classes ::: Life, plant,
children :::
branches ::: Flower

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- so I want set up a solid collection of both images and gifs of a large majority of flowers. For the gifs I want two types at least, for example, a field of sunflowers blowing in the wind and the full life cycle of a single flower.
- Once a solid collection is established (especially properly tagged) then I can work on sections of either "the garden" "garden" or "the Infinite Garden" or other.
- below is information on various flowers from the Mother, gotten from the website listed. There are photos I need to establish the links. - The Spiritual Significance of Flowers

Identifying spiritual significance of a flower is not something which can be done by the mind. Here, She has described the process:

Mother, when flowers are brought to you, how do you give them a significance?

By entering into contact with the nature of the flower, its inner truth. Then one knows what it represents.

Each flower has its special significance, hasn't it?

Not as we understand it mentally. There is a mental projection when one gives a precise meaning to a flower. It may answer, vibrate to the touch of this projection, accept the meaning, but a flower has no equivalent of the mental consciousness. In the vegetable kingdom there is a beginning of the psychic, but there is no beginning of the mental consciousness. In animals it is different; mental life begins to form and for them things have a meaning. But in flowers it is rather like the movement of a little baby - it is neither a sensation nor a feeling, but something of both; it is a spontaneous movement, a very special vibration. So, if one is in contact with it, if one feels it, one gets an impression which may be translated by a thought. That is how I have given a meaning to flowers and plants - there is a kind of identification with the vibration, a perception of the quality it represents and, little by little, through a kind of approximation (sometimes this comes suddenly, occasionally it takes time), there is a coming together of these vibrations(which are of a vital-emotional order) and the vibration of the mental thought, and if there is a sufficient harmony, one has a direct perception of what the plant may signify

Even though all the significances were given by The Mother, Sri Aurobindo's touch is undoubtedly felt since the spiritual significances of the flowers correspond to His incisive psychological analysis of the different planes of consciousness and parts of our being.

Growing in contact with flowers is also a part of Integral Yoga since the Mother used flowers as a help in sadhana, teaching us how to master and transform our lower nature and realise the highest possibilities that await us. Love of flowers can help us to find our own psychic being, the Divine within us.

In that spirit lets try to realise the deepest aspiration of flowers by loving them and growing in contact with them, and we can once more say to ourselves in a more perfect and luminous sense: Blossom like a flower.


Euphorbia milii (concentration) - Crown of thorns, Christ thorn




Aditi-the Divine Consciousness ::: Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.
Nelumbo nucifera 'Alba' (Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus) ::: Very large fragrant chalice-shaped white flower with several rows of loosely arranged cupped translucent petals surrounding a unique centre of numerous golden stamens that encircle a raised yellow disc; borne singly on sturdy stems high above the water. A vigorous aquatic rhizomatous plant with large, concave orbicular leaves that repel water.

Avatar-the Supreme Manifested in a Body upon Earth ::: The pink lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo.
Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus) ::: Very large fragrant chalice-shaped pink flower with several rows of loosely arranged cupped translucent petals surrounding a unique centre of numerous golden stamens that encircle a raised yellow disc; borne singly on sturdy stems high above the water. A vigorous aquatic rhizomatous plant with large, concave orbicular leaves that repel water.

Abolition of the Ego ::: One exists only by the Divine and for the Divine.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus, Australian gum, Gum tree, Ironbark, Stringybark) ::: All species that have small cream white brushlike flowers composed of stamens with a concave centre and are borne in axillary clusters of three or more. Over 500 species of evergreen trees with aromatic leaves.

Absence of Desire ::: Luminous and fragrant, it expresses both peace and joy.
Atalantia monophylla ::: Small fragrant white four-petalled flowers with a tiny central cup; borne in clusters among the leaves. A small thorny tree with glossy deep green leaves.

Abundance ::: All at once Nature gives much to us and we have the joy of abundance.
Cucurbita maxima (Autumn squash, Winter squash, Pumpkin) ::: Large golden yellow somewhat fleshy funnel- shaped flower with a spreading limb divided into six pointed lobes, a throat covered with fine hairs and the back of the flower prominently ribbed with green; borne singly. A vigorous annual vine.

Abundance of Beauty
A beauty that blossoms freely and abundantly.

Ericaceae Azalea, Rhododendron
Small to medium, occasionally large, delicate open bell-shaped or funnelform flowers with five deeply cut overlapping petal-like lobes and long exserted stamens; borne in dense clusters in a great variety of colours. There are more than
800 species of shrubs(or rarely small trees).

Abundant Expression
Has much to say and says it fully.

Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny golden yellow loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Emotional Abundance
Good feelings that gives themselves unstintingly.

Lagenaria siceraria
White-flowered gourd, Bottle gourd, Calabash gourd, Hercules' club
Medium-sized white funnelform flower with five tightly overlapping slightly crinkled petals and a pale green tomentose calyx; borne singly. A strong annual vine with pubescent leaves and bearing smooth hard-shelled gourds in an unusual
variety of shapes and sizes.

Material Abundance
Nature always shows us what true abundance is-one is overwhelmed!

Medium-sized yellow or cream white somewhat cup-shaped flower with five sheer overlapping petals, occasionally with a purple red spot at the base; set in conspicuous green fringed bracts on short stems in the leaf axils. An annual or pe
rennial herb or shrub.

Accomplishment is undoubtedly the fruit of patience.

Mimusops elengi
Spanish cherry. Medlar, Tanjong tree
Small oval yellow orange fruit with a pointed tip. A medium to large spreading evergreen tree.

Enthusiasm in Action
All actions are done with energy and ardour.

Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented all single bicoloured salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with visc
id flowers, stems and leaves.

Cheerful Enthusiasm in Action
Action will become joyfully enthusiastic when it is governed by the Supermind.

Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented all double bicoloured salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with visc
id flowers, stems and leaves.

Fearlessness in Action
Manifold, unfettered and fearless.

Amaranthus caudatus
Love-lies-bleeding, Velvet flower, Tassel flower
Long tapering pendulous catkins densely covered with minute stiff dull magenta flowers, the heavy catkins weighing down the stems. A coarse annual herb with magenta stems and green leaves tinged magenta.

First Response of the Subconscient to the Supramental Action
The open door to realisation.

Jatropha podagrica
Gout plant, Tartogo, Australian bottle plant
Tiny bright orange flowers with five rounded separated petals and an orange stalk; borne in compound cymes. A low shrub with swollen stems and large-lobed peltate leaves.

Heroic Action
Fights for the true and the beautiful without fear of obstacles or opposition.

Arrhostoxylum costatum (Ruellia elegans)
Small bright red salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, a limb divided into five rounded lobes and conspicuous white anthers; borne in few-flowered axillary cymes or terminal panicles. A perennial herb.

Mind of Light Acting in Matter
A powerful aid to progress.

Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Small golden yellow to orange or reddish orange papilionaceous flower with long exserted stamens; borne on short lateral racemes on old wood. A medium-sized evergreen tree with dark green foliage.

Organisation of Action in Life
Clustered, compact, its action is irresistible.

Combretum fruticosum
Burning bush
Large dense horizontal spikes of yellow to orange tubular flowers whose numerous long stamens create a soft brushlike appearance. A scandent shrub.

Power of Action
The power resulting from true surrender to the Divine.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single bright cardinal red flower with firm petals, with or without reddish-purple centre

Purity in Action
When action is initiated by the Divine Will, it is pure.

Stemmadenia litoralis [Stemmadenia galleottiana]
Medium-sized delicate fragrant white salverform flower with five rounded overlapping lobes that form a pinwheel and a narrow yellow throat; borne in erect few-flowered clusters above the leaves. A small attractive flowering tree.

Supramental Action
An action that is not exclusive but total.

Barringtonia asiatica
Medium-sized fragrant white four-petaled flower filled with numerous stamens tinged with purplish pink; borne on short erect racemes; the flower opens in the evening and fades in the morning. A small tree with very large glossy leaves.

Supramentalised Psychic Activity
Luminous, manifold, balanced it meets all needs.

Callistephus chinensis
China aster, Annual aster
Fully double, pink

True Action in the Material Vital
Graceful and simple in its spontaneity.

Combretum coccineum
Large dense branching brushlike clusters of small bright crimson five-petalled flowers with exserted stamens. A vine or twining shrub of moderate growth with bronze-coloured new leaves.

Divine Will Acting in the Inconscient
Is all-powerful even when we are not aware of it.

Clerodendrum L. sp.
Small mildly fragrant white salverform flower with exserted white stamens, a thin corolla tube and five narrow lobes with up-curving edges; borne in axillary panicles. A small to medium- sized shrub with ovate irregularly serrate leaves

Divine Will Acting in the Subconscient
The rare moments when the Divine asserts Himself visibly.

Clerodendrum indicum
Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; the striking curled buds elongate and unfurl; borne in clusters.

Power of Perseverance (Continued perseverance and action)
The perseverance that overcomes all obstacles.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single orange to red orange flower often tinged rose at the edges of the smooth or slightly crinkled petals and a deep red centre

Manifold, smiling, regular, it offers itself tirelessly.

Cordia sebestena
Geiger tree
Small orange six-lobed salverform flower with elongated brownish green tomentose calyces; borne in terminal clusters. A small ornamental tree in bloom most of the year.

Power to Reject Adverse Suggestions
The power that comes from conscious union with the Divine.

Codiaeum variegatum
Tiny rounded cream white flowers composed of many yellow-tipped stamens; borne in erect spikes. A medium-sized evergreen shrub with variegated leaves in a multitude of shapes and colours.

Affection for the Divine
A sweet and trusting tenderness that gives itself unfailingly to the Divine.

Small white flower tinged with pink. A small to medium-sized shrub.

The flame of purification which ought to precede all contact with the invisible worlds.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized double light salmon pink flower with fine red veins and a deep red centre.

The Aim of Existence is Realised
Exists only by and for the Divine.

Large fragrant white flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and

Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
Instead of seeking ones own satisfaction, to have service of the Divine as the aim of life.

Clivia miniata
Kaffir lily
Medium-sized bright orange funnelform flowers with the limb divided into six lobes, a yellow or apricot throat and exserted stamens; borne in many-flowered umbels on erect scapes. A perennial bulb with straplike leaves.

Light, subtle almost invisible.

Cestrum nocturnum
Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Small light green narrow tubular flower with five long greenish white lobes, intensely fragrant at night; borne in spraylike clusters. A scandent shrub.

Supple and plastic, ready to take any form whatever.

Spider lily, Crown beauty, Sea daffodil, Basket flower
Large fragrant white funnelform flowers with long slender recurved petal-like lobes and elongated stamens that arise from the edge of a cuplike crown; borne in umbels on a long scape. An easily grown bulb with straplike leaves.

Calm, tranquil, equal, smiling and very sweet in its truly simple austerity.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Small delicate single flower with soft slightly crinkled cream petals and a pure white centre.

Ananda in the Physical
May it be welcome, even if it manifests itself rarely.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Small delicate single flower with soft slightly crinkled cream petals, a deep red centre and a pure white aura.

Ananda in the Centres
This will be one of the benefits resulting from physical conversion.

Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Large showy cream white flower having pink specks with three soft round irregular petals borne in terminal clusters on sturdy stems; erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.

Ananda in the Physical Body
Purified of all desire and all repulsion, with perfect equality and surrender, the physical body is ready to enjoy the Divine Ananda.

Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Large showy cream white flower having a red centre with three soft round irregular petals borne in terminal clusters on sturdy stems; erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.

Ananda of Endurance
To know how to bear and endure undoubtedly creates a strong and lasting joy.

Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Large, usually double compositae cream flowers with a red centre and with firm spatulate ray florets; borne singly on sturdy stems. A long- blooming garden annual.

Divine Ananda
Abundant, succulent, nourishing, full of vigour.

Vitis vinifera
Common grape vine, Wine grape, European grape
Large compact clusters of small round succulent fruits in shades of yellow, green, purple and red. A woody deciduous vine with ornamental deeply lobed leaves.

Krishnas Ananda
Manifold, abundant and so full of charm.

Plumbago auriculata
Cape leadwort
Small soft pale lavender blue salverform flower with a very thin long corolla tube and a limb divided into five widely separated lobes; borne in terminal clusters. An evergreen shrub with semi-scandent stems.

First Appearance of Purity in the Inconscient
The sign that the inconscient is on the way to becoming conscious.

Plumbago zeylanica
Small white salverform flower with five widely separated lobes and a thin corolla tube, set in a conspicuous tubular green calyx covered with bristly hairs; borne in moderately dense spikes. A scandent evergreen shrub with somewhat angl
ed stems.

First Appearance of the Psychic in Matter
A messenger of beauty.

Jatropha multifida
Coral plant, Physic nut
Tiny red or deep pink flowers with five separated rounded petals and a reddish pink stalk; borne in compound cymes. A medium to large shrub with large palmate leaves having eight to twelve deep lobes.

Modest but harmonious.

Fittonia verschaffeltii
Nerve plant. Silver net plant, Silver fittonia, Silver nerve
Tiny pale yellow bilabiate flower emerging from a short upright bracted spike. A spreading ornamental herb with leaves intricately veined white.

Incapable of baseness and pettiness, it asserts itself with dignity and authority.

Very large (over 16 cm) fully double flowers with somewhat narrow, pointed and variously twisted ray florets; in white and shades of red, pink, lavender, purple, orange and yellow, also bicoloured; borne singly. A tender tuberous- roote
d perennial herb.

Aristocracy of beauty
So perfectly formed that it compels admiration.

Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Sword lily
Large showy often fragrant flower usually with three erect and three softly recurved petals that may be bearded or crested; occurring in a wide variety of shades and colour combinations except pure red. A rhizomatous or bulbous perennia
l herb with sword-shaped leaves.

Dietes iridioides
African iris
Medium-sized irislike flower with a centre of three erect incurving lavender crests and six flat rounded white petals, three of which are wider and have a prominent golden orange mark from the base to the centre, and three alternate pet
als, narrower and spotted brown at the base; blooming singly at the ends of branching spikes. A rhizomatous herb with bladelike leaves.

Conquest of the Armies
Brutal and material, it does not bring joy.

Carrion flower, Starfish flower
Large malodorous purple brown star-shaped flower covered with dense hairs and yellow transverse lines; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters near the base of the plant. A succulent perennial herb with thick fleshy usually four-angled
stems branching from the base.

Living only to express beauty.

Lady's eardrops
Small to medium-sized pendulous flower that resembles a lantern or a ballerina's skirt, with four usually recurved and colourful sepals that spread above four tightly overlapping rounded petals and prominent exserted stamens; in white a
nd shades of pink, red and purple, often bicoloured and double; borne singly from the leaf axils or in terminal racemes or panicles. A small shrub to small tree.

Beauty in Art
A beauty that displays itself and allows itself to be contemplated.

Large showy fragrant single or double bowl-shaped flowers with broad slightly recurved and often frilled petals; in white, yellow, purple, red and pink; borne terminally, one to many. A floriferous perennial herb or shrub that is among
the most popular garden plants in temperate climates.

Artistic Taste
Is pleased with beautiful things and is itself beautiful.

Ipomoea indica
Blue dawn flower
Large showy intense blue funnelform flower with a pinkish purple star at the centre and a lavender pink tube becoming white at the base; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters. A robust perennial vine.

Artistic sensitivity
A powerful aid in fighting ugliness.

Ipomoea tricolor
Morning glory
Large blue funnelform flower with a white throat; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters. An annual climber.

Artistic Thoroughness
Neglects nothing in its search for perfection.

Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small soft red with cream centre salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Artistic Work
Work at the service of beauty.

Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small very light pink salverform flowers with indented petals; with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.

Supramental Artistic Genius
It blossoms in the Light and knows how to manifest it.

Large dark brownish red flower with a golden yellow glow at the tips and backs of the ray florets, and a dark brown central disc flecked with yellow; borne singly or in clusters. An annual or perennial herb.

Stage by stage one climbs towards the Consciousness.

Leonotis nepetifolia
Small velvety orange bilabiate flowers set in a ring around balls of spiny green bracts that are borne in ascending tiers on tall erect four-sided stems. An annual wayside herb with toothed leaves.

Spiritual Ascension
Fearless, regular, uninterrupted.

Fiddle-wood, Zitherwood
Tiny highly fragrant white five-petalled flowers in slender pendulous racemes. A small to medium-sized tree with four-angled stems and opposite leaves.

Spiritual Ascension in the Vital
It is more fanciful and less regular.

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Blue snakeweed, Common snakeweed, Jamaican vervain
Tiny light lavender blue salverform flowers with a white centre, sparsely arranged on long thin spikes. A medium to large perennial herb or subshrub.

Innumerable, obstinate, repeating itself tirelessly.

Nyctan thes arbor-tristis
Night jasmine, Tree of sadness
Small fragrant salverform flower with a prominent orange corolla tube and a flat abruptly expanding white limb divided into five to eight irregular lobes; borne in few-flowered terminal cymes. A medium-sized shrub or small tree with flo
wers that open at night and fall by early morning carpeting the ground.

Elan of aspiration
Nothing is too high, nothing is too far for its insatiable ardour.

Cleome hasslerana
Spider flower, Spider plant
Small flowers that open pink and fade to pinkish white, with three erect partially rolled petals and long exserted pistil and stamens; white buds turn pink before opening; borne in ball-like terminal clusters on long erect racemes. A ta
ll strongly scented annual herb with digitate leaves.

Flame of Aspiration
A flame that illuminates but does not burns.

Numerous species of mostly deciduous small to medium-sized very attractive trees and occasionally shrubs usually with palmately lobed leaves, often as wide as they are long; rich bright autumnal colourings vary from light yellow to deep

Aspiration for Purity
Purity is perfect sincerity and one can obtain it only when the being is entirely consecrated to the Divine.

Peace lily, Spa the flower
Medium to large cream white to pale green leaflike spa the with a shorter erect white spadix arising from the base; borne singly on long stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb cultivated for its decorative foliage as well as its flowers.

Aspiration for Integral Immortality
An organised, tenacious and methodical development of the consciousness.

Aerva tomentosa
Small to medium-sized thin white woolly catkins borne in short branching axillary or terminal spikes. A weak-stemmed shrub with silvery tomentose leaves.

PhotoCourtesy: Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
Blossom, O precious flower, and never close again.

Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Small clusters of tiny brushlike flowers that open pale mauve and become white with age. A vigorous climber that may form a dense curtain; the pendulous stems are white when young.

Triple Aspiration
Love, life and light, recognising their Master, respond to Sachchidananda.

Capparis brevispina
Thorn straggler
Medium-sized white flower with two elongated horizontal petals, two overlapping lower petals prominently shaded deep yellow (changing to maroon) and a centre of numerous exserted stamens; borne singly from the leaf axils. A spiny shrub
with glossy dark leaves.

Power of Collective Aspiration
A harmonious collective aspiration can change the course of circumstances.

Hoya carnosa
Wax plant, Honey plant
Small pale pink star-shaped flower with a smaller white star and red spot in the centre; the texture of the flower gives the impression of being carved from wax; borne in dense umbels. A light vine with succulent leaves.

Psychic Aspiration
Constant, regular, organised, gentle and patient at the same time, resists all opposition, overcomes all difficulties.

Ixora chinensis
Small pink salverform flower with the limb divided into four somewhat diamond-shaped lobes; borne in dense corymbs. A slightly fragrant medium-sized erect shrub.

Mental Aspiration
Its expression is clear precise and very reasonable.

Ixora coccinea
Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Small light yellow salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and the limb divided into four narrow diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large corymbs. A small to medium-sized shrub with leathery leaves.

Aspiration in the Physical
Manifold, simple and joyful.

Ixora coccinea
Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Small deep red salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and the limb divided into four narrow diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large corymbs. A small to medium-sized shrub with leathery leaves.

Aspiration in Physical for the Supramental Light
Clustered, persistent, obstinate, organised, methodical.

Ixora javanica [Ixora singaporensis]
Common red ixora, Javanese ixora
Small golden orange to red orange salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and a limb divided into four somewhat diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large compact corymbs. A large shrub in bloom most of the year.

Aspiration for Conquest of Enemies in the Vital
A concentrated and unobtrusive will acting quietly but effectively.

Verbena tenuisecta
Moss verbena
Elongated spikes of small light pink salverform flowers with five irregular rounded lobes. A low perennial herb with deeply cut somewhat lacy leaves.

Photo courtesy: MP Roopesh

Aspiration for Immortality
Pure, soaring, full of trust.

Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes; all colours except greenish white, purplish pink and red. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Vital Aspiration for Immortality
Clustered, intense, but short-lived.

Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny Purplish pink loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Physical Aspiration for Immortality
Intense aspiration, but ignorant of the means.

Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny red loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Spiritual Aspiration in the Vital
(No comment)

Celosia argentea (Plumosa group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny red flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Aspiration for Silence in the Mind
Too noisy to be effective.

Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small sky blue salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.

Aspiration for Silence in the physical Mind
Does what it can, but cannot do much.

Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small blue violet salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.

Aspiration for Spiritual Intensity
Bold, elegant, obstinate.

Orthosiphon stamineus
Cat's whiskers
Small white salverform flower with a very thin corolla tube, two irregular opposite lobes, one spreading and one narrow, and long graceful exserted upward curving stamens which are pale lavender at the top; borne in elongated terminal r
acemes. A weak-stemmed perennial with dark green serrated leaves.

Aspiration for Spirituality
Conscious of the advantages of spiritualisation.

Sage, Ramona
Small tubular bilabiate flowers in white and shades of blue, pink, purple and red; borne in erect spikes or curving racemes. A herb, subshrub or shrub.

Aspiration for Supramental Guidance in the Subconscient
Intense need of order, light and knowledge in the subconscient penumbra.

Pachystachys coccinea
Small bright red to dark red bilabiate flower with the upper lip divided into two lobes and the lower into three; borne on erect bracteate spikes. A medium-sized herbaceous shrub with large ovate opposite leaves and a somewhat open habi

Aspiration for the Right Attitude
Energetic, willing, determined.

Clerodendrum Xspeciosum
Java glory bean
Small purplish red salver form flower with long exserted bright red stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a green bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.

Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bag flower, Bleeding heart vine
Small deep red salver form flower with long exserted stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a milk white bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.

Aspiration for Trust in the Divine
An intense need for that immutable peace given by the certitude of the Divine Grace.

Asystasia dalzelliana
Small pale purple funnelform flower with five lobes edged pale purple, the lower lobe marked deep purple and the throat finely lined and irregularly spotted white; borne in few-flowered racemes. A subshrub with ovate leaves.

Aspiration for Vital Purity
Delicate, modest, insistent.

Duranta erecta [Duranta repens]
Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Tiny sweetly scented lavender salverform flower with a white centre, borne on small racemes. A large ornamental shrub or small tree.

Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.

Russelia equisetiformis
Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Small bright coral narrow tubular flowers with five tiny rounded lobes; borne in light cascading clusters. A small subshrub with rushlike angled, arching or pendulous stems.

Aspiration of the Mind for the Supramental Guidance
The mind feels that its complexity is powerless and asks for a greater light to illuminate it.

Justicia aurea
Medium-sized yellow tubular flower with the corolla partly divided into two lips, emerging from a conspicuous dark green bract; in dense brushlike terminal spikes. An erect narrow shrub with four-sided stems.

Vital Aspiration for the Union with the Divine
It raises straight up in an intense and concentrated movement.

Knotweed, Smartweed
Very tiny light pink bell-shaped flowers that bloom sparsely but are accompanied by many minute round buds on slender racemes. A tall narrow aquatic plant with sparse foliage of long drooping lanceolate leaves.

Beauty Aspiring for the Supramental Realisation
Beauty is no longer sufficient unto itself; it wants to become divine.

Narcissus poeticus
Poet's narcissus, Pheasant's eye narcissus
Medium-sized very fragrant snow white flower with six rounded or pointed petals and a small orange or yellow central cup; borne singly or in umbels on scapes. A spring-blooming bulb.

Matter Aspiring for the Supramental Guidance
Dissatisfied and troubled. Matter asks for a powerful guide to put it in order.

Odontonema strictum
Small red curving tubular flower with five irregularly separated flaring lobes; borne in erect branching racemes. A small to medium shrub with wavy-edged leaves.

Nature Aspires to be Supramentalised
The first response of plant life to the action of the supramental forces.

Stictocardia beraviensis
Medium-sized funnelform flower with a glowing rose red satiny recurved limb and a wide deep yellow throat prominently lined with red; borne in few-flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A strong woody twiner with large heart-shaped leav

Power Aspiring to become an Instrument for the Divine Work
Power, opening to a higher consciousness, awakens to the need of being at the service of the Divine.

Passiflora vitifolia
Passion flower
Large bright red flower with five separated pointed petals and five petal-like sepals, a central corona of red filaments that surround a cluster of white filaments and an elongated staminal column that ends in three red stigmas and five
yellow green anthers; borne singly from the leaf axils. A moderately vigorous vine.

Sex centre Aspiring to be Purified
The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.

Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large pink spa the and a prominent thick erect pink and white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.

Spiritual Aspiration
Rises like an arrow without caring for obstacles or laggards.

Terminalia catappa
Tropical almond, Indian almond, Kamani, Myrobalan
Tiny white starlike flowers with numerous short stamens; borne in long thin dense racemes resembling catkins. A large tree with thick leathery obovate leaves that often turn red before falling.

Spiritual Aspiration in the Physical
Comes in bursts to counteract and overcome resistances which cannot succeed in making it give up.

Russelia sarmentosa
Tiny crimson tubular flower borne in many- flowered clusters. A floriferous subshrub with four to six angled stems and ovate-ferrate leaves.

Spontaneous Aspiration of Nature towards the Divine
Wide open, spontaneous, irrevocable in its spontaneous power.

Leucan themum vulgare [Chrysan themum leucan themum]
Ox-eye daisy, Moon daisy, Marguerite
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with a yellow centre, borne singly on a long stalk. A slender erect rhizomatous perennial.

Aspiration for Organisation
Clear and methodical, order at the expense of multiplicity.

Pseuderan themum
White flower with a reddish purple centre and a few reddish purple dots on the lower central lobe; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always) overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A medium-si
zed shrub with narrow green lanceolate leaves.

Devotional attitude
Modest and self-effacing, it yields remarkable fruit.

Aegle marmelos
Bael tree, Bengal quince
Small greenish white star-shaped flower with four or five fleshy recurved petals and a centre filled with numerous short brownish white anthers; borne in axillary panicles. The significance also includes the trifoliate leaf and a large
hard-shelled edible fruit. Small trees with sharp needlelike thorns.

Right Attitude
Simple and open, without complications.

Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Small bright orange one-sided salverform flower with five irregular lobes spread fanlike above the exserted stamens; borne in short loose terminal panicles with secondary stems arising in opposite pairs from the four-sided main stem. An
erect shrub with heavily pubescent leaves.

Aspiration for the Right Attitude
Energetic, willing, determined.

Clerodendrum Xspeciosum
Java glory bean
Small purplish red salver form flower with long exserted bright red stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a green bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.

Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bag flower, Bleeding heart vine
Small deep red salver form flower with long exserted stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a milk white bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.

Right Attitude Established
There is a moment when the right attitude comes spontaneously and without effort.

Clerodendrum splendens
Small red orange salverform flower with exserted stamens and five rounded petal-like lobes, the upper three angled obliquely back from the thin corolla tube; borne in dense cymes. A twining shrub with dense foliage.

Attachment to the Divine
(No Comment)

Belamcanda chinensis
Blackberry lily, Leopard lily
Small deep orange flower with six narrow widely separated petals covered with bright red spots; borne in loose corymbs on long narrow stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb with broad swordlike leaves.

Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him. Offers itself spontaneously to the Divine.

Considered to be the largest family of flowering plants and the most highly evolved, orchids are found in every colour of the spectrum and encompass an extraordinary range of size and form. They are usually epiphytic in tropical regions
where they are the most numerous, and terrestrial in temperate and arctic regions.

Wraps itself around the Divine and finds all its support in Him so as to be sure of never leaving Him.

All species in many colours except white and lavender pink. Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flow
ered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Beauty of Attachment to the Divine
When the physical world manifests the splendour of the Divine, all will become marvellous.

Lavender pink flower with a lime green throat marked with magenta.Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in fe
w-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Mental Attachment to the Divine
Beautiful in form and in expression.

Dendrobium moschatum
Medium-sized fragrant pale golden orange flower with one erect and two lower sepals, two wider horizontal petals and a prominent fuzzy, pouchlike lip with two maroon spots near the base; borne in pendulous racemes. A showy epiphyte.

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Emotional Attachment to the Divine
Cups of flowery feeling offered to the Divine

Papilionan the teres [Vanda teres]
Medium-sized flower with five ovate widely separated pale pinkish lavender petals and a central arched golden yellow lip with the lower edge extended to form two rounded pinkish lavender lobes; borne in erect racemes. An erect epiphyte
with terete leaves.

Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
An artistic and graceful attachment, perhaps a little fanciful.

Vanda coerulea
Blue orchid
Medium-sized light lavender-blue flower with a small violet lip and five obovate widely separated petals; borne in racemes on erect scapes. An epiphyte with straplike leaves.

Detailed Attachment to the Divine
Manifold, scrupulous, neglecting nothing, always ready to make an effort, meticulous.

Vanda tessellata
Medium-sized fragrant flower with five stiff separated olive green petals with crinkled edges and marked with greenish yellow, and a prominent lavender lip; widely spaced on erect racemes. A heat-loving epiphyte with narrow straplike le

Vital Attachment to the Divine
Manifold and abundant in its multiplicity.

Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small pale to deep lavender pink flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoi
d pseudo-bulbs.

Integral Attachment to the Divine
On the right way towards realisation

Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small white flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.

Attachment of the Cells to the Divine
They know how to expect everything from Him and to rely only on Him.

Epidendrum X obrienianum
Scarlet orchid, Butterfly orchid, Baby orchid
Numerous small deep red star-shaped flowers that have a prominent uniquely shaped fringed lip with a golden yellow spot; borne in terminal clusters on long stems. A tall slender epiphytic orchid.

Lasting Attachment
Modest, unostentatious, but persistent.

All species of woody vines that have prominently lobed glossy evergreen leaves and the ability to attach themselves to almost any surface.

Timidity in Attachment to the Divine
Full of life, but not knowing how to change this life into an offering to the Divine.
Further comment: Timidity in attachment: I want to say that the attachment is not complete and unreserved; there are some parts of the being that question and hold back because they do not have total trust; one might say that it is a co
nditional attachment, such as: "If the Divine does what I want, I will remain attached to Him."

Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora'
Green rose
Small double green flower. A small shrub.

Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
An attachment that insists on feeling the power of contact.

Eranthemum laxiflorum
Small reddish violet salverform flower with a thin tube that expands into five somewhat irregular and pointed lobes; borne in one- to three- flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A small prolific flowering shrub.

Supramental Attachment for the Divine
Manifold and smiling, repeating itself endlessly.

Rosa Fathers Day
Small double light orange flower borne in small clusters on short stems. A small shrub.

Attempt at Vital Goodwill
An attempt is a small thing but it can be a promise for the future.

Green ebony
Medium-sized mildly fragrant lavender blue salverform flowers with a curved and flattened corolla tube, a limb divided into five irregular lobes and a white patch on one side of the throat; borne in terminal panicles. A medium- sized tr
ee with a soft feathery foliage.

Attempt towards Continuity
Vigorous and repeated but not lasting.

Acalypha wilkesiana
Jacobs-coat, Copperleaf, Fire-dragon
Short pale green catkins tinged with red; borne in pairs or small clusters from the leaf axils. A shrub with somewhat drooping green oblong leaves with irregularly cut white margins.

Attempt towards Immortality
Persistent and coordinated.

Celosia argentea
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny greenish white loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.

Attempt towards Protection
Irregular and not always effective efforts.

Bougainvillea Mahara
Clusters of showy small semi-double ovate bright magenta bracts in dense clusters that enfold tiny white to greenish white salverform flowers. A shrub, vine or small tree, usually armed with spines.

Attraction for the Light
In its attraction it tries to imitate the stars.

Curculigo orchioides
Small golden yellow star-shaped flower borne near the base of the plant on a short scape. A slender tuberous herb with long lanceolate delicately veined leaves.

Beauty of Supramental love (Flower of Auroville)
It invites us to live at its height

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China

Large single salmon pink flower with broadly overlapping rounded petals, a small pink centre and a pale pink aura.
Another form is medium to large with each petal delicately shaded yellow and a pale pink aura.



Power of Spiritual Beauty (Spiritual beauty of Auroville)
Spiritual beauty has a contagious power.

Hibiscus Hawaiian
Medium-sized or large single salmon-orange to golden-yellow flower with soft crinkled petals, deep magenta centre and silver-white aura.

Beauty of the New Creation (Beauty of Auroville)
The new creation strives to better manifest the Divine.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Debbie Ann'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single crimson pink flower with soft heavily crinkled petals that shade to pale pink on the edges and a dark red centre.

Charm of the New Creation (Charm of Auroville)
The New Creation is attractive to all those who want to progress.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single light pink flower with crinkled petals and a centre that varies from white through dark pink.

Blossoming of the New Creation (Blossoming of Auroville)
The more we concentrate on the goal, the more it blossoms forth and becomes precise.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Large semi-double flower of the cup-and-saucer type with rounded outer petals and a tufted centre, in bright orange or bright yellow with a fire red centre.

Concentration of the New Creation (Concentration of Auroville)
Concentration on a precise goal is helpful to development.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single cup-shaped flower with thick crinkled yellow petals with orange blotches and red orange at the edges, and a light yellow centre.

Picture not available.

Progress of the New Creation (Progress of Auroville)
Each must find the activity favourable to his progress.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Sturdy medium-sized single cup-shaped flower with a frilled yellow border and a firelike reddish orange centre that radiates out over much of the petals.

Manifold Power of the New Creation (Manifold power of Auroville)
The new creation will be rich in possibilities.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Splash'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium to large single bright red or orange red flowers with firm thick velvety petals splashed with white as if with irregular brush-strokes; the edges of the petals shaded cream yellow to light gold.

Firmness of the New Creation (Firmness of Auroville)
The new creation wants to be steadfast in its manifestation.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China

Large single yellow flower intricately veined with orange, the small veins gradually fading to yellow, with a striking deep red or bright pink pinwheel centre and a radiating pink aura.
Another form is a large single yellow flower speckled orange with orange on the edge of each petal and a large tricoloured pinwheel centre that is bright red shading to grey lavender, then to rose; the mature flower loses its orange col
our and turns solid golden yellow while the centre remains the same.


Picture not available.

Usefulness of the New creation (Usefulness of Auroville)
A creation which aims at teaching men to surpass themselves.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium to large solid single deep pink flower with flat rounded petals and a reddish pink center.

Photo courtesy: Mira
Realisation of the New Creation (Realisation of Auroville)
It is for this that we must prepare.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Vasco'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China

Large single lemon yellow flower with a white centre.
Another form is a large bright yellow flower with a white centre tinged pink.



Sweetness of Power Surrendered to the Divine (Sweetness of Auroville)
Sweetness itself becomes powerful when it is at the service of the Divine.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single light gold to apricot yellow flower with crinkled petals and a striking white to light pink pinwheel centre.

Power of Effort (Effort of Auroville)
Efforts well-directed break down all obstacles.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single grey lavender to deep lavender with delicate petals and a magenta purple centre.

Power of Success (Success of Auroville)
The power of those who know how to continue their effort.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single cream white flower with crinkled petals and a deep rose pink or magenta pinwheel centre.

Ideal of the New Creation (Ideal of Auroville)
The ideal should be progressive so that it can be realised in the future.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single cup-shaped flower with delicately or heavily crinkled petals of violet mauve with nearly white edges and an intense pale mauve or violet centre.

Photo courtesy: Dinesh Valke

Miracle (Air of Auroville)
Marvellous, strange, unexpected.

Memecylon tinctorium
Tiny mildly fragrant intense blue flower with four rounded petals and exserted stamens tipped cream white; the flowers are held in rose pink calyces especially prominent in the bud stage and borne in small tight rounded clusters along t
he stems. A shrub or small tree with leathery leaves.

Awakening of the first Response of the Nature to the Supramental Manifestation
Interested, she opens herself and tries to understand.

Jatropha integerrima
Peregrina, Spicy jatropha

Small reddish pink flower with five narrow rounded separated petals and conspicuous anthers; borne in long-stemmed terminal cymes. A shrub with variable leaf forms which are often fiddle-shaped.
Another form is a small light pink cup-shaped flower with rounded petals and conspicuous yellow anthers.

Awakening in the mind
Let it turn to the Light and to the Light alone.

Turnera ulmifolia
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Small yellow saucer-shaped flower with five slightly separated rounded petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A subshrub with pubescent heavily serrated lanceolate leaves.

Awakening of the Physical Mind
It wants to know and opens itself wide in order to understand.

Turnera subulata
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Medium-sized cream white saucer-shaped flower with five rounded petals crimped at outer edge, a tiny maroon streaked centre with a yellow aura; borne singly from the leaf axlis. A perennial herb with serrate pubescent leaves.

Emotions Awake to the First Contact with the Divine
The Light begins to work in the emotional consciousness.

Acanthus montanus
Mountain thistle
Small light purple to purple tubular flowers tinged white with the lower edge divided into three lobes, set in a spiny calyx and borne in tall spikes. A small shrub with spiny leaves.

Picture Courtesy: Nipplerings72

First Mental Awakening in Matter
It has preceded and prepared man's future upon earth.

Tribulus terrestris
Caltrop, Devil's weed, Puncture vine, Burnut
Small yellow saucer-shaped rotate wayside flower with five spreading overlapping petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A mostly prostrate annual or perennial herb bearing hard nutlets with sharp spines.

Psychic awakening in Matter
Matter opens itself to the spiritual life.

Dodonaea viscosa
Hopseed bush
Small green papery three-winged seed-capsules tinged with light maroon, turning brown when ripe; borne in clusters among the leaves. A medium-sized shrub or slender tree with ovate- lanceolate leaves.

Spiritual Awakening in Vital
It soars towards the heights in the hope of reaching them.

Solenostemon scutellarioides [Coleus Xhybridus]
Coleus, Painted nettle
Tiny two-lipped flowers that open pale lavender and turn white, borne in small densely flowered terminal spikes. A perennial succulent herb popular for its colourful foliage.

Each seeks his own balance in order to stabilise himself.

Tiny waxy flowers in white and shades of pink, red and yellow with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Perfect Balance
One of the most important conditions of a growing peace.

Medium-sized single or double flowers in white and shades of pink, red and yellow with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully co
loured leaves.

Psychic Balance
Under the psychic influence all activity becomes balanced.

Tiny pink waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Picture Courtesy: Olaf Leillinger

Perfect Psychic Balance
On the way to transformation.

Medium-sized single or double pink flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Mental Balance
Mind governed by reason.

Tiny yellow waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Perfect Mental Balance
Indispensable for facing the difficulties of life.

Medium-sized single or double yellow flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Integral Balance
It multiplies itself so as not to be static.

Tiny white waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Perfect Integral Balance
One is ready for transformation.

Medium-sized single or double white flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.

All medium-sized bicoloured flowers. A large shrub.

Balanced use of the Integral Power
In truth, power can only become integral when it is used in a balanced way.

Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Showy medium-sized single white velvety bell- shaped flower with a spreading limb divided into five to twelve lobes with ruffled edges; borne singly or in small clusters on long stems. A low tuberous perennial herb with broad pubescent

Beauty Arising from Consecration
Be sincere and absolute in your consecration to the divine and your life will become harmonious and beautiful.

Asparagus racemosus
Small delicate snowy racemes of highly fragrant tiny starlike white flowers. A light thorny vine with drooping stems and curved needlelike leaves.

Photographer: Fagg, M

Static Beauty
Transfixed in an immutable beauty.

Camellia japonica
Common camellia
Medium to large showy sessile flowers with few to many rows of delicately sculpted rounded petals symmetrically arranged in a circular form; white through pink to red and bicoloured. A large evergreen shrub with glossy leathery leaves.

Abundance of Beauty
A beauty that blossoms freely and abundantly.

Ericaceae Azalea, Rhododendron
Small to medium, occasionally large, delicate open bell-shaped or funnelform flowers with five deeply cut overlapping petal-like lobes and long exserted stamens; borne in dense clusters in a great variety of colours. There are more than
800 species of shrubs(or rarely small trees).

Aristocracy of Beauty
So perfectly formed that it compels admiration.

Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Sword lily
Large showy often fragrant flower usually with three erect and three softly recurved petals that may be bearded or crested; occurring in a wide variety of shades and colour combinations except pure red. A rhizomatous or bulbous perennia
l herb with sword-shaped leaves.

Dietes iridioides
African iris
Medium-sized irislike flower with a centre of three erect incurving lavender crests and six flat rounded white petals, three of which are wider and have a prominent golden orange mark from the base to the centre, and three alternate pet
als, narrower and spotted brown at the base; blooming singly at the ends of branching spikes. A rhizomatous herb with bladelike leaves.

Power of Beauty
Beauty acquires its power only when it is surrendered to the Divine.

Daffodil, Trumpet narcissus
Large mildly fragrant striking yellow flowers with a prominent trumpet surrounded by six spreading petals; borne singly on sturdy scapes. A spring-blooming bulb.

Beauty Aspiring for the Supramental Realisation
Beauty is no longer sufficient unto itself; it wants to become divine.

Narcissus poeticus
Poet's narcissus, Pheasant's eye narcissus
Medium-sized very fragrant snow white flower with six rounded or pointed petals and a small orange or yellow central cup; borne singly or in umbels on scapes. A spring-blooming bulb.

Pride of Beauty
Likes to show itself and be admired.

Hyacinthus orientalis
Hyacinth, Dutch hyacinth, Common hyacinth
Small intensely fragrant narrow funnelform flowers with six spreading to reflexed lobes, in white, yellow, pink, red, purple or blue; borne in a dense raceme on a short scape. A spring-flowering bulb.

Modesty of Beauty
It blossoms without attracting attention.

Gypsophila elegans
Babys breath
Tiny round white flowers with five slightly recurved petals; borne in graceful airy sprays. A low branching annual or perennial with narrow lanceolate leaves.

Smile of Beauty
Nature is happy to be beautiful.

Prunus subhirtella
Oriental cherry, Japanese flowering cherry
Small delicate white to pink single or double flowers with rounded petals and many stamens; borne in clusters of three to five. A medium-sized very ornamental tree covered with flowers in spring.

Joy of Beauty
Beauty is the joyous offering of Nature.

Ipomoea Nil 'Scarlet O'Hara'
Morning glory
Large striking bright magenta funnelform flower; borne singly or in small clusters. An annual climber.

Spontaneous Beauty
Delicate and magnificent, it has an incomparable charm.

Ipomoea Nil 'Cornell'
Morning glory
Large showy rose pink funnelform flower with a white border and throat; borne singly or in small clusters. An annual climber.

Pure Sense of Beauty
Can be acquired only through a great sense of purification.

Ipomoea tricolor 'Heavenly Blue'
Morning glory
Large lovely translucent sky blue funnelform flower with a yellow throat; borne singly or in small clusters. An annual climber.

Nature Makes an Offering of Her Beauty
It is a spontaneous and effortless offering.

Morning glory
Small to large showy, usually funnelform flowers in white and shades of red, pink, purple and blue; borne singly. Mostly climbing annual or perennial herbs. The significance includes all Ipomoeas not specifically named by the Mother.

Beauty in Art
A beauty that displays itself and allows itself to be contemplated.

Large showy fragrant single or double bowl-shaped flowers with broad slightly recurved and often frilled petals; in white, yellow, purple, red and pink; borne terminally, one to many. A floriferous perennial herb or shrub that is among
the most popular garden plants in temperate climates.

Beauty in Collective Simplicity
Each element plays its part in the whole.

Ornithogalum umbellatum
Star of Bethlehem, Nap at noon, Summer snowflake
Small white star-shaped flowers with six pointed petals; borne in compact many-flowered racemes. A small bulbous plant with narrow leaves.

Supramental Beauty in the Physical
Its promise is charming.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China

Medium-sized single light golden orange flower with orange veins and a deep red centre.
Another form is a large single deep salmon pink flower changing to cream yellow at the edges of the petals, with a deep red centre.



Beauty of Supramental love (Flower of Auroville)
It invites us to live at its height

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China

Large single salmon pink flower with broadly overlapping rounded petals, a small pink centre and a pale pink aura.
Another form is medium to large with each petal delicately shaded yellow and a pale pink aura.



Beauty of Supramental Youth
Exquisite in its freshness, powerful in its undeniable beauty.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single flower with recurved soft salmon orange petals specked with pale yellow, reddish veins and a red centre.

Beauty of the New Creation (Beauty of Auroville)
The new creation strives to better manifest the Divine.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Debbie Ann'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single crimson pink flower with soft heavily crinkled petals that shade to pale pink on the edges and a dark red centre.

Beauty of Tomorrow
The beauty that will express Divine Power.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single flowers in light or bright orange shades, with or without a variously coloured, but not white, centre; the flowers open pinkish orange and change into yellow orange during the day.

Beauty of Tomorrow Manifesting the Divine
A beauty that exists only by and for the Divine.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Large single flowers in shades of orange, with a striking white centre and often with a pale pink aura.

Power of Spiritual Beauty (Spiritual Beauty of Auroville)
Spiritual beauty has a contagious power.

Hibiscus Hawaiian
Medium-sized or large single salmon-orange to golden-yellow flower with soft crinkled petals, deep magenta centre and silver-white aura.

Victorious Beauty
When it has removed the ugliness of life.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Grace Goo'
Malvaceae Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of- China
Large single flower with crinkled petals in golden ochre to mustard with a very deep red or vermilion centre and a silver grey or pale lavender aura.

Beauty Offers itself in Service to the Divine
Incomparable splendour, it becomes a modest servitor.

Rosa Confidence
Medium to large salmon coloured flower. A large shrub.

Emotional Beauty in the Cells
Seeking and radiating all the emotions of beauty.

Shrub verbena
Tiny mauve salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.

Beauty of Attachment to the Divine
When the physical world manifests the splendour of the Divine, all will become marvellous.

Lavender pink flower with a lime green throat marked with magenta.Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in fe
w-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Spiritual Beauty
Immaculate whiteness, sweetness and purity, you seem to come from another world.

Leontopodium alpinum
Small tight terminal clusters of white or yellowish white starlike flowers with a tufted centre surrounded by greyish white petal-like bracts. A low woolly perennial herb with greyish leaves.

Beginning of Realisation
Full of promise and hope, it radiates joy and confidence.

Sesbania grandiflora
Scarlet wistaria tree, Vegetable humming-bird
Medium-sized, occasionally large, pendulous white, pink or red clawlike papilionaceous flowers held in glossy light green calyces; borne in clusters of two to four. A small short-lived tree with pinnate leaves.

Beginning of Realisation in Matter
Matter responds to the Divine influence.

Erythrina variegata
Coral tree
Dense striking terminal racemes of medium-sized orange red to dark red flowers with one prominent curving partly folded petal and long exserted stamens. A large thorny deciduous tree.

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation
Of charming beauty it is the herald of victory.

Butea monosperma
Flame-of-the-forest. Palas
Dense racemes of medium sized bright red-orange papilionaceous flowers; small to medium-sized tree

Broadening of the Being
All the parts of the being broaden in order to progress.

Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Showy medium-sized single or double velvety bell-shaped flowers with a spreading limb divided into five to twelve lobes with ruffled edges; in many colours; borne singly or in small clusters on long stems. A low tuberous perennial herb
with broad pubescent leaves.

Combined Offering of Two parts of the Being
This heralds the progress and effectiveness of the being.

Alcea Rosea
Medium to large single or double funnel-shaped bicoloured flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short staminal column covered with loose yellow pollen; borne on tall spirelike stems. A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.

Conversion of the Emotional Being
It blossoms in harmonious receptivity.

Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Large trumpet-shaped light pink flowers with reddish pink lines and a white streak through the middle of each petal; flowers with six flared petals and long curving stamens; borne on tall sturdy scapes. A large bulb with thick, usually
strap like leaves that appear after the blooming season.

Integral Opening of the Being to the Divine
The first step of the ascent.

Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small white salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.

Picture Courtesy: Dinesh Valke

Organisation of the Being around the Psychic
The first stage of transformation.

Plumbago indica
Small pinkish red salverform flower with five rounded lobes and a thin corolla tube, set in a dark red tubular calyx covered with hairs; borne in spikelike racemes. A semi-scandent evergreen shrub.

Simple and candid, does not question.

Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; borne in clusters. A small shrub or woody herb.

see also :::

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Flower Adornment Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra) Prologue
Swampl and Flowers The Letters and Lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui
The Secret of the Golden Flower



Flower Garland Sutra. See AVATAMSAKASuTRA.

Flower Garland Sutra

Flowers ::: A blossoming in the consciousness, sometimes with

Flower Sermon. See NIANHUA WEIXĪAO.

Flower Sermon

flowerage ::: n. --> State of flowers; flowers, collectively or in general.

flower-de-luce ::: n. --> A genus of perennial herbs (Iris) with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem.

flowered ::: flower 1. Blossomed or bloomed. Also fig. 2. Decorated with flowers. 3. Came into full development; matured; blossomed.

flowered ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Flower

flowerer ::: n. --> A plant which flowers or blossoms.

floweret ::: n. --> A small flower; a floret.

flower-fence ::: n. --> A tropical leguminous bush (Poinciana, / Caesalpinia, pulcherrima) with prickly branches, and showy yellow or red flowers; -- so named from its having been sometimes used for hedges in the West Indies.

flowerful ::: a. --> Abounding with flowers.

flower-gentle ::: n. --> A species of amaranth (Amarantus melancholicus).

floweriness ::: n. --> The state of being flowery.

flowering ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Flower ::: a. --> Having conspicuous flowers; -- used as an epithet with many names of plants; as, flowering ash; flowering dogwood; flowering almond, etc.

flower key {feature key}

flowerless ::: a. --> Having no flowers.

flowerlessness ::: n. --> State of being without flowers.

flower ::: n. --> In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy portion, usually of a different color, shape, and texture from the foliage.
That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs; an organ or combination of the organs of reproduction, whether inclosed by a circle of foliar parts or not. A complete flower consists of two essential parts, the stamens and the pistil, and two floral envelopes, the corolla and

flowerpot ::: n. --> A vessel, commonly or earthenware, for earth in which plants are grown.

FLOWERS, vide Symbol.

flower-symbol ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Flowers are the moment"s representations of things that are in themselves eternal.” On Himself

flowery ::: a. --> Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms.
Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style.

flowery-kirtled ::: a. --> Dressed with garlands of flowers.


1. A sweet yellowish or brownish viscid fluid produced by various bees from the nectar of flowers and used as food. 2. Something sweet, delicious or delightful. 3.* Fig. Sweetness. *honey-buds, honey-drunk, honey-fire, honey-packed, honey-sweet, honey-wine.

accrescent ::: a. --> Growing; increasing.
Growing larger after flowering.

acotyledon ::: n. --> A plant which has no cotyledons, as the dodder and all flowerless plants.

actinia ::: n. --> An animal of the class Anthozoa, and family Actinidae. From a resemblance to flowers in form and color, they are often called animal flowers and sea anemones. [See Polyp.].
A genus in the family Actinidae.

adelaster ::: n. --> A provisional name for a plant which has not had its flowers botanically examined, and therefore has not been referred to its proper genus.

adonis ::: n. --> A youth beloved by Venus for his beauty. He was killed in the chase by a wild boar.
A preeminently beautiful young man; a dandy.
A genus of plants of the family Ranunculaceae, containing the pheasant&

ADVAITA. :::One Existence; the One without a second; non-dual, absolute and indivisible unity; Monism.
People are apt to speak of the Advaita as if it were identical with Mayavada monism, just as they speak of Vedanta as if it were identical with Advaita only; that is not the case. There are several forms of Indian philosophy which base themselves upon the One Reality, but they admit also the reality of the world, the reality of the Many, the reality of the differences of the Many as well as the sameness of the One (bhedābheda). But the Many exist in the One and by the One, the differences are variations in manifestation of that which is fundamentally ever the same. This we actually see in the universal law of existence where oneness is always the basis with an endless multiplicity and difference in the oneness; as for instance there is one mankind but many kinds of man, one thing called leaf or flower, but many forms, patterns, colours of leaf and flower. Through this we can look back into one of the fundamental secrets of existence, the secret which is contained in the one reality itself. The oneness of the Infinite is not something limited, fettered to its unity; it is capable of an infinite multiplicity. The Supreme Reality is an Absolute not limited by either oneness or multiplicity but simultaneously capable of both; for both are its aspects, although the oneness is fundamental and the multiplicity depends upon the oneness.
Wide Realistic Advaita.

aestivation ::: n. --> The state of torpidity induced by the heat and dryness of summer, as in certain snails; -- opposed to hibernation.
The arrangement of the petals in a flower bud, as to folding, overlapping, etc.; prefloration.

agamic ::: a. --> Produced without sexual union; as, agamic or unfertilized eggs.
Not having visible organs of reproduction, as flowerless plants; agamous.

agave ::: n. --> A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly called Aloe. It is from ten to seventy years, according to climate, in attaining maturity, when it produces a gigantic flower stem, sometimes forty feet in height, and perishes. The fermented juice is the pulque of the Mexicans; distilled, it yields mescal. A strong thread and a tough paper are made from the leaves, and the wood has many uses.

ageratum ::: n. --> A genus of plants, one species of which (A. Mexicanum) has lavender-blue flowers in dense clusters.

agglomerated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Agglomerate ::: a. --> Collected into a ball, heap, or mass.
Collected into a rounded head of flowers.

alabastrum ::: n. --> A flower bud.

a large group of rather pretty birds, chiefly of Australasia, popularly called Honey-eaters, having a bill and tongue adapted for extracting the sweet juices of many flowers.

alcyonium ::: n. --> A genus of fleshy Alcyonaria, its polyps somewhat resembling flowers with eight fringed rays. The term was also formerly used for certain species of sponges.

alsike ::: n. --> A species of clover with pinkish or white flowers; Trifolium hybridum.

alyssum ::: n. --> A genus of cruciferous plants; madwort. The sweet alyssum (A. maritimum), cultivated for bouquets, bears small, white, sweet-scented flowers.

Amal: “There appears to be an allusion to the Greek concept or semi-vision of a heaven beyond death where the unfading flower called asphodel bloomed.”

amaracus ::: n. --> A fragrant flower.

amaranth ::: n. --> An imaginary flower supposed never to fade.
A genus of ornamental annual plants (Amaranthus) of many species, with green, purplish, or crimson flowers.
A color inclining to purple.

ambiparous ::: a. --> Characterized by containing the rudiments of both flowers and leaves; -- applied to a bud.

amentaceous ::: a. --> Resembling, or consisting of, an ament or aments; as, the chestnut has an amentaceous inflorescence.
Bearing aments; having flowers arranged in aments; as, amentaceous plants.

amorpha ::: n. --> A genus of leguminous shrubs, having long clusters of purple flowers; false or bastard indigo.

anandrous ::: a. --> Destitute of stamens, as certain female flowers.

ananthous ::: a. --> Destitute of flowers; flowerless.

androecium ::: n. --> The stamens of a flower taken collectively.

androgynal ::: a. --> Uniting both sexes in one, or having the characteristics of both; being in nature both male and female; hermaphroditic.
Bearing both staminiferous and pistilliferous flowers in the same cluster.

andromeda ::: n. --> A northern constellation, supposed to represent the mythical Andromeda.
A genus of ericaceous flowering plants of northern climates, of which the original species was found growing on a rock surrounded by water.

andropetalous ::: a. --> Produced by the conversion of the stamens into petals, as double flowers, like the garden ranunculus.

anemone ::: n. --> A genus of plants of the Ranunculus or Crowfoot family; windflower. Some of the species are cultivated in gardens.
The sea anemone. See Actinia, and Sea anemone.

anomaloflorous ::: a. --> Having anomalous flowers.

antheriferous ::: a. --> Producing anthers, as plants.
Supporting anthers, as a part of a flower.

antherogenous ::: a. --> Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower.

anthesis ::: n. --> The period or state of full expansion in a flower.

anthobian ::: n. --> A beetle which feeds on flowers.

anthodium ::: n. --> The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a involucrate head.

anthography ::: n. --> A description of flowers.

anthoid ::: a. --> Resembling a flower; flowerlike.

anthokyan ::: n. --> The blue coloring matter of certain flowers. Same as Cyanin.

antholite ::: n. --> A fossil plant, like a petrified flower.

anthology ::: n. --> A discourse on flowers.
A collection of flowers; a garland.
A collection of flowers of literature, that is, beautiful passages from authors; a collection of poems or epigrams; -- particularly applied to a collection of ancient Greek epigrams.
A service book containing a selection of pieces for the festival services.

anthomania ::: n. --> A extravagant fondness for flowers. html{color:

anthophagous ::: a. --> Eating flowers; -- said of certain insects.

anthophorous ::: a. --> Flower bearing; supporting the flower.

anthotaxy ::: n. --> The arrangement of flowers in a cluster; the science of the relative position of flowers; inflorescence.

anticous ::: a. --> Facing toward the axis of the flower, as in the introrse anthers of the water lily.

apetalous ::: a. --> Having no petals, or flower leaves. [See Illust. under Anther].

arabesques ::: 1. Any ornaments or ornamental objects such as rugs or mosaics, in which flowers, foliage, fruits, vases, animals, and figures are represented in a fancifully combined pattern. 2. *Fine Arts.* A sinuous, spiraling, undulating, or serpentine line or linear motif.

archegonium ::: n. --> The pistillidium or female organ in the higher cryptogamic plants, corresponding to the pistil in flowering plants.

areolated ::: a. --> Divided into small spaces or areolations, as the wings of insects, the leaves of plants, or the receptacle of compound flowers.

artificial ::: a. --> Made or contrived by art; produced or modified by human skill and labor, in opposition to natural; as, artificial heat or light, gems, salts, minerals, fountains, flowers.
Feigned; fictitious; assumed; affected; not genuine.
Artful; cunning; crafty.
Cultivated; not indigenous; not of spontaneous growth; as, artificial grasses.

arum ::: n. --> A genus of plants found in central Europe and about the Mediterranean, having flowers on a spadix inclosed in a spathe. The cuckoopint of the English is an example.

asoca ::: Bot.: Saracaindica , Asoka, Sorrowless tree. A small flowering tree native to India with glowing clusters of orange and yellow flowers. asocas.

asoca ::: bot.: Saraca indica , Asoka, Sorrowless tree. A small flowering tree native to India with glowing clusters of orange and yellow flowers. asocas.

asparagus ::: n. --> A genus of perennial plants belonging to the natural order Liliaceae, and having erect much branched stems, and very slender branchlets which are sometimes mistaken for leaves. Asparagus racemosus is a shrubby climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Specifically: The Asparagus officinalis, a species cultivated in gardens.
The young and tender shoots of A. officinalis, which form a valuable and well-known article of food.

asphodel ::: a genus of liliaceous plants with very attractive white, pink or yellow flowers, mostly natives of the south of Europe; by the poets made an immortal flower, and said to cover the Elysian (heavenly, paradisal) fields.

asphodel ::: n. --> A general name for a plant of the genus Asphodelus. The asphodels are hardy perennial plants, several species of which are cultivated for the beauty of their flowers.

As Sri Aurobindo once wrote to Dilip Kumar Roy, (I paraphrase) ‘ The earth is a conscious being and the world is only the form it takes to manifest.’ This statement of the Avatar, predating the GAIA theory by many years and far surpassing it in its infinite scope, promises an earth returned to beauty to manifest, unknown to man, an inconceivable perfection. I once wrote to Mother with a question about what would happen to plants and flowers in the New Creation. Her reply filled me with joy and gratitude for She said that the flowers would be among the first to change (be transformed) because their entire life is an aspiration for light. Imagine the beauty to come with flowers brilliant with the Divine Light, colours such as never seen before, fragrances that can transofrm suffering and sorrow into a life free of pain and filled with joy.

aster ::: n. --> A genus of herbs with compound white or bluish flowers; starwort; Michaelmas daisy.
A plant of the genus Callistephus. Many varieties (called China asters, German asters, etc.) are cultivated for their handsome compound flowers.

aura ::: n. --> Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc.
The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.

autumnal ::: a. --> Of, belonging to, or peculiar to, autumn; as, an autumnal tint; produced or gathered in autumn; as, autumnal fruits; flowering in autumn; as, an autumnal plant.
Past the middle of life; in the third stage.

azalea ::: n. --> A genus of showy flowering shrubs, mostly natives of China or of North America; false honeysuckle. The genus is scarcely distinct from Rhododendron.

balaustine ::: n. --> The pomegranate tree (Punica granatum). The bark of the root, the rind of the fruit, and the flowers are used medicinally.

ball-flower ::: n. --> An ornament resembling a ball placed in a circular flower, the petals of which form a cup round it, -- usually inserted in a hollow molding.

balsam ::: n. --> A resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil.
A species of tree (Abies balsamea).
An annual garden plant (Impatiens balsamina) with beautiful flowers; balsamine.
Anything that heals, soothes, or restores. ::: v. t.

basigynium ::: n. --> The pedicel on which the ovary of certain flowers, as the passion flower, is seated; a carpophore or thecaphore.

bean caper ::: --> A deciduous plant of warm climates, generally with fleshy leaves and flowers of a yellow or whitish yellow color, of the genus Zygophyllum.

bedstraw ::: n. --> Straw put into a bed.
A genus of slender herbs, usually with square stems, whorled leaves, and small white flowers.

beebread ::: n. --> A brown, bitter substance found in some of the cells of honeycomb. It is made chiefly from the pollen of flowers, which is collected by bees as food for their young.

beflower ::: v. t. --> To besprinkle or scatter over with, or as with, flowers.

belamour ::: n. --> A lover.
A flower, but of what kind is unknown.

belladonna ::: n. --> An herbaceous European plant (Atropa belladonna) with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries. The whole plant and its fruit are very poisonous, and the root and leaves are used as powerful medicinal agents. Its properties are largely due to the alkaloid atropine which it contains. Called also deadly nightshade.
A species of Amaryllis (A. belladonna); the belladonna lily.

bellflower ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Campanula; -- so named from its bell-shaped flowers.
A kind of apple. The yellow bellflower is a large, yellow winter apple.

bell ::: n. --> A hollow metallic vessel, usually shaped somewhat like a cup with a flaring mouth, containing a clapper or tongue, and giving forth a ringing sound on being struck.
A hollow perforated sphere of metal containing a loose ball which causes it to sound when moved.
Anything in the form of a bell, as the cup or corol of a flower.
That part of the capital of a column included between the

bellwort ::: n. --> A genus of plants (Uvularia) with yellowish bell-shaped flowers.

bennet ::: a. --> The common yellow-flowered avens of Europe (Geum urbanum); herb bennet. The name is sometimes given to other plants, as the hemlock, valerian, etc.

Flowers ::: A blossoming in the consciousness, sometimes with

biflorous ::: a. --> Bearing two flowers; two-flowered.

bignoniaceous ::: a. --> Of pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the trumpet flower is an example.

bignonia ::: n. --> A large genus of American, mostly tropical, climbing shrubs, having compound leaves and showy somewhat tubular flowers. B. capreolata is the cross vine of the Southern United States. The trumpet creeper was formerly considered to be of this genus.

bilabiate ::: a. --> Having two lips, as the corols of certain flowers.

bilamellated ::: a. --> Formed of two plates, as the stigma of the Mimulus; also, having two elevated ridges, as in the lip of certain flowers.

bisexual ::: a. --> Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flower with stamens and pistil, or an animal having ovaries and testes.

bloodflower ::: n. --> A genus of bulbous plants, natives of Southern Africa, named Haemanthus, of the Amaryllis family. The juice of H. toxicarius is used by the Hottentots to poison their arrows.

bloodroot ::: n. --> A plant (Sanguinaria Canadensis), with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring; -- called also puccoon, redroot, bloodwort, tetterwort, turmeric, and Indian paint. It has acrid emetic properties, and the rootstock is used as a stimulant expectorant. See Sanguinaria.

bloomless ::: a. --> Without bloom or flowers.

bloom ::: n. **1. The flower of a plant. 2. Fig. A condition or time of vigour, freshness, and beauty; prime. 3. Fig. Glowing charm; delicate beauty. blooms. v. 4. To bear flowers; to blossom. Also fig. 5. To be in a healthy, glowing, or flourishing condition. 6. To flourish or grow. 7. To cause to flourish or grow; to flourish. Chiefly fig. blooms, bloomed.**

bloom ::: n. --> A blossom; the flower of a plant; an expanded bud; flowers, collectively.
The opening of flowers in general; the state of blossoming or of having the flowers open; as, the cherry trees are in bloom.
A state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor; an opening to higher perfection, analogous to that of buds into blossoms; as, the bloom of youth.
The delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or

bloomy ::: a. --> Full of bloom; flowery; flourishing with the vigor of youth; as, a bloomy spray.
Covered with bloom, as fruit.

blossom ::: n. --> The flower of a plant, or the essential organs of reproduction, with their appendages; florescence; bloom; the flowers of a plant, collectively; as, the blossoms and fruit of a tree; an apple tree in blossom.
A blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise.
The color of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs; -- otherwise called peach color.

blossom ::: v. 1. To produce or yield flowers. 2. To flourish; develop. blossomed.* *n. 3. The flower of a plant. mango-blossoms.**

blossomy ::: a. --> Full of blossoms; flowery.

blow ::: v. i. --> To flower; to blossom; to bloom.
To produce a current of air; to move, as air, esp. to move rapidly or with power; as, the wind blows.
To send forth a forcible current of air, as from the mouth or from a pair of bellows.
To breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.
To sound on being blown into, as a trumpet.
To spout water, etc., from the blowholes, as a whale.

bluebell ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Campanula, especially the Campanula rotundifolia, which bears blue bell-shaped flowers; the harebell.
A plant of the genus Scilla (Scilla nutans).

bluebottle ::: n. --> A plant (Centaurea cyanus) which grows in grain fields. It receives its name from its blue bottle-shaped flowers.
A large and troublesome species of blowfly (Musca vomitoria). Its body is steel blue.

blue-eyed grass ::: --> a grasslike plant (Sisyrinchium anceps), with small flowers of a delicate blue color.

bluets ::: a. --> A name given to several different species of plants having blue flowers, as the Houstonia coerulea, the Centaurea cyanus or bluebottle, and the Vaccinium angustifolium.

blushing ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Blush ::: a. --> Showing blushes; rosy red; having a warm and delicate color like some roses and other flowers; blooming; ruddy; roseate. ::: n.

blush ::: v. i. --> To become suffused with red in the cheeks, as from a sense of shame, modesty, or confusion; to become red from such cause, as the cheeks or face.
To grow red; to have a red or rosy color.
To have a warm and delicate color, as some roses and other flowers. ::: v. t.

border ::: n. --> The outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, etc.; margin; verge; brink.
A boundary; a frontier of a state or of the settled part of a country; a frontier district.
A strip or stripe arranged along or near the edge of something, as an ornament or finish.
A narrow flower bed.

bougainvillaea ::: n. --> A genus of plants of the order Nyctoginaceae, from tropical South America, having the flowers surrounded by large bracts.

bouquet ::: n. --> A nosegay; a bunch of flowers.
A perfume; an aroma; as, the bouquet of wine.

bractlet ::: n. --> A bract on the stalk of a single flower, which is itself on a main stalk that support several flowers.

bract ::: n. --> A leaf, usually smaller than the true leaves of a plant, from the axil of which a flower stalk arises.
Any modified leaf, or scale, on a flower stalk or at the base of a flower.

brassica ::: n. --> A genus of plants embracing several species and varieties differing much in appearance and qualities: such as the common cabbage (B. oleracea), broccoli, cauliflowers, etc.; the wild turnip (B. campestris); the common turnip (B. rapa); the rape or coleseed (B. napus), etc.

brocaded ::: a. --> Woven or worked, as brocade, with gold and silver, or with raised flowers, etc.
Dressed in brocade.

brocade ::: n. --> Silk stuff, woven with gold and silver threads, or ornamented with raised flowers, foliage, etc.; -- also applied to other stuffs thus wrought and enriched.

broccoli ::: n. --> A plant of the Cabbage species (Brassica oleracea) of many varieties, resembling the cauliflower. The "curd," or flowering head, is the part used for food.

brooklime ::: n. --> A plant (Veronica Beccabunga), with flowers, usually blue, in axillary racemes. The American species is V. Americana.

brookweed ::: n. --> A small white-flowered herb (Samolus Valerandi) found usually in wet places; water pimpernel.

broom ::: n. --> A plant having twigs suitable for making brooms to sweep with when bound together; esp., the Cytisus scoparius of Western Europe, which is a low shrub with long, straight, green, angular branches, minute leaves, and large yellow flowers.
An implement for sweeping floors, etc., commonly made of the panicles or tops of broom corn, bound together or attached to a long wooden handle; -- so called because originally made of the twigs of the broom.

broom rape ::: --> A genus (Orobanche) of parasitic plants of Europe and Asia. They are destitute of chlorophyll, have scales instead of leaves, and spiked flowers, and grow attached to the roots of other plants, as furze, clover, flax, wild carrot, etc. The name is sometimes applied to other plants related to this genus, as Aphyllon uniflorumand A. Ludovicianum.

brownwort ::: n. --> A species of figwort or Scrophularia (S. vernalis), and other species of the same genus, mostly perennials with inconspicuous coarse flowers.

buck bean ::: --> A plant (Menyanthes trifoliata) which grows in moist and boggy places, having racemes of white or reddish flowers and intensely bitter leaves, sometimes used in medicine; marsh trefoil; -- called also bog bean.

bud ::: 1. A rudimentary inflorescence, i.e. flower bud. 2. *Fig. Something in an undeveloped or immature condition. *buds, honey-buds, lotus-bud.

bud ::: n. --> A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower.
A small protuberance on certain low forms of animals and vegetables which develops into a new organism, either free or attached. See Hydra. ::: v. i.

bugbane ::: n. --> A perennial white-flowered herb of the order Ranunculaceae and genus Cimiciguga; bugwort. There are several species.

bulbel ::: n. --> A separable bulb formed on some flowering plants.

bulblet ::: n. --> A small bulb, either produced on a larger bulb, or on some aerial part of a plant, as in the axils of leaves in the tiger lily, or replacing the flowers in some kinds of onion.

buttercup ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Ranunculus, or crowfoot, particularly R. bulbosus, with bright yellow flowers; -- called also butterflower, golden cup, and kingcup. It is the cuckoobud of Shakespeare.

"But the Titan will have nothing of all this; it is too great and subtle for his comprehension. His instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel, — if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly, — it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

buttonbush ::: n. --> A shrub (Cephalanthus occidentalis) growing by the waterside; -- so called from its globular head of flowers. See Capitulum.

cabbage ::: n. --> An esculent vegetable of many varieties, derived from the wild Brassica oleracea of Europe. The common cabbage has a compact head of leaves. The cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc., are sometimes classed as cabbages.
The terminal bud of certain palm trees, used, like, cabbage, for food. See Cabbage tree, below.
The cabbage palmetto. See below.
Cloth or clippings cabbaged or purloined by one who cuts

cachepot ::: n. --> An ornamental casing for a flowerpot, of porcelain, metal, paper, etc.

calcarated ::: a. --> Having a spur, as the flower of the toadflax and larkspur; spurred.
Armed with a spur.

calceolaria ::: n. --> A genus of showy herbaceous or shrubby plants, brought from South America; slipperwort. It has a yellow or purple flower, often spotted or striped, the shape of which suggests its name.

calypso ::: n. --> A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold and wet localities in the northern part of the United States. The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches 68¡ N.

calyx ::: n. --> The covering of a flower. See Flower.
A cuplike division of the pelvis of the kidney, which surrounds one or more of the renal papillae.

calyx ::: the outermost group of floral parts enclosing the bud and surrounding the base of a flower; the sepals.

camass ::: n. --> A blue-flowered liliaceous plant (Camassia esculenta) of northwestern America, the bulbs of which are collected for food by the Indians.

camellia ::: n. --> An Asiatic genus of small shrubs, often with shining leaves and showy flowers. Camellia Japonica is much cultivated for ornament, and C. Sassanqua and C. oleifera are grown in China for the oil which is pressed from their seeds. The tea plant is now referred to this genus under the name of Camellia Thea.

campana ::: n. --> A church bell.
The pasque flower.
Same as Gutta.

campanula ::: n. --> A large genus of plants bearing bell-shaped flowers, often of great beauty; -- also called bellflower.

canna ::: n. --> A measure of length in Italy, varying from six to seven feet. See Cane, 4.
A genus of tropical plants, with large leaves and often with showy flowers. The Indian shot (C. Indica) is found in gardens of the northern United States.

capillaire ::: n. --> A sirup prepared from the maiden-hair, formerly supposed to have medicinal properties.
Any simple sirup flavored with orange flowers.

capitate ::: a. --> Headlike in form; also, having the distal end enlarged and rounded, as the stigmas of certain flowers.
Having the flowers gathered into a head.

capitulum ::: n. --> A thick head of flowers on a very short axis, as a clover top, or a dandelion; a composite flower. A capitulum may be either globular or flat.
A knoblike protuberance of any part, esp. at the end of a bone or cartilage. [See Illust. of Artiodactyla.]

cardamine ::: n. --> A genus of cruciferous plants, containing the lady&

carina ::: n. --> A keel
That part of a papilionaceous flower, consisting of two petals, commonly united, which incloses the organs of fructification
A longitudinal ridge or projection like the keel of a boat.
The keel of the breastbone of birds.

carnation ::: n. --> The natural color of flesh; rosy pink.
Those parts of a picture in which the human body or any part of it is represented in full color; the flesh tints.
A species of Dianthus (D. Caryophyllus) or pink, having very beautiful flowers of various colors, esp. white and usually a rich, spicy scent.

carpophyte ::: n. --> A flowerless plant which forms a true fruit as the result of fertilization, as the red seaweeds, the Ascomycetes, etc.

carthamin ::: n. --> A red coloring matter obtained from the safflower, or Carthamus tinctorius.

catalpa ::: n. --> A genus of American and East Indian trees, of which the best know species are the Catalpa bignonioides, a large, ornamental North American tree, with spotted white flowers and long cylindrical pods, and the C. speciosa, of the Mississipi valley; -- called also Indian bean.

catkin ::: n. --> An ament; a species of inflorescence, consisting of a slender axis with many unisexual apetalous flowers along its sides, as in the willow and poplar, and (as to the staminate flowers) in the chestnut, oak, hickory, etc. -- so called from its resemblance to a cat&

cat-tail ::: n. --> A tall rush or flag (Typha latifolia) growing in marshes, with long, flat leaves, and having its flowers in a close cylindrical spike at the top of the stem. The leaves are frequently used for seating chairs, making mats, etc. See Catkin.

cauliflower ::: n. --> An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage, of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable.
The edible head or "curd" of a cauliflower plant.

caulis ::: n. --> An herbaceous or woody stem which bears leaves, and may bear flowers.

caulocarpous ::: a. --> Having stems which bear flowers and fruit year after year, as most trees and shrubs.

celandine ::: n. --> A perennial herbaceous plant (Chelidonium majus) of the poppy family, with yellow flowers. It is used as a medicine in jaundice, etc., and its acrid saffron-colored juice is used to cure warts and the itch; -- called also greater celandine and swallowwort.

cenanthy ::: n. --> The absence or suppression of the essential organs (stamens and pistil) in a flower.

centaurea ::: n. --> A large genus of composite plants, related to the thistles and including the cornflower or bluebottle (Centaurea Cyanus) and the star thistle (C. Calcitrapa).

centrifugal ::: a. --> Tending, or causing, to recede from the center.
Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster.
Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos. ::: n.

cernuous ::: a. --> Inclining or nodding downward; pendulous; drooping; -- said of a bud, flower, fruit, or the capsule of a moss.

chaff ::: n. --> The glumes or husks of grains and grasses separated from the seed by threshing and winnowing, etc.
Anything of a comparatively light and worthless character; the refuse part of anything.
Straw or hay cut up fine for the food of cattle.
Light jesting talk; banter; raillery.
The scales or bracts on the receptacle, which subtend each flower in the heads of many Compositae, as the sunflower.

chaffy ::: a. --> Abounding in, or resembling, chaff.
Light or worthless as chaff.
Resembling chaff; composed of light dry scales.
Bearing or covered with dry scales, as the under surface of certain ferns, or the disk of some composite flowers.

chamomile ::: n. --> A genus of herbs (Anthemis) of the Composite family. The common camomile, A. nobilis, is used as a popular remedy. Its flowers have a strong and fragrant and a bitter, aromatic taste. They are tonic, febrifugal, and in large doses emetic, and the volatile oil is carminative.
See Camomile.

chara ::: n. --> A genus of flowerless plants, having articulated stems and whorled branches. They flourish in wet places.

charlock ::: n. --> A cruciferous plant (Brassica sinapistrum) with yellow flowers; wild mustard. It is troublesome in grain fields. Called also chardock, chardlock, chedlock, and kedlock.

chelone ::: n. --> A genus of hardy perennial flowering plants, of the order Scrophulariaceae, natives of North America; -- called also snakehead, turtlehead, shellflower, etc.

cherimoyer ::: n. --> A small downy-leaved tree (Anona Cherimolia), with fragrant flowers. It is a native of Peru.
Its delicious fruit, which is succulent, dark purple, and similar to the custard apple of the West Indies.

chickweed ::: n. --> The name of several caryophyllaceous weeds, especially Stellaria media, the seeds and flower buds of which are a favorite food of small birds.

chicory ::: n. --> A branching perennial plant (Cichorium Intybus) with bright blue flowers, growing wild in Europe, Asia, and America; also cultivated for its roots and as a salad plant; succory; wild endive. See Endive.
The root, which is roasted for mixing with coffee.

chintz ::: n. --> Cotton cloth, printed with flowers and other devices, in a number of different colors, and often glazed.

chlorosis ::: n. --> The green sickness; an anaemic disease of young women, characterized by a greenish or grayish yellow hue of the skin, weakness, palpitation, etc.
A disease in plants, causing the flowers to turn green or the leaves to lose their normal green color.

chulan ::: n. --> The fragrant flowers of the Chloranthus inconspicuus, used in China for perfuming tea.

churrus ::: n. --> A powerfully narcotic and intoxicating gum resin which exudes from the flower heads, seeds, etc., of Indian hemp.

cineraria ::: n. --> A Linnaean genus of free-flowering composite plants, mostly from South Africa. Several species are cultivated for ornament.

cleistogamous ::: a. --> Having, beside the usual flowers, other minute, closed flowers, without petals or with minute petals; -- said of certain species of plants which possess flowers of two or more kinds, the closed ones being so constituted as to insure self-fertilization.

clematis ::: n. --> A genus of flowering plants, of many species, mostly climbers, having feathery styles, which greatly enlarge in the fruit; -- called also virgin&

clinanthium ::: n. --> The receptacle of the flowers in a composite plant; -- also called clinium.

cobaea ::: n. --> A genus of climbing plants, native of Mexico and South America. C. scandens is a conservatory climber with large bell-shaped flowers.

cockscomb ::: n. --> See Coxcomb.
A plant (Celosia cristata), of many varieties, cultivated for its broad, fantastic spikes of brilliant flowers; -- sometimes called garden cockscomb. Also the Pedicularis, or lousewort, the Rhinanthus Crista-galli, and the Onobrychis Crista-galli.

colicroot ::: n. --> A bitter American herb of the Bloodwort family, with the leaves all radical, and the small yellow or white flowers in a long spike (Aletris farinosa and A. aurea). Called sometimes star grass, blackroot, blazing star, and unicorn root.

colliflower ::: n. --> See Cauliflower.

compositae ::: n. pl. --> A large family of dicotyledonous plants, having their flowers arranged in dense heads of many small florets and their anthers united in a tube. The daisy, dandelion, and asters, are examples.

conceptacle ::: n. --> That in which anything is contained; a vessel; a receiver or receptacle.
A pericarp, opening longitudinally on one side and having the seeds loose in it; a follicle; a double follicle or pair of follicles.
One of the cases containing the spores, etc., of flowerless plants, especially of algae.

conglobate ::: a. --> Collected into, or forming, a rounded mass or ball; as, the conglobate [lymphatic] glands; conglobate flowers. ::: v. t. --> To collect or form into a ball or rounded mass; to gather or mass together.

conglomerate ::: a. --> Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light.
Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as, conglomerate flowers.
Composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of rocks, cemented together. ::: n.

conium ::: n. --> A genus of biennial, poisonous, white-flowered, umbelliferous plants, bearing ribbed fruit ("seeds") and decompound leaves.
The common hemlock (Conium maculatum, poison hemlock, spotted hemlock, poison parsley), a roadside weed of Europe, Asia, and America, cultivated in the United States for medicinal purpose. It is an active poison. The leaves and fruit are used in medicine.

connivent ::: a. --> Forbearing to see; designedly inattentive; as, connivent justice.
Brought close together; arched inward so that the points meet; converging; in close contact; as, the connivent petals of a flower, wings of an insect, or folds of membrane in the human system, etc.

consolidation ::: n. --> The act or process of consolidating, making firm, or uniting; the state of being consolidated; solidification; combination.
To organic cohesion of different circled in a flower; adnation.
The combination of several actions into one.

conventional ::: a. --> Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated.
Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal.
Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules.
Abstracted; removed from close representation of nature by the deliberate selection of what is to be represented and what is to be rejected; as, a conventional flower; a conventional

convolvulus ::: n. --> A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (C. arwensis), and formerly the morning-glory, but this is now transferred to the genus Ipomaea.

corbell ::: n. --> A sculptured basket of flowers; a corbel.
Small gabions.

corchorus ::: n. --> The common name of the Kerria Japonica or Japan globeflower, a yellow-flowered, perennial, rosaceous plant, seen in old-fashioned gardens.

cornel ::: n. --> The cornelian cherry (Cornus Mas), a European shrub with clusters of small, greenish flowers, followed by very acid but edible drupes resembling cherries.
Any species of the genus Cornus, as C. florida, the flowering cornel; C. stolonifera, the osier cornel; C. Canadensis, the dwarf cornel, or bunchberry.

cornflower ::: n. --> A conspicuous wild flower (Centaurea Cyanus), growing in grainfields.

cornucopia ::: n. --> The horn of plenty, from which fruits and flowers are represented as issuing. It is an emblem of abundance.
A genus of grasses bearing spikes of flowers resembling the cornucopia in form.

corolla ::: n. --> The inner envelope of a flower; the part which surrounds the organs of fructification, consisting of one or more leaves, called petals. It is usually distinguished from the calyx by the fineness of its texture and the gayness of its colors. See the Note under Blossom.

corollary ::: n. --> That which is given beyond what is actually due, as a garland of flowers in addition to wages; surplus; something added or superfluous.
Something which follows from the demonstration of a proposition; an additional inference or deduction from a demonstrated proposition; a consequence.

corollet ::: n. --> A floret in an aggregate flower.

coronilla ::: n. --> A genus of plants related to the clover, having their flowers arranged in little heads or tufts resembling coronets.

corsage ::: n. --> The waist or bodice of a lady&

corymbiferous ::: a. --> Bearing corymbs of flowers or fruit.

corymb ::: n. --> A flat-topped or convex cluster of flowers, each on its own footstalk, and arising from different points of a common axis, the outermost blossoms expanding first, as in the hawthorn.
Any flattish flower cluster, whatever be the order of blooming, or a similar shaped cluster of fruit.

counterflory ::: a. --> Adorned with flowers (usually fleurs-de-lis) so divided that the tops appear on one side and the bottoms on the others; -- said of any ordinary.

cowslip ::: n. --> A common flower in England (Primula veris) having yellow blossoms and appearing in early spring. It is often cultivated in the United States.
In the United States, the marsh marigold (Caltha palustris), appearing in wet places in early spring and often used as a pot herb. It is nearer to a buttercup than to a true cowslip. See Illust. of Marsh marigold.

crocus ::: n. --> A genus of iridaceous plants, with pretty blossoms rising separately from the bulb or corm. C. vernus is one of the earliest of spring-blooming flowers; C. sativus produces the saffron, and blossoms in the autumn.
A deep yellow powder; the oxide of some metal calcined to a red or deep yellow color; esp., the oxide of iron (Crocus of Mars or colcothar) thus produced from salts of iron, and used as a polishing powder.

crowflower ::: n. --> A kind of campion; according to Gerarde, the Lychnis Flos-cuculi.

crowfoot ::: n. --> The genus Ranunculus, of many species; some are common weeds, others are flowering plants of considerable beauty.
A number of small cords rove through a long block, or euphroe, to suspend an awning by.
A caltrop.
A tool with a side claw for recovering broken rods, etc.

crown-imperial ::: n. --> A spring-blooming plant (Fritillaria imperialis) of the Lily family, having at the top of the stalk a cluster of pendent bell-shaped flowers surmounted with a tuft of green leaves.

cryptogamia ::: n. --> The series or division of flowerless plants, or those never having true stamens and pistils, but propagated by spores of various kinds.

cuckoobud ::: n. --> A species of Ranunculus (R. bulbosus); -- called also butterflower, buttercup, kingcup, goldcup.

cuckooflower ::: n. --> A species of Cardamine (C. pratensis), or lady&

cull ::: v. t. --> To separate, select, or pick out; to choose and gather or collect; as, to cull flowers. ::: n. --> A cully; a dupe; a gull. See Cully.

curd ::: n. --> The coagulated or thickened part of milk, as distinguished from the whey, or watery part. It is eaten as food, especially when made into cheese.
The coagulated part of any liquid.
The edible flower head of certain brassicaceous plants, as the broccoli and cauliflower. ::: v. t.

daffodil ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Asphodelus.
A plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Pseudo-narcissus). It has a bulbous root and beautiful flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly, daffydowndilly, etc.

dahlia ::: n. --> A genus of plants native to Mexico and Central America, of the order Compositae; also, any plant or flower of the genus. The numerous varieties of cultivated dahlias bear conspicuous flowers which differ in color.

damask ::: n. --> Damask silk; silk woven with an elaborate pattern of flowers and the like.
Linen so woven that a pattern in produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of color.
A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings.
Damask or Damascus steel; also, the peculiar markings or

dandelion ::: n. --> A well-known plant of the genus Taraxacum (T. officinale, formerly called T. Dens-leonis and Leontodos Taraxacum) bearing large, yellow, compound flowers, and deeply notched leaves.

datura ::: n. --> A genus of solanaceous plants, with large funnel-shaped flowers and a four-celled, capsular fruit.

dayflower ::: n. --> A genus consisting mostly of tropical perennial herbs (Commelina), having ephemeral flowers.

day lily ::: --> A genus of plants (Hemerocallis) closely resembling true lilies, but having tuberous rootstocks instead of bulbs. The common species have long narrow leaves and either yellow or tawny-orange flowers.
A genus of plants (Funkia) differing from the last in having ovate veiny leaves, and large white or blue flowers.

decorate ::: v. t. --> To deck with that which is becoming, ornamental, or honorary; to adorn; to beautify; to embellish; as, to decorate the person; to decorate an edifice; to decorate a lawn with flowers; to decorate the mind with moral beauties; to decorate a hero with honors.

deergrass ::: n. --> An American genus (Rhexia) of perennial herbs, with opposite leaves, and showy flowers (usually bright purple), with four petals and eight stamens, -- the only genus of the order Melastomaceae inhabiting a temperate clime.

deflorate ::: a. --> Past the flowering state; having shed its pollen.

defloration ::: n. --> The act of deflouring; as, the defloration of a virgin.
That which is chosen as the flower or choicest part; careful culling or selection.

deflour ::: v. t. --> To deprive of flowers.
To take away the prime beauty and grace of; to rob of the choicest ornament.
To deprive of virginity, as a woman; to violate; to ravish; also, to seduce.

deflowerer ::: n. --> See Deflourer.

deflower ::: v. t. --> Same as Deflour.

designs or pictures transferred from engraved plates, wood blocks, lithographic stones or other media. flower-prints.

deutzia ::: n. --> A genus of shrubs with pretty white flowers, much cultivated.

develop ::: v. t. --> To free from that which infolds or envelops; to unfold; to lay open by degrees or in detail; to make visible or known; to disclose; to produce or give forth; as, to develop theories; a motor that develops 100 horse power.
To unfold gradually, as a flower from a bud; hence, to bring through a succession of states or stages, each of which is preparatory to the next; to form or expand by a process of growth; to cause to change gradually from an embryo, or a lower state, to a higher

diadelphous ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the class Diadelphia; having the stamens united into two bodies by their filaments (said of a plant or flower); grouped into two bundles or sets by coalescence of the filaments (said of stamens).

dianthus ::: n. --> A genus of plants containing some of the most popular of cultivated flowers, including the pink, carnation, and Sweet William.

dicentra ::: n. --> A genus of herbaceous plants, with racemes of two-spurred or heart-shaped flowers, including the Dutchman&

diclinous ::: a. --> Having the stamens and pistils in separate flowers.

dictamnus ::: n. --> A suffrutescent, D. Fraxinella (the only species), with strong perfume and showy flowers. The volatile oil of the leaves is highly inflammable.

differentiation ::: n. --> The act of differentiating.
The act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference; exact definition or determination.
The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal life, when the germ evolves the

dimorphism ::: n. --> Difference of form between members of the same species, as when a plant has two kinds of flowers, both hermaphrodite (as in the partridge berry), or when there are two forms of one or both sexes of the same species of butterfly.
Crystallization in two independent forms of the same chemical compound, as of calcium carbonate as calcite and aragonite.

dioecious ::: a. --> Having the sexes in two separate individuals; -- applied to plants in which the female flowers occur on one individual and the male flowers on another of the same species, and to animals in which the ovum is produced by one individual and the sperm cell by another; -- opposed to monoecious.

disk ::: n. --> A discus; a quoit.
A flat, circular plate; as, a disk of metal or paper.
The circular figure of a celestial body, as seen projected of the heavens.
A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disk; germinal disk, etc.
The whole surface of a leaf.
The central part of a radiate compound flower, as in

dog-rose ::: n. --> A common European wild rose, with single pink or white flowers.

double ::: a. --> Twofold; multiplied by two; increased by its equivalent; made twice as large or as much, etc.
Being in pairs; presenting two of a kind, or two in a set together; coupled.
Divided into two; acting two parts, one openly and the other secretly; equivocal; deceitful; insincere.
Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the

dove plant ::: --> A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove; -- called also Holy Spirit plant. html{color:

dracaena ::: n. --> A genus of liliaceous plants with woody stems and funnel-shaped flowers.

Earth cannot flower if lonely I return.”

earthly ::: a. --> Pertaining to the earth; belonging to this world, or to man&

ebracteolate ::: a. --> Without bracteoles, or little bracts; -- said of a pedicel or flower stalk.

efflorescence ::: n. --> Flowering, or state of flowering; the blooming of flowers; blowth.
A redness of the skin; eruption, as in rash, measles, smallpox, scarlatina, etc.
The formation of the whitish powder or crust on the surface of efflorescing bodies, as salts, etc.
The powder or crust thus formed.

efflower ::: v. t. --> To remove the epidermis of (a skin) with a concave knife, blunt in its middle part, -- as in making chamois leather.

eglantine ::: n. --> A species of rose (Rosa Eglanteria), with fragrant foliage and flowers of various colors.
The sweetbrier (R. rubiginosa).

elecampane ::: n. --> A large, coarse herb (Inula Helenium), with composite yellow flowers. The root, which has a pungent taste, is used as a tonic, and was formerly of much repute as a stomachic.
A sweetmeat made from the root of the plant.

eleuthero-petalous ::: a. --> Having the petals free, that is, entirely separate from each other; -- said of both plant and flower.

elite ::: n. --> A choice or select body; the flower; as, the elite of society.

emanate ::: v. i. --> To issue forth from a source; to flow out from more or less constantly; as, fragrance emanates from flowers.
To proceed from, as a source or fountain; to take origin; to arise, to originate. ::: a. --> Issuing forth; emanant.

emanation ::: n. --> The act of flowing or proceeding from a fountain head or origin.
That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence; as, perfume is an emanation from a flower.

embellish ::: v. t. --> To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors.

encarpus ::: n. --> An ornament on a frieze or capital, consisting of festoons of fruit, flowers, leaves, etc.

endecagynous ::: a. --> Having eleven pistils; as, an endecagynous flower.

endogen ::: n. --> A plant which increases in size by internal growth and elongation at the summit, having the wood in the form of bundles or threads, irregularly distributed throughout the whole diameter, not forming annual layers, and with no distinct pith. The leaves of the endogens have, usually, parallel veins, their flowers are mostly in three, or some multiple of three, parts, and their embryos have but a single cotyledon, with the first leaves alternate. The endogens constitute one of the great primary classes of plants, and included all

enerlasting ::: n. --> Eternal duration, past of future; eternity.
(With the definite article) The Eternal Being; God.
A plant whose flowers may be dried without losing their form or color, as the pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea), the immortelle of the French, the cudweeds, etc.
A cloth fabic for shoes, etc. See Lasting.

enflowered ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Enflower

enflowering ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Enflower

enflower ::: v. t. --> To cover or deck with flowers.

enneagynous ::: a. --> Having or producing nine pistils or styles; -- said of a flower or plant.

enneapetalous ::: a. --> Having nine petals, or flower leaves.

epanody ::: n. --> The abnormal change of an irregular flower to a regular form; -- considered by evolutionists to be a reversion to an ancestral condition.

epanthous ::: a. --> Growing upon flowers; -- said of certain species of fungi.

ephemeral ::: a. --> Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; diurnal; as, an ephemeral flower.
Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only. ::: n. --> Anything lasting but a day, or a brief time; an

epiclinal ::: a. --> Situated on the receptacle or disk of a flower.

epiphyllum ::: n. --> A genus of cactaceous plants having flattened, jointed stems, and petals united in a tube. The flowers are very showy, and several species are in cultivation.

erica ::: n. --> A genus of shrubby plants, including the heaths, many of them producing beautiful flowers.

erythrina ::: n. --> A genus of leguminous plants growing in the tropics; coral tree; -- so called from its red flowers.

erythrogen ::: n. --> Carbon disulphide; -- so called from certain red compounds which it produces in combination with other substances.
A substance reddened by acids, which is supposed to be contained in flowers.
A crystalline substance obtained from diseased bile, which becomes blood-red when acted on by nitric acid or ammonia.

erythrophyllin ::: n. --> The red coloring matter of leaves, fruits, flowers, etc., in distinction from chlorophyll.

eschscholtzia ::: n. --> A genus of papaveraceous plants, found in California and upon the west coast of North America, some species of which produce beautiful yellow, orange, rose-colored, or white flowers; the California poppy.

euplectella ::: n. --> A genus of elegant, glassy sponges, consisting of interwoven siliceous fibers, and growing in the form of a cornucopia; -- called also Venus&

evolution ::: n. --> The act of unfolding or unrolling; hence, in the process of growth; development; as, the evolution of a flower from a bud, or an animal from the egg.
A series of things unrolled or unfolded.
The formation of an involute by unwrapping a thread from a curve as an evolute.
The extraction of roots; -- the reverse of involution.
A prescribed movement of a body of troops, or a vessel

exhalation ::: n. --> The act or process of exhaling, or sending forth in the form of steam or vapor; evaporation.
That which is exhaled, or which rises in the form of vapor, fume, or steam; effluvium; emanation; as, exhalations from the earth or flowers, decaying matter, etc.
A bright phenomenon; a meteor.

expand ::: v. t. --> To lay open by extending; to open wide; to spread out; to diffuse; as, a flower expands its leaves.
To cause the particles or parts of to spread themselves or stand apart, thus increasing bulk without addition of substance; to make to occupy more space; to dilate; to distend; to extend every way; to enlarge; -- opposed to contract; as, to expand the chest; heat expands all bodies; to expand the sphere of benevolence.
To state in enlarged form; to develop; as, to expand an

extine ::: n. --> The outer membrane of the grains of pollen of flowering plants.

fascicle ::: n. --> A small bundle or collection; a compact cluster; as, a fascicle of fibers; a fascicle of flowers or roots.

fecundate ::: v. t. --> To make fruitful or prolific.
To render fruitful or prolific; to impregnate; as, in flowers the pollen fecundates the ovum through the stigma.

fertile ::: a. --> Producing fruit or vegetation in abundance; fruitful; able to produce abundantly; prolific; fecund; productive; rich; inventive; as, fertile land or fields; a fertile mind or imagination.
Capable of producing fruit; fruit-bearing; as, fertile flowers.
Containing pollen; -- said of anthers.
produced in abundance; plenteous; ample.

fertilization ::: n. --> The act or process of rendering fertile.
The act of fecundating or impregnating animal or vegetable germs; esp., the process by which in flowers the pollen renders the ovule fertile, or an analogous process in flowerless plants; fecundation; impregnation.

fertilize ::: v. t. --> To make fertile or enrich; to supply with nourishment for plants; to make fruitful or productive; as, to fertilize land, soil, ground, and meadows.
To fecundate; as, to fertilize flower.

festoon ::: n. --> A garland or wreath hanging in a depending curve, used in decoration for festivals, etc.; anything arranged in this way.
A carved ornament consisting of flowers, and leaves, intermixed or twisted together, wound with a ribbon, and hanging or depending in a natural curve. See Illust. of Bucranium. ::: v. t.

fibrovascular ::: a. --> Containing woody fiber and ducts, as the stems of all flowering plants and ferns; -- opposed to cellular.

figurative ::: a. --> Representing by a figure, or by resemblance; typical; representative.
Used in a sense that is tropical, as a metaphor; not literal; -- applied to words and expressions.
Abounding in figures of speech; flowery; florid; as, a highly figurative description.
Relating to the representation of form or figure by drawing, carving, etc. See Figure, n., 2.

fioriture ::: n. pl. --> Little flowers of ornament introduced into a melody by a singer or player.

flax ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Linum, esp. the L. usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a foot and a half high, with blue flowers. The fiber of the bark is used for making thread and cloth, called linen, cambric, lawn, lace, etc. Linseed oil is expressed from the seed.
The skin or fibrous part of the flax plant, when broken and cleaned by hatcheling or combing.

fleur-de-lis ::: n. --> The iris. See Flower-de-luce.
A conventional flower suggested by the iris, and having a form which fits it for the terminal decoration of a scepter, the ornaments of a crown, etc. It is also a heraldic bearing, and is identified with the royal arms and adornments of France.

floral ::: a. --> Pertaining to Flora, or to flowers; made of flowers; as, floral games, wreaths.
Containing, or belonging to, a flower; as, a floral bud; a floral leaf; floral characters.

flora ::: n. --> The goddess of flowers and spring.
The complete system of vegetable species growing without cultivation in a given locality, region, or period; a list or description of, or treatise on, such plants.

florescence ::: n. --> A bursting into flower; a blossoming.

florescent ::: a. --> Expanding into flowers; blossoming.

floret ::: n. --> A little flower; one of the numerous little flowers which compose the head or anthodium in such flowers as the daisy, thistle, and dandelion.
A foil; a blunt sword used in fencing.

floricomous ::: a. --> Having the head adorned with flowers.

floricultural ::: a. --> Pertaining to the cultivation of flowering plants.

floriculture ::: n. --> The cultivation of flowering plants.

floriculturist ::: n. --> One skilled in the cultivation of flowers; a florist.

florid ::: a. --> Covered with flowers; abounding in flowers; flowery.
Bright in color; flushed with red; of a lively reddish color; as, a florid countenance.
Embellished with flowers of rhetoric; enriched to excess with figures; excessively ornate; as, a florid style; florid eloquence.
Flowery; ornamental; running in rapid melodic figures, divisions, or passages, as in variations; full of fioriture or little ornamentations.

floriferous ::: a. --> Producing flowers.

florification ::: n. --> The act, process, or time of flowering; florescence.

floriform ::: a. --> Having the form of a flower; flower-shaped.

florilege ::: n. --> The act of gathering flowers.

florist ::: n. --> A cultivator of, or dealer in, flowers.
One who writes a flora, or an account of plants.

floroon ::: n. --> A border worked with flowers.

florulent ::: a. --> Flowery; blossoming.

flossification ::: n. --> A flowering; florification.

floss ::: n. --> The slender styles of the pistillate flowers of maize; also called silk.
Untwisted filaments of silk, used in embroidering.
A small stream of water.
Fluid glass floating on iron in the puddling furnace, produced by the vitrification of oxides and earths which are present.

flourish ::: v. i. --> To grow luxuriantly; to increase and enlarge, as a healthy growing plant; a thrive.
To be prosperous; to increase in wealth, honor, comfort, happiness, or whatever is desirable; to thrive; to be prominent and influental; specifically, of authors, painters, etc., to be in a state of activity or production.
To use florid language; to indulge in rhetorical figures and lofty expressions; to be flowery.

flowerage ::: n. --> State of flowers; flowers, collectively or in general.

flower-de-luce ::: n. --> A genus of perennial herbs (Iris) with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem.

flowered ::: flower 1. Blossomed or bloomed. Also fig. 2. Decorated with flowers. 3. Came into full development; matured; blossomed.

flowered ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Flower

flowerer ::: n. --> A plant which flowers or blossoms.

floweret ::: n. --> A small flower; a floret.

flower-fence ::: n. --> A tropical leguminous bush (Poinciana, / Caesalpinia, pulcherrima) with prickly branches, and showy yellow or red flowers; -- so named from its having been sometimes used for hedges in the West Indies.

flowerful ::: a. --> Abounding with flowers.

flower-gentle ::: n. --> A species of amaranth (Amarantus melancholicus).

floweriness ::: n. --> The state of being flowery.

flowering ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Flower ::: a. --> Having conspicuous flowers; -- used as an epithet with many names of plants; as, flowering ash; flowering dogwood; flowering almond, etc.

flowerless ::: a. --> Having no flowers.

flowerlessness ::: n. --> State of being without flowers.

flower ::: n. --> In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy portion, usually of a different color, shape, and texture from the foliage.
That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs; an organ or combination of the organs of reproduction, whether inclosed by a circle of foliar parts or not. A complete flower consists of two essential parts, the stamens and the pistil, and two floral envelopes, the corolla and

flowerpot ::: n. --> A vessel, commonly or earthenware, for earth in which plants are grown.

