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object:Talks 026-050
author class:Sri Ramana Maharshi
book class:Talks
--- Talk 26.
  D.: How shall we discover the nature of the mind i.e., its ultimate cause, or the noumenon of which it is a manifestation?
  M.: Arranging thoughts in the order of value, the I thought is the allimportant thought. Personality-idea or thought is also the root or the stem of all other thoughts, since each idea or thought arises only as someones thought and is not known to exist independently of the ego. The ego therefore exhibits thought-activity. The second and the third persons do not appear except to the first person. Therefore they arise only after the first person appears, so all the three persons seem to rise and sink together. Trace, then, the ultimate cause of I or personality. The I idea arises to an embodied ego and should be related to a body or organism. Has it a location in the body or a special relation to any particular spot, as speech which has its centre in the brain or amativeness in the brain? Similarly, has I got any centre in the brain, blood, or viscera? Thought-life is seen to centre round the brain and the spinal-cord which in turn are fed by the blood circulating in them, carrying food and air duly mixed up which are transformed into nerve matter. Thus, vegetative life - including circulation, respiration, alimentation, etc. - or vital force, is said to be (or reside in) the core or essence of the organism. Thus the mind may be regarded as the manifestation of vital force which again may be conceived as residing the Heart.
  D.: Now for the art of eliminating the mind and developing intuition in its stead, are they two distinct stages with a possible neutral ground which is neither mind nor intuition? Or does the absence of mental activity necessarily involve Self-Realisation?
  M.: To the abhyasi (practitioner) there are two distinctive stages.
  There is a neutral ground of sleep, coma, faint, insanity, etc., in which the mental operations either do not exist or consciousness of Self does not prevail.
  D.: Taking the first part first, how is the mind to be eliminated or relative consciousness transcended?
  M.: The mind is by nature restless. Begin liberating it from its restlessness; give it peace; make it free from distractions; train it to look inward; make this a habit. This is done by ignoring the external world and removing the obstacles to peace of mind.
  D.: How is restlessness removed from the mind?
  M.: External contacts - contacts with objects other than itself - make the mind restless. Loss of interest in non-Self, (vairagya) is the first step.
  Then the habits of introspection and concentration follow. They are characterised by control of external senses, internal faculties, etc.
  (sama, dama, etc.) ending in samadhi (undistracted mind).

  --- Talk 27.
  D.: How are they practised?
  M.: An examination of the ephemeral nature of external phenomena leads to vairagya. Hence enquiry (vichara) is the first and foremost step to be taken. When vichara continues automatically, it results in a contempt for wealth, fame, ease, pleasure, etc. The I thought becomes clearer for inspection. The source of I is the Heart - the final goal. If, however, the aspirant is not temperamentally suited to Vichara Marga (to the introspective analytical method), he must develop bhakti (devotion) to an ideal - may be God, Guru, humanity in general, ethical laws, or even the idea of beauty. When one of these takes possession of the individual, other attachments grow weaker, i.e., dispassion (vairagya) develops. Attachment for the ideal simultaneously grows and finally holds the field. Thus ekagrata (concentration) grows simultaneously and imperceptibly
  - with or without visions and direct aids.
  In the absence of enquiry and devotion, the natural sedative pranayama (breath regulation) may be tried. This is known as
  Yoga Marga. If life is imperilled the whole interest centres round the one point, the saving of life. If the breath is held the mind cannot afford to (and does not) jump at its pets - external objects.
  Thus there is rest for the mind so long as the breath is held. All attention being turned on breath or its regulation, other interests are lost. Again, passions are attended with irregular breathing, whereas calm and happiness are attended with slow and regular breathing.
  Paroxysm of joy is in fact as painful as one of pain, and both are accompanied by ruffled breaths. Real peace is happiness. Pleasures do not form happiness. The mind improves by practice and becomes finer just as the razors edge is sharpened by stropping. The mind is then better able to tackle internal or external problems. If an aspirant be unsuited temperamentally for the first two methods and circumstantially (on account of age) for the third method, he must try the Karma Marga (doing good deeds, for example, social service). His nobler instincts become more evident and he derives impersonal pleasure. His smaller self is less assertive and has a chance of expanding its good side. The man becomes duly equipped for one of the three aforesaid paths. His intuition may also develop directly by this single method.
  D.: Can a line of thought or a series of questions induce Selfhypnotism? Should it not be reduced to a single point analysing the unanalysable, elementary and vaguely perceived and elusive I?
  M.: Yes. It is really like gazing into vacancy or a dazzling crystal or light.
  D.: Can the mind be fixed to that point? How?
  M.: If the mind is distracted, ask the question promptly, To whom do these distracting thoughts arise? That takes you back to the I point promptly.
  D.: How long can the mind stay or be kept in the Heart?
  M.: The period extends by practice.
  D.: What happens at the end of the period?
  M.: The mind returns to the present normal state. Unity in the Heart is replaced by variety of phenomena perceived. This is called the outgoing mind. The heart-going mind is called the resting mind.
  D.: Is all this process merely intellectual or does it exhibit feeling predominantly?
  M.: The latter.
  D.: How do all thoughts cease when the mind is in the Heart?
  M.: By force of will, with strong faith in the truth of the Masters teaching to that effect.
  D.: What is the good of this process?
  (a) Conquest of the will - development of concentration.
  (b) Conquest of passions - development of dispassion.
  (c) Increased practice of virtue - (samatva) equality to all.
  D.: Why should one adopt this self-hypnotism by thinking on the unthinkable point? Why not adopt other methods like gazing into light, holding the breath, hearing music, hearing internal sounds, repetition of the sacred syllable (Pranava) or other mantras?
  M.: Light-gazing stupefies the mind and produces catalepsy of the will for the time being, yet secures no permanent benefit. Breath control benumbs the will for the time being only. Sound-hearing produces similar results - unless the mantra is sacred and secures the help of a higher power to purify and raise the thoughts.

  --- Talk 28.
  D.: What is the interrelation between regulation of thought and regulation of breath?
  M.: Thought (intellectual) and respiration, circulation, etc. (vegetative) activities are both different aspects of the same - the individual life.
  Both depend upon (or metaphorically reside or inhere in) life.
  Personality and other ideas spring from it like the vital activity.
  If respiration or other vital activity is forcibly repressed, thought also is repressed. If thought is forcibly slowed down and pinned to a point, the vital activity of respiration is slowed down, made even and confined to the lowest level compatible with life. In both cases the distracting variety of thought is temporarily at an end.
  The interaction is noticeable in other ways also. Take the will to live. That is thought-power. That sustains and keeps up life when other vitality is almost exhausted and delays death. In the absence of such will-power death is accelerated. So thought is said to carry life with it in the flesh and from one fleshy body to another.
  D.: Are there any aids to (1) concentration and (2) casting off distractions?
  M.: Physically the digestive and other organs are kept free from irritation. Therefore food is regulated both in quantity and quality.
  Non-irritants are eaten, avoiding chillies, excess of salt, onions, wine, opium, etc. Avoid constipation, drowsiness and excitement, and all foods which induce them. Mentally take interest in one thing and fix the mind on it. Let such interest be all-absorbing to the exclusion of everything else. This is dispassion (vairagya) and concentration. God or mantra may be chosen. The mind gains strength to grasp the subtle and merge into it.
  D.: Distractions result from inherited tendencies. Can they be cast off too?
  M.: Yes. Many have done so. Believe it! They did so because they believed they could. Vasanas (predispositions) can be obliterated.
  It is done by concentration on that which is free from vasanas and yet is their core.
  D.: How long is the practice to continue?
  M.: Till success is achieved and until yoga-liberation becomes permanent. Success begets success. If one distraction is conquered the next is conquered and so on, until all are finally conquered. The process is like reducing an enemys fort by slaying its man-power - one by one, as each issues out.
  D.: What is the goal of this process?
  M.: Realising the Real.
  D.: What is the nature of the Reality?
  M.: (a) Existence without beginning or end - eternal.
  (b) Existence everywhere, endless, infinite.
  (c) Existence underlying all forms, all changes, all forces, all matter and all spirit.
  The many change and pass away (phenomena), whereas the One always endures (noumenon).
  (d) The one displacing the triads, i.e., the knower, the knowledge and the known. The triads are only appearances in time and space, whereas the Reality lies beyond and behind them. They are like a mirage over the Reality. They are the result of delusion.
  D.: If I also be an illusion, who then casts off the illusion?
  M.: The I casts off the illusion of I and yet remains as I. Such is the paradox of Self-Realisation. The realised do not see any contradiction in it. Take the case of bhakti - I approach Iswara and pray to be absorbed in Him. I then surrender myself in faith and by concentration. What remains afterwards? In place of the original
  I, perfect self-surrender leaves a residuum of God in which the I is lost. This is the highest form of devotion (parabhakti), prapatti, surrender or the height of vairagya.
  You give up this and that of my possessions. If you give up I and Mine instead, all are given up at a stroke. The very seed of possession is lost. Thus the evil is nipped in the bud or crushed in the germ itself. Dispassion (vairagya) must be very strong to do this. Eagerness to do it must be equal to that of a man kept under water trying to rise up to the surface for his life.
  D.: Cannot this trouble and difficulty be lessened with the aid of a
  Master or an Ishta Devata (God chosen for worship)? Cannot they give the power to see our Self as it is - to change us into themselves
  - to take us into Self-Realisation?
  M.: Ishta Devata and Guru are aids - very powerful aids on this path.
  But an aid to be effective requires your effort also. Your effort is a sine qua non. It is you who should see the sun. Can spectacles and the sun see for you? You yourself have to see your true nature. Not much aid is required for doing it!
  D.: What is the relation between my free-will and the overwhelming might of the Omnipotent?
  (a) Is omniscience of God consistent with egos freewill?
  (b) Is omnipotence of God consistent with egos freewill?
  (c) Are the natural laws consistent with Gods free-will?
  M.: Yes. Free-will is the present appearing to a limited faculty of sight and will. The same ego sees its past activity as falling into a course of law or rules - its own free-will being one of the links in that course of law.
  Omnipotence and omniscience of God are then seen by the ego to have acted through the appearance of his own free-will. So he comes to the conclusion that the ego must go by appearances. Natural laws are manifestations of Gods will and they have been laid down.
  D.: Is the study of science, psychology, physiology, philosophy, etc. helpful for:(1) this art of yoga-liberation.
  (2) the intuitive grasp of the unity of the Real?
  M.: Very little. Some knowledge is needed for yoga and it may be found in books. But practical application is the thing needed, and personal example, personal touch and personal instructions are the most helpful aids. As for the other, a person may laboriously convince himself of the truth to be intuited, i.e., its function and nature, but the actual intuition is akin to feeling and requires practice and personal contact. Mere book learning is not of any great use. After realisation all intellectual loads are useless burdens and are thrown overboard as jetsam. Jettisoning the ego is necessary and natural.
  D.: How does dream differ from waking?
  M.: In dreams one takes on different bodies, and they re-enter this body when one dreams of sense-contacts.
  D.: What is happiness? Is it inhering in the Atman or in the object, or in the contact between the subject and the object? But we do not see happiness in our affairs. When does It actually arise?
  M.: When there is contact of a desirable sort or memory thereof, and when there is freedom from undesirable contacts or memory thereof, we say there is happiness. Such happiness is relative and is better called pleasure.
  But men want absolute and permanent happiness. This does not reside in objects, but in the Absolute. It is Peace free from pain and pleasure - it is a neutral state.
  D.: In what sense is happiness our real nature?
  M.: Perfect Bliss is Brahman. Perfect Peace is of the Self. That alone exists and is conscious. The same conclusion is arrived at: (a) judged metaphysically, and (b) inferred by Bhakti Marga (Path of Devotion).
  We pray to God for Bliss and receive it by Grace. The bestower of bliss must be Bliss itself and also Infinite. Therefore, Iswara is the Personal
  God of infinite power and bliss. Brahman is Bliss, impersonal and absolute. The finite egos, deriving their source from Brahman and then
  Iswara, are in their spiritual nature bliss only. Biologically, an organism functions because such functions are attended with happiness.
  It is pleasure that helps our growth; food, exercise, rest, and gregarious qualities. The psychology (and metaphysics) of pleasure is perhaps this; Our nature is primarily one, entire, blissful. Take this as a probable hypothesis. Creation is by the entire Godhead breaking into God and Nature (maya or prakriti). This maya is of two parts: (para) - the supporting essence and (apara) the five elements, mind, intellect, and ego (eightfold).
  Egos perfection is suddenly broken at a point and a want is felt giving rise to a desire to get something or do something. When that want is cured by the fulfilment of that desire, the ego is happy and the original perfection is restored. Therefore happiness may be said to be our natural condition or nature. Pleasure and pain are relative and refer to our finite state, with progress by satisfaction of want. If relative progress is stopped and the soul merges into
  Brahman - of the nature of perfect peace - that soul ceases to have relative, temporary pleasure and enjoys perfect peace - Bliss. Hence
  Self-Realisation is Bliss; it is realizing the Self as the limitless spiritual eye (jnana dristi) and not clairvoyance; it is the highest self-surrender. Samsara (the world-cycle) is sorrow.
  D.: Why then is samsara - creation and manifestation as finitised - so full of sorrow and evil?
  M.: Gods will!
  D.: Why does God will it so?
  M.: It is inscrutable. No motive can be attri buted to that Power no desire, no end to achieve can be asserted of that one Infinite,
  All-wise and All-powerful Being. God is untouched by activities, which take place in His presence; compare the sun and the world activities. There is no meaning in attri buting responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. But Gods will for the prescribed course of events is a good solution of the free-will problem (vexata quaestio). If the mind is restless on account of a sense of the imperfect and unsatisfactory character of what befalls us or what is committed or omitted by us, then it is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free-will by regarding ourselves as the ordained instruments of the All-wise and All-powerful, to do and suffer as He pleases. He carries all burdens and gives us peace.

  --- Talk 29.
  On another occasion, the evening was calm and cloudy. It was drizzling occasionally and somewhat cool in consequence. The windows of the
  Asramam Hall were closed and Maharshi was seated as usual on the sofa.
  Facing him sat the devotees. Some visitors had come from Cuddalore. A
  Sub-Judge, accompanied by two elderly ladies, was among them. The
  Sub-Judge began the discussion as to the impermanence of all mundane things, by putting the question. Has the discrimination between Reality and Unreality (Sat asat vicharana) the efficacy in itself to lead us to the realisation of the one Imperishable?
  M.: As propounded by all and realised by all true seekers, fixity in the Supreme Spirit (Brahma nishta) alone can make us know and realise it. It being of us and in us, any amount of discrimination
  (vivechana) can lead us only one step forward, by making us renouncers, by goading us to discard the seeming (abhasa) as transitory and to hold fast to the eternal truth and presence alone.
  The conversation turned upon the question as to whether Iswara
  Prasad (Divine Grace) is necessary for the attaining of samrajya
  (universal dominion) or whether a jivas honest and strenuous efforts to attain it cannot of themselves lead him to That from whence is no return to life and death. The Maharshi with an ineffable smile which lit up His Holy Face and which was all-pervasive, shining upon the coterie around him, replied in tones of certainty and with the ring of truth; Divine Grace is essential for Realisation. It leads one to
  God-realisation. But such Grace is vouchsafed only to him who is a true devotee or a yogin, who has striven hard and ceaselessly on the path towards freedom.
  D.: There are six centres mentioned in the Yoga books; but the jiva is said to reside in the Heart. Is it not so?
  M.: Yes. The jiva is said to remain in the Heart in deep sleep; and in the brain in the waking state. The Heart need not be taken to be the muscular cavity with four chambers which propels blood. There are indeed passages which support the view. There are others who take it to mean a set of ganglia or nerve centres about that region. Whichever view is correct does not matter to us. We are not concerned with anything less than ourselves. That we have certainly within us. There could be no doubts or discussions about that.
  The Heart is used in the Vedas and the scriptures to denote the place whence the notion I springs. Does it spring only from the fleshy ball?
  It springs within us somewhere right in the middle of our being. The
  I has no location. Everything is the Self. There is nothing but that.
  So the Heart must be said to be the entire body of ourselves and of the entire universe, conceived as I. But to help the practiser (abhyasi) we have to indicate a definite part of the Universe, or of the Body.
  So this Heart is pointed out as the seat of the Self. But in truth we are everywhere, we are all that is, and there is nothing else.
  D.: It is said that Divine Grace is necessary to attain successful undistracted mind (samadhi). Is that so?
  M.: We are God (Iswara). Iswara Drishti (i.e., seeing ourselves as God) is itself Divine Grace. So we need Divine Grace to get Gods Grace.
  Maharshi smiles and all devotees laugh together.
  D.: There is also Divine Favour (Iswara anugraham) as distinct from Divine Grace (Iswara prasadam). Is that so?
  M.: The thought of God is Divine Favour! He is by nature Grace
  (prasad or arul). It is by Gods Grace that you think of God.
  D.: Is not the Masters Grace the result of Gods Grace?
  M.: Why distinguish between the two? The Master is the same as God and not different from him.
  D.: When an endeavour is made to lead the right life and to concentrate thought on the Self, there is often a downfall and break. What is to be done?
  M.: It will come all right in the end. There is the steady impulse of your determination that sets you on your feet again after every downfall and breakdown. Gradually the obstacles are all overcome and your current becomes stronger. Everything comes right in the end. Steady determination is what is required.

  --- Talk 30.
  Mr. N. Natesa Iyer, the leader of the Bar in a South Indian town, an orthodox Brahmin, asked: Are the gods Iswara or Vishnu and their sacred regions Kailasa or Vaikuntha real?
  M.: As real as you are in this body.
  D.: Do they possess a vyavahara satya, i.e., phenomenal existence, like my body? Or are they fictions like the horn of a hare?
  M.: They do exist.
  D.: If so, they must be somewhere. Where are they?
  M.: Persons who have seen them say that they exist somewhere. So we must accept their statement.
  D.: Where do they exist?
  M.: In you.
  D.: Then it is only idea - that which I can create and control?
  M.: Everything is like that.
  D.: But I can create pure fictions e.g., hares horn or only part truths, e.g. mirage, while there are also facts irrespective of my imagination. Do the gods Iswara or Vishnu exist like that?
  M.: Yes.
  D.: Is He subject to pralaya (cosmic dissolution)?
  M.: Why? Man becoming aware of the Self transcends cosmic dissolution (pralaya) and becomes liberated (mukta). Why not God (Iswara) who is infinitely wiser and abler?
  D.: Do devas and pisachas (devils) exist similarly?
  M.: Yes.
  D.: How are we to conceive of Supreme Consciousness (Chaitanya Brahman)?
  M.: As that which is.
  D.: Should it be thought of as Self-Effulgent?
  M.: It transcends light and darkness. An individual (jiva) sees both.
  The Self enlightens the individual to see light and darkness.
  D.: Should it be realised as I am not the body, nor the agent, nor the enjoyer, etc.?
  M.: Why these thoughts? Do we now think that we are men, etc.? By not thinking so, do we cease to be men?
  D.: Should one realise it then by the scriptural text such as There are no differences here.
  M.: Why even that?
  D.: If we think I am the real, will it do?
  M.: All thoughts are inconsistent with realisation. The correct state is to exclude thoughts of ourselves and all other thoughts. Thought is one thing and realisation is quite another.
  D.: Is it not necessary or at least advantageous to render the body invisible in ones spiritual progress?
  M.: Why do you think of that? Are you the body?
  D.: No. But advanced spirituality must effect a change in the body.
  Is it not so?
  M.: What change do you desire in the body, and why?
  D.: Is not invisibility evidence of advanced Wisdom (jnana)?
  M.: In that case, all those who spoke, who wrote and who passed their lives in the sight of others must be considered ignorant (ajnanis)!
  D.: But the sages Vasistha and Valmiki possessed such powers?
  M.: It might have been their fate (prarabdha) to develop such powers
  (siddhis) side by side with their wisdom (jnana). Why should you aim at that which is not essential but apt to prove a hindrance to wisdom (jnana)? Does the Sage (Jnani) feel oppressed by his body being visible?
  D.: No.
  M.: A hypnotist can render himself suddenly invisible. Is he therefore a Sage (Jnani)?
  D.: No.
  M.: Visibility and invisibility refer to a seer. Who is that seer? Solve that first. Other matters are unimportant.
  D.: The Vedas contain conflicting accounts of Cosmogony. Ether is said to be the first creation in one place; vital energy (prana) in another place; something else in yet another; water in still another, and so on. How are these to be reconciled? Do not these impair the credibility of the Vedas?
  M.: Different seers saw different aspects of truths at different times, each emphasising some one view. Why do you worry about their conflicting statements? The essential aim of the Veda is to teach us the nature of the imperishable Atman and show us that we are That.
  D.: I am satisfied with that portion.
  M.: Then treat all the rest as artha vada (auxiliary arguments) or expositions for the sake of the ignorant who seek to trace the genesis of things and matters.
  D.: I am a sinner. I do not perform religious sacrifices (homas), etc.
  Shall I have painful rebirths for that reason? Pray save me!
  M.: Why do you say that you are a sinner? Your trust in God is sufficient to save you from rebirths. Cast all burden on Him.
  In the Tiruvachagam it is said: Though I am worse than a dog, you have graciously undertaken to protect me. This delusion of birth and death is maintained by you. Moreover, am I the person to sift and judge? Am I the Lord here? Oh Maheswara! It is for you to roll me through bodies (by births and deaths) or to keep me fixed at your own feet. Therefore have faith and that will save you.
  D.: Sir, I have faith - and still I encounter difficulties. Weakness and giddiness afflict me after I practise concentration.
  M.: Breath-control (pranayama) properly performed should increase ones strength.
  D.: I have my professional work and yet I want to be in perpetual dhyana. Will they conflict with each other?
  M.: There will be no conflict. As you practise both and develop your powers you will be able to attend to both. You will begin to look on business as a dream. Says the Bhagavad Gita: That which is the night of all beings, for the disciplined man is the time of waking; when other beings are waking, then is it night for the sage who seeth. (11.69.)

