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object:General Principles of Kabbalah
author class:Rabbi Moses Luzzatto

subject class:Kabbalah

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down xuith the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fading together I and a little child will lead them. (Isaiah, XII)
Rabbi Yehuda Z. Brandweins dream and vision.

General Principles of The Kabbalah

Translation by

Published by
The Press of The Research Centre of Kabbalah

Distri buted by
Samuel Weiser Inc.
New York
1 9 7 0

Publication of this volume has been made possible through the efforts of:
Dallas, Texas

Copyright 1970 by The Research Center of Kabbalah
Printed in U.S.A.


0.01 - Preface . v
0.02 - Introduction . xxix
0.03 - Biographical Note . xxxiii

Part I - A Detailed Outline of the Wisdom of the Kabbalah
1.01 - Chapter I . 1
Chapter II . 14
Chapter III . 22
Chapter IV . 34
Chapter V . 46
Chapter VI . 50
Chapter VII . 54
Chapter VIII . 68
Chapter IX . 74
Chapter X . 81
Chapter XI . 85
Chapter XII . 93
1.13 - Chapter XIII . 109

Part II
2.01 - The Sefirot
2.02 - Zimzum
2.03 - The Worlds
2.04 - Place
2.05 - The Line of Light and the Impression
2.06 - The Infinite Light
2.07 - Ten Internal and Ten External Sefirot
2.08 - The Branches of the Archetypal Man (Adam Kadmon)
2.09 - The World of Points
2.10 - The Primordial Kings: Their Shattering
2.11 - The Shattering and Fall of the Primordial Kings
2.12 - The Position of the Sefirot
2.13 - Kingdom The Seventh Sefira of the Primordial Kings
2.14 - The Two Hundred and Eighty-Eighty Sparks
2.15 - Selection of Sparks Made for the Purpose of the Emendation
2.16 - Fashioning of the Vessel
2.17 - The Masculine World and the Feminine Worlds
2.18 - Arik Anpin and ZO (Macroprosopus & Microprosopus)
2.19 - Union, Gestation, Birth
2.20 - The Infancy and Maturity of ZO, Father and Mother, Israel and the Ancient and Understanding
2.21 - The Three Heads, the Beard and the Mazel
2.22 - The Feminine Polarity of ZO
2.23 - A Virtuous Woman is a Crown to Her Husband
2.24 - Back to Back; Face to Face; and the Process of Sawing Through
2.25 - Mercies and Judgments of Knowledge
2.26 - The First and Second Unions
2.27 - The Two Types of Unions
2.28 - The Two Feminine Polarities: Leah and Rachel
2.29 - The Worlds of Creation, Formation and Action
2.30 - The Uniting of the Names 45 and 52
2.31 - The Elevation Attained Through Sabbath and the Other Holy Days
2.32 - Prophetic Visions



The present spiritual revival has been phenomenal.
But, unfortunately, with it have not come the answers
to the demanding questions that have been raised.
Naturally, an endless amount of print has been de
voted to some of the most obvious and simple questions
that man has been asking of himself, but to no avail.
The intent of this preface, therefore, is to demonstrate
how the Kabbalah can solve mans perplexities.

What we can attempt through study of the Kabbalah
is to conclusively prove, via cause and effect, that behind
everything lies a motivating cause, the effect of which
must inevitably follow. And in attempting this the
Kabbalah makes various assumptions which, if within the
entire universe there is no room for contradiction, we
then must assume to be correct.

The inability at times to understand the unseen cause
is neither detrimental in evaluating a given situation, nor
is this concern for not understanding the unseen cause.
For example, in a theatre where one thousand people are
observing a bottle on the table, everyone is told to leave.



After the theatre has been totally emptied, all entrances
are then sealed from the outside. Several moments later
the audience re-enters the theatre, only to observe the
bottle now resting on a chandelier. Although everyone
is certain that nobody entered to remove the bottle from
the table, no one will assume that the bottle reached its
destination by itself. The reason for this is that the
bottle is included in the phase of effect, and not in the
cause, since a bottle can not motivate or cause any
thing. Therefore, we can make the assumption that
someone caused the bottle to be moved, although the
cause has neither been determined nor seen. In other
words, our assumptions will be true causes of the effects
around us; they will withstand the makings of our
universe, and not fall prey to our symptomatic way of
understanding through relativity.

As another example the cause or reason of narcotic
addiction was formerly held to be poverty. How was this
conclusion arrived at? Merely by observing a given
situation or effect. For in the absence of a better reason,
we latch on to what appears to be a justifiable cause so
as to satisfy a substantial amount of the effects. What
we have conclusively failed to provide, however, is
whether this cause satisfies each and every situation
relating to narcotic addictionwhich it hasnt. It is
then apparent that poverty has not been the true cause
or reason, for narcotic addiction has also been rampant
among the affluent. Thus, we must look again for the
true cause.

True cause must be able to withstand tomorrows
events. For who can be so bold as to make predic-



tions when one has not tasted or experienced the events
of the future? It is truly to sneer at those who, with
their limitations of time, space and motion, advance their
theories of tomorrow, based solely on present environ
mental existence; for the future, with its inevitable
contradiction of events will disprove all these limited
theories. Still, in the absence of any other method of
forecasting future developments, our economists, scientists
and ecologists must use this limited form of reasoning
to provide an answer for the majority of present and
future events. However, we must recognize that the
word cause is being misused, since cause is the direct
motivating force behind every effect. And if we mistake
the true nature of cause, we will not have faced future
effects and events with reality.

Our scientists glow with their technological advance
ments. And rightfully so, for a great deal of labor, time
and money has gone into producing these advancements,
which we shall assume have enhanced our lives. Yet (and
in no way is the following statement to demean these
advances), all that the scientist has done is merely discover
something that already exists; that is, he has observed a
reaction, but without knowing the true cause of this
reaction. We may therefore conclude that, to some
extent, the troubled times we are experiencing today can
be directly related to the see-sawing events of cause and
effect. Yet the cause advanced yesterday will not hold
up tomorrow. This inevitably must create confusion, in
vhich we are caught up in all kinds of theories which,
however, are not the true answers. And despite these
.cientific advances, where just the understanding of



effect takes precedence, we must remain in constant
fear of what this effect will bring tomorrow.

Our previous illustration of narcotic addiction
(chosen because of its serious implication and effects on
society) is classic. Two answers advanced as to why the
widspread use of drugs are their availability and todays
troubled times. These two causes, however, only give an
insight to our convenient, symptomatic reasoning. For
drugs have been known to mankind since time immemo
rial, and have always been available to the young and old
alike. And needless to say we have had troubled times
since the recording of history. Yet so-called, qualified
thinkers of our day will advance such apparently im
mature reasoning, believing that these are the causes.
But a true cause will have to avoid direct contradiction
for it to be truly classified as the "cause. There is
a cause, but it will have to withstand some very severe
testing and constant questioning, paying heed to the
limiting factors of time, space and motion.

Still another example, is the medical researcher. He
discovered that penicillin destroys streptococcus, yet
without knowing why. The fact is that only through
the application of relativity is he certain that penicillin
works. He can only observe the effect; that is, the
blackened area where the streptococcus is being destroy
ed. This is the extent of his observation, for he; still lack;
the true cause. This does not mean that the scientist does
not have a desire to know and understand the cause.
But he must be careful in attempting to arrive at some
definitive cause, for his cause must justify every aspeci
of the workings of penicillin. In other words, he ha*



not explained why the reaction to the drug is not the
same in all cases.

From the preceding we can conclude that (1) at
times we accept a cause although it is unseen, and (2)
even where it is quite apparent that the given cause will
not hold up in every instance of its effect, still, if in the
majority of cases it is plausible, it is acceptable. This
then is where the Kabbalah offers a definite insight as to
the true cause, which inevitably leads to the truth of
cause and effect. Thus, from the causal assumption of
the Kabbalah we will have discovered a definite pattern,
thereby convincing us of an omniscient Creator.

Let us now outline some of the questions man has
been asking of himself:

1. What is our existence all about?

2. What is our purpose in this endless chain
of creation where we appear to be the least
important, as compared to the wondrous
worlds of the universe?

3. Self-reflection can only reveal to us our
imperfections. Yet, how is this possible,
seeing that we have been created by the
Holy One, Whose perfect agency must
necessarily produce perfect works?

4. One of the accepted assumptions of religious
belief is that the Creator is All Good; there
fore His intention must be to do all that is
good. Why, then, did he create beings
whose entire existence is one of endless pain
and misery?


5. How, then, is it possible that there should
spring forth from the Eternal, which has
neither beginning nor end, but consid
ered infinite, finite and temporary beings,

who are doomed to death and destruction?

6. Why is the earth round? Why does the
moon have no light of its own, but re
flecting, instead, the light of the sun?
Why is the satellite Telstar round? Why
must the eye contain four colors, with the
black segment (the pupil) of the eye
serving as the receiving instrument? Why
ten fingers and not nine or eleven? In
other words, why is any part of this
universe created as it is? Is there a set
pattern? What does this pattern signifify?
What does it mean for man?

7. The widespread interest in the occult sud
denly appears to have taken a firm hold
on a great majority of people in general,
and countless Jews in particular. Why
now ? Do the occult religions answer all
of the questions that one may ask of his
surroundings? In fact many, if not all,
of these occult religions refer to the Kab
balah as their origin or course; then why not
the study of the Kabbalah? If in essence
the Kabbalah is total Truth, it must em
body all of the studies known to man,
such as: Biology, Philosophy, Zoology, As
trology, Astronomy, Medicine and so on.
Then why not study the source?



To make all this wholly clear, we must first
engage in certain inquiries. Not where it is forbidden,
namely regarding the Creators substantiality for no
thought can encompass Him at all, therefore there
being no way in which we can think or speak about
Him; but where we are commanded to inquire, namely
regarding his deeds, as the Torah instructs: Know
thy fathers God and serve Him.

The first inquiry concerns the question of how the
creation can be conceived as being "new in the sense
that something was not contained in the Holy One
before He created it. This should be clear to anyone
capable of logical thought since there is nothing that
is not contained in Him. For can anyone give what
is not within him?

The second inquiry concerns this: being omni
potent the Creator can certainly create something from
nothing; that is, something that had no existence in
Him in any way. Then what is this existence, of which
it can be said to have no place within Him, but that
which is new.

The third inquiry concerns what the Masters of
the Kabbalah have said: that mans soul is part of God
on high. This means that there is no difference between
Him and the soul, except that He is "the whole and
the Soul is "part. The sages metaphor for this is a
stone hewn from a mountain, there being no differ
ence between the stone and the mountain, save for the
one being "part and the other "the whole. Now we
can envisage a stone being separated from the mountain
by a suitable tool, by which the "part is separated



from the whole. But how can we envisage the Holy
One, separating a part of His substantiality, which, in
turn, becomes a "part (the Soul) so distinct from it,
that it can then be conceived as being only a par t: of His

The fourth inquiry is: since the chariot of the
Other Side (Evil Forces) and the Husks are so utterly
remote from His Holiness that we cannot envisage the
distance, how is it possible that it should proceed from,
and be brought forth, by His Holiness? Furthermore,
why is it that His Holiness should even keep it in

The fifth inquiry concerns the Resurrection of the
Dead. Since the body is such a contemptible thing,
being condemned to die and be buried from the very
moment of its birth (the Zohar even says that as long
as the body is not entirely decomposed and something
of it still remains, the soul cannot ascend to i ts place
in Paradise), therefore, why is it necessary that it
should arise again at the Resurrection of the Dead?
Can the Holy One not give pleasure to the soul without
it? And even stranger is the saying of our Sages: "The
dead will come to life again with all their infirmities,
lest it be said that they are not the same, and then
the Holy One will heal their infirmities. We want
to understand why it should matter to the Holy One
that it might be said that they are different, to the
extent that He should have to create their infirmities
again and then have to heal them.

The subject of our sixth inquiry is what our Sages
have said: that man is the center of all existence, and



that all the Upper Worlds and this material World
have been created only for him. Zohar Wayikra No. 48,
The Sages also require man to believe that the World
has been created for him (Sanhdrin No. 37). On the
face of it, it is hard to understand that for this little
man, who does not account for as much as a hairs worth
in the existence of this World, the Holy On e should
have created all this. Also, why does man need all

If we are to understand all these questions and
inquiries, we must first consider the purpose of Creation.
Nothing can be understood while it is being made, but
only after it is completed. And it is clear that there
can be no maker without purpose, for only someone
whose mind is unbalanced works without any purpose.

Now I know full well that there are would-be
scholars (who have thrown off the'yoke of the Torah
and its Commandments), who say that the Creator
created the world and then abandoned it to its fate.
The reason for this, they say, is that because of the
worthlessness of all creatures, it does not befit the
Creator, in all His Exaltedness, to watch their despicable
ways. But that argument is invalid; for we cannot
decide that we are base and worthless unless we decide
that we have made ourselves (and ail that is naturally
corrupt and despicable in us). However, when we
decide that the Creator, in His Supreme Perfection, is
the artisan who created and designed our bodies, with
all the good and evil inclinations inherent in them, it
follows then that the perfect Maker can never be said



to have turned out despicable, corrupt work, lor every
action testifies to its own quality.

Is it the fault of a ruined coat if it had b::en sewn
by an inept tailor? This idea is corroborated in Tractate
Taanith (20), thus: "Once Rabbi Eliezer, son ;>f Rabbi
Shimon, happened to meet a man who was extremely
ugly and said to him, 'How ugly is this man. Where
upon the ugly man replied: "Go say to the artisan who
made me: How ugly is this vessel which you have

Thus, those would-be scholars, who say tha: because
of our baseness and worthlessness it does not befit the
Almighty to watch over us and that He has abandoned
us, merely proclaim their own ignorance. Imagine
meeting someone to whom it had occurred to create
creatures, intended from the first to be plagued and
suffer like us, while being left to their owr. devices
without any assistance whatsoever. How deeply would
you blame and despise him! Is it then conceivable that
this would apply to the Holy One, Blessed and Praised Be

Therefore, common sense demands that we under
stand matters as being the opposite of what they seem
to be. We must decide that we are, in truth, such
excellent and exalted creatures that there is no limit
to our importance and, therefore, befitting the artisan
who made us. For whatever shortcomings of the body
seems to possess they only fall back on the Creator
who made us with all that is in us by nature. It is
obvious that He has made us and not we ourselves;
that He also knew all the consequences tha: would



continue to result from all the natural and evil in
clinations which he implanted in us. But here, as we
have said, we must look to the purpose of the matter,
so as to be able to understand. Thus, this is revealed
in the proverb, "Do not show a fool a job half done.

Our Sages have taught us (see Etz Hayim, Chapter
of the vessels, 81 ) that the Holy One has created the
world for the purpose of giving enjoyment to those
whom He has created. This is what we must attend
to with all our thoughts, for this is the purpose of
the Creation of the World. Consider this: since the
Thought of Creation was to give enjoyment to His
creatures, it follows that He created within the Souls
an extremely great measure of the "will to receive
what he thought to give them. For the dimension of
any pleasure or enjoyment is measured by the dimension
of the "will to receive it. In other words, the greater
the "will to receive, the greater the pleasure; the
less the "will to receive, the less the pleasure taken
in receiving. Hence, the very Thought of Creation re
quires that the Creation within the soul of the "will to
receive be in exceedingly great measure, for the
great enjoyment and the great will to receive are

Having learned this, we should then achieve a
clear understanding of our second inquiry, regarding
the Creation of that which did not exist within the
substantiality of the omnipotent Holy One. It fol
lows then that Gods thought of Creation, which is
to give enjoyment to His creatures, did of necessity
create the "will to receive His good intentions. Thus,



we understand that this "will to receive could certainly
not have been contained within His substantiality, for
from whom could He have received? Therefore, He
created something new that was not within Him.
At the same time, it is clear from the Thought of
the Creation that there was no need whatsover to create
anything beyond this "will to receive; for this new
Creation was, in itself, the sufficient means through
which the Almighty would bestow His enjoyment to

All that is supplementary in the Thought of
Creation, namely all manner of benefits which He
conceived for us, proceeds in direct procession from
the substantiality of the Holy One. Thus, there is no
reason for Him to create the benefits anew, since they
already proceed, as something made from something
else, to the great "will to receive that is within the
soul. Therefore, it should be understood that the essential
matter in the new Creation, from beginning to end,
is the "will to receive.

It is this "will to receive, which, through a con
tinuous evolvement, dominates our physical universe,
and causes the multitude of different characteristics and
manifestations of development. In other words, there
is nothing in our existence that does not stem from the
"will to receive.

We may notice, for example, an individual who
eats very little, or another who eats a great deal. It
would be inaccurate to conclude that the individual
with a hearty appetite would have to be fat, or that
the one with a lesser appetite be thin. The one who



eats a great deal would be considered to have a greater
desire for food, while the one eating little is said to
have a lesser desire for food. Consequently, the physical
makeup has no bearing on the desires of the individual,
since they are separate and distinct.

The Kabbalah states that when this new phenom
enon will to receive was created, it required four
specific phases to be initiated. Let us use an illustration
to comprehend the necessity of the Four Phases.

If I were the Creator and had a desire to impart
some benevolence, the mere fact that I inserted this
goodie in ones pocket would not necessarily carry
with it the effect of ones wanting the goodie. There
would first have to be a desire on the part of the re
cipient to want this object, although from the givers
standpoint, there was an imparting. Thus, phase One,
where the desire to receive was inevitably created to
satisfy the desire of the Creator to impart, certainly
could not be considered as having a true desire to
receive. Also, phase One by receiving this benevolence
from the creator, or imparter, inevitably received the
characteristic of imparting, included within the

Phase Two came about when the "desire to re
ceive felt a desire to impart as well. When this
occurred, the benevolence removed itself from the re
cipient, thereby creating phase Three. This phase is
void of any coercive means, coercion of receiving could
not indicate an imparting aspect.

Now, when benevolence removed itself, the desire
to receive felt a true lack of this benevolence thus



causing a Real desire to receive which it lacked. This
Real desire, then, is considered as phase Four.

These four phases were considered within the very
first stage of Creation, meaning "The Endless World,
where the desire to receive, manifested as a pure Light,
received endlessly from the desire to impart.

At this point, the Kabbalah relates that nothing
was lacking, except for the defect experienced by the
desire to receive. The Zohar terms this defect whereby
the receiver receives constantly without ever benefiting
the imparter or giver, as the "Bread of shame. From
our experience we know that the constant receiver will
eventually begin to resent the hand that feeds him. Now,
knowing well that it was th e intent of the Creator to
impart, the receiver (desire to receive) refused to
receive, unless he could reciprocate; for the inevitability
of receiving could never be effaced or destroyed, but
would have to remain, since this was the reason of

Thus, through a series of endless change:) in the
desire to receive, the final manifestation of this desire
to receive was the formation of man epitomized by
greed. Here is where man would have the opportunity
of receiving and still impart delight (by his acceptance)
to the Creator.

Let us assume that one is to receive a fortune of
money, which would naturally be welcomed as a re
sult of ones desire to receive. But because of mans
ability to control and master his own Destiny he re
fuses to accept purely for the sake of receiving. He
then considers this fortunate opportunity as a way to



benefit mankind, in that he, in turn, could bestow
this wealth upon others. And for this very reason he
would accept.

This then is the thought man must have before
he can receive: knowing well that the Creator delights
in ones acceptance, even though there is the chance
of refusal which would be contrary to the Creators
intent, and by accepting on the basis of imparting, the
recipient does not feel the "bread of shame. The
following analogy clearly illustrates the preceding

A wealthy man in town is about to sit down to a
sumptuous meal. Suddenly, peering through a window,
he observes a man in rags who obviously has not had a
decent meal in days. The rich man invites the poor
man in and requests that he partake in the meal. The
poor man refuses gently, indicating that he really doesnt
need the assistance of the wealthy benefactor. Knowing
well that the poor man is in need of a meal and having
a desire to do good, he repeatedly insists that the poor
man accept his offer. The poor man, although desirous
of this meal, refuses because of an innate feeling of
"bread of shame. After numerous requests the poor
man finally agrees, thereby causing tremendous delight
to the wealthy man.

Now what has actually happened here? The
wealthy man, the benefactor suddenly feels he is on
the receiving end, and the poor man becomes the im-
parter, giving delight to the benefactor. We begin to
sense a circular feeling running between benefactor and
recipient; that is, in receiving there is imparting (the



poor man), and with imparting there is receiving (the
rich man). This is the cardinal rule of the Kabbalah
for ones receiving in any manner or form. In other
words, provided there is an element of imparting with
the receiving, the receiving is unlimited.

If however, receiving is merely for oneself, then
there is a limit the vessel (the body) may receive, just
as a cup limits its contents to the brim of the vessel.
But were we to imagine the cup receiving from the
outside while imparting simultaneously then there would
be limitless receiving.

Essentially, this is the reason of our being: to
receive the benevolence of the Creator, but without
the element of greed. Therefore, we must condition
ourselves so that the Inner Light will have sway over
the body (desire to receive). Therefore, we must re
move the limitation of the body, which is, in essence,
the factor governing our very existence.

Thre are three basic governing limitations: time,
space and motion. However, within the metaphysical
realm, these three components do not exist. How then,
can we possibly comprehend metaphysical matters?

The Kabbalah compares a person to a tree in a
field, with the tree and its root corresponding to man
and his origin. From this we can make important

We know that a tree is comprised of a root,
trunk, branches and fruit, all of which emanate from
the root. However, the root shows no sign of its future,
whereby it develops into a tree. Although within the
seed of the tree all future manifestations must exist,



nevertheless, we as human beings cannot discern their
varying future developments. Why? Because the body
is composed of the limiting factor of time, space and
motion. Thus, as the seed develops in time, space
and motion, we visually experience the development.
But the limitations need not govern.

Let us take time as a factor. We have all ex
perienced days that either drag or pass swiftly by. How
do we explain this? Is time 24 hours in a day?

Let us assume that a man has been placed in a
dungeon for a weeks time. When he is freed he has
absolutely no conception of either what time of the
day it is, or how many days have gone by. It is ap
parent that time is not a governing factor, but more
like a basket in which actions are accumulated. Now, if
the basket is full of useful accomplishments one feels
that the day has gone by quickly. But if the reverse
were true, that is, if the basket were empty, one would
feel the weightiness of time.

The astronauts, for example, have displayed to us
the dissipation of these limiting factors. If it now takes
one and a half hours to traverse the earth, where the
governing factor of gravity apparently has no place, then
the distance in the future will suddenly become non
existentalmost to the point of being in two places at
the same time! Therefore, it may not require any
time or motion to move from one place to another;
all will occur almost simultaneously, although, presently,
we still cannot discern different concepts contained
within one.

We may clarify the problem by examining the
finality of an act, which is present in the first con-



templation or thought of that act. This principle applies
not only to the thought of Creation, but also to mans
thoughts. A multitude of thoughts may go into the
accomplishment of any act, yet in the very first: thought
of an actits finality is already present.

For example, in planning a house, the first thought
is the picture of the complete structure. However, be
fore this is achieved, many details need to be thought
out and acted upon. The finished house follows only
after many thoughts and many actions. Thus we say
that the final act is present in the first thought.

We are taught the simple, fundamental idea that
by thought of God alone, everything was created and
brought to its completion. God, however, is not like
man, for man must utilize real tools and devices in order
for his acts and plans to be materialized. But Gods
thought, by itself, suffices to complete all acts instantly.

With the concept whereby the body or the limiting
factor need not have sway over the Light or Soul,
we can now account for E. S. P., and why it may
work between two individuals.

As has been explained, the divisive factor between
two souls is the "will to receive. It then follows that,
were this factor to be diminished or transmuted to
one of imparting, the two individuals may communicate
with each other without the aid of any physical means;
for we have demonstrated that time, space and motion
are the limiting factors, provided the body still holds
sway over the Light or Soul.

As another example, a physical wall separating two
rooms remains as a limiting factor only for those



governed by physical elements. Everything existing with
in Creation is but a photo-copy of some form of the
'will to receive. Were the particular aspect consisting
of the dividing wall removed (metaphysically speaking)
the wall would no longer remain as a limiting factor.

With new scientific advances constantly appearing
on the scene, the metaphysical concept can be under
stood. If one had stated some 50 years ago that the
noted Kabbalist, Rabbi Isaac Luria, could travel from
Safed to Jerusalem within a matter of seconds, there
would be little understanding of this seemingly wild state
ment today, however, this can be understood as being
possible if one understands the metaphysical concept.

Furthermore, with a clearer conception of what
consists of cause and effect, we may comprehend that
the author of the Kabbalah (the Zohar) Rabbi Shimon
Ben Yohai, did, in fact, know the exact reason (as
opposed to the result of trial and error) why a par
ticular herb would react in a given situation.

Now to the misery and suffering that we all ex
perience in one form or another. This does not (and
could not) emanate from the Creator, since He is All
Good. From whence does it come? Indirectly, for
actions and occurrences are Good, but due to our in
abilities of time, space and motion, they appear to be

Take, for example, the individual who is to con
clude a very successful business deal in some distant
city and must arrive there with a check at a specific
time. For some unknown reason his watch stopped,
and upon arrival at the airport, he is told that his



plane has just left. Can one imagine the unhappiness
and disappointment experienced by this individual?
But this condition is short-lived, for upon leaving the
airport in his car he tunes in some music on the radio
to cheer up his spiritswhen suddenly a bulletin comes
across the airwaves announcing the crash of the very air
plane he was scheduled to be on! No survivors! His mood
immediately changes, from feeling distraught, to one
of relief, if not overjoyed.

Now how is this possible with the same situation
to experience such greatly divergent moods? It is,
however, quite obvious that, due to his inability to
rise above the limiting factor called time, he could not
have visualized the next few moments in time.

It is therefore quite apparent that the governing
elements of a "desire to receive (the "I and the "Me)
are actually the responsible causes of both happiness
and unhappiness. Thus, it is this "will to receive
that is the root of all misery and suffering.

Why is the earth round? To clearly indicate to
man his reason for existence, and the reason of his
essential being.* Man must transmute his "will to
receive to one of imparting so as to create the circular
concept whereby giving or imparting enables one to
receive endlessly and satisfactorily.

Why is the moon black when not reflecting the
light it receives from the sun, and thereby demonstrat
ing to man his makeup? Black represents the epitome

* See page 15 for circular concept.



of greed, for it has no light of its own. This means that
it can only receive before imparting.

Man is constantly engaged in the battle of the pure
("will to impart) verses the impure ("will to re
ceive). Within all Creation, wherever we may find
the concept of evil, therein lies the manifestation of
goodness. There is no element within Creation that
does not contain these two basic elements, whether it
be an electric current with its positive (imparting) and
negative (receiving) charges or the atom.

Therefore, the scientist, without the available Kab
balah knowledge, constructed the Telstar satellite in a
circular form via trial and error. Telstar * ** because of
its receiving messages from without and as a circular * *
object (indicating the element of imparting), therefore
receives and emits endlessly. This is what we call root
information or causative-motivation.

From the preceding, the reason why one possesses
a left and right hand becomes obvious, as well as why
each hand has five fingers: to indicate the four varying
degrees of the "will to receive with its pure and im
pure source. Therefore, each individuals right hand is
somewhat longer, in the hope that his right "will to
impart will extend over his left ("will to receive).

The reason why the eye has four different colors,
with the pupil always being black, is to also show the

* In a triangular or squared type of construction
Telstar coidd not be effective.

** It is strange to find that the Hebrew ivord ff Stf-
phira is translated in English as "Sphere.



four varying degrees of the "will to receive. The pupil,
which serves as the actual vessel of receiving, is black
because it lacks the ability to impart.

And why is the drug scene prevalent now? The
Kabbalah states that in the time of the Messiah (also
known as the "age of Aquarius) there will occur
a tremendous spiritual awakening, the cause of which
is the violent revolt of the soul against the governing
limitations of the body. For the soul will have had its
fill. And the senseless crushing effect of the T (will
to receive) will be displaced by the love of ones neighbor
and consideration for ones friend. This is the root
cause for todays "Love movements; this too is the
motivating factor for the drug scene now.

The inner depths of man, call it the subconscious
if you will, have been stirred up. Man wants to get atvay
from the insatiable "desire to receive for oneself, and
from the clutches of our limiting factors. For drugs do
simulate this experience; one does become oblivious to his
physical surroundings.

However, one thing is wrong. On the return to
his present surroundings the individual is back to where
he started from. Returning too are his fears, frustra
tions and inabilities all of which stem from the causative
factor, the body ("will to receive). This is not symp
tomatic reasoning, changing with time or weather con
ditions. It may, however, be irrational, but it is not

Must this violent revolt of the soul manifest itself
within our society? Must we experience the violence
on campus, conflict throughout the world? Or is



there some logical method to tame mans self-destructive

This is where the educational process of the Kab
balah will contri bute. It is the long sought after con
ditioning agent that will lead man from his own con
cerned way of life to recognizing his purpose in being.

Dr. Philip S. Gruberger


Thirteen years in a cave ... a father and son alone . . .
and the ZOHAR took form the Book of Splendor,
the classic work on the Torahs hidden lore and

When Rome ruled Israel, Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai
was a disciple of Rabbi Akiva, who had taught Torah
despite the persecution of the Romans, till they put him
to death. Rabbi Shimon lashed out at the Romans for
their evil and cruelty and Rome sentenced him to

Telling no one, he fled with his son Rabbi Elazar
to a cave amid the mountains of Israel. They hid there,
thirteen years till the Roman emperors death made
it safe for them to leave.

Since earliest times there were secret teachings of
Divine mysteries in the Torah, that could only interest
a few . . . that only a few enlightened souls could
understand. There were texts, mentioned in the Tal
mud, that originated centuries before. And the Talmud
tells of Sages who worked to master such esoteric lore.

The years that Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai spent
with his son in the cave, marked a turning-point in
the history of this great body of hidden knowledge.
In the safety of darkness, with no text to read, Rabbi
Shimon drew on the deep levels of memory and vision
stored in his unconscious from years of study with his
masters of the past.




So the Zohar took forma single work that be
came the classic text of kabbalah, the received, trans
mitted mystic teachings of Judaism. In every generation
afterward, a select few guarded it and studied ituntil
a widespread yearning grew in 14th century Spain
for the life-giving teachings of kabbalah. Then the
Zohar became known, to be hidden no more.

Many studied and understood the dazzling truths
of Jewish mysticism. But few could make others under
stand and see. For that, Jewry would have to wait
for Safed in the 1500s.

In a small city in Upper Galilee, set on a hill
in a lovely mountainous region of Israel, kabbalah flour
ished as never before. Jews lived a simple religious life
in Safed, supporting themselves, seeking only peace and

There Rabbi Moses Cordovero' was born in 1522.
Drawn as by a thirst to the wisdom of kabbalah, he
studied with Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz, author of L cha
Dodi, whose sister he married.

In time, kabbalah found in him what it had long
needed: a gifted teacher with a pen. The few works
of his that were printed, give the clearest presentation
ever made of the main teachings of Jewish mysticism.
Through his words in print, the brilliant light of: kabbalah
later reached Eastern Europe, to give dynamic life to
the great movement of hassidus.

At the same time, Safed had a second master of
kabbalah: Rabbi Isaac Luria, called the Ari.

In his teens the Ari was already a Talmudic au
thority. Then he discovered the Zohar, and for 13



years he lived as a hermit, plumbing its secrets. In 1569
he settled in Safed, to study briefly with Rabbi Moses
Cordovero, until he became a master in his own right,
with a devoted circle of disciples.

The Ari could not put his own thoughts down on
paper. They were too complextoo filled with rich,
interwoven images and allusions, associations and meta
phors. But his disciples recorded every possible word
and deed, producing the volumes of what we now
regard as "his writings.

While the "writings were now recorded, never
theless, the subject matter was to wait till the early
1900s; when a gifted student was to reveal these "writ
ings intelligibly to the masses.

It started with a modern pioneerRabbi Judah
Ashlag. A rarely gifted teacher, he could unlock doors
for the very beginner, and bring new vision, new aware
ness in kabbalahs great truths.

As his lifetime on earth ended, Rabbi Ashlag left
three legacies. The first was ha-Sulam, a 21-volume
translation-commentary that renders the Zohar from its
original abstruse, difficult Aramaic into clear, flowing

His second legacy was Talmud Eser Sfiros, an
essential introduction to kabbalah for the novice. No
other work of this kind was ever written before.

The third legacy was his disciple. Rabbi Judah
Z. Brandwein.

Rabbi Brandwein directed Yeshiva Kol Yehuda
(Research Centre of Kabbalah) an academy for the



study of the Torahs mysticism, founded by Rabbi Judah
Ashlag 50 years ago.

With its return to the Walled City of Jerusalem,
the Research Centre of Kabbalah has flowered anew in
Israel, in a new period of remarkable growth. There
gifted students may learn this lore, in an unbroken
tradition that prevailed during the old days of Rabbi
Shimon ben Yohai.

In addition, the Research Centre of Kabbalah
was founded, in the United States, to maintain the
Academy in Jerusalem, andmore importantto em
bark on a major, unprecedented program of publications
in Hebrew and English.

Dr. Philip S. Gruberger, a disciple of Rabbi Brand-
wein and now the Centres president, has confronted the
deeper meaning of the world situation, and, more im
portant, has risen to the cry of our younger generation.
His driving force has enabled the Centre to reach the
"Now Generation.

Seminars and lecture series have already commenced.
The large and enthusiastic audiences at these lectures
have been most gratifying. The Research Centre of
Kabbalah has truly contri buted to mankinds ability to
live in one world without destroying each other.


For a brief span of forty years, in the beginning of
the eighteenth century (1707-1747), the genius of Moses
Hayyim Luzzatto, kabbalist and poet, lit up the field of
Hebrew learning and letters. Too soon was his life cut
off when, shortly after reaching Palestinewhich was
then considered the only true soil for kabbalistic pro
ductionshe contracted the plague and died.

He had been born into a well-to-do family, in
Padua, who were no strangers to high culture and
scholarship. His father, Jacob Vita Luzzatto, gave him
a fine education, such as befitted a rich young man. He
was taught Latin as well as the Hebrew poets, and while
still a young boy, was entered into the Talmud Torah of
Padua to begin a thorough course of religious training.

Luzzattos teacher in secular knowledge was Isaac
Hayyim Cohen Cantarini, a physician and an accom
plished scholar. Rabbi Isaiah Bassan was Luzzattos
religious teacher, and it was his influence that touched
the young student even more deeply than did that of
Cantarini. In fact, it was from Bassans father-in-law,
Rabbi Benjamin Cohen Vitali, that Luzzatto was first to
learn of the Kabbalah that which fired his imagination
during his student years, up a veritable fountain of life,
and remaining within him until the end of his life.

Many books concerning Kabbalah came from his
pen; yet, he was highly gifted in other aspects of literary




creation as well. Luzzatto has in fact been called the
"father of modern Hebrew literature.

At the core of the Jewish consciousness there always
lies the Messianic hope the dream of Gods Kingdom
established on earth. And in Luzzatto this consciousness
was so highly developed that it dominated hi's writings
and his teachings. He wanted to kindle the Great
Lightto walk with his students in Gods own ways
and to ignite the very fires of Heaven. It was to this
end that he gathered about him a group of students, and
together they studied and read the divine wisdom of the
Kabbalah. It cannot, however, be said that he was
officially tolerated or that his work was understood for as
soon as his activities became known, the Venetian rabbi
nate interfered. Their persecution eventually drove him
from Padua to Amsterdam. For ten years Luzzatto
remained in Amsterdam, where he was highly honored
and revered for his great learning and erudition, as well
as for his piety. It was here that he wrote one of his
best-known works, MESSILAT YESHARIM (the Right
eous Path), and here it was published in 1740.

Luzzattos love for and interest in the Kabbalah
never flagged. In 1743 he and his family migrated to
the Holy Land in order that he might continue his public
teaching of the Kabbalah despite the ban placed on these
teachings by the Italian rabbis. Luzzattos teacher Bassan
had supported him throughout the conflict, but he had
been unable to convince the rabbis of Luzzattos sincerity
and of the great merit of his work.

Little is known of the few remaining years of
Luzzattos life in Palestine. The following elegy com-



posed by the rabbis of Tiberias in the year 1747, gives
evidence, however, of his great success:

"Hear, O Heavens, and give ear, O Earth, because
the chief of rabbis, the divine Kabbalist, the
Israel . . . our teacher and master, Rabbi Moses
Hayyim Luzzatto died, he and all his family, of
the plague . . . and is buried in Tiberias, near
Rabbi Akibas grave. Happy is he, in this world
and the world to come, but woe to us, because
our crown fell from off our head.

In spite of his brief and often tragic life, Rabbi
Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto contri butes an inportant insight
into the interpretation of the SEFIROT without which
the Z OHAR, or source of Kabbalah, could not be under



It is a common place of Jewish wisdom that that
which comes to the mind first is brought into action last.
Thus, analogously, Gods goal in creating the world was
the creation of man. From among the races, the children
of Israel were selected to receive His Law and comm and
ments, through the fulfillment of which they could merit
eternal life. In order that the children of Israel might
earn their reward by fulfilling the law and the comm and
ments, God created in them an evil yezer (inclination)
as an obstacle to their execution of perfect deeds. When
they triumph over this evil yezer they are rewarded. But
if, on the contrary, they do not subdue the evil yezer
they are punished. If there were no evil yezer in the
world, and the Hebrews were innately either wholly
righteous or wholly wicked, they would deserve neither
reward not punishment.

Since the creation of an evil yezer was necessary for the
spiritual development of the children of Israel it was
essential to create the body of the crudest possible corpo
real substance, so that the evil yezer would have the
power to dominate. Were man to be created of fine,
spiritual substance, then the evil spirit could not have
this sway. Consequently, the creation of an evil spirit
would be in vain.




To fashion such a creation, and to make room for
manifested worlds in which neither beings could abide,
the Supreme Emanator, the Infinite, the Origin of all
Roots and the Cause of all Causes, willed to contract
His Infinite Light, which extended through out all Being.

If not for the contraction, the owerwhelming abund
ance of Light would cause the disappearance of all the
worlds, for existence is nothing but a succession of con
densations of Light essence. Were this Ligh t to shine
alike everywhere, then all the worlds would be similar
and totally invisible.

In order to reduce the too powerful doivnpour of
His Light upon the nether beings, God established
"Coverings to sheild them. These coverings consist of
an arrangement of planes which restrain the Light and
cause its successive minimization and densification. Thus
the Light is steadily decreased and densified, in a succes
sion of condensations; and it is from the den set possible
stage of Light that the body of man is created.*

Beware of thinking even for a moment that there
is any change within the Creator Himself. Such an idea
is unthinkable, for changes pertain only to the recipients
of Light, according to their distance or proximity to the
Source, the Creator. Think, for example, of a lighted
candle that is placed before a person. If many veils were
interposed, so that the person could enjoy but very little
of the candle light, this would not mean that a change

* Translators note. As the Light is extended from the
Source into the worlds, it becomes progressively dimmer, according
to its degree of remoteness from the source.



took place in the light itself, but rather in the person,
who could not see the candle light because of the inter
vening veils.

The identical situation obtains in creation. There is
no change in the Creator, but only in the recipients.
Similarly, the ten Sefirot (Emanations) act as "veils
ten stages, vessels or degrees which the Creator issued to
serve as channels through which His bounty might be
transmitted to man: restraining that bounty to the
extent that the worlds shall not disappear because of the
too great abundance of Light, yet providing a sufficient
amount of it to ensure their continued existence. He
therefore made ten vessels in order that the bounty, in
traversing them, would become so densified that the
lower creations could bear it. These ten vessels, or
SEFIROT are as follows:




3 2














* TR. N. KETER and DAAT are interchangeable terms.



7 8









These Sefirot represent supervision of the worlds in
terms of charactristics like: Mercy, Judgment, Com
passion, Etc.; these characteristics are embodied in three
pillars, with the right column, consisting of the SEFIROT
Hokmah (Wisdom), Hesed (Mercy) and Ne:;:ah, (Tri
umph) representing Mercy and the left column, con
sisting of Binah (Intelligence), Geburah (Power) and
Hod (Glory) representing the pillar of Judgment, while
the central column, consisting of Da*at (knowledge)
Tiferet (Beauty) and Yesod (Foundation), is the pillar
of Compassion. There is not a Light emitted by the
Emanator, which is not inclusive of Mercy, Judgment
and Compassion. These Lights issue neither separately,
nor individually; instead, they emerge from the three
pillars already intermingled. It is this fusion of the
principles of Judgment, Mercy, and Compassion that
supervises the governing of the world.

These ten Sefirot are named in accordance with the
image of man. Thus, Keter is the cranium of the head;
Hokmah and Binah are the two lobes of the brain within
the head; Hesed and Geburah are the two hands (or



the two sides); Tiferet and the remaining Sefirot are
the body.

Each of these Sefirot is constructed of ten Lights, each
of which in turn is composed of an equal number of
Lights and so on ad infinitum. When, in one of these
vessels only a single light is illuminated it is called a
Sefira. When all ten Lights in a vessel is illumined then
it is defined as a Parezuf (Person). In order that it may
be called a complete and perfect Parezuf, every division
within must shine with all its Light so that the number
of Lights will total six hundred and thirteen the
number of parts in a mans body.* Only then is it
considered complete.

There are but five Parezufim (Persons) in all, for
not every Sefira of the ten had the power to radiate in
the manner just described. Only Refer, Hokmah, Binah
and Malkut could do so. They are called respectively;
ARIK ANPIN (Macroprosopus) (Keter) ; ABA and
IMA (Father and Mother) ( Hohmah and Binah) and
NUKBA (the Feminine Polarity) {Malkut). But the
six remaining Sefirot, Hesed, Geburah, Tiferet, Nezah,
Hod and Yesod, did not have the individual power to
radiate as forcefully as the others. Collectively, how
ever, these lost six Sefirot build up a Parezuf; it is called
ZEIR ANPIN (Microprosopus) Tiferet).

The ten Sefirot are united with the Creator Him
self, just as the flame is annexed to the live coal. Although
manifold hues are visible in the flame, close examination

*613 also equals the required number of good deeds in a mans




reveals that there is but one flame attached to the coal.
So it is with the Sefirot, they are irrevocably bound to
the Creator and cannot be severed from Him. He is
enclothed in them, as in garments. But, unlike a mans
clothing, these "garments are not removable. Rather,
they resemble the outer skin of a caterpillar, which is
an integral part of its body. The Emanator perpetually
animates the Sefirot. Otherwise they could not exist.
Bear in mind that the Emanator issued all these diversified
degrees of Light for the purpose of maintaining the
world. At times the world must be governed by Mercy,
at other times it requires Judgment, or Compassion.

Although the bounty that flows from the; Emanator
into the Sefirot is of uniform quality, it changes within
the individual degree in accordance with its nature. For
example, two persons, one of a ro buts noture and one of a
more delicate nature, partake of a similar meal. Although
they both consume the same food and are both sustained
thereby, their levels of energy will differ. The same
principle applies to the different pillars of the heavenly
government. Gods bounty streng thens the Sefirot so
that they are enabled to function according to their
diversified natures; therefore, the differences lie within
the Sefirot themselves and not in the bounty.

Some of the Sefirot are perfect in themselves. These
serve the purpose of maintaining the world. There are
the others which are imperfect and can only be perfected
through the actions and service of man. These imper
fections have been pre-arranged for the benefit of man:
should he help perfect the weaker Sefirot, he will be re-



warded; should he incur further defects in them, he will
be punished.

Defect inplies that the Sitra Ahara, or evil spirit,
lays hold of a particular Sefira and interferes with its
ascent to the Origin, where it could receive its share of
bounty in order to transmit it to those below it. For
that reason the evil spirit is characterized as bearing the
weight of a stone, for when it seizes the Sefirot, it adds
weight to them so that they cannot rise. The Emanator
willed the existence of the evil spirit in the world as an
instrument for the punishment of the wicked.

The extended Lights are symbolized by the letters
of the Hebrew alphabet. Combinations of letters con
note the brightness of upper Lights upon which the
degrees are built. Because all the outlines of the letters
are the result of ink strokes directed either to the right,
to the left, or to the center, they symbolize Lights that
are directed either to the right, to the left or, to the
center. And just as the letters are black against the white
paper, so are the degrees "black fire against "White

When we say that the Creator contracted His Light
in order to make room for the worlds, this does not mean
that He entirely withdrew His Light and failed to shine
into the worldsit is even impossible to entertain such
an idea. For if such were the case, then the worlds could
not exist even for one second. What it does mean is that
from that place where He desired to extend Sefirot, He
concealed His Light, veiling it so that it should not
illumine with the same degree of power as previously.
This was done so that the extension of the lower realms


could become manifest, for otherwise they would be
submerged in the Light and would remain dormant. Of
what avail is a candle in the powerful light of midday
sun? And this is precisely what is meant by "black fire
against white fire. Wherever there is an extension of
the Light for a nether being, that Light is named "black
fire; and wherever the Light of the Emanator is re
vealed, it is called "white fire. The Light of the nether
being is a garment to the upper Light, for it "enclothes
the latter.

Bear in mind that the whiteness of the paper can be
seen even in the very midst of the characters or letters.
Similarly with the Sefiroi; when the extension, of a lower
degree is completed, the upper Light immediately shines
into it, and although it is not apparent, it is assuredly
there. The Light is invisible because of the barrier which
exists in the lower degree. For example, a c andle light
that is screened by shades will not shine through at a
point where the shades are placed. Yet we who are
seeing only the shades, cannot claim that t here is no
candle shedding its light behind them. Remove the
obstructing shades, and we see the candlelight. It is the
same with the Infinite Light, which appears in all the
degrees. It is invisible because the nether being covers
it. The Creator desired that the Light be veiled in order
to grant existence to the lower beings, which could not
otherwise survive in its full presence.

This is what the sages refer to when they say that
by means of the twenty-two letters the world was
created; that all the Sefirot came into existence through
the combinations of the letters. All levels of being were



created by means of the four-lettered Holy Name;
YUDHE A HE, or Tetragrammaton. As there
are four letters in the Holy Name "Havaya where the
upper point of the Yud is concealed, so in the Sefirot
there exist four worlds which are revealed, while a fifth
one is concealed, and is not included in the number of
the degrees. These are the four worlds of Azilut,
(Emanation), Beriah (Creation), Yezirab (Formtion)
and Asiah (Action). The En Sof (Infinite World) is
that which is concealed.

The Parezufim (Persons ) are likewise four in
number: Aba and Ima, Z eir Anpin and Nukba. There
is also a fifth, the Parezuf of Arik Anpin, which is con

Each entity, each world, is divided into five Pare
zufim, and each Parezuf comprises ten Sefirot. In order
to link the worlds together, the Emanator caused the
Sefira Malkut of the upper world to be clothed within
the entire next lower world. One Sefira is capable of
pervading an entire world, for each Sefira from a pre
ceding world is equal to the whole of the succeeding
world. Thus, Malkut of each world enclothes the world
which succeeds it. The order is as follows: Malkut of
Adam Kadmon or Primordial Man, which is Malkut. of
En Sof, is enclothed in Azilut; Malkut of Azilut is en-
clothed in Beriah; Malkut of Beriah is enclothed in Yezi
rab; and Malkut of Yezirah is enclothed in Asiah. The
manner in which they penetrate each succeeding world,
will be explained later. All the worlds are bound to
gether by a powerful tie, the lower with the upper and
the upper, in turn, with that which is above it, until we



reach back to the bond with the Creator, whereby they
are joined to Him in indissoluable unity.

Do not err, in reading the expressions "person
(parezuf ), "vessel, or similar words denoting material
forms, by concluding that such shapes or images actually
exist in the upper realms. It is forbidden to even express
such ideas, as it is stated in the Bible: "For ye saw no
manner of similitude . . . (Deuteronomy IV, 15). The
Emanator, blessed be He, sends forth His Light in order
to grant existence to the lower worlds. But of the
precise manner in which this process takes place, no one
may know. Only the Emanator bears this knowledge
within Himself. The Sefirof are nothing but the very
Light of the Emanator Himself. It is the identical Light
sent forth without limit or barrier, or space restriction.
However, the presence of diversity, when the Light is
arranged in degrees, signifies that the extenced Lights
contain a greater proportion either of Mercy or of
Judgment. The Creator stipulated these proportions to
fit the needs of the world which He desires to sustain.

Each Scfira has a specific function in the adminis
tration of the world, and therefore must be illumined in
accordance with its type of supervision. The same
principle applies to the extension of the Parezufim. They
are Lights which, when extended below, differ in their
composition because the Creator is aware that a stipu
lated number and quality of degree is necessary for the
governing of the world. The extension of the degrees
therefore took place in the following manner: When
there arose in the Creators most pure and simple will the
desire to manifest creation (which was to receive His



Light in measured and limited proportion) He Emanated
His Light in a successive pattern of descending degrees
until the present creation came into being. He did this,
providing the finite and measured bounty necessary for
the existence of the worlds, by "making room for them,
so to speak; by both concealing His infinite, immeasur
able Light and concurrently extending it and sending it
forth. By this process of extension, which signifies de
limitation, the Sefirot came into being. This procedure
continued until the density of Light reached the stage
where it could be received by the worlds. This entire
process of the extension of Light in descending degrees
was aimed at the revelation of the created worlds. If
not for the extension of the degrees, nothing material
could have existed.

In fact the entire extension of being is more than
the varying combinations of Lights which issue down
ward and become, by successive degrees, so dense and
obscure as to permit the manifestation and continued
existence of creation. Had there been no creation, there
would have been no veil, no obstruction whatsoever to
the mighty power of the Light, since in the absence of all
created being, there would be no danger of anyone not
being able to receive it. This is what is meant by the
statement made at the outset that "what comes to the
mind first is brought into action last. Thus, the Cre
ators initial Thought was to create man, but man had to
come at the end of all His deeds. Before creating man,
God was obliged to prepare the Lights in such a way that
when a man appeared on the scene, he would find the
bounty and sustenance necessary for his existence. Were



man to come into being at the very outset only to find
the Light stretched out infinitely without measure or
limit, his creation would be pointless, for he would
instantly disappear. Mans body is built of dense material
substance (clay) and it can only bear Light which is
modified to conform to its nature.

We must bear in mind that anything that seems
materialistic or corporeal regarding the extension of crea
tion must not be taken in a literal sense. This material
istic language ought not to be employed at all in a
discussion of spiritual qualities; nevertheless we must
assign them corporeal names in order to exemplify them,
and thus facilitate understanding of this knowledge by
man. These terms must be understood in their true
sense, and everything is to be understood as a spiritual
extension from the Infinite, Who spreads His Light in
order to give existence to the nether beings and to govern
them. The measure of Light which He sends forth to
maintain and supervise is in accordance with what He
wills to exist below.

The Sefirot are but the Will of the Creator Who
willed their presence below. Thus they are actual and
not merely potential forces. The names we attach to
them are only figurative. They are symbolic names and
are employed with reference to the recipients upon whom
the bestowal is made. For example, by the term 'vessel
we mean radiating Light, which, when extended down
below, becomes a vessel. It is the same with a Light
termed "Person (Parezuf ), which, as we already know,
is a rediation of Light spread into 613 Lights.



Hence, all the Sefirot are nothing but the Light of
the Infinite Himself. There is no difference between
Him and the Sefirot only He is the Cause and they are
the effect, or the result. The expression He clothes
them means that His will perpetually animates the
Sefirot in order to maintain them as channels, through
which He controls and governs the world.



The Creators chief aim is to bestow Goodness upon
the created beings, and it was to this end that he wrought
the varying stages of Light in accordance with the limited
capacity of the nether beings. What follows is the
ordered sequence of the individual stages, and the manner
in which they issued forth.

The first Parezuf which was manifested in the worlds
was Adam Kadmon, (the Primordial Man); all the sub
sequent stages and the Parezufhn resulted from him. He
is united with the Emanator Himself and is very much
concealed. We cannot say anything whatsoever about
the Primordial Man, but can treat only of the: branches
that ramify from him to the outside.

From this Primordial Man come many worlds
worlds without number. Of them all, we shall discuss
the four worlds called "Seeing, "Hearing, "Smell and
"Speech, otherwise known as "Wisdom, Intelligence,
"Beauty and "Kingdom. They issue from the eyes,
from the ears, from the nose and from the mcnith of
Adam Kadmon. Let us deal first with the world of
Hearing, since it was the first of the four to he revealed.

As we stated in the introductory chapter, all created
beings and Parezufim are divided into four categories,
corresponding to the four letters in the Holy re Havaya,
and all of them originate in this Name. The Primordial



Man also has in Himself one four-lettered Havaya from
the four letters of which four fully spelled-out Havayas
issue, amounting respectively to 72, 63, 45 and 52.*
These Names represent the Taamim, Nekudot, Tagim
and Otiot** Each one of these comprises all the other

Tr. Notes 1. The Name which issues from the first letter

"Yud, spelled:
(10) Yud
( 5) He

( 6 ) Waw
( 3) He

( 6) Waw
(10) Yud
(10) Yud
(10) Yud

(4) Dalet
( 6) Waw

Having a numerical value of 72;

2. The Name originating in the first "He spelled the
same as the first with the exception of the Waw which
is spelled (6) Waw (1) Alef (6) Waw, and amounting

3. The Name originating
out with Alefs, thus:





( 5)




( 6)




( 3)





to 45;

4. The Name

which spring





( 5)




( 6)




( 5)




amounting to 52.

in the letter





( 4)




( 6)


from the last

"He ,






( 4)


Taamim are the signs indicating pitches to be used in reading
the Torah; Nekudot are the vowels sounds; Tagin are the orna
mental strokes above certain letters; and the Otiot are the letters
of the alphabet themselves.



four.*** Of the first stage, that is, of Taamim of the
first Name, 72, we cannot speak, because It is in the
Cranium of the Primordial Man and that is a deeply
concealed place.

We shall now begin from the ears, which are the
starting point of the extension of Taamim of the Name
63. As asserted above, every Name comprises all the
four: Taamim, Nekudot, Tagin and Otiot. Now, just
as there are three kinds of Taamim those placed above
the letters, e.g. "Zareka, (~) " Pazer (A 1 ) etc.; those
placed beneath the letters, e.g. Darega, (s) lievir , (.,)
etc.; and those placed in the middle of the letters, e.g.
Pesik, (:) and Makaf, () there are likewise three kinds
of Lights, one greater than the other, emanating from
these Taamim, which are situated in the three places:
ears, nose and mouth. See how the numerical value of
the Name 63 is intimated in each place of emanation.
Thus, the word Ozen (Ear) together with He, the
second letter of the Havaya, which is its Origin, amounts
to 63. The He (value of which is five numerically)
points to the fact that from it five Parezufim are sent

The word Hotem ("Nose) also points to the Name
63, as its numerical value is 63.

The word Peh (Mouth), which has a. numerical
value of 85, embraces this Name plus the 22 letters which
are comprised in the five articulations of speech, since
these have their source in the mouth. The live possible

*** The Ta'amim for example comprise in themselves the Nekudot ,
Tagin, and Letters, and it is the same with the others.



articulations of the mouth are: A-H-H, G-I-K-K, Z-S-
SH-R-Z, D-T-L-N-T, B-W-M-F.

From the ears, then, came forth the upper Taamim.
They extended from them as ten interior Sefirot and ten
encircling Sefirot. From the right ear came the encircling,
and from the left, the interior Sefirot. These two quali
ties are refered to as ten complete Sefirot. The Sefirot
that were issued bound themselves together in absolute
unity, so much so, that only a He was apparent giving
a hint of five Parezufim.

The graphical description of the He is a Dalet
together with a Watt/, to designate that the emanation is
really ten. But they are united so closely that nothing
but a He is discernible. The reason why the interior
light issued at a distance from the encircling Light is
that had these Lights been intermingled, it would have
been necessary to produce a vessel in order to limit the
immensity of the Light, as in the case of the Mouth
below, wherethere is a vessel. Since, because of the
tenuous light, it was impossible for a vessel to be revealed
here, the Lights had to go forth at a considerable distance
from each other. This division serves the same purpose
as would a vessel, for it reduces the light. These Lights
encircle, and hover over the Face extending down to the
center of the Beard. The encircling Lights issue from
the right Ear and the inner Lights issue from the left,
because the encircling Lights are more tenuous than the
inner ones. Thus, the encircling Light was left to en
circle or hover over the vessel, because, due to its tenuity
it could not be confined in the interior of the vessel.



The inner Light, which is not so tenuous, is con fined in a

From the right side, which is always more tenuous
than the left (since it represents the source of Mercy)
there came forth the more tenuous, encircling Light. And
from the left side, which is not so tenuous, because it
represents the source of Power, there issued forth the
inner, more definite Light.

We shall now discuss the world of "Smell, which
is the second world to be revealed, and which issued
from the Nose of Adam Kadmon. These are the middle
Taamim. They issued in the same manner as those that
came from the ears, that is, as ten inner and ten en
circling Lights. From the right opening of the nose
issued the encircling Lights, and from the left opening
issued the inner Lights. Here the Lights were closer to
each other than those of the Ears. We haye concrete
proof of this when we observe the nose of man, wherein
the nostrils are closer to each other than ai;e the ears.
Nevertheless, we still have two separate passages capable
of absorbing the diminished Light and thereby elimin
ating the revelation of vessels in this case as well as in
the case of the ears.

But because the two Lights of the Nose are closer
together than those of the Ears, something different was
revealed here which was not revealed with the outflow
of the Ear, namely, the Vav of the He. In the Lights of
the Ears the single He alone was seen, and the W aw was
concealed. But here in the nose the constituent parts of
the He the Dalet Waw were revealed.



The truth hinted at by the revealed Waw is that the
Nose represents Beauty, which is ZO or Z eir Anpin, or
Microprosopus and comprises six Sefirat.

These Lights spread out over the Face just as did
those of the Ears, hovering over the Face and reaching
as far as the Chest.

The world of Speech, issuing from the mouth of
Adam Kadmon, was the third to be revealed. These
Lights are the lower Taamim. They, issued forth in the
same manner as the others, namely as ten inner and ten
encircling Lights. The difference is, however, that all
these Lights merge and emanate through a single channel.
Because of this, a type of vessel which reduces the Light
originates here. Still it is but one single vessel, and
furthermore, it is exceedingly tenuous because of the
supreme exaltation of this realm. For it is in the mouth
that is revealed what in the ears and the nose remained
concealed. In the ears, a He* only was disclosed, and
the nose, the Waw of the He was manifested but here
in the mouth, the Dalet of the He is also unveiled.*
The secret of this unveiled Dalet, which is equal to the
number 4, is as follows: In the ears and nose there were
only two types the inner and encircling, but in the
mouth, there are four types, since it is here that a vessel
originated. Hence, two additional types of Lights were re-

* The He alone represents but five collective Parezufim ,
which are also the ten Sefirot indicated by the Dalet (4) and
Waw (6) that make up He; but the hidden representations sym
bolized by this Dalet and Waw are only shown later as they are
revealed through the nose and mouth.



vealed in the mouth, and those are the interior and the
exterior of the vessel. Thse Lights issue from the mouth
of Adam Kadmon, and reach to his navel.

Three distinct Lights, corresponding to the three
different Ta'amim, issued from Adam Kadmon. These
Lights issued from the ears, nose and mouth, arid reached,
respectively, the middle point of the beard, the chest,
and the navel.

Remember that the names and characteristics which
we employ here: ears, nose, mouth, pertain only
to the latter worlds, starting from the world of Eman
ation down, because it is there that a Parezuf (person)
is revealed. In the exalted realm which we are now
discussing, there is no evidence of a Parezuf. Never the
less, in order to clarify the subject in question we must
employ such anthropomorphic terms.

To turn back to the world of Speech,, otherwise
known as the Bound World, or Olam Ho-akudim; these
are the ten Sefirol which issued from the mouth of Adam
Kadmon and reach to his navel. Because this was the
first place where a vessel was revealed, only a single long
vessel consisting of ten lights was discerned.

Note that these Sefirot, which issued in the mouth,
were distinguished by the quality of Nefes.b (Animal
Soul) alone. They were not able to remain in the vessel
and were obliged to return to their source to be emended.
The vessel was wrought through the departure of the
Lights. Later, the Lights returned and spread below once

Because all ten Lights were bound together in one
vessel, they are designated as Bound ( Akudim). This



is derived from Biblical expression "akudim used when
Abraham bound Isaac in order to bring him as an offering
to God. ". . . and bound Isaac his son. (Genesis
XXII, 9).

In order that the vessel might not be annulled by
too great an abundance of Light, when the Lights re
turned they did not descend to their original place, for
the Light of the Crown remained concealed in its source
and was not extended below. The Light of "Wisdom
( Chokmah ) issued, occupying the place of Crown, and
the succeeding Lights entered consecutively the vessels
following "Crown. In this way "Kingdom (M alkut)
was left without Light. This is why Kingdom is con
sidered a "non-luminous Mirror.

The departure of Lights, as described above, is des
ignated as a minor annulment, but not an actual annul
ment such as occurred in the world of Nektidim, which
will be dealt with later.



We shall now discuss the world of Points or "Neku-
dim, which is the world of "Seeing or "Visiion. Last
revealed world of those four mentioned earlier, it issued
from the eyes of Adam Kadmon. Because alii the other
apertures are filled with the Lights of Taamim of the
Name 63, the Lights of Nekndim found no passage,
except through the Eyes. They are the Nektidot of the
Name 63.

What procedure did Adam Kadmon follo w in order
to issue these? He contracted his Light, which was
spread below in His body, bringing it up above the
Navel. Then he placed a veil over the middle of the
body to restrain the Light from descending. The idea
of his contraction is similar to what we say regarding
ZON, or Microprosopus and his Feminine Polarity, of
the Emanated World, when they rise as MN (Returning
Light) to the Father and Mother of the Emanated World.
The same thing takes place here: that is, the Names of
Adam Kadmon amounting to 45 and 52 respectively
(these being his Microprosopus and Feminine Counter
part) rose as MN to his Name 6 x 3 in order that 63 and
72 might unite and through the union bring forth these




The reason this union was required in bringing
forth these Lights, though it was not needed for the
Lights of the ears, nose or mouth, is as follows: the eyes,
through which these Lights had to pass, were illuminated
by the very powerful Lights of the Name 72, which
resides in the brain and this Light veiled these Lights of
Nekudot so that they could not pass through. Therefore
the union took place, causing this Light of the Name
72 to be hidden within the Name of 63, that is, in the
Sefira of Yesod (Foundation) of the Parezuf Mother.
Thus, the Light (of 72) shone to a lesser extent than
previously, lending the Lights of Nekudot sufficient
Power to pass through.

Although these Lights issue from the eyes, they
become visible only at the point below the navel. The
reason for this is that the Lights of Taamim are spread
throughout the region extending to the navel. There
fore the Lights of Nekudot are invisible only down to
the end of the extension of T aamim.

These Lights which issued from the eyes were solely
comprised of Nefesh, or animal soul. Therefore they
are called "Kings because they originate from the Name
52 which equals the numerical value of the letters
spelling Malkut, "Kingdom. Because much Din
(Justice) was intermingled with these lights, the husk
or shell of power was engulfed therein. For the essence
of the husk is none other than the might of rigid Justice,
which is so exceedingly obscure, that it completely hin
ders the Light. The husks can only exist in the presence
of much Justice.



Subsequently when the Light of Adam Kadmon,
which is absolute purity., descended to be spread into the
Nekudim, they could not bear it and so they broke.*

The circumstances behind the shattering of the
vessels are as follows.

We have already stated previously that all the stages
of extended Light are also represented by combination of
letters. These are the functioning Lights from which
everything comes into being. Since they were unable to
endure the abundance of Light, the combination of
letters became disarranged and were severed from each
other. They were thus rendered powerless to act and
to govern. This is what is meant by their "shattering.
From that point on their husks, or shells, still engulfed
by the Light, became energized. This energy was in
vigorated even further when the husks descended below
into the material realm. T he Su premfe ator willed
tiie "shattering in order ^to sever th e husk ^from the
Divine S pirit s o fhatT Tt would_ remaTrrwi thovit dros s; in
addition, He willed the existence of this obstruction to
the Light, the husk, as a vehicle for the execution of

*Tr. N. By "breakage we mean a change of phase or appear
ance. In this case, that the Nekudim lost their original governing
powers and that a different aspect of supervision was assigned to
them; for out of these Lights many combinations were wrought.
Thus, that which, to begin with, was Emanation, becamefollow
ing the shattering of the vesselsCreation, Formation and Action.
This was their debasement at the time of the shattering of the
vessels. But later, at the time of emendation, they were combined
in a different manner so that they became the four worlds of
Azilnt , Beriah , Yetzirah , and Asiah (ABYA.)


reward or punishment. Consequently, when man sins, he
gives the husk the power to seize the Upper Degrees, and
hs is himself punished by it. Conversely, when man expels
the husk from himself, he is rewarded. The following
will illustrate the matter more fully.

The main shattering occurred in the seven lower
Sefirot in ZO (Microprosopus and his Feminine
Polarity) of the world of Emanation, to whom death is
attri buted. The front and hind Sefirot of these seven
lower degrees were lowered still further, and descended
into the worlds of Creation, Formation and Action

In this fashion, the innermost part of each vessel
descended into Creation; the interior part (which was
next to the innermost) descended into Formation; and
the exterior part descended into Action. The effect on
the first three Sefirot (Crown, Wisdom, and Intelli
gence) was only that of annulment, rather than de
basement. Only the rear portion of the first three
Sefirot fell ; and even this rear portion did not descend
any lower than the world of Emanation, as did the
seven lower Sefirot. It is for this reason that no "death
is attri buted to the first three.

When Crown, Wisdom, and Intelligence were is
sued, they were placed in the order of pillars, that is,
right, left and center, the essential order for emendation.
All the Sefirot must eventually attain this order of three
pillars; nevertheless, only the first three were sufficiently

These are: Mercy, Power, Beauty, Triumph, Glory, Founda
tion and Kingdom.



organized to bear the Light that came from Adam
Kadmon and were therefore not shattered. On the
other hand, the seven lower Sefirot had issued one be
low the other; they had no order or emendation what
soever, but were all disunited. In this condition, unable
to bear the infinitely pure Light, they broke and descended

There is intimation of the shattering of these seven Kings
in the Bible, Genesis XXXYI, starting with verse 31.
Note that "death is mentioned for every King but

* Bear in mind that the descent we speak of here does not

refer to motion from one place to another. We have already
specified that the Sefirot are spiritual extensions from the Infinite,
employed to create the world. He sends forth His light in order
to sustain them. To reiterate: it is improper to attri bute to any
thing in the spiritual realm either image or place. Thus, by the
expression "debasement from the world of Emanation to the
stage of BYA, we mean that when the Light of Adam Kadmon
descended to enter the vessels they could not receive it, that is,
they could not unit with it, and were shattered and descended
below. From their original degree which, before the shattering,
was called "Emanation, they descended to an in ferior degree
called BYA. (One must remember that whenever the words
"ascent or "descent are mentioned in connection with Lights,
they refer to changes in their governing power, to either great

er or lesser degree, in accord with the need of the mo
ment, or the merit of the lower beings.) From these vessels,

various parts were selected. Only the most exalted and ample

portions of the vessels themselvesthose which were far removed
from the root of the impure spirit (shell)rose to unite with the
Light. The remainder of the vessels became BYA, the worlds of
Creation, Formation and Action.



the eighth, the King of Hadar, for it was he who emended
all the worlds.

The first king, Bela, stands for Knowledge (DA-
AT); he is a Light without a vessel , and does not
therefore belong to the seven vessels or kings. None
theless, because he flows into them and forms their soul,
he too is connected with "death.

The second, Jobab, son of 2 erah, stands for Mercy
( Hesed). The third, Husham, is Power ( Geburah ).
The fourth, Hadad, is Beauty (Tiphereth) . The fifth,
Samlab, is Triumph and Glory ( Nezah and Hod )
the two are considered as one because they are as the
two halves (or thighs) of the body of Adam Kadmon.
The sixth, Saul, is Foundation ( Yesod ). The seventh,
Baal-hanan , stands for Kingdom ( Malkut) . But the
eighth is King Hadar, and through him the emendation
was effected. They are designated "Kings because they
originate in the Name 52, which, as we know, is the
numerical value of the word "Kingdom.

The annulments occurring in the first three Sefirot
were of varying degrees. Crown ( Refer) was only
annulled in the back portion of his Triumph ( Netzah ),
Glory {Hod) and Foundation {Yesod). Actually,
this is considered a defect, rather than an annulment.
But in the remaining two Sefirot of the first triad
{Hokinah and Bin ah) the entire rear sections were
annulled. This happened because the Light of the ear,
of which they partook, was of unequal power. Whereas
Crown {Keter), which took the Light of the ear at
a point where it shines most, was only partially affected.
And this only happened because the last three Sefirot



of CrownTriumph, Glory and Foundationwere en-
clothed in Father and Mother (Aba and Ima), the
inferior portion, and not because of Crown himself,
for he himself is complete and absolutely perfect.

Father and Mother (Aba and Ima), who partook
of the Light of the ear where it terminates, a point at
which it shines less powerfully, were therefore affected
by annulment throughout their hind part. But the
seven lower Sefirot, in whom the Light of the ears did
not shine at all, were unable to bear the powerful
Light and were therefore shattered. Although apparently
the shattering occurred only in the seven lower Sefirot
and not in the first three, this statement is only generally
true. For in the detailed portions of the Sefirot each
and every Parezuf was affected by all the consequences
connected with the "shattering: namely, the appear
ance of a defect in the rear part of Crown ( comprised
of Truimph, Glory and Foundation); the annulment
of the rear parts of Father and Mother and the descent
of their seven lower Sefirot*

* Parezufim are spoken of here although we are still at a
place in creation where there are no actual Parezufim . The
latter were only revealed following the emendation. The idea
is that the ten Sefirot of Nekudot comprised all that would later
come into being in all the Parezufim at the time o:t their man
ifestation as such. Thus, since these ten Sefirot broke, in the
order explained above, we find that all seven lower Sefirot, which
would later come into existence in all the Parezufim, considered
to be shattered, too, and each Wisdom and Intelligence as
fallen, and every Triumph, "Glory and Foundation of every
Crown as being defective.



The whole incident of the shattering of the vessels
is intimated in the verse of Genesis which says: "In
the beginning God** created . . (Genesis I, 1).
In other words, at the beginning God created the world
with the measure of Justice, specifically, with those
Sefirot embodying the quality of Justice. And then:

. . the earth was empty and void. (Genesis I, 2)
It could not bear the Light and was therefore annulled.
Then the measure of Compassion, which is the "New
Name Forty-five was supplemented to Justice, and
through It the emendation was effected. It was also
through this Name that the worlds gained stability
and permanence.

We shall now return to the subject of the shattering
of the vessels and explain it in detail These vessels or
newly-invented boundaries were not at first revealed,
but only became apparent in the ten Sefirot of Nekudot .
For as soon as the vessels had been invented, with its
first contraction, the Light of the Emanator entered
them in its full vigor and overpowered them, thereby
preventing their manifestation and inhibiting their pres
ence. But at the emanation of the ten Sefirot of Neku
dot, the Light was diminished to such an extent that
the vessels were able to triumph over It and become

Although, in speaking previously about the Lights
of the Mouth of Adam Kadmon, that is, the Bound
World, we said that a vessel was revealed, nevertheless

** Tr. N. Here the Name for God, Elohim, indicating Justice, is used
rather than Havaya, which stands for Mercy or Compassion.



it is not designated as a revelation for there was no
aggregation of vessels, but only a single vessel, which
might be referred to as a preparatory form of that which
was to be revealed in the world of Nekudot. For the
entire Bound World, with all its contents, is nothing but
a preparatory state to the world of Nekudot. Where
an actual revelation took place in that a vessel was re
vealed, together with all its contents, and was then
converted into ten vessels. Because this revelation was
effected here, Justice grew so dense at this point that it
became the original root of th e husk , or the iitra ahara

For in truth the word "vessel implies none other
than Justice (Din) which obstructs and completely shuts
out the Light. Therefore, at whatever place a boundary
begins to manifest, there the husk has a certain connec
tion, for it obstructs and limits (the Light).

Because of the presence of the husks, the Sefirot
were not capable of complete emendation, for this would
mean that the husks would also be included in the three
parallel pillars of Mercy, Justice and Compassion, and,
as a result of their cohesive action, that they would op
pose the work of the Sefirot. The Supreme Being had
no desire that the husks should issue from that which
was emended, but rather from that which remained un
emended. It was necessary then that the vessels descend
to that low point where the husks could manifest.

Subsequently, when the emendation took place, the
Sefirot were arranged in the form of pillars because the
root of impure powers had by then been expelled from



them. Note that while the vessels were themselves still
without Light, the root of the husk did not incur any
defect in them. The effect of the vessels existence was
already so limiting that the presence of the root of the
husk became possible in them. But when the Light
approached to enter the vesselsand the quality of this
Light was such that the husk had no relationship what
soever with itit could not unite with the vessels.
Thus, in order to receive the Light that would permit
them to act and to govern cooperatively, the vessels were
obliged to descend so many degrees as were necessary to
cause the root of the husk to depart from them. For
as long as the root of the husk was within them, they
were unable to receive the Light. So they were shat
tered, and their form was changed.

Instead of remaining within the realm of Emana
tion, they became BYA, the worlds of Creation, Forma
tion and Action. Bear in mind that the degree of
Emanation prior to the shattering was superior to that
of the current Emanation, for its original power was
lost at the time of the shattering. But at the time of
emendation, four worlds were constructed out of the
three. Emanation is actually the inner essence of the
original world of Creation. Only the portions that be
long to Arik Anpin (Macroprosopus)Crown, "Wisdom
and Intelligencewere left unaltered.

In the ten Sefirot of the Nekudim were comprised
all the Sefirot suitable for apportionment into all the
Farezufim. But their nature was such that in the event
of shattering, their form would change, and, following



emendation, they would be distinguished as the second
Emanation. However, to Arik Anpin alone was some
thing supplemented. In addition to the ten Sefirot al
ready belonging to it (as they did to all the other
Parezufim ) Arik Anpin also had the Crown, Wisdom
and Intelligence of the original Taamim and Nekudot
which were neither changed nor weakened by the shat
tering. These three Sefirot rose to Arik Anpin; and by
virtue of this addition three Heads were fashioned:

1) Atik The Ancient

2) KithraCrown

3) Hokmah Stimoe Concealed Wisdom

In taking this particular Crown at the time of
emendation, Atik assumed the Crown of the Name
forty-five. Likewise, Arik Anpin took Hokmah of the
Name "45 because it has Hokmah of the original
Emanation. Intelligence of the first Emanation, requir
ing "Father and Mother ( Abba & lma) ,for they are
but an extension of the brain, took Hokmah Stimoe.
But the three Heads of Arik Anpin proper were con
stituted of Crown, Wisdom and Intelligence of the
second Emanation.

This is why we refer to two different triads of
Heads. In the first we count the Unknown Head as
one, and Kithra as two. In the second triad we do not
count the Unknown Head, but start from Kithra. There
are two kinds of Emanation. Thus, according to the
first Emanation the Unknown Head is the first Head,
Kithra is the second, Hokmah Stimoe is the third, be
cause Crown, Wisdom and Intelligence are of this type;



but according to the second Emanation we do not count
the Unknown Head because there is nothing in it of this
type. Kithra is the first Head, since it is made of Crown
of the second Emanation.

Similarly, at the time of emendation, all the rest
of the Parezufim were made of the entities of the second
Emanation, comprised in the Sefirot of A Jekudim. Since
they were issued only in the degree of the second Emana
tion, Father and Mother, "whose source is in "Wisdom
and "Intelligence of Arik Anpin, instead of retaining
their original place in its head, now enclo the only its



We shall now outline the manner of the vessels descent
into the world of Creation, and their specific destina
tions therein.

To begin with, we must understand that the descent
of the vessels and the descent of the Lights occurred
simultaneously. However, the Lights remained in the
world of Emanation proper, and did not descend below
it. Their descent (even thus far) is not due to any
defectiveness in the Lights themselves. For, as previ
ously stated, defects are attri butable only to vessels, since
they represent a type of Justice and cannot bear the
Lights, which represent Absolute Mercy.

The reason for the descent of the Lights in the
world of Emanation resides in the fact that the vessels
(also referred to as Kings) were destined to rise to
their places at the time of emendation. This could not
take place if the vessels were so completely removed
from the Light as to remain entirely obscured, un
emended and therefore powerless to rise. To prevent
this from taking place, the Emanator so arranged it
that the individual Lights intended for each vessel shone
into them from their places at a distance in such a
manner that the darkness did not triumph over them.




We shall now explain the order of the descent of
these Lights. When the Light of Daat or Knowledge
(the first of the seven Kings) came forth to reign and to
shine in its place, its vessel was unable to bear it. Thus
the vessel shattered and descended to the place where
"Knowledge in the world of Creation was eventually
to abide. In order to shine into its vessel, the Light it
self descended to the place of "Kingdom of Emanation,
which is located in the world of Creation. The Light
is located therefore at a distance of but three degrees
from its vessel.

The arrangement is similar with each of the Sefirot,
namely, the Light assigned to each vessel shines into it
at a distance of three degrees. Note that the Light of
"Knowledge, which went down to the vessel of "King
dom, did not descend with its full might, for if it did,
the vessel of Kingdom would break, thereby preventing
the required flow of its Light from entering into the
world of Creation. Only a small proportion of the
Lightsuch as "Kingdom could bearentered to shine
below through it into its already descended vessel.

Immediately after the descent of "Knowledge the
Light of "Mercy was issued to reign and shine in its
place. Thus it descended into its vessel. This vessel too
could not bear the ample Light so that it too broke, and
fell to the place of "Intelligence in the world of Crea
tion, while the Light descended to the place of "Founda
tion in the world of Emanation, for the place of "King
dom was already taken by the Light of "Knowledge.
There the Light of Mercy shone into its vessel also at
a distance of three degrees.



Thereafter, "Power was issued and its vessel, being
unable to bear the might of its Light, shattered also.
The vessel descended to the place of "Wisdom of the
world of Creation, and the Light occupied the place
of "Triumph and "Glory in the world of Emanation.
As was remarked, these two Sefirot are symbolic of the
two halves of the body.

Then the Light of "Beauty was issued and desired
to reign in its place; its vessel broke and fell to the
place of "Crown of the world of Creation, but the
Light remained in its place and shone from "here into
its vessel which was now located below. The Light
of "Beauty therefore differs from the other Lights,
for they went below their places to shine ;into their
vessels, while the Light of "Beauty remained in its
own place. From there it radiated forth to its vessel.
Since it had not descended, the Light of "Beauty re
tained its original strength. But the other Lights had
descended, and although it was not due to any defect
or lack in them, their power was thereby somewhat
lessened from its original strength. Although these Lights
remained without garments (vessels) to enclo the them,
they had no desire to rise above from their places, since
their original power no longer existed.

