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object:Talks 051-075
author class:Sri Ramana Maharshi
--- Talk 51.
  A young Brahmin (25 years of age) came on a visit to the Master. At his sight he became hysterical and shouted Sivoham, Aham Brahma
  Asmi, You are God, You are Para Brahmam. You are my father,
  Father, save me and so on. His hysterics waxing, he beat his chest violently alternately with both his hands, shouting Sivoham, Sivoham.
  Then again he shouted hysterically gnashing his teeth, I will stamp out materialism, as if he was crushing materialism between his teeth.
  Then he asked. Either give me power, either give me power - or - or
  - or - I will... He began as if to throttle himself.
  When gently removed by others he fell prostrate before Sri Bhagavan, saying, I will take refuge at the feet of my Father. Father! You are
  Parthasarathi, I am Arjuna. We will stamp out materialism, and so on.
  He was finally taken away from the presence of Maharshi. He washed himself, took some light refreshment and quietly seated himself in the hall for some hours. He abstained from the midday meal. In the afternoon he had another fit when he shouted, I will chop off the head of Krishna, if he should come here now. He advised me to give up my job, but does not protect my mother. Or let him chop off my head, and so on.
  After some hours of quiet, Sri Bhagavan asked Mr. K. L. Sarma to read out a portion of his commentary on Anubandha (Appendix to 40 verses).
  The gist of it is that people, unable to help themselves, ask for divine powers to be utilised for human welfare. This is similar to the story of a lame man who blustered, saying that he would overpower the enemy if only he were helped on to his legs. The intention is good but there is no sense of proportion. The young man on hearing it suddenly sprang to his feet, saluting Sri Bhagavan and saying Father! Father! I was mistaken.
  Pardon me. Teach me. I shall abide by what you say, and so on. Then again in the evening he prostrated himself, saying, I surrender.

9th June, 1935
  --- Talk 52.
  A man from Cocanada asked: My mind remains clear for two or three days and turns dull for the next two or three days; and so it alternates. What is it due to?
  M.: It is quite natural; it is the play of brightness (satva), activity (rajas) and darkness (tamas) alternating. Do not regret the tamas; but when satva comes into play, hold on to it fast and make the best of it.
  D.: What is the Heart?
  M.: It is the seat (if such could be said of it) of the Self.
  D.: Is it the physical heart?
  M.: No. It is the seat wherefrom I-I arises.
  D.: What becomes of the jiva after death?
  M.: The question is not appropriate for a jiva now living. A disembodied jiva may ask me, if convenient. In the meantime let the embodied jiva solve its present problem and find who he is.
  There will be an end of such doubts.
  D.: What is dhyana?
  M.: The word dhyana usually signifies meditation on some object, whereas nididhyasana is used for enquiry into the Self. The triads persist until the Self is realised. Dhyana and nididhyasana are the same so far as the aspirant is concerned, because they involve trinity and are synonymous with bhakti.
  D.: How should dhyana be practised?
  M.: Dhyana serves to concentrate the mind. The predominant idea keeps off all others. Dhyana varies according to the individual. It may be on an aspect of God, on a mantra, or on the Self, etc.

15th June, 1935
  --- Talk 53.
  A young man, Mr. Knowles, came for darsan. He had read Paul
  Bruntons two books. He asked: The Buddhists say that I is unreal, whereas Paul Brunton in the Secret Path tells us to get over the Ithought and reach the state of I. Which is true?
  M.: There are supposed to be two Is; the one is lower and unreal, of which all are aware; and the other, the higher and the real, which is to be realised.
  You are not aware of yourself while asleep, you are aware in wakefulness; waking, you say that you were asleep; you did not know it in the deep sleep state. So then, the idea of diversity has arisen along with the body-consciousness; this body-consciousness arose at some particular moment; it has origin and end. What originates must be something. What is that something? It is the
  I-consciousness. Who am I? Whence am I? On finding the source, you realise the state of Absolute Consciousness.
  D.: Who is this I? It seems to be only a continuum of senseimpression. The Buddhist idea seems to be so too.
  M.: The world is not external. The impressions cannot have an outer origin. Because the world can be cognised only by consciousness.
  The world does not say that it exists. It is your impression. Even so this impression is not consistent and not unbroken. In deep sleep the world is not cognised; and so it exists not for a sleeping man.
  Therefore the world is the sequence of the ego. Find out the ego.
  The finding of its source is the final goal.
  D.: I believe that we should not inflict suffering on other lives. Should we then endure the mosquito bite and submit to it also?
  M.: You do not like to suffer yourself. How can you inflict suffering on others? Just keep off mosquitoes since you suffer by their stings.
  D.: Is it right that we kill other lives, e.g., mosquitoes, bugs?
  M.: Everyone is a suicide. The eternal, blissful, and natural state has been smothered by this life of ignorance. In this way the present life is due to the killing of the eternal, pristine Being. Is it not a case of suicide? So then, everyone is a suicide. Why worry about murders and killing?
  In the course of a later talk the visitor said: The world sends impressions and I awake!
  M.: Can the world exist without someone to perceive it? Which is prior? The Being-consciousness or the rising-consciousness? The
  Being-consciousness is always there, eternal and pure. The risingconsciousness rises forth and disappears. It is transient.
  D.: Does not the world exist for others even when I am asleep?
  M.: Such a world mocks at you also for knowing it without knowing yourself. The world is the result of your mind. Know your mind.
  Then see the world. You will realise that it is not different from the Self.
  D.: Is not Maharshi aware of himself and his surroundings, as clearly as I am?
  M.: To whom is the doubt? The doubts are not for the realised. They are only for the ignorant.

16th June, 1935

--- Talk 54.
An Andhra Pandit - an elderly gentleman - had some doubts regarding
Kavyakanthas exposition of Advaita. He has found it in books that
Brahman is free from sajatiya, vijatiya and swagata bheda. Such conditions are satisfied in vivarta vada but not in parinama vada. In the latter, swagata bheda is bound to be. The Master pointed out that
Dakshinamurti did not teach anything of the kind. He did not say that
Brahman is related to Sakti or not related. All that was, was only silence; and the doubts of the sishyas (disciples) were cleared. The significance is that there is nothing to be learnt, discussed and concluded. Everyone knows I am. There is the confusion that the I is the body. Because the I arises from the Absolute and gives rise to buddhi (Intellect). In buddhi the I looks the size and shape of the body, na medhaya means that Brahman cannot be apprehended by buddhi.
Brahman aham (I-I) buddhi (intellect).
How can such buddhi crossing over aham discover Brahman? It is impossible. Just get over the false conception of the I being the

body. Discover to whom the thoughts arise. If the present I-ness vanishes, the discovery is complete. What remains over is the pure
Self. Compare deep sleep and wakefulness. Diversity and body are found only in the latter. In the former the Self remains without the perception of body or of the world. Happiness reigns there.
The Sruti vakya, Aham Brahmasmi, relates to the state and not the mode of mind. One cannot become Brahman by continuing to repeat the mantra. It means that Brahman is not elsewhere. It is your Self.
Find that Self; Brahman is found. Do not attempt to reach Brahman as if it were in some far off place.
The Pandit remarked that thoughts are so persistent that the aham cannot be reached.
The Master said: The Brahma akara vritti helps to turn the mind away from other thoughts. Either some such practice is necessary or association with sadhus should be made. The sadhu has already overcome the mind and remains in Peace. His proximity helps to bring about such condition in others. Otherwise there is no meaning in seeking a sadhus company.
Deho aham (I am the body) is limitation and is the root of all mean and selfish actions and desires.
Brahma aham (I am Brahman) is passing beyond limitation and signifies sympathy, charity, love etc., which are divine and virtuous.
D.: How does a grihasta (householder) fare in the scheme of moksha
M.: Why do you think you are a grihasta? If you go out as a sanyasi, a similar thought (that you are a sanyasi) will haunt you. Whether you continue in the household, or renounce it and go to the forest, your mind haunts you. The ego is the source of thoughts. It creates the body and the world and makes you think you are a grihasta. If you renounce the world, it will only substitute the thought sanyasi for grihasta and the environments of the forest for those of the household. But the mental obstacles are always there. They even increase in new surroundings. There is no help in the change of environment. The obstacle is the mind. It must be got over whether at home or in the forest. If you can do it in the forest, why not in

the home? Therefore why change the environment? Your efforts can be made even now, in whatever environment you may be.
The environment never abandons you, according to your desire.
Look at me. I left home. Look at yourselves. You have come here leaving the home environment. What do you find here?
Is this different from what you left? Even if one is immersed in nirvikalpa samadhi for years together, when he emerges from it he will find himself in the environment which he is bound to have. That is the reason for the Acharya emphasising sahaja samadhi in preference to nirvikalpa samadhi in his excellent work Viveka Chudamani.
One should be in spontaneous samadhi - that is, in ones pristine state - in the midst of every environment.
Later on Sri Bhagavan said: Control of breath may be internal or external.
The antah pranayama (the internal breath-regulation) is as follows:Naham chinta (I-am-not-the-body idea) is rechaka (exhalation).
Koham (who am I?) is puraka (inhalation).
Soham (I am He) is kumbhaka (retention of breath).
Doing thus, the breath becomes automatically controlled.
Bahih pranayama (external control) is for one not endowed with strength to control the mind. There is no way so sure as that; or a sadhus company. The external practice must be resorted to by a wise man if he does not enjoy a sadhus company. If in a sadhus company the sadhu provides the needed strength, though unseen by others, Pranayama need not be exactly as described in hatha
Yoga. If engaged in japa, dhyana, bhakti, etc., just a little control of breath will suffice to control the mind. The mind is the rider and the breath the horse. Pranayama is a check on the horse. By that check the rider is checked.
Pranayama may be done just a little. To watch the breath is one way of doing it. The mind abstracted from other activities is engaged in watching the breath. That controls the breath; and in its turn the mind is controlled.

If unable to do so, rechaka and puraka need not be practised.
Breath may be retained a short while in japa, dhyana, etc. Then, too, good results will follow.

18th June, 1935

--- Talk 55.
D.: Can advaita be realised by japa of holy names; say Rama,
Krishna, etc.?
M.: Yes.
D.: Is it not a means of an inferior order?
M.: Have you been told to make japa or to discuss its order in the scheme of things?

22nd June, 1935

--- Talk 56.
A youth of twenty asked how to realise the Self. He sat down in silence and waited more than an hour and then was about to leave.
While doing so, he asked:
D.: How to realise Self?
M.: Whose Self? Find out.
D.: Who am I?
M.: Find it yourself.
D.: I do not know.
M.: Think. Who is it that says I do not know? What is not known?
In that statement, who is the I?
D.: Somebody in me.
M.: Who is the somebody? In whom?
D.: Maybe some power.
M.: Find it.
D.: How to realise Brahman?
M.: Without knowing the Self why do you seek to know Brahman?

D.: The sastras say Brahman pervades all and me too.
M.: Find the I in me and then there will be time to think of Brahman.
D.: Why was I born?
M.: Who was born? The answer is the same for all of your questions.
D.: Who am I then?
M.: (Smiling) Have you come to examine me and ask me? You must say who you are.
D.: In deep sleep the soul leaves the body and remains elsewhere.
When it re-enters I awake. Is it so?
M.: What is it that leaves the body?
D.: The power, perhaps.
M.: Find out the power.
D.: The body is composed of five elements. What are the elements?
M.: Without knowing the Self how do you aim at knowing the elements?
The young man sat awhile and left with permission. The Master remarked later: All right. It will work.

23rd June, 1935

--- Talk 57.
Sri Bhagavan said that sushumna is the name mostly mentioned in scriptures. Other names also occur; e.g., para, atma, amrita. It is also stated that sushumna becomes leena (merged in para). So it may be said that para is the terminology of jnana, whereas sushumna is that of Yoga.

24th June, 1935
Chapter XIV, Stanza 10 reads: With yet further progress, invisibility also may result. Such an one, being pure consciousness only, flourishes as a siddha.
Chapter XVIII, Last Stanza reads: The glory of the siddhis is past imagination, they are equal to Siva, yea Siva himself, in being able to grant boons.

The meaning is that, with Self-Realization, real and incessant tapas results. With the maturing of such tapas some jnanis can make their bodies intangible and invisible. They are known as siddhas.
Later, the greatness of the siddhas is incomprehensible. They are equal to Siva and can even grant boons. So said Sri Bhagavan.
There is an Upanishad mantra, atmajnam hyarchayet bhutikamah
(one desirous of liberation or wealth must serve a Self-realised
Sage). Here is no mention of siddha for granting boons. The Jnani can do so. The mantras again, swe mahimni pratishtitah (abiding in his own grandeur), anantam Brahma (Brahman is infinite), will seem confounding when read with the slokas cited above. Sarvam
Khalvidam Brahma (All this is Brahman); Brahmavid Brahmaiva
Bhavati (the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman Itself), show that a Jnani is sarvajna (all-knower). What then is the distinction between the Jnani and the siddha, and the ability of the latter to grant boons, implying the absence of it in the former?
This was the doubt. The master explained: The Gita questions were asked in a certain spirit. The answers were according to it. People look to the body only and they want siddhis also. With Self-Realisation no powers can extend even into it, and how can they extend beyond?
People anxious for siddhis are not content with their idea of jnana and so want siddhis associated with it. They are likely to neglect the supreme happiness of jnana and aspire for siddhis. For this they are going through the by-lanes instead of the royal path and so will likely lose their way. In order to guide them aright and keep them on the royal road alone the siddhis are said to accompany jnana. In fact jnana comprises all, and a Jnani will not waste even a thought on them. Let the people get jnana and then seek siddhis if they so desire.
I have said: sarira samsrayah siddhayah (the siddhis relate to the body), because their outlook is concerning the body. A Jnani and siddha are not different. In varan datum (to bestow boons) the boons include atmalabha (the gain of Self) also. The siddhis are not merely of an inferior order but of the highest order.
The sastras are meant to suit varying conditions. Their spirit remains the same. In Halasya Mahima there is a chapter on the eightfold

siddhissiddhis. There Siva says that His bhakta never wastes a thought on them. Again Siva says that He never grants boons. The desires of the devotees are fulfilled according to their prarabdha only. When
Iswara Himself says so, what of others? In order to display siddhis there must be others to recognise them. That means there is no jnana in the one who displays them. Therefore siddhis are not worthy of any thought. Jnana alone is to be aimed at and gained.
Sri Ramana Gita Chapter XVII, Verse 4, Translation in Tamil is inaccurate.
Sri Bhagavan pointed out the inaccuracy and corrected it.
Vaidharbhas question was: In practice, the thoughts are found to manifest and subside alternately. Is this jnana? Sri Bhagavan explained the doubt as follows:
Some people think that there are different stages in jnana. The Self is nitya aparoksha, i.e., ever-realised, knowingly or unknowingly. Sravana, they argue, should therefore be aparoksha jnana (directly experienced) and not paroksha jnana (indirect knowledge). But jnana should result in duhkha nivriti (loss of misery) whereas sravana alone does not bring it about. Therefore they say, though aparoksha, it is not unshaken; the rising of vasanas is the cause of its being weak (not unchanging); when the vasanas are removed, jnana becomes unshaken and bears fruit.
Others say sravana is only paroksha jnana. By manana (reflection) it becomes aparoksha spasmodically. The obstruction to its continuity is the vasanas: they rise up with reinforced vigour after manana. They must be held in check. Such vigilance consists in remembering = I am not the body and adhering to the aparoksha anubhava (direct experience) which has been had in course of manana (reflection).
Such practice is called nididhyasana and eradicates the vasanas. Then dawns the sahaja state. That is jnana, sure.
The aparoksha in manana cannot effect dukha nivritti (loss of misery) and cannot amount to moksha, i.e., release from bondage because the vasanas periodically overpower the jnana. Hence it is adridha
(weak) and becomes firm after the vasanas have been eradicated by nididhyasana (one-pointedness).

Mr. T. K. S. Iyer, a devotee, was speaking of the chakras Sri Bhagavan said: Atman (the Self) alone is to be realised. Its realisation holds all else in its compass. Sakti, Ganapati; siddhis, etc., are included in it.
Those who speak of these have not realised the Atman. Atman is in the heart and is the Heart itself. The manifestation is in the brain. The passage from the heart to the brain might be considered to be through sushumna or a nerve with any other name. The Upanishads say pare leena - meaning that sushumna or such nadis are all comprised in para, i.e., the atma nadi. The yogis say that the current rising up to sahasrara
(brain) ends there. That experience is not complete. For jnana, they must come to the Heart. Hridaya (Heart) is the alpha and omega.

4th July, 1935

--- Talk 58.
Mr. Ranganathan, I. C. S: In Srimad Bhagavad Gita there is a passage:
Ones own dharma is the best; an alien dharma is full of risks.
What is the significance of ones own dharma?
M.: It is usually interpreted to mean the duties of the orders and of the different castes. The physical environment must also be taken into consideration.
D.: If varnasrama dharma be meant, such dharma prevails only in India. On the other hand the Gita should be universally applicable.
M.: There is varnasrama in some form or other in every land. The significance is that one should hold on to the single Atman and not swerve therefrom. That is the whole gist of it. sva = ones own, i.e., of the Self, of the Atman. para = the others, i.e., of the non-self, of the anatma.
Atma Dharma is inherence in the Self. There will be no distraction and no fear. Troubles arise only when there is a second to oneself.
If the Atman be realised to be only unitary, there is no second and therefore no cause for fear. The man, as he is now, confounds the

anatma (non-Self) dharma with atma (the Self) dharma and suffers.
Let him know the Self and abide in it; there is an end of fear, and there are no doubts.
Even if interpreted as varnasrama dharma the significance is only this much. Such dharma bears fruit only when done selflessly. That is, one must realise that he is not the doer, but that he is only a tool of some Higher Power. Let the Higher Power do what is inevitable and let me act only according to its dictates. The actions are not mine. Therefore the result of the actions cannot be mine. If one thinks and acts so, where is the trouble? Be it varnasrama dharma or loukika dharma (worldly activities), it is immaterial. Finally, it amounts to this: sva = atmanah (of the Self) para = anaatmanah (of the non-self)
Such doubts are natural. The orthodox interpretation cannot be reconciled with the life of a modern man obliged to work for his livelihood in different capacities.
A man from Pondy interposed: Sarva dharmaan parityajya maamekam saranam vraja (leaving all duties surrender to me only).
Sri Bhagavan: (All) Sarva is only anaatmanah (of the non-self); the emphasis is on ekam (only). To the man who has strong hold of the eka (one) where are the dharmas? It means, Be sunk in the Self.
D.: The Gita was taught for action.
M.: What does the Gita say? Arjuna refused to fight.
Krishna said, So long as you refuse to fight, you have the sense of doership. Who are you to refrain or to act? Give up the notion of doership. Until that sense disappears you are bound to act. You are being manipulated by a Higher Power. You are admitting it by your own refusal to submit to it. Instead recognise the Power and submit as a tool. (Or to put it differently), if you refuse you will be forcibly drawn into it. Instead of being an unwilling worker, be a willing one.
Rather, be fixed in the Self and act according to nature without the thought of doership. Then the results of action will not affect you. That is manliness and heroism.

Thus, inherence in the Self is the sum and substance of Gita teaching. Finally, the Master Himself added, If a man be established in the Self these doubts would not arise. They arise only until he is established there.
D.: Then of what use is such reply to the enquirer?
M.: The words still have force and will surely operate in due course.

--- Talk 59.
A moulvi asked: How does sleep overtake one?
M.: If the enquirer knows who is awake in the wakeful condition he will also know how sleep comes on. The enquiry arises only to the waking man and not to the sleeper. It must be easier to know the waking Self than the sleeping Self.
D.: I know how I awoke. But I do not know how sleep comes on. I am aware of my wakeful state. For instance if anyone takes away my stick I prevent his doing so, whereas I cannot do so in sleep or in dream. The proof of wakefulness is evident. But what is the proof of sleep?
M.: Your ignorance is the evidence of sleep: your awareness is that of wakefulness.
D.: My wakefulness is known by the opening of my eye. But how does sleep overtake me?
M.: In the same way as sleep overtakes you, wakefulness also overtakes you.
D.: But I do not perceive how sleep comes on in the same way as I know my wakefulness.
M.: Never mind.
D.: Please describe what is sleep, without illustrations. Sleep by itself should be known. I want a real picture of sleep.
M.: Such picture is sleep itself.
D.: Is it better to reach salvation, being married, or being a hermit?
M.: Whatever you think better.
D.: Visvamitra had no fall when in the married state, whereas he had a fall in his hermit life. Does it not apply to others also?

M.: Visvamitra was as pure in the hermit life as when he was married.
There was no difference. He was as contaminated when married as when he was a hermit.
D.: Was he a rishi?
M.: When contaminated he was not a rishi.
D.: Can he become a rishi even afterwards?
M.: Yes. By proper bhakti he could become a good rishi. Repentance and prayer will set him right.
D.: With all your penance for so many years what have you got?
M.: I have got what need be got. I see what need be seen.
D.: Can all see the same?
M.: I see only just what all do. It is immanent in all.
D.: Is this the way for seeing It?
M.: Method may be anything. From whatever directions the pilgrims may forega ther, they must enter the Kaaba only by one route
(passage) or all gather only to enter the Kaaba.
D.: Please tell me two upadesas on the way to salvation as known by you.
M.: What upadesa do I know? Everything is upadesa. Worship of
God is the only upadesa.

5th July, 1935

--- Talk 60.
Sri Bhagavan: The silence of solitude is forced. Restrained speech in society amounts to silence. For the man then controls his speech.
The speaker must come forth before he speaks. If engaged otherwise speech is restrained. Introverted mind is otherwise active and is not anxious to speak.
Mouna as a disciplinary measure is meant for limiting the mental activities due to speech. If the mind is otherwise controlled disciplinary mouna is unnecessary. For mouna becomes natural.
Vidyaranya has said that twelve years forced mouna brings about

absolute mouna - that is, makes one unable to speak. It is more like a mute animal than otherwise. That is not mouna.
Mouna is constant speech. Inactivity is constant activity.

6th July, 1935

--- Talk 61.
Mr. Ekanatha Rao: How is dhyana practised - with eyes open or closed?
M.: It may be done either way. The point is that the mind must be introverted and kept active in its pursuit. Sometimes it happens that when the eyes are closed the latent thoughts rush forth with great vigour. It may also be difficult to introvert the mind with the eyes open. It requires strength of mind to do so. The mind is contaminated when it takes in objects. Otherwise, it is pure. The main factor in dhyana is to keep the mind active in its own pursuit without taking in external impressions or thinking of other matters.

--- Talk 62.
Mr. Ekanatha Rao: What is sphurana (a kind of indescribable but palpable sensation in the heart centre)?
M.: Sphurana is felt on several occasions, such as in fear, excitement, etc. Although it is always and all over, yet it is felt at a particular centre and on particular occasions. It is also associated with antecedent causes and confounded with the body. Whereas, it is all alone and pure; it is the Self. If the mind be fixed on the sphurana and one senses it continuously and automatically it is realisation.
Again sphurana is the foretaste of Realisation. It is pure. The subject and object proceed from it. If the man mistakes himself for the subject, objects must necessarily appear different from him. They are periodically withdrawn and projected, creating the world and the subjects enjoyment of the same. If, on the other hand, the man feels himself to be the screen on which the subject and object are projected there can be no confusion, and he can remain watching their appearance and disappearance without any perturbation to the Self.

--- Talk 63.
A high officer asked: If juniors are promoted over oneself the mind is perturbed. Will the enquiry, Who am I? help the man to soo the the mind under such circumstances?
M.: Yes. Quite so. The enquiry Who am I? turns the mind inward and makes it calm.
D.: I have faith in murti dhyana (worship of form). Will it not help me to gain jnana?
M.: Surely it will. Upasana helps concentration of mind. Then the mind is free from other thoughts and is full of the meditated form.
The mind becomes it - and thus quite pure. Then think who is the worshipper. The answer is I, i.e., the Self. So the Self is gained ultimately.
The present difficulty is that the man thinks that he is the doer. But it is a mistake. It is the Higher Power which does everything and the man is only a tool. If he accepts that position he is free from troubles; otherwise he courts them. Take for instance, the figure in a gopuram (temple tower), where it is made to appear to bear the burden of the tower on its shoulders. Its posture and look are a picture of great strain while bearing the very heavy burden of the tower. But think. The tower is built on the earth and it rests on its foundations. The figure (like Atlas bearing the earth) is a part of the tower, but is made to look as if it bore the tower. Is it not funny?
So is the man who takes on himself the sense of doing.
Then the Malayalam version of Ulladu Narpadu was read out by a devotee for the benefit of the visitor.
After hearing it, he asked: What about the reference to duality in practice and unity at the end?
M.: Some people think that one must begin practice with dualistic idea.
It refers to them. They say that there is God; the man must worship and meditate; ultimately the jiva merges into God. Others say that the Supreme Being and the jiva are always apart and never merge into each other. Howsoever it may be at the end, let us not trouble ourselves about it now. All are agreed that the jiva IS. Let the man find out the jiva, i.e., his Self. Then there will be time to find out if

the Self should merge in the Supreme, is a part thereof, or remains different from it. Let us not forestall the conclusion. Keep an open mind, dive within and find out the Self. The truth will itself dawn upon you. Why should you determine beforeh and if the finality is unity absolute or qualified, or duality? There is no meaning in it. The ascertainment is now made by logic and by intellect. The intellect derives light from the Self (the Higher Power). How can the reflected and partial light of the intellect envisage the whole and the original Light? The intellect cannot reach the Self and how can it ascertain its nature?
Such is the significance of the reference.
D.: One of the stanzas says that the scriptures so scrupulously studied in the earlier stages are ultimately of no use. At what stage do they become useless?
M.: When their essence is realised. The scriptures are useful to indicate the existence of the Higher Power (the Self) and the way to gain it. Their essence is that much only. When that is assimilated the rest is useless.
But they are voluminous, adapted to the development of the seeker. As one rising up in the scale finds the regions one has passed to be only steps to the higher stage, and so on, the steps ascended become purvapaksha successively until the goal is gained. When the goal is reached it remains alone, and all the rest becomes useless. That is how the sastras become useless. We read so much. Do we remember all that we read? But have we forgotten the essentials? The essential soaks in the mind and the rest is forgotten. So it is with the sastras.
The fact is that the man considers himself limited and there arises the trouble. The idea is wrong. He can see it for himself. In sleep there was no world, no ego (no limited self), and no trouble.
Something wakes up from that happy state and says I. To that ego the world appears. Being a speck in the world he wants more and gets into trouble.
How happy he was before the rising of the ego! Only the rise of the ego is the cause of the present trouble. Let him trace the ego to its source and he will reach that undifferentiated happy state which is sleepless sleep. The Self remains ever the same, here and now. There is nothing more to be gained. Because the limitations have wrongly

been assumed there is the need to transcend them. It is like the ten ignorant fools who forded a stream and on reaching the other shore counted themselves to be nine only. They grew anxious and grieved over the loss of the unknown tenth man. A wayfarer, on ascertaining the cause of their grief, counted them all and found them to be ten.
But each one of them had counted the others leaving himself out.
The wayfarer gave each in succession a blow telling them to count the blows. They counted ten and were satisfied. The moral is that the tenth man was not got anew. He was all along there, but ignorance caused grief to all of them.
Again, a woman wore a necklace round her neck but forgot it. She began to search for it and made enquiries. A friend of hers, finding out what she was looking for, pointed out the necklace round the seekers neck. She felt it with her hands and was happy. Did she get the necklace anew? Here again ignorance caused grief and knowledge happiness.
Similarly also with the man and the Self. There is nothing to be gained anew. Ignorance of the Self is the cause of the present misery; knowledge of the Self brings about happiness.
Moreover, if anything is to be got anew it implies its previous absence. What remained once absent might vanish again. So there would be no permanency in salvation. Salvation is permanent because the Self is here and now and eternal.
Thus the mans efforts are directed towards the removal of ignorance.
Wisdom seems to dawn, though it is natural and ever present.
The visitor, while taking leave, saluted the master, and said, It is said that the victim in the tigers mouth is gone for ever.
The reference is to a passage in Who am I? where it is stated that a disciple can never revert to the world after he has once fallen into the field of the Gurus gracious look as surely as the prey in the tigers jaws cannot escape.

--- Talk 64.
News of someones death was brought to Sri Bhagavan. He said,
Good. The dead are indeed happy. They have got rid of the troublesome overgrowth - the body. The dead man does not grieve.

The survivors grieve for the man who is dead. Do men fear sleep?
On the contrary sleep is courted and on waking up every man says that he slept happily. One prepares the bed for sound sleep. Sleep is temporary death. Death is longer sleep. If the man dies while yet alive he need not grieve over others death. Ones existence is evident with or without the body, as in waking, dream and sleep. Then why should one desire continuance of the bodily shackles? Let the man find out his undying Self and die and be immortal and happy.

13th July, 1935

--- Talk 65.
A visitor: Is the jagat (world) perceived even after Self-Realization?
M.: From whom is this question? Is it from a Jnani or from an ajnani?
D.: From an ajnani.
M.: Realise to whom the question arises. It can be answered if it arises after knowing the doubter. Can the jagat or the body say that it is?
Or does the seer say that the jagat or the body is? The seer must be there to see the objects. Find out the seer first. Why worry yourself now with what will be in the hereafter?
Sri Bhagavan continued: What does it matter if the jagat is perceived or not perceived? Have you lost anything by your perception of jagat now? Or do you gain anything where there is no such perception in your deep sleep? It is immaterial whether the world is perceived or not perceived.
The ajnani sees the Jnani active and is confounded. The jagat is perceived by both; but their outlooks differ. Take the instance of the cinema. There are pictures moving on the screen. Go and hold them.
What do you hold? It is only the screen. Let the pictures disappear.
What remains over? The screen again. So also here. Even when the world appears, see to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of the I. After the substratum is held what does it matter if the world appears or disappears?
The ajnani takes the world to be real; whereas the Jnani sees it only as the manifestation of the Self. It is immaterial if the Self manifests itself or ceases to do so.

15th July, 1935

--- Talk 66.
A letter was received containing some learned questions pertaining to memory, sleep and death. It looked, at first sight, that they were cogent yet baffling to answer. But when the Master was approached on the subject he disentangled the skein very nicely, pointing out that all such confusion was due to the non-differentiation of the real I from the false I. The attri butes and modes pertain to the latter and not to the former. Ones efforts are directed only to remove ones ignorance.
Afterwards they cease, and the real Self is found to be always there.
No effort is needed to remain as the Self.

21st July, 1935

--- Talk 67.
A visitor, Mr. K. S. N. Iyer of the South Indian Railway, said, There is a trifling halting-place in my meditation. When I ask myself, Who am I? my reasoning proceeds as follows; I see my hand. Who sees it?
My eye. How to see the eye? In a mirror. Similarly to see me, there must be a mirror. Which is to supply the place of the mirror in me? is my question.
M.: Then why do you enquire, Who am I? Why do you say you are troubled and so on? You could as well remain quiet. Why do you rise out of your composure?
D.: Enquiring thus helps me to concentrate. Is concentration the only benefit?
M.: What more do you want? Concentration is the thing. What makes you come out of your quiet?
D.: Because I am drawn out.
M.: Enquiry of Who am I? means finding the source of I. When that is found, that which you seek is accomplished.
(The gist of Sri Bhagavans words seems to be that one should make a concerted effort and not give it up baffled, with a defeatist mentality.)

--- Talk 68.
Dr. Radhakamal Mukerjee, a well-known Professor, fair man of middle age, with a peaceful look, practising yoga or meditation, has had some occult experiences and desires the mystery to be unravelled by the Master. He has written a book and had it published by Messrs.
Longmans Green & Co., London. He finds Self-Realisation hard to attain and requires the Masters help. His question: The upanishadic method of meditation has now disappeared. There was a great sage in Bengal who instructed me in it. After long years of discipline and practice I am having some mystic experiences. I feel sometimes that
Bhuma (Supreme Consciousness) is infinitude and that I am finite consciousness. Is that correct?
M.: Bhuma (Perfection) alone is. It is Infinite. There arises from it this finite consciousness taking on an upadhi (limiting adjunct).
This is abhasa or reflection. Merge this individual consciousness into the Supreme One. That is what should be done.
D.: Bhuma is an attri bute of Supreme Consciousness.
M.: Bhuma is the Supreme - yatra naanyat pasyati yatra naanyat srunoti sa bhuma (where one does not see any other, hears nothing, it is Perfection). It is indefinable and indescribable. It is as it is.
D.: There is a vastness experienced. Probably it is just below Bhuma but close to it. Am I right?
M.: Bhuma alone is. Nothing else. It is the mind, which says all this.
D.: Transcending the mind I feel the vastness.
M.: Yes, Yes....
The professor turned to the lady seated just a little further away from him and interpreted in Hindi to her.
She: What is the difference between meditation and distraction?
M.: No difference. When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation. However, meditation is only practice (as distinguished from the real state of Peace.)
She: How to practice meditation?
M.: Keep off thoughts.
She: How to reconcile work with meditation?

M.: Who is the worker? Let him who works ask the question. You are always the Self. You are not the mind. It is the mind which raises these questions. Work proceeds, always in the presence of the Self only. Work is no hindrance to realisation. It is the mistaken identity of the worker that troubles one. Get rid of the false identity.
The Professor: Is not the state of non-consciousness close to Infinite
M.: Consciousness alone remains and nothing more.
D.: Sri Bhagavans silence is itself a powerful force. It brings about a certain peace of mind in us.
M.: Silence is never-ending speech. Vocal speech obstructs the other speech of silence. In silence one is in intimate contact with the surroundings. The silence of Dakshinamurti removed the doubts of the four sages. Mouna vyakhya prakatita tatvam (Truth expounded by silence.) Silence is said to be exposition. Silence is so potent.
For vocal speech, organs of speech are necessary and they precede speech. But the other speech lies even beyond thought. It is in short transcendent speech or unspoken words, para vak.
D.: Is there knowledge in Realisation?
M.: Absence of knowledge is sleep. There is knowledge in Realisation.
But this knowledge differs from the ordinary one of the relation of subject and object. It is absolute knowledge. Knowledge has two meanings:
(1) vachyartha = vritti = Literal meaning.
(2) lakshyartha = Jnana = Self = Swarupa = Secondary significance.
D.: With vritti one sees knowledge.
M.: Quite so, he also confounds vritti with knowledge. Vritti is a mode of mind. You are not the mind. You are beyond it.
The Lady: There is sometimes an irresistible desire to remain in
M.: It is good. It must be cultivated until it becomes sahaja (natural).
Then it culminates as swarupa, ones own self.
Later Sri Bhagavan explained: Vritti is often mistaken for consciousness. It is only a phenomenon and operates in the region

of abhasa (reflected consciousness). The knowledge lies beyond relative knowledge and ignorance. It is not in the shape of vritti.
There are no subject and object in it.
Vritti belongs to the rajasic (active) mind. The satvic mind (mind is repose) is free from it. The satvic is the witness of the rajasic. It is no doubt true consciousness. Still it is called satvic mind because the knowledge of being witness is the function of abhasa (reflected consciousness) only. Mind is the abhasa. Such knowledge implies mind. But the mind is by itself inoperative. Therefore it is called satvic mind.
Such is the jivanmuktas state. It is also said that his mind is dead.
Is it not a paradox that a jivanmukta has a mind and that it is dead?
This has to be conceded in argument with ignorant folk.
It is also said that Brahman is only the jivanmuktas mind. How can one speak of him as Brahmavid (knower of Brahman). Brahman can never be an object to be known. This is, however, in accordance with common parlance.
Satvic mind is surmised of the jivanmukta and of Iswara.
Otherwise, they argue, how does the jivanmukta live and act?
The satvic mind has to be admitted as a concession to argument.
The satvic mind is in fact the Absolute consciousness. The object to be witnessed and the witness finally merge together and Absolute consciousness alone reigns supreme. It is not a state of sunya
(blank) or ignorance. It is the swarupa (Real Self). Some say that mind arises from consciousness followed by reflection (abhasa); others say that the abhasa (reflection) arises first followed by the mind. In fact both are simultaneous.
The Professor asked Sri Bhagavan to extend His Grace to him although he would soon be a thousand miles off. Sri Bhagavan said that time and space are only concepts of mind. But swarupa
(the Real Self) lies beyond mind, time and space. Distance does not count in the Self.
The lady with him was most reluctant to leave the Master and return home. The Master said, Think that you are always in my presence.
That will make you feel right. They left after dusk.

--- Talk 69.
There were reports of the above said Professors University lectures in the Hindu. The lecturer had emphasised the necessity for birth control and discussed the various possibilities of making the man feel his responsibilities so that birth control might be automatic. The Master, on hearing it, casually remarked. Let them find out the method of dying. [Here death refers to that of the ego (ahankar).]

24th July, 1935

--- Talk 70.
Sri Raju Sastrigal asked Sri Bhagavan about nada, bindu and kala.
M.: They are in Vedanta terminology prana, mana, buddhi (the life-current, mind and intellect). In the Tantras nada is said to be subtle sound with tejas - light - in it. This light is said to be the body of Siva. When it develops and sound is submerged, it becomes bindu. To be full of light (tejomaya) is the aim. Kala is a part of the bindu.

--- Talk 71.

Chronological Sequence of the Masters
Stay in Different Places at Tiruvannamalai
1896. Arrived at Tiruvannamalai and stayed in the temple premises, beneath the tree, in the interior of the underground cellar, Pathala
Lingam, sometimes in the gopurams, etc.
1897 (early), removed to Gurumurtam. Stayed in the shrine and in the adjoining mango grove (18 months).
1898 (September) in Pavalakunru.
1899 (February) on the hill in caves, the mango tree cave and
Virupaksha cave.
1905. Stayed in Pachiamman Koil for six months during the plague ravages. Again on the hill.
1908. January, February and March in Pachiamman Koil. Again on the hill.

1916. Skandasramam.
1922. The Ramanasramam site on the southern slope of the Hill.

25th September, 1935

--- Talk 72.
Mr. K. S. N. Iyer, a railway officer, asked about japa.
M.: The utterance and then remembrance and later meditation are the successive stages finally ending in involuntary and eternal japa. The japakarta (doer of japa) of that kind is the Self. Of all the japas,
Who am I? is the best.

27th September, 1935

--- Talk 73.
Mr. Ekanatha Rao, the engineer, asked, What about the despondency of not obtaining any encouragement from the Master - much less his
M.: It is ignorance only. The quest must be made as to who is despondent and so on. It is the phantom of the ego arising after sleep which falls a prey to such thoughts. In deep sleep the person was not afflicted. Who is afflicted now while awake? The sleep state is about the normal one. Let him search and find out.
D.: But there is no incentive for want of encouragement.
M.: Does not one find some kind of peace while in meditation? That is the sign of progress. That peace will be deeper and more prolonged with continued practice. It will also lead to the goal. Bhagavad
Gita - Chapter XIV - the final verses speak of gunatita (one who has transcended the gunas). That is the final stage.
The earlier stages are asuddha satva (impure being), misra satva
(mixed being), and suddha satva (Pure Being).
Of these, the impure being is when overpowered by rajas and tamas; the mixed being is that state in which the being - satva - asserts itself spasmodically; the suddha satva overpowers rajas and tamas. After these successive stages there comes the state transcending gunas.

--- Talk 74.
Mr. Frydman, the engineer, writes in one of his letters: Maharshi is with me not only when I think of Him but also when I am not thinking of Him. Otherwise, how do I live?

--- Talk 75.
Mr. Grant Duff, formerly in a foreign embassy, writes: .... Pay my respects to Maharshi. He appears to me in my thoughts not only as an answer to my questions but also as Presence....