FLOWERS, vide Symbol.

flower-symbol ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Flowers are the moment"s representations of things that are in themselves eternal.” On Himself

flowery ::: a. --> Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms.
Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style.

flowery-kirtled ::: a. --> Dressed with garlands of flowers.

foliaceous ::: a. --> Belonging to, or having the texture or nature of, a leaf; having leaves intermixed with flowers; as, a foliaceous spike.
Consisting of leaves or thin laminae; having the form of a leaf or plate; as, foliaceous spar.
Leaflike in form or mode of growth; as, a foliaceous coral.

foliage ::: n. --> Leaves, collectively, as produced or arranged by nature; leafage; as, a tree or forest of beautiful foliage.
A cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches; especially, the representation of leaves, flowers, and branches, in architecture, intended to ornament and enrich capitals, friezes, pediments, etc. ::: v. t.

footstalk ::: n. --> The stalk of a leaf or of flower; a petiole, pedicel, or reduncle.
The peduncle or stem by which various marine animals are attached, as certain brachiopods and goose barnacles.
The stem which supports which supports the eye in decapod Crustacea; eyestalk.
The lower part of a millstone spindle. It rests in a step.

forcing ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Force ::: n. --> The accomplishing of any purpose violently, precipitately, prematurely, or with unusual expedition.
The art of raising plants, flowers, and fruits at an earlier season than the natural one, as in a hitbed or by the use of

forget-me-not ::: n. --> A small herb, of the genus Myosotis (M. palustris, incespitosa, etc.), bearing a beautiful blue flower, and extensively considered the emblem of fidelity.

foveolate ::: a. --> Having small pits or depression, as the receptacle in some composite flowers.

foxtail ::: n. --> The tail or brush of a fox.
The name of several kinds of grass having a soft dense head of flowers, mostly the species of Alopecurus and Setaria.
The last cinders obtained in the fining process.

frangipanni ::: n. --> A perfume derived from, or imitating the odor of, the flower of the red jasmine, a West Indian tree of the genus Plumeria.

fresh ::: superl --> Possessed of original life and vigor; new and strong; unimpaired; sound.
New; original; additional.
Lately produced, gathered, or prepared for market; not stale; not dried or preserved; not wilted, faded, or tainted; in good condition; as, fresh vegetables, flowers, eggs, meat, fruit, etc.; recently made or obtained; occurring again; repeated; as, a fresh supply of goods; fresh tea, raisins, etc.; lately come or made public;

fritillaria ::: n. --> A genus of liliaceous plants, of which the crown-imperial (Fritillaria imperialis) is one species, and the Guinea-hen flower (F. Meleagris) another. See Crown-imperial.

fritillary ::: n. --> A plant with checkered petals, of the genus Fritillaria: the Guinea-hen flower. See Fritillaria.
One of several species of butterflies belonging to Argynnis and allied genera; -- so called because the coloring of their wings resembles that of the common Fritillaria. See Aphrodite.

frogbit ::: n. --> A European plant (Hydrocharis Morsus-ranae), floating on still water and propagating itself by runners. It has roundish leaves and small white flowers.
An American plant (Limnobium Spongia), with similar habits.

fruit ::: v. t. --> Whatever is produced for the nourishment or enjoyment of man or animals by the processes of vegetable growth, as corn, grass, cotton, flax, etc.; -- commonly used in the plural.
The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3.
The ripened ovary of a flowering plant, with its contents and whatever parts are consolidated with it.

fuchsia ::: n. --> A genus of flowering plants having elegant drooping flowers, with four sepals, four petals, eight stamens, and a single pistil. They are natives of Mexico and South America. Double-flowered varieties are now common in cultivation.

fumitory ::: n. --> The common uame of several species of the genus Fumaria, annual herbs of the Old World, with finely dissected leaves and small flowers in dense racemes or spikes. F. officinalis is a common species, and was formerly used as an antiscorbutic.

funnelform ::: a. --> Having the form of a funnel, or tunnel; that is, expanding gradually from the bottom upward, as the corolla of some flowers; infundibuliform.

furze ::: n. --> A thorny evergreen shrub (Ulex Europaeus), with beautiful yellow flowers, very common upon the plains and hills of Great Britain; -- called also gorse, and whin. The dwarf furze is Ulex nanus.

galea ::: n. --> The upper lip or helmet-shaped part of a labiate flower.
A kind of bandage for the head.
Headache extending all over the head.
A genus of fossil echini, having a vaulted, helmet-shaped shell.
The anterior, outer process of the second joint of the maxillae in certain insects.

galeated ::: a. --> Wearing a helmet; protected by a helmet; covered, as with a helmet.
Helmeted; having a helmetlike part, as a crest, a flower, etc.; helmet-shaped.

gang-flower ::: n. --> The common English milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), so called from blossoming in gang week.

gardenia ::: n. --> A genus of plants, some species of which produce beautiful and fragrant flowers; Cape jasmine; -- so called in honor of Dr. Alexander Garden.

garden ::: n. --> A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables.
A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country. ::: v. i. --> To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture.

garland ::: a wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration.

garland ::: n. --> The crown of a king.
A wreath of chaplet made of branches, flowers, or feathers, and sometimes of precious stones, to be worn on the head like a crown; a coronal; a wreath.
The top; the thing most prized.
A book of extracts in prose or poetry; an anthology.
A sort of netted bag used by sailors to keep provision in.
A grommet or ring of rope lashed to a spar for convenience

gayly ::: adv. --> With mirth and frolic; merrily; blithely; gleefully.
Finely; splendidly; showily; as, ladies gayly dressed; a flower gayly blooming.

geitonogamy ::: n. --> Fertilization of flowers by pollen from other flowers on the same plant.

gelsemium ::: n. --> A genus of climbing plants. The yellow (false) jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a native of the Southern United States. It has showy and deliciously fragrant flowers.
The root of the yellow jasmine, used in malarial fevers, etc.

geminate ::: a. --> In pairs or twains; two together; binate; twin; as, geminate flowers. ::: v. t. --> To double.

geminiflorous ::: a. --> Having the flowers arranged in pairs.

gemma ::: n. --> A leaf bud, as distinguished from a flower bud.
A bud spore; one of the small spores or buds in the reproduction of certain Protozoa, which separate one at a time from the parent cell.

gemmiflorate ::: a. --> Having flowers like buds.

geranium ::: n. --> A genus of plants having a beaklike tours or receptacle, around which the seed capsules are arranged, and membranous projections, or stipules, at the joints. Most of the species have showy flowers and a pungent odor. Called sometimes crane&

germ ::: n. --> That which is to develop a new individual; as, the germ of a fetus, of a plant or flower, and the like; the earliest form under which an organism appears.
That from which anything springs; origin; first principle; as, the germ of civil liberty. ::: v. i.

geyserite ::: n. --> A loose hydrated form of silica, a variety of opal, deposited in concretionary cauliflowerlike masses, around some hot springs and geysers.

gillyflower ::: n. --> A name given by old writers to the clove pink (Dianthus Caryophyllus) but now to the common stock (Matthiola incana), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white.
A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red color, and having a large core.

girandole ::: n. --> An ornamental branched candlestick.
A flower stand, fountain, or the like, of branching form.
A kind of revolving firework.
A series of chambers in defensive mines.

gith ::: n. --> The corn cockle; also anciently applied to the Nigella, or fennel flower.

gladiolus ::: n. --> A genus of plants having bulbous roots and gladiate leaves, and including many species, some of which are cultivated and valued for the beauty of their flowers; the corn flag; the sword lily.
The middle portion of the sternum in some animals; the mesosternum.

glint ::: n. --> A glimpse, glance, or gleam. ::: v. i. --> To glance; to peep forth, as a flower from the bud; to glitter. ::: v. t.

globeflower ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Trollius (T. Europaeus), found in the mountainous parts of Europe, and producing handsome globe-shaped flowers.
The American plant Trollius laxus.

glomerule ::: n. --> A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood.
A glomerulus.

glumelle ::: n. --> One of the pelets or inner chaffy scales of the flowers or spikelets of grasses.

glume ::: n. --> The bracteal covering of the flowers or seeds of grain and grasses; esp., an outer husk or bract of a spikelt.

golden-rod ::: n. --> A tall herb (Solidago Virga-aurea), bearing yellow flowers in a graceful elongated cluster. The name is common to all the species of the genus Solidago.

golding ::: n. --> A conspicuous yellow flower, commonly the corn marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum).

goldylocks ::: n. --> A plant of several species of the genus Chrysocoma; -- so called from the tufts of yellow flowers which terminate the stems; also, the Ranunculus auricomus, a kind of buttercup.

goolde ::: n. --> An old English name of some yellow flower, -- the marigold (Calendula), according to Dr. Prior, but in Chaucer perhaps the turnsole.

granadilla ::: n. --> The fruit of certain species of passion flower (esp. Passiflora quadrangularis) found in Brazil and the West Indies. It is as large as a child&

grapevine ::: n. --> A vine or climbing shrub, of the genus Vitis, having small green flowers and lobed leaves, and bearing the fruit called grapes.

grass tree ::: --> An Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grasslike leaves, from the center of which arises a long stem, bearing at its summit a dense flower spike looking somewhat like a large cat-tail. These plants are often called "blackboys" from the large trunks denuded and blackened by fire. They yield two kinds of fragrant resin, called Botany-bay gum, and Gum Acaroides.
A similar Australian plant (Kingia australis).

groundnut ::: n. --> The fruit of the Arachis hypogaea (native country uncertain); the peanut; the earthnut.
A leguminous, twining plant (Apios tuberosa), producing clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root tuberous and pleasant to the taste.
The dwarf ginseng (Aralia trifolia).
A European plant of the genus Bunium (B. flexuosum), having an edible root of a globular shape and sweet, aromatic taste; --

guernsey lily ::: --> A South African plant (Nerine Sarniensis) with handsome lilylike flowers, naturalized on the island of Guernsey.

guid ::: n. --> A flower. See Gold.

gynantherous ::: a. --> Pertaining to an abnormal condition of the flower, in which the stamens are converted into pistils.

gynodioecious ::: a. --> Dioecious, but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant which bears mostly pistillate flowers.

gynoecium ::: n. --> The pistils of a flower, taken collectively. See Illust. of Carpophore.

gynophore ::: n. --> The pedicel raising the pistil or ovary above the stamens, as in the passion flower.
One of the branches bearing the female gonophores, in certain Siphonophora. html{color:

halesia ::: n. --> A genus of American shrubs containing several species, called snowdrop trees, or silver-bell trees. They have showy, white flowers, drooping on slender pedicels.

hang ::: 1. To fasten or attach (pictures, etc.) to a wall. 2. To suspend (something) around or in front of anything. 3.* Fig. To remain unresolved or uncertain. 4. To make (an idea, form, etc.) dependent on the situation, structure, concept, or the like, usually derived from another source. 5. To fasten or be fastened from above, esp. by a cord, chain, etc.; suspend. 6. To be suspended or poised; hover. 7. To bend forward or downward; to lean over. *hangs, hung, hanging, flower-hung, shadow-hung. ::: hung on: Remained clinging, usually implying expectation or unwillingness to sever one"s connection.

harebell ::: n. --> A small, slender, branching plant (Campanula rotundifolia), having blue bell-shaped flowers; also, Scilla nutans, which has similar flowers; -- called also bluebell.

hawk moth ::: --> Any moth of the family Sphingidae, of which there are numerous genera and species. They are large, handsome moths, which fly mostly at twilight and hover about flowers like a humming bird, sucking the honey by means of a long, slender proboscis. The larvae are large, hairless caterpillars ornamented with green and other bright colors, and often with a caudal spine. See Sphinx, also Tobacco worm, and Tomato worm.

hawthorn ::: n. --> A thorny shrub or tree (the Crataegus oxyacantha), having deeply lobed, shining leaves, small, roselike, fragrant flowers, and a fruit called haw. It is much used in Europe for hedges, and for standards in gardens. The American hawthorn is Crataegus cordata, which has the leaves but little lobed.

heath ::: n. --> A low shrub (Erica, / Calluna, vulgaris), with minute evergreen leaves, and handsome clusters of pink flowers. It is used in Great Britain for brooms, thatch, beds for the poor, and for heating ovens. It is also called heather, and ling.
Also, any species of the genus Erica, of which several are European, and many more are South African, some of great beauty. See Illust. of Heather.
A place overgrown with heath; any cheerless tract of country

helichrysum ::: n. --> A genus of composite plants, with shining, commonly white or yellow, or sometimes reddish, radiated involucres, which are often called "everlasting flowers."

heliotrope ::: n. --> An instrument or machine for showing when the sun arrived at the tropics and equinoctial line.
A plant of the genus Heliotropium; -- called also turnsole and girasole. H. Peruvianum is the commonly cultivated species with fragrant flowers.
An instrument for making signals to an observer at a distance, by means of the sun&

heliotropism ::: n. --> The phenomenon of turning toward the light, seen in many leaves and flowers.

hemerocallis ::: n. --> A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.

hemlock ::: n. --> The name of several poisonous umbelliferous herbs having finely cut leaves and small white flowers, as the Cicuta maculata, bulbifera, and virosa, and the Conium maculatum. See Conium.
An evergreen tree common in North America (Abies, / Tsuga, Canadensis); hemlock spruce.
The wood or timber of the hemlock tree.

hepatica ::: n. --> A genus of pretty spring flowers closely related to Anemone; squirrel cup.
Any plant, usually procumbent and mosslike, of the cryptogamous class Hepaticae; -- called also scale moss and liverwort. See Hepaticae, in the Supplement.

herb ::: n. --> A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent, but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering.
Grass; herbage.

herbs ::: a flowering plant whose stem above ground does not become woody.

hercogamous ::: a. --> Not capable of self-fertilization; -- said of hermaphrodite flowers in which some structural obstacle forbids autogamy.

hermaphrodite ::: n. --> An individual which has the attributes of both male and female, or which unites in itself the two sexes; an animal or plant having the parts of generation of both sexes, as when a flower contains both the stamens and pistil within the same calyx, or on the same receptacle. In some cases reproduction may take place without the union of the distinct individuals. In the animal kingdom true hermaphrodites are found only among the invertebrates. See Illust. in Appendix, under Helminths.

heterochromous ::: a. --> Having the central florets of a flower head of a different color from those of the circumference.

heterogamous ::: a. --> The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers which differ in regard to stamens and pistils, as in the aster.
Characterized by heterogamy.

heterogony ::: n. --> The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.

heteromorphic ::: a. --> Deviating from the normal, perfect, or mature form; having different forms at different stages of existence, or in different individuals of the same species; -- applied especially to insects in which there is a wide difference of form between the larva and the adult, and to plants having more than one form of flower.

hibernaculum ::: n. --> A winter bud, in which the rudimentary foliage or flower, as of most trees and shrubs in the temperate zone, is protected by closely overlapping scales.
A little case in which certain insects pass the winter.
Winter home or abiding place.

hibiscus ::: n. --> A genus of plants (herbs, shrubs, or trees), some species of which have large, showy flowers. Some species are cultivated in India for their fiber, which is used as a substitute for hemp. See Althea, Hollyhock, and Manoe.

hobblebush ::: n. --> A low bush (Viburnum lantanoides) having long, straggling branches and handsome flowers. It is found in the Northern United States. Called also shinhopple.

hollyhock ::: n. --> A species of Althaea (A. rosea), bearing flowers of various colors; -- called also rose mallow.

homochromous ::: a. --> Having all the florets in the same flower head of the same color.

homogamous ::: a. --> Having all the flowers alike; -- said of such composite plants as Eupatorium, and the thistels.

homogonous ::: a. --> Having all the flowers of a plant alike in respect to the stamens and pistils.

homogony ::: n. --> The condition of having homogonous flowers.

homomorphism ::: n. --> Same as Homomorphy.
The possession, in one species of plants, of only one kind of flowers; -- opposed to heteromorphism, dimorphism, and trimorphism.
The possession of but one kind of larvae or young, as in most insects.

homostyled ::: a. --> Having only one form of pistils; -- said of the flowers of some plants.

honesty ::: a. --> Honor; honorableness; dignity; propriety; suitableness; decency.
The quality or state of being honest; probity; fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, speech, etc.; integrity; sincerity; truthfulness; freedom from fraud or guile.
Chastity; modesty.
Satin flower; the name of two cruciferous herbs having large flat pods, the round shining partitions of which are more

honey ::: n. --> A sweet viscid fluid, esp. that collected by bees from flowers of plants, and deposited in the cells of the honeycomb.
That which is sweet or pleasant, like honey.
Sweet one; -- a term of endearment. ::: v. i. --> To be gentle, agreeable, or coaxing; to talk fondly; to

honeysuckle ::: n. --> One of several species of flowering plants, much admired for their beauty, and some for their fragrance.

honeywort ::: n. --> A European plant of the genus Cerinthe, whose flowers are very attractive to bees.

hyacinth ::: n. --> A bulbous plant of the genus Hyacinthus, bearing beautiful spikes of fragrant flowers. H. orientalis is a common variety.
A plant of the genus Camassia (C. Farseri), called also Eastern camass; wild hyacinth.
The name also given to Scilla Peruviana, a Mediterranean plant, one variety of which produces white, and another blue, flowers; -- called also, from a mistake as to its origin, Hyacinth of Peru.

hydrangea ::: n. --> A genus of shrubby plants bearing opposite leaves and large heads of showy flowers, white, or of various colors. H. hortensis, the common garden species, is a native of China or Japan.

hypericum ::: n. --> A genus of plants, generally with dotted leaves and yellow flowers; -- called also St. John&

hypogynous ::: a. --> Inserted below the pistil or pistils; -- said of sepals, petals, and stamens; having the sepals, petals, and stamens inserted below the pistil; -- said of a flower or a plant.

hysteranthous ::: a. --> Having the leaves expand after the flowers have opened.

ihlang-ihlang ::: n. --> A rich, powerful, perfume, obtained from the volatile oil of the flowers of Canada odorata, an East Indian tree.

impatiens ::: n. --> A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; -- so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed. I. Balsamina (sometimes called lady&

impluvium ::: n. --> In Roman dwellings, a cistern or tank, set in the atrium or peristyle to recieve the water from the roof, by means of the compluvium; generally made ornamental with flowers and works of art around its birm.

incomplete ::: a. --> Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect; defective.
Wanting any of the usual floral organs; -- said of a flower.

indusium ::: n. --> A collection of hairs united so as to form a sort of cup, and inclosing the stigma of a flower.
The immediate covering of the fruit dots or sori in many ferns, usually a very thin scale attached by the middle or side to a veinlet.
A peculiar covering found in certain fungi.

inflexed ::: a. --> Turned; bent.
Bent or turned abruptly inwards, or toward the axis, as the petals of a flower.

inflorescence ::: n. --> A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis, and to each other.
An axis on which all the flower buds.

inserted ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Insert ::: a. --> Situated upon, attached to, or growing out of, some part; -- said especially of the parts of the flower; as, the calyx, corolla, and stamens of many flowers are inserted upon the receptacle.

interpetalary ::: a. --> Between the petals of a flower.

intwine ::: v. t. --> To twine or twist into, or together; to wreathe; as, a wreath of flowers intwined. ::: v. i. --> To be or to become intwined.

involucre ::: n. --> A whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head.
A continuous marginal covering of sporangia, in certain ferns, as in the common brake, or the cup-shaped processes of the filmy ferns.
The peridium or volva of certain fungi. Called also involucrum.

involuted ::: a. --> Rolled inward from the edges; -- said of leaves in vernation, or of the petals of flowers in aestivation.
Turned inward at the margin, as the exterior lip of the Cyprea.
Rolled inward spirally.

ipomoea ::: n. --> A genus of twining plants with showy monopetalous flowers, including the morning-glory, the sweet potato, and the cypress vine.

iris ::: n. --> The goddess of the rainbow, and swift-footed messenger of the gods.
The rainbow.
An appearance resembling the rainbow; a prismatic play of colors.
The contractile membrane perforated by the pupil, and forming the colored portion of the eye. See Eye.
A genus of plants having showy flowers and bulbous or

ironweed ::: n. --> A tall weed with purplish flowers (Vernonia Noveboracensis). The name is also applied to other plants of the same genus.

ivy ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Hedera (H. helix), common in Europe. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly five-pointed; the flowers yellowish and small; the berries black or yellow. The stem clings to walls and trees by rootlike fibers.

ixia ::: n. --> A South African bulbous plant of the Iris family, remarkable for the brilliancy of its flowers.

jacaranda ::: n. --> The native Brazilian name for certain leguminous trees, which produce the beautiful woods called king wood, tiger wood, and violet wood.
A genus of bignoniaceous Brazilian trees with showy trumpet-shaped flowers.

jacobaean lily ::: --> A bulbous plant (Amaryllis, / Sprekelia, formosissima) from Mexico. It bears a single, large, deep, red, lilylike flower.

jamdani ::: n. --> A silk fabric, with a woven pattern of sprigs of flowers. html{color:

japonica ::: n. --> A species of Camellia (Camellia Japonica), a native of Japan, bearing beautiful red or white flowers. Many other genera have species of the same name.

jardiniere ::: n. --> An ornamental stand or receptacle for plants, flowers, etc., used as a piece of decorative furniture in room.

jasmine ::: n. --> A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a peculiarly fragrant odor. The J. officinale, common in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian jasmine is J. Sambac, and, with J. angustifolia, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium). Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies, as species of Calotropis and Faramea.

jasmine (s) ::: intensely fragrant white (or yellow) flowers of the genus Jasminum. **jasmine"s.**

joe-pye weed ::: --> A tall composite plant of the genus Eupatorium (E. purpureum), with purplish flowers, and whorled leaves.

jointweed ::: n. --> A slender, nearly leafless, American herb (Polygonum articulatum), with jointed spikes of small flowers.

jonquille ::: n. --> A bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Jonquilla), allied to the daffodil. It has long, rushlike leaves, and yellow or white fragrant flowers. The root has emetic properties. It is sometimes called the rush-leaved daffodil. See Illust. of Corona.

july-flower ::: n. --> See Gillyflower.

kalmia ::: n. --> A genus of North American shrubs with poisonous evergreen foliage and corymbs of showy flowers. Called also mountain laurel, ivy bush, lamb kill, calico bush, etc.

kama ::: n. --> The Hindoo Cupid. He is represented as a beautiful youth, with a bow of sugar cane or flowers.

kemps ::: n. pl. --> The long flower stems of the ribwort plantain (Plantago Lanceolata).

kincob ::: n. --> India silk brocaded with flowers in silver or gold. ::: a. --> Of the nature of kincob; brocaded.

knapweed ::: n. --> The black centaury (Centaurea nigra); -- so called from the knoblike heads of flowers. Called also bullweed.

kousso ::: n. --> An Abyssinian rosaceous tree (Brayera anthelmintica), the flowers of which are used as a vermifuge.

labellum ::: n. --> The lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower, often of a very curious shape.
A small appendage beneath the upper lip or labrum of certain insects.

labiatifloral ::: a. --> Alt. of Labiatifloral
Having labiate flowers, as the snapdragon.

lacinia ::: n. --> One of the narrow, jagged, irregular pieces or divisions which form a sort of fringe on the borders of the petals of some flowers.
A narrow, slender portion of the edge of a monophyllous calyx, or of any irregularly incised leaf.
The posterior, inner process of the stipes on the maxillae of insects.

lacustrine ::: a. --> Found in, or pertaining to, lakes or ponds, or growing in them; as, lacustrine flowers.

lamella ::: n. --> a thin plate or scale of anything, as a thin scale growing from the petals of certain flowers; or one of the thin plates or scales of which certain shells are composed.

lamina ::: n. --> A thin plate or scale; a layer or coat lying over another; -- said of thin plates or platelike substances, as of bone or minerals.
The blade of a leaf; the broad, expanded portion of a petal or sepal of a flower.
A thin plate or scale; specif., one of the thin, flat processes composing the vane of a feather.

larkspur ::: n. --> A genus of ranunculaceous plants (Delphinium), having showy flowers, and a spurred calyx. They are natives of the North Temperate zone. The commonest larkspur of the gardens is D. Consolida. The flower of the bee larkspur (D. elatum) has two petals bearded with yellow hairs, and looks not unlike a bee.

laterifolious ::: a. --> Growing from the stem by the side of a leaf; as, a laterifolious flower.

laurel ::: n. --> An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus (L. nobilis), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape, with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their axils; -- called also sweet bay.
A crown of laurel; hence, honor; distinction; fame; -- especially in the plural; as, to win laurels.
An English gold coin made in 1619, and so called because the king&

laurestine ::: n. --> The Viburnum Tinus, an evergreen shrub or tree of the south of Europe, which flowers during the winter mouths.

lavender ::: n. --> An aromatic plant of the genus Lavandula (L. vera), common in the south of Europe. It yields and oil used in medicine and perfumery. The Spike lavender (L. Spica) yields a coarser oil (oil of spike), used in the arts.
The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers, paler and more delicate than lilac.

lawsonia ::: n. --> An Asiatic and North African shrub (Lawsonia inermis), with smooth oval leaves, and fragrant white flowers. Henna is prepared from the leaves and twigs. In England the shrub is called Egyptian privet, and in the West Indies, Jamaica mignonette.

leadwort ::: n. --> A genus of maritime herbs (Plumbago). P. Europaea has lead-colored spots on the leaves, and nearly lead-colored flowers.

lichen ::: n. --> One of a class of cellular, flowerless plants, (technically called Lichenes), having no distinction of leaf and stem, usually of scaly, expanded, frond-like forms, but sometimes erect or pendulous and variously branched. They derive their nourishment from the air, and generate by means of spores. The species are very widely distributed, and form irregular spots or patches, usually of a greenish or yellowish color, upon rocks, trees, and various bodies, to which they adhere with great tenacity. They are often improperly called rock moss or tree

lid ::: n. --> That which covers the opening of a vessel or box, etc.; a movable cover; as, the lid of a chest or trunk.
The cover of the eye; an eyelid.
The cover of the spore cases of mosses.
A calyx which separates from the flower, and falls off in a single piece, as in the Australian Eucalypti.
The top of an ovary which opens transversely, as in the fruit of the purslane and the tree which yields Brazil nuts. html{color:

Light. Lotus flower indicates open consciousness.

ligule ::: n. --> The thin and scarious projection from the upper end of the sheath of a leaf of grass.
A strap-shaped corolla of flowers of Compositae.
A band of white matter in the wall of fourth ventricle of the brain.

liguliflorous ::: a. --> Bearing only ligulate flowers; -- said of a large suborder of composite plants, such as the dandelion, lettuce, hawkweed, etc.

lilac ::: n. --> A shrub of the genus Syringa. There are six species, natives of Europe and Asia. Syringa vulgaris, the common lilac, and S. Persica, the Persian lilac, are frequently cultivated for the fragrance and beauty of their purplish or white flowers. In the British colonies various other shrubs have this name.
A light purplish color like that of the flower of the purplish lilac.

lilly-pilly ::: n. --> An Australian myrtaceous tree (Eugenia Smithii), having smooth ovate leaves, and panicles of small white flowers. The wood is hard and fine-grained.

lily ::: n. --> A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior three-celled ovary.
A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis, Nerine, etc.
That end of a compass needle which should point to the north; -- so called as often ornamented with the figure of a lily or

linden ::: n. --> A handsome tree (Tilia Europaea), having cymes of light yellow flowers, and large cordate leaves. The tree is common in Europe.
In America, the basswood, or Tilia Americana.

linnaea borealis ::: --> The twin flower which grows in cold northern climates.

lotus ::: any aquatic plant of the genus Nelumbo, of the water lily family, having shieldlike leaves and showy, solitary flowers usually projecting above the water. lotuses, lotus-bud, lotus-cup, lotus-heart, lotus-leaf, lotus-pools, lotus-throne.

mass ::: n. 1. A body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size. 2. A large amount or number, such as a great body of people. masses, flower-masses. 3. Bulk, size, expanse, or massiveness. 4. The main body, bulk, or greater part of anything. 5. Physics. A measure of the amount of matter contained in or constituting a physical body. adj. 6. Of, involving, composed of masses of people (or things) or the majority of people (or a society, group, etc.); done, made, etc., on a large scale. v. 7. To gather into or dispose in a mass or masses; assemble. massed.

orchid ::: any terrestrial or epiphytic plant of the family Orchidaceae, of temperate and tropical regions, having usually showy flowers.

passion-flower ::: any of various climbing, tendril-bearing, chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora, having large showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamens and pistil, with some varieties yielding a delicious fruit. [From the resemblance of its parts to the instruments of the Passion.]

passion flower

RADHA-KRISHNA. ::: The true symbol for it would not be the human sex-attraction, but the soul, the psychic, hearing the call of the Divine and flowering into the complete love and sur- render that brings the supreme Ananda.

rapture ::: the state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy. rapture"s, rapture", rapture-drink, rapture-flowers, rapture-offering, rapture-thrill, world-rapture, heaven-rapture"s.

Red flowers ordinarily indicate an opening of the consciousness either in the physical or some part of the vital according to the shade.

rose ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The rose is among the first of flowers because of the richness of its colour, the intensity of sweetness of its scent and the grace and magnificence of its form.”

rose ::: “The rose is not the only beautiful flower, there are hundreds of others; most flowers are beautiful. There are degrees and kinds of beauty, that is all. The rose is among the first of flowers because of the richness of its colour, the intensity of sweetness of its scent and the grace and magnificence of its form.” Letters on Yoga , Volume—22 , SABCL

"Silence means freedom from thoughts and vital movements —- when the whole consciousness is quite still.” The Mother - Flowers and Their Messages, Glossary Of Philosophical And Psychological Terms.

“Silence means freedom from thoughts and vital movements—when the whole consciousness is quite still.” The Mother—Flowers and Their Messages, Glossary Of Philosophical And Psychological Terms.

"Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will.” The Mother - The Spiritual Significance of Flowers

“Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will.” The Mother—The Spiritual Significance of Flowers

Sri Aurobindo: "His [the Titan"s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel, — if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly, — it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “His [the Titan’s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel,—if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly,—it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "[‘Its passive flower of love and doom it gave."] Good Heavens! how did Gandhi come in there? Passion-flower, sir — passion, not passive.” Letters on Savitri [in reference to a typographical error]

Sri Aurobindo: “[‘Its passive flower of love and doom it gave.’] Good Heavens! how did Gandhi come in there? Passion-flower, sir—passion, not passive.” Letters on Savitri [in reference to a typographical error]

"This Godhead is one in all things that are, the self who lives in all and the self in whom all live and move; therefore man has to discover his spiritual unity with all creatures, to see all in the self and the self in all beings, even to see all things and creatures as himself, âtmaupamyena sarvatra, and accordingly think, feel and act in all his mind, will and living. This Godhead is the origin of all that is here or elsewhere and by his Nature he has become all these innumerable existences, abhût sarvâni bhûtâni; therefore man has to see and adore the One in all things animate and inanimate, to worship the manifestation in sun and star and flower, in man and every living creature, in the forms and forces, qualities and powers of Nature, vâsudevah sarvam iti.” Essays on the Gita ::: *godhead, godheads, godhead"s.

“This Godhead is one in all things that are, the self who lives in all and the self in whom all live and move; therefore man has to discover his spiritual unity with all creatures, to see all in the self and the self in all beings, even to see all things and creatures as himself, âtmaupamyena sarvatra, and accordingly think, feel and act in all his mind, will and living. This Godhead is the origin of all that is here or elsewhere and by his Nature he has become all these innumerable existences, abhût sarvâni bhûtâni; therefore man has to see and adore the One in all things animate and inanimate, to worship the manifestation in sun and star and flower, in man and every living creature, in the forms and forces, qualities and powers of Nature, vâsudevah sarvam iti.” Essays on the Gita

Titan ::: : “His [the Titan’s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel,—if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly,—it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

tract ::: an expanse of land or water. tracts, tract-memories, flower-tracts.

"Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

wonder ::: n. 1. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle; something strange and surprising brought about by a supernatural force. 2. A miraculous deed or event; remarkable phenomenon. 3. The emotion excited by what is strange and surprising; a feeling of surprised or puzzled interest, sometimes tinged with admiration. 4. Something strange, unexpected, or extraordinary. Wonder, wonder"s, Wonder"s, wonders, wonder-book, wonder-couch, wonder-dance, wonder-flecks, wonder-flowers, wonder-hues, wonder-plastics, wonder-rounds, wonder-rush, wonder-tree, wonder-web, wonder-weft, Wonder-worker, Wonder-worker"s, wonder-works, wonder-world, wonder-worlds. *adj. 5. Arousing awe or admiration; wonderful. v. 6. To be filled with admiration, amazement or awe; marvel (often followed by at); to think or speculate curiously (at or about); be curious to know. *wonders, wondered, wondering.

QUOTES [87 / 87 - 1500 / 5095]

KEYS (10k)

   19 Matsuo Basho
   10 Buson
   8 Kobayashi Issa
   5 Sri Aurobindo
   5 Ogawa
   4 Jalaluddin Rumi
   2 Taigu Ryokan
   2 Ikkyu
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Zen Proverb
   1 Yosa Buson
   1 Walter Hagen
   1 Vincent van Gogh
   1 "Ten Thousand Flowers in Spring" by Wu-Men
   1 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Shunryu Suzuki
   1 Rabindranath Tagore
   1 Native American Proverb
   1 Mehmet Murat ildan
   1 Matsuo Basho?
   1 Matsuo Basho
   1 Mark Twain
   1 Mao Zedong
   1 Luther Burbank
   1 Khalil Gibran
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 Jonathan Nolan & Lisa Joy
   1 John Lennon
   1 John Harrigan
   1 Hokusai
   1 Henry Ward Beecher
   1 Hans Christian Andersen
   1 Chiyo-ni
   1 Buddha
   1 Baha-ullah
   1 Anonymous
   1 Angelns Silesius
   1 Santoka Taneda


   30 Mehmet Murat ildan
   21 Anonymous
   19 Rumi
   17 William Shakespeare
   16 Amit Ray
   13 Rabindranath Tagore
   12 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   12 Matsuo Basho
   11 Thich Nhat Hanh
   10 Victor Hugo
   9 Henry David Thoreau
   9 Gautama Buddha
   9 Antoine de Saint Exup ry
   8 Alfred Lord Tennyson
   7 Rajneesh
   7 Georgia O Keeffe
   7 Claude Monet
   6 William Wordsworth
   6 Rupi Kaur
   6 Oscar Wilde

1:When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited. ~ Sri Ramakrishna
2:a flower from
the winter rain
has blossomed ~ Matsuo Basho,
3:I write, erase, rewrite
erase again, then
a flower blooms ~ Hokusai,
4:Light of the moon moves west - flower's shadows creep eastward. ~ Yosa Buson, 1716-1783,
5:To the blue lotus flower of Mother Syama's feet. . . . ~ SONG from GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA,
6:The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous.
   ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
the nameless flower
I offer it to buddha ~ Santoka Taneda,
8:Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." ~ Hans Christian Andersen,
9:a withered tree
a flower blooms
~ Ikkyu, @BashoSociety
10:Happiness is the seed. Happiness shared is the flower." ~ John Harrigan, English author. Wrote "Belly and Guts.",
11:The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 40:8,
12:Love is the answer and you know that for sure. Love is a flower, you got to let it ~ you got to let it grow. ~ John Lennon,
13:As a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the color and fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world." ~ Buddha,
14:Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons. ~ Khalil Gibran, @Sufi_Path
15:That Godhead's seed might flower in mindless Space.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Secret Knowledge,
16:Nature must flower into art
And science, or else wherefore are we men? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
17:No more words. In the name of this place we drink in with our breathing, stay quiet like a flower so the nightbirds will start singing. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
18:in a field of grass
each flower
a victory
~ Matsuo Basho, @BashoSociety
19:late autumn
wanting to hide
inside a flower
~ Matsuo Basho, @BashoSociety
20:a silk tree
beauty in the rain
a sleeping flower
~ Matsuo Basho, @BashoSociety
21:Hundreds come from all over to see one who is liberated. Just as when a flower opens, the bees come to it uninvited. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
22:autumn wind
fragrance from
a late blooming flower
~ Matsuo Basho, @BashoSociety
23:In the saints, God manifests himself only in part, like honey in a flower. You suck the flower and get a little honey. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
24:Love dwells in us like an unopened flower
Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
25:The flower blooms for its flowerhood only,
And not to make its parent bed more high. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
26:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it....In this way our life should be understood. Then there is no problem. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
27:I am only the dust
on My Lover's Path
from dust
I will rise
and turn into a flower ! ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
28:Jesus loves hidden souls. A hidden flower is the most fragrant. I must strive to make the interior of my soul a resting place for the Heart of Jesus." ~ Saint Faustina Kowalska,
29:If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude. Even though you observe just one flower, that one flower includes everything ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
30:Fine language not followed by acts in harmony with it is like a splendid flower brilliant in colour but without perfume. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
31:Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. The beauty that is not perfected by courtesy is like a garden without a flower. ~ Buddhacharita, the Eternal Wisdom
32:The world is a dream and resembles a flower in bloom which shakes out to all its sides its pollen and then no longer is. ~ Minamoo Sanemoto, the Eternal Wisdom
33:To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
   ~ William Blake, To See a World, Auguries of Innocence,
34:Divine Love, true love, finds its delight and its satisfaction in itself; it has no need to be received and appreciated, nor to be shared
   - it loves for the sake of loving, as a flower blooms. ~ ?,
35:The Magick Cup, as was shown above, is also the flower. It is the lotus which opens to the sun, and which collects the dew. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, The Cup,
36:Grace is something spontaneous which wells out from the Divine Consciousness as a free flower of its being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Bhakti Yoga and Vaishnavism,
37:She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
38:Do not be discouraged, because, if there is a continuous effort to improve in the soul, in the end the Lord rewards it by making it suddenly blossom in all its virtues as in a flower garden. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
39:One loses, as one grows older, something of the lightness of one's dreams; one begins to take life up in both hands, and to care more for the fruit than the flower, and that is no great loss perhaps. ~ William Butler Yeats,
40:Even scrubbing the floor may be turned into worship if there is the remembrance of the Lord within. Done sacra mentally, every work is an offering to the Lord. He accepts it as He accepts a flower placed at the altar with devotion. ~ Swami Saradananda,
41:A march of his greatness are the wheeling stars.
His laughter of beauty breaks out in green trees,
His moments of beauty triumph in a flower; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
42:One day the disciples wanted to know what sort of person was best suited to discipleship. Said the Master, 'The kind of person who, having two shirts, sells one and with the money buys a flower.'" ~ From "One Minute Wisdom,", (1985) by Anthony de Mello,
43:Wilt thou not perfect this rather that sprang too from Wisdom and Power?
Taking the earthly rose canst thou image not Heaven in a flower? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Descent of Ahana,
44:The seed of Godhead sleeps in mortal hearts,
The flower of Godhead grows on the world-tree:
All shall discover God in self and things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
45:The gradual inward progress is mostly silent and unseen, like the quiet unfolding of a bud into a flower in the hours of the night. Therefore, do not be dejected. Do not depress yourself with the idea that you are not progressing. ~ Swami Sivananda Saraswati,
46:Thy soul is a brief flower by the gardener Mind
Created in thy matter's terrain plot;
It perishes with the plant on which it grows. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal
47:Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that if thou canst see all God in a little pale unsightly and scentless flower, not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
48:How shall we conquer the old man in us? When the flower becomes a fruit, the petals fall of themselves; so when the divinity increases in us, all the weaknesses of human nature vanish of their own accord. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
49:What though the radiance which was once so bright
   Be now for ever taken from my sight,
   Though nothing can bring back the hour
   Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
   We will grieve not, rather find
   Strength in what remains behind.
   ~ William Wordsworth,
50:Invading the small sensitive flower of the throat
They brought their mute unuttered resonances
To kindle the figures of a heavenly speech. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute,
51:If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give." ~ George MacDonald, (1824 - 1905) Scottish author, poet Christian minister, figure in modern fantasy literature, Wikipedia.,
52:He watched in the alchemist radiance of her suns
The crimson outburst of one secular flower
On the tree-of-sacrifice of spiritual love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.06,
53:Life is no more than a drop of water which shines upon a flower and even as it sparkles, glides away and disappears, and all our actions are no more than clouds reflected in a dewdrop; they are dreams that pass and disappear with the dreamer. ~ Hideyoshi, the Eternal Wisdom
54:The red lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. 21 December 1971
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
55:The shining Edens of the vital gods
Received him in their deathless harmonies.
All things were perfect there that flower in Time;
Beauty was there creation's native mould,
Peace was a thrilled voluptuous purity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Paradise of the Life-Gods,
56:Nabhi-Padma (Navel-lotus)
It poured into her navel's lotus depth,
Lodged in the little life-nature's narrow home,
On the body's longings grew heaven-rapture's flower
And made desire a pure celestial flame. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
57:The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha - which is to demean oneself. ~ Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values,
58:Don't go outside your house to see the flowers.
My friend, don't bother with that excursion.
Inside your body there are flowers.
One flower has a thousand petals.
That will do for a place to sit.
Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty
inside the body and out of it,
before gardens and after gardens. ~ Kabir,
59:Stood visible, Titanic, scarlet-clad,
Dark as a thunder-cloud, with streaming hair
Obscuring heaven, and in her sovran grasp
The sword, the flower, the boon, the bleeding head,—
Bhavani. Then she vanished; the daylight
Was ordinary in a common w ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Baji Prabhou,
60:A truly good book is something as natural, and as unexpectedly and unaccountably fair and perfect, as a wild flower discovered on the prairies of the West or in the jungles of the East. Genius is a light which makes the darkness visible, like the lightning's flash, which perchance shatters the temple of knowledge itself,--and not a taper lighted at the hearth-stone of the race, which pales before the light of common day. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
61:What are these suggestions that sometimes invade me? Do they not come from outside?

   Yes, they do come from outside, from some vital entity that is amusing itself by sending them to you to see how you will receive them. I saw the suggestion passing at the time I gave you the flower. I did not attach any importance to it because it was just foolishness - but I see that you received it.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
62:Spirit's joy
Across the covert air the spirit breathes,
A body of the cosmic beauty and joy
Unseen, unguessed by the blind suffering world, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Heavens of the Ideal
Spirit's joy
The spiritual life is the flower not of a featureless but a conscious and diversified oneness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age,
63:An ancient philosopher once said that the bee extracts honey from the pollen of the flower, while from the same source the spider extracts poison. The problem which then confronts us is: are we bees or spiders ? Do we transform the experiences of life into honey, or do we change them into poison ? Do they lift us, or do we eternally rebel against the pricks? Many people become soured by experience, but the wise one takes the honey and builds it into the beehive of his own spiritual nature.
   ~ Manly P Hall, The Occult Anatomy Of Man,
64:Tennyson said that if we could understand a single flower we would know who we are and what the world is. Perhaps he meant that there is no deed, however so humble, which does not implicate universal history and the infinite concatenation of causes and effects. Perhaps he meant that the visible world is implicit, in its entirety, in each manifestation, just as, in the same way, will, according to Schopenhauer, is implicit, in its entirety, in each individual.~ Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths, Selected Stories and Other Writings,
65:To live, to love are signs of infinite things,
   Love is a glory from eternity's spheres.
   Abased, disfigured, mocked by baser mights
   That steal his name and shape and ecstasy,
   He is still the Godhead by which all can change.
   A mystery wakes in our inconscient stuff,
   A bliss is born that can remake our life.
   Love dwells in us like an unopened flower
   Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul,
   Or he roams in his charmed sleep mid thoughts and things;
   The child-god is at play, he seeks himself
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
66:To return to the question of the development of the Will. It is always something to pluck up the weeds, but the flower itself needs tending. Having crushed all volitions in ourselves, and if necessary in others, which we find opposing our real Will, that Will itself will grow naturally with greater freedom. But it is not only necessary to purify the temple itself and consecrate it; invocations must be made. Hence it is necessary to be constantly doing things of a positive, not merely of a negative nature, to affirm that Will.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, Part 2,
67:The student is told to set apart moments in his daily life in which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. He is not to occupy himself at such moments with the affairs of his own ego. This would result in the contrary of what is intended. He should rather let his experiences and the messages from the outer world re-echo within his own completely silent self. At such silent moments every flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamt of. And thus he will prepare himself to receive quite new impressions of the outer world through quite different eyes. The desire to enjoy impression after impression merely blunts the faculty of cognition; the latter, however, is nurtured and cultivated if the enjoyment once experienced is allowed to reveal its message. Thus the student must accustom himself not merely to let the enjoyment. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
68:January 7, 1914
GIVE them all, O Lord, Thy peace and light, open their blinded eyes and their darkened understanding; calm their futile worries and their vain anxieties. Turn their gaze away from themselves and give them the joy of being consecrated to Thy work without calculation or mental reservation. Let Thy beauty flower in all things, awaken Thy love in all hearts, so that Thy eternally progressive order may be realised upon earth and Thy harmony be spread until the day all becomes Thyself in perfect purity and peace.

Oh! let all tears be wiped away, all suffering relieved, all anguish dispelled, and let calm serenity dwell in every heart and powerful certitude strengthen every mind. Let Thy life flow through all like a regenerating stream that all may turn to Thee and draw from that contemplation the energy for all victories. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
69:So the devotion must be accompanied by another movement, that is, gratitude. This feeling of gratitude that the Divine exists, this gratefulness, full of wonder, that truly fills your heart with a sublime delight, because the Divine exists, because there is something in the universe that is the Divine, and there is not merely the monstrosity that we see—because there is the Divine, because the Divine is there.

And each time any least thing puts you in contact with this sublime reality of the Divine existence, your heart is filled with so intense and wonderful a delight, such gratefulness as is of all things the most delectable in taste.

Nothing can give you a delight equal to that of gratitude. You hear a bird singing, you see a flower, you look at a child, you witness an act of generosity, you read a beautiful sentence, you stand before a sunset, it does not matter what the thing is— all on a sudden it comes upon you, a kind of emotion, but so deep, so intense, because the world manifests the Divine, because there is something behind the world which is the Divine. ~ The Mother,
70:To See a World...

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

A Robin Redbreast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage.
A dove house fill'd with doves and pigeons
Shudders Hell thro' all its regions.
A Dog starv'd at his Master's Gate
Predicts the ruin of the State.
A Horse misus'd upon the Road
Calls to Heaven for Human blood.
Each outcry of the hunted Hare
A fiber from the Brain does tear.

He who shall train the Horse to War
Shall never pass the Polar Bar.
The Beggar's Dog and Widow's Cat,
Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.
The Gnat that sings his Summer song
Poison gets from Slander's tongue.
The poison of the Snake and Newt
Is the sweat of Envy's Foot.

A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent.
It is right it should be so;
Man was made for Joy and Woe;
And when this we rightly know
Thro' the World we safely go.

Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are Born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight.
Some are Born to sweet delight,
Some are Born to Endless Night. ~ William Blake, Auguries of Innocence,
71:I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is ... I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts. ~ Richard P Feynman,
72:Adoration, before it turns into an element of the deeper Yoga of devotion, a petal of the flower of love, its homage and self-uplifting to its sun, must bring with it, if it is profound, an increasing consecration of the being to the Divine who is adored. And one element of this consecration must be a self-purifying so as to become fit for the divine contact, or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of our inner being, or for his self-revelation in the shrine of the heart. This purifying may be ethical in its character, but it will not be merely the moralists seeking for the right and blameless action or even, when once we reach the stage of Yoga, an obedience to the law of God as revealed in formal religion; but it will be a throwing away, katharsis, of all that conflicts whether with the idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine, a liberation from our lower nature and a change into the divine nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion, 572,
73:Last, there is to be considered the recipient of the sacrifice and the manner of the sacrifice. The sacrifice may be offered to others or it may be offered to divine Powers; it may be offered to the cosmic All or it may be offered to the transcendent Supreme. The worship given may take any shape from the dedication of a leaf or flower, a cup of water, a handful of rice, a loaf of bread, to consecration of all that we possess and the submission of all that we are. Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient. For the Supreme who transcends the universe, is yet here too, however veiled, in us and in the world and in its happenings; he is there as the omniscient Witness and Receiver of all our works and their secret Master. All our actions, all our efforts, even our sins and stumblings and sufferings and struggles are obscurely or consciously, known to us and seen or else unknown and in a disguise, governed in their last result by the One. All is turned towards him in his numberless forms and offered through them to the single Omnipresence. In whatever form and with whatever spirit we approach him, in that form and with that spirit he receives the sacrifice.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice, the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [109-110],
74:The Supreme Mind
'O God! we acknowledge Thee to be the Supreme Mind
Who hast disposed and ordered the Universe;
Who gave it life and motion at the first,
And still continuest to guide and regulate it.
From Thee was its primal impulsion;
Thou didst bestow on thine Emanated Spirit of Light,
Divine wisdom and various power
To stablish and enforce its transcendent orbits.
Thou art the Inconceivable Energy
Which in the beginning didst cause all things;
Of whom shall no created being ever know
A millionth part of thy divine properties.
But the Spirit was the Spirit of the Universe-
Sacred, Holy, Generating Nature;
Which, obedient unto thy will,
Preserves and reproduces all that is in the Kosmos.
Nothing is superior to the Spirit
But Thou, alone, O God! who art the Creator and Lord;
Thou madest the Spirit to be thy servitor,
But this thy Spirit transcends all other creatures;
This is the Spirit which is in the highest heavens;
Whose influence permeates all that lives;
As a beautiful Flower diffuses fragrances
But is not diminished in aught thereby.
For all divine essences are the same,
Differing only in their degree and power and beauty;
But in no wise differing in their principle,
Which is the fiery essence of God himself.
Such is the animating flame of every existence
Being in God, purely perfect;
But in all other living things
Only capable of being made perfect.' ~ Dr E.V. Kenealy, The Book of Fo.
The Supreme Mind. from path of regeneration,
75:In the name of Him Who created and sustains the world, the Sage Who endowed tongue with speech.
He attains no honor who turns the face from the doer of His mercy.
The kings of the earth prostate themselves before Him in supplication.
He seizes not in haste the disobedient, nor drives away the penitent with violence. The two worlds are as a drop of water in the ocean of His knowledge.
He withholds not His bounty though His servants sin; upon the surface of the earth has He spread a feast, in which both friend and foe may share.
Peerless He is, and His kingdom is eternal. Upon the head of one He placed a crown another he hurled from the throne to the ground.
The fire of His friend He turned into a flower garden; through the water of the Nile He sended His foes to perdition.
Behind the veil He sees all, and concealed our faults with His own goodness.

He is near to them that are downcast, and accepts the prayers of them that lament.
He knows of the things that exist not, of secrets that are untold.
He causes the moon and the sun to revolve, and spreads water upon the earth.
In the heart of a stone hath He placed a jewel; from nothing had He created all that is.
Who can reveal the secret of His qualities; what eye can see the limits of His beauty?
The bird of thought cannot soar to the height of His presence, nor the hand of understanding reach to the skirt of His praise.
Think not, O Saadi, that one can walk in the road of purity except in the footsteps of Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him)
~ Saadi, The Bustan of Sa'di,
76:Yet this was only a foretaste of the intense experiences to come. The first glimpse of the Divine Mother made him the more eager for Her uninterrupted vision. He wanted to see Her both in meditation and with eyes open. But the Mother began to play a teasing game of hide-and-seek with him, intensifying both his joy and his suffering. Weeping bitterly during the moments of separation from Her, he would pass into a trance and then find Her standing before him, smiling, talking, consoling, bidding him be of good cheer, and instructing him. During this period of spiritual practice he had many uncommon experiences. When he sat to meditate, he would hear strange clicking sounds in the joints of his legs, as if someone were locking them up, one after the other, to keep him motionless; and at the conclusion of his meditation he would again hear the same sounds, this time unlocking them and leaving him free to move about. He would see flashes like a swarm of fire-flies floating before his eyes, or a sea of deep mist around him, with luminous waves of molten silver. Again, from a sea of translucent mist he would behold the Mother rising, first Her feet, then Her waist, body, face, and head, finally Her whole person; he would feel Her breath and hear Her voice. Worshipping in the temple, sometimes he would become exalted, sometimes he would remain motionless as stone, sometimes he would almost collapse from excessive emotion. Many of his actions, contrary to all tradition, seemed sacrilegious to the people. He would take a flower and touch it to his own head, body, and feet, and then offer it to the Goddess. ~ Sri Ramakrishna, Gospel,
77:Received him in their deathless harmonies.
   All things were perfect there that flower in Time;
   Beauty was there creation's native mould,
   Peace was a thrilled voluptuous purity.
   There Love fulfilled her gold and roseate dreams
   And Strength her crowned and mighty reveries;
   Desire climbed up, a swift omnipotent flame,
   And Pleasure had the stature of the gods;
   Dream walked along the highways of the stars;
   Sweet common things turned into miracles:
   Overtaken by the spirit's sudden spell,
   Smitten by a divine passion's alchemy,
   Pain's self compelled transformed to potent joy
   Curing the antithesis twixt heaven and hell.
   All life's high visions are embodied there,
   Her wandering hopes achieved, her aureate combs
   Caught by the honey-eater's darting tongue,
   Her burning guesses changed to ecstasied truths,
   Her mighty pantings stilled in deathless calm
   And liberated her immense desires.
   In that paradise of perfect heart and sense
   No lower note could break the endless charm
   Of her sweetness ardent and immaculate;
   Her steps are sure of their intuitive fall.
   After the anguish of the soul's long strife
   At length were found calm and celestial rest
   And, lapped in a magic flood of sorrowless hours,
   Healed were his warrior nature's wounded limbs
   In the encircling arms of Energies
   That brooked no stain and feared not their own bliss.
   In scenes forbidden to our pallid sense
   Amid miraculous scents and wonder-hues
   He met the forms that divinise the sight,
   To music that can immortalise the mind
   And make the heart wide as infinity
   Listened, and captured the inaudible
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Paradise of the Life-Gods,
78:...that personality, like consciousness, life, soul is not a brief-lived stranger in an impersonal Eternity, but contains the very meaning of existence. This fine flower of the cosmic Energy carries in it a forecast of the aim and a hint of the very motive of the universal labour. As an occult vision opens in him, he becomes aware of worlds behind in which consciousness and personality hold an enormous place and assume a premier value; even here in the material world to this occult vision the inconscience of Matter fills with a secret pervading consciousness, its inanimation harbours a vibrant life, its mechanism is the device of an indwelling Intelligence, God and soul are everywhere. Above all stands an infinite conscious Being who is variously self-expressed in all these worlds; impersonality is only a first means of that expression. It is a field of principles and forces, an equal basis of manifestation; but these forces express themselves through beings, have conscious spirits at their head and are the emanation of a One Conscious Being who is their sorce. A multiple innumberable personality expressing that One is the very sense and central aim of the manifestation and if now personality seems to be narrow, fragmentary, restrictive, it is only because it has not opened to its source or flowered into its own divine truth and fullness packing itself with the universal and the infinite. Thus the world-creation is no more an illusion, a fortuitous mechanism, a play that need not have happened, a flux without consequence; it is an intimate dynamism of the conscious and living Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice and the Lord of the Sacrifice, 127,
   How shall I welcome not this light
   Or, wakened by it, greet with doubt
   This beam as palpable to sight
   As visible to touch? How not,
   Old as I am and (some say) wise,
   Revive beneath her summer eyes?
   How not have all my nights and days,
   My spirit ranging far and wide,
   By recollections of her grace
   Enlightened and preoccupied?
   Preoccupied: the Morning Star
   How near the Sun and yet how far!
   Enlightened: true, but more than true,
   Or why must I discover there
   The meaning in this taintless dew,
   The dancing wave, this blessed air
   Enchanting in its morning dress
   And calm as everlastingness?
   The flame that in the heart resides
   Is parcel of that central Fire
   Whose energy is winds and tides-
   Is rooted deep in the Desire
   That smilingly unseals its power
   Each summer in each springing flower.
   Oh Lady Nature-Proserpine,
   Mistress of Gender, star-crowned Queen!
   Ah Rose of Sharon-Mistress mine,
   My teacher ere I turned fourteen,
   When first I hallowed from afar
   Your Beautyship in avatar!
   I sense the hidden thing you say,
   Your subtle whisper how the Word
   From Alpha on to Omega
   Made all things-you confide my Lord
   Himself-all, all this potent Frame,
   All save the riddle of your name.
   Wisdom! I heard a voice that said:
   "What riddle? What is that to you?
   How! By my follower betrayed!
   Look up-for shame! Now tell me true:
   Where meet you light, with love and grace?
   Still unacquainted with my face?"
   Dear God, the erring heart must live-
   Through strength and weakness, calm and glow-
   That answer Wisdom scorns to give.
   Much have I learned. One problem, though,
   I never shall unlock: Who then,
   Who made Sophia feminine?
   ~ Owen Barfield, 1978,
80:the spiritual force behind adoration :::
   All love, indeed, that is adoration has a spiritual force behind it, and even when it is offered ignorantly and to a limited object, something of that splendor appears through the poverty of the rite and the smallness of its issues. For love that is worship is at once an aspiration and a preparation: it can bring even within its small limits in the Ignorance a glimpse of a still more or less blind and partial but surprising realisation; for there are moments when it is not we but the One who loves and is loved in us, and even a human passion can be uplifted and glorified by a slight glimpse of this infinite Love and Lover. It is for this reason that the worship of the god, the worship of the idol, the human magnet or ideal are not to be despised; for these are steps through which the human race moves towards that blissful passion and ecstasy of the Infinite which, even in limiting it, they yet represent for our imperfect vision when we have still to use the inferior steps Nature has hewn for our feet and admit the stages of our progress. Certain idolatries are indispensable for the development of our emotional being, nor will the man who knows be hasty at any time to shatter this image unless he can replace it in the heart of the worshipper by the Reality it figures. Moreover, they have this power because there is always something in them that is greater than their forms and, even when we reach the supreme worship, that abides and becomes a prolongation of it or a part of its catholic wholeness. our knowledge is still imperfect in us, love incomplete if even when we know That which surpasses all forms and manifestations, we cannot still accept the Divine in creature and object, in man, in the kind, in the animal, in the tree, in the flower, in the work of our hands, in the Nature-Force which is then no longer to us the blind action of a material machinery but a face and power of the universal Shakti: for in these things too is the presence of the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, The Works of Love - The Works of Life, 159,
81:And for the same reason, because that which we are seeking through beauty is in the end that which we are seeking through religion, the Absolute, the Divine. The search for beauty is only in its beginning a satisfaction in the beauty of form, the beauty which appeals to the physical senses and the vital impressions, impulsions, desires. It is only in the middle a satisfaction in the beauty of the ideas seized, the emotions aroused, the perception of perfect process and harmonious combination. Behind them the soul of beauty in us desires the contact, the revelation, the uplifting delight of an absolute beauty in all things which it feels to be present, but which neither the senses and instincts by themselves can give, though they may be its channels, - for it is suprasensuous, - nor the reason and intelligence, though they too are a channel, - for it is suprarational, supra-intellectual, - but to which through all these veils the soul itself seeks to arrive. When it can get the touch of this universal, absolute beauty, this soul of beauty, this sense of its revelation in any slightest or greatest thing, the beauty of a flower, a form, the beauty and power of a character, an action, an event, a human life, an idea, a stroke of the brush or the chisel or a scintillation of the mind, the colours of a sunset or the grandeur of the tempest, it is then that the sense of beauty in us is really, powerfully, entirely satisfied. It is in truth seeking, as in religion, for the Divine, the All-Beautiful in man, in nature, in life, in thought, in art; for God is Beauty and Delight hidden in the variation of his masks and forms. When, fulfilled in our growing sense and knowledge of beauty and delight in beauty and our power for beauty, we are able to identify ourselves in soul with this Absolute and Divine in all the forms and activities of the world and shape an image of our inner and our outer life in the highest image we can perceive and embody of the All-Beautiful, then the aesthetic being in us who was born for this end, has fulfilled himself and risen to his divine consummation. To find highest beauty is to find God; to reveal, to embody, to create, as we say, highest beauty is to bring out of our souls the living image and power of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, 144,
82:In the Indian spiritual tradition, a heart's devotion to God, called Bhakti, is regarded as the easiest path to the Divine. What is Bhakti? Is it some extravagant religious sentimentalism? Is it inferior to the path of Knowledge? What is the nature of pure and complete spiritual devotion to God and how to realise it?

What Is Devotion?

...bhakti in its fullness is nothing but an entire self-giving. But then all meditation, all tapasya, all means of prayer or mantra must have that as its end... [SABCL, 23:799]

Devotion Is a State of the Heart and Soul

Bhakti is not an experience, it is a state of the heart and soul. It is a state which comes when the psychic being is awake and prominent. [SABCL, 23:776]

...Worship is only the first step on the path of devotion. Where external worship changes into the inner adoration, real Bhakti begins; that deepens into the intensity of divine love; that love leads to the joy of closeness in our relations with the Divine; the joy of closeness passes into the bliss of union. [SABCL, 21:525]

Devotion without Gratitude Is Incomplete

...there is another movement which should constantly accompany devotion. ... That kind of sense of gratitude that the Divine exists; that feeling of a marvelling thankfulness which truly fills you with a sublime joy at the fact that the Divine exists, that there is something in the universe which is the Divine, that it is not just the monstrosity we see, that there is the Divine, the Divine exists. And each time that the least thing puts you either directly or indirectly in contactwith this sublime Reality of divine existence, the heart is filled with so intense, so marvellous a joy, such a gratitude as of all things has the most delightful taste.

There is nothing which gives you a joy equal to that of gratitude. One hears a bird sing, sees a lovely flower, looks at a little child, observes an act of generosity, reads a beautiful sentence, looks at the setting sun, no matter what, suddenly this comes upon you, this kind of emotion-indeed so deep, so intense-that the world manifests the Divine, that there is something behind the world which is the Divine.

So I find that devotion without gratitude is quite incomplete, gratitude must come with devotion. ~ The Mother,
83:He continuously reflected on her image and attributes, day and night. His bhakti was such that he could not stop thinking of her. Eventually, he saw her everywhere and in everything. This was his path to illumination.

   He was often asked by people: what is the way to the supreme? His answer was sharp and definite: bhakti yoga. He said time and time again that bhakti yoga is the best sadhana for the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) of the present.

   His bhakti is illustrated by the following statement he made to a disciple:

   To my divine mother I prayed only for pure love.
At her lotus feet I offered a few flowers and I prayed:

   Mother! here is virtue and here is vice;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.
   Mother! here is knowledge and here is ignorance;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.
   Mother! here is purity and impurity;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.

Ramakrishna, like Kabir, was a practical man.
He said: "So long as passions are directed towards the world and its objects, they are enemies. But when they are directed towards a deity, then they become the best of friends to man, for they take him to illumination. The desire for worldly things must be changed into longing for the supreme; the anger which you feel for fellow man must be directed towards the supreme for not manifesting himself to you . . . and so on, with all other emotions. The passions cannot be eradicated, but they can be turned into new directions."

   A disciple once asked him: "How can one conquer the weaknesses within us?" He answered: "When the fruit grows out of the flower, the petals drop off themselves. So when divinity in you increases, the weaknesses of human nature will vanish of their own accord." He emphasized that the aspirant should not give up his practices. "If a single dive into the sea does not bring you a pearl, do not conclude that there are no pearls in the sea. There are countless pearls hidden in the sea.

   So if you fail to merge with the supreme during devotional practices, do not lose heart. Go on patiently with the practices, and in time you will invoke divine grace." It does not matter what form you care to worship. He said: "Many are the names of the supreme and infinite are the forms through which he may be approached. In whatever name and form you choose to worship him, through that he will be realized by you." He indicated the importance of surrender on the path of bhakti when he said:

   ~ Swami Satyananda Saraswati, A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya,
84:O Death, thou lookst on an unfinished world
Assailed by thee and of its road unsure,
Peopled by imperfect minds and ignorant lives,
And sayest God is not and all is vain.
How shall the child already be the man?
Because he is infant, shall he never grow?
Because he is ignorant, shall he never learn?
In a small fragile seed a great tree lurks,
In a tiny gene a thinking being is shut;
A little element in a little sperm,
It grows and is a conqueror and a sage.
Then wilt thou spew out, Death, God's mystic truth,
Deny the occult spiritual miracle?
Still wilt thou say there is no spirit, no God?
A mute material Nature wakes and sees;
She has invented speech, unveiled a will.
Something there waits beyond towards which she strives,
Something surrounds her into which she grows:
To uncover the spirit, to change back into God,
To exceed herself is her transcendent task.
In God concealed the world began to be,
Tardily it travels towards manifest God:
Our imperfection towards perfection toils,
The body is the chrysalis of a soul:
The infinite holds the finite in its arms,
Time travels towards revealed eternity.
A miracle structure of the eternal Mage,
Matter its mystery hides from its own eyes,
A scripture written out in cryptic signs,
An occult document of the All-Wonderful's art.
All here bears witness to his secret might,
In all we feel his presence and his power.
A blaze of his sovereign glory is the sun,
A glory is the gold and glimmering moon,
A glory is his dream of purple sky.
A march of his greatness are the wheeling stars.
His laughter of beauty breaks out in green trees,
His moments of beauty triumph in a flower;
The blue sea's chant, the rivulet's wandering voice
Are murmurs falling from the Eternal's harp.
This world is God fulfilled in outwardness.
His ways challenge our reason and our sense;
By blind brute movements of an ignorant Force,
By means we slight as small, obscure or base,
A greatness founded upon little things,
He has built a world in the unknowing Void.
His forms he has massed from infinitesimal dust;
His marvels are built from insignificant things.
If mind is crippled, life untaught and crude,
If brutal masks are there and evil acts,
They are incidents of his vast and varied plot,
His great and dangerous drama's needed steps;
He makes with these and all his passion-play,
A play and yet no play but the deep scheme
Of a transcendent Wisdom finding ways
To meet her Lord in the shadow and the Night:
Above her is the vigil of the stars;
Watched by a solitary Infinitude
She embodies in dumb Matter the Divine,
In symbol minds and lives the Absolute.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
85:Eternal, unconfined, unextended, without cause and without effect, the Holy Lamp mysteriously burns. Without quantity or quality, unconditioned and sempiternal, is this Light.
It is not possible for anyone to advise or approve; for this Lamp is not made with hands; it exists alone for ever; it has no parts, no person; it is before "I am." Few can behold it, yet it is always there. For it there is no "here" nor "there," no "then" nor "now;" all parts of speech are abolished, save the noun; and this noun is not found either in {106} human speech or in Divine. It is the Lost Word, the dying music of whose sevenfold echo is I A O and A U M.
Without this Light the Magician could not work at all; yet few indeed are the Magicians that have know of it, and far fewer They that have beheld its brilliance!

The Temple and all that is in it must be destroyed again and again before it is worthy to receive that Light. Hence it so often seems that the only advice that any master can give to any pupil is to destroy the Temple.

"Whatever you have" and "whatever you are" are veils before that Light. Yet in so great a matter all advice is vain. There is no master so great that he can see clearly the whole character of any pupil. What helped him in the past may hinder another in the future.

Yet since the Master is pledged to serve, he may take up that service on these simple lines. Since all thoughts are veils of this Light, he may advise the destruction of all thoughts, and to that end teach those practices which are clearly conductive to such destruction.

These practices have now fortunately been set down in clear language by order of the A.'.A.'..

In these instructions the relativity and limitation of each practice is clearly taught, and all dogmatic interpretations are carefully avoided. Each practice is in itself a demon which must be destroyed; but to be destroyed it must first be evoked.

Shame upon that Master who shirks any one of these practices, however distasteful or useless it may be to him! For in the detailed knowledge of it, which experience alone can give him, may lie his opportunity for crucial assistance to a pupil. However dull the drudgery, it should be undergone. If it were possible to regret anything in life, which is fortunately not the case, it would be the hours wasted in fruitful practices which might have been more profitably employed on sterile ones: for NEMO<> in tending his garden seeketh not to single out the flower that shall be NEMO after him. And we are not told that NEMO might have used other things than those which he actually does use; it seems possible that if he had not the acid or the knife, or the fire, or the oil, he might miss tending just that one flower which was to be NEMO after him! ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, The Lamp,
86:Sweet Mother, there's a flower you have named "The Creative Word".


What does that mean?

It is the word which creates.

There are all kinds of old traditions, old Hindu traditions, old Chaldean traditions in which the Divine, in the form of the Creator, that is, in His aspect as Creator, pronounces a word which has the power to create. So it is this... And it is the origin of the mantra. The mantra is the spoken word which has a creative power. An invocation is made and there is an answer to the invocation; or one makes a prayer and the prayer is granted. This is the Word, the Word which, in its sound... it is not only the idea, it is in the sound that there's a power of creation. It is the origin, you see, of the mantra.

In Indian mythology the creator God is Brahma, and I think that it was precisely his power which has been symbolised by this flower, "The Creative Word". And when one is in contact with it, the words spoken have a power of evocation or creation or formation or transformation; the words... sound always has a power; it has much more power than men think. It may be a good power and it may be a bad power. It creates vibrations which have an undeniable effect. It is not so much the idea as the sound; the idea too has its own power, but in its own domain - whereas the sound has a power in the material world.

I think I have explained this to you once; I told you, for example, that words spoken casually, usually without any re- flection and without attaching any importance to them, can be used to do something very good. I think I spoke to you about "Bonjour", "Good Day", didn't I? When people meet and say "Bonjour", they do so mechanically and without thinking. But if you put a will into it, an aspiration to indeed wish someone a good day, well, there is a way of saying "Good Day" which is very effective, much more effective than if simply meeting someone you thought: "Ah! I hope he has a good day", without saying anything. If with this hope in your thought you say to him in a certain way, "Good Day", you make it more concrete and more effective.

It's the same thing, by the way, with curses, or when one gets angry and says bad things to people. This can do them as much harm - more harm sometimes - than if you were to give them a slap. With very sensitive people it can put their stomach out of order or give them palpitation, because you put into it an evil force which has a power of destruction.

It is not at all ineffective to speak. Naturally it depends a great deal on each one's inner power. People who have no strength and no consciousness can't do very much - unless they employ material means. But to the extent that you are strong, especially when you have a powerful vital, you must have a great control on what you say, otherwise you can do much harm. Without wanting to, without knowing it; through ignorance.

Anything? No? Nothing?

Another question?... Everything's over? ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, 347-349,
87:All Yoga is a turning of the human mind and the human soul, not yet divine in realisation, but feeling the divine impulse and attraction in it, towards that by which it finds its greater being. Emotionally, the first form which this turning takes must be that of adoration. In ordinary religion this adoration wears the form of external worship and that again develops a most external form of ceremonial worship. This element is ordinarily necessary because the mass of men live in their physical minds, cannot realise anything except by the force of a physical symbol and cannot feel that they are living anything except by the force of a physical action. We might apply here the Tantric gradation of sadhana, which makes the way of the pasu, the herd, the animal or physical being, the lowest stage of its discipline, and say that the purely or predominantly ceremonial adoration is the first step of this lowest part of the way. It is evident that even real religion, - and Yoga is something more than religion, - only begins when this quite outward worship corresponds to something really felt within the mind, some genuine submission, awe or spiritual aspiration, to which it becomes an aid, an outward expression and also a sort of periodical or constant reminder helping to draw back the mind to it from the preoccupations of ordinary life. But so long as it is only an idea of the Godhead to which one renders reverence or homage, we have not yet got to the beginning of Yoga. The aim of Yoga being union, its beginning must always be a seeking after the Divine, a longing after some kind of touch, closeness or possession. When this comes on us, the adoration becomes always primarily an inner worship; we begin to make ourselves a temple of the Divine, our thoughts and feelings a constant prayer of aspiration and seeking, our whole life an external service and worship. It is as this change, this new soul-tendency grows, that the religion of the devotee becomes a Yoga, a growing contact and union. It does not follow that the outward worship will necessarily be dispensed with, but it will increasingly become only a physical expression or outflowing of the inner devotion and adoration, the wave of the soul throwing itself out in speech and symbolic act.
   Adoration, before it turns into an element of the deeper Yoga of devotion, a petal of the flower of love, its homage and self-uplifting to its sun, must bring with it, if it is profound, an increasing consecration of the being to the Divine who is adored. And one element of this consecration must be a self-purifying so as to become fit for the divine contact, or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of our inner being, or for his selfrevelation in the shrine of the heart. This purifying may be ethical in its character, but it will not be merely the moralist's seeking for the right and blameless action or even, when once we reach the stage of Yoga, an obedience to the law of God as revealed in formal religion; but it will be a throwing away, katharsis, of all that conflicts whether with the idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine,1 a liberation from our lower nature and a change into the divine nature.
   Consecration becomes in its fullness a devoting of all our being to the Divine; therefore also of all our thoughts and our works. Here the Yoga takes into itself the essential elements of the Yoga of works and the Yoga of knowledge, but in its own manner and with its own peculiar spirit. It is a sacrifice of life and works to the Divine, but a sacrifice of love more than a tuning of the will to the divine Will. The bhakta offers up his life and all that he is and all that he has and all that he does to the Divine. This surrender may take the ascetic form, as when he leaves the ordinary life of men and devotes his days solely to prayer ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion, 571 [T1],