However, when the Light of "Beauty, standing in
its full capacity of power, perceived that it had no
garment (vessel) , it desired to rise above to its place
namely the place of its issuance, which is "Intelligence.
But this would entail complete separation between
"Beauty and its vessel, and the latter would remain
unemended and entirely obscure. So the Supreme Ema-



nator arranged that the vessel belonging to "Crown
(which had not been shattered) should extend and mag
nify its size until it reached below. This vessel is drawn
by way of the middle pillar, for, as described above,
the first three Sefirot were already arranged as pillars,
even prior to the emendation. The vessel reached the
place of "Beauty and enclothed it halfway, to the place
of the Navel. The other half, which remained bare,
rose into the vessel of "Crown and became concealed

Then the Light of "Knowledge, which had de
scended below to "Kingdom of the world of Eman
ation, seeing a new vessel in its place (for "Knowledge
also has its place, in the central pillar, between "Crown
and "Beauty), rose above to its place and its vessel
descended to "Kingdom of the world of Creation.
Since its Light was remote from the vessel, the latter was
unable to remain in its place, and so it descended below
to "Kingdom.

But the vessel of "Beauty did not descend, even
with its Light far removed from it. For in the case
of Beauty the distance is not designated as complete,
since only half of the Light was concealed, and the
other half remained in its place. Hence its vessel also
did not move from the place to which it had descended
namely to "Crown in the world of Creation.

With the ascent of the Light of Knowledge to its
place, the vessel belonging to "Crown was amplified at
the position of "Beauty and extended to the point
where Beauty terminates. Then the lower half of
"Beauty, the Light that had been concealed above, re-



turned to its place; for the Light had originally ascended
in response to the fact that "Crowns vessel was reaching
only halfway down along "Beauty. Perceiving its lack
of enclothement, the lower half of the Light then rose
above into the vessel. But now, the vessel of "Crown
was so full that it extended to the terminating point of
the lower half of "Beauty causing the Light to descend
and return to its original place.

It is important to know how the upward ascent of
"Knowledge caused the magnification of the vessel of
"Crown. There are two reasons: first, while the Light
belonging to "Knowledge passed through that vessel in
order to ascend "Knowledge enclothed it and the Light
radiated therein, thereby amplifying the vessel of Crown.
Secondly, "Knowledge is a collective source for all the
six lower Sefirot .* It is their soul. Therefore when it
rose, it gave power to the vessel of "Crown, and magni
fied it in order to permit the Light of "Beauty to
descend to its original place. It was possible for the
vessel of "Knowledge to go down as far as "Kingdom
in Creation, because the separation between the Light and
the vessel was no greater than three degrees. Although
the Light itself benefitted and the vessel suffered', a lack,
the loss was not great since the immediate welfare of
the Light comes first and because it is obliged to shine
into the vessel anyway.

In the beginning, when there was no vessel at the place
of "Knowledge, the Light of "Knowledge desired to

* Tr. N. "Mercy, "Power, "Beauty, "Triumph, "Glory,



shine into its vessel, since by so doing the vessel would
benefit, and the Light itself would suffer no loss. For
even if the Light had risen back to its place, it would
have had no benefit whatsoever, since there was no vessel.
Therefore, since it descended to shine into its vessel, it
did not rise again.

However, now that a vessel came into being at the
original place of "Knowledge, "Knowledge ascended
to it, for by virtue of its ascent it gained an advantage
and acquired greater Light than the measure it had had

As for the lack in the vessel, this also does not amount
to anything, for when we say that it is necessary for the
distance between Light and vessel to be less than that of
three Sefirot, we refer to three Sefirot of the world of
Emanation, whose measure is extensive. Therefore if the
Light were to be at a distance of three Sefirot of Eman
ation from the vessel, the vessel would be designated as
entirely remote from the Light. But in this case,
although the vessel of "Knowledge descended to "King
dom in the world of Creation, its descent is not con
sidered great, for it resides at the head of the world of
Creation, and even all ten Sefirot of this world taken
together do not equal the size of even one of the Sefirot
in the world of Emanation

Furthermore, you may ask: How can it be that the
Light of Knowledge is entirely remote from its vessel at
a distance of three degrees of Emanation? The answer
is as follows. When we say that the distance of a Light
from a vessel must be no greater than three degrees, this
does not refer to the distance between a vessel and its



own Light, as will be explained later. "What it does mean
is that in order that the vessels shall not be completely
remote from the Lights, it is sufficient for them to be
within the stipulated distance of any Lights, for it does
not matter if these Lights come from Sefirot other than
their own.

Such is the case here: although the Light of "Knowl
edge was considerably removed from its vessel, it made
no difference, since at the end of Emanation there were
other Lights from which this vessel could receive illumi
nation. Or it could even receive its own Light through
the agency of those adjacent Lights. This principle applies
in the case of all the Sefirot. For there is never an instance
in which, between the Light and the vessel, there are
three Sefirot of Emanation empty of Light.

Now to complete the description of the Sefirot,
starting from "Beauty and moving downward. When
the Lights of "Triumph and "Glory came forth to
reign, they should have reigned in their own places.
But their places were not free. The Light of "Power
had descended there, as described above. Then "Intelli
gence extended her vessel and was drawn through the
left pillar to the place which was to be specified for
"Power. For these lower Sefirot were not as yet arranged
in the order of pilars. When the Light of "Power saw
a new vessel in its place, it rose up while its own vessel
descended into "Foundation of the world of Creation.
Because the Light was now further removed from the
vessel, the power of the vessel was diminished, and it
descended below. Following this, since they had been
evacuated, "Triumph and "Glory reigned momentarily



in their proper places, and their vessels broke, descending
to the place of "Triumph and "Glory of the world of
Creation. The Lights themselves rose up as far as
"Power. The reason for their joint ascent to that point
is that since "Triumph and "Glory are the two halves
of the body, it is impossible for one to rise without the
other. Therefore, when "Glory rose up as far as
"Power (because Glory is part of the same left pillar
as Power), "Triumph (although it belongs to the right
pillar) rose there as well.

Thereafter, the Light of "Foundation came forth,
but it did not proceed to its own place, since the Light
of "Mercy was occupying it. This necessitated the
extension of the vessel of "Wisdom by way of the right
pillar all the way to the place where Mercy would be
established after the Emendation. Then the Light of
"Mercy rose there and became included in the vessel of
"Wisdom. "Mercys vessel descended into "Beauty
of the world of Creation, since its Light was now at a
remote distance from it. Then "Foundation reigned in
its own place. Its vessel shattered and descended into
"Power of the world of Creation. Its Light rose by
way of the central pillar up to the place of "Knowledge
of the world of Emanation.

Following that the Light of "Kingdom came forth.
Its vessel was unable to bear this Light, and it broke.
Thus the vessel descended to the place of "Mercy of
Creation, and the Light rose to "Knowledge by way of
the central pillar, just as the Light of "Foundation had



That is why the vessel of "Beauty is located at
"Crown in the world of Creation, and the vessel of
"Kingdom at "Mercy in the world of Creation, and
there is no instance in which the distance between one
vessel and another is greater than three degrees. Also, in
the world of Emanation there is no space which is void of
Light extending more than three degrees.

So much for the matter of the shattering of the
"Kings. Now let us examine why the Lights of
"Foundation and of "Kingdom rose up to "Knowledge
that is, higher than the Lights of "Beauty. It is
important to remember that the Sefira of "Foundation
possesses a special capability which gives it preference
over the other Sefirot in that it is able to rise all the way
up to the place of "Knowledge. In the writings of
Isaac Luria explaining the uniting process between Z eir
Anpin ( microprosopus ) and "Leah during the Minha
prayers, and how this union can take place when the
Feet of "Leah reach only to the Chest of ZO. The
solution is derived from what we have said, namely that
at the time of the Minha prayer, one-third of the Sefira
of "Foundation rises to the upper third of "Beauty of
ZO, and there unites with "Leah.

This matter is also alluded to in the Z ohar, where
Joseph (Foundation) is spoken of as being above, and
below. He has this virtue because upon Foundation de
pends the union, and through it passes the generative
seed, which issues from Knowledge and proceeds to the
feminine polarity. If he had not this power of rising all
the way to "Knowledge (the soul of the six Sefirot),
where the five Mercies which constitute the generative



seed reside, "Foundation would be unable to draw this
seed from "Knowledge itself in order to bring it down
to the feminine polarity.

Since it is customary for "Foundation to make
the ascent to "Knowledge, we can see why, during the
shattering of the vessels, the Light of "Foundation rose
up to "Knowledge, even surpassing "Beauty. Further
more, the ascent was made in order to bind together all
the six Sefirot and to transmit the illumination of
"Knowledge to them for Daat, or "Knowledge is the
very soul of the Sefirot.

Now let us examine the ascent of "Kingdom to
the place of Knowledge. The matter is as follows: at
the outset, when the vessel of "Knowledge broke and
separated from its Light, the Light descended to "King
dom in the world of Emanation, and although later this
Light rose from "Kingdom to "Knowledge it still left
its impression there. It is the nature of divine Lights to
leave their "impression when they depart from any
particular place which they have occupied. It was
from this impression of the Light of "Knowledge that
the Light of "Kingdom derived its power to rise up.
Moreover, the ascent of "Kingdom represents a great
accomplishment in the process of Emendation.

It has already been explained how and why the
Lights of both "Triumph and "Glory rose to the
place of the Sefira "Power. Now, with the rising of
"Kingdom, "Triumph separated itself from "Glory and
went to the right pillar, for that is its place. Thus, the
impression of the Light of Knowledge left with Kingdom
actually makes it "Kingdom of "Knowledge, which is



composed of the substance of the Powers in the Sefira
Knowledge. When Kingdom rose, therefore, this
impression of Light rose with it. The impression, which
derives from the Powers and is the diadem of the fem
inine polarity, united with the Mercies which reside in
Knowledge, and are called the diadem of the masculine
polarity; as a result of this union, Knowledge shone
into the six Sefirot. The impression shone into the left
pillar and caused Glory to remain in her proper place.
The diadem of the masculine polarity, that is, the
Mercies, shone into the right pillar, causing Triumph
to separate from "Glory and cross over to its proper
place on the right pillar.

In this way all the six Sefirot were emended by
virtue of the ascent of Kingdom.

All the vessels which descended into the world of
Creation at the time they became defective, were selected,
and emended during which time they ascended to their
places. But they were not selected completely. Each
and every day they continue to be selected and emended
by means of our prayers. The power of the husks,
which came into being because of these vessels, gradually
declines as these selections are withdrawn from them.
When the process of selection will have been completed,
that is, when they will have been completely selected,
then the husk will be entirely annulled. This will occur
at the time of the final emendation, when the shell will be
exterminated, and the Divine Power alone will, remain.

On that eventful occasion, the Prophet tells us:
He will destroy death forever; and the Lord God will
wipe away tears from off all faces . . . (Isaiah XXV ).



And it is also said: "And the Lord shall be king over all
the earth: in that day shall the Lord be One, and His
Name One. (Zachariah XIV, 9 )



What follows is a description of the fall of the
posterior parts of Aba and Ima (Father and Mother).
We have already mentioned above that the fall of these
posterior parts is different from the shattering of the
seven lower Sefirot, for they descended to the worlds of
Creation, Formation and Action, while these, although
they descended from their degree, remained in the world
of Emanation itself. It must also be borne in mind that
the fall of the posterior parts of Father and Mother was
not due to any shortcomings of theirs for the breaking
of the vessel is a result of its merger with the root of
the evil spirit, which rendered the vessels unable to re
ceive the Light or to unite with it. The vessels were
shattered in order to be purified.

However, in the three first Sefirot, there is no trace
of the root of a shell, or evil spirit. The fact that the
other seven Sefirot were unable to issue in the arrange
ment of three pillars is proof that the evil spirit was rooted
in them. But, since the evil spirit already had no con
nection with them, the first three Sefirot were arranged
in the order of pillars. Nevertheless, they too were af
fected in that they were drawn down in the form of the
brain of Adam Kadmon into the seven lower S-efirot.

As far as they themselves are concerned, they were
emended so that they could sustain their own existence,




but their emendation was not as great as that of the
seven lower Sefirot. Instead, while their anterior por
tions remained unaffected, their posterior parts descended
from their degree.

What we mean by the terms "anterior and "pos
terior are, respectively, parts that shine and parts that
do not shine. They are the source of the "front and
"back in man. Thus, when we speak of a condition of
"face to face or "back to back in relation to Parezufim,
we refer to a change of administration: that is, when the
posterior part of the Parezuf is dominating, the anterior
part is concealedor vice versa. These alternate admin
istrations result from changing cycles, or from the actions
of mankind.*

Although the Sefirot "Wisdom and "Intelligence
are Nekudot (Points), nevertheless we find in them the
ability to see each other "face to face. This effects in
them what resembles the union that is required for the
issuance of the seven lower Sefirot which are as offspring
to them, for actually they are drawn from them. For
these two Sefirot (even only as Points) also comprise the
appropriate parts that are later to be allotted to Father
and Mother (Aba and hna) , to Israel the Ancient and
Understanding (Israel Saba and Tebunah ), at the time
that they are subdivided into these four Parezufim. (Thus,
the Sefirot of Nekudot comprise all the qualities pertain-

* TR. N. In brief, when the posterior part rules, and the
Light is hidden from the world, it means that the world is under
rigid Judgment; but when we speak of the anterior part ruling,
then it means that the Light of Mercy is shining, and that the
world is being governed through Compassion.



ing to all the Parezufim of Emanation, which are disclosed
at the time they are manifested.)

During the time that the "Kings (vessels] existed.
Father and Mother were in a condition of being "face
to face. But with their fall, Father and Mother suf
fered a diminution of all degrees, culminating in the fall
of their posterior parts. The order of this diminution is
as follows:

When "Knowledge fell, simultaneously the two
pillars, that is, Mercy and Power of "Knowledge in
Father and Mother, descended into the body. This de
prived Father and Mother of the privilege of facing, that
is, observing, each other."' When Mercy fell, the
posterior part of Father descended, causing him to turn
his back to the face of Mother. Then, instead of being,
as at first, "face to face, they were changed into a con
dition of "face to back. When the vessel of "Power
fell, the posterior part of Mother descended, causing her
to turn her back to the back of Father, who had pre
viously turned. Thus they came to the condition of
"back to back. When a third part of the vessel of
"Beauty fell, then the posterior parts of the ' Founda
tions Father and Mother descended.

When the remainder of "Beauty fell, "Mercy and
"Power of Knowledge in Israel the Ancjent and
Understanding, descended into the body. When "Tri
umph and "Glory fell, then the posterior part of Israel
the Ancient and Understanding descended. Thus they

* TR. N. Since Knowledge, which is their mediator, is no
longer present to unite them.



too assumed the position "back to back. When "Foun
dation fell, then the posterior part of their "Foun
dations descended. When "Kingdom fell, then the
posterior parts of the "Crowns of Israel the Ancient
and Understanding descended.

Thus the corruption of the posterior parts of the
Sefirot "Triumph, "Glory and "Foundation belong
ing to "Crown, was completed. The cause for the
defect in "Triumph, "Glory and "Foundation of
"Crown was that they had been drawn in the form of
brain into Father and Mother, and not because of any
fault of their own. The posterior part of Father and
Mother descended to the encircling Light of "Mercy
and "Power in the world of Emanation. The posterior
part of Israel the Ancient and Understanding descended
into the anterior and posterior parts of "Kingdom.

Now you can see that the whole incident of shatter
ing is one process, affecting the seven lower vessels and
the four posterior parts of Father and Mother, and
Israel the Ancient and Understanding. From these the
husk was built. So that in our daily prayers we express
"Pifuin Hahetoret . . . the mixture of perfumes which
comprises eleven different ingredients of incense, in order
to select these eleven distinct entities of divinity from
the husk. Their selection is to continue until the advent
of the Messiah, for only then will they be completely
extracted from the shells.



We shall now explain the subject of the 28 j 8 Sparks
(in Hebrew RESH, PEH, CHET) which are often
mentioned in discussions of the shattering of the "Kings.
We have already described above the shattering of the
seven lower Sefirot of the Nekudim, for in them alone,
and not in the three first Sefirot, did the shattering occur.
Their debasement means their death.

It is necessary to bear in mind the principle that all
things existing in the world exemplify that which oc
curred in those "Kings. The death of man) in this
world is analogous of the descent of those "Kings.
Thus, for example, when a person dies, the soul and the
body separate from each other. The soul rises jabove to
its abode, while the body descends to the earth, wherein
it is buried. In the descent of those "Kings, tljie Lights
separated from the vessels as the soul of a man jseparates
from his body. The soul of the vessel (in their case,
the Lights), rose above to its place in the world of Ema
nation, while the vessels themselves (corresponding to the
body of a man) descended below to the world pf Crea
tion. This was their "burial. The emendation of these
vessels, and their ascent, when that ocurs, instructs us
regarding the event of resurrection, when the (lead will
be made living. The very bodies that were buried will
rise, just as the vessels were raised at the time of selection.




Note that just as when a person dies, some spirit is
left in his body, designated by the Z ohar as the "heat of
the bones, so that it may be sustained until the time of
its resurrection, likewise, when those "Kings descended,
a small amount of spiritual power was left in them in
order to sustain them during the period of emendation
of the world of Emanation. This power is referred to
as the 288 Sparks, which remained in the vessels when
they descended to the world of Creation. However, the
principal Lights departed to go above into the world of
Emanation, leaving only a small part in the vessels to
animate them. 288 Lights remainthis being the sum
total of the four quantities of 72 Sparks which descended
from the four Names: 72, 63, 45, 52.

At the outset, it is necessary to know that the
superior entities of the Lights rose upward, while the
inferior ones remained in the world of Creation. Now
to explain the different degrees of strength in the Lights
and the measure of superiority of one Light over another.

It is already known that the Lights of the world of
Emanation are comprised of all the variations on the four
Havayas, which are as follows:

1) Havaya totalling 72;

2) 63;

3) 45;

4) 52:

The principal Lights are the four simple (that is,
not spelled out) letters of the Name HAVAYA when
they appear in the shapes of the four Hebrew Letters.
Thre is also another form, that is, when the HAVAYA


is considered in its numerical value, as when we say that
the four simple letters of the Havaya amount to 26.
These two distinctions exist also in the "posterior spell
ing of the Name, as well as in the fully-spelled Name,
and again in the completed spelling of the fully-spelled
Name. The process of permutation goes on ad infinitum.
It is self-evident that the shapes of the letters themselves
are considered more as origin and source of Creation than
for the numerical value they yield.

The following outline describes the stages of the
Havaya whose numerical value is 72. From this, all the
other Havayas will be understood:

The first stage is the shape of the four simple letters, thus:


The second stage is the progression of the shape of the
four simple letters, thus: Y YH YHV YHWH.
They are ten letters in all. This is the backward aspect
of the Name HAVAYA.

The third stage is the total of the simple four letters of
the Havaya, which is 26. Y-10; H-5;

W-6; H-5

The fourth stage is the total of the progression of the
four letters, which is 72. Y-10; YH-15;

YHW-21; YHWH-26

The fifth stage consists of the ten spelled-out letters of
Havaya, thus: YWD HY WYW HY.



The sixth stage is the fully spelled-out progression when
it appears as follows: YWD; YWD, HY; YWD,

The seventh stage is the number 72, which represents
the total of the spelled-out Havaya.

The eighth stage, totalling 184, is the numerical value of
the progression of the fully spelled-out Name.

Y = 10 W = 6 D = 4 x 2 =40

H = 5 Y = 10 = 15 + 20 + 15 +
W=6j-Y=10 + W = 6 = 22 + 20
+ 15 + 22 + 15 = 184

In this manner, the stages proceed ad infinitum.
And it is the same with the other Names. We must
know that each preceding stage is superior to the one
that succeeds it; recall that the Sparks that were left in
the vessel are of the most inferior quality. It must also
be borne in mind that Sparks originally descended from
each of the four Havayas in order to animate their
vessels. The sparks of the Havaya 72 descended into the
vessels that belongs to 72. And the same is true of the
others; since the Sparks of one Havaya have no power
to animate the vessel belonging to a different Havaya, it
was therefore necessary that Sparks should descend from
each individual name.

It is necessary to know further that the Havaya of
72 is superior in quality to all the other Havayas. The
next in degree is the Havaya 63; next to it is the Havaya
45; and below it is the Havaya of 52. Because of these
variations in degree the manner of their descent is dis-



similar. Thus, in the Name 72highest in degree the
shattering was not so thorough. Its descending Sparks
were few. From the Name 63 more Sparks fell than
from 72, but less than those from the Name 45. From
the Name 45, more Sparks fell than from 65, but less
than what fell from the name 52. From 52 more Sparks
fell than from all the others, for the name 52 is the
lowest of all.

The first six stages of the highest Havaya, 72, as
cended to the world of Emanation. The remaining
stagesfrom the seventh ontoge ther with their vessels
descended to the world of Creation. However, those
stages which follow the seventh are not considered sepa
rately, but are included in the seventh, which is the only
stage that is counted. It is the sum of the ten letters of
the fully spelled-out Name, which amounts to 72.

From the Lights of the Name 63, only the first four
degrees rose to the world of Emanation. The two other
superior degrees descended to the world of Creation. They
are the fifth degree: the shapes of the ten spelled-out
letters of the Name; and the sixth degree, their posterior
part. When we count the ten spelled-out letters simply
as ten letters and add their numercial value, which is 63,
the total is 73.

From the Name 45, which is "Beauty, only two
upper degrees rose to the world of Emanation, since this
Name is lower in degree than 63. The remaining degrees
descended below. The third degree, which is the numeri
cal value of the four letters of the Name Havaya and



the seventh degree, which is the numerical value of the
ten spelled-out letters, totals 71 (26 + 45).

From the Name 52, only the uppermost degree con
sisting of the four simple letters of Havaya, that is, the
letters themselves, rose to the world of Emanation. The
reason for this is that the Name 52 is in "Kingdom,
and is the lowest. Here the extent of the shattering was
greatest of all. Therefore, with the sole exception of the
first degree, which rose to Emanation, all the remaining
Lights of "Kingdom were unable to rise upward and so
they fell into the World of Creation. This is the key to
the knowledge that "Kingdom is but one Point; for
only the one of its Points, the first degree, remained in
the world of Emanation, and the remainder descended

Hence, the 72 Sparks which fell from the Name 52
are the sum of the progression of the ten backwards
letters of the simple Havaya that amount to 72. From
the Name 72 we stipulate descent of the seventh degree
only, and from the Name 63, the fifth and the seventh,
and from the Name 45 the third and the seventh and
from the Name 52 only the fourth. The reason is that
all the differences in the descent of these Names exist
only upwards of the seventh degree, while in the seventh
and other degrees below it, all are similar. Thus in every
Name the seventh degree, and all those degrees that
are below it, descended below. But the degrees below
the seventh are not counted for they are submerged in it.

Remember that the posterior part (or progression)
of a Havaya is submerged in that quality of Havaya



which is called the anterior part. Therefore.] although
the ahnrayim (posterior parts) also descend] they are
nevertheless not counted since they are submerged. One
exception to this is the Havaya 52, which will be dis
cussed shortly.

Something further must be borne in mine, and that
is, that when there are two equal numbers, only one is
counted and not the second. Proof of this iii the fact
that the ten spelled-out letters of the Name 45 fell, just
as did those of the Name 63. For when the thlj.rd degree
of 45 fell, all the other degrees were drawn after it and
were submerged in it. Yet we do not couni: the ten
spelled-out letters of 45. that is, the fifth degree, for this
degree is already found in the amount of 72 (Sparks) of
63. Even if the spelled-out letters of two different
Names were similar in amount, they would nojt both be
counted, because although the Sparks are similar in their
very being, when the lower ones fall, they remain at the
place where the upper ones had already fallen! At the
outset the ten letters of 63 descended.*' Theh the ten
letters of the Name 45 fell and remained at Jthe place
where the letters of 63 were. Although they ar!j; unequal
(the ten letters of 45 being inferior to thosjl; of 63)
nevertheless when they fell below they met those of 63
and were intermingled. They fell no lower, bjrt united
with them. This happened because they are! alike in
number (each of them consisting of ten letters). How-


* TR. N. At the start it was the upper Kings who reigned:
and later came the reign of the the lower Kings.



ever, when numbers are dissimilar, then each individually
goes down to its appropriate place. Wherever there is
similarity, they are not repeated. The ten letters of the
Name 45 are not counted individually since they are
bound with the ten letters of the Name 63. But the
seventh degree (of the Names 72, 63, and 45) is counted
separately because in each instance it differs from the
others. The third degree of the Name 45 is counted
individually because no degree descended from the other
Names which bore any similarity to this one. Likewise,
in the Name 63 we count its 73 Sparks, that is, its fifth
degree, the ten spelled-out letters, because no similar
degree descended from the Name 72; and also the numer
ical value of the ten spelled-out letters, which we count
in each of the Names, because numerically all are dis

We shall now explain the fourth aggregation of 72
Sparks of the Name 52, which is "Kingdom. We have
said above that this is the fourth stage, namely the sum
of the posterior part, or progression of the simple Havaya,
which amounts to 72. The reason we count the posterior
part here though we do not in the other cases, is that
wherever we count the "face or anterior part of a
Havaya, then the posterior part is completely excluded
from the count.* Thus, in the three other Havayas,

* TR. N. The eight stages earlier enumerated consist of
four pairs of Face and posterior part. Thus the first, third
fifth and seventh stages in all the Names are Face; while the
second, fourth, sixth and eighth stages are the posterior parts
of these Faces.



where we count the faces, the posterior parts: submerge
into the Faces and are not counted. But, heiie since we
do not count the Face, we do count the posterior part.
Yet it is necessary to know the reason why in the Name
52 the Face is not countedif we were to count the
Face then we would not have to count the posterior part,
and it would be similar to the others. Therefore, it is
necessary to give meaning to each stage separately.

Thus, we do not count the third stage the sum of
the four simple letters (of the Name 52, amounting to
26) because this was already included in the total of the
Name 45, and is submerged in it, as mentioned earlier.

The seventh stage, or degree, which represents the
amount of the spelled-out Name of 52, is not counted,
although it is unlike all the other Havayas. Therefore,
in order to understand this exclusion it is necessary to
know the content of the Havaya 52. Of what does it
consist? Note that this Havaya is spelled with Hes, and
is thus actually composed of two Havayas: in other
words, it is a double Havaya. For the letters filling in
the Havaya are actually the double of the simple letters.
Even the Waw and Dalet that fill the Yud, although dif
ferent in appearance from the simple Yud itself are the
same in numerical value.

Of these two Havayas one is designated as ZO
(Microprosopus) and one as the feminine polarity. When
these two are united, ZO gives his Havaya to her and
thus two Havayas are manifested in the feminine polar
ity. This is the Name of 52, that of the feminine


The seventh degree of the Name 52 is not counted,
for the essential part of 52 derives from ZO and there
fore we do not count it independently. For the same
reason, we do not count the fifth degree either, that is,
the form of the fully-spelled out letters of this Havaya.
Therefore, since none of the anterior (Face) degrees
could be counted, only the stage of the posterior part is

It is important to know that these Names of 72 and
63 which we have already mentioned are not those which
existed before the emendation took place, but rather those
which came into being following the emendation. In
order to understand this it is necessary to present an ex
planation, as follows.

When the ten Points issued from the eyes of Adam
Kadmon, and were traversing the world of Emanation
in their descent to the world of Creation, they left their
impressions there. From the Points of their Crown the
Pareznf Microprosopus, or Crown, was later made.* From
the Points of their "Wisdom and "Intelligence, the
Parezufim of Father and Mother (which are "Wisdom
and "Intelligence in the world of Emanation) were
made following the emendation. And from the Points
of their seven lower Sefirot, the Parezufim of ZON,
which are the seven Sefirot of Emanation, were later
made. (ZON comprises Microprosopus and his Feminine

* TR. N. This is the Parezuf of Arik Anpitt.



However later, at the time of emendation, the worlds
descended from their original degrees and they were not
located as they had been at first, but in a different man
ner, as follows. It has been shown that the seven lower
Sefirot of Macroprosopus are enclothed in the world of
Emanation, and as will be shown later, that all the
Parezufim clo the him. From this, it would seem to be
fitting that Father and Mother, which represent "Wis
dom and "Intelligence, should abide above, at the
place of "Wisdom and "Intelligence of Macroprosopus
but this was not the case. Instead, they enclothed
"Mercy and "Power of Macroprosopus.

The same condition obtains with ZO, Micrpprosopus,
which consists of the six lower Sefirot. In like manner,
they should have enclothed the six Sefirot of Macro
prosopus, but this was not the case. Instead, they clothed
only from half of its Sefira "Beauty on down. But
Kingdom remained in its first position and enfolded
"Kingdom of Macroprosopus.

Summarizing the foregoing, we shall say that the
Name 72, whose place is in "Wisdom, enfolded 'Mercy.
The Name 63, whose place is in "Intelligence, enfolded
only "Power of Arik Anpin. The Name 45, which is
synonymous with ZO was placed at the lower half of
"Beauty and "Triumph, "Glory and "Foundation of
Macroprosopus, although ZO itself comprises all of six
Sefirot. And the Name 52 is in "Kingdom itself, for
"Kingdom alone remained in its place.

It is evident then that the Names 72 and 63 men
tioned above are not those Names which existed prior to



the emendation, but those that exist following the emen
dation. In other words, the Names 72 and 63 to which
we ascribe shattering were those entities which following
the Emendation, were fit to clo the "Mercy and "Power
of Macroprosopus. If this were not the case and they had
remained in the form of the original entities, it would
have been impossible for the Names 72 and 63 to have
undergone shattering, particularly since it is known that
these two Names represent "Wisdom and "Intelligence,
the two Sefirot that have never undergone shattering.

It is essential to understand that these 288 Sparks
(RPH) are all very severe Judgments. They issued
from the Primordial "Kings that were shattered; these
"Kings in turn were issued from the "strong Light
(Butzino Decordenuso) which was hidden in the womb
of the Mother (Intelligence) as expressed in the Z ohar.
This "strong Light is the origin of all the Judgments
and Judicial Powers. Because it resides in Mother she is
designated as the source of all Judgments. The T.ohar
also notes that Judgments arise from her. It is this Light
which fixes the measure and limit of every Sefira.

Note that since she is the source of all Judgments,
this act of limiting is ascribed to her. This is because
every measure and limit to things is the result of Judg
ment, whose nature it is to restrain. This is closely
related to the nature of the husks or shells the Kelipah.

Bear in mind that "Mercy ( Hesed ) and "Justice
(Din) are the two stages created by the Supreme Eman-
ator for the purpose of governing the world. They are
of diverse nature. The nature of "Mercy is to extend
amply, without limit or measure, whereas the nature of



Justice is to conceal the Light and to completely re
strain it. However, in ho instance does one of these two
attri butes act independently of the other. Thus there
is no Mercy without Justice and no Justice without
Mercy. The root of the matter lies in this:: Mercys
nature is to flow forth, to extend itself, while that of
Justice is to restrain. But while Justice is still close to
its sources, it cannot entirely fulfill its function because
of the strength of the Light of the source, this: Infinite,
blessed be He. Because of this, Mercy triumphs greatly
over Justice. As, however, the descent below proceeds
and the source becomes more remote, the Light of Mercy
is decreased and the power of Justice is increased. In
this manner, it proceeds from stage to stage, the Light
becoming ever smaller and Justice ever increasing until
there remains only Justice, entirely without Mbrcy. At
this point Justice restrains and entirely blocks the Light;
here it is called "husk or "shell, or "rigid and severe
Justice. This sort of Justice is unfit to abide in the
Divine Realm and is expelled below. It is called "scum
because it is actually the sediment of Justice.

Let us now examine the origin and development of
Justice. We have already declared at the outset that
before anything existed in the world, it was necessary
that the Supreme Emanat
would not be extended in its full might. That act already
marked the beginning of the manifestation of the root
of Justice. Although the use of the term "Justice is
inappropriate in such an exalted realm, nevertheless, since
there was a kind of "hindering of the Light, the source,
or origin of Justice took root here. Therefore, the



starting-point of existence for the root of Justice occurred
at the first contraction of the Light. But there it abso
lutely did not manifest, because of the exalted nature
of the realm. Only when it extended below did Justice
increase in power. Thus, in each and every world the
Light is diminished and Justice increases in power until it
becomes so rigid that it cannot abide in the Divine realm,
and is thus expelled. It is called "sitra ahara (the
other side), or the extreme opposite of the Divine
Light. This other side is a different creation, opposed
in nature to the Divine Sefirot. In short, it is the
essence of the husk. Further details about the nature
of the husks will be dealt with in later chapters.



The "Strong Light is the root of all the Judgments.
From her issue the "Kings, which are composed of the
substance of these extremely severe Judgments., As it is
said in the Idra portion of the Z ohar; "A Spark brought
forth Sparks, and the number of Sparks scattered is 320.
In other words, these Sparks that issued from the Strong
Light, were divided into 320, and constituted the seven
"Kings which broke. The Judgments residing within
Mother are the Butsino or Strong Lights, they are
comprised of 320 Sparks, for five times fr DzV (Judg
ment) whose numerical value is 64 amounts to 320.
From these, the "Kings issued, but they constitute only
315, lacking five. These five are the origin from which
all of them were issued and spread into 7 x 45 (the num
ber of Adam.

The reason for this is that those seven "Kings are
ZO in whom there is a Havaya (Holy Name) with
Alef, the numerical value of which is 45, equalling
Adam. For the past reason they are seven times "Adam
(45)amounting to 315.

Nevertheless, because they originate from the 320
Judgments of Mother, they are spread out into 320 Sparks
in the following manner. There are really eight "Kings
in all. Each is divided into four, after the manner of
the four-lettered Havaya. As we have pointed out
above, the Lights of the world of Emanation are all




Havayas. Thus, we find that since four times eight is
thirty-two, and each of these thirty-two comprises ten
(for it is known that each Sefira comprises ten Sefirot)
they total 320, for 10 x 32 is 320.

At the time of the selection and emendation only
288 Sparks in all were selected. The remaining Sparks
were left in Mother and are called "thorns. In the
future, at the coming of the Messiah the Owner of the
Orchard will come and destroy these thorns. They will
vanish from the face of the earth. As it is said in the
Scriptures: "And I will take away the stony heart.
(Ezekiel XXVI, 26). It must be understood that the
thorns are 32 in number, the same as the numerical value
of the word lev (heart). This touches on the mystery
of the "stone heart. The Creator made His promise
for the future to eliminate the 32 thorns from the world.

The reason for the selection of only 288 Sparks is
that in each path "Kingdom could not be selected, for
it is the lowest of all the entities and nearest to the shell
or husk. Only the three primary Sefirot, and the six
succeeding Ones of every entity were selected. Thus
we get 288 Sparks in all; from this number, Sparks are
constantly being selected which rise above to the Divine
Realm. These 288 Sparks are the total of four quantities
of 72 Sparks that fell from above. Later, at the time of
emendation, when the Kings rose up to Mother to be
emended, she gave them a drop of MN (the Feminine
Waters) which comprises five Judgments, and thereby
completed them at the number 320, for they were origin
ally 315 in number. Later they became 325, that is,
through the union of Father and Mother, when he gave



her five Judgments. In her newly tempered state they
become five Mercies; through these Mercies the 3^0
Sparks are tempered, or sweetened, and become 325.

In the words of the Z ohar: "We have learned that
from the "Strong Light issue 325 Sparks. That is to
say, after they are tempered by the Judgments of Father,
they issue as the number of 325.

To reiterate: at the outset the "Kings were issued
f r om the five Judgments that are within Mother. These
Kings are the 320 Judgments, which we compute by
multiplying Din 64 by five. Later, they decrease in
number to 315, which is equivalent to seven times Adam
45. At the time of the emendation, they regain their
original number of 320 because of the drop of MN
feminine waterswith which Mother completes them.
They are subsequently tempered by the Judgments of
Father ("Wisdom), which turn to Mercies in Mother,
and become 325.

It is important to know also that in the Feminine
Polarity there are 320 Judgments, this total (320) being
arrived at by multiplying Din (Judgment), or 64, by 5.
This distinguishes her as "Rigid Judgment in the aspect
of the seven "Kings. Later, when the Masculine Polarity
unites with her, they become 325.

It is important to understand this concept
thoroughly, for by five times Din we mean that Din
which derives from the Holy Name ADNI, and adds up
to a total of 320.

At that point the Judgments are absolutely untem
pered. But when the five Alefs which are the five
Names of AHWH unite with them they become tern-



pered, and reach the number 325: Specifically five times
ADNI (whose number is 65), or 325.

The Feminine Polarity is then called "the virgin
( naaroh which also has the numerical value of 325)
who receives the masculine essence. In other words, after
she receives the modification of five Judgments from the
Masculine Polarity, she also becomes fit to receive the
drop of Mercies. Because of this modification, or tem
pering which the Feminine Polarity receives from the
Masculine Polarity, she is called, in the words of the
Z ohar, "Mild Judgment. For she herself is rigid
Judgment, but through the conjoining of the Masculine
with her (that is, of the five Alefs from the Name
AHYH) her Judgments are tempered. As a result, she
is designated "Mild Judgment.

It is necessary to note that this addition of "five
which the Masculine Polarity gives the Feminine Polarity
in order to temper her Judgments, are the five Judgments
called "MNZPK (the five final Hebrew letters) the
numerical value of which is 280. It is through these
five that her Judgments are tempered.

Remember that the 320 are the Judgments of the
Feminine Polarity alone, where as the Judgments of
"MNZPK belong to the Male Polarity alone. He
transfers them to the Sefira "Foundation ( Yesod ) of
the Feminine Polarity.

The foregoing should thoroughly explain the idea
of the 288 Sparks, as well as the meanings of the 320
and the 325 Judgments mentioned many times in the
Lohar and elsewhere as the "Kings which are in the
nature of Judgments, and which were later tempered
and emended in their places.



Up to now we have depicted that which pertains
to the world of Nekudot, the "chaotic world. In the
following pages we shall explain the subject of the "Olam
ha-Berudim the Emended World, and the order of the
Parezufim of the world of Emanation, as they were
arranged by the Supreme Emanator.

After the worlds were disintegrated, and Iliad des
cended from their original stages, the Supreme Emanator
issued the New Name 45 ( Mah ha-Hodosh) through
which everything was emended. In order to issue this
Name, the two Names 72 and 63 of Adam Kadmon
united again, and thus the New Name 45 was brought
to birth. It was issued from the forehead of Adam
Kadmon. It was not actually new, but was now renewed
by the power of the Light of the union of the Names
72 and 63.

This Name, 45, raised up all the extractions from
the husks, and combined them into pillars; for what
actually had caused the disintegration was the arrange
ment of the "Kings one below the other without any
thing linking them together. But now, being united as
pillars, they were able to continue to exist.

After raising the shell extractions that are of the
quality of the Name 52, the new Name, 45, united with




them; it is considered to be the Masculine Polarity, while
the Name 52 is the Feminine Polarity. (Every Sefira
was comprised of male and female.)

A portion of Sparks still remained among the husks.
By means of our daily prayers we gradually raise them,
until eventually they will all be raised to their proper
realm. Then the husks will be left without sustenance,
and will therefore be lifeless. At this point they will
completely vanish. This will occur in the future, at the
advent of Messiah, when, as the Prophet expresses it:
"He will destroy death forever. (Isaiah XXV).

Now let us examine the process of emendation in
detail. When the Supreme Emenator desired that the
worlds which had been rendered defective should be
emended, He brought forth the New Name 45, which
issued from the Forehead of Adam Kadmon, and united
with the Name 52, in order to correct the creation.

However, to fully understand the emendation, we
must investigate the nature of this new Name 45, and
the manner in which it became united with the Name
called 52. The Name 45 comprises ten Sejirot, and is
divided into four categories, namely: TNTO (or
Ta amim, Nekudot, Tagin and Otiot). This is also
true of the Name 52. When the Sejirot of 45 and 52
unite, then together they are designated as ten complete
Sejirot , since they comprise both Masculine and Feminine

TAAMIM (signs indicating pitch)
NEKUDOT (vowel sounds)

TAGIN (ornamental strokes)
OTIOT (letters)

and his Feminine Polarity

are Intelligence



However, their subdivision in Parezufim is not in accord
ance with the above arrangement. Nor do the Sefirot
of 45 and 52 correspond to each other: that is., for ex
ample, "Crown of 45 does not match with Crown of
52, "Wisdom of 45 does not match with "Wisdom of
52, and so on. Instead their order is as follows:

The two Parezufim of Atik and Arik together con
stitute "Crown of the world of Emanation. Thus Atik
took for himself all of the Crown of 45, which are the
T aa mini; half of the Crown of 52, which arc his first
five Sefirot; the first three Sefirot of "Wisdom of 52;
the first four Sefirot of "Intelligence: and the seven
"Crowns of the seven lower Sefirot of 52. Arik. took
for himself all of "Wisdom of 45, which are the Neku-
dot, and half of "Crown of 52, that is, from his Sefira
Beauty downward.

Father took to himself half of "Intelligence of 45,
(which are the Tagin), and the seven lower Sefirot of
"Wisdom, for her first three had been taken by Atik.

Mo the r took to herself the lower half of "Intelli
gence of 45, which are the Tagin, and the six lower
Sefirot of "Intelligence of 52, for the four upper ones
had been taken by Atik.

The seven lower Sefirot took to themselves the
seven lower Sefirot of the names 45 and 52, excluding,
however, the seven Crowns of the seven lower Sefirot of
52, which remained in Atik.

Do not conclude that the Parezufim are one thing,
and what they have taken is something else, for this is
not so. The truth is that the Parezufim that were con
structed here are themselves the substance of the Sefirot
of 45 and 52, in the order outlined above.



Bear in mind that that which the Parezufim took
from the Name 45 is masculine, while that from 52 is
feminine. For instance, the part which Atik took from
45 is designated "Male Atik and that taken from 52 is
designated "Female Atik The same is true in the case
of Arik Anpin.

Do not question the presence in such exalted realms
which are all Compassionof the Feminine Polarity,
which is Judgment. From the words of the Z ohar, too,
it is seen that the Feminine Polarity was revealed only
from the Parezufim of Father and Mother downward.
In fact, as stated previously, the main objective of the
emendation of every entity is that it shall constitute both
Masculine and Feminine Polarities. Thus we find that
the Parezuf of Atik is constituted of 45 and 52. How
ever, this does not signify that the Feminine Polarity of
Atik is a Parezuf distinct from him. This is impossible,
for the reason above mentioned. However, when we
speak of the "Feminine Polarity of Atik we merely
mean the feminine essence found in this Parezuf, namely
the essence of the Name 52.

The same is true of the Parezuf of Arik. But this
is not the case with Father and Mother or Microprospus
and his Feminine Polarity; here the Feminine Polarities
are Parezufim different from the masculine, and compris
ing both Names 45 and 52-^just as does the Masculine

You must understand that the emendation of the
Parezufim corresponded to the extent of the specific de
fect which had been incurred in them. Thus, in Atik, in
whom there was no defect whatsoever, the emendation


effected absolute unity in him. This means that 45 and
52 became one Parezuf and only the Face was visible in
them. However the Name 52, in relation to 45, is
called the "posterior.

In Arik also there was no trace whatsoever of annul
ment. Therefore his Feminine Polarity was emended by
being completely united with him, although not in exactly
the same way as in Atik. The masculine part here was
arranged on the right and the feminine on the left. In
other words, 45, which is the masculine, is at bis right,
and 52, which is the feminine, is at his left. In the case of
Atik., this was not so, for both right and left sides com
prised 45 and 52. The reason for this difference is that
here in Arik the posterior part of his last three Sefirot
"Triumph "Glory and "Foundation were defective.

Since Father and Mother had suffered annulment in
their posterior parts, they are considered as two absolutely
distinct Parezufim . But because this defect had affected
only their posterior parts, they are perpetually "face to
face, and their union is constant.

In ZON (the six lower Sefirot ZO and "King
dom, or Nukbah, the Feminine Polarity) shatte ring did
occur involving defect in both the Face and the posterior
parts. That is why they issued as two separate Parezufim,
entirely severed from each other; that is, they issued "back
to back with a single wall or partition between both.
In order to arrange them face to face it is necessary to
saw through the partition, and to separate them. The
act of "sawing through will be explained shortly.

There may be some questions about Atik arid Arik,
for how can we speak of union when neither of them is



severed from its Feminine Polarity? The matter is as
follows. The Names 45 and 52 united to build one
Parezuf, which is called Atik. Their posterior parts
consist of Lights which do not shine very brightly, due
to the fact that they are of the essence of Judgment,
which is submerged within. The substance that does
shine is of the essence of Mercy and it is this that is
revealed. Thus the whole Parezuf of Atik is found to be
nothing but anterior, or face, and it has no back or
posterior part whatsoever. This, you will recall, is also
true of the Sefira 'Foundation.

The only discrimination to be made in the Parezuf
Atik is that the Name 45 is designated male and the
Name 52 is designated female. This applies to Parezuf
Atik alone. In Arik the arrangement is different. Here
the Names 45 and 52 are united, making one Pareztif,
which is called Arik Anpin (Macroprosopus) only 45 is
set at the right and 52 at the left. Thus, we find that 45
is a complete Parezuf in itself, as is 52. One is desig
nated "male and the other "female. But both as one
are called Parezuf Arik Anpin.

The Name 45, in relation to every Parezuf is con
sidered as the right side pillar in the same way that ZO
represnts the six lower Sefirot in relation to the entire
world of emanation.



The following is a detailed explanation of liow the
Parezufim were emended, beginning with Atik, the first
to undergo the change. A brief recapitulation of the dif
ferences between a Nekuda (Point), a Sefira and a
Parezuf, is in order at this point.

We have already established that all created beings
are characterized by a four-fold division (corresponding
to the four letters of the Holy Name Havaya, from
which all originates). And just as there are four worlds:
Azilut, Beriah, Yezirah and Asiah, so every part of them
must necessarily comprise these four categories. And
only when they do so are they considered to be ccimplete.
Thus, when we speak of a "Point, to indicate Asiah
alone, we are referring to something which comprises
five Parezufim, each of which in turn comprises ten
Sefirot. When we speak of a "Sefira we refer to that
which comprises the four worlds, of which each consti
tutes five Parezufim of ten Sefirot each. And when we
speak of a "Parezuf we mean ten Sefirot, which com
prise the four worlds, each of which comprises the five
Parezufim that comprise ten Sefirot each.

Something further is required for a Parezuf to be
designated as complete: namely, that all ten individual
Sefirot within the particular Sefira that is being made




into a Parezuf, shall shine. Through the power of these
illuminations, the number of the members of the body
of the Parezuf attains to 613. Furthermore, Keter, the
Crown, makes up the Head, and its Lights are con
cealed. Hokmah, Wisdom, radiates ten illuminations,
as follows:


WISDOM AND the two eyes


KNOWLEDGE the forehead

MERCY and POWER the two temples of

the forehead

BEAUTY the bridge of the nose

TRIUMPH and GLORYthe two ears
FOUNDATION the tip of the nose

KINGDOM the two nostrils

"Intelligence also emanated ten Lights, from which
the Sefirot of the mouth were effected. A detailed de
scription follows:


WISDOM AND palate and throat


MERCY and POWER two sets of gums

upper and lower

TRIUMPH and GLORYthe two lips
the entire middle pillar

(KNOWLEDGE, tongue





Similarly each and every Sefira emitted its illumin
ations according to the manner decreed by the wisdom
of the Emanator. An these illuminations together com
prise a total of 6 13, designating a complete Parezuf

Since we said earlier that from the eyes, ears, nose
and mouth, issued the four senses (seeing, hearing, smell
and speech) and that these represent respectively: "Wis
dom, "Intelligence, "Beauty and "Kingdom, you may
question how we conclude that Intelligence issues from
the ears if they were made from the Sefirot of "Wisdom.
The same question may arise in connection with the nose
and the mouth, and their Sefirot, The matter is as fol
lows: The features of the face were effected through
the extension of the Sefirot of "Wisdom, but these four
vehicles of sense were issued from the Holy Name Havaya,
which resided in the interior and thereby emanated to the
exterior at the places where it found openings. The Yud
found the apertures of the eyes and spread forth
through that path, where it bacame the sense of sight.
The He found the openings of the ears and issued there,
becoming the sense of hearing; the Watv issued through
the openings of the nose and became the sense of smell,
and the final He issued through the mouth and became
the sense of speech.

There are therefore two distinct matters under con
sideration: the feahires, which were fashioned from the
Sefirot "Wisdom and "Intelligence, and the senses,
which were fashioned from the Havaya that reisided in
the interior. By means of its passing through the features,
the senses came into existence. If it were not for this



passing Light the features would exist without the senses.
This indicates that the features constitute one subject
and the senses another, one having nothing at all to do
with the other. It must be remembered that these terms
are all highly symbolic. The names assigned to them refer
to the branches which issue from them; and these are
nothing but the Light of the Infinite Himself, extended
in such a manner as to allow nothing to exist below that
did not have its root in the Upper Sources. This arrange
ment assures the existence and sustenance of the branches.

Now let us return to the matter of the individual
Pareztifim. We shall start with Atik, the first one.
Parezuf Atik is above the world of Emanation, that is,
it is not a part of that world. Nevertheless it is enfolded
in it, as we shall explain. This Atik is made from "King
dom of Adam Kadmon, and comprises both masculine
and feminine polarities that is, the Names 45 and 52.
The "Kingdom here referred to is none other than the
Sefira "Kingdom of the Infinite World, and is therefore
above the world of Emanation. In previous discussion
we have described how "Kingdom of each world is en
closed within the next world below it, and how it is
equivalent in dimension to the entire world that succeeds
it. In this way, all the worlds are bound one within the
other until finally that point is reached where everything
is bound up with the Emanator.

It is necessary to know that the masculine polarity
of Atik , namely the essence of the Name 45, which is in
him, is not enfolded within the world of Emanation at
all. Because of its high degree of concealment, it is
totally imperceptible. Only the feminine polarity of



Atik is enfolded, but even of her only the seven lower
Sefirot are enfolded. The three topmost Sefirot remain
bare and are completely imperceptible. They sire desig
nated as the ''Unknown Head because of the many un
certainties surrounding them. This has been fully ex
plained elsewhere, and require no further elaboration.*
The manner of enclothement of the seven Sefirot is
as follows:



MERCY of ATIK enclothed in



Upper parts " **


Middle parts of " "


The lower parts of " "



(Macrop roso jpus)





TRIUMPH and GLORY descended to KINGDOM of
ARIK and became there like two breasts bestowing
bounty to the worlds. FOUNDATION is divided into
two sections only:

* See Chapter III.




Upper part of

Lower part of





The World of Emanation comprises five parezufim,
which are as follows:

1) ARIK (Macroprosopus)

2) ABA (Father)

3) IMA (Mother)

4) ZO (Six Sefirot from Mercy to Foundation)


The first Farezuf is Arik, *md he pervades all the Pare
zufim to the point where his Kingdom is enclothed in
Kingdom of the World of Emanation. He is chief of
all the Parezufim, and the others are no more than
branches which issue from him. He is the one Parezuf
that extends from the very beginning of the world of
Emanation down to its end, and all the other Parezufim
ramify from him in the following way. From the throat
to the navel, he is enclothed in Aba and Ima; Aba en-
clothes his right side, Ima his left. From the navel down
ward, he is enclothed in ZO and Nukba.

Just as Arik pervades all the Parezufim, so do all the
other Parezufim pervade each other, from the point in



them which is called Beauty, downward, so thai: all end
evenly. This is in accordance with the rule that one
Sefira from a higher world is as large as the entire world
that follows it. The same principle applies tc the in
dividual Parezufim. Thus, one Sefira of an upper Pare-
zuf is as large as three Sefirot of the next consecutive
Parezuf. We find then that all the Parezufim clo the
each other, and are bound together as one, thejr source
being Arik An pin.

Arik is "Crown of the world of Emanation. His
Lights were extended to the point where a Parezuf was
constructed. In this Parezuf there is one point of dif
ference from the other Parezufim, namely: In i the head
of all the other Parezufim there are three j:ypes of
Brain"Wisdom, "Intelligence and Knowledge, with
"Knowledge comprising "Mercies and Powers. But in
this Parezuf only one type of brain is to be found in the
Head that of its Sefira "Wisdom. For "Intelligence
has descended into the throat, and "Knowledge to a
place between the shoulder blades.

The brain of the Sefira "Wisdom is c;illed the
"sealed brain, for it is closed and cannot be grasped at
all. It is spoken of as wine which is still anjd undis
turbed above its sediment because it is comprised of
absolute clarity and purity and has no admixture what




The topic of the three heads mentioned in the
Xohar "Three heads are carved out, one within the
other, each above the other, is an important one. As
mentioned earlier, the first three Sefirot of Atiks feminine
polarity, were not enclothed in Arik, remaining bare and
uncovered. They are designated by the title "the Un
known Head because this head is concealed and totally
inconceivable. This head remained above that of Arik.,
encircling it, and is but the first of the three heads. Of
it the I dra of the Xohar says: "It is the head of all the
heads; it is a head which is not a head; it does not know
and it is not known.

The second head is "Crown of Arik. It is the white
cranium mentioned earlier, which is called: the upper
head, the holy ancient Atika Kadishoh, the concealed of
all the concealed ones.

The third head is "Wisdom of Arik. It is the con
cealed brain, of which the Xohar says: "one head, the
hidden Wisdom, which is veiled, etc. . . .. However,
there is another enumeration of three heads. Although
"Crown and "Wisdom are but two heads, nevertheless
they are divided into three, and these are called "the
three Heads of Arik, for they all are actually of him.
The air between "Crown and "Intelligence of Arik,
and "Knowledge of Atik is hidden, and is designated




as "tenuous air (awira dahyia). This is an apt designa
tion since it is also called the "upper concealed brain.
It is considered as one head, the second of the three heads
of Arik.

Thus, when we say "three heads, we are referring
to "Crown, "Wisdom and "Intelligence of the fem
inine polarity of Alik, which remained unclad. " Crown
and "Wisdom of Arik, are each designated by this
name of "head, and when we speak of the "three heads
of Arik , we are not considering the three heads of the
feminine polarity of Atik, since they are not a part of
Ariks body. Ariks three heads are as follows:

1) Crown

2) Knowledge of Atiklocated between Crown and

3) Wisdom

In speaking of the shattering of the vessels, we ex
plained why there are two grades of "three heads, and
the source from which they ar drawn. Now we shall
proceed to explain this matter of the three heads of Arik
and the emendation which they effect in detail.

There are only two heads, namely "Crown and
"Wisdom, of Arik, but they are considered as three
because of "Knowledge of Atik, which is hidden be
tween them. It is important to know that each of these
three heads of Arik contains in itself three Havttyas and
One, the Superstructure, as it were, that comprises them.
There is a difference in the spelled-out letters of the
Names in the different heads; that is, those which are in
"Crown are spelled with Yuds, and have a numerical



value of 72; those which are in the Awira (the second
head) and have the spelling of the Name 63 (the letter
waiv is here spelled with an alef instead of with a yud;
and those of the third head, Wisdom, spelled with
alefs and yielding a numerical value of 45.

In each of these three heads there are three Havayas,
with a total of twelve letters. Together with the con
tainer which encompasses them, there are thirteen. From
each of these an emendation is effected. Namely, from
the thirteen found in the head which is designated "air,
thirteen "niemen are executed. These are the hairs of
this particular head. The ldra speaks of them as follows:
There are thirteen niemen of the hair, which are found
to exist on either side. The order of their division is
as follows:

4 on the right side of the head
4 on the left side of the head
4 on the nape of the neck
1 in the center of the head.

This last comprises all the others. These hairs are white,
for anything black is considered to partake of Judgment.
But here, because there is no Judgment they are white.

In ZO it is different. There Judgment does func
tion and the hair is black. There is a further difference
between the heads of ZO and that of Arik Anpin for in
ZO the hairs intermingle, whereas in Arik Anpin they
are all separate from each other. As the Zohar expresses
it: It is like pure wool whose strands are not inter
woven. The hair is long, extending to the shoulder,
and it is not rigid like those of the beard, for it is de-



signed to bestow bounty through its openings. There
fore it is long and soft, and quite different from the hair
of the beard, which will be described later.

From the thirteen letters which are in the cranium
(gulgalte) thirteen white areas (hivruti) are established
between the hairs. "His white cranium shines in the
thirteen carved paths, says the Idra. These paths are
divided in the same way as the hair, that is:

4 on the right side
4 on the left side
4 on the nape of the neck
1 in the center, which encompasses them all.

Those at the nape of the neck extend down below into
ZO so as to complete his beard, and supply it with
thirteen emendations. These hairs surround and cover
the face; they are short and rigid, because they have the
quality of Judgment, and being the containers of Com
passion as well as Judgment, they are called the " thirteen
compartments of Compassion.

The Emanator designed them for the purpose of
enabling the bounty to descend within measured limits
so that it can be received by the nether beings. It is
through these Compartments of Compassion that the
husks are subdued, for it is known that the sacred
Powers vanquish the husks.

The beard is fashioned by "Concealed Wisdom in
which Power of AT IK is found to be enclothed. When
this beard shines forth, its Light subdues the husks.

The detail pertaining to the thirteen emendations of
the beard will be presented in the following chapter.



To continue our discussion of the three heads, note
that in each of them are found both substance and
vessels, that is, inner content and outer content. In
each of these are to be found three distinct types of
essences, namely:

1) the inner essence

2) the outer essence which encircles the

3) the outermost essence which encircles
the second

Everything of divine content comprises these three
essences. In this way Crown, which is the first of the
three heads, possesses these three essences, both in its sub
stance and in its vessels. In the three essences of the
substance there are three Havayas spelled out with
Yuds which give a numerical value of 72. The dif
ference between them is in the vowels. In the interior
essence, the vowel is only placed under the initial four
letters of the Havaya, and accords with the sound (move
ment) of the letter. Thus, the Yud has a holam (.), He
has a zera (..), Waw has a komez (T), and the final He
has also a zera In the encircling Light, the




spelled-out letter are also vowelled like the simple let
ters; but in the outermost encircling Light, |the ini
tial letters are vowelled like the others, wjhile the
spelled-out letters are vowelled throughout with a komez.
In the three essences of the vessels there are three Names,
AKYK, all spelled with Yuds with the numerical value
of 161, and vowelled in the same manner as the Havayas
mentioned above.

The foregoing is a specific description, but in gen
eral all three essences of the "Crown, in relation to the
others, are no more than the encircling Light which sur
rounds all the other encircling Lights.

In the three qualities of essence of the second head
that of "air ( atvira )there are three Havayas, each
with a numerical value of 63. They are vowelled like
those of Crown. However, the difference is that wher
ever in Crown there was a letter vowelled with komez
here it is vowelled with a patah ().

In the vessels there are found three Holy Names,
AHYH spelled with Yuds and vowelled in the same
manner as the Havayas. All three essences of the head of
"Air are nothing but an encircling Light in relation to
the others.

In the three qualities of essence of the substance of
"Concealed Wisdom (the third Head) are found three
Havayas, spelled with Alefs and having a numerical
value of 45. They are vowelled in the same manner as
we have described relating to air, but wherever there is
a zera in Atvira, here a segol (. *.) replaces it. The ves
sels have three Names, AHYH, spelled with Alefs that
bear a numerical value of 143. The arrangement of the



vowels here is the same as in the Havayas. These three
qualities are considered to be the inner Light in relation
to the others.

The three heads are, collectively, three entities, as

1) "Crown ( Kitra ) which encompasses the en

circling Light

2) "Air ( Awira) which is the encircling Light

3) "Concealed Wisdom (Hokmah Stimoe which is

the inner Light

Yet each head individually comprises all three entities,
as explained above. "Crown and "Brain, enfold each
other. This is referred to in the Idra: "One is within
the other.

Now let us turn to the seven lower Sefirot of the
head. They are seven emendations which are found in
the head of Arik, designated as:

1) GULGATE HIVRE (the white cranium)

2) TALE DIBEDULHA (the crystalline dew)

3) KERUMA DE-AWIRA (the tegument of

the air)




(will of Wills*)
(the pure wool)
(the opening of
the eyes)


(the nose)

*This refers to the highest will to good.


The Acrostic GTKRAPH is an aid in remember
ing them. It has already been pointed out that the
seven lower Sefirot of Atik were enclothed in / .rik, and
that from these, seven emendations of the head were
effected as follows:

1) THE WHITE CRANIUM. This is majde from
"Mercy of Atik, which was enclothed in it. It is
called "white because of the Mercy inherent in it. Since
the cranium is its place, it follows that this "Mercy is
the source of all the Sefirot "Mercies, in addition to
being the beginning of the masculine polarity of Arik,
for the right side of Arik is masculine.

2) THE CRYSTALLINE DEW. This is the "Concealed
Wisdom, whose name, tal ("dew), is actually the first
three letters of the Havaya YHWwhich is brain.
The word "crystalline is attached because "Power of
Atik is enclothed in it. For "Wisdom itself is the right
pillar and "Power is the left; therefore the dew is
called "crystalline because all the colors are visible in
the bounty which comprises both "Mercy and "Judg
ment. Because "Power is enclothed in Atik, "Con
cealed Wisdom becomes the source of all the "Powers,
so much so that all measures and limits are drawn from it.

3) THE TEGUMENT OF THE AIR, was made from
"Beauty of Atik and this particular emendation effects
a twofold improvement. First, it hovers over the "Con
cealed Wisdom so that the hidden Light of "Knowledge
of Atik, shall not shine too powerfully there. This will
be elaborated on later. Second, it prevents th
"Concealed Wisdom from descending too powerfully
to the nether beings, and thus enables them to bear it.


4) THE WILL OF WILLS. This is made by Found
ation of Atik, which shines in the forehead of Arik. It
is for this reason that the forehead of Arik differs from
any forehead that is below it. For those lower ones are
in the nature of Judgment. When they are revealed, all
the Judgments are stirred upwhereas Ariks forehead,
because it is tempered by Foundation of Atik. which
is revealed in it, is called the forehead of the Will to
compassion which sweetens (and tempers) all the Judg
ments below. This action is continual, even when it is
covered with hair. However, when it is unveiled, all
the Judgments are subdued and are rendered totally in
effective. This is a time when the Supreme Will is
abundantly revealed, for everything is tempered by the
Light of this forehead. Yet, because the worlds are in
need of Judgment the unveiling of the forehead is not
continuous, and occurs only at intervals.

5) THE PURE WOOL. This is made by those parts of
"Triumph and "Glory of Atik that are above "Found
ation. Passing through the head, "Triumph and
"Glory effect the emendation in that the hair that has
issued from the Concealed Wisdom, is here drawn
below and acts like a group of channels which perform
certain tasks.

Here the power of "Triumph and "Glory, which sym
bolize two Waws (extended lines) provides the impetus
for all this. As a result, the hair appears in the form of
lines like the letter Watv. Being white, like natural wool,
it is called "pure wool.

6) THE OPENING OF THE EYES, is made by those
parts of "Triumph and "Glory which are below


'Foundation of Atik. Note that the emendation of the
"pure wool, which is made by the portions of "Tri
umph and "Glory of Atik which are above "Found
ation, is higher than the forehead, where an emendation
was made by "Foundation, and that this latter emend
ation is below the forehead, since it is made from the
parts below "Foundation. When the Lights pass
through the head, they effect this emendation, for the
eyes were already put there, when the particular Sefirot
of "Wisdom passed through. The purpose of this
emendation is to enable them to exist without ja curtain,
free from any cover, so that they may ever b
watch over the nether beings. Of this effect, j the Z ohar
states: "An open eye that does not slumber; no cover,
no eyelid, is upon the eye. And in the same connection
there is a verse in the Psalms: "Behold he that keepeth
Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. (Psalm 121).
Eyelids restrain the light of the eyes, and since you already
know that anything which restrains is of the nature of
Judgment, nothing exists in these eyes to restrain their
Light, for they are very much "sweetenedor tempered.
In addition, it was necessary for these eyes to be forever
open so that the permanent existence of the Sefirot be
assured through the continued presence of Gods bounty.

Note that although we express "eyes in the plural,
denoting two eyes, a right and a left, nevertheless since
they are in Arik a place wehrein there cannot possibly
be any trace of Judgment they are considered to be
but one: and this a right eye, for the left is not counted.
As the Idra puts it: "There is no left in this Atika These
eyes are different from those below, for down there colors



are discernible in them. They are of scarlet, reddish and
purple hues, as is apparent from the words of the Z ohar.
But in this realm there is no color whatsoever. All is

While on the subject of the eye, we shall explain its
content. We have said that the organ is made of the
particular Sefirot "Wisdom and "Intelligence of "Wis
dom, and the sense of seeing therein is made of the Yud
of the Havaya which was concealed within and issued
there. The extension of all ten Sefirot is intimated in
the eyes, for the emendation of all the ten Sefirot lies in
their being arranged as pillars, namely: right, left and
center, corresponding to the pillars of "Mercy, "Judg
ment and "Compassion. Thus we find that three
Sefirot head the pillars, from which all the other Sefirot
spring. "Wisdom is the head of the right pillar, "Intel
ligence is the head of the left pillar, and "Knowledge
is the head of the central pillar. Note that there are
three colors in the eyes, and these indicate the three
heads of the pillars of the Sefirot located there. "King
dom, the last of the Sefirot, is indicated by the pupil of
the eye.

We have already explained that two emendations
were made in the head of Atik by means of "Triumph
and "Glory: these are "the pure wool and the opening
of the eyes. Still another emendation was performed
in the head of Arik, and these are the two ears.

They are wrought from the two testicles, but this
emendation is not mentioned because these two testicles,
being the interior essence of "Triumph and Glory,
are very much concealed. It is that same essence which



is bound with "Foundation. And, since the two ears
are exceedingly concealed, we do not mention their

The last, the seventh emendation of the head is:
7) THE NOSE. This is made of "Kingdom of Atik
and just as "Kingdom is divided into two partsinto

"Leah and "Rachelso are there in the nose t
ings (nostrils) called Nukba 3 de-Pareda sh

wo open-
\?ka the

feminine counterpart of the symbolic "window
symbolic importance of "Leah and Rachel will be ex
plained in a later chapter.



We shall now explain in detail the matter of the
thirteen emendations of the beard. It has already been
noted that those thirteen emendations of the beard were
made of the three Havayas and the one that comprises
them, all of which are found in the "Concealed Wisdom.

In the Idra it is stated that the entire beard springs
from the brain of the head, and that this beard is divided
into thirteen emendations. It begins at the sideburns of
the head, and encircles the face and the mouth on both
sides, reaching to the navel. On this point the Idra says:
"This most trusty beard comes forth from the ear and
rests around the holy mouth . . . and covers down to
the 'navel of the heard.

The Supreme Creator designed these thirteen channels
for the purpose of bestowing bounty through them to
the nether worlds. Thus they are designated as thirteen
founts, and because they are made of "Concealed Wis
dom, they are further designated as "the thirteen founts
from which an abundance of 'good oil flows. For it is
known that Concealed Wisdom is symbolized by the
term "the good oil. It spreads over the face, and there
effects thirteen emendations, of which the details are as



The Thirteen Emendations of the Beard


1. The narrow part of the beard, i.e. the |two side
burns of the beard. This is the place telow the

2. The upper lip, crossing from one sicfe of the
mouth to the other.

3. The break in the center of the lip. It is that
break at the center of the lip under the two
openings of the nose where no hair appears.

4. The lower lip, where it crosses from one side to
the other, as in the case of the upper lip.

5. The break which exists here in the center of this
lower lip as it does in the upper lip, and where
there is likewise no hair.

6. The place where the beard broadens, beneath
the cheeks, close to the mouth.

7. The place of the cheeks themselves, where
there is no hair, and which has the appearance
of two apples.

8. The upper surfaceit is the long hair of the
beard which reaches to the navel and! is called
"mazela (the fountain of bestowal). This term
is derived from a phrase in the Scriptures: "He
shall pour the water out of his buckets.
(Numbers XXIV, 7) Because the bounty of this
emendation flows downward.

9. The small hairs which lie between the upper
surface, i.e. the place of the 8 th emendation,
and the subspace which is the 13 th emendation.

10. The hair which lies underneath, at the throat.



11. The hair of the beard which ends equally,
and does not extend beyond itself at all.

12. The mouth, which is void of hair, for no hair
whatsoever covers the mouth.

13. The area underneath. These are the long hairs of
the beard which, like the 8 th emendation, reach
to the navel; and they too are called "fountain
of bestowal (mazela), because they flow down
below. These two founts are the principal ones in
the beard and it is from them that bounty is
bestowed to the worlds.

These thirteen emendations of the beard are the
thirteen attri butes (measures) of compassion which our
teacher, Moses, mentioned in Exodus 45, verses 6 and 7,
as follows:

1) The Lord God

2) merciful

3) gracious

4 & 5) long suffering

6) and abundant in goodness

7) and truth

8) keeping mercy

9) for thousands

10) forgiving iniquity

11) and transgression

12) and sin

13) and clears

The prophet Micah also mentions these thirteen at
tri butes in Chapter 7, verses 18-20:

1) Who is a God like unto Thee



2) that pardons iniquity

3) and passes by the transgression

4) of the remnant of His heritage.

5) He retains not His anger forever

6) because He delights in mercy

7) He will turn again, He will have compassion
upon us

8) He will subdue our iniquities

9) And Thou wilt cast all their sins into the
depths of the sea

10) Thou wilt give truth to Jacob

11) Mercy to Abraham

12) which Thou hast sworn unto our fathers

13) from the days of old.


The difference between the attri butes mentioned by
Micah and those mentioned by Moses is that Mjicahs are
the names of the emendations in their place in Arik,
while those of Moses are the names of the emendations
when they evolve downward into ZO to be enclothed
in his beard. At the time of their descent the names of
the emendations are changed and they are called The
Lord God, etc. ...

To resume the exposition of the thirteen emendations
of the beard, for we have not exhausted this subject with
what was said above, these thirteen are the selections
which were gathered from the Primordial Kings, and were
there emended. Although no shattering occurred in the
first three Sefirot, nevertheless when the selections rose
to their places to be emended, they also rose t.p to the
first three Sefirot. Therefore it was said of these thirteen



emendations of the beard that they issued from the residue
of the brain: in other words, they were issued from that
which was selected from the Primordial Kings.

It is already known that the selection is made in the
brain, that is, in the Thought, as mentioned in the Z obar.:
"They were all selected in the Thought. In addition,
because the thirteen emendations of the beard are channels
which extend from the brain, they are also called the
"sediment of the brain, or residue of the brain. Be
cause they are formed out of the excrescences which
were chosen from the Primordial Kings, they are termed
"primordial days. That is, they came into being from
the selection of the Primordial Kings, as it says in the
Idra: "These emendations are called primordial days.
They are named the "primordial days of the primordial
ones, and are therefore of the essence of Judgment:
but they are divine Judgments. It is they who subdue
the husks.

Thus, these thirteen emendations of the beard are
the individual, encircling Sefirot of "Crown and "Wis
dom, which were revealed in the countenance. They
are ten encircling Sefirot of "Crown and ten of "Wis
dom. There should be twenty, but only fourteen were
revealed; namely eight from "Wisdom and six from
"Crown, yet, because one of the emendations comprises
two of the encircling Sefirot, there are only thirteen, and
not fourteen.

We do not know any reason for this, but attri bute
it to the ineffable Wisdom of the Creator, because He
knew that this (amount) and no more was required for
the purpose of governing the world.



It is a generally established principle, in matters per
taining to the Sefirot and to the Parezufim, that wherever
we find a single Sefira or a single Parezuf which required
the combination of many entities for its construction,
we cannot say that there is a paradox, for it is but one
thing. Just so many entities were necessary in order to
bring out the one particular entity. So it is in the case
of the beard. All the entities mentioned were required
for its construction. So we find that in order to com
plete the beard of ZO, it was necessary that "Foundation
be split and that the four white hairs of Arik be present.

Note that of the encircling Sefirot of "Crown and
"Wisdom, which are in the beard, the Sefirot of "Wis
dom precede. In the first eight emendations there are
the eight Sefirot of Wisdom, while the remaining ones
come from Crown. The reason that "Wisdoms
Sefirot are first (despite the fact that it is more fitting
for "Crown, which is the first of the emendations, to
precede Wisdom), is that the principal essence of the
beard is made of "Concealed Wisdom. Thus the Sefirot
of "Wisdom precede those of "Crown, and since these
Sefirot are encircling ones, they proceed from bplow and
move upward that is, the Sefirot of "Wisdom start
from "Kingdom and terminate at "Intelligence. The
Sefirot of "Crown start from "Foundation, an cl proceed
up to "Mercy. A full description follows.

The first emendation is "The Lord God and also
"Who is a God like unto Thee?; referring to the narrow
part of the beard. This emendation corresponds to
"Kingdom of the encircling Sefirot of "Wisdom, and
it is called "Lord (in Hebrew Lamed Alefl with a



numerical value of 31) because there are thirty-one
powerful short hairs here. This Name is found in both
sideburns. Thus, there are two of these Names, one on
the right side and one on the left. Each in turn is sub
divided into three: 1) El Sbaddai; 2) El Havaya; 3) El
Adni, making a total of six. However, of the two first
mentioned Names, only one is revealed, so that we find
El in all but five Names.

The Idra mentions three worlds which exist in this
emendation, and they are represented by the three
Names, El. The numerical value of the first Name, when
it is spelled out, is 1000; the second is 57; the third 96.
This is the subdivision that is spoken of in the Idra.
However, the secret of the matter is as follows. The
beard was made from the selections chosen from the
Name 52, known as the Primordial Kings; and for that
reason it is called the primordial days. It was here that
these days began to be selected and to appear as Powers,
which subdued the husks, or the dross that is expelled
from the Kings. However, what is here revealed is the
selection of three different Kings. They are Bela, Jobab
and Husham, and they signify respectively: "Knowledge,
"Mercies and "Powers. And what remained of them?
Only the very tough husks, called "furnace and inferno.
The source of the selection of the first three Kings is
here; this is the hidden meaning of the three worlds men
tioned above. And it was from these three worlds that
the lower degrees evolved. Namely, the posterior part
of "Intelligence, ZO and Nukba, the feminine counter
part of ZO, and others which belong to the worlds of
BYA Creation, Formation and Action. That which



has been expelled from all these degrees and has not
remained with them, is the unadulterated dross which
we call the husk.

Through these sources the husks of excrescences
that still remain are subdued. This is related to the sub
ject of unity, which shall be discussed shortly.

Note that in the first EL, which is El Shacldai, the
Light of "Concealed Wisdom shines with greater force
than in the other Names, because El Shaddai is closer to
"Concealed Wisdom than the others. In "Concealed
Wisdom is a progression of the Name Elohtm comprised
of Hes whose numerical value is 1000, which the Idra
calls: "A thousand worlds which are sealed in tie ring,
for "Concealed Wisdom is symbolized by a "ring
since it is the origin of all the worlds.

Both "The Lord God and "Who is a God like unto
Thee? are one in that they both represent the first em
endation of the beard.

The second emendation is "merciful jind also
remitter or raiser, of sin, or in the original wording,
"that pardons iniquity; and as we have earlier explained,
this emendation is the upper lip and its extension on
either side thereof. This emendation is Foundation of
the encircling Sejirot of "Wisdom and is called "re
mitter of sin. It points to the hair which is found on
this lip and which rises upward. Hence the reference,
raiser of sin .

The third emendation is represented by the phrase
"gracious and also "and passes by the transgression.
We have mentioned that this emendation is the [break at
the center of the upper lip, where there is no hair. This



emendation is Glory of the encircling Sefirot of "Wis
dom, and the reason that there is no hair found there,
as previously stated, is that hair is Judgment. It restricts
the Light, for everything that restricts is Judgment. In
order that the Light which shines from the openings of
the nose should pass through without any hindrance,
there is no hair in the middle of the upper lip which is
directly opposite the nose. It is called "and passes by
the transgression to indicate the passing through of the
bounty through this break, without veil or hindrance.*

The fourth emendation is "long and also "of the
remnant of His heritage. We have said that this is the
lower lip, extending on both sides, like the upper one.
This emendation is "Triumph of the encircling Sefirot
of "Wisdom.

The fifth emendation is "suffering and also "He
retains not his anger forever. We have indicated that
this is the break in the lower lip where there is no hair,
and this emendation is "Beauty of the encircling Sefirot
of "Wisdom. The reason there is no hair here is the
same as in the case of the third emendation; namely,
because it is directly beneath the nose, and the Light
which shines from the nose must extend without any
hindrance. Here too, there is no hair beneath the mouth
so that the Light of the mouth is able to extend to the
nether beings without any obstruction. The name of the
emendation itself indicates this.

* Tr. N. The Hebrew for "transgression is "pesha which
transposed, reads shefa meaning bountythus, in spite of the
transgression, He transmits the bounty, without veil or hinderance.



The name of the sixth emendation is "and abundant
in goodness and also "because He delights in mercy.
We have stated earlier that this is the place below the
cheeks where the beard broadens. This emendation is
"Power of the encircling Sefirot of "Wisdom? and it
is called "abundant in goodness because here "Mercy
is even more greatly extended than in the others; and
"Mercy as you will recall, tempers the Judgments.
Understand that we-rab hesed ("and abundant in good
ness) amounts to 280, which is the number of the final
letters Mem, Nun, Z addi Pe, Hof, (MNZPK,) which
are 280 "Powers. They are tempered by the "abundance
in goodness which are the 280 "Mercies.

The seventh emendation is "and Truth and also
"He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us.
We have said that this emendation corresponds to the
area of the cheeks, where there is no hair and where the
cheeks resemble two apples. This emendation is "Mercy
of the encircling Sefirot of "Wisdom. It is caljled "He
will turn again, He will have compassion upon us be
cause there are periods when these two "apples shine
below and other periods when they do not. As i|: says in
the Idra : "He will return. This signifies times !of con
cealment and times of revelation. Hence, "He \jdll turn
again, He will have compassion upon us.* In these
two "apples there are 370 Lights, in other words, two
Names El (Alef Lamed spelled out) amounting to 370.
Of these the Idra says: "These apples . . . shine into 370
sides. They are the 370 Lights mentioned abojve. Of

* TR. N. Until He turns again to have compassion,
concealment prevails.



the 370, 150 evolve below to ZO and the balance of 220
remains with him. Arik is here designated by the name
of "Erek Apaiym to indicate the 220 (Resh Chaf)
Lights. For together with the vessel containing the 220
Lights, we get the number of "Erek. This is the seventh
emendation in which are comprised the first six emenda
tions, as it is expressed in the Idra. "This is the seventh
emendation in which contains six . . . It is called "And

The eighth emendation is "keeping mercy arid also
"He will subdue our iniquities. We have already ex
plained that this emendation is the upper surface of the
beard, and that it reaches to the navel. This emendation
is "Intelligence of the encircling Sefirot of "Wisdom,
and also "Foundation of the encircling Sefirot of
"Crown, both being united.

In this connection we have said previously that two
Sefirot unite in one emendation and that there are there
fore thirteen and not fourteen emendations. This em
endation is called the "upper fountain, because there are
two fountains: the upper area and the lower area.
Since this is the upper area, it is called "upper fountain
and this mazela is masculine. The "lower fountain
(13th emendation) is the feminine polarity, and these
unite for the purpose of transmitting bounty to the
nether worlds. The precise manner in which bounty is
extended will be taken up later.

In this 8 th emendation there is one Havaya spelled
with Yuds of which the numerical value is 72, connoting
the word Hesed (which has the same numerical value).
By the Light of this emendation the outer forces (husks)



are subdued in such a manner that they cannot draw
sustenance from the sacred fount; hence they flee it. This
is what the words He will subdue our iniquities ' mean.
In other words, by the power of this emendation the
sins are subdued, for they are the actual husks and outer
forces. As it says in the Idra : "and whoever sees this
emendation is subdued and vanquished by it, for it is
said He will subdue our iniquities.