  --- Talk 31.
  A visitor asked: What to do to get liberation (moksha)?
  M.: Learn what liberation is.
  D.: Should I do worship (upasana) for it?
  M.: Worship is for mind control (chitta nirodha) and concentration.
  D.: Should I do idol worship? Is there any harm in it?
  M.: So long as you think you are the body there is no harm.
  D.: How to get over the cycle of births and deaths?
  M.: Learn what it means.
  D.: Should I not leave my wife and family?
  M.: How do they harm you? First find out who you are.
  D.: Should not one give up wife, wealth, home?
  M.: Learn first what samsara is. Is all that samsara? Have there not been men living among them and getting realisation?
  D.: What are the steps of practical training (sadhana) for it?
  M.: It depends on the qualifications and the nature of the seeker.
  D.: I am doing idol worship.
  M.: Go on with it. It leads to concentration of mind. Get one-pointed.
  All will come out right. People think that freedom (moksha) is somewhere yonder and should be sought out. They are wrong.
  Freedom (moksha) is only knowing the Self within yourself.
  Concentrate and you will get it. Your mind is the cycle of births and deaths (samsara).
  D.: My mind is very unsteady. What should I do?
  M.: Fix your attention on any single thing and try to hold on to it.
  All will be right.
  D.: I find concentration difficult.
  M.: Go on practising. Your concentration will be as easy as breathing.
  That will be the crown of your achievements.
  D.: Are not abstinence and pure food helpful?
  M.: Yes, all that is good. (Then Maharshi concentrates and silently gazes at vacancy, and thus sets an example to the questioner).
  D.: Do I not require Yoga?
  M.: What is it but the means to concentration?
  D.: To help concentration, is it not good to have some aids?
  M.: Breath-regulation, etc., are such helps.
  D.: Is it not possible to get a vision of God?
  M.: Yes. You see this and that. Why not see God? Only you must know what God is. All are seeing God always. But they do not know it.
  You find out what God is. People see, yet see not, because they know not God.
  D.: Should I not go on with repetition of sacred syllables, (mantra japa), e.g., Krishna or Ramas name, when I worship images?
  M.: Mental japa is very good. That helps meditation. Mind gets identified with the repetition and then you get to know what worship (puja) really is - the losing of ones individuality in that which is worshipped.
  D.: Is the Universal Soul (Paramatma) always different from us?
  M.: That is the common belief, but it is wrong. Think of Him as not different from you, and then you achieve identity of Self with God.
  D.: Is it not the Advaita doctrine to become one with God?
  M.: Where is becoming? The thinker is all the while the Real. He ultimately realises the fact. Sometimes we forget our identities, as in sleep and dreams. But God is perpetual consciousness.
  D.: Is not the Masters guidance necessary, besides idol worship?
  M.: How did you start it without advice?
  D.: From sacred books (puranas).
  M.: Yes. Someone tells you of God, or Bhagavan Himself tells you.
  In the latter case God Himself is your Master. What matters it who the Master is? We really are one with Master or Bhagavan. The
  Master is God; one discovers it in the end. There is no difference between human-guru and God-guru.
  D.: If we have done virtuous action (punya) the achievement will not leave us. I hope.
  M.: You will reap your destiny (prarabdha) that way.
  D.: Will not a Wise Master be a great help in pointing out the way?
  M.: Yes. If you go on working with the light available, you will meet your Master, as he himself will be seeking you.
  D.: Is there a difference between prapatti (self-surrender) and the
  Path of Yoga of the Seers?
  M.: Jnana Marga and Bhakti Marga (prapatti) are one and the same.
  Self-surrender leads to realisation just as enquiry does. Complete self-surrender means that you have no further thought of I. Then all your predispositions (samskaras) are washed off and you are free. You should not continue as a separate entity at the end of either course.
  D.: Do not we go to Heaven (svarga), etc. as the result of our actions?
  M.: That is as true as the present existence. But if we enquire who we are and discover the Self, what need is there to think of heaven, etc.?
  D.: Should I not try to escape rebirth?
  M.: Yes. Find out who is born and who has the trouble of existence now.
  When you are asleep do you think of rebirths or even the present existence, etc.? So find out whence the present problem arises and there is the solution also. You will discover that there is no birth, no present trouble or unhappiness, etc. All is That; All is Bliss; we are freed from rebirth in fact. Why fret over the misery of rebirth?

  --- Talk 32.
  A visitor: The saints Sri Chaitanya and Sri Ramakrishna wept before
  God and achieved success. Is that not the path to follow?
  M.: Yes. There was a powerful force (sakti) drawing them on through all those experiences. Trust in that huge power to take you on to your goal. Tears are often considered a sign of weakness. These great persons were certainly not weak. These manifestations are only passing signs of the great current carrying them on. We must look to the end achieved.
  D.: Can this physical body be made to disappear into nothingness?
  M.: Why this question? Can you not find out if you are the body?
  D.: Can we have disappearance from sight (antardhana) like the yogis Vasishta or Viswamitra?
  M.: These are only physical matters. Is that the essential object of our interest? Are you not the Self? Why trouble about other matters? Take the essence; reject other learned theories as useless. They who think that physical disappearance counts in freedom are mistaken. No such thing is needed. You are not the body; what does it matter if it disappears in one way or another? There is no great merit in such phenomena. In what does superiority or inferiority consist? Achievement of the Real alone matters. The loss of the I is the main fact, and not the loss of the body. Identity of the Self with the body is the real bondage. Leave off the false notion and perceive intuitively the Real. That alone matters.
  If you melt a gold ornament before testing it to be gold, what matters it how it is melted, whole or in parts, or of what shape the ornament was? All that you are interested in is if it is gold. The dead man sees not his body. It is the survivor that thinks about the manner in which the body is parted from. The realised have no death with or without the body, the realised man is equally aware and sees no difference. To him the one state is not superior to the other. To an outsider also the fortunes of a liberated ones body need not be of any concern; mind your business. Realise the Self; after realisation there will be time to think of what form of death is preferable to you.
  It is the false identity of the Self with the body that causes the idea of preference, etc. Are you the body? Were you aware of it when you were fast asleep last night? No! What is it that exists now and troubles you? It is I. Get rid of it and be happy.

  --- Talk 33.
  A visitor: The Supreme Spirit (Brahman) is Real. The world (jagat) is illusion, is the stock phrase of Sri Sankaracharya. Yet others say, The world is reality. Which is true?
  M.: Both statements are true. They refer to different stages of development and are spoken from different points of view. The aspirant (abhyasi) starts with the definition, that which is real exists always; then he eliminates the world as unreal because it is changing. It cannot be real; not this, not this! The seeker ultimately reaches the Self and there finds unity as the prevailing note. Then, that which was originally rejected as being unreal is found to be a part of the unity. Being absorbed in the Reality, the world also is
  Real. There is only being in Self-Realisation, and nothing but being.
  Again Reality is used in a different sense and is applied loosely by some thinkers to objects. They say that the reflected (adhyasika)
  Reality admits of degrees which are named:
  (1) Vyavaharika satya (everyday life) - this chair is seen by me and is real.
  (2) Pratibhasika satya (illusory) - Illusion of a serpent in a coiled rope. The appearance is real to the man who thinks so.
  This phenomenon appears at a point of time and under certain circumstances.
  (3) Paramartika satya (ultimate) - Reality is that which remains the same always and without change.
  If Reality be used in the wider sense the world may be said to have the everyday life and illusory degrees (vyavaharika and pratibhasika satya). Some, however, deny even the reality of practical life - vyavaharika satya and consider it to be only projection of the mind. According to them it is only pratibhasika satya, i.e., an illusion.


  --- Talk 34.
  Sitting in Maharshis presence brings peace of mind. I used to sit in samadhi for three or four hours together. Then I felt my mind took a form and came out from within. By constant practice and meditation it entered the Heart and was merged into it. I conclude that the Heart is the resting place of mind. The result is peace. When the mind is absorbed in the Heart, the Self is realised. This could be felt even at the stage of concentration (dharana).
  I asked Maharshi about contemplation. He taught me as follows:When a man dies the funeral pyre is prepared and the body is laid flat on the pyre. The pyre is lit. The skin is burnt, then the flesh and then the bones until the whole body falls to ashes. What remains thereafter?
  The mind. The question arises, How many are there in this body
  - one or two? If two, why do people say I and not we? There is therefore only one. Whence is it born? What is its nature (swaroopa)?
  Enquiring thus the mind also disappears. Then what remains over is seen to be I. The next question is Who am I? The Self alone. This is contemplation. It is how I did it. By this process attachment to the body
  (dehavasana) is destroyed. The ego vanishes. Self alone shines. One method of getting mind-dissolution (manolaya) is association with great ones - the yoga adepts (Yoga arudhas). They are perfect adepts in samadhi. Self-Realisation has been easy, natural, and perpetual to them. Those moving with them closely and in sympathetic contact gradually absorb the samadhi habit from them.

  --- Talk 35.
  An educated visitor asked Bhagavan about dvaita and advaita.
  M.: Identification with the body is dvaita. Non-identification is advaita.

  --- Talk 36.
  An aristocratic and distinguished lady visitor from the North accompanied by her Private Secretary arrived at noon, waited a few minutes and asked Maharshi soon after he returned to the hall after lunch:
  D.: Maharajji, can we see the dead?
  M.: Yes.
  D.: Can the yogis show them to us?
  M.: Yes. They may. But do not ask me to show them to you. For I cannot.
  D.: Do you see them?
  M.: Yes, in dreams.
  D.: Can we realise the goal through yoga?
  M.: Yes.
  D.: Have you written on yoga? Are there books on the subject by you?
  M.: Yes.
  After she left the Master observed: Did we know our relatives before their birth that we should know them after their death?

  --- Talk 37.
  What is Karma? asked someone.
  M.: That which has already begun to bear fruit is classified as prarabdha Karma (past action). That which is in store and will later bear fruit is classified as sanchita Karma (accumulated action).
  This is multifarious like the grain obtained by villagers as barter for cress (greens). Such bartered grain consists of rice, ragi, barley, etc., some floating on, others sinking in water. Some of it may be good, bad or indifferent. When the most potent of the multifarious accumulated karma begins to bear fruit in the next birth it is called the prarabdha of that birth.

  --- Talk 38.
  When one of the present attendants came the first time to Bhagavan, he asked: What is the way for liberation? Maharshi replied: The way already taken leads to liberation.

22nd September, 1936
  --- Talk 39.
  Conversing with R. Seshagiri Rao, a visitor, Maharshi remarked that a Self-Realised sage (Atma Jnani) alone can be a good Karma yogi. After the sense of doership has gone let us see what happens. Sri
  Sankara advised inaction. But did he not write commentaries and take part in disputation? Do not trouble about doing action or otherwise.
  Know Thyself. Then let us see whose action it is. Whose is it? Let action complete itself. So long as there is the doer he must reap the fruits of his action. If he does not think himself the doer there is no action for him. He is an ascetic who has renounced worldly life (sanyasin).
  D.: How did the ego arise?
  M.: It is not necessary to know it. Know the present. Not knowing that, why do you worry about other times?
  Maharshi said in reply to a question: Is the world within you or without you? Does it exist apart from you? Does the world come and tell you I exist?

  --- Talk 40.
  The Brahmin questioner resumed: How do we know that action is ours or not?
  M.: If the fruits of actions do not affect the person he is free from action.
  D.: Is intellectual knowledge enough?
  M.: Unless intellectually known, how to practice it? Learn it intellectually first, then do not stop with that. Practise it.
  Maharshi then made certain remarks: When you adhere to one philosophical system (siddhanta) you are obliged to condemn the others. That is the case with the heads of monasteries
  All people cannot be expected to do the same kind of action.
  Each one acts according to his temperament and past lives.
  Wisdom, Devotion, Action (jnana, bhakti, karma) are all interlocked. Meditation on forms is according to ones own mind.
  It is meant for ridding oneself of other forms and confining oneself to one form. It leads to the goal. It is impossible to fix the mind in the Heart to start with. So these aids are necessary. Krishna says that there is no birth (janma) to you, me, etc., and later says he was born before Aditya, etc. Arjuna disputes it. Therefore it is certain that each one thinks of God according to his own degree of advancement.
  You say you are the body in wakeful state; not the body in sleep.
  Bodies being several-fold for an individual, should not there be infinite capacities for God? Whichever method one follows, that method is encouraged by the Sages. For it leads to the goal like any other method.

  --- Talk 41.
  D.: Are there heaven (swarga) and hell (naraka)?
  M.: There must be someone to go there. They are like dreams. We see time and space exist in dream also. Which is true, dream or wakefulness?
  D.: So we must rid ourselves of lust (kama), anger, (krodha), etc.
  M.: Give up thoughts. You need not give up anything else. You must be there to see anything. It is the Self. Self is ever-conscious.
  D.: Are pilgrimages, etc., good?
  M.: Yes.
  D.: What effort is necessary for reaching the Self?
  M.: I should be destroyed. Self is not to be reached. Is there any moment when Self is not? It is not new. Be as you are. What is new cannot be permanent. What is real must always exist.
  D.: What is sacrifice through wisdom (jnana yajna) or other sacrifices?
  M.: Other disciplines exist for it. Practice is for gaining wisdom (jnana).
  D.: Are jivanmuktas (living liberated souls) of different kinds?
  M.: What does it matter if they differ externally? There is no difference in their wisdom (jnana).
  D.: When loyal to one Master can you respect others?
  M.: Guru is only one. He is not physical. So long as there is weakness the support of strength is needed.
  D.: J. Krishnamurti says, No Guru is necessary?
  M.: How did he know it? One can say so after realising but not before.
  D.: You have gained this state by great effort. What shall we poor souls do?
  M.: We are in our Self. We are not in the world.
  D.: Heaven and hell - what are they?
  M.: You carry heaven and hell with you. Your lust, anger, etc., produce these regions. They are like dreams.
  D.: The Gita says that if a man fixes his attention between the eyebrows and holds his breath he reaches the Supreme state. How is that done?
  M.: You are always in the Self and there is no reaching it. The eyebrow is only a place where attention is to be fixed (seat of meditation
  - upasanasthana).
  D.: You have spoken of the Heart as the seat of meditation?
  M.: Yes, it is also that.
  D.: What is Heart?
  M.: It is the centre of the Self. The Self is the centre of centres. The
  Heart represents the psychic centre and not the physical centre.
  D.: The term jnana is realised Wisdom. The same term is used for the method also. Why?
  M.: Jnana includes the method also because it ultimately results in realisation.
  D.: Is a man to engage in teaching his knowledge however imperfect?
  M.: If his prarabdha be that way.
  In the seventh chapter, Arjuna asks if Karma is a method
  (sadhana). Krishna answers that it is so if done without the sense of doership.
  So also are Karmas approved by scriptures which deny Karma. The
  Karma disapproved by them is that which is done with the sense of doership. Do not leave Karma. You cannot do so. Give up the sense of doership. Karma will go on automatically. Or Karma will drop away from you. If Karma be your lot according to prarabdha, it will surely be done whether you will it or not; if Karma be not your lot, it will not be done even if you intently engage in it. Janaka, Suka, etc., were also in work without ahankara, Karma may be done for fame, or may be done unselfishly and for the public good. Yet even then they want applause. So it is really selfish.
  D.: What is that one thing, knowing which all doubts are solved?
  M.: Know the doubter. If the doubter be held, the doubts will not arise. Here the doubter is transcendent. Again when the doubter ceases to exist, there will be no doubts arising. From where will they arise? All are jnanis, jivanmuktas. Only they are not aware of the fact. Doubts must be uprooted. This means that the doubter must be uprooted. Here the doubter is the mind.
  D.: What is the method?
  M.: Who am I? is the investigation.
  D.: May we perform japa?
  M.: Why should you think I am this? Investigate and the thoughts cease. What is, namely the Self, will be revealed as the inescapable residue.
  D.: Is hatha yoga necessary?
  M.: It is one of the aids - not that it is always necessary. It depends upon the person. Vichara surpasses pranayama. In Yoga Vasishta
  Chudala advises investigation (vichara) to Sikhidvaja for killing the ego.
  Reality can be reached by holding on to prana or intellect. Hatha yoga is the former; Vichara is the latter.
  D.: Is there any individuality for the Jnani after Realization?
  M.: How can he retain individuality?
  Even ordinarily the elders advise achamana and pranayama before undertaking any work - be it worldly or other-worldly. That means, concentration of mind accomplishes the work.
  D.: I meditate neti-neti (not this - not this).
  M.: No - that is not meditation. Find the source. You must reach the source without fail. The false I will disappear and the real I will be realised. The former cannot exist apart from the latter.

24th September, 1936
  --- Talk 42.
  Mr. Duncan Greenlees, Madanapalli, wrote as follows:- One has at times had vivid flashes of a consciousness whose centre is outside the normal self and which seems to be inclusive. Without concerning the mind with philosophical concepts, how would Bhagavan advise us to work towards getting, retaining and extending those flashes?
  Does abhyasa in such experiences involve retirement?
  Sri Bhagavan answered: Outside - For whom is inside or outside?
  They can be only so long as there are the subject and object. For

  whom are these two again? They both will resolve into the subject only. See who is in the subject. The investigation leads you to pure consciousness beyond the subject.
  Normal self is the mind. This mind is with limitations. But pure consciousness is beyond limitations and reached by investigation as above outlined.
  Getting - Self is always there. One seeks to destroy the obstacles to the revelation of the Self.
  Retaining - Having once gained the Self it will be understood to be Here and Now. It is never lost.
  Extending - There is no extending the Self, for it is always without contraction or expansion.
  Retirement - Abiding in the Self is solitude. Because there is nothing alien to the Self. Retirement must be from some one place to another. There is neither the one nor the other apart from the Self.
  All being the Self, retirement is impossible and inconsistent.
  Abhyasa is investigation into the Self.

28th March, 1935
  --- Talk 43.
  Mr. S. Ranganathan, I.C.S., Collector of Vellore, Mr. S. V. Ramamurthi,
  I.C.S. and Mr. T. Raghaviah, late Diwan of Pudukottah State, visited the Asramam. Mr. Ranganathan asked, Kindly instruct me as to how the mind may be controlled.
  M.: There are two methods. The one is to see what the mind is; then it subsides. The second is to fix your attention on something; then the mind remains quiet.
  The questioner repeated the question for further elucidation. The same answer was returned with a little more added. The questioner did not look satisfied.
  Mr. Raghaviah: Men of the world that we are, we have some kind of grief or another and do not know how to get over it. We pray to
  God and still are not satisfied. What can we do?
  M.: Trust God.
  D.: We surrender; but still there is no help.
  M.: Yes. If you have surrendered, you must be able to abide by the will of God and not make a grievance of what may not please you.
  Things may turn out differently from what they look apparently.
  Distress often leads men to faith in God.
  D.: But we are worldly. There is the wife, there are the children, friends and relatives. We cannot ignore their existence and resign ourselves to
  Divine Will, without retaining some little of the personality in us.
  M.: That means you have not surrendered as professed by you. You must only trust God.
  Mr. Ramamurthi: Swamiji, I have read Bruntons book A Search in
  Secret India, and was much impressed by the last chapter, where he says that it is possible to be conscious without thinking. I know that one can think, remaining forgetful of the physical body. Can one think without the mind? Is it possible to gain that consciousness which is beyond thoughts?
  M.: Yes. There is only one consciousness, which subsists in the waking, dream and sleep states. In sleep there is no I. The I-thought arises on waking and then the world appears. Where was this I in sleep?
  Was it there or was it not? It must have been there also, but not in the way that you feel now. The present is only the I-thought, whereas the sleeping I is the real I. It subsists all through. It is consciousness.
  If it is known you will see that it is beyond thoughts.
  D.: Can we think without the mind?
  M.: Thoughts may be like any other activities, not disturbing to the
  Supreme consciousness.
  D.: Can one read others minds?
  The Master as usual told him to find his Self before worrying about others.
  Where are others apart from ones own Self? asked the Master.
  Mr. Raghaviah: How shall we correlate the higher experience with the lower experience (meaning spiritual experience with mundane affairs)?
  M.: There is only one experience. What are the worldly experiences but those built up on the false I? Ask the most successful man of the world if he knows his Self. He will say No. What can anyone know without knowing the Self? All worldly knowledge is built upon such a flimsy foundation.
  Mr. Ramamurthi: How to know the Real I as distinct from the false I.
  M.: Is there anyone who is not aware of himself? Each one knows, but yet does not know, the Self. A strange paradox.
  The Master added later, If the enquiry is made whether mind exists, it will be found that mind does not exist. That is control of mind.
  Otherwise, if the mind is taken to exist and one seeks to control it, it amounts to mind controlling the mind, just like a thief turning out to be a policeman to catch the thief, i.e., himself. Mind persists in that way alone, but eludes itself.

3rd April, 1935
  --- Talk 44.
  Mr. Ekanath Rao, an Engineer, asked Sri Bhagavan if solitude is necessary for vichara.
  M.: There is solitude everywhere. The individual is solitary always.
  His business is to find it out within, and not seek it without.
  D.: The work-a-day world is distracting.
  M.: Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Enquire for whom there is distraction. It will not afflict you after a little practice.
  D.: Even the attempt is impossible.
  M.: Make it and it will be found not so difficult.
  D.: But the answer does not come for the search inward.
  M.: The enquirer is the answer and no other answer can come. What comes afresh cannot be true. What always is, is true.