1:Beauty is the flower of virtue. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
2:A flower blossoms for its own joy. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
3:When the flower opens, the bees will come. ~ kabir, @wisdomtrove
4:Yoga is the space where flower blossoms. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
5:The nature of this flower is to bloom. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
6:I am hidden in your heart, O Flower. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
7:The Flower that once has blown forever dies. ~ omar-khayyam, @wisdomtrove
8:The greed for fruit misses the flower. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
9:Life is the flower for which love is the honey. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
10:Our advantages fly away without aid. Pluck the flower. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
11:Can you look at a flower without thinking? ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
12:To create a little flower is the labor of ages. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
13:To create a little flower is the labour of ages. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
14:The Amen of nature is always a flower. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-sr, @wisdomtrove
15:When one flower blooms spring awakens everywhere. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
16:Look into a flower and you see the whole cosmos. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
17:When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
18:Why should be fruit be held inferior to the flower? ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
19:As flower blooms in spring, compassion grows in mindfulness. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
20:Every soul is to be cherished, every flower is to bloom. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
21:True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
22:Look, hasn't my body already felt like the body of a flower? ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
23:Truth is a flower in whose neighbourhood others must wither. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
24:Ares ever loves to pluck all the fairest flower of an armed host. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
25:As a plant produces its flower, so the psyche creates its symbols. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
26:Democracy is not a fragile flower; still it needs cultivating. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
27:Let us open our leaves like a flower, and be passive and receptive. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
28:The flower of consciousness needs the mud out of which it grows. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
29:The heavy smell of flower petals stroked the walls of my lungs. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
30:Be a lotus flower. Be in the water, and do not let the water touch you. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
31:Death is the dropping of the flower, that the fruit may swell. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
32:An angel visited the green earth, and took a flower away. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
33:Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
34:Trees do not force their sap, nor does the flower push its bloom. ~ rainer-maria-rilke, @wisdomtrove
35:If a flower had a God it would not be a transcendental flower but a field. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
36:The sight of a flower is as marvellous as the vision of God. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
37:In my old age there is a coming into flower. My body wanes; my mind waxes. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
38:A little rain can straighten a flower stem. A little love can change a life. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
39:By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
40:Give because you love to give - as the flower pours forth its perfume. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
41:Sex is the root of which intuition is the foliage and beauty is the flower. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
42:The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
43:If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. ~ buddha, @wisdomtrove
44:The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
45:The physician... is the flower (such as it is) of our civilization. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
46:The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
47:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
48:Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud yet guarantee a flower. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
49:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its fragrance on the desert air. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
50:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste it's fragrance on the desert air. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
51:She wanted to exist only as a conscious flower, prolonging and preserving herself ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
52:The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to an unborn song. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
53:Look at your heart-flower and smile. You will be able to solve your most pressing problems. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
54:Faith is not a delicate flower which would wither away under the slightest stormy weather.  ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
55:She, though in full-blown flower of glorious beauty, Grows cold even in the summer of her age. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
56:You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
57:Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. ~ h-jackson-brown-jr, @wisdomtrove
58:Call a plant beautiful, and it becomes a flower. Call it ugly, and it becomes a weed. ~ jonathan-lockwood-huie, @wisdomtrove
59:The flower fades and dies; but he who wears the flower has not to mourn for it for ever. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
60:Work on with the intrepidity of a lion but at the same time with the tenderness of a flower. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
61:You cannot disturb the tiniest petal of a flower without the troubling of a distant star. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
62:The moon, like a flower in heaven's high bower, with silent delight sits and smiles on the night. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
63:Books are like seeds. They can lie dormant for centuries and then flower in the most unpromising soil. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
64:If I had a flower for every time I thought of you... I could walk through my garden forever. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
65:Yes, I can! I certainly can! I can have A gratitude-flower-heart That shall remain open At all hours. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
66:Honesty that can be trusted and respected is a very fragrant flower in the life of a Christian. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
67:Lovers, forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze ... ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
68:The least flower, with brimming cup, may stand and share its dew drop with another near. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
69:The flower-girl's prayer to buy roses and pinks, held out in the smoke, like stars by day. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
70:A butterfly flitting from flower to flower ever remains mine, I lose the one that is netted by me. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
71:Christians should be like a flower store: the odor of sanctity should betray them wherever they are. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
72:For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
73:The Universe is the creation of the mind. Universe exists inside the mind as the flower exists inside the seed. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
74:If Nature put not forth her power About the opening of the flower, Who is it that could live an hour? ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
75:It is the same life that emerges in joy through the dust of the earth into numberless waves of flower. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
76:Once in a golden hour, I cast to earth a seed, And up there grew a flower, That others called a weed. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
77:When you're humble it's like wearing a beautiful flower. It inspires others. It generates energy and power. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
78:Of course, I love you,' the flower said to him. &
79:The flower bends when the wind wants it to, and you must become like that-that is, filled with deep trust. ~ rainer-maria-rilke, @wisdomtrove
80:The lotus grows in muddy waters but this flower does not show any trace of it: So we have to live in the world. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
81:I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It’s so f**kin’ heroic. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
82:Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
83:If you set out to meditate, it will not be meditation. If you set out to be good, goodness will never flower. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
84:I am a beautiful flower that is blossoming more and more each day. I delight in my world, and my world delights in me. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
85:I end not far from my going forth By picking the faded blue Of the last remaining aster flower To carry again to you. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
86:Pure love makes you feel as light as a flower. You won't feel any heaviness or burden. Ego creates the burden. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
87:I’ve had so many knives stuck into me, when they hand me a flower I can’t quite make out what it is. It takes time. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
88:No matter what is happening now, events will ultimately bend toward love the way a flower bends toward sunlight. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
89:One of the characteristics of love relationships that flower is a relatively high degree of mutual self-disclosure ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
90:I am beginning to understand," said the little prince. "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
91:It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
92:What's our baggage? Only vows, Happiness, and all our care, And the flower that sweetly shows Nestling lightly in your hair. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
93:You will begin to realize that if you contemplate long enough on the leaf of the flower, that it involves the whole universe. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
94:Some men think that the globe is a sponge that God puts into their hands to squeeze for their own garden or flower-pot. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
95:The flower you single out is a rejection of all other flowers; nevertheless, only on these terms is it beautiful. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
96:Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
97:To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
98:Look at the sky. Ask yourselves: Has the sheep eaten the flower, yes or no? And you will see how everything changes. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
99:If you wish to produce a perfect rose, you must cut off the other buds which are spoiling the growth of the perfect flower. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
100:To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
101:I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
102:If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
103:Behold thine immortal Self resurrected with Christ in the light of illumination, present in every soul, every flower, every atom! ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
104:People often ... have no idea how fair the flower is to the touch, nor do they appreciate its fragrance, which is the soul of the flower. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
105:To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
106:He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered , with difficulty recognizing the beauty for which he picked and ruined it. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
107:Shed no tear - O, shed no tear! The flower will bloom another year. Weep no more - O, weep no more! Young buds sleep in the root's white core. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
108:If people are jumping down people's throats all the time, in the end, they'll just shrivel up like a flower shrivels up that's not watered. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
109:Charity is unconscious of itself, there is no accumulation first and then distribution. It is like the flower - natural, open, spontaneous. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
110:How sure I feel, how warm and strong and happy For the future! How sure the future is within me; I am like a seed with a perfect flower enclosed. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
111:Let the flower of compassion blossom in the rich soil of maître, and water it with the good water of equanimity in the cool, refreshing shade of joy. ~ longchenpa, @wisdomtrove
112:Terrestrial happiness is of short duration. The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odors. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
113:The flower bloomed and faded. The sun rose and sank. The lover loved and went. And what the poets said in rhyme, the young translated into practice. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
114:I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
115:The career of a sage is of two kinds: He is either honoured by all in the world, Like a flower waving its head, Or else he disappears into the silent forest. ~ lao-tzu, @wisdomtrove
116:Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master. Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
117:Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it, How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
118:There are cases in which the blade springs, but the plant does not go on to flower. There are cases where it flowers, but no fruit is subsequently produced. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
119:Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. You ever notice that trees do everything to git attention we do, except walk? ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
120:(and from my thighs which shrug and pant a murdering rain leapingly reaches the upward singular deepest flower which she carries in a gesture of her hips) ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
121:The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
122:Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. ~ abraham-lincoln, @wisdomtrove
123:How describe the delicate thing that happens when a brilliant insect alights on a flower? Words, with their weight, fall upon the picture like birds of prey. ~ jules-renard, @wisdomtrove
124:Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
125:flower-de-luce, bloom on, and let the river Linger to kiss thy feet! O flower of song, bloom on, and make forever The world more fair and sweet. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
126:You know... my flower... I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so naive. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
127:Everything speaks: the flowing airstream and the sailing halycon, the blade of grass, the flower, the bud, the element; did you imagine the universe to be otherwise? ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
128:He looked at her as a man might look at a faded flower he had plucked, in which it was difficult for him to trace the beauty that had made him pick and so destroy it ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
129:Why make so much of fragmentary blue In here and there a bird, or butterfly, Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye, When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue? ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
130:It being a part of Mrs. Pipchin's system not to encourage a child's mind to develop and expand itself like a young flower, but to open it by force like an oyster. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
131:If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows, in all the millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
132:Sanctification grows out of faith in Jesus Christ. Reemember holiness is a flower, not a root; it is not sanctification that saves, but salvation that sanctifies. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
133:Beauty doesn't have to be about anything. What's a vase about? What's a sunset or a flower about? What, for that matter, is Mozart's Twenty-third Piano Concerto about? ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
134:It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower Is to bloom. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
135:What have you come to Earth for?' &
136:if a sheep eats bushes does it eat flowers too? a sheep eats whatever it finds even a flower with thorn? even a flower with thorns. then what's the good of thorns? ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
137:Live now. When you are eating, eat. When you are loving, love. when you are talking with someone, talk. When you are looking at a flower, look. Catch the beauty of the moment! ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
138:In April the sweet showers fall And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all The veins are bathed in liquor of such power As brings about the engendering of the flower. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
139:Sometimes it is better not to talk about art by using the word "art". If we just act with awareness and integrity, our art will flower, and we don't have to talk about it at all. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
140:And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
141:A tulip doesn't strive to impress anyone.It doesn't struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn't have to. It is different. And there's room in the garden for every flower. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
142:I will become a firefly and even in the day my glow will be seen in spite of the sun. Let others be as butterflies who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
143:Faded the flower and all its budded charms,Faded the sight of beauty from my eyes,Faded the shape of beauty from my arms,Faded the voice, warmth, whiteness, paradise!Vanishd unseasonably ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
144:A creature revolting against a creator is revolting against the source of his own powers-including even his power to revolt... It is like the scent of a flower trying to destroy the flower. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
145:For they (art and music) are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
146:A very common flower adds generosity to beauty. It gives joy to the poor, to the rude, and to the multitudes who could have no flowers were nature to charge a price for her blossoms. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
147:As long as the Earth can make a spring every year, I can. As long as the Earth can flower and produce nurturing fruit, I can, because I'm the Earth. I won't give up until the Earth gives up. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
148:He sat down. I sat down next to him. And after a silence, he spoke again. &
149:Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
150:There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
151:If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
152:Inside each one of us is a beautiful flower garden. This is the garden of the soul. With each lesson we learn, the garden grows. As we learn together, our individual gardens form a tranquil paradise. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
153:The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
154:Peace in every step. The shining red sun is my heart. Each flower smiles with me. How green, how fresh all that grows. How cool the wind blows. Peace is every step. It turns the endless path to joy. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
155:Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
156:The thistle is a prince. Let any man that has an eye for beauty take a view of the whole plant, and where will he see a more expressive grace and symmetry; and where is there a more kingly flower? ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
157:Like the lotus flower that is born out of mud, we must honor the darkest parts of ourselves and the most painful of our life’s experiences, because they are what allow us to birth our most beautiful self. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
158:She was a dark, unenduring little flower - yet he thought he detected in her some quality of spiritual reticence, of strength drawn from her passive acceptance of all things. In this he was mistaken. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
159:The hills and valleys of Heaven will be to those you now experience not as a copy is to an original, nor as the substitute is to the genuine article, but as the flower to the root, or the diamond to the coal. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
160:Look after the root of the tree, and the fragrant flower and luscious fruits will grow by themselves. Look after the health of the body, and the fragrance of the mind and richness of the spirit will follow. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
161:The principle of martial arts is not a thing that can be learned, like a science, by fact-finding and instruction in facts. It has to grow spontaneously, like a flower, in a mind free from emotions and desires. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
162:If you want to know what it means to be happy, look at a flower, a bird, a child; they are perfect images of the kingdom. For they live from moment to moment in the eternal now with no past and no future. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
163:You cannot disturb the tiniest petal of a flower without the troubling of a distant star. Arthur Eddington ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
164:Medical treatment is emergency care for symptoms that have developed over a long period of time. The symptom is the flower on a plant. Treating the symptom is picking the flower, while the plant remains untouched. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
165:And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the flower they themselves never hoped to see - or like a sealed letter they could not plainly read. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
166:At a well in a yard they met a man who was beating a boy. The stick burst into a flower in the mans hand. He tried to drop it, but it stuck to his hand. His arm became a branch, his body the trunk of a tree, his feet took root. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
167:It is war that wastes a nations wealth, chokes its industries, kills its flower, narrows its sympathies, condemns it to be governed by adventurers, and leaves the puny, deformed, and unmanly to breed the next generation. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
168:Without your own authentic power, you are like a droopy flower with closed petals. But when you are courageous enough to be yourself and speak your truth, you are like a sunflower with your face outstretched towards the sun. ~ aimee-davies, @wisdomtrove
169:Focus on the heart center and feel love. There is a flower there, but it's like a rose folded up. As you meditate, feel that the flower is opening. Each time you open a set of petals you're going deeper into eternal awareness. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
170:Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
171:It is true that the heart has its seasons, just as a flower opens to the sunlight and closes to the night. We need to be respectful of those rhythms. But we can't close down for long. It is our true nature to have an open heart. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
172:Apparently with no surprise To any happy Flower The Frost beheads it at its play - In accidental power - The blonde Assassin passes on - The Sun proceeds unmoved To measure off another Day For an Approving God. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
173:There is not a flower that opens, not a seed that falls into the ground, and not an ear of wheat that nods on the end of its stalk in the wind that does not preach and proclaim the greatness and the mercy of God to the whole world. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
174:Ah me! what wonder-working, occult science Can from the ashes in our hearts once more The rose of youth restore? What craft of alchemy can bid defiance To time and change, and for a single hour Renew this phantom-flower? ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
175:I HIDE myself within my flower That wearing on your breast, You, unsuspecting, wear me too - And angels know the rest. I hide myself within my flower, That, fading from your vase, You, unsuspecting, feel for me Almost a loneliness. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
176:All of us are called by something in this world that attracts us. And it doesn't matter what it is - you can be an engine mechanic or an aviator or you can be someone who loves their flower garden or the world of commerce or sailboats. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
177:Be surprised by joy, be surprised by the little flower that shows its beauty in the midst of a barren desert, and be surprised by the immense healing power that keeps bursting forth like springs of fresh water from the depth of our pain. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
178:If we plant a flower or a shrub and water it daily it will grow so tall that in time we shall need a spade and a hoe to uproot it. It is just so, I think, when we commit a fault, however small, each day, and do not cure ourselves of it. ~ teresa-of-avila, @wisdomtrove
179:Therefore, even if you write a letter for a blind man or you must go and sit and listen, or you take the mail for him, or you visit somebody or bring a flower to somebody... it is never too small, for this is our love of Christ in action ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
180:Life and love are life and love, a bunch of violets is a bunch of violets, and to drag in the idea of a point is to ruin everything. Live and let live, love and let love, flower and fade, and follow the natural curve, which flows on, pointless. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
181:I will take time each day to commune with nature and to silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. I will sit silently and watch a sunset, or listen to the sound of the ocean or a stream, or simply smell the scent of a flower.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
182:At one time I say to myself: "Surely not! The little prince shuts his flower under her glass globe every night, and he watches over his sheep very carefully . . ." Then I am happy. And there is sweetness in the laughter of all the stars. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
183:Praise is like sunlight to the warm human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellow the warm sunshine of praise. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
184:The virtuous woman must be treated like a relic - adored, but not handled; she should be guarded and prized, like a fine flower-garden, the beauty and fragrance of which the owner allows others to enjoy only at a distance, and through iron walls. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
185:I began my pilgrimage on the first of January in 1953. It is my spiritual birthday of sorts. It was a period in which I was merged with the whole. No longer was I a seed buried under the ground, but I felt as a flower reaching out effortlessly toward the sun. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
186:Spirituality automatically leads to humility. When a flower develops into a fruit, the petals drop off on its own. When one becomes spiritual, the ego vanishes gradually on its own. A tree laden with fruits always bends low. Humility is a sign of greatness. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
187:True success is therefore the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us. It is the perception of divinity wherever we go, in whatever we perceive — in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the flight of a bird.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
188:For a long time, no village girl would dress her hair or bosom with the sweetest flower from that field of death: and after many a year had come and gone, the berries growing there, were still believed to leave too deep a stain upon the hand that plucked them. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
189:No better way is there to learn to love Nature than to understand Art. It dignifies every flower of the field. And, the boy who sees the thing of beauty which a bird on the wing becomes when transferred to wood or canvas will probably not throw the customary stone. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
190:Upon the hearth the fire is red, Beneath the roof there is a bed; But not yet weary are our feet, Still round the corner we may meet A sudden tree or standing stone That none have seen but we alone. Tree and flower and leaf and grass, Let them pass! Let them pass! ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
191:When you draw or paint a tree, you do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would be mere photography. To be free to paint a tree or a flower or a sunset, you have to feel what it conveys to you: the significance, the meaning of it. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
192:It sometimes strikes me how immensely fortunate I am that each day should take its place in my life, either reddened with the rising and setting sun, or refreshingly cool with deep, dark clouds, or blooming like a white flower in the moonlight. What untold wealth! ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
193:A flower is not a flower. It is made only of non-flower elements - sunshine, clouds, time, space, earth, minerals, gardeners, and so on. A true flower contains the whole universe. If we return any one of these non-flower elements to its source, there will be no flower. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
194:No taste of food, no feel of water, no sound of wind, no memory of tree or grass or flower, no image of moon or star are left to me. I am naked in the dark, Sam, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I begin to see it even with my waking eyes, and all else fades. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
195:If you have patience, then you'll also have love. Patience leads to love. If you forcefully open the petals of a bud, you won't be able to enjoy its beauty and fragrance. Only when it blossoms by following its natural course, will the beauty and fragrance of a flower unfold. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
196:I will see one thing today as if for the first time. Today I give myself permission to apply new feelings of appreciation to a flower, a curtain fluttering in the breeze, a child's game, a tree gracing the roadside - anything I have taken for granted which calls out to be seen anew.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
197:There is a dew in one flower and not in another, because one opens in cup and takes it in, while the other closes itself, and the drops run off. God rains His goodness and mercy as widespread as the dew, and if we lack them, it is because we will not open our hearts to receive them. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
198:I found myself declaiming, full flower, for an hour on the "utmost importance and urgency" of Blogging, telling him in no uncertain terms that, especially in a high-end niche business, Blogging is "the premier way" to have "intimate conversations" with his Clients. Funny thing, I believe it! ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
199:Reach me a gentian, give me a torch! Let me guide myself with the blue, forked torch of a flower down the darker and darker stairs, where blue is darkened on blueness even where Persephone goes, just now, from the frosted September to the sightless realm where darkness is awake upon the dark. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
200:I hope martial artists are more interested in the root of martial arts and not the different decorative branches, flowers or leaves. It is futile to argue as to which leaf, which design of branches, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
201:Machine thinking is the opposite of mindfulness. If we're really engaged in mindfulness when walking along the path to the village, then we will consider the act of each step we take as an infinite wonder, and a joy will open our hearts like a flower, enabling us to enter the world of reality. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
202:One who has never known the turbulence of life, in whom the petals of the mysterious flower within have never opened; such a one may seem happy, may seem a saint, his single track mind may impress the multitude with its power - but he is ill equipped for life's true adventure into the infinite. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
203:If you have true gratitude, it will express itself automatically. It will be visible in your eyes, around your being, in your aura. It is like the fragrance of a flower. In most cases if there is a beautiful flower, the fragrance will be there naturally. The flower and its fragrance cannot be separated. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
204:If we are not happy, if we are not peaceful, we cannot share peace and happiness with others, even those we love, those who live under the same roof. If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
205:An altered look about the hills; A Tyrian light the village fills; A wider sunrise in the dawn; A deeper twilight on the lawn; A print of a vermilion foot; A purple finger on the slope; A flippant fly upon the pane; A spider at his trade again; An added strut in chanticleer; A flower expected everywhere. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
206:You cannot ask which system is the better because you cannot standardize one system for the whole of the world. You cannot have one stereotyped code of morality for every country. One system may work very well in one country and very badly in another. You cannot grow a tropical flower in a cold climate. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
207:We have the promises of God as thick as daisies in summer meadows, that death, which men most fear, shall be to us the most blessed of experiences, if we trust in him. Death is unclasping; joy, breaking out in the desert; the heart, come to its blossoming time! Do we call it dying when the bud bursts into flower? ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
208:The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know? ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
209:I found every breath of air, and every scent, and every flower and leaf and blade of grass and every passing cloud, and everything in nature, more beautiful and wonderful to me than I had ever found it yet. This was my first gain from my illness. How little I had lost, when the wide world was so full of delight for me. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
210:Just as each flower has its own colour, but all colours are caused by the same light, so do many experiences appear in the undivided and indivisible awareness, each separate in memory, identical in essence. This essence is the root, the foundation, the timeless and spaceless &
211:In the spiritual life the easiest way to conquer ego is to offer gratitude to God for five minutes daily. If you cannot offer gratitude for five minutes, then utter it for one minute. Offer your gratitude to God. Then you will feel that inside you a sweet, fragrant and beautiful flower is growing. That is the flower of humility. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
212:You are not a man anymore. You are a soldier. Your comfort is of no importance and your life isn't of much importance. Most of your orders will be unpleasant, but that's not your business. They should've trained you for this, and not for flower-strewn streets. They should have built your soul with truth, not led along with lies. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
213:Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
214:The rich, sweet smell of the hayricks rose to his chamber window; the hundred perfumes of the little flower-garden beneath scented the air around; the deep-green meadows shone in the morning dew that glistened on every leaf as it trembled in the gentle air: and the birds sang as if every sparkling drop were a fountain of inspiration to them. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
215:Love, in this world, is like a seed taken from the tropics, and planted where the winter comes too soon; and it cannot spread itself in flower-clusters and wide-twining vines, so that the whole air is filled with the perfume thereof. But there is to be another summer for it yet. Care for the root now, and God will care for the top by and by. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
216:The world was so beautiful when regarded like this, without searching, so simply, in such a childlike way. Moons and stas were beautiful, beautiful were bank and stream, forest and rocks, goat and gold-bug, flower and butterfly. So lovely, so delightful to go through the world this way, so like a child, awake, open to what is near, without distrust. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
217:If some one loves a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions and millions of stars, that's enough to make him happy when he looks at the stars. He tells himself, "My flower's up there somewhere. . . ." But if the sheep eats the flower, then for him it's as if, suddenly, all the stars went out. And that isn't important? ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
218:If someone smells a flower and says he does not understand, the reply to him is: there is nothing to understand, it is only a scent. If he persists, saying: that I know, but what does it all mean? Then one has either to change the subject, or make it more abstruse by saying that the scent is the shape which the universal joy takes in the flower. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
219:How astonishingly does the chance of leaving the world improve a sense of its natural beauties upon us. Like poor Falstaff, although I do not &
220:When you hire a person to plan your wedding, this does not include securing the groom. Plan to get married on Friday the 13th. In years to come this will make it much easier to explain why things turned out badly. To look beautiful at your wedding, take time to plan it. It took me a long time to find two ugly bridesmaids and a frumpy little flower girl. ~ phyllis-diller, @wisdomtrove
221:I know it is more agreeable to walk upon carpets than to lie upon dungeon floors, I know it is pleasant to have all the comforts and luxuries of civilization; but he who cares only for these things is worth no more than a butterfly, contented and thoughtless, upon a morning flower; and who ever thought of rearing a tombstone to a last summer's butterfly? ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
222:Let us not go hurrying about and collecting honey, bee-like buzzing here and there for a knowledge of what is not to be arrived at, but let us open our leaves like a flower, and be passive and receptive, budding patiently under the eye of Apollo, and taking hints from every noble insect that favours us with a visit - sap will be given us for meat and dew for drink. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
223:Look at this vigorous plant that lifts its head from the meadow, See how its leaves are turned to the north, as true as the magnet; This is the compass-flower, that the finger of God has planted Here in the houseless wild, to direct the traveller's journey. Over the sea-like, pathless, limitless waste of the desert, Such in the soul of man is faith. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
224:It was an evil doom that set her in his path. For she is a fair maiden, fairest lady of a house of queens. And yet I know not how I should speak of her. When I first looked on her and perceived her unhappiness, it seemed to me that I saw a white flower standing straight and proud, shapely as a lily and yet knew that it was hard, as if wrought by elf-wrights out of steel. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
225:Yet optimism is in order, because day by day democracy is proving itself to be a not-at-all-fragile flower. From Stettin on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, the regimes planted by totalitarianism have had more than 30 years to establish their legitimacy. But none - not one regime - has yet been able to risk free elections. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
226:Let it not be death but completeness. Let love melt into memory and pain into songs.  Let the flight through the sky end in the folding of the wings over the nest.  Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the night.  Stand still, O Beautiful End, for a moment, and say your last words in silence.  I bow to you and hold up my lamp to light you on your way. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
227:Many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature does not really exist for them. They might say, “What a pretty flower,” but that’s just a mechanical mental labeling. Because they are not still, not present, they don’t truly see the flower, don’t feel it’s essence, it’s holiness- just as they don’t know themselves, don’t feel their own essence, their own holiness. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
228:Life rises out of death, death rises out of life; in being opposite they yearn to each other, they give birth to each other and are forever reborn. And with them, all is reborn, the flower of the apple tree, the light of the stars. In life is death. In death is rebirth. What then is life without death? Life unchanging, everlasting, eternal?-What is it but death-death without rebirth? ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
229:For man, the vast marvel is to be alive. For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive. Whatever the unborn may know, they cannot know the beauty, the marvel of being alive in the flesh. The dead may look after the afterwards. But the magnificent here and now of life in the flesh is ours, and ours alone, and ours only for a time. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
230:So long as the bee is outside the petals of the lily, and has not tasted the sweetness of its honey, it hovers around the flower emitting the buzzing sound; but when it is inside the flower, it noiselessly drinks the nectar. So long as a man quarrels and disputes about doctrines and dogmas, he has not tasted the nectar of true faith; when he has tasted it, he becomes quiet and full of peace. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
231:I know a planet where there is a certain red-faced gentleman. He has never smelled a flower. He has never looked at a star. He has never loved any one. He has never done anything in his life but add up figures. And all day he says over and over, just like you: &
232:As every flower fades and as all youth departs, so life at every stage, so every virtue, so our grasp of truth blooms in its day and may not last forever. Since life may summon us at every age, be ready, heart, for parting, new endeavour, be ready bravely and without remorse to find new light that old ties cannot give. In all beginnings dwells a magic force for guarding us and helping us to live. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
233:Lies About Love We are all liars, because The truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow, Whereas letters are fixed, and we live by the letter of truth. The love I feel for my friend, this year, is different from the love I felt last year. If it were not so, it would be a lie. Yet we reiterate love! love! love! as if it were a coin with fixed value instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
234:... he was "God-intoxicated." He felt that the Divine Excellence had its abode in the very heart of Nature and within his own body and spirit. Indwelling in every dewdrop as in the innumerable host of heaven, in the humblest flower and in the mind of man, he found the living spirit of God, setting forth the Divine glory, making the Divine perfection and inspiring with the Divine love. William Boulting  (about ) ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
235:If a person opens his mouth to say affirmation or denial, he is lost. Zen is gone. But keeping silence does not go away. The stone on the ground is silent, the blossoming flower under the window is also silent, but they do not understand Zen. There must be some way to find the silence and the speech to be the same, ie. denial and affirmation to be unified in a higher form of utterance. We do that, so we have met Zen. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
236:He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered, with difficulty recognizing in it the beauty for which he picked and ruined it. And in spite of this he felt that then, when his love was stronger, he could, if he had greatly wished it, have torn that love out of his heart; but now when as at that moment it seemed to him he felt no love for her, he knew that what bound him to her could not be broken. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
237:Most human relationships consist mainly of minds interacting with each other, not of human beings communicating, being in communion. No relationship can thrive in that way, and that is why there is so much conflict in relationships. When the mind is running your life, conflict, strife, and problems are inevitable. Being in touch with your inner body creates a clear space of no- mind within which the relationship can flower. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
238:Dear Diary, Today I tried not to think about Mr. Knightly. I tried not to think about him when I discussed the menu with Cook... I tried not to think about him in the garden where I thrice plucked the petals off a daisy to acertain his feelings for Harriet. I don't think we should keep daisies in the garden, they really are a drab little flower. And I tried not to think about him when I went to bed, but something had to be done. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
239:Dear Diary, Today I tried not to think about Mr. Knightly. I tried not to think about him when I discussed the menu with Cook... I tried not to think about him in the garden where I thrice plucked the petals off a daisy to ascertain his feelings for Harriet. I don't think we should keep daisies in the garden, they really are a drab little flower. And I tried not to think about him when I went to bed, but something had to be done. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
240:I tell you, I am in every flower, every rainbow, every star in the heavens, and everything in and on every planet rotating around every star. I am the whisper of the wind, the warmth of your sun, the incredible individuality and the extraordinary perfection of every snowflake.   I am the majesty in the soaring flight of eagles, and the innocence of the doe in the field; the courage of lions, the wisdom of the ancient ones.  ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
241:His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips’ touch she blossomed like a flower and the incarnation was complete. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
242:Who are you, reader, reading my poems an hundred years hence? I cannot send you one single flower from this wealth of the spring, one single streak of gold from yonder clouds. Open your doors and look abroad. From your blossoming garden gather fragrant memories of the vanished flowers of an hundred years before. In the joy of your heart may you feel the living joy that sang one spring morning, sending its glad voice across a hundred years. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
243:Who can estimate the real wealth that inheres in a fine character. . . . How base and mean money and huge estates look in comparison. All other things fade before it. Its touch is like magic to win friendship, influence, power. Can you afford to chill, to discourage, to crush out of your life this sweet, sensitive plant, which would flower in your nature and give added glory to your life, for the sake of a few dollars, a little questionable fame? ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
244:To be beautiful means to be yourself.You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
245:There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. They don't honor their own lives ... their minds are full of cotton. They swallow God without thinking, they swallow country without thinking. Soon they forget how to think, they let others think for them... . Most people's deaths are a sham. There's nothing left to die. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
246:We cannot know the consequences of suppressing a child's spontaneity when he is just beginning to be active. We may even suffocate life itself. That humanity which is revealed in all its intellectual splendor during the sweet and tender age of childhood should be respected with a kind of religious veneration. It is like the sun which appears at dawn or a flower just beginning to bloom. Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
247:It may be a mere patriotic bias, though I do not think so, but it seems to me that the English aristocracy is not only the type, but is the crown and flower of all actual aristocracies; it has all the oligarchical virtues as well as all the defects. It is casual, it is kind, it is courageous in obvious matters; but it has one great merit that overlaps even these. The great and very obvious merit of the English aristocracy is that nobody could possibly take it seriously. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
248:A summer breeze can be very refreshing; but if we try to put it in a tin can so we can have it entirely to ourselves, the breeze will die. Our beloved is the same. He is like a breeze, a cloud, a flower. If you imprison him in a tin can, he will die. Yet many people do just that. They rob their loved one of his liberty, until he can no longer be himself. They live to satisfy themselves and use their loved one to help them fulfill that. That is not loving; it is destroying. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
249:What did I care about my hammer, about my bolt, about thirst or death? There was, on one star, on one planet, on mine, the Earth, a little prince to be consoled! I took him in my arms. I rocked him. I told him, &
250:i have found what you are like the rain (Who feathers frightened fields with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields easily the pale club of the wind and swirled justly souls of flower strike the air in utterable coolness deeds of gren thrilling light with thinned newfragile yellows lurch -in the woods which stutter and sing And the coolness of your smile is stirringofbirds between my arms;but i should rather than anything have(almost when hugeness will shut quietly)almost, your kiss ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
251:It is like the flower and its colour. Without flower - no colours; without colour - the flower remains unseen. Beyond is the light which on contact with the flower creates the colour. realise that your true nature is that of pure light only, and both the perceived and the perceiver come and go together. That which makes both possible, and yet is neither, is your real being, which means not being a &
252:There can be no barrenness in full summer. The very sand will yield something. Rocks will have mosses, and every rift will have its wind-flower, and every crevice a leaf; while from the fertile soil will be reared a gorgeous troop of growths, that will carry their life in ten thousand forms, but all with praise to God. And so it is when the soul knows its summer. Love redeems its weakness, clothes its barrenness, enriches its poverty, and makes its very desert to bud and blossom as the rose. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
253:Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
254:Our surroundings are not contained by name and form. You are neither the body nor the mind, these are limits you identify with through a lack of clear-sightedness. When you are attentive to a tree or flower, the perception, shape, name and concept are not the only things present. There is also the All-presence that you share with them and that you are both part of. The very name and form spring forth from this eternal background, the All-presence. This is instantaneous awareness that cannot be reached by thought. ~ jean-klein, @wisdomtrove
255:One of the deepest and strangest of all human moods is the mood which will suddenly strike us perhaps in a garden at night, or deep in sloping meadows, the feeling that every flower and leaf has just uttered something stupendously direct and important, and that we have by a prodigy of imbecility not heard or understood it. There is a certain poetic value, and that a genuine one, in this sense of having missed the full meaning of things. There is beauty, not only in wisdom, but in this dazed and dramatic ignorance. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
256:On summer evenings, when every flower, and tree, and bird, might have better addressed my soft young heart, I have in my day been caught in the palm of a female hand by the crown, have been violently scrubbed from the neck to the roots of the hair as a purification for the Temple, and have then been carried off highly charged with saponaceous electricity, to be steamed like a potato in the unventilated breath of the powerful Boanerges Boiler and his congregation, until what small mind I had, was quite steamed out of me ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
257:Life is like a garden. Quite naturally, leaves wither and flowers fade. Only if we clear the decay of the past then and there can we really enjoy the beauty of the new leaves and flowers. Likewise, we must clear the murkiness of the past bad experiences from our minds. Life is remembrance in forgetfulness. Forgive what ought to be forgiven; forget what ought to be forgotten. Let us embrace life with renewed vigor. We should be able to face every moment of life with renewed expectation, like a freshly blossomed flower. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
258:Then, Éowyn of Rohan, I say to you that you are beautiful. In the valleys of our hills there are flowers fair and bright, and maidens fairer still; but neither flower nor lady have I seen till now in Gondor so lovely, and so sorrowful. It may be that only a few days are left ere darkness falls upon our world, and when it comes I hope to face it steadily; but it would ease my heart, if while the Sun yet shines, I could see you still. For you and I have both passed under the wings of the Shadow, and the same hand drew us back. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
259:Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That's part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads - at least that's where I imagine it - there's a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in awhile, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. In other words, you'll live forever in your own private library. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
260:Don't ever believe that you are going to be peaceful-life is not like that. When you are changing all the time, you've got to continue to keep adjusting to change, which means that you are going to be constantly facing new obstacles. That's the joy of living. And once you are involved in the process of becoming, there is no stopping. You're doomed! You're gone! But what a fantastic journey! Every day is new. Every flower is new. Every face is new. Everything in the world is new, every morning of your life. Stop seeing it as a drag! ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
261:On those remote pages [of &
262:What does Reverence for Life say abut the relations between humanity and the animal world? Whenever I injury any kind of life I must be quite certain that it is necessary. I must never go beyond the unavoidable, not even in apparently insignificant things. The farmer who has mowed down a thousand flowers in his meadow in order to feed his cows must be careful on his way home not to strike the head off a single flower by the side of the road in idle amusement, for he thereby infringes on the law of life without being under the pressure of necessity. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
263:As much as possible in everyday life, use awareness of the inner body to create space. When waiting, when listening to someone, when pausing to look at the sky, a tree, a flower, your partner, or child, feel the aliveness within at the same time. This means part of your attention or consciousness remains formless, and the rest is available for the outer world of form. Whenever you “inhabit” your body in this way, it serves as an anchor for staying present in the Now. It prevents you from losing yourself in thinking, in emotions, or in external situations. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
264:The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them,and what came through them was longing. These things—the beauty, the memory of our own past—are good images of what we really desire; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself they turn into dumb idols,breaking the hearts of their worshippers. For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
265:Your anger is like a flower. In the beginning you may not understand the nature of your anger, or why it has come up. But if you know how to embrace it with the energy of mindfulness, it will begin to open. You may be sitting, following your breathing, or you may be practicing walking meditation to generate the energy of mindfulness and embrace your anger. After ten or twenty minutes your anger will have to open herself to you, and suddenly, you will see the true nature of your anger. It may have arisen just because of a wrong perception or the lack of skillfulness. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
266:You can purify your existence by feeling deep within yourself a beautiful rose or lotus, or any other flower that you like. A flower is all purity. Try to identify yourself with the consciousness of the flower or with the purity of the flower. Today it is imagination, but if you continue imagining for five days, or ten days, or a month or two, then you are bound to see and feel the flower within you. First you may feel it, then you are bound to see the existence of the flower, and then automatically the fragrance and the purity of the flower will enter into you to purify you. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
267:When death comes…. I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering: what it’s going to be like, that cottage of darkness? And therefore I look upon everything as a brotherhood and a sisterhood, and I look upon time as no more than an idea, and I consider eternity as another possibility, and I think of each life as a flower, as common as a field daisy, and as singular, and each name a comfortable music in the mouth, tending, as all music does, toward silence, and each body as a lion of courage, and something precious to the earth. [from the poem "When Death Comes"] ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
268:To me, then, true criticism consists in trying to find out the intrinsic worth of the thing itself, and not in attributing a quality to that thing. You attribute a quality to an environment, to an experience, only when you want to derive something from it, when you want to gain or to have power or happiness. Now this destroys true criticism. Your desire is perverted through attributing values, and therefore you cannot see clearly. Instead of trying to see the flower in its original and entire beauty, you look at it through coloured glasses, and therefore you can never see it as it is. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
269:We must not drift away from the humble works, because these are the works nobody will do. It is never too small. We are so small we look at things in a small way. But God, being Almighty, sees everything great. Therefore, even if you write a letter for a blind man or you just go sit and listen, or you take the mail for him, or you visit somebody or bring a flower to somebody-small things-or wash clothes for somebody, or clean the house. Very humble work, that is where you and I must be. For there are many people who can do big things. But there are very few people who will do the small things. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
270:Around us, life bursts with miracles&
271:A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn’t have to. It is different. And there’s room in the garden for every flower. You didn’t have to struggle to make your face different than anyone else’s on earth. It just is. You are unique because you were created that way. Look at little children in kindergarten. They’re all different without trying to be. As long as they’re unselfconsciously being themselves, they can’t help but shine. It’s only later, when children are taught to compete, to strive to be better than others, that their natural light becomes distorted. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
272:Turn positive facts into positive experiences. Good things keep happening all around us, but much of the time we don’t notice them; even when we do, we often hardly feel them. Someone is nice to you, you see an admirable quality in yourself, a flower is blooming, you finish a difficult project—and it all just rolls by. Instead, actively look for good news, particularly the little stuff of daily life: the faces of children, the smell of an orange, a memory from a happy vacation, a minor success at work, and so on. Whatever positive facts you find, bring a mindful awareness to them—open up to it—dig in! Savor the experience. It’s delicious! Make it last by staying with it for 5, 10, even 20 seconds. ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:tucked the flower into my ~ Tate James,
2:Beauty is the flower of virtue. ~ Plutarch,
3:My innocence is a dying flower ~ Tite Kubo,
4:The Flame and the Flower, ~ Kristin Hannah,
6:No seed ever sees the flower. ~ Zen proverb,
7:What is the Heart? A flower opening. ~ Rumi,
8:Point your fire like a flower. ~ Annie Finch,
9:The flower of justice is peace, ~ Ann Leckie,
10:Wit is the flower of the imagination. ~ Livy,
11:You're beautiful like a flower ~ India Arie,
12:One flower makes no garland. ~ George Herbert,
13:The lotus flower is troubled ~ Heinrich Heine,
14:A bee died in a coffin flower. ~ Arundhati Roy,
15:Mom was a flower of the south ~ Mark Childress,
16:My body is a carnivorous flower ~ Tahereh Mafi,
17:As fragrance abides in the flower ~ Guru Nanak,
18:The small flower is as total as the sun. ~ Osho,
19:A flower blossoms for its own joy. ~ Oscar Wilde,
20:One flower may slay the winter ~ Hilda Doolittle,
21:Here's to the thorn in the flower! ~ D H Lawrence,
22:Pluck not the wayside flower; ~ William Allingham,
23:A flower blooms best in a happy pot. ~ V C Andrews,
24:Every flower blooms at its own pace. ~ Suzy Kassem,
25:When the flower opens, the bees will come. ~ Kabir,
26:You find a flower half-buried in leaves, ~ Hanshan,
27:Flower in the crannied wall, ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
28:Yoga is the space where flower blossoms. ~ Amit Ray,
29:Earth is a flower and it's pollinating. ~ Neil Young,
30:Throw dirt on me, and grow a wild flower ~ Lil Wayne,
31:'Tis my faith that every flower ~ William Wordsworth,
32:A flower touches everyone's heart. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
33:If you were a blade of grass or a tiny flower ~ Rumi,
34:No one knows the colour of a flower ~ Hilda Doolittle,
35:Now summer is in flower and natures hum ~ John Clare,
36:The butterfly danced on the flower. ~ Kerry Greenwood,
37:The nature of this flower is to bloom. ~ Alice Walker,
38:Though like the wanderer, ~ Sarah Fuller Flower Adams,
39:And I open to him, a flower to the rain. ~ Rick Yancey,
40:A root is a flower that disdains fame. ~ Khalil Gibran,
41:A weed is but an unloved flower. ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox,
42:be like a flower,look at the light ~ Robin Craig Clark,
43:Every flower blooms at a different pace. ~ Suzy Kassem,
44:From a withered tree, a flower blooms ~ Gautama Buddha,
45:I never cast a flower away, ~ Letitia Elizabeth Landon,
46:Life is a flower of which love is honey. ~ Victor Hugo,
47:Love is a flower you got to let it grow. ~ John Lennon,
48:Politeness is the flower of humanity. ~ Joseph Joubert,
49:Flower and thorn are in the same stem. ~ Gautama Buddha,
50:Evil comes up softly like a flower. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
51:Love is the flower you've got to let grow. ~ John Lennon,
52:A flower blooms best in a happy pot. ~ Virginia C Andrews,
53:A flower of light pointlessly beautiful. ~ Stephen Baxter,
54:Alone with our madness and favorite flower ~ John Ashbery,
55:Death will come for you too, little flower. ~ Brent Weeks,
56:Flower Duet by Delibes, from the opera Lakmé. ~ E L James,
57:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. ~ James Joyce,
58:her mouth was a cruel flower. “Hair ~ Walter Jon Williams,
59:I always held my flower in a clenched fist. ~ Eric Hoffer,
60:It seems to me that I am shooting a flower. ~ Victor Hugo,
61:All the wild sweetness of the flower ~ Katherine Mansfield,
62:Generosity is the flower of justice. ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,
63:I am hidden in your heart, O Flower. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
64:You love him like a flower loves the sun. ~ Kiersten White,
65:A paper flower, rather carefully done. A lotus. ~ Anonymous,
66:each separate flower has a magic all its own. ~ Myrtle Reed,
67:Every flower returns to sleep with the earth. ~ Suzy Kassem,
68:Find the psychosis in flower, he thought. ~ John Katzenbach,
69:I'm a Capricorn, and they flower late. ~ Marianne Faithfull,
70:I'm very romantic. I've emptied flower shops. ~ Bob Hoskins,
71:The flower of the present rosily blossomed. ~ Aldous Huxley,
72:The Flower that once has blown forever dies. ~ Omar Khayyam,
73:would flower; and where birds came—and pecked ~ Mary Norton,
74:Look into a flower and you see the whole cosmos. ~ Nhat Hanh,
75:The greed for fruit misses the flower. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
76:The white flower of a blameless life. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
77:The world was beginning to flower into wounds. ~ J G Ballard,
78:Let the black flower blossom as it may! ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,
79:Life is the flower for which love is the honey. ~ Victor Hugo,
80:Our advantages fly away without aid. Pluck the flower. ~ Ovid,
81:Some see a weed; some see a flower. Perspective. ~ Kiera Cass,
82:A flower is a plant's way of making love. ~ Barbara Kingsolver,
83:Ah! well away! Seasons flower and fade. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
84:Be like a flower, give hope to the world! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
85:Invention is a flower, innovation is a weed. ~ Robert Metcalfe,
86:Love is like a flower - you have to let it grow. ~ John Lennon,
87:My flower is somewhere out there... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
88:Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf ~ Lewis Mumford,
89:The Flower Duet’ by Delibes, from the opera Lakmé. ~ E L James,
90:The frost makes a flower, the dew makes a star. ~ Sylvia Plath,
91:As pretty as a flower . . . as strong as a weed. ~ Mia Sheridan,
92:Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun. ~ Khalil Gibran,
93:Be like the flower, turn your faces to the sun. ~ Khalil Gibran,
94:Can you look at a flower without thinking? ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
95:Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. ~ G rard de Nerval,
96:He sendeth sun, he sendeth shower, ~ Sarah Fuller Flower Adams,
97:He that runs may read. ~ Alfred Tennyson, The Flower, Stanza 5.,
98:I'd go without food if I could have a flower. ~ Caryl Churchill,
99:Meditation is a flower, and compassion is its fragrance. ~ Osho,
100:my favorite urban flower, the baseball box score ~ Roger Angell,
101:Oblivion is the flower that grows best on graves. ~ George Sand,
102:Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf. ~ Lewis Mumford,
103:The only amarantine flower on earth Is virtue. ~ William Cowper,
104:To create a little flower is the labor of ages. ~ William Blake,
105:A flower is a weed with an advertising budget. ~ Rory Sutherland,
106:be like the flower,turn your face to the sun ~ Robin Craig Clark,
107:Gratitude is a flower that blooms in noble souls. ~ Pope Francis,
108:It was a flower that I could only see with my heart. ~ Liu Cixin,
109:Protecting the precious flower of their innocence. ~ J K Rowling,
110:To create a little flower is the labour of ages. ~ William Blake,
111:Has the sheep eaten the flower or not? ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
112:My hothouse flower that I will always keep alive ~ Krista Ritchie,
113:No one would dare complain that a flower blooms. ~ Shayne Silvers,
114:The Amen of nature is always a flower. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr,
115:The flower that does not smile
at the branches withers. ~ Rumi,
116:Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
117:When you smell a flower, it also smells you! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
118:3)"One man's weed is another man's flower." (115). ~ Gloria Naylor,
119:A weed is just a flower growing in the wrong place ~ Cecelia Ahern,
120:Bee, why are you staring at me? I am not a flower?? ~ Jack Kerouac,
121:But learn this custom from the flower: silence your tongue. ~ Rumi,
122:Flowers are lovely; love is flower-like; ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
123:Meditation is a flower and compassion is its fragrance. ~ Rajneesh,
124:virtue can flower only when there is freedom. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
125:We cannot pluck a flower witout disturbing a star. ~ Loren Eiseley,
126:When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
127:A flower doesn't love you or hate you, it just exists. ~ Mike White,
128:A weed is no more than a flower in disguise. ~ James Russell Lowell,
129:God I bring each wounded child to Thee. ~ Sarah Fuller Flower Adams,
130:inside us, a flower taken whole, a field built inside. ~ Nick Flynn,
131:Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star. ~ Paul Dirac,
132:Why should be fruit be held inferior to the flower? ~ George Orwell,
133:A bright and tenacious flower will not bloom in obscurity. ~ Ken Liu,
134:A flower won't open if I yell at it and say “Bloom! ~ Marion Woodman,
135:Basically, I was a hippie and still am a flower child. ~ Donna Karan,
136:Competition is a tough weed, not a delicate flower. ~ George Stigler,
137:I blinked at Colin. He was like a walking Wiki site. ~ Amanda Flower,
138:I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed. ~ Amanda McBroom,
139:It is still my dream to own a little flower shop. ~ Kirsty Gallacher,
140:Wearing all that weight of learning like a flower. ~ Alfred Tennyson,
141:When the flower blooms
The bees come uninvited. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
142:With understanding, those we love will certainly flower. ~ Nhat Hanh,
143:Art is the flower... life the green leaf. ~ Charles Rennie Mackintosh,
144:Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~ Albert Camus,
145:Resentment is the most precious flower of poverty. ~ Carson McCullers,
146:Why kill a flower when you can kill a human instead? ~ Jocelynn Drake,
147:Every field and flower fades, but love is infinite. ~ Melanie Chisholm,
148:Once a flower is picked it immediately begins to die. ~ Nenia Campbell,
149:She was pretty, though. Like a flower. I missed that. ~ David Levithan,
150:The Petal table is a flower that is always in bloom. ~ Richard Schultz,
151:The sky, at sunset, looked like a carnivorous flower. ~ Roberto Bolano,
152:The sky, at sunset, looked like a carnivorous flower. ~ Roberto Bola o,
153:A flower should smell sweet, and a woman should have wit. ~ Victor Hugo,
154:As flower blooms in spring, compassion grows in mindfulness. ~ Amit Ray,
155:Every soul is to be cherished, every flower is to bloom. ~ Alice Walker,
156:I may be partial to roses, but I am not a fragile flower ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
157:Life without Love is as a flower without fragrance. ~ Richard B Garnett,
158:Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star. ~ Paul A M Dirac,
159:Saxifrage is my flower that splits the rocks. ~ William Carlos Williams,
160:She's like a flower that talks— an evangelical daffodil. ~ Jandy Nelson,
161:The flower's are gone when the Fruits appear to ripen. ~ Alexander Pope,
162:When it's over, leave. Don't continue watering a dead flower. ~ Unknown,
163:You are my flower and I am your stem holding you to the light. ~ Poppet,
165:A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet. ~ Anna Held,
166:Each gray hair still seemed like a weevil in a flower bed. ~ Jess Walter,
167:For the mind to flower it has to go beyond what it knows. ~ Mother Meera,
168:How can you defame mud when such a beautiful flower grows from it? ~ RZA,
169:I cultivate hatred of action like a greenhouse flower. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
170:The flower in the vase smiles, but no longer laughs. ~ Malcolm De Chazal,
171:Believe that the world is an ethereal flower, and ye live. ~ Jack Kerouac,
172:Be the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it ~ William Shakespeare,
173:But pleasures are like poppies spread: You seize the flower ~ John Bunyan,
174:If you want the butterfly to visit you, be a flower! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
175:I saw a delicate flower had grown up two feet high ~ Henry David Thoreau,
176:Love is each human being blooming into a fragrant flower. ~ Rashmi Bansal,
177:Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety. ~ James Herriot,
178:True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
179:You yourself are the bizarre flower of some unknown dream. ~ Ren e Vivien,
180:Hitesh, old flower, Christmas is exactly the same, it’s you ~ Sue Townsend,
181:Humility is a flower which does not grow in everyone's garden. ~ Aristotle,
182:If one leaves home one might get a flower pot on his head and die. ~ Orlan,
183:inside us, a flower taken whole,

a field built inside. ~ Nick Flynn,
184:I think the sun is a flower, That blooms for just one hour. ~ Ray Bradbury,
185:Look, hasn't my body already felt like the body of a flower? ~ Mary Oliver,
186:"Notice how present a flower is, how surrendered to life." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
187:out of death, life, out of the coarse rank earth, a flower. ~ Thomas Wolfe,
188:The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly. ~ William Wordsworth,
189:The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.    ~ Megan Abbott,
190:The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement. ~ Wayne Dyer,
191:There's nothing more comfortable than a cosy flower pattern. ~ Kurt Cobain,
192:Truth is a flower in whose neighbourhood others must wither. ~ E M Forster,
193:As the flower blooms in spring, compassion grows in mindfulness. ~ Amit Ray,
194:Does a bee ever wonder if a flower gets hurt by it's sting? ~ Narayan Wagle,
195:Her soul trembled on her lips like a drop of dew on a flower. ~ Victor Hugo,
196:I may look like a dainty flower, but I’m really a wild weed. ~ Dannika Dark,
197:I smile like a flower not only with my lips but with my whole being. ~ Rumi,
198:Love can open like a flower out of even the hardest places. ~ Lauren Oliver,
199:"Out of suffering, a lotus flower of happiness can open." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
the nameless flower
I offer it to buddha ~ Santoka Taneda,
201:Real love ought to be more like a tree and less like a flower ~ Mya Robarts,
202:The place smelled like an incense farm married to a flower shop. ~ J D Robb,
203:You have never been invisible to me, flower. You’re all I see. ~ L H Cosway,
204:A message from a flower: "Do not pick me. I want to live". ~ Akiane Kramarik,
205:Madison Desert Flower Rosa Parks Coyote Trickster Spencer, ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
206:O fateful flower beside the rill- The Daffodil, the daffodil! ~ Jean Ingelow,
207:Real love ought to be more like a tree and less like a flower. ~ Mya Robarts,
208:Sex is the seed, love is the flower, compassion is the fragrance. ~ Rajneesh,
209:she was flower salt in my heart, and she hurt beautifully. ~ Nayyirah Waheed,
210:She was something he knew he had missed: the flower of life. ~ Edith Wharton,
211:Ares ever loves to pluck all the fairest flower of an armed host. ~ Aeschylus,
212:Flower god, god of the spring, beautiful, bountiful, ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
213:flower work is not easy. remaining soft in fire takes time. ~ Nayyirah Waheed,
214:happiness held is the seed,happiness shared is the flower ~ Robin Craig Clark,
215:I think the sun is a flower,
That blooms for just one hour. ~ Ray Bradbury,
216:Art is the flower of life and, as seed, it gives back life. ~ Remy de Gourmont,
217:As a plant produces its flower, so the psyche creates its symbols. ~ Carl Jung,
218:Be a lotus flower. Be in the water, and do not let the water touch you. ~ Osho,
219:Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again. ~ Henry Beard,
220:Democracy is not a fragile flower; still it needs cultivating. ~ Ronald Reagan,
221:Let me hold your heart like a flower lest it bloom and collapse. ~ Anne Sexton,
222:No flower wants to be at home when it is raining outside! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
223:Opinion is the barren flower of the Way, the beginning of ignorance. ~ Lao Tzu,
224:Perfume is the soul of the flower, and sea-flowers have no soul. ~ Jules Verne,
225:Tree forsakes not the flower—the flower falls from the tree. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
226:Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it. ~,
227:The bee and the serpent often sip from the selfsame flower. ~ Pietro Metastasio,
228:The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. ~ William Cowper,
229:The flower doesn't dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes. ~ Mark Nepo,
230:The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes. ~ Mark Nepo,
231:Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals. ~ Gautama Buddha,
232:When a man has a flower in his life he builds a house. ~ Halld r Kiljan Laxness,
233:You rubbed your girl flower on his love muscle, Cass. It counts. ~ Leisa Rayven,
234:But hope is such a fragile flower in the rocky ground of my soul. ~ Donna Cooner,
235:Enlightened society is where the flower and the rock will meet. ~ Sakyong Mipham,
236:Fear of draughts is a very bad quality for a flower”, ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
237:Holiness and delight are as allied—as root and flower; ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
238:If I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? ~ Naomi Campbell,
239:If you have two shirts, sell one and with the money buy a flower’. ~ Idries Shah,
240:I,” she said, planting a hand on her hip, “am a delicate flower. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
241:it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
242:Knowing the future is the flower of the Way, and the beginning of folly. ~ Laozi,
243:Let us open our leaves like a flower, and be passive and receptive. ~ John Keats,
244:Magical. I mean to watch a person let go of something and flower. ~ Peter Heller,
245:May your soul flower into mystical blossoms of poetic ecstasy. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
246:Moment is a flower. Mindfulness is sipping the nectar of that flower. ~ Amit Ray,
247:The curious crime, the fine Felicity and flower of wickedness. ~ Robert Browning,
248:True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
249:You don't gather the beauty of a flower by plucking her petals. ~ Gautama Buddha,
250:A white flower grows in the quietness. Let your tongue become that flower. ~ Rumi,
251:Angel, who found a flower blooming in hell and died for it ... ~ Pat Mills,
252:I'm not a wilting flower, unless that gets me extraspecial treats. ~ Rachel Caine,
253:Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it. ~ William Shakespeare,
254:The heavy smell of flower petals stroked the walls of my lungs. ~ Haruki Murakami,
255:Wearing all that weight Of learning lightly like a flower. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
256:And her hair was a folded flower
And the quiet of love in her feet. ~ W B Yeats,
257:desert weed lives on, but the flower of spring blooms and wilts. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
258:Even love matures. It's like a flower. Cherish it while it blooms. ~ Hisaya Nakajo,
259:Out of this nettle - danger - we pluck this flower - safety. ~ William Shakespeare,
260:Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower that ever drank the amber shower: ~ Thomas More,
261:Running in the wind, in the pollen and dust, a flower in flight ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
262:She is my flower and she blooms for the one who loves her best. ~ Gordon Lightfoot,
263:Some roads are covered with flower. Some hearts are full with kindness. ~ Amit Ray,
264:So speak to influence. Don’t speak to call a flower yellow. Speak ~ James Altucher,
265:We cannot teach a flower how to grow, we can only learn from it. ~ Akiane Kramarik,
266:You are the root, and only God knows that the flower will be. ~ William Paul Young,
267:America is a really delicate flower that needs a lot of attention. ~ Noel Gallagher,
268:Death is the dropping of the flower, that the fruit may swell. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
269:Roses are my favourite flower, and my mum always grew a lot of them. ~ Hayley Mills,
270:The hope in her voice now made me think of a flower growing in shadow. ~ Gene Wolfe,
271:And a flower, doesn't even know it's own beauty it's entire life. Sad, huh? ~ Miyavi,
272:An evergreen flower is never scared of the upcoming fall. ~ Faramarz Ashenai Ghasemi,
273:If a flower you covet, straightway you are told it is another's. ~ August Strindberg,
274:It flows purling, widely flowing, floating foampool, flower unfurling. ~ James Joyce,
275:Look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under it. ~ William Shakespeare,
276:Love is flower like; Friendship is like a sheltering tree. ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
277:Ninjas are silly. They are the flower fairies of gong fu and karate. ~ Nick Harkaway,
278:Oh, God, I’m going to be a hundred and sixty with a flower on my ass. ~ Kim Harrison,
279:She's magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert. ~ Anne Bishop,
280:The flower coughed. But it was not because she had a cold ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
281:And a summit and flower there is the feeling they have for each other, ~ Walt Whitman,
282:It's as if the world is full of honeybees and I'm the only flower" -Elena ~ L J Smith,
283:My flower’s thorns were already dripping with the blood of her enemies. ~ Celia Aaron,
284:She is passion embodied, a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
285:The flower of #‎ consciousness needs the mud out of which it grows. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
286:Their love was a bright flower, youthful and radiantly beautiful. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
287:When heart is open, you will change just like a flower slowly opening. ~ Van Morrison,
288:An angel visited the green earth, and took a flower away. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
289:Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces. ~ Og Mandino,
290:only the eye that sees can differentiate a flower from leaves ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
291:The desert weed lives on, but the flower of spring blooms and wilts. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
292:Trees do not force their sap, nor does the flower push its bloom. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
293:Write her a letter, send her a flower, love only gets old if you let it. ~ Faraaz Kazi,
294:A simple maiden in her flower, Is worth a hundred coats of arms. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
295:Bad weather doesn't give you ideas about going to visit a flower garden. ~ Yasmina Reza,
296:If a flower had a God it would not be a transcendental flower but a field. ~ Alan Watts,
297:It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
298:Life is a stream On which we strew Petal by petal the flower of our heart. ~ Amy Lowell,
299:the tree forsakes not the flower—the flower falls from the tree.” “My ~ Alexandre Dumas,
300:The water is a dark flower and a fisherman is a bee in the heart of her. ~ Annie Proulx,
301:A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ~ Max Muller,
302:By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
303:I collapse
I touch myself
a flower's gesture
cold ~ Alejandra Pizarnik,
304:If I told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room, would you trust it? ~ Kendrick Lamar,
305:In my old age there is a coming into flower. My body wanes; my mind waxes. ~ Victor Hugo,
306:Moreover, a building is constructed by man, but a flower is made by God. ~ George Lakoff,
307:roots and fruits were abolished; the flower of the present rosily blossomed. ~ Anonymous,
308:Roots can exist without flowers, but no flower can exist without roots. ~ Gloria Steinem,
309:Sincerity is not a spontaneous flower nor is modesty either. ~ Sidonie Gabrielle Colette,
310:The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. ~ Anonymous,
311:The Japanese say, if the flower is to be beautiful, it must be cultivated. ~ Lester Cole,
312:the knowledge that life is worthless is the flower of all human wisdom. ~ Thomas Ligotti,
313:A little rain can straighten a flower stem. A little love can change a life. ~ Max Lucado,
314:By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
315:Give because you love to give - as the flower pours forth its perfume. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
316:I don't want to be stinky poo poo girl, I want to be happy flower child. ~ Drew Barrymore,
317:I don't want to be stinky poo-poo girl, I want to be happy flower child. ~ Drew Barrymore,
318:I guess my mom was all he had-the one flower that smelled like freedom ~ Banana Yoshimoto,
319:Love is faith, and faith, like a gathered flower, will rootlessly live on. ~ Thomas Hardy,
320:The snow and the storm destroy the flower; but its seed they cannot kill. ~ Khalil Gibran,
321:(...) the tree forsakes not the flower: the flower falls from the tree. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
322:A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ~ F Max M ller,
323:Anyone can pluck a flower...true strength is knowing how to give it life. ~ Aprilynne Pike,
324:If we could see D miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. ~ Buddha,
325:Nationalism cannot flower if it does not grow in the garden of internationalism. ~ Sukarno,
326:Sex is the root of which intuition is the foliage and beauty is the flower. ~ D H Lawrence,
327:The flower of life blooms in love and radiates love all around it. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
328:The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. ~ Walt Disney,
329:You seem to attract injuries in the manner that a flower attracts bees. ~ Samantha Shannon,
330:I will bring you a flower from the floor of the sea to wear in your hair. ~ Smokey Robinson,
331:Just because a flower will fade, does not mean we should neglect its beauty. ~ Dannika Dark,
332:Roots cannot exist without flowers, but no flower can exist without roots. ~ Gloria Steinem,
333:Sin became a luxury, a flower set in her hair, a diamond fastened on her brow. ~ mile Zola,
334:The force that through the green fuse drives the flower drives my green age. ~ Dylan Thomas,
335:The grass withers, the flower fades, but Cosmic Ordering stands forever. ~ Stephen Richards,
336:The moon looks upon many night- flowers, the night flower sees but one moon. ~ Thomas Moore,
337:The the flower (such as it is) of our civilization. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
338:The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower. ~ P G Wodehouse,
339:The tongueless torturer and the flower of chivalry. An unlikely alliance. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
340:When every brake hath found its note, and sunshine smiles in every flower. ~ Edward Everett,
341:You're like a flower that grew through a crack in the sidewalk, he told me ~ Kristen Ashley,
342:Criticism, that fine flower of personal expression in the garden of letters. ~ Joseph Conrad,
343:The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
344:The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. ~ Anonymous,
345:The shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower. Didn’t ~ Jeff VanderMeer,
346:The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
347:Truth is the root, but human sympathy is the flower of practical life. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin,
348:You want mouth full of knight," Tiggy said. "Knight take your flower and eat it. ~ T J Klune,
349:A clever man without wisdom is like a beautiful flower without fragrance. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
350:Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom! ~ Alex Faickney Osborn,
351:Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it. ~ John Muir,
352:If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. ~ Buddha,
353:I guess my mom was all he had—the one flower that smelled like freedom. He ~ Banana Yoshimoto,
354:A culture is in its finest flower before it begins to analyze itself. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
355:Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons ~ Khalil Gibran,
356:Nothing fruitful ever comes when plants are forced to flower in the wrong season. ~ Bette Lord,
357:Once a month, a woman turns from a beautiful flower into an angry hippopotamus. ~ Grace Helbig,
358:The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure. ~ D H Lawrence,
359:The fine flower of unholiness can grow only in the close neighborhood of the Holy. ~ C S Lewis,
360:Gentle day's flower - The hummingbird competes With the stillness of the air. ~ Chogyam Trungpa,
361:He’s like a flower doing its best on an asteroid, naked to so many cosmic terrors. ~ Jes Battis,
362:In short, Fatima knew a flower’s fragrance, color, and purpose better than a bee. ~ Amor Towles,
363:No flower of art ever fully blossomed save it was nourished by tears of agony. ~ Isadora Duncan,
364:People with the growth mindset know that it takes time for potential to flower. ~ Carol S Dweck,
365:She was like a large white flower bathed in light, magnificent in her isolation. ~ Fumiko Enchi,
366:The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous.
   ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
367:The soul of a child is the loveliest flower that grows in the garden of God. ~ Elizabeth George,
368:What the sunshine is to the flower, the Lord Jesus Christ is to my soul. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
369:A flower doesn’t blossom from a seed without the persistent love of sun and water. ~ Lisa Genova,
370:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. ~ Dogen,
371:Enlightenment is blossoming the thousand petaled lotus flower on the top of the head. ~ Amit Ray,
372:How darst thou put thyself in prees for dred? ~ Geoffrey Chaucer, Flower and the Leaf, line 591.,
373:If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
374:If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
375:The willow is green; flowers are red. The flower is not red; nor is the willow green. ~ A S King,
376:When I walk with you I feel as if I had a flower in my buttonhole. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray,
377:Boy, just look at the soul shining through my eyes! It’s like a goddamned flower! ~ Barry Hughart,
378:Flippancy is a flower whose roots are often underground in the subconsciousness. ~ G K Chesterton,
379:Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud yet guarantee a flower. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
380:I was as surprised as a flower that sees for the first time a bee coming towards it ~ Yann Martel,
381:Let the straight flower bespeak its purpose in straightness - to seek the light. ~ Allen Ginsberg,
382:Oh! To be a flower Nodding in the sun, Bending, then upspringing As the breezes run. ~ Amy Lowell,
383:Cruelty, as a fine art, has attained its perfect flower in the trained-animal world. ~ Jack London,
384:Didn't you know that people hide love like a flower too precious to be picked? ~ Emperor Wu of Han,
385:If you say to one flower, 'Grow,' but you water another, the first one won't grow. ~ Stephen Covey,
386:Life ain't all you want but it's all you got. Stick a flower in your hat and be 'appy. ~ Anonymous,
387:... love is too delicate a flower to rise again when one has trampled it under foot. ~ George Sand,
388:She was like a tropical flower in this dark, stuffy room. One that could kill you. ~ Richelle Mead,
389:The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. ~ Walt Disney Company,
390:The only amaranthine flower on earth is virtue; the only lasting treasure, truth. ~ William Cowper,
391:Why do you call me flower?”
… “Because when I touch you, you fucking bloom. ~ L H Cosway,
392:8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. ~ Anonymous,
393:London, thou art the flower of cities all! Gemme of all joy, jasper of jocunditie. ~ William Dunbar,
394:Many a flower is born to blush unseen,    "And waste its fragrance on the desert air. ~ Jane Austen,
395:There is so much hope in a little flower and so many flowers in a little hope! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
396:The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind coolly as a tree or a flower. ~ Sylvia Plath,
397:Flower of this purple dye, Hit with Cupid's archery, Sink in apple of his eye. ~ William Shakespeare,
398:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its fragrance on the desert air. ~ Jane Austen,
399:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air. ~ Paul Hoffman,
400:If I look long enough at a flower, I can see the color of her cheeks in the stigma. ~ Zinzi Clemmons,
401:If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. ~ Gautama Buddha,
402:I used to live in a gap jumper, tracksuit bottoms and a fake flower in my hair. Shocking. ~ Jessie J,
403:Let us not underrate the value of a fact; it will one day flower into a truth. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
404:O fairest flower! no sooner blown but blasted, Soft silken primrose fading timelessly. ~ John Milton,
405:The force that through the green fuse drives the flower,” wrote Dylan Thomas, ~ Kay Redfield Jamison,
406:The grass withers, the flower fades,         but the word of our God will stand forever. ~ Anonymous,
407:There is material enough in a single flower for the ornament of a score of cathedrals. ~ John Ruskin,
408:When a bud breaks it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes divine. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
409:A piece of sun that never left her. It was a bite of bread. A flower in her heart. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
410:Death lies on her, like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. ~ Robert Bryndza,
411:It is not the tree that forsakes the flower, but the flower that forsakes the tree. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
412:I was as confused as a tangle of ivy vines wrapped around a climbing clematis flower. ~ Shannon Mayer,
413:There’s something about a beautiful, nearly flawless flower, emerging from muddled water. ~ E K Blair,
414:Bow and offer your meditation to Eternity, as you would offer a Flower to your lover. ~ Frederick Lenz,
415:Death is a dark flower, its perfume heady and dangerous as it pulls you into its bosom. ~ Carol Weekes,
416:Faith is born and sustained by the Word of God, and out of faith grows the flower of joy. ~ John Piper,
417:Fear feeds off ignorance, whereas compassion and lucidity flower from understanding. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
418:Gather, gather your youth: Just like this flower, old age Your beauty will wither. ~ Pierre de Ronsard,
419:I abhor violence. How many times do I have to say it? I am a delicate. Freakn'. Flower! ~ Eve Langlais,
420:If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
421:She wanted to exist only as a conscious flower, prolonging and preserving herself ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
422:That Godhead's seed might flower in mindless Space.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Secret Knowledge,
423:The grass withers, the flower fades;           but the word of our God will stand forever. ~ Anonymous,
424:The summer's flower is to the summer sweet Though to itself it only live and die ~ William Shakespeare,
425:We should enjoy this summer, flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one we’ll see. ~ Andr Gide,
426:With a single refusal, Zachary plucked the apathy off of me like a petal from a flower. ~ Edan Lepucki,
427:A common flower, a weed that no one sees, yes. But for us, a noble thing, the dandelion. ~ Ray Bradbury,
428:A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love. ~ Max Muller ~ K Langston,
429:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.^ ~ Dogen Zenji,
430:"A flower falls, even though we love it;and a weed grows, even though we do not love it." ~ Dogen Zenji,
431:I've never been the wilting flower. I've never been the girl who's subservient to a man. ~ Leven Rambin,
432:Jealousy smells like the water in the bottom of a flower vase after the flowers have died. ~ Megan Hart,
433:She’d never seen such a thing back on Grave; a flower that bloomed only at night. ~ Marianne de Pierres,
434:The groom is like a flower of gold. When he walks, blossoms at his feet unfold. ~ Federico Garcia Lorca,
435:We should enjoy this summer, flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one we’ll see. ~ Andre Gide,
436:With cowslips wan that hang the pensive head, And every flower that sad embroidery wears. ~ John Milton,
437:You are the ocean, let the rivers come to you. You are the flower, let the bees come to you. ~ Amit Ray,
438:You deserved so much more, little flower. You deserved a Wakanda that cherished you. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
439:A beautiful flower does not exist. There's only a moment when a flower looks beautiful. ~ Yohji Yamamoto,
440:"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." ~ Sensei Ogui, Zen Shin,
441:A flower that grow in the ghetto know more about survival than the one from fresh meadows. ~ Talib Kweli, if I were only a flower after all and not the map of the country in which it grows. ~ John Ashbery,
443:Birdsong, wind, the water’s face. Each flower, remembering the smell: I know you’re close by ~ Anonymous,
444:But show me just this one thing, my darling, i seek a heart stained like a poppy flower. ~ Fatima Bhutto,
445:For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower . . . ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
446:Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste it's fragrance on the desert air. ~ Jane Austen,
447:He wasn't ugly, but if he picked a flower, I was fairly certain it would die in his hand. ~ Ruta Sepetys,
448:Our practice is to water the flower in our loved one, and not bring them more garbage. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
449:The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to an unborn song. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
450:Wherever God has planted you, you must know how to flower - translated from a French saying ~ Alan Furst,
451:You growing up to be who you are is like a flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. ~ Anne Malcom,
452:Birdsong, wind, the water’s face. Each flower, remembering the smell: I know you’re close by. ~ Anonymous,
453:he came to know the god intimately and the strange mad flower of his mind dripped in the dark ~ Sophocles,
454:"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." ~ Buddhist proverb,
455:If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
456:ISA40.8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. ~ Anonymous,
457:I've avoided work all my life, you see. So, I'm like a bee. I go from flower to flower. ~ Malachy McCourt,
458:Look at your heart-flower and smile. You will be able to solve your most pressing problems. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
459:The heart is like a flower. Unless it is open, it cannot release its fragrance into the world. ~ Rajneesh,
460:The summer's flower is to the summer sweet
Though to itself it only live and die ~ William Shakespeare,
461:They are so frail humans. So easily crumpled and broken, like flower petals under foot. ~ Jennifer Melzer,
462:happiness heldis the seed
happiness shared is the flower,
happiness seems to be shared ~ Jean Racine,
463:I dislike PASSION FLOWER HOTEL so much I wish I had the money to buy it up and burn it. ~ Nastassja Kinski,
464:Love not the flower they pluck and know it not, And all their botany is Latin names. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
465:My heart was a desert You planted a seed And this is the flower This hour of sweet fulfillment ~ Leo Robin,
466:sometimes duties act on the soul like weeds on a flower. They crowd it out. ~ Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman,
467:Sometimes, if I am not careful, and I stare too long at a flower, it shrivels and dies. ~ Christopher Pike,
468:The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window. ~ William S Burroughs,
469:To utter pleasant words without practicing them, is like a fine flower without fragrance. ~ Gautama Buddha,
470:Faith is not a delicate flower which would wither away under the slightest stormy weather. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
471:Oh! To be a butterfly Still, upon a flower, Winking with its painted wings, Happy in the hour. ~ Amy Lowell,
472:What young man had ever paraded about that way, without a reason, a maiden in her flower? And ~ Henry James,
473:When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily. ~ Gautama Buddha,
474:But every Spring It groweth young again, And fairies sing. —Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923 ~ R J Palacio,
475:Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. ~ William Shakespeare,
476:I do not find it easy to send the flower of our youth, our finest young men, into battle. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
477:Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~ Hans Christian Andersen,
478:Look at your heart-flower and smile.
You will be able to solve your most pressing problems. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
479:She, though in full-blown flower of glorious beauty, Grows cold even in the summer of her age. ~ John Dryden,
480:The canker which the trunk conceals is revealed by the leaves, the fruit, or the flower. ~ Pietro Metastasio,
481:Women are as roses, whose fair flower, being once displayed, doth fall that very hour. ~ William Shakespeare,
482:You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower. ~ Amit Ray,
483:You cannot disturb the tiniest petal of a flower without the troubling of a distant star. ~ Arthur Eddington,
484:A flower. White and whiskered in a fringe of ice. Silken petals held together in a loose grip ~ Hafsah Faizal,
485:a strange flower
for birds and butterflies
the autumn sky

~ Matsuo Basho, a strange flower
486:At his lips’ touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
487:He spoke again: “The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
488:If a rainbow makes a sound, or a flower as it grows, that was the sound of her laughter. ~ William Paul Young,
489:If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever. ~ Alfred Tennyson,
490:It is a rose planted in your heart, and as it's thorns tear you, so does it thrive and flower ~ Sarah Monette,
491:Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. ~ H Jackson Brown Jr,
492:When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
493:You are its crowning flower, the dark bloom that promises both rebirth and an avenging hand. ~ Juliette Cross,
494:A beautiful person is protected like a beautiful flower in a garden which many gardeners tend. ~ Bryant McGill,
495:An enemy is like a man's most prized flower. It brings him joy to see it buried in the ground. ~ David Gemmell,
496:(Carnations) The only flower that, when given to someone, is marginally superior to dead ones. ~ Marisha Pessl,
497:Don’t give your loved one a flower, because it too has a loved one! Let the flowers live! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
498:Marriage is a plastic flower - marriage is an institution. And who wants to live in an institution? ~ Rajneesh,
499:The flower fades and dies; but he who wears the flower has not to mourn for it for ever. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
500:When you like a flower, you just pluck it.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily. ~ Gautama Buddha,
501:Love is a beautiful flower, but we must be brave enough to pick her up from the edge of a precipice. ~ Stendhal,
502:No flower is happy in a vase, because vase is nothing but an ornate coffin for the flower. ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
503:A flower without a stem, is beauty waiting to die. A heart without love, is a tear waiting to cry. ~ Octavio Paz,
504:A need to concentrate on each sound, so that every blade of grass would be as important as a flower. ~ Arvo Part,
505:Eternal Youth: It is a gift the Divine gives to us when we unite with Him. ~ The Mother. Flower: Hibiscus hirtus,
506:I cultivate hatred of action like a greenhouse flower. I dissent from life and am proud of it. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
507:I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
508:I think it's good for people to see the positive beauty that can flower from the deepest grieving. ~ Patti Smith,
509:I was like a turd that drew flies instead of like a flower that butterflies and bees desired. ~ Charles Bukowski,
510:Samsara is one flower. Nirvana is another flower. Enlightenment happens when both the flowers blooms. ~ Amit Ray,
511:The truly great ones rely on substance, and not on surface, hold on to the fruit, and not to the flower. ~ Laozi,
512:To me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. ~ William Wordsworth,
513:Work on with the intrepidity of a lion but at the same time with the tenderness of a flower. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
514:You say I resemble a flower; I partly agree; My brain is governed by black petals of burnt daisies ~ Anne Sexton,
515:Babe, wacthing you these past months has been like watching a flower bloom. Don't disappoint us. ~ Kristen Ashley,
516:flowers are silent silence is silent the mind
is a silent flower the silent flower of the world opens ~ Ikkyu,
517:FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed - it is hardy, occasionally blooms, and grows in every computer. ~ Alan Perlis,
518:If you live at the same time as great contemporaries, you become a flower getting rain live. ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
519:Lovers, forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze. ~ Robert Frost,
520:Surgery is the red flower that blooms among the leaves and thorns that are the rest of medicine. ~ Richard Selzer,
521:The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. ~ Jean Giraudoux,
522:The moon, like a flower in heaven's high bower, with silent delight sits and smiles on the night. ~ William Blake,
523:There is nothing u can see that is not a flower;there is nothing u can think that is not the moon. ~ Matsuo Bashō,
524:A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love. ~ K Langston Max Muller ~ K Langston,
525:A flower can't choose the place where it blooms, and a child can't choose the parents she's born to ~ Hiro Mashima,
526:A flower is still a flower . . . no matter what it goes through and no matter where it decides to bloom. ~ R H Sin,
527:Come my flocks, my flower. I have some very definite pear-shaped ideas I'd like to discuss with thee. ~ W C Fields,
528:Eden, yeah, she was definitely a morning glory: as pretty as a flower, with the strength of a weed. ~ Mia Sheridan,
529:Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower, and draws all good things toward you. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
530:If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
531:The fruit of such meditations comes in the form of brief glimpses of the soul’s flower-like beauty. ~ Paul Brunton,
532:Books are like seeds. They can lie dormant for centuries and then flower in the most unpromising soil. ~ Carl Sagan,
533:That's what the whole Sixties Flower-Power thing was about: 'Go away, you bunch of boring people. ~ George Harrison,
534:This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet ~ William Shakespeare,
535:Divine love is a sacred flower, which in its early bud is happiness, and in its full bloom is heaven. ~ James Hervey,
536:I love all things, not only the grand but the infinitely small: thimble, spurs, plates, flower vases. ~ Pablo Neruda,
537:In a gourd that had been handed down for three centuries, a flower that would fade in a morning. ~ Yasunari Kawabata,
538:Love is faith, and faith, like a gathered flower, will live on a long time after nutriment has ceased ~ Thomas Hardy,
539:The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she’s treated. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
540:The flower of youth never appears more beautiful than when it bends toward the sun of righteousness. ~ Matthew Henry,
541:The master dwells in the substantial and not in the superficial. Rests in the fruit and not in the flower. ~ Lao Tzu,
542:From seeds of his body blossomed the flower that liberated a people and touched the soul of a nation. ~ Jesse Jackson,
543:Love dwells in us like an unopened flower
Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
544:She's a beautiful flower put in a pot and hidden in a closet. You can't keep her a little girl forever. ~ V C Andrews,
545:The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning, the dewdrop on the flower, speaks to me. ~ Chief Dan George,
546:The flower has opened, has been in the sun and is unafraid. I'm taking more chances; I'm bold and proud. ~ Paula Cole,
547:The least flower, with brimming cup, may stand and share its dew drop with another near. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
548:There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon. ~ Matsuo Bash,
549:The smile of one flower permeates those who live next to death more than the problem of life and death. ~ Osamu Dazai,
550:When I see a garden in flower, then I believe in God for a second. But not the rest of the time ~ Svetlana Alexievich,
551:Creativity is a fragile flower, but perhaps it can be fertilized with systematic doses of serendipity. ~ John Brockman,
552:I always knew she was selfish. At birthday parties she always got the biggest icing flower on the cake. ~ Sara Farizan,
553:I cultivate hatred of action like a greenhouse flower. I’m proud of myself for dissenting from life. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
554:I'd like to divide myself in order to see, among these mountains, each and every flower of every cherry tree. ~ Saigyo,
555:I have all that I lost and I go carrying my childhood like a favorite flower that perfumes my hand. ~ Gabriela Mistral,
556:I'm very flower-like. I love classical music. I go to ballet and I cry. There's nothing so beautiful. ~ Michael Gambon,
557:Ridicule is a terrible witherer of the flower of imagination. It binds us where we should be free. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
558:There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon. ~ Matsuo Basho,
559:This is a dandelion, " I told him. He shrugged. "I know. Some see a weed; some see a flower. Perspective. ~ Kiera Cass,
560:What distinguishes a flower from a weed is only—and exactly—this: the choice of the gardener ~ Matthew Woodring Stover,
561:When we have been to Holy Communion, the balm of love envelops the soul as the flower envelops the bee. ~ John Vianney,
562:Where confidence is wanting, the most beautiful flower in the garland of love is missing. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
563:You could use a flower, a candle flame, anything you want that's suggestive of beauty and eternality. ~ Frederick Lenz,
564:You write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower - and I don't. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
565:Girls, do not scrub and cook and scour until you have no time left to plant a tree, or vine or flower. ~ Jane Swisshelm,
566:Horror on earth is real and it is everyday. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained. ~ Alice Sebold,
567:If you are a kind and a peaceful person, you will see yourself when you look at an elegant flower! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
568:It was easier for me to begin picking at Snow Flower's faults than to feel the emotions raging inside of me. ~ Lisa See,
569:Like a beautifully brightly colored flower without fragrance, is the well-spoken word without action. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
570:So, over the course of the last year, I’ve seen Lola blossom from a delicate flower into a durable weed! ~ Belle Aurora,
571:That is why I refuse to shutter the windows. We need more light. Even a flower withers without sunshine. ~ Jeff Wheeler,
572:The flower-girl's prayer to buy roses and pinks, held out in the smoke, like stars by day. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
573:The surest way to wake up and smell the roses every day is to go to sleep face down in the flower bed. ~ Argus Hamilton,
574:The very best relationship has a gardener and a flower. The gardener nurtures and the flower blooms. ~ Carole Radziwill,
575:Abby had been full of surprises. She wasn’t the fragile flower he’d thought. Damaged, yes. Delicate, no. ~ Melinda Leigh,
576:A butterfly flitting from flower to flower ever remains mine, I lose the one that is netted by me. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
577:a sparrow-size moth with a blue body and black wings, splayed on a flower between a slant of sun and shade. ~ A G Howard,
578:As the sun shines both on the cedar and the smallest flower, so the Divine sun illumines each soul. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
579:A young bride is like a plucked flower; but a guilty wife is like a flower that had been walked over. ~ Honore de Balzac,
580:By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. —Rabindranath Tagore, “Stray Birds ~ Scott Westerfeld,
581:I, too, find the flower beautiful in its outward appearance. But a deeper beauty lies concealed within. ~ Piet Mondrian,
582:Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. —Hans Christian Andersen ~ Robyn Carr,
583:Like a fragrance to a flower, true happiness is an expression of your unconditional self...the real you. ~ Robert Holden,
584:Once I was born, her hopes had turned and I had climbed up her life like a flower reaching for the sun ~ Dorothy Allison,
585:Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several years by putting a bright-colored flower in his button-hole. ~ Mark Twain,
586:Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit; happy is he who, after having watched its silent growth, ~ Alexandre Dumas,
587:But courage was a flower, something that blossomed and wilted swiftly. And Gariath was a cold snap in winter. ~ Sam Sykes,
588:Christians should be like a flower store: the odor of sanctity should betray them wherever they are. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
589:He rewarded her flower with a twitch of a smile, and she began to relax. This was the Gavril she knew. ~ Kelley Armstrong,
590:I cry at random things, like a flower, or someone giving me a present, or my sister giving me a nice hug. ~ Naomie Harris,
591:I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey. ~ John Burroughs,
592:I go to books and to nature as the bee goes to a flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey. ~ John Burroughs,
593:Max Rose: Vo? What kind of name is that? Spader: What kind of name is Rose? Isn't that some kind of flower? ~ D J MacHale,
594:No man inveigh against the withered flower,
But chide rough winter that the flower hath killed. ~ William Shakespeare,
595:Of course, I love you,' the flower said to him. 'If you were not aware of it, it was my fault. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
596:Of course, I love you,' the flower said to him. 'If you were not aware of it, it was my fault. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
597:Our father would return to see his fairest flower gone and only the weed left for him to use as he saw fit ~ E K Johnston,
598:Poetry is a sort of truancy, a dream within the dream of life, a wild flower planted among our wheat. ~ Michael Oakeshott,
599:There is that in the glance of a flower which may at times control the greatest of creation's braggart lords. ~ John Muir,
600:What is growing a baby if not making a flower appear from thin air, turning one scarf into two? (pg.131) ~ Chloe Benjamin,
601:All the year round there is spring, all through life is youth; there is always something which may flower. ~ Karel Capek,
602:For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive. ~ D H Lawrence,
603:He stood out because he had a slight British accent and an odd tattoo on his neck. A skull and a flower. ~ Janet Evanovich,
604:How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, Whose action is no stronger than a flower? - Sonnet LXV ~ William Shakespeare,
605:I am not a violent person. I am a product of the Flower Power '60s. I have actually worn bell-bottomed jeans. ~ Dave Barry,
606:Lovers, forget your love,
And list the love of these,
She a window flower,
And he a winter breeze. ~ Robert Frost,
607:Ridicule is a terrible witherer of the flower of the imagination. It binds us where we should be free. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
608:Sam never gonna find a boyfriend,” Tiggy said. “No one gonna take his flower.”
“Don’t talk about my flower! ~ T J Klune,
609:That is the difference between a botanist and a poet: a botanist knows about the flower, the poet knows the flower. ~ Osho,
610:The tints of autumn...a mighty flower garden blossoming under the spell of the enchanter, frost. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier,
611:The Universe is the creation of the mind. Universe exists inside the mind as the flower exists inside the seed. ~ Amit Ray,
612:Alas! The only flower known to have wings is the butterfly; all others stand helpless before the destroyer. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
613:A weed is no more than a flower in disguise, Which is seen through at once, if love give a man eyes. ~ James Russell Lowell,
614:For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh,
615:I taste the honey from a flower named Blue
Way down in California
And New York drowns as we held hands ~ Jimi Hendrix,
616:To mourn is to feel a flower's slow death, hill bear. To bed a man is to recall the flower's bright glory. ~ Steven Erikson,
617:At that instant I became a blooming lotus flower. The water in which I flourished was a single teardrop from Nyx. ~ P C Cast,
618:If Nature put not forth her power About the opening of the flower, Who is it that could live an hour? ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
619:It is the same life that emerges in joy through the dust of the earth into numberless waves of flower. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
620:Love is not a whim. Love is not a flower that fades with a few fleeting years. Love is a choice wedded to action ~ Anonymous,
621:Once in a golden hour
I cast to earth a seed.
Up there came a flower,
The people said, a weed. ~ Alfred Tennyson,
622:Once in a golden hour, I cast to earth a seed, And up there grew a flower, That others called a weed. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
623:The ayurvedic rule in treatment is to treat Vata like a flower, Pitta like a friend and Kapha like an enemy. ~ David Frawley,
624:When you're humble it's like wearing a beautiful flower. It inspires others. It generates energy and power. ~ Frederick Lenz,
625:You are not a gentle flower who spends its whole life in a greenhouse. You are a wildfire, Lark. A wildfire. ~ Ilona Andrews,
626:You see a rose flower. Do you believe in it or do you disbelieve in it? You don't do anything, you simply look at it. ~ Osho,
627:A flower is relatively small... Still in a way-nobody sees a flower-so I said to myself-I'll paint it big. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
628:Humility before the flower at the timber line is the gate which gives access to the path up the open fell. ~ Dag Hammarskj ld,
629:Humility before the flower at the timber line is the gate which gives access to the path up the open fell. ~ Dag Hammarskjold,
630:Max Rose: Vo? What kind of name is that?
Spader: What kind of name is Rose? Isn't that some kind of flower? ~ D J MacHale,
631:that stone Buddha deserves all the
birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall
flower in the wind ~ Ikkyu,
632:Wert thou all that I wish thee, great, glorious, and free, First flower of the earth and first gem of the sea. ~ Charles Lamb,
633:Within the infant rind of this weak flower Poison hath residence and medicine power’ Romeo and Juliet, II, iii ~ Val McDermid,
634:As the sun shines both on the cedar and the smallest flower, so the Divine sun illumines each soul. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
635:Bernard patted his arm and said, ‘Hitesh, old flower, Christmas is exactly the same, it’s you who have changed. ~ Sue Townsend,
636:I am black with love/ neither boy nor nightingale/ perfectly whole as a flower/ I desire without impulse ~ Pier Paolo Pasolini,
Is Memory most of miseries miserable,
Or the one flower of ease in bitterest hell?
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
638:Nature must flower into art
And science, or else wherefore are we men? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
639:She was healthy & thriving, like a weed: a weed with no interest in trying to become, say, a proper flower. ~ Ellen Cooney,
640:Creativity is the life force that Dylan Thomas called 'the force that through the green fuse drives the flower. ~ Julia Cameron,
641:Earth is a flower in the Garden of Cosmos! And therefore, a flower on Earth is a flower within the flower! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
642:may my faith always be
at the end of the day

like a hummingbird...returning
to its favorite flower. ~ Sanober Khan,
643:Poetry is the silence and speech between a wet struggling root of a flower and a sunlit blossom of that flower. ~ Carl Sandburg,
644:The lotus grows in muddy waters but this flower does not show any trace of it: So we have to live in the world. ~ B K S Iyengar,
645:Thought was slower than anger to flower into action, but it was a hardy perennial. It did not bloom and die. ~ Harry Turtledove,
646:'Tis liberty alone that gives the flower Of fleeting life its lustre and perfume; And we are weeds without it. ~ William Cowper,
647:Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained. ~ Alice Sebold,
648:I like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin' heroic. ~ George Carlin,
649:Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~ Hans Christian Andersen,
650:Life is the leaves which shape and nourish a plant, but art is the flower which embodies its meaning ~ Charles Rennie Mackintosh,
651:Pluck the petals from the flower, mix with a drop of honey, add a splash of tears, and give to your lover on Yule. ~ Mary Morgan,
652:Poetry is a sort of truancy, a dream within the dream of life, a wild flower planted among our wheat. ~ Michael Joseph Oakeshott,
653:The desert weed lives on, but the flower of spring blooms and wilts. Such grace, such dignity, such a tragedy. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
654:This is the secret of the golden flower: if the heart can die the flower will bloom, die as you are so you can be reborn. ~ Osho,
655:From the midst of the very fountain of pleasure, something of bitterness arises to vex us in the flower of enjoyment. ~ Lucretius,
656:Her feelings had come like a flower on a tree. A bud, gently forming - and just like that, an undying blossom. ~ Samantha Shannon,
657:I do have to say that every year this event gets better and better. It's hard to top myself but somehow I manage. ~ Amanda Flower,
658:I love spring flowers: daffodils and hyacinths are the ultimate flower for me. They are the essence of spring. ~ Kirsty Gallacher,
659:Kiss me as if you made believe You were not sure this eve, How my face, your flower, had pursed It's petals up. ~ Robert Browning,
660:Sow a seed and the earth will yield you a flower. Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved. ~ Khalil Gibran,
661:The desert weed lives on, but the flower of spring blooms and wilts.’ Such grace, such dignity, such a tragedy. ~ Khaled Hosseini,
662:Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
663:angel took my flower away, but I will not repine, since Jesus at His bosom wears the flower that once was mine. ~ Kim Vogel Sawyer,
664:If you set out to meditate, it will not be meditation. If you set out to be good, goodness will never flower. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
665:If you would attain to your highest, go look upon a flower;what the flower does willessly, that do willingly. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
666:Remember and care for me sometimes, and scatter a fragrant flower in this wilderness life of mine by writing me. ~ Emily Dickinson,
667:The gift of perfume to a flower is a special grace like genius or like beauty, and never becomes common or cheap. ~ John Burroughs,
668:The possibilities for immortality are endless. Here you sit reading these words, a butterfly resting on a flower! ~ Frederick Lenz,
669:unreadable. “I’ve always said my mother is the biggest bitch on the hill, and the kindest flower in the garden. ~ Lisa Renee Jones,
670:Wearing all that weight  Of learning lightly like a flower. ~ Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam A.H.H. (1849), Conclusion, Stanza 10.,
671:Yes, yes, of course I love you,' the flower said to him at last. 'You have no idea - which is my fault. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
672:You have to work to keep love alive; you have to protect it and maintain it, just like you would a delicate flower. ~ James Dobson,
673:Does anything eat flowers. I couldn't recall having seen anything eat a flower - are they nature's privileged pets? ~ Annie Dillard,
674:I am a beautiful flower that is blossoming more and more each day. I delight in my world, and my world delights in me. ~ Louise Hay,
675:It was heavy as a great river-smooth stone. It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
676:It was hot in the church, and the white edges of the arum lilies crisped and curled. A bee died in a coffin flower. ~ Arundhati Roy,
677:rose symbolizes balance—the flower is the beauty and the contrasting thorns are a reminder that love can be painful. ~ Mia Sheridan,
678:She spoke with all the authority vested in her by her flea-market prayer beads and her lotus-flower tramp stamp. ~ Joshilyn Jackson,
679:A buttercup is a wild yellow flower that is as beautiful as it is delicate, and can adapt and flourish in the harshest ~ Francis Ray,
680:All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
681:Also, you’re quite welcome for the flower. Do place it on your nightstand and think of me while dressing for bed. ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
682:Cerulean left. I wondered if she was from Flower Planet. Blue flowers were rare - one might take a name from that. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
683:He's standing in a cluster of black T-shirts - together, they look like the wilted petals on a single dead flower. ~ Holly Schindler,
684:I end not far from my going forth By picking the faded blue Of the last remaining aster flower To carry again to you. ~ Robert Frost,
685:Love is beauty and beauty is truth, and that is why in the beauty of a flower we can see the truth of the universe. ~ Gautama Buddha,
686:Ruby Carne later to be married and become Ruby Masters. I moved to Tupelo and watched and waited for my opportunity. ~ Amanda Flower,
687:Take a walk through the garden of forgiveness and pick a flower of forgiveness for everything you have ever done. ~ Stephen Richards,
688:A flower is no less beautiful because it does not bloom in the expected form. Because it lasts an hour, not days. ~ Alexandra Bracken,
689:But they none of them create the psychological conditions in which I first saw, or desired to see, the flower. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
690:Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. ~ Samuel Butler,
691:Fine language not followed by acts in harmony with it is like a splendid flower brilliant in colour but without perfume. ~ Dhammapada,
692:In music, in the sea, in a flower, in a leaf, in an act of kindness... I see what people call God in all these things. ~ Pablo Casals,
693:Innumerable as the stars of night, Or stars of morning, dewdrops which the sun Impearls on every leaf and every flower. ~ John Milton,
694:I wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus, hand in hand, along a sun warmed, flower bordered path. ~ Andr Gide,
695:Pure love makes you feel as light as a flower. You won't feel any heaviness or burden. Ego creates the burden. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
696:The Black woman is the most unprotected, unloved woman on earth...she is the only flower on earth...that grows unwatered. ~ Kola Boof,
697:The flower bends when the wind wants it to, and you must become like that-that is, filled with deep #‎ trust . ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
698:Your own innocence is the only flower that exists. It never fades, and because of that, the world never fades either. ~ Deepak Chopra,
699:Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud.’3 ~ Matthew Syed,
700:Her smile didn't mean her suffering was over, but when it appeared it was something beautiful to see; a rare flower. ~ Melissa C Water,
701:I am beginning to understand," said the little prince. "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
702:I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets . . . ~ George Washington Carver,
703:It is the stain and disgrace of the age to envy virtue, and to be anxious to crush the very flower of dignity. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
704:I turned to Thalia. ‘I’ll hold the flower while you beat up the thief?’
She sighed. ‘Fine. Let’s go catch this jerk. ~ Rick Riordan,
705:I’ve had so many knives stuck into me, when they hand me a flower I can’t quite make out what it is. It takes time. ~ Charles Bukowski,
706:I wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus, hand in hand, along a sun warmed, flower bordered path. ~ Andre Gide,
707:Like a flower pressed flat and dried, we try to hold it still and say, this is exactly how it was the day I first saw it. ~ Robin Hobb,
708:No matter what is happening now, events will ultimately bend toward love the way a flower bends toward sunlight. ~ Marianne Williamson,
709:One of the characteristics of love relationships that flower is a relatively high degree of mutual self-disclosure ~ Nathaniel Branden,
710:Paradise can take the form of anything! It can be a flower or it can be a word or it can just be a sincere smile! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
711:Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned; stronger than the thunder, where principles are at stake. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
712:Three things see no end- A flower blighted ere it bloomed, A message that was wasted, And a journey that was doomed. ~ Mercedes Lackey,
713:Youth is the flower of which love is the fruit;
Happy the gatherer who picks it after watching it slowly mature. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
714:Of course I love you. It is my fault that you have not known it all the while" (the flower to little prince) ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
715:The years shall run like rabbits,
For in my arms I hold
The Flower of the Ages,
And the first love of the world. ~ W H Auden,
716:Victory is the beautiful, bright-colored flower. Transport is the stem without which it could never have blossomed. ~ Winston Churchill,
717:Books are meat and medicine and flame and flight and flower steel, stitch, cloud and clout, and drumbeats on the air. ~ Gwendolyn Brooks,
718:Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. The beauty that is not perfected by courtesy is like a garden without a flower. ~ Buddhacharita,
719:I am beginning to understand," said the little prince. "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
720:I see your face in every flower, your eyes in stars above, it’s just the thought of you, the very thought of you, my love… ~ Mitch Albom,
721:It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition. ~ Isaac Asimov,
722:People don't change.'

'People change entirely,' I said. 'Look at Narcissus. Became a flower. I call that change. ~ Kamila Shamsie,
723:She hugs me, and it’s like hugging a flower. It’s like that with skinny people. I’m always terrified I’ll crush them. ~ Becky Albertalli,
724:The creative strength is good enough and deep enough to bring itself to flower and to grow in spite of this sickness. ~ Joanne Greenberg,
725:A flower doesn’t stop herself from blossoming because she fears that she ’ll be too beautiful, colorful, or fragrant! ~ Sara Avant Stover,
726:I hide myself within my flower, That wearing on your breast, You, unsuspecting, wear me too — And angels know the rest. ~ Emily Dickinson,
727:Like a lovely flower full of color but lacking in fragrance, are the words of those who do not practice what they teach. ~ Gautama Buddha,
728:The silence of a flower: a kind of silence which we continually evade, of which we find only the shadow in dreams. ~ Vicki Lewis Thompson,
729:A culture is in its finest flower before it begins to analyze itself. ~ Alfred North Whitehead, Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (1954),
730:Knowledge is also borrowed. It is not a flower that grows in your soul, it is something plastic that has been imposed upon you. ~ Rajneesh,
731:Like a beautiful flower,
Brightly colored but lacking scent,
So are well-spoken words
Fruitless when not carried out. ~ Anonymous,
732:Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
733:Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this ~ Sting,
734:There are three things you cannot hide: smell of the garlic, fragrance of the flower and the wisdom of the teacher. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
735:The scent of a flower is a very close and intimate thing, she thought. It can seem to be a part of your body and blood. ~ Elizabeth Goudge,
736:You will begin to realize that if you contemplate long enough on the leaf of the flower, that it involves the whole universe. ~ Alan Watts,
737:Pluck thou my flower, Oothoon the mild; Another flower shall spring, because the soul of sweet delight Can never pass away. ~ William Blake,
738:Quoting an experienced school counselor: "You can't change a bully into a flower child, but you can change him into a knight. ~ Leonard Sax,
739:The dance of the flower in the wind, in the sun, in the rain, cannot be understood by the head; the heart has to be open for it. ~ Rajneesh,
740:The look in his eyes although it was only hatred was beautiful, like a flower upheld on a bent, spindling, breaking stem. ~ Glenway Wescott,
741:The way those bees flew, not even looking for a flower, just flying for the feel of the wind, split my heart down its seam. ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
742:The world is a dream and resembles a flower in bloom which shakes out to all its sides its pollen and then no longer is. ~ Minamoo Sanemoto,
743:Thus it is that the Great man abides by what is solid, and eschews what is flimsy; dwells with the fruit and not with the flower. ~ Lao Tzu,
744:vow to speak purely and lovingly. When my mouth is fragrant with right speech, a flower blooms in the garden of my heart. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
745:Who knows the flower best? - the one who reads about it in a book, or the one who finds it wild on the mountainside? ~ Alexandra David Neel,
746:A book was to be held and enjoyed, breathed in like a natural, beautiful thing. It was a flower to be inhaled by the mind. ~ Iain Rob Wright,
747:Around us, life bursts with miracles, a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops. ~ Nhat Hanh,
748:At a guess I see that you may indeed be he: the light silver dew brings to clothe in loveliness a twilight beauty flower. ~ Murasaki Shikibu,
749:Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. ~ Helen Keller,
750:No one wants to be the one left behind. Everyone wants to be the first to go, so that you can avoid the sting of separation. ~ Amanda Flower,
751:Press My Breasts
Press my breasts,
Part the veil of mystery,
A flower blooms there,
Crimson and fragrant.
~ Akiko Yosano,
752:Roots can exist without flowers, but no flower can exist without roots. Religion may be a flower, but people are its roots. ~ Gloria Steinem,
753:Some men think that the globe is a sponge that God puts into their hands to squeeze for their own garden or flower-pot. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
754:So you may say,
Greek flower; Greek ecstasy
Reclaims Forever
One who died
Intricate Song’s lost Measure. ~ H D,
755:The flower you single out is a rejection of all other flowers; nevertheless, only on these terms is it beautiful. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
756:The human soul is to God is as the flower to the sun; it opens at its approach, and shuts when it withdraws. —BENJAMIN WHICHCOTE ~ Mark Nepo,
757:Very few things escape my attention in the springlands—even the plucking of a flower.” I looked at the cowslip guiltily. ~ Margaret Rogerson,
758:What is so marvelous about living today is that it is possible to extend, like a flower, spreading petals in all directions. ~ Carolyn Kizer,
759:You can never appreciate the scent of a flower by another's description. Some things are left to experience. Journey of self. ~ Truth Devour,
760:A Night-Blooming Flower, a Tsingano witch-boy, and a...a Cassaline whatever. This is what Ysandre sends me. I must be mad. ~ Jacqueline Carey,
761:Be sure to keep your tummy war, try to relax, both your heart and your body, try not to get flustered. Live like a flower. ~ Banana Yoshimoto,
762:But the flower leaned aside
And thought of naught to say,
And morning found the winter breeze
A hundred miles away. ~ Robert Frost,
763:Couldn't help it, he insisted. My dad would bell me to draw a flower and it would turn into a Venus flytrap chewing on a hand. ~ Judy Budnitz,
764:For the Flower to blossom, you need the right soil as well as the right seed. The same is true to cultivate good thinking. ~ William Bernbach,
765:I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you. ~ Robert Frost,
766:Love is a flower that should never cease to grow. Nurture it and it will outlive you. Neglect it and it will wilt away and die. ~ Suzy Kassem,
767:Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned; stronger than the thunder, where principles are at stake.” There ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
768:The spirit of a person's life is ever shedding some power, just as a flower is steadily bestowing fragrance upon the air. ~ Thomas Starr King,
769:The spring's already at the gate With looks my care beguiling; The country round appeareth straight A flower-garden smiling. ~ Heinrich Heine,
770:Watch the indolent butterfly playing on the tall flower in the yard and think about the sun going down. It always does you know. ~ Rod McKuen,
771:When I judge art, I take my painting and put it next to a God made object like a tree or flower. If it clashes, it is not art. ~ Paul Cezanne,
772:By the time we left college, I had become my own image: a dandelion in the flower bed of society. Kinda cute, but still a weed. ~ Anne Fortier,
773:For as long as there are men and women, some things in life will best be done arm in arm, and strolling in a flower garden is one. ~ Ivan Doig,
774:He's attracted to the smell of manure," Felicity says. "You might wallow in the stables to bring out the full flower of his love. ~ Libba Bray,
775:My body is a carnivorous flower, a poisonous houseplant, a loaded gun with a million triggers and he's more than ready to fire. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
776:My body is a carnivorous flower, a poisonous houseplant, a loaded gun with a million triggers and he’s more than ready to fire. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
777:Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. ~ Khalil Gibran,
778:Pindar: ‘Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit … Happy the vintager who picks it after watching it slowly mature.’ As ~ Alexandre Dumas,
779:[that if] you created the right type of corporate community, the right type of autonomous congregation, genius would flower. ~ James C Collins,
780:The flower blooms for its flowerhood only,
And not to make its parent bed more high. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
781:When you see the flower of happiness on your way, don’t take it immediately; sit and watch it and realise how rare it is! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
782:As a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the color & fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world. ~ Gautama Buddha,
783:As the bee collects nectar and departs without injuring the flower, or its color or fragrance, so let the sage dwell on earth. ~ Gautama Buddha,
784:Dream big and surround yourself with brilliance, even if you end up dressed up like a flower or a sexually transmitted disease. ~ Peter Gabriel,
785:Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a flying: And this same flower that smiles to day, Tomorrow will be dying. ~ Robert Herrick,
786:[H]e could feel his unshakable enemy, depression, blooming in him like a pernicious flower that could never quite be ripped out. ~ Andrea Speed,
787:I keep sniffing my skin, pleasantly surprised by how nice it is to smell like a flower. I've never smelled like anything before. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
788:Just when we are safest, there's a sunset touch,
A fancy from a flower-bell, someone's death,
The grand Perhaps! ~ Robert Browning,
789:Look at the sky. Ask yourselves: Has the sheep eaten the flower, yes or no? And you will see how everything changes. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
790:No more words. In the name of this place we drink in with our breathing, stay quiet like a flower. So the nightbirds will start singing. ~ Rumi,
791:They wished to flower, and flowering is being beautiful: but we wish to ripen, and that means being dark and taking pains. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
792:Three things see no end-
A flower blighted ere it bloomed,
A message that was wasted,
And a journey that was doomed. ~ Mercedes Lackey,
793:To 'be loved' is the most basic of human needs. Like a flower, it waters the human soul. But 'to love' is a true blessing. ~ Olivia Newton John,
794:Who has told you that the fruit belies the flower? For the fruit you have not tasted, and the flower you know but by report. ~ Murasaki Shikibu,
795:He had her in his arms, her face like a wet flower at his lips, and all their vain terrors shriveling up like ghosts at sunrise. ~ Edith Wharton,
796:If you wish to produce a perfect rose, you must cut off the other buds which are spoiling the growth of the perfect flower. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
797:I like 'Rose' better, I think. 'Aurora' implies something ethereal and unattainable. Not like a beautiful, sweet-smelling flower. ~ Liz Braswell,
798:In the village, a sage should go about
Like a bee, which, not harming
Flower, colour or scent,
Flies off with the nectar. ~ Anonymous,
799:It’s funny how many ways there are to hurt people. As many ways to hurt as there are species of flower. Whole bouquets of hurt. ~ Joshua Gaylord,
800:Snow Flower was my old same for life. I had a greater and deeper love for her than I could ever feel for a person who was my husband. ~ Lisa See,
801:The audacious telegraph operator took the flower from his buttonhole and said to her: "I give you my life in this rose. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
802:The beauty of modesty ... a virtue the world doesn't have much truck with: one ordinary flower in a vase, as opposed to a bouquet. ~ Anne Lamott,
803:The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer ~ Dylan Thomas,
804:The human spirit, you know what they say about the human spirit? Is is harder than a rock and more delicate than a flower petal. ~ Nadia Hashimi,
805:The human spirit, you know what they say about the human spirit? It is harder than a rock and more delicate than a flower petal. ~ Nadia Hashimi,
806:To plant and maintain a flower border, with a good scheme for colour, is by no means the easy thing that is commonly supposed. ~ Gertrude Jekyll,
807:We called the album 'Amarantine' to mean everlasting. Poets use the word to describe an everlasting flower and I loved the image of that. ~ Enya,
808:who said you can’t
wear a flower crown
& still remain a
fearsome thing? - make persephone proud. by amanda lovelace ~ Nikita Gill,
809:Absolutely no slouching, Ed. You're the frame. You're the stem to my flower. Quit giving me crooked pictures and wilted flowers. ~ Heidi Cullinan,
810:Books are meat and medicine
and flame and flight and flower
steel, stitch, cloud and clout,
and drumbeats on the air. ~ Gwendolyn Brooks,
811:He was a cut flower in a vase; fair to see, yet bound to die, and to die very soon if the water was not constantly renewed. ~ Winston S Churchill,
812:I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget. ~ Erin Van Vuren,
813:Look at the sky. Ask yourselves: Has the sheep eaten the flower, yes or no? And you will see how everything changes... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
814:There is something of the same pleasure in noticing the hues of the stars that there is in looking at a flower garden in autumn. ~ Maria Mitchell,
815:This life of ours...human life is like a flower gloriously blooming in a meadow: along comes a goat, eats it up---no more flower. ~ Anton Chekhov,
816:Even the busiest bee does not move from one flower to another as often as an untamed mind moves from one thought to another. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
817:In that moment, I could not write anything about flowers because I myself had turned into a flower, I myself had a stem and a lymph. ~ Alda Merini,
818:No more words. In the name of this place we drink in with our breathing, stay quiet like a flower.
So the nightbirds will start singing. ~ Rumi,
819:Our relationship was like one of those YouTube videos of a flower frowning in speeded-up motion. All of the sudden we were in love. ~ Meg Wolitzer,
820:The Primrose for a veil had spread The largest of her upright leaves; And thus for purposes benign, A simple flower deceives. ~ William Wordsworth,
821:The wild roses were wide open and brilliant, the blue-eyed grass was in purple flower, and the silvery milkweed was just coming on. ~ Willa Cather,
822:You pluck flower after flower — it is never the flower. The flower itself — its calyx is a horrible gulf, it is the bottomless pit. ~ D H Lawrence,
823:As a flower that is lovely and beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not. ~ Gautama Buddha,
824:Fear blossomed within her - not like a flower, but like blood welling from a gunshot wound, spreading throughout her entire body. ~ Caroline Hanson,
825:For talent was like a frail flower growing under solid rock. In the end, nothing could stop it from bursting through and blooming. ~ Sidney Sheldon,
826:Poetry cannot block a bullet or still a sjambok, but it can bear witness to brutality-thereby cultivating a flower in a graveyard. ~ Nelson Mandela,
827:Remain in the world, act in the world, do whatsoever is needful, and yet remain transcendental, aloof, detached, a lotus flower in the pond. ~ Osho,
828:Spirituality is a flower with a thousand petals: every act, every thought, every talk, every movement of our heart is a part of it. ~ Robert Muller,
829:The moon, methinks, looks with a watery eye; And when she weeps, weeps every little flower; Lamenting some enforced chastity. ~ William Shakespeare,
830:The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. ~ Honore de Balzac,
831:A flowerless room is a soulless room, to my way of thinking; but even a solitary little vase of a living flower may redeem it. ~ Vita Sackville West,
832:An equally shaggy tuft of hair dangled from his chin, the classification somewhere between beard, goatee, and flower gone to seed. ~ Lindsay Buroker,
833:Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. —EMILY DICKINSON ~ Amanda Flower,
834:Draw energy from the earth
Admit power from the heavens
Fertilize the seed within
Let it sprout into a flower of pure light ~ Ming Dao Deng,
835:Fortunate is the person who can succeed in extracting honey from such a flower as this life, whose root and every petal is bitterness. ~ Lynn Cullen,
836:His genius had only begun to flower. This was only journalism, after all, a cup of tea on the way to his eventual triumph as a novelist. ~ Tom Wolfe,
837:I found my eyes drawn again to Ryder. I was like a fucking bee with a flower, needing to suck out whatever sweetness I knew was inside. ~ Jaymin Eve,
838:I think of the flower in the bud: huddled, compressed, dark. Yet somehow it feels the night, knows moon from sun. It waits...waits. ~ Jerry Spinelli,
839:Justice is like some unnatural hybrid flower you people have bred. It will not live long unless you keep it sheltered and warm. ~ Adrian Tchaikovsky,
840:Rose is not the prettiest flower, neither water lily or petunia nor magnolia! An elegant soul is the prettiest flower on earth! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
841:They [daisies] are my favorite flower. There is something innocent and vulnerable about them as if they thanked you for admiring them. ~ Anne Sexton,
842:When the mind loses its density, you become translucent, like the flower. Spirit - the formless - shines through you into the world. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
843:Why does the past look so enticing to us? For the same reason why from a distance a meadow with flowers looks like a flower bed. ~ Franz Grillparzer,
844:Education is not to be viewed as something like filling a vessel with water but, rather, assisting a flower to grow in its own way ~ Bertrand Russell,
845:Every flower about a house certifies to the refinement of somebody. Every vine climbing and blossoming tells of love and joy ~ Robert Green Ingersoll,
846:First love is a gun that fires a bullet at your heart and when it hits, it turns into a flower and seeps into your blood like pollen. ~ Chloe Thurlow,
847:He bit the narrow end of the flower and sucked the droplet of nectar from its base. 'You only taste it for a second. But it's worth it. ~ M L Stedman,
848:I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. ~ Helen Keller,
849:I liked flowers but I never wore clothes with flower prints. Through those flowers, I was actually able to show my gracefulness as a girl. ~ Park Bom,
850:Man is born only as a potential. He can become a thorn for himself and for others, he can also become a flower for himself and for others. ~ Rajneesh,
851:Those flower-like boys are not sufficiently strong to resist and break the power of the Great Mother. They are more pets than lovers. ~ Erich Neumann,
852:But I don't just own my volcanoes, and my flower, I am useful to them. You may own your stars, but you do nothing for them. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
853:Here comes the time when, vibrating on its stem, every flower fumes like a censer; noises and perfumes circle in the evening air. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
854:How does the Meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold. ~ William Wordsworth,
855:If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
856:It was not what he expected from a foulmouthed flower of bohemia, but he had a feeling there was both more and less to her than that. ~ Michael Chabon,
857:love can die from being withheld, like a flower that is so beautiful you hide it away from the sun trying to make it last longer; ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
858:Many of the earlier gods developed from "persons"into personified ideas, and finally into abstract ideas. ~ Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower,
859:That which you bestow freely and willingly will bring you all the happy luck that a grateful universe knows how to return. ~ Sarah Fuller Flower Adams,
860:Verse should be as natural As the small tuber that feeds on muck And grows slowly from obtuse soil To the white flower of immortal beauty ~ R S Thomas,
861:You aren't a flower, you're every blossom in the wood blooming at once. You are a tidal wave. You're a stampede. You are overwhelming. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
862:You aren’t a flower, you’re every blossom in the wood blooming at once. You are a tidal wave. You’re a stampede. You are overwhelming. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
863:Because the soul is like a flower that folds its petals when dark comes, and breathes not its fragrance into the phantoms of the night. ~ Khalil Gibran,
864:Best and dearest flower that grows, / Perfect both to see and smell; / Words can never, never tell / Half the beauty of a Rose - . ~ Cicely Mary Barker,
865:I am Magnus Bane," said Magnus. "Call on me for aid at any time of mortal danger, or if in urgent need of an escort to a flower show. ~ Cassandra Clare,
866:I stopped and filled my lungs, smelling Africa - smelling dust, woodsmoke, a perfume from a flower, something musty, something decaying. ~ William Boyd,
867:I wanted to say something brilliant. My God, Holmes, how did you know the zombie was hiding in the flower pot? But I couldn't lie. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
868:Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, when rank and running to seed. ~ Desiderius Erasmus,
869:This was a god indeed, a love-god, a warm and radiant god, in whose light White Fang's nature expanded as a flower expands under the sun. ~ Jack London,
870:To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
871:If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
872:It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them. But you are of no use to the stars... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
873:I want the flower and fruit of a man; that some fragrance be wafted over from him to me, and some ripeness flavor our intercourse. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
874:Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them. ~ Gautama Buddha,
875:Love drips & gathers, but the fallen blood Shall calm her sores..." -Thomas, The Force that through the green fuse drives the flower. ~ Dylan Thomas,
876:My flower is ephemeral, thought little prince. And she only has four thorns for protection! And I’ve left her all alone! That ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
877:People often ... have no idea how fair the flower is to the touch, nor do they appreciate its fragrance, which is the soul of the flower. ~ Helen Keller,
On blooming,
The flower said:
'I cannot control my beauty now,
for I've gone beyond
my own reach.'
~ Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi,
879:When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
880:A flower may be beautiful all on its own, but a person is never truly beautiful unless someone's eyes show him that he is beautiful. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
881:Alas, how can we help but mourn When hero bosoms yield their breath! A century itself may bear But once the flower of such a death. ~ Silas Weir Mitchell,
882:Before a leaf-bud has burst, its whole life acts; in the full-blown flower there is no more; in the leafless root there is no less. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
883:Behold thine immortal Self resurrected with Christ in the light of illumination, present in every soul, every flower, every atom! ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
884:Got up this morning and could not find my glasses. Finally had to seek assistance. Kate [Winslet] found them inside a flower arrangement. ~ Emma Thompson,
885:I believe that the fragile-flower, idea-intolerant society of victimhood that is being cultivated in many colleges today is really bad. ~ Gene Weingarten,
886:Oh, the glory of growth, silent, mighty, persistent, inevitable! To awaken, to open up like a flower to the light of a fuller consciousness! ~ Emily Carr,
887:Thus, the flower exists: its forms and characteristics are inscribed in our mind. But its nature is devoid of any intrinsic existence.   ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
888:When we really let go, we become everything. At that point we are identified with all things: the flower, the oak tree, the morning star. ~ Dennis Merzel,
889:Anybody can be a flower! Yes, you can be a flower too! Just be gentle and innocent; give no harm to anyone! And now you are a flower! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
890:Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a fragrance as before a storm. When a storm approaches thee, be as fragrant as a sweet-smelling flower. ~ Jean Paul,
891:It doesn’t even matter what, ’cause guys never do anything nice for chicks, so anything works. That’s why the flower business is so good. ~ Pepper Winters,
892:Just as a flower which seems beautiful and has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of the man who speaks them but does them not. ~ John Dewey,
893:Like a flower she grows towards the light, without thinking or examining the process which moves her to do so. I wish I could do the same. ~ Joanne Harris,
894:Smoking wildwood flower got to be a habit, we didn't see no harm. We thought it was kind of handy, to take a trip and never leave the farm. ~ Jim Stafford,
895:Whenever you enjoy the bounties of nature like the sunrise or a blooming flower you are connecting yourself with the pure potentiality. ~ Stephen Richards,
896:Wings flower-petal-spread
And teeth and claws the thorns
I grow to seek my Mother’s light
Her flesh my flesh, her skin my form— ~ Max Gladstone,
897:Days when I came to flower serenely
in Lycée gardens long ago,
and read my Apuleius keenly,
but spared no glance for Cicero. ~ Alexander Pushkin,
898:He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered , with difficulty recognizing the beauty for which he picked and ruined it. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
899:He was a flower that bloomed with attention—be it positive or negative—and wilted when ignored. Peacock theory wasn’t just to attract girls. ~ Neil Strauss,
900:I ne'er was struck before that hour with love so sudden and so sweet. Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower and stole my heart away complete ~ John Clare,
901:I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
902:Maybe we can comprehend a flower or an insect, but we can never comprehend ourselves. Even less can we expect to comprehend the universe. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
903:never forget this moment, the hum of the bee, the saffron threads of the flower, the drawn blinds, nature's assiduousness and human cruelty. ~ Edna O Brien,
904:never forget this moment, the hum of the bee, the saffron threads of the flower, the drawn blinds, nature’s assiduousness and human cruelty. ~ Edna O Brien,
905:Poetic justice, poetic justice.. if I told you that a flower bloom in a dark room would you trust it. I mean I write poems in these songs. ~ Kendrick Lamar,
906:Raindrops blossom brilliantly in the rainbow, and change to flowers in the sod, but snow comes in full flower direct from the dark, frozen sky. ~ John Muir,
907:To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
908:To see a World in a grain of sand,
And a Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake,
909:Until we can comprehend the beguiling beauty of a single flower, we are woefully unable to grasp the meaning and potential of life itself. ~ Virginia Woolf,
910:A man who becomes enchanted by the flower's fragrance stays only for a fleeting moment, but a man who comes because of love stays a lifetime. ~ Kim Dong Hwa,
911:And when you’re tired, you crawl into your flower and go to sleep. During the day, everyone talks in colors instead of sounds. It’s so quiet. ~ Jandy Nelson,
912:Does what is praised becomes better? Does an emerald become worse if it isn't praised? And what a gold, ivory, a flower or a little plant? ~ Alain de Botton,
913:Emotion should not be rendered by an excited trembling; it can neither be added on nor be imitated. It is the seed, the work is the flower. ~ Georges Braque,
914:If you love a flower which happens to be on a star, it is sweet at night to gaze at the sky. All the stars are a riot of flowers. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
915:I had the brief notion that his heart, pressed flat as a flower, crimson and thin as tissue paper, lay in this file. It was a very thin one. ~ Angela Carter,
916:I imagine what the flower wanted to say to the first human trying to name half its petals love me nots: "No. That is not how anything grows. ~ Andrea Gibson,
917:Man, destiny sucked ass. It just had to barge in and piss all over everyone’s rose garden. And now it was taking a shit in the other flower beds. ~ J R Ward,
918:Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
919:O lovely lily clean, O lily springing green, O lily bursting white, Dear lily of delight, Spring in my heart agen That I may flower to men. ~ John Masefield,
920:She was like some rare flower grown for exhibition, a flower from which every bud had been nipped except the crowning blossom of her beauty. ~ Edith Wharton,
921:They flower spontaneously out of the demands of our natures - and the best of them lead us not only outward in space, but inward as well. ~ Lawrence Durrell,
922:To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake,
923:Beauty is God's handwriting — a wayside sacrament; welcome it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower, and thank for it Him. ~ Charles Kingsley,
924:Flower lifted a brow, dubious. 'You have to pay for a place to be dead in?'
Moon shrugged. 'Sometimes, in cities. It’s a groundling thing. ~ Martha Wells,
925:If people are jumping down people's throats all the time, in the end, they'll just shrivel up like a flower shrivels up that's not watered. ~ Richard Branson,
926:I will use a flower petal for paper,
And write you the sweetest letter,
You are the sultan of my heart,
Sultan of my heart.
~ Khaled Hosseini,
927:I stared at the enormous homes, the landscaping and flower beds immaculate. It was as if dollar bills, instead of leaves, hung from the trees. ~ Ruta Sepetys,
928:I've tried. He doesn't want any friend but himself. He's shut himself up tight, like a beautiful flower bud being poisoned from within. ~ William Shakespeare,
929:Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble. 2He comes out like a flower and withers; he flees like a shadow and continues not. ~ Anonymous,
930:Maybe you should stop going by want you feel. He opened my hand and pressed the flower in my grip. And start going by what you know is truth. ~ Jenny B Jones,
931:Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness and malice there bloomed at times compassion, as a pale flower blooms in a putrid marsh. ~ Henryk Sienkiewicz,
932:The blooming of a flower is, in my mind, not a miracle. It's something that we can understand on the basis of molecular biology these days. ~ Francis Collins,
933:He was like a seed still tethered to the withered flower, just waiting for the dead air of the late summer evening to break, for the storm to begin. ~ Ken Liu,
934:Merely to live without a pain Is little gladness, little gain, Ah, welcome joy tho' mixt with grief-- The thorn-set flower that crowns the leaf. ~ Dan Simmons,
935:Sacrifice may be a flower that virtue will pluck on its road, but it was not to gather this flower that virtue set forth on its travels. ~ Maurice Maeterlinck,
936:The record of a generous life runs like a vine around the memory of our dead, and every sweet unselfish act is now a perfumed flower. ~ Robert Green Ingersoll,
937:This time the destruction was so complete...
That nothing at all was left in the world
Except one man
And one woman
And one flower ~ James Thurber,
938:We share the same water in our veins, air in our lungs, the same dust in our bones. We are two petals on the same flower of life, my friend. ~ Cristen Rodgers,
939:You can be a flower in somebody's garden or a pig or the sunshine or a crow or a nightingale! Be something nice in someone else's garden. ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
940:All your renown is like the summer flower that blooms and dies; because the sunny glow which brings it forth, soon slays with parching power. ~ Dante Alighieri,
941:Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles will devour; Brightness falls from the air; Queens have died young and fair; Dust hath closed Helen's eye. ~ Thomas Nashe,
942:I stood still, vision blurring, and in that moment, I heard my heart break. It was a small, clean sound, like the snapping of a flower's stem. ~ Diana Gabaldon,
943:The flower is not evil because it blooms where it does. It simply exists. As do the fish in this pool, and the bird on the cliff, and you, and I. ~ Emily Rodda,
944:The 'red-tinged flower' is far from fair, Nor do my eyes delight to see, But yon red plum which blossoms there, Is full of loveliness to me. ~ Murasaki Shikibu,
945:The seasons bring the flower again, And bring the firstling to the flock; And in the dusk of thee the clock Beats out the little lives of men ~ Alfred Tennyson,
946:To me, it is very important to have perfume in which it is hard to recognize a particular flower or scent. That gives a touch of mystery. ~ Isabella Rossellini,
947:True love was a flower in the gut, its petals unfurling inside out. You would risk all for love -- blissful, never without its drops of dismay. ~ Jessie Burton,
948:When a flower and a child come together, it makes two flowers or two children because every child is a flower and every flower is a child! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
949:Whether I be in the temple or in the balcony, in the camp or the flower garden, I tell you truly that every moment my Lord is taking His delight in me. ~ Kabir,
950:Would Jove appoint some flower to reign, in matchless beauty on the plain, the Rose (mankind will all agree). The Rose the queen of flowers should be. ~ Sappho,
951:You look pale, Sansa," Cersei observed. "Is your red flower still blooming?" "Yes" "How apt. The men will bleed out there, and you in here. ~ George R R Martin,
952:A man who becomes enchanted by the flower's fragrance stays only for a fleeting moment, but a man who comes because of love stays for a lifetime. ~ Kim Dong Hwa,
953:As a bee without harming the flower, its colour or scent, flies away, collecting only the honey, even so should the sage wander in the village. ~ Gautama Buddha,
954:Charity is unconscious of itself, there is no accumulation first and then distribution. It is like the flower - natural, open, spontaneous. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
955:He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered, with difficulty recognizing in it the beauty for which he picked and ruined it. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
956:He managed not to disturb too much of the flower bed as he tamped soil over the Jaffa Cake box that had taken on the role of hamster coffin so well. ~ Anonymous,
957:How sure I feel, how warm and strong and happy For the future! How sure the future is within me; I am like a seed with a perfect flower enclosed. ~ D H Lawrence,
958:I think people say women come into their prime in their 40s. And then for some reason our society just wants to go... it's like a dead flower. ~ Charlize Theron,
959:Like a beautiful flower that is colorful but has no fragrance, even well spoken words bear no fruit in one who does not put them into practice. ~ Gautama Buddha,
960:Love is to us what sunshine and water are to a growing flower. Anyone who believes that he does not require the love of others is self-deceived. ~ Frank Hammond,
961:Oh, I was so not a wilting flower. I’d let a man pick me up and carry me because I couldn’t handle the price of using magic when I was dead. Again. ~ Devon Monk,
962:People change, you know. When you leave your country, you are like a plant taken out of soil. Some people turn hard, they can't flower again. ~ Abraham Verghese,
963:'Tis dangerous to take a cold, to sleep, to drink; but I tell you, my lord fool, out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety. ~ William Shakespeare,
964:BORKIN: [Sighing] The life of a man is like a flower, blooming so gaily in a field. Then, along comes a goat, he eats it, and the flower is gone! ~ Anton Chekhov,
965:He who is not delicate flower of your soul to the winds of temptation, whatever it whole and saved and passed on to the end, it's as if it never had. ~ Ivo Andri,
966:His days were full and they were filled decently, he supposed it was all a man ought to ask. Something he knew he had missed: the flower of life. ~ Edith Wharton,
967:John flung the match into an adjacent flower bed, a proceeding which was too much for Poirot's feelings. He retrieved it, and buried it neatly. ~ Agatha Christie,
968:Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing “I smite thee!” as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
969:There's a French saying, ‘Où le Dieu a vous semé, il faut savoir fleurir.’ Let's see, ‘Wherever God has planted you, you must know how to flower'... ~ Alan Furst,
970:Let the flower of compassion blossom in the rich soil of maître, and water it with the good water of equanimity in the cool, refreshing shade of joy. ~ Longchenpa,
971:Love drips & gathers,
but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores..."
-Thomas, The Force that through the green fuse drives the flower. ~ Dylan Thomas,
972:Nobody sees a flower—really—it is so small it takes time—we haven’t time—and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. GEORGIA O’KEEFFE ~ Julia Cameron,
973:Roses have both petals and thorns, my dark flower. You needn’t believe something weak because it appears delicate. Show the world your bravery. ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
974:To protect my heart, this is what I would have to do with Snow Flower. I couldn't let anyone know I was dying from anguish that she no longer loved me. ~ Lisa See,
975:True love was a flower in the gut , it's petals unfurling inside out. You would risk all for love - blissful , never without it's drops of dismay. ~ Jessie Burton,
976:True love was a flower in the gut , it's petals unfurling inside out. You would rusk all for love - blissful , never without it's drops of dismay. ~ Jessie Burton,
977:Why do you cal me ‘Petal’?”

