If you are at a boys' school, especially, there is a level of bravado that you have to keep up otherwise you'll get picked on. ~ Tom Hiddleston,
1387:If you take your mind to a level of functioning that is beyond age, then your body will begin to be touched by the same quality. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
1388:I play around with human things, human relationships and that, and allow that kind of talk to work in that way, on that level. ~ Barry Levinson,
1389:I think artists can go to a level of vision that can often save us from a situation which seems to have no solution whatsoever. ~ Susan Griffin,
1390:I think I've been lucky, being my frequent appearances on Court TV have brought to me another level than just the actor guy. ~ Robert Downey Jr,
1391:Maintaining the relationship. But there's also physical temptation and being on the same spiritual level, which can be difficult. ~ Kevin Jonas,
1392:Move what you can do at level one when you get to level one. When you get to level two, you need a bigger power to move it! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1393:Respect other people regardless of the level they are at... or the level you are at. When you hand out respect, you get it back. ~ Erik Estrada,
1394:Still, clothing is a language of respects, he reminds himself, a world of manners that is the basic level of human charity. ~ Michael D O Brien,
1395:The deepest of level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless ... beyond speech ... beyond concept. ~ Thomas Merton,
1396:There are lawyers who believe in client-centered representation and who are dedicated on the same level I feel I was dedicated. ~ Lynne Stewart,
1397:There is no threshold level of fine particle pollution below which health risk reductions are not achieved by reduced exposure. ~ Gina McCarthy,
1398:The subconscious mind is nothing but an energy field or mental level that resonates in line with the universal subjectivity. ~ Stephen Richards,
1399:Time of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strenght. During these times, the level of our imaan becomes manifest ~ Yasmin Mogahed,
1400:When you put someone on therapy, you lower the level of virus such that it makes it very difficult for them to infect others. ~ Anthony S Fauci,
1401:When you're a touring musician, you're always turning over new rocks and there's always a certain level of tension in your life. ~ Mark Kozelek,
1402:Yes, Prime Minister,” said MacArthur, “it’s a warship. Sticking out of a mountain, thousands of feet above sea level.” Curtin ~ John Birmingham,
1403:A lot of times when I was short, I would create a level of activity beforehand that would drive the futures. . . . It's a fun game. ~ Jim Cramer,
1404:At one level, the message of the book of Ruth is that the life of the godly is not a straight line to glory, but they do get there. ~ John Piper,
1405:Beauty is not the goal of competitive sports, but high-level sports are a prime venue for the expression of human beauty. ~ David Foster Wallace,
1406:Before I came here I was confused about this subject. Having listened to your lecture I am still confused. But on a higher level. ~ Enrico Fermi,
1407:Create tools that enable people to make decisions at the same level, ideally, of fidelity that that you would make them yourself. ~ Keith Rabois,
1409:I do think that with any kind of infidelity, on some level - unless you're dealing with a sociopath - there's always a reason. ~ Jessica Capshaw,
1410:If one's life depends on doing something right, as in the case of the tightrope walker, one will practice on a much deeper level. ~ Kenny Werner,
1411:If you cultivate your body, your mind, your emotions, and your energies to a certain level of maturity, meditation will blossom. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
1412:If you start to see more successful businesses that are playing on a global level, the story of Africa will begin to change ~ Tara Fela Durotoye,
1413:I love to see people win. You can literally see a person change through achievement on this emotional and spiritual level. ~ Jennifer Widerstrom,
1414:In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves. ~ James Clear,
1415:It is very good of Lord St. Simon to honour my head by putting it on a level with his own,” said Sherlock Holmes, laughing. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
1416:I write the vocals last, because I wanted to invent the music first and push the music to the level that I had to compete against it. ~ Axl Rose,
1417:Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. That road goes down and down. ~ G K Chesterton,
1418:Misreading is a big part of reading, the way in which the level of attention you're paying can lead to some interesting residue. ~ Brian Evenson,
1419:No group of American citizens should be singled out for extra taxation and no group should be spared taxation on the federal level. ~ Ben Carson,
1420:People you are emotionally open to can drain your power level or raise it tremendously, depending on what their intentions are. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1421:Thanks to words, we have been able to rise above the brutes; and thanks to words, we have often sunk to the level of the demons. ~ Aldous Huxley,
1422:The most important healing - realizing who you are. The healing on the outer level is fine, but it's not the essence of healing. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1423:The problem is that our inherent ignorance keeps us in samsara and unable to benefit ourselves and others on a really deep level. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
1424:What I hear as noise is perceived as music by my teenage grandchildren, at a fairly primitive level of perceptual experience. And ~ Noam Chomsky,
1425:When it comes to hockey, it's been in my blood since I was 3 or 4 years old. I love coaching the kids, especially at that level. ~ Mario Lemieux,
1426:You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. ~ Joss Whedon,
1427:A Germany team should not be afraid going into a tournament. History shows that we can raise the level of our game when it matters. ~ Oliver Kahn,
1428:But the big feature of human-level intelligence is not what it does when it works but what it does when it’s stuck. —MARVIN MINSKY ~ Ray Kurzweil,
1429:happiness level is entirely in your hands, that your “unhappy genes” do not doom you to unhappiness or, worse, to depression. ~ Sonja Lyubomirsky,
1430:How the hell could I possibly not remember sleeping with someone that hot, for crying out loud? It seemed unfair on a cosmic level. ~ Kate SeRine,
1431:I don't have any dreams or aspirations or goals I want to meet music-wise, so there's nothing to keep me from being level-headed. ~ Vince Staples,
1432:I got the chess bug when I was finishing high school, we were doing chess tournaments at my house. I never got to a very high level. ~ Paul Banks,
1433:in a good computer or video game you’re always playing on the very edge of your skill level, always on the brink of falling off. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1434:Ivy had loved him, too—deeper, on a gut level, with the strength of the past, not like my new love, based on the idea of a future. ~ Kim Harrison,
1435:I want to show people who I really am, especially aspiring basketball players who want to be at this level. That's what I'm about. ~ Kevin Durant,
1436:Marriage is the best state for man in general, and every man is a worst man in proportion to the level he is unfit for marriage. ~ Samuel Johnson,
1437:On a certain level there’s actually no difference between self-love and love of another. To love another is to love ourselves. ~ Meggan Watterson,
1438:our levels of success will rarely exceed our level of personal development, because success is something we attract by who we become. ~ Hal Elrod,
1439:The artist must try to raise the level of taste of the masses, not debase himself to the level of unformed and impoverished taste. ~ Diego Rivera,
1440:The effective evangelist must engage not only at the level of the answers, but also at the level of the questions themselves.13 ~ Russell D Moore,
1441:The intimacy. The deepest level of love. The knowledge that someone understands you, is rooting for you, is sharing your life. ~ Adriana Trigiani,
1442:The mass never comes up to the standard of its best member, but on the contrary degrades itself to a level with the lowest. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1443:The only person who is truly holding you back is you. No more excuses. It's time to change. It's time to live life at a new level. ~ Tony Robbins,
1444:To produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction. ~ Cal Newport,
1445:What helps me is yogic breathing, dropping my spiritual level where I am really, really clear that I am playing a character. ~ Giancarlo Esposito,
1446:When a poor man gives something, that is a sacrifice indeed. When a rich man gives something, it hardly rises to the same level. ~ David Baldacci,
1447:When you've married someone who's been at war, there is nothing you can do that compares to that level of selflessness and bravery. ~ John Oliver,
1448:You know, as a woman, it is tough to get to the top - like to get to that respected level in this industry - in any industry, I think. ~ Jessie J,
1449:All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine. ~ Jim Rohn,
1450:And all of it generates a data trail. All of it is trackable somewhere at some level, and much of it is traceable to this location. ~ Kate O Neill,
1451:A phenomenon that might seem only backwards or silly when expressed at a social level becomes madness at the individual level. ~ Caitl n R Kiernan,
1452:Don't allow your past or present condition to control you. It's just a process that you're going through to get you to the next level. ~ T D Jakes,
1453:For higher-level execs with greater public visibility, social networks need to become as good at filtering as they are at connecting. ~ danah boyd,
1454:Happiness and joy are feeling like you belong to the world, and are at home in the world, at the level of nature, humanity and time. ~ Sheila Heti,
1455:I do my best to try to keep God with me on a personal level. It's my belief that God really wants a personal relationship with us. ~ Lenny Kravitz,
1456:I feel I'm functioning at some level as a journalist because even though I write fiction, I'm trying to get the world accurate. ~ Michael Connelly,
1457:I feel like people who actually know how music works on a technical level need to explain it to the rest of us a little more often. ~ Owen Pallett,
1458:If I'd made it right away as an actor, I would've stopped at a certain level and stayed there, probably as a character actor. ~ Sylvester Stallone,
1459:I liked this far better. Beauty I couldn’t control, but kicking him in the head to prove my dominance was well within my skill level. ~ K F Breene,
1460:It is the American vice, the democratic disease which expresses its tyranny by reducing everything unique to the level of the herd. ~ Henry Miller,
1461:It's just really about trying to do whatever it is I do at a level of excellence. That's really all I'm trying to do while I'm here. ~ Frank Ocean,
1462:Love seems to open and expand us right down to the cellular level, while fear causes us to contract and withdraw into ourselves. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
1463:Once again the thing to do was not to think too deeply, just keep her thoughts nice and level and focused on what she had to do. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1464:Pointing-and-Calling raises your level of awareness from a nonconscious habit to a more conscious level by verbalizing your actions. ~ James Clear,
1465:Science and technology benefit each other, but at its most fundamental level science is not undertaken for any practical reason. ~ Steven Weinberg,
1466:Strike that, no killing today, though depending on the level of stupid aimed at us, I was willing to look at a little mayhem. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1467:The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his. ~ James Thurber,
1468:They say the whole city is alive, aware, at a level of consciousness totally alien to any we can know, Courtney Hall mused. Spooky. ~ Ian McDonald,
1469:Whenever humanity reaches a certain level in regards to its population, the earth reacts and throws up a defence to protect itself. ~ Perrin Briar,
1470:When I was 8, I was reading 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Pride and Prejudice' and all that, not knowing it wasn't my reading level. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1471:When you meditate, you are shifting your state of mind to a higher vibratory level that will give you a much more expansive view. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1472:A drawing is always dragged down to the level of its caption.

A word to the wise is not sufficient if it doesn't make sense. ~ James Thurber,
1473:A single bird flew by at eye level, then shot straight up to the treetops. A grasshopper landed suddenly on my wrist. Creepy magic. ~ Gillian Flynn,
1474:at some level we intend everything we do. That’s why it’s extremely important to root out our intentions before they uproot us. ~ Patricia Cornwell,
1475:But it remains the case that, on the level of consumption, the preeminence of the twentieth century was indisputable: nothing. ~ Michel Houellebecq,
1476:Christianity is a religion in a rush. Look at the world created in seven days. Even on a symbolic level, that's creation in a frenzy. ~ Yann Martel,
1477:Discrimination at any level sends a harmful message to youth, gay or straight alike, and that discrimination has no place in Scouting. ~ Gwen Ifill,
1478:Emotional intelligence grows through perception. Look around at your present situation and observe it through the level of feeling. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1479:I have a theory that kitchens, once they reach a certain level of complexity, attract new gadgets into their orbit, like planets. ~ Kerry Greenwood,
1480:I like the level of fame that I have. You get nice tables in restaurants sometimes, but fame isn't something that I find comfortable. ~ Aidan Quinn,
1481:I rather choose to go through what will make me humble than to go for what will increase my pride to a level without limit ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
1482:I think Earl Scruggs playing propelled bluegrass and Bill Monroe's music to the level that - where we're all still talking about it. ~ Earl Scruggs,
1483:It is quite rare to find people who are really dedicated to a level of excellence. Most of us are really quite lazy most of the time. ~ Ethan Hawke,
1484:It was just on a whole other level, getting to experience and ride that terrain. We spent a fair amount of time in the Hakuba Valley. ~ Travis Rice,
1485:Making the code read like a top-down set of TO paragraphs is an effective technique for keeping the abstraction level consistent. ~ Robert C Martin,
1486:On an unconscious level, the demonization of sexuality usually implies the demonization of males and the victimization of females. ~ Warren Farrell,
1487:Particularly on social media, there is that level of detachment, some people feel like they can say whatever pops in their head . ~ Bella Heathcote,
1488:Reversing global warming will take a World War II level of mobilization. It is the work of tens of millions, not hundreds of thousands. ~ Van Jones,
1489:Some people say Earth is the bottom level of Purgatory.' She pointed toward the floor and frowned.
'I call it the top floor of Hell. ~ Tara West,
1490:The behavior of the economy as a whole, at the aggregate, macro-level, is built up from the individual equations at the micro-level. ~ Paul Ormerod,
1491:The dreams you craft at the level of your soul are very different from goals, which are tangible, measurable and set the future. ~ Alberto Villoldo,
1492:The primary quality that Lao Tzu seems to emobdy is humility, which is the image of water - seeking the common level of existence. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1493:The problem is that the economy isn't growing fast enough to accommodate the level of spending produced through the democratic process. ~ Jack Kemp,
1494:There's a new spell you get around level 50 called "Mirror Image" which might as well be called "Reap On, Ye Fucking Reaper Man". ~ Yahtzee Croshaw,
1495:The World Cup gave me a lot of confidence - just to know that I can play at the highest level and not only complete but play well. ~ Lauren Holiday,
1496:They watch the girls with level goat-eyes and make disparaging remarks to one another while their insides whimper with longing. In ~ John Steinbeck,
1497:Today we need whatever methods or help we can receive to allow the Christian message to take us to a deeper level of transformation. ~ Richard Rohr,
1498:When you bring an idealised relationship down to the level of an ordinary one it isn't necessarily the ordinary one that suffers'. ~ Winston Graham,
1499:Why were men such complicated beasts anyway? Relationships felt like full-time babysitting jobs crossed with high-level code cracking. ~ Sonali Dev,
1500:Women are incredibly intuitive. If anybody on the planet is going to evolve to the next level, that telekinetic thing, women will. ~ Robin Williams,

IN CHAPTERS [150/1279]

  688 Integral Yoga
  104 Poetry
   55 Christianity
   53 Occultism
   42 Fiction
   40 Philosophy
   35 Psychology
   30 Yoga
   29 Science
   12 Integral Theory
   11 Mysticism
   9 Education
   6 Mythology
   6 Cybernetics
   5 Buddhism
   4 Theosophy
   3 Kabbalah
   3 Baha i Faith
   2 Hinduism
   1 Sufism
   1 Alchemy

  368 Sri Aurobindo
  301 The Mother
  235 Satprem
  187 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   44 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   37 Carl Jung
   27 H P Lovecraft
   19 A B Purani
   17 Aldous Huxley
   16 Swami Krishnananda
   15 William Wordsworth
   15 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   14 Sri Ramakrishna
   13 John Keats
   13 James George Frazer
   11 William Butler Yeats
   11 Robert Browning
   9 George Van Vrekhem
   8 Aleister Crowley
   7 Walt Whitman
   7 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   7 Lucretius
   7 Jorge Luis Borges
   6 Rudolf Steiner
   6 Plato
   6 Ovid
   6 Norbert Wiener
   6 Jordan Peterson
   5 Thubten Chodron
   5 Bokar Rinpoche
   4 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   4 Franz Bardon
   4 Baha u llah
   4 Alice Bailey
   3 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   3 Plotinus
   3 Peter J Carroll
   3 Li Bai
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   3 Friedrich Nietzsche
   3 Edgar Allan Poe
   2 Vyasa
   2 Nirodbaran
   2 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Friedrich Schiller

   84 Record of Yoga
   75 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   42 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   42 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   39 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   27 Lovecraft - Poems
   25 The Life Divine
   25 Agenda Vol 03
   23 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   23 Agenda Vol 04
   23 Agenda Vol 02
   22 Letters On Yoga IV
   22 Agenda Vol 08
   19 The Future of Man
   19 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   19 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   19 Agenda Vol 05
   17 The Perennial Philosophy
   17 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   17 Questions And Answers 1953
   17 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   17 Agenda Vol 10
   16 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   16 Agenda Vol 09
   15 Wordsworth - Poems
   15 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   15 Shelley - Poems
   15 Letters On Yoga III
   15 Agenda Vol 07
   14 On the Way to Supermanhood
   13 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   13 The Golden Bough
   13 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   13 Keats - Poems
   12 Letters On Yoga I
   12 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   12 Agenda Vol 01
   11 Yeats - Poems
   11 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   11 Savitri
   11 Questions And Answers 1956
   11 Letters On Yoga II
   11 Browning - Poems
   11 Agenda Vol 11
   11 Agenda Vol 06
   10 The Phenomenon of Man
   10 The Human Cycle
   10 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   10 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   10 Let Me Explain
   10 Essays Divine And Human
   9 The Secret Of The Veda
   9 Preparing for the Miraculous
   8 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   8 Aion
   7 On Education
   7 Of The Nature Of Things
   7 Letters On Poetry And Art
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   7 City of God
   6 Whitman - Poems
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 Questions And Answers 1954
   6 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   6 Metamorphoses
   6 Maps of Meaning
   6 Essays On The Gita
   6 Cybernetics
   6 Agenda Vol 13
   6 Agenda Vol 12
   5 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   5 Talks
   5 Magick Without Tears
   5 Hymn of the Universe
   5 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   4 Walden
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Liber ABA
   4 Labyrinths
   4 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   4 Isha Upanishad
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   4 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   3 Words Of The Mother III
   3 Words Of Long Ago
   3 Vedic and Philological Studies
   3 The Integral Yoga
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Liber Null
   3 Li Bai - Poems
   3 Initiation Into Hermetics
   3 General Principles of Kabbalah
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   3 Collected Poems
   2 Words Of The Mother II
   2 Vishnu Purana
   2 Twilight of the Idols
   2 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Red Book Liber Novus
   2 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 Some Answers From The Mother
   2 Schiller - Poems
   2 Questions And Answers 1955
   2 Prayers And Meditations
   2 Poe - Poems
   2 Kena and Other Upanishads
   2 Goethe - Poems
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
  My child, yes, everything is there: mysticism, occultism, philosophy, the history of evolution, the history of man, of the gods, of creation, of Nature. How the universe was created, why, for what purpose, what destiny - all is there. You can find all the answers to all your questions there. Everything is explained, even the future of man and of the evolution, all that nobody yet knows. He has described it all in beautiful and clear words so that spiritual adventurers who wish to solve the mysteries of the world may understand it more easily. But this mystery is well hidden behind the words and lines and one must rise to the required level of true consciousness to discover it. All prophesies, all that is going to come is presented with the precise and wonderful clarity. Sri Aurobindo gives you here the key to find the Truth, to discover the Consciousness, to solve the problem of what the universe is. He has also indicated how to open the door of the Inconscience so that the light may penetrate there and transform it. He has shown the path, the way to liberate oneself from the ignorance and climb up to the superconscience; each stage, each plane of consciousness, how they can be scaled, how one can cross even the barrier of death and attain immortality. You will find the whole journey in detail, and as you go forward you can discover things altogether unknown to man. That is Savitri and much more yet. It is a real experience - reading Savitri. All the secrets that man possessed, He has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must have the knowledge to discover it all, the experience of the planes of consciousness, the experience of the Supermind, even the experience of the conquest of Death. He has noted all the stages, marked each step in order to advance integrally in the integral Yoga.
  All this is His own experience, and what is most surprising is that it is my own experience also. It is my sadhana which He has worked out. Each object, each event, each realisation, all the descriptions, even the colours are exactly what I saw and the words, phrases are also exactly what I heard. And all this before having read the book. I read Savitri many times afterwards, but earlier, when He was writing He used to read it to me. Every morning I used to hear Him read Savitri. During the night He would write and in the morning read it to me. And I observed something curious, that day after day the experiences He read out to me in the morning were those I had had the previous night, word by word. Yes, all the descriptions, the colours, the pictures I had seen, the words I had heard, all, all, I heard it all, put by Him into poetry, into miraculous poetry. Yes, they were exactly my experiences of the previous night which He read out to me the following morning. And it was not just one day by chance, but for days and days together. And every time I used to compare what He said with my previous experiences and they were always the same. I repeat, it was not that I had told Him my experiences and that He had noted them down afterwards, no, He knew already what I had seen. It is my experiences He has presented at length and they were His experiences also. It is, moreover, the picture of Our joint adventure into the unknown or rather into the Supermind.

00.02 - Mystic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And there is such a commensurability or parallelism between the various levels of consciousness, in and through all the differences that separate them from one another. Thus an object or a movement apprehended on the physical plane has a sort of line of re-echoing images extended in a series along the whole gradation of the inner planes; otherwise viewed, an object or movement in the innermost consciousness translates itself in varying modes from plane to plane down to the most material, where it appears in its grossest form as a concrete three-dimensional object or a mechanical movement. This parallelism or commensurability by virtue of which the different and divergent states of consciousness can portray or represent each other is the source of all symbolism.
   A symbol symbolizes something for this reason that both possess in common a certain identical, at least similar, quality or rhythm or vibration, the symbol possessing it in a grosser or more apparent or sensuous form than the thing symbolized does. Sometimes it may happen that it is more than a certain quality or rhythm or vibration that is common between the two: the symbol in its entirety is the thing symbolized but thrown down on another plane, it is the embodiment of the latter in a more concrete world. The light and the fire that Saint Paul and Moses saw appear to be of this kind.
   Man being an embodied soul, his external consciousness (what the Upanishad calls jgrat) is the milieu in which his soul-experiences naturally manifest and find their play. It is the forms and movements of that consciousness which clo the and give a concrete habitation and name to perceptions on the subtler ranges of the inner existence. If the experiences on these planes are to be presented to the conscious memory and to the brain-mind and made communicable to others through speech, this is the inevitable and natural process. Symbols are a translation in mental and sensual (and vocal) terms of experiences that are beyond the mind and the sense and the speech and yet throw a kind of echoing vibrations upon these lesser levels.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The one, however, is not completely divorced from the other. The apparent, the inferior nature is only a preparation for the real, the superior nature. The Path of the Fathers concerns itself with man as a mental being and seeks so to ordain and accomplish its duties and ideals as to lead him on to the Path of the Gods; the mind, the life, and the body consciousness should be so disciplined, educated, purified, they should develop along such a line and gradually rise to such a stage as to make them fit to receive the light which belongs to the higher level, so allowing the human soul imbedded in them to extricate itself and pass on to the Immortal Life.
   And they who are thus lifted up into the Higher Orbit are freed from the bondage to the cycle of rebirth. They enjoy the supreme Liberation that is of the Spirit; and even when they descend into the Inferior Path, it is to work out as free agents, as vehicles of the Divine, a special purpose, to bring down something of the substance and nature of the Solar reality into the lower world, enlighten and elevate the lower, as far as it is allowed, into the higher.
   The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina, and Ahavaniya.9 They are the three tongues of the one central Agni, that dwells secreted in the hearth of the soul. They manifest as aspirations that flame up from the three fundamental levels of our being, the body, the life and the mind. For although the spiritual consciousness is the natural element of the soul and is gained in and through the soul, yet, in order that man may take possession of it and dwell in it consciously, in order that the soul's empire may be established, the external being too must respond to the soul's impact and yearn for its truth in the Spirit. The mind, the life and the body which are usually obstructions in the path, must discover the secret flame that is in them tooeach has his own portion of the Soul's Fireand mount on its ardent tongue towards the heights of the Spirit.
   Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and Ahavaniya that of life.10 The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle.
   It would be interesting to know what the five ranges or levels or movements of consciousness exactly are that make up the Universal Brahman described in this passage. It is the mystic knowledge, the Upanishad says, of the secret delight in thingsmadhuvidy. The five ranges are the five fundamental principles of delightimmortalities, the Veda would say that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the godsAgni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahmawith their emanations and instrumental personalities the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elsewhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and -the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and dynamism of which the Rudras are the deities and Indra the presiding God (cf. Swadhishthana of the Tantras the navel centre). Indra, in the Vedas, has two aspects, one of knowledge and vision and the other of dynamic force and drive. In the first aspect he is more often considered as the Lord of the Mind, of the Luminous Mind. In the present passage, Indra is taken in his second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates.
   The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lightsperhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Marutsthis seems to be the inner heart, the fount of delight and keen and sweeping aspirations the Anahata of the Tantras. The fifth is the region of the crown of the head, the domain of Brahma and the Sadhyas: it is the Overmind status from where comes the descending inflatus, the creative Maya of Brahma. And when you go beyond, you pass into the ultimate status of the Sun, the reality absolute, the Transcendent which is indescribable, unseizable, indeterminate, indeterminable, incommensurable; and once there, one never returns, neverna ca punarvartate na ca punarvartate.
   The number of gods depends on the level of consciousness on which we stand. On this material plane there are as many gods as there are bodies or individual forms (adhar). And on the supreme height there is only one God without a second. In between there are gradations of types and sub-types whose number and function vary according to the aspect of consciousness that reveals itself.
   IX. Nachiketas' Three Boons

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   The anguish of the inner soul of India found expression through these passionate words of the young Gadadhar. For what did his unsophisticated eyes see around him in Calcutta, at that time the metropolis of India and the centre of modem culture and learning? Greed and lust held sway in the higher levels of society, and the occasional religious practices were merely outer forms from which the soul had long ago departed. Gadadhar had never seen anything like this at Kamarpukur among the simple and pious villagers. The sadhus and wandering monks whom he had served in his boyhood had revealed to him an altogether different India. He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self-control and renunciation. He had learnt from them and from his own intuition that the ideal of life as taught by the ancient sages of India was the realization of God.
   When Ramkumar reprimanded Gadadhar for neglecting a "bread-winning education", the inner voice of the boy reminded him that the legacy of his ancestors — the legacy of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Sankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya — was not worldly security but the Knowledge of God. And these noble sages were the true representatives of Hindu society. Each of them was seated, as it were, on the crest of the wave that followed each successive trough in the tumultuous course of Indian national life. All demonstrated that the life current of India is spirituality. This truth was revealed to Gadadhar through that inner vision which scans past and future in one sweep, unobstructed by the barriers of time and space. But he was unaware of the history of the profound change that had taken place in the land of his birth during the previous one hundred years.
   Durgacharan Nag, also known as Nag Mahashay, was the ideal householder among the lay disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. In spite of his intense desire to become a sannyasi, Sri Ramakrishna asked him to live in the world in the spirit of a monk, and the disciple truly carried out this injunction. He was born of a poor family and even during his boyhood often sacrificed everything to lessen the sufferings of the needy. He had married at an early age and after his wife's death had married a second time to obey his father's command. But he once said to his wife: "Love on the physical level never lasts. He is indeed blessed who can give his love to God with his whole heart. Even a little attachment to the body endures for several births. So do not be attached to this cage of bone and flesh. Take shelter at the feet of the Mother and think of Her alone. Thus your life here and hereafter will be ennobled." The Master spoke of him as a "blazing light". He received every word of Sri Ramakrishna in dead earnest. One day he heard the Master saying that it was difficult for doctors, lawyers, and brokers to make much progress in spirituality. Of doctors he said, "If the mind clings to the tiny drops of medicine, how can it conceive of the Infinite?" That was the end of Durgacharan's medical practice and he threw his chest of medicines into the Ganges. Sri Ramakrishna assured him that he would not lack simple food and clothing. He bade him serve holy men. On being asked where he would find real holy men, the Master said that the sadhus themselves would seek his company. No sannyasi could have lived a more austere life than Durgacharan.
   Sri Ramakrishna was grateful to the Divine Mother for sending him one who doubted his own realizations. Often he asked Narendra to test him as the money-changers test their coins. He laughed at Narendra's biting criticism of his spiritual experiences and samadhi. When at times Narendra's sharp words distressed him, the Divine Mother Herself would console him, saying: "Why do you listen to him? In a few days he will believe your every word." He could hardly bear Narendra's absences. Often he would weep bitterly for the sight of him. Sometimes Narendra would find the Master's love embarrassing; and one day he sharply scolded him, warning him that such infatuation would soon draw him down to the level of its object. The Master was distressed and prayed to the Divine Mother. Then he said to Narendra: "You rogue, I won't listen to you any more. Mother says that I love you because I see God in you, and the day I no longer see God in you I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you."
   The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy. But Narendra, because of his Brahmo upbringing, considered it wholly blasphemous to look on man as one with his Creator. One day at the temple garden he laughingly said to a friend: "How silly! This jug is God! This cup is God! Whatever we see is God! And we too are God! Nothing could be more absurd." Sri Ramakrishna came out of his room and gently touched him. Spellbound, he immediately perceived that everything in the world was indeed God. A new universe opened around him. Returning home in a dazed state, he found there too that the food, the plate, the eater himself, the people around him, were all God. When he walked in the street, he saw that the cabs, the horses, the streams of people, the buildings, were all Brahman. He could hardly go about his day's business. His parents became anxious about him and thought him ill. And when the intensity of the experience abated a little, he saw the world as a dream. Walking in the public square, he would strike his head against the iron railings to know whether they were real. It took him a number of days to recover his normal self. He had a foretaste of the great experiences yet to come and realized that the words of the Vedanta were true.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  He was an educationist all his life both in a spiritual and in a secular sense. After he passed out of College, he took up work as headmaster in a number of schools in succession Narail High School, City School, Ripon College School, Metropolitan School, Aryan School, Oriental School, Oriental Seminary and Model School. The causes of his migration from school to school were that he could not get on with some of the managements on grounds of principles and that often his spiritual mood drew him away to places of pilgrimage for long periods. He worked with some of the most noted public men of the time like Iswar Chandra Vidysgar and Surendranath Banerjee. The latter appointed him as a professor in the City and Ripon Colleges where he taught subjects like English, philosophy, history and economics. In his later days he took over the Morton School, and he spent his time in the staircase room of the third floor of it, administering the school and preaching the message of the Master. He was much respected in educational circles where he was usually referred to as Rector Mahashay. A teacher who had worked under him writes thus in warm appreciation of his teaching methods: "Only when I worked with him in school could I appreciate what a great educationist he was. He would come down to the level of his students when teaching, though he himself was so learned, so talented. Ordinarily teachers confine their instruction to what is given in books without much thought as to whether the student can accept it or not. But M., would first of all gauge how much the student could take in and by what means. He would employ aids to teaching like maps, pictures and diagrams, so that his students could learn by seeing. Thirty years ago (from 1953) when the question of imparting education through the medium of the mother tongue was being discussed, M. had already employed Bengali as the medium of instruction in the Morton School." (M The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda Part I. P. 15.)
  Imparting secular education was, however, only his profession ; his main concern was with the spiritual regeneration of man a calling for which Destiny seems to have chosen him. From his childhood he was deeply pious, and he used to be moved very much by Sdhus, temples and Durga Puja celebrations. The piety and eloquence of the great Brahmo leader of the times, Keshab Chander Sen, elicited a powerful response from the impressionable mind of Mahendra Nath, as it did in the case of many an idealistic young man of Calcutta, and prepared him to receive the great Light that was to dawn on him with the coming of Sri Ramakrishna into his life.
  Sri Ramakrishna was a teacher for both the Orders of mankind, Sannysins and householders. His own life offered an ideal example for both, and he left behind disciples who followed the highest traditions he had set in respect of both these ways of life. M., along with Nag Mahashay, exemplified how a householder can rise to the highest level of sagehood. M. was married to Nikunja Devi, a distant relative of Keshab Chander Sen, even when he was reading at College, and he had four children, two sons and two daughters. The responsibility of the family, no doubt, made him dependent on his professional income, but the great devotee that he was, he never compromised with ideals and principles for this reason. Once when he was working as the headmaster in a school managed by the great Vidysgar, the results of the school at the public examination happened to be rather poor, and Vidysgar attri buted it to M's preoccupation with the Master and his consequent failure to attend adequately to the school work. M. at once resigned his post without any thought of the morrow. Within a fortnight the family was in poverty, and M. was one day pacing up and down the verandah of his house, musing how he would feed his children the next day. Just then a man came with a letter addressed to 'Mahendra Babu', and on opening it, M. found that it was a letter from his friend Sri Surendra Nath Banerjee, asking whether he would like to take up a professorship in the Ripon College. In this way three or four times he gave up the job that gave him the wherewithal to support the family, either for upholding principles or for practising spiritual Sadhanas in holy places, without any consideration of the possible dire worldly consequences; but he was always able to get over these difficulties somehow, and the interests of his family never suffered. In spite of his disregard for worldly goods, he was, towards the latter part of his life, in a fairly flourishing condition as the proprietor of the Morton School which he developed into a noted educational institution in the city. The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Git that in the case of those who think of nothing except Him, He Himself would take up all their material and spiritual responsibilities. M. was an example of the truth of the Lord's promise.
  Though his children received proper attention from him, his real family, both during the Master's lifetime and after, consisted of saints, devotees, Sannysins and spiritual aspirants. His life exemplifies the Master's teaching that an ideal householder must be like a good maidservant of a family, loving and caring properly for the children of the house, but knowing always that her real home and children are elsewhere. During the Master's lifetime he spent all his Sundays and other holidays with him and his devotees, and besides listening to the holy talks and devotional music, practised meditation both on the Personal and the Impersonal aspects of God under the direct guidance of the Master. In the pages of the Gospel the reader gets a picture of M.'s spiritual relationship with the Master how from a hazy belief in the Impersonal God of the Brahmos, he was step by step brought to accept both Personality and Impersonality as the two aspects of the same Non-dual Being, how he was convinced of the manifestation of that Being as Gods, Goddesses and as Incarnations, and how he was established in a life that was both of a Jnni and of a Bhakta. This Jnni-Bhakta outlook and way of living became so dominant a feature of his life that Swami Raghavananda, who was very closely associated with him during his last six years, remarks: "Among those who lived with M. in latter days, some felt that he always lived in this constant and conscious union with God even with open eyes (i.e., even in waking consciousness)." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXXVII. P. 442.)

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The gospel of the Supermind which Sri Aurobindo brought to man envisages a new level of consciousness beyond Mind. When this level is attained it imposes a complete and radical reintegration of the human personality. Sri Aurobindo was not merely the exponent but the embodiment of the new, dynamic truth of the Supermind. While exploring and sounding the tremendous possibilities of human personality in his intense spiritual Sadhana, he has shown us that practically there are no limits to its expansion and ascent. It can reach in its growth what appears to man at present as a 'divine' status. It goes without saying that this attainment is not an easy task; there are conditions to be fulfilled for the transformation from the human to the divine.
   The Gita in its chapters on the Vibhuti and the Avatar takes in general the same position. It shows that the present formula of our nature, and therefore the mental personality of man, is not final. A Vibhuti embodies in a human manifestation a certain divine quality and thus demonstrates the possibility of overcoming the limits of ordinary human personality. The Vibhuti the embodiment of a divine quality or power, and the Avatar the divine incarnation, are not to be looked upon as supraphysical miracles thrown at humanity without regard to the process of evolution; they are, in fact, indications of human possibility, a sign that points to the goal of evolution.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  vessels used for cooking are very large, the top of the fireplaces should not be much higher than ground level. This must
  be checked while the kitchen is being repaired. The top of

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  She has harmonised the bodily life with the material mind, she is harmonising it with the play of the intellectual mentality; for that, although it tends to a depression of the full animal and vital vigour, need not produce active disturbances. And she is shooting yet beyond in the attempt to reach a still higher level.
  Nor are the disturbances created by her process as great as is often represented. Some of them are the crude beginnings of new manifestations; others are an easily corrected movement of disintegration, often fruitful of fresh activities and always a small price to pay for the far-reaching results that she has in view.
   to this conclusion that mental life, far from being a recent appearance in man, is the swift repetition in him of a previous achievement from which the Energy in the race had undergone one of her deplorable recoils. The savage is perhaps not so much the first forefa ther of civilised man as the degenerate descendant of a previous civilisation. For if the actuality of intellectual achievement is unevenly distributed, the capacity is spread everywhere. It has been seen that in individual cases even the racial type considered by us the lowest, the negro fresh from the perennial barbarism of Central Africa, is capable, without admixture of blood, without waiting for future generations, of the intellectual culture, if not yet of the intellectual accomplishment of the dominant European. Even in the mass men seem to need, in favourable circumstances, only a few generations to cover ground that ought apparently to be measured in the terms of millenniums. Either, then, man by his privilege as a mental being is exempt from the full burden of the tardy laws of evolution or else he already represents and with helpful conditions and in the right stimulating atmosphere can always display a high level of material capacity for the activities of the intellectual life.
  It is not mental incapacity, but the long rejection or seclusion from opportunity and withdrawal of the awakening impulse that creates the savage. Barbarism is an intermediate sleep, not an original darkness.
  Moreover the whole trend of modern thought and modern endeavour reveals itself to the observant eye as a large conscious effort of Nature in man to effect a general level of intellectual equipment, capacity and farther possibility by universalising the opportunities which modern civilisation affords for the mental life. Even the preoccupation of the European intellect, the protagonist of this tendency, with material Nature and the externalities of existence is a necessary part of the effort. It seeks to prepare a sufficient basis in man's physical being and vital energies and in his material environment for his full mental possibilities. By the spread of education, by the advance of the backward races, by the elevation of depressed classes, by the multiplication of labour-saving appliances, by the movement
  The Three Steps of Nature

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  This mixing with life may, however, be pursued for the sake of the individual mind and with an entire indifference to the forms of the material existence or the uplifting of the race. This indifference is seen at its highest in the Epicurean discipline and is not entirely absent from the Stoic; and even altruism does the works of compassion more often for its own sake than for the sake of the world it helps. But this too is a limited fulfilment. The progressive mind is seen at its noblest when it strives to elevate the whole race to its own level whether by sowing broadcast the image of its own thought and fulfilment or by changing the material life of the race into fresh forms, religious, intellectual, social or political, intended to represent more nearly that ideal of truth, beauty, justice, righteousness with which the man's own soul is illumined. Failure in such a field matters little; for the mere attempt is dynamic and creative. The struggle of Mind to elevate life is the promise and condition of the conquest of life by that which is higher even than Mind.
  That highest thing, the spiritual existence, is concerned with what is eternal but not therefore entirely aloof from the transient. For the spiritual man the mind's dream of perfect beauty is realised in an eternal love, beauty and delight that has no dependence and is equal behind all objective appearances; its dream of perfect Truth in the supreme, self-existent, self-apparent and eternal Verity which never varies, but explains and is the secret of all variations and the goal of all progress; its dream of perfect action in the omnipotent and self-guiding Law that is inherent for ever in all things and translates itself here in the rhythm of the worlds. What is fugitive vision or constant effort of creation in the brilliant Self is an eternally existing Reality in the Self that knows2 and is the Lord.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   and perception to the divine level, to its spiritualisation and to the justification of the cosmic travail of knowledge in humanity.
  The Path of Devotion aims at the enjoyment of the supreme
  Devotion may be so used as to lead to the elevation of the whole range of human emotion, sensation and aesthetic perception to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards love and joy in our humanity.
  The Path of Works aims at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Will. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an interested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renunciation it so
  But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.
  We can see also that in the integral view of things these three paths are one. Divine Love should normally lead to the perfect knowledge of the Beloved by perfect intimacy, thus becoming a path of Knowledge, and to divine service, thus becoming a path of Works. So also should perfect Knowledge lead to perfect

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   An organ in the human being has been especially developed to become the effective instrument of this accelerated Yogic process the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his psychic being; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus to the evolutionary movement; and in man it has attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart, spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true individuality and personal identity. It is again the reflection or expression in evolutionary Nature of one's essential selfjivtman that is above, an eternal portion of the Divine, one with the Divine and yet not dissolved and lost in it. The psychic being is thus on the one hand in direct contact with the Divine and the higher consciousness, and on the other it is the secret upholder and controller' (bhart, antarymin) of the inferior consciousness, the hidden nucleus round which the body and the life and the mind of the individual are built up and organised.
   The first decisive step in Yoga is taken when one becomes conscious of the psychic being, or, looked at from the other side, when the psychic being comes forward and takes possession of the external being, begins to initiate and influence the movements of the mind and life and body and gradually free them from the ordinary round of ignorant nature. The awakening of the psychic being means, as I have said, not only a deepening and heightening of the consciousness and its release from the obscurity and limitation of the inferior Prakriti, confined to the lower threefold status, into what is behind and beyond; it means also a return of the deeper and higher consciousness upon the lower hemisphere and a consequent purification and illumination and regeneration of the latter. Finally, when the psychic being is in full self-possession and power, it can be the vehicle of the direct supramental consciousness which will then be able to act freely and absolutely for the entire transformation of the external nature, its transfiguration into a perfect body of the Truth-consciousness in a word, its divinisation.

01.02 - The Creative Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In one's own soul lies the very height and profundity of a god-head. Each soul by bringing out the note that is his, makes for the most wondrous symphony. Once a man knows what he is and holds fast to it, refusing to be drawn away by any necessity or temptation, he begins to uncover himself, to do what his inmost nature demands and takes joy in, that is to say, begins to create. Indeed there may be much difference in the forms that different souls take. But because each is itself, therefore each is grounded upon the fundamental equality of things. All our valuations are in reference to some standard or other set up with a particular end in view, but that is a question of the practical world which in no way takes away from the intrinsic value of the greatness of the soul. So long as the thing is there, the how of it does not matter. Infinite are the ways of manifestation and all of them the very highest and the most sublime, provided they are a manifestation of the soul itself, provided they rise and flow from the same level. Whether it is Agni or Indra, Varuna, Mitra or the Aswins, it is the same supreme and divine inflatus.
   The cosmic soul is true. But that truth is borne out, effectuated only by the truth of the individual soul. When the individual soul becomes itself fully and integrally, by that very fact it becomes also the cosmic soul. The individuals are the channels through which flows the Universal and the Infinite in its multiple emphasis. Each is a particular figure, aspectBhava, a particular angle of vision of All. The vision is entire and the figure perfect if it is not refracted by the lower and denser parts of our being. And for that the individual must first come to itself and shine in its opal clarity and translucency.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here we have a pattern of thought-movement that does not seem to follow the lineaments of the normal brain-mind consciousness, although it too has a basis there: our customary line of reasoning receives a sudden shock, as it were, and then is shaken, moved, lifted up, transportedgradually or suddenly, according to the temperament of the listener. Besides, we have here the peculiar modern tone, which, for want of a better term, may be described as scientific. The impressimprimaturof Science is its rational coherence, justifying or justified by sense data, by physical experience, which gives us the pattern or model of an inexorable natural law. Here too we feel we are in the domain of such natural law but lifted on to a higher level.
   This is what I was trying to make out as the distinguishing trait of the real spiritual consciousness that seems to be developing in the poetic creation of tomorrow, e.g., it has the same rationality, clarity, concreteness of perception as the scientific spirit has in its own domain and still it is rounded off with a halo of magic and miracle. That is the nature of the logic of the infinite proper to the spiritual consciousness. We can have a Science of the Spirit as well as a Science of Matter. This is the Thought element or what corresponds to it, of which I was speaking, the philosophical factor, that which gives form to the formless or definition to that which is vague, a nearness and familiarity to that which is far and alien. The fullness of the spiritual consciousness means such a thing, the presentation of a divine name and form. And this distinguishes it from the mystic consciousness which is not the supreme solar consciousness but the nearest approach to it. Or, perhaps, the mystic dwells in the domain of the Divine, he may even be suffused with a sense of unity but would not like to acquire the Divine's nature and function. Normally and generally he embodies all the aspiration and yearning moved by intimations and suggestions belonging to the human mentality, the divine urge retaining still the human flavour. We can say also, using a Vedantic terminology, that the mystic consciousness gives us the tatastha lakshana, the nearest approximative attribute of the attri buteless; or otherwise, it is the hiranyagarbha consciousness which englobes the multiple play, the coruscated possibilities of the Reality: while the spiritual proper may be considered as prajghana, the solid mass, the essential lineaments of revelatory knowledge, the typal "wave-particles" of the Reality. In the former there is a play of imagination, even of fancy, a decorative aesthesis, while in the latter it is vision pure and simple. If the spiritual poetry is solar in its nature, we can say, by extending the analogy, that mystic poetry is characteristically lunarMoon representing the delight and the magic that Mind and mental imagination, suffused, no doubt, with a light or a reflection of some light from beyond, is capable of (the Upanishad speaks of the Moon being born of the Mind).