29th September, 1935

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Wikipedia - 2020 dismissal of inspectors general -- Overview of the dismissal of inspectors general of 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Malaysia movement control order -- Quarantine in Malaysia
Wikipedia - 2020 UK GCSE and A-Level grading controversy -- Qualification grading controversy
Wikipedia - 2021 in politics and government
Wikipedia - 2021 in Slovenia
Wikipedia - 2061: Odyssey Three -- 1987 novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 2312 (novel) -- Novel by Kim Stanley Robinson
Wikipedia - 23 November 2006 Sadr City bombings -- series of car bombs and mortar attacks in Iraq
Wikipedia - 24 Hours (novel) -- 2000 novel by Greg Iles
Wikipedia - 24th government of Turkey -- government in the history of Turkey
Wikipedia - 251 Menlove Avenue -- childhood home of John Lennon in Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T -- Standards for Ethernet over twisted pair at intermediate speeds
Wikipedia - 2666 -- 2004 novel by Roberto BolaM-CM-1o
Wikipedia - 26th of July Movement -- Cuban political organization
Wikipedia - 27th G8 summit -- 2001 inter-governmental political summit held in Genoa, Italy
Wikipedia - 2I/Borisov -- Interstellar comet passing through the Solar System, discovered in 2019
Wikipedia - 2 June Movement -- West German terrorist organization
Wikipedia - 2nd government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 2nd Oklahoma Legislature -- Meeting of the legiative branch of the government of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - 3001: The Final Odyssey -- 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 30:e november
Wikipedia - 30 September Movement -- Military organization that attempted a coup d'etat in Indonesia in 1965
Wikipedia - 32 Variations in C minor (Beethoven)
Wikipedia - 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron -- Former rescue squadron of the USAF active during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - 37th TVyNovelas Awards -- 2019 television award ceremony
Wikipedia - 3D XPoint -- Novel computer memory type meant to offer higher speeds than flash memory and lower prices than DRAM
Wikipedia - 3enwiki 47enwiki 48enwiki 49enwiki 50wiki_done apoph_wiki apoph_wiki2 do enwiki-20210101-pages-articles-multistream.xml enwiki-20210101-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 enwiki-20210201-pages-articles-multistream-index.txt.bz2 enwiki_2nd enwiki_firsttrim rlist tempc wiki_desc2 wl_wiki (novel) -- Novel by Michael Brodsky
Wikipedia - 3rd government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 400 kV Thames Crossing -- Overhead power line crossing of the River Thames
Wikipedia - 4 3 2 1 (novel) -- Novel by Paul Auster
Wikipedia - 4.50 from Paddington -- 1957 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - 4M-bM-^@M-233M-bM-^@M-3 -- Three-movement composition by John Cage
Wikipedia - 4 route du Champ d'EntraM-CM-.nement -- Government owned villa in Paris, France
Wikipedia - 4th Franklin County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - 4th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 53rd Syedna succession controversy (Dawoodi Bohra)
Wikipedia - 5D DVD -- Novel optical storage medium
Wikipedia - 5 October 1910 revolution -- October 1910 coup d'etat in Portugal; monarchy overthrown, republic established
Wikipedia - 5th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 66/67: Fairplay Is Over -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - 666 Ways to Love: Prologue -- EP by Finnish band HIM, released in 1996
Wikipedia - 6th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 74 Days of Love -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - 7th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 86 (novel series) -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - 8N -- 2012 anti-government protest against Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Wikipedia - 8th CPLP Summit -- 8th biennial meeting of heads of government
Wikipedia - 8th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 9/11 Commission Report -- U.S. government report on the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Wikipedia - 9/11 Truth movement -- Group of loosely affiliated 9/11 conspiracy theorists
Wikipedia - 969 Movement
Wikipedia - 996 working hour system -- An overtime work schedule in Mainland China, 9AM-9PM, 6 days per week
Wikipedia - 9MA -- 2008 studio album by Nove Mil Anjos
Wikipedia - 9th government of Turkey -- government in Turkey history
Wikipedia - 9 to 5 (Lady Sovereign song) -- 2005 single by Lady Sovereign
Wikipedia - A1 motorway (Slovenia) -- Motorway in Slovenia
Wikipedia - AAAES -- Non-profitable, non-governmental educational organization
Wikipedia - AACS encryption key controversy -- Controversy regarding copyright
Wikipedia - Aag Aur Shola -- 1986 film by Kovelamudi Bapayya
Wikipedia - Aag Ka Darya -- 1959 novel by Qurratulain Hyder
Wikipedia - Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat -- An international movement for religious preaching and reform of Islam
Wikipedia - Aangan (novel) -- 1962 Pakistani Urdu novel by Khadija Mastoor
Wikipedia - A, A Novel {{DISPLAYTITLE:''a, A Novel'' -- A, A Novel {{DISPLAYTITLE:''a, A Novel''
Wikipedia - Aaron Ciechanover
Wikipedia - Aaron Loves Angela -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aaron Ogden -- American soldier, lawyer, United States Senator and Governor of New Jersey (1756-1839)
Wikipedia - Aaron's Rod (novel) -- 1922 novel by D. H. Lawrence
Wikipedia - Aaron Starmer -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Abahlali baseMjondolo -- Shack dwellers' movement in South Africa
Wikipedia - A Balloon Site, Coventry -- Painting by Laura Knight
Wikipedia - Abaya -- Simple, loose over-garment wore by women, especially Muslim women
Wikipedia - Abaz Kupi -- Albanian military officer, anti-communist politician and founder of the Legaility Movement (1892-1976)
Wikipedia - Abbad ibn al-Ghamr al-Shihabi -- Abbasid governor of Yemen (833-835)
Wikipedia - Abbas Maroufi -- Iranian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Abbot Academy -- Independent, boarding school in Andover, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Abby Gaines -- New Zealand romance novelist
Wikipedia - Abd al-Aziz ibn al-Walid -- 8th century Umayyad Prince, general and district governor
Wikipedia - Abd al-Aziz ibn Marwan -- Umayyad prince and Governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Abd al-Malik -- Umayyad prince, general and governor of Egypt (c.677-c.750)
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Ali -- Abbasid governor of Syria (al-Sham)
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn al-Musayyab al-Dabbi -- Provincial Abbasid governor, security chief
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim -- Governor of Baghdad and Police chief
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Sa'd -- Governor of Egypt (646-656)
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Tahir al-Khurasani -- Governor of Khorasan from 828 to 845
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Ubaydallah ibn al-Abbas -- Governor of Yemen and Amir al-hajj
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz -- Umayyad Prince and Governor of Iraq
Wikipedia - Abdallah Nasur -- Ugandan military officer and government official
Wikipedia - Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan ibn Musa ibn Nusayr -- Last Umayyad Governor of Egypt 750 CE
Wikipedia - Abd al-Malik ibn Salih -- Abbasid governor and General
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahim ibn Ja'far ibn Sulayman al-Hashimi -- Abbasid Governor of Yemen (835-839)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman ibn Utba al-Fihri -- Governor of Egypt (684-684
Wikipedia - Abd al-Wahid ibn Sulayman -- Umayyad Prince and Governor of Hejaz
Wikipedia - Abdication -- Voluntary or forced renunciation of sovereign power
Wikipedia - Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Almusallam -- Emirati novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Abdul Bismillah -- Indian novelist writing in Hindi
Wikipedia - Abdulkareem Adisa -- Military Governor of Oyo State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Abdullah Al Busais -- Kuwaiti novelist
Wikipedia - Abdullah Hussein (Pakistani writer) -- Pakistani novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Abdul Latif Ibrahimi -- Former Governor of the Afghan Provinces Kunduz, Faryab and Takhar
Wikipedia - Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab -- Global research center working to reduce poverty
Wikipedia - Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi -- Leader of the Zaidi revolution movement Ansar Allah
Wikipedia - Abdul Muhsin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud -- Saudi royal, government official, and poet
Wikipedia - Abdulrazak Gurnah -- Tanzanian novelist
Wikipedia - Abe Gubegna -- Ethiopian novelist and playwright (1934-1980)
Wikipedia - Abel Maldonado -- 48th Lieutenant Governor of California
Wikipedia - Aberporth -- Coastal village, local-government community and electoral ward in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow III: Love & Death in Saigon -- 1989 film by Tsui Hark
Wikipedia - ABET -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - A Bit of Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Blade So Black -- 2018 novel by L. L. McKinney
Wikipedia - Abner Lloveras -- Catalan mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Abolish Self Government Coalition -- Defunct political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Abolitionism in the United States -- Movement to end slavery in the United States
Wikipedia - Abolitionism -- Movement to end slavery
Wikipedia - Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate -- Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 1 November 1922
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 -- Law governing the protection of Aboriginal cultural sites in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Abortion controversy
Wikipedia - Abortion-rights movements -- Social movement that advocates for the right of access to abortion services
Wikipedia - About Love (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - About Love. For Adults Only -- 2017 Russian film by Rezo Gigineishvili
Wikipedia - About Us (novel) -- 1967 book
Wikipedia - Above All Else in the World -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Above All Laws -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Above and Beyond (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Melvin Frank and Norman Panama
Wikipedia - Above Diamond -- Large giant sequoia tree in Sequoia National Park, California
Wikipedia - Above mean sea level
Wikipedia - AboveNet
Wikipedia - Above Rubies -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Above sea level
Wikipedia - Above Suspicion (1943 film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Above the fold -- Top section of the front page of a newspaper or website
Wikipedia - Above the Law (website) -- Legal news website
Wikipedia - Above the Limit -- 1900 American short film directed by Frederick S. Armitage
Wikipedia - Above the Noise -- 2010 studio album by McFly
Wikipedia - Above the Rim -- 1994 film directed by Jeff Pollack
Wikipedia - Above Us Only Sky -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - A Boy Made of Blocks -- 2016 novel by Keith Stuart
Wikipedia - Abraham and Coprius of Gryazovets
Wikipedia - Abraham Chasanow -- United States government employee (1910-1989)
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter (novel) -- 2010 fiction novel
Wikipedia - Abraham-Minkowski controversy -- In physics: electromagnetic momentum within dielectric media
Wikipedia - A Brazilian Love Affair -- studio album by George Duke
Wikipedia - A Brother's Love -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - ABS-CBN franchise renewal controversy -- Philippine national dispute
Wikipedia - Absentee voting in the United Kingdom -- Overview of absentee voting in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Absolute Hangover -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absolute monarchy -- Form of government in which the monarch has absolute power
Wikipedia - Absolute Poverty of Christ -- Franciscan doctrine of the 13th century
Wikipedia - Absolute Power (novel) -- Novel by David Baldacci
Wikipedia - Absorption (pharmacology) -- Movement of a drug into the bloodstream or lymph
Wikipedia - Abstract expressionism -- American post-World War II art movement
Wikipedia - Abstraction (linguistics) -- Use of terms for concepts removed from the objects to which they were originally attached
Wikipedia - Abu al-Ala Ahmad al-Amiri -- Abbasid governor of Yemen (842-844)
Wikipedia - Abu al-Muhajir Dinar -- Governor of Ifriqiya (674-681)
Wikipedia - Abu al-Razi Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hamid -- Provincial Abbasid governor
Wikipedia - Abu and the 7 Marvels -- 2002 novel by Richard Matheson
Wikipedia - Abu Awn Abd al-Malik ibn Yazid -- Provincial Abbasid governor
Wikipedia - Abubakar Adam Ibrahim -- Nigerian novelist, journalist
Wikipedia - Abubakar Audu -- |Governor of Kogi State
Wikipedia - Abubakar Sani Bello -- Governor of Niger State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Abu Kebir, Egypt -- City in the Sharqia Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Abu'l-Saj Devdad -- Provincial Abbasid governor and Commander
Wikipedia - Abu Rawash -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Abuse of Power (novel) -- Book by Michael Savage
Wikipedia - Abusir -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Abyan Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Academic achievement among different groups in Germany -- Overview of the academic achievement among different ethnic groups in Germany
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Australia -- Overview of academic grading in Australia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Austria -- Overview of academic grading in Austria
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Bangladesh -- Overview of academic grading in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Canada -- Overview of academic grading in Canada
Wikipedia - Academic grading in China -- Overview of academic grading in China
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Denmark -- Overview of academic grading in Denmark
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Egypt -- Overview of academic grading in Egypt
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Finland -- Overview of academic grading in Finland
Wikipedia - Academic grading in France -- Overview of academic grading in France
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Germany -- Overview of academic grading in Germany
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Greece -- Overview of academic grading in Greece
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Hong Kong -- Overview of academic grading in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Academic grading in India -- Overview of academic grading in India
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Indonesia -- Overview of academic grading in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Ireland -- Overview of academic grading in Ireland
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Italy -- Overview of academic grading in Italy
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Morocco -- Overview of academic grading in Morocco
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Russia -- Overview of academic grading in Russia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Serbia -- Overview of academic grading in Serbia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Singapore -- Overview of academic grading in Singapore
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Sweden -- Overview of academic grading in Sweden
Wikipedia - Academic grading in the Philippines -- Overview of academic grading in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Academic grading in the United Kingdom -- Overview of academic grading in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Academic Spring -- reform movement
Wikipedia - Academic study of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Academy (automobile) -- English dual-control car built by West of Coventry between 1906 and 1908
Wikipedia - Academy (English school) -- English school directly funded by central government
Wikipedia - Acanthomyrmex foveolatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - A Canticle for Leibowitz -- Novel by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Wikipedia - ACAPS -- A Norwegian non-profit, non-governmental project
Wikipedia - A Caribbean Mystery -- 1964 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Case of Conscience -- Novel by James Blish
Wikipedia - A Case of Need -- Novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Accent on Love -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Acceptance (novel) -- 2014 novel by Jeff VanderMeer
Wikipedia - Access to Knowledge movement
Wikipedia - Accidental Lovers -- Television series
Wikipedia - Accidentally in Love Chinese Drama -- Chinese television drama
Wikipedia - Accion Comunal -- Panama political movement (1923-1932)
Wikipedia - A Certain Hunger -- 2020 novel by Chelsea Summers
Wikipedia - A Certain Justice -- 1997 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Certain Magical Index -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Achilles' heel -- Critical weakness which can lead to downfall in spite of overall strength
Wikipedia - Achilles Tatius -- 2nd-century Greek novelist
Wikipedia - Achim Overbeck -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (2017 play) -- 2017 play by Jack Thorne based on Charles Dickens' novella
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol -- 1843 novella by Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Achuthanandan ministry -- Kerala government ministry
Wikipedia - ACL2 theorem prover
Wikipedia - A Clockwork Orange (novel) -- 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess
Wikipedia - A Closed and Common Orbit -- 2016 science fiction novel by Becky Chambers
Wikipedia - Acme Novelty Library -- Comic
Wikipedia - A Column of Fire -- 2017 novel by Ken Follett
Wikipedia - A Comedy of Terrors -- 2021 historical novel by Lindsey Davis
Wikipedia - A Complicated Kindness -- Canadian novel, 2004
Wikipedia - A Confederacy of Dunces -- Picaresque novel by John Kennedy Toole
Wikipedia - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court -- 1889 novel by Mark Twain
Wikipedia - A Contract with God -- Graphic novel by Will Eisner
Wikipedia - Acoustic Doppler current profiler -- A hydroacoustic current meter used to measure water current velocities over a depth range using the Doppler effect
Wikipedia - Acoustic release -- An oceanographic device for the deployment and subsequent recovery of instrumentation from the sea floor, in which the recovery is triggered remotely by an acoustic command signal
Wikipedia - Acronis -- Swiss technology company specializing in backup and disaster recovery software and services
Wikipedia - Acropolis of Athens -- Ancient citadel above the city of Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Acta sanctorum Novembris
Wikipedia - Action and Renewal Movement -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Action Canada -- Defunct Canadian political movement
Wikipedia - Action Francaise -- French royalist movement
Wikipedia - Action! (novel) -- Nancy Drew novel by Carolyn Keene
Wikipedia - Action of 18 November 1809 -- Naval engagement of the Napoleonic wars
Wikipedia - Active reserve (KGB) -- Member of the KGB undercover in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Act on Product Safety of Electrical Appliances and Materials -- Law governing electrical appliance safety in Japan
Wikipedia - Acts of repudiation -- Violence against critics of Cuban government
Wikipedia - Acura MDX -- Japanese crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia -- Blood cancer characterised by overproduction of lymphoblasts
Wikipedia - Adagia -- Collection of Greek and Latin proverbs, compiled by Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Adalet AM-DM-^_aoM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish novelist
Wikipedia - Ada Lovelace Award
Wikipedia - Ada Lovelace
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me (Johnston novel) -- 1994 young adult novel by Julie Johnston
Wikipedia - Adamawa State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Adamawa State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Adamawa turtle dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Adam Dalgliesh -- Fictional character in mystery novels by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Adam Gregg -- Lieutenant Governor of Iowa
Wikipedia - Adam S. Boehler -- American businessman and government official
Wikipedia - Adams County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Adams County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - A Damsel in Distress (novel) -- 1919 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Adams Seamount -- A submarine volcano above the Pitcairn hotspot in the central Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - Adam Weiss -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - A Dance with Dragons -- Novel by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (novel) -- 1956 novel by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Wikipedia - Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle -- Novel by Vladimir Nabokov
Wikipedia - Ada Pellegrini Grinover -- Brazilian lawyer
Wikipedia - Adaptations of The Hobbit -- List of adaptations of The Hobbit novel by J.R.R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Ada Smolnikar -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ada VidoviM-DM-^M Muha -- Slovene linguist
Wikipedia - A Day Late and a Dollar Short (novel) -- Book by Terry McMillan
Wikipedia - Ad Dakhiliyah Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Addams Groove -- 1991 single by Hammer
Wikipedia - Ad Dhahirah Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (film) -- 1997 romantic comedy film directed by Griffin Dunne
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (song) -- 1986 single by Robert Palmer
Wikipedia - Addiction recovery groups
Wikipedia - Addiopizzo -- Grassroots Sicilian movement against Mafia extortion
Wikipedia - Address Unknown (1938 novel) -- Short novel by Kathrine Taylor
Wikipedia - A Deeper Love -- 1991 single by Clivilles & Cole
Wikipedia - A Deepness in the Sky -- Novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - Adela M-EM- ajn -- Slovenian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Adela Zgur -- Slovene germanist and translator
Wikipedia - Adele and Co. -- 1931 novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Adelie Cove -- Important Bird Area in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Aden Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Adetoye Oyetola Sode -- Nigerian military governor
Wikipedia - Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder -- Painful disease restricting movement
Wikipedia - A.D. Hopkins -- American novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Adi Dharm -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal
Wikipedia - A Disquisition on Government -- treatise by John C. Calhoun
Wikipedia - Adjuvant -- Pharmacological or immunological agent that improves the immune response of a vaccine
Wikipedia - Administration (government) -- Government or political administration
Wikipedia - Administrative Conference of the United States -- Independent agency of the US government
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Portugal -- Overview of the administrative divisions of Portugal
Wikipedia - Administrative geography of the United Kingdom -- Geographical subdivisions of local government in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Administrative law -- Branch of law governing administrative agencies
Wikipedia - Administrator of Tokelau -- New Zealand government administrator
Wikipedia - Admiralty House, Sydney -- Official residence of the Governor-General of Australia in Kirribilli, Sydney
Wikipedia - Admiralty in the 16th century -- English government ministry responsible for its navy until 1707
Wikipedia - Admire Groove -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - A Dog's Purpose -- 2010 novel by W. Bruce Cameron
Wikipedia - Adolf Hitler's rise to power -- Overview of Adolf Hitler's rise to power
Wikipedia - Adolf Hitler's wealth and income -- Overview of the wealth and income of Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Adolfo Caminha -- Brazilian Naturalist novelist
Wikipedia - Adolf Wilbrandt -- German novelist and dramatist (1837-1911)
Wikipedia - Adolph Hannover -- Danish doctor
Wikipedia - A Dona do Pedaco -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - A Door into Ocean -- 1986 feminist science fiction novel by Joan Slonczewski
Wikipedia - A Double Shot at Love -- Television series
Wikipedia - A Dream of John Ball -- 1888 novel by William Morris
Wikipedia - Adria Airways -- Slovenian airline
Wikipedia - Adriaan van der Meyden -- Dutch colonial governor of Ceylon
Wikipedia - Adriaan van Kervel -- Governor of the Cape Colony
Wikipedia - Adria Bernardi -- American novelist and translator
Wikipedia - Adria Mobil (cycling team) -- Slovenian cycling team
Wikipedia - Adrian Gomboc -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Adrian Hoven -- Austrian actor
Wikipedia - Adrian McKinty -- Irish crime novelist and critic
Wikipedia - Adrienne Clarkson -- Canadian journalist and 26th Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - Adrien Payn -- French novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - A Droga da ObediM-CM-*ncia -- Novel by Brazilian writer Pedro Bandeira
Wikipedia - ADR (treaty) -- United Nations treaty that governs transnational road transport of hazardous materials
Wikipedia - Adultery (novel) -- 2014 novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho
Wikipedia - Adultism -- Discrimination favoring adults over children
Wikipedia - Advanced Open Water Diver -- Recreational scuba diving certification slightly above minimum entry level
Wikipedia - Advancing American Kidney Health -- American government initiative
Wikipedia - Adventures in Oz -- Collection of graphic novels set in the land of Oz
Wikipedia - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -- Novel by Mark Twain
Wikipedia - Adverbs (novel) -- Novel by Daniel Handler
Wikipedia - Advice to the Lovelorn -- 1933 film by Alfred L. Werker
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names -- Advisory committee for the US geographic naming government agency
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens -- UK-wide governmental advisory committee
Wikipedia - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation -- American federal government agency
Wikipedia - Advocates for Opioid Recovery -- Advocacy group for medication-assisted opioid treatment
Wikipedia - Aelius Gallus -- 1st-century BC Roman governor and general
Wikipedia - AEL (motorcycle) -- Motorcycle and accessories dealer in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - Aengus -- Irish god of youth, love, and poetic inspiration
Wikipedia - Aerial root -- Root which grows above the ground
Wikipedia - Aerial toll house -- Disputed, controversial doctrine in the Eastern Orthodox Church, which states that after death the soul, on its way to heaven, goes through aerial toll houses where demons try to accuse the soul of the sins it commited and drag the soul to hell
Wikipedia - Aerotren -- People mover monorail at Mexico City International Airport
Wikipedia - AES51 -- Method of carrying ATM cells over Ethernet for use by AES47
Wikipedia - AES67 -- Interoperability standard for professional audio over IP
Wikipedia - Aestheticism -- Art movement emphasizing aesthetic considerations over social values
Wikipedia - Aesthetic movement
Wikipedia - A. E. W. Mason -- English novelist (1865-1948)
Wikipedia - A Fairly Honourable Defeat -- Novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms -- 1929 novel by Ernest Hemingway
Wikipedia - A Favorita -- Brazilian telenovela by Joao Emanuel Carneiro
Wikipedia - AfD pro-Russia movement -- Movement of the Alternative for Germany that support Russia
Wikipedia - A Feast for Crows -- Novel by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - A Feast of Snakes -- Novel by Harry Crews
Wikipedia - A Few Cubic Meters of Love -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Affix grammar over a finite lattice
Wikipedia - Afghan Girl -- 1985 cover photograph on National Geographic magazine
Wikipedia - Afghan rug -- A type of floor-covering
Wikipedia - A Fight for Love -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Afire Love -- 2014 song
Wikipedia - A Fire Upon the Deep -- 1992 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - A flor de piel (TV series) -- Spanish-language telenovela
Wikipedia - A Flower Above the Clouds -- 2019 Burmese film
Wikipedia - AFL siren controversy
Wikipedia - A Forca do Querer -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Afore Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A Forever Kind of Love -- 1962 single by Bobby Vee
Wikipedia - Afraid of Love (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Love -- 1927 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - African-American women's suffrage movement
Wikipedia - Africana philosophy -- Philosophical movement
Wikipedia - African collared dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - African Content Movement -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African Covenant -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African iron overload -- Hemochromatosis characterized by a predisposition to iron loading that is exacerbated by excessive intake of dietary iron, commonly related to consumption of tradition beer brewed in non-galvanized steel drums
Wikipedia - African Journal of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all disciplines of marine science
Wikipedia - African Leaders Malaria Alliance -- Government organization in New York
Wikipedia - African Movement for Development and Progress -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - African Resistance Movement
Wikipedia - African Surface -- A land surface formed by erosion covering large swathes of Africa
Wikipedia - African Transformation Movement -- South African political party (e. 2019)
Wikipedia - Africa Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement) -- Divisional office of the World Scout Bureau headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya
Wikipedia - Africville Apology -- 2010 formal government pronouncement in Halifax, Canada
Wikipedia - AfriForum -- South African non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Afrighids -- Khwarezmian Iranian dynasty that ruled over Khwarezm from 305-995 CE
Wikipedia - A Frolic of His Own -- Novel by William Gaddis
Wikipedia - After Atlas -- 2016 novel by Emma Newman
Wikipedia - After Hours (novel) -- 1979 Edwin Torres crime novel
Wikipedia - After Love (2016 film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - After the Fire Over Russia -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - After the Funeral -- 1953 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - After the Love Has Gone (Steps song) -- 1999 single by Steps
Wikipedia - After the Love Has Gone -- Single Earth, Wind & Fire
Wikipedia - After the Verdict (novel) -- 1924 novel by Robert Hichens
Wikipedia - After Trek -- Aftershow for Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - After... (visual novel) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - AGA cooker -- Stove and cooker system
Wikipedia - Against All Enemies (novel) -- 2011 novel by Tom Clancy
Wikipedia - Again to Carthage -- Novel by John L. Parker, Jr.
Wikipedia - A Game of Thrones -- Novel by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - Agape -- Greco-Christian term referring to a type of love
Wikipedia - Agarabi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A. Garland Mears -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - Agartala flyover -- Flyover
Wikipedia - Agaseke -- Woven basket
Wikipedia - Agata Zupin -- Slovenian hurdler
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Days -- 1979 novel by Joan Blos
Wikipedia - Agda (theorem prover)
Wikipedia - Ageing -- Biologically degenerative process that is a deterioration and loss of function over time and leads to death
Wikipedia - Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries -- British government agency
Wikipedia - Agency (novel) -- 2020 novel by William Gibson
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Oblivion -- 2013 novel by Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Wikipedia - Agent-general -- Government representative of certain Commonwealth countries in the UK
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure -- 1910 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder -- 2012 American musical comedy
Wikipedia - Agent Running in the Field -- 2019 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - Age of Apocalypse -- 1995-96 Marvel comic book crossover
Wikipedia - Age of candidacy -- Minimum age for person to be in elected in governmental office
Wikipedia - Age of Discovery -- Period of European global exploration from early 15th century to 17th century
Wikipedia - Age of Enlightenment -- European cultural movement of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Age of X-Man -- 2019 crossover of Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Ages of consent in Asia -- Overview of ages of consent in Asia
Wikipedia - Ages of consent in Europe -- Overview of ages of consent in Europe
Wikipedia - Aggelika Korovessi -- Greek conceptual sculptor
Wikipedia - Aggression - Reign over Europe -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Agha Saleem -- Pakistani writer, novelist, playwright
Wikipedia - A Gift of Magic -- 1971 young adult supernatural novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Agility drill -- Form of physical exercise which aims to improve agility
Wikipedia - Aging movement control -- Changes in men and women as they get older
Wikipedia - Aging of wine -- Overview about the aging of wine
Wikipedia - A Glove Shop in Vienna: And Other Stories -- 1984 short story collection by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - Agnes E. Jacomb -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Agnes L. Storrie -- Australian poet, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Agnes Martin-Lugand -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Agnes Newton Keith -- American novelist and memoirist
Wikipedia - Agnes Romilly White -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd -- Japanese adult visual novel developed by August, and manga and anime adaptation
Wikipedia - Agostino Novella -- Italian worker and politician
Wikipedia - Agostino Novello
Wikipedia - Agreement on Government Procurement
Wikipedia - Agricultural subsidy -- Governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses
Wikipedia - Agricultural value chain -- The whole range of goods and services necessary for an agricultural product to move from the farm to the final customer
Wikipedia - Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Agriculture in California -- Overview of agriculture in California
Wikipedia - AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat -- Improved series of the Westland Super Lynx military helicopter
Wikipedia - A Handful of Dust -- Novel by the British writer Evelyn Waugh
Wikipedia - A Handful of Love (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ahdaf Soueif -- Egyptian novelist
Wikipedia - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius -- Novel
Wikipedia - A Heritage and Its History -- 1959 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich -- 1973 young adult novel by Alice Childress
Wikipedia - A High Wind in Jamaica (novel) -- 1929 novel by Richard Hughes
Wikipedia - Ahi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A History of Violence (comics) -- 1997 graphic novel
Wikipedia - Ahl-i Hadith -- Religious movement that emerged in Northern India in the mid-nineteenth century
Wikipedia - Ahmad bin Eid al-Thani -- Qatari government official
Wikipedia - Ahmad Faisal Begzad -- Governor of Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Ahmadi Governorate -- Governorate of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya in Germany -- Overview of the Ahmadiyya in Germany
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya views on evolution -- The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam universally accepts a process of divinely guided evolution
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya -- Islamic religious movement
Wikipedia - Ahmed Ali (writer) -- Pakistani novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Ahmed Naji -- Egyptian novelist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Sofa -- Bangladeshi writer, thinker, novelist, poet, and public intellectual
Wikipedia - Ahmed Usman -- Nigerian governor
Wikipedia - A Hole in Texas -- Novel by Herman Wouk
Wikipedia - Ahoti - for Women in Israel -- Israeli feminist social movement
Wikipedia - A House and Its Head -- 1935 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A House Full of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Aichi Prefectural Police -- Police department of Aichi prefectural government, Japan
Wikipedia - Aida Overton Walker -- American vaudeville performer
Wikipedia - Aido: Slave of Love -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Aiglun, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Aimee Bender -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - A Impostora -- Portuguese telenovela
Wikipedia - Ainhoa Arteta -- Spanish classical and crossover soprano
Wikipedia - Ain Sakhri Lovers -- Natufian sculpture
Wikipedia - Ain't No Cure for Love
Wikipedia - Ain't No Love (Ain't No Use) -- 1993 single by Sub Sub
Wikipedia - Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love -- Song by Van Halen
Wikipedia - Air America (airline) -- CIA covert airline from 1950 to 1976
Wikipedia - Airborne forces -- Military units, usually light infantry, set up to be moved by aircraft and "dropped" into battle
Wikipedia - Air burst -- Detonation of an explosive above a target for increased pressure wave damage
Wikipedia - Airbus A320neo family -- Airliner family, series of improvements across the A320 family
Wikipedia - Air changes per hour -- Measure of the air volume added to or removed from a space
Wikipedia - Aircraft fabric covering
Wikipedia - Air-cushioned landing craft -- Military hovercraft designed for landing troops and equipment in amphibious operations
Wikipedia - Air filter -- Device composed of fibrous or porous materials which removes solid particulates from the air
Wikipedia - Air Force Base Overberg -- Airbase of the South African Air Force
Wikipedia - Air Force One photo op incident -- 2009 incident when USAF VC-25 flew low and circled over New York Bay
Wikipedia - Airframe (novel) -- Novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Air Groove -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Air guitar -- Form of dance and movement
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 182 -- June 1985 aircraft bombing over the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland
Wikipedia - Airlift (dredging device) -- Dredging device using injected air to move water and entrained load up a pipe
Wikipedia - Airman (novel) -- 2008 Eoin Colfer novel
Wikipedia - Air Movement and Control Association
Wikipedia - Airport novel -- Type of genre fiction novel
Wikipedia - AirRail Link -- People mover at Birmingham Airport
Wikipedia - Airspace -- Portion of the atmosphere controlled by a country above its territory, or any three-dimensional portion of the atmosphere
Wikipedia - AirTrain JFK -- People mover system at JFK Airport in New York City
Wikipedia - Air transports of heads of state and government -- Air transports for heads of state and government of various countries
Wikipedia - AI takeovers in popular culture
Wikipedia - AI takeover -- Artificial intelligence dominating Earth
Wikipedia - Aithne Rowse -- First South African women to over-winter in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Aix-en-Provence -- city and commune in southern France
Wikipedia - Aiya Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ajda Novak -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ajloun Governorate -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Akademgorodok -- Academic campus in Sovetsky District of the city of Novosibirsk
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Hannover AFH-24 -- German aircraft
Wikipedia - Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Akata Witch -- 2011 fantasy novel by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Akathisia -- Movement disorder involving a feeling of inner restlessness
Wikipedia - A. K. Fazlul Huq -- Bengali statesman and jurist, Prime Minister of Bengal and Governor of East Pakistan (1873-1962)
Wikipedia - Akhepatar -- 1999 Gujarati novel by Bindu Bhatt
Wikipedia - Akhet (hieroglyph) -- Egyptian hieroglyph that represents the sun rising over a mountain.
Wikipedia - Akinari Matsuno -- Japanese light novel author
Wikipedia - A Kiss for the Petals -- Japanese visual novel, launched 2006
Wikipedia - Akram Osman -- Afghan writer, intellectual and novelist (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - Akram Vignan Movement
Wikipedia - Akrotiri and Dhekelia -- British Overseas Territory on the island of Cyprus
Wikipedia - Alaa Al Aswany -- Egyptian novelist
Wikipedia - Alaa Mashzoub -- Iraqi writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Alabama Claims -- US-UK disagreement over naval affairs
Wikipedia - Alabama Legislature -- Legislative branch of the state government of Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama Moon -- 2006 novel
Wikipedia - Alabama Political Reporter -- Website covering politics in Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama State House -- State government building in Montgomery, AL
Wikipedia - A Lady in Love -- 1920 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains -- Novel by Isabella Bird
Wikipedia - A Lady to Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alain Enthoven -- American economist
Wikipedia - Alain Etchegoyen -- French philosopher and novelist
Wikipedia - Alamut series -- Two historical fantasy novels by Judith Tarr
Wikipedia - Alan C. Carey -- American military historian, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Cheuse -- Novelist, short story writer, critic
Wikipedia - Alan Cumyn -- Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Alan Furst -- American author of historical spy novels
Wikipedia - Alan Gross -- American government contractor
Wikipedia - Alan Grover -- Australian rowing cox
Wikipedia - Alan Hale (astronomer) -- Astronomer, co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp
Wikipedia - Alan Hoole -- Governor of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - Alan Huckle -- British Colonial Governor and Commissioner
Wikipedia - Alan Isler -- American novelist and professor
Wikipedia - Alan Lightman -- Physicist, science writer, essayist, novelist
Wikipedia - Alanthus Grove, Missouri
Wikipedia - Alan White (novelist) -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Zaslove -- Television producer
Wikipedia - Alarm fatigue -- Psychological consequence of overuse of alarms
Wikipedia - Alaska Airlines Flight 261 -- Aviation accident over the Pacific Ocean in 2000
Wikipedia - Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act -- Public Law Act aimed to improve Mental health care
Wikipedia - Alaska Native languages -- Overview of the languages spoken by Alaska Natives
Wikipedia - Albanophilia -- Love of Albanian culture, language or people
Wikipedia - Albany Plan -- Benjamin Franklin's plan to create a unified government for the thirteen British North American colonies
Wikipedia - Al Batinah North Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Al Batinah South Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - ALBA -- Intergovernmental organization based on the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Al Bayda Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Albert B. Groves -- American architect
Wikipedia - Albert-Brauer-Hasse-Noether theorem -- Central simple algebras over algebraic number fields that split over completions are matrix algebras
Wikipedia - Albert Bridge, London -- Road bridge over the River Thames in West London
Wikipedia - Albert Bryan (politician) -- Governor of the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Albert Campion -- Fictional character in novels by Margery Allingham
Wikipedia - Albert Dieudonne -- French actor, screenwriter, film director, and novelist
Wikipedia - Albert D. Stover
Wikipedia - Albert Einstein in popular culture -- Overview about Albert Einstein in popular culture
Wikipedia - Albert Hahl -- German colonial governor
Wikipedia - Albertine (1886 novel)
Wikipedia - Alberto Agnesi -- Mexican telenovela and stage actor
Wikipedia - Alberto Mendez -- Spanish novelist
Wikipedia - Albert Overhauser
Wikipedia - Albert Rosellini -- American politician and 15th Governor of Washington
Wikipedia - Albert van Breugel -- Dutch colonial governor
Wikipedia - Al-Betra' -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Albiges-Mablep Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Albin Gutman -- Slovene general
Wikipedia - Al Buraimi Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act (Ontario) -- Legislation governing the sale of alcohol and gaming regulation
Wikipedia - Alcoholic beverage control state -- States in the United States that have a monopoly over alcohol
Wikipedia - Alcohol laws of New Jersey -- Laws governing alcoholic beverages in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Alcohol monopoly -- A government monopoly on alcohol aiming to reduce consumption
Wikipedia - Alcohol-related traffic crashes in the United States -- Alcohol-related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above
Wikipedia - Alcove (architecture) -- Recessed area open from a larger room but enclosed by architectural elements
Wikipedia - Aldo Covello -- Physicist
Wikipedia - Alec Lanham-Love -- South African sailor
Wikipedia - A Legend of Montrose -- 1819 novel by Walter Scott
Wikipedia - Alejandra Campoverdi -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alejandro Garcia Padilla -- Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Alejandro Mayorkas -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Alejandro Tello Cristerna -- Governor of Zacatecas, Mexico
Wikipedia - Aleksander Conda -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Kornhauser Frazer -- Slovenian chemist
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Pivec -- Slovenian chemical engineer and politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Drozdenko -- Governor of Leningrad Oblast
Wikipedia - AleM-EM-! Dolinar -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - AleM-EM-! Hojs -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Alenka BratuM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Alenka Luzar -- Slovenian-American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Alenka Orel -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Alenka Smerkolj -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Alenka ZupanM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian philosopher
Wikipedia - Alen Pol Kobryn -- American poet, novelist, actor
Wikipedia - Alessandra de Osma -- Peruvian attorney and Hanoverian princess
Wikipedia - Alessandro Manzoni -- Italian poet and novelist (1785-1873)
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Hindu -- Letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908
Wikipedia - Alexander Beliavsky -- Ukrainian and Slovenian chess player
Wikipedia - Alexander County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Alexander Culbertson -- American fur trader and government agent
Wikipedia - Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma -- Duke of Parma and Governor of the Spanish Netherlands
Wikipedia - Alexander Gordon of Earlston -- Scottish covenanter and conspirator (1650-1726)
Wikipedia - Alexander H. Stephens -- Vice president of the Confederate States and 50th governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Alexander Lion -- Co-founder of the German scout movement
Wikipedia - Alexander McNutt (governor) -- Mississippi Governor
Wikipedia - Alexander Nove -- British historian of the economy of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Alexander Palm -- Russian dramatist, novelist, poet
Wikipedia - Alexander Theroux -- American novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Alexandra Park, Hastings -- Alexandra Park is a public park located in Hastings, East Sussex in England covering 109 acres through the centre of Hastings
Wikipedia - Alexandra Phillips (Green politician) -- Green Party of England and Wales politician, Mayor of Brighton and Hove
Wikipedia - Alexandria Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Alexandru Hrisoverghi -- Poet
Wikipedia - Alex Garland -- English novelist, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alex Groves -- British sailor
Wikipedia - Alex Haley -- American biographer, screenwriter, and novelist
Wikipedia - Alex La Guma -- South African novelist and politician (1925-1985)
Wikipedia - Alex McKenna -- American actress and voice-over artist
Wikipedia - Alex Rider (character) -- Character of Alex Rider novel
Wikipedia - Alex Strangelove -- 2018 American romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Al-Fadl ibn Salih -- Abbasid Provincial governor
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Arna -- A hatchback produced by the Italian manufacturer Alfa Romeo Nissan Autoveicoli S.p.A.
Wikipedia - Alfonso Garcia Gonzalez -- Former governor of the state of Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Alfred Bonnardot -- book lover and writer
Wikipedia - Alfred Doblin -- German novelist, essayist, and doctor
Wikipedia - Alfredo Covelli -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Alfredo del Mazo Maza -- Governor of the State of Mexico
Wikipedia - Alfredo Genovese -- Fileteador and visual artist
Wikipedia - Alfred Schirokauer -- German novelist and screenwriter (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Algae scrubber -- A biological water filter that uses light to grow algae which removes undesirable chemicals from aquarium water
Wikipedia - Algebraic notation (chess) -- Method for recording and describing chess moves
Wikipedia - Algebra over a field
Wikipedia - Algemeiner Journal -- Newspaper in New York covering Jewish and Israel-related news
Wikipedia - Algerian Movement for Justice and Development -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Algerian Popular Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Algerian War -- War between France and the Algerian independence movement from 1954 to 1962
Wikipedia - Algernon B. Jackson -- African American physician who contributed to the National Negro Health Movement
Wikipedia - Algernon Blackwood -- English broadcasting narrator, journalist, novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Algernon Charles Swinburne -- English poet, playwright, novelist, and critic
Wikipedia - Algernon Gissing -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Algernon Islay de Courcy Lyons -- Welsh photographer, novelist, and linguist
Wikipedia - Algernon Keith-Falconer, 9th Earl of Kintore -- British politician and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Algernon Sidney Badger -- Union Army colonel and government administrator
Wikipedia - Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf -- Umayyad governor of Iraq and viceroy of the eastern caliphate
Wikipedia - Al-Hasa District -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-Hasakah Governorate campaign (2012-2013) -- Syrian military campaign
Wikipedia - Al-Hasan ibn al-Takhtakh -- Abbasid governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Al-Hashimiyah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al Hudaydah Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Al-Hujariah -- Locality in Taiz Governorate, Yemen
Wikipedia - Al-Husayn ibn Isma'il al-Mus'abi -- Governor of Fars and Police Chief
Wikipedia - Al-Husayn ibn Jamil -- Abbasid governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Alias Grace -- 1996 novel by Margaret Atwood
Wikipedia - Ali Bryan -- Canadian novelist, and personal trainer
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (novel) -- 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Booth Tarkington
Wikipedia - Alice Amafo -- Surinamese Government minister
Wikipedia - Alice Annie Kenny -- NZ pooet, short-story writer, novelist
Wikipedia - Alice Grant Rosman -- Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Alice K. Leopold -- American politician, social activist and government official
Wikipedia - Alice Knott -- Novel by American author Blake Butler
Wikipedia - Alice Mabel Bacon -- American writer/women's educator/foreign advisor to the Japanese government in Meiji period Japan
Wikipedia - Alice McDermott -- American writer, novelist, essayist (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alice Perrin -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- 1865 children's novel by Lewis Carroll
Wikipedia - Alice Thompson -- Scottish novelist
Wikipedia - Alicia Garza -- Co-founder of the Black Lives Matter International movement
Wikipedia - Alien Bodies -- Doctor Who novel by Lawrence Miles
Wikipedia - Alien: Covenant -- 2017 film by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - Alieu Kosiah -- Former commander of the United Liberation movement of Liberia for democracy
Wikipedia - Ali Fadhul -- Ugandan military officer and government official
Wikipedia - Aligarh Movement
Wikipedia - Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Ali al-Hashimi -- Abbasid Provincial governor
Wikipedia - Aline and Valcour -- Epistolary novel by the Marquis de Sade
Wikipedia - Aline Kiner -- French journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Aline Valek -- Brazilian novelist and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Alin Moldoveanu -- Romanian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Ali-Qoli Khan Shamlu -- 16th century Iranian Safavid governor of Harat and guardian of the future Shah Abbas I
Wikipedia - Alison Lurie -- American novelist and academic
Wikipedia - Alison McGovern -- British politician
Wikipedia - Alison Wong -- New Zealand poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Alistair Asprey -- Hong Kong government official
Wikipedia - Alistair Campbell (poet) -- New Zealand poet, playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Alistair MacLean -- Scottish novelist
Wikipedia - Alistair Overeem -- Dutch professional kick boxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - A Little Love (Celeste song) -- 2020 single by Celeste
Wikipedia - A Little Princess -- 1905 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wikipedia - Aliya Bukhari -- Pakistani novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya -- Egyptian Sunni Islamist movement
Wikipedia - AljaM-EM-> Sedej -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Al Jawf Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Aljaz Gosnar -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Alke Overbeck -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Al Khums Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - Al-KM-EM-+rah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - All 4 Love -- 1991 single by Color Me Badd
Wikipedia - All About Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Jean-Francois Richet
Wikipedia - All About Love (Joyce Sims album) -- 1989 studio album by Joyce Sims
Wikipedia - Allan Hills 84001 -- Martian meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1984
Wikipedia - Alla te espero -- 2013 Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - Allauch -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Allegation -- Statement of a fact in a pleading, that will be attempted to be proven
Wikipedia - Alleged ouster plots against Rodrigo Duterte -- Allegations made by the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Allegiant (novel) -- 2013 novel by Veronica Roth
Wikipedia - Alleins -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Allen Appel -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Allen County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Allen Drury -- American novelist
Wikipedia - All Ethiopian National Movement -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - All Families Are Psychotic -- 2001 novel by Douglas Coupland
Wikipedia - All for Love (play) -- 1677 drama by John Dryden
Wikipedia - All for Love (song) -- 1993 single by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting
Wikipedia - All For Love (TV series) -- Colombian television series
Wikipedia - Alliance (Firefly) -- Fictional government
Wikipedia - Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal -- Political party in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Alliance for Progressive Government -- Political grouping in the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Alliance of Small Island States -- Intergovernmental organization of low-lying coastal and small island countries
Wikipedia - Allied Peoples Movement -- Political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Allied plans for German industry after World War II -- Overview of the plans by the Allies for Germany's industry after World War II
Wikipedia - Alligator (novel) -- 1962 parody novel
Wikipedia - All India Muslim Personal Law Board -- Indian non-government legal organization
Wikipedia - All in Love Is Fair (album) -- 1974 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - All Is Full of Love -- 1999 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Allison Amend -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Allison Burnett -- Screenwriter, director, producer, novelist
Wikipedia - All Lives Matter -- Slogan created as a counter-movement to Black Lives Matter
Wikipedia - All My Love For You -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - All My Love (Major Lazer song)
Wikipedia - All My Puny Sorrows -- 2014 novel
Wikipedia - All Nippon Airways Flight 58 -- 1971 mid-air collision over Japan
Wikipedia - All Out of Love (H & Claire song) -- 2002 single by H & Claire
Wikipedia - All Out of Love (musical) -- Jukebox musical
Wikipedia - All Out of Love (TV series) -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - All Out of Love -- 1980 Air Supply song
Wikipedia - All Over Again (Ronan Keating and Kate Rusby song) -- 2006 single by Ronan Keating and Kate Rusby
Wikipedia - All Over Me (film) -- 1997 film by Alex Sichel
Wikipedia - All Over the Guy -- 2001 film by Julie Davis
Wikipedia - All Over the Place (TV programme) -- British television series
Wikipedia - All Over the World (Electric Light Orchestra song) -- 1980 single by Electric Light Orchestra
Wikipedia - All Over Town -- 1937 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - All-Party Group for World Governance -- Parliament group
Wikipedia - All Quiet on the Western Front -- Novel by Erich Maria Remarque
Wikipedia - All Souls (novel) -- Novel by Christine Schutt
Wikipedia - All-Star Superman -- Twelve-issue comic book series featuring Superman that ran from November 2005 to October 2008
Wikipedia - All Strung Out Over You -- 1966 song by The Chambers Brothers
Wikipedia - All Systems Red -- 2017 science fiction novella by Martha Wells
Wikipedia - All That I Am (novel) -- novel by Australian writer Anna Funder
Wikipedia - All the Colours of Darkness -- Novel by Peter Robinson
Wikipedia - All the King's Men -- 1946 novel by Robert Penn Warren
Wikipedia - All the Love in the World (album) -- 1974 album by Mac Davis
Wikipedia - All the Love in the World (The Corrs song) -- 2001 song by The Corrs
Wikipedia - All the Lovers -- 2010 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - All the Right Moves (film) -- 1983 US sports drama film by Michael Chapman
Wikipedia - All Time Love -- 2006 single by Will Young
Wikipedia - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (poetry collection) -- Book by Richard Brautigan
Wikipedia - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy -- Proverb suggesting that lack of free time encourages lack of spirit
Wikipedia - Ally Blake -- Australian writer of romance novels
Wikipedia - All You Need Is Love (JAMs song) -- Song by the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
Wikipedia - All You Need Is Love -- Song by the Beatles
Wikipedia - Alma Cogan (novel) -- Book by Gordon Burn
Wikipedia - Alma e Coracao -- Portuguese telenovela
Wikipedia - Al Mahrah Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Al Mahwit Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Alma Karlin -- Slovenian academic and poet
Wikipedia - Al-M-aM-8M-$useM-DM-+niyah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Almami Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Al-Mazar al-JanM-EM-+bM-DM-+ -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-Mazar ash-ShamalM-DM-+ -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-M-DM-^@ghwar al-JanM-EM-+bM-DM-+ -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-M-DM-^@ghwar ash-Shamaliyah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Almon A. Covey House -- Historic house
Wikipedia - Almonds in California -- Overview of almonds in California
Wikipedia - Al-Muabbada -- Town in Al-Hasakah Governorate, Syria
Wikipedia - Al-Mughirah ibn Ubaydallah al-Fazari -- Umayyad Governor of Egypt 749 CE
Wikipedia - Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra -- 7th century Arab general and Umayyad governor
Wikipedia - Almuric -- Novel by Robert E. Howard
Wikipedia - A Lodge in the Wilderness -- 1906 quasi-novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Alo, Docura! -- Brazilian television series base on American TV series I Love Lucy
Wikipedia - Aloha -- Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy
Wikipedia - Aloisio Emor Ojetuk -- Governor of Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan
Wikipedia - Alojz Ihan -- Slovenian doctor and writer
Wikipedia - Alojz Lah -- Slovenian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alojz Uran -- Slovenian Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - Along Came Love -- 1936 film by Bert Lytell
Wikipedia - Alonso de Ojeda -- Spanish conquistador, navigator and governor
Wikipedia - Alonso de Ribera -- Spanish royal Governor of Chile
Wikipedia - Alonzo B. Cornell -- Governor of New York
Wikipedia - Alonzo Garcelon -- 36th Governor of Maine and Union Army surgeon
Wikipedia - A Lost Lady of Old Years -- 1899 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Alotau Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A Love, A Thief, A Department Store -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Lovely Way to Die -- 1968 film by David Lowell Rich
Wikipedia - A Love Never Lost -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - A Lover in Pawn -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Complaint -- 1609 poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - A Lover's Concerto -- Pop song
Wikipedia - A Lover's Oath -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Return -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Al Overton Jr. -- Sound engineer
Wikipedia - A Love So Beautiful (2020 TV series) -- 2020 South Korean romantic web series
Wikipedia - A Love So Beautiful (album) -- 2017 compilation album by Roy Orbison
Wikipedia - A Love So Beautiful -- Chinese web television series
Wikipedia - A Love Song for Latasha -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Love Sublime -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Alper Sezener -- Turkish novelist
Wikipedia - Alpes-de-Haute-Provence -- Department in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Alpes-Maritimes -- Department in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Alphabet agencies -- U.S. federal government agencies created as part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Wikipedia - Alpha Force -- Novel series by Chris Ryan
Wikipedia - Alphonse Loubat -- French inventor of improved tram and rail equipment (1799-1866)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Signol -- French playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Alpine Association of Slovenia -- Climbing organization
Wikipedia - Alpine Learning Group -- Approved private, special education school in Paramus, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Al-QaM-aM-9M--raneh -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-QaM-aM-9M-#r -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al-Qadisiyyah Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Al-QM-EM-+aM-DM-+rah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Al Smith -- American statesman and governor
Wikipedia - Al Sogara -- Village in Ad Dakhiliyah Governorate, Oman
Wikipedia - Alsos Mission -- United States military operation of 1943-1945 to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II
Wikipedia - Al-Tanf (U.S. military base) -- U.S. military base in Homs Governorate, Syria
Wikipedia - Alte Liebe -- 2009 novel by Elke Heidenreich and Bernd Schroeder
Wikipedia - Altered Carbon -- Science fiction novel by Richard K. Morgan
Wikipedia - Alter-globalization -- Social movement
Wikipedia - Alternate Realities (Cherryh) -- 2000 omnibus of three novels by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives -- French social movement fighting climate change
Wikipedia - Alternation (geometry) -- Operation on a polyhedron or tiling that removes alternate vertices
Wikipedia - Altitude diving -- Underwater diving at altitudes above 300 m
Wikipedia - Alto -- Vocal and pitch range above tenor and below soprano
Wikipedia - Altriciality -- Species in which the young are minimally-capable of independent movement soon after hatching or birth
Wikipedia - Alt-right -- Loosely connected far-right, white nationalist movement based in the U.S.
Wikipedia - AlUla -- Governorate of Medina Region, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Aluminium-conductor steel-reinforced cable -- Type of overhead power line conductor
Wikipedia - Aluminium in Africa -- Overview of ore deposits and extraction
Wikipedia - Alun Richards -- Welsh novelist
Wikipedia - Alves & Co. -- novel by Jose Maria de Eca de Queiros
Wikipedia - Al-Walid ibn Hisham al-Mu'ayti -- Umayyad Governor of Qinnasrin and General
Wikipedia - Al-Walid ibn Utba ibn Abi Sufyan -- Governor of Medina (677/78-680) and (681-682)
Wikipedia - Al-WasM-aM-9M--M-DM-+yah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Always and Forever, Lara Jean -- 2017 novel by Jenny Han
Wikipedia - Al Wusta Governorate (Oman) -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Alya (singer) -- Slovenian pop singer
Wikipedia - Alyosha's Love -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Al Young -- American poet, novelist, essayist, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ama Ata Aidoo -- Novelist, poet
Wikipedia - AM-aM-9M---M-aM-9M-,aM-DM-+bah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Amanab Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Amanda Boyden -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Brown (novelist) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Coe -- English screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Filipacchi -- Novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Lovelace -- American poet
Wikipedia - Amanda Overland -- Short track speed skater
Wikipedia - A Man in Love (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amaranthus (album) -- album by Momoiro Clover Z
Wikipedia - Amaras a tu projimo -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Amar Demais -- Portuguese telenovela
Wikipedia - Amateur radio satellite -- Type of satellite that transmits over amateur radio frequencies
Wikipedia - Amato I Cabinet -- 49th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Amato II Cabinet -- 56th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - A Matter of Time (Deshpande novel) -- 1996 novel by Shashi Deshpande
Wikipedia - A Maze of Death -- 1970 novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Amazon Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award
Wikipedia - Ambenob Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Amber Cove -- A cruise terminal in Puerto Plata Province in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Amber D -- British hard dance DJ from Bromsgrove, Worcestershire but started her DJ career in Staffordshire.
Wikipedia - Amber Reeves -- British novelist and teacher
Wikipedia - Ambika Sharan Singh -- Indian government minister (1922-1977)
Wikipedia - AmBisyon Natin 2040 -- Vision developed by the government of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Amboyna cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ambrose T. Hartman -- American govermental official
Wikipedia - Ambrosio de Benavides -- Spanish colonial governor
Wikipedia - Ambum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ambunti Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/oli garni -- Provencal dish based on aM-CM-/oli
Wikipedia - A M-CM-^Znica Mulher -- Portuguese telenovela
Wikipedia - AM-DM-^_in Bridge -- Bridge over the Keban Lake in the ElaziM-DM-^_ Province in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ame Badha -- 1935 Gujarati humorous novel by Dhansukhlal Mehta and Jyotindra Dave
Wikipedia - Amelia Ellis -- British-German novelist and photographer
Wikipedia - Amelia (novel)
Wikipedia - Amelia Perrier -- Irish novelist and travel writer
Wikipedia - Amelia Reynolds Long -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Amelie or The Time to Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Memory Called Empire -- 2019 novel by Arkady Martine
Wikipedia - America (Brazilian TV series) -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - America Goes Over -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Americanah -- 2013 novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 1420 -- June 1999 runway overrun and crash in Arkansas, US
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union v. Schundler -- United States federal case establishing standards for a government-sponsored holiday display to contain religious symbols
Wikipedia - American Civil War -- Internal war in the United States primarily over slavery
Wikipedia - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages -- National organization dedicated to the improvement of the teaching and learning of languages
Wikipedia - American Discovery Trail -- Long-distance hiking trail across the United States
Wikipedia - American Empire: Blood and Iron -- Book by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold -- Book by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - American Equatorial Islands Colonization Project -- Government policy
Wikipedia - American folk music revival -- 20th-century American musical movement
Wikipedia - American golden plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - American Gothic (novel) -- novel by Robert Bloch
Wikipedia - American Indian Movement
Wikipedia - American Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - American militia movement -- Political movement of paramilitary groups in the United States
Wikipedia - American Pie Presents: The Book of Love -- 2009 film by John Putch
Wikipedia - American proletarian poetry movement -- political poetry movement in the US-1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - American Psycho -- 1991 novel by Bret Easton Ellis
Wikipedia - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 -- Stimulus package
Wikipedia - American Smooth (poetry collection) -- Book by Rita Dove
Wikipedia - America's Other Army -- Book covering visits to foreign American embassies
Wikipedia - America, Why I Love Her -- 1973 spoken word album by John Wayne
Wikipedia - AmeriCorps -- Program of the U.S. federal government engaging adults in intensive community service
Wikipedia - Amerika (novel) -- Novel by Franz Kafka
Wikipedia - Amethyst brown dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - A Midnight Clear (novel) -- Novel by William Wharton
Wikipedia - A Midsummer's Nightmare (novel)
Wikipedia - A Mighty Fortress (novel) -- Novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - A Million Love Songs -- 1992 single by Take That
Wikipedia - A Mind at Peace -- Turkish novel
Wikipedia - A Mind to Murder -- 1963 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Aminul Islam Badsha -- Bangladeshi language movement activist
Wikipedia - Aminu Tambuwal -- Current Governor of Sokoto State
Wikipedia - Amira El Fadil -- Sudanese government official
Wikipedia - Amirat -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Amir H. Hoveyda
Wikipedia - Amiruddin Ahmad -- Bengali politician and Governor of East Pakistan (1955-56)
Wikipedia - Amir Yaron -- Economist, Governor of the Bank of Israel
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begam (Novel) -- 1960 novel by Sree Parabat
Wikipedia - Amisos Treasure -- Treasure trove found in Turkey
Wikipedia - Amleto Novelli -- Italian silent film actor
Wikipedia - Amma I Love You -- 2018 Indian Kannada action film
Wikipedia - Amman Governorate -- Governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Amnesia (2011 video game) -- Japanese visual novel series
Wikipedia - Amnesia Love -- Filipino comedy film
Wikipedia - AmnesiA -- 2001 film by Martin Koolhoven
Wikipedia - Amoeboid movement
Wikipedia - Amok (novella) -- 1922 novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - Among Others -- Novel by Jo Walton
Wikipedia - Amongst Women -- Novel by John McGahern
Wikipedia - Among the Lost -- 2018 novel by Emiliano Monge
Wikipedia - A Monster Calls -- Novel by Patrick Ness
Wikipedia - Amor a Vida -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - Amore libero - Free Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amores con trampa -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Amor fati -- latin phrase meaning "love of fate"
Wikipedia - Amor real -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Amor Towles -- American novelist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Amos Fortune, Free Man -- 1950 novel by Elizabeth Yates
Wikipedia - A Most Wanted Man -- 2008 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1939 film) -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Amr El Adly -- An Egyptian writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Amrita (Gujarati novel) -- 1965 Gujarati novel by Raghuveer Chaudhari
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Haggadah -- Illustrated Jewish Passover service book
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Impressionism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - A Murder Is Announced -- 1950 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Murder of Quality -- 1962 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - A Musical War of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Amy Tan -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Anabaptism -- A Christian movement and set of beliefs that started as a result of the Bible being translated into the languages of the common people, and the European Reformation in Western Christianity.
Wikipedia - Ana Belac -- Slovenian professional golfer
Wikipedia - An Accidental Man -- Novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon -- Overview of Book of Mormon anachronisms
Wikipedia - Anachrophobia -- Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris
Wikipedia - Anagnorisis -- Moment in a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery
Wikipedia - Ana GradiM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian pool player, bown October 1996.
Wikipedia - Anamari VelenM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s Nin -- writer of novels, short stories.
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s Segalas -- French playwright, poet and novelist (1811-1893)
Wikipedia - An American Marriage -- 2018 novel by Tayari Jones
Wikipedia - An American Tragedy -- Novel by Theodore Dreiser
Wikipedia - Ana Miranda -- Brazilian poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Anan ben David -- Major founder of the Karaite movement of Judaism
Wikipedia - Anandamath -- novel by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Wikipedia - Ananda movement
Wikipedia - Anandiben Patel -- Indian politician and Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - An Anglo-American Alliance -- 1906 lesbian science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Anarcha-feminism -- Movement combining anarchism and feminism
Wikipedia - Anarchism and education -- Overview of the relationship between anarchism and education
Wikipedia - Anarchism and issues related to love and sex
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Germany -- Overview about anarchism in Germany
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Puerto Rico -- Social movement of political left within the working classes of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Anarchism in the United States -- History of the anarchist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Anarchism -- Political philosophy and movement
Wikipedia - Anarchist archives -- historical records of the anarchist movement as preserved in personal and institutional collections
Wikipedia - Anarchy -- State of a society being without a governing body
Wikipedia - Ana RoM-EM-! -- Slovenian cook
Wikipedia - Ana SokliM-DM-^M -- Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Anathem -- Science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - Anatolian rug -- Term commonly used to denote rugs woven in Anatolia
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kudryavitsky -- Russian/Irish novelist, poet, literary translator and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Anatomical plane -- Plane used to transect the human body, in order to describe the location of structures or the direction of movements
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Love Seen -- 2014 film by Marina Rice Bader
Wikipedia - Anchal College, Padampur -- Undergraduate college under Odisha Government
Wikipedia - Ancient Diocese of Carpentras -- Former diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Provence
Wikipedia - Ancient Discoveries
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian race controversy -- Question of the race of ancient Egyptians
Wikipedia - Ancient Evenings -- 1983 novel by Norman Mailer
Wikipedia - Ancillary Justice -- Science fiction novel by Ann Leckie (2013)
Wikipedia - Ancillary Sword -- Science-fiction novel by Ann Leckie
Wikipedia - Andaman cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - And Another Thing... (novel) -- Eoin Colfer novel
Wikipedia - Andersonville (novel) -- Book by MacKinlay Kantor
Wikipedia - Anderson v. Jackson -- Class action lawsuit over housing in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - And Every Day Was Overcast -- Novel by Paul Kwiatkowski
Wikipedia - Andhra Pradesh Department of Archeology and Museums -- Department of the government of Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - And-JM-CM-+f/Revolutionary Movement for New Democracy -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - And Love Has Vanished -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - And Now My Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Andon, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Andover, Hampshire -- Town in Hampshire, England
Wikipedia - Andover, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Andover Museum and Museum of the Iron Age -- museum
Wikipedia - Andover, New Jersey -- Borough in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Andover Newton Theological School
Wikipedia - Andover Theological Seminary
Wikipedia - Andover tornado outbreak -- April 1991 tornado outbreak
Wikipedia - Andover Township, New Jersey -- Township in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Andover workhouse scandal -- UK 1845 poor law scandal
Wikipedia - And Quiet Flows the Don -- Epic novel in four volumes by Russian writer Michail Sholokhov
Wikipedia - AndraM-EM-> Lipolt -- Slovenian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Andrea Barrett -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Andrea del Boca -- Argentine telenovela actress
Wikipedia - Andreas Bovenschulte -- German politician
Wikipedia - Andreas Loverdos -- Greek politician
Wikipedia - Andrea Willi -- Liechtenstein politician and government minister
Wikipedia - Andreea Cacovean -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrei Dmitriev (writer) -- Russian novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Andreja KatiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andreja Koblar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Andrej BenedejM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Andrej Bertoncelj -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andrej Jelenc -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrej LaniM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Andrej Marinc -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andrej M-EM- ircelj -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andrej Osterman -- Slovenian officer
Wikipedia - Andrej Poljanec -- Slovenian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Andrej Vizjak -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andrej ZdraviM-DM-^M -- 20th and 21st-century Slovenian filmmaker and artist
Wikipedia - Andre Menard -- French colonial governor
Wikipedia - Andreotti I Cabinet -- 27th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti II Cabinet -- 28th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti III Cabinet -- 33rd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti IV Cabinet -- 34th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti V Cabinet -- 35th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti VI Cabinet -- 47th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti VII Cabinet -- 48th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Andres Garchitorena -- Philippine Governor
Wikipedia - Andres Rodriguez de Villegas -- Spanish royal governor
Wikipedia - Andrew C. Love -- NBC Radio executive, director, producer, in Hollywood, from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Wikipedia - Andrew Cuomo -- 11th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; 56th Governor of New York
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Andrew Durbin -- American poet, novelist, and editor
Wikipedia - Andrew Grove
Wikipedia - Andrew Hayden-Smith -- English actor and voiceover artist and former television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrew Hood (business) -- British businessperson and former UK government adviser
Wikipedia - Andrew Klavan -- American novelist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lang -- Scottish poet, novelist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Andrew Martin (novelist) -- British writer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Andrew P. Hallman -- American government official
Wikipedia - Andrew Sinclair -- British novelist, historian, biographer, critic and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Andrew Wiles -- British mathematician who proved Fermat's Last Theorem
Wikipedia - Andrey Mitkovets -- Kyrgyzstani canoeist
Wikipedia - Andriy Kovenko -- Ukrainian race walker
Wikipedia - Androna -- Archaeological site in Aleppo Governorate, Syria
Wikipedia - And So Is Love -- 1994 Kate Bush Single
Wikipedia - And So to Bath -- 1940 novel by Cecil Roberts
Wikipedia - And the Heavens Above Us -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - And Their Children After Them (novel) -- 2018 novel
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None -- 1939 mystery novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - And the Winner Is Love -- Chinese 2020 television series
Wikipedia - And This Is My Beloved -- Song from the 1953 musical Kismet
Wikipedia - Andy Beshear -- 63rd Governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - And yet it moves -- Phrase attributed to Galileo Galilei on being forced to recant his scientific view
Wikipedia - And Yet the Town Moves
Wikipedia - Andy Love -- British Labour Co-op politician
Wikipedia - Andy Warhol Bridge -- bridge over the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Andy Weir -- American novelist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Anette StovelbM-CM-&k -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - A New Englander Over-Sea -- Pen name of American writer and activist John Neal (1793-1876)
Wikipedia - An Expensive Place to Die -- Espionage novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - An Eye for a Tooth -- 1943 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Angela BoM-EM-!kin -- First professionally trained Slovenian nurse and social worker in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Angela Carter -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Angela McLean -- 35th Lieutenant Governor of Montana
Wikipedia - Angela Thirkell -- British and Australian novelist (1890-1961)
Wikipedia - Angel Esquire (novel) -- 1908 crime mystery novel
Wikipedia - Angel novels
Wikipedia - Angelo Borrelli -- Italian government official, Head of the Civil Protection
Wikipedia - Angelo de Mojana di Cologna -- 77th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Wikipedia - Angel of Music, or The Private Life of Giselle -- Phantom of the Opera fanfiction novel
Wikipedia - Angelo My Love -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Angel's Last Mission: Love -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Angels Over Broadway -- 1940 film by Ben Hecht, Lee Garmes
Wikipedia - Angel with the Sword -- 1985 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Angharad Price -- Welsh academic and novelist
Wikipedia - Anglican realignment -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Anglimp Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Anglo Irish Bank hidden loans controversy -- Irish financial scandal
Wikipedia - Anglo-Irish Treaty -- 1921 agreement between the United Kingdom government and Irish republican leaders which ended the Irish War of Independence
Wikipedia - Anglophile -- Someone with a strong interest in or love of English people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Angora Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Angoram-Middle Sepik Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Angosta -- 2003 novel written by Hector Abad Faciolince
Wikipedia - Angry young men -- Group of British playwrights and novelists
Wikipedia - Anguilla -- British Overseas Territory in the Leeward Islands
Wikipedia - Angura -- Japanese theatrical movement
Wikipedia - Angus Peter Campbell -- Scottish poet, novelist, journalist, broadcaster and actor.
Wikipedia - Ania Ahlborn -- Amazon's top selling horror novelist
Wikipedia - Anibal Acevedo Vila -- Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Anies Baswedan -- Indonesian politician currently serving as governor of Jakarta
Wikipedia - A Night of Love (film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Animal liberation movement
Wikipedia - Animal name changes in Turkey -- Taxonomic policy of government of Turkey
Wikipedia - Animal rights movement
Wikipedia - Animals in space -- An overview of space research concerning live animals
Wikipedia - Animal Triste (novel) -- novel by Monika Maron
Wikipedia - A.N.I.M.A.L. -- Argentine groove metal band
Wikipedia - An Indian Love Story -- 1911 film by Fred J. Balshofer
Wikipedia - Anita Decker Breckenridge -- American government official
Wikipedia - Anita Desai -- Indian novelist
Wikipedia - Anita Doreen Diggs -- American editor, novelist, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Anita Hill -- Law professor; witness in Clarence Thomas controversy
Wikipedia - Anita K. Blair -- American government official
Wikipedia - Anita K. Jones -- American computer scientist and former U.S. government official
Wikipedia - Anja Bah Zibert -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Anja Osterman -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ankh-Morpork City Watch -- Fictional organization from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel series
Wikipedia - AnM-DM-^Mka Goropenko -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - AnM-EM->e Logar -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - AnM-EM->e Urankar -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Anna and the French Kiss -- Young adult novel by Stephanie Perkins
Wikipedia - Annabel Lyon -- Canadian novelist and short-story writer
Wikipedia - Anna Bogaliy-Titovets -- Russian biathlete
Wikipedia - Anna Dale -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Franchi -- Italian novelist, translator, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Jacobs -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina -- 1877 novel by Leo Tolstoy
Wikipedia - Anna Katharina von Offen -- German courtier and royal governess
Wikipedia - Anna Leader -- Luxembourg English-language poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Ann Allen Shockley -- Novelist and short-story writer
Wikipedia - Anna Luisa Pignatelli -- Italian novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Bennett -- Welsh novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Maria ErdM-EM-^Qdy -- Hungarian noblewoman and friend of Beethoven
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Farias -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Hall -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Meades -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Mons -- Dutch lover of Peter the Great
Wikipedia - Anna Porter -- Canadian publisher and novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Sewell -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Smaill -- New Zealand poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Utenhoven
Wikipedia - Ann Beattie -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Ann Chamberlin -- American writer of historical novels
Wikipedia - Anne Beale -- Welsh novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Anne Bernays -- American novelist, editor, and teacher
Wikipedia - Anne-Birthe Hove -- Greenlandic graphic artist
Wikipedia - Anne BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Anne Burke (writer) -- Irish novelist in the Gothic genre
Wikipedia - Anne Crone -- Irish novelist and teacher (1915-1972)
Wikipedia - Anne Deveson -- Australian novelist, broadcaster, filmmaker
Wikipedia - Anne Elizabeth -- American romance novel writer
Wikipedia - Anne Elliot (novelist) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Anne Emery -- Canadian author of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Anne Emery (young adult author) -- American author of popular teen romance novels from 1946 to 1980.
Wikipedia - Anne Fuller -- Novelist
Wikipedia - Anne Glover (biologist) -- Scottish biologist, Vice Principal at University of Aberdeen
Wikipedia - Anne Glover (venture capitalist) -- CEO and co-founder of Amadeus Capital Partners
Wikipedia - Anne Hillerman -- American ournalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven -- Belgian artist
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables -- 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Wikipedia - Anne Snelgrove -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Anne Tyler -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Anne Vanderlove -- French-Dutch singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Anne Ward (suffragist) -- Prominent member of women's temperance movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Anne Zouroudi -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Anngrove Stud -- Irish horse breeding stud (e. 1970)
Wikipedia - Ann-Helen Laestadius -- Swedish Sami novelist
Wikipedia - Annie Edwards -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Annie Murray (writer) -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Annie Proulx -- American novelist, short story and non-fiction author (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Rothwell -- Canadian novelist and poet (1837-1927)
Wikipedia - Annie Tinsley -- British novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Annie Wilkes -- Fictional character in the 1987 novel Misery
Wikipedia - Annihilation (comics) -- Crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics, highlighting several outer space-related characters in the Marvel Universe
Wikipedia - Annihilation (VanderMeer novel) -- 2014 novel by Jeff VanderMeer
Wikipedia - Ann-Marie MacDonald -- Canadian playwright, novelist, actress and broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Ann Masterman Skinn -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Ann M. Mongoven
Wikipedia - Ann Patchett -- American novelist and memoirist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Ann Radcliffe -- English author and a pioneer of the Gothic novel (1764-1823)
Wikipedia - Ann Richards -- American politician and 45th Governor of Texas
Wikipedia - Ann Turner Cook -- American mystery novelist
Wikipedia - Ann Tutwiler -- Former Director-General of Bioversity International
Wikipedia - Anocracy -- Form of government loosely defined as part democracy and part autocracy
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Love Song -- 1971 single by Three Dog Night
Wikipedia - An Old Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - An Olive Grove Facing the Sea -- 2009 single by Snow Patrol
Wikipedia - An Orchestra of Minorities -- 2019 novel by Chigozie Obioma
Wikipedia - Another Lover (Dane Bowers song) -- 2001 single by Dane Bowers
Wikipedia - Another Sad Love Song -- 1993 single by Toni Braxton
Wikipedia - Anovelo da Imbonate -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Anoxic event -- Intervals in the Earth's past where parts of oceans were depleted of oxygen at depth over a large geographic area
Wikipedia - An Taisce -- Environmental and built heritage non-governmental organisation, Ireland
Wikipedia - Antefix -- A terminal block for the covering tiles of a roof
Wikipedia - Anterior sternoclavicular ligament -- Broad band of fibers, covering the anterior (front) surface of the joint between the sternum and clavicle
Wikipedia - Anteros -- Ancient Greek god of returned love
Wikipedia - Anthem (novella)
Wikipedia - Anthony De Sa -- Canadian novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Anthony Hope -- English novelist (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Horowitz -- English novelist and screenwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Anthony J. Genovesi -- American politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Lyveden -- 1921 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Anthony Overton
Wikipedia - Anthony Powell -- English novelist (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Anthony Provenzano -- American mobster
Wikipedia - Anthony Trollope -- English novelist (1815-1882)
Wikipedia - Anthony Vincent Genovese -- American architect
Wikipedia - Anthropic rock -- Rock that is made, modified and moved by humans.
Wikipedia - Anthropocene -- Proposed geologic epoch, covering the present
Wikipedia - Anti-abortion movements -- Movement that believes abortion should be illegal
Wikipedia - Anti-aging movement -- Social movement devoted to eliminating or reversing aging, or reducing the effects of it
Wikipedia - Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section -- Defunct British government body
Wikipedia - Anti-Apartheid Movement
Wikipedia - Anti-apartheid movement
Wikipedia - Anti-austerity movement in Greece
Wikipedia - Anti-austerity movement in the United Kingdom -- Early 2011 series of major demonstrations
Wikipedia - Antibes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Anti-cession movement of Sarawak -- Anti-colonial activism in Sarawak, 1946-1950
Wikipedia - Anti-Chinese sentiment -- Sentiment against China, its people, overseas Chinese, or Chinese culture
Wikipedia - Antichrista -- 2003 novel by Amelie Nothomb
Wikipedia - Anti-Christian Movement (China)
Wikipedia - Anti-Communist Hero -- Title given by the government of the Republic of China
Wikipedia - Anti-competitive practices -- Business, government or religious practices that prevent or reduce competition in a market
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption Bureau (Argentina) -- Argentine government agency
Wikipedia - Anti-cult movement
Wikipedia - Anti-Defamation League -- international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States
Wikipedia - Anti-Duvalier protest movement -- Movement to overthrow Jean-Claude Duvalier
Wikipedia - Antifa (Germany) -- Far-left anti-fascist movement in Germany
Wikipedia - Anti-Fascist Youth Union of the Free Territory of Trieste -- Post-World War II youth movement
Wikipedia - Antifa (United States) -- Anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Anti-Federalism -- Movement that opposed the creation of a strong U.S. federal government and later the ratification of the Constitution
Wikipedia - Anti-form movement
Wikipedia - Anti-French sentiment -- Dislike or hatred toward France, the People of France, the Government of France, or the Francophonie
Wikipedia - Anti-gay purges in Chechnya -- Overview about anti-gay purges in Chechnya
Wikipedia - Anti-globalisation movement
Wikipedia - Anti-globalization movement -- Worldwide political movement against multinational corporations
Wikipedia - Anti-jock movement -- Cyber-movement whose goal is to challenge the perceived cultural dominance of institutionalized competitive sports
Wikipedia - Anti-nihilistic novel
Wikipedia - Antinomian Controversy -- Religious controversy in colonial America
Wikipedia - Antinous -- Lover of Roman emperor Hadrian
Wikipedia - Anti-nuclear movement in California -- Anti-nuclear social movement, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Anti-nuclear movement
Wikipedia - Anti-psychiatry -- Movement against psychiatric treatment
Wikipedia - Anti-siphoning laws in Australia -- Laws to prevent pay-TV monopoly over broadcasting significant sporting events
Wikipedia - Anti-siphoning law -- Law to prevent pay-TV monopoly over broadcasting culturally significant events
Wikipedia - Anti-suffragism -- Political movement opposing votes for women
Wikipedia - Anti-sweatshop movement -- Campaigns to improve the conditions of workers in abusive workplaces
Wikipedia - Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany -- Overview about the anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Anti-war movement
Wikipedia - Antkind -- Novel by Charlie Kaufman
Wikipedia - Antoine Douaihy -- Lebanese novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Anton Banko -- Slovenian inventor and engineer
Wikipedia - Anton Fran Wagner -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Antonia Fraser -- British author and novelist (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Antonia Novello -- 14th Surgeon General of the United States
Wikipedia - Antoni Cossu -- Sardinian novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Antonio Benitez-Rojo -- Cuban novelist, essayist and short-story writer
Wikipedia - Antonio de Berrio -- Spanish colonial governor
Wikipedia - Antonio Genovesi
Wikipedia - Antonio Lobo Antunes -- Portuguese novelist and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Antonio Marovelli -- Italian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Antonio Mota (writer) -- Portuguese novelist
Wikipedia - Antonio SedeM-CM-1o -- Spanish conquistador and the governor of Trinidad between 1530 and 1538
Wikipedia - Antonio Soler (novelist) -- Spanish writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Antonio Valeriano -- Nahua writer, Mexican governor
Wikipedia - Anton JanM-EM-!a -- Slovene beekeeper
Wikipedia - Anton KroM-EM-!l -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Anton Martin SlomM-EM-!ek -- Slovene bishop and poet
Wikipedia - Anton MavretiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Anton Rop -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Anton Stres -- 20th and 21st-century Slovenian Catholic Archbishop
Wikipedia - Anton von Winzor -- Governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Antrim and Newtownabbey -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Anuk Arudpragasam -- Sri Lankan Tamil novelist