“Because a petal is on every flower, and every flower reminds me of you. Everywhere I go, I’l never forget you, ~ Sam Crescent,
978:you ask
if we can still be friends
i explain how a honeybee
does not dream kissing
the mouth of a flower
and then settle for its leaves ~ Rupi Kaur,
979:Be sure to keep your tummy warm, try to relax, both your heart and your body, try not to get flustered. Live like a flower. You have that right. ~ Banana Yoshimoto,
980:Terrestrial happiness is of short duration. The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odors. ~ Samuel Johnson,
981:The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms. ~ Nhat Hanh,
982:What is that curling flower of wonder As white as snow, as red as blood? When Death goes by in flame and thunder And rips the beauty from the bud. ~ Tim Pat Coogan,
983:You’re a hothouse flower,” I tell her. “You can’t grow under natural conditions. You need adventure. And security and love in order to stay alive. ~ Krista Ritchie,
984:Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit; happy is he who, after facing watched its silent growth, is permitted to gather and call it his own ~ Alexandre Dumas,
985:You will forget. Life is like that. Everything goes in time. Memories blur, pain diminishes. I remember my wife as one remembers a bird or a flower ~ gota Krist f,
986:Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. Punishment is a fruit that unsuspected ripens within the flower of the pleasure which concealed it. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
987:Did you really think she was a tender flower you could trample upon, and damage her very soul? She is wildfire. And she is coming to devour you whole. ~ Nikita Gill,
988:Nature is fair in proportion as the youth is pure. The heavens and the earth are one flower ; the earth is the calyx, the heavens the corolla. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
989:Oh, sleep that dreams, and dream that never tires, press from the petals of the lotus flower something of this to keep, the essence of an hour. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
990:Take in everything before you and let your eyes be drenched with beauty, and as you love beauty in a reverent way it becomes a sacrament to you. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
991:The career of a sage is of two kinds: He is either honored by all in the world, Like a flower waving its head, Or else he disappears into the silent forest. ~ Laozi,
992:The Flower of My Secret is definitely more based in true emotions. I also wanted to make something more realistic, but not naturalistic or simple. ~ Pedro Almodovar,
993:You know very well that it will never be I who will leave you. It is not the tree that forsakes the flower, but the flower that forsakes the tree. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
994:Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit; happy is he who, after having watched its silent growth, is permitted to gather and call it his own. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
995:As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. ~ Anonymous,
996:as one grows older, something of the lightness of one's dreams; one begins to take life up in both hands, and to care more for the fruit than the flower, ~ W B Yeats,
997:Bliss is inherent in the Self as fragrance is inherent in a flower. As the flower of the Self-love blossoms, bliss comes spontaneously as the fragrance. ~ Banani Ray,
998:Just Enough Soil for legs Axe for hands Flower for eyes Bird for ears Mushrooms for nose Smile for mouth Songs for lungs Sweat for skin Wind for mind. ~ Nanao Sakaki,
999:Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still it is, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1000:One lives in the world but the world is not in your mind, the world is not within you. One lives untouched, like a lotus flower. These two last pictures bring ~ Osho,
1001:The flower bloomed and faded. The sun rose and sank. The lover loved and went. And what the poets said in rhyme, the young translated into practice. ~ Virginia Woolf,
1002:Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower, The periwinkle trailed its wreaths; And 'tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. ~ William Wordsworth,
1003:you ask
if we can still be friends
i explain how a honeybee
does not dream of kidding
the mouth of a flower
and then settle for its leaves ~ Rupi Kaur,
1004:I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. ~ Helen Keller,
1005:The tequila was light, like flower juice. I closed my eyes and saw a green train with an M in a circle; a faded green like the back of a praying mantis. ~ Patti Smith,
1006:death is not a pretty flower that had almost pricked me. It was not a small annoyance I could simply bypass and quickly disregard. It was really The End. ~ Aspen Matis,
1007:Generosity is an activity that loosens us up. By offering whatever we can - a dollar, a flower, a word of encouragement - we are training in letting go. ~ Pema Chodron,
1008:I came to the United States in 1981 as a student.When I left, I was totally the most beloved little flower in China and so it was an outrage basically. ~ Amanda Schull,
1009:I'm afraid to be on this shore a trunk without limbs, and what I most regret is not to have flower, pulp, or clay for the worm of my suffering. ~ Federico Garcia Lorca,
1010:Love is gentle and love is kind, The sweetest flower when first it’s new, But love grows old, And waxes cold, And fades away, like the morning dew   Pretty ~ L A Meyer,
1011:[S]he had always the power of suggesting things much lovelier than herself, as the perfume of a single flower may call up the whole sweetness of spring. ~ Willa Cather,
1012:The Butterfly Book,” said Jessie. “The Shell Book,” said Violet. “The Flower Book,” said Henry. “Oh, these three books must belong to a set. ~ Gertrude Chandler Warner,
1013:The danger of parachuting young enthusiastic scientists into a flower bed of selected data and fully bloomed conceptions should be underestimated. ~ Andre Michel Lwoff,
1014:Your raised arms are the fleshy petals of a magnificent lily bursting into flower. It deeply dawns on you that this new world about to bloom is you. Deep ~ Hope Jahren,
1015:"As a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the color and fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world." ~ Teachings of the Buddha, Dhammapada,
1016:But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, it's bloom is shed; Or, like the snow-fall in the river, A moment white, then melts forever. ~ Robert Burns,
1017:But this flower comes in the form of a human; it must soon succumb to disease, atrophy, ruined skin, broken teeth, the unbearable frailty of mortality. ~ Mary Gaitskill,
1018:I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? ~ Naomi Campbell,
1019:[Indira Gandhi] answered cautiously at first. Then she opened up like a flower and the conversation flowed along without obstacles, in mutual sympathy. ~ Oriana Fallaci,
1020:Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1021:Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love. ~ Stevie Wonder,
1022:The ideal flower of hospitality is almost unknown to the rich; it can hardly be grown save in the gardens of the poor; it is one of their beatitudes. ~ George MacDonald,
1023:There are cases in which the blade springs, but the plant does not go on to flower. There are cases where it flowers, but no fruit is subsequently produced. ~ Confucius,
1024:The tear, down childhood's cheek that flows, Is like the dewdrop on the rose; When next the summer breeze comes by And waves the bush, the flower is dry. ~ Walter Scott,
1025:Ulysses He ... saw the dark tangled curls of his bush floating, floating hair of the stream around the limp father of thousands, a languid flatong flower. ~ James Joyce,
1026:Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. You ever notice that trees do everything to get attention we do, except walk? ~ Alice Walker,
1027:Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. You ever notice that trees do everything to git attention we do, except walk? ~ Alice Walker,
1028:We don't ask a flower any special reason for its existence. We just look at it and are able to accept it as being something different from ourselves. ~ Gwendolyn Brooks,
1029:(and from my thighs which shrug and pant a murdering rain leapingly reaches the upward singular deepest flower which she carries in a gesture of her hips) ~ e e cummings,
1030:Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master. Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
1031:Light as feathers the witches fly,
The horn of the moon is plain to see;
By a firefly under a jonquil flower
A goblin toasts a bumble-bee. ~ Katherine Mansfield,
1032:The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1033:There is more value in placing a flower in a rifle barrel than making war. As Jimi Hendrix used to say, musical notes have more importance than bullets. ~ Carlos Santana,
1034:If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~ George MacDonald,
1035:If you're stuck in a painting, then stop and draw something else. Draw a flower and put your love into that flower. Then your powers will come back again. ~ Pablo Picasso,
1036:my garden

in the sun and in the rain
and in the day and in the night

pain is a flower
pain is flowers

blooming all the time. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1037:Our love was born outside the walls, in the wind, in the night, in the earth, and that's why the clay and the flower, the mud and the roots know your name. ~ Pablo Neruda,
1038:Rose. Briar Rose. She was named after a flower that was thorny and green and strong and beautiful, with moments of unbelievable softness in white and pink. ~ Liz Braswell,
1039:The legendary Buddhist flower udumbara is believed to blossom once every three millennia! What about the Flower of Peace? In every ten million years? ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1040:The radiance in some places is so great as to be fairly dazzling... every crystal, every flower a window opening into heaven, a mirror reflecting the Creator. ~ John Muir,
1041:There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower. ~ Richard P Feynman,
1042:Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. ~ Nelson DeMille,
1043:Your grief will fade.......It's hard to believe this now, my friend......but it will wither and, like a flower, leave behind always a seed of possibility. ~ Vaddey Ratner,
1044:Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
1045:If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1046:I was like a turd that drew flies instead of like a flower that butterflies and bees desired. I wanted to live alone,I felt best being alone, cleaner,,, ~ Charles Bukowski,
1047:Like a beautiful flower, full of colour, but without scent, are wise words when spoken, but fruitless these words are when not carried out by the speaker. ~ Gautama Buddha,
1048:Look at an avalanche, and see that we are at our most powerful when we let go. Look at a flower, and see that we are at our most beautiful when we open up. ~ Shane Koyczan,
1049:Self-esteem is like a difficult-to-cultivate flower. It requires frequent nurturing that occurs when you keep your word and follow through on your promises. ~ Derrick Bell,
1050:The Magick Cup, as was shown above, is also the flower. It is the lotus which opens to the sun, and which collects the dew. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, The Cup,
1051:You flower...I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so naive. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1052:A flower is not better when it blooms than when it is merely a bud; at each stage it is the same thing — a flower in the process of expressing its potential. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1053:Behave like the flower; it blooms with its own petals without bothering to take the colour of another flower’s petals. You can excel with what you have! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1054:It was deep and wide as autumn’s ending. It was heavy as a great river-smooth stone. It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
1055:"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." ~ Hans Christian Andersen"Behind the cloud the sun is still shining." ~ Abraham Lincoln,
1056:Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration. ~ D H Lawrence,
1057:My mother named me after a miracle of nature: Waris means desert flower. The desert flower blooms in a barren environment where few living things can survive. ~ Waris Dirie,
1058:You are full of cruelty and mockery,” Kami said. “My heart breaks to think of the day I entrusted you with the fragile flower of my girlish friendship. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1059:A concrete city creates concrete-people! But what the humanity needs is flower-people, cloud-people, stream-people, butterfly-people, and forest-people! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1060:All things reflect the divine energy of nature—every flower, every rock, every sound, every sight. Once we realize that truth, we cannot help but smile. ~ Philip Toshio Sudo,
1061:For as well as I have loved thee heretofore, mine heart will not serve now to see thee; for through thee and me is the flower of kings and knights destroyed. ~ Thomas Malory,
1062:God comes to each of us in the form we can best perceive Him. To you, just now, He was a heron. To someone else, He might come as a flower or even a breeze. ~ Richard Zimler,
1063:If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1064:Pitiful, puling, like all your kin the slave of time that rots the body before the mind has seen more than a single flower in all the meadows of the Cosmos. ~ Barbara Hambly,
1065:There was a smell, the Golux thought, a little like Forever in the air, but mixed with something faint and less enduring, possibly the fragrance of a flower. ~ James Thurber,
1066:You flower...I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so naive. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world... ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1067:He never did understand why people admired or even collected art. The greatest human artist could never hope to match what nature did with a single flower. ~ Peter F Hamilton,
1068:I don't want a daughter named after a stone," she had said, choosing instead to name her Miri after the flower that conquered rock and climbed to face the sun. ~ Shannon Hale,
1069:Odd lair for a dragon", Darnak said, "and I've seen one or two in my times."
"Do all dragons own flower gardens?"
"This is the first one I've come across. ~ Jim C Hines,
1070:That woman, she deserves something a little more special than the default flower for people who’ve never had an original thought in their head, don’t you think? ~ Avery Flynn,
1071:The frozen flowers never go away. They hang around somewhere all the time. I think we need to talk about vases.
Did you hear the sound of the white flower? ~ Arundhati Roy,
1072:The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His Heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
1073:Those rare but wonderful memories remained with
him even today. Fresh as a blooming flower from a new bud; ever
erupting to refresh the world around him. ~ Raj Doctor,
1074:What have you come to Earth for?' 'I'm having difficulties with a flower,' the little prince said. 'Ah!' said the snake. And they were both silent. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1075:[...] even in the cruelest human being there can exist a flower of good. Maybe just the tiniest blossom, in need of water and sunlight, but a flower just the same. ~ Meg Cabot,
1076:Grace is something spontaneous which wells out from the Divine Consciousness as a free flower of its being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Bhakti Yoga and Vaishnavism,
1077:His relationship with his father had been like the unfurling of some flower of beautiful potential, which, when wholly opened, turned out to be blighted inside. ~ Stephen King,
1078:If enough people put their drop of water in the same place, then we can make a flower bloom . . . right in the middle of the desert.” Jordan sighed. She wanted ~ Laila Ibrahim,
1079:If the delicate flower liked to play Medusa, maybe Karina could take on the role of Perseus. It was really for the good of all womankind that she slay the gorgon. ~ Lexi Blake,
1080:I will not give up the flowers in my heart for stones just because the world is a hard place. The world is only hard because it needs more flower hearted people. ~ Nikita Gill,
1081:I will not give up the flowers in my heart for stones just because the world is a hard place. The world is only hard because it needs more flower-hearted people. ~ Nikita Gill,
1082:Jungle post arrives. Two biscuits for me. A poem and a pressed flower from Comrade Narmada. A lovely letter from Maase. (Who is she? Will I ever know?) Comrade ~ Arundhati Roy,
1083:Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1084:O flower-de-luce, bloom on, and let the river Linger to kiss thy feet! O flower of song, bloom on, and make forever The world more fair and sweet. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
1085:You plowed him with a pitchfork?"
"I sure did. My daddy didn't raise no hothouse flower, you know."
Gideon had a feeling he would have liked her daddy. ~ Karen Witemeyer,
1086:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it....In this way our life should be understood. Then there is no problem. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1087:I think it's a good idea to take samples and live with them a little. So far I'm liking Creed's Spring Flower. I think I'm going to make it my regular scent. ~ Isabelle Fuhrman,
1088:It’s spring! Farewell To chills and colds! The blushing, girlish World unfolds Each flower, leaf And blade of sod— Small letters sent To her from God. ~ John Updike,
1089:Originally from Persia, the rose had been considered by Arabs a masculine flower, and in ancient times was a symbol not only of joy but also of secrecy and silence. ~ Anonymous,
1090:The envy elicited by Sir Walter Raleigh is the worst kind: It was inspired by his natural talent and grace, which he felt was best displayed in its full flower. ~ Robert Greene,
1091:Whether the flower looks better in the nosegay than in the meadow where it grew and we had to wet our feet to get it! Is the scholastic air any advantage? ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1092:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it....In this way our life should be understood. Then there is no problem. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1093:But pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flower, it's bloom is shed;
Or, like the snow-fall in the river,
A moment white, then melts forever. ~ Robert Burns,
1094:Every blossoming flower warns you that it is time to seek the Lord; be not out of tune with nature, but let your heart bud and bloom with holy desires. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
1095:Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent. ~ Sharon Tate,
1096:He said that we belonged together because he was born with a flower and I was born with a butterfly and that flowers and butterflies need each other for survival. ~ Gemma Malley,
1097:It is difficult to put words to the smell of decomposing human. It is dense and cloying, sweet but not flower-sweet. Halfway between rotting fruit and rotting meat. ~ Mary Roach,
1098:Man is saved by love and duty, and by the hope that springs from duty, or rather from the moral facts of consciousness, as a flower springs from the soil. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
1099:When humans face testings and tragedy, they should remember the angels who are always standing ready to lend their celestial assistance, comfort and council. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
1100:Yellow daises tell me Brooklyn's been here.
His flower girl.
I brought nothing.
Just myself.
How fitting.
Seems like that's all I've got anymore. ~ Lisa Schroeder,
1101:(and from my thighs which shrug and pant
a murdering rain leapingly reaches the
upward singular deepest flower which she
carries in a gesture of her hips) ~ E E Cummings,
1102:And so I just grieve, groaning,
'Let me not go
To the Place of the Shorn:
My heart is now precious...
For I, I am a poet—
And my flower is golden. ~ David Bowles,
1103:Believe me, it is the light or the darkness of our own fate that either gives "greenness to the grass and glory to the flower," or leaves both sickly, wan, and colorless. ~ Ouida,
1104:Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. ~ Thomas Gray,
1105:Greater association with the Angels lifts our minds from ourselves and focuses them upon ways and means by which we too may assist in establishing God's Plan. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
1106:He said to me that we belonged toghether because he was born with a flower and I was born with a butterfly and that Flower and Butterfly need each other to survive ~ Gemma Malley,
1107:It's funny how many ways there are to hurt people. As many ways to hurt as there are species of flower. Whole bouquets of hurt. You do it without even realizing. ~ Joshua Gaylord,
1108:The Good Will Of A Flower
The good Will of a Flower
The Man who would possess
Must first present
Of minted Holiness.
~ Emily Dickinson,
1109:But she would wake in the morning one day and feel her blood running, feel herself lying open like a flower unsheathed in the sun, insistent and potent with demand. ~ D H Lawrence,
1110:Everything speaks: the flowing airstream and the sailing halycon, the blade of grass, the flower, the bud, the element; did you imagine the universe to be otherwise? ~ Victor Hugo,
1111:Gone is the flower and gone is the crow; gone is the future that promised to grow. Farewell the past, the present, the now; farewell the ship, the anchor, the bow. ~ Sarah MacLean,
1112:He looked at her as a man might look at a faded flower he had plucked, in which it was difficult for him to trace the beauty that had made him pick and so destroy it ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1113:If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude. Even though you observe just one flower, that one flower includes everything ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1114:Life (like love) is forgiving and hopeful and, like a bold flower pushing out from the narrow crevice in a rock, will take any gap we allow. However small or large. ~ Sally Andrew,
1115:Love is not revenge. It can't be thrown like a rock. And you can't create it to fix your problems. Forcing love is like picking a flower then insisting that it grow. ~ Mitch Albom,
1116:Perhaps,' I wearily suggest, 'reading is the opiate of the educated classes.' 'Is it? Are you thinking of becoming a flower child?' he says, lighting up a new cigar. ~ Philip Roth,
1117:When she had discovered that I hungered to learn, she commenced to shovel knowledge my way as vigorously as she spaded the cowpats into her beloved flower beds. ~ Geraldine Brooks,
1118:Why make so much of fragmentary blue In here and there a bird, or butterfly, Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye, When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue? ~ Robert Frost,
1119:Chialer, c'était bon quand on perdait au foot, qu'on vous racontait des histoires d'animaux héroïques, ou en entendant "Flower of Scotland" après l'heure de fermeture. ~ Ian Rankin,
1120:If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude. Even though you observe just one flower, that one flower includes everything ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1121:It being a part of Mrs. Pipchin's system not to encourage a child's mind to develop and expand itself like a young flower, but to open it by force like an oyster. ~ Charles Dickens,
1122:“I want the flower you are, not the one you give.Why refuse me what I don’t ask of you? ...Flower, be a flower to me! ...Seeking what you never gave.” ~ Ricardo Reis/ Fernando Pessoa,
1123:Love has its own instinct, finding the way to the heart, as the feeblest insect finds the way to its flower, with a will which nothing can dismay nor turn aside. ~ Honore de Balzac,
1124:Love is a flower that blooms so tender, each kiss a dew drop of sweet surrender. Love is a moment of life enchanting, let's take that moment that tonight is granting. ~ Dean Martin,
1125:Not every thought is a flower; some are thorns. But while a flower may make you fall asleep and too see dreams, a thorn will wake you up and make you to think! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1126:True love was a flower in the gut , it's petals unfurling inside out. You would risk all for love - blissful , never without it's drops of dismay.”
Jessie Burton ~ Jessie Burton,
1127:We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for all. ~ Dorothy Day,
1128:When Louis XIV assumed the reins of government France suddenly and wonderfully came to her maturity; it was as if the whole nation had burst into splendid flower. ~ Lytton Strachey,
1129:A village, even a small one, takes at least all night to burn, in the end it looks like an enormous flower, then there’s only a bud, and after that nothing. ~ Louis Ferdinand C line,
1130:Cal curled his fingers around mine and raised my left hand to the brownish flower. There was a callus on his thumb that should have been irritating against my skin. ~ Rachel Hawkins,
1131:if someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows, in all the millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1132:If Terri was upset about how silly she would look, her mother was completely undone. Seems she wanted Terri in her full natural bloom, not with any blooming flower. ~ Audrey Meadows,
1133:It was a wonderful flower, indeed. She had never seen its like before. It was not just one color, or two, but four: ebony, silver, snow white and purple, all at once. ~ Rachel Sharp,
1134:Life must be poetry, a song, a dance, like a flower on the roadside, blossoming for no one in particular, but spreading its fragrance in the wind, and sending it anywhere. ~ Lao Tzu,
1135:Sanctification grows out of faith in Jesus Christ. Reemember holiness is a flower, not a root; it is not sanctification that saves, but salvation that sanctifies. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
1136:They sought each other, missed each other, at cocktail parties, in train terminals, at flower shops, their fin de siecle Nokias gaining symbolic power with each scene. ~ Sam Lipsyte,
1137:They will kill me but they will not kill my voice, because it will be the voice of all Afghan women. You can cut the flower, but you cannot stop the coming of spring. ~ Malalai Joya,
1138:Touching a flower is touching life; touching the sun is touching life; touching the skin, touching the sand, all of this means touching life! No touch, no life! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1139:Wearing the white flower of a blameless life, Before a thousand peering littlenesses, In that fierce light which beats upon a throne, And blackens every blot. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
1140:In the midst of poverty and want, Felix carried with pleasure to his sister the first little white flower that peeped out from beneath the snowy ground. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
1141:I saw the sunlight in a leafy place, Bathing itself in liquid green and amber-- Where every flower had tears hid in its petals, And every leaf was lovely with the rain. ~ Ernest Rhys,
1142:Nowhere in the organic or sensitive world ever kindles
   Novelty, save in the flower, noblest creation of life.
~ Friedrich Schiller, The Animating Principle
1143:Plucking a flower and giving it to someone is not an act of kindness; it is a behaviour of killing a defenceless fragile beauty for the sake of our own interest! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1144:the count left, murmuring these verses from Pindar: ‘Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit … Happy the vintager who picks it after watching it slowly mature. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
1145:To make a perfume, take some rose water and wash your hands in it, then take a lavender flower and rub it with your palms, and you will achieve the desired effect ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
1146:Beauty doesn't have to be about anything. What's a vase about? What's a sunset or a flower about? What, for that matter, is Mozart's Twenty-third Piano Concerto about? ~ Douglas Adams,
1147:God has not promised Skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways All our life through; God has not promised Sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1148:He fitted the Vedic definition of a man of God: “Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned; stronger than the thunder, where principles are at stake. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
1149:I don't talk like House, or walk like him. I certainly don't think like him. I don't like to think for more than 15 minutes at a stretch actually; I am a fragile flower. ~ Hugh Laurie,
1150:* if someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows, in all the millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1151:I want you to know that your love is a flower waiting to blossom, only to be shared with someone devoted enough to only pick you from a garden where only the truth can grow. ~ R H Sin,
1152:The essence of true nobility is neglect of self. Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of a great action is gone, like the bloom from a soiled flower. ~ James Anthony Froude,
1153:There must be many books, many lovely pines, to shield from hungry eyes the book that really matters, the wretched cave of our misfortune, the magic flower of winter! ~ Roberto Bola o,
1154:What have you come to Earth for?'
'I'm having difficulties with a flower,' the little prince said.
'Ah!' said the snake.
And they were both silent. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1155:Here was a flower (the daisy reflected) strangely like itself and yet utterly unlike itself too. Such a paradox has often been the basis for the most impassioned love. ~ Thomas M Disch,
1156:It is futile to argue as to which single leaf, which design of branch, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming. ~ Bruce Lee,
1157:The actual flower is the plant's highest fulfilment, and are not here exclusively for herbaria, county floras and plant geography: they are here first of all for delight. ~ John Ruskin,
1158:Then everything turned into a succession of concrete acts and proper nouns and verbs, or pages from an anatomy manual scattered like flower petals, chaotically linked. ~ Roberto Bola o,
1159:Why are you whispering?” “I’m on the roof of an evil flower shop, and I don’t want to get shot.” “That sort of answer,” he said, “really shouldn’t surprise me anymore. ~ Craig Schaefer,
1160:Heliotrope. To be sowed in the spring. A delicious flower, but I suspect it must be planted in boxes and kept in the house in the winter. The smell rewards the care. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1161:Hooray for me, I’m so very lucky. Not only do I have the biggest piece of cake, it’s a corner piece with a sugar-paste flower on top, and everyone else is sick with envy. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
1162:I personally love to see films not knowing very much about them. When you see it, it's like a flower opening up. I deliberately never read about films before I see them. ~ Andrea Arnold,
1163:She kept her voice gentle and her eyes down, for without such softening traits, Haejung's mother had often said, a woman's presence would be like a thorn and not a flower. ~ Eugenia Kim,
1164:The Grace—myself—might Not Obtain
The Grace—Myself—might not obtain—
Confer upon My flower—
Refracted but a Countenance—
For I—inhabit Her—
~ Emily Dickinson,
1165:The typical nature photograph shows a butterfly on a pretty flower. The conservation photograph shows the same thing, but with a bulldozer coming at it in the background. ~ Joel Sartore,
1166:The urban man is an uprooted tree, he can put out leaves, flowers and grow fruit but what a nostalgia his leaf, flower, and fruit will always have for mother earth! ~ Juan Ramon Jimenez,
1167:"Both suffering and happiness are of an organic nature, which means they are both transitory; they are always changing. The flower, when it wilts, becomes the compost." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1168:Hate seed in the heart cannot produce a love flower in the life. A sinister thought will produce a sinister harvest. The revenge seed will produce a bloody harvest. ~ Orison Swett Marden,
1169:I could hear you, talking to the daffodils and tulips, whispering to the fairies that lived inside their petals. Each separate flower had a different family inside it. ~ Lucy Christopher,
1170:I don’t think buttons should automatically release someone from suspicion of murder.” “No, I suppose not.” He sighed as if this was a major failing of our modern society. ~ Amanda Flower,
1171:It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower Is to bloom. ~ Alice Walker,
1172:The foul slime stands for the sloth and vice of man, the decay of humanity; the fragrant flower that springs from it, for the purity and courage which are immortal. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1173:Within a Hell of godless emptiness
submit yourself ever more to sleep's spell.
All is a dream, all is nothingness:
the flower of the world is the asphodel. ~ Gabriele D Annunzio,
1174:Fly not yet; 't is just the hour When pleasure, like the midnight flower That scorns the eye of vulgar light, Begins to bloom for sons of night And maids who love the moon. ~ Charles Lamb,
1175:It is remarkable indeed how we human beings are capable of delighting in the mating call of a flower while we are surrounded by the charred carcasses of our fellow animals. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
Has a way of wilting
Or blossoming
At the strangest,
Most unpredictable hour.
This is how love is,
An uncontrollable beast
In the form of a flower. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1177:Love can be piercing. Love means exposing yourself—all of yourself, every tender part—to being hurt. Because true love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns. ~ Mia Sheridan,
1178:Soil is the home of the flower. All flowers must live in their homes, not in somewhere else; not in a woman’s hair or not in a lover’s hands or not on a dinner table! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1179:When people ask about inspirations, and you're like 'oh, it was a flower or a mountain or a pony', some people just think you're insane. I'm worried to come across that way. ~ Phillip Lim,
1180:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. 16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. ~ Anonymous,
1181:I was not looking now at an unusual flower arrangement. I was seeing what Adam had seen on the morning of his creation - the miracle, moment by moment, of naked existence. ~ Aldous Huxley,
1182:Look at a tree, a flower. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.” —Eckhart Tolle ~ Bathroom Readers Institute,
1183:My mother's eyes were large and brown, like my son's, but unlike Sam's, they were always frantic, like a hummingbird who can't quite find the flower but keeps jabbing around. ~ Anne Lamott,
1184:The bright flower was like a face. Somehow, the beauty and life of it were surprising in the plain room, like a gay little child who might suddenly appear in a doorway. ~ Sarah Orne Jewett,
1185:The buddah can reside in the gears of a motorcycle as easily as in a flower on a mountaintop. To believe otherwise is to demean the buddah; which is to demean one's self. ~ Robert M Pirsig,
1186:The dusky and faintly sweet smell of her perfume came to Therese again, a smell suggestive of dark green silk, that was hers alone, like the smell of a special flower. ~ Patricia Highsmith,
1187:You are nothing but a flower opening, so that the whole is filled with fragrance through you. If you can drop yourself, those flowers can shower this very morning, this very moment. ~ Osho,
1188:As you smell the fragrance of a flower by handing it or the smell of sandalwood by rubbing it against a stone, so you obtain spiritual awakening by constantly thinking of God. ~ Sarada Devi,
1189:Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. Happiness is a direction, not a place. ~ Sydney J Harris,
1190:Love is no hot-house flower,
but a wild plant, born of a wet night,
born of an hour of sunshine; sprung
from wild seed, blown along the road
by a
wild wind. ~ John Galsworthy,
1191:She looked into the shadowed corners of the room. Talking with him was like having a flower unfold inside her chest, then close up tight. Creep open. Collapse in on itself. ~ Marie Rutkoski,
1192:Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower. ~ Alan Kay,
1193:The scenery, when it is truly seen, reacts on the life of the seer. How to live. How to get the most of life.... How to extract its honey from the flower of the world. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1194:Violet, the soft, delicate flower that is stronger than steel. Strong enough to support everyone around her. But are you strong enough to fix the whole world, beautiful? ~ Michelle Leighton,
1195:When a baby comes you can smell two things: the smell of flesh, which smells like chicken soup, and the smell of lilies, the flower of another garden, the spiritual garden. ~ Carlos Santana,
1196:Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell: It fell upon a little western flower, Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound, And maidens call it love-in-idleness. ~ William Shakespeare,
1197:You don't need to compete with the rest. You don't need constant validation from others. You just need to excel in your own field. You just need to bloom the flower that you are. ~ Amit Ray,
1198:But if all else fails, I can always write her a sonnet.” “A sonnet?” said Hugh. “No woman can resist having her name rhymed with a flower in iambic pentameter,” said Daniel. ~ Helen Simonson,
1199:God is the very creative energy of existence - creativity rather than a creator. He is not the poet but the poetry, not the dancer but the dance, not the flower but the fragrance. ~ Rajneesh,
1200:if a sheep eats bushes does it eat flowers too? a sheep eats whatever it finds even a flower with thorn? even a flower with thorns. then what's the good of thorns? ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1201:It did not feel like something that was going to take over my life and destroy it. It felt like a subtle flower instead of a manipulative demon. That's the mystery of heroin. ~ Corey Feldman,
1202:Something had changed. He had journeyed—as on rare occasions a man must—till he stood behind right and wrong. On the banks of the grey torrent of life, love is the only flower. ~ E M Forster,
1203:Sometimes it is better not to talk about art by using the word "art". If we just act with awareness and integrity, our art will flower, and we don't have to talk about it at all. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1204:The golden age is not in the past, but in the future; not in the origin of human experience, but in its consummate flower; not opening in Eden, but out from Gethsemane. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin,
1205:The infinitude of creation is great enough to make a world, or a Milky Way of worlds, look in comparison with it what a flower or an insect does in comparison with the Earth. ~ Immanuel Kant,
1206:True beauty is a ray That springs from the sacred depths of the soul, and illuminates the body, just as life springs from the kernel of a stone and gives colour and scent to a flower. ~ Rumi,
Memory of you is . . . a blue spear of flower.
I cannot remember the name of it.
Alongside a bold dripping poppy is fire and silk.
And they cover you.
~ Carl Sandburg,
1208:We are a species that has lost its way. Everything natural, every flower or tree, and every animal have important lessons to teach us if we would only stop, look, and listen. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1209:Her lips are roses over-washed with dew, Or like the purple of Narcissus' flower; No frost their fair, no wind doth waste their power, But by her breath her beauties to renew. ~ Robert Greene,
1210:If we analyze or dissect a flower, looking for the flower among its parts, we shall not find it ... And yet, we cannot deny the existence of flowers and of their sweet scent. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1211:Mother used to say, “Roses have both petals and thorns, my dark flower. You needn’t believe something weak because it appears delicate. Show the world your bravery.” Mother ~ Kerri Maniscalco,
1212:The fullness ends when we give Nature her ransom, when we make children for her. Then she is through with us, and we become, first inside, and then outside, junk. Flower stalks. ~ John Updike,
1213:Whoever is sitting with friends is in the midst of a flower garden, though he may be in the fire. Whoever sits with an enemy is in the fire, even though he is in the midst of a garden. ~ Rumi,
1214:But even in the full flower of her fury, Carceret was perfectly in control. She didn't lash out wildly or snarl at me. She kept her words inside her, burning them like fuel. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
1215:He sat down. I sat down next to him. And after a silence, he spoke again. 'The stars are beautiful because of a flower you don't see...' I answered, 'Yes, of course. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1216:Of threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise! One thing at least is certain—This Life flies; One thing is certain and the rest is Lies; The Flower that once has blown for ever dies. ~ Omar Khayy m,
1217:The (hymns of the) Atharvangiras are the bees, the Itihasa-Purana is the flower. ~ Chandyoga Upanishad. III 4-1., quoted in S. Talageri, The Aryan Invasion Theory and Indian Nationalism (1993),
1218:This planet is not terra firma. It is a delicate flower and it must be cared for. It's lonely. It's small. It's isolated, and there is no resupply. And we are mistreating it. ~ Scott Carpenter,
1219:Who had Mama been, what had she wanted to be or do before I was born? Once I was born, her hopes had turned, and I had climbed up her life like a flower reaching for the sun. ~ Dorothy Allison,
1220:A too closely watched flower/blossoms the wrong color./Excess attention to the jonquil/turns it gentian. Flowers/need it tranquil to get/their hues right. Some/only open at midnight. ~ Kay Ryan,
1221:Don't everlastingly read messages into paintings - there's the Daisy - you don't rave over or read messages into it - you just look at that bully little flower - isn't that enough? ~ John Marin,
1222:If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1223:If we constantly focus on the stones in our mortal path, we will almost surely miss the beautiful flower or cool stream provided by a loving Father who outlined our journey. ~ Jeffrey R Holland,
1224:If you hold a beautiful flower in your hand, you can write a whole book about it. However, you are still just you perceiving and experiencing it from your own point of view. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz,
1225:I think people should maybe just go out into the garden and watch a ladybug crawl across a flower and relax their mind. That's about all you need to know about life, I think. ~ Harland Williams,
1226:Live now. When you are eating, eat. When you are loving, love. when you are talking with someone, talk. When you are looking at a flower, look. Catch the beauty of the moment! ~ Leo F Buscaglia,
1227:Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.” —THICH NHAT HANH ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1228:Never lose an opportunity to see anything that is beautiful. It is God's handwriting a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1229:She seemed a drift of fragile ash or snow, something impermanent that had blown into his arms accidentally: the petal of a faerie flower, the white feather of an angel's wing. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1230:A weed is a plant out of place.’ Let me repeat that. A weed is a plant out of place.’ I find a hollyhock in my cornfield, and it’s a weed. I find it in my yard, and it’s a flower. ~ Jim Thompson,
1231:In maiden meditation, fancy-free.
Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell.
It fell upon a little western flower,
Before milk-white, now purple with love’s wound. ~ William Shakespeare,
1232:I threw it away feeling sorry to have vainly destroyed a flower that looked beautiful in its proper place. How many different plant lives man destroys to support his own existence. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1233:She had so deep a kinship with the trees, so intuitive a sympathy with leaf and flower, that it seemed as if the blood in her veins was not slow-moving human blood, but volatile sap. ~ Mary Webb,
1234:She pored over the books. Paused to name every sketched and pressed flower aloud, and speak its meaning; an incantation to end the burden of carrying an untold story inside her. ~ Holly Ringland,
1235:So a maiden, whilst she remains untouched, so long is she dear to her own; when she has lost her chaste flower with sullied body, she remains neither lovely to boys nor dear to girls. ~ Catullus,
1236:Then let thy love be younger than thyself, Or thy affection cannot hold the bent: For women are as roses, whose fair flower, Being once display'd, doth fall that very hour. ~ William Shakespeare,
1237:Beautiful things should not be kept behind glass, they should be used. Just as beautiful women should live fully and not let herself turn into a hothouse flower, pampered and useless. ~ Lisa Cach,
1238:Creativity is our true nature; blocks are an unnatural thwarting of a process at once as normal and as miraculous as the blossoming of a flower at the end of a slender green stem. ~ Julia Cameron,
1239:Earth relates to the Universe as the second segment of the left antenna of an aphid sitting on a flower petal in a garden in Teaneck, New Jersey, for a few hours this afternoon. ~ Edward O Wilson,
1240:Far away if first black, But it shall be back Over field Over flower In the twilight hour. We are home in our tree. We are owls, we are free. As we go, this we know Glaux is nigh. ~ Kathryn Lasky,
1241:g “All flesh is like grass         and all its glory like the flower of grass.     The grass withers,         and the flower falls,     25  h but the word of the Lord remains forever. ~ Anonymous,
1242:He could totally be your boyfriend," [Angel] went on with annoying persistence. "You guys could get married. I could be like a junior bridesmaid. Total could be your flower dog. ~ James Patterson,
1243:He sat down. I sat down next to him. And after a silence, he spoke again. 'The stars are beautiful because of a flower you don't see...'
I answered, 'Yes, of course. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1244:I Hide Myself Within My Flower
I hide myself within my flower,
That fading from your Vase,
You, unsuspecting, feel for me—
Almost a loneliness.
~ Emily Dickinson,
1245:In April the sweet showers fall And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all The veins are bathed in liquor of such power As brings about the engendering of the flower. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer,
1246:Second: the discipline to nurture these gifts to maturity, for though humanity’s topsoil is fertile with talent, only one seed in ten thousand will ever flower—for want of discipline. ~ Anonymous,
1247:See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume and honey. When its work is done, it falls away quietly. Try to be like the flower, unassuming despite all its qualities. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1248:To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
   ~ William Blake, To See a World, Auguries of Innocence,
1249:We think a flower on a cliff is beautiful Because we stop our feet at the cliff's edge Unable to step out into the sky Like that fearless flower --Sosuke Aizen,Flower on the Precipice ~ Tite Kubo,
1250:You are a flower crushed beneath the feet of the animal that is concealed in a human being. Take comfort, in that you are the flower crushed and not the foot that has crushed it. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1251:Dear common flower, that grow'st beside the way, Fringing the dusty road with harmless gold, First pledge of blithesome May, Which children pluck, and, full of pride uphold. ~ James Russell Lowell,
1252:If the flower of my generation had not been blown to bits in the war they would have brought it back again. Now it’s too late. So few of us are left.” The bride at St. George’s ~ Daphne du Maurier,
1253:People often make the mistake of believing the rose’s magnificence is just in the flower, failing to see the whole picture. But the thorn is there to protect, to keep the rose safe. ~ Sejal Badani,
1254:Some people fall head over heels. Other people begin to fall without even knowing it—love grows like a spring flower beneath last autumn’s leaves and catches them by surprise. ~ Elizabeth Chandler,
1255:Sometimes it is better not to talk about art by using the word "art". If we just act with awareness and integrity, our art will flower, and we don't have to talk about it at all. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1256:Wilt thou not perfect this rather that sprang too from Wisdom and Power?
Taking the earthly rose canst thou image not Heaven in a flower? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Descent of Ahana,
1257:And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created. ~ D H Lawrence,
1258:An oak is a tree. A rose is a flower. A deer is an animal. A sparrow is a bird. Russia is our fatherland. Death is inevitable.

P. Smirnovsky, A Textbook of Russian Grammar ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
1259:Beauty doesn't have to be about anything. What's a vase about? What's a sunset or a flower about? What, for that matter, is Mozart's Twenty-third Piano Concerto about? ~ Douglas Adams,
1260:Bug, meanwhile, had learned at Marshtown that might made right, and he got older and paler, his head downcast like a nodding flower that expects itself to be cut at any moment. ~ William T Vollmann,
1261:God is the Seed; The Universe is the Tree, Impulses and passions are the branches, Intelligence is the flower, Pure Consciousness is the fruit, Love is the sweetness in the fruit. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
1262:Happiness is within you... so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow- like the sweet flower you are. I know the answer- just spread your wings and set yourself free. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
1263:I had been dreaming a complicated dream about helping poets revise their poems, so that each ending would open like a flower. I was not arguing, but engaged in a rousing discussion. ~ Diane Wakoski,
1264:I will become a firefly and even in the day my glow will be seen in spite of the sun. Let others be as butterflies who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life. ~ Og Mandino,
1265:See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume and honey. When it's work is done, it falls away quietly. Try to be like the flower, unassuming despite all it's qualities. ~ A P J Abdul Kalam,
1266:William Henry Flower the Anglican too praised evolution as a cleansing solvent, dissolving the dross which had 'encrusted' Christianity 'in the days of ignorance and superstition'. ~ Adrian Desmond,
1267:You cannot make a man love me any more than you can keep a flower from turning its face to the sun. Nature has endowed us with certain urges. That’s why we speak of the magic of love. ~ Susan Wiggs,
1268:A good woman is the loveliest flower that blooms under heaven; and we look with love and wonder upon its silent grace, its pure fragrance, its delicate bloom of beauty. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray,
1269:It was in the 1920s, when nobody had time to reflect, that I saw a still-life painting with a flower that was perfectly exquisite, but so small you really could not appreciate it. ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
1270:My flower is ephemeral," the little prince said to himself, "and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left her on my planet, all alone! ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1271:Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies; One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies; The Flower that once has blown for ever dies. ~ Omar Khayy m,
1272:The anthropologists are busy, indeed, and ready to transport us back into the savage forest where all human things ... have their beginnings; but the seed never explains the flower. ~ Edith Hamilton,
1273:Then the dog began to moan in old Salamano’s room, and through the sleep-bound house the little plaintive sound rose slowly, like a flower growing out of the silence and the darkness. ~ Albert Camus,
1274:Beauty's a doubtful good, a glass, a flower, Lost, faded, broken, dead within an hour; And beauty, blemish'd once, for ever's lost, In spite of physic, painting, pain, and cost. ~ William Shakespeare,
1275:Divine Love, true love, finds its delight and its satisfaction in itself; it has no need to be received and appreciated, nor to be shared
   - it loves for the sake of loving, as a flower blooms. ~ ?,
1276:Faded the flower and all its budded charms,Faded the sight of beauty from my eyes,Faded the shape of beauty from my arms,Faded the voice, warmth, whiteness, paradise!Vanishd unseasonably ~ John Keats,
1277:Fior Di Maggio
Oh! May sits crowned with hawthorn-flower,
And is Love's month, they say;
And Love's the fruit that is ripened best
By ladies' eyes in May.
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
1278:For Ellid born of Eitha had a face like a flower for loveliness and a body like a doe for grace; her mind was steadfast as a sword and her spirit was bright as its skylit blade. Cuin ~ Nancy Springer,
1279:For the Sensitive Plant has no bright flower; Radiance and odour are not its dower; It loves, even like Love, its deep heart is full, It desires what it has not, the beautiful. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
1280:Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff; Life and these lips have long been separated: Death lies on her like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. ~ William Shakespeare,
1281:My child, human love is an infinite resource. No matter how many times it is expended, whether stolen or given away, love can grow again—like a flower from a bulb—and fill your heart. ~ Brian Herbert,
1282:Poetry and imagination begin life. A child will fall on its knees on the gravel walk at the sight of a pink hawthorn in full flower, when it is by itself, to praise God for it. ~ Florence Nightingale,
1283:Taste may be compared to that exquisite sense of the bee, which instantly discovers and extracts the quintessence of every flower, and disregards all the rest of it. ~ Fulke Greville 1st Baron Brooke,
1284:The Old Testament is the Gospel in the bud, the New Testament is the Gospel in full flower. The Old Testament is the Gospel in the blade; the New Testament is the Gospel in full ear. ~ John R W Stott,
1285:A creature revolting against a creator is revolting against the source of his own powers-including even his power to revolt...It is like the scent of a flower trying to destroy the flower. ~ C S Lewis,
1286:Each flower is a secret language. When I wear a combination of flowers together, it's like I'm writing my own secret code that no one else can understand unless they know my language. ~ Holly Ringland,
1287:Her blue bicycle was waiting against the front stoop. It was the French kind, with wide wheels and a woven basket for trips to the flower shop and buying baguettes on Sunday mornings. ~ Kristy Cambron,
1288:The worlds in which we live at heart are one, The world "I am," the fruit of "I have done"; And underneath these worlds of flower and fruit, The world "I love,"--the only living root. ~ Henry Van Dyke,
1289:A flower can't grow without rain. (Alexion) Too much rain and it drowns. (Danger) And yet the most beautiful of the lotus flowers are the ones that grow in the deepest mud. (Alexion) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1290:Even in the most barren wasteland, a flower always grows. Recognize this, and learn to adapt to your surroundings.
-Dr. Bryce Haynes (planetary ecologist assigned to study Duneworld) ~ Frank Herbert,
1291:Los Angeles, give me some of you! Los Angeles come to me the way I came to you, my feet over your streets, you pretty town I loved you so much, you sad flower in the sand, you pretty town! ~ John Fante,
1292:Los Angeles, give me some of you! Los Angeles come to me the way I came to you, my feet over your streets, you pretty town I loved you so much, you sad flower in the sand, you pretty town. ~ John Fante,
1293:Oh mysterious world... I have become better for having understood and having loved thy human soul - a flower which has ceased to bloom and whose fragrance no one henceforth will breathe. ~ Paul Gauguin,
1294:Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my heart rolled out of my rib cage and down into a flower bed. ~ E Lockhart,
1295:You know--my flower . . . I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! She is so naïve! She has four thorns, of no use at all, to protect herself against all the world . . . ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1296:And the Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
1297:[art] those images that strike the heart and set it blooming like a flower, images that open up some much, much larger beauty that you can spend your whole life looking for and never find. ~ Donna Tartt,
1298:For they (art and music) are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited. ~ C S Lewis,
1299:I knew it was going to take him some time to stop treating me like a delicate flower and realize I was just as tough as most of the ash. Sure, I had boobs, but that only increased my power. ~ Jaymin Eve,
1300:Of course I love you," the flower said to him. "It is my fault that you have not known it all the while. That is of no importance. But you--you have been just as foolish as I. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1301:The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower—suitable to any occasion. I carried them on my wedding day, and now I place them here in memory of something that has died. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
1302:The wind may have no body to call its own, and yet it echoes through the pine forests. On the other hand, a flower, as long as it has its colors, need not say a word to make itself felt. ~ Saikaku Ihara,
1303:They run amuck; I let them. Pride of lions in the yard. Stare and they burn a hole in your retina. A common flower, a weed that no one sees, yes. But for us, a noble thing, the dandelion. ~ Ray Bradbury,
1304:True beauty is a ray
That springs from the sacred depths of the soul,
and illuminates the body, just as life
springs from the kernel of a stone and
gives colour and scent to a flower. ~ Rumi,
1305:A march of his greatness are the wheeling stars.
His laughter of beauty breaks out in green trees,
His moments of beauty triumph in a flower; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1306:A very common flower adds generosity to beauty. It gives joy to the poor, to the rude, and to the multitudes who could have no flowers were nature to charge a price for her blossoms. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
1307:By means of microscopic observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower can become the foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby we may perceive Truth. ~ Yukio Mishima,
1308:Daffy bent down suddenly, and picked a small startled white flower. "Anemone," he said, handing it over; he made her repeat the word until she had it right. "Find me a silk to match that. ~ Emma Donoghue,
1309:He would spend the day in the rear of the store writing wild notes, which he would send to Amaranta with flower petals and dried butterflies, and which she would return unopened. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
1310:If a sheep eats bushes does it eat flowers too?
A sheep eats whatever it finds.
Even a flower with thorn?
Even a flower with thorns.
Then what's the good of thorns? ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1311:In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon the Red House was taking its siesta. There was a lazy murmur of bees in the flower-borders, a gentle cooing of pigeons in the tops of the elms. From ~ A A Milne,
1312:It matters not who you love, but only the quality of such a love. A flower is no less beautiful because it does not bloom in the expected form. Because it lasts an hour, and not days. ~ Alexandra Bracken,
1313:Never to tire, never to grow cold; to be patient, sympathetic, tender; to look for the budding flower and the opening heart; to hope always; like God, to love always--this is duty. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
1314:New Year is a spring time! Open up like a flower! Let the world see your energy! And when the world see your energy and enthusiasm, the previously locked doors will be opened to you! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1315:So will I build my altar in the fields, And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be, And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields Shall be the incense I will yield to thee. ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1316:Thanks to the gods I didn't spend much time while growing up with my grandfather's mistress and preserved the flower of my youth, waiting for the proper time to demonstrate my virility. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1317:Two features would be with her always. Her chin was firm and her mouth was as sweet as a flower and very wide and pink. Her hazel eyes were sharp and intelligent and completely fearless. ~ John Steinbeck,
1318:What power has love but forgiveness? In other words by its intervention what has been done can be undone. What good is it otherwise? —William Carlos Williams, “Asphodel, That Greeny Flower ~ Jodi Picoult,
1319:Do you ever feel guilty?” she asked, clutching a flower to her chest.

“Yes,” I replied. “But only because it has taken me so long to realize who I am and what truly stirs my heart. ~ Michael Faudet,
1320:We'll dive into the earth together. And if one day a wild flower finds water and springs up from that piece of earth, its stem will have two blooms for sure: one will be you, the other me. ~ Naz m Hikmet,
1321:24for      g “All flesh is like grass         and all its glory like the flower of grass.     The grass withers,         and the flower falls, 25     h but the word of the Lord remains forever. ~ Anonymous,
1322:A flower doesn't count the number of bees that come nor does it pump up its smell just when you walk by. Its nature, as is ours, is to expand itself no matter if anyone ever loves us back. ~ John Douillard,
1323:Like a painting, we will be erased. Like a flower, we will dry up here on earth. Like plumed vestments of the precious bird, That precious bird with the agile neck, We will come to an end. ~ Charles C Mann,
1324:She walks in the loveliness she made,
Between the apple-blossom and the water--
She walks among the patterned pied brocade,
Each flower her son, and every tree her daughter. ~ Vita Sackville West,
1325:When we see a beautiful object, a beautiful garden, or a beautiful flower, let us think that there we behold a ray of the infinite beauty of God, who has given existence to that object. ~ Alphonsus Liguori,
1326:I'm right here right now and I want now to be the Golden Age ...if only each generation would realize that the time for greatness is right now when they're alive ... the time to flower is now. ~ Patti Smith,
1327:I plant a little notion of kindness so that at least it's there, this seedling buried inside them. Will it take root? Will it flower? Who knows? But either way, I've done my deed." -Mr. Browne ~ R J Palacio,
1328:Listen to me,” he said, “do you really think women are the flower of life? You know, you can get fed up with them after a while … All they do is stop you achieving anything serious. ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
1329:The soul of a true christian, as I then wrote my meditations, appeared like such a little white flower as we see in the spring of the year; low and humble on the ground, opening its bosom ~ Jonathan Edwards,
1330:the spiritualizing of duty gives life to it. Without this it is only dead praying, dead hearing—and dead things are not pleasing. A dead flower has no beauty, a dead breast has no sweetness. ~ Thomas Watson,
1331:The thought washed over me like water on a flower shop window, like a soothing, cool lotion after you've showered and spent the whole day in the sun, loving the sun but loving the balsam more. ~ Andr Aciman,
1332:Those fools, the poets, compare a girl in the bloom of youth to a flower. But that’s not right; flowers are too tough. A soap bubble would be better. A thing of wonder, too fragile to exist. ~ Malcolm Pryce,
1333:A flower can't grow without rain. (Alexion)
Too much rain and it drowns. (Danger)
And yet the most beautiful of the lotus flowers are the ones that grow in the deepest mud. (Alexion) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1334:A truly good book is something as natural, and as unexpectedly and unaccountably fair and perfect, as a wild-flower discovered on the prairies of the West or in the jungles of the East. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1335:I wanted to know the name of every stone and flower and insect and bird and beast. I wanted to know where it got its color, where it got its life - but there was no one to tell me. ~ George Washington Carver,
1336:Joe Klein is the flower of American political journalism, a sharp raconteur who shows traces of the gonzo style that was in vogue when he was honing his craft at Rolling Stone back in the day. ~ Thomas Frank,
1337:My God, my aim and my fulfillment; I am thy yesterday and thou are my tomorrow. I am they root in the earth and thou art my flower in the sky, and together we grow before the face of the sun. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1338:Pretty clothes are like the colors of a flower’s petals. They tell the bee where to land. After that, it’s what’s inside that holds his interest,” said Peggy, still quoting their mother. ~ Melissa de la Cruz,
1339:Strange is the riddle of this life of ours!
Who knows the meaning of the heavenly powers?
Great Caesar's wounds bleed yearly in the rose,
And flower-like ladies turn again to flowers. ~ Omar Khayy m,
1340:The seed of Godhead sleeps in mortal hearts,
The flower of Godhead grows on the world-tree:
All shall discover God in self and things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1341:'T is hers to pluck the amaranthine flower Of faith, and round the sufferer's temples bind Wreaths that endure affliction's heaviest shower, And do not shrink from sorrow's keenest wind. ~ William Wordsworth,
1342:Trying to change ourselves in order to please others - so that we can feel temporarily whole for having won their approval - is like cutting a flower into pieces so that it will fit into a vase. ~ Guy Finley,
1343:We think a flower on a cliff is beautiful
Because we stop our feet at the cliff's edge
Unable to step out into the sky
Like that fearless flower
--Sosuke Aizen,Flower on the Precipice ~ Tite Kubo,
1344:Every spark returns to darkness. Every sound returns to silence. Every flower returns to sleep with the earth. The journey of the sun and moon is predictable. But yours, is your ultimate
art. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1345:Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff;
Life and these lips have long been separated:
Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. ~ William Shakespeare,
1346:It's a funny thing no matter who you are when you purchase a flower or a plant, the first thing you ask is how do I keep this plant and keep it growing beautiful. People need the same concern. ~ Maxine Powell,
1347:It won't happen yet, Ellen mused, mashing cooked carrots for Jill's lunch. Breakups seldom do. It will unfold slowly, one little tell-tale symptom after another like some awful, hellish flower. ~ Sylvia Plath,
1348:She lay down on top of the spongy, flower-patterned comforter, but in spite of having slept only three hours, she wasn't tired. She had the pepper in her blood of a soldier being sent to war. ~ J Ryan Stradal,
1349:Stay insane, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention. Concentrate on this flower and allow the real "I" to reveal itself. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1350:There are still some terrible cliches in the presentation of Indian fiction. The lotus flower. The hennaed hands. In mainland Europe, people still slap these images on my books and I go bananas. ~ Hari Kunzru,
1351:This dramatic, hearty flower with its deep maroon made me so happy. I was so in love with its color, and it taught me that beauty could live in a seedy area. Not only live but also be strong! ~ Drew Barrymore,
1352:Whether the flower or the color is the focus I do not know. I do know the flower is painted large to convey my experience with the flower - and what is my experience if it is not the color? ~ Georgia O Keeffe,
1353:Christ's mission is to release the divine into our conscious knowing. He awakens the impulse in humanity to rise above his lower nature and be aware of his higher nature that dwells within. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
1354:If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation. ~ Osho,
1355:Oh, come with old Khayyàm, and leave the Wise
To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;
One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies;
The Flower that once has blown forever dies. ~ Omar Khayy m,
1356:Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid’s pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds. ~ J K Rowling,
1357:The proper way to eat a fig, in society,
Is to split it in four, holding it by the stump,
And open it, so that it is a glittering, rosy, moist, honied, heavy-petalled four-petalled flower. ~ D H Lawrence,
1358:Were you to realize the forms minute and glorious, which invisibly play their parts in service around you, there could be no monotony - only a divine rapture of gratitude for such ministry. ~ Flower A Newhouse,
1359:When the mind is running your life, conflict, strife, and problems are inevitable. Being in touch with your inner body creates a clear space of no-mind within which the relationship can flower. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1360:Botanically, a berry is defined as a fruit produced from the ovary of a single flower. Which includes grapes, tomatoes, and peppers, but not a lot of the fruits that we commonly consider berries. ~ Susannah Nix,
1361:Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~ Dwight D Eisenhower,
1362:I love how, whenever you tell me a story, you go backwards and forwards and tell me everything else that could possibly be happening in every direction, like an explosion. Like a flower blooming. ~ Andrew Smith,
1363:In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue and white;
Like sapphire, pearl, and rich embroidery,
Buckled below fair knighthood's bending knee;
Fairies use flower for their charactery. ~ William Shakespeare,
1364:It is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on its brow of the flower and retell it in words and in touch it is lovely until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing. ~ Galway Kinnell,
1365:Long as there's a sun that sets, Primroses will have their glory; Long as there are violets, They will have a place in story: There's a flower that shall be mine, 'Tis the little Celandine. ~ William Wordsworth,
1366:Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain - This Life flies;
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies -
The Flower that once has blown forever dies. ~ Omar Khayy m,
1367:Peace in every step. The shining red sun is my heart. Each flower smiles with me. How green, how fresh all that grows. How cool the wind blows. Peace is every step. It turns the endless path to joy. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1368:There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1369:I realized that the hair is there for a reason – it’s the leaf around the flower, the lawn around the house. You have to love the hair in order to love the vagina. You can’t pick the parts you want. ~ Eve Ensler,
1370:One loses, as one grows older, something of the lightness of one's dreams; one begins to take life up in both hands, and to care more for the fruit than the flower, and that is no great loss perhaps. ~ W B Yeats,
1371:Substitute any vegetable that grows with its leafy head aboveground for another: a flower for a flower, a root for a root, shoot for shoot, stem for stem, tuber for tuber. (No rules apply to beets. ~ Tamar Adler,
1372:That's another lesson I've learned the hard way. All relationships will die if they aren't nurtured. Just as a flower will die if it's not watered. Because love is demonstration, not declaration. ~ Patti LaBelle,
1373:The dance grew into a colorful flower bouquet which caught and contained the glow of sun-happy summer days, the secret of star-studded nights, and the wistful sweetness of overcast and rainy hours. ~ Mary Wigman,
1374:The Nature of This Flower Is to Bloom

Rebellious. Living.
Against the Elemental Crush.
A Song of Color
For Deserving Eyes.
Blooming Gloriously
For its Self. ~ Alice Walker,
1375:Then I feel, Harry, that I have given away my whole soul to someone who treats it as if it were a flower to put in his coat, a bit of decoration to charm his vanity, an ornament for a summer's day. ~ Oscar Wilde,
1376:When our instinctual life is shamed, the natural core of our life is bound up. It’s like an acorn going through excruciating agony for becoming an oak, or a flower feeling ashamed for blossoming. ~ John Bradshaw,
1377:When we see a beautiful object, a beautiful garden, or a beautiful flower, let us think that there we behold a ray of the infinite beauty of God, who has given existence to that object. ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
1378:If someone loves the flower that exists in a single sample in millions of stars, it’s enough for him to look at stars and be happy. He can say to himself. “My flower is somewhere there… ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1379:The Gods and Goddesses of myth, legend and fairy tale represent archetypes, real potencies and potentialities deep within the psyche, which, when allowed to flower permit us to be more fully human. ~ Margot Adler,
1380:The key to helping our rarer species to thrive is probably simply to add more flower patches to the landscape, making it a little easier for them to find food and keep their nests well provisioned. ~ Dave Goulson,
1381:Thy soul is a brief flower by the gardener Mind
Created in thy matter’s terrain plot;
It perishes with the plant on which it grows. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal
1382:A bud is a flower-to-be. A flower in waiting. Waiting for just the right warmth and care to open up. It's a little fist of love waiting to unfold and be seen by the world. And that's you. ~ Christopher Paul Curtis,
1383:Be different. Be original. Nobody will remember a specific flower in garden loaded with thousands of the same yellow flower, but they will remember the one that managed to change its color to purple. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1384:Blood and tears are going to be our lot, whether we like them or not. Our blood and tears will flow; maybe the parched soil of India needs them so that the fine flower of freedom may grow again. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru,
1385:Either there is a God, and that God the perfect heart of truth and loveliness, or all poetry and art is but an unsown, unplanted, rootless flower, crowning a somewhat symmetrical heap of stones. ~ George MacDonald,
1386:If the man who paints only the tree, or flower, or other surface he sees before him were an artist, the king of artists would be the photographer. It is for the artist to do something beyond this. ~ James Whistler,
1387:If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation. ~ Rajneesh,
1388:Inside each one of us is a beautiful flower garden. This is the garden of the soul. With each lesson we learn, the garden grows. As we learn together, our individual gardens form a tranquil paradise. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
1389:In the general course of things, when beauty passes, the flower bows its head upon the stem and fails. Sometimes, though, when the petals droop, a framework of tempered steel is revealed within. ~ Jacqueline Carey,
1390:That’s okay,” Apollo replied, smiling at him in a wholly creepy' hide your kids' kind of way. “When you least expect it, I’m going to turn you into a a pink flower that smells like cat pee. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1391:Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1392:He watched in the alchemist radiance of her suns
The crimson outburst of one secular flower
On the tree-of-sacrifice of spiritual love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1393:I like the posture, but not the yoga.
I like the inebriated morning, but not the opium. I like the flower but not the garden, the moment but not the dream. Quiet, my love. Be still. I am sleeping. ~ Roman Payne,
1394:Love is not a whim. Love is not a flower that fades with a few fleeting years. Love is a choice wedded to action, my husband, and I choose you, and I will choose you every day for the rest of my life. ~ Brent Weeks,
1395:She got in, as she had persuaded Jerott Blyth to bring her half across France, by force of logic, a kind of flat-chested innocence and the doggedness of a flower-pecker attacking a strangling fig. ~ Dorothy Dunnett,
1396:There is something horrible about a flower;
This, broken in my hand, is one of those
He threw it in just now; it will not live another hour;
There are thousands more; you do not miss a rose ~ Charlotte Mew,
1397:There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until
their death. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1398:You are me, and I am you. Isn't it obvious that we "inter-are"? You cultivate the flower in yourself, so that I will be beautiful. I transform the garbage in myself, so that you will not have to suffer. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1399:A flower is your cousin...Sometimes a person has got to take a life, like a chicken's or a hog's when you need it...But nobody is so hungry they need to kill a flower. Cherokee great-grandmother ~ Barbara Kingsolver,
1400:Be different. Be original. Nobody will remember a specific flower in a garden filled with thousands of the same yellow flower, but they will remember the one that managed to change its color to purple. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1401:Flower No Flower
Flower no flower
mist no mist
arrives at midnight
and leaves at dawn
arrives like a spring dream – how many times
leaves like a morning cloud – nowhere to find
~ Bai Juyi,
1402:"I had learned in the meanwhile that the greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble...They can never be solved, but only outgrown." ~ Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower,
1403:Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit. Bushido is in being crazy to die. Fifty or more could not kill one such a man. ~ Nabeshima Naoshige,
1404:I see a flower. It gives me a sensation of the beautiful. I wish to paint it. And as soon as I wish to paint it I see the whole subject - flower - changed. It is now an art problem to resolve. ~ Georges Vantongerloo,
1405:Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. ~ S E Hinton,
1406:The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises. ~ Leo F Buscaglia,
1407:The flower replied: you fool! Do you imagine I blossom in order to be seen? I blossom for my own sake because it pleases me, not for the sake of others. My joy consists in my being and my blossoming. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
1408:There are so many dreams to be fulfilled, but Ultima says a man's destiny must unfold itself like a flower, with only the sun and the earth and water making it blossom, and no one else meddling in it ~ Rudolfo Anaya,
1409:There is something horrible about a flower;
This, broken in my hand, is one of those
He threw it in just now; it will not live another hour;
There are thousands more; you do not miss a rose. ~ Charlotte Mew,
1410:You deserved so much more, little flower. You deserved a Wakanda that cherished you." "But this is the Wakanda we have. And while the Midnight Angels breathe, I swear to you... they shall all pay. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
1411:Beatrix,” her brother asked, “what did you do to Hector?”
“He’s a flower mule,” she said reasonably.
“I hope it won’t distress you to learn that he’s eating his hat.”
Beatrix stifled a giggle. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
1412:Good heavens, of what un costly material is our earthly happiness composed... if we only knew it. What incomes have we not had from a flower, and how unfailing are the dividends of the seasons. ~ James Russell Lowell,
1413:If you look at every flower individually, they look quite miserable. Put them together in a vase and they become a bouquet and that's quite attractive. I think about our community often in that way ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
1414:I have raised beds, perennial beds, cut flower beds. I have an island on a pond that's just covered in peonies. I have an herb garden, tons of vegetables, raspberries. I have everything. I'm a green guy. ~ Steve Zahn,
1415:I think acting is about forgetting yourself in order to give the best of yourself. It's passing through you more than you're creating it. You're not the flower, but the vase which holds the flower. ~ Juliette Binoche,
1416:What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if,when you awoke,you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then? ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1417:When at last I took the time to look into the heart of a flower, it opened up a whole new world; a world where every country walk would be an adventure, where every garden would become an enchanted one. ~ Grace Kelly,
1418:Adversity is like the period of the rain. . . cold, comfortless, unfriendly to people and to animals; yet from that season have their birth the flower, the fruit, the date, the rose and the pomegranate. ~ Walter Scott,
1419:a flower knows, when its butterfly will return,
and if the moon walks out, the sky will understand;
but now it hurts, to watch you leave so soon,
when I don't know, if you will ever come back. ~ Sanober Khan,
1420:And I am in the world as free and slender as a deer on the plain. I get up as soft as a breath of air, raise my sleepy flower head, my feet light, I cross fields beyond the earth, world, time, God. ~ Clarice Lispector,
1421:As a lotus flower is born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world ~ Gautama Buddha,
1422:Blue evenings in Berlin, the corner chestnut in flower, light-headedness, poverty, love, the tangerine tinge of premature shoplights, and an animal aching yearn for the still fresh reek of Russia... ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
1423:Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. Any of us will put out more and better ideas if our efforts are appreciated. ~ Alex Faickney Osborn,
1424:It is as if I had made you believe
In me once again
It is as if you knew I was your true love
It was as if I didn't have to know

In this life
All you were to me
Was that flower ~ Dorothea Lasky,
1425:It was then that my religious consciousness emerged to flower years afterward into definite forms of religious dancing in which there is no sense of division between spirit and flesh, religion and art. ~ Ruth St Denis,
1426:Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. ~ Robert Frost,
1427:The thistle is a prince. Let any man that has an eye for beauty take a view of the whole plant, and where will he see a more expressive grace and symmetry; and where is there a more kingly flower? ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
1428:Yes, it is true. I am a miracle. I am a miracle like a tree is a miracle, like a flower is a miracle. Now, if I am a miracle, can I do a bad thing? I can't, because I am a miracle, I am a miracle. . . . ~ Pablo Casals,
1429:And to understand the workings of our own heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in a while, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1430:As a lotus flower is born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world. ~ Gautama Buddha,
1431:It seems to me as a woman's face doesna want flowers; it's almost like a flower itself.... It's like when a man's singing a good tune, you don't want t' hear bells tinkling and interfering wi' the sound. ~ George Eliot,
1432:Like the lotus flower that is born out of mud, we must honor the darkest parts of ourselves and the most painful of our life’s experiences, because they are what allow us to birth our most beautiful self. ~ Debbie Ford,
1433:My headache, almost gone before, had blossomed anew like some perverse flower, spreading to fill my entire skull. I groaned as I forced myself to turn toward the bed, squinting against the candlelight. ~ Seanan McGuire,
1434:A good magician’s performance tells a story. Each act should build on the next, becoming ever more engaging to fill the audience with wonder. It’s a bud that unfurls into a flower, meant to woo the audience. ~ Laura Lam,
1435:Love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year, and blessing those who give and those who receive. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1436:Most people do not know at all how beautiful the world is and how much magnificence is revealed in the tiniest things, in some flower, in a stone, in tree bark, or in a birch leaf. (Letters on Life) ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
1437:Rama glanced at her whenever a beautiful object caught his eye. Every tint of the sky, every shape of a flower or bud, every elegant form of a creeper reminded him of some aspect or other of Sita’s person. ~ R K Narayan,
1438:She had already allowed her delectable lover to pluck that flower which, so different from the rose to which it is nevertheless sometimes compared, has not the same faculty of being reborn each spring. ~ Marquis de Sade,
1439:The flower replied: You fool! Do you imagine I blossom in order to be seen? I blossom for my own sake because it pleases me, and not for the sake of others. My joy consists in my being and my blossoming. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
1440:What broke her in the end was to see that Dari, moving quietly in the snow, was tracing his flower neatly with a thin branch in the growing dark while tears were pouring down his face without surcease. ~ Guy Gavriel Kay,
1441:Goodness—you understand, Sirs?—goodness can only flower in freedom, not in tradition. The world needs change, you need tremendous revolution in yourself; the world needs
this tremendous revolution ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
1442:I've always been intrigued by things that insinuate femininity, so in my designs, something like a flower is never about the fact that it's a flower. It's more about what that repetitive motif implies. ~ Erdem Moral oglu,
1443:Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself. ~ Daisaku Ikeda,
1444:Nobody sees a flower really,it is so small. We haven't time,and to see takes time- like to have a friend takes time. One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled, but few are educated. ~ Thomas More,
1445:She was a dark, unenduring little flower - yet he thought he detected in her some quality of spiritual reticence, of strength drawn from her passive acceptance of all things. In this he was mistaken. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1446:Taking time to live is taking time to appreciate simple silence as better than any kind of talk, or watching a flower, or watching a guy wash the windows on a skyscraper and wondering what he is thinking. ~ Douchan Gersi,
1447:The hills and valleys of Heaven will be to those you now experience not as a copy is to an original, nor as the substitute is to the genuine article, but as the flower to the root, or the diamond to the coal. ~ C S Lewis,
1448:The tempter or the tempted, who sins most? Ha! Not she: nor doth she tempt: but it is I That, lying by the violet in the sun, Do as the carrion does, not as the flower, Corrupt with virtuous season. ~ William Shakespeare,
1449:We sometimes have a flash of understanding that amounts to the insight of genius, and yet it slowly withers, even in our hands - like a flower. The form remains, but the colours and the fragrance are gone. ~ Robert Musil,
1450:God's love descends on some like dew on a flower, blessed be He, but sometimes we trudge along our comfortable lives and bam, He descends on us like a splash of gasoline... and then He strikes a match. ~ Francisco X Stork,
1451:If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation. ~ Osho,
1452:The force that through the green fuse drives the flower Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees Is my destroyer. And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose My youth is bend by the same wintry fever. ~ Dylan Thomas,
1453:Wild animals passed on their way under the leaves; each track was an arterial road; and when I stooped and looked at the earth close to, I saw, from leaf to leaf and flower to flower, a moving host of insects. ~ Andr Gide,
1454:You may chisel a boy into shape, as you would a rock, or hammer him into it, if he be of a better kind, as you would a piece of bronze. But you cannot hammer a girl into anything. She grows as a flower does. ~ John Ruskin,
1455:A handsome girl with a round, dark face set like a flower on a stalk-like neck smiled prettily at John as she shut the door, then glanced at his companion and became lost in the contemplation of his eyes. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1456:For the record,” Miriam says, “I’m a supremely vulgar human being and even I think bearded taco is a disgusting term. My vagina is a beautiful flower, thank you very much, not a pube-shellacked burrito. Uck. ~ Chuck Wendig,
1457:How can I not think of you as Daisy when your hair is all about your face like the petals of a flower?" He crouched down on his heels before her chair and picked up a thick curl. "It's glossy, like sunshine. ~ Eloisa James,
1458:How shall we conquer the old man in us? When the flower becomes a fruit, the petals fall of themselves; so when the divinity increases in us, all the weaknesses of human nature vanish of their own accord. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1459:I know the expression love bloomed is metaphorical, but in my heart in this moment, there is one badass flower, captured in time-lapse photography, going from bud to wild radiant blossom in ten seconds flat. ~ Jandy Nelson,
1460:Just as a flower is made only of non-flower elements, Buddhism is made only of non-Buddhist elements, including Christian ones, and Christianity is made of non-Christian elements, including Buddhist ones. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1461:Look after the root of the tree, and the fragrant flower and luscious fruits will grow by themselves. Look after the health of the body, and the fragrance of the mind and richness of the spirit will follow. ~ B K S Iyengar,
1462:Look up at the sky. Ask yourself, 'Has the sheep eaten the flower or not?' And you'll see how everything changes...
And no grown-up will ever understand how such a thing could be so important. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1463:The principle of martial arts is not a thing that can be learned, like a science, by fact-finding and instruction in facts. It has to grow spontaneously, like a flower, in a mind free from emotions and desires. ~ Bruce Lee,
1464:The willow is green; flowers are read. The flower is not red; nor is the willow green. Same went for Charlie. Charlie was my friend; he was very nice to me. Charlie was not my friend; nor was he very nice to me. ~ A S King,
1465:For love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year, and blessing those who give and those who receive. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1466:He ought to have conceded that she was a flower not destined to open, a hothouse creation, no less beautiful, no less woth having, He should have admired her, praised her and, at the close of day, let her be. ~ Michel Faber,
1467:I am your moon and your moonlight too I am your flower garden and your water too I have come all this way, eager for you Without shoes or shawl I want you to laugh To kill all your worries To love you To nourish you. ~ Rumi,
1468:If you want to know what it means to be happy, look at a flower, a bird, a child; they are perfect images of the kingdom. For they live from moment to moment in the eternal now with no past and no future. ~ Anthony de Mello,
1469:love can die from being withheld, like a flower that is so beautiful you hide it away from the sun trying to make it last longer; but every flower needs sun, and being in love requires risking yourself. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
1470:love is not always smooth and easy. Love can be piercing. Love means exposing yourself—all of yourself, every tender part—to being hurt. Because true love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns. ~ Mia Sheridan,
1471:One loses, as one grows older, something of the lightness of one's dreams; one begins to take life up in both hands, and to care more for the fruit than the flower, and that is no great loss perhaps. ~ William Butler Yeats,
1472:The delicate exotic flower has to have the shelter of the greenhouse—it cannot endure the cold winds. It is the common weed that thrives in the wintry air—but it is not to be prized higher on that account. ~ Agatha Christie,
1473:To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour.

~ William Blake, To see a world in a grain of sand (from Auguries of Innocence)
1474:Whenever you should question your self-worth, always remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1475:When he pressed his lips to hers, she was not surprised. It happened the way the sun rose, the way a flower blossomed, the way fain fell from the sky, the way the dead stopped breathing. Naturally. Inevitably. ~ Lauren Kate,
1476:A truly good book is something as natural, and as unexpectedly and unaccountably fair and perfect, as a wild-flower discovered on the prairies of the West or in the jungles of the East. ~ Henry David Thoreau, Walking (1862).,
1477:How to explain to the earth that it was more functional as a vegetable patch than a flower garden, just as factories were more functional than schools and boys were more functional as weapons than as humans. ~ Kamila Shamsie,
1478:Mama loved him too much to leave him. Still, even now, with her face bruised and swollen. Maybe what she’d always said was true, maybe she couldn’t breathe without him, maybe she’d wilt like a flower without ~ Kristin Hannah,
1479:Six of Crows

A smol precious deadly flower, two gaybies, a beautiful Grisha warrior, a grumpy convict, and their brilliant, fearless (and sometimes clueless) leader perform a heist of epic proportions. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
1480:You cannot find the centre Where we dance , where we play, Where life is still asleep Under the closed flower , Under the smooth shell Of eggs in the cupped nest That mock the faded blue Of your remoter heaven . ~ R S Thomas,
1481:you is all of Heaven. Every leaf that falls is given life in you. Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you. And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you. Text-25. ~ Robert Holden,
1482:Apollo had changed Hyacinth into a flower to protect him. I would give Alex back control so she could protect herself instead of making the decision for her. That's how we were different from the gods. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1483:Beauty has nothing to do with possession. If possession and beauty must go together, then we are lost souls. A beautiful flower is not to be possessed, it's there to be beheld. … It's there for your pleasure. ~ Diana Vreeland,
1484:Does an iris,” he asked, tracing such a flower on the wall, “seek to repay the sun which gave it life? No, the mere beauty of the iris is tenfold thanks enough, for each day the sun can see the wonder it created. ~ John Shors,
1485:I already, and for weeks afterward, felt my nature the coarser for this part of my woodland experience, and was reminded that ourlife should be lived as tenderly and daintily as one would pluck a flower. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1486:I know love,"
Says the littlest one.
"Love is like a flower."

"Why is love a flower?
Little one tell me."

"Love is a flower
For the sweetness it gives
Before it dies away. ~ Guy Gavriel Kay,
1487:In the Kamigata area, they have a sort of tiered lunchbox they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. The end is important in all things. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
1488:I smiled at my champion, but he just shook his head and muttered more words in Spanish. I was pretty sure he either called me a beautiful tropical flower or a raving lunatic. Sometimes I get my nouns mixed up. ~ Jenny B Jones,
1489:It's love," thought Abel, "it's love that gives them this calmness, this peace. And suddenly he was gripped by a violent desire to love, to give himself, to find the red flower of love growing in his arid life. ~ Jos Saramago,
1490:So he waited, listening for a moment loner to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1491:So wise men avoided Usha. The death of her husband ensured that she became inauspicious. The white sari wrapped itself around her shaking body and the lily of her youth wilted before it had even begun to flower. ~ Paul Haston,
1492:The beauty that is there is also available for me, too. But I see a deeper beauty that isn't so readily available to others.... I don't see how studying a flower ever detracts from its beauty. It only adds ~ Richard P Feynman,
1493:The diamond cannot love the flower, for the flower lives only a day, then fades and dies. You are a diamond now."

" The flower dies," Jenny said softly, "having lived. The diamond will never do either. ~ Barbara Hambly,
1494:The happier you are, the more attractive you will be to those you love and cherish. As a great teacher once said, "Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things toward you. ~ Janet Bray Attwood,
1495:Under the olive trees, from the ground Grows this flower, which is a wound. It is easier to ignore Than the heroes' sunset fire Of death plunged in their willed desire Raging with flags on the world's shore. ~ Stephen Spender,
1496:What the flower vendor interpreted as 'pretty nasty'
was only the intensity that comes to those who, better late than never, have found a
purpose in life and are pursuing it to make up for lost time. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
1497:With the tip of his tongue, he outlined her ear. “Topsannah, tani-har-ro.” The words came out so slurred, she doubted he even knew he was saying them. “Prairie flower,” he muttered, “in springtime. ~ Catherine Anderson,
1498:but one loses, as one grows older, something of the lightness of one's dreams; one begins to take life up in both hands, and to care more for the fruit than the flower, and that is no great loss perhaps. ~ William Butler Yeats,
1499:Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. ~ Karl Marx,
1500:Do not allow any negativity or ugliness in your surroundings, or anybody at all, destroy your confidence or affect your growth as a blooming flower. It is very normal for one ugly weed to not want to stand alone. ~ Suzy Kassem,

IN CHAPTERS [300/1434]

  662 Poetry
  374 Integral Yoga
  117 Fiction
  111 Philosophy
  102 Mysticism
   76 Occultism
   55 Yoga
   45 Christianity
   28 Psychology
   23 Philsophy
   12 Science
   10 Sufism
   8 Zen
   7 Hinduism
   7 Buddhism
   6 Integral Theory
   4 Mythology
   4 Education
   4 Baha i Faith
   3 Theosophy
   1 Thelema
   1 Islam
   1 Alchemy

  234 The Mother
  168 Satprem
  167 Sri Aurobindo
  101 William Wordsworth
   92 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   79 Rabindranath Tagore
   71 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   53 John Keats
   46 Sri Ramakrishna
   37 Robert Browning
   36 Li Bai
   32 James George Frazer
   28 H P Lovecraft
   26 Friedrich Schiller
   26 Carl Jung
   24 Aleister Crowley
   23 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   23 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   20 Walt Whitman
   19 William Butler Yeats
   18 Lucretius
   15 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   15 Edgar Allan Poe
   11 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   11 Kabir
   11 A B Purani
   8 Rainer Maria Rilke
   7 Rudolf Steiner
   7 Plato
   7 Hafiz
   6 Swami Vivekananda
   6 Plotinus
   5 Thomas Merton
   5 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   5 Nirodbaran
   5 Anonymous
   4 Vyasa
   4 Shiwu (Stonehouse)
   4 Jorge Luis Borges
   4 Jordan Peterson
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   4 Bokar Rinpoche
   4 Baha u llah
   4 Aldous Huxley
   3 Taigu Ryokan
   3 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   3 Matsuo Basho
   3 Lewis Carroll
   3 Joseph Campbell
   3 Jalaluddin Rumi
   2 William Blake
   2 Wang Wei
   2 Swami Krishnananda
   2 Sarmad
   2 Saint John of Climacus
   2 Ramprasad
   2 Patanjali
   2 Lalla
   2 Jayadeva
   2 Ibn Arabi
   2 George Van Vrekhem
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Friedrich Nietzsche
   2 Franz Bardon

  101 Wordsworth - Poems
   92 Shelley - Poems
   75 Tagore - Poems
   53 Keats - Poems
   45 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   37 Browning - Poems
   36 Li Bai - Poems
   32 The Golden Bough
   32 Savitri
   28 Lovecraft - Poems
   26 Schiller - Poems
   25 Agenda Vol 08
   24 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   23 Emerson - Poems
   22 Agenda Vol 02
   20 Whitman - Poems
   19 Yeats - Poems
   19 Agenda Vol 13
   18 Of The Nature Of Things
   18 Collected Poems
   15 Poe - Poems
   14 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   14 Agenda Vol 10
   13 Prayers And Meditations
   13 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   13 Agenda Vol 11
   12 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   12 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   11 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   11 Agenda Vol 07
   10 The Life Divine
   10 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   10 Letters On Yoga II
   10 Agenda Vol 09
   10 Agenda Vol 06
   9 Magick Without Tears
   9 Agenda Vol 01
   8 Words Of Long Ago
   8 The Human Cycle
   8 The Future of Man
   8 Songs of Kabir
   8 Rilke - Poems
   8 Liber ABA
   8 Goethe - Poems
   8 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   8 City of God
   8 Agenda Vol 12
   8 Agenda Vol 04
   8 5.1.01 - Ilion
   7 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   7 Questions And Answers 1956
   7 Questions And Answers 1955
   7 Questions And Answers 1954
   7 On the Way to Supermanhood
   7 Hymn of the Universe
   7 Faust
   7 Essays Divine And Human
   7 Crowley - Poems
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 Talks
   6 Questions And Answers 1953
   6 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   6 Agenda Vol 03
   6 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   5 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   5 The Blue Cliff Records
   5 The Bible
   5 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   5 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   5 On Education
   5 Hafiz - Poems
   5 Essays On The Gita
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   5 Aion
   4 Walden
   4 Vishnu Purana
   4 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   4 The Phenomenon of Man
   4 The Perennial Philosophy
   4 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   4 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   4 Record of Yoga
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Let Me Explain
   4 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   4 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   3 Theosophy
   3 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   3 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   3 Some Answers From The Mother
   3 Ryokan - Poems
   3 Raja-Yoga
   3 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   3 Letters On Yoga IV
   3 Letters On Yoga I
   3 Basho - Poems
   3 Alice in Wonderland
   2 Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit
   2 Words Of The Mother III
   2 Vedic and Philological Studies
   2 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   2 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   2 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   2 The Book of Certitude
   2 Preparing for the Miraculous
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   2 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   2 Letters On Yoga III
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   2 Amrita Gita
   2 Agenda Vol 05

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Man has two aspects or natures; he dwells in two worlds. The first is the manifest world the world of the body, the life and the mind. The body has Flowered into the mind through the life. The body gives the basis or the material, the life gives power and energy and the mind the directing knowledge. This triune world forms the humanity of man. But there is another aspect hidden behind this apparent nature, there is another world where man dwells in his submerged, larger and higher consciousness. To that his soul the Purusha in his heart only has access. It is the world where man's nature is transmuted into another triune realitySat, Chit and Ananda.
   The one, however, is not completely divorced from the other. The apparent, the inferior nature is only a preparation for the real, the superior nature. The Path of the Fathers concerns itself with man as a mental being and seeks so to ordain and accomplish its duties and ideals as to lead him on to the Path of the Gods; the mind, the life, and the body consciousness should be so disciplined, educated, purified, they should develop along such a line and gradually rise to such a stage as to make them fit to receive the light which belongs to the higher level, so allowing the human soul imbedded in them to extricate itself and pass on to the Immortal Life.

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Qabalah has nothing to do with any of them. Attempts on the part of cultish-partisans to impart higher mystical meanings, through the Qabalah, etc., to their now sterile faiths is futile, and will be seen as such by the younger generation. They, the Flower and love children, will have none of this nonsense.
  I felt this a long time ago, as I still do, but even more so. The only way to explain the partisan Jewish attitude demonstrated in some small sections of the book can readily be explained. I had been reading some writings of Arthur Edward Waite, and some of his pomposity and turgidity stuck to my mantle. I disliked his patronising Christian attitude, and so swung all the way over to the other side of the pendulum. Actually, neither faith is particularly important in this day and age. I must be careful never to read Waite again before embarking upon literary work of my own.

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   The temple garden stands directly on the east bank of the Ganges. The northern section of the land and a portion to the east contain an orchard, Flower gardens, and two small reservoirs. The southern section is paved with brick and mortar. The visitor arriving by boat ascends the steps of an imposing bathing-ghat which leads to the chandni, a roofed terrace, on either side of which stand in a row six temples of Siva. East of the terrace and the Siva temples is a large court, paved, rectangular in shape, and running north and south. Two temples stand in the centre of this court, the larger one, to the south and facing south, being dedicated to Kali, and the smaller one, facing the Ganges, to Radhakanta, that is, Krishna, the Consort of Radha. Nine domes with spires surmount the temple of Kali, and before it stands the spacious natmandir, or music hall, the terrace of which is sup- ported by stately pillars. At the northwest and southwest
   corners of the temple compound are two nahabats, or music towers, from which music flows at different times of day, especially at sunup, noon, and sundown, when the worship is performed in the temples. Three sides of the paved courtyard — all except the west — are lined with rooms set apart for kitchens, store-rooms, dining-rooms, and quarters for the temple staff and guests. The chamber in the northwest angle, just beyond the last of the Siva temples, is of special interest to us; for here Sri Ramakrishna was to spend a considerable part of his life. To the west of this chamber is a semicircular porch overlooking the river. In front of the porch runs a foot-path, north and south, and beyond the path is a large garden and, below the garden, the Ganges. The orchard to the north of the buildings contains the Panchavati, the banyan, and the bel-tree, associated with Sri Ramakrishna's spiritual practices. Outside and to the north of the temple compound proper is the kuthi, or bungalow, used by members of Rani Rasmani's family visiting the garden. And north of the temple garden, separated from it by a high wall, is a powder-magazine belonging to the British Government.
   In the twelve Siva temples are installed the emblems of the Great God of renunciation in His various aspects, worshipped daily with proper rites. Siva requires few articles of worship. White Flowers and bel-leaves and a little Ganges water offered with devotion are enough to satisfy the benign Deity and win from Him the boon of liberation.
   Yet this was only a foretaste of the intense experiences to come. The first glimpse of the Divine Mother made him the more eager for Her uninterrupted vision. He wanted to see Her both in meditation and with eyes open. But the Mother began to play a teasing game of hide-and-seek with him, intensifying both his joy and his suffering. Weeping bitterly during the moments of separation from Her, he would pass into a trance and then find Her standing before him, smiling, talking, consoling, bidding him be of good cheer, and instructing him. During this period of spiritual practice he had many uncommon experiences. When he sat to meditate, he would hear strange clicking sounds in the joints of his legs, as if someone were locking them up, one after the other, to keep him motionless; and at the conclusion of his meditation he would again hear the same sounds, this time unlocking them and leaving him free to move about. He would see flashes like a swarm of fire-flies floating before his eyes, or a sea of deep mist around him, with luminous waves of molten silver. Again, from a sea of translucent mist he would behold the Mother rising, first Her feet, then Her waist, body, face, and head, finally Her whole person; he would feel Her breath and hear Her voice. Worshipping in the temple, sometimes he would become exalted, sometimes he would remain motionless as stone, sometimes he would almost collapse from excessive emotion. Many of his actions, contrary to all tradition, seemed sacrilegious to the people. He would take a Flower and touch it to his own head, body, and feet, and then offer it to the Goddess. Or, like a drunkard, he would reel to the throne of the Mother, touch Her chin by way of showing his affection for Her, and sing, talk, joke, laugh, and dance. Or he would take a morsel of food from the plate and hold it to Her mouth, begging Her to eat it, and would not be satisfied till he was convinced that She had really eaten. After the Mother had been put to sleep at night, from his own room he would hear Her ascending to the upper storey of the temple with the light steps of a happy girl, Her anklets jingling. Then he would discover Her standing with flowing hair. Her black form silhouetted against the sky of the night, looking at the Ganges or at the distant lights of Calcutta.
   Naturally the temple officials took him for an insane person. His worldly well-wishers brought him to skilled physicians; but no-medicine could cure his malady. Many a time he doubted his sanity himself. For he had been sailing across an uncharted sea, with no earthly guide to direct him. His only haven of security was the Divine Mother Herself. To Her he would pray: "I do not know what these things are. I am ignorant of mantras and the scriptures. Teach me, Mother, how to realize Thee. Who else can help me? Art Thou not my only refuge and guide?" And the sustaining presence of the Mother never failed him in his distress or doubt. Even those who criticized his conduct were greatly impressed with his purity, guilelessness, truthfulness, integrity, and holiness. They felt an uplifting influence in his presence.
   Mathur had faith in the sincerity of Sri Ramakrishna's spiritual zeal, but began now to doubt his sanity. He had watched him jumping about like a monkey. One day, when Rani Rasmani was listening to Sri Ramakrishna's singing in the temple, the young priest abruptly turned and slapped her. Apparently listening to his song, she had actually been thinking of a law-suit. She accepted the punishment as though the Divine Mother Herself had imposed it; but Mathur was distressed. He begged Sri Ramakrishna to keep his feelings under control and to heed the conventions of society. God Himself, he argued, follows laws. God never permitted, for instance, Flowers of two colours to grow on the same stalk. The following day Sri Ramakrishna presented Mathur Babu with two hibiscus Flowers growing on the same stalk, one red and one white.
   Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence. Thinking that a natural life would relax the tension of his nerves, they engineered a plan with two women of ill fame. But as soon as the women entered his room, Sri Ramakrishna beheld in them the manifestation of the Divine Mother of the Universe and went into samadhi uttering Her name.
   Sri Ramakrishna, much impressed with his devotion, requested Jatadhari to spend a few days at Dakshineswar. Soon Ramlala became the favourite companion of Sri Ramakrishna too. Later on he described to the devotees how the little image would dance gracefully before him, jump on his back, insist on being taken in his arms, run to the fields in the sun, pluck Flowers from the bushes, and play pranks like a naughty boy. A very sweet relationship sprang up between him and Ramlala, for whom he felt the love of a mother.
   One day Jatadhari requested Sri Ramakrishna to keep the image and bade him adieu with tearful eyes. He declared that Ramlala had fulfilled his innermost prayer and that he now had no more need of formal worship. A few days later Sri Ramakrishna was blessed through Ramlala with a vision of Ramachandra, whereby he realized that the Rama of the Ramayana, the son of Dasaratha, pervades the whole universe as Spirit and Consciousness; that He is its Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer; that, in still another aspect, He is the transcendental Brahman, without form, attribute, or name.
   Sri Ramakrishna used to say that when the Flower blooms the bees come to it for honey of their own accord. Now many souls began to visit Dakshineswar to satisfy their spiritual hunger. He, the devotee and aspirant, became the Master. Gauri, the great scholar who had been one of the first to proclaim Sri Ramakrishna an Incarnation of God, paid the Master a visit in 1870 and with the Master's blessings renounced the world. Narayan Shastri, another great pundit, who had mastered the six systems of Hindu philosophy and had been offered a lucrative post by the Maharaja of Jaipur, met the Master and recognized in him one who had realized in life those ideals which he himself had encountered merely in books. Sri Ramakrishna initiated Narayan Shastri, at his earnest request, into the life of sannyas. Pundit Padmalochan, the court pundit of the Maharaja of Burdwan, well known for his scholarship in both the Vedanta and the Nyaya systems of philosophy, accepted the Master as an Incarnation of God. Krishnakishore, a Vedantist scholar, became devoted to the Master. And there arrived Viswanath Upadhyaya, who was to become a favourite devotee; Sri Ramakrishna always addressed him as "Captain". He was a high officer of the King of Nepal and had received the title of Colonel in recognition of his merit. A scholar of the Gita, the Bhagavata, and the Vedanta philosophy, he daily performed the worship of his Chosen Deity with great devotion. "I have read the Vedas and the other scriptures", he said. "I have also met a good many monks and devotees in different places. But it is in Sri Ramakrishna's presence that my spiritual yearnings have been fulfilled. To me he seems to be the embodiment of the truths of the scriptures."
   The Knowledge of Brahman in nirvikalpa samadhi had convinced Sri Ramakrishna that the gods of the different religions are but so many readings of the Absolute, and that the Ultimate Reality could never be expressed by human tongue. He understood that all religions lead their devotees by differing paths to one and the same goal. Now he became eager to explore some of the alien religions; for with him understanding meant actual experience.
   Keshab's sincerity was enough for Sri Ramakrishna. Henceforth the two saw each other frequently, either at Dakshineswar or at the temple of the Brahmo Samaj. Whenever the Master was in the temple at the time of divine service, Keshab would request him to speak to the congregation. And Keshab would visit the saint, in his turn, with offerings of Flowers and fruits.
   But he remained as ever the willing instrument in the hand of God, the child of the Divine Mother, totally untouched by the idea of being a teacher. He used to say that three ideas — that he was a guru, a father, and a master — pricked his flesh like thorns. Yet he was an extraordinary teacher. He stirred his disciples' hearts more by a subtle influence than by actions or words. He never claimed to be the founder of a religion or the organizer of a sect. Yet he was a religious dynamo. He was the verifier of all religions and creeds. He was like an expert gardener, who prepares the soil and removes the weeds, knowing that the plants will grow because of the inherent power of the seeds, producing each its appropriate Flowers and fruits. He never thrust his ideas on anybody. He understood people's limitations and worked on the principle that what is good for one may be bad for another. He had the unusual power of knowing the devotees' minds, even their inmost souls, at the first sight. He accepted disciples with the full knowledge of their past tendencies and future possibilities. The life of evil did not frighten him, nor did religious squeamishness raise anybody in his estimation. He saw in everything the unerring finger of the Divine Mother. Even the light that leads astray was to him the light from God.
   To those who became his intimate disciples the Master was a friend, companion, and playmate. Even the chores of religious discipline would be lightened in his presence. The devotees would be so inebriated with pure joy in his company that they would have no time to ask themselves whether he was an Incarnation, a perfect soul, or a yogi. His very presence was a great teaching; words were superfluous. In later years his disciples remarked that while they were with him they would regard him as a comrade, but afterwards would tremble to think of their frivolities in the presence of such a great person. They had convincing proof that the Master could, by his mere wish, kindle in their hearts the love of God and give them His vision.
   Dr. Sarkar arrived the following noon and pronounced that life had departed not more than half an hour before. At five o'clock the Masters body was brought downstairs, laid on a cot, dressed in ochre clothes, and decorated with sandal-paste and Flowers. A procession was formed. The passers-by wept as the body was taken to the cremation ground at the Baranagore Ghat on the Ganges.
   While the devotees were returning to the garden house, carrying the urn with the sacred ashes, a calm resignation came to their souls and they cried, "Victory unto the Guru!"