01.03 - Rationalism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The fact is that Reason is a lower manifestation of knowledge, it is an attempt to express on the mental level a power that exceeds it. It is the section of a vast and unitarian Consciousness-Power; the section may be necessary under certain conditions and circumstances, but unless it is viewed in its relation to the ensemble, unless it gives up its exclusive absolutism, it will be perforce arbitrary and misleading. It would still remain helpful and useful, but its help and use would be always limited in scope and temporary in effectivity.

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All movementswhe ther of thought or of life, whether in the individual or in the massproceed from a fundamental intuition which lies in the background as the logical presupposition, the psychological motive and the spiritual force. A certain attitude of the soul, a certain angle of vision is what is posited first; all other thingsall thoughts and feelings and activities are but necessary attempts to express, to demonstrate, to realise on the conscious and dynamic levels, in the outer world, the truth which has thus already been seized in some secret core of our being. The intuition may not, of course, be present to the conscious mind, it may not be ostensibly sought for, one may even deny the existence of such a preconceived notion and proceed to establish truth on a tabula rasa; none the less it is this hidden bias that judges, this secret consciousness that formulates, this unknown power that fashions.
   Now, what is the intuition that lies behind the movements of the new age? What is the intimate realisation, the underlying view-point which is guiding and modelling all our efforts and achievementsour science and art, our poetry and philosophy, our religion and society? For, there is such a common and fundamental note which is being voiced forth by the human spirit through all the multitude of its present-day activities.
   This then is the mantra of the new ageLife with Intuition as its guide and not Reason and mechanical efficiency, not Man but Superman. The right mantra has been found, the principle itself is irreproachable. But the interpretation, the application, does not seem to have been always happy. For, Nietzsche's conception of the Superman is full of obvious lacunae. If we have so long been adoring the intellectual man, Nietzsche asks us, on the other hand, to deify the vital man. According to him the superman is he who has (1) the supreme sense of the ego, (2) the sovereign will to power and (3) who lives dangerously. All this means an Asura, that is to say, one who has, it may be, dominion over his animal and vital impulsions in order, of course, that he may best gratify them but who has not purified them. Purification does not necessarily mean, annihilation but it does mean sublimation and transformation. So if you have to transcend man, you have to transcend egoism also. For a conscious egoism is the very characteristic of man and by increasing your sense of egoism you do not supersede man but simply aggrandise your humanity, fashion it on a larger, a titanic scale. And then the will to power is not the only will that requires fulfilment, there is also the will to knowledge and the will to love. In man these three fundamental constitutive elements coexist, although they do it, more often than not, at the expense of each other and in a state of continual disharmony. The superman, if he is to be the man "who has surmounted himself", must embody a poise of being in which all the three find a fusion and harmonya perfect synthesis. Again, to live dangerously may be heroic, but it is not divine. To live dangerously means to have eternal opponents, that is to say, to live ever on the same level with the forces you want to dominate. To have the sense that one has to fight and control means that one is not as yet the sovereign lord, for one has to strive and strain and attain. The supreme lord is he who is perfectly equanimous with himself and with the world. He has not to batter things into a shape in order to create. He creates means, he manifests. He wills and he achieves"God said 'let there be light' and there was light."
   As a matter of fact, the superman is not, as Nietzsche thinks him to be, the highest embodiment of the biological force of Nature, not even as modified and refined by the aesthetic and aristocratic virtues of which the higher reaches of humanity seem capable. For that is after all humanity only accentuated in certain other fundamentally human modes of existence. It does not carry far enough the process of surmounting. In reality it is not a surmounting but a new channelling. Instead of the ethical and intellectual man, we get the vital and aesthetic man. It may be a change but not a transfiguration.
   Matter forms the lowest level of reality. Above it is the elan vital. Above the elan vital there is yet the domain of the Spirit. And the Spirit is a static substance and at the same a dynamic creative power. It is Being (Sat) that realises or expresses itself through certain typal nuclei or nodi of consciousness (chit) in a continuous becoming, in a flow of creative activity (ananda). The dynamism of the vital energy is only a refraction or precipitation of the dynamism of the spirit; and so also static matter is only the substance of the spirit concretised and solidified. It is in an uplift both of matter and vital force to their prototypesswarupa and swabhavain the Spirit that lies the real transformation and transfiguration of the humanity of man.
   This is the truth that is trying to dawn upon the new age. Not matter but that which forms the substance of matter, not intellect but a vaster consciousness that informs the intellect, not man as he is, an aberration in the cosmic order, but as he may and shall be the embodiment and fulfilment of that orderthis is the secret Intuition which, as yet dimly envisaged, nevertheless secretly inspires all the human activities of today. Only, the truth is being interpreted, as we have said, in terms of vital life. The intellectual and physical man gave us one aspect of the reality, but neither is the vital and psychical man the complete reality. The one acquisition of this shifting of the viewpoint has been that we are now in touch with the natural and deeper movement of humanity and not as before merely with its artificial scaffolding. The Alexandrine civilisation of humanity, in Nietzsche's phrase, was a sort of divagation from nature, it was following a loop away from the direct path of natural evolution. And the new Renaissance of today has precisely corrected this aberration of humanity and brought it again in a line with the natural cosmic order.
   Certainly this does not go far enough into the motive of the change. The cosmic order does not mean mentalised vitalism which is also in its turn a section of the integral reality. It means the order of the spirit, it means the transfiguration of the physical, the vital and the intellectual into the supernal Substance, Power and Light of that Spirit. The real transcendence of humanity is not the transcendence of one or other of its levels but the total transcendence to an altogether different status and the transmutation of humanity in the mould of that statusnot a Nietzschean Titan nor a Bergsonian Dionysus but the tranquil vision and delight and dynamism of the Spirit the incarnation of a god-head.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When we say one is conscious, we usually mean that one is conscious with the mental consciousness, with the rational intelligence, with the light of the brain. But this need not be always so. For one can be conscious with other forms of consciousness or in other planes of consciousness. In the average or normal man the consciousness is linked to or identified with the brain function, the rational intelligence and so we conclude that without this wakeful brain activity there can be no consciousness. But the fact is otherwise. The experiences of the mystic prove the point. The mystic is conscious on a level which we describe as higher than the mind and reason, he has what may be called the overhead consciousness. (Apart from the normal consciousness, which is named jagrat, waking, the Upanishad speaks of three other increasingly subtler states of consciousness, swapna, sushupti and turiya.)And then one can be quite unconscious, as in samadhi that can be sushupti or turiyaorpartially consciousin swapna, for example, the external behaviour may be like that of a child or a lunatic or even a goblin. One can also remain normally conscious and still be in the superconscience. Not only so, the mystic the Yogican be conscious on infraconscious levels also; that is to say, he can enter into and identify with the consciousness involved in life and even in Matter; he can feel and realise his oneness with the animal world, the plant world and finally the world of dead earth, of "stocks and stones" too. For all these strands of existence have each its own type of consciousness and all different from the mode of mind which is normally known as consciousness. When St. Francis addresses himself to the brother Sun or the sister Moon, or when the Upanishad speaks of the tree silhouetted against the sky, as if stilled in trance, we feel there is something of this fusion and identification of consciousness with an infra-conscient existence.
   I said that the supreme artist is superconscious: his consciousness withdraws from the normal mental consciousness and becomes awake and alive in another order of consciousness. To that superior consciousness the artist's mentalityhis ideas and dispositions, his judgments and valuations and acquisitions, in other words, his normal psychological make-upserves as a channel, an instrument, a medium for transcription. Now, there are two stages, or rather two lines of activity in the processus, for they may be overlapping and practically simultaneous. First, there is the withdrawal and the in-gathering of consciousness and then its reappearance into expression. The consciousness retires into a secret or subtle worldWords-worth's "recollected in tranquillity"and comes back with the riches gathered or transmuted there. But the purity of the gold thus garnered and stalled in the artistry of words and sounds or lines and colours depends altogether upon the purity of the channel through which it has to pass. The mental vehicle receives and records and it can do so to perfection if it is perfectly in tune with what it has to receive and record; otherwise the transcription becomes mixed and blurred, a faint or confused echo, a poor show. The supreme creators are precisely those in whom the receptacle, the instrumental faculties offer the least resistance and record with absolute fidelity the experiences of the over or inner consciousness. In Shakespeare, in Homer, in Valmiki the inflatus of the secret consciousness, the inspiration, as it is usually termed, bears down, sweeps away all obscurity or contrariety in the recording mentality, suffuses it with its own glow and puissance, indeed resolves it into its own substance, as it were. And the difference between the two, the secret norm and the recording form, determines the scale of the artist's creative value. It happens often that the obstruction of a too critically observant and self-conscious brain-mind successfully blocks up the flow of something supremely beautiful that wanted to come down and waited for an opportunity.
   But the Yogi is a wholly conscious being; a perfect Yogi is he who possesses a conscious and willed control over his instruments, he silences them, as and when he likes, and makes them convey and express with as little deviation as possible truths and realities from the Beyond. Now the question is, is it possible for the poet also to do something like that, to consciously create and not to be a mere unconscious or helpless channel? Conscious artistry, as we have said, means to be conscious on two levels of consciousness at the same time, to be at home in both equally and simultaneously. The general experience, however, is that of "one at a time": if the artist dwells more in the one, the other retires into the background to the same measure. If he is in the over-consciousness, he is only half-conscious in his brain consciousness, or even not conscious at allhe does not know how he has created, the sources or process of his creative activity, he is quite oblivious of them" gone through them all as if per saltum. Such seems to have been the case with the primitives, as they are called, the elemental poetsShakespeare and Homer and Valmiki. In some others, who come very near to them in poetic genius, yet not quite on a par, the instrumental intelligence is strong and active, it helps in its own way but in helping circumscribes and limits the original impulsion. The art here becomes consciously artistic, but loses something of the initial freshness and spontaneity: it gains in correctness, polish and elegance and has now a style in lieu of Nature's own naturalness. I am thinking of Virgil and Milton and Kalidasa. Dante's place is perhaps somewhere in between. Lower in the rung where the mental medium occupies a still more preponderant place we have intellectual poetry, poetry of the later classical age whose representatives are Pope and Dryden. We can go farther down and land in the domain of versificationalthough here, too, there can be a good amount of beauty in shape of ingenuity, cleverness and conceit: Voltaire and Delille are of this order in French poetry.
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   But should there be an inherent incompatibility between spontaneous creation and self-consciousness? As we have seen, a harmony and fusion can and do happen of the superconscious and the normally conscious in the Yogi. Likewise, an artist also can be wakeful and transparent enough so that he is conscious on both the levels simultaneouslyabove, he is conscious of the source and origin of his inspiration, and on the level plain he is conscious of the working of the instrument, how the vehicle transcribes and embodies what comes from elsewhere. The poet's consciousness becomes then divalent as it werethere is a sense of absolute passivity in respect of the receiving apparatus and coupled and immisced with it there is also the sense of dynamism, of conscious agency as in his secret being he is the master of his apparatus and one with the Inspirerin other words, the poet is both a seer (kavih) and a creator or doer (poits).
   Not only so, the future development of the poetic consciousness seems inevitably to lead to such a consummation in which the creative and the critical faculties will not be separate but form part of one and indivisible movement. Historically, human consciousness has grown from unconsciousness to consciousness and from consciousness to self-consciousness; man's creative and artistic genius too has moved pari passu in the same direction. The earliest and primitive poets were mostly unconscious, that is to say, they wrote or said things as they came to them spontaneously, without effort, without reflection, they do not seem to know the whence and wherefore and whither of it all, they know only that the wind bloweth as it listeth. That was when man had not yet eaten the fruit of knowledge, was still in the innocence of childhood. But as he grew up and progressed, he became more and more conscious, capable of exerting and exercising a deliberate will and initiating a purposive action, not only in the external practical field but also in the psychological domain. If the earlier group is called "primitives", the later one, that of conscious artists, usually goes by the name of "classicists." Modern creators have gone one step farther in the direction of self-consciousness, a return upon oneself, an inlook of full awareness and a free and alert activity of the critical faculties. An unconscious artist in the sense of the "primitives" is almost an impossible phenomenon in the modern world. All are scientists: an artist cannot but be consciously critical, deliberate, purposive in what he creates and how he creates. Evidently, this has cost something of the old-world spontaneity and supremacy of utterance; but it cannot be helped, we cannot comm and the tide to roll back, Canute-like. The feature has to be accepted and a remedy and new orientation discovered.
   Well, it is sheer incantation. It is word-weaving, rhythm plaiting, thought-wringing in order to pass beyond these frail materials, to get into contact with, to give some sense of the mystery of existence that passeth understanding. We are very far indeed from the "natural" poets, Homer or Shakespeare, Milton, or Virgil. And this is from a profane, a mundane poet, not an ostensibly religious or spiritual poet. The level of the poetic inspiration, at least of the poetic view and aspiration has evidently shifted to a higher, a deeper degree. We may be speaking of tins and tinsel, bones and dust, filth and misery, of the underworld of ignorance and ugliness,
   All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old,

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is this persuasion which, has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare that theirs is not the kingdom upon this earth, but that the kingdom of Heaven is within. And it is why great lovers of humanity have sought not to eradicate but only to mitigate, as far as possible, the ills of life. Earth and life, it is said, contain in their last analysis certain ugly and loathsome realities which are an inevitable and inexorable part of their substance and to eliminate one means to annihilate the other. What can be done is to throw a veil over the nether regions in human nature, to put a ban on their urges and velleities and to create opportunities to make social arrangements so that the higher impulses only find free play while the lower impulses, for want of scope and indulgence, may fall down to a harmless level. This is what the Reformists hope and want and no more. Life is based upon animality, the soul is encased in an earth-sheathman needs must procreate, man needs must seek food. But what human effort can achieve is to set up barriers and limitations and form channels and openings, which will restrain these impulses, allow them a necessary modicum of play and which for the greater part will serve to encourage and enhance the nobler urges in man. Of course, there will remain always the possibility of the whole scaffolding coming down with a crash and the aboriginal in man running riot in his nudity. But we have to accept the chance and make the best of what materials we have in hand.
   No doubt this is a most dismal kind of pessimism. But it is the logical conclusion of all optimism that bases itself upon a particular view of human nature. If we question that pessimism, we have to question the very grounds of our optimism also. As a matter of fact, all our idealism has been so long infructuous and will be so in the future, if we do not shift our foundation and start from a different IntuitionWeltanschauung.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The human mind naturally, without any effort on its part, takes to one or more of these devices to control and conceal the aboriginal impulses. But this spontaneous process can be organised and consciously regulated and made to serve better the purpose and urge of Nature. And this is the beginning of yoga the conscious fulfilment of Nature. The Psycho-analysts have given us the first and elementary stage of this process of yoga. It is, we may say, the fourth line of control. With this man enters a new level of being, develops a new mode of life. It is when the automatism of Nature is replaced by the power of Conscious Control. Man is not here, a blind instrument of forces, his activities (both indulging and controlling) are not guided according to an ignorant submission to the laws of almost subconscious impulsions. Conscious control means that the mind does not fight shy of or seek to elude the aboriginal insistences, but allows them to come up freely, meets them squarely, recognises them and establishes an easy mastery over them.
   The method of unconscious or subconscious nature is fundamentally that of repression. Apart from Defence Reaction which is a thing of pure coercion, even in Substitution and Sublimation there always remains in the background a large amount of repressed complexes in all their primitive strength. The system is never entirely purified but remains secretly pregnant with those urges; a part only is deflected and camouflaged, the surface only assumes a transformed appearance. And there is always the danger of the superstructure coming down helplessly by a sudden upheaval of the nether forces. The whole system feels, although not in a conscious manner, the tension of the repression and suffers from something that is unhealthy and ill-balanced. Dante's spiritualised passion is a supreme instance of control by Sublimation, but the Divina Comedia hardly bears the impress of a serene and tranquil soul, sovereignly above the turmoils of the tragedy of life and absolutely at peace with itself.
   This is the real meaning and sense of the moral struggle in man, the continuous endeavour towards a transvaluation of the primary and aboriginal instincts and impulses. Looked at from one end, from below up the ascending line, man's ethical and spiritual ideals are a dissimulation and sublimation of the animal impulsions. But this is becauseas we see, if we look from the other end, from above down the descending lineman is not all instinct, he is not a mere blind instrument in the hands of Nature forces. He has in him another source, an opposite pole of being from which other impulsions flow and continually modify the structure of the lower levels. If the animal is the foundation of his nature, the divine is its summit. If the bodily demands form his manifest reality, the demands of the spirit enshrine his higher reality. And if as regards the former he is a slave, as regards the latter he is the Master. It is by the interaction of these double forces that his whole nature has been and is being fashioned. Man does not and cannot give carte blanche to his vital, inclinations, since there is a pressure upon them of higher forces coming down from his mental and spiritual levels. It is these latter which have deviated him from the direct line of the pure animal life.
   Thus then we may distinguish three types of control on three levels. First, the natural control, secondly the conscious, i.e. to say the mental the ethical and religious control, and thirdly the spiritual or divine control. Now the spirit is the ultimate truth and reality, behind the forces that act in the mind and in the body, so that the natural control and the ethical control are mere attempts to establish and realise the spiritual control. The animal impulses feel the hidden stress of the divine urges that are their real essence and thus there rises first an unconscious conflict in the natural life and then a conscious conflict in the higher ethical life. But when both of these are transcended and the conflict is carried on to a still higher level, then do we find their real significance and arrive at the consummation to which they move. Yoga is the ultimate transvaluation of physical (and of moral) values, it is the trans-substantiation of life-power into its spiritual substance.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This will elucidate another point of difference between the Christian's and the Vaishnava's love of God, for both are characterised by an extreme intensity and sweetness and exquisiteness of that divine feeling. This Christian's, however, is the union of the soul in its absolute purity and simplicity and "privacy" with her lord and master; the soul is shred here of all earthly vesture and goes innocent and naked into the embrace of her Beloved. The Vaishnava feeling is richer and seems to possess more amplitude; it is more concrete and less ethereal. The Vaishnava in his passionate yearning seeks to carry as it were the whole world with him to his Lord: for he sees and feels Him not only in the inmost chamber of his soul, but meets Him also in and I through his senses and in and through the world and its objects around. In psychological terms one can say that the Christian realisation, at its very source, is that of the inmost soul, what we call the "psychic being" pure and simple, referred to in the book we are considering; as: "His sweet privy voice... stirreth thine heart full stilly." Whereas the Vaishnava reaches out to his Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly life the integral manifestation of God, the perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of manone level or mode of his being and consciousness purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution of the perfect pattern of a spiritualised and divinised humanity.
   The conception of original sin is a cardinal factor in Christian discipline. The conception, of sinfulness is the very motive-power that drives the aspirant. "Seek tensely," it is said, "sorrow and sigh deep, mourn still, and stoop low till thine eye water for anguish and for pain." Remorse and grief are necessary attendants; the way of the cross is naturally the calvary strewn with pain and sorrow. It is the very opposite of what is termed the "sunlit path" in spiritual ascension. Christian mystics have made a glorious spectacle of the process of "dying to the world." Evidently, all do not go the whole length. There are less gloomy and happier temperaments, like the present one, for example, who show an unusual balance, a sturdy common sense even in the midst of their darkest nights, who have chalked out as much of the sunlit path as is possible in this line. Thus this old-world mystic says: it is true one must see and admit one's sinfulness, the grosser and apparent and more violent ones as well as all the subtle varieties of it that are in you or rise up in you or come from the Enemy. They pursue you till the very end of your journey. Still you need not feel overwhelmed or completely desperate. Once you recognise the sin in you, even the bare fact of recognition means for you half the victory. The mystic says, "It is no sin as thou feelest them." The day Jesus gave himself away on the Cross, since that very day you are free, potentially free from the bondage of sin. Once you give your adherence to Him, the Enemies are rendered powerless. "They tease the soul, but they harm not the soul". Or again, as the mystic graphically phrases it: "This soul is not borne in this image of sin as a sick man, though he feel it; but he beareth it." The best way of dealing with one's enemies is not to struggle and "strive with them." The aspirant, the lover of Jesus, must remember: "He is through grace reformed to the likeness of God ('in the privy substance of his soul within') though he neither feel it nor see it."

01.09 - The Parting of the Way, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   As a matter of fact it is not so. The glimpses of a higher form of consciousness we can see even now present in self-consciousness. We have spoken of the different stages of evolution as if they were separate and distinct and incommensurate entities. They may be described as such for the purpose of a logical understanding, but in reality they form a single progressive continuum in which one level gradually fuses into another. And as the higher level takes up the law of the lower and evolves out of it a characteristic function, even so the law of the higher level with its characteristic function is already involved and envisaged in the law of the lower level and its characteristic function. It cannot be asserted positively that because man's special virtue is self-consciousness, animals cannot have that quality on any account. We do see, if we care to observe closely and dispassionately, that animals of the higher order, as they approach the level of humanity, show more and more evident signs of something which is very much akin to, if not identical with the human characteristic of self-consciousness.
   So, in man also, especially of that order which forms the crown of humanityin poets and artists and seers and great men of actioncan be observed a certain characteristic form of consciousness, which is something other than, greater than the consciousness of the mere self. It is difficult as yet to characterise definitely what that thing is. It is the awakening of the self to something which is beyond itselfit is the cosmic self, the oversoul, the universal being; it is God, it is Turiya, it is sachchidanandain so many ways the thing has been sought to be envisaged and expressed. The consciousness of that level has also a great variety of names given to it Intuition, Revelation, cosmic consciousness, God-consciousness. It is to be noted here, however, that the thing we are referring to, is not the Absolute, the Infinite, the One without a second. It is not, that is to say, the supreme Reality the Brahmanin its static being, in its undivided and indivisible unity; it is the dynamic Brahman, that status of the supreme Reality where creation, the diversity of Becoming takes rise, it is the Truth-worldRitam the domain of typal realities. The distinction is necessary, as there does seem to be such a level of consciousness intermediary, again, between man and the Absolute, between self-consciousness and the supreme consciousness. The simplest thing would be to give that intermediate level of consciousness a negative namesince being as yet human we cannot foresee exactly its composition and function the super-consciousness.
   The inflatus of something vast and transcendent, something which escapes all our familiar schemes of cognisance and yet is insistent with a translucent reality of its own, we do feel sometimes within us invading and enveloping our individuality, lifting up our sense of self and transmuting our personality into a reality which can hardly be called merely human. All this life of ego-bound rationality then melts away and opens out the passage for a life of vision and power. Thus it is the poet has felt when he says, "there is this incalculable element in human life influencing us from the mystery which envelops our being, and when reason is satisfied, there is something deeper than Reason which makes us still uncertain of truth. Above the human reason there is a transcendental sphere to which the spirit of men sometimes rises, and the will may be forged there at a lordly smithy and made the unbreakable pivot."(A.E.)
   Indeed it is a divine creature that should be envisaged on the next level of evolution. The mental and the moral, the psychical and the physical transfigurations which must follow the change in the basic substratum do imply such a mutation, the birth of a new species, as it were, fashioned in the nature of the gods. The vision of angels and Siddhas, which man is having ceaselessly since his birth, may be but a prophecy of the future actuality.
   This then, it seems to us, is the immediate problem that Nature has set before herself. She is now at the parting of the ways. She has done with man as an essentially human being, she has brought out the fundamental possibilities of humanity and perfected it, so far as perfection may be attained within the cadre by which she chose to limit herself; she is now looking forward to another kind of experiment the evolving of another life, another being out of her entrails, that will be greater than the humanity we know today, that will be superior even to the supreme that has yet been actualised.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  are on the same level as our students, so the immediate
  problem is not solved. How can we create an interest in
  is to lower the level of one's consciousness.
  Mother, do You advise this only for those who are
  to rise to the intellectual level on which all opposite ideas can be
  set face to face and assembled in a comprehensive synthesis.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The truth behind a credal religion is the aspiration towards the realization of the Divine, some ultimate reality that gives a permanent meaning and value to the human life, to the existence lodged in this 'sphere of sorrow' here below. Credal paraphernalia were necessary to express or buttress this core of spiritual truth when mankind, in the mass, had not attained a certain level of enlightenment in the mind and a certain degree of development in its life-relations. The modern age is modern precisely because it had attained to a necessary extent this mental enlightenment and this life development. So the scheme or scaffolding that was required in the past is no longer unavoidable and can have either no reality at all or only a modified utility.
   A modern people is a composite entity, especially with regard to its religious affiliation. Not religion, but culture is the basis of modern collective life, national or social. Culture includes in its grain that fineness of temperament which appreciates all truths behind all forms, even when there is a personal allegiance to one particular form.
   In Europe such a contingency did not arise, because the religious spirit, rampant in the days of Inquisitions and St. Bartholomews, died away: it died, and (or, because) it was replaced by a spirit that was felt as being equally, if not more, au thentic and, which for the moment, suffused the whole consciousness with a large and high afflatus, commensurate with the amplitude of man's aspiration. I refer, of course, to the spirit of the Renaissance. It was a spirit profane and secular, no doubt, but on that level it brought a catholicity of temper and a richness in varied interesta humanistic culture, as it is calledwhich constituted a living and unifying ideal for Europe. That spirit culminated in the great French Revolution which was the final coup de grace to all that still remained of mediaevalism, even in its outer structure, political and economical.
   In India the spirit of renascence came very late, late almost by three centuries; and even then it could not flood the whole of the continent in all its nooks and corners, psychological and physical. There were any number of pockets (to use a current military phrase) left behind which guarded the spirit of the past and offered persistent and obdurate resistance. Perhaps, such a dispensation was needed in India and inevitable also; inevitable, because the religious spirit is closest to India's soul and is its most direct expression and cannot be uprooted so easily; needed, because India's and the world's future demands it and depends upon it.
   Nature, on the whole, has solved the problem of blood fusion and mental fusion of different peoples, although on a smaller scale. India today presents the problem on a larger scale and on a higher or deeper level. The demand is for a spiritual fusion and unity. Strange to say, although the Spirit is the true bed-rock of unitysince, at bottom, it means identityit is on this plane that mankind has not yet been able to really meet and coalesce. India's genius has been precisely working in the line of a perfect solution of this supreme problem.
   Islam comes with a full-fledged spiritual soul and a mental and vital formation commensurable with that inner being and consciousness. It comes with a dynamic spirit, a warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, but also something contradictory, if not for anything else, at least for the strong individuality which does not easily yield to assimilation. Still, in spite of great odds, the process of assimilation was going on slowly and surely. But of late it appears to have come to a dead halt; difficulties have been presented which seem insuperable.

01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the earliest and primitive society men lived totally in a mass consciousness. Their life was a blind obedienceobedience to the chief the patriarch or pater familiasobedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty; it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation. In reality it was more of the nature of the mechanical functioning of an automaton than the exercise of conscious will and deliberate choice, which is the very soul of the conception of duty.
   The conception of Right had to appear in order to bring out the principle of individuality, of personal freedom and fulfilment. For, a true healthy collectivity is the association and organisation of free and self-determinate units. The growth of independent individuality naturally means at first clash and rivalry, and a violently competitive society is the result. It is only at this stage that the conception of duty can fruitfully come in and develop in man and his society the mode of Sattwa, which is that of light and wisdom, of toleration and harmony. Then only a society is sought to be moulded on the principle of co-ordination and co-operation.
   The future society of man is envisaged as something of like nature. When the mortal being will have found his immortal soul and divine self, then each one will be able to give full and free expression to his self-nature (swabhava); then indeed the utmost sweep of dynamism in each and all will not cause clash or conflict; on the contrary, each will increase the other and there will be a global increment and fulfilmentparasparam bhavayantah. The division and conflict, the stress and strain that belong to the very nature of the inferior level of being and consciousness will then have been transcended. It is only thus that a diviner humanity can be born and replace all the other moulds and types that can never lead to anything final and absolutely satisfactory.

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Is it not strange that one should look to the East for the light? There is a light indeed that dwells in the setting suns, but that is the inferior light, the light that moves level with the earth, pins us down to the normal and ordinary life and consciousness: it" leads into the Night, into Nihil, pralaya. It is the light of the morning sun that man looks up to in his forward march, the sun that rises in the East whom the Vedic Rishi invoked in these magnificent lines:
   Lo, the supreme light of all lights is come, a vast and varied consciousness is born in us. . . .
   A Russian artist (Monsieur Benois) has stressed upon the primitivealmost aboriginalelement in Roerich and was not happy over it. Well, as has been pointed out by other prophets and thinkers, man today happens to be so sophisticated, artificial, material, cerebral that a [all-back seems to be necessary for him to take a new leap forward on to a higher ground. The pure aesthete is a closed system, with a consciousness immured in an ivory tower; but man is something more. A curious paradox. Man can reach the highest, realise the integral truth when he takes his leap, not from the relatively higher levels of his consciousness his intellectual and aesthetic and even moral status but when he can do so from his lower levels, when the physico-vital element in him serves as the springing-board. The decent and the beautiful the classic grace and aristocracyform one aspect of man, the aspect of "light"; but the aspect of energy and power lies precisely in him where the aboriginal and the barbarian find also a lodging. Man as a mental being is naturally sattwic, but prone to passivity and weakness; his physico-vital reactions, on the other hand, are obscure and crude, simple and vehement, but they have life and energy and creative power, they are there to be trained and transfigured, made effective instruments of a higher illumination.
   All elemental personalities have something of the unconventional and irrational in them. And Roerich is one such in his own way. The truths and realities that he envisages and seeks to realise on earth are elemental and fundamental, although apparently simple and commonplace.

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But there was a formidable battle with the Inconscient, for when I saw that the level of receptivity was not what it should have been, I blamed the Inconscient and tried to wage the battle there.
   I dont say it was ineffectual, but between the result obtained and the result hoped for, there was a considerable difference. But as I said, you who are all so near, so steeped in this atmosphere who among you noticed anything?You simply went on with your little lives as usual.

0 1957-12-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is a whole gradation of planes of consciousness, from the physical consciousness to my radiant consciousness at the very highest level, that which knows the Will of the Supreme. I keep all these planes of consciousness in front of me, working simultaneously, coordinatedly, and I am acting on each plane, gathering the information proper to each plane, so as to have the integral truth of things. Thus, when I have a decision to make in regard to one of you, I plug into you directly from that level of the supreme consciousness which sees the deep truth of your being. But at the same time, my decision is shaped, as it were, by the information given to me by the other planes of consciousness and particularly by the physical consciousness, which acts as a recorder.
   This physical consciousness records all it sees, all your reactions, your thoughts, all the factswithout preference, without prejudice, without personal will. Nothing escapes it. Its work is almost mechanical. Therefore I know what to tell or to ask you according to the integral truth of your being and its present possibilities. Ordinarily, in the normal man, the physical consciousness does not see things as they are, for three reasons: because of ignorance, because of preference, and because of an egoistic will. You color what you see, eliminate what displeases you. In short, you see only what you desire to see.

0 1958-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have one thing to add: we must not misinterpret the meaning of this experience and imagine that henceforth everything will take place without difficulties or always in accordance with our personal desires. It is not at this level. It does not mean that when we do not want it to rain, it will not rain! Or when we want some event to take place in the world, it will immediately take place, or that all difficulties will be abolished and everything will be like a fairy tale. It is not like that. It is something more profound. Nature has accepted into her play of forces the newly manifested Force and has included it in her movements. But as always, the movements of Nature take place on a scale infinitely surpassing the human scale and invisible to the ordinary human consciousness. It is more of an inner, psychological possibility that has been born in the world than a spectacular change in earthly events.
   I mention this because you might be tempted to believe that fairy tales are going to be realized upon earth. The time has not yet come.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But one thing and I wish to stress this point to youwhich now seems to me to be the most essential difference between our world and the supramental world (and it is only after having gone there consciously, with the consciousness that ordinarily works here, that this difference appeared to me in what might be called its enormity): everything here, except for what happens within and at a very deep level, seemed absolutely artificial to me. Not one of the values of ordinary physical life is based upon truth. Just as we have to buy cloth, sew it together, then put it on our backs in order to dress ourselves, likewise we have to take things from outside and then put them inside our bodies in order to feed ourselves. For everything, our life is artificial.
   A true, sincere, spontaneous life, as in the supramental world, is a springing forth of things through the fact of conscious will, a power over substance that shapes this substance according to what we decide it should be. And he who has this power and this knowledge can obtain whatever he wants, whereas he who does not has no artificial means of getting what he desires.

0 1958-07-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And it is always like that. I never ask for anything, but if by chance I say to myself, Hmm, wouldnt it be nice to have that, mountains of them pour in! So last year, I made an experiment, I told Nature, Listen, my little one, you say that you will collaborate, you told me I would never lack anything. Well then, to put it on a level of feelings, it would really be fun, it would give me joy (in the style of Krishnas joy), to have A LOT of money to do everything I feel like doing. Its not that I want to increase things for myself, no; you give me more than I need. But to have some fun, to be able to give freely, to do things freely, to spend freely I am asking you to give me a crore of rupees1 for my birthday!
   She didnt do a thing! Nothing, absolutely nothing: a complete refusal. Did she refuse or was she unable to? It may be that I always saw that money was under the control of an asuric force. (I am speaking of currency, cash; I dont want to do business. When I try to do business, it generally succeeds very well, but I dont mean that. I am speaking of cash.) I never asked her that question.

0 1958-08-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What problems come up! If there were a plague or cholera, for example, would the supramental Force in the cells, the supramental realization, be able to restore order out of the disorder that allows the epidemic to be? I dont mean on an individual levelindividually, if you are in a certain consciousness, you can remain untouched I am not speaking of that, I am speaking impersonally, as it were.
   We know nothing. We believe we know, but as soon as it is a question of that (the body), we know nothing. As soon as we are in the subtle physical, we know everything, we live in bliss but here, we know nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It rose up from here (Mother indicates the solar plexus), like this: Om Namo Bhagavateh OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH. It was formidable. For the entire quarter of an hour that the meditation lasted, everything was filled with Light! In the deeper tones it was of golden bronze (at the throat level it was almost red) and in the higher tones it was a kind of opaline white light: OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH.
   The other day (I was in my bathroom upstairs), it came; it took hold of the entire body. It rose up in the same way, and all the cells were trembling. And with such a power! So I stopped everything, all movement, and I let the thing grow. The vibration went on expanding, ever widening, as the sound itself was expanding, expanding, and all the cells of the body were seized with an intensity of aspiration as if the entire body were swellingit became overwhelming. I felt that it would all burst.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And this explains everything, absolutely everything: how it works, how it functions in the world.3 I was saying to myself, But I have no powers, I have no powers! Several days ago, I said, But after all, I KNOW WHO is there, I know, yet how is it that ? There, up to there (the level of the head), it is all-powerful, nothing can resist but here it is ineffective. So those who have faith, even an ignorant but real faith (it can be ignorant but nevertheless it is real), say, What! How can you have no powers? Because the sadhana is not yet over.
   The Lord will possess his universe only when the universe will have consciously become the Lord.

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And once on the other side, without even a rise in ground level (I dont know why), it was immediately safe. And the current went on and on, waves upon waves, on and on, as far as the eye could see, but it was canalized here at the Great Turning; and as soon as it went past this point, the inundation was total, it spread out over something over the earth. And the current turnedit turned but I was already on the other side. And down below, everything was finished, the water rushed down everywhere. Only, as soon as I was on the other side, it could not touch me the water could not get across, it was stopped by something invisible, and it turned away.
   Moreover, it seemed that everything had already been prepared, as if the way had been made to divert the water.

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I told this to Xor rather had someone tell himto see his reaction. And I realized that he did not understand in the least! Once Amrita asked him how he himself SAW and KNEW things. So he tried to explain; he told Amrita that he had to pull his consciousness upwards by a gradual effort, to go beyond the heart, beyond the throat center to pull it right up here (the top of the head), and once there, youre divine, you know! All of a sudden, I understood that when I said it was there, above the head, it must have seemed absolutely impossible to him! For him, its the crown of the head1 (what they call the thousand-petalled lotus), just at the top of the head, whereas in my experience it opens, it rises and you go above, and then you settle there For a number of years it even changed my [physical] visionit was as if I were looking at things from above. It returns from time to time, too, as if suddenly I were seeing from above instead of from here, at eye level.
   But the faculty of forming thoughts is now there, up above; its no longer here (Mother points to her forehead). And thats contrary to their teachings.

0 1960-10-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Im going to tell you what I sawits very interesting. First, emanating from here (Mother indicates the chest), a florescence of every color like a peacocks tail spread wide; but it was made of light, and it was very, very delicate, very fine, like this (gesture). Then it rose up and formed what truly seemed like a luminous peacock, up above, and it remained like that. Then, from here (the chest), what looked like a sword of white light climbed straight up. It went up very high and formed a kind of expanse, a very vast expanse, which was like a callthis lasted the longest. And then, in response, a veritable rain, like (no, it was much finer than drops) a golden lightwhite and goldenwith various shades, at times more towards white, at times more golden, at times with a tinge of pink. And all this was descending, descending into you. And here (the chest), it changed into this same deep blue light, with a powdering of green light inside itemerald green. And at that moment, when it reached here (the level of the heart), a number of little divinities of living golda deep, living goldcame, like this, and then looked at you. And just as they looked at you, there was the image of the Mother right at the very center of younot as she is commonly portrayed but as she is in the Indian consciousness Very serene and pure and luminous. And then that changed into a temple, and inside the temple there seemed to be an image of Sri Aurobindo and an image of me but living images in a powdering of light. Then it grew into a magnificent edifice and settled in with an extraordinary power. And it remained motionless.
   That is the representation of your japa.

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As I approached the house, but still from some distance, I suddenly saw some men busy at work. Then instantly instantly this road which was so vast, sunlit and smoothso smooth to the feet oh, it became the top level of a scaffolding. And what is more, this scaffolding was not very well made, and the closer I came the more complicated it gotthere were planks jutting out, beams off balance. In short, you had to watch every single step to keep from breaking your neck. I began getting annoyed. Moreover, my packages were heavy. They were heavy and they so saddled my arms that I was unable to hold onto anything and had constantly to do a balancing act. Then I began thinking, My God, how complicated this world is! And just at that moment, I saw a young person coming along, like a young girl dressed in European clothes, with a hat on her head all black! This young person had white skin, but her clothes were black, and she wore black shoes on her small white feet. She was dressed all in blackblack, all in black. Like complete unconsciousness. She also came carrying packages (many more than me), and she came hopping along the whole length of the scaffolding, putting her feet just anywhere! My God, I said to myself, shes going to break her neck!But not at all! She was totally unconscious; she wasnt even aware that it was dangerous or complicateda total unconsciousness. But her unconsciousness is what allowed her to go on like that! I watched it all. Well, sometimes its good to be unconscious! Then she disappeared; she had only come to give me a demonstration (she neither saw me nor looked at me). And looking down at the workers, I saw that everything was getting more and more complicated, more and more, more and more and there wasnt even any ladder by which to get down. In other words, it was getting unbearable. Then something in me rebelled: Ah, no! Ive had enough of all thisits too stupid!
   And IMMEDIATELY, I found myself down below, relieved of my packages. And everything was perfectly simple. (I had even brought the packages along without realizing it.) All, all was in order, very neat, very luminous, very simplesimply because I had said, Ah, no! Ive had enough of this business! Why all these stupid complications!5

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You have this experience when for some reason or other, depending on the case, you come into contact with the universal consciousness not in its limitless essence but on any level of Matter. There is an atomic consciousness, a purely material consciousness and an even more generally prevailing psychological consciousness. When, through interiorization or a sort of withdrawal from the ego you enter into contact with that zone of consciousness we can call psychological terrestrial or human collective (there is a difference: human collective is restricted, while terrestrial includes many animal and even plant vibrations; but in the present case, since the moral notion of guilt, sin and evil belongs exclusively to human consciousness, let us simply say human collective psychological consciousness); when you contact that through identification, you naturally feel or see or know yourself capable of any human movement whatsoever. To some extent, this constitutes a Truth-Consciousness, or at such times the egoistical sense of what does or doesnt belong to you, of what you can or cannot do, disappears; you realize that the fundamental construction of human consciousness makes any human being capable of doing anything. And since you are in a truth-consciousness, you are aware at the same time that to feel judgmental or disgusted or revolted would be an absurdity, for EVERYTHING is potentially there inside you. And should you happen to be penetrated by certain currents of force (which we usually cant follow: we see them come and go but we are generally unaware of their origin and direction), if any one of these currents penetrates you, it can make you do anything.
   If one always remained in this state of consciousness, keeping alive the flame of Agni, the flame of purification and progress, then after some time, not only could one prevent these movements from taking an active form in oneself and becoming expressed physically, but one could act upon the very nature of the movement and transform it. Needless to say, however, that unless one has attained a very high degree of realization it is virtually impossible to keep this state of consciousness for long. Almost immediately one falls back into the egoistic consciousness of the separate self, and all the difficulties return: disgust, the revolt against certain things and the horror they create in us, and so on.
   I must say that when this happens here. In the world at large it seems quite normal, but when this happens here it always gives me a bit of a shock, in the sense that I say to myself, So theyre still at that level!
   Even those who claim to be broad-minded, above these conventions, immediately fall right into the trap. And to ease their consciences they say, Mother wouldnt allow that. Mother wouldnt permit that. Mother wouldnt tolerate such a thing!to add a further inanity to the rest.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It has been deferred because I was still down below; I had not yet returned to the upper levels. Anyhow.
   But they are furious! There is evidently a whole alignment of forces (they must be vital forces) between here and my domain. Theyre furious! They set up explosions, demolitions. And I could see all the settings they were quite artificial, nothing real, but dangerous nonetheless.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At midnight I was lying in bed. (And I remained there from midnight until I oclock fully awake. I dont know if my eyes were open or closed, but I was wide awake, NOT IN TRANCEI could hear all the noises, the clocks, and so forth.) Then, lying flat, my entire body (but a slightly enlarged body, exceeding the purely physical form) became ONE vibration, extremely rapid and intense but immobile. I dont know how to explain this, because it did not move in space but was a vibration (that is, it wasnt motionless); yet it was motionless in space. And the exact form of my body was absolutely the most brilliant white Light of the supreme Consciousness, the consciousness OF the Supreme. It was IN the body and it was as though in EACH cell there was a vibration, and it was all part of a single BLOCK of vibration. It extended this much beyond the body (gesture indicating about six centimeters). I was absolutely immobile in my bed. Then, WITHOUT MOVING, without shifting, it began consciously to rise upwithout moving, you understand: I remained like this (Mother holds her two joined and motionless hands at the level of her forehead, as if her entire body were mounting in prayer)consciously like an ascension of this consciousness6 towards the supreme Consciousness.
   The body was stretched out flat.