The ninth emendation is for thousands and also
and Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the
sea; we have said that this emendation are the small
hairs which lie between the upper and lower areas. This
emendation is Glory of the encircling Sefirot of
Crown. In this emendation there are three Names
AHYH (comprised of Hes) which have the same
numerical value as Adni and Elobim. All begin with
the letter Alef and connote the expression for thousands
(loalofim) .*

These are the Names to which the husks hav

e access

for nourishment, for they are of the feminine polarity.
When the divine Power wishes to eliminate all nourish
ing of these evil spirits, the fount of keeping mercy
(which is complete "Mercy since Mercy of tlie inner
Sefirot of Crown is located there) shines into this
emendation so that the husks cannot draw nourishment
from his Light. This emendation is the sacred! Power
and as it is expressed in the Idra: and from this place
all who seek to accuse man are reprimanded and subdued.
For this reason this emendation is termed depths of the
sea ( mezulot), because it subdues the husks which are

* TN. N. alef means a thousand.



called the deep darkness (zalmowet). The letters of
Mezulot are the same as those of zalmowet. (interchange
able) .

The tenth emendation is forgiving iniquity and
also Thou wilt give truth to Jacob. As we have said,
this emendation is the hair which is at the throat. This
emendation is "Triumph of the encircling Sefirof of
Crown, and since it is from this Sefira, it is called
Glory because the Sefira of Triumph, as we learn
elsewhere, is called "Glory. The ldra describes this
emendation in the words of the Bible and from the
Glory of His Majesty, saying "Those hairs which are
underneath the beard are called 'Glory of His Majesty.

The eleventh emendation is and transgression as
well as Mercy to Abraham and we have said that this
emendation refers to the hairs of the beard which are all
even and do not protrude at all beyond each other. This
emendation is "Beauty of the encircling Sefirof of

The twelfth emendation is and seen and also
which Thou hast sworn unto our ancestors. We have
said that this emendation is the mouth, which is free
from hair, for no hair at all covers it. This emendation
is Judgment of the encircling Sefirof of "Crown.
The reason there is no hair found here is so that the mouth
remain free and the bounty be extended without hin
drance. Again, as it is stated in the ldra: Therefore no
hair is found upon the sacred mouth because of the
Spirit which issues therefrom, and no foreign element is
able to mingle with or even approach it. From this
mouth issues a Spirit which is subdivided into 37 paths,
indicating Hebei ha-peh the breath of the mouth.



Hebei has the numerical value of 37, which is the amount
of the spelled-out letters of the Name 63, YHWH if
we take the spelled-out letters minus the initials of the
letters.'*' Of this it is said in the Idra: "When that Spirit
issues forth it is divided into 37,000 sides, and it is the
very Spirit which the prophets were enveloped. It is
called the "mouth of God and was the Spirit which
cloaked the holy ancestors. Therefore this emendation
is called: "which Thou hast sworn unto our ancestors.

The thirteenth emendation is "and clears and also
"from the days of old. We have already explained that
this emendation is the lower area of the beard and that
it is extended to the navel, just like the surface area.
This emendation is "Mercy of the encircling Sefirot of
"Crown and is called the "lower fount since it is the
lower area of the beard. It is the feminine polarity in
relation to all the other emendations, and comprises all
the earlier ones. "This thirteenth one comprises all,
says the Idra.

As stated previously, the thirteenth emendations of
the beard were made of the three Havayas, plus an ad
ditional one that forms themboth of which are present
in "Concealed Wisdom. Thus they are thirteen, namely:
the twelve letters of the three Havayas, and the
thirteenth, which embraces them. The first twelve em
endations were made of the twelve letters in the three
Havayas, and the thirteenth emendation, the last, is made

* TR. N. Thus Waw-Dalet o the spelled-out Yud amounts
to 10; Yud of the spelled-out He" is also 10; Alef-Waw of the
Waw makes 7; and Yud of the final He is again 10; the sum
total being 37.



of that which comprises the twelve. Since it is made
from this essence, this last emendation also embraces the
thirteen emendations. Because it comprises the whole
beard it is called "from the days of old, for the "beard
itself is similarly defined.

In this emendation is found the Name AHYH
formed with Ylids and having a numerical value of 161 ,
the number of we-nakeh ("and clears). When these
two founts unite (the thirteenth and the eight) then
power is given to the fount known as "and clears, for
the purpose of "clearing or purifying, and extracting
all the Sparks that fell into the husks. The name "and
clears also points to this.

Whenever the Supreme Emanator will desire to re
turn the world to the perfection it had at the beginning
of creation that is, to withdraw all the sacred Sparks
from the oppressors who have seized them then this
beard will bestir itself for it is "she that subdues the
husks. For she is of the essence of power, and she will
bestir herself through the power of this fount ( inazela )
called "and clears to clear everything tyranized by the
husksboth what was left there as dross from the
Primordial Kings, and the Sparks which they have
snatched from the Divine Spirit.

This fount will perform yet another action. That
is, when the husks see that all their sustenance is vanishing
from them they will want to rise after the Sparks in
order to receive from them some kind of bounty. But by
the power of this fount they will be subdued, and will
be unable to rise. Then the husks will remain lifeless.
The Divine Power will bestir itself and It alone will



remain, pure and without any admixture whatsoever.
In the words of Isaiah: "And the Lord alone shall be
exalted in that day. (Isaiah II, 11).

Just as the Divine Spirit will be cleared of dross, so
will Israel below become distinct and segregated from
the nations of the world, for the Israelites are the branches
of the Divine Spirit and the barbarians among this nations
are the branches of the husks; and the power of the
branch is drawn in the same direction as its Source. In
this way, Israel will be separated from the barbarians; as
the Divine Spirit will be divorced completely from the
husks. Then the world will remain completely perfected
as never before. Israel will be redeemecj. The
redemption will be so complete that there will never
again be exile, for it is already known that the single
purpose of all the periods of exile was to select the Sparks
of the Holy Spirit from amidst the husks. Since at that
time, through the power of the fount entitled "and
clears, the entire selection will have been made to the
extent that nothing will be left in the husks not even
an infinitesimal trace. No exile will any longer be
necessary for the purpose of selecting Sparks, since they
will already have been extracted. The word;; of the
prophets will be fulfilled: "He will destroy death for ever;
and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces;
and the rebuke of his people shall He take away from
off all the earth; for the Lord hath spoken it. (Isaiah
XXV, 8)

And th Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that
day shall the Lord be One and His Name one.
(Zechariah XIV, 9)


Tbi rteen

Up to this point we have explained the particulars
regarding the thirteen emendations of the beard. Now
we come to the explanation of the distri bution of the
bounty by way of the two founts to the lower Parezufim
(Heavenly Persons). This description comes from the
writings of Rabbi Hayyim Vital.

First, the matter of bestowal, the most significant
aspect of all this great wisdom. Remember that a number
of luminaries are found in the Divine Spirit, each having
its own specific function. There are, to begin with,
luminaries that stand prepared to draw bounty through
their channels, and others to work emendations, as though
to provide the "spices for the "food. In order to
understand this concept thoroughly, let us compare the
channels to a water faucet. For like the water in the
faucet, bestowal must come precisely measured, neither
too much, nor too little at a time. The heavenly
channels are opened up to a degree that befits each par
ticular bestowal. Let us examine the terms "opening
and "closing.

All the operations of the heavenly supervision de
pend on the intermingling of the three Lights: "Mercy,
"Judgment and "Compassion. Judgment seals or
closes, and Mercy amply bestows. Therefore when




"Ju4gment exerts its power to a great degree the Light
is restricted, but when he weakens and "Mercy exerts
its power, then bounty is increased. But there are degrees
and measures in their respective exertions of power
just as there are degrees and varying measures in the
water faucet. That accounts for the varying measures
of bestowal granted on weekdays, on Sabbaths,, and on

When "Mercy exerts its power, the bestowal in
creases. When it weakens, the bestowal decreases. How
ever, many things are required in order to establish the
bestowal in its different measures. Tempering is required
for "Judgment, garments are required for "Mercy:
might is required for Light to streng then itself in its
descent; and protection for the Light, so as to preserve
it from the husks is required as well. That is why what
we have called luminaries are present, in addition to the
channels of bestowal. All serve to run the: system
correctly. Indeed, there are many luminaries,, but we
do not know them all. For the Emanator, blessed be He,
made them, and He knows their paths, even if we do not.

Now to go on to the channels of bestowal themselves,
for they are chief factors in the drawing of the bounty
needed for the world. From the Source down to the
Parezuf Atik everything is in a state of great conceal
ment: but from Atik down, more is revealed, with the
bounty beginning to be unveiled in Atiks Arik receptor.

The matter of "union of the Lights represents one
of the most arcane aspects of the creation. Because the
Emanator arranged the attri butes in the order of right
and left"Mercy and "Judgment bounty must



likewise descend in this manner. Therefore it must pass
from Mercy to Judgment, taking energy from both
in order for it to be complete and appropriate for giving
sustenance to all beings. Nevertheless, there is bounty
which inclines more to the right, namely to "Mercy;
and a bounty which inclines to Judgment. These
represent alternately, the masculine and feminine pre
ponderances. In the words of the Talmud: . . . the
lower of which triumphs. Yet, the supervision of the
two goes forth with common consent and the bounty
emerges whole, as it must be.

Only the Emanator Blessed be He Himself can
grant this bounty to the worlds below; no created being
can ever claim this power. The bounty is uniform
(immutable) because the Sefirot approach Him from
below and upwards and because their arousal is always
the same quantitatively, though not qualitatively. So
that when the first Sefirot is aroused, all the others follow
suit, reaching all the way to the Emanator. He bestows
the essence of bounty to them. Empowering them to act.
In this manner, every recipient receives equally.

The channels of bestowal are themselves actually the
vessels that go through the process of uniting. One can
trace the descent of the bestowal as it passes through the
attri butes, from one Sefira to another.

"Mercy and Judgment of Atik are enclosed in
"Crown and Wisdom of Arik. This Crown and
Wisdom are as male and female. Crown is male, head
of the entire right pillar, (also male), and is built from
the Name 45. Concealed Wisdom is head of the entire



left pillar, which is female, and is built from the Name

"Foundation is the same for both pillars since
"Foundation here is used by the male, and the "Diadem
(Afar ah ) is used by the female. It is there that the
union of Arik and its feminine polarity takes place.
However, there will be no mention about the drawing
of bounty as a result of this union. For actually this
union is not located where the nether beings can receive
from itespecially Father and Mothersince these two
are above it. The secret here is a profound one, for
union merely consists of the mutual consent of the attri
butes. We find that there is a type of union known as
"kissing, and another in which the "Foundations of
different worlds unite. They indicate that there is unity
and agreement between the attri butes from beginning to
end. This is a profound and difficult path in the wisdom,
requiring much reflection on the part of the student for
the term "union in this context means perfect agree

The beard, as you already know, issues from "Con
cealed Wisdom, and Father and Mother stand beneath
the beard. Thus MY AN DUCHRIN and MY AN
NUKVIN are drawn into "Crown and "Wisdom from
"Mercy and "Judgment (of Atik ), then they are ex
tended from the very beginning to the end of Arik in
order to effect such a union of absolute agreement. Sub
sequently, the completed bounty returns and issues into
the beard from "Concealed Wisdom. There, in the
beard itself, the bounty is drawn by way of the two
founts, the fount of keeping mercy and that of



clears. All the other emendations are represented by
the Lights which emend the bounty, while the two founts
known as keeping mercy and clears are the ones
that draw it out.

Note that the bounty is drawn by way of the fount
"and clears to its end, which reaches the navel. There
at the end, ZO (Zeir Anpin) is nourished. But Father
and Mother, who stand beneath the fount, are, accord
ing to Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai, also included in it.
Therefore, Father and Mother take the bounty at its
source, as it extends into the fount: This is considered
to be the principal bounty which sustains, for that
which ZO receives is only reflected glow. When this
principal bounty enters into "and clears, it enters first
into the brain of Father and Mother. It must go through
their Crown which is also the throat of Arik. Then
it returns to the back and enters the interior, issuing
from the palate to the throat. This is in accord with
the sequential order, whereby the throat, ("Intelligence)
is to receive from the palate (Wisdom), and there
after to enter through the throat into Father and Mother.

After the entrance of Father and Mother into
ZON, the bounty is granted to the latter, which is con
sequently emended through the union of Father and
Mother. The bounty, further perfected by this union,
is thereafter issued into the worlds as far down as the
world of Action. Here, all beings receive their nourish
ment for sustenance from it.

Anyone who can grasp this matter of Gods bounty
will apprehend His greatness, for it is by means of great
and majestic wisdom that the bounty issues forth, and



is apportioned to the angels, His servants, and to all
the other created beings.

We have previously stated that Knowledge of
Arik. which, unlike the other Parzufim that reside
in the head, "resides between the shoulders of Adam
Kadmon. In order to thoroughly understand this matter,
it is necessary to know what this "Knowledge is, and
from what it is made. For the Sefirot are only ten, as
it says in the Book of Creation (Sefer Yezira )"ten
and not eleven and when we count this "Knowledge
(Daath) into the total of the Sefirot, then there are
eleven. How can this be?

First let us examine "Knowledge of ZO, and from
this all the other Parezufim will be understood. It must
be borne in mind that the Supreme Emanator issued
ten Sefirot for the purpose of governing the world,
but that the chief functions of administration rest with
the seven lower Sefirot. The first three Sefirot serve
only as radiance and as additional Light wii;h which
to amend the seven lower Sefirot, innovating those below
with enough new Light for governing the world.

This principle applies equally to the world of Eman-,
ation in general as well as to the Parezuf of ZO. For
all mens actions depend upon the seven Sefirot of
Emanation that reside in the collective Parezufim of
that world.

Arik and Father and Mother, which are above them,
serve only to emend the seven lower Sefirot for the
purpose of governing the world. Likewise, in the Parezuf
of ZO, his seven lower Sefirot (and principal elements)
govern the world, while his first three Sefirot, serve



only as a supplement, for the revelation of new Light
whereby to innovate the world. All the Sefirot are made
for the purpose of governing the world, but the prin
cipal functions of government are performed by the
seven lower ones whereas the first three emanate and
infuse them with power.

"Crown, "Wisdom and "Intelligence, which are
the first three Parezufim, are designed to emend ZO
and the feminine polarity for the governing of the world;
it is by virtue of these illuminations that ZON own
first three Sefirot ("Crown, "Wisdom and Intelli
gence) are made. "Crown is made for ZO from the
illumination of Arik, while "Wisdom and "Intelligence
are made from the illumination of Father and Mother.
These Sefirot comprise the brains of this Parezuf (And
the brains are considered to be merely supplemental.)

When the two brains have been formed in ZO he
acquires a third one called "Knowledge (Daat), a
composite of both five "Mercies derived from "Wisdom
and five "Powers "Intelligence. The "Mercies exist
for the purpose of emending the Parezuf of ZO itself,
and the "Powers are meant to perfect his feminine
counterpart. The relationship between "Mercies and
"Powers is analogous to the relationship of male to

"Knowledge of ZO is comprised of "Powers,
despite the fact that they are not intended as part of
his Emendation but rather for that of the feminine
counterpart. That is because ZO and Nukba are termed
"one person. This interdependence prevails even when
she becomes separated from him and constitutes an



individual Parezuf; she nonetheless remains as one half
of ZO. This relationship demands that all her emenda
tions pass through ZO to be considered complete. Thus
ZO comprises both the five "Mercies and five "Powers.

The first three Sefirot come to ZO from Arik and
Father and Mother. They shine upon him, thereby
engendering in him the three first Sefirot. These three
Sefirot ("Crown, "Wisdom and "Intelligence) form
his upper Parezufim, yet "knowledge represents ZO
himself, specifically in the form of the six Sefirot that
take root in him when he is bestowed with "Crown,
"Wisdom, and "Intelligenceor, the brain. The brain
(now referred to as "Knowledge) is born after the entry
of the first three Sefirot. For, after ZO is amended
by the power of his newly revealed illumina tion, the
six lower Sefirot are also considered to be emended, and
in this way the third brain, called "Knowledge comes
into being. In other words, the six Sefirot of ZO
are now crowned and emended by the inner Light.
In fact, ZO has never really lacked these six Sefirot
(even before the formulation of the brain), but it is the
power of the newly revealed Lightitself no less than
the very essence of these six Sefirot which projects
the brain into existence.

This brain is considered to be the soul of the six
Sefirot, for it spreads throughout the body of ZO in
order to emend the degrees, much like the sold within
the human body. "Mercies, which constitute i the prin
cipal extension of this brain into the body of ZO,
occupy only the five Sefirot: "Mercy, "Jujdgment,
"Beauty, "Triumph and "Glory; immediately fol-



lowing this extension the five Sefirot form an aggre
gate in Foundation, as well as in Kingdom. ZO
contains no more than the extension of these five Sefirot.
Hence, the initial extension of Knowledge takes place
in the five Sefirot. Moreover, the Mercies are doubled,
rising also to the first three Sefirot, so that all of ZOs
ten Sefirot are emended by this inner Light. Never the
less, it is the five Sefirot that are most important. In
the same manner the Judgments are issued into the
body of the feminine counterpart in order to emend
her Parezuf with inner Light.

Because this brain ("Knowledge) is the inner
Light of the six Sefirot, it has no vessel. It is all inner
Light. An apparent paradox arises, however, when we
learn that during the extension of the brain into ZO,
the vessels of "Mercy, "Judgment and Beauty be
come Wisdom, Intelligence and Knowledge.
Beauty therefore forms a vessel for Knowledge. The
explanation of this paradox entails the hidden reason
for the alternation between Knowledge and Crown,
and runs as follows.

Neither Crown nor Knowledge can be counted
as part of the other ten Sefirot; for, as we have already
learned, Crown, is that which encircles the Parezuf
without forming a part of it, and "Knowledge lacks a
vessel and is the pure inner Light. All the other Sefirot
possess both body and souli.e. outer and inner sub
stance. Since this is the case, we might be led to
conclude that the number of Sefirot is nine and not
ten. However, the truth of the matter is that the
vessel belonging to Beauty rises to the place of


"Knowledge without enclosing it, and merges instead
with the vessel that forms the lower part of "Crown
(the cranium) to encompass "Knowledge. At this
juncture the inner '"Knowledge, and the vessel of
"Beauty which rose to meet it (and is now therefore
an actual part of Crowns vessel) become one Sefira,
thus forming the tenth Sefira.

At times, emphasizing its role as inner substance,
we call this Sefira Knowledge; but when we refer
to its role as a vessel, we call it "Crown. In this way,
it comprises both. This means that, although jive count
"Crown among the ten Sefirot, we do not refjer to the
actual "Crown, since it is not really part: of the
Parezuf in question. That is why it is called Keter,
from the term keteris, or that which "encompasses.
What we are actually referring to is the vessel belonging
to ""Beauty, which rises upward, joins with the vessel
belonging to Crown and thereby assumes its title.
Together, these two encompass the brain, while "Beauty
serves as a vessel for "Knowledge.

The brain of "Knowledge emends the six Sefirot
that comprise ZO. It functions as their inner Light,
or, in other words, is their brain. The entire process
takes place at the time of the general emendation.
During the period of the "Primordial Kings however,
"Knowledgeencompassed by the uppermost: third of
"Beautywas situated between the shoulders; of ZO.
What then became of the Light of "Beauty that
radiated in the remaining two-thirds of tile vessel?
Immediately after the extension, these two-thirds were
sufficiently augmented to encloth the entire Sefira. Now



that Knowledge formed part of the Crowns, * it
became closely united with Mercy and Power, the
three comprising one interdependent unit. Bela cor
responds to "Knowledge, Jobab to "Mercy, and
Husham to Power.

When this particular Knowledge was shattered,
only the parts that belonged to it broke. But the parts
belonging to Beauty remained there, and were not
shattered until later when Beauty itself was shattered.

Everything regarding the Sefira Knowledge in
the Parezuf ZO applies equally to Father and Mother.
For their Knowledge also serves the purpose of emend
ing their seven lower Sefirot with inner Light, or brain.
Every Parezuf is an aggregate of all five Parezufim, and
the seven lower Sefirot of Father and Mother are just
the same as ZON of the collective world of Emanation;
hence their Knowledge is exactly the same as Knowl
edge of ZO, for in both Parezufim it resides in the
head, close to the brain. Whereas in Arik, "Knowledge
is situated between the shoulders. Note that the com
plete emendation of all Parezufim is dependent on

We find then that the "Mercies serve to emend
the masculine principle and that the Powers serve to
emend the feminine principle. Since here Arik and its
feminine counterpart, the two great luminaries, are
equal (one being on the right and one on the left) the

* TR. N. Referred to here in the plural because it constitutes
"Crown, as well as the upper third of "Beauty, which is thus
also considered as a Crown.


"Mercies and "Powers issue from "Foundation of the
feminine counterpart of Atik, which is situated in the
chest of the collective Parczuf. Then, the five Mercies
spread out in his body, but rather return, rising above
the "Foundation and half are revealed at the base of
"Foundation on downward. The "Powers are extend
ed to the left side, and all five of them are unveiled.

Now to examine the order of their extension and
issuance from Foundation of Atik. It is known that
the Names of 45 and 52, of which the Parczuf Atik
was made, were completely united so that one formed
the posterior part and one of the anterior-although
that particular Parezuf is considered to be all "face
This "Foundation of Atik, which is placed opposite
"Knowledge of Arik, is therefore made of the two
components, namely, male and female belonging to
the "Foundation of Atik, which are united iis one.

However, the "Mercies and "Powers were unable
to stand together as one within "Foundation ( Yesod )
of Atik, for this "Foundation is the male polarity and
is therefore narrower than the "Foundation of the fe
male polarity. Because of its form, the mal polarity
could only contain one of the two, either the "Mercies
or the "Powers, and so prevented them from uniting
in "Foundation of the female polarity as well.

The "Powers are extended first to "Foundation,
for they are the lowest order of the brain; this matter
of precedence causes the "Mercies, which come later,
to remain above the "Powers. Later, when the "Mercies
come to "Foundation, they expel these "Powers
which are then issued by way of the mouth of "Founda-



tion into the body of Arik. However, they do not
spread to the right side. Half are veiled in the vessel
and encircling "Foundation on the outsidehalf of
them on the right and half on the left. This happens
because the "Powers, in relation to the "Mercies, are
as feminine to masculine, and since their great desire
is to unite with the "Mercies, the}. rise and encircle
them out-side of "Foundation. In this way, the
"Mercies and the "Powers stand together from the
chest on upwards"Mercies on the inside, "Powers
on the outside.

Subsquently, when the "Mercies issue from Founda
tion, and find half of the "Powers on the right side,
they thrust them over to the left. It is necessary to
know that from over to the left. It is necessary to
issue is under the chest for the concealed ones are to
tion. Although the place from which the 2Vz "Mercies
issue is under the chest for the concealed ones are to
be found abovenever theless, when they emerge,
they immediately rise above the chest and thrust over
to the left the "Powers which they find there. After
wards, they spread themselves below the temper and
modify the "Powers which are opposite them.

The "Powers that were on the right side then move
to the left, above the chest, where they find their re
maining half. Since there is no room above the chest
for all five "Powers, those that, to begin with, were
on the right side, and were therefore superior, now
remain above the chest on the left side, pushing those
that were originally there down below the chest. This
locates half of the "Mercies within "Foundation,



"above the chest, and half of them below, outside: Founda
tion; while all the "Powers are outside, half of them
above and half below.

These four divisions of Lights are found in the body
of Arik and for this reason there are four Parezurim
clothing Arik from the throat to the navel:

1) Father

2) Mother

3) Israel the Ancient

4) Understanding

From the illumination of the "Mercies which are
concealed in "Foundation comes Father, and in this
connection the Z oher says : "Father is hidden and con
cealed, having been drawn from these covered and
concealed "Mercies. From the unveiled "Mercies, Israel
the Ancient is drawn. From the "Powers which are
above the chest, Mother is drawn, and from thjDse below
the chest, Understanding is drawn.

Since the difference between the "Mercies and
the "Powers, is that the "Powers are all extended and
revealed while only half of the "Mercies are revealed
and the other half are covered, it influences the nature
of the Parezufim. Thus Father, and Israel the Ancient
are two distinct and separate Parezufim. Simply be
cause the "Mercies tended are disunited: while Mother,
and Understanding, which are drawn from the "Powers
(which are coequal in their extension), are united with
each other, for the feet of Mother are located in the
head of Understanding.

There are two kinds of "Mercies and "Powers.
The first kind are those which came at the beginning,



served to amend the Parezuf, and were then extended
in the manner above described; but the second type
are perpetually involved in bestowing to the worlds.
When these second types appear, they illuminate the
first as well. Because of the partition of Foundation
which separates them, the Powers that are situated
above "Foundation, and the illumination of the con
cealed "Mercies, from which Father issued, indirectly
receive energy from the Mercies and Powers ex
tending there. The "Mercies and Powers situated
below the Foundation, however, receive direct illum
ination; because of this difference, since each of their
Lights is divided into two rays, these latter ones possess
sufficient power to issue four branches, or two Parezufim.
(This will be described shortly.) However, when the
second type of Mercies and "Powers extend they do
not expel the Mercies that remain in Foundation,
as these are already considered part of the body of
Foundation itself, and serve as a transmitter for the
new bounty of Powers and Merciesin as much
as the Light is drawn because of the awakening of these
lower ones. These channels permit "Mercies and Pow
ers to extend and pass through.

Until now we have been discussing the Parezuf of
Arik, in all its particulars. Now let us turn to the de
tails pertaining to the Parezufim of Father and Mother,
which clo the Arik from the throat to the navel.

First recall that Father and Mother are synonymous
with Wisdom and Intelligence of the collective
world of Emanation. But, like all the Parezufim, each
of these encompasses ten Sefirot. We have already men-



tioned earlier that the Parezufim of Father arid Mother
are separated from each other, in such a way that each
individually comprises the two Names 45 and i52. This
is not the case with the Parezufim of Atik and Arik and
their feminine counterparts, for those are united so that
the Name 45 is considered to be male and the Name 52

Father is composed of half of Intelligence of the
Name 45 and of the seven lower Sefirot of Wisdom
belonging to the Name 52the first three Sefirot having
been appropriated by Atik as his feminine counterpart.
Mother is composed of the lower half of Intelligence
of 45 and the six lower Sefirot of Intelligence of
52, since the first four Sefirot were taken by Atik as his
feminine counterpart.

These two Pareztifim are subdivided into four, be
cause of the different types of illumination coming to
them from the "Mercies and Powers of Arik. Col
lectively, these Parezufim, from the chest up, are called
Father and Mother: and from that point downwards,
they are called Israel the Ancient and Understanding.
We find then that the upper Father and Mother enclo the
Arik down to the chest, one on his right and one on his
left, while from the chest down to the navel, Arik is
clothed by Israel the Ancient, and Understanding, also
divided between right and left.

Israel the Ancient, and Understanding clo the the
upper Father and Mother from their mutual chest down
ward. Bear in mind that the inclusive Father and Mother
are called Father and Mother only as far as the chest,
because up to that point they are bare and unclothed.



From the chest down, however, they are enclothed by
Israel the Ancient, and by Understanding, so that we no
longer consider that portion of them as part of their
Parezufim. Instead, from this point on they are repre
sented respectively by Israel the Ancient, and by Under

This explains why in one place the Parezufim of the
upper Father and Mother are clothed by the Parezufim
of Israel the Ancient, and Understanding from their
chest downso that these four end evenly inside and
why elsewhere the feet of Mother ("Intelligence)
are in the head of Understanding so that the upper
Father and Mother end in the chest at the place where
Israel the Ancient, and Understanding begin.

The nature of the upper Lights is such that they
change according to their position, and that is what is
meant when we say that the feet of "Intelligence are in
the head of Understanding. This situation obtains only
between Mother and Understanding, and not in the case
of Father and Israel the Ancient.

Nevertheless, both Father and Mother end evenly at
the chest, because her soles, which are located on the
inside, are not considered as part of her, and that which
is seen outside is an equal terminus. Also, when we say
that upper Father and Mother reach to the chest of Arik,
and that Israel the Ancient, and Understanding reach to
the navel, we refer to that which is seen of these Parezu
fim. Whereas on the inside, all four clo the Arik down
to the navel and end equally. This is an important fact.

The upper Father and Mother are composed of the
Names 4 5 and 52 of Father, while Israel the Ancient,



and Understanding are composed of the Names 45 and
52 of Mother. When Mother and Father united, Father
gave his Name 52 to Mother in exchange for :ier Name
45, which he thereupon gave to Israel the j Ancient.
Mother gave her Name 52 to Understanding. Thus the
Name 45 belonging to Father and the 45 belpnging to
Mother are both in the right side: Father has one Name
45 and Israel the Ancient has the other; similarly, the
Name 52 of both are on the left side. Mother has one
and Understanding the other. The uniting of the upper
Father with Mother, as well as that of Israel the Ancient
with Understanding therefore corresponds to tike uniting
of the Names 45 and 52.

Father and Mother commence from the throat of
Arik. Their "Crowns clo the his throat, one on the
right, the other on the left; their remaining Sefirot
clo the his bodyFa ther the right arm, that is, his
"Mercy, and Mother the left arm, his "Power. In this
connection, the *Zohar says: "Father is united with Mercy
and Mother with Power, because they clo the Mercy and
Power respectively.

The "Wisdom, "Intelligence and "Knowledge
belonging to Father and Mother were formed from the
arms of Arik, and from his body came the rest of their
Sefirot. The glow of his (Ariks) Sefirot alternates in
the making of Father and Mother: their "Wisdom "In
telligence and "Knowledge come from his first sections
of "Mercy, "Power and "Beauty, their "Mercy,
"Power, and "Beauty were formed out of the second
sections of "Mercy, "Power and "Beauty belonging
to Arik; and from the third section of "Mercy, "Power



and "Beauty of Arik, came their "Triumph, "Glory
and "Foundation. Thereafter, these Sefirot all rose and
enveloped Arik in the preceding order.

It is necessary to know that the union of Father and
Mother is perpetual, that it never ceases, and that these
Parezufim are not dependent upon the actions of man.
Therefore, the Z ohar speaks of them as "Friends who
never part. Two kinds of union exist between Father and
Mother: "outer, a union between the outer Lights, and
"inner, a union of the inner Lights. The former which
takes place only in the upper Father and Mothernever
ceases. It requires no arousal whatsoever from below.
But the union of the inner Lights, namely that union of
Father and Mother which is performed for the purpose
of bringing brain to ZO, is not perpetual, but rather
intermittent. Here, the arousal by the lower beings
(men) is necessary in order to bring it about. All four
Parezufim : Father and Mother, Israel the Ancient, and
Understanding, are included in this union the four
becoming but two.

Bear in mind that between Father and Mother there
is an intermediary"Knowledgewhich unites them.
This is represented by the fountain of "and clears
(mazel wenakeh) of the beard.

It is important to note that the Parezufim of Israel
the Ancient, and Understanding, from their chest down
ward, are divided in two. These are called the second
Israel the Ancient, and the second Understanding, and
it is the Sefirot Triumph, "Glory and "Foundation
of these two which are drawn into ZO as the latters



brain. These three Sefirot are called the third Israel the
Ancient, and the third Understanding.

Remember that at times the Pareztifim of the upper
Father and Mother, Israel the Ancient, and Understanding
are united as one, and that what was previously 'Found
ation of upper Father and Mother becomes the location
for the chest of the collective Parezuf. However, this
occurs only at the time of union. There are other oc
casions when Israel the Ancient, and Understanding rise
and are included in Father and Mother in order to unite;
and yet other times when the upper Father and Mother
descend and are included in Israel the Ancient, and

The first pregnancy, which occurs in order to en
gender the six Sefirot (ZO), sees Israel the Ancient, and
Understanding rise into upper Father and Mother. In the
second pregnancy, which takes place so that the first
three Sefirot may be supplemented to ZO, upper Father
and Mother descend into both Israel the Ancient, and
Understanding. These periodic changes in the Parezufim
occur during the first and second maturity of ZO.

This procedure will be further enumerated during
discussions regarding ZO and his acquisition of brain.

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General Principles of Kabbalah


QUOTES [1 / 1 - 1 / 1]

KEYS (10k)

   1 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto


1:The Creator desired that the Light be veiled in order to grant existence to the lower beings, which could not otherwise survive in its full presence. ~ Rabbi Moses Luzzatto, General Principles of Kabbalah,

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:The Creator desired that the Light be veiled in order to grant existence to the lower beings, which could not otherwise survive in its full presence. ~ Rabbi Moses Luzzatto, General Principles of Kabbalah,