6th April, 1935
  --- Talk 45.
  A visitor asked: The path of realisation is difficult. Worldly matters are easy of understanding, whereas this is not.
  M.: Yes. The mind always seeks external knowledge, leaving aside its own inner knowledge.
  D.: A stay of one day with Sri Bhagavan is good; a stay of two days is better; of three days, more so, and so on. If it is a continuous stay here, how shall we get on with our mundane work?
  M.: Stay here or elsewhere must be understood to be the same and to have the same effect.

12th April, 1935
  --- Talk 46.
  After hearing the Malayalam version of Upadesa Sara chanted,
  Mr. Ramachandra Iyer of Nagercoil asked in a characteristically unsophisticated way about the mind, concentration and control.
  The Master said that the mind is only identity of the Self with the body. It is a false ego that is created; it creates false phenomena in its turn, and appears to move in them; all these are false. The Self is the only Reality. If the false identity vanishes the persistence of the Reality becomes apparent. It does not mean that Reality is not here and now. It is always there and eternally the same. It is also in everyones experience. For everyone knows that he is. Who is he?
  Subjectively, Who am I? The false ego is associated with objects; this ego itself is its own object. Objectivity is the falsity. Subject is alone the Reality. Do not confound yourself with the object, namely the body. This gives rise to the false ego, consequently of the world and your movements therein with the resulting misery. Do not think yourself to be this, that or anything; to be so and so, or to be such and such. Only leave off the falsity. The Reality will reveal itself.
  The scriptures say that the Self is nityasiddha, ever present, and yet speak of the removal of ajnana. If Self is (nitya) always and (siddha) present, how can there be ajnana? For whom is the ajnana? These are contradictory. But such statements are for guiding the earnest seeker in the right way. He does not readily understand the only Truth if mentioned in plain words as in natwam naham neme janadhipah
  (not thou, nor I, nor these kings ...). Sri Krishna declared the Truth, but Arjuna could not grasp it. Later Krishna plainly says that people confound Him with the body, whereas in reality He was not born nor will He die. Still Arjuna requires the whole Gita for the Truth to be made clear to him.

  Look, the Self is only Be-ing, not being this or that. It is simple
  Being. Be - and there is an end of the ignorance. Enquire for whom is the ignorance. The ego arises when you wake up from sleep. In deep sleep you do not say that you are sleeping and that you are going to wake up or that you have been sleeping so long. But still you are there. Only when you are awake you say that you have slept. Your wakefulness comprises sleep also in it. Realise your pure Be-ing. Let there be no confusion with the body. The body is the result of thoughts. The thoughts will play as usual, but you will not be affected. You were not concerned with the body when asleep; so you can always remain.
  Mr. Ekanatha Rao: How can anyone reconcile such activity with the wage-earning which is a necessity for worldly people?
  M.: Actions form no bondage. Bondage is only the false notion. I am the doer. Leave off such thoughts and let the body and senses play their role, unimpeded by your interference.

20th April, 1935

--- Talk 47.
A Malayalee visitor expressed his concern for the misery of the world and his opinion that Quest for Self looked selfish in the midst of such suffering environments. His solution appeared to be selfless work.
M.: The sea is not aware of its wave. Similarly the Self is not aware of its ego.
Note: This makes clear what Sri Bhagavan means by quest for the source of ego.

--- Talk 48.
A visitor asked Sri Bhagavan, You are Bhagavan. So you would know when I shall get jnana. Tell me when I shall be a Jnani. Sri
Bhagavan replied, If I am Bhagavan there is no one besides the
Self - therefore no Jnani or ajnani. If otherwise I am as good as you are and know as much as yourself. Either way I cannot answer your question.

24th April, 1935
  --- Talk 49.
  Some men asked the Master questions which ultimately resolved themselves into one, that I is not perceptible however much they might struggle.
  The Masters reply was in the usual strain: Who is it that says that I is not perceptible? Is there an I ignorant, and an I elusive? Are there two
  Is in the same person? Ask yourself these questions. It is the mind which says that I is not perceptible. Where is that mind from? Know the mind.
  You will find it a myth. King Janaka said, I have discovered the thief who had been ruining me so long. I will now deal with him summarily.
  Then I shall be happy. Similarly it will be with others.
  D.: How to know the I?
  M.: The I-I is always there. There is no knowing it. It is not a new knowledge acquired. What is new and not here and now will be evanescent only. The I is always there. There is obstruction to its knowledge and it is called ignorance. Remove the ignorance and knowledge shines forth. In fact this ignorance or even knowledge is not for Atman. They are only overgrowths to be cleared off. That is why Atman is said to be beyond knowledge and ignorance. It remains as it naturally is - that is all.
  D.: There is no perceptible progress in spite of our attempts.
  M.: Progress can be spoken of in things to be obtained afresh. Whereas here it is the removal of ignorance and not acquisition of knowledge.
  What kind of progress can be expected in the quest for the Self?
  D.: How to remove the ignorance?
  M.: While lying in bed in Tiruvannamalai you dream in your sleep that you find yourself in another town. The scene is real to you. Your body remains here on your bed in a room. Can a town enter your room, or could you have left this place and gone elsewhere, leaving the body here? Both are impossible. Therefore your being here and seeing another town are both unreal. They appear real to the mind.
  The I of the dream soon vanishes, then another I speaks of the dream. This I was not in the dream. Both the Is are unreal. There is the substratum of the mind which continues all along, giving rise to so many scenes. An I rises forth with every thought and with its disappearance that I disappears too. Many Is are born and die every moment. The subsisting mind is the real trouble. That is the thief according to Janaka. Find him out and you will be happy.

  --- Talk 50.
  Sri Bhagavan read out, from the Prabuddha Bharata, Kabirs saying that all know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop. This is para bhakti, said he.