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And its absolutely truetrue at each stage, on all levels. Whatever level you have attained, even the very highest, if you concentrate on that [the body], it is finished! And all the difficulties begin, you know, with that very concentration that tries to draw down Light and Poweryogic concentration itself.
   So it would seem that if one wants to use his individuality, his body, to transform the whole that is, if one wants to use his bodily presence to act upon the universal corporeal substance theres no end to it. No end to the difficulties, no end to the battle BATTLE!

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But is it necessary to descend to the same level as all these subconscious things? Cant they be acted upon from above?
   Act from above. My child, I have been acting from above for more than thirty years! It changes nothingor if it changes it doesnt transform.
   Then one must descend to that level?
   Yes. By acting from above, one can keep these things under control, hold them in place, prevent them from taking any unpleasant initiatives, but thats not. To transform means to transform.
   Anyhow. Only Sri Aurobindo can speak of Sri Aurobindo. And as for their notes, its still Sri Aurobindo A la Z, or Sri Aurobindo A la A, and all the more so since Sri Aurobindo wrote in very different ways depending upon the person he was writing to (gesture indicating different levels).
   Well, if you feel the time will be found, it will surely be found.

0 1961-02-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know this mental habit (which people take for mental superiority!) of lumping everything together on the same level: all the teachings, all the prophets, all the sects, all the religions. You know the habit: We are not prejudiced, we have no preferencesits all the SAME THING. A dreadful muddle!
   Its one of the biggest mental difficulties of this age.

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its outrageous! First of all, they use Sri Aurobindos name, putting it on a level with Vinoba Bhave or Dr. Schweitzer or who knows what other sage; then at the end they launch an appeal for people to enroll! So the reader is left wondering, But I thought Sri Aurobindo. You understand, this indiscriminate mixture, this diminishing.
   I wrote them a letter where I stuck this nonsense of theirs right under their noses.
   I told them. Because at World Union they asked me what their mistake had been (they didnt state it so candidly, but in a roundabout way), and I replied (not so candidly, eithernot exactly in a roundabout way, but in general terms). I told them their mistake was being unfaithful and I explained that to be unfaithful means to put everything on the same level (thats when I sent them those lines12). I told them, Your error was in saying: One teaching among many teachingsso let us be broad-minded and accept all teachings. So along with all the teachings, you accept every stupidity possible.
   But if someone is taken in, it proves hes at an elementary stage and unready.
   Whats more, I find it so funny! A time comes when all such things seem so childish, so stupid, so meaningless! What difference can it make! As long as people are still at that level, thats where they are. The day they get away from it, they too will smile!
   Of course, I have a kind of responsibility because people expect me to organize everything, so I try to put things in their place. Thats why I told them I preferred they didnt hold seminars here, because it appears a bit I didnt say parasitic, but its like (laughing) a toadstool growing on an oak tree!

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In my view, all these old Scriptures and ancient traditions have a graduated content (gesture showing different levels of understanding), and according to the needs of the epoch and the people, one symbol or another was drawn upon. But a time comes when one goes beyond these things and sees them from what Sri Aurobindo calls the other hemisphere, where one realizes that they are only modes of expression to put one in contacta kind of bridge or link between the lower way of seeing and the higher way of knowing.
   A time comes when all these disputesAh, no, this is like this, that is like thatseem so silly, so silly! And there is nothing more comical than this spontaneous reply so many people give: Oh, thats impossible! Because with even the most rudimentary intellectual development, you would know you couldnt even think of something if it werent possible!

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We tend to apply the word natural to all spontaneous manifestation not resulting from a choice or a preconceived decision that is, with no intrusion of mental activity. Thats why a man with an only slightly mentalized vital spontaneity seems more natural to us in his simplicity. But this naturalness bears a close resemblance to the animals and is quite low on the human evolutionary scale. Man will not recapture this spontaneity free of mental intrusion until he attains the supramental level, until he goes beyond the mind and emerges into the higher Truth.
   Up to that point, all his modes of being are naturally natural! But with the minds intrusion, evolution was, if not falsified, then deformed, because by its very nature the mind was open to perversion and it became perverted almost from the start (or to be more exact, it was perverted by the asuric forces). And what appears unnatural to us now is this state of perversion. At any rate, its a deformation.

0 1961-03-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was mainly on your right side I banged on it. But strangely enough, it didnt break it became supple, but then it lost its beauty. (It was so beautiful, as though sculptured!) I tried to pass through it, but to do so (this is what I found interesting), instead of passing through at this level (the chest), the psychic plane the level of the souls vibration I had to climb up above and then descend; and finally, without even realizing it, I found myself inside I had entered through sheer force of concentration. There, at the vital level, the emotional vital (solar plexus), I put two flowers: one very large Endurance in the Most Material Vital [zinnia] and another flower like the one X just gave me [cosmos] but bigger and pure white (it concerns sexual movements, light in sexual movements). But curiously enough, I passed inside through a trance; I was quite busy trying to make it more fluid when all at once, poof! I found myself inside. But since I entered through a trance it became completely objective: no more thought, nothing. And I saw I had put these two flowers there (at the levels of the abdomen and chest), one more active, a very large, dark purple Endurance flower, and another much smaller, pure white, slightly lower down. While I was watching this I think the clock must have struck something pulled me and it all faded away.
   And I found it interesting that when I received your letter yesterday evening I concentrated for a moment, almost out of curiosity: Why doesnt he ever feel he has an experience? Why doesnt he feel anything? I wanted to know precisely what type of experience would give you the feeling of having an experience!
   Several times in my life I have met with the particular phenomenon of having an absolutely exceptional and unique experience and at the same time feeling that a part of my being was unaware of it! I would tell myself, if I hadnt been both here and there at the same moment (Mother indicates two different levels in her consciousness), I might have had all these experiences and never known it! And this happened not just once but many times. Some were utterly unique, like certain ancient Vedic experiencesutterly unique. When I recounted them to Sri Aurobindo, he told me, Oh, its extremely rare! Some people try all their lives to attain that. And it happened to me not just once but often: the experience took place there (gesture above) and something up there knew, and yet there was something down here that would never have known if the other hadnt (same gesture). Nevertheless the total experience was there.
   Its very difficult to explain, its extremely subtle.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Our habitual state of consciousness is to do something FOR something. The Rishis, for example, composed their hymns with an end in view: life had a purpose for them, the end was to find Immortality or Truth. But at any level whatsoever, there is always a goal. Even we speak of the supramental realization as the goal.
   Just recently, though, I dont know what happened, but something seemed to take hold of me (how to say it?) this perception of the Supreme who is everything, everywhere, who does everythingwhat has been, what is, what will be, what is being doneeverything. And suddenly there was a kind of not a thought or a feeling, it wasnt that; it was rather like a state: the unreality of the goalnot unreality, uselessness. Not even uselessness: the nonexistence of the goal. And even what I was saying just nowthis will to make the experiment lingering in the body even this has gone!

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its like the word purityone could lecture endlessly on the difference between divine purity and what people call purity. Divine purity (at the lowest level) is to admit but one influence the divine Influence (but this is at the lowest level, and already terribly distorted). Divine purity means that only the Divine existsnothing else. It is perfectly pureonly the Divine exists, nothing other than He.
   And so on.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The realization under community or group conditions would clearly be far more complete, integral, total and probably more perfect than any individual realization, which is always, necessarilynecessarilyextremely limited on the external material level, because its only one way of being, one mode of manifestation, one microscopic set of vibrations that is touched.
   But for the facility of the work, I believe theres no comparison!

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   People cant understand! To put oneself at the level of the general public may be all very well5 (personally I have never found it so, although its probably inevitable), but to hope that they will ever understand the splendor of the Thing. They have to live it first!
   I myself would NEVER try to deal with the why; I would always say this is how it is. When people ask me, Why did it happen like this? Why is the world so unhappy? Why does it have to be dark before growing luminous? Why has there been this accident (if it can be called an accident)? Why did the Lord permit You can say its because of this, because of thatthere are fifty thousand replies and theyre all worthless.
   Make them understand! How to understand? As long as one is there [at the mind level], one does not understand. One can imagine all sorts of things, explain all sorts of things, but with a pinch of common sense, you see very well that you dont explain a thing.
   In Sri Aurobindo's terminology, the 'Overmind' represents the highest level of the mind, the world of the gods and origin of all the revelations and highest artistic creations the world that has ruled mental man till now. in his gradations of the worlds, Sri Aurobindo speaks of two hemispheres, the upper hemisphere and the lower. The Overmind is the line between these two hemispheres, 'This line is the intermediary overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light, but in receiving it divides, distributes, breaks up into separated aspects, powers, multiplicities of all kinds.' In the words of the Upanishad, 'The face of the Truth is covered by a golden lid.'
   Mother is referring to the book Satprem will write on Sri Aurobindo, which prompted the questions posed in this conversation.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Years ago, when Sri Aurobindo and I descended together from plane to plane (or from mode of life to mode of life) and reached the Subconscient, we saw that it was no longer individual: it was terrestrial. The rest the mind, the vital and of course the bodyis individualized; but when you descend below this level, thats no longer the case. There is indeed something between the conscious life of the body and this subconscious terrestrial lifeelements are thrown out1 as a result of the action of individual consciousness upon the subconscious substance; this creates a kind of semiconsciousness, and that stays. For example, when people are told, You have pushed your difficulty down into the subconscient and it will resurface, this does not refer to the general Subconscient, but to something individualized out of the Subconscient through the action of individual consciousness and remaining down there until it resurfaces. The process is, so to speak, interminable, even the personal part of it.
   Every night, you know, I continue to see more and more astounding things emerging from the Subconscient to be transformed. Its a kind of mixturenot clearly individualizedof all the things that have been more or less closely associated in life. For example, some people are intermingled there. One relives things almost as in a dream (although these are not dreams), one relives it all in a certain setting, within a certain set of symbolic, or at any rate expressive, circumstances. Just two days ago I had to deal with someone (I am actively at work there and I had to do something with him), and upon seeing this person, I asked myself, is he this one or that one? As I became less involved in the action and looked with a more objective consciousness, the witness-consciousness, I saw that it was simply a mixture of both personseverything is mixed in the Subconscient. Already when I lived in Japan there were four people I could never distinguish during my nighttime activitiesall four of them (and god knows they werent even acquainted!) were always intermingled because their subconscious reactions were identical.

0 1961-09-03, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its not so much a question of the reading public as a question of language. As for the readers you know, at any level whatsoever it is possible to suddenly touch a soul, anywhere. The level doesnt matter, and fundamentally if one reaches one or two souls with a book like this, its a fine result. It opens the way to people intellectually, and those who want to can follow along.
   I dont think your book will hold any surprises for me when I have it! Sometimes I listen to whole sections of it. Last night it was almost as if you were reading the book to menot exactly with words but I woke up and Sri Aurobindo was there andas though you had been reading somethinghe approved of it, saying, Yes, its fine like that, its all right.

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I feel this so often now. How to put it. I always try not to talktalking bothers me. Yes, its a real nuisance. When I see someone, the first thing I do is to avoid talking. Then, when the Vibration comes, its good; there is a sort of communication, and if the person is the least bit receptive, what comes is like a its subtler than music; its a vibration bringing its own principle of harmony. But people usually get impatient after a while and, wanting something more concrete, oblige me to talk. They always insist on it. Then, being in a certain atmosphere, a certain vibration, I immediately feel something going like this (gesture of a fall to another level), and then hardening. Even when I babble (you see, the very effort of trying to be more subtle makes me babble), even my babblings (laughing) become dry by comparison. There are all sorts of things that are so much fullerfull, packed with an inner richnessand as soon as this is put into words, oh!
   The night before last, around 3 in the morning, I was in a place where there were a lot of people from here (you were there), and I was trying to play some music, precisely in order to SAY something. There were three pianos there, which seemed to be interlocked into each other, so I leaned over sideways to get at one of the three and began playing on it. It was in a large hall with people seated at a distance, but you were just at my left alongside a young lady who was a symbol figure (that is, the vibration or impression I received from her and the relationship I had with her could be applied as well to four or five persons here: it was like relating to an amalgam something that is very interesting and often happens to me). Anyway, I was leaning over one of the keyboards and trying trying to work something out, to illustrate how this would translate into that. Finally I realized that playing half-standing, half-leaning was unnecessary acrobatics, because a grand piano was right there in front, so I sat down before it. Well, the most amusing part of it was that the keys (there were two keyboards) were all bluelike the marbled paper we are making now, all blue, and with every possible marbled effect. Black keys, white keys, high keys, low keys (all of them were the same width, quite wide, like this), all seemed to be coated but it wasnt paperwith this blue. Facing the piano I said to myself, Well now, this cant be played with physical eyesit has to be played FROM ABOVE.

0 1961-09-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have to face a similar difficulty, mind you, although its on another level. There is such a tremendous accumulation of people to see, things to do, questions to be resolvedeverything. The accumulation is So TIGHTLY packedso compact! Too compact for the life for the hours, the time, the forcesof an ordinary body. Yet behind it all, there is a sort of constant active immobility, in the sense that the consciousness has the impression of being immobile, of being borne along on the stream of progress and evolution. But this immobility. If I should try to do what I have to do, you know, everything I have to do, well it becomes impossible, things clog up, it gets painful. And here his answer is the same: Be simple, be simple.
   This morning when I was walking, the program of the day and the work ahead of me was so formidable that I felt it to be impossible. And yet simultaneously there was this immobile inner POSITION in me; as soon as I stop my movement of formation and action, it becomes like a dance of joy: all the cells vibrating (there is a sort of vivacity, and an extraordinary music), all the cells vibrant with the joy of the Presence the divine Presence. But when I see the outside world entering and attacking, well this joy doesnt exactly disappear, but it retreats. And the result is that I always feel like sitting down and keeping stillwhen I can do that it is marvelous. But of course, all the suggestions from outside come in: suggestions of helplessness and old age, of wear and tear, of diminishing power, all thatand I know positively that its false. But calm in the body is indispensable. Well, for me also Sri Aurobindos answer is always the same: Be simple, be simple, very simple.

0 1961-09-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What struck me is that he never wanted to write anything else. To write those articles for the Bulletin1 was really a heavy sacrifice for him. He had said he would complete certain parts of The Synthesis of Yoga,2 but when he was asked to do so, he replied, No, I dont want to go down to that mental level!
   Savitri comes from somewhere else altogether.

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis had discovered a certain fourth, touryam svid; they found the vast dwelling place, the solar world, Swar: I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-world to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light (Yajur-veda 17.67). And it is said, Mortals, they achieved immortality (Rig-veda I.110.4). What then was their secret? How did they pass from a heaven of mind to the great heaven without leaving the body, without, as it were, going off into ecstasies?
   The secret lies in matter. Because Agni is imprisoned in matter and we ourselves are imprisoned there. It is said that Agni is without head or feet, that it conceals its two extremities: above, it disappears into the great heaven of the supraconscient (which the Rishis also called the great ocean), and below, it sinks into the formless ocean of the inconscient (which they also called the rock). We are truncated. But the Rishis were men of a solid realism, a true realism resting upon the Spirit; and since the summits of mind opened out upon a lacuna of lightecstatic, to be sure, but with no hold over the worldthey set upon the downward way.6 Thus begins the quest for the lost sun, the long pilgrimage of descent into the inconscient and the merciless fight against the dark forces, the thieves of the sun, the panis and vritras, pythons and giants, hidden in the dark lair with the whole cohort of usurpers: the dualizers, the confiners, the tearers, the COVERERS. But the divine worker, Agni, is helped by the gods, and in his quest he is led by the intuitive ray, Sarama, the heavenly hound with the subtle sense of smell who sets Agni on the track of the stolen herds (strange, shining herds). Now and again there comes the sudden glimmer of a fugitive dawn then all grows dim. One must advance step by step, digging, digging, fighting every inch of the way against the wolves whose savage fury increases the nearer one draws to their denAgni is a warrior. Agni grows through his difficulties, his flame burns more brilliantly with each blow from the Adversary; for, as the Rishis said, Night and Day both suckled the divine Child; they even said that Night and Day are the two sisters, Immortal, with a common lover [the sun] common they, though different their forms (I.113.2,3). These alternations of night and brightness accelerate until Day breaks at last and the herds of Dawn7 surge upward awakening someone who was dead (I.113.8). The infinite rock of the inconscient is shattered, the seeker uncovers the Sun dwelling in the darkness (III.39.5), the divine consciousness in the heart of Matter. In the very depths of Matter, that is to say, in the body, on earth, the Rishis found themselves cast up into Light that same Light which others sought on the heights, without their bodies and without the earth, in ecstasy. And this is what the Rishis would call the Great Passage. Without abandoning the earth they found the vast dwelling place, that dwelling place of the gods, Swar, the original Sun-world that Sri Aurobindo calls the Supramental World: Human beings [the Rishis emphasize that they are indeed men] slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and heaven [matter and mind] and made the wide world their dwelling place (I.36.8). They have entered the True, the Right, the Vast, Satyam, Ritam, Brihat, the unbroken light, the fearless light, where there is no longer suffering nor falsehood nor death: it is immortality, amritam.

0 1961-11-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But GENERALLY it is by REDESCENDING through the levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature.
   There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did), they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent (thats what I meant just now by leaving the body, but without going into details), that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved, one knows and one sees that the Supermind exists in the heart of the Inconscient as well. When one is in that state, there is neither high nor low. But GENERALLY, (I emphasized this to make it clear that I am not making an absolute assertion) it is by REDESCENDING through the levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature. (This can be experienced in all sorts of ways, but what WE want and what Sri Aurobindo spoke of is a change that will never be revoked, that will persist, that will be as durable as the present terrestrial conditions. That is why I put permanent.) There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did) they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.
   Yes, the Rishis give an absolutely living description of what you experience and experience continuallyas soon as you descend into the Subconscient: all these battles with the beings who conceal the Light and so on. I experienced these things continually at Tlemcen and again with Sri Aurobindo when we were doing the Workits raging quite merrily even now!
   It depends upon the level of development, thats what Theon used to say: One goes into trance only when certain links are missing. He saw people as made up of innumerable small bridges, with intermediary zones. If you have an intermediary zone that is undeveloped, he said, a zone where you are not conscious because its not individualized, then you will be in trance when you cross it. Trance is the sign of non-individualization the consciousness is not awake and so your body goes into trance. But if your consciousness is wide awake you can sit, keeping full contact with things, and have the total experience. I could go out of my body with no need of trance, except when Theon wanted me to do a particular work. That was a different business the vital force (not the consciousness, the vital force) had to go out for that work, so the body had to go into trance. But even then. For instance, very often when I am called and go to do something in response, my body does become still, but its not in trance; I can be sitting and, even in the middle of a gesture, suddenly become immobile for a few seconds.7 But I was doing another type of work with Theondangerous work, at thatand it would last for an hour. Then all the bodys vital energy would go out, all of it, as it does when you die (in fact, thats how I came to experience death).
   But it isnt necessary to have all those experiences, not at allSri Aurobindo never did. (Theon didnt have experiences, either; he had only the knowledgehe made use of Madame Theons experiences.) Sri Aurobindo told me he had never really entered the unconsciousness of samadhi for him, these domains were conscious; he would sit on his bed or in his armchair and have all the experiences.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One more thing. Despite their blockage from the deep spiritual viewpoint, they evidently represent a certain goodwill which can be utilized and should be recognizedit must be given a place. Thats why I was telling you to write a book on a much less elevated level, a book like the one I would write, if I ever wrote one!
   But Mother.
   My book, of course, would be: What I have known of Sri Aurobindo and on his supreme level. What I have known of Sri Aurobindo is what I have been able to perceive of the Avatar. What he represents. Thats how I see him. So, what I have known of Sri Aurobindo, expressed spontaneously, with a minimum of external events, the very minimum, but with all the experiences of our meetings: at that time, this opened that; at that moment, I realized this or saw that or felt something else ; and then I was able to do such and such and all of it was Sri Aurobindo.
   I know it would create a furor if I wrote this book! Because any fool could read it like a story and feel perfectly satisfied and he wouldnt even notice it taking hold of him inside and changing him.

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here is the text of Sri Aurobindo's letter: "There is a confusion here. The Mother's grace is one thing, the call to change another, the pressure of nearness to her is yet another. Those who are physically near to her are not so by any special grace or favour, but by the necessity of their work that is what everybody here refuses to understand or believe, but it is the fact: that nearness acts automatically as a pressure, if for nothing else, to adapt their consciousness to hers which means change, but it is difficult for them because the difference between the two consciousnesses is enormous especially on the physical level and it is on the physical level that they are meeting her in the work."
   Centenary Edition, Vol. XXV, p. 297

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Down to the vital, we are still in the realm of things that are more than feasible they are done. But on the material level it results in my misadventures of the other day.2
   But even accepting all these misadventures a priori, things remain difficult because theres a double movement: both a cellular transformation and a capacity for something that could replace expansion with readjustment, a constant intercellular reorganization.3 The way they are now, of course, our bodies are rigid and heavyits unspeakable, actually; if it werent for that we would never grow old. For instance, my vital being is more full of energy, and thus full of youth and power to grow, than when I was twenty. Theres really no comparison. The power is INFINITELY greater yet the body is going to piecesits really something unspeakable. So a way has to be found to bridge this gap between the vital and the material being.
   With the mind, its rather easyyou can put things back in order in five minutes, its not difficult. With the vital its already a bit more troublesome, it takes a little longer. But when you come to the material level, well. Theres a CONTAGION of wrong cellular functioning and a kind of internal disorganizationthings not staying in their proper places. Each vibration absorbed from the outside instantly creates a disorder, dislocates everything, creates wrong contacts and disrupts the organization; it sometimes takes HOURS to put it all back in order. Consequently, if I really want to make use of this bodys possibility without having to face the necessity of changing it because it cant follow along, then, materially, I would really need, as much as possible, to stop having to gulp down all sorts of things that drag me years backwards.
   Its difficult difficult.
   The question, of course, is the supramentalization of MATTER the consciousness, thats nothing at all. Most people who have had that experience had it on the mental level, which is relatively easy. Its very easy: abolition of limits set by the ego, indefinite expansion with a movement following the rhythm of the Becoming. Mentally, its all very easy. Vitally. A few months after I withdrew to my room, I had the experience in the vitalwonderful, magnificent! Of course to have the experience there, the mind must have undergone a change, one must be in complete communion; without exception, any individual vital being that hasnt been prepared by what might be called a sufficient mental foundation would be panic-stricken. All those poor people who get scared at the least little experience had better not dabble with thistheyd panic! But as it happensthrough divine grace, you might saymy vital, the vital being of this present incarnation, was born free and victorious. It has never been afraid of anything in the vital world; the most fantastic experiences were practically childs play. But when I had that experience, it was so interesting that for a few weeks I was tempted to stay in it; it was. I once told you a little about that experience (it was quite a while ago, at least two years).5 I told you that even during the day I seemed to be sitting on top of the Earth that was this realization in the vital world. And what fantastic nights it gave me! Nights I have never been able to describe to anyone and never mentioned but I would look forward to the night as a marvelous adventure.
   I voluntarily renounced all that in order to go further. And when I did it, I understood what people here in India mean when they say: he surrendered his experience. I had never really understood what that meant. When I did it, I understood. No, I said, I dont want to stop there; I am giving it all to You, that I may go on to the end. Then I understood what it meant.
   That was the idea: for a few beings to first attain, here in this physical world, a level of realization giving them the power to materialize a supramental being.
   I once told you I put a body on a vital being7but I couldnt have made that body material; it would have been impossible: something is lacking. Something is lacking. Even if it were made visible, it would probably not be possible to make it permanentat the slightest opportunity, it would dematerialize. What we cant get is that permanence.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was the same experience when I told Sri Aurobindo that India was free; it was the Universal Mother speaking from what could be called Her originit was from that level and the thing took thirty-five years to come down on Earth.
   When I had the experience that the time had come for the supramental Force to descend on Earth, I followed the effects of that descent, I followed the effects and the consequences in my consciousness. But to ordinary eyes it was something like what happened with Indias liberationits possible, of course, that the Supermind did come down, but for the moment its effects are more than veiled.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I have been studying these past two daysnot for you in particular, but the general effect of japa, the reason for it in the organization of ones life. I cant say I have made any discoveries (maybe for myself, I dont know); but my study is not on higher levels, its right here.
   It would take too long to give the details; I can summarize, but I dont want to make a doctrine, and for it to be living its bound to be long.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At my fullest and most intense momentsmoments when truly what exists is the universe (by universe I mean the Becoming of the Supreme) with the utmost active awareness of the Supremeat such moments I am suddenly caught by that [the static, nirvanic aspect]. Its not a matter of choosing between the two, but rather a question of priorities from the standpoint of action on the lowest level. Instinctively (the instinct of this body, this material base), the choice is aspiration, because this being was built for action; but this cannot be taken as an absolute rule, its almost like a casual preference.
   One feels that life Is this aspiration, this anguish, while bliss leads most naturally to the nirvanic side I dont know.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, but on a material level Im doing nothing.
   What does it matter!

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In Sri Aurobindo's terminology, the Overmind represents the highest level of the mind, the world of the gods and origin of all the revelations and highest artistic creations the world that has ruled mental man till now.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But how powerful are they outwardly? The people around that fellow [the fake Sri Aurobindo], who leveled all those reproaches at me, used to be in the Ashram they have since left. They were quite real. But the ones in the last group [in the most recent vision], I dont know I dont know them physically, so I cant say.
   One day, perhaps, Ill find out.

0 1962-05-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On a practical level, I am sure of it.
   In other words, no matter how great he may be, no matter how conscious, how powerful, ONE avatar all alone cannot realize the supramental life on earth. Either a group in time, a number of individuals staggered over a certain period of time, or a group spread out over a certain spaceor maybe bothis indispensable for this Realization. I am convinced of it.

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Material knowledge, I think I mean the higher use of the physical mind, which keeps you from entering the true room.2 Because I simply kept repeating, I have to say: I WANT TO GO THERE (in other words, it was a crystal clear, imperative will coming from the highest level) I have to say: I WANT TO GOnot that, not your methods! (Mother laughs.)

0 1962-06-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As an analogy, look at what science has discovered about the so-called composition of matter at the atomic leveltheres nothing to change. Nothing to change! The constituent element doesnt change, the relations between things are what change.
   Everything has one and the same constituent element, you see; and everything lies IN the interrelations.1 Well, its exactly the same for the transformation.

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, this too is tied in with to die unto death. Because, just imagine, why on earth do I invariably see the experience of the 12th to 13th on my left (gesture to the left)? And rather distant, as though I had returned along a level path (horizontal gesture) from there back to my body. Out there (to the left), I didnt have it any more! I didnt have it I existed in FULL consciousness, but I no longer had my body. Thats what makes me say my body was dead. I no longer had it. The experience was far, FAR away from here (I dont mean in the garden!) somewhere. Somewhere very far away to the left, in the physical consciousness. And when I had traveled back here along a level path, I noticed that there was still a body.2
   But this body is no longer MY body it is A body.
   When one goes out of the body (and probably at death), there is always the impression of moving "upwards," or "inwards," which means into a deeper plane (either way, it is simply the expression of a change of dimension). What is striking about Mother's experience is this level movement, indicating that she had not left the physical world. We are faced with a strange enigma: a physical world WITHIN the physical worldano ther world, or the same one lived differently? A physical world where death no longer exists: one has died unto death. The world to come?...
   Mother's japa.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, they have a sincerity, on one level, which is not the same as spiritual sincerity. They have a material sincerity, a material HONESTY, and with that, once they understood, they would progress very quickly.
   But I think it will be primarily a question of individuals, not something general.
   I shall write and tell you afterwards what this way of yoga is. Or if you come here I shall speak to you about it. In this matter the spoken word is better than the written. At present I can only say that its root-principle is to make a harmony and unity of complete knowledge, complete works and complete Bhakti [Devotion], to raise all this above the mind and give it its complete perfection on the supramental level of Vijnana [Gnosis]. This was the defect of the old yoga the mind and the Spirit it knew, and it was satisfied with the experience of the Spirit in the mind. But the mind can grasp only the divided and partial; it cannot wholly seize the infinite and indivisible. The minds means to reach the infinite are Sannyasa [Renunciation], Moksha [Liberation] and Nirvana, and it has no others. One man or another may indeed attain this featureless Moksha, but what is the gain? The Brahman, the Self, God are ever present. What God wants in man is to embody Himself here in the individual and in the community, to realize God in life.
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the eternal Play of God, the eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.
   I know very well that Bengal is not really ready. The spiritual flood which has come is for the most part a new form of the old. It is not the real transformation. However this too was needed. Bengal has been awakening in itself the old yogas and exhausting their samskaras [old habitual tendencies], extracting their essence and with it fertilizing the soil. At first it was the time of VedantaAdwaita, Sannyasa, Shankaras Maya and the rest. It is now the turn of Vaishnava DharmaLila, love, the intoxication of emotional experience. All this is very old, unfitted for the new age and will not endure for such excitement has no capacity to last. But the merit of the Vaishnava Bhava [emotional enthusiasm] is that it keeps a connexion between God and the world and gives a meaning to life; but since it is a partial bhava the whole connexion, the full meaning is not there. The tendency to create sects which you have noticed was inevitable. The nature of the mind is to take a part and call it the whole and exclude all other parts. The Siddha [illuminated being] who brings the bhava, although he leans on its partial aspect, yet keeps some knowledge of the integral whole, even though he may not be able to give it form. But his disciples do not get that knowledge precisely because it is not in a form. They are tying up their little bundles, let them. The bundles will open of themselves when God manifests himself fully. These things are the signs of incompleteness and immaturity. I am not disturbed by them. Let the force of spirituality play in the country in whatever way and in as many sects as may be. Afterwards we shall see. This is the infancy or the embryonic condition of the new age. It is a first hint, not even the beginning.
   Now let me discuss some particular points of your letter. I do not want to say much in this letter about what you have written as regards your yoga. We shall have better occasion when we meet. To look upon the body as a corpse is a sign of Sannyasa, of the path of Nirvana. You cannot be of the world with this idea. You must have delight in all thingsin the Spirit as well as in the body. The body has consciousness, it is Gods form. When you see God in everything that is in the world, when you have this vision that all this is Brahman, Sarvamidam Brahma, that Vasudeva is all thisVasudevah sarvamiti then you have the universal delight. The flow of that delight precipitates and courses even through the body. When you are in such a state, full of the spiritual consciousness, you can lead a married life, a life in the world. In all your works you find the expression of Gods delight. So far I have been transforming all the objects and perceptions of the mind and the senses into delight on the mental level. Now they are taking the form of the supramental delight. In this condition is the perfect vision and perception of Sachchidananda.
   You write about the Deva Samgha and say, I am not a god, I am only a piece of much hammered and tempered iron. No one is a God but in each man there is a God and to make Him manifest is the aim of divine life. That we can all do. I recognize that there are great and small adharas [vessels]. I do not accept, however, your description of yourself as accurate. Still whatever the nature of the vessel, once the touch of God is upon it, once the spirit is awake, great and small and all that does not make much difference. There may be more difficulties, more time may be taken, there may be a difference in the manifestation, but even about that there is no certainty. The God within takes no account of these hindrances and deficiencies. He breaks his way out. Was the amount of my failings a small one? Were there less obstacles in my mind and heart and vital being and body? Did it not take time? Has God hammered me less? Day after day, minute after minute, I have been fashioned into I know not whether a god or what. But I have become or am becoming something. That is sufficient, since God wanted to build it. It is the same as regards everyone. Not our strength but the Shakti of God is the sadhaka [worker] of this yoga.

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Next came the period of learning and developing, but on an ordinary mental levelschool years.1 Curiosity made me want to learn to read. Did I tell you how it happened? When I was around seven, just under seven, my brother, who was eighteen months older, used to bring big pictures home from school with him (you know, pictures for children with captions at the bottom; theyre still used nowadays) and he gave me one of them. Whats written there? I asked. Read it! he said. Dont know how, I replied. Then learn! All right, I told him, show me the letters. He brought me an A-B-C book. I knew it within two days and on the third day I started reading. Thats how I learned. Oh-oh, they used to say, this child is backward! Seven years old and she still cant readdisgraceful! The whole family fretted about it. And then lo and behold, in about a week I knew what should have taken me years to learnit made them think twice!
   Then, school years. I was a very bright student, always for the same reason: I wanted to understand. I wasnt interested in learning things by heart like the others did I wanted to understand them. And what a memory I had, a fantastic memory for sounds and images! I had only to read a poem aloud at night, and the next morning I knew it. And after I had studied or read a book and someone mentioned a passage to me, I would say, Ah, yes thats on page so and so. I would find the page. Nothing had faded, it was all still fresh. But this is the ordinary period of development.

0 1962-08-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And through certain things, I can perceive the very clear, precise and absolute Direction coming from the Supreme. And He is arranging all those thingsforms, various intellectual formsexactly as they should be. Because here (pointing to the crown of the head), and even from here (lower) down to here (the forehead), its all immobile. All these vibrations come, pass through, whirl around, they come from everywhere, but here (the head) nothing moves, theres no response. And yet I have seen that on the intellectual level there are a number of what Sri Aurobindo calls frames, certain principles of organization6 giving a precise orientation to the yogas action. One of them, the strongest, is my translation of The Synthesis of Yoga. I do a page almost every day and on that page I invariably find an idea or a sentence that EXACTLY expresses the field of experiences I was in that day and the night before; and some of the details. And interestingly enough, certain points in the pages you read me today were the EXACT frame of a series of experiences Ive been havingalmost word for word, with the same words.7 That sort of thing. Its like intellectual forms being assembled to give the field of experience precision, because theres nothing here (the forehead), its blankyet some form is necessary! Well, the forms Sri Aurobindo has given predominate, but what you write has its place, and a very precise and interesting place: the way of thinking. And I see that theres an immense field of intellectual thought, intellectual formulation, with varying degrees of intensity and precision, serving as a SIEVE for the Supremes Will to pass through. And the sievethis sort of immense universal sieveis what gives the precision.8 Its very interesting. That way, the mind remains perfectly stillit has nothing to do, everything is done for it! It is nothing but a mirrora living mirror where everything gets inscribed and which can reflect back its image without becoming active.
   The nature of my nights is changing, the nature of my days is changing.

0 1962-08-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Intellectually, I dont at all believe in taking others misfortunes upon oneself thats childish. But certain vibrations in the world must be accepted, exhausted and transformed. Inwardly, thats the work I have been doing all my lifeconsciously, gloriously. But now its on a purely physical level, independent of all the realities of other worlds: its in the body, you see. And this has given me a key, one of the necessary keys to the Work.
   Maybe there will be something else another time.

0 1962-08-28, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, the subtle physical seems to DOSE OUT its power and light and capacity of consciousness according to the amount of receptivity in the purely physical vibration. Thats why the effects stretch over a long period of time. Its being done very, very gradually. But its an almost continuous work. Only when theres some bodily activity and the consciousness must turn outwards (not in the same way as before, thats impossible, but still in a way that seems like a continuation of the old consciousness), then, if the work continues at all, its invisible and maybe it doesnt continue. I dont know. But as soon as all activity stops and the body is concentrated or immobileperhaps no more than simply passive that penetration is perceptible: its visible. Visible. And its not like something more subtle penetrating something less subtle without altering it; the essential point is that this penetration actually changes the composition. Its not merely a degree of subtlety, its a change in the internal composition. Ultimately, this action probably has an effect on the atomic level. And thats how the practical possibility of transformation can be accounted for.
   Its an experience I have all the time.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats it. And then illnesses related to colloidal disorders (blood, for example, is a colloidal fluid): when the component elements cease to combine in the normal and natural way. Both are newly recognized causes of illness. And they usually (I dont say in every case) result from what is called an inner discrepancy; that is, when the different parts of the being have not reached the same level of development, things of that nature may crop up.
   With very few exceptions, these illnesses are not found to originate from germs, microbes or bacteria. They are frequently classified as mental illnesses, nervous disorders, etc., and they result from that inner discrepancy.
   I have already told you the reason (there are many reasons): one tiny undeveloped level in the being is enough. It obviously has to do with atavism, with the way the body was built, the milieu one was born in, ones education, the life one has led. But its mainly how much one has been drawn to higher things. It is clear that your energies have been far more concentrated on breaking through that lid and touching the Source of Truth than on having mediumistic experiencesfar more. And for what you have come to do, that was INFINITELY more important. Minor experiences such as exteriorizing and the like are just diversions along the way thats how I have always seen them.
   Yes, Mother, thats all right. But theres no outer encouragement. I have the feeling that nothing is happening I wake up each morning and theres nothing. I meditate, theres nothing theres never anything! Just the certainty that its the only thing worth doing.
   For a long, long time, that was also the one thing I felt was worth living forConsciousness. When I met Thon and came to understand the mechanism, I also understood why I wasnt conscious at a certain level. I think Ive told you how I spent ten months one year working to connect two layerstwo layers of consciousness; the contact wasnt established and so I couldnt have the spontaneous experience of a whole spectrum of things. Madame Thon told me, Its because theres an undeveloped layer between this part and that part. I was very conscious of all the gradations: Thon had explained it all in the simplest terms, so you didnt need to be, as I said, a genius to understand. He had made a quadruple division, and each of them was divided into four, and then again into four, making innumerable divisions of the being; but with that mental simplification you could make in-depth psychological studies of your own being. And so by observation and elimination I eventually discovered that between this and that (gesture indicating two levels of Mothers consciousness), there was an undeveloped layerit wasnt conscious. So I worked for ten months on nothing but that: absolutely no results. I didnt care, I kept right on, telling myself, Well, it may take me fifty years to get anywhere, who knows. And then I left for the country (I was living in Paris at the time). I lay down on the grass, and all at once, with the contact of earth and grass, poof! There was a sort of inner explosion the link was established, and full consciousness came, along with all the ensuing experiences. Well, I said to myself, it was worth all the trouble!
   And I am sure thats how the work is done, slowly, imperceptibly, like a chick being formed in the egg: you see the shell, you see only the shell, you dont know whats inside, whether its just an egg or a chick (normally, I meanof course, you could see through with special instruments) and then the beak goes peck-peck! And then cheep! Out comes the chick, just like that. Its the same thing exactly for the contact with the psychic being. For months on end, sometimes years, you may be sitting before a closed door, push, push, pushing, and feeling, feeling the pressure (it hurts!), and theres nothing, no results. Then all at once, you dont know why or how, you sit down and poof! Everything bursts wide open, everything is ready, everything is doneits over, you emerge into a full psychic consciousness and become intimate with your psychic being. Then everything changeseverything changesyour life completely changes, its a total reversal of your whole existence.
   But one has to. Look, its the same as for japa. Your japa is given to you, isnt it? You receive it (unless you find it on your own, but thats harder and already requires another level of realization); you receive your japa along with the power to do it but you have to learn how to do it, right? For a long while you dont fully succeed; all sorts of things happenyou forget it right in the middle or fall asleep or grow tired, get a headache, all sorts of things; or even outer circumstances interfere and disturb you. Well, here its the same: you tell yourself, Ill do it, and you will do it, even if. You have to go at it just like a mule: everything blocks the way but you keep going. You said youd do it and you will do it. There are no results I dont care. Everything is against me I dont care. I said Id do it and I will I said Id do it and I will. And you keep on going like that.
   Its the same thing in your case. It depends on what you want to achieve. Simply what I told you about sleep or resting, for example, ought to be enough. On that, you base your own disciplineor on words that were uttered, or gestures that were made, or ideas youve received. You establish your own discipline. And once you have chosen your discipline, you keep on with it.
   This "elsewhere" which is neither "higher" nor "deeper within" seems to correspond to the displacement along a level path Mother was speaking of: the other Matter.
   See conversation of July 14, 1962

0 1962-09-22, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats the essential failing of the old yogic system: things go quite nicely on the level where they practice yoga, but as soon as they descend, theyre worse than everyone else!

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive had conscious contacts with all the beings of the tradition Theon made known to me, and with all the beings described in Indian tradition; in fact, as far as I know Ive had contacts with all the deities of all the religions. Theres a gradation (gesture of levels). These beings are found all the way from there are even some in the vital; in the mental realm, man has deified many things: he has readily made gods out of whatever didnt seem exactly like him. If you are eclectic, you can have contacts with them all. And they all have their own reality and existence.
   This region just overlooks the earth and the mind (including the very highest mind). But evolution I mean TERRESTRIAL evolution, with its particular rhythm which is more condensed, more concentrated and, you could say, more focused than universal evolution as a wholethis terrestrial evolution has, with the human species, created a kind of higher intellectuality capable of passing through the overmental region, the region of the gods, and reaching a higher Principle directly.

0 1962-10-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All kinds of things. On each rack lay a number of notes on a particular subject. There were three rows at each level, one like that, one like that, one like that (on the upper part; I couldnt see the bottom because it was behind you). And the sheets of paper were lifting up slightly to show me there were several of them.
   Its going to go into your head! (Mother laughs.)

0 1962-10-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is a world of creation with several levels or degrees.
   Yes, Id like to understand how it works. I have to talk about it in the book.
   Yes. But its the higher level of the musical zone. Each of these zones contains several levels, and the top of the musical zone is already starting to be waves, waves of vibration. But its still directly related to music, while those colored forces I am speaking of have to do with terrestrial transformations and actionsgreat actions. They are powers of action. This zone where you hear no sound eventually becomes sounds and music. It is the summit. Each zone contains several levels.
   In short, when one rises to that Origin, one finds a single vibration, which can be expressed as music or thought or architectural or pictorial formsis that right?

0 1962-11-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And all night long (or a good part of it in any case), Indira Gandhis thought was here, clinging to me (Indira Gandhi is Nehrus daughter), and the jewelry was sent to her.3 It was handed over to Nehru, who passed it on to Indira.4 And she wrote me a letter I received yesterdaya very (Mother searches for the proper word) a very amicable letter; a letter from someone who has understood that this gift was an important elementnot on a worldwide level (!), but because it was important that people know I have made a gesture of collaboration. But it didnt end there. The letter came yesterday; generally, of course, when I see a letter coming, I see it BEFORE receiving it; but here it was SHE, she herself, thinking [of Mother], thinking, thinking, thinking over and over again. (With Nehru, its always very blurred: he doesnt have sufficient mental power for his position, he lacks the required strength of mind, so its always hazy; when you tune in to him, thats the impression you getblurred gesturenot solid.) But with her, it kept coming and coming and coming. They must be feeling or beginning to feel that something other than what they have is required.
   We shall see.

0 1962-11-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I am experiencing in my body nowexactly what you say: each step forward forces you to make not a step backward, but a step into the Shadow. And on the physical level its terrible.

0 1962-12-19, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it was funny; it was really an experience, because had you asked me my impression beforeh and (my, I mean what usually talks), my impression was that I just had to decide to go to the balcony and it would happen (the only impossibility I saw was finding time for it). But thats not how it is, thats not it AT ALL. Its something else, utterly new, something I dont know; I have absolutely no reference points, and decisions are made on the highest levelonly with regard to the body. I mean for the work in general, for the terrestrial vision and all that, theres no difference: its seen, its known. But for this special thing in the body, I am not consulted.
   I was really amused.