Wikipedia - AnuM-EM-!ka Ferligoj -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - An Unkindness of Ghosts -- 2017 novel by Rivers Solomon
Wikipedia - An Unkindness of Magicians -- 2017 fantasy novel by Kat Howard
Wikipedia - An Unofficial Rose -- Novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman -- 1972 Cordelia Gray novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Anuradha Roy (novelist) -- Indian novelist, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Anurupa Debi -- 18th century Bengali female novelist
Wikipedia - Anushtegin Gharchai -- Commander of the Seljuk army and the governor of Khwarazm
Wikipedia - Anveshana (novel) -- 1976 book by Kannada author S. L. Bhyrappa
Wikipedia - Anwar Ridhwan -- Malaysian novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) -- 1964 song written by Jeannie Seely and Randy Newman
Wikipedia - Anything for Love -- 1993 film by Michael Keusch
Wikipedia - Anything Is Possible (book) -- Novel by Elizabeth Strout
Wikipedia - ANZAC Cove -- Cove on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey
Wikipedia - AONTAS -- Non-governmental organisation promoting adult education in Ireland
Wikipedia - Aotearoa (overture) -- Concert overture for orchestra
Wikipedia - A. Oveta Fuller -- American microbiologist
Wikipedia - A Padroeira -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - A Pagan Place (novel) -- Book by Edna O'Brien
Wikipedia - Apartment (novel) -- 2020 novel by Teddy Wayne
Wikipedia - A Passage to India -- 1924 novel by E. M. Forster
Wikipedia - Apatwa Festival -- Festival of the people of Dixcove
Wikipedia - Apeirogon (novel) -- 2020 novel by Colum McCann
Wikipedia - A Pelican at Blandings -- 1969 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Aphrodite -- Ancient Greek goddess of love
Wikipedia - A Pleasant New Song Betwixt a Sailor and his Love -- English Broadside Ballad
Wikipedia - Apni Apni Love Story -- 2019 Pakistani television film
Wikipedia - A Pocket Full of Rye -- 1953 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Apollo 15 postal covers incident -- 1972 NASA scandal
Wikipedia - Apollonides (governor of Argos) -- Ancient Greek governor
Wikipedia - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- 1916 novel by James Joyce
Wikipedia - Apostles of Infinite Love
Wikipedia - Apostolic Poverty
Wikipedia - Apostolove -- Town in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Appeal to novelty
Wikipedia - Appelsinpiken -- 2003 novel by Jostein Gaarder
Wikipedia - Appius Junius Silanus -- First century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Apple Inc. litigation -- Overview of the litigation of Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Appointment for Love -- 1941 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Appointment in Samarra -- Novel by John O'Hara
Wikipedia - Appointment with Death -- 1938 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Approved school -- Type of youth prison in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - A Prefect's Uncle -- 1903 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Presumption of Death -- 2002 mystery novel by Jill Paton Walsh
Wikipedia - A Price Above Rubies -- 1998 film directed by Boaz Yakin
Wikipedia - April 19 University Movement -- Nicaraguan anti-Ortega student movement
Wikipedia - April 2015 Nepal earthquake -- Earthquake on 25 April 2015 killing over 8,900 people
Wikipedia - A Prince of Lovers -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Prince of the Captivity -- 1933 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - A Private Cosmos -- 1968 novel by Philip Jose Farmer
Wikipedia - A Private Matter (book) -- 1963 novel by Beppe Fenoglio
Wikipedia - A Private Venus -- Novel by Giorgio Scerbanenco
Wikipedia - A Prussian Love Story -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Apse -- Semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault or semi-dome
Wikipedia - Apuleius -- Latin-language novelist, rhetorician, and Platonist philosopher
Wikipedia - Aqaba Governorate -- Governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Aquaman: Power Wave -- Roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas.
Wikipedia - Aquatic sill -- A sea floor barrier of relatively shallow depth restricting water movement between oceanic basins
Wikipedia - Aqueducts on the C&O Canal -- 11 navigable aqueducts used to carry the canal over rivers and streams that were too wide for a culvert to contain
Wikipedia - Arabaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Arabian Love -- 1922 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Arabic Popular Movement -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Arab-Khazar wars -- Series of wars between the Arabs and Khazars over control of the Caucasus
Wikipedia - Arab separatism in Khuzestan -- Arab nationalist movement in Khuzestan advocating for Arab separatism from Iran
Wikipedia - Arab Socialist Movement (Damascus branch) -- Syrian political party
Wikipedia - A Rare Lover -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Arawa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Dublin (Roman Catholic) -- Presiding over the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Archelon -- A Cretaceous marine turtle and the largest turtle ever discovered
Wikipedia - Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll -- Governed Scotland during Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Wikipedia - Architectural Services Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Architecture of Australia -- Overview of the architecture in Australia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Berlin -- Overview of the architecture in Berlin
Wikipedia - Architecture of Brazil -- Overview of the architecture in Brazil
Wikipedia - Architecture of Canada -- Overview of the architecture in Canada
Wikipedia - Architecture of Germany -- Overview of the architecture of Germany
Wikipedia - Architecture of Hungary -- Overview of architecture in Hungary
Wikipedia - Architecture of India -- Overview of the architecture in India
Wikipedia - Architecture of Indonesia -- Overview of the architecture in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Istanbul -- Overview of architecture in Istanbul
Wikipedia - Architecture of Italy -- Overview of the architecture in Italy
Wikipedia - Architecture of Lahore -- Overview of architecture in Lahore
Wikipedia - Architecture of Liverpool -- Overview of architecture of Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Architecture of London -- Overview of the architecture in London
Wikipedia - Architecture of Manchester -- Overview of the architecture of Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Architecture of Mexico -- Overview of the architecture in Mexico
Wikipedia - Architecture of Munich -- Overview of the architecture of Munich
Wikipedia - Architecture of New York City -- Overview of the architecture in New York City
Wikipedia - Architecture of New Zealand -- Overview of the architecture in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Architecture of Paris -- Overview of the architecture in Paris
Wikipedia - Architecture of Rome -- Overview of the architecture in Rome
Wikipedia - Architecture of Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the architecture in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Seattle -- Overview of the architecture in Seattle
Wikipedia - Architecture of South Korea -- Overview of the architecture in South Korea
Wikipedia - Architecture of Sweden -- Overview of the architecture in Sweden
Wikipedia - Architecture of Switzerland -- Overview of the architecture in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Architecture of Sydney -- Overview of the architecture in Sydney
Wikipedia - Architecture of the United Arab Emirates -- Overview of the architecture of the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Architecture of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the culture in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Architecture of Turkey -- Overview of the architecture of Turkey
Wikipedia - Architect -- Person trained to plan, design and oversee the construction of buildings
Wikipedia - Arc Light (novel) -- Thriller book by Eric L. Harry
Wikipedia - Arc (Provence) -- River in southern France
Wikipedia - ARC Riders -- 1995 novel by David Drake and Janet Morris
Wikipedia - Arctic Council -- Intergovernmental forum for the Arctic
Wikipedia - Arctic ice pack -- The sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean and its vicinity
Wikipedia - Arctic tern -- A bird in the family Laridae with a circumpolar breeding distribution covering the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America
Wikipedia - Arctowski Peak -- Ice-covered peak in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Ardeh, Lebanon -- Village in North Governorate
Wikipedia - Ards and North Down -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Area code 564 -- Overlay area code for western Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Area code 951 -- Area code covering western Riverside County, California
Wikipedia - Area codes 418, 581, and 367 -- Area codes covering eastern Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Area codes 510 and 341 -- Area codes covering Oakland and the East Bay of California
Wikipedia - Area codes 587 and 825 -- Overlay area codes for Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Area codes 714 and 657 -- Area code covering areas of southern California
Wikipedia - Area codes 778, 236, and 672 -- Overlay area codes for British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Area codes 781 and 339 -- Area codes covering most of Boston's suburbs
Wikipedia - Area Redevelopment Administration -- American rural poverty program (1963-1965)
Wikipedia - A Requiem for Homo Sapiens -- Trilogy of science fiction novels by David Zindell
Wikipedia - Are You My Love? -- Are You My Love?
Wikipedia - Are You Ready for Love -- 1979 single by Elton John
Wikipedia - Are You Sleeping (novel) -- 2017 mystery novel by Kathleen Barber
Wikipedia - Argentina, tierra de amor y venganza -- Argentine telenovela
Wikipedia - Argentine Love -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Arghun Aqa -- 13th century Mongol Governor of Persia, Georgia and Anatolia and Deputy Governor of Khorasan
Wikipedia - Argument from ignorance -- Logical fallacy that, since proposition has not yet been proven false, it must be true
Wikipedia - Argument from love
Wikipedia - Argyll's Rising -- Attempted overthrow of James II
Wikipedia - Ariana Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Arian controversy
Wikipedia - Ariane, jeune fille russe (novel) -- 1920 novel
Wikipedia - Aria the Scarlet Ammo -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Arignar Anna Government Higher Secondary School -- Secondary school in Kumbakonam, India
Wikipedia - Aril -- A membranous or fleshy appendage which partly or wholly covers a seed
Wikipedia - Arise, My Love -- 1940 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Aristopia -- Alternative history novel by Castello Holford
Wikipedia - Arithmetic overflow
Wikipedia - Arjan Breukhoven -- Dutch musician
Wikipedia - Arjuna Mahendran -- Former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism -- government agency of the U.S. state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Arkansas Department of Public Safety -- Department of the Arkansas state government
Wikipedia - Arkeon -- Italian personal growth movement founded by Vito Carlo Moccia
Wikipedia - Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth -- 1989 Batman graphic novel written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Dave McKean
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk Governorate -- Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Ark on the Move (TV series) -- Canadian television documentary series
Wikipedia - Arles -- Subprefecture and commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Arly Jover -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Armada de Barlovento -- Former naval military formation of the Spanish Empire
Wikipedia - Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology -- US government medical diagnostic institute
Wikipedia - Armenian carpet -- A weaving technique used for carpet, rugs and floor covers, etc.
Wikipedia - Armero tragedy -- November 1985 volcanic eruption in Colombia
Wikipedia - Armistice Day -- Commemoration on 11 November of the World War I armistice
Wikipedia - Armistice of 11 November 1918 -- Armistice during First World War between Allies and Germany
Wikipedia - ARM Neoverse N1
Wikipedia - Armorican Massif -- A geologic massif that covers a large area in the northwest of France
Wikipedia - Armour -- Covering to protect from damage
Wikipedia - Armstrong limit -- Altitude above which water boils at human body temperature
Wikipedia - Army of Lovers -- Swedish pop band
Wikipedia - Arna Bontemps -- American poet, novelist
Wikipedia - Arnold Brecht -- One of the leading government officials in the Weimar Republic.
Wikipedia - Arnold Hodson -- British Colonial Governor
Wikipedia - Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights -- Overview about Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights
Wikipedia - Arnos Grove tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - A Rockin' Good Way (to Mess Around and Fall in Love) -- Single
Wikipedia - A Rogue in Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Arogya Niketan -- 1953 Indian Bengali-language novel by Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay
Wikipedia - Arogyavani (104 Health Helpline Number) -- Health helpline by Karnataka Government
Wikipedia - A Romance of Wastdale (novel) -- 1895 novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - Aroma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A Room with a View (1985 film) -- 1985 British romance drama film by James Ivory, based on the novel
Wikipedia - A Room with a View -- Novel by E. M. Forster
Wikipedia - Aroostook Valley Country Club -- Golf course on the Canada-US border near Fort Fairfield, Maine, and Perth-Andover, New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Around the World with Peynet's Lovers -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arrah-Chhapra Bridge -- 4.35 Km bridge over Ganga river in Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Arriva UK Trains -- Company that oversees Arriva's train operating companies in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Arrows of Desire (novel) -- 1985 novel by Geoffrey Household
Wikipedia - ARSAT -- Argentine government-owned telecommunications company incorporated in 2006
Wikipedia - Arsenio Climaco -- Governor of the province of Cebu, Philippines from 1923-1930
Wikipedia - Artayctes -- 5th-century BC Persian general and governor
Wikipedia - Artemis (novel) -- 2017 science fiction novel by Andy Weir
Wikipedia - Arte Povera
Wikipedia - Arte Publico Press -- Publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US Hispanic authors
Wikipedia - Arteriovenous malformation -- Vascular anomaly
Wikipedia - Art et Liberte -- Egyptian artistic movement 1938-1948
Wikipedia - Artful Dodger -- Fictional character from the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist
Wikipedia - Arthur Byron Cover -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Arthur Calder-Marshall -- English novelist, essayist, critic, memoirist and biographer
Wikipedia - Arthur Cecil Stuart Barkly -- Governor of the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - Arthur Dove
Wikipedia - Arthur Grover Rider -- American painter
Wikipedia - Arthur Japin -- Dutch novelist
Wikipedia - Arthur Lovegrove -- British actor
Wikipedia - Arthur Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Arthur Loveridge
Wikipedia - Arthur O. Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Arthur Oncken Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Arthur P. Bagby -- Democratic Governor of Alabama and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Arthur Phillip -- British naval officer and first Governor of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge -- Cable-stayed bridge over the Cooper River in South Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Arthur Wallace Skrine -- British colonial governor
Wikipedia - Arthur Westover -- Canadian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Arthur Winbolt Brewin -- Hong Kong government official
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence in government
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence in Wikimedia projects -- Overview of field as applied to Wikimedia
Wikipedia - Artificial reef -- A human-created underwater structure, typically built to promote marine life, control erosion, block ship passage, block the use of trawling nets, or improve surfing
Wikipedia - Artin-Verdier duality -- Theorem on constructible abelian sheaves over the spectrum of a ring of algebraic numbers
Wikipedia - Artist Love -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Art jove -- Catalan magazine (1905-1906)
Wikipedia - Art manifesto -- Public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement
Wikipedia - Art movement
Wikipedia - Art of the Umbrella Movement -- Artistic works created as part of the pro-democracy Umbrella movement in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Art pop -- pop music genre that emphasizes artistic styles over personal expressions
Wikipedia - Arts and Crafts movement -- Design movement c. 1880-1920
Wikipedia - Arts and culture of Washington, D.C. -- Overview of arts and culture of Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Arts Tasmania -- Agency of the state government of Tasmania, Australia
Wikipedia - Arturo Arias -- Guatemalan novelist and critic (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Arturo NuM-CM-1ez Jimenez -- Mexican politician, Governor of Tabasco
Wikipedia - Arturo Silva -- American novelist
Wikipedia - A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural -- Book by Peter L. Berger
Wikipedia - Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Arundhati Roy -- Indian novelist, essayist, and activist (BORN 1961)
Wikipedia - Arvinder Singh Lovely -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - As above, so below
Wikipedia - As a Child I Loved You
Wikipedia - Asad ibn Yazid al-Shaybani -- Abbasid General and Governor of Arminiyah
Wikipedia - As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly -- Biblical proverb
Wikipedia - Asa Hutchinson -- 46th Governor of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Ascendance of a Bookworm -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Ascros -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - A Season of Love Tour -- Musical concert
Wikipedia - A Secret Love -- 2020 documentary film by Chris Bolan
Wikipedia - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy -- 1768 novel by Laurence Sterne
Wikipedia - A Separate Peace -- 1959 novel by John Knowles
Wikipedia - A Severed Head -- 1961 novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - Ash: A Secret History -- 1999-2000 fantasy novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - Ashbritt -- Disaster Recovery and Environmental Services
Wikipedia - Ashes and Diamonds -- 1948 Polish novel
Wikipedia - Ashes of Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ashes to Ashes (novel) -- Novel by Tami Hoag
Wikipedia - Ashes to Ashes (South African TV series) -- South African telenovela
Wikipedia - Ash Grove, Kansas -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Ashland County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Ash (novel) -- 2009 US young adult fantasy lesbian novel by Malinda Lo
Wikipedia - A Short, Sharp Shock -- Fantasy novel by Kim Stanley Robinson
Wikipedia - A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila -- American television series
Wikipedia - Ashover Butts railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Ash Sharaf, Sanaa -- Village in SanM-bM-^@M-^XaM-bM-^@M-^Y Governorate, Yemen
Wikipedia - Ash Sharqiyah North Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Ash Sharqiyah South Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Ashtabula County Courthouse Group -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Ashtiname of Muhammad -- Covenant of Muhammad with the monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery
Wikipedia - Ashwani Kumar (police officer) -- Governor of Nagaland
Wikipedia - Ashworth Improvement Plan -- Australian railway improvement plan 1940 - 1947
Wikipedia - Asian American movement -- Social movement surrounding Asian Americans originating in the United States
Wikipedia - Asian Karatedo Federation -- The governing body of sport karate
Wikipedia - Asian Medical Students' Association International -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - A Simple Favor (novel) -- 2017 novel by Darcey Bell
Wikipedia - A Sister's Love -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Askira/Uba -- Local Government Area in Borno State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Aslamas Beg -- Safavid general and governor of Kandahar
Wikipedia - As Long as You Love Me (Backstreet Boys song) -- 1997 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - As Men Love -- 1917 film by E. Mason Hopper
Wikipedia - As minas de prata -- Novel by Jose de Alencar
Wikipedia - Asociacion Obrera Asambleista -- Spanish trade union movement
Wikipedia - A Song for a New Day -- Novel by Sarah Pinsker
Wikipedia - A Song for Summer -- 1997 romance novel by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - A Song for the Lovers -- song by Richard Ashcroft
Wikipedia - A Song of Ice and Fire -- Series of epic fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - A Son of the Sun (novel)
Wikipedia - A Spell of Winter -- 1995 gothic novel by Helen Dunmore
Wikipedia - Aspremont, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - A Spy in the House of Love -- Book by AnaM-CM-/s Nin
Wikipedia - Assam Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Assassins Pride -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain United States Government officers or employees -- Statutory offense in the United States
Wikipedia - Assembly of Experts -- Iranian governmental body
Wikipedia - Assets Recovery Agency -- Former non-ministerial government department in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Assistant United States Attorney -- Attorney employed by the Federal government of the United States and working under the supervision of a United States Attorney
Wikipedia - Assisted GPS -- System to improve the time-to-first-fix of a GPS receiver
Wikipedia - Assize of novel disseisin -- Action to recover lands of which the plaintiff had been dispossed (obsolete)
Wikipedia - Associated Students of Pomona College -- Student government of Pomona College
Wikipedia - Association for Defence of National Rights Movement Party -- Turkish political party
Wikipedia - Association for Defense of Freedom and the Sovereignty of the Iranian Nation -- Iranian Political Organization
Wikipedia - Association for the Protection and Defense of Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia -- Saudi non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Association of Bay Area Governments -- Regional planning agency in the San Francisco Bay Area
Wikipedia - Association of Boxing Commissions -- Boxing Commissions and MMA organisation governed by delegates of US and Canada
Wikipedia - Association of Caribbean States -- Regional intergovernmental organization
Wikipedia - Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges -- Nonprofit organization in Washington D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Assumption of risk -- A defence in the law of torts which reduces a plaintiff's rights to recovery for negligence
Wikipedia - Assyrian independence movement -- Movement calling for Assyrian independence and self-governance
Wikipedia - Asta Olivia Nordenhof -- Danish poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Asteroid in Love -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - As the Green Star Rises -- Novel by Lin Carter
Wikipedia - Astonishing the Gods -- novel by Ben Okri
Wikipedia - A Storm Over Zakopane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Astral projection -- Controversial interpretation of out-of-body experiences
Wikipedia - Astrobiology Field Laboratory -- A canceled Mars rover concept by NASA
Wikipedia - Astrolabe Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Astrometry -- Branch of astronomy involving positioning and movements of celestial bodies
Wikipedia - A Sucessora -- Novel
Wikipedia - A Suitable Boy -- 1993 novel by Vikram Seth
Wikipedia - A Summons to Memphis -- 1986 novel by Peter Taylor
Wikipedia - Asuryalok -- 1987 Gujarati novel by Bhagwatikumar Sharma
Wikipedia - Aswan Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - A Swiftly Tilting Planet -- 1978 science fiction novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Asyut Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - A Tale for the Time Being -- 2013 novel by Ruth Ozeki
Wikipedia - A Tale of Love and Darkness (film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities -- 1859 historical novel by Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - A Taste for Death (James novel) -- 1986 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Ataxia -- Neurological impairment of voluntary muscle movement
Wikipedia - At Bertram's Hotel -- 1965 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Teenager in Love -- 1959 single by Dion and the Belmonts
Wikipedia - Ateneo de Ponce -- Nonprofit, civic, non governmental organization located in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ateneo School of Government -- Graduate school under the Ateneo de Manila University
Wikipedia - At Freddie's -- 1982 novel by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - A Theatre for Dreamers -- 2020 fiction novel
Wikipedia - Athenian coup of 411 BC -- 411 BC coup in which the Athenian democratic government was replaced by the Four Hundred
Wikipedia - Athens, Georgia: Over/Under -- 2020 film by Thomas Bauer
Wikipedia - Athens Governmental Buildings -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - A Thin Line Between Love and Hate -- 1996 film by Martin Lawrence
Wikipedia - Athletics Ireland -- Governing body for athletics on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - A. Thomas McLellan -- American government official
Wikipedia - Athyra -- 1993 novel in the Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - A Time for Mercy -- 2020 suspense thriller novel
Wikipedia - A Time to Love and a Time to Die -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Atlanta Braves tomahawk chop and name controversy -- Controversy involving the name and tomahawk chop of the Atlanta Braves MLB team
Wikipedia - Atlantic meridional overturning circulation -- system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean, having a northward flow of warm, salty water in the upper layers and a southward flow of colder, deep waters that are part of the thermohaline circulation
Wikipedia - At-large -- System in which someone is elected by the entire governed geographical entity rather than a specific district
Wikipedia - Atlas Alone -- 2019 novel by Emma Newman
Wikipedia - Atlas Shrugged -- 1957 novel by Ayn Rand
Wikipedia - At Long Last Love -- 1975 film by Peter Bogdanovich
Wikipedia - ATL SkyTrain -- Landside people mover at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
Wikipedia - Atmanirbhar Bharat -- Initiative by the Indian Government targeting self-reliance
Wikipedia - Atmosphere of Mars -- Overview about the atmosphere of Mars
Wikipedia - Atmospheric circulation -- The large-scale movement of air, a process which distributes thermal energy about the Earth's surface
Wikipedia - Atoll fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Atolls Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Atomic Energy Licensing Board -- Malaysian government agency
Wikipedia - Atomic layer etching -- Method that removes material, one 1-atom thick layer at a time
Wikipedia - Atonement (novel) -- 2001 novel by Ian McEwan
Wikipedia - A Total Waste of Makeup -- 2005 chick lit novel by Kim Gruenenfelder
Wikipedia - A Touch of Love (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - A Town of Love and Hope -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (novel) -- 1943 semi-autobiographical novel by Betty Smith
Wikipedia - Atrioventricular node
Wikipedia - Atsuko Anzai -- Japanese novelist
Wikipedia - Attack from Atlantis -- Science fiction novel by Lester del Rey
Wikipedia - Attack on Titan: Before the Fall -- Japanese light novels series
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman -- Assassination attempt on U.S. President Truman on 1 November 1950
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder controversies -- Controversies relating to ADHD
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (novel) -- 1910 detective novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - Attiqur Rahman -- Pakistani general and military governor
Wikipedia - Attitude object -- Concept around which an attitude is formed and changes over time
Wikipedia - Attorney General (Isle of Man) -- Head legal advisor in the Isle of Man government
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Uganda -- Principal legal adviser of the Ugandan government
Wikipedia - Attorney-General's Department (Australia) -- Federal attorney-general department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Attorney General's Department (Sri Lanka) -- Sri Lankan government department
Wikipedia - Attorney general -- In common law jurisdictions, main legal advisor to the government
Wikipedia - Atypical depression -- Depression characterized by improved mood in response to positive events
Wikipedia - Aua-Wuvulu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Aubagne -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Aubrey Gover -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Aubrey-Maturin series -- Series of nautical historical novels by Patrick O'Brian
Wikipedia - Aubrey Powell (designer) -- English album cover designer and film director
Wikipedia - Aud Groven -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Audi Lunar quattro -- Lunar rover
Wikipedia - Audio over Ethernet -- Distribution of digital audio across an Ethernet network
Wikipedia - Audio over IP -- Distribution of digital audio across an IP network
Wikipedia - Auditor General of Canada -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Auditor General of Nova Scotia -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Aufbau Vereinigung -- Russian-German far-right political movement
Wikipedia - Auglaize County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - August 24th Movement -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Augusta Ada Lovelace Award
Wikipedia - August M-EM- enoa -- Croatian novelist
Wikipedia - Augustown -- Novel by Kei Miller
Wikipedia - Augustus Dickens -- Brother of Victorian-era novelist Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Augustus Edward Hough Love -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Augustus (Williams novel) -- Book by John Edward Williams
Wikipedia - Aulus Marius Celsus -- 1st century Roman senator, military officer and governor
Wikipedia - Aulus Plautius -- 1st century AD Roman politician and general, provincial governor and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Vicirius Proculus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Aundh Experiment -- Early test of village-level self-government in British India
Wikipedia - Aunts Aren't Gentlemen -- 1974 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Aureille -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Auribeau-sur-Siagne -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Auriol, Bouches-du-Rhone -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Aurons -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Aury Wallington -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Ausfilm -- Australian government industry partnership
Wikipedia - A (Usher and Zaytoven album) -- 2018 album by Usher and Zaytoven
Wikipedia - Austenland -- 2007 novel by Shannon Hale
Wikipedia - Austin Eubanks -- American addiction recovery advocate and Columbine High School massacre survivor
Wikipedia - Austin Gary -- American songwriter, novelist, and playwright (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Austrade -- Australian government organisation
Wikipedia - Australasian shoveler -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - -- Directory website of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal kinship -- Systems of law covering social interactions in Australian Aboriginal societies
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal sovereignty -- Concept and political movement regarding land ownership by Indigenous peoples in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Bureau of Statistics -- Federal statistics and census agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 -- Act of the Parliament of Australia that established the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission -- Charity regulation agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Communications and Media Authority -- Australian government statutory authority
Wikipedia - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission -- Competition regulation agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Curling Federation -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - Australian Digital Health Agency -- Federal digital health agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Federal Government
Wikipedia - Australian Federal Police -- Federal police department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Film Development Corporation -- Film funding body set up by the Australian government
Wikipedia - Australian Government Publishing Service -- Defunct publishing and printing service of the government of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Government -- federal government of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Human Rights Commission -- Human rights institution of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian mangroves -- Distribution of Australian mangroves
Wikipedia - Australian marine parks -- Marine protected areas managed by the Australian government
Wikipedia - Australian Red Cross -- National society of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Rugby League -- Former governing body of rugby league in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Securities and Investments Commission -- Corporate regulation agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Underwater Federation -- The governing body for underwater sports in Australia
Wikipedia - Australia's big things -- Novelty structures in Australia
Wikipedia - Austrian government
Wikipedia - Austrian nationality law -- Overview of the nationality law in the Republic of Austria
Wikipedia - Austria-Yugoslavia relations -- Overview of the relationship between Austria and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 1878-1918 period of rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Authoritarian capitalism -- Economic system in which a market economy exists alongside an authoritarian government
Wikipedia - Authority for the Financing of the Infrastructure of Puerto Rico -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Authority (sociology) -- The legitimate power which one person or a group holds and exercises over another
Wikipedia - Autism rights movement
Wikipedia - Autobiographical novel -- Book, supposedly an autobiography according to the author
Wikipedia - Autologous stem-cell transplantation -- Medical procedure in which stem cells are removed, stored, and then returned to the same person
Wikipedia - Automated Facial Recognition System -- Indian government agency
Wikipedia - Automated System Recovery
Wikipedia - Automated theorem prover
Wikipedia - Automatic Lover (Call for Love) -- 1994 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Automatic theorem prover
Wikipedia - Automatic transmission -- Type of motor vehicle transmission that automatically changes gear ratio as the vehicle moves
Wikipedia - Automobile dependency -- Concept that city layouts may favor automobiles over bicycles, public transit, and walking.
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Brazil -- Overview of the automotive industry in Brazil
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Canada -- Overview of the automotive industry in Canada
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in China -- Overview of the automotive industry in China
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in France -- Overview of the automotive industry in France
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Germany -- Overview of the automotive industry in Germany
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in India -- Overview of the automotive industry in India
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Indonesia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Iran -- Overview of the automotive industry in Iran
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Italy -- Overview of the automotive industry in Italy
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Malaysia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Mexico -- Overview of the automotive industry in Mexico
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in New Zealand -- Overview of the automotive industry in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Russia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Russia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in South Korea -- Overview of the automotive industry in South Korea
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Spain -- Overview of the automotive industry in Spain
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in the Soviet Union -- Overview of the automotive industry in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the automotive industry in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Autonomism -- Anti-authoritarian left-wing political and social movement and theory
Wikipedia - Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991 -- Puerto Rican law that regulates the local government of all the municipalities of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Autonomy -- Capacity for independence, control, discretion or political self-governance
Wikipedia - Autumn Mist -- Doctor Who novel by David A. McIntee
Wikipedia - Auvare -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Avalon High -- 2005 mystery novel by Meg Cabot
Wikipedia - Avan Oru Sarithiram -- 1977 film by Kovelamudi Surya Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Avataars: Covenant of the Shield
Wikipedia - Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rise of Kyoshi -- American fantasy novel
Wikipedia - Avengers Undercover -- Marvel comic book series
Wikipedia - Avenida Brasil (TV series) -- Brazilian telenovela by Joao Emanuel Carneiro
Wikipedia - Average Is Over -- 2013 book by Tyler Cowen
Wikipedia - A v Governor of Arbour Hill Prison -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - AVN (magazine) -- American magazine covering adult entertainment
Wikipedia - A Voyage to Arcturus -- Novel by David Lindsay
Wikipedia - A Voz do Brasil -- Brazilian governmental radio program
Wikipedia - Avrelija CenciM-DM-^M -- Slovenian biochemist
Wikipedia - Avren Rocks -- Three adjacent rocks in Micalvi Cove in Robert Island, South Shetland Islands
Wikipedia - Avril Lovelace-Johnson -- Ghanaian judge
Wikipedia - Avrutch (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - A.V. Undercover -- American live music web series
Wikipedia - Awakening (Finnish religious movement)
Wikipedia - Awards and decorations of the United States government -- Civilian awards of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - A Way Through the Wood -- 1951 novel by Nigel Balchin
Wikipedia - Awbari Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - A Wind Named Amnesia -- Novel by Hideyuki Kikuchi
Wikipedia - Awi-Pori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A Witch Shall be Born -- Conan novella by Robert E. Howard
Wikipedia - A Wizard of Earthsea -- 1968 fantasy novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - A Woman of the Iron People -- Novel by Eleanor Arnason
Wikipedia - A Woman With No Clothes On -- 2008 novel by V. R. Main
Wikipedia - A World Between -- 1979 novel by Norman Spinrad
Wikipedia - A World of Difference (novel) -- 1990 novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - A World Without Love -- Song by the English duo Peter and Gordon
Wikipedia - A Wrinkle in Time -- 1962 science fantasy novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Axiom's End -- 2020 science fiction novel by Lindsay Ellis
Wikipedia - Axis of Time -- Alternate history novel series by John Birmingham
Wikipedia - Ax-Kochen theorem -- On the existence of zeros of homogeneous polynomials over the p-adic numbers
Wikipedia - Axolotl Overkill -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Aye, Dark Overlord! -- Card game
Wikipedia - Aymestrey burial -- Beaker cist discovered in Herefordshire, England
Wikipedia - Ayuntamiento de Granada -- Local government of the city of Granada
Wikipedia - Azad Hind -- Indian provisional government in Japanese-occupied Singapore during World War II
Wikipedia - Azat Civil Movement of Kazakhstan -- Kazakhstan political party
Wikipedia - Azathoth (short story) -- Novel fragment written by H.P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan People's Government
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan State Film Fund -- Azerbaijani government organization
Wikipedia - Azizah Abd Allah Abu Lahum -- Yemeni novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Azm Movement -- Lebanese political party
Wikipedia - Azuero dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Azumi 2: Death or Love -- 2005 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Azusa Civic Center -- Center of city government in Azusa, California
Wikipedia - Az Zawiyah Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - Baal teshuva movement -- Return of secular Jews to religious Judaism since the 1960s
Wikipedia - Baars, Overijssel -- Small village in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Ba'athist Iraq -- Covers the history of the Republic of Iraq from 1968 to 2003
Wikipedia - Babae Ako movement -- Women's rights movement
Wikipedia - Babbitt (novel) -- Novel by Sinclair Lewis
Wikipedia - Babe Rainbow -- 1992 studio album by The House of Love
Wikipedia - Babil Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Bablake School -- Co-educational Independent school in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - Baby bonds -- Proposed United States government policy
Wikipedia - Baby, Come Over (This Is Our Night) -- 2001 single by Samantha Mumba
Wikipedia - Baby I Love U! -- 2003 single by Jennifer Lopez
Wikipedia - Baby I Love You (TEE song) -- 2010 song by TEE
Wikipedia - Baby It's Over -- 2011 single by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Baby K -- American medical controversy
Wikipedia - Baby Love (1968 film) -- 1969 film by Alastair Reid
Wikipedia - Baby Love (manga) -- Manga and direct-to-video anime
Wikipedia - Baby Love (Nicole Scherzinger song) -- 2007 single by Nicole Scherzinger and
Wikipedia - Baby Love -- 1964 single by The Supremes
Wikipedia - Baby, We're Really in Love -- 1951 Hank Williams song
Wikipedia - Bachelors Anonymous -- 1973 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Grove Cemetery -- Cemetery in suburban Chicago known for its alleged ghost sightings
Wikipedia - Bachman-Turner Overdrive -- Canadian rock band
Wikipedia - Back 2 Love (album) -- 2014 studio album by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Wikipedia - Backgammon notation -- Methods for describing backgammon moves and/or positions
Wikipedia - Backgammon opening theory -- Initial moves strategy of a backgammon game
Wikipedia - Backlash (Star Wars novel) -- 2010 novel by Aaron Allston
Wikipedia - Back to Godhead -- Main magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement
Wikipedia - Back to Love (Chris Brown song) -- 2019 song by Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Back-to-the-land movement
Wikipedia - Backup Exec -- Backup and recovery software from Veritas Software
Wikipedia - Bacon: A Love Story -- Book by Heather Lauer
Wikipedia - Bacon's Rebellion -- 1676 Virginia rebellion against the colonial government
Wikipedia - Bacoor Government Center -- City hall of the Bacoor, Cavite
Wikipedia - Bad as the Boys -- 2019 single by Tove Lo featuring Alma
Wikipedia - BadgerCare -- Wisconsin public low-income healthcare coverage program
Wikipedia - Bad Girls (Wilson novel) -- 1996 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Badiah Gharbiyah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Badiah Shamaliyah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Badminton Association of Thailand -- Thailand's governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - Badminton Canada -- Canada's governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - Badminton Denmark -- Denmark's governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - Badminton Ireland -- Sports governing body on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Badminton Nederland -- Netherlands' governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - Badriyya al-Shihhi -- Omani novelist
Wikipedia - Baebius Massa -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Bagatelles, Op. 126 (Beethoven)
Wikipedia - Baghdad Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Bahaa Abu el-Atta -- Commander of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Wikipedia - Bahia de Todos-os-santos (book) -- a guide to the city of Salvador da Bahia by the Brazilian novelist Jorge Amado
Wikipedia - Bahia mangroves -- mangrove ecoregion in northeastern Brazil
Wikipedia - Bahiyyih Nakhjavani -- Iranian writer, author of the novel The Saddlebag
Wikipedia - Bailey-Morshead exploration of Tsangpo Gorge -- 1913 expedition that discovered route of Tsangpo River through Himalaya
Wikipedia - Bailout (diving) -- To switch over to an emergency system during a dive
Wikipedia - Baimuru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bairols -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Baiyer Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Baja jacket -- Type of hooded pullover jacket
Wikipedia - Baka and Test -- Japanese light novel series and media franchise
Wikipedia - Baker Hostel -- Government hostel in Kolkata
Wikipedia - Baker's Haulover Inlet -- Ocean inlet in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Bakhawan Eco-Park -- A mangrove forest located in Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Wikipedia - Bakhtar News Agency -- State news agency of the Afghan government
Wikipedia - Bakhtiyarpur College of Engineering -- Government engineering college in Bakhtiyarpur, Bihar
Wikipedia - Balanataman Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Balasaheb Thorat -- Indian politician, agricultural cooperative and reforestation movement founder
Wikipedia - Balashovsky Uyezd -- Subdivision of Saratov Viceroyalty, Astrakhan and Saratov governorates
Wikipedia - Bald Move -- Podcasting company
Wikipedia - Baldr Sky -- Duology of Japanese adult visual novels
Wikipedia - Balimo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bali-Witu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ballina Shire -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Ballistic conduction -- Movement of charge carriers with negligible scattering
Wikipedia - Ballistic movement -- Muscle contractions that exhibit maximum velocities and accelerations over a very short period of time
Wikipedia - Ballistic Recovery Systems -- American ballistic parachute manufacturer
Wikipedia - Balloonist theory -- A theory in early neuroscience that attempted to explain muscle movement
Wikipedia - Balochistan Public Service Commission -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Baloch nationalism -- movement that claims the Baloch people are a distinct nation
Wikipedia - Balopa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Balqa Governorate -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Bambi, a Life in the Woods -- Novel by Felix Salten
Wikipedia - Bamu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Banded fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bandwidth (computing) -- Maximum rate of data transfer over a network
Wikipedia - Bandwidth management -- Process of measuring and controlling the communications on a network link, to avoid filling the link to capacity or overfilling the link
Wikipedia - Bangabandhu Academy for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Banggai fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bang Gang (A Modern Love Story) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Bang hallim jeon -- Korean novel
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Innocence -- 2018 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Plead -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics -- Bangladesh's principal government institution
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Communication Satellite Company Limited -- Bangladesh government-owned company
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute -- Government organization in Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation -- Bangladesh government agency for petroleum and oil products
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission -- Government regulatory body overseeing the stock market
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Sericulture Research and Training Institute -- Government organization in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Stationery Office -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation -- Government owned corporation in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Veterinary Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Water Development Board -- Bangladesh Government agency
Wikipedia - Bangorian Controversy -- 18th-century theological argument in the Church of England
Wikipedia - Banished from the Heroes' Party -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Bank of Ceylon -- Government-owned Sri Lanka commercial bank
Wikipedia - Bank of Syria and Overseas -- Private bank in Syria
Wikipedia - BanM-DM-+ Kenanah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - BanM-DM-+ 'ObeM-DM-+d -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Ban of Slavonia -- Title of the governor of Slavonia
Wikipedia - Baojun 530 -- Chinese compact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Baojun RS-7 -- Chinese crossover SUV
Wikipedia - B. A. Paris -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories -- Overview about the religion conspiracy theories of Barack Obama
Wikipedia - Barbados Cricket Association -- Governing body of cricket in Barbados
Wikipedia - Barbara Brezigar -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Barbara Corrado Pope -- American novelistt and professor
Wikipedia - Barbara Daly -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Barbara Ewing -- British actress, playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Barbara Ker Wilson -- English-born Australian novelist and editor
Wikipedia - Barbara Love -- American lesbian feminist writer and activist
Wikipedia - Barbara MikliM-DM-^M Turk -- Slovene First Lady
Wikipedia - Barbara Neely -- African-American novelist
Wikipedia - Barbara Rosiek -- Polish novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Barbara Young, Baroness Young of Old Scone -- BBC Governor, Peer and Chancellor of Cranfield University (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Barbarian kingdoms -- Kingdoms dominated by northern European tribes established all over the Mediterranean after Barbarian Invasions
Wikipedia - Barbary dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Barbentane -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Barbo von Waxenstein -- Italian-Slovenian noble family
Wikipedia - Barcelona: A Love Untold -- 2016 film directed by Olivia Lamasan
Wikipedia - Barea Soranus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Bare-faced ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bare-knuckle boxing -- Boxing without use of boxing gloves
Wikipedia - Bare-metal stent -- Type of stent without a coating or covering
Wikipedia - BareNaked (song) -- 2002 single by Jennifer Love Hewitt
Wikipedia - Barium star -- Spectral class G to K giants, whose spectra indicate an overabundance of s-process elements by the presence of singly ionized barium
Wikipedia - Barkcloth -- Type of non-woven textile
Wikipedia - Bark spud (tool) -- Implement used to remove bark from felled timber
Wikipedia - Barmer Medical College -- Government medical college in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Barmy in Wonderland -- 1952 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Barn -- Agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace
Wikipedia - Baroness Orczy -- Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Baron Lovelace
Wikipedia - Baron Trump novels -- 19th century children's novels by Ingersoll Lockwood
Wikipedia - Baroque Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Baroque sculpture -- Sculpture of the Baroque movement
Wikipedia - Barrackpore Police Commissionerate -- Police force covering the Barrackpore area of Greater Kolkata
Wikipedia - Barrayar -- Novel by Lois McMaster Bujold
Wikipedia - Barred cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Barred dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Barrera de amor -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Barriga de Aluguel -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Barry Award (for crime novels) -- Award for crime writing
Wikipedia - Barry Carl -- American voice-over actor and musician
Wikipedia - Barry Dempster -- Canadian poet, novelist, and editor
Wikipedia - Barry England -- English playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Barry Windsor-Smith -- British graphic novelist
Wikipedia - Bar-shouldered dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bar-tailed cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Sovero -- Swiss mathematician
Wikipedia - Barton Deakin -- Government relations and lobbying firm
Wikipedia - Baruch Glasman -- Yiddish novelist
Wikipedia - Barusan cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Barvinkove -- Town in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Baryogenesis -- Hypothesized processes that could produce baryonic asymmetry, favoring matter (baryons) over antimatter (antibaryons)
Wikipedia - Basavaraj Kattimani -- Indian progressive writer, novelist, journalist (1919-1989)
Wikipedia - Based on the Novel -- 1999 film by Eddy Terstall
Wikipedia - Base load -- Minimum level of demand on an electrical grid over a span of time
Wikipedia - Basement (geology) -- Metamorphic or igneous rocks below a sedimentary platform or cover
Wikipedia - Basic needs -- One of the major approaches to the measurement of absolute poverty in developing countries
Wikipedia - Basic People's Congress (political) -- Smallest unit of government of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Wikipedia - Basic research -- Scientific discovery and improvement of scientific knowledge
Wikipedia - Basilica of Santa Maria Novella
Wikipedia - Bas Jan van Bochove -- Dutch politician and educator
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - Basque Culinary World Prize -- Global culinary award by Basque Government
Wikipedia - Basque Government -- Government body in Spain
Wikipedia - Basra Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Bass-Quillen conjecture -- Would relate vector bundles over a regular Noetherian ring and over a polynomial ring
Wikipedia - Batanagar Flyover -- Bridge in Kokkata, India
Wikipedia - Bat Conservation International -- International non-governmental organization for bat conservation
Wikipedia - Bates method -- Ineffective alternative eyesight improvement therapy
Wikipedia - Bath and North East Somerset Council -- English local government council
Wikipedia - Bathtubs Over Broadway -- 2018 American documentary film directed by Dava Whisenant
Wikipedia - Batman: No Man's Land -- American comic book crossover storyline
Wikipedia - Batman: The Killing Joke -- 1988 graphic novel by Alan Moore
Wikipedia - Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- 2019 animated crossover superhero film
Wikipedia - Baton Rouge bus boycott -- Part of the American Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Batouala (novel) -- 1921 novel by Guianan writer Rene Maran
Wikipedia - Battersea Bridge -- Bridge over the River Thames in London
Wikipedia - Battersea Shield -- Celtic archaeological discovery
Wikipedia - Batterygate -- IPhone controversy
Wikipedia - Battery (novel series) -- Novel by Atsuko Asano
Wikipedia - Battle Circle -- Trilogy of science fiction novels by Piers Anthony
Wikipedia - Battle of Aldenhoven (1794)
Wikipedia - Battle of Athens (1946) -- Civilian revolt against corrupt local government in McMinn County, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Battle of Bovey Heath -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Camp Davies -- American Civil War on November 22, 1863
Wikipedia - Battle of Cassinga -- Controversial South African airborne attack on a SWAPO military base
Wikipedia - Battle of Chalgrove Field -- First English Civil War, 1643
Wikipedia - Battle of Coronel -- Naval battle of 1 November 1914 near Chile in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Dien Bien Phu -- Decisive Viet Minh victory over the French near the end of the First Indochina War
Wikipedia - Battle of Diu -- a battle between Muslims and the Portuguese over Indian trade
Wikipedia - Battle of Gollheim -- 13th century battle fought over German kingship
Wikipedia - Battle of Hoover's Gap -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Jugla -- WW1 battle over Riga, Latvia
Wikipedia - Battle of Kirkuk (2017) -- battle between Kurds and government forces in Iraq
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Regillus -- A legendary Roman victory over the Latin League and as part of a wider Latin War (c. 496 BC)
Wikipedia - Battle of Lena -- Medieval battle over the throne of Sweden
Wikipedia - Battle of Leuwiliang -- Japanese victory over Allied forces, Java, 1942
Wikipedia - Battle of Lipantitlan -- Battle along the Nueces River on November 4, 1835 between the Mexican Army and Texian insurgents
Wikipedia - Battle of Mogadishu (November 2007) -- Part of the War and Insurgency in Somalia
Wikipedia - Battle of Muye -- Battle after which Zhou overthrows Shang
Wikipedia - Battle of Oldendorf -- Battle (1633) during the Thirty Years' War which resulted in a decisive victory for the Swedish army over the Holy Roman Empire army
Wikipedia - Battle of Panormus -- Roman victory over Carthage during the 1st Punic War in 250 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Prairie Grove -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rossbach -- Battle on 5 November 1757 during the Third Silesian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rovereto
Wikipedia - Battle of Sanaa (2014) -- Battle between the Houthis and the Hadi-led government
Wikipedia - Battle of Solway Moss -- English victory over Scotland, 1542
Wikipedia - Battle of the Cilician Gates -- Roman victory over Parthian army in 39BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Tours -- Frankish victory over the Umayyads, 732
Wikipedia - Battle of Vaslui -- Battle between Stephen III of Moldavia and the Ottoman governor of Rumelia, Hadim Suleiman Pasha
Wikipedia - Battle of Wevelinghoven -- Last battle of the Thirty Years' War
Wikipedia - Battleshort -- Emergency override of safety features to complete a mission
Wikipedia - Battling Boy -- Graphic novel
Wikipedia - Bauchi State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Bauchi State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Bauhaus Foundation Tel Aviv -- Museum dedicated to the Bauhaus movement
Wikipedia - Baw Kyaw -- Governor of Dala
Wikipedia - Bay Area Rapid Transit expansion -- Overview of the expansion of Bay Area Rapid Transit
Wikipedia - Bayda Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - BBC controversies -- Outline of controversies about the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC CWR -- Radio station in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - B. B. Comer -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - BBC Select -- Overnight BBC subscription television service
Wikipedia - B'coz I Love You -- 2000 single by Hitomi Yaida
Wikipedia - Beachwood Mangrove Nature Reserve -- Nature reserve at the Umgeni River mouth, north of Durban, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bearing (mechanical) -- Mechanism to constrain relative movement to the desired motion and reduce friction
Wikipedia - Beat Generation -- Literary movement
Wikipedia - Beatles (novel) -- 1984 novel by Lars Saabye Christensen
Wikipedia - Beatrice Boahemaa -- Ghanaian author of adult fiction novels
Wikipedia - Beatrice Colin -- British novelist and radio dramatist
Wikipedia - Beat the Devil (novel) -- Novel by Claud Cockburn
Wikipedia - Beaufort Castle, Lebanon -- Crusader fortress in Nabatieh Governorate, Lebanon
Wikipedia - Beaulieu-sur-Mer -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Beaurecueil -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Beausoleil, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Beautiful fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stranger (novel) -- Book by Zoey Dean
Wikipedia - Beauville-Laszlo theorem -- Lets one glue 2 sheaves over an infinitesimal neighborhood of an algebraic curve point
Wikipedia - Beaver Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador -- Wikimedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Because I Love You (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Because of Love -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Because the Internet -- Second studio album by American hip hop recording artist Donald Glover
Wikipedia - Becket controversy
Wikipedia - Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome -- Syndrome characterized by overgrowth (macrosomia), an increased risk of childhood cancer and congenital malformations
Wikipedia - Bedourie oven -- Australian oven
Wikipedia - Bedrock Vice -- 1987 studio album by Thrashing Doves
Wikipedia - Bed sheet -- Rectangular piece of cloth or linen cotton used to cover a mattress
Wikipedia - Beekeeping in Australia -- Overview of beekeeping in Australia
Wikipedia - Beekman Winthrop -- Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces -- Biographical book written by Laura Tunbridge
Wikipedia - Beethoven and Mozart -- Overview of the relationship between Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Beethoven Concerto -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beethoven (franchise) -- American comedy film series
Wikipedia - Beethoven's 3rd (film) -- 2000 film by David M. Evans
Wikipedia - Beethoven's 4th (film) -- 2001 film by David Mickey Evans
Wikipedia - Beethoven's musical style -- Overview of the musical style of Beethoven
Wikipedia - Beethoven's Ninth Symphony CD-ROM
Wikipedia - Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Wikipedia - Beethoven
Wikipedia - Beezus and Ramona -- Novel by Beverly Cleary
Wikipedia - Before Mars (novel) -- 2018 novel by Emma Newman
Wikipedia - Before Novels -- 1990 book by J. Paul Hunter
Wikipedia - Before the Mountain Was Moved -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Before Your Love -- 2002 single by Kelly Clarkson
Wikipedia - Beggar thy neighbour -- Economic improvement attempt that causes worse conditions for other countries
Wikipedia - Behavioral sink -- Conceptual collapse in behavior which can result from overcrowding
Wikipedia - Behbeit El Hagar -- Village in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Behbud Khan Cherkes -- 17th century Safavid official and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Beheira Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Be Here to Love Me -- 2004 film by Margaret Brown
Wikipedia - Behind Her Eyes (novel) -- 2017 thriller novel by Sarah Pinborough
Wikipedia - Behind the Crimson Blind -- 1952 novel by John Dickson Carr
Wikipedia - Behold the Man (novel)
Wikipedia - Beiimaan Love -- 2016 film by Rajeev Chaudhari
Wikipedia - Beijing X7 -- Chinese crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Beja Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Belcodene -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Believers' Movement for Equality and Peace -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Belinda Bauer (author) -- British writer of crime novels
Wikipedia - Belizean Coast mangroves -- Ecoregion in the mangrove biome along the coast of Belize and Amatique Bay in Guatemala
Wikipedia - Bellamy Road -- Improved 19th century road in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Bella Tovey -- Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Bell cursor -- Device to guide and control a diving bell near and above the surface
Wikipedia - Belle C. Greene -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Belle et Sebastien -- French novel for children by Cecile Aubry
Wikipedia - Belle Grove Plantation (Iberville Parish, Louisiana) -- Human settlement in Louisiana, United States of America
Wikipedia - Belmont County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Belostoksky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Beloved (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Beloved (2011 film) -- 2011 film by Christophe Honore
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Beauty -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Corinna -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Fatherland Party -- Political party in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Beloved Imposter -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Impostor (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Infidel -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Liar -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Life -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Beloved (novel) -- 1987 novel by Toni Morrison
Wikipedia - Beloved Rogues -- 1917 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - Beloved Sisters -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Beloved World -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Be Love -- Magazine
Wikipedia - Belovezha Accords -- 1991 agreement that established the Commonwealth of Independent States
Wikipedia - Below the Root (novel) -- 1975 book
Wikipedia - Belshazzar (novel) -- Book by Henry Rider Haggard
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Grodno Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Smolensk Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Smolensk Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Beltempest -- Doctor Who novel by Jim Mortimore
Wikipedia - Belt Magazine -- News organization cxovering the American midwest
Wikipedia - Belvedere -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bem me Quer -- Portuguese telenovela
Wikipedia - Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United -- A crossover episode between Ben 10: Ultimate Alien and Generator Rex
Wikipedia - Ben Arous Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Ben Breedlove -- American Internet personality (1993-2011)
Wikipedia - Ben Brooks (novelist) -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Bench (geology) -- A long, relatively narrow land bounded by distinctly steeper slopes above and below
Wikipedia - Bendejun -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Ben Dolic -- Slovenian singer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Beneath the Magic -- 1950 novel by Robert Hichens
Wikipedia - Beneath the Wheel -- 1906 novel by Hermann Hesse
Wikipedia - Benedikt KuripeM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Benevolence and the Mandate of Heaven -- Philogical novel
Wikipedia - Bengali language movement -- Movement to make Bengali a state language
Wikipedia - Bengali Renaissance -- Socio-cultural and religious reform movement in Bengal, in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Bengal Nights -- 1933 Romanian novel by Mircea Eliade
Wikipedia - Bengal Sultanate -- sovereign power of Bengal for much of the 14th to 16th centuries
Wikipedia - Benghazi Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - Benguela Current Commission -- Multi-sectoral inter-governmental, initiative of Angola, Namibia and South Africa
Wikipedia - Ben Hecht -- American screenwriter, director, producer, playwright, journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Ben, in the World -- Novel by Doris Lessing
Wikipedia - Beni Suef Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Benito Perez Galdos -- Spanish realist novelist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Fitzpatrick -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Benjamin Franklin Tilley -- US Navy Rear Admiral, Naval Acting-Governor
Wikipedia - Benjamin Howard (Missouri politician) -- First governor of Missouri Territory (1760-1814)
Wikipedia - Benjamin Lah -- Slovenian martial artist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Madrigal Jr. -- Filipino government official and former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Benjamin McCandlish -- 36th Naval Governor of Guam
Wikipedia - Benjamin Odell (politician) -- American politician and governor
Wikipedia - Benjamin SavM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ben Kouwenhoven -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Ben Magec - Ecologistas en Accion -- Non-governmental organization in the Canary Islands
Wikipedia - Ben Nelson -- 37th Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - BenoM-CM-.t Duteurtre -- French novelist and essayist
Wikipedia - Benthic boundary layer -- The layer of water directly above the sediment at the bottom of a river, lake or sea
Wikipedia - Benue State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Benue State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Beowulf's Children -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Beppe Costa -- Italian poet, novelist and publisher
Wikipedia - Berar Province -- British Indian province under the nominal sovereignty of Hyderabad State
Wikipedia - Berber Arouch Citizens' Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Berberism -- Berber political-cultural movement of North Africa
Wikipedia - Berengar of Tours -- Transubstantiation controversy (999-1088)
Wikipedia - Berestove
Wikipedia - Bergakker inscription -- Inscription discovered on the scabbard of a 5th-century sword
Wikipedia - Bergama carpet -- Handwoven carpet
Wikipedia - Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders -- Members of a New Jersey county government
Wikipedia - Bergman Island -- 2020 film directed by Mia Hansen-Love
Wikipedia - Bergschrund -- A crevasse between moving glacier ice and the stagnant ice or firn above
Wikipedia - Berhane Abrehe -- Eritrean top government official
Wikipedia - Berlin Game -- 1983 spy novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - Berlin, I Love You -- 2019 anthology romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Berlusconi I Cabinet -- 51st government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Berlusconi II Cabinet -- 57th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Berlusconi III Cabinet -- 58th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Berlusconi IV Cabinet -- 60th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Bernadette Romulo-Puyat -- Filipino government official
Wikipedia - Bernama -- News agency of the government of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bernard Cohen (Australian author) -- Contemporary Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Bernard Cooper -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Bernard Cribbins -- English character actor, voice-over artist and musical comedian
Wikipedia - Bernard Lovell -- English physicist and radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Bernard Lown -- American cardiologist, developer of the DC defibrillator and the cardioverter
Wikipedia - Bernard Marshall -- American children's writer, historical novelist
Wikipedia - Bernardo de Galvez -- Spanish General and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Bernardo Provenzano -- Italian crime boss and member of the Sicilian Mafia
Wikipedia - Bernard Povel -- German politician
Wikipedia - Bernard Samson -- Protagonist of nine Len Deighton novels.
Wikipedia - Bernart de Rovenac -- French troubadour and poet
Wikipedia - Bernartice (Trutnov District) -- Village in Trutnov District of Hradec Kralove Region
Wikipedia - Berne Convention -- 1886 international copyright treaty adopted by over 170 countries
Wikipedia - Berre-les-Alpes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Berre-l'Etang -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Berserker (novel series)
Wikipedia - Bersih -- Group of non-governmental organisations
Wikipedia - Berta Ruck -- Welsh novelist in English
Wikipedia - Bert Diaries -- Swedish children's-youth diary novel series by Anders Jacobsson and Soren Olsson
Wikipedia - Bertha von Suttner -- Austrian novelist, radical (organizational) pacifist
Wikipedia - Bertrand Lancon -- French historian and novelist
Wikipedia - Beryl Fletcher -- New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Bessarabia Governorate -- Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Besseres Hannover -- Besseres Hannover ("Better Hanover") was a right-wing extremist group from Lower Saxony.
Wikipedia - Bessie Love on screen, stage, and radio -- filmography of American actress Bessie Love
Wikipedia - Bessie Love -- American actress
Wikipedia - Best Friends (Wilson novel) -- 2004 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Bestune T77 -- Compact crossover sport utility vehicle
Wikipedia - Bestune T99 -- Mid-size crossover sport utility vehicle
Wikipedia - Betal Rock Shelter -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Beth Dover -- American actress
Wikipedia - Bethlehem Governorate -- Governorate of Palestine
Wikipedia - Beth Sanner -- American government official
Wikipedia - Beth Simone Noveck -- American government officer
Wikipedia - Betrayer of Worlds -- 2010 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Bettel-Schneider Ministry II -- Luxembourg government formed in 2018
Wikipedia - Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health -- Australian government healthcare evaluation system
Wikipedia - Bettina Balaka -- Austrian novelist
Wikipedia - Bettina Loved a Soldier -- 1916 film by Rupert Julian
Wikipedia - Betty en NY -- American telenovela
Wikipedia - Betty's Bay -- Small resort town in the Overberg district in Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Between Heaven and Hell (novel)
Wikipedia - Between Two Worlds (novel) -- Novel by Upton Sinclair
Wikipedia - Beuil -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Beverage-can stove -- An alcohol stove of DIY construction
Wikipedia - Beverley Glover -- British biologist specialising in botany
Wikipedia - Beverly Barton -- American writer of romantic suspense novels
Wikipedia - Bewani-Wutung Onei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Beware, My Lovely -- 1952 film by Harry Horner
Wikipedia - Beyond Love (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beyond the Black River -- Conan novella by Robert E. Howard
Wikipedia - Beyond the Red -- Young adult novels by Gabe Cole Novoa
Wikipedia - Beyond This Horizon -- Novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Beyond War -- Movement for peace
Wikipedia - Beytussebab rebellion -- Kurdish rebellion against the Turkish Government in 1924
Wikipedia - Bezaudun-les-Alpes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bhadawari -- Improved water buffalo breed from Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Bhadrambhadra -- 1900 Gujarati humorous novel by Ramanbhai Neelkanth
Wikipedia - Bhagalpur College of Engineering -- Government engineering college in Bhagalpur, Bihar
Wikipedia - Bhagwan Mahavir Government Museum -- Archaeological museum located in the Kadapa City of Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Bhagwan Sahay -- Governor of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Bhakti movement -- Period of common people's devotion to God in the Medieval Indian Subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bhakti -- Devotional love, a concept in Indian religions
Wikipedia - Bhangi Misl -- Sovereign state of the Sikh Confederacy
Wikipedia - Bharat Coking Coal -- Indian Government Owned Coal Company
Wikipedia - Bhaskar Ghose -- Indian government official (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Bhojpuri music -- Overview of music traditions in Bhojpuri Language
Wikipedia - Bialla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bible of Love -- 2018 studio album by Snoop Dogg
Wikipedia - Bible student movement
Wikipedia - Bible Student movement -- Christian movement founded by Charles Taze Russell
Wikipedia - Biblical mile -- General overview of a "biblical mile" as described in Jewish law and religion
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Herbert Hoover -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Latter Day Saint movement -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliophilia -- Love of books
Wikipedia - Bicipital groove -- Groove in the humerus bone
Wikipedia - Biedermeier -- 19th century art movement from Central Europe
Wikipedia - Bierzo Edict -- The Edict of Augustus from El Bierzo is a controversial document dated to 15 BC found in Spain in 1000 AD
Wikipedia - Big Bad Love -- 2001 film by Arliss Howard
Wikipedia - Big Breasts and Wide Hips -- Novel by Mo Yan
Wikipedia - Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four) -- Fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
Wikipedia - Big Cypress National Preserve -- Over 729,000 acres in Florida (US) managed by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Big government
Wikipedia - Big Guns (novel) -- 2018 satirical novel
Wikipedia - Big Man, Little Love -- 2001 film by Handan M-DM-0pekci
Wikipedia - Big Money (novel) -- 1931 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Big Pasture Plateau -- Mountain plateau in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Big Rocky Fork Covered Bridge -- Place in Indiana listed on National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - Bihar Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Bikini Porn -- 2020 single by Tove Lo
Wikipedia - Bill Ayers 2008 presidential election controversy
Wikipedia - Bill Clinton pardon controversy
Wikipedia - Bill Corr -- American government official
Wikipedia - Bill Haslam -- 49th Governor of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bill Hayden -- Former Governor-General of Australia
Wikipedia - Bill Hillgrove -- American sports broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bill Hopkins (novelist)
Wikipedia - Billiards and Snooker Control Council -- Former governing body for snooker and English billiards
Wikipedia - Billiards at Half-Past Nine -- German novel by Heinrich Boll
Wikipedia - Billie Dove -- American actress
Wikipedia - Billie Letts -- American novelist and educator
Wikipedia - Billionaire Boy -- Children's novel by David Walliams
Wikipedia - Bill Lee (Tennessee politician) -- 50th Governor of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bill Lovelock -- Australian songwriter and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bill Novelli -- American public relations executive, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Bill Richardson -- Politician and governor from the United States
Wikipedia - Bill Sikes -- Fictional character in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Bill Tanner -- Fictional character in the James Bond film and novel series
Wikipedia - Bill the Conqueror -- 1924 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Bill Walker (American politician) -- 11th Governor of Alaska
Wikipedia - Bill White (neo-Nazi) -- Leader of the American National Socialist Workers' Party, and former administrator of
Wikipedia - Billy Bathgate -- 1989 novel by E. L. Doctorow
Wikipedia - Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk -- 2012 novel by Ben Fountain
Wikipedia - Bilthoven
Wikipedia - Bin covering problem -- Operations research problem of packing items into the largest number of bins
Wikipedia - Binding over -- Legal power of criminal courts in England and Wales
Wikipedia - Bingo (novel) -- 1988 novel by Rita Mae Brown
Wikipedia - Binti: Home -- 2017 science fiction novella by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Binti: The Night Masquerade -- 2018 science fiction novella by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications -- Scientific journal covering biochemistry and biophysics.
Wikipedia - Biological pacemaker -- Specialized cells used to improve heart regulation
Wikipedia - Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority -- Government organization in Washington D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Biomorphism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Bionic architecture -- Contemporary architetonic movement
Wikipedia - Bio of a Space Tyrant -- six-volume science fiction novel series by Piers Anthony, which purports as an autobiography of a Jupiter autocrat of Hispanic descent
Wikipedia - Biopsychiatry controversy
Wikipedia - Bioretention -- Process in which contaminants and sedimentation are removed from stormwater runoff
Wikipedia - Bioswale -- Landscape elements designed to remove debris and pollution out of surface runoff water
Wikipedia - Biot, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bioverativ -- American biotechnology company
Wikipedia - Bird Box (novel) -- Book by Josh Malerman
Wikipedia - Bird migration -- Seasonal movement of birds
Wikipedia - Bird's-eye view -- Elevated view of an object from above
Wikipedia - Birds' Head Haggadah -- Illuminated Passover liturgical manuscript
Wikipedia - Birganj Pilot Government High School -- Government high school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Birkhoff-Grothendieck theorem -- Classifies holomorphic vector bundles over the complex projective line
Wikipedia - Birth control movement in the United States -- Social reform campaign beginning in 1914
Wikipedia - Birth of a Movement -- 2017 US documentary film
Wikipedia - Bishr ibn Marwan -- Provincial Umayyad governor
Wikipedia - Bisikani-Soparibeu Kabin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bitapaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bitterblue (novel) -- Fantasy book by Kristin Cashore, 3rd in trilogy
Wikipedia - Bitter Fruit -- 2001 novel by Achmat Dangor
Wikipedia - Biyikli Mehmed Pasha -- Ottoman military commander and governor
Wikipedia - Bizarre Love Triangle -- Song by the English rock band New Order
Wikipedia - Bizerte Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - B. K. Bansal -- Indian government official
Wikipedia - Black Air -- Fictional government department in comics
Wikipedia - Black and Blue (Quindlen novel) -- 1998 Anna Quindlen novel
Wikipedia - Black Arts Movement
Wikipedia - Black Awareness Day -- Annual celebration on 20 November honouring the black community in Brazil
Wikipedia - Black-bag cryptanalysis -- Acquisition of cryptographic secrets via burglary, or other covert means
Wikipedia - Black-banded fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Black Barons (book) -- 1969 novel by Miloslav M-EM- vandrlik
Wikipedia - Black-billed wood dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blackburn B. Dovener -- American lawyer and politician (1842-1914)
Wikipedia - Black-chinned fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Black Clover -- Manga series by Yuki Tabata
Wikipedia - Black Colossus -- Fantasy novelette by Robert E. Howard
Wikipedia - Black Consciousness Movement
Wikipedia - Black conservatism in the United States -- Movement within conservatism
Wikipedia - Black cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Black Duck Cove, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador -- Settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Black Economic Empowerment -- South-African government policy
Wikipedia - Blackest Night -- Limited DC comics crossover series
Wikipedia - Blackfriars Bridge -- Bridge over the River Thames in London
Wikipedia - Black Front (Netherlands) -- Dutch fascist movement active before the Second World War
Wikipedia - Black Hebrew Israelites -- Black American movement
Wikipedia - Blackhorse Road station -- London Overground and London Underground station
Wikipedia - Black is Beautiful -- Cultural movement started in the 1960s by African Americans
Wikipedia - Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair) -- American traditional song
Wikipedia - Black Legion (political movement) -- American white supremacist terrorist organization active in the 1930s
Wikipedia - Black Leopard, Red Wolf -- 2019 novel by Marlon James
Wikipedia - Black Lions -- Ethiopian anti-fascist resistance movement
Wikipedia - Black Lives Matter -- Social movement originating in the United States
Wikipedia - Black Love (2015 TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Black Market of Love -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Black-naped fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Black Night -- Original song written and composed by Deep Purple (Blackmore-Gillan-Glover-Lord-Paice)
Wikipedia - Black Notice -- 1999 novel by Patricia Cornwell
Wikipedia - Black November -- 2012 film by Jeta Amata
Wikipedia - Black operation -- Covert operation by a government, a government agency, or a military organization
Wikipedia - Black Pantera -- Brazilian crossover thrash band
Wikipedia - Black Panthers (Israel) -- Israeli protest movement
Wikipedia - Black Patch Tobacco Wars -- Price war and violence over tobacco prices early 1900s Kentucky and Tennessee
Wikipedia - Black Power movement
Wikipedia - Black Power -- Political and social movement and ideology
Wikipedia - Black Renaissance in D.C. -- African-American cultural movement in Washington DC
Wikipedia - Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose Is an Emblem of Love -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Black separatism -- Movement for separate institutions
Wikipedia - Black Spot (Treasure Island) -- literary device invented by Robert Louis Stevenson for his novel Treasure Island
Wikipedia - Blackstone's ratio -- Message that government and the courts must err on the side of innocence
Wikipedia - Black Twitter -- Black social media movement
Wikipedia - Black Unity and Freedom Party -- Defunct Black British political movement 1970-1999
Wikipedia - Black-winged ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blagovest Sendov -- Bulgarian mathematician and politician
Wikipedia - Blagovest Stoyanov -- Bulgarian canoeist
Wikipedia - Blair Anderson (government official) -- United States government official
Wikipedia - Blaise Cendrars -- Swiss-born novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Blake; or the Huts of America -- 1859-62 novel by Martin Delany
Wikipedia - Blame It on Your Love -- 2019 single by Charli XCX featuring Lizzo
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> ArniM-DM-^M -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> Cof -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> Furdi -- Slovenian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> KavM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M (politician) -- Slovenian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Blanca Ovelar -- Paraguayan politician
Wikipedia - Blankety Blank: A Memoir of Vulgaria -- Satire-Bizarro novel
Wikipedia - Blausasc -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Blavatnik School of Government
Wikipedia - Blazing Love -- 1916 film by Kenean Buel
Wikipedia - Bleach -- number of chemicals which remove color, whiten, or disinfect, often via oxidation
Wikipedia - Bleak House -- Novel by Charles Dickens; published 1852-1853
Wikipedia - Bleeding Love -- 2007 single by Leona Lewis
Wikipedia - Blessed Agostino Novello Triptych -- Triptych by Simone Martini
Wikipedia - Bletchley Flyover -- Railway viaduct in Buckinghamshire
Wikipedia - Bliaut -- Overgown, usually with wide trailing sleeves
Wikipedia - Blind Corner (novel) -- 1927 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Blinded by the Lights (novel) -- 2014 novel by Jakub M-EM-;ulczyk
Wikipedia - Blind Love (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Blindness (novel) -- 1995 novel by Jose Saramago
Wikipedia - Blind thrust earthquake -- Movement along a thrust fault that is not visible at the surface
Wikipedia - Blink (SIP client) -- Free Voice-over-IP software
Wikipedia - Blitzchung controversy -- ban of an esport player for supporting Hong Kong protests
Wikipedia - BlM-CM-%skimen Island -- Ice-covered island near Antarctica
Wikipedia - Blockbusting (game) -- A combinatorial game solved using overheating
Wikipedia - Blocking (martial arts) -- Martial arts move
Wikipedia - Blocking (stage) -- Theatre term that refers to the precise movement and positioning of actors on a stage
Wikipedia - Blockupy movement -- Movement protesting against austerity
Wikipedia - Blonde Roots -- British satirical prose novel
Wikipedia - Bloodhound Mystery -- Novel series
Wikipedia - Blood Meridian -- Novel by Cormac McCarthy
Wikipedia - Blood Royal -- 1929 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Bloodshot (song) -- 2019 song by Dove Cameron
Wikipedia - Bloodshot / Waste -- 2019 extended play by Dove Cameron
Wikipedia - Bloodthirst (novel) -- Book by Jeanne Kalogridis
Wikipedia - Bloom (novel)
Wikipedia - Bloque de busqueda (TV series) -- Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - Blue at the Mizzen -- 1999 novel by Patrick O'Brian
Wikipedia - Bluebirds over the Mountain -- 1968 single by The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - Blue Bloods (novel series) -- Vampire novel series by Melissa de la Cruz
Wikipedia - Blue-capped fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blue-eyed ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blue Eyes, Black Hair -- 1986 novel by Marguerite Duras
Wikipedia - Blue ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blue-headed quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blue-headed wood dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bluejacking -- Sending of unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices
Wikipedia - Blue Lips (film) -- 2018 short film by Tove Lo
Wikipedia - Blue Lives Matter -- Social activist movement
Wikipedia - Blue Love (song) -- 1988 single by The O'Kanes
Wikipedia - Blue Moon (Child novel) -- Novel
Wikipedia - Blue Moon of Josephine -- Blue diamond, sold for record 48.4 million in November 2015
Wikipedia - Blue Night Network -- Overnight public transit service in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Blue Remembered Earth -- Science fiction novel by Alastair Reynolds
Wikipedia - Blue ribbon badge -- Symbol of the temperance movement
Wikipedia - Blue-spotted wood dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blues, Rags and Hollers -- 1963 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - Bluing (fabric) -- Product used to improve optical whiteness of clothing or textiles
Wikipedia - BM-aM-9M-#aM-DM-+ra -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - BMU Bridge over Wind River -- Bridge in Wyoming, United States
Wikipedia - Bnei Akiva -- Largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world
Wikipedia - Board game -- game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules
Wikipedia - Boardman Conover
Wikipedia - Board of Broadcast Governors -- Former Canadian broadcasting regulator
Wikipedia - Board of Control for Cricket in India -- governing body for cricket in India
Wikipedia - Board of directors -- Type of governing body for an organisation
Wikipedia - Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service -- USPS Board of Governors
Wikipedia - Board of Supervision of Estate Agents (Sweden) -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Boat Railway Post Office -- Over-water postal service in the US
Wikipedia - Bob Brissenden -- Australian poet, novelist, critic and reader
Wikipedia - Bobby Love -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Bobby sock -- Casual sock cuffed above the ankle, popular in the1940s and 1950s
Wikipedia - Bob Graham -- 38th Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Bob Hoover
Wikipedia - Bob Miller (Nevada governor) -- American former attorney and politician
Wikipedia - Bob Prenoveau -- American wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Bo Bryan -- Southern writer, novelist
Wikipedia - Bobsleigh and Skeleton Australia -- Governing body for bobsleigh and skeleton in Australia
Wikipedia - Bob Vila -- American home improvement television host
Wikipedia - Bochner-Kodaira-Nakano identity -- Expression for the antiholomorphic Laplacian of a vector bundle over a hermitian manifold
Wikipedia - Bodil Malmsten -- Swedish poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Bodil Nyboe Andersen -- Danish economist and National Bank governor
Wikipedia - Body Groove -- 2000 single by Architechs
Wikipedia - Body language of dogs -- Communication whereby dogs express emotions and intentions through bodily movements
Wikipedia - Body Love (song) -- 2017 single by IDER
Wikipedia - Body Moves -- 2016 single by DNCE
Wikipedia - Boeing 747-400 -- Wide-body airliner, improved production series of the 747
Wikipedia - Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang (novel) -- Malay-language novel by Kwee Tek Hoay
Wikipedia - Bogdan Macovei (handball coach) -- Romanian handball coach
Wikipedia - Bogdan Macovei -- Romanian-born Moldovan luger
Wikipedia - Bogheid -- Historic mansion in Glen Cove, New York
Wikipedia - Bohemian Grove -- Private men's club in California
Wikipedia - Bohemian Reformation -- Protestant movement of the 16th century
Wikipedia - Bohumil Hrabal -- Czech novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Bohumil PovejM-EM-!il -- Czech gymnast
Wikipedia - Boikin-Dagua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bojan Accetto -- Slovenian physician
Wikipedia - Bojan PostruM-EM->nik -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Boletin Oficial de la Republica Argentina -- Government gazette of Argentina
Wikipedia - Bolivia and the International Monetary Fund -- Overview of the relationship between Bolivia and the International Monetary Fund
Wikipedia - Bolshevik government
Wikipedia - Bolsover Castle railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Bolsover South railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Bomai-Gumai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomana Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomber (novel) -- War novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - Bombs Over Burma -- 1943 film by Joseph H. Lewis
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->ena Angelova -- Slovenian violinist
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Fridrih -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Koritnik -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Lekan -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan MaM-DM-^Mek -- Slovenian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Bommai ministry -- Ministers in Government of Karnataka headed by Chief Minister S. R. Bommai
Wikipedia - Bonanza Grove, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Bonderoven -- Danish TV show
Wikipedia - Bond girl -- Female character who is a love interest and/or female sidekick of James Bond
Wikipedia - Bonds of Love -- 1919 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - Boneshaker (novel)
Wikipedia - Bone Sharps, Cowboys, and Thunder Lizards -- 2005 graphic novel by Jim Ottaviani
Wikipedia - Bone Song -- 2007 British novel
Wikipedia - Bongal Kheda -- Movement against the Bengali Hindus in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Bongsanglay Natural Park -- A protected area of mangrove forests and swamps on Ticao Island in the Bicol Region of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Bonn-Paris conventions -- 1952 treaty giving limited sovereignty to West Germany
Wikipedia - Bonson, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bonus Army -- 1930s US veterans protest movement
Wikipedia - Boogaloo (funk dance) -- Improvisational American street dance movement
Wikipedia - Boogaloo movement -- Loose American far-right extremist movement
Wikipedia - Boogie Oogie -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Book - A Novel -- book by Robert Grudin
Wikipedia - Book cover
Wikipedia - Book Lovers Day -- Unofficial holiday
Wikipedia - Book of Love (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Robert Shaye
Wikipedia - Book of Love (band) -- American synth-pop band
Wikipedia - Book of Mormon -- Sacred text of the <!-- Do not change to a specific denomination. The term "Latter Day Saint movement" encompasses all the different denominations. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Book of Moses -- Part of the scriptural canon of the LDS movement
Wikipedia - Book of Proverbs -- Book of the Bible
Wikipedia - Books about New York City -- Overview of some of the most notable books about New York City, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Books in France -- Overview of books in France
Wikipedia - Books in Germany -- Overview of books in Germany
Wikipedia - Books in Italy -- Overview of books in Italy
Wikipedia - Books in Spain -- Overview of books in Spain
Wikipedia - Books in the Netherlands -- Overview of books in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Books in the United States -- Overview of books in the United States
Wikipedia - Boom Overture -- Proposed supersonic transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Boom! Studios -- American comic book and graphic novel publisher
Wikipedia - Boonville (novel) -- Book by Robert Mailer Anderson
Wikipedia - Booth Tarkington -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Boot -- Type of footwear extending above the ankle joint
Wikipedia - Border Flight -- 1936 film by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - Border Guards Bangladesh -- Border security agency of the Bangladesh government
Wikipedia - Border guard -- Government service concerned with security of national borders
Wikipedia - Boris Novak -- Slovenian manager
Wikipedia - Boris Yeltsin circling over Shannon diplomatic incident -- Diplomatic incident
Wikipedia - Borka Jerman BlaM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian computer scientist
Wikipedia - Born 2 B.R.E.E.D. -- 1993 single by Monie Love
Wikipedia - Born Blue -- 2001 US young adult novel by Han Nolan
Wikipedia - Borno State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Borno State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Borno Youth Movement -- Defunct political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Born to Be Loved -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Born to Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Boroko-Korobosea Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Boro Saheb Ongbi Sanatombi -- 1976 novel by M. K. Binodini Devi
Wikipedia - Borough (Connecticut) -- Level of government in Connecticut
Wikipedia - Borough Market, Halifax -- English Victorian covered market
Wikipedia - Borough (New Jersey) -- Type of local government subdivision in New Jersey, USA
Wikipedia - Borough status in the United Kingdom -- Honorary status granted by royal charter to local government districts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Borovnica railway station -- Slovenian railway station
Wikipedia - Borut Pahor -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Bossche bol -- Chocolate-covered pastry
Wikipedia - Boston Rovers -- A United States soccer team that competed in the United Soccer Association league in 1967
Wikipedia - Boston University Bridge -- Bridge over the Charles River between Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Botho StrauM-CM-^_ -- German playwright, novelist, and essayist
Wikipedia - Botswana Movement for Democracy -- Political party in Botswana
Wikipedia - Bottom crawler -- An underwater exploration and recovery vehicle that moves about on the bottom with wheels or tracks