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Wikipedia - Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority -- Statutory board under ministry of finance in Singapore
Wikipedia - Accreditation -- Procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition that an organization is competent to carry out specific tasks (def: ISO 15189:2012)
Wikipedia - Ace Atkins -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - A. Craig Copetas -- Author and international correspondent
Wikipedia - Ada Calhoun -- American non-fiction author
Wikipedia - Adam Alter -- Psychologist, author, and expert on smartphone addiction.
Wikipedia - Adam Becker -- American astrophysicist, author and science educator
Wikipedia - Adam Braver -- American author of historical fiction
Wikipedia - Adam B. Resnick -- American businessman, author, and whistleblower
Wikipedia - Adam Davies (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Adam Desnoyers -- American author and winner of the 2003 O
Wikipedia - Adam Felber -- American political satirist, actor, author and radio personality
Wikipedia - Adam Gidwitz -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Adam Hurrey -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Adam Jerzy Czartoryski -- Polish nobleman, statesman, diplomat and author (1770-1861)
Wikipedia - Adam Makos -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Adam Rutherford -- British geneticist, author, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Adam Selzer -- American author
Wikipedia - Adela Yarbro Collins -- American author and an international academic and writer on Biblical Theology
Wikipedia - Adele Faber -- American author
Wikipedia - Adelheid Wette -- German author
Wikipedia - Ademir Antonio Bacca -- Brazilian author
Wikipedia - Adewale Oke Adekola -- Nigerian engineer, academic, author, and administrator
Wikipedia - Administrative units of Pakistan -- Provinces and territories under the administrative authority of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Adobe Authorware
Wikipedia - Adolph Kohut -- German-Hungarian journalist, cultural historian and author
Wikipedia - Adriaan van Dis -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Adrian Caesar -- Australian author and poet
Wikipedia - Adrian Flanagan -- British author, sailor and sculptor
Wikipedia - Adrian Tchaikovsky -- British fantasy and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Adri van Westerop -- Luxembourg chemist, author, and politician (1957-2009)
Wikipedia - Adultery (novel) -- 2014 novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho
Wikipedia - Advaita Kala -- Indian author, screenwriter, and columnist
Wikipedia - Adventure Activities Licensing Authority -- The licensing authority for outdoor activity centres for young people in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Advertising Standards Authority (South Africa) -- Consumer organization in South Africa
Wikipedia - Advertising Standards Authority (United Kingdom) -- Advertising regulation authority in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Aelius Lampridius -- Historical Roman pseudo-author
Wikipedia - A. E. van Vogt -- Canadian science fiction author (1912-2000)
Wikipedia - Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi -- Pakistani diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Afroza Parveen -- Bangladeshi author
Wikipedia - Afshin Rattansi -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - After Man -- Book by the Scottish geologist and author Dougal Dixon
Wikipedia - A. F. Th. van der Heijden -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Agnes Baldwin Alexander -- American author
Wikipedia - Agnes Giberne -- British author and astronomer
Wikipedia - Agnete Friis (writer) -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Agnia Grigas -- American political scientist and author
Wikipedia - Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore -- Former statutory board in Singapore
Wikipedia - Ahmad Alyaseer -- Jordanian director, producer and author
Wikipedia - Ahmad NikTalab -- Iranian poet, author, and linguistic
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1934) -- Egyptologist and essayist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1982) -- Egyptian author
Wikipedia - Ahmed Qurei -- 2nd Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority
Wikipedia - Aidan de Brune -- Journalist, author, pedestrian
Wikipedia - Ai Kidosaki -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Aina Karlsone -- Latvian artist and author
Wikipedia - Aircraft registration -- Registration and identification assigned to an individual aircraft by national aviation authorities
Wikipedia - Air operator's certificate -- Approval by national aviation authorities to operate aircraft for commercial purposes
Wikipedia - Airport Authority Hong Kong -- Operator of Hong Kong International Airport
Wikipedia - Aisha Chaudhary -- Indian author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Ai Siqi -- Yunnan Mongol Chinese philosopher and author (1910-1966)
Wikipedia - Aita Ighodaro -- British author
Wikipedia - Ai Yazawa -- Japanese manga author
Wikipedia - A. J. Butcher -- English author
Wikipedia - A. J. Finn -- American author
Wikipedia - Ajin Panjapan -- Thai author
Wikipedia - Ajip Rosidi -- Indonesian author
Wikipedia - Akinari Matsuno -- Japanese light novel author
Wikipedia - Alai (author) -- Tibetan author (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alain Deneault -- French Canadian author from Quebec
Wikipedia - Alan Abramowitz -- American political scientist and author
Wikipedia - Alan Alda -- American actor, director, screenwriter, comedian and author
Wikipedia - Alan Betrock -- American music critic, publisher, editor, author, and record producer
Wikipedia - Alan Brown (filmmaker) -- American director and author
Wikipedia - Alan Dershowitz -- American lawyer, author
Wikipedia - Alan Epstein -- American author
Wikipedia - Alan Fitzgerald (satirist) -- Australian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Furst -- American author of historical spy novels
Wikipedia - Alan J. Porter -- English author
Wikipedia - Alan Light -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alan Marshall (Australian author) -- Australian writer (1902-1984)
Wikipedia - Alan Marshall (New Zealand author)
Wikipedia - Alan Moore -- English comic book author (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alan Parker (author) -- film director
Wikipedia - Alan Pell Crawford -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Wakeman (author) -- British Author
Wikipedia - Alan Winnington -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alan W. Paeth -- Canadian computer scientist and bestselling author
Wikipedia - Alastair Niven -- Literary scholar and author (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Alastair Reynolds -- British science fiction author
Wikipedia - Albert Camus -- French author and journalist
Wikipedia - Albert Flynn -- British civil servant and author (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Albert Paine -- American author and biographer
Wikipedia - Albert Payson Terhune -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Albert Pike -- Author, poet, orator, Freemason and Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Albert Viaplana -- Spanish architect and author
Wikipedia - Albert Wilson (botanist) -- American botanist, landscape architect, author, teacher, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Albie Sachs -- South African anti-Apartheid activist leader, author and judge of the Constitutional Court
Wikipedia - Al Dempsey -- American author of historical fiction
Wikipedia - Alder Hey organs scandal -- 1988-1995 unauthorised removal, retention, and disposal of human tissue at Alder Hay Children's Hospital, Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Alejandro Badia -- American orthopedic surgeon, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Aleksander Antson -- Estonian author, athletics competitor and journalist
Wikipedia - Alephonsion Deng -- South Sudanese author and speaker (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Aleshia Brevard -- American author and actress
Wikipedia - Alessandro Girolamo Sozzini -- Italian author
Wikipedia - Alessandro Verri -- Italian author
Wikipedia - Alex Abella -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexa Johnston -- New Zealand author, art curator and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander Aaronsohn -- Jewish author and activist (1888-1948)
Wikipedia - Alexander Anim-Mensah -- Ghanaian-American Chemical engineer, inventor and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Bard -- Musician, record producer, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Dyukov (historian) -- Russian author and blogger
Wikipedia - Alexander Herzen -- Russian author, philosopher, revolutioner (1812-1870)
Wikipedia - Alexander Hugh Chisholm -- Australian journalist, newspaper editor, author and amateur ornithologist
Wikipedia - Alexander Hugh Freeland Barbour -- Scottish gynecologist and medical author
Wikipedia - Alexander Larman -- British author, journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander Raven Thomson -- Scottish politician and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Shields -- Scottish nonconformist minister, activist, and author
Wikipedia - Alex Anderson (quilter) -- American quilter, television host, and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Taylor (physician) -- Scottish physician and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Thynn, 7th Marquess of Bath -- English politician, artist and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Weinstein (author) -- American short story writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Yates -- American author
Wikipedia - Alexandra Brown -- British author and columnist
Wikipedia - Alexandra Day -- American childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys book author
Wikipedia - Alexandra Robbins -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alex Bekker -- Physician, author and academic
Wikipedia - Alex Bledsoe -- American author
Wikipedia - Alex Christofi -- British author
Wikipedia - Alexei Kondratiev -- American author, linguist, and teacher of Celtic languages, folklore and culture
Wikipedia - Alexenia Dimitrova -- Bulgarian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alexis Jones -- American activist, author, media personality and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Alex Jones -- American radio host, author, conspiracy theorist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Alex Michaelides -- author and screenwriter (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Alex Moroder -- Italian author
Wikipedia - Alex Preston (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Alfie Kohn -- American author and lecturer (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Alfred Bester (author)
Wikipedia - Alfred Brauner -- Austrian-French scholar, sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Alfred Harbage -- 20th-century American Shakespeare scholar and author
Wikipedia - Alfred Hodder -- Author
Wikipedia - Alfredo Castelli -- Italian comic book author and writer
Wikipedia - Alfred Robinson (businessman) -- American businessman and author
Wikipedia - Alfred Thomas Chandler -- Australian poet and author
Wikipedia - Alfred Vanderpol -- French engineer, philanthropist and author
Wikipedia - Alfred W. Pollard -- 19th/20th-century English author and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Alhassan Braimah -- Ghanaian politician and author
Wikipedia - Ali bin Towar al-Kuwari -- Qatari Television Presenter and author
Wikipedia - Alice Albinia -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alice Allison Dunnigan -- Journalist, civil rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Alice Blanchard -- American author
Wikipedia - Alice Carter Cook -- American horticulturist and author (1868-1943)
Wikipedia - Alice Guerin Crist -- Australian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Knott -- Novel by American author Blake Butler
Wikipedia - Alice Lounsberry -- American botanist, dendrologist and author.
Wikipedia - Alice Mary Dowd -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - Alice Mary Gordon -- British author
Wikipedia - Alice Mary Hilton -- British-American mathematician, academic and author
Wikipedia - Alice McLerran -- Anthropologist and author
Wikipedia - Alice Rasmussen -- Italian-Swedish art historian, and author
Wikipedia - Alice Roberts -- English physician, anatomist, physical anthropologist, television presenter, author
Wikipedia - Alice Rollins-Crane -- American ethnologist, author, business owner, and miner
Wikipedia - Alice S. Kandell -- American child psychologist, author, photographer
Wikipedia - Alice Walker -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Alice Waters -- American chef, restaurateur, and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Drake -- British fashion journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Dujovne Ortiz -- Argentine journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Gutierrez -- Argentine sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Kopf -- Spanish author and artist
Wikipedia - Aliki Brandenberg -- American author and illustrator (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Ali Omar Ermes -- Libyan painter and author
Wikipedia - Alison Arngrim -- Canadian-American actress and author
Wikipedia - Alison Bass -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alison Littlewood -- British author
Wikipedia - Alison Sinclair (author) -- British physician
Wikipedia - Alison Weir -- British author and historian
Wikipedia - Aliyah Saleem -- British author and secular activist
Wikipedia - Al-Jawbari -- Medieval Syrian Arab author and scholar known for his denunciation of alchemy.
Wikipedia - Allan A. Swenson -- American author, literary agent and master gardener
Wikipedia - Allan Cox (author) -- American business writer
Wikipedia - Allan Cunningham (author)
Wikipedia - Allan Yeomans -- Author, cultural critic, and farmer
Wikipedia - Allen Carr -- British author
Wikipedia - Ally Acker -- American filmmaker, poet, author, and film herstorian
Wikipedia - Al-Marzubani -- Arab author and historian (c. 909-994)
Wikipedia - Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps -- American educator, botanist, author, editor
Wikipedia - Alona Kimhi -- Israeli author and actress
Wikipedia - Alondra Nelson -- American sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Alper Mestci -- Turkish author and film director
Wikipedia - Alpha Mande Diarra -- Malian author
Wikipedia - Alphonse de Lamartine -- French author, poet and statesman
Wikipedia - Alphonse Royer -- French author, dramatist and theatre manager
Wikipedia - A. L. Rowse -- 20th-century British author and historian
Wikipedia - Alton Brown -- American food show presenter, chef, author, cinematographer, and musician
Wikipedia - Alvin Schwartz (children's author)
Wikipedia - Amafa aKwaZulu-Natali -- Provincial heritage resources authority in terms of South Africa's National Heritage Resources Act
Wikipedia - Amal Clooney -- British-Lebanese barrister, activist and author
Wikipedia - Amal Nasser el-Din -- Israeli Druze author and former politician
Wikipedia - Amanda Adams -- American author, archaeologist, and former fashion model
Wikipedia - Amanda Downum -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Amanda Montell -- American author, linguist, and writer
Wikipedia - Amber Brock -- American author
Wikipedia - Amber Dermont -- American author
Wikipedia - Amber Riley -- American actress, singer and author
Wikipedia - Ambient authority -- Term used in the study of access control systems
Wikipedia - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard -- is an economics and business journalist, author and The Daily Telegraph editor.
Wikipedia - Amei Wallach -- American filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Amelia Atwater-Rhodes -- American author of fantasy and young adult literature
Wikipedia - Amelia Earhart -- American aviation pioneer and author
Wikipedia - Amelia Vega -- Dominican model, actress, singer, author and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Amelie Gabrielle Boudet -- Allan Kardec's wife and authority on Spiritism
Wikipedia - Amelie Linz -- German author
Wikipedia - American Authors
Wikipedia - Americanism (heresy) -- Cultural resistance to Church authority among some New World Catholics
Wikipedia - American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers -- American not-for-profit performance-rights organization
Wikipedia - Amhlaoibh M-CM-^S Suilleabhain -- Irish author and politician
Wikipedia - Amik Kasoruho -- Albanian author, translator and publicist
Wikipedia - Amin Aslani -- Iranian filmmaker, translator and author
Wikipedia - Aminata Traore -- Malian author, politician and activist
Wikipedia - Amish Tripathi -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Amos Bar -- Israeli author, teacher, and editor
Wikipedia - Amos J. Peaslee -- American politician, military official and author
Wikipedia - Amran Mohamed Ahmed -- Somali author, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Amy Arnold -- British author
Wikipedia - Amy Borkowsky -- American author and comedian
Wikipedia - Amy Domini -- American investment adviser and author
Wikipedia - Amy Goodman -- American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter and author
Wikipedia - Amy Hill Hearth -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Amy Krouse Rosenthal -- American author, radio host and producer, filmmaker
Wikipedia - Amy Liptrot -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Amy Lukavics -- American young adult horror author
Wikipedia - Amy Plum -- French-American author
Wikipedia - Amy S. Foster -- Canadian songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Ana Lucia Araujo -- Brazilian-born Canadian historian, author and history professor
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Matute -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Anarchist bookfair -- exhibition for anti-authoritarian literature and anarchist cultural events
Wikipedia - Anatole France -- French author and journalist (1844-1924)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Shteiger -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sofronov -- Soviet author and poet
Wikipedia - Ana Vasquez-Bronfman -- Chilean/French author and social scientist
Wikipedia - Ana Vicente -- Anglo-Portuguese author and feminist
Wikipedia - Andorran Financial Authority -- Andorian finance institute
Wikipedia - Andrea H. Japp -- French scientist and author
Wikipedia - Andrea Jourdan -- Canadian chef, ghost writer, and culinary author
Wikipedia - Andrea Lee (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Andreas Capellanus -- French author
Wikipedia - Andrea Scrima -- literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Andreas Roloff -- German scientist and author
Wikipedia - Andre Gide -- French author and Nobel laureate
Wikipedia - Andrew Baggarly -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Barrow -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Brel -- UK author
Wikipedia - Andrew Calimach -- Romanian-American author
Wikipedia - Andrew Ervin -- American author, critic and editor
Wikipedia - Andrew Ferguson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Fisher (political activist) -- British political activist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Fox (author) -- American author from New Orleans
Wikipedia - Andrew Hallam -- Canadian personal finance author
Wikipedia - Andrew Harvey (religious writer) -- British author, religious scholar, and teacher of mystic traditions
Wikipedia - Andrew Hussie -- American author and webcomic artist
Wikipedia - Andrew Lawson (photographer) -- British photographer, artist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Lih -- Digital strategist and author of The Wikipedia Revolution
Wikipedia - Andrew Loog Oldham -- English record producer, talent manager, impresario and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Marantz -- American author
Wikipedia - Andrew Moffat -- British primary school teacher and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Otis -- American author
Wikipedia - Andrew Ross Sorkin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Sullivan -- British-born American author, editor, and blogger
Wikipedia - Andrew Tristem -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Andrews -- American author and corporate speaker
Wikipedia - Andy Briggs -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andy Chambers -- English author and game designer
Wikipedia - Andy Griffiths (author) -- Australian children's author
Wikipedia - Andy Hunt (author) -- American computer programmer
Wikipedia - Andy Kessler (author) -- American businessman, investor, and author
Wikipedia - Andy Lane -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Prieboy -- American musician, songwriter, and author
Wikipedia - Andy S. Jagoda -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - Ane Riel -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Angela D. Dillard -- American scholar and author
Wikipedia - Angela Kepler -- New Zealand naturalist and author
Wikipedia - Angela Orebaugh -- American computer scientist and author
Wikipedia - Angelico Chavez -- Hispanic American Friar minor, priest, historian, author, poet, and painter
Wikipedia - Angelo Neumann -- German author, opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Angie Thomas -- American author (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Angus MacVicar -- Author
Wikipedia - Angus Scrimm -- American actor, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Angus Wilson -- British author (1913-1991)
Wikipedia - Anh Do -- Vietnamese-born Australian author, actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Anica Mrose Rissi -- US author
Wikipedia - Anita Cornwell -- American lesbian feminist author
Wikipedia - Anita Loos -- American screenwriter, playwright, author, actress, and television producer
Wikipedia - Anja Snellman -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Anka Radakovich -- American author and columnist
Wikipedia - Ankit Fadia -- Indian author and speaker (born 4 oct 2003)
Wikipedia - Anna Akana -- American actress, filmmaker, author, and comedian
Wikipedia - Anna Anka -- Swedish-American model, actress, and author
Wikipedia - Anna Banks -- American author
Wikipedia - Anna Beer -- British author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Annabel Davis-Goff -- Irish/US author
Wikipedia - Anna Ciddor -- Australian author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Anna Cora Mowatt -- French-born American author, playwright, and actress
Wikipedia - Anna Faris -- American actress, voice artist, producer, podcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Ann Aguirre -- American author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Annah Robinson Watson -- American author
Wikipedia - Annaka Harris -- American author
Wikipedia - Anna Laetitia Barbauld -- English author (1743-1825)
Wikipedia - Anna Laurens Dawes -- American author and suffragist
Wikipedia - Annalee Newitz -- American journalist, editor, and author of both fiction and nonfiction
Wikipedia - Anna Lee Waldo -- American author, chemistry professor
Wikipedia - Annalee Whitmore Fadiman -- Author, correspondent and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Anna Margaretta Archambault -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Annamarie Tendler -- American lampshade designer and author
Wikipedia - Anna Maynard Barbour -- American author
Wikipedia - Anna Millikin -- Teacher and author
Wikipedia - Anna Murdoch Mann -- Scottish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Anna Nakwaska -- Polish author and educationist (1779 or 1781-1851)
Wikipedia - Anna Sophia Polak -- Jewish feminist and author
Wikipedia - Anna Stroka -- Polish literary historian, author and translator
Wikipedia - Anna Taylor (writer) -- New Zealand author (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Anna von Zweigbergk -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Anna Wheeler (author)
Wikipedia - Ann Bannon -- American author
Wikipedia - Ann Charlotte Bartholomew -- English flower and miniature painter, and author
Wikipedia - Ann Cleeves -- British author (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Ann Druyan -- American author and producer
Wikipedia - Anne Baker (author) -- British writer of historical biographies
Wikipedia - Anne de Vries -- Dutch teacher and author
Wikipedia - Anne Edwards -- American author
Wikipedia - Anne Eggebroten -- American author and feminist scholar
Wikipedia - Anne Emery -- Canadian author of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Anne Emery (young adult author) -- American author of popular teen romance novels from 1946 to 1980.
Wikipedia - Anne Hart (Canadian author) -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Anne Helm -- American actress and author, born 1938
Wikipedia - Anne Hendershott -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - Anne LaBastille -- American author and ecologist
Wikipedia - Annelies Verbeke -- Belgian author
Wikipedia - Ann Eliza Smith -- American author
Wikipedia - Anne Lyon Haight -- American author, essayist, rare book collector (1891-1977)
Wikipedia - Anne Matthews -- College lecturer and environmental author
Wikipedia - Anne Provoost -- Flemish author
Wikipedia - Ann Eriksson -- Canadian author and biologist
Wikipedia - Anne Trubek -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Annette Ashberry -- Engineer, gardener and author, first woman elected to the Society of Engineers
Wikipedia - Annette Bjergfeldt -- Danish songwriter, singer and author
Wikipedia - Annette Cascone -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Annette Kaufman -- American pianist and author
Wikipedia - Anne Walbank Buckland -- British anthropologist, author
Wikipedia - Anne Wilson Schaef -- American psychotherapist and author
Wikipedia - Ann Henning Jocelyn -- Swedish-born Irish playwright, translator and author.
Wikipedia - Annie Ali Khan -- Pakistani journalist and author
Wikipedia - Annie Barrows -- American editor and author
Wikipedia - Annie Dillard -- American author
Wikipedia - Annie Eliot Trumbull -- American author
Wikipedia - Annie Fox (author) -- American book author
Wikipedia - Annie Louisa Walker -- Anglo-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Annie Moore Cherry -- American professor, author, and playwright
Wikipedia - Annie O'Meara de Vic Beamish -- Irish author (1883-1969)
Wikipedia - Annie Proulx -- American novelist, short story and non-fiction author (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Romein-Verschoor -- Dutch author and historian
Wikipedia - Ann Jungman -- British author of children's books
Wikipedia - Ann Radcliffe -- English author and a pioneer of the Gothic novel (1764-1823)
Wikipedia - Ann Rinaldi -- American young adult fiction author
Wikipedia - Ann Savoy -- American musician, author, and record producer
Wikipedia - Anoma Janadari -- Sri Lankan actress and author
Wikipedia - Anthony Arthur (author) -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Anthony Bailey (author) -- British writer and art historian
Wikipedia - Anthony Boucher -- American author
Wikipedia - Anthony Buckeridge -- English author
Wikipedia - Anthony D. Williams (author)
Wikipedia - Anthony Everitt -- British author
Wikipedia - Anthony Veasna So -- American author
Wikipedia - Anthony Warner (chef) -- British chef, food writer and author (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Anti-authoritarian International
Wikipedia - Anti-authoritarianism -- opposition to authoritarianism
Wikipedia - Anti-authoritarian
Wikipedia - Anti-clericalism -- Opposition to religious authority
Wikipedia - Antoine Bello -- French-American author
Wikipedia - Anton Chekhov -- Russian dramatist, author and physician
Wikipedia - Anton Harber -- (b.1958) South African professor of journalism, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Antonia Fraser -- British author and novelist (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Antonio Lara de Gavilan -- Spanish graphic artist, editorial cartoonist and author of comic theatre
Wikipedia - Antonio Tavares (writer) -- Angolan writer and author
Wikipedia - Anton LaVey -- Founder of the Church of Satan, author of the Satanic Bible
Wikipedia - Anton Sebastianpillai -- British author and consultant geriatrician
Wikipedia - Anton van Hooff -- 20th and 21st-century Dutch historian and author
Wikipedia - Antony Carr -- English author
Wikipedia - Antony Davies -- American economist, speaker, and author
Wikipedia - Antwone Fisher -- American director, screenwriter, author and film producer
Wikipedia - Anveshana (novel) -- 1976 book by Kannada author S. L. Bhyrappa
Wikipedia - Anya Seton -- American author of historical fiction (1904-1990)
Wikipedia - Anyda Marchant -- Fiction Author
Wikipedia - Aparna Vaidik -- Indian historian, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Aphrahat -- 4th century Syriac-Christian theologian and author
Wikipedia - Apocrypha -- Works of unknown authorship or of doubtful origin
Wikipedia - Appeal to authority
Wikipedia - April Daniels (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Ara Baliozian -- Armenian author, translator, and critic
Wikipedia - Arahant Upatissa -- 1st-2nd-century Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monk and author of the Vimuttimagga
Wikipedia - Archibald Alison (Scottish author)
Wikipedia - Archie P. McKishnie -- Canadian author, 1875-1946
Wikipedia - Arden of Faversham -- 1592 English play of undetermined authorship
Wikipedia - Arena (web browser) -- Web browser and Web authoring tool for Unix
Wikipedia - Argument from authority -- Logical fallacy of using a high-status figure's belief as evidence in an argument
Wikipedia - Ariadna M-CM-^Hfron -- author and daughter of Maria Tsvetaeva
Wikipedia - Ariane de Bonvoisin -- International advisor, author and executive coach
Wikipedia - Arianna Huffington -- Greek-American author and syndicated columnist
Wikipedia - Ari Behn -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Arinn Dembo -- American author
Wikipedia - Arisen Ahubudu -- Sri Lankan author, poet and scholar
Wikipedia - Arkady Martine -- American science fiction author and historian
Wikipedia - Arlo Haskell -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Armando Favazza -- American author and psychiatrist
Wikipedia - Armijn Pane -- Indonesian author
Wikipedia - Arms-length management organisation -- not-for-profit company that provides housing services on behalf of a local authority
Wikipedia - Arn Anderson -- American professional wrestler, road agent and author
Wikipedia - Arnaud Berquin -- French children's author
Wikipedia - Arnold Berleant -- American scholar and author
Wikipedia - Arnoul Greban -- 15th century French organist and author
Wikipedia - Arrest warrant -- Warrant authorizing the arrest and detention of an individual
Wikipedia - Arria Sargent Huntington -- American author and social reformer
Wikipedia - Arswendo Atmowiloto -- Indonesian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arte Publico Press -- Publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US Hispanic authors
Wikipedia - Arthur Bridgman Clark -- American architect, professor, author
Wikipedia - Arthur Byron Cover -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Arthur Conan Doyle -- British detective fiction author
Wikipedia - Arthur D. Morse -- Print and television journalist and author, known for "While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy"
Wikipedia - Arthur Elmore Bostwick -- librarian and author
Wikipedia - Arthur Ernest Morgan -- First Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority
Wikipedia - Arthur Golden -- American author known for writing 'Memoirs of a Geisha'
Wikipedia - Arthur Koestler -- Hungarian-British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur L. Conger -- U.S. Army officer and author
Wikipedia - Arthur Leo Zagat -- American author and lawyer
Wikipedia - Arthur Machen -- Welsh author and mystic (1863-1947)
Wikipedia - Arthur Ransome -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Schnitzler -- Austrian author and dramatist
Wikipedia - Arthur Shadwell -- author and physician
Wikipedia - Arthur Tappan Pierson -- Evangelical pastor and author
Wikipedia - Arthur Vogel (chemist) -- author and educator
Wikipedia - Arthur Wallis (Bible teacher) -- Itinerant Bible teacher and author
Wikipedia - Artistic control -- The authority to decide how a final media product will appear
Wikipedia - Art Plotnik -- Author and librarian, editor of American Libraries magazine
Wikipedia - Arturo Feliz-Camilo -- Dominican chef and author
Wikipedia - Artur Sandauer -- Polish author and translator
Wikipedia - Arvin Vohra -- American politician, author, and educator
Wikipedia - A. Sajeevan -- Malayalam language journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ascher H. Shapiro -- American author and professor of mechanical engineering and fluid mechanics
Wikipedia - Asenath Bole Odaga -- Kenyan publisher and author
Wikipedia - Ashley Altadonna -- American filmmaker, musician, author, activist
Wikipedia - Ashley E. Jardina -- Political science scholar and author
Wikipedia - Ashok Laxmanrao Kukade -- An Indian physician and author
Wikipedia - Asma Khan -- Indian-born chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Aspergirls -- Non-fiction book by American author Rudy Simone
Wikipedia - Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority -- Legal proceedings in the UK concerning the requested extradition of Julian Assange to Sweden
Wikipedia - Association of Nigerian Authors -- Nigerian authors Association
Wikipedia - Assumpta Serna -- Spanish actress and author
Wikipedia - AtB -- Public transport authority of Trondelag, Norway
Wikipedia - Athanase Josue Coquerel -- French theologian & author
Wikipedia - Atia Abawi -- American author and television journalist
Wikipedia - Attila Hildmann -- German vegan cookbook author
Wikipedia - Aubrey Beardsley -- English illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Aubrey de Grey -- English author and biogerontologist
Wikipedia - Auctorum -- Term indicating that a biological name is not used in the sense established by the original author
Wikipedia - Audrey Kobayashi -- Canadian geography professor and author
Wikipedia - Augusta Foote Arnold -- American naturalist and author
Wikipedia - Augusta Harvey Worthen -- American educator, author (1823-1910)
Wikipedia - Auguste Jal -- French author of works on maritime archaeology and history
Wikipedia - August Enderle -- German socialist politician, trades unionist, journalist and author
Wikipedia - August Lueders -- German-American author
Wikipedia - August Mencken Jr. -- American civil engineer and author
Wikipedia - Aulus Gellius -- Latin author and grammarian
Wikipedia - Aurora Lucero-White Lea -- American folklorist, author, and suffragist
Wikipedia - Austin Kleon -- American author
Wikipedia - Austin Reed (author) -- Reputed author of a prison memoir
Wikipedia - Austin Roberts (zoologist) -- South African ornithologist, zoologist and author
Wikipedia - Austin Steward -- abolitionist and author
Wikipedia - Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council -- Body representing fire and emergency service authorities in Australasia
Wikipedia - Australian Communications and Media Authority -- Australian government statutory authority
Wikipedia - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority -- Independent statutory authority
Wikipedia - Auteur -- Leader of a collaborative work equivalent to the author of a book
Wikipedia - Author citation (botany) -- Refers to citing the person (or group of people) who validly published a botanical name
Wikipedia - AuthorHouse -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - Authorial intentionalism
Wikipedia - Authorial intentionality
Wikipedia - Authoring language
Wikipedia - Authoring of adaptive hypermedia
Wikipedia - Authorised deposit-taking institution
Wikipedia - Authorised firearms officer -- A British police officer armed with a firearm
Wikipedia - Authoritarian capitalism -- Economic system in which a market economy exists alongside an authoritarian government
Wikipedia - Authoritarian communism
Wikipedia - Authoritarianism -- Form of social organization characterized by submission to authority
Wikipedia - Authoritarian personality -- Psychological trait/personality type
Wikipedia - Authoritarian socialism -- socialist economic-political system rejecting political liberalism
Wikipedia - Authoritarian socialists
Wikipedia - Authoritarian
Wikipedia - Authoritative name server
Wikipedia - Authority bias
Wikipedia - Authority control -- Unique headings used for bibliographic information
Wikipedia - Authority for the Financing of the Infrastructure of Puerto Rico -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Authority (Law > Order: Special Victims Unit)
Wikipedia - Authority (sociology) -- The legitimate power which one person or a group holds and exercises over another
Wikipedia - Authority
Wikipedia - Authorization certificate
Wikipedia - Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 -- Joint resolution of the United States House of Representatives and Senate
Wikipedia - Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists
Wikipedia - Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 -- Authorizes the use of military force against those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001
Wikipedia - Authorization hold
Wikipedia - Authorization
Wikipedia - Authorized King James Version
Wikipedia - Authorized Version
Wikipedia - Authorpe railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Author profiling -- System to identify an author
Wikipedia - Authors Anonymous -- 2014 comedy indie film directed by Ellie Kanner
Wikipedia - Authors Cricket Club
Wikipedia - Authors Guild, Inc. v. Google, Inc. -- U.S. copyright law case, 2015
Wikipedia - Authorship analysis
Wikipedia - Authorship of the Bible
Wikipedia - Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews
Wikipedia - Authorship of the Johannine works
Wikipedia - Authorship of the Pauline epistles -- Books of the Bible written by Paul the Apostle
Wikipedia - Authorship of the Petrine epistles
Wikipedia - Authorship of Titus Andronicus
Wikipedia - Authorship
Wikipedia - Author Solutions -- American self-publishing parent company
Wikipedia - Authors' rights
Wikipedia - Author -- Creator of an original work
Wikipedia - Autobiographical novel -- Book, supposedly an autobiography according to the author
Wikipedia - Autograph -- Manuscript by author (or) celebrity's signature
Wikipedia - Automated Certificate Management Environment -- Communications protocol for automating interactions between certificate authorities and web servers
Wikipedia - Autonomism -- Anti-authoritarian left-wing political and social movement and theory
Wikipedia - Autonomous social center -- Community self-managed spaces in which anti-authoritarians self-organise activities
Wikipedia - Autoridad M-CM-^Znica del Transporte de Gran Canaria -- local transport authority body responsible for the transport system in Gran Canaria
Wikipedia - Averil Demuth -- English author
Wikipedia - A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant -- Satirical musical about Scientology
Wikipedia - Avi (author) -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Avinash Chandra Vidyarthi -- Bhojpuri Author
Wikipedia - Aviva Cantor -- American journalist, lecturer and author
Wikipedia - Avner Falk -- Israeli clinical psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Avo Paistik -- Estonian cartoonist, author, film director, painter and pastor
Wikipedia - Avraam Vaporidis -- Greek author, scholar and historian
Wikipedia - Axelle Kabou -- Cameroonian author on development
Wikipedia - Ayaan Hirsi Ali -- Dutch feminist, author
Wikipedia - Ayman Sawaf -- Social entrepreneur, Author and Musician
Wikipedia - Azadeh Tabazadeh -- Iranian geophysicist and author
Wikipedia - Baatarsuren Shuudertsetseg -- Mongolian author
Wikipedia - Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship
Wikipedia - Bae Suah -- South Korean author and translator
Wikipedia - Bahar Yilmaz -- German author
Wikipedia - Bahiyyih Nakhjavani -- Iranian writer, author of the novel The Saddlebag
Wikipedia - Bahru Zewde -- Ethiopian historian and author
Wikipedia - Baik Sou-linne -- South Korean author
Wikipedia - Bailey Ashford -- American soldier, physician and author
Wikipedia - Baldev Singh (author) -- Indian writer
Wikipedia - Balduin Groller -- Austrian author (1848-1916)
Wikipedia - Ballymena Borough Council -- Former local authority of Ballymena, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Balraj Khanna -- Indian author and painter
Wikipedia - Bandi Narayanaswamy -- Author and teacher
Wikipedia - Bangla Academy Literary Award -- Literary award given by the namesake national language authority of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Banjo Paterson -- Australian journalist, author and poet
Wikipedia - Bantu Authorities Act, 1951
Wikipedia - Baochang (monk) -- Buddhist monk, librarian, and author during the Liang dynasty China
Wikipedia - Barbara Albright -- American author
Wikipedia - Barbara Arrowsmith Young -- Canadian author, entrepreneur and lecturer
Wikipedia - Barbara Baer Capitman -- American author and preservationist
Wikipedia - Barbara Barrie -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Barbara Bottner -- American author and artist
Wikipedia - Barbara Cleverly -- British author
Wikipedia - Barbara Daly -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Barbara Goldberg -- American author
Wikipedia - Barbara J. Collins -- American author, ecologist, geologist, botanist, and professor
Wikipedia - Barbara Kingsolver -- American author, poet and essayist
Wikipedia - Barbara Walters -- American broadcast journalist, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Barbara Watson Andaya -- Australian historian and author
Wikipedia - Barbara Waxman Fiduccia -- American disability activist, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Barbara Williams (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Barbara W. Tuchman -- American historian and author (1912-1989)
Wikipedia - Barkha Dutt -- Indian television journalist and author
Wikipedia - Barn the Spoon -- Spoon carver and author (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Barry D. Adam -- Canadian sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Barry Dufour -- British academic and author
Wikipedia - Barry Edelstein -- American theatre director and author
Wikipedia - Barry Hines -- author
Wikipedia - Barry Sadler -- American author and musician
Wikipedia - Barry Sanders (professor) -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - Barthe DeClements -- American author
Wikipedia - Barun Chanda -- Indian Bengali actor and author
Wikipedia - Basheer Ahmed -- Indian physician, academician and author
Wikipedia - Bastian Sick -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ba Than (historian) -- Burmese historian and author
Wikipedia - Beatrice Alemagna -- Italian illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Beatrice Boahemaa -- Ghanaian author of adult fiction novels
Wikipedia - Beatrice Faust -- Australian author and women's activist (1939-2019)
Wikipedia - Beatrix Borchard -- German musicologist and author
Wikipedia - Bea Uusma -- Swedish author, illustrator and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Becca Fitzpatrick -- American author
Wikipedia - Becky Albertalli -- American author
Wikipedia - Becky Birtha -- American poet and children's author
Wikipedia - Becky Cooper (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Belinda Bauer (author) -- British writer of crime novels
Wikipedia - Belinda Bozzoli -- South African author, academic, sociologist and politician
Wikipedia - Belinda Chang -- Chinese-language author from Taiwan
Wikipedia - Bell hooks -- American author, feminist, and social activist
Wikipedia - Ben Aaronovitch -- British author and screenwriter (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Ben Cayetano -- American politician and author
Wikipedia - Ben Coes -- American author
Wikipedia - Ben Elton -- British comedian, author, playwright, actor and director
Wikipedia - Bengt Ohlsson -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Benjamin B. Dunlap -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Benjamin Dreyer -- American author and copy editor
Wikipedia - Benjamin Kane Ethridge -- American author
Wikipedia - Benjamin Patton -- American author, filmmaker and film educator
Wikipedia - Benjamin Rotch -- British barrister, politician, and author
Wikipedia - Benjamin Rush -- 18th and 19th-century American physician, educator, author
Wikipedia - Ben Miller -- English comedian, actor, director, and author
Wikipedia - Bennett Cerf -- American publisher and author
Wikipedia - Ben Sanders (author) -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - Benson Deng -- Sudanese-born American author (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Ben Templesmith -- British/Australian comic book artist and author
Wikipedia - Bent Faurby -- Danish author and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - Benyamin Cohen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ben Z. Grant -- American politician, judge, author, and playwright
Wikipedia - Bernadette Strachan -- English author
Wikipedia - Bernard Andre -- French Augustinian friar, author and poet
Wikipedia - Bernard Capes -- English author
Wikipedia - Bernard Cohen (Australian author) -- Contemporary Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Bernard Dunstan -- British artist, teacher, and author
Wikipedia - Bernard Evslin -- American author
Wikipedia - Bernardine Evaristo -- British author and academic
Wikipedia - Bernard Wiseman -- American author
Wikipedia - Bernhard Rammerstorfer -- Austrian author and film director
Wikipedia - Bernie Babcock -- American author
Wikipedia - Bernie Krause -- American musician, author, soundscape recordist and bio-acoustician (*1938)
Wikipedia - Bernie Swain -- American businessman and author
Wikipedia - Bern Nadette Stanis -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Berry Sarbadhikari -- Indian cricket commentator, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Berthe Hoola van Nooten -- Dutch botanist, author and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Bertil Almqvist -- Swedish author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Bertil StM-CM-%lhane -- Swedish chemist, technical researcher and author
Wikipedia - Bertrand Stern -- German author and philosopher
Wikipedia - Bertrand Teyou -- Cameroonian author
Wikipedia - Bessie Van Vorst -- American author and journalist born in 1873
Wikipedia - Bethany Barratt -- American political scientist and author
Wikipedia - Beth Ashley -- American author and columnist (1926-2020)
Wikipedia - Beth Elliott -- Transgender activist, singer, author
Wikipedia - Beth Harbison -- Author
Wikipedia - Beth Lisick -- American author and actress
Wikipedia - Beth Piatote -- Scholar and author
Wikipedia - Beth Reekles -- Welsh author
Wikipedia - Betsy Byars -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Bettany Hughes -- English historian, author and broadcaster (b1967)
Wikipedia - Betty Baxter Anderson -- American author
Wikipedia - Betty Gilderdale -- New Zealand children's author (born 1923)
Wikipedia - Betty Louise Bell -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Betty Smith -- American author
Wikipedia - Beverley Harper -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Beverly Adams -- Canadian-American actress and author
Wikipedia - Bevin Alexander -- American military historian and author
Wikipedia - Bevis Longstreth -- American author and lawyer
Wikipedia - Bez (dancer) -- British dancer, percussionist, author and media personality
Wikipedia - Bhasha Smritistambha -- Memorial dedicated to the Bengali language authors and the martyrs
Wikipedia - B. H. Friedman -- American author and art critic
Wikipedia - Bhoja -- Paramara monarch from India and author
Wikipedia - Bian Jinyang -- Chinese author
Wikipedia - Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay -- Indian Bengali author
Wikipedia - Biblical canon -- Set of texts which a particular religious community regards as authoritative scripture
Wikipedia - Biblical literalism -- A term used differently by different authors concerning biblical interpretation
Wikipedia - Bibliographic database -- Database providing an authoritative source of bibliographic information
Wikipedia - Bilal Philips -- Canadian Muslim teacher, speaker, author, and founder/chancellor of the Islamic Online University
Wikipedia - Bill Bryson -- American-British author (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Bill Cameron (mystery author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Bill Chalker -- Australian author and UFO researcher
Wikipedia - Bill Clegg -- American literary agent and author
Wikipedia - Billene Seyoum Woldeyes -- Ethiopian author, poet and a gender equality advocate
Wikipedia - Bill Francis (broadcaster) -- New Zealand broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Bill Granger (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Bill Henderson (publisher) -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Bill King (Royal Navy officer) -- British naval officer, yachtsman, author
Wikipedia - Bill Milkowski -- American author
Wikipedia - Bill Novelli -- American public relations executive, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Bill Pennington -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bill Phillips (author) -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Bill Porter (author)
Wikipedia - Bill Streever -- Biologist and author
Wikipedia - Billy Bishop -- Canadian aviator and author
Wikipedia - Billy Corgan -- American musician, songwriter, producer, author, and professional wrestling promoter
Wikipedia - Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority -- Government organization in Washington D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Bisola Biya -- Nigerian author
Wikipedia - Bjorn Lomborg -- Danish author (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Bjorn Ranelid -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Bjorvik Jacobsen -- Norwegian hunter, trapper, and author
Wikipedia - Black Local Authorities Act, 1982
Wikipedia - Blackpool -- Coastal town and unitary authority in north west England
Wikipedia - Black Power: The Politics of Liberation -- 1967 book co-authored by Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and Charles V. Hamilton
Wikipedia - Blake Butler (author) -- American writer and editor
Wikipedia - Blake Charlton -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Blake Crouch -- American author
Wikipedia - Blake Snyder -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - BLDGBLOG -- Architecture blog authored by futurist Geoff Manaugh
Wikipedia - Bloomsbury Ballerina -- 2008 book by British author Judith Mackrell
Wikipedia - Blue Balliett -- American author
Wikipedia - Bob Balaban -- American actor, author, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Bob Darroch -- New Zealand illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Bob Dylan -- American singer-songwriter, musician, poet, author, and artist
Wikipedia - Bob Halstead -- Underwater photographer, author, journalist and commentator on the recreational diving industry.
Wikipedia - Bob Kerr (author and artist) -- New Zealand artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Bob Mayer (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Bobo Karlsson -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bob Proctor (author) -- Canadian author (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Bob Young (mayor) -- American politician, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Boguslaw LeM-EM-^[nodorski -- Polish historian, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Bohdan Lohvynenko -- Ukrainian author and activist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Bonnie Bullough -- American sexologist, nurse, and author
Wikipedia - Bonnie Low-Kramen -- American author and public speaker (b. 1957)
Wikipedia - Bonnie Tsui -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Booker T. Washington -- African-American educator, author, orator, and advisor
Wikipedia - Book of the 24 Philosophers -- Philosophical and theological medieval text of uncertain authorship
Wikipedia - Bootleg recording -- Unauthorized recording or release
Wikipedia - Bora M-DM-^Fosic -- Serbian author (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Borsa Brown -- Hungarian author
Wikipedia - Boston Housing Authority -- Public agency in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Boudewijn Karel Boom -- Dutch botanist and author
Wikipedia - Bo Yang -- Chinese author
Wikipedia - Bradford Angier -- American survivalist and author
Wikipedia - Brad Lamm -- Interventionist and author
Wikipedia - Bradley Denton -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Brad R. Torgersen -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Brad Stone (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Brad Zellar -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - B. Rajeevan -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Bram Cohen -- American programmer and author of the BitTorrent protocol
Wikipedia - Brandon Bays -- American motivational author and speaker
Wikipedia - Brandon French -- Actress and author
Wikipedia - Bree Despain -- American author
Wikipedia - Brenda Child -- Ojibwe historian and author
Wikipedia - Brenda M. Greene -- American scholar, author, literary activist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Brendan Broderick -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brendan Connell -- American author and translator
Wikipedia - Brendan Shanahan (author) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Brene Brown -- American academic, speaker and author
Wikipedia - Brent Poppen -- American paralympic sportsman, advocate, author, and teacher
Wikipedia - Bret Easton Ellis -- American author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Bret Gilliam -- Pioneering technical diver and author.
Wikipedia - Brevard Family of Housing -- US not-for-profit housing authority based in Florida
Wikipedia - Brian Bruya -- American philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Brian Caswell -- Australian author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Brian Christian -- American non-fiction author and poet
Wikipedia - Brian Conaghan -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - Brian Connell (author) -- South African author
Wikipedia - Brian Dunning (author) -- American writer, producer and podcaster (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Brian Earnshaw -- British author
Wikipedia - Brian Edwards (broadcaster) -- Irish-born New Zealand media personality and author
Wikipedia - Brian Hill (author) -- Canadian actor, director, and writer
Wikipedia - Brian Keaney -- British author
Wikipedia - Brian Kelly (editor) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Brian Kilmeade -- American talk show host, sportscaster, author
Wikipedia - Bride and Groom (book) -- 2018 novel written by Russian author, Alisa Ganieva
Wikipedia - Brighton and Hove City Council -- Local authority for Brighton and Hove
Wikipedia - Brigid Lowry -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Brigitte Byrd -- French-born poet and author
Wikipedia - Brigitte Peskine -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bristol City Council -- Unitary authority and ceremonial county in England
Wikipedia - British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal -- Canadian human rights authority
Wikipedia - Britteney Black Rose Kapri -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Broadcasting Authority of Ireland -- Irish broadcasting regulator
Wikipedia - Bronnie Ware -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Brooke Berman -- American playwright and author
Wikipedia - Brooke Borel -- Science journalist, author, fact-checker
Wikipedia - Brooke Gladstone -- American journalist, author and media analyst
Wikipedia - Brothers Grimm -- German academics, philologists, cultural researchers, lexicographers, folklorists and authors
Wikipedia - Bruce A. Bailey -- English author, architectural historian
Wikipedia - Bruce Bartlett -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Bruce Bethke -- American author
Wikipedia - Bruce Brooks -- Author of young-adult and children's literature
Wikipedia - Bruce Dorminey -- American science journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bruce Duffy -- American author
Wikipedia - Bruce Eckel -- American computer programmer, author and consultant
Wikipedia - Bruce Holsinger -- American academic and popular author
Wikipedia - Bruce Pandolfini -- American chess author, teacher, and coach
Wikipedia - Bruce Sterling -- American author, speaker and futurist
Wikipedia - Bruno Madaule -- French comic book author
Wikipedia - Bryan Appleyard -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bryan Caplan -- American behavioral economist and author
Wikipedia - Buckinghamshire Council -- Local authority of Buckinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Buckinghamshire County Council -- Former upper-tier local authority for Buckinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Buckminster Fuller -- American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor and futurist
Wikipedia - Budd Hopkins -- American artist, author, and ufologist
Wikipedia - Burl Ives -- American singer, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Burra Venkatesham -- Officer of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and author
Wikipedia - Burton Egbert Stevenson -- Author, anthologist, and librarian
Wikipedia - Butch Harmon -- Professional golfer, golf instructor, author
Wikipedia - Bwesigye bwa Mwesigire -- Ugandan lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Byron Barton -- American author and illustrator of children's books
Wikipedia - Cabinet Manual (United Kingdom) -- British constitutional book of authority
Wikipedia - -- Certificate authority
Wikipedia - Cady McClain -- American actress, singer, and author
Wikipedia - Caecilie Seler-Sachs -- German ethnologist, photographer and author (1855-1935)
Wikipedia - Caesar Otway -- Irish clergyman and author
Wikipedia - Caitlin R. Kiernan -- Irish-born American author (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Caius (presbyter) -- 3rd-century Christian author
Wikipedia - Caleb Carr -- American military historian and author
Wikipedia - Caleb Femi -- Nigerian Author, Photographer and Filmmaker
Wikipedia - Call to the bar -- Authorization to practice as a barrister
Wikipedia - Calvin Tomkins -- American author and art critic
Wikipedia - CaM-aM-9M-^GM-aM-8M-^MeM-EM-^[vara M-aM-9M-,hakkura -- Maithili-language Author
Wikipedia - Cameron Dokey -- American author
Wikipedia - Cameron Forbes (writer) -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Camilla Way -- English author
Wikipedia - Camille Bazbaz -- French author-composer-interpreter
Wikipedia - Camille Flammarion -- French astronomer and author
Wikipedia - Canadian Internet Registration Authority -- Canada's .CA Registry
Wikipedia - Canadian Rockies Regional Division No. 12 -- Public school authority in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Canary Conn -- American entertainer and author
Wikipedia - Candace Bushnell -- American author
Wikipedia - Candace Cameron Bure -- American actress, producer, author, and talk show panelist
Wikipedia - Candice Goodwin -- South African scientific consultant, author and paranormal investigator
Wikipedia - Candice Hutchings -- Canadian YouTube personality, vegan chef, comedian, and author
Wikipedia - Candy Carson -- American author and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Canon law -- Set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority
Wikipedia - Cantonal police -- Sub-national police authorities of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Capital Markets Authority of Uganda -- Ugandan government body responsible for financial regulation
Wikipedia - Cara Black (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Cara Blue Adams -- American author
Wikipedia - Carey McWilliams (journalist) -- American author and lawyer (1905-1980)
Wikipedia - Carina Axelsson -- American author
Wikipedia - Carina Bergfeldt -- Swedish reporter, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Carissa Phelps -- American author, attorney, and advocate
Wikipedia - Carl Abbott (urban historian) -- American historian of modern age and author
Wikipedia - Carl Adolf Martienssen -- German pianist, author, musicologist and music educator
Wikipedia - Carl Begai -- Canadian music journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Carleton Beals -- American journalist, author, and crusader
Wikipedia - Carl Malamud -- Technologist, author, and public domain advocate
Wikipedia - Carlos A. Ball -- American law professor and author
Wikipedia - Carlos D. Cidon -- Spanish chef and author
Wikipedia - Carlos G. Valles -- Spanish-Indian Jesuit priest and author
Wikipedia - Carlotta Gall -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Carl Sagan -- American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science educator
Wikipedia - Carl Weber (American author) -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Carly Simon -- American singer-songwriter, musician and author
Wikipedia - Carmel McConnell -- British author and campaigner
Wikipedia - Carmen de Alonso -- Chilean author
Wikipedia - Carmen Garcia Rosado -- Puerto Rican educator, author and activist
Wikipedia - Carmen Laforet -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Carmen Thomas -- German journalist, radio and television presenter, author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Carola Dibbell -- American music journalist and author
Wikipedia - Carol Delaney -- American anthropologist and author
Wikipedia - Carol Edgarian -- American author, editor, and publisher
Wikipedia - Carol Grace -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Carol Higgins Clark -- American mystery author and actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Bird (American author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Caroline Bird -- British poet, playwright and author
Wikipedia - Caroline Bond Day -- American physical anthropologist, author and educator
Wikipedia - Caroline Dormon -- American scientist, artist, and author
Wikipedia - Caroline Grace Cassidy -- Irish actress and author
Wikipedia - Caroline Kennedy -- American author and diplomat
Wikipedia - Caroline Lee Hentz -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Carolin Emcke -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Caroline Norton -- 19th-century English feminist, social reformer, and author
Wikipedia - Caroline Virginia Krout -- United States author
Wikipedia - Caroline Webb -- British author, economist and executive coach
Wikipedia - Caroline Weber (author) -- American fashion historian
Wikipedia - Carol Lake -- English author
Wikipedia - Carol S. Pearson -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Carolyn Dinshaw -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - Carolyne Roehm -- American author and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carolyn McCurdie -- New Zealand poet and author
Wikipedia - Carrie Hope Fletcher -- English singer, songwriter, actress, author and internet personality
Wikipedia - Carrie Newcomer -- American singer, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Carter Conlon -- Canadian-born American pastor and author
Wikipedia - Casey McQuiston -- American romance author
Wikipedia - Cash Peters -- British author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Cassandra Khaw -- Malaysian author
Wikipedia - Cassandra Rose Clarke -- American author
Wikipedia - Category:Animal taxa by author
Wikipedia - Category:Artist authors
Wikipedia - Category:Authors of Kabbalistic works
Wikipedia - Category:Botanical taxa by author
Wikipedia - Category:Creative Commons-licensed authors
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 maint: extra text: authors list
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 maint: uses authors parameter
Wikipedia - Category:Israel Antiquities Authority
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of biologists by author abbreviation
Wikipedia - Category:Pages using authority control with parameters
Wikipedia - Category:Self-published authors
Wikipedia - Category:Taxa by author
Wikipedia - Category:Taxon authorities
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with Semantic Scholar author identifiers
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles with suppressed authority control identifiers
Wikipedia - Catharine Arnold -- British author, journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Catharine Merrill -- American educator, author, Civil War nurse
Wikipedia - Catharine Parr Traill -- English-Canadian author and botanical artist
Wikipedia - Catherine Banner -- British author
Wikipedia - Catherine (Benzoni novel) -- A series of French historical romance novels by the author Juliette Benzoni
Wikipedia - Catherine Cole -- Australian author and academic
Wikipedia - Catherine Fox (journalist) -- Australian journalist, author
Wikipedia - Catherine Francblin -- French art curator, art critic and author
Wikipedia - Catherine Tobin -- Author and translator
Wikipedia - Cath Kidston -- English fashion designer, businesswoman and author
Wikipedia - Cathleen Falsani -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Cath Mayo -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Cece Bell -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Cecelia Tichi -- American author
Wikipedia - Cecil Dawkins -- American author
Wikipedia - Cecilia R. Aragon -- American computer scientist, author, and aerobatic pilot
Wikipedia - Celeste Bradley -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Celeste West -- American librarian and author
Wikipedia - Celia Farber -- American print journalist and author
Wikipedia - Celia S. Friedman -- American speculative fiction author
Wikipedia - Celine: A Biography -- 1988 book by the French writer Frederic Vitoux, on the author Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Wikipedia - Cemil Meric -- Turkish author and translator
Wikipedia - Central Adoption Resource Authority -- Statutory body of Ministry of Women & Child Development, India
Wikipedia - Central Bank of Sri Lanka -- Monetary authority of Sri Lanka and the regulator of all licensed commercial and specialized banks of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam -- Highest authority within the Communist Party of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Centralized government -- Type of government in whichM-BM- powerM-BM- orM-BM- legal authorityM-BM- is exerted or coordinated by aM-BM- de factoM-BM- political executive to whichM-BM- federal states,M-BM- local authorities, and smaller units are considered subject
Wikipedia - Ceremonial weapon -- Object used for ceremonial purposes to display power or authority.
Wikipedia - Cerridwen Fallingstar -- American Wiccan Priestess and author
Wikipedia - Cerrie Burnell -- English actress, singer, playwright, children's author, and former television presenter for the BBC children's
Wikipedia - Certificate authority -- An entity that issues digital certificates
Wikipedia - Certificate of occupancy -- Document issued by a government authority, usually from the local government, certifying that a property is fit for a specific use in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Wikipedia - Certificate signing request -- Message from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate; lists the public key the certificate should be issued for, identifying information (e.g. domain name) and integrity protection (e.g. digital signature)
Wikipedia - Certificate Transparency -- Internet security standard for auditing digital certificates by creating public logs recording certificates issued by publicly trusted certificate authorities
Wikipedia - Cesare Bermani -- Italian author and historian
Wikipedia - Cesina Bermudes -- Obstetrics pioneer and anti-authoritarian campaigner in Portugal
Wikipedia - Champfleury -- French author
Wikipedia - Chandler P. Anderson -- American politician and author (b. 1866, d. 1936)
Wikipedia - Charismatic authority
Wikipedia - Charity Gaye Finnestad -- American author
Wikipedia - Charl Cilliers (writer) -- South African author and poet
Wikipedia - Charles A. Goodrich -- American author and Congregational minister
Wikipedia - Charles Barber (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Charles Baxter (author) -- American novelist, essayist, and poet
Wikipedia - Charles Beauclerk (author) -- British aristocrat
Wikipedia - Charles Benstead -- English cricketer, Royal Navy officer, and author
Wikipedia - Charles Burleigh Galbreath -- American author, historian, librarian
Wikipedia - Charles C. Mann -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Charles Dantzig -- French author
Wikipedia - Charles de Lint -- Canadian fantasy author
Wikipedia - Charles Denis Mee -- Data storage engineer, leader, author (b. 1927, d. -)
Wikipedia - Charles Dickinson (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Charles Drummond -- Canadian businessman and author
Wikipedia - Charles Durrett -- American architect and author
Wikipedia - Charles Edge (computer scientist) -- American computer scientist and author
Wikipedia - Charles Edward Smith -- American Baptist author
Wikipedia - Charles Faulkner (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Charles Felton Pidgin -- American author, statistician and inventor (1844-1923)
Wikipedia - Charles Finch -- American author and literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles Fleming (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Charles Hertan -- American FIDE Chess Master and author
Wikipedia - Charles H. Kraft -- American author of Christian related books
Wikipedia - Charles Howard Hinton -- British mathematician and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Charles Kegan Paul -- British publisher and author
Wikipedia - Charles Knight (publisher) -- 18th/19th-century English publisher, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Charles Lindbergh -- American aviator, author, inventor, explorer, and right wing activist
Wikipedia - Charles Mackay (author) -- Scottish writer
Wikipedia - Charles Martin (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Charles Maurras -- French author and poet
Wikipedia - Charles Mayiga -- Ugandan lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Charles Mopsik -- French author
Wikipedia - Charles Patterson (author) -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Charles Platt (author)
Wikipedia - Charles Platt (science-fiction author)
Wikipedia - Charles Pomeroy Otis -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - Charles Purdom -- British author, drama critic, town planner, and economist
Wikipedia - Charles R. Conn -- CEO, Investor, Author
Wikipedia - Charles Ruas -- American author, literarary and art critic
Wikipedia - Charles Spurgeon -- British preacher, author, pastor and evangelist
Wikipedia - Charles W. Akers -- American historian, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Charles Webb (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Charles Wheeler Denison -- American cleric, author and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Charley Lippincott -- Author, promoter and jazz fan.
Wikipedia - Charlie Fletcher -- British screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Charlie Jane Anders -- American science fiction author and commentator
Wikipedia - Charlotta Falkman -- Swedish-Finnish author
Wikipedia - Charlotte Auerbach -- Geneticist, author
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bunch -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Carmichael Stopes -- 19th/20th-century British scholar, author, and campaigner for women's rights
Wikipedia - Charlotte Elkins -- American author
Wikipedia - Charlton Ogburn -- American journalist and author (1911-1998)
Wikipedia - Charter -- Grant of authority or rights
Wikipedia - Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority -- American mass transit provider in Tennessee
Wikipedia - Chelsea Clinton -- American author and global health advocate
Wikipedia - Chen Qiufan -- Chinese science fiction author
Wikipedia - Chental-Song Bembry -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Cherie Johnson -- American actress, writer and film producer and author
Wikipedia - Cherry Chevapravatdumrong -- American author and producer
Wikipedia - Cheryl Dumesnil -- American author, poet and editor
Wikipedia - Cheryl Margaret Cran -- Canadian entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Cheryl Strayed -- Author, memoirist, podcaster
Wikipedia - Chetan Bhagat -- Indian author and columnist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Chicago Housing Authority Police Department -- Defunct police department within the Chicago Housing Authority
Wikipedia - Chicago Housing Authority -- Municipal corporation that oversees public housing in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Chicago Transit Authority -- Operator of mass transit
Wikipedia - Chiefly About War Matters -- 1862 essay by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne
Wikipedia - Chief Tahachee -- American actor, author
Wikipedia - Chika Unigwe -- Nigerian-born Igbo author
Wikipedia - Chilakamarthi Prabhakar Chakravarthy Sharma -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Child abduction -- Unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child's natural parents or legally appointed guardians
Wikipedia - Chilton Williamson, Jr. -- American author
Wikipedia - Chinghiz Aitmatov -- Soviet and Kyrgyz author (1928-2008)
Wikipedia - Chittaranjan Das -- Indian politician, poet and author and leader of the Bengali Swaraj Party (1870-1925)
Wikipedia - Chittoor Urban Development Authority -- Urban planning agency in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Chloe Lukasiak -- American actress, dancer, model, author, producer and reality television personality
Wikipedia - Choi Suchol -- Korean author
Wikipedia - Chon Kye-young -- South Korean web comic author
Wikipedia - Chris Abani -- Nigerian born American author (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Chris Adrian -- American author
Wikipedia - Chris Anderson (writer) -- British-American author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Chris Armold -- American author
Wikipedia - Chris Aspin -- English author and historian (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Chris Chase -- Actor and author
Wikipedia - Chris Colfer -- American actor, singer, and author
Wikipedia - Chris Crowe (author) -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - Chris DeRose (author) -- American author (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Chris Dier -- American educator and author (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Chris Eboch -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Chris Else -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Chris Enss -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Flynn (author) -- Australian author, editor and critic
Wikipedia - Chris Jericho -- American-Canadian professional wrestler, musician, author, and actor
Wikipedia - Chris Kreski -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Leavins -- Canadian actor, playwright, author (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Chris Lintott -- British astrophysicist, author, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Chris Monroe -- American cartoonist, illustrator, and author with weekly comic strip, Violet Days
Wikipedia - Christa Faust -- American author
Wikipedia - Christa Parravani -- American author and assistant professor
Wikipedia - Christia Brown -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Christian Bauer -- French chess grandmaster and author
Wikipedia - Christian Bobin -- French author and poet
Wikipedia - Christian de la Huerta -- Author, spiritual leader
Wikipedia - Christian Dorph -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Christiane Collange -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christiane F. -- German author
Wikipedia - Christian Ehring -- German comedian and author
Wikipedia - Christian M. Nebehay -- Austrian art dealer, art collector and author
Wikipedia - Christian Rapp (author) -- Austrian author, cultural scientist, and exhibition curator
Wikipedia - Christian Topography -- One of the earliest essays in scientific geography written by a Christian author
Wikipedia - Christie Barlow -- British author of women's fiction
Wikipedia - Christina Hoff Sommers -- American author and philosopher
Wikipedia - Christina Lamb -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christina McDowell -- American author
Wikipedia - Christina Tosi -- American chef, author & television personality
Wikipedia - Christine D'haen -- Flemish author and poet
Wikipedia - Christine Dwyer Hickey -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Christine Dzidrums -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Christine Frederick -- American author and home economist
Wikipedia - Christine Maria Jasch -- Austrian economist, author and non-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Christine Taylor-Butler -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Christine Whiting Parmenter -- American author
Wikipedia - Christopher Barzak -- American author
Wikipedia - Christopher Bram -- American author (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Christopher B. Wright -- American webcomic author
Wikipedia - Christopher C. Bell -- Writer, author, lecturer
Wikipedia - Christopher Dawes (author) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Dow (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Christopher Edwards (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Christopher Emery -- US government official and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Evans (author) -- Welsh-born UK chemist, teacher, and author.
Wikipedia - Christopher Green (paediatrician) -- Paediatrician and author (b. 1948)
Wikipedia - Christopher Hitchens -- British-American author and journalist (1949-2011)
Wikipedia - Christopher McDougall -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Moore (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Christopher Nolan (author)
Wikipedia - Christopher Pike (author) -- US author of young adult and children's fiction
Wikipedia - Christopher Potter (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Christopher Stasheff -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Christopher Steele -- British intelligence officer, author of Steele dossier
Wikipedia - Christopher Tolkien -- British book editor, son of author J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Christopher Wase -- English 17th century scholar, author, translator, and educator
Wikipedia - Christopher Weaver -- American entrepreneur, author, software developer, scientist, and educator at MIT
Wikipedia - Christopher Woodforde -- Priest and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Wright (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Chuan Sha -- Chinese-born Canadian poet and author
Wikipedia - Chuck Heaton -- American sportswriter, columnist, author, and commentator
Wikipedia - Chuck Klosterman -- American author and columnist
Wikipedia - Cindy Callaghan -- American author of children's books (born c. 1976)
Wikipedia - Cindy Crabb -- American author, musician, and feminist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore -- National aviation authority of Singapore
Wikipedia - Civil Aviation Safety Authority -- Australia's national civil aviation authority
Wikipedia - C. J. Cherryh -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - C. J. Chivers -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - C. J. Hamilton (author) -- Irish author
Wikipedia - C.J. Tudor -- British author
Wikipedia - Claire Berlinski -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Claire Chao -- Chinese-American writer and author
Wikipedia - Claire Dunne -- Australian actress and author (born 1937)
Wikipedia - Claire Fuller -- English author (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Claire Wallace (broadcaster) -- Canadian journalist, broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Claire Wineland -- American activist and author
Wikipedia - Claire Wolfe -- American libertarian author and columnist
Wikipedia - Clara Harrison Stranahan -- American author
Wikipedia - Clara Longworth de Chambrun -- 19th/20th-century American author and patron of the arts
Wikipedia - Clara Marshall -- American physician, educator and author
Wikipedia - Clare Azzopardi -- Maltese author
Wikipedia - Clare Bell -- British author in the United States
Wikipedia - Clare Jaynes -- Pen named used by two American women who were co-authors in the 1940s
Wikipedia - Clare Wright -- American Australian historian, author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Clark Howard -- Radio host, consumer advocate, author (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Clark McMeekin -- American authors (joint pen name)
Wikipedia - Claude Laverdure (author) -- Belgian comics artist
Wikipedia - Claude Porter White -- American author and composer
Wikipedia - Claudia Dain -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Claudia Guadalupe Martinez -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Claudius Bohm -- German Librarian and Author
Wikipedia - Clayton Cramer -- American historian, author, gun enthusiast, and software engineer
Wikipedia - Clayton Emery -- Author
Wikipedia - Clemantine Wamariya -- Rwandan-American activist and author
Wikipedia - Cleopatra Abdou -- Egyptian-American psychologist, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Cleopatra the Alchemist -- Egyptian alchemist and author
Wikipedia - Clifford Stoll -- American astronomer, author and teacher
Wikipedia - Clifford Warren Ashley -- American artist, author, sailor, and knot expert
Wikipedia - Clive A. Stace -- British botanist and botanical author
Wikipedia - Clive Barker -- English author, film director, and visual artist
Wikipedia - Clive Dunn -- English actor, comedian, artist, author, and singer
Wikipedia - Clive James -- Australian author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Closed city -- Settlement where specific authorization is required to visit
Wikipedia - Cloud Atlas (novel) -- 2004 novel by British author David Mitchell
Wikipedia - C. L. Polk -- Canadian author of fantasy fiction
Wikipedia - Clyde E. Love -- American mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Coalition Provisional Authority Order 17 -- Order made by the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq
Wikipedia - Coalition Provisional Authority Order 1 -- Order made by the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq
Wikipedia - Coalition Provisional Authority Order 2 -- Order made by the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq
Wikipedia - Co-authored
Wikipedia - Cokie Roberts -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Colby Buzzell -- American blogger and author
Wikipedia - Coleen Nolan -- Irish/British singer, author, beauty queen and television presenter
Wikipedia - Colin Angus (explorer) -- Canadian author and adventurer
Wikipedia - Colin Dann -- English author
Wikipedia - Colin Eatock -- Canadian composer, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Colin Simpson (author)
Wikipedia - Colleen Faulkner -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Combined authority -- Type of local government institution in England
Wikipedia - Comics Code Authority -- Voluntary code to self-regulate the content of comic books in the United States
Wikipedia - Command and control -- Military exercise of authority by a commanding officer over assigned forces
Wikipedia - Commander-in-chief -- Supreme commanding authority of a military
Wikipedia - Command hierarchy -- Group of people who carry out orders based on others authority within the group
Wikipedia - Commissioners of Irish Lights -- General Lighthouse Authority for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Military Commission -- Chief military disciplinary authority of China
Wikipedia - Committee of Advertising Practice -- Advertising regulation authority in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Community day school -- A school for high-risk students operated by the local public school authority
Wikipedia - Competition and Markets Authority -- UK government non-ministerial department
Wikipedia - Composer -- Musician who is an author of music in any form
Wikipedia - Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica -- The authoritative international gazetteer containing all the Antarctic toponyms
Wikipedia - Concentration Camps Inspectorate -- Central SS administrative and managerial authority for the concentration camps of the Third Reich
Wikipedia - Conciliarity -- Support for authority of church councils
Wikipedia - Con Coughlin -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Condemned property -- Property that has been closed, seized, or restricted by authorities
Wikipedia - Connie Glynn -- British voice actor, YouTuber, author
Wikipedia - Conn Iggulden -- British author
Wikipedia - Connirae Andreas -- American author and psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Connor Freff Cochran -- American author and illustrator, computer and music industry journalist, publisher, producer, and business manager
Wikipedia - Conservation status -- Indication of the chance of a species' extinction, regardless of authority used
Wikipedia - Consortium imperii -- The sharing of Roman imperial authority by two or more emperors.
Wikipedia - Constitutional Convention of Puerto Rico -- US approved Public Law 600, authorizing Puerto Rico to draft its own constitution in 1951
Wikipedia - Constitutionalism -- Belief that government authority derives from fundamental law
Wikipedia - Contemporary Authors Online
Wikipedia - Contemporary Authors -- Biographical reference work published by Gale Cengage
Wikipedia - Contumacy -- Stubborn refusal to obey authority
Wikipedia - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities -- National association of Scottish councils
Wikipedia - Cora Daniels -- African-American author
Wikipedia - Coralie Colmez -- Mathematics tutor and author
Wikipedia - Coralie Trinh Thi -- French actress, director & author (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Cordelia Edvardson -- German-born Swedish journalist, author and Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Coretta Scott King -- American author, activist, and civil rights leader; wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wikipedia - Corinne Griffith -- American actress, film producer, author
Wikipedia - Corinne Jacker -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Cornelia James Cannon -- American feminist reformer and author
Wikipedia - Cornelia Ludecke -- Polar researcher, author
Wikipedia - Cornelia Otis Skinner -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Cory Doctorow -- Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Council for National Academic Awards -- Former national degree-awarding authority in the United Kingdom from 1965 until 1993
Wikipedia - Count Yogi -- American golfer and author
Wikipedia - County record office -- Local authority repository
Wikipedia - Courtney Sina Meredith -- New Zealand poet, playwright, and author
Wikipedia - Court of equity -- Court authorized to apply principles of equity to cases
Wikipedia - Court -- Judicial institution with authority to resolve legal disputes
Wikipedia - Cox's Bazar Development Authority -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Craig Claiborne -- American restaurant critic, food journalist and book author
Wikipedia - Craig Clevenger -- American author of contemporary fiction
Wikipedia - Craig Ferguson -- Scottish-born American television host, comedian, author, and actor
Wikipedia - Craig Larman -- Canadian-born computer scientist, author, and organizational development consultant
Wikipedia - Crispin Glover -- American actor, filmmaker, musician and author
Wikipedia - Cristina Acidini -- Italian author and art historian
Wikipedia - Cristina Fernandez Cubas -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Crollalanza theory of Shakespeare authorship
Wikipedia - Cronyism -- Practice of authority figures awarding positions to friends as a reward
Wikipedia - Crystal Marie Fleming -- American sociologist and author
Wikipedia - C.S. O'Cinneide -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Culture of Northern Nigeria -- Nigerian authors culture in north
Wikipedia - Curtis Stone -- Australian chef, author and television personality
Wikipedia - Curtis White (author)
Wikipedia - Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority -- Public housing agency in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cynthia Bond -- American author and former actress
Wikipedia - Cynthia Illingworth -- paediatrician and medical author
Wikipedia - Cynthia Westcott -- Plant pathologist, author, and expert on roses
Wikipedia - Cyntoia Brown -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Cyril Alington -- Educationalist, scholar, cleric and author
Wikipedia - Cyrus Broacha -- Indian anchor, theatre personality, comedian, political satirist, columnist, podcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Cyrus Field Adams -- American Republican civil rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Cyrus Mistry (writer) -- Indian author and playwright
Wikipedia - Cy Schneider -- American advertising executive and author
Wikipedia - C. Z. Guest -- American actress, author, horsewoman, designer and socialite
Wikipedia - Dafydd ap Gruffydd (poet) -- Welsh author
Wikipedia - Dag Hammarskjold -- Swedish diplomat, economist, and author
Wikipedia - Dai Sijie -- Chinese-French author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Dale Ahlquist -- American author
Wikipedia - Dale Franks -- American author and commentator
Wikipedia - Dalia GrinkeviM-DM-^MiM-EM-+tM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian doctor and author
Wikipedia - Dalkhan Khozhaev -- Chechen author, fighter
Wikipedia - Dallas Clayton -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Dallas Housing Authority -- Public housing authority of Dallas, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Dan Andersson -- Swedish author and poet
Wikipedia - Dana Schwartz -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dan Atkinson -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dan Blum -- American author
Wikipedia - Dan Bongino -- American conservative political commentator, radio show host, and author
Wikipedia - Dan Brown -- American author
Wikipedia - Dan Buettner -- American explorer, author and film producer
Wikipedia - Dan Cohen (filmmaker) -- American author, journalist, and blogger
Wikipedia - Dan Cragg -- American science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Dan Gibson (author) -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Danica Bandic -- Serbian woman author and playwright
Wikipedia - Daniel Allen Butler -- American author and playwright
Wikipedia - Daniel Allen Cox -- Canadian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Blythe -- British author
Wikipedia - Daniel Dagan -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Daniel Dreisbach -- American author, academic, and attorney
Wikipedia - Daniele Del Giudice -- Italian author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Daniel Gade -- Retired U.S. Army officer, academic, author, politician
Wikipedia - Daniel Halpern -- American publisher and author
Wikipedia - Daniel Hardcastle -- English author and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Daniel J. Flynn -- American author
Wikipedia - Daniel Keyes -- American author
Wikipedia - Daniel Kraus (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Daniel L. Akin -- Theological seminary president and author
Wikipedia - Danielle Hairston -- American psychiatrist, author
Wikipedia - Daniel Migliore -- American theologian and author
Wikipedia - Daniel Pinchbeck -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Pinkwater -- American author of children's books and young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Daniel Suarez (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Daniel T. Jones (author) -- Author and researcher
Wikipedia - Daniel Tudor (journalist) -- British author & journalist specializing in Korean affairs
Wikipedia - Daniel Yergin -- American author, speaker, and economic historian
Wikipedia - Dan Massey -- American activist, scientist, and author
Wikipedia - Danny Ellis -- Irish singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Dan Smith (British author) -- Author and peace researcher
Wikipedia - Dan Wells (author) -- American horror writer
Wikipedia - Dan Wickenden -- American author (1913-1989)
Wikipedia - Dan Willis (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Daphne Athas -- American author
Wikipedia - Darcel Leonard Wynne -- American dancer, choreographer, author and producer
Wikipedia - Darcie Edgemon -- American children's book author; writer
Wikipedia - Darcy DiNucci -- Author and designer
Wikipedia - Dare Wright -- children's author, model, and photographer
Wikipedia - Darfur Regional Authority -- 2007-16 interim governing body for the Darfur region of Sudan
Wikipedia - Dario De Toffoli -- Italian board game designer, gamebook author, and elite games player
Wikipedia - Darkhan Kydyrali -- Kazakh scholar and author
Wikipedia - Darrin Patrick -- American author and pastor
Wikipedia - Darron Smith -- African American scholar, author and blogger
Wikipedia - Darryl Cunningham -- British author and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Daryl Cobb -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Daryl Davis -- American R&B and blues musician, activist, author, actor and bandleader
Wikipedia - Data center security -- Set of policies, precautions and practices to avoid unauthorized access and manipulation of a data center's resources
Wikipedia - Dave Asprey -- American entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Dave Crenshaw -- American author and public speaker
Wikipedia - Dave Cullen -- American author
Wikipedia - Dave Draper -- American bodybuilder, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Dave Gorman -- English author, comedian, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Dave Grossman (author) -- American writer and law enforcement trainer
Wikipedia - Dave Hebner -- Professional wrestling authority figure, promoter, road agent and referee
Wikipedia - Dave Hyatt -- American software engineer and a Shadowrun game expansion author
Wikipedia - Dave Ramsey -- American financial advisor and author
Wikipedia - Dave Rich -- British author
Wikipedia - Dave Thompson (author) -- English writer
Wikipedia - David Agus -- English scientist, American physician, Professor of Medicine and Engineering and author
Wikipedia - David Arnason -- Canadian author and poet
Wikipedia - David Atwood Wasson -- |American minister and author
Wikipedia - David Backes (author) -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - David Bailey (writer) -- British editor and author
Wikipedia - David Baldacci -- American author
Wikipedia - David Bellamy -- English professor, botanist, author, broadcaster and environmental campaigner
Wikipedia - David Bell (author)
Wikipedia - David Benioff -- American author and producer
Wikipedia - David Berlinski -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - David Bishop (writer) -- New Zealand screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - David Blacker -- Sri Lankan author
Wikipedia - David Bone -- Commodore and author (b. 1874, d. 1959)
Wikipedia - David Bowker (writer) -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Brin -- American author
Wikipedia - David Britton -- British author, artist, and publisher
Wikipedia - David Browne (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Bullard -- (1952-) South African columnist and author
Wikipedia - David Burnham -- American investigative journalist and author in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - David Callahan -- American author
Wikipedia - David Cannadine -- British author and historian
Wikipedia - David Carr (journalist) -- American columnist, and author
Wikipedia - David C. Fisher -- American author, professor, and a pastor
Wikipedia - David Conway (author) -- Irish author and alternative rock musician
Wikipedia - David Conyers -- Australian author
Wikipedia - David Coombs -- British author, historian, and teacher
Wikipedia - David Coventry -- New Zealand author and musician
Wikipedia - David Craig (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - David Daniell (author) -- British writer (1929-2016)
Wikipedia - David Deida -- American author
Wikipedia - David Devadas -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Dinkins -- American politician, lawyer, and author (1927-2020)
Wikipedia - David Doubilet -- Underwater photographer and author
Wikipedia - David Drake (actor) -- American playwright, stage director, actor and author
Wikipedia - David Drake -- American author of science fiction and fantasy literature
Wikipedia - David Eastham -- Canadian author and poet
Wikipedia - David Elkind -- American child psychologist and author
Wikipedia - David Ellerman -- American philosopher and author
Wikipedia - David Elliot Cohen -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - David Evanier -- American author
Wikipedia - David Fishman -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - David Foenkinos -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Francis (author) -- Australian novelist, lawyer and academic
Wikipedia - David G. Compton -- British author
Wikipedia - David George Campbell -- American ecologist, environmentalist, and author
Wikipedia - David Gillespie (author) -- Australian Lawyer, Author
Wikipedia - David Grossman -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - David Hair -- New Zealand fantasy author
Wikipedia - David Harris (protester) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Henry Sterry -- Author, comic, activist, book doctor
Wikipedia - David Hill (author) -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - David Ireland (author) -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - David Irving -- British author and Holocaust denier
Wikipedia - David Jeremiah -- American Christian evangelist and author
Wikipedia - David J. Griffiths -- American physicist and textbook author
Wikipedia - David J. Hall (photographer) -- Underwater wildlife photographer, author, and naturalist.
Wikipedia - David Katz (author) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Kirk (author) -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - David Kuo (author) -- American government official and writer
Wikipedia - David Levithan -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - David Lindo -- British birdwatcher and author
Wikipedia - David Lindsay (novelist) -- English author
Wikipedia - David Lodge (author)
Wikipedia - David MacDonald (Canadian politician) -- United Church of Canada minister, Canadian politician and author
Wikipedia - David Macinnis Gill -- American YA author
Wikipedia - David Maraniss -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Mattingly (author)
Wikipedia - David McCullough -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - David Mitchell (author) -- English novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Monn -- American event planner, interior designer, author, and artist
Wikipedia - David R. Barker -- American author, academic and businessman (born 1961)
Wikipedia - David Rhys Williams -- American Congregational and Unitarian minister and author
Wikipedia - David Ritz -- American author
Wikipedia - David Roberts (climber) -- Climber, mountaineer, and author
Wikipedia - David Sedaris -- American author
Wikipedia - David Serjeant -- English-Australian cricketer and author
Wikipedia - David Shields -- American author and film director
Wikipedia - David Shrier -- American, futurist and author
Wikipedia - David Simon -- American author, journalist, and television writer and producer
Wikipedia - David Sylvester -- British art critic and author
Wikipedia - David Vogel (author)
Wikipedia - David Vogenitz -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - David W. Ball -- American author
Wikipedia - David W. Brown -- American author
Wikipedia - David Weber -- 20th and 21st-century American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - David W. Frank -- thespian, author and educator
Wikipedia - David Winner (author) -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - David Wolfe (raw food advocate) -- Author and product spokesman. Promoter of pseudoscientific ideas
Wikipedia - David Zimmerman (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - David Zinczenko -- American publisher, author, and businessman
Wikipedia - David Zucchino -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dawn Davis -- Californian author and publisher
Wikipedia - Dawn Kurtagich -- Psychological horror and young adult fiction author
Wikipedia - Dawn Whyatt Frith -- English and Australian ornithologist, zoologist and author
Wikipedia - D. B. Weiss -- American author and producer
Wikipedia - Dean Ing -- American author and university professor
Wikipedia - Dean Koontz -- American author
Wikipedia - Dean Kuipers -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Debashis Sarkar -- Indian author, columnist and management consultant
Wikipedia - Debbie Gary Callier -- American air show pilot and author
Wikipedia - Debbie Stoller -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Debby Boone -- American singer, author, and actress
Wikipedia - Debby Dahl Edwardson -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Deborah Abela -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Deborah Coates -- American author
Wikipedia - Deborah Cohen -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Deborah Diesen -- American childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys book author
Wikipedia - Deborah King -- American author, speaker and attorney
Wikipedia - Deborah Teramis Christian -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Declaration (law) -- Authoritative establishment of fact by a court of law
Wikipedia - Declaration of Boulogne -- Declaration about the nature and purpose of the Esperanto movement and the Fundamento as a basis for the Esperanto language; authored by L. L. Zamenhof and approved at the First World Esperanto Congress, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905
Wikipedia - Decommissioned highway -- Road which is no longer in use, or route no longer officially authorized or maintained
Wikipedia - Dede Wilson (baker) -- American baker and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Dee Davis (author) -- romance fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Dee Dee Phelps -- American singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Deepak Rao -- Indian combat trainer and author
Wikipedia - Deep Storm -- 2007 novel by American author Lincoln Child
Wikipedia - Defence Housing Authority cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Deirdre Breakenridge -- American author and businessperson
Wikipedia - Deism -- Belief in God without revelation or authority
Wikipedia - Dejan Bojkov -- Bulgarian grandmaster and chess author
Wikipedia - Delhi Development Authority -- Government Authority Delhi
Wikipedia - Delia Fiallo -- Cuban author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Delia Owens -- American author and zoologist (b. 1949)
Wikipedia - Delta Burke -- American actress, producer and author
Wikipedia - Deltina Hay -- American author, publisher, web developer and social media expert
Wikipedia - Delvalle Lowry -- British geologist, mineralogist, author and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Demetri Porphyrios -- Greek architect and author
Wikipedia - Demetrius Fordham -- American portrait photographer and author
Wikipedia - Demi (author)
Wikipedia - Democide -- Intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity
Wikipedia - Demond Wilson -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Denise Austin -- American fitness instructor, author, and columnist
Wikipedia - Dennis Covington -- American author
Wikipedia - Dennis Lee (author)
Wikipedia - Dennis Meadows -- American scientist and coauthor of The Limits to Growth
Wikipedia - Denys Blakeway -- British television producer and author
Wikipedia - Deon Meyer -- South African crime/thriller author
Wikipedia - Department of Textiles (Bangladesh) -- state industrial regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Derbyite theory of Shakespeare authorship
Wikipedia - Derek Landy -- Irish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Derek Nimmo -- British actor, producer and author
Wikipedia - Dermot Freyer -- Irish author and activist
Wikipedia - Dermot Turing -- British solicitor and author
Wikipedia - Derrick Barnes -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Derry City and Strabane District Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Desmond Pacey -- 20th-century Canadian literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Despotism -- Government by oppressive authority
Wikipedia - Determinatio -- Authoritative determination by the legislator concerning the application of practical principles
Wikipedia - Detroit Land Bank Authority -- Public authority in Detroit, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Devery Freeman -- American author, producer and union activist
Wikipedia - Devin Scillian -- American television journalist, musician and children's author
Wikipedia - Dez Skinn -- British comic/magazine editor and author
Wikipedia - Dharampal -- Indian author and activist
Wikipedia - Dhaval Bathia -- Indian educationist and author
Wikipedia - Dhirendra Premarshi -- Nepali author of Maithili language, cultural expert.
Wikipedia - Diana de Vere Beauclerk -- English author
Wikipedia - Diana Gabaldon -- American author
Wikipedia - Diana McVeagh -- British author on classical music
Wikipedia - Diana Norman -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Diana Pharaoh Francis -- American fantasy author and professor
Wikipedia - Diana Serra Cary -- American actress, author, publisher, historian
Wikipedia - Diane Arbus -- American photographer and author
Wikipedia - Diane Atkinson -- British historian and author