5th June, 1935

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Wikipedia - Documentary research -- Use of outside sources to support the argument of an academic work
Wikipedia - Domestic tariff area -- Area within India outside of a special economic zone
Wikipedia - Downing Street Christmas tree -- Outside residence of UK Prime Minister
Wikipedia - Draft:Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider -- Book by Peter Gay
Wikipedia - Earth's crust -- Thin shell on the outside of Earth
Wikipedia - Eastern Protestant Christianity -- Protestant Christian denominations that developed outside of the West in the late 1800s
Wikipedia - Ectoderm -- Outside germ layer that forms the brain, spinal cord, epidermis, and more
Wikipedia - Emma Hauck -- German outsider artist
Wikipedia - European emigration -- European-descended people living outside Europe
Wikipedia - Exocannibalism -- Practice of eating the flesh of a human being outside one's community
Wikipedia - Exocomet -- A comet outside the Solar System
Wikipedia - Exogamy -- Social arrangement where marriage is allowed only outside a social group
Wikipedia - Exoplanetology -- study of planets outside the Solar System
Wikipedia - Exoteric -- knowledge that is outside and independent from a person's experience
Wikipedia - External cause -- Associating a specific object or acute process that was caused by something outside the body
Wikipedia - Extracellular matrix -- Network of proteins and molecules outside cells that provides structural support for cells
Wikipedia - Extragalactic planet -- Planet that is outside the Milky Way galaxy
Wikipedia - Extranuclear inheritance -- Transmission of genes occurring outside the nucleus
Wikipedia - Extra-parochial area -- Geographic area of England outside any ecclesiastical or civil parish
Wikipedia - Extrapolation -- Method for estimating new data outside known data points
Wikipedia - Extraterrestrial diamonds -- Diamonds formed outside of Earth
Wikipedia - Extraterrestrial life -- Hypothetical life which may occur outside of Earth and which did not originate on Earth
Wikipedia - Extravehicular activity -- Activity done by an astronaut or cosmonaut outside a spacecraft
Wikipedia - Fever Night aka Band of Satanic Outsiders -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - Field recording -- Term used for an audio recording produced outside a recording studio
Wikipedia - Field research -- Collection of information outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting
Wikipedia - Flipped classroom -- instructional strategy delivering instructional content outside of the classroom and other reated activities into the classroom
Wikipedia - Folk devil -- A person or group of people who are portrayed in folklore or the media as outsiders and deviant
Wikipedia - Foreign body -- Object originating outside the body of an organism
Wikipedia - Fort Benning -- United States Army post outside Columbus, Georgia
Wikipedia - Free State National Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden just outside Bloemfontein
Wikipedia - Fringe science -- Inquiries far outside of mainstream science
Wikipedia - Fulcrum (sculpture) -- Sculpture outside Liverpool Street station in London, installed in 1987
Wikipedia - Fungal extracellular enzyme activity -- Enzymes produced by fungi and secreted outside their cells
Wikipedia - GaM-EM-!inci Military Training Grounds -- United States Army post outside Columbus, Georgia
Wikipedia - Gastroschisis -- Birth defect in which the baby's intestines extend outside of the body through a hole next to the belly button.
Wikipedia - Ghanashyam Hemalata Institute of Technology and Management -- Private institute located in outside the city of Puri, India
Wikipedia - Government in exile -- Governing body located outside its claimed territory
Wikipedia - Grey market -- Commodity trade outside of original producer's distribution channel
Wikipedia - Grey Towers National Historic Site -- Home of Gifford Pinchot, founder of U.S. Forest Service, outside Milford, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Guest appearance -- Participation of an outsider performer in an event or a movie
Wikipedia - Hantam National Botanical Garden -- Botanical Garden just outside Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Hermitage Arboretum -- Arboretum outside Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Hilarion Kapral -- 21st-century bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Wikipedia - History of Armenian Americans in Los Angeles -- largest population of Armenians in the world outside of Armenia
Wikipedia - History of Iranian Americans in Los Angeles -- Southern California has the largest concentration of Iranians in the world outside of Iran.
Wikipedia - History of spaceflight -- Aspect of the history of astronautics, and of the exploration or conquest of outer space and of the solar system outside Earth
Wikipedia - Hollywood Foreign Press Association -- Organization of journalists who report on the US entertainment industry for media outside the US
Wikipedia - Homeschooling -- Education of children outside of school
Wikipedia - Horse Outside -- 2010 single by The Rubberbandits
Wikipedia - HoshM-EM-+ jugyM-EM-^M kM-EM-^M -- Weekend schools for Japanese persons outside of Japan
Wikipedia - Icy Strait Point -- Privately owned tourist destination just outside the small village of Hoonah, Alaska
Wikipedia - Impurity of the land of the nations -- Rabbinic decree declaring land outside the Land of Israel to be ritually impure
Wikipedia - Independent agencies of the United States government -- agencies that exist outside of the federal executive departments
Wikipedia - Independent film -- Film done outside major film studio system
Wikipedia - Input/output -- Communication between an information processing system and the outside world
Wikipedia - Insular region of Colombia -- Oceanic islands outside the continental territory
Wikipedia - In vitro muscle testing -- Testing of living muscle tissue outside of an organism
Wikipedia - In vitro -- Latin term meaning outside a natural biological environment
Wikipedia - Irish diaspora -- Irish people and their family living outside Ireland (over 12 million claim Irish descent)
Wikipedia - Ivybridge railway station -- Railway station just outside Ivybridge in south-west England
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Kennedy Garden -- Garden outside the White House in Washington, DC, United States
Wikipedia - James Hampton (artist) -- American outsider artist
Wikipedia - Kikokushijo -- Japanese expatriates who are partly or wholly educated outside of Japan
Wikipedia - Lead frame -- Metal structure inside a chip package that carries signals from the die to the outside
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of capitals outside the territories they serve -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Come Outside episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English international cricketers born outside of England -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French Canadian writers from outside Quebec -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Furth mountains in the British Isles -- 34 Munros outside of Scotland
Wikipedia - List of Gaelic games clubs outside Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of George Floyd protests outside the United States -- Worldwide protests against racism and police brutality based on or inspired by seeking justice for George Floyd
Wikipedia - List of K-pop concerts held outside Asia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of manga magazines published outside of Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of outsider artists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of overseas visits by Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama outside India
Wikipedia - List of overseas visits by the 14th Dalai Lama outside India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pastoral visits of Pope Francis outside Italy
Wikipedia - List of pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II outside Italy
Wikipedia - List of pastoral visits of Pope Paul VI outside Italy
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state governors born outside the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VFL/AFL players born outside Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Manacled Mormon case -- On September 15, 1977 , when Scotland Yard officers announced to the press that a visiting Mormon missionary - 21 year-old Kirk Anderson had been abducted the previous day from outside his church in East Ewell, near Epsom in the south of London
Wikipedia - Manga outside Japan
Wikipedia - Marriott Mena House Hotel -- Hotel located just outside Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Mayberry Mall -- shopping mall just outside Mount Airy, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Molecular self-assembly -- Molecules adopt a defined arrangement without guidance or management from an outside source
Wikipedia - Mono Pass -- Mountain pass, just outside Yosemite National Park near Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California
Wikipedia - Motor neuron -- Neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortex, brainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands
Wikipedia - Netherworld Haunted House -- Haunted attraction outside Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Net worth -- Total assets minus total outside liabilities of an individual or a company
Wikipedia - New production -- Marine biological processes using nutrients from outside the euphotic zone
Wikipedia - Nihonjin gakkM-EM-^M -- School outside of Japan run by the Japanese government
Wikipedia - Non-physical entity -- Spirit or being that exists outside physical reality.
Wikipedia - Off-track betting -- Sanctioned gambling on horse racing outside a race track
Wikipedia - Omphalocele -- Rare abdominal wall defect in which internal organs remain outside of the abdomen in a sac
Wikipedia - Open defecation -- Humans defecating outside (in the open environment) rather than into a toilet
Wikipedia - Orphon -- Gene located outside the main chromosomal locus
Wikipedia - Outlaws & Outsiders -- 2019 song by Cory Marks
Wikipedia - Outlaw -- Person declared as outside the protection of the law
Wikipedia - Outside (Alaska) -- In the U.S. state of Alaska, Outside refers to any non-Alaska location
Wikipedia - Outside broadcasting -- Remote production of television or radio programmes
Wikipedia - Outside (Calvin Harris song) -- 2014 single by Calvin Harris
Wikipedia - Outside Context Problem
Wikipedia - Outside Edge -- Play written by Richard Harris
Wikipedia - Outside In (film) -- 2017 film by Lynn Shelton
Wikipedia - Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival -- Annual music festival in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Outside (magazine) -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Outside of Paradise -- 1938 film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - Outside Out -- 2001 film by Mike Gordon
Wikipedia - Outside Providence (film) -- 1999 film directed by Michael Corrente
Wikipedia - Outsider art -- Art created outside the boundaries of official culture by those untrained in the arts
Wikipedia - Outsider (comics)
Wikipedia - Outsider (Dungeons > Dragons)
Wikipedia - Outsider in the White House -- book by Bernie Sanders
Wikipedia - Outsider music -- Music genre
Wikipedia - Outsiders (comics) -- Superhero team
Wikipedia - Outside (Staind song) -- Staind song
Wikipedia - Outside the Gates -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Outside the Law (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Outside the Law (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Outside the Law (2010 film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Outside These Walls -- 1939 film by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - Outside the Wire -- 2021 science fiction film starring Anthony Mackie
Wikipedia - Outside Today -- 2018 single by YoungBoy Never Broke Again
Wikipedia - Outside TV -- American sports TV channel
Wikipedia - Overseas censorship of Chinese issues -- Censorship outside China
Wikipedia - Overseas Chinese -- Ethnic Chinese residing outside of China
Wikipedia - Overseas Indonesians -- Indonesians living outside of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Partners Capital -- Financial services company specializing as Outside Investment Manager
Wikipedia - Pat Todd & the Rankoutsiders -- Punk rock band from Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Phantom cat -- Large felines allegedly appearing in regions outside their natural range
Wikipedia - Philippine Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia
Wikipedia - Physical system -- Portion of the physical universe chosen for analysis; everything outside the system is known as the environment
Wikipedia - Planetary cartography -- Cartography of solid objects outside of the Earth
Wikipedia - Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs -- Porphyry sculpture group of four Roman emperors outside the St Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy
Wikipedia - Public domain -- Works outside the scope of copyright law
Wikipedia - Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia -- Second largest Puerto Rican community outside of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pulmonary interstitial emphysema -- Collection of air outside of the normal air space of the pulmonary alveoli
Wikipedia - Pure mathematics -- Mathematics studies that are independent of any application outside mathematics
Wikipedia - Recognition of prior learning -- A process for evaluating skills and knowledge acquired outside formal education environment to recognize competence against a set of standards
Wikipedia - Regional lockout -- Digital system to prevent use of a product or service outside of a certain region or territory
Wikipedia - Residential education -- Pre-college education provided in an environment where students both live and learn outside their family homes
Wikipedia - Residue (complex analysis) -- Coefficient of the term of order M-bM-^HM-^R1 in the Laurent expansion of a function holomorphic outside a point, whose value can be extracted by a contour integral
Wikipedia - RM-SM-'merstadt -- Satellite town outside Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Roger Cardinal -- Art historian who originated the term "outsider art".
Wikipedia - Romanian diaspora -- Ethnically Romanian population outside Romania and Moldova
Wikipedia - Roman province -- Major Roman administrative territorial entity outside of Italy
Wikipedia - Runaway production -- American film or television production shot outside Hollywood
Wikipedia - Rural area -- Geographic area that is located outside towns and cities
Wikipedia - Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Wikipedia - Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Wikipedia - Salugara Monastery -- Buddhist shrine outside Siliguri, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Screened porch -- Porch separated from outside mostly by screens
Wikipedia - Self-induced abortion -- Abortion performed by a pregnant person themselves outside the recognized medical system
Wikipedia - Self-sustainability -- Not requiring outside inputs to meet needs
Wikipedia - Shadow banking system -- Non-bank financial intermediaries providiving services similar to banks outside banking
Wikipedia - Siddhachalam -- First Jain pilgrimage site located outside of India
Wikipedia - Skittle Players outside an Inn -- Oil on oak panel painting by the Dutch artist Jan Steen
Wikipedia - Sovereignty -- Concept that a state or governing body has the right and power to govern itself without outside interference
Wikipedia - Space colonization -- Concept of permanent human habitation outside of Earth
Wikipedia - Space manufacturing -- Production of manufactured goods in an environment outside a planetary atmosphere
Wikipedia - Star Wars in other media -- Fictional background of the Star Wars universe outside of the feature films
Wikipedia - Statue of Benjamin Franklin (College Hall, Philadelphia) -- Statue outside College Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Wikipedia - St Paul's Outside the Walls
Wikipedia - Subject (philosophy) -- Being who has a unique consciousness and/or unique personal experiences, or an entity that has a relationship with another entity that exists outside of itself
Wikipedia - Subventricular zone -- Region outside each lateral ventricle of the brain
Wikipedia - Superman (franchise) -- Portrayals of Superman outside of comic books
Wikipedia - Territories of the Holy Roman Empire outside the Imperial Circles
Wikipedia - The Misfits: A Study of Sexual Outsiders
Wikipedia - The Outsider (1917 film) -- 1917 silent film directed by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - The Outsider (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Outsider (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Outsider (1939 film) -- 1939 British drama film directed by Paul L. Stein
Wikipedia - The Outsider (Colin Wilson) -- 1956 book by Colin Wilson
Wikipedia - The Outsider (King novel) -- 2018 horror novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - The Outsider (miniseries) -- 2020 American television series
Wikipedia - The Outsiders (American TV series) -- 1990 American television series
Wikipedia - The Outsiders (film) -- 1983 film directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Wikipedia - The Outsiders (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - The Outsider (Wright novel) -- Novel by Richard Wright (author)
Wikipedia - The Outside Woman -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Summit (Wheatfield, New York) -- Former shopping mall outside Niagara Falls, New York
Wikipedia - Thinking outside the box -- A metaphor for unconventional thinking
Wikipedia - Think outside of the box
Wikipedia - Think outside the box
Wikipedia - Third country resettlement -- Refugee resettlement outside of home country
Wikipedia - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri -- 2017 film by Martin McDonagh
Wikipedia - Timeline of disability rights outside the United States
Wikipedia - Tioga Peak -- Tioga Peak is mountain peak, outside Yosemite National Park
Wikipedia - Tribal knowledge -- Information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it
Wikipedia - Tribe -- Social group existing before the development of, or outside of, states; Alternately, a sovereign nation
Wikipedia - Ursula Schultze-Bluhm -- German outsider artist
Wikipedia - Ventilation (architecture) -- Intentional introduction of outside air into a space
Wikipedia - Villingsberg's shooting range -- Military training field outside Villingsberg in Sweden
Wikipedia - Weather compensation -- Technique for adjusting heating systems to reflect the outside weather
Wikipedia - White hole -- Hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity which cannot be entered from the outside
Wikipedia - White House Rose Garden -- Garden outside the White House in Washington, D.C., US
Wikipedia - White Oak Conservation -- Wildlife and conservation center outside Yulee, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Wilderness hut -- Simple shelter or hut for temporary accommodation outside built-up areas
Wikipedia - Zebedee Armstrong -- Maerican outsider artist\
auromere - all-thoughts-come-from-outside
auromere - videha-dharana-fixing-the-mind-outside-the-body
Integral World - Inside Outside, Sam Harris' Dilemma or Why Consciousness is a Mobius Strip in a Dyadic Melody, David Lane
Integral World - Does Every Outside Have an Inside?, Ken Wilber's Strained Relationship to Science, Frank Visser
selforum - practices are not simply outside or
selforum - outsider who sees whole from love of
Dharmapedia - Indophobia_and_dharmaphobia_outside_South_Asia,_-_NARA_-_535750.jpg'_Theater_before_the_premiere_of_"Don_Juan"_with_John_Barrymore,_-_NARA_-_535750.jpg,_Missouri
Out of this World (1987 - 1991) - The Out Of This World television show was about a young girl with unique special powers. She could stop time by placing her two index fingers together. She also has an alien father which no one gets to ever see. She talks to him for advice at the start and end of every episode outside a window in he...
Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990 - 2000) - Teen Drama initially based around the lives of two outsiders named Brandon and Brenda Walsh who move to Beverly Hills. The show dealt with hard hitting topics such as alcoholism, drug abuse, anorexia, and what have you.
Star Blazers (1980 - 1985) - In the year 2199, life on Earth was threatened with extinction by the mysterious planet, Gamilon. In the middle of the twenty-first century, this mysterious stellar nation, from a planet far outside our solar system, declared war on Earth. They bombarded Earth with deadly planet bombs. The surface o...
The Lost Saucer (1975 - 1976) - Using the familiar Krofft theme of "fish out of water tries to find a way home", the Lost Saucer concerned two androids from the year 2369, Fi and Fum, who land their saucer in modern day Chicago. The saucer landed outside the home of Jerry, a young boy and Fi and Fum invited Jerry and Alice, his ba...
The Outsiders (1990 - 1990) - Francis Ford Coppola and S.E. Hinton's 14-episode follow-up to the 1983 movie, which builds on each character from the film immensely. Series finale (entitled "Breaking the Maiden") reaches an optimistic conclusion to the story of the group's troubled youth.
Logan's Run (1977 - 1978) - During the 23rd Century... Survivors of war are living in a dome city from the world outside.
Picket Fences (1992 - 1996) - Jimmy Brock, a sheriff, his wife Jill, a doctor, and their kids Zach, Matt and Kimberly, live in Rome, Wisconsin, a small town outside of Green Bay. It's not your average town, however; strange goings-on keep the family and their neighbors occupied.
Whiz Kids (1983 - 1984) - Richie, Ham, Jeremy and Alice are teenagers living outside Los Angeles. They are also computer hackers who worked as amateur detectives in their spare time. Llewellen Farley is a reporter who is a source for the kids and sometimes asks them for help on stories he is writing. Farley's brother-in-law...
Going Places (1990 - 1991) - This was a show inspired by a previous ABC sitcom known as Bosom Buddies. Both seasons had different premises. The first one was about four writers for a show called Here's Looking at You, a candid camera type program where real people were caught in their normal lives outside the work place. The...
The Rez (1995 - 1998) - This series, based on W.P Kinsella's Dance Me Outside, chronicled life in a First Nations community in Ontario.
Gabriel's Fire (1990 - 1992) - An ex-police officer wrongfully imprisoned for a murder adjusts to life on the outside with the help of the attorney who proved his innocence. The series became "Pros & Cons" in 1991.
The Xs (2005 - 2006) - The X's was an American animated television series created by Carlos Ramos about a family of spies, who must hide their identity from the outside world, but sometimes have a little trouble in doing so. It premiered on Nickelodeon on November 25, 2005. It was canceled on December 13, 2006
The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't (1972 - 1972) - Little Jimmy and Janie, playing outside on a swing, are called for Thanksgiving dinner. Ready to dig in, their father asks them if they forgot something, and the family bows their head to pray. Outside the comfortable home, up a tree, Father Squirrel (voice talent of Vic Perrin) watches the family p...
Magne Robo Gakeen (1976 - 1977) - a Japanese anime television series that aired from 1976 to 1977 in Japan. There were 39 episodes. It is also referred to as "Magnerobo Ga-Keen", "'Gakeen Supermagnetron", "'Gakeen Magnetic Robot", "Robotman Gakeen", "Gakeen". Outside Japan, several episodes were edited and cobbled together into a mo...
Mojacko (1995 - 1997) - The series was later adapted into anime, directed by Tetsuya Endo and produced by Oriental Light and Magic. It premiered on October 3, 1995 and ran until March 31, 1997, with a total of 74 episodes. Enoki Films once licensed the series outside until the company's demise in 2016.
Master of Epic (2007 - Current) - a free Japanese MMORPG. It has not been released outside of Japan. It was adapted into an anime (Master of Epic: The Animation Age) by Gonzo and Palm Studio, and aired on TV Tokyo in 2007. Unlike many MMORPGs, Master of Epic has dispensed with levels and instead the player has an extensive list of s...
Om Nom Stories (2011 - Current) - Om Nom Stories are a series of spin-off videos created by ZeptoLab. They tell about Om Nom's adventures outside the video game. pilot episode was released on December 6, 2011. Ten following episodes, making up the first season, are a variety of short stories about Om Nom living at Evan's house. Th...
Ergo Proxy (2006 - 2006) - Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to...
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2017 - 2018) - An anime television series produced by Kyoto Animation aired in Japan between January and April 2017.As office worker Kobayashi gets ready for work, she is greeted by a large dragon right outside her front door. The dragon immediately transforms into a human girl in a maid outfit, and introduces her...
LazyTown (2004 - 2014) - A series created by Icelandic athlete Magnus Scheving which encourages healthy lifstyles. A girl named Stephanie moves in with her uncle Milford Meanswell, the mayor of a town called Lazy Town, where the kids never play outside. Planning to change that, Stephanie calls in a superhero named Sportacus...
George Shrinks (2000 - 2001) - Because of George's tiny size, even mundane activities, such as working around the house or playing outside, often become dramatic adventures. His primary mode of transportation is his Zooper Car, a multi-purpose miniature vehicle he built with his father that can do things like transform into a sub...
Big Brother (1999 - Current) - 12 to 16 people spend three months living on a house cut off from the outside world while cameras watch their every move. This was the very first camera-based contest reality show.
Outside the Lines (1990 - Current) - Outside the Lines, or also referred to as OTL, is an American television program on ESPN that looks "outside the lines" and examines critical issues in mostly American sports on and off the field of play. The primary host of the show, is Jeremy Schaap. He replaced longtime sportscaster Bob Ley, who...
The Outsiders(1983) - Based on the S.E. Hinton novel of the same name. The tension between two groups: The Greasers and The Socials "Socs" puts Ponyboy Curtis and his best friend Johnny Cade in a bad spot. One night at the movies, Ponyboy and Johnny fall in love with Sherri "Cherry" Valance and Marcia once they get Dally...
The Secret of NIMH(1982) - A fieldmouse named Mrs. Brisby must move her family to a safe location before the farmer plows the field where they live, but her invalid son Timmy cannot go outside due to his pneumonia. She enlists the aid of some highly intelligent, escaped lab rats that have built a subterranean society inside a...
The Santa Clause(1994) - When divorced dad Scott Calvin goes to sleep on Christmas Eve with his son Charlie who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus, Scott breaks to Charlie the news that Santa is not real. When they hear the noise of Santa landing on thier roof, they both run outside where Scott sees Santa on the...
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter(1984) - Little Tommy Jarvis may have a long future in special effects. He makes horror masks that would make Tom Savini smile. But the horror history buff is about to find he and his family in a thriller that is all to real! In all of the previous films, Jasons victims were outsiders, but to the Jarvis clan...
Goodfellas(1990) - A 15 year old kid in the 1950's is really interested in becoming a gangster. There is a bar outside of where he lives and he watches the gangsters that live there play cards, dice, and do business. He starts to work at the bar getting to know the gangsters that run it better. He starts to sell cigar...
Big(1988) - JOSH is a 12 year old lad who goes to the carnival and wishes upon a wish machine to become bigger.his wish comes true when he wakes up in an older body. no1 believes him except his best mate who helps him get a job and fend for himself in the outside world.
American Beauty(1999) - Lester and Carolyn Burnham are on the outside, a perfect husband and wife, in a perfect house, in a perfect neighborhood. But inside, Lester is slipping deeper and deeper into a hopeless depression. He finally snaps when he becomes infatuated with one of his daughters friends. Meanwhile, his daughte...
Saturday Night Fever(1977) - Tony Manero (John Travolta) is king of the dancefloor at his local disco. Outside, though, he's stuck in a dead-end life, hanging around with greaser assholes and not getting anywhere with employment. His one chance for escape is getting the love of his dance partner Stephanie Mangano (Karen Lynn Go...
Casualties of War(1989) - During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager.
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins...(1985) - An NYPD cop is 'killed' in an accident. The death is faked, and he is inducted into the organization CURE, dedicated to preserving the constitution by working outside of it. Remo is to become the enforcement wing (assassin) of CURE, and learns an ancient Korean martial art from Chiun, the Master of...
The Ice Storm(1997) - Set on Thanksgiving weekend of 1973, The Ice Storm looks into the lives of a wealthy Connecticut family who are calm and civil on the outside, but whose lives are quietly falling into chaos. 16-year-old Paul Hood (Tobey Maguire) is home for the holidays from prep school; he'd just as soon have staye...
Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III(1990) - The film begins with Leatherface (R.A. Mihailoff) bludgeoning a young woman, Gina, to death with a sledgehammer before beginning the process of cutting off her face in order to make it into a mask. Gina's sister, Sara (Toni Hudson) watches from a nearby window. Leatherface hears Sara outside, and af...
Christmas Every Day(1996) - Set in the fictional town of Greenwood Falls, Virginia (just outside of Washington, D.C.), the film stars Erik von Detten as Billy Jackson, a selfish teenager forced to relive the same Christmas every day. At night on Christmas Day, Billy's sister (Yvonne Zima) wishes that it was Christmas every day...
Babycakes(1989) - Plus-sized Grace is just an ordinary girl who works as a cosmetician in a mortuary. Outside of giving beauty to the deceased, life is dull for Grace spending most of her time in bed with food and the TV as her constant companions. She dreams of love, but those around her -- including her father an...
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) - Tod Lubitch, is born with an improperly functioning immune system and is forced to live in a incubator-like conditions or else he will die. While he is moved out of hospital, Ted is still forced to stay in his home. However Ted begins to desire and wonder what life is like outside especially his lon...