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
     the desert, till it Flower.
    See! five footprints of a Camel! V.V.V.V.V.
     Flower of virginity is esteemed by the pandar.
    Neglect not the dawn-meditation!
     Flower, common in Australia, and this connects the chapter
    with Chapters 28 and 29; but this is only an allusion, for
     The meadow represents the Flower of life; the orchard its
     in this Lily that Flowereth at the midnight. In
     this Lily is all perfume; in this Lily is all music.
     sun is not for him, nor the Flowers, nor the voices
     of the birds; for he is past beyond all these. Yea,

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  for Flowers, vegetables and fruits, a dairy, a bakery, etc., etc.! -
  you can see that it is no small affair. And as I am taking care of

0.02 - II - The Home of the Guru, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The Master, the Guru, set at rest the puzzled human mind by his illuminating answers, perhaps even more by his silent consciousness, so that it might be able to pursue unhampered the path of realisation of the Truth. Those ancient discourses answer the mind of man today even across the ages. They have rightly acquired as everything of the past does a certain sanctity. But sometimes that very reverence prevents men from properly evaluating, and living in, the present. This happens when the mind instead of seeking the Spirit looks at the form. For instance, it is not necessary for such discourses that they take place in forest-groves in order to be highly spiritual. Wherever the Master is, there is Light. And guru-griha the house of the Master can be his private dwelling place. So much was this feeling a part of Sri Aurobindo's nature and so particular was he to maintain the personal character of his work that during the first few years after 1923 he did not like his house to be called an 'Ashram', as the word had acquired the sense of a public institution to the modern mind. But there was no doubt that the Flower of Divinity had blossomed in him; and disciples, like bees seeking honey, came to him. It is no exaggeration to say that these Evening Talks were to the small company of disciples what the Aranyakas were to the ancient seekers. Seeking the Light, they came to the dwelling place of their Guru, the greatest seer of the age, and found it their spiritual home the home of their parents, for the Mother, his companion in the great mission, had come. And these spiritual parents bestowed upon the disciples freely of their Light, their Consciousness, their Power and their Grace. The modern reader may find that the form of these discourses differs from those of the past but it was bound to be so for the simple reason that the times have changed and the problems that puzzle the modern mind are so different. Even though the disciples may be very imperfect representations of what he aimed at in them, still they are his creations. It is in order to repay, in however infinitesimal a degree, the debt which we owe to him that the effort is made to partake of the joy of his company the Evening Talks with a larger public.

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   From 1922 to 1926, No. 9, Rue de la Marine, where he and the Mother had shifted, was the place where the sittings were held. There, also upstairs, was a less broad verandah than at the Guest House, a little bigger table in front of the central door out of three, and a broad Japanese chair, the table covered with a better cloth than the one in the Guest House, a small Flower vase, an ash-tray, a block calendar indicating the date and an ordinary time-piece, and a number of chairs in front in a line. The evening sittings used to be after meditation at 4 or 4.30 p.m. After 24 November 1926, the sittings began to get later and later, till the limit of 1 o'clock at night was reached. Then the curtain fell. Sri Aurobindo retired completely after December 1926, and the evening sittings came to a close.
   On 8 February 1927, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to No. 28, Rue Franois Martin, a house on the north-east of the same block as No. 9, Rue de la Marine.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This morning You gave me a Flower which signifies "Consciousness turned towards the supramental
  Light".4 What does this mean? I don't understand.
  The "iris" Flowers are very beautiful. Mother, what
  do they signify?
  "Aristocracy of beauty". It is a noble Flower which stands upright on its stalk. Its form has been stylised in the fleur-de-lis,
  emblem of the kings of France.

0.07 - DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  6. Upon my Flowery breast, Kept wholly for himself alone,
  There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is also to be noted that as mind is not the last limit of the march of evolution, even so the progress of evolution will not stop with the manifestation and embodiment of the Supermind. There are other still higher principles beyond and they too presumably await manifestation and embodiment on earth. Creation has no beginning in time (andi) nor has it an end (ananta). It is an eternal process of the unravelling of the mysteries of the Infinite. Only, it may be said that with the Supermind the creation here enters into a different order of existence. Before it there was the domain of Ignorance, after it will come the reign of Light and Knowledge. Mortality has been the governing principle of life on earth till now; it will be replaced by the consciousness of immortality. Evolution has proceeded through struggle and pain; hereafter it will be a spontaneous, harmonious and happy Flowering.
   Now, with regard to the time that the present stage of evolution is likely to take for its fulfilment, one can presume that since or if the specific urge and stress has manifested and come up to the front, this very fact would show that the problem has become a problem of actuality, and even that it can be dealt with as if it had to be solved now or never. We have said that in man, with man's self-consciousness or the consciousness of the psychic being as the instrument, evolution has attained the capacity of a swift and concentrated process, which is the process of Yoga; the process will become swifter and more concentrated, the more that instrument grows and gathers power and is infused with the divine afflatus. In fact, evolution has been such a process of gradual acceleration in tempo from the very beginning. The earliest stage, for example, the stage of dead Matter, of the play of the mere chemical forces was a very, very long one; it took millions and millions of years to come to the point when the manifestation of life became possible. But the period of elementary life, as manifested in the plant world that followed, although it too lasted a good many millions of years, was much briefer than the preceding periodit ended with the advent of the first animal form. The age of animal life, again, has been very much shorter than that of the plant life before man came upon earth. And man is already more than a million or two years oldit is fully time that a higher order of being should be created out of him.

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   . . . . .O Flowers, O delight on the tree-tops burning!
   Grasses his kine have grazed and crushed by his feet in the dancing!
   Son of man, thou hast crowned the life with the Flowers that are scentless,
   And the whole aspiration of striving mortality finds its echo in:

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And set with chequered sunbeams and bli the Flowers
  Immured her destiny's secluded scene.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   or when Mallarm describes the laurel Flower:
   Vermeil comme Iepur orteil du sraphin
   And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
   Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
   Albert Samain: "Pannyre awe talons d'or"Aux Flancs du Vase. And Pannyre became Flower, flame, butterfly.. . . As though through a silky continuity of water In a divine flash showed Pannyre naked.
   Mallarme: "Les Fleurs". "Vermilion like the pure toe of the seraph Reddened by the blush of dawns it trampled through."

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  That Godhead's seed might Flower in mindless Space.
    End of Book I - Canto IV

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Amid whose falls wonders like Flowers rise,
  Are surer than reason, defter than device

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The fragrance of the Flowers given by the Mother is often
  something extraordinary.
  You, I said to a Flower, "Oh, you are going to Mother!"
  and it really smiled. The same thing happened again
  Yes, it is a very conscious Flower - I have had many proofs of
  the upper petal of the Transformation Flower), You said,
  "The Transcendent is both one and two (or dual) at the

0 1956-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Wont you at least take a Flower?
   I wanted to take this little rose (Tenderness for the Divine), for I consider it to be the manifestation nearest to divine Love. Its disinterested, spontaneous, intimate.

0 1958-07-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   You see, this is how it happened: theres this Ganesh2 We had a meditation (this was more than thirty years ago) in the room where Prosperity3 is now distributed. There were eight or ten of us, I believe. We used to make sentences with Flowers; I arranged the Flowers, and each one made a sentence with the different Flowers I had put there. And one day when the subject of prosperity or wealth came up, I thought (they always say that Ganesh is the god of money, of fortune, of the worlds wealth), I thought, Isnt this whole story of the god with an elephant trunk merely a lot of human imagination? Thereupon, we meditated. And who should I see walk in and park himself in front of me but a living being, absolutely alive and luminous, with a trunk that long and smiling! So then, in my meditation, I said, Ah! So its true that you exist!Of course I exist! And you may ask me for whatever you wish, from a monetary standpoint, of course, and I will give it to you!
   So I asked. And for about ten years, it poured in, like this (gesture of torrents). It was incredible. I would ask, and at the next Darshan, or a month or several days later, depending, there it was.

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Each time this music is played, it produces exactly the same effect upon the body. It is strange, as if all the cells were dilating, with a feeling that the body is growing larger It becomes all dilated, as if swollen with lightwith force, a lot of force. And this music seems to form spirals, like luminous ribbons of incense smoke, white (not transparent, literally white) and they rise up and up. I always see the same thing; it begins in the form of a vase, then swells like an amphora and converges higher up to blossom forth like a Flower.
   So for these mantras, everything depends upon what you want to do with them. I am in favor of a short mantra, especially if you want to make both numerous and spontaneous repetitionsone or two words, three at most. Because you must be able to use them in all cases, when an accident is about to happen, for example. It has to spring up without thinking, without calling: it should issue forth from the being spontaneously, like a reflex, exactly like a reflex. Then the mantra has its full force.

0 1959-01-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sweet Mother, I have a kind of fear that all these mantras are not bringing me nearer to you I mean you in your physical body, for it is not upon you physically that I was told to concentrate. Also, I almost never see you in my dreams any longer, or else only very vaguely. Last night, I dreamed that I was offering you Flowers (not very pretty ones), one of which was called mantra, but I did not see you in my dream. Mother, I would like to be true, to do the right thing, to be as you want me to be.
   I am your child. I belong to you alone.

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   On another occasion, he said to me, I am ALWAYS taking care of you. And when I asked him why he was taking such trouble for me, he replied, Because I have orders. This attention that comes to me from you and him surprises me, for I do not feel that I am good, and upon the least occasion I know that I am seriously prepared to quit everything because something in me is profoundly revolted by this excess of suffering, by a lack of love and Flowering, by an excess of solitude. Yesterday evening, it was still fully there, with all my approval, and at such a time no one in the world can hold me back. It is this POINT OF SUFFERING that makes me want to turn my back on everything. Not to commit suicide: to turn my back.
   X told me the story of my last three existences (rather grim), but I will write you about that in another letter.

0 1960-06-Undated, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   You sent me this Flower, Vital Collaboration. I am taking this opportunity to tell you something which has been weighing on my heart for years and which, naturally, comes back up whenever things go badly.
   I have been here seven years and I cant count a single concrete experience, not a single vision (the only things that have ever happened were in Ceylon or Rameswaram). I havent even managed to have a few slightly conscious nights.

0 1960-10-02b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   A somewhat mocking '!' is missing. This note was accompanied by a Flower: 'Aristocracy of Beauty'.

0 1960-12-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   (Mother gives the disciple a cadamba Flower which she has named 'Supramental Sun'a striking orange ball consisting of innumerable stamens)
   Its beautiful, isnt it? Its all together, but its innumerable. Its ONE thing going in all directions. And what a color! The tree is glorious.

0 1960-12-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I came here in that state directly after the meditation, and when I sat down You see, I didnt even have the (naturally there is no question of idea) I dont know, not even the instinct to pick up a Flower for you, you understand? And when I sat down here, the consciousness of the column of Light started coming. There was no more personality, no more individuality: there was only a column of Light descending right into the very cells of the body and thats all.
   Then it gradually became conscious of itself, conscious of BEING this column of Light. And then the ordinary consciousness slowly returned.

0 1961-01-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is now a kind of VERY PRECISE knowledge of the whole inner mechanism for all thingsand what has to be done materially. This is developing, as a Flower blossoms: you see one petal open and then another and then another; it is proceeding like that, slowly, taking its time. Its the same process for the Power.
   To illustrate this, an interesting thing came upyesterday, I think. (All these experiences come to show me the difference, as if to give proof of the change.) Someone had had a dream about me whispered to him by the adverse forces for specific reasons (I wont go into the details). He was much affected by it, so he wrote down the dream and gave it to me. I was carrying his letter along with all the others, as I usually do, but suddenly I knew I had to read it right away: I read it. Then I saw the whole thing with such clarity, precision, accuracy: how it had come about, how the dream had been produced, its effect the whole functioning of all the forces. As I read along and it went on unfolding, I did what was necessary for him (he was present at the time) in order to undo what the adverse forces had done. Then at the end, when I had finished, said everything, explained what it was all about and what had to be done, something SO CATEGORICAL came into me (I cannot verbalize this kind of experience, it is what I call the difference in power: something categorical). I took the letter, uttered a few words (which I wont repeat) and said, You see, its like this: so much for that, and I ripped the letter a first time. Then, thats for that, I tore it a second time and so on. I ripped it up five times and the fifth time I saw that their power was destroyed.

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here, I have brought you two Flowers. They have two different yet very typically Indian fragrances: this one is Straightforwardness,1 and this is Simplicity.2 I have always found that this one (Mother holds out the Simplicity) has a cleansing fragrance: when you brea the it, ah, everything becomes cleanits wonderful! (Mother breathes in the Flowers fragrance.) Once I cured myself of the onset of a cold with itthis can be done when you catch it at the very beginning. It fills you completely, the nose, the throat. And this [Straightforwardness] is right at the other end of the spectrum. I find it very, very powerfulstrange, isnt it?
   Its not at all sweet-smelling.
   Its largely the fragrances that have made me give Flowers their significance. I find these studies quite interesting; it corresponds to something really TRUE in Nature.
   Once, without telling me anything, someone brought me a sprig of tulsi.3 I smelled it and said, Oh, Devotion! It was absolutely a a vibration of devotion. Afterwards, I was told its the plant of devotion to Krishna, consecrated to Krishna.
   Another time, I was brought one of those big Flowers (which are not really Flowers) somewhat resembling corn, with long, very strongly scented stalks.4 I smelled it and said, Ascetic Purity! Just like that, from the odor alone. I was later told it was Shivas Flower when he was doing his tapasya.5
   These people have an age-old knowledge the ancient Vedic knowledge which they have preserved. In other words, it is something CONCRETELY TRUE: it doesnt depend at all on the mind, on thought or even on feelingsits a vibration.
   What about this Flower, this long corn-like stalk?
   Yes, this Flower is Shiva, doing his tapasya.
   And interestingly enough, its smell is fantastically attractive to snakes; it makes them come from far away to nest in the shrubs. And as you know, the serpent is the power of evolution, it is Shivas own creature; he always puts them on his head and around his neck because they symbolize the power of evolution and transformation. And snakes like this Flower; it often grows near rivers, and wherever there is a cluster of the plants you are sure to discover snake nests.
   I find this very interesting, for WE didnt decide it should be like this: these are conscious vibrations in Nature. The fragrance, the color, the shape, are simply the spontaneous expressions of a true movement.
   Hymenan therum, a tiny yellow Flower like a miniature daisy.
   Ocimum sanctum (Basil).
   Pandanus tectorius (Keora or Screw Pine). Subsequently, Mother named this Flower 'Spiritual Perfume.'
   Tapasya: ascetic or yogic discipline.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Basically, if we were capable of. When I am up in my room, its very easy, very easy: it comes and what is a little more difficult is getting out of that state. There I am, like this (gesture of blissful abandonment), and when I feel its time to go downstairs or I have something to do or someone is coming with lunch or whatever, then its a little difficult; otherwise, I am like that (same gesture). Whats difficult is my contact with the Ashram people. As soon as I go down and simply that, having to fidget on my feet, giving people Flowers. And they are so unconsciously egotistical! If I dont go through the usual concentration on each one of them, they wonder, What is it? Whats wrong? Have I done something? And and it turns into a big drama.
   Otherwise, concentration is very good, it doesnt tire mewhen my body is not drained, when it isnt constantly aware that it exists because it hurts here, hurts there, aches here, aches there (pain is what gives it a sense of existing), when the body is able to forget itself, things go well, its nothing. Now the Force passes through me without causing fatigue, while many years ago, too much Force created tension; but its not like that now, not at allon the contrary, the body feels better when a lot of force has passed through it.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a Flower she has named 'Supramental Action.')
   [Barringtonia speciosa.]

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem some Flowers.)
   This one is the Constant Remembrance of the Divine.1 This is Life Energy2 and Purified Life Energy.3 Then Faithfulness4: the peace of FaithfulnessFaithfulness to the Divine, of course, thats understood! This is Divine Solicitude5; this is the Aspiration for Transformation,6 and the response: see how beautiful it islike velvet! its the Promise of Realization.7 Here is Light Without Obscurity,8 and finally Realization9the first Flower from the tree at Nanteuil.10
   There you are.
   You can easily make a speech using Flowers and I have noticed that this can effectively replace the old Vedic images, for instance, which no longer hold meaning for us, or the ambiguous phraseology of the ancient initiations. Flower language is much better because it contains the Force and is extremely plasticsince its not formulated in words, each one is free to arrange and receive it according to his own capacity. You can make long speeches using Flowers!
   I have nothing more to say now, except that the same situation prevails.
   All our aspirations, all our seekings, all our ascents always remind me of that Flower I gave you the other day16: its something like that (Mother makes a vague, ethereal gesture), vibrating, vibrating, vibrating, very luminous, very delicate, essentially very lovely (silence) but it is not THAT (Mother again turns her hand over to indicate an abrupt reversal). It is not That.

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Hibiscus, double Flower, light pink.

0 1961-03-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have brought you a whole discourse! (Mother gives Satprem some Flowers) First, the goal of the Vedas: Immortality.1 That was their goal: the Truth that led to Immortality. Immortality was their ambition. I dont think it was physical immortality but I am not sure, because they do speak of the forefa thers and this refers to the initiatory tradition prior to the Vedas as well as the Kabbala, and immortality on earth is spoken of there: the earth transformedSri Aurobindos idea. So although they didnt explicitly state it, perhaps they knew.
   (Mother gives more Flowers) This one is more on the personal side: Friendship with the Divine2, the friendly relationship you can have with the Divineyou understand each other, you dont fear each other, youre good friends! And this one is a wonder! (Mother gives Divine Love Governing the World3) What strength! Its generous, expansive, without narrowness, pettiness, or limitationswhen that comes.
   Canna indica, small red Flower.
   Brownea coccinea.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh! (Mother notices the Flowers in her hands) This is Supramental Beauty,2 this is Supramental Victory and this is the Endurance3 needed to get there and the Promise.4 Then this one is a lily that grows here (Mother looks at it for a long time) and inside I have put Attachment for the Divine5I brought it for you because its so lovely.
   What are we working on today? (Mother looks at Sri Aurobindos Aphorisms) Ive already begun replying!
   How long did it last? Its hard to say. But for man it was a life like a sort of Flowering of animal life. My memory is of a life where the body was perfectly adapted to its natural surroundings. The climate was in harmony with the needs of the body, the body with the demands of the climate. Life was wholly spontaneous and natural, as a more luminous and conscious animal life would be, with absolutely none of the complications and deformations brought in later by the mind as it developed.
   I have a recollection of this life, for I relived it when I first became conscious of the life of the entire earth; but I cant say how long it lasted or what area it covered I dont know. I only remember the conditions at that time, the state of material Nature and the human form and human consciousness, and this state of harmony with all the other elements of the earth: harmony with animal life and a great harmony with plant lifethere was a kind of spontaneous knowledge of how to use the things of Nature, the qualities of plants, fruits and all that vegetal nature could offer. There was no aggressiveness, no fear, no contradictions or frictions, and no perversion the mind was pure, simple, luminous, uncomplicated.
   The tree of knowledge symbolizes this kind of knowledge a material knowledge, no longer divine because its origin was the sense of division and this is what began to spoil everything. How long did this period last? I am unable to say. (Because my recollection is of an almost immortal life; it seems that it was through some sort of evolutionary accident that the destruction of forms became necessary for progress.) And where did it take place? From certain impressions (but these are only impressions), it would seem that it was in the vicinity of either this side of Ceylon and India or the other, I dont know exactly (Mother indicates the Indian Ocean either west of Ceylon and India or to the east between Ceylon and Java), although certainly the place no longer exists; it must have been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of the place and a consciousness of that life and its forms, but I cant give precise material details. Did it last for centuries, was it ? I dont know. To tell the truth, when I was reliving those moments I wasnt curious about such details (for one is in another mental state where there is no curiosity about material details: all things turn into psychological facts). It was something so simple, luminous, harmonious, far removed from all our usual preoccupationsthose very preoccupations with time and space. It was a spontaneous life, extremely beautiful, and so close to Naturea natural Flowering of animal life. There were no oppositions or contradictions, nothing of the kindeverything happened in the best way possible.
   A similar memory has recurred several times under different circumstancesnot exactly the same scene and the same images, because it wasnt something I was seeing but A LIFE I was living. During a certain period, at any time, night or day, I would experience a particular state of trance in which I was rediscovering a life I had lived. I was fully conscious that this life had to do with the first Flowering of the human form upon earth, the first human forms able to incarnate the divine being from above. This was the first time I could manifest in a particular terrestrial form (not a general life but an individual form); that is, for the first time, through the mentalization of this material substance, the junction between the higher Being and the lower being was made. I have lived that several times, and always in a similar setting and with quite a similar feeling of such joyous simplicity, without complexity, without problems, without all these questions. It was the blossoming of a joy of lifenothing but that; love and harmony prevailed: Flowers, minerals, animals all got along together perfectly.
   Things began to go wrong only a LONG time afterwards, long after (but this is a personal impression), probably because certain mental crystallizations were necessary, inevitable, for the general evolution, so that the mind might prepare itself to move on to something else. That was when oh, it seems like a fall into a pitinto ugliness, darkness! Everything became so dark, so ugly, so difficult, so painful. Really really the sense of a fall.
   Ah, there were many Flowers just like that in the landscape of this earthly paradisered, and so beautiful!
   This enigmatic experience was actually very important, as Mother will later explain (on March 17): Mother was leaving behind the subjection to mental functioning, symbolized by this place where Pavitra was working.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had told N. to knock at the door when he arrived with X, but he didnt do itluckily I heard the door opening. I stood up, still in that state and almost fell over! X must have thought I was having a spell of weakness or something, because I was holding onto the arms of the chair, and when I took his Flowers, my hands were trembling I wasnt in my body. And afterwards, ah, what a concentration! We remained in it for about thirty-five minutes. It was SOLIDan extraordinary solidity! I didnt want to waste time waiting for it to subside before coming here, and you must have seen how I was when I arrived: like a sleepwalker! I said to the people I passed in the corridor, Im coming back, Im coming back! Thats all I could say, like an idiot.

0 1961-03-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was mainly on your right side I banged on it. But strangely enough, it didnt break it became supple, but then it lost its beauty. (It was so beautiful, as though sculptured!) I tried to pass through it, but to do so (this is what I found interesting), instead of passing through at this level (the chest), the psychic plane the level of the souls vibration I had to climb up above and then descend; and finally, without even realizing it, I found myself inside I had entered through sheer force of concentration. There, at the vital level, the emotional vital (solar plexus), I put two Flowers: one very large Endurance in the Most Material Vital [zinnia] and another Flower like the one X just gave me [cosmos] but bigger and pure white (it concerns sexual movements, light in sexual movements). But curiously enough, I passed inside through a trance; I was quite busy trying to make it more fluid when all at once, poof! I found myself inside. But since I entered through a trance it became completely objective: no more thought, nothing. And I saw I had put these two Flowers there (at the levels of the abdomen and chest), one more active, a very large, dark purple Endurance Flower, and another much smaller, pure white, slightly lower down. While I was watching this I think the clock must have struck something pulled me and it all faded away.
   And I found it interesting that when I received your letter yesterday evening I concentrated for a moment, almost out of curiosity: Why doesnt he ever feel he has an experience? Why doesnt he feel anything? I wanted to know precisely what type of experience would give you the feeling of having an experience!

0 1961-04-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That one too was beautiful, with such a color! Golden chestnut, I have never seen a cat like him. He is buried here beneath the tree I named Service. I put him beneath the roots myself. There had been an old mango tree there that was withering away. We replaced it with a little copper pod tree with yellow Flowers.
   These animals are so nice when you know how to handle them.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother gives Flowers to Satprem:
   Here, this is Grace.5 Here, Balance6 (how lovely!). Here, Light without Obscurity.7 And this is purity: an Integral Conversion8 (in the cup of this Flower, Mother has placed two other Flowers: Service9 and Sri Aurobindos Compassion10), an integral conversion, with Sri Aurobindo, with his compassionhis compassion which gives us the opportunity to serve him.
   Oh, mon petit, we need to say something a bit intelligent, dont you think? Im counting on you.
   Peltaphorum pterocarpum (yellow Copper Pod tree Flower).
   Portulaca grandiflora (rose moss).

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had already had the experience for the sense of smell the divine vibration, the vibration of Ananda in odors. Just under my window, you know, Nripendra has his kitchen, where every morning and afternoon food is prepared for the children2it all comes wafting up on gusts of air. And when the Samadhi tree is in Flower, the scent wafts up to me on gusts of air; when people burn incense down below, it comes wafting up here on gusts of aireach and every fragrance (fragrancelets say odor). And generally it all comes while I am walking for my japaan Ananda of odors, each one with its meaning, its expression, its (how to say it?) its motivation and its goal. Marvelous! And there are no longer any good or bad odors that notion is gone completely. Each one has its meaningits meaning and its raison dtre. I have been experiencing this for a long time.
   But this experience of taste was completely new. It didnt last long, only a few minutes, because it amazed me so! It was as if I had a mouthful of the most marvelous foods one could imagine. And my hands were gathering it up in the atmosphere it was so funny!

0 1961-06-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yesterday I saw N. and he told me, Oh! X had an experience during the meditation with you this morning. Ah! I said to myself, This is going to be interesting. (I was wrong to think so, by the way, even for a quarter of a second.) Yes, he told me, he saw what seemed to be a transparent golden veil descending over you; and by your side were Flowers like roses, or colored like roses, with the feet of a child upon them.
   All the psychics tell you such stories!

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But there are all sorts of cases. Take N.D., for example, a man who lived his whole life with the idea of serving Sri Aurobindohe died clasping my photo to his breast. This was a consecrated man, very conscious, with an unfailing dedication, and all the parts of his being well organized around the psychic.6 The day he was going to leave his body little M. was meditating next to the Samadhi when suddenly she had a vision: she saw all the Flowers of the tree next to the Samadhi (those yellow Flowers I have called Service) gathering themselves together to form a big bouquet, and rising, rising straight up. And in her vision these Flowers were linked with the image of N.D. She ran quickly to their house andhe was dead.
   I only knew about this vision later, but on my side, when he left, I saw his whole being gathered together, well united, thoroughly homogenous, in a great aspiration, and rising, rising without dispersing, without deviating, straight up to the frontier of what Sri Aurobindo has called the higher hemisphere, there where Sri Aurobindo in his supramental action presides over earth. And he melted into that light.
   I have to goa high-priest is waiting for me! Yes, the man in charge of all the temples of Gujarat, thoroughly orthodoxhe has come to the Ashram for some mysterious reason and he wants to see me. Is it really necessary? I asked. He wanted an interview, he wants to speak to me (naturally hell be speaking god knows whatGujarati!). I had him told, I cant hear, Im deaf! Its very convenient Im deaf, I cant hear. If he wants to receive a Flower from me (I didnt say make a pranam,8 because that would be scandalous!), he can come and Ill give him a Flower. I told him eleven oclockits that time now.
   This is all Xs work. The most unexpected people, people youd think would rather be cursed than come to a place like this, are coming from everywhere, from the most diverse milieus the most materialistic materialists, fanatical communists, as well as all sorts of sannyasis, bhikkus, swamis, priestsoh! People who previously were not at all they werent so much disinterested as actually displeased with the Ashram.

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a white zinnia she has named 'Integral Endurance,' then an allamanda or 'Victory,' and finally a Flower of 'Supramental Victory.')
   Here is an Integral Endurance. But victory. Victory. And this one is Supramental Victory that is, victory in ALL details.
   It grows in huge clusters of many, many Flowers. There.
   And I go on reading.
   Sri Aurobindo also had to struggle against this because he too received a Christian education. And these Aphorisms are the result the Floweringof the necessity to struggle against the subconscious formation which has produced such questions (Mother takes on a scandalized tone): How can God be weak? How can God be foolish? How. But there is nothing but God! He alone exists, there is nothing outside of Him. And whatever seems repugnant to us is something He no longer wishes to existHe is preparing the world so that this no longer manifests, so that the manifestation can pass beyond this state to something else. So of course we violently reject everything in us that is destined to leave the active manifestation. There is a movement of rejection.
   Yet it is He. There is nothing other than He! This should be repeated from morning to night, from night to morning, because we forget it every minute.

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All at once, as I gaze above me, I glimpse something roseate; I draw nearer and discern what appears to be a shrub, as large as a tree, held fast to a blue reef. The denizens of the waters glide to and fro, myriad and diverse. Now I find myself standing upon fine, shining sand. I gaze about me in wonder. There are mountains and valleys, fantastic forests, strange Flowers that could as well be animals, and fish that might be Flowersno separation, no gap is there between stationary beings and mobile. Colors everywhere, brilliant and shimmering, or subdued, but always harmonious and refined. I walk upon the golden sands and contemplate all this beauty bathed in a soft, pale blue radiance, tiny, luminous spheres of red, green and gold circulating through it.
   How marvelous are the depths of the sea! Everywhere the presence of the One in whom all harmonies reside is felt!
   Ever westward I advance, without weariness or hesitation. Spectacle succeeds spectacle in incredible variety; here upon a rock of lapis lazuli stretch fine and delicate seaweed like long blond or violet tresses; here great, rose-hued fortress walls, all streaked with silver; here Flowers seem chiseled from enormous diamonds; here goblets, as beautiful as if carved by the most gifted sculptor, are filled with what appear to be droplets of emerald, alternately vibrant with light and shadow.
   Presently I find myself between two rock walls of sapphire blue, upon a path flecked with silver; and the water becomes ever purer and more luminous.

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem some Flowers.)
   This is Skill in Works.1

0 1961-08-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here (Mother gives some Flowers), this is the Generosity1 of inspiration, and this is the crowning achievement [Divine Love2].
   So, petit, everything all right? Yes?
   Punica granatum (Pomegranate Flower).
   Each time they met, Mother used to give Satprem a little bit of food: cheese, dried soups, etc.

0 1961-08-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Flowers) This is Alchemy.1 And here! (Mother hands Satprem some cheese)
   I still have plenty, you know!

0 1961-09-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  (Mother gives Satprem a Flower she has recently named 'Unostentatious Certitude': Platycodon grandiflorum)
   This is the complete negation of bluff. I find it very beautiful. When I saw this Flower, it struck me as something very profound, very calmabsolutely sure, immobile. I dont know why, but the longer I looked at it, the more it gave that impression and when I was asked its significance, I said, Unostentatious Certitude. Its what one might call a superlative good-taste in the realm of spiritual experience: something with greater content than it expresses.

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was holding one of these Flowers [Integral Generosity1] in my hand when I saw Z, and I explained to him what I meant by integral generosity. The effect of the ego, I told him, is to shrivel the being. Its the cause of aging, it dries you up the being shrivels under it like a withering Flower. And as I was speaking to him, the experience came; all I remember now is the idea, but the idea is nothing the experience itself was there.
   I know that at a certain moment I was making the distinction between the two states, between the person the individual, personal beingturning towards the Lord, imploring Him to reveal His Will, and then this experience of becomingby extending oneself, by opening, by enlarging, by merging into the creationof BECOMING the Will of the Lord, the Supremes Will. No longer any need to implore Him, to know His Will and receive it like something foreign to youyou become that Will.

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For thought, its elementary, very simple. Its not difficult for the feelings either; for the heart, the emotional being, to expand to the dimensions of the Supreme is relatively easy. But this body! Its very difficult, very difficult to do without the body losing its center (how can I put it?) its center of coagulationwithout it dissolving into the surrounding mass. Although, if one were in a natural environment, with mountains and forests and rivers, with lots of space and lots of natural beauty, it could be rather pleasant! But its physically impossible to take a single step outside ones body without meeting unpleasant, painful things. At times you come in contact with a pleasant substance, something harmonious, warm, vibrating with a higher light; it happens. But its rare. Flowers, yes, sometimes Flowers sometimes, not always. But this material world, oh! It batters you from all sides; it claws you, mauls youyou get clawed and scraped and battered by all sorts of things which which just dont blossom. How hard it all is! Oh, how closed human life is! How shriveled, hardened, without light, without warmth let alone joy.
   While sometimes, when you see water flowing along, or a ray of sunlight in the treesoh, how it sings! The cells sing, they are happy.

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Considering it to be of no interest, Satprem unfortunately did not keep a record of his answer. The P. in question died insane, in a so-called "Japanese hospital," and one night (this is most likely the story he was telling Mother here) Satprem found him being held prisoner in a kind of hell. His body was covered with wounds which Satprem treated with balm. He then told P., "But go on, say Mother's mantra!" And the moment Satprem began to recite the mantra, the whole place explodedblown to smithereens. An instantaneous deliverance. A few months later (or it may have been a few years), P. came to see Satprem at night with a bouquet of Flowers and a smile, as if to announce that he was taking on a new body.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the course of my observation, I also saw the position of X and people like him, who practically spend their lives doing japa, plus meditation, puja,4 ceremonies (I am talking only about sincere people, not fakers). Well, thats their way of working for the world, of serving the Divine, and it seems the best way to themperhaps even the only way but its a question of mental belief. In any case, its obvious that even a bit of not exactly puja, but some sort of ceremony that you set yourself to dohabitual gestures symbolizing and expressing a particular inner statecan also be a help and a way of offering yourself and relating to the Divine and thus serving the Divine. I feel its important looked at in this waynot from the traditional viewpoint, I cant stand that traditional viewpoint; I understand it, but it seems to me like putting a brake on true self-giving to the Divine. I am speaking of SELF-IMPOSED japa and rules (or, if someone gives you the japa, rules you accept with all your heart and adhere to). These self-imposed rules should be followed as a gesture of love, as a way of saying to the Divine, I love You. Do you see what I mean? Like arranging Flowers in a certain way, burning incense, dozens of little things like that, made beautiful because of what is put into themit is a form of self-giving.
   Now, I think that doing japa with the will and the idea of getting something out of it spoils it a little. You spoil it. I dont much like it when somebody says, Do this and you will get that. Its trueits true, but its a bit like baiting a fish. I dont much like it.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You can lie down on a mat, look at a Flower or a patch of sky if theres any to see; if need be (teasingly), smoke a cigarette to keep yourself busy, and just stay like that, relaxed. And if you do your pranayama along with this relaxation you will notice yourself growing extremely strongstoring, storing, storing up energies. And then if you have to make an effort, theres nothing to itits as easy as pie.
   Its that old habit, the old fear of being lazy. It took me. But Sri Aurobindo cured me of that rather quickly. Thats how it was before I met him. And thats the first thing he did: he gave me a tap on the head, and all activity ceasedtotal silence, all mental constructions and habits swept away in the blink of an eye.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Striking though the parallel may be, there is still a fundamental difference between these mathematical concepts and Mothers experience. In the first case, we are dealing with conceptual instruments used by the human mind to better explain and master the world: no one has actually seen electromagnetic wavesnot to speak of gravitational ones! They are images, convenient models, invisible and nonexistent in themselves. They exist only through their effects: a beam of sunlight, which is an electromagnetic wave, strikes our retina and enables us to distinguish a Flower; by means of gravitational waves, Newtons apple falls from the tree but no one has lived the reality of those waves. The way Mother grasps reality, on the contrary, is first and foremost through lived experience. She is the movement, she is the wave: I walk around the room, and that is what is walking. Here we touch upon a stupendous mystery and a formidable question: How is it possible for a material and cellular body to be the wave that at once constitutes and carries the worlds along in its infinite undulating movement and governs the existence of atoms and galaxies? How is it possible to be an infinite and ubiquitous electromagnetic wave while remaining within the narrow confines of a human body?
   In being THAT, it might be said, Mother thus resolves the famous question of the unified-field theory, the theory to which Einstein devoted the last years of his life in vain, that would describe the movements of both planets and atoms in a single mathematical equation. Mothers body-consciousness is one with the movement of the universe, Mother lives the unified-field theory in her body. In so doing she opens up to us not merely one more physical theory, but the very path to a new species on earth, a species that will physically and materially live on the scale of the universe. The posthuman species might not simply be one with a few organs more or less, but rather one capable of being at every point in the universe. A sort of material ubiquity. It may not be so much a new as an ubiquitous species, a species that embraces everything, from the blade of grass under our feet to the far galaxies. A multifarious, undulating existence. A resume or epitome of evolution, really, which at the end of its course again becomes each point and each species and each movement of its own evolution.

0 1962-08-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So they must be written. You can tell me about it on Tuesday. And again he repeated, No worry, no worry. Take it easy, take it easy. And it was as if he wanted to sit you down by a running river, as if you could see the water flowing, flowing, flowing, flowing so naturally along. As if you were sitting in a lovely Flower-strewn meadow by a flowing stream. And he was saying, Dont worry, take it easy, take it easy.
   He was putting all kinds of things around you. So there you are.

0 1963-01-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Showing Flowers, landscapes, symbolic photographs, etc.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here, your Flowers [roses]. A magnificent color.
   Then I have another photo of the Pope (Mother shows Time magazine).

0 1963-08-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw in France a patch of garden: it was surrounded by walls, and the land had belonged to someone who took great care of it and had planted Flowers in it. It was fairly large, but completely enclosed. That person died. It was in southern France. He died and no one (there were no heirs), no one looked after the garden: it was closed and stayed that way. I saw that garden I dont remember now, but certainly more than five years afterwards. It probably happened that the lock broke little by little and came loose; I pushed the door open and entered. Ive never seen anything more beautiful! There werent any paths any more, there was no order any more, nothing but confusion but what confusion! Ive never seen anything more beautiful. I stood there in a sort of ecstasy. There is a book (I think its Le Paradou by Zola) in which there is a description of a fairy placeit was just like that: all the Flowers and plants entangled, in an absolutely disorderly growth, but with a harmony of another type, a much vaster, much stronger harmony.
   It was extraordinarily beautiful.

0 1963-10-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (On Mother's table are two double white hibiscus Flowers called "Grace." Mother takes one and gives it to Satprem:)
   N. had a dream last night in which Sri Aurobindo gave her many things, then I came and gave her two Grace Flowers. And in the morning, she wakes up, goes to her garden on the tree were two Grace Flowers.
   Its amusing.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You understand, I dont feel any haste I love stones, Flowers, plants, animals so much, theyre all so wonderful! It begins to be less pleasant beyond the most unpleasant is human perversionperversion of cruelty, of wickedness, of hardness. You have to rise higher to be able to accept it, to be unaffected by it.
   But that thing I saw yesterday, that bubbly formation of joie de vivre, I saw clearly that its one of the greatest obstaclesone of the greatest obstacles: a vital joy that knows only itself, that knows nothing other than its own vital joy and is PERFECTLY content. I saw it was a great obstacle, because it already contained a sort of reflection of the True Thing. And then, you can only laugh, but there are stern people who say, Youll see when you get sick, youll see when you get old. (All that came because there was a whole work, which represents a whole great drama on the earths scale, there was this and that and that.) What for? Why be stern? Let them be happy, they represent why, its like foam on fresh beer!

0 1963-11-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   An example: yesterday, for at least a quarter of an hour, I was filled with a sort of marvelousmarvelingadmiration for Natures fantastic imagination in inventing the animals. I saw all the animals in all their details that is, the prehuman age. Consequently, there was no mind. And without the mind, how wonderful that imagination was, you know! It was as though I lived in it: there was no man, no thought, but that imaginative power making one species emerge out of another, and then another; and all those details Everything is becoming like that, as if it were SEEN for the first time and from an altogether different angle; everything, everything: peoples character, circumstances, even the motion of the earth and the stars, everything is like that, everything has become entirely new and unexpected, in the sense that all the human mental visionis completely gone! So things are much better! (Laughing) Much better without the human mind. (I dont mean they are better without man, I mean that seen from another viewpoint than the human, mental viewpoint, everything is far more wonderful.) And then, all the details of every minute, all the people, all the things, all The trees (Mother looks at the coconut tree in front of her window) that were stripped by the cyclone; this one held up so marvelously and it has a new Flowerit has old leaves damaged by the cyclone, but it has grown a new Flower. So lovely, so fresh! Everything is like that.
   Me too. Me too, I saw myself (laughing) from a new angle! And the things that in the past were, not positively problems, but anyway questions to be resolved (certain actions, certain relationships), all gone! And there is something that thoroughly enjoys itself I dont know what that something is, but it thoroughly enjoys itself.

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I tried to find out why your physical life began (well, not quite began, but you were very, very young, just the same) with such a painful experience [the concentration camps]. And I saw why: it was like a separationnot separation, but disentanglement, you understand? There are two things in every human being: what comes from the past and has persisted because it is formed and conscious, and then all that dark, unconscious mass, really muddy, that is added in every new life. Then the other thing gets into that and finds itself imprisoned, you knowadulterated and imprisoned and generally it takes more than half ones life to emerge from that entanglement. Well, for you, care was taken to more than double the dose at the beginning, and it caused a kind of tearing apart: one part went up above, another part fell down below. And the part (it acted almost like a filter), the part that rose up was very cleansed, very cleansed of all that swarming: its becoming very, very conscious of the mixture. Just see, today, the whole morning until I was swamped with work by people, till then there was a sharp awareness of the part of the being that still belongs, as I said, to Unconsciousness, to Ignorance, to Darkness, to Stupidity, and is not even as harmonious as a tree or a Flower; something thats not even as tranquil as a stone, not even as harmonious and not even as strong as the animal something that is really a downfall. That is really human inferiority. And maybe (no, I shouldnt say maybe: I know) it was necessary for things to settle downsettle, you know, as when you let a liquid settle? Thats exactly it: its the Light that settles, the Consciousness that settles. And indeed its true, there is in you a part that has entirely settled. Every time I see it (it comes in the course of the work, you understand), its lovely in its quality of light, its quality of vibration, and it has settled considerably. But its true that there is also a kind of sediment, a deposit (deposit, you know?) which is a bit heavy thats what youre conscious of.
   But you shouldnt say me! Its not you, that residue isnt you! But you are indeed conscious of the Light, arent you?

0 1963-12-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Flowers)
   Its a golden power [a hibiscus], lovely, isnt it!

0 1964-01-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had X told about a rather interesting encounter of mine with Ganapati1 (quite a few years ago), and how he had promised to give me whatever I needed and actually gave it for quite a long time, certainly more than ten years, and generously so. Then everything changed in the Ashram. It was after the war, the children came and we spilled over; we became much more complex, much larger, and began to be in touch with foreign countries, particularly America. And I continued to be in contact with Ganapati; I cant say I used to do a puja to him (!), but every morning I would put a Flower in front of his image. Then one morning I asked him, Why have you stopped doing what you had been doing for such a long time? I listened, and he clearly replied, Your need has grown too large. I didnt quite understand, because he has at his disposal fortunes larger than what I needed. But then, some time afterwards, I had this told to X, who answered me from the height of his punditism, Let her not be concerned with the gods, I will look after that! It was needlessly insolent. Then I turned to Ganapati and asked him, What does all that mean? And I clearly saw (it wasnt he who answered, it was Sri Aurobindo), I clearly saw that Ganapati has power only over those who have faith in him, which means its limited to India, while I needed money from America, France, England, Africa and that he has no power there, so he couldnt help. It became very clear, I was at peace, I understood: Very well, he did his best, thats all. And its true that I keep receiving from India, though not sufficiently; especially as since Independence half of India has been ruined, and all those who used to give me a lot of money no longer do, because they no longer canit isnt that they no longer want to, but that they no longer can.
   For instance, M. was greatly interested in my story about Ganapati, and I saw that there was a connection between him and Ganapati, so I told him, But turn to him and he will give you the right inspiration. And since then M. has been perfect, really; all that he can do he does to the utmost of his ability. So all this is very good.

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive had some very precise memorieslived memoriesof a human life on earth, quite primitive (I mean outside any mental civilization), a human life on earth that wasnt an evolutionary life, but the manifestation of beings from another world. I lived in that way for a timea lived memory. I still see it, I still have the image of it in my memory. It had nothing to do with civilization and mental development: it was a blossoming of force, of beauty, in a NATURAL, spontaneous life, like animal life, but with a perfection of consciousness and power that far surpasses the one we have now; and indeed with a power over all surrounding Nature, animal nature and vegetable nature and mineral nature, a DIRECT handling of Matter, which men do not havethey need intermediaries, material instruments, whereas this was direct. And there were no thoughts or reasoning: it was spontaneous (gesture indicating the direct radiating action of will on Matter). I have the lived memory of this. It must have existed on earth because it wasnt premonitory: it wasnt a vision of the future, it was a past memory. So there must have been a moment It was limited to two beings: I dont have the feeling there were many. And there was no childbirth or anything animal, absolutely not; it was a life, yes, a truly higher life in a natural setting, but with an extraordinary beauty and harmony! And I dont have the feeling it was (how can I explain?) something known; the relationships with vegetable life and animal life were spontaneous ones, absolutely harmonious, and with the sensation of an undisputed power (you didnt even feel it was possible for it not to be), undisputed, but without any idea that there were other beings on earth and that it was necessary to look after them or make a demonstrationnothing of the sort, absolutely nothing of mental life, nothing. A life just like that, like a beautiful plant or a beautiful animal, but with an inner knowledge of things, perfectly spontaneous and effortlessan effortless life, perfectly spontaneous. I dont even have the feeling that there was any question of food, not that I remember; but there was the joy of Life, the joy of Beauty: there were Flowers, there was water, there were trees, there were animals, and all that was friendly, but spontaneously so. And there were no problems! No problems to be solved, nothing at allone just lived!
   An uncomplicated life, definitely.

0 1965-03-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The waterlily is the white Flower opening up to the light, above those large, floating leaves. Oh, how good it is to be carried.
   When the nerves have really calmed down because one has eaten well, one can go into a blissful contemplationdont be occupied with anything, above all dont try to think: like this (gesture of floating, offered), invoking the Lord and his Harmonya luminous harmony and then lying like that at least half an hour, three quarters of an hour after the meal. Its very good, its excellent. Dont fall asleep: blissfulnothing, being nothing. Nothing but a blissful tranquillity. Thats the best remedy.

0 1965-04-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Basically, once there is a body formed, precisely, by an ideal and an increasing development, a body with sufficient stuff and capacities, sufficient potential, there may very well be a rapid Descent of a supramental form, just as there was one with the human form. Because I know that (I know it from having lived it), I know that when the transitiona very obscure transitionfrom the animal to man (of which they have found fairly convincing traces) was sufficient, when the result was plastic enough, there was a Descent there was a mental descent of the human creation. And they were beings (there was a double descent; it was in fact particular in that it was double, male and female: it wasnt the descent of a single being, it was the descent of two beings), they were beings who lived in Nature an animal life, but with a mental consciousness; but there was no conflict with the general harmony. All the memories are absolutely clear of a spontaneous, animal life, perfectly natural, in Nature. A marvelously beautiful Nature that strangely resembles the nature in Ceylon and tropical countries: water, trees, fruits, Flowers. And a life in harmony with animals: there was no sense of fear or difference. It was a very luminous, very harmonious, and very NATURAL life, in Nature.
   And strangely, the story of Paradise would seem to be a mental distortion of what really happened. Of course, it all became ridiculous, and also with a tendency it gives you the feeling that a hostile will or an Asuric being tried to use that to make it the basis for a religion and to keep man under his thumb. But thats another matter.

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It will be up there, off the Madras road, on top of the hill. (Mother takes a piece of paper and starts drawing) Here we have (naturally in Nature its not like this: well have to adaptits like this up there, in the ideal), here, a central point. This central point is a park I had seen when I was a little girl (perhaps the most beautiful thing in the world with regard to physical, material Nature), a park with water and trees like all parks, and Flowers, but not too many ( Flowers in the form of creepers), palm trees and ferns (all species of palm trees), water (if possible, running water) and, if possible, a small waterfall. From a practical point of view, it would be very good: at the edge, outside the park, we could build reservoirs that would provide water to the residents.
   So in that park I had seen the Pavilion of Love (but I dont like to use that word because men have turned it into something ludicrous); I am referring to the principle of divine Love. But it has been changed: it will be the Pavilion of the Mother; but not this (Mother points to herself): the Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. (I say Mother because Sri Aurobindo used the word, otherwise I would have put something else I would have put creative principle or realizing principle or something of that sort.) And it will be a small building, not a big one, with just a meditation room downstairs, with columns and probably a circular shape (I say probably because I am leaving it for R. to decide). Upstairs, the top floor will be a room, and the roof will be a covered terrace. Do you know the old Indian Mogul miniatures with palaces in which there are terraces and small roofs supported by columns? Do you know those old miniatures? Ive had hundreds of them in my hands. But this pavilion is very, very lovely: a small pavilion like this, with a roof over a terrace, and low walls against which there will be divans where people can sit and meditate in the open air in the evening or at night. And downstairs, at the very bottom, on the ground floor, simply a meditation rooma place with nothing in it. There would probably be, at the far end, something that would be a living light (perhaps the symbol2 made of living light), a constant light. Otherwise, a very calm, very silent place.

0 1965-07-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Wait, I had a Flower I put aside for you, its pretty.
   The will for victory, mon petit, thats the whole thing! Not a will here or there or here (gesture to various spots of the body), not that, not the personal victory over disease: the victory over the world. After all, we are here for that; I dont know if it will be for this time, but at any rate thats what is expected of us. We are here for thatto fight. So we are made to fight, and as it is the most (how can I put it?) intimate way, it is the body that is affected.

0 1965-08-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a Flower: a rose)
   Its beautiful. Far lovelier than human beings.
   (Mother holds out another Flower called Prayer) Here, a prayer that they may change.
   No, we should never give details, that way they wouldnt be able to fling them back at us.

0 1965-08-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But there is increasingly a sort of certitude in the cells that everything that happens is with a view to this transformation and this transfer of the directing power. And at the very moment when things are materially painful (not even physically: materially painful), the cells keep that certitude. And so they withstand, they endure the suffering without being depressed or affected in the least, with that certitude that it is to prepare for the transformation, that it is even the process of transformation and of the transfer of the directing power. As I said, its in the nerves that the experience is the most painful (naturally, since they are the most sensitive cells, those with the sharpest sensation). But they have a very great receptivity, and very spontaneous, a spontaneously strong receptivity and effortlessto the harmonious physical vibration (which is very rare, but still it exists in some individuals), and that physical vibration what we could call a physical FORCE, a harmonious physical vibration (spontaneously harmonious, of course, without the need for mental interventionlike the vibrations of a Flower, for instance; there are physical vibrations that are like that, that carry in themselves a harmonious force), and the nerves are extremely sensitive and receptive to that vibration, which immediately puts them right again.
   Its very interesting, it explains many, many things. A day will come when all this will be explained and put in its proper place. Now isnt the time to reveal it yet, but its very interesting.

0 1965-09-18, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a hibiscus Flower called Grace)
   Its the season for graces.

0 1965-11-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are lots of things like that. Since the 24th [the darshan day] I have been living in this new consciousness and have seen the picture of a lot of things. There are even experiences I had gone through which Ive understood now. Like for instance when I fasted for ten days (completely, without even a drop of water), without a thought for food (I didnt have time to eat), and it wasnt a struggle: it was a decision. And at that time there was a faculty in me which developed little by little, and when for example I breathed in Flowers, it was nourishing. I saw it: you get nourished in a subtler way.
   Only, the body isnt ready. The body isnt ready and it deteriorates, which means that it eats itself up. So that shows that the time hadnt come and it was just an experimentan experiment which teaches you something, which teaches you that there mustnt be a blunt refusal to come in contact with the corresponding matter, there mustnt be isolation (you cant isolate yourself, thats impossible), but a communion on a higher or deeper level.

0 1965-12-15, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have no roses left (Mother looks for a Flower for Satprem), they took everything!
   But this king1 is a remarkable man. He has a remarkable history, but it would be too long to tell. I was in contact with him before (gesture of mental communication), and I had said, I wont speak and I didnt speak. When he came he looked at me, then suddenly (he was standing), he remained standing in meditation, he closed his eyes and remained motionless. And then he asked me his questions mentally I received them. And the answer came from up above, magnificent. An answer with a golden, superb force, and a power telling him that he had a great role to play and had to be strong and so on.

0 1965-12-22, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here (Mother hands Satprem a Flower called Grace). We must hold tight to it, like that, you know, with both hands, close our eyes when the going is very rough and wait till its over.
   But you dont see anything wrong in me? Nothing wrong?

0 1966-01-22, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And it doesnt require rest; these experiences are so concrete and spontaneous and real (they arent the result of a will, still less of an effort) that they dont require rest: I was busy washing. I took my whole breakfast in that state, it was charming. It was only when those people came (and I even did the egg distribution I dont know if you are aware of it, but I am the one who puts your egg in your box every day I did my egg distribution in that state, I gave the Flowers in that state), it was only afterwards, when letters came that I had to listen to and answer and all manner of things (gesture of a truckload being dumped)then it fades away, it gets erased. It still leaves me in a half-dream, but the experience is gone: its no longer that.
   But those who got hold of this experience for some reason or other without having all the philosophical and mental preparation I had (the saints, or at any rate all the people who led a spiritual life) had instead a very acute impression of the unreality of life and the illusion of life. But thats only a narrow way of looking at it. Thats not it thats not it, EVERYTHING is a choice! Everything, everything. The Lords choice, but IN US; not there (gesture above): here. And we are unaware of it, its deep down in ourselves. But when we are aware of it, we can choosewe can choose our choice, thats wonderful!

0 1966-04-13, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sujata gives Mother a recently named Flower: Material power of healing.2)
   I would like that to be permanently established. When someone tells me, I have a pain here, I pass my hand like that and its over.

0 1966-05-07, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Regarding a Flower which Mother has called "Power of material healing":)
   Oh, how I would like it to be true: when I put my hands here, like this (Mother lays her hands on Satprems shoulders), it would heal!

0 1966-06-11, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Naturally, there is a long way to go, and the way I dont know, maybe some people are able to strew Flowers on themselves on the road, but at any rate that doesnt seem to me to be the most direct road!

0 1966-07-27, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There, exactly! Exactly what I was thinking. When you see this, you feel your infirmity. (Mother looks at the Flower again) Its wonderful, isnt it?
   Man really isnt an improvement! He is full of miseries and ugly things, while this is so simple, so spontaneous.
   So they began with a complete ignorance and general stupidity, participating in all that this life is outwardly (as if it were something wonderful!). But as soon as they begin to grow a little wiser, it stops being wonderful. Its like what I said about this Flower [the lotus]: when you know how to look at a Flower, at the so spontaneous and, oh, uncomplicated expression of this marvelous Love, then you understand how long the way isall these attachments, all this importance we give to useless things, whereas there should be a spontaneous and natural beauty.
   If the world understood too soon, nobody would want to stay on, basically! Thats the point.

0 1966-09-07, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother sorts out Flowers and keeps one aside for the Ashrams cashier.)
   I dont have any money either. I owe him 15,000 rupees and the poor man has to pay all the rents. I have debts everywhere! (Mother laughs)

0 1966-09-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, maybe its imagination, but I can readily imagine a spiritual power entering the body and producing a sort of luminous inflation, and everything suddenly blossoms out like a Flower. This body, which is crumpled in on itself, blossoms out, becomes radiant, supple, luminous.
   Supple and plastic, we can also conceive it could be plastic, that is, the form wouldnt be fixed as it is now. All that is conceivable, but
   Yes. Its simply like a blossoming. Whats closed up blossoms out like a Flower, thats all; but its still the Flowers structure, only its in full bloom and radiant. No?
   Yes, but (Mother shakes her head and remains silent for a while). I lack experience, I dont know.
   I dont know, but if it has to be a PHYSICAL body (as Sri Aurobindo said it would), it seemed to me (but that may be a daydream) that it could be like a lotus bud, for example: our present body is like a small, closed, hard lotus bud, and it blossoms out, it becomes a Flower.
   Yes, but that, mon petit, its
   Theres only this question: I can conceive of a perpetual change; I could even conceive of a Flower that doesnt wither; but its this principle of immortality. Which means, basically, a life that escapes the necessity of renewal: the eternal Force would manifest directly and eternally, and this would still be a physical body (Mother touches the skin of her hands).
   I quite understand a progressive change and that this substance could be made into something capable of renewing itself eternally from within outward. That would be immortality. But it seems to me that between what is now, what we are, and that other mode of life, a lot of stages might be necessary. You see, if for instance you ask these cells, with all the consciousness and experience they now have, Is there something you cannot do?, in their sincerity they will answer, No, what the Lord wills, I can do. Thats their state of consciousness. But the appearance is otherwise. The personal experience is like this: all that I do with the Lords Presence, I do effortlessly, without difficulty, without fatigue, without wear and tear, like that (Mother spreads out her arms in a great, harmonious Rhythm), but its still open to the whole influence from outside and the body is forced to do things that arent directly the expression of the supreme Impulsion, hence the fatigue, the friction. So a supramental body suspended in a world thats not the earth is not the thing!

0 1966-10-22, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother gives Satprem Flowers. She looks weary.)
   We have half an hour of peace and quiet, unless there is something youd like to say?

0 1966-11-15, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem Flowers)
   You dont understand the Grace? Youll see, one day you will understand it.

0 1966-11-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother looks very tired. This morning she did not eat anything nor did she receive anyone. When Satprem comes in, she gives him Flowers and soup packets received from Israel:)
   But you are the one who doesnt eat!
   Its the first time this year it has happened to me. Previously, it used to happen fairly often, but its the first time this year. It shows that, all the same, things are improving. Oh, but it was terrible, people cant imagine what it is! It takes hold of everyone and everybody, every circumstance and everything, and it gives shape to disintegrationquite like this Gentleman (I think hes the one!), quite like him. But it doesnt have the poetic form [of Savitri], of course, its not a poet: it has all the meanness of life. And it insists on that a great deal. These last few days it insisted on it a great deal. I said to myself, See, all that is written and said is always in a realm of beauty and harmony and greatness, and, anyway, the problem is put with dignity; but as soon as it becomes quite practical and material, its so petty, so mean, so narrow, so ugly! Thats the proof. When you get out of it, its all right, you can face all problems, but when you come down here, its so ugly, so petty, so miserable. We are such slaves to our needs, oh! For one hour, two hours, you hold on, and after And its true, physical life is uglynot everywhere, but anyway I always think of plants and Flowers: thats really lovely, its free from that; but human life is so sordid, with such crude and imperious needsits so sordid. Its only when you begin to live in a slightly superior vision that you become free from that; in all the Scriptures, very few people accept the sordidness of life. And of course, thats what this Gentleman insists on. I said, Very well. This bodys answer is very simple: We certainly arent anxious that life should continue as it is. It doesnt find it very pretty. But we conceive of a lifea life as objective as our material lifewhich wouldnt have all these sordid needs, which would be more harmonious and spontaneous. Thats what we want. But he says its impossiblewe have been told its not only possible but certain. So theres the battle.
   Then comes the great argument: Yes, yes, one day it will be, but when? For the time being you are still swamped in all this and you plainly see it cant change. It will go on and on. In millennia, yes, it will be. Thats the ultimate argument. He no longer denies the possibility, he says, All right, because you have caught hold of something, youre hoping to realize it now, but thats childishness.

0 1966-12-07, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother hands Satprem a Flower called "Grace," then a second "Grace.")
   Would you like a second Grace? Theres never too much of it!

0 1967-01-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   My impression was that she should let herself relax, that her stay here would be good if she could open herself, like a Flower opens, like that, relaxed.
   She is tense about life (Mother clenches her two fists and stiffens): its something to keep an eye on and to be wary of! So if she could After all, its such a great thing when you can say, Oh, I can have trust, there REALLY is something concrete which is a Grace, I can have trust.
   (Mother gives a Flower called Radha)
   Radha1 is surrender.2 So we can say, The surrender to divine solicitude brings the victory.

0 1967-01-14, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (As she comes into her room, Mother stops in front of a tray of Flowers that has just been brought in and takes in her hands a strange new variety of hibiscus, grey-mauve with a bright red pistil.)
   Oh, this is really my joy!
   What is this Flower? (Mother takes the hibiscus) It has a strange colour.
   Yes, Ive never seen it.
   You mean theres something false in the Flowers appearance?
   No, its not external: its inside.
   Inside the Flower?
   Its inside, its What could we call it? (laughing) The divine principle of duplicity!
   Not very reassuring, this Flower.
   Yes, thats it.
   We have much to learn from life. Flowers know much better than we do. Its spontaneous, its not thought, not willed: they are divine vibrations expressing themselves spontaneously. And this is Theres the English word alluring. Well, we could say that it is The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty. Naturally, thats on the vital-physical level. Its not up above, but there (on that vital-physical level).

0 1967-02-18, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you know little S.?1 Have you ever spoken to her? Ive heard she beats sixteen-and seventeen-year-old boys at logic and new mathematics. I saw her today. She is obviously quite remarkably intelligent. And yesterday was her birthday. You know that Y. (her adoptive mother) has gone into hospital; and when she went she asked me to send something to Thoth every day (you know who Thoth2 is dont you?), because it seems that whenever he receives something from me, he is quite calm for two hours. Very well. So I sent something the first day (that was yesterday). And yesterday was little S.s birthday. I thought that rather than for her to fetch from the secretary the fruit I give for Thoth, it would be better if she came to see me at ten and Id give her her card and her bouquet of Flowers at the same time. But then, everything is disorganized and not very efficient: she wasnt informed. When she came it was too late because it was 10:30 or 11 while I had said before ten. So she wrote me a letter. I saw the girl today, she is really very intelligent, no doubt about that, and here is her letter. (Note that when she came to live with Y., she knew French because she had learned it with the Sistersshe was a pupil at the Mission some three years agoand for three years Y. has been giving her French lessons.) So here is the childs letter:
   That story of little S. has taught me much. Because I saw that little girl this morning. She is black-skinned, of courseshe was all luminous. All luminous. And I dont think she is conscious of it (perhaps only insofar as Y. has flattered her thats always possible), but its very spontaneous in her, she wasnt trying to put on airs, she didnt come to strike a pose: she simply came to take the fruit and Flower for Thoth. She was here in front of my table; when I saw her come in I said, Strange. This little girl who is so black-skinned she was clearer than others.
   And this letter is so strong!

0 1967-02-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, like a Flower. The consciousness can change all the colours according to the moment.
   Oh, that would be lovely. If one could become a lovely rose!

0 1967-03-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This morning I had an amusing experience with roses. There was a closed budbig, hardbig and hard, red. I took it, looked at it, then my fingers ran over the Flower like that, and (gesture showing the Flower opening up), one petal after another and another and yet anotherbefore my eyes. And it was completely hard and closed. I took it and said, Its a pity. I was about to put it back in water so it would open up, and I looked It was so pretty, you know, opening up, happy, as if saying to me, Oh, how happy I am!
   Flowers and I are on very friendly terms, I must say.
   Once in the past, I took Flowers that had wiltedwilted Flowers (that was the time when I was practicing occultism with Thonit happened several times). One Flower was quite drooping: I took it in my hand, looked at it, and little by little, little by little, it straightened up again and became quite smiling!
   They are very, very receptive.
   Tell me, it would be lovely if one could take peoples consciousness as one takes a Flower, and then, because one looks at it and holds it and the vibration is that Vibration of supreme Love, it opens up, like that, becomes organized, and grows magnificent.
   It would be fine if one could do that(laughing) perhaps one can!

0 1967-04-05, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother gives Satprem roses and a garl and of Flowers called adoration)2
   Do you want this?

0 1967-04-29, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Flowers are very receptive to peoples vitalityto the QUALITY of the vitality. There are people, when they hold a Flower it wilts instantly; with others, it opens. I myself saw several times Sri Aurobindo take a half-wilted Flower in his hand, and it became quite fresh againit was quite happy!
   And I knew a woman in Paris, who claimed to be a disciple (of Mothers), she would always bring me Flowers when she came to see me, and always, always, without a single exception, the Flowers had wilted. She would arrive and tell me, But they were quite fresh when I bought them! (Mother laughs) And they were absolutely finished. So in the end I told her, Its because you take all their life into yourself!
   She had taken away their life.

0 1967-05-17, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I remember, the first time I gave X (a Tantric) a Flower, my fingers touched his and he almost jumped; then, when he went out, he said to someone that there was a kind of vibration or (I forget his words) a current, I dont know, which went through his whole body, like an electric current. He simply touched my fingers when I gave him the Flower.
   To me, this is all the same thing, only its their material notation of the Fact. Thats all. To their intelligence it becomes much more real and concrete, but its the same thing.

0 1967-05-20, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gazes at a Flower she called "divine purity": lobelia longiflora.)
   Do you know what divine purity is? I no longer know. What can it mean?

0 1967-05-27, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Shes left. And this morning, before leaving, she sent me the Flower Light without Obscurity.1

0 1967-08-12, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But now theyre beginning to think that perhaps thats not the way! (Mother laughs) And that perhaps they should try another way. In a month I have already seen four ministers. One is from here, the Chief Minister; it seems I saw him when he was a child (I dont remember, but he remembers that I had caressed him), and when he came the other day he told me (I gave him a Flower and a blessings packet), he said, There, I will wear it on me, and with it I will do your work in the government. And quite resolute. A young man, about forty, I think, and rather strong.2
   From Madras?
   Islam was a return towards sensation, beauty, harmony in the form, and the legitimization of sensations and joy in beauty. From a higher viewpoint, it wasnt of a very superior quality, but from a vital viewpoint, it was extremely powerful, and thats what gave them so much power to spread, to appropriate, to seize, to dominate. But what they did is very beautifulall their art is magnificent, magnificent! It was a Flowering of beauty. Then there were othersit all came one after the other. And every religion came as a stage in the development and the relationship with the Divine, to lead the consciousness towards a union which is a totality and not a removal from a whole reality so as to obtain another. The need for totality, completeness, is what caused those religions to come like that, one after another.
   Seen in that light, its very interesting.

0 1967-09-13, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They tell me, Your look purifies me. I dont want to go into such considerations and do not answer anything, but there is only the Presence and the Action. I dont even try to know, neither what happens nor how nor what He does nor what takes placenothing. The only thing that comes into me (into this consciousness) is the state of the person who is there: thats very clearly recorded. (Laughing) The other day, there was a very amusing experience. A girl here has taken a fancy to a gentlemannei ther of them is very young, that is, they are neither children nor young people: they are both over thirty, or between twenty-five and thirty. So she writes him letters, long letters, sends him sweets, sends him Flowers, and he passes it all on to me. (There is nothing more than that.) It was her birthday, and she must have had a rather guilty conscience, I supposeas for me, I had completely forgotten the story. She came for her birthday, I received her as I always do, in the same wayand suddenly, gnawing pains, cramps, sharp pains in the stomach. I wondered, Whats going on in her? What is all this? And it went on for quite a while, I had to make a little concentration to make it go. Then in the afternoon, the gentleman (I dont think they meet) sends me a letter and a box of sweets she had sent him. Ah! (Laughing) I said, So there! She was afraid I would scold her and had gnawing pains in the stomach! There you are. Thats how it is, you understand, its a kind of work in a general unification. And peoples reactions are felt in my body, thats how I become aware of it, conscious of it. (Laughing) At times its bliss, at other times stomach cramps!
   Its amusing.

0 1967-10-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sujata gives Mother a Flower called "Power to heal.")
   Power to heal? I saw in Plante the story of a man born in 1905, who for thirty-five years has been healing people by the laying on of hands!1 His father was Italian, his mother Spanish, and he was born in France, he is French. For thirty-five years he has been practicing the laying on of hands; he has treated five million peoplefive million. Out of them two-thirds were cured, and he has been taken to court countless times by doctors, naturally: he had no right to heal people because he wasnt under oath! At one of the hearings (Ill tell you the beginning of the story after the beginning at the end!), maybe one of the last hearings, suddenly his lawyer arrived very ill, with an attack of sciatica that prevented him from moving one leg, he was in acute pain. The judge, thinking himself very clever, told him, Well, why dont you cure your lawyer to begin with? The man got up, laid his hands on his lawyer, and five minutes later the lawyer was cured: Oh, but I am cured! (Mother laughs) He was convicted just the same. Wonderful. Anyhow, when he was quite small, that is, five or six, he had stolen a fish from his father who had gone fishing, and the fish couldnt be found. Fifteen days later, his parents found the fish among his things, with his toys absolutely dry and perfectly intact! Then the father tried an experiment to see: they had a fishbowl with goldfish; he took out two goldfish and gave one to his son, putting it in the hollow of his sons hand the fish started drying up. As for the second fish, a few hours later it was rotten. Then they mentioned it to doctors (they were living in Toulouse, that was a little later, when he was twelve or thirteen). One doctor had in his hospital a patient whose wound he had been trying to heal for weeks and weeks in vain: it was horrible, purulent. The doctor called the child, who laid on his handstwenty four hours later, the wound was healed.

0 1967-10-11, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sujata gives Mother a Flower called "New Birth.")
   [Origanum Majorana.]
   This particular Ganesh (on the table) was given to me by a little boy maybe two and a half years old. When that little boy was a few months old and till the age of one, his mother always brought him to me and he would cry and scream and make scenes the parents were desperate. Each time I would tell them, Dont worry, all will be well, well be very good friends. Then the parents would look at me in disbelief. Now he is two and half or three, and as soon as he is in the stairway, waitingMo ther, Mother, Mother! (or Ma, I dont know). But when he comes in (he is the first of the family to enter the room), he comes with a Flower; and it was he who gave me this Ganesh, but with such consciousness! He is wonderful. Yesterday, he was absolutely exquisite: he comes in first, so self-assured, so joyful, then gestures to me as if to say, Everything is just fine, dont worry! And I speak to himhe doesnt understand a thing of what I say, but he approves gravely. Absolutely exquisite.
   There is great progress among children.
   (Mother gives her note to the disciple) But water from the Flowers fell on it, so its half erased!
   The danger with all those people is that they want to codify things.
   There was there (gesture between Mother and the disciple), like that, one of those kinds of lamp stands, like the ones they make with snakes, you know but it was high, this high (gesture about one metre fifty centimetres). It was in copper, with inlays, designs in it, and at the top was a ball that contained all the lights, as if each snakes head was a lightit was magnificent! Really magnificent. And it was burning. There were Power Flowers (red hibiscus) forming garlands around the base. And then, someone said, Isnt this more beautiful than material reality?
   And that was the artistic constructionmental, artisticwhich was more beautiful than reality. Thats it, the guiding idea of the person in question. Thats it you see; Isnt this more beautiful than real nature? There.

0 1967-10-14, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (The conversation begins an hour late. Sujata gives Mother Flowers called "Transformation.")
   [Millingtonia hortensis.]
   Two for you (to Sujata), two for you (to Satprem), and one for me. Its to prompt the body to transform itself! (Mother slips a Flower through her buttonhole) It tries its best, people dont leave it much time to look after itself. Its getting worse and worse. The nights are shorter; during the day, the moment when I used to be able to rest is gone. So its kept constantly, constantly busy. Not very easy.

0 1967-10-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother gives Flowers) This is my delight. My delight in life.
   This is a time of extremes, even extremes in the downright material. Did I tell you both the other day that I had received the first Flower of a plant which visibly was supramental powera Flower like this (gesture), a hibiscus? And yesterday there was the first Flower of another plant, also a hibiscus, this big, snow-white, with such a colour at the centre! An indefinable colour, it cant be described. Its golden pink, but so beautiful that you wonder how such colours can be physical. A Flower this big (gesture, about fifteen centimetres), the first Flower was yesterday. And that was VISIBLY (it expressed itself, you know) the Victory of Love, the Power of Love. Its as if all this physical Nature were, oh, like this (gesture of intense aspiration), tryingshe tries, and there is a Response. They are blessed not to have a mind.
   It was beautiful. It doesnt keep, otherwise I would have kept it to show it to you. How beautiful it was! Like this (same gesture of ardent aspiration): a thirst, a thirst for the Divine, a thirst for the Divine. All those mental ratiocinations and mental complications, it all goes round and round in circles. Yes, it does bring about whats now happening: a sordid conflict, really sordid, between Falsehood and Truth.

0 1967-10-21, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The vision was so clear (not vision: lived, the experience), it was so clear that it contained in itself the purpose of the creation. You could see the work of the consciousness to permeate the inconscient and make it progressively more capable of manifesting the consciousness (gesture like a Flower rising out of the earth), with increasing complications, but the complications are the result of the inability of the inconscientof inconscient matterwhich adds one device to another in the hope of reconstructing the supreme Possibility. Then, through all those complications, and as the substance becomes increasingly permeated with consciousness, the need for devices will diminish, and we will be able to return to the higher Simplicity.
   But all that was lived, seenseen, and so clear!

0 1967-10-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother holds out a small desert Flower:)
   Look! It grows in the desert, without water, and it doesnt die.
   You know, it looks like edelweiss which grows in the ice. And this is in the desert. Its like velvet. Its not fragrant, but it doesnt die. Its a Flower without water. Someone has sent it to me. I find it very interesting. There are marvels in Nature. And see this small red dot.
   (Sujata:) Yes, Mother, its like a small Flower of immortality.
   Ill give you one, but you must keep it carefully.
   When you switch the light on (I have a light in a tube, a fluorescent tube), they dont fade. When you put those Flowers under the light, they dont fade, I even saw some that were half closed that opened. They like that light. In the afternoon I put some in a bowl of water (when they are already nearly closed), I put one or two there, under the lightand they open!
   They have a sensitiveness unknown to us.
   Sometimes in the mornings, I have a closed rose bud, then I take it out of the water like this (gesture of caressing the Flower all around), without touching it and it opens!
   And people say its not conscious!

0 1967-10-28, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother tries in vain to slip a "transformation" Flower through her buttonhole.)
   Can I help you?
   No (Mother closes her eyes and slips the Flower through her buttonhole). When I close my eyes, I see (laughter). But its true! And I dont do it deliberately: when I want to see, I close my eyes, and I see! Its so natural and spontaneous that I dont even realize it: when I want to do something, if I want to see clearly I close my eyes.

0 1967-11-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Your home isnt flooded, is it? In the room over there, water fell on the table beside my chair, so I put a Flower pot and gave people all the wet Flowers!
   Has Kali calmed down?

0 1967-11-08, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ah, yesterday I saw ex-Brother A. He came to see me (he had asked, so I called him). He came in, gave me a bunch of Flowers, sat down on the floor and looked at me; we looked at each other for at least five minutes. Then I smiled, and he made a big pranam, then got up and went away. I found him very receptive, very receptive and very sincere in his aspiration to find himself, to find his soul. Very fine and concentrated, very fine. I was quite satisfied. Anyhow he behaved very well. It was very peaceful and receptive.
   Then at one point, I smiled like that (I dont know why), and he got up and left. It was good.

0 1967-11-22, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother takes Flowers) Ill put them in water. Flowers are the beauty of life.
   And there is a progress.
   Yes, I understand. I understand. Well, perhaps that is what Sri Aurobindo meant when he said to me, Your body is at present the only one on earth that can do this work. I thought it was a kindness on his part. But its true that it was cut off, I knew it I saw itcut off, the states of being were sent away: Go away, you are not wanted anymore. Then the body had to rebuild a life for itself. And instead of having to go through all those states of being as it did before, through successive awakenings (gesture of ascent from degree to degree, in the way of the yogis of old), right to the top, the topmost beyond the form, now its no longer that at all, the body no longer needs anything of all that, it simply has (gesture of a rising aspiration opening out like a Flower). Something within opened and developed, which caused that idiotic mind to become organized and capable of falling silent in an aspiration. And then then there was the direct Contact, without intermediaries the direct contact. That it now has constantly. Constantly, constantly, constantly, the direct contact. And its THE BODY: it doesnt go through all kinds of things and states of being, not at all, its direct.
   But once that has been done (this is something Sri Aurobindo had said), once ONE body has done it, it has the capacity of passing it on to others; and I tell you, there is now (I am not saying in its totality and in detail, probably not), but here and there (scattered gesture to show various points on earth) people suddenly get one experience or another. Some of them (the majority) get frightened, so naturally it goes away that is because they werent prepared enough within (if its not the little routine of every minute, always the same, they get frightened), and once they get frightened its over, it means they will need years of preparation for the experience to recur. But still, some arent; frightened; suddenly, an experience: Ah! something wholly new, wholly unexpected, which they had never thought of.

0 1967-12-02, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother gives Transformation Flowers and slips one through her buttonhole
   A general transformation!
   Every morning, I must say, I spend three quarters of an hour arranging Flowers like that, and its all joyfullight, light in everything, without darkness.

0 1967-12-06, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know that I always keep a Transformation Flower here (Mother points to her buttonhole); I keep it the whole morning, and when I take off my dress in the afternoon for a bath, the Flower is naturally in a pitiful conditionso I used to throw it away. But one day, S. had sent me roses in a glass of water, and it was on my dressing table; I took the Transformation Flower and put it in the water, and when I came back from my bath it was magnificent, far fresher and stronger than when I had received it! I kept it the whole night, kept it the next day, it was unchanged! It remained just as fresh. Then the next day, I sent him the Flower back in his glass, and when he came to see me in the afternoon, I told him the story. I said, Did you get the Transformation Flower? This is what happened. The next day, he wrote me this:
   Does the transformation not demand a very high degree of aspiration, surrender and receptivity?

0 1967-12-20, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother gives Flowers)
   This is Divine Purity.1 What does Divine Purity mean? It means that the Divine receives the divine influence alone! I understand! Or else, the individual receives nothing but the divine influencehere, mon petit. (Mother gives the Flower)
   I take the simplest and most concrete things like, for instance, brushing ones teeth; its extremely flexible and things are done, not out of habit but by a sort of choice based on personal experience and routine, so there is no necessity for a special concentration (the real purpose of routine is to avoid the need for a special concentration: things can be done almost automatically). But that automatism is very flexible, very plastic, because depending, as I said, on the intensity of the concentration, the time varies the time varies: you can (you can know by looking at your watch before and after), you can certainly reduce the time by more than half, yet things are done in exactly the same way. Thats right: you dont do away with anything, you do everything in the same way. To make sure, you can, for instance, count the number of times you brush your teeth or the number of times you rinse your mouth I am DELIBERATELY taking the most banal thing, because in other activities there is a natural suppleness that allows you to spread yourself and concentrate (and so its easier to understand with such things). But it works in the same way with the most concrete and banal things too. And there isnt any Oh, I wont do this today or I am neglecting thattheres none of that, nothing at all: everything is done in the same way, BUT with a sort of concentration and constant call the constant call is always there. The constant call which might find a material expression in saying the mantra, but its not even that: its the SENSE, the sense of the call, of the aspirationits above all a call. A call. You know, when the mind wants to make sentences, it says, Lord, take possession of Your kingdom. For certain things, I remember, when there are certain disorders, something wrong (and with the perception of a consciousness that has become very sharp, you can see when that disorder is the natural origin of an illness, for example, or of something very serious), with the call, the concentration and the response [the disorder is dissolved]. Its almost a surrender, because its an uncalculating self-giving: the damaged spot opens to the Influence, not with an idea of getting cured, but like this (gesture like a Flower opening out), simply like this, unconditionally that is the most potent gesture.
   But the interesting part is that formulating it in words makes it sound artificialits much more sincere, much truer, much more spontaneous than anything expressed or expressible by the mind. No formula can render the sinceritysimplicity, sincerity, spontaneity, something uncalculatingof the material movement. There was a time when expressing or formulating caused a very unpleasant sensation, like putting something artificial on something spontaneously true; and that unpleasantness was cured only, to begin with, by a higher knowledge that all that is formulated must be surpassed. For instance, every experience expressed or described CALLS FOR a new progress, a new experience. In other words, it hastens the movement. That has been a consolation, because in fact, with the old sensation of something very stable and solid and immobile because of inertia (a past inertia, which is now being transformed but has left marks), because of that inertia there is a tendency to prefer things to be solid; so there is a thrill at being forced to No, no! No rest, no halt, go on!farther and farther and farther on When an experience has been very fruitful and highly pleasant, let us say, when its had a great force and a great effect, the first movement is to say, We wont talk about that, well keep it. Then after comes, Well say it in order to go farther onto go farther on, ever farther, ever farther.

0 1968-01-10, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For an hour in the morning, I arrange Flowers in my bathroom over there; all the Flowers are kept there so I select them (I make a distribution every morning). And its so beautiful! Its wonderful. All the Flowers speak, like that, they have a lifethey FEEL. And as I am very fond of them, they vibrate and vibrate. Then, as some have closed up in the night, I take them, look at them, tell them they are pretty and they open up. Really a pleasant sight. Just look at this! (Mother holds out a rose)

0 1968-02-07, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Something very amusing has happened to me with Flowers. I had arranged roses; I had selected roses to give people, and when they came, I took a rose I had kept aside. But it had opened too much, it didnt look so nice anymore, so I looked, I thought, Is it nice enough to be given? I was holding it loosely, like that. Mon petit, under my very eyes it turned around and stuck its thorn into my finger!
   Ive had other examples of consciousness in Flowers, but this one was remarkable. When I take them and tell them that theyre pretty and sweet, they open out that often happens; but this one turned around (of course I wasnt holding it tight), it turned around and stuck its thorn into my finger!
   I had another example, a very amusing one. You know that I keep hibiscus Flowers there, under the lamp; I had kept two Flowers, Supramental Consciousness, and another, pale pink, Supramental Beauty, there, under the lamp. Then someone sent me a Power, a hibiscus this big, all white, with a dark red centera marvel! Big as this. I put it there; the other Flower (it was lasting very well, it had lasted the whole morning), it instantly dropped down, furiousit didnt drop, it threw itself to the ground, like that!
   Ive noticed that: jealousy among Flowers. Some roses, if you put other Flowers with them, wither instantly.
   But its the first time Ive seen anger.
   There is someone to whom I send Flowers and who sends me Flowers every day, someone who does the yoga in earnest. He wrote to me (he sends me some of these golden hibiscuses, Supramental Beauty), he wrote to me that he told one of these Flowers, You are going to see Mother, and the Flower smiled. It opened out, it was happy, and it smiled. It smiled at me, he said.
   I dont know if its our perception that progresses, or if really, as Sri Aurobindo said, When the supramental Force comes on the earth, there will be a response EVERYWHERE. It seems to me to be that, because these Flowers are so, so vibrant, full of life. In the morning I always arrange them (its a work that takes me at least three quarters of an hour, there are more than a hundred Flowers in different vases that I have to arrange, and to each person I give a special sort of Flower I arrange all that), and in the vases, some Flowers say, Me! And indeed they are just what I need. They call out to me to say, Me!But thats not new, because when I was in Japan, I had a large garden and I had cultivated part of it to grow vegetables; in the morning I would go down to the garden to get the vegetables to be eaten that day, and some of them here, there, there (scattered gesture) would say, Me! Me! Me! Like that. So I would go and pick them. They literally called me, they called me.
   Thats a long time ago, nineteen hundred and when was it? It was in 1916-17, so thats forty years ago.
   But now, in the morning, I just have not to think, to remain quiet, and I go straight to the Flowers, they say, Me! Me! In spite of myself I am surprised, I say, Wonderful, this is just what I wanted!

0 1968-03-02, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, the aspiration of Flowers blossoms out; with Nature, it rises and widens as much as it can to receive. This (Mother points to the review = I) is like a knife. Its quite symbolic.
   Ive never said anything.

0 1968-03-16, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother holds out a Flower to Satprem:
   This is Happy Heart.1

0 1968-05-04, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives a Flower called "Divine Purity": Isotoma longiflora.)
   Do you know this?

0 1968-07-06, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So there have been two or three cases (two cases were very clear), and this morning, this stupid body of mine started running out of breath: Too, too fast, too fast. So it had to be kept still (it started running a temperature) and stop eating. But I had told it (I saw it came because of someone whos very ill; a combination of all kinds of things at the same time), during the night I had said to it that there was this work to be done [the radio recording], and so there was no question of flinching. So then, to be able to do it, it did away with all the restit didnt arrange Flowers, didnt take its breakfast and so on.
   The cold, too, came from someone (I have no opportunity to catch cold), it was from someone. I know who it is, but

0 1968-08-10, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother looks a little stronger: she remains standing while giving Flowers to Satprem and Sujata. Satprem gives Mother the offering of his pension.)
   Satprem has become a rich man! (Mother laughs)

0 1968-08-28, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother receives Satprem and Sujata in her new, low armchair made of rosewood, which will remain till the end. She no longer gets up to fetch Flowers for them.)
   Come here, I am more deaf than ever! How are you?

0 1968-09-25, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a Flower called "Transformation.")
   I give you the right one.

0 1968-11-02, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was in my hand a vase containing Divine Love [pomegranate] Flowers; I wanted to hand it to you, and when it came above my knees Did you see that movement?

0 1969-01-01, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, there would be mountains of things to say, but well see later (Mother peers at the clock hidden by a stack of letters on top of which she has placed two Flowers called Prosperity). Now, see, the prosperity hides the time from me! So (Mother laughs)
   So, a happy new year, mon petit!

0 1969-01-04, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives roses to Satprem, then breathes in the smell of a bunch of small yellow Flowers near her.)
   [Hymenan therum, small yellow daisies.]

0 1969-01-18, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (silence Mother gives Flowers)
   Here, this is for you.
   You see (Mother shows two hibiscus Flowers), its not the same thing: this is Grace, and this is Supramental Consciousness we have the Flower before the consciousness!

0 1969-04-09, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All that goes on in people, their reactions, their movements And its in contact with birds, in contact with Flowers they respond, birds respond very well. Its really interesting, one could write very interesting things, but there are too many of them!

0 1969-04-12, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That Godheads seed might Flower in mindless Space.
   Savitri, I.IV.55-73

0 1969-04-16, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother holds out a garl and of Flowers, then continues)
   They reject the ordinary control, absolutely, and some are fully in the pleasure of upsetting everything, but now and then you feel something (gesture of piercing through): Oh, Id like Id like something else. And that will be ready to receive the new consciousness.

0 1969-04-23, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives a Champak Flower2)
   And roses here. (To Sujata:) For you too.

0 1969-05-03, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was one thing. This little one, theyre going to cremate her now. So they came to me with a tray of Flowers to show me the Flowers they were going to place on her body And there [with the tray], there was something of the little onea psychic embryo; it was there, and it made a slight movement suddenly, a movement of such a deep tenderness. She was like this (gesture in front of Mother, with the tray of Flowers), I took a rose, and it was as though I gave it to her in her hand; I gave it and said, Here, its for you. And all that, all those vibrations, it was all luminous, lovely, and she (the conscious part in her) was so per-fect-ly happy!
   How can you tell that to the parents? They would say, Youre crazy
   But thats the FACT, the plain fact: I saw Champaklal come with the tray of Flowers, and it [the psychic embryo] was floating above, like that; so when I saw her, I took a rose and there was something SO lovely, SO luminous, like that (a very small thing, not a great force or anything), but so lovely, so luminous, so happy, with such a sense of repose.
   And how many times it must happen like that!
   This fact was further supported when this morning Champaklal brought a dish of Flowers to be burnt on her body. I saw a pretty little flame in the center of the dish. Generally I do not give any Flowers on the dish; I send it as it is. But today I was specially interested, I took a rose and put it on the flame of the dish. The flame grew big and it was glowing wonderfullyit was very beautiful.
   May 3, 1969

0 1969-08-27, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem and Sujata Flowers of Sri Aurobindos compassion)
   See Agenda I, 26 March 1959.

0 1969-08-30, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I spent a good part of the night (almost the whole night till 3 in the morning) with Sri Aurobindo, and he not only showed me and explained to me, but he himself WAS what he was showing me: he was preparing himself for the new creation. And last night he told me, he showed me how this or that thing would be, how the body would be. I remember that when I woke up, he was lying down on a bed, I was kneeling beside the bed, looking at him, and while he was that new body, he at the same time explained to me how the supermans body would be (the supramental being).1 And it was so living that even when I woke up, it remained I can still see it. But the details (how can I put it?) the memory doesnt have the precision that enables it to explain (I dont know how to put it). I still have the vision it had a color it wasnt casting rays of light, not that, but and not luminescent like an object, but with a special luminosity which had that light a little like Aurovilles Flower (but it wasnt like that, it looked perfectly natural). He was showing me his body; he was lying down, and showing me his body, saying, Here is how it is. The form was almost the same, with some I still have the memory there (gesture in the atmosphere), but I dont know how to explain. Lately, I had been wondering, Its odd, we dont at all know how it [the new body] will be. And I was saying to myself, Theres no one to tell me. Because this Consciousness that came, it acts through the consciousness, but not so much through the vision. So then, I had that last night. For a long, long time I was with Sri Aurobindo, a long time, for hours.
   It has entered the consciousness, it will come out again one day But I kept the memory of the last thing: I saw myself, I was in two places at the same time (and maybe I too wasnt quite as I am, but that didnt interest me: I was looking at him, who was lying down and explaining to me), and it was it was the same thing as a luminescent body, but it wasnt luminescent, it was if I am not mistaken, it was the color of this sari (Mother points to Sujatas sari), something like that.

0 1969-10-18, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here (Mother gives a Flower of Transformation): the right one.
   You too

0 1969-11-08, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theyre pretty Only one is necessary: all the way down, this one (Mother gives the Flower, laughing).
   To you (to Sujata) I give four.

0 1969-12-20, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a Champak Flower.)
   Do you know what it is? Its the divine psychological perfection. So someone asked me, Whats divine psychological perfection?A smile in any circumstance

0 1969-12-31, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So then, for the rest, its the same to me, they will do as they like. They first thought of building a dwelling for me, but Ill never go, so its no use, its quite unnecessary. And to watch over the islet, it was agreed there would be a small house for H. who wanted to be there simply as a guard . Then R. had arranged a whole system of bridges to link that to the other bank. The other bank would be entirely made of gardens all around. Those gardens we thought of twelve gardens (dividing the distance into twelve), twelve gardens with each of them concentrated on one thing: a state of consciousness with the Flowers representing it. And the twelfth garden would be in the islet, around (not around but beside) the Mandir with the tree, the banyan which is there. Thats what is at the center of the city. And there, there would be a repetition of the twelve gardens around, with the Flowers arranged in the same way There are now two Americans here, husb and and wife, and the husb and studied there for more than a year the art of gardening, and he came here with that knowledge. So I asked him to start straight away preparing the plan for the inner garden: theyre working on it.
   But then, the answer is always the same: We have no money!
   The cross is the symbol of transformation, you know: Matter (transversal gesture) penetrated by the Spirit; and the junction is the transformation. A tremendous Force came, like that, for this cross to become truly the Flower of transformation.
   But I didnt tell him anything! And he himself doesnt know, I mean, he never thought about it, its instinctively that he did that.

0 1970-01-03, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sujata goes out and comes back with Paolo, who comes in with a garl and of pink Harmony. Mother gives him an orange hibiscusAurovilles Flowerlooks at him, and starts speaking:)
   Since we decided to build that temple, I have seen I have seen the inside. I have just tried to describe it to Satprem. But in a few days I will have plans and drawings, so Ill be able to explain more clearly. Because I dont know at all how the outside is, but the inside I know.

0 1970-01-10, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With love I arranged beautiful Flowers for You and R. You were with us. We spoke a lot. I felt R. like a brother.
   I told him that Auroville cannot be born like any other city (urban, social, economic problems, all of them to be seen later). The starting point must be something else. That is why we must start with the Center. That Center must be our lever, our fixed point, the thing we can lean on to try and leap to the other sidebecause its only from the other side that we can begin to understand what Auroville should be. And that Center must be a form manifesting in Matter the content that You can transmit to us on every plane (occult included). As for us, we should only be the open and sincere means through which you can concretise that.
   Is your mother well? I wanted to give her Flowers. Here I have Flowers for you, and also for Sujatawhere is she?
   Sujata? Shes here!

0 1970-03-28, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So they gave him a Flower and he left.
   I think these children have a much greater inner sensitivenessmuch greater. There are little ones like that (about that age, two, three, four). One came with his parents, they brought him; I didnt particularly pay attention to him (I found the little one sweet, thats all). Afterwards, when he left, he said, Im not leaving this place. I want to see Mother, Im not leaving here. And he asked, he said, I want to see Mother every day! He came back and sat down (all the family members came, received Flowers, left and so on), but he remained quietly seated at my feet. He didnt move, he was quite satisfied. And strangely, its not because I pay special attention to them, not at all. Not at all.
   One child, the other day, brought me Flowers. I gave him a rose, and then he went to the other family members: he wanted to take their bouquets to give them to me. He came back, sat down, looked at his rose for a long time, and then he came and gave it to me as if it were it was so clearly, This is the best I have, so Im giving it to you! (Mother laughs)
   I gave it back to him.

0 1970-04-08, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Did I give you Flowers?

0 1970-05-27, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   True, it could be the intermediary. But the other thing would really mean a different degree of energy the absorption of a different degree of energy. As you used to do in the past when you breathed the smell of Flowers, for instance, or as Madame Thon used to do when she put a fruit (I forget which) on her chest.
   A grapefruit! Oh, I saw that, it was extraordinary! She would put the fruit on her chest and it would dry out! She would simply put it there and she would keep it for a few hours, and when she removed it, it was all flabby, there was nothing left!

0 1970-07-11, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Like Aurovilles Flower?
   Like Aurovilles Flower. But I DELIBERATELY chose it as Aurovilles Flower, for that reason. And my impression is that this is the supra-mental color: when I see beings from the supramental, they have not quite this color. Its not like a Flower, its like flesh. But its like this (Mother points to the Flowers color).

0 1970-07-18, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother holds out a Flower) What is it?
   Its Power of Truth in the Subconscient. Not easy!
   (Mother laughs) The Flowers are quite bold!
   (Mother takes another Flower) This is a Psychological Perfection. Its to find that [the power of truth in the subconscient].
   Were preparing a book about Flowers. There will be color photos of Flowers, their significance, and a comment by me! They make me write a comment on every Flower. So Im having fun! It will be interesting.
   But in the subconscient, some things have a power of recurrence.

0 1970-08-05, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother takes a Flower by her side)
   Do you want Silence?Not Satprem, no! (Mother laughs) You wouldnt do your work anymore! (To Sujata:) Do you want?

0 1970-09-02, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Satprem lays his forehead on Mothers knees. Mother gropes for Flowers by her side.)
   Whats this?
   (Sujata:) I dont know, its a new Flower, Mother.3
   (Mother nods) Ah, isnt it! I feel its a Flower connected to whats going on.
   (Satprem:) Its a hibiscus, a Power.

0 1970-09-12, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives "Transformation" Flowers.)
   You and Satprem

0 1970-09-16, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother looks much better. After giving "Transformation" Flowers, she goes into a long peaceful contemplation.)
   Peace has returned. Still now and then, a tension.

0 1970-09-19, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that if thou canst see all God in a little pale unsightly and scentless Flower, then hast thou hold of His supreme reality.
   Then I have hold of my supreme reality, but! (Mother laughs) All right, its good, its some consolation! (laughter)

0 1970-10-10, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives "Transformation" Flowers and slips one into her buttonhole, then mentions again the translation of the introduction of On the Way to Supermanhood.)
   I also thought I would ask Shu-Hu to do it in Chinese. That would be good.

0 1971-01-17, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Laughing) I gave your Flowers to Satprem, so you dont have any!
   I have your hands, Mother!

0 1971-03-03, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think I see the most exact thing to say is their condition, the state theyre in. And then, of course, there are those who are closed, so to say, who, for me, dont see, who are totally in the outer consciousness; and there are those who are openthere are some certain children are remarkable, its as if they were wide open (gesture like a Flower to the sun) and ready to absorb. Its especially peoples receptivity that I see, the condition theyre in: those who come with aspiration, those who come with curiosity, those who come out of a kind of obligation, and then those who are thirsty for lightthere arent too many, but there are several children. Today I saw one, he was so sweet! His father lives at the lake, he bought some property at the lake; he lives there with his wife and children, and it was the birthday of one of the childrenoh! (Mother opens her eyes wide) wonderful!
   And I see only that. Not what they think or say (all that seems superficial and uninteresting): only the state of receptivity they are in. Thats what I see above all.

0 1971-04-17, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is not a change in Sri Aurobindos yoga, it is the Flowering of Sri Aurobindos yoga, I dare say. I do not think that the Flower of the flame tree contradicts in any way the flame tree.
   Now, you have completely confused the psychic and the spiritual. The psychic, the soul, the Fire within, Agni, does not belong to the mental bubble or to any bubble: it is the Divine in matter. It is that little Fire which opens the door to the great solar Fire of the New Consciousness. It is the instrument of the yoga of the superman (when I speak of turning on the psychic switch, I am there taking the word in the vulgar and ridiculous sense of people seeking visionary and occult experiencesnot in the true sense). Others in every age have had the experience of the psychic, of the inner Fire, but aside from the Rishis, no one used it to transform matter; the religions have made a purely devotional and mystical thing out of it. As for the spiritual, that includes all the planes of consciousness above the ordinary mind. It is the path of ascent. And that is where I repeatedly and emphatically, and from experience, say that those great Experiences, which have to be turned into spiritual summits, are part of the mental bubble (including the overmind): they are the rarefied summits on which the being thins out into a marvelous whiteness, immense, royal, without a ripple of trouble, in an eternal peacewhich can last for millenniums without its changing the world one iota, by definition. But the spiritual is not the supramental, and when one touches the supramental, it seems to be almost a whole other Spirit, it is so compact, warm, powerful, present, embodied and radiantly solid in broad daylight. That is the Radiance which Sri Aurobindo and Mother came to bring down on earththey said over and over that their yoga was new, new, newand it is through the simple little fire inside us that we can enter into direct contact with That, without sitting in the lotus position or leaving life. When one touches That, the spiritual heights seem pale. That is all I have to say. So we do not at all need to be superyogis to have this contact, and those who have found Nirvana, or what have you, have not advanced one inch toward That, because the clue to That is not up there at all or outside, but in your own small capacity of flame.

0 1971-05-01, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have sent many messages (Mother looks for some papers). A government minister came,1 who has 400,000 workers on strike; they wrote me to ask him to have pity on the poor people (God knows what the story is!), but the gentleman came, gave me Flowers, took my Flower, and then ran off! I didnt have a chance to do anything.
   I wanted to tell him this:

0 1971-10-13, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother hands Satprem an unusual "transformation" Flower.)
   [Indian Cork Tree.]

0 1971-10-27, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives a transformation Flower)
   Thats all.

0 1971-11-17, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I could be Flowery; I could say (but thats not it): its no longer one being among other beings, its its the Divine in everything. But thats not the way I feel it. Its what moves things or what is conscious in things. What is conscious. It isnt exactly governs because the word govern doesnt convey the right senseanimates (not that either, all those words reduce and materialize the experience).
   Being Flowery, I would say: the old consciousness is like its death, its as if you were going to die any minute: you suffer, you its the consciousness that leads to death. And the other one (vast, immutable, smiling gesture) is life peaceful life, eternal life. Yes, thats it.
   But its not that, you follow, these are just words.

0 1971-12-22, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The red lotus is the Flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth.

0 1972-01-01, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Pomegranate Flower.
   This certainly refers to Bhutto who had gone to America as Pakistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs and was called back last month to be nominated President of Pakistan.

0 1972-02-09, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives some Flowers, then her latest note)
   The first thing one learns on the way is that giving brings much greater joy than taking.

0 1972-03-08, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother holds a Transformation Flower in her hand)
   For whom?
   (she looks for another Flower to give Satprem and Sujata one each)
   Ten lakhs of rupees have just burned up in Auroville.