0 1963-03-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I found a far lovelier miracle. It was at Tlemcen, I was playing the piano, I dont recall what (a Beethoven or a Mozart piece). Thon had a piano (because his English secretary used to play the piano), and this piano was in his drawing room, which was on a level with the mountain, halfway up, almost at the top. That is to say, you had to climb two flights of stairs inside the house to reach the drawing room, but the drawing room had large French doors opening out onto the mountainsideit was very beautiful. So then, I used to play in the afternoon, with the French doors wide open. One day, when I finished playing, I turned around to get up, and what did I see but a big toad, all wartsa huge toad and it was going puff, puff, puff (you know how they inflate and deflate), it was inflating and deflating, inflating and deflating as though it were in seventh heaven! It had never heard anything so marvelous! It was all alone, as big as this, all round, all black, all warts, between those high doorsFrench doors wide open to the sun and light. It sat in the middle. It went on for a little while, then when it saw the music was over, it turned around, hop-hop-hopped and vanished.
   That admiration of a toad filled me with joy! It was charming.

0 1963-03-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I had a feeling he hadnt completed his revision. When I read this, I felt it wasnt the end, just as when I read the last chapter of the Yoga of Self-Perfection,2 I felt it was unfinished. He left it unfinished. And he said so. He said, No, I will not go down to this mental level any more.
   But in Savitris case (I didnt look after it, you know), he had around him Purani, that Chinmayi, and (whats his name?) Nirodthey all swarmed around him. So I didnt look after Savitri. I read Savitri two years ago, I had never read it before. And I am so glad! Because I read it at the time I could understand itand I realized that none of those people had understood ONE BIT of it. Both things at the same time.

0 1963-03-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the same with people who get cured. That I know, to some extent: the Power acts so forcefully that it is almost miraculousat a distance. The Power I am very conscious of the Power. But, I must say, I find it doesnt act here so well as it does far away. On government or national matters, on the terrestrial atmosphere, on great movements, also as inspirations on the level of thought (in certain people, to realize certain things), the Power is very clear. Also to save people or cure themit acts very strongly. But much more at a distance than here! (Although the receptivity has increased since I withdrew because, necessarily, it gave people the urge to find inside something they no longer had outside.) But here, the response is very erratic. And to distinguish between the proportion that comes from faith, sincerity, simplicity, and what comes from the Power Some people I am able to save (naturally, in my view, its because they COULD be saved), this is something that for a very long time I have been able to foresee. But now I dont try to know: it comes like this (gesture like a flash). If, for instance, I am told, So and so has fallen ill, well, immediately I know if he will recover (first if its nothing, some passing trouble), if he will recover, if it will take some time and struggle and difficulties, or if its fatalautomatically. And without trying to know, without even trying: the two things come together.2 This capacity has developed, first because I have more peace, and because, having more peace, things follow a more normal course. But there were two or three little instances where I said to the Lord (gesture of presenting something, palms open upward), I asked Him to do a certain thing, and then (not very often, it doesnt happen to me often; at times it comes as a necessity, a necessity to present the thing with a commentfrom morning to evening and evening to morning I present everything constantly, thats my movement [same gesture of presenting something] but here, there is a comment, as if I were asking, Couldnt this be done?), and then the result: yes, immediately. But I am not the one who presents the thing, you see: its just the way it is, it just happens that way, like everything else.3 So my conclusion is that its part of the Plan, I mean, a certain vibration is necessary, enters [into Mother], intervenes, and No stories to tell, mon petit! Nothing to fill people with enthusiasm or give them trust, nothing.
   Three or four days ago, a very nice man, whom I like a lot, who has been very useful, fell ill. (He has in fact been ill for a long time, and he is struggling; for all sorts of reasons of family, milieu, activities and so on, he isnt taken care of the way he should be, he doesnt take care of his body the way he should.) He had a first attack and I saw him afterwards. But I saw him full of life: his body was full of life and of will to live. So I said, No need to worry. Then after some time, maybe not even a month, another attack, caused not by the same thing but by its consequences. I receive a letter in which I am informed that he has been taken to the hospital. I was surprised, I said, But no! He has in himself the will to live, so why? Why has this happened? The moment I was informed and made the contact, he recovered with fantastic speed! Almost in a few hours. He had been rushed to the hospital, they thought it was most serious, and two days later he was back home. The hospital doctor said, Why, he has received a new life! But thats not correct: I had put him back in contact with his bodys will, which, for some reason or other, he had forgotten. Things like that, yes, theyre very clear, they take place very consciously but anyway, nothing worth talking about!

0 1963-04-22, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On the material level, the conditions are as wretched as possiblein a word, complete barrenness in complete squalor. My body isnt too brilliant, but I hope it will get better. On the mental and affective level = NIL. That leaves the one Thing without which all would collapse.
   I need you terribly.

0 1963-05-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you see new things on that level?
   You know, I live from day to day. With only the feeling of that moving on very fast. By that, I mean a large number of things.

0 1963-05-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a particular aspect of the creation (a very modern aspect, maybe): a need to get out of disorder and confusionof disharmony and confusion. A confusion, a disorder which assumes all forms, turns into struggles, pointless efforts and wasted energy. It depends on which level you stand on, but materially, in action, it means unnecessary complications, wasted energy and materials, waste of time, incomprehension, misunderstanding, confusion, disorderwhat in ancient days they called deforma in sharp and unnecessary zigzags). Its one of the things farthest from the harmony of a purely divine actionwhich is somethition, crookedness in the Vedas (I dont know the French word for it, its something crooked which, instead of shooting straight to the goal, weaves its wayng so simple. It looks like childs play and directdirect, without those absurd and completely useless twists and turns. Well, it is clearly the same phenomenon: that disorder is a way to stimulate the need for pure and divine simplicity.
   The body feels strongly, very strongly that everything could be so simple, so simple!

0 1963-05-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother asks for a box of paints to demonstrate practically the gradation of colors of the levels of consciousness, from the most material Nature to the Supreme. The point is to illustrate the symbol of Infinity, the figure 8, which Mother explained in the conversation of May 11: the infinite play of the Supreme reaching down to Nature and Nature rising toward the Supreme. Mother speaks in English in the presence of a disciple, who is a painter, so that he may convey her explanations to H., the disciple who is preparing illustrations for "Savitri".)
   Of course, all these things are lights, so you cant reproduce them. But still, it must be a violet that is not dull and not dark (Mother starts from the most material Nature). What she has put is too red, but if its too blue, it wont be good eitheryou understand the difficulty? Then after violet there is blue, which must be truly blue, not too light, but it must be a bright blue. Not too light because there are three consecutive blues: there is the blue of the Mind, and then comes the Higher Mind, which is paler, and then the Illumined Mind, which is the color of the flag [Mothers flag], a silver blue, but naturally paler than that. And after this comes yellow, a yellow that is the yellow of the Intuitive Mind; it must not be golden, it must be the color of cadmium. Then after this yellow, which is pale, we have the Overmind with all the colors they must all be bright colors, not dark: blue, red, green, violet, purple, yellow, all of them, all the colors. And after that, we then have all the golds of the Supermind, with its three layers. And then, after that, there is one layer of golden whiteit is white, but a golden white. After this golden white, there is silver whitesilver white: how can I explain that? (H. has sent me some ridiculous pictures of a sun shining on waterit has nothing to do with that.) If you put silver, silver gray (Mother shows a silver box nearby shining brilliantly in the sun), silver gray together with white that is, it is white, but if you put the four whites together you see the difference. There is a white white, then there is a white with a touch of pink, then a silvery white and a golden white. It makes four worlds.

0 1963-06-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because its very material the brain is material! Its just a little less mechanical than the cellular mind. But it Is material; it isnt the higher mind, certainly: its a mind confined to the body (same gesture to the temples). But the mind I was speaking of, the body-mind, is EVERYWHERE, in every cell: every cell has it within it; whereas that power is specifically situated at the brain level. Its a very cerebral action, enveloping the forehead and the lower part of the face, not even down to the throat.

0 1963-06-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But hes an intellectual, he may have received some inspiration on the intellectual level.
   Is your letter from France?
   It must be (on a much lower level) at such moments that you fall ill; when people fall ill, it must be (on their scale, of course, probably a very, very small scale), it must be due to that (gesture of precarious balance): they must be going from one moment to another, from one balance to another, and if they are not careful, they topple over. Then its IN the illness that they find a new harmony(laughing) either here or in another world!

0 1963-06-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was saying to myself, But whats the way to get out of here? I concentrated, became conscious again of the divine Presence, but there was something telling me, Nothing is responding, its not working. It was horrible. Nothing is responding, its not working; its not working, it cant change, nothing is responding; nothing is responding, its not working. I was there like that, with two or three people. I sat down (some rooms were higher than others and it made a difference in level between the terraces), I sat down on a ledge, questioning intensely within, What can I do? What can I do? Whats the way? What can I do? Wheres the lever? I was trying to find the lever for changing it all. But I was unable to find it. Suddenly, from the room at the end a little old man came out, very old, who gave the impression of an attachment to old things; just the same (he was all blue), just the same when he arrived (it must be the symbol of an old method or an old discipline), I told him, Ah, now that you are here, can you tell me the way out of this place? Whats the way to get free, the way out? That started him laughing: No, no! Theres no way, no way out, you must be content with what you have. Then he looked at that poor light above, which really didnt give much light at all, and he said (in a high-sounding tone): But in the first place, I came to tell you that you must put out that sun! I dont want that dazzling sun here. Ah! I thought, Thats what he calls a sun! I was so disgusted that finally I woke up. Something pulled me out abruptly. But with such a strong impressionso strong that I was gripped by anguish: What can be done to change that? The WAY, you see, the way was inadequateinadequate. That was the anguish: My own experience is inadequate, it has no effect THERE, so whats to be done? Whats to be done? What can be done? So thats how I was for hours this morning: Whats the way? Whats the way? Whats the way to change that darkness into light?
   It wasnt very cheering.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because you have a great combative power in the mind, very great, and thats immensely useful, but on the vital level Ive never seen anything in you like a warrior.
   Oh, yes! To go about the world preaching, to go about fighting with ideas, like, for instance, the great sages here who fought through speech that, of course. But not as the general-in-chief of an army!

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I can still see Sri Aurobindo, a little taller than me, and myself bent forward and smiling, pointing to the left, and he said, Yes. And I could see I saw lots of people. Because its a strange thing, the eyesight is absolutely different (its in the subtle physical), the sight is absolutely different from physical sight: you see thousands of miles away and very near at the same time, and distance is implied only by a given place in the atmosphere (I dont know how to explain this), but whats far away is as near from the standpoint of action as whats very close by. You see, the action is just as concrete and close, but it is as though differently placed (Mother shows different levels in the atmosphere). I never gave it a thought, but probably in that activity of the subtle physical we are physically much taller, I think; yet the proportions remain the same; but things are smaller [than Mother or Sri Aurobindo]. Its the same for going up or down, it doesnt have the meaning it has here. And that country I was pointing to was to the left, a little not backward, a little forward and lower down, like this (gesture).
   Sri Aurobindo was very tall there. But I, too, was tall.
   It happened once and then it was over: quite naturally the atmosphere gave protection. This time it had the same character, in the sense that twisted faces, very base instincts, very ugly things come and ENTER, which means there must be some work going on on that level, and for it to be done some contact is necessary (naturally when I have my white atmosphere around me, try as they may, they cannot touch it), but this time they entered. Well, I peered at the thing (laughing), not without some curiosity. (The first times, I was surprised, I thought, Why am I starting to see such ugly things! But then I soon understood it was because a work had to be done.) I peer at the thing with some curiosity, and I see I just have to do this (gesture like the flick of a feather duster), simply a little effortless movement and prrt! off it runs with fantastic speed.
   But some of the faces I saw had come with the intention of making certain suggestions I saw that (I dont know what their suggestions were, it didnt interest me and I kept sweeping it all away, so it went away). I didnt attach any importance to it, except that I kept answering in the same way (the feather duster), and I thought, This must be putting order somewhere! But today, N. read me a letter and told me the story of a boy who was herea very nice boy who worked well and who suddenly was overcome by disquiet and fear and got so ill at ease that finally he said, My family is calling me, they want me, I must go. Then (I dont know when it happened, it was a while ago), he wrote that some time after he came back home (I dont recall the details), he came to know that a magician was regularly doing black magic against him (he was seeing ugly faces, incense burning, all kinds of odd little gestureshe tells the whole story in his letter and it affected him very much), and that the magician (who I believe was more or less connected with the family!) was doing that regularly to make him leave the Ashram. Then he went to see the magician, or rather someone went to see the magician and told him, The boy is back now, you need not continue, he is here, so there is no more reason to And from that moment on, everything immediately disappeared: his feeling of disquiet and all his visions. Anyway, it was clear proof that the magicians work had put him in that state, and that as soon as the magician stopped his work, everything ceased.

0 1963-07-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I must now bring myself to write to you. With regret and sadness, I confess, since it is to inform you that we do not think it possible to publish your book Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness. I confess that what prevented me from writing to you earlier is not so much the fear of causing you pain, for you are able to rise above the shock such news cannot but cause, as the fact that I knew it would be impossible to explain our reasons to you. Frankly, we cannot really understand this book. And how to explain the reasons for not understanding something? As for me, I often had the feeling of passing from one plane to another, from the level of fact to that of conjecture, from the level of logic (with defined terms as a starting point) to that of presupposition (within a coherence unconnected with the knowledge you offer). I know that all this is disputable. I also know or guess that behind those pages lies an entire lived experience, but one doesnt feel the reader can participate in it. For what reason? Once again, I cannot say. The readers blindness, quite possibly. The minds limitation, too. But a book must build a bridge, pierce the screen, and there are doubtless cases in which doing so no longer depends on the author. I must therefore return this manuscript to you.
   (signed: P.A.L.)
   Thats on another level.
   It will come one day.

0 1963-07-17, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It requires no preparation, it isnt something you have to attain: its ALWAYS there. Only, it also stems from the fact that I am not here (thats so clear, so clear, it needs no reflection or observation, its such a well-established fact) I am not here for anything, anything whatsoever, any satisfaction of any sort, on any level, any pointnone of that exists any more, that has no more reality, no more existence. The only thing I still FEEL is a sort of not an aspiration, not a will, not an adherence or enthusiasm, but something that is maybe its more like a power: to do the Lords Work. At the same time, I feel the Lord you understand, He isnt in front of me or outside of me! Thats not it, He is everywhere and He is everywhere and I am everywhere with Him. But what holds these cells together in a permanent form is that something which is at once the will and power (and something more than both) to do the Lords work. It contains something which probably is translated in peoples consciousnesses as Bliss, Ananda (I must say its an aspect of the problem I am not concerned with). Something like the intensity of a superlove as yet unmanifestits impossible to say.
   Some time ago I made a discovery of that kind: someone asked me if there was any difference between Ananda and Love; I said, No. Then he said to me, But then how is it that some people feel Ananda while others feel Love? I answered him, Yes! Those who feel Ananda are those who like to receive, who have the capacity to receive, and those who feel Love are those who have the capacity to give. But its the same thing: you receive it as Ananda, you give it as Love.

0 1963-07-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So all that must be having repercussions on the others, like Pavitra, when he told me the other day he was seeking me up above and could no longer find me! This very down-to-earth state (we can really call it down-to-earth), this very down-to-earth state of things may also create not an increased heaviness (because God knows it isnt heavy! Its so luminous, vibrant, luminous, so vibrant, vibrant), thats not it, but its really at ground level. At ground level. It has none of the flights and enthusiasms of mental things, visions and all that. So it appears a little monotonous and very much at ground level.
   Yes, but we dont have the sense of participating in something. You are conscious, while were not.

0 1963-07-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The work consists, I could say, in either removing or transforming (I am not sure which of the two) all the bodys cells that are or have been under the influence of Falsehood (not lie but falsehood), of the state contrary to the Divine. But since probably a radical purge or transformation would have resulted in nothing but the bodys dissolution, the work goes on in stages, progressively (I am going very far back in time, to my first attacks). So the sequence is the following: first, a series of activities or visions (but those visions are always activities at the same time: both activities and visions) in the subconscious domain, showing in a very living and objective way the Falsehood that has to be removed (transformed or removed). At first, I took them as adverse attacks, but now I see they are states of falsehood to which certain elements in the physical being are linked (at the time, I thought, I am brought into contact with that because of the correspondence in me, and I worked on that level but its another way of seeing the same thing). And it produces certainly there is a dissolution there is a transformation, but a dissolution tooand that dissolution naturally brings about an extreme fatigue or a sort of exhaustion in the body; so between two of those stages of transformation, the body is given time to recover strength and energy.1 And I had noticed that those attacks always come after the observation (an observation I made these last few days) of a great increase in power, energy and force; when the body grows more and more solid, there always follows the next day or the day after, first, a series of nights I could call unpleasant (they are not, for theyre instructive), and then a terrible battle in the body. This time I was consciousnaturally, I am conscious every time, but (smiling) more so every time.
   I had observed lately that the body was getting much stronger, much more solid, that it was even putting on weight (!), which is almost abnormal. Then, I had a first vision (not vision: an activity, but very clear), then another, and then a third. Last night, I was fed a subtle food, as if to tell me that I would need it because I wouldnt take any physical food2 (not that I thought about it, I simply noticed I had been fed, given certain foods). And with the visions I had the two preceding nights, I knew that at issue were certain elements forming part of the bodys construction (psychological construction), and that they had to be eliminated. So I worked hard for their elimination. And today, the battle was waged.

0 1963-08-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Lets take a practical example [Mother smiles ironically at the practical! on another level than the corporeal level: say you have a garden invaded by crows and sparrows that are eating everything, insects, negligent gardeners. So you have a choice: either you wear yourself out and get worked up about it but you keep the garden, or you react against your reaction and you say, All right, I wont say anything, let things go as they like, and then everything gets spoiled.
   Yes, yes.

0 1963-08-10, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The second step is that once the body has decided to bear pain (it really takes the decision to do so), instantly the acuteness, the acute sensation in the pain vanishes. I am speaking on an absolutely material level.
   And if you have calm (it requires an inner calm, which is another factor), if you have inner calm, then the pain turns into an almost pleasant sensationnot pleasant in the ordinary sense of the word, but there comes an almost comfortable impression. Once again, I am speaking on a purely physical, material level.
   The last stage: when the cells have faith in the divine Presence and the divine sovereign Will and trust that all is for the good, then ecstasy comes the cells open up, become luminous and ecstatic.

0 1963-08-13a, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a nirvana behind the vital, a nirvana behind the psychic, a nirvana behind the mind; there is a nirvana on every level, even behind the physicalits death. And those who withdraw, who try to attain Nirvana, NEVER go into the psychic the psychic is something essentially linked to divine manifestation, not to divine nonintervention, not to Nirvana.
   All that is fit for the wastepaper basket!1

0 1963-08-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Americans are more open, because they have remained more childlike they think they know everything on a material level, but they also know that there are things they dont know. While the others they are beyond childish religious beliefs, of course!
   Its not even true, for as soon as a little something stirs within (gesture at the heart center), they plunge back into their Catholicism.

0 1963-09-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Whats worse is that when they do speak of Sri Aurobindo, they put him on a level with everybody else.
   Exactly! Exactly!

0 1963-12-07 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night, for instance, early in the morning, there were several layers of cells,1 as it were, and each cell was I cant say the property, but the possession of someone: what was under his direct control and reflected his mood, as it is customarily called, his way of being. And there were many levels: you could go upstairs and downstairs. And the impression I had of myself was that I was much, much taller and that I towered above it all; and I had a different texture, as if I were made of a different substance, not quite the same as the others. It was as if all that were inside me without being inside me (I cant explain): I was looming over everything and at the same time acting inside. And then, according to the action, people were going upstairs or downstairs, going and coming; but everyone had his own little boxthey were BEGINNING to have it, it was beginning to get organized. Each cell was more or less precise: some were very precise, others more blurred, as if on the way to becoming precise. And the whole experience, last night, had a kind of precision about it. I was like something very big, outside, and I was laughing, talking to everyone, but they werent aware of the action [of Mother]. You see, they seemed to me this tall (gesture: four inches), tiny. But quite alive: they were going and coming, moving about. And I was talking to them, but they didnt know where the voice was coming from. So I laughed, I found it funny, I said to some, There! You see, thats your idea of things. And it was oh, if I compare it to last year, there is a tremendous difference of CONSCIOUSNESS, from the point of view of consciousness. Before, all the movements were reflexes, instincts, as if people were impelled by a force which they were totally unconscious of and considered to be their character, most of the time, or else Destiny (either their character or Fate, Destiny). They were all like puppets on strings. Now, they are conscious beings theyre BEGINNING, theyre beginning to be conscious.
   The proportion has changed.

0 1963-12-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The thing that resists the most on the terrestrial level (perhaps even on the universal level) is that zone (which is more pronounced in the earths atmosphere), the emotive zone. I had the clear perception that it CLINGS to its emotions, it ENJOYS its emotions. This counteracts the effort towards perfection, towards perfect unity the pleasure of emotions.
   There was an experience for a few seconds, with the clear vision and immediate action of the supreme Force over this [the emotive zone], but the experience wasnt sufficient so it could be noted down.

0 1964-01-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Still, for actions in this domain, actions of transformation, I dont say solitude because thats sillythere is no such thing as solitude but peace is necessary, that is, the perfect control over the activity: the activity must be kept on a level where it doesnt interfere with the inner work thats the point. That was why, in fact, I was forced (apparently) to remain upstairs, because downstairs it had become it was infernalinfernal, no one can imagine! Its always the same principle: Why not me? And there are 1,300 of them, you understand let alone the visitors who come in their hundreds (some days, there are more than 200 or 300 of them at one time); they hear that there is someone worth seeing, and when I was downstairs and one of the circus showmen ([laughing] excuse me!) came, he would bring a troop along.
   Now, its a little better, but it has become Why not me? Mother has seen such and such a category of people, therefore the entire category has a right to be seen! The birthdays1 too, it depends on the ages and occupations: if I see people of a certain age and occupation on their birthdays, all those of about the same age and similar occupation have a RIGHT to comethey have the rightand it is my DUTY to see them. And when I say that I dont have the time theyre upset.

0 1964-01-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A solid base, you know, and its there (Mother makes a gesture at ground level). The feeling of a solid, un-shak-a-ble base.
   As if
   It is something there, down below. Before, it was here (gesture to the level of the forehead), like this, in the atmosphere; now, its there (gesture at ground level), that is to say, very low.
   Its something that has happened in the Inconscient.

0 1964-02-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One must be very level-headed, very still, very criticalespecially very still, silent, silent, silent, without trying to grab at the experience: Ah, is it this? Ah, is it that? Then one spoils it all. But one must looklook at it very attentively. And in the words, there is a remnant, something left of the original vibration (so little), something remains, something which makes you smile, which is pleasant, it bubbles like a sparkling wine, and then here (Mother shows a word or a passage in an imaginary note), its lackluster; so you look at it with your knowledge of the language or sense of the rhythm of the words, and you notice: Here, a pebble the pebble must be removed; so then you wait, until suddenly it comesplop!it falls into place: the true word. If you are patient, after a day or two it becomes quite exact.
   I have the feeling it has always been this way, but now its a very normal, very common state; the difference is that, before, one was satisfied with an approximation (when I see again certain things written in that way, I realize that there is an approximation, that one was satisfied with an approximation), while now one is more level-headed, more reasonablemore patient, too. One waits until it has taken form.
   In this connection, I have noticed another thing, that I no longer know in the same way the languages I know! Its very peculiar, especially for English. There is a sort of instinct based on the rhythm of the words (I dont know where it comes from, maybe from the superconscient of the language) that lets you know whether a sentence is correct or notits not at all a mental knowledge, not at all (thats all gone, even the knowledge of spelling is completely gone!), but its a sort of sense or feeling of the inner rhythm. I noticed this a few days ago: in the birthday cards, we put quotations (someone types the quotations, sometimes he makes mistakes), and there was a quotation from me (I didnt at all remember having written it or having thought it either). I saw itit was in English I saw it, and in one place it was as if you tripped: it wasnt correct. Then there came to me clearly, Put this way and that way, the sentence would be correct. (To say this mentalizes it too much: its a sort of sensation, not a thought, but a sensation, like a sensation of the sound.) With the sentence written this way, the sound is correct; with the sentence written that other way, using the same words but reversing their order (as was the case), the sentence isnt correct, and to correct that sentence where the order of the words had been reversed, it was necessary to add a little word (in that case it was it), and then, with the sound it, the sentence became correct. All sorts of thingsif I were asked mentally, I would say, I havent the faintest idea! It doesnt correspond to any knowledge. But so precise! Extraordinary.

0 1964-03-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the method is always the same: I never translatenever, never I go up above, to the place where one thinks beyond words, where one experiences the idea or the thought of a thing, or the movement or the feeling (whatever), and when its in a particular language, it goes like this (same gesture as before), while in another language, it goes like that: its as if something up above tipped over. I dont translate on the same level at all, I never translate on the level of languages. And sometimes, I notice that for me the quality of the words is very different from what it is for others, very different.
   I have given up all hope of making myself understood.

0 1964-03-21, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Those Americans are nothing but bluffers they bluff, bluff, bluff for everything. They come with grand airs, they will right all wrongs, correct all mistakes, enlighten all mindsand theyre just at ground level.
   Those doctors, when you fall into their clutches

0 1964-08-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At any rate, they are conscious. A considerable number of ministers, generals, governors (even ministers of the Central Government) are writing, not positively to ask for advice, but to ask for Help. Theyre not asking for advice yet (and on the external level you cant give detailed advice, you can only give general ideas). But there are some things they SHOULD NOT be doing.
   How to get out of it? They have tied themselves up in knots.

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its true on the mental or vital level, but on the physical level its not true.
   On the physical level, its a pure waste. The mind and vital are another affair, thats not interesting: we have known for a very long time that their life doesnt depend on the body it depends on the body only in order to manifest. Thats another affair. I am speaking of the body, thats what interests me: the bodys cells. Well, death is a waste and thats that.
   Yes. Yes, the transformation must be done in one lifetime.

0 1964-09-16, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In this connection, there has been a whole period of study of this subject, on the purely physical level. To rise above all possibility of error, you tend to eliminate the opportunities for error; for instance, if you dont want to utter unnecessary words, you stop speaking. People who make a vow of silence imagine it gives a control over speech thats not true! It only eliminates the opportunities to speak, and therefore of saying unnecessary things. For food, its the same problem: how to eat only just what is needed? In the transitional state we find ourselves in, we no longer want to live that wholly animal life based on material exchanges and food, but it would be folly to think we have reached the state in which the body can live on without any food at all (still, there is already a big difference, since they are trying to find the nutritional essence in foods in order to reduce their volume); but the natural tendency is fastingwhich is a mistake!
   For fear of acting wrongly, we stop doing anything; for fear of speaking wrongly, we stop saying anything; for fear of eating for the pleasure of eating, we stop eating anything thats not freedom, its simply reducing the manifestation to its minimum. And the natural outcome is Nirvana. But if the Lord wanted only Nirvana, there would be only Nirvana! He obviously conceives the coexistence of all opposites and that, to Him, must be the beginning of a totality. So, of course, you may, if you feel that you are meant for that, choose only one of His manifestations, that is to say, the absence of manifestation. But thats still a limitation. And its not the only way of finding Him, far from it!

0 1964-09-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Peoples ordinary reaction to the activity of others, to everything around them, their general and ordinary way of seeing things, all of that represents a certain attitude of consciousness: it is seen from a certain level. And when I commented on those aphorisms the other day, I suddenly noticed that the level was different and the angle so different that the other attitude, the ordinary way of seeing things, appeared incomprehensibleyou wonder how you can have it, so different is it. And while I was speaking, I had a sort of sensation or perception that this new attitude was being established as a natural, spontaneous thingit isnt the result of an effort for transformation: its an already established transformation.
   It isnt total, because both functionings are perceptible, but I am confident that it is on the way. Then it will be interesting.

0 1964-09-23, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, on the mental level, it isnt a problem, all that has been solved and its very fine. But its HERE, inside here I cant even say in the sensation because I dont live in the sensations. Its a problem of consciousness, of the consciousness of this body.
   And I clearly feel that the problem could disappear only if the supreme Consciousness truly took possession of the cells and made them live, act, move, like that, so they had the sense of the Omnipotence taking hold of them; then it would be over, they would no longer be responsible for anything. This seems to be the only solution. Then comes the prayer, When will it come?

0 1964-09-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is something I have observed on the level of the bodys cells hundreds and hundreds of times. And then, you no longer have at all that mental impression of one disorder added to another, which makes the problem more difficult thats not it at all, its if you get to the center, all the rest will be naturally restored to order. And thats a fact: if order is restored at the center of disorder, everything follows naturally, without your paying it any special attention.
   From the human standpoint, from the standpoint of revolutions, from the standpoint of fights, from the standpoint of wars, its extraordinarily accurate and precise.

0 1964-09-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On the practical level, I have seen obvious examples of this; it was even my great argument with Durga (I told you, didnt I, that she used to come at the time of the pujas and that, two years ago, she surrendered), that was my great argument, I said to her, But the purpose of your existence in this formin this form of combative actionwould disappear if through identification you obtained the powers that render those forces unnecessary. And its after I told her these things that she surrendered to the supreme Will; she said, I shall do what the Supreme wants me to do.
   It was a very interesting result indeed.

0 1964-10-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   On the material level, japa is very good for that. When your head is tired and you are a little weary of forever contradicting that pessimism, you just have to repeat your japa, and automatically you make contact. To make contact. Thats something the cells value a lot. A lot. Its a very good way, because its a way that isnt mental, its a mechanical way, its a question of vibration.
   There, mon petit, we must endure.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They had a meeting with people from England or Europe, in which they said, Oh, the world needs a new religion, now is the time to give it a new religion. And they wanted to take Sri Aurobindos name and make a new religion out of it! So I answered them, The time of religions is over. They didnt understand, mon petit, they were appalled! I wrote it to them without explanation, the way you fling something to shake things up: The time of religions is over, this is the age of universal spirituality (universal in the sense of containing EVERYTHING and adapting to everything). So they answered me, We dont understand, but anyway (laughing) since you tell us, we accept it. So I added an explanation in the Bulletin (the explanation isnt as strong, but I had to try and make myself understood), I said that religions are based on spiritual experiences brought down to a level where mankind can grasp them, and that the new phase must be that of spiritual experience in its purity, not brought down to a lower level.2
   But this too is hard to understand.
   Here is Mother's exact text, as it was published in the August issue of the Ashram's Bulletin: "Why do men cling to a religion? Religions are based on creeds which are spiritual experiences brought down to a level where they become more easy to grasp, but at the cost of their integral purity and truth. The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity."

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its very narrow. Do you know mountain roads? All of a sudden, you come to a corner, a sharp turn, and you cant see the other sidebelow is a precipice, behind is the rock and the path it would seem to have grown narrower in order to turn the corner, its become quite narrow. Ive encountered that in the mountainsoften. And now, I feel we are turning the corner; but we are beginning to turn it, in the sense that we are beginning to see the other side, and the consciousness (always the body consciousness) is on the verge of a bedazzlement, like the first glimpses of something marvelousnot positively unexpected because that is what we wanted, but truly marvelous. And at the same time, there is that old habit of meeting difficulties at every step, of receiving blows at every step, the habit of a painful labor, which takes away the spontaneousness of an unalloyed joy; it gives a sort of not a doubt that things will be that way, but you wonder, Has it already come? Have we reached the end? and you dont dare think you have reached the end. That attitude, naturally, isnt favorable, it still belongs to the domain of the old reason; but it receives support from the usual recommendations: You shouldnt give free rein to wild imaginings and hopes, you should be very level-headed, very patient, very slow to get carried away. So there is an alternation of a sort of crouching, timorously moving forward step by step in order not to slide down into the hole, and a glorious sense of wonder: Oh, are things really that way?!
   This has been the bodys feeling for three or four days.
   But it keeps increasing, and that sort of crouching is greatly lessened by the knowledge and experience that if you are per-fect-ly calm, all goes wellalways, even in the worst difficulties. Very recently, the day before yesterday, there was (always on the physical level; it cant be called health, but its the bodys functioning) a rather serious attack, which found expression in a rather unpleasant pain; it came with unusual brutality. Then, immediately, the body remembered and said, Peace, peace Lord, Your Peace, Lord, Your Peace and it relaxed in Peace. And in an objectively perceptible way, the pain went away.
   It tried to come back and then went away, tried to come back and went away. The process lasted the whole night.
   But its something thats all the way down, that doesnt depend on a reasonable consciousness. Because, otherwise, it doesnt bother me, I am above all that. Its only there, on the material level.
   Dont you know how long it has been there?
   And all this is down there, at ground level.
   But all the great Schools, the great Ideas, the great Realizations, the great and then the religions thats still lower down; all of it, oh, what childishness!
   And that wisdom! Its an almost cellular wisdom (its odd). For instance, I was looking at the relationship I had with all those great beings of the Overmind and higher, the perfectly objective and very familiar relationship I had with all those beings and the inner perception of being the eternal Motherall that is very well, but for me its almost ancient history! The me that exists now is HERE, its at ground level, in the body; its the body, its Matter; its at ground level; and to tell the truth, it doesnt care much about the intervention of all those beings who ultimately know nothing at all! They dont know the true problem: they live in a place where there are no problems. They dont know the true problem the true problem is here.
   Its an amused way of looking at religions and all the gods the way you would look at they are like theater performances. Theyre pastimes; but thats not what can teach you to know yourself, not at all, not at all! You must go right down to the bottom.

0 1964-11-12, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont see. You mean its at that stage, at that level that
   Yes, its at that level that the change must take place. At the mental or even vital level, its a psychological question, its nothing, its not really THE THING (its the thing expressed in a HUMAN consciousness). Because the other day the other day, suddenly I went out of humanity. My consciousness went right out of the human consciousness. And then I said to myself, But all that they say, all that they know, all that they have attempted, all that so-called knowledge which has been accumulated on earth, its nothing! Its something that belongs only to MANeliminate man and everything exists! And all the explanations man has given about things are like zero. Thats it: everything exists.
   I had the experience of the universe outside the human perception of that experience; and then the vanity of that human experience was so obvious, you know, that at that point a door began to open onto something else.

0 1964-11-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Khrushchev affair has been a bad thing. But generally things in the outer world move in a zigzag; instead of going straight, they go like this (zigzag gesture): action, reaction, action, reaction. Thats what Thon always said: in the outer world, a victory for one side always means a sort of RIGHT to victory for the other side; and then he added, Those who know must be ever vigilant and on the alert, so that when the enemies win a little victory (which may be a perfectly superficial and insignificant victory), they immediately win a big victory! (Laughing) He said that with great humor. And I noticed that on the individual level, its true. On the level of countries unfortunately, the people who determine the destiny of countries (the outer destiny) are incompetent and stupid, and they miss the opportunity. But that Khrushchev affair gave a right to a victory, you understand. It gave the other side a right to a victory.
   I told you I would show you the photo of the man [Suslov] whos behind Khrushchevs downfall.

0 1964-11-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I am obliged to keep regular hours because the entire life of others depends on it. That was why people wanted to withdraw into solitude there is an advantage and a drawback; the advantage is that I try to make things very automatic, that is, quite outside a conscious will: they should work by themselves. On the mental level, its very easy, you can detach yourself completely and nothing matters; but for the body, its difficult, because its rhythm The whole rhythm of ordinary life is a mentalized one; even people who live in vital freedom are at odds with the whole social organizationits a mentalized life: there are clocks that strike the hour and it is agreed that things must be that way. Mentally, you can be perfectly free: you leave your body in the cogwheels and stop bothering about it; but when its this poor body itself that has to find its own rhythm, how difficult it is! How difficult. Sometimes, all of a sudden, it feels a discomfort; then I look and I see that there is something that could be an experience, but that would necessitate certain conditions of isolation, of quietness and independence, and it isnt possible. Then, very well as far as I can, I go within and do the minimum (the maximum of what can be done, which is a minimum compared to what could be done).
   But of course, Sri Aurobindo always said: For the Work to be complete, it must be generalone cannot give up. An individual attempt is only a very partial attempt. But the fact that the Work is general delays the results considerablywell, we have to put up with it. Thats how it is, so thats how it is.

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He has a political attachment to the dogma. For instance, after one of my conversations (I had a good number of conversations with him, three or four, on the mental level, and perfectly objective because his reactions were unexpected; to me they were very spontaneous, in the sense that I received answers that werent at all those I might have expectedwhich proves it was genuine), but for example, before his election, I met him once (there is a part of his mental being, a higher intelligence, thats very well formed, conscious, individualized), and I had a spontaneous conversation that I hadnt sought and which was very interesting. But at one point, I replied to something he said, and I told him with the force I have there [on that higher plane], The Lord is everywhereeven in hell the Lord is there. And then it caused such a violent reaction in him that, pfft! he vanished. I found it very striking. I dont know the dogma, but it seems that in hell, according to the Catholics, whats worse than suffering, the fire and all that, is the absence of the Lord. It seems its a dogma that the Lord is absent from hell; and me, I was speaking of universal Oneness and I told him that.
   There is another thing I remember very clearly, which struck me. It was after his election (but long before his trip to India was decided upon): he had come to India and he came to Pondicherry to meet me (not to meet me: he had come to Pondicherry, then he came and met me). Once in Pondicherry, he came and I saw him there, in the room where I receive people. We had a long conversation, a very long and interesting conversation, and suddenly (it was towards the end, it was time for him to go), when he rose, he was preoccupied by something. He told me, When you speak to your children about me, what will you tell them? You understand, the ego showing itself. So I looked at him (Mother smiles) and said, I will only tell them that we have been in communion in our love for the Supreme. Then he relaxed and left. It struck me. These things are very objective.

0 1965-03-03, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   109All things seem hard to man that are above his attained level and they are hard to his unaided effort; but they become at once easy and simple when God in man takes up the contract.
   Its perfect. There is nothing to say.

0 1965-03-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I learned the exact place, the relationship of those who work. But I cannot reveal it. But what I always told you about your place and your work was perfectly true I saw it at that moment. Perfectly true. Some things were revelations about other peoplenot many people; not many, but those who have a true relationship with me for the work. And very different relationships, in different worlds, on different levels and for different activities. But they arent very numerous, and it was very precise. And then I saw that what I had seen for you was perfectly correct, and that he is HERE, you understand: to do the work, he is with you. When I told you he was in your book, its an absolute fact.
   That was one of the things I had decided to tell you one day, because

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, he said there were different levels in the Supramental but that (smiling) is the sauce that makes things more easily digestible (!) Everyone says things in the way he finds the easiest to assimilate.
   But the experience the experienceis always beyond words, always.

0 1965-03-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a rather curious development. For some time now, but more and more precisely, when I hear something, when someone reads something to me or I listen to some music or am told of some event, immediately something vibrates: the origin of the activity or the level on which its taking place or the origin of the inspiration is automatically translated as a vibration in one of the centers. And then, depending on the quality of the vibration, its something constructive or negative; and when at some point it makes contact, however slightly, with a domain of Truth, there is (how can I explain?) like the spark of a vibration of Ananda. And the thought is absolutely silent, still, nothingnothing (Mother opens her hands Upward in a gesture of complete offering). But this perception is growing increasingly precise. And thats how I know: I know the source of the inspiration, where the action is located and the quality of the thing.
   What precision! Oh, an infinitesimal precision, in the details.
   And the other day, when Nolini read me his article, it was neutral (vague gesture to a medium height), neutral all the time, and then, suddenly, a spark of Ananda; thats what made me appreciate it. And when you read me just now that text by Y., when she expressed her experience of the sunrise, there was a little beam of light (gesture to the throat level), so I knew. A pleasant beam of lightnot Ananda, but a pleasant light here (same gesture), so I knew there was something there, that she had touched something.
   And there are degrees in quality, you know, its almost infinite.
   Oh, no, the body never helps. Now I am convinced of it. You can, to some extent, help your body (not to a great extent, but up to a point, anyway), you can help your body, but the body doesnt help you. Its vibration is at ground level, always.
   Yes, its heavy.

0 1965-05-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have known one or two sincere doctors, and they admitted to me quite clearly that it was like that. I told them, From the spiritual standpoint, there cannot be two identical cases. Nature never repeats itself there are families, there are analogies, there are similarities, but there arent two identical cases; therefore you know very well that you dont know. When you study it on its own level, the immense complexity of the possibilities of physical reality is such that unless you have a direct and intimate perception, you cannot know what will happen.
   Now that the body knows a little, when something is wrong or goes awry for some reason or other (it may be because of transformation, it may be because of attacks there are innumerable reasons), my cells are beginning to say, Oh, no doctor, no doctor, no doctor! They feel the doctor will crystallize the disorder, harden it and take away the plasticity necessary to respond to the deeper forces; and then the disorder will follow an outward, material course which takes ages I dont have the time to wait.

0 1965-06-09, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is advice to childlike mentalities (childlike not in terms of age), the same thing as, You say that you cant love the Lord because you have never seen Him. Its the same kind of level. But I like it because at least they dont pretend to be intelligent. And yesterday a child announced to me that it was his birthday and that there were two questions he wanted to ask me, in English: Where does God live? or Where is the house of God? (something of the sort) and Can I ever see Him? So I replied to him just as one replies to a child, with the childs simplicity:
   God lives everywhere and in everything,

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But thats H.s hope: she wants a house where she would be all alone, and next to it a house where I would be all alone the second part is a dream because for me to be all alone you just have to see what goes on! Its a fact, isnt it, so it doesnt go well with the all alone. Solitude must be found within, its the only way. But on the level of life, I will certainly not go and live there, because the Samadhi is here; but I can go there on a visit. For instance, I can go for an opening or certain ceremonieswell have to see, it wont be for years. Its going to take years to be realized.
   So, Auroville is meant more for the outside.

0 1965-07-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That little book is all the way down (gesture at ground level).
   Its difficult to make a book that gives an idea of Sri Aurobindo.

0 1965-08-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   P.S. There may be a certain vanity in saying, Why Sri Aurobindo?Because this and that; that is still our mind trying to catch hold of things in order to put its explanations on them, as if nothing could be without its clarifications. Yet, the most potent events in our lives are those we do not explain, because their force goes on working in us without being frozen by ONE explanation there are many other levels of explanation, and there is a mute explanation that remains quietly in the depths, like an ever-calm water, as clear as a childs gaze. And there is still more vanity in saying that Sri Aurobindo is this but not tha the is this and that, and many other things, too; he is with the yes and the no, the for and the against, and with all that seeks without knowing, because everything seeks after Joy, through the yes and the no, through the darkness or the light, slowly and over the tottering centuries or all at once in an all-seizing light. From age to age, that Light comes down on the earth to help it become sooner what it always was and seeks after in its troubled heart; and that Light is clothed in one word or another, it takes on a sweet or a terrible face, or a vast and powerful one like an all-embracing sea, but it is the same Light always, and the soul that opens itself in that ray secretly recognizes a Face it has loved many a time. From century to century it uncovers itself the same child with folded hands, gazing at the world with love.
   August 12, 1965

0 1965-11-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Only, the body isnt ready. The body isnt ready and it deteriorates, which means that it eats itself up. So that shows that the time hadnt come and it was just an experimentan experiment which teaches you something, which teaches you that there mustnt be a blunt refusal to come in contact with the corresponding matter, there mustnt be isolation (you cant isolate yourself, thats impossible), but a communion on a higher or deeper level.