Wikipedia - Diane Chamberlain -- American author of adult fiction
Wikipedia - Diane Duane -- American-Irish science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Diane Fanning -- American crime writer and author
Wikipedia - Diane Follingstad -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Diane Williams (author) -- American short-story writer and author
Wikipedia - Dianne Crampton -- American businesswoman and author
Wikipedia - Dictatorship -- Authoritarian form of government
Wikipedia - Didier Ottinger -- French museum curator, art critic and author
Wikipedia - Diego Jimenez Torres Airport -- Airport owned by the Puerto Rico Ports Authority
Wikipedia - Die Harzreise -- travel report by German poet and author Heinrich Heine on a journey to the Harz mountains
Wikipedia - Dieter Nuhr -- German cabaret artist, TV host, author
Wikipedia - Dietmar Dath -- German author, journalist and translator
Wikipedia - Digangana Suryavanshi -- Indian actress and author
Wikipedia - DigiNotar -- Former certificate authority
Wikipedia - Digital Author Identifier -- A unique number to all academic authors in the Netherlands as a form of authority control
Wikipedia - Digital rights management -- Technology to control access to copyrighted works and prevent unauthorized copying
Wikipedia - Dike Chukwumerije -- Nigerian author, spoken word and performance poet
Wikipedia - Dima Ghawi -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Dimity Dornan -- Australian speech pathologist, author and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Dinesh D'Souza -- Indian-American political commentator, filmmaker, author, convicted felon, conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Dino Attanasio -- Belgian author of comics
Wikipedia - Dinon -- Greek historian, chronicler, and author
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Civil Aviation (India) -- National civil aviation authority of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Jute (Bangladesh) -- state industrial regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Dirk Cussler -- American author
Wikipedia - District of Columbia Housing Authority -- Public housing agency in Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Diwan (poetry) -- Collection of poems of one author, usually excluding his or her long poems (mathnawM-DM-+)
Wikipedia - D. J. Butler -- American speculative fiction author
Wikipedia - Dmitry Shparo -- Russian Arctic explorer, endurance skier, and author
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle and the Green Canary -- The eleventh work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake -- The tenth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle in the Moon -- The eighth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Caravan -- The sixth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Circus -- The fourth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Garden -- The seventh work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Post Office -- The third work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Puddleby Adventures -- The final work of Doctor Dolittle Books short stories, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Return -- The ninth work of Doctor Dolittle books authored by Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle's Zoo -- The fifth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Dodie Bellamy -- American novelist, nonfiction author, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Dodie Clark -- British singer-songwriter, author, dancer, and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Dogma -- A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
Wikipedia - Dolly Alderton -- British journalist, author and podcaster
Wikipedia - Domain name -- Identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet
Wikipedia - Dom DeLuise -- American actor, chef, director, producer, author
Wikipedia - Dominica Dipio -- Ugandan nun, filmmaker, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Dominic Barker -- British children's author
Wikipedia - Dominic Certo -- American businessperson and author
Wikipedia - Dominic Cooper (author) -- British novelist, poet and watchmaker
Wikipedia - Dominic Frisby -- British author, comedian and voice actor
Wikipedia - Donalda Ammons -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - Donald A. Wollheim -- US science fiction editor, publisher, and author
Wikipedia - Donald Bartlett -- Anglican priest and author
Wikipedia - Donald Burgess McNeill -- Physics and transport author from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Donald Calloway -- Roman Catholic priest and author
Wikipedia - Donald D. Hoffman -- American cognitive psychologist and popular science author
Wikipedia - Donald Featherstone (wargamer) -- British physiotherapist, military historian, author & wargamer
Wikipedia - Donald Fraser (missionary) -- Scottish missionary and author
Wikipedia - Donald H. Graves -- American author and educator.
Wikipedia - Donald K. Ross (author) -- American attorney and political activist
Wikipedia - Donald Ogden Stewart -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Donald Prothero -- American paleontologist, geologist, and author
Wikipedia - Don Aslett -- American entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Don Brown (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Don Burke -- Australian television presenter, author, and horticulturist
Wikipedia - Don Conroy -- Irish artist, media personality, author and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Don Failla -- American author
Wikipedia - Don Katz -- Founder of, author, journalist
Wikipedia - Don Lee (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Don Lessem -- American dinosaur expert and author.
Wikipedia - Don Mullan -- Irish Author
Wikipedia - Donna Barr -- Comic book author and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Donna Brazile -- American author, educator, and political activist and strategist
Wikipedia - Donna Franklin -- African-American scholar and author
Wikipedia - Donna Hylton -- Jamaican-American criminal, author
Wikipedia - Donna M. Brinton -- American applied linguist, author
Wikipedia - Don Watson -- Australian author and public speaker
Wikipedia - Doran H. Ross -- African art scholar, author, and museum curator
Wikipedia - Doranna Durgin -- American author
Wikipedia - Dori Hillestad Butler -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Dorothy A. Bennett -- American anthropologist, astronomer, curator, publisher, and author
Wikipedia - Dorothy Butler -- Children's book author
Wikipedia - Dorothy Canfield Fisher -- American author and social activist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Chan -- Poet and author based in Eau Claire
Wikipedia - Dorothy Dinnerstein -- Feminist activist and author
Wikipedia - Dorothy Gale -- Fictional protagonist of many of the Oz novels by the American author L. Frank Baum
Wikipedia - Dorothy Rhoads -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Dorothy Rosenman -- American advocate for low-cost housing, and author
Wikipedia - Dorothy van Dyke Leake -- American botanist, author, artist and educator (1893-1990)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Wordsworth -- English author, poet and diarist
Wikipedia - Dorrie K. Fontaine -- American educator, author, nurse
Wikipedia - Dorset Council (UK) -- Local authority in England
Wikipedia - Doug Cooper (author) -- American writer of literary fiction
Wikipedia - Doug Engebretson -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Dougie Poynter -- English musician, songwriter, fashion model, clothing designer, author, and amateur actor
Wikipedia - Douglas Adams -- English author and humorist
Wikipedia - Douglas Bullis -- American author
Wikipedia - Douglas Cresswell -- New Zealand author, historian, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Douglas Hugh Everett -- British chemist and academic author
Wikipedia - Douglas Husak -- American legal philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Douglas Murray (author) -- British political commentator
Wikipedia - Douglas Reeman -- British author aka Alexander Kent
Wikipedia - Douglas Woolf -- American author
Wikipedia - Dov Alfon -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dovid Kaplan -- Rabbi, educator, and author
Wikipedia - Dracula -- 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker
Wikipedia - Draft:Adam Stott -- Author and Speaker (b. 1983)
Wikipedia - Draft:Alemka Markotic -- Croatian immunologist and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Ali Rosen -- American food writer, tv host and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Draft:Andrew Tomas -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Draft:Aodh Quinlivan -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Draft:Bharatha Prabhashana Thennakoon -- Sri Lanka author and Journalist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Draft:Bharatha Thennakoon -- Sri Lanka author and Journalist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Draft:Catherine Hester McCaffrey -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Chad "Sir Wick" Hughes -- African-American composer, author, performer, and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Chris Lukhaup -- German musician, author, photographer and aquarist
Wikipedia - Draft:Christopher John Holcroft -- Australian author and publisher (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Draft:Cihat Yayci -- Academician, author, (f) rear admiral and mastermind of the Blue Homeland
Wikipedia - Draft:Colin Macpherson -- Australian-British author and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Cosmin Baiu -- Romanian author
Wikipedia - Draft:D.M. Mishra -- Hindi poet and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Donna Fletcher -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Dr. Ananth Prabhu G -- Author | Cyber Law & Security Expert | Motivational Speaker
Wikipedia - Draft:Elias Lahoud -- Lebanese author
Wikipedia - Draft:Enid Elliott Linder -- English author
Wikipedia - Draft:Eric Dymock -- Scottish motorsports author (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Draft:Eric Maikranz -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Eric Yaverbaum -- American businessman/author
Wikipedia - Draft:Feridun Emecen -- Turkish author
Wikipedia - Draft:Gina Tron -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Harish Sharma (author) -- Indian film director and author (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Draft:Helen Raleigh -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Indrajit Banerjee -- Author & Director, Knowledge Societies Division UNESCO
Wikipedia - Draft:Jacob Helberg -- American national security author, political philanthropist
Wikipedia - Draft:James A. Frost -- 20th-century American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Jody Otu -- Jamaican author
Wikipedia - Draft:John Heminway -- Filmmaker and author (1945-present)
Wikipedia - Draft:John K. Grande -- Canadian author, poet, essayist and curator
Wikipedia - Draft:Jonathan Hannestad -- Canadian military historian and author|bot = PearBOT 5
Wikipedia - Draft:Josephs Quartzy -- Tanzanian singer, Rapper, author and Youtuber
Wikipedia - Draft:Kai Duby -- American permaculture author, homsteader, pioneer, and renegade
Wikipedia - Draft:Kathreen Janette Ricketson -- US Author, Australian Blogger and Home Crafts Author, (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Draft:Kaushal Srivastava -- Indian-Australian physicist, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Kuldeep Raghav -- Indian Author
Wikipedia - Draft:Kumari Shivangi -- Indian author and columnist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Draft:Leonard Butman -- Author
Wikipedia - Draft:Louise A. Smith -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Mark De-Lisser -- Choral Director, arranger, voice coach, presenter and author.
Wikipedia - Draft:Mary Lynch Barbera -- American behavior analyst and author who specializes in autism
Wikipedia - Draft:Maxwell Pierson Gaddis -- Irish American author and Methodist Preacher
Wikipedia - Draft:Moses Henry Berstein -- English, Rabbi, author, teacher, shochet
Wikipedia - Draft:Nemanja Stancic -- Canadian military historian and author|bot = PearBOT 5
Wikipedia - Draft:Nitesh Malviya -- Indian author (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Draft:Obrad DonM-DM-^Mic -- Swedish-Serban psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Prachi Gupta -- Indian Author of fiction
Wikipedia - Draft:Rintik Sedu -- Indonesian author
Wikipedia - Draft:Rob Stein -- American businessman and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Seth Ferranti -- American Filmmaker, Journalist, Author
Wikipedia - Draft:Sister Dang Nghiem -- Buddhist nun, teacher, and author
Wikipedia - Draft:Som Singh -- Indian entrepreneur, speaker, author
Wikipedia - Draft:Steve-Pilot -- German Vegan Nutritionist, fitness coach and author based in Bangok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Draft:Susie Yi -- American author and artist
Wikipedia - Draft:Swami Abodhananda -- Author of the 2016 Malayalam novel Myshravanasuratham
Wikipedia - Draft:Torrey Peters -- American author
Wikipedia - Draft:Vincent Tropepe -- American chef, author, speaker (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Dragomir Zagorsky -- Bulgarian author and philatelist
Wikipedia - Drew Daywalt -- American author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Drive-by download -- Unintended download of computer software from the Internet, either M-bM-^QM- which a person has authorized but without understanding the consequences or M-bM-^QM-! download that happens without a person's knowledge, often a computer virus, spyware, malware
Wikipedia - Dubai Electricity and Water Authority -- Company
Wikipedia - Dublin Docklands Development Authority -- Irish government agency
Wikipedia - Duncan Ball -- American-born Australian author
Wikipedia - Duncan Bannatyne -- Scottish entrepreneur, philanthropist and author
Wikipedia - Duong Van Mai Elliott -- Vietnamese author
Wikipedia - Durjoy Datta -- Indian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dustin Thomason -- American author, screenwriter, and producer.
Wikipedia - DVD authoring
Wikipedia - D. Watkins -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - Dylan Evans -- British former academic and author
Wikipedia - Dylan Loewe -- American speechwriter, political strategist and author
Wikipedia - Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche -- Tibetan lama, teacher, and author
Wikipedia - Eamonn Fingleton -- Irish financial journalist and author
Wikipedia - Eando Binder -- American duo of sci-fi authors
Wikipedia - Earl Emerson -- American mystery novelist and author
Wikipedia - Earl Ofari Hutchinson -- American author and media critic
Wikipedia - Early life of Samuel Johnson -- Life of the English author (1709-1784)
Wikipedia - Eavan Boland -- Irish poet, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Eben Alexander (author)
Wikipedia - Eben Burgoon -- American-born comic author and educator
Wikipedia - Ebun Joseph -- Nigerian lecturer, author, and consultant
Wikipedia - Eckart Breitschuh -- German comic-book artist and author
Wikipedia - Ed Cha -- American role-playing games author
Wikipedia - Ed Darack -- American author and photographer
Wikipedia - Edgar Allan Poe -- 19th-century American author, poet, editor and literary critic
Wikipedia - Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz -- German journalist, author and concentration camp survivor
Wikipedia - Edith Ayrton -- British author and activist
Wikipedia - Edith Cadivec -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Edith Durham -- 19th and 20th-century British artist and author
Wikipedia - Edith Joan Lyttleton -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Edith Maxwell (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Edith Meiser -- American author and actress
Wikipedia - Edith Mitchell Dabbs -- American author
Wikipedia - Ed Moloney -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edmond Jean Francois Barbier -- French jurisconsult and author
Wikipedia - Edmond Pidoux -- Swiss author
Wikipedia - Edmund de Waal -- British artist and author
Wikipedia - Edmund Gosse -- English poet, author and critic
Wikipedia - Edmund Hamer Broadbent -- Plymouth Brethren missionary and author (1861-1945)
Wikipedia - Edna Alford -- Canadian author and editor
Wikipedia - Edna Coll -- Puerto Rican educator and author
Wikipedia - Ednah Robinson Aiken -- American author, playwright, novelist
Wikipedia - Edna Yost -- American author
Wikipedia - Ed Regis (author)
Wikipedia - Eduardo Benot -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Edward Abbey -- American author and essayist (1927-1989)
Wikipedia - Edward Ball (American author) -- American history writer and journalist (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Edward Bellamy -- American author
Wikipedia - Edward Bulwer-Lytton -- British statesman and author (1803-1873)
Wikipedia - Edward Deering Mansfield -- American author
Wikipedia - Edward Everett Hale -- American author, historian and Unitarian minister (1822-1909)
Wikipedia - Edward Falco -- American author
Wikipedia - Edward Field (poet) -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Edward George Hudson Oliver -- (1938 - ) South African botanist is the recognized world authority on the subfamily ''Ericoideae''
Wikipedia - Edward Hutton (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Edward-John Bottomley -- South African journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edward L. Beach Jr. -- US Navy submarine officer and author
Wikipedia - Edward L. Beach Sr. -- Author and United States Naval officer
Wikipedia - Edward Lear -- British artist, illustrator, author and poet
Wikipedia - Edward Phillips -- English author
Wikipedia - Edward Sherman Gould -- 19th century author and critic
Wikipedia - Edward Shotter -- English Anglican priest and author (1933-2019)
Wikipedia - Edward Terry (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Edward Walsingham -- English author
Wikipedia - Edwin Abbott Abbott -- British theologian and author
Wikipedia - Edwin Bhend -- Swiss chess player and author
Wikipedia - Edwin Bryant (author)
Wikipedia - Edwin Checkley -- American athlete, physician, and the author of a book about strength-training
Wikipedia - Edwin E. Tozer -- British retired management and IT consultant and SF author
Wikipedia - Edwin Newman -- American newscaster, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edwin Orion Brownell -- Canadian musician and author
Wikipedia - Edwin Torres (judge) -- New York state supreme court judge and author
Wikipedia - Ed Wood -- American screenwriter, director, producer, actor, author, and film editor
Wikipedia - E. E. Cowper -- Journalist and author of Juvenile Fiction
Wikipedia - E. E. Cummings -- American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright (1894-1962)
Wikipedia - E. E. Speight -- Lexicographer, educationalist, philosopher, poet, anthropologist, publisher, author; Speight was a Yorkshireman who was professor of English in Japan and latterly India.
Wikipedia - Efraim Diveroli -- American former arms dealer and author
Wikipedia - Egerton Ryerson Young -- Canadian methodist cleric and author
Wikipedia - Egon Wolff -- Chilean playwright and author
Wikipedia - E. H. D. Sewell -- English cricketer, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - E. H. Putley -- British scientist and author.
Wikipedia - Eigra Lewis Roberts -- Welsh author
Wikipedia - Eileen Alice Willa -- New Zealand museum curator, botanist and author
Wikipedia - Eileen Gibb -- British author of books about a fictional steam loco
Wikipedia - Eileen Kennedy-Moore -- American psychologist, author
Wikipedia - Eileen Southern -- American musicologist and educator; authored scholarly publications relating to history of African-American musicians
Wikipedia - Eileen Tallman Sufrin -- Canadian author and labour activist
Wikipedia - Ekaterina Mikhailovna Lopatina -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Elaine Aron -- Psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Elaine Mokhtefi -- Algerian activist and author born in New York (*1928)
Wikipedia - Elaine Williams -- Author of lesbian pulp fiction
Wikipedia - Elana K. Arnold -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Elan Gale -- American author and television producer
Wikipedia - Eleanor Cameron -- Canadian born children's author and critic
Wikipedia - Eleanor Hallowell Abbott -- American author
Wikipedia - Eleanor Updale -- British author
Wikipedia - Eleanour Sinclair Rohde -- British horticulturalist and author
Wikipedia - Elena Dahl -- Russian-Swedish author and translator
Wikipedia - Elena Favilli -- Italian author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Elena Georgievskaya -- Russian author and political activist
Wikipedia - Elena Poniatowska -- Mexican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elena Santiago -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Elenor Yorke -- American author
Wikipedia - Eleonora Aguiari -- Italian installation artist and author
Wikipedia - Elfie Donnelly -- British-Austrian author
Wikipedia - Elham Dwairy Tabry -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - Elinor Frances Vallentin -- British botanist, author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Elinor Lipman -- American author
Wikipedia - Elinor Mordaunt -- British author
Wikipedia - Elinor Sweetman -- Irish poet and author
Wikipedia - Elinor Whitney Field -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Eliot Crawshay-Williams -- British author, soldier, and politician
Wikipedia - Eliphas LM-CM-)vi -- French occult author and ceremonial magician
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Badinter -- French author, historian
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Dored -- Twentieth century Norwegian artist and author
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Dami -- Italian childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys books author (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Elise Fellows White -- American author, composer
Wikipedia - Eli Valley -- American cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Acevedo -- Dominican-American poet and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ann "Betty" Hyland -- American author who wrote on the topic of schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Baity -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- English poet, author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bear -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Byrd -- Historical fiction author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Caffin -- NZ writer, author and publisher
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Caroline Gray -- Author on the Etruscans, 1800-1887
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Celi -- Australian psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cobbs -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Dole -- American politician and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Donald -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Drew -- American political journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ehrlich -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ellis -- American storyteller and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Esther -- American Christian author and blogger
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Farrand -- Author and librarian
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Gunn (author) -- Author of police procedural mysteries
Wikipedia - Elizabeth H. Boyer -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Keckley -- American dressmaker and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Laird (author) -- British children's writer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Lawrence (author) -- American writer and landscape architect
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Lesser -- Author and co-founder/senior adviser of Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY, US
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Moorhead -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Pipko -- American author, model and founder of Exodus Movement
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Raffald -- English author, innovator and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Robins Pennell -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ross Haynes -- American sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Seeger -- American children's author and educator
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Shaw (artist) -- Irish artist, illustrator and children's book author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah -- British rabbi and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Wong (author) -- Fiction writer and retired official
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Yates (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Young (journalist) -- English literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Zimmermann -- Knitting designer and author
Wikipedia - Eliza Clark (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Eliza Dorothea Cobbe, Lady Tuite -- Irish author and poet
Wikipedia - Eliza Jane Ashley -- Cook and author
Wikipedia - Eliza Jane Cate -- American author
Wikipedia - Elizebeth Smith Friedman -- American cryptanalyst and author
Wikipedia - Elke Erb -- German author-poet based in Berlin
Wikipedia - Elke Heidenreich -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ella Cara Deloria -- Yankton Dakota Author
Wikipedia - Ella Loraine Dorsey -- American author, journalist, translator
Wikipedia - Ella May Walker -- Canadian-American artist, author, and composer
Wikipedia - Ella Wheeler Wilcox -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Ellen Auster -- Canadian professor and author
Wikipedia - Ellen Creathorne Clayton -- Anglo-Irish author and artist
Wikipedia - Ellen Oh -- American author
Wikipedia - Ellen Torelle Nagler -- American biologist, author, lecturer (1870-1965)
Wikipedia - Ellinor Davenport Adams -- British journalist and author.
Wikipedia - Elliot Ackerman -- American author
Wikipedia - Elliot Engel -- American author and scholar
Wikipedia - Elliott Roosevelt -- Army officer and author (1910-1990)
Wikipedia - Elliott West -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - El Llano en llamas -- Collection of short stories by Mexican author Juan Rulfo
Wikipedia - Elmar TheveM-CM-^_en -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - ElM-EM- -- Polish writer and children's author (1791-1832)
Wikipedia - Elsebeth Egholm -- Danish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Else Holmelund Minarik -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Else Roesdahl -- Danish medievalist, archaeologist, author and educator
Wikipedia - Elsie Augustave -- Haitian-American author
Wikipedia - Elspeth Sandys -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Email hacking -- Unauthorized access to, or manipulation of, an email account or email correspondence
Wikipedia - Emanuela Barasch Rubinstein -- Israeli author and scholar
Wikipedia - Emerald Fennell -- English actress, author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Emilie Boon -- Dutch-American children's author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Emilie du ChM-CM-"telet -- French mathematician, physicist, and author
Wikipedia - Emilie Johnson -- Swedish-American author and movie producer (1867-1941)
Wikipedia - Emilie Richards -- American author
Wikipedia - Emilio Ghione -- Italian actor, film director, and author
Wikipedia - Emily Benedek -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Emily Bold -- German author
Wikipedia - Emily Gilmore Alden -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Emily Gould -- American author
Wikipedia - Emily Jane Fox -- American reporter and author
Wikipedia - Emily Morse -- American sex therapist, author, and media personality
Wikipedia - Emily O'Reilly -- Irish author and journalist, national and EU Ombudsman
Wikipedia - Emily Perkins (novelist) -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Emily Smith (author) -- British children's writer
Wikipedia - Emily Woof -- English actor, author
Wikipedia - Emma Blackery -- British musician, YouTuber, and author
Wikipedia - Emma Estabrook -- US author and academic
Wikipedia - Emma Farrell (freediver) -- British freediving instructor and author
Wikipedia - Emma G. Cummings -- American naturalist, ornithologist and author
Wikipedia - Emma Jane -- Australian author and academic
Wikipedia - Emma Jones (naturalist) -- New Zealand author, naturalist and painter
Wikipedia - Emma Mills -- American author and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Emma Newman -- British author and podcaster
Wikipedia - Emma Osterman Elmer -- American librarian and author
Wikipedia - Emma Roberts (author)
Wikipedia - Emma Smith (scholar) -- English academic, author, and Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Emma Walton Hamilton -- Author, editor, educator and arts and literacy advocate
Wikipedia - EmM-EM-^Qke Lipcsey -- Hungarian author
Wikipedia - Emmett Dunn Angell -- American physician, author, and inventor
Wikipedia - Emmy Abrahamson -- Swedish actress turned author
Wikipedia - Emmy Braun -- German cookbook author
Wikipedia - Emory King -- Belizean historian and author
Wikipedia - Empire -- Multiple states under one central authority
Wikipedia - Emre Tetikel -- Turkish actor, author and teacher
Wikipedia - Emuna Elon -- Israeli author, journalist, and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Enduring power of attorney -- Authorisation under English law to act on someone else's behalf
Wikipedia - Enid Blyton -- English author (1897 - 1968)
Wikipedia - Enid Mary Cotton -- Botanist and author
Wikipedia - Enos (Book of Mormon prophet) -- Son of Jacob, a Nephite prophet and author of the Book of Enos
Wikipedia - Enzo Matsunaga -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Eoin Colfer -- Irish author of children's books
Wikipedia - Eoin Macken -- Irish actor, model, author and director
Wikipedia - E. O. Wilson -- American biologist and author (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Erenora Puketapu-Hetet -- New Zealand artist, weaver and author
Wikipedia - Eric Ambler -- Author of thrillers, in particular spy novels, who introduced a new realism to the genre
Wikipedia - Eric A. Meyer -- Web design consultant and author
Wikipedia - Erica Wagner -- American author and critic
Wikipedia - Eric Barbour -- Australian cricketer, physician, and author
Wikipedia - Eric Brown (writer) -- British science fiction author
Wikipedia - Eric Chase Anderson -- American author, illustrator and actor
Wikipedia - Eric Clark (author) -- British writer (b. 1937, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Eric Dregni -- American author
Wikipedia - Eric Flint -- American author, editor, and e-publisher
Wikipedia - Eric Jay Dolin -- American author
Wikipedia - Eric Maddox -- American author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Eric Partridge -- 20th-century New Zealand-born lexicographer, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Eric Schlosser -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Eric S. Raymond -- American computer programmer, author, and advocate for the open source movement
Wikipedia - Erik Larson (author) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Erik Liberman -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Erik Moller -- German freelance journalist, software developer, author and former Deputy Director of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Erin Barrett -- Author, trivia writer, and life coach
Wikipedia - Erin Bow -- American author
Wikipedia - Erin Kelly (author) -- British crime writer
Wikipedia - Erin Zwiener -- American author and politician
Wikipedia - Erna Woll -- German composer, church musician and author
Wikipedia - Ernest Hemingway -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ernestine Gilbreth Carey -- American author
Wikipedia - Ernest J. Gaines -- American author (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Ernest K. Gann -- American author
Wikipedia - Ernest Mathijs -- Canadian professor and author
Wikipedia - Ernesto Sirolli -- Italian author and public speaker
Wikipedia - Ernest Pascal -- American author, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernst Junger -- German soldier and author
Wikipedia - Ernst Weiss -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Ernst Wilhelm Eschmann -- German author, sociologist, and playwright
Wikipedia - Ervin Lazar -- Hungarian author
Wikipedia - Erwan Bergot -- French Army officer and author
Wikipedia - Eslanda Goode Robeson -- American anthropologist, author, actor and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Esparbec -- French pornographic author
Wikipedia - Essay -- Written work often reflecting the author's personal point of view
Wikipedia - Estado Novo (Portugal) -- 1933-1974 authoritarian regime in Portugal
Wikipedia - Esther David -- Indian Jewish author, artist and sculptor
Wikipedia - Esther Earl -- American author and online personality
Wikipedia - Esther Ijewere -- Nigerian author and activist
Wikipedia - Esther MacCallum-Stewart -- British author and academic
Wikipedia - Esther Perel -- Belgian Psychotherapist and Author
Wikipedia - E. T. A. Hoffmann -- German Romantic author
Wikipedia - Ethan Canin -- American author, educator, and physician
Wikipedia - Ethel Armes -- American author, journalist, and historian
Wikipedia - Ethel Barrett -- American Christian author and storyteller
Wikipedia - Ethel Black Kealing -- American author
Wikipedia - Ethel Grodzins Romm -- American author, journalist and engineer
Wikipedia - Eugene Linden (author)
Wikipedia - Eugene Patterson Harris -- California criminal lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Eugenia Wheeler Goff -- American historian and author, 1844-1922
Wikipedia - Eugen von Hippel -- German ophthalmologist and author
Wikipedia - Eunice Murray -- Murray, Eunice Guthrie (1878-1960), suffragist and author
Wikipedia - Eureka: A Prose Poem -- A lengthy non-fiction work by American author Edgar Allan Poe
Wikipedia - European Food Safety Authority
Wikipedia - Eva Bexell -- Swedish author of children's books
Wikipedia - Eva Chen (editor) -- Fashion editor and childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys book author
Wikipedia - Eva Dillner -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Eva Ekvall -- Venezuelan TV news anchor, author, breast cancer advocate, fashion model, and former Miss Venezuela
Wikipedia - Evangeline Barongo -- Ugandan author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Evangelos Averoff -- Greek politician and author
Wikipedia - Eve Babitz -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Evelyn Fox Keller -- American physicist, author and feminist
Wikipedia - Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland -- American journalist, author, playwright
Wikipedia - Evelyn Magruder DeJarnette -- American author
Wikipedia - Evie Christie -- Canadian poet and author
Wikipedia - Executive (government) -- Part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state
Wikipedia - Exit control lock -- Device to prevent unauthorized exit
Wikipedia - Eyre Chatterton -- Irish-born Anglican bishop and author
Wikipedia - Eyres Monsell -- Electoral ward of the unitary authority of Leicester
Wikipedia - Fabio Lanzoni -- Italian model, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX -- Collection of short stories written by Roman author Valerius Maximus during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Faith Compton Mackenzie -- British author
Wikipedia - Faith Jaques -- British children's book author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Family Violence Prevention and Services Act -- United States law first authorized in 1984
Wikipedia - Fannie Ruth Robinson -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Fanny Dickerson Bergen -- American folklorist, ethnobiologist and author
Wikipedia - Fantasy author
Wikipedia - Fara Warner -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fareed Zakaria -- Indian-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Farhad Manjoo -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fascism -- Form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism
Wikipedia - Fathollah Mojtabaei -- An Iranian author and historian
Wikipedia - Fatima Dhiab -- Palestinian Author
Wikipedia - Fauna Hodel -- American author
Wikipedia - Fay Weldon -- English author, essayist and playwright
Wikipedia - F. D. C. Willard -- Cat cited as an author in scientific journals
Wikipedia - Federal Authority for Audiovisual Communication Services -- Former broadcasting regulator of Argentina
Wikipedia - Federal Civil Defense Authority -- Defunct civil defense agency
Wikipedia - Federal Customs Service of Russia -- Authority agency of Russian, customs services
Wikipedia - Federal government of Brazil -- Executive authority of Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal Land Development Authority -- Malaysian government agency
Wikipedia - Federal World Authority
Wikipedia - F. E. Halliday -- 20th-century English academic and author
Wikipedia - F. E. Higgins -- Irish children's author
Wikipedia - Feiko Bouman -- Dutch Australian architect and author
Wikipedia - Felix Cheong -- Singaporean author and poet
Wikipedia - F. Enzio Busche -- German general authority
Wikipedia - Ferdowsi -- Persian poet, author of Shahnameh
Wikipedia - Ferenc Chalupetzky -- Hungarian chess player and author
Wikipedia - Fermanagh and Omagh District Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Fernando de Rojas -- Spanish author and playwright
Wikipedia - Ferner Nuhn -- American author, literary critic and artist
Wikipedia - Fiasco (novel) -- A science fiction novel by Polish author Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Filibuster (military) -- Leader of an unauthorized foreign military expedition
Wikipedia - Financial Conduct Authority -- British regulator
Wikipedia - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority -- American financial self-regulatory organizarion
Wikipedia - Financial Information Authority (Vatican City)
Wikipedia - Financial Services Authority -- Former quasi-judicial body in the UK
Wikipedia - Financial Supervision Authority (Poland)
Wikipedia - Finesse Mitchell -- American actor, author and comedian
Wikipedia - Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority -- Finnish consumer rights protection agency
Wikipedia - Fiona McFarlane -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Fiona Wood (writer) -- Australian young adult author
Wikipedia - First day of issue -- Postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use
Wikipedia - First Responder Network Authority -- American public safety broadband network operator
Wikipedia - Flag state -- Jurisdiction a merchant vessel is registered under; has authority/responsibility to regulate vessels registered under its flag, e.g. inspection, certification, issuing safety/pollution prevention documents
Wikipedia - Flavius Mallius Theodorus -- 4th century Roman consul, scholar and author
Wikipedia - Fleda Brown -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Flemming Quist Moller -- Danish director, cartoonist, author, actor
Wikipedia - Flora Thompson -- English author
Wikipedia - Florence Morse Kingsley -- American fiction author (1859-1937)
Wikipedia - Florence Page Jaques -- American author (1890-1972)
Wikipedia - Florence "Frankie" Adams -- American educator, social worker, and author (1902-1979)
Wikipedia - Florence Trail -- American educator, author (1854-1944)
Wikipedia - Florence Williams -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Florian Coulmas -- German linguist and author
Wikipedia - Fonda Lee -- Canadian-American author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India -- Government body in India
Wikipedia - Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority -- Toll road authority in Texas
Wikipedia - Fouad Ajami -- university professor and author
Wikipedia - Foul papers -- specialist term for an author's working drafts
Wikipedia - Foundation's Friends -- 1989 book written in honor of science fiction author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Fran Balkwill -- English scientist and author of children's books (born 1952)
Wikipedia - France Daigle -- Canadian author of Acadian ethnicity
Wikipedia - Frances Garnet Wolseley, 2nd Viscountess Wolseley -- Gardener and author (1872-1936)
Wikipedia - Frances Hodgson Burnett -- English-American children's author
Wikipedia - Frances Kinne -- American author
Wikipedia - Frances Marion -- American screenwriter, journalist, author, and film director
Wikipedia - Frances Spatz Leighton -- American author
Wikipedia - Francis Alexander Durivage -- American author
Wikipedia - Francis Barrow Pearce -- British imperial administrator and author (1866-1926)
Wikipedia - Francis Clifford (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Francis Esmond Reynolds -- British pathologist and author
Wikipedia - Francis Fukuyama -- American political scientist, political economist, and author
Wikipedia - Francis Jeremiah Connell -- Redemptorist priest, professor, author, and Catholic American theologian
Wikipedia - Francis Lynde -- American author
Wikipedia - Francis MacManus -- Author, broadcaster
Wikipedia - Francis Meres -- 16th/17th-century English churchman and author
Wikipedia - Francis Payne (author) -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Francis Spufford -- English author and teacher
Wikipedia - Francis Warner (author) -- English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - Francois de La Rochefoucauld (writer) -- French author of maxims and memoirs
Wikipedia - Francoise-Albine Benoist -- 18th-century French author
Wikipedia - Francois Pithou -- French lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Francois Sudre -- French author and musician
Wikipedia - Frank Barnard (author) -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Frank Braynard -- American author
Wikipedia - Frank Buytendijk -- Dutch author of management books
Wikipedia - Frank Chadwick -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Frank Chin -- American author and playwright
Wikipedia - Frank Collin -- Former leader of the National Socialist Party of America and New Age author
Wikipedia - Frank Eliason -- American corporate executive and author
Wikipedia - Frankenstein authorship question
Wikipedia - Frank G. Menke -- American newspaper reporter, author, and sports historian
Wikipedia - Frank Hammond -- Author of Christian related books
Wikipedia - Frank J. Coppa -- American historian, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Frank John William Goldsmith -- English author and survivor of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Frank Kane (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Franklin Burroughs (author) -- American author of nonfiction
Wikipedia - Frank L. Kluckhohn -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Frank N. Westcott -- American author
Wikipedia - Frank Paparelli -- American jazz pianist, composer and author
Wikipedia - Frank Ripploh -- German actor, director and author
Wikipedia - Frank Stagg (theologian) -- American theologian, author and pastor (1911-2001)
Wikipedia - Frank Turek -- Christian author
Wikipedia - Frank Zarnowski -- Author and sports announcer (b. 1943)
Wikipedia - Fran Lebowitz -- American author and public speaker
Wikipedia - Fran Van Cleave -- American author
Wikipedia - Franz Kurowski -- German author
Wikipedia - Frederick Augustus Voigt -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Frederick Hackwood -- British author and teacher
Wikipedia - Frederick Vettese -- Canadian author (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Frederick W. Allsopp -- British-US-American author, newspaperman, book collector, and bookstore owner
Wikipedia - Frederic Passy -- French economist, author, and statesman
Wikipedia - Frederika Menezes -- Goan author, poet and artist
Wikipedia - Frederike Geerdink -- Dutch journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fred H. Colvin -- American machinist, technical journalist, author, and editor
Wikipedia - Fred Kaplan (journalist) -- American author and journalist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Fred Rhodes (writer) -- Australian master mariner, journalist, author and cotton farming lobbyist
Wikipedia - Fredric Dannen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Freeman Wills Crofts -- Irish mystery author, later based in England
Wikipedia - Frida Boisen -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Frieda Friedman -- American author
Wikipedia - Friedo Lampe -- German author
Wikipedia - Friedrich Alefeld -- German botanist, author, and medical practitioner (1820-1872)
Wikipedia - Friedrich Durrenmatt -- Swiss author and dramatist (1921-1990)
Wikipedia - Friedrich Georg Junger -- German lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Friedrich von Bodenstedt -- 19th-century German author
Wikipedia - Friedrich von der Trenck -- Prussian army officer, adventurer, and author (1726-1794)
Wikipedia - Fritz Polking -- German nature photographer,author and book publisher
Wikipedia - Fritz Springmeier -- American author
Wikipedia - Fritz Steuben -- German author
Wikipedia - Fuhrerprinzip -- principle of political authority in the Third Reich
Wikipedia - Fujino M-EM-^Lmori -- Japanese light novel author
Wikipedia - Fulcanelli -- French alchemist and esoteric author
Wikipedia - Fumiko Hayashi (author))
Wikipedia - Fumiko Hayashi (author) -- Japanese novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Fundamento de Esperanto -- 1905 book by L. L. Zamenhof, describing the basic grammar and vocabulary of Esperanto; the only obligatory authority over the language, according to the Declaration of Boulogne
Wikipedia - Futabatei Shimei -- Japanese author, translator and literary critic
Wikipedia - Futaro Yamada -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Future history -- Postulated history of the future and is used by authors in the subgenre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - F.X. Toole -- Boxing trainer, author
Wikipedia - Fyodor Dostoevsky -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Gabbie Hanna -- American Internet personality, author, singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Gabiden Mustafin -- Kazakh author and senior official in the Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Gabriele Eckart -- German author
Wikipedia - Gabriel Harvey -- English author
Wikipedia - Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni -- Italian author, educator and politician
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Hamilton (chef) -- American chef and author
Wikipedia - Gabrielle McMullin -- Australian vascular surgeon, author and gender quality advocate
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Union -- American actress, activist, and author
Wikipedia - Gabriel Rivera-Barraza -- Mexican-American author
Wikipedia - Gad Beck -- Holocaust survivor, author
Wikipedia - Gaelen Foley -- American author
Wikipedia - Gae Polisner -- American author
Wikipedia - Gail Hareven -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - Gamaliel -- First century leading authority on Jewish law in the Sanhedrin
Wikipedia - Ganggang Hu Guidice -- Chinese-American author and artist
Wikipedia - Garcelle Beauvais -- American actress, television personality, author, and former fashion model
Wikipedia - Gareth Miles -- Welsh author
Wikipedia - Garrard Conley -- American author and LGBTQ activist
Wikipedia - Garrett Epps -- American author and legal scholar
Wikipedia - Garrison Keillor -- American author, storyteller, humorist, voice actor, and radio personality
Wikipedia - Garth Von Buchholz -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Gary Alan Fine -- American sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Gary Bernstein -- American photographer and author
Wikipedia - Gary Blackwood (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Gary Catona -- American author and voice coach
Wikipedia - Gary Gentile -- American author and pioneering technical diver
Wikipedia - Gary Jennings -- American author
Wikipedia - Gary Kinder (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Gary Kreps -- Communication scholar, professor, author
Wikipedia - Gary Null -- American talk radio host and author who advocates for alternative medicine
Wikipedia - Gavin Menzies -- British naval officer and author of pseudohistory
Wikipedia - Gavino Gulia -- Maltese botanist and author
Wikipedia - Gayle Laakmann McDowell -- Founder, consultant, coder, author and speaker
Wikipedia - Gayle Tzemach Lemmon -- American author
Wikipedia - Gedalia Dov Schwartz -- American-born Orthodox rabbi, author, legal jurist
Wikipedia - Ged Maybury -- New Zealand children's book author
Wikipedia - G. Edward Griffin -- American conspiracy theorist, film producer, author, and political lecturer
Wikipedia - Ge Fei (author) -- Chinese novelist
Wikipedia - Gelett Burgess -- US artist, art critic, poet, author and humorist
Wikipedia - Genan Wakil -- Author
Wikipedia - Gene D. Phillips -- American author, educator, and Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Gene Edward Veith -- American Lutheran author, scholar, and professor
Wikipedia - General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection -- Government agency in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - General authority
Wikipedia - Gene Wilder -- American actor, filmmaker, singer-songwriter, comedian and author (1933-2016)
Wikipedia - Genni Batterham -- Australian artist, author, disability rights activist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Geoff Chapple (writer) -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Geoff Hill (Northern Ireland journalist) -- Author, journalist and long-distance motorcycle rider
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cain -- American journalist, author, and writer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Chaucer -- 14th century English poet and author
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Notkin -- American actor, author, and entrepreneur.
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Prout -- English boatbuilder and author
Wikipedia - George Alec Effinger -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - George Antheil -- American avant-garde composer, pianist, author and inventor
Wikipedia - George Arliss -- English actor, author, playwright, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - George Foreman -- American professional boxer, ordained Baptist minister, author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - George Forrest (author) -- American musical theatre composer (1915-1999)
Wikipedia - George Gilfillan -- Scottish author and poet
Wikipedia - George Hamilton Teed -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - George Howe Colt -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Kelson -- English cricketer, fisherman, and author
Wikipedia - George Levy -- American motorsports author
Wikipedia - George Lewis Becke -- Australian author
Wikipedia - George MacDonald Fraser -- English-born author of Scottish descent
Wikipedia - George MacDonald -- Scottish author, poet and Christian minister
Wikipedia - George McKay Brown -- Scottish poet, author and dramatist
Wikipedia - George Megalogenis -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Moir -- Scottish advocate and author
Wikipedia - George Muhoho -- Former director general of the Kenya Airports Authority
Wikipedia - George Orwell -- English author and journalist (1903 - 1950)
Wikipedia - George Pelecanos -- American author
Wikipedia - George Racey Jordan -- American military officer, businessman, lecturer, activist, and author.
Wikipedia - George R. Dekle Sr. -- American lawyer, professor, and author
Wikipedia - George Rodwell -- English composer, musical director, and author
Wikipedia - George Samuel Clason -- American author
Wikipedia - George Samuel Dougherty -- American detective and author
Wikipedia - Georges Anglade -- Haitian-Canadian geographer, author and politician (1944-2010)
Wikipedia - George Stephens (playwright) -- English author and dramatist
Wikipedia - George Valavanis -- Pontic Greek journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Weigel -- Conservative Catholic American author
Wikipedia - George Wolfe (CPA) -- Chair of the Coalition Provisional Authority
Wikipedia - George Wyatt Proctor -- Author, journalist and lecturer
Wikipedia - Georgiann Makropoulos -- American wrestling historian and author
Wikipedia - Georgina Harding -- English author
Wikipedia - Gerald A. Browne -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Gerald Clarke (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Gerald Gardner (scriptwriter) -- American author
Wikipedia - Gerald Hausman -- American author
Wikipedia - Gerald Huther -- German neurobiologist and author
Wikipedia - Gerald M. Best -- Railroad historian, author, photographer
Wikipedia - Gerald Walpin -- American lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Gerald Willoughby-Meade -- British author
Wikipedia - Gerald W. Smith -- American engineer and author
Wikipedia - Gerald W. Thomas -- American academic, author, and veteran
Wikipedia - Gerald Zaltman -- American academic, author, and editor
Wikipedia - Gerard Beirne -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Gerard Jones -- American author and comic book writer (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Gerard K. O'Neill -- Physicist, author, and inventor
Wikipedia - Gerhard Delling -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Gerhard Hirschfeld -- German historian and author
Wikipedia - Geri Halliwell -- English singer-songwriter, author and actress
Wikipedia - Germaine de StaM-CM-+l -- Swiss author
Wikipedia - German military administration in occupied France during World War II -- Interim occupation authority established by Nazi Germany during World War II
Wikipedia - Gerrit Berveling -- Dutch Esperanto author
Wikipedia - Gertrude Stein -- American author (1874-1946)
Wikipedia - Gertrude Torkornoo -- Ghanaian judge and author
Wikipedia - Ghana Revenue Authority -- Tax Company
Wikipedia - Ghana Tourism Authority -- Ghanaian tourism parastatal
Wikipedia - Ghost word -- Word created by error in a dictionary or other authoritative work
Wikipedia - Ghostwriter -- Writer who writes for the credited author
Wikipedia - Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum -- Pakistani poet and author
Wikipedia - Ghulam Nabi Gowhar -- Kashmiri author, novelist, poet
Wikipedia - Gibraltar Port Authority -- Agency in Gibraltar Port
Wikipedia - Gideon Ariel -- Israeli authority in biomechanics
Wikipedia - Gideon Levy -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Gila Almagor -- Israeli actress, film star, and author
Wikipedia - Gilbert Henry Collins -- British author
Wikipedia - Gill Deacon -- Canadian author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Gillian Baverstock -- British author and elder daughter of English novelist Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Gillian Chan -- Canadian children's author
Wikipedia - Gillian Cross -- British author of children's books
Wikipedia - Gil Scott-Heron -- American musician, poet and author
Wikipedia - Gina Calanni -- American politician and author
Wikipedia - Gina Cascone -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gina Loudon -- American conservative author, anchor, columnist, show host, and news commentator
Wikipedia - Gina Smith (author)
Wikipedia - Gioconda Belli -- Nicaraguan author, novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Giovanni Boccaccio -- Italian author and poet
Wikipedia - Girl Authority -- American cover pop girl group
Wikipedia - Gisella Perl -- Gynecologist and author
Wikipedia - Giulia Enders -- German author
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Cederna -- Italian actor and author
Wikipedia - Gladys Knight -- American singer, songwriter, actress, businesswoman, and author
Wikipedia - Gladys Peto -- British author and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gladys Skelton -- Australian poet, playwright and author
Wikipedia - Glen Duncan -- British author
Wikipedia - Glenn Adamson -- American curator, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Glennon Doyle -- American author
Wikipedia - Glen Rounds -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Globus cruciger -- Globular object sometimes topped with a cross; Christian symbol of authority
Wikipedia - G. N. Georgano -- British author
Wikipedia - Godfrey Barker -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Godman Akinlabi -- Nigerian pastor and author
Wikipedia - Goldie Taylor -- American author and opinion writer
Wikipedia - Gorch Fock (author) -- German writer
Wikipedia - Gordon Anderson (author) -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - Gordon Aylward -- Australian chemical author
Wikipedia - Gordon Cheng -- Australian Christian author and writer
Wikipedia - Gordon Claridge -- British psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Gordon Daugherty -- American computer scientist and author
Wikipedia - Gordon Eklund -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Gordon Moore -- American businessman, co-founder of Intel and author
Wikipedia - Gordon Pape -- Author and newsletter publisher
Wikipedia - Gordon Scurfield -- English biologist and author
Wikipedia - Gosta M-CM-^Egren -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Government gazette -- Periodical publication that has been authorised to publish public or legal notice
Wikipedia - Government of Haryana -- Governing authority of the Indian state of Haryana
Wikipedia - Government of Ireland -- Ministerial cabinet exercising executive authority in the country of the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Government of Madhya Pradesh -- Indian governing authority
Wikipedia - Government of Slovakia -- Executive authority in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Government of Spain -- Executive authority of Spain
Wikipedia - Government of Sweden -- Highest executive authority in Sweden
Wikipedia - Governorates of the Palestinian National Authority
Wikipedia - Grace Andreacchi -- American-born author
Wikipedia - Grace Blakeley -- British economics commentator and author
Wikipedia - Grace Campbell (author) -- Canadian novelist
Wikipedia - Grace Dent -- English columnist, broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Grace Greylock Niles -- American botanist, author, and artist
Wikipedia - Grace Lee Boggs -- American social activist, philosopher, feminist, and author
Wikipedia - Grace Tabor -- American landscape architect and author
Wikipedia - Graeme Cowan -- Australian author of four books
Wikipedia - Graeme Macrae Burnet -- Scottish author and Booker Prize winner
Wikipedia - Graham Masterton -- British horror author
Wikipedia - Greatrex Newman -- English author, song-writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Greg Autry -- American space policy expert, author
Wikipedia - Greg Behrendt -- American comedian and author
Wikipedia - Gregg Braden -- American author
Wikipedia - Greg King (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Gretel Killeen -- Australian television host, author and comedian
Wikipedia - Grosvenor Clarkson -- American author and publicist
Wikipedia - G. R. S. Mead -- English author, editor, translator, and theosophist
Wikipedia - Grzegorz BM-DM-^Ybnik -- Polish historian and author
Wikipedia - G. S. Lassey -- Ghanaian judge and author
Wikipedia - Gub Gub's Book -- The spin-off of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Guilherme Weber -- Brazilian actor, director and author
Wikipedia - Guillermo del Toro -- Mexican filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Gulzar -- Urdu author
Wikipedia - Gunilla Gerland -- Author, lecturer and debater on the topic of Asperger syndrome
Wikipedia - Gunnar Gunnarsson -- Icelandic author
Wikipedia - Gunnar Sandelin -- Swedish social worker, author, lecturer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gunnar Tjomlid -- Norwegian blogger, author and sceptic (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Gunther Schuller -- American composer, conductor, horn player, author, historian, educator, publisher, and jazz musician
Wikipedia - Gunvantrai Acharya -- Indian Gujarati language author and journalist
Wikipedia - Gurcharan Das -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Gustav Schwab -- German teacher, pastor, author and editor (1792-1850)
Wikipedia - Gus Weill -- American author
Wikipedia - Guus Kuijer -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Guy Adams -- English author
Wikipedia - Guy Arnold -- British author
Wikipedia - Guy A. Sims -- African American comic book author
Wikipedia - Guy Carleton Drewry -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Guy Clapperton -- British journalist, speaker and author
Wikipedia - Guy Kawasaki -- American businessman and author
Wikipedia - Gwen Bristow -- American author and jounalist
Wikipedia - Gwen Carr -- American activist, public speaker and author
Wikipedia - Gwen Cooper (author) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Gwenda Blair -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Gwen Harden -- Australian botanist and author
Wikipedia - Gwen John (playwright) -- British author and playwright
Wikipedia - Gwyn Cready -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Gyorgy Dragoman -- Hungarian author and literary translator
Wikipedia - Gypsy Rose Lee -- American burlesque performer, actress and author
Wikipedia - Habib Ahmadzadeh -- Iranian author
Wikipedia - Hafsah Faizal -- American designer and author
Wikipedia - Hagai Segal -- Israeli author and convicted terrorist
Wikipedia - Hailey Abbott -- American author
Wikipedia - Haim Sabato -- Israeli rabbi and author
Wikipedia - Hal Clement -- American author and artist
Wikipedia - Hal Elrod -- American author
Wikipedia - Half of a Yellow Sun -- Novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Wikipedia - Halldor Laxness -- Icelandic author
Wikipedia - Halle Butler -- American author
Wikipedia - Hamida Ghafour -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hamid Mir -- Pakistani journalist, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Hamish Blake -- Australian comedian, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Hank Green -- American vlogger, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Hank Shaw (author) -- American chef and writer
Wikipedia - Hank Woon -- American author, game designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hannah Beckerman -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Blank -- American author
Wikipedia - Hannah Mary Bouvier Peterson -- American textbook author
Wikipedia - Hannah Witton -- YouTuber, author, and British broadcaster
Wikipedia - Hans Aanrud -- Norwegian author (1863-1953)
Wikipedia - Hans Christian Andersen -- Danish author, fairy tale writer, and poet
Wikipedia - Hans-Hasso von Veltheim -- German Indologist, Anthroposophist, Far East traveler, occultist and author
Wikipedia - Hans Holzer -- Austrian-American author and parapsychologist
Wikipedia - Hansi Bochow-Bluthgen -- German author, editor, and translator
Wikipedia - Hans Kung -- Swiss Catholic priest, theologian and author
Wikipedia - Hans Much -- German author, writer and physician
Wikipedia - Hans Seland -- Norwegian politician and author
Wikipedia - Hans Wilhelm Hammerbacher -- German author (1903-1980)
Wikipedia - Harald JM-CM-$hner -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Harald Lesch -- German physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, author, television presenter and professor
Wikipedia - Hari Rhodes -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Harley Jane Kozak -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Harl Vincent -- American mechanical engineer and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Harmen van Straaten -- Dutch author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Harold Avery -- English author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Harold Davis (photographer) -- American photographer and author
Wikipedia - Harold Fisch -- British-Israeli author, literary critic, translator, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Harriet Beecher Stowe -- 19th-century American abolitionist and author
Wikipedia - Harriet Doerr -- American author
Wikipedia - Harriet Isabel Adams -- British author, artist and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Harriet Lane (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Harriet Louise Keeler -- American teacher, botanist, and author (1846-1921)
Wikipedia - Harriet Mann Miller -- American author, naturalist, ornithologist
Wikipedia - Harriet Mason -- Botanical illustrator, plant collector, poor-law inspector, author
Wikipedia - Harriet Rohmer -- American author, editor, and publisher
Wikipedia - Harrison Candelaria Fletcher -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Harry Baer -- German actor, producer and author
Wikipedia - Harry Basch -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Harry Bosch -- Fictional detective created by author Michael Connelly
Wikipedia - Harry Harrison (writer) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Harry Kraemer -- Business executive, author and professor (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Harry Shapiro (author) -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Thurston Peck -- American classical scholar, author, editor, and critic (1856-1914)
Wikipedia - Hartford H Keifer -- American zoologist and mite authority
Wikipedia - Hart's Rules -- Authoritative reference book and style guide published in England by Oxford University Press
Wikipedia - Hassan Hassan -- American author
Wikipedia - Hassan Tavanayanfard -- Iranian economist and author
Wikipedia - Hawker Hunter Tower Bridge incident -- Unauthorised London jet excursion of 1968
Wikipedia - Hazel Edwards -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Hazel Hayes -- Irish YouTuber, filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - H. C. McNeile -- British soldier and author
Wikipedia - Health Service Executive -- National public health and social services authority in Ireland
Wikipedia - Heather Havrilesky -- American author
Wikipedia - Heather Rose Jones -- American author of fantasy novels
Wikipedia - Heather Rose -- Australian author (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Hector Feliciano -- Puerto Rican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hector Varela (author) -- Puerto Rican writer
Wikipedia - Hedwig Lachmann -- German author, translator and poet (1865-1918)
Wikipedia - Heimat ist das, was gesprochen wird -- 2001 book by Nobel Prize-winning author Herta Muller
Wikipedia - Heinrich Anacker -- Swiss-German author
Wikipedia - Heinrich Breloer -- German author and film director
Wikipedia - Heinrich von Staden (author) -- German diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Heinz Stubig -- German author and university teacher
Wikipedia - Heinz Zander -- German author and illustrator
Wikipedia - He Jianming -- Chinese author
Wikipedia - Helena DahlbM-CM-$ck -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Helen Baker (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - Helen Brown (author) -- Author and columnist
Wikipedia - Helene Adler -- German author
Wikipedia - Helen Garner -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Helen Keller -- American deaf-blind author, political activist and lecturer
Wikipedia - Helen MacMurchy -- Canadian doctor and author
Wikipedia - Helen Mayer Hacker -- Sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Helen M. Robinson -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Helen Nielsen -- American author and script writer
Wikipedia - Helen Papashvily -- American author
Wikipedia - Helen Pluckrose -- British author
Wikipedia - Helen Trinca -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Helen Uche Ibezim -- Nigerian author and educator
Wikipedia - Helen Wing -- American author, composer
Wikipedia - Helmut Krausnick -- German historian and author
Wikipedia - Helmut Schlegel -- German Franciscan, Catholic priest, meditation instructor, author, librettist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Help:Authority control -- Wikipedia help page about authority control
Wikipedia - Hendratta Ali -- Petroleum geologist, hydrologist and author
Wikipedia - Hendrika Ruger -- Dutch-Canadian author and publisher (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Henri Cordier -- French linguist, historian, ethnographer, author, editor and Orientalist
Wikipedia - Henrietta Boggs -- American author
Wikipedia - Henriette Davidis -- German cookbook author
Wikipedia - Henrik Ekman -- Swedish author and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Airay -- Preacher, author
Wikipedia - Henry Alley -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Henry Clews -- British-American financier and author (1834-1923)
Wikipedia - Henry Cloud -- American Christian self help author
Wikipedia - Henry Conway (socialite) -- British socialite and author (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Henry Edward Watts -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Henry Frith -- Irish author and translator (1840-1917)
Wikipedia - Henry George Hart -- British Army officer and author of Hart's Army List
Wikipedia - Henry Grierson -- English cricketer, barrister, and author
Wikipedia - Henry Hamilton Bailey -- surgeon and author of surgical textbooks
Wikipedia - Henry Jaeger -- German author, reformed criminal, and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Kendall (poet) -- Australian author and bush poet
Wikipedia - Henry Kistemaeckers (playwright) -- Belgian author and playwright
Wikipedia - Henry Kuttner -- American author of science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction
Wikipedia - Henry Littlefield -- Author and historian
Wikipedia - Henry Mills Alden -- American author and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Henry Pope Anderson -- Farm labor union organizer, activist, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Henry Sherman -- American judge and author
Wikipedia - Henry Snowden Ward -- 19th/20th-century English photographer and author
Wikipedia - Henry Tenedero -- Author, professor, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Henry Trewhitt -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Wilhelm -- American researcher and author
Wikipedia - Heraa Hashmi -- Author and activist
Wikipedia - Heraldic authority -- Office or institution that deals with heraldry
Wikipedia - Herbert Aldinger -- American author
Wikipedia - Herbert Maryon -- English sculptor, goldsmith, archaeologist, conservator, author, and authority on ancient metalwork
Wikipedia - Herbert Tichy -- Austrian author, geologist, journalist, and climber
Wikipedia - Herb Sutter -- US computer programmer and author
Wikipedia - Herefordshire Council -- Unitary local government authority for the county of Herefordshire in England
Wikipedia - Heritage Western Cape -- Provincial heritage resources authority of South Africa
Wikipedia - Herman Husband -- farmer, radical, pamphleteer, author, and preacher
Wikipedia - Herman Lee Meader -- American architect and author
Wikipedia - Herman Tarnower -- American cardiologist and author
Wikipedia - Herman Vandenburg Ames -- 19th and 20th-century American author and academic
Wikipedia - Hermes Trismegistus -- Purported author of the Hermetic Corpus
Wikipedia - Herodotus -- 5th century BC Greek historian and author of The Histories
Wikipedia - Herrad of Landsberg -- 12th-century abbess, author and illustrator from Alsace
Wikipedia - Hester Thrale -- Welsh author and salonniere
Wikipedia - Hetty Spiers -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - H. G. Wells -- English author
Wikipedia - Hierocles (author of Synecdemus) {{DISPLAYTITLE:Hierocles (author of ''Synecdemus'') -- Hierocles (author of Synecdemus) {{DISPLAYTITLE:Hierocles (author of ''Synecdemus'')
Wikipedia - High Above -- 2010 book by several authors
Wikipedia - Hilaria Baldwin -- American yoga instructor and author
Wikipedia - Hilari Bell -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Hilary Geary Ross -- American author and philanthropist
Wikipedia - H-index -- Author-level metric that attempts to measure the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a person
Wikipedia - Hirayama Gyozo -- Japanese fencer and author
Wikipedia - Hisashi Katsuta -- Japanese voice actor and author
Wikipedia - History of the Shakespeare authorship question -- none
Wikipedia - Hoda Kotb -- Egyptian-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hollis Gillespie -- Author and columnist
Wikipedia - Holly Bourne -- British author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Holly Hill (author) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church -- Highest Orthodox authority in the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Wikipedia - Homeric Question -- doubts and debate about the identity of Homer and the authorship of the Iliad and Odyssey
Wikipedia - Homer -- name ascribed by the ancient Greeks to the author of the ''Iliad'' and the ''Odyssey''
Wikipedia - Homologation -- Granting of approval by an official authority
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Hospital Authority
Wikipedia - Hope Hale Davis -- American author
Wikipedia - Horace Arthur Rose -- Administrator in the Indian Civil Service and author (1867-1933)
Wikipedia - Horst Lichter -- German cook, television cook, and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Hosam al-Din Ali Bitlisi -- Kurdish Sufi author
Wikipedia - Hospital Authority
Wikipedia - Housing Authority of New Orleans -- Housing authority in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles -- Housing authority in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Housing authority -- Type of ministry or government agency
Wikipedia - Houston Housing Authority -- Public housing authority in Houston, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Hovhannes Tumanyan -- Armenian author, poet, novelist, and public activist
Wikipedia - Howard Bloom -- American author
Wikipedia - Howard Blum -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Howard Buten -- American author living in France
Wikipedia - Howard Davies (economist) -- British Economist and Author
Wikipedia - Howard Dully -- American author, recipient of a transorbital lobotomy
Wikipedia - Howard Eisenberg -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Howard J. Ehrlich -- American sociologist, educator, and author
Wikipedia - Howard Kaminsky -- American publisher, author, and film producer
Wikipedia - Howard Kurtz -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Howard Pyle -- 19th and 20th-century American illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Howard Stern -- American radio and television personality, producer, author, actor, and photographer
Wikipedia - Howie Schneider -- American cartoonist, sculptor, and author, 1930-2007
Wikipedia - H. P. Lovecraft -- American horror story author and originator of the Cthulhu Mythos
Wikipedia - H. R. S. Pocock -- British author
Wikipedia - Hubert Boulard -- French comic book author
Wikipedia - Hubert Renfro Knickerbocker -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hudud al-'Alam -- 10th century geography book written in Persian by an unknown author
Wikipedia - Hugh Cook (science fiction author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Hugh Pollard (intelligence officer) -- British intelligence officer and author
Wikipedia - Hugo Ball -- German author, poet and one of the leading Dada artists
Wikipedia - Hugo Black Jr. -- American attorney and legal author
Wikipedia - Hugo Claus -- Belgian author
Wikipedia - Hugo Raes -- Belgian author
Wikipedia - Humayun Ahmed -- Author, poet, dramatist and film director
Wikipedia - Humayun Azad -- Bangladeshi poet and author
Wikipedia - Humphrey Clucas -- British composer, singer and author
Wikipedia - Hunter Bell -- American book author and a Broadway star
Wikipedia - Hunter Davies -- Scottish-born British author, journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Hunter S. Thompson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hunter Tylo -- American actress, author, and model
Wikipedia - Huntley Fitzpatrick -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Husseini Heravi -- Persian author and poet
Wikipedia - Ian Coutts (writer) -- Canadian author and editor
Wikipedia - Ian Dunt -- British author and political journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Ferguson (writer) -- Canadian author and playwright
Wikipedia - Ian Fowles -- American musician, author, and actor
Wikipedia - Ian McGuire -- English author
Wikipedia - Ian Middleton -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Ian Watson (author) -- British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Ibn Manzur -- Maghrebi Arab lexicographer of the Arabic language and author of a large Arabian dictionary (c.1233-c.1312)
Wikipedia - IBooks Author Conference
Wikipedia - IBooks Author
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Abdel Meguid -- Egyptian novelist and author (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Amin Baldar -- Kurdish author (1920-1998)
Wikipedia - Ice class -- A notation assigned by a classification society or a national authority to denote the additional level of strengthening and other arrangements that enable a ship to navigate through sea ice
Wikipedia - Icelandic Naming Committee -- Authority regulating Icelandic given names
Wikipedia - Ida Mary Roper -- British botanist and author (1865-1935)
Wikipedia - Ida Shaw Martin -- American sorority founder and author
Wikipedia - Idem -- Latin footnote or endnote term referring to the previous source or author
Wikipedia - Identity fraud -- Use by one person of another person's personal information, without authorization
Wikipedia - IdenTrust -- Digital certificate authority
Wikipedia - Iehiro Tokugawa -- Japanese author and translator
Wikipedia - Ienne Biemans -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - I. F. Stone -- American investigative journalist, writer, and author
Wikipedia - Iginio Straffi -- Italian animator, illustrator, and former comic book author
Wikipedia - Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff -- French physicists, authors and TV presenters
Wikipedia - Igor Angelkorte -- Brazilian actor, author and director
Wikipedia - Ijazah -- In Islam, license authorizing its holder to transmit a certain text or subject
Wikipedia - Ilaria Ramelli -- Italian historian, author and academic (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Ilene Cooper -- American author and reviewer
Wikipedia - Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk -- German historian and author
Wikipedia - Ilse Hess -- German author, Nazi and wife of Rudolf Hess
Wikipedia - Im Haarknoten wohnt eine Dame -- 2005 book by Nobel Prize-winning author Herta Muller
Wikipedia - Imperial cult of ancient Rome -- Identification of emperors and some members of their families with the divinely sanctioned authority of the Roman State
Wikipedia - Implied powers -- Powers implicitly authorized by the U.S. Constitution
Wikipedia - Imprimatur -- Declaration authorizing publication of a book
Wikipedia - Imtiaz Ali 'Arshi' -- Urdu author
Wikipedia - Ina Garten -- American author and television presenter
Wikipedia - Ina Hartwig -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Independent Broadcasting Authority -- Former British commercial television and radio regulator
Wikipedia - Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority -- UK Parliament expenses oversight body
Wikipedia - Inder Thakur -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Indian agent -- Individual authorized to interact with Native Americans tribes on behalf of the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Indian Removal Act -- Law authorizing removal of Indians from US states
Wikipedia - Indigenous Authorities of Colombia -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Indira Devi Chaudhurani -- Bengali literary figure, author and musician, born to the Tagore family
Wikipedia - Indus River System Authority -- Pakistani government agency
Wikipedia - Ines Rieder -- Austrian author, political scientist and journalist (1954-2015)
Wikipedia - Inez Haynes Irwin -- American feminist, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Infocomm Media Development Authority -- Statutory board of the Singapore government
Wikipedia - Information and Communication Technology Authority (Kenya) -- Government agency in Kenya
Wikipedia - Ingeborg Bachmann -- Austrian poet and author
Wikipedia - Inge Deutschkron -- German-Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ingo Harden -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ingrid Carlberg -- Swedish author and member of the Swedish Academy
Wikipedia - Inio Asano -- Japanese manga author
Wikipedia - Inner London Education Authority -- Former education authority in London
Wikipedia - Integrated Authority File -- International authority file for personal names, subject headings and corporate bodies
Wikipedia - Integrated Taxonomic Information System -- Authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes
Wikipedia - Interior Health -- Regional health authority for Interior British Columbia
Wikipedia - International Authority for the Ruhr -- Post-WW2 body controlling German coal and steel industry
Wikipedia - International Colour Authority
Wikipedia - International Commission on Illumination -- International authority on light, illumination, color, and color spaces
Wikipedia - International Seabed Authority -- Intergovernmental body to regulate mineral-related activities in the seabed
Wikipedia - International Standard Authority Data Number -- Proposed unique identifier registry for authority data entities
Wikipedia - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Wikipedia - Invest Atlanta -- development authority of Atlanta, Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Ipswich Borough Council -- English local authority
Wikipedia - Irena Klepfisz -- Polish-American author, activist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Irene Corbally Kuhn -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Irene Dische -- American-German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Irish Aviation Authority -- Commercial semi-state company in Ireland
Wikipedia - Irish bull -- Ludicrous, incongruent or logically absurd statement, generally unrecognized as such by its author
Wikipedia - Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission -- National human rights and equality authority for Ireland
Wikipedia - Irvine Butterfield -- English environmentalist, hillwalker and author (1936-2009)
Wikipedia - Irving Rosenwater -- English cricket researcher and author
Wikipedia - Isaac Allen Jack -- Canadian lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Isaac Bashevis Singer -- Polish-American author
Wikipedia - Isaac Don Levine -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Isaac Lidsky -- American actor, lawyer, corporate speaker, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Isaac Mayer Wise -- Bohemian-born American rabbi, editor and author (1819-1900)
Wikipedia - Isabel Colegate -- British author and literary agent
Wikipedia - Isabel de Santa Rita Vas -- Goan author and playwright
Wikipedia - Isabelle Eberhardt -- 19th-century Swiss explorer and author
Wikipedia - Isabel Stilwell -- Portuguese author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ishbel Hamilton-Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair -- Scottish author, philanthropist, and women's advocate
Wikipedia - Isidore Dantas -- Indian author, translator and lexicographer
Wikipedia - Isidro Juan Palacios -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Islamic holy books -- Texts which Muslims believe were authored by Allah through various prophets
Wikipedia - Iso Camartin -- Swiss author, publicist and anchorman
Wikipedia - Israel Antiquities Authority -- Organization
Wikipedia - Israel Broadcasting Authority -- Former national broadcasting authority of Israel
Wikipedia - Israel Zangwill -- British author
Wikipedia - Ivan Bunin -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Ivan Eland -- American defense analyst and author
Wikipedia - Ivan M-DM-^Paja -- Serbian biologist, physiologist, author and philosopher
Wikipedia - Ivan Yefremov -- Soviet paleontologist, science fiction author and social thinker
Wikipedia - Izaak Walton -- 17th-century English author and biographer
Wikipedia - Izzet Celasin -- Norwegian author of Turkish descent
Wikipedia - Jaap ter Haar -- Dutch author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Jack Barsky -- German-American author, ex-East German KGB spy
Wikipedia - Jack Barth -- screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Jack Bishop -- American celebrity chef and food author
Wikipedia - Jack Butler (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Jack Carlson (rowing) -- American rowing coxswain and author
Wikipedia - Jack Cashman (Irish-American author) -- Irish-American author
Wikipedia - Jack Cohen (biologist) -- British reproductive biologist and author
Wikipedia - Jack Colman -- British author
Wikipedia - Jack Corrigan (sportscaster) -- American sports broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Jack Doherty (potter) -- Northern Irish studio potter and author
Wikipedia - Jack Du Brul -- American author
Wikipedia - Jack Gantos -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Jack Germond -- American journalist, author, and pundit
Wikipedia - Jack Hilton (author) -- British novelist, essayist, and travel writer
Wikipedia - Jack L. Chalker -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Jack London -- American author, journalist, and social activist
Wikipedia - Jack R. Gannon -- Author and historian of Deaf culture
Wikipedia - Jacksonville Expressway Authority -- Former Florida road and tolls and bridge authority
Wikipedia - Jacksonville Housing Authority -- Public housing agency in Jacksonville, Florida
Wikipedia - Jack Stevenson -- American author and film showman (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Jack Webb -- American actor, producer, director, author
Wikipedia - Jacob Hornberger -- American attorney, politician, author, and two-time Libertarian presidential candidate
Wikipedia - Jacob M. Appel -- American author, bioethicist, physician, lawyer and social critic
Wikipedia - Jacob Ralph Abarbanell -- American lawyer, author, and playwright
Wikipedia - Jacob Zallel Lauterbach -- American Judaica scholar and author (1873-1942)
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Feldman -- French sociologist and author (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Pearce (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Rayner -- British author
Wikipedia - Jacques Borel -- French author
Wikipedia - Jacques Chessex -- Swiss author and painter
Wikipedia - Jacques Cousteau -- French inventor of open circuit scuba, pioneer diver, author, film-maker and marine researcher
Wikipedia - Jadwiga M-EM-;ylinska -- Polish author
Wikipedia - Jafar us Sadiq Imaduddin -- Indian Islamic Scholar, Author, and Professor
Wikipedia - Jagadisan Mohandas Kumarappa -- Indian author and parliamentarian
Wikipedia - Jaggi Vasudev -- Indian yogi, mythic, and author
Wikipedia - Jagoda Marinic -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Jaine Fenn -- British science fiction author
Wikipedia - Jake Brunger and Pippa Cleary -- Duo of authors
Wikipedia - Jake Dan-Azumi -- Nigerian political scientist, political economist, and author
Wikipedia - Jake MacDonald -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Jake Tapper -- American political journalist, author, and cartoonist
Wikipedia - James Adams (entrepreneur) -- American author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - James Allen (author) -- British philosophical writer
Wikipedia - James A. Michener -- 20th-century American author
Wikipedia - James Arthur Anderson -- American author
Wikipedia - James Ball (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Barclay -- British high fantasy author
Wikipedia - James Barnes (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - James Bartleman -- Canadian former diplomat and author
Wikipedia - James Blaylock -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - James Boswell -- 18th-century Scottish lawyer, diarist, and author
Wikipedia - James Bovard -- American libertarian author and lecturer
Wikipedia - James Bradley (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - James Brown (author) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - James Carroll (author)
Wikipedia - James Chapman (author) -- American novelist and publisher
Wikipedia - James Crossley (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - James Curtis (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - James Cutsinger -- American author
Wikipedia - James Dashner -- American author
Wikipedia - James Dodson (author) -- American sports writer
Wikipedia - James Downey (journalist) -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Duffy (Irish publisher) -- Irish author and publisher
Wikipedia - James D. Zirin -- New York lawyer, author
Wikipedia - James Edmund Vincent -- Welsh barrister, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - James E. Gunn (writer) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - James Erwin (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - James Fugate -- author and gay rights activist
Wikipedia - James Gannon (author)
Wikipedia - James Gilligan -- American forensic psychiatrist and author on violence
Wikipedia - James Hamilton (1814-1867) -- Scottish minister; author of religious tracts (1814-1867)
Wikipedia - James Harrington (author)
Wikipedia - James Hoffmann -- Businessman, author, barista
Wikipedia - James Holly Hanford -- American professor and author
Wikipedia - James Innes (author) -- James Innes - Author of several best-selling career help books and founder of the James Innes Group
Wikipedia - James Jones (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - James Kahn -- American author
Wikipedia - James Lawrence Cabell -- American sanitarian and author
Wikipedia - James Lee Burke -- American author
Wikipedia - James Lowry Donaldson -- American soldier and author (1814-1885)
Wikipedia - James L. Powell -- James Powell is a geologist, author, former college president and museum director. (b.1936)
Wikipedia - James Mallinson (author)
Wikipedia - James Marriott (author) -- English film critic, writer and editor
Wikipedia - James Martin (author) -- British information technology consultant and writer
Wikipedia - James McLevy -- Detective in Edinburgh and crime author
Wikipedia - James Meek (author) -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - James Moffett -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - James Moore (Cornish author)
Wikipedia - James Nuckolls -- American lighting designer, author and educator
Wikipedia - James Patterson -- American author (born 1947)
Wikipedia - James P. Delgado -- American maritime archaeologist, explorer and author
Wikipedia - James Pickering Dovel -- American author and inventor
Wikipedia - James Robert Baker -- American author
Wikipedia - James Robert Smith (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - James Rogers McConnell -- American author and aviator
Wikipedia - James Ross (conductor) -- British conductor and author
Wikipedia - James R. Shepley -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - James R Tumusiime -- Ugandan author, journalist and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - James S. Holmes -- Dutch author and poet
Wikipedia - James Smith Reid (author) -- British classical scholar and historian
Wikipedia - James S. Shapiro -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - James Stanier Clarke -- English cleric and naval author
Wikipedia - James Thurber -- American cartoonist, author, journalist, playwright
Wikipedia - James Verini -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Weinstein (author)
Wikipedia - James W. Huston (author) -- American author and lawyer
Wikipedia - Jamie Lee Curtis -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Jana Haas -- German-Russian author
Wikipedia - Janaklal Sharma -- Nepalese Author
Wikipedia - Jan Cremer -- Dutch author, photographer and painter
Wikipedia - Jane Abbott -- author
Wikipedia - Jane Alison -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Jane Andrews (author) -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Jane Asher -- English actress, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jane Brox -- American female author
Wikipedia - Jane Buckingham -- American author and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Jane Clayson Johnson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jane Edmanson -- Australian horticulturalist, author, and television and radio personality
Wikipedia - Jane Franklin (author) -- American historian
Wikipedia - Jane Hawking -- English author and teacher
Wikipedia - Jane Jacobs -- American-Canadian journalist, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Jane Jensen -- American video game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jane Johnston Schoolcraft -- 19th century American Indian literary author
Wikipedia - Jane McIntosh -- Scottish archaeologist and author
Wikipedia - Jane Plant -- British geochemist, scientist, author, engineer
Wikipedia - Janet Brennan Croft -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Janet Burroway -- American author
Wikipedia - Janet Eldred -- American professor and author
Wikipedia - Janet Frame -- New Zealand author (1924 - 2004)
Wikipedia - Janet Schulman -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Janet S. Wong -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Janette Rallison -- American romance novel author (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Jane Wilson-Howarth -- British physician, lecturer and author
Wikipedia - Jane Yardley -- English author
Wikipedia - Janez GradiM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian author and translator
Wikipedia - Jan Fleischhauer -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jan Guillou -- French-Swedish author and journalist
Wikipedia - Jan Howard -- American country music singer, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Janice Erlbaum -- American author
Wikipedia - Janice Harayda -- American author
Wikipedia - Jan Morris -- Historian, author and travel writer from Wales
Wikipedia - Janne Teller -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Janosch -- German author
Wikipedia - Jan Stewer -- English author
Wikipedia - Jan Terlouw -- Dutch politician, physicist and author
Wikipedia - Japanese author
Wikipedia - Japanese invasion money -- Currency issued by the Japanese Military Authority
Wikipedia - Jared Diamond -- American scientist and author
Wikipedia - Jared Taylor -- American white supremacist author
Wikipedia - Jaron Lanier -- American computer scientist, musician, and author
Wikipedia - Jarrett J. Krosoczka -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jarrid Wilson -- American pastor and author
Wikipedia - Jarrod Jablonski -- Pioneer American cave diver, author and previous cave diving record holder
Wikipedia - Jashar Rexhepagiq -- Yugoslavian scholar and author
Wikipedia - Jason Colavito -- American author
Wikipedia - Jason Deeble -- American author/illustrator
Wikipedia - Jason Fagone -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jason Herbison -- Australian writer and author
Wikipedia - Jason Kander -- American attorney, author, veteran, and politician
Wikipedia - Jason Reynolds -- Author of young adult novels
Wikipedia - Jason Richwine -- American political commentator and author
Wikipedia - Jason Stanley -- American philosopher, professor, author
Wikipedia - Jason Tougaw -- Author and professor of English
Wikipedia - Jatavallabhula Purushottam -- Indian poet, author, and activist (1906-?)
Wikipedia - Java Ho! -- 1924 juvenile fiction novel by Dutch author Johan Fabricius
Wikipedia - Javier Moro -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Jay Abraham -- American business executive, conference speaker, and author
Wikipedia - Jayant Khatri -- Gujarati author
Wikipedia - Jay Bahadur -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jay Bakker -- American pastor, author and speaker
Wikipedia - Jay E. Adams -- American, Reformed Christian author
Wikipedia - Jayge Carr -- American NASA nuclear physicist and science fiction and fantasy author (1940-2006)
Wikipedia - Jayne Meadows -- Chinese born-American actress and author (1919-2015)
Wikipedia - Jay Papasan -- American author and business executive
Wikipedia - Jay Williams (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - J. C. Hall (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - J. C. Hallman -- American author
Wikipedia - J. D. Vance -- American author and venture capitalist
Wikipedia - Jean Anderson (cookbook author) -- American cookbook author
Wikipedia - Jean Blashfield Black -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jean Bolinder -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Jean Chardin -- French jeweller, traveller and author (1643-1713)
Wikipedia - Jean Daniel -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jean-Dominique Bauby -- French journalist, author and editor
Wikipedia - Jeanette Wilson -- Author & self-proclaimed psychic medium who promotes conspiracies
Wikipedia - Jean Giraud -- French comics author
Wikipedia - Jean Goodwin Messinger -- US author
Wikipedia - Jean-Henri Fabre -- French naturalist, entomologist and author
Wikipedia - Jeanine Cummins -- American author
Wikipedia - Jeanine Pirro -- American television host and author
Wikipedia - Jean-Marie Robine -- French demographer, gerontologist and author
Wikipedia - Jeanne Cappe -- Belgian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jeanne Champion -- French painter & author
Wikipedia - Jeanne Darst -- American author
Wikipedia - Jeanne Munn Bracken -- American author and a retired librarian
Wikipedia - Jeanne Tomasini -- French author
Wikipedia - Jeannette Brown -- American organic medicinal chemist, historian, and author
Wikipedia - Jeannie G. Pool -- American composer and author
Wikipedia - Jeannie Morris -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jeannine Parvati Baker -- American yoga teacher, midwife and author
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Autheman -- French comic book author
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Moumon -- French author
Wikipedia - Jean Rae Baxter -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Jean Rhodes -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Jean Ure -- English children's author
Wikipedia - Jedediah Bila -- American television host and author
Wikipedia - Jeff Atwood -- American software developer/author/blogger/entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jeff Bauman -- American author
Wikipedia - Jeffery Paul Chan -- American author and scholar
Wikipedia - Jeff Forshaw -- British particle physicist and author
Wikipedia - Jeff Foxworthy -- American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, producer, television personality, radio personality and author
Wikipedia - Jeff Katz -- American film producer and comic book author
Wikipedia - Jeff Kelley -- American art critic, author, and curator
Wikipedia - Jeff Kinney -- American author and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Archer -- English author and former politician
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Daniels (author)
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Ehrlich -- American lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Toobin -- American lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Vance -- American film historian and author
Wikipedia - Jeff Warren -- Canadian author and meditation teacher (b. 1971)
Wikipedia - Jeff Wise -- American author and television journalist
Wikipedia - Jelani Cobb -- American writer, author and educator
Wikipedia - Jemima von Tautphoeus -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Jen Gunter -- Canadian-American gynecologist, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Jen Hatmaker -- American Christian author (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Jenifer Fox -- American educator, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Jeni Mawter -- Australian children's author
Wikipedia - Jenna Bush Hager -- American journalist, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Jenn Bennett -- American author of novels for young adults
Wikipedia - Jennie Maria Arms Sheldon -- American author, scientist and researcher
Wikipedia - Jennifer Aaker -- American psychologist, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Jennifer Allison -- American author of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Jennifer Armintrout -- American author
Wikipedia - Jennifer Clement -- American-Mexican author
Wikipedia - Jennifer Croft -- American author, critic and translator
Wikipedia - Jennifer E. Smith -- American young adult author
Wikipedia - Jennifer Fallon -- Author
Wikipedia - Jennifer Finney Boylan -- American author
Wikipedia - Jennifer L. Holm -- American author of children's books (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Jennifer Roberson -- American author of fantasy and historical literature
Wikipedia - Jennifer Thorpe-Moscon -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Jenny Dearborn -- Author and business executive
Wikipedia - Jenny McCarthy -- American actress, model, television host, author, anti-vaccine activist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jenny Slate -- American actress, comedian, and author
Wikipedia - Jens Bjerre (adventurer) -- Danish author, filmmaker and adventurer
Wikipedia - Jeph Jacques -- Comic author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jeremy Bates (author) -- Canadian/Australian author
Wikipedia - Jeremy Cameron (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Jeremy Chambers -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Jeremy Wade -- British television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Jerome Alley -- Irish priest, poet and author
Wikipedia - Jerome Charyn -- American author
Wikipedia - Jerome Corsi -- American conservative author
Wikipedia - Jerrold Kessel -- Israeli journalist, sports journalist, author and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Jerry Agada -- Nigerian educationist and author
Wikipedia - Jerry Bledsoe -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Jerry Capeci -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jerry Clower -- American comedian and author
Wikipedia - Jerry Reitman -- American author and businessman
Wikipedia - Jerusalem (Moore novel) -- Novel by British author Alan Moore
Wikipedia - Jerzy Konikowski -- Polish-German chess player, problemist, and author
Wikipedia - Jessamyn Stanley -- American yoga teacher and author
Wikipedia - Jessamyn West (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Jesse Eisenberg -- American actor, author, and playwright
Wikipedia - Jesse Eisinger -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jesse J. Holland -- American journalist, author
Wikipedia - Jess French -- British television personality, veterinarian and author
Wikipedia - Jessica Anthony -- American author
Wikipedia - Jessica Dettmann -- Australian author and performer
Wikipedia - Jessica James (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Jessica J. Lee -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Jessica Love -- American actress, author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jessica McKellar -- American software developer, engineering manager, and author
Wikipedia - Jessica Taylor (author) -- British forensic psychology graduate and author
Wikipedia - Jessica Valenti -- US feminist author and blogger
Wikipedia - Jessie Burton -- British author and actress
Wikipedia - Jessie Greengrass -- British author
Wikipedia - Jessie Mothersole -- Archaeologist, artist, author
Wikipedia - Jess Nevins -- American author
Wikipedia - Jess Stearn -- American journalist and author (1914-2002)
Wikipedia - J. Gabriel Gates -- American author, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - J. H. B. Peel -- British journalist, author and poet
Wikipedia - Jhinabhai Desai -- Gujarati language author from India
Wikipedia - Jhumpa Lahiri -- American author of Indian origin
Wikipedia - Jill Purce -- British voice teacher, therapist, and author
Wikipedia - Jill Trevelyan -- NZ art curator, reviewer, and author
Wikipedia - Jilly Cooper -- English author
Wikipedia - Jim Al-Khalili -- British theoretical physicist, author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Jim Burke (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Jim Butcher -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Jim Clash -- American author and participatory journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Clemente -- American author, FBI profiler
Wikipedia - Jim Cramer -- American stockbroker, television personality, author
Wikipedia - Jim DeMint -- American political advocate, businessman, author, and retired politician
Wikipedia - Jim Dent (author) -- American author and sportswriter
Wikipedia - Jim Fergus -- American author
Wikipedia - Jim Ferraro -- American litigation attorney and author
Wikipedia - Jim Harmon -- American author and popular culture historian
Wikipedia - Jim Lynch (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Jim Merkel -- American author and engineer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Perry -- English writer, scriptwriter, producer, author and actor
Wikipedia - Jim Norton (comedian) -- American comedian, radio personality, actor, author, and podcast host
Wikipedia - Jim Webb -- American politician, military officer and author
Wikipedia - J. I. Rodale -- publisher and author
Wikipedia - J. J. Bittenbinder -- Member of the Chicago Police Department, public speaker, author, and former TV host
Wikipedia - J.John -- British evangelist and author (born 1958)
Wikipedia - J. J. van der Leeuw -- Dutch theosophist and author (1893-1934)
Wikipedia - J. Michael Yates -- Canadian author (1938-2019)
Wikipedia - Joakim Lundell -- Swedish reality contestant, musician and author
Wikipedia - Joan Alcover -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Joan Bennett Kennedy -- First wife of Ted Kennedy; American socialite, musician, author, and former model
Wikipedia - Joan Bernott -- American author of short science fiction