0 1972-03-29b, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, she doesnt disturb me! Ill give her a Flower and she can leave, unless I have something to tell her. Its better that way; every day shell know if theres something to tell you.
   Yes, Mother, every day but she was getting the feeling she was intruding upon you!
   No, not at all! Its not that. I am inundated with people so I had to stop, but it was mostly birthdays, things like that. But she can come, bring me her Flowers, take Flowers from me, and if I have something to tell her, Ill tell her, otherwise shell leave immediately. Is it all right like that?
   (Sujata aside: My thought is mainly for Mother.)
   Listen to me nowwill you do as I say? Come to see me every day. Come to see me every day as before. If I have nothing to say, Ill give you Flowers; if there is something I want you to convey to Satprem, I will tell you. But come, just come.
   The time will be more or less the same as before. You came after who?
   If its all right with you, come every day after R. If I have something to say, I will tell you; if I have nothing to say, Ill give you some Flowers. But never, never think that I dont want to see you, its not trueits a BIG lie, its not true. Its a big lie.
   You know, you must be sure of one thing: I say things exactly as they are. I may say them poorly, but I say exactly what is true. I cant speak very well nowadays, I find it difficult, but the consciousness is clear. So I am telling you: I want to see you every day. Understood?
   Mother even told Satprem that when she had once fasted for ten days, that even the fragrance of Flowers to be "nourishing." See Agenda VI, November 27, 1965.
   In fact, Sujata was beginning to come up against the invisible wall put up by Mother's entourage, who thought Mother was seeing too much of Sujata. What is clear, is that Mother felt the need to remain in daily contact with Satprem. The scene that follows has something so poignant about it, as if Mother already sensed that the connection was going to be severed. This is just a prelude.

0 1972-04-02b, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Meeting with Auroville's architect, N. and U.N. is the Secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Society and U., his rival, the Secretary of Sri Aurobindo's Action. The architect gives Mother a Flower.)
   What is it?

0 1972-04-22, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother silently hands some Flowers to Satprem. Then she looks at what? She seems quite tired. Satprem informs her that he is moving to his new house at Nandanam, on the outskirts of Pondicherry. Mother goes off somewhere, for forty minutes.)

0 1972-05-17, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives some Flowers to Sujata)
   Here, mon petit.
   You know, Mother, I had an odd dream yesterday morning. In my dream I saw Satprems garden. I was walking in the street, passing by his garden, and I glimpsed an Adoration tree1 covered with adoration Flowers. I was filled with such joy. Then, a little farther on, behind this tree, I glimpsed another plantit was very tall and it was the Mind2
   (Mother nods her head)

0 1972-05-29, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother sees Sujata. On this day, thirty-four years before, Sujata decided to stay with Mother. She was twelve and a half years old, the youngest disciple in the Ashram. She had made her first visit to Pondicherry when she was nine. She gives Mother a spray of "Service" Flowers. This will be the last May 29th.)
   Its from your tree.
   (Mother holds the Flowers for a long time, then gives them back to Sujata)
   Ive put something there. For you and Satprem.

0 1972-06-24, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (silence Satprem offers a Flower to Mother, Supramental Light in the Subconscient. Mother keeps it by her side)
   Do you want to ask something?

0 1972-07-19, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Flowers to Sujata)
   Here. Do you want a garland?

0 1972-07-29, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother unties a garl and of Flowers from her wrist)
   Do you like patience?

0 1972-08-26, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother hands Satprem a packet of soup and some Flowers)
   How are you?

0 1972-10-25, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Satprem gives Mother a Flower, and Mother gives it to Satprem.)
   Its Power of Truth in the Subconscient.

0 1972-10-30, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sujata gives Mother Flowers)
   This is Divine Grace and this is Power of Truth in the Subconscient.
   (Mother gives Satprem Sujatas Flowers)
   Yes, Mother, yes, Mother.

0 1972-12-06, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (The night of the 5th, a violent cyclone struck Pondicherry. At Nandanam, in the middle of the devastated garden, a white hibiscus bloomed. Satprem places the Flower on Mother's lap.)
   A Grace Flower bloomed in the thick of the cyclone, Mother.
   The tree that gave me all my Transformation Flowers [from Satprems garden] is broken. The Service tree also: some of its branches have been torn off.
   Usually it didnt come this way.
   (Mother plunges in then comes back to give Satprem the Grace Flower)
   Mon petit.

0 1972-12-09, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother caresses the Flowers Sujata has just brought her.)
   I still have my cold.

0 1973-02-03, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother shuts her eyes, and feels with her hand the Flowers near her)
   What is this one?

0 1973-03-24, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I brought you a Flower from the garden: Surrender of Falsehood.2
   (Mother immediately takes the Flower and puts it on her forehead, where she holds it a long time, silently)
   I take it in the largest and most profound sense.
   Double red laurel Flower.

0 1973-04-07, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (The last few days, Mother saw very few people. She remained absorbed within. The previous meeting, on April 4, was spent in complete silence. Mother gives me Flowers, holds my hand in hers and remains silent for a while. She is so white...)
   I seem to be gathering all the worlds resistances. They come to me one after another, and if I werent. If I stop calling the Divine for a single minute, intimately feeling his presence within me, the pain is unbearable, mon petit! To such a point that I now hesitate to speak of transformation to people, because if thats what it is, one really has to be a hero. You see, theres something in the body that would almost howl nonstop.
   (Mother is about to plunge in but notices she has Flowers for Sujata on her knees. Sujata comes near her and gives her a lotus)
   What is it?
   The white lotus of the divine Mother (the pink lotus is Sri Aurobindo's Flower).
   The next time, after the intervention of Mother's attendant ("There are still too many people"), and perhaps other persons from Mother's entourage, the "every day" was reduced to three times a week, then two, then none.

02.02 - Lines of the Descent of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The phenomenon of individualisation has at its back the phenomenon of the growth of the Psyche. It is originally a spark or nucleus of consciousness thrown into Matter that starts growing and organising itself behind the veil, in and through the movements and activities of the apparent vehicle consisting of the triple nexus of Body (Matter) and Life and Mind. The extreme root of the psychic growth extends perhaps right into the body, consciousness of Matter, but its real physical basis and tenement is found only with the growth and formation of the physical heart. And yet the psychic individuality behind the animal organisation is very rudimentary. All that can be said is that it is there, in potentia, it exists, it is simple being: it has not started becoming. This is man's speciality: in him the psychic begins to be dynamic; to be organised and to organise, it is a psychic personality that he possesses. Now this Flowering of the psychic personality is due to an especial Descent, the descent of a Person from another level of consciousness. That Person (or Superperson) is the jvatman, the Individual Self, the central being of each individual formation. The Jivas are centres of multiplicity thrown up in the bosom of the infinite Consciousness: it is the supreme Consciousness eddying in unit formations to serve as the basis for the play of manifestation. They are not within the frame of manifestation (as the typal formations in the Supermind are), they are above or beyond or beside it and stand there eternally and invariably in and as part and parcel of the one supreme RealitySachchidananda. But the Jivatman from its own status casts its projection, representation, delegated formulationemanation, in the phraseology of the neo-Platonistsinto the manifestation of the triple complex of mind, life and body, that is to say, into the human vehicle, and thus stands behind as the psychic personality or the soul. This soul, we have seen, is a developing, organising focus of consciousness growing from below and comes to its own in the human being: or we can put it the other way, that is to say, when it comes to its own, then the human being appears. And it has come to its own precisely by a descent of its own self from above, in the same manner as with the other descents already described. Now, this coming to its own means that it begins henceforth to exercise its royal power, its natural and inherent divine right, viz, of consciously and directly controlling and organising its terrestrial kingdom which is the body and life and mind. The exercise of conscious directive will, supported and illumined by a self-consciousness, I that occurs with the advent of the Mind is a function of the I Purusha, the self-conscious being, in the Mind; but this self-conscious being has been able to come up, manifest itself and be active, because of pressure of the underlying psychic personality that has formed here.
   Thus we have three characteristics of the human personality accruing from the psychic consciousness that supports and inspires it:(1) self-consciousness: an animal acts, feels and even knows, but man knows that he acts, knows that he feels, knows even that he knows. This phenomenon of consciousness turning round upon itself is the hallmark of the human being; (2) a conscious will holding together and harmonising, fashioning and integrating the whole external nature evolved till now; (3) a purposive drive, a deliberate and voluntary orientation towards a higher and ever higher status of individualisation and personalisation,not only a horizontal movement seeking to embrace and organise the normal, the already attained level of consciousness, but also a vertical movement seeking to raise the level, attain altogether a new poise of higher organisation.

02.03 - The Glory and the Fall of Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Alive and clad with trees and herbs and Flowers
  Earth's great brown body smiled towards the skies,

02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Or live happy, unmoved, like Flowers and trees.
  Its hued magnificence blooms in leaves and Flowers.

02.05 - Robert Graves, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But really it does not matter if the deity is small. For, if the worship is sincere and the offering pure, they ultimately reach the Divine. Did not Sri Krishna say in the Gita that whom-soever you may worship and in whatever way, that in the end' reaches him? The importance and significance of worship do not depend upon their size and scale: a little water, a leaf, a Flower may more than do.
   The small gods are small, but do not slight themthey are powerful. They are powerful because they are deities of the earth. In fact, like gods and goddesses in heaven, there are gods and goddesses on earth also. The gods in heaven are high and far away, but these unobtrusive deities are near to our hearth and home. The Greeks referred to the Olympian gods, of high caste and rank as it were,like Jupiter and Apollo and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and land, its rivers and trees and fields the nymph, the satyr, and Pan and dryad and naiad. What are the powers and functions of these unearthly beings? They on their part are guarding the gate to heaven, questioning the pilgrim of their divine destination. Well, the sentinels have to be appeased first, satisfied and convinced. Surely the sands burn hotter than the sun!

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And the beauty of her Flowers of dream and muse.
  As if a miracle of heart's change by joy
  The crimson outburst of one secular Flower
  On the tree-of-sacrifice of spiritual love.

02.07 - The Descent into Night, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    Her green of leaves and hue and scent of Flowers
    And the charm of children and the love of friends

02.09 - The Paradise of the Life-Gods, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  All things were perfect there that Flower in Time;
  Beauty was there creation's native mould,

02.09 - Two Mystic Poems in Modern French, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All the suns of the higher consciousness are hidden here in the heart of leaves and Flowers the tiniest beauties, the floating fragrances of nature. That I never lose, yet never catch, it remains within my heart and yet it is not there. The stream flows and passes through, under the embankment.
   It is the hidden Reality that plays hide and seek with us.

02.11 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A new beginning Flowers in word and laugh,
  A new charm brings back the old extreme delight:

02.12 - The Heavens of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Open like Flowers to a heavenly atmosphere;
  Mind pauses thrilled with the supernal Ray,
  A quenchless flame or an unfading Flower,
  Emblem of a high kingdom's privilege.

02.12 - The Ideals of Human Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A new type of imperialism for imperialism it is in essence has been developing in recent times; and it seems it shall have its day and contri bute its share of experimentation towards the goal we are speaking of. I am of course referring to what has been frankly and aptly termed as the Dictatorship of the Proletariate. It is an attempt to cut across all other boundaries and unities of human groupingsracial, national, religious, even familial. It seeks to unify and consolidate one whole stratum of humanity in a single stream-lined steel-frame organisation. At least that was the ideal till yesterday; there seems to be growing here too a movement towards decentralisation. Naturally, even as an organisation that is top-heavy is bound to topple down in the end, likewise an organisation that is bottom-heavy, that is to say, restricts to that portion only of its body all sap and dynamism, is also bound to deteriorate and disintegrate. A tree does not live by its branches and leaves and Flowers alone, no doubt, nor does it live by its roots alone.
   A different type of wider grouping is also being experimented upon nowadays, a federal grouping of national units. The nation is taken in this system as the stable indivisible fundamental unit, and what is attempted is a free association of independent nations that choose to be linked together because of identity of interests or mutual sympathy in respect of ideal and culture. The British Empire is a remarkable experiment on this line: it is extremely interesting to see how an old-world Empire is really being liquidated (in spite of a Churchill) and transformed into a commonwealth of free and equal nations. America too has been attempting a Pan-American federation. And in continental Europe, a Western and an Eastern Block of nations seem to be developing, not on ideal lines perhaps at present because of their being based upon the old faulty principle of balance of power hiding behind it a dangerously egoistic and exclusive national consciousness; but that may change when it is seen and experienced that the procedure does not pay, and a more natural and healthier approach may be adopted.

02.14 - The World-Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And gardens that were Flower-tracts of the spirit,
  Its meditations of tinged reverie.
  As if the scent and hue of all sweet Flowers
  Had mingled to copy heaven's atmosphere.

03.10 - Hamlet: A Crisis of the Evolving Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Hamlet is the third stage; it is a vision of sattva-guna and a creation attempted by that vision. The human consciousness that was imprisoned in the vital mind, is released here into the higher or pure mind. The soul escapes from its sheath of sheer hunger and desire and egoism and self-aggrandisementyearns for light, more light. Lear is a dark mass of unconsciousness, crude and violent, even like the naked and raging elements into whose arms he is thrown; Macbeth is the beginning of consciousness in which one is conscious of one's own self alone, and keenly and deliberately attached to it,here light has dawned, but a lurid light. Hamlet is consciousness that is seeking to transcend the barrier of the little self and its narrow and vulgar appetites and impulses. Man here comes into touch with something that is impersonal, other-regarding, afar; he has grown interests that are not merely mundane, utilitarian, pragmatic, self-centred, but abstract, metaphysical, beyond the individual's own and immediate concern: he has now ideals and aspirationshe is a seeker of the true, the good, the beautiful. He has been initiated into the divinedaivanature. Culture, refinement, sensibility, understandingall the graces of a truly rational being make Hamlet the very Flower of an evolving humanity.
   Over against the personality of Hamlet stands another which represents false height, the wrong perfection, the counterfeit ideal. Polonius is humanity arrested in its path of straight development and deviated into a cut-de-sac of self-conceit and surface urbanity, apparent cleverness and success and pretentious and copy-book morality. When one has outgrown the barbarian, one runs the risk of becoming a snob or philistine. It is a side table-land, as it were, on mid-heights, the standard perhaps of a commoner humanity, but which the younger ideal has to transcend or avoid or even to destroy, so that it may find itself and live its own life. To the philistine too the mere biological man is a taboo, but he seeks to confine human nature into a scheme of codes and maxims and lifeless injunctions and prohibitions. He is also the man of Reason but without the higher inflatus, the living and creative Something More the poetry, the vision, the dream that would transfigure the merely pragmatic, practical, worldly wise the bourgeoisinto the princely aristocratic idealist, elevate the drab terre terre To-day into the glory of a soaring To-morrow.

03.11 - Modernist Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Nightingales, Anangke, a sunset or the meanest Flower
   Were formerly the potentiates of poetry,
   What Bottrall means is this in plain language: we reject the old-world myths and metaphors, figures and legends, wornout ornamentsmoon and star and Flower and colour and musicwe must have a new set of symbols commensurate with our present-day mentality and environmentstone and steel and teas and talkies; yes, we must go in for new and modern terms, we have certainly to find out a menu appropriate to our own sthetic taste, but, Bottrall warns, and very wisely, that we must first be sure of digesting whatever we choose to eat. In other words, a new poetic mythology is justified only when it is made part and parcel, flesh and blood and bone and marrow, of the poetic consciousness. Bottralls epigram "A man is what he eats" can be accepted without demur; only it must also be pointed out that things depend upon how one eats (eating well and digesting thoroughly) as much as what one eatsbread or manna or air and fire and light.
   The modernist may chew well, but, I, am afraid, he feeds upon the husk, the chaff, the offal. Not that these things too cannot be incorporated in the poetic scheme; the spirit of poetry is catholic enough and does not disdain them, but can transfigure them into things of eternal beauty. Still how to characterise an inspiration that is wholly or even largely pre-occupied with such objects? Is it not sure evidence that the inspiration is a low and slow flame and does not possess the transfiguring white heat? Bottrall's own lines do not seem to have that quality, it is merely a lessona rhetorical lesson, at bestin poetics.

03.11 - The Language Problem and India, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It may be argued that a foreign language, in order that it may be the medium of literary expression even for the few, must have some living contact with the many, the people themselves. Some kind of atmosphere is needed where the few can brea the and live the language they adopt. Even for an individual when he takes to a foreign tongue, it is necessary in order to be perfectly at home and master in that language that he should live sometime (seven years is the minimum given by a French critic) in the country of the language adopted. In India, now that the British are gone, how can that atmosphere or influence be maintained? English letters may yet flourish here for a few years, because of the atmosphere created in the past but they are sure to dwindle and fade away like Flowers on a plant without any roots in a sustaining soil. Indeed English was never a Flowering from the mother soil, it was something imposed from above, at best grafted from outside. Circumstances have changed and we cannot hope to eternalise it.
   We repeat what we have suggested, a national language Flowers in one way, an international language Flowers in another way. The atmosphere if not the soil, will be, in the new international consciousness, the inner life of mankind. That will become a more and more vivid, living and concrete reality. And minds open to it, soaked in it will find it quite natural to express themselves in a language that embodies that spirit. In this way, even though English might have lost a good deal of its external dominion in India, can still retain psychologically its living reality there, in minds that form as it were the vanguard of a new international age, with just the minimum amount of support needed from external circumstances and these are and may be available. And it would not be surprising, if not only English but French too in a similar way finds her votaries from among the international set in our country.
   All this, we repeat again, need not be and will not be at the cost of the national language or languages, rather the contrary.

04.01 - The Birth and Childhood of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  As from the soil sprang glory of branch and Flower,
  As from the animal's life rose thinking man,

04.02 - A Chapter of Human Evolution, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In India we meet a characteristic movement. As I said the Vedas represented the Mythic Age, the age when knowledge was gained or life moulded and developed through Vision and Revelation (Sruti, direct Hearing). The Upanishadic Age followed next. Here we may say the descending light touched the higher reaches of the Mind, the mind of pure, fundamental, typical ideas. The consciousness divested itself of much of the mythic and parabolic apparel and, although supremely immediate and intuitive, yet was bathed with the light of the day, the clear sunshine of the normal wakeful state. The first burgeoning of the Rational Mind proper, the stress of intellect and intellectuality started towards the end of the Upanishadic Age with the Mahabharata, for example and the Brahmanas. It Flowered in full vigour, however, in the earlier philosophical schools, the Sankhyas perhaps, and in the great Buddhist illuminationBuddha being, we note with interest, almost a contemporary of Socrates and also of the Chinese philosopher or moralist Confuciusa triumvirate almost of mighty mental intelligence ruling over the whole globe and moulding for an entire cycle human culture and destiny. The very name Buddha is significant. It means, no doubt, the Awakened, but awakened in and through the intelligence, the mental Reason, buddhi. The Buddhist tradition is that the Buddhist cycle, the cycle over which Buddha reigns is for two thousand and five hundred years since his withdrawal which takes us, it seems, to about 1956 A.D.
   The Veda speaks of Indra who became later on the king of the gods. And Zeus too occupies the same place in Greek Pantheon. Indra is, as has been pointed out by Sri Aurobindo, the Divine Mind, the leader of thought-gods (Maruts), the creator of perfect forms, in which to clo the our truth-realisations in life. The later traditional Indra in India and the Greek Zeus seem to be formulations on a lower level of the original archetypal Indra, where the consciousness was more mentalised, intellectualised, made more rational, sense-bound, external, pragmatic. The legend of Athena being born straight out of the head of Zeus is a pointer as to the nature and character of the gods. The Roman name for Athena, Minerva, is significantly derived by scholars from Latin mens, which means, as we all know, mind.

04.02 - The Growth of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Answering with the Flower's answer to the sun
  They gave themselves to her and asked no more.
  Of animal and bird and Flower and tree.
  They answered to her with the simple heart.
  As blooms a Flower in an unvisited place.
  Earth nursed, unconscious still, the inhabiting flame,

04.04 - The Quest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Alone with the cry of birds and hue of Flowers,
  And wildernesses of wonder lit by her moons
  Happy they lived with birds and beasts and Flowers
  And sunlight and the rustle of the leaves,

04.08 - An Evolutionary Problem, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Evolution is purposive: not because it has had always a mentally conscious aim before it, for the mind is a later production, but because the purpose is latent within as an involved force and is gradually unrolled and worked out. It is not as indeterminate and unpredictable as Bergson would have it; it has a veiled determination, a disposition implanted in the very movement by the stress of an apparent unconsciousness seeking conscious formulation. We might also say, reverting to our analogy, that the seed sprouts towards light and air, because it had absorbed light and air in its original formation out of the Flower blooming in the open space: the impress of that contact is taken into the very grain of its substance, in its chromosomes and genesit remains there as an indelible memory (although not of the human cerebral variety). It is no wonder therefore that an inner urge towards light gradually leads towards the formation of the instrument for sight. The organism may have no notion of the external eye, but the external eye is only a projection of an inner eye that lies imbedded in the sensory continuum. Behind the physical eye there is a subtle eye, the eye of the eye, as the Upanishad calls it, the secret gaze of an involved consciousness in the apparently unconscious.
   The whole articulation of the external organism is, as we know, contained in a secret disposition of elements within the cellnot in the way, as was once supposed, viz., that a whole full-grown tree lies in a miniature form within the seed andgrowth simply means a gradual enlargement of that form but that there is a pattern of ultimate particlesvital quantaa rhythm and vibration of life energy, that is the origin, the formal and efficient cause, of the material form. Deeper still, behind the blind instinctive urge of life, the unconsciousness that is the inertia of matter, there is a consciousness, a vision, a supernal self-conscious energy that inspires, guides, fashions the whole evolutionary scheme in the large as well as in all details.

04.31 - To the Heights-XXXI, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Even as the blooming Flower and the luscious fullness of the fruit
   Once lay hid within the dark and dank tortuous striving and travail of the roots!

05.01 - The Destined Meeting-Place, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Faint stumbling breezes faltered among Flowers.
  The white crane stood, a vivid motionless streak,

05.02 - Satyavan, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Groves with strange Flowers like eyes of gazing nymphs
  Peered from their secrecy into open space,
  He leaned to her influence like a Flower to rain
  And, like the Flower and tree a natural growth,
  Widened with the touches of her shaping hours.
  And drawn him to the forest's Flowering verge.
  At first her glance that took life's million shapes
  Along with sky and Flower and hill and star,
  Dwelt rather on the bright harmonious scene.
  Mastered by the honey of a strange Flower-mouth,
  Drawn to soul-spaces opening round a brow,
  Love dwells in us like an unopened Flower
  Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul,

05.03 - Satyavan and Savitri, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Brighter than summer, brighter than my Flowers,
  Into the lonely borders of my life,
  Has Flowered at last upon one happy branch?
  Why is thy dwelling in the pathless wood
  Pranked butterflies, the conscious Flowers of air,
  And wandering wings in blue infinity
  Enchanted from the fragrance of the Flowers
  A moment which all murmurs shall recall
  Her rapid fingers taught a Flower song,
  The stanzaed movement of a marriage hymn.
  She brought, Flower-symbol of her offered life,
  Then with raised hands that trembled a little now
  Adorned with creepers and red climbing Flowers
  It seemed a sylvan beauty in her dreams

05.12 - The Soul and its Journey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For it must be remembered that the human soul after all is not a simple and unilateral being, it is a little cosmos in itself. The soul is not merely a point or a single ray of light come down straight from its divine archetype or from the Divine himself, it is also a developing fire that increases and enriches itself through the multiple experiences of an evolutionary progressionit not only grows in height but extends in wideness also. Even though it may originally emanate from one principle and Personality, it takes in for its development and fulfilment influences and elements from the others also. Indeed, we know that the Four primal personalities of the Divine are not separate and distinct as they may appear to the human mind which cannot understand distinction without disparity. The Vedic gods themselves are so linked together, so interpenetrate one another that finally it is asserted that there is only one existence, only it is given many names. All the divine personalities are aspects of the Divine blended and fused together. Even so the human soul, being a replica of the Divine, cannot but be a complex of many personalities and often it may be difficult and even harmful to find and fix upon a dominant personality. The full Flowering of the human soul, its perfect divinisation demands the realisation of a many-aspected personality, the very richness of the Divine within it.

06.01 - The Word of Fate, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In Madra, Flowering up in delicate stone.
  There welcomed him the sage and thoughtful king,
  Of coral Flowers and buds of glowing dreams,
  Or fleest like a wind-goddess through leaves,
  Earth's Flowers spring up and laugh at time and death;
  The charmed mutations of the enchanter life

06.02 - The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Sin poisons with its vivid Flowers of joy
  Or leaves a red scar burnt across the soul;
  The Flower of Godhead grows on the world-tree:
  All shall discover God in self and things.

06.06 - Earth a Symbol, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The earth is the centre of the material universe. It has been created for concentrating the force that is to transform Matter. It is the symbol of the divine potentiality in Matter. As we have said, the earth was created through a direct intervention of the Divine Consciousness: it is on the earth alone that there is and can be the direct contact with the Divine. The earth absorbs and develops and radiates the divine light; its radiation spreads through space and extends wherever there is Matter. The material universe shares, to some extent, the gift that the earth brings the light and harmony of the Divine Consciousness. But it is upon the Earth alone that there is the full and final Flowering of that consciousness.
   The psychic being is found on the earth alone, for it is a product of the earth: it is the touch of the Divine upon Matter. The psychic being is a child of the Earth: it is born and grows upon Earth, it is native to nowhere else. Still when it develops sufficiently and becomes an adult individuality, it can go to other physical domains, visit other planets, for example.

06.11 - The Steps of the Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The first thing then to do is to find out what it is that you are meant to realise, what is the role you have to play, your particular mission and the capacity or quality you have to express. You have to discover that and also the thing or things that oppose and do not allow it to Flower or come to full manifestation. In other words, you have to know yourself, recognize your soul or psychic being.
   For that you must be absolutely sincere and impartial. You must observe yourself as if you were observing and criticising a third person. You must not start with an idea that this is your life's mission, such is your particular capacity, you are to do this or you are to do that, in this lies your talent or genius etc. That will carry you away from the right track. It is not the liking or disliking of your external being, your mental or vital or physical choice that determines the true line of your growth. Nor should you take up the opposite attitude and say, I am good for nothing in this matter, I am useless in that other, this is not for me. Neither vanity or arrogance nor self-depreciation or false modesty should move you. As I said, you must be absolutely impartial and unconcerned. You should be like a mirror that reflects the truth and does not judge.

06.30 - Sweet Holy Tears, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It was not easy to prepare the Feast. I had to bear the full load of the cross and ascend the calvary. Jesus as he mounted to his destiny with the Cross on his back stumbled often and fell and rose again with bruised limbs to begin again the arduous journey. Even so, this being too had to go through many disillusions and deceptions, many painful and brutal experiences. It was not a smooth and straight going, but a tortuous and dangerous ascent. But at the end of the tunnel there is always the light. The calvary and the crucifixion culminated in the Resurrection: the divine Passion of Christ Flowered into this supreme Recompense. Here too after all the dark and adverse vicissitudes lies the fulfilment of transformation. One must pass through the entire valley of death and rise to the topmost summit to receive and achieve the fullness of the glory. One must leave behind all the lower ranges of ignorance, the entire domain of human consciousness, come out of the imperfection man is made of; then only will he put on the divine nature as his own body and substance.
   The Cross symbolises all the suffering and difficulty, the renunciation and self-denudation that the ascent to the Goal involves. The Calvary of the Christian legend means Ascension and Resurrection is Transformation in our sadhana. The Cross is also symbolic of the Transformed consciousness. It has three branches and represents the triple Divine, the Divine in his three modes of existence. The top branch, the vertical portion above the transverse line, stands for the supreme or transcendent Divine, one who is above manifestation; the middle the transverse or horizontal branch stands for the expanse of the universal consciousness, the Cosmic Divine; and the bottom portion, the vertical line below the transverse stands for the individual Divine immanent or imbedded in the manifestation. You will note that the Flower we call transformation has a form similar to the Cross.
   The Mother: Prayers and Meditations, 3 September 1919

06.31 - Identification of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I will give you one instance. There was an old mango tree in one of our gardensvery old, leafless and dried up, decrepit and apparently dying. Everybody was for cutting it down and making the place clean and clear for Flowers or vegetables. I looked at the tree. Suddenly I saw within the dry bark, at the core, a column of thin and and dim light, a light greenish in colour, mounting up, something very living. I was one with the consciousness of the tree and it told me that I should not allow it to be cut down. The tree is still living and in fairly good health. As a young girl barely in my teens I used to go into the woods not far from Paris, Bois de Fontainebleau: there were huge oak trees centuries old perhaps. And although I knew nothing of meditation then, I used to sit quietly by myself and feel the life around, the living presence of something in each tree that brought to me invariably the sense of health and happiness.
   Another instance will show another kind of identification. It is an experience to which I have often referred. I was seated, drawn in and meditating. I felt that my physical body was I dissolving or changing: it was becoming wider and wider, losing its human characters and taking gradually the shape of a globe. Arms, legs, head were no longer there: it became spherical, having exactly the form of the earth. I felt I had become the earth. I was the earth in form and substance and all terrestrial objects were in me, animals and people, living and moving in me, trees and plants and even inanimate objects as part of myself, limbs of my body: I was the earth-consciousness incarnate.

07.01 - The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Through a narrow opening, a green Flowered cleft,
  Out of the stare of sky and soil they came
  A sky-topped Flower-hung palace of the gods
  And all its scenes a smile on rapture's lips

07.03 - The Entry into the Inner Countries, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It drew upon the skies a patterned Flower
  Of disciplined beauty and harmonic light.

07.04 - The Triple Soul-Forces, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Can the tree of Paradise Flower on earthly ground
  And the Bird of Paradise sit upon life's boughs

07.05 - The Finding of the Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In the Flower of the head, in the Flower of Matter's base,
  In each divine stronghold and Nature-knot

07.06 - Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  As if at Flower-prints in a dingy room
  Laughed in a golden vase one living rose.
  Invading the small sensitive Flower of the throat
  They brought their mute unuttered resonances

07.07 - The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  She was a subconscient life of tree and Flower,
  The outbreak of the honied buds of spring;
  The cosmos Flowered in her, she was its bed.
  She was Time and the dreams of God in Time;

07.40 - Service Human and Divine, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In a deeper sense it is indeed by serving yourself that you serve others best. When you discover a dark spot in you, a grain of egoism, ambition, selfishness, when you do not yield to its impulsion but surmount it, when you thus conquer in yourself a movement that leads you astray, in the same gesture you make the conquest for the sake of others too, you create the same possibility in others. There can be nothing more dynamic than this setting of personal example. It is not that others observe you and imitate you; the influence is more subtle and more powerful. You create the opportunity, make an opening, bring into active play the force of your realisation, even without the knowledge of others; the others are only benefited by the invisible help that is lent to them. But you must be on your guard here too. You must not say, 1 will help others, so let me improve myself. There should not be any such spirit of barter or bargain. Confine yourself to your own business; how others are affected or not affected is not your concern. If you entertain that kind of idea, you invite the same vanity and egoism, by the back door. Yours should be like the blooming of a Flower; it blooms out of its own joy and delight of self-fulfilment; in the process, by its very existence it spreads its perfume all around, fills the surroundings with its glad vibration, but that simply happens, it does not do all that purposely or intentionally. Even so the soul that perfects himself: the victory he wins for himself is contagious and extends automatically.
   I have said your ego is an illusion. Your I does not exist at all. There is nothing like separate, distinct individualities and individual fulfilment. The Divine alone exists and the Divine's Will. He is the single and unique and all-embracing reality. What then is the source of this variety and diversity of existence? What is the significance, if any, of the many individualities and personalities, their appearance and play on the world-stage?

08.03 - Death in the Forest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Herbs he has trod and know the forest Flowers
  And hear at ease the birds and the scurrying life
  He showed her all the forest's riches, Flowers
  Innumerable of every odour and hue

08.17 - Psychological Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is a Flower to which we have given this name. It is the familiar Champa. The Flower has five petals. Each petal represents a quality or movement of consciousness, the five qualities or movements making up the psychological perfection. In the beginning I named them(l) Surrender, (2) Sincerity, (3) Faith, (4) Devotion and (5) Aspiration. Of course the meaning can be changed. In fact, when I give the Flower to someone, I do not always mean the same qualities. I change according to the need of the person and at the moment. However, we can have all the same a general scheme. In any case, in all combinations and to whomsoever I may give, the first among the qualities is and must always be Sincerity. For, if sincerity is not there, one cannot move even half a step. So sincerity is the first thing necessary and should be always there.
   This can be translated by another word, if you like. That would be transparence. Let me explain.

08.24 - On Food, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is not like your stomach which can digest only a limited quantity of food and this food again can give out only a portiona very small portionof its energy. For after the energy spent in swallowing, masticating, digesting, etc. how much of it still remains available? If, on the other hand, you learnyou learn instinctively, it is a kind of instinctto draw from the universal energy which is freely available in the world and in any quantity, you can take it in and absorb as much as you are capable of doing. Thus, as I have said, when there is not the support from below coming from food, the body makes an automatic movement to get the needed energy from the environment. It gets at times, more than enough, even an overdose and that puts you in a state of tension or stimulation. And if your body is strong and can remain without food for some time, then you can maintain your poise and utilise the energies in all waysto make inner progress, for example, to become more conscious, to change your nature. But if your body does not have much reserve, it gets easily weakened by fast, then there occurs a disharmony between the intensity of the energies you absorb and the capacity of the body to hold them and that upsets you. You lose your poise, the equilibrium of the forces is broken and anything can happen. In any case, if such a thing happens, you lose a good deal of self-control, you get excited and this unnatural excitement you consider as a higher state of consciousness. But it is an inner unbalance, nothing more. Otherwise, in that state your senses get refined and receptive. Thus when you fast and do not draw energy from below, if you smell a Flower, you feel nourished, the perfume you brea the in serves as food, it gives you energy and this you would not have known but for the fasting.
   In this condition certain faculties become intensified and that is taken as a spiritual effect. But in reality it has very little to do with spirituality. However, instead of thinking all the while about food, how to get it and eat it, if one were to take to fasting for the sake of freeing oneself from the bondage of food preoccupation, rising a little in the scale of consciousness, it would be a good thing. If you have the faith it will do you good, it will purify you, make you progress a little. In that way it is all right: it will not do any harm to your body except making it a little slimmer. But if you fast and then continuously turn back to it and think of the food that you might have eaten or are likely to eat after the fasting, well, such fasting is worse than feasting.

09.02 - The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Into earth's Flowering spaces Satyavan
  In the sweet transiency of human limbs

09.05 - The Story of Love, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When you see a rose opening out to the sun, it is as if it were for the need of giving away its beauty. For us it is unintelligible, for Flowers do not think out what they do. A human being always associates with what he does the capacity to see what he does, to think what he does. But Flowers I are not, so to say, conscious at all, theirs is a spontaneous movement. It is a mighty Force that is at work through all this, the great universal Consciousness, the great force of universal Love that makes all things Flower in beauty.
   It is said the tiger's need to devour is one of the first expressions of love in the world. What is likely to prove that this is not quite false is that when a tiger or a serpent catches its victim, the victim usually gives himself up in a kind of delight of being eaten. A testimony comes in the experience of a man in the following true story. He happened to be in the midst of bushes with his comrades. He was a little behind, away from others and a tiger caught hold of him. The others returned when they noticed that he had disappeared. They found and followed the traces and arrived just in time to save him from the jaws of the tiger. When he had recovered a little, he was asked what a terrible experience he must have had! He replied that it was nothing of the kind: "Just imagine, I don't know what happened to me, but as soon as the tiger seized me and began to drag me along the ground, I felt an intense love for him and a great desire that he should eat me up." This is, I say, a true story.

09.18 - The Mother on Herself, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When I began to practise occultism, as I started working with my nights, making them conscious, I found that between the subtle physical level and the most material vital there was a small region, very small indeed, that was not developed well enough to serve as a conscious link between the two. So what happened in the most material vital was not being accurately translated into the consciousness of the most subtle physical. Something was lost in the passage which was however not quite empty but only half-conscious, not adequately developed. I knew there was only one way, namely to go on working for the development. I started working sometime in February, I suppose. One month, two months, three, four months passed with no result. I continued. Five months, six months. Then in July or August I left my home in Paris for the country-side. I came to a very small place near the seaside and stayed with friends. There was a garden there. And in the garden a fine green turf and Flowers and trees all round. It was a pretty little quiet place. It was very quiet, very silent. One day I lay myself down on the grass, flat on the face resting on my elbows (among the grass). Suddenly the whole life of this nature, the whole life of the intermediate region I am speaking of, which is most living in the plant and in physical nature, all this domain became all on a sudden, unexpectedly, without any transition, absolutely living, intense, conscious, wonderful. This was the result of the continuous activity of six months that had not given any result till then. I did not know it; just a little favourable condition and the result is there. It is like the chick in the egg. It has been there for a long time but you do not see it. You ask doubtfully if there is any chick at all inside the egg. And then suddenly a crack, a small hole the egg bursts and the chick comes out, quite formed and whole and entire. It took all this time to form itself. So it is like this. When you wish to pre pare something within you it is like the preparation of the chick inside the shell. It takes a long time and there is not the least result. But you must not be disheartened. You must continue your effort, as before, regularly as if the whole of eternity were before you, thoroughly disinterested in the result. One day the result bursts upon you, the whole result of all your work.

10.02 - The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It crouches under a bush in splendid Flower
  To seize a heart and body for its food:
  They have plucked me like a glad and trembling Flower,
  And clasped me happily burned in ruthless flame.
  Thy soul is a brief Flower by the gardener Mind
  Created in thy matter's terrain plot;

10.03 - Life in and Through Death, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Creation started originally with an absolutely inconscient existence. It is the pressure of an indwelling spirit the Grace descending into matter that has forced matter to burst into, to Flower into forms of light and consciousness. The pressure is ever-present and the Flowering continues into higher and higher modes of the Divine Consciousness. The figure '52' of the mythological legend denotes perhaps the integral multiplicity of the manifested universe. We may suggest an interpretation just to satisfy a mental curiosity: 52=50+2; and 50 is 5 X 10. The number 5 is very well-known as representing the five planes of consciousness, and as there is a descending and an ascending movement in each level that gives the number 10. And 5 times 10 is 50. This makes up the manifested creation. The remaining two are the Supreme Divine and his Shakti, or two unities at each end the one above, the one below. This however may be considered as a playful calculation meaning to represent, as I said, a multiple integrality of existence.
   The injunction is: you must die to the world if you want the life Eternal. Even so you must die to yourself if you want the Divine. The existing life which your ego has built up is a life of ignorance, misery and decadence. Death is indeed the natural and inevitable consequence; but this is a death in ignorance and bondage, it does not lead you to liberation and freedom. The dying that liberates is a conscious, deliberate movement of intelligence and will; dying to the world means withdrawing yourself from the world and turning within. Dying to yourself means withdrawing from your egohood and turning to the self, the being that is beyond. This withdrawal is to be done constantly and consistently in all the parts of the being. The mind is to move away from its thoughts, the vital from its desires and impulses and the body from its hunger and thirst. The first result of this withdrawal is a division of the being, an inner passive part and an outer active part. The inner part becomes gradually a mere witness and the outer part a mere mechanical functioning. When the withdrawal is so complete that the outer being or the world has no effect upon the inner, does not raise any ripple in it by its touch or contiguity then is accomplished the real death. Then it is said the outer existence, the material life does not continue long, it comes sooner or later to a dead stop. Thus the inner being is liberated completely and is freed into the life beyond, the Divine Existence, the Brahman. It is said that when each and every seed of the various elements that compose the being, that sprouts into the luxuriant tree of material life, when each and every seed is burnt up by the heat of mounting 'tapas', the force of aspiring consciousness, then there is no more chance or possibility of an ignorant earthly life, one is then naturally born into the Life of the Eternal. That is the final, the supreme death which is laya or pralaya.

10.03 - The Debate of Love and Death, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  His moments of beauty triumph in a Flower;
  The blue sea's chant, the rivulet's wandering voice
  Lies stunned in the stone and dreams in Flower and tree.
  Even in this labour and dolour of Ignorance,
  Its sap runs through the plant and Flowers of Pain:
  It thrills with the drama of fate and tragic doom,
  Of the grapes of Heaven and the Flowers of the Abyss,
  Of the flame-stabs and the torment-craft of Hell
  Bright pleasure from my wayside Flowering boughs,
  Yet falter not from thy hard journey's goal,
  Earth cannot Flower if lonely I return."
  Then Death sent forth once more his angry cry,

10.04 - Lord of Time, #Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In a gentle joke with a white-and-white Flower
  Pulls the soul to always go with him

10.04 - The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And its laughter of beauty blossom in the Flower,
  If sense could wake in tissue, nerve and cell
  If not to achieve, to Flower in me, to love,
  Carving his human image richly shaped
  On the body's longings grew heaven-rapture's Flower
  And made desire a pure celestial flame,

10.09 - Education as the Growth of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The brain should be a Flowering of this consciousness, a developing vehicle for the expression of the increasing consciousness. For that guidance is needed so that one may always turn within and look for that consciousness, feel it growing, and with one's will and thought and act help its growth and development. A brain is not developed by the mass of information that may be pressed into it. Informations are necessary but they should be presented in such a way that they serve as fuel, helpful fuel to the mounting fire; they must not be merely piled up upon and around the fire or be as so many wet faggots crushing it down with their weight. A true learner is one who seeks sincerely this inner consciousness which is one's own; the true teacher is one who knows how to lead the learner towards this inner light.

1.00b - Introduction, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Above the magicians head, with an invisible ribbon for a crown, there is a goldedged silvery white lotus Flower as a sign of the divinity. In the inside there is the ruby red philosophers stone symbolizing the quintessence of the whole hermetic science. On the right side in the background there is the sun, yellow like gold and on the left side we see the moon, silvery-white, expressing plus and minus in the macro and microcosm, the electrical and magnetical fluids.
  Above the lotus Flower, Creation has been symbolized by a ball, in the interior of which are represented the procreative positive and negative forces which stand for the creating act of the universe.
  The eternal, the infinite, the boundless, and the uncreated have been expressed symbolically by the word AUM and the dark purple to black colour.

1.00d - Introduction, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Others, however, have touched the Secret. Perhaps the Greeks knew it, and the Egyptians, and certainly the Indian Rishis of Vedic times. But secrets are like Flowers on a beautiful tree; they have their season, their unseen growth and sudden blossoming. There is a time for everything, for the conjunction of stars above our heads and the passage of the cormorant over the foam-flecked rock, and perhaps even for that foam itself, cast up for an instant from the swell of the wave; everything moves according to a single rite. And so do men. A secret, that is, a knowledge and power, has its own organic time; one little cell more evolved than others cannot embody the power of its knowledge, that is, change the world, hasten the blossoming of the great tree, unless the rest of the evolutionary terrain is ready.
  But the time has come.
  It has come, it is bursting out all over the earth, even if the unseen Flower still looks like a festering boil: students behead Gandhi's statue in Calcutta, the old gods crumble, minds fed on intellect and philosophy cry for destruction and invite the outl and Barbarians to help them break their own prison, just as the ancient Romans did; others call for chemical paradises any way is better than this one! And the earth gasps and groans through all its cracks, its countless cracks, through all the cells of its great body in transformation. The so-called evil of our time is a new birth in disguise, which we do not know how to handle. We are before a new evolutionary crisis as radical as must have been the first human aberration among the great apes.
  But since the terrestrial body is one, the remedy is one, like Truth, and a single point transmuted will transmute all the others. That point, however, is not to be found in the improvement of our laws, our systems or sciences, our religions, schools of thought or many-hued isms all those are part of the old Machinery; not a single nut needs to be tightened, added or improved anywhere: we are suffocating in the extreme. Moreover, that point has nothing to do with our intelligence that is what has contrived the whole Machine in the first place or even with improving Man, which would amount only to glorifying his weaknesses and past greatness. The imperfection of Man is not the last word of Nature, said Sri Aurobindo, but his perfection too is not the last peak of the Spirit. Indeed, this point lies in a future beyond the grasp of our intelligence, but it is growing in the depths of the being like the Flowers of the flame tree when all its leaves have fallen.
  But there is a handle to the future, provided we go to the heart of the thing. But where is that heart if it is not in our human standards? One day, the first reptiles out of the water sought to fly, the first primates out of the jungle cast a strange new look over the world: one and the same irresistible urge was making them contemplate another state. And perhaps all the transforming power was already contained in that simple look TOWARD something else, as if that look, that urge, that point of the unknown crying out, had the power to unlock the floodgates to the future.

1.00 - Preface, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  BASED on the versicle in the Song of Songs, " Thy plants are an orchard of Pomegranates ", a book entitled Pardis Rimonim came to be written by Rabbi Moses Cordovero in the sixteenth century. By some authorities this philosopher is considered as the greatest lamp in post-Zoharic days of that spiritual Menorah, the Qabalah, which, with so rare a grace and so profuse an irradiation of the Supernal Light, illuminated the literature and religious philosophy of the Jewish people as well as their immediate and subsequent neighbours in the Dias- pora. The English equivalent of Pardis Rimonim - A Garden of Pomegranates - I have adopted as the title of my own modest work, although I am forced to confess that this latter has but little connection either in actual fact or in historicity with that of Cordovero. In the golden harvest of purely spiritual intimations which the Holy Qabalah brings, I truly feel that a veritable garden of the soul may be builded ; a garden of immense magnitude and lofty significance, wherein may be discovered by each one of us all manner and kind of exotic fruit and gracious Flower of exquisite colour. The pomegranate, may I add, has always been for mystics everywhere a favourable object for recon- dite symbolism. The garden or orchard has likewise pro- duced in that book named The Book of Splendour an almost inexhaustible treasury of spiritual imagery of superb and magnificent taste.
  This book goes forth then in the hope that, as a modern writer has put it:
  Should there be those who are so unfortunate as to possess no such sacred sanctuary of their own, one builded with their own hands, I humbly offer this well-tended garden of Pomegranates which has been bequea thed to me. I hope that therein may be gathered a few little shoots, a rare Flower or two, or some ripe fruit which may serve as the nucleus or the wherewithal for the planting of such a secret garden of the mind, without which there is no peace, nor joy, nor happiness.
  It is fitting that a note of appreciation to my predecessors in Qabalistic research should accompany this work, in which I have endeavoured to present an exposition of the basic principles underlying the Qabalah, to serve as a text- book for its study. I have scrupulously avoided contention and unnecessary controversy.

1.00 - Preliminary Remarks, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Time that the midnight blossom Flowered!
  The oneness is. Yet even in this,

1.00 - PRELUDE AT THE THEATRE, #Faust, #Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, #Poetry
  Then, at your play, behold the fairest Flower
  Of youth collect, to hear the revelation!

1.00 - PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN, #Faust, #Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, #Poetry
  Both Flower and fruit the future years adorning?

1.00 - The Constitution of the Human Being, #Theosophy, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  Why does the world appear to man in this threefold way? The simplest consideration will explain that. I cross a Meadow covered with Flowers. The Flowers make their colors known to me through my eyes. That is the fact which I accept as given. I rejoice in the splendor of the colors. Through this I turn the fact into an affair of my own. By means of my feelings I link the Flowers with my own
   p. 12
   existence. A year after I go again over the same meadow. Other Flowers are there. New joy arises in me through them. My joy of the former year will appear as a memory. It is in me; the object which aroused it in me is gone. But the Flowers which I. now see are of the same species as those I saw the year before; they have grown in accordance with the same laws as did the others. If I have enlightened myself regarding this species and these laws, I find them again in the Flowers of this year as I recognized them in those of the former year. And I shall perhaps muse as follows: "The Flowers of last year are gone; my joy in them remains only in my remembrance. It is bound up with my existence alone. That, however, which I recognized in the Flowers of the former year and recognize again this year, will remain as long as such Flowers grow. That is something that revealed itself to me, but which is not dependent on my existence in the same way as my joy is. My feelings of joy remain in me; the laws, the being of the Flowers, remain outside of me in the world."
  Man continually links himself in this threefold way with the things of the world. One
   should not for the time being read anything into this fact, but merely take it as it presents itself. It makes it evident that man has three sides to his nature. This and nothing else will for the present be indicated here by the three words body, soul, and spirit. He who connects any preconceived meanings, or even hypotheses, with these three words will necessarily misunderstand the following explanations. By body is here meant that by which the things in the environment of a man reveal themselves to him, as in the example just cited, the Flowers of the meadow. By the word soul is signified that by which he links the things to his own being, through which he experiences pleasure and displeasure, desire and aversion, joy and sorrow. By spirit is meant that which becomes manifest in him when, as Goe the expressed it, he looks at things as "a so-to-speak divine being." In this sense the human being consists of body, soul, and spirit.
  Through his body man is able to place himself for the time being in connection with the things; through his soul he retains in himself the impressions which they make on him; through his spirit there reveals itself to him

10.11 - Beyond Love and Hate, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The mother says Love and Hate are at bottom the same thing. At the centre there is the same substance in both, it is the obverse and reverse of the same stuff. It is a vibration, it is a unique vibration, a vibration of extreme intensity, of extreme intimacy. At the centre there is this one single movement although at the periphery it becomes different, even contradictory. As the movement starts from the centre, and proceeds outward it differentiates itself, becomes more and more different, contrary, even contradictory to what it was at its origin. Hatred with all its most ugly features appears in the place of what was once a smiling beauty. Indeed, Love itself as we know it, as it is at the outside on the periphery, is equally a deformation and aberration like Hatred. Hatred kills but Love devours, vitally in man, literally in some of the lower species of animals. Human love and human hatred are both perversions, falsified expressions of another truth behind. It is human ignorance and prejudice that appreciates one and deprecates the other. Yet both have the same root, the Flowering of the same seed or it is somewhat like the two opposite kinds of electricitypositive and negative. The two charges have opposite signs but they attract each other and although in the expression and action they are contradictory, they are both charges of electrical energy and therefore substantially they are one and the same.
   We may extend this viewpoint and find the resolution of all contrariness and contradictoriness. Paradoxically one may say then all contradictions are an apparent illusion, all contradictions naturally and inevitably mean an inmost unity and identity. Even so the Brahman and the world or the Purusha and the Prakriti are apparent negations to each other, the duality is in the ordinary ignorant consciousness, but the two are one in the supreme indivisible consciousness.

10.12 - Awake Mother, #Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Frightful is the blood-red Flower of Her anger,
  In wrath She swings in Her hands the heads of two titans.

1.012 - Sublimation - A Way to Reshuffle Thought, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  So, in the process of practice of yoga, whose essential ingredient is self-control or self-restraint, what is expected is a gradual blossoming of the Flower of consciousness into a deeper insight into the nature of things, tending towards a wider experience, rather than a forceful suppression of really perceived values or a crushing of desires for things which are expected to bring about real satisfaction to the individual personality. This is a very important aspect which many seekers may miss due to their enthusiasm.
  In our system, the culture of Bharatvarsha, four aims of existence are always emphasised dharma, artha, kama and moksha. None of them can be ignored. There are people who are fired up with an enthusiasm for moksha, and under this impulse of a love for moksha or salvation of the soul, an immature mind may apply the wrong technique of forcing the will to abandon the real values of life, namely dharma, artha and kama, under the impression that they are obstacles to the salvation of the soul or the liberation of the spirit. Most people commit this mistake, and so they achieve neither anything in this world nor anything in the other world they live a miserable life. They have not been properly instructed, and so have taken a wrong direction altogether.

1.01 - Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  a butterfly \pvxn in Greek which reels drunkenly from Flower
  to Flower and lives on honey and love. In Gnostic typology the
  avdpo)Tro<; l/or^xo?, 'psychic man,' is inferior to the Trvev/xartKo?,

1.01 - DOWN THE RABBIT-HOLE, #Alice in Wonderland, #Lewis Carroll, #Fiction
  Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole; she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall and wander about among those beds of bright Flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway. "Oh," said Alice, "how I wish I could shut up like a telescope!
  I think I could, if I only knew how to begin."

1.01 - Economy, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  The soil, it appears, is suited to the seed, for it has sent its radicle downward, and it may now send its shoot upward also with confidence. Why has man rooted himself thus firmly in the earth, but that he may rise in the same proportion into the heavens above?for the nobler plants are valued for the fruit they bear at last in the air and light, far from the ground, and are not treated like the humbler esculents, which, though they may be biennials, are cultivated only till they have perfected their root, and often cut down at top for this purpose, so that most would not know them in their Flowering season.
  I do not mean to prescribe rules to strong and valiant natures, who will mind their own affairs whether in heaven or hell, and perchance build more magnificently and spend more lavishly than the richest, without ever impoverishing themselves, not knowing how they live,if, indeed, there are any such, as has been dreamed; nor to those who find their encouragement and inspiration in precisely the present condition of things, and cherish it with the fondness and enthusiasm of lovers,and, to some extent, I reckon myself in this number; I do not speak to those who are well employed, in whatever circumstances, and they know whether they are well employed or not;but mainly to the mass of men who are discontented, and idly complaining of the hardness of their lot or of the times, when they might improve them. There are some who complain most energetically and inconsolably of any, because they are, as they say, doing their duty. I also have in my mind that seemingly wealthy, but most terribly impoverished class of all, who have accumulated dross, but know not how to use it, or get rid of it, and thus have forged their own golden or silver fetters.
  I would not subtract any thing from the praise that is due to philanthropy, but merely demand justice for all who by their lives and works are a blessing to mankind. I do not value chiefly a mans uprightness and benevolence, which are, as it were, his stem and leaves. Those plants of whose greenness withered we make herb tea for the sick, serve but a humble use, and are most employed by quacks. I want the Flower and fruit of a man; that some fragrance be wafted over from him to me, and some ripeness flavor our intercourse. His goodness must not be a partial and transitory act, but a constant superfluity, which costs him nothing and of which he is unconscious. This is a charity that hides a multitude of sins. The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own cast-off griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy. We should impart our courage, and not our despair, our health and ease, and not our disease, and take care that this does not spread by contagion. From what southern plains comes up the voice of wailing? Under what latitudes reside the hea then to whom we would send light? Who is that intemperate and brutal man whom we would redeem? If any thing ail a man, so that he does not perform his functions, if he have a pain in his bowels even,for that is the seat of sympathy,he forthwith sets about reforming the world.
  Being a microcosm himself, he discovers, and it is a true discovery, and he is the man to make it,that the world has been eating green apples; to his eyes, in fact, the globe itself is a great green apple, which there is danger awful to think of that the children of men will nibble before it is ripe; and straightway his drastic philanthropy seeks out the Esquimaux and the Patagonian, and embraces the populous
  I read in the Gulistan, or Flower Garden, of Sheik Sadi of Shiraz, that
  They asked a wise man, saying; Of the many celebrated trees which the

1.01 - Foreward, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Elsewhere in the Riks the Vedic Word is described (X.71) as that which is supreme and the topmost height of speech, the best and the most faultless. It is something that is hidden in secrecy and from there comes out and is manifested. It has entered into the truth-seers, the Rishis, and it is found by following the track of their speech. But all cannot enter into its secret meaning. Those who do not know the inner sense are as men who seeing see not, hearing hear not, only to one here and there the Word desiring him like a beautifully robed wife to a husb and lays open her body. Others unable to drink steadily of the milk of the Word, the Vedic cow, move with it as with one that gives no milk, to him the Word is a tree without Flowers or fruits. This is quite clear and precise; it results from it beyond doubt that even then while the Rig Veda was being written the Riks were regarded as having a secret sense which was not open to all. There was an occult and spiritual knowledge in the sacred hymns and by this knowledge alone, it is said, one can know the truth and rise to a higher existence. This belief was not a later tradition but held, probably, by all and evidently by some of the greatest Rishis such as Dirghatamas and Vamadeva.
  The tradition, then, was there and it was prolonged after the

1.01 - How is Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds Attained?, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
  The student is told to set apart moments in his daily life in which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. He is not to occupy himself at such moments with the affairs of his own ego. This would result in the contrary of what is intended. He should rather let his experiences and the messages from the outer world re-echo within his own completely silent self. At such silent moments every Flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamt of. And thus he will prepare himself to receive quite new impressions of the outer world through quite different eyes. The desire to enjoy impression after impression merely blunts the faculty of cognition; the latter, however, is nurtured and cultivated if the enjoyment once experienced is allowed to reveal its message. Thus the student must accustom himself not merely to let the enjoyment
   p. 16

1.01 - MASTER AND DISCIPLE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  As he left the room with Sidhu, he heard the sweet music of the evening service arising in the temple from gong, bell, drum, and cymbal. He could hear music from the nahabat, too, at the south end of the garden. The sounds travelled over the Ganges, floating away and losing themselves in the distance. A soft spring wind was blowing, laden with the fragrance of Flowers; the moon had just appeared. It was as if nature and man together were preparing for the evening worship. M. and Sidhu visited the twelve Siva temples, the Radhakanta temple, and the temple of Bhavatarini. And as M.
  watched the services before the images his heart was filled with joy.
  O mind, if you are in earnest, bring Her an offering Of bel-leaves and hibiscus Flowers;
  Lay at Her feet your offering

1.01 - Principles of Practical Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  and bring it to full Flower. For this reason to dabble in psycho therapy is toplay with fire, against which amateurs should be stringently cautioned. It is
  particularly dangerous when the mythological layer of the psyche is

1.01 - Proem, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  For thee the daedal Earth bears scented Flowers,
  For thee waters of the unvexed deep

1.01 - SAMADHI PADA, #Patanjali Yoga Sutras, #Swami Vivekananda, #Hinduism
  before Flowers the crystal becomes almost identified with
   Flowers. If the Flower is red, the crystal looks red, or if the
   Flower is blue, the crystal looks blue.

1.01 - THAT ARE THOU, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  There is a spirit in the soul, untouched by time and flesh, flowing from the Spirit, remaining in the Spirit, itself wholly spiritual. In this principle is God, ever verdant, ever Flowering in all the joy and glory of His actual Self. Sometimes I have called this principle the Tabernacle of the soul, sometimes a spiritual Light, anon I say it is a Spark. But now I say that it is more exalted over this and that than the heavens are exalted above the earth. So now I name it in a nobler fashion It is free of all names and void of all forms. It is one and simple, as God is one and simple, and no man can in any wise behold it.

1.01 - The First Steps, #Raja-Yoga, #Swami Vivkenanda, #unset
  Those of you who can afford it will do better to have a room for this practice alone. Do not sleep in that room, it must be kept holy. You must not enter the room until you have bathed, and are perfectly clean in body and mind. Place Flowers in that room always; they are the best surroundings for a Yogi; also pictures that are pleasing. Burn incense morning and evening. Have no quarrelling, nor anger, nor unholy thought in that room. Only allow those persons to enter it who are of the same thought as you. Then gradually there will be an atmosphere of holiness in the room, so that when you are miserable, sorrowful, doubtful, or your mind is disturbed, the very fact of entering that room will make you calm. This was the idea of the temple and the church, and in some temples and churches you will find it even now, but in the majority of them the very idea has been lost. The idea is that by keeping holy vibrations there the place becomes and remains illumined. Those who cannot afford to have a room set apart can practice anywhere they like. Sit in a straight posture, and the first thing to do is to send a current of holy thought to all creation. Mentally repeat, "Let all beings be happy; let all beings be peaceful; let all beings be blissful." So do to the east, south, north and west. The more you do that the better you will feel yourself. You will find at last that the easiest way to make ourselves healthy is to see that others are healthy, and the easiest way to make ourselves happy is to see that others are happy. After doing that, those who believe in God should pray not for money, not for health, nor for heaven; pray for knowledge and light; every other prayer is selfish. Then the next thing to do is to think of your own body, and see that it is strong and healthy; it is the best instrument you have. Think of it as being as strong as adamant, and that with the help of this body you will cross the ocean of life. Freedom is never to be reached by the weak. Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.

1.01 - The Highest Meaning of the Holy Truths, #The Blue Cliff Records, #Yuanwu Keqin, #Zen
  heavenly Flowers falling in profusion and the earth turning to
  gold. He studied the Path and humbly served the Buddha, issu

1.01 - The King of the Wood, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  the summer Flowers. Such fables contain a deeper philosophy of the
  relation of the life of man to the life of nature--a sad philosophy

1.01 - The Offering, #Hymn of the Universe, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  first fruits of their harvests, the Flower of their
  flocks. But the offering you really want, the offer-

1.01 - The Path of Later On, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  BY THE wayside, many-coloured Flowers delight the eye, red berries gleam on small trees with knotty branches, and in the distance a brilliant sun shines gold upon the ripe corn.
  A young traveller is walking briskly along, happily breathing in the pure morning air; he seems joyful, without a care for the future. The way he is following comes to a cross-roads, where innumerable paths branch off in all directions.
  The wild grasses around him whisper in his ear, "Later." Later, yes, later. Ah, how pleasant it is to brea the the scented breeze, while the sun warms the air with its fiery rays. Later, later. And the traveller walks on; the path widens. Voices are heard from afar, "Where are you going? Poor fool, don't you see that you are heading for your ruin? You are young; come, come to us, to the beautiful, the good, the true; do not be misled by indolence and weakness; do not fall asleep in the present; come to the future." "Later, later," the traveller answers these unwelcome voices. The Flowers smile at him and echo, "Later." The path becomes wider and wider. The sun has reached its zenith; it is a glorious day. The path becomes a road.
  The road is white and dusty, bordered with slender birchtrees; the soft purling of a little stream is heard; but in vain he looks in every direction, he can see no end to this interminable road.

10.23 - Prayers and Meditations of the Mother, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A deep concentration seized on me, and I perceived that I was identifying myself with a single cherry-blossom, then through it with all cherry-blossoms, and as I descended deeper in the consciousness, following a stream of bluish force, I became suddenly the cherry-tree itself, stretching towards the sky like so many arms its innumerable branches laden with their sacrifice of Flowers. Then I heard distinctly this sentence:
   "Thus hast thou made thyself one with the soul of cherry-trees and so thou canst take note that it is the Divine who makes the offering of this Flower-prayer to heaven."
   When I had written it, all was effaced; but now the blood of the cherry-tree flows in my veins and with it flows an incomparable peace and force. What difference is there between the human body and the body of a tree? In truth there is none, the consciousness which animates them is identically the same.

10.27 - Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When we speak of the dimensions of consciousness, it means these different levels or status of ascending expression. They also form according to the mode of expression each one a world of its own. We may compare the mounting consciousness to a growing tree, it is the same sap-substance that appears at the outset as a seed, then as the seed opens out and develops it appears or throws up a stem or trunk and as it proceeds it throws up branches and higher up leaves and then Flowers and fruit. Apparently however different and diverse these formulations, they are but expressions of the same sap-substance in the original seed. Even so an original seed-consciousness is the basis and essential reality of all the forms in the material universe.
   It must now be apparent that consciousness is not merely consciousness, simple awareness, it is also power or energy. The Vedic word is cit-tapas, consciousness-energy. It is one indivisible, entity: consciousness is energy. It is not however in the sense as when we say knowledge is power: It does not mean consciousness has power or gives power, but consciousness is power. The nearer analogy would be with light-energy. Light, we know today, thanks to modern science, does not merely illumine, it energises, activises, moves things, that is to say, matter and material objects. The ray of light, we know now, acts even more effectively than the surgeon's knife. The inherent quality of light is energy. This energy has been discovered to be electro-magnetic energy, a photon (unit-light or light-unit) is, as we have said, an electro-magnetic quantum.

1.028 - Bringing About Whole-Souled Dedication, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  Likewise, to know everything that will happen in the future also cannot be regarded as a happy state of affairs for minds that are incapable of understanding all aspects of things. Inasmuch as the prarabdhas in us have a restraining force upon us, all the gates will not open at one stroke. There is a gradual opening of the personality, like the blossoming of a Flower from the state of a bud. Just as we grow from childhood to youth, etc., and do not suddenly jump into the skies, there is a gradual opening up of consciousness into higher and higher levels by the intensity of the daily practice. Each day we will find that there is a little progress, though it may not be all that we expect. All that we expect cannot come in one day, for reasons that we know very well. But there is bound to be progress, even if the practice is very little, provided that it is done with ardour and with great affection, intensity and wholeheartedness.
  The condition mentioned in the sutra of Patanjali is: sa tu drghakla nairantarya satkra sevita dhabhmi (I.14). A very, very affectionate attitude towards this practice is one condition. We cannot have a greater love for anything in this world than we have for this practice. In fact, this practice is like a parent to us it will take care of us, protect us and provide us with everything that we need. This practice of yoga should be continued until the point of realisation, without asking for immediate results. Karmanyevdhikraste m phaleu kadcana(B.G. II.47), says Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Bhagavadgita. Our duty is to act according to the discipline prescribed, and not to expect results. The results will follow in the long run, in due course of time.

10.29 - Gods Debt, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Earth moves forward through man who is its Flowering and man moves forward through his representative, the higher man, who reveals and embodies still greater potentialities of God's creation, having the privilege of being so conscious as to contact the gods and God Himselfhe is master of life-force (awapati); he climbs to the summits and brings down upon earth the heavenly riches and the Divine Grace, which fulfils, transmuting all debits into credits.

1.02 - Fire over the Earth, #Hymn of the Universe, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  up, to grow, to Flower, to ripen during this day say
  again the words: This is my Body. And over every

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  category cat, and smelling for the category Flower. Our basic-level categories reflect our structure, as
  much as the structure of the external world: we most accurately conceive of those things that most simply

1.02 - SADHANA PADA, #Patanjali Yoga Sutras, #Swami Vivekananda, #Hinduism
  all throwing out these Tanmatras, just as a Flower is
  continuously emanating these Tanmatras, which enable us to
  put on a table and a red Flower be put near it, the crystal
  appears to be red, so all these appearances of happiness or

1.02 - Self-Consecration, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  26:In the first movement of self-preparation, the period of personal effort, the method we have to use is this concentration of the whole being on the Divine that it seeks and, as its corollary, this constant rejection, throwing out, katharsis, of all that is not the true Truth of the Divine. An entire consecration of all that we are, think, feel and do will be the result of this persistence. This consecration in its turn must culminate in an integral self-giving to the Highest; for its crown and sign of completion is the whole nature's all-comprehending absolute surrender. In the second stage of the Yoga, transitional between the human and the divine working, there will supervene an increasing purified and vigilant passivity, a more and more luminous divine response to the Divine Force, -- but not to any other; and there will be as a result the growing inrush of a great and conscious miraculous working from above. In the last period there is no effort at all, no set method, no fixed sadhana; the place of endeavour and Tapasya will be taken by a natural, simple, powerful and happy disclosing of the Flower of the Divine out of the bud of a purified and perfected terrestrial nature. These are the natural successions of the action of the Yoga.
  27:These movements are indeed not always or absolutely arranged in a strict succession to each other. The second stage begins in part before the first is completed; the first continues in part until the second is perfected; the last divine working can manifest from time to time as a promise before it is finally settled and normal to the nature. Always too there is something higher and greater than the individual which leads him even in his personal labour and endeavour. Often he may become, and remain for a time, wholly conscious, even in parts of his being permanently conscious, of this greater leading behind the veil, and that may happen long before his whole nature has been purified in all its parts from the lower indirect control. Even, he may be thus conscious from the beginning; his mind and heart, if not his other members, may respond to its seizing and penetrating guidance with a certain initial completeness from the very first steps of the Yoga. But it is the constant and complete and uniform action of the great direct control that more and more distinguishes the transitional stage as it proceeds and draws to its close. This predominance of a greater diviner leading, not personal to ourselves, indicates the nature's increasing ripeness for a total spiritual transformation. It is the unmistakable sign that the self-consecration has not only been accepted in principle but is fulfilled in act and power. The Supreme has laid his luminous hand upon a chosen human vessel of his miraculous Light and Power and Ananda.

1.02 - Taras Tantra, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  met the yogini. Havin g offered her some Flowers, he
  told her. "I was invite d to go to Tibet. Will my

1.02 - The Age of Individualism and Reason, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For, eventually, the evolution of Europe was determined less by the Reformation than by the Renascence; it Flowered by the vigorous return of the ancient Graeco-Roman mentality of the one rather than by the Hebraic and religio-ethical temperament of the other. The Renascence gave back to Europe on one hand the free curiosity of the Greek mind, its eager search for first principles and rational laws, its delighted intellectual scrutiny of the facts of life by the force of direct observation and individual reasoning, on the other the Romans large practicality and his sense for the ordering of life in harmony with a robust utility and the just principles of things. But both these tendencies were pursued with a passion, a seriousness, a moral and almost religious ardour which, lacking in the ancient Graeco-Roman mentality, Europe owed to her long centuries of Judaeo-Christian discipline. It was from these sources that the individualistic age of Western society sought ultimately for that principle of order and control which all human society needs and which more ancient times attempted to realise first by the materialisation of fixed symbols of truth, then by ethical type and discipline, finally by infallible authority or stereotyped convention.
  Manifestly, the unrestrained use of individual illumination or judgment without either any outer standard or any generally recognisable source of truth is a perilous experiment for our imperfect race. It is likely to lead rather to a continual fluctuation and disorder of opinion than to a progressive unfolding of the truth of things. No less, the pursuit of social justice through the stark assertion of individual rights or class interests and desires must be a source of continual struggle and revolution and may end in an exaggerated assertion of the will in each to live his own life and to satisfy his own ideas and desires which will produce a serious malaise or a radical trouble in the social body. Therefore on every individualistic age of mankind there is imperative the search for two supreme desiderata. It must find a general standard of Truth to which the individual judgment of all will be inwardly compelled to subscribe without physical constraint or imposition of irrational authority. And it must reach too some principle of social order which shall be equally founded on a universally recognisable truth of things; an order is needed that will put a rein on desire and interest by providing at least some intellectual and moral test which these two powerful and dangerous forces must satisfy before they can feel justified in asserting their claims on life. Speculative and scientific reason for their means, the pursuit of a practicable social justice and sound utility for their spirit, the progressive nations of Europe set out on their search for this light and this law.

1.02 - The Descent. Dante's Protest and Virgil's Appeal. The Intercession of the Three Ladies Benedight., #The Divine Comedy, #Dante Alighieri, #Christianity
  Even as the Flowerets, by nocturnal chill,
  Bowed down and closed, when the sun whitens them,

1.02 - The Eternal Law, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  and one who is ready to understand a little Lalita's childlike face and to bring her his incense and Flowers may not be able to address the Eternal Mother in the silence of his heart; still another may prefer to deny all forms and plunge into the contemplation of That which is formless. "Even as men come to Me, so I accept them. It is my path that men follow from all sides," says the Bhagavad Gita (IV,11). 14 As we see, there are so many ways of conceiving of God, in three or three million persons, that we should not dogmatize, lest we eliminate everything, finally leaving nothing but a Cartesian God, one and universal by virtue only of his narrowness. Perhaps we still confuse unity with uniformity. It was in the spirit of that tradition that Sri Aurobindo was soon to write: The perfection of the integral Yoga will come when each man is able to follow his own path of Yoga, pursuing the development of his own nature in its upsurging towards that which transcends the nature. For freedom is the final law and the last consummation.15
  Nor does an Indian ever ask: "Do you believe in God?" The question would seem to him as childish as: "Do you believe in CO2?"
  conscious of the Great Cosmic Game and the inner dimensions in which our little surface lives are just points, periodically Flowering and soon re-engulfed, came to neglect the material world inertia,
  indifference to progress, and resignation often wore the face of wisdom; a spiritual ransom also (this one far more serious), because in that immensity too great for our present little consciousness, the destiny of the earth, our earth, became lost somewhere in the deep confines of the galaxy, or nowhere, reabsorbed in Brahman, whence perhaps it had never emerged after all, except in our dreams

1.02 - The Human Soul, #The Interior Castle or The Mansions, #Saint Teresa of Avila, #Christianity
  9.: A soul which gives itself to prayer, either much or little, should on no account be kept within narrow bounds. Since God has given it such great dignity, permit it to wander at will through the rooms of the castle, from the lowest to the highest. Let it not force itself to remain for very long in the same mansion, even that of self-knowledge. Mark well, however, that self-knowledge is indispensable, even for those whom God takes to dwell in the same mansion with Himself. Nothing else, however elevated, perfects the soul which must never seek to forget its own nothingness. Let humility be always at work, like the bee at the honeycomb, or all will be lost. But, remember, the bee leaves its hive to fly in search of Flowers and the soul should sometimes cease thinking of itself to rise in meditation on the grandeur and majesty of its God. It will learn its own baseness better thus than by self-contemplation, and will be freer from the reptiles which enter the first room where self-knowledge is acquired. The palmito here referred to is not a palm, but a shrub about four feet high and very dense with leaves, resembling palm leaves. The poorer classes and principally children dig it up by the roots, which they peel of its many layers until a sort of kernel is disclosed, which is eaten, not without relish, and is somewhat like a filbert in taste. See St. John of the Cross, Accent of Mount Carmel, bk. ii. ch, xiv, 3. Although it is a great grace from God to practise self-examination, yet 'too much is as bad as too little,' as they say; believe me, by God's help, we shall advance more by contemplating the Divinity than by keeping our eyes fixed on ourselves, poor creatures of earth that we are.
  10.: I do not know whether I have put this clearly; self-knowledge is of such consequence that I would not have you careless of it, though you may be lifted to heaven in prayer, because while on earth nothing is more needful than humility. Therefore, I repeat, not only a good way, but the best of all ways, is to endeavour to enter first by the room where humility is practised, which is far better than at once rushing on to the others. This is the right road;-if we know how easy and safe it is to walk by it, why ask for wings with which to fly? Let us rather try to learn how to advance quickly. I believe we shall never learn to know ourselves except by endeavouring to know God, for, beholding His greatness we are struck by our own baseness, His purity shows our foulness, and by meditating on His humility we find how very far we are from being humble.

1.02 - The Pit, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  C. G. Jung, the eminent European psycho-analyst, writes in Wilhelm's Secret of the Golden Flower: "Therefore, I can only take the reaction which begins in the West against the intellect in favour of intuition, as a mark of cultural advance, a widening of consciousness beyond the too narrow limits set by a tyrannical intellect" (p. 82).
  Incidentally, one of the greatest difficulties experienced by the philosopher-s-a difficulty almost insurmountable by the student; one which continually tends to increase rather than diminish with the advance in knowledge-is this: it is practically impossible to gain any clear intellectual comprehension of the meaning of philosophical terms employed. Every thinker has his own private conception of, and meaning for, even such common and universally used terms as " soul" and " mind"; and in the vast majority of cases he does not so much as suspect that other writers may employ the same term under a different connotation. Even technical writers, those who sometimes take the trouble of defining their terms before using them, are too often at variance with each other. The diversity is very great, as stated above, in the case of the word

1.02 - The Recovery, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  We reached the month of April. Sri Aurobindo's rapid progress became widely known and people began to clamour for a Darshan; they had already missed two of them, and for the next one in August it would be too painfully long to wait. The Mother also began to plead on behalf of the bhaktas, though not much pleading was needed. For we know that when the Mother's heart had melted, the Father's would not take long to do so. Besides, the Mother probably wanted Sri Aurobindo to take up his regular activities as soon as possible. Even for him she would not make any exception. Her dynamic nature cannot brook too long an ease. April 24th was then fixed for the Darshan, as it was the day of the Mother's final arrival in Pondicherry. Thenceforth the April Darshan became a permanent feature. The date well suited the professors and students, since it fell within the span of the summer holidays. But the darshan time had to be changed from the morning to the afternoon and it would be a darshan in the true sense of the word. For the devotees would simply come and stand for a brief while before the Mother and the Master, have their darshan and quietly leave. Sri Aurobindo tersely remarked, "No more of that long seven-hour darshan!" Formerly the Darshan was observed with a great ceremonial pomp. Starting at about 7.30 a.m., it ran with one breathing interval, up to 3 p.m. The devotees offered their garlands and Flowers, did two, even three or four pranams to the Mother and the Master who remained glued to one place throughout the ordeal, and endured another martyrdom under this excessive display of bhakti even as Raman Maharshi suffered from the "plague of prasads". Now, all that was cut down at one stroke by the force of external circumstances, and all expression transformed into a quiet inner adoration which is a characteristic of this Yoga. Sri Aurobindo's accident made the ceremonial Darshan a thing of past history.
  On the eve of the Darshan, the Mother washed Sri Aurobindo's hair with our help. It was such an elaborate and complicated affair that had it been left in our hands, it would have ended in confusion, particularly because it had to be done in the bedroom. Hot and cold water, basins, soap, powder, etc., etc., had to be kept ready. What a ceremony really, this washing was! No wonder ladies go in for bob or shingle. Formerly, Sri Aurobindo, it seems, used to wash his long hair every night, but I am sure he did without all this paraphernalia. His secluded life had, of course, simplified the whole complex process. Later on when a bathroom adjoining his living room was built, washing lost its formidable character. Sri Aurobindo bore all this torture as a part of the game, I suppose.
  The Darshan day at last! In the morning, the Mother arrived in his room with a Flower, probably a red lotus, knelt before the Lord, placed the lotus on his bed and bowed down to receive his blessings and his sweet smile. This was the second time I saw her doing pranam to him. The first time was on her birthday, February 21. It was a revelation to me, for I did not expect her to bow down in the Indian way. On every Darshan day since then I enjoyed the sight. On other days she used to take his hand and lightly kiss it. With her customary drive, she chalked out the Darshan programme, the time for Sri Aurobindo's lunch and of her coming for the Darshan. We had to be ready and keep the Master ready too. From the early morning time began to move fast, the Mother was seen rushing about, she had so many things to attend to! Everything finished, clad in a lovely sari, a crown adorning her shapely head, looking like a veritable Goddess, she entered Sri Aurobindo's room with brisk steps, earlier than the appointed time, as was her wont. She gave a quick glance at us. We were all attention. The entire group was present, it being the first Darshan after the accident. She was pleased to find us ready. Sri Aurobindo was dressed in an immaculate white dhoti, its border daintily creased, as is the custom in Bengal; a silk chaddar across his chest and his long shining hair flowing down a picture that reminded us of Shiva and Shakti going out to give darshan to their bhaktas; Sri Aurobindo was in front and the Mother behind. They sat together as on other Darshan days, she on his right, a glorious view, and the ceremony began.
  It was, however, a simple Darshan. One by one the sadhaks stood for a brief moment before the One-in-Two, and passed on quietly thrilled and exalted by their silent look and gracious smile. The feelings of the sadhaks can be imagined when they saw their beloved Master restored to his normal health! The Darshan was over within an hour, and when Sri Aurobindo was back in his room Dr. Rao remarked in his childlike manner, "Sir, you looked grand at the Darshan!" Sri Aurobindo smiled and we retorted, just to tease him, "At other times he doesn't?" Rao, nonplussed, replied, "No, no, I did not mean that." Truly, Rao had expressed the sentiments of hundreds of devotees who had a glimpse of him during the Darshan. What a grandeur and majesty in his simple silent pose! What a power, as if he held the whole world in the palm of his hand! If ever a human being could attain the stature of a god, he was there for all to see and be blessed by. Many have had a deep change after just one touch of his God-like magnificence. "A touch can alter the fixed front of Fate." Many had visions and boons they had long been seeking for, and for the sadhaks each Darshan was a step to a further milestone towards the Eternal. Sri Aurobindo had said: "Darshans are periods of great descents!" It was not for nothing that Hitler chose the 15th of August for his royal ascension in Buckingham Palace and got the first heavy blow. Nor was it for nothing that India gained her independence on that immortal day.

1.02 - The Refusal of the Call, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  His Flowering world becomes a wastel and of dry stones and his life feels meaninglesseven though, like King Minos, he may through titanic effort succeed in building an empire of renown.
  Whatever house he builds, it will be a house of death: a labyrinth of cyclopean walls to hide from him his Minotaur. All he can do is create new problems for himself and await the gradual approach of his disintegration.

1.02 - The Stages of Initiation, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   moon on the horizon. Both these feelings are forces which, when duly cultivated and developed to ever increasing intensity, lead to the most significant spiritual results. A new world is opened to the student if he systematically and deliberately surrenders himself to such feelings. The soul-world, the so-called astral plane, begins to dawn upon him. Growth and decay are no longer facts which make indefinite impressions on him as of old, but rather they form themselves into spiritual lines and figures of which he had previously suspected nothing. And these lines and figures have, for the different phenomena, different forms. A blooming Flower, an animal in the process of growth, a tree that is decaying, evoke in his soul different lines. The soul world (astral plane) broadens out slowly before him. These lines and figures are in no sense arbitrary. Two students who have reached the corresponding stage of development will always see the same lines and figures under the same conditions. Just as a round table will be seen as round by two normal persons, and not as round by one and square by the other, so too, at the sight of a Flower, the same spiritual figure is presented to the soul. And just as the
   p. 41
  Anyone having reached this point of spiritual vision is the richer by a great deal, for he can perceive things not only in their present state of being but also in their process of growth and decay. He begins to see in all things the spirit, of which physical eyes can know nothing. And therewith he has taken the first step toward the gradual solution, through personal vision, of the secret of birth and death. For the outer senses a being comes into existence through birth, and passes away through death. This, however, is only because these senses cannot perceive the concealed spirit of the being. For the spirit, birth and death are merely a transformation, just as the unfolding of the Flower from the bud is a transformation enacted before our physical eyes. But if we desire to learn this through personal vision we must
   p. 67

10.31 - The Mystery of The Five Senses, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Indeed we say habitually, when speaking of spiritual realisation, that one sees the truth, one has to see the truth: to know the truth, to know the reality is taken to mean to see the truth, to see the reality, and what does this signify? It signifies what one sees is the light, the light that emanates from truth, the form that the Truth takes, the radiant substance that is the Truth. This then is the special character or gift of this organ, the organ of sight, the eye. One sees the physical light, of course, but one sees also the supraphysical light. It is, as the Upanishad says, the eye of the eye, the third eye in the language of the occultists. What we say about the eye may be equally said in respect of the other sense-organs. Take hearing, for example. By the ear we hear the noises of the world, its deafening cries and no doubt at times also some earthly music. But when the ear is turned inward, we listen to unearthly things Indeed we know how stone-deaf Beethoven heard some of those harmonies of supreme beauty that are now the cherished possessions of humanity. This inner ear is able to take you by a process of regression to the very source of all sound and utterance, from where springs the anhata vk, the undictated voice, the nda-brahman, the original sound-seed, the primary vibration. So the ear gives that hearing which reveals to you a special aspect of the Divine: the vibratory rhythm of the being, that matrix of all utterance, of all speech that mark the material expression of consciousness. Next we come to the third sense, that of smell, Well, the nose is not a despicable organ, in any way; it is as important as any other more aristocratic sense-organ, as the eye or the ear. It is the gate to the perfumed atmosphere of the reality. Even like a Flower, as a lotus for example, the truth is colourful, beautiful, shapely, radiant to the eye; to the nostrils it is exhilarating perfume, it distils all around a divine scent that sanctifies, elevates the whole being. After the third sense we come to the fourth, the tongue. The mouth gives you the taste of the truth and you find that the Truth is sweetness, the delicious nectar of the gods: for the truth is also soma, the surpreme rasa, amta, immortality itself. Here is Aswapathy's experience of the thing in Savitri:
   In the nostrils quivered celestial fragrances,

10.35 - The Moral and the Spiritual, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The world is a gradation of developing consciousness, of growing states or status of being. There is a higher and lower level in point of the measure of consciousness but that involves no moral judgement: the moral judgement is man's; it is man's, one might almost say, idiosyncrasy, that is to say, a notion that is a prop to help him mount the ladder. Though it might be necessary at a certain stage, in certain circumstances, it is not a universal or ineluctable law, not even in his personal domain. The growing consciousness is like the growing tree rising upward first into a trunk, then spreading out into branches, into twigs and tendrils, then in Flowers and finally, in fruits. These are mounting grades of growth, but the growth above is not superior to the growth below. It is a one unified whole and each portion has its own absolute value, beauty and utility.
   The modern mind has forgotten this lesson. It is terribly moral I say moral, not immoral Its immorality has found play, has almost been cultured so that its moral sense may remain intact. Its dislike and even abhorrence for things it chooses to call immoral is the ransom it pays for rescuing its sense of morality, and paradoxically this very abhorrence for unholy things has pushed it all the more into their grasp. This is the characteristic turn or twist of the modern consciousness, the perversity unknown to the ancient 'sinners'. Perversity means, you yield, not only yield, but take delight in the thing you dislike, detest or abhor even. In the vein of St. Augustine who said "I believe because it is impossible", 1 the modern consciousness says: I love because I hate.

1.03 - APPRENTICESHIP AND ENCULTURATION - ADOPTION OF A SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  the natural development and Flowering of the childs innate potential. So it might be said, using Jungs
  terminology, that he was an unconscious exponent, 359 for example, of the philosophy of Rousseau:
  existence was inconvenient to him (and, we must presuppose, to the Flowering of his intrinsic goodness).
  Anyway the fervent hope of every undisciplined person (even an undisciplined genius) is that his current

1.03 - Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima Concept, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  11 Cf. my "Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower," pars. 57ff., and
  Chantepie de la Saussaye, Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte, I, p. 71.

1.03 - Invocation of Tara, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  cleaning, Flowers, incense, light, perfume, food, and
  music. Each offering is represented by a mantra and a
  symbolizes the Flowers that gods shower on earth.
  Other prayers and long life prayers for the teachers

1.03 - On Knowledge of the World., #The Alchemy of Happiness, #Al-Ghazali, #Sufism
  The world resembles those imposters, who decorate themselves externally and conceal the sorrows and curse they bring, while the ignorant, looking only at the outside, are fascinated and deluded. The world resembles the old woman who arrayed herself in silk stuffs and Flowered brocades, and with ornaments, and covered her head with a beautiful embroidered veil, so that those who should see her from a distance, and notice only her garments and her form, might be deceived. And whenever she has succeeded in inducing a person to follow after her and to decide upon joining himself to her, she takes off her robes from her back and her veil from her head, and immediately her concealed ugliness is brought to light, and the person who had been seeking her, becomes subject to eternal regret and sorrow. We have received it also by tradition, that the world will be brought to the great assembly at the last day, in the form of a woman with livid eyes, pendent lips, and deformed shape, and all the people will look upon her, (we take refuge in God,) and will exclaim, "what deformed and horrible person is that, whose aspect alone is severe torture to the soul?" And they will be answered. "It was on her account that you were envying and [71] hating one another, and were ready to slay one another. It was on her account that you rebelled against God, and debased yourselves to every sort of corruption." And then God will order her to be driven off to hell with her followers and her lovers....
  Know, that the world consists of a certain number of stages between the world of spirits and the future world. The first stage is the cradle, and the last is the grave, and every period between these is also a stage. Each month represents a league, each hour a mile, and each breath a step. It is always flowing on like running water. Man in his excessive heedlessness thinking himself to be permanently established, engages in building up the world: and though he has no assurance of a half-hour of time, he makes preparations for dwelling here for many years, and never once brings himself to make the necessary preparation for dislodging and moving to another land.
  The people of this world are also like the passengers in a ship, who while sailing upon the sea, arrive at an island. The sailors draw the ship to the shore, and then call out and say, "whoever wishes for water or other provisions, let him leave the ship and go and procure them : let him not delay, for the ship will not remain long. It is besides a dangerous place, and whoever remains here will perish." After receiving this warning, the passengers leave the ship, and are all scattered about, one in this direction and another in that. The wise passengers, remembering the admonition of the sailors, attended quickly to their affairs, and immediately returned to the ship. They selected the places in the ship [73] that pleased them best, and sat down calm and tranquil. Some of the passengers, however, gazed at the trees, the Flowers and the fruits of the island, listened to and admired the notes of the birds, and became absorbed in looking at the wonderful curiosities found there. They delayed so long, that when they came to the ship, they found every place in the ship occupied, and no room for them to sit down. They finally entered, and found a corner with great difficulty, where they could just press themselves in. Others, not satisfied with gazing around, loaded themselves with stones that had the appearance of being precious, and after a time returned to the ship. They found it completely full, and absolutely no place to sit down. After they had entered, they were compelled from necessity to stow themselves in a dark place at the bottom. As for the stones which they had thought were jewels, they lost their color, putrefied, and sent forth such a disagreeable odor, as to affect the passengers to nausea. It was impossible to expel the odor and they remained to the last with its disagreeableness in the midst of them. Others still took so much pleasure in looking about the island, that they said to themselves, "where shall we be able to find a more delightful retreat than this ? It is not clear that the place where we are going is better than this," And so they chose to remain there; and after the departure of the ship some of them perished with hunger and thirst, and some were devoured by wild beasts. Not one of them was saved. In the future world they will certainly suffer pain and retribution.
  The Alchemy of Happiness, by Mohammed Al-Ghazzali, the Mohammedan Philosopher, trans. Henry A. Homes (Albany, N.Y.: Munsell, 1873). Transactions of the Albany Institute, vol. VIII.

1.03 - Sympathetic Magic, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
   Flower-pot. Then she plants in the pot a marigold, a Flower that is
  thought to be fadeless. And as its golden blossom grows and blooms

1.03 - The Desert, #The Red Book Liber Novus, #unset, #Zen
  Everything to come was already in images: to find their soul, the ancients went into the desert. 75 This is an image. The ancients lived their symbols, since the world had not yet become real for them. Thus they went into the solitude of the desert to teach us that the place of the soul is a lonely desert. There they found the abundance of visions, the fruits of the desert, the wondrous Flowers of the soul. Think diligently about the images that the ancients have
  The Red Book
  78. In "Commentary on 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' "(I929), Jung criticized the Western tendency to turn everything into methods and intentions. The cardinal lesson, as presented by the
  Chinese texts and by Meister Eckhart, was that of allowing psychic events to happen of their own accord: "Letting things happen, the action through non-action, the 'letting go of oneself' of

1.03 - The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Yes, they do come from outside, from some vital entity that is amusing itself by sending them to you to see how you will receive them. I saw the suggestion passing at the time I gave you the Flower. I did not attach any importance to it because it was just foolishness but I see that you received it.
  28 April 1934

1.03 - THE GRAND OPTION, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  tion in the harmonized Flowering of individual values.
  And this is precisely what happens in the case of Mankind. By

1.03 - The House Of The Lord, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  One regular interlude during his meal was the arrival of our rampageous _luchi-_maker, Mridu. I do not know how she obtained this exceptional privilege. She would come like an innocent lamb with incense and Flowers, kneel down in front of the door and wait with folded hands for her "father's blessings". On our drawing Sri Aurobindo's attention to her presence, he would stop eating and cast a quiet glance at her. Her boisterous, unruly nature, would become humble for a while before Sri Aurobindo! Whenever it was reported that she had manifested her violent temper, which was not infrequent, she was threatened with the loss of this darshan! (I may add here the name of another recipient of Sri Aurobindo's special favour Bansidhar, Champaklal's brother. He used to bring, for Sri Aurobindo's sponge-bath, two buckets of hot water at a fixed time. While going, he would do pranam to him from a distance and Sri Aurobindo would stop whatever work he was doing and bless him with a glance.)
  We were rather surprised to notice that milk was excluded from his menu; so was it, we gathered, from the Mother's la Japonaise! There was before the accident, however, a cow popularly called "Sri Aurobindo's cow". It was specially taken care of and brought with its calf during the Balcony Darshan for the Mother's blessings. While Sri Aurobindo was eating in silence the Mother would speak with him about some general matters or give him reports about people's illnesses, visitors for Darshan or even minor problems regarding the Ashram life. Sometimes he would also ask the Mother's opinion concerning medical or other points. If at any time we pressed our own opinion against the Mother's, Sri Aurobindo would pull us up saying, "You think Mother does not know?" or "You know more than the Mother?" Similarly, if Sri Aurobindo passed some remark, the Mother would accept it as the last Word. Very often sadhaks used to hear her remark, "Sri Aurobindo said so." And Sri Aurobindo would quote the Mother's authority. Once a sadhak wanted to do something in a particular way; the Mother almost consented, but on hearing Sri Aurobindo's objection, she said, "Oh, you think so? Then it can't be done!" To both of them, the other's word was the law. One of us observed that only two persons have realised and put into practice Sri Aurobindo's Yoga of surrender: the Mother surrendering to Sri Aurobindo and Sri Aurobindo to the Mother.

1.03 - The Human Disciple, #Essays On The Gita, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   and firm obedience to the best principles of the time and society in which he has lived and the religion and ethics to which he has been brought up. He is egoistic like other men, but with the purer or sattwic egoism which regards the moral law and society and the claims of others and not only or predominantly his own interests, desires and passions. He has lived and guided himself by the Shastra, the moral and social code. The thought which preoccupies him, the standard which he obeys is the dharma, that collective Indian conception of the religious, social and moral rule of conduct, and especially the rule of the station and function to which he belongs, he the Kshatriya, the highminded, self-governed, chivalrous prince and warrior and leader of Aryan men. Following always this rule, conscious of virtue and right dealing he has travelled so far and finds suddenly that it has led him to become the protagonist of a terrific and unparalleled slaughter, a monstrous civil war involving all the cultured Aryan nations which must lead to the complete destruction of the Flower of their manhood and threatens their ordered civilisation with chaos and collapse.
  It is typical again of the pragmatic man that it is through his sensations that he awakens to the meaning of his action. He has asked his friend and charioteer to place him between the two armies, not with any profounder idea, but with the proud intention of viewing and looking in the face these myriads of the champions of unrighteousness whom he has to meet and conquer and slay "in this holiday of fight" so that the right may prevail.

1.03 - THE ORPHAN, THE WIDOW, AND THE MOON, #Mysterium Coniunctionis, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  Within the Flower itself there grows the gnawing canker:
  Where honey is, there gall, where swelling breast, the chancre.80

1.03 - The Sephiros, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  Its colour is grey ; its perfume the orchitic Musk, plant the Amaranth, which is the Flower of immortality ; and the
  Four Twos of the Tarot. Its precious stones are the Star
  Rose is the Flower appurtenant, and Red Sandal is the perfume. It is common knowledge that in some diseases of a venereal ( $ ) origin oils of sandalwood are employed.
  Benzoin is a perfume of Venus, too, and its sensuous seduc- tiveness is unmistakable. The Rose is attri buted as being harmonious to the character of Aphrodite.

1.03 - To Layman Ishii, #Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin, #unset, #Zen
  Some find ways to attract large numbers of people to their temples, believing to the end of their days that this is proof of a successful teaching career. Now it is true that compared to fellows of that stamp, students who reach satori thanks to teachings they hear, or arrive at cessation thanks to advice they receive from a teacher, are indeed wonderful occurrences-as rare as lotus Flowers blossoming amid a raging fire. They owe the attainment they achieve to the large store of karmic merit they accumulated in previous existences. Attainment such as theirs is not easy to achieve, it is not insignificant, and it must be valued and deeply respected.
  "But for all that, there is still no getting around the fact that genuine practicers of Zen must once achieve kensh (see their true nature), and bring the one great matter of their life to final cessation.
  Precious Mirror Cave (244). f Hakuin loosely paraphrases a statement in the Comprehensive Records of Yun-men (Yun-men kuang-lu). An early Chinese commentary on this apprises us of the fact that warm excrement produced during the summer months has an especially foul smell. g The Dragon Gate is a three-tiered waterfall cut through the mountains of Lung-men to open up a passage for the Yellow River. It was said that on the third day of the third month, when peach trees are in Flower, carp that succeeded in scaling this waterfall turned into dragons. h Compendium of the Five Lamps, ch. 1. Also Case 41 in the Gateless Barrier. i Compendium of the Five Lamps, ch. 3. j Based on lines in a verse by Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in: "I venerate the Sixth Patriarch, an au thentic old
  Buddha who manifested himself in the human world as a good teacher for eighty lifetimes in order to help others" (cited in Trei's Snake Legs for Kaien-fusetsu, 21v). k The head monk in Huang-po's assembly at this time is not identified in the standard accounts of this episode in Record of Lin-chi and Records of the Lamp. He is given as Chen Tsun-su (Mu-chou Taotsung, n.d.) in some other accounts. In none of the versions does he utter such words directly to Linchi. l A winged tiger would be even more formidable. m In the Record of Lin-chi account (also Blue Cliff Record, Case 11), the head monk in Huang-po's assembly tells Lin-chi to ask Huang-po about the essential meaning of the Buddha Dharma. He goes to

1.03 - VISIT TO VIDYASAGAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  The carriage stopped in front of. Vidyasagar's house. The Master alighted, supported by M., who then led the way. In the courtyard were many Flowering plants. As the Master walked to the house he said to M., like a child, pointing to his shirt-button: "My shirt is un buttoned. Will that offend Vidyasagar?" "Oh, no!" said M. "Don't be anxious about it.
  Nothing about you will be offensive. You don't have to button your shirt." He accepted the assurance simply, like a child.
  "The bee buzzes as long as it is not sitting on a Flower. It becomes silent when it begins to sip the honey. But sometimes, intoxicated with the honey, it buzzes again.
  "An empty pitcher makes a gurgling sound when it is dipped in water. When it fills up it becomes silent. (All laugh.) But if the water is poured from it into another pitcher, then you will hear the sound again. (Laughter.)

1.04 - ADVICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  MASTER: "With the realization of Satchidananda one goes into samdhi. Then duties drop away. Suppose I have been talking about the ostad and he arrives. What need is there of talking about him then? How long does the bee buzz around? So long as it isn't sitting on a Flower. But it will not do for the sadhaka to renounce duties. He should perform his duties, such as worship, japa, meditation, prayer, and pilgrimage.
  "If you see someone engaged in reasoning even after he has realized God, you may liken him to a bee, which also buzzes a little even while sipping honey from a Flower."
  The Master was highly pleased with the ostad's music. He said to the musician, "There is a special manifestation of God's power in a man who has any outstanding gift, such as proficiency in music."
  "At one time Rani Rasmani was staying in the temple garden. She came to the shrine of the Divine Mother, as she frequently did when I worshipped Kli, and asked me to sing a song or two. On this occasion, while I was singing, I noticed she was sorting the Flowers for worship absent-mindedly. At once I slapped her on the cheeks. She became quite embarrassed and sat there with folded hands.
  "Alarmed at this state of mind myself, I said to my cousin Haladhri: 'Just see my nature! How can I get rid of it?' After praying to the Divine Mother for some time with great yearning, I was able to shake off this habit.
  Sounds of conchshells and cymbals were carried on the air. The devotees came outside the room and saw the priests and servants gathering Flowers in the garden for the divine service in the temples. From the nahabat floated the sweet melody of musical instruments, befitting the morning hours.
  Narendra and the other devotees finished their morning duties and came to the Master.