Wikipedia - Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Bouc-Bel-Air -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bouches-du-Rhone -- Department in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bouillabaisse -- Traditional Provencal fish stew
Wikipedia - Boulbon -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bourchier Cove -- Cove in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Bouyon -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Bovell, Western Australia -- Suburb of Busselton, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Boves massacre -- World War II war crime
Wikipedia - Bovey, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Bow stroke -- Movement of the bow on a bowed string instrument to produce sound
Wikipedia - Bow wave -- The wave that forms at the bow of a ship when it moves through the water
Wikipedia - Boxgrove Quarry
Wikipedia - Boxing Gloves (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Boxing gloves
Wikipedia - Boxing Union of Ireland -- Governing body for professional boxing in Ireland
Wikipedia - Boy 87 -- A British historical fiction novel
Wikipedia - Boy (Book of Love song) -- 1985 single by Book of Love
Wikipedia - Boychukism -- 20th-century Ukrainian art movement
Wikipedia - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions -- Palestinian-led movement demanding international sanctions against Israel
Wikipedia - Boycotts of Japanese products -- movements when Chinese or Korean consumers have stopped buying from Japan
Wikipedia - Boyhood Loves -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Boyhood (novel) -- Novel by Leo Tolstoy
Wikipedia - Boys and Girls (2000 film) -- 2000 American film by Robert Iscove
Wikipedia - Boys and Girls Together -- 1964 novel by William Goldman
Wikipedia - Boys Over Flowers Season 2 (TV series) -- 2018 Japanese television drama series
Wikipedia - Boys Over Flowers -- Manga by Yoko Kamio
Wikipedia - BP Mandal College of Engineering -- Government engineering college in Madhepura, Bihar
Wikipedia - Brad Kessler -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Bradley Belt -- American businessman and government official
Wikipedia - Brad Little -- 33rd Governor of Idaho
Wikipedia - Brad Owen -- 15th Lieutenant Governor of Washington
Wikipedia - Brahmoism -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance
Wikipedia - Brahmo Samaj -- Hindu reform movement
Wikipedia - Braila Bridge -- Bridge over Danube River, Romania
Wikipedia - Brain Gym International -- Brain training and body movement programme
Wikipedia - Bram Stoker Award for Novel -- Award presented by the Horror Writers Association
Wikipedia - Bram Stoker -- Irish novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Branch Davidians -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Brandalism -- Anti-advertisimg movement
Wikipedia - Brandi Love -- American pornographic actress (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Brand Israel -- Israeli government public relations campaign
Wikipedia - Brandon Cruz -- American actor, musician, drug and alcohol recovery specialist
Wikipedia - Brandy Cove
Wikipedia - Branislava SuM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian-Paraguayan anthropologist
Wikipedia - Branko Filip -- Slovenian cyclist and coach
Wikipedia - Branko Ziherl -- Slovenian diver
Wikipedia - Brasil Sem Homophobia -- Pro-LGBT campaign established by the Brazilian government
Wikipedia - Brass Man -- 2005 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Brauer's theorem on forms -- On the representability of 0 by forms over certain fields in sufficiently many variables
Wikipedia - Brauro Cove -- Antarctic cove
Wikipedia - Brave New World -- 1932 dystopian science fiction novel by Aldous Huxley
Wikipedia - Bravo November -- RAF Chinook helicopter
Wikipedia - Brazilian Democratic Movement -- Big tent political party in Brazil
Wikipedia - Brazilian Internet Steering Committee -- Brazilian government agency for the Internet
Wikipedia - B. R. Bruss -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Brdovec -- Municipality in Zagreb County, Croatia
Wikipedia - Bread, Love and Andalusia -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bread, Love and Dreams (TV series) -- 2010 South Korean drama television series
Wikipedia - Bread of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Breakable You -- novel by Brian Morton
Wikipedia - Breakfast at Tiffany's (novella) -- Novella
Wikipedia - Breaking Dawn -- Fourth novel in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
Wikipedia - Breakover angle
Wikipedia - Breasts and Eggs -- Novel by Mieko Kawakami
Wikipedia - Breathing gas reclaim system -- Equipment to recover helium based breathing gas after use by divers
Wikipedia - Breathless (novel) -- novel by Dean Koontz
Wikipedia - Breath of Love: Last Piece -- 2020 studio album by Got7
Wikipedia - Breil-sur-Roya -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Brenda Burman -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Brenda Chapman (writer) -- Canadian writer of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Brendan Behan -- Irish poet, short story writer, novelist, and playwright
Wikipedia - Brendan (novel)
Wikipedia - Brendon Chase -- 1944 novel by Denys Watkins-Pitchford
Wikipedia - Brestsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Brett Ellen Block -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Briana Loves Jenna -- 2001 film by Jay Grdina
Wikipedia - Brian Callison -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Brianconnet -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Brian Deese -- American business executive and government official
Wikipedia - Brian Kemp -- 83rd Governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Brian Moore (novelist) -- Novelist and screenwriter from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brian P. Brooks -- American government official (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Brian Schweitzer -- 23rd Governor of Montana
Wikipedia - Briargrove Park, Houston
Wikipedia - Brick Works De Panoven -- Dutch brick museum
Wikipedia - Brico Depot -- French chain of home improvement stores
Wikipedia - Bride and Groom (book) -- 2018 novel written by Russian author, Alisa Ganieva
Wikipedia - Brides of Dracula -- Characters in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel ''Dracula''
Wikipedia - Bridge over Troubled Water (song) -- 1969 Simon & Garfunkel song
Wikipedia - Bridled quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Brightburn -- 2019 horror film directed by David Yarovesky
Wikipedia - Brightcove
Wikipedia - Brightly Burning (Donne novel) -- 2018 novel by Alexa Donne
Wikipedia - Brightness Reef -- Novel by David Brin
Wikipedia - Brighton & Hove (bus company) -- British bus company
Wikipedia - Brighton and Hove City Council -- Local authority for Brighton and Hove
Wikipedia - Brighton Pride -- Annual LGBT event in Brighton and Hove, England
Wikipedia - Brighton Rock (novel) -- 1938 novel by Graham Greene
Wikipedia - Brights movement -- International intellectual movement
Wikipedia - Brigita Brezovac -- Slovenian retired professional bodybuilder
Wikipedia - Brigita Bukovec -- Slovenian hurdler
Wikipedia - Brigita KraM-EM-!ovec -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Brigitte (Overwatch) -- Fictional player character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Brignoles -- Subprefecture of Var, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Brilliance V3 -- A subcompact crossover produced by Brilliance Auto
Wikipedia - Brina BoM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Brina Svit -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Bring Me Your Love (album) -- 2008 studio album by City and Colour
Wikipedia - Brisbane City Council -- Local government for Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Britannia Bridge -- Road-rail bridge over the Menai Strait
Wikipedia - British Boxing Board of Control -- Governing body of professional boxing in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - British Canoeing -- National governing body for paddlesports in the UK
Wikipedia - British Columbia Patriotic and Educational Picture Service -- Government film department
Wikipedia - British Cycling -- Governing body for cycling sport in Great Britain
Wikipedia - British Engineerium -- Museum in Hove, East Sussex, UK
Wikipedia - British Government
Wikipedia - British government
Wikipedia - British Hero of the Holocaust -- A special national award given by the government of the United Kingdom in recognition of British citizens who assisted in rescuing victims of the Holocaust
Wikipedia - British Indian Ocean Territory -- British overseas territory in South Asia
Wikipedia - British migration to France -- Overview of British migration to France
Wikipedia - British Movement -- British Neo-Nazi organisation
Wikipedia - British National (Overseas) passport -- British passport for persons with British National (Overseas) status, first issued in 1987 after the Hong Kong Act 1985, from which this new class of British nationality was created
Wikipedia - British National (Overseas) -- Class of British nationality
Wikipedia - British Overseas citizen -- A type of British national associated with former colonies
Wikipedia - British Overseas Territories citizen -- Type of British nationality
Wikipedia - British people -- Citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies, and their descendants
Wikipedia - British protectorate -- Territory over which the British government exercised limited jurisdiction
Wikipedia - British Red Cross -- British humanitarian organisation, part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Wikipedia - British Summertime (novel) -- Novel by Paul Cornell
Wikipedia - British Taekwondo Control Board -- British Taekwondo National Governing Body
Wikipedia - Britpop -- 1990s UK pop culture movement
Wikipedia - Britt-Marie Was Here -- 2014 novel by Fredrik Backman
Wikipedia - BrM-DM-^Mko District -- self-governing administrative unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - BRM Government Law College -- Law college in Assam
Wikipedia - Broadband over power lines
Wikipedia - Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment -- South African government policy
Wikipedia - Broad Bottom ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Broadcasting Board of Governors
Wikipedia - Broadcast relay station -- Broadcast transmitter which repeats the signal of a radio or television station to an area not covered by the originating station
Wikipedia - Broadway Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Broc Glover -- American motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Brokedown Palace (novel) -- 1986 novel by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - Broken Angels (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Richard K. Morgan
Wikipedia - Brokenclaw -- Novel by John Gardner (British writer)
Wikipedia - Broken (Lovelytheband song) -- 2017 single by lovelytheband
Wikipedia - Broken Sky -- Fantasy novel series by Chris Wooding
Wikipedia - Broken Wings (Gibran novel)
Wikipedia - Brond -- 1984 Novel made into a 1987 television drama serial
Wikipedia - Bronja Zakelj -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Bro (novel) -- 2008 novel by Vladimir Sorokin
Wikipedia - Bronze ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Brotherly Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Brotherly love (philosophy) -- Biblical concept
Wikipedia - Brothers of Earth -- 1976 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Brown, Boveri & Cie -- Swiss group of electrical engineering companies (1891-1988)
Wikipedia - Brown County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Brown County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Brown cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Brown Dog affair -- English political controversy about vivisection
Wikipedia - Brown dove -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Brow ridge -- Bony ridge located above the eye sockets of all primates
Wikipedia - Bruce Jay Friedman -- American novelist, screenwriter, and playwright
Wikipedia - Bruce Ohr -- American government official
Wikipedia - Bruce Sterling (Love of Life) -- American television soap opera character (1959 to 1980)
Wikipedia - Bruno de Cazenove -- French sailor
Wikipedia - Bruno Maddox -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Brunonia Barry -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Bruno's Dream -- Novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - Brusel -- Graphic novel
Wikipedia - Bryce Courtenay -- South African-Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Brydon Coverdale -- Australian quiz personality
Wikipedia - Bryher (novelist)
Wikipedia - BSD licenses -- Family of permissive free software licenses, imposing minimal restrictions on the redistribution of covered software
Wikipedia - BTC City -- Shopping mall in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Wikipedia - B. Todd Jones -- American lawyer and former government official
Wikipedia - BT postcode area -- Postcode area in the United Kingdom covering Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - B. Traven -- Novelist
Wikipedia - B. T. Road Government Sponsored H. S. School -- Senior secondary boys' school in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Buang Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bubba the Love Sponge -- American radio personality
Wikipedia - Bubblegum (novel) -- 2020 science fiction novel by Adam Levin
Wikipedia - Bubbling Over (film) -- 1934 film by Leigh Jason
Wikipedia - Bucharest Bible -- First complete translation of the Bible into the Romanian language; patronized by M-HM-^Xerban Cantacuzino, overseen by Constantin BrM-CM-"ncoveanu
Wikipedia - Buckeye candy -- Chocolate-covered peanut butter candy
Wikipedia - Buckover Road Cutting -- Geological site in England
Wikipedia - Buckwheat Boyz -- American novelty group
Wikipedia - Buddhism and Eastern religions -- Overview of the relationship between Buddhism and Eastern religions
Wikipedia - Buddhism in Hong Kong -- Overview of Buddhism in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Buddhism in Myanmar -- Overview about the Buddhism in Myanmar
Wikipedia - Buddhism in Thailand -- Overview about the Buddhism in Thailand
Wikipedia - Buddhist modernism -- New movements based on reinterpreted Buddhism
Wikipedia - Buddy Roemer -- American politician and 52nd Governor of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Budget of the Government of Puerto Rico -- Proposed by the Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buffalo Billion -- Development project by state government of New York
Wikipedia - Buffer (optical fiber) -- protective layer covering an optical fiber
Wikipedia - Buffer overflow -- Anomaly in computer security and programming
Wikipedia - Buffer over-read
Wikipedia - Buff-fronted quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Buffy novels
Wikipedia - Bugs in Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Buick Enclave -- crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Buick Encore GX -- crossover automobile
Wikipedia - Buildings Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Buin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buka cloak -- Noongar South West Australian indigenous language word describing usually kangaroo skin cloak worn draped over one shoulder
Wikipedia - Buka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bukla Magazine -- Slovenian book review magazine
Wikipedia - BUKO Pharma-Kampagne -- Independent organization which watches over the marketing practices of German pharmaceutical companies
Wikipedia - Bukovel -- Ski resort in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bukovina Governorate -- Romanian autonomous province during World War II
Wikipedia - Bulgarian Lovers -- 2003 film by Eloy de la Iglesia
Wikipedia - Bulk movement
Wikipedia - Bull Connor -- Birmingham, Alabama public safety commissioner during the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Bullets of Love -- 2001 film by Andrew Lau
Wikipedia - Bullets over Broadway -- 1994 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Bumbita-Muhian Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bundi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bundism -- Secular Jewish socialist movement
Wikipedia - Bureaucracy -- Administrative system governing any large institution
Wikipedia - Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense -- Fictional government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of Customs -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Bureau of Economic Analysis -- US federal government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of Engraving and Printing -- United States Government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of Immigration (Philippines) -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Bureau of Indian Affairs -- US government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of Labor Statistics -- US government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of Soils and Water Management -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Bureau of State Services -- Former U.S. federal government agency
Wikipedia - Burgenland corpses discovery -- 2015 death of 71 migrants in a lorry in Austria
Wikipedia - Burgundian State -- Historical government in what is now France and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Burly Go Home -- Comedy novel written by John Swartzwelder
Wikipedia - Burmese Days -- Novel by George Orwell
Wikipedia - Burned (Cast novel) -- Book by P. C. Cast
Wikipedia - Burned-over district -- Historic region in Upstate New York
Wikipedia - Burning for Love -- Song by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Burning the Books -- 2020 book by Richard Ovenden
Wikipedia - Burn (novella) -- 2005 novella by James Patrick Kelly
Wikipedia - Burnt Shadows -- 2009 novel by Kamila Shamsie
Wikipedia - Burrow Island -- A tidal island in Gosport overlooking Portsmouth
Wikipedia - Burui-Kunai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Burum-Kwat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bush School of Government and Public Service -- Graduate college of Texas A&M University
Wikipedia - Business career of Donald Trump -- Overview of Donald Trump's business career
Wikipedia - Business improvement district -- Defined geographical area as relating to legal business matters
Wikipedia - Business license -- Permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business
Wikipedia - Business Link -- UK government-funded business advice and guidance service
Wikipedia - Business Process Discovery
Wikipedia - Business process discovery
Wikipedia - Busman's Honeymoon -- 1937 mystery novel by Dorothy L. Sayers
Wikipedia - Bust a Groove -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bust a Move (song) -- Single by Young MC
Wikipedia - Butch Otter -- 32nd Governor of Idaho
Wikipedia - But I Do Love You -- 2001 single by LeAnn Rimes
Wikipedia - Butler Committee -- Committee of the Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Butler County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Butler Noble -- 19th century American Republican politician, 7th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Butterfield Overland Mail in Texas -- Route of mail service created in 1857
Wikipedia - But What If This Is Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Buyid dynasty -- Iranian dynasty which ruled over Iraq and central and southern Iran (934-1062)
Wikipedia - Bwanabwana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - By Heresies Distressed -- Novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - Byker Grove -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bykhovsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - By Love Possessed (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - By Moonlight -- 1958 novel by Peter Churchill
Wikipedia - Byron A. Stover -- American politician
Wikipedia - Byron Shire -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - By Schism Rent Asunder -- Novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - By the Grace of the Gods -- Japanese novel series
Wikipedia - Byzantine silk -- Silk woven in or distributed via the Byzantine Empire
Wikipedia - C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy) -- Kreutz Sungrazer comet discovered in November 2011 by Terry Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Cabannes, Bouches-du-Rhone -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cabildo (council) -- Spanish colonial, and early post-colonial, administrative council which governed a municipality
Wikipedia - Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs -- Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs of the Central Government of India
Wikipedia - Cabinet (government) -- Group of high ranking officials, usually representing the executive branch of government
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Desimir Jevtic -- Governing body of Serbia
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Eswatini -- Decision-making body of the Eswatini government
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Ewa Kopacz -- Government of Poland, 2014-2015
Wikipedia - Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms -- UK government facility for crisis meetings
Wikipedia - Cabinet Office -- United Kingdom government ministerial department
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Guyana -- Government Cabinet of Guyana
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Japan -- Executive branch of the government of Japan
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Moon Jae-in -- South Korean government cabinet (2017-2020)
Wikipedia - Cabinet of New Zealand -- Central decision-making forum of the New Zealand Government
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Pakistan -- Decision-making body of the Government of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Park Geun-hye -- South Korean government cabinet (2013-2017)
Wikipedia - Cabinet of the United Kingdom -- Decision-making body of the UK government
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Yemen -- Governing body of Yemen
Wikipedia - Cabinet Secretariat (India) -- Department responsible for the administration of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Cabletren Bolivariano -- Automated people mover in Caracas, Venezuela
Wikipedia - Cab over -- Truck with the cabin above the engine
Wikipedia - Cabries -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cabris -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cacau (novel) -- novel by the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado about the lives of those working on cocoa plantations in Brazil
Wikipedia - Cadiz sisters -- Two Irish sisters notable for their involvement in the Irish suffrage movement
Wikipedia - Cadolive -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cady Groves -- American singer/songwriter
Wikipedia - Cafe Clover -- American restaurant
Wikipedia - Cafe con aroma de mujer (Colombian TV series) -- Colombian telenovela of 1994, created by Fernando Gaitan.
Wikipedia - Cagayan Heritage Conservation Society -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Cagnes-sur-Mer -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Caille, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cain and Abel (software) -- Password recovery software
Wikipedia - Cairo Governorate -- Governorate in Egypt
Wikipedia - Caitlyn Taylor Love -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Cakaudrove East (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji) -- Former electoral division of Fiji
Wikipedia - Cakaudrove Province -- Province of Fiji
Wikipedia - Calabasas Civic Center -- Center of government for Calabasas, California
Wikipedia - Calais-Dover (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Calcium channel blocker -- Group of medications that disrupt movement of calcium through calcium channels
Wikipedia - Caldoveiro Peak -- Mountain in Asturias, Northern Spain
Wikipedia - Caledonian Sleeper -- collective name for overnight sleeper train services between London and Scotland, in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Calhoun County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Caliburn International -- Private contractor to the U.S. government
Wikipedia - California Coastal Commission -- State agency with quasi-judicial regulatory oversight over coastal zone
Wikipedia - California dairy industry -- Overview of the milk producing industry in California
Wikipedia - California Department of Education -- State government agency
Wikipedia - California Department of Fair Employment and Housing -- State government housing agency in California
Wikipedia - California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery -- Oversees waste management in California
Wikipedia - California Energy Commission -- Government agency
Wikipedia - California Franchise Tax Board -- Part of the California Government Operations Agency.
Wikipedia - California Golden Overtones
Wikipedia - California Independent System Operator -- Oversees the operation of the U.S. state's electric power grid
Wikipedia - California Public Utilities Commission -- State government agency of California
Wikipedia - California Scene Painting -- American regionalist art movement
Wikipedia - California Senate Bill 277 -- Removed personal belief as exemption from vaccination requirements for entry to schools
Wikipedia - California State Lands Commission -- Unit of California state government
Wikipedia - California Strawberry Commission -- California government agency
Wikipedia - Caliphate -- Islamic form of government
Wikipedia - Cal Leandros series -- Series of novels by Rob Thurman
Wikipedia - Call for the Dead -- 1961 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - Callista (novel)
Wikipedia - Cal (novel) -- 1983 novel by Bernard MacLaverty
Wikipedia - Calor licitantis -- Irrational over-bidding in an auction
Wikipedia - CalPERS -- A California government agency which manages pensions for government workers
Wikipedia - Calvin Baker -- American novelist, essayist, and editor
Wikipedia - Calycadenia hooveri -- California species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Calyptra -- Botanical term for a protective covering, hood or lid
Wikipedia - Calzone -- Oven-baked folded pizza from Naples
Wikipedia - Cama de Gato -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Cam and groove -- A form of hose coupling
Wikipedia - Camberwell Grove -- Street in Camberwell, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cambodian Center for Human Rights -- Cambodian non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Cambodian irredentism -- Irredentist movement in Cambodia
Wikipedia - Cambric -- Soft, plain-woven cotton or linen fabric with a lustrous finish
Wikipedia - Cambridge movement (civil rights) -- American social movement in Dorchester County, Maryland
Wikipedia - Cambridgeshire County Council -- The elected administrative body governing Cambridgeshire, England
Wikipedia - Came Here for Love -- 2017 single by Sigala and Ella Eyre
Wikipedia - Camera Obscura (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Lloyd Rose
Wikipedia - Cameron-Clegg coalition -- 2010-2015 coalition government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cameroon People's Democratic Movement -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Cameroon Renaissance Movement -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Camilla Overbye Roos -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Caminho das M-CM-^Mndias -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Camlet -- Woven fabric
Wikipedia - Camogie Association -- Governing body for the sport of camogie on the island of Ireland, and worldwide
Wikipedia - Camouflage (novel) -- 2004 science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - Campanas en la noche -- Argentine Telenovela
Wikipedia - Campbell award (best novel)
Wikipedia - Camper Van Beethoven -- American rock band from Redlands, California
Wikipedia - Camp Gilboa -- U.S. summer camp in California for socialist-Zionist youth movement, Habonim Dror
Wikipedia - Camphill movement
Wikipedia - Camphill Movement -- Special education
Wikipedia - Campsite -- Place used for overnight stay in the outdoors
Wikipedia - Canaanism -- Jewish-Palestinian cultural and ideological movement
Wikipedia - Canada Council -- Arts council of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Canada Gazette -- Official periodical of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Canada's Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium -- Consortium of broadcasters that aired 2010 and 2012 Olympic coverage
Wikipedia - Canada Water station -- London Underground and London Overground station
Wikipedia - Canadian Coast Guard -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Canadian Intellectual Property Office -- Canadian government agency
Wikipedia - Canadian social credit movement -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Canadian Young Judaea -- Canadian Zionist youth movement
Wikipedia - Canal del Congreso -- Mexican television channel covering congressional proceedings
Wikipedia - Canal house -- House overlooking a canal
Wikipedia - CancelYale -- Movement demanding renaming Yale University
Wikipedia - Cancion de amor -- Telenovela
Wikipedia - Candice Fox -- Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Candle Cove -- Online horror story originally written by Kris Straub
Wikipedia - Candleford Green -- 1943 semi-autobiographical novel by Flora Thompson
Wikipedia - Candy apple -- Whole apples covered in a hard toffee or sugar candy coating
Wikipedia - Candy bar protest -- Protest by Canadian children over the price of chocolate bars
Wikipedia - Candyfloss (novel) -- 2006 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Candy (Southern and Hoffenberg novel)
Wikipedia - Cane (novel)
Wikipedia - Canis Major Overdensity -- Disputed irregular galaxy located near the constellation Canis Major
Wikipedia - Cannabidiol -- Phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Slovenia -- Use of cannabis in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Washington (state) -- Overview of cannabis use and culture in Washington state
Wikipedia - Cannelloni -- Cylindrical pasta baked with a filling and covered by a sauce
Wikipedia - Cannery Row (novel) -- Novel by John Steinbeck
Wikipedia - Cannes -- city in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Canoe Association of Northern Ireland -- National governing body for paddlesports in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Canoe England -- Previous national governing body for paddlesports in England
Wikipedia - Canoe Kayak Canada -- Governing body of competitive canoeing and kayaking disciplines in Canada
Wikipedia - Canoe Wales -- National governing body for paddlesports in Wales
Wikipedia - Canopy (biology) -- Aboveground portion of a plant community or crop
Wikipedia - Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 -- New Zealand Act of Parliament
Wikipedia - Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe -- 1974 single by Barry White
Wikipedia - Can't Help Falling in Love (film) -- 2017 Philippinese film by Mae Cruz-Alviar
Wikipedia - Can't Help Falling in Love -- 1961 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - Cantino planisphere -- Earliest surviving map showing Portuguese geographic discoveries in the east and west
Wikipedia - Can't Wait to Get to Heaven -- 2006 novel by Fannie Flagg
Wikipedia - Canvas -- Extremely heavy-duty plain-woven fabric
Wikipedia - Can You Feel the Love Tonight -- Song from Disney's The Lion King
Wikipedia - Can You Keep a Secret? (novel) -- 2003 book by Sophie Kinsella
Wikipedia - Caoilinn Hughes -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - Cao Wenxuan -- Chinese novelist
Wikipedia - Capacity building -- Process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills and knowledge needed to do their jobs competently
Wikipedia - Caparison -- Cloth covering laid over a horse or other animal for protection and decoratio
Wikipedia - Cap-d'Ail -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 46 -- Florida state government-operated space vehicle launch complex at Cape Canaveral
Wikipedia - Cape Mackintosh -- Ice-covered cape in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Cape shoveler -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Capital Centre (Landover, Maryland) -- Demolished arena in Landover, Maryland
Wikipedia - Capital city -- Primary governing city of a top-level (country) or first-level subdivision (country, state, province, etc) political entity
Wikipedia - Capital controversy
Wikipedia - Capital Governorate, Bahrain -- Governorate of Bahrain
Wikipedia - Capital Governorate (Kuwait) -- Governorate of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Capitalism: A Love Story -- 2009 documentary film by Michael Moore
Wikipedia - Capital Markets Authority of Uganda -- Ugandan government body responsible for financial regulation
Wikipedia - Capital punishment by the United States federal government -- Imposed for certain types of crimes
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in California -- Overview of capital punishment in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Canada -- Overview of capital punishment in Canada
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in China -- Overview about capital punishment
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Connecticut -- Overview of capital punishment in Connecticut
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in France -- Overview of capital punishment in France
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Japan -- Overview of capital punishment in Japan
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Kentucky -- Overview of capital punishment in Kentucky
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in New Zealand -- Overview of capital punishment in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Ohio -- Overview of capital punishment in the U.S. state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Oklahoma -- Overview of capital punishment in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Pennsylvania -- Overview of capital punishment in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Tennessee -- Overview of capital punishment in the U.S. state of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Texas -- Overview of capital punishment in the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in the Philippines -- Overview of capital punishment in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Capitol of Puerto Rico -- Government building in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Capo di Bove -- ancient Roman thermal baths on the Appian Way outside Rome
Wikipedia - Capstone (cryptography) -- US government standardization project
Wikipedia - Captain Ahab -- Fictional character from the novel Moby-Dick
Wikipedia - Captain Alatriste -- Novel by Arturo Perez-Reverte
Wikipedia - Captains of the Sands -- novel by the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado, set in Salvador da Bahia
Wikipedia - Captain Tempesta -- Adventure novel
Wikipedia - Carac (pastry) -- Swiss tart of green fondant over chocolate ganache in a shortbread crust
Wikipedia - Caramba (band) -- Swedish novelty music group
Wikipedia - Caras & Bocas -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - Caravana de Campeones (November 2013) -- 2013 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Carazamba -- 1953 novel by Virgilio Rodriguez Macal
Wikipedia - Carbonates on Mars -- Overview about the presencr of carbonates on Mars
Wikipedia - Carbon filtering -- Filtering method that uses a bed of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities
Wikipedia - Carbon sink -- reservoir absorbing more carbon from than emitting to the air, storing carbon over the long term
Wikipedia - Carceri Nuove -- Jail built by Pope Innocent X
Wikipedia - Cardiopulmonary bypass -- Technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery
Wikipedia - Cards on the Table -- 1936 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Careening Cove -- Bay in Sydney Harbour
Wikipedia - Career of Evil -- 2015 crime fiction novel by J. K. Rowling
Wikipedia - Carel van Nievelt -- Dutch novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Carey Harrison -- English novelist and dramatist
Wikipedia - Car-free movement -- Movement to reduce the use of private vehicles
Wikipedia - Caribbean dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Caridade Damaciano Fernandes -- Konkani novelist
Wikipedia - Carina Burman -- Swedish novelist and literature scholar
Wikipedia - Carinthian Slovene
Wikipedia - Carla Anderson Hills -- American lawyer and U.S. government official
Wikipedia - Carla Dove -- Ornithologist and American researcher of bird-aircraft strikes
Wikipedia - Carla Provost -- United States government official
Wikipedia - Carl Cover -- American aviator
Wikipedia - Carlebach movement -- Orthodox Jewish movement inspired by the legacy of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Wikipedia - Carl Gutierrez -- 6th Governor of Guam
Wikipedia - Carl Hiaasen -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Carlism -- Political movement supporting the claim to the Spanish throne by Don Carlos and his successors
Wikipedia - Carlito Galvez Jr. -- Filipino government official and former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Carl Nixon -- New Zealand novelist, short story writer and playwright
Wikipedia - Carlo Gesualdo -- Italian prince, 1566-1613, known for his compositions and for killing his wife and her lover
Wikipedia - Carlo Rovelli
Wikipedia - Carlos Camacho -- 1st Governor of Guam
Wikipedia - Carlos Espejel -- Mexican telenovela actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Carlos Finlay -- Cuban physician discoverer of means of transmission of yellow fever through mosquitoes
Wikipedia - Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez -- Governor of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Wikipedia - Carlos Lopez-Cantera -- 19th Lieutenant Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Carlos Medina Plascencia -- Mexican senator and Governor of Guanajuato
Wikipedia - Carlos Romero Barcelo -- Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carlos S. Camacho -- Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands
Wikipedia - Carl Perkins Bridge -- Bridge over the Ohio River
Wikipedia - Carlsson III Cabinet -- Cabinet and Government of Sweden 1994-1996
Wikipedia - Carl von In der Maur -- Governor of Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - Carl von Munstermann -- German engineer and land improvement officer
Wikipedia - Carmarthen-Halifax ministry -- Government of England
Wikipedia - Carmarthenshire -- a local government area in Wales
Wikipedia - Carmen Amezcua -- Mexican novelist and former actress
Wikipedia - Carmen Boullosa -- Mexican poet, novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Carmen Jovet -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen (novella) -- 1845 novel by Prosper Merimee
Wikipedia - Carnoux-en-Provence -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Carol Bove -- American artist based in New York City
Wikipedia - Carolina Invernizio -- Italian novelist
Wikipedia - Carolina M-CM-^Vdman-Govender -- Professor of Astrophysics
Wikipedia - Caroline Casagrande -- American government official
Wikipedia - Caroline Hargrove -- Engineer
Wikipedia - Caroline, Princess of Hanover -- Princess of Hanover
Wikipedia - Carolyn Rovee-Collier -- American psychologist, academic and educator
Wikipedia - Caroni Swamp -- The second largest mangrove wetland in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Caroverine
Wikipedia - Carpenter's rule problem -- Can a simple planar polygon be moved continuously so all vertices are in convex position?
Wikipedia - Carpet -- Textile floor covering
Wikipedia - Carport -- Covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from rain and snow
Wikipedia - Carracks black sword -- Swords used by Portuguese sailors and seamen during the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Carriage dispute -- Disagreement over the right to retransmit a broadcaster's signal
Wikipedia - Carrick mat -- Flat woven decorative knot
Wikipedia - Carrie Fisher -- American actress, screenwriter, and novelist
Wikipedia - Carrie (franchise) -- Franchise of horror novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Carrie Furnace Hot Metal Bridge -- Bridge over the Monongahela River
Wikipedia - Carrie (novel) -- 1974 novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Carroll County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Carroll County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Carrossel -- Brazilian children's telenovela
Wikipedia - Carros -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Carrusel -- Mexican children's telenovela
Wikipedia - Carry-le-Rouet -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Carry On, Mr. Bowditch -- Children's novel by Jean Lee Latham
Wikipedia - Carson of Venus -- 1939 science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Wikipedia - Cart and Cwidder -- British young adult fantasy novel
Wikipedia - Cart before the horse -- Idiom or proverb
Wikipedia - Carte Blanche (novel) -- Novel by Jeffery Deaver
Wikipedia - Carteret ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Cartoon Hangover -- Internet animation channel
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion -- 2011 crossover fighting video game
Wikipedia - Carunculated fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Caryl Lewis -- Welsh novelist
Wikipedia - Casa da CM-CM-"mara -- former seat of local government in Porto
Wikipedia - Casa de las Americas -- An organization that was founded by the Cuban Government in April 1959
Wikipedia - Cascadia (independence movement) -- Bioregion, proposed country in North America
Wikipedia - Casca (series) -- Historical fantasy novel series by Barry Sadler
Wikipedia - Case Closed: The Crimson Love Letter
Wikipedia - Casillas de Camineros -- Structures built by the Spanish government in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Casimiro de Abreu -- Brazilian poet, novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas -- 1995 non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Casino Royale (novel) -- Novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Caspian plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Cassis -- administrative division in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cassius Apronianus -- 2nd century Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Cassper Nyovest -- South African rapper
Wikipedia - Castagniers -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Castellar, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Castello Holford -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Castelvecchio Bridge -- Fortified bridge over the Adige River in Verona, Italy
Wikipedia - Castillon, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Castle Dor -- 1961 novel by Daphne du Maurier
Wikipedia - Castle Gay -- 1930 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Castle of Montegiove -- Castle in Umbria, Italy
Wikipedia - Castlereagh (borough) -- Local government district with borough status in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Castling -- Chess move
Wikipedia - Castration -- Surgical or chemical action that removes use of testicles
Wikipedia - Casualties of War (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Steve Emmerson
Wikipedia - CasualtyXHolby -- Crossover of British medical dramas Casualty and Holby City
Wikipedia - Catalan Action -- Catalanist political movement
Wikipedia - Catalan Labour, Economic and Social Affairs Council -- Catalonian governmental advisory body
Wikipedia - Cat Among the Pigeons -- 1959 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Cataract surgery -- Eye surgery to remove cataract containing lens and replace it with synthetic lens
Wikipedia - Catastrophic failure -- Sudden and total failure from which recovery is impossible
Wikipedia - Catatumbo campaign -- War between militia groups in Colombia's Catatumbo region over drug trade
Wikipedia - Catch-22 -- 1961 novel by Joseph Heller
Wikipedia - Catch the Sun -- 2000 single by Doves
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century French novelists
Wikipedia - Category:1946 archaeological discoveries
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century American novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century British novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Danish novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century German novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Scottish novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Swiss novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Welsh novelists
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman governors of Egypt
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman governors of Syria
Wikipedia - Category:2015 Japanese novels
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century American novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century British novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Canadian novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century German novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Indian novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Scottish novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Swiss novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Welsh novelists
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century American novelists
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century heads of government
Wikipedia - Category:Academics of Coventry University
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Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Christians involved in controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Andover Theological Seminary alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Anglo-Welsh novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Anime and manga based on light novels
Wikipedia - Category:Anti-poverty advocates
Wikipedia - Category:Archaeological discoveries in Israel
Wikipedia - Category:Archaeological discoveries in the State of Palestine
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing overly long summaries
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing potentially dated statements from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing potentially dated statements from November 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from November 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with a promotional tone from November 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with failed verification from November 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with incomplete citations from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with incomplete citations from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with incomplete citations from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with incomplete citations from November 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with incomplete citations from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with minor POV problems from November 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from November 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unidentified words from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2008
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from November 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Beni Suef Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Courland Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Coventry
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Irkutsk Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Kalisz Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Latakia Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Minya Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Moscow Governorate
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Tambov Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Tiflis Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People involved in plagiarism controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophers of love
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical movements
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical novels
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of love
Wikipedia - Category:Poetry movements
Wikipedia - Category:Political movements
Wikipedia - Category:Portuguese exploration in the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Category:Poverty in Japan
Wikipedia - Category:Proverbs
Wikipedia - Category:Race and intelligence controversy
Wikipedia - Category:Realism (art movement)
Wikipedia - Category:Researchers of new religious movements and cults
Wikipedia - Category:Russian literary movements
Wikipedia - Category:Russian male novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Ryazan Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:Scientific controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Scottish male novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Slovenian computer scientists
Wikipedia - Category:Slovenian philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Social movements
Wikipedia - Category:Sovereignty
Wikipedia - Category:Soviet novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish exploration in the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Category:Swiss male novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Swiss women novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Template Large category TOC via CatAutoTOC on category with over 20,000 pages
Wikipedia - Category:Tibetan Buddhists from Slovenia
Wikipedia - Category:United States government secrecy
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from November 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Use shortened footnotes from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Utopian movements
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2008
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Wikipedia - Category:Victorian novelists
Wikipedia - Category:Video game controversies
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Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles in need of updating from November 2012
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Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles lacking focus from November 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing time reference citations from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing words, phrases or quotes attributed from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles that are too technical from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles that may have off-topic sections from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with style issues from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with style issues from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with style issues from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with style issues from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia books (books without cover images)
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia move-protected portals
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia move-protected project pages
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia pages move-protected due to dispute
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia pages move-protected due to vandalism
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia references cleanup from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia references cleanup from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia references cleanup from November 2019
Wikipedia - Cat Glover -- Professional choreographer, dancer and singer
Wikipedia - Catharism -- Christian dualist movement that thrived in some areas of Southern Europe
Wikipedia - Catherine (1986 TV series) -- 1986 French television series based on the novels by Juliette Benzoni
Wikipedia - Catherine Aird -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Arlove -- Australian judoka
Wikipedia - Catherine (Benzoni novel) -- A series of French historical romance novels by the author Juliette Benzoni
Wikipedia - Catherine Christian -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Coulter -- American romance novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Dorothea Burdett -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Hay -- New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Heath -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Sinclair -- Scottish writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Catholic bishops in Nazi Germany -- Overview of Catholic bishops in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Catholic Church and Nazi Germany -- Overview of the relationship between the Catholic Church and Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Catholic Marian movements and societies
Wikipedia - Catholic Worker movement
Wikipedia - Catholic Worker Movement -- Autonomous communities of Catholics and their associates
Wikipedia - Cathy Dove -- American college administrator
Wikipedia - Cathy Overton-Clapham -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Catiline -- Ancient Roman Senator who attempted to overthrow the Republic
Wikipedia - Catriona Ward -- American and British horror novelist
Wikipedia - Cat's Cradle -- 1963 novel by Kurt Vonnegut
Wikipedia - Caucus on Reform and Governance -- Committee appointed by the Malaysian House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Causes of income inequality in the United States -- Overview of the various possibe causes of income inequality in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Causes of unemployment in the United States -- Overview of some possible causes of unemployment in the United States
Wikipedia - Causeway Coast and Glens -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Caussols -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious -- Japanese light novel, manga, and anime series
Wikipedia - Cavehill -- Hill overlooking the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Cavern diver -- Diving under a natural overhead within the zone of natural light
Wikipedia - Caverns (novel) -- Collaborative novel by Ken Kesey and creative writing class
Wikipedia - Cayley-Hamilton theorem -- Every square matrix over a commutative ring satisfies its own characteristic equation
Wikipedia - Cayman Islands -- British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - C. Brian Haselgrove -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - CBS Overnight News -- American overnight television news program
Wikipedia - CBS World News Roundup -- Twice-daily radio newscast; broadcast continuously over the CBS Radio Network since 1938
Wikipedia - Cecil Dreeme -- 1861 novel by Theodore Wintrop
Wikipedia - Cecile Hoover Edwards -- African American nutritional researcher
Wikipedia - Cecile La Grenade -- Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Cecil Toovey -- British Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Cedar Grove High School (New Jersey) -- High school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Cedar Grove, New Jersey -- Township in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Cees Nooteboom -- Dutch novelist, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Cehi 2 cave -- Cave in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee -- 18th-century Chinese gong'an detective novel
Wikipedia - Celebrate Recovery -- Christian twelve-step program
Wikipedia - Celeste Bradley -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Celia Buckmaster -- British novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Cello Sonata No. 3 (Beethoven) -- composition for cello and piano by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Cello Sonatas Nos. 4 and 5 (Beethoven) -- Set of sonatas by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Celtic Empire -- 2019 novel by Clive Cussler
Wikipedia - Censorship in Australia -- Overview of censorship in Australia
Wikipedia - Censorship in Brazil -- Overview of censorship in Brazil
Wikipedia - Censorship in Canada -- Overview of censorship in Canada
Wikipedia - Censorship in East Germany -- Overview of censorship in East Germany
Wikipedia - Censorship in France -- Overview of censorship in France
Wikipedia - Censorship in Germany -- Overview of censorship in Germany
Wikipedia - Censorship in India -- Overview of censorship in India
Wikipedia - Censorship in Iran -- The state of government censorship in Iran
Wikipedia - Censorship in Italy -- Overview of censorship in Italy
Wikipedia - Censorship in Japan -- Overview of censorship in Japan
Wikipedia - Censorship in New Zealand -- Overview of censorship in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Censorship in South Korea -- Overview of censorship in South Korea
Wikipedia - Censorship in Sweden -- Overview of censorship in Sweden
Wikipedia - Censorship in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of censorship in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Censorship in the United Kingdom -- Overview of censorship in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Censorship in Turkey -- Overview of censorship in Turkey
Wikipedia - Censorship of YouTube -- Overview of the censorship of YouTube
Wikipedia - Center Grove Community School Corporation -- School district in Greenwood, Indiana
Wikipedia - Center of Contemporary Architecture -- Russian cultural non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Center of Political and Foreign Affairs -- Think tank focused on government policies and geopolitics
Wikipedia - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- United States government public health agency
Wikipedia - Central African Forest Commission -- Intergovernmental organisation
Wikipedia - Central African mangroves -- The largest area of mangrove swamp in Africa, located on the coasts of West Africa, mainly in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (Egypt) -- Egypt's principal government institution in charge of statistics and census data
Wikipedia - Central bank -- Government body that manages currency and monetary policy
Wikipedia - Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency -- Defunct UK government agency based in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Central Gazelle Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central Government Complex (Hong Kong) -- Hong Kong government headquarters
Wikipedia - Central governor -- A process in the brain that regulates exercise in regard to a neurally calculated safe exertion by the body
Wikipedia - Central hypoventilation syndrome
Wikipedia - Central-Inland Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central Iowa Regional Association of Local Governments -- Former government agency in Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Centralized government -- Type of government in whichM-BM- powerM-BM- orM-BM- legal authorityM-BM- is exerted or coordinated by aM-BM- de factoM-BM- political executive to whichM-BM- federal states,M-BM- local authorities, and smaller units are considered subject
Wikipedia - Central Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company -- Stagecoach line
Wikipedia - Central Policy Unit -- Former Hong Kong government office
Wikipedia - Central Security Service -- United States Department of Defense government agency
Wikipedia - Central State Farm, Suratgarh -- Indian Government farm
Wikipedia - Central Statistics Office (Ireland) -- Ireland's principal government institution in charge of statistics and census data
Wikipedia - Central Tool Room and Training Centre, Bhubaneswar -- Indian government agency
Wikipedia - Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Centre for Equality and Inclusion -- Non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Centre for International Governance Innovation -- Think tank on global governance
Wikipedia - Centrelink -- federal social security program of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Centrifugal governor
Wikipedia - Cercosaura nigroventris -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Cerebral palsy -- A group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood
Wikipedia - Ceremonial deism -- Governmental religious references and practices deemed to be mere ritual and non-religious through long customary usage
Wikipedia - Ceremonial Palace of Georgia -- Residence and government agency of the President of Georgia
Wikipedia - Ceridwen Dovey -- South African-Australian writer and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Certificate of occupancy -- Document issued by a government authority, usually from the local government, certifying that a property is fit for a specific use in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Wikipedia - Cesar Birotteau -- 1837 novel by Honore de Balzac
Wikipedia - Cesko Slovenska SuperStar 2020 -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Cestne a Stavebne Mechanizmy Tisovec -- Slovakian manufacturer of military machinery
Wikipedia - Cestus -- Ancient battle glove
Wikipedia - Ceux de la Liberation -- French resistance movement
Wikipedia - Ceyreste -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cezanne's Quarry -- Novel by Barbara Corrado Pope
Wikipedia - CFBW-FM -- Community radio station in Hanover, Ontario
Wikipedia - CFP franc -- Currency used in the French Pacific overseas collectivities
Wikipedia - Chabad affiliated organizations -- Organizations affiliated with the Chabad movement within Hasidic Judaism
Wikipedia - Chabad offshoot groups -- Religious groups spawned from the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Jewish movement
Wikipedia - Chabad philosophy -- The teachings of the leaders of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement in Judaism
Wikipedia - Chad Gadya -- Passover song
Wikipedia - Chaim Soloveitchik -- Belarusian rabbi
Wikipedia - Chain Bridge (Berwyn) -- Footbridge over the river Dee at Berwyn, Llangollen, Denbighshire, North Wales
Wikipedia - Chain-link fencing -- Type of woven metal fencing
Wikipedia - Chains of Love (Ahmet Ertegun song) -- 1951 song performed by Big Joe Turner
Wikipedia - Chains of Love (TV series) -- 2001 American TV show
Wikipedia - Chair of the Federal Reserve -- American government office
Wikipedia - Chambered cairn -- Burial monument, usually constructed during the Neolithic, consisting of a sizeable (usually stone) chamber around and over which a cairn of stones was constructed
Wikipedia - Chamberlain war ministry -- Government of the United Kingdom September 1939 - May 1940
Wikipedia - Chametz -- Leavened foods that are forbidden on the Jewish holiday of Passover
Wikipedia - Champaign County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Champai Soren -- Cabinet Minister in Government of Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Champa (novel) -- Novel by Laxmi Prasad Devkota
Wikipedia - Champaran Satyagraha -- First civil resistance movement led by Gandhi in India in 1916
Wikipedia - Champ Clark Bridge (1928) -- Former bridge over the Mississippi River
Wikipedia - Champ Clark Bridge (2019) -- Bridge over the Mississippi River
Wikipedia - Champions: A Love Story -- 1979 television film by John A. Alonzo
Wikipedia - Champlain Bridge, Montreal (2019-present) -- Bridge over the Saint Lawrence River in Montreal, Quebec
Wikipedia - Chana Eulove -- Compact MPV
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Austria -- Head of government of the Republic of Austria
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Germany -- Head of government of Germany
Wikipedia - Chancellor -- Governmental office
Wikipedia - Chandler Coventry -- Australian grazier and art collector
Wikipedia - Chandler Hale -- American government official
Wikipedia - Chandrakanta (novel) -- 1888 epic fantasy book by Devaki Nandan Khatri
Wikipedia - Changan CS35 Plus -- Chinese subcompact crossover automobile
Wikipedia - Change in personality over a lifetime
Wikipedia - Changeover
Wikipedia - Change Up the Groove -- album by Roy Ayers Ubiquity
Wikipedia - Changi Airport Skytrain -- Automated people mover system in Singapore Changi Airport
Wikipedia - Chang Sung-hwan -- South Korean general, government minister and diplomat
Wikipedia - Chan Hiang Leng Colin v Public Prosecutor -- 1994 High Court judgement on constitutionality of Government orders to deregister and ban Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Channel access method -- means for more than two terminals to communicate over one medium
Wikipedia - Channels TV -- 24-hour overseas news channel from Nigeria
Wikipedia - Chaos;Child Love Chu Chu!! -- 2017 video novel game
Wikipedia - Chaos;Head -- 2008 Japanese visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Chapel of the Congregation of Monte dei Poveri -- Building in Naples, Italy
Wikipedia - Chaperon (headgear) -- Type of head cover
Wikipedia - Chapterhouse: Dune -- Novel by Frank Herbert
Wikipedia - Characters of Overwatch -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Char de depannage DNG/DCL -- French armored recovery vehicle
Wikipedia - Charfasson Govt. College -- A Government college in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Charge carrier -- Particle free to move, carrying an electric charge, especially the particles that carry electric charges in electrical conductors
Wikipedia - Charge-coupled device -- Device for the movement of electrical charge
Wikipedia - Charismatic Movement
Wikipedia - Charismatic (movement)
Wikipedia - Charismatic movement -- Trend of historically mainstream congregations adopting beliefs and practices similar to Pentecostalism
Wikipedia - Charity (novel) -- 1996 novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - Charles Bathurst, 1st Viscount Bledisloe -- British Conservative politician and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Charles Baxter (author) -- American novelist, essayist, and poet
Wikipedia - Charles Brockden Brown -- American novelist, historian and editor
Wikipedia - Charles Canning, 1st Earl Canning -- English statesman and Governor-General of India
Wikipedia - Charles Clayton Grove -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Charles de Bovelles
Wikipedia - Charles Duncan Jr. -- American governmental official
Wikipedia - Charles Durkee -- 19th century American pioneer, Congressman, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 6th Governor of the Utah Territory.
Wikipedia - Charles E. Gannon -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Charles Foster (Ohio politician) -- 35th Governor of Ohio and 40th Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Charles Glover Barkla -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Charles G. Overberger -- American chemist (1920-1997)
Wikipedia - Charles Groves Wright Anderson -- Australian Victoria Cross recipient, farmer and politician.
Wikipedia - Charles H. Sheldon -- American politician and 2nd Governor of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Charles Ingram -- English novelist, computer repairman, army major, and fraudster
Wikipedia - Charles James Napier -- Major General, Governor of Sindh, and Commander-in-Chief in British India (1782-1853)
Wikipedia - Charles Kingsley -- English clergyman, historian and novelist
Wikipedia - Charles Kupperman -- former United States government official
Wikipedia - Charles Lever -- Irish novelist and raconteur
Wikipedia - Charles M. Dale -- 66th Governor of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Charles N. Haskell -- American politician and 1st Governor of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Charles Nordhoff -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Charles Pinckney (governor) -- American politician (1757-1824)
Wikipedia - Charles Poletti -- American judge and governor
Wikipedia - Charles Poulett Thomson, 1st Baron Sydenham -- British politician and Governor General of the Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Charles Randell -- Senior executive in UK quasi-government financial overview organisations
Wikipedia - Charles Scott (governor) -- Governor of Kentucky from 1808 to 1812
Wikipedia - Charles Taze Russell -- Founder of the Bible Student movement
Wikipedia - Charles W. Bailey II -- American journalist, newspaper editor and novelist
Wikipedia - Charles William Glover -- English violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Charleval, Bouches-du-Rhone -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -- 1964 children's novel by Roald Dahl
Wikipedia - Charlie Baker -- 72nd governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Charlie Crist -- U.S. Representative; 44th Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Charlie Kaufman -- American screenwriter, producer, director and novelist
Wikipedia - Charlie Wells (writer) -- American crime novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bingham -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Charlotte Elizabeth McManus -- Irish nationalist, historian and novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Fullerton -- American writer of television, novels, comic books and video games
Wikipedia - Charlotte Gouffier de Boisy -- 15th-century French royal governess
Wikipedia - Charlotte Grove -- British diarist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Mary Yonge -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Mendelson -- British novelist and editor
Wikipedia - Charlotte Randall -- New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Sometimes (novel) -- Book by Penelope Farmer
Wikipedia - Charlotte's Web -- Children's novel by E. B. White
Wikipedia - Charlotte Turner Smith -- English poet, novelist (1749-1806)
Wikipedia - Charlotte Wood -- Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Charming Kitten -- Iranian government cyber-espionage organization
Wikipedia - Charpai -- Traditional woven bed used in the South Asia
Wikipedia - Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK -- Membership organisation for United Kingdom professionals involved in the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains
Wikipedia - Charter Study Commission -- New Jersey method of changing local government
Wikipedia - Chartism -- British democratic movement (1838-1857)
Wikipedia - Chartist movement
Wikipedia - Chasing the Bear -- 2009 novel by Robert B. Parker
Wikipedia - Chasing the King of Hearts -- 2006 historical novel written by Hanna Krall
Wikipedia - Chastity, poverty and obedience
Wikipedia - Chastity, poverty, and obedience
Wikipedia - Chasuble -- Vestment in the form of a wide cloak or mantle that slips over the wearer's head and hangs open at the sides
Wikipedia - Chatham House Rule -- System for holding debates and discussions on controversial issues
Wikipedia - Chatkhil Panch Gaon Government High School -- Higher secondary school in Noakhali District, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chatumongol Sonakul -- Thai government official
Wikipedia - Chaturanga (2020 novel) -- Historical fiction novel
Wikipedia - Chaturanga (novel)
Wikipedia - Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar -- Governor of Punjab
Wikipedia - Chautala ministry -- Government of Haryana, India (2000-2005)
Wikipedia - Chautauqua Institution -- about origination place of the Chautauqua Movement
Wikipedia - Chebureki -- Crimean Tatar deep-fried turnover
Wikipedia - Checkmate (comics) -- Fictional covert operations agency featured in DC Comics
Wikipedia - Cheesecloth -- Loosely woven carded cotton cloth used primarily in cooking and cheesemaking
Wikipedia - Chef de Cabinet -- Senior civil servant who acts as an aide or private secretary to a government figure
Wikipedia - Cheias de Charme -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Chelation therapy -- Medical procedure to remove heavy metals from the body
Wikipedia - Che Lovelace -- Trinidadian artist
Wikipedia - Chelsea Bridge -- Bridge over the River Thames in west London
Wikipedia - Chelyabinsk meteor -- Near-Earth asteroid that fell over Russia in 2013
Wikipedia - Chemex Coffeemaker -- pour-over style glass coffeemaker
Wikipedia - Chemical depilatory -- Cosmetic preparation used to remove hair from the skin
Wikipedia - Chemicals (Love and Death song) -- 2013 single by Love and Death
Wikipedia - Chemistry and Love -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Chemorepulsion -- Directional movement of a cell away from a substance
Wikipedia - Chen Mu -- 1st century AD Han Dynasty general and governor
Wikipedia - Chen Yan (writer) -- Chinese dramatist and novelist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Chequebook journalism -- The controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information
Wikipedia - Chequered Love -- 1981 single by Kim Wilde
Wikipedia - Chequers plan -- 2018 UK government report on Brexit
Wikipedia - Cherepovets State University
Wikipedia - Chernigov Governorate
Wikipedia - Cherokee Nation (1794-1907) -- Historic, autonomous Native American government
Wikipedia - Cherry Grove, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! -- Japanese boys' love manga series
Wikipedia - Cherry (novel) -- Novel
Wikipedia - Cherry Wilson -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Chery eQ5 -- Tesla electric compact crossover utility vehicle released in March 2020
Wikipedia - Chery Jaguar Land Rover -- automotive manufacturing company headquartered in Changshu, China
Wikipedia - Cheryl-Lynn Vidal -- Belize government prodecutor lawyer
Wikipedia - Chess annotation symbols -- Notation indicating how good a move is: M-bM-^@M-< (brilliant), ! (good), M-bM-^AM-^I (interesting), M-bM-^AM-^H (dubious), ? (mistake), M-bM-^AM-^G (blunder)
Wikipedia - Chess notation -- Methods for describing chess moves and/or positions
Wikipedia - Chess opening -- Initial moves of a chess game
Wikipedia - Chesterfield coat -- Formal overcoat
Wikipedia - Chestnut-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Chetniks -- WWII guerilla movement in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Chevalley-Warning theorem -- Certain polynomial equations in enough variables over a finite field have solutions
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Tracker (2019) -- subcompact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Chhinnapatra -- 1965 Gujarati novel by Suresh Joshi
Wikipedia - Chiasmatic groove -- Groove whose anterior border is a ridge bounding the sphenoid bone
Wikipedia - Chibi Vampire -- Japanese manga, light novel, and anime television series
Wikipedia - Chicago Housing Authority -- Municipal corporation that oversees public housing in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Chicago Public Schools -- Public school system of the municipal government of Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Chicano movement
Wikipedia - Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It) -- 1971 single by Daddy Dewdrop
Wikipedia - Chido Govera -- farmer, campaigner, and educator based in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Chidush -- Novel interpretation or approach to something
Wikipedia - Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of India -- India government post
Wikipedia - Chief Executive (Afghanistan) -- Senior position within the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Chief governor of Ireland -- Umbrella term for the senior English or British official in Ireland between the 1170s and 1922
Wikipedia - Chief Inspector Armand Gamache -- Main character in mystery novel series by Louise Penny
Wikipedia - Chief Investigator, Transport Safety -- Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Chief Medical Advisor to the President -- United States federal government office
Wikipedia - Chief minister (India) -- Head of government of a state or territory in India
Wikipedia - Chief Minister of Singapore -- Head of government of the Crown colony of Singapore from 1955 to 1959
Wikipedia - Chief minister (Sri Lanka) -- Provincial-level government official
Wikipedia - Chief of Staff of Puerto Rico -- Head of the Secretariat of Governance in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Chief Performance Officer of the United States -- U.S. government position
Wikipedia - Chief Prosecutor of Hungary -- Government agency of Hungary
Wikipedia - Chief Public Health Officer of Canada -- Canadian government official
Wikipedia - Chief Secretary, Singapore -- Government position in colonial Singapore
Wikipedia - Chiefs (novel) -- Book by Stuart Woods
Wikipedia - Chief Whip of the Conservative Party -- Party official who oversees the whipping system in the party
Wikipedia - Chief Whip -- Government position
Wikipedia - Chiffon (fabric) -- Sheer, lightweight plain-woven textile of fine, tightly-twisted yarn, of silk or various synthetic fibers
Wikipedia - Child corporal punishment laws -- Overview of laws by country
Wikipedia - Childhood (Alexis novel) -- 1998 novel by Andre Alexis
Wikipedia - Childhood in early modern Scotland -- Overview of the childhood in early modern Scotland
Wikipedia - Childhood's End -- Science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - Childhood (Tolstoy novel) -- First published novel by Leo Tolstoy
Wikipedia - Child labour in cocoa production -- The controversial use of children in the production of cacao beans
Wikipedia - Child labour in Pakistan -- Overview of child labour in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Child poverty in New Zealand -- Overview of child poverty in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Child Protective Services -- Governmental agency in many states of the United States responsible for providing child protection
Wikipedia - Children of Blood and Bone -- 2018 young adult fantasy novel by Tomi Adeyemi
Wikipedia - Children of Dune -- Novel by Frank Herbert
Wikipedia - Children of God (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Mary Doria Russell
Wikipedia - Children of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Children of Time (novel) -- 2015 science fiction novel by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
Wikipedia - Children's Overseas Reception Board -- British government-sponsored organisation
Wikipedia - Children's programming on CBS -- Children's programmes originally aired over CBS
Wikipedia - Children's programming on NBC -- Children's programming airing over NBC
Wikipedia - Child School and Legacy High School -- Approved private, special education school in Manhattan, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom -- Overview about child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Child, Youth and Family (New Zealand) -- New Zealand government agency for children, young people and families
Wikipedia - Chimenea -- Freestanding front-loading fireplace or oven
Wikipedia - China and the World Bank -- Overview of the relationship between China and the World Bank
Wikipedia - China and weapons of mass destruction -- Overview of the People's Republic of China and their weapons of mass destruction
Wikipedia - China Jocson -- Filipino government assistant
Wikipedia - China's waste import ban -- Chinese government policy initiative
Wikipedia - China -- Sovereign state in East Asia
Wikipedia - Chinese Athletic Association -- National governing body for athletics in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Chinese Cinderella -- Autobiographical novel by Adeline Yen Mah
Wikipedia - Chinese Civil War -- 1927-1950 intermittent civil war between the Kuomintang government and the Communist Party
Wikipedia - Chinese culture -- Overview of the Chinese culture
Wikipedia - Chinese Curling Association -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - Chinese democracy movement
Wikipedia - Chinese government
Wikipedia - Chinese polearms -- Overview of pole weapons traditionally used by Chinese armies
Wikipedia - Chinese Rites controversy -- 17th-18th-century dispute among Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Chinese unification -- Potential political unification of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC)/Taiwan into a single sovereign state
Wikipedia - Chinese Whispers (novella) -- 1987 novella by Maurice Leitch
Wikipedia - Chinstrap Cove -- Bay of Antarctica
Wikipedia - Chinua Achebe -- Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic
Wikipedia - Chipko movement -- Indian forest conservation movement
Wikipedia - Chips Hardy -- English screenwriter, novelist, playwright and creative director
Wikipedia - Chiriqui quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang -- Children's novel written by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Chiung Yao -- Chinese romance novelist based in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Chivaraku Migiledi (novel) -- 1952 Telugu novel by Sivaraju Venkata Subbarao
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teauneuf-d'Entraunes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teauneuf-Grasse -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teauneuf-le-Rouge -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teauneuf-les-Martigues -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teauneuf-Villevieille -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teaurenard -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Chocolate biscuit -- A biscuit which is flavoured with chocolate solids or covered in chocolate
Wikipedia - Chocolate coin -- Gold foil covered chocolates in the shape of coins
Wikipedia - Chocolate com Pimenta -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - Chocolate-covered potato chips -- American snack food
Wikipedia - Chocolate-covered raisin -- Raisins coated in a shell of milk, dark or white chocolate.
Wikipedia - Chocolate money -- Gold foil covered chocolates in the shape of coins
Wikipedia - Chocolat (novel) -- Joanne Harris novel (1999)
Wikipedia - Chodove -- Ethnic group in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Choe Cheok jeon -- 1621 Chinese-language Korean novel
Wikipedia - Chokher Bali (novel)
Wikipedia - Cholwell's Chickens -- Science fiction novella
Wikipedia - Chopine -- Shoe or overshoe with a thick platform sole
Wikipedia - Choreography -- Art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies
Wikipedia - Chris Christie -- 55th Governor of New Jersey, former U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Chris Claremont -- American comic book writer and novelist, known for creating numerous X-Men characters
Wikipedia - Chris de Cazenove -- French sailor
Wikipedia - Chris Glover -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Chris Moore (illustrator) -- British book and album cover illustrator
Wikipedia - Chris Ryan -- Former British Special Forces operative and soldier turned novelist
Wikipedia - Christchurch Central Recovery Plan -- Plan for rebuilding Christchurch after the 2011 earthquake
Wikipedia - Christian Beranek -- American graphic novelist, actor, musician and film/television producer
Wikipedia - Christian countercult movement
Wikipedia - Christian doctrine of the sovereignty of God
Wikipedia - Christiane Baroche -- French novelist, and short story writer
Wikipedia - Christian Family Movement
Wikipedia - Christian fundamentalism -- British and American Protestant movement opposed to modernist theology
Wikipedia - Christian headcovering
Wikipedia - Christianity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Christianity in Turkey -- Overview of Christianity and churches in Turkey
Wikipedia - Christian-Jewish reconciliation -- Efforts that are being made to improve understanding and acceptance between Christians and Jews
Wikipedia - Christian Kracht -- Swiss novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Christian Life Movement
Wikipedia - Christian love
Wikipedia - Christian naturism -- Movement which believes that God never intended for people to be ashamed of their bodies
Wikipedia - Christian novel
Wikipedia - Christian Patriot movement -- Christian movement
Wikipedia - Christian Political Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Christian republic -- Government that is both Christian and republican
Wikipedia - Christian right -- Political ideology and movement
Wikipedia - Christians Against Poverty -- UK charitable organisation
Wikipedia - Christian Science -- Set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Christian S. Johansson -- American government official in Maryland
Wikipedia - Christian Ulrik Gyldenlove -- Danish diplomat and military officer
Wikipedia - Christian Van Geloven -- Dutch murderer and pedophile
Wikipedia - Christian views on poverty and wealth
Wikipedia - Christian views on the Old Covenant
Wikipedia - Christian views on the old covenant
Wikipedia - Christian XXX -- American crossover pornographic actor (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Christine Gregoire -- 22nd Governor of Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Christine (novel) -- 1983 novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Christine Schutt -- American novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Christine Van Broeckhoven -- Molecular biologist, professor
Wikipedia - Christmas and holiday season -- Period covering Christmas and other holidays
Wikipedia - Christmas controversies
Wikipedia - Christmas in Australia -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Australia
Wikipedia - Christmas in Finland -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Finland
Wikipedia - Christmas in France -- Overview of the role of Christmas in France
Wikipedia - Christmas in Indonesia -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Christmas in Ireland -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Ireland
Wikipedia - Christmas in Mexico -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Mexico
Wikipedia - Christmas in Nazi Germany -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Christmas in New Zealand -- Overview of the role of Christmas in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Christmas in Norway -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Norway
Wikipedia - Christmas in Poland -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Poland
Wikipedia - Christmas in Romania -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Romania
Wikipedia - Christmas in Sweden -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Sweden
Wikipedia - Christmas in the Philippines -- Overview of the role of Christmas in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Christmas in Ukraine -- Overview of the role of Christmas in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album) -- 2010 album by Katharine McPhee
Wikipedia - Christmas traditions -- Overview of the various traditions practized on christmas
Wikipedia - Christological controversies
Wikipedia - Christopher Caldwell (government official) -- American government official
Wikipedia - Christopher Cazenove -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Cockerell -- English engineer, inventor of the hovercraft.
Wikipedia - Christopher Codrington -- Barbadian-born British soldier and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Christopher Emery -- US government official and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Farnsworth -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christopher Hope -- South African novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Christopher Isherwood -- English-American novelist
Wikipedia - Christopher Waller -- Economist (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Wikipedia - Christos Govetas -- Greek musician
Wikipedia - Christ Triumphant over Sin and Death (Rubens) -- Painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Wikipedia - Christy Goldsmith Romero -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Chromatic scale -- Musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone, also known as a half-step, above or below another
Wikipedia - Chromosomal crossover -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Chromosphere -- A layer in the Sun's atmosphere above the photosphere
Wikipedia - Chronicle of a Death Foretold -- Novella by Gabriel Garcia
Wikipedia - Chronicle of Poor Lovers -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Chronic Lyme disease -- Belief that symptoms are caused by an unproven infection
Wikipedia - Chrysa Dimoulidou -- Greek novelist, writing in modern Greek
Wikipedia - Chuadanga Government College -- Government college of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chuave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Chuck Palahniuk -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Chunati Government Women's College -- Degree college in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chung Han-ah -- South Korean novelist
Wikipedia - Chung Li-ho -- Taiwanese novelist
Wikipedia - Chunilal Shah -- Indian novelist and writer.
Wikipedia - Church covenant -- Declaration in which their duties as church members towards God and their fellow believers are outlined
Wikipedia - Churches of Christ in Australia -- Christian movement in Australia
Wikipedia - Churchill caretaker ministry -- Government of the UK, May-July 1945
Wikipedia - Church of God (Huntsville, Alabama) -- Pentecostal holiness movement body of Christians
Wikipedia - Church of God (Jerusalem Acres) -- Holiness Pentecostal body that descends from the Christian Union movement of Richard Spurling, A. J. Tomlinson and others
Wikipedia - Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion -- Ancient church in Axum, claimed location of the Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Church of the Saviour at Berestove -- Church building in Kyiv, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chutove -- Urban locality in Poltava Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Ciampi Cabinet -- 50th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Ciborium (architecture) -- Canopy or covering that covers the altar in a church
Wikipedia - Cilka Sadar -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Cincinnati Airport People Mover -- Automated people mover at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Wikipedia - Cindy Grover -- American actress
Wikipedia - Cindy Lovell -- American educator and writer
Wikipedia - Cindy Overland -- Canadian speed skater
Wikipedia - Cindy's Love Games -- 1979 film by Aldo Grimaldi
Wikipedia - Cinema 1: The Movement Image
Wikipedia - Cinemanovels -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Cinema of Brazil -- Overview of the cinema of Brazil
Wikipedia - Cinema of Finland -- Overview of the cinema of Finland
Wikipedia - Cinema of Greece -- Overview of the cinema of Greece
Wikipedia - Cinema of Iran -- Overview of the cinema of Iran
Wikipedia - Cinema of Mexico -- Overview of the cinema of Mexico
Wikipedia - Cinema of New Zealand -- Overview of the cinema of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Cinema of South Korea -- Overview of the cinema of South Korea
Wikipedia - Cinema of Spain -- Overview of the cinema of Spain
Wikipedia - Cinema of the Netherlands -- Overview of the cinema of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Cinema of the Philippines -- Overview of the cinema of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Cinematographer -- Chief over the camera and lighting crews working on a film
Wikipedia - Cinnamon ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Cipieres -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Circle of Love (film) -- 1964 film by Roger Vadim
Wikipedia - Circle of Lovers -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Circle of Love (Steve Miller Band album) -- album by Steve Miller Band
Wikipedia - Circuit breaker -- Automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit
Wikipedia - Circular motion -- Object movement along a circular path
Wikipedia - Circumcision controversy in early Christianity
Wikipedia - Circus of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Ciril Horjak -- Slovene artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Cita a ciegas -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Cities and metropolitan areas of the United States -- Overview of the 100 most populous cities and metropolitan areas of the United States of America
Wikipedia - Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan -- Type of Japanese city
Wikipedia - Cities of the Plain (novel) -- Novel by Cormac McCarthy
Wikipedia - Cities of the Red Night -- 1981 novel by William S. Burroughs
Wikipedia - Citizen and Republican Movement -- Political party in France
Wikipedia - Citizen of the Galaxy -- 1957 novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Citizen Revolution Movement -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Citizens' Footprint Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement (Iceland) -- Icelandic political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement Pro Chemnitz -- German political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Political Movement for Bocaya -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - City at the End of Time -- 2008 novel by Greg Bear
Wikipedia - City Beautiful Movement
Wikipedia - City Council of Barcelona -- Municipal government of Barcelona
Wikipedia - City Council of Seville -- Local government body in Seville, Spain
Wikipedia - City-County Building (Indianapolis) -- Government building in Indianapolis, IN, USA
Wikipedia - City Crimes -- 1849 American novel
Wikipedia - City Government station -- Station of Hohhot Metro
Wikipedia - City manager -- Official appointed as the administrative manager of a city, in a council-manager form of city government
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Celje -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Koper -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Kranj -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Ljubljana -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Maribor -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Murska Sobota -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Nova Gorica -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Novo Mesto -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Ptuj -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Velenje -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City of Blades -- 2016 fantasy novel by Robert Jackson Bennett
Wikipedia - City of Darkness (novel) -- 1976 book by Ben Bova
Wikipedia - City of Edinburgh Council -- Local government body in Scotland
Wikipedia - City of Golden Shadow -- 1996 novel by Tad Williams
Wikipedia - City of Lismore -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - City of the Sun (Levien novel) -- 2008 novel by David Levien
Wikipedia - City of the Sun (Maio novel) -- 2014 novel by Juliana Maio
Wikipedia - City on Fire (Hallberg novel) -- Book by Garth Risk Hallberg
Wikipedia - Civic List (Slovenia) -- Slovenian political party
Wikipedia - Civics -- the study of the rights and obligations of citizenry and government
Wikipedia - Civil Air Transport -- 1946-1968 CIA-owned airline of the Republic of China used for covert operations
Wikipedia - Civil Aviation Administration (Sweden) -- Swedish Government agency
Wikipedia - Civil Aviation Organization (Iran) -- Iranian government civil aviation safety agency
Wikipedia - Civil Contingencies Secretariat -- British government emergency planning organization
Wikipedia - Civil Cooperation Bureau -- Government-sponsored death squad during the apartheid era
Wikipedia - Civil Defense Directorate -- Civil defense agency of the Government of Jordan
Wikipedia - Civil disobedience -- Refusal to obey certain laws, demands or commands of a government
Wikipedia - Civil list -- List of individuals to whom money is paid by the government
Wikipedia - Civil marriage -- Marriage performed, recorded, and recognized by a government official
Wikipedia - Civil parish -- Territorial designation and lowest tier of local government in England
Wikipedia - Civil penalty -- Financial penalty imposed by a government agency as restitution for wrongdoing
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Commission (Puerto Rico) -- Entity within the legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Memorial -- An American memorial in Montgomery, Alabama dedicated to 41 people who were killed in the civil rights movement
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement (1865-1896) -- Movement aiming to eliminating racial discrimination against African Americans
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement (1896-1954) -- Social movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Civil rights movements -- Worldwide social and political movements against racism
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement -- 20th-century U.S. social movement against racism
Wikipedia - Civil Service Bureau -- Bureau of the Hong Kong Government
Wikipedia - Civil Service Protection and Training Commission -- Government agency of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Civil township -- Unit of local government in the United States
Wikipedia - Civil War (comics) -- 2006-2007 Marvel Comics crossover storyline
Wikipedia - C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne -- English novelist who also wrote as Weatherby Chesney
Wikipedia - CJ Hopkins -- American playwright, novelist, and political satirist
Wikipedia - Claims to the first powered flight -- Overview of claims to the first powered airplane flight
Wikipedia - Claire Askew -- Scottish poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Claire Etcherelli -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Clandestine HUMINT and covert action
Wikipedia - Clannad (video game) -- 2004 Japanese visual novel
Wikipedia - Clans, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Clap for Our Carers -- British social movement
Wikipedia - Clara Cheeseman -- English-born New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Clara H. Hasse -- American botanist who discovered ''Pseudomonas citri''
Wikipedia - Clara Reeve -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Clare Chambers (novelist) -- British novelist of different genres
Wikipedia - Clare Francis -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Clarence Valley Council -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Claret-breasted fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Clarice Lispector -- Brazilian novelist and short story writer (1920-1977)
Wikipedia - Clarissa Oakes -- 1992 novel by Patrick O'Brian
Wikipedia - Clarissa -- 18th century epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson
Wikipedia - Clark County Courthouse (Illinois) -- Local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Clark County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Clark County Government Center -- Government building in Nevada
Wikipedia - Clarks Grove, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Clash of the Dinosaurs -- 2009 Discovery Channel television series
Wikipedia - Classical education movement
Wikipedia - Classical Greece -- Period in Greek politics and culture covering the 5th and 4th centuries BC
Wikipedia - Classic - Dance of Love -- 2005 film by Babbar Subhash
Wikipedia - Classicism -- Art movement and architectural style
Wikipedia - Classified information -- Material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability
Wikipedia - Class (Rosenfeld novel) -- Book by Lucinda Rosenfeld
Wikipedia - Claudette Colvin -- African-American activist in the civil rights movement
Wikipedia - Claudia Dain -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Claudius Xenophon -- Roman Governor of Britannica Inferior a province of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Clay County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Clay Pigeon Shooting Association -- National governing body for clay pigeon shooting in England
Wikipedia - Clayton Cosgrove -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Clean and jerk -- Composite of two weightlifting movements
Wikipedia - Clean Break (novel) -- 2005 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Clean Energy Finance Corporation -- Australian Government-owned Green Bank
Wikipedia - Cleaner fish -- Fish that remove parasites and dead tissue from other species
Wikipedia - Cleaning agent -- Substance used to remove dirt or other contaminants
Wikipedia - Clean process oven -- Type of industrial batch oven that is ideal for high-temperature applications
Wikipedia - Clear and Present Danger -- Novel by Tom Clancy