Wikipedia - Joan Cambridge -- Guyanese author and journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Collins -- British actress, author and columnist
Wikipedia - Joan Gould -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Grant -- English author
Wikipedia - Joanie Holzer Schirm -- Author, entrepreneur, and community activist
Wikipedia - Joan Kent -- English author
Wikipedia - Joanna Cannan -- British author
Wikipedia - Joanna Cole (author) -- American writer of childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys books
Wikipedia - Joanna Handerek -- Polish philosopher of culture, academic, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Joanne Caras -- US television presenter & author
Wikipedia - Joanne Fedler -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Joanne Lipman -- American journalist, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Joan Walsh Anglund -- American poet and children's book author
Wikipedia - Joao Emanuel Carneiro -- Brazilian screenwriter, film director, and telenovela author
Wikipedia - Joao Mario Grilo -- Portuguese film director, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Joao M. P. Lemos -- Portuguese illustrator and comic book author
Wikipedia - Joao Soares de Albergaria de Sousa -- Portuguese politician, property owner, and author
Wikipedia - Jodi Carmichael -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Jodi Picoult -- American author
Wikipedia - Jody Rosen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joe Andoe -- American artist, painter, and author
Wikipedia - Joe Clifford Faust -- American author
Wikipedia - Joe Clifford -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Joe Conason -- Journalist, author and political commentator (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Joe Dabney -- American author
Wikipedia - Joe Esposito (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Joe Eszterhas -- Hungarian-American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Joe Fig -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Joe Fiorito -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joe Fugate -- Author and game designer
Wikipedia - Joe Hyams -- author
Wikipedia - Joe Kelly (parenting writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Joel Comm -- American author and Internet marketer
Wikipedia - Joel Osteen -- American televangelist and author
Wikipedia - Joel Rosenberg (science fiction author) -- Canadian American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Joel Zoss -- American singer, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Joe Orton -- English playwright and author
Wikipedia - Joe Ovelman -- American artist and author (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Joe Scarborough -- American cable news and talk radio host, lawyer, author, and former politician
Wikipedia - Joe Wicks (coach) -- British fitness coach, TV presenter and author
Wikipedia - Joey Adams -- comedian and author
Wikipedia - Jogindranath Sarkar -- Bengali author
Wikipedia - Johan Bojer -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Johan Daisne -- Flemish author
Wikipedia - Johann Christian Carl Gunther -- German botanist, pharmacist, batologist, and author (1769-1833)
Wikipedia - Johannes Anyuru -- Swedish poet and author
Wikipedia - Johannes Balzli -- Austrian/German author, newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Johannes de Thurocz -- Hungarian historian and author
Wikipedia - Johann Goercke -- Prussian army surgeon and author
Wikipedia - Johann Lafer -- Austrian chef, television chef, entrepreneur and non-fiction author
Wikipedia - John Abramson -- American physician and author
Wikipedia - John A. Farrell -- American author
Wikipedia - John Alcock (behavioral ecologist) -- American behavioral ecologist and author
Wikipedia - John Aldrich (political scientist) -- American political scientist and author
Wikipedia - John Allen Paulos -- American mathematician and author
Wikipedia - John Altman (author) -- American thriller writer
Wikipedia - John Anster -- Irish lawyer, academic and author
Wikipedia - John Anthony West -- American author and amateur egyptologist
Wikipedia - John Arlott -- English journalist, author, and cricket commentator
Wikipedia - John Ashworth (preacher) -- 19th-century British preacher, manufacturer, and author
Wikipedia - John Azor Kellogg -- American Civil War officer, author, Republican politician, and public administrator
Wikipedia - John Baker (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - John Barnes (author) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - John Bellairs -- American author
Wikipedia - John Berendt -- American author
Wikipedia - John Birmingham -- British-born Australian author
Wikipedia - John Bollinger -- American author and financial analyst
Wikipedia - John Bowe (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - John Boyd (author)
Wikipedia - John Boyne -- Irish novelist, author of children's and youth fiction
Wikipedia - John Bradshaw (author)
Wikipedia - John Brady (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - John Browne (anatomist) -- English anatomist, surgeon, and author
Wikipedia - John Brown (fugitive slave) -- African-American slave and author
Wikipedia - John Brunner (novelist) -- British author of science fiction novels and stories
Wikipedia - John Buchan -- British politician and author
Wikipedia - John Byrne (comics) -- Author and artist of comic books
Wikipedia - John Campbell (author) -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - John Carlin (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Carreyrou -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Carter Cash -- American singer, author, songwriter and producer
Wikipedia - John Casey (climate change author) -- American writer on climate change
Wikipedia - John Cecil Masterman -- English academic, author and WW2 spymaster
Wikipedia - John Chippendall Montesquieu Bellew -- English clergyman and author
Wikipedia - John Christopher Fine -- American marine biologist, wreck diver and author
Wikipedia - John Clive -- Actor, author
Wikipedia - John C. Maher -- Irish-British author and academic
Wikipedia - John C. Maxwell -- American author, speaker and pastor
Wikipedia - John Connolly (author) -- Irish author, primarily of detective fiction
Wikipedia - John Cornwell (writer) -- British journalist, author, and academic
Wikipedia - John Crowley (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - John Cushnie -- British landscape designer, author, journalist, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - John C. Wright (author)
Wikipedia - John Dalton (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - John Darlington (academic) -- British academic and author
Wikipedia - John David Jackson (physicist) -- American theoretical physicist and textbook author
Wikipedia - John Davison (theologian) -- British theologian and author
Wikipedia - John Dean -- American author, Watergate figure
Wikipedia - John Debra Sapong -- Ghanaian judge and author
Wikipedia - John Dickie (historian) -- British author, historian and academic
Wikipedia - John Dowling (pastor) -- American Baptist minister and author
Wikipedia - John Fair Stoddard -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - John Flanagan (author) -- Australian fantasy author
Wikipedia - John F. MacArthur -- American pastor and author
Wikipedia - John Gabriel Stedman -- military officer and author
Wikipedia - John G. Bennett -- British mathematician and author
Wikipedia - John Gell (Manx language activist) -- Manx speaker, teacher, and author
Wikipedia - John Gilstrap -- Author
Wikipedia - John Gloag -- English soldier and author
Wikipedia - John Grant (author) -- Scottish writer
Wikipedia - John Graves (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - John Green (author) -- American author, vlogger and philanthropist
Wikipedia - John Grisham -- American author
Wikipedia - John Gunn (Australian writer) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - John Hadfield -- British author and publisher
Wikipedia - John Harvey (author) -- British author of crime fiction
Wikipedia - John Henry Jowett -- British Protestant preacher and author
Wikipedia - John Hodgman -- American author and humorist
Wikipedia - John Holt (author) -- English author (1743-1801)
Wikipedia - John Howard (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - John Howkins -- Author and speaker of Creative Industries
Wikipedia - John Humphrys -- British broadcaster, journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Jeshua Kettler -- Author
Wikipedia - John J. McNamara (author) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - John J. Miller (journalist) -- American author, journalist and educator
Wikipedia - John Kendrick Bangs -- American author, editor and satirist
Wikipedia - John Kerr (author)
Wikipedia - John Knowles (author) -- English biographer and naval author
Wikipedia - John Kotter -- Author of books about leadership
Wikipedia - John Lewin (Manx author) -- Manx author
Wikipedia - John Lithgow -- American actor, musician, and author
Wikipedia - John Locke (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - John Lockman -- English author
Wikipedia - John Loftus (author) -- American writer and radio personality
Wikipedia - John Maddox Roberts -- American author
Wikipedia - John Man (author)
Wikipedia - John Mariani -- American author and food critic
Wikipedia - John Mattera -- American wreck diver and author
Wikipedia - John Meiklejohn -- Scottish academic, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - John Money -- Psychologist, sexologist and author
Wikipedia - John Montgomery (art historian) -- American art historian, illustrator, and author
Wikipedia - John Moore (American author) -- American engineer and writer
Wikipedia - John Muir -- Scottish-born American naturalist and author
Wikipedia - John Munro (author) -- British engineer, professor and writer
Wikipedia - John Newhouse -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John N. H. Brennan -- Irish author and solicitor
Wikipedia - John Nichols (printer) -- English printer, author and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Nyren -- English cricketer and author
Wikipedia - John Odam -- American lawyer, author, and politician
Wikipedia - John of Patmos -- Author of the Book of Revelation
Wikipedia - John O'Hurley -- American actor, comedian, singer, author, game show host and television personality
Wikipedia - John Parish Robertson -- Scottish merchant and author
Wikipedia - John Pavlovitz -- American pastor and author
Wikipedia - John Pearson (author) -- English biographer and novelist
Wikipedia - John Percy Groves -- British author, soldier, and librarian
Wikipedia - John Philip Sousa Baton -- traditional symbol of the authority of the directorate of the United States Marine Band "The President's Own"
Wikipedia - John Phillips (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - John Powers (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Putnam Demos -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - John R. Clarke -- American scientist and underwater breathing apparatus authority
Wikipedia - John R. Levine -- American Internet author and consultant
Wikipedia - John Robinson (bishop of Woolwich) -- British biblical scholar, author and Anglican bishop (1919-1983)
Wikipedia - John S. Durham (ambassador) -- African-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Seymour Chaloner -- British author and publisher
Wikipedia - John Shirley (scribe) -- Author, translator, and scribe
Wikipedia - John Skipp -- American horror and fantasy author
Wikipedia - John Sladek -- American science fiction author (1937-2000)
Wikipedia - John Sterling (author) -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - John Stossel -- American reporter, investigative journalist, author, and libertarian columnist
Wikipedia - John Strelecky -- American author, philosopher, and speaker (born 1696)
Wikipedia - John Taylor Gatto -- American author and school teacher
Wikipedia - John Todd (author) -- American minister and author
Wikipedia - John Toland (author)
Wikipedia - John Townsend Trowbridge -- American author
Wikipedia - John Varley (author) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - John V. Pavlik -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - John Whitbourn -- English author
Wikipedia - John White (Christian author) -- British Christian author in Canada
Wikipedia - John William Cunliffe -- American author
Wikipedia - John Williams (author) -- Welsh writer
Wikipedia - John Wilson (Scottish writer) -- Scottish advocate, literary critic, and author (1785-1854)
Wikipedia - John W. Loftus -- American atheist author
Wikipedia - John Zogby -- American public opinion pollster, author, and public speaker
Wikipedia - Joko Beck -- American Zen teacher and author
Wikipedia - Jolan Foldes -- Hungarian author
Wikipedia - Jon Amtrup -- Norwegian author, journalist and sailor
Wikipedia - Jonas Bonnier -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Addleton -- American diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Adler -- American potter, interior decorater, and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Ames -- American author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Bardon -- Irish historian and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan ben Uzziel -- Talmudic rabbi, author of Targum Jonathan
Wikipedia - Jonathan Black -- British author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Brent -- American academic, author, and publisher
Wikipedia - Jonathan Fast -- American author and social work teacher
Wikipedia - Jonathan Ingram -- British inventor, businessman, author (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Metzl -- American psychiatrist and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Mitchell (writer) -- American author and autistic blogger
Wikipedia - Jonathan Nolan -- British-American screenwriter, television producer, director and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan O. Ndagi -- Nigerian professor and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Rosen -- American author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Sacks -- British Orthodox rabbi, philosopher, theologian, author, and politician (1948-2020)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Schneer -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Strong -- American author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Twingley -- American artist, illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Jon Berkeley -- Irish illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Jon Burr -- American double bass player and author
Wikipedia - Jon Levy (behaviorist) -- American behaviorist and author
Wikipedia - Jon Taffer -- Bar consultant, television personality, and author
Wikipedia - Jon Wynne-Tyson -- English author and publisher
Wikipedia - Jordan Anderson -- Author of the 1865 ''Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master''
Wikipedia - Jordan Belfort -- American fraudster, author, motivational speaker, and former stockbroker
Wikipedia - Jorge Huerta -- Chicano scholar, author, and theatre director
Wikipedia - Jorge Ramos (news anchor) -- Mexican-born American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jorg M. Fegert -- German psychotherapist and author (b. 1956)
Wikipedia - Jose Agustin Catala -- Venezuelan journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jose Arguelles -- American author and artist
Wikipedia - Jose Asuncion Silva -- Colombian author
Wikipedia - Jose Cadalso -- Colonel of the Royal Spanish Army, author, poet, playwright and essayist
Wikipedia - Josef Centeno -- American chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Josefina Villamil Tinajero -- Mexican-American author
Wikipedia - Josef Pfundheller -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Josef Velek -- Czech journalist, author and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Jose Hamilton Ribeiro -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Salaverria -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Jose Olivarez -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Jose Pablo Iriarte -- American author
Wikipedia - Josepha Laroche -- Professor and author
Wikipedia - Joseph Ames (author)
Wikipedia - Joseph Berger (author) -- American journalist, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Joseph B. MacInnis -- Canadian physician, author, poet and aquanaut
Wikipedia - Joseph Bottum (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Joseph Canteloube -- French composer, musicologist, and author
Wikipedia - Joseph C. Evans -- British author
Wikipedia - Joseph Delaney -- British author
Wikipedia - Joseph Erskine Agnew -- Music publisher and author
Wikipedia - Joseph F. Hair, Jr. -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - Josephine Cunnington Edwards -- Seventh-day Adventist author and teacher
Wikipedia - Josephine Feeney -- British children's author
Wikipedia - Josephine Mason Milligan -- American botanist, social activist and author
Wikipedia - Joseph Jefferson -- 19th-century American actor and author
Wikipedia - Joseph Karo -- Author of the last great codification of the jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch
Wikipedia - Joseph Murphy (author)
Wikipedia - Joseph S. Clark Jr. -- American politician, lawyer, and author
Wikipedia - Joseph Spence (author) -- 18th-century English historian
Wikipedia - Joseph Weismann -- French holocaust survivor and author
Wikipedia - Josh Karp -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Josh Spero -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joshua Bryant -- American actor, director, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Joshua Clark -- American author, editor and publisher
Wikipedia - Joshua Claybourn -- American attorney, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Joshua Corin -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joshua Ferris -- American author
Wikipedia - Joshua Francis Fisher -- American author and philanthropist (1807-1873)
Wikipedia - Joshua Lyon -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joshua Ronen -- American author, academic, accountant
Wikipedia - Josiah Bancroft -- Fantasy writer, author of "Senlin Ascends"
Wikipedia - Josiah Conder (editor and author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Jostein Gaarder -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Jovan MuM-EM-!katirovic -- Serbian author, lawyer and educator
Wikipedia - Joy Adamson -- 20th-century naturalist naturalist, artist and author
Wikipedia - Joyce Carol Oates -- American author
Wikipedia - Joyce Cavalccante -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joyce de Guatemala -- Mexican sculptor and author
Wikipedia - Joy Chambers -- Actress and author
Wikipedia - Joy James -- American political philosopher, academic and author
Wikipedia - Joy McCullough -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Jozsef M-CM-^Acs (author) -- Hungarian writer
Wikipedia - J. R. Eccles -- English schoolmaster and author
Wikipedia - J. R. R. Tolkien -- British philologist and author, creator of classic fantasy works
Wikipedia - J. Scott Burgeson -- American author (born 1967)
Wikipedia - JT McCormick -- American author
Wikipedia - Juan Ignacio Gonzalez del Castillo -- Spanish author of comic theatre
Wikipedia - Juanita Tamayo Lott -- Filipina-American statistician, demographer, policy analyst and author
Wikipedia - Juan Luis Arsuaga -- Spanish paleoanthropologist and author
Wikipedia - Juan Miguel Aguilera -- Spanish science fiction author
Wikipedia - Jude Brewer -- American author, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jude Deveraux -- American author of historical romances
Wikipedia - Jude Milhon -- American hacker & author
Wikipedia - Judi Barrett -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens -- Canadian wife-and-husband science fiction writer duo, William Shatner co-authors
Wikipedia - Judith D. Zuk -- American horticulturist, author and conservationist
Wikipedia - Judith Holofernes -- German singer, guitarist, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Judith McCoy Miller -- American author
Wikipedia - Judith Newman -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Judith Reisman -- American conservative author
Wikipedia - Judson A. Brewer -- American psychiatrist, neuroscientist and author
Wikipedia - Judy Ann Santos -- Filipino film and television actress, reality television host, recording artist, film producer,chef and author
Wikipedia - Judy Balaban -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Judy Dlamini -- South African businesswoman and author
Wikipedia - Judy Fong Bates -- Chinese-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Judy Nunn -- Actress and author
Wikipedia - Judy Sheindlin -- American lawyer, judge, television personality, television producer, and author
Wikipedia - Jukka Mallinen -- Finnish translator, author and interpreter
Wikipedia - Jule Selbo -- American screenwriter, playwright, author, producer and professor
Wikipedia - Jules Feiffer -- North-American cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Jules Valles -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Julia Baird -- British retired teacher and author
Wikipedia - Julia Carter Aldrich -- American author, editor
Wikipedia - Julia Child -- American cooking teacher, author, and television personality (1912-2004)
Wikipedia - Julia Esquivel -- Guatemalan author and activist
Wikipedia - Julia McNair Wright -- American author
Wikipedia - Julia Morton -- American author and botanist
Wikipedia - Juliana Berners -- English prioress and author
Wikipedia - Juliana Hatfield -- American guitarist/singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Julian Baggini -- English philosopher, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Julian Cope -- English musician and author
Wikipedia - Julian Davies (author) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Julian Huxley -- British evolutionary biologist, philosopher, author
Wikipedia - Julianne Malveaux -- American journalist, economist, author, commentator
Wikipedia - Julia Quinn -- American historical romance author
Wikipedia - Julia R. Burdge -- American chemist and author
Wikipedia - Julia Wightman -- Temperance activist and author
Wikipedia - Julie Carpenter -- American Researcher, Educator, Author, Speaker, Human-Robot Interaction Specialist
Wikipedia - Julie Cross -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Julie Ellis -- Fiction Author
Wikipedia - Julie Holland -- Author, psychiatrist and psychoparmacologist
Wikipedia - Julie Iromuanya -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Julie Klassen -- American author
Wikipedia - Julie Nixon Eisenhower -- American author
Wikipedia - Julie Walters -- English actress and author
Wikipedia - Julius and Agnes Zancig -- Stage magicians and authors on occultism
Wikipedia - Julius Lester -- American author, photographer and educator.
Wikipedia - Junauda Petrus -- US author, filmmaker, performance artist, and pleasure activist
Wikipedia - Juran Hisao -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Jurek Becker -- German writer, film-author and GDR dissident
Wikipedia - Jurgen Elsner -- German music ethnologist and author
Wikipedia - Jurgen Holtz -- German actor, artist and author
Wikipedia - Jurisdiction -- Practical authority granted to a formally constituted legal body or to a political leader to deal with legal matters
Wikipedia - Justina Blakeney -- American designer and author
Wikipedia - Justin Cronin -- American author
Wikipedia - Justine Ettler -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Justin Fleming -- Australian playwright and author
Wikipedia - Jutta Richter -- German author
Wikipedia - Kaari Utrio -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Kacen Callender -- Saint Thomian author
Wikipedia - Kadir Nelson -- American painter, illustrator, and author
Wikipedia - Kai Bird -- American author and columnist
Wikipedia - Kaira Rouda -- American author
Wikipedia - Kai Twilfer -- German author
Wikipedia - Kaj Gynt -- Stockholm-born actress and author of the 1927 Broadway revue, Rang Tang
Wikipedia - Kalisha Buckhanon -- African-American author
Wikipedia - Kameni, pM-EM-^YichaziM-EM-!... -- Poetic book by Czech author Vladimir Holan
Wikipedia - Kan'ami -- Japanese Noh actor, author, and musician
Wikipedia - Kane Hodder -- American actor, stuntman, and author
Wikipedia - Kane (wrestler) -- American professional wrestler, actor, author, businessman, and politician
Wikipedia - Kanika Dhillon -- Indian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kansas City Area Transportation Authority -- Public transit agency in metropolitan Kansas City
Wikipedia - Kanwaljeet Singh (activist) -- Indian activist and author
Wikipedia - Kaori Ekuni -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Karaite Judaism -- A Jewish religious movement characterized by the recognition of the written Torah alone as its supreme authority in Jewish religious law and theology.
Wikipedia - Karen Ackerman -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Karen A. Page -- Two-time James Beard Award-winning author
Wikipedia - Karen Berg -- American author
Wikipedia - Karen Duve -- German author
Wikipedia - Karen Robards -- American author
Wikipedia - Karen Russell -- Author
Wikipedia - Kari-Margrete Rensel Lovgren -- Norwegian humanitarian and author
Wikipedia - Karin Alvtegen -- Swedish author of crime fiction
Wikipedia - Karleen Bradford -- Canadian children's author
Wikipedia - Karl Gottfried von Leitner -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Karl Gotthelf Lessing -- German author
Wikipedia - Karl Knies -- German economist and author
Wikipedia - Karl Lippegaus -- German music journalist, author and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Karl M. Baer -- German-Israeli author, social worker, reformer, suffragist and Zionist
Wikipedia - Karl Michael von Levetzow -- German author
Wikipedia - Karl Philipp Moritz -- German author, editor and essayist
Wikipedia - Karola Fings -- German historian of modern age and author
Wikipedia - Karoline Leach -- British playwright and author
Wikipedia - Karsonya Wise Whitehead -- American educator, author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Kartikeya Ladha -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska -- Polish marketing/public relations theorist, academic, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Kate Andersen Brower -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kate Armstrong (memoirist) -- Canadian author (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Kate Bornstein -- American author, playwright, performance artist, and gender theorist
Wikipedia - Kate Calloway -- American author of crime fiction
Wikipedia - Kate Chopin -- American author
Wikipedia - Kate Constable -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Kate Ellis (author) -- British author of crime fiction
Wikipedia - Kate Figes -- English author
Wikipedia - Kate Forsyth -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Kate Fox (writer) -- British poet, author and comedian
Wikipedia - Kate Heartfield -- Canadian author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Kate Jackson (author) -- herpetologist and author
Wikipedia - Kate Johnson (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Kate Mason Rowland -- American author, historian, genealogist, biographer, editor, historic preservationist
Wikipedia - Kate Ritchie -- Australian actress, radio presenter, and children's author
Wikipedia - Kate Saunders -- English author, actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Katharina Dalton -- British medical doctor and author
Wikipedia - Katharine Dooris Sharp -- Botanist and author
Wikipedia - Katharine Emma Maltwood -- Artist and author
Wikipedia - Katharine Ross -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Katherine Eban -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Katherine Ellison -- American author
Wikipedia - Katherine Hughes (activist) -- Canadian journalist, author, archivist and political activist
Wikipedia - Katherine MacLean -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Katherine Mansfield -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Belew -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Brooks -- American author of over thirty titles
Wikipedia - Kathleen Cambor -- American author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Christison -- American political analyst and author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Ferguson -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Finneran -- American author
Wikipedia - Kathleen Knox -- Irish author and poet
Wikipedia - Kathleen Stock -- British author and professor of philosophy
Wikipedia - Kathryn Croft -- British author
Wikipedia - Kathryn Deans -- Australian children's fantasy author
Wikipedia - Kathryn Finney -- American author, entrepreneur, innovator and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Kathy Brodsky -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Kathy Iandoli -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Kathy Y. Wilson -- American columnist, author, playwright, and commentator
Wikipedia - Katie Daffan -- American author and Confederate sympathizer
Wikipedia - Katie Flynn -- British author
Wikipedia - Katie Rodan -- American dermatologist, entrepreneur, and author
Wikipedia - Katrin Askan -- German author
Wikipedia - Katrina van Grouw -- British science author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Katya Cengel -- American author and journalist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Kavita Daswani -- Indian-American author
Wikipedia - Kayla Williams (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Keath Fraser -- Canadian fiction author
Wikipedia - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - Keegan Allen -- American actor, photographer, author, and musician
Wikipedia - Keegan Longueira -- South African adventurer, motivational speaker and author
Wikipedia - Keely Shaye Smith -- American journalist, author, television host, and actress
Wikipedia - Keiko Kasza -- Japanese American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Keith Charters -- British author and publisher
Wikipedia - Keith Ferrazzi -- American author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Keith Fink -- American attorney, author, and academic
Wikipedia - Keith Monroe -- United States author
Wikipedia - Kekla Magoon -- American author (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Kelly Clarkson -- American singer-songwriter, actress, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Kelly Starling Lyons -- American author
Wikipedia - Kelly Weinersmith -- American biologist and author
Wikipedia - Ken Blanchard -- American author
Wikipedia - Ken Davis (journalist) -- American TV producer, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Kenji Miyazawa -- Japanese poet and author
Wikipedia - Kennedy Odede -- Kenyan social entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Kenneth Bernard -- American author, poet, and playwright
Wikipedia - Kenneth Brown (author)
Wikipedia - Kenneth Muir (scholar) -- 20th-century English literary scholar and author
Wikipedia - Kenn Kaufman -- American naturalist, author, artist and conservationist
Wikipedia - Kenny Klein -- American musician and author
Wikipedia - Ken Robinson (British author)
Wikipedia - Ken Segall -- American author
Wikipedia - Ken Smith (chess player) -- American chess player and author
Wikipedia - Ken Whitmore -- British author
Wikipedia - Kenya Moore -- American actress, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Kerime Nadir -- Turkish novelist and author
Wikipedia - Kerry Andrew -- English composer, performer and author (b1978)
Wikipedia - Kerry-Anne Walsh -- Australian author, former journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - Kerry Blair -- American author
Wikipedia - Kerry Cohen -- American author
Wikipedia - Kerry Young (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Kevin Allen (journalist) -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Barry (author) -- Irish writer
Wikipedia - Kevin Belton -- American chef, television presenter, author and educator
Wikipedia - Kevin Brown (poet) -- American poet, author and teacher
Wikipedia - Kevin Canty (author) -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Kevin Chong -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Kevin Cordi -- American teacher, storyteller and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Cullen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Donnelly -- Australian educator, author, and commentator (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Kevin J. Anderson -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Kevin Killian -- American poet, author, and playwright
Wikipedia - Kevin McCarey -- English filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Mitnick -- American computer security consultant, author, convicted criminal, and hacker
Wikipedia - Kevin Roose -- technology columnist and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Sharp -- American country music singer, author, and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Kevin Whitehead -- American jazz critic and author
Wikipedia - Kevlin Henney -- author, presenter, and consultant on software development.
Wikipedia - Kewal Dheer -- Indian writer and author
Wikipedia - Key retainer -- Interchangeable core that retains one key (Key A) while the second key (Key B) is used for authorized purposes.
Wikipedia - Khin Maung Win (physician) -- Burmese doctor, author, and businessman
Wikipedia - Kiana Danial -- Iranian author (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Kidi Bebey -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kimberley Chambers (author) -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Kimberly Amato -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Kim Edwards -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Kim France -- American editor, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Kim Gruenenfelder -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kim McCosker -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Kimmo Kiljunen -- Finnish author and politician
Wikipedia - Kina Kadreva -- Bulgarian author
Wikipedia - Kingston upon Hull -- City and unitary authority in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Kira Henehan -- American author and novelist
Wikipedia - Kiran Desai -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Kirsten Boie -- German author of children's books
Wikipedia - Kitty Lee Jenner -- English author and artist
Wikipedia - Kiyoshi Kuromiya -- Japanese American author and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - K. K. Srivastava -- Indian poet and author
Wikipedia - Klaus Agthe -- German-born businessman and author
Wikipedia - Klaus SchM-CM-$fer (catholic theologian) -- German catholic theologian, priest and author
Wikipedia - Klaus T. Steindl -- Austrian author, director, and film producer
Wikipedia - Kleanthis Palaiologos -- Greek coach and author
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mji Uno -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Kofi Awoonor -- Ghanaian poet and author
Wikipedia - Konrad Dryden -- American author
Wikipedia - Konstantinos Poulis -- Greek journalist, author, playwright, and theater practitioner
Wikipedia - Konstanze von Schulthess -- German author
Wikipedia - Korban Blake -- British multi-genre author
Wikipedia - Korea Rail Network Authority -- South Korean Company
Wikipedia - Kovid Gupta -- Author, screenwriter, social activist
Wikipedia - Kri na dlaneh -- 2004 novel by Slovenian author Robert Titan Felix
Wikipedia - Kris Cook -- American author of erotic romance
Wikipedia - Krishna Lal Adhikari -- Nepali author
Wikipedia - Krista Vernoff -- American television producer, television and film writer, and author
Wikipedia - Kristen Britain -- American author
Wikipedia - Kristen Buckley -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Kristen Cox -- University fellow, instructor, keynote speaker, author, trainer, and consultant
Wikipedia - Kristian Arentzen -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Kristien Dieltiens -- Flemish author
Wikipedia - Kristina Killgrove -- American bioarchaeologist, science communicator, and author
Wikipedia - Kristina Ohlsson -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Kristin Chenoweth -- American actress, singer and author
Wikipedia - Kristine Carlson -- American author living in California
Wikipedia - Kristine Smith -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Kristin Espinasse -- American-born author and photographer
Wikipedia - Kristin Gore -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kristi Overton Johnson -- American former water skiing champion, author, and missionary
Wikipedia - Kristy Dempsey -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Krystal Sutherland -- Australian-born British author
Wikipedia - Krysten Ritter -- American actress, musician, author, and model
Wikipedia - Krzysztof Charamsa -- Polish Catholic theologian and author
Wikipedia - Kuldip Nayar -- Indian author and journalist (1923-2018)
Wikipedia - Kul Man Ghising -- Managing director of the National Electricity Authority, Nepal
Wikipedia - Kunal Basu -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Kunle Ajibade -- Nigerian journalist, editor and author
Wikipedia - Kurdo Baksi -- Swedish social commentator and author
Wikipedia - Kurt Loder -- American film critic, author, columnist, and television personality
Wikipedia - K. V. Mohan Kumar -- Author
Wikipedia - Kyle Boelte -- American essayist and author
Wikipedia - Kyle Newman -- American filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Kylie Bisutti -- American author and former model
Wikipedia - Labour Bureaux (London) Act 1902 -- Act of Parliament authorising the establishment of labour bureaux by borough councils in London
Wikipedia - Lactantius -- Early Christian author
Wikipedia - Lady Rachel Simon -- English author
Wikipedia - Laetitia Jermyn -- British entomologist, illustrator and author (1788-1848)
Wikipedia - Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority
Wikipedia - Lagos State Traffic Management Authority -- Government agency of Lagos State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Laila Brenden -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Laird Barron -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Lal Khadag Bahadur Malla -- Bhojpuri Author
Wikipedia - Lalla Ward -- English actress, author
Wikipedia - Land grant -- Gift of real estate - land or its use privileges - made by a government or other authority
Wikipedia - Languages constructed by J. R. R. Tolkien -- Constructed languages of British author and philologist J.R.R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Lanny Davis -- American lawyer, author, and lobbyist
Wikipedia - Lanny Poffo -- Canadian-American professional wrestler and author
Wikipedia - Laozi -- Legendary Chinese figure, attributed to the 6th century, regarded as the author of the Tao Te Ching and founder of Taoism
Wikipedia - Lara Elena Donnelly -- American author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Lara Maiklem -- British author
Wikipedia - Larry Beinhart -- American author
Wikipedia - Larry Bond -- American author and wargame designer
Wikipedia - Larry Clamage -- American filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Larry Duberstein -- American author
Wikipedia - Larry Reithmaier -- Engineer and author
Wikipedia - Larry Smith (editor) -- American author, editor, and publisher
Wikipedia - Larry Taunton -- Author of The Grace Effect and Executive Director of Fixed Point Foundation
Wikipedia - Larry Wall -- American computer programmer and author
Wikipedia - Lars Saabye Christensen -- Norwegian/Danish author
Wikipedia - Lasting power of attorney -- Authorisation under English law to act on someone else's behalf
Wikipedia - Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority -- Tourism agency for Las Vegas
Wikipedia - LaToya Forever -- Canadian-Trinidadian YouTube personality and author
Wikipedia - Laura Amy Schlitz -- Children's author
Wikipedia - Laura Barnett -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Laura Beers -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Laura Bell (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Laura Bynum -- American author
Wikipedia - Laura Drake -- American author of contemporary romance
Wikipedia - Laura Kate Dale -- Video game journalist and author
Wikipedia - Laura Moser -- American politician and author from Texas
Wikipedia - Laura Valentine -- English author of children's books
Wikipedia - Laura Wattenberg -- American name expert, entrepreneur, and author
Wikipedia - Lauren B. Davis -- Canadian-born author
Wikipedia - Laurence Bergreen -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Lauren Conrad -- American television personality, author, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lauren St John -- Author
Wikipedia - Laurentius Suslyga -- Polish Jesuit historian, chronologist, and an author of Baroque visual poetry.
Wikipedia - Laurent Vicomte -- French comic book author
Wikipedia - Lauren Wolk -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Laurie Magnus -- Publisher, author and director of Routledge and Sons
Wikipedia - Laurie Penny -- English journalist, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Laurie Winn Carlson -- American children's storybook author
Wikipedia - Lavanya Rajamani -- Indian lawyer, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Laverne Antrobus -- British psychologist/author/television presenter
Wikipedia - Lawrence Bossidy -- American author and retired businessman
Wikipedia - Lawrence J. Epstein -- American author
Wikipedia - Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes -- Puerto Rican author, scholar, and performer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Osborne -- British author (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Law -- System of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority
Wikipedia - Laxmikanta Mohapatra -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Layla Saad -- British author
Wikipedia - Lea Aini -- Israeli author and poet
Wikipedia - Leah Hager Cohen -- American author
Wikipedia - Lecha Khultygov -- Chechen author, fighter
Wikipedia - Lecia Cornwall -- Canadian author of romantic fiction
Wikipedia - Lee Carroll -- American channeller, speaker and author
Wikipedia - Lee Dunne -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Lee Edwards -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Lee Eisenberg (author) -- American editor and author
Wikipedia - Lee Israel -- American author and forger
Wikipedia - Lee Jones (author) -- American online poker executive and author
Wikipedia - Leema Dhar -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Leena Krohn -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Lee Smith (fiction author)
Wikipedia - Lee Valley Regional Park Authority -- Statutory body that is responsible for managing and developing the Lee Valley Regional Park
Wikipedia - Lee Wardlaw -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Legal guardian -- Person with the legal authority to handle the care affairs of another person
Wikipedia - Legitimacy (political) -- right and acceptance of an authority
Wikipedia - Leicester City Council -- Unitary authority responsible for local government in the city of Leicester, England
Wikipedia - Leif Enger -- American author
Wikipedia - Leigh Bardugo -- American young adult and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Leigh Sales -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lena Kennedy -- English author
Wikipedia - Lena Lowis -- British author and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Lena Sundstrom -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Len Deighton -- British author
Wikipedia - Lendon Gray -- American dressage champion and author
Wikipedia - Lene Kaaberbol -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Leo Africanus -- Moroccan author
Wikipedia - Leo J. Trese -- US Catholic priest and author
Wikipedia - Leo Laporte -- American technology broadcaster, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Leo Longanesi -- Italian author, painter, film director, screenwriter (1905-1957)
Wikipedia - Leonard Barden -- English international chess player, columnist, author, and promoter
Wikipedia - Leonard Black -- American slave and author
Wikipedia - Leonard Brody -- Canadian businessman and author
Wikipedia - Leonard Glick -- American anthropologist, historian and author
Wikipedia - Leonard Harris (actor) -- critic, author and actor
Wikipedia - Leonard Levitt -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Leonard Mlodinow -- American physicist, author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leon Carmen -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Leon de Villiers -- South African author
Wikipedia - Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul -- Scottish ornithologist and author
Wikipedia - Leon Schreiber -- South African academic, author and politician
Wikipedia - Leon Surmelian -- Armenian-American author
Wikipedia - Leopold Cohn (author) -- German classical philologist and librarian (1856-1915)
Wikipedia - Leopoldina Fortunati -- Italian feminist, theorist, and author
Wikipedia - Leopoldo Alas -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Leo Tolstoy -- Russian writer, author of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina"
Wikipedia - Lesley Arfin -- American comedy writer and author
Wikipedia - Lesley Bannatyne -- American author
Wikipedia - Leslie Brody -- American author
Wikipedia - Leslie Charteris -- British-Chinese author
Wikipedia - Leslie Erganian -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Leslie Fish -- American folk musician, author, and anarchist political activist.
Wikipedia - Leslie Rees (author) -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Leslie Seth-Smith -- British author, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leslie Turnberg, Baron Turnberg -- British Labour peer, medical professional and author
Wikipedia - Lester L. Westling Jr. -- American Episcopal priest, retired U.S. Navy chaplain, Vietnam veteran, and author
Wikipedia - Let's Encrypt -- Certificate authority launched in 2015
Wikipedia - Lettice Bryan -- American author
Wikipedia - Letty Cottin Pogrebin -- American author, journalist, lecturer, and social justice activist
Wikipedia - Lev Levanda -- Russian author (1935-1888)
Wikipedia - Lev Sosnovsky -- Russian author (1886-1937)
Wikipedia - Lewis Black -- American stand-up comedian, author, playwright, social critic and actor
Wikipedia - Lewis Goodall -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lewis LochM-CM-)e -- Military author
Wikipedia - Lewis Radford -- 19th/20th-century British bishop and author
Wikipedia - Lewis S. Mills -- Former Connecticut educator and author
Wikipedia - Lew Wallace -- American lawyer, politician, and author
Wikipedia - Lex Luthor: The Unauthorized Biography
Wikipedia - L. Frank -- Tongva-Ajachmen basket weaver, cartoonist, author, activist, singer and advocate for California Native languages
Wikipedia - Liam Davison -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Liana Finck -- American cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Liane Moriarty -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Liaquat Ahamed -- American author
Wikipedia - Libertarian Marxism -- Set of political philosophies emphasizing the anti-authoritarian and libertarian aspects of Marxism
Wikipedia - Libertarian socialism -- Socialist anti-authoritarian, anti-statist and libertarian political philosophy
Wikipedia - Licensed mariner -- Sailor who holds a license from a maritime authority to hold senior officer-level positions
Wikipedia - Light Rail Transit Authority -- Filipino public transport operator
Wikipedia - Li Jie (author) -- Chinese architect
Wikipedia - Lillian Brown -- US radio and television producer, university administrator and instructor, author, makeup artist and image consultant
Wikipedia - Lillian Estelle Fisher -- 20th-century American historian and author
Wikipedia - Lilya Brik -- Russian author and muse of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Wikipedia - Lily L. Allen -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Lily Powell -- English author
Wikipedia - Linda Barlow -- American author
Wikipedia - Linda Beatrice Brown -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Linda Crew -- American author based in Oregon
Wikipedia - Linda Crockett -- American author and teacher
Wikipedia - Linda Davies -- British author of financial thrillers
Wikipedia - Linda Evans (author) -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Linda Fairstein -- American author and former Assistant District Attorney
Wikipedia - Linda Ferri -- Italian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Linda Gilbert Saucier -- American mathematician and textbook author
Wikipedia - Linda Hunt (reporter) -- American author, journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Kaplan Thaler -- American advertiser and author
Wikipedia - Linda Kelly (author) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Linda King Newell -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Linda Nagata -- Author
Wikipedia - Linden Dalecki -- American author
Wikipedia - Lino Nelisi -- Niuen-born New Zealand author and educator
Wikipedia - Linus Chinedu Okorie -- Nigerian author
Wikipedia - Lionel Wilson (voice actor) -- American voice actor, reader of audiobooks, stage actor, and author of children's books
Wikipedia - Lisa Alther -- American author and novelist
Wikipedia - Lisa Belkin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Collier Cool -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Gardner -- American author of thrillers
Wikipedia - Lisa Greenwood (author) -- New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Lisa Janti -- American actress, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Lisa Ling -- American journalist, television presenter, and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Rojany -- American author, editor and publishing executive (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Lisa Vanderpump -- British restaurateur, philanthropist, author, actress, television personality, activist, editor-in-chief
Wikipedia - Lisa Van Gemert -- American educationalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Wenger -- Swiss painter and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Whelchel -- American actress, author, speaker and singer
Wikipedia - List of 18th-century British children's literature authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airlines registered with the Palestinian National Authority -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asturian-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of atheist authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian plant species authored by Ferdinand von Mueller -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian plant species authored by George Don -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian plant species authored by Joseph Maiden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors banned in Nazi Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: A -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: B -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: C -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: D -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: F -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: G -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: H -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: I -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: J -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: K -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: L -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: M -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: N -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: P -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: Q -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: S -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: U -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: V -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: W -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: X -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors by name: Z -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Author's Choice Monthly -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
Wikipedia - List of authors in the Executioner series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors in war -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of erotic works -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of Macmillan Publishing (United States) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of names published under the ICZN -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of new Sherlock Holmes stories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors of South African animal taxa -- Authors who have named South African animals
Wikipedia - List of authors of South African botanical taxa -- Standard abbreviations of authors who have named South African plants
Wikipedia - List of authors published as UK first editions by Collins Crime Club -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of authors
Wikipedia - List of BDSM authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bengali-language authors (alphabetical) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bengali-language authors (chronological) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Black New York Times Best Selling Authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (A) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (B) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (C) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (D) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (E-F) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (G) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (I-J) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (K-L) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (M) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (N-O) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (P) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (Q-R) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (S) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (T-V) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation
Wikipedia - List of botanists by author abbreviation (W-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Catholic authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (authors, editors, poets and journalists) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chewa-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of children's literature authors
Wikipedia - List of cities administered by the Palestinian Authority -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Defence Housing Authority cricketers -- list of cricketers
Wikipedia - List of detective fiction authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of district health authorities in England and Wales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of DVD authoring software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of early Christian texts of disputed authorship -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of East German authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ecofeminist authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fantasy authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of financial regulatory authorities by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former government railway authorities of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former territorial authorities in New Zealand
Wikipedia - List of free schools in England with a local authority sponsor -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French-language authors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of general authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German-Turkish authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hebrew-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hentai authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hindi-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kurdish poets and authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lithuanian-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Malayalam-language authors by category -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Malayalam-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Marathi-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of marketing and advertising authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County bus routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of military science fiction works and authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most translated individual authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of navigation authorities in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nepali-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York City Housing Authority properties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NHS regional health authorities (before 1996) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Odia-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of optical disc authoring software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Orange County Transportation Authority bus routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Persian poets and authors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of police complaints authorities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Polish-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Portuguese-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of power stations operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Protestant authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pseudonyms of angling authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Punjabi authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of school authorities in Alberta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science-fiction authors
Wikipedia - List of science fiction authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shakespeare authorship candidates
Wikipedia - List of short-story authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spanish-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spokane Transit Authority bus routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of taxonomic authorities by name -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of taxonomic authorities named Smith -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transit Authority of River City bus routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unpublished books by notable authors
Wikipedia - List of Water and Power Development Authority cricketers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welsh-language authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Western fiction authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of winners and shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize for Fiction
Wikipedia - List of winners and shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of zoologists by author abbreviation
Wikipedia - Lists of biologists by author abbreviation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Slovak authors
Wikipedia - Literary award -- Award for authors and literary associations
Wikipedia - Literary forgery -- Literary work which is either deliberately misattributed to a historical or invented author
Wikipedia - Liu Zaifu -- Chinese author, poet, and professor
Wikipedia - Liz Weir -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Lizzie Allen Harker -- English author
Wikipedia - Lizzie Doron -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - Lizzie Velasquez -- American motivational speaker and author
Wikipedia - L. J. Smith (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - L. K. Doraiswamy -- Indian chemical engineer, author and academic (1927-2012)
Wikipedia - Lloyd Bradley -- British music journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lloyd Jones (New Zealand author) -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)lia Wanick Salgado -- Brazilian author, film producer, and environmentalist
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)opold de Folin -- French zoologist, author and oceanographer
Wikipedia - Local education authority -- Local councils in England and Wales that are responsible for education within their jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Local Security Authority Subsystem Service
Wikipedia - Lodro Rinzler -- American author
Wikipedia - Lois Dwight Cole -- American editor and children's author
Wikipedia - Lois McMaster Bujold -- American speculative fiction author
Wikipedia - Lois Wille -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lois Wright -- American artist, author, palmist
Wikipedia - Lola Akande -- Academic and author (b. 1965)
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Albacete -- Puerto Rican theologian, Roman Catholic priest, scientist and author
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Alessandro Zaccagni -- Italian librarian and Patristic scholar and author
Wikipedia - Lori Alvord -- American surgeon and author
Wikipedia - Lori Copeland -- American author of over 95 novels
Wikipedia - Lori Toye -- American author
Wikipedia - Lorna Byrne -- Irish author and peace ambassador
Wikipedia - Lorna Hill -- English author
Wikipedia - Lorna Moon -- Scottish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lotte Strauss (author) -- German author
Wikipedia - Lottie Moggach -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lou Antonelli -- American speculative fiction author
Wikipedia - Louie Anderson -- American stand-up comedian, actor, author and game show host
Wikipedia - Louisa Boyd Yeomans King -- American gardener, author, and advocate of gardening and horticulture
Wikipedia - Louis Adamic -- Slovene-American author and translator
Wikipedia - Louisa Lane Clarke -- British biologist, author, and illustrator
Wikipedia - Louisa Thomas -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Louis Bayard -- American author
Wikipedia - Louis Bromfield -- American author and conservationist (1896-1956)
Wikipedia - Louis Burnier -- Swiss pastor and author
Wikipedia - Louise Beebe Wilder -- American author and horticulturalist
Wikipedia - Louis-Edmond Hamelin -- Canadian geographer, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Louise Epstein -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Louise Erdrich -- American author
Wikipedia - Louise Pentland -- English YouTuber, blogger and author
Wikipedia - Louise Rankin -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Louise Reed Stowell -- American scientist, author, editor
Wikipedia - Louisette Bertholle -- French chef and author
Wikipedia - Louise Zarmati -- Australian archaeologist, educator, and author
Wikipedia - Louis Theroux -- British-American documentary filmmaker, journalist, broadcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Louis Wilkinson -- British author
Wikipedia - Lou Sullivan -- American author and activist known for his work on behalf of trans men
Wikipedia - Lowell Cunningham -- American comic book author
Wikipedia - Lowell Regional Transit Authority -- Massachusetts, US non-profit public transportation organization
Wikipedia - Lower Colorado River Authority -- Public utility in Texas that manages the lower Colorado River
Wikipedia - L. Ron Hubbard -- American science fiction author and the founder of the Church of Scientology
Wikipedia - Luba Sterlikova -- Russian artist, author, and art curator
Wikipedia - Lucien Corpechot -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lucy-Anne Holmes -- British author, actor and campaigner
Wikipedia - Lucy Christopher -- British/Australian author
Wikipedia - Lucy Cooke -- British zoologist and author
Wikipedia - Lucy Grace Allen -- American chef and author
Wikipedia - Lucy Madox Brown -- British artist, author and model
Wikipedia - Lucy Thompson -- Yurok author, b. 1853
Wikipedia - Ludwig Eiber -- German historian and author
Wikipedia - Luis Coloma -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Luke Arnold -- Australian actor and author
Wikipedia - Luke Brown (author) -- British author, editor and critic
Wikipedia - Luke Jennings -- English author
Wikipedia - Luke the Evangelist -- One of the four traditionally ascribed authors of the canonical gospels
Wikipedia - Luke Williams (author) -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - Luvvie Ajayi -- Author
Wikipedia - Lyder Sagen -- Norwegian educator and author
Wikipedia - Lydia Fenet -- American auctioneer and author
Wikipedia - Lydia Maria Child -- American abolitionist, author and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Lydia Meredith -- Author and community advocate
Wikipedia - Lyle Blackburn -- American musician, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Lyle Koehler -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Lyman Abbott -- Theologian, editor, author
Wikipedia - Lynda Barry -- American cartoonist, author, and teacher
Wikipedia - Lynda Bellingham -- English actress, broadcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Lynda E. Rucker -- Author of horror and fantasy short stories
Wikipedia - Lyndsay Faye -- American author
Wikipedia - Lynley Dodd -- NZ children's book author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Lynn Abbey -- American computer programmer and author
Wikipedia - Lynn Breeze -- British illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Lynne Ewing -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lynn Flewelling -- American fantasy fiction author
Wikipedia - Mabel Ellery Adams -- Author on education for children with special needs
Wikipedia - Mabel O'Donnell -- Children's book author
Wikipedia - Mac Barnett -- American children's books author
Wikipedia - Macromedia Authorware
Wikipedia - Madeleine A. Polland -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Madeleine Marie Slavick -- Author and photographer
Wikipedia - Madhusree Dutta -- Indian filmmaker, author and curator
Wikipedia - Madhu Vasudevan -- Indian author, lyricist, music critic
Wikipedia - Madison Smartt Bell -- American author
Wikipedia - Magdalena Moujan -- Mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Maggi Dawn -- British musician, author and theologian
Wikipedia - Magie Dominic -- Canadian poet, author, and artist
Wikipedia - Magnus Ketilsson -- Icelandic publisher and author
Wikipedia - Mahathir Mohamad -- Malaysian statesman, author and doctor
Wikipedia - Maik Hamburger -- German author
Wikipedia - Mairi Hedderwick -- Scottish illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Maive Stokes -- 19th century author
Wikipedia - Majeda Awawdeh -- Australian Educator and Author
Wikipedia - Majella Cullinane -- Irish/NZ author
Wikipedia - Maj Sjowall -- Swedish author and translator
Wikipedia - Makhmoor Saeedi -- Urdu author
Wikipedia - Malcolm Brenner (writer) -- American author, journalist, and zoophile
Wikipedia - Malcolm Muggeridge -- English journalist, author, media personality, and satirist
Wikipedia - Malin Alegria -- American author of Youth literature
Wikipedia - Malka Older -- Author and humanitarian worker
Wikipedia - Malladi Subbamma -- Malladi Subbamma: An feminist, rationalist, social worker, and author from Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Malory Towers -- Series of novels by children's author Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Mamta Kalia -- Indian author, teacher and poet
Wikipedia - Manfred Spitzer -- German neuroscientist, psychiatrist and author
Wikipedia - Manoj Das -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Manoj Joshi (journalist) -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mantak Chia -- Thai author and tantric practitioner
Wikipedia - Manuel Bonnet -- French author and an award-winning actor
Wikipedia - Manuel Carmo -- Portuguese artist and author
Wikipedia - Manuel de Jesus JimM-CM-)nez Oreamuno -- Costa Rican politician and author
Wikipedia - Manuel Fernandez Juncos -- Spanish-born, Puerto Rican journalist, poet, author and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Manuel Fernandez M-CM-^Alvarez -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Marc de Foy -- Canadian author and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Marcella Hazan -- Italian-born American cookbook author
Wikipedia - Marcelo Birmajer -- Argentine Jewish author
Wikipedia - Marcia Clark -- American prosecutor, author, television correspondent, and producer
Wikipedia - Marco Antonio Flores -- Guatemalan author, poet, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Marco Antonio Guarini -- Italian historian and scholar, nephew of Giovanni Battista Guarini and author of the Compendio Historico and Famiglie illustri della citta di Ferrara
Wikipedia - Marcus Antistius Labeo -- 1st century BC/AD Roman jurist and author
Wikipedia - Marcus Luttrell -- Naval Special Warfare Operator US Navy Seal Retired, Author
Wikipedia - Marcy Darnovsky -- American policy advocate and author
Wikipedia - Marcy Dermansky -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Marele Day -- Australian author of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Maren Elisabeth Bang -- 19th-century Norwegian author of cookbooks and housekeeping guides
Wikipedia - Margaret Atwood Judson -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Beames -- Children's book author
Wikipedia - Margaret Busby -- Publisher, writer and author (born 1944)
Wikipedia - Margaret Chanler Aldrich -- American nurse and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Dilloway -- Japanese American author
Wikipedia - Margaret Higonnet -- American author and historian (b. 1941)
Wikipedia - Margaret Jepson -- English author
Wikipedia - Margaret Maxfield -- American mathematician and maths book author
Wikipedia - Margaret Mayo (children's author) -- British writer, mostly of children's books, born 1935
Wikipedia - Margaret Mayo (novelist) -- British author of romance novels, born 1936
Wikipedia - Margaret Mitchell -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Moore -- Canadian author of romance novels.
Wikipedia - Margaret Neilson Armstrong -- American designer, illustrator, and author.
Wikipedia - Margaret Ogola -- Kenyan author
Wikipedia - Margaret Orbell -- New Zealand author, editor and academic (1935-2006)
Wikipedia - Margaret Prescod -- Barbadian activist, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Roscoe -- English botanical illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Sarfo -- Ghanaian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Scott (Australian author) -- Australian poet
Wikipedia - Margaret Scott (New Zealand author) -- New Zealand author and Katherine Mansfield scholar (1928-2014)
Wikipedia - Margaret Simons -- Australian academic, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Smith (author)
Wikipedia - Margery Cuyler -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Margery Sharp -- English author
Wikipedia - Margherita Oggero -- Italian screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Margie Warrell -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Margit Auer -- German author
Wikipedia - Margot Asquith -- Anglo-Scottish socialite, author and wit
Wikipedia - Margret Helgadottir -- Norwegian-Icelandic author and editor (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Margret Rasfeld -- German author and activist
Wikipedia - Marguerite de Launay, baronne de Staal -- French author and lady-in-waiting
Wikipedia - Marguerite Wildenhain -- American ceramic artist, educator and author
Wikipedia - Maria Antonieta Collins -- Mexican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Maria Bartiromo -- American television personality, author
Wikipedia - Maria Beig -- German author
Wikipedia - Maria Celestina Fernandes -- Angolan children's author
Wikipedia - Maria de Sousa -- Portuguese scientist,immunologist, author and poet
Wikipedia - Maria Elise Turner Lauder -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Maria Elizabetha Jacson -- Early 19thC English botanist and author
Wikipedia - Marian Cannon Schlesinger -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Marianne Clementine HM-CM-%heim -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Marianne Curley -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Marianne Williamson -- American author, politician, and activist
Wikipedia - Mariarosa Dalla Costa -- Italian author
Wikipedia - Maria Rundell -- 19th-century British author of cookery books
Wikipedia - Maria Shriver -- Journalist and author from the United States
Wikipedia - Maria Turtschaninoff -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Mari Bastashevski -- Danish artist, researcher, and author
Wikipedia - Mari Carmen Ramirez -- Author, curator, art historian
Wikipedia - Marie Battiste -- North American author and educator
Wikipedia - Marie Brennan -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Marie Calloway -- American author
Wikipedia - Marie-Christine LM-CM-)vesque -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Marie Conway Oemler -- American author (1879-1932)
Wikipedia - Marieke Nijkamp -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Marie Kondo -- Japanese organizing consultant, author, and television show host
Wikipedia - Marie Louise Burgess-Ware -- African American author
Wikipedia - Marieluise FleiM-CM-^_er -- German author and playwright
Wikipedia - Marie Marguerite Bouvet -- American author
Wikipedia - Marie Muracciole -- French art curator, art critic and author
Wikipedia - Marie Wann -- American statistician and author
Wikipedia - Marilyn Brown (author) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Marilyn vos Savant -- American columnist, author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Marilyn Wann -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Marilyn Yalom -- American feminist author and historian
Wikipedia - Marina Wheeler -- British lawyer, author and columnist
Wikipedia - Mari Ness -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Mario Acevedo (author) -- American novelist and artist
Wikipedia - Marion Dane Bauer -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Marion Deuchars -- British illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Marion Elza Dodd -- American bookseller and author
Wikipedia - Marion Hartog -- English poet, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Marion Maddox -- Australian author, academic and political commentator
Wikipedia - Mario Puzo -- American author, screenwriter, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Scaccia -- Italian actor and author
Wikipedia - Marita Crawley -- British songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Marjane Satrapi -- Iranian-French graphic novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and children's book author
Wikipedia - Mark Aarons -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Anderson (writer) -- American journalist and book author
Wikipedia - Mark Anthony (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Markar Esayan -- Armenian author, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Mark Batterson -- American pastor and author
Wikipedia - Mark Beech (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Mark Biltz -- American Christian pastor and author
Wikipedia - Mark Buchanan -- American physicist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Burnett -- British television and film producer and author
Wikipedia - Mark Cahill -- American author, speaker, and evangelist
Wikipedia - Mark Canter -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Clapham -- British author
Wikipedia - Mark Clemens -- Australian photographer and author
Wikipedia - Mark Crick -- British photographer and author
Wikipedia - Mark Curtis (British author) -- British historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Dawidziak -- American author and critic
Wikipedia - Mark Dodgson -- Australian academic and author
Wikipedia - Mark Dunn -- American author and playwright
Wikipedia - Mark Edward -- Mentalist, magician, author & skeptic
Wikipedia - Mark Ellis (American author) -- American novelist and comic-book writer
Wikipedia - Mark Eshbaugh -- American artist, author and musician
Wikipedia - Mark Felton -- British author, historian, and Youtuber
Wikipedia - Mark Forster (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Mark Galli -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Mark Immelman -- South African sportcaster, coach, author
Wikipedia - Mark Judge (writer) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Lane (author) -- American lawyer, politician and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Lewisohn -- English author and historian
Wikipedia - Mark Leyner -- American postmodernist author
Wikipedia - Mark Manson -- American author and blogger
Wikipedia - Marko Kutlic -- Marko Kutlic is Croatian singer, songwriter and author.
Wikipedia - Mark Olshaker -- American author
Wikipedia - Mark P. Witton -- British palaeontologist, author and palaeoartist
Wikipedia - Mark Ryan (actor) -- English actor, author, action director and voice actor
Wikipedia - Mark Satin -- American political theorist, author, and newsletter publisher
Wikipedia - Mark Schilling -- American film critic, journalist, translator, and author
Wikipedia - Mark Schlabach -- American sports journalist, author, columnist, and reporter
Wikipedia - Mark S. Geston -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Mark Stein (author) -- Author
Wikipedia - Mark Tercek -- Author and president of The Nature Conservancy
Wikipedia - Mark the Evangelist -- Author of the Gospel of Mark and Christian saint; traditionally identified with John Mark
Wikipedia - Mark Twain -- American author and humorist
Wikipedia - Mark Vanhoenacker -- Belgian American Pilot and Author
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (radio host) -- American conservative activist, radio talk show host and author
Wikipedia - Mark Wilson (magician) -- American magician and author
Wikipedia - Marla Alupoaicei -- American Christian author and speaker
Wikipedia - Marlee Matlin -- American actress, author and activist
Wikipedia - Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship -- fringe theory that Cristopher Marlowe was the real author of William Shakespeare's works
Wikipedia - Marriage license -- document authorizing a couple to marry
Wikipedia - Marricke Kofi Gane -- Ghanaian author, businessman, and politician
Wikipedia - Marshall Chapman -- American singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Marshall Frady -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Marshall Vian Summers -- American author and spiritual teacher
Wikipedia - Marta Dhanis -- Portuguese journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martha Ackmann -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Isabel FandiM-CM-1o Pinilla -- Colombian and Italian mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Martha J. Lamb -- American author
Wikipedia - Martha Mitchell (author) -- American librarian and archivist
Wikipedia - Martha Stone Hubbell -- American author
Wikipedia - Marthe Cohn -- French spy during the Second World War, author and Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Martial law in the Philippines -- Authorized military government in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Martina Deuchler -- Swiss academic and author
Wikipedia - Martina Haag -- Swedish actress and author
Wikipedia - Martin Bayerle -- American treasure hunter and author
Wikipedia - Martin Behrmann -- German author and choral conductor
Wikipedia - Martin Caidin -- American author specializing in aeronautics and aviation
Wikipedia - Martin Dannecker -- German sexologist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Davies (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Martin Edwards (author) -- British crime novelist, critic and solicitor
Wikipedia - Martin E. Marty -- American historian of religion, educator, author, and theologian
Wikipedia - Martin Fackler (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Flanagan (journalist) -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Ford (author)
Wikipedia - Martin Fowler (software engineer) -- American software developer, author and international public speaker on software development
Wikipedia - Martin H. Wiggers -- German economist, editor, author and businessman
Wikipedia - Martin Kevan -- actor and author
Wikipedia - Martin Luther King Jr. authorship issues -- Disputes over authorship of works by Martin Luther King Jr.
Wikipedia - Martin Malone (author) -- Irish novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Martin Montague -- Entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Martin Newell (musician) -- English singer-songwriter, poet, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Martin Stephen -- British author (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Martin Wehrle -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Marty Chan -- Chinese-Canadian author/playwright
Wikipedia - Marty Feldman -- British author, actor, comedian and director (1934-1982)
Wikipedia - Marvin Dana -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Alice Jones -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Barker -- Author (1831-1911)
Wikipedia - Mary Ansell (actress) -- British actor and author
Wikipedia - Mary Berg (chef) -- Canadian television host, author and chef
Wikipedia - Mary Cunningham Agee -- American business executive and author
Wikipedia - Mary Dearborn -- American biographer and author
Wikipedia - Mary de Bunsen -- British Air Transport Auxiliary pilot and author.
Wikipedia - Mary Elizabeth Braddon -- English author
Wikipedia - Mary Elizabeth Parsons -- American botanist and author (1859-1947)
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Bamford -- American author
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Bromfield -- American actress, dancer, and author
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Chase -- American educator, scholar, and author
Wikipedia - Mary E. Sweeney -- Educator, author, Home Economics professional
Wikipedia - Mary Everest Boole -- Author of didactic works on mathematics
Wikipedia - Mary Gentle -- British science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Mary Hanford Ford -- American lecturer, author, art, literature critic and suffragette
Wikipedia - Mary Howitt -- English poet, and author, editor
Wikipedia - Mary Ingalls -- Elder sister of author Laura Ingalls Wilder
Wikipedia - Mary Jo Buttafuoco -- American author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Maryland Transportation Authority -- Maryland state government agency
Wikipedia - Mary Lane -- Non-fiction author specializing in Western European art and history
Wikipedia - Mary L. Gray -- American anthropologist and author
Wikipedia - Mary Lou Belli -- American television director and author
Wikipedia - Mary Louisa Armitt -- American librarian and author
Wikipedia - Mary-Louise O'Callaghan -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mary Margaret Francis -- Author, wife of Dick Francis
Wikipedia - Mary Martha Sherwood -- British children's author, editor
Wikipedia - Mary McCallum -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Mary McCarthy (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Mary Miller (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Mary M. Talbot -- British academic and author
Wikipedia - Mary Quayle Innis -- Canadian author and historian
Wikipedia - Mary Roberts Coolidge -- American sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Mary Rodgers -- American composer, author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mary Rogers Miller -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton -- American artist, author, educator
Wikipedia - Mary Russell Mitford -- English author and dramatist (1787-1855)
Wikipedia - Mary Schenck Woolman -- American educator and author
Wikipedia - Maryse CondM-CM-) -- Guadeloupean, French-language author
Wikipedia - Mary Sophia Bentham -- British botanist and author
Wikipedia - Mary T. Reynolds -- American authority on the Irish writer James Joyce
Wikipedia - Mary Virginia Terhune -- American author
Wikipedia - Masiela Lusha -- Albanian-American actress, author, producer and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Masoretic Text -- Authoritative text of the Tanakh for Rabbinic Judaism
Wikipedia - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority -- Public transport agency in Greater Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Master/slave (BDSM) -- consensual authority-exchange structured sexual relationship
Wikipedia - Matilde Zimmermann -- American author and professor
Wikipedia - Mats Traat -- Estonian poet and author
Wikipedia - Matt Bell (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Matt Brennan (academic) -- Canadian author, musician, and academic
Wikipedia - Matt Carson -- American author
Wikipedia - Matt Chandler (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Matt Gaffney -- American crossword constructor and author
Wikipedia - Matthew Branton -- British novelist and author
Wikipedia - Matthew Fox (author) -- Canadian author and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Matthew Fraser (journalist) -- Canadian academic, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Richardson (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Matthias Donath -- German art historian and author
Wikipedia - Matthias McDonnell Bodkin -- Irish lawyer, journalist, nationalist politician and author
Wikipedia - Matthias von Schoenberg -- German Catholic author
Wikipedia - Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore -- American activist and author
Wikipedia - Matt Redman -- English worship leader, singer, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Matt Ruff -- American author
Wikipedia - Matt Taibbi -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Matuschka -- American artist & author
Wikipedia - Maude Kegg -- Ojibwe traditionalist, bead artist, and author from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Maung Wuntha -- Burmese journalist and author
Wikipedia - Maura McHugh (writer) -- US-born Irish horror and fantasy author, in prose, comic books, plays and screenplays
Wikipedia - Maureen Johnson -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Maureen McCormick -- American actress, singer and author
Wikipedia - Maureen McTeer -- Canadian author and lawyer
Wikipedia - Maurice Burton -- British zoologist and author
Wikipedia - Maurice Frankenhuis -- 1=Jewish Dutch Holocaust survivor and Author
Wikipedia - Maurice Nicoll -- Scottish psychiatrist, author
Wikipedia - Maurice Wiggin -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Maurie D. McInnis -- American historian and author (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Maury Dean -- American musician, professor and author
Wikipedia - Mavis Tsai -- Psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Max Barry -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Max Brod -- Author, composer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Max Brooks -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Max Dimont -- Finnish-born American historian and author (1912-1992)
Wikipedia - Max Henry Ferrars -- British colonial officer, author and photographer, active in colonial Burma
Wikipedia - Maximilian Joseph Franz of Oer -- German author and baron
Wikipedia - Maxine Kumin -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Max Kennedy -- American lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Max Liebster -- Holocaust survivor, author
Wikipedia - Max Schrems -- Austrian author and privacy activist
Wikipedia - Maxwell Maltz -- American plastic surgeon, self-help author
Wikipedia - Max Wirestone -- American author and librarian
Wikipedia - Maya Banks -- American author
Wikipedia - Maya Dusenbery -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff -- American sci-fi and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Mayim Bialik -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - May Lorna O'Brien -- Australian educator and author
Wikipedia - McKinney Avenue Transit Authority -- Trolley line in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - MC Lyte -- Hip hop artist, actor, author, activist
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Alvaro Enrigue -- Mexican author
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Esne Seierstad -- Norwegian journalist and author (born 1970)
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Meda Herman -- Icelandic author and adventurer
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Xystein Alme -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Medea Benjamin -- American political activist and author
Wikipedia - Media Development Authority -- Statutory board in Singapore
Wikipedia - Meena Harris -- American attorney and author
Wikipedia - Meera Syal -- English author and actress
Wikipedia - Megan's Law -- United States law requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders
Wikipedia - Meg Elison -- American author and feminist essayist
Wikipedia - Meghan Daum -- American author, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mehrdad Izady -- Kurdish author and scholar
Wikipedia - Melania Mazzucco -- Italian author
Wikipedia - Melanie Eusebe -- British entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Melanie Marquez -- Filipino personality development coach, actress, film producer, author and celebrity endorser
Wikipedia - Melany Neilson -- American author
Wikipedia - Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board -- Government-owned authority in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Meline Toumani -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Albert -- American author
Wikipedia - Melissa Anelli -- American author and webmistress
Wikipedia - Melissa Bank -- American author
Wikipedia - Melissa Clark -- American food writer and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Melissa Coleman -- American author, columnist, and writer
Wikipedia - Melissa Cookston -- American chef and author
Wikipedia - Melissa Gorga -- American reality television personality, author, singer
Wikipedia - Meljean Brook -- American author
Wikipedia - Melvil Poupaud -- French actor, author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Mel White -- American clergyman and author
Wikipedia - Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Wikipedia - Sruti -- Authoritative scripture of Hinduism, created by Rishis (sages), after inspired creativity
Wikipedia - Mercer Mayer -- American children's author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Meredith Badger -- Australian children's book author
Wikipedia - Meredith L. Patterson -- American technologist, science fiction author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Meredith Russo -- 21st-century American author
Wikipedia - Merle Armitage -- American author and book designer
Wikipedia - Merle Shain -- Canadian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Merle Thornton -- Australian feminist activist, author, and academic (b. 1930)
Wikipedia - Mervinia Masterman -- Australian author, naturalist, and illustrator (b. 1901, d. 1998)
Wikipedia - Meshel Laurie -- Australian podcaster and author
Wikipedia - Mesirah -- One Jew reporting the conduct of another Jew to a non-rabbinic authority
Wikipedia - Metrodora -- Ancient Greek female physician and author
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority -- Public transit operator in Metro Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Regional Planning Authority -- Metropolitan Regional Planning Authority
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Transportation Authority -- Public transportation organization in New York
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority -- Airport authority in Washington D.C.
Wikipedia - Mfon Ekpo -- Nigerian entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Mhlobo Jadezweni -- South African academic and author
Wikipedia - Michael Anthony (author) -- Caribbean author/historian
Wikipedia - Michael A. Stackpole -- Science fiction author
Wikipedia - Michael Beer (poet) -- German Jewish poet, author and playwright
Wikipedia - Michael Behe -- American biochemist, author, and intelligent design advocate
Wikipedia - Michael Beschloss -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Michael Bird (author) -- British author and art historian
Wikipedia - Michael Birkner -- American academic, author
Wikipedia - Michael Bishop (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Michael Bond -- English author
Wikipedia - Michael Buckley (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Michael Butterworth (author) -- British author, publisher and campaigner
Wikipedia - Michael Capuzzo -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Carroll (author) -- Irish writer of fiction and comics, and of romantic fiction as Jaye Carroll
Wikipedia - Michael Chabon -- American author and Pulitzer Prize winner
Wikipedia - Michael Cimino -- American film director, screenwriter, producer and author
Wikipedia - Michael Clifford (journalist) -- Irish author and investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Collins (American author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Michael Connelly -- American author of detective novels
Wikipedia - Michael Crichton -- American author, screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Michael Cusack (cyclist) -- Irish cyclist and author
Wikipedia - Michael De Medeiros -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Michael Dobbs (journalist) -- Anglo-American non-fiction author and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Dobbs -- British conservative politician and best-selling author
Wikipedia - Michael Dreyer -- German artist, author, and director
Wikipedia - Michael Drosnin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Falch -- Danish singer, guitarist, author, actor
Wikipedia - Michael Farber -- American author and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Field (author)
Wikipedia - Michael Findlay (art expert) -- Art dealer and author residing in New York City
Wikipedia - Michael Flynn (author)
Wikipedia - Michael Freeman (photographer) -- British author, photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael George DupM-CM-)e -- American game show contestant and author
Wikipedia - Michael Gifkins -- New Zealand literary agent, publisher and author
Wikipedia - Michael Grant (author, born 1954) -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Michael Grant (classicist) -- British classicist, numismatist, historian and author (1914-2004)
Wikipedia - Michael Grecco -- American photographer, film director, and author
Wikipedia - Michael H. Hart -- American astrophysicist, author, and white separatist
Wikipedia - Michael Holve -- American author, photographer, programmer and Linux practitioner
Wikipedia - Michael Huter -- Austrian historian, childhood researcher and author
Wikipedia - Michael J. Knowles -- American political commentator and author (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Michael King -- New Zealand historian, author and biographer
Wikipedia - Michael Lavigne -- American author
Wikipedia - Michael Martone (author) -- American writer (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Michael McCarthy (journalist) -- British environmentalist, naturalist, newspaper journalist, newspaper columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Michael McDowell (author) -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael McKeown Bondhus -- American poet and author of four books
Wikipedia - Michael Moore -- American filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Michael Morrison (author) -- American author, software developer, and toy inventor
Wikipedia - Michael M. Thomas -- American author
Wikipedia - Michael Munn -- British author and film historian
Wikipedia - Michael Murphy (author)
Wikipedia - Michael Perman -- American history professor and author
Wikipedia - Michael Perry (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Michael Preisinger -- German journalist, author and TV host
Wikipedia - Michael Raven (author) -- English writer and musician
Wikipedia - Michael Reichmann -- Canadian photographer, videographer, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Michael Rosen -- English children's author
Wikipedia - Michael Rubens -- American comedian and author
Wikipedia - Michael Savage -- U.S. radio talk show host and author
Wikipedia - Michael Schildberger -- Australia journalist, radio and TV presenter, and author
Wikipedia - Michael Scott (author) -- British classicist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Michael Scott (Irish author)
Wikipedia - Michael Sellers (actor) -- British builder, car restorer and author
Wikipedia - Michael Shea (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Michael Shea (diplomat) -- British diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Michael Swaine (technical author)
Wikipedia - Michael Talbot (author)
Wikipedia - Michael Thomas (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Michael Thomas Ford -- American author
Wikipedia - Michael Tucker (actor) -- American actor, author, producer
Wikipedia - Michael Valpy -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Vickery -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Michael Vitez -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Voris -- Catholic author apologist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Michael Walsh (author) -- American music critic, author, screenwriter, media critic, and cultural-political consultant
Wikipedia - Michael Whitehall -- British producer, talent agent, author and television personality
Wikipedia - Michael Wolff (journalist) -- American author, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Michal Grabowski (author) -- Polish author
Wikipedia - Michal Shalev -- Israeli author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Michelangelo Signorile -- American journalist, author, and talk radio host
Wikipedia - Michel Bussi -- French author
Wikipedia - Michel Chossudovsky -- Canadian economist, author, and conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Michel Danino -- Indian author, originally from France
Wikipedia - Michel de Montaigne -- French-Occitan author, humanistic philosopher, statesman (1533-1592)
Wikipedia - Michele Cassou -- American painter, teacher and author
Wikipedia - Michele Dunaway -- American author of romantic novels
Wikipedia - Michele Ferrari -- Italian cyclist, coach, and author
Wikipedia - Michele Mitchell (journalist) -- Journalist, author
Wikipedia - Michele Oka Doner -- American artist and author
Wikipedia - Michele Serros -- American author, poet and comedic social commentator
Wikipedia - Michel Fattal -- French-language author
Wikipedia - Michelle Bridges -- Personal trainer, author, television personality
Wikipedia - Michelle Ferguson-Cohen -- American author of children's books and screenplays
Wikipedia - Michelle Hamer (author)
Wikipedia - Michelle Harrison -- British author
Wikipedia - Michelle Malkin -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Michio Kaku -- American theoretical physicist, futurist and author
Wikipedia - Mick Farren -- English journalist, author and singer
Wikipedia - Mick Foley -- American professional wrestler, color commentator, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Mic Looby -- Australian author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Middlesbrough Council -- English unitary authority council
Wikipedia - Midge Decter -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mieczyslaw Bronski -- Polish author and socialist then communist activist
Wikipedia - Miguel Franjul -- Dominican author and editor
Wikipedia - Miguel M-CM-^Angel Martin (comics) -- Spanish comic author and artist
Wikipedia - Mihajlo Mihajlov -- Yugoslav author, academic and publicist
Wikipedia - Mihir Bose -- British Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mike Breen (pastor) -- British minister and author
Wikipedia - Mike Bullock -- American author and musician
Wikipedia - Mike Carlton -- Australian media commentator and author
Wikipedia - Mike Daisey -- American monologist, author, and actor
Wikipedia - Mike Doughty -- American singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Mike Godwin -- American attorney and author
Wikipedia - Mikel Harry -- American author and Consultant
Wikipedia - Mike Schafer (author) -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Mike Shalin -- Sportswriter and author from Massachusetts, USA
Wikipedia - Mike Thomas (author) -- British author and police officer
Wikipedia - Mike White (journalist) -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mikhail Bulgakov -- Russian author and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Mikhal Dekel -- Israeli-born author and professor of the United States
Wikipedia - Mikkel Birkegaard -- Danish author of fantasy fiction
Wikipedia - Milan Kundera -- Czech author of Czech and French literature
Wikipedia - Mildred Weston -- American author and composer
Wikipedia - Milena Agus -- Italian author from Sardinia
Wikipedia - Miles Harvey -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Miles Hyman -- American author and illustrator living in France
Wikipedia - Miles Sandys (died 1636) -- English politician and author
Wikipedia - Military aid to the civil authorities -- Deployment of the armed forces of the United Kingdom in support of the civilian authorities
Wikipedia - Military hospital -- Hospital that is reserved for the use of military personnel, their dependents and other authorized users
Wikipedia - Milly Johnson -- British author
Wikipedia - Milovan M-DM-^Pilas -- Yugoslav politician, theorist and author
Wikipedia - Milton Gaither -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Mimi Clar Melnick -- American journalist, author and jazz hostess
Wikipedia - Mimi Lok -- American author, editor, and educator
Wikipedia - Mimis Androulakis -- Greek author and politician
Wikipedia - Mini Aodla Freeman -- Inuk author
Wikipedia - Minky Worden -- American Human Rights advocate and author
Wikipedia - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe -- Governmental authority for six Ojibwe or Anishinaabe bands in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Minnesota Valley Transit Authority -- public transportation agency
Wikipedia - Miranda Mellis -- American author, novelist, and professor
Wikipedia - Miriam Alexander -- British author of novels with Irish settings
Wikipedia - Miriam Gallagher -- Playwright and author
Wikipedia - Miriam JimM-CM-)nez Roman -- Scholar, activist, and author of Afro-Latinx culture
Wikipedia - Miriam Leslie -- American publisher, author, and suffragist
Wikipedia - Miriam Rothschild -- British natural scientist and author
Wikipedia - Mirjam Indermaur -- Swiss author
Wikipedia - Mirza Fatali Akhundov -- Azerbaijani author
Wikipedia - Mischa Berlinski -- American author
Wikipedia - Mishneh Torah -- Code of Jewish religious law authored by Maimonides
Wikipedia - Misse Beqiri -- Albanian-American actress, author, producer
Wikipedia - Mitch Albom -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Mitch Benn -- English comedian, author, and musician
Wikipedia - Mitch Finley -- American author
Wikipedia - Mitch Murray -- English songwriter, record producer, and author
Wikipedia - Mitja Ferenc -- Slovenian historian, educator and author
Wikipedia - Mitsuyo Kakuta -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - MJ Hegar -- American politician and author
Wikipedia - M. John Harrison -- English author and critic
Wikipedia - Modanath Prasrit -- Nepali author and politician
Wikipedia - Moeed Yusuf -- Pakistani scholar and author
Wikipedia - Mogens Klitgaard -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Mogura Anagura -- Japanese manga author
Wikipedia - Mohamed Noman Galal -- Egyptian ambassador and author
Wikipedia - Mohammad Al-Hasan Al-Dido -- Muslim scholar, author, writer, faqeeh, and poet
Wikipedia - Mohammad Ali Modarres Khiabani -- An Iranian author, [[mojtahed]] and scholar
Wikipedia - Mohammad Kaykobad -- Technology author
Wikipedia - Mohammad Nasir Ali -- Bangladeshi author
Wikipedia - Mohammad Taghi Modarres Razavi -- An Iranian author, University professor and literary researcher
Wikipedia - Mohammed al-Arbi al-Fasi -- Moroccan author
Wikipedia - Mohammed Bin Musallam Bin Ham Al-Ameri -- Businessman, philanthropist, author and former UAE Federal National Council member
Wikipedia - Mohiuddin Ahmad (author) -- Bangladeshi writer and political historiographer
Wikipedia - Moira Crone -- American fiction author
Wikipedia - Mollie Faustman -- Swedish painter, illustrator, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Molly Ringwald -- American actor, singer, dancer, and author
Wikipedia - Moment in Peking -- Novel written in English by Chinese author Lin Yutang
Wikipedia - Monetary Authority of Singapore -- Singapore's central bank and financial regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Monica Hesse -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monica Kulling -- Canadian children's author
Wikipedia - Monika Dettwiler -- Swiss-Italian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monika Rinck -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monique Marie Chouraeshkenazi -- American-Jewish author, professor, researcher, and homeland/national security expert
Wikipedia - Monk Simeon -- Serbian author
Wikipedia - Montague Gore -- British politician and author
Wikipedia - Montse Watkins -- author, editor, translator and journalist
Wikipedia - Monzur-I-Mowla -- Bangladeshi author
Wikipedia - Moral authority
Wikipedia - Mordecai Schreiber -- American Reform rabbi and an author
Wikipedia - Morgan Babst -- American author (b. 1980)
Wikipedia - Morgan Dennis -- American illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Moriz Scheyer -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Morrison Heady -- American deafblind author
Wikipedia - Morten Eskesen -- Danish author, composer and teacher
Wikipedia - Mortimer J. Adler -- American philosopher, author and educator (1902-2001)
Wikipedia - Mosab Hassan Yousef -- Former Palestinian spy for Israel and author
Wikipedia - Mosaic authorship
Wikipedia - Moses Raphael de Aguilar -- Rabbi, Hebrew scholar and author
Wikipedia - Mother Goose -- Imaginary author