0 1965-12-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Death as it is understood, on the inner level, means the loss of consciousness. That would be the most the most dreadful and horrible thing, if it were possible. But its not possible. If you have consciousness, it cannot be lost. Some things dont have consciousness yet, so little by little, little by little, they learn to have it; but the consciousness you have cannot be lost, thats not possible. All the deaths in the world cannot take it away from you, and thats why I smiletry, mon petit!
   Its impossible.

0 1966-01-22, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Only, I have noticed that in this bodys life, Ive never had the same experience twice I may have the same type of experience to a higher degree or to a much vaster degree, but never identically the same. And I dont retain the experience: I am constantly, constantly (gesture forward), constantly forging ahead; you know, the work of transformation of the consciousness is so rapid, it must be done so fast that you dont have time to enjoy or dwell upon an experience or draw long-lasting satisfaction from it, its impossible. It comes powerfully, very powerfully, it changes everything, then something else comes. Its the same thing with the transformation of the cells: all kinds of little disorders come, but to the consciousness they are clearly disorders related to the transformation, so you see to that particular point, you want order to be restored; at the same time, something knows full well that the disorder came to make the transition from the ordinary automatic functioning to the conscious functioning under the direct Direction and the direct Influence of the Supreme. And the body itself knows this (still, its no fun to have a pain here or a pain there, or this or that being disorganized, but it KNOWS). And when that point has reached a certain stage of transformation, you move on to another point, then on to another, and on to another again. So nothing is done, no work is definitively done until everything is ready. So you have to do the same work again, but on a higher or a vaster level, or with more intensity or in greater detail (it depends on the case), until EVERYTHING has been brought to a homogeneous point and is ready in the same way.
   According to what I see, its going as fast as it can go. But it takes a great deal of time. And everything is a question of changing the habit. The whole automatic habit of millennia must be changed into a conscious action, directly guided by the supreme Consciousness.

0 1966-03-04, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is clearvery clear that what for us is translated as progress, as progressive manifestation, is not only a law of the material manifestation as we know it, but is the very principle of the eternal Manifestation. If we want to climb down again to the level of terrestrial thought, we may say that there is no manifestation without progress. But what WE call progress, whats progress to our consciousness, up above, is it may be anything: a necessity, anything we like. There is a sort of absolute that we dont understand, an absolute of being: thats how it is because thats how it is, thats all. But to our consciousness, its more and more, better and better (and these words are stupid), more and more perfect, better and better perceived. Its the very principle of the manifestation.
   And there is an experience, which came very fleetingly but precisely enough to be able to say (very clumsily) that I was about to say, the flavor of the Nonmanifested that the Nonmanifested has a special flavor because of the manifested.
   There is here a level (gesture at breast level) where something plays with words, images, sentences, like that (shimmering, undulating gesture): it makes pretty images; and it has a power to put you in contact with the thing, maybe a greater power (at least as great, but maybe greater) than here (gesture at the top of the forehead), than the metaphysical expression (metaphysical is a way of putting it). Images. That is, poetry. There is in it an almost more direct access to that inexpressible Vibration. I see Sri Aurobindos expression in its poetic form, it has a charm and a simplicitya simplicity and a softness and a penetrating charm that puts you in direct contact much more intimately than all those things of the head.
   There. So in fact, we havent done a thing (laughing), weve wasted our time!

0 1966-03-09, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a very long time, more than two years, I saw the world like this (ascending gesture, from one level to a higher level), and now I see it like this (descending gesture). I dont know how to explain it because theres nothing mentalized about it, and non-mentalized sensations have a certain haziness thats hard to define. But words and thought were a certain distance away (gesture around the head), like something that watches and appreciates, in other words, that tells what it sees something around. And today, it has been extremely strong two or three times (I mean that that state dominated the whole consciousness): a sort of impression (or sensation or perception, but its nothing like all that) of, I am a dead person living on earth.
   How can I explain that?

0 1966-03-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But during the day, there are perpetual lessons, all the time, all the time, for everything, all the time. The lesson is least pronounced when I have to write something or see people; but there, too, the exact quality of peoples vibration (not their permanent vibration but the vibration in them at that minute), the quality of their consciousness is immediately made known to me through certain reactions in my body (gesture on different levels of the body). The nerves began only a few months ago their work of transfer of power. (What I call transfer of power is that instead of the nerves being moved by and obeying complex and organized forces of Nature, of the character, of the material consciousness in the body, they attune themselves to and directly obey the divine Will.) Its the transfer from one to the other thats difficult: there is the entire old habit, and then the new habit to be formed. It was a rather difficult moment. But now there remain enough old vibrations to be able to gauge exactly (and this has nothing to do with thought, it isnt expressed in words or thoughts or anything like all that: just vibrations), to know exactly the state people near me are in. From that point of view the lesson is going on, its very interesting. And whats wonderful is that more often than not the most receptive vibration, conforming the most to what it should be, is in children, but the very small ones, the tiny tots. I see lots of people, but now I understand why: I learn enormously that way, through that contact (with people whom I dont know, sometimes whom I see for the first time, or whom I havent seen for years). Its very interesting.
   But when nobody is there or I am alone, or when I dont speak or I am not busy with other people, its the inner lesson: the whole change in the vibration and how the world is organized. This morning, it was really extraordinarily amusing to see the mass of things that lie behind this appearance, an appearance that seems complicated enough as it is, but its nothing! Its thin, flimsy, without complexity in comparison with the MASS of things behind, which (drilling gesture) which bore their way through to reach the surface. Its amusing. But certainly ninety-nine people in a hundred would be seized with panic if they knew, if they saw. I had always been told (I read it, Sri Aurobindo often said it to me, Thon too often said it to me, so did Madame Thon) that its the Grace that keeps people from knowing. Because if they knew, they would be terrified! All, but all the things that are constantly there, moving behindbehind the appearancesall the complexities that are the true causes of or the instruments for all those small events, which to us are absolutely unimportant, but because of which one day you feel everything is harmonious, and another day you feel it takes a labor to do anything at all. And thats how it is. And naturally, when you know, you have the key. But if you know before you have the key, its a little frightening. I think that when people take leave of their senses, its because they are put in contact with the vibrations before having the knowledge, the sufficient knowledge, the sufficient state of consciousness.

0 1966-04-24, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As to whether the Divine seriously means something to happen, I believe it is intended. I know with absolute certitude that the Supramental is a truth and its advent is in the very nature of things inevitable. The question is as to the when and the how. That also is decided and predestined from somewhere above; but it is here being fought out amid a rather grim clash of conflicting forces. For in the terrestrial world the predetermined result is hidden and what we see is a whirl of possibilities and forces attempting to achieve some thing with the destiny of it all concealed from human eyes. This is, however, certain that a number of souls have been sent to see that it shall be now. That is the situation. My faith and will are for the now. I am speaking of course on the level of the human intelligencemystically-rationally, as one might put it. To say more would be going beyond that line. You dont want me to start prophesying, I suppose? As a rationalist, you cant.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1966-08-10, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its very amusing: you have here (gesture to chest level), like this, a big lotus bud bowing down (gesture turned downward), and surrounded by a sparkle of golden light, then by another row of light; there are three, four, five rows of light of different colors. Its here (same gesture), like this, bowing down.
   (Mother resumes her contemplation)

0 1966-10-05, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The spirit of organization, maybe not quite on an ordinary level but on a human one (maybe not just human, but anyway), the spirit of organization likes to have everything in front of it like a picture, and then to make plans, to organize, see: this comes here, that comes there. All that is useless. We must learn to live from minute to minute, like that. Its much more comfortable. And what prevents things from being so is (I think) that its exactly contrary to the reasonable human mind, and that everyone around me expects me to make plans and decisions and So there is a pressure; I think thats it. Otherwise, it would naturally and spontaneously be like that: the miracle every minute. My tendency is always to say, Oh, dont worry! The more you worry, the more difficult you make thingsdont bother, dont bother. But they stare at me with a kind of horror (Mother laughs): I dont plan ahead, you see.
   Thats my little storymy little miracle. It was as though to tell me, Oh, youd like to see a miracle?Here it is, ready-made! (Mother laughs) Its a good lesson.

0 1966-10-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a big work of transformation of the material states of consciousness going on: the states of consciousness nearest to the Inconscient, the most material states of consciousness. They come like that [to present themselves to Mother], with one or two examples of their previous manifestation (perhaps even their first emergence from the Inconscient), and then I see the transition (along with what has transformed them, changed them or even simply altered them through successive manifestations), the transition up to the point when they are now presented before the supreme Consciousness for the final transformation. This is a perpetual work, so to speak, because, interestingly, its a work I can go on doing while seeing people. Generally my work was interrupted when I saw people, because I was busy with them and that diminished and limited the work: they represented a small aggregate of difficulties that enormously shrank the Action [of Mother]. But now its no longer like that. And the interesting point is that it places people in this or that curve of transformation of the consciousness. For some time I have been seeing a considerable number of people I had never seen before (with all the old or familiar people there was no difficulty, but with the new ones it generally caused a shrinking of the work), and now with this study of states of consciousness, people are placed: here, there, here (Mother draws different levels in space). And if they are receptive, they must go away [after seeing Mother] with a new impulse to transform themselves. Those who arent receptive just miss it; but they are no longer a disturbance: they come in and go out. And from that I know what state they are in I can even do it with photos, but when I see people its much more complete. Photos are no more than one moment of their being, while here, even what isnt being manifested is there, hidden behind, and can be seen, so I see the person more completely. Its very interesting. It transforms this whole burden of visitors into something interesting.
   On October 21.

0 1966-10-29, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Also, since the day I saw those two curves for you, they have been asserting themselves, establishing themselves, and the soaring towards the future is magnificentvery strong, very powerful, and at the same time very luminous (luminous, it has always been so: luminous, even crystalline on the intellectual level), but now it has great force. A great force.
   I felt like drawing the curve, but it should be pretty, well done, and I dont have the time but they are there (how can I put it?) in the invisible. The one that climbs, climbs magnificently, like a jet of light.

0 1966-11-03, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother does not mean "beings" in the sense of entities, but levels of being.
   Mother does not refer to a category of so-called higher "beings," but to higher levels of being or states of being.
   If it is the battle of Magenta, it is not Murat but MacMahon. It seems more likely to be Murat and another battle.

0 1966-11-09, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But wont it look like hankering after sexual enjoyment? Because that would bring the whole thing down to a very low level. Ill-disposed people would say, Ah, of course, sexual desire is stronger than spiritual life.
   It depends on the way its put. This woman she isnt a woman, she is almost a girl. There has never been a love relationship between them; she is a twelve- to thirteen-year-old child and there is an ancient relationship. Even the word love hasnt been uttered between them. There is only a need to be together, a need for union. She feels a oneness between this Sannyasin and her, its a being together, and she feels that being together doesnt mean to marry. But she feels the union, the oneness with him.

0 1966-11-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The organ is in good condition, it doesnt have any lesion. But the sight isnt the same with this eye as with that one. With this one (the right), its only an overall, slightly blurred vision. With that one (the left), its a precise, clear vision, but theres a tiny spot in the corner, like a black spot, because of which I see everything clearly but with a patch in the corner. Then if I concentrate, I see that patch grow bright and luminous, like a dark blue star, and that star moves in front of me (it doesnt depend on the eye), it moves about, and if I fix my eyes on someone, for instance, I see that dark blue star go and rest here or there (gesture at different levels of the person), at the exact spot where some work has to be done. So it means it doesnt depend on the eye, its independent of the eye. And also if I look at a photo, with a certain position between the right eye and the left, I suddenly see the photo come alive, in three dimensions, with the persons head sticking out. Thats how I can see the character. Its really strange, like an attempt to teach me to see in a different way.
   We are learning our lesson.

0 1966-12-07, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But in what Ive read of yours (I set apart the book on Sri Aurobindo because that was a very special case: all sensitive people have instantly been brought into contact with Sri Aurobindo; that was a very special case), but in your first book [The Goldwasher] which I read, I felt it came from above. I feel that. Only, of course, it would be unreadable: it has to be concretized, materialized. But if one has oneself a relationship with this plane above, one must feel it in what is written: many people feel a something that suffuses the whole thing. Thats why I want you to read me your new book, its to see if that is there. You know, I am like this (gesture to the forehead showing a vast stillness), it has become a constant state: a screen. A screen for absolutely everything. And really nothing comes from within: its either this way (horizontal gesture around Mother) or this way (gesture from above); horizontally from outside, or the response from above. Here (gesture to the level of the emotive heart), its something so neutral as to be nonexistent; and here (gesture to the forehead), its vast, even, still. So if I stop (gesture turned upward), right away, instantly, it comes in waves: a continuous light which comes down and through, comes down and through, comes down (gesture of a circulation through Mother as through a transmitter-receiver device). When something is read out to me or people ask me questions or they tell me about some matter or other, its always like that (a screen). And whats very interesting is that when its a question that deserves no answer or a matter that doesnt require my intervention, or anyway anything that can be expressed by Its no concern of mine, its none of my business, then theres an absolute blank: absolutely empty, neutral, without answer. I am obliged to say that there is no answer (if I were to tell the truth I should say, I cant hear anything, I dont understand). So its absolutely still and neutral, and if it remains like that, it means theres nothing, I have nothing to do with it. Otherwise, when there is an answer no time even elapses, theres hardly any lapse of time: the answer seems to come even as I am spoken to. Then I take the paper or letter right away and answer. Its automatic. The whole work is done like that. Theres nothing here (gesture to the forehead).
   Obviously we have to reconcile ourselves to it. The world is in a state of considerable imperfection, so everything that manifests in the world partakes of that imperfectionwhat can we do about it? The only thing we can do is to slowly try and transform but thats slow, so slow, unceasingtransform this body.


--- Overview of noun level

The noun level has 8 senses (first 6 from tagged texts)
1. (69) degree, grade, level ::: (a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree")
2. (22) grade, level, tier ::: (a relative position or degree of value in a graded group; "lumber of the highest grade")
3. (15) degree, level, stage, point ::: (a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?")
4. (5) level ::: (height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level")
5. (1) level, spirit level ::: (indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid)
6. (1) horizontal surface, level ::: (a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line; "park the car on the level")
7. level, layer, stratum ::: (an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously")
8. floor, level, storey, story ::: (a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?")

--- Overview of verb level

The verb level has 6 senses (first 3 from tagged texts)
1. (4) level ::: (aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody")
2. (1) level, raze, rase, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down ::: (tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled")
3. (1) flush, level, even out, even ::: (make level or straight; "level the ground")
4. charge, level, point ::: (direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me")
5. level ::: (talk frankly with; lay it on the line; "I have to level with you")
6. level, level off ::: (become level or even; "The ground levelled off")

--- Overview of adj level

The adj level has 5 senses (first 4 from tagged texts)
1. (3) flat, level, plane ::: (having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams")
2. (1) level, unwavering ::: (not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a level voice"; "she gave him a level look"- Louis Auchincloss)
3. (1) level ::: (being on a precise horizontal plane; "a billiard table must be level")
4. (1) level ::: (oriented at right angles to the plumb; "the picture is level")
5. tied, even, level ::: (of the score in a contest; "the score is tied")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => property
     => attribute
       => abstraction, abstract entity
         => entity

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => rank
     => status, position
       => state
         => attribute
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => state
     => attribute
       => abstraction, abstract entity
         => entity

Sense 4
   => altitude, height
     => elevation
       => distance
         => spacing, spatial arrangement
           => placement, arrangement
             => position, spatial relation
               => relation
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => indicator
     => device
       => instrumentality, instrumentation
         => artifact, artefact
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => surface
     => artifact, artefact
       => whole, unit
         => object, physical object
           => physical entity
             => entity

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
   => place
     => cognition, knowledge, noesis
       => psychological feature
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => structure, construction
     => artifact, artefact
       => whole, unit
         => object, physical object
           => physical entity
             => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun level

6 of 8 senses of level                        

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => quality, caliber, calibre
   => intensity, intensiveness
   => grind
   => depth
   => highness
   => high
   => low
   => lowness
   => extreme
   => amplitude level
   => moderation, moderateness
   => immoderation, immoderateness
   => sun protection factor, SPF

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => biosafety level
   => A level
   => General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSE, O level
   => college level

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => ladder
   => acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top
   => extent
   => resultant, end point
   => standard of living, standard of life
   => plane
   => state of the art
   => ultimacy, ultimateness
   => quickening
   => climax

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => mason's level

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => floor, flooring
   => paved surface
   => platform

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => basement, cellar
   => ground floor, first floor, ground level
   => loft, attic, garret
   => loft
   => mezzanine, mezzanine floor, entresol

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => property

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => rank

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => state

Sense 4
   => altitude, height

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => indicator

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => surface

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
   => place

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => structure, construction

--- Similarity of adj level

5 senses of level                          

Sense 1
flat, level, plane
   => even (vs. uneven)

Sense 2
level, unwavering
   => steady (vs. unsteady)

Sense 3
   => horizontal (vs. vertical) (vs. inclined)

Sense 4
   => even (vs. uneven)

Sense 5
tied(predicate), even, level(predicate)
   => equal (vs. unequal)

--- Antonyms of adj level

5 senses of level                          

Sense 1
flat, level, plane

INDIRECT (VIA even) -> uneven

Sense 2
level, unwavering

INDIRECT (VIA steady) -> unsteady

Sense 3

INDIRECT (VIA inclined, horizontal) -> vertical, perpendicular
INDIRECT (VIA horizontal, vertical) -> inclined

Sense 4

INDIRECT (VIA even) -> uneven

Sense 5
tied(predicate), even, level(predicate)

INDIRECT (VIA equal) -> unequal

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
  -> property
   => actinism
   => isotropy, symmetry
   => anisotropy
   => characteristic, device characteristic
   => connectivity
   => duality, wave-particle duality
   => heredity, genetic endowment
   => age
   => manner, mode, style, way, fashion
   => constitution, composition, physical composition, makeup, make-up
   => consistency, consistence, eubstance, body
   => disposition
   => tactile property, feel
   => optics
   => visual property
   => olfactory property, smell, aroma, odor, odour, scent
   => sound property
   => fullness, mellowness, richness
   => taste property
   => saltiness
   => edibility, edibleness
   => bodily property
   => physical property
   => chemical property
   => sustainability
   => strength
   => concentration
   => weakness
   => temporal property
   => viability
   => spatial property, spatiality
   => magnitude
   => degree, grade, level
   => size
   => hydrophobicity
   => analyticity
   => compositeness
   => primality
   => selectivity
   => vascularity
   => extension
   => solvability, solubility
   => unsolvability, insolubility

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
  -> rank
   => first, number one
   => second
   => third
   => fourth
   => fifth
   => sixth
   => seventh
   => eighth
   => ninth
   => tenth
   => eleventh
   => twelfth
   => thirteenth
   => fourteenth
   => fifteenth
   => sixteenth
   => seventeenth
   => eighteenth
   => nineteenth
   => twentieth
   => thirtieth
   => fortieth
   => fiftieth
   => sixtieth
   => seventieth
   => eightieth
   => ninetieth
   => hundredth
   => thousandth
   => millionth
   => billionth
   => last
   => grade, level, tier
   => gradation, step
   => second class
   => military rank, military rating, paygrade, rating
   => archidiaconate
   => baronetcy, barony
   => dukedom
   => earldom
   => kingship
   => princedom
   => viscountcy, viscounty

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
  -> state
   => feeling
   => skillfulness
   => cleavage
   => medium
   => ornamentation
   => condition
   => condition, status
   => conditionality
   => ground state
   => nationhood
   => situation, state of affairs
   => relationship
   => relationship
   => tribalism
   => utopia
   => dystopia
   => wild, natural state, state of nature
   => isomerism
   => degree, level, stage, point
   => office, power
   => status, position
   => being, beingness, existence
   => nonbeing
   => death
   => employment, employ
   => unemployment
   => order
   => disorder
   => hostility, enmity, antagonism
   => conflict
   => illumination
   => freedom
   => representation, delegacy, agency
   => dependence, dependance, dependency
   => motion
   => motionlessness, stillness, lifelessness
   => dead letter, non-issue
   => action, activity, activeness
   => inaction, inactivity, inactiveness
   => temporary state
   => imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, forthcomingness
   => readiness, preparedness, preparation
   => flux, state of flux
   => kalemia
   => enlargement
   => separation
   => union, unification
   => maturity, matureness
   => immaturity, immatureness
   => grace, saving grace, state of grace
   => damnation, eternal damnation
   => omniscience
   => omnipotence
   => perfection, flawlessness, ne plus ultra
   => integrity, unity, wholeness
   => imperfection, imperfectness
   => receivership
   => ownership
   => obligation
   => end, destruction, death
   => revocation, annulment
   => merchantability
   => turgor
   => homozygosity
   => heterozygosity
   => neotony
   => plurality
   => polyvalence, polyvalency
   => polyvalence, polyvalency, multivalence, multivalency
   => paternity
   => utilization

Sense 4
  -> altitude, height
   => level
   => ceiling
   => ceiling

Sense 5
level, spirit level
  -> indicator
   => annunciator
   => cursor, pointer
   => dial
   => fuel gauge, fuel indicator
   => gnomon
   => level, spirit level
   => pilot light, pilot lamp, indicator lamp
   => pointer
   => scale
   => test paper
   => tidemark

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
  -> surface
   => bed
   => board, gameboard
   => face
   => ground
   => horizontal surface, level
   => Klein bottle
   => meniscus
   => miter, mitre
   => Mobius strip
   => plaster, plasterwork
   => screen, silver screen, projection screen
   => side
   => skin
   => spandrel, spandril
   => superficies
   => tread
   => vertical surface
   => work surface

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
  -> place
   => level, layer, stratum

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
  -> structure, construction
   => airdock, hangar, repair shed
   => altar
   => arcade, colonnade
   => arch
   => area
   => balcony
   => balcony
   => bascule
   => boarding
   => body
   => bridge, span
   => building, edifice
   => building complex, complex
   => catchment
   => coil, spiral, volute, whorl, helix
   => colonnade
   => column, pillar
   => corner, quoin
   => cross
   => deathtrap
   => defensive structure, defense, defence
   => door
   => entablature
   => erection
   => establishment
   => false bottom
   => floor, level, storey, story
   => fountain
   => guide
   => house of cards, cardhouse, card-house, cardcastle
   => housing, lodging, living accommodations
   => hull
   => jungle gym
   => lamination
   => landing, landing place
   => lookout, observation tower, lookout station, observatory
   => masonry
   => memorial, monument
   => mound, hill
   => obstruction, obstructor, obstructer, impediment, impedimenta
   => partition, divider
   => platform, weapons platform
   => porch
   => post and lintel
   => prefab
   => projection
   => public works
   => sail
   => set-back, setoff, offset
   => shelter
   => shoebox
   => signboard, sign
   => stadium, bowl, arena, sports stadium
   => superstructure
   => supporting structure
   => tower
   => transept
   => trestlework
   => vaulting
   => ways, shipway, slipway
   => wellhead
   => wind tunnel
   => honeycomb
   => balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance

--- Pertainyms of adj level

5 senses of level                          

Sense 1
flat, level, plane

Sense 2
level, unwavering

Sense 3

Sense 4

Sense 5
tied(predicate), even, level(predicate)

--- Derived Forms of adj level

--- Grep of noun level
a level
abney level
amplitude level
background level
biosafety level
biosafety level 1
biosafety level 2
biosafety level 3
biosafety level 4
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
brightness level
carpenter's level
college level
dumpy level
energy level
fuel level
ground level
groundwater level
high-level formatting
high-level language
high-level radioactive waste
intensity level
level best
level crossing
low-level formatting
low-level radioactive waste
low level flight
mason's level
noise level
o level
plumb level
poverty level
pressure level
price level
sea-level pressure
sea level
signal level
sound pressure level
spirit level
support level
surveyor's level
threshold level
water level