Wikipedia - Clemence Dane -- English novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Clement Benech -- French journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Clement Comer Clay -- Democratic governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - Clement Pansaers -- Belgian poet and proponent of the Dada movement
Wikipedia - Clerambault (novel) -- Book by Romain Rolland
Wikipedia - Clermont County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Street scandal -- Discovery in 1889 of male brothel in London
Wikipedia - Cliche -- Idea which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning or being irritating
Wikipedia - Cliff Kupchan -- American political analyst and government officia
Wikipedia - Clifford A. Pickover
Wikipedia - Clifford Boulton -- British government official
Wikipedia - Clifford Chase -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Cliff Pickover
Wikipedia - Cliff Seagroves -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Cliffs of Dover (composition) -- Instrumental composition by guitarist Eric Johnson
Wikipedia - Clifton House Site -- overnight stop on the Santa Fe Trail
Wikipedia - Clifton, Massachusetts -- Overlapping the border between Swampscott and Marblehead
Wikipedia - Climate and energy -- Nexus in national and international governance
Wikipedia - Climate change and poverty
Wikipedia - Climate change in Alabama -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Alabama
Wikipedia - Climate change in Alaska -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Alaska
Wikipedia - Climate change in Canada -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in Canada
Wikipedia - Climate change in France -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in France
Wikipedia - Climate change in Germany -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in Germany
Wikipedia - Climate change in Indonesia -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Climate change in Japan -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in Japan
Wikipedia - Climate change in Louisiana -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Climate change in Nebraska -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Climate change in Nevada -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Nevada
Wikipedia - Climate change in New Hampshire -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Climate change in New Jersey -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Climate change in New Mexico -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Climate change in New York City -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in New York City
Wikipedia - Climate change in New York (state) -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Climate change in New Zealand -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Climate change in Norway -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in Norway
Wikipedia - Climate change in Ohio -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Climate change in Oklahoma -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Climate change in Oregon -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Climate change in Sweden -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in Sweden
Wikipedia - Climate change in Tennessee -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Climate change in Texas -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Climate change in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the effects of the climate change in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Climate change in the United States -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Climate change policy of California -- Overview of the climate change policy of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Climate change policy of the United States -- Overview of the climate change policy of the United States of America
Wikipedia - Climate movement
Wikipedia - Climate of Alabama -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Alabama
Wikipedia - Climate of Alaska -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Alaska
Wikipedia - Climate of Allentown, Pennsylvania -- Overview of the climate of Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Climate of Australia -- Overview of the climate of Australia
Wikipedia - Climate of California -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Climate of Georgia (U.S. state) -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Georgia
Wikipedia - Climate of Greece -- Overview of the impacts of the climate change in Greece
Wikipedia - Climate of Houston -- Overview of the climate of Houston, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Climate of Italy -- Overview of the climate of Italy
Wikipedia - Climate of Liverpool -- Overview of the climate of Liverpool
Wikipedia - Climate of London -- Overview about London's climate
Wikipedia - Climate of Los Angeles -- Overview of the climate of Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Climate of New England -- Overview of the climate of New England
Wikipedia - Climate of New Jersey -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Climate of New York City -- Overview of the climate of New York City
Wikipedia - Climate of New York (state) -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Climate of New Zealand -- Overview of the climate of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Climate of North Carolina -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Climate of Pakistan -- Overview of climate of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Climate of Pennsylvania -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Climate of Russia -- Overview of the climate of Russia
Wikipedia - Climate of Scotland -- Overview of the climate of Scotland
Wikipedia - Climate of South Carolina -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - Climate of Spain -- Overview of the climate of Spain
Wikipedia - Climate of Sydney -- Overview of the climate of Sydney
Wikipedia - Climate of Texas -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Climate of the Arctic -- Overview of the climate of the Arctic
Wikipedia - Climate of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the climate of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Climate of Turkey -- Overview of the climate of Turkey
Wikipedia - Climate of Virginia -- Overview of the climate of the U.S. state of Virginia
Wikipedia - Climate -- Statistics of weather conditions in a given region over long periods
Wikipedia - Climatology -- Scientific study of climate, defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time
Wikipedia - Clinical documentation improvement
Wikipedia - -- US government registry of clinical trials
Wikipedia - Clinton County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Clinton County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Clipperton Island -- Atoll of Overseas France
Wikipedia - Clique cover
Wikipedia - Clisson et Eugenie -- Romantic novella written by Napoleon
Wikipedia - Clive Cussler -- American adventure novelist and underwater explorer
Wikipedia - Clive Wigram, 1st Baron Wigram -- British govermental official
Wikipedia - Cloak -- Long, loose overgarment fastening at the neck
Wikipedia - ClockworkMod -- Company known for its so named custom Android Recovery
Wikipedia - Clockwork Planet -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Clodoveo Carrin Mora
Wikipedia - Cloister -- Open space surrounded by covered walks or open galleries
Wikipedia - Clome oven -- Type of masonry oven
Wikipedia - Closed Casket (novel) -- 2016 Poirot novel by Sophie Hannah
Wikipedia - Clotel -- Novel by William Wells Brown
Wikipedia - Clothes steamer -- Device used to remove wrinkles from garments and fabrics
Wikipedia - Cloth face mask -- mask made of common textiles worn over the mouth and nose
Wikipedia - Cloud Atlas (novel) -- 2004 novel by British author David Mitchell
Wikipedia - Cloudesley Shovell -- English naval officer
Wikipedia - Clouds of Witness -- 1926 novel by Dorothy L. Sayers
Wikipedia - Clouds Over Borsk -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Cloud's Rider -- 1996 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Cloudy Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Cloven-feathered dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Clover Bend, Arkansas -- Human settlement in Arkansas, United States of America
Wikipedia - Clover Boykin -- American murderer
Wikipedia - Clover (Clamp manga) -- Manga series created by Clamp
Wikipedia - Clover Club Cocktail -- Gin cocktail
Wikipedia - Clover (creature) -- Monster in the film Cloverfield
Wikipedia - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Wikipedia - Cloverfield (franchise) -- Film series
Wikipedia - Cloverfield -- 2008 American film by Matt Reeves
Wikipedia - Cloverland, Houston
Wikipedia - Clover Leaf (Faberge egg) -- 1902 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf High School -- Public school in Medina County, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf Mall -- Shopping mall in Chesterfield County, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf quasar
Wikipedia - Clover Music -- Record label imprint
Wikipedia - Clover Network -- Cloud-based Android point of sale platform
Wikipedia - Cloverport, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Clover Site -- Archaeological type site
Wikipedia - Cloverton (band)
Wikipedia - Clovertown (microprocessor)
Wikipedia - Clover Township, Clearwater County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cloverview (SoC)
Wikipedia - Cloverway Inc.
Wikipedia - Clover -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - CloverWorks -- Japanese animation studio
Wikipedia - Cloves Campbell Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cloves Campbell Sr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Clove -- Spice, flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum
Wikipedia - Clyde E. Love -- American mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Clyde Tombaugh -- American astronomer, discoverer of Pluto (1906-1997)
Wikipedia - Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr. -- American government official
Wikipedia - C. Meyer Zulick -- 7th Governor of Arizona Territory
Wikipedia - CNN controversies -- Controversies involving CNN
Wikipedia - CNN v. Trump -- Lawsuit filed on November 13, 2018 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Wikipedia - Coalescent -- Science-fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
Wikipedia - Coal forest -- Wetlands that covered much of the Earth's tropical land areas during the late Carboniferous and Permian times
Wikipedia - Coal in Canada -- Overview of coal mining and consumption in Canada
Wikipedia - Coalition Coupon -- 1918 endorsement of UK MPs by the Coalition government
Wikipedia - Coalition government -- Form of government
Wikipedia - Coaraze -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Coating -- Any substance spread over a surface
Wikipedia - Coat of arms and flag of New Jersey -- Official government emblem of the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Puerto Rico -- Official government emblem of the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - COBRA (avant-garde movement)
Wikipedia - Cobra Mist -- Anglo-American experimental over-the-horizon radar station
Wikipedia - CobraNet -- Real-time professional audio over an Ethernet LAN
Wikipedia - Cobras & Lagartos -- Brazilian telenovela by Joao Emanuel Carneiro
Wikipedia - Cocaine Nights -- 1996 novel by J. G. Ballard
Wikipedia - Cocktail Time -- 1958 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Coco and Igor -- 2002 novel by Chris Greenhalgh
Wikipedia - Cocoanut Grove (film) -- 1938 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - Cocoanut Grove fire -- 1942 fire at a nightclub in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Coco Love Alcorn -- Canadian pop and jazz singer
Wikipedia - Coconstitutionalism -- government form
Wikipedia - Coconut Grove Convention Center -- Indoor arena and exhibition hall in Miami
Wikipedia - Coconut (novel) -- 2007 book
Wikipedia - Coconut (song) -- Novelty song written and recorded by Harry Nilsson
Wikipedia - Code coverage -- Measure of source code testing
Wikipedia - Code Name Verity -- Young adult historical novel by Elizabeth Wein
Wikipedia - Codename Villanelle -- Novella series
Wikipedia - Code Pink -- American non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - CoDominium -- Novels by Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - Codpiece -- A flap or pouch that covers the crotch of men's trousers
Wikipedia - Cod Wars -- Series of disputes between the United Kingdom and Iceland over fishing rights in the North Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - Coffee enema -- Unproven and potentially dangerous procedure of inserting coffee into the anus
Wikipedia - Coffman Cove, Alaska -- City in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - COFIM -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - COFINA -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cogan House Covered Bridge -- Covered bridge in Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - Cogewea -- 1927 Western romance novel
Wikipedia - Cognitive behavioral therapy -- therapy to improve mental health
Wikipedia - Cognitive remediation therapy -- Treatment designed to improve neurocognitive abilities
Wikipedia - Cohen-Gibson syndrome -- Rare disorder linked to overgrowth and is characterized by dysmorphic facial features
Wikipedia - COINTELPRO -- Series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the U.S. FBI
Wikipedia - Coke Escovedo -- American percussionist
Wikipedia - Cola de mono -- Chilean drink containing aguardiente, milk, sugar, coffee, and cloves
Wikipedia - Cold as Ice (novel)
Wikipedia - Cold blob (North Atlantic) -- A cold temperature anomaly of ocean surface waters, affecting the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Wikipedia - Cold core ring -- A type of oceanic eddy, characterized as unstable, time-dependent swirling M-bM-^@M-^XcellsM-bM-^@M-^Y that separate from their respective ocean current and move into water bodies with different characteristics
Wikipedia - Coldean -- suburb of Brighton and Hove, England
Wikipedia - Coldheart (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Trevor Baxendale
Wikipedia - Cold (novel) -- Novel by John Gardner (British writer)
Wikipedia - Cold Sassy Tree -- 1984 novel by Olive Ann Burns
Wikipedia - Cole Escovedo -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Coleoptile -- Protective sheath covering the emerging shoot in monocotyledons in which few leaf primordia and shoot apex of monocot embryo remain enclosed
Wikipedia - Coles Bashford -- American politician and pioneer, 5th Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Coles County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Colette -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Colin Groves
Wikipedia - Colin Hannah -- Royal Australian Air Force chief and Queensland governor
Wikipedia - Colin Lovell-Smith -- New Zealand painter
Wikipedia - Colin Povey -- English cricketer administrator
Wikipedia - Colin Roberts (diplomat) -- British diplomat and Governor of the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - Collaborator (novel) -- Book by Murray Davies
Wikipedia - Collage novel -- novels composed of collages
Wikipedia - Collared plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Collections management (museum) -- Process of overseeing a collection, including acquisition, curation, and deaccessioning
Wikipedia - Collectivism -- A cultural value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over self
Wikipedia - Colleen Faulkner -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - College Lovers -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - College Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - College of Engineering, Trivandrum -- Government Engineering College in Trivandrum
Wikipedia - Colleges of the University of Oxford -- Autonomous self-governing corporations within the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - ColleGrove -- album by 2 Chainz
Wikipedia - Collongues, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Colm Toibin -- Irish novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Colobopsis anderseni -- Species of mangrove ant
Wikipedia - Colomars -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Colombian Community and Communal Political Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Colombo Cabinet -- 26th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Colombo Kings in 2020 -- Overview of Colombo Kings in 2020
Wikipedia - Colonel Abu Ali -- Governor of Bauchi State, Nigeria 1990-1992
Wikipedia - Colonial governors by year
Wikipedia - Colony -- Territory under the political control of an overseas state, generally with its own subordinate colonial government
Wikipedia - Colorado Department of Revenue -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Colorado Department of Transportation -- state government agency
Wikipedia - Color book -- Governmental publication of diplomatic and political content
Wikipedia - Colossus (novel) -- Novel by D. F. Jones
Wikipedia - Colson Whitehead -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Columbiana County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Columbus Grove
Wikipedia - Column -- Structural element that transmits weight from above to below
Wikipedia - Colville Young -- Governor-General of Belize (1993-present)
Wikipedia - Comanche campaign -- Military operations by the United States government against the Comanche tribe
Wikipedia - Comando Interforze per le Operazioni Cibernetiche -- Italian government agency for cybersecurity
Wikipedia - Combat search and rescue -- Military personnel recovery from battlefield and enemy occupied areas
Wikipedia - Combined authority -- Type of local government institution in England
Wikipedia - Comb over -- Hairstyle
Wikipedia - Come and Get Your Love -- Song by Redbone
Wikipedia - Come Back My Love -- 1955 single by The Wrens
Wikipedia - Come Die My Love -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You) -- 2000 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Come On Over (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Come On Over (Jessica Simpson song) -- 2008 single by Jessica Simpson
Wikipedia - Come On Over (Shania Twain song) -- 1997 single by Shania Twain
Wikipedia - Come On Over (TV series) -- American children's television series
Wikipedia - Come Over (Rudimental song) -- 2020 single by Rudimental featuring Anne-Marie and Tion Wayne
Wikipedia - Comet Over Broadway -- 1938 film by Busby Berkeley, John Farrow
Wikipedia - Comforter -- Type of bedcover, often not as thick as a duvet
Wikipedia - Comhairle Fo-Thuinn -- governing body for recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland
Wikipedia - Comic novel -- Novel-length work of humorous fiction
Wikipedia - Comicsgate -- movement against progressivism in the comics industry
Wikipedia - Comics studies -- Academic study of comics and graphic novels
Wikipedia - Coming Up for Air -- novel by George Orwell
Wikipedia - Command and Control (government)
Wikipedia - Command and control -- Military exercise of authority by a commanding officer over assigned forces
Wikipedia - Command Decision (novel) -- Book by William Wister Haines
Wikipedia - Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria -- Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs -- Anti-Jewish commission of the French Vichy Government
Wikipedia - Commission (document) -- Document appointing an individual as an officer, used by the government, military and organizations
Wikipedia - Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory -- Head of government in the United Kingdom's overseas territory of the British Indian Ocean Territory
Wikipedia - Commissioner Government -- Puppet administration of Serbia in World War II
Wikipedia - Commissioner Karachi -- Position in the Government of Sindh
Wikipedia - Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Commissioner of Patents, Registrar of Trademarks and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office -- Canadian government official
Wikipedia - Commission of Railway Safety -- Government commission of India
Wikipedia - Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Committee of Public Safety -- De facto executive government in France (1793-1794)
Wikipedia - Committee of Seventy -- Advocate for better government in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Wikipedia - Committee on Public Information -- Former independent agency of the government of the United States
Wikipedia - Commodity Futures Trading Commission -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Common emerald dove -- Bird species
Wikipedia - Common ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Common recovery -- Type of legal proceeding in England
Wikipedia - Common ringed plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Common Sense, Common Safety -- 2010 UK government report
Wikipedia - Common shovelnose ray -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Foundation -- Intergovernmental organisation
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Games record progression in track cycling -- improvement of event performance over time
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting -- Biennial summit meeting
Wikipedia - Commonwealth of Independent States -- Regional intergovernmental organization of post-Soviet republics
Wikipedia - Commonwealth of Nations -- Intergovernmental organisation
Wikipedia - Commune Council (Paris) -- government during the Paris Commune
Wikipedia - Commune (model of government)
Wikipedia - Communications in Indonesia -- Overview of telecommunications in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Communications in Japan -- Overview of telecommunications in Japan
Wikipedia - Communications Research Centre Canada -- Canadian government scientific laboratory for research and development in wireless technologies
Wikipedia - Communion and Liberation -- Lay Italian Catholic ecclesial movement
Wikipedia - Communism in Nepal -- Overview of communism in Nepal
Wikipedia - Communism in Sri Lanka -- Overeview of Communism in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Communist state -- State that is administered and governed by a single communist party
Wikipedia - Community boards of New York City -- Structures in New York City's government
Wikipedia - Community foundation -- Pooled donations for improvement of a local society
Wikipedia - Community-led total sanitation -- An approach to improve sanitation and hygiene practices, mainly in developing countries
Wikipedia - Community of Christ -- Second-largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Community of the Sisters of the Love of God
Wikipedia - Community preference -- Principle of European Union governance
Wikipedia - Community (Wales) -- The lowest tier of local government in Wales
Wikipedia - Company for Henry -- 1967 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Compassion -- Moved or motivated to help others
Wikipedia - Competency dictionary -- A tool or data structure that includes all or most of the general competencies needed to cover all job families and competencies that are core or common to all jobs within an organization
Wikipedia - Competition and Markets Authority -- UK government non-ministerial department
Wikipedia - Competition Bureau -- Canadian government agency
Wikipedia - Complex affine space -- Affine space over the complex numbers
Wikipedia - Compliance requirements -- Series of directives established by the US federal government
Wikipedia - Composite overwrapped pressure vessel -- A vessel consisting of a thin, non-structural liner wrapped with a structural fiber composite, designed to hold a fluid under pressure
Wikipedia - Composition over inheritance
Wikipedia - Comptroller General of the United States -- Director of the Government Accountability Office
Wikipedia - Compulsory purchase in England and Wales -- Overview of compulsory purchase in England and Wales
Wikipedia - Compulsory sterilization -- Government policies which force people to undergo surgical sterilization
Wikipedia - Computational overhead
Wikipedia - Computer Love (Zapp song) -- 1986 single by Zapp
Wikipedia - Comrades: A Story of Social Adventure in California -- 1909 novel by Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Wikipedia - Comte de Provence
Wikipedia - Conan and the Death Lord of Thanza -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan and the Gods of the Mountain -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan and the Mists of Doom -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan, Lord of the Black River -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan of the Isles -- Novel by Lin Carter
Wikipedia - Conan of the Red Brotherhood -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan of Venarium -- Novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - Conan, Scourge of the Bloody Coast -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Buccaneer -- Novel by Lin Carter
Wikipedia - Conan the Defender -- Novel by Robert Jordan
Wikipedia - Conan the Destroyer (novel) -- Book by Robert Jordan
Wikipedia - Conan the Gladiator -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Great -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Guardian -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan the Hero -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Outcast -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Raider -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Rebel -- Novel by Poul Anderson
Wikipedia - Conan the Relentless -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan the Renegade -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Savage -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conan the Valiant -- Novel by Roland J. Green
Wikipedia - Conan the Warlord -- Novel by Leonard Carpenter
Wikipedia - Conceicao Palace, Ponta Delgada -- Palace in Ponta Delgada, seat of the government of the Azores
Wikipedia - Concentrative movement therapy
Wikipedia - Concentric crater fill -- A landform where the floor of a crater is mostly covered by parallel ridges
Wikipedia - Concentric hypertrophy -- Hypertrophic growth of a hollow organ without overall enlargement
Wikipedia - Conceptual art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Conciliarism -- 14th-16th cent. movement for supremacy of church councils over popes
Wikipedia - Conciliar Movement
Wikipedia - Conciliar movement
Wikipedia - Concordat -- Agreement or treaty between the Holy See of the Catholic Church and a sovereign state
Wikipedia - Concrete Island -- 1974 novel by J. G. Ballard
Wikipedia - Concurrent computing -- Form of computing in which several computations are executing during overlapping time periods
Wikipedia - Condensed milk -- cow's milk from which water has been removed
Wikipedia - Condenser telephone -- device allowing telephone communication over Morse code telegraph
Wikipedia - Condominium (international law) -- Form of shared government
Wikipedia - Condover railway station -- Former railway station in Shropshire, England
Wikipedia - Conductor gallop -- High-amplitude, low-frequency oscillation of overhead power lines due to wind
Wikipedia - Conestoga wagon -- Type of heavy covered wagon
Wikipedia - Confederados -- U.S. Confederates who moved to Brazil after the American Civil War, and their descendants
Wikipedia - Confederation -- Union of sovereign states linked by treaties whose common government does not directly exercise its sovereignty over their territory
Wikipedia - Conference of Governors -- Political conference
Wikipedia - Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Wikipedia - Confessing Movement
Wikipedia - Confessional poetry -- American movement in 20th-century poetry
Wikipedia - Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist -- Collection of essays
Wikipedia - Confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet -- Overview of the confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet
Wikipedia - Confucius Institute -- Chinese government international educational partnership program
Wikipedia - Confusion (novella) -- Novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - Congelation ice -- Ice that forms on the bottom of an established ice cover
Wikipedia - Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Congregation for the Causes of Saints -- Catholic Church dicastery overseeing the process of canonization of saints
Wikipedia - Congres Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne -- Modern architecture movement organization
Wikipedia - Congressional Budget Office -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union -- Government body in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Congress of Soviets -- Governing body in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Conical scanning -- System used in radar to improve accuracy
Wikipedia - Conjecture -- Proposition in mathematics that is unproven
Wikipedia - Conjunctiva -- Outer protective layer/covering of sclera
Wikipedia - Connected by Love -- 2018 single by Jack White
Wikipedia - Connected Home over IP -- Open-sourced smart home connectivity standard
Wikipedia - Connexions (agency) -- 2000-2012 UK government support service for young people
Wikipedia - Connie Briscoe -- American romantic fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Connie Dover -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Conor Brady -- Irish newspaper editor, academic and novelist
Wikipedia - Conqueror (Iggulden novel) -- Book by Conn Iggulden
Wikipedia - Conrad Aiken -- American novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Conrad Richter -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Consegudes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Conseil superieur de la langue francaise (Quebec) -- Governmental organisation in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Consensus democracy -- Form of government
Wikipedia - Consent of the governed -- Will of the people as source of political legitimacy
Wikipedia - Conservancy Association -- Hong Kong non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Conservation Effects Assessment Project -- United States government project
Wikipedia - Conservation movement -- Social and political advocacy for protecting natural resources
Wikipedia - Conservation-restoration of the Statue of Liberty -- Overview of the conservation-restoration of the Statue of Liberty
Wikipedia - Conservative Edition News -- Controversial Websites
Wikipedia - Conservative holiness movement
Wikipedia - Conservative Judaism -- Jewish religious movement
Wikipedia - Conservative revolutionary movement
Wikipedia - Conservative Revolution -- German national conservative movement during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933)
Wikipedia - Considerations on Representative Government
Wikipedia - Consolidated Fund -- Term used to refer to the main bank account of the government in certain countries
Wikipedia - Consolidation of Labor Laws -- Decree which governs labor relations in Brazil
Wikipedia - Conspiracy of Cinadon -- Plot to overthrow the Spartan government in order to give equal rights to the poor
Wikipedia - Constantin Iancovescu -- Romanian politician and general
Wikipedia - Constitutional Convention of Puerto Rico -- US approved Public Law 600, authorizing Puerto Rico to draft its own constitution in 1951
Wikipedia - Constitutional government
Wikipedia - Constitutionalism -- Belief that government authority derives from fundamental law
Wikipedia - Constitutional Movement -- British right wing political group
Wikipedia - Constitutional Protection Junta -- Government of China (1917-1921)
Wikipedia - Constitutional right -- Legal right protected by a sovereignty's constitution
Wikipedia - Constitution of Alabama -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Alabama
Wikipedia - Constitution of Alaska -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Alaska
Wikipedia - Constitution of Austria -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in Austria
Wikipedia - Constitution of California -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Constitution of Canada -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in Canada
Wikipedia - Constitution of Florida -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Florida
Wikipedia - Constitution of Japan -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in Japan
Wikipedia - Constitution of Louisiana -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Constitution of New Hampshire -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Constitution of New York -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Constitution of North Carolina -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Constitution of North Rhine-Westphalia -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Wikipedia - Constitution of Ohio -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Constitution of Oklahoma -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Constitution of Romania -- Fundamental governing document of Romania
Wikipedia - Constitution of Russia -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in Russia
Wikipedia - Constitution of South Carolina -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - Constitution of Tennessee -- Basic governing document of the U.S state of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Constitution of Texas -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Philippines -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Roman Republic -- The norms, customs, and written laws, which guided the government of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Constitution of the United Kingdom -- The principles, institutions and law of political governance in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Constitution of Virginia -- Principles, institutions and law of political governance in the U.S. state of Virginia
Wikipedia - Constitution -- Set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed
Wikipedia - Constraint-induced movement therapy -- Rehabilitation program for cases of CNS damage
Wikipedia - Constructivism in science education -- Overview of constructivism in science education
Wikipedia - Constructivist teaching methods -- Overview of constructivist teaching methods
Wikipedia - Consultation (Texas) -- Provisional government of Mexican Texas from November 1835 through March 1836 during the Texas Revolution
Wikipedia - Consumer sovereignty -- Economic consumer theory
Wikipedia - Consumer/survivor movement
Wikipedia - Contact (novel) -- 1985 novel by Carl Sagan
Wikipedia - Contact paper -- Adhesive paper used as a covering or lining
Wikipedia - Contagious Love -- Single by Zendaya and Bella Throne
Wikipedia - Container deposit legislation in the United States -- Overview about the container deposit legislation in the United States
Wikipedia - Conte I Cabinet -- 65th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Conte II Cabinet -- 66th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Contemporary Sant Mat movement
Wikipedia - Contes, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Contig -- A set of overlapping DNA segments that together represent a consensus region of DNA
Wikipedia - Continental Congress -- Convention of delegates that became the governing body of the United States
Wikipedia - Continental Drift (novel) -- Book by Russell Banks
Wikipedia - Continental drift -- The movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other
Wikipedia - Contingent sovereignty -- Interventionist theory
Wikipedia - Continual improvement process
Wikipedia - Continuing Anglican movement
Wikipedia - Continuity (fiction) -- In a narrative, the consistency of characteristics of people, plot, objects, and places seen by the reader or viewer over time
Wikipedia - Continuity of government -- Principle of emergency government
Wikipedia - Continuous improvement process
Wikipedia - Contraband Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Contraceptive mandate -- Government regulation or law that requires health insurance to cover contraceptive costs
Wikipedia - Contra dance choreography -- Sequence of moves in contra dance
Wikipedia - Contra viento y marea -- 2005 Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Contributions of Leonhard Euler to mathematics -- Overview about the contributions of Leonhard Euler to mathematics
Wikipedia - Contributor Covenant -- Code of conduct for contributors to free and open source software projects
Wikipedia - Control Yuan -- Investigative agency of the Republic of China government
Wikipedia - Controvento -- 2000 film
Wikipedia - Controversial discussions
Wikipedia - Controversial Reddit communities -- List of known controversial communities on Reddit
Wikipedia - Controversies about labeling terrorism -- No consensus on a single, universal definition
Wikipedia - Controversies about Opus Dei
Wikipedia - Controversies about psychiatry
Wikipedia - Controversies about the 2004 Madrid train bombings
Wikipedia - Controversies in professional sumo -- Match-fixing, hazing and others
Wikipedia - Controversies over the term Engineer
Wikipedia - Controversies surrounding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -- Controversies surrounding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Wikipedia - Controversies surrounding Grand Theft Auto V -- Controversies surrounding the 2013 action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto V
Wikipedia - Controversies surrounding Silvio Berlusconi
Wikipedia - Controversy over Cantor's theory
Wikipedia - Controversy -- State of prolonged public dispute or debate
Wikipedia - Conus cloveri -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convenience Store Boy Friends -- Light novel and anime series
Wikipedia - Convenience Store Woman -- 2016 novel by Sayaka Murata
Wikipedia - Convention over configuration -- Software design paradigm
Wikipedia - Convergence Movement
Wikipedia - Cooch Behar Government Engineering College -- Engineering College in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Cookie (novel) -- 2008 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Cooking with Wild Game -- Novel series
Wikipedia - Coolie-Begar movement
Wikipedia - Cooling capacity -- Measure of a cooling system's ability to remove heat
Wikipedia - Cooling load -- Rate of air temperature movement
Wikipedia - Cooperative movement
Wikipedia - Cooperative Societies Council -- Government organization which promotes the role of cooperative societies in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure (Singapore) -- Former Senior Cabinet position in the Government of Singapore
Wikipedia - Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investments Affairs (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government ministry
Wikipedia - Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government ministry
Wikipedia - Copa Santa -- Anthem of Provence
Wikipedia - Copgrove railway station -- Disused railway station in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Coping (architecture) -- Covering for the top of a wall
Wikipedia - Coponius -- Roman governor (prefect) of the Judaea province (6 CE to 9 CE)
Wikipedia - Copper in Africa -- Overview of ore deposits and extraction
Wikipedia - Copy editing -- Work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of text
Wikipedia - Copyright status of work by the U. S. government
Wikipedia - Copyright status of work by U.S. subnational governments
Wikipedia - Copyright status of works by the federal government of the United States -- Aspect of copyright law
Wikipedia - Coralie Franklin Cook -- Educator and government official
Wikipedia - Coraline -- 2002 children novella by Neil Gaiman
Wikipedia - Coral Springs Covered Bridge -- Bridge in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Corambis (novel) -- Fantasy novel by Sarah Monette
Wikipedia - Cor bovinum -- Massive hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart due to volume overload
Wikipedia - Cordel do Fogo Encantado -- Brazilian music group from Arcoverde
Wikipedia - Cordoveran Kabbalah
Wikipedia - Core drill -- Drill specifically designed to remove a cylinder of material
Wikipedia - Corey Glover -- American singer, musician and guitarist
Wikipedia - Corianton: A Story of Unholy Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Cormac McCarthy -- American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cornelis Jan Simonsz -- Dutch colonial governor
Wikipedia - Cornelius A. Smith -- Governor-General of the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Cornelius Ludewich Bartels -- German merchant and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Cornelius van Steenoven -- 18th-century Dutch theologian and priest
Wikipedia - Cornillon-Confoux -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Coronado: Stories -- Novel by Dennis Lehane
Wikipedia - Coroner -- Government official who confirms and certifies the death of an individual
Wikipedia - Coroneted fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Coronis (lover of Apollo) -- Ancient Greek princess and princess of Thessaly
Wikipedia - Corporate governance of information technology
Wikipedia - Corporate governance -- Mechanisms, processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and operated
Wikipedia - Corporate poverty
Wikipedia - Corporate recovery
Wikipedia - Corpse Reviver -- Family of cocktails intended for curing hangovers
Wikipedia - Corps of Discovery -- Unit of the United States Army
Wikipedia - Correlation does not prove causation
Wikipedia - Corrupt bargain -- Three controversies in American political history
Wikipedia - Corruption in Slovenia -- Institutional corruption in the country
Wikipedia - Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials -- Government agency in South Korea
Wikipedia - Coshocton County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Cosmic Love -- 2010 single by Florence + the Machine
Wikipedia - Cosmic Movement
Wikipedia - Cosmonaut Keep -- Novel by Ken MacLeod
Wikipedia - Cossiga I Cabinet -- 36th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Cossiga II Cabinet -- 37th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Costard -- character in Love's Labour's Lost
Wikipedia - Cost overrun -- Unexpected incurred costs in excess of budgeted amounts
Wikipedia - Cost Price -- 1949 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Cottage Grove, Houston
Wikipedia - Coudoux -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Council Grove State Park -- Park in Montana, USA
Wikipedia - Council-manager government -- Form of local government in the United States and Ireland
Wikipedia - Council of Australian Governments -- Defunct Australian intergovernmental forum
Wikipedia - Council of Federated Organizations -- Coalition of advocacy groups in the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Council of Government of the Principality of Asturias -- Government body in Spain
Wikipedia - Council of governments -- Regional associations of governments in the United States
Wikipedia - Council of Indigenous Peoples -- ministry-level body of the Taiwanese government
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers (Italy) -- Executive organ of the Italian government
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Executive branch of the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Colombia -- Government cabinet of Colombia
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Crimea -- Former subnational governmental body in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Council of State Governments -- Nonpartisan, non-profit organization in the United States
Wikipedia - Counsellors' Office -- Government think tank of China
Wikipedia - Count Dracula -- Title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula
Wikipedia - Counter-Clock World -- Novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Counterintelligence state -- Form of government where state security services permeate society
Wikipedia - Counterurbanization -- Process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas
Wikipedia - Countess Monika zu Solms-Laubach -- Princess of Hanover
Wikipedia - Counties of Northern Ireland -- Former principal local government divisions of Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Counting Up, Counting Down -- 2002 short story collection by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - Count of Provence
Wikipedia - Count Robert of Paris -- 1832 novel by Sir Walter Scott
Wikipedia - Count Varenne's Lover -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - County Borough of West Ham -- Historical local government district in the extreme south west of Essex
Wikipedia - County commission -- Governing body
Wikipedia - County Cricket Ground, Hove -- Cricket ground
Wikipedia - County executive -- Head of the county government in the United States
Wikipedia - County of Provence
Wikipedia - Coup 53 -- 2019 documentary on 1953 US-UK coup d'etat (Operation AJAX) overthrowing Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh
Wikipedia - Coup d'etat -- Sudden deposition of a government
Wikipedia - Courier Dover Publications
Wikipedia - Courland Governorate
Wikipedia - Courmes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Coursegoules -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Course of Theoretical Physics -- Ten-volume series of books covering theoretical physics that was initiated by Lev Landau and written in collaboration with his student Evgeny Lifshitz starting in the late 1930s
Wikipedia - Courtly love
Wikipedia - Courtney Love
Wikipedia - Court of Accounts (Turkey) -- The supreme governmental accounting body of Spain
Wikipedia - Court of Auditors (Spain) -- The supreme governmental accounting body of Spain
Wikipedia - Court of St James's -- court for the Sovereign of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cousin Bazilio -- novel written by the Portuguese writer Jose Maria de Eca de Queiroz
Wikipedia - Cousin Bette -- 1846 novel by Honore de Balzac
Wikipedia - Cove (Appalachian Mountains) -- A small valley in the Appalachian Mountains between two ridge lines
Wikipedia - Coved ceiling -- Ceiling with a large concave curve at the wall-to-ceiling transition
Wikipedia - Cove lighting -- Form of indirect lighting
Wikipedia - Covelli Centre -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Covema -- Italian conglomerate
Wikipedia - Covenant (biblical) -- A religious covenant that is described in the Bible.
Wikipedia - Covenant Christian High School (Indianapolis) -- Private Christian high school in Indianapolis, founded in 1996
Wikipedia - Covenant Code -- The name given by academics to a text appearing in the Torah, at Exodus 20:22-23:19
Wikipedia - Covenanters -- Scottish religious movement
Wikipedia - Covenanter
Wikipedia - Covenant (Halo) -- Fictional alliance of alien races from the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Covenant (Israel)
Wikipedia - Covenant (law)
Wikipedia - Covenant marriage -- A legally distinct kind of marriage in three states of the United States
Wikipedia - Covenant Network -- Catholic radio network in the United States
Wikipedia - Covenant of BahaM-JM- -- Primary principle in the Baha'i Faith
Wikipedia - Covenant of the Goddess -- A cross-traditional Wiccan group
Wikipedia - Covenant of the League of Nations
Wikipedia - Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Wikipedia - Covenant Renewal Service
Wikipedia - Covenant School (Texas) -- A private Christian K-12 school in Dallas, Texas (USA)
Wikipedia - Covenant theology -- Protestant biblical interpretive framework for understanding the overall structure of the Bible
Wikipedia - Covenant University -- Nigerian private university
Wikipedia - Covenant Voices -- African gospel choir
Wikipedia - Coven (band) -- American rock band
Wikipedia - COVENSA -- Chilean firm
Wikipedia - Covenstead -- Meeting place of a coven
Wikipedia - Covent Garden Hotel -- Hotel in London
Wikipedia - Covent Garden Theatre
Wikipedia - Covent Garden tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - Covent Garden -- District in London, England
Wikipedia - Coventry Arena railway station -- Railway station in the West Midlands, England
Wikipedia - Coventry Blitz -- German bombing raids on the English city of Coventry in World War II
Wikipedia - Coventry Carol -- Christmas carol about the massacre of the innocents
Wikipedia - Coventry Cathedral -- Church in West Midlands, England
Wikipedia - Coventry-class frigate -- Class of frigates in the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Coventry Patmore
Wikipedia - Coventry railway station -- Railway station in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - Coventry, Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Coventry ring road -- Road in England
Wikipedia - Coventry Stakes -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Coventry Telegraph -- Local English tabloid newspaper
Wikipedia - Coventry University
Wikipedia - Coventry
Wikipedia - Coven -- A group or gathering of witches
Wikipedia - Coverage data -- Digital representation of spatio-temporal phenomenon
Wikipedia - Coverage error
Wikipedia - Coverage of Google Street View -- Timeline
Wikipedia - Cover band -- Type of band that plays cover songs; see also tribute band (Q1190668)
Wikipedia - Cover Boy -- 2006 film by Carmine Amoroso
Wikipedia - Coverb
Wikipedia - Cover date -- Date shown on a periodical
Wikipedia - Cover disk
Wikipedia - Cover Drive -- Band from Barbados
Wikipedia - Covered bridge -- wooden bridge with protective cover
Wikipedia - Covered goods wagon -- Enclosed railway wagon used to carry freight
Wikipedia - Covered Tracks -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Covered Wagon Days -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Covered Wagon Trails -- 1940 film directed by Raymond K. Johnson
Wikipedia - Cover Flow
Wikipedia - Cover Girl (film) -- 1944 film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - Cover Girl (G.I. Joe) -- G.I. Joe character
Wikipedia - Cover Girls (film) -- 1977 film by Jerry London
Wikipedia - Cover Girl Strip Poker -- 1991 erotic video game
Wikipedia - Cover girl
Wikipedia - Cover Her Face -- 1962 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Covering code
Wikipedia - Covering law model
Wikipedia - Covering of the Senne -- Covering and later diverting of the main river of Brussels
Wikipedia - Covering problems
Wikipedia - Covering problem
Wikipedia - Covering space
Wikipedia - Coveris -- American industrial company
Wikipedia - Cover letter -- Letter of introduction sent with a resume when applying for a job
Wikipedia - Cover Me (Depeche Mode song) -- Depeche Mode song
Wikipedia - Cover Me Quick! -- Filipino Power pop/Alternative band
Wikipedia - Cover (military)
Wikipedia - Cover Plus -- 1981 studio album by Hazel O'Connor
Wikipedia - Covert Action (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - covert actions
Wikipedia - Covert agent
Wikipedia - Covert channel -- Computer security attack that creates a capability to transfer information between processes that are not supposed to be allowed to communicate
Wikipedia - Covert hypnosis
Wikipedia - Covert listening device
Wikipedia - Cover to Cover tour -- 1991 concert tour by English recording artist George Michael
Wikipedia - Cover (topology)
Wikipedia - Covert racism
Wikipedia - Cover tree -- Type of data structure
Wikipedia - Coverture -- Status of wife's legal personality subsumed into husband's
Wikipedia - Cover-up -- Attempt to conceal evidence
Wikipedia - Cover version -- Later version of a song already established with a different earlier performer
Wikipedia - Cover You in Oil -- Song by AC/DC
Wikipedia - Coveting
Wikipedia - Covetousness
Wikipedia - Cove -- A small sheltered bay or coastal inlet
Wikipedia - COVFEFE Act -- Proposed US government bill
Wikipedia - COVID-19 in pregnancy -- Overview about the effects of COVID-19 infection on pregnancy
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in November 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in November 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Slovenia
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in the British Overseas Territories -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in the British Overseas Territories
Wikipedia - COVID-19 testing controversy in the Philippines -- COVID-19 testing controversy in the Philippines
Wikipedia - COVID Tracker Ireland -- Contact tracing application released by the Government of Ireland on 7 July 2020
Wikipedia - Cov-lite -- Loan agreements without protective covenants for the lending party
Wikipedia - Cowboy Man -- Single by Lyle Lovett
Wikipedia - Cowl (chimney) -- Hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney and prevent backflow
Wikipedia - Cowper ministry (1861-63) -- Third New South Wales government ministry led by Charles Cowper
Wikipedia - Cox's Bazar Development Authority -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Cox's Bazar Medical College -- Government medical school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - C. P. Snow -- English novelist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Crab-plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Cradle of Love (Billy Idol song) -- 1990 single by Billy Idol
Wikipedia - Craig Covey -- American politician
Wikipedia - Craig Silvey -- Australian novelist and musician
Wikipedia - Cranford (novel) -- 1851-53 novel by Elizabeth Gaskell
Wikipedia - Crank (novel) -- 2004 novel by Ellen Hopkins
Wikipedia - Crash (Ballard novel) -- 1973 novel by J. G. Ballard
Wikipedia - Crash (fabric) -- Woven textle
Wikipedia - Cratonic sequence -- A very large-scale lithostratographic sequence that covers a complete marine transgressive-regressive cycle across a craton
Wikipedia - Crawford County Courthouse (Illinois) -- Local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Crawford County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Craxi I Cabinet -- 42nd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Craxi II Cabinet -- 43rd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Cray Urika-GD -- Graph discovery appliance, made by supercomputer maker Cray
Wikipedia - Crazy for Love -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Crazy in Love -- 2003 single by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z
Wikipedia - Crazy, Lovely, Cool -- Nigerian drama series
Wikipedia - Crazy Love (MJ Cole song) -- 2000 single by M. J. Cole
Wikipedia - Crazy Love (TV series) -- 2013 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Crazy Over Daisy -- 1950 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Cream-breasted fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Creation (novel) -- Novel by Gore Vidal
Wikipedia - Creation of Yugoslavia -- Overview of the creation of Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Creative Discovery Museum -- Children's museum in Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Crede Bailey -- American government employee
Wikipedia - Credo (novel)
Wikipedia - Creep (deformation) -- Tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform permanently under mechanical stress
Wikipedia - Creepshow (comics) -- 1982 graphic novella published by Plume
Wikipedia - Creeps (novel) -- 2013 novel by Darren Hynes
Wikipedia - Crescendo (Fitzpatrick novel) -- Book by Becca Fitzpatrick
Wikipedia - Crested cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Crested quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Crestwood/Glen Cove, Houston
Wikipedia - Crew resource management -- Aircrew training concept to improve communication and decision-making
Wikipedia - Cribriform fascia -- Portion of fascia covering the saphenous opening in the thigh
Wikipedia - Cricket Australia -- Governing body of cricket in Australia
Wikipedia - Cricket in Pakistan -- Overview of cricket in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Cricket Ireland -- Governing body for cricket on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Cricket Russia -- Cricket governing body
Wikipedia - Cricket West Indies -- The governing body for cricket in the West Indies
Wikipedia - Crime and Corruption Commission -- State government commission in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Crime and Punishment -- 1866 Russian-language novel by Dostoyevsky
Wikipedia - Crimean Regional Government -- Regimes in Crimean Peninsula, 1918 and 1919
Wikipedia - Crime in South Australia -- Overview of crime in the state of South Australia
Wikipedia - Crime in Tasmania -- Overview of crime in the state of Tasmania
Wikipedia - Criminal justice -- System of governments directed at mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts
Wikipedia - Crimson-crowned fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Crisis on Conshelf Ten -- 1975 science fiction novel by Monica Hughes
Wikipedia - Crisis on Earth-X -- Four-part crossover between Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow
Wikipedia - Crisis on Infinite Earths (Arrowverse) -- Arrowverse crossover event
Wikipedia - Crisis on Infinite Earths -- Limited DC comic crossover series
Wikipedia - Crispin Glover -- American actor, filmmaker, musician and author
Wikipedia - Crispin: The Cross of Lead -- Childrens novel by Avi
Wikipedia - Cristobal de la Cerda y Sotomayor -- Royal Governor of Chile
Wikipedia - Criticism of Amazon -- Overview of the criticism of Amazon
Wikipedia - Criticism of Apple Inc. -- Overview of the criticism of Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Criticism of Facebook -- Media coverage of the shortcomings of Facebook's market dominance
Wikipedia - Criticism of monarchy -- Criticism of the monarchical form of government or a specific monarchy
Wikipedia - Criticism of the United States government -- About the actions and policies of the United States
Wikipedia - Criticism of Wikipedia -- Overviews and criticism of Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Croaking ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Croatian Bureau of Statistics -- Croatia's principal government institution in charge of statistics and census data
Wikipedia - Croatian Canoe Federation -- Governing body of canoeing in Croatia
Wikipedia - Croatian-Slovene Peasant Revolt -- South Slavic peasant uprising against the perceived tyranny of a baron
Wikipedia - Cronica da casa assassinada -- Novel by Lucio Cardoso
Wikipedia - Crooked Kingdom -- 2016 fantasy novel by Leigh Bardugo
Wikipedia - Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) -- Covert counterintelligence investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials
Wikipedia - Cross-lagged panel model -- Statistical model comparing multiple variables over time
Wikipedia - Crossover (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Crossover Dreams -- 1985 film by Leon Ichaso
Wikipedia - Crossover effects
Wikipedia - Crossover (fiction) -- Placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story
Wikipedia - Crossover (genetic algorithm) -- Operator used to vary the programming of chromosomes from one generation to the next
Wikipedia - Crossover (Image Comics) -- American comic book series
Wikipedia - Crossover interference -- Phenomenon in genetics
Wikipedia - Cross Over (manga) -- Manga drawn and written by KM-EM-^Mji Seo
Wikipedia - Crossover music -- musical works that appeal to different types of audiences
Wikipedia - CrossOver (software)
Wikipedia - Crossover (song) -- 1992 single by EPMD
Wikipedia - Crossover study
Wikipedia - CrossOver
Wikipedia - Crown Film Unit -- British government film unit
Wikipedia - Crown jellyfish -- An order of cnidarians with a deep groove around the bell
Wikipedia - Crown of Stars (series) -- Fantasy novel series by Kate Elliott
Wikipedia - Crown vs Kate Dover -- Victorian criminal trial
Wikipedia - Crucified (Army of Lovers song) -- 1991 single by Army of Lovers
Wikipedia - Cruel Love -- South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Crusade in Jeans -- 1973 children's time travel novel by Thea Beckman
Wikipedia - Cryogenic rebreather -- Rebreather that removes CO2 by freezing it out using heat exchange with liquid oxygen
Wikipedia - Cryonics movement
Wikipedia - Cryptanalysis -- study of analyzing information systems in order to discover their hidden aspects
Wikipedia - Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Wikipedia - Cryptonomicon -- Novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - CSIRO -- Federal government agency for scientific research in Australia
Wikipedia - CSI: Trilogy -- A series of CSI franchise crossover episodes
Wikipedia - C. S. Lewis -- Christian apologist, novelist, and medievalist
Wikipedia - C syntax -- Set of rules governing writing of software in the language
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos anthology -- Short story collections set in the milleu created by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos deities -- Fictional deities in H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos in popular culture -- Cultural references to H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos -- Shared fictional universe based on the work of H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cuban Missile Crisis -- Confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union over ballistic missiles in Cuba
Wikipedia - Cubist sculpture -- sculptures made during the Cubist art movement
Wikipedia - Cuckoo's Egg (book) -- 1985 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Cuebris -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cugel's Saga -- Fantasy novel
Wikipedia - Cuges-les-Pins -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cuisine of New England -- Overview of the cuisine of New England
Wikipedia - Cuisine of New York City -- Overview of the cuisine of New York City
Wikipedia - Cuisine of the Southern United States -- Overview of the cuisine of the Southern United States
Wikipedia - Cuitlahuac Garcia Jimenez -- Governor of Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Cujo -- Novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Cullinan Diamond -- Largest rough diamond ever discovered
Wikipedia - Cultural Bolshevism -- Nazi slogan opposing modernist and progressive cultural movements
Wikipedia - Cultural environmentalism -- Movement that seeks to protect the public domain
Wikipedia - Cultural Heritage Administration -- Agency of the South Korean government charged with preserving and promoting Korean cultural heritage
Wikipedia - Cultural movement
Wikipedia - Cultural Revolution -- Maoist sociopolitical movement intended to strengthen Chinese Communism
Wikipedia - Culture and recreation in Cardiff -- Overview of the culture and recreation possibilities in Cardiff
Wikipedia - Culture hero -- Mythological hero who changes the world through invention or discovery
Wikipedia - Culture in Berlin -- Overview of the culture of Berlin
Wikipedia - Culture minister -- Minister in a government with responsibility for cultural affairs
Wikipedia - Culture of Africa -- Overview of the culture of Africa
Wikipedia - Culture of Australia -- Overview of the culture in Australia
Wikipedia - Culture of Austria -- Overview of the culture in Austria
Wikipedia - Culture of Birmingham -- Overview of culture of Birmingham
Wikipedia - Culture of Brazil -- Overview of the culture in Brazil
Wikipedia - Culture of California -- Overview of the culture in the State of California
Wikipedia - Culture of Canada -- Overview of the culture of Canada
Wikipedia - Culture of El Paso -- Overview of the culture of El Paso, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Culture of England -- Overview of the culture of England
Wikipedia - Culture of Europe -- Overview of the culture of Europe
Wikipedia - Culture of India -- Overview of the culture of India
Wikipedia - Culture of Indonesia -- Overview of the culture in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Culture of Iran -- Overview of the culture of Iran
Wikipedia - Culture of Istanbul -- Overview of Culture in Istanbul
Wikipedia - Culture of Italy -- Overview of the culture in Italy
Wikipedia - Culture of Japan -- Overview of the culture in Japan
Wikipedia - Culture of Jharkhand -- Cultural overview of a state in India
Wikipedia - Culture of Kentucky -- Overview of the culture of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Culture of London -- Overview of the culture in London
Wikipedia - Culture of Mongolia -- Overview of the culture in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Culture of New York City -- Overview of the culture in New York City
Wikipedia - Culture of New Zealand -- Overview of the culture in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Culture of Pakistan -- Overview of the culture of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Culture of Paris -- Overview of the culture in Paris
Wikipedia - Culture of poverty -- Social theory asserting that value systems perpetuate poverty
Wikipedia - Culture of San Diego -- Overview of the culture of San Diego
Wikipedia - Culture of Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the culture in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Culture of Scotland -- Overview of the culture of Scotland
Wikipedia - Culture of Singapore -- Overview of the culture in Singapore
Wikipedia - Culture of South Africa -- Overview of the culture in South Africa
Wikipedia - Culture of South Dakota -- Overview of the culture in South Dakota
Wikipedia - Culture of Switzerland -- Overview of the culture in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Culture of the Maldives -- Overview of the culture in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Culture of the Netherlands -- Overview of the culture in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Culture of the People's Republic of China -- Overview of the culture in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Culture of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the culture of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Culture of Turkey -- Overview of the culture in Turkey
Wikipedia - Culture of Washington, D.C. -- Overview of the culture of Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Cumaean Sibyl -- Priestess presiding over the Apollonian oracle at Cumae
Wikipedia - Cumberland County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Cumbria Wildlife Trust -- Wildlife trust covering Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Cume -- Measure of the total number of unique consumers over a specified period
Wikipedia - Cunkovci -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cunning folk traditions and the Latter Day Saint movement -- Early practices of the Latter Day Saints
Wikipedia - Cupboard Love
Wikipedia - Cupid in Clover -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Cupid -- Ancient Roman god of desire, affection and erotic love
Wikipedia - Curbed -- News website covering housing and urban design
Wikipedia - Curie temperature -- Temperature above which magnetic properties change
Wikipedia - Curiosity rover
Wikipedia - Curiosity (rover) -- NASA robotic rover exploring the crater Gale on Mars
Wikipedia - Curling Canada -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - CurlON -- Governing body for curling in Southern Ontario
Wikipedia - Current of Love -- Tunisian political movement
Wikipedia - Currentology -- A science that studies the internal movements of water masses
Wikipedia - Curriculum Online -- UK government education initiative
Wikipedia - Cursed soldiers -- Term applied to a variety of anti-Soviet and anti-communist Polish resistance movements
Wikipedia - Curtain (novel) -- 1975 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie, written early 1940s
Wikipedia - Curtis Guild Jr. -- 43rd Governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Curtis Sittenfeld -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Custom house -- Government office building for import and export of goods
Wikipedia - Customs Excise and Preventive Service -- Government Agency
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Sebastian -- British Colonial governor
Wikipedia - Cut-resistant gloves -- Type of personal protective equipment
Wikipedia - Cuyahoga County Council -- Governing body for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cuyahoga County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Cuz I Love You (song) -- 2019 song by Lizzo
Wikipedia - Cuz I Love You -- 2019 studio album by Lizzo
Wikipedia - CVC (theorem prover)
Wikipedia - Cvetka Bevc -- Slovene writer and poet
Wikipedia - Cybernetics -- the study of computer of how governing automatic processes and communications
Wikipedia - Cyberocracy -- Form of government that rules by the use of information
Wikipedia - Cyberpunk (novel)
Wikipedia - Cyborg 009 VS Devilman -- Crossover direct-to-video anime
Wikipedia - Cyborg (novel)
Wikipedia - Cycle double cover -- Cycles in a graph that cover each edge twice
Wikipedia - Cycle of poverty
Wikipedia - Cycle of the Werewolf -- 1983 novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Cycle to Work scheme -- UK Government tax exemption initiative
Wikipedia - Cycling Ireland -- Governing body for cycling (road and track racing, MTB, cyclocross) on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Cyclone Berit -- A very strong European windstorm in mid-November 2011
Wikipedia - Cynthia Eloise Cleveland -- American novelist, WCTU activist (1845-1932)
Wikipedia - Cypress knee -- A distinctive structure forming above the roots of a cypress tree
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac -- French novelist, dramatist, scientist and duelist
Wikipedia - Cyril Overall -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Cyr/The Colour of Love -- The Smashing Pumpkins single
Wikipedia - Cyteen -- 1988 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Czech National Revival -- Cultural movement
Wikipedia - Czechoslovak New Wave -- Filmmaking movement in 1960s Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Czech Pirate Party -- Political party in the Czech Republic, member of the broader international Pirate politics movement
Wikipedia - Daatu -- 1973 Kannada-language novel by S L Bhyrappa
Wikipedia - Dachstein glacier -- Glacier above Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria
Wikipedia - Da Cor do Pecado -- Brazilian telenovela by Joao Emanuel Carneiro
Wikipedia - Dacorum -- Local government district in England
Wikipedia - Dada -- Avant-garde art movement in the early 20th century
Wikipedia - Daddy Cool (novel) -- Novel by Donald Goines
Wikipedia - Daddy Stovepipe -- American musician
Wikipedia - Dad (novel) -- Novel by William Wharton
Wikipedia - Dadra and Nagar Haveli Cricket Association -- Cricket governing body
Wikipedia - Daemon (novel series)
Wikipedia - Daesun Jinrihoe -- Korean new religious movement, founded in April 1969
Wikipedia - Daga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dahshur -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - DaijM-EM-^M-kan -- Highest organ of the imperial Japanese government in the Nara period and Meiji Restoration
Wikipedia - Daily Planet (TV series) -- Discovery Channel Canada TV series
Wikipedia - Dakahlia Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Daka skull -- Homo erectus calvaria, discovered in the Ethiopian Rift Valley in 1997
Wikipedia - Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha -- Organisation with the purpose to improve Hindi literacy in South Indian states
Wikipedia - Dalal Khalifa -- Qatari novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Dale Crover -- American musician
Wikipedia - D'Alema I Cabinet -- 54th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - D'Alema II Cabinet -- 55th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - D'Alembert (crater) -- Also named after the above
Wikipedia - Dale, Minnesota -- Ghost town in Highland Grove Township, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Dallas Love Field -- Airport in Dallas, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Dallewalia Misl -- Sovereign state of the Sikh Confederacy
Wikipedia - Dalma Hills -- Hills stretching over Jharkhand and West Bengal states in India
Wikipedia - Dal Riata -- Gaelic overkingdom that included parts of western Scotland and northeastern Ulster in Ireland
Wikipedia - Dalton Trumbo -- American screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Daluis -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Damage over time
Wikipedia - Dambulla Viiking in 2020 -- Overview of Dambulla Viiking in 2020
Wikipedia - Dame Blanche (resistance) -- Resistance movement
Wikipedia - DaM-EM-!a Grm -- Slovene figure skater
Wikipedia - Damian Genovese -- Venezuelan actor and model
Wikipedia - Damien Wilkins (writer) -- New Zealand novelist, short story writer, and poet
Wikipedia - Damietta Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Damir CrnM-DM-^Mec -- Slovene politologist (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Damjan OstojiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Damjan Petek -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Damjan Sitar -- Slovenian decathlete
Wikipedia - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover -- 1992 single by Sophie B. Hawkins
Wikipedia - D&B Hoovers -- American business research company
Wikipedia - Dan Abnett -- British comic book writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Dana Glover (singer)
Wikipedia - Dan Billany -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Dance in Uzbekistan -- overview of folk dance traditions in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Dancemania Covers -- Album
Wikipedia - Dance Me to the End of Love
Wikipedia - Dance movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance/movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance -- performing art consisting of movement of the body
Wikipedia - Dancing Astronaut -- American media platform covering electronic music
Wikipedia - Dancing the Code -- Novel by Paul Leonard
Wikipedia - Dandaleith stone -- Pictish stone discovered at Craigellachie and now in the Elgin Museum, Moray, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Dan Forest -- 34th Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Dan Franck -- French novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Danganronpa Togami -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony -- 2017 visual novel adventure video game
Wikipedia - Danganronpa Zero -- Japanese light novel
Wikipedia - Danger - Love at Work -- 1937 film by Otto Preminger
Wikipedia - Dangerous Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Dangerous Love (1988 film) -- 1988 American crime film
Wikipedia - Dangers of Coquetry -- Amelia Opie's first published novel
Wikipedia - Dangling Man -- Novel by Saul Bellow
Wikipedia - Daniel Bovet
Wikipedia - Daniel Cosgrove -- American actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Covell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Daniel D. Tompkins -- American Governor and Vice President
Wikipedia - Daniel Haines -- American politician, jurist, lawyer and Governor of New Jersey (1801-1877)
Wikipedia - Daniel Hecht -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Daniel Kovac -- German-Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Danielle C. Gray -- U.S. government official
Wikipedia - Danielle Steel -- American romance novel writer (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Daniel Mainwaring -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel PeM-CM-1a (novelist) -- United States writer
Wikipedia - Daniel Russell Brown -- 43rd Governor of Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Daniel SaldaM-CM-1a Paris -- Mexican poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Daniel Silva (novelist) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Daniel Williams (governor-general) -- 4th Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Danish cartoon controversy
Wikipedia - Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees -- Non-governmental humanitarian organization
Wikipedia - Danish nationality law -- Laws governing nationality in Denmark
Wikipedia - Danish overseas colonies
Wikipedia - Dan Loven -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Dannel Malloy -- 88th Governor of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Danny Dark -- American voice-over artist
Wikipedia - Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine -- Juvenile novel by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams
Wikipedia - Danny Glover -- American actor, film director and political activist
Wikipedia - Dan Povenmire -- American animator, director, writer, producer, storyboard artist, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Dante (networking) -- Real-time professional audio over an IP LAN
Wikipedia - Dan Westover -- American biathlete
Wikipedia - Daphna Dove -- American musician
Wikipedia - Daphne du Maurier -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Daraa Governorate campaign -- Syrian Army offensive
Wikipedia - Dara Horn -- American writer, novelist and professor (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Darbhanga College of Engineering -- Government engineering college in Darbhanga, Bihar
Wikipedia - Darca schools -- Non-governmental organization operating a network of schools in Israel
Wikipedia - Darcy's Story -- Novel by Janet Aylmer
Wikipedia - Daredevil: The Man Without Fear -- 1990s graphic novel by Frank Miller
Wikipedia - Darfur Peace Agreement -- one of three peace agreements signed between the government of Sudan and Darfur-based rebel groups
Wikipedia - Darfur Regional Authority -- 2007-16 interim governing body for the Darfur region of Sudan
Wikipedia - Daria Nina Love -- Veterinary microbiologist and educator
Wikipedia - Darja BavdaM-EM-> Kuret -- Slovenian diplomat, social scientist
Wikipedia - Dark Angel (1996 film) -- 1996 American television film by Robert Iscove
Wikipedia - Dark chess -- Incomplete information chess variant where player can only see their own pieces and the squares they can legally move to.
Wikipedia - Darke County Courthouse, Sheriff's House and Jail -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Dark Fire (Feehan novel) -- Novel by Christine Feehan
Wikipedia - Dark Fire (Sansom novel) -- Novel by C. J. Sansom
Wikipedia - Dark Love (film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Darkness at Noon -- 1940 novel by Arthur Koestler
Wikipedia - Darkness Visible (novel)
Wikipedia - Darkover series -- Science fiction-fantasy book series
Wikipedia - Darkover -- Fictional planet
Wikipedia - Dark Palace -- Novel by Frank Moorhouse
Wikipedia - Dark Progeny -- Doctor Who novel by Steve Emmerson
Wikipedia - Dark web -- Part of the World Wide Web that is only reachable over darknets
Wikipedia - Darleen Druyun -- American former government official, former Boeing executive and convicted felon
Wikipedia - Darlene Love -- American singer and actress
Wikipedia - DARPA LAGR Program -- United States government program involved in the development of unmanned ground vehicles
Wikipedia - Darren Rovell -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Darryl Pinckney -- American novelist, playwright, and essayist
Wikipedia - Dartmouth College -- private liberal arts university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Daru Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dashiki -- Colorful men's garment widely worn in West Africa that covers the top half of the body
Wikipedia - Data buffer -- Region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another
Wikipedia - DataCite -- International not-for-profit organization which aims to improve data citation
Wikipedia - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Data mule -- Vehicle that physically moves digital storage media between locations
Wikipedia - Data recovery -- Process of salvaging inaccessible data from corrupted or damaged secondary storage
Wikipedia - Data transmission -- Transfer of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel
Wikipedia - Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Date A Live -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Dating Hamlet -- 2002 novel by Lisa Fiedler
Wikipedia - Datu Yusoph Boyog Mama -- Filipino politician and government official
Wikipedia - Daughters and Sons -- 1937 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - Daughters of Divine Love
Wikipedia - Dave Freudenthal -- 31st Governor of Wyoming
Wikipedia - Dave Heineman -- 39th Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - David Ambrose -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Belove -- American jazz bass guitarist
Wikipedia - David Bolchover -- British management writer
Wikipedia - David Borofka -- America novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - David Brailer -- American government official
Wikipedia - David Clerson -- Canadian novelist from Quebec
Wikipedia - David Collins (lieutenant governor) -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - David Copperfield -- 1849-1850 novel by Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - David Coventry -- New Zealand author and musician
Wikipedia - David Davidar -- Indian novelist and publisher
Wikipedia - David Dawson Cosgrove -- Irish businessman
Wikipedia - David Demchuk -- Canadian playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - David Diop (novelist) -- French novelist and academic
Wikipedia - David Duchovny -- American actor, writer, producer, director, novelist, and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - David E. Bell -- American government official
Wikipedia - David Emanuel (Governor of Georgia) -- American politician
Wikipedia - David Francis (author) -- Australian novelist, lawyer and academic
Wikipedia - David G. Deininger -- Retired American judge, Wisconsin Court of Appeals, first chairman of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board.
Wikipedia - David Gerrold -- American screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - David Gibbins -- Underwater archaeologist and novelist
Wikipedia - David Glover
Wikipedia - David Guggenheim -- American screenwriter, producer, and novelist
Wikipedia - David Hall (Delaware governor) -- American politician
Wikipedia - David Hollamby -- Governor of Saint Helena
Wikipedia - David Hurley -- Australian Army general and Governor-General of Australia
Wikipedia - David Ian Groves
Wikipedia - David Icove -- American FBI Agent
Wikipedia - David Ige -- 8th Governor of Hawaii
Wikipedia - David Ignatius -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - David James Duncan -- American novelist and essayist
Wikipedia - David Johnston -- Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - David Kemp (physicist) -- British physicist who discovered otoacoustic emissions (born 1945)
Wikipedia - David Klein (economist) -- Israeli banker, Governor of the Bank of Israel
Wikipedia - David K. Overstreet -- Associate Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court
Wikipedia - David Kuo (author) -- American government official and writer
Wikipedia - David Leslie Smallman -- Governor of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - David Lindsay (novelist) -- English author
Wikipedia - David Louis Edelman -- American novelist and web programmer
Wikipedia - David Lovering -- Alternative rock musician
Wikipedia - David Martin (governor) -- Royal Australian Navy officer and governor
Wikipedia - David McGoveran
Wikipedia - David Mitchell (author) -- English novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Mundell -- Solicitor, Scottish Conservative Party politician and former UK Government Minister
Wikipedia - David Niven -- British actor and novelist
Wikipedia - David Paterson -- 55th Governor of New York
Wikipedia - David Paul Grove -- Canadian television, film and voice actor
Wikipedia - David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021 -- David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021
Wikipedia - David Sherman -- American war novelist and veteran Marine
Wikipedia - David Silberman (government administrator) -- American government official
Wikipedia - David Snellgrove -- British Tibetologist
Wikipedia - David Stove
Wikipedia - David Tatham -- British diplomat, governor and biographer
Wikipedia - David Trueba -- Spanish novelist and film director
Wikipedia - David Vunagi -- Anglican archbishop; Governor-General of Solomon Islands (2019-present)
Wikipedia - David Whitaker (screenwriter) -- English television writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Davis Love Jr. -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Davis-Oak Grove District -- Historic district near Mauvilla, Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Davitt Sigerson -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Davor Glavina -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Davud Ghaffarzadegan -- Iranian writer, teacher and novelist
Wikipedia - Davy Byrne's pub -- Pub in Dublin, famous from James Joyce's novel Ulysses
Wikipedia - Dawn in Lyonesse -- 1938 novel by Mary Ellen Chase
Wikipedia - Dawn Wind -- Historical novel by Rosemary Sutcliff
Wikipedia - Dayendranath Burrenchobay -- Governor-General of Mauritius (1919 - 1999)
Wikipedia - Dayenu -- Song that is part of the Jewish holiday of Passover
Wikipedia - Day for My Love -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Day of the Covenant (BahaM-JM- -- Baha'i religious observance commemorating appointment of 'Abdu'l-Baha
Wikipedia - Day of the Dupes -- Day in November 1630 in French history
Wikipedia - Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt -- 2012 graphic novel by Joe Sacco and Chris Hedges
Wikipedia - Days of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Daz 4 Zoe -- 1990 novel by Robert Swindells
Wikipedia - D. B. Cooper -- Unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in November 1971
Wikipedia - DC Comics Absolute Edition -- Series of archival quality printings of graphic novels
Wikipedia - DC Comics: Anatomy of a Metahuman -- Graphic novel
Wikipedia - DC One Million -- Crossover storyline that ran through a self-titled, weekly limited series and through special issues of almost all titles published by DC Comics in November 1998
Wikipedia - De aansprekers -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - Dead at Daybreak -- A crime novel written by Deon Meyer
Wikipedia - Dead Europe (novel) -- 2005 novel by Christos Tsiolkas
Wikipedia - Deadline (Crutcher novel) -- 2007 novel by Chris Crutcher
Wikipedia - Deadline (Grant novel) -- Second book in the Newsflesh Trilogy
Wikipedia - Deadly Rumors -- Romance novel by Cheris F. Hodges
Wikipedia - Dead Man's Folly -- 1956 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - De Admirant -- Skyscraper in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Dead Right -- Novel by Peter Robinson
Wikipedia - Deaerator -- Device that removes dissolved gases from liquids
Wikipedia - Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique... -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Dear Edward -- 2020 American novel
Wikipedia - Dear John letter -- Letter Written to a man by his romantic partner to signify their relationship is over
Wikipedia - Dearne and Dove Canal -- Canal in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Death Arms (novel)
Wikipedia - Death Cab for Cutie (song) -- 1967 novelty song by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Wikipedia - Death Comes to Pemberley -- 2011 novel by P. D. James - pastiche of Jane Austen
Wikipedia - Death Eater -- Fictional villainous characters in the Harry Potter series of novels and films
Wikipedia - Death in Her Hands -- 2020 novel by Ottessa Moshfegh
Wikipedia - Death in Holy Orders -- 2001 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Death in the Clouds -- 1935 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Death Is Forever -- Novel by John Gardner (British writer)
Wikipedia - Death marches (Holocaust) -- Forcible movements of prisoners between Nazi camps
Wikipedia - Death Merchant -- Titular fictional character and novel series
Wikipedia - Death of Adolf Hitler -- Overview of Adolf Hitler's death
Wikipedia - Death of a Doxy -- Detective novel by Rex Stout
Wikipedia - Death of an Expert Witness -- 1977 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Death of Dianne Brimble -- A victim of a drug overdose
Wikipedia - Death of Harry Dunn -- Fatal road traffic collision resulting in UK/US diplomatic controversy
Wikipedia - Death of Joseph Smith -- 1844 extrajudicial murder of the founder and leader of the <!-- "LDS Church" is in accordance with the Wikipedia Manual of Style, and disagreements should be addressed at Any change made to "LDS Church" or "Latter Day Saint Movement" will be reverted. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Death of Linda Norgrove -- Kidnapping of aid workers
Wikipedia - Death of Ludwig van Beethoven -- Death of Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Death of Samson Chukwu -- Controversial deaths in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Death on the Nile -- 1937 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Death Over My Shoulder -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Death Over Shanghai -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Death-positive movement
Wikipedia - Death's End -- 2010 science fiction novel by Liu Cixin, sequel to The Three-Body Problem and The Dark Forest
Wikipedia - Deaths in November 1997 -- Notable deaths
Wikipedia - Deaths in November 2017 -- Notable deaths
Wikipedia - Deaths in November 2019 -- Notable deaths
Wikipedia - Deaths in November 2020 -- Notable deaths
Wikipedia - Death Wish (film series) -- American action-crime-drama film series based on the 1972 novel by Brian Garfield
Wikipedia - Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- Controversies surrounding nuclear attacks
Wikipedia - Debbie Does Dallas Uncovered -- British TV documentary
Wikipedia - Debit and Credit -- Novel by Gustav Freytag
Wikipedia - Deborah Burrows -- Australian novelist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Deborah Harkness -- American scholar, novelist and wine enthusiast
Wikipedia - Deborah-Mae Lovell -- Antiguan and Barbudan diplomat
Wikipedia - Debra Adelaide -- Australian novelist, writer and academic
Wikipedia - Debra Genovese -- American luger
Wikipedia - Debsirin School -- Government school in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Debt monetization -- Government finance
Wikipedia - Debut novel
Wikipedia - Decadence -- A perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing
Wikipedia - Decadent Movement
Wikipedia - Decadent movement
Wikipedia - Decapping complex -- Eukaryotic protein complex that removes the 5' cap on mRNA
Wikipedia - December 30, 2009 Iranian pro-government rallies -- Iranian rallies
Wikipedia - Decentralisation in Ukraine -- Government reforms in Ukraine since 2014
Wikipedia - Decisiones -- Colombian-American telenovela
Wikipedia - Declan Hughes (writer) -- Irish novelist, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Declaration of Boulogne -- Declaration about the nature and purpose of the Esperanto movement and the Fundamento as a basis for the Esperanto language; authored by L. L. Zamenhof and approved at the First World Esperanto Congress, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905
Wikipedia - Declaration of war by the United States -- Aspect of U.S. law, government, and military
Wikipedia - Decompression (altitude) -- Reduction in ambient pressure due to ascent above sea level
Wikipedia - Deconstructivism -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - De Corpo e Alma (TV series) -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Dede Lovelace -- Actress, skateboarder, and artists
Wikipedia - Dedicated to the One I Love -- 1959 single by The Shirelles
Wikipedia - Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals Rescue -- US animal welfare organization
Wikipedia - DEDI -- Digital encyclopedia of Slovenia
Wikipedia - De droomkoningin -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - Dee Davis (author) -- romance fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana -- Indian government training initiative
Wikipedia - Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana -- Government of India scheme designed to provide continuous power supply to rural India
Wikipedia - Deep carbon cycle -- Movement of carbon through Earth's mantle and core
Wikipedia - Deep Cover (song) -- 1992 single by Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg
Wikipedia - Deep Cover -- 1992 film directed by Bill Duke
Wikipedia - Deep One -- Lovecraftian creature
Wikipedia - Deep sea -- The lowest layer in the ocean, below the thermocline and above the seabed, at a depth of 1000 fathoms (1800 m) or more
Wikipedia - Deep state -- covert governmental networks operating independently of public state political leadership and/or goals
Wikipedia - Deep Storm -- 2007 novel by American author Lincoln Child
Wikipedia - Deep water cycle -- Movement of water in the deep Earth
Wikipedia - Deep-water soloing -- Form of solo rock-climbing over water
Wikipedia - Defence of the Reich -- Strategic defensive aerial campaign fought by the Luftwaffe over German-occupied Europe and Germany itself during World War II
Wikipedia - Defence Research and Development Organisation -- Government agency in India
Wikipedia - Defending Jacob -- 2012 novel by William Landay
Wikipedia - Defiance County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Deforestation in Thailand -- Overview of the history and state of Thailand's forests
Wikipedia - De Gasperi II Cabinet -- 1st government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi III Cabinet -- 2nd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi IV Cabinet -- 3rd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi V Cabinet -- 4th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi VI Cabinet -- 5th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi VII Cabinet -- 6th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - De Gasperi VIII Cabinet -- 7th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Degree of a field extension -- Dimension of the extension field viewed as a vector space over the base field
Wikipedia - De Havilland Dove -- British short-haul airliner produced 1946-1967
Wikipedia - Dehradun Municipal Corporation -- Civic body that governs the city of Dehradun in Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Deir al-Balah Governorate -- Governorate of Palestine
Wikipedia - Deirdre Lovejoy -- American actress
Wikipedia - Deir Mimas -- City in Nabatieh Governorate, Lebanon
Wikipedia - Dei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - De jacobsladder -- Novel by Maarten M-bM-^@M-^Yt Hart
Wikipedia - Dejah Thoris -- Character in Edgar Rice Burroughs's Martian novels
Wikipedia - Dejan BravniM-DM-^Mar -- Slovenian violinist
Wikipedia - Dejan KoM-EM-!ir -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Dejan PreM-EM-!iM-DM-^Mek -- Slovenian saxophonist
Wikipedia - Dejan Sitar -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Dejan Zidan -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Deja Vu (All Over Again) -- 2004 song by John Fogerty
Wikipedia - DeKalb County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - De kroongetuige -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - Delaware County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Delaware General Corporation Law -- Statute governing corporate law in the U.S. state of Delaware, in which over half of all US public companies are domiciled
Wikipedia - Delaware State Route System -- Overview of the State Route System of Delaware
Wikipedia - Delbert Hosemann -- 33rd Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Delegated Path Discovery -- trusted-server-querying method for public key certificate information
Wikipedia - Delegative democracy -- Type of government model
Wikipedia - Delfin Lorenzana -- Filipino government official and former Philippine Army general
Wikipedia - Delhi Development Authority -- Government Authority Delhi
Wikipedia - Delhi Technological University -- Government university in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Della Rovere -- Noble family of Italy
Wikipedia - De-Lovely -- 2004 film by Irwin Winkler
Wikipedia - Deluge (novel) -- Book by S. Fowler Wright
Wikipedia - Demand response -- Techniques used to prevent power networks from being overwhelmed
Wikipedia - Demasiado jovenes -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Demeter Bitenc -- Slovenian actor
Wikipedia - Demethylase -- Enzymes that remove methyl (CH3-) groups from nucleic acids
Wikipedia - Demetrij Zebre -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - De Mita Cabinet -- 46th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Democide -- Intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity
Wikipedia - Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 -- Pan-European political project
Wikipedia - Democracy -- System of government of, for and by the people
Wikipedia - Democratic Alliance Federal Council -- Governing and policy-making body of the Democratic Alliance
Wikipedia - Democratic and Social Movement (Algeria) -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Democratic and Social Movement (Morocco) -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - Democratic confederalism -- Political ideology and government structure
Wikipedia - Democratic Federal Yugoslavia -- Former provisional state in Europe between November 1943 and November 1945
Wikipedia - Democratic government
Wikipedia - Democratic League/Movement for the Labour Party -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement for the Renaissance and Evolution of Central Africa -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement (France) -- political party in France
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement of Mozambique -- Political party in Mozambique
Wikipedia - Democratic movement
Wikipedia - Democratic Socialist Movement (Nigeria) -- Political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Democratic Socialist Movement (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Demographics of Africa -- Overview of the demographics of Africa
Wikipedia - Demographics of Alabama -- Overview of the demographics of Alabama
Wikipedia - Demographics of Alaska -- Overview of the demographics of Alaska
Wikipedia - Demographics of Alberta -- Overview of the demographics of Alberta
Wikipedia - Demographics of Arizona -- Overview of the demographics of Arizona
Wikipedia - Demographics of Arkansas -- Overview of the demographics of the U.S. state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Demographics of Asia -- Overview of the demographics of Asia
Wikipedia - Demographics of Berlin -- Overview of the demographics of Berlin
Wikipedia - Demographics of Bhutan -- Overview of the demographics of Bhutan
Wikipedia - Demographics of California -- Overview of the demographics of California
Wikipedia - Demographics of Canada -- Overview of the demographics of Canada
Wikipedia - Demographics of Edmonton -- Overview of the demographics of Edmonton
Wikipedia - Demographics of Egypt -- Overview of the demographics of Egypt
Wikipedia - Demographics of Estonia -- Overview of the demographics of Estonia
Wikipedia - Demographics of Europe -- Overview of the demographics of Europe
Wikipedia - Demographics of Filipino Americans -- Overview of the demographics of Filipino Americans
Wikipedia - Demographics of Finland -- Overview of the demographics of Finland
Wikipedia - Demographics of Florida -- Overview of the demographics of Florida
Wikipedia - Demographics of France -- Overview of the demographics of Paris
Wikipedia - Demographics of Georgia (U.S. state) -- Overview of the demographics of the State of Georgia
Wikipedia - Demographics of Hispanic and Latino Americans -- Overview of the demographics of Hispanic and Latino Americans
Wikipedia - Demographics of Indonesia -- Overview of the demographics of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Demographics of Italy -- Overview of the demographics of Italy
Wikipedia - Demographics of Louisiana -- Overview of the demographics of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Demographics of New York City -- Overview of the demographics of New York City
Wikipedia - Demographics of New York (state) -- Overview of the demographics of the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Demographics of New Zealand -- Overview of the demographics of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Demographics of North Carolina -- Overview of the demographics of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Demographics of Oklahoma -- Overview of the demographics of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Demographics of Ontario -- Overview of the demographics of Ontario