Wikipedia - Moti BA -- Bhojpuri author
Wikipedia - Motiravan Kangali -- Indian linguist and author
Wikipedia - MotojirM-EM-^M Kajii -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Mo Yan -- Chinese novelist, author, and Nobel Laureate
Wikipedia - M. R. James -- 20th century British author, medievalist scholar and provost
Wikipedia - MTA Regional Bus Operations -- Surface transit division of New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wikipedia - Mukurdipi Ray -- Indian Surgical oncologist and author
Wikipedia - Murray Bookchin -- American libertarian socialist author, orator, and philosopher
Wikipedia - Murray Peden -- Canadian pilot and author (b. 1923)
Wikipedia - Mushtaq Shiekh -- Indian screenwriter, author, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Music Under New York -- Part of the Arts & Design program by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wikipedia - M. VM-CM-$nci Stirnemann -- Swiss artist, author and curator
Wikipedia - Mykola Dementiuk -- American author
Wikipedia - Myles Dungan -- Irish broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Myra Gale Brown -- American author
Wikipedia - Nada M-DM-^FurM-DM-^Mija Prodanovic -- Serbian author
Wikipedia - Nadeshda Brennicke -- German actress, singer and author
Wikipedia - Nadia Brown -- American poet, writer, and author
Wikipedia - Nadia Fezzani -- Canadian journalist/author
Wikipedia - Nadia Fink -- Argentine author
Wikipedia - Nafiza Azad -- Fijian-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Najwa Binshatwan -- Libyan academic and author
Wikipedia - Najwa Zebian -- Lebanese-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Nalini Singh (author) -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - Nana Awere Damoah -- Ghanaian author
Wikipedia - Nan Agle -- American author
Wikipedia - Nancy Bond -- American author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Nancy Borowick -- American artist, photographer and author
Wikipedia - Nancy Houk -- Astronomer, author, research scientist
Wikipedia - Nancy Hubbard -- American author and PR consultant
Wikipedia - Nancy Springer -- American fiction author (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Nancy Stafford -- American actress, speaker, and author
Wikipedia - Nancy Wood (author) -- American author, poet, and photographer
Wikipedia - Nancy Yi Fan -- Chinese American author
Wikipedia - Nancy Zieman -- author and designer
Wikipedia - Nandikeshvara -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Nandini Bajpai -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Nans van Leeuwen -- Dutch illustrator and author of children's books
Wikipedia - Naomi Benaron -- American author
Wikipedia - Naomi Klein -- Canadian author and activist
Wikipedia - Naomi Lazard -- American poet, author and playwright
Wikipedia - Naomi Lewis -- British author and critic
Wikipedia - Napoleon Hill -- American author
Wikipedia - Narayan Joshi Karayal -- Gujarati and Kutchi author
Wikipedia - Narendra Kohli -- Indian author (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Narinder Dhami -- British childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys author
Wikipedia - Narmad -- Indian Gujarati-language author, poet, scholar and public speaker
Wikipedia - Nasreen Askari -- Author and curator
Wikipedia - Nassim Nicholas Taleb -- Lebanese-American author
Wikipedia - Natalee Caple -- Canadian author of novels and poetry
Wikipedia - Natalia Nordman -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Natalie Glebova -- Russian-Canadian model, presenter, author, and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Natalie Grams -- German physician and author (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Natalie Lloyd -- New York Times bestselling children's author
Wikipedia - Natasha Badhwar -- Indian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Natasha Pulley -- British author
Wikipedia - Natasha Stagg -- American author
Wikipedia - Nathacha Appanah -- Mauritian-French author
Wikipedia - Nathan Bryon -- British actor and author
Wikipedia - Nathan H. Lents -- American scientist, author, and university professor
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Philbrick -- American author
Wikipedia - Nathan Long (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Nathan of Gaza -- Jewish theologian and author
Wikipedia - National aviation authority -- Government agency charged with the regulation of aviation
Wikipedia - National Bank Act -- The primary federal legislation authorizing the creation of national banks in the US
Wikipedia - National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil -- Brazilian civil aviation authority
Wikipedia - National Command Authority (Pakistan)
Wikipedia - National Command Authority -- American ultimate source of military orders
Wikipedia - National Committee on Security Affairs -- Highest policy-making authority on national security of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Council of the Judiciary -- Polish constitutional judiciary authority
Wikipedia - National Cybersecurity Authority (Saudi Arabia) -- Cybersecurity entity of the government of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - National Database > Registration Authority
Wikipedia - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - National Disaster Management Authority (India) -- Body of Government of India
Wikipedia - National Petroleum Authority -- Government agency
Wikipedia - National Production Authority -- American wartime production coordination agency in the Korean War
Wikipedia - National Prosecuting Authority -- South African government agency
Wikipedia - National Standards Authority of Ireland -- Irish national standards organisation
Wikipedia - National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Finland)
Wikipedia - Nawaf Obaid -- Saudi Arabian author and diplomat
Wikipedia - Nazila Fathi -- Iranian-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Neal Bascomb -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Neal I. Rosenthal -- American author & wine merchant
Wikipedia - Neda Soltani -- Iranian author
Wikipedia - Ned Buntline bibliography -- American dime-novel author
Wikipedia - Nedeljko Dragic -- Croatian director, author of cartoons, caricatures, comics and numerous illustrations
Wikipedia - Neelam Saxena Chandra -- Indian poet and author
Wikipedia - Neferti Tadiar -- Filipino Author
Wikipedia - Neha Dixit -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Neil Bissoondath -- Trinidadian-Canadian author
Wikipedia - Neil deGrasse Tyson -- American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator
Wikipedia - Nellie McClung -- Canadian author, social activist, suffragette & politician
Wikipedia - Nels Bruseth -- American mountaineer and author from Washington state
Wikipedia - Neoauthoritarianism (China) -- Political movement in China
Wikipedia - Neriman Cahit -- Turkish Cypriot poet and author
Wikipedia - Nested Context Language -- Declarative authoring language for hypermedia documents
Wikipedia - Nevada Barr -- American author
Wikipedia - Nevillean theory of Shakespeare authorship
Wikipedia - Newspaper of record -- Major newspapers that are considered authoritative
Wikipedia - New York City Housing Authority Police Department -- Law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995
Wikipedia - New York City Housing Authority
Wikipedia - New York City Transit Authority -- Bus and subway service operator
Wikipedia - New York-Pennsylvania Joint Interstate Bridge Commission -- American interstate bridge authority
Wikipedia - New York State Thruway Authority -- Public benefit corporation in the US
Wikipedia - New Zealand Society of Authors
Wikipedia - Next Generation Indie Book Awards -- Largest international awards program for indie authors and independent publishers
Wikipedia - NguyM-aM-;M-^En ThM-aM-;M-%y Anh -- Vietnamese author
Wikipedia - Niamh Sharkey -- Author and illustrator
Wikipedia - NiccolM-CM-2 Machiavelli -- Italian politician, writer and author
Wikipedia - Nicholas A. Basbanes -- American author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Best -- British author of Anglo-Irish origin
Wikipedia - Nicholas Buamah -- US-based Ghanaian author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Cummings -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Foulkes -- English historian, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Jackson (editor) -- American author
Wikipedia - Nicholas J. Corea -- American author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Kalashnikoff -- Siberian-American author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Lane Jackson -- English sports administrator and author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Meyer -- American screenwriter, producer, author, and director
Wikipedia - Nick Adams (commentator) -- Australian-born American political commentator and author
Wikipedia - Nick Adams (writer) -- American television writer and author
Wikipedia - Nick Allen Brown -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Nick Bostrom -- Swedish philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Nick Brune -- Canadian educator, historian, and author
Wikipedia - Nick Bunker -- British author, historian and former journalist (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Nick Cafardo -- American sportswriter and sports author
Wikipedia - Nick Drnaso -- American author and graphic novelist
Wikipedia - Nick Nolte -- American actor, producer, author, and former model
Wikipedia - Nick Rees-Roberts -- British author and academic
Wikipedia - Nicky Hayes -- British psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Nico Dijkshoorn -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Nicola Charles -- British-Australian author and actress
Wikipedia - Nicola Gordon Bowe -- Art historian, author and educator (1948-2018)
Wikipedia - Nicole A. Taylor -- Cookbook author
Wikipedia - Nicole Calfan -- French actress and author
Wikipedia - Nicole Starosielski -- American author, researcher
Wikipedia - Nicolette Macnamara -- British author and artist
Wikipedia - Nicolle Wallace -- American television host and author
Wikipedia - Nico Walker -- American author best known for ''Cherry''
Wikipedia - Nieca Goldberg -- American cardiologist, executive, academic, and author
Wikipedia - Nienke van Hichtum -- Frisian Dutch children's author
Wikipedia - Nigel Barber -- American biopsychologist and author
Wikipedia - Nigel Barker (photographer) -- English reality TV show personality, photographer, author, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Nigel Brennan -- Australian photojournalist and author
Wikipedia - Nigel Farndale -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Nigerian Customs Service -- Authority agency Nigeria responsible for export and import and anti-smuggling of goods in the country boarder
Wikipedia - Nigerian Ports Authority -- Nigerian government agency
Wikipedia - Nihal Bengisu Karaca -- Turkish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Niklas Frank -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Nikolaus Blome -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Nina Mba -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Ninon de l'Enclos -- French author, courtesan, freethinker, and patron of the arts
Wikipedia - Nir Baram -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - Nissim of Gerona -- 14th century Talmudist and authority on Jewish law
Wikipedia - Niven's laws -- Author Larry Niven's rules about how the universe works
Wikipedia - Noah Adams -- American radio journalist and author
Wikipedia - Noah Webster -- American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, writer, editor, and author
Wikipedia - No-go area -- Area where authorities are unable to enforce law or sovereignty
Wikipedia - Nome King -- Fictional character and antagonist in American author L. Frank Baum's Oz series.
Wikipedia - Nora Burglon -- American author
Wikipedia - Nora Krug -- German-American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Nora Raleigh Baskin -- American author of books for children and young adults
Wikipedia - Norbert Pfretzschner -- Austrian sculptor and author
Wikipedia - Nordahl Grieg -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Norma Alarcon -- Author and professor
Wikipedia - Normanby, Redcar and Cleveland -- Part of Redcar and Cleveland unitary authority, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Norman Conrad -- Canadian lawyer, politician and author
Wikipedia - Norman Cousins -- American political journalist, author, professor, and advocate
Wikipedia - Norman Elder -- Explorer, author, artist and equestrian
Wikipedia - Norman Maclean -- American author
Wikipedia - Norman M. Klein -- Author and historian
Wikipedia - Norman Pickavance -- English advisor, author, activist
Wikipedia - North East Combined Authority -- Local government body in north east England
Wikipedia - North of Tyne Combined Authority -- Local government body in north east England
Wikipedia - North Texas Tollway Authority -- Toll road operating company
Wikipedia - Norwegian Authors Union Freedom of Expression Prize -- Annual prize for writing
Wikipedia - Nottingham City Council -- Non-metropolitan district council for the unitary authority of Nottingham
Wikipedia - Novoneel Chakraborty -- Indian Author of fiction
Wikipedia - N. P. Figgis -- Irish archaeologist and author
Wikipedia - Nsah Mala -- Cameroonian poet, writer, author, and literary researcher
Wikipedia - N. Scott Momaday -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority -- Public body sponsored by the United Kingdom Government
Wikipedia - Nuclear Power Plants Authority (Egypt) -- Egyptian agency
Wikipedia - Nuraliah Norasid -- Author (b. 1986)
Wikipedia - Nuran Nabi -- Bangladeshi scientist and author
Wikipedia - O. Abdurahman -- Indian Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Oakland Housing Authority -- Housing authority in Oakland, California, United States
Wikipedia - OAuth -- Open standard for authorization
Wikipedia - Obedience (human behavior) -- Yielding to instructions from an authority figure
Wikipedia - Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Wikipedia - Obedience to authority
Wikipedia - O Come, All Ye Faithful -- Christmas carol of unknown authorship
Wikipedia - Octavia Spencer -- American actress, author, and producer
Wikipedia - Odd S. Lovoll -- Norwegian-American author, historian and educator
Wikipedia - Odette Tchernine -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Odimumba Kwamdela -- Barbadian author (1942-2019)
Wikipedia - Officer (armed forces) -- Member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of authority
Wikipedia - Oge Mora -- American children's book illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Okakura KakuzM-EM-^M -- Japanese scholar, author of The Book of Tea (1862-1913)
Wikipedia - Oklahoma Educational Television Authority -- PBS member network in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Oladele Awobuluyi -- Nigerian linguist, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Olajumoke Adenowo -- Nigerian architect and author
Wikipedia - Olga Masters -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Olga Wohlbruck -- Austrian author and actress (1867-1933)
Wikipedia - Olin Sewall Pettingill Jr. -- American naturalist, author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Olive Byrne -- American author, inspiration for Wonder Woman
Wikipedia - Oliver Balch -- British author and freelance writer
Wikipedia - Oliver Byrne (mathematician) -- engineer and author
Wikipedia - Oliver Crawford -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Oliver James (psychologist) -- British clinical psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Oliver Janich -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Oliver Lis -- Colombian author and film director
Wikipedia - Olive Senior -- Jamaican author
Wikipedia - Olivier Adam -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Corpet -- French writer and author
Wikipedia - Omer Blodgett -- Welder, author and educator
Wikipedia - Onechi Lwenje -- Zambian actor and author
Wikipedia - On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth -- 1823 essay in Shakespearean criticism by the English author Thomas De Quincey
Wikipedia - Operations manual -- Authoritative document of how things should be done in an organisation
Wikipedia - Opiyo Oloya -- Ugandan-Canadian educator and author
Wikipedia - Oprah Winfrey -- American talk show host, actress, producer, and author
Wikipedia - Optical disc authoring
Wikipedia - Oregon Chief Education Office -- Former state government agency to coordinate education policy and authorizations
Wikipedia - Oregon Office of Degree Authorization
Wikipedia - Oreola Williams Haskell -- American author
Wikipedia - Osamu Dazai -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Osbert Lancaster -- English cartoonist, historian, stage designer and author (1908-1986)
Wikipedia - Osborne William Tancock -- English clergyman, headmaster, and author
Wikipedia - Oscar Milosz -- author
Wikipedia - Oshiwara District Centre (ODC) -- A land developed by Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Wikipedia - Otherspace (novel) -- Young adult science fiction novel by American author David Stahler Jr.
Wikipedia - Ottavio Panciroli -- Italian author and historian
Wikipedia - Ottessa Moshfegh -- American author
Wikipedia - Out of Africa (film) -- the 1985 film based in part on the memoir by Danish author Karen Blixen
Wikipedia - Out of Africa -- 1937 memoir by Danish author Karen Blixen
Wikipedia - Owen Jones -- English columnist, author, political commentator
Wikipedia - Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship
Wikipedia - Oz Almog -- Israeli artist and author
Wikipedia - Ozge Samanci -- Turkist-American artist and author (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Pahk Yon-hee -- Korean author
Wikipedia - Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority -- Regulatory authority in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority -- Government agency of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Pak Sar Jamin Sad Bad -- Bengali novel by Bangladeshi author Humayun Azad
Wikipedia - Palestinian Authority passport -- passport issued by the Palestinian Authority
Wikipedia - Palestinian Authority
Wikipedia - Palestinian National Authority -- Interim government in Western Asia
Wikipedia - Pallavi Aiyar -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Pam Allyn -- American literacy expert and author
Wikipedia - Pamela Britton (author) -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Pamela Duncan Edwards -- British born children's author
Wikipedia - Pamela Evans -- British author
Wikipedia - Pamela Wallace -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Pamela Wible -- American physician, author and activist
Wikipedia - Panama Canal Authority -- Group managing the Panama Canal
Wikipedia - Pankaj Prasun -- Hindi poet, satirist, and author
Wikipedia - Pannalal Patel -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Papal authority
Wikipedia - Papal primacy -- Christian ecclesiological doctrine concerning the respect and authority that is due to the Pope
Wikipedia - Papias of Hierapolis -- Greek Apostolic Father, Bishop of Hierapolis and author (c.60-c.130 AD)
Wikipedia - Parvaneh Milani -- Iranian poet, author, translator, and human eights activist
Wikipedia - Pascal Etcheber -- French author and philosopher
Wikipedia - Pascal Voggenhuber -- Swiss author
Wikipedia - Pat Cadigan -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Patience Abbe -- Author
Wikipedia - Patricia A. McKillip -- American fantasy and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Patricia Bracewell -- American author of historical fiction
Wikipedia - Patricia Gibney -- Irish crime fiction author
Wikipedia - Patricia Wrede -- American author
Wikipedia - Patricia Ziegfeld Stephenson -- American author
Wikipedia - Patrick Augustine Sheehan -- Irish Roman Catholic priest and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Brydone -- Scottish traveller and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Casey (writer) -- American writer, actor and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Dennis -- American author
Wikipedia - Patrick Flanagan -- American New Age author and inventor
Wikipedia - Patrick Flanery -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Patrick Francis -- Australian artist, athlete and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Heron (author) -- Irish writer
Wikipedia - Patrick Holland (author)
Wikipedia - Patrick James McGinnis -- American venture capitalist and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Macias -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Madrid -- American author and radio host
Wikipedia - Patrick Seale -- British journalist and author (1930-2014)
Wikipedia - Patrik Hartl -- Czech author and theater director
Wikipedia - Patrizia Sanvitale -- Italian journalist, author, blogger and sociologist
Wikipedia - Patti Davis -- Author, daughter of Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis
Wikipedia - Patti Smith -- American singer-songwriter, author, poet and visual artist
Wikipedia - Paula Deen -- American cook, restaurateur, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Paula Fox -- American book author
Wikipedia - Paula Green (poet) -- New Zealand poet and children's author
Wikipedia - Paula Hawkins (author) -- British novelist
Wikipedia - Paula McLain -- American author
Wikipedia - Paul and Mabel Thorne -- American author-duo
Wikipedia - Paul Baker (teacher) -- American actor, professor, director, author (1911 - 2009)
Wikipedia - Paul Brickhill -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Paul Cain (author)
Wikipedia - Paul Capon -- British author
Wikipedia - Paul Chiasson -- Canadian architect author
Wikipedia - Paul Cook (author) -- American author, critic, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Paul Davidson (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Paul DM-CM-)roulede -- French author and politician
Wikipedia - Paul Donovan (economist) -- British economist and author
Wikipedia - Paul Du Noyer -- Music journalist and author
Wikipedia - Paulette Frankl -- American courtroom artist and author
Wikipedia - Paul Farnsworth -- British author
Wikipedia - Paul Finebaum -- American sports author, television and radio personality, and former columnist
Wikipedia - Paul Frisbie -- American standup comedian, author and songwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Goodman -- American author, public intellectual, and social critic
Wikipedia - Paul G. Tremblay -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Paul Harmon (management author)
Wikipedia - Paul-Henri Campbell -- American author
Wikipedia - Pauline Black -- English singer, actress, and author
Wikipedia - Pauline Neura Reilly -- Australian ornithologist and author
Wikipedia - Paul Kropp -- Canadian author, publisher and educator
Wikipedia - Paul Lamford -- Welsh gaming and gambling expert, author, publisher, and company director
Wikipedia - Paul Levine -- American author and attorney
Wikipedia - Paul L. Williams (author) -- 20th and 21st-century American writer and professor
Wikipedia - Paul Overby -- American author
Wikipedia - Paul Raynal -- French author
Wikipedia - Paul Wheaton -- American permaculture author, master gardener, software engineer, and author
Wikipedia - Payal Shah Karwa -- Indian Author
Wikipedia - P. C. Cast -- American romance/fantasy author
Wikipedia - P. D. Cacek -- American author
Wikipedia - Peadar M-CM-^S Guilin -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Pearl Kong Chen -- Chinese cookbook author
Wikipedia - Pedro AmM-CM-)rico -- Brazilian painter, author, philosopher and politician
Wikipedia - Pedro Bandeira -- Brazilian author
Wikipedia - Peggy Fletcher Stack -- American journalist, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Peggy Noonan -- American author and conservative columnist
Wikipedia - Penelope Fletcher -- British author
Wikipedia - Pen name -- Name that is used instead of an author's true name
Wikipedia - Penn Jones Jr. -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Penny Flanagan -- Australian singer and author
Wikipedia - Perry Moore -- Executive producer of the Narnia films and author of award-winning LGBTQ young adult novel Hero
Wikipedia - Pete Quaife -- English musician, artist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Bailey (journalist) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Baker (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Brandvold -- American western fiction author
Wikipedia - Peter Carey (historian) -- British historian and author
Wikipedia - Peter Conradi -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Darbyshire -- Canadian journalist, blogger and author
Wikipedia - Peter Davis (director) -- Filmmaker, author, journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Del Tredici -- American botanist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Desbarats -- Canadian author, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Eldin -- British author and magician
Wikipedia - Peter G. Miller -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Hitchens -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Kowalke -- American author and unschooling advocate
Wikipedia - Peter Kurzeck -- German author
Wikipedia - Peter Lehmann (author)
Wikipedia - Peter Ling -- British television, radio, and comic strip author
Wikipedia - Peter Lund -- German theatre director and author
Wikipedia - Peter Mandel -- American author of childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys books, journalist and essayist
Wikipedia - Peter Marshall (author)
Wikipedia - Peter M. Douglas -- Executive Director of Coastal Commission for 26 years, author of its founding legislation
Wikipedia - Peter Nichols (author) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter of Spain (author)
Wikipedia - Peter Olausson -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Peter Parker (author) -- British writer (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Peter Pearson (painter, born 1955) -- Irish artist, author, historian
Wikipedia - Peter Rosenkrantz Johnsen -- Norwegian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Schiff -- American entrepreneur, radio personality, and author
Wikipedia - Peter Stiff -- English author
Wikipedia - Peter Weiss -- Swedish-German playwright and author
Wikipedia - Peter Wuteh Vakunta -- Cameroonian author
Wikipedia - Petition -- Formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority in respect of an particular cause
Wikipedia - Petra Morsbach -- German author
Wikipedia - Petroleum Safety Authority Norway -- Governmental supervisory authority under the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.[
Wikipedia - Petronella Breinburg -- Surinamese British author
Wikipedia - Petronius -- 1st century AD Roman courtier and author of the Satyricon
Wikipedia - P. G. Wodehouse -- English author (1881-1975)
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Housing Authority -- Public housing authority of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Phil Batt -- American author and former politician
Wikipedia - Phil Callaway -- Canadian humor writer and author
Wikipedia - Phil Campbell (writer) -- American author and documentary producer
Wikipedia - Phil Farrand -- American computer programmer and consultant, webmaster and author
Wikipedia - Philip Agee -- Former CIA officer; author; expatriate American
Wikipedia - Philip Athans -- American editor and author
Wikipedia - Philip Balsam -- Canadian songwriter, composer and author
Wikipedia - Philip Beckley -- British physicist, author, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Philip B. Meggs -- American graphic designer and author
Wikipedia - Philip Caveney -- British children's author
Wikipedia - Philip Connors -- American essayist and author
Wikipedia - Philip Coppens (author) -- Belgian writer
Wikipedia - Philip Curtiss -- American author and politician
Wikipedia - Philip Delves Broughton -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Philip Dodd (author) -- British author, editor, and publisher
Wikipedia - Philip Hastane -- Fictional author created by Clark Ashton Smith
Wikipedia - Philip K. Dick -- American science fiction author (1928-1982)
Wikipedia - Philip K. Hitti -- Lebanese-American academic and authority on the Middle East (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Philip Klein (editor) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Philippe Di Folco -- French author and teacher
Wikipedia - Philippe DiolM-CM-) -- French author and undersea explorer
Wikipedia - Philippe Pozzo di Borgo -- French entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Philippe Sands -- British/French lawyer, legal academic and author
Wikipedia - Philippine Statistics Authority
Wikipedia - Philip Pullman -- English author
Wikipedia - Philipp Winterberg -- German author
Wikipedia - Philip Schwyzer -- American-British lecturer and author
Wikipedia - Philip Slayton -- Canadian lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Philip Stewart Robinson -- 19th-century British naturalist and author
Wikipedia - Phillip Longman -- American demographer and author
Wikipedia - Philomena Lynott -- Irish author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Phyllis Diller -- American stand-up comedian, actress, author, musician and artist
Wikipedia - Pidyon Shvuyim -- Religious duty in Judaism to bring about the release of a fellow Jew captured by slave dealers or robbers, or imprisoned unjustly by the authorities
Wikipedia - Pierce Brown -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Pier Francesco Pingitore -- Italian film director and author
Wikipedia - Pierre Bordage -- French science fiction author
Wikipedia - Pierre Chavot -- French author, historian and teacher
Wikipedia - Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote
Wikipedia - Pierre Thomas (scholar) -- French scholar and author
Wikipedia - Piet Bakker (writer) -- Dutch journalist and author
Wikipedia - Pieter Hintjens -- Belgian CEO, software developer, author
Wikipedia - Pietro Aretino -- Italian author, playwright, poet, satirist, and blackmailer
Wikipedia - Pietro Della Valle -- Italian composer, musicologist, traveller and author (1586-1652)
Wikipedia - Pinchas Lapide -- Israeli theologian, author and diplomat (1922-1997)
Wikipedia - Pip Adam -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Pip Desmond -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Piper Dellums -- American author and public speaker
Wikipedia - Pippa Grange -- British author and psychologist
Wikipedia - Plagiarism -- Using another author's work as if it was one's own original work
Wikipedia - Pleasant DeSpain -- American storyteller and author (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Pliny the Younger -- lawyer, author, and magistrate of Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Plumb (singer) -- Contemporary Christian songwriter, recording artist, performer and author
Wikipedia - P. N. Elrod -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Po Bronson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Poetic tradition -- Poet or author is evaluated in the context of the historical period in which they live and write
Wikipedia - Poetry Bookshop -- English bookshop which ran from 1913 to 1926; owned by author Harold Munro, best known for publishing works by several famous writers
Wikipedia - Pogrom -- Violent attack on an ethnic or religious group, usually Jews, either approved or conducted by the local authorities
Wikipedia - Points of Authority -- 2002 promotional single by Linkin Park
Wikipedia - Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union -- Supreme political authority of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Political authority
Wikipedia - Polly Adler -- American madam and author
Wikipedia - Polly King Ruhtenberg -- American author
Wikipedia - Polygraph (author)
Wikipedia - Poornima Advani -- Indian lawyer, author and social worker
Wikipedia - Port Authority Bus Terminal -- Bus station in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Port Authority (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Port Authority of New York and New Jersey -- Transportation facility agency in New York City and New Jersey
Wikipedia - Portia Arthur -- Ghanaian author, writer and reporter
Wikipedia - Port of Morrow -- Port authority of Boardman, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Port Qasim Authority cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Portsmouth -- City and unitary authority area in England
Wikipedia - Positivism -- Philosophy of science based on the view that information derived from scientific observation is the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge
Wikipedia - Power of arrest -- Mandate given by a central authority that allows an individual to remove a criminal's liberty
Wikipedia - Praise Fowowe -- Nigerian speaker, author and activist
Wikipedia - Prajwal Parajuly -- Indian author of Nepalese descent
Wikipedia - Pramod Paliwal -- Academician and Author
Wikipedia - Praphulladatta Goswami -- Author (b. 191, d. 1994)
Wikipedia - Precursors to anarchism -- Forerunners of the anti-authoritarian ideology
Wikipedia - Preet Bharara -- American lawyer, author, and former federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - Preface -- Introduction to a book or other literary work by the author
Wikipedia - Prerna Singh Bindra -- Wildlife conservationist and author from India
Wikipedia - Prescriptive authority for psychologists movement
Wikipedia - Priest -- Person authorized to lead the sacred rituals of a religion
Wikipedia - Priscila Perales -- Mexican actress, spokesperson, beauty queen, author and former model
Wikipedia - Priscilla Buckley -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Priscilla Cummings -- American author
Wikipedia - Priscilla Johnson McMillan -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Priya Davidar -- Indian researcher, scholar, author
Wikipedia - Prodyut Kumar Deka -- Indian film director and author from Assam, India
Wikipedia - Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
Wikipedia - Professional wrestling authority figures -- Wikimedia category
Wikipedia - Protected areas of the United States -- Area subject to management by federal, state, tribal or local authorities, with variability in protection received
Wikipedia - Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization of 2017 -- American law
Wikipedia - Provincial heritage resources authority -- Type of South African government agency
Wikipedia - Prudential Regulation Authority (United Kingdom) -- United Kingdom financial services regulator
Wikipedia - Pseudo-Bonaventure -- Collective name for the authors of a number of medieval devotional works
Wikipedia - Public Transport Corporation -- Former statutory authority of the government of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Public Transport Victoria -- Statutory authority for public transport in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Aqueducts and Sewers Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority -- Government agency in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority -- Government corporation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Maritime Transport Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Metropolitan Bus Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Ports Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority -- Government-owned corporation of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Purple Line (CTA) -- Rapid transit line run by the Chicago Transit Authority
Wikipedia - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority -- State education authority in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Quentin Dempster -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Question authority
Wikipedia - Quint Buchholz -- German painter, illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Rabbeinu Tam -- Renowned Ashkenazi Jewish rabbi, leading French Tosafist, leading halakhic authority
Wikipedia - Rabia Chaudry -- Attorney and author
Wikipedia - Rachael Ray -- American television host, businesswoman, celebrity cook, and author
Wikipedia - Rachel Abbott -- British author
Wikipedia - Rachel Barrowman -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Rachel Brathen -- Swedish author and yoga teacher
Wikipedia - Rachel Caine -- American author
Wikipedia - Rachel Cruze -- American author and finance personality
Wikipedia - Rachel DeWoskin -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Rachel Gibson (writer) -- American romance author (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Rachel Korn -- Yiddish poet and author
Wikipedia - Rachel Levin (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Rackstraw Downes -- British-born realist painter and author
Wikipedia - Radclyffe Hall -- British poet and author
Wikipedia - Radclyffe -- American author
Wikipedia - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority -- Radiation safety agency in Finland
Wikipedia - Radio jamming -- Interference with authorized wireless communications
Wikipedia - Rael Dornfest -- American computer programmer and author
Wikipedia - Rafael Campo (poet) -- American poet, doctor, and author
Wikipedia - R. A. Foakes -- 20th/21st-century English author and Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Ragbir Bhathal -- Australian astronomer and author
Wikipedia - Rahat Khan -- Bangladeshi author
Wikipedia - Rahul Pandita -- Indian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Raidhu -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Rail Land Development Authority -- Authority developing land for Indian railways
Wikipedia - Rajamandala -- Circles of friendly and enemy states surrounding the king's state, term formulated by Indian author Chanakya
Wikipedia - Rajbali Pandey -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Rajiv Malhotra -- Indian-American entrepreneur and author (born 1950
Wikipedia - Ralph Dennis -- American author of crime fiction
Wikipedia - Ralph Peters -- American military officer and author
Wikipedia - Ralph Waldo Trine -- American author (1866-1958)
Wikipedia - Ralph Westwood Moore -- English classicist and author
Wikipedia - R. A. MacAvoy -- American fantasy and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Ramani Durvasula -- American psychologist, media expert, and author
Wikipedia - Ramchandra Siras -- Indian linguist and author (1948-2010)
Wikipedia - Ram Dass -- American spiritual teacher and author of the 1971 book Be Here Now
Wikipedia - Ram Gopal (author)
Wikipedia - Ramona Badescu (author) -- French author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Ramon Guillermo -- Filipino Author
Wikipedia - Rana Awdish -- American pulmonologist, author
Wikipedia - Rana Zoe Mungin -- American author
Wikipedia - Rands -- blogger, software engineering manager, and webcomic author
Wikipedia - Randy Komisar -- American author and attorney
Wikipedia - Ranga Yogeshwar -- Luxembourgish television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Rania Zaghir -- Lebanese children's book author
Wikipedia - Ranjana Srivastava -- Australian oncologist and author
Wikipedia - Ranj Dhaliwal -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Ranko Bugarski -- Serbian linguist, academic and author
Wikipedia - Rao Pingru -- Chinese comic book author
Wikipedia - Raphael Carter -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Rasana Atreya -- Indian English-language author
Wikipedia - Rasha Abbas -- Syrian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rashid Al-Daif -- Lebanese author
Wikipedia - Rational-legal authority
Wikipedia - Ravinder Singh (author) -- Indian writer
Wikipedia - Rawdna Carita Eira -- Norwegian and Sami playwright and author
Wikipedia - Ray Aldridge -- American author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Ray Bradbury -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ray Kurzweil -- American author, scientist, inventor, and futurist
Wikipedia - Raymond Caron -- 17th century Irish Franciscan friar and author
Wikipedia - Raymond E. Fowler -- American author and UFO researcher
Wikipedia - R.B. Russell -- British publisher, editor, author, illustrator
Wikipedia - R. D. Wingfield -- English author and radio dramatist
Wikipedia - Real Estate Council of Alberta -- Standards authority for the real estate industry in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Rebecca Brown (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Rebecca Fransway -- American author and poet
Wikipedia - Rebecca Macfie -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rebecca Podos -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Rebecca Roanhorse -- American speculative fiction author
Wikipedia - Rebecca Solnit -- Author and essayist from United States
Wikipedia - Rebecca W. Keller -- American author and scientist
Wikipedia - Reception history of Jane Austen -- History of reviews and reputation of works by the English author
Wikipedia - Reception of the book of Enoch in antiquity and Middle Ages -- Reception of the biblical book of Enoch by various authors
Wikipedia - Red Book of Westmarch -- Fictional manuscript written by hobbits, a conceit of author J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Redcar and Cleveland -- Unitary authority area in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Red Pine (author) -- American author, poet, and translator (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Reed Alexander -- American journalist, author, and former actor
Wikipedia - Referee (professional wrestling) -- Authority figure in professional wrestling
Wikipedia - Referee -- A person or authority who oversees and rules match's activities in competitive sport
Wikipedia - Reginald Hine -- English historian, author and solicitor
Wikipedia - Registration authority
Wikipedia - Rejection slip -- Rejection letter to an author
Wikipedia - Rela Mazali -- Israeli author and peace activist
Wikipedia - Related rights -- Intellectual property rights of a creative work not connected with the work's actual author
Wikipedia - Religious censorship -- Form of censorship involving religious authority
Wikipedia - Renata Adler -- American author, journalist, and film critic
Wikipedia - Rene Denfeld -- American author
Wikipedia - Renee Ahdieh -- American-Korean author
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Boylesve -- French author
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-)e MM-CM-)ndez Capote -- Cuban author and activist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-)e Watson -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Goscinny -- French comic book artist and author
Wikipedia - Renya K. Ramirez -- Ho-Chunk American anthropologist, author, and Native feminist
Wikipedia - Reta Beebe -- American astronomer and author
Wikipedia - Rex Black -- Software engineer, entrepreneur, and author
Wikipedia - Reza Shah-Kazemi -- Islamic author
Wikipedia - Rhiannon Davies Jones -- Welsh author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Rhiannon Frater -- American author of horror fiction
Wikipedia - Rhonda Dibachi -- American business executive, entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Rhonda Garelick -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Ricardo Montserrat -- French writer and author
Wikipedia - Richard Adams -- English novelist best known as the author of Watership Down
Wikipedia - Richard Aellen -- American author of novels and plays
Wikipedia - Richard A. Knaak -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Richard and Florence Atwater -- Authors
Wikipedia - Richard Askwith -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Bachman -- pen name used by horror fiction author Stephen King
Wikipedia - Richard Baker (game designer) -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Barrett (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Richard Beasley (author) -- Australian author and barrister
Wikipedia - Richard B. Pelzer -- American public speaker, author (1965 - 2019)
Wikipedia - Richard Brodie (programmer) -- American computer programmer and author
Wikipedia - Richard Chapman (musician) -- British guitarist, composer and author
Wikipedia - Richard Clarke (bishop) -- Irish Anglican bishop and author
Wikipedia - Richard Connaughton -- British Army officer and author
Wikipedia - Richard Conn Henry -- Professor, academic and author
Wikipedia - Richard Coxe (priest) -- English churchman and author, Archdeacon of Lindisfarne
Wikipedia - Richard David Precht -- German philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Richard Dawkins -- English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author
Wikipedia - Richard de Mille -- American author
Wikipedia - Richard D. Lewis -- British author
Wikipedia - Richard Doyle (author) -- British author of thriller novels
Wikipedia - Richard Engel -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Eric Holttum -- English botanist and author (1895-1990)
Wikipedia - Richard Ernsberger, Jr. -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Gwyn (Canadian writer) -- Canadian journalist, author, civil servant
Wikipedia - Richard Hack -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Richard Henry Dana Jr. -- American author and lawyer
Wikipedia - Richard Holbrooke -- American diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Richard Hooker (author) -- American writer and surgeon
Wikipedia - Richard Hoskins -- Author and criminologist
Wikipedia - Richard Hull (author) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Richard Karn -- American actor, author and former game show host
Wikipedia - Richard Kennedy (author)
Wikipedia - Richard LaFortune -- Two spirit activist, author, community organizer, and artist
Wikipedia - Richard L. Cox -- American author
Wikipedia - Richard Lynn -- English psychologist and author, noted for his views on the connection between race and intelligence
Wikipedia - Richard Meros -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Richard O'Kennedy -- Irish author and academic
Wikipedia - Richard Oliver Heslop -- Businessman, author, historian, lexicologist, lexicographer, songwriter, poet
Wikipedia - Richard Owain Roberts -- Welsh author (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Richard Paul Evans -- American author
Wikipedia - Richard Ponsonby-Fane -- British academic, author, specialist of Shinto, and Japanologist
Wikipedia - Richard Preston -- American writer and author
Wikipedia - Richard Price Rummonds -- American author and publisher
Wikipedia - Richard Scarry -- Author and illustrator from the United States
Wikipedia - Richard von Volkmann -- German surgeon and author (1830-1889)
Wikipedia - Richard Webster (British author)
Wikipedia - Richard Williams Morgan -- Welsh Anglican priest and author (c.1815-1889)
Wikipedia - Richard Wright (author) -- African-American writer
Wikipedia - Richie Tankersley Cusick -- American author
Wikipedia - Rick Atkinson -- American author
Wikipedia - Rick Riordan -- American author
Wikipedia - Rick Smith (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Ricky Tomlinson -- English actor, comedian, author and political activist
Wikipedia - Ridley Wills II -- American author
Wikipedia - Rifqa Bary controversy -- Sri Lankan United States Citizen author
Wikipedia - Right-wing Authoritarianism
Wikipedia - Right-wing authoritarianism -- Personality trait of submission to authority, conventionalism and hostility towards non-conformists
Wikipedia - Rindert Kromhout -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Rinker Buck -- American author
Wikipedia - Riphean Mountains -- Mountains mentioned by authors of classical antiquity
Wikipedia - Rishi Kumar Behl -- Indian scientist, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Riss (cartoonist) -- French cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Rita Avila -- Filipino actress and author
Wikipedia - Rita Dove -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Rivers Solomon -- American fiction author
Wikipedia - R. J. Palacio -- American author and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Roads and Transport Authority (Dubai) -- Roads & transportation authority in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Wikipedia - Roald Dahl bibliography -- Author bibliography
Wikipedia - Rob Bell -- American author and pastor
Wikipedia - Rob Buckman -- British doctor, comedian, author
Wikipedia - Rob Crilly -- British-Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert A. Heinlein -- American science-fiction author (1907-1988)
Wikipedia - Roberta Latow -- American art expert and erotic author
Wikipedia - Robert Anthony Welch -- Irish author, screenwriter and scholar
Wikipedia - Robert Badinter -- French lawyer, politician, and author
Wikipedia - Robert Baer -- American CIA case officer and author
Wikipedia - Robert Barron -- Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, author, scholar and Catholic evangelist
Wikipedia - Robert B. Downs -- author and librarian
Wikipedia - Robert Beatty (author) -- American author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Robert Brasillach -- French author and journalist (1909-1945)
Wikipedia - Robert Bringhurst -- Canadian poet, typographer and author
Wikipedia - Robert Brown (botanist, born 1842) -- Scottish scientist, explorer and author (1842-1895)
Wikipedia - Robert B. Spencer -- American far-right author and blogger
Wikipedia - Robert Buderi -- American journalist, author, and editor
Wikipedia - Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton -- British Viceroy of India, Ambassador to Paris, and author
Wikipedia - Robert Burton (scholar) -- English scholar and author
Wikipedia - Robert Caro -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert C. O'Brien (author)
Wikipedia - Robert Collier (author)
Wikipedia - Robert Crais -- American author of detective fiction
Wikipedia - Robert Dover (Cotswold Games) -- English attorney, author and wit
Wikipedia - Robert Dugoni -- American author
Wikipedia - Robert Edward Crozier Long -- Anglo-Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert E. Howard -- American author
Wikipedia - Robert Ellis (author) -- American writer of crime fiction
Wikipedia - Robert Fate -- American author
Wikipedia - Robert Fife -- Canadian political journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Flynn (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Robert Goffin -- Belgian author, lawyer, poet
Wikipedia - Robert Goldwyn -- American surgeon, author and activist
Wikipedia - Robert H. Boyle -- Author, envrionmentalist and conservationist
Wikipedia - Robert H. Bremner -- is the author of American Philanthropy (1960, 1988)
Wikipedia - Robert Jay Lifton -- American psychiatrist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Karolevitz -- American author and humorist
Wikipedia - Robert Kiyosaki -- American finance author and investor
Wikipedia - Robert Lee Durham -- American engineer, teacher and author
Wikipedia - Robert Lewis (journalist) -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Ludlum bibliography -- author bibliography
Wikipedia - Robert M. Edsel -- American businessman and author
Wikipedia - Robert Michael Snyder -- American chess author and criminal
Wikipedia - Robert Milne Murray -- Scottish surgeon and medical author
Wikipedia - Robert Mitchum -- American actor, director, author, poet, composer, and singer
Wikipedia - Robert Mountsier -- Author, journalist, and literary agent
Wikipedia - Robert Nares -- English clergyman, author and philologist (1753-1829)
Wikipedia - Robert Neuwirth -- American journalist, author, and investigative reporter
Wikipedia - Roberto BolaM-CM-1o -- Chilean author
Wikipedia - Robert Rankin -- British fantasy author
Wikipedia - Robert Reid (author) -- American businessperson and author
Wikipedia - Robert Sam Anson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Scott (author) -- American non-fiction (1941-2015)
Wikipedia - Robert Sedlaczek -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Robert S. Ellwood -- American academic, author and expert on world religions
Wikipedia - Robert Siegel (author)
Wikipedia - Robert Stone (trail guide writer) -- American author, photographer, and publisher
Wikipedia - Robert Tine -- American author
Wikipedia - Robert Venables -- English Civil War soldier and noted angler/author (1613-1687)
Wikipedia - Robert Whitaker (author) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Widders -- English author
Wikipedia - Robin Abrahams -- American author, journalist, and speaker
Wikipedia - Robin Alexander (journalist) -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robin Arzon -- American ultramarathon runner and author
Wikipedia - Robina Williams -- English author
Wikipedia - Robin Estridge -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robin Hanson -- American economist and author
Wikipedia - Robin Marantz Henig -- Author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rob Mundle -- Australian yachtsman, maritime commentator and author
Wikipedia - Robots and Empire -- Science fiction novel by the American author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Rob Thomas (writer) -- Young adult novel author, television program writer
Wikipedia - Robyn Bourgeois -- Canadian author and educator
Wikipedia - Robyn Sheahan-Bright -- Australian author, editor and publisher
Wikipedia - Roddy Doyle -- Irish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rodger Dean Duncan -- American author and business consultant
Wikipedia - Rodnay Zaks -- American computer programmer and author (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Rodney Rothman -- American screenwriter, director, producer, and author
Wikipedia - Rodolfo AcuM-CM-1a -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Rodolphe Topffer -- Swiss teacher, author, painter, cartoonist, and caricature artist
Wikipedia - Rodric Braithwaite -- British diplomat and author
Wikipedia - Roger A. Caras -- US photographer, motion-picture executive, broadcaster and author (1928-2001)
Wikipedia - Roger Boyes -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Roger Caillois -- French author and philosopher (1913-1978)
Wikipedia - Roger Crowley -- British historian and author
Wikipedia - Roger Ebert -- American film critic, author, journalist, and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Roger Green (author) -- English-born Australian author
Wikipedia - Roger Hargreaves -- British author
Wikipedia - Roger L'Estrange -- English pamphleteer and author, and staunch defender of royalist claims (1616-1704)
Wikipedia - Roger Pilkington (writer) -- UK biologist and author
Wikipedia - Rogi Wieg -- Dutch author, poet, visual artist and musician
Wikipedia - Rokhl Auerbakh -- Yiddish and Polish author
Wikipedia - Roland Bartetzko -- German soldier, author and convicted murderer
Wikipedia - Roland BrM-CM-)vannes -- French author and editor of historical novels
Wikipedia - Roland Griffiths-Marsh -- Australian soldier and author
Wikipedia - Roland Paulsen -- Swedish sociologist and author (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Role-based access control -- Approach to restricting system access to authorized users
Wikipedia - Rolf Dobelli -- Swiss author and businessman
Wikipedia - Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority -- Romanian governmental agency
Wikipedia - Romeo Antonio -- American filmmaker, musician, and author
Wikipedia - Ronald Coase -- British economist and author (1910-2013)
Wikipedia - Ronald Hugh Morrieson -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Ronald Knox -- English priest, theologian and author
Wikipedia - Ronald L. Smith -- American author
Wikipedia - Ronan Farrow -- American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ronan Moore -- Irish politician, author and school teacher
Wikipedia - Ron Eglash -- American professor and author
Wikipedia - Ron Fortier -- American author
Wikipedia - Ron Walters -- author and scholar
Wikipedia - Rooney Prize for Irish Literature -- Irish literary award for Irish authors of under 40 years
Wikipedia - Rosalie Bertell -- U.S./Canadian nun, physician, author, researcher and epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Rosalyn Deutsche -- American art historian, author, and art critic
Wikipedia - Rosanne Cash -- American singer-songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Rose Lindsay -- Australian author, artist and artist's model (1885-1978)
Wikipedia - Rosemary Bailey (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Rosemary Harris (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Rosemary Sutcliff -- English author
Wikipedia - Rosemary Wighton -- Australian author, editor and adviser on women's affairs
Wikipedia - Rose Moutray Read -- British author and horticulturist
Wikipedia - Rose Namayanja -- Ugandan lawyer, politician and author
Wikipedia - Rosina Zornlin -- British author
Wikipedia - Ross Barkan -- American journalist, author, and politician
Wikipedia - Ross Clark (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ross Douthat -- American author and columnist (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Ross Kemp -- English actor, author, presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Rowland Croucher -- Australian pastor, counsellor and author
Wikipedia - Roya Hakakian -- Iranian American author
Wikipedia - Roy C. Booth -- American author
Wikipedia - Roy Hattersley -- British Labour Party politician, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Roy Hudd -- English comedian, actor, presenter, radio host and author
Wikipedia - Ruairidh MacIlleathain -- Scottish Gaelic broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority -- Malaysian federal government agency
Wikipedia - Rudolf Erich Raspe -- German author and scientist
Wikipedia - Rudolfo Anaya -- American author
Wikipedia - Rudolph Delson -- American author
Wikipedia - Rudolph Edgar Block -- Jewish American journalist, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Rudyard Kipling bibliography -- Author bibliography
Wikipedia - Rule of Faith -- Ultimate authority or standard in Christian belief
Wikipedia - Runway incursion -- Aviation incident in which an unauthorized aircraft enters an active runway
Wikipedia - Rupert Sheldrake -- English author and parapsychological researcher
Wikipedia - Rush Limbaugh -- American radio talk show host, commentator, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Rusmir Mahmutcehajic -- Bosnian academic, author, and former politician
Wikipedia - Russell Barkley -- American psychologist and author (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Russell Davis (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Russell Ginns -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Russell Targ -- American physicist, parapsychologist, and author
Wikipedia - Ruth Brandon -- British journalist, historian and author
Wikipedia - Ruth Cardello -- American author of contemporary romance
Wikipedia - Ruth Chew -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Ruth Downie -- British author
Wikipedia - Ruth Dudley Edwards -- Irish historian, biographer and crime fiction author
Wikipedia - Ruth Duskin Feldman -- American author and Quiz Kid
Wikipedia - Ruth Manning-Sanders -- British poet and author
Wikipedia - Ruth Nanda Anshen -- American philosopher, author and editor
Wikipedia - Ruth Shapiro -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Ruth Weiss (writer) -- English and German author and anti-racism champion
Wikipedia - R. v. North and East Devon Health Authority, ex parte Coughlan -- Case of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales
Wikipedia - Ryad Assani-Razaki -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Ryan Blair -- American entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Ryan Grim -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ryan T. Anderson -- American social conservative political philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Ryka Aoki -- Japanese American author
Wikipedia - Rylend Grant -- American screenwriter, author, and comic book creator
Wikipedia - S2AuthorId (identifier)
Wikipedia - Saadia Faruqi -- American author
Wikipedia - Sab Kichu Bhene Pare -- 1995 Bengali novel by Bangladeshi author Humayun Azad
Wikipedia - Sabrina Calvo -- French author, illustrator and games writer
Wikipedia - Sabrina Chap -- American songwriter, cabaret performer, and author.
Wikipedia - Sabrina Sidney -- British foundling girl taken in when she was 12 by author Thomas Day
Wikipedia - Sacred tradition -- The foundation of the doctrinal and spiritual authority of the Christian Church and of the Bible in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian, and Anglican traditions
Wikipedia - Safia Minney -- English businesswoman, author
Wikipedia - Sahar Delijani -- Iranian author
Wikipedia - Sajil Sreedhar -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Salima Salih -- Iraqi author, translator, artist (born 1942)
Wikipedia - Salim Neisari -- an Iranian linguist, author and researcher
Wikipedia - Sallie Ann Robinson -- American author, chef, historian
Wikipedia - Sally-Ann Murray -- South African Author
Wikipedia - Sally Rooney -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Salma Samar Damluji -- Iraqi British architect, professor and author (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Salwa Bakr -- Egyptian critic, novelist and author
Wikipedia - Sam Aleckson -- African-American slave and author
Wikipedia - Sam Anderson (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Samantha Bee -- Canadian-American comedic actress and author
Wikipedia - Samantha Daniels -- American matchmaker, television producer, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Samantha Harvey (author) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Samantha Power -- Irish-American academic, author and diplomat
Wikipedia - Sam Bozzo -- American film director and author
Wikipedia - Sam Harris (author)
Wikipedia - Sam Heughan -- ScottishM-BM- actor, producer, and author
Wikipedia - Sami Michael -- Author, novelist, the President of ACRI - The Association for Civil Rights in Israel
Wikipedia - Samira Ahmed (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Samira Fazal -- Pakistani author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SAML 2.0 -- XML-based protocol for exchanging authentication and authorization identities between security domains
Wikipedia - Sam Llewellyn -- British author
Wikipedia - Sam McBratney -- Irish childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys author
Wikipedia - Sampson Collins -- English journalist, author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sam Summerlin -- American journalist, author and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Samuel Abt -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Samuel Baldwin Ward -- Surgeon (NYC, Albany) & author
Wikipedia - Samuel Brandon (author) -- 16th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - Samuel Brittan -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Samuel Burdy -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Samuel D. Pryce -- American businessman, author, and soldier (b. 1841, d. 1923)
Wikipedia - Samuel Griswold Goodrich -- American author
Wikipedia - Samuel Ireland -- 18th-century English author and engraver
Wikipedia - Samuel Kettell -- American author
Wikipedia - Samuel Laman Blanchard -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel L. Bensusan -- English born author, playwright and expert on country matters
Wikipedia - Samuel Lorenzo Knapp -- American author, lawyer (1783-1838)
Wikipedia - Samuel R. Delany -- American author and literary critic
Wikipedia - Samuel Smiles -- Scottish author, 1812-1904
Wikipedia - Samvel Karapetyan (author) -- Armenian historian
Wikipedia - Sam Wang (neuroscientist) -- American professor, neuroscientist, psephologist and author
Wikipedia - Sandokan -- Fictional 19th century pirate created by Italian author Emilio Salgari
Wikipedia - Sandor Weores -- Hungarian poet and author
Wikipedia - Sandra Lynn Barnes -- American educator, author, ordained Baptist minister, and documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sandra Maischberger -- German journalist, talk show host, and author
Wikipedia - Sandra Scofield -- American author
Wikipedia - Sandra Steingraber -- American biologist and author
Wikipedia - Sand theft -- Unauthorized and/or illegal mining of sand
Wikipedia - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority light rail -- Light rail system in San Jose, California
Wikipedia - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority -- Public transportation and congestion management agency for Santa Clara County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Santanu Das -- Indian academic and author
Wikipedia - Santiago Dabove -- Argentine author
Wikipedia - Sara Banerji -- British author, artist and sculptor
Wikipedia - Sara Bareilles -- American singer-songwriter, actress, author, and producer
Wikipedia - Sara Beirao -- Portuguese feminist author
Wikipedia - Sara Benincasa -- American comedian and author
Wikipedia - Sara Dowse -- American-born Australian feminist, author, critic, social commentator, visual artist
Wikipedia - Sarah Andrews (author) -- American geologist and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Bakewell -- British author and professor
Wikipedia - Sarah Bavly -- Dutch-Israel nutritionist, educator, researcher and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Brown (cook) -- pioneer Vegetarian cook, broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Caudwell -- English barrister and detective fiction author
Wikipedia - Sarah Cooper -- Jamaican-American comedian and author (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Sarah Dunn (author) -- American author and television writer
Wikipedia - Sarah E. Igo -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Featon -- New Zealand botanical artist and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Gailey -- American author
Wikipedia - Sarah Gerard -- American author and novelist
Wikipedia - Sarah Herbert -- author, publisher and educator
Wikipedia - Sarah Laing -- New Zealand author and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Sarah Lean -- English author
Wikipedia - Sarah Pinsker -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Sarah Poyntz -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Quigley -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Sarah T. Roberts -- Professor of Library & Information Science, author, and scholar
Wikipedia - Sarah Tuke Grubb -- English Quaker minister and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Weinman -- American journalist and crime fiction author
Wikipedia - Sarah Wu -- American blogger and author
Wikipedia - Sarai Gonzalez -- American Latina child actress and author.
Wikipedia - Sara Johnsen -- Norwegian film director and author
Wikipedia - Sara Paretsky -- American author of detective fiction
Wikipedia - Sara Shepard -- American author
Wikipedia - Sara Ware Bassett -- American author
Wikipedia - Sarban (author)
Wikipedia - Saskia Noort -- Dutch author and journalist
Wikipedia - Saskia Vester -- German actress and author
Wikipedia - Satella Waterstone -- American author, composer and teacher
Wikipedia - Satire VI -- Satire against women by Roman author Juvenal.
Wikipedia - Satoru Akahori -- Japanese scriptwriter, novelist and manga author
Wikipedia - Saudi Broadcasting Authority -- The government broadcasting network of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Saul Berman -- American rabbi, Jewish Studies professor, author
Wikipedia - Sawsan Abd-Elrahman Hakim -- Scientist, researcher and author
Wikipedia - Sceptre -- Staff held by a ruler to symbolize authority
Wikipedia - Schild's Ladder -- 2002 science fiction novel by Australian author Greg Egan
Wikipedia - Scholarly peer review -- Process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, or research to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field
Wikipedia - Scholia -- Type of comment in the manuscript of an ancient author
Wikipedia - Science fiction author
Wikipedia - Scott Adams -- American cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Scott Ambler -- Canadian software engineer/consultant/author
Wikipedia - Scott Beatty -- American author
Wikipedia - Scott Berkun -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Scott Brown (writer) -- American author, screenwriter, critic and composer
Wikipedia - Scott Campbell (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Scott Hartley -- American venture capitalist and author
Wikipedia - Scott Ian -- American musician, author, and spoken word storyteller
Wikipedia - Scott Innes -- American voice actor, author, songwriter and radio personality
Wikipedia - Scottish Qualifications Authority
Wikipedia - Scott James (writer) -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Scott L. Smith, Jr. -- Catholic American author
Wikipedia - Scott Shaw -- American author
Wikipedia - Scott Smith (author)
Wikipedia - Scotty Bowers -- American author
Wikipedia - Scribonius Largus -- 1st century AD Roman physician to the Roman emperor Claudius and author
Wikipedia - Sea Fish Industry Authority -- Public body in the UK sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Wikipedia - Sean Delonas -- American political cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Sean Hepburn Ferrer -- American film producer and author
Wikipedia - Sean Russell (author) -- Canadian author of fantasy and historical novels
Wikipedia - Sean Sherman -- Oglala Lakota Sioux chef and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Sean Taylor (author) -- British author
Wikipedia - Seat of government -- Place from which a government exercises its authority
Wikipedia - Sebastian Junger -- American author, journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sebastian Sim -- Singaporean author
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Public Education (Mexico) -- Mexican federal government authority with Cabinet representation; responsibility for overseeing development and implementation of national educational policy and school standards
Wikipedia - Secrets in the Dark -- An anthology of sermons and lectures authored by Frederick Buechner
Wikipedia - Secret witness -- Witness who is granted anonymity by the juridical authority
Wikipedia - Security alarm -- A system that detects unauthorised entry
Wikipedia - Security Assertion Markup Language -- XML-based format and protocol for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties
Wikipedia - Security switch -- Hardware device to protect computers, laptops, smartphones and similar devices from unauthorized access or operation
Wikipedia - Sefis Anastasakos -- Greek politician, author, lawyer, and activist
Wikipedia - Self-publishing -- Publication of a book or other publications by the author or authors
Wikipedia - Selina Chonz -- Swiss children's author.
Wikipedia - Semir Osmanagic -- Bosnian author
Wikipedia - Seon Manley -- editor and author
Wikipedia - SEPTA -- Regional public transportation authority
Wikipedia - Serena Nanda -- American author and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Serge Brussolo -- French fiction author
Wikipedia - Sergio Canavero -- Italian neurosurgeon and author who claimed to perform head transplantations (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Sergio Cragnotti -- Italian entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Seth Abramson -- American professor, attorney, author, and political columnist
Wikipedia - Seva (short story) -- Short story written by Puerto Rican author Luis Lopez Nieves
Wikipedia - Severin Cecile Abega -- Cameroonian author and anthropologist (1955-2008)
Wikipedia - SF author
Wikipedia - Shafiqul Islam (academic) -- Bangladeshi American researcher, academic and author
Wikipedia - Shah Alam City Council -- Local authority for Shah Alam City, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Shakespeare attribution studies -- scholarly discipline that attempts to determine the authorial boundaries of the William Shakespeare canon
Wikipedia - Shakespeare authorship question -- Fringe theory that Shakespeare's works were written by someone else
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Fellowship -- special-interest organisation dedicated to the Oxfordian theory of Shakespearean Authorship
Wikipedia - Shalom Hammer -- American orthodox rabbi, author, writer, lecturer
Wikipedia - Shane Dix -- Australian science fiction author
Wikipedia - Shani Boianjiu -- Israeli author
Wikipedia - Shannon Messenger -- Author
Wikipedia - Shanta Das Manandhar -- Nepali author
Wikipedia - Sharad P. Paul -- New Zealand skin cancer specialist and author
Wikipedia - Sharaf al-Zaman al-Marwazi -- Physician and author of the "Nature of Animals"
Wikipedia - Shared historical authority
Wikipedia - Sharif al Mujahid -- Pakistani journalist, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Sharmin Ali -- Indian actress, author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Sharna Jackson -- British author
Wikipedia - Sharon Bolton -- British author
Wikipedia - Sharon Dolin -- Author, entrepreneur, and community activist
Wikipedia - Sharon Sullivan -- Archaeologist and author
Wikipedia - Shashi Tharoor -- Indian politician, diplomat, author
Wikipedia - Shauntay Grant -- Canadian poet and author
Wikipedia - Shawkiy Abu Khalil -- Palestinian author and researcher
Wikipedia - Shawn Achor -- American author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Shawn Levy (writer) -- American film critic and author
Wikipedia - Shay Mitchell -- Canadian actress, model, entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Shea Serrano -- American author
Wikipedia - Sheena Knowles -- Australian children's book author
Wikipedia - Sheffield City Region Combined Authority -- Local government body for South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Shehu Sani -- Nigerian politician, author and human right activist
Wikipedia - Sheila Kay Adams -- American storyteller, author, musician
Wikipedia - Sheree Fitch -- Canadian author and literacy advocate
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography
Wikipedia - Sheryl James -- Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author
Wikipedia - Sheryl Sandberg -- American social media executive, activist, and author
Wikipedia - Shetland Islands Council -- Local authority for Shetland, Scotland
Wikipedia - Shimon Adaf -- Israeli poet and author born in Sderot
Wikipedia - Shimon bar Yochai -- Jewish Rabbi, author of the Zohar
Wikipedia - Shimun Vrochek -- Russian sci-fi author
Wikipedia - Shini Somara -- British author, producer and media broadcaster
Wikipedia - Shinoe ShM-EM-^Mda -- Japanese poet and author
Wikipedia - Shintaro Ishihara -- Japanese politician and author, Governor of Tokyo
Wikipedia - Shireen Mitchell -- American entrepreneur, author, technology analyst
Wikipedia - Shirley Brown (Australian author) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Shirley MacLaine -- American actress, singer, dancer, activist, and author
Wikipedia - Shiv Aroor -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Shiv Khera -- Indian author, activist, and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Shiv Kunal Verma -- Indian author/ film maker/ military historian
Wikipedia - Sholem Aleichem -- Russian Jewish author and playwright
Wikipedia - Shoma Chatterji -- Indian film scholar, author and freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Shonda Rhimes -- American television producer, television and film writer, and author
Wikipedia - Shringara-Prakasha -- A book on Sanskrit poetry authored by Raja Bhoja
Wikipedia - Shweta Bachchan Nanda -- Indian author, journalist, host and model
Wikipedia - Sian Eirian Rees Davies -- Welsh author
Wikipedia - Sibylle Berg -- Swiss author and playwright
Wikipedia - Sibyl Wilbur -- American journalist and feminist author
Wikipedia - Siddhartha Deb -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Sidney Lens -- American labor leader and author
Wikipedia - Sidney Low -- British journalist, author and historian
Wikipedia - Sidney Poitier -- American-born Bahamian actor, film director, author, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Siegfried Obermeier -- German author of historical novels and popular history books (1936-2011)
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Holmebakk -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Signal passed at danger -- Train passing stop signal without authority
Wikipedia - Sikivu Hutchinson -- African-American feminist, author, and atheist activist
Wikipedia - Silas L. Warner -- American psychiatrist and author
Wikipedia - Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority -- Development authority in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Silvia Bovenschen -- German feminist literary critic, author and essayist
Wikipedia - Silvia Colloca -- Singer, actress, author and TV cooking personality
Wikipedia - Silvia Olmedo -- TV psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Simchah ben Abraham Calimani -- Venetian rabbi and author
Wikipedia - Simon Acland -- British venture capitalist and author
Wikipedia - Simon Baron-Cohen -- British psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Simon Beckett -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Simon Beecroft -- British author
Wikipedia - Simon Brown (author) -- Australian Science Fiction writer
Wikipedia - Simon Chapman (author) -- British children's writer
Wikipedia - Simone Browne -- Canadian author and educator
Wikipedia - Simone Elkeles -- American author
Wikipedia - Simone Rethel -- German actress and author
Wikipedia - Simon Hammelburg -- Dutch journalist, composer and author
Wikipedia - Simon Mayo -- English radio presenter and author
Wikipedia - Simon Mitchell -- New Zealand physician and author on diving medicine
Wikipedia - Simon Pasternak -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Simon R. Green -- British science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Simon Singh -- British physicist and popular science author (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Simon T. Bailey -- American speaker, author, life coach[, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Simon Vestdijk -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Singapore Land Authority -- Statutory board in Singapore
Wikipedia - Sirio Maccioni -- Italian restaurateur and author
Wikipedia - Sister Souljah -- American hip hop-generation author, activist, musician, and film producer
Wikipedia - Six Characters in Search of an Author
Wikipedia - SkM-CM-+nder Zogu -- Albanian author
Wikipedia - S. L. Huang -- Science fiction author and the first woman to be a professional armorer
Wikipedia - S Line (Utah Transit Authority) -- Streetcar line in Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Smaranjit Chakraborty -- Bengali author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)verine Autesserre -- French-American author and researcher (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Smrita Jain -- Indian artist, author and design educator
Wikipedia - Soazig Aaron -- French author (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Society of Authors -- United Kingdom trade union
Wikipedia - Sofie Aubert LindbM-CM-&k -- Norwegian author, teacher, and film critic
Wikipedia - Sofija Efimovna JakimoviM-DM-^M -- Kindin Sami poet and author
Wikipedia - Sohn Won-pyung -- South Korean author and film director
Wikipedia - Soji Cole -- Nigerian academic, playwright and author
Wikipedia - Sokari Ekine -- Nigerian activist, blogger and author
Wikipedia - Solayman HaM-CM-/m -- Iranian lexicographer, translator, and author
Wikipedia - Solomon B Taiwo (actor) -- English actor and author
Wikipedia - Soman Chainani -- American author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sona Charaipotra -- An American author and journalist.
Wikipedia - Sonal Ambani -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Sonia Nimr -- Palestinian author and storyteller, writing for children and youth both in Arabic and English
Wikipedia - Sonja Morawetz Sinclair -- Czecheslovakian-Canadian journalist, author, and cryptographer
Wikipedia - Sonya Sones -- American poet and author
Wikipedia - Sophie Coe -- American anthropologist, food historian and author
Wikipedia - Sophie Dahl -- English author
Wikipedia - Sophie Gonzales (writer) -- Australian YA author.
Wikipedia - Sophie Marceau -- French actress, director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Sophie Raffalovich -- Odessa-born Irish author and nationalist
Wikipedia - Soren Kierkegaard -- Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, and religious author
Wikipedia - Sosen Mishima -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Soumya Bhattacharya -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Source criticism (biblical studies) -- Attempt to establish the sources used by the authors and redactors of a biblical text
Wikipedia - South African National Congress of Traditional Authorities -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - South African Qualifications Authority -- Statutory body to oversee the national qualifications framework
Wikipedia - Spencer Abraham -- American attorney, author and politician
Wikipedia - Sphragis (literary device) -- Explicit authorial statement in which an author identifies himself or herself
Wikipedia - Spider Robinson -- American-born Canadian science fiction author
Wikipedia - Spin (novel) -- 2005 science fiction novel by author Robert Charles Wilson
Wikipedia - Sports Authority of India -- National sports body of India
Wikipedia - Sports Authority -- American sporting goods retailer
Wikipedia - Spring Cooper -- American academic and author
Wikipedia - Srijan Pal Singh -- Indian author, speaker, entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Stacey Abrams -- American politician, lawyer, voting rights activist, and author
Wikipedia - Stacy Lyn Harris -- Author, blogger, and TV co-host
Wikipedia - Stan Freberg -- American author, actor, comedian
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Czerniecki -- Author of the first printed Polish-language cookbook
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Lem -- Polish science fiction author, futurologist 1921-2006)
Wikipedia - Stanley Diamond -- American anthropologist, author, poet, and professor
Wikipedia - Stanley Hilton -- American author
Wikipedia - Stanwood Cobb -- American educator, author and prominent BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Starhawk -- American author, activist and Neopagan
Wikipedia - State Government Insurance Office (Queensland) -- Statutory authority in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - State Protection Authority -- Secret police of Communist Hungary 1945-1956
Wikipedia - State Transit Authority
Wikipedia - Steamship Authority -- Regulatory body for ferry operations in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Stefan Fatsis -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Stefan GroM-CM-^_mann -- Austrian journalist, author and theater critic
Wikipedia - Stefan Napierski -- Polish author and translator
Wikipedia - Stefano Pesce -- Italian actor and author
Wikipedia - Stella Immanuel -- Cameroonian-American physician, author, and pastor
Wikipedia - Stephanie Arnold (author) -- American producer and author
Wikipedia - Stephanie Bond (author) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Stephanie Johnson (author) -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Stephanie Kuehn -- American author of young adult fiction
Wikipedia - Stephanie Saulter -- Jamaican author, in the UK from 2003
Wikipedia - Stephanie Tyler -- British ornithologist, zoologist, naturalist, conservationist, and author
Wikipedia - Stephanie Y. Evans -- Author and professor of Black Women's Studies
Wikipedia - Stephen Amidon -- American author and critic
Wikipedia - Stephen Batchelor (author) -- Scottish Buddhist author and teacher
Wikipedia - Stephen Baxter (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Stephen Benatar -- English author
Wikipedia - Stephen Borgatti -- American business professor and author
Wikipedia - Stephen Clarke (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Stephen Cosgrove (writer) -- American author and toy designer
Wikipedia - Stephen Covey -- American educator, author, businessman and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Stephen Cullen Carpenter -- Irish-born author, reporter, editor and journal founder
Wikipedia - Stephen Davies (writer) -- British children's author
Wikipedia - Stephen Dixon (author) -- American author (1936-2019)
Wikipedia - Stephen Gately -- Irish singer, songwriter, actor, dancer, musician, and author
Wikipedia - Stephen Graham Jones -- Native American fiction author
Wikipedia - Stephen Hawking -- English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author
Wikipedia - Stephenie Meyer -- American author
Wikipedia - Stephen King -- American author
Wikipedia - Stephen Levine (author)
Wikipedia - Stephen Matthews (writer) -- Australian author and publisher (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Stephen Orgel -- American academic, author, and scholar
Wikipedia - Stephen Skinner (author)
Wikipedia - Stephen White (author) -- American writer (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Stephen Yafa -- American screenwriter, author
Wikipedia - Steve Abbott (comedian) -- Australian comedian and author
Wikipedia - Steve Alten -- American science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Steve Blay -- American author, inventor, and poker executive
Wikipedia - Steve Brown (author) -- American Christian author, radio broadcaster, and a seminary professor
Wikipedia - Steve Cohen (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Steve Fiffer -- American author
Wikipedia - Steve Guttenberg -- American actor, author, businessman, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Steve Inskeep -- American gournalist, author, radiio host (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Steve Lewis (diver) -- Technical scuba diver and author
Wikipedia - Steve Martin -- American actor, comedian, and author
Wikipedia - Steve McIntosh -- American author and businessman
Wikipedia - Steve Munro -- Canadian author and transit advocate
Wikipedia - Steven Forrest (astrologer) -- American astrologer, author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Steven Frankos -- American fantasy author
Wikipedia - Steven Johnson (author) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steven K. Vogel -- American journalist, author, and political scientist
Wikipedia - Steven Moore (author) -- American author and literary critic
Wikipedia - Steven Moss (American author) -- American non-fiction writer and educator from Texas
Wikipedia - Steven Otfinoski -- Author and playwright from Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Steven Pinker -- Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, linguist, and popular science author
Wikipedia - Steve Perry (author) -- American television writer and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Steve Rasnic Tem -- American author
Wikipedia - Steve White (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Steve Yarbrough (writer) -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Stewart Binns -- British author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Stewart Reuben -- British chess player, organiser, arbiter, and author
Wikipedia - Stian Hole -- Norwegian graphic designer, illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Stig Severinsen -- Danish freediver, record holder and author
Wikipedia - St. Imier Congress -- 1872 meeting of international anti-authoritarians
Wikipedia - Sting (wrestler) -- American professional wrestler, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Strongman (politics) -- Authoritarian political leader
Wikipedia - Stuart Archer Cohen -- American author and businessman
Wikipedia - Stuart Clark (author)
Wikipedia - Stuart Fischer -- American medical doctor and author
Wikipedia - Stuart J. Russell -- Computer scientist and author
Wikipedia - Stuart Kelly (literary critic) -- Scottish critic and author
Wikipedia - Stuart Simmonds -- English cricketer and author
Wikipedia - Stuart Turton -- English author
Wikipedia - Suad Amiry -- Palestinian author and architect
Wikipedia - Subhash Awchat -- Indian artist and author based in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Subject-matter expert -- An authority in a particular area or topic
Wikipedia - Subramani -- Fijian author, essayist, and literary critic
Wikipedia - Subsidiary communications authority -- Subcarrier on an FM radio station
Wikipedia - Sudden -- Fictional character created by English author Oliver Strange
Wikipedia - Sudha Murty -- Indian writer, philanthropist, author
Wikipedia - Sue Cook -- British presenter and author
Wikipedia - Sue Hines -- Australian author, radio personality, and artist
Wikipedia - Sue Orr (writer) -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Sue Reidy -- New Zealand author and designer
Wikipedia - Sukanya Datta -- Indian zoologist and author (1961- ) of both popular science books and sf short stories
Wikipedia - Suleyman Sani Akhundov -- Azerbaijani playwright, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Summa potestas -- Latin phrase meaning "highest authority"
Wikipedia - Summer Rayne Oakes -- American model, environmental activist, author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Sunni Brown -- American author in Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia -- Highest judicial authority in Colombia
Wikipedia - Surjit Bhalla -- Indian economist, author and columnist
Wikipedia - Survey of Bangladesh -- National mapping authority of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Susan Benjamin -- Candy historian and author
Wikipedia - Susan Brownmiller -- American feminist and author
Wikipedia - Susan Clymer -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Susan Dennard -- American YA fantasy author
Wikipedia - Susan Elderkin -- English author
Wikipedia - Susan Fowler -- Ameican software engineer and author
Wikipedia - Susan Hill -- English author (b. 1942)
Wikipedia - Susan J. Crockford -- Canadian zoologist, author, and blogger
Wikipedia - Susan J. Ellis -- Author and consultant (b. 1948, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Susan Keefe -- American anthropologist and author
Wikipedia - Susan Louise Marsh -- American activist, author, children's advocate
Wikipedia - Susan Lowndes Marques -- British author and journalist living in Portugal
Wikipedia - Susan Mesinai -- American poet, author and researcher
Wikipedia - Susan Mitchell (Australian author) -- Australian author and oral historian
Wikipedia - Susanna Clarke -- British author
Wikipedia - Susannah Constantine -- English fashion journalist, television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Susannah Corbett -- English actress and author
Wikipedia - Susannah Sheffer -- Author, editor, and activist
Wikipedia - Susann Cokal -- American author and academic
Wikipedia - Susan Patron -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Susan Stryker -- LGBT professor, historian, author, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Susan Subak -- Environmental scientist and author
Wikipedia - Susie Boniface -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Susie Coelho -- Actress, author, and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Sutapa Basu -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Suzanna Dilber -- Swedish actress and author
Wikipedia - Suzanne Chazin -- American author
Wikipedia - Suzanne Collins -- American television writer and author
Wikipedia - Suzanne Crowley -- American children's book author
Wikipedia - Suzy Lee -- Korean American illustrator and author (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Sven Authorsen -- German former competitive ice dancer
Wikipedia - Sven Sixten -- Swedish priest, author, and poet
Wikipedia - Svetlana Broz -- Bosnian author and physician
Wikipedia - Swagger stick -- Short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority
Wikipedia - Swedish Radiation Safety Authority -- Nuclear safety regulatory body in Sweden
Wikipedia - Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate -- Nuclear safety authority in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Swissmedic -- Medicine licensing and inspection authority in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Syair Siti Zubaidah Perang Cina -- 19th-century poem by an unknown author
Wikipedia - Syd Hoff -- American cartoonist and children's author
Wikipedia - Sydney James Bounds -- British author
Wikipedia - Sydney Mary Thompson -- Irish geologist, scientific illustrator, photographer and author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Barack Fishman -- American feminist sociologist and author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Brownrigg -- American author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Fein -- American surrealist painter and author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Lawson -- Australian journalist, academic, film critic and author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Molloy (writer) -- Argentine professor, author, editor and essayist
Wikipedia - Tabitha Gilman Tenney -- American author
Wikipedia - Tabitha King -- American author
Wikipedia - Tablo -- Korean-Canadian rapper, record producer, and author
Wikipedia - TACAMO -- US strategic communications system linking US National Command Authority with nuclear delivery systems
Wikipedia - Tadeusz DolM-DM-^Yga-Mostowicz -- Polish writer and journalist, author of over a dozen popular novels
Wikipedia - Tahereh Mafi -- Iranian-American author
Wikipedia - Tais Teng -- Dutch fiction author (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Takayama ChogyM-EM-+ -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kitano -- Japanese film director, comedian, singer, actor, film editor, presenter, screenwriter, author, poet, painter and video game designer
Wikipedia - Talbot Baines Reed -- English author
Wikipedia - Talitha Espiritu -- Filipino Author
Wikipedia - Tamara Winfrey Harris -- American author
Wikipedia - Tamera Alexander -- American author of Christian fiction
Wikipedia - Tami Oldham Ashcraft -- American sailor and author
Wikipedia - Tamper-evident technology -- A device or process that makes unauthorized access to the protected object easily detected
Wikipedia - Tamperproofing -- Any technique used to hinder, deter or detect unauthorised access to a device or circumvention of a security system
Wikipedia - Tamsin Omond -- British author, environmental activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Tananarive Due -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Tang Na -- Chinese author
Wikipedia - Tanja Stupar-Trifunovic -- Author from Bosnia and Herzegovina (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Tanya Biank -- American journalist, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Tanya Blount -- American actress, author and musician
Wikipedia - Tanya Huff -- Canadian fantasy author
Wikipedia - Tapani Bagge -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Tara Brach -- American psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Tara Fickle -- American author
Wikipedia - Tarek Fatah -- Pakistani-Canadian journalist and author (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Tarella Quin -- Australian children's author and novelist
Wikipedia - Tarun Kanti Mishra -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Tasha Alexander -- American author
Wikipedia - Tatiana Bezjak -- Croatian sculptor and author
Wikipedia - Tatiana FabergM-CM-) -- Swiss author
Wikipedia - Tatiana Mamonova -- Women's rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Tavis Smiley -- Talk show host and author
Wikipedia - Taylor Force Act -- Proposed legislation to stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until the PA stops paying individuals who commit acts of terrorism
Wikipedia - Taylor Stoehr -- American professor and author
Wikipedia - Teckal exemption -- An exemption to open procurement for public authorities in the European Union
Wikipedia - Ted Kautzky -- Theodore Kautzky (1896-1953) was a Budapest-born architect, painter. teacher, and author of books on painting techniques.
Wikipedia - Ted Poston -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ted White (author)
Wikipedia - Ted Williams (voice-over artist) -- American voice actor, media personality, philanthropist and author
Wikipedia - Ted W. Lawson -- American soldier, author and Purple Heart recipient
Wikipedia - Teesville -- Part of the unitary authority of Redcar and Cleveland, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Tempany Deckert -- Australian actress and author
Wikipedia - Template talk:Authority control files
Wikipedia - Template talk:Shakespeare authorship question
Wikipedia - Temple Grandin -- American doctor of veterinary science, author, and autism activist
Wikipedia - Tenant Services Authority -- British regulatory body
Wikipedia - Tendai Huchu -- Zimbabwean author
Wikipedia - Tennessee Valley Authority -- American utility company
Wikipedia - Terence Faherty -- American author of mystery novels
Wikipedia - Terence MacSwiney -- Irish playwright, author and nationalist politician (1879-1920)
Wikipedia - Teresa Bejan -- American political theorist and author
Wikipedia - Teresa Carpenter -- American author
Wikipedia - Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli -- Author
Wikipedia - Teresa Edgerton -- Author
Wikipedia - Teresa Oyibo Ameh -- Nigerian author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Terje Dragseth -- Norwegian poet, author and film director
Wikipedia - Terminologia Anatomica -- The written work that is the authoritative definition of the 1998 edition of the international standard on human anatomic terminology.
Wikipedia - Terran Trade Authority -- Fictional trade organization in a series of sci-fi books
Wikipedia - Terry Brighton -- British military historian and author
Wikipedia - Terry Denton -- Australian illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Terry Gould -- Canadian author and investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Terry Irving (producer) -- American producer, consultant, and author
Wikipedia - Terry McMillan -- American author
Wikipedia - Terry Moore (broadcaster) -- Canadian broadcaster, actor, opera singer, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Terry Pratchett -- English fantasy author
Wikipedia - Tesfaye Sahlu -- Ethiopian author and comedian
Wikipedia - Tetsuji Takechi -- Japanese theatrical and film director, critic and author
Wikipedia - Thalassa Cruso -- Presenter and author
Wikipedia - Thalia Field -- American author
Wikipedia - Thandeka (minister) -- American Unitarian Universalist minister and author
Wikipedia - The 39 Clues -- Novel series by various authors
Wikipedia - Thea Beckman -- Dutch author of children's books, best known for her novel ''Crusade in Jeans''
Wikipedia - Thea Leitner -- Austrian author and journalist
Wikipedia - The Anthropocene Reviewed -- Podcast hosted by author John Green
Wikipedia - The Art of Asking -- 2014 memoir by American songwriter, musician, author, and performance artist Amanda Palmer
Wikipedia - The Authoritarian Personality
Wikipedia - The Authority (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Author's Farce -- 1730 play by Henry Fielding
Wikipedia - The Authors of Pain -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The City and the Mountains -- novel by the Portuguese author JosM-CM-) Maria de Eca de Queiros in which he satirises Paris
Wikipedia - The Colour Out of Space -- Short story written by American horror author H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Dead Authors Podcast -- Comedy podcast
Wikipedia - The Death of the Author -- 1967 essay by Roland Barthes
Wikipedia - The Descent of Woman -- Book about human evolution by Welsh author Elaine Morgan
Wikipedia - The Establishment -- Visible dominant group that holds power or authority in a nation or organization
Wikipedia - The Garden of the Gods -- Autobiographical book by naturalist and author, Gerald Durrell
Wikipedia - The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Local Authority Enforcement Powers and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 -- United Kingdom emergency legislation
Wikipedia - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared -- 2009 comic novel by the Swedish author Jonas Jonasson
Wikipedia - The Lady Chablis -- American actress, author, and transgender club performer
Wikipedia - The Last Ringbearer -- 1999 fantasy book by Russian author Kirill Eskov
Wikipedia - The Library of Babel -- Short story by author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges
Wikipedia - Thelma Adams -- American author and film critic
Wikipedia - The Mehlis Report (book) -- 2005 book by Lebanese author Rabee Jaber
Wikipedia - Theodora Agnes Peck -- Female American author and poet from Vermont
Wikipedia - Theodor Bergmann (agronomist) -- German author
Wikipedia - Theodore Bayard Fletcher Copp -- American author
Wikipedia - Theodore Hubback -- English cricketer, conservationist, and author
Wikipedia - Theodore H. White -- American historian and author
Wikipedia - Theodore Roosevelt Jr. -- American businessman, author, adventurer, traveler, civil servant, politician and army officer
Wikipedia - Theodore Sedgwick (lawyer) -- American attorney and author
Wikipedia - Theodore Weesner -- American author
Wikipedia - Theodor Krner (author)
Wikipedia - Theodor Mundt -- German author and critic
Wikipedia - Theodosios Alexander -- American academic, engineer and author
Wikipedia - Theology of Huldrych Zwingli -- Theological view that considered scripture a higher authority then the church fathers
Wikipedia - Theophilus Cibber -- 18th-century English actor, playwright, and author
Wikipedia - The Outsider (Wright novel) -- Novel by Richard Wright (author)
Wikipedia - The Point of View of My Work as an Author
Wikipedia - Theresa Hak Kyung Cha -- American author and artist (1951-1982)
Wikipedia - Therese Emilie Henriette Winkel -- German artist, composer and author
Wikipedia - The Second Authority for Television and Radio -- Israeli television and radio authority
Wikipedia - The Secretary of Dreams -- Short story collections authored by Stephen King and illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne
Wikipedia - The Spy Chronicles -- 2018 non-fiction book by Indian and Pakistani authors
Wikipedia - The Story of Pretty Goldilocks -- Literary fairy tale written by French author Mme. d'Aulnoy
Wikipedia - The Swarm (SchM-CM-$tzing novel) -- A science fiction novel by German author Frank SchM-CM-$tzing
Wikipedia - The Tales of Ensign StM-CM-%l -- Epic poem by Finland-Swedish author Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Wikipedia - The Traitor Baru Cormorant -- 2015 fantasy novel by American author Seth Dickinson
Wikipedia - The Treasure of the City of Ladies -- Manual of education by medieval Italian-French author Christine de Pizan
Wikipedia - The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience -- 2019 Netflix special by comedy rap group The Lonely Island
Wikipedia - The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story -- 2015 television film
Wikipedia - The Virginian (novel) -- 1902 novel set in the Wild West, by American author Owen Wister
Wikipedia - The Virginian (play) -- 1903 theater production set in the Wild West, by American author Owen Wister and playwright [[Kirke La Shelle]]
Wikipedia - The Woman Who Was Forgotten -- Short story by American author Bess Streeter Aldrich and its film adaptation
Wikipedia - Thierry Baudet -- Dutch author and politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Allen (Manx author) -- Vicar of Maughold and an author of Manx carols
Wikipedia - Thomas Ambrose Butler -- 19th-century Irish American Catholic priest and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Beatie -- Speaker, author, and trans advocate
Wikipedia - Thomas Beller -- American author and editor
Wikipedia - Thomas Bewick -- English engraver and natural history author (1753-1828)
Wikipedia - Thomas Burgess (bishop) -- English author, philosopher, Bishop of Saint David's and Bishop of Salisbury
Wikipedia - Thomas Cleary -- American author and translator
Wikipedia - Thomas Cooper de Leon -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Eidson -- American author
Wikipedia - Thomas Erl -- Canadian author, and public speaker
Wikipedia - Thomas Ferguson (academic) -- American political scientist and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Friedman -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Thomas G. Shanks -- American computer programmer, author
Wikipedia - Thomas Happer Taylor -- US Army officer and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Heywood -- 16th/17th-century English playwright, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Thomas J. Osler -- American mathematician, former national champion distance runner, and author
Wikipedia - Thomas M. Disch -- American science fiction author and poet (1940-2008)
Wikipedia - Thomas M. Owen -- American lawyer, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Thomas Nelson Page -- American author and diplomat
Wikipedia - Thomas Pellow -- English author
Wikipedia - Thomas Rosenboom -- Dutch author
Wikipedia - Thomas Roy Jones -- American industrialist and management author
Wikipedia - Thomas Sowell -- American economist, social theorist, political philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Spitzer (author) -- German author, comedian and online producer
Wikipedia - Thomas Stanley (author)
Wikipedia - Thought leader -- Entity recognized as an intellectual authority
Wikipedia - Three Laws of Robotics -- Set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Threshold of originality -- Level of authorship required to claim copyright of a work
Wikipedia - Thrissur Urban Development Authority
Wikipedia - Thrity Umrigar -- Indian and Parsi author
Wikipedia - Thusnelda von Saldern -- German deaconess and author
Wikipedia - Tiffany Haddish -- American actress, comedian, and author
Wikipedia - Tiffiny Hall -- Australian television personality and author
Wikipedia - Til Brugman -- Dutch author, poet and linguist
Wikipedia - Tillie S. Pine -- Polish-born US author of children's books
Wikipedia - Tillie Walden -- American cartoonist and author
Wikipedia - Tilly Bagshawe -- British freelance journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tilo Pruckner -- German actor and author
Wikipedia - Tilson's Manual -- 1948 parliamentary authority text
Wikipedia - Tim Challies -- Canadian author, blogger and pastor
Wikipedia - Tim Clark (pastor) -- American pastor and author
Wikipedia - Tim Cook (historian) -- Canadian military historian and author