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Wikipedia - Behavioral modeling in computer-aided design -- High-level circuit modeling technique where behavior of logic is modeled
Wikipedia - Belgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Bell X-1 -- Experimental rocket-powered aircraft, the first airplane to break the sound barrier in level flight
Wikipedia - Benjamin Cleveland -- Colonel in Revolutionary militia
Wikipedia - Benthic zone -- the region at the lowest level of a body of water including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers
Wikipedia - Betamax -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Betterware -- British multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Bewani-Wutung Onei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bialla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bi-level positive airway pressure
Wikipedia - Bilevel rail car -- Railway carriage with two levels (double decker)
Wikipedia - Bill Cleveland -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bioelectricity -- Regulation of cell, tissue, and organ-level patterning and behavior as the result of endogenous electrically-mediated signaling.
Wikipedia - Biomagnification -- Any concentration of a toxin in tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain
Wikipedia - Bisikani-Soparibeu Kabin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bitapaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bit-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Bitwise operation -- Computer operation that operates on values at the level of their individual bits
Wikipedia - Black Level (film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Bloch sphere -- Geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system
Wikipedia - Block-level storage
Wikipedia - Blood lead level -- Level of lead in blood
Wikipedia - Blood-oxygen-level-dependent imaging
Wikipedia - Blood-oxygen-level dependent
Wikipedia - Bobby Cleveland -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bodansky unit -- Obsoleto test to measure blook alkaline phosphatase levels
Wikipedia - Boikin-Dagua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomai-Gumai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomana Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bombardier BiLevel Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Bombardier Double-deck Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Bombardier MultiLevel Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Boon Gould -- English musician, member of Level 42
Wikipedia - Boroko-Korobosea Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Borough (Connecticut) -- Level of government in Connecticut
Wikipedia - Boss Level -- Upcoming science fiction action film by Joe Carnahan
Wikipedia - Brackish marsh -- Marsh with brackish level of salinity
Wikipedia - Bradley County Courthouse Annex -- Historic building in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bradley Square Mall -- Shopping mall in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system -- colored belts signifying a practitioner's skill level in Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Wikipedia - Brightness -- Perception of light level
Wikipedia - British Rail Mark 3 -- Single-level rail passenger carriage
Wikipedia - Bryansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Buang Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buick -- Mid-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - Buin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bumbita-Muhian Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bundi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - BurnLounge -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Burui-Kunai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Burum-Kwat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buryatia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Business school -- University-level institution granting degrees in business administration
Wikipedia - Bwanabwana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - C1 (railcar) -- Class of American bi-level passenger car
Wikipedia - Caisson (engineering) -- Rigid structure to provide workers with a dry working environment below water level
Wikipedia - Caitlin Cleveland -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Call gate (Intel) -- A mechanism in Intel's x86 architecture for changing the privilege level
Wikipedia - Canal pound -- Stretch of level water impounded between two canal locks
Wikipedia - Capital city -- Primary governing city of a top-level (country) or first-level subdivision (country, state, province, etc) political entity
Wikipedia - Cap (sport) -- Term for a player's appearance in a game at international level
Wikipedia - Carol Cleveland -- British-American actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Cascais tide gauge -- first tide gauge installed in Portugal, also used to establish the country's mean sea level
Wikipedia - Case Western Reserve University -- Private research university in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Category:Cleveland State University alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Function-level languages
Wikipedia - Category:High-level programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Low-level programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Scientists from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Central Gazelle Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central-Inland Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central-Mid-Levels escalator -- outdoor escalator and walkway system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - CEV Challenge Cup -- Annual European third-tier level volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Chandpara Bani Vidhay Bithi -- Upper-level secondary school of North 24 Pgns. District in Chandpara, West Bengal
Wikipedia - Chart datum -- The level of water from which depths displayed on a nautical chart are measured
Wikipedia - Chechnya -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chelyabinsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Cheri Dennis -- American R&B singer from Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Chief innovation officer -- Executive-level position
Wikipedia - Chief minister (Sri Lanka) -- Provincial-level government official
Wikipedia - Chief technology officer -- Executive-level position focusing on scientific and technological issues
Wikipedia - Chongqing -- Megacity and provincial-level municipality in southwest China
Wikipedia - Chuave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) -- Pentecostal Christian denomination
Wikipedia - Chuvashia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - City with special status -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - CKHL-FM -- Radio station in High Level, Alberta
Wikipedia - Cleveland Abbe Jr. -- American geographer
Wikipedia - Cleveland Abbe -- American meteorologist and advocate of time zones
Wikipedia - Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center -- Air traffic control center in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Amory
Wikipedia - Cleveland Bay -- A breed of horse that originated in England
Wikipedia - Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway -- Public walking path in Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Cleveland Bridge -- Bridge in Bath, England
Wikipedia - Cleveland Brown -- Family Guy and The Cleveland Show character
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers all-time roster -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers Radio Network -- Regional play-by-play radio network
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers
Wikipedia - Cleveland Centennial half dollar -- 1936 US coin
Wikipedia - Cleveland City Schools -- School district in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Clinic fire of 1929 -- 1929 fire in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland Clinic
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad -- Railroad in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway -- Railroad in the United States (1868-1889)
Wikipedia - Cleveland Commercial Historic District -- Historic district in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Cleveland County Clerk's Building -- Historic building in Rison, Arkansas
Wikipedia - Cleveland Eaton -- American musician
Wikipedia - Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego) -- School shooting in San Diego, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Cleveland Elementary School shooting (Stockton) -- Mass shooting in the United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland, England -- Geographic area of the East Coast of Northern England
Wikipedia - Cleveland Forde -- Guyanese athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Cleveland Hall (Nashville, Tennessee) -- Antebellum mansion
Wikipedia - Cleveland High School (Tennessee) -- American public high school
Wikipedia - Cleveland Hoadley Dodge -- American businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Cleveland Jaybirds -- Professional softball team
Wikipedia - Cleveland Jewish News
Wikipedia - Cleveland Lumberjacks -- Ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Cleveland M. Bailey -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Mitchell -- British actor
Wikipedia - Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Company -- Former American motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team -- Mountain Rescue Team based in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Cleveland National Forest -- Southernmost National forest of California
Wikipedia - Cleveland News -- Former major newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad (1848-1869) -- 19th-century American railroad
Wikipedia - Cleveland Point Light -- Lighthouse in Australia
Wikipedia - Cleveland Press -- Former major newspaper in Cleveland, Ohi
Wikipedia - Cleveland Public Library
Wikipedia - Cleveland Railway (England) -- Early English railway company
Wikipedia - Cleveland School fire -- Fire in Camden, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Cleveland Stadium -- Former multi-purpose stadium in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland State University -- University
Wikipedia - Cleveland Street scandal -- Discovery in 1889 of male brothel in London
Wikipedia - Cleveland Township, Le Sueur County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Township, Lyon County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Cleveland
Wikipedia - Clevelin Hills -- Range of hills in California
Wikipedia - Cloudy Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - CMAS* scuba diver -- Entry level recreational diving certification from CMAS
Wikipedia - Coffman-Graham algorithm -- Method for partitioning partial orders into levels
Wikipedia - Colaiste Raithin -- Second level school in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - College athletics -- The non-professional, collegiate and university-level competitive sports
Wikipedia - Colleges and Universities Sports Association of Ireland -- Coordinating body for certain sports at third level in Ireland
Wikipedia - Commendation Medal -- Mid-level United States military decoration
Wikipedia - Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
Wikipedia - Company Level Intelligence Cell
Wikipedia - Complete information -- Level of information in economics and game theory
Wikipedia - Composer (software) -- Software; application level dependency manager for the PHP programming language
Wikipedia - Computerized adaptive testing -- A form of computer-based test that adapts to the examinee's ability level
Wikipedia - Comune -- Third-level administrative divisions of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Contaminated water -- Water containing high levels of hazardous materials
Wikipedia - Contra (video game) -- Multilevel shooter video game released in 1987
Wikipedia - Copper deficiency -- Insufficient level of copper in the body, leading to anaemia and nervous symptoms
Wikipedia - Cork Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Correspondence (theology) -- Theological term referring to the relationship between two levels of existence
Wikipedia - Council of Indigenous Peoples -- ministry-level body of the Taiwanese government
Wikipedia - Counties of Estonia -- First-level administrative subdivisions of Estonia
Wikipedia - Country code top-level domain
Wikipedia - County-level city
Wikipedia - Cultural leveling
Wikipedia - Cumulus cloud -- Genus of clouds, low-level cloud
Wikipedia - Cunningham Sanitarium -- Health institution in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Current sea level rise
Wikipedia - Cutler J. Cleveland
Wikipedia - Cynthia Eloise Cleveland -- American novelist, WCTU activist (1845-1932)
Wikipedia - Cytopathology -- A branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level
Wikipedia - Da'as Elyon and Da'as Tachton -- Two alternative levels of perception of reality in Hasidic thought
Wikipedia - Daga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Daire Keogh -- Irish historian and third-level educational leader
Wikipedia - Daru Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Davis Cleveland -- American actor
Wikipedia - DBm -- Power level referenced to one milliwatt
Wikipedia - Decompression (altitude) -- Reduction in ambient pressure due to ascent above sea level
Wikipedia - Decompression status -- The theoretical level of inert gas content of the body tissues
Wikipedia - Deed of Grant in Trust -- System of community-level land trust established in Queensland to administer Aboriginal land
Wikipedia - Degenerate energy levels
Wikipedia - Dei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Density of states -- Describes the number of states per interval of energy at each energy level available to be occupied in a system
Wikipedia - Destiny Group -- Bangladeshi multilevel marketing company
Wikipedia - Deyamos Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Difficulty level
Wikipedia - Discovery Toys -- Multi-level marketing company specializing in educational toys
Wikipedia - Distributed Interactive Simulation -- IEEE standard for real-time platform-level wargaming across multiple host computers
Wikipedia - District Level Examination -- Nepali standardized test
Wikipedia - District-level town (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Districts of Bangladesh -- administrative subdivision of the South Asian country below the division level but above the upazila level
Wikipedia - Districts of England -- Level of subnational division of England used for the purposes of local government
Wikipedia - Districts of Ethiopia -- Third-level administrative divisions of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Districts of Indonesia -- Third-level administrative subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Districts of Libya -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the State of Libya
Wikipedia - Diver lift -- Movable platform for lifting a diver from the water to deck level
Wikipedia - Divisions of Bangladesh -- first-level administrative units of the Asian country
Wikipedia - Dobu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Double-decker bus -- Bus that has two levels or decks
Wikipedia - Draft:System Level Solutions -- American marketing software company
Wikipedia - Dreikikier Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Duau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dublin Institute of Technology -- Large former third-level institution, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Duke of York Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dunantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns
Wikipedia - Dunkirk transgression -- Events of rising sea levels around the shores of the Low Countries in the late Roman period.
Wikipedia - Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology -- Creative arts and media third level institution in suburban Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Dysglycemia -- Abnormality in blood glucose levels
Wikipedia - Early Holocene sea level rise -- Sea level rise between 12,000 and 17,000 years ago
Wikipedia - Earthworks (archaeology) -- General term to describe artificial changes in land level in history and pre-history
Wikipedia - East Aitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Kikori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Okapa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pangia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Wapei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Yangoru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ecological pyramid -- Graphical representation designed to show the biomass or biomass productivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem
Wikipedia - Education for justice -- The process of promoting a culture of lawfulness through educational activities at all levels
Wikipedia - Effect and Cause -- Level from 2016 video game Titanfall 2
Wikipedia - Elevated railway -- rapid transit railway with the tracks above street level
Wikipedia - Elimbari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Embarrassment -- Emotional state that is associated with mild to severe levels of discomfort
Wikipedia - Emeline Horton Cleveland -- American physician
Wikipedia - Emergency bleeding control -- Procedures to rapidly limit dangerous levels of bleeding
Wikipedia - Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory
Wikipedia - Emergent cyclical levels of existence
Wikipedia - Energy level
Wikipedia - Energy (psychological) -- Concept of a postulated unconscious mental functioning on a level between biology and consciousness
Wikipedia - Epic Level Handbook
Wikipedia - Erave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ernest Albert Cleveland -- Canadian engineer
Wikipedia - Escarpment -- Steep slope or cliff separating two relatively level regions
Wikipedia - Esplanade -- Long, open, level area where people may walk
Wikipedia - European Green Party -- Political party at European level
Wikipedia - European political party -- Type of political party operating on a pan-European level
Wikipedia - Eusociality -- Highest level of animal sociality a species can attain
Wikipedia - Eustatic sea level -- The distance from the center of the earth to the sea surface
Wikipedia - Evaluation Assurance Level
Wikipedia - Execute Channel Program -- Operating System low level I/O API
Wikipedia - Exposed riverine sediments -- Sediments deposited by streams exposed when water level falls
Wikipedia - Expression quantitative trait loci -- Genomic loci that explain variation in mRNA expression levels
Wikipedia - Familial hypercholesterolemia -- Genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels
Wikipedia - Fault (technology) -- Abnormal condition or defect at the component, equipment, or sub-system level which may lead to a failure
Wikipedia - Fayantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Fermi level -- The total chemical potential for electrons (or electrochemical potential for electrons) and is usually denoted by M-BM-5 or EF
Wikipedia - Filesystem-level encryption
Wikipedia - Fillauer Brothers Building -- Building in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Finschhafen Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Fire and movement -- Basic modern military low-level unit tactic
Wikipedia - First inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 25th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Fishkill Correctional Facility -- Multi-security level prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Flat (landform) -- A relatively level surface of land within a region of greater relief
Wikipedia - Fluoride toxicity -- Condition in which there are elevated levels of the fluoride ion in the body
Wikipedia - Folate deficiency -- Abnormally low level of folate (vitamin B9) in the body
Wikipedia - Food prices -- Average price level for food across countries, regions and on a global scale
Wikipedia - Foot Levelers -- American health company
Wikipedia - Forever Living Products -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Frances Cleveland -- First Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Francis Parker Shepard -- An American sedimentologist known for work on submarine canyons and associated sea level change
Wikipedia - Franck-Hertz experiment -- Experiment confirming quantisation of energy levels
Wikipedia - Freeboard (nautical) -- Distance from the waterline to the upper deck level of a ship
Wikipedia - Freewinds -- ship on which the Church of Scientology delivers its high-level courses
Wikipedia - From the Heart (Another Level song) -- 1999 single by Another Level
Wikipedia - Fuel Freedom International -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Full pond -- hydrological American lake/reservoir/other fresh water/pond body water level phrase terminology
Wikipedia - Fulton Road Bridge -- Bridges in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Function-level programming
Wikipedia - Gadsup-Tairora Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gahuku Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gama Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gary Cleveland -- American weightlifter
Wikipedia - Gasmata Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gawanga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gawi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gazetted Officer (India) -- Executive/managerial level ranked public servants in India
Wikipedia - GCE Advanced Level (United Kingdom) -- School leaving qualification in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - GCE Advanced Level -- Subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education
Wikipedia - Gena-Waugla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Generic top-level domain
Wikipedia - George Cleveland Hall -- American physician and activist
Wikipedia - George Cleveland -- American actor
Wikipedia - George V. Voinovich Bridges -- Bridges on Interstate 90 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Gerehu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Glass ceiling -- Metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier that keeps a given group from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy
Wikipedia - Global Drifter Program -- Collecting measurements of surface ocean currents, sea surface temperature and sea-level atmospheric pressure using drifters
Wikipedia - Global Sea Level Observing System -- An Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission program to measure sea level globally for long-term climate change studies
Wikipedia - Gloom -- Level of light so dim that there are physiological and psychological effects
Wikipedia - Glossary of levelling terms -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Gloucester Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - GNU Debugger -- Source-level debugger
Wikipedia - Gogodala Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - GOLOG -- High-level logic programming language
Wikipedia - Goodenough Island Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gordons-Saraga Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Goroka Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Grade I listed buildings in Leicestershire -- Top-level listed buildings in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Grading (earthworks) -- Civil engineering term; the work of ensuring a level base, or one with a specified slope, for a construction work
Wikipedia - Graduate assistant -- Support personnel at college level
Wikipedia - Graduate-level
Wikipedia - Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence
Wikipedia - Gray Drug -- Drugstore chain in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Gray level size zone matrix -- Advanced statistical matrix
Wikipedia - Great Lakes Theater -- Professional classic theater company in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Green Hill Zone -- First level in Sonic the Hedgehog
Wikipedia - Green River Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ground-level power supply -- Alternative method of third rail electrical pick-up for street trams
Wikipedia - Ground Level -- Australian band
Wikipedia - Grover Cleveland Golf Course -- Historic golf course in Buffalo, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Grover Cleveland -- 22nd and 24th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Guaranteed (Level 42 song) -- 1991 single by Level 42
Wikipedia - Guari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Guilin -- Prefecture-level city in Guangxi, People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Gumine Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2: Lost Coast -- Additional level for the 2004 video game Half-Life 2
Wikipedia - Harmful algal bloom -- Population explosion of organisms (usually [[algae]]) that can severely lower oxygen levels in natural waters, killing marine life
Wikipedia - Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain -- A mostly undersea mountain range in the Pacific Ocean that reaches above sea level in Hawaii.
Wikipedia - Hayapuga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Health Level 7 -- Set of standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data
Wikipedia - Health Level Seven International -- Organization involved in healthcare informatics interoperability standards
Wikipedia - Health -- Level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being
Wikipedia - Height above sea level -- Elevation of a location in reference to a historic mean sea level taken as a vertical datum
Wikipedia - Henry Vane, 2nd Duke of Cleveland -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Herbalife Nutrition -- Global multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Hicksian demand function -- Demand of a consumer over a bundle of goods that minimizes their expenditure while delivering a fixed level of utility.
Wikipedia - Higaturu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Higbee's -- Defunct Cleveland, OH department store
Wikipedia - High- and low-level
Wikipedia - High Court judge (England and Wales) -- The third highest level of judge in the courts of England and Wales
Wikipedia - Higher education accreditation -- Verification of University level qualifications
Wikipedia - High-level architecture
Wikipedia - High Level Architecture -- Standard for distributed simulation
Wikipedia - High-level assembler
Wikipedia - High Level Assembly
Wikipedia - High level bombing -- Tactic of dropping bombs from a high altitude
Wikipedia - High Level Bridge -- Road-rail bridge in Tyneside, England
Wikipedia - High-Level Data Link Control
Wikipedia - High-level design
Wikipedia - High level language
Wikipedia - High-level language
Wikipedia - High-level programming languages
Wikipedia - High-level programming language -- Programming language with strong abstraction from details of hardware
Wikipedia - High-level shader language
Wikipedia - High-Level Shading Language
Wikipedia - High-level synthesis
Wikipedia - Hilary Cleveland -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Hi-Level -- Class of American bilevel railroad passenger cars
Wikipedia - H-index -- Author-level metric that attempts to measure the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a person
Wikipedia - Hiri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the County Level
Wikipedia - Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the Provincial Level
Wikipedia - Home roasting coffee -- Level of roasting
Wikipedia - Honeywell Level 6
Wikipedia - Hope Memorial Bridge -- Art deco truss bridge crossing the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Horizon (railcar) -- Single-level passenger railcar model
Wikipedia - Hoskins Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hot in Cleveland -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Hough riots -- Period of civil unrest and rioting in Cleveland, Ohio in July 1966
Wikipedia - HP: To the Highest Level Na! -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Hube Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Huhu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hulia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hypercalcaemia -- High calcium (Ca2+) level in the blood serum
Wikipedia - Hypercapnia -- Abnormally high tissue carbon dioxide levels
Wikipedia - Hypercholesterolemia -- High levels of cholesterol in the blood
Wikipedia - Hyperlipidemia -- Abnormally elevated levels of lipids or lipoproteins in the blood
Wikipedia - Hypertriglyceridemia -- High triglyceride blood levels
Wikipedia - Hypoxemia -- Abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood
Wikipedia - Hypoxia (environmental) -- Low environmental oxygen levels
Wikipedia - Hypoxia (medical) -- Condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen at the tissue level
Wikipedia - Iabu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ialibu Basin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ialibu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - IBM High Level Assembler -- Modern assembler for programs on IBM's z/Architecture systems
Wikipedia - Ice class -- A notation assigned by a classification society or a national authority to denote the additional level of strengthening and other arrangements that enable a ship to navigate through sea ice
Wikipedia - I Corps (German Empire) -- Corps level command of the Prussian and then the Imperial German Armies
Wikipedia - Ihu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Imbonggu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Church in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Improved sanitation -- A term used to categorize types or levels of sanitation for monitoring purposes
Wikipedia - Indicator bacteria -- Types of bacteria used to detect and estimate the level of fecal contamination of water
Wikipedia - Ingression coast -- A generally low coastline that is shaped by the penetration of the sea as a result of crustal movements or a rise in the sea level
Wikipedia - Inland Baining Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Inland sea (geology) -- A shallow sea that covers central areas of continents during periods of high sea level that result in marine transgressions
Wikipedia - Innerbelt Bridge -- A former truss arch bridge in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown -- Former third-level college, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Institute of Technology, Tallaght -- Former third-level college in Ireland, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Instruction level parallelism
Wikipedia - Instruction-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Integrative level
Wikipedia - Intel 5-level paging -- Processor extension for the x86-64 line of processors
Wikipedia - Intel Management Engine -- Firmware and software that runs on all modern Intel CPUs at a higher level than user-facing operating system
Wikipedia - Intermediate disturbance hypothesis -- Model proposing regional biodiversity is increased by a moderate level of ecological disturbance
Wikipedia - International development -- Concept concerning the level of development on an international scale
Wikipedia - International Innovation Index -- Global index measuring the level of innovation of a country
Wikipedia - International Islamic Halal Organization -- An NGO which aims to spread awareness of the importance of Halal foods in Saudi Arabia and at possible international levels
Wikipedia - Internationalized country code top-level domain -- Special type of top-level domain
Wikipedia - International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board -- The highest-level cooperative body in the International Space Station programme
Wikipedia - International Standard Classification of Education -- Education levels
Wikipedia - IPUMS -- World's largest individual-level population database
Wikipedia - Irish Times Debate -- Third level debating competition, Ireland
Wikipedia - Irkutsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Isagenix -- multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - ISO/IEC 2022 -- Higher-level 7-bit and 8-bit character encoding system
Wikipedia - Ivanovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - James Cleveland -- American musician
Wikipedia - James Fall (priest) -- Archdeacon of Cleveland
Wikipedia - JavaScript -- High-level programming language
Wikipedia - Jeep Compass -- Entry level C segment crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Jimi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Johanna Levelt Sengers
Wikipedia - John Cleveland (politician) -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
Wikipedia - Joint Level Interface Protocol -- Video equipment control data standard
Wikipedia - Josephstaal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Jumanji: The Next Level -- 2019 film directed by Jake Kasdan
Wikipedia - Junior Cycle -- Educational programme for Irish second-level schools
Wikipedia - JW Marriott Hotels -- Mid-level luxury hotel brand
Wikipedia - Kafentina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kagua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kainantu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kaintiba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kaliningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kalmykia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kaluga Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kamano No. 1 Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kamano No. 2 Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kamchatka Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kandep Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kandrian Coastal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kandrian Inland Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kapao Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karachay-Cherkessia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Karawari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kardashev scale -- Method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement
Wikipedia - Karimui Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karints Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karkar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kavieng Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KCTO -- Radio station in Cleveland, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - KDPM (Cleveland) -- Former experimental shortwave radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Kemerovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Keram Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kerema Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kerowagi Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kewabi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KeyBank -- American regional bank headquartered in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Key Stage 3 -- British three-year education level
Wikipedia - Keystroke level model
Wikipedia - Khabarovsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kilakila-Kaugere Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kimbe Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kira Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiriwina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiunga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiunga Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiwai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KJDL-FM -- Radio station in Levelland, Texas
Wikipedia - Knowledge level modeling
Wikipedia - Koiari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kokoda Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kokopo-Vunamami Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kol Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Komba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kombiu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kome Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Komi Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Komo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kompiam Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Konoagil Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kostroma Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kotewall Road -- Street in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Kotidanga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kotna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kotte Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kove-Kaliai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kovon Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kraj -- First-level administrative division in various countries
Wikipedia - Krasnodar Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Krasnoyarsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - K-system -- Audio level measuring technique
Wikipedia - Kuare Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kundiawa Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kunua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kup Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kurgan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kursk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kuznets curve -- Empirical relationship between economic development and inequality level
Wikipedia - Labuta Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lady Bird Cleveland -- American painter (b. 1926, d. 2015)
Wikipedia - Lae Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lagaip Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lai Valley Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Laiwu -- former prefecture-level city in Shandong, China
Wikipedia - Lakekamu-Tauri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Kopiago Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Kutubu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Murray Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Laloki-Napanapa Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lamari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lamborghini Jalpa -- Entry level sports car manufactured by Lamborghini from 1981-1988
Wikipedia - Laser level -- Control tool for surveying and construction
Wikipedia - Lassul Baining Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Latin honors -- Latin phrases used to denote levels of academic distinction
Wikipedia - Lead-crime hypothesis -- Hypothesized effect of blood lead levels on criminal behavior
Wikipedia - LegalShield -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Legum Doctor -- Doctorate-level honorary or academic law degree
Wikipedia - Lelemadih-Bupichupeu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Leningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Letterkenny Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland
Wikipedia - Level 10 (band) -- Heavy metal supergroup
Wikipedia - Level 2 cache
Wikipedia - Level 3 Communications
Wikipedia - Level-5 Comcept -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Level 5 Motorsports -- American racecar team
Wikipedia - Level (computer and video games)
Wikipedia - Level Crossing Removal Project -- Infrastructure program of the government of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Level crossing -- Place where a road crosses a railway at the same level
Wikipedia - Level C -- Manga and direct-to-video anime
Wikipedia - LevelDB -- Open-source key-value store by Google
Wikipedia - Level designer
Wikipedia - Level design
Wikipedia - Level editor
Wikipedia - Level E -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Level Five (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - Leveling mechanism
Wikipedia - Leveling (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Leveling
Wikipedia - Level junction -- Type of railway junction
Wikipedia - Levelland UFO case -- UFO incident in Texas, United States in 1957
Wikipedia - Levellers (band) -- English folk rock band
Wikipedia - Levellers -- Political movement during the English Civil War, committed to popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance
Wikipedia - Level Mountain -- Mountain in Canada
Wikipedia - Levelock Airport -- Public airport in Alaska, United States of America
Wikipedia - Level of analysis
Wikipedia - Level of Concern -- Twenty One Pilots song
Wikipedia - Level of consciousness (esotericism)
Wikipedia - Level of consciousness (Esotericism) -- Concept that addresses human awareness
Wikipedia - Level of detail (computer graphics) -- Adjusting the complexity of a 3D model representation to save storage and computation
Wikipedia - Level of invention
Wikipedia - Level of measurement -- distinction between nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio numbers
Wikipedia - Level of support for evolution -- Variation in support for the theory of evolution
Wikipedia - Level Plains, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Level playing field -- Ensuring fairness
Wikipedia - Levels (Avicii song) -- |Song by Avicii
Wikipedia - Level sensor -- Sensor to detect the level of substances that flow
Wikipedia - Level-set method
Wikipedia - Level set
Wikipedia - Level Seven (hacking group) -- Hacker group
Wikipedia - Levels of adequacy
Wikipedia - Levels of measurement
Wikipedia - Levels-of-processing effect
Wikipedia - Level staff -- Graduated rod used to measure differences between heights
Wikipedia - Level Up (Ciara song) -- 2018 single by Ciara
Wikipedia - Level Up (South Korean TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Level (video games) -- In a video game, space available to the player in completing an objective
Wikipedia - Level (video gaming)
Wikipedia - Lhasa (prefecture-level city)
Wikipedia - Licensed mariner -- Sailor who holds a license from a maritime authority to hold senior officer-level positions
Wikipedia - Lifelong learning institutes -- Organized group for college-level study
Wikipedia - Line level -- Audio industry standard
Wikipedia - Lipetsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - List of Advanced Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of alumni of Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals representing first-level administrative country subdivisions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambridge International Examinations Advanced Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Barons players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Blues (NL) managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Bulldogs players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Crusaders players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Force (1978-88) players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Gladiators seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians first-round draft picks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians minor league affiliates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians no-hitters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians owners and executives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians team records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Panthers players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Spiders managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Spiders Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland State University people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Thunderbolts seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries ranked by ethnic and cultural diversity level -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country second level subdivisions by area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions by population -- List of the most populous first-level administrative country subdivisions in the world
Wikipedia - List of district-level subdivisions in Vietnam
Wikipedia - List of first-level administrative country subdivisions by nominal GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot in Cleveland episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Internet top-level domains -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of level crossing crashes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of level editors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multi-level bridges -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multi-level marketing companies -- List of companies which use multi-level marketing
Wikipedia - List of museums in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people from Cleveland -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people who have held multiple United States Cabinet-level positions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of places on land with elevations below sea level -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of politicians from Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Puerto Rico Cabinet-level officers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Redcar and Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
Wikipedia - List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Cleveland Show characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Cleveland Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of top level minor league sports teams in the United States by city -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Gansu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Hebei -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Henan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Jiangsu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Liaoning -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shanxi -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Zhejiang -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of village-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary -- A level representing a mechanical difference between layers in EarthM-bM-^@M-^Ys inner structure
Wikipedia - Livuan-Reimber Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Local government in England -- System of state administration on a local level in England
Wikipedia - Local government in Northern Ireland -- System of state administration on a local level in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Local government in Scotland -- System of state administration on a local level in Scotland
Wikipedia - Local government in the United Kingdom -- System of state administration on a local level in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Local government in the United States -- Governmental jurisdictions below the level of the state
Wikipedia - Local government in Wales -- System of state administration on a local level in Wales
Wikipedia - Local-level governments of Papua New Guinea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Local municipality (South Africa) -- Third level government structure in South Africa by contrast to metropolitan municipality
Wikipedia - Location-based service -- General class of computer program-level services that use location data to control features
Wikipedia - Lodging (agriculture) -- Agricultural term, bending over of the stems near ground level of crops
Wikipedia - Logic level -- one of a finite number of states that a digital signal can inhabit
Wikipedia - London deep-level shelters -- Air-raid shelters under London Underground stations
Wikipedia - Look Out Cleveland
Wikipedia - Loop-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Lorengau Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Los Negros Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Loudness war -- increasing audio levels in recorded music
Wikipedia - Louisiade Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lovongai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Asaro Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Benna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower level language
Wikipedia - Lower Mendi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Low-level design
Wikipedia - Low-level injection -- Phenomenon
Wikipedia - Low-level programming language
Wikipedia - Low level
Wikipedia - LuLaRoe -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Lumusa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Luna Park, Cleveland -- Former amusement park in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Lyoness -- multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Mach Loop -- Low-level aircraft training area, UK
Wikipedia - Macroevolution -- Evolution on a scale at or above the level of species
Wikipedia - Madang Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Magadan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Magnesium deficiency -- Condition of low level of magnesium in the body
Wikipedia - Maimai Wanwan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maip Muritaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Wikipedia - Makamaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Malthusian catastrophe -- Prediction of a forced return to subsistence-level conditions once population growth has outpaced agricultural production
Wikipedia - Mania -- State of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/or energy levels
Wikipedia - Mannatech -- Multinational multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Manor House School, Raheny -- Second level school for girls in Raheny, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Maprik-Wora Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maramatana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maramuni Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Marcus Kleveland -- Norwegian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Mari El -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Marienberg Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Marine regression -- A geological process of areas of submerged seafloor being exposed above the sea level.
Wikipedia - Marine transgression -- Geologic event in which sea level rises relative to the land
Wikipedia - Markaz (country subdivision) -- Type of second-level country subdivision in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Market America -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Masonry trowel -- A hand trowel used in brickwork or stonework for leveling, spreading and shaping mortar or concrete
Wikipedia - Master Instructor -- A certificate given in recognition of a minimum level of experience in training divers after certification as a Diving Instructor, issued by PADI and SSI
Wikipedia - Master Levels for Doom II
Wikipedia - Master of Fine Arts -- graduate level university degree
Wikipedia - Matalai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mathematical Association of America -- American organization that focuses on undergraduate-level mathematics
Wikipedia - Maurice Level -- French writer
Wikipedia - Mawase Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maynooth Post Primary School -- Second-level school in Co. Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science -- Private nonprofit university focused on biomedical research and graduate-level education.
Wikipedia - MCI Management Center Innsbruck -- University-level business school located in Innsbruck, Austria
Wikipedia - McLaren 570S -- Entry-level sports car manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren
Wikipedia - Mean high water springs -- Average level of the spring high tides over a fairly long period of time
Wikipedia - Mean low water spring -- Average level of the spring low tides over a fairly long period of time
Wikipedia - Mean sea level
Wikipedia - Mekeo Kuni Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Melkoi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Meltwater pulse 1A -- A period of rapid post-glacial sea level rise
Wikipedia - Meltwater pulse 1B -- A period of either rapid or just accelerated post-glacial sea level rise
Wikipedia - Memory-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Mendi Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mental health -- Describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder
Wikipedia - Meritorious Unit Commendation -- Mid-level unit award of the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Message precedence -- Indicator attached to telegraph message indicating its level of urgency
Wikipedia - Meta-level
Wikipedia - Method of levels
Wikipedia - Metropolitan county -- Type of county-level administrative division of England
Wikipedia - Michael Cleveland -- American bluegrass fiddle player
Wikipedia - MicroMasters -- Series of online graduate level courses offered by universities
Wikipedia - Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Middle school -- School offering the lower levels of secondary education, in some countries, between elementary and high school
Wikipedia - Mid-level practitioner
Wikipedia - Milkman Conspiracy -- Level from 2005 video game Psychonauts
Wikipedia - Millicode -- Higher level of microcode
Wikipedia - Mimanalo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mind-body interventions -- Health and fitness interventions that are supposed to work on a physical and mental level such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates.
Wikipedia - Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (South Korea) -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Ministry of Communications (Brazil) -- Cabinet-level federal ministry in Brazil
Wikipedia - Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (Bashkortostan) -- State-level government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Industry, Trade and Small Industries -- Cabinet level department in the government of Egypt
Wikipedia - Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Mitnande Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Module:Effective protection level
Wikipedia - Molecular biology -- Branch of biology which studies biological activity at the molecular level
Wikipedia - Molecular genetics -- Scientific study of genes at the molecular level
Wikipedia - Mordovia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Morehead Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Morobe Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mosa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Moscow Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Mount Bosavi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Digine Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Giluwe Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Hagen Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Hagen Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Michael Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mul Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Multi-level cell
Wikipedia - Multi-level dive -- Scuba diving in consecutively shallower depth ranges on one dive
Wikipedia - Multilevel feedback queue
Wikipedia - Multilevel Flow Modeling -- Industrial modeling framework
Wikipedia - Multi-level marketing -- Controversial marketing strategy
Wikipedia - Multilevel modeling
Wikipedia - Multilevel models
Wikipedia - Multilevel model
Wikipedia - MultiLevel Recording -- Proposed technology to increase the capacity of optical discs
Wikipedia - Multilevel security
Wikipedia - Multilevel streets in Chicago -- Tiered streets
Wikipedia - Mumeng Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Murat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Murmansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Murua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Muscle architecture -- Physical arrangement of muscle fibers at the macroscopic level
Wikipedia - Nabak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Naho Rawa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nali Sopat-Penabu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Namatanai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Namea Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nanchang -- Prefecture-level city in Jiangxi, People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Nanima Kariba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - National Certificate -- Technological third level qualification in several countries
Wikipedia - National College of Ireland -- Third-level institution in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - National Middle School Association -- Association for Middle Level Education
Wikipedia - National Tidal and Sea Level Facility -- Organisation responsible for monitoring sea levels in the UK
Wikipedia - National Women's Soccer League -- Professional soccer league, highest level of women's soccer in the United States
Wikipedia - Nayudo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Neal's Yard Remedies -- A UK-based multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Nebilyer Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nembi Plateau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nenets Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Nested RAID levels -- Stacked combination of two or more standard RAID levels
Wikipedia - Neways -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Newcomb Cleveland Prize
Wikipedia - New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice -- State-level anti-vaccination group
Wikipedia - Newpark Comprehensive School -- Mixed second-level State school in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation -- New York's state-level environmental regulator
Wikipedia - New York Supreme Court -- Trial-level court in New York state
Wikipedia - Next Level Games -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Night-vision device -- Device that allows images to be produced in levels of light approaching total darkness
Wikipedia - Niglkande Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nigoherm Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nile Level Texts -- Thebes' temple of Karnak's cult-terrace-inscribed texts
Wikipedia - Nilometer -- Structure for measuring the Nile River's clarity and [[water level]] during the annual flood season
Wikipedia - Nimamar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ningerum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nipa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nissan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nizhny Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Noise floor -- Level of background noise in a signal
Wikipedia - Nokia 1 -- Nokia-branded entry-level smartphone
Wikipedia - Nomad Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nomane Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nondugl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Normanby, Redcar and Cleveland -- Part of Redcar and Cleveland unitary authority, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Normocapnia -- Normal arterial carbon dioxide levels
Wikipedia - North Atlantic oscillation -- A weather phenomenon in the North Atlantic Ocean of fluctuations in the difference of atmospheric pressure at sea level between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High
Wikipedia - North Koroba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - North Ossetia-Alania -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - North Staffordshire and South Cheshire League -- Top level of competitive club cricket in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - North Waghi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - North Wosera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - No Russian -- Controversial level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Wikipedia - Not eXactly C -- High-level programming language for the Lego Mindstorms NXT
Wikipedia - Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Novosibirsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Numbor Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oblasts of Ukraine -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Odessa Cleveland -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Oksapmin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oldsmobile -- Former entry-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - O level
Wikipedia - Olsobip Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Omsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - One University Circle -- Building in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Wikipedia - Onga-Waffa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - On the Level (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - On the Level (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Open Water Diver -- An entry-level autonomous diver certification for recreational scuba diving
Wikipedia - Operating system-level virtualization
Wikipedia - Operating-system-level virtualization
Wikipedia - Operational level of war -- Between strategic and tactical warfare
Wikipedia - Operation Dark Winter -- Senior-level U.S. bio-terrorist attack simulation exercise
Wikipedia - Optimum sustainable yield -- Profit-maximizing level of ecological yield
Wikipedia - Orenburg Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Oriomo-Bituri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oro Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oryol Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - OS-level virtualisation
Wikipedia - OS-level virtualization -- Operating system paradigm allowing multiple isolated user space instances
Wikipedia - OWOW Radio -- Internet radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Oxygen tent -- A canopy placed over a patient to provide oxygen at a higher level than normal
Wikipedia - Pacing (activity management) -- technique for managing fatigue or pain levels in people with chronic illnesses or disabilities
Wikipedia - Paiela-Hewa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Pallor -- Pale skin caused by low levels of oxyhaemoglobin
Wikipedia - Palmai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Pampered Chef -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Paper candidate -- Candidate who stands for a political party in an electoral division where the party in question enjoys only low levels of support
Wikipedia - Parasitism (social offense) -- Pejorative that is leveled against a group or class which is considered to be detrimental to society
Wikipedia - Parterre -- Formal garden feature of symmetrical and level plant beds with gravel paths laid between
Wikipedia - Party of European Socialists -- Social-democratic political party at European level
Wikipedia - Pat Cleveland -- American fashion model
Wikipedia - Paul Huff Parkway -- Thoroughfare in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Paul Matthews Cleveland -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Penza Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level -- A repository for tide gauge data used in the measurement of long-term sea level change
Wikipedia - Perm Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Pershing Rifles -- Military-oriented fraternal organization for college-level students
Wikipedia - Phylum -- A high level taxonomic rank for organisms sharing a similar body plan
Wikipedia - Physical layer -- the lowest-level electronic or optical transmission functions of a network
Wikipedia - Physiographic province -- Mid-level region in the Fenneman model of physiographic regionalization
Wikipedia - Pilikambi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - PILOT -- Simple high-level programming language developed in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Pixel art -- Digital art created using raster graphics edited on the pixel level
Wikipedia - Plane (esotericism) -- A subtle state, level, or region of reality
Wikipedia - Pobuma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Political party strength in Montana -- Representation of parties at the Montana state level
Wikipedia - Political party strength in U.S. states -- Representation of parties at the state level
Wikipedia - Pomutu-Kurti-Andra Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Popondetta Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Porgera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Poroma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Porsche 968 -- Entry-level sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Porsche as a successor to the 944 from 1991–1995
Wikipedia - Portfolio school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education for art and creative advertising
Wikipedia - Post Secondary Enrollment Options -- Academic option in some US states to take college level classes in high schools
Wikipedia - Post-transcriptional regulation -- Control of gene expression at the RNA level, between transcription and translation
Wikipedia - Powerleveling
Wikipedia - Power MOSFET -- MOSFET that can handle significant power levels
Wikipedia - Preparatory school (United Kingdom) -- In the UK, school preparing children for secondary level
Wikipedia - Pressure system -- Relative peak or lull in the sea level pressure distribution
Wikipedia - Prestige (sociolinguistics) -- Level of respect towards a language variety in a speech community
Wikipedia - Price gouging -- Raising of prices to an unreasonably high level after a demand or supply shock
Wikipedia - Price level
Wikipedia - Primerica -- American multi-level marketing insurance company
Wikipedia - Primorsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Professor Layton -- Japanese video game series developed by Level-5
Wikipedia - Progressive meshes -- Technique used in dynamic level of detail
Wikipedia - Protandim -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Provinces and territories of Canada -- Top-level subdivisions of Canada
Wikipedia - Provinces of Afghanistan -- First-level administrative territorial entity of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Provinces of Argentina -- Top level administrative division of Argentina
Wikipedia - Provinces of Costa Rica -- First level administrative subdivision in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Provinces of Indonesia -- First-level subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Provinces of Thailand -- 1st level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Provinces of the Netherlands -- First-level administrative division in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Pseudocode -- Informal high-level description of the operation of a computer program or other algorithm
Wikipedia - Pseudo-top-level domain
Wikipedia - Pskov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Public Square, Cleveland -- Historic central plaza in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget -- Cabinet-level office within the Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pure Romance -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Q clearance -- U.S. Dept. of Energy security clearance level
Wikipedia - Qnet -- Hong Kong based multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Quad-level cell
Wikipedia - Rabaul Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Race (biology) -- Informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies
Wikipedia - Radioresistance -- Level of ionizing radiation that organisms are able to withstand
Wikipedia - Rai Coast Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Raised beach -- A beach or wave-cut platform raised above the shoreline by a relative fall in the sea level
Wikipedia - Raised shoreline -- An ancient shoreline exposed above current water level.
Wikipedia - Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee -- Indian state-level political party
Wikipedia - Raluana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rapatona Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Recombinant DNA -- DNA molecules formed by human agency at a molecular level generating novel DNA sequences
Wikipedia - Recreational scuba certification levels -- Competence represented by recreational scuba certification
Wikipedia - Redcar and Cleveland -- Unitary authority area in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Red Level, Florida -- Unincorporated community in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Regional planning -- Land use planning at the meta (crossing one or more municipal boundaries) level
Wikipedia - Regions of Italy -- First-level administrative divisions
Wikipedia - Register-transfer level
Wikipedia - Religiosity and education -- Relationship between the level of religiosity and the level of education
Wikipedia - Renault Kwid -- Entry-level crossover produced by the French car manufacturer Renault
Wikipedia - Republic of Crimea -- First-level administrative division of Russia, annexed territory of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Republic of Karelia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Republics of the Soviet Union -- Top-level political division of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Resident commissioner -- Official title for representatives of any level of government
Wikipedia - RFL League 1 -- Third level of British rugby league
Wikipedia - Richard Falley Cleveland -- American minister, father of Grover Cleveland
Wikipedia - Richard Gilmour -- 19th-century Roman Catholic Bishop of Cleveland
Wikipedia - Rigo Central Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rigo Coastal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rigo Inland Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Risk score -- Calculated number that reflects the level of risk in the presence of some risk factors
Wikipedia - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Hall of fame and museum located on Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse -- Arena in downtown Cleveland Ohio