Parents(1989) - Michael is a young boy living in a typical 1950's suburbanite home... except for his bizarre and horrific nightmares, and continued unease around his parents. Young Michael begins to suspect his parents are cooking more than just hamburgers on the grill outside, but has trouble explaining his fears...
Outside Providence(1999) - Set in 1974 Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Tim Dunphy is a teenage slacker and stoner who is part of a dysfunctional lower-class family which includes his widowed, ill-tempered, bigoted father, his wheelchair-bound younger brother Jackie and their one-eyed, three-legged dog. After Tim and his stoner frien...
Katy Caterpillar(1984) - Animated feature in which a young caterpillar leaves her home to learn more about the outside world and herself.
The Wrestler(2008) - An aging pro wrestler named Randy"The Ram" Robinson(Mickey Rourke), forced into retirement by a heart attack ,finds life outside the ring difficult. He tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter(Evan Rachel Wood).He pursues a relationship with an aging stripper(Marissa Tomei).He even tries worki...
Requiem for a Heavyweight(1962) - An aging boxer(Anthony Quinn),who is forced to retire,has a difficult time finding his way outside of the boxing ring.
Reindeer Games(2000) - Nick and Rudy are cellmates in prison two days away from release. Nick has been corresponding with a young woman named Ashley, who is waiting for him on the outside. After Nick is seemingly killed during a prison fight, Rudy, who wants to have a cup of hot chocolate after he reunites with his family...
Holy Matrimony(1994) - A young Hutterite boy must marry his late brother's wife who comes from outside the community.
Kermit's Swamp Years(2002) - At 12 years old, Kermit the Frog and best friends Goggles and Croaker travel outside their homes in the swamps of the Deep South to do something extraordinary with their lives.
The Family Stone(2005) - Meredith Stone is a fancy and successful Manhattan executive whose conservative nature contradicts that of her boyfriend Everett and his liberal family. Feeling like an outsider by her family she and her sister Julie opt to spend Christmas at the local hotel. Julie and Everett soon find themselves a...
Two Girls And A Guy(1997) - Two girls, Carla and Lou meet on the street outside a loft waiting for their boyfriends. In a short time, they find out that they're waiting for the same guy - young actor Blake, who said that he loves only her to both of them but was actually leading double life for a few months already. Angry, the...
The Grinch(2000) - A live-action remake of the classic Christmas special starring Jim Carrey as the title character. The Grinch who lives at the top of Mount Crumpitt just outside the town of Whoville hates the Whos and absolutely hates Christmas! Despite being an outcast, young Cindy Lou Who believes there is somethi...
xXx: State of the Union(2005) - xXx: State of the Union, released as xXx: The Next Level outside the United States and Canada, is a 2005 action film directed by Lee Tamahori. It is a sequel to the 2002 film xXx (pronounced "triple x"). The film was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbi
Pinocchio(2002) - After a magical log of wood lands outside the shop of a woodcarver named Geppetto, he carves the block out into a puppet which he names Pinocchio. The puppet comes to live and begins acting mischievously. He refuses to go to school instead going on naughty adventures such as burying his money in the...
Princess of the Nile(1954) - Debra Paget is Princess Shalimar who is also known outside the palace as the popular dancer Taura. She struggles to help her people against the forces of Rama Khan and his army. Only with the help of Prince Haidi (Jeffery Hunter) and some allies can the war be ended.
The Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird(1952) - In this animated feature, two lovers -- a chimney sweep (Serge Reggiani) and a shepherdess (Anouk Aime) -- live as characters in a painting owned by a ruthless king. In order to escape from the king, who is in love with the shepherdess, the characters emerge into the three-dimensional world outside...
Safety Last!(1923) - Safety Last! is a 1923 American silent romantic comedy film starring Harold Lloyd. It includes one of the most famous images from the silent film era: Lloyd clutching the hands of a large clock as he dangles from the outside of a skyscraper above moving traffic. The film was highly successful and cr...
Free Birds(2013) - Reggie is a turkey who has always feared Thanksgiving because turkeys have always been on the menu, but his incessant attempts to warn his flock have made him an outcast. When the other turkeys finally realize what is happening, they thoughtlessly throw Reggie outside in an attempt to save themselve...
Last Christmas(2019) - Katarina 'Kate' Andrich, a young aspiring singer, works a dead-end job as an elf at a year-round Christmas shop in Central London, whose owner calls herself 'Santa'. She is homeless after being forced out by her flatmate. While at work, she notices a man outside staring upwards. She talks with him,...
Man Outside(1987) - A lawyer, running away from his past, becomes a recluse in the Alabama woods and becomes the primary suspect in the abduction of a local boy. --
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Action, Drama, Horror | 11 March 2016 (USA) -- After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter by a man who claims that the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. Director: Dan Trachtenberg Writers:
Adulthood (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 39min | Crime, Drama | 20 June 2008 (UK) -- Six years after KiDULTHOOD, Sam Peel is released from jail for killing Trife, he realizes that life is no easier on the outside than it was on the inside and he's forced to confront the ... S Director: Noel Clarke Writer:
Alexa & Katie ::: TV-Y7 | 25min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20182020) -- Lifelong best friends Alexa Mendoza and Katie Cooper are anticipating the start of their freshman year of high school. They confront a crisis that leaves them feeling like outsiders at a time when what seems to matter most is fitting in. Creator:
A Patch of Blue (1965) ::: 8.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 10 December 1965 (USA) -- A blind, uneducated white girl is befriended by a black man, who becomes determined to help her escape her impoverished and abusive home life by introducing her to the outside world. Director: Guy Green Writers:
Band of Outsiders (1964) ::: 7.7/10 -- Bande part (original title) -- Band of Outsiders Poster -- Two crooks with a fondness for old Hollywood B-movies convince a languages student to help them commit a robbery. Director: Jean-Luc Godard (as Cinma) Writer:
Beast (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 11 May 2018 (USA) -- A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders. Director: Michael Pearce Writer:
Black Monday ::: TV-MA | 9h 42min | Comedy | TV Series (2019 ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 -- A group of outsiders takes on the 1980s old-boys club of Wall Street. Creators:
Blue Ruin (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 9 July 2014 (France) -- A mysterious outsider's quiet life is turned upside down when he returns to his childhood home to carry out an act of vengeance. Proving himself an amateur assassin, he winds up in a brutal fight to protect his estranged family. Director: Jeremy Saulnier Writer:
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 191 episodes Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Poster -- Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow. Stars:
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017 ) -- Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow. Stars:
Carlito's Way (1993) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 12 November 1993 (USA) -- A Puerto Rican former convict, just released from prison, pledges to stay away from drugs and violence despite the pressure around him and lead on to a better life outside of N.Y.C. Director: Brian De Palma Writers:
Casualties of War (1989) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | 18 August 1989 (USA) -- During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager. Director: Brian De Palma (as Brian DePalma) Writers: Daniel Lang (book), David Rabe (screenplay)
Clean (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Drama, Music, Romance | 1 September 2004 (France) -- After she ends up in prison and loses custody of her son, a woman struggles to assimilate outside her former life and remain clean long enough to regain custody of her son. Director: Olivier Assayas Writer:
Crimson Peak (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds - and remembers. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writers:
Crying Freeman (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 24 April 1996 (France) -- A woman sees an assassin outside San Francisco killing yakuza men and later in Vancouver. She's been told that he leaves no witness. Will she be his next victim or...? Director: Christophe Gans Writers: Kazuo Koike (based upon the comic books created by), Ryoichi Ikegami (based upon the comic books created by) | 3 more credits
Daria ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (19972001) -- A smart and cynical girl goes through teenage life as a proud outsider in a world of mainly idiotic adolescents and condescending adults. Creators: Glenn Eichler, Susie Lewis
Dheepan (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Crime, Drama | 13 May 2016 (USA) -- Dheepan is a Sri Lankan Tamil warrior who flees to France and ends up working as a caretaker outside Paris. Director: Jacques Audiard Writers: Jacques Audiard (dialogue), Jacques Audiard (screenplay) | 4 more
Everybody Knows (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- Todos lo saben (original title) -- Everybody Knows Poster -- Laura, a Spanish woman living in Buenos Aires, returns to her hometown outside Madrid with her two children to attend her sister's wedding. However, the trip is upset by unexpected events that bring secrets into the open. Director: Asghar Farhadi
Far from Heaven (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 10 January 2003 (USA) -- In 1950s Connecticut, a housewife faces a marital crisis and mounting racial tensions in the outside world. Director: Todd Haynes Writer: Todd Haynes
Grown-ish ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) -- A spinoff of ABC's "Black-ish," Zoey Johnson is off to college and must live outside the nest, dealing with drugs, sex, and relationships along the way. Creators:
He Never Died (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 18 December 2015 (USA) -- Jack, a social outcast, is thrust out of his comfort zone when the outside world bangs on his door and he can't contain his violent past. Director: Jason Krawczyk Writer: Jason Krawczyk
Jane by Design -- 44min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2012) ::: A case of mistaken identity has a dateless high school outsider living a double life as a twenty-something career girl in the fashion world. Creator: April Blair
Junebug (2005) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 16 September 2005 (USA) -- A dealer in "outsider" art travels from Chicago to North Carolina to meet her new in-laws, challenging the equilibrium of this middle class Southern home. Director: Phil Morrison Writer:
Kajillionaire (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Crime, Drama | 25 September 2020 (USA) -- A woman's life is turned upside down when her criminal parents invite an outsider to join them on a major heist they're planning. Director: Miranda July Writer: Miranda July
Lawn Dogs (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Drama | 15 May 1998 (USA) -- When Devon, a 10-year-old girl, forges a friendship with Trent, a 21-year-old outsider who mows the neighborhood lawns, things suddenly get very complicated and private. Director: John Duigan Writer:
Lemonade Mouth (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 15 April 2011 -- Five high school kids, Olivia, Wendall, Stella, Charlie, and Mo, meet in detention and start a band based on the lemonade vending machine outside the detention room. Director: Patricia Riggen Writers:
Message from the King (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 4 August 2017 (USA) -- A mysterious outsider from South Africa, named Jacob King, arrives in Los Angeles to look for his missing younger sister. Director: Fabrice du Welz Writers: Oliver Butcher, Stephen Cornwell
Metropolitan (1990) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 August 1990 (USA) -- A group of young upper-class Manhattanites are blithely passing through the gala debutante season, when an unusual outsider joins them and stirs them up. Director: Whit Stillman Writer:
Midnight, Texas ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20172018) -- Midnight is a safe haven for those who are different, but with the presence of outsiders, the residents band together and form a strong and unlikely family. Creators:
Nobody Knows I'm Here (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- Nadie Sabe Que Estoy Aqu (original title) -- Nobody Knows I'm Here Poster -- Memo lives on a remote Chilean sheep farm, hiding a beautiful singing voice from the outside world. A recluse with a glittery flair, he can't stop dwelling on the past, but what will happen once someone finally listens? Director: Gaspar Antillo
Outside In (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 49min | Drama | 3 April 2018 (USA) -- An ex-con struggling to readjust to life in his small town forms an intense bond with his former high school teacher. Director: Lynn Shelton Writers: Lynn Shelton, Jay Duplass
Outside Providence (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1 September 1999 (USA) -- After one too many run ins with the law, a punk teenager from a working class background is sent to prep school by his frustrated dad, and learns a thing or two. Director: Michael Corrente Writers:
Outsiders ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20162017) -- A story of struggle for power set in the rugged and mysterious hills of Appalachia. Creator: Peter Mattei
Paul (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 18 March 2011 (USA) -- Two English comic book geeks traveling across the U.S. encounter an alien outside Area 51. Director: Greg Mottola Writers: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost
Phone Booth (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 21min | Crime, Thriller | 4 April 2003 (USA) -- Publicist Stuart Shepard finds himself trapped in a phone booth, pinned down by an extortionist's sniper rifle. Unable to leave or receive outside help, Stuart's negotiation with the caller leads to a jaw-dropping climax. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer:
Raging Bull (1980) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 19 December 1980 (USA) -- The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that led him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers: Jake LaMotta (based on the book by) (as Jake La Motta), Joseph Carter
Room (2015) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Thriller | 22 January 2016 (USA) -- Held captive for 7 years in an enclosed space, a woman and her young son finally gain their freedom, allowing the boy to experience the outside world for the first time. Director: Lenny Abrahamson Writers:
Rory O'Shea Was Here (2004) ::: 7.8/10 -- Inside I'm Dancing (original title) -- Rory O'Shea Was Here Poster When the kinetic Rory moves into his room in the Carrigmore Residential Home for the Disabled, his effect on the home is immediate. Most telling is his friendship with Michael, a young man with cerebral palsy and nearly unintelligible speech. Somehow, Rory understands Michael, and encourages him to experience life outside the confines of home. Director: Damien O'Donnell Writers:
Runaway Jury (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 17 October 2003 (USA) -- A juror on the inside and a woman on the outside manipulate a court trial involving a major gun manufacturer. Director: Gary Fleder Writers: John Grisham (novel), Brian Koppelman (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Silent House (2011) ::: 5.2/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 9 March 2012 (USA) -- A girl is trapped inside her family's lakeside retreat and becomes unable to contact the outside world as supernatural forces haunt the house with mysterious energy and consequences. Directors: Chris Kentis, Laura Lau Writers:
Sudden Impact (1983) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 9 December 1983 (USA) -- A rape victim is exacting revenge on her aggressors in a small town outside San Francisco. "Dirty" Harry Callahan, on suspension for angering his superiors (again), is assigned to the case. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
The Big Bang Theory ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (20072019) -- A woman who moves into an apartment across the hall from two brilliant but socially awkward physicists shows them how little they know about life outside of the laboratory. Creators:
The Doctor (1991) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Drama | 16 August 1991 (USA) -- When a self-centered doctor is diagnosed with cancer, he becomes better able to empathize with his patients and appreciate a life outside his career. Director: Randa Haines Writers: Ed Rosenbaum (book) (as Ed Rosenbaum M.D.), Robert Caswell (screenplay) Stars:
The Guild ::: TV-14 | 4min | Short, Comedy | TV Series (20072013) -- The lives inside and outside video games of the members of online guild the Knights of Good. Creator: Felicia Day
The Onion Field (1979) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Crime, Drama | 28 February 1980 (UK) -- An LA police officer is murdered in the onion fields outside of Bakersfield. However, legal loopholes could keep his kidnappers from receiving justice, and his partner is haunted by overwhelming survivor's guilt. Director: Harold Becker Writers: Joseph Wambaugh (book), Joseph Wambaugh (screenplay)
The Outsiders (1983) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Crime, Drama | 25 March 1983 (USA) -- The rivalry between two gangs, the poor Greasers and the rich Socs, only heats up when one gang member kills a member of the other. Director: Francis Ford Coppola (as Francis Coppola) Writers: Kathleen Rowell (screenplay) (as Kathleen Knutsen Rowell), S.E. Hinton
The Outsider ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Outsider Poster -- Investigators are confounded over an unspeakable crime that's been committed. Creator: Richard Price
The Outsider ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2020 ) -- Investigators are confounded over an unspeakable crime that's been committed. Creator: Richard Price
The Prowler (1951) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 32min | Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller | 25 May 1951 (USA) -- When Susan Gilvray reports a prowler outside her house police officer Webb Garwood investigates and sparks fly. If only her husband wasn't in the way. Director: Joseph Losey Writers: Robert Thoeren (story), Hans Wilhelm (story) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Wrestler (2008) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Sport | 30 January 2009 (USA) -- A faded professional wrestler must retire, but finds his quest for a new life outside the ring a dispiriting struggle. Director: Darren Aronofsky Writer: Robert Siegel
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 1 December 2017 (USA) -- A mother personally challenges the local authorities to solve her daughter's murder when they fail to catch the culprit. Director: Martin McDonagh Writer: Martin McDonagh
Tokyo Drifter (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- Tky nagaremono (original title) -- Tokyo Drifter Poster After his gang disbands, a yakuza enforcer looks forward to life outside of organized crime but soon must become a drifter after his old rivals attempt to assassinate him. Director: Seijun Suzuki Writers: Yasunori Kawauchi (author), Yasunori Kawauchi (screenplay)
True Detective ::: TV-MA | 55min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2014 ) -- Seasonal anthology series in which police investigations unearth the personal and professional secrets of those involved, both within and outside the law. Creator:
Warehouse 13 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20092014) -- Pete and Myka, U.S Secret Service agents, are deployed in South Dakota's Warehouse 13 with a new assignment from an authority above and outside the government. Creators:
Wonder Woman (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 2 June 2017 (USA) -- When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Director: Patty Jenkins Writers:!'r_Survival_for_Outsiders's_Rule:_An_Outsider's_View's_control!,_It's_Cold_Outside's_Dark_Outside,_It's_Cold_Outside
11-nin Iru! -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Space Drama Romance Shoujo -- 11-nin Iru! 11-nin Iru! -- After the Interstellar Alliance established peace among most of the planets in the universe, they created the Cosmo Academy. The academy is renowned as the most elite school in existence, with its graduates guaranteed virtually any job they desire. However, one can only become a student if they pass the entrance examinations held every three years, making the competition for admission extremely fierce. -- -- Lane Tadatos is a Terran who has managed to reach the final stage of examinations. Placed in a group of 10, he is sent to the Esperanza—a ship stranded in orbit. Their final test is to survive 53 days on the ship, without any means of communication with the outside other than an emergency forfeit button. But a serious problem emerges for the examinees when they perform a headcount. There are 11 people aboard the Esperanza, meaning that one of them is an impostor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Nov 1, 1986 -- 8,811 7.08
Air Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Air Movie Air Movie -- Centuries ago, Kanna, a princess and the last of a winged race, was held prisoner in a castle as she was feared by the rest of the world. However, when she met a soldier named Ryuuya, she fell in love with him and told him of her wishes to see the outside world and to find her mother. Ryuuya attempted to fulfill these wishes. However, his efforts were in vain as Kanna was sealed in the sky through magic and cursed to be in pain for all eternity. -- -- Hundreds of years later, Yukito, a decendant of Ryuuya, comes to a quiet town one week before their annual festival with hopes that he can make some money. However, when he meets an unusual girl called Misuzu, he is reminded of what his mother once told him—"When you go out on your journey, if you find the winged girl's re-incarnation, you must use your power to set her free." -- -- Yukito and Misuzu's fates soon become intertwined with each other, with each developing feelings for the other. However when Yukito realizes Misuzu's connection to the past, he must decide on whether to leave, or to attempt to break the curse that has bound Kanna in centuries of pain. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- Movie - Feb 5, 2005 -- 55,485 7.26
Air Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Air Movie Air Movie -- Centuries ago, Kanna, a princess and the last of a winged race, was held prisoner in a castle as she was feared by the rest of the world. However, when she met a soldier named Ryuuya, she fell in love with him and told him of her wishes to see the outside world and to find her mother. Ryuuya attempted to fulfill these wishes. However, his efforts were in vain as Kanna was sealed in the sky through magic and cursed to be in pain for all eternity. -- -- Hundreds of years later, Yukito, a decendant of Ryuuya, comes to a quiet town one week before their annual festival with hopes that he can make some money. However, when he meets an unusual girl called Misuzu, he is reminded of what his mother once told him—"When you go out on your journey, if you find the winged girl's re-incarnation, you must use your power to set her free." -- -- Yukito and Misuzu's fates soon become intertwined with each other, with each developing feelings for the other. However when Yukito realizes Misuzu's connection to the past, he must decide on whether to leave, or to attempt to break the curse that has bound Kanna in centuries of pain. -- -- Movie - Feb 5, 2005 -- 55,485 7.26
Ane Naru Mono -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Ane Naru Mono Ane Naru Mono -- Since the death of his parents, young Yuu has suffered considerably from neglect and abuse at the hands of his adoptive relatives, who leave him to his own resources to survive. Fortunately, a girl named Chiyo comes to his aid and offers to take care of Yuu while acting as his older sister. However, Chiyo is not what she seems, and Yuu knows all too well that her intentions are far from innocent. In exchange for her generosity, Yuu must supply Chiyo with his "life potential." -- -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,864 N/A -- -- Call Me Tonight -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror Romance Sci-Fi -- Call Me Tonight Call Me Tonight -- Rumi's met a lot of guys through her job, and it's probably fair to assume that most of them could be said to have some sort of problem, but a man who literally turns into a beast when he gets turned on may be outside of this perky call girl's field of expertise. Still, a little challenge every now and again stimulates the mind and makes life so much more interesting, so she's willing to give it a shot. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 28, 1986 -- 7,859 5.28
Ao Oni The Animation -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Game -- Comedy Horror -- Ao Oni The Animation Ao Oni The Animation -- In most ordinary high schools, many stories and rumors float around—some scandalous, some happy and some...more macabre. One such example is of monsters lurking in an abandoned mansion outside of town. Such tales, however, prove too tempting to resist for Hiroshi and his friends Mika, Takeshi, and Takurou. They decide to brave the rumored dangers in order to investigate the manor and complete a test of courage. Each of them approaches the mansion with an overwhelming sense of dread. And when they enter, they come upon a blue monster named Ao Oni who attacks them. -- -- As Hiroshi and his friends try to solve the various puzzles in the mansion and escape their new blue nemesis, they find themselves meeting several horrible endings as they fail miserably. -- -- 17,258 5.13
Arete Hime -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy Magic -- Arete Hime Arete Hime -- Confined in the castle tower by her father, princess Arete spends her days watching the world outside her window. Sometimes she seeks out to watch the common people at work. The knights of the kingdom compete for the right to marry her and rule the land by competing to see who can find powerful magic objects made by a long dead race of sorcerers. Arete wants none of this. She longs to meet the common people and travel to exotic lands she has only seen in the books she keeps hidden under her bed. One day the sorcerer Boax arrives in a fantastic flying machine and offers to take Arete as his wife and transform her into a proper princess. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 21, 2001 -- 10,365 6.91
Baby Steps 2nd Season -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Shounen -- Baby Steps 2nd Season Baby Steps 2nd Season -- After having decided to play tennis at the professional level, Eiichirou Maruo now needs to convince his parents to support his decision. To do so, he makes a wager: if he cannot win the All-Japan Junior Tennis Tournament, he will give up on his dream. However, he will need to improve his skills quickly if he wants to qualify for the tournament and have any chance of defeating the best players in the country. For this reason, his new coach Ryuuhei Aoi suggests that Eiichirou travel abroad to train at the Florida Tennis Academy. -- -- Baby Steps 2nd Season takes the action to America as Eiichirou begins his two-week training program, getting a taste of what tennis is like outside of Japan. With this exciting experience awaiting him, Eiichirou hopes that his training will get him closer to his goal of becoming a professional player. -- -- 77,606 8.05
Bem -- -- LandQ studios, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Supernatural -- Bem Bem -- Young detective Sonia Summers has been transferred to the outskirts of the port city Libra after stirring up trouble with her superiors. Libra is separated into two sectors—"the Upper", the center of wealth and politics, and "the Outside". The Outside is home to crime, corruption, and curious incidents involving monstrosities or youkai. Each case that Sonia works on seems to implicate the involvement of these mysterious creatures. -- -- Sonia crosses paths with three peculiar humanoid youkai — Bem, Bela and Belo — who seek to protect humans and fight against the evil youkai that terrorize them. Living as "Youkai-Ningen," they are excluded by other youkai for their human-like lifestyles, and rejected and hurt by humans when they reveal their true forms. -- -- Despite the hardships they face, these three Youkai-Ningen secretly live among humans, continuing to pursue their dreams of one day becoming human as well. -- -- 54,632 6.03
Bem -- -- LandQ studios, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Supernatural -- Bem Bem -- Young detective Sonia Summers has been transferred to the outskirts of the port city Libra after stirring up trouble with her superiors. Libra is separated into two sectors—"the Upper", the center of wealth and politics, and "the Outside". The Outside is home to crime, corruption, and curious incidents involving monstrosities or youkai. Each case that Sonia works on seems to implicate the involvement of these mysterious creatures. -- -- Sonia crosses paths with three peculiar humanoid youkai — Bem, Bela and Belo — who seek to protect humans and fight against the evil youkai that terrorize them. Living as "Youkai-Ningen," they are excluded by other youkai for their human-like lifestyles, and rejected and hurt by humans when they reveal their true forms. -- -- Despite the hardships they face, these three Youkai-Ningen secretly live among humans, continuing to pursue their dreams of one day becoming human as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 54,632 6.03
Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos -- -- Gosay Studio -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Historical Sports Seinen -- Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos -- Demetrios, a timid and kind vase painter in Ancient Greece who dislikes sports and competitions, is one day forced to come up with a game to compete with the mayor of the neighboring town in order to save his village. While hiding inside a large vase outside his workshop, lightning strikes the vase Demetrios is in, transferring him to Tokyo, Japan, during the 1964 Summer Olympics. -- -- (Source: MU) -- 13,394 7.01