Wikipedia - Demographics of Paris -- Overview of the demographics of Paris
Wikipedia - Demographics of San Diego County, California -- Overview of the demographics of San Diego County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Demographics of San Francisco -- Overview of the demographics of San Francisco, California, United States
Wikipedia - Demographics of Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the demography of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Demographics of South America -- Overview of the demographics of South America
Wikipedia - Demographics of South Dakota -- Overview of the demographics of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Demographics of Spain -- Overview of the demographics of Spain
Wikipedia - Demographics of Tajikistan -- Tajikistani population overview
Wikipedia - Demographics of Texas -- Overview of the demographics of Texas
Wikipedia - Demographics of the European Union -- Overview of the demographics of the European Union
Wikipedia - Demographics of the Soviet Union -- Overview of the demographics of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Demographics of Togo -- Overview of the demographics of Togo
Wikipedia - Demographics of Turkey -- Overview of the demographics of Turkey
Wikipedia - Demographics of Utah -- Overview of the demographics of Utah
Wikipedia - Demographics of Winnipeg -- Overview of the demographics of Winnipeg
Wikipedia - Demography of Australia -- Overview of the demography of Australia
Wikipedia - Demography of Birmingham -- Overview of the demography of Birmingham
Wikipedia - Demography of Bradford -- Overview of the demography of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Demography of Bristol -- Overview of the demography of Bristol
Wikipedia - Demography of England -- Overview of the demography of England
Wikipedia - Demography of Greater Manchester -- Overview of the demography of Greater Manchester
Wikipedia - Demography of Leeds -- Overview of the demography of Leeds
Wikipedia - Demography of Leicester -- Overview of the demography of Leicester
Wikipedia - Demography of Liverpool -- Overview of the demography of Liverpool
Wikipedia - Demography of London -- Overview of the demography of London
Wikipedia - Demography of Northern Ireland -- Overview of the demography of Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Demography of Nottingham -- Overview of the demography of Nottingham
Wikipedia - Demography of Scotland -- Overview of the demography of Scotland
Wikipedia - Demography of Sheffield -- Overview of the demography of Sheffield, England
Wikipedia - Demography of Slough -- Overview of the demography of Slough
Wikipedia - Demography of the Netherlands -- Overview of the demography of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Demography of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the demographics of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Demography of Wales -- Overview of the demography of Wales
Wikipedia - Demon City Shinjuku -- Novel by Hideyuki Kikuchi
Wikipedia - Demon (novel) -- Science fiction novel by John Varley
Wikipedia - Demontage -- Doctor Who novel by Justin Richards
Wikipedia - Demulcent -- Agent forming a soothing film over irritated mucous membranes
Wikipedia - De nakomer -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - Den Dover -- British politician
Wikipedia - Deng Tingzhen -- Governor-General of Liangguang
Wikipedia - Dengvaxia controversy -- A poorly managed vaccination campaign against dengue fever in the Phillipines
Wikipedia - Deniable encryption -- Encryption techniques where an adversary cannot prove that the plaintext data exists
Wikipedia - Denial-of-service attack -- Cyber attack disrupting service by overloading the provider of the service
Wikipedia - Deninu KM-EM-3M-DM-^YM-LM-^A First Nation -- Band government in Canada
Wikipedia - Denis Cosgrove -- British cultural geographer and professor
Wikipedia - Denise Bombardier -- Canadian journalist, essayist, novelist and media personality
Wikipedia - Denise Mobolaji Ajayi-Williams -- Nigerian novelist
Wikipedia - Denis Emorine -- French poet, playwright, short-story writer, essayist and novelist
Wikipedia - Denis Glover -- NZ poet and publisher (1912-1980)
Wikipedia - Denis McDonough -- American government official
Wikipedia - Dennis Bovell -- Barbadian-British reggae musician
Wikipedia - Dennis Daugaard -- 32nd Governor of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Dennise Longo QuiM-CM-1ones -- Puerto Rican lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Dennis E. Taylor -- Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Dennis Hargrove Cooke
Wikipedia - Dennis Hof's Love Ranch -- Legal brothel in Crystal, Nevada
Wikipedia - Dennis J. Roberts -- Governor of Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Dennis Lehane -- Novelist
Wikipedia - Dennis Overbye
Wikipedia - De novo gene birth -- Evolution of novel genes from non-genic DNA sequence
Wikipedia - Dental floss -- Cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach
Wikipedia - Dentifovea fulvifascialis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dentist Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Deobandi -- Revivalist movement within Sunni Islam
Wikipedia - Deo Kumar Singh -- leader of the Indian Maoist movement
Wikipedia - Deorbit of Mir -- Controlled atmospheric entry of Mir over the Pacific
Wikipedia - De ortolaan -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - Departmental council (France) -- Administrative bodies governing French departements
Wikipedia - Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -- Ministerial department of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills -- Defunct ministerial department of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport -- United Kingdom government department
Wikipedia - Department for Exiting the European Union -- Former United Kingdom government department
Wikipedia - Department for Infrastructure and Transport -- South Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department for International Development -- Former United Kingdom government department
Wikipedia - Department for the Economy -- Northern Ireland government department
Wikipedia - Department for Transport -- United Kingdom government ministerial department responsible for the English transport network
Wikipedia - Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Queensland) -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Isle of Man) -- Former department of the Isle of Man Government
Wikipedia - Department of Agriculture (Philippines) -- Government department in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Western Australia) -- Government department in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Communications and the Arts (1994-98) -- Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of Communications and the Arts (Australia) -- Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Defence (Australia) -- Federal defence department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Economic Development (Dubai) -- Dubai Government Economic Department
Wikipedia - Department of Education (New South Wales) -- Department of the Government of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Department of Education (Queensland) -- State education department of the Queensland Government
Wikipedia - Department of Education, Sport and Culture -- Manx government department
Wikipedia - Department of Employment and Labour -- Department of the South African government responsible for matters related to employment
Wikipedia - Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Queensland) -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Environment (Bangladesh) -- Bangladesh governmental department
Wikipedia - Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries -- Department of the South African national government
Wikipedia - Department of Environment (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Extranormal Operations -- Fictional government agency in the DC Universe
Wikipedia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade -- Federal foreign affairs and trade department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Forest Affairs (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Health and Family Welfare (Tamil Nadu) -- Government agency in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Department of Health (Australia) -- Federal health department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Health (Hong Kong) -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Department of Housing and Public Works -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Immigration & Passports -- Bangladesh government ministry department
Wikipedia - Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce -- Former Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications -- Department of the Australian federal government
Wikipedia - Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Queensland) -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Labor and Employment (Philippines) -- Philippine government department
Wikipedia - Department of Labour (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Law (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Mineral Resources and Energy -- Department of the South African government
Wikipedia - Department of Mineral Resources (South Africa) -- Department of the national government of South Africa
Wikipedia - Department of Municipalities and Housing (New Brunswick) -- Part of the Government of New Brunswick, Canada
Wikipedia - Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of North Bengal Development -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Peace -- Proposed department of the Federal government of the United States
Wikipedia - Department of Premier and Cabinet (Victoria) -- Department of the government of the State of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of public safety -- Type of state or local government umbrella agency in the United States
Wikipedia - Department of School Education (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Space -- Indian government space program administrator
Wikipedia - Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of State (Ireland) -- Department or ministry of the Government of Ireland
Wikipedia - Department of the Interior (1932-39) -- Former Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of the Interior (1939-72) -- Austalian government department
Wikipedia - Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Queensland) -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia) -- Federal central public service department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Tourism (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Trade and Resources -- Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of Transport and Main Roads -- State transport department of the Queensland Government
Wikipedia - Department of Transportation -- Name given to various government agencies with responsibility for transportation in North America
Wikipedia - Department of Transport (Victoria, 2008-13) -- Former government agency of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Transport (Victoria) -- Government department in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Treasury and Finance -- Victorian state government department
Wikipedia - Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Department secretary -- Leading public servant of a government department in Australia
Wikipedia - De pura sangre -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Deputy Mayor of Cape Town -- Deputy head of the local government of City of Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Deputy mayor -- Governance position - the second in command mayor
Wikipedia - Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs -- Malaysia government deputy minister
Wikipedia - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Malaysia) -- Malaysia government deputy minister
Wikipedia - Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry -- Malaysia government deputy minister
Wikipedia - Deputy Prime Minister of the Cook Islands -- officer in the government of the Cook Islands
Wikipedia - Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom -- Senior member of the UK Government
Wikipedia - Deputy prime minister -- Government position in some countries secondary to the prime minister
Wikipedia - De que te quiero, te quiero -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Derborence (novel) -- 1934 French-language novel
Wikipedia - Derek Ansell -- British novelist and biographer
Wikipedia - Derek Beaven -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Derna Governorate -- Governorate of Libya
Wikipedia - Derry City and Strabane -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Dersim rebellion -- Kurdish and Zaza uprising against the Turkish government in Dersim, eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - Derveni Krater -- Volute krater discovered in Greece
Wikipedia - Dervla McTiernan -- Irish crime novelist
Wikipedia - Deryni novels
Wikipedia - Descendants of William Bradford (Plymouth governor) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Descent into Hell (novel)
Wikipedia - Desert pavement -- A desert surface covered with closely packed, interlocking angular or rounded rock fragments of pebble and cobble size.
Wikipedia - Designation of workers by collar color -- WikGrouGroups of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workps of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workipedia article covering multiple topics
Wikipedia - Design Automation Standards Committee -- Oversees IEEE Standards that are related to computer-aided design
Wikipedia - Design of experiments -- Design of tasks set to uncover answers
Wikipedia - Desire van Monckhoven -- Belgian chemist, inventor, physicist and photographic researcher (1834-1882)
Wikipedia - De sjove M-CM-%r -- 1959 film by Palle KjM-CM-&rulff-Schmidt
Wikipedia - Desolation Island (novel) -- 1978 novel by Patrick O'Brian
Wikipedia - Desperate Characters (novel) -- Book by Paula Fox
Wikipedia - Desperate Remedies -- 1871 novel by Thomas Hardy
Wikipedia - Despotism -- Government by oppressive authority
Wikipedia - De steile helling -- Novel by Maarten 't Hart
Wikipedia - De Stijl -- Dutch art movement
Wikipedia - Destiny Lovers -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Destiny's Road -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Destroyermen -- Alternate history novel series by Taylor Anderson
Wikipedia - Destroyer of Worlds (novel) -- 2009 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Detachment (philosophy) -- state in which a person overcomes their attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world
Wikipedia - Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths
Wikipedia - Detective novel
Wikipedia - Detlev von Liliencron -- German lyric poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Det stover stadig -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Deus Salve o Rei -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Deutsche Physik -- Nationalist movement in the German physics community in the early 1930s
Wikipedia - Devadhar Government Higher Secondary School -- School near Tanur, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Deval Patrick -- 71st Governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Devarakonda Balagangadhara Tilak -- Indian poet, novelist
Wikipedia - Devdas -- 1917 novel by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Wikipedia - Developmental coordination disorder -- Neurodevelopmental disorder affecting planning of movements
Wikipedia - Developmental psychology -- Scientific study of psychological changes in humans over the course of their lives
Wikipedia - Development Bank of Southern Africa -- Government finance company
Wikipedia - Development of the nervous system -- The process whose specific outcome is the progression of nervous tissue over time, from its formation to its mature state.
Wikipedia - Development of Windows Vista -- Overview of the development of Microsoft's 2007 operating system
Wikipedia - Deventer -- City and municipality in Overijssel, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Deverry Cycle -- Series of novels
Wikipedia - Devices and Desires -- 1989 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - Devil May Care (Faulks novel) -- Novel by Sebastian Faulks
Wikipedia - Devolution (biology) -- The notion that species can revert to supposedly more primitive forms over time
Wikipedia - Devolution -- Granting of some competences of central government to local government
Wikipedia - Devrimci Yol -- Former left-wing political movement in Turkey
Wikipedia - De vulgaire geschiedenis van Charelke Dop -- 1923 novel written by Ernest Claes
Wikipedia - Dewan -- Powerful government official in the context of Islamic history
Wikipedia - DeWitt County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Deyamos Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dezra's Quest -- 1999 novel by Chris Pierson
Wikipedia - DFW Skylink -- Automated people mover at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Wikipedia - Dhaka Dental College and Hospital -- Government dental college in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Dhamar Governorate -- Governorate of Yemen
Wikipedia - Dhammakaya Movement
Wikipedia - Dharam Yudh Morcha -- Sikh regionalist protest movement
Wikipedia - Dhi Qar Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Dhofar Governorate -- Governorate of Oman
Wikipedia - Dhruba Hazarika -- Indian novelist
Wikipedia - Dhruve Pandove Stadium -- Cricket ground
Wikipedia - Diaa Jubaili -- Iraqi novelist
Wikipedia - Diademed sandpiper-plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Diadem (series) -- Series of fantasy novels by John Peel
Wikipedia - Diaeresis (diacritic) -- Diacritic that consists of two dots placed over a letter
Wikipedia - Diagnostic overshadowing -- A diagnostic error
Wikipedia - Diamantina Bowen -- Wife of Governor of Queensland (1832-1893)
Wikipedia - Diamond dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Diamonds Are Forever (novel) -- 1956 novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Diana Athill -- Literary editor, novelist, memoirist
Wikipedia - Diana Farrell -- American government official
Wikipedia - Diane Brown -- New Zealand novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Diane Schoemperlen -- Canadian novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Diapir -- A type of geologic intrusion in which a more mobile and ductily deformable material is forced into brittle overlying rocks
Wikipedia - Diarchy -- Form of government with two individuals as leaders
Wikipedia - Diarrhea -- Loose or liquid bowel movements
Wikipedia - Diary for My Lovers -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Diary of a Wimpy Kid (book) -- 2007 novel by Jeff Kinney
Wikipedia - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School -- Children's novel by Jeff Kinney
Wikipedia - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway -- 2017 children's novel
Wikipedia - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball -- 2019 children's novel by Jeff Kinney
Wikipedia - Dichotomy -- Splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts; dyadic relations and processes
Wikipedia - Dick Enthoven -- South African Business man
Wikipedia - Dickson McCunn trilogy -- Series of novels by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Dictator novel -- Latin American literary genre
Wikipedia - Dictatorship -- Authoritarian form of government
Wikipedia - Dicycloverine
Wikipedia - Didn't I Break My Heart Over You -- 2000 single by Rachel Stamp
Wikipedia - Did You Fall in Love Along the Beautiful Rhine? -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Die Bertinis -- 1982 novel by Ralph Giordano
Wikipedia - Diego de Arana -- Spanish governorof La Navidad, Haiti
Wikipedia - Diego de Nicuesa -- Spanish conquistador and royal governor of Panama
Wikipedia - Diego de Vargas -- Spanish governor of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Dielectric -- Electrically poorly conducting or non-conducting, non-metallic substance of which charge carriers are generally not free to move
Wikipedia - Diel vertical migration -- A pattern of daily vertical movement characteristic of many aquatic species
Wikipedia - Dieppe Company -- French overseas trading company
Wikipedia - Dies irae (visual novel) -- Japanese visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Differential GPS -- Enhancement to the Global Positioning System providing improved accuracy
Wikipedia - Different Seasons -- 1982 collection of Stephen King novellas
Wikipedia - Diffuser (breathing set part) -- Component fitted over the exhaust outlet to break up the exhaled gas
Wikipedia - Diffusion -- movement of molecules, atoms, or ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration
Wikipedia - Digging bar -- A long, straight metal bar used as a post hole digger, to break up or loosen hard or compacted materials or as a lever to move objects
Wikipedia - Digha-Sonpur Bridge -- |Indian bridge over Ganga river connecting Patna and Sonpur
Wikipedia - Digital: A Love Story -- 2010 indie visual novel
Wikipedia - Digital citizen -- Person using IT to engage in society, politics, and government
Wikipedia - Digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm) -- Hardware or software used for interpolation of variables over an interval
Wikipedia - Digital Government Development Agency -- Digitizing Thai government services
Wikipedia - Digital India -- Campaign to ensure improved online infrastructure,more job opportunities and Internet connectivity in India
Wikipedia - Digital Interface for Video and Audio -- Bi-directional audio/video over Cat6A
Wikipedia - Digital Nations -- Intergovernmental organization focused on technology
Wikipedia - Digital switchover dates in the United Kingdom -- Process of replacing analogue terrestrial with digital terrestrial television in the UK
Wikipedia - Digital television transition in Japan -- Mandatory switchover from analog to digital terrestrial television broadcasting
Wikipedia - Digital television transition in the United States -- Switchover from analog to exclusively digital broadcasting of terrestrial television television programming
Wikipedia - Digital Transformation Agency -- Government digital services agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Digne-les-Bains -- Prefecture and commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Dijana Ravnikar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Dime novel -- Type of cheap popular fiction in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Dimensions in Time -- 1993 Doctor Who serial / charity crossover with EastEnders
Wikipedia - Dimitar Mantov -- Bulgarian novelist
Wikipedia - Dimitrije Merzlikin -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Dimitrij Rupel -- Slovene politician
Wikipedia - Dimitris Stefanakis -- Greek novelist
Wikipedia - Dimmsville Covered Bridge -- former bridge in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Dimples of Venus -- Sagitically symmetrical depression over the gluteal fold
Wikipedia - Dinah Jefferies -- British novelist, short story and article writer
Wikipedia - Dinghuis -- Government building in Maastricht
Wikipedia - Dingle railway station -- Closed station on the defunct Liverpool Overhead Railway
Wikipedia - Dini Cabinet -- 52nd government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Dinkoism -- Indian religion and social movement
Wikipedia - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant -- Novel by Anne Tyler
Wikipedia - Dino Bauk -- Slovenian lawyer and writer
Wikipedia - Dinosaur Discovery Museum -- Museum in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Dino Terragni -- Italian entrepreneur and founder of Covema
Wikipedia - Dinu Sararu -- Romanian novelist
Wikipedia - Diogo Antonio Jose Leite Pereira de Melo e Alvim -- Portuguese colonial governor
Wikipedia - Diona Reasonover -- American actor and television actor
Wikipedia - Dionisio Jakosalem -- Former Governor of Cebu and Secretary of Commerce and Communication under the United States Military Government of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Diphu Government College -- College in Assam
Wikipedia - Diplomatic immunity -- Form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments
Wikipedia - Diplomatic recognition -- Unilateral political act whereby a state acknowledges an act or status of another state or government
Wikipedia - Direccion General de Radio, Television y Cinematografia -- Mexican government agency
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Civil Aviation (India) -- National civil aviation authority of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government customs agency
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Family Planning -- Government agencies of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Health Services -- Government organization in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate of Music -- Personnel department in the Hellenic Army that presides over military bands and musical functions
Wikipedia - Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency -- Head of a government agency of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Director-General of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape -- Senior non-political official
Wikipedia - Director of Public Transport -- Head of an Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Director, Public Transport Safety -- Australian government agency
Wikipedia - Direct pathway -- Neural pathway that executes voluntary movements
Wikipedia - Direct tax -- Tax paid directly to the government by the person on whom it is imposed
Wikipedia - Dirigisme -- Economic policy of strong state control over a capitalist economy
Wikipedia - Dirk Bovensmann -- West German slalom canoeist
Wikipedia - Dirk Kempthorne -- 30th Governor of Idaho; 49th United States Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Dirty Linen -- A by-gone American bi-monthly magazine covering folk music
Wikipedia - Dirty Love (film) -- 2005 film by John Mallory Asher
Wikipedia - Dirty White Boys -- Novel by Stephen Hunter
Wikipedia - Disability and poverty
Wikipedia - Disability in Eritrea -- Overview of disability in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Disability in Lesotho -- Overview of disability in Lesotho
Wikipedia - Disability in Samoa -- Overview of disability in Samoa
Wikipedia - Disability rights movement
Wikipedia - Disa Park -- Controversial development in Cape Town
Wikipedia - Disappearance at Devil's Rock -- 2016 horror novel by Paul Tremblay
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Cedrika Provencher -- Canadian girl
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Frederick Valentich -- Disappearance of a pilot over Bass Strait, Australia
Wikipedia - Disaster recovery -- IT Disaster Recovery as part of the Business continuity planning
Wikipedia - Discarded Lovers -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Disc golf in Estonia -- Overview of disc golf practiced in Estonia
Wikipedia - Disc golf in Finland -- Overview of disc golf practiced in Finland
Wikipedia - Disc golf in the United States -- Overview of disc golf practiced in the United States
Wikipedia - Disciple whom Jesus loved
Wikipedia - Discipline -- Action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance with a particular system of governance
Wikipedia - Disclosure (novel) -- Book by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Disco ball -- Spherical object, covered by many mirrored facets, mounted above a crowd, rotated, and illuminated by spotlights, producing a complex display
Wikipedia - Discoverability
Wikipedia - Discover Card -- Credit card
Wikipedia - Discovered attack
Wikipedia - Discoverer 10 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 11 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 12 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 13 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 14 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 16 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 17 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 18 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 19 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 20 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 21 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 22 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 25 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 26 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 28 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 2 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 33 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 34 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 35 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 3 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 4 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 5 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 6 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 7 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 8 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 9 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discover Financial -- American financial services company
Wikipedia - Discoveries in the Judaean Desert
Wikipedia - Discoveries of exoplanets -- Detecting planets located outside the Solar System
Wikipedia - Discovering Japan -- 1979 song by British rock musician Graham Parker
Wikipedia - Discovering Psychology
Wikipedia - Discover Magazine
Wikipedia - Discover magazine
Wikipedia - Discover (magazine) -- American general audience science magazine
Wikipedia - Discovery (1602 ship)
Wikipedia - Discovery 7.9 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Discovery and development of bisphosphonates -- Drugs used to treat bone disorders
Wikipedia - Discovery Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Bay Transportation Services -- Transport company providing ferry and bus services to Discovery Bay, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Discovery Bay Tunnel -- Tunnel on Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Discovery Capital Management -- American hedge fund
Wikipedia - Discovery Center at Murfree Spring -- Children's museum in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Discovery Centre
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel Canada
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asian television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Discovery Communications
Wikipedia - Discovery District (Columbus, Ohio) -- Neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Discovery doctrine -- Concept of public international law
Wikipedia - Discovery en EspaM-CM-1ol -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Expedition -- British scientific expedition to Antarctica
Wikipedia - Discovery Family (French TV channel) -- French television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Family -- Family and youth-oriented television channel in the United States
Wikipedia - Discovery Fit > Health
Wikipedia - Discovery Green
Wikipedia - Discovery Home & Health -- Pay television network owned by Discovery
Wikipedia - Discovery Hut
Wikipedia - Discovery, Inc. -- American mass media company
Wikipedia - Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns -- Campaigns which seek to promote intelligent design creationism
Wikipedia - Discovery Institute -- American non-profit public policy think tank based in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Discovery Investigations -- A series of scientific cruises and shore-based investigations into the biology of whales in the Southern Ocean
Wikipedia - Discovery Island (Bahamas) -- Island off the coast of Nassau
Wikipedia - Discovery Island (Bay Lake) -- Former attraction in Walt Disney World
Wikipedia - Discovery Kids (Australian TV channel) -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery (law) -- Pre-trial procedure in common law countries for obtaining evidence
Wikipedia - Discovery learning -- Technique of inquiry-based learning
Wikipedia - Discovery Limited -- South African-based financial services group
Wikipedia - Discovery Museum and Planetarium
Wikipedia - Discovery Networks Deutschland -- Division of Discovery Networks
Wikipedia - Discovery (observation)
Wikipedia - Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
Wikipedia - Discovery of nuclear fission -- 1938 achievement in physics
Wikipedia - Discovery of the neutron -- Scientific background leading to the discovery of subatomic particles
Wikipedia - Discovery One
Wikipedia - Discovery Park (Chula Vista, California) -- Park in Chula Vista, California
Wikipedia - Discovery Park of America -- Heritage museum in Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Discovery Park (Seattle) -- A park in Seattle, US
Wikipedia - Discovery Primea -- Mixed-use residential tower in Makati, Philippines
Wikipedia - Discovery Princess -- Cruise ship set to operate for Princess Cruises in November 2021
Wikipedia - Discovery Real Time -- Defunct British television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery River Boats -- former boat ride in Disney's Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort
Wikipedia - Discovery Science (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery science
Wikipedia - Discovery Seamounts -- chain of seamounts in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - Discovery system (AI research)
Wikipedia - Discovery system (bibliographic search)
Wikipedia - Discovery Toys -- Multi-level marketing company specializing in educational toys
Wikipedia - Discovery Train -- Former Canadian museum on wheels
Wikipedia - Discovery Travel & Living -- Television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery
Wikipedia - Discovery+
Wikipedia - Discovery Zone -- Family entertainment center chain
Wikipedia - Disgrace -- Novel by J. M. Coetzee
Wikipedia - Disoriental -- 2016 novel by Negar Djavadi
Wikipedia - Dispilio Tablet -- Wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings, discovered in Dispilio, Greece
Wikipedia - Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei
Wikipedia - Disputationes de Controversiis -- 16th-century work on dogmatics by Robert Bellarmine
Wikipedia - Disputation of Paris -- Disputation over the Talmud at the court of French King Louis IX (1240)
Wikipedia - Dissent Channel -- Official platform open to U.S. diplomats where they can criticize government policy
Wikipedia - Distilled Love -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Distributed operating system -- Operating system designed to operate on multiple systems over a network
Wikipedia - Distributed Overlay Virtual Ethernet -- Tunneling and virtualization technology for computer networks
Wikipedia - Distribution of wealth in Europe -- Overview of the wealth distribution in Europe
Wikipedia - District attorney -- In the United States, represents the government in the prosecution of criminal offenses
Wikipedia - District Council of Willunga -- Former local government area of South Australia
Wikipedia - District of Alaska -- Governmental designation for Alaska from 1884-1912
Wikipedia - Districts of Bangladesh -- administrative subdivision of the South Asian country below the division level but above the upazila level
Wikipedia - Districts of England -- Level of subnational division of England used for the purposes of local government
Wikipedia - District -- Administrative division, in some countries, managed by local government
Wikipedia - Divan -- High government ministry in various Islamic states
Wikipedia - Divergence theorem -- Theorem in calculus which relates the flux of closed surfaces to divergence over their volume
Wikipedia - Divine Love (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Divine Love
Wikipedia - Divine love
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy novena
Wikipedia - Diving Adventure -- 1970 children's novel by Willard Price
Wikipedia - Diving glove -- Hand protection worn while driving
Wikipedia - Diving reel -- Device for deploying and recovering distance line underwater
Wikipedia - Division of Global Migration and Quarantine -- U.S. government agency responsible for U.S. Quarantine Stations and issuing quarantine orders
Wikipedia - Divje Babe -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Dixie Chicks controversy -- 2003 backlash following criticism of US president
Wikipedia - Dixy Lee Ray -- American scientist, 17th Governor of Washington
Wikipedia - Diyala Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - DJ Bally -- Nigerian DJ, producer, voiceover artist, and TV personality
Wikipedia - DJ, Ease My Mind -- 2012 single by Niki & The Dove
Wikipedia - D Magazine -- Monthly magazine covering Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - DMAX (British TV channel) -- British TV channel owned by Discovery Communications
Wikipedia - Dmitry Mironov (politician) -- Russian politician, Yaroslavl Oblast governor
Wikipedia - Dmytro Solovey -- Ukrainian Paralympic judoka
Wikipedia - DNS over HTTPS -- Protocol to run DNS queries over HTTPS
Wikipedia - DNS over TLS -- Protocol to encrypt DNS queries using TLS
Wikipedia - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- 1968 novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Doan's Hollow Public School -- Defunct elementary school located near Port Dover, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Dobu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Do Butlers Burgle Banks? -- 1968 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - DOCSIS -- Standard for computer networking over a cable television system
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle -- main character from a series of children's novels by Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Faustus (novel) -- 1947 novel written by Thomas Mann
Wikipedia - Doctor Sally -- 1932 novel by P. G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Doctor Sleep (novel) -- 2013 horror novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Doctor Zhivago (novel) -- 1957 novel by Boris Pasternak
Wikipedia - Doctrine and Covenants
Wikipedia - Documentary Film Movement -- Group of British film-makers
Wikipedia - Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement -- Former African-American trade union movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Dodie Bellamy -- American novelist, nonfiction author, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Dodona's Grove -- Book by James Howell
Wikipedia - Doeschka Meijsing -- Dutch novelist
Wikipedia - Dog Island Lighthouse -- Lighthouse at Foveaux Strait, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Dogma -- A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
Wikipedia - Dohuk Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Do It for Love (Hall & Oates album) -- album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Do-it-yourself biology -- Biotechnological social movement
Wikipedia - Doki Doki Literature Club! -- 2017 American visual novel developed by Team Salvato
Wikipedia - Dokos shipwreck -- Oldest discovered underwater shipwreck
Wikipedia - Dolce Stil Novo -- Medieval Italian literary movement
Wikipedia - Dolenja Vas, Prebold -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - D'Oliveira affair -- Controversy relating to scheduled 1968-69 tour of South Africa by the England cricket team
Wikipedia - Dolphin Island (novel) -- 1963 novel by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - Domain hijacking -- Using identity theft or other tactics to gain ownership over a domain name
Wikipedia - Domenico della Rovere (bishop) -- 16th-century Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Domen M-EM- kofic -- Slovenian rock climber
Wikipedia - Domen Pociecha -- Slovenian luger
Wikipedia - Dome of Discovery -- Exhibition building in London
Wikipedia - Domhnall Maol Mac Carthaigh Riabhach -- Irish noble, first sovereign Prince of Carbery
Wikipedia - Dominate -- "despotic" phase of government in the ancient Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Dominican Republic immigration to Puerto Rico -- Immigrants have moved from the Dominican Republic to its eastern neighbor
Wikipedia - Dominic Cooper (author) -- British novelist, poet and watchmaker
Wikipedia - Dominic Jentsch -- German pool player, born November 1991
Wikipedia - Dominick Cirillo -- member of the Genovese crime family
Wikipedia - Dominion of New England -- English regional government in North America, 1686-1689
Wikipedia - Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3
Wikipedia - Dominion (Walters novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Nick Walters
Wikipedia - Dominion -- Self-governing part of the British Empire
Wikipedia - Dominique Demers -- Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Dominique Fabre -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Dominique Rolin -- Belgian novelist
Wikipedia - Donaciano Vigil -- Governor of New Mexico Territory
Wikipedia - Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands (novel) -- Novel by the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado
Wikipedia - Donald Antrim -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Donald Berwick -- American government official
Wikipedia - Donald Dunstan (governor) -- Governor of South Australia
Wikipedia - Donald E. Westlake -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Donald Freed -- American playwright, novelist, screenwriter and historian
Wikipedia - Donald Glover -- American actor, musician, comedian and producer
Wikipedia - Donald Lovett -- British military officer
Wikipedia - Donaldson ministry -- New South Wales government ministry led by Stuart Donaldson
Wikipedia - Donald Trump in music -- Overview of music referring to Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Donald Trump judicial appointment controversies -- Overview about Donald Trump's judicial appointment controversies
Wikipedia - Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information -- Overview of the disclosures of classified information by Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Donald W. Loveland -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Dondang Sayang -- Malaccan love ballads
Wikipedia - Don DeLillo -- American novelist, playwright, and essayist
Wikipedia - Don Edward Glover -- American politician from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Don Finto -- Figure in the movement among evangelicals to support the evangelism of the Jewish people
Wikipedia - Donja R. Love -- American playwright
Wikipedia - Don J. Wright -- American physician and government official
Wikipedia - Don McGahn -- American government official
Wikipedia - Donna Daley-Clarke -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Donna Leon -- American crime novelist
Wikipedia - Donna Tartt -- American novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Donner Pass -- mountain pass in the northern Sierra Nevada above Donner Lake about 9 miles (14 km) west of Truckee, California
Wikipedia - Don Novello -- American actor, comedian and director
Wikipedia - Don Quixote -- 1605 novel by Miguel de Cervantes
Wikipedia - Don't Ask Me If I Love -- 1971 novel by Amos Kollek
Wikipedia - Don't Be a Sucker -- 1943 short film produced by the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) -- 1997 single by Shania Twain
Wikipedia - Don't Bet on Love -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Don't! Buy! Thai! -- Organisation that urged people to boycott products produced in Thailand until its government starts combatting child prostitution.
Wikipedia - Don't Call It Love (film) -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Don't Dream It's Over -- 1986 single by Crowded House
Wikipedia - Don't Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves -- 2012 Swedish television series directed by Simon Kaijser da Silva
Wikipedia - Don't Forget Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Don't Gamble with Love -- 1936 film by Dudley Murphy
Wikipedia - Don't Let Go (Love) -- 1996 single by En Vogue
Wikipedia - Don't Make Me Come Over There and Love You -- 2000 single by George Strait
Wikipedia - Don't Make Me Over (song) -- 1962 single by Dionne Warwick
Wikipedia - Don't Move -- 2004 Italian film
Wikipedia - Don't Play with Love -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (Billy Squier song) -- 1989 single
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (Erasure song) -- 2005 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (M2M song) -- 1999 single by M2M
Wikipedia - Don't Shove -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Don't You Love Me (Eternal song) -- 1997 single by Eternal
Wikipedia - Doom 94 -- 2018 novel by Janis JoM-EM-^Fevs
Wikipedia - Doomed Megalopolis -- Dark fantasy anime based on a novel by Hiroshi Aramata
Wikipedia - Doomfist -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Doom (novel series) -- 1995/6 series of science fiction novels
Wikipedia - Doomsday Book (novel) -- Novel by Connie Willis
Wikipedia - Doomsday device (wrestling) -- Professional wrestling move
Wikipedia - DOPE (Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Experiment)
Wikipedia - Dora: A Headcase -- 2012 novel by Lidia Yuknavitch
Wikipedia - Dorcas Hardy -- American government official
Wikipedia - Dorcen G60s -- Chinese crossover utility vehicle
Wikipedia - Dorcen G70S -- Chinese crossover vehicle
Wikipedia - Doris Cove -- Antarctic cove
Wikipedia - Doris Egerton Jones -- Australian playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Doris Grove -- American glider pilot
Wikipedia - Doris Lessing -- British novelist, poet, playwright, librettist, biographer, short story writer, and Nobel Laureate
Wikipedia - Doris Love -- Swedish-Icelandic botanist (1918-2000)
Wikipedia - Dornford Yates -- Pseudonym of the English novelist Cecil William Mercer
Wikipedia - Dorothea Bennett (novelist) -- British novelist and screenwriter (1914-1985)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Baker -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Blewett -- Australian playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Boulger -- British novelist 1847-1923
Wikipedia - Dorothy Bussy -- English novelist and translator
Wikipedia - Dorothy Dunnett -- Scottish historical novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Gale -- Fictional protagonist of many of the Oz novels by the American author L. Frank Baum
Wikipedia - Dorothy Looks for Love -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Dorothy L. Sayers -- English novelist, translator, and Christian writer
Wikipedia - Dorothy McFadden Hoover -- American physicist and mathematician
Wikipedia - Dorothy M. Cray -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Vicary -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Wegman Raphaelson -- American dancer, novelist, vaudeville performer (1904-2005)
Wikipedia - Dos Erres massacre -- 1982 government killing of civilians in El Peten, Guatemala
Wikipedia - Dos vidas -- Mexican telenovela series
Wikipedia - Dot-com bubble -- Historic speculative bubble covering the years between 1997 and 2003
Wikipedia - bubble -- Historic speculative bubble covering the years between 1997 and 2003
Wikipedia - Double Act (novel) -- 1995 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Double-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Double cloth -- Textile in which two layers of fabric are woven simultaneously, sometimes with the layers changing faces to produce a pattern
Wikipedia - Double Cove -- Housing estate in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Double Helix (novel) -- 2004 young adult novel by Nancy Werlin
Wikipedia - Double Indemnity (novel) -- Novel by James M. Cain
Wikipedia - Double overhand knot -- Type of stopper knot
Wikipedia - DoubleShot -- Novel by Raymond Benson
Wikipedia - Double Star -- Science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Doug Burgum -- 33rd Governor of North Dakota
Wikipedia - Doug Clovechok -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Douglas Brunt -- American novelist and business executive
Wikipedia - Douglas County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Douglas Nicholls -- Governor of South Australia (1976-77)
Wikipedia - Dove Air -- South African non-profit airline
Wikipedia - Dove Book -- Medieval Russian religious ballad
Wikipedia - Dove Cameron discography -- Dove Cameron discography
Wikipedia - Dove (chocolate) -- American brand of chocolate
Wikipedia - Dovecote Novices' Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Dove Cottage
Wikipedia - Dovedale by Moonlight -- Painting by Joseph Wright of Derby
Wikipedia - Dovedale cheese -- British blue cheese from the Peak District
Wikipedia - Dove Elbe -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Dove Holes railway station -- Railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Dove Island (Canada) -- Island in Nunavut, Canada
Wikipedia - Dovekie 21 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Doveman -- American musician
Wikipedia - Dove-Myer Robinson -- New Zealand mayor
Wikipedia - Dove pan -- Magic trick
Wikipedia - Dove (Picasso) -- Lithograph by Pablo Picasso
Wikipedia - Dove prism -- Type of reflective prism
Wikipedia - Dover Books
Wikipedia - D'Overbroeck's College -- Co-educational school in Oxford
Wikipedia - Dover cliffs
Wikipedia - Dover Corporation -- Elevator company
Wikipedia - Dover Downs -- Hotel, casino, and racetrack complex in Dover, Delaware
Wikipedia - Dover, England
Wikipedia - Dover High School (New Jersey) -- High school in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Dover International Speedway -- Motorsport track in the United States
Wikipedia - Dover Kosashvili -- Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Dover Lane Music Conference
Wikipedia - Dover, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Dover Motorsports -- American motorsports venue owner
Wikipedia - Dover, New Jersey -- Township in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Dover, New York
Wikipedia - Dover Plains, New York
Wikipedia - Dover Publications
Wikipedia - Dover Samuels -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Dover School District (New Jersey) -- School district in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Dover Strait
Wikipedia - Dover Street Market -- Multi-brand retailer
Wikipedia - Dover
Wikipedia - Doveton Corrie Protestant Schools Association -- Association in India
Wikipedia - Dove Valley, Colorado -- Human settlement in Colorado, United States of America
Wikipedia - Dove
Wikipedia - Dove World Outreach Center Quran-burning controversy -- Created by Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Dovey Coe -- 2000 book by Frances O'Roark Dowell
Wikipedia - Dow Hover -- American executioner
Wikipedia - Downbelow Station -- 1981 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Downers Grove train wreck -- 1947 railway accident in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Down to the Countryside Movement
Wikipedia - Down with Love -- 2003 film by Peyton Reed
Wikipedia - Doxology (novel) -- 2019 novel
Wikipedia - Do You Love Me (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Do You Love Me -- 1962 song written and composed by Berry Gordy; first recorded by The Contours
Wikipedia - Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? -- Japanese light novel, manga, and anime series
Wikipedia - Do You Love Your Wife? -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Do You Still Love Me?: The Best of Meli'sa Morgan -- Greatest hits album by Meli'sa Morgan
Wikipedia - Do You Wanna Come Over? -- 2016 single by Britney Spears
Wikipedia - D-project -- Japanese cover band
Wikipedia - Dracovenator -- Extinct genus of dinosaur from the Jurassic of South Africa
Wikipedia - Dracula -- 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker
Wikipedia - Draft:Abdullah and Zionism -- Controversial relationship between apparent adversaries
Wikipedia - Draft:A Curse so Dark and Lonely -- Novel by Brigid Kemmerer
Wikipedia - Draft:Alvaro Rios Poveda -- Colombian bioengineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Ambovent -- Open source hardware and software platform
Wikipedia - Draft:Amila Kasun Sampath -- Traveller, government officer, enterpreneur
Wikipedia - Draft:Assistant Enforcement Officers -ED -- Law Enforcement Government of India
Wikipedia - Draft:Baresip -- Free Voice-over-IP software
Wikipedia - Draft:Battle of the Somme casualties controversy -- Major Western Front WWI battle involving France and Britain
Wikipedia - Draft:Bhoju Rana -- Cricket Lover and Cricket Promoter
Wikipedia - Draft:Bhoomiyile Manohara Swakaryam -- Indian Malayalam-language Love Story film
Wikipedia - Draft:British Weight Lifting -- UKM-bM-^@M-^Ys National Governing Body for weightlifting
Wikipedia - Draft:Catwoman: Soulstealer -- 2018 Novel by Sarah J. Maas
Wikipedia - Draft:Clover (Rina Aiuchi song) -- 2010 single by Rina Aiuchi
Wikipedia - Draft Condi movement -- 2008 grassroots effort to draft Condoleezza Rice to run for President of the United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Creative novels -- Internet community
Wikipedia - Draft:Crystal Loverro -- American actress
Wikipedia - Draft:Deep Inside Your Love -- 1984 single by Ready for the World
Wikipedia - Draft:Department of Co-operation (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Dewesoft -- Slovenian engineering and electronics company
Wikipedia - Draft:Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End -- 2020 children's novel by Jeff Kinney
Wikipedia - Draft:Durban (book) -- The cover of a book called Durban by Ian Morrison
Wikipedia - Draft:Euphoria (visual novel) -- 2011 eroge video game from Japan
Wikipedia - Draft:Fairbnb -- Movement composed loosely of a variety of FairBnb entities
Wikipedia - Draft:Fiat Freemont -- Mid-size crossover SUV manufactured by FIAT between 2011-2016
Wikipedia - Draft:Foxglove (campaigning organisation) -- Nonprofit limited company in London
Wikipedia - Draft:Geo-Political Simulator 4: Power and Revolution -- Government simulation game
Wikipedia - Draft:Government Boys Higher Secondary School Ichigam -- School in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Happy Now (The Beloved EP) -- 1987 extended play by The Beloved
Wikipedia - Draft:Hold the Dark -- 2014 novel by William Giraldi
Wikipedia - Draft:I'm in Love! (RuPaul's Drag Race) -- 2nd episode of the fifth season of ''RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars''
Wikipedia - Drafting (aerodynamics) -- A technique where two moving objects are caused to align in a close group reducing the overall drag
Wikipedia - Draft:Javier Carcamo Guzman -- Guatemalan novelist and painter
Wikipedia - Draft:Jayaraj.V.Thoppil -- Indian Novelist, Caricaturist & Quality Control Professional
Wikipedia - Draft:Karyopharm Therapeutics -- Discovery-phase pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Draft:Khilafat Movement (Pakistan) -- political movement in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Draft:Leah Bornstein Makovetsky -- Israeli historian
Wikipedia - Draft:Leah Bornstein-Makovetsky -- Israeli historian
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Amica Italy cover models -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:Maria Stepanova (poet) -- Russian poet, novelist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:M. Rose Flores -- Noveslist
Wikipedia - Draft:Nowhere (novel) -- Young adult Brandon Sanderson novel
Wikipedia - Draft:Opeyemi Akintunde -- Nigerian novelist, actress, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Overlook (TV series) -- Upcoming television series
Wikipedia - Draft:Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail -- 1977 book by Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward
Wikipedia - Draft:Poove Unnakaga -- Indian Tamil Language soap opera
Wikipedia - Draft:Pyg and Tam: Loves babies -- American computer-animated streaming television series produced by DreamWorks Animation
Wikipedia - Draft:Richie Valentino -- American Concert Producer, Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Voice-over Artist and Event Marketing Specialist
Wikipedia - Draft:Rush-art -- Movement in decorative art
Wikipedia - Draft:Sala Sporturilor (Mioveni) -- Arena in Mioveni, Romania
Wikipedia - Draft:Scott Parker (Geo Cinematic Universe) -- character in the Cinematic Geoverse
Wikipedia - Draft:Sudanese Women in Science Organization -- Sudanese non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Draft:Swami Abodhananda -- Author of the 2016 Malayalam novel Myshravanasuratham
Wikipedia - Draft:The Killings at Kingfisher Hill -- 2020 Poirot novel by Sophie Hannah
Wikipedia - Draft:The Legend (Evelyn Anthony novel) -- 1969 novel by Evelyn Anthony
Wikipedia - Draft:The Reincarnationist Papers -- Novel by D. Eric Maikranz
Wikipedia - Draft:The Roots of Stone -- Series of epic fantasy novels by Evan W.Deal
Wikipedia - Draft:Toks Omishakin -- American government official
Wikipedia - Draft Universe -- Fictional setting for a science fiction duology written by Sergei Lukyanenko and consisting of the novels Rough Draft and Final Draft
Wikipedia - Draft:Vidgo -- American over-the-top internet television service that offers live linear programming.
Wikipedia - Draft:What About Love (film) -- 2021 film directed by Klaus Menzel
Wikipedia - Draga AhaM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene actress, film director, translator and publicist.
Wikipedia - Draginja M-DM-^Pipalovic -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Drago Grubelnik -- Slovenian alpine skier and coach
Wikipedia - Dragoman of the Porte -- Senior interpreter of the Ottoman government and de facto deputy foreign minister
Wikipedia - Drago M-EM- oM-EM-!taric -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Dragon Age: Last Flight -- 2014 fantasy novel
Wikipedia - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 -- 2016 fighting role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Dragon (Brust novel) -- 1998 novel in the Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - Dragon (Dragonriders of Pern) -- Fictional race of dragons in Anne McCaffrey novels
Wikipedia - Dragon Pearl -- Novel written by Yoon Ha Lee
Wikipedia - Dragon Rider (novel) -- 1997 German children's novel by Cornelia Funke
Wikipedia - Dragons of Autumn Twilight -- 1984 novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Wikipedia - Dragons of a Vanished Moon -- 2002 novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Wikipedia - Dragons of Spring Dawning -- 1985 novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Wikipedia - Dragons of the Highlord Skies -- Fantasy novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Wikipedia - Dragons of Winter Night -- 1985 novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Wikipedia - Dragon's Teeth (novel) -- Book by Upton Sinclair
Wikipedia - Dragon Teeth -- Novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Dragonwings -- 1975 novel by Laurence Yep
Wikipedia - Drago SupanM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian teacher
Wikipedia - Dragotin Kette -- Slovene poet
Wikipedia - Drag reduction system -- Form of driver adjustable bodywork aimed at reducing aerodynamic drag in order to increase top speed and promote overtaking
Wikipedia - Draguignan -- Subprefecture of Var, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Dragutin Mate -- Slovenian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Dragut -- Ottoman admiral, warrior and governor (1485-1565)
Wikipedia - Drainage Services Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Drain (surgery) -- Tube used to remove pus, blood or other fluids from a wound
Wikipedia - Drake Would Love Me -- R&B song recorded by K. Michelle
Wikipedia - Drama dari Krakatau -- 1929 Malay novel by Kwee Tek Hoay
Wikipedia - Drama (graphic novel) -- Book by Raina Telgemeier
Wikipedia - Dramatical Murder -- 2012 Japanese visual novel
Wikipedia - Dr. Ambedkar National Award -- award presented by the government of India
Wikipedia - Drapery -- Depiction of the folds and woven patterns of loose-hanging clothing on the human form
Wikipedia - Drap -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Drawbridge -- Type of moveable bridge
Wikipedia - Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb -- Novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Dr. Dobb's Journal of Tiny BASIC Calisthenics > Orthodontia: Running Light Without Overbyte
Wikipedia - Dread Empire's Fall -- Science fiction novel series by Walter Jon Williams
Wikipedia - Dreamhunter Duet -- Fantasy novel series by Elizabeth Knox
Wikipedia - Dreamland (Baker novel) -- 1999 novel by Kevin Baker
Wikipedia - Dreamlover (song) -- 1993 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Dream Lover -- 1959 single by Bobby Darin
Wikipedia - Dream of Love -- 1928 film by Fred Niblo
Wikipedia - Dream of the Red Chamber -- One of China's Four Great Classical Novels
Wikipedia - Dreamsnake -- Novel by Vonda McIntyre
Wikipedia - Dreamstone Moon -- Doctor Who novel by Paul Leonard
Wikipedia - Dream Story -- Novel by Arthur Schnitzler
Wikipedia - Dreikikier Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dressing overall -- Decorating a ship with (signal) flags
Wikipedia - Dreyfus affair -- Sociopolitical controversy in the French Third Republic
Wikipedia - Dries Van Langenhove -- Flemish-Belgian blogger
Wikipedia - Drift current -- Is the electric current, or movement of charge carriers, which is due to the applied electric field, often stated as the electromotive force over a given distance
Wikipedia - Drift Fence -- 1936 American film directed by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - Drift ice -- Sea ice that is not attached to land and may move on the sea surface in response to wind and ocean currents
Wikipedia - Drinking water supply and sanitation in the United States -- Drinking water supply and sanitation in the United States - overview
Wikipedia - Drink. Sing. Live. Love. -- album by Versus the World
Wikipedia - Driven (novel) -- Novel by James Sallis
Wikipedia - Drive (novel) -- Novel by James Sallis
Wikipedia - Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency -- UK government department
Wikipedia - Driving licence in Hong Kong -- Overview of driving licences in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Driving licence in Italy -- Overview of driving licences in Italy
Wikipedia - Driving licence in Romania -- Overview of driving licences in Romania
Wikipedia - Driving licence in Singapore -- Overview of driving licences in Singapore
Wikipedia - Dr. Love Radio Show -- Filipino radio program
Wikipedia - Dr. No (novel) -- 1958 novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Drop (b-boy move) -- Breakdancing move
Wikipedia - Droughts in California -- Overview of the occurrence, presence and intensity of droughts in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Drover (Australian) -- Australian term for a person who moves livestock
Wikipedia - Drovers' road -- Route for driving livestock on foot
Wikipedia - Drowned World/Substitute for Love -- 1998 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Drowning Ruth -- 2000 novel by Christina Schwarz
Wikipedia - Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital -- Government dental college in India
Wikipedia - Dr. Strangelove -- 1964 British satire film directed by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - Drug Discovery
Wikipedia - Drug discovery
Wikipedia - Drug overdose -- Ingestion or application of a drug in quantities greater than recommended or generally practiced
Wikipedia - Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Druidry (modern) -- Modern spiritual or religious movement that promotes connection and reverence for the natural world
Wikipedia - Drumhead -- Membrane stretched over the ends of a drum
Wikipedia - Drummond Cove, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Drums of Love -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Drunk in Love -- 2013 single by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z
Wikipedia - Dry Falls -- Scalloped precipice with four major alcoves, in central Washington scablands
Wikipedia - Dual EC DRBG -- Controversial pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Duau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dubai International Holy Quran Award -- Annual award for Quran memorization sponsored by the government of Dubai
Wikipedia - Dublin Castle -- Irish government complex and historical castle site in central Dublin
Wikipedia - Dublin Docklands Development Authority -- Irish government agency
Wikipedia - Dublin Murders -- Television series based on the Dublin Murder Squad novels
Wikipedia - Duchy of Lancaster -- The private estate of the British sovereign as Duke of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Ducie Island -- Atoll in the Pitcairn Islands, British Overseas Territories
Wikipedia - Duck and Cover (film) -- 1951 film by Anthony Rizzo
Wikipedia - Ducks, Newburyport -- 2019 novel by Lucy Ellmann
Wikipedia - Dude Walker -- American voice-over talent and actor
Wikipedia - Dudley de Chair -- Royal Navy officer and Governor of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Dudley, Massachusetts cemetery controversy -- opposition to creating a Muslim cemetery
Wikipedia - DueM-CM-1a y seM-CM-1ora (TV series) -- Puerto Rican telenovela
Wikipedia - Duga radar -- Soviet over the horizon early warning radar
Wikipedia - Du har lovet mig en kone! -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Duke of York Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dulce amargo -- Venezuelan telenovela
Wikipedia - Dumarest saga -- Series of science fiction novels by Edwin Charles Tubb
Wikipedia - Dumas House -- Government office building in Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Dumbarton (district) -- Former local government district in Scotland
Wikipedia - Dumbing down -- Deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content
Wikipedia - Dumb Witness -- 1937 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Furlan -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Jovanovic (theatre director) -- Slovene theatre director
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Mavec -- Slovenian equestrian
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Mramor -- Slovenian economist and politician
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Puh -- Slovenian windsurfer
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an RepovM-EM-! -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Dunans Bridge -- Bridge over the river Ruel in Scotland
Wikipedia - Dunantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Duncton Wood -- 1980 novel by William Horwood
Wikipedia - Dundon v Governor of Cloverhill Prison -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Dune (novel) -- 1965 science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert
Wikipedia - Dungaree (fabric) -- Twill fabric used for overalls
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons controversies
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Wikipedia - Dunmore's Proclamation -- Governor of Colony of Virginia in 1775 declared martial law and promised freedom for slaves
Wikipedia - Dunne v Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Dunning-Kruger effect -- Cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability
Wikipedia - Dunstekoven -- A small farming village in the North Rhine-Westphalian Rhein-Sieg district.
Wikipedia - Dunwich (Lovecraft)
Wikipedia - Dupla Identidade -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Duplessis Orphans -- Canadian children who were wrongly classified as mentally ill by the Quebec government
Wikipedia - Duponchelia fovealis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Duqu -- Collection of computer malware discovered in 2011
Wikipedia - Duranus -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Duress code -- Covert distress signal
Wikipedia - Durgeshnandini -- Novel by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Wikipedia - Dushmani: A Violent Love Story -- 1995 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Dusky turtle dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Dusman Ke Khoon Paani Ha -- 2014 Bhojpuri film directed by Suresh K. Grover
Wikipedia - Dustbin Baby -- 2001 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Dust mask -- A pad held over the nose and mouth to protect against dust
Wikipedia - Dutch Empire -- Overseas territories controlled by the Dutch Republic and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Dutch Improved Red Pied -- Dutch breed of beef cattle
Wikipedia - Dutch oven -- Cooking pot with thick walls and a lid
Wikipedia - Dutty Love (song) -- 2012 song by Don Omar and Natti Natasha
Wikipedia - Duvetyne -- Twill-woven fabric with a velvet-like nap on one side
Wikipedia - D.Va -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Dwarf fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Dying of the Light (1977 novel) -- Novel by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - Dynagroove -- Recording process
Wikipedia - Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
Wikipedia - Dynasty (horse) -- Dark bay Hanoverian gelding; dressage competitor
Wikipedia - Dyneema Composite Fabric -- Non-woven fabric
Wikipedia - Dystonia -- Neurological movement disorder
Wikipedia - Dystopian novel
Wikipedia - Dzur (novel) -- 2007 novel in the Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - Eagle Grove Township, Wright County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Eaismo -- Avant-garde art movement in mid-century Italy
Wikipedia - Ealdwood -- 1981 novella by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Eamon de Valera -- Irish statesman, longest-serving Head of Government of Ireland, later 3rd President; Republican and conservative
Wikipedia - Eared dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Earl Butz -- American government official
Wikipedia - Earl Derr Biggers -- American novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Earle Basinsky -- American crime novelist
Wikipedia - Earl Emerson -- American mystery novelist and author
Wikipedia - Earl of Coventry -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - Earl of Orkney -- Norwegian, then Scottish, noble title over the Northern Isles and northern Scotland
Wikipedia - Early medieval European dress -- Overview
Wikipedia - Earmuffs -- Ear-protecting headgear worn over ears to protect from cold or loud noise
Wikipedia - Earth from Above -- Ecological project led by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Wikipedia - Earth-grazing meteoroid of 13 October 1990 -- Fireball meteoroid observed above Czechoslovakia and Poland
Wikipedia - Earth mover's distance -- Distance between probability distributions
Wikipedia - Earth One (DC graphic novel series) -- DC Comics graphic novel imprint
Wikipedia - Earth oven -- A simple pit for cooking
Wikipedia - Earth Overshoot Day -- Calculated calendar date when humanity's yearly consumption exceeds Earth's replenishment
Wikipedia - Earthquake Commission -- New Zealand government agency
Wikipedia - Earth Strike -- Climate activist movement
Wikipedia - Earth System Governance Project -- Long-term, interdisciplinary social science research programme
Wikipedia - Earth system governance -- Governance concept
Wikipedia - Earthworks (novel) -- 1965 dystopian science fiction novel by Brian Aldiss
Wikipedia - EarthWorld -- Doctor Who novel by Jacqueline Rayner
Wikipedia - East African mangroves -- An ecoregion of mangrove swamps along the Indian Ocean coast of East Africa in Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya and southern Somalia
Wikipedia - East Aitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Carolina University Student Government Association
Wikipedia - East Dover Hundred -- hundred
Wikipedia - Easter controversy -- Controversy over the correct date for Easter
Wikipedia - Eastern Cape Parks -- Governmental organisation responsible for maintaining wilderness areas and public nature reserves in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Wikipedia - Eastern Daily Press -- Regional newspaper covering Norfolk and parts of Suffolk and Cambridgeshire
Wikipedia - Eastern Orthodoxy in Slovenia
Wikipedia - East Hanover, New Jersey
Wikipedia - East Hanover School District -- School district in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - East Hanover Township, New Jersey -- Township in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - East Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Kikori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Okapa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pangia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Street (Children in Need) -- Charity crossover mini-episode between British soap operas Coronation Street and EastEnders
Wikipedia - East Wapei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Eastwind Ridge -- Antarctic ice-covered ridge
Wikipedia - East Yangoru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Easy-Bake Oven -- Toy oven
Wikipedia - Easy Go -- Novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Easy to Love (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Eater of Wasps -- Doctor Who novel by Trevor Baxendale
Wikipedia - Eating crow -- English-language idiom for humiliatingly admitting being proven wrong
Wikipedia - Eat Pray Love -- 2010 American film directed by Ryan Murphy
Wikipedia - E B Colin -- British novelist and radio dramatist
Wikipedia - E.B. Colin -- British novelist and radio dramatist
Wikipedia - Ebionites -- Jewish Christian sect sworn to poverty that existed during the early centuries of the Common Era
Wikipedia - Ebola '76 -- 2012 novel by Amir Taj al-Sir
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Bashmi -- Bahraini politician, novelist, journalist and nonfiction writer
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical polity -- Operational and governance structure of a church
Wikipedia - Eccrine sweat gland -- Sweat gland distributed almost all over the human body
Wikipedia - Echad Mi Yodea -- Passover song
Wikipedia - Echinovelleda -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eckankar -- Religious movement founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell
Wikipedia - Eclipse (Meyer novel) -- Third novel in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
Wikipedia - ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians -- Protestant denomination
Wikipedia - EcoDemonstrator -- technology research program to improve the ecological footprint of airliners
Wikipedia - Ecofascism -- Theoretical political model in which a totalitarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the environment
Wikipedia - Ecogovernmentality
Wikipedia - Eco-Kashrut -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Ecological Movement of Venezuela -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Ecological resilience -- Capacity of ecosystems to resist and recover from change
Wikipedia - Ecological succession -- The process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time
Wikipedia - E-commerce -- Type of business industry usually conducted over the internet
Wikipedia - Economic and Financial Crimes Commission -- Nigerian government agency
Wikipedia - Economic development -- Process and policies to improve economic well-being
Wikipedia - Economic history of the Russian Federation -- Overviee of the economic history of the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States -- Overview of the impact of illegal immigrants in the United States in terms of economy
Wikipedia - Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada -- Overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian economy
Wikipedia - Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States -- Overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. economy
Wikipedia - Economic inequality in New Zealand -- Overview of the economic inequality in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Economic inequality in South Korea -- Overview of the economic inequality in South Korea
Wikipedia - Economic Liberalism and Democratic Action for National Recovery -- Political party in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Economic liberalism -- Capitalism that prioritizes individuals as consumers over collective institutions or NGOs
Wikipedia - Economic liberalization -- Economic policy that advocates the reduction of government regulations
Wikipedia - Economics of car use -- Overview of the economics of car use
Wikipedia - Economics of fascism -- economic policies of fascist governments
Wikipedia - Economy for the Common Good -- Social movement advocating for an alternative economic model
Wikipedia - Economy in Isfahan -- Overview of the economy in Isfahan
Wikipedia - Economy of Africa -- Overview of the economy of Africa
Wikipedia - Economy of Alabama -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Alabama
Wikipedia - Economy of Alaska -- Overview of the economy of Alaska
Wikipedia - Economy of Alberta -- Overview of the economy of Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Economy of American Samoa -- Overview of the economy of American Samoa
Wikipedia - Economy of Arizona -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Economy of Arkansas -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Economy of Asia -- Overview of the economy of Asia
Wikipedia - Economy of Berlin -- Overview of the economy of Berlin
Wikipedia - Economy of Bristol -- Overview of the economy of Bristol
Wikipedia - Economy of British Columbia -- Overview of the economy of the Canadian province of British Columbia
Wikipedia - Economy of California -- Overview of the economy of the State of California
Wikipedia - Economy of Cardiff -- Overview of the economy of the capital city of Wales
Wikipedia - Economy of Central America -- Overview of the economy of Central America
Wikipedia - Economy of Colorado -- Overview of the economy of the State of Colorado
Wikipedia - Economy of Connecticut -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Economy of Delaware -- Overview of Delaware's economy
Wikipedia - Economy of Delhi -- Overview of the economy of Delhi
Wikipedia - Economy of East Asia -- Overview of the economy of East Asia
Wikipedia - Economy of Egypt and the environment -- Overview of the economy of Egypt and the environment
Wikipedia - Economy of England in the Middle Ages -- Overview of the economy of England during the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Economy of Finland -- Overview of the economy of Finland
Wikipedia - Economy of Guam -- Overview of the economy of the US territory of Guam
Wikipedia - Economy of Hong Kong -- Overview of the economy of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Economy of Houston -- Overview of the economy of Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Economy of Idaho -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Idaho
Wikipedia - Economy of Indiana -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Indiana
Wikipedia - Economy of India under Company rule -- Overview of the economy of India under Company rule
Wikipedia - Economy of Indonesia -- Overview of the economy of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Economy of Istanbul -- Overview of the economy of Istanbul
Wikipedia - Economy of Japan -- Overview of the economy of Japan
Wikipedia - Economy of Kansas City -- Overview of the economy of Kansas City
Wikipedia - Economy of London -- Overview of the economy of London
Wikipedia - Economy of Madrid -- Overview of the economy of Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Economy of Mexico -- Overview of the economy of Mexico
Wikipedia - Economy of Minnesota -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Minnesota
Wikipedia - Economy of Montreal -- Overview of the economy of Montreal
Wikipedia - Economy of New England -- Overview of the economy of New England
Wikipedia - Economy of New South Wales -- Overview of the economy of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Economy of New York City -- Overview of the economy of New York City
Wikipedia - Economy of New York (state) -- Overview of the economy of the state of New York
Wikipedia - Economy of North America -- Overview of the economy of North America
Wikipedia - Economy of North Carolina -- Overview of the economy of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Economy of North Rhine-Westphalia -- Overview of the economy of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Wikipedia - Economy of Oceania -- Overview of the economy of Oceania
Wikipedia - Economy of Ohio -- Overview of the economy of Ohio
Wikipedia - Economy of Oklahoma -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Economy of Oregon -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Economy of Paris -- Overview of the economy of Paris
Wikipedia - Economy of Rhone-Alpes -- Overview of the economy of Rhone-Alpes
Wikipedia - Economy of San Diego -- Overview of the economy of San Diego
Wikipedia - Economy of Scotland in the early modern period -- Overview of the economy of Scotland during the early modern era
Wikipedia - Economy of Scotland in the High Middle Ages -- Overview of the economy of Scotland during the High Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Economy of Scotland in the Middle Ages -- Overview of the economy of Scotland during the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Economy of Serbia -- Overview of the economy of Serbia
Wikipedia - Economy of Slovenia -- National economy
Wikipedia - Economy of South Africa -- Overview of the economy of South Africa
Wikipedia - Economy of South America -- Overview of the economy of South America
Wikipedia - Economy of South Carolina -- Overview of the economy of South Carolina
Wikipedia - Economy of Tamil Nadu -- Overview of the economy of Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Economy of Texas -- Overview of the economy of the State of Texas
Wikipedia - Economy of the Americas -- Overview of the economy of the Americas
Wikipedia - Economy of the Arab League -- Overview of the economy of the Arab League
Wikipedia - Economy of the Australian Capital Territory -- Overview of the economy of the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Economy of the European Union -- Overview of the economy of the European Union
Wikipedia - Economy of the Middle East -- Overview of the economy of the Middle East
Wikipedia - Economy of Toronto -- Overview of the economy of Toronto
Wikipedia - Economy of Utah -- Overview of the economy of the US state of Utah
Wikipedia - Economy of Uttarakhand -- Overview of the economy of Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Economy of Uttar Pradesh -- Overview of the economy of Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Economy of Venezuela -- National economic overview
Wikipedia - Economy of Virginia -- Overview of the economy of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Wikipedia - Economy of Washington (state) -- Overview of the economy of the State of Washington
Wikipedia - Economy of Western Australia -- Overview of the economy of Western Australia
Wikipedia - E-Control -- Government regulator for electricity and natural gas markets in Austria
Wikipedia - Ecover -- Belgian company that manufactures cleaning products made from plant-based and mineral ingredients
Wikipedia - Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness -- Novel by Louis Couperus
Wikipedia - Ectoedemia hannoverella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecuadorian ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ecumenical movement
Wikipedia - Ed Allen (writer) -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - E. D. Baker -- American children's novelist
Wikipedia - Ed Balls document leak -- British political controversy
Wikipedia - Eddie Barth -- American actor and voiceover artist
Wikipedia - Eddies Cove West -- Human settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Eddie Valiant -- Fictional character from the novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit? and its film adaptation Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Wikipedia - Eddy Lover -- Panamanian musician
Wikipedia - E-democracy -- Use of information and communication technology in political and governance processes
Wikipedia - Eden (Lem novel)
Wikipedia - Edgaras Voveris -- Lithuanian orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Edgar County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Edgar Dewdney -- Canadian politician and lieutenant governor
Wikipedia - Edgar Odell Lovett -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Edge cover
Wikipedia - Edict of government -- United States legal doctrine that edicts of government are not copyrightable
Wikipedia - Edinburgh Herald and Post -- Free weekly newspaper covering Edinburgh, Midlothian and Musselburgh
Wikipedia - Edinoverie
Wikipedia - EDiscovery
Wikipedia - Editas Medicine -- Discovery-phase pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Edith Alleyne Sinnotte -- Australian writer, Esperanto novelist
Wikipedia - Edith Lovell Andrews -- British artist
Wikipedia - Edith Mary England -- Australian novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Edith Searle Grossmann -- New Zealand teacher, novelist, journalist and feminist
Wikipedia - Edith Thomas -- French novelist, archivist, historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Edith Wharton -- American novelist, short story writer, designer
Wikipedia - Edmund Crispin -- British composer and crime novelist (1921-1978)
Wikipedia - Edmund Otis Hovey (Wabash College) -- American Presbyterian minister, Wabash College founder
Wikipedia - Edmund Walker Head -- British governor in British North America
Wikipedia - Edna Ferber -- American novelist, short story writer and playwright
Wikipedia - Ednah Robinson Aiken -- American author, playwright, novelist
Wikipedia - Edouard Hesling -- Governor of French Upper Volta
Wikipedia - Edouard Rod -- French-Swiss novelist
Wikipedia - Eduardo AM-CM-1o -- Filipino government official and former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Eduardo Lago -- Spanish writer, novelist and translator
Wikipedia - Eduard Pernkopf -- Austrian anatomist who compiled controversial textbook during Nazi era
Wikipedia - Education 2030 Agenda -- Global commitment of the Education for All movement to ensure access to basic education for all
Wikipedia - Educational assessment -- Systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs and improve student learning
Wikipedia - Educational crossover
Wikipedia - Educational technology -- Use of technology in education to improve learning and teaching
Wikipedia - Education Engineering Department -- Bangladesh government department
Wikipedia - Education in Afghanistan -- Overview of education in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Education in Africa -- Overview of education in Africa
Wikipedia - Education in Alberta -- Overview of education in Alberta
Wikipedia - Education in Australia -- Overview of education in Australia
Wikipedia - Education in Austria -- Overview of education in Austria
Wikipedia - Education in Belgium -- Overview of education in Belgium
Wikipedia - Education in Berlin -- Overview of education in Berlin
Wikipedia - Education in Brazil -- Overview of education in Brazil
Wikipedia - Education in Canada -- Overview of education in Canada
Wikipedia - Education in Croatia -- Overview of education in Croatia
Wikipedia - Education in Delhi -- Overview of education in Delhi
Wikipedia - Education in early modern Scotland -- Overview of the education in early modern Scotland
Wikipedia - Education in Egypt -- Overview of education in Egypt
Wikipedia - Education inequality in China -- Overview of education inequality in China
Wikipedia - Education in Finland -- Overview of education in Finland
Wikipedia - Education in Florida -- Overview of education in Florida
Wikipedia - Education in Germany -- Overview of education in the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Education in Ghana -- Overview of education in Ghana
Wikipedia - Education in Greece -- Overview of education in Greece
Wikipedia - Education in Houston -- Overview of education in Houston
Wikipedia - Education in Hungary -- Overview of education in Hungary
Wikipedia - Education in Iceland -- Overview of education in Iceland
Wikipedia - Education in Indonesia -- Overview of education in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Education in Italy -- Overview of education in Italy
Wikipedia - Education in Japan -- Overview of the education system in Japan
Wikipedia - Education in Jordan -- Overview of education in Jordan
Wikipedia - Education in London -- Overview of education in London
Wikipedia - Education in Malaysia -- Overview of education in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Education in Mexico -- Overview of education in Mexico
Wikipedia - Education in Nepal -- Overview of education in Nepal
Wikipedia - Education in New Brunswick -- Overview of education in New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Education in New York City -- Overview of education in New York City
Wikipedia - Education in New York (state) -- Overview of the education in the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Education in New Zealand -- Overview of education in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Education in Pakistan -- Overview of education in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Education in Pennsylvania -- Overview of education in the U.S. state of Penssylvania
Wikipedia - Education in Peru -- Government ministries, schools and institutions in Peru
Wikipedia - Education in Poland -- Overview of education in Poland
Wikipedia - Education in Portugal -- Overview of education in Portugal
Wikipedia - Education in Puerto Rico -- Overseen by the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Education Council
Wikipedia - Education in Quebec -- Overview of education in Quebec
Wikipedia - Education in Russia -- Overview of education in Russia
Wikipedia - Education in Saudi Arabia -- Overview of education in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Education in Scotland -- Overview of education in Scotland
Wikipedia - Education in Singapore -- Overview about the education system in Singapore
Wikipedia - Education in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Education in Somalia -- Overview about education in Somalia
Wikipedia - Education in South Africa -- Overview of education in South Africa
Wikipedia - Education in South Korea -- Overview of education in South Korea
Wikipedia - Education in Spain -- Overview of education in Spain
Wikipedia - Education in Sweden -- Overview of the educational system in Sweden
Wikipedia - Education in Switzerland -- Overview of education in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Education in Texas -- Overview of education in Texas
Wikipedia - Education in Thailand -- Overview of the education system in Thailand
Wikipedia - Education in the Age of Enlightenment -- Overview of education in the Age of Enlightenment
Wikipedia - Education in the Czech Republic -- Overview of education in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Education in the Dominican Republic -- Overview of education in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Education in the Netherlands -- Overview of education in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Education in the Philippines during American rule -- Overview of the education in the Philippines during American rule
Wikipedia - Education in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of education in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Education in the State of Palestine -- Overview of education in the State of Palestine
Wikipedia - Education in the United States -- Overview of education in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Education in Turkey -- Overview of education in Turkey
Wikipedia - Education in Victoria -- Overview of the education in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Education in Virginia -- Overview of education in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Wikipedia - Education in Western Australia -- Overview of the education in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Education policy -- Rules which govern schooling systems
Wikipedia - Edvard Rusjan -- Slovenian aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Edward Bloor -- American novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Edward Bove -- American pediatric cardiac surgeon
Wikipedia - Edward Bunker -- American novelist, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Edward Coverley Kennedy -- Royal Navy captain
Wikipedia - Edward Fitzsimmons Dunne -- 24th governor of Illinois, US
Wikipedia - Edward Glover (athlete) -- American pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of Clarendon -- English military officer, governor of New York and New Jersey
Wikipedia - Edward Hyde (Governor of North Carolina) -- Governor of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Edward-Isaac Dovere -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edward, King of Portugal -- 15th century sovereign of the Kingdom of Portugal
Wikipedia - Edward Lloyd (Governor of Maryland) -- Governor of Maryland (1779-1834)
Wikipedia - Edward Lovett Pearce -- Irish architect
Wikipedia - Edward Lovett
Wikipedia - Edward P. Jones -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Edward Stephens (MP for Dover) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Stone (natural philosopher) -- English Anglican priest who discovered the active ingredient of aspirin
Wikipedia - Edward Thomas (poet) -- British poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Edwin Edwards -- American politician, including Governor of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Edwin Porter Arrowsmith -- Governor of the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - Edwin Taylor Pollock -- US Navy Captain, Territorial Governor
Wikipedia - Edy's Pie -- Chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream bar
Wikipedia - Eemian Sea -- Body of water existing over 100,000 years ago near the modern Baltic Sea
Wikipedia - E. F. Benson -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Effective altruism -- Philosophy and social movement that applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others
Wikipedia - Effects of long-term contact lens wear on the cornea -- Overview of the effects of long-term contact lens wear on the cornea
Wikipedia - Effects of the car on societies -- Overview of the effects of cars on various societies
Wikipedia - Egmont (Beethoven) -- Incidental music composed by Ludwig van Beethoven for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's 1787 play
Wikipedia - Egon ZakrajM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - EGovernance
Wikipedia - E-government Development Center -- Government agency in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Eguilles -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Egyptian identification card controversy -- Egyptian ID card dispute
Wikipedia - Egyptian Patriotic Movement -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Egyptian plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Egyptian pyramid construction techniques -- Overview about the Egyptian pyramid construction techniques
Wikipedia - Egypt Karate Federation -- Governing body of karate in Egypt
Wikipedia - Egypt Post -- Governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt
Wikipedia - Egypt-Syria relations -- Overview of the relationship between Egypt and Syria
Wikipedia - Egypt-United States relations -- Overview of the relationship between Egypt and the United States
Wikipedia - Eight Cousins -- 1875 novel by Louisa May Alcott
Wikipedia - Eighth Doctor Adventures -- Doctor Who novels
Wikipedia - Eight-hour day -- Social movement to regulate the length of the working day
Wikipedia - Einda Thiri -- First female governor of Pagan
Wikipedia - Eindhoven Airport -- Airport in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Eindhoven Centraal railway station -- Netherlands railway station
Wikipedia - Eindhovens Dagblad -- Dutch newspaper
Wikipedia - Eindhoven University of Technology
Wikipedia - Eindhoven -- City and municipality in North Brabant, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Einthoven's triangle -- Concept in electrocardiography
Wikipedia - Eisenhorn -- Series of Warhammer 40,000 novels by Dan Abnett
Wikipedia - EiyM-EM-+-M-EM-^L, Bu o Kiwameru Tame Tensei-Su -- Japanese fantasy light novel series
Wikipedia - Ekaloveyudu -- 2008 Indian film
Wikipedia - Ekiti State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Ekiti State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Eklutna Annie -- Informal name given to an unidentified murder victim discovered in 1980
Wikipedia - Ekman spiral -- A structure of currents or winds near a horizontal boundary in which the flow direction rotates as one moves away from the boundary
Wikipedia - Ek Rishtaa: The Bond of Love -- 2001 film by Suneel Darshan
Wikipedia - Ekti Khuner Svapna -- Bengali novel by Humayun Azad
Wikipedia - Elachista toveella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elaine Bossik -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elantris -- 2005 fantasy novel by Brandon Sanderson
Wikipedia - Elanus -- Bird of prey discovered in 1809
Wikipedia - El bandido adolescente -- 1965 novel written by Ramon J. Sender
Wikipedia - El Bienamado -- Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa, based on the Dias Gomes work
Wikipedia - Elbridge Gerry -- United States diplomat and Vice President; Massachusetts governor
Wikipedia - El Bronx (TV series) -- Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - El clon -- internationally produced Spanish-language telenovela
Wikipedia - E. L. Doctorow -- Novelist, editor, professor
Wikipedia - Eldorado Overture -- 1974 song performed by Electric Light Orchestra
Wikipedia - Eleanor & Park -- 2012 novel written by Rainbow Rowell
Wikipedia - Eleanor Barton -- British co-operative movement activist
Wikipedia - Eleanor Catton -- New Zealand novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eleanor Jane Alexander -- Poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Eleanor L. Makel -- American medical doctor and government official
Wikipedia - Eleanor MacMahon -- Irish romance novelist
Wikipedia - Eleanor of Provence -- 13th-century French noblewoman and Queen of England
Wikipedia - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine -- 2017 novel by Gail Honeyman
Wikipedia - Electoral Commission of Uganda -- Constitutional body of the government of uganda incharge of elextions
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Ovens -- Australian electoral district
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Chris Dodd -- Overview of Christopher Dodd's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Dennis Kucinich -- Overview of Dennis Kucinich's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Hillary Clinton -- Overview of Hillary Clinton's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Joe Biden -- Overview of Joe Biden's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Joe Lieberman -- Overview of Joe Lieberman's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electoral history of John Edwards -- Overview of John Edward's electoral history
Wikipedia - Electorate of Hanover
Wikipedia - Electra, My Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Electrical telegraph -- Early system for transmitting text over wires
Wikipedia - Electric Dylan controversy -- 1965 music controversy in the United States involving Bob Dylan's use of an electric guitar
Wikipedia - Electric Harley House (Of Love) -- 1993 single by Green JellM-CM-?
Wikipedia - Electricity in the Puget Sound region -- Overview of the electricity in the Puget Sound region
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Brazil -- Overview of the electricity sector in Brazil
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Chile -- Overview of the electricity sector in Chile
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in China -- Overview of the electricity sector in China
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in France -- Overview of the electricity sector in France
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Germany -- Overview of the electricity sector in Germany
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Italy -- Overview of the electricity sector in Italy