Wikipedia - Rodan + Fields -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Rookie -- person new to a level of sport or profession
Wikipedia - Rose Cleveland -- First Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Rosetta-lang -- System-level specification language
Wikipedia - Rostov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - RTA Rapid Transit -- An intermodal public transit network in Cleveland, East Cleveland, and Shaker Heights, Ohio, with 1 rapid transit line, 3 light rail lines and 9 bus rapid transit (BRT) lines (including branches)
Wikipedia - Ruby (programming language) -- High-level programming language first released in 1995
Wikipedia - Running in the Family (song) -- 1987 single by Level 42
Wikipedia - Ruth Cleveland -- Daughter of Grover Cleveland
Wikipedia - Ryazan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Safety engineering -- Engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide acceptable levels of safety
Wikipedia - Safety integrity level
Wikipedia - Safia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland)
Wikipedia - Sakha -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Salamaua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Saltburn Gill -- SSSI in Cleveland, England
Wikipedia - Salt Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Samara Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Sangeet Natak Akademi -- Indian national level academy for performing arts
Wikipedia - Sanjak of Gelibolu -- Second-level Ottoman province
Wikipedia - Sanjak -- Second-level province of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - San Juan Natatorium -- Olympic-level aquatic sports facility
Wikipedia - Saratov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Sausso Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Scentsy -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Sea Level (band) -- American band
Wikipedia - Sea-level curve -- The graphic representation of changes of sea level through geological history
Wikipedia - Sea level rise -- The current long-term trend for sea levels to rise mainly in response to global warming
Wikipedia - Sea level -- Geographical reference point
Wikipedia - Secondary education in France -- penultimate level of French public education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in the United States -- Last seven years of statutory formal education before higher level education
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 27th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second-level domain -- Domain that is directly below a top-level domain
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection (Mexico) -- Mexican cabinet-level government agency
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Air -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Economic Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for India -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Security level -- Measure of cryptographic strength
Wikipedia - Selau-Suir Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Selepet Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - SeneGence -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Sentral Niu Ailan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Service level agreement
Wikipedia - Service-level agreement -- Official commitment between a service provider and a customer
Wikipedia - Service-level objective -- Key element of a service-level agreement
Wikipedia - Service level
Wikipedia - Seven Heavens -- Seven levels or divisions of Heaven in religious or mythological cosmology
Wikipedia - SGI Origin 200 -- Entry-level server by Silicon Graphics
Wikipedia - Shiva Vishnu Hindu Temple of Greater Cleveland -- Hindu temple in Cleveland Metropolitan Area US
Wikipedia - Shooting of Tamir Rice -- 2014 police killing of an African-American boy in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Shooting of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams -- Killing of two homeless Black people in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Shooting sports in Canada -- Recreational and competitive-level shooting in Canada
Wikipedia - Shooting sports in India -- Recreational and competitive level shooting in India
Wikipedia - Sialum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siane Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siassi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siemens Venture -- single-level passenger railcar model
Wikipedia - Simbai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Simen Mustroens besynderlige opplevelser -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Single-level store
Wikipedia - Sinivit Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siwai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Small hydro -- Hydroelectric project at the local level with a few MW production
Wikipedia - Smolensk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Software architecture -- High level structures of a software system
Wikipedia - Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland) -- Monument in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Somerset Levels -- Coastal plain and wetland area of Somerset, England
Wikipedia - South Koroba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - South Waghi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - South Wosera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Sparkling wine -- Wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide
Wikipedia - Spirit level -- Tool to indicate whether a surface is level or plumb
Wikipedia - Spiritual Assembly -- Elected councils that govern the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Stadler KISS -- Bilevel electric multiple unit commuter train
Wikipedia - Standard RAID levels -- Any of a set of standard configurations of Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
Wikipedia - Stand level modelling
Wikipedia - Star Mountains Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Starvation -- Severe deficiency in caloric energy intake, below the level needed to maintain an organism's life
Wikipedia - State governments of the United States -- State-level governments of the 50 states which comprise the United States of America
Wikipedia - State health agency -- American state-level government agency
Wikipedia - State of the art -- English phrase referring to the highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time
Wikipedia - State park -- Protected area managed at the federated state level
Wikipedia - States of Germany -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - States of Sudan -- Highest level administrative sub-division of Sudan
Wikipedia - Statin -- Class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels
Wikipedia - Stavropol Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum -- Museum ship in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Steve Dettelbach -- American lawyer from Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Stilts (architecture) -- Poles, posts or pillars that raise a structure above ground or water level
Wikipedia - St Mac Dara's Community College -- Second-level school in Templeogue, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Stockton-on-Tees -- Market town in Cleveland-England
Wikipedia - Storage area network -- Network which provides access to consolidated, block-level data storage
Wikipedia - Strange loop -- Cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system.
Wikipedia - Street-level bureaucracy
Wikipedia - Structure of observed learning outcome -- Model of levels of increasing complexity in understanding
Wikipedia - Suai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Suau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Egypt -- Three-layer hierarchy below the governorate levels
Wikipedia - Submarine groundwater discharge -- Flow of groundwater into the sea below sea level
Wikipedia - Submergent coastline -- Stretches of coast that have been inundated by the sea by a relative rise in sea levels from either isostacy or eustacy
Wikipedia - Submersible bridge -- Movable bridge that lowers the bridge deck below the water level to permit waterborne traffic to use the waterway
Wikipedia - Subpage -- Lower level page in a website
Wikipedia - Sumgilbar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Sun Newspapers -- Suburban Cleveland newspaper chain
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels -- 1986 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Supermax prison -- Most secure levels of custody in the prison systems of certain countries
Wikipedia - Superscalar processor -- CPU that implements instruction-level parallelism within a single processor
Wikipedia - Suppressive fire -- Weapons fire that degrades the performance of an enemy force below the level needed to fulfill its mission
Wikipedia - Sweet Track -- Ancient causeway in the Somerset Levels, England
Wikipedia - Switch-reference -- Any clause-level morpheme that signals whether certain prominent arguments in 'adjacent' clauses are coreferential
Wikipedia - SYCL -- Higher-level programming model for OpenCL
Wikipedia - Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - System on module -- A board-level circuit that integrates a system function in a single module
Wikipedia - Tabare Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tagali Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Talasea Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tamata Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tambov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tanir Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tapini Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tari Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Task-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Tatarstan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Taxation in the United States -- Taxes are imposed in the United States at each of levels; taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees
Wikipedia - Taxonomic rank -- Level in a taxonomic hierarchy
Wikipedia - Tazkiah -- Process of transforming the nafs (carnal self or desires) from its deplorable state of self-centrality through various spiritual stages towards the level of purity and submission to the Will of Allah
Wikipedia - Tcl -- High-level programming language
Wikipedia - Tebi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Technology readiness level
Wikipedia - Techno-thriller -- Thriller sub-genre with high level of technical detail
Wikipedia - Teesville -- Part of the unitary authority of Redcar and Cleveland, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Telecom Plus -- British multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Telefomin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Telexfree -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Template talk:Levels of technological manipulation of matter
Wikipedia - Terminal Tower -- Landmark skyscraper in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Tertiary education -- Advanced level of education, usually for adults
Wikipedia - Tetidu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - The Bruun Rule -- Formula for estimating the magnitude of shoreline retreat due to changes in sea level
Wikipedia - The Cat Who Came for Christmas -- 1987 book by Cleveland Amory
Wikipedia - The Cleveland Show -- American animated sitcom
Wikipedia - The Cobra Group -- Multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - The George Gund Foundation -- Private foundation based in Cleveland, Ohio, in the U.S.
Wikipedia - The Level, Brighton -- Park in Brighton, UK
Wikipedia - The Levelling -- 2016 film by Hope Dickson Leach
Wikipedia - Theory of two-level planning
Wikipedia - The Plain Dealer -- Major newspaper of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Silent Cartographer -- Level in the video game Halo: Combat Evolved
Wikipedia - The Tenth Level
Wikipedia - The Ultimate Dance Battle -- Dutch and Flemish dance competition for professional level choreographers and dancers
Wikipedia - Third Federal S&L -- American regional bank headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Thomas H. White -- Cleveland, Ohio industrialist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Thomas Jamieson -- A Scottish geologist, working principally on sea level and glacial rebound
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional chess -- Any of various chess variants that use multiple boards at different levels
Wikipedia - Three-level diamond interchange -- Type of highway interchange
Wikipedia - Threshold of originality -- Level of authorship required to claim copyright of a work
Wikipedia - Tianjin -- City and province-level municipality of China
Wikipedia - Tibet Area (administrative division) -- former province-level administrative division of China
Wikipedia - Tide gauge -- Device for measuring the change in sea level relative to a datum
Wikipedia - Tikana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tinputz Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tissue (biology) -- | Cellular organization level between cell and organ
Wikipedia - Tokarara-Hohola Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tomsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Top-level domains
Wikipedia - Top-Level Domain
Wikipedia - Top level domain
Wikipedia - Top-level domain -- Domain at the highest level of the DNS hierarchy
Wikipedia - Torokina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tower City station -- Rapid transit station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Town-Hanuabada Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Townships of China -- PRC township-level subdivision
Wikipedia - Transgogol Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tree fern -- Ferns that grow with a trunk elevating the fronds above ground level
Wikipedia - Tree house -- Platform or building constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level
Wikipedia - Trophic levels
Wikipedia - Tropical cyclone -- Rotating storm system with a closed, low-level circulation
Wikipedia - TRS-80 Level I BASIC
Wikipedia - TRS-80 Level II BASIC
Wikipedia - Tsak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tufi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tula Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tunap-Hunstein Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Turubu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tuva -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tver Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Two-level utilitarianism
Wikipedia - Tyumen Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Udmurtia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - UK National Tide Gauge Network -- Part of the National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Wikipedia - Ulyanovsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Umi-Atzera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Umi-Atzero Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Unavi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Undergraduate education -- Academic programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree
Wikipedia - Unggai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee) -- Monument in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - United States Department of Energy -- Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with U.S. policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material
Wikipedia - United States Department of the Interior -- Cabinet level department of the United States federal government
Wikipedia - United States national arena soccer team -- Indoor soccer team that represents the United States at international level
Wikipedia - Upazila -- Third-level administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Upper Asaro Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Benna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper-Lower Koronigl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Mendi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Usino Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - USS Cleveland (CL-55) -- Cleveland class light cruiser
Wikipedia - USS Cleveland (LCS-31) -- Littoral combat ship of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Value-level programming
Wikipedia - Vanimo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Vdigam Level -- Hip hop song
Wikipedia - Vectorman -- Multilevel platform video game series for Sega
Wikipedia - Vector Marketing -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Very high-level programming language
Wikipedia - VHS -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Video 2000 -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Village (United States) -- Administrative division at the local government level in the United States
Wikipedia - VI Reserve Corps (German Empire) -- Corps level command of the German Army
Wikipedia - ViSalus -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Vitamin B12 deficiency -- Disorder resulting from low blood levels of vitamin B12
Wikipedia - Vladimir Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vocational school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education needed for specific occupations
Wikipedia - Volgograd Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vologda Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Voronezh Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vunadidir-Toma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wabag Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wabag Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wade Park (Cleveland park) -- Park in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wafer-level package
Wikipedia - Wafer-level packaging -- Packaging an integrated circuit while still part of the wafer, or, bare dies that are used as integrated circuits without any packaging
Wikipedia - Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Waigani-University Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wain-Erap Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Waiye Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WAKS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland market radio station WAKS (96.5 FM)
Wikipedia - WAKS -- Contemporary hit radio station in Akron, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - Wakunai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WALI -- Radio station in Dayton-Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Wallens Ridge State Prison -- Level 5 state prison located in Big Stone Gap, Virginia, US
Wikipedia - Walsa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wampar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wantoat-Leron Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapenamanda Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapi-Yengis Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wards and electoral divisions of the United Kingdom -- Electoral districts at sub-national level represented by one or more councillors
Wikipedia - Waria Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wasu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Watabung Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Water level (device) -- Device used for matching elevations
Wikipedia - Water-level task
Wikipedia - Water level -- Elevation of the free surface of a stream, lake or reservoir relative to a specified vertical datum
Wikipedia - Watom Island Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Watut Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wau-Bulolo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wave setup -- The increase in mean water level due to the presence of breaking waves
Wikipedia - WCCD -- Radio station in Parma, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCPN -- Public radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCRF-FM -- Moody Radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCSB (FM) -- Radio station at Cleveland State University
Wikipedia - WDOK -- Adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WDSW-LP -- Low-power FM radio station at Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Welfare economics -- Use of microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
Wikipedia - WENZ -- Urban radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Weraura Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WERE -- Talk radio station in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - West Aitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Ferguson Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Kikori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Okapa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Pomio-Mamusi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Wapei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Yangoru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Islands Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WEWS-TV -- ABC affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WFHM-FM -- Contemporary Christian music radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WFLI-TV -- CW/MyNetworkTV affiliate in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WGAR-FM -- Country music radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WHK (AM) -- Talk radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WHKW -- Christian radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WHLK -- Adult hits radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:User access levels -- Wikipedia page describing different levels of user permissions
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/1 -- List of 10 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/2 -- List of 100 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 -- List of 10,000 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5 -- List of 50,000 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Willem Levelt
Wikipedia - Wilson Cleveland -- American actor, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Wiru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WJMO -- Urban gospel radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WJW (TV) -- Fox affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WKBF-TV -- Defunct TV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WKNR -- Sports radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WKRK-FM -- Sports radio station in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Wikipedia - WKYC -- NBC affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WLFM-LD -- LPTV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WMJI -- Classic hits radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WMMS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland radio station WMMS (100.7 FM)
Wikipedia - WMMS -- Rock radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WNCX -- Classic rock radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WNWV -- Alternative rock radio station in Elyria, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - Woitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - World 1-1 -- First level in Super Mario Bros.
Wikipedia - World Financial Group -- Multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure -- Technical standard for determining fuel consumption and level of emissions of vehicles
Wikipedia - WQAL -- Hot adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WQHS-DT -- Univision TV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WTAM -- Clear-channel news/talk radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WTNB-CD -- Class A TV station in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WUSY -- Radio station in Cleveland-Chattanooga, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WWGK -- Sports radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WXVT-LD -- CBS affiliate in Cleveland, Mississippi
Wikipedia - WZAK -- Urban adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - X-Level Studios -- Recording studio in Sweden
Wikipedia - Yabim-Mape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yagaria Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yaleyamba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yamil-Tamaui Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yangkok Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yapsie Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yaroslavl Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Yawar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yelia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yeshiva of Cleveland -- Orthodox yeshiva in Ohio
Wikipedia - Yonggomugl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Young Living -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Younique -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Yuat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yus Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Zabaykalsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - ZA Central Registry -- Non-profit that operates various second-level domains in South Africa
Wikipedia - Zarja Singing Society -- choral group based in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Zigbee -- IEEE 802.15.4-based specification for a suite of high-level communication protocols
Grover Cleveland ::: Born: March 18, 1837; Died: June 24, 1908; Occupation: 24th U.S. President;
Harlan Cleveland ::: Born: January 19, 1918; Died: May 30, 2008; Occupation: Diplomat;\
Goodreads author - Eddie_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Karen_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Maurice_Level
Goodreads author - Thacher_E_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Christena_Cleveland
Goodreads author - SmolkaFarm_Heroes_Saga_Cheatss_Level_40_93020_DVDR_Custom_NTSC_Espa5tilde_ol_Latino
Goodreads author - Simon_Cleveland,_Ohio's_collapsing_level,_Tennessee)'an#Levels_of_meaning
Kheper - levels_of_being -- 69
Kheper - Steiner-levels_of_self -- 52
Kheper - exoteric-esoteric-levels -- 64
Kheper - exoteric-esoteric-levels -- 52
Kheper - levels_of_self -- 62
Kheper - shocklevelanalysis -- 35
Kheper - levels -- 30
auromere - vedic-vak-four-levels-of-sound
auromere - vedic-vak-four-levels-of-sound
Integral World - Can you be at a level of development?, Edward Berge
Integral World - Four levels of the Informational Storehouse in the Self-Organizing Dynamical System of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Unholy Marriage of Red, Orange, and Blue Levels of Development in American Culture and Society, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Core concepts: DIE ZEHN EBENEN
Integral World - The Kohlberg-Wilber Fallacy, Part 2: Why your level of moral judgment does not predict your morality
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part I: Why We Do Not Recognize that Our Development is Fixated, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part 2: Ways Integral AQAL Supports the Thesis That Our Development is Fixated at an Early Developmental Stage, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - "Aperspectival Madness", Why and How AQAL Grossly Overestimates Your Level of Development, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Levels of Consciousness, by Ken Wilber (Greek)
Integral World - Ken Wilber Was Right: The Next Level Is Psychic, David Lane
Integral World - Core concepts: the ten levels
Integral World - Conveyor Belt or Escalator Going Down, What Drives the Cosmos at the Deepest Level?, Frank Visser
Avatar: The Many Levels of Pandora
How to Level Up Your Parenting
Power, Privilege, and Fragility: Leveling Up Our Conversations About Race and Racism
Today’s Next-Level Organizations
Trumps War Cabinet Drops a Developmental Level
selforum - highest level of critical scholarship
selforum - this supramental level is to be
selforum - inner awakening on psychological level
selforum - humans are capable of high levels of
dedroidify.blogspot - levels-of-consciousness-spiral-dynamics
dedroidify.blogspot - at-this-level
dedroidify.blogspot - cleveland-teens-missing-for-10-years
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Higher_levels_of_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_theory_(philosophy)#Levels_or_stages
Psychology Wiki - Level_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Changes_in_happiness_levels
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - levels-org-biology,_Ohio.svg
Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling (1985 - 1986) - Professional wrestling had been around long before television, but the mid-80s brought new levels of popularity to the much-maligned "sport." Due to the business savvy of Vince McMahon, pro wrestling became one of the most successful entertainment ventures in the world. Relying heavily on the "good...
Battletoads (1991 - 1991) - The Battletoads gained fame in their 1991 Nintendo game. The game featured pretty decent graphics for the time, and an insane difficulty level that made you want throw the controller at the TV. The cartoon, which came out shortly after the game, serves as a prequel and looks into how the toads becam...
Make the Grade (1989 - 1991) - Nickelodeon game show where contestants had to answer school questions for points and "graduate school" by winning the game. Contestants sat at red, green, and blue desks and had to answer question on a 7x7 game board. Grade levels from elementary school and grades 7-12 ran across the top and six ba...
The Cleveland Show (2009 - 2013) - The Cleveland Show is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Henry, and Richard Appel for the Fox Broadcasting Company as a spin-off of Family Guy. The series centers on the Browns and Tubbs, two dysfunctional families consisting of parents Cleveland Brown and Donna Tubbs...
WWF Wrestling Challenge (1986 - 1996) - Wrestling Challenge was the "B" show of the WWF's syndicated programming, behind WWF Superstars of Wrestling. The show was typical of televised wrestling fare of the era: Matches pitting top tier and mid-level talent vs. jobbers; pre-taped interviews with the WWF's roster of superstars; and promos f...
The Wire (2002 - 2008) - Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene. It starts as mid-level drug dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale beats a murder rap. After a conversation with a judge, Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint homicide and narcotics team, in order to bring down drug kin...
Turn A Gundam (1999 - 2000) - Gundam's "Big Bang" 20th Anniversary work, signifying creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's return to the Gundam franchise. The year is Correct Century 2345. The civilization of Earth is at about the level it was during World War I. Long ago, humanity traveled through space, but the people of Earth have long...
Superhost (1969 - 1989) - Superhost was the Saturday afternoon program block on WUAB Cleveland hosted by the late WUAB announcer/floor director Marty Sullivan.The show consisted of comedy skits,Three Stooges shorts,and two sci- fi movies.
Sonic Soldier Borgman (1988 - 1988) - AD 199X, Tokyo. Four giant meteorites appearing out of nowhere crash on the city, destroying much of it. Thirty years later, Tokyo has been completely rebuilt under the name of Megalocity, enojoying a high level of prosperity and technology. However, the city is often under attack from extradimensio...
Kappa Mikey (2006 - 2008) - Mikey Simon is a teenage actor from Cleveland, Ohio who wins a scratch-off card contest and a trip to Japan to star in the country's formerly popular anime series, LilyMu.
Inazuma Eleven (2008 - 2011) - Inazuma Irebun, lit. "Lightning Eleven") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tenya Yabuno based on a series of video games created by Level-5. The manga has been published by Shogakukan in CoroCoro Comic since the June 2008 issue. The manga series won the 2010 Kodansha Manga Award...
Master of Epic (2007 - Current) - a free Japanese MMORPG. It has not been released outside of Japan. It was adapted into an anime (Master of Epic: The Animation Age) by Gonzo and Palm Studio, and aired on TV Tokyo in 2007. Unlike many MMORPGs, Master of Epic has dispensed with levels and instead the player has an extensive list of s...
WJW-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - WJW-TV in Cleveland presently broadcasts 68 hours of locally produced newscasts each week.
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2011 - 2012) - (Japanese: AGE Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Eiji) is a 2011 Japanese science fiction anime television series and the twelfth installment in Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise. The series was first announced in the July issue of Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic, and has gaming company Level-5...
Good Morning America (1975 - Current) - ABC News' weekday morning morning news and talk show. The show first launched in 1975 as AM America as a competitor to NBC's "Today". After failing, ABC looked to station WEWS in Cleveland who were airing a show called The Morning Exchange and re-branded their program as Good Morning America. The sh...
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (2007 - Current) - Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy a single contestant must answer ten questions from between first and fifth grade textbook levels for a chance to win $1,000,000. Each contestant can get help from answering questions from a student classmate. If the contestant gets a question wrong or chooses to end the gam...
Battletoads (1991 - 1991) - The Battletoads gained fame in their 1991 NES game. The game featured pretty decent graphics for the time, and an insane difficulty level that made you want throw the controller at the TV. The cartoon, which came out shortly after the game, serves as a prequel and looks into how the toads became who...
Hickory Hideout (1981 - 1991) - 1980's Cleveland, Ohio based live action children's show that featured humans, and puppets, tackling children's issues of that era. Actress Kathryn Hahn("Crossing Jordan") got her start on this show.
A Christmas Story(1983) - Picture it, Cleveland Ohio in the 1940's. What does every young boy want? You can safely assume it's not a video game system. No, it's a Red Rider BB Gun, the prefered weapon of every wild west imaginary hero. And Ralphie is no different than any other boy. But while his head is in the clouds thinki...
The Last Dragon(1985) - A young man searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. Along the way he must fight an evil martial arts expert and an rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed musi
Carlito's Way(1993) - Carlito's Way is a tale of a former hood trying to escape his former life. Al Pacino is Carlito Brigante, a high-level Puerto Rican drug dealer sprung from a three-decade jail sentence after only five years, thanks to a technicality and his sleazy, cocaine-addled lawyer, Dave Kleinfeld (Sean Penn)....
Major League II(1994) - Those Cleveland Indians are at it again! After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! First, though, they have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team. Also, has Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn lost his edge? Are Ja...
Nightmares(1983) - Four tales of horror including an escaped psychopath on the run while a housewife is taking a trip to the market, a teenage arcade whiz attempting to reach the 13th level to a mysterious arcade game, a priest questioning his faith and being encountered by a demonic truck, and a suburban family with...
Michael Jordan to the Max(2000) - Michael Jordan was the most famous, most honored, and probably the greatest professional basketball player of his generation, an athlete whose intelligence, charisma, and dazzling on-court skill helped earn his game a new level of popularity and won Jordan a record six NBA title rings. Michael Jorda...
Spanish Judges(1999) - One day Jack (Matthew Lillard) shows up at the antiques-laden warehouse apartment of Max (Vincent D'Onofrio) and Jamie (Valeria Golino), two ruthless low-level criminals with higher aspirations than the two-bit thieving they do now. Jack insists he's Max's brother, but Jamie, whose hobby is collecti...
House 3: The Horror Show(1989) - Detective Lucas McCarthy finally apprehends "Meat Cleaver Max" and watches the electric chair execution from the audience. But killing Max Jenke only elevated him to another level of reality. Now Lucas' family is under attack, his sanity in question, and his house haunted. Aided by a disreputable co...
Slums of Beverly Hills(1998) - Being young is tough on many levels, but for Vivian Abromowitz (Natasha Lyonne), things are especially strenuous. It's 1976 and she and her family have moved to Beverly Hills, but not the glamorous Beverly Hills that everyone is familiar with. The reason for the constant moving is because her parent...
The Star Chamber(1983) - The justice system is in very bad condition, or so an idealistic judge named Steven Hardin (Michael Douglas) believes. He eventually comes across a group of judges who take the concept of the kangaroo court to a deadly level.
Funny About Love(1990) - Everybody has a biological clock ticking away and one man's is about to go off. Famed political cartoonist Duffy Bergman has just found the love of his life in gourmet chef, Meg Lloyd. After they marry, they find that love isn't enough and want to take things to a new level as the couple try to ha...
An Eye For An Eye(1981) - Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) lost his partner when he was murdered. It drove him so crazy that he was let go from the force. Continuing his narcotics work off the force, he finds that violence goes to very high levels.
Basic Training(1985) - Melinda (Ann Dusenberry) is a lower-level worker at the Pentagon. She uses her feminine wiles (and other things) to help improve the government and even relations with other countries.
Critical Condition(1987) - Eddie Lenahan (Richard Pryor) is faking it on many levels. He's been framed for a jewel-related crime, and to avoid jail, he pretends to be insane. He's then taken to a hospital and, during a blackout, he ends up pretending to be a doctor. With an oddball staff and criminals in the hospital, Lenahan...
Man Bites Dog(1992) - Woah! This film is so darkly comical it's set a higher level for films to work at. This movie actually won an oscar in the cannes film festival and was said to be probably the best film o
Memoirs of an Invisible Man(1992) - Chevy Chase stars, though not always visibly, as Nick Halloway, a low-level businessman with an acerbic approach to life and work, whose humdrum existence utterly bores him. Nick gets an unexpected jolt of excitement when, nursing a hangover, he's the only one not to evacuate an office building that...
Money Talks(1997) - A low-level criminal and a struggling newsman become unlikely partners in this comedy. Franklin Hatchett (Chris Tucker) is a fast-talking hustler who runs a small time ticket-scalping business. A TV news story by reporter James Russell (Charlie Sheen) brings Franklin's business to the attention of t...
Going My Way(1944) - Youthful Father Chuck O'Malley led a colorful life of sports, song, and romance before joining the Roman Catholic clergy, but his level gaze and twinkling eyes make it clear that he knows he made the right choice. After joining a parish, O'Malley's worldly knowledge helps him connect with a gang of...
Broken(2006) - The aspirant singer Hope leaves Cleveland to Los Angeles expecting to succeed in the career of rock-and-roll singer. She meets the funny Will on the beach and they fall in love for each other. However, Will addicts Hope in heroin, destroying her dreams. Later, Hope escapes from Will, trying to put h...
Down Twisted(1987) - When a levelheaded waitress decides to help her shady friend against her better judgment, she becomes a target of a deadly international gang of thieves who are after a priceless San Lucas' relic. A bumbling stranger helps her.
WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3(2002) - When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal conne...
F.I.S.T(1978) - A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall.
Gorky Park(1983) - A Moscow police officer investigates a vicious triple homicide and stumbles upon a high-level international political conspiracy.
Ghost in the Shell (2017)(2017) - In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified t...
WALL-E(2008) - In the year 2805, a robot known as the Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth class(WALL-E) is left on his daily duties having to clean a desolate Earth, after the mass consumerism by the Buy-N-Large megacorporation polluted the planet to uninhabitable levels and humans were forced to evacuate. One day,...
Destination Moon(1950) - One of the first science fiction films to attempt a high level of accurate technical detail tells the story of the first trip to the moon.
xXx: State of the Union(2005) - xXx: State of the Union, released as xXx: The Next Level outside the United States and Canada, is a 2005 action film directed by Lee Tamahori. It is a sequel to the 2002 film xXx (pronounced "triple x"). The film was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbi
Made(2001) - Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Manic(2001) - Lyle Jensen is subject to sudden and violent outbursts, and he is committed to the juvenile wing of the Northwood Mental Institution. Several other youths are there with a variety of serious problems. Lyle interacts with other patients and staff on a human, and sometimes not so human level. The psyc...
Jumanji: The Next Level(2019) - Based on the book "Jumanji" by Chris Van Allsberg. Three years after Welcome to the Jungle, the same group of teenagers, along with an old friend and two unwitting additions, become trapped in Jumanji. There, they all find themselves facing new problems and challenges with both old and new avatars,...
The Angry Birds Movie 2(2019) - Three years after the first film, the flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next level when a new foe named Eagle is tired of being on his own island and wants to take the island of the Pigs and the Birds. In North America the short "Hair Love" was shown in theaters before... -- Comedy, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Arrested Development ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20032019) -- Level-headed son Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making his job unbearable. Creator:
A Shock to the System (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 23 March 1990 (USA) -- When you think you're at the top of the corporate ladder and then discover they have managed to pull that ladder away, sometimes you have to take it upon yourself to "level" the playing ... S Director: Jan Egleson Writers:
Beautiful Boy (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 4 November 2011 (Brazil) -- A married couple on the verge of separation are leveled by the news their 18-year-old son committed a mass shooting at his college, then took his own life. Director: Shawn Ku Writers:
Bessie (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Movie 16 May 2015 -- The story of legendary blues performer Bessie Smith, who rose to fame during the 1920s and '30s. Director: Dee Rees Writers: Dee Rees (screenplay), Christopher Cleveland (screenplay) | 3 more
Blast of Silence (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 17min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 17 August 1962 -- Blast of Silence Poster A hired killer from Cleveland has a job to do on a second-string mob boss in New York. But a special girl from his past, and a fat gun dealer with pet rats, each gets in his way. Director: Allen Baron Writers: Allen Baron (screenplay), Waldo Salt (narration written by) (as Mel Davenport)
Boss Level (2020) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 34min | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 5 March 2021 (USA) -- A retired special forces officer is trapped in a never ending time loop on the day of his death. Director: Joe Carnahan Writers: Chris Borey (screenplay by), Eddie Borey (screenplay by) | 3 more
Chicago Fire ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Drama | TV Series (2012 ) -- The story of firefighters in Chicago, both on a personal and professional level Creators: Derek Haas, Michael Brandt
Cleveland Abduction (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 28min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 2 May 2015 -- A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken captive by Castro. Director: Alex Kalymnios Writers:
Designated Survivor ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162019) -- A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession. Creator:
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19941997) A crass, womanizing duck works as a private eye with his level-headed pig sidekick, all the while raising a family as a single dad. Creators: Everett Peck, Gabor Csupo, Arlene Klasky | 5 more credits Stars:
Find Me Guilty (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 17 March 2006 (USA) -- In the late 1980s, a low level gangster named Jackie DiNorscio defends himself in court in what became the longest criminal trial in American judicial history. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers:
F.I.S.T. (1978) ::: 6.5/10 -- F.I.S.T (original title) -- F.I.S.T. Poster A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Joe Eszterhas (story), Joe Eszterhas (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Friends with Benefits (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy, Romance | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- A young man and woman decide to take their friendship to the next level without becoming a couple, but soon discover that adding sex only leads to complications. Director: Will Gluck Writers:
Gorky Park (1983) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 16 December 1983 (USA) -- A Moscow police officer investigates a vicious triple homicide and stumbles upon a high-level international political conspiracy. Director: Michael Apted Writers: Martin Cruz Smith (based upon the novel by), Dennis Potter (screenplay by) Stars:
Hot in Cleveland ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20102015) -- Three 40-something best friends from Los Angeles are flying to Paris when their plane makes an emergency landing in Cleveland. Realizing that all the norms from Los Angeles don't apply anymore, they decide to celebrate a city that values real women and stay where they're still considered hot.
Jimmy's Hall (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 May 2014 (UK) -- During the Depression, Jimmy Gralton returns home to Ireland after ten years of exile in America. Seeing the levels of poverty and oppression, the activist in him reawakens and he looks to re-open the dance hall that led to his deportation. Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 13 December 2019 (USA) -- In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to rescue one of their own, the players will have to brave parts unknown from arid deserts to snowy mountains, to escape the world's most dangerous game. Director: Jake Kasdan Writers:
Kill the Irishman (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 11 May 2012 (Mexico) -- The true story of Danny Greene, a tough Irish thug working for mobsters in Cleveland during the 1970's. Director: Jonathan Hensleigh Writers: Jonathan Hensleigh (screenplay), Jeremy Walters (screenplay) | 1 more
Koroshiya 1 (2001) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 22 December 2001 (Japan) -- As sadomasochistic yakuza enforcer Kakihara searches for his missing boss he comes across Ichi, a repressed and psychotic killer who may be able to inflict levels of pain that Kakihara has only dreamed of achieving. Director: Takashi Miike Writers:
Lethal Weapon ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20162019) -- A slightly unhinged cop is partnered with a veteran detective trying to maintain a low stress level in his life. Creator: Matthew Miller
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group. Director: Jon Favreau Writer: Jon Favreau
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Major League (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Comedy, Sport | 7 April 1989 (USA) -- The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her. Director: David S. Ward (as David Ward) Writer:
Miracle Workers ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A comedy set in the offices of Heaven Inc. When God plans to destroy the Earth, two low-level angels must convince their boss to save humanity. They bet him they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love. Creator:
Niagara (1953) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Film-Noir, Thriller | February 1953 (USA) -- As two couples are visiting Niagara Falls, tensions between one wife and her husband reach the level of murder. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Charles Brackett, Walter Reisch | 1 more credit
Of Mice and Men (1939) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Adventure, Drama | 12 January 1940 (USA) -- A mentally disabled giant and his level headed guardian find work at a sadistic cowboy's ranch in depression era America. Director: Lewis Milestone Writers: John Steinbeck (by), Eugene Solow (screen play) Stars:
Salvation ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20172018) -- An MIT grad student and a tech superstar bring a low-level Pentagon official a staggering discovery--that an asteroid is just six months away from colliding with Earth. Creators:
Scott & Bailey ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112016) Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives. Creators: Sally Wainwright, Diane Taylor Stars:
State of the Union (1948) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 2h 4min | Comedy, Drama | 30 April 1948 (USA) -- An industrialist is urged to run for President, but this requires uncomfortable compromises on both political and marital levels. Director: Frank Capra Writers: Howard Lindsay (play), Russel Crouse (play) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 14 August 2019 (USA) -- The flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next level. Directors: Thurop Van Orman, John Rice (co-director) Writers: Peter Ackerman (screenplay by), Eyal Podell (screenplay by) | 1 more
The Baby of Mcon (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 2min | Drama, History | 17 September 1993 (UK) -- A movie about the corruption in all levels of society. A baby is born from a supposed-to-be virgin woman, so a chain of hysteria about divine intervention in the birth takes place. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway Stars:
The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama | 27 June 1973 (USA) -- After his last crime has him looking at a long prison sentence for repeat offenses, a low level Boston gangster decides to snitch on his friends to avoid jail time. Director: Peter Yates Writers:
The Last Dragon (1985) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Action, Comedy, Drama | 22 March 1985 (USA) -- In New York City, a young man searches for a Master to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the Glow. Director: Michael Schultz Writer: Louis Venosta
The Platform (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- El hoyo (original title) -- The Platform Poster -- A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. Only one food platform and two minutes per day to feed. An endless nightmare trapped in The Hole. Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia Writers:
Zindagi Gulzar Hai ::: 42min | Romance | TV Series (20122013) A school teacher was left by her husband with her 3 daughters and marries another women for the sake of getting a male child. The story focuses on gender biasness and the difference between the classes in terms of the affluence level. Stars: Sanam Saeed, Fawad Khan, Samina Peerzada,_the_halogens_(AS)'s_Guide_(Leveling),_Icha_Love_shimasu.'s_Highway_(Level)'s_and_Up,_Jr.'s_Level_Packs,_Hell,_and_Secret_Cow_Levels's_Vengeace_6_-_Posted_by_PortugueseHero_(SMF2_Level_Editor)'s_Level's_Arcane_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Caustic_Poison_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Elemental_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_95_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_95_Crate)'s_Hemotoxin_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Noxious_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Trauma_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_95_Crate)'Ntasi's_Mantle_(Level_65)'Ntasi's_Mantle_(Level_70)'s_Underground_2:Leave_level_boundries!_GX_Next_Level!_GX_Next_Level_-_Nameless_Rhapsody's_Monstrosity_Level_Guide,_Chant,_Prayer,_Awaken't_Always_Go_Your_Way,_and_Try_Not_to_Laugh's_Footsteps's_Footsteps?'s_Overcome_this_Together's_Sword_-_Lacerate_('s_Guild,_Life,_and_Spirit's_Guide_For_Jumping_The_Levels've_Been_Killing_Slimes_For_300_Years_And_Maxed_Out_My_Level_(Anime),_Shiranai_Uchi_ni_Level_Max_ni_Nattemashita_(Manga),_Shiranai_Uchi_ni_Level_Max_ni_Nattemashita_(Novel)'s_Dungeon's_Souls!_(Part_1)'s_Souls!_(Part_2)'s_Red_Gate_Incident,216's_My_Water?,_Jr.,_level_51),_level_71),_level_14),_level_5),_level_61),_level_71),_level_81)
Accel World -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Romance School -- Accel World Accel World -- Haruyuki Arita is an overweight, bullied middle schooler who finds solace in playing online games. But his life takes a drastic turn one day, when he finds that all his high scores have been topped by Kuroyukihime, the popular vice president of the student council. She then invites him to the student lounge and introduces him to "Brain Burst," a program which allows the users to accelerate their brain waves to the point where time seems to stop. Brain Burst also functions as an augmented reality fighting game, and in order to get more points to accelerate, users must win duels against other players. However, if a user loses all their points, they will also lose access to Brain Burst forever. -- -- Kuroyukihime explains that she chose to show Haruyuki the program because she needs his help. She wants to meet the creator of Brain Burst and uncover the reason of why it was created, but that's easier said than done; to do so, she must defeat the "Six Kings of Pure Color," powerful faction leaders within the game, and reach level 10, the highest level attainable. After the girl helps Haruyuki overcome the bullies that torment him, he vows to help her realize her goal, and so begins the duo's fight to reach the top. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 612,411 7.30
A-Channel+smile -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 2 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- A-Channel+smile A-Channel+smile -- Following the everyday lives of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi. -- -- Mountain of Pancakes -- Kitou-sensei injures her hand during class and has to deal with it while Tooru brings cat Tansan to school with her to meet Yutaka and Miho. Later, the girls decide to get pancakes at a café where Miho happens to be working, facing trouble when Yutaka shows up out of the blue. -- -- A Picture of a Wish -- Yuuko catches a cold so the others pay her a visit and help look after her. Later, the girls get together for the New Year's shrine visit. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 20,185 7.12
Akiba's Trip The Animation -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi -- Akiba's Trip The Animation Akiba's Trip The Animation -- Otaku siblings Tamotsu and Niwaka Denkigai are shopping in Akihabara when it is overrun by vampiric cosplaying monsters! These creatures, known as "Bugged Ones," can possess anyone they bite and soon they begin causing mayhem across the city. As Tamotsu finds himself at the mercy of one of these creatures, he is rescued by the mysterious baseball bat-wielding Matome Mayonaka. Together, they fight through several more encounters with the Bugged Ones, but before long, Tamotsu is fatally wounded protecting Matome. With no other choice, she revives him as a high level Bugged One—just like her! -- -- Tamotsu and Matome, along with excitable otaku cosplayer Arisa Ahokainen, make up the group "The Electric Mayonnaise" and they begin dispatching the Bugged Ones in the only way they know how: by ripping off their clothes and exposing them to sunlight! -- -- 116,298 6.54
Akiba's Trip The Animation -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi -- Akiba's Trip The Animation Akiba's Trip The Animation -- Otaku siblings Tamotsu and Niwaka Denkigai are shopping in Akihabara when it is overrun by vampiric cosplaying monsters! These creatures, known as "Bugged Ones," can possess anyone they bite and soon they begin causing mayhem across the city. As Tamotsu finds himself at the mercy of one of these creatures, he is rescued by the mysterious baseball bat-wielding Matome Mayonaka. Together, they fight through several more encounters with the Bugged Ones, but before long, Tamotsu is fatally wounded protecting Matome. With no other choice, she revives him as a high level Bugged One—just like her! -- -- Tamotsu and Matome, along with excitable otaku cosplayer Arisa Ahokainen, make up the group "The Electric Mayonnaise" and they begin dispatching the Bugged Ones in the only way they know how: by ripping off their clothes and exposing them to sunlight! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 116,298 6.54
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- In the year 2039, the drastic effects of global warming have caused sea levels to rise, resulting in major loss of land. To ensure humanity learns its lesson, a fleet of powerful warships equipped with advanced weaponry emerges, causing overwhelming defeat for naval forces throughout the world. Calling themselves the Fleet of Fog, each ship has a "Mental Model," a humanoid avatar which represents the ship's heart, its "Union Core." Each model has a different personality but all follow an unknown authority known as the Admiralty Code, who have implemented a blockade to prevent humans from traveling across the sea. -- -- Seventeen years after the blockade, Gunzou Chihaya, a National Marine Academy alumnus, stumbles upon I-401 and its Mental Model, Iona, who sides with mankind for unknown reasons. Utilizing this newfound hope of achieving peace for humanity, Gunzou and his friends form a group of privateers, known as the Blue Steel, as they set out on a dangerous journey. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 133,603 7.39
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- -- SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- Recap of the Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova TV series, with approximately 40 minutes of new material. -- -- By 2039, global warming had caused sea levels to rise and large amount of territory to be lost. As though in response, a mysterious group of warships clad in mist, "the Fleet of Mist," appeared in every corner of the ocean, and began attacking human ships. In spite of humanity mustering all their strength, they were utterly defeated by the Mist's overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes were blockaded by the Fleet of Mist, their political economy was destroyed, and the human race was steadily beaten down. Seven years later, the Fleet of Mist's submarine I-401 appears before cadet Gunzo Chihaya. The humanoid life form that pilots the sub, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 31, 2015 -- 23,000 7.44
Baby Steps 2nd Season -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Shounen -- Baby Steps 2nd Season Baby Steps 2nd Season -- After having decided to play tennis at the professional level, Eiichirou Maruo now needs to convince his parents to support his decision. To do so, he makes a wager: if he cannot win the All-Japan Junior Tennis Tournament, he will give up on his dream. However, he will need to improve his skills quickly if he wants to qualify for the tournament and have any chance of defeating the best players in the country. For this reason, his new coach Ryuuhei Aoi suggests that Eiichirou travel abroad to train at the Florida Tennis Academy. -- -- Baby Steps 2nd Season takes the action to America as Eiichirou begins his two-week training program, getting a taste of what tennis is like outside of Japan. With this exciting experience awaiting him, Eiichirou hopes that his training will get him closer to his goal of becoming a professional player. -- -- 77,606 8.05
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- Fumizuki Academy isn't a typical Japanese high school. This unique institution has implemented a new and innovative system to sort its students. At the end of their freshman year, students take a test that divides up the student body. The highest scorers are placed into A class, all the way down until F class, for the lowest of the low. -- -- Unfortunately for Akihisa Yoshii, his supposedly "great" intellect wasn't quite enough for such a test, and he's now stuck at the bottom of F class. Naturally, F class has the worst facilities: not only rotten tatami mats and broken tables, but also outdated equipment and worn out furniture. On the bright side, his friend Yuuji Sakamoto is in the same class, and to everyone's surprise, the genius girl Mizuki Himeji has also ended up in the same class due to an unforeseen fever on the day of the test. -- -- Unsatisfied with their perquisites, F class rallies behind Yuuji, determined to take on the higher-tiered classes in order to seize their perks by using the school's Examinations Summon Battle system. The participants can summon fantasy characters—whose power levels are equal to their student's test scores—in an all-out battle. Will F class be able to rise to the top, or will they live up to everyone's expectations and fail? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 542,160 7.58
Blame! -- -- Group TAC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Blame! Blame! -- The story takes place in a city where it's said that has thousands of levels. -- -- In a shutdown area, thousands of levels overlap each other, you couldn't tell the sky from the ground and you couldn't tell which way is up or which way is down. Maybe the original purpose of this story is to unravel the mysteries bound in this time and world. For the humans who found this vast rare multi-level city, the mysterious main character "Kirii" wanders to search for the "Net Terminal Genes" that were not infected. Kirii's burden and his search for the "Net Terminal Genes" is a goal like no other and is very much the mystery of this story. Log1~Log6 contains the story of Cibo that wasn't done in the original works. The Cibo who strayed away with Kirii and wanders about. A disc thrown away in the rubble. Cibo starts downloading. Just who's "Memory" will he end up with? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: These clips are meant as a bonus to the manga, and should only be taken as such. Do not expect any plot in these. They are merely animated (short) scenes from the manga. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- ONA - Oct 24, 2003 -- 26,099 5.97
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Blame! Prologue -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Blame! Prologue Blame! Prologue -- Based on the manga Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu, serialised in Monthly Afternoon. -- -- In a city that is said to have thousands of levels, making it impossible to tell the sky from the ground, the mysterious Killy wanders the bizarre and foreboding levels of this mega-structure, where the boundaries between machine and living organism have been obscured. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 7, 2007 -- 8,844 5.46
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 -- After a mysterious eathquake levels Tokyo, Genom becomes a powerful influence providing their artificial organic lifeforms called Boomers to rebuild and act as a labor class to humanity. However, some of them ocasionally run amok, and even the specially created AD Police are at a loss to stop them. Lina Yamazaki travels to Tokyo for employment but also hopes to join a vigilante force called the Knight Sabers, who pilot powered suits to destroy these rogue Boomers. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 31,326 7.10
Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch -- -- Zexcs -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch -- Kamikura Hiroki is an art student at the local school Nadesico Academy (High School and college level) whom intends to be an art teacher in the future. He is also the advisor to the high school arts society where his cousin, Housen Elis, attends. While Elis is a painter like Hiroki, Hiroki seems to have given up on his dreams and no longer paints. There appears to be some mysterious trauma in the both of their pasts which may have changed them. Meanwhile, the high school hires a new PE teacher, Kikyo Kiri. On the first day, she bumps into Hiroki and is stunned. Here is the boy she confessed to and he refused her... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 2, 2005 -- 24,663 6.77
Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Demons Hentai Sci-Fi Super Power -- Choukou Tenshi Escalayer Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- Sayuka Kouenji, is the Escalayer, guardian of the Earth against the dark forces of the Dielast. By her side is the android Madoka, and it is Madoka's job to track and recharge the source of Sayuka's power, the Doki Doki Dynamo. Located within Sayuka's body, the Doki Doki Dynamo can only be recharged when Sayuka experiences a high level of sexual arousal which, until recently, Madoka has been able to provide her. With unacceptably low energy levels facing them, Madoka brings in the assistance of Kyohei Yanase, a boy from Sayuka's school. Kyohei once harboured a crush for Sayuka, and his sexual prowess could not have come sooner. For now arrayed against these three defenders of the Earth is the Dielast version of the escalayer, the FM77, who is ruthless in combat, and brimming with violent desire. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Sep 27, 2002 -- 9,733 6.53
Coppelion -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Coppelion Coppelion -- In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received. The Self Defense forces dispatch three girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation? -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 2, 2013 -- 107,782 6.48
Coppelion -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Coppelion Coppelion -- In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received. The Self Defense forces dispatch three girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation? -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- TV - Oct 2, 2013 -- 107,782 6.48
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological -- Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen -- After Makoto Naegi and his fellow survivors escaped Hope's Peak Academy to the world beyond, they soon join the Future Foundation, an organization dedicated to combating despair. Just when all seems to be looking up, Naegi is arrested and tried for betrayal due to defending a malicious group of Remnants of Despair. Standing before all of the Future Foundation executives, he finds himself, along with Kyouko Kirigiri and Aoi Asahina, facing an unknown fate. -- -- The matter at hand only escalates when the organization's supposedly impenetrable security is hacked into by a -- familiar face: Monokuma. Much to Naegi's horror, the mechanical bear immediately announces the beginning of a new killing game, as moments later, the first victim appears as a signal for despair to resume its brutal conquest. -- -- In the conclusion to Danganronpa's gripping tale of hope and despair, Naegi, the Super High School-Level Lucky Student, must once again unravel the mystery as his colleagues and friends begin falling around him. However, there are no more class trials; among the 16 desperate participants, there is only one killer—and their death means the end of this infernal game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 269,450 7.33
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- -- Lerche -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- Hope's Peak Academy's unconventional class 77-B is about to have an even more eccentric addition: Chisa Yukizome, an alumna with the title of Super High School-Level Housekeeper—and their new homeroom teacher. Cheerful, passionate, and capable, Chisa immediately sets about correcting the students' problematic behavior and strengthening their relationships. It may not be easy dealing with diverse pupils ranging from princesses and nurses to yakuza and impossibly lucky students, but anything is possible with the power of hope. -- -- Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, an unremarkable boy from the school's Reserve Course, longs for a talent. One day, he has an unexpected meeting with class 77-B's Super High School-Level Gamer Chiaki Nanami, who presents to him a new, hope-filled outlook on life. However, unbeknownst to him, the school's upper echelon is about to execute a sinister project centered around Hajime that will bring Hope's Peak—and the rest of the world—to its knees. -- -- Zetsubou-hen chronicles the daily lives carried out at the talent-cultivating academy, and the darkness that lurks beneath. As despair slowly infects hope, plans are put into motion to start the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History, and the end begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 239,647 7.47