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military School Sci-Fi Super Power -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou -- Lelouch Lamperouge's dreams of destroying the Holy Britannian Empire are slowly crumbling. His sister, Nunnally, has been kidnapped by Schneizel el Britannia, and Suzaku Kururugi is ignoring his desperate pleas for assistance. The Black Knights are slowly losing faith in Lelouch as their leader, and the United Federation of Nations has declared global war on Britannia. -- -- Having suffered numerous betrayals, a significant loss of power, and an ever-growing resentment towards Emperor Charles zi Britannia, the crippled Lelouch makes a final decision: if he can't destroy the Empire from the outside, he will take it for himself from within. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - May 26, 2018 -- 66,353 8.03
Darling in the FranXX -- -- A-1 Pictures, CloverWorks, Trigger -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Darling in the FranXX Darling in the FranXX -- In the distant future, humanity has been driven to near-extinction by giant beasts known as Klaxosaurs, forcing the surviving humans to take refuge in massive fortress cities called Plantations. Children raised here are trained to pilot giant mechas known as FranXX—the only weapons known to be effective against the Klaxosaurs—in boy-girl pairs. Bred for the sole purpose of piloting these machines, these children know nothing of the outside world and are only able to prove their existence by defending their race. -- -- Hiro, an aspiring FranXX pilot, has lost his motivation and self-confidence after failing an aptitude test. Skipping out on his class' graduation ceremony, Hiro retreats to a forest lake, where he encounters a mysterious girl with two horns growing out of her head. She introduces herself by her codename Zero Two, which is known to belong to an infamous FranXX pilot known as the "Partner Killer." Before Hiro can digest the encounter, the Plantation is rocked by a sudden Klaxosaur attack. Zero Two engages the creature in her FranXX, but it is heavily damaged in the skirmish and crashes near Hiro. Finding her partner dead, Zero Two invites Hiro to pilot the mecha with her, and the duo easily defeats the Klaxosaur in the ensuing fight. With a new partner by his side, Hiro has been given a chance at redemption for his past failures, but at what cost? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,083,249 7.31
Denki-gai no Honya-san -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Denki-gai no Honya-san Denki-gai no Honya-san -- Umio is a shy kid who just started his part time job at a manga store smack dab in the middle of the city. But his lifestyle isn't as glamorous as the neon lights that illuminate the city. Umio's closest friends are his co-workers who are all unique characters, to say the least, and although they're nice people, they have their quirks. They are a tight knit group of friends, have nicknames for each other and spend their weekends inside, sheltered from the extravagant scene happening on the outside. -- -- (Source: MU) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 110,946 7.21
Denpa Kyoushi (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Denpa Kyoushi (TV) Denpa Kyoushi (TV) -- Junichirou Kagami is a young published physicist, a genius, and a hopeless otaku. At the mercy of YD, a self-diagnosed illness which causes him to only be able to do what he "Yearns to Do," Junichirou foregoes his scientific career to maintain and improve his anime blog. However, when he gets hired as a high school physics teacher; his sister Suzune, no longer willing to tolerate his NEET lifestyle, forces him to take the position. -- -- Despite the fact that Junichirou has no motivation to teach the standard curriculum, he may still have something of value to teach his students outside of academics. With his class in tow, Junichirou embarks on an unlikely journey filled with life lessons such as acceptance of others, how to make lasting friends, and what it means to live a better life by doing what you yearn to do. -- -- 132,181 6.89
Denpa Kyoushi (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Denpa Kyoushi (TV) Denpa Kyoushi (TV) -- Junichirou Kagami is a young published physicist, a genius, and a hopeless otaku. At the mercy of YD, a self-diagnosed illness which causes him to only be able to do what he "Yearns to Do," Junichirou foregoes his scientific career to maintain and improve his anime blog. However, when he gets hired as a high school physics teacher; his sister Suzune, no longer willing to tolerate his NEET lifestyle, forces him to take the position. -- -- Despite the fact that Junichirou has no motivation to teach the standard curriculum, he may still have something of value to teach his students outside of academics. With his class in tow, Junichirou embarks on an unlikely journey filled with life lessons such as acceptance of others, how to make lasting friends, and what it means to live a better life by doing what you yearn to do. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 132,181 6.89
Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- Subaru Mikazuki is a 23-year-old mystery novel author, major introvert, and an awkwardly shy person. He would much rather stay home to read a book than go outside and interact with others. Further exacerbating this life of solitude, his parents tragically died in an accident many years ago, leaving him alone in the world. -- -- One day, while giving offerings at his parents' grave, Subaru runs into a small grey and white cat named Haru, which he ends up taking home with him. Subaru, however, has never taken care of anyone else in his life—can he even take care of a cat? Haru is grateful toward Subaru, as he gives her all the food she wants—a luxury for a cat who is used to a rough life on the streets. But she notices that Subaru can't even seem to take care of himself! Will she be okay with this dunce? -- -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a human and a cat who try to foster an understanding with each other. -- -- 135,584 7.75
Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- Subaru Mikazuki is a 23-year-old mystery novel author, major introvert, and an awkwardly shy person. He would much rather stay home to read a book than go outside and interact with others. Further exacerbating this life of solitude, his parents tragically died in an accident many years ago, leaving him alone in the world. -- -- One day, while giving offerings at his parents' grave, Subaru runs into a small grey and white cat named Haru, which he ends up taking home with him. Subaru, however, has never taken care of anyone else in his life—can he even take care of a cat? Haru is grateful toward Subaru, as he gives her all the food she wants—a luxury for a cat who is used to a rough life on the streets. But she notices that Subaru can't even seem to take care of himself! Will she be okay with this dunce? -- -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a human and a cat who try to foster an understanding with each other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 135,584 7.75
Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Slice of Life Adventure Fantasy Martial Arts Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z: Zenbu Misemasu Toshi Wasure Dragon Ball Z! -- In this film, which is believed to take place some time around the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Gohan and Goten are having a hot bath outside in the middle of winter. Goku (who is still dead) suddenly appears in front of his sons with the help of his Instant Transmission, and joins them in the tub. While there, the three Saiyans reflect back on the events that occurred during the Cell Games. Inside the house after Chi-Chi appeared, Goku tells his sons about Pikkon and the Other World Tournament. -- -- Later, the four members of the Son family appear dressed nicely. Gohan says that the adult division of the Tournament will begin this next year (in 1994), and the special comes to an end. -- -- (Source: Dragon Ball Wikia) -- Special - Dec 31, 1993 -- 12,907 6.51
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III OVA Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III OVA -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - Apr 28, 2021 -- 31,040 N/A -- -- Nil Admirari no Tenbin -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Nil Admirari no Tenbin Nil Admirari no Tenbin -- The Taishou era didn't end in 15 years, but went on for another 25. In order to protect her waning family, a girl resolves to marry a man she doesn't even know the name of. However, just before the marriage was to take place, the girl's younger brother mysteriously committed suicide by self-immolation and was found holding an old book in his hands. Appearing before the bewildered young girl was the "Imperial Library Intelligence Asset Management Bureau," more commonly referred to as "Fukurou." According to these men, there exists "Maremono," which are books that greatly affect their readers. On top of that, ever since the incident involving the girl's younger brother, she unwittingly gains the ability to see "Auras" (the sentiments of the Maremono which manifest as bright lights and are usually invisible to humans). It was as though fate were trying to drag the young girl in its flames. And then, even though apprehensive, the girl chooses to venture outside her bird cage. Jealousy, hatred, scorn, compassion, and love. What awaited the girl was the darkness of betrayal that had already begun to bewitchingly inlay the imperial capital. Toyed by and swayed within that darkness, will the young girl finally reach the truth after her struggles, or...? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 30,986 6.61
Durarara!!x2 Ten -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten Durarara!!x2 Ten -- In Ikebukuro, the lives of its citizens continue intertwining with each other as if their fates are predestined. Mikado Ryuugamine is now one step closer to his goal of living an exciting life, and in turn, delves deeper into the darker side of Ikebukuro. After gaining absolute control over a former rival, he uses his newfound power as he pleases, purging the Dollars from the inside to mold it into the ideal organization. This proves to be as challenging as it sounds as Mikado must now deal with unwanted outside interference, most notably a re-emerging and dearly missed friend. Meanwhile, Izaya Orihara still has some schemes up his sleeve, although a rival information exchange center has proven to be quite the hindrance, lurking within everyone’s favorite downtown district. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, chaos will strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 322,624 8.00
Embah -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Embah Embah -- Girl who watches something in glass. Young person who looks into in from the outside to house. Bear that held fishbowl. -- -- (Source: Taro Shinkai) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2010 -- 536 4.02
Enen no Shouboutai -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Enen no Shouboutai Enen no Shouboutai -- Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as pyrokinetics—people gifted with the ability to manipulate and control their flames while remaining human. To combat the Infernal threat and discover the cause, the Tokyo Armed Forces, Fire Defense Agency, and Holy Church of Sol produced their answer: the Special Fire Force. -- -- Young and eager third-generation pyrokinetic Shinra Kusakabe, nicknamed Devil's Footprints for his explosive ability to ignite his feet at will, becomes a member of the lively Special Fire Force Company 8. Upholding the brigade's duty to extinguish the blazing Infernals and lay their souls to rest, Shinra is determined to become a hero who will save the lives of those threatened by the flame terror. -- -- However, this is not the hero's game Shinra imagined. The Fire Force is a fractured mess of feuding brigades, abnormal Infernal sightings are increasing all over Tokyo, and a shadowy group is claiming to have answers to the strange fire that caused the death of Shinra's family 12 years ago. Faced with many obstacles within and outside the Fire Force, Shinra fights to uncover the truth behind the burning mysteries that have kept him in the dark. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 779,039 7.67
Ergo Proxy -- -- Manglobe -- 23 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy -- Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to assist people in their day-to-day lives. However, AutoReivs have begun contracting an enigmatic disease called the "Cogito Virus" which grants them self-awareness. Re-l Mayer, granddaughter of Romdo's ruler, is assigned to investigate this phenomenon alongside her AutoReiv partner Iggy. But what begins as a routine investigation quickly spirals into a conspiracy as Re-l is confronted by humanity's darkest sins. -- -- Elsewhere in Romdo, an AutoReiv specialist by the name of Vincent Law must also face his demons when surreal events begin occurring around him. Re-l, Iggy, Vincent, and the child AutoReiv named Pino, will form an unlikely faction as they struggle to uncover Romdo's mysteries and ultimately, discover the true purpose of the mythical beings called "Proxies." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 494,821 7.92
Eromanga-sensei OVA -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Romance -- Eromanga-sensei OVA Eromanga-sensei OVA -- Yamada Elf's Love Song -- -- As a novelist with works getting adapted into anime, Elf Yamada holds an event to celebrate her success and to thank everyone who had supported her. With her mother attending, she becomes more excited. However, just as her mother arrives, she tells Elf to go back home so that she can find a suitable husband. Elf, who harbors feelings for Masamune Izumi, chooses to say no… -- -- Cooked Meals of Pure Love -- -- Winter has come, and it's freezing outside. With her brother Masamune catching a cold, Sagiri Izumi decides to nurse her brother into good health by stepping outside the comfort of her room and doing the housework herself. -- -- OVA - Jan 16, 2019 -- 85,923 6.90
Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Martial Arts Romance Shoujo -- Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu -- Miaka and Taka (Tamahome's reborn out-of-the-book self) return to the Universe of the Four Gods to try and restore Tamahome's memories to Taka. This is not as easy as it sounds, however, when the evil Tenkou shows up to rain on their parade. He manages to thwart most of their attempts at getting Taka's memories back, and uses his newfound power to summon the Gods outside the book. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Media Blasters -- OVA - May 25, 1997 -- 18,117 7.27
Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Sci-Fi -- Gatchaman Crowds Insight Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- One day, a huge UFO spins over Japan and crashes into a rural farmland outside Nagaoka, disrupting Tsubasa Misudachi's ordinary life. As the Gatchaman, the legendary defenders of Tachikawa City, supervise the ordeal, a peaceful alien creature emerges from the spacecraft. In the ensuing chaos, Tsubasa is given a special high-tech notebook, or NOTE, from Gatchaman founder J.J. Robinson, signaling Tsubasa's sudden recruitment into their group. Under the tutelage of fellow hero Hajime Ichinose, Tsubasa slowly begins to adjust to life as a defender of justice. -- -- Meanwhile, the CROWDS technology, which enables users to manifest their consciousness' into a physical form, is spreading amongst the public, as well as being endorsed by Prime Minister Sugayama. However, a mysterious organization known as VAPE has gained notoriety by using unique red CROWDS to wreak havoc, shifting public opinion against the CROWDS technology. The Gatchaman, along with new recruit Tsubasa, must put a stop to their destructive activities before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,839 7.29
Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- The horrid stories that remain in many conversations, the chilling urban legends come to life thanks to the Ga-nime. -- -- The terrible anecdote of an old fridge thrown by a dried up river bed in “Refrigerator”. -- The grotesque encounter with an out of place sculpture standing on top of a building in “The Dharma Statue”. -- The ghost encounter experience by a boy on a long bridge at night in “The Night Bridge” -- A purchase at the flea market that brings a man to an ironic end in “US Army Surplus” -- The enigma of continuous deadly accidents near a railroad in “The Railroad Crossing” -- The mysterious experience of a boy on summer vacation in a peaceful countryside in “I Want Friends”. -- -- 6 pieces of horror put on 1 film. The Japanese urban legends, put on screen in the characteristic drawing of KIMURA Toshiyuki, whose fame reaches outside the borders of Japan, call for a scream, with the talented collaboration for the ending theme of an artist produced by SUDOH Akira, Leilani. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Aug 1, 2006 -- 1,097 N/A -- -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- Iijima is no ordinary coed. She's a tempestuous time traveler from a future ruled by hideous replinoid monsters. She has come to this past to find a hero, a man strong enough to wield her futuristic sword and save the women of Earth from a grisly doom! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 1,065 4.88
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Magic -- Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- Akari Taiyou is an apprentice fortune teller living with her aunt, uncle, and their daughter Fuyuna. Having lost her mother at a young age, the only thing Akari has left of her is a deck of tarot cards and a dream to follow in her footsteps as a fortune teller. -- -- One night, Akari has a dream of being attacked by a plant monster and witnesses a stronger version of herself defeat it. When she awakens, she discovers to her horror that the monster was actually Fuyuna. But mysteriously, Akari and her relatives soon forget Fuyuna ever existed. After another close encounter with a similar monster, she is rescued by three magical girls: Ginka Shirokane, Seira Hoshikawa, and Luna Tsukuyomi. They explain that they are from the Sefiro Fiore organization, which uses Elemental Tarot power to fight the evil creatures known as "Daemonia." -- -- Akari discovers she too is a magical girl and has inherited her mother's power of The Sun card. However, she comes to realize Daemonia are actually people who have been possessed, and she must decide whether to try to save what is left of their humanity or to wipe them from existence. As Akari comes to terms with her grim duty of protecting the world from Daemonia, the bonds of the organization and that of their team will soon be strained when they deal with grave threats from the outside and from within. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 48,475 6.42
Gift± -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Seinen -- Gift± Gift± -- With the growing demand for high-quality organ transplants in Japan, many underground organizations have carried out kidnapping and murder operations to obtain organs for sale; surgeon doctors also started practicing. It even began to intervene in outside countries like China. -- -- Our protagonist, Tamaki Suzuhara, a beautiful but mysterious high school girl, tries to find someone very important to her who is currently missing. She joined an illegal organ trafficking network, which kidnapped those who were judged "morally cure" for morphological, surgical removal of organs. -- -- Let's see where this bloody journey and Tamaki Suzuhara's moral dilemma will lead. Can she find what she wants? -- ONA - Sep 21, 2018 -- 805 N/A -- -- Timing -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological Horror -- Timing Timing -- The Japanese-Korean horror movie should have been released in 2012, but the project got canceled after Korean investors could not be determined. A six-minute promotional video is what's left of it of this attempted co-production. -- -- Timing holds the story of four characters with abilities related with time, fighting to stop the tragedies occurring in a high school. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- ONA - Oct ??, 2010 -- 784 5.34
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- 428,700 9.09
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 428,700 9.09
Golden Kamuy 2nd Season -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy 2nd Season Golden Kamuy 2nd Season -- In Hokkaido, it is rumored that there is a stash of hidden gold. This gold was supposedly stolen by a man who killed the original Ainu owners; and before being captured and imprisoned by the police, he hid it in a secret location. In order to relay the gold's location to his comrades on the outside, he tattooed the map on the bodies of his cellmates and promised them a share of the gold—provided they managed to escape and find it. -- -- In Golden Kamuy 2nd Season, First Lieutenant Tokushirou Tsurumi plans to give the 7th Division an advantage in the war for the tattoos by getting a taxidermist to create skins that only he can distinguish as fake. Meanwhile, Saichi "The Immortal" Sugimoto, Asirpa, and their companions continue their hunt for the skins by following a strange rumor: a thief who broke into a home in Yubari found taxidermied human corpses, among which was a torso with strange tattoos. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 122,433 8.21
Great Pretender -- -- Wit Studio -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Psychological -- Great Pretender Great Pretender -- A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto "Edamame" Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto discovers that he was the one tricked and, to make matters worse, the police are now after him. -- -- While making his escape, he runs into the tourist once again, who turns out to be a fellow con man named Laurent Thierry, and ends up following him to Los Angeles. In an attempt to defend his self-proclaimed title of "Japan's Greatest Swindler," Makoto challenges his rival to determine the better scammer. Accepting the competition, Laurent drops them off outside a huge mansion and claims that their target will be the biggest mafia boss on the West Coast. -- -- Jumping from city to city, Great Pretender follows the endeavors of Makoto alongside the cunning Laurent and his colorful associates in the world of international high-stakes fraud. Soon, Makoto realizes that he got more than what he bargained for as his self-declared skills are continually put to the test. -- -- ONA - Jun 2, 2020 -- 333,244 8.34
Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Game -- Comedy Drama Mystery Police -- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! -- Since he was a child, Ryuuichi Naruhodou's dream was to become a defense attorney, protecting the innocent when no one else would. However, when the rookie lawyer finally takes on his first case under the guidance of his mentor Chihiro Ayasato, he realizes that the courtroom is a battlefield. In these fast paced trials, Ryuuichi is forced to think outside the box to uncover the truth of the crimes that have taken place in order to prove the innocence of his clients. -- -- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! follows Ryuuichi as he tackles cases to absolve the falsely accused of the charges they face. It will not be easy—standing in his path is the ruthless Reiji Mitsurugi, a prosecutor who will stop at nothing to hand out guilty verdicts. With his back against the wall, the defense attorney must carefully examine both evidence and witness testimony, sifting through lies to solve the mystery behind each case. With a shout of "objection!," the battle in the courtroom begins! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 110,395 6.45
Horimiya -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Horimiya Horimiya -- On the surface, the thought of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would be the last thing in people's minds. After all, Hori has a perfect combination of beauty and brains, while Miyamura appears meek and distant to his fellow classmates. However, a fateful meeting between the two lays both of their hidden selves bare. Even though she is popular at school, Hori has little time to socialize with her friends due to housework. On the other hand, Miyamura lives under the noses of his peers, his body bearing secret tattoos and piercings that make him look like a gentle delinquent. -- -- Having opposite personalities yet sharing odd similarities, the two quickly become friends and often spend time together in Hori's home. As they both emerge from their shells, they share with each other a side of themselves concealed from the outside world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 573,127 8.29
Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Psychological Drama Seinen -- Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- "Mine has been a life of much shame." -- -- Tokyo, 2036 (Showa year 111): a revolution in medical treatment has conquered death... -- By means of internal nanomachines and the "S.H.E.L.L." system whose network controls them, human beings suffer no diseases, require no treatment for injuries, and are guaranteed a 120-year lifespan, free from illness. Yet this consummate social system warps the Japanese nation in a host of ways: unresolved economic disparities, ethical decadence resulting from deathlessness, grave environmental pollution, and the "Human Lost" phenomenon, in which people themselves, disconnected from the S.H.E.L.L. network, become malformed. Japan teeters wildly between two potential futures: civilization's restoration or its destruction. -- -- Atmospheric pollution suffuses "Route 16" in the Outside—the area outside the Route 16 beltway. Youzou Oba, who lives an idle, drug-saturated life, joins Masao Horiki, a mysterious man who associates with the drag-racing gangs, on an incursion Inside—the area within the Route 7 loop where the privileged class lives—only to be embroiled in a violent struggle. When he encounters a malformed sufferer of the Human Lost phenomenon, a "Lost," Youzou's life is saved by Yoshiko Hiiragi, a girl of mysterious abilities who belongs to the anti-Lost agency H.I.L.A.M., and he discovers that he himself also possesses extraordinary powers... -- -- Degradation and death. Life and hope. Buffeted by fate, a man tears himself apart and cries out. Rage. Sorrow. Pathos. Consumed by despair and bitter tears, Youzou Oba is himself transformed into a demon. A human lost... or a human who can find himself? -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 22, 2019 -- 14,939 5.84
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
Ichigo Mashimaro OVA -- -- Daume -- 3 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Ichigo Mashimaro OVA Ichigo Mashimaro OVA -- Based on Barasui's manga series, Ichigo Mashimaro follows the life of Nobue Itou, her younger sister Chika, and her friends. The basic premise of the show can be summed up in "cute girls do cute things in cute ways", be it trying to quit smoking, going outside to play, celebrating a holiday, or doing school work. This OVA picks up where the series left off, continuing the adventures of your everyday life, only cuter. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Feb 23, 2007 -- 20,810 7.71
Initial D Fourth Stage -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Sports Drama Seinen -- Initial D Fourth Stage Initial D Fourth Stage -- Takumi Fujiwara finally joins Ryousuke and Keisuke Takahashi to create "Project D." Their goal is twofold: Ryousuke wants to develop his "High-Speed Street Racing Theory," while Keisuke and Takumi aim at improving their driving skills by facing powerful opponents on dangerous roads. The idea of Project D is to challenge street racing teams from other prefectures to improve both their uphill and downhill records. In order to attract the attention of the best racing teams, Ryousuke creates a dedicated website to announce the future battles of Project D and post the team's results. -- -- The fourth season of Initial D details the hardships and successes of the members of Project D as they try to become the best street racing team outside of Gunma Prefecture. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 17, 2004 -- 123,589 8.14
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu -- Asaba Naoyuki is an ordinary high school student. As a member of his school's press club, he's just spent the summer camping outside the local military base, in hopes of seeing the UFOs that are secretly kept there, according to local legend. Returning to school, he meets a strange girl, Iriya Kana, and gradually comes to realize that she is more than merely strange - and that a dark secret lies beneath the world that he knows. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Feb 25, 2005 -- 23,344 6.98
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II -- Second season of Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 53,031 N/A -- -- Shangri-La -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- Shangri-La Shangri-La -- In a post-apocalyptic society, much of earthquake-riddled Japan has been left to ruin, resulting in an abundance of greenery. Governments manage much of the world's emissions, resulting in a massive class divide and economic disparity. The Japanese government launches "Project Atlas," a utopian city that will replace Tokyo but can only fit a certain amount of people. This limitation means that some people will have to live outside the city in jungles, as refugees. -- -- However, with any flawed plan comes those who are willing to challenge it. These include Kuniko Houjou, an heir to a renegade town; Mikuni, a mysterious and powerful child kept in a secret temple; Kunihito Kusanagi, a soldier for the high-tech and exclusive monopoly Atlas; Karin Ishida, a genius economics whiz with her hand in markets across the world; and the villainous Ryouko Naruse, leading Atlas in its domination of this future world. -- -- Can this group of rebels, forming a movement known as "Metal-Age," band together to demonstrate that inclusion and teamwork prevail over cruel segregation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2009 -- 52,746 7.07
Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Horror Magic Martial Arts Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- Fourteen years after defeating the immortal warrior Himuro Genma and thwarting the Shogun of the Dark's evil plans, Kibagami Jubei continues to roam all over Japan as a masterless swordsman. During his journey, he meets Shigure, a priestess who has never seen the world outside her village. But when a group of demons destroys the village and kills everyone, Jubei becomes a prime target after acquiring the Dragon Jewel—a stone with an unknown origin. Meanwhile, Shigure—along with the monk Dakuan and a young thief named Tsubute—travels to the village of Yagyu. And with two demon clans now hunting down Shigure, Dakuan must once again acquire the services of Jubei to protect the Priestess of Light. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- TV - Apr 15, 2003 -- 34,373 6.69
Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Horror Magic Martial Arts Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- Fourteen years after defeating the immortal warrior Himuro Genma and thwarting the Shogun of the Dark's evil plans, Kibagami Jubei continues to roam all over Japan as a masterless swordsman. During his journey, he meets Shigure, a priestess who has never seen the world outside her village. But when a group of demons destroys the village and kills everyone, Jubei becomes a prime target after acquiring the Dragon Jewel—a stone with an unknown origin. Meanwhile, Shigure—along with the monk Dakuan and a young thief named Tsubute—travels to the village of Yagyu. And with two demon clans now hunting down Shigure, Dakuan must once again acquire the services of Jubei to protect the Priestess of Light. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 15, 2003 -- 34,373 6.69
Kagerou Daze: In a Day's -- -- Jumonji -- 1 ep -- Music -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance -- Kagerou Daze: In a Day's Kagerou Daze: In a Day's -- Shintarou Kisaragi—a NEET who shut himself inside his room for 2 years—has been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared in his computer screen when someone anonymously sent him a mysterious e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene had been messing with Shintaro's PC, which causes him have to go to the outside world for first time in two years. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 4, 2016 -- 14,035 6.19
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne -- -- Toei Animation -- 44 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Fantasy Magic Mystery Romance Shoujo -- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne -- A normal looking high school girl on the outside, Kusakabe Maron is actually the reincarnation of Jeanne d' Arc. With the help of the angel, Fin Fish, Maron works as the thief Jeanne at night to seal the demons that reside in pieces of artwork, preying upon the weak hearts of the owners. She is branded as a thief due to the fact that the artworks disappear after she seals the demons. One day, a new neighbor and classmate appears, as well as a rival in her night job, the thief Sinbad. With her own best friend being the detective's daughter, out to capture her and the appearance of her new rival, Maron's work is anything but easy. -- TV - Feb 13, 1999 -- 47,189 7.45
Kami no Tou -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Kami no Tou Kami no Tou -- There is a tower that summons chosen people called "Regulars" with the promise of granting their deepest desires. Whether it be wealth, fame, authority, or something that surpasses them all—everything awaits those who reach the top. -- -- Twenty-Fifth Bam is a boy who had only known a dark cave, a dirty cloth, and an unreachable light his entire life. So when a girl named Rachel came to him through the light, his entire world changed. Becoming close friends with Rachel, he learned various things about the outside world from her. But when Rachel says she must leave him to climb the Tower, his world shatters around him. Vowing to follow after her no matter what it takes, he sets his sight on the tower, and a miracle occurs. -- -- Thus begins the journey of Bam, a young boy who was not chosen by the Tower but opened its gates by himself. They call his kind "Irregulars"—beings that have shaken the very foundation of the Tower each time they set foot inside it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 584,626 7.62
Kannagi -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Kannagi Kannagi -- Based on a shounen manga by Takenashi Eri, serialised in Comic REX. -- -- Our unlucky protagonist, Jin, uses the trunk of a sacred tree to carve a statue for a school project. When he takes it outside, to his surprise it begins absorbing the surrounding earth and transforms into, hold your breath on this one, a girl! So like all similar setups this guardian deity is pretty pissed that her tree was cut down and lives with Jin while she takes out her anger on squashing, cleaning the "Impurities." -- 140,179 7.32
Kannagi -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Kannagi Kannagi -- Based on a shounen manga by Takenashi Eri, serialised in Comic REX. -- -- Our unlucky protagonist, Jin, uses the trunk of a sacred tree to carve a statue for a school project. When he takes it outside, to his surprise it begins absorbing the surrounding earth and transforms into, hold your breath on this one, a girl! So like all similar setups this guardian deity is pretty pissed that her tree was cut down and lives with Jin while she takes out her anger on squashing, cleaning the "Impurities." -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 140,179 7.32
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder -- At the behest of the Queen, Earl Ciel Phantomhive hosts a lavish dinner party attended by several of the finest members of polite society—as well as struggling author, Arthur. But as the party reaches its high, a terrible murder takes place and none other than the Earl himself is suspected of the crime. -- -- As a violent storm rages on outside, the death count continues to climb. The Phantomhive household and their eminent guests find they must cooperate in order to solve this mystery before they too fall prey to the mysterious murderer. However, it seems that not even the perfect butler, Sebastian Michaelis, is safe from this horror. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 28, 2015 -- 190,776 8.10
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder Kuroshitsuji: Book of Murder -- At the behest of the Queen, Earl Ciel Phantomhive hosts a lavish dinner party attended by several of the finest members of polite society—as well as struggling author, Arthur. But as the party reaches its high, a terrible murder takes place and none other than the Earl himself is suspected of the crime. -- -- As a violent storm rages on outside, the death count continues to climb. The Phantomhive household and their eminent guests find they must cooperate in order to solve this mystery before they too fall prey to the mysterious murderer. However, it seems that not even the perfect butler, Sebastian Michaelis, is safe from this horror. -- -- OVA - Jan 28, 2015 -- 190,776 8.10
Kuuchuu Buranko -- -- Toei Animation -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Psychological Drama Seinen -- Kuuchuu Buranko Kuuchuu Buranko -- The world of psychology is far from strange to the unusual Dr. Ichirou Irabu, a resident psychiatrist of Irabu General Hospital. He and his charming nurse Mayumi run through several patients, each suffering from a mental illness that harms their everyday life. -- -- Patients should be wary of the seductive Mayumi, with her spellbinding looks and devilishly short pink nurse uniform. On the other hand, the doctor seems to have three separate personalities: a child with an oversized lab coat; an intelligent, youthful man with feminine traits; and a selfish, outgoing green bear. While curing his patients in questionable ways, Dr. Irabu often tries to gain something from them outside of his profession—and in doing so, occasionally forgets his role as a doctor. -- -- As each patient struggles to face the nature of their distress, an obvious yet invisible thread ties their paths together. -- -- 75,563 7.96
Kuzu no Honkai -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen -- Kuzu no Honkai Kuzu no Honkai -- To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with. -- -- Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay. -- -- Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 494,783 7.28
Log Horizon 2nd Season -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon 2nd Season Log Horizon 2nd Season -- After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city. -- -- As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 503,514 7.61
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- 23,310 6.65
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 23,310 6.65
Mahou Sensei Negima!: Introduction Film -- -- Xebec -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Mahou Sensei Negima!: Introduction Film Mahou Sensei Negima!: Introduction Film -- Before the beginning of the series, three OVAs were produced for the sole purpose of introducing the characters. The first two were released on DVD bundled with two drama CDs, with the third being sold separately. It is unknown if these will ever be released outside of Japan. -- -- The first OVA is a re-enactment of the first chapter, where Negi first learns of his job as a teacher and is introduced to the students of Mahora Academy 2-A. It ends with profiles of the Baka Rangers (Asuna, Makie, Yue, Ku Fei and Kaede) as well as Ayaka. Asuna is the only girl in the class that doesn't have romantic feelings for Negi. -- -- The second OVA is a re-enactment of the "love potion" incident of chapter 2, with profiles at the end of Nodoka, Konoka, the cheerleaders (Misa, Madoka, Sakurako) as well as Kazumi. -- -- The third OVA is a re-enactment of chapter 13: Negi's Mahora tour with the Narutaki twins. The tour shows Negi to several of the students (Yuna, Akira, Chao, Satsuki, Satomi, Chizuru, Natsumi, Zazie) as well as others that he ends up missing (Sayo, Evangeline, Chachamaru, Chisame, Misora, Ako). After being chewed out by Haruna for completely skipping her, a final scene introduces Setsuna and Mana, keeping watch from something on campus. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Aug 25, 2004 -- 10,529 6.65
Mekakucity Actors -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Music -- Sci-Fi Comedy Super Power Supernatural Romance -- Mekakucity Actors Mekakucity Actors -- On the hot summer day of August 14, Shintarou Kisaragi is forced to leave his room for the first time in two years. While arguing with the cyber girl Ene who lives in his computer, Shintarou Kisaragi accidentally spills soda all over his keyboard. Though they try to find a replacement online, most stores are closed due to the Obon festival, leaving them with no other choice but to visit the local department store. Venturing outside makes Shintarou extremely anxious, but the thought of living without his computer is even worse. It's just his luck that on the day he finally goes out, he's caught in a terrifying hostage situation. -- -- Luckily, a group of teenagers with mysterious eye powers, who call themselves the "Mekakushi Dan," assist Shintarou in resolving the situation. As a result, he is forced to join their group, along with Ene. Their abilities seem to be like pieces of a puzzle, connecting one another, and as each member's past is unveiled, the secret that ties them together is slowly brought to light. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 383,621 7.06
Mekakucity Days -- -- - -- 5 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological Sci-Fi -- Mekakucity Days Mekakucity Days -- Mekakucity Days is a series of music videos that tell the stories of some of the members of the "Mekakushi-dan." -- -- Kagerou Daze -- In the scorching heat haze of summer, Hibiya Amamiya feels every day is monotonous. On a swing in a park, he meets up with Hiyori Asahina, who gently strokes the cat in her arms. However, when the cat leaps away, Hiyori runs headlong into a never-ending tragedy—and Hibiya will do whatever it takes to see her safe. -- -- Headphone Actor -- "The end of the world is nigh," the news broadcast proclaims. Amidst the chaos, Takane Enomoto hears a voice in her headphones, asking if she wants to live. Following its directions, she races onward, but what awaits her may not be the salvation that she desires. -- -- Souzou Forest -- Due to her red eyes and white hair, everybody sees Mari Kozakura as a monster. Although she lacks the courage to do so, she dreams of escaping her house in the forest where she lives alone, imagining the world outside. Fortunately, her lonesome life begins to change with a simple knock on the door. -- -- Konoha no Sekai Jijou -- The android-like being Konoha lacks many memories. What he recalls are feelings of longing, but by who and for who, he cannot place. What he does know, however, is that in the heat haze of summer, a young boy and girl face a tragedy. But fate is unchangeable, and his desperate attempts to save them can never seem to rewrite the future. -- -- Toumei Answer -- Shintarou Kisaragi knows how every day will go. Blessed with a photographic memory, he knows he will score full marks on his next exam, and he knows that Ayano Tateyama, the girl who sits next to him, will do poorly. But with his genius also comes unrelenting boredom; not even Ayano's bright smile and optimistic outlook can make him waver. His apathy may finally be broken, however, when Ayano does something that shakes Shintarou to his very core. -- -- Music - May 30, 2012 -- 8,282 7.51
Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis -- Universal Century 0096. Several months have passed since the incident surrounding Laplace's box also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians participate as members of the research group: Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg. Both have pasts with government service to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon as an engineer and test pilot. Having infiltrated Axis, the investigators come under attack inside a base where no one should be. Arlette and Dalton are confronted with an incident they never imagined. -- -- (Source: Zeonic Scanlations) -- ONA - Jun 23, 2017 -- 8,867 4.92
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam -- -- Studio Deen, Sunrise -- 51 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Victory Gundam Mobile Suit Victory Gundam -- In the year 153 of the Universal Century, the tyrannical Zanscare Empire has taken hostile control over Side 2, a space colony outside of Earth's orbit. Following in the footsteps of the long expired Principality of Zeon and the more recent Crossbone Vanguard, Zanscare rules over its subjects with cruelty, routinely using a large guillotine for public executions. -- -- Living in Central Europe, space immigrant Üso Ewin joins the League Militaire, a militia made up of civilians frustrated with the Earth Federation's inability to combat the Zanscare Empire. Üso's latent abilities as a psychic Newtype awaken and allow him to pilot the Victory Gundam, the only mobile suit capable of holding off the elite BESPA forces of the Zanscare Empire. -- -- Hoping to protect his best friend Shakti Kareen and locate his parents within the ranks of the Federation, Üso fights on with the Victory, striving to bring an end to the empire's reign. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 21,225 6.75
Omoide no Marnie -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Drama -- Omoide no Marnie Omoide no Marnie -- Suffering from frequent asthma attacks, young Anna Sasaki is quiet, unsociable, and isolated from her peers, causing her foster parent endless worry. Upon recommendation by the doctor, Anna is sent to the countryside, in hope that the cleaner air and more relaxing lifestyle will improve her health and help clear her mind. Engaging in her passion for sketching, Anna spends her summer days living with her aunt and uncle in a small town near the sea. -- -- One day while wandering outside, Anna discovers an abandoned mansion known as the Marsh House. However, she soon finds that the residence isn't as vacant as it appears to be, running into a mysterious girl named Marnie. Marnie's bubbly demeanor slowly begins to draw Anna out of her shell as she returns night after night to meet with her new friend. But it seems there is more to the strange girl than meets the eye—as her time in the town nears its end, Anna begins to discover the truth behind the walls of the Marsh House. -- -- Omoide no Marnie tells the touching story of a young girl's journey through self-discovery and friendship, and the summer that she will remember for the rest of her life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 200,826 8.10
Onegai☆Twins -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Harem School Sci-Fi -- Onegai☆Twins Onegai☆Twins -- Maiku Kamishiro's past has always been somewhat of a mystery to him. The only clue he has to who his family might be is an old photograph showing two young children, a boy and a girl, playing in a small pool outside of a blue house. In an attempt to find his family, he moves to this blue house and begins working as a programmer. He's living a comfortable life until the day two very different girls show up at his door, both in possession of the same photograph, and both claiming to be his twin. With no way to prove who is a relative and who is a stranger, Maiku allows both girls to move in with him until they know for sure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 15, 2003 -- 78,787 6.87
Onegai☆Twins -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Harem School Sci-Fi -- Onegai☆Twins Onegai☆Twins -- Maiku Kamishiro's past has always been somewhat of a mystery to him. The only clue he has to who his family might be is an old photograph showing two young children, a boy and a girl, playing in a small pool outside of a blue house. In an attempt to find his family, he moves to this blue house and begins working as a programmer. He's living a comfortable life until the day two very different girls show up at his door, both in possession of the same photograph, and both claiming to be his twin. With no way to prove who is a relative and who is a stranger, Maiku allows both girls to move in with him until they know for sure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 15, 2003 -- 78,787 6.87
Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- Kimito Kagurazaka is a commoner with a fetish for men's muscles—or at least that's the lie he must keep telling if he wants to keep himself out of trouble at the elite all-girls school, Seikain Academy. Kidnapped by the school under the assumption that he prefers men, Kimito is made to be their "commoner sample," exposing the girls to both commoner and man so that the transition to the world after school is not jarring. Threatened with castration should his sexual preferences not match the school's assumptions, Kimito keeps up the facade to protect his manhood. -- -- But there are eccentric individuals around every corner who begin to make Kimito's life even more difficult. Among them are Aika Tenkuubashi, a social outcast who blurts out whatever comes to mind; Hakua Shiodome, a young genius; Karen Jinryou, the daughter of samurai who is obsessed with defeating Kimito; and Reiko Arisugawa, the perfect student who has delusions of marrying Kimito. Along with the commoner himself, these four girls make up the Commoner Club, which attempts to teach the girls more about life outside the school, while Kimito gradually learns about the odd girls surrounding him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 210,993 6.79
Otogi Story Tenshi no Shippo -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Comedy Harem Romance -- Otogi Story Tenshi no Shippo Otogi Story Tenshi no Shippo -- Goro's down on his luck. He keeps losing jobs and has little money. One day he meets a fortune-teller outside of a pet store who predicts that his luck will change. That night three girls appear in his appartment claiming to be his guardian angels. Soon a total of twelve girls appear to help him, each one a reincarnation of a deceased pet once owned by Goro. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Oct 4, 2001 -- 13,112 6.55
Pokemon Movie 23: Coco -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 23: Coco Pokemon Movie 23: Coco -- The new film's story is set in Okoya Forest, a Pokémon paradise protected by strict rules that forbid outsiders from setting foot inside. The film centers on Coco, a boy who was raised by Pokémon and also considers himself as one, treating the Mythical Pokémon Zarude as his father. Ash and Pikachu encounter Coco during an adventure. The film focuses on the theme of a "human raised by Pokémon," instead of the previous films' focus of the "bond between a human trainer and their Pokémon." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 25, 2020 -- 9,014 6.53
RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Psychological Romance Sci-Fi -- RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku -- Ayato Kamina was separated from the girl he loved, Haruka Mishima, when an event occurred that was thought to have killed everyone outside of Tokyo. But one day three years later, invaders suddenly attacked the city. It was then that he meets an agent of TERRA, Haruka Shitow, who tells him that she will give him the truth about the world. It is the beginning of a series of strange events, which involve him activating a giant mecha, the RahXephon and finding out that many people, including his own mother, has blue blood, and that he was actually living in a self-encased dimension where time moves slower than that of the outside world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Apr 19, 2003 -- 13,715 7.03
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Seinen Thriller -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami has just arrived at Shounan Special Reform School along with five other teenagers who have been arrested on serious criminal charges. All assigned to the same cell, they meet older inmate Rokurouta Sakuragi—a former boxer—with whom they establish a close bond. Under his guidance, and with the promise that they will meet again on the outside after serving their sentences, the delinquents begin to view their hopeless situation in a better light. -- -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin follows the seven cellmates as they struggle together against the brutal suffering and humiliation inflicted upon them by Ishihara, a sadistic guard with a grudge on Rokurouta, and Gisuke Sasaki, a doctor who takes pleasure in violating boys. Facing such hellish conditions, the seven inmates must scrape together all the strength they have to survive until their sentences are up; but even if they do, just what kind of lives are waiting for them on the other side? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 7, 2010 -- 314,140 8.51
Rec -- -- Shaft -- 9 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Rec Rec -- After being stood up for a movie date, marketing employee Fumihiko Matsumaru is about to throw away his tickets when he is stopped by a girl who implores him to let her accompany him instead. Thanks to his upbeat and eccentric companion Aka Onda, an aspiring voice actress, Fumihiko enjoys his evening. While walking home together, they find out that they live in the same neighborhood. Mere hours later, Fumihiko wakes up from a nightmare and hears sirens outside his window. Going outside to check the situation, he sees that Aka's apartment has burned down, along with all her possessions. Fumihiko invites the distressed Aka to stay at his place, leading to them sleeping together. -- -- In the aftermath of that fateful night, their personal and professional lives become inextricably intertwined. Not only do they begin living together platonically despite their one-night stand, they also discover that Aka will be voicing the mascot Fumihiko designed for his company's newest product. While trying to keep their live-in relationship under wraps for fear of scrutiny, the two begin to support each other throughout the difficulties in their respective careers. -- -- 100,360 7.33
Rokka no Yuusha -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mystery -- Rokka no Yuusha Rokka no Yuusha -- An ancient legend states that with the revival of the Demon God, six heroes—the Braves of the Six Flowers—will be chosen by the Goddess of Fate, granting them power to rise up against the fiends attempting to turn the world into a living hell. Adlet Mayer, self-proclaimed "Strongest Man in the World," has arrived at the continent of Piena in hopes of becoming a Brave. Although it doesn't go as smoothly as he had planned, Adlet is ultimately chosen as one of the six heroes shortly after being greeted by Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra, crown princess and fellow Brave. -- -- Rokka no Yuusha follows the two as they embark upon their destined journey to fight the Demon God, intending to meet up with their fellow heroes at a small temple outside of the Land of the Howling Demons, the fiends' domain. However, when they finally unite, seven heroes are present, and soon the others begin to suspect Adlet to be a fraud. Now on the run, Adlet must utilize his unique skill set and wit in a fight for his life to identify which member of the group is the true impostor before it's too late! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 501,210 7.34
Ryokunohara Meikyuu -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Dementia Psychological Drama Romance Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Ryokunohara Meikyuu Ryokunohara Meikyuu -- Hiroki and Kanata have been together since they were children. One day Hiroki is caught up in an accident while trying to save a little girl. The next thing he knows, he is looking down on his own body. Seperated from his body, Kanata, and everything else, he tries to figure out just what is going on. -- -- Why is he outside his body which is living on as if nothing has changed, how can he convince Kanata that he is there, and who is the strange girl, Fhalei, who keeps appearing for him? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 25, 1990 -- 3,678 5.09
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Supernatural -- Sasami-san@Ganbaranai Sasami-san@Ganbaranai -- The Japanese call them hikikomori—people who've become so withdrawn socially that they refuse to leave their homes for weeks and even months at a time. For Sasami Tsukuyomi, who's attempting to pass her first year of high school despite being a shut in, it's more than just a word. Fortunately though, she lives with her older brother Kamiomi, who just happens to be a teacher at the school Sasami is supposed to attend. Not to mention, her "Brother Surveillance Tool" which lets her view the outside world via her computer and will, theoretically, allow her to readjust to interfacing with people again. What it mainly does, however, is let her view her brother's interactions with the three very odd Yagami sisters, who inexplicably seem to have had their ages reversed and have various types of "interest" in Kamiomi. And then things start to get really weird... Magical powers? Everything turning into chocolate? Is life via the web warping Sasami's brain, or is it the universe that's going crazy? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 74,433 6.68
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- Maquia is a member of a special race called the Iorph—mystical beings who can live for hundreds of years and remain separate from the lives and daily troubles of mankind. However, Maquia has always felt lonely despite being surrounded by her people, as she was orphaned from a young age. She daydreams about the outside world, but dares not travel from her home due to the warnings of the clan's chief. -- -- One day however, the outside world finds her, as the power-hungry kingdom of Mezarte invades her homeland. They already have what is left of the giant dragons, the Renato, under their control, and now their king wishes to add the immortality of the Iorph to his bloodline. -- -- The humans and their Renato ravage the Iorph homeland and kill most of its inhabitants. Caught in the midst of the attack, Maquia is carried off by one of the Renato that has gone berserk. It soon dies, and she is left deserted in a forest far from home, now truly alone save for the cries of a single baby off in the distance. Maquia finds the baby in a destroyed village and decides to raise him as her own, naming him Ariel. Although she knows nothing of the human world, how to raise a child that ages much faster than her, or how to live with the smoldering loneliness inside, she is determined to make it all work somehow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts, Shout! Factory -- Movie - Feb 24, 2018 -- 264,866 8.44
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- Maquia is a member of a special race called the Iorph—mystical beings who can live for hundreds of years and remain separate from the lives and daily troubles of mankind. However, Maquia has always felt lonely despite being surrounded by her people, as she was orphaned from a young age. She daydreams about the outside world, but dares not travel from her home due to the warnings of the clan's chief. -- -- One day however, the outside world finds her, as the power-hungry kingdom of Mezarte invades her homeland. They already have what is left of the giant dragons, the Renato, under their control, and now their king wishes to add the immortality of the Iorph to his bloodline. -- -- The humans and their Renato ravage the Iorph homeland and kill most of its inhabitants. Caught in the midst of the attack, Maquia is carried off by one of the Renato that has gone berserk. It soon dies, and she is left deserted in a forest far from home, now truly alone save for the cries of a single baby off in the distance. Maquia finds the baby in a destroyed village and decides to raise him as her own, naming him Ariel. Although she knows nothing of the human world, how to raise a child that ages much faster than her, or how to live with the smoldering loneliness inside, she is determined to make it all work somehow. -- -- Movie - Feb 24, 2018 -- 264,866 8.44
Scan2Go -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Original -- Game Cars Space Kids -- Scan2Go Scan2Go -- Sometime in the near future, in an age in which we have established contact and communications with planets outside our galaxy, Scan2Go has become a huge phenomenon throughout all of outer space. Giant races are held at every locality, with each racer gunning for the title of the universe's number one racer! -- -- The main character in the series, Kazuya, possesses the power of the eagle, performed well with his blazing, innate power commanding his falconine beast spirit. He competes in a tournament, the "Pro-Racer Exhibition Race.", but was no match for the other teams that had won their way through the competitive Space Preliminaries. -- -- Realizing the difficult obstacles that lie before them, Kazuya and his friends leave the small Earth behind and set off on a universe-wide quest to hone their skills as warriors! -- -- Licensor: -- Cookie Jar Entertainment -- TV - Aug 9, 2010 -- 2,232 6.10