1.04 - Body, Soul and Spirit, #Theosophy, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  The "I" flashes forth in the soul, receives the infusion from out the spirit and thereby becomes the bearer of the spirit-man. Through this, man participates in the "three worlds," the physical, the soul, and the spiritual. He takes root in the physical world through his physical body, ether-body, and soul-body and Flowers through the spirit-self, life-spirit, and spirit-man up into the spiritual world. The stalk, however, which takes root in the one and Flowers in the other, is the soul itself.
  One can express this arrangement of the members of man in a simplified way, but one entirely consistent with the above. Although the human I flashes forth in the consciousness-soul, it nevertheless penetrates the whole soul-being. The parts of this soul-being are not as distinctly separate as are the limbs of the body; they penetrate each other, in a higher sense. If then, one hold clearly in view the intellectual-soul and the consciousness-soul

1.04 - GOD IN THE WORLD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  I watch the leaves fall and the Flowers bloom, as the seasons come and go.
  When one reaches this stage of realization, seeing is no-seeing, hearing is no-hearing, preaching is no-preaching. When hungry one eats, when tired one sleeps. Let the leaves fall, let the Flowers bloom as they like. When the leaves fall, I know it is the autumn; when the Flowers bloom, I know it is the spring.
  Having swept everything clean before you, Seccho now opens a passage-way, saying:
  In the root divine Wisdom is all-Brahman; in the stem she is all-Illusion; in the Flower she is all-World; and in the fruit, all-Liberation.
  Tantra Tattva
  St. Bernard speaks in what seems a similar strain. What I know of the divine sciences and Holy Scripture, I learnt in woods and fields. I have had no other masters than the beeches and the oaks. And in another of his letters he says: Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a magister. The phrases are similar; but their inner significance is very different. In Augustines language, God alone is to be enjoyed; creatures are not to be enjoyed but usedused with love and compassion and a wondering, detached appreciation, as means to the knowledge of that which may be enjoyed. Wordsworth, like almost all other literary Nature-worshippers, preaches the enjoyment of creatures rather than their use for the attainment of spiritual endsa use which, as we shall see, entails much self-discipline for the user. For Bernard it goes without saying that his correspondents are actively practising this self-discipline and that Nature, though loved and heeded as a teacher, is only being used as a means to God, not enjoyed as though she were God. The beauty of Flowers and landscape is not merely to be relished as one wanders lonely as a cloud about the countryside, is not merely to be pleasurably remembered when one is lying in vacant or in pensive mood on the sofa in the library, after tea. The reaction must be a little more strenuous and purposeful. Here, my brothers, says an ancient Buddhist author, are the roots of trees, here are empty places; meditate. The truth is, of course, that the world is only for those who have deserved it; for, in Philos words, even though a man may be incapable of making himself worthy of the creator of the cosmos, yet he ought to try to make himself worthy of the cosmos. He ought to transform himself from being a man into the nature of the cosmos and become, if one may say so, a little cosmos. For those who have not deserved the world, either by making themselves worthy of its creator (that is to say, by non-attachment and a total self-naughting), or, less arduously, by making themselves worthy of the cosmos (by bringing order and a measure of unity to the manifold confusion of undisciplined human personality), the world is, spiritually speaking, a very dangerous place.
  That Nirvana and Samsara are one is a fact about the nature of the universe; but it is a fact which cannot be fully realized or directly experienced, except by souls far advanced in spirituality. For ordinary, nice, unregenerate people to accept this truth by hearsay, and to act upon it in practice, is merely to court disaster. All the dismal story of antinomianism is there to warn us of what happens when men and women make practical applications of a merely intellectual and unrealized theory that all is God and God is all. And hardly less depressing than the spectacle of antinomianism is that of the earnestly respectable well-rounded life of good citizens who do their best to live sacramentally, but dont in fact have any direct acquaintance with that for which the sacramental activity really stands. Dr. Oman, in his The Natural and the Supernatural, writes at length on the theme that reconciliation to the evanescent is revelation of the eternal; and in a recent volume, Science, Religion and the Future, Canon Raven applauds Dr. Oman for having stated the principles of a theology, in which there could be no ultimate antithesis between nature and grace, science and religion, in which, indeed, the worlds of the scientist and the theologian are seen to be one and the same. All this is in full accord with Taoism and Zen Buddhism and with such Christian teachings as St. Augustines Ama et fac quod vis and Father Lallemants advice to theocentric contemplatives to go out and act in the world, since their actions are the only ones capable of doing any real good to the world. But what neither Dr. Oman nor Canon Raven makes sufficiently clear is that nature and grace, Samsara and Nirvana, perpetual perishing and eternity, are really and experientially one only to persons who have fulfilled certain conditions. Fac quod vis in the temporal world but only when you have learnt the infinitely difficult art of loving God with all your mind and heart and your neighbor as yourself. If you havent learnt this lesson, you will either be an antinomian eccentric or criminal or else a respectable well-rounded-lifer, who has left himself no time to understand either nature or grace. The Gospels are perfectly clear about the process by which, and by which alone, a man may gain the right to live in the world as though he were at home in it: he must make a total denial of selfhood, submit to a complete and absolute mortification. At one period of his career, Jesus himself seems to have undertaken austerities, not merely of the mind, but of the body. There is the record of his forty days fast and his statement, evidently drawn from personal experience, that some demons cannot be cast out except by those who have fasted much as well as prayed. (The Cur dArs, whose knowledge of miracles and corporal penance was based on personal experience, insists on the close correlation between severe bodily austerities and the power to get petitionary prayer answered in ways that are sometimes supernormal.) The Pharisees reproached Jesus because he came eating and drinking, and associated with publicans and sinners; they ignored, or were unaware of, the fact that this apparently worldly prophet had at one time rivalled the physical austerities of John the Baptist and was practising the spiritual mortifications which he consistently preached. The pattern of Jesus life is essentially similar to that of the ideal sage, whose career is traced in the Oxherding Pictures, so popular among Zen Buddhists. The wild ox, symbolizing the unregenerate self, is caught, made to change its direction, then tamed and gradually transformed from black to white. Regeneration goes so far that for a time the ox is completely lost, so that nothing remains to be pictured but the full-orbed moon, symbolizing Mind, Suchness, the Ground. But this is not the final stage. In the end, the herdsman comes back to the world of men, riding on the back of his ox. Because he now loves, loves to the extent of being identified with the divine object of his love, he can do what he likes; for what he likes is what the Nature of Things likes. He is found in company with wine-bibbers and butchers; he and they are all converted into Buddhas. For him, there is complete reconciliation to the evanescent and, through that reconciliation, revelation of the eternal. But for nice ordinary unregenerate people the only reconciliation to the evanescent is that of indulged passions, of distractions submitted to and enjoyed. To tell such persons that evanescence and eternity are the same, and not immediately to qualify the statement, is positively fatalfor, in practice, they are not the same except to the saint; and there is no record that anybody ever came to sanctity, who did not, at the outset of his or her career, behave as if evanescence and eternity, nature and grace, were profoundly different and in many respects incompatible. As always, the path of spirituality is a knife-edge between abysses. On one side is the danger of mere rejection and escape, on the other the danger of mere acceptance and the enjoyment of things which should only be used as instruments or symbols. The versified caption which accompanies the last of the Oxherding Pictures runs as follows.

1.04 - On blessed and ever-memorable obedience, #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  Our treatise now appropriately touches upon warriors1 and athletes of Christ. As the Flower precedes the fruit, so exiles2 either of body or will always precedes obedience. For with the help of
  1 Gk. puktai, prizefighters.

1.04 - Pratyahara, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  13:In some people this inhibitory power may Flower suddenly in very much the same way as occurred with Asana. Quite without any relaxation of vigilance, the mind will suddenly be stilled. There will be a marvellous feeling of peace and rest, quite different from the lethargic feeling which is produced by over-eating. It is difficult to say whether so definite a result would come to all, or even to most people. The matter is one of no very great importance. If you have acquired the power of checking the rise of thought you may proceed to the next stage.
  previous chapter: 1.03 - Yama and Niyama

1.04 - Religion and Occultism, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This morning after Pranam, Thou blest me with four Flowers of Sincerity. I feel that there is special significance
  Religion and Occultism
  When I picked up the Flowers to give you, I felt that several were coming and I willed: Let it be the number of the states of the being in which the Sincerity (in the consecration to the Divine) will be definitively established. Four means integrality: the four states of being, mental, psychic, vital, physical.
  27 December 1933

1.04 - Sounds, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  This was sheer idleness to my fellow-townsmen, no doubt; but if the birds and Flowers had tried me by their standard, I should not have been found wanting. A man must find his occasions in himself, it is true. The natural day is very calm, and will hardly reprove his indolence.
  I had this advantage, at least, in my mode of life, over those who were obliged to look abroad for amusement, to society and the theatre, that my life itself was become my amusement and never ceased to be novel. It was a drama of many scenes and without an end. If we were always indeed getting our living, and regulating our lives according to the last and best mode we had learned, we should never be troubled with ennui.
  My house was on the side of a hill, immediately on the edge of the larger wood, in the midst of a young forest of pitch pines and hickories, and half a dozen rods from the pond, to which a narrow footpath led down the hill. In my front yard grew the strawberry, blackberry, and life-everlasting, johnswort and goldenrod, shrub-oaks and sand-cherry, blueberry and groundnut. Near the end of May, the sand-cherry (_Cerasus pumila_,) adorned the sides of the path with its delicate Flowers arranged in umbels cylindrically about its short stems, which last, in the fall, weighed down with good sized and handsome cherries, fell over in wreaths like rays on every side. I tasted them out of compliment to Nature, though they were scarcely palatable. The sumach (_Rhus glabra_,) grew luxuriantly about the house, pushing up through the embankment which I had made, and growing five or six feet the first season. Its broad pinnate tropical leaf was pleasant though strange to look on. The large buds, suddenly pushing out late in the spring from dry sticks which had seemed to be dead, developed themselves as by magic into graceful green and tender boughs, an inch in diameter; and sometimes, as I sat at my window, so heedlessly did they grow and tax their weak joints, I heard a fresh and tender bough suddenly fall like a fan to the ground, when there was not a breath of air stirring, broken off by its own weight. In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in Flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke the tender limbs.
  As I sit at my window this summer afternoon, hawks are circling about my clearing; the tantivy of wild pigeons, flying by twos and threes athwart my view, or perching restless on the white-pine boughs behind my house, gives a voice to the air; a fishhawk dimples the glassy surface of the pond and brings up a fish; a mink steals out of the marsh before my door and seizes a frog by the shore; the sedge is bending under the weight of the reed-birds flitting hither and thither; and for the last half hour I have heard the rattle of railroad cars, now dying away and then reviving like the beat of a partridge, conveying travellers from Boston to the country. For I did not live so out of the world as that boy who, as I hear, was put out to a farmer in the east part of the town, but ere long ran away and came home again, quite down at the heel and homesick. He had never seen such a dull and out-of-the-way place; the folks were all gone off; why, you couldnt even hear the whistle! I doubt if there is such a place in

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  Preparations were made, to gild his chosen route, to cover the adventurers path with Flowers, and to
  display for his admiration and preoccupation the fairest women of the kingdom. The prince set out, with

1.04 - The Crossing of the First Threshold, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  to see "a girl with her head bedecked with Flowers beckoning to
  him from the slope of the cliff up which his path is leading him;
  of lotus Flowers both red and white, chewing the fibrous stalks of
  water lilies, streaming with drops of water and mud. And when
  lotus Flowers both red and white in your hands, chewing the
  4 8
  both blue and white, and lotus Flowers both red and white?"
  The ogre: "Do you see that dark green streak of woods? Be
  completely covered with lotus Flowers both red and white." And
  then, as the carts passed one after another, he inquired: "What

1.04 - The Discovery of the Nation-Soul, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Certainly, there is always a vague sense of this subjective existence at work even on the surface of the communal mentality. But so far as this vague sense becomes at all definite, it concerns itself mostly with details and unessentials, national idiosyncrasies, habits, prejudices, marked mental tendencies. It is, so to speak, an objective sense of subjectivity. As man has been accustomed to look on himself as a body and a life, the physical animal with a certain moral or immoral temperament, and the things of the mind have been regarded as a fine Flower and attainment of the physical life rather than themselves anything essential or the sign of something essential, so and much more has the community regarded that small part of its subjective self of which it becomes aware. It clings indeed always to its idiosyncrasies, habits, prejudices, but in a blind objective fashion, insisting on their most external aspect and not at all going behind them to that for which they stand, that which they try blindly to express.
  This has been the rule not only with the nation, but with all communities. A Church is an organised religious community and religion, if anything in the world, ought to be subjective; for its very reason for existencewhere it is not merely an ethical creed with a supernatural authorityis to find and realise the soul. Yet religious history has been almost entirely, except in the time of the founders and their immediate successors, an insistence on things objective, rites, ceremonies, authority, church governments, dogmas, forms of belief. Witness the whole external religious history of Europe, that strange sacrilegious tragi-comedy of discords, sanguinary disputations, religious wars, persecutions, State churches and all else that is the very negation of the spiritual life. It is only recently that men have begun seriously to consider what Christianity, Catholicism, Islam really mean and are in their soul, that is to say, in their very reality and essence.

1.04 - The Divine Mother - This Is She, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Then going back to her room, she would start the " Flower work" in this state of trance. We know that she is very fond of Flowers, particularly roses, both for their own sake and for their power to transmit her force. Hundreds of roses daily came to her as an offering from our gardens. She would spread all of them on trays, pick and choose them according to size, colour, etc., trim and arrange them in different vases, aided by a sadhika. This would continue till the early hours of the morning when she would retire for a short nap. Once I had a long talk with her concerning the affairs of the Dispensary during this time. I wondered how in such a trance-condition her hands moved correctly, used the scissors, cut and trimmed the Flowers and at the same time she went on answering the various problems I put before her. Much later I found the solution and that also in an embarrassing manner. She had come to do Sri Aurobindo's hair and as usual was overtaken by trance. The eyes were half closed, the body swayed but the hands were doing their work. Two of us who were then on duty began to joke and play with each other silently, assuming that she could not notice our innocent pranks. But as she was leaving the room, she said to us, "I can see everything. I have eyes at the back of my head." Imagine our discomfiture! We had heard that she was the greatest occultist known to Theon, her teacher in occultism. We had no small amount of personal experience in support of it. Still, this small incident from its manner and occasion left us flabbergasted. She must have had her inner senses functioning when the outer ones were in suspension or had ceased their work. She said on one occasion that she is extremely sensitive to the atmosphere. She can at once feel the vibrations of a place or of persons.
  In the previous chapters I have given some indications about her power of organisation, her foresight, her practical wisdom in the limited field concerning Sri Aurobindo's personal needs. Now let me cite some instances to illustrate her method of working in the larger context of the Ashram, those which I came to know in Sri Aurobindo's presence. Her mind, when she had decided upon a project, would concentrate on it and not relax until it was accomplished or stood on a sound basis. In the same manner she would deal with several projects in the course of the day. She could be single-pointed and many-faceted at the same time. It is the way with all great men of action, I believe.
  After the Pranam was over actually there was no pranam, for people would receive only a Flower and could talk to her of their need, then at about 1.00 p.m. she would hold a class in the Darshan hall, in the form of questions and answers, somewhat on the lines of Sri Aurobindo's talks with us, very probably inspired by them. But only those who knew French were allowed to attend it, questions and answers being conducted in French. Here again exceptions were made afterwards. Some people who did not know French attended and asked questions in English. I too was very keen on attending it, partly because we had no work at that time. It was Sri Aurobindo's silent period, to be broken only when the Mother brought his food after the talks. I managed to write a few lines in French asking her permission. She read the note before Sri Aurobindo and said smiling, "He wants to show his knowledge of French!"
  However, the class began, if I remember rightly, with the reading of the Prayers and Meditations and questions were asked in relation to the text. Only questions on spiritual matters were allowed, but when they gradually grew fewer in number, it was made an open class, I believe. There were not many at that time who knew French very well. And the Mother talked so fast that I wonder how many could follow her. Here is one difference between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The Mother being by her very nature Shakti, the Divine Energy; could not be slow and leisurely in manner, action or speech like the Purusha, though as I have shown, she could be extraordinarily patient and continue a work for a long stretch of time.
  As usual, the time began to shift gradually till it reached 11 p.m., then twelve, then one and meditation was substituted by Pranam. What an unearthly hour for Pranam! This happened particularly when she was passing through a period of trance. Many people would go to sleep in the courtyard, especially young boys and girls. Then Haradhan, an old sadhak, would announce, "Mother has come, Mother has come!" All would wake up and in a flurry stand in the queue to see the Mother who was often in a state of trance her eyes closed, head bent, Flower in hand. Suddenly the trance would break and a few would pass in quick succession, again a lapse into trance. We would watch from our terrace above, while Sri Aurobindo was taking rest, the queue moving on and suddenly a halt for a long time, then moving fast, again a halt! The Mother used to look like a veritable goddess, superb in all her majesty and glory, in the deep hush of the midnight. Some would sit in front of her and meditate, or feast their eyes on that marvellous scene!
  At this time a nephew of mine was staying with me. He was of a very independent nature; he used to come some late at night, get up late, was very untidy in his habits due probably to his artistic temperament. I tried to mend his ways but failed. I complained to the Mother; her answer baffled me. She said, "Why, he comes to me!" I did not see how it answered the problem which continued all the same with the result that one day I gave him a very mild slap, and reported the fact to the Mother. She said, "That is why he doesn't listen to you." The reply surprised me, as she put the cause as the effect. I could not, however, argue with her. Then looking steadily into my eyes, she said, "Look here! I will tell you a story. You know I had a brother. Both of us were very fond of each other. He used to come home late for which my father would beat him. One day I told my father, 'Beat him once more and I will leave the house immediately.' That stern threat stopped his beating. I was very young then." Since then, I left the boy to his own fate. Even today the Mother holds this attitude and has standing instructions that guardians, teachers, captains must not inflict punishment of any kind on children.
  The picture that now emerges of the Mother's daily life is one of intense dynamism expressing itself in various ways: creative, organisational, artistic, physical, etc., etc., leaving out of account numberless small individual touches interspersed between the big activities. Except for a few hours for meals and bath and some rest at night, the wheel went round and round with hardly a stop. Even in the midst of such whirling activity she found time for teaching arithmetic to a boy and reading Prayers and Meditations in French, at midnight to some youngsters. Once a young boy was found in the streets at about 2 a.m. The French officer who was on patrol challenged him. When he saw that the boy had a Flower in his hand, he asked, "This Flower is from the Mother?" "Yes!" he replied, "I am coming from the Mother." "So late at night?" exclaimed the officer, utterly baffled, and let him go. The officer knew the Mother. I have seen her bestowing special attention on some young people and sending them to bed past midnight. Mysterious are her ways! I shall cite an instance of her eye for minor details. A sadhika recounted to me how the Mother remembers even the smallest details in the midst of her most busy hours. Once during the Pranam and sari distribution,[^8] when all the inmates, numbering about 500, passed in a line before the Mother and a sadhak standing by her side handed the saris to her one by one, the Mother gave the sadhika a sari with a black border. Next day when she came up to see the Mother on some business, she said, "I don't know why X handed that black-bordered sari for you. There is a heap over there, go and choose whichever you like." The sadhika replied, "It doesn't matter, Mother. Give me whichever you like." The Mother gave her a green-bordered one. She was simply staggered at her extraordinary observation and recollection of even an apparently insignificant detail in the midst of a crowded programme and was quite overwhelmed by the unexpected touch of her Divine Grace. And this is not the only instance. In those old days when our number was limited and the Mother could establish a personal contact with all of us, big or small, we all had such unexpected touches to treasure in our memory. This faculty, whatever else it might be, is certainly not human, it is a Power beyond and above the human that is all the time at work.
  Here is another small instance, gathered from the private diary of a young sadhika, to show how the Mother in the midst of her crammed activities found time to push individuals or groups on the path of their soul's aspiration. She used to see ten or twelve young girls in the evening at about 8 p.m. before she came down for meditation. But many a day they had to wait for hours, even up to 10 p.m. They would feel hungry or sleepy and had to go without their dinner, for the meditation followed immediately after their meeting. One day one of them lost patience and went away, leaving her Flowers in a dish for the Mother. Just then, the Mother came. The girls were very much struck by this coincidence. What a test, they thought! As soon as one girl approached the Mother, the Mother asked, "Who has left this dish of Flowers here? Oh, is it X? You really surprise me! You can't wait even a little while for me, you get so impatient? Do you know how the gods and goddesses yearn to have my darshan, and the saints and sages consider themselves most blessed when they see me in their meditation even for a minute?"
  "But, Mother," replied the girl, "we look upon you as our friend. When we stand under the shelter of a tree, do we think of it giving us a cool shade?" That sweet answer disarmed the Mother completely and she immediately took her into her arms.

1.04 - The Fork in the Road, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  But perhaps the summit is not located up above. Perhaps it is everywhere here, at ground level, simply covered up by the Machine and all our successive evolutionary layers, like the diamond in its matrix. If the path of ascent is the only way out, then we all had better get out once and for all. And if the saint really is the triumph of the ape, one may doubt that evolution will ever reach its satisfying, and blessed, goal, and that the entire earth will become hallowed. What then of the others, those who balk at saintliness? We do not believe that evolution's ultimate design is a moralistic sorting out of the elect and the damned. Evolution is not moralistic; it just is, and it grows its entire tree so all its Flowers can produce blossoms. Evolution is not ascetic; it embraces everything sumptuously and opulently. Evolution has not deserted the earth, or it would never have started on earth. Nature is not incoherent; she is wiser than our mental coherence, wiser even than our saintliness.
  But she is slow. That is her shortcoming.

1.04 - The Paths, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The colours are Green and Emerald Green. The jewels are the Emerald and Turquoise ; the Flowers Myrtle and
  Rose ; the birds being the Sparrow and Dove. The magical appurtenance is the Girdle, in view of the legend that whosoever wore Aphrodite's girdle became an object of universal love and desire.
  The Spear is the weapon appropriate ; the Flower Ger- anium, and the jewel Ruby because of its colour.
  The Tarot card is IV. - entitled The Emperor, who has a red robe, and seated on a throne (in his crown are rubies), his legs forming a cross. His arms and head form a triangle.
  Sepher Yetsirah names Ches " The House of Influence " ; the Lotus is its Flower, Onycha its perfume, Maroon its colour, and Amber its jewel.
   tD- T
  Its animal is, of course, the Lion ; its Flower the Sun- Flower ; its jewel the Cat's Eye ; and its perfume Olibanum.
  Purple is its colour.
  Its Tarot card is VIII. - Strength, showing a woman crowned and girdled with Flowers, calmly and without apparent effort, closing the jaws of a lion.
  In view of the " Serpent " and " Lion " correspondences, some authorities assume a phallic connotation for Tes. The
  Its jewel is the Peridot ; its Flowers the Snowdrop and
  Narcissus, both implying purity and innocence ; and its colour Grey.
  The Tarot card is XXI. - The World, showing within a Flowery wreath a female figure, who has come to be known as the Virgin of the World, giving this Path added significance since it descends upon Malleus, to which the Zohar allocates the final Hdh, the Daughter, who is the reflection below of the Shechinah on high. At the four comers of the cards are the four cherubic animals of the Apocalypse ; the man, the eagle, the bull, and the lion.

1.04 - The Praise, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  while the Flower is blue.
  The two following lines indicate that Tara possesses

1.04 - THE RABBIT SENDS IN A LITTLE BILL, #Alice in Wonderland, #Lewis Carroll, #Fiction
  Alice looked all around her at the Flowers and the blades of grass, but she could not see anything that looked like the right thing to eat or drink under the circumstances. There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself. She stretched herself up on tiptoe and peeped over the edge and her eyes immediately met those of a large blue caterpillar, that was sitting on the top, with its arms folded, quietly smoking a long hookah and taking not the smallest notice of her or of anything else.

1.04 - The Sacrifice the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Last, there is to be considered the recipient of the sacrifice and the manner of the sacrifice. The sacrifice may be offered to others or it may be offered to divine Powers; it may be offered to the cosmic All or it may be offered to the transcendent Supreme. The worship given may take any shape from the dedication of a leaf or Flower, a cup of water, a handful of rice, a loaf of bread, to consecration of all that we possess and the submission of all that we are. Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient. For the Supreme who transcends the universe, is yet here too, however veiled, in us and in the world and in its happenings; he is there as the omniscient Witness and Receiver of all our works and their secret Master. All our actions, all our efforts, even our sins and stumblings and sufferings and struggles are obscurely or consciously, known to us and seen or else unknown and in a disguise, governed in their last result by the One. All is turned towards him in his numberless forms and offered through them to the single Omnipresence. In whatever form and with whatever spirit we approach him, in that form and with that spirit he receives the sacrifice.
  And the fruit also of the sacrifice of works varies according to the work, according to the intention in the work and according to the spirit that is behind the intention. But all other sacrifices are partial, egoistic, mixed, temporal, incomplete,even those offered to the highest Powers and Principles keep this character: the result too is partial, limited, temporal, mixed in its reactions, effective only for a minor or intermediate purpose. The one entirely acceptable sacrifice is a last and highest and uttermost self-giving,it is that surrender made face to face, with devotion and knowledge, freely and without any reserve to One who is at once our immanent Self, the environing constituent All, the Supreme Reality beyond this or any manifestation and, secretly, all these together, concealed everywhere, the immanent Transcendence. For to the soul that wholly gives itself to him, God also gives himself altogether. Only the one who offers his whole nature, finds the Self. Only the one who can give everything, enjoys the Divine All everywhere. Only a supreme self-abandonment attains to the Supreme. Only the sublimation by sacrifice of all that we are, can enable us to embody the Highest and live here in the immanent consciousness of the transcendent Spirit.
  But still to the seeker standing at the opposite pole of the Duality another line of experience appears which justifies an intuition deeply-seated behind the heart and in our very life-force, that personality, like consciousness, life, soul, is not a brief-lived stranger in an impersonal Eternity, but contains the very meaning of existence. This fine Flower of the cosmic Energy carries in it a forecast of the aim and a hint of the very motive of the universal labour. As an occult vision opens in him, he becomes aware of worlds behind in which consciousness and personality hold an enormous place and assume a premier value; even here in the material world to this occult vision the inconscience of Matter fills with a secret pervading consciousness, its inanimation harbours a vibrant life, its mechanism is the device of an indwelling Intelligence, God and soul are everywhere. Above all stands an infinite conscious Being who is variously self-expressed in all these worlds; impersonality is only a first means of that expression. It is a field of principles and forces, an equal basis of manifestation; but these forces express themselves through beings, have conscious spirits at their head and are the emanation of a One Conscious Being who is their source. A multiple innumerable personality expressing that One is the very sense and central aim of the manifestation and if now personality seems to be narrow, fragmentary, restrictive, it is only because it has not opened to its source or Flowered into its own divine truth and fullness packing itself with the universal and the infinite. Thus the world-creation is no more an illusion, a fortuitous mechanism, a play that need not have happened, a flux without consequence; it is an intimate dynamism of the conscious and living Eternal.
  This extreme opposition of view from the two poles of one Existence creates no fundamental difficulty for the seeker of the integral Yoga; for his whole experience has shown him the necessity of these double terms and their currents of Energy, negative and positive in relation to each other, for the manifestation of what is within the one Existence. For himself Personality and Impersonality have been the two wings of his spiritual ascension and he has the prevision that he will reach a height where their helpful interaction will pass into a fusion of their powers and disclose the integral Reality and release into action the original force of the Divine. Not only in the fundamental Aspects but in all the working of his sadhana he has felt their double truth and mutually complementary working. An impersonal Presence has dominated from above or penetrated and occupied his nature; a Light descending has suffused his mind, life-power, the very cells of his body, illumined them with knowledge, revealed him to himself down to his most disguised and unsuspected movements, exposing, purifying, destroying or brilliantly changing all that belonged to the Ignorance. A Force has poured into him in currents or like a sea, worked in his being and all its members, dissolved, new-made, reshaped, transfigured everywhere. A Bliss has invaded him and shown that it can make suffering and sorrow impossible and turn pain itself into divine pleasure. A Love without limits has joined him to all creatures or revealed to him a world of inseparable intimacy and unspeakable sweetness and beauty and begun to impose its law of perfection and its ecstasy even amidst the disharmony of terrestrial life. A spiritual Truth and Right have convicted the good and evil of this world of imperfection or of falsehood and unveiled a supreme good and its clue of subtle harmony and its sublimation of action and feeling and knowledge. But behind all these and in them he has felt a Divinity who is all these things, a Bringer of Light, a Guide and All-Knower, a Master of Force, a Giver of Bliss, Friend, Helper, Father, Mother, Playmate in the world-game, an absolute Master of his being, his souls Beloved and Lover. All relations known to human personality are there in the souls contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman levels and compel him towards a divine nature.

1.04 - What Arjuna Saw - the Dark Side of the Force, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  to the complete destruction of the Flower of their manhood
  and threatens their ordered civilization with chaos and col-
  divine Flowers, fragrant with divine perfumes. Such is the
  light of this body of God as if a thousand suns had risen at

1.056 - The Inevitable, #Quran, #unset, #Zen
  89. Then happiness, and Flowers, and Garden of Delights.
  90. And if he is one of those on the Right.

1.05 - Adam Kadmon, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  (This idea is splendidly elaborated by Jung in his commen- tary to R. Wilhelm's The Secret of the Golden Flower.) When this usual source of conflict has disappeared (or, as this old symbolism says, when the Vav and He final have married) one is in a position to obtain Understanding, which is
  Binah, the first He, and the Mother. From Understanding, which is Love, Wisdom can arise. Wisdom is Y the Father,


--- Overview of noun flower

The noun flower has 3 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)
1. (31) flower ::: (a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms)
2. (8) flower, bloom, blossom ::: (reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts)
3. flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush ::: (the period of greatest prosperity or productivity)

--- Overview of verb flower

The verb flower has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts)
1. (1) bloom, blossom, flower ::: (produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun flower

3 senses of flower                          

Sense 1
   => angiosperm, flowering plant
     => spermatophyte, phanerogam, seed plant
       => vascular plant, tracheophyte
         => plant, flora, plant life
           => organism, being
             => living thing, animate thing
               => whole, unit
                 => object, physical object
                   => physical entity
                     => entity

Sense 2
flower, bloom, blossom
   => reproductive structure
     => plant organ
       => plant part, plant structure
         => natural object
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity

Sense 3
flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush
   => time period, period of time, period
     => fundamental quantity, fundamental measure
       => measure, quantity, amount
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun flower

3 senses of flower                          

Sense 1
   => bloomer
   => peony, paeony
   => lesser celandine, pilewort, Ranunculus ficaria
   => pheasant's-eye, Adonis annua
   => anemone, windflower
   => rue anemone, Anemonella thalictroides
   => columbine, aquilegia, aquilege
   => rocket larkspur, Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis
   => delphinium
   => nigella
   => spathiphyllum, peace lily, spathe flower
   => calla lily, calla, arum lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica
   => sandwort
   => pink, garden pink
   => baby's breath, babies'-breath, Gypsophila paniculata
   => lychnis, catchfly
   => sandwort, Moehringia lateriflora
   => sandwort, Moehringia mucosa
   => soapwort, hedge pink, bouncing Bet, bouncing Bess, Saponaria officinalis
   => silene, campion, catchfly
   => cowherb, cow cockle, Vaccaria hispanica, Vaccaria pyramidata, Saponaria vaccaria
   => fig marigold, pebble plant
   => globe amaranth, bachelor's button, Gomphrena globosa
   => scarlet musk flower, Nyctaginia capitata
   => umbrellawort
   => four o'clock
   => portulaca
   => Carolina spring beauty, Claytonia caroliniana
   => spring beauty, Clatonia lanceolata
   => Virginia spring beauty, Claytonia virginica
   => wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri, Erysimum cheiri
   => prairie rocket
   => wallflower
   => prairie rocket
   => western wall flower, Erysimum asperum, Cheiranthus asperus, Erysimum arkansanum
   => heliophila
   => damask violet, Dame's violet, sweet rocket, Hesperis matronalis
   => candytuft
   => sweet alyssum, sweet alison, Lobularia maritima
   => Malcolm stock, stock
   => Virginian stock, Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima
   => stock, gillyflower
   => schizopetalon, Schizopetalon walkeri
   => poppy
   => corydalis
   => horn poppy, horned poppy, yellow horned poppy, sea poppy, Glaucium flavum
   => composite, composite plant
   => ageratum
   => sweet sultan, Amberboa moschata, Centaurea moschata
   => ammobium
   => African daisy
   => blue-eyed African daisy, Arctotis stoechadifolia, Arctotis venusta
   => aster
   => daisy
   => Swan River daisy, Brachycome Iberidifolia
   => calendula
   => China aster, Callistephus chinensis
   => catananche
   => cornflower, bachelor's button, bluebottle, Centaurea cyanus
   => sweet sultan, Centaurea imperialis
   => chrysanthemum
   => mistflower, mist-flower, ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum
   => cosmos, cosmea
   => brass buttons, Cotula coronopifolia
   => billy buttons
   => dahlia, Dahlia pinnata
   => cape marigold, sun marigold, star of the veldt
   => coneflower
   => blue daisy, blue marguerite, Felicia amelloides
   => kingfisher daisy, Felicia bergeriana
   => cotton rose, cudweed, filago
   => gazania
   => African daisy
   => sunflower, helianthus
   => tidytips, tidy tips, Layia platyglossa
   => oxeye daisy, ox-eyed daisy, marguerite, moon daisy, white daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
   => Texas star, Lindheimera texana
   => African daisy, yellow ageratum, Lonas inodora, Lonas annua
   => cineraria, Pericallis cruenta, Senecio cruentus
   => florest's cineraria, Pericallis hybrida
   => coneflower
   => white-topped aster
   => stokes' aster, cornflower aster, Stokesia laevis
   => marigold
   => painted daisy, pyrethrum, Tanacetum coccineum, Chrysanthemum coccineum
   => Mexican sunflower, tithonia
   => Easter daisy, stemless daisy, Townsendia Exscapa
   => ursinia
   => xeranthemum
   => zinnia, old maid, old maid flower
   => blazing star, Mentzelia livicaulis, Mentzelia laevicaulis
   => bartonia, Mentzelia lindleyi
   => orchid, orchidaceous plant
   => cyclamen, Cyclamen purpurascens
   => sowbread, Cyclamen hederifolium, Cyclamen neopolitanum
   => shortia
   => centaury
   => gentian
   => begonia
   => wandflower, Sparaxis tricolor
   => coral drops, Bessera elegans
   => Christmas bells
   => bellwort, merry bells, wild oats
   => tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa
   => commelina
   => scabious, scabiosa
   => woodland star, Lithophragma affine, Lithophragma affinis, Tellima affinis
   => achimenes, hot water plant
   => lace-flower vine, Alsobia dianthiflora, Episcia dianthiflora
   => African violet, Saintpaulia ionantha
   => streptocarpus
   => scorpionweed, scorpion weed, phacelia
   => snapdragon
   => calceolaria, slipperwort
   => gerardia
   => toadflax, butter-and-eggs, wild snapdragon, devil's flax, Linaria vulgaris
   => veronica, speedwell
   => bush violet, browallia
   => petunia
   => butterfly flower, poor man's orchid, schizanthus
   => verbena, vervain
   => valerian
   => red valerian, French honeysuckle, Centranthus ruber

Sense 2
flower, bloom, blossom
   => floret, floweret
   => apetalous flower
   => inflorescence
   => ray flower, ray floret
   => bud
   => chrysanthemum

Sense 3
flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush
   => golden age

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun flower

3 senses of flower                          

Sense 1
   => angiosperm, flowering plant

Sense 2
flower, bloom, blossom
   => reproductive structure

Sense 3
flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush
   => time period, period of time, period

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun flower

3 senses of flower                          

Sense 1
  -> angiosperm, flowering plant
   => angiocarp
   => dicot, dicotyledon, magnoliopsid, exogen
   => monocot, monocotyledon, liliopsid, endogen
   => flower
   => wildflower, wild flower
   => madderwort, rubiaceous plant

Sense 2
flower, bloom, blossom
  -> reproductive structure
   => agamete
   => fructification
   => gleba
   => hymenium
   => sporocarp, spore case
   => flower, bloom, blossom
   => stamen
   => anther
   => pistil
   => style
   => stigma
   => ovary
   => ovule
   => placenta
   => placentation
   => testa, episperm, seed coat
   => endosperm
   => gemma
   => cone, strobilus, strobile
   => basidium
   => antheridium
   => sporangium, spore case, spore sac
   => ascus
   => sporophore
   => gametangium
   => gametoecium
   => gametophore
   => sorus
   => sorus
   => fruit

Sense 3
flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush
  -> time period, period of time, period
   => trial period, test period
   => time frame
   => hours
   => downtime
   => uptime
   => work time
   => time off
   => bout
   => hospitalization
   => travel time
   => times
   => time
   => elapsed time
   => duration, continuance
   => week, calendar week
   => midweek
   => field day
   => life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan
   => life
   => life
   => millennium, millenary
   => bimillennium, bimillenary
   => occupation
   => past
   => shelf life
   => puerperium
   => lactation
   => time of life
   => calendar day, civil day
   => festival
   => day, daytime, daylight
   => morning, morn, morning time, forenoon
   => night, nighttime, dark
   => night
   => night
   => night
   => eve
   => evening
   => week, hebdomad
   => fortnight, two weeks
   => weekend
   => Indian summer, Saint Martin's summer
   => year
   => school, schooltime, school day
   => year, twelvemonth, yr
   => year
   => semester
   => bimester
   => Olympiad
   => lustrum
   => decade, decennary, decennium
   => century
   => quadrennium
   => quinquennium
   => half-century
   => quarter-century
   => quarter
   => phase of the moon
   => day
   => calendar month, month
   => mid-January
   => mid-February
   => mid-March
   => mid-April
   => mid-May
   => mid-June
   => mid-July
   => mid-August
   => mid-September
   => mid-October
   => mid-November
   => mid-December
   => time limit
   => term
   => trimester
   => hour
   => silly season
   => Golden Age
   => silver age
   => bronze age
   HAS INSTANCE=> Bronze Age
   => iron age
   HAS INSTANCE=> Iron Age
   HAS INSTANCE=> Stone Age
   HAS INSTANCE=> Eolithic Age, Eolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Paleolithic Age, Paleolithic, Palaeolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Lower Paleolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Middle Paleolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Upper Paleolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Mesolithic Age, Mesolithic, Epipaleolithic
   HAS INSTANCE=> Neolithic Age, Neolithic, New Stone Age
   => great year, Platonic year
   => regulation time
   => overtime, extra time
   => season, time of year
   => dog days, canicule, canicular days
   => midwinter
   => season
   => season
   => long time, age, years
   => long run, long haul
   => drought, drouth
   => era, epoch
   => generation
   => prehistory, prehistoric culture
   => reign
   => run
   => youth, early days
   => dawn
   => evening
   => time
   => sleep, nap
   => lease, term of a contract
   => half life, half-life
   => tide, lunar time period
   => phase, stage
   => multistage
   => watch
   => peacetime
   => wartime
   => enlistment, hitch, term of enlistment, tour of duty, duty tour, tour
   => honeymoon
   => indiction
   => prohibition, prohibition era
   => incubation period
   => rainy day
   => novitiate, noviciate
   => flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush
   => running time
   => clotting time
   => air alert
   HAS INSTANCE=> Great Schism
   => question time
   => real time
   => real time
   => study hall
   => usance
   => window

--- Grep of noun flower
alpine sunflower
american pasqueflower
american twinflower
apetalous flower
artificial flower
balloon flower
basket flower
blanket flower
blood flower
blue cardinal flower
butterfly flower
canarybird flower
cardinal flower
carrion flower
chigger flower
chilean flameflower
chimney bellflower
christmas flower
clustered bellflower
common sunflower
compass flower
corkscrew flower
creeping bellflower
crepe flower
cuckoo flower
cushion flower
cutleaved coneflower
desert sunflower
eastern pasque flower
european pasqueflower
evening trumpet flower
everlasting flower
fennel flower
fiesta flower
flame flower
flamingo flower
flower-cup fern
flower arrangement
flower bed
flower bud
flower chain
flower child
flower cluster
flower garden
flower gardening
flower girl
flower head
flower people
flower petal
flower power
flower stalk
flower store
flowering almond
flowering ash
flowering cherry
flowering crab
flowering fern
flowering glume
flowering hazel
flowering maple
flowering onion
flowering plant
flowering quince
flowering raspberry
flowering shrub
flowering spurge
flowering stone
flowering tobacco
flowering tree
flowering wintergreen
flowers of zinc
gand flower
garland flower
giant sunflower
globe flower
guinea-hen flower
guinea flower
helmet flower
jerusalem artichoke sunflower
lace-flower vine
leather flower
long-head coneflower
marsh bellflower
maximilian's sunflower
mexican sunflower
moccasin flower
narrow-leaved flame flower
nepal trumpet flower
nettle-leaved bellflower
new flower
nutmeg flower
old maid flower
paper flower
paradise flower
pasque flower
peacock flower
peacock flower fence
pincushion flower
pinwheel flower
prairie coneflower
prairie sunflower
proboscis flower
rampion bellflower
ray flower
redbird flower
satin flower
scarlet musk flower
showy sunflower
siberian wall flower
snail flower
snowdrop windflower
spathe flower
spider flower
spreading bellflower
starfish flower
swamp sunflower
tall bellflower
tall cupflower
tall sunflower
tassel flower
tickseed sunflower
treasure flower
trumpet flower
tussock bellflower
velvet flower
venus's flower basket
water gillyflower
western pasqueflower
western wall flower
wild flower
wonder flower
woolly sunflower

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Wikipedia - Agave -- Genus of flowering plants closely related to yucca
Wikipedia - Agrostemma githago -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Agrostemma -- Genus of flowering plants in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Ah! Sun-flower
Wikipedia - Aichryson bollei -- Species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aichryson divaricatum -- species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aichryson dumosum -- species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aichryson villosum -- Species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aichryson -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aizoaceae -- Family of dicotyledonous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ajugeae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ajugoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Akrosida -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Albidella -- Genus of flowering plants in the water-plantain family Alismataceae
Wikipedia - Albizia -- Genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Alcea -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Alder -- Genus of flowering plants in the birch family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Alfalfa -- Perennial flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Alfred K. Flowers -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Alismataceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising the water-plantains
Wikipedia - Alismatales -- Order of herbaceous flowering plants of marshy and aquatic habitats
Wikipedia - Alismatid monocots -- Grade of flowering pant orders, within Lilianae
Wikipedia - Alkanna tinctoria -- Species of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Alkanna -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Alliaria petiolata -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Alliaria -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Allium carinatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium cristophii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium oleraceum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium paradoxum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium ramosum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium ursinum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Almutaster -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Alnus glutinosa -- Species of flowering plant in the birch family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Alocasia -- genus of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Aloe -- Genus of succulent flowering plants
Wikipedia - Aloiampelos -- Genus of succulent flowering plants
Wikipedia - Aloo gobi -- Curry dish with cauliflower and potatoes
Wikipedia - Alopecurus pratensis -- species of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Alopecurus -- genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Aloysia -- Genus of flowering plants in the vervain family Verbenaceae
Wikipedia - Alphitonia whitei -- Species of flowering tree, endemic to Queensland, Australia.
Wikipedia - Alstroemeria pelegrina -- Species of flowering plant in Alstroemeriaceae (Inca-lily family), a member of monocot order Liliales
Wikipedia - Alstroemeria -- Genus of flowering plants native to South America
Wikipedia - Altingiaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the order Saxifragales
Wikipedia - Alysicarpus vaginalis -- Species of flowering plant in the legume family
Wikipedia - Alyssopsis -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Alyssum alyssoides -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Amaranthaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Amaranthus albus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Amaranthus retroflexus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Amaryllis belladonna -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Ambrosia artemisiifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ambrosia psilostachya -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ammophila breviligulata -- Species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Ammophila (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Ammoselinum -- genus of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Amorphophallus titanum -- Species of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae
Wikipedia - Amsinckia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Anacamptis papilionacea -- Species of flowering plant n the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Anacamptis -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Anacardiaceae -- Family of flowering plants that includes cashew and mango
Wikipedia - Anagallis arvensis -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Anchusa -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Andrachne -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Phyllanthaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonastrum canadense -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone berlandieri -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone caroliniana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone coronaria -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone drummondii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone halleri -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone hortensis -- species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone multifida -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone parviflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone thomsonii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone tuberosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides apennina -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides blanda -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides lancifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides nemorosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides oregana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides quinquefolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides ranunculoides -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides sylvestris -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides trifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Angelica -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Angiosperm Phylogeny Group -- A collaborative research group for the classification of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Anise -- species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Ann Charlotte Bartholomew -- English flower and miniature painter, and author
Wikipedia - Annesijoa -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day -- 2011 anime series directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai
Wikipedia - Anthonore Christensen -- Danish flower painter
Wikipedia - Anthophyta -- Division of plants bearing flower-like structures
Wikipedia - APG III system -- The second revision (2009) of a classification of flowering plants by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Wikipedia - APG IV system -- The third revision (2016) of a classification of flowering plants by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Wikipedia - Aphloia -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Apiaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Apiales -- Order of eudicot flowering plants in the asterid group
Wikipedia - Apocynaceae -- Dogbane and oleander family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Aqua omnium florum -- all-flower water
Wikipedia - Arabis -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Araceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Arbutoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Arbutus andrachne -- Species of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Arbutus canariensis -- Species of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Arbutus M-CM-^W andrachnoides -- Hybrid of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Arbutus unedo -- Species of flowering plant in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Arbutus -- Genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Archaeamphora -- Fossil species of Cretaceous-aged flowering plant
Wikipedia - Arctostaphylos -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Ardisia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Arecaceae -- Family of flowering plants known as palms
Wikipedia - Arena Flowers -- British flower and gift retailer
Wikipedia - Arenaria aculeata -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria bryophylla -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria ciliata -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria congesta -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria fendleri -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria leptoclados -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria serpyllifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Argentina anserina -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Argomuellera -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Aristaloe -- Monotypic genus of flowering perennial plant from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Armeria maritima -- flowering plant in the family Plumbaginaceae
Wikipedia - Arnebia decumbens -- Species s of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Arnebia densiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Arnebia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Arnica montana -- Species of European flowering plant
Wikipedia - Arrhenatherum elatius -- species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Artemisia (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Arthur Flowerdew
Wikipedia - Arthur Flower -- English cricket administrator (1920-1986)
Wikipedia - Arum italicum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Arum maculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Arum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Asclepias -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - As Feathers to Flowers and Petals to Wings -- album by Twelve Tribes
Wikipedia - Ashikaga Flower Park Station -- Railway station in Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Asparagales -- Order of monocot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Asparagus asparagoides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Asparagus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Asperugo -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Asperula aristata -- Species of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asperula beckiana -- Species of flowering plant in Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asperula paui -- Species of flowering plant in Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asperula -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asphodelaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the order Asparagales
Wikipedia - Asphodeloideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants, in monocot family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Asphodel, That Greeny Flower -- Poem written by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Asphodelus -- Genus of flowering plants in the asphodel family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Asteraceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Asterales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Aster (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Asteroideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Astilbe -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Astilboides -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Astrantia -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Astroloba -- Genus of flowering plants native to South Africa
Wikipedia - Asystasia -- Genus of flowering plants in the acanthus family Acanthaceae
Wikipedia - Atriplex littoralis -- species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Atriplex patula -- species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Atripliceae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Atropa belladonna -- Species of toxic flowering plant in the nightshade family.
Wikipedia - Avocado -- Species of flowering plant in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Azalea -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Baccharis dracunculifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bach flower remedies -- Solutions of brandy and water used as a homeopathic remedy
Wikipedia - Baldellia -- Genus of flowering plants in the water-plantain family Alismataceae
Wikipedia - Balizia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota acetabulosa -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota hirsuta -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota nigra -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota pseudodictamnus -- Species of flowering plant in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota undulata -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Ballota -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Bamboo -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Banksia anatona -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia leptophylla var. melletica -- Variety of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Banksia oblongifolia -- A flowering plant in the family Proteaceae found along the eastern coast of Australia in New South Wales and Queensland
Wikipedia - Banksia petiolaris -- A flowering plant of the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sceptrum -- flowering shrub in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Bartsia alba -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Bartsia -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Bartsiella -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Basellaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Basket of Flowers (Faberge egg) -- 1901 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Battle of 2 Flowers -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Bauhinia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Beauprea spathulaefolia -- Species of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Because of a Flower -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Bee and Flower -- American band
Wikipedia - Beech -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Begonia abbottii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia abdullahpieei -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aberrans -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aborensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acaulis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acclivis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acerifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aceroides -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acetosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acetosella -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acida -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aconitifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acuminatissima -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acutifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acutiloba -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia acutitepala -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adamsensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adenodes -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adenopoda -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adenostegia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adpressa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia adscendens -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aenea -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aequata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aequatoguineensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aequatorialis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia aequilateralis -- Species of flowering plant from Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Begonia aeranthos -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia affinis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia asympeltata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia baccata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia balangcodiae -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia beijnenii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia beryllae -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia bonus-henricus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia brandbygeana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia brevirimosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia cabanillasii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia caramoanensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begoniaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Begonia compacticaulis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia consobrina -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia cubensis -- Species of flowering plant "Cuban holly"
Wikipedia - Begonia cucullata -- Species of flowering plant "wax begonia"
Wikipedia - Begonia dodsonii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia eiromischa -- Species of flowering plant from Peninsular Malaysia
Wikipedia - Begonia hainanensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia harlingii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia hemsleyana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia hitchcockii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia holmnielseniana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia incarnata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia sparreana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia sutherlandii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia tabonensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia tenuibracteata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia truncatifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Bellardia trixago -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Bellflower (film) -- 2011 film by Evan Glodell
Wikipedia - Bellis perennis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bellium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Benjamin M. Flowers -- Amiercan lawyer
Wikipedia - Bensoniella -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Bergenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Berteroa -- Genus of flowering plants in the crucifer family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Bess Flowers -- American actress
Wikipedia - Beta vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Betty Sue Flowers
Wikipedia - Betula alleghaniensis -- Species of flowering plant in the birch family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Betula papyrifera -- Species of flowering plant in the birch family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Bidens aurea -- North American species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Bidens cernua -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bidens frondosa -- North American species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Bidens laevis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Bidens pilosa -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bidens -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bienertia cycloptera -- Species of flowering plants in the amaranth and goosefoot family
Wikipedia - Biennial plant -- Flowering plant that takes two years to complete its biological life cycle
Wikipedia - Bignoniaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bill Gates' flower fly
Wikipedia - Birch -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Birds, Beasts, & Flowers (EP) -- 2004 EP by The Autumn Defense and Hem
Wikipedia - Bistorta bistortoides -- Species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Bistorta officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Bistorta vivipara -- Species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Bitter Flowers (2017 film) -- 2017 film by Olivier Meys
Wikipedia - Black-belted flowerpecker -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blackcurrant -- Species of flowering plant in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae
Wikipedia - Blackstonia perfoliata -- Species of flowering plant in the gentian family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Blackstonia -- Genus of flowering plants in the gentian family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Blazing Flowers -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bluebonnet (plant) -- Flowering plant of the genus Lupinus
Wikipedia - Bobea -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Boechera retrofracta -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Bolandra -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus caldwellii -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus fluviatilis -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus maritimus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus medianus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus novae-angliae -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus robustus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Borage -- Species of flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Boraginaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Boraginales -- Order of flowering plants within the lammiid clade of eudicots
Wikipedia - Borago -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Bourreria -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Boykinia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Boys Over Flowers Season 2 (TV series) -- 2018 Japanese television drama series
Wikipedia - Boys Over Flowers -- Manga by Yoko Kamio
Wikipedia - Brandisia -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Brandon Flowers -- American synth rock singer
Wikipedia - Brassia caudata -- Species of flowering plant known as the tailed Brassia, spider orchid and cricket orchid
Wikipedia - Brassicaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Brassicales -- Order of dicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Brassica -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Brazil nut -- Species of flowering plant in the family Lecythidaceae
Wikipedia - Brian Flowers, Baron Flowers -- British physicist
Wikipedia - Bridge of Flowers (bridge) -- wikidata
Wikipedia - Broken Flowers -- 2005 film by Jim Jarmusch
Wikipedia - Bromeliaceae -- Family of monocot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bromelioideae -- Subfamily of bromeliad flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bromus interruptus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Brugmansia -- Genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Brunfelsia pauciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Bruniaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising South African heath-like shrubs
Wikipedia - Bruniales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Brunnera -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Bryonia dioica -- Species of flowering plant in the cucumber family Cucurbitaceae
Wikipedia - Buckollia -- Genus of flowering plants in the dogbane and oleander family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Buckwheat -- Species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Buddleja Lo & Behold 'Miss Molly' -- Hybrid flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Bulbinella -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Bulbine -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum acuminatum -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia known as the tapering flower bulbophyllum
Wikipedia - Bullockia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Bunias -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Bupleurum -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Burmanniaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Burmannia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Burmanniaceae
Wikipedia - Bursera simaruba -- Species of flowering plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Butterfly pea flower tea -- Herbal tea
Wikipedia - Buxales -- Order of eudicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Buxus sempervirens -- Species of flowering plants in the box family
Wikipedia - Cabbage -- Leafy vegetable in the flowering plant family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Calamus (palm) -- Genus of flowering plants in the palm family Arecaceae
Wikipedia - Calendula officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Calla -- Monotypic genus of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae
Wikipedia - Caltha palustris -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Calycadenia hooveri -- California species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Calycanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the Magnoliid family Calycanthaceae
Wikipedia - Calycosiphonia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Calystegia affinis -- Species of flowering plants in the morning glory family Convolvulaceae
Wikipedia - Calystegia -- Genus of flowering plants in the morning glory family Convolvulaceae
Wikipedia - Camelina -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Camellia sinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Theaceae
Wikipedia - Camellia -- Genus of flowering plants in the tea family Theaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula aghrica -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula alaskana -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula alliariifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula alpestris -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula americana -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula angustiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula barbata -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula betulifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula californica -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula carpatica -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanulaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising bellflowers
Wikipedia - Campanula cervicaria -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula cochleariifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula collina -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula exigua -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula garganica -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula gelida -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula poscharskyana -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula rotundifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campanula -- Genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Canadanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Canarina canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Canarina -- Genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Cannabis smoking -- Inhalation of vapors released by heating the flowers, leaves, or extracts of Cannabis plants, known as marijuana
Wikipedia - Canna (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Cannaceae
Wikipedia - Capelio -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Caper -- Species of plant with edible flower buds and fruits
Wikipedia - Capparaceae -- Family of caper flowering plants
Wikipedia - Capsella (plant) -- genus of flowering plants in the mustard family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Capsicum annuum -- Species of flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine amara -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine bulbifera -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine californica -- Species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine corymbosa -- Species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine diphylla -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine douglassii -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine flexuosa -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine heptaphylla -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine hirsuta -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine pentaphyllos -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardamine -- genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Carduus acanthoides -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus argentatus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus crispus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus nutans -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus pycnocephalus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus tenuiflorus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carex montana -- species of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Carex -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Carmona (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Caryophyllales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Cashew -- Species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Cassava -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Cassiope tetragona -- Species of flowering plant in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Cassiope -- Genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Castanopsis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Category:Flowers
Wikipedia - Category:Recipients of the Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flowers
Wikipedia - Catharanthus roseus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Catherine Coleman Flowers -- American environmental health researcher, writer
Wikipedia - Cauliflory -- Botanical term referring to plants that flower from their main stems
Wikipedia - Cauliflower Alley Club -- Professional wrestling fraternal organization
Wikipedia - Cauliflower -- Vegetable in the species Brassica oleracea
Wikipedia - Celastraceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising the staff vine
Wikipedia - Celastrales -- Order of flowering plants, mostly fom tropics and subtropics
Wikipedia - Centaurea cyanus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea nigra -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea scabiosa -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea sphaerocephala -- species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Centaurium -- Genus of flowering plants in the gentian family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Centranthus ruber -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Centranthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Cephalaria alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Cephalaria leucantha -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium aleuticum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium arvense -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium biebersteinii -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium cerastoides -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium diffusum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium fontanum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium glomeratum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium nigrescens -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium pumilum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium sventenii -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium tomentosum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium utriense -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Ceratophyllum submersum -- Aquatic species of flowering plant in the family Ceratophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cercis -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Cerinthe -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion angustifolium -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion fleischeri -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion latifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Cheilotheca -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Chelsea Flower Show -- The UK's leading annual garden show (Royal Horticultural Society)
Wikipedia - Chenopodioideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Chenopodium album -- Species of flowering plant in the goosefoot family Chenopodiaceae
Wikipedia - Chenopodium leptophyllum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Chenopodium littoreum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Chenopodium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Chickpea -- Species of flowering plant with edible seeds in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Chicory -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Chimaphila -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Chirita -- Genus of flowering plants in the African violet family Gesneriaceae
Wikipedia - Chives -- Edible species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Chonemorpha fragrans -- Species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Chortolirion -- Genus of perennial flowering plants plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Christine Flowers -- American singer/actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Jones (Mayflower Captain)
Wikipedia - Christopher Jones (Mayflower captain) -- English sailor and master of the ''Mayflower'' (1570-1622)
Wikipedia - Chrysanthemum tea -- Flower (chrysanthemum)-based tea infusion
Wikipedia - Chrysanthemum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Chrysolepis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Chrysopsis scabrella -- Species of North American flowering plant
Wikipedia - Chrysosplenium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Cicely -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Cicendia filiformis -- species of flowering plants in the family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Cichorieae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cichorium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cinchona -- genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae, source of quinine
Wikipedia - Circaea alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Circaea canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Circaea lutetiana -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium acaule -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium arvense -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium palustre -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium vulgare -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cistaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising rock roses
Wikipedia - Cistus horrens -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Cistus M-CM-^W purpureus -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Cistus M-CM-^W rodiaei -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Cistus palmensis -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Cistus pouzolzii -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Cistus -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Citrus -- Genus of flowering plants in the rue family, Rutaceae
Wikipedia - Clarkia unguiculata -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Clarkia -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Claytonia perfoliata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Montiaceae
Wikipedia - Claytonia sibirica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Montiaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis armandii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis brachiata -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis chrysocoma -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cirrhosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis coactilis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis crispa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cunninghamii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis drummondii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis flammula -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis fremontii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis gouriana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hedysarifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hirsutissima -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis horripilata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis integrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lanuginosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lasiantha -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ligusticifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis linearifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis mandshurica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis marmoraria -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis microphylla -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis morefieldii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis napaulensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis occidentalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ochroleuca -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis orientalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis paniculata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pauciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pitcheri -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pubescens -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis recta -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis smilacifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis socialis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis terniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis texensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis versicolor -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viorna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis vitalba -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticaulis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticella -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis -- A genus of climbing perennial flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis zeylanica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clerodendrum trichotomum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Clover -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Clove -- Spice, flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum
Wikipedia - Cnestis polyphylla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Connaraceae
Wikipedia - Cnidium -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Coccocypselum -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Coccoloba -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Cochlearia -- Genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Coconut sugar -- Palm sugar produced from the sap of the flower bud stem of the coconut palm
Wikipedia - Coconut -- species of flowering plant in the palm family Arecaceae
Wikipedia - Codariocalyx -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Coffea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Coffeeae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Coincya -- Genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Colchicaceae -- Family of monocot flowering plants, in order Liliales
Wikipedia - Colchicum autumnale -- Species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae
Wikipedia - Colchicum cilicicum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae
Wikipedia - Colchicum speciosum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Colchicaceae
Wikipedia - Colchicum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Colchicaceae
Wikipedia - Combretum micranthum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Combretaceae
Wikipedia - Commelinaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Commelinales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Commelina orchidophylla -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Commelina -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Commelineae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Commelinoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Conium -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Conopodium majus -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Convolvulaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Convolvulus -- Genus of flowering plants in the bindweed family Convolvulaceae
Wikipedia - Corchorus -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Cordia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Cornish Gilliflower
Wikipedia - Cornus florida -- Species of flowering plant in the dogwood family Cornaceae
Wikipedia - Cornus mas -- Species of flowering plant in the family Cornaceae
Wikipedia - Coronariae -- Historical term for group of flowering plants, including lilies
Wikipedia - Coronilla minima -- Species of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Coronilla -- Genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Corybas circinatus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Corydalis ambigua -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis aurea -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis cava -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis cheilanthifolia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis chelidoniifolia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis elegans -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis flavula -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis flexuosa -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis incisa -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis micrantha -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis yanhusuo -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corymb -- Term used in botany to describe a certain type of flower growth
Wikipedia - Cosmos (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cosmos sulphureus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cotoneaster dammeri -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Couroupita guianensis -- Species of flowering plant in the Brazil nut family Lecythidaceae
Wikipedia - Craspedia (plant) -- Genus of Australasian flowering plants of Asteraceae (daisy) family
Wikipedia - Crassula perfoliata -- Type species of genus Crassula in Crassulaceae (stonecrop) family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Crataegus azarolus -- Mediterranean species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Crataegus monogyna -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Crataegus -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Crepis capillaris -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Crepis -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Crinodendron hookerianum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Crinodendron patagua -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Crinodendron -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Crinum asiaticum -- Species of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Crinum bulbispermum -- Species of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Crinum latifolium -- Species of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Crinum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Crithmum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Crocanthemum dumosum -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Crocanthemum greenei -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Crocanthemum scoparium -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Crocosmia -- Genus of flowering plants in the Iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Crocus pulchellus -- A species of flowering plant in the family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Crocus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Crooked Flower -- American pop rock band
Wikipedia - Crossfire (Brandon Flowers song) -- 2010 single by Brandon Flowers
Wikipedia - Crossopetalum ilicifolium -- Species of flowering plants in the staff vine family Celastraceae
Wikipedia - Crossopetalum -- Genus of flowering plants in the staff vine family Celastraceae
Wikipedia - Crotalaria avonensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Crotalaria rotundifolia -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Crotalaria sagittalis -- Species of wildflower
Wikipedia - Cryptantha -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Cryptogam -- Any plant or plant-like organism that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds
Wikipedia - Cucurbitales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Cuphea hyssopifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Lythraceae
Wikipedia - Cuphea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Lythraceae
Wikipedia - Curio hallianus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curio (plant) -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curio rowleyanus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curtis Flowers -- African-American man
Wikipedia - Cyanidin -- anthocyanidin pigment in flowering plant plant petals and fruits
Wikipedia - Cyanthillium cinereum -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen africanum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen cilicium -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen colchicum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen coum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen elegans -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen graecum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen hederifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen persicum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen purpurascens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen repandum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen rohlfsianum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cyclamen -- genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Cymbalaria muralis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Cymbalaria pallida -- Species of flowering plant in the mint and sage family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Cymbalaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the mint and sage family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Cymbidium -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Cynanchum -- Genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Cynoglossum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Cyperus papyrus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Cypripedium acaule -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Cypripedium arietinum -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Cypripedium -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Daboecia -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylicapnos -- A genus of climbing flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dactylis -- genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza elata -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza foliosa -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza fuchsii -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza incarnata -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza insularis -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza lapponica -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza maculata -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza majalis -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza praetermissa -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza purpurella -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza romana -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dactylorhiza sambucina -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Dahlia coccinea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dahlia imperialis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dahlia -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dalechampia dioscoreifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Dalechampia triphylla -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Dalechampia -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Daphne gnidium -- Species of flowering plants in the family Thymelaeaceae
Wikipedia - Daphne tangutica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae
Wikipedia - Darmera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Dasiphora fruticosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Datura stramonium -- Species of flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Daucus carota -- Species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Daucus -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Dave Jones Mayflower Cashspiel -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Davidia involucrata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Nyssaceae
Wikipedia - Dead Flowers (Rolling Stones song) -- Song performed by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Deinandra halliana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Deinandra increscens -- Species of flowering plant in California
Wikipedia - Deinandra -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Deinanthe -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Delairea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Delicate Flowers -- American indie rock band
Wikipedia - Delonix regia -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Delonix -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Delphinium -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Dendrobium -- genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Deschampsia -- Genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Descurainia bourgaeana -- Species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Descurainia -- Genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Detective Conan: Sunflowers of Inferno
Wikipedia - Diastella -- Genus of flowering plants in the protea family
Wikipedia - Dicentra cucullaria -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra eximia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra formosa -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra nevadensis -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra pauciflora -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra peregrina -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra uniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicotyledon -- Historical grouping of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Diervilla -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis cariensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis cedretorum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis ferruginea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis lamarckii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis lanata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis nervosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Dill -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Dioscorea bulbifera -- Species of flowering plant in the yam family Dioscoreaceae
Wikipedia - Dioscorea communis -- Flowering plant in the yam family Dioscoreaceae
Wikipedia - Dioscorea elephantipes -- Species of flowering plant native to the dry interior of South Africa
Wikipedia - Dioscoreales -- Order of lilioid monocotyledonous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Dipsacaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Dipsacales -- Order of dicotyledonous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Dipsacus -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Dipterygium -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Dipteryx odorata -- Species of flowering tree in the pea family
Wikipedia - Disa aurata -- A species of flowering plants in the orchid family
Wikipedia - Disa borbonica -- A species of flowering plants in the orchid family
Wikipedia - Disa bracteata -- A species of flowering plants in the orchid family
Wikipedia - Disa cardinalis -- A species of flowering plants in the orchid family
Wikipedia - Disa uniflora -- A species of flowering plants in the orchid family
Wikipedia - Dodonaea microzyga -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Dodonaea viscosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Sapindaceae
Wikipedia - Dodonaea -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Dodonaeoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Doellingeria -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Doronicum pardalianches -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Doronicum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Double fertilization -- Complex fertilization mechanism of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Double-flowered
Wikipedia - Downingia -- Genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Dracunculus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Dracunculus vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Drosera anglica -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Droseraceae -- Family of carnivorous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Drosera intermedia -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera linearis -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera rotundifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the sundew family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera -- Genus of carnivorous flowering plants in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drug Tax -- 2017 album by Fruit & Flowers
Wikipedia - Ebenaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ebony Flowers -- American prose writer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Echeveria colorata -- Evergreen perennial succulent flowering plant
Wikipedia - Echinacea purpurea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinacea -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinochloa -- Genus of flowering plants in the grass family
Wikipedia - Echinodorus -- Genus of flowering plants in the water-plantain family Alismataceae
Wikipedia - Echinops ritro -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinops sphaerocephalus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echium -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Echium wildpretii -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Ehretia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Ekmania -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Elaeagnus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Elaeagnaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus acmosepalus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus amoenus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus angustifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus apiculatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus blascoi -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus bojeri -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus brigittae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus calomala -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus ceylanicus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus colnettianus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus cordifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus coriaceus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus costatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus dentatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus dinagatensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus eriobotryoides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus eumundi -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus fraseri -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus ganitrus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus gaussenii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus gigantifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus glabrescens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus glandulifer -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus hedyosmus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus holopetalus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus homalioides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus hookerianus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus hygrophilus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus inopinatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus integrifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus joga -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus kirtonii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus lanceifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus miriensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus montanus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus moratii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus munronii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus nanus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus obovatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus prunifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus pseudopaniculatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus recurvatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus reticosus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus reticulatus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus royenii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus rugosus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus sallehiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus sedentarius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus simaluensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus subvillosus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus venustus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus williamsianus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elatine -- Genus of flowering plants in the waterwort family
Wikipedia - Eleanor Cross Marquand -- American art historian, with a particular focus on the representation and symbolism of flowers and trees in art
Wikipedia - Elecampane -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Elm -- Genus of flowering, deciduous tree in the family Ulmaceae
Wikipedia - Emma Thomsen (painter) -- Danish flower painter
Wikipedia - Emmenanthe -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Empetrum nigrum -- Species of flowering plant in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Empetrum -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Endocellion -- monotypic flowering plant genus in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Enkianthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Ensete ventricosum -- Species of flowering plant in the banana family Musaceae
Wikipedia - Epacris -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Epigaea -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium alsinifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium anagallidifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium brachycarpum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium brunnescens -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium canum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium ciliatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium clavatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium cleistogamum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium coloratum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Epilobium densiflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium foliosum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium glaberrimum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium halleanum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium hirsutum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium hirtigerum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium howellii -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium lactiflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium lanceolatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium leptophyllum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium minutum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium montanum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium nevadense -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium nivium -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium obcordatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium oreganum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium oregonense -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pallidum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium parviflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pedunculare -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pygmaeum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium rigidum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium septentrionale -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium siskiyouense -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium tetragonum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium torreyi -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium -- genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Eranthis hyemalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eranthis -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ericaceae -- The heather family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Erica cinerea -- Species of flowering plant in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Ericales -- Order of dicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Erica tetralix -- Species of flowering plant in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Erica -- Genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Ericoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron acer -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron alpinus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron bonariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron glabellus -- North American species of flowering daisy
Wikipedia - Erigeron karvinskianus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron kuschei -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Erigeron modestus -- North American species of flowering daisy
Wikipedia - Erigeron sumatrensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron uniflorus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella hupehensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella rupicola -- Species of flowering plant in buttercup family
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella vitifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum angustifolium -- species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum callitrix -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum gracile -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum scheuchzeri -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum vaginatum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum viridicarinatum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eritrichium -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Ernest Flower -- British politician
Wikipedia - Ernodea -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Eryngium alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium amethystinum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium aquaticum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium aristulatum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium armatum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium articulatum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium castrense -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium constancei -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium cuneifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium foetidum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium giganteum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium integrifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium jaliscense -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium leavenworthii -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium maritimum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium mathiasiae -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium ombrophilum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium ovinum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium pendletonense -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium pinnatifidum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium pinnatisectum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium planum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium racemosum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium spinosepalum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium vaseyi -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Eryngium yuccifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Erythranthe -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Phrymaceae
Wikipedia - Eschscholzia californica -- Species of flowering plant and state flower of California
Wikipedia - Eschscholzia -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveracae
Wikipedia - Etsuko Shihomi -- Japanese actress and flower artist
Wikipedia - Eucalyptus gunnii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae
Wikipedia - Eucephalus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Eucharidium -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb and evening primrose family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Eucryphia -- genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the family Cunoniaceae
Wikipedia - Eugenia uniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the myrtle family Myrtaceae
Wikipedia - Eugenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the myrtle family Myrtaceae
Wikipedia - Euonymus americanus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Euphorbia amygdaloides -- Flowering plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia antisyphilitica -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia balsamifera -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia bourgaeana -- Flowering plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia bulbispina -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia caput-medusae -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbiaceae -- Family of Eudicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Euphorbia ceratocarpa -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia characias -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia discoidalis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Euphorbia lathyris -- Flowering plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia mellifera -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia myrsinites -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia oblongata -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia -- A genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphrasia alpina -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia arguta -- Species of flowering plant from Australia
Wikipedia - Euphrasia cambrica -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia collina -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia crassiuscula -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia cuneata -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia gibbsiae -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia lasianthera -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia minima -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia rostkoviana -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia ruptura -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia salisburgensis -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia stricta -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrasia vigursii -- species of flowering plants in the family Euphrasia
Wikipedia - Euploca -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Eurybia divaricata -- North American species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Eurybia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Eutrema -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Eutrochium maculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers -- upcoming 2021 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Fabaceae -- Family of legume flowering plants
Wikipedia - Fabales -- Order of flowering plants in the dicots
Wikipedia - Fagaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Fagales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Fallopia aubertii -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fallopia baldschuanica -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fallopia convolvulus -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fallopia dumetorum -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fallopia scandens -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fallopia -- Genus of flowering plants in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Fascicularia -- Genus of flowering plant in the pineapple family Bromeliaceae
Wikipedia - Fennel -- flowering plant species in the carrot family
Wikipedia - Ferula communis -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Festuca -- genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Ficaria verna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ficaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ficus exasperata -- Species of flowering plant in the mulberry family Moraceae
Wikipedia - Ficus lyrata -- Species of flowering plant in the fig and mulberry family Moraceae
Wikipedia - Ficus nymphaeifolia -- a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceaea
Wikipedia - Ficus rubiginosa -- a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceaea native to eastern Australia
Wikipedia - Ficus -- Genus of flowering plants in the mulberry family Moraceae
Wikipedia - Floral emblem -- Flowers that represent specific geographic areas
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Floral symmetry -- Shape of flowers
Wikipedia - Florissantia -- Genus of flowering plants (fossil)
Wikipedia - Floristry -- Production, commerce and trade in flowers
Wikipedia - Florivore -- Animal that mostly eats flowers
Wikipedia - Flower and Dean Street -- Road at the heart of the Spitalfields rookery in the East End of London
Wikipedia - Flower A. Newhouse
Wikipedia - Flower Buds -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Flower Carpet (Brussels) -- Biennial event in Brussels
Wikipedia - Flower chafer -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Flower child
Wikipedia - Flower-class corvette -- World War II British corvette class
Wikipedia - Flower Communion
Wikipedia - Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Flower Crew -- Korean television entertainment program
Wikipedia - Flowerdown Barrows -- Barrow in England
Wikipedia - Flower Drum Song (film) -- 1961 musical film by Henry Koster
Wikipedia - Flower Drum Song -- Musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein
Wikipedia - Flower Duet -- Aria from Leo Delibes's opera Lakme
Wikipedia - Flower Garden station -- Rail station in China
Wikipedia - Flower Garland with Butterfly -- 1650s painting by Michaelina Wautier
Wikipedia - Flower (GFriend song) -- 2019 single by GFriend
Wikipedia - Flower Girl (film) -- 2013 film by Michelle Bello
Wikipedia - Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit -- 2014 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Flower hat jelly -- Species of cnidarian
Wikipedia - Flowering Cherry -- Australian play and television film
Wikipedia - Flowering Plants of Africa -- South African illustrated botanical magazine series published since 1920
Wikipedia - Flowering plant -- The clade of seed plants that produce flowers
Wikipedia - Flowering
Wikipedia - Flower in the Crannied Wall
Wikipedia - Flower Island -- 2001 film by Song Il-gon
Wikipedia - Flower mantis -- Species of mantis camouflaged to resemble flowers to lure their prey
Wikipedia - Flower Mound, Texas -- Incorporated town in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Flower Msuya
Wikipedia - Flower of Evil (film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Flower of Evil (TV series) -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Flower of Kent -- Reputed to be the apple cultivar that inspired Isaac Newton's apple analogy of gravitation
Wikipedia - Flower of Night -- 1925 film by Paul Bern
Wikipedia - Flower of Paris -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Flower of Scotland -- Scottish national anthem (unofficial)
Wikipedia - Flower of the North -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Flower portrait
Wikipedia - Flowerpot technique
Wikipedia - Flowerpot -- Container in pottery or plastic in which flowers and plants are grown
Wikipedia - Flower Power (photograph) -- Photograph by Bernie Boston
Wikipedia - Flower power
Wikipedia - Flowers and Trees -- 1932 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - Flowers Become Screens -- Song by Delerium
Wikipedia - Flower Sermon -- Story of the origin of Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Flowers for Algernon (film) -- 2000 American-Canadian television film
Wikipedia - Flowers for Algernon -- 1959 science fiction short story and novel by Daniel Keyes
Wikipedia - Flowers for Hitler
Wikipedia - Flowers for Mrs Harris (musical) -- 2016 musical based on the novel
Wikipedia - Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies -- Collection of short stories by Robert Bloch
Wikipedia - Flowers Gallery -- Art gallery in London, England
Wikipedia - Flower Shower -- 2019 single by Hyuna
Wikipedia - Flowers in a Crystal Vase -- C, 1882 painting by Edouard Manet
Wikipedia - Flowers in a Vase -- Painting by Jan Brueghel I
Wikipedia - Flowers in the Attic -- 1979 novel by V. C. Andrews
Wikipedia - Flowers in the Window -- 2002 single by Travis
Wikipedia - Flowers of Reverie -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Flowers of Shanghai -- 1998 film by Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Wikipedia - Flowers of sulfur -- Very fine, bright yellow sulfur powder that is produced by sublimation and deposition
Wikipedia - Flowers of the Forest -- Works based on a Scottish folk tune
Wikipedia - Flowers of the Prison -- 2016 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Flowers on a Grave -- 2020 song by Bush
Wikipedia - Flower (Soundgarden song) -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Flowers Studio -- Minneapolis recording studio founded by Ed Ackerson
Wikipedia - Flowers (The Emotions song) -- 1976 song by The Emotions
Wikipedia - Flowers
Wikipedia - Flowers with Two Lizards -- 1603 painting by Roelant Saverij
Wikipedia - Flower Town Station -- Railway station in Sanda, HyM-EM-^Mgo Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Flower (video game) -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - Flower Way -- 2016 single by Sejeong
Wikipedia - Flower -- Structure found in some plants; aka: blossom
Wikipedia - Flower, Wind and You -- 2016 single by Huihyeon, Chungha, Yoojung, Somi
Wikipedia - Forb -- Herbaceous, broad-leaved flowering plant
Wikipedia - Forgotten Flowers -- 2019 Canadian comedy film
Wikipedia - Forsythia koreana -- Species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Forsythia M-CM-^W intermedia -- Hybrid flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Forsythia suspensa -- Species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Forsythia -- Genus of flowering plants in the olive family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Forsythieae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Fothergilla major -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Frangula alnus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Rhamnaceae
Wikipedia - Frangula caroliniana -- Species of flowering plant in the buckthorn family Rhamnaceae
Wikipedia - Frangula -- Genus of flowering plants in the buckthorn family Rhamnaceae
Wikipedia - Frederick William Flower -- Pioneering British photographer living in Portugal
Wikipedia - Fritillaria imperialis -- Species of flowering plant in the lily family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Fritillaria meleagris -- Species of flowering plants in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Fritillaria -- Genus of flowering plants in family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Fruit & Flowers -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Fruit -- Seed-bearing part of a flowering plant
Wikipedia - Fumana -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria bastardii -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria capreolata -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria parviflora -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria -- genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Gagea alberti -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea altaica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea amblyopetala -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea bohemica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea bulbifera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea chinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea chrysantha -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea daqingshanensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea dubia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea fedtschenkoana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea filiformis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea flavonutans -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea foliosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea granatellii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea granulosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea hiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea jaeschkei -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea juliae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea kunawurensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea lacaitae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea liotardii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea lojaconoi -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea lutea -- Species of flowering plant in the lily family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea mauritanica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea minima -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea nakaiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea neopopovii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea olgae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea pauciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea peduncularis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea pusilla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea ramulosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea serotina -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea sicula -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea soleirolii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea spathacea -- species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea stepposa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea tenera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea tisoniana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea triflora -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea trinervia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea villosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gajra -- Flower garland worn in the hair or on the wrist by South Asian women
Wikipedia - Galanthus elwesii -- species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Galanthus nivalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae known as snowdrop
Wikipedia - Galanthus woronowii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Galinsoga boliviensis -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Galinsoga parviflora -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Galinsoga -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Gallery Soulflower -- | Art Gallery in Thailand
Wikipedia - Garcinia pyrifera -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Gardenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Gardenieae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Gateway of the Hidden Flower
Wikipedia - Gayophytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Geertgen Wyntges -- Dutch Golden Age flower painter
Wikipedia - Geissoloma -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants native to the Cape Province of South Africa
Wikipedia - Genista aetnensis -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista anglica -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista corsica -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista linifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista monspessulana -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista pilosa -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista stenopetala -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista tinctoria -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Genista -- Genus of flowering plants in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Gennifer Flowers -- American singer, model, and actress
Wikipedia - Gentianaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising gentians
Wikipedia - Gentianales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Gentiana macrophylla -- Species of flowering plant in the gentian family Gentianceae
Wikipedia - Gentiana verna -- Species of flowering plant in the gentian family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Gentiana -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Geraniales -- Order of flowering plants in the rosid subclade of eudicots
Wikipedia - Geranium maculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Geraniaceae
Wikipedia - Geranium robertianum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Geraniaceae
Wikipedia - Geranium sanguineum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Geraniaceae
Wikipedia - Geranium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Geraniaceae
Wikipedia - Gesneriaceae -- Family of flowering plants including African violets
Wikipedia - Giardino dell'Iris -- Botanical garden in Florence, Italy, specializing in the cultivation of iris flowers
Wikipedia - Gilly Flower -- British actress
Wikipedia - Glebionis -- Genus of flowering plants from Europe and the Mediterranean region
Wikipedia - Glechoma hederacea -- Species of flowering plants in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Glechoma -- Genus of flowering plants in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Globularia vulgaris -- Species of flowering plants in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Globularia -- Genus of flowering plants in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Glume -- one of two bracts enclosing a flower spikelet in grasses
Wikipedia - Gonialoe -- Genus of succulent flowering plants from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Gossypioides kirkii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium arboreum -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium australe -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium barbadense -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium darwinii -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium herbaceum -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium hirsutum -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium raimondii -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium sturtianum -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium thurberi -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium tomentosum -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Gossypium -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Graderia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Grandmaster Flowers -- musician
Wikipedia - Grandpas Over Flowers -- South Korean travel-reality show
Wikipedia - Grape -- edible berry of a flowering plant in the family Vitaceae
Wikipedia - Gunnera -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Gunneraceae
Wikipedia - Gwenn Flowers -- Glaciologist
Wikipedia - Gymnadenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Gymnosperm -- Clade of non-flowering, naked-seeded plants
Wikipedia - Gynatrix pulchella -- A dioecious flowering shrub in the family Malvaceae, endemic to south-east Australia
Wikipedia - Gynoecium -- The female organs of a flower
Wikipedia - Gyrocaryum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Hackelia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Halgania -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Halimium halimifolium -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Halimium ocymoides -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Halimium -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Haloragaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the Eudicot order Saxifragales
Wikipedia - Haloragis -- Type genus of Haloragaceae (water-milfoil family), of flowering plants in Eudicot order Saxifragales
Wikipedia - Halostachys -- genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Hamamelis M-CM-^W intermedia -- A hybrid flowering plant in the family Hamamelidaceae
Wikipedia - Handroanthus -- Genus of flowering plants (trees)
Wikipedia - Harpagonella -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Harrimanella -- Genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Harrison's Flowers -- 2000 film by Elie Chouraqui
Wikipedia - Hebe diosmifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Hebe pimeleoides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Hebe salicifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Hebe stricta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Hebe traversii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Hedbergia decurva -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Hedbergia longiflora -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Hedbergia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Hedera -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Araliaceae
Wikipedia - Helenium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Helianthemum apenninum -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Helianthemum canadense -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Helianthemum nummularium -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Helianthemum propinquum -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Helianthemum -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Helianthodae -- Supertribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Helianthus annuus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Helianthus -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Helicia ferruginea -- Species of trees in the flowering plant family Proteaceae from eastern Australia
Wikipedia - Heliotropium -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Hellebore -- genus of flowering plants belonging to the buttercup family and comprising poisonous species and members popular for horticulture
Wikipedia - Hemerocallis fulva -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Henckelia -- Genus of flowering plants in the saintpaulia family Gesneriaceae
Wikipedia - Henry Samson -- Mayflower passenger
Wikipedia - Hepatica -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Heptacodium -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Heracleum mantegazzianum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Heracleum sosnowskyi -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Heracleum sphondylium -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Hermannia -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Hesperelaea -- Genus of flowering plants in the Oleaceae family
Wikipedia - Heuchera -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Hevea brasiliensis -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Hevea -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae that includes the rubber tree
Wikipedia - Hibiscus fragilis -- Species of flowering plant from Mauritius
Wikipedia - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Hippeastrum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Hippophae rhamnoides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeagnaceae
Wikipedia - Hippophae -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Elaeagnaceae
Wikipedia - HMCS Orillia -- Flower-class corvette of the Royal Canadian Navy
Wikipedia - HMCS Shawinigan (K136) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMIS Sind (K274) -- Flower-class corvette of the Royal Navy, Royal Indian Navy and Royal Thai Navy
Wikipedia - HMS Bluebell (1915) -- Corvette, flower class
Wikipedia - HMS Bluebell (K80) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Hibiscus (K24) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Larkspur (K82) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Mallow (K81) -- Flower class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Periwinkle (K55) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Polyanthus (K47) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - HMS Veronica (K37) -- Flower-class corvette
Wikipedia - Holly -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Aquifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Holosteum -- Genus of flowering plants in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Homogamy (biology) -- Four-sense biological term referring to either inbreeding, or synchronous reproductive maturation, or flower type, or preferential mating
Wikipedia - Honeysuckle -- genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Honey -- Sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers
Wikipedia - Hoodia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Horseradish -- species of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Hosta -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - House of Flowers (mausoleum) -- Mausoleum, resting place of Josip Broz Tito
Wikipedia - Houttuynia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saururaceae
Wikipedia - Hoya bella -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Hudsonia ericoides -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Hudsonia montana -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Hudsonia tomentosa -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Hudsonia -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Hundred Flowers Campaign -- Period in Chinese history
Wikipedia - Hyacinthoides non-scripta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Hyacinth (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Hybanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in Eudicot family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Hydnora africana -- Species of flowering plants in the birthwort family Aristolochiaceae
Wikipedia - Hydnora -- Genus of flowering plants in the birthwort family Aristolochiaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea anomala -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea arborescens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea aspera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea bretschneideri -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea candida -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea caudatifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea chinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea chungii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea cinerea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea coacta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea coenobialis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea davidii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea dumicola -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea gracilis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea heteromalla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea hirta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea hypoglauca -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea integrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea involucrata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea jelskii -- species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea kawakamii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea kwangsiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea kwangtungensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea lingii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea linkweiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea longifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea longipes -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea macrocarpa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea macrophylla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea mangshanensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea peruviana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea petiolaris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea quercifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea radiata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea robusta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea sargentiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea scandens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea serrata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea serratifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea stenophylla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea strigosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea stylosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea sungpanensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea tarapotensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea -- genus of flowering plants in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea xanthoneura -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hydrangea zhewanensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Hylotelephium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae (stonecrops)
Wikipedia - Hyparrhenia hirta -- Species of flowering plants in the grass family
Wikipedia - Hypericaceae -- Family of flowering plants (St. John's wort family)
Wikipedia - Hypericum acmosepalum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum addingtonii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum adenotrichum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum aegypticum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum anagalloides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum androsaemum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum annulatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum ascyron -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum assamicum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum aucheri -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum balearicum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum balfourii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum barbatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum beanii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum bellum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum boreale -- Species of flowering plant in the family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum buckleyi -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum bupleuroides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum calycinum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum canariense -- species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum cerastioides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum collinum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum concinnum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum crux-andreae -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum cuisinii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum cumulicola -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum delphicum -- species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum densiflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum denticulatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum dolabriforme -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum edisonianum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum elegans -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum elodes -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum ericoides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum erythreae -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum fasciculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum fieriense -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum fissurale -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum foliosum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum formosissimum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum forrestii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum fraseri -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum frondosum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum galioides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum gentianoides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum gnidiifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum gramineum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum grandifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum gymnanthum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum harperi -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum hartwegii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum heterophyllum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum hircinum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum huber-morathii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum humboldtianum -- species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum humifusum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum hypericoides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum japonicum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum kalmianum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum kiboense -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum kouytchense -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum lancasteri -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum lanuginosum -- species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum maculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum mutilum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum olympicum -- species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum patulum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum perforatum -- Flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum phellos -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum prietoi -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum prolificum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum przewalskii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum pubescens -- species of flowering plant in the family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum pulchrum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum quitense -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum sampsonii -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum suffruticosum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum tenuifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum terrae-firmae -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum tetrapetalum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum tetrapterum -- Species of flowering plants in the St John's wort family Hupericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum triquetrifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum umbraculoides -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum undulatum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum uralum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum vacciniifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum virginicum -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypericum -- Genus of flowering plants known as St. John's worts
Wikipedia - Hypericum xylosteifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the St John's wort family Hypericaceae
Wikipedia - Hypochaeris radicata -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Hyssopus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Icacinales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ikebana -- Traditional Japanese flower arranging
Wikipedia - Ilex aquifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the family Aquifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Ilex M-CM-^W attenuata -- Hybrid species of flowering plant in the genus Ilex
Wikipedia - Indigofera heterantha -- Species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Inula conyza -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Inula -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ionactis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ipomoea hederacea -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Ipomoea trifida -- Species of morning glory flower
Wikipedia - Iridaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising irises, gladioli, and crocuses
Wikipedia - Iris foetidissima -- Species of flowering plant in the family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris latifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris persica -- Species of flowering plant in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris (plant) -- genus of flowering plants in the family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris pseudacorus -- Species of flowering plant in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris reticulata -- Species of flowering plant in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris schelkownikowii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iris sintenisii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Iris xiphium -- Species of flowering plant in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Iron Flower -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Isle of Flowers -- 1989 film directed by Jorge Furtado
Wikipedia - Isoplexis -- Genus of flowering plants in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair) -- 2005 single by Sandi Thom
Wikipedia - Ixoroideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Jacaranda mimosifolia -- Sub-tropical tree with long-lasting pale indigo flowers
Wikipedia - Jackfruit -- Species of flowering plant in the fig and mulberry family Moraceae
Wikipedia - Jacmaia -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Jacobaea aquatica -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Jacobaea vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Jacobaea -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - James Clayton Flowers -- Tuskegee Airmen
Wikipedia - Japanese flower arrangement
Wikipedia - Jasione montana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Jatropha -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Jepsonia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Jessea -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Joannesia -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - John Billington -- Englishman who travelled to the New World on the Mayflower
Wikipedia - John Carver (Plymouth Colony governor) -- Mayflower passenger and New World colonist
Wikipedia - John Flower (sheriff) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Tilley (Mayflower passenger) -- A Mayflower passenger
Wikipedia - Juncaceae -- family of flowering plants commonly known as rushes
Wikipedia - Juncus balticus -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Juncus effusus -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Juncus -- genus of flowering plants in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Kailarsenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Kalanchoe -- Genus of flowering plants in the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae, subfamily Kalanchooideae)
Wikipedia - Kali turgidum -- Species of flowering plant in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Kalmia -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Kardiasperma -- Extinct genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Keukenhof -- Flower garden in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Killers of the Flower Moon -- Book by David Grann
Wikipedia - Knautia arvensis -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Knautia -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Kniphofia -- Genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Kokia drynarioides -- Species of flowering plant in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Korean flower arrangement
Wikipedia - Krascheninnikovia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - KTCK-FM -- Commercial radio station licensed to serve the community of Flower Mound, Texas
Wikipedia - Lactuca muralis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Lactuca serriola -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne -- Japanese anime television series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Lamiaceae -- Family of flowering plants that includes sage and mint
Wikipedia - Lamiales -- Order of dicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Lamioideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Lamium orvala -- Species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Langeria -- Extinct genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Language of flowers
Wikipedia - Lappula -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lapsana communis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Larsenaikia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Latanites -- Extinct genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Lathraea clandestina -- Species of flowering plant in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Lathraea squamaria -- Parasitic species of flowering plant in the family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Lathraea -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Lathyrus grandiflorus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Lathyrus latifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Lathyrus -- Genus of flowering plants in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Latua -- Genus of flowering plants in the tomato family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Laurus azorica -- Species of flowering plant in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Laurus nobilis -- Species of flowering plant in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Laurus novocanariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Laurus -- Genus of flowering plants in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Lawrencia -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - Lechea racemulosa -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Lechea -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Lecythidaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the order Ericales
Wikipedia - Ledebouria revoluta -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Legenere -- Genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Leidesia -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiacea
Wikipedia - Lei (garland) -- Wreath of flowers popularized through tourism between Hawaii and the continental US
Wikipedia - Lemna aequinoctialis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna gibba -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna minuta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna obscura -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna trisulca -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna valdiviana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lemna -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lens (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Lentil -- Species of flowering plant with edible seeds in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Leptorhabdos -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Lerchea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Lespedeza -- Genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Leucadendron -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae, endemic to South Africa
Wikipedia - Leucojum aestivum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Leucojum vernum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Leucojum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum frutescens -- Species of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum langmaniae -- Species of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum -- Genus of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Leycesteria -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Leymus arenarius -- Species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Liatris spicata -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ligustrum M-CM-^W ibolium -- Nothospecies of flowering plant in the genus Ligustrum
Wikipedia - Liliaceae -- Family of flowering plants in order Liliales, including lilies
Wikipedia - Lilieae -- Tribe of flowering plants in family Liliaceae, including lilies and tulips
Wikipedia - Lilioid monocots -- Grade of flowering pant orders, within Lilianae
Wikipedia - Lily of the valley -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Limeum -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Limnanthes -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Limnanthaceae
Wikipedia - Limnophila (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Linaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Lindenbergia sokotrana -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Lindenbergia urticaefolia -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Lindenbergia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Linnaea amabilis -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - List of Acanthaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Acorales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Acorales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Aizoaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Alismatales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Alismatales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Apiaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Apiaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Apiales of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the order Apiales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Apocynaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Aquifoliales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Aquifoliales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Arecales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Arecales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Asparagales of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the order Asparagales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Asphodelaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Asteraceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Asterales of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the order Asterales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit flowering cherries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bellflower diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Boraginales of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the order Boraginales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Brassicales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Brassicales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Bruniales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Bruniales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of butterfly flower diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Buxales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Buxales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Canellales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Canellales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Caryophyllales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Caryophyllales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Celastrales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Celastrales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Ceratophyllales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Ceratophyllales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Commelinales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Commelinales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Cornales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Cornales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Crossosomatales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Crossosomatales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Cucurbitales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Cucurbitales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Dioscoreales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Dioscoreales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Dipsacales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Dipsacales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of early spring flowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of edible flowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ericales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Ericales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Erythranthe, monkey-flower diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Escalloniales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Escallionales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Euphorbiaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Euphorbiaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Fabales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Fabales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Fagales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Fagales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Flower-class corvettes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flower fly species of New Zealand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flower fly species of North America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gentianales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Gentianales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Geraniales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Geraniales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Gunnerales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Gunnerales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Huerteales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Huerteales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Hyacinthaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Hyacinthaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Icacinales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Icacinales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Indian state flowers -- State flowers of India
Wikipedia - List of Iridaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Iridaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lamiaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Lamiales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Lamiales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of late spring flowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Laurales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Laurales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Liliales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Liliales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Magnoliales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Magnoliales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Malpighiales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Malpighiales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Malvales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Malvales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Mayflower passengers who died in the winter of 1620-21 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mayflower passengers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Michigan flowers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Minnesota wildflowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mosses of South Africa -- Small, non-vascular flowerless plants recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Myrtales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Myrtales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Nymphaeales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Nymphaeales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Orchidaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Orchidaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Oxalidales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Oxalidales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Pandanales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Pandanales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Piperales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Piperales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Poaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Poaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Poales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Poales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of poisonous flowers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proteales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Proteales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Ranunculales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Ranunculales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Rosales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Rosales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Rubiaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of safflower diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of San Francisco Bay Area wildflowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Santalales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Santalales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Sapindales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Sapindales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of sapphire flower diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saxifragales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Saxifragales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Scrophulariaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Scrophulariaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of seaweeds and marine flowering plants of Australia (temperate waters) -- none
Wikipedia - List of Solanales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Solanales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Sonoran Desert wildflowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sweet Blue Flowers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Bellflower Bunnies episodes -- Episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of The Wallflower episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state and territory flowers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vahliales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Vahliales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Vitales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Vitales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Wildflower characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wildflower episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of wildflowers in Indiana -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of wildflowers of Soldiers Delight -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of wildflowers of the Canadian Rocky Mountains -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zingiberales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Zingiberales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Zygophyllales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Zygophyllales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - Lists of flowering plants of South Africa -- List of lists of flowering plants recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - Lithodora -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithophragma -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum arvense -- species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum azuayensis -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum bejariense -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum bolivariensis -- species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum californicum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum canescens -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum caroliniense -- North American species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum cuzcoensis -- species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum erythrorhizon -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum incisum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum latifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum leymebambensis -- species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum molle -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum officinale -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum parviflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum rodriguezii -- species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum ruderale -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum tuberosum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Lithospermum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls
Wikipedia - Little Flowers of St. Francis
Wikipedia - Loropetalum subcordatum -- Species of flowering plant in the saxifrage order (Saxifragales) of core eudicots
Wikipedia - Loropetalum -- Genus of flowering plants in the saxifrage order (Saxifragales) of core eudicots
Wikipedia - Lotus corniculatus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Lotus Flower (song) -- Song by Radiohead
Wikipedia - Lotus flower
Wikipedia - Lotus (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Lotus throne -- Stylized lotus flower used as the seat or base for a figure in Asian art
Wikipedia - Ludwigia alternifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia grandiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia hexapetala -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb or evening primrose family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Lunaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula campestris -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula comosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula crinita -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula forsteri -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula hawaiiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula hitchcockii -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula longiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula lutea -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula luzuloides -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula multiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula nivea -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula orestera -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula pallescens -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula parviflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula pilosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula piperi -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula spicata -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula subcongesta -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula sylvatica -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula wahlenbergii -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula -- Genus of flowering plants in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzuriaga radicans -- Species of flowering plant in Alstroemeriaceae (Inca-lily family), a member of monocot order Liliales
Wikipedia - Lysimachia borealis -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Lysimachia europaea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Lysimachia latifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Lysimachia nemorum -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Lysimachia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Macadamia integrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Machaerina -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Macleaya -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Macrosphyra -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Magnoliales -- Basal order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Malila: The Farewell Flower -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Mallotus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Malpighiaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Malpighiales -- Eudicot order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Malus -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Malvaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Malveae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - MaM-CM-.tresses bouquetieres -- French Guild organisation for female fresh flower sellers in Paris between 1677 and 1791
Wikipedia - Manekia -- Genus of flowering plants in the pepper family Piperaceae
Wikipedia - Mangifera indica -- Species of flowering plant in the cashew family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Mangifera -- Genus of flowering plants in the cashew family
Wikipedia - Manilkara zapota -- Tropical evergreen tree species in the flowering plant family Sapotaceae
Wikipedia - Maple -- genus of flowering plants, trees in the lychee family Sapindaceae
Wikipedia - Marantaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the Commelinid order Zingiberales
Wikipedia - Marcgraviaceae -- Family of dicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Marcgravia crassiflora -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Marine botany -- The study of aquatic flowering vascular plants and algae that live in seawater of the open ocean and the littoral zone, along shorelines of the intertidal zone, and in brackish water of estuaries.
Wikipedia - Matthiola -- Genus of flowering plants in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Mayflower Compact -- First governing document of Plymouth Colony
Wikipedia - Mayflower II -- Replica of the 17th-century ship Mayflower
Wikipedia - Mayflower MRT station -- MRT station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Mayflower Society -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Mayflower -- Famous ship of the 17th century
Wikipedia - Meconopsis aculeata -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis autumnalis -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis bella -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis betonicifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis horridula -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis lancifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis manasluensis -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis napaulensis -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis simplicifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis villosa -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Meconopsis -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Medicago arborea -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago brachycarpa -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago carstiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago littoralis -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago lupulina -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago radiata -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Medicago -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Melampyrum -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Melastomataceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Meliaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising the chinaberry tree
Wikipedia - Melilotus altissimus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Melilotus indicus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Melilotus sulcatus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Melilotus -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Melilotus wolgicus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Mentha -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Mentheae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Mercurialis annua -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiacea
Wikipedia - Mercurialis perennis -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Mercurialis (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Merle Flowers -- American politician
Wikipedia - Mertensia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Micranthes -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Microseris -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Mikania -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Milleria -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Mimophytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Minuartia -- Genus of flowering plants in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Mirabilis jalapa -- Species of plant in the family Nyctaginaceae commonly called the marvel of Peru or four o'clock flower
Wikipedia - Missimer Wildflower Preserve -- Protected grassland in Napa County, California
Wikipedia - Mitella -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Moltkia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Monardella -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Moneses -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Money Flower -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Monotropa -- Genus of parasitic flowering plants in the family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Monotropoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Moraceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Morina -- genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Moringa oleifera -- Species of flowering tree
Wikipedia - Morning glory -- Common name for more than 1,000 species of flowering plants in the family Convolvulaceae
Wikipedia - Mugwort -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae used as herbs
Wikipedia - Mukdenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Munronia -- Genus of flowering plants in the chinaberry family Meliaceae
Wikipedia - Musa (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the banana and plantain family Musaceae
Wikipedia - Mustard plant -- Flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae used for mustard
Wikipedia - My Daughter the Flower -- 2011-2012 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - My Mind's Flower Rain -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Myosotis alpestris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Myosotis sylvatica -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Myosotis -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Myrica cerifera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Myricaceae
Wikipedia - Myrica gale -- species of flowering plant in the family Myricaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum alterniflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum hippuroides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum indicum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum mattogrossense -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum pinnatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum sibiricum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum simulans -- species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum spicatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum variifolium -- species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum verticillatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myriophyllum -- Genus of flowering plants in the water milfoil family Haloragaceae
Wikipedia - Myrtales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Nanoflower -- A compound that results in formations which in microscopic view resemble flowers
Wikipedia - Narcissus bulbocodium -- Species of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Nardostachys -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Narthecium ossifragum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Nartheciaceae
Wikipedia - National Flower of the Republic of China
Wikipedia - National flower
Wikipedia - National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica -- Roman Catholic church and shrine
Wikipedia - Nearer, My God, to Thee -- Christian hymn written by Sarah Fuller Flower Adams
Wikipedia - Nectar -- Sugar-rich liquid produced by many flowering plants, that attracts pollinators and insects
Wikipedia - Nellie Bellflower -- American actress and voice artist
Wikipedia - Neocussonia capuroniana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Neoregelia 'Dr. Who' -- Epiphytic flowering plant
Wikipedia - Neoregelia ruschii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Nepeta -- Genus of flowering plants, known for effect on cats (catnip) in the mint family (Lamiaceae)
Wikipedia - Nepetoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Never Send Flowers -- Novel by John Gardner (British writer)
Wikipedia - Nicandra physalodes -- Species of flowering plant in the tomato family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Nicotiana -- Genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae
Wikipedia - Nigella -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Nina, the Flower Girl -- 1917 silent film by Lloyd Ingraham
Wikipedia - Nokdu Flower -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Notholithocarpus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Oak -- Genus of flowering plants in the beech family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Ochna serrulata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ochnaceae
Wikipedia - Odontites luteus -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Odontites vernus -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Odontites -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Oedera -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Oleaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Olive -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Omphalodes -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Oncidiinae -- Subtribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - One Headlight -- 1997 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - Onobrychis viciifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Onobrychis -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Onopordum acanthium -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Onosma -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Ophrys apifera -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Ophrys insectifera -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Ophrys lutea -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Ophrys sphegodes -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Ophrys tenthredinifera -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Orchidaceae -- The orchid family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Orchis mascula -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Order of the Paulownia Flowers -- Japanese order
Wikipedia - Oreostemma -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ornithogalum umbellatum -- Species of spring flowering bulb in family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Orobanchaceae -- Family of flowering plants known as broomrapes
Wikipedia - Orobanche -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Orthilia -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Osmanthus -- Genus of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Otholobium -- Genus of flowering plants in the legume family
Wikipedia - Oxalidales -- Order of eudicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Oxalis pes-caprae -- Species of flowering plant in the wood sorrel family
Wikipedia - Oxyceros -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Oxylobium cordifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Oxytropis -- Genus of flowering plants in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Packera macounii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Packera -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Pakaraimaea -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Pakistan Flower Show -- Annual flower show and festival in Karachi, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Pandanaceae -- Family of flowering plants native to the tropics and subtropics of the Old World
Wikipedia - Pandanales -- Order of monocot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Panicle -- Term used in botany to describe a branching of flower heads
Wikipedia - Papaveraceae -- family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Papaver alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver argemone -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver croceum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver degenii -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver dubium -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver glaucum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver lapponicum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver lateritium -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver nudicaule -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum' -- Flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver orientale -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver pygmaeum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver radicatum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver rhoeas -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver rupifragum var. atlanticum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver rupifragum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver setigerum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver somniferum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver umbonatum -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Papaver -- genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Paper Flowers (1977 film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Parentucellia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Parietales -- Historical order of dicotyledous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Paris quadrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Melanthiaceae
Wikipedia - Parnassia palustris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Celastraceae
Wikipedia - Parsley -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae cultivated as an herb
Wikipedia - Passiflora caerulea -- Species of flowering plant in the passion flower family Passifloraceae
Wikipedia - Passiflora edulis -- Species of flowering plant in the passion flower family Passifloraceae
Wikipedia - Passiflora -- Genus of flowering plants in the passion flower family Passifloraceae
Wikipedia - Passion Flower (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Pastinaca -- genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Patrinia -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Paulina de la Mora -- Fictional character in the Netflix television series The House of Flowers
Wikipedia - Paulownia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Paulowniaceae
Wikipedia - Peau d'Espagne -- Perfume made of flower and spice oils
Wikipedia - Pea -- Species of flowering plant with edible seeds in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Pectocarya -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Pedicel (botany) -- A structure connecting flowers or fruit to the main stem of a plant
Wikipedia - Pelargonidin -- A red anthocyanidin pigment found in certain flowers and fruits
Wikipedia - Perianth -- The collective term for the sepals and petals, or either of them if one is absent. the outer part of a flower, consisting of the calyx and corolla
Wikipedia - Pericallis -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Peridiscaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the order Saxifragales
Wikipedia - Peridiscus -- Monotypic genus of Eudicot flowering plant in family Peridiscaceae
Wikipedia - Peristrophe -- Species of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Persea -- Genus of flowering plants in the laurel family Lauraceae
Wikipedia - Persicaria maculosa -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Persicaria perfoliata -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Persicaria sagittata -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Persicaria virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Petal -- Part of most types of flower
Wikipedia - Petasites albus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petasites frigidus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petasites hybridus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petasites pyrenaicus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petasites spurius -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petasites -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Petrophile shuttleworthiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae from the south-west of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Petunia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Phacelia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Phalaenopsis amboinensis -- Species of flower
Wikipedia - Phalaris (plant) -- genus of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Phlomis bourgaei -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Phlomis chrysophylla -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Phlomis fruticosa -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Phlomis -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Phlomoides -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Phoebe Donovan -- Irish flower, landscape and portrait artist
Wikipedia - Phoenix (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants of the palm family
Wikipedia - Phoenix sylvestris -- Species of flowering plant in the palm family Arecaceae
Wikipedia - Phormium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Phuopsis stylosa -- Species of flowering plant in the madder family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Phyllodoce (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Phytolacca americana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Phytolaccaceae
Wikipedia - Picnomon -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Picotee -- Type of flowers of two different colors
Wikipedia - Pieris (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella albiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella aurantiaca -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella caespitosa -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella flagellaris -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella floribunda -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella horrida -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella lactucella -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella levieri -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella officinarum -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pilosella -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pimpinella -- Genus of flowering plants in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Pinguicula vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the bladderwort family Lentibulariaceae
Wikipedia - Pinguicula -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Lentibulariaceae
Wikipedia - Piperaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising peppers
Wikipedia - Pisonia brunoniana -- Species of flowering tree
Wikipedia - Pisonia grandis -- Species of flowering tree
Wikipedia - Pistacia lentiscus -- Species of flowering plants in the sumac family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Pistacia -- Genus of flowering plants in the sumac family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Pistia -- Species of aquatic flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Pityopus -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Plagiobothrys -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago amplexicaulis -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago asiatica -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago aucklandica -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago cordata -- species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago coronopus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago cretica -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago debilis -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago elongata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago erecta -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago eriopoda -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago hawaiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago hedleyi -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago holosteum -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago hookeriana -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago indica -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago lanceolata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago leiopetala -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago major -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago maritima -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago media -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago moorei -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago nubicola -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago ovata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago patagonica -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago princeps -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago rhodosperma -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago rigida -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago rugelii -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago subnuda -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago triantha -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago tweedyi -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Plantago -- Genus of flowering plants in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Platanthera flava -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Plectritis ciliosa -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Plectritis congesta -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Plectritis macrocera -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Plectritis -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Pleomele hawaiiensis -- A species of flowering plant endemic to the island of HawaiM-JM-;i
Wikipedia - Plerandra baillonii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Plerandra bakeriana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Plerandra cabalionii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Plerandra crassipes -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Plocama pendula -- Species of flowering plant in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Poaceae -- Family of flowering plants commonly known as grasses
Wikipedia - Poales -- Order of monocotyledonous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Poa -- genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Poinsettia -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Pollia condensata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Commelinaceae
Wikipedia - Polygala crucianelloides -- Flowering plant sepecies
Wikipedia - Polygala rusbyi -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Polygonaceae -- The knotweed family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Polygonum arenastrum -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Polygonum -- Genus of flowering plants in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Poppy Flowers -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Poppy (flower)
Wikipedia - Porterandia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Portulaca minuta -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Potentilla caulescens -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potentilla erecta -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potentilla neumanniana -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potentilla reptans -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potentilla sterilis -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potentilla -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Potpourri -- Mixture of dried flowers and other naturally fragrant plant material
Wikipedia - Prestoea tenuiramosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Primulaceae -- Family of flowering plants that includes the primroses
Wikipedia - Primula hortensis -- Flower
Wikipedia - Primula scotica -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Primula veris -- Species of flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Primula -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Privet -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Prostantheroideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Protea acuminata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea angustata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea aspera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Proteaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Protea compacta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea comptonii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea convexa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea cryophila -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea curvata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea cynaroides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea denticulata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea dracomontana -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea effusa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea eximia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea gaguedi -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea glabra -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea grandiceps -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea holosericea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea lacticolor -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea laetans -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea lanceolata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea laurifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea lepidocarpodendron -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Proteales -- Order of eudicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Protea longifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea lorea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea magnifica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea mundii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea namaquana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea nana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea neriifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea nubigena -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea obtusifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea odorata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea parvula -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea piscina -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea pityphylla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea pruinosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea pudens -- Flowering tree
Wikipedia - Protea repens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea restionifolia -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea rubropilosa -- Flowering tree
Wikipedia - Protea rupestris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea rupicola -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea scabra -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea scabriuscula -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea scolopendriifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea scolymocephala -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea speciosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea stokoei -- Species of flowering shrub
Wikipedia - Protea susannae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea welwitschii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protea -- Genus of South African flowering plants
Wikipedia - Protea witzenbergiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protium (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Prunella (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage and mint family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Prunus padus -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Prunus spinosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Psephellus bellus -- Species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pseudofumaria alba -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Pseudofumaria lutea -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Pseudofumaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Pseudomertensia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Psychotria viridis -- Perennial flowering plant in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Pterocephalus -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Pterolepis (plant) -- A genus of flowering plant in the family Melastomataceae
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican flower bat -- Species of mammal
Wikipedia - Pulmonaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Pulsatilla zimmermannii -- species of flowering plants in the family Gentianaceae
Wikipedia - Punica -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Lythraceae
Wikipedia - Pure Pumpkin Flower -- 2010-2011 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Purple prose -- Prose text that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself
Wikipedia - Pyrola -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Pyroloideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Quercus berberidifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Quercus petraea -- Species of flowering plant in the beech and oak family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Quercus robur -- Species of flowering plant in the beech and oak family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Quercus rubra -- Species of flowering plant in the beech and oak family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Quince -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Quinoa -- An edible flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Rachel Flowers -- American multi-instrumentalist and composer
Wikipedia - Raffia palm -- Genus of flowering plants in the palm family Arecaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculaceae -- family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ranunculales -- Basal order of flowering plants in the eudicots
Wikipedia - Ranunculus acris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus bulbosus -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Raphanus raphanistrum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Redcurrant -- Species of flowering plant in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae
Wikipedia - Rehmannia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Relchela -- Genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Remembrance poppy -- Artificial flower worn to commemorate military personnel who have died during war
Wikipedia - Retama monosperma -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Reynoutria japonica -- Species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Reynoutria multiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Reynoutria sachalinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Rhamnaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Rhamnus alnifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Rhamnaceae
Wikipedia - Rhamnus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the buckthorn family Rhamnaceae
Wikipedia - Rhaponticum carthamoides -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Rhaponticum heleniifolium -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Rhaponticum scariosum -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Rhaponticum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Rhexia mariana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Melastomataceae
Wikipedia - Rhinantheae -- A tribe of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Rhinanthus alectorolophus -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Rhinanthus angustifolius -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Rhinanthus minor -- Species of flowering plant in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Rhinanthus osiliensis -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Rhinanthus -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Rhizophora mangle -- Species of flowering plant in the mangrove family Rhizophoraceae
Wikipedia - Rhodiola rosea -- Species of flowering plant in the stonecrop family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Rhododendron -- Genus of flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Rhodolirium -- Genus of flowers
Wikipedia - Rhynchocorys -- A genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Rhynchospora -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Rhytidosporum procumbens -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Ribes sanguineum -- Species of flowering plant in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae
Wikipedia - Robinia -- Genus of (flowering) plants
Wikipedia - Rochefortia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Roderick Flower
Wikipedia - Rodgersia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Roger Flower
Wikipedia - Rollinia deliciosa -- Species of tropical flowering plant
Wikipedia - Romanesco broccoli -- Vegetable, an edible flower bud of the species Brassica oleracea
Wikipedia - Romneya coulteri -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Romneya trichocalyx -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Romneya -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Rorippa sessiliflora -- Species of flowering plant in the United States
Wikipedia - Rosaceae -- the rose family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Rosales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Rosa multiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Rose Parade floats -- Flower-covered parade floats used in the annual New Year's Day Parade held in Pasadena, California, US
Wikipedia - Rosids -- Large clade of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Roswell P. Flower -- American politician and governor
Wikipedia - Rotula aquatica -- Species of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Rousseau H. Flower
Wikipedia - Rowan -- Common name of a subgenus of flowering plants in the family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Roycea -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Rubiaceae -- Family of flowering plants including coffee, madder and bedstraw
Wikipedia - Rubia peregrina -- Species of flowering plant in the coffee and madder family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Rubia tinctorum -- Species of flowering plant in the coffee and madder famiy Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Rubia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Rubioideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Rubus chamaemorus -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Rudbeckia -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Rumex obtusifolius -- Species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Rutaceae -- Family of flowering plants in the order Sapindales
Wikipedia - Ruth Flowers -- British DJ
Wikipedia - Safflower -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Sagittaria sagittifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Alismataceae
Wikipedia - Sagittaria trifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Alismataceae
Wikipedia - Salicornia bigelovii -- Species of flowering plant in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Salicornia europaea -- Species of flowering plant in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Salicornia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Salvia hispanica -- Species of flowering plant in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Salvia yangii -- A flowering herbaceous perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae native to southwestern and central Asia
Wikipedia - Sambucus nigra -- Species of flowering plant in the moschatel family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Sambucus -- Genus of flowering plants in the moschatel (Adoxaceae) family
Wikipedia - Samolus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) -- 1967 single by Scott McKenzie
Wikipedia - Sanguinaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba annua -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba hakusanensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba minor -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sanguisorba -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Santalaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Santalales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sapindaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sapindales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sapotaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sarah Fuller Flower Adams -- English poet and hymnwriter
Wikipedia - Sara Ulrik -- Danish flower painter
Wikipedia - Sarcodes -- Genus of parasitic flowering plants in the heath family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Sarcopoterium -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Saururus cernuus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Saururaceae
Wikipedia - Saururus chinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Saururaceae
Wikipedia - Saururus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saururaceae
Wikipedia - Saxifraga -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae (saxifrages)
Wikipedia - Saxifragopsis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Say It With Flowers -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Scabiosa -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Scaevola (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the Goodenia family
Wikipedia - Schefflera attenuata -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera auyantepuiensis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera avenis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera ayangannensis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera baculosa -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera bailloniana -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera bengalensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera caduca -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera chimantensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera chinensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera cinnamomea -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera clausa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera clausseniana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera clavigera -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera decagyna -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera secunda -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera yurumanguinis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schefflera yutajensis -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schinus terebinthifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the cashew and mango family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Schizophragma -- Genus of flowering plants in the hydrangea family Hydrangeaceae
Wikipedia - Schrebera swietenioides -- Flowering plant in the jasmine family
Wikipedia - Scirpus sylvaticus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Scirpus -- genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Scleranthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink or carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Scrophulariaceae -- The figwort family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Scutellaria alabamensis -- Species of wildflower
Wikipedia - Scutellaria galericulata -- Species of flowering plant in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Scutellarioideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Secret of the Golden Flower
Wikipedia - Sedum acre -- Species of flowering plant in the stonecrop family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Sedum palmeri -- Species of flowering plants of the stonecrop family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Sedum reflexum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Sedum takesimense -- Korean wildflower
Wikipedia - Seed company -- Business that sells seeds for flowers, fruit, or vegetables
Wikipedia - Sempervivoideae -- Largest of 3 subfamilies in the flowering plant family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Sempervivum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Sending of Flowers -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Send Me No Flowers -- 1964 film by Norman Jewison
Wikipedia - Senecio angulatus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecio brasiliensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecio flaccidus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecio hispidulus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecio inaequidens -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecioneae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Senecio sarracenicus -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Senecio vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senecio -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Senna (plant) -- Genus of flowering leguminous plants
Wikipedia - Sepal -- Any of the separate parts of the calyx of a flower (excluding the bracts), usually green
Wikipedia - Serapias -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Sericocarpus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Serruria aemula -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae, endemic to South Africa
Wikipedia - Serruria florida -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae, endemic to South Africa
Wikipedia - Serruria -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae, endemic to South Africa
Wikipedia - Sessility (botany) -- Leaves or flowers that grow directly from the stem or peduncle of a plant
Wikipedia - Shaman King: Flowers -- Japanese manga and anime series
Wikipedia - Sibby Flowers -- American weightlifter
Wikipedia - Siebera -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sieve tube element -- Elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Silene acaulis -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Silene coeli-rosa -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Silene dioica -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Silene flavescens -- A type of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Sisal -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Sisyrinchium bellum -- Species of flowering plants in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Sisyrinchium -- Genus of flowering plants in the Iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea acutiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea assamica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea australis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea berteroana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea caribaea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea gracilis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea lepida -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea shankii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea suaveolens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea tomentosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Sloanea woollsii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Smallanthus uvedalia -- Species of wildflower
Wikipedia - Smilax -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Smilacaceae
Wikipedia - Solanaceae -- Family of flowering plants that includes tomatoes, potatoes and tobacco
Wikipedia - Solanales -- Order of dicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Solanoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Solanum anguivi -- Species of flowering plant from Africa
Wikipedia - Solanum nigrum -- species of flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceaeplant
Wikipedia - Solanum torvum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Solanum -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Solar flower tower -- Hybrid power generator
Wikipedia - Soldanella -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Solenanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Solenomelus -- Genus of flowering plants in the iris family Iridaceae
Wikipedia - Solidago sect. Ptarmicoidei -- Section of flowering plants in the genus Solidago
Wikipedia - Somerset High School (Bellflower, California) -- American school
Wikipedia - Sonchus arvensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sonchus asper -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sonchus oleraceus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sonchus palmensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sonchus tenerrimus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sonchus -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Sorbus alnifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sorbus aucuparia -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sorbus chamaemespilus -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sorbus domestica -- Species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sorbus -- Genus of flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - Sorrel -- Species of flowering plant in the family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Soup du Barry -- A French soup made from cauliflower, potatoes, and stock
Wikipedia - Sparganium -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Typhaceae
Wikipedia - Spartina -- Genus of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Spartocytisus supranubius -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia atrosperma -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia bocconei -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia macrotheca -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia marina -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia media -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia rubra -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia villosa -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spergularia -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Spermacoceae -- Tribe of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sphalmium -- Monotypic genus of flowering plants in the protea family
Wikipedia - Spinach -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Spinacia -- Genus of flowering plants in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Spirodela polyrhiza -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Spirodela punctata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Spring Flowers (FabergM-CM-) egg) -- FabergM-CM-) egg
Wikipedia - Squirrel Flower -- American musician (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Stachys -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Stachytarpheta -- Genus of flowering plants in the vervain family Verbenaceae
Wikipedia - Stachyurus chinensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Stachyuraceae
Wikipedia - Stachyurus praecox var. matsuzakii -- Variety of flowering plant in the family Stachyuraceae
Wikipedia - Stachyurus praecox -- Species of flowering plant in the family Stachyuraceae
Wikipedia - Stairs and Flowers -- Song by Skinny Puppy
Wikipedia - Stamen -- The male organ of a flower
Wikipedia - Staminode -- Modified or abortive stamen in flowering plants
Wikipedia - Stellaria alsine -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria aquatica -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria borealis -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria calycantha -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria crassifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria crispa -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria graminea -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria media -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria neglecta -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria nemorum -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria nitens -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria pallida -- species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria pubera -- Species of flowering plant in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stellaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Stemonuraceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Stenandrium -- Genus of flowering plants in the acanthus family
Wikipedia - Stenanthium densum -- Species of wildflower
Wikipedia - Stephen Flowers
Wikipedia - Sternbergia candida -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia clusiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia colchiciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia minoica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia pulchella -- species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia schubertii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia vernalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Sternbergia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Stigmaphyllon -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Stormflower -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Stratiotes -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Hydrocharitaceae
Wikipedia - Strobilanthes -- Genus of flowering plants in the acanthus family
Wikipedia - Strychnos -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Loganiaceae
Wikipedia - Suaeda maritima -- Species of flowering plant in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Suaeda vera -- Species of flowering plant in the amaranth family Amaranthaceae
Wikipedia - Succisa pratensis -- species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Succisa -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Succisella andreae-molinae -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Succisella -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Suksdorfia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Sullivantia -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Sunflower Observatory
Wikipedia - Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry
Wikipedia - Sunflower
Wikipedia - Sweet Blue Flowers -- Japanese yuri manga series written and illustrated by Takako Shimura
Wikipedia - Sweeter Than the Flowers -- 1948 song by Moon Mullican
Wikipedia - Sweet pea -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Swietenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the chinaberry family Meliaceae
Wikipedia - Sympetalae -- Historical subclass of flowering plants with fused petals
Wikipedia - Symphorematoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Symphoricarpos -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ascendens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum boreale -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum campestre -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum chilense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the west coast of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ciliolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Canada and the northern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum cordifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum defoliatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to southern California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum depauperatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum dumosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of North America, Haiti, and Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum eatonii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ericoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum estesii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to Coffee County, Tennessee, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum falcatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum firmum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum frondosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America and Mexico
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum georgianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the southeastern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum grandiflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to the southeastern USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum greatae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum laeve -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to much of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lentum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novi-belgii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ontarionis -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oolentangiense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum patens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum pilosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum praealtum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northcentral and northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum puniceum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum racemosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum rhiannon -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum robynsianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum sericeum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the central plains of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum shortii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum subulatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of Mexico, Caribbean, and North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum urophyllum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphytum officinale -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Symphytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Symplocos rayae -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Synthyris missurica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Synthyris reniformis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa emodi -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa josikaea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa komarowii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa oblata subsp. dilatata -- Sub-species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa oblata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa pinetorum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa pubescens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa reticulata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa tomentella -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa villosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa vulgaris -- Lilac, a species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syringa -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Oleaceae
Wikipedia - Syzygium samarangense -- Species of Asian fruit tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae
Wikipedia - Tabernaemontana donnell-smithii -- Species of flowering plant in the dog bane family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Tahitian Woman with a Flower -- Painting by Paul Gauguin
Wikipedia - Tanacetum parthenium -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Taraxacum officinale -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Taraxacum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Tarragon -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Temperance Flowerdew -- Colonial matron
Wikipedia - Terebinth -- Species of flowering plants in the sumac family Anacardiaceae
Wikipedia - Tetracentron -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Trochodendraceae
Wikipedia - Tetradenia riparia -- Species of flowering plant in the mint and sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Tetragonia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Thalictrum alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Thalictrum -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - The Babygirl and the Flowerpot -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Bellflower Bunnies -- French animated series
Wikipedia - The Black Flower -- Historical fiction novel by Howard Bahr
Wikipedia - The Blue Flower -- 1995 novel by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - The Desert Flower (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Difference (The Wallflowers song) -- 1997 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - The Fair Flower of Northumberland -- British ballad
Wikipedia - The Famous Flower of Serving-Men -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - The Flower and the Young Man -- Song by English band Strawbs
Wikipedia - The Flower Girl (painting) -- Painting by Charles Cromwell Ingham
Wikipedia - The Flower Girl -- North Korean opera and film
Wikipedia - The Flower in His Mouth -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - The Flower of Aleppo -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The Flower of Doom -- 1917 film by Rex Ingram
Wikipedia - The Flower of Hawaii (1933 film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - The Flower of Hawaii (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Flower of No Man's Land -- 1916 film by John H. Collins
Wikipedia - The Flower of the Caucasus -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Flower of the Indies -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Flowers of Romance (Greek band) -- Punk and gothic rock band
Wikipedia - The Flowers of St. Francis
Wikipedia - The Flower with the Petals of Steel -- 1973 film by Gianfranco Piccioli
Wikipedia - The Flower Woman of Potsdam Square -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The force that through the green fuse drives the flower -- 1933 poem by Dylan Thomas
Wikipedia - The Ghost Flower -- a 1918 silent film directed by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - The House of Flowers Presents: The Funeral -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - The House of Flowers (season 1) -- 2018 Mexican television season
Wikipedia - The House of Flowers (season 2) -- 2019 Mexican television season
Wikipedia - The House of Flowers (season 3) -- 2020 Mexican television season
Wikipedia - The House of Flowers (TV series) -- 2018-2020 Mexican dark comedy television show
Wikipedia - The Love Flower -- 1920 film by D. W. Griffith
Wikipedia - The Miao Flower Mountain Festival -- traditional occasion of the Miao, a Chinese ethnic group
Wikipedia - The Mouse on the Mayflower -- 1968 film by Arthur Rankin, Jr., Jules Bass
Wikipedia - Theobroma -- Genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae
Wikipedia - The Passion Flower -- 1921 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) -- 2012 film by Stephen Chbosky
Wikipedia - The Perks of Being a Wallflower -- 1999 novel by Stephen Chbosky
Wikipedia - The Poppy Is Also a Flower -- 1966 television film by Terence Young
Wikipedia - The Queen's Flower -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - The Sea Flower -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Golden Flower
Wikipedia - The Song of the Blood-Red Flower (1971 film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - The Song of the Blood-Red Flower -- Novel by Johannes Linnankoski
Wikipedia - The Song of the Scarlet Flower (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - The Structure and Biology of Arctic Flowering Plants -- English language scientific monograph series on arctic flowering plants
Wikipedia - The Sun and Her Flowers -- 2017 book by Rupi Kaur
Wikipedia - The Tragedy of the Street of Flowers -- novel by the Portuguese writer JosM-CM-) Maria de Eca de Queiros
Wikipedia - The Wallflower (manga) -- Manga series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - The Wallflowers -- American rock band from California
Wikipedia - The Wall Flower -- 1922 film directed by Rupert Hughes
Wikipedia - The White Flower -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Thistle -- Common name of a group of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Thlaspi arvense -- Species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Thomas Flowers (cricketer, born 1868) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Three Marlenas -- 1997 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - Tibouchina semidecandra -- Species of flowering plant in the family Melastomataceae
Wikipedia - Tillandsia macdougallii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Tillandsia -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Tiquilia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Tolmiea -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Tommy Flowers
Wikipedia - Torilis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Tournefortia -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Tozzia -- Genus of flowering plants in the broomrape family Orobanchaceae
Wikipedia - Trachyandra -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae
Wikipedia - Tradescantia zebrina -- Species of flowering plant in the family Commelinaceae
Wikipedia - Tragia -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Trichodesma -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Trichophorum alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Trichophorum cespitosum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Trichophorum clementis -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Trichophorum clintonii -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Trichophorum -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Trichostachys -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Trifolium albopurpureum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium alexandrinum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium amoenum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium andersonii -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium andinum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium angustifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium arvense -- species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium barbigerum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium beckwithii -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium bifidum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium bolanderi -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium breweri -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium buckwestiorum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium campestre -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium ciliolatum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium cyathiferum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium depauperatum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium dubium -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium eriocephalum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium fragiferum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium friscanum -- species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium fucatum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium glomeratum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium hybridum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium incarnatum -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium medium -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Trifolium repens -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Triglochin maritima -- Species of flowering plant in the arrowgrass family Juncaginaceae
Wikipedia - Triglochin -- Genus of flowering plants in the arrowgrass family Juncaginaceae
Wikipedia - Trigonobalanus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Fagaceae
Wikipedia - Triosteum -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Trollius -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Tropaeolum tuberosum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Tropaeolaceae
Wikipedia - Tuberaria guttata -- Species of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Tuberaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae
Wikipedia - Tui Flower -- New Zealand food writer
Wikipedia - Turraea -- Genus of flowering plants in the chinaberry family Meliaceae
Wikipedia - Tussilago -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Typha angustifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Typhaceae
Wikipedia - Typha latifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Typhaceae
Wikipedia - Ulex europaeus -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Ulex gallii -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Ulex minor -- Species of flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Urtica dioica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Urticaceae
Wikipedia - Urtica incisa -- Species of flowering plant in the nettle family Urticaceae
Wikipedia - Urtica thunbergiana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Urticaceae
Wikipedia - Urtica urens -- Species of flowering plant in the nettle family Urticaceae
Wikipedia - Vaccinioideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae
Wikipedia - Vachellia nilotica -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Vaijayanti -- Theological flower
Wikipedia - Valeriana -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Valerianella affinis -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Valerianella locusta -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Valerianella ozarkana -- Species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Valerianella -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Valerian (herb) -- species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Vanilla (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Vavilovia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Verbenaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising vervains
Wikipedia - Veronica agrestis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica americana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica anagallis-aquatica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica aphylla -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica arcuata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica arenaria -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica arvensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica austriaca -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica beccabunga -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica brownii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica bullii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica calycina -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica chamaedrys -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica copelandii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica cusickii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica filiformis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica formosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica fruticans -- species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica gentianoides -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica gracilis -- species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica hederifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica longifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica peduncularis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica peregrina -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica perfoliata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica persica -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica plebeia -- species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica polita -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica ponae -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica prostrata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica scutellata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica serpyllifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica spicata -- Species of flowering plant in family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica strictissima -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica syriaca -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica triphyllos -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica turrilliana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Veronica wormskjoldii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Verticordia endlicheriana var. endlicheriana -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Vexatorella -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae endemic to the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa
Wikipedia - Viburnum carlesii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum davidii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum edule -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum lantana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum macrocephalum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum opulus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum plicatum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum sargentii -- Species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Viburnum -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae
Wikipedia - Vicia lathyroides -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Vicia sylvatica -- Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - View of Arles, Flowering Orchards -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Viola angustifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Viola arvensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola biflora -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola glabella -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola labradorica -- Species of Viola, a genus of flowering plants in family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Violales -- Order of eudicot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Viola lilliputana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola ocellata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceaent
Wikipedia - Viola pedunculata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola praemorsa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola pubescens -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola sororia -- Species of flowering plant genus Viola, in Eudicot family, Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viola tricolor -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Viscaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Viscum album -- Flowering plant in the mistletoe family Santalaceae
Wikipedia - Vitex agnus-castus -- Species of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Vitex -- Genus of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Viticoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Vitis acerifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the grape family Vitaceae
Wikipedia - Vitis -- Genus flowering plants in the grape family Vitaceae
Wikipedia - Vivian Flowers -- American politiican
Wikipedia - Vonetta Flowers -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - Wallflower (comics) -- Character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Wallflowers (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Wart -- Small, rough growth resembling a cauliflower or a solid blister
Wikipedia - Watercress -- Species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Watering the Flowers -- 1896 film by Georges MM-CM-)lies
Wikipedia - Weigela -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - When Knighthood Was in Flower (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (film) -- 2008 film
Wikipedia - Whitebeam -- Subgenus of flowering plants, the whitebeams, in the rose family Rosaceae
Wikipedia - White currant -- Cultivars of Ribes rubrum, a species of flowering plant in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae
Wikipedia - Why Don't You Bring Me Flowers? -- 2016 single by Roxette
Wikipedia - Wildflower (1914 film) -- 1914 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Wildflower Preserve (Florida) -- Nature preserve on Cape Haze, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Wild Flowers (1982 film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Wildflower (Skylark song) -- 1972 single by Skylark
Wikipedia - Wildflowers of Pakistan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Wild Flower Stakes -- Flat horse racing in Britain
Wikipedia - Wildflowers (Tom Petty song) -- 1994 song by Tom Petty
Wikipedia - Wildflower (TV series) -- 2017-2018 revenge drama series
Wikipedia - Wildflower -- Flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted
Wikipedia - Wildwood Flower -- American song
Wikipedia - Willes Little Flower School -- private school in Kakrail, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - William Brewster (Mayflower passenger) -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Wolffia arrhiza -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Wolffia globosa -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Woodie Flowers -- American engineering academic
Wikipedia - Xerochrysum bracteatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Australia
Wikipedia - Xerochrysum -- A genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae native to Australia
Wikipedia - Yellow Flower -- 2018 EP by Mamamoo
Wikipedia - Yellow-vented flowerpecker -- Species of bird in Asia
Wikipedia - Yoshi Flower -- American musician
Wikipedia - You Won't Forget About Me -- 2004 single by Dannii Minogue and Flower Power
Wikipedia - Zabelia -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Zantedeschia -- Genus of flowering plants in the arum family Araceae
Wikipedia - Zanthoxylum acanthopodium -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Zanthoxylum ailanthoides -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Zanthoxylum albuquerquei -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Zea (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Zinnia peruviana -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Zippelia -- Genus of flowering plants in the pepper family Piperaceae
Wikipedia - Zygophyllaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Sarah Fuller Flower Adams ::: Born: February 22, 1805; Died: September 14, 1848; Occupation: Poet;