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- -- Lerche -- 13 eps -- Game -- Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- Hope's Peak Academy is an elite high school that accepts only the most talented students. Individuals who successfully enroll receive their own unique titles, suitably reflective of their skills and traits. Of the fifteen candidates admitted to the peculiar school that year, Makoto Naegi is a completely ordinary individual who has been accepted by sheer chance, with the title of "Super High School-Level Luck." -- -- Naegi and his fellow classmates are initially ecstatic to be chosen to study at this prestigious institution, but these feelings of happiness are short-lived. They are soon confronted by Monokuma, the principal and resident bear, who traps them inside the school. The pupils' hopes of escape and graduation hinge on one of them successfully murdering one of their peers without being discovered. However, if the killer is caught, he or she will be executed, and the remaining survivors will be left to continue the deathmatch until only a single victor remains. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 724,543 7.27
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Harem -- Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- Ichirou Suzuki, a programmer nearing his thirties, is drowning in work. Worn out, he eventually has a chance to catch up on sleep, only to wake up and discover himself in a fantasy RPG world, which is mashed together from the games he was debugging in reality. In this new place, he realizes that not only has his appearance changed to a younger version of himself, but his name has also changed to Satou, a nickname he used while running beta tests on games. -- -- However, before Satou can fully grasp his situation, an army of lizardmen launch an assault on him. Forced to cast a powerful spell in retaliation, Satou wipes them out completely and his level is boosted to 310, effectively maximizing his stats. Now, as a high-leveled adventurer armed with a plethora of skills and no way to return to reality, Satou sets out to explore this magical new world. -- -- 350,234 6.51
Diamond no Ace -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace Diamond no Ace -- With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. Encouraged by his teammates, Eijun accepts the offer, ready to improve his skills and play at a much more competitive level of baseball. -- -- However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster. With the addition of these talented new players to an already powerful lineup, the Seidou baseball team aims to become the best in Japan, facing off against a number of formidable foes that stand in their way. -- -- 188,213 8.11
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage -- -- David Production -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Seinen -- Dogs: Bullets & Carnage Dogs: Bullets & Carnage -- It is sometime in the future, where a certain European city extends far underground, even secret, dark levels that have the key to the past. Ex-assassin Mihai has returned and is living with Kiri, who now runs a restaurant. Sword-wielding Naoto, Haine (white hair), a mysterious product of genetic engineering and his sometime partner Badou (eyepatch). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - May 19, 2009 -- 56,156 7.34
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi School Shounen Supernatural -- Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- Five years ago, alien beings known as the "Kiseichuu'' invaded the world. With the species endangered, the Kiseichuu are determined to take over Earth through a deadly plan that would gradually wipe out the human race: take away humanity's sexual drive using various methods, letting them die out. In response to the Kiseichuus' scheme, the HxEros device was developed—a powerful weapon that only those with high levels of erotic energy can utilize at its maximum capacity. -- -- Retto Enjou, a high schooler harboring an immense hatred toward the Kiseichuu, joins a group of HxEros users to fight against them and protect humankind. With their gear reliant on erotic energy as a source of power, the team must work together to maintain high levels of libido to ensure their readiness for combat at any given time. Moreover, as he lives in a house full of lustful girls, Enjou should not expect a shortage of power anytime soon. -- -- 85,308 5.73
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi School Shounen Supernatural -- Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- Five years ago, alien beings known as the "Kiseichuu'' invaded the world. With the species endangered, the Kiseichuu are determined to take over Earth through a deadly plan that would gradually wipe out the human race: take away humanity's sexual drive using various methods, letting them die out. In response to the Kiseichuus' scheme, the HxEros device was developed—a powerful weapon that only those with high levels of erotic energy can utilize at its maximum capacity. -- -- Retto Enjou, a high schooler harboring an immense hatred toward the Kiseichuu, joins a group of HxEros users to fight against them and protect humankind. With their gear reliant on erotic energy as a source of power, the team must work together to maintain high levels of libido to ensure their readiness for combat at any given time. Moreover, as he lives in a house full of lustful girls, Enjou should not expect a shortage of power anytime soon. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 85,308 5.73
Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- -- Signal.MD -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- When a dragon fails to live up to the fearsome standards set for him, his family kicks him out. He embarks on a quest to find a new home, but soon finds that life on the road is no place for a cowardly beast of legend. In a fantasy world full of elves, dwarves, and other mythical creatures, where everyone wants a piece of him—literally!—the frustrations of house-hunting reach a whole new level. -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,266 5.90
Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- It is said that every few years, there is what's known as the "Summer of Anu." During that summer, thanks to the divine protection of the sky-god Anu, all of the demons in the tower lose their power. The country of Uruk has begun an invasion of the tower in order to suppress the demons. They've built up positions inside the tower, with their sights set on getting to the upper levels. The Uruk army knows that this is the third Summer of Anu-a perfect time to launch a mission to suppress the monster Druaga once and for all. The army soldiers aren't the only ones in the tower, though. An enitre city called Meskia has formed inside the tower's first floor. It plays host not just to soldiers, but also to adventurers who have heard rumors about a legendary treasure called the Blue Crystal Rod, which is said to rest at the very top of the tower. With all these different groups in the mix, each with its own agenda, one can only guess how things will play out during this unusual summer. -- -- (Source: Newtype Magazine) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2008 -- 105,591 7.18
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II -- It is business as usual in the massive city of Orario, where legions of adventurers gather to explore the monster-infested "Dungeon." Among them is the easily flustered yet brave Bell Cranel, the sole member of the Hestia Familia. With the help of his demi-human supporter Liliruca Arde and competent blacksmith Welf Crozzo, Bell has earned the title of Little Rookie by becoming Orario's fastest-growing adventurer thanks to his endeavors within the deeper levels of the Dungeon. -- -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II continues Bell's adventures as he tries to bring glory to his goddess and protect those he cares about. However, various familias and gods across the city begin to take notice of his achievements and attempt to add him to their ranks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 537,542 7.23
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- -- Shaft -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- After defeating the various Floor Masters of the six prior levels, Hakuno Kishinami and Saber arrive at the top floor of the Moon Cell. Their opponent will be Leonardo B. Harwey—the strongest Master in the history of the Holy Grail War and the current fan favorite, following his previous victory. -- -- As they reach a field of flowers among floating isles, Hakuno, Saber, and Rin Toosaka come across a hooded man tending to the blossoms. Saber immediately draws her blade before the cloaked figure, who reveals himself as Prince Gawain: the Platinum Saber and Knight of the Round Table. However, when Gawain insists that he has no interest in fighting, the four discuss the infinite possibilities for the Holy Grail, with Hakuno determined to return the Moon Cell to its original form. -- -- Their discussion ends with a clangor from afar, ringing through the skies. The threadbare Gawain, knowing its significance, informs the three that not much time remains for their lives. He beckons them towards the final battleground, where the two Sabers shall duel once more to determine the future of mankind. -- -- TV - Jul 29, 2018 -- 48,706 6.54
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! -- Tatsuko of class 5-1 is really excited about the upcoming school sports festival, her proposal for a new "Eel Scooping" event is less than enthusiastically received though, especially by Suzuka. Illya mentions the main event dance to Miyu, and as teacher Taiga Fujimura points out, it entails a huge reward, but will require quite a bit of practice. -- -- And so the close friends: sarcastic Nanaki, level-headed Suzuka, excitable Tatsuko, energetic Illya, shy Mimi, and reserved but athletic Miyu are off to win the dance event for the honour of their class and for Fujimura, who seems to have some saucy bet going on that she most definitely needs to win, or so the girls misunderstand. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Mar 10, 2014 -- 43,046 6.72
Free!: Dive to the Future -- -- Animation Do, Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama School Slice of Life Sports -- Free!: Dive to the Future Free!: Dive to the Future -- With the seniors having graduated from high school, the determined swimmers eagerly take on their futures with a dream to fulfill. -- -- Now attending Hidaka University in Tokyo, Haruka Nanase unexpectedly runs into Shiina Asahi, an old teammate and friend from his middle school days. Consequently, the troubling memories regarding his middle school swim team resurface, as it was a time when Haruka's views on swimming became negative and led him to quit the team. Haruka later reconnects with his other middle school classmates; all except for Ikuya Kirishima, who still resents Haruka for quitting the team, resulting in its disbandment. Aware of the issues between them, Haruka resolves to improve his friendship with Ikuya. However, he quickly realizes that making amends with an old friend isn't his only obstacle. -- -- Facing the reality and challenges of encountering higher calibre swimmers, Haruka must work hard to establish himself if he dreams of competing on an international level. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,137 7.58
GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- The Ayanoi High School features the Geijutsuka Art Design Class (GA) that focuses on the arts. Five close friends — the energetic "hime"-prankster Noda Miki; the level-headed, cynical Nozaki Namiko; the intelligent, observant, and kind Oomichi Miyabi; the lively and mischievous tomboy Tomokane; and the curious, innocent, glasses-wearing Yamaguchi Kisaragi — attend this class with great enthusiasm, learning about the many art techniques. Every day seems to pose a new and interesting challenge, be it struggling with the latest assignment or when dealing with the daily strangeness of school life. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jul 7, 2009 -- 17,651 7.14
.hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- An intense battle rages on at the Tokyo Qualifiers for the three remaining spots in the national volleyball competition. Nekoma High School, Fukurodani High School, Nohebi Academy, and Itachiyama Academy all passionately strive to participate in the tournament. Despite various issues on the court, Nekoma especially wishes to prove they are worthy of moving on to the national level. -- -- As the teams aim to secure their place by overcoming both their opponents and their own weaknesses, the Tokyo Qualifiers determine which teams will reign victorious and join the national competition. -- -- OVA - Jan 22, 2020 -- 175,515 7.81
Haikyuu!! Second Season -- -- Production I.G -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!! Second Season Haikyuu!! Second Season -- Following their participation at the Inter-High, the Karasuno High School volleyball team attempts to refocus their efforts, aiming to conquer the Spring tournament instead. -- -- When they receive an invitation from long-standing rival Nekoma High, Karasuno agrees to take part in a large training camp alongside many notable volleyball teams in Tokyo and even some national level players. By playing with some of the toughest teams in Japan, they hope not only to sharpen their skills, but also come up with new attacks that would strengthen them. Moreover, Hinata and Kageyama attempt to devise a more powerful weapon, one that could possibly break the sturdiest of blocks. -- -- Facing what may be their last chance at victory before the senior players graduate, the members of Karasuno's volleyball team must learn to settle their differences and train harder than ever if they hope to overcome formidable opponents old and new—including their archrival Aoba Jousai and its world-class setter Tooru Oikawa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 954,913 8.70
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- 107,557 7.79
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,557 7.79
Hundred -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Romance Ecchi Mecha School -- Hundred Hundred -- When an extraterrestrial organism known as "Savage" attacks mankind, the only technology capable of combating the enemy is a weapon known as “Hundred.” A survivor of a Savage attack, Hayato Kisaragi is a teenager boasting the highest compatibility level with the aforementioned technology and as a result, is invited to master his skills at Little Garden, a prestigious military academy aboard a battleship. -- -- Over the course of his intense training for the battle ahead, he immediately attracts the interest of multiple female peers and gets drawn into a number of incidents as he tries to fight against the creatures that now inhabit Earth and threaten its safety. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 284,732 6.35
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Magic -- Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- When it comes to the fantasy MMORPG Cross Reverie, none can match the power of the Demon King Diablo. Possessing the game's rarest artifacts and an unrivaled player level, he overpowers all foolish enough to confront him. But despite his fearsome reputation, Diablo's true identity is Takuma Sakamoto, a shut-in gamer devoid of any social skills. Defeating hopeless challengers day by day, Takuma cares about nothing else but his virtual life—that is, until a summoning spell suddenly transports him to another world where he has Diablo's appearance! -- -- In this new world resembling his favorite game, Takuma is greeted by the two girls who summoned him: Rem Galeu, a petite Pantherian adventurer, and Shera L. Greenwood, a busty Elf summoner. They perform an Enslavement Ritual in an attempt to subjugate him, but the spell backfires and causes them to become his slaves instead. With the situation now becoming more awkward than ever, Takuma decides to accompany the girls in finding a way to unbind their contract while learning to adapt to his new existence as the menacing Demon King. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 470,797 6.95
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- After an enthusiastic invitation from her friend, Kaede Honjou reluctantly agrees to try New World Online: a very popular VRMMO played by thousands of people across Japan. Naming her in-game character Maple, she sets out on her journey. As a complete novice to such games, she allocates all of her stat points into vitality, desiring to not get hurt. With not a single point in any other stat, Maple has extraordinarily high defense, but she can't move quickly or hit hard. -- -- This doesn't end badly for her, however. Due to her high defense, Maple acquires overpowered skills such as Total Defense, Poison Immunity, and Devour. These skills, along with the incredibly powerful items she obtains, allow her to obliterate most enemies in a single hit. After only a few days of playing the game, Maple claims third place in a server-wide event, gaining a reputation as a player who is both unkillable and absurdly powerful. -- -- Despite her overpowered character, Kaede has much to learn. As she progresses through the game, she meets new friends and acquaintances, helping her complete new levels and events. Through all of her adventures, she may even pick up some other crazy skills that exceed all expectations. -- -- 302,524 7.57
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- After an enthusiastic invitation from her friend, Kaede Honjou reluctantly agrees to try New World Online: a very popular VRMMO played by thousands of people across Japan. Naming her in-game character Maple, she sets out on her journey. As a complete novice to such games, she allocates all of her stat points into vitality, desiring to not get hurt. With not a single point in any other stat, Maple has extraordinarily high defense, but she can't move quickly or hit hard. -- -- This doesn't end badly for her, however. Due to her high defense, Maple acquires overpowered skills such as Total Defense, Poison Immunity, and Devour. These skills, along with the incredibly powerful items she obtains, allow her to obliterate most enemies in a single hit. After only a few days of playing the game, Maple claims third place in a server-wide event, gaining a reputation as a player who is both unkillable and absurdly powerful. -- -- Despite her overpowered character, Kaede has much to learn. As she progresses through the game, she meets new friends and acquaintances, helping her complete new levels and events. Through all of her adventures, she may even pick up some other crazy skills that exceed all expectations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 302,524 7.57
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- 89,990 7.65
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 89,990 7.65
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- The anime's story is set in 2027, one year after the end of the fourth non-nuclear war. New Port City is still reeling from the war's aftermath when it suffers a bombing caused by a self-propelled mine. Then, a military member implicated in arms-dealing bribes is gunned down. -- -- During the investigation, Public Security Section's Daisuke Aramaki encounters Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg wizard-level hacker assigned to the military's 501st Secret Unit. Batou, a man with the "eye that does not sleep," suspects that Kusanagi is the one behind the bombing. The Niihama Prefectural Police detective Togusa is pursuing his own dual cases of the shooting death and a prostitute's murder. Motoko herself is being watched by the 501st Secret Unit's head Kurutsu and cyborg agents. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 22, 2013 -- 53,787 7.46
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such technology, leading to new and sometimes, very dangerous crimes. In response to such innovative new methods, the Japanese Government has established Section 9, an independently operating police unit which deals with such highly sensitive crimes. -- -- Led by Daisuke Aramaki and Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9 deals with such crimes over the entire social spectrum, usually with success. However, when faced with a new A level hacker nicknamed "The Laughing Man," the team is thrown into a dangerous cat and mouse game, following the hacker's trail as it leaves its mark on Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 1, 2002 -- 332,809 8.44
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- -- Millepensee -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- The day is as normal as it can be in high school as the students peacefully go about their everyday activities until an unprecedented catastrophe strikes the school, killing every person in its wake. Guided by what seems to be a miracle, a handful of students are fortunate enough to be reincarnated into another world as nobles, princes, and other kinds of people with prestigious backgrounds. -- -- One girl, however, is not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider of the weakest kind, she immediately experiences the hardships of her dire situation. Even so, she must press on to survive the numerous threats that endanger her life. Discovering that her new world has a system like that of an RPG, she tries her best to hunt prey and defeat monsters to level up and evolve. As she gradually grows stronger, she hopes one day her efforts will be rewarded, and that she will be granted a better life. -- -- 182,578 7.26
Level E -- -- David Production, Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Level E Level E -- Tokyo-born schoolboy Yukitaka Tsutsui is moving to Yamagata Prefecture for high school on a baseball scholarship. Since he went to the top middle school in Japan for baseball, the townsfolk are very excited about his arrival. However, when he arrives in his apartment, he encounters a strange man nonchalantly reading and wearing his clothes! The stranger claims to be an alien who crash-landed on Earth and has nowhere to go. Revealing himself to be Baka Ki El Dogra, the crown prince of the planet Dogra, he is just one of the hundreds of aliens that have already made Earth their home. -- -- Despite his regal origins, the prince is an infamous intergalactic fool who thinks nothing of inconveniencing others for his own amusement. Whether he is running ridiculous tests on his subordinates, giving strange powers to random children, or just generally being a nuisance, nobody is safe from the idiot prince's antics! -- -- TV - Jan 11, 2011 -- 82,693 7.45
Major S3 -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S3 Major S3 -- Having bid farewell to his former teammates at Kaido High School's baseball club, Gorou Honda returns to his hometown eager to continue playing. Attending a new high school proves to be more difficult than he initially expected, as Tetsufumi Egashira's merciless slandering of his name prevents Gorou from being accepted into any school with an existing baseball team. -- -- Left with no other options, Gorou joins Seishuu High School, where his childhood friend Kaoru Shimizu also attends. However, Seishuu has always been an all-girls school until two years ago, so there is not yet a dedicated men’s baseball team. -- -- But nothing will stop Gorou in his pursuit of Koshien. He must now create a baseball team from scratch with the seven male students at Seishuu, but all of them are complete amateurs! He decides to train the incompetent team up to nationally competitive levels, but such a feat is easier said than done. Will Gorou once again perform miracles? Or will he give up on achieving his goal of defeating Kaido with his own team? -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2007 -- 57,739 8.26
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- 402,347 7.33
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 402,347 7.33
Master of Epic: The Animation Age -- -- Gonzo, Palm Studio -- 12 eps -- Game -- Fantasy Game Comedy -- Master of Epic: The Animation Age Master of Epic: The Animation Age -- Over millions of years, there have been many ages - war, gods, and future to name a few. Each of these was infinitely less exciting than the current Animation Age! In this RPG-esque existence, becoming stronger is paramount to one's survival and leveling up is a must. From pacifists to news casting, from fishing woes to love advice, there's nothing the Animation Age can't show or teach us about life in a game world! Armed with healing spells, changes of clothes and plenty of summoned familiars, the characters of Master of Epic will do what it takes to level up and live to fight another day! -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- TV - Jan 8, 2007 -- 1,687 6.05
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- MD Geist II: Death Force -- -- Zero-G Room -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- MD Geist II: Death Force MD Geist II: Death Force -- After unleashing the Death Force machines all over the planet Jerra, Geist has kept himself busy by dismantling them one by one. But now he faces a formidable opponent in the form of Krauser, another M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier) who has aligned himself as the only savior of mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 1, 1996 -- 6,817 5.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- Vandread: Taidou-hen -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Vandread: Taidou-hen Vandread: Taidou-hen -- Vandread The First Stage (season one) was immediately followed up by this TV special. This TV special, also known as Vandread Taidouhen Stage (The Movement Stage) was a recap of the first 13 episodes with additional footage. So, Vandread Taidouhen is not really a bridge between Vandread The First Stage and Vandread The Second Stage (season two). It was made to bring new viewers up to date as to what happened during the first season -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 21, 2001 -- 6,833 6.79
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 90,395 6.87
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 90,395 6.87
Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo (TV) Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- There are eleven girls that consist the C-class Ongaku Shoujo idol unit under Pine Records. Despite generating red sales marks and not being very popular, Producer Ikebashi and the members are trying their very best to up their levels. Nevertheless, Ikebashi suggests recruiting a new member for Ongaku Shoujo; someone who can act as a catalyst for the success of the group. Thus, an audition was opened, leading to the soon-to-be legendary group's meeting to a girl named Hanako. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 13,134 5.95
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
Quanzhi Fashi II -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Magic Fantasy School -- Quanzhi Fashi II Quanzhi Fashi II -- After defeating Yu Ang at the cost of revealing his lightning element, Mo Fan has been granted seven days to train in the Underground Holy Spring, where it is said that one can greatly increase their power level. -- -- However, Mo Fan's training is abruptly cut short when fierce monsters mysteriously appear all around Bo City, something which should be impossible given the city’s border defenses. An emergency is declared, and Mo Fan is tasked with delivering the Underground Holy Spring—now condensed into a small bottle—to a special refuge zone that is protected from the havoc in the city. -- -- The path there is long, dangerous, and riddled with bloodthirsty beasts. To worsen matters, the malicious Black Order threatens to halt his advance. How will Mo Fan stop the sacred spring from falling into the wrong hands? -- -- ONA - Sep 15, 2017 -- 47,397 6.73
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Ryuu no Haisha -- -- Khara -- 2 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Ryuu no Haisha Ryuu no Haisha -- War rages between two neighboring countries, but one side has an ace up their sleeve: an ancient dragon bound by a pact to protect the nation. Despite these overpowering creatures being capable of leveling entire battlefields, they are rendered useless by cavities. And so, a special unit—the dragon dentists—has the important duty of caring for the dragon's teeth. -- -- Nonoko Kishii was the only one of many brave volunteers who survived a recent round of recruitment; in order to join the dragon dentists, one has to witness their future demise and accept it without a fight. Knowing the exact circumstances of their fated ends, the dragon dentists devote themselves to their work. One day, they gain a new member who did not undergo the test: Bernard "Bel" Octavius, a young enemy officer killed by his own men and revived by the dragon's teeth. Despite his appearance being an omen of a great disaster, he is placed under the care of Nonoko as a dentist-in-training. Will Bel come around to the dragon dentists' attitudes toward death and help them face the painful future that is to come? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Feb 18, 2017 -- 35,602 7.42
Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Game Slice of Life -- Ryuuou no Oshigoto! Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- Shogi, a Japanese game similar to chess, is one of the most popular board games in the country, played by everyone from children to the elderly. Some players are talented enough to take the game to a professional level. The title of Ryuuou, meaning "the dragon king," is only awarded to the person who reaches the pinnacle of competitive shogi. -- -- Yaichi Kuzuryuu has just become the youngest Ryuuou after winning the grand championship. However, the shogi community is unwelcoming to his victory, some even calling him the worst Ryuuou in history. Moreover, he forgets about the agreement he made with Ai Hinatsuru, a little girl he promised to coach if he won. After she shows up at his doorstep, he reluctantly agrees to uphold his promise and makes Ai his disciple. -- -- Together, they aim to improve and exceed the limits of their shogi prowess: Ai, to unlock her hidden talents; Yaichi, to prove to the world that he deserves his accomplishments. -- -- 140,877 6.90
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, VIZ Media -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Sakamoto Desu ga? -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Sakamoto Desu ga? Sakamoto Desu ga? -- Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 571,751 7.58
Saki Zenkoku-hen -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life School -- Saki Zenkoku-hen Saki Zenkoku-hen -- Saki Miyanaga, along with the rest of Kiyosumi High School's mahjong team, proceeds to the national level of the Interhigh Mahjong Championship. However, reaching the top will prove difficult as she faces opponents on par with and, quite possibly, exceeding her skills. Even so, she refuses to back down, vowing to stop at nothing to fulfill her goal: to see her sister face-to-face once more. -- -- 29,673 7.42
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- 383,578 7.53
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 383,578 7.53
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Sidonia no Kishi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Sidonia no Kishi Sidonia no Kishi -- After destroying Earth many years ago, the alien race Gauna has been pursuing the remnants of humanity—which, having narrowly escaped, fled across the galaxy in a number of giant seed ships. In the year 3394, Nagate Tanikaze surfaces from his lifelong seclusion deep beneath the seed ship Sidonia in search of food on the upper levels, only to find himself dragged into events unfolding without his knowledge. -- -- When the Gauna begin their assault on Sidonia, it's up to Tanikaze—with the help of his fellow soldiers and friends Shizuka Hoshijiro, Izana Shinatose, and Yuhata Midorikawa—to defend humanity's last hope for survival, and defeat their alien foes. Sidonia no Kishi follows Tanikaze as he discovers the world that has been above him his entire life, and becomes the hero Sidonia needs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 11, 2014 -- 200,208 7.68
Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- Suddenly dying from overwork, salarywoman Azusa Aizawa finds herself before an angel, who allows her to reincarnate into a new world as an immortal witch, where she spends her days killing slimes for money on an otherwise eternal vacation. But even the minimal experience points from slimes will add up after hundreds of years, and Azusa discovers that she accidentally reached the maximum level! Fearing that her strong abilities will attract work and force her back to a life of overexertion, she decides to hide her strength in order to preserve her peaceful lifestyle. -- -- Despite her efforts, tales of the max level "Witch of the Plateau" spread across the land, and a proud dragon named Raika shows up looking to test their strength against her. Even though Azusa defeats and befriends Raika, problems arise as both friends and foes come looking for the secluded witch. -- -- 116,142 7.31
Sol Bianca -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Sol Bianca Sol Bianca -- Five female pirates pilot the Sol Bianca, a starship with a higher level of technology than any other known. With it, they seek out riches, such as the Gnosis, an legendary item of power, and pasha, the most valuable mineral in the galaxy. Along the way, they must consider a stowaway's quest to save the one he loves, and seek revenge against those that have wronged them. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1990 -- 4,975 6.34
Strike Witches OVA -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Ecchi Magic Military Sci-Fi -- Strike Witches OVA Strike Witches OVA -- In 1939, after the world has been devastated by an invasion of the "Neuroi"—alien war machines of unknown origin—humanity continues to struggle in an uneven fight. With no conventional arms able to pierce through the aliens' hardy armor, resistance forces spare no expense in their search for a way to level the playing field. -- -- Eventually, the so-called "Striker Unit" is designed—a state-of-the-art device utilizing the innate magical powers of young girls and turning them into deadly weapons. The women who are now gathering from all around the world to fight for the survival of the human race are known as "Witches," with the 501st Joint Fighter Wing—the "Strike Witches"—standing at the forefront of the deadly conflict. -- -- OVA - Jan 1, 2007 -- 23,841 6.28
Sword Art Online -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online Sword Art Online -- In the year 2022, virtual reality has progressed by leaps and bounds, and a massive online role-playing game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is launched. With the aid of "NerveGear" technology, players can control their avatars within the game using nothing but their own thoughts. -- -- Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed "Kirito," is among the lucky few enthusiasts who get their hands on the first shipment of the game. He logs in to find himself, with ten-thousand others, in the scenic and elaborate world of Aincrad, one full of fantastic medieval weapons and gruesome monsters. However, in a cruel turn of events, the players soon realize they cannot log out; the game's creator has trapped them in his new world until they complete all one hundred levels of the game. -- -- In order to escape Aincrad, Kirito will now have to interact and cooperate with his fellow players. Some are allies, while others are foes, like Asuna Yuuki, who commands the leading group attempting to escape from the ruthless game. To make matters worse, Sword Art Online is not all fun and games: if they die in Aincrad, they die in real life. Kirito must adapt to his new reality, fight for his survival, and hopefully break free from his virtual hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 2,331,007 7.23
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 94,726 7.64
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Toaru Kagaku no Railgun -- The student-filled Academy City is at the forefront of scientific advancement and home to the esper development program. The seven "Level 5" espers are the most powerful in Academy City, and ranked third among them is middle schooler Mikoto Misaka, an electricity manipulator known as "The Railgun." -- -- When strange incidents begin occurring throughout the city, she finds each crime to be connected to the elusive "Level Upper," a legendary device that allegedly increases the esper level of its user. As the situation escalates, it becomes apparent that there is more to the Level Upper than meets the eye, and that Academy City may be a far more twisted place than the glamorous utopia it appears to be. -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun focuses on Mikoto and her friends—and the dangerous situations they find themselves in—as they get caught up in the matter of the Level Upper. As Mikoto says, "There's never a dull moment in this city." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 480,015 7.71
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- Continuing after the Level Upper incident, another phenomenon torments Misaka. A phenomenon called "Someone's Watching," its effect feels like the electricity in one's body flow backwards. With the help of her friends, Misaka fights against the unknown enemy. -- OVA - Sep 26, 2010 -- 58,235 7.47
Toaru Majutsu no Index III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Magic -- Toaru Majutsu no Index III Toaru Majutsu no Index III -- Touma Kamijou can't catch a break. After the invasion of Academy City, political tensions continue to rise as both the science and magic factions collide head on. It appears that Academy City intends to declare war against the Roman Catholic Church, consequently plunging the whole world into global warfare. Touma soon finds himself on the front lines once again, striving to protect his friends and allies. -- -- Toaru Majutsu no Index III serves as the last installment of the original franchise as Touma, Accelerator, and the true Level 0 Shiage Hamazura continue their separate journeys, leading up to the final act of the original light novel series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 183,688 6.76
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- 64,777 5.88
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,777 5.88
WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Police Mecha -- WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal connection to Hata. The only hope to stop this threat is to cooperate with the military and lead WXIII into a showdown with the Labors of Special Vehicle Division 2. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Maiden Japan -- Movie - Mar 30, 2002 -- 9,619 6.74
Yakitate!! Japan -- -- Sunrise -- 69 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Yakitate!! Japan Yakitate!! Japan -- While countries such as France, England, and Germany all have their own internationally celebrated bread, Japan simply does not have one that can match in reputation. -- -- Thus after discovering the wonders of breadmaking at a young age, Kazuma Azuma embarks on a quest to create Japan's own unique national bread. And being blessed with unusually warm hands that allow dough to ferment faster, Azuma is able to bring his baking innovations to another level. -- -- As he begins working at the prestigious Japanese bakery chain, Pantasia, Azuma encounters other talented bakers and experiences firsthand the competitive world of baking. Along with his newfound friends and rivals, Azuma strives to create new and unparalleled bread that will start a baking revolution. -- -- TV - Oct 12, 2004 -- 81,617 7.95
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume -- -- Creators in Pack, LEVELS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume -- Third season of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki. -- 9,021 6.29"Cleveland_and_Hendricks_Committee"_Ribbon,_ca._1884_(4359958732).jpg,_17th_century_-_The_Annunciation_-_1955.73_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_Bavaria_(possibly_Prufening_or_Augsburg),_13th_century_-_Leaf_from_a_Psalter(?)-_Annunciation_(recto);_Leaf_from_a_Psalter-_Nativity_-_1951.447_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_Nara_Period_-_Head_of_Bodhisattva_-_1982.264_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_series_C-_Liberal_Arts,_28)_-_1924.432.28_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif
1973 Kecskemt level crossing disaster
1994 Cleveland Indians corked bat incident
2001 Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland
2004 Kyrgyzstan Second Level
2005 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2005 Kyrgyzstan Second Level
2006 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2007 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2019 Cleveland Challenger Doubles
2019 Cleveland Challenger Singles
2020 Cleveland Challenger Doubles
2020 Cleveland Challenger Singles
2020 UK GCSE and A-Level grading controversy
7th Level
99 Levels to Hell
Aaron Cleveland
.ac (second-level domain)
Action level
Acute Exposure Guideline Levels
Advanced level mathematics
Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
Al Cleveland
Alfred Cleveland Blumenthal
Alfred Cleveland Weed
Altered level of consciousness
Ambient noise level
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Inc. v. Hydrolevel Corp.
Ank Bijleveld
Anneke Levelt Sengers
Another Level
Another Level (Another Level album)
Another Level (group)
Application-level gateway
Archdeacon of Cleveland
Arthur Cleveland Bent
Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Article-level metrics
se Kleveland
Asiatown, Cleveland
Association for Preserving Liberty and Property against Republicans and Levellers
Astragalus clevelandii
Audio leveler
Authorized Bootleg: Live Agara Ballroom Cleveland, Ohio
Author-level metrics
Automotive Safety Integrity Level
A Whole New Level of Sickness
Background level
Bacon Level, Alabama
Barbara Cleveland
Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland
Base level
Bedford Level Corporation
Bedford Level experiment
BellairePuritas, Cleveland
Benjamin Cleveland
Big Levels salamander
Bijleveld (Westfalen)
Bilevel optimization
Bilevel rail car
Bill Cleveland
Biosafety level
Biosafety Level 4 Zoonotic Laboratory Network
Birmingham Snow Hill to Wolverhampton Low Level Line
Bit-level parallelism
Black level
Blackpool North and Cleveleys (UK Parliament constituency)
Blood lead level
Blood-oxygen-level-dependent imaging
Blood sugar level
Bloomeria clevelandii
Bombardier BiLevel Coach
Bombardier MultiLevel Coach
Boss Level
Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge
British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd
Burlington Heights, Cleveland
Caldicot and Wentloog Levels
Call Level Interface
Calvary Cemetery (Cleveland)
Campeonato Acreano (lower levels)
Campeonato Brasiliense (lower levels)
Campeonato Mineiro (lower levels)
Cape Cleveland
Carlton in Cleveland
Carol Cleveland
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Cleveland, Ohio)
Central, Cleveland
CentralMid-Levels escalator
Central YMCA (Cleveland, Ohio)
Chalk Level
Charles Cleveland
Charles Cleveland Nutting
Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Cleveland
Charles G. Cleveland
ChattanoogaClevelandDalton, TNGAAL Combined Statistical Area
Chauncey Fitch Cleveland
Children's Museum of Cleveland
Chinatown, Cleveland
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Church of the Covenant (Cleveland)
Circuit-level gateway
City Club of Cleveland
CityMusic Cleveland
City of Cleveland
Clark's level
Cleveland (30 Rock)
Cleveland Abbe
Cleveland Abbe Jr.
Cleveland Abbott
Cleveland, Alabama
Cleveland Amory
Cleveland and Copeland
Cleveland and Whitby (UK Parliament constituency)
Cleveland A. Newton
Cleveland Apollo
Cleveland Arcade
Cleveland (automobile)
Cleveland Bailey
Cleveland Baker
Cleveland Ballet
Cleveland Ballet (disambiguation)
Cleveland Barons
Cleveland Barons (19371973)
Cleveland Barons (20012006)
Cleveland Barons (NHL)
Cleveland Bay
Cleveland Bay (Queensland)
Cleveland Bearcats
Cleveland Blues
Cleveland Blues (NL) all-time roster
Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur
Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company
Cleveland Brown
Cleveland Brown Jr.
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Browns Radio Network
Cleveland Browns relocation controversy
Cleveland Bruell Insurance
Cleveland Buckeyes
Cleveland Bulldogs
Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport
Cleveland Bypass
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Cavaliers draft history
Cleveland Cavaliers Radio Network
Cleveland Centre, Middlesbrough
Cleveland child abuse scandal
Cleveland Circle
Cleveland Circle and Reservoir
Cleveland City Council
Cleveland City Stars
Cleveland-class cruiser
Cleveland Classic
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Akron General
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
Cleveland Clinic fire of 1929
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
Cleveland Cobras
Cleveland commuter rail
Cleveland Court Apartments 620638
Cleveland Cram
Cleveland crime family
Cleveland Cripple Survey
Cleveland Crunch
Cleveland Cultural Gardens
Cleveland CycleWerks
Cleveland Daily Banner
Cleveland Diesel Engine Division
Cleveland (disambiguation)
Cleveland Division of Fire
Cleveland Division of Police
Cleveland Dyke
Cleveland East Ledge Light
Cleveland East Ohio Gas explosion
Cleveland Eaton
Cleveland E. Dodge Jr.
Cleveland Elites
Cleveland EMS
Cleveland, England
Cleveland Feast of the Assumption Festival
Cleveland, Florida
Cleveland Force
Cleveland Force (197888)
Cleveland Forest Citys
Cleveland Free Times
Cleveland Fusion
Cleveland, Georgia
Cleveland Gladiators
Cleveland Golf
Cleveland Hall (Nashville, Tennessee)
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Cleveland Hill, New York
Cleveland Hills
Cleveland Hoadley Dodge
Cleveland Home for Aged Colored People
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Cleveland Hungarian Museum
Cleveland Hustles
Clevelndia do Norte
Cleveland, Illinois
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Indians (disambiguation)
Cleveland Indians (NFL 1931)
Cleveland Indians Radio Network
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
Cleveland Institute of Music
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland International Piano Competition
Cleveland International Records
Cleveland in the American Civil War
Cleveland Jaybirds
Cleveland Jewish News
Cleveland Jr. Barons
Cleveland Junior Naval Academy
Cleveland, Kansas
Cleveland Landmarks Commission
Cleveland Lewis
Cleveland Line
Cleveland Live!
Cleveland Mall
ClevelandMarshall College of Law
Cleveland Masonic Temple
Cleveland M. Bailey
Cleveland Memorial Shoreway
Cleveland Metro
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Cleveland metropolitan area, Tennessee
Cleveland Mine Engine House Number 3
Cleveland Miners' and Quarrymen's Association
Cleveland, Minneapolis
Cleveland, Minnesota
Cleveland, Mississippi
Cleveland, Missouri
Cleveland Monsters
Cleveland motorcycle
Cleveland Municipal Airport
Cleveland Municipal Airport (Mississippi)
Cleveland Municipal Airport (Texas)
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland National Air Show
Cleveland News
Cleveland Night Express
Cleveland, North Carolina
Cleveland, North Dakota
Cleveland, Oklahoma
Cleveland Open
Cleveland open-cup method
Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Orchestra discography
Cleveland Park
Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra
Cleveland Pioneer Cemetery
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland Point Light
Cleveland Police
Cleveland Pools
Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Cleveland Press
Cleveland Public Power
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland Quartet
Cleveland, Queensland
Cleveland Regional Jetport
Cleveland Robinson
Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rolling Mill
Cleveland Rosenblums
Cleveland Scene
Cleveland Spiders
Cleveland sports curse
Cleveland Square
Cleveland S. Rockwell
Cleveland Stadium
Cleveland Stars
Cleveland Street
Cleveland Street, London
Cleveland Street scandal
Cleveland Street Workhouse
Cleveland (surname)
Cleveland, Tennessee
Cleveland Terminal and Valley R. Co. v. Cleveland S. S. Co.
Cleveland Terminal Subdivision
Cleveland, Texas
Cleveland Thunderbolts
Cleveland Tigers
Cleveland Tigers (NFL)
Cleveland Torso Murderer
Cleveland Township
Cleveland Township, Michigan
Cleveland Township, Nebraska
Cleveland Traction Wars
Cleveland Trust Company Building
Cleveland Union Depot
Cleveland Unit
Cleveland University-Kansas City
Cleveland, Utah
Cleveland velodrome
Cleveland (village), Wisconsin
Cleveland vs. Harrison
Cleveland, Washington
Cleveland Watkiss
Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony
College Level Examination Program
College Now Greater Cleveland
Column level encryption
Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
Computerized Achievement Levels Test
Concrete leveling
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
.co (second-level domain)
Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries
Country code second-level domain
Country code top-level domain
Cross-Strait high-level talks
Crowne Plaza Cleveland at Playhouse Square
Cryptantha clevelandii
Cutler J. Cleveland
Cynthia Eloise Cleveland
Davis Cleveland
Dayeveningnight noise level
Day-night average sound level
Debt levels and flows
Deep-level transient spectroscopy
Deep-level trap
Degenerate energy levels
Demographics of Cleveland
Dennis Cleveland Stewart
Derived no-effect level
Destination Cleveland
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Company
Dialect levelling
Dialect levelling in Britain
Diplacus clevelandii
District Level Examination
District-level town (Vietnam)
Dodecatheon clevelandii
Don W. Cleveland
Dorion level crossing accident
Downtown Cleveland
Draft:End of Level Boss
Drive-level capacitance profiling
Duchess of Cleveland
Duke of Cleveland
Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns
Early Holocene sea level rise
East 4th Street District (Cleveland)
East Cleveland
East Cleveland, Ohio
East Cleveland, Tennessee
Economy of Greater Cleveland
E. E. Cleveland
Electoral district of Cleveland
Electronic system-level design and verification
E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front
Embedded Wafer Level Ball Grid Array
Energy level
Engineer's spirit level
Entity-level controls
Entry Level
Entry-level job
Equilibrium level
Error level analysis
Esther Cleveland
Euclid Avenue (Cleveland)
Eustachius de Leveland
Eustatic sea level
Evaluation Assurance Level
Extinction Level Event
Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God
Eye Level Learning
Fan-out wafer-level packaging
Faure level crossing accident
FBI Cleveland Field Office
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Cincinnati Branch
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Pittsburgh Branch
Fermi level
Field of Streams (The Cleveland Show)
Filesystem-level encryption
First inauguration of Grover Cleveland
First-level NUTS of the European Union
Flag of Cleveland
Flight level
Float (liquid level)
Focus Level
Focus level
Fountas and Pinnell reading levels
Four Level Interchange
Frances Cleveland
Frances Cleveland Axtell
Francis Cleveland
Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (low level)
Frederick Albert Cleveland
Frederick Cleveland Smith
Freezing level
Frog Level
Function-level programming
Gal Level
GCE Advanced Level
GCE Advanced Level in Sri Lanka
GCE Advanced Level (United Kingdom)
GCE Ordinary Level
GCE Ordinary Level in Sri Lanka
GCE Ordinary Level (United Kingdom)
General MIDI Level 2
Generic top-level domain
George Cleveland
George G. Cleveland
Glenville, Cleveland
Global Sea Level Observing System
Glossary of levelling terms
Governor Cleveland
Grand Prix Cleveland
Grand Prix of Cleveland
Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence
Gray level size zone matrix
Greater Cleveland
Greater Cleveland Aquarium
Greater Cleveland Film Commission
Greater Cleveland Open
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Greater Cleveland Sports Hall of Fame
Green Level, North Carolina
Ground level
Ground-level power supply
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland 1884 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland 1888 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland 1892 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland Alexander
Grover Cleveland Bergdoll
Grover Cleveland Birthplace
Grover Cleveland Golf Course
Guaranteed (Level 42 album)
Harry Powlett, 4th Duke of Cleveland
H. Augustus and Agnes Cleveland O'Dell House
Health Level 7
Health Level Seven International
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Height above ground level
Height above sea level
Hello Cleveland!
High- and low-level
High Level
High level
High Level Airport
High Level Architecture
High-level assembler
High level bombing
High Level Bridge (Edmonton)
High Level Bridge Streetcar
High-Level Conference on World Food Security
High-Level Data Link Control
High-level design
High-level equilibrium trap
High Level/Footner Lake Water Aerodrome
High-level language computer architecture
High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
High-level programming language
High-level radioactive waste management
High-level synthesis
High-level verification
High-level waste
High Sheriff of Cleveland
Hippodrome Theater (Cleveland, Ohio)
History of Cleveland
History of the Cleveland Browns
History of the Cleveland Indians
History of the Cleveland Rams
History of the Jews in Greater Cleveland
HMS Cleveland
Honeywell Level 6
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
Hong Kong Higher Level Examination
Hopkins, Cleveland
Horace Cleveland
Horkelia clevelandii
Hot air solder leveling
Hot in Cleveland
Hough, Cleveland
HP: To the Highest Level Na!
Humberhead Levels
I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
IBM High Level Assembler
Inauguration of Grover Cleveland
Instruction-level parallelism
Integrative level
Intel 5-level paging
Internationalized country code top-level domain
Invert level
Irish SecondLevel Students' Union
Item-level tagging
Jack Cleveland Casino
James Cleveland
James Colgate Cleveland
J. Cleveland Frug
J. D. Maarleveld
Jesse Franklin Cleveland
Jimmy Cleveland
Joaqun Pia Batllevell
John Cleveland
John Cleveley
John Cleveley the Elder
John Cleveley the Younger
Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
Joint Level Interface Protocol
Joke Bijleveld
Jonathan Cleveland
Jumanji: The Next Level
Kasganj level crossing disaster
KDPM (Cleveland)
Keystroke-level model
Knowledge level modeling
Lady Bird Cleveland
Langenweddingen level crossing disaster
Laser level
Lon Level
Level 0
Level 1
Level 10
Level 10 Comics
Level 16
Level 2
Level 26
Level 3
Level 3 Communications
Level 3 (Last Chance to Reason album)
Level3 (Perfume album)
Level 3 (TV series)
Level 4
Level 42
Level 42 (album)
Level 5
Level-5 Comcept
Level-5 (company)
Level 5 Judgelight
Level 7
Level 7 (novel)
Level (7) with Me
Level 9
Level 9 Computing
Level (airline brand)
Level ancestor problem
Level and incline running
Level C
Level Comics
Level control valve
Level Cross
Level crossing
Level Crossing Removal Project
Level crossing signals
Level crossings in the United Kingdom
Level E
Leveler (album)
Level Europe
Level Headed
Leveling and sharpening
Leveling effect
Leveling mechanism
Leveling seat
Leveling the Plane of Existence
Level (instrument)
Levelized cost of energy
Level junction
Levelland, Texas
Levelland UFO case
Levellers (band)
Levellers discography
Levelling (disambiguation)
Levelling the Land
Level (logarithmic quantity)
Level luffing crane
Level, Maryland
Level Mountain
Level (music)
Levelock Airport
Levelock, Alaska
Level of analysis
Level of consciousness (Esotericism)
Level of detail
Level of detail (computer graphics)
Level of effort
Level of invention
Level of measurement
Level of service
Level of service (transportation)
Level of support for evolution
Level, Ohio
Level One (The Eleventh House album)
Level Park-Oak Park, Michigan
Level Plains, Alabama
Level Plane Records
Level playing field
Level probe
Levels (Avicii song)
Level-sensitive scan design
Level sensor
Level set
Level set (data structures)
Level-set method
Level Seven (hacking group)
Level shifter
Levels of adequacy
Levels of identity security
Levels of Knowing and Existence
Levels of Processing model
Level-spacing distribution
Level staff
Level structure (algebraic geometry)
Level Studios
Level (The Raconteurs song)
Level Up
Level Up (American TV series)
Level Up (British TV series)
Level (video games)
Lhasa (prefecture-level city)
Lifted condensation level
Light level geolocator
Lightning activity level
Line level
List of Advanced Level subjects
List of animals representing first-level administrative country subdivisions
List of ATP Tour Top-level tournament singles champions
List of biosafety level 4 organisms
List of Cambridge International Examinations Advanced Level subjects
List of Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level subjects
List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP
List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP per capita
List of Cleveland Barons players
List of Cleveland Browns first-round draft picks
List of Cleveland Browns head coaches
List of Cleveland Browns starting quarterbacks
List of Cleveland Cavaliers head coaches
List of Cleveland Force (197888) players
List of Cleveland Indians first-round draft picks
List of Cleveland Indians managers
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL 1923) players
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL 1931) players
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL) players
List of Cleveland Indians owners and executives
List of ClevelandMarshall College of Law alumni
List of Cleveland Spiders managers
List of Cleveland Tigers (NFL) players
List of colleges and seminaries affiliated with the Church of God (Cleveland)
List of countries by level of military equipment
List of country second level subdivisions by area
List of country third-level subdivisions by area
List of current district-level leaders of Beijing
List of district-level subdivisions in Vietnam
List of federal judges appointed by Grover Cleveland
List of first-level administrative country subdivisions by nominal GDP per capita
List of Hot in Cleveland episodes
List of Internet top-level domains
List of Level 42 members
List of level crossing crashes
List of mass media in Cleveland
List of mayors of Cleveland
List of multi-level marketing companies
List of people from Cleveland
List of places on land with elevations below sea level
List of provincial-level governors in South Korea
List of references to Cleveland in popular culture
List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Cleveland
List of tallest buildings in Cleveland
List of The Cleveland Show characters
List of The Cleveland Show episodes
List of township-level divisions of Anhui
List of township-level divisions of Beijing
List of township-level divisions of Fujian
List of township-level divisions of Gansu
List of township-level divisions of Guangdong
List of township-level divisions of Guangxi
List of township-level divisions of Guizhou
List of township-level divisions of Hebei
List of township-level divisions of Heilongjiang
List of township-level divisions of Henan
List of township-level divisions of Jiangsu
List of township-level divisions of Jiangxi
List of township-level divisions of Jilin
List of township-level divisions of Liaoning
List of township-level divisions of Shandong
List of township-level divisions of Shanghai
List of township-level divisions of Shanxi
List of township-level divisions of the Tibet Autonomous Region
List of township-level divisions of Tianjin
List of township-level divisions of Xinjiang
List of township-level divisions of Zhejiang
List of West Indian first-level country subdivisions
Local-level governments of Papua New Guinea
Logic level
Logos and uniforms of the Cleveland Browns
London deep-level shelters
Loop-level parallelism
Lord Lieutenant of Cleveland
Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
Low Level Bridge
Low-level design
Low-level equilibrium trap
Low-level injection
Low-level laser therapy
Low Level Owl
Low Level Owl: Volume I
Low Level Owl: Volume II
Low-level programming language
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Site
Low-Level Reader Protocol
Low-level waste
Low Level Waste Repository
Low-level windshear alert system
Low light level television
LubbockLevelland combined statistical area
Luna Park, Cleveland
Made in Cleveland
Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Malacothrix clevelandii
Manufacturing readiness level
Maximum Contaminant Level
Membership levels of the Girl Scouts of the USA
Memory-level parallelism
Method of levels
Michael Cleveland
Middle Level Navigations
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland (UK Parliament constituency)
Mid-level practitioner
Mid Levels East (constituency)
Modeling Maturity Levels
Moisture sensitivity level
Moore v. City of East Cleveland
Morphological leveling
Mortimer Cleveland
Mount Cleveland
Mount Cleveland (Alaska)
Mount Sinai Hospital (Cleveland)
Mouth to Mouth (Levellers album)
Multilevel Antimicrobial Polymer
Multi-level cell
Multi-level converter
Multilevel feedback queue
Multilevel Flow Modeling
Multi-level governance
Multilevel groundwater monitoring systems
Multi-level marketing
Multilevel model
Multilevel modeling for repeated measures
Multilevel Monte Carlo method
MultiLevel Recording
Multilevel regression with poststratification
Multilevel security
Multilevel streets in Chicago
Multi-level technique
Multiple single-level
Murray Takes It to the Next Level
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
Myriopteris clevelandii
National Classification of Levels of Training
National Register of Historic Places listings in Cleveland
National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Nested RAID levels
Neutral level
New Cleveland, Ohio
Newcomb Cleveland Prize
New Level
Next Generation Bi-Level Passenger Rail Car
Next Level
Next Level (film)
Nexus (Another Level album)
Nicotiana clevelandii
Nile Level Texts
Noise level
Non-standard RAID levels
No-observed-adverse-effect level
Normanby, Redcar and Cleveland
North Cleveland Park
North Cleveland, Texas
North Somerset Levels
Nosaby level crossing accident
Nova Iguau level crossing disaster
Nuclear emergency level classification responses
Ohio City, Cleveland
Ohio Theatre (Cleveland, Ohio)
Old All Saints Church, Skelton-in-Cleveland
Old Cleveland Court House
Old Stone Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
On a Level
On the Level
On the Level (1917 film)
Opera Cleveland
Operational-level agreement
Operational level of war
OS-level virtualization
Packera clevelandii
Peat extraction on the Somerset Levels
Penstemon clevelandii
Pilot (The Cleveland Show)
Pine Level, Alabama
Pine Level, Florida
Pine Level, North Carolina
PNC Center (Cleveland)
Polgahawela level crossing accident
Political foundation at European level
Pong: The Next Level
Poplar Level, Louisville
Power level
Prefecture-level city
Presidencies of Grover Cleveland
Price level
Production leveling
Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions
Programme level
Project-Level Aid Database
Proposed top-level domain
Pseudo-top-level domain
Public Square, Cleveland
Public transport accessibility level
Quantum level
Quasi Fermi level
Query-level feature
RAID levels
Redcar & Cleveland College
Redcar and Cleveland
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
Red Level
Red Level, Alabama
Reduced level
Regional climate levels in viticulture
Register-transfer level
Remains of the 13 Levels
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Replacement level
Resource leveling
Richard Cleveland
Richard Falley Cleveland
Richard F. Cleveland
Richard Overton (Leveller)
Rick Cleveland
Robert Cleveland
Robert Cleveley
Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Rose Cleveland
Run-time estimation of system and sub-system level power consumption
Safety integrity level
Saint Joseph Academy (Cleveland, Ohio)
Salvia clevelandii
Sarah Cleveland
Sarah M. Cleveland
SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1
SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2
Satu Level
Scalp Level, Pennsylvania
Scholarship level
Sea level
Sea Level (band)
Sea-level curve
Sea Level, North Carolina
Sea level rise
Secondary Level English Proficiency test
Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland
Second Level Address Translation
Second-level domain
Security level
Self-leveling concrete
Self-levelling suspension
Senator Cleveland
Service level
Service-level agreement
Service level indicator
Service-level objective
Service-level requirement
Seventh Level Records
Shana Cleveland
Shire of Cleveland
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal Level
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level
Single-letter second-level domain
Single-Level Dome
Single-level store
Sister Street Fighter Fifth Level Fist
Smithton High-Level Bridge
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland)
Somerset Levels
Something About You (Level 42 song)
Sound level
Sound level meter
Sound Pressure Level
South Cleveland, Tennessee
Southworth House (Cleveland, Ohio)
Speech interference level
Spirit level
Spirit level (disambiguation)
Split level
Split-level home
Sponsored top-level domain
Sports in Cleveland
Spurious trip level
SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination
SS Cleveland
SS President Cleveland
SS President Cleveland (1920)
SS President Cleveland (1947)
Standard Building (Cleveland, Ohio)
Standard RAID levels
Standard sea-level conditions
Stefan Cleveland
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
Stepping level
Steve Cleveland
Stewart Cleveland Cureton
St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
St. Luke's Hospital (Cleveland, Ohio)
St Paul's Anglican Church, Cleveland
St. Paul's Episcopal Church of East Cleveland
Streetcars in Cleveland
Street-level bureaucracy
Street-level characters of The Wire
Structural level
St. Stephen's Catholic Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
St. Vitus's Church, Cleveland
Substrate-level phosphorylation
Summit-level canal
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Talk:Drinking Water Equivalent Level
Talk:Service-level objective
Tavern Club (Cleveland, Ohio)
Technology readiness level
Temple Adath Israel (Cleveland, Mississippi)
The 9 Cleveland
The African American Museum in Cleveland
The Cleveland Foundation
The Cleveland Gazette
The Cleveland Leader
The ClevelandLoretta Quagmire
The Cleveland Show
The Cool Ghoul (Cleveland)
The Daily Cleveland Herald
The Definitive Collection (Level 42 album)
The Food Defect Action Levels
The High Level Ranters
The Kid from Cleveland
The Leveller
The Levels
The Mall (Cleveland)
Theory of two-level planning
The Pied Piper of Cleveland
The Spirit Level (book)
The Spirit Level (poetry collection)
The Starfires (Cleveland band)
The Tenth Level
The Very Best of Level 42
Third-level education in the Republic of Ireland
Thomas S. Cleveland
Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Cleveland
Threat level
Three-level diamond interchange
Three levels of leadership model
Tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy
Timeline of Cleveland history
Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland
Top Level Design
Top-level domain
Topographic Abney level
Transaction-level modeling
Transmission level point
Trapped on Cleveland 3
Tremont, Cleveland
Tri-level sync
Trim level (automobile)
Trinity Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
Trophic level
Trough level
True Colours (Level 42 album)
Twenty-fourth Level
Two-level utilitarianism
UK Threat Levels
United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee)
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Unsponsored top-level domain
US Bank Centre Cleveland
User:Ryecatcher773/Userboxes/WP Cleveland
USS Cleveland (C-19)
USS Cleveland (CL-55)
USS Cleveland (LPD-7)
Vacuum level
Value-level programming
Vdigam Level
Very high-level programming language
Village-level operation and maintenance (pumps)
Villa Soldati level crossing tragedy
Volcanic Alert Level
W. A. Cleveland
Wafer-level packaging
Warehouse District, Cleveland
Water level
Water level (device)
Water levels of the Birmingham Canal Navigations
Wear leveling
Welcome to the Next Level
Westin Hotel Cleveland
West Park, Cleveland
Whiskey Island (Cleveland)
Wilhelmina Powlett, Duchess of Cleveland
Willard Park (Cleveland park)
Willem Levelt
William Cleveland
William FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Cleveland
William S. Cleveland
William Vane, 1st Duke of Cleveland
William Vane, 3rd Duke of Cleveland
Wilmer Cleveland Wells
Wilton Castle (Redcar and Cleveland)
Wilton, Redcar and Cleveland
Winter flooding of 201314 on the Somerset Levels
Worsley Navigable Levels
X-Level Studios
Yeshiva Derech Hatorah (Cleveland)
Yeshiva of Cleveland
Zeitgeist (Levellers album)
Zero-level elevation
Zion Lutheran Church (Cleveland, Ohio)

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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