Shangri-La -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- Shangri-La Shangri-La -- In a post-apocalyptic society, much of earthquake-riddled Japan has been left to ruin, resulting in an abundance of greenery. Governments manage much of the world's emissions, resulting in a massive class divide and economic disparity. The Japanese government launches "Project Atlas," a utopian city that will replace Tokyo but can only fit a certain amount of people. This limitation means that some people will have to live outside the city in jungles, as refugees. -- -- However, with any flawed plan comes those who are willing to challenge it. These include Kuniko Houjou, an heir to a renegade town; Mikuni, a mysterious and powerful child kept in a secret temple; Kunihito Kusanagi, a soldier for the high-tech and exclusive monopoly Atlas; Karin Ishida, a genius economics whiz with her hand in markets across the world; and the villainous Ryouko Naruse, leading Atlas in its domination of this future world. -- -- Can this group of rebels, forming a movement known as "Metal-Age," band together to demonstrate that inclusion and teamwork prevail over cruel segregation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2009 -- 52,746 7.07
Shingeki no Kyojin -- -- Wit Studio -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin Shingeki no Kyojin -- Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations. -- -- After witnessing a horrific personal loss at the hands of the invading creatures, Eren Yeager dedicates his life to their eradication by enlisting into the Survey Corps, an elite military unit that combats the merciless humanoids outside the protection of the walls. Based on Hajime Isayama's award-winning manga, Shingeki no Kyojin follows Eren, along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert, as they join the brutal war against the titans and race to discover a way of defeating them before the last walls are breached. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,727,137 8.50
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Slayers Try -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Try Slayers Try -- For nearly a millennium, demons have imposed a magical barrier that has impeded the people trapped within it from reaching the outside world. Now that it is broken, several kingdoms seek to explore the lands that were once beyond their grasp. To this end, they establish a peace delegation to make contact with the inhabitants of the new world. -- -- Meanwhile, the young sorceress Lina Inverse receives a message from a mysterious woman named Filia ul Copt. When they meet, Filia expresses interest in hiring Lina and her friends, having heard of their great deeds, for a certain task that will take them to the outside realm. Despite that, Filia feels the need to put their strength to the test and pits them against a dragon in the middle of the city! After proving themselves, the sorceress and her fellow adventurers set off for the unexplored lands, where many adventures and a worrying prophecy await them. -- -- 47,772 7.83
Slayers Try -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Try Slayers Try -- For nearly a millennium, demons have imposed a magical barrier that has impeded the people trapped within it from reaching the outside world. Now that it is broken, several kingdoms seek to explore the lands that were once beyond their grasp. To this end, they establish a peace delegation to make contact with the inhabitants of the new world. -- -- Meanwhile, the young sorceress Lina Inverse receives a message from a mysterious woman named Filia ul Copt. When they meet, Filia expresses interest in hiring Lina and her friends, having heard of their great deeds, for a certain task that will take them to the outside realm. Despite that, Filia feels the need to put their strength to the test and pits them against a dragon in the middle of the city! After proving themselves, the sorceress and her fellow adventurers set off for the unexplored lands, where many adventures and a worrying prophecy await them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Funimation -- 47,772 7.83
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- In the Sun Kingdom, sunshine is part of its citizens' everyday lives, and rain is something that they have never even heard of. However, in a faraway land called the Rain Dukedom, the weather is reversed, and everybody has the power to create rain with their voices. -- -- Livius Ifrikia has conquered the entire world and expanded the Sun Kingdom's influence in the three short years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the powers to create rain, Livius decides to marry Nike Remercier, one of the princesses of the Rain Dukedom. However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a cruel, ruthless, and tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 239,664 7.66
Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Space Drama Sci-Fi Seinen -- Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey -- On an archaelogical mission to the end of the known universe, Professor Daiba unwitting unleashes an ancient horror from its confines. Five years later the malevolent alien force sets in motion a plan which reunites the various crewmembers of the Arcadia to sail the stars once more as well as bring Tadashi Daiba to meet Harlock for the first time (again). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Dec 21, 2002 -- 6,531 7.35
SSSS.Gridman -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- SSSS.Gridman SSSS.Gridman -- Yuuta Hibiki wakes up in the room of Rikka Takarada and notices two things: he has no memories, and he can hear a mysterious voice calling his name from a nearby room. On further inspection, he finds a robot—which introduces itself as Hyper Agent Gridman—behind the screen of an old computer. Much to Yuuta's surprise, Rikka cannot hear Gridman, nor can she see the ominous monsters looming over a thick fog as it envelopes the town outside. -- -- Another giant monster materializes in the city and proceeds to wreak havoc. Amidst the confusion, Yuuta is once again drawn to the old computer and merges with Gridman. Suddenly, he appears in the middle of the battle and is forced to fight the monster. Together with Rikka and fellow classmate Shou Utsumi, Yuuta forms the "Gridman Alliance" to defeat the monsters plaguing the city and find whoever is responsible for their emergence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 213,180 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T -- The Daihasei Festival has begun, and that of course means that Tokiwadai Middle School—a prestigious all-girls' middle school—is competing too. Despite the participation of the "Ace of Tokiwadai," Mikoto Misaka, the other students who are participating are still putting their utmost effort into winning, no matter how impossible the feat may seem against her might. -- -- However, not all is fun and games. Due to the the festival, Academy City opens to the outside world, and various factions have begun plotting ways to infiltrate the city. Misaka appears to be on their radar, and as the festival proceeds, people lurking from the shadows begin to emerge... -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T brings back the Tokiwadai Ace and her friends as they dive deeper into the dark side of Academy City. From terrorist attacks to ruthless underground projects, anything is possible in this city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 152,991 8.24
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- -- AIC Spirits, BeSTACK -- 14 eps -- Game -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Fantasy School -- Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... -- -- During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Kyouichi Houraiji. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, the Student Council President. -- -- During their encounter, there is a sudden, harsh disruption of the Ryumyaku (literally Dragon Pulse, otherwise known as Dragon Vein or Dragon Stream), the flow of arcane energy. The surge awakens within the five teenagers a latent power, giving them each a supernatural ability. Enlightened to their newly acquired gifts by Hisui, the young heir of the Kisaragi Clan who maintains his family's antiques shop - as well as their duty to protect Tokyo from Oni (demons) - the Magami students decide to use their power to protect the city from the onslaught of dark forces. -- -- Battling the demons alongside Hisui Kisaragi, the five unlikely friends discover that they may have to face a greater threat to Tokyo other than destroying a few malevolent, random monsters. The Ryumyaku had been disrupted by force, from someone invoking the Dark Arts - and that person has a wicked desire to unleash a long-dead evil. -- -- Can the teenagers overcome their own fears and flaws to fight against the Dark Arts? And soon they will also have to face their own destinies as they discover their Stars of Fate. -- -- This anime is based on a manga, which was based on the Nintendo role-playing video game originally released in 1998. -- 69,395 7.14
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- -- AIC Spirits, BeSTACK -- 14 eps -- Game -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Fantasy School -- Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... -- -- During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Kyouichi Houraiji. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, the Student Council President. -- -- During their encounter, there is a sudden, harsh disruption of the Ryumyaku (literally Dragon Pulse, otherwise known as Dragon Vein or Dragon Stream), the flow of arcane energy. The surge awakens within the five teenagers a latent power, giving them each a supernatural ability. Enlightened to their newly acquired gifts by Hisui, the young heir of the Kisaragi Clan who maintains his family's antiques shop - as well as their duty to protect Tokyo from Oni (demons) - the Magami students decide to use their power to protect the city from the onslaught of dark forces. -- -- Battling the demons alongside Hisui Kisaragi, the five unlikely friends discover that they may have to face a greater threat to Tokyo other than destroying a few malevolent, random monsters. The Ryumyaku had been disrupted by force, from someone invoking the Dark Arts - and that person has a wicked desire to unleash a long-dead evil. -- -- Can the teenagers overcome their own fears and flaws to fight against the Dark Arts? And soon they will also have to face their own destinies as they discover their Stars of Fate. -- -- This anime is based on a manga, which was based on the Nintendo role-playing video game originally released in 1998. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 69,395 7.14
Totsukuni no Shoujo -- -- Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Supernatural Shounen -- Totsukuni no Shoujo Totsukuni no Shoujo -- Let not an Outsider touch thee, -- Lest thou shalt be cursed forever. -- -- Once upon a time, in a land far away that was divided into two realms... -- The Outside was roamed by teratomorphic creatures who had the power to curse whoever they touched. Humans could live safely only in the Inside. But when a lost little girl from the Inside named Shiva, and a demonic beast-looking Outsider simply known as "Teacher" initiate a quiet coexistence on the same side of the forest, their bond seems to transcend their incompatible natures. It is the beginning of a folktale about two outcasts -one human, one inhuman- who linger in the hazy twilight that separates night from day. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2019 -- 22,137 7.51
Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase Special -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Dementia Slice of Life -- Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase Special Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase Special -- Omake Special from the final DVD volume. The Special storyline has very little to do with the original series outside of having some of the same characters, and has a completely different storyline which does not fit into anything which came before it. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Feb 22, 2006 -- 10,658 6.64
Umi ga Kikoeru -- -- J.C.Staff, Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Umi ga Kikoeru Umi ga Kikoeru -- In the city of Kouchi, high school student Taku Morisaki is going about his work when his friend Yutaka Matsuno calls and asks him to get to their school as soon as possible. Taku arrives, and Matsuno introduces him to Rikako Muto, a beautiful girl from Tokyo who recently transferred to their school. Although Rikako is academically and athletically gifted, her generally unpleasant attitude leaves her with virtually no friends outside of Matsuno and another girl from her class. -- -- After a chance encounter during their class trip, Taku suddenly finds himself more involved in Rikako's personal life, much to Matsuno's dismay. Struggling to balance his friendship with Matsuno and his own budding infatuation for Rikako, Taku must come to terms with his feelings and understand how a girl with a troubled past is having such a massive effect on his life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Special - May 5, 1993 -- 83,670 6.59
Umi ga Kikoeru -- -- J.C.Staff, Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Umi ga Kikoeru Umi ga Kikoeru -- In the city of Kouchi, high school student Taku Morisaki is going about his work when his friend Yutaka Matsuno calls and asks him to get to their school as soon as possible. Taku arrives, and Matsuno introduces him to Rikako Muto, a beautiful girl from Tokyo who recently transferred to their school. Although Rikako is academically and athletically gifted, her generally unpleasant attitude leaves her with virtually no friends outside of Matsuno and another girl from her class. -- -- After a chance encounter during their class trip, Taku suddenly finds himself more involved in Rikako's personal life, much to Matsuno's dismay. Struggling to balance his friendship with Matsuno and his own budding infatuation for Rikako, Taku must come to terms with his feelings and understand how a girl with a troubled past is having such a massive effect on his life. -- -- Special - May 5, 1993 -- 83,670 6.59
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie -- -- DLE, Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie -- After losing her parents in a car accident, Okko goes to live in the countryside with her grandmother, who runs a traditional Japanese inn built on top of an ancient spring said to have healing waters. While she goes about her chores and prepares to become the inn's next caretaker, Okko discovers there are ghosts who live there that only she can see – not scary ghosts, but playful child ghosts who keep her company and help her feel less lonely. A sign outside says the spring welcomes all and will reject none, and this is soon put to the test as a string of new guests challenge Okko's ability to be a gracious host. But ultimately Okko discovers that dedicating herself to the happiness of others becomes the key to taking care of herself. -- -- (Source: Animation is Film Festival) -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Sep 21, 2018 -- 11,258 7.53
Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 14 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Seinen -- Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi -- A special program of Warau Salesman, these episodes were released in a blast format on 3 days in a nearly 2 hour long timeslot each. The individual episodes have their own OPs. The first blast release differed from the main series by having live-action footage of real locations in Japan before delving into the story for each episode. The 2nd had Moguro with the Master interacting with the viewer as if behind the scenes for a studio before delving into each episode. And the 3rd had Moguro and the Master playing outside in the snow as if reporting on an on-location event to the viewer before delving into each episode. -- Special - Dec 26, 1992 -- 653 N/A -- -- Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Dementia Horror -- Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri -- Death is the gateway to birth. The deceased crosses the line to join the kingdom of the dead. He sees there the dance of the sperm and the egg. He is drawn towards the sky. This is the path to the afterlife. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - ??? ??, 1993 -- 615 4.58
Wonderful Days -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Wonderful Days Wonderful Days -- Set in 2142, Wonderful Days depicts a world that has been nearly destroyed by environmental pollution. Human life as we know it is almost extinct, and only a few were able to pull through the collapse of Earth's ecosystem. In order to deal with the chaos, a city named Ecoban was created. The city uses the very pollution that caused the disaster as an energy source. -- -- However, although the initial plan was successful to an extent, it didn't just create a new source of energy, but also an elite group of people. This prestigious faction believes that they are above the system, and are not willing to accept survivors from outside the city unless they are put to work as laborers. -- -- Among the people living in the wasteland outside Ecoban is a young man named Shua. He leads a very difficult life, but tries to make the most of it through the love that he feels for his childhood friend Jay. Unfortunately, Jay may be more interested in her security commander Cade than in Shua, and thus a love triangle is formed. Not only does Shua have to deal with the heartbreak, but he must also find a new way to survive in the crumbles left from the once-beautiful planet Earth. -- Movie - Jul 17, 2003 -- 31,680 7.04
World Trigger -- -- Toei Animation -- 73 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Supernatural School Shounen -- World Trigger World Trigger -- When a gate to another world suddenly opens on Earth, Mikado City is invaded by strange creatures known as "Neighbors," malicious beings impervious to traditional weaponry. In response to their arrival, an organization called the Border Defense Agency has been established to combat the Neighbor menace through special weapons called "Triggers." Even though several years have passed after the gate first opened, Neighbors are still a threat and members of Border remain on guard to ensure the safety of the planet. -- -- Despite this delicate situation, members-in-training, such as Osamu Mikumo, are not permitted to use their Triggers outside of headquarters. But when the mysterious new student in his class is dragged into a forbidden area by bullies, they are attacked by Neighbors, and Osamu has no choice but to do what he believes is right. Much to his surprise, however, the transfer student Yuuma Kuga makes short work of the aliens, revealing that he is a humanoid Neighbor in disguise. -- -- 285,078 7.58
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season -- -- CloverWorks -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season -- Emma, Ray, and the rest of the older children have escaped the confines of the Grace Field House. However, with relentless demons set on capturing them, their arduous battle for freedom has only just begun. -- -- Despite venturing into the treacherous wilderness, the children remain optimistic due to their possession of books written by William Minerva. Coded within his books are messages detailing the world outside the farm—information that can help them survive with the limited resources they have. But when their pursuers draw near, the children soon encounter their most dreadful situation yet. -- -- In Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season, the children struggle to survive in the strange ruthless world, striving to find a sanctuary they can truly call home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 595,931 5.72
Yakusoku no Neverland -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Horror Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland Yakusoku no Neverland -- Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family, never to be heard from again. -- -- However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,256,617 8.63
Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Omoide Present Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- On the final day of summer vacation, Kokona Aoba is ready to spend some long-awaited time with her mother, but these plans are unfortunately canceled due to work. Opting to go outside instead, she takes a stroll down a familiar path—one where fond memories appear at every corner. -- -- Later, in the middle of autumn, Hinata Kuraue and Aoi Yukimura are looking through a scrapbook of their childhood. Snooping around in Aoi's room, Hinata finds that she has kept a strange acorn as a keepsake, but doesn't remember the reason why. As its discovery dwells on her, a wave of old memories comes forth, causing her to reminisce about a forgotten event from her childhood. -- -- From time spent with loved ones to promises from the past, Yama no Susume: Omoide Present follows the three girls as they cherish old memories while crafting entirely new ones to remember. -- -- OVA - Oct 28, 2017 -- 9,603 7.37
Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka -- -- Lesprit -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Shounen Ai -- Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka -- Kei Kunieda is a newscaster who strictly maintains an amiable and kind persona while at work. Although he smiles on the outside, he covertly curses at others to his heart's content. His everyday life is smooth, even if he keeps half of himself hidden at all times, but that changes when he meets Ushio Tsuzuki, an independent stop-motion animator. -- -- Soon, Kei finds himself caught in a lie borne from his two personas meeting Ushio under different conditions, with the other man unaware they are the very same person. As feelings begin to blossom between them, Kei cannot be sure if Ushio will love both sides of him—or only just half. -- -- Movie - Dec 11, 2020 -- 21,012 7.13
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe -- -- Ajia-Do -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Seinen -- Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe -- In the near-future Japan, global warming has brought the large city Yokohama underwater, and only the hills remain above the ocean surface. What used to be one of the largest cities in Japan now feels like a small town. Basically, the existence of the island country itself has been threatened. However, there is no feeling of desperation, devastation, nor hopelessness. People are enjoying laid-back lives, and they seem to appreciate each other's company, enjoying the quiet and peaceful time together. -- -- This is especially so with Alpha, a carefree young woman who runs a cafe, named Cafe Alpha. She enjoys her life immersing herself in the beautiful nature all around her. There is nothing more precious to her than spending quality time with her kind friends. Oh, the fulfillment and the joy she finds in life... it all indicates her to be a compassionate human being, but she is not quite a human. She is actually a type A7M2 robot. -- -- One day, upon hearing a radio forecast warning an approaching typhoon, her old friend who lives close by invites her to the gas station he runs, worried that her old cafe may not withstand the typhoon. Indeed, the passing of typhoon leaves Alpha with her cafe severely damaged. That's when she decides to go on a journey to raise money to rebuild her cafe, and also to see the outside world away from her friends and the comfort of a peaceful life. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Dec 18, 2002 -- 15,050 7.15
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- 29,532 6.51
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 29,532 6.51
Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! -- -- TYO Animations -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! -- Even during summer break, the Amusement Club lives up to its name! When Akari Akaza, Kyouko Toshinou, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, and Yui Funami find a camping tent, they decide to put it to good use by spending the weekend outside in the mountains. When some student council members catch wind of this, they are invited to come along as well. -- -- After a very long journey, the group arrives at their destination and is ready to make the most of their trip. They engage in classic camping activities, such as outdoor cooking and tests of courage, and finish it all off with a visit to the hot springs. An extravagant trip like this doesn't happen every day, but the Amusement Club is sure to savor each moment. -- -- OVA - Feb 18, 2015 -- 61,094 7.87
Zoids -- -- Xebec -- 67 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Zoids Zoids -- Zoids are beast-like fighting machines used in both everyday use such as transportation, and special use such as war. Some types of Zoids, know as Organoids, are miniature Zoids that are living organisms. These Organoids have the capability to fuse with a non-living Zoid and make it much more powerful. -- -- Van (Ban) Freiheit discovers a Zoid Organoid in an abandoned laboratory while running from two strangers piloting Zoids. Also in the laboratory, in an animated suspension tube is a strange girl. He breaks the tube open and takes her and the Organoid with him. Spotting a ruined Shield Liger Zoid outside nearby, the Organoid fuses with it and repairs the damages. Making his escape, Van names the Organoid Zeke, and decides to keep him as a friend. The girl, who says her name is Fiona, wants to find something called Zoids Eve, and so Van, Zeke, and Fiona begin their adventure. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, VIZ Media -- 42,390 7.38
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34's_license_requirements's_boatshed,_Sydney_(7173895134).jpg'Keefe_and_a_group_of_monks_standing_at_the_foot_of_the_brick_stairs_leading_to_the_choir_outside_at_Mission_San_Luis_Rey_de_Francia,_August_2,_1900_(CHS-598).jpg'Keefe_follows_a_group_of_monks_about_to_walk_up_the_brick_stairs_leading_to_the_choir_outside_at_Mission_San_Luis_Rey_de_Francia,_August_2,_1900_(CHS-597).jpg'Keefe_with_two_monks_outside_at_Mission_San_Luis_Rey_de_Francia,_August_2,_1900(1899?)_(CHS-594).jpg,_Liverpool_(2).jpg,_and_why_they_ought_to_come_in_(IA_youngmenchurches00gladrich).pdf
2006 Islamist demonstration outside the Embassy of Denmark in London
2009 City of Toronto inside and outside workers strike
2009 City of Windsor inside and outside workers strike
Anthems Outside Time
A Rank Outsider
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Baby, It's Cold Outside (album)
Baby, It's Cold Outside (disambiguation)
Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
Blow Up the Outside World
Bobby, It's Cold Outside
Boys on the Outside
Cash Me Outside (song)
Church of Saint John of Jerusalem outside the walls
Citizens Advice outside the United Kingdom
Come Outside
Committee to Register Voters Outside Quebec
Crazy on the Outside
Dance Me Outside
Dance Me Outside (short story collection)
Death of an Outsider
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Falun Gong outside mainland China
Fever Night aka Band of Satanic Outsiders
From the Outside
From the Outside (Hey Violet album)
Gamelan outside Indonesia
Hurling outside Ireland
I'm on the Outside (Looking In)
I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Inside Outside
Insideoutside algorithm
Insideoutsidebeginning (tagging)
Inside-outside circle
Inside, Outside (Wouk novel)
Insider-outsider theory of employment
In (The Outsiders album)
Irish language outside Ireland
It's Cold Outside
It May Be Winter Outside (But in My Heart It's Spring)
Jews outside Europe under Axis occupation
Laughing on the Outside (Crying on the Inside)
Left Outside Alone
Lille Mtropole Museum of Modern, Contemporary and Outsider Art
List of Australia international soccer players born outside Australia
List of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
List of capitals outside the territories they serve
List of French Canadian writers from outside Quebec
List of Hindu temples outside India
List of J-pop concerts held outside Asia
List of K-pop concerts held outside Asia
List of manga magazines published outside of Japan
List of outsider artists
List of overseas visits by the 14th Dalai Lama outside India
List of VFL/AFL players born outside Australia
Love Outside Andromeda
Love Outside Andromeda (album)
Manga outside Japan
Mr. Outside
On the Outside
On the Outside Looking In
Operation Outside the Box
Outlaws & Outsiders
Outside air temperature
Outside (Amar album)
Outside (Calvin Harris song)
Outside Closer
Outside (David Bowie album)
Outside In
Outside In (organization)
Outside Inside
Outside Inside (The String Cheese Incident album)
Outsidein software development
Outside (jazz)
Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival
Outside Looking In
Outside (magazine)
Outside Mullingar
Outside Music
Outside My Window
Outside of a Small Circle of Friends
Outside of Heaven
Outside of Me
Outside of This
Outside plant
Outside Providence
Outside Providence (film)
Outside Providence (novel)
Outsider art
Outsider Art Fair
Outsider (comics)
Outsider house
Outsider in the White House
Outsider music
Outside Royalty
Outsider (painting)
Outsider (rapper)
Outsiders (American TV series)
Outsiders (comics)
Outsiders Inn
Outsides (EP)
Outside (Staind song)
Outside support during the Warsaw Uprising
Outside the Box
Outside the Box Comedy Club
Outside the Dream Syndicate
Outside the Gate
Outside the Law
Outside the Law (1937 film)
Outside the Lines
Outside the Nine
Outside the Skyline
Outside the Wall
Outside the Wire
Outside TV
Outside Your Door
Paid outside closing
Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside
Philippine Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia
Protocol Bringing under International Control Drugs outside the Scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Sallie Ford and the Sound Outside
Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors
Standing on the Outside
Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand
Standing Outside the Fire
Territories of the Holy Roman Empire outside the Imperial Circles
The Cottage outside the Village
The Dead Outside
The Man Outside
The Man Outside (1913 film)
The Outside Man
The Outsider
The Outsider (1980 film)
The Outsider (1981 film)
The Outsider (2005 film)
The Outsider (2014 film)
The Outsider (2018 film)
The Outsider (Dishonored)
The Outsider Festival
The Outsider (King novel)
The Outsider (miniseries)
The Outsiders
The Outsiders (American band)
The Outsiders (American TV series)
The Outsiders (British band)
The Outsiders (Eric Church album)
The Outsiders (film)
The Outsider (short story)
The Outsiders House Museum
The Outsiders II
The Outsiders (Needtobreathe album)
The Outsiders (novel)
The Outsiders of Uskoken Castle
The Outsider (song)
The Outsiders (professional wrestling)
The Outsiders (Taiwanese TV series)
The Outsider (Wright novel)
The World Outside
The World Outside (Eyes Set to Kill album)
Thinking outside the box
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (soundtrack)
Trees Outside the Academy
Valerie Inside Outside
Waiting Outside the Lines
W Face: Inside/Outside
Wide outside lane
World Outside
Young Justice: Outsiders

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last updated: 2022-02-04 09:30:04
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