Gennifer Flowers ::: Born: January 24, 1950; Occupation: Model;
Goodreads author - Betty_Sue_Flowers
Goodreads author - Jane_Flowers
Goodreads author - Stephen_E_Flowers
Goodreads author - Bob_Flowerdew
Goodreads author - Amanda_Flower
Goodreads author - Arthur_Flowers
Goodreads author - Loni_Flowers,_by_William_Halsall.jpg
Kheper - flower_of_life -- 45
Kheper - flower_of_life -- 44
Integral World - Floating Swans and Blooming Flowers, Faqir Chand on the Illusory Nature of Religious Visions, David Lane
Integral World - Feynman's Flower, The Expansive View of Science, Why Physics Complements Aesthetics, David Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Gnosis and the Inner Science of the Golden Flower, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Avatars: The Flowering of Humanity, John White
selforum - be like flower
selforum - vibrations of flowers
dedroidify.blogspot - the-mighty-mighty-storm-giants-flowers
wiki.auroville - Auroville's_flower_("Beauty_of_Supramental_Love")
wiki.auroville - Category:Flowers_(spiritual_significance)
wiki.auroville - Cloud_Flower_Creations
wiki.auroville - Divine_Flowers
wiki.auroville - Flowerlines
wiki.auroville - Flowers
wiki.auroville - News_&_Notes_734:Flowers
Dharmapedia - The_Secret_of_the_Golden_Flower
Occultopedia - flower_essence_therapy,_Cyprus,_550-540_BC,_Rembrandt_Association.JPG
Family Ties (1982 - 1989) - What was unique about Family Ties was that it blended family comedy with politics. The 1960's flower children, Steven and Elyse clashed with the 1980's conservative, Alex. The show, in a way, showed the changing values during the Reagan era. Besides political views, Family Ties covered a number of c...
Angel (Anime) (1979 - 1980) - Known in Japan as "Hana no Ko Lun lun" this show aired in the US under the title "Angel." Angel is a young girl that descends from both humans and Flower Angels. She is taken on a long journey to the Flower Planet so the dying king's son can take his place on the throne.
Boys Over Flowers (1996 - 1997) - Makino Tsukushi: a girl who comes from a poor family just wants to get through her 2 last years at Eitoku Gakuen, quietly. But once she makes herself known by standing up for her friend to the F4, the 4 most popular, powerful and rich boys at the school. She gets the red card: F4's way of a "Declara...
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman (1990 - 1991) - In 1970, Dr. Hoshikawa was researching how to transform the planet Sedon into a green, lush world, testing it by attempting to grow flowers. On the day the first flower bloomed, the Zone empire assault on the planet, he and his wife were separated from their five children. Arthur G6 took the five ch...
Insektors (1994 - 1997) - Insektors was about two insect like races inhabiting the planet Karbon; the Yuks and the Joyces. The Yuks lived in a large, dark tree stump, and lived lives of missery, while the Joyces lived in a lush field of colors, flowers and music.
The Poddington Peas (1986 - 1989) - This was a show on CBBC in Britain about a group of peas that lived in a village made out of flower pots.
The Surprise Show/Hank Stohl Presents (1965 - 1967) - Local:WPIX TV Ch.11 NYC Weekday afternoons Tuesday September 7,1965-Friday September 7,1967 Host/Performer/Puppeteer:Hank Stohl Aniform Operators:Morey Bunin,Jimmy Boyd,Cleveon Little and Wayland Flowers.
Hanasaku Iroha (2011 - Current) - lit. "The ABCs of Flower Blooming" or "The Blooming Colors"),[3] or Hanairo for short,[4] is a Japanese 26-episode anime television series produced by P.A.Works and directed by Masahiro And. The screenplay was written by Mari Okada, with original character design by Mel Kishida. P.A.Works produced...
Wei Kreuz (1998 - 1998) - literally German for "White Cross", written "weies Kreuz" or "Weikreuz" in German) is a series about four assassins that work in a flower shopcalled "Kitty in the House". The assassins are members of a group called Wei (white), which is run by Persia of the mysterious Kritiker organization.he Wei...
Tamagotchi! (2009 - 2015) - a 2009 Japanese fantasy slice of life anime series produced by OLM's Team Kamei division, officially based on the Tamagotchi digital pet jointly created by Bandai and WiZ. It is directed by Jji Shimura (Pokmon) and written by Aya Matsui (Boys Over Flowers), with character designs done by Sayuri Ic...
Hana no Ko Lunlun (1979 - 1980) - The Flower Child Lunlun and Lulu, The Flower Angel is a magical girl anime by Toei Animation, focusing on a theme of flowers in its stories. It was directed by Hiroshi Shidara and written by Shiro Jinbo. It was greatly successful in the West, particularly in Europe and in Latin America, as well as i...
Fifi and the Flowertots (2006 - 2010) - a British stop-motion children's television series created by Keith Chapman and produced by Chapman Entertainment. The series originally aired on Five in the United Kingdom.It features a group of flower-based characters and their adventures and activities through the garden. The title character and...
Danny Phantom (2004 - 2007) - Danny Fenton was once your typical shy kid--you know, kind of a wallflower. But all that changed one afternoon when Danny accidentally blew up his parents' laboratory and became ghost-hunting superhero Danny Phantom. Now 1/2 ghost, Danny's picked up some pretty cool paranormal powers-- but only his...
Madame's Place (1982 - 1983) - Sitcom revolving around puppeteer Wayland Flower's marionette Madame.
Igloo Gloo (2001 - 2002) - Igloo-Gloo is a puppet series staring two baby seals Snowflake and Snowball. In each episode an object falls from the sky and the seal pups explore the objects they have fun with includes a pic-nic basket, eggs, socks keys and a flower pot.
Flowers in the Attic(1987) - After the death of her husband, Corrine, mother of Cathy, Chris, Carrie and Cory, under desperate measures, takes them to live under the roof of FoxWarth Hall. Little do the children know about the attic home they would be imprisoned in, much longer than the day Momma had promised. With the eyes of...
A Troll in Central Park(1994) - A friendly troll with a magic green thumb grows one flower too many for the queen, whose laws require all trolls to act meanly, be ugly and scare humans whenever possible. As a punishment, he is exiled to a world of concrete, where he should live a life of proper trolldom: Manhattan. But of all plac...
The Land Before Time IV: The Journey Through the Mists(1996) - In this lively animated feature, Littlefoot and his cute cadre of prehistoric pals embark on another colorful adventure that is aimed at younger children. This time, the rambunctious reptiles ignore warnings and go stomping off into unexplored territory to find a rare flower. Littlefoot needs it to...
Brain Smasher... A Love Story(1993) - Andrew Dice Clay trades in dumb yucks for numchucks in Brainsmasher: A Love Story as Ed Molloy, a part-time comic and bouncer who takes on a belligerent gang of ninjas. The story kicks in when supermodel Samantha Crains (Teri Hatcher) receives a red lotus flower from her sister that has to be delive...
Bed of Roses(1996) - A romantic drama about a hard working career woman (Mary Stuart Masterson) who receives a vase of flowers from a secret admirer. While searching for the sender of the flowers she finds her dream date also, who is a widowed florist shop owner (Christian Slater). They develop feelings for each other t...
Secret Admirer(1985) - In the brief flower of his teen idolhood, C. Thomas Howell starred in this unexpectedly mature teen comedy. High school loser Michael (Howell) receives an unsigned love note and hopes it's from the queen of the social scene, Debbie (Kelly Preston). When Debbie brushes him off, his best friend Toni (...
Big Bird Brings Spring to Sesame Street(1987) - Fed up with winter and snow, Big Bird buys some flowers to cheer himself up. But when he sees his friends in distress from the weather, he is eager to help out and before he knows it, a brilliant change in the weather puts a smile on his beak.
Cruel Intentions(1999) - Slaking a thirst for dangerous games, Kathryn challenges her stepbrother, Sebastian, to deflower their headmaster's daughter before the summer ends. If he succeeds, the prize is the chance to bed Kathryn. But if he loses, Kathryn will claim his most prized possession.
My Fair Lady(1964) - Linguist Professor Henry Higgins bets his friend, Colonel Hugh Pickering , that he can transform Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle in time for an important society ball. The spirited Eliza proves more of a handful than the Professor could have predicted. As she slowly becomes more refined, and les...
Velvet Goldmine(1998) - In 1971, Glamrock explodes all over the world and challanges the seriousness within the flowerpower generation by means of glitter and brutal music. Brian Slade, a young rockstar, inspires numerous teenage boys and girls to paint their nails and explore their own sexuality. In the end Slade destroys...
SPACE ADVENTURE COBRA: the movie(1982) - The intergalactic bounty hunter Jane Flower is followed home from a nightclub by a man who professes love for her and reveals he is Cobra, one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy. Jane is one of three triplet sisters who are the princess heirs to the wandering planet Dakobar. She drags him on...
Bambi II(2006) - Picking up in between the original movie, Bambi follows his father, the Great Prince, into the forest after his mother's death and the Great Prince must teach the young fawn, and his friends Thumper, Flower and Owl, how a deer survives in the forest. But the Great Prince finds that his high-spirited...
Saint Jack(1979) - Compelling character study, revolving around Jack Flowers, an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. He dreams of building a fortune by running a brothel himself and returning to the States to lead a life of luxury. Savvy but not unsavory he strikes up...
The Mouse on the Mayflower(1968) - The Mouse on the Mayflower is a 1968 animated Thanksgiving television special created by Rankin/Bass. It was the first official special under the Rankin/Bass moniker after changing its name from Videocraft the previous year. It debuted on NBC on November 23, 1968. The special is about a church mouse...
Send Me No Flowers(1964) - A hypochondriac(Rock Hudson),believing he is dying,tries to find his wife(Doris Day)a new husband.
Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid(2004) - A scientific expedition sets out for Borneo to seek a flower called the Blood Orchid, which could grant longer life. Meanwhile, they run afoul of snakes and each other.
Flower Drum Song(1961) - A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
Frog and Toad Together(1987) - Frog and Toad are best friendsthey do everything together. When Toad admires the flowers in Frog's garden, Frog gives him seeds to grow a garden of his own. When Toad bakes cookies, Frog helps him eat them. And when both Frog and Toad are scared, they are brave together. The School and Library Jour...
December Flower(1984) - Newly widowed Etta visits her beloved Aunt M and discovers her bedridden and listless. Etta's struggle to restore M's dignity and cheer brings renewed meaning to Etta's life but also reveals family secrets and forces confrontations with M's indifferent son and hostile daughter-in-law.
Wings of Life(2011) - A documentary film showing the deep relationship of the world's winged-species and flowers. The beauty of the world's flowers is made possible only by the pollinating acts of butterflies, bees, birds, and bats. The documentary shows how these animals work to pollinate flowers and the dangers posed b... -- Comedy, Mystery, Police, Shounen, Sports -- -- -- Kids, Magic -- Action, Military, Sci-Fi, Space, Drama, Mecha -- Kids, Magic
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day ::: Ano hi mita hana no namae o bokutachi wa mada shiranai. (original tit ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2011) Five childhood companions reunite when the ghost of their dead friends appears, and demands they grant her final wish. Stars: Miyu Irino, Ai Kayano, Haruka Tomatsu
Bellflower (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Action, Drama, Romance | 21 March 2012 (France) -- Two friends spend all their free time building flame-throwers and weapons of mass destruction in hopes that a global apocalypse will occur and clear the runway for their imaginary gang "Mother Medusa". Director: Evan Glodell Writer:
Broken Flowers (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 26 August 2005 (USA) -- As the extremely withdrawn Don Johnston is dumped by his latest woman, he receives an anonymous letter from a former lover informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him. A freelance sleuth neighbor moves Don to embark on a cross-country search for his old flames in search of answers. Director: Jim Jarmusch
Cactus Flower (1969) ::: 7.2/10 -- M | 1h 44min | Comedy, Romance | 16 December 1969 (USA) -- A dentist pretends to be married to avoid commitment, but when he falls for his girlfriend and proposes, he must recruit his lovelorn nurse to pose as his wife. Director: Gene Saks Writers:
City Lights (1931) ::: 8.5/10 -- G | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 March 1931 (USA) -- With the aid of a wealthy erratic tippler, a dewy-eyed tramp who has fallen in love with a sightless flower girl accumulates money to be able to help her medically. Director: Charles Chaplin Writer: Charles Chaplin Stars:
Cruel Intentions (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 5 March 1999 (USA) -- Two vicious step-siblings of an elite Manhattan prep school make a wager: to deflower the new headmaster's daughter before the start of term. Director: Roger Kumble Writers:
Desert Flower (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama | 24 September 2009 (Germany) -- Waris Dirie, born 1965 in Somalia, flees at 13 when sold as 4th wife. She's maid at the Somalian embassy in London, then McDonald's, where she's discovered and becomes int'l top model. 1997, she speaks up against female genital mutilation. Director: Sherry Hormann Writers:
Father Brown ::: TV-PG | 52min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2013 ) Series inspired by the stories of GK Chesterton; a Catholic priest has a knack for solving mysteries in his English village. Creators: Rachel Flowerday, Tahsin Guner Stars:
Flowers ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20162018) Dark comedy about the eccentric members of the Flowers family. Maurice and Deborah are barely together but yet to divorce. They live with Maurice's batty mother and their maladjusted twin children. Creator: Will Sharpe Stars:
Harrison's Flowers (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 March 2002 (USA) -- When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him. Director: lie Chouraqui
Harrison's Flowers (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 March 2002 (USA) -- When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him. Director: lie Chouraqui Writers: Isabel Ellsen (book), lie Chouraqui (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
Kids (1995) ::: 7.1/10 -- Unrated | 1h 31min | Drama | 1 September 1995 (USA) -- A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins. Director: Larry Clark Writers: Harmony Korine, Larry Clark (story by) | 1 more credit
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Sayonara no asa ni yakusoku no hana o kazar (original title) -- (Japan) Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms Poster -- Escaping war, a young girl finds a lone surviving infant and decides to raise him as her son. Director: Mari Okada Writers:
Mood Indigo (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- L'cume des jours (original title) -- Mood Indigo Poster -- Wealthy, inventive bachelor Colin endeavors to find a cure for his lover Chloe after she's diagnosed with an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs. Director: Michel Gondry Writers:
My Fair Lady (1964) ::: 7.8/10 -- G | 2h 50min | Drama, Family, Musical | 25 December 1964 (USA) -- Snobbish phonetics Professor Henry Higgins agrees to a wager that he can make flower girl Eliza Doolittle presentable in high society. Director: George Cukor Writers: Alan Jay Lerner (book), George Bernard Shaw (from a play by) (as
Poison (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 16 August 1991 (Sweden) -- A boy shoots his father and flies out the window. A man falls in love with a fellow inmate in prison. A doctor accidentally ingests his experimental sex serum, wreaking havoc on the community. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Jean Genet (inspired by the novels of Jean Genet with quotations from "Miracle of the Rose", "Our Lady of the Flowers" and "Thief's Journal"), Todd Haynes
Pygmalion (1938) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 March 1939 (USA) -- A phonetics and diction expert makes a bet that he can teach a cockney flower girl to speak proper English and pass as a lady in high society. Directors: Anthony Asquith, Leslie Howard Writers: George Bernard Shaw (screen play and dialogue) (as Bernard Shaw), W.P. Lipscomb (scenario) | 1 more credit Stars:
Samurai Champloo ::: Samurai chanpur (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2004-2005) Episode Guide 26 episodes Samurai Champloo Poster -- Fuu, a waitress who works in a teahouse, rescues two master swordsmen, Mugen and Jin, from their execution to help her find the "samurai who smells of sunflowers." Stars:
Send Me No Flowers (1964) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 October 1964 (USA) -- A hypochondriac believes he is dying and makes plans for his wife which she discovers and misunderstands. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Julius J. Epstein (screenplay) (as Julius Epstein), Norman Barasch
Strangler vs. Strangler (1984) ::: 8.1/10 -- Davitelj protiv davitelja (original title) -- Strangler vs. Strangler Poster A mentally disturbed flower seller starts killing young girls on the streets of Belgrade. While the frustrated police inspector is trying to stop him, an aspiring musician finds his life and work deeply intertwined with that of a killer. Director: Slobodan Sijan Writers: Nebojsa Pajkic, Slobodan Sijan
Sunflower (1970) ::: 7.4/10 -- I girasoli (original title) -- Sunflower Poster An Italian woman conducts a desperate search for her husband, a soldier considered missing in action in Russia during WWII. Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers: Tonino Guerra (story and screenplay) (as Antonio Guerra), Cesare Zavattini (story and screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Flowers of War (2011) ::: 7.6/10 -- Jin ling shi san chai (original title) -- The Flowers of War Poster -- An American finds refuge during the 1937 Japanese invasion of Nanking in a church with a group of women. Posing as a priest, he attempts to lead the women to safety. Director: Yimou Zhang Writers:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance | 12 October 2012 (USA) -- An introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors who welcome him to the real world. Director: Stephen Chbosky Writers: Stephen Chbosky (screenplay by), Stephen Chbosky (based on his book)
Were the World Mine (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy | 14 May 2009 -- Were the World Mine Poster -- A bullied and demoralized gay student at an all-boys school uses a magical flower derived from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream' to turn many in his community gay, including a comely rugby player for himself. Director: Tom Gustafson
Werewolf of London (1935) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 15min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 13 May 1935 (USA) -- After botanist Wilfred Glendon travels to Tibet in search of a rare flower, the Mariphasa, he returns to a London haunted by murders that can only be the work of bloodthirsty werewolves. Director: Stuart Walker Writers: John Colton (screenplay), Robert Harris (story) Stars:,_Flowers,_Blooming_Flowers!_The_Flowers_of_Tenkazu_Academy's_Gate's_(Floweria)'s_flowers's_Flower's_ship's_Flowers,_Sun,_and_Rain's_Relationship's_Relationship's_sacred_fire-flower
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie -- When Mamoru was little he gave a rose to a little boy named Fiore. Fiore promised that one day he would bring Mamoru lots of flowers. Now Fiore has come back to earth but his intentions are not merely to fulfil a promise... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 5, 1993 -- 53,171 7.70
Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Original -- Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life -- Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar -- Season Fairies create and control the weather using special musical instruments. They make the wind blow, the snow fall, the sun shine; if it's something weather related, they are the ones who make it happen. -- -- Sugar, an apprentice Snow Fairy, and her friends Salt and Pepper, all want to become full-fledged Season Fairies, and the only way to achieve this is to search for and find the "Twinkles" that will make their magical flowers bloom. The only problem is that none of them have any idea what a Twinkle is. -- -- They enlist the somewhat unwilling help of Saga, a human girl who can see Season Fairies. Much to her annoyance, Saga's perfectly planned and ordered life has just become a little too lively for her taste. Together, they search for the mysterious Twinkles while trying to perfect their magic. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2001 -- 20,548 7.07
Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Horror -- Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- Behind the colorful curtains and extravagant performances, there lies the dark side of a circus life, hidden away from the smiles and praises of the audience. Set in early 20th century Japan, Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki highlights the misdeeds that occur in circus camps. -- -- Midori was an innocent young girl who enjoyed her life as an elementary student to the fullest. However, everything changed after her mother fell ill. Eventually, Midori is forced to stop going to school and, instead, sells flowers in the city. When her mother dies tragically, Midori meets a stranger who leads her towards the circus. What awaits her will change her life forever... -- -- In a life where nothing seems to go right, will Midori lose faith and give up? Or will she manage to stay strong in hopes of a better future? -- Movie - May 2, 1992 -- 37,169 5.08
Detective Conan Movie 19: The Hellfire Sunflowers -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 19: The Hellfire Sunflowers Detective Conan Movie 19: The Hellfire Sunflowers -- Kaitou Kid and Vincent van Gogh's artworks feature heavily in the movie, according to an interview with Gosho Aoyama. The teaser preview at the end of Dimensional Sniper included references to van Gogh's "Sunflowers" series. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Apr 18, 2015 -- 28,215 7.71
Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Slice of Life Magic School -- Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu -- Set in a world of cruelty and heartbreak, Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu follows five young men who work at the mysterious "Bar F" and who offer to heal the hearts of their clients, wiping away their tears and causing smiles to bloom like flowers. They take no payment... aside from stealing their clients' hearts. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 8,330 5.36
Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- -- Shaft -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- After defeating the various Floor Masters of the six prior levels, Hakuno Kishinami and Saber arrive at the top floor of the Moon Cell. Their opponent will be Leonardo B. Harwey—the strongest Master in the history of the Holy Grail War and the current fan favorite, following his previous victory. -- -- As they reach a field of flowers among floating isles, Hakuno, Saber, and Rin Toosaka come across a hooded man tending to the blossoms. Saber immediately draws her blade before the cloaked figure, who reveals himself as Prince Gawain: the Platinum Saber and Knight of the Round Table. However, when Gawain insists that he has no interest in fighting, the four discuss the infinite possibilities for the Holy Grail, with Hakuno determined to return the Moon Cell to its original form. -- -- Their discussion ends with a clangor from afar, ringing through the skies. The threadbare Gawain, knowing its significance, informs the three that not much time remains for their lives. He beckons them towards the final battleground, where the two Sabers shall duel once more to determine the future of mankind. -- -- TV - Jul 29, 2018 -- 48,706 6.54
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- The Holy Grail War: a violent battle between mages in which seven masters and their summoned servants fight for the Holy Grail, a magical artifact that can grant the victor any wish. Nearly 10 years ago, the final battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War wreaked havoc on Fuyuki City and took over 500 lives, leaving the city devastated. -- -- Shirou Emiya, a survivor of this tragedy, aspires to become a hero of justice like his rescuer and adoptive father, Kiritsugu Emiya. Despite only being a student, Shirou is thrown into the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally sees a battle between servants at school and summons his own servant, Saber. -- -- When a mysterious shadow begins a murderous spree in Fuyuki City, Shirou aligns himself with Rin Toosaka, a fellow participant in the Holy Grail War, in order to stop the deaths of countless people. However, Shirou's feelings for his close friend Sakura Matou lead him deeper into the dark secrets surrounding the war and the feuding families involved. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 14, 2017 -- 289,661 8.25
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- The Holy Grail War: a violent battle between mages in which seven masters and their summoned servants fight for the Holy Grail, a magical artifact that can grant the victor any wish. Nearly 10 years ago, the final battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War wreaked havoc on Fuyuki City and took over 500 lives, leaving the city devastated. -- -- Shirou Emiya, a survivor of this tragedy, aspires to become a hero of justice like his rescuer and adoptive father, Kiritsugu Emiya. Despite only being a student, Shirou is thrown into the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally sees a battle between servants at school and summons his own servant, Saber. -- -- When a mysterious shadow begins a murderous spree in Fuyuki City, Shirou aligns himself with Rin Toosaka, a fellow participant in the Holy Grail War, in order to stop the deaths of countless people. However, Shirou's feelings for his close friend Sakura Matou lead him deeper into the dark secrets surrounding the war and the feuding families involved. -- -- Movie - Oct 14, 2017 -- 289,661 8.25
Futari wa Precure: Splash☆Star -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Futari wa Precure: Splash☆Star Futari wa Precure: Splash☆Star -- During the summer festival five years ago, two girls met at a mysterious tree and saw two glowing spheres. Now, these two girls--Saki Hyuuga, ace pitcher on the school softball team; and Mai Mishou, who prefers sketching over stargazing--are chosen by the spirits of flowers (Flappy) and birds (Choppy) to restore the Seven Fountains and save their worlds from Dark Autumn. Together, they are the NEW Pretty Cure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Feb 5, 2006 -- 10,195 7.14
Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saiyo ga Kanjin nano de Tasho Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Mecha Shounen -- Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saiyo ga Kanjin nano de Tasho Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saiyo ga Kanjin nano de Tasho Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi -- This special is a set of short comedy stories involving Gintoki and his equally-broke sidekicks Shinpachi and Kagura. One day, Gintoki and his comrades are out viewing the spring flowers when suddenly the Shinsengumi appear, arguing that Gintoki has taken their flower-viewing spot. Gintoki's team and the Shinsengumi must then battle for the right to sit in that spot by using a violent version of rock paper scissors. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Sep 24, 2005 -- 46,344 8.09
Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai -- A floating space without gravity where an infinite number of lights shine in different colors: The "Box of Wisdom." Inside of this box, there are multiple worlds, multiple timelines, and there used to be many different people. This is where Dual and Dorothy were fighting with enemies called "Viruses." Worlds infected by viruses must be erased. That is the duty, the job of these girls. However, one day, Dual and Dorothy feel the presence of a new Virus. Arriving at the scene, they see a girl being attacked by Viruses. After saving the girl, the duo wait for her to awaken so they can ask who she is, where she came from, and where she is going. Finally, when the girl opened her eyes, she gave her name, Rimo, and whispered only one sentence... "I must return to the flower patch..." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- Movie - Jan 9, 2016 -- 28,224 6.72
Go! Princess Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Go! Princess Precure Go! Princess Precure -- Ever since she was young, Haruka Haruno has always aspired to become a princess. Despite being mocked for this seemingly childish wish, Haruka perseveres to make her dream a reality, ultimately culminating in her acceptance into the prestigious Noble Academy—the birthplace of people's fantasies. -- -- When Haruka arrives at her new school, a chance encounter with a pair of magical creatures influences a series of unbelievable events, and Haruka awakens as "Cure Flora," the princess of blooming flowers. After two of Haruka's classmates also transform into legendary princesses, a story of self-discovery unfolds as the newfound team "Princess Precure" carries the responsibility of protecting everyone's dreams. Engaged in a battle between hope and despair, Haruka may find the key toward becoming the princess she has always dreamed to be. -- -- 13,058 7.71
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- 95,307 7.33
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 95,307 7.33
Heartcatch Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Slice of Life Comedy Magic Fantasy School Shoujo -- Heartcatch Precure! Heartcatch Precure! -- Young flower enthusiast Tsubomi Hanasaki is often modest and quiet. But with her family moving to a new town, she aims to reinvent her image at her new school as someone more confident and outgoing. On moving day, she dreams of a mysterious tree in the sky guarded by a warrior named "Cure Moonlight." -- -- Tsubomi quickly learns that this was no ordinary dream when she encounters two mysterious fairies—Chypre and Coffret—who are being hunted down by a strange woman. When the woman summons a giant monster to attack the city, Tsubomi finds herself transforming into a warrior to fight the enemy! Taking on the alias "Cure Blossom," Tsubomi learns that the woman is part of a villainous group that aims to turn the world into a lifeless desert, with her new duty being to stop it from happening. As Tsubomi continues to battle more monsters and uncover the secrets behind Cure Moonlight, will she find the confidence needed to overcome her timid nature? -- -- 24,687 7.78
Hyouka -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 22 eps -- Novel -- Mystery School Slice of Life -- Hyouka Hyouka -- Energy-conservative high school student Houtarou Oreki ends up with more than he bargained for when he signs up for the Classics Club at his sister's behest—especially when he realizes how deep-rooted the club's history really is. Begrudgingly, Oreki is dragged into an investigation concerning the 45-year-old mystery that surrounds the club room. -- -- Accompanied by his fellow club members, the knowledgeable Satoshi Fukube, the stern but benign Mayaka Ibara, and the ever-curious Eru Chitanda, Oreki must combat deadlines and lack of information with resourcefulness and hidden talent, in order to not only find the truth buried beneath the dust of works created years before them, but of other small side cases as well. -- -- Based on the award-winning Koten-bu light novel series, and directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto of Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Hyouka shows that normal life can be full of small mysteries, be it family history, a student film, or even the withered flowers that make up a ghost story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 993,559 8.13
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Cinelicious Pics -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Konohana no Sakuya Mori -- -- Tomoyasu Murata Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Konohana no Sakuya Mori Konohana no Sakuya Mori -- A horse puppet wanders into a silver world and pauses before an ethereal flower. -- -- (Source: CoolConnections) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2014 -- 465 6.01
Kowarekake no Orgel Special -- -- ElectromagneticWave -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Drama Seinen -- Kowarekake no Orgel Special Kowarekake no Orgel Special -- Extra episode of Kowarekake no Orgel which was added to theatrical release of anime and DVD/BD. -- -- Flower notices that Keiichiro seems tired and decides to cook something new for him. -- Special - Sep 11, 2010 -- 9,401 6.90
Makura no Danshi -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life -- Makura no Danshi Makura no Danshi -- Whispering sweet lullabies into the ears of the viewers, Makura no Danshi presents the watcher with an experience of comfort. Each short episode features a different boy who will listen to the audience and hold them when they need it. -- -- There are boys to suit all tastes: Merry is a gentle brown-haired boy; Sousuke Tanaka is a mature working man; Kanade Hanamine is a high school student who acts tough, but is frightened by mere spiders; Eiji Kijinami is a sore loser who looks like a punk, but has a tender heart; the shy Ryuushi Theodore Emori loves stargazing; Yuu Maiki is a freshman with delusions of grandeur; Haruto Enokawa is an energetic 5-year-old who refuses to sleep without a bedtime story; Nao Sasayama is a hip college student that is addicted to his smartphone; Shirusu Mochizuki is a librarian that treasures both books and book lovers; Yonaga and Yayoi Chigiri are siblings who are learning flower arrangement; and Yuuichirou Iida is a humorous old man who runs an oden stall. -- -- Though the watchers may be troubled with various issues in life, these boys will softly talk about themselves and coax the audience members into revealing their problems. All the boys have kind hearts and will make the viewers feel special and loved. -- -- 35,741 4.50
Mary to Majo no Hana -- -- Studio Ponoc -- 1 ep -- Book -- Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Mary to Majo no Hana Mary to Majo no Hana -- Mary Smith is a clumsy girl with wild red hair who can't seem to do anything right. After moving in with her Great Aunt Charlotte, Mary finds herself lonely and bored, until one day she spies a cat which seems to keep changing color every time she sees it. Curiosity gets the better of her and she follows it into nearby woods. Deep in the forest, the cat takes her to a clearing with dead trees and brown grass, where the only sign of life is a cluster of mysterious blue flowers that Mary has never seen before. The gardener of the estate later tells her that the rare species is called "Fly-by-Night," and is said to be sought by witches for its incredible magical power. -- -- When the strange cat returns to her one night, Mary is led once again into the woods, but this time to an old broomstick hidden by a gnarled tree. After she clumsily squashes some Fly-by-Night against the broomstick, it begins to glow, whisking her off into the sky. Her wayward journey ends at the Endor College for Witches, where she is mistaken for a new student. And so, Mary must learn to look after herself in this marvelous new world of magic, where things are not always as they seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 8, 2017 -- 70,991 7.27
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- 208,054 7.06
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 208,054 7.06
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower -- Compilation film for Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 2nd Season. -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post -- Movie - Nov 18, 2017 -- 8,454 7.27
Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2021 -- 19,058 N/A -- -- Yami Shibai 5 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 5 Yami Shibai 5 -- The mysterious masked Storyteller returns to tell more twisted tales of horror. Continuing his particular style of kamishibai inspired storytelling, he now finds that his audience is an eerie crowd of young girls, who eagerly await his devilish stories. -- -- He recounts ghostly legends involving girls of all ages: a housewife who receives a barrage of chilling phone calls; a strange girl whose flower readings are always right; a mother and daughter's ominous meeting with the "crow lady"; and a young girl whose demands from others grow more and more outrageous with each request. Witness once again the Storyteller's haunting and gripping tales, which are sure to leave one with more than just chills... -- -- 19,027 6.30
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- 157,790 7.83
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 157,790 7.83
Rokka no Yuusha -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mystery -- Rokka no Yuusha Rokka no Yuusha -- An ancient legend states that with the revival of the Demon God, six heroes—the Braves of the Six Flowers—will be chosen by the Goddess of Fate, granting them power to rise up against the fiends attempting to turn the world into a living hell. Adlet Mayer, self-proclaimed "Strongest Man in the World," has arrived at the continent of Piena in hopes of becoming a Brave. Although it doesn't go as smoothly as he had planned, Adlet is ultimately chosen as one of the six heroes shortly after being greeted by Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra, crown princess and fellow Brave. -- -- Rokka no Yuusha follows the two as they embark upon their destined journey to fight the Demon God, intending to meet up with their fellow heroes at a small temple outside of the Land of the Howling Demons, the fiends' domain. However, when they finally unite, seven heroes are present, and soon the others begin to suspect Adlet to be a fraud. Now on the run, Adlet must utilize his unique skill set and wit in a fight for his life to identify which member of the group is the true impostor before it's too late! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 501,210 7.34
Sakura Taisen -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Game -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sakura Taisen Sakura Taisen -- Sakura travels to the capital with aspirations of defending the city from the demonic forces of the Black Sanctum Council like her father before her. However, things are not as she imagined as in addition to using her great spiritual energy to pilot a mech called a Kobu, she must also perform on stage as an actor as The Imperial Flower Division's cover is an art theater. Making a fool of herself and ruining a production gets her on everyone's bad side and somehow she must learn to work with them as well as prevent the enemy from destroying several shrines which protect the city. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 20,073 6.88
Sakura Taisen -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Game -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sakura Taisen Sakura Taisen -- Sakura travels to the capital with aspirations of defending the city from the demonic forces of the Black Sanctum Council like her father before her. However, things are not as she imagined as in addition to using her great spiritual energy to pilot a mech called a Kobu, she must also perform on stage as an actor as The Imperial Flower Division's cover is an art theater. Making a fool of herself and ruining a production gets her on everyone's bad side and somehow she must learn to work with them as well as prevent the enemy from destroying several shrines which protect the city. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 20,073 6.88
Samurai Champloo -- -- Manglobe -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Champloo Samurai Champloo -- Fuu Kasumi is a young and clumsy waitress who spends her days peacefully working in a small teahouse. That is, until she accidentally spills a drink all over one of her customers! With a group of samurai now incessantly harassing her, Fuu desperately calls upon another samurai in the shop, Mugen, who quickly defeats them with his wild fighting technique, utilizing movements reminiscent to that of breakdancing. Unfortunately, Mugen decides to pick a fight with the unwilling ronin Jin, who wields a more precise and traditional style of swordfighting, and the latter proves to be a formidable opponent. The only problem is, they end up destroying the entire shop as well as accidentally killing the local magistrate's son. -- -- For their crime, the two samurai are captured and set to be executed. However, they are rescued by Fuu, who hires the duo as her bodyguards. Though she no longer has a place to return to, the former waitress wishes to find a certain samurai who smells of sunflowers and enlists the help of the now exonerated pair to do so. Despite initially disapproving of this idea, the two eventually agree to assist the girl in her quest; thus, the trio embark upon an adventure to find this mysterious warrior—that is, if Fuu can keep Mugen and Jin from killing each other. -- -- Set in an alternate Edo Period of Japan, Samurai Champloo follows the journey of these three eccentric individuals in an epic quest full of action, comedy, and dynamic sword fighting, all set to the beat of a unique hip-hop infused soundtrack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 935,197 8.50
Sankarea -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Horror Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Sankarea Sankarea -- Ever since he was a child, zombie-obsessed Chihiro Furuya has wanted an undead girlfriend. Soon enough, his love for all things zombie comes in handy when his cat Baabu gets run over, prompting Chihiro to try to make a resurrection potion and bring him back to life. During his endeavor, he sees a rich girl named Rea Sanka yelling into an old well every day about her oppressive life. After meeting and bonding with her, Chihiro is convinced by Rea to persevere in saving Baabu. Eventually, he succeeds with the help of the poisonous hydrangea flowers from Rea's family garden. -- -- Unaware of the potion's success and seeking to escape the burdens of her life, Rea drinks the resurrection potion, mistakenly thinking she will die. Though it doesn't kill her, the effects still linger and her death from a fatal accident causes her to be reborn as a zombie. With help from Chihiro, Rea strives to adjust to her new—albeit undead—life. -- -- For a boy wanting a zombie girlfriend, this situation would seem like a dream come true. But in Sankarea, Chihiro's life becomes stranger than usual as he deals with Rea's odd new cravings and the unforeseen consequences of her transformation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 481,086 7.34
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- 14,190 5.80
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,190 5.80
Tian Guan Ci Fu -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama -- Tian Guan Ci Fu Tian Guan Ci Fu -- The heavens shake, the thunder rumbles, and Xie Lian appears with an apologetic smile—again! Eight hundred years prior, he was a beloved martial god, known as the Crown Prince of Xianle. Now, he ascends to the heavenly realm for the third time, but simply as a pitiful scrap-collecting god with no followers behind him. -- -- On his first mission, Xie Lian finds himself alone in the dark moonlit night. There, a gentle man dressed in red guides him through the forest. However, as abruptly as he appeared, the man suddenly dissipates into a swarm of silver butterflies. -- -- Xie Lian later learns that this mysterious stranger was none other than Hua Cheng, the Crimson Rain Sought Flower, a Ghost King feared by both demons and gods alike. But before Xie Lian can figure out why Hua Cheng would help a Heavenly Official like himself, he meets San Lang. A young man possessing great knowledge on not only the Ghost King, but also the now forgotten Crown Prince, San Lang decides to accompany Xie Lian on his journey of unveiling the mysteries of the past. -- -- ONA - Oct 31, 2020 -- 43,387 8.36
Under the Dog -- -- Kinema Citrus, Orange -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Thriller -- Under the Dog Under the Dog -- The year is 2025. Five years have passed since the Tokyo Olympic Games were called off after deadly terrorist attacks. An international school run by the United Nations now stands in the former Olympic site on the edge of Tokyo Bay. Seven teenagers with special abilities, known as "Flowers," are among the students. -- -- Their student identities are only a cover for their real identities as members of an intelligence organization run by the UN. Their objective is to assassinate other teenagers who have the same abilities. The Flowers have no choice but to complete their missions without fail. Their organization has taken their family members hostage to ensure this. For the Flowers, failure would mean death not only for themselves but also for their loved ones. -- -- This is the story of their struggle against cruel fate, and of how it is human nature to find hope, however bleak the outlook. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- OVA - Aug 1, 2016 -- 46,544 6.30
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- 277,381 7.82
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 277,381 7.82
Yami Shibai 5 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 5 Yami Shibai 5 -- The mysterious masked Storyteller returns to tell more twisted tales of horror. Continuing his particular style of kamishibai inspired storytelling, he now finds that his audience is an eerie crowd of young girls, who eagerly await his devilish stories. -- -- He recounts ghostly legends involving girls of all ages: a housewife who receives a barrage of chilling phone calls; a strange girl whose flower readings are always right; a mother and daughter's ominous meeting with the "crow lady"; and a young girl whose demands from others grow more and more outrageous with each request. Witness once again the Storyteller's haunting and gripping tales, which are sure to leave one with more than just chills... -- -- 19,027 6.30"Seed_annual"_-_vegetable_and_flower_seeds,_grass,_clover_and_field_seeds,_plants,_bulbs_and_roots_(1900)'s_Flowers'_Dumblane;_O_Stay_My_Love;_Lilies_of_the_Valley;_Sally_Roy;_Dear_Maid_I_Love_Thee;_Green_Grow_the_Rashes,_O;_Far,_Far_At_Sea_WDL3351.pdf'_Dumblane;_O_Stay_My_Love;_Lilies_of_the_Valley;_Sally_Roy;_Dear_Maid_I_Love_Thee;_Just_like_Love;_Green_Grow_the_Rashes,_O;_Far,_Far,_at_Sea_WDL3372.pdf;_My_Nanie,_O;_Highland_Laddie;_Up_in_the_Morning_Early;_Flowers_of_the_Forest_WDL3344.pdf'Butterfly_and_Flowering_Plant'_by_Shibata_Zeshin,_Honolulu_Museum_of_Art,_4599.1-2.jpg'Dumblane;_The_Yellow_Hair'd_Laddie;_The_Meeting_of_the_Waters;_Life_is_Like_a_Summer_Flower;_Bruce's_Address_WDL3395.pdf,_Australia.jpg"Flowers_Blossom_On_the_way_to_Hemkund_Sahib_Chamoli,_India".jpg_01.jpg"Flowers_Blossom_On_the_way_to_Hemkund_Sahib_Chamoli,_India".jpg_02.jpg,_Hatira_Gulch,_Negev,_Israel_'Flower_Still-life'_by_Jean-Baptiste_Monnoyer,_Cincinnati_Art_Museum.JPG'Garland_of_Flowers'_by_Jan_Fyt,_Dayton_Art_Institute.JPG's_Ladder_(Polemonium_reptans),_close-up_of_flowers,_New_Jersey,_051520,_Becky_Laboy.jpg's_Ladder_(Polemonium_reptans),_flowers,_New_Jersey,_051520,_Becky_Laboy.jpg,_at_Wat_Phou_Salao,_Pakse,_Laos.jpg'Picking_Flowers_in_a_Classical_Garden'_By_Niels_Fristrup.jpg!_Senna_notabilis_flowers.jpg'Still_Life_of_Flowers_in_an_Urn_Together_with_Cut_Roses_in_a_Glass'_by_Johann_Baptist_Drechsler.jpg'Still_Life_of_Roses,_Fritillaria,_Viburnum_and_other_Flowers_in_a_Glass_Vase_...'_by_Pieter_Gallis.jpg'Still_Life_with_Vase_of_Flowers_in_a_Coastal_Landscape_Setting'_(I)_by_Francesco_Mantovano.jpg'Still_Life_with_Vase_of_Flowers_in_a_Coastal_Landscape_Setting'_(II)_by_Francesco_Mantovano.jpg"Seed_annual"_-_vegetable_and_flower_seeds,_grass,_clover_and_field_seeds,_plants,_bulbs_and_roots_(1900)'Birds+and+Flowers+1,+one+of+two+six-panel+screens+by+Kano+Koi,+17th+century+Japan,+Honolulu+Academy+of+Arts.jpg#mw-category-media"Seed_annual"_-_vegetable_and_flower_seeds,_grass,_clover_and_field_seeds,_plants,_bulbs_and_roots_(1900)"Seed_annual"_-_vegetable_and_flower_seeds,_grass,_clover_and_field_seeds,_plants,_bulbs_and_roots_(1900)"Seed+annual"+-+vegetable+and+flower+seeds,+grass,+clover+and+field+seeds,+plants,+bulbs+and+roots+(1900)"Seed+annual"+-+vegetable+and+flower+seeds,+grass,+clover+and+field+seeds,+plants,+bulbs+and+roots+(1900)"Seed+annual"+-+vegetable+and+flower+seeds,+grass,+clover+and+field+seeds,+plants,+bulbs+and+roots+(1900)
100 Flowers
11 Flowers
2013 Mayflower oil spill
Aalsmeer Flower Auction
Abbas in Flower
ABC model of flower development
Abortive flower
A Chaos of Flowers
Adam Flowers
A. D. Flowers
A Flower's Broken
A Flower Above the Clouds
A Flower Bookmark
A Flower in a Sinful Sea
A Flowering Tree: A Woman's Tale
A Flower in Hell
A Flower Is a Lovesome Thing
African Flower
A Frozen Flower
A Gift from a Flower to a Garden
Ah! Sun-flower
Aiden Flowers
Alfred K. Flowers
Amanda Cameron Flower
American Flower-class corvettes
Andaman flowerpecker
Andy Flower
Animal Flower Cave
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Anthony Flower
Antinomy of Common Flowers
April, and a Flower
Archibald Dennis Flower
Arlene's Flowers lawsuit
Artificial flower
Arts and Flowers
As Feathers to Flowers and Petals to Wings
Ashy flowerpecker
Asking for Flowers
As the Flower Withers
A String of Pearls Twined with Golden Flowers
Auchenflower, Queensland
Auchenflower Stadium
Autoflowering cannabis
Autumn Flowers Rerolled
Bach flower remedies
Ball flower
Baltimore Flower Mart
Basics of blue flower colouration
Basics of white flower colouration
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Basket of Flowers (Faberg egg)
Battle of Flowers
Because of a Flower
Bee and Flower
Bellflower apple
Bellflower, California
Bellflower (film)
Bellflower, Illinois
Bellflower, Missouri
Benjamin Flower
Bernie Flowers
Bessie Flower
Betty Sue Flowers
Bicolored flowerpecker
Bill Gates' flower fly
Bird-and-flower painting
Birds, Beasts, & Flowers (EP)
Birds, Beasts and Flowers
Birds, Beasts, and Flowers
Birth flower
Bitter Flowers
Black-belted flowerpecker
Black flowerpiercer
Black Flowers
Black-fronted flowerpecker
Black-sided flowerpecker
Black-throated flowerpiercer
Blanchflower v. Blanchflower
Blast the Human Flower
Blazing Flowers
Blood-breasted flowerpecker
Blooded Palace: The War of Flowers
Blue-cheeked flowerpecker
Blue flower
Bluish flowerpiercer
Bob Flowers
Bob the Angry Flower
B. O. Flower
Bogue Flower
Bowl of Flowers
Boys Over Flowers
Boys Over Flowers (disambiguation)
Boys Over Flowers (TV series)
Brandon Flowers
Brandywine Wildflower and Native Plant Gardens
Breach (The Wallflowers album)
Brian Flowers, Baron Flowers
Bridge of Flowers
Bridge of Flowers (event)
Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring My Flowers Now
Broken Flowers
Brown-backed flowerpecker
Brown flower bat
Buffy flower bat
Butterfly and Flowers
Butterfly flower
Butterfly pea flower tea
Buzzing flowerpecker
Cactus Flower
Canadian Flowers for Food Society
Carpe Diem The Flower Kings Live in USA
Carrion flower
Category:Flower shows
Cauliflower Alley Club
Cauliflower ear
Cauliflower mosaic virus
Cauliflower soft coral
Cebu flowerpecker
Cecil Boutflower
Chancel flowers
Chapel of St. Theresathe Little Flower
Chapel of the Flowers
Charles Flower
Charles Flowers
Chelsea Flower Show
Chestnut-bellied flowerpiercer
China Cat Sunflower
Chipman L. Flowers Jr.
Chloe Flower
Christopher Jones (Mayflower captain)
Christopher Martin (Mayflower passenger)
Church of the Holy Trinity, Wyke Champflower
Church of the Little Flower (Coral Gables, Florida)
Cinnamon-bellied flowerpiercer
Cinnamon Flower
Clear Hearts Grey Flowers
Come Hell or High Water (The Flowers of Hell album)
Cometh Up as a Flower
Commissioner v. Flowers
Common flowerbug
Conservatory of Flowers
Constance Flower
Cornflower blue
Cornish Gilliflower
Corpse flower
Crested Butte Wildflower Festival
Crimson-breasted flowerpecker
Crimson-crowned flowerpecker
Crooked Flower
Crossfire (Brandon Flowers song)
Cuban flower bat
Curse of the Golden Flower
Cut flowers
Cyclic flower
Cyril Flower
Cyril Flower, 1st Baron Battersea
Damel Flowers
Danny Blanchflower
Dave Jones Mayflower Cashspiel
David Blanchflower
David Flower
David Sunflower Seeds
Dead Flowers
Dead Flowers, Bottles, Bluegrass, and Bones
Dead Flowers (Miranda Lambert song)
Dead Flowers (Rolling Stones song)
Delhi Sands flower-loving fly
Demon Flower
Demon Flowers
Desert Flower
Desert flower
Desert Flower (film)
Desmond Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook
Detective Conan: Sunflowers of Inferno
Diamond and Flower Ferris Wheel
Does the Flower Blossom?
Double Flower FA
Draft:Wildflower (2020 film)
Dragon Flower Church of the Heart-bound Heavenly Way
Dubai Flower Centre
Durham Flower Festival
Eastern coneflower
Eastern pasqueflower
Edible flower
Edward Fordham Flower
Edward Fuller (Mayflower passenger)
Elizabeth Flower
Ellerslie Flower Show
Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival
Erik Flowers
Ernest Flower
Evil and Flowers
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers
Fading Like a Flower (Every Time You Leave)
Fake It Flowers
Falling Flowers
False sunflower
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel I. presage flower
Female Ninja Magic: 100 Trampled Flowers
Fengyang Flower Drum
Fern flower
Festival of the Flowers
Field Flowers Goe
Fifi and the Flowertots
Fine Arts and Flower Building, Altamont Fairground
Fire-breasted flowerpecker
Firecracker flower
Flame-breasted flowerpecker
Flame-crowned flowerpecker
Flamingo (Brandon Flowers album)
Flower's Cove
Flower's Day
Flower's gerbil
Flower's shrew
Flower & Garnet
Flower and Dean Street
Flower and Snake
Flower and the Beast
Flower anemone
Flower A. Newhouse
Flower (Atsuko Maeda song)
Flower Backhouse, Countess of Clarendon
Flower Band
Flower baronets
Flower bouquet
Flower Bowl Stakes
Flower box
Flower Box (album)
Flower Boy
Flower Bud
Flower Buds
Flower carpet
Flower chafer
Flower child
Flower City Chaplain Corps
Flower class
Flower-class corvette
Flower-class sloop
Flower Communion
Flowerdale, Victoria
Flower delivery
Flower Demo
Flowerdew Hundred Plantation
Flower (disambiguation)
Flower discography
Flower drum
Flower-drum opera
Flower Drum Song
Flower Drum Song (disambiguation)
Flower Drum Song (film)
Flower Duet
Flowered Up
Flower-faced bat
Flower Fairies
Flower Festival in Genzano
Flower Festival: Vision Factory Presents
Flowerfield Township, Michigan
Flower Flower
Flower from the Fields of Alabama
Flower garden
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Flower Garden (solitaire)
Flower girl
Flower Girl (film)
Flowergirls & Cowgirls
Flower hat jelly
Flower Hill Cemetery (North Bergen, New Jersey)
Flower Hill, New York
Flower Hill Village Hall
Flowerhorn cichlid
Flower in a Storm
Flowering almond
Flowering Cherry
Flowering Nettle
Flowering Orchards
Flowering plant
Flowering Plants of Africa
Flowering plum
Flowering Spade
Flowering Sunday
Flowering tea
Flower in the Crannied Wall
Flower in the Gun Barrel
Flower in the Pocket
Flower in the Rain
Flower in the Sun
Flower in the Wonderland
Flower Island
Flower (Japanese group)
Flower (Koda Kumi song)
Flower (L'Arc-en-Ciel song)
Flower Lane Church
Flower mantis
Flower Mocher
Flower Mound, Texas
Flower Mountain
Flower Nagai Line
Flower (name)
Flower of Avalon
Flower of Disease
Flower of Eden
Flower of Evil
Flower of Evil (film)
Flower of Evil (TV series)
Flower of Forgetfulness
Flower of Kent
Flower of Life
Flower of Night
Flower of Paris
Flower of Queen
Flower of Revenge
Flower of Scotland
Flower of the East
Flower of the Fields
Flower Painter in Ordinary
Flower parade
Flower plaque
Flowerpot Bay
Flower Pot Men
Flowerpot Men
Flowerpot technique
Flower power
Flower power (disambiguation)
Flower Power (song)
Flower preservation
Flowers's blind lizard
Flowers & Liquor
Flowers and the Color of Paint
Flowers and Trees
Flowers Building
Flowers (Echo & the Bunnymen album)
Flower Sermon
Flowers Foods
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon (album)
Flowers for Hitler
Flowers for Rhino
Flowers for the Judge
Flowers from Nice
Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies
Flowers Gallery
Flowers Grow Out of My Grave
Flower Shower
Flowers in Formaldehyde
Flowers in the Attic
Flowers in the Attic (2014 film)
Flowers in the Attic (disambiguation)
Flowers in the Dirt
Flowers in the Mirror
Flowers in the Rain
Flowers in the Rain (album)
Flowers in the Shadows
Flowers in the Window
Flowers Island
Flowers (Jennifer Paige album)
Flowers (magazine)
Flowers, Mississippi
Flowers (name)
Flowers of Edinburgh
Flowers of Evil (film)
Flowers of Mold
Flowers of Reverie
Flowers of Shanghai
Flowers of sulfur
Flowers of sulfur tests
Flowers of the Forest
Flowers of the Prison
Flower (Sonic Youth song)
Flowers on the Grave
Flowers on the Wall
Flower (Soundgarden song)
Flowers (Rolling Stones album)
Flowers (Sweet Female Attitude song)
Flower Still life with a watch
Flower, Sun, and Rain
Flowers (video game series)
Flower (Tomiko Van song)
Flower Travellin' Band
Flower (video game)
Flower war
Flower with No Color
Flower (Xia album)
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Flowery Gully, Tasmania
Forbidden Flowers
FourFortyFour South Flower
Frank E. Flowers
French Flower-class corvette
Fried cauliflower
Frost flower
Frost flower (sea ice)
Fuchsia-flowered gooseberry
Garage Flower
Gennifer Flowers
George Buck Flower
George Colliflower
George Flowers
George Soule (Mayflower passenger)
Gerrhopilus floweri
Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them
Glad All Over (The Wallflowers album)
Gland flower
Glass Flowers
Glossy flowerpiercer
Golden-eyed flowerpiercer
Golden-rumped flowerpecker
Gordon Flowerdew
Goyang International Flower Festival
Grace Medicine Flower
Grandpas Over Flowers
Greater flowerpiercer
Grey-bellied flowerpiercer
Grey-sided flowerpecker
Growing Flowers By Candlelight
Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood
Gwynneth Flower
Halmahera flowerpecker
Happy Flowers
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers
Harrison's Flowers
Harwich Mayflower Heritage Centre
Hearts & Flowers
Hearts and Flowers
Hearts and Flowers (album)
Heaven in a Wild Flower
Henry Crewe Boutflower
Herbie Flowers
Here at the Mayflower
H.H. Flowers
History of flower arrangement
HMCS Mayflower
HMCS Windflower
HMS Sunflower (K41)
Honey flower
Hope for the Flowers
Hothouse Flowers
Hothouse flowers
House of Flowers
House of Flowers (mausoleum)
How to Know Western Australian Wildflowers
Huish Champflower
Humming by the Flowered Vine
Hundred Flowers Awards
Hundred Flowers Campaign
Indigo flowerpiercer
Iris flower data set
Iron Flower
Island of Flowers
Isle of Flowers
I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)
Jamaican flower bat
James Flower
J.C. Flowers & Co.
J. Christopher Flowers
Jerry Flowers
Jessie Graham Flower
John Flower
John Flowers
John Flower (theologian)
John Tilley (Mayflower passenger)
John Turner (Mayflower passenger)
Jones v. Flowers
Joy Flowers Conti
Kaliflower Commune
Keyflower (board game)
Killers of the Flower Moon
King Biscuit Flower Hour
King Biscuit Flower Hour: BachmanTurner Overdrive
King Biscuit Flower Hour (disambiguation)
King Biscuit Flower Hour: Greatest Hits Live
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents: Deep Purple in Concert
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Greg Lake in Concert
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents in Concert
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Kansas
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Streets
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents the Waitresses
King Biscuit Flower Hour (Zebra album)
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Lady Moonflower
Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne
Language of flowers
Language of Flowers (band)
Larry Flowers
Legge's flowerpecker
Lethon Flowers
Life Is a Flower
Linnaeus's flower clock
List of Award of Garden Merit flowering cherries
List of awards and nominations received by Brandon Flowers
List of bellflower diseases
List of Boys Over Flowers chapters
List of butterfly flower diseases
List of Erythranthe, monkey-flower diseases
List of Flower-class corvettes
List of flower fly species of New Zealand
List of flower fly species of North America
List of Mayflower passengers
List of Mayflower passengers who died at sea November/December 1620
List of Mayflower passengers who died in the winter of 162021
List of Michigan flowers
List of Minnesota wildflowers
List of poisonous flowers
List of safflower diseases
List of San Francisco Bay Area wildflowers
List of sapphire flower diseases
List of ships named Mayflower
List of Sonoran Desert wildflowers
List of sunflower diseases
List of Sweet Blue Flowers chapters
List of Sweet Blue Flowers episodes
List of The Flowers of Evil chapters
List of the largest genera of flowering plants
List of The Wallflower characters
List of The Wallflower episodes
List of Wildflower characters
List of Wildflower episodes
List of wildflowers in Indiana
List of wildflowers of Soldiers Delight
List of wildflowers of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Lists of flowering plants of South Africa
Little Flower
Little Flower Church, Kaprassery
Little Flower Forane Church, Nilambur
Little Flower Hospital
Little Flower Junior College
Little Flowers of St. Francis
Little Red Flowers
Little sunflower
Lompoc Valley Flower Festival
Los Angeles Flower District
Lotus Flower (disambiguation)
Lotus Flowers for Miss Quon
Lotus Flower (song)
Louisiade flowerpecker
Lucy Flower
Lullabies & Wildflowers
Lynn Teeter Flower
Malila: The Farewell Flower
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Mark Flowerdew
Mary and the Witch's Flower
Mary E. Flowers
Masked flowerpiercer
Matthew Flowers
Mayflower, Arkansas
Mayflower, California
Mayflower (Canadian ship)
Mayflower Centre (Plymouth)
Mayflower Classic
Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Compact signatories
Mayflower Council
Mayflower (disambiguation)
Mayflower doctrine
Mayflower Hotel
Mayflower II
Mayflower line
Mayflower Productions
Mayflower (shipwreck)
Mayflower Society
Mayflower Steps
Mayflower Theatre
Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure
Mayflower Transit
Mayflower (tugboat)
Mayflower Village, California
Melliferous flower
Mrida flowerpiercer
Metal Flowers Media
Me Too, Flower!
M. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran
Michael Flowers
Midget flowerpecker
Miriam's Flowers
Monkey flower
Moon Flower (album)
Moonflower (album)
Moon, Light & Flowers
Mottled flowerpecker
Mount Sunflower
Moustached flowerpiercer
My Mind's Flower Rain
My Sister of Eternal Flower
Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks
Nanjing Little Red Flower Art Troupe
National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
National Federation Party - Flower faction
National Flower of the Republic of China
National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
National Wildflower Centre
Needle flower
Nilgiri flowerpecker
Nina Flowers
Nokdu Flower
North Sunflower Academy
Northwest Flower and Garden Show
(Nothing But) Flowers
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Ocean Flower Island
Odes (The Flowers of Hell album)
Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers
Olive-backed flowerpecker
Olive-capped flowerpecker
Olive-crowned flowerpecker
Only the Young (Brandon Flowers song)
Orange-bellied flowerpecker
Orange flower water
Osaka Prefectural Flowers Garden
Our Lady of the Flowers
Palawan flowerpecker
Pale-billed flowerpecker
Pale Flower
Paper flower
Paper Flowers
Paper Flowers (1977 film)
Papilionaceous flower
Passion Flower (disambiguation)
Passion Flower Hotel
Pat Flower
Pat Flowers (musician)
Paul Allen's flower fly
Paul Flowers
Paul Flowers (banker)
Peacock flower
PEG-10 sunflower glycerides
Percy Flowers
Perennial sunflower
Peter Browne (Mayflower passenger)
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Philadelphia Flower Show
Philippa Flowerday
Phyllis Flowerdew
Plain flowerpecker
Poppy Flowers
Pressed flower craft
Princess flower
ProMedica Flower Hospital
Province flowers of Sweden
Puerto Rican flower bat
Punctate flower chafer
Purple monkeyflower
Pygmy flowerpecker
Quinton Flowers
"O" (Flowers of Hell album)
Rachel Flowers
Radha and Krishna Walk in a Flowering Grove
Rampion bellflower
Rebellious Flower
Red-banded flowerpecker
Red-capped flowerpecker
Red Cotton Silk Flower
Red Grooms: Sunflower in a Hothouse
Red-keeled flowerpecker
Red spider flower
Remembering the Cosmos Flower
Reverend Flowers
Rice flower
Richard Flower
Richard Flower (settler)
Richard More (Mayflower passenger)
Richmond Flowers
Richmond Flowers Jr.
Richmond Flowers Sr.
Robert Flower
Robert Flowers
Robin Flower
Roderick Flower
Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers
Ron Flowers
Roswell P. Flower
Rousseau H. Flower
Rusty flowerpiercer
Ruth Flowers
Safflower skipper
Samuel Boutflower
San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)
Sara Flower
Sarah Fuller Flower Adams
Sarah Tenant-Flowers
Satori (Flower Travellin' Band Canadian album)
Say It With Flowers
Scaled flowerpiercer
Scarlet-backed flowerpecker
Scarlet-breasted flowerpecker
Scarlet-collared flowerpecker
Scarlet-headed flowerpecker
Schofield's Flowers
Self-Portrait with a Sunflower
Senator Flowers
Seth Flowerman
Sharin no Kuni: The Girl Among the Sunflowers
Sibby Flowers
Sisters Over Flowers
Sisters Over Flowers (Chinese TV series)
Slaty flowerpiercer
Slow Flowers
Smallflower buttercup
Small Flowery Miao
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (film)
Snow Flower (TV series)
Snow, Moon and Flowers
Solar flower tower
Soul Flower
Soul Flower Train
Soul Flower Union
Spanish flower
Spectacled flowerpecker
Spider flower
Spring flowers
Spring Flowers (Faberg egg)
Squirting flower
Stairs and Flowers
Starflower (album)
Stephen Flowers
Stephen Hopkins (Mayflower passenger)
Steve Flowers
St. Francis Hospital (Flower Hill, New York)
Sticky monkeyflower
Stone Flower
Stone Flower (sculpture)
St Peter's Church, Huish Champflower
Strawberry Flower
Striped flowerpecker
Sunflower (1970 film)
Sunflower (2005 film)
Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant
Sunflower (Beach Boys album)
Sunflower Bean
Sunflower butter
Sunflower Corporation
Sunflower Dead
Sunflower (disambiguation)
Sunflower Farmers Market
Sunflower (mathematics)
Sunflower, Mississippi
Sunflower moth
Sunflower (Never Shout Never album)
Sunflower oil
Sunflower (Post Malone and Swae Lee song)
Sunflower sea star
Sunflower seed
Sunflower Seeds (artwork)
Sunflower Showdown
Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry
Sunflower Square
Sunflower Student Movement
Sunflowers (Van Gogh series)
Swedish Flower Hen
Sweet Blue Flowers
Synchronous flowering
Tainan Flower Night Market
Taiwanese Electric Flower Car
Tara VanFlower
Tatton Park Flower Show
Tattooed Flower Vase
Taunton Flower Show
Temperance Flowerdew
Ten-thousand-flower Camellia
The Auberge of the Flowering Hearth
The Babygirl and the Flowerpot
The Bellflower Bunnies
The Big Flower Fight
The Bird Who Continues to Eat the Rabbit's Flower
The Black Flower
The Blind Sunflowers
The Blind Sunflowers (film)
The Blue Flowers
The Breakage of the Sunflower
The Desert Flower (film)
The Dull Ice Flower
The Exaltation of the Flower
The Expanding Flower Planet
The Famous Flower of Serving-Men
The flower
The Flower and the Angry Waves
The Flower Book
The Flower Book (album)
The Flower Drum Song
The Flower Girl
The Flower in His Mouth
The Flower King
The Flower Kings
The Flower of Aleppo
The Flower of Evil (film)
The Flower of Hawaii
The Flower of Hawaii (1933 film)
The Flower of Hawaii (1953 film)
The Flower of My Secret
The Flower of the Caucasus
The Flower of the Indies
The Flower Pot Men
The Flowerpot Men
The Flowers (Chinese band)
The Flowers of Evil (manga)
The Flowers of Hell
The Flowers of Romance
The Flowers of Romance (album)
The Flowers of Romance (British band)
The Flowers of St. Francis
The Flowers of War
The Flowers (Scottish band)
The Flower That Shattered the Stone
The Flower with the Petals of Steel
The Flower Woman of Potsdam Square
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
The Hand & Flowers
The Holy Flower
The House of Flowers Presents: The Funeral
The House of Flowers (TV series)
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen's Window
The Language of Flowers
The Language of Flowers (Elgar)
The Man with the Flower in His Mouth
The Mike Flowers Pops
The Mouse on the Mayflower
The Night of the Sunflowers
The Passion Flower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film)
The Poppy Is Also a Flower
The Purple Flower
The Queen's Flower
The Queen's Flower Girl
The Same as a Flower
The Scarlet Flower
The Secret of the Flowers of Phenomenon
The Secret of the Golden Flower
The Smoking Flowers
The Song of the Blood-Red Flower
The Sound of a Flower
The Spy Who Loved Flowers
The Stone Flower
The Stone Flower Fountain
The Structure and Biology of Arctic Flowering Plants
The Sun and Her Flowers
The Sunflower
The Sunflower (book)
The Sunflower (uculescu)
The Sunflower Woman
The Tale of the Stone Flower (Prokofiev)
The Teahouse of the Ten Lotus Flowers
The Torment of a Flower
The Wallflower (Dance with Me, Henry)
The Wallflower (manga)
The Wallflowers
The Wallflowers (British band)
The Wallflowers discography
The Wilde Flowers
The Wild Flower and the Rose
Thick-billed flowerpecker
This Is Flower This Is Best
Thomas Boutflower Bennett
Thomas Flowers
Thomas Rogers (Mayflower passenger)
Tiger Flowers
Tiger Flowers Cemetery
Tommy Flowers
Tony Harnell & the Wildflowers featuring Bumblefoot
Trailing bellflower
Trey Flowers
Two Flowers for the Dragon
Tyler Flowers
Universal Flowering
Upside Down Flowers
USS Mayflower (1897)
USS Mayflower (PY-1)
Valley of Flowers National Park
Valley of Flowers (West Bengal)
Van Stadens Wild Flower Reserve
Vase of Flowers
Vase of Flowers and Conch Shell
Venezuelan flowerpiercer
Venus' flower basket
View of Arles, Flowering Orchards
Vonetta Flowers
Wakatobi flowerpecker
Wallflower (comics)
Wallflower (Diana Krall album)
Wallflower (disambiguation)
Wallflowers (short story collection)
Wallflowers (web series)
Walter C. Flower
Watering the Flowers
Wax flower
Wayland Flowers
Weekender (Flowered Up song)
Western flower thrips
Western sunflower
What Came of Picking Flowers
When Buckwheat Flowers Bloom
When Knighthood Was in Flower
When Knighthood Was in Flower (novel)
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Whiskered flowerpecker
White Flower
White Flowers for the Dead
White-sided flowerpiercer
Wildflower! Arts and Music Festival
Wildflower, California
Wildflower (Dean Brody song)
Wildflower (disambiguation)
Wildflower Festival
Wild Flower (film)
Wildflower Preserve
Wild Flowers (1982 film)
Wild Flowers (2000 film)
Wildflower (Sheryl Crow album)
Wildflowers (Judy Collins album)
Wildflower Society of Western Australia
Wildflowers of the Great Smoky Mountains
Wildflowers: The New York Loft Jazz Sessions
Wildflowers (Tom Petty album)
Wildflower (Superfly song)
Wildflower (The Avalanches album)
Wildflower (the JaneDear girls song)
Wildflower: The Legendary California Triathlon
Wildflower Triathlon
Wildflower (TV series)
Wild Seed Wild Flower
Wildwood Flower
Wildwood Flower (album)
Wilfred Flowers
William Brewster (Mayflower passenger)
William Flower
William Henry Flower
William Mullins (Mayflower passenger)
William White (Mayflower passenger)
Woodie Flowers
Yellow-bellied flowerpecker
Yellow-breasted flowerpecker
Yellow coneflower
Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass
Yellow-rumped flowerpecker
Yellow-sided flowerpecker
Yellow-vented flowerpecker
Yoshi Flower
You Don't Bring Me Flowers
Youth Over Flowers
Yumthang Valley of Flowers
Zinnia Flower

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authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
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subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
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