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in New Zealand -- Overview of the electricity sector in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Nigeria -- Overview of the electricity sector in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Switzerland -- Overview of the electricity sector in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Taiwan -- Overview of the electricity sector in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in the Philippines -- Overview of the electricity sector in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the electricity sector in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Electric power transmission -- Bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site to an electrical substation
Wikipedia - Electrochemical RAM -- Novel type of computer memory
Wikipedia - Electronic discovery
Wikipedia - Electrovermis -- Species of platyhelminth
Wikipedia - Elektra and Wolverine: The Redeemer -- Graphic novels by Greg Rucka
Wikipedia - Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- United States law, part of Johnson's War on Poverty
Wikipedia - Element (criminal law) -- Fact that must be proven for a criminal conviction
Wikipedia - Elena Macovei -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Ele Nao movement -- Protests against Jair Bolsonaro in 2018
Wikipedia - Elena Solovey -- Soviet-American actress
Wikipedia - Elephants Can Remember -- 1972 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Elevated railway -- rapid transit railway with the tracks above street level
Wikipedia - Elevation -- Height of a geographic location above a fixed reference point
Wikipedia - El extraM-CM-1o retorno de Diana Salazar -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Elfriede Jelinek -- Austrian playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Elgie Stover -- American songwriter, composer, producer and background singer
Wikipedia - El Hawawish -- Village in Sohag Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - El hotel de los secretos -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Elia Kazan -- Greek-American film and theatre director, producer, screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Elias Canetti -- Bulgarian-born Swiss and British jewish modernist novelist, playwright, memoirist, and non-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Elias Higbee -- Early leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Elie Cristo-Loveanu -- Romanian artist
Wikipedia - Eligio Esquivel Mendez -- Second governor of the state of Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award (ICWNE) -- Journalism award for newspaper editors
Wikipedia - Elijah Parish Lovejoy -- American abolitionist
Wikipedia - Elimbari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Eline Vere -- Novel by Louis Couperus
Wikipedia - El-Infitah Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Eliot Spitzer -- 54th Governor of New York
Wikipedia - Elisa Kadigia Bove -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Eli Sheldon Glover -- American artist and mapmaker (b. 1844, d. 1920)
Wikipedia - Elixir (Walters novel) -- 2005 novel by Eric Walters
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Berridge (novelist) -- British novelist and critic
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cambridge -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Carriere -- British diplomat and civil servant; Governor of Montserrat
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Drew Stoddard -- American poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Eiloart -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fox-Genovese -- American historian
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fremantle -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hardwick (writer) -- Novelist, short story writer, literary critic
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Harrower (writer) -- Australian contemporary novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Inchbald -- 18th-19th-century English novelist, actress, and dramatist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth I -- Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Linington -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth McGovern -- American film, television, and theater actress, and musician
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Messenger -- NZ journalist, cookery writer, crime novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Pipko -- American author, model and founder of Exodus Movement
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Robins -- American actor, producer, playwright, novelist and feminist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall -- American former government official
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Shove -- Sociologist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Spann Craig -- American writer of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Stuckey-French -- American short story writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Tate -- Civil rights advocate during the American Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Taylor (novelist) -- British fiction writer
Wikipedia - Eliza Lynn Linton -- British novelist, essayist and anti-feminist journalist
Wikipedia - Elk Grove Unified School District -- School district in southern Sacramento County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Ella Grasso -- 83rd Governor of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Ella McFadyen -- Australian children's novelist, poet and short story writer
Wikipedia - Ellen Fechner -- German novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ellen Marriage -- English female novelist
Wikipedia - Ellen Mary Paraman -- governess to George Curzon
Wikipedia - Elliot S. Maggin -- American writer of comic books, film, television and novels
Wikipedia - Elliott Cutoff -- Covered wagon road in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Ellis Arnall -- American politician, Governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Ellis Martin -- Ordnance Survey map and book cover illustrator
Wikipedia - Elly Griffiths -- British crime novelist
Wikipedia - Elmer Gantry -- 1926 satirical novel by Sinclair Lewis
Wikipedia - Elmer Roman -- Puerto Rican government official
Wikipedia - Elmore Leonard -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - El NiM-CM-1o-Southern Oscillation -- Irregularly periodic variation in winds and sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - EloM-CM-/se's Lover -- 2009 film by Jesus Garay
Wikipedia - El Qattah -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - El rostro de la venganza -- American telenovela
Wikipedia - Elsa Klensch -- Australian-American fashion journalist and novelist (born 1933)
Wikipedia - El SeM-CM-1or Presidente -- novel by Miguel M-CM-^Angel Asturias
Wikipedia - Elsewhen -- SF novella by R. A. Heinlein about time travel and parallel universes; first published as "Elsewhere" in Sept. 1941 in Astounding Science Fiction under the pseudonym Caleb Saunders
Wikipedia - Elseworlds (Arrowverse) -- Arrowverse crossover event
Wikipedia - El Shaddai (movement)
Wikipedia - Elspeth Barker -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Elswyth Thane -- American romance novelist
Wikipedia - El ultimo matrimonio feliz -- Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - Elvendoglu Ali Pasha -- 16th century Ottoman statesman and beylerbey (governor-general)
Wikipedia - Elvira Nabiullina -- Russian economist and Governor of the Bank of Russia
Wikipedia - Elwood Edwards -- American voice over actor
Wikipedia - Elzada Clover -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Elza Koveshazi-Kalmar -- Hungarian artist
Wikipedia - Email -- Method of exchanging digital messages between people over a network
Wikipedia - Embankment (earthworks) -- Wall or bank to carry a road or rail over low ground or water's edge
Wikipedia - Embusen -- Kata movement
Wikipedia - Emelyanov KIM-3 Stakanovets -- Glider
Wikipedia - Emerald-spotted wood dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Emerald Star -- 2012 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Emergency circulating notes -- Currency printed by the Philippine government in exile in World War II
Wikipedia - Emergency Contact (novel) -- 2018 young adult novel by Mary H.K. Choi
Wikipedia - Emerging infectious disease -- Infectious disease of emerging pathogen, often novel in its outbreak range or transmission mode
Wikipedia - E. M. Forster -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - E. M. Foster -- English female novelist
Wikipedia - Emigration from the Eastern Bloc -- Movements of people during the Cold War
Wikipedia - Emil and the Detectives -- 1929 novel for children by Erich KM-CM-$stner
Wikipedia - Emil Bonnelycke -- Danish poet, novelist
Wikipedia - Emil G. Hirsch -- American Reform movement rabbi (1851-1923)
Wikipedia - Emilie Flygare-Carlen -- Swedish novelist
Wikipedia - Emilio Covelli
Wikipedia - Emilio De Marchi (writer) -- Italian novelist
Wikipedia - Emily Barton -- American novelist, critic, and academic
Wikipedia - Emily Bovell -- Scottish physician
Wikipedia - Emily BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emily Clark -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emily Conover -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Emily is Away Too -- 2017 indie visual novel game
Wikipedia - Emily Lawless -- Irish novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emily of New Moon -- Novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Wikipedia - Emily Perkins (novelist) -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Emily W. Murphy -- US government official
Wikipedia - Emina HaraM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Emma Anne Georgiana Davenport -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Emma Donoghue -- Irish novelist, playwright, short-story writer and historian
Wikipedia - Emma Ghent Curtis -- American novelist, poet, newspaper publisher, populist, and suffragist
Wikipedia - Emma Healey -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Emma Neale -- New Zealand novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emma (novel) -- 1815 novel by Jane Austen
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Bove -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Goldstein -- Character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Movement -- Psychotherapy approach, 1906-1931
Wikipedia - Emmet Montgomery Reily -- Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Emmett J. Rice -- Governor of the Federal Reserve System
Wikipedia - Emotional Chemistry -- Doctor Who novel by Simon A. Forward
Wikipedia - Empanada -- Baked or fried turnover consisting of pastry and filling
Wikipedia - Emperor of China -- Sovereign of Imperial China
Wikipedia - Empire Defense Council -- French wartime government in exile
Wikipedia - Empire of the Sun -- 1984 novel by J. G. Ballard
Wikipedia - Empire of Two Worlds -- Novel by Barrington J. Bayley
Wikipedia - Empire Star -- Novel by Samuel Delany
Wikipedia - Empire style -- 19th-century art movement
Wikipedia - Empress Elisabeth Bridge -- Historic bridge over the Elbe
Wikipedia - Empress (novel) -- 2006 book by Shan Sa
Wikipedia - Empty book -- Novelty book containing blank pages
Wikipedia - Emsdetten school shooting -- November 2006 school massacre attempt in Emsdetten, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Wikipedia - Emyr Humphreys -- Welsh novelist
Wikipedia - Enabling Act of 1933 -- Transfer of the Reichstag's power to the government under Hitler
Wikipedia - Enchanted Boy -- Novel by Richie McMullen
Wikipedia - Enchilada -- Corn tortilla rolled around a filling and covered with a chili pepper sauce
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 -- Encyclopedia series covering camps, ghettos, and other detention facilities of World War II Axis countries
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security -- Book by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Wikipedia - Endemic synod -- Former permanent standing synod of bishops of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, convoked and presided over by the patriarch, that met frequently but irregularly to deal with issues of discipline and dogma
Wikipedia - Ender's Game (novel series) -- 1985-2008 Series of six SF novels by Orson Scott Card
Wikipedia - Endless Love (2010 TV series) -- 2010 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Endless Love (2019 TV series) -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Endless Love (song) -- 1981 single by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross
Wikipedia - End of Basque home rule in Spain -- Final period of the Basque self-government within the Crown of Castile and Spain
Wikipedia - End Poverty Now -- Canadian poverty organization
Wikipedia - End SARS -- Decentralized social movement against police brutality in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery -- US astronaut autobiography
Wikipedia - Endurance racing (motorsport) -- Motorsport in which races cover extended distances and time periods designed to test durability and endurance
Wikipedia - End Zone -- Novel by Don DeLillo
Wikipedia - Eneamiga -- Venezuelan telenovela
Wikipedia - Energy in Afghanistan -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Energy in Africa -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Africa
Wikipedia - Energy in Angola -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Angola
Wikipedia - Energy in Armenia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Armenia
Wikipedia - Energy in Australia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Australia
Wikipedia - Energy in Austria -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Austria
Wikipedia - Energy in Belarus -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Belarus
Wikipedia - Energy in Brazil -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Brazil
Wikipedia - Energy in California -- Overview of the use of energy in the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Energy in Chad -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Chad
Wikipedia - Energy in Ethiopia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Energy in Finland -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Finland
Wikipedia - Energy in France -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in France
Wikipedia - Energy in Germany -- Overview of energy in Germany
Wikipedia - Energy in Greece -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Greece
Wikipedia - Energy in India -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in India
Wikipedia - Energy in Indonesia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Energy in Iran -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Iran
Wikipedia - Energy in Ireland -- Overview of energy in Ireland
Wikipedia - Energy in Italy -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Italy
Wikipedia - Energy in Japan -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Japan
Wikipedia - Energy in Luxembourg -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Energy in Mexico -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Mexico
Wikipedia - Energy in Nigeria -- Overview of energy in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Energy in North Korea -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in North Korea
Wikipedia - Energy in Ohio -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Ohio
Wikipedia - Energy in Poland -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Poland
Wikipedia - Energy in Queensland -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Queensland
Wikipedia - Energy in Russia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Russia
Wikipedia - Energy in Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the energy use in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Energy in Serbia -- Economic sector overview
Wikipedia - Energy in Slovakia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Energy in Slovenia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Energy in South Korea -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in South Korea
Wikipedia - Energy in Spain -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Spain
Wikipedia - Energy in Sweden -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Sweden
Wikipedia - Energy in Switzerland -- Overview of energy in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Energy in the United Arab Emirates -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Energy in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the use of energy in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Energy in the United States -- Overview of energy in the United States
Wikipedia - Energy in Turkey -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Turkey
Wikipedia - Energy policy of Australia -- Overview of the energy policy of Australia
Wikipedia - Energy policy of Finland -- Overview of the energy policy of Finland
Wikipedia - Energy policy of India -- Overview of the energy policy of India
Wikipedia - Energy policy of Romania -- Overview of the energy policy of Romania
Wikipedia - Energy policy of Russia -- Overview of the energy policy of Russia
Wikipedia - Energy policy of the Soviet Union -- Overview of the energy policy of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Energy policy of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the energy policy of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Energy poverty
Wikipedia - Energy recovery ventilation -- Uses the energy in air exhausted from a building to treat the incoming air
Wikipedia - Engadget -- Technology blog network covering gadgets and consumer electronics
Wikipedia - Enggano cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Engineers Against Poverty
Wikipedia - Engis 2 -- Neanderthal fossil discovered in the early 19th-century in modern day Belgium
Wikipedia - England and Wales Cricket Board -- England cricket governing body
Wikipedia - England Hockey -- Governing body for field hockey in England
Wikipedia - England in the Late Middle Ages -- Overview of England in the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - England v President's Overseas XV -- 1971 rugby union match
Wikipedia - English Curling Association -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - English Defence League -- Far-right political movement
Wikipedia - English Ice Hockey Association -- governing body of ice hockey in England and Wales
Wikipedia - English overseas possessions -- Overseas territories that were colonised, conquered, or otherwise acquired by the former Kingdom of England
Wikipedia - English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards -- Governing body for amateur Snooker and English Billiards in England
Wikipedia - English Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - English usage controversies
Wikipedia - Enhanced interrogation techniques -- Euphemism for program of systematic torture by U.S. government
Wikipedia - En kvinde er overflodig -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Enlightenment in Spain -- The enlightenment movement in Spain
Wikipedia - Enna Burning -- 2004 fantasy novel by Shannon Hale
Wikipedia - Ennahda Movement -- Political party in Tunisia
Wikipedia - Enos T. Throop -- American politician and Governor
Wikipedia - Enrique Alfaro Ramirez -- Governor of Jalisco, Mexico
Wikipedia - Ensaf Movement -- Political party in Libya
Wikipedia - Ensues-la-Redonne -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Entanglement (hazard) -- Environment which may restrain the diver's freedom of movement by snagging on the diver or equipment
Wikipedia - Entity List -- List published by the Bureau of Industry and Security of businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer of specified items
Wikipedia - Entraunes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship policies in Egypt -- Overview of the entrepreneurship policies in Egypt
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship policies in Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the entrepreneurship policies in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship policies in Syria -- Overview of the entrepreneurship policies in Syria
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship policies in the United Arab Emirates -- Overview of the entrepreneurship policies in the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Envelope (music) -- Changing of a sound over time
Wikipedia - Environmental governance -- Concept in political ecology and environmental policy
Wikipedia - Environmentalism -- Broad philosophy, ideology and social movement concerning environmental wellbeing
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Australia -- Overview of the environmental issues in Australia
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Brazil -- Overview of the environmental issues in Brazil
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Canada -- Overview of the environmental issues in Canada
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in China -- Overview of the environmental issues in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Finland -- Overview of the environmental issues in Finland
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Florida -- Overview of environmental issues in the U.S. state of Florida
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in India -- Overview of the environmental issues in India
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Japan -- Overview of the environmental issues in Japan
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in New York City -- Overview of the environmental issues in New York City
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in New York -- Overview of the environmental issues in the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in Thailand -- Thailand: environmental issues overview
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in the Philippines -- Overview of the environmental issues in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Environmental issues in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the environmental issues in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Environmentalist -- Someone who supports the goals of the environmental movement
Wikipedia - Environmental justice -- Social movement
Wikipedia - Environmentally Endangered Lands -- Government conservation program in Florida, U.S.
Wikipedia - Environmental movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Environmental movement -- Movement for addressing environmental issues
Wikipedia - Environment and Climate Change Canada -- Environment department of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Environment of Florida -- Overview of the environment of the U.S. state of Florida
Wikipedia - Eoin Neeson -- Irish journalist, historian, novelist and playwright.
Wikipedia - Eon (novel) -- 1985 science fiction novel by Greg Bear
Wikipedia - E. Owens Blackburne -- writer, poet, novelist
Wikipedia - E-participation -- ICT-supported participation in processes involving government and citizens
Wikipedia - Epeirogenic movement -- Upheavals or depressions of land exhibiting long wavelengths and little folding
Wikipedia - Epicenter -- Point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the hypocentre or focus in an earthquake
Wikipedia - Epic (novel)
Wikipedia - Epicranium -- Collection of structures covering the cranium
Wikipedia - Epidemic -- A profoundly debilitating, often deadly infectious disease, which proves highly contagious, yet limited to a specific area and period
Wikipedia - Epiphreatic zone -- The zone between the vadose zone above and phreatic zone below
Wikipedia - Episcopal gloves
Wikipedia - Episcopal polity -- Hierarchical form of church governance
Wikipedia - Episcopal Summer Palace, Bratislava -- Seat of the government of Slovakia
Wikipedia - Epistolary novel -- Novel written as a series of documents
Wikipedia - Epsom Oaks -- British Group 1 horse race tor 3-year-old filles over 1 mile, 4 furlongs and 6 yards (2,420 metres)
Wikipedia - Equestrian statue of Francisco Franco -- Removed instance of public art
Wikipedia - Equinox -- semi-annual astronomical event where the Sun is directly above the Earth's equator
Wikipedia - Eranove -- Electricity, water, and sanitation company
Wikipedia - Erasmus D. Campbell -- 19th century American Democratic politician, 6th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Erave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Erbil Governorate -- Governorate of Iraq
Wikipedia - ErekosM-CM-+ -- Character in the novel The Eternal Champion
Wikipedia - Erella Hovers -- Israeli paleoanthropologist
Wikipedia - Erewhon: or, Over the Range
Wikipedia - Erewhon -- 1872 novel
Wikipedia - Erica Jong -- American novelist and poet (born 1942)
Wikipedia - Eric Ambler -- Author of thrillers, in particular spy novels, who introduced a new realism to the genre
Wikipedia - Eric Greitens -- 56th Governor of Missouri
Wikipedia - Erich Maria Remarque -- German novelist
Wikipedia - Eric Holcomb -- 51st Governor of Indiana
Wikipedia - Eric John Eagles Swayne -- British Colonial Governor
Wikipedia - Erick Tsang -- Hong Kong government official
Wikipedia - Eric Malpass -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Eric S. Raymond -- American computer programmer, author, and advocate for the open source movement
Wikipedia - Eric Van Lustbader -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Eric Yao -- Ghanaian former government executive
Wikipedia - Erie County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Erika Lopez -- American cartoonist, novelist, and performance artist
Wikipedia - Erika Vouk -- Slovenian poet and translator
Wikipedia - Eriks M-DM-^@damsons -- Latvian novelist
Wikipedia - Eritrean Liberation Front -- Independence movement in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Ermanno Roveri -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Ermete Novelli -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Erna Juel-Hansen -- Danish novelist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Erna Schneider Hoover -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover
Wikipedia - Ernest Cady -- 65th Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Ernest Charles Jones -- English poet, novelist, and activist
Wikipedia - Ernest Clark (governor) -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Ernest Cline -- American novelist, slam poet, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernest Gruening -- Governor of the Alaska Territory and U.S. Senator
Wikipedia - Ernest McFarland -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Arizona; Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Ernest Olawunmi Adelaye -- Governor of Rivers State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Ernest Poole -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Erni GregorM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian powerlifter
Wikipedia - Ero guro nansensu -- Artistic eroticism movement in Japan
Wikipedia - Eromanga Sensei -- Japanese light novel series by Tsukasa Fushimi
Wikipedia - Eros (concept) -- Ancient Greek term for sensual love
Wikipedia - Erosion -- Processes which remove soil and rock from one place on the Earth's crust, then transport it to another location where it is deposited
Wikipedia - Erri De Luca -- Italian novelist, translator and poet
Wikipedia - Error correction code -- scheme for controlling errors in data over noisy communication channels
Wikipedia - Error detection and correction -- Techniques that enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels
Wikipedia - Erskine Bridge -- Bridge over the River Clyde, Scotland
Wikipedia - Erythrovenator -- A genus of basal theropod dinosaurs
Wikipedia - Esa mujer (TV series) -- Argentine telenovela
Wikipedia - Esau and Jacob (novel) -- Book by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
Wikipedia - Escadron de Chasse 1/7 Provence
Wikipedia - Escape Velocity (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Colin Brake
Wikipedia - Escort in Love -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Escragnolles -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Escrava Isaura (1976 TV series) -- 1976-1977 Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - ESIC Medical College, Faridabad -- Government Medical College
Wikipedia - Esko Kovero -- Finnish actor
Wikipedia - Eslam Mosbah -- Egyptian novelist
Wikipedia - E. S. L. Narasimhan -- Indian police officer and the 1st Governor of Telangana state
Wikipedia - Esmahan Aykol -- Turkish-born German novelist
Wikipedia - Esmee Fairbairn Foundation -- Charity that supports improvement to quality of life in the UK
Wikipedia - Esmeraldas-Pacific Colombia mangroves -- An ecoregion of mangrove forests along the Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador.
Wikipedia - Espelho da Vida -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Esperanca (TV series) -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Essential tremor -- Movement disorder that causes involuntary tremors
Wikipedia - Essex County Resource Recovery Facility -- Waste power station in Essex County, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Essjay controversy -- Controversy over a Wikipedia user and Wikia employee's identity
Wikipedia - Esther Eillam -- Founder of Israeli feminist movement, gender researcher and activist
Wikipedia - Esther Glen -- NZ novelist, journalist, community worker (1881-1940)
Wikipedia - Esther (novel) -- Novel by Henry Adams
Wikipedia - Esther Pohl Lovejoy -- American physician
Wikipedia - Esther Razanadrasoa -- Malagasy novelist
Wikipedia - Estonian Citizens' Committees -- Nonpartisan political movement in Estonia
Wikipedia - Estovers -- Allowance out of an estate
Wikipedia - Estrella Flyover -- Ramp in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Estrellita mia -- Argentine telenovela
Wikipedia - Etching (microfabrication) -- Technique in microfabrication used to remove material and create structures
Wikipedia - Etching revival -- Art movement between 1850s and c. 1930
Wikipedia - Eternal Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - Eternal Love of Dream -- 2020 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Eternal Love (TV series) -- 2017 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Eternity Road (novel) -- novel by Jack McDevitt
Wikipedia - Ethan Lovett -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - E theorem prover
Wikipedia - Ethernet over coax
Wikipedia - Ethernet over PDH over SONET/SDH -- Aspect of Ethernet networking
Wikipedia - Ethernet over twisted pair
Wikipedia - Ethernet VPN -- Technology for carrying Ethernet traffic over wide area networks
Wikipedia - EtherSound -- Audio-over-Ethernet technology
Wikipedia - Ethical movement -- Ethical, educational, and religious movement
Wikipedia - Ethics Commissioner (Canada) -- Canadian government Privacy Agency
Wikipedia - Ethics committee -- Committee overseeing the conduct of medical research and other human experimentation
Wikipedia - Ethics in Government Act -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute -- Government-owned research institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Ethiopian Empire -- Monarchy covering the current states of Ethiopia and Eritrea (1270-1974)
Wikipedia - Ethmia ogovensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ethnic issues in China -- Overview of ethnic issues in China
Wikipedia - Ethnic issues in Japan -- Overview of ethnic issues in Japan
Wikipedia - Ethnic issues in the Philippines -- Overview of ethnic issues in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Etienne de Perier -- Colonial governor of French Louisiana (1727-1733)
Wikipedia - Eto Mori -- Japanese novelist
Wikipedia - Eton College controversies -- States of public dispute or debate concerning Eton College
Wikipedia - Etymology -- Study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time
Wikipedia - EU Asset Recovery Offices -- Asset recovery network in the EU
Wikipedia - Eucharist denial to Catholic politicians over abortion
Wikipedia - Eudora Welty -- American short story writer, novelist and photographer
Wikipedia - Eugene Burdick -- Novelist, political scientist
Wikipedia - Eugene Desbassayns de Richemont -- Governor General of Pondicherry in India
Wikipedia - Eugene E. Covert
Wikipedia - Eugene Genovese
Wikipedia - Eugene Holiday -- 1st Governor of Sint Maarten
Wikipedia - Eugene Manlove Rhodes -- American writer (1869-1934)
Wikipedia - Eugene Onegin -- novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin
Wikipedia - Eugenics -- Set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population
Wikipedia - Eugenio Govea Arcos -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Euler's sum of powers conjecture -- Disproved conjecture in number theory
Wikipedia - Eulhwa -- Korean novel
Wikipedia - EUR.1 movement certificate -- Form used in international commodity traffic
Wikipedia - Eurasian collared dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Eureka (word) -- Interjection used to celebrate a discovery or invention; a transliteration of a word attributed to Archimedes
Wikipedia - EuResist -- International project designed to improve the treatment of HIV patients
Wikipedia - European Association of Historic Towns and Regions -- Self-governing organisation based in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - European Boxing Confederation -- European amateur boxing governing body
Wikipedia - European Christian Political Movement
Wikipedia - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Wikipedia - European Democrats (Georgia) -- Georgian political movement
Wikipedia - European exploration of Australia -- Overview of the European exploration of Australia
Wikipedia - European Film Award for European Discovery of the Year -- Annual European film award
Wikipedia - European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service -- System that enhances the accuracy of GPS receivers
Wikipedia - European golden plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - European Gymnastics -- European gymnastics governing body
Wikipedia - European Jewish Parliament -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - European Karate Federation -- The governing body of sport karate
Wikipedia - European New Right -- Far-right political movement that emerged in Europe in the 1960s
Wikipedia - European Social Movement -- European neo-fascist organization
Wikipedia - European Southern Observatory -- Intergovernmental organization and observatory in Chile
Wikipedia - European sovereign-debt crisis: List of acronyms
Wikipedia - European Space Agency -- Intergovernmental organisation dedicated to the exploration of space
Wikipedia - European turtle dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - European windstorm -- Strongest type of extratropical cyclone that occurs over Europe
Wikipedia - Europe in Winter -- 2016 novel by Dave Hutchinson
Wikipedia - Eurythmy -- Expressive movement art associated with anthroposophy
Wikipedia - Eustathios Daphnomeles -- Byzantine general and governor
Wikipedia - EU-UK Partnership Council -- Multinational body to govern relations between the EU and UK
Wikipedia - Eva Hovenkamp -- Dutch athlete
Wikipedia - Eva Irgl -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Evan Bayh -- 46th Governor of Indiana, former United States Senator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Evangelical Association of the Israelite Mission of the New Universal Covenant -- Religious organization in Peru
Wikipedia - Evangelical counsels -- Chastity, poverty (perfect charity) and obedience
Wikipedia - Evangelicalism -- Protestant Christian movement
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Hanover
Wikipedia - Eva Stachniak -- Polish-Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Eva Waldemarsson -- Swedish novelist
Wikipedia - Eva Wilder Brodhead -- 19th century American novelist
Wikipedia - Eve Langley -- New Zealand/Australian novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Evelina van Millingen -- Hostess, a cultivator of gardens, and a novelist
Wikipedia - Evelyn Scott (writer) -- American novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Evelyn's Love Adventures -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Evelyn Waugh -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Evening glove
Wikipedia - Eve Polastri -- Fictional character from the 2018 novel Codename Villanelle
Wikipedia - Everfound (novel) -- 2011 novel by Neal Shusterman
Wikipedia - Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born)
Wikipedia - Everlasting Love -- Single
Wikipedia - Evermore (novel) -- Fantasy novel by Alyson NoM-CM-+l, part of the Immortals series
Wikipedia - Evermore Park -- Immersive experience park in Pleasant Grove, Utah
Wikipedia - Everville -- Novel by Clive Barker
Wikipedia - Everworld -- Fantasy novel series by K. A. Applegate
Wikipedia - Everybody in Love -- 2009 single by JLS
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves a Lover -- 1958 single by Doris Day
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Raymond -- American TV sitcom (1996-2005)
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Sausages -- 2013 album
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Somebody (film) -- 2017 Mexican romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Somebody -- 1947 song by Sam Coslow, Irving Taylor and Ken Lane, recorded by Dean Martin
Wikipedia - Everyday I Love You Less and Less -- 2005 single by Kaiser Chiefs
Wikipedia - Every Day I Love You -- 1999 single by Boyzone
Wikipedia - Everyone's in Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Everything Is Love -- 2018 studio album by The Carters
Wikipedia - Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups
Wikipedia - Everything Moves Alone -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Every Witch Way -- American fantasy telenovela
Wikipedia - Eve's Love Letters -- 1927 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Eve's Lover -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Evil Under the Sun -- 1941 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Evolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment -- Changes in thinking about evolution from religious and spiritual to more mechanistic and biological over the 17th and 18th centuries
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Principle -- A largely psychological doctrine that when a species is removed from the habitat in which it evolved, it will develop maladaptive behavior
Wikipedia - Evolution of biological complexity -- The tendency for maximum complexity to increase over time, though without any overall direction
Wikipedia - Evolution of eusociality -- Origins of cooperative brood care, overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups.
Wikipedia - Evolution of human colour vision -- Overview of the evolution of human colour vision
Wikipedia - Evolution of the brain -- Overview of the evolution of the brain
Wikipedia - Evolution -- change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
Wikipedia - Exact cover
Wikipedia - Examination Yuan -- Government branch of the Republic of China
Wikipedia - Exceptionalism -- belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is "exceptional"
Wikipedia - Exception that proves the rule -- Figure of speech
Wikipedia - Exchange Fund (Hong Kong) -- Sovereign wealth fund
Wikipedia - Exclusionary rule -- U.S. rule against evidence that came through a government violation of the defendant's constitutional rights
Wikipedia - Executive agencies of the Scottish Government -- Scottish Government
Wikipedia - Executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico -- Chief executive body of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Executive Council of Catalonia -- Government body in Spain
Wikipedia - Executive (government) -- Part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state
Wikipedia - Executive Office of the President of the United States -- U.S. government executive agency
Wikipedia - Executive Order 9835 -- Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of an Employees Loyalty Program in the Executive Branch of the Government
Wikipedia - Executive Schedule -- Salary system of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - Exeed LX -- Chinese compact crossover
Wikipedia - Exercise -- Bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness
Wikipedia - ExFAT -- Non-journaled interoperable file system friendly for flash memory and allowing to overcome FAT32 limitations
Wikipedia - Ex-gay movement -- Movement that encourages people to refrain from homosexual relationships
Wikipedia - Exhibition of Female Flagellants -- 1830 English pornographic novel
Wikipedia - Exile's Gate -- 1988 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Exiles to Glory -- Science fiction novella by Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - Exiles trilogy -- Fantasy novel series by Melanie Rawn
Wikipedia - Exit to Eden -- Novel by Anne Rice
Wikipedia - Exodus (Bertagna novel) -- 2002 novel by Julie Bertagna
Wikipedia - Exodus (Uris novel) -- Novel by Leon Uris
Wikipedia - Exon skipping -- Form of RNA splicing used to cause cells to M-bM-^@M-^\skipM-bM-^@M-^] over faulty sections of genetic code
Wikipedia - Exon -- Gene portion that is not removed during RNA splicing and becomes part of mature mRNA
Wikipedia - Expanded access -- Program providing access to unapproved drugs or medical devices
Wikipedia - Expansionism -- Consists of policies of governments and states that involve territorial or economic expansion
Wikipedia - Expense and Cost Recovery System (ECRS)
Wikipedia - Expense and cost recovery system (ECRS)
Wikipedia - Experience management -- Effort by organizations to measure and improve the experiences they provide
Wikipedia - Experimental drug -- Medicinal product not yet approved for routine use
Wikipedia - Explode Coracao -- Brazilian telenovela by Gloria Perez
Wikipedia - Exploitation fiction -- Novels and magazines that exploit sex, violence, drugs, or other elements meant to attract readers
Wikipedia - Exploration of the Pacific -- Overview of the exploration of the Pacific
Wikipedia - Exploration Team -- Novelette by Murray Leinster
Wikipedia - Explorer 55 -- NASA satellite launched on November 20, 1975
Wikipedia - Explorer 60 -- NASA satellite launched on November 20, 1975
Wikipedia - Expo 2000 -- World exposition in Hanover, Germany in 2000
Wikipedia - Express Train of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Extractor (firearms) -- Firearms component that removes fired cartridges
Wikipedia - ExtraM-CM-1os caminos del amor -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Extraordinary Women (novel) -- 1928 novel by Compton Mackenzie
Wikipedia - Extras (novel)
Wikipedia - Extraversion and introversion -- Personality trait
Wikipedia - Extreme Makeover -- American reality television program
Wikipedia - Extreme poverty -- Condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs
Wikipedia - Extroversion
Wikipedia - Exultant (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
Wikipedia - Eyegroove
Wikipedia - Eye in the Sky (novel)
Wikipedia - Eyeless in Gaza (novel)
Wikipedia - Eyelid -- Thin fold of skin that covers and protects the eye
Wikipedia - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing -- Form of psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Eye movement in music reading
Wikipedia - Eye of the Needle (novel) -- WW2 spy thriller novel by Ken Follett
Wikipedia - Eyes of Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Eyes on the Prize -- American civil rights movement documentary TV series
Wikipedia - Eygalieres -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Eyguieres -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Eyragues -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife -- Governmental organisation managing wildlife conservation areas and biodiversity in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa
Wikipedia - Ezzedine Choukri Fishere -- Egyptian novelist, diplomat and academic
Wikipedia - F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers -- upcoming 2021 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Fabiana Lovece -- Argentine biathlete
Wikipedia - Facebook real-name policy controversy -- Controversy over social networking site Facebook's real-name system
Wikipedia - Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States -- Use of face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Wikipedia - Facts of Love -- 1986 single by Jeff Lorber featuring Karyn White
Wikipedia - Fact -- Statement that is consistent with reality or can be proven with evidence
Wikipedia - Faculty of Law Maribor -- University of Maribor, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Facundo -- Novel by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Wikipedia - Faerie Tale -- 1988 novel by Raymond E. Feist
Wikipedia - Faery in Shadow -- 1993 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Faggots (novel) -- 1978 book by Larry Kramer
Wikipedia - Fahri Asiza -- Indonesian novelist and teacher
Wikipedia - Failover -- Automatic switching to a standby computer system or component upon the failure of a previously active system or component
Wikipedia - Fail-Safe (novel) -- Novel by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler
Wikipedia - Failures of water supply and sanitation systems -- Failures of water supply and sanitation systems - overview
Wikipedia - Fair & Lovely (film) -- 2014 Indian Kannada film directed by D. P. Raghuram
Wikipedia - Fairchild Channel F Videocarts -- Overview of the cartridges available for the Fairchild Channel F home video game console
Wikipedia - Fairfield County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Fair Trade Commission (Japan) -- Japanese government commission
Wikipedia - Fair Warning (Connelly novel) -- 2020 crime novel written by Michael Connelly
Wikipedia - Faith, Hope & Love -- 2019 film by J.J. Englert and Robert Krantz
Wikipedia - Faith (In the Power of Love) -- 1991 single by Rozalla
Wikipedia - Faithless Lover -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Faith (novel) -- 1994 novel by Len Deighton
Wikipedia - Faiyum Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Faizon Love -- American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Fake Love (BTS song) -- 2018 single by BTS
Wikipedia - Fake news in India -- Overview of fake news in India
Wikipedia - Fala Hydro Power Plant -- Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Falicon -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Falkner (novel)
Wikipedia - Fallen Angels (Myers novel) -- Novel by Walter Dean Myers
Wikipedia - Fallen Angels (Niven, Pournelle, and Flynn novel) -- Novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Fallen (Kate novel)
Wikipedia - Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) -- 1997 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Falling in Love (New Born song) -- 1993 single by New Born
Wikipedia - Falling in love
Wikipedia - Fall on Your Knees -- Novel by Ann-Marie MacDonald
Wikipedia - Fall; or, Dodge in Hell -- Speculative fiction novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - False discovery rate
Wikipedia - False foxglove -- Wikipedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Falsetto -- Vocal register just above the modal voice register
Wikipedia - Falsifiability -- Possibility of a statement to be proven wrong by observation
Wikipedia - Falsovelleda -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Faltings's theorem -- Curves of genus > 1 over the rationals have only finitely many rational points
Wikipedia - Falun Gong -- New religious movement originating from China
Wikipedia - FamilyOFive -- Controversial YouTube channel
Wikipedia - Famous in Love -- 2017 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Fanfani I Cabinet -- 9th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfani II Cabinet -- 13th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfani III Cabinet -- 16th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfani IV Cabinet -- 17th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfani V Cabinet -- 41st government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfani VI Cabinet -- 44th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Fanfare of Love -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Fanfares of Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Fangirl (novel) -- 2013 Book by Rainbow Rowell
Wikipedia - Fan Jian (officer) -- Chinese government accountant
Wikipedia - Fanny Hill -- 18th century erotic novel
Wikipedia - Fantastic Mr Fox (musical) -- 2016 stage adaptation of Roald Dahl novel
Wikipedia - Fantastic Novels -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Fantomerna -- 1978 Klas M-CM-^Vstergren novel
Wikipedia - FaqM-EM-+'e -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Far Above Cayuga's Waters -- Cornell University alma mater
Wikipedia - Far East Movement -- American hip hop and electronic music group
Wikipedia - Farebox recovery ratio
Wikipedia - FareShare -- Charity aimed at relieving food poverty and reducing food waste in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Lovely (1975 film) -- 1975 film by Dick Richards
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Lovely -- 1940 novel by Raymond Chandler
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Love -- 2001 film by Randall Fontana
Wikipedia - Farewell to Matyora -- 1976 novel by Valentin Rasputin
Wikipedia - Far from Over (Frank Stallone song) -- Single by Frank Stallone
Wikipedia - Farm Animal Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Farmer in the Sky -- 1950 novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Farmhouse in Provence -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Farmleigh Bridge -- Bridge over the River Liffey, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Faron Pharmaceuticals -- Innish drug discovery and development company
Wikipedia - Farwaniya Governorate -- Governorate of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Farzad Mostashari -- U.S. government official
Wikipedia - Farzana Doctor -- Canadian novelist and social worker
Wikipedia - Fasana-e-Azad -- Urdu novel in four parts by Ratan Nath Dhar Sarshar
Wikipedia - Fashionable novel -- 19th-century genre of English literature
Wikipedia - Fashions in Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Fast food in China -- Overview of fast food in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Fast of the Firstborn -- Fast day in Judaism, preceding Passover
Wikipedia - Fate/hollow ataraxia -- 2005 visual novel video game
Wikipedia - Fates and Furies (novel) -- Book by Lauren Groff
Wikipedia - Fate/stay night -- Japanese visual novel, manga, and anime series
Wikipedia - Father Divine -- U.S. religious leader, founder of the International Peace Mission movement (1876-1965)
Wikipedia - Fatherland (novel) -- Alternative history thriller novel by Robert Harris
Wikipedia - Father of lies (novel) -- 1998 novel by Brian Evenson
Wikipedia - Fathers and Forefathers -- Novel by Slobodan Selenic
Wikipedia - Fathers and Sons (novel)
Wikipedia - Fathers of the Holy Sepulchre -- Franciscan fathers and lay people who keep watch over the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and its sanctuaries
Wikipedia - Father Time (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Lance Parkin
Wikipedia - Fatima Movement of Priests
Wikipedia - Fat Man -- Codename for the type of atomic bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki on 9 August 1945
Wikipedia - Fat removal procedures -- Cosmetic surgery to remove unwanted adipose tissue
Wikipedia - Fault scarp -- A small step or offset on the ground surface where one side of a fault has moved vertically with respect to the other
Wikipedia - Faurisson affair -- Academic controversy regarding Holocaust denial and freedom of speech
Wikipedia - Fausto Vallejo -- Governor of Michoacan, Mexico
Wikipedia - Faust Overture
Wikipedia - Fawzia Assaad -- Egyptian novelist
Wikipedia - Fax Me a Bagel -- 1998 mystery novel
Wikipedia - Fay Ajzenberg-Selove -- American nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Fayantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Faye Ajzenberg-Selove
Wikipedia - Faye Orlove -- Californian artist and businessman
Wikipedia - Fayette County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Fayette County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - FCC fairness doctrine -- Former FCC policy requiring broadcast license holders to present controversial issues in an honest, equitable, and balanced fashion
Wikipedia - Fearless Love -- Album by Melissa Etheridge
Wikipedia - Fear (Zweig novella) -- 1925 novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - February 25th Movement -- Political movement in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Investigation portrayal in media -- US FBI media coverage
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Governmental agency belonging to the United States Department of Justice
Wikipedia - Federal Commissioner for Judicial Affairs -- Canadian government judicial support agency
Wikipedia - Federal Communications Commission -- Independent agency of the U.S. Government
Wikipedia - Federal Depository Library Program -- Government program created to make U.S. federal government publications available to the public at no cost
Wikipedia - Federal district -- Country subdivision administered by the federal government rather than being its own constituent state; may or may not have its own local government
Wikipedia - Federal Geographic Data Committee -- United States government committee coordinating geospatial data
Wikipedia - Federal Government College Ogbomoso -- Boarding school in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Government Girls College Bida -- Federal Secondary school in Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal government of Brazil -- Executive authority of Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal government of Nigeria -- National government of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal government of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Highway Administration -- US government agency
Wikipedia - Federal holidays in the United States -- Dates recognized as holidays by the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Federal Inland Revenue Service -- Nigerian government tax and revenue agency
Wikipedia - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources -- German geological survey in Hannover, Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Land Development Authority -- Malaysian government agency
Wikipedia - Federal Ministries of Nigeria -- Executive government service in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth -- Ministry in the government of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Office of Public Health -- Swiss governmental agency
Wikipedia - Federal Radio Commission -- Former government agency of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Wikipedia - Federal Resume (United States) -- Type of resume constructed specifically to apply for United States federal government jobs
Wikipedia - Federal Road Agency (Russia) -- Russian government agency
Wikipedia - Federal Road Safety Corps (Nigeria) -- Government agency of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Rules of Civil Procedure -- Rules that govern civil procedure in United States district courts
Wikipedia - Federal Secretary -- Secretary to the Government of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Federal taxation and spending by state -- Ability of the United States government to tax and spend
Wikipedia - Federal territory -- Area under the direct control of the national government
Wikipedia - Federal Trade Commission -- United States government agency
Wikipedia - Federal World Government
Wikipedia - Federal Writers' Project -- United States federal government project to fund written work and support writers during the Great Depression
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de l'Automobile -- International sport governing body
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme -- International sport governing body
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de Volleyball -- International governing body for the sport of indoor, beach and grass volleyball
Wikipedia - Federation of Australia -- Process by which six separate British self-governing colonies became the country of Australia
Wikipedia - Federation of International Bandy -- International sports governing body organizing bandy and rink bandy
Wikipedia - Federation -- Political union of partially self-governing territories under a central government
Wikipedia - Feed (Anderson novel)
Wikipedia - Feels Like Love (La Toya Jackson song) -- Song performed by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Feels Like Love (Vince Gill song) -- 2000 single by Vince Gill
Wikipedia - Feel the Love (Ayumi Hamasaki song) -- 2013 single by Ayumi Hamasaki
Wikipedia - FeesMustFall -- Student Movement
Wikipedia - Fe FET -- Novel computer memory type
Wikipedia - Felibrige -- Association to promote Provencal language and literature
Wikipedia - Felicien Champsaur -- French novelist and journalist (1858-1934)
Wikipedia - Felicien Mallefille -- French novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Felix-Gabriel-Marchand Bridge -- Covered bridge in southern Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Felix Mejia -- Spanish journalist, novelist, playwright, and historian
Wikipedia - Felton Covered Bridge -- historic bridge in California, USA
Wikipedia - Female intrasexual competition -- Competition between women over a potential mate
Wikipedia - Femi Hamzat -- Nigerian politician and Deputy Governor of Lagos State
Wikipedia - Feminism in France -- History of the feminist movement in France
Wikipedia - Feminism in Germany -- History of the feminist movement in Germany
Wikipedia - Feminism in Greece -- History of the feminist movement in Greece
Wikipedia - Feminism in Italy -- History of the feminist movement in Italy
Wikipedia - Feminism in Norway -- History of the feminist movement in Norway
Wikipedia - Feminism in Poland -- History of the feminist movement in Poland
Wikipedia - Feminism in Russia -- History of the feminist movement in Russia
Wikipedia - Feminism in Sweden -- History of the feminist movement in Sweden
Wikipedia - Feminism in the Netherlands -- History of the feminist movement in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Feminism in the Republic of Ireland -- History of the feminist movement in Ireland
Wikipedia - Feminism in the United Kingdom -- History of the feminist movement in the UK
Wikipedia - Feminism in the United States -- History of the feminist movement in the USA
Wikipedia - Feminism -- Movements and ideologies aimed at establishing gender equality
Wikipedia - Feminist art movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Feminist art movement
Wikipedia - Feminist movements and ideologies
Wikipedia - Feminist movement -- Series of political campaigns for reforms on feminist issues
Wikipedia - Feminist theology -- Movement to reconsider theological doctrine
Wikipedia - Femoralia -- Coverings for the upper legs worn by men in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Fence -- Freestanding structure preventing movement across a boundary
Wikipedia - Fencing Ireland -- Governing body for the sport of fencing in Ireland
Wikipedia - Feni Government College -- College in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Fenn treasure -- Modern treasure in the United States, discovered in 2020
Wikipedia - Fenoverine -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Reyher -- American screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Ferenc Hull -- Slovene writer and priest
Wikipedia - Ferenc Molnar -- Hungarian-born dramatist and novelist
Wikipedia - Feri Horvat -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Ferk Relief Foundation -- Ghanaian non-profit anti-poverty organization
Wikipedia - Fermanagh and Omagh -- Local government district in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Fermat's Last Theorem -- Famous 17th century conjecture proved by Andrew Wiles in 1994
Wikipedia - Fernan Caballero -- German writer, Spanish novelist
Wikipedia - Fernanda Melchor -- Mexican novelist
Wikipedia - Fernando Carbone Campoverde -- Peruvian Medical Surgeon
Wikipedia - Fernando Norzagaray y Escudero -- Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ferns Report -- Report in the Irish government inquiry into clerical sexual abuse allegations
Wikipedia - Fero (novel) -- 1968 Gujarati novel by Radheshyam Sharma
Wikipedia - Ferries in Washington (state) -- Overview of ferry transportation in the U.S. state of Washington
Wikipedia - Ferroelectric RAM -- Novel type of computer memory
Wikipedia - Festival of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- UK government-funded celebration to be held in 2022
Wikipedia - Fettouma Touati -- Algerian-French novelist
Wikipedia - Feudalism -- Combination of legal and military customs and form of government in medieval Europe
Wikipedia - FFP standards -- Flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by elastic or rubber straps to protect against dust
Wikipedia - Fiasco (novel) -- A science fiction novel by Polish author Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Fiat money -- Currency established as money by government regulation or law.
Wikipedia - Fiber art -- Artworks made of fiber and other textile materials, emphasizing aesthetic value over utility
Wikipedia - Fiction of Paul Goodman -- Stories, novels, drama, and poetry of Paul Goodman
Wikipedia - Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating prohibition of federal and state governments denying right to vote on account of race
Wikipedia - Fifty-move rule
Wikipedia - Fifty Shades (film series) -- 2015 to 2018 film series based on the novels by E. L. James
Wikipedia - Fifty Shades of Grey -- 2011 erotic romance novel
Wikipedia - Fight Club (novel) -- 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk
Wikipedia - Fight Club (video game) -- 2004 fighting game based on novel of the same name
Wikipedia - Fight for $15 -- Political movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Fight for This Love -- 2009 single by Cheryl Cole
Wikipedia - Fighting for Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film directed by Joe Ma
Wikipedia - Fighting Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Files transferred over shell protocol -- Computer protocol
Wikipedia - File Transfer Protocol -- Standard protocol for transferring files over TCP/IP networks
Wikipedia - Filibuster War -- 1855 attempt by William Walker to take over Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Filiki Eteria -- Secret Greek nationalist organization that successfully conspired to establish a sovereign Greek state
Wikipedia - Filioque -- Latin term added to the original Nicene Creed, and which has been the subject of great controversy between Eastern and Western Christianity
Wikipedia - Filip Kaczynski -- Polish politician and government official
Wikipedia - Filip LeM-EM-!M-DM-^Mak -- Slovene judoka (1960-)
Wikipedia - Film Finance Corporation Australia -- Former Australian government company
Wikipedia - Film industry in Connecticut -- Overview of the film industry in the U.S. state of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Film industry in Florida -- Overview of the film industry in the U.S. state of Florida
Wikipedia - Film industry in Georgia (U.S. state) -- Overview of the film industry in the U.S. state of Georgia
Wikipedia - Film industry in Hamilton, Ontario -- Overview of the film industry in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Film industry in Louisiana -- Overview of the film industry in the U.S. state of Louisiana
Wikipedia - Film industry in Michigan -- Overview of the film industry in the U.S. state of Michigan
Wikipedia - Film industry in Western Australia -- Overview of the film industry in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Film producer -- Person who supervises the overall process, creative and financial, of making a film
Wikipedia - Films of the Golden Age -- Magazine covering 1910-60 film
Wikipedia - Film -- Sequence of images that give the impression of movement, stored on film stock
Wikipedia - Final Crisis -- Limited DC Comics crossover series
Wikipedia - Finance minister -- position in the government responsible for economic and financial policies
Wikipedia - Financial Information System for California -- California government operations agency
Wikipedia - Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico -- US government entity overseeing Puerto Rico's government budget
Wikipedia - Financial services in China -- Overview of financial services in China
Wikipedia - Financial services in Japan -- Overview of financial services in Japan
Wikipedia - Financial services in South Korea -- Overview of financial services in South Korea
Wikipedia - Financial services in the Republic of Ireland -- Overview of financial services in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Financial services in the United Kingdom -- Overview of financial services in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Financial services in the United States -- Overview of financial services in the United States
Wikipedia - Finders Keepers (King novel) -- Novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Finding the Fox -- Novel by Ali Sparkes
Wikipedia - Fingerprints (comics) -- Graphic novel by Richard Kelly
Wikipedia - Finger rafting -- Compression overlapping of floating ice cover in alternating overthrusts and underthrusts
Wikipedia - Fingersmith (novel) -- Sarah Waters' novel
Wikipedia - Finishing Move Inc. -- Video game music production team
Wikipedia - Finishing move
Wikipedia - Finishing (textiles) -- Any process performed after dyeing the yarn or fabric to improve the look, performance, or "hand" (feel) of the finished textile or clothing
Wikipedia - Finity's End -- 1997 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Finn AlnM-CM-&s -- Norwegian novelist
Wikipedia - Finnegans Wake -- 1939 novel by James Joyce
Wikipedia - Finnish government
Wikipedia - Finnish Ice Hockey Association -- governing body of ice hockey in Finland
Wikipedia - Finnish Refugee Council -- Finish non-governmental organisation that protects the rights of people affected by displacement
Wikipedia - Finnish Ski Association -- Skiing governing body in Finland
Wikipedia - Finschhafen Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Fiona Cheong -- Singaporean-born novelist and academic
Wikipedia - Fiona Mozley -- British novellist
Wikipedia - Fiona Powrie -- Sidney Truelove Professor of Gastroenterology
Wikipedia - Fiona Shaw (novelist) -- British novelist and academic
Wikipedia - Fire & Blood (novel) -- 2018 book by George R. R. Martin
Wikipedia - Fire and movement -- Basic modern military low-level unit tactic
Wikipedia - Fire Below -- 1930 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Fire (Cashore novel) -- 2009 fantasy novel by Kristin Cashore
Wikipedia - FIRE movement -- Movement whose goal is financial independence and retiring early
Wikipedia - Firenze Santa Maria Novella railway station -- Central railway station of Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Fire of Love (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Fire Over England (novel) -- 1936 novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - Fire Over England -- 1937 British film directed by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Fires of Azeroth -- 1979 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Fires of Eden -- Novel by Dan Simmons
Wikipedia - Firestarter (novel) -- 1980 novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - First Berejiklian ministry -- New South Wales government ministry led by Gladys Berejiklian
Wikipedia - First Blair ministry -- Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - First Cabinet of P.W. Botha -- Appointments to former South African governing council
Wikipedia - First Cousin Once Removed -- 2012 film by Alan Berliner
Wikipedia - First day of issue -- Postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use
Wikipedia - First inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 25th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - First Johnson ministry -- Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - First Kurz government -- Government of Austria from 2017 to 2019
Wikipedia - First Labour Government of New Zealand
Wikipedia - First Ladies of Maryland -- Wives of governors of the U.S. state of Maryland
Wikipedia - First Ladies of Missouri -- Wives of governors of the U.S. state of Missouri
Wikipedia - First Ladies of Pennsylvania -- Wives of governors and presidents of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - First Lady of Florida -- Wife of the Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - First Light (Stead novel) -- Science fiction novel set in Greenland, 2007 debut novel of Rebecca Stead
Wikipedia - First Love (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - First Love (1939 film) -- 1939 American musical film by Henry Koster
Wikipedia - First Love (2018 film) -- Philippine drama film
Wikipedia - First Love (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - First Love (Emmy the Great song) -- 2009 song by Emmy the Great
Wikipedia - First Love, Last Rites (film) -- 1997 American romantic drama film by Jesse Peretz
Wikipedia - First Love Limited -- 2009 anime
Wikipedia - First Love (Lost Kings song) -- 2017 song by Lost Kings
Wikipedia - First Love (The Maccabees song) -- Song by The Maccabees
Wikipedia - First Minister of Scotland -- Leader of the Scottish Government
Wikipedia - First Minister of Wales -- Leader of the Welsh Government
Wikipedia - First-move advantage in chess -- Advantage of White (plays first) over Black (plays second) in chess
Wikipedia - First-mover advantage -- Business advantage
Wikipedia - First National Government -- Public holiday in Argentina
Wikipedia - First Nations in Saskatchewan -- Native Canadian band governments
Wikipedia - First Newcastle ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - First Nigerian Republic -- First republican Governance in Nigeria
Wikipedia - First novel in English
Wikipedia - First Republic of Korea -- Government of South Korea from 1948 to 1960
Wikipedia - First Rockingham ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - First Schussel government -- First Austrian cabinet under Wolfgang Schussel
Wikipedia - First Second Books -- Graphic novel publisher
Wikipedia - First Taranaki War -- 1860s war between the Maori and the New Zealand government
Wikipedia - First Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge -- Bridge over Mekong River
Wikipedia - Firth Haring Fabend -- American novelist and historian
Wikipedia - FISA Improvements Act
Wikipedia - Fish-class torpedo recovery vessel -- Class of three torpedo recovery vessels
Wikipedia - Fisher House Foundation -- Network of comfort homes where military and veteransM-bM-^@M-^Y families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment
Wikipedia - Fisheries and Oceans Canada -- Department of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Fish fin -- Bony skin-covered spines or rays protruding from the body of a fish
Wikipedia - Fish Heads (song) -- 1978 novelty song
Wikipedia - Fish locomotion -- Ways that fish move around
Wikipedia - Fish migration -- Movement of fishes from one part of a water body to another on a regular basis
Wikipedia - Fish scale -- Rigid covering growing atop a fish's skin
Wikipedia - Fit in or fuck off -- Controversial expression of an organisational philosophy
Wikipedia - Fitts's law -- Predictive model of human movement
Wikipedia - FitzGerald dynasty -- Cambro-Norman, later Hiberno-Norman dynasty, holding power in Ireland over centuries
Wikipedia - Five Against Venus -- Science fiction novel by Philip Latham
Wikipedia - Five Day Lover -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Five Get into a Fix -- 1958 children's novel by Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Five Go to Mystery Moor -- Novel by Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Five Hundred Years After -- 1994 novel in the Khaavren Romances series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - Five Little Pigs -- 1942 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes -- 2015 horror mystery novel written by Scott Cawthon and Kira Breed-Wrisley
Wikipedia - Five-Percent Nation -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Five Point Someone -- 2004 novel by Chetan Bhagat
Wikipedia - Five Star Movement
Wikipedia - Five years plan to governing aborigines -- Military plan to submit the Taiwanese aboriginals to Japanese occupation
Wikipedia - Fix-up -- Novel created from a collection of short fiction published previously
Wikipedia - FJG RAM -- Novel type of computer memory
Wikipedia - F. J. Thwaites -- Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Flag and seal of Idaho -- Official flag and government emblem of the U.S. state of Idaho
Wikipedia - Flag and seal of Illinois -- Official flag and government emblem of the U.S. state of Illinois
Wikipedia - Flag and seal of New Hampshire -- Official flag and government emblem of the U.S. state of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Flag and seal of Virginia -- Official government flag and emblem of the U.S. state of Virginia
Wikipedia - Flag carrier -- Transportation company that has preferential rights or privileges granted by the government
Wikipedia - Flaggers (movement) -- Neo-Confederate group
Wikipedia - Flag of convenience -- The business practice registering a ship under a different sovereign state than that of its owners, to reduce costs or avoid regulations
Wikipedia - Flag of Slovenia -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flame-breasted fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Flame (malware) -- Modular computer malware discovered in 2012
Wikipedia - Flamenco rock -- Spanish cultural movement and music genre
Wikipedia - Flame Over Vietnam -- 1957 film by Jose Maria Elorrieta
Wikipedia - Flaming Love -- 1925 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Flannery O'Connor -- American novelist, short story writer
Wikipedia - Flarf poetry -- Avant-garde poetry movement of the early 21st century
Wikipedia - Flash for Freedom! -- Novel by George MacDonald Fraser
Wikipedia - Flashman and the Redskins -- Novel by George MacDonald Fraser
Wikipedia - Flashover -- Concept in combustion
Wikipedia - Flashpoint (comics) -- American comic book crossover story arc published by DC Comics
Wikipedia - Flash vs. Arrow -- first crossover event between television series ''The Flash'' and ''Arrow''
Wikipedia - Flatiron (geomorphology) -- A steeply sloping triangular landform created by the differential erosion of a steeply dipping, erosion-resistant layer of rock overlying softer strata.
Wikipedia - Flatterland -- 2001 novel by Ian Stewart
Wikipedia - Flavia Bujor -- French novelist of Romanian origin
Wikipedia - Flavia Company -- Argentine novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Flavianus (prefect of Egypt) -- Roman governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Flavor of Love (season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Fleet of Worlds -- 2007 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Flemish Baroque painting -- Painting movement
Wikipedia - Flemish movement
Wikipedia - Flemish Movement -- Political movement for emancipation and greater autonomy of the Belgian region of Flanders
Wikipedia - Flensburg Government -- Short-lived government of Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Fletcher Covered Bridge -- West Virginia place listed on National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - Fletcher's Ice Island -- A thick, tabular iceberg discovered by U.S. Air Force Colonel Joseph O. Fletcher, used as a manned scientific station in the Arctic for several years
Wikipedia - Fleur Beale -- Young adult novelist
Wikipedia - Flexor retinaculum of foot -- Strong fibrous band, extending from the bony ankle prominence above, to the margin of the heelbone below
Wikipedia - Flight of the Doves -- 1971 film by Ralph Nelson
Wikipedia - Flight of the Hawk -- 1998 novel by Gary Paulsen
Wikipedia - Flights (novel) -- 2007 novel by Olga Tokarczuk
Wikipedia - Flight -- Process by which an object moves, through an atmosphere or beyond it
Wikipedia - Flint Covered Bridge -- Covered bridge in Vermont
Wikipedia - Flipped (novel) -- Book by Wendelin Van Draanen
Wikipedia - Flirting with Love -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - FlM-CM-$skpannkaka -- Swedish oven-made pancake
Wikipedia - Floating hinge -- Type of hinge that allows rotation and some linear movement
Wikipedia - Floodland (novel) -- Children's fantasy novel by Marcus Sedgwick
Wikipedia - Flood mitigation -- Management and control of flood water movement
Wikipedia - Flood -- Overflow of water that submerges land that is not normally submerged
Wikipedia - Florence Bonime -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Florence Finch Kelly -- American novelist, journalist
Wikipedia - Florence Henniker -- British poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Florence Kilpatrick -- English novelist, playwright
Wikipedia - Florence Pat Haseltine -- American scientist, novelist, and activist
Wikipedia - Florence Scovel Shinn
Wikipedia - Florentino Suico -- Filipino Visayan historical fiction novelist, writer, poet, and editor
Wikipedia - Flores Sea cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Floricienta -- Argentine telenovela
Wikipedia - Florida Department of Law Enforcement -- A Florida government agency
Wikipedia - Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail -- Long-distance hiking trail in the United States
Wikipedia - Florida mangroves -- An ecoregion along the coasts of the Florida peninsula, and the Florida Keys
Wikipedia - Flor Salvaje -- American telenovela
Wikipedia - Floruit -- Certified period of time when a person, school or movement was active; not always indicative of entire active period
Wikipedia - Floss (dance) -- Dance move
Wikipedia - Flowers for Algernon -- 1959 science fiction short story and novel by Daniel Keyes
Wikipedia - Flowers for Mrs Harris (musical) -- 2016 musical based on the novel
Wikipedia - Flowers in the Attic -- 1979 novel by V. C. Andrews
Wikipedia - Flow measurement -- Quantification of bulk fluid movement
Wikipedia - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said -- 1974 novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Floyd B. Olson -- 22nd governor of Minnesota (1891-1936)
Wikipedia - Fluffy (comics) -- Graphic novel
Wikipedia - Flush (novel) -- 2005 novel by Carl Hiaasen
Wikipedia - Flyball governor
Wikipedia - Flying Fish Cove -- Settlement in Christmas Island, Australia
Wikipedia - Flying Solo (novel) -- 1998 book by Ralph Fletcher
Wikipedia - Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China -- 2017 combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - Fly Me (novel) -- 2017 novel
Wikipedia - Flynn effect -- 20th century rise in overall human intelligence
Wikipedia - FM-CM-$lldin I Cabinet -- Cabinet and Government of Sweden from 1976 to 1978
Wikipedia - FM-DM-^Snix (roller coaster) -- Roller coaster in Attractiepark Toverland, Netherlands
Wikipedia - FM Non-Duplication Rule -- U.S. government regulation requiring 50% original content on FM radio stations
Wikipedia - Focolare Movement
Wikipedia - Focus mitt -- Padded target fixed to a glove, used in training combat athletes
Wikipedia - Fog Over Frisco -- 1934 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Folding Beijing -- Novelette by Hao Jingfang
Wikipedia - Folding bridge -- Moveable bridge capable of folding to allow passage of watercraft
Wikipedia - Folehaveskoven -- a forest in Horsholm, Denmark
Wikipedia - Folk etymology -- Change in a word or phrase over time resulting from the replacement of an unfamiliar form by a more familiar one
Wikipedia - Folly of Love -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Fontan (village) -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Fonteius Capito (consul 67) -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Fontenoy (novel) -- Book by Liam Mac Coil
Wikipedia - Fontvieille, Bouches-du-Rhone -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Food addiction -- behavioral addiction characterized by compulsory indulgence over foods
Wikipedia - Food industry of Russia -- Overview of the food industry of Russia
Wikipedia - Food in occupied Germany -- Overview of the food supply policies in occupied Germany
Wikipedia - Food Programme -- Plan to improve Soviet agriculture
Wikipedia - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India -- Government body in India
Wikipedia - Foolishness of His Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Fool (novel)
Wikipedia - Fools Die -- Novel by Mario Puzo
Wikipedia - Footsteps (novel) -- Novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Wikipedia - Footsteps of Fate -- Novel by Louis Couperus
Wikipedia - Fop -- A man overly concerned with his appearance
Wikipedia - Forbes's plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Forbidden (Cooney novel) -- Mystery/romance novel, written 1993
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (2011 TV series) -- 2011 Syrian television program
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives -- 1992 Canadian documentary film directed by Lynne Fernie
Wikipedia - For Britain Movement -- British far-right political party
Wikipedia - Forced displacement -- Coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region
Wikipedia - Force for Change Democratic Movement - Liberal Party -- Political party in Sao Tome and Principe
Wikipedia - Ford ACT -- People mover system
Wikipedia - Ford EcoSport -- Subcompact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Ford Mustang Mach-E -- Battery electric compact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Foreign and intergovernmental relations of Puerto Rico -- Governed by the Commerce and Territorial Clause of the Constitution of the United States
Wikipedia - Foreign Emoluments Clause -- Provision in Article I citing Powers of Congress of the United States Constitution prohibiting Congress in the federal government from granting titles of nobility and restricts federal officials from receiving foreign emoluments
Wikipedia - Foreign policy of the Angela Merkel government -- Foreign policy of Germany's Angela Merkel government
Wikipedia - Foreign policy of the Jimmy Carter administration -- Overview of the foreign policy of the Jimmy Carter administration
Wikipedia - Foreign policy of the Justin Trudeau government -- Canada's foreign policy since Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015
Wikipedia - Foreign policy -- Government's strategy in relating with other nations
Wikipedia - Foreign relations of Malta -- Overview of the international relations of Malta
Wikipedia - Foreign relations of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta -- Sovereign entity maintaining diplomatic relations worldwide
Wikipedia - Foreign Service Academy (Bangladesh) -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Foreningen Norden -- Scandinavian non-governmental organizations
Wikipedia - Forergarde -- Leader guard of puppet Norwegian government in WWII
Wikipedia - Foreskin -- Retractable fold of skin which covers and protects the glans of the penis
Wikipedia - For Esme-with Love and Squalor -- Short story by J. D. Salinger
Wikipedia - Forest governance in Brazil
Wikipedia - Forest governance
Wikipedia - Forest Grove City Library -- Public library in Oregon, USA
Wikipedia - Forest Grove, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Forest Grove School District (Oklahoma) -- School district in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Forest Research Institute Malaysia -- Government agency in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Forest -- Dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area
Wikipedia - Forever and a Day (novel) -- A novel by Anthony Horowitz
Wikipedia - Forever Evil -- 2013-2014 crossover comic book storyline
Wikipedia - Forever Free (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - Forever Is Over -- 2009 single by The Saturdays
Wikipedia - Forever Love: 36 Greatest Hits -- compilation album
Wikipedia - Forever Peace -- Novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - Forgiveness and Love -- 2012 book by Glen Pettigrove
Wikipedia - For He Can Creep -- 2017 science fiction novella by Siobhan Carroll
Wikipedia - Forks Over Knives
Wikipedia - Forksville Covered Bridge -- Covered bridge over Loyalsock Creek, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - Forlani Cabinet -- 38th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Forlivese school of art -- Renaissance art movement
Wikipedia - For Love Alone -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - For Love and Crown -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - For Love of Ivy -- 1968 film by Daniel Mann
Wikipedia - For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story -- 2000 film by Joseph Sargent
Wikipedia - Form 13F -- U.S. government filing
Wikipedia - Former Central Government Offices -- Office complex in Central, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Form of government
Wikipedia - Forms of government
Wikipedia - Forrest Gander -- Poet, essayist, novelist, critic, translator
Wikipedia - Forrest Gump (novel) -- 1986 novel by Winston Groom
Wikipedia - Forshang Buddhism World Center -- New religious movement based in Taiwan
Wikipedia - For Special Services -- Novel by John Gardner (British writer)
Wikipedia - Forster ministry -- New South Wales government ministry led by William Forster
Wikipedia - Forsyth County News -- Subscription-based local newspaper presiding over Forsyth County in Georgia
Wikipedia - Fort Discovery -- Former children's science museum in Augusta, Georgia, USA
Wikipedia - Fort Gates Ferry -- Automobile ferry in Fruitland Cove, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Fort Gordon -- US Army post near Grovetown, GA, USA
Wikipedia - Fort Hamer Bridge -- Bridge over Manatee River, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Forth Bridge -- Cantilever railway bridge over the Firth of Forth in the east of Scotland
Wikipedia - For the Crown and the Dragon -- Novel by Stephen Hunt
Wikipedia - For the Freedom of the Nation -- 1920 film directed by Vaclav Binovec
Wikipedia - For the Love of Ada (film) -- 1972 film by Ronnie Baxter
Wikipedia - For the Love of a Girl -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of God (2011 film) -- 2011 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Horror -- Horror fan convention
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mabel -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mariastella -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mike (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mike -- 1927 film by Frank Capra
Wikipedia - For the Love of Rusty -- 1947 film by John Sturges
Wikipedia - For the Love of Spock -- 2016 film by Adam Nimoy
Wikipedia - For the Love o' Lil -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - For the Win -- 2010 scifi novel by Cory Doctorow
Wikipedia - For Those I Loved -- 1983 film by Robert Enrico
Wikipedia - For Those We Love -- 1921 film by Arthur Rosson
Wikipedia - For Those Who Like to Groove -- 1980 song by Raydio
Wikipedia - Fortia AB -- Swedish sovereign wealth fund
Wikipedia - Fort Pitt Bridge -- Bridge over the Monongahela River in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Fortress House -- Former UK government building
Wikipedia - Fort Steuben Bridge -- Suspension bridge over the Ohio River
Wikipedia - Fortunato dela PeM-CM-1a -- Filipino engineer and government official
Wikipedia - Fortune Cove, Prince Edward Island -- Human settlement in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Wikipedia - Fortune favours the bold -- Translation of a Latin proverb
Wikipedia - Forty Thousand in Gehenna -- 1983 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - For Us, the Living -- Science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Forward the Foundation -- Novel by American writer Isaac Asimov, published posthumously in 1993
Wikipedia - Fos-sur-Mer -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Foster Peninsula -- Ice-covered peninsula in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Foucault's Pendulum -- 1988 novel by Umberto Eco
Wikipedia - Foundation and Chaos -- Science fiction novel by writer Greg Bear
Wikipedia - Foundation and Earth -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation and Empire -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov.
Wikipedia - Foundation (Asimov novel) -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation for Environmental Education -- Non-governmental, non-profit organisation
Wikipedia - Foundation (Isaac Asimov novel)
Wikipedia - Foundation's Edge -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation's Fear -- Science fiction novel by American writer Gregory Benford
Wikipedia - Foundation's Triumph -- Science fiction novel by American writer David Brin
Wikipedia - Founding Junta of the Second Republic -- Former government of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Four Children and It -- 2012 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Four Days in November -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Four for McGovern -- Political benefit concert
Wikipedia - Four-leaf clover -- A variation of the common clover, rare and said to bring good luck
Wikipedia - Fourteenth Street Bridge (Ohio River) -- Railroad bridge over the Ohio River between Louisville, Kentucky, and Clarksville, Indiana
Wikipedia - Fourth Labour Government of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Fourth Merkel cabinet -- Current German government
Wikipedia - Fourth Yediyurappa ministry -- Ministers in Government of Karnataka headed by Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa
Wikipedia - Four Times Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Four to Score -- 1998 crime novel by Janet Evanovich
Wikipedia - Fovea centralis -- Anatomical structure in the eye
Wikipedia - Foveated rendering -- Rendering technique in which image quality is reduced in the peripheral vision
Wikipedia - Foveaux Strait -- Strait separating South Island and Stewart Island
Wikipedia - Foveon -- American manufacturer of image sensors
Wikipedia - Foxglove pug -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Foxglove
Wikipedia - Fox Networks Group -- The subsidiary of Disney that oversees Fox's international television assets
Wikipedia - Fox News controversies -- Allegations of bias and other controversies
Wikipedia - Foz Meadows -- novelist, blogger and poet
Wikipedia - Fractionism -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Fragment-based lead discovery -- Method used in drug discovery
Wikipedia - Fragment of a Novel
Wikipedia - Franca Iacovetta -- Canadian historian
Wikipedia - Franca MaM-CM-/ -- actress and novelist
Wikipedia - Franc BogoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - France and the Commonwealth of Nations -- Overview of the relationship between France and the Commonwealth of Nations
Wikipedia - France and the United Nations -- Overview of the relationship between France and the United Nations
Wikipedia - France Bezlaj -- Slovenian linguist
Wikipedia - France during World War II -- Overview of the role of France during World War II
Wikipedia - France KriM-EM->aniM-DM-^M -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - France PreM-EM-!eren -- Slovene national poet, and Romantic poet
Wikipedia - Frances Brody -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Frances Burney -- 18th/19th-century English satirical novelist, diarist, and playwright
Wikipedia - Francesca Delbanco -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francesco Maria Della Rovere -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Francesco Maria de' Medici, Duke of Rovere and Montefeltro
Wikipedia - Francesco Maria I della Rovere, Duke of Urbino -- Italian condottiero
Wikipedia - Francesco Provenzale -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Frances Eleanor Trollope -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Frances Latham -- Ancestor of many Rhode Island governors and deputy governors
Wikipedia - Frances Milton Trollope -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Frances Molloy -- Novelist and short story writer from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Frances Vernon -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Franci Cerar -- Slovenian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Franci DemM-EM-!ar -- Slovenian physicist and politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bond Head -- British soldier and Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada
Wikipedia - Francisca Crovetto -- Chilean sport shooter
Wikipedia - Francis Chamberlain (governor) -- Governor of Guernsey
Wikipedia - Francisco Ayala (novelist)
Wikipedia - Francisco Bahamonde de Lugo -- Spanish explorer and 25th governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Francisco Barreto -- Portuguese colonial governor
Wikipedia - Francisco Casavella -- Spanish novelist
Wikipedia - Francisco de Villagra -- 16th-century Royal Governor of Chile
Wikipedia - Francisco Duque III -- Filipino government official
Wikipedia - Francisco el matematico: Clase 2017 -- Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - Francisco el matematico -- Colombian telenovela
Wikipedia - Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de Vaca -- Governor of Tamaulipas, Mexico
Wikipedia - Francisco Martin Cordoves -- Spanish architect
Wikipedia - Francisco Torralbo -- Spanish governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Francis Covers the Big Town -- 1953 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - Francis Crick -- British physicist,molecular biologist; co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Wikipedia - Francis E. McGovern -- American politician
Wikipedia - Francis Eustace Baker -- British diplomat, Governor of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Francis Gary Powers -- American pilot shot down flying a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Francis Hincks -- Canadian politician and British colonial governor
Wikipedia - Franci Slak -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Francis Lovell, 1st Viscount Lovell
Wikipedia - Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st Marquess of Hastings -- Governor-General of India
Wikipedia - Francis R. Shunk -- American politician and 10th Governor of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Francis Sargent -- Governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Francis the Talking Mule -- Mule character in a 1946 novel and series of American films in the 1950s
Wikipedia - Francis West -- Deputy Governor of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia
Wikipedia - Francis Wyatt -- Royal governor of Virginia
Wikipedia - Franc Kangler -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Francois Bondy -- Swiss journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Francois Coppee -- French poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Francoise Bourdin -- French novelist
Wikipedia - Francois Mauriac -- French novelist, dramatist, critic, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Francois-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud -- French writer, playwright, poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Francois Verboven -- Belgian gymnast
Wikipedia - Franc OM-DM-^Mko -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Francophile -- Strong interest in or love of French people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Franco-Provencal language -- Gallo-Romance language spoken in France, Italy and Switzerland
Wikipedia - Franc Peternel -- Slovenian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Franc Snoj -- Slovenian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Franc Solina -- Slovene computer scientist and university professor
Wikipedia - Franja Partisan Hospital -- Former hospital in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Franka Anic -- Slovenian-Croatian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Frank A. Briggs -- American politician and 5th Governor of North Dakota
Wikipedia - Frank Barnard (author) -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Frank Belknap Long -- American novelist, short story writer, and poet
Wikipedia - Frank Brown (governor) -- American politician (1846-1920)
Wikipedia - Frank Egerton -- British novelist from the Egerton family
Wikipedia - Frankenstein (2011 play) -- Stage adaptation by Nick Dear of the novel of the same name
Wikipedia - Frankenstein's Aunt (novel) -- 1978 novel by Allan Rune Pettersson
Wikipedia - Frankenstein -- 1818 novel by Mary Shelley
Wikipedia - Frank E. Young (physician) -- American physician and government official
Wikipedia - Frank Grover -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Frank Hardy -- Australian novelist and political activist
Wikipedia - Frankie Yankovic -- Slovenian-American musician, 1915-1998
Wikipedia - Frankissstein -- 2019 novel by Jeanette Winterson
Wikipedia - Frank J. Webb -- African-American novelist, poet and essayist (1828-1894)
Wikipedia - Franklin County Government Center -- County government complex in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Franklin Cover -- American actor
Wikipedia - Franklin stove -- Type of fireplace
Wikipedia - Frank Lovejoy -- American actor
Wikipedia - Frank Marshall Davis -- United States writer, political and labor movement activist
Wikipedia - Frank Marsh (Nebraska politician) -- 29th Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Frank Merriam -- 28th Governor of California
Wikipedia - Frank Miller (comics) -- American writer, artist, film director; known for comics books and graphic novels
Wikipedia - Frank Murkowski -- Republican governor of and U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Frank Murphy (lieutenant governor) -- Michigan politician
Wikipedia - Frank Norris -- American journalist and novelist (1870-1902)
Wikipedia - Frank S. Black -- American politician and governor
Wikipedia - Frans Kellendonk -- Dutch novelist
Wikipedia - Franz Engelbert Barbo von Waxenstein -- Slovenian nobleman and Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Franz Kafka -- Bohemian novelist and short-story writer (1883-1924)
Wikipedia - Franz Overbeck
Wikipedia - Franz Schimmelpfennig von der Ove -- German President of Warsaw
Wikipedia - Franz von Gaudy -- German poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Franz Werfel -- Austrian-Bohemian novelist, playwright and poet (1890-1945)
Wikipedia - Fran Zwitter -- Slovenian historian
Wikipedia - Fraternity Movement -- Indian student organization
Wikipedia - Fraulein Spy -- Spy adventure novel by Valerie Moolman
Wikipedia - Freak the Mighty -- Novel by Rodman Philbrick
Wikipedia - Frederick Augustus Tritle -- 6th Governor of Arizona Territory (1833-1906)
Wikipedia - Frederick Barthelme -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Frederick de Houtman -- Dutch navigator and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Frederick Forsyth -- English novelist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Frederick Gordon Pearce -- English educationist, regarded as the founder of the Indian public school movement
Wikipedia - Frederick Grover
Wikipedia - Frederick Niven -- Scottish-Canadian journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Frederick Reiken -- American novelist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Frederick Robe -- Governor of South Australia
Wikipedia - Frederick Russell -- Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Frederick S. Lovell -- 19th century American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby -- 19th and 20th-century British politician and Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - Frederick Weld -- New Zealand politician and a governor of various British colonies (1823-1891)
Wikipedia - Frederikke Lovenskiold -- Danish composer
Wikipedia - Fred Lovette -- Racecar owner from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Fred McBagonluri -- Ghanaian Engineer, Inventor, Novelist, Educator and Thought Leader
Wikipedia - Fredrick Barton -- American novelist and film critic
Wikipedia - Fred the Undercover Kitty -- Domestic shorthaired cat
Wikipedia - Fred W. Glover -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - Free Alabama Movement -- Prison reform group
Wikipedia - Free Bolivia Movement -- Political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Free culture movement
Wikipedia - Free-culture movement -- Social movement promoting the freedom to distribute and modify the creative works of others
Wikipedia - Freedom and People's Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Freedom Cove -- Artificial island in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Freedom of Information Act (United States) -- US statute regarding access to information held by the US government
Wikipedia - Freedom of movement
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Montenegro -- Overview of religious freedom in Montenegro
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Morocco -- Overview of religious freedom in Morocco
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in North Macedonia -- Overview of religious freedom in North Macedonia
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Norway -- Overview of religious freedom in Norway
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Romania -- Overview of religious freedom in Romania
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Serbia -- Overview of religious freedom in Serbia
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Slovakia -- Overview of religious freedom in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Slovenia -- Overview of religious freedom in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Somalia -- Overview of religious freedom in Somalia
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Tanzania -- Overview of religious freedom in Tanzania
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Ukraine -- Overview of religious freedom in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion -- human right to practise any or no religion without prejudice from government
Wikipedia - Free File -- United States government service
Wikipedia - Freeform radio -- Radio format in which the disc jockey is given total control over what music to play
Wikipedia - Free France -- Government-in-exile led by Charles de Gaulle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Free Harbor Fight -- Legal battle over location of proposed Los Angeles Harbor
Wikipedia - Free Love (film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Freelove -- 2001 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Free love -- Social movement that accepts all forms of love
Wikipedia - Free Papua Movement -- Umbrella term for independence movement for West Papua (the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua), with both militant and nonviolent elements
Wikipedia - Free Patriotic Movement -- Lebanese Christian political party
Wikipedia - Free school movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation Europe -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation Latin America -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation of India -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free software movement -- Social and political movement
Wikipedia - Free South Africa Movement
Wikipedia - Free Speech Movement
Wikipedia - Free Speech movement
Wikipedia - Freestyle Love Supreme -- American improvisational hip-hop group
Wikipedia - Free to Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Free trade -- Absence of government restriction on international trade
Wikipedia - Freeway of Love -- 1985 single by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Freightliner Argosy -- Model line of cabover trucks
Wikipedia - French architecture -- Overview of the architecture in France
Wikipedia - French Badminton Federation -- France's governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - French Drove and Gedney Hill railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - French First Republic -- Republic governing France, 1792-1804
Wikipedia - French Fourth Republic -- Government of France between 1946 and 1958
Wikipedia - French frigate Provence -- FREMM class multi-purpose frigates in the French Navy
Wikipedia - French government
Wikipedia - French India Students Congress -- Student movement in French India
Wikipedia - French ironclad Revanche -- Provence-class ship
Wikipedia - French language in the United States -- Overview about the French language in the United States
Wikipedia - French Leave (novel) -- 1956 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Frenchman's Creek (novel) -- 1941 novel by Daphne du Maurier
Wikipedia - French National Committee -- French government in exile during Second World War
Wikipedia - French New Wave -- Movement in French cinema
Wikipedia - French onion soup -- Type of soup usually based on meat stock and onions, and often served gratineed with croutons or a larger piece of bread covered with cheese floating on top
Wikipedia - French Polynesia -- French overseas country in the Southern Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - French proverbs -- Wikiquote redirect
Wikipedia - French Provisional Government of 1815 -- Provisional government after the abdication of Napoleon
Wikipedia - French Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in France dating from the 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - French Resistance -- Collection of French resistance movements that fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and against the collaborationist Vichy regime
Wikipedia - Frequent pattern discovery -- Technique for database mining
Wikipedia - Freshman Love -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Fresh Out the Oven -- Song by Jennifer Lopez
Wikipedia - Fresh Radio -- Former radio station covering Yorkshire and Lancashire, in England
Wikipedia - Freya's Love Songs -- album by Freya Lim
Wikipedia - Friday Barnes, Under Suspicion -- Australian children's novel
Wikipedia - Friday Barnes -- Australian children's novel
Wikipedia - Friday I'm in Love -- 1992 single by The Cure
Wikipedia - Friday the 13th motorcycle rally -- Motorcycle rally in Port Dover, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Frid Ingulstad -- Norwegian novelist
Wikipedia - Friedel Overwien -- Germany gymnast
Wikipedia - Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe -- American novel by Fannie Flagg
Wikipedia - Friedrich Ernst Dorn -- German physicist and first to discover radioactive substance emitted from radon
Wikipedia - Friendly Floatees -- Plastic rubber ducks made famous by the work of Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer who models ocean currents on the basis of flotsam movements.
Wikipedia - Friends & Lovers (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Friends and Lovers (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Friends and Lovers (Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson song) -- 1986 single by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson
Wikipedia - Friends of the British Overseas Territories -- U.K. charitable organization
Wikipedia - Fritz Love My Tits -- 1996 single by E-Rotic
Wikipedia - Frog (novel) -- Book by Mo Yan
Wikipedia - From Justin to Kelly -- 2003 film by Robert Iscove
Wikipedia - From Me Flows What You Call Time (novella) -- Novella by David Mitchell
Wikipedia - From Russia with Love (film) -- 1963 British film in the James Bond series directed by Terence Young
Wikipedia - From Russia, with Love (novel) -- 1957 spy fiction novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - From Sarah with Love -- Single by Sarah Connor
Wikipedia - From Scenes Like These -- 1968 novel
Wikipedia - From Scotland with Love -- album by King Creosote
Wikipedia - From the Earth to the Moon -- Science fantasy novel by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler -- Novel by E. L. Konigsburg
Wikipedia - From the Wreck -- 2017 novel by Jane Rawson
Wikipedia - Frontier Worlds -- Doctor Who novel by Peter Anghelides
Wikipedia - Front Lines (novel) -- Young adult historical novel by Michael Grant
Wikipedia - Froth treatment (Athabasca oil sands) -- Bitumen froth treatment is one part of an integrated bitumen recovery process in oil sands operations.
Wikipedia - Frozen Assets (novel) -- 1964 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Frozen Fire (novel) -- 2006 novel by Tim Bowler
Wikipedia - Frugal Four -- Four European governments with fiscally conservative goals.
Wikipedia - Fruit dove -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Fruit Without Love -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Fry's Army -- Political protest movement
Wikipedia - F. Scott Fitzgerald -- American novelist and screenwriter (1896-1940)
Wikipedia - FTC v. Balls of Kryptonite -- 2009 enforcement action over deceptive business practices
Wikipedia - Fuck It I Love You (Lana Del Rey song) -- 2019 single by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Fuck World Trade -- album by Leftover Crack
Wikipedia - Fuck You and Then Some -- 1996 reissue of the Overkill EPs Overkill (1985) and !!!Fuck You!!!
Wikipedia - Fuck You (EP) -- extended play by Overkill
Wikipedia - Fuego en la sangre (TV series) -- 2008 Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Fueguian People's Movement -- Argentine political party
Wikipedia - Fuel poverty in the United Kingdom -- UK policy around domestic heating
Wikipedia - Fuenteovejuna -- Spanish play written between 1612 and 1614
Wikipedia - Fugitive Lovers -- 1934 film by Richard Boleslawski
Wikipedia - Fugue for String Quintet, Op. 137 (Beethoven) -- 1817 musical composition
Wikipedia - Fujian People's Government -- Anti-Kuomintang government in Fujian, China 1933-1934
Wikipedia - Fujino M-EM-^Lmori -- Japanese light novel author
Wikipedia - Fulke Lovell
Wikipedia - Full-face diving mask -- Diving mask that covers the mouth as well as the eyes and nose
Wikipedia - Full Moon (novel) -- 1947 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Full Moon Over Miami -- Television event
Wikipedia - Full Tilt (Shusterman novel) -- Book by Neal Shusterman
Wikipedia - Fulton County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Fulton surface-to-air recovery system -- System used to retrieve persons on the ground using an aircraft
Wikipedia - Fumiko Hayashi (author) -- Japanese novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Function overloading
Wikipedia - Fundacion Biblioteca Rafael Hernandez Colon -- Library and museum that records the political life of three-term governor of Puerto Rico, Rafael Hernandez Colon
Wikipedia - FUNDAEC -- Non-governmental organization that focuses on development in the rural areas of Latin America
Wikipedia - Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy -- Christian religious issue
Wikipedia - Fundamental lemma (Langlands program) -- Relates orbital integrals on a reductive group over a local field to stable orbital integrals on its endoscopic groups
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of linear programming -- Extremes of a linear function over a convex polygonal region occur at the region's corners
Wikipedia - Fundamento de Esperanto -- 1905 book by L. L. Zamenhof, describing the basic grammar and vocabulary of Esperanto; the only obligatory authority over the language, according to the Declaration of Boulogne
Wikipedia - Fund governance
Wikipedia - Funes, a Great Love -- 1993 film by Raul de la Torre
Wikipedia - Fungi from Yuggoth -- Sonnets by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Funicular -- An inclined railway in which a cable (e.g. wire rope) moves a pair of permanently attached cars counterbalancing each other along a steep slope
Wikipedia - Funk art -- American art movement
Wikipedia - Funk Overload -- album by Maceo Parker
Wikipedia - Funland (novel) -- 1989 book
Wikipedia - Funnel-mantle locking apparatus -- Structure found in many cephalopods that connects the mantle and hyponome and restricts their movement relative to each other
Wikipedia - Furby's Cove -- Human settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Futarchy -- Proposed form of government
Wikipedia - Future History (novel)
Wikipedia - Future Quest -- DC Comics crossover comic book series
Wikipedia - FutureSex/LoveSounds -- album by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Future Worlds Center -- Nongovernmental organization in Cyprus
Wikipedia - Futurism -- Artistic and social movement
Wikipedia - Futurist cooking -- Comprised a cuisine and style of dining advocated by some members of the Futurist movement, particularly in Italy
Wikipedia - Futuristic Love (Elroy) -- 2009 single by Yung L.A. and Ricco Barrino
Wikipedia - Fuveau -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Fuyumi Ono -- Japanese novelist
Wikipedia - F. Van Wyck Mason -- American historian and novelist
Wikipedia - Fyodor Samokhin -- Soviet-Russian novelist
Wikipedia - GAA Handball -- Governing body for Gaelic handball on the island of Ireland, a subsidiary of the GAA
Wikipedia - Gabardine -- Tough, tightly woven fabric used to make suits, trousers and some other garments
Wikipedia - Gabes Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Gaborone City Council -- Governing body of the city of Gaborone, Botswana
Wikipedia - Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon -- novel by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado
Wikipedia - Gabriel Dover
Wikipedia - Gabriel Moore -- American politician and 5th Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - Gabriel Mourey -- French novelist, poet, playwright and art critic
Wikipedia - Gabriel Over the White House -- 1933 pre-Code political fantasy film by Gregory La Cava
Wikipedia - Gabriel Slaughter -- American politician, seventh Governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Associations -- former international non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Gaddafi loyalism -- sympathetic sentiment towards the overthrown government of Muammar Gaddafi
Wikipedia - Gadsby (novel) -- Novel by Ernest Vincent Wright that did not use the letter "e"
Wikipedia - Gadsup-Tairora Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gaetano Genovese -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Gafsa Governorate -- Governorate of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Gag Law (Puerto Rico) -- An act passed in 1948 to suppress the independence movement in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gahuku Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gaijin 2: Love Me as I Am -- 2005 film directed by Tizuka Yamasaki
Wikipedia - Gail Honeyman -- Scottish novelist
Wikipedia - Gail J. McGovern -- President of the American Red Cross
Wikipedia - Gail Jones -- Australian novelist and academic
Wikipedia - Gaiters -- Garment worn over the shoe and lower pants leg
Wikipedia - Gait (human) -- Locomotion achieved through the movement of human limbs
Wikipedia - Gaius Asinius Protimus Quadratus -- Roman senator and governor during the Severan dynasty
Wikipedia - Gaius Caecina Tuscus -- 1st-century Roman governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Gaius Caesonius Macer Rufinianus -- Roman military officer, senator, governor and consul (c.157-c. 237)
Wikipedia - Gaius Calvisius Sabinus (consul 26) -- First century Roman senator, consul, and governor of Pannonia
Wikipedia - Gaius Galerius -- Roman Governor of Roman Egypt (r.16 AD-32 AD)
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus -- Roman senator, general and governor (70 - 117)
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Vindex -- Roman senator and governor (AD c.25-68)
Wikipedia - Gaius Laecanius Bassus Caecina Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus -- First century Roman senator, consul, and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Sallustius Crispus Passienus -- First century Roman senator, consul, and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Silius (lover of Messalina) -- Roman senator executed by the emperor Claudius for his affair with Valeria Messalina
Wikipedia - Gaius Suetonius Paulinus -- 1st century Roman general and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Valerius Flaccus (consul 93 BC) -- early 1st century BC Roman general, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Valerius Paulinus (eques) -- 1st century AD Roman eques, procurator and governor of Egypt
Wikipedia - Gaius Vettulenus Civica Cerealis -- 1st century Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vibius Marsus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vibius Postumus -- Roman senator, suffect consul and proconsular governor of Asia during the reign of Augustus
Wikipedia - Gaius Vipstanus Apronianus -- 1st century Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaja Grzegorzewska -- Polish novelist
Wikipedia - Gaja Prestor -- Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Gakuto Coda -- Japanese light novelist
Wikipedia - Galactic Empire (series) -- Science fiction trilogy of Isaac Asimov's earliest novels, extended by a short story
Wikipedia - Galahad at Blandings -- 1964 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Galant style -- 18th-century movement in music, visual arts and literature
Wikipedia - Galapagos dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Galaxies (novel) -- Science Fiction novel
Wikipedia - Galaxy formation and evolution -- Processes that formed a heterogeneous universe from a homogeneous beginning, the formation of the first galaxies, the way galaxies change over time
Wikipedia - Gale of January 1976 -- An extratropical cyclone and storm surge which occurred over January 1976
Wikipedia - Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert -- Covered passageways in Brussels, Belgium
Wikipedia - Gale Warning -- 1939 novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Gallatin County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Galle Gladiators in 2020 -- Overview of Galle Gladiators in 2020
Wikipedia - Gallery of sovereign state flags -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Gallia County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Galoshes -- Type of rubber boot worn over shoes
Wikipedia - Gama Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gamblers Anonymous -- Support group for recovering compulsive gamblers
Wikipedia - GaM-CM-+lle Josse -- French poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Game Boy accessories -- Overview of Game Boy accessories
Wikipedia - GaM-EM-!per TkaM-DM-^Mik -- Slovenian physicist
Wikipedia - GaM-EM-!per VinM-DM-^Mec -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine
Wikipedia - Game Over (Vitaa song) -- 2013 single by Vitaa and MaM-CM-.tre Gims
Wikipedia - Game over
Wikipedia - Gameover ZeuS -- Peer-to-peer botnet
Wikipedia - Gamergate controversy -- Online harassment campaign in the video game industry
Wikipedia - Gamergate movement
Wikipedia - Gamers! -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Games and Amusements Board -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Games of Love and Loneliness -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Games That Lovers Play (film) -- 1970 film directed by Malcolm Leigh
Wikipedia - Gamosa -- Woven rectangular textile of Assam, India, used for various purposes
Wikipedia - Gandhipuram flyover -- Flyover in Coimbatore
Wikipedia - Gangland Undercover -- Canadian-American drama television series
Wikipedia - Ganj Ali Khan -- 17th century Safavid military officer and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Garagos, Egypt -- Place in Qena Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Garbhan Downey -- Northern Irish novelist and editor
Wikipedia - Gardanne -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Garden city movement -- Urban planning movement
Wikipedia - Garden Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador -- Village in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Gareth Hanrahan -- Irish game designer and novelist
Wikipedia - Gargantua and Pantagruel -- 16th-century novels by Francois Rabelais
Wikipedia - Gar'in -- Groups of people who moved together to Ottoman Palestine, British Palestine, and since 1948, Israel
Wikipedia - Garlin Gilchrist -- Lieutenant governor of Michigan
Wikipedia - GarM-EM-^Mden -- 1995 series of Japanese martial arts novels
Wikipedia - Garry O'Connor (writer) -- English playwright, biographer and novelist
Wikipedia - Gars, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gartenfriedhof -- Cemetery in Hannover, Germany
Wikipedia - Gary Johnson -- American politician, businessman, and 29th Governor of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Gasmata Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gaspar de la Torre y Ayala -- Spanish colonial governor (d. 1745)
Wikipedia - Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Wikipedia - Gas reclaim system -- System to recover used breathing gas and prepare it for re-use
Wikipedia - Gas stove
Wikipedia - Gate (novel series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Gate of Ivrel -- 1976 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Gateway (novel) -- Novel by Frederik Pohl
Wikipedia - Gateway Protection Programme -- Refugee scheme operated by the British government
Wikipedia - Gatoh Move Pro Wrestling -- Women's professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Gattieres -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gatwick Airport Shuttle Transit -- Automated people mover linking terminals at Gatwick Airport.
Wikipedia - Gaudy Night -- 1935 mystery novel by Dorothy L. Sayers
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (glove) -- hand and wrist armour
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (keyboard) -- Wireless glove that can be used as a computer keyboard input device
Wikipedia - Gaunt's Ghosts -- Series of Warhammer 40,000 novels by Dan Abnett
Wikipedia - Gawanga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gawi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gaya College of Engineering -- Government engineering college in Gaya, Bihar
Wikipedia - Gayla Peevey -- American singer known for novelty Christmas song
Wikipedia - Gay liberation -- Social and political movement in the 1960s and 70s.
Wikipedia - Gay panic defense -- Controversial Legal defense
Wikipedia - Gay Shame -- Radical queer collective and movement
Wikipedia - Gay Street Bridge -- Bridge in Knoxville, TN, USA over the Tennessee River
Wikipedia - Gaza Governorate -- Governorate of Palestine
Wikipedia - Gaza-Israel clashes (November 2019) -- Series of rocket strikes conducted by Israel and the Gaza Strip
Wikipedia - GB84 -- Novel by David Peace about the 1984 UK miners' strike
Wikipedia - GC skew -- Over- or under-abundance of guanine and cytosine in a particular region of DNA or RNA
Wikipedia - Geauga County Courthouse -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Gedatsukai -- Japanese new religious movement founded in 1929
Wikipedia - Geek Love -- 1989 novel by Katherine Dunn
Wikipedia - Geely Binyue -- Chinese subcompact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Ge Fei (author) -- Chinese novelist
Wikipedia - Geir Overskeid -- Norwegian psychologist
Wikipedia - Gemenos -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gemma Bovery (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Gena-Waugla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gender Identity Organization of Iran -- Iranian non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Gender in English -- Overview about gender in English
Wikipedia - Genealogical Office -- Office of the Government of Ireland
Wikipedia - Gene Conti -- American government official
Wikipedia - Gene Hackman -- American actor and novelist
Wikipedia - Gene Kerrigan -- Irish journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Gene L. Coon -- American screenwriter, TV producer and novelist, best known for his work on Star Trek
Wikipedia - Gene Ovesen -- American male curler
Wikipedia - General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection -- Government agency in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - General Company for Ports of Iraq -- Government-owned company of Iraq
Wikipedia - General Conference on Weights and Measures -- Governing body of the BIPM
Wikipedia - General Della Rovere -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - General Government -- German-occupied zone in Poland in World War II
Wikipedia - Generalitat -- Form of devolved government in the Kingdom of Spain
Wikipedia - General-law municipality -- City or municipality whose governance and structure is defined by state law
Wikipedia - General manager -- Oversees a firm's day-to-day business operations
Wikipedia - General Services Administration -- United States government agency
Wikipedia - Generation III reactor -- Class of nuclear reactors with improved safety over its predecessors
Wikipedia - Generation Love -- 2011 single by Jennette McCurdy
Wikipedia - Generations For Peace -- Jordanian non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Generative systems -- Technologies with the overall capacity to produce unprompted change driven by large, varied, and uncoordinated audiences
Wikipedia - Genesis Begins Again -- 2019 children's novel by Alicia D. Williams
Wikipedia - Genesis GV80 -- Korean luxury crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Genetic improvement
Wikipedia - Genevieve Pou -- American mystery novelist
Wikipedia - Geniocracy -- Framework for a system of government ruled by intellectuals
Wikipedia - Genius of Love -- 1981 single by Tom Tom Club
Wikipedia - Genji (Overwatch) -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Gennadiy Borisov -- an amateur astronomer who discovered the first known interstellar comet
Wikipedia - Genocide (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Paul Leonard
Wikipedia - Genome evolution -- The process by which a genome changes in structure or size over time
Wikipedia - Genoveffa Franchini -- Italian-American hematologist and retrovirologist
Wikipedia - Genovese crime family -- American organized crime group
Wikipedia - Genoveva Torres Morales
Wikipedia - Genovevo Rivas Guillen -- Mexican general
Wikipedia - Genre-busting -- Term for art that crosses over multiple established styles
Wikipedia - GenseiryM-EM-+ Karate-do International Federation -- The governing body of sport karate
Wikipedia - Gentiloni Cabinet -- 64th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Gentle Is My Love -- 1965 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - Geocoding -- Geospatial coordinate system for specifying the exact location of a geospatial point at, below, or above the surface of the earth at a given moment of time.
Wikipedia - Geoff Duncan -- Lieutenant governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Household -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Geographical distribution of English speakers -- Overview of the geographical distribution of all English speakers
Wikipedia - Geographical distribution of French speakers -- Overview of the geographical distribution of French speakers
Wikipedia - Geographical distribution of German speakers -- Overview of the geographical distribution of speakers of the German language
Wikipedia - Geographical distribution of Italian speakers -- Overview of the geographical distribution of Italian speakers
Wikipedia - Geography of Asia -- Overview of the geography of Asia
Wikipedia - Geography of Austria -- Overview of the geography of Austria
Wikipedia - Geography of Berlin -- Overview of the geography of Berlin
Wikipedia - Geography of Brazil -- Overview of the geography of Brazil
Wikipedia - Geography of British Columbia -- Overview of the geography of British Columbia
Wikipedia - Geography of California -- Overview of the geography of California
Wikipedia - Geography of Colorado -- Overview of the geography of Colorado
Wikipedia - Geography of Cornwall -- Overview of the geography of Cornwall
Wikipedia - Geography of El Salvador -- Overview of country's geological attributes
Wikipedia - Geography of Finland -- Overview of the geography of Finland
Wikipedia - Geography of France -- Overview of the geography of France
Wikipedia - Geography of Indiana -- Overview of the geography of Indiana
Wikipedia - Geography of Kent -- Overview of the geography of Kent
Wikipedia - Geography of London -- Overview of the geography of London
Wikipedia - Geography of Massachusetts -- Overview of the geography of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Geography of Mexico -- Overview of the geography of Mexico
Wikipedia - Geography of Minnesota -- Overview of the geography of Minnesota
Wikipedia - Geography of New Jersey -- Overview of the geography of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Geography of New Zealand -- Overview of the geography of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Geography of Paris -- Overview of the geography of Paris
Wikipedia - Geography of Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the geography of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Geography of South Africa -- Overview of the geography of South Africa
Wikipedia - Geography of South Dakota -- Overview of the geography of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Geography of southern California -- Overview of the geography of southern California
Wikipedia - Geography of South Korea -- Overview of the geography of South Korea
Wikipedia - Geography of Spain -- Overview of the geography of Spain
Wikipedia - Geography of Sussex -- Overview of the geography of Sussex
Wikipedia - Geography of Sweden -- Overview of the geography of Sweden
Wikipedia - Geography of the European Netherlands -- Overview of the geography of the European Netherlands
Wikipedia - Geography of Turkey -- Overview of the geography of Turkey
Wikipedia - Geography of Vanuatu -- Overview of the geography of Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration of Iran -- Iranian Geological & Mineral Exploration government agency
Wikipedia - Geology of Alaska -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Alaska
Wikipedia - Geology of Australia -- Overview of the geology of Australia
Wikipedia - Geology of Austria -- Overview of the geology of Austria
Wikipedia - Geology of Brazil -- Overview of the geology of Brazil
Wikipedia - Geology of Canada -- Overview of the geology of Canada
Wikipedia - Geology of Canterbury, New Zealand -- Overview of the geology of Canterbury, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Geology of China -- Overview of the geology of China
Wikipedia - Geology of Delaware -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Delaware
Wikipedia - Geology of Denmark -- Overview of the geology of Denmark
Wikipedia - Geology of East Sussex -- Overview of the geology of East Sussex
Wikipedia - Geology of Finland -- Overview of the geology of Finland
Wikipedia - Geology of Florida -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Florida
Wikipedia - Geology of France -- Overview of the geology of France
Wikipedia - Geology of Georgia (U.S. state) -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Georgia
Wikipedia - Geology of Germany -- Overview of the geology of Germany
Wikipedia - Geology of Great Britain -- Overview of the geology of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Geology of Indonesia -- Overview of the geology of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Geology of Italy -- Overview of the geology of Italy
Wikipedia - Geology of Japan -- Overview of the geology of Japan
Wikipedia - Geology of Kent -- Overview of the geology of Kent
Wikipedia - Geology of Minnesota -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Minnesota
Wikipedia - Geology of Nevada -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Nevada
Wikipedia - Geology of New England -- Overview of the geology of New England
Wikipedia - Geology of New Hampshire -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Geology of New Jersey -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Geology of New Mexico -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Geology of New South Wales -- Overview of the geology of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Geology of New York (state) -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Geology of New Zealand -- Overview of the geology of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Geology of North America -- Overview of the geology of North America
Wikipedia - Geology of North Dakota -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of North Dakota
Wikipedia - Geology of Ohio -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Geology of Oklahoma -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Geology of Pennsylvania -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Geology of Russia -- Overview of the geology of Russia
Wikipedia - Geology of Scotland -- Overview of geology of Scotland
Wikipedia - Geology of Tennessee -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Geology of Texas -- Overview of the geology of the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Geology of the Australian Capital Territory -- Overview of the geology of the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Geology of the United States Virgin Islands -- Overview of the geology of the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Geology of Turkey -- Overview of the geology of Turkey
Wikipedia - Geology of West Sussex -- Overview of the geography of West Sussex
Wikipedia - Geopelia -- Genus of doves
Wikipedia - George Abbas Kooli D'Arcy -- Governor of Gambia and Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - George Akume -- Governor of Benue State
Wikipedia - George Alexander Parks -- American engineer and 5th Governor of Alaska Territory (1883-1984)
Wikipedia - George Allen (American politician) -- 67th Governor of Virginia (1994-1998), U.S. Senator (2001-2007)
Wikipedia - George Andreadis -- Greek novelist
Wikipedia - George Balaita -- Romanian novelist
Wikipedia - George Carmack -- Prospector who discovered gold which led to the Klondike Gold Rush
Wikipedia - George C. Jenks -- American dime novelist
Wikipedia - George Docking -- 35th Governor of Kansas
Wikipedia - George Eliot -- English novelist, essayist, poet, journalist, and translator
Wikipedia - George Floyd protests in Minneapolis-Saint Paul -- local civil unrest over death of unarmed black man
Wikipedia - George Floyd protests in Minnesota -- local civil unrest over death of unarmed black man
Wikipedia - George Floyd protests in Washington (state) -- Civil unrest over death of black man in police custody
Wikipedia - George Garrett (poet) -- Novelist, poet, short story writer, playwright
Wikipedia - George Grove
Wikipedia - George Harris, 4th Baron Harris -- British amateur cricketer, colonial administrator and Governor of Bombay (1851-1932)
Wikipedia - George Hopkinson House -- Historic colonial house in Groveland, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - George Howard (Governor of Maryland) -- American politician (1789-1846)
Wikipedia - George Howell (entrepreneur) -- American entrepreneur and a pioneer of the American specialty-coffee movement
Wikipedia - George I of Great Britain -- King of Great Britain, Elector of Hanover
Wikipedia - George IV -- King of the United Kingdom and Hanover from 1820 to 1830
Wikipedia - George Johnston (British Marines officer) -- British Marines officer and Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales (1764 - 1823)
Wikipedia - George Leonard (colonial administrator) -- British colonial governor
Wikipedia - George Lippard -- American novelist
Wikipedia - George Lovett Kingsland -- American merchant and railroad executive
Wikipedia - Georg Elser -- German opponent of Nazism, planned and carried out an assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on 8 November 1939
Wikipedia - George Maclean -- British colonial governor
Wikipedia - George Madison -- American politician and 6th Governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - George McGovern -- American politician
Wikipedia - George Meredith -- British novelist and poet of the Victorian era
Wikipedia - George Moore (novelist) -- Irish novelist, short-story writer, poet, art critic, memoirist and dramatist
Wikipedia - George N. Briggs -- American politician and 19th Governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - George N. Craig -- American politician and 39th Governor of Indiana
Wikipedia - Georgengarten -- Landscape garden in the borough of Herrenhausen of the German city Hannover
Wikipedia - George (novel) -- 2015 book by Alex Gino
Wikipedia - George Ovey -- American actor
Wikipedia - George Pataki -- 53rd Governor of New York
Wikipedia - George Percy -- Colonial Governor of Virginia
Wikipedia - George Rendall -- Lieutenant Governor of the Gambia
Wikipedia - George Ryan -- 20th and 21st-century American politician and Governor of Illinois
Wikipedia - George Sand -- 19th-century French novelist and memoirist
Wikipedia - Georges Eekhoud -- Belgian novelist
Wikipedia - George Stephanopoulos -- American government official, journalist, writer
Wikipedia - George Stoneman -- General of the Union Army and governor of California
Wikipedia - Georgetown University Student Association -- Student government of Georgetown University
Wikipedia - Georgette Heyer -- British historical romance and detective fiction novelist
Wikipedia - George Tyler Wood -- 2nd Governor of Texas
Wikipedia - George Voskovec -- Czech actor
Wikipedia - George Wallace -- 45th Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - George Washington in the American Revolution -- Overview of George Washington's position in the American Revolution
Wikipedia - George Washington in the French and Indian War -- Overview about George Washington in the French and Indian War
Wikipedia - George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River -- First move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey
Wikipedia - George Washington's political evolution -- Overview of the political evolution of George Washington
Wikipedia - George W. Atkinson -- American judge, governor, and Congressman
Wikipedia - George Whitefield Davis -- US Army general, military Governor of Puerto Rico, and of the Panama Canal Zone
Wikipedia - George William Coventry, 11th Earl of Coventry -- English noble and politician
Wikipedia - George W. Johnson (governor) -- American politician and 1st Confederate Governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - George Yeardley -- Colonial governor of Virginia
Wikipedia - Georg Friedrich Wreede -- Dutch governor of Mauritius
Wikipedia - Georgia on My Mind (novelette)
Wikipedia - Georgios Kourtoglou -- Greek politician, legal/social activist, and governor
Wikipedia - Georgy Kovenchuk -- Russian painter
Wikipedia - Geostationary orbit -- Circular orbit above the Earth's equator and following the direction of the Earth's rotation
Wikipedia - Geosynchronous orbit -- Orbit keeping the satellite at a fixed longitude above the equator
Wikipedia - Geothermal energy in the United States -- Overview of geothermal power in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Australia -- Overview of geothermal power in Australia
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Canada -- Overview of geothermal power in Canada
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in China -- Overview of geothermal power in China
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Germany -- Overview of geothermal power in Germany
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Indonesia -- Overview of geothermal power in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Italy -- Overview of geothermal power in Italy
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Japan -- Overview of geothermal power in Japan
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in New Zealand -- Overview of geothermal power in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Romania -- Overview of geothermal power in Romania
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Russia -- Overview of geothermal power in Russia
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in the Philippines -- Overview of geothermal power in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in the United Kingdom -- Overview of geothermal power in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Turkey -- Overview of geothermal power in Turkey
Wikipedia - Geothermal power in Ukraine -- Overview of geothermal power in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Geotraces -- International research programme to improve understanding of biogeochemical cycles in the oceans
Wikipedia - Gerakan Harapan Baru -- An ongoing social movement in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gerakan Nelajan Marhaenis -- Gerakan Nelajan Marhaenis ('Marhaenist Fishermen's Movement') was an organization of fishermen in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Gerald Covey -- Canadian canoeist
Wikipedia - Geraldine Bedell -- British novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Geraldine McCaughrean -- British children's novelist (b1951)
Wikipedia - Gerald's Game -- 1992 suspense novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - Gerald Sutton-Brown -- Canadian government official
Wikipedia - Gerald Warner Brace -- American novelist, writer, educator, sailor, and boat builder
Wikipedia - Gerard Luz James -- 8th Lieutenant Governor of the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Gerard Smith (governor) -- Governor of Western Australia (1839-1920)
Wikipedia - Gerbrand Bakker (novelist) -- Dutch writer
Wikipedia - Gerda Dendooven -- Belgian illustrator
Wikipedia - Gerehu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - German Badminton Association -- German governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - German Christians (movement) -- A movement within the German Evangelical Church
Wikipedia - German Curling Association -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - German government
Wikipedia - German grammar -- Overview of the grammar of the German language
Wikipedia - German-Hanoverian Party (1953) -- Former political party in West Germany
Wikipedia - German inventors and discoverers
Wikipedia - German language in the United States -- Overview about the German language in the United States
Wikipedia - German literature -- Overview of German-language literature
Wikipedia - Germanophile -- Someone with a strong interest in or love of German people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - German Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 15th to 16th century
Wikipedia - German space programme -- German government program
Wikipedia - German student movement
Wikipedia - German wine classification -- Overview of the wine classification system in Germany
Wikipedia - German wine -- Overview of the German wine economy and culture
Wikipedia - Germany and the United Nations -- Overview of the relationship between Germany and the United Nations
Wikipedia - Germany in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest -- Overview of Germany in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - German Youth Movement -- German cultural and educational movement
Wikipedia - Germany-Soviet Union relations, 1918-1941 -- Overview of the relations between Germany and the Soviet Union between 1918 and 1941
Wikipedia - Germplasm Resources Information Network -- US government online software project
Wikipedia - Gerrit de Heere -- Dutch colonial governor
Wikipedia - Gerry Boyle -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Gertrud Adelborg -- Swedish teacher, feminist and leading member of the women's rights movement.
Wikipedia - Gertrude Hull -- Teacher of history for over 40 years at the Milwaukee school system
Wikipedia - Gertrud (novel)
Wikipedia - Gertrud von Le Fort -- German writer of novels, poems and essays (1876-1971)
Wikipedia - Get a Life (novel) -- Book by Nadine Gordimer
Wikipedia - Get Christie Love! -- American crime-drama television series
Wikipedia - Get Close to My Love -- album by Jennifer Holliday
Wikipedia - Get Down (Groove Armada song) -- Groove Armada song
Wikipedia - Get Hep to Love -- 1942 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Get Lucky (Loverboy album)
Wikipedia - Get Over It (film) -- 2001 film by Tommy O'Haver
Wikipedia - Get Shorty -- 1990 novel by Elmore Leonard
Wikipedia - Getting Dressed in the Dark -- 2010 album by Jaron and the Long Road to Love
Wikipedia - Gettin' Over You
Wikipedia - Getty Center Tram -- People mover serving the Getty Center in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko -- 1999 platform video game
Wikipedia - Geylord Coveta -- Filipino sailor
Wikipedia - Ghadar Movement -- Indian Revolutionary Party
Wikipedia - Ghanaian government response to the COVID-19 pandemic -- Actions by the Ghanaian government on COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems -- Government of Ghana agency
Wikipedia - Ghana Karate Do Association -- Governing body for karate in Ghana
Wikipedia - Ghana Meteorological Agency -- Government organization in Accra, Ghana
Wikipedia - Ghana Open Data Initiative -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Ghana Union Movement -- Political party in Ghana
Wikipedia - Gharbia Governorate -- Governorate in Egypt
Wikipedia - Ghazali Jaafar -- Filipino militant and government official
Wikipedia - Gherardo Hercolani Fava Simonetti -- Grand Commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Wikipedia - Ghetto Love (Da Brat song) -- 1997 single by Da Brat
Wikipedia - Ghori (novel) -- 1948 GhanaDa novel by Premendra Mitra
Wikipedia - Ghost Hunt (novel series) -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Ghost Knight -- 2011 children's novel by Cornelia Funke
Wikipedia - Ghost Story (Straub novel)
Wikipedia - Ghost World (comics) -- Graphic novel by Daniel Clowes
Wikipedia - Ghulam Arieff Tipoo -- Bangladeshi jurist and language movement activist
Wikipedia - Ghulam Nabi Gowhar -- Kashmiri author, novelist, poet
Wikipedia - Ghulam Qawis Abubaker -- Former governor of Kapisa and Takhar
Wikipedia - Giant Food (Landover) -- American supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Giant's Bread -- Agatha Christie novel 1930
Wikipedia - Giants Brigades -- Yemeni government militia in the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Giants (series) -- Group of five science fiction novels by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - GIC (Singaporean sovereign wealth fund) -- Singaporean sovereign wealth fund
Wikipedia - Gideon's Sword -- 2011 novel
Wikipedia - GiedrM-DM-^W VoverienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Gift from the German Government to the University of London 1937 -- Historical event
Wikipedia - Gift (visual novel) -- Visual novel
Wikipedia - Gigi (novella) -- 1944 novella by Colette
Wikipedia - Gignac-la-Nerthe -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gilbert Adair -- Scottish novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Gilberto Braga -- Brazilian telenovela writer
Wikipedia - Gilbert schema for Ulysses -- Schema for the novel Ulysses
Wikipedia - Gilding -- Covering object with layer of gold
Wikipedia - Gilette -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh the King -- Novel by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Gilles Lipovetsky
Wikipedia - Gillian Baverstock -- British author and elder daughter of English novelist Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Gillian Lovegrove -- British computer scientist and academic
Wikipedia - Gillian White -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Gilligan's Wake -- |A 2003 novel by Tom Carson combining elements of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" and 1960s sitcom "Gilligan's Island"
Wikipedia - Gimme Love (Joji song) -- 2020 song by Joji
Wikipedia - Gimme Love (song) -- 2018 song by Seyi Shay
Wikipedia - Gim Yujeong -- Korean novelist
Wikipedia - Gina McCarthy -- American government official
Wikipedia - Gina Raimondo -- 75th Governor of Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Gioconda Belli -- Nicaraguan author, novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Giovanni della Rovere -- Italian condottiero
Wikipedia - Giovanni Roveda -- Italian politician and mayor
Wikipedia - Giovanni Rovetta -- Italian composer (c1595/97-1668)
Wikipedia - Giovanni's Room -- 1956 novel by James Baldwin
Wikipedia - Gioventu -- 1898 painting by Eliseu Visconti
Wikipedia - Giove Toppi -- Italian cartoonist
Wikipedia - Giraffe (novel) -- Scottish novel
Wikipedia - Girl Authority -- American cover pop girl group
Wikipedia - Girl Guides -- Movement for girls and young women
Wikipedia - Girl in White Cotton -- Novel by Avni Doshi
Wikipedia - Girl Loves Boy -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Girl Loves Me -- Song composed by David Bowie performed by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Girl Made of Stars -- 2018 novel by Ashley Herring Blake
Wikipedia - Girl (novel) -- 1994 novel by Blake Nelson
Wikipedia - Girl (O'Brien novel) -- 2019 novel by Edna O'Brien
Wikipedia - Girl Overboard (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Girl Overboard (1937 film) -- 1937 film directed by Sidney Salkow
Wikipedia - Girls at Dhabas -- Pakistani based social movement
Wikipedia - Girls in Love (novel) -- 1997 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Girls in Love (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Girls Need Love -- 2018 song by Summer Walker
Wikipedia - Girls Not Brides -- International non-governmental organization with the mission to end child marriage throughout the world
Wikipedia - Girls Under Pressure -- 1998 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Girl, Woman, Other -- 2018 novel by Bernardine Evaristo
Wikipedia - GIS and environmental governance -- Tool for environmental management
Wikipedia - Gitta Discovers Her Heart -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Maria Giovene
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Occhialini -- Italian physicist, who contributed to the discovery of the pion or pi-meson decay
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Provenzano (Italian politician born, 1946) -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Tominz -- Italian-Slovenian painter
Wikipedia - Give a Little Love (Bay City Rollers song) -- 1975 single by Bay City Rollers
Wikipedia - Giza Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - GJ Club -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - G.K. Agama -- Ghanaian economist and a governor of the Bank of Ghana
Wikipedia - G. K. Chesterton -- English mystery novelist and Christian apologist
Wikipedia - Glacier Discovery -- Seasonal passenger train, Alaska
Wikipedia - Glacier Point -- Viewpoint above Yosemite Valley, in California, USA
Wikipedia - Gladys Gordon -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gladys Mitchell -- English detective novelist
Wikipedia - Glamorama -- 1998 novel by Bret Easton Ellis
Wikipedia - Glazovsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Vyatka Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Glen Cove, New York
Wikipedia - Glenn Boyer -- Disreputable American historical novelist
Wikipedia - Glen Pettigrove -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - Global Call to Action Against Poverty -- Global anti-poverty movement/coalition
Wikipedia - Global Campaign for Education -- Non-governmental organization
Wikipedia - Global Citizens Movement
Wikipedia - Global citizens movement
Wikipedia - Global Commission on Internet Governance -- Internet governance initiative
Wikipedia - Global governance -- Movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors
Wikipedia - Global Handwashing Day -- Campaign to motivate and mobilize people around the world to improve their handwashing habits
Wikipedia - Globalization and disease -- Overview of globalization and disease transmission
Wikipedia - Globalization and women in China -- Overview of the impact of globalization on women in China
Wikipedia - Globalization in China -- Overview of the globalization in China
Wikipedia - Globalization in India -- Overview of the globalization in India
Wikipedia - Global Justice Movement
Wikipedia - Global justice movement
Wikipedia - Global Poverty Project -- international education and advocacy organisation
Wikipedia - Global poverty
Wikipedia - Global Sea Level Observing System -- An Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission program to measure sea level globally for long-term climate change studies
Wikipedia - Global Travel Taskforce -- UK government body established to consider the safe resumption of international travel
Wikipedia - Global warming controversy -- debate over global warming
Wikipedia - Global Witness -- British non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - Glomar Explorer -- Deep-sea drillship platform used by CIA to recover secretly a sunken Soviet submarine
Wikipedia - Gloomy River -- 1933 novel by Vyacheslav Shishkov
Wikipedia - Gloriana (novel) -- 1978 novel by Michael Moorcock
Wikipedia - Gloria Naylor -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Glorija Kotnik -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Glory (novel) -- Novel by Vladimir Nabokov
Wikipedia - Glory Season -- 1993 science fiction novel by David Brin
Wikipedia - Glossary of dance moves -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Gloucester Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Glove compartment
Wikipedia - Glove Cycle -- Installation by Mags Harries & Lajos Heder
Wikipedia - Glovelier railway station -- Railway station located on the S3 and RegioExpress
Wikipedia - Glove prints
Wikipedia - Glove puppetry
Wikipedia - Glover Morrill Allen -- American zoologist (1879-1942)
Wikipedia - Glover Teixeira -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Gloves
Wikipedia - Glove -- Covering worn on the hand
Wikipedia - Glubbslyme -- 1987 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus (consul 26) -- 1st century AD Roman senator, general and governor of Germania Superior
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Vergilius Capito -- Governor of Roman Egypt from AD 48 to 52
Wikipedia - G. (novel) -- Book by John Berger
Wikipedia - GNSS enhancement -- Techniques to improve positioning information accuracy provided by global navigation satellite systems
Wikipedia - GNU/Linux naming controversy
Wikipedia - Goa Engineering College -- Government engineering college in Goa
Wikipedia - Goa Medical College -- Government medical school in Goa, India
Wikipedia - Go and Reclaim the Mainland -- Patriotic song created by the Republic of China Government to promote Chinese reunification
Wikipedia - Goa Public Service Commission -- Indian government body
Wikipedia - Go Ask Alice -- 1971 novel by Alice Sparks
Wikipedia - Goats (novel) -- 2000 novel by Mark Poirier
Wikipedia - Gobinism -- Academic, political and social movement
Wikipedia - Goblin Slayer -- Japanese dark fantasy light novel series
Wikipedia - Godavari-Krishna mangroves -- A mangrove ecoregion of India's eastern coast
Wikipedia - Goddess movement -- Modern revival of divine feminine or female-centered spirituality
Wikipedia - Goddess of Democracy (Hong Kong) -- Sculpture in Hong Kong honoring Chinese pro-democracy movement
Wikipedia - Goddess Remembered -- 1989 documentary on the Goddess movement and feminist theories surrounding Goddess worship
Wikipedia - God Game (novel)
Wikipedia - God Help the Child -- Novel by Toni Morrison
Wikipedia - God, If You Are Above... -- 2014 single by Falling in Reverse
Wikipedia - Godiva Festival -- A three day music festival held each year in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - God Loves Caviar -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Godric (novel)
Wikipedia - God's Fool -- Novel by Maarten Maartens
Wikipedia - Gods' Man -- 1929 wordless novel by Lynd Ward
Wikipedia - God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation -- Modern English translation of the Greek New Testament
Wikipedia - God So Loved -- 2020 single by We the Kingdom
Wikipedia - Go fever -- Attitude of being in a rush to get a project done while overlooking potential problems
Wikipedia - Gogodala Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Going Overboard -- 1989 film by Valerie Breiman
Wikipedia - Gold digger -- Type of relationship in which a person engages in relationships for money rather than love
Wikipedia - Goldendale Sentinel -- US newspaper covering Goldendale Washington and Klicktat County
Wikipedia - Golden fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Edward Dmytryk
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves (1961 film) -- 1961 documentary directed by Gilles Groulx
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves -- Annual competitions for amateur boxing
Wikipedia - Golden Hill (novel) -- 2016 novel by English writer Francis Spufford
Wikipedia - Golden Lovers -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - Golden Madonna of Essen -- Gold-covered statue of the Virgin and Child in Essen Cathedral, Germany
Wikipedia - Golden-spotted ground dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Golden Time (novel series) -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Golden Witchbreed -- 1983 science fiction novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - Goldfinger (novel) -- Novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Gold mining in Alaska -- Overview of gold mining in Alaska
Wikipedia - Gold mining in China -- Overview of gold mining in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Gold mining in Colorado -- Overview of gold mining in Colorado
Wikipedia - Gold mining in Nevada -- Overview of gold mining in Nevada
Wikipedia - Gold mining in the United States -- Overview of gold mining in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Golfing Union of Ireland -- Governing body for male amateur golf in Ireland, the world's first golfing union
Wikipedia - Golovec Hall -- Indoor sporting arena located in Celje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Gombe State House of Assembly -- Legislative arm of the government of Gombe State of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Gomelsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - GO Navigator -- SpaceX Dragon Recovery Vessel
Wikipedia - Gondulf of Provence
Wikipedia - Gone Are the Days (novel) -- Novel by Gaurav Sharma
Wikipedia - Gone Girl (novel) -- 2012 novel by Gillian Flynn
Wikipedia - Gone (novel series) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Gone'' (novel series) -- Gone (novel series) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Gone'' (novel series)
Wikipedia - Gone till November -- 1997 single by Wyclef Jean
Wikipedia - Gone with the Wind (novel) -- 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell
Wikipedia - Gong Baiyu -- Republican-era Chinese martial arts novelist
Wikipedia - Gonow Aoosed GX5 -- Chinese crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Gonow GX6 -- Chinese crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Gonzalo Himiob -- Venezuelan lawyer, writer and human rights activist. He is a founding member of the non-governmental organization Foro Penal
Wikipedia - Goodbye Charlie Bright -- 2001 film by Nick Love
Wikipedia - Goodbye Love (film) -- 1933 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Goodbye Lover -- 1998 film by Roland Joffe
Wikipedia - Goodbye My Lover -- 2005 song by James Blunt
Wikipedia - Goodenough Island Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Good governance -- Effective public decision making and institutions
Wikipedia - Good Morning, Miss Dove -- 1955 film by Henry Koster
Wikipedia - Good Old Koerner, Ray & Glover -- 1972 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - Good Omens -- 1990 novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Wikipedia - Goods Vehicle Movement Service -- UK government border control IT system
Wikipedia - Good to Go Lover -- album by Gwen Guthrie
Wikipedia - Google Chrome version history -- Overview of the version history of Google Chrome
Wikipedia - Go opening -- Initial moves of a Go game
Wikipedia - Gooseberry Cove
Wikipedia - Goosebumps -- Series of children's horror fiction novels written by R. L. Stine
Wikipedia - Gopal Krishna Gokhale -- Social and political leader during the Indian Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Gora (film) -- 1938 film based on a novel of Rabindranath Tagore
Wikipedia - Goran KlemenM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian lawyer
Wikipedia - Goran M-EM- oM-EM-!ic -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Gora (novel) -- Bengali novel written by Rabindranath Tagore
Wikipedia - Gorbio -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gordon Arnaud Winter -- Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
Wikipedia - Gordon Doversola -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Gordon Macdonald, 1st Baron Macdonald of Gwaenysgor -- British politician, last British governor of Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Gordons-Saraga Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gordon Tovey -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Goretsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Goria Cabinet -- 45th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - GoriM-DM-^Mko Natural Park -- Nature park in northeastern Slovenia
Wikipedia - Gorky Park (film) -- 1983 film directed by Michael Apted, based on the novel by Martin Cruz Smith
Wikipedia - Gorochovetzia -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of Russia
Wikipedia - Goroka Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - GO Searcher -- SpaceX Dragon Recovery Vessel
Wikipedia - Go Set a Watchman -- 2015 novel by Harper Lee
Wikipedia - Gossamer (novel) -- Novel by Lois Lowry
Wikipedia - Gosuke Yokota -- Governor of the South Seas Mandate
Wikipedia - Go Tell It on the Mountain (novel) -- 1953 novel by James Baldwin
Wikipedia - Gothic novel
Wikipedia - Gothic Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Got No Bread, No Milk, No Money, But We Sure Got a Lot of Love -- album by James Talley
Wikipedia - Goto, Island of Love -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Go Topless Day -- Gender equality protest by Raelian movement
Wikipedia - Got the All Overs for You (All Over Me) -- 1972 single by Freddie Hart
Wikipedia - Gourdon, Alpes-Maritimes -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gove & Walsh -- Architectural firm based in Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Gove, Bhiwandi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Gove Building, Chennai -- Heritage building in Chennai, India
Wikipedia - Goverdhan Mehta
Wikipedia - Governance in higher education
Wikipedia - Governance Innovation Unit -- Government agency in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Governance (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Governance -- All of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a govnt, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society
Wikipedia - Governance without government
Wikipedia - Governess cart -- Small two-wheeled horse-drawn cart
Wikipedia - Governess -- Woman employed as a teacher in a private household
Wikipedia - Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Ruling council of Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Government Accountability Office
Wikipedia - Government Act
Wikipedia - Government agency
Wikipedia - Governmentality
Wikipedia - Government and binding theory
Wikipedia - Government Arts College, Chidambaram -- General degree college located at C-Mutlur, Chidambaram in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu.
Wikipedia - Government Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram -- College in India
Wikipedia - Government Arya Degree College Nurpur -- College in Himachal Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Government Autonomous College, Angul -- College in Angul, Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Government Bangla College -- A public college in the capital city of Dhaka in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Government bond -- Bond issued by a government
Wikipedia - Government Bridge -- Bridge connecting Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa
Wikipedia - Government budget balance -- Difference between revenues and spending
Wikipedia - Government budget
Wikipedia - Government by algorithm
Wikipedia - Government Center (Miami) -- A neighborhood in Miami, Florida
Wikipedia - Government cheese -- Commodity cheese controlled by the government of the United States
Wikipedia - Government Chief Scientific Adviser (United Kingdom) -- Adviser to the UK Prime Minister and the Cabinet
Wikipedia - Government - Christians Forum -- Organization established in Jerusalem in 2013
Wikipedia - Government Code and Cypher School
Wikipedia - Government College, Ibadan -- All boys college in Ibadan, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Government College, Kodanchery -- college in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Government College Lahore
Wikipedia - Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khandola -- Collge of Goa, India
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Berhampore -- Engineering College in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology Serampore -- Engineering College in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering, Amravati -- College in Amravati
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology -- Engineering college in Kolkata, India
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology -- Engineering College in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad -- Indian college in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi -- Indian engineering college
Wikipedia - Government College of Engineering, Nagpur -- Government engineering college
Wikipedia - Government College of Fine Arts, Chennai -- Art College in India
Wikipedia - Government College of Physical Education for Women -- Institute in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government College, Tripunithura -- Government general degree college located in Tripunithura, Kerala
Wikipedia - Government College University Faisalabad -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government College University Hyderabad -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government College University, Lahore -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government College Women University Faisalabad -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government College Women University, Sialkot -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government Colony High School -- High school in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government Communications Headquarters
Wikipedia - Government Communications Security Bureau
Wikipedia - Government database
Wikipedia - Government debt
Wikipedia - Government Degree College, Budgam -- Government college in Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Government Digital Service -- Unit of the UK government charged with digital government services
Wikipedia - Government District, Dallas -- A neighborhood in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Government Employee Fair Treatment Act -- 2019 United States appropriations law
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Arwal -- Government engineering college in Arwal, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Aurangabad -- Government engineering college in Aurangabad, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Banka -- Government engineering college in Banka, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College Bikaner -- Indian technical education institute in Bikaner, Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Buxar -- Government engineering college in Buxar, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Gopalganj -- Government engineering college in Gopalganj, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Jamui -- Government engineering college in Jamui, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Jehanabad -- Government engineering college in Jehanabad, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Kaimur -- Government engineering college in Kaimur, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Khagaria -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Kishanganj -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Lakhisarai -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Madhubani -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Munger -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Nawada -- Government engineering college in Nawada, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Samastipur -- Government engineering college in Samastipur, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Sheikhpura -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Sheohar -- Government engineering college in Sheohar, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Thrissur -- An engineering college situated in Thrissur city of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, Vaishali -- Government engineering college in Hajipur, Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Engineering College, West Champaran -- Government engineering college in Bihar
Wikipedia - Government Erode Medical College -- Medical college in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Government Executive -- American news publication
Wikipedia - Government final consumption expenditure
Wikipedia - Government Gazette (Russia) -- Government Bulletin of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Government gazette -- Periodical publication that has been authorised to publish public or legal notice
Wikipedia - Government hacking -- Computer hacking perpetrated by governments
Wikipedia - Government Higher Secondary School, Pandikkad -- Indian school
Wikipedia - Government House, Hong Kong -- Official residence of the chief executive of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Government House (New York City) -- Mansion built in 1790 by New York State
Wikipedia - Government House of Thailand -- Offices of the Prime Minister of Thailand and appointed cabinet ministers
Wikipedia - Government House, Saint Lucia -- Official residence of the Governor-General of Saint Lucia in Castries
Wikipedia - Government in exile -- Governing body located outside its claimed territory
Wikipedia - Government intervention
Wikipedia - Government Islamia College
Wikipedia - Government Island (Oregon) -- Island on the Columbia River in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Government Junta of Chile (1973) -- Military dictatorship of Chile (1973-90)
Wikipedia - Government Law College, Ernakulam -- Law college in Kochi, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Government Law College, Mumbai -- Law college in Maharastha
Wikipedia - Government Law College, Thrissur
Wikipedia - Government Logistics Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Government Medical College, Chhindwara -- Medical college in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Government Medical College, Rajouri -- Indian Government Medical college
Wikipedia - Government Medical College, Thrissur -- College in Kerala, India.
Wikipedia - Government Mizoram Law College -- Law college in Mizoram
Wikipedia - Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College -- Indian medical college
Wikipedia - Government Mohindra College -- College in Punjab
Wikipedia - Government Museum, Mathura -- Museum in India
Wikipedia - Government National College, Karachi -- Science, arts, and commerce college
Wikipedia - Government of Andhra Pradesh -- Government for the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Government of Arizona -- Overview of the government of the U.S. state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Government of Arunachal Pradesh -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Assam -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Belize -- National government
Wikipedia - Government of Bihar -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Brazil
Wikipedia - Government of Brunei
Wikipedia - Government of California -- Governmental structure of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - Government of Canada Building, Moncton -- Office building in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Wikipedia - Government of Canada Building, North York -- Canadian government building in North York, Toronto
Wikipedia - Government of Canada -- federal government of Canada
Wikipedia - Government of Chad
Wikipedia - Government of China -- Administrative bodies of China
Wikipedia - Government of Columbus, Ohio -- City government
Wikipedia - Government of Croatia -- Main executive branch of government in Croatia
Wikipedia - Government of Dubai -- Government of the Emirate of Dubai
Wikipedia - Government of East Timor -- Legislative, executive and judiciary powers of East Timor
Wikipedia - Government of Estonia
Wikipedia - Government of France -- Body exerting the executive power in France
Wikipedia - Government of Gauteng -- The government of Gauteng province in South Africa
Wikipedia - Government of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Government of Georgia (U.S. state) -- Overview of the government of the U.S. state of Georgia
Wikipedia - Government of Ghana -- National government of the Republic of Ghana
Wikipedia - Government of Goa -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Guatemala
Wikipedia - Government of Haryana -- Governing authority of the Indian state of Haryana
Wikipedia - Government of Himachal Pradesh -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Hungary
Wikipedia - Government of India Act 1935
Wikipedia - Government of India Building
Wikipedia - Government of India -- Legislative, executive and judiciary powers of India
Wikipedia - Government of Ireland Act 1914
Wikipedia - Government of Ireland Act 1920 -- UK parliamentary Act of 1920 establishing Home Rule institutions in Southern and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Government of Ireland -- Ministerial cabinet exercising executive authority in the country of the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Government of Italy -- Democratic republic
Wikipedia - Government of Jammu and Kashmir -- Legislative, executive and judiciary powers of Jammu and Kashmir
Wikipedia - Government of Japan -- Constitutional monarchy which governs Japan
Wikipedia - Government of Jharkhand -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Kenya
Wikipedia - Government of Kerala -- Government of the Indian state of Kerala
Wikipedia - Government of Lebanon
Wikipedia - Government of Madhya Pradesh -- Indian governing authority
Wikipedia - Government of Malaysia -- Federal government of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Government of Malta
Wikipedia - Government of Manipur -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Michigan -- Executive, legislative, and judicial governing bodies of the US state of Michigan
Wikipedia - Government of Milwaukee -- Urban government in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Government of Mississippi -- Government of the U.S. state of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Government of Moscow
Wikipedia - Government of Nagaland -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of National Accord -- Government of Libya
Wikipedia - Government of National Defense
Wikipedia - Government of National Unity (Libya)
Wikipedia - Government of National Unity (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Government of Nepal -- Legislative, executive and judiciary powers of Nepal
Wikipedia - Government of New Hampshire -- Government of the U.S. state of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Government of New Jersey -- Overview of the government of the U.S. state of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Government of New Mexico -- Overview of the government of the U.S. state of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Government of New South Wales -- State government of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Government of New York City -- Overview of the government of New York City
Wikipedia - Government of New York (state)
Wikipedia - Government of Nicaragua -- Government of Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Government of North Korea -- National government of North Korea
Wikipedia - Government of North Macedonia
Wikipedia - Government of Ogun State -- State in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Government of Ontario
Wikipedia - Government of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government of Puducherry -- Union territories Government of India
Wikipedia - Government of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Government of Punjab, India -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Punjab, Pakistan -- Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government of Rajasthan -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Romania
Wikipedia - Government of San Diego County, California -- County government
Wikipedia - Government of San Francisco -- Government of city and county of San Francisco
Wikipedia - Government of Scotland
Wikipedia - Government of Sikkim -- Indian state government
Wikipedia - Government of Sint Maarten -- Government of the Dutch constituent country of Sint Maarten
Wikipedia - Government of Slovakia -- Executive authority in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Government of South Africa
Wikipedia - Government of South Korea -- National government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Government of Spain -- Executive authority of Spain
Wikipedia - Government of Sweden -- Highest executive authority in Sweden
Wikipedia - Government of Tamil Nadu -- Indian state government
Wikipedia - Government of the Australian Capital Territory -- territory government of the Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Wikipedia - Government of the Aztec Empire
Wikipedia - Government of the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Government of the Eastern Cape -- Provincial government of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Government of the Grand National Assembly -- Provisional government
Wikipedia - Government of the Han dynasty -- Government of Chinese dynasty 202BCE-220CE
Wikipedia - Government of the Northern Cape -- Government of the Northern Cape Province
Wikipedia - Government of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Government of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Government of the Republic of China
Wikipedia - Government of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Government of the United Kingdom -- Central government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Government of the United States
Wikipedia - Government of Tibet Autonomous Region
Wikipedia - Government of Tibet
Wikipedia - Government of Tripura -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Government of United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Government of Uttarakhand -- Indian State Government
Wikipedia - Government of Vichy France -- &nbsp;
Wikipedia - Government of Victoria
Wikipedia - Government of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Government of Wallonia -- Executive branch of Wallonia
Wikipedia - Government of Washington (state) -- Overview of the government of the U.S. state of Washington
Wikipedia - Government of West Bengal -- A state government in Indian state of West Bengal
Wikipedia - Government of Yemen
Wikipedia - Government operations
Wikipedia - Government-organized demonstration -- Demonstrations which are organized by the government of that nation
Wikipedia - Government Pension Fund of Norway -- Norwegian sovereign wealth fund
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic, Ambikapur -- Government-run Technical Institute located in Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic, Balasore -- Engineering school of Odisha
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic Barabanki -- Government technical education institute in India
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic, Bhadrak -- Engineering school of Odisha
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic College Anantnag -- College in Jammu and Kashmir
Wikipedia - Government Polytechnic College Warangal -- polytechnic college in Warangal
Wikipedia - Government Portal of Mauritius -- Official Mauritian Government's Website
Wikipedia - Government Post Graduate College (Chakwal) -- Pakistani college
Wikipedia - Government Post Graduate College Nowshera -- Public college in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government procurement -- Purchases made by the government
Wikipedia - Government Railway Police -- Indian police force
Wikipedia - Government revenue
Wikipedia - Government Rose Garden, Ooty -- Rose garden in Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Government Sadiq College Women University -- Public university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government Sadiq Egerton College Bahawalpur -- School in Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Government Sanskrit College
Wikipedia - Government Savings Bank (Thailand) -- A state-owned Thai bank headquartered in Phaya Thai District, Bangko
Wikipedia - Government Secondary School, Eneka -- Government educational institute in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Government shutdowns in the United States -- cessation of "non-essential" government services in the United States due to a funding lapse
Wikipedia - Government simulation game
Wikipedia - Government spending in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the government spending in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Government spending -- Government consumptions, investments, and transfer payments
Wikipedia - Government Technology
Wikipedia - Government trifecta -- Where a political party controls a bicameral legislature and the executive in a system that uses separation of powers
Wikipedia - Government -- System or group of people governing an organized community, often a state
Wikipedia - Government Wine Cellar -- Wine cellar of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Government Zawlnuam College -- College in Mizoram, India
Wikipedia - Governolo
Wikipedia - Governorate of Estonia
Wikipedia - Governorate of the Rio de la Plata -- Governorate of the Spanish Empire
Wikipedia - Governorate (Russia) -- Historic administrative subdivision of the Russian Empire and early Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Governorates of Bahrain
Wikipedia - Governorates of Egypt -- Top tier of the country's jurisdiction hierarchy
Wikipedia - Governorates of Iraq
Wikipedia - Governorates of Jordan -- Administrative subdivisions of Jordan
Wikipedia - Governorates of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Governorates of Lebanon
Wikipedia - Governorates of Libya
Wikipedia - Governorates of Oman
Wikipedia - Governorates of Syria
Wikipedia - Governorates of the Gaza Strip
Wikipedia - Governorates of the Palestinian National Authority
Wikipedia - Governorates of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Governorates of Yemen -- List of type of bureaucratic division in Yemen
Wikipedia - Governor Blacksnake -- Seneca nation War Chief
Wikipedia - Governor Clay -- American songwriter
Wikipedia - Governor (device)
Wikipedia - Governor-General of Australia -- Representative of the monarch of Australia
Wikipedia - Governor General of Canada -- representative of the monarch of Canada
Wikipedia - Governor-General of India -- Viceroy of British India
Wikipedia - Governor-General of New Zealand -- Representative of the monarch of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Governor-General of Taiwan -- Representative of the Emperor of Japan in the colony of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
Wikipedia - Governor General's Academic Medal
Wikipedia - Governor General's Performing Arts Award
Wikipedia - Governor-general -- Vice-regal representative of a monarch in an independent realm or a major colonial state
Wikipedia - Governor Greene Cemetery -- Rhode Island Historical Cemetery, in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Governor (India) -- Nominal head of an Indian state appointed by the President of India
Wikipedia - Governor Livingston High School -- High school in Union County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Governor of Adana -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Adiyaman -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Afyonkarahisar -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Aksaray -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Amasya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of AM-DM-^_ri -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Ankara -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Antalya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Ardahan -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Artvin -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Awdal -- head of Somaliland region of Awdal
Wikipedia - Governor of Aydin -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Balikesir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bartin -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bataan -- List of governors of Filipino province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bayburt -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bilecik -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bingol -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bitlis -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bolu -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Burdur -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Bursa -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of California
Wikipedia - Governor of Cebu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Governor of Cork -- Historic military role in Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Governor of Denizli -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Diyarbakir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Duzce -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Edirne -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of ElM-CM-"ziM-DM-^_ -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Erzincan -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Erzurum -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of EskiM-EM-^_ehir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Galway -- Historic military role at Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Governor of Gaziantep -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Georgia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Governor of Giresun -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of GumuM-EM-^_hane -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of HakkM-CM-"ri -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Hatay -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of IM-DM-^_dir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Indiana -- American politician
Wikipedia - Governor of Isabela -- List of governors of Filipino province
Wikipedia - Governor of Isparta -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Istanbul -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of KahramanmaraM-EM-^_ -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Karabuk -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Karaman -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kars -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kastamonu -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kayseri -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kentucky -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. commonwealth of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Governor of Kilis -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kirikkale -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kirklareli -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Governor of KirM-EM-^_ehir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kocaeli -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Konya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Kutahya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Limerick -- Historic military role at Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Governor of Malatya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Manisa -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Mardin -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Maroodi Jeex -- head of Somaliland region of Maroodi Jeex
Wikipedia - Governor of Maryland -- Head of state and of the executive branch of government of the U.S. State of Maryland
Wikipedia - Governor of Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Governor of M-CM-^Ganakkale -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of M-CM-^Gankiri -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of M-CM-^Gorum -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of M-DM-0zmir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Mersin -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Michigan -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Michigan
Wikipedia - Governor of Minnesota -- head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Minnesota
Wikipedia - Governor of Misamis Oriental -- List of governors of Filipino province
Wikipedia - Governor of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Governor of MuM-DM-^_la -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of MuM-EM-^_ -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of NevM-EM-^_ehir -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of New Mexico -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of New Mexico
Wikipedia - Governor of New York -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Governor of NiM-DM-^_de -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of North Carolina -- Head of state and government of the U.S. state of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Governor of North Dakota
Wikipedia - Governor of Northern Nigeria -- Office of the Governing body of the northern-region of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Governor of North Jeolla Province -- Local government head in South Korea
Wikipedia - Governor of North Sumatra -- Head of government of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Governor of Ordu -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Oregon -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Governor of Osmaniye -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Puerto Rico -- Head of government of the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Governor of Rize -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sahil -- head of Somaliland region of Sahil
Wikipedia - Governor of Sakarya -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Samsun -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sanaag -- head of Somaliland region of Sanaag
Wikipedia - Governor of Sanliurfa -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Siirt -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sinop -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sirnak -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sivas -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Sool -- head of Somaliland region of Sool
Wikipedia - Governor of South Carolina -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - Governor of TekirdaM-DM-^_ -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Texas -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Texas
Wikipedia - Governor of the Bank of Namibia -- Head of Namibia's central bank
Wikipedia - Governor of Togdheer -- head of Somaliland region of Togdheer
Wikipedia - Governor of Tokat -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Trabzon -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Tunceli -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of UM-EM-^_ak -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Vermont -- Head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Vermont
Wikipedia - Governor of Wyoming
Wikipedia - Governor of Yalova -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Yozgat -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor of Zonguldak -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Governor Phillip Tower -- Skyscraper in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Governor's Body Guard of Light Horse -- Military unit, New South Wales 1801-1834
Wikipedia - Governors Island -- Island in New York Harbor in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Governor's Mansion (Tobolsk, Russia)
Wikipedia - Governor's Museum -- Museum in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Governor's Palace, Chandigarh -- Proposed government building in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Governor's Square -- Shopping mall in Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Governor Stoneman Adobe, Los Robles -- California historic landmark
Wikipedia - Governor (United States)
Wikipedia - Governor -- Governing official
Wikipedia - Governor William Bradford
Wikipedia - Govert Brasser -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Gove Scrivenor -- American musician
Wikipedia - Gove's Rebellion -- 1683 uprising in the Province of New Hampshire
Wikipedia - GOV.UK Verify -- identity assurance system developed by the UK Government Digital Service
Wikipedia - -- Official website of the Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - GPS wildlife tracking -- Remotely observe movement or migratory patterns in a wild animal using the Global Positioning System
Wikipedia - Grace Bawden -- Australian classical crossover singer
Wikipedia - Grace Campbell (author) -- Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Grace Dove -- Canadian actress and television host
Wikipedia - Grace Gospel Fellowship -- A Christian denomination associated with the Grace Movement
Wikipedia - Grace King -- American novelist, biographer, historian
Wikipedia - Grace Musgrove -- Australian triathlete
Wikipedia - Grace Road Church -- South Korean religious movement
Wikipedia - Gracie: A Love Story -- Book by George Burns
Wikipedia - Grade II* listed buildings in Bromsgrove (district) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Grad, Grad -- Village that is the seat and largest and oldest settlement in Grad municipality, Prekmurje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Graeco-Arabic translation movement -- Movement that resulted in the translation of texts from various languages into Arabic
Wikipedia - Graelent -- Medieval French love story
Wikipedia - Grafton ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Graham Billing -- Novelist, journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Grammar -- Structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in a natural language
Wikipedia - Gram panchayat -- Local self-government organisation in India
Wikipedia - Grand Lodge of India -- Governing body of Freemasonry in India
Wikipedia - Grandpas Over Flowers -- South Korean travel-reality show
Wikipedia - Grand TheM-CM-"tre de Provence -- French theatre
Wikipedia - Grange-over-Sands railway station -- Railway station that serves the town of Grange-over-Sands in Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Grans -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Graphic novelist
Wikipedia - Graphic novel -- Book with primarily comics contents
Wikipedia - Grasse -- Subrefecture of Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Grass mountain -- Mountain covered with low vegetation
Wikipedia - Grass (novel) -- 1989 science fiction novel by Sheri S. Tepper
Wikipedia - Grassroots -- Political or economic movement based on local communities and everyday people
Wikipedia - Grassy Cove -- Geographical region in Cumberland County, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Grave robbery -- Act of uncovering a tomb or crypt to steal artifacts or personal effects
Wikipedia - Graveson -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gravity's Rainbow -- Novel by Thomas Pynchon
Wikipedia - Gray Davis -- 37th governor of California
Wikipedia - Graziella -- 1852 novel by Alphonse de Lamartine
Wikipedia - Greasque -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Great American Novel -- Concept of a novel of high literary merit
Wikipedia - Greatcoat -- Oversized, heavy overcoat
Wikipedia - Great cuckoo-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Greater Antilles mangroves -- Mangrove ecoregion in the Greater Antilles islands
Wikipedia - Greater Britain Movement -- British far right political organisation
Wikipedia - Greater Hamburg Act -- Passed by the government of Nazi Germany on 26 January 1937
Wikipedia - Greater sand plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Greater Than Love -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666 -- HIM album
Wikipedia - Great Expectations -- 1861 novel by Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Great ground dove -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Great Indonesia Movement Party -- political party in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Great Lakes Storm of 1913 -- November 1913 storm at the Great Lakes of North America
Wikipedia - Great Offices of State -- Four most senior positions in the British government
Wikipedia - Great Seal of Arkansas -- Official government emblem of the U.S. state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Great Seal of California -- Official government emblem of the United States state of California
Wikipedia - Great Seal of Missouri -- Official government emblem of the U.S. state of Missouri
Wikipedia - Great Stirrup Controversy -- Debate of the effect of the stirrup
Wikipedia - Greece in the 5th century BC -- Period in Greek politics and culture covering the 5th century BC
Wikipedia - Greed (Jelinek novel) -- novel by Elfriede Jelinek
Wikipedia - Greek gift sacrifice -- Chess move
Wikipedia - Greek government-debt crisis -- Sovereign debt crisis faced by Greece
Wikipedia - Greek Homosexuality (book) -- 1978 book by Kenneth Dover
Wikipedia - Greek words for love -- Agape, eros, philia, and storgM-DM-^S
Wikipedia - Green-crowned plovercrest -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Green Dragons -- Sport supporters' group from Slovenija
Wikipedia - Greene County Courthouse (Ohio) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Greenhouse gas emissions by the United Kingdom -- Overview of the greenhouse gas emissions by United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Greenhouse gas emissions in Kentucky -- Overview of the greenhouse gas emissions in Kentucky
Wikipedia - Greenland ice sheet -- Ice sheet covering ~80% of Greenland
Wikipedia - Greenmantle -- 1916 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Green movement
Wikipedia - Greenpeace -- Non-governmental environmental organization
Wikipedia - Green River Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Green Spring Plantation -- 17th century plantation of the governor of Colonial Virginia in North America
Wikipedia - Greenstone Building -- Main office of Canadian federal government in Yellowknife, capital of the Northwest Territories
Wikipedia - Green-white-checker finish -- Overtime finish in North American motorsports
Wikipedia - Greenwich Cove Site -- Archaeological site in Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Grega Bole -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Greg Bialecki -- American attorney and government figure
Wikipedia - Greg Flynn -- Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Gregor GolobiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Gregorio Jover Cortes -- Spanish anarcho-syndicalist (1891-1964)
Wikipedia - Gregor Rajh -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Gregor the Overlander -- Book
Wikipedia - Gregor Urbas -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Gregor Virant -- Slovenian politician and public servant
Wikipedia - Gregory Day -- Australian novelist, poet and musician
Wikipedia - Gregory Maguire -- Novelist
Wikipedia - Grenada dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grendel's mother -- Mother of the above Grendel
Wikipedia - Greolieres -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Gretchen Whitmer -- 49th Governor of Michigan
Wikipedia - Grey-chested dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian -- Novel by E. L. James
Wikipedia - Grey-fronted dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grey-fronted quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grey-green fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grey-headed dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grey-headed fruit dove -- Species of bird

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last updated: 2022-02-04 09:30:21
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