Wikipedia - Tim Crothers -- American author
Wikipedia - Tim Cummings -- American actor and author
Wikipedia - Tim Dowling -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Time Variance Authority -- Fictional comic book organization
Wikipedia - Tim Ferriss -- American entrepreneur, investor, author, and podcaster
Wikipedia - Tim Footman -- British author, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Tim Miley -- Democratic politician, attorney, and author from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Tim MM-CM-$lzer -- German television chef, restauranteur, cookbook author and television presenter
Wikipedia - Tim'm T. West -- American performance artist, author, hip hop musician, poet, and activist
Wikipedia - Tim O'Brien (author) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Tim O'Reilly -- Irish computer programmer, author and businessman
Wikipedia - Timothy Braun -- American author
Wikipedia - Timothy Good -- British author on UFOs
Wikipedia - Timothy Leary -- American psychologist, author, proponent of psychedelic therapy
Wikipedia - Timothy Noah -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Timothy Tennent -- American theologican, author, seminary president
Wikipedia - Tim Powers -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Tim Rice -- English lyricist and author
Wikipedia - Tina Louise -- American actress, singer, author
Wikipedia - Tina Matthews -- Author/Illustrator and puppetmaker
Wikipedia - Tina Shaw -- New Zealand author
Wikipedia - Titi Horsfall -- Nigerian author
Wikipedia - Title of authority
Wikipedia - Tiziano Thomas Dossena -- Italian American author and art critic
Wikipedia - T. N. Gopinathan Nair -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Tobias Ellwood -- British Conservative politician and author
Wikipedia - Todd Bardwick -- American author, chess teacher, and US National Chess Master
Wikipedia - Todd Duncan (author) -- American author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Toh EnJoe -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Tom Baldwin (journalist) -- British journalist, political adviser and author
Wikipedia - Tom Birdseye -- American children's author
Wikipedia - Tom Black (author) -- American entrepreneur and wine collector
Wikipedia - Tom Bradley (author) -- American novelist, essayist, and writer
Wikipedia - Tom Bramble -- Australian socialist activist, author, and academic
Wikipedia - Tom Brokaw -- American broadcast journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tom Cain (author) -- English journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy -- American author (1947-2013)
Wikipedia - Tom Cox (writer) -- British author
Wikipedia - Tom Culligan -- Canadian entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Tom Earle -- Canadian author and teacher
Wikipedia - Tom Egeland -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Tom Epperson -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tom Fletcher -- English musician, singer, composer, author and YouTube vlogger
Wikipedia - Tom Hayden -- American social and political activist, author, and politician (1939-2016)
Wikipedia - Tom Holland (author) -- British historian and writer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Tom Hopkinson -- British journalist, picture magazine editor, author, and teacher
Wikipedia - Tomi Adeyemi -- Nigerian-American author (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Tomislav Osmanli -- Macedonian author, screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Tom King (writer) -- American author, comic book writer, and ex-CIA officer
Wikipedia - Tommaso Debenedetti -- Italian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tom Neale -- New Zealand survivalist and author
Wikipedia - Tom Nichols (academic) -- Professor and author on international affairs
Wikipedia - Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover -- Transit system at Walt Disney World
Wikipedia - Tomris Uyar -- Turkish author and translator
Wikipedia - Tom Santopietro -- American author and Broadway theater manager
Wikipedia - Tom Seidmann-Freud -- Painter, children's book author and illustrator.
Wikipedia - Tom Wolfe -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Toni Newman -- African-American transgender author and sex workers' rights advocate
Wikipedia - Tony Abbott (author) -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Tony Ballantyne -- British science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Tony Burgess (author) -- Canadian novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Connelly -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tony Hawks -- Comedian, author, philanthropist
Wikipedia - Tony Macaulay (writer) -- Author and peace builder from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Tony Ortega -- American author and journalist monitoring Scientology
Wikipedia - Tony Palmer -- English film director and author
Wikipedia - Tony Park (author) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Tony Parsons (Australian author) -- Australian author
Wikipedia - Tony Robbins -- American author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Tony Schwartz (author)
Wikipedia - Top Authority Uncut (The New Yea) -- 1997 hip hop album by Top Authority
Wikipedia - Top Cheri -- Namibian singer, entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Torbay -- Borough and unitary authority in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Tor Bertel Lovgren -- Norwegian painter and author
Wikipedia - Tori Spelling -- American actress and author
Wikipedia - Toshiro Sasaki -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Totalitarianism -- Political system in which the state holds total authority
Wikipedia - Tot Taylor -- Songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Tove Ditlevsen -- Danish poet and author
Wikipedia - Tracey Baptiste -- Children's horror author from the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Tracie D. Hall -- Librarian, author, and advocate for the arts
Wikipedia - Tracy Anderson -- American fitness entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Tracy Brown -- American author of urban fiction
Wikipedia - Tracy Daugherty -- American author
Wikipedia - Tracy Vo -- Australian journalist, television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Trade Development Authority of Pakistan -- Department in the ministry of commerce in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Traditional authority -- Form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to tradition or custom
Wikipedia - Trailokyanath Goswami -- Indian Assamese author (1906-1988)
Wikipedia - TransLink (British Columbia) -- Transportation authority in Metro Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - Transparent City -- 2012 romance novel by Angolan author Ondjaki
Wikipedia - Transportation authority
Wikipedia - Transport Ticketing Authority -- State agency in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Travel visa -- Document authorizing a person to enter, stay in, or leave a territory
Wikipedia - Treasure Island -- Novel by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson
Wikipedia - Tree conservation areas in Singapore -- large urban areas where no large trees may be felled without authorisation
Wikipedia - Trent Dalton -- Australian journalist and literary fiction author
Wikipedia - Trevor Blake (entrepreneur) -- British entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Trevor Jackson (diver) -- Australian technical diver and author
Wikipedia - Trevor Leggett -- Martial artist and author
Wikipedia - Trevor Paglen -- American artist, geographer, and author
Wikipedia - Tribunal -- Person or institution with the authority to judge, adjudicate or determine claims or disputes
Wikipedia - Trish Cooke -- British playwright, actress, television presenter, scriptwriter and children's author
Wikipedia - Trish Deseine -- Irish food writer and cookbook author
Wikipedia - Tristram Wyatt -- British evolutionary biologist and author
Wikipedia - Tri-Valley-San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority -- Transportation authority in northern California
Wikipedia - Troy Christensen -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - T. R. Reid -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Trudy Krisher -- American author and educator
Wikipedia - Truesight -- Young adult and science fiction novel, by American author David Stahler Jr.
Wikipedia - Truman Capote -- American author
Wikipedia - Trust anchor -- An authoritative entity for which trust is assumed and not derived
Wikipedia - Tsering Dondrup -- Tibetan author
Wikipedia - Tsitsi Dangarembga -- Zimbabwean author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Tucker Max -- American internet personality; blogger; author (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Tucker Smallwood -- American actor, author and vocalist
Wikipedia - Tullia d'Aragona -- Italian courtesan, author
Wikipedia - Turkish Coal Operations Authority -- Coal mining organization belonging to the Turkish government, which mines lignite
Wikipedia - Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency -- Turkish regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Turtle Bunbury -- Irish author, historian, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Tusiata Avia -- New Zealand poet and children's author
Wikipedia - Tuuve Aro -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Txik Txak -- Northern Basque Country Transport Authority
Wikipedia - Tyra Banks -- American television personality, producer, businesswoman, actress, author, former model
Wikipedia - Tyra Kleen -- Swedish artist and author
Wikipedia - Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Euroregion -- Euroregion formed by three different regional authorities in Austria and Italy
Wikipedia - Uche Azikiwe -- Nigerian academic, educator and author
Wikipedia - Udyavara Madhava Acharya -- Kannada theatre artist and author
Wikipedia - Ufuk Sanli -- Turkish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Uganda Investment Authority -- Organization of Uganda
Wikipedia - Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority -- Semi-autonomous regulatory agency in Uganda
Wikipedia - Uganda Revenue Authority -- Authority control organization, customs services
Wikipedia - Uganda Wildlife Authority -- Ugandan government agency
Wikipedia - Ulf Eriksson (author) -- Swedish writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Ulrike Draesner -- German author
Wikipedia - Ulrike Nolte -- German science fiction author and translator
Wikipedia - Ulysses (novel) -- Novel by the Irish author James Joyce
Wikipedia - Uma Aaltonen -- Finnish author, journalist, and Green League politician
Wikipedia - Umpire (cricket) -- Person who has the authority to make judgements on the cricket field
Wikipedia - Una Ellis-Fermor -- author, academic, literary critic
Wikipedia - Unauthorized Living -- 2018 Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - Unauthorized
Wikipedia - Underwood Dudley -- American mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Union Council of Ministers -- Executive authority in India
Wikipedia - Unitary authorities of England -- Local government in some parts of England
Wikipedia - United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Wikipedia - United States federal judge -- US judge resolving matters authorized by the US constitution or federal statutes
Wikipedia - United States Housing Authority -- United States federal government agency created as part of the New Deal
Wikipedia - Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide -- Non-fiction book by nine British co-authors
Wikipedia - Unoma Azuah -- Nigerian writer, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Ur-Hamlet -- 1587 English play by an unknown author
Wikipedia - Ursula Franklin -- Canadian metallurgist, research physicist, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Ursula Fuchs -- German author
Wikipedia - Ursula K. Le Guin -- American fantasy and science fiction author (1929-2018)
Wikipedia - Ursula Kuczynski -- German spy and author (1907-2000)
Wikipedia - Uta Ranke-Heinemann -- German theologian and author, daughter of Gustav Heinemann
Wikipedia - Utta Isop -- Austrian author and educator
Wikipedia - Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority -- Government agency in India
Wikipedia - Vaclav FrantiM-EM-!ek Kocmanek -- Czech poet, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Valdemars KlM-DM-^Stnieks -- Latvian author and Scout Commissioner
Wikipedia - Valentina Pavlovna Wasson -- Russian-American pediatrician, ethnomycologist and author
Wikipedia - Valentin Berestov -- Russian poet and author
Wikipedia - Valerie Anand -- British author of historical fiction
Wikipedia - Valerie Solanas -- American radical feminist, author, stalker and attempted murderer
Wikipedia - Valerius Cordus -- German physician, botanist, and author (1515-1544)
Wikipedia - Valerius Maximus -- early 1st century AD Roman professional rhetorician, historian and author
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Simonin -- French actress and author
Wikipedia - Valmiki -- Legendary Indian poet, author of the Ramayana
Wikipedia - Val Wood -- British author
Wikipedia - Vancouver Coastal Health -- Regional health authority in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Vancouver Fraser Port Authority -- Port in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Vane Ireton Shaftesbury St John -- English author
Wikipedia - Vanessa Barbara -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Vanessa Collingridge -- British author and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Vanessa O'Loughlin -- British-born Irish literary scout and consultant, and author
Wikipedia - Vani Hari -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Vanity press -- Publishing house in which authors pay to have their books published
Wikipedia - Vardan Aygektsi -- Author, priest and monk
Wikipedia - Varsha Adalja -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Varsha Dixit -- Indian author
Wikipedia - Vaticinium ex eventu -- Prophecy written after the author already had information about the events being "foretold", so as to appear that the prophecy had taken place before the event, when in fact it was written after the events supposedly predicted
Wikipedia - Veljko Milicevic -- Serbian author
Wikipedia - Venkatesh Rao (writer) -- Indian-American author and consultant
Wikipedia - Venture Smith -- Colonial American enslaved African and author
Wikipedia - Verena Hoehne -- Swiss journalist and author
Wikipedia - Verna Pratt -- American botanist, gardening expert, author
Wikipedia - Vernon Coleman -- British author and conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Veronica De Laurentiis -- Italian author and actress
Wikipedia - Veronica Hazelhoff -- Dutch author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Veronica Roth -- American author
Wikipedia - Veronica Rueckert -- American author
Wikipedia - Vibhuti Narain Rai -- Indian police official and author (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Vicente L. Rafael -- Filipino Author
Wikipedia - Vicki Myron -- American author and librarian
Wikipedia - Victor Alessandro Mundella -- English physicist, author and teacher
Wikipedia - Victor Auburtin -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Victor Berge -- Swedish diving pioneer and author
Wikipedia - Victoria Alexander -- American author
Wikipedia - Victoria Jamieson -- American author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Victoria Osteen -- American pastor, author
Wikipedia - Victor J. Stenger -- American particle physicist, author, and religious skeptic (1935-2014)
Wikipedia - Victor Malarek -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Vidyut Gore -- Indian blogger, activist, author and digital journalist
Wikipedia - Vigdis Hjorth -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Vigilantism -- Civilian who undertakes law enforcement without legal authority
Wikipedia - Viiu HM-CM-$rm -- Estonian actress, poet, author and translator
Wikipedia - Vijayasarathi Sribhashyam -- Indian author, grammarian, philosopher
Wikipedia - Viktor Dotsenko -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Viktor Frankl -- Austrian Holocaust survivor, neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher and author
Wikipedia - Vincentio Saviolo -- Italian author on fencing in English
Wikipedia - Vincent M. Holt -- 19th century manifesto author
Wikipedia - Vince Vawter -- American-born author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Vindonius Anatolius -- Greek author of the 4th century AD
Wikipedia - Vineet Bajpai -- Indian entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Vineet Bhatia -- Indian chef, restaurateur, author (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Viola Brothers Shore -- American author
Wikipedia - Violet Oaklander -- American Psychologist and Author
Wikipedia - Virginia de Castro e Almeida -- Portuguese author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Virginia Haviland -- American author and librarian
Wikipedia - Virginia Mathews -- literacy advocate and author
Wikipedia - Virginia Morell -- American science journalist and author
Wikipedia - Virginia Sandars -- Irish author
Wikipedia - Virtual International Authority File -- International authority file
Wikipedia - Visa requirements for South African citizens -- Entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of South Africa
Wikipedia - Vishen Lakhiani -- Malaysian entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Vivek Agnihotri -- Indian director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Vivek Goyal -- American engineering professor, author
Wikipedia - V. J. James -- Author
Wikipedia - Vladimir Littauer -- Equestrian and author
Wikipedia - Vladimir Radunsky -- Russian-American artist and author
Wikipedia - VM Brasseur -- American open source software advocate and author
Wikipedia - Volume licensing -- Practice of selling a license authorizing one computer program to be used on a large number of computers or by a large number of users
Wikipedia - Vonani Bila -- South African author and poet
Wikipedia - V. Raymond Edman -- American minister and author
Wikipedia - V. S. Mani -- Indian lawyer and author
Wikipedia - VukaM-EM-!in RadiM-EM-!ic -- Serbian author, translator and writer (1810-1843)
Wikipedia - Vuokko Hirvonen -- Finnish Sami author and professor
Wikipedia - V. Walter Odajnyk -- Jungian analyst and author
Wikipedia - Waclaw Sobieski -- Polish historian, professor, and author
Wikipedia - Waddell's chronology -- Chronological list by British author Laurence Waddell
Wikipedia - W. A. Harbinson -- British author
Wikipedia - Wahbi al-Hariri -- Syrian American artist, architect, archaeologist, and author
Wikipedia - Wahida Clark -- African-American author
Wikipedia - Wajdi Mouawad -- Lebanese-Caadian actor, author and director (bornv1968)
Wikipedia - Wally Amos -- American author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Walter Augustus Feurtado -- Jamaican publisher and author
Wikipedia - Walter Blith -- Author of books on husbandry
Wikipedia - Walter Bradley (engineer) -- American engineering professor, author, and advocate of the concept of intelligent design
Wikipedia - Walter Christmas -- Danish author
Wikipedia - Walter Flex -- German author
Wikipedia - Walter Janka -- 1914-1994, German author and publisher
Wikipedia - Walter Joseph Meserve -- American author
Wikipedia - Walter Julius Bloem -- German author
Wikipedia - Walter Kaufmann (author) -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Walter Lord -- American author (1917-2002)
Wikipedia - Walter Lowrie (author)
Wikipedia - Walter Mason Camp -- American author
Wikipedia - Walter Sullivan (journalist) -- American science reporter and author
Wikipedia - Wang Huiyao -- Chinese social entrepreneur, think tank founder, leading authority on global talent
Wikipedia - Wanted poster -- Poster distributed to let the public know of an alleged criminal whom authorities wish to apprehend
Wikipedia - Ward Churchill -- American author and political activist
Wikipedia - Ward Ritchie -- American printer and author
Wikipedia - Warlock (Hall novel) -- 1958 American western novel by author Oakley Hall
Wikipedia - Warrant (law) -- An order that serves as a specific type of authorization
Wikipedia - Warren Farrell -- American author, spokesperson, and political candidate
Wikipedia - Warren Hastings Miller -- American editor, author
Wikipedia - Warren Murphy -- American author
Wikipedia - Warwick Cairns -- British author
Wikipedia - Water and Power Development Authority cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Water board (Netherlands) -- Water management authorities in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Watership Down -- Survival and adventure novel featuring rabbits and authored by Richard Adams
Wikipedia - WayM-CM-)tu Moore -- Liberian-American author
Wikipedia - Wayne Bryan -- American tennis coach, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - W. D. Lakshman -- Sri Lankan economist, professor, author and current Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Wedge strategy -- Creationist political and social action plan authored by the Discovery Institute, aiming is to change U.S. culture by shaping public policy to reflect politically conservative fundamentalist evangelical Protestant values
Wikipedia - Wenche Blomberg -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Wendy Lowenstein -- Australian historian and author
Wikipedia - Werner Erhard -- |American author and lecturer known for founding "est"
Wikipedia - Wes Burgess -- American psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author
Wikipedia - Wesley Eisold -- American musician, poet and author
Wikipedia - Wesley Eure -- American actor, singer, author, producer, director, charity fundraiser, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Wesley King -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Wes Magee -- Scottish poet and author
Wikipedia - Wes Moss -- American author, talk radio show host, and investment advisor
Wikipedia - Wes Nisker -- American author, radio commentator, comedian, and Buddhist meditation instructor
Wikipedia - What Is an Author? -- Lecture given by Michel Foucault
Wikipedia - Whistleblower -- Person who tells the public or someone in authority about alleged dishonest or illegal activities
Wikipedia - Whitfield Bell Jr. -- American author and historian
Wikipedia - Whoopi Goldberg -- American actress, comedian, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Wigald Boning -- German comedian, television presenter, actor, and author
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Authority control -- Wikipedia project page about authority control
Wikipedia - Wildcat strike action -- Strike action undertaken by unionized workers without union leadership's authorization, support, or approval
Wikipedia - Wilfred Byron Shaw -- American author and sketch artist
Wikipedia - Wilfredo Mattos Cintron -- Puerto Rican author and educator
Wikipedia - Wilfrid Oldaker -- Clergyman, classical scholar, author, schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Grimm -- German author
Wikipedia - Wilhelmine Halberstadt -- German educator and author
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Mohr (journalist) -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Wisser -- German author
Wikipedia - Wilibald Artus -- Author of a botanical work for pharmacists
Wikipedia - Will Christopher Baer -- American author of hardboiled fiction
Wikipedia - Will Hermes -- American author, broadcaster, and music critic
Wikipedia - William Addison Lathrop -- American author and playwright
Wikipedia - William Agar Adamson -- Author, clergyman
Wikipedia - William Alexander (author) -- American writer and academic
Wikipedia - William Anderson (American writer) -- American author, historian and lecturer
Wikipedia - William A. Nolen -- American surgeon and author (1928-1986)
Wikipedia - William Ashwell Shenstone -- English chemist, schoolmaster and author
Wikipedia - William Barclay (theologian) -- Scottish author, presenter, Church of Scotland minister and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism (1907-1978)
Wikipedia - William Beach Thomas -- British author and war correspondent (1868-1957)
Wikipedia - William Blaikie -- American author
Wikipedia - William Bolts -- British merchant and author active in India (1738-1808)
Wikipedia - William Bourne Oliver Peabody -- American minister and author
Wikipedia - William Bowen (author) -- American attorney and children's writer
Wikipedia - William Brandon (author) -- American writer, lawyer and historian
Wikipedia - William Cash (author and journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - William Collins (cricketer, born 1848) -- Welsh first-class cricketer and author
Wikipedia - William Corbin (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Dalton (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Dudley Geer -- American scholarly author
Wikipedia - William Durham (chemist) -- Scottish chemist, papermaker, astronomer and academic author
Wikipedia - William Everdell -- American teacher and author
Wikipedia - William Faloon -- American author and immortalist (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - William F. Buckley Jr. -- American conservative author and commentator
Wikipedia - William Gilbert Anderson -- American teacher and author
Wikipedia - William Gregory Wood-Martin -- Irish antiquarian and author
Wikipedia - William H. Armstrong (author)
Wikipedia - William Henry Hoare -- English cleric and author
Wikipedia - William H. McRaven -- Admiral, Navy Seal, author, foreign policy expert
Wikipedia - William James Roe -- American author and illustrator (1843-1921)
Wikipedia - William Johnson (author) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - William J. Watson -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - William Lefroy -- Irish Anglican Dean, mountaineer and author
Wikipedia - William Levy (author)
Wikipedia - William Lindesay -- English author, runner and conservationist
Wikipedia - William Lowell Putnam III -- American author and alpinist
Wikipedia - William Malatinsky -- American author
Wikipedia - William Mason (poet) -- 18th-century English poet, divine, draughtsman, author, editor, and gardener
Wikipedia - William Michael Boyle -- American author (b. 1978)
Wikipedia - William Morgan (architect) -- American architect and author
Wikipedia - William Novak -- Canadian-American author
Wikipedia - William Ogilvie of Pittensear -- Scottish classicist, numismatist and author on land reform
Wikipedia - William Painter (author)
Wikipedia - William Prynne -- English lawyer, author, polemicist, and political figure
Wikipedia - William R. Allen (economist) -- American economist, professor and author
Wikipedia - William Russell (writer) -- Scottish historical and author
Wikipedia - William Shatner -- Canadian actor, musician, recording artist, author and film director
Wikipedia - William S. Sadler -- Psychiatrist and author (1875-1969)
Wikipedia - William Tecumseh Sherman -- US Army general, businessman, educator, and author
Wikipedia - William Toye (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - William Watts Ball -- Newspaper editor and author
Wikipedia - William Wharton (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - William Wilkinson Addison -- English historian, author and jurist
Wikipedia - William Winter (author) -- 19th-century American critic and writer
Wikipedia - Willie Drye -- American journalist and an author
Wikipedia - Willie Jolley -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Willie Perdomo -- Puerto Rican poet and children's book author
Wikipedia - Will Stanton (author) -- American humorist (1918-1996)
Wikipedia - Willy Vandersteen -- Flemish comics author
Wikipedia - Wilson Armistead -- English merchant, author, and abolitionist
Wikipedia - Winifred M. A. Brooke -- British botanist, artist and author
Wikipedia - Winnifred Fallers Sullivan -- American author and university professor
Wikipedia - Winnifred Harper Cooley -- American author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Winona LaDuke -- Author and activist
Wikipedia - Wiseman hypothesis -- Theory of Genesis authorship
Wikipedia - Witter Bynner -- American author
Wikipedia - Wladimir van Wilgenburg -- Journalist and Author
Wikipedia - Wladyslaw Smolenski -- Polish historian, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Wolf-Dieter Storl -- German-American cultural anthropologist, ethnobotanist and book author
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Hildesheimer -- German author
Wikipedia - Wolfgang J. Fuchs -- German author
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Krege -- German author and translator
Wikipedia - Wolfgang von Kempelen -- Hungarian author and inventor
Wikipedia - Wolf Schneider -- German journalist, author and language critic
Wikipedia - Wolf Wetzel -- German author, journalist and publicist
Wikipedia - World government -- Notion of a single common political authority for all of humanity
Wikipedia - World Passport -- Fantasy passport by the World Service Authority
Wikipedia - World Service Authority
Wikipedia - W. P. Kinsella -- Canadian author
Wikipedia - Writer's block -- Condition in which an author loses the ability to produce or experiences creative slowdown
Wikipedia - W. W. Jacobs -- English author of short stories and novels
Wikipedia - Wynne Alexander -- American author, journalist, and documentary filmmaker.
Wikipedia - XER (Villa AcuM-CM-1a) -- Border-blaster radio station, shut down by Mexican authorities in 1933
Wikipedia - Xu Dishan -- Chinese author, translator and folklorist
Wikipedia - Yaakov Ben Zion Mendelson -- Orthodox communal rabbi, Talmudist, Halachist, rabbinical author and scholar
Wikipedia - Yael Hollenberg -- French educational author
Wikipedia - Yair Nehorai -- Israeli lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Yakitate!! Japan -- 2004 manga, authored by Takashi Hashiguchi, also adapted into an anime television series by Sunrise
Wikipedia - Yancey Strickler -- Entrepreneur and author
Wikipedia - Yang Xiong (author)
Wikipedia - Yanitzia Canetti -- Cuban author, translator, and editor
Wikipedia - Yarimar Bonilla -- Puerto Rican political anthropologist, author
Wikipedia - Yasmine Mohammed -- Canadian human rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Yasumi Kobayashi -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Yasunari Kawabata -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Yefim Gordon -- Lithuanian aircraft photographer and author
Wikipedia - YeM-EM-^_im Arat -- Turkish political scientist and author
Wikipedia - Yevgeny Erastov -- Russian author and poet
Wikipedia - Yevgeny Zamyatin -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Yigal Kipnis -- Israeli historian, author
Wikipedia - Yitzhak Buxbaum -- American author and maggid
Wikipedia - Yomi Adegoke -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Yosef Reinman -- American rabbi and author
Wikipedia - Yoshikazu Ebisu -- Japanese comics author and actor
Wikipedia - Yoshikazu Takeuchi -- Japanese author
Wikipedia - Yukio Mishima -- Japanese author (1925-1970)
Wikipedia - Yuri Nikitin (author)
Wikipedia - Yury Buida -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Yury Iosifovich Koval -- Russian author
Wikipedia - Yuval Noah Harari -- Israeli historian, philosopher, and author of popular science bestsellers
Wikipedia - Yvon Deschamps -- Canadian actor, author, and entertainment producer
Wikipedia - Yvonne Kroonenberg -- Dutch psychologist and author
Wikipedia - Yvonne Pitrois -- French author
Wikipedia - Zafar Ahmad Nizami -- Indian author and poet
Wikipedia - Zahid Hussain (author) -- British writer and poet
Wikipedia - Zak Ebrahim -- American peace campaigner and author
Wikipedia - Zane (author) -- Pseudonym of author Kristina Laferne Roberts
Wikipedia - Zbigniew Wawer -- Polish historian and author
Wikipedia - Zedekiah ben Abraham Anaw -- Author of halakhic works
Wikipedia - Ze'ev Jabotinsky -- Russian Jewish leader, author, poet, orator and soldier (1880-1940)
Wikipedia - Zen Cho -- Malaysian fantasy author
Wikipedia - Zhang Huaicun -- Chinese author
Wikipedia - Zhang Ling (author) -- Chinese writer
Wikipedia - Ziad Abdullah -- Syrian film critic and author
Wikipedia - Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority -- Zimbabwean utility company
Wikipedia - Zinovia Dushkova -- Russian author, poet, philosopher, and historian
Wikipedia - ZoM-CM-+ Beck -- German author, translator and publisher
Wikipedia - Zulma Carraud -- French author
Wikipedia - Zuni Chopra -- Indian author
Wikipedia - ZyWeb -- Online webpage authoring tool
David the Gnome (1987 - 1988) - The World of David the Gnome was based on the world famous children's books The Gnomes and The Secret of the Gnomes by Dutch authors Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen.
Magnum, P.I. (1980 - 1988) - After leaving Naval Intelligence, the laid back Thomas Magnum III, struck a deal with the millionaire play boy author Robin Masters. Robin owned a rather large estate in Hawaii and Magnum moved into the guest house for free in exchange for running a series of security checks on the estate, property...
seaQuest DSV (1995 - 1998) - Captain Nathan Bridger is hauled out of retirement to command the new submarine SeaQuest, under the authority of the United Earth/Oceans Organization. His ship goes up against pirate forces commanded by Marilyn Stark, a former SeaQuest captain who tried to instigate a war.
Trapper John, M.D. (1979 - 1986) - Twenty-eight years after he was discharged from the army, Trapper John McIntyre, who was very much against authority, now finds himself the very thing he was against during the war as he is now chief of surgery at San Francisco Memorial Hospital. One day a young surgeon named G. Alonzo Gates (Gonzo...
Booker (1989 - 1990) - Dennis Booker is a former cop large who is hired for a US Officer Japanese company to investigate some suspect insurance claims. He is very anti-authority, resents being told what to do, and seems to spend most of his time investigating cases related to his family, friends and colleagues rather than...
Anne of Green Gables (1979) (1979 - 1979) - An anime adaptation from Nippon Animation's "World Masterpiece Theater" anthology, directed by Isao Takahata and based on the "Anne books" by Canadian author Lucy Maude Montgomery. It follows an orphan named Anne Shirley as she goes through hard times, fun adventures, loss and love in the lovely to...
Akame ga KILL! (2014 - 2014) - Tatsumi is a self-acknowledge country bumpkin who is nonetheless a well trained fighter. He and two companions leave their remote village to head to the Imperial City to find a way to relieve their friends and family from ruinous taxation imposed by the authorities. Yet the Imperial City is filled w...
Corduroy (2000 - 2001) - Based on two of author/illustrator Don Freeman's best-selling children's books, Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy, this animated show follows Corduroy and his best friend Lisa. Together, they experience the world from the point-of-view of urban children, with the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and...
Elliot Moose (1998 - 1999) - Where could he be? Anywhere his imagination can take him! Elliot Moose is on the loose in this charming series combining live action, puppetry and animation, based on the Elliot Moose book series by author/illustrator Andrea Beck. A children's playroom is the perfect home base for adventure and fun...
Nobody's Boy: Remi (1977 - 1978) - Ie Naki Ko, lit. Homeless Child) is a Japanese anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. The story is based upon French author Hector Malot's novel Sans Famille in France. The anime is well known in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Latin America, Canada (in French), France, Italy, the Arab world, Indonesia and Philipp...
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (1980 - 1981) - Nirusu no Fushigi na Tabi) is an anime adaptation of the novel The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by the Swedish author Selma Lagerlf.[2] The 52 episode series ran on the Japanese network NHK from January 1980 to March 1981.[1] The series was the very first production by Studio Pierrot. The anime was...
He Is My Master (2005 - Current) - a television anime series in the harem genre[1] with a lolicon aspect.[2] The manga is authored by two individuals: Mattsu () who does the story and his ex-wife Asu Tsubaki () who does the artwork. Because of their acrimonious split, the manga will probably be drawn by someone else soon.Seven...
Code Geass (2006 - 2016) - Lelouch of the Rebellion ( Kdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurshu), often referred to as simply Code Geass, is a Japanese anime series created by Sunrise, directed by Gor Taniguchi, and written by Ichir kouchi, with original character designs by manga authors Clamp. Set in an alternate ti...
Liewe Heksie (1961 - 1981) - ("Beloved Little Witch") is an Afrikaans work of fiction created by children's book author Verna Vels in 1961. It centres on Liewe Heksie, a witch who lives with elves in Blommeland. The Liewe Heksie series started off as radio stories, followed by books and stories on vinyl record. Liewe Heksie mad...
Kaze no Stigma (2007 - Current) - lit. "Stigma of the Wind") is a Japanese light novel series written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto. After the death of the author on July 20, 2009, the story remains incomplete at twelve volumes.[1] A 24-episode anime adaptation directed by Junichi Sakata and animated by Gonzo...
Deltora Quest (2007 - 2008) - a Japanese anime series based on the series of children's books of the same name, written by Australian author Emily Rodda. It was announced by Rodda herself at Sydney's Book Council of Australia Conference and at an ABC Kids convention. The series was produced by Genco and SKY Perfect Well Think. T...
Pumpkin Scissors (2006 - 2007) - a manga created and authored by Ryotaro Iwanaga. Originally serialized in Magazine GREAT in 2002 it was later moved to Monthly Shonen Magazine in October 2006. The manga has been licensed by Del Rey. An anime adaptation of Pumpkin Scissors has been released, produced by Gonzo and AIC, which began ai...
Vinland Saga (2019 - Current) - (Japanese: Hepburn: Vinrando Saga) is a Japanese historical manga series written and drawn by award-winning manga author Makoto Yukimura. The series is published by Kodansha, and was first serialized in the youth-targeted Weekly Shnen Magazine before moving to the monthly manga magazine A...
The Mr. Men Show (2008) (2008 - 2009) - (sometimes simply called Mr. Men) is a British/American animated children's television series based on the original Mr. Men and Little Miss books created in the 1970s and 1980s by British author Roger Hargreaves and his son Adam Hargreaves. Adapted from the published source material into a televisio...
Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan (2002 - 2002) - round Defense Force! Mao-chan ( Rikuj Beitai Mao-chan), also known as Earth Defender! Mao-chan, is a 26-episode anime created by Ken Akamatsu, the author of Love Hina.
About Safety (1972) (1972 - 1973) - a children's educational television program which originated in 1972. It was produced by the Mississippi Authority for Educational Television. In the 3 to 6 minute shorts, marionettes, most notably Clyde Frog, taught children about safety and first aid. Mischievous Clyde has a distinctive, high-pitc...
Beginner book video (1989 - 1994) - A video series by random house base on children books by these authors
Angelina Ballerina (2002 - 2006) - a British animated children's television series, based on the Angelina Ballerina series of children's books by author Katharine Holabird and illustrator Helen Craig. The series is about Angelina Mouseling, a young mouse who loves to dance ballet, and her family and classmates. Finty Williams perform...
The Noddy Shop (1998 - 2002) - Noddy was the brainchild of Enid Blyton, who in 1949 authored the children's book Noddy Goes to Toyland. That was just the beginning of a long and prosperous journey.
Puddle Lane (1985 - 1989) - Puddle Lane (or Tales from Puddle Lane) was a 1980s British pre-school children's television programme written by Rick Vanes with animated stories written by Sheila McCullagh, author of Tim and the Hidden People. A long series of books based on said stories was produced by Ladybird Books, also under...
Wisdom of the Gnomes (1987 - 1987) - Wisdom of the Gnomes, a sequel to the World of David the Gnome, is based on the world famous children's books The Gnomes and The Secret of the Gnomes by Dutch authors Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen.
Timothy Goes to School (2000 - 2001) - A young raccoon, Timothy, who attends a fictional primary school. It explores the experiences and feelings of children in kindergarten. Based on a series of children's books by acclaimed author/illustrator Rosemary Wells, the charming animated television program aims to assuage kid's fears about sta...
Firing Line (1966 - Current) - An American public affairs show founded in and hosted by conservative author and columnist William F. Buckley Jr. from 1966 to 1999, and relaunched in 2018 with host Margaret Hoover. The show began in 1966 on commercial TV on New York's WOR-TV before it moved to PBS in 1971 under the auspices of the...
Starman(1984) - Having crashed to Earth, an extraterrestrial space traveller must assume a human identity lest he be captured by the authorities. The alien (Jeff Bridges) chooses the likeness of the recently deceased husband of Jenny Hayden (Karen Allen). At first dumbstruck, Jenny becomes both hostile toward and f...
Risky Business(1983) - A suburban Chicago teenager's parents leave on vacation, and he cuts loose. An unauthorised trip in his father's Porsche means a sudden need for lots of money, which he raises in a creative way.
Girls Just Want To Have Fun(1985) - Janey Glenn (Sarah Jessica Parker) is an Army Brat who loves to dance. When she moves to a new town, she meets a fellow dance enthusiast named Lynne Stone (Helen Hunt) at the parochial school she attends. Although they have many difficulties with authority figures and other teenage issues, they achi...
Madonna: Innocence Lost(1994) - The unauthorized story of 'Material Girl' Madonna Ciccone (Terumi Matthews) and her early days, as she struggled to break into the music business. Among the first of a slew of made-for-TV bio-pics that became popular in the '90s. The film aired on Fox, and was subsequently released on video by Fo...
Running on Empty(1988) - The Popes are a family who haven't been able to use their real identities for years. In the early 70's, parents Arthur and Annie set fire to a napalm lab in an effort to hinder the government's Vietnam war campaign. Ever since then, the Popes have been on the run with the authorities never far behin...
Needful Things(1993) - Satan opens an antique shop in a small town and lures the residents into evil actions in this supernatural chiller. Based on a novel by the prolific Stephen King, the film bears many of the author's trademarks, such as the New England setting and the focus on regular people tempted by the forces of...
The Curse(1987) - Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and...
The Exorcist III(1990) - William Peter Blatty, author of The Exorcist, directed this intriguing, deliberately-paced thriller based on his novel Legion. Ignoring the events of John Boorman's disappointing Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977), the film moves ahead 15 years from the end of the original, when Georgetown is being pla...
The Last Temptation Of Christ(1988) - This controversial drama, based on a novel by an author named Nikos Kazantzakis, posits a view of Jesus (Willem Dafoe) as a human being, falling to sin instead of fighting it before assuming his place in religious history.
Two-Minute Warning(1976) - A mad sniper is causing havoc during a championship football game, and authorities have to stop him.
Bride Of Frankenstein(1935) - Mary Shelley (the author of Frankenstein) is with friends and reveals more of the continuing story of Frankenstein. Dr.Henry Frankenstein and The Monster have survived the burning of the windmill and escaped. Henry is return home but The Monster remains on the loose. While Dr. Frankenstein has rejec...
The Incredible Melting Man(1977) - Astronaut Steve West is exposed to unknown type of radiation after returning from a mission from Saturn. While in the hospital his health becomes worse and his flesh starts to melt from his body. He escapes and starts to kill people to keep him alive consuming their flesh. The local authorities want...
Mad Dog Morgan(1976) - This movie is the tale of Irish criminal Daniel Morgan (Dennis Hopper) and his journey through Australia to outrun authorities.
Lifeforce(1985) - A space shuttle mission investigating Halley's Comet brings back a malevolent race of space vampires who transform most of London's population into zombies. The only survivor of the expedition and British authorities attempt to capture a mysterious but beautiful alien woman who appears responsible.
The Yarn Princess(1994) - Margaret is slightly retarded, and when her husband, Jake, is diagnosed with schizophrenia, the authorities wish to take her children away from her. She has to prove in a court of law that she is capable of taking care of her family.
In The Mouth Of Madness(1994) - With the disappearance of hack horror writer Sutter Cane, all Hell is breaking loose...literally! Author Cane, it seems, has a knack for description that really brings his evil creepy-crawlies to life. Insurance investigator John Trent is sent to investigate Cane's mysterious vanishing act and ends...
While You Were Sleeping (1995)(1995) - Lucy Moderatz, a charming but shy token seller, spends her evenings home alone with her cat and her holidays working for the Chicago Transit Authority -- she has neither family nor boyfriend to keep her company. But she does have a secret crush: sexy Peter Callaghan, a regular customer who has never...
I, Madman(1989) - Virginia (Jenny Wright, PINK FLOYD: THE WALL, NEAR DARK) is an avid reader, aspiring actress and used-bookstore employee who's dating a cop (Clayton Rohner, JUST ONE OF THE GUYS, APRIL FOOLS DAY, "G vs E"). When Virginia discovers the old writings of unknown author Malcolm Brand, she locates his bo...
Necronomicon(1993) - This film is based on three short, separate horror stories based on the works of author H. P
Shadowlands(1993) - CS Lewis is the author of the Narnia books - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Known as Jack, he teaches at an Oxford College, during the 1930's. An American fan, Joy Gresham, arrives to meet him for tea in Oxford. It is the beginning of a love affair. Tragically Joy becomes terminally unwell a...
Dead Man's Walk(1996) - Author Larry McMurtry revisits Gus and Woodrow, the aging lawmen from his bestselling Western novel Lonesome Dove, in their early days as young men determined to make a name for themselves as Texas Rangers in this made-for-TV prequel. Gus (David Arquette) and Woodrow (Jonny Lee Miller) join up with...
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes(1972) - Years after Cornelius and Zira deaths, their son Caesar has been hidden in secret by circus owner Armando. Caesar and Armando visit the city to help promote the circus however Caesar notices the force labor that his fellow apes have to go through and drives him to provoke the local authorities. Caes...
Scenes From A Mall(1991) - Bette Midler and Woody Allen star in director Paul Mazursky's comedy as a professional Los Angeles couple--Deborah (Midler) is the author of a best-selling self-help book about marriage and has been wed to successful lawyer Nick (Allen) for 16 years. They live a high-pressure professional life, comp...
Mikey(1992) - Although Mikey is just a little boy, he is capable of anything.... Every family Mikey lives with has a series of unexplained "accidents" and hence he's moved from home to home. After his original family die, accidently, Mikey is taken by authorities and placed into the care of adoptive parents. Of c...
Hans Christian Andersen(1952) - RKO Radio Pictures Inc./A Sam Goldwyn Prods. Inc. In this fictitious musical/Fantasy..Clown Danny Kaye portrays the famed Danish children's storyteller and author as a struggling cobbler..who's tales lead him into misadventures.
Seventh Son(2015) - A powerful knight trains his young apprentice to do battle against a diabolical witch who is gathering an army to wage supernatural war on all mankind in this adaptation of author Joseph Delaney's young-adult novel "The Spook's Apprentice". Years ago, brave Master Gregory succeeded in capturing evil...
Ella Enchanted(2004) - Adapted from author Gail Carson Levine's award-winning children's book of the same name, the Miramax financed modern fantasy "Ella Enchanted" is directed by Tommy O'Haver and stars "The Princess Diaries" alumna Anne Hathaway. Ella (Hathaway) lives in a magical world in which each child, at the momen...
Claire Of The Moon(1992) - Female authors gather at a small northern coastal retreat to work on their writing skills. A first-time guest who lives for the moment finds herself struggling with her sexuality after discovering her roommate is a lesbian.
Henry & June(1990) - Henry & June is a 1990 American biographical drama film directed by Philip Kaufman and stars Fred Ward, Maria de Medeiros, and Uma Thurman. It is loosely based on the book of the same name by the French author Anas Nin, and tells the story of Nin's relationship with Henry Miller and his wife, June....
Experimenter(2015) - In 1961, famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of radical behavior experiments that tested ordinary humans' willingness to obey authority.
Running Mates(1992) - In this political satire, a Senator running for President is involved in some controversies when his political enemies expose some hidden secrets about his new wife, a successful author of children's books.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood(2007) - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood ( JoJo no Kimy na Bken Fantomu Buraddo) is a 2007 Japanese anime film based on Part 1 of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series entitled Phantom Blood. The film was released on February 17, 2007, to commemorate JoJo author Hirohiko Ara...
Bachelor In Paradise(1961) - A successful author,and confirmed bachelor,(Bob Hope) moves to a California suburb to study the mating habits of his neighbors.He soon finds himself falling in love with his landlady(Lana Turner)who plays hard to get.
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events(2004) - Based on the first three books by children's author Lemony Snicket. Three wealthy children, the Bauldaire children, have just learned that their parents have been killed in a fire which destroys their mansion. The children get adopted by an evil character named Count Olaf, who is determined to take...
Author! Author!(1982) - While facing the stress of his play being produced on Broadway, a playwright deals with having to raise his son, his stepdaughters, and his stepsons.
Bucktown(1975) - A man visits his hometown to bury his brother. Reopening his brother's bar, he and his girlfriend encounter trouble with local authorities.
High School Hellcats(1958) - The Hellcats are an all-female gang bent on bucking authority and terrorizing the schools by doing things like having a bad attitude toward their teachers and parents. When Joyce, a new student, moves into the neighborhood, she draws the attention of The Hellcats. Desperate for acceptance and unhapp...
Million Calorie March: The Movie(2008) - Million Calorie March: The Movie is a 2008 American documentary film directed by, co-produced by and starring Gary Michael Marino, an author, speaker and anti-obesity activist. The film follows Marino as he embarks on a 1,200-mile (1,900 km) fundraiser and awareness walk, the Million Calorie March,...
Christmas in Connecticut(1992) - Elizabeth is the star of a successful cooking show and author of several cookbooks. But when her manager, Alexander sees forest ranger Jefferson, who lost his cabin in a fire, comment on TV about wishing he could get a home-cooked Christmas dinner, he arranges for a special live show on Christmas, f...
Breakin' All The Rules(2004) - Inspired by his fiance (who dumped him), a man publishes a break-up handbook for men, becoming a bestselling author in the process.
Compliance(2012) - Sandra, the manager of a fast-food restaurant is having a bad day and to top it off, a man claiming to be a police officer calls to complain of a crime against one of her young female employees claiming she stole money from another customer. Taking orders from the authoritive voice over the phone, S...
The Protector(1985) - Billy Wong is a New York City cop whose partner is gunned down during a robbery. Billy and his new partner, Danny Garoni, are working security at a fashion show when a wealthy man's daughter, Laura Shapiro, is kidnapped. The Federal authorities suspect that Laura's father is involved with Mr. Ko, a...
Swimming Pool(2003) - A British mystery author visits her publisher's home in the South of France, where her interaction with his unusual daughter sets off some touchy dynamics.
The Longest Day(1962) - The Longest Day is a 1962 American epic war film based on Cornelius Ryan's 1959 non-fiction of the same name about the D-Day landings at Normandy on June 6, 1944. The film was produced by Darryl F. Zanuck, who paid author Ryan $175,000 for the film rights. The screenplay was by Ryan, with additional...
Drums Along the Mohawk(1939) - Drums Along the Mohawk is a 1939 American historical drama film based upon a 1936 novel of the same name by American author Walter D. Edmonds. The film was produced by Darryl F. Zanuck and directed by John Ford. Henry Fonda and Claudette Colbert portray settlers on the New York frontier during the A...
The Conjuring(2013) - The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan and written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes. It is the inaugural film in the Conjuring Universe franchise. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga star as Ed and Lorraine Warren, paranormal investigators and authors associated...
The Conjuring 2(2016) - The Conjuring 2 (known in the UK and Ireland as The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Case) is a 2016 American supernatural horror film, directed by James Wan. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film. The film foll...
How To Enjoy Wine(1984) - Hugh Johnson, The World's Outstanding Wine Authority, Tells You How To Buy It, Judge It, Keep It, Serve It, Order It
Daddy's Home 2(2017) - Brad and Dusty have become best friends since the events of the last film, and Dusty is now married to author Karen. The two decide to do away with separate Christmas celebrations and have a "together Christmas". Things get bad when Dusty's tough fighter pilot/astronaut father Kurt and Brad's overbe...
The Man Who Invented Christmas(2017) - In 1843, author Charles Dickens sets out to write and self-publish a novel that he hopes will revive his career. He spends the next six weeks bringing Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and other characters to life in "A Christmas Carol."
FleshEater(1988) - A group of college students on an overnite hayride come across a group of maneating zombies. They must fight for their lives while trying to escape and warn the authorities.
Dear John(2010) - Director Lasse Hallstrm and screenwriter Jamie Linden collaborate to adapt author Nicholas Sparks' novel about a young soldier who falls for an idealistic college girl. Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) was on spring break when she first met John Tyree (Channing Tatum), who was home on temporary le...
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Goodreads author - Susan_Kandel
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Goodreads author - William_Allan_Neilson
Goodreads author - Keith_Lowe
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Goodreads author - Patricia_Cornwell
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Goodreads author - Bernie_Sanders
Goodreads author - Esther_J_Ending
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Goodreads author - Geoff_Johns
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Goodreads author - Dan_Fante
Goodreads author - Maureen_Johnson
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Goodreads author - Jillian_Hunter
Goodreads author - Barbara_Cartland
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Goodreads author - Julia_Donaldson
Goodreads author - Lee_C_Bollinger
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Goodreads author - Linda_Medley
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Goodreads author - William_H_Russeth
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Goodreads author - Ishmael_Reed
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Goodreads author - Brian_Moynahan
Goodreads author - Barbara_Hooton
Goodreads author - Christie_Kelley
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Goodreads author - Mia_Marlowe
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Goodreads author - Oliver_Holt
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Goodreads author - Andrea_Lawlor
Goodreads author - Edward_Granville_Browne
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Goodreads author - Michael_Ingham
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Goodreads author - David_Sheff
Goodreads author - Alexis_Kienlen
Goodreads author - John_Kehoe
Goodreads author - Andi_Bombang
Goodreads author - Vernon_Howard
Goodreads author - Alan_Lakein
Goodreads author - Michael_Linenberger
Goodreads author - Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi
Goodreads author - Scott_Von_Doviak
Goodreads author - Inna_Segal
Goodreads author - Amy_Wallace
Goodreads author - Elie_Wiesel
Goodreads author - Rana_Mitter
Goodreads author - Scott_Berkun
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Goodreads author - Robert_L_Wolke
Goodreads author - Nicolas_Slonimsky
Goodreads author - Nicolas_Darvas
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Goodreads author - Felicitas_Hoppe
Goodreads author - Kerry_Reichs
Goodreads author - Tera_Lynn_Childs
Goodreads author - David_Weber
Goodreads author - Christopher_Mahoney
Goodreads author - Brian_Daley
Goodreads author - Pascal_Salin
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Moon
Goodreads author - Giacomo_Casanova
Goodreads author - Tim_Guest
Goodreads author - John_Lescroart
Goodreads author - F_E_Higgins
Goodreads author - Eric_Ludy
Goodreads author - Randall_Kenan
Goodreads author - Amy_B_Demarest
Goodreads author - Jos_de_la_Colina
Goodreads author - Wendy_Cope
Goodreads author - John_Philip_Jones
Goodreads author - Elisabeth_Hirschmann
Goodreads author - Robert_Lawlor
Goodreads author - Bob_Berman
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Goodreads author - Michael_Mosley
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Goodreads author - Donigan_Merritt
Goodreads author - Roger_D_Masters
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Goodreads author - E_E_Cummings
Goodreads author - D_J_Conway
Goodreads author - David_F_Swensen
Goodreads author - Beryl_Markham
Goodreads author - Francis_Macdonald_Cornford
Goodreads author - Shefali_Tsabary
Goodreads author - Tony_Eldridge
Goodreads author - Douglas_Quinn
Goodreads author - Don_Cupitt
Goodreads author - Alexander_Stepanov
Goodreads author - Larry_McMurtry
Goodreads author - Jim_Fay
Goodreads author - Willard_Price
Goodreads author - Charles_G_Koch
Goodreads author - Fatos_Kongoli
Goodreads author - Jo_Ann_Brown
Goodreads author - Darius_James
Goodreads author - Bill_Harley
Goodreads author - Jessica_Strawser
Goodreads author - Fl_vio_Augusto_Da_Silva
Goodreads author - Gino_Wickman
Goodreads author - Swami_Chetanananda
Goodreads author - Fereydoun_Hoveyda
Goodreads author - Lana_Witt
Goodreads author - Mina_Roces
Goodreads author - Werner_Bergengruen
Goodreads author - Louis_Ferrante
Goodreads author - Barbara_Cohen
Goodreads author - Michael_Baisden
Goodreads author - Ted_Naifeh
Goodreads author - Vinayak_Patukale
Goodreads author - Nathalia_Crane
Goodreads author - Dan_Vyleta
Goodreads author - John_F_MacArthur_Jr_
Goodreads author - Marie_Brennan
Goodreads author - Victor_McGlothin
Goodreads author - Earl_Sewell
Goodreads author - Dru_Pagliassotti
Goodreads author - Sheila_Kohler
Goodreads author - Cindy_Guidry
Goodreads author - Brant_A_Gardner
Goodreads author - Jacamo_Peterson
Goodreads author - David_Allen
Goodreads author - Hans_Scherfig
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Goodreads author - James_C_Hunter
Goodreads author - Scott_Kellogg
Goodreads author - Jose_Antonio_Esquibel
Goodreads author - Dmitry_Orlov
Goodreads author - Zalman_Schachter_Shalomi
Goodreads author - James_C_Dobson
Goodreads author - Ani_Phyo
Goodreads author - Jay_Michaelson
Goodreads author - Ram_Charan
Goodreads author - N_z_m_Hikmet_Ran
Goodreads author - Stephen_L_Brock
Goodreads author - Jim_Woodring
Goodreads author - Olaf_Sporns
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Goodreads author - Ilana_C_Myer
Goodreads author - Gerry_Hadden
Goodreads author - Ching_Han_Tsai
Goodreads author - Leticia_Wierzchowski
Goodreads author - Michael_O_Meara
Goodreads author - Leo_Babauta
Goodreads author - Glen_P_Aylward
Goodreads author - Beverly_West
Goodreads author - Muktananda
Goodreads author - Dita_Von_Teese
Goodreads author - Winnie_Jean_Howard
Goodreads author - Catherine_Cl_ment
Goodreads author - N_E_S_Griffiths
Goodreads author - Howard_Barker
Goodreads author - Paula_Hawkins
Goodreads author - Majid_Fakhry
Goodreads author - T_Coraghessan_Boyle
Goodreads author - Takuan_Soho
Goodreads author - Lisa_Harris
Goodreads author - Mark_Cain
Goodreads author - Russell_Targ
Goodreads author - David_Attenborough
Goodreads author - Sean_Michael_Welch
Goodreads author - Sri_Sri_Ravi_Shankar
Goodreads author - Miguel_Dalmau
Goodreads author - Matsuri_Akino
Goodreads author - Patrick_Terrance_Neal
Goodreads author - Dafna_Michaelson_Jenet
Goodreads author - John_Lithgow
Goodreads author - Marguerite_Henry
Goodreads author - Cynthia_Clampitt
Goodreads author - Sarah_Stewart
Goodreads author - Joan_Haslip
Goodreads author - Marcel_Souto_Maior
Goodreads author - Accenture
Goodreads author - Melissa_Holbrook_Pierson
Goodreads author - Enid_Blyton
Goodreads author - Danial_Zainal_Abidin
Goodreads author - Kristin_Kimball
Goodreads author - Robert_Kelly
Goodreads author - Mark_Steel
Goodreads author - Michael_Harvey
Goodreads author - Gertrude_Chandler_Warner
Goodreads author - Pamela_Gossiaux
Goodreads author - Sherri_Browning
Goodreads author - David_Grinspoon
Goodreads author - John_Ashburne
Goodreads author - Simon_Morden
Goodreads author - Dave_Hingsburger
Goodreads author - Frithjof_Schuon
Goodreads author - Eleanor_H_Porter
Goodreads author - Debbie_Moorhouse
Goodreads author - Osman_Bakar
Goodreads author - Petros_Markaris
Goodreads author - Peter_S_Beagle
Goodreads author - Henry_Melvill_Gwatkin
Goodreads author - Katrina_Parker_Williams
Goodreads author - AraLucia_Ashburne
Goodreads author - Lori_Wick
Goodreads author - Luisa_Arlotti
Goodreads author - Beatrice_Gormley
Goodreads author - Steven_G_Pratt
Goodreads author - Tracy_Lynn
Goodreads author - Dave_Zirin
Goodreads author - Julie_Campbell
Goodreads author - Khalid_Muhammad_Khalid
Goodreads author - G_A_Henty
Goodreads author - Ann_Petry
Goodreads author - N_dia_Battella_Gotlib
Goodreads author - Rebecca_Lee
Goodreads author - Frances_de_Pontes_Peebles
Goodreads author - Adriana_Falc_o
Goodreads author - Shahnon_Ahmad
Goodreads author - Mei_Fong
Goodreads author - Amy_E_Herman
Goodreads author - Anant_Pai
Goodreads author - Steven_Fies
Goodreads author - Michael_Tonello
Goodreads author - C_S_Lewis
Goodreads author - Peter_N_Milligan
Goodreads author - Otto_Fenichel
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Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Patricia_Brady
Goodreads author - Gary_S_Williams
Goodreads author - bell_hooks
Goodreads author - Madeleine_L_Engle
Goodreads author - Zolt_n_D_rnyei
Goodreads author - Max_Planck
Goodreads author - Mike_McHargue
Goodreads author - Margaret_Powell
Goodreads author - John_Skewes
Goodreads author - John_Herlihy
Goodreads author - Heather_Grace_Stewart
Goodreads author - Aryeh_Kaplan
Goodreads author - Julie_Kenner
Goodreads author - Atiq_Rahimi
Goodreads author - Frank_Conniff
Goodreads author - Karen_Head
Goodreads author - Tracy_Barrett
Goodreads author - Manning_Marable
Goodreads author - Vijay_Prashad
Goodreads author - Jabari_Asim
Goodreads author - W_E_B_Du_Bois
Goodreads author - Rochelle_Alers
Goodreads author - David_Levering_Lewis
Goodreads author - Dina_Rudick
Goodreads author - William_Strauss
Goodreads author - John_Bellamy_Foster
Goodreads author - Patty_Pobanz
Goodreads author - Jo_Walton
Goodreads author - Sally_Jeffrie
Goodreads author - Erwin_Kreyszig
Goodreads author - Sylvia_Ann_Hewlett
Goodreads author - Stephanie_Taylor
Goodreads author - Geert_Hofstede
Goodreads author - Benjamin_Hale
Goodreads author - Carol_Smallwood
Goodreads author - James_L_Nelson
Goodreads author - Ted_M_Dunagan
Goodreads author - Alan_Percy_Walker
Goodreads author - Griselda_Gambaro
Goodreads author - Winona_LaDuke
Goodreads author - Ricardo_Piglia
Goodreads author - Prentice_Mulford
Goodreads author - Parnell_Hall
Goodreads author - Camille_Paglia
Goodreads author - Vanita_Oelschlager
Goodreads author - Gunnar_Ekel_f
Goodreads author - Koren_Zailckas
Goodreads author - Maile_Meloy
Goodreads author - Ellen_Meloy
Goodreads author - Ivan_Van_Sertima
Goodreads author - Chris_Harman
Goodreads author - Colin_Meloy
Goodreads author - Paul_Teague
Goodreads author - Michael_Downing
Goodreads author - Artnoose
Goodreads author - Marilyn_Johnson
Goodreads author - ManWoman
Goodreads author - Jim_Butcher
Goodreads author - David_Markson
Goodreads author - Alan_Bradley
Goodreads author - Kurt_Tucholsky
Goodreads author - Laurel_Richardson
Goodreads author - Claire_Legrand
Goodreads author - Jon_Atack
Goodreads author - Isaac_Deutscher
Goodreads author - Thomas_Hager
Goodreads author - Catherine_Spangler
Goodreads author - Rivka_Galchen
Goodreads author - Jacques_Pr_vert
Goodreads author - Nikki_Sixx
Goodreads author - Lutishia_Lovely
Goodreads author - James_V_Schall
Goodreads author - Tommy_Lee
Goodreads author - Chrys_Cymri
Goodreads author - Rick_Shenkman
Goodreads author - Shahriar_Mandanipour
Goodreads author - Albert_Cohen
Goodreads author - Charles_Vess
Goodreads author - Tuna_Kiremit_i
Goodreads author - E_L_Mascall
Goodreads author - Dorie_Greenspan
Goodreads author - M_John_Harrison
Goodreads author - Nahid_Mozaffari
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Goodreads author - Patrick_Stuart
Goodreads author - Jeanette_LeBlanc
Goodreads author - Dania_Ramos
Goodreads author - Taylor_Anderson
Goodreads author - Katherine_Allred
Goodreads author - William_Maxwell
Goodreads author - Betsy_Duffey
Goodreads author - J_K_Rowling
Goodreads author - Karin_Lowachee
Goodreads author - Holly_Kennedy
Goodreads author - Tess_Bowery
Goodreads author - Edward_R_Tufte
Goodreads author - Eric_Wilson
Goodreads author - Kinga_T_th
Goodreads author - Robyn_Carr
Goodreads author - Rajendra_B_Aklekar
Goodreads author - Mohammad_Hossein_Vaghef
Goodreads author - Matthew_Simmons
Goodreads author - Christopher_Key_Chapple
Goodreads author - Kareema_Carol_Czerepinski
Goodreads author - Anna_Franco
Goodreads author - Alexander_John_Shaia
Goodreads author - Melody_Griffiths
Goodreads author - Craig_C_Charles
Goodreads author - Chuck_Tingle
Goodreads author - Robert_Scheer
Goodreads author - Paul_S_Collins
Goodreads author - Tobias_S_Buckell
Goodreads author - Maryka_Biaggio
Goodreads author - Luke_B_Goebel
Goodreads author - Anya_Nowlan
Goodreads author - Claude_Bragdon
Goodreads author - Takashi_Murakami
Goodreads author - Snoop_Dogg
Goodreads author - Dan_Roam
Goodreads author - Anne_Osterlund
Goodreads author - Ellen_Meiksins_Wood
Goodreads author - Stephen_F_Cohen
Goodreads author - Billy_O_Connor
Goodreads author - Den_Warren
Goodreads author - Ainsley_Booth
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Brown
Goodreads author - Perry_Anderson
Goodreads author - Victoria_Vale
Goodreads author - Claire_Mix
Goodreads author - Tosca_Reno
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Goodreads author - D_M_Mahlon
Goodreads author - Ann_Jacobs
Goodreads author - Dakota_Cassidy
Goodreads author - Nandhiji
Goodreads author - Suzy_Hansen
Goodreads author - Sri_Vishwanath
Goodreads author - Tina_Murphy
Goodreads author - Jacque_Fresco
Goodreads author - Mar_a_Yuste
Goodreads author - Kalavai_Venkat
Goodreads author - Kathleen_C_Perrin
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Goodreads author - Brit_Bennett
Goodreads author - Juman_Malouf
Goodreads author - Simon_Gervais
Goodreads author - Suzanne_Mustacich
Goodreads author - Kelly_Carlin
Goodreads author - Erik_Fassnacht
Goodreads author - Jocko_Willink
Goodreads author - Elsa_Hart
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Jocelynn_Drake
Goodreads author - Jonathan_Lewis
Goodreads author - Ota_Hofman
Goodreads author - Boris_Hennig
Goodreads author - Derek_Prince
Goodreads author - Melissa_DeCarlo
Goodreads author - Ali_Can_Kucukozyigit
Goodreads author - Ann_Wroe
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Goodreads author - Jonathan_H_Butz
Goodreads author - Hans_Georg_Beck
Goodreads author - Michelle_Segar
Goodreads author - Becky_Feola
Goodreads author - Dwayne_Alexander_Smith
Goodreads author - Darryl_W_Bullock
Goodreads author - John_Carswell
Goodreads author - Randall_Platt
Goodreads author - Raoul_Fernandes
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Goodreads author - Ken_MacLeod
Goodreads author - Wendy_Guerra
Goodreads author - Jon_Pineda
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Goodreads author - Irene_Latham
Goodreads author - Virpi_H_meen_Anttila
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Goodreads author - Ashley_Dawn
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Goodreads author - Ryan_Mecum
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Goodreads author - Michael_Palmer
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Goodreads author - Felix_Klein
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Goodreads author - Adyashanti
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Goodreads author - Tarek_Fatah
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Goodreads author - Fernanda_Young
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Goodreads author - Christopher_B_Leinberger
Goodreads author - Helen_DeWitt
Goodreads author - Don_Jones
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Goodreads author - Claire_Seeber
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Goodreads author - Barbara_Brennan
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Goodreads author - Ivan_Franko
Goodreads author - Nelson_Motta
Goodreads author - Peter_Cameron
Goodreads author - Noel_Vietmeyer
Goodreads author - Susan_Kay
Goodreads author - Terri_Farley
Goodreads author - Ben_Carson
Goodreads author - Victor_J_Stenger
Goodreads author - Victor_Gischler
Goodreads author - Michael_Lerner
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Goodreads author - Kathleen_Bauer
Goodreads author - Cheryl_Klein
Goodreads author - William_Bullen_Morris
Goodreads author - Mark_Berent
Goodreads author - Nicholas_Clapp
Goodreads author - Ali_Abunimah
Goodreads author - Preetham_Grandhi
Goodreads author - Erwin_Chemerinsky
Goodreads author - Richard_Phelan
Goodreads author - B_Goff
Goodreads author - Y_Klar
Goodreads author - Dustin_Thomason
Goodreads author - Susan_Gabriel
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Goodreads author - Joscelyn_Godwin
Goodreads author - Misty_Massey
Goodreads author - Carolyn_Skitt
Goodreads author - Kimberly_Pauley
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Goodreads author - Man_Ray
Goodreads author - Jean_Ray
Goodreads author - Borislav_Peki_
Goodreads author - Ed_Tarkington
Goodreads author - Ephraim_Kishon
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Goodreads author - Ahu_Antmen
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Goodreads author - Gregg_Easterbrook
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Goodreads author - Wendy_McQuiston
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Goodreads author - Michael_Zadoorian
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Goodreads author - Adam_Rex
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Goodreads author - Anne_K_Mellor
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Goodreads author - George_James_Grinnell
Goodreads author - Jude_Mason
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Goodreads author - Andrea_Boeshaar
Goodreads author - Christopher_Marlowe
Goodreads author - Bhabani_Bhattacharya
Goodreads author - Frank_Sheed
Goodreads author - Jillian_David
Goodreads author - Stephen_Booth
Goodreads author - Ann_Rinaldi
Goodreads author - O_Carl_Simonton
Goodreads author - Daniel_Sarewitz
Goodreads author - Kate_Summerscale
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Goodreads author - Jeremy_Locke
Goodreads author - Karl_Wiegers
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Goodreads author - Bear_Grylls
Goodreads author - Manuel_Alfonseca
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Goodreads author - Esther_Cross
Goodreads author - Leonard_Peacefull
Goodreads author - Andrew_Nicoll
Goodreads author - Jane_Fonda
Goodreads author - Manoel_de_Barros
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Goodreads author - Patrick_Modiano
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Goodreads author - Johannes_G_ransson
Goodreads author - Kate_Rigby
Goodreads author - Tommy_Newberry
Goodreads author - Maria_Faulconer
Goodreads author - Charles_Perrow
Goodreads author - Sean_Kennedy
Goodreads author - Fred_Van_Lente
Goodreads author - Frans_de_Waal
Goodreads author - Mary_Gaitskill
Goodreads author - Margaret_Forster
Goodreads author - Linda_Suzane
Goodreads author - Howard_Curtis
Goodreads author - Rebecca_Shaw
Goodreads author - Adelle_Laudan
Goodreads author - Paula_Pryke
Goodreads author - Eric_Berne
Goodreads author - Emma_Santos
Goodreads author - Michael_Faraday
Goodreads author - Abigail_Roux
Goodreads author - Cassandra_Boyson
Goodreads author - Kerem_Canko_ak
Goodreads author - Julie_Morstad
Goodreads author - Rafael_Humberto_Moreno_Dur_n
Goodreads author - Noel_Fielding
Goodreads author - Danielle_Fishel
Goodreads author - Valerie_Tarico
Goodreads author - Pink_Floyd
Goodreads author - Stephen_Huyler
Goodreads author - Patrick_Blanc
Goodreads author - Caroline_Myss
Goodreads author - Ruth_Stafford_Peale
Goodreads author - Rose_Macaulay
Goodreads author - Darren_E_Laws
Goodreads author - Thomas_Ashley_Farrand
Goodreads author - Julia_Harper
Goodreads author - Cyndi_Dale
Goodreads author - Olivia_Fox_Cabane
Goodreads author - Frank_T_Vertosick_Jr_
Goodreads author - Misty_Griffin
Goodreads author - Kao_Kalia_Yang
Goodreads author - Anthony_Bourdain
Goodreads author - Tony_Valley_Jr_
Goodreads author - Alejandra_Pizarnik
Goodreads author - Silvina_Ocampo
Goodreads author - Vanja_Buli_
Goodreads author - Scott_Bevan
Goodreads author - Marueen_McLane
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Goodreads author - James_Robert_Smith
Goodreads author - Muhammad_Lili_Nur_Aulia
Goodreads author - Stuart_M_Kaminsky
Goodreads author - Mark_Watson
Goodreads author - Icarus_Project
Goodreads author - S_J_Reisner
Goodreads author - Richard_Saul_Wurman
Goodreads author - John_Beachem
Goodreads author - Linda_Winfree
Goodreads author - Cricket_Rohman
Goodreads author - Ouida
Goodreads author - David_Bischoff
Goodreads author - Monica_Ali
Goodreads author - Sandra_Olson
Goodreads author - Brigham_D_Madsen
Goodreads author - G_Norman_Lippert
Goodreads author - Michael_C_Donaldson
Goodreads author - Mark_Epstein
Goodreads author - Ovid
Goodreads author - Raewyn_W_Connell
Goodreads author - Victoria_Kann
Goodreads author - Evelyn_Underhill
Goodreads author - Michael_Talbot
Goodreads author - Amy_Andrews
Goodreads author - Titus_Burckhardt
Goodreads author - Elmon_W_Prier
Goodreads author - Ariel_Levy
Goodreads author - Helen_McClory
Goodreads author - Rolfe_Humphries
Goodreads author - Mackenzie_McKade
Goodreads author - Chimamanda_Ngozi_Adichie
Goodreads author - Kent_Cooper
Goodreads author - Ciaran_Carson
Goodreads author - Sofi_Oksanen
Goodreads author - Tom_Schreck
Goodreads author - Philippe_Faure_Brac
Goodreads author - James_Salter
Goodreads author - Harry_Wray
Goodreads author - Stephen_R_Bown
Goodreads author - Andrew_Boyd
Goodreads author - Claudia_Piano
Goodreads author - Prosper_M_rim_e
Goodreads author - G_W_Renshaw
Goodreads author - Brynn_Chapman
Goodreads author - Kevin_Sampsell
Goodreads author - John_MacQuarrie
Goodreads author - Dee_Tenorio
Goodreads author - Peter_Watson
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Goodreads author - Lisa_Jensen
Goodreads author - Karen_Casey
Goodreads author - Theodoros_Angelopoulos
Goodreads author - Gerald_Graff
Goodreads author - Jayant_V_Narlikar
Goodreads author - Evan_Thompson
Goodreads author - Sarah_Shun_lien_Bynum
Goodreads author - Evelyn_Waugh
Goodreads author - Maureen_McKade
Goodreads author - Tim_Spector
Goodreads author - Soraya
Goodreads author - Balaji_Viswanathan
Goodreads author - James_R_Babb
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Goodreads author - Gregg_Luke
Goodreads author - Joseph_Frank
Goodreads author - Mary_Poppendieck
Goodreads author - Marisa_Peer
Goodreads author - Francesca_Collin
Goodreads author - Martin_Amis
Goodreads author - Jonny_Nexus
Goodreads author - Don_Paterson
Goodreads author - Hermione_Lee
Goodreads author - Mary_Boyce
Goodreads author - Jerry_Mathes_II
Goodreads author - Donald_Justice
Goodreads author - Thomas_Szasz
Goodreads author - Debbie_Macomber
Goodreads author - Henrietta_Rose_Innes
Goodreads author - David_Guenther
Goodreads author - Trey_Hamburger
Goodreads author - Osamu_Dazai
Goodreads author - Leigh_Eddings
Goodreads author - Carol_Muske_Dukes
Goodreads author - Olga_Bogdashina
Goodreads author - Larry_Correia
Goodreads author - Andy_Beal
Goodreads author - Judith_Janeway
Goodreads author - Zinta_Aistars
Goodreads author - Galway_Kinnell
Goodreads author - Chris_Hadfield
Goodreads author - Harold_J_Laski
Goodreads author - Don_Stanford
Goodreads author - Karen_Wetmore
Goodreads author - Sarah_Kay
Goodreads author - Roland_Omn_s
Goodreads author - M_rio_Henrique_Leiria
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Marie_Pope
Goodreads author - Charles_Nodier
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Goodreads author - Katja_Maria_Vogt
Goodreads author - Charles_R_Johnson
Goodreads author - Frank_Justus_Miller
Goodreads author - Margaret_Fuller
Goodreads author - Cordwainer_Smith
Goodreads author - William_Godwin
Goodreads author - Yasunari_Murakami
Goodreads author - Diana_Castilleja
Goodreads author - zarin_koub
Goodreads author - A_Samad_Ismail
Goodreads author - Jane_Mendelsohn
Goodreads author - Meg_Wolitzer
Goodreads author - Howard_Waldrop
Goodreads author - M_Mitchell_Waldrop
Goodreads author - Mike_Bennett
Goodreads author - Elaine_A_Maveety
Goodreads author - David_Simon
Goodreads author - Andersen_Prunty
Goodreads author - Gwen_Hunter
Goodreads author - Sammy_Harkham
Goodreads author - Carol_Anshaw
Goodreads author - Mel_Keegan
Goodreads author - Catherine_Mulvany
Goodreads author - Ira_Glass
Goodreads author - Simon_Crompton
Goodreads author - Gon_alo_M_Tavares
Goodreads author - Bryn_Colvin
Goodreads author - Jayne_Pupek
Goodreads author - Jackie_Kay
Goodreads author - Sloane_Howell
Goodreads author - Epicurus
Goodreads author - Gordon_Campbell
Goodreads author - Elbert_Hubbard
Goodreads author - John_Dowland
Goodreads author - James_Ramsey_Ullman
Goodreads author - Galen_Beckett
Goodreads author - Heather_Cocks
Goodreads author - Donna_Grant
Goodreads author - Sarah_Payne_Stuart
Goodreads author - Ann_Somerville
Goodreads author - Norman_Fenton
Goodreads author - Karen_R_Koenig
Goodreads author - Dave_Cooper
Goodreads author - Alix_Ohlin
Goodreads author - Marcello_Di_Cintio
Goodreads author - Michelle_de_Kretser
Goodreads author - Mikiso_Hane
Goodreads author - Richard_J_Maybury
Goodreads author - _Kannadasan_
Goodreads author - Lorna_Barrett
Goodreads author - Kevin_Brooks
Goodreads author - David_Van_Etten
Goodreads author - Bill_Hussey
Goodreads author - Shannon_K_Butcher
Goodreads author - Ricardo_Ch_vez_Casta_eda
Goodreads author - Angel_Zapata
Goodreads author - Azhari_Aiyub
Goodreads author - Patricia_Evans
Goodreads author - Uri_Nissan_Gnessin
Goodreads author - Hal_Brands
Goodreads author - Gordon_Massman
Goodreads author - Christopher_Wright
Goodreads author - Brenda_Minton
Goodreads author - Pierre_Joseph_Proudhon
Goodreads author - Celia_Rivenbark
Goodreads author - Abbas_ibn_Mansur_Saksaki
Goodreads author - Gianni_Rodari
Goodreads author - Helen_Marshall
Goodreads author - Scott_Sigler
Goodreads author - J_I_Packer
Goodreads author - Jen_Calonita
Goodreads author - Mordecai_Richler
Goodreads author - Kristoffer_Hughes
Goodreads author - Frances_Greenslade
Goodreads author - Rory_Freedman
Goodreads author - Kim_Barnouin
Goodreads author - Tyne_O_Connell
Goodreads author - Rita_Ferro
Goodreads author - William_Arntz
Goodreads author - Raymond_E_Brown
Goodreads author - Lynn_Harris
Goodreads author - Ren_Magritte
Goodreads author - Jess_Lourey
Goodreads author - Janisse_Ray
Goodreads author - Shinichi_Hoshi
Goodreads author - Beverly_Stowe_McClure
Goodreads author - Tamara_Leigh
Goodreads author - Eduardo_Sartelli
Goodreads author - Cupcake_Brown
Goodreads author - Dylan_Jones
Goodreads author - Markus_Zusak
Goodreads author - Walter_Greatshell
Goodreads author - Serene_West
Goodreads author - Sela_Ward
Goodreads author - Diane_Hammond
Goodreads author - Xavier_Villaurrutia
Goodreads author - Kazuki_Kaneshiro
Goodreads author - Rosie_Fiore
Goodreads author - Heather_B_Armstrong
Goodreads author - Rona_Jaffe
Goodreads author - Hebe_Elsna
Goodreads author - Spike_Milligan
Goodreads author - Wolf_Erlbruch
Goodreads author - Andy_Runton
Goodreads author - Octave_Mirbeau
Goodreads author - Curtis_Craddock
Goodreads author - Tom_Morris
Goodreads author - Robin_Baker
Goodreads author - Chris_Coppernoll
Goodreads author - Lloyd_Ultan
Goodreads author - Expert_Education
Goodreads author - Peggy_Webb
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Pisani
Goodreads author - David_Clay_Large
Goodreads author - Andrew_Collins
Goodreads author - Cynthia_A_Clement
Goodreads author - Bruno_Bauer
Goodreads author - Anna_Windsor
Goodreads author - Carolina_Valdez
Goodreads author - Jo_o_Pereira_Coutinho
Goodreads author - Warren_Murphy
Goodreads author - Ronald_Grigor_Suny
Goodreads author - Caroline_Elkins
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - J_J_Murphy
Goodreads author - Dannye_Williamsen
Goodreads author - A_J_Liebling
Goodreads author - Caroline_Linden
Goodreads author - Louis_Maistros
Goodreads author - Jim_Wallis
Goodreads author - Patrick_Lencioni
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Joe_Klein
Goodreads author - Marion_Nestle
Goodreads author - Tilly_Greene
Goodreads author - John_Howard_Yoder
Goodreads author - Carter_Plymton_Hydrick
Goodreads author - Lisa_Black
Goodreads author - Gary_A_Braunbeck
Goodreads author - Ola_Hansson
Goodreads author - Riccardo_Cassin
Goodreads author - Jacquelyn_Sylvan
Goodreads author - Patrick_French
Goodreads author - Jesse_Jarnow
Goodreads author - Shawneda_Marks
Goodreads author - Kathryn_Williams
Goodreads author - Mark_A_Noll
Goodreads author - Richard_Avedon
Goodreads author - William_Stacey
Goodreads author - Charles_D_Ellis
Goodreads author - Johann_Sebastian_Bach
Goodreads author - Kyle_Michel_Sullivan
Goodreads author - Yoshio_Kawashima
Goodreads author - Amy_Bloom
Goodreads author - Jim_Miotke
Goodreads author - Michelle_Leighton
Goodreads author - Robert_Pinsky
Goodreads author - Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge
Goodreads author - Sven_Birkerts
Goodreads author - Robert_Nye
Goodreads author - Brendan_Constantine
Goodreads author - Lee_Murray
Goodreads author - Saut_Situmorang
Goodreads author - Bob_Burg
Goodreads author - Marilyn_Wann
Goodreads author - Theresa_Alan
Goodreads author - Miss_Read
Goodreads author - Gayle_Brandeis
Goodreads author - Edward_Bunker
Goodreads author - Constance_Squires
Goodreads author - W_D_Snodgrass
Goodreads author - Robert_Twigger
Goodreads author - Abhinavagupta
Goodreads author - Jennie_Breeden
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Goodreads author - Sara_Angelini
Goodreads author - Dani_Rodrik
Goodreads author - Nina_Harper
Goodreads author - Thomas_C_Foster
Goodreads author - Gilbert_Brim
Goodreads author - Jake_Shannon
Goodreads author - Vasily_Shukshin
Goodreads author - Smedley_D_Butler
Goodreads author - Lowell_Thomas
Goodreads author - Ray_T_Malbrough
Goodreads author - John_J_Mearsheimer
Goodreads author - Derek_Walcott
Goodreads author - Joseph_Brodsky
Goodreads author - Frederic_S_Mishkin
Goodreads author - James_Daniel_Ross
Goodreads author - Francine_Russell
Goodreads author - Albert_N_Martin
Goodreads author - Leonid_Michailovich_Mlechin
Goodreads author - Achy_Obejas
Goodreads author - Hannah_More
Goodreads author - Cara_Benson
Goodreads author - Ian_Hocking
Goodreads author - Tracy_Falbe
Goodreads author - Jenny_Erpenbeck
Goodreads author - David_Laing_Dawson
Goodreads author - Al_Burke
Goodreads author - P_ter_Esterh_zy
Goodreads author - Iain_Mckay
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Goodreads author - Robert_N_Cheek
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Goodreads author - Michael_Wood
Goodreads author - Brooke_Taylor
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Goodreads author - Umar_Vadillo
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Goodreads author - David_Gemmell
Goodreads author - Richard_Jeffrey_Newman
Goodreads author - Norman_Dubie
Goodreads author - E_N_Joy
Goodreads author - Beatrix_Potter
Goodreads author - Richard_Branson
Goodreads author - Jean_Harrington
Goodreads author - Thomas_Schnurmacher
Goodreads author - Philip_Spires
Goodreads author - Uli_Gei_ler
Goodreads author - Noah_Kagan
Goodreads author - Arkady_Strugatsky
Goodreads author - Ryan_Balot
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Goodreads author - Ahmed_Riahi_Belkaoui
Goodreads author - Bryan_Konietzko
Goodreads author - Aminata_Sow_Fall
Goodreads author - William_O_Connell
Goodreads author - Malcolm_W_Nance
Goodreads author - Rachel_Howzell_Hall
Goodreads author - RaeAnne_Thayne
Goodreads author - Elna_Baker
Goodreads author - John_Joseph_Adams
Goodreads author - Antonio_Aradillas
Goodreads author - Suzue_Miuchi
Goodreads author - Barbara_Hodgson
Goodreads author - Chista_Yasrebi
Goodreads author - Vincent_Lam
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Goodreads author - Jonathan_Freedland
Goodreads author - Raymond_Roussel
Goodreads author - Nancy_Mitford
Goodreads author - Joseph_Pearce
Goodreads author - Nicholas_Rombes
Goodreads author - Antanas_k_ma
Goodreads author - Rae_Armantrout
Goodreads author - Edward_Gibbon
Goodreads author - Max_Lunger
Goodreads author - Petar_P_Njegos
Goodreads author - N_West_Moss
Goodreads author - Jennifer_Chiaverini
Goodreads author - Lynne_Cheney
Goodreads author - Dan_Moren
Goodreads author - Kate_Klise
Goodreads author - Rex_Allen_Hughes
Goodreads author - Tori_Spelling
Goodreads author - Sharon_Creech
Goodreads author - Swami_Muktibodhananda
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Goodreads author - D_A_Young
Goodreads author - Lonnie_Burr
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Goodreads author - Olavo_de_Carvalho
Goodreads author - Larry_Zuckerman
Goodreads author - Bonnie_Glover
Goodreads author - Catherine_Clark
Goodreads author - Pamela_Sampson
Goodreads author - Benjamin_Black
Goodreads author - Fran_ois_Lelord
Goodreads author - Jessica_Brody
Goodreads author - Danielle_Younge_Ullman
Goodreads author - Lynda_Barry
Goodreads author - Roger_Stone
Goodreads author - Amy_Lundebrek
Goodreads author - Ravi_Subramanian
Goodreads author - Maulana_Karenga
Goodreads author - Laura_Amy_Schlitz
Goodreads author - Hannah_Dennison
Goodreads author - David_Icke
Goodreads author - Patrul_Rinpoche
Goodreads author - Karla_M_Johnstone
Goodreads author - Meg_Cabot
Goodreads author - Tim_Tingle
Goodreads author - Stephen_Gregory
Goodreads author - Anya_Bast
Goodreads author - Kenneth_M_Cameron
Goodreads author - Jane_St_Clair
Goodreads author - Whitney_Gaskell
Goodreads author - Ben_Edlund
Goodreads author - Candace_Havens
Goodreads author - Sabahattin_Ali
Goodreads author - Julie_Kenner
Goodreads author - Lisa_Jervis
Goodreads author - Jhenah_Telyndru
Goodreads author - David_Levithan
Goodreads author - Sean_Kilpatrick
Goodreads author - Mirkka_Rekola
Goodreads author - G_B_Church
Goodreads author - Roy_L_Pickering_Jr_
Goodreads author - Rink_van_der_Velde
Goodreads author - Bonnie_Dee
Goodreads author - Ingela_F_Hyatt
Goodreads author - Meg_Allison
Goodreads author - Diane_Craver
Goodreads author - Ned_Vizzini
Goodreads author - M_J_Akbar
Goodreads author - Mary_Lydon_Simonsen
Goodreads author - Masatoshi_Nakayama
Goodreads author - John_Samuel
Goodreads author - Kenyon_Farrow
Goodreads author - Joe_Drape
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Gilbert
Goodreads author - Kathryn_Kuhlman
Goodreads author - Arthur_Schopenhauer
Goodreads author - Sharon_Blackie
Goodreads author - Laura_Gutman
Goodreads author - Bryan_Magee
Goodreads author - Dalton_Trevisan
Goodreads author - Chester_D_Campbell
Goodreads author - Nazarethe_Fonseca
Goodreads author - Lacresha_Hayes
Goodreads author - Adelaida_Garc_a_Morales
Goodreads author - Janis_Thomas
Goodreads author - A_S_Byatt
Goodreads author - Bi_Feiyu
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Goodreads author - An_lavs_Egl_tis
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Goodreads author - Natasha_Oakley
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Goodreads author - Betty_Dodson
Goodreads author - Esther_Verhoef
Goodreads author - David_James_Duncan
Goodreads author - Joanna_Walsh
Goodreads author - J_M_Harrison
Goodreads author - Lochlainn_Seabrook
Goodreads author - Isaac_Felipe_Azofeifa
Goodreads author - Wendy_T_Behary
Goodreads author - Liz_Fielding
Goodreads author - Alloma_Gilbert
Goodreads author - Jonah_Berger
Goodreads author - Marilyn_Harris
Goodreads author - Karen_Salmansohn
Goodreads author - Kevin_Strange
Goodreads author - Kim_Falconer
Goodreads author - Yasushi_Inoue
Goodreads author - Max_Brallier
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Goodreads author - Marcella_Hazan
Goodreads author - Pauline_Maier
Goodreads author - Wesley_Stace
Goodreads author - Max_Frei
Goodreads author - Ann_Howard_Creel
Goodreads author - Rosina_Lippi
Goodreads author - Mina_Loy
Goodreads author - Hermann_L_ns
Goodreads author - Keri_Smith
Goodreads author - Kimberly_Killion
Goodreads author - Anne_Hines
Goodreads author - Robert_Underwood_Johnson
Goodreads author - Stephanie_Clifford
Goodreads author - Leo_Pleysier
Goodreads author - Timothy_M_Laur
Goodreads author - Jax_Peters_Lowell
Goodreads author - John_Wakeman
Goodreads author - Nancy_Moser
Goodreads author - James_McBride
Goodreads author - Cindy_Woodsmall
Goodreads author - Janet_Lambert
Goodreads author - Wangari_Maathai
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Goodreads author - Ekrem_Akurgal
Goodreads author - Alan_Dean_Foster
Goodreads author - Maureen_Murdock
Goodreads author - Ernest_Hebert
Goodreads author - Adi_Shankaracharya
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Goodreads author - Jeffery_Steadman
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Goodreads author - Karina_Bliss
Goodreads author - Hilda_Gadea
Goodreads author - Joseph_H_Badal
Goodreads author - _lvar_N_ez_Cabeza_de_Vaca
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Goodreads author - Jeffrey_S_Savage
Goodreads author - Derek_O_Dell
Goodreads author - Ahmed_Osman
Goodreads author - Peter_Burke
Goodreads author - Charles_R_Krahmalkov
Goodreads author - Frank_Belknap_Long
Goodreads author - Diane_Purkiss
Goodreads author - David_Moody
Goodreads author - Candace_Sams
Goodreads author - Elaine_May
Goodreads author - Dorothy_Cannell
Goodreads author - Paul_Griffin
Goodreads author - Thomas_Nashe
Goodreads author - Diane_Duane
Goodreads author - Susan_Lynn_Peterson
Goodreads author - Simon_Armitage
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Goodreads author - Kathleen_Jamie
Goodreads author - Julian_P_Johnson
Goodreads author - Karen_Engelmann
Goodreads author - S_awomir_Mro_ek
Goodreads author - Lisa_Wright
Goodreads author - Garry_Disher
Goodreads author - Douglas_M_Kellner
Goodreads author - Michael_Knight
Goodreads author - T_L_James
Goodreads author - HoneyB
Goodreads author - T_F_Banks
Goodreads author - L_S_O_Dea
Goodreads author - Sarah_Searight
Goodreads author - Christi_Phillips
Goodreads author - Antony_H_Harrison
Goodreads author - Josh_Hanson
Goodreads author - Michelle_Harrison
Goodreads author - John_Cleese
Goodreads author - Lily_King
Goodreads author - A_B_Guthrie_Jr_
Goodreads author - Jason_Griffey
Goodreads author - Alan_Bennett
Goodreads author - Mustansar_Hussain_Tarar
Goodreads author - Richard_Powers
Goodreads author - Diane_Kelly
Goodreads author - Mary_Akers
Goodreads author - Sheila_Connolly
Goodreads author - David_R_Hawkins
Goodreads author - Henry_Naiken
Goodreads author - Terry_D_Johnson
Goodreads author - Stormie_Omartian
Goodreads author - Leslie_Goetsch
Goodreads author - Jim_Munroe
Goodreads author - Melissa_Nathan
Goodreads author - Eric_Shanower
Goodreads author - William_Manchester
Goodreads author - Devin_Brown
Goodreads author - Arthur_Helps
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Goodreads author - David_Malki
Goodreads author - Jo_Ann_Beard
Goodreads author - Stephen_Batchelor
Goodreads author - John_Feffer
Goodreads author - Kendra_Leigh_Castle
Goodreads author - Andrei_Oi_teanu
Goodreads author - Jonathan_Abrams
Goodreads author - Jeff_Probst
Goodreads author - Sarat_Chandra_Chattopadhyay
Goodreads author - Kevin_Siembieda
Goodreads author - Kodwo_Eshun
Goodreads author - Steven_F_Havill
Goodreads author - Don_Davison
Goodreads author - Elaine_Bergstrom
Goodreads author - Sherry_Ann_Miller
Goodreads author - John_King
Goodreads author - Naomi_Alderman
Goodreads author - Jacalyn_Duffin
Goodreads author - Sheralyn_Pratt
Goodreads author - Ren_Depestre
Goodreads author - S_A_Bodeen
Goodreads author - Sarah_Brown
Goodreads author - Robert_Buettner
Goodreads author - Henri_Matisse
Goodreads author - Judith_T_Lambert
Goodreads author - Christina_Meldrum
Goodreads author - Gabriel_S_nchez_Sorondo
Goodreads author - Emmett_Williams
Goodreads author - Mufti_Ismail_Menk
Goodreads author - Viktoras_Kulvinskas
Goodreads author - Phil_Brucato
Goodreads author - Alice_Hearst
Goodreads author - Arthur_M_Schlesinger_Jr_
Goodreads author - Janice_Thompson
Goodreads author - Jeanne_Heuving
Goodreads author - Donia_Bijan
Goodreads author - Lisa_Dean
Goodreads author - John_Larison
Goodreads author - Lira_Neto
Goodreads author - Michael_Ventura
Goodreads author - Helim_Yusiv
Goodreads author - Alain_Badiou
Goodreads author - Virginia_Kantra
Goodreads author - Sunny
Goodreads author - Maurice_Merleau_Ponty
Goodreads author - Madeline_Roux
Goodreads author - Paul_Tough
Goodreads author - Charlotte_Mutsaers
Goodreads author - Christen_Haden
Goodreads author - Amanda_Ripley
Goodreads author - Kimberly_Brubaker_Bradley
Goodreads author - Wiley_A_Hall
Goodreads author - David_Schaafsma
Goodreads author - Wilhelm_Reich
Goodreads author - Pierre_Billon
Goodreads author - Martin_Lindstrom
Goodreads author - Bettie_Sharpe
Goodreads author - Heidi_Baker
Goodreads author - Robbie_Kellman_Baxter
Goodreads author - Rory_James
Goodreads author - Larry_Herzberg
Goodreads author - Maulana_Abul_Kalam_Azad
Goodreads author - David_La_Piana
Goodreads author - Nicole_London
Goodreads author - Melissa_McShane
Goodreads author - Erma_Bombeck
Goodreads author - Aimie_K_Runyan
Goodreads author - Shannon_Appelcline
Goodreads author - J_S_Lewis
Goodreads author - Theda_Skocpol
Goodreads author - Rose_Pressey
Goodreads author - Louren_o_Mutarelli
Goodreads author - Aine_MacAodha
Goodreads author - Suzanne_Adair
Goodreads author - Ellen_Kushner
Goodreads author - Eustace_Clarence_Mullins
Goodreads author - Theodora_Goss
Goodreads author - Gabriel_Kolko
Goodreads author - Anuj_Dhar
Goodreads author - Carol_Lynne
Goodreads author - David_Solnit
Goodreads author - J_D_McClatchy
Goodreads author - April_Lindner
Goodreads author - Dorothy_Day
Goodreads author - Gordon_Parks
Goodreads author - Owen_Bennett_Jones
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Ann_Scarborough
Goodreads author - Chris_Impey
Goodreads author - Conn_Iggulden
Goodreads author - Steve_Biddulph
Goodreads author - Sierra_Donovan
Goodreads author - Roger_Bacon
Goodreads author - Jude_Watson
Goodreads author - M_Malone
Goodreads author - Sarah_Bakewell
Goodreads author - Anna_Kavan
Goodreads author - Graveyard_Greg
Goodreads author - Andrew_Rowe
Goodreads author - Tim_Capehart
Goodreads author - Nani_Palkhivala
Goodreads author - John_Browne
Goodreads author - Mario_Alonso_Puig
Goodreads author - Claudia_Gray
Goodreads author - Jerry_Scott
Goodreads author - Ron_Abraytis
Goodreads author - Rick_Kirkman
Goodreads author - Pashaura_Singh
Goodreads author - Victor_J_Banis
Goodreads author - F_R_Leavis
Goodreads author - Isabelle_Arsenault
Goodreads author - Ruth_Strother
Goodreads author - Jibade_Khalil_Huffman
Goodreads author - David_G_Campbell
Goodreads author - Elliott_O_Donnell
Goodreads author - Gemma_Halliday
Goodreads author - Elen_Sentier
Goodreads author - P_n_lope_Bagieu
Goodreads author - Ashlyn_Chase
Goodreads author - Olivia_Folmar_Ard
Goodreads author - Mary_Ann_Shaffer
Goodreads author - Meindert_DeJong
Goodreads author - Judith_S_Heelan
Goodreads author - Richard_Dawkins
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Gail_McFarland
Goodreads author - Blaine_M_Yorgason
Goodreads author - DeiIra_Smith_Collard
Goodreads author - T_C_LoTempio
Goodreads author - M_A_Nowak
Goodreads author - Jean_Philippe_Blondel
Goodreads author - James_Scott_Bell
Goodreads author - James_C_Scott
Goodreads author - Wilfrid_Ward
Goodreads author - Helo_Matzelle
Goodreads author - Kyle_Baker
Goodreads author - Madison_Grant
Goodreads author - Allan_Wolf
Goodreads author - Christos_A_Djonis
Goodreads author - Betty_G_Birney
Goodreads author - Michelle_Paver
Goodreads author - Andrew_Kevin_Walker
Goodreads author - Judy_A_Hall
Goodreads author - Jos_Lezama_Lima
Goodreads author - Elisa_Braden
Goodreads author - Roland_Emmerich
Goodreads author - John_Keats
Goodreads author - Harold_Pinter
Goodreads author - Alan_Goldhamer
Goodreads author - Douglas_J_Lisle
Goodreads author - Laura_Kasischke
Goodreads author - Frances_Hardinge
Goodreads author - Da_Chen
Goodreads author - Diana_Peterfreund
Goodreads author - Charles_Ghigna
Goodreads author - Dylan_Moran
Goodreads author - Bernice_L_McFadden
Goodreads author - Marc_Peter_Keane
Goodreads author - Dave_Logan
Goodreads author - Genevieve_Cogman
Goodreads author - Manik_Bandopadhyay
Goodreads author - Patrick_Maume
Goodreads author - Brian_Raftery
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Erfan_Mojib_
Goodreads author - Paul_Siegell
Goodreads author - Christiane_Muller
Goodreads author - Kaya
Goodreads author - Alison_Jackson
Goodreads author - Anna_Lowenhaupt_Tsing
Goodreads author - Kathy_Fish
Goodreads author - Cynthia_B_Dillard
Goodreads author - Mychael_Black
Goodreads author - Stevie_Woods
Goodreads author - No_l_Coward
Goodreads author - D_L_Smith
Goodreads author - Simion_Mehedin_i
Goodreads author - Walt_Morey
Goodreads author - Peter_F_Drucker
Goodreads author - Peter_B_Kyne
Goodreads author - Jennifer_Paz
Goodreads author - W_Heath_Robinson
Goodreads author - David_Miklos
Goodreads author - Max_Allan_Collins
Goodreads author - Andrew_Watts
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Daniel_Pinchbeck
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Celeste_Wilson
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Adam_Gibson
Goodreads author - Ana_Beatriz_Barbosa_Silva
Goodreads author - Dezs_Kosztol_nyi
Goodreads author - J_L_Langley
Goodreads author - Dan_Carpenter
Goodreads author - Magali_Le_Huche
Goodreads author - C_B_Potts
Goodreads author - Carol_Shields
Goodreads author - Helen_LaKelly_Hunt
Goodreads author - Oliver_Wendell_Holmes_Sr_
Goodreads author - Marcel_Aym_
Goodreads author - Hamish_Davidson
Goodreads author - Colby_Sharp
Goodreads author - Heidi_Swanson
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Elisa_Lispector
Goodreads author - Andy_Warhol
Goodreads author - David_Benioff
Goodreads author - Augusto_dos_Anjos
Goodreads author - disclafani_anton
Goodreads author - Kenneth_R_Miller
Goodreads author - Linda_Broday
Goodreads author - Laura_Riding_Jackson
Goodreads author - M_C_Frank
Goodreads author - Lynne_Curry
Goodreads author - L_Thi_Diem_Th_y
Goodreads author - Gardner_Dozois
Goodreads author - Carole_Matthews
Goodreads author - Karen_Ferry
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton
Goodreads author - Paco_Roca
Goodreads author - Vineet_Aggarwal
Goodreads author - Dave_Riese
Goodreads author - Eric_Allen
Goodreads author - Jean_Piaget
Goodreads author - Patricia_Park
Goodreads author - Kenichi_Ohmae
Goodreads author - Joshua_Slocum
Goodreads author - Eamonn_Butler
Goodreads author - Lex_Thomas
Goodreads author - A_Van_Jordan
Goodreads author - Stephanie_Bishop
Goodreads author - Ellen_Herrick
Goodreads author - Sigal_Samuel
Goodreads author - Kim_Chinquee
Goodreads author - Kaaron_Warren
Goodreads author - Jaime_Luis_Huenun
Goodreads author - Heather_McHugh
Goodreads author - John_Zubrzycki
Goodreads author - Joan_Aiken
Goodreads author - Dana_Levin
Goodreads author - Pavana_
Goodreads author - Russell_Hoban
Goodreads author - Tim_Sievert
Goodreads author - Margaret_Grace
Goodreads author - Ralph_Waldo_Emerson
Goodreads author - Mukul_Deva
Goodreads author - Ajahn_Brahm
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Richard_Grossinger
Goodreads author - Luisa_Prieto
Goodreads author - Michele_Saee
Goodreads author - Laure_Adler
Goodreads author - Eliezer_Ben_Yehuda
Goodreads author - Adalet_A_ao_lu
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_David
Goodreads author - Howard_Axelrod
Goodreads author - Gary_McMahon
Goodreads author - Kate_Saunders
Goodreads author - Traci_L_Jones
Goodreads author - K_P_Yohannan
Goodreads author - Kelly_Braffet
Goodreads author - Patrick_M_Wood
Goodreads author - Ford_Madox_Ford
Goodreads author - Steve_Turley
Goodreads author - Curry_Blake
Goodreads author - Amit_Chaudhuri
Goodreads author - Pedro_Lenz
Goodreads author - Stanley_Cohen
Goodreads author - Danny_Peary
Goodreads author - Antoine_Laurain
Goodreads author - Jeremy_Narby
Goodreads author - Adrianne_Brennan
Goodreads author - Erik_Davis
Goodreads author - Janet_E_Morris
Goodreads author - _ngeles_Mastretta
Goodreads author - Gita_Bhattacharji
Goodreads author - Bastien_Viv_s
Goodreads author - Paracelsus
Goodreads author - Joanne_Rendell
Goodreads author - Gail_Jones
Goodreads author - James_George_Frazer
Goodreads author - Vintil_Horia
Goodreads author - Ansel_Adams
Goodreads author - Kathy_J_Marsh
Goodreads author - Alexandrea_Weis
Goodreads author - Ian_McPhedran
Goodreads author - Rachel_Stolzman
Goodreads author - Stephen_Brusatte
Goodreads author - Olivia_Ryann
Goodreads author - Marilee_Zdenek
Goodreads author - Martha_N_Beck
Goodreads author - Carmen_Rodrigues
Goodreads author - Patrick_Galvin
Goodreads author - William_Gurstelle
Goodreads author - Emil_Draitser
Goodreads author - Bill_James
Goodreads author - Adam_Winkler
Goodreads author - J_L_Douglas
Goodreads author - John_Whitmore
Goodreads author - Dennis_E_Taylor
Goodreads author - William_H_Hooks
Goodreads author - Sally_Clarkson
Goodreads author - Jacques_Bergier
Goodreads author - Tim_Pratt
Goodreads author - Timothy_Deal
Goodreads author - Don_E_Fehrenbacher
Goodreads author - Mo_Yan
Goodreads author - Colombe_Schneck
Goodreads author - James_M_McPherson
Goodreads author - Stephen_B_Oates
Goodreads author - Kathryn_Hughes
Goodreads author - Len_Fisher
Goodreads author - Ta_Nehisi_Coates
Goodreads author - Debbie_Williamson
Goodreads author - Aatish_Taseer
Goodreads author - S_L_Viehl
Goodreads author - Rosalind_E_Krauss
Goodreads author - Ruowen_Wang
Goodreads author - Kirby_Larson
Goodreads author - Paul_Stonehill
Goodreads author - Katherine_Hannigan
Goodreads author - David_H_Burton
Goodreads author - Ashlan_Thomas
Goodreads author - Monica_McLean
Goodreads author - Jennifer_Carole_Lewis
Goodreads author - Mary_Amato
Goodreads author - Shawn_E_Klein
Goodreads author - Kira_Henehan
Goodreads author - Catherine_Kyle
Goodreads author - Sana_Krasikov
Goodreads author - Thomas_Frank
Goodreads author - Peter_Bregman
Goodreads author - Lauren_Grodstein
Goodreads author - Marjetta_Geerling
Goodreads author - Josh_Epstein
Goodreads author - Megan_Haskell
Goodreads author - Megan_Crane
Goodreads author - Chinmayananda_Saraswati
Goodreads author - Swami_Abhedananda
Goodreads author - David_Rankine
Goodreads author - Stephen_Skinner
Goodreads author - Samuel_Avery
Goodreads author - Chris_Adrian
Goodreads author - Wilfrid_Sellars
Goodreads author - Josip_Novakovich
Goodreads author - Alan_Roettinger
Goodreads author - W_Y_Evans_Wentz
Goodreads author - Ralph_Metzner
Goodreads author - Francine_Prose
Goodreads author - Jenna_Bayley_Burke
Goodreads author - E_J_Gold
Goodreads author - Robert_Moss
Goodreads author - Rob_Thurman
Goodreads author - Cliff_Chandler
Goodreads author - Wilson_Van_Dusen
Goodreads author - Qudratullah_Shahab
Goodreads author - Destiny_Blaine
Goodreads author - John_C_Lilly
Goodreads author - Gerard_Way
Goodreads author - Shafiq_ur_Rahman
Goodreads author - Sonya_Huber
Goodreads author - Per_Brinch_Hansen
Goodreads author - Kurt_G_del
Goodreads author - Pedro_Mairal
Goodreads author - Jon_Ronson
Goodreads author - David_Crosby
Goodreads author - Emily_Martin
Goodreads author - Sherry_Jones
Goodreads author - Christine_Brooke_Rose
Goodreads author - Rauan_Klassnik
Goodreads author - David_C_Hayes
Goodreads author - Ann_Belford_Ulanov
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Paula_Munier
Goodreads author - Nancy_Armstrong
Goodreads author - Baruch_Spinoza
Goodreads author - Gianrico_Carofiglio
Goodreads author - Yuu_Yabuuchi
Goodreads author - Neil_Gaiman
Goodreads author - Kathy_Kulig
Goodreads author - Sean_T_Page
Goodreads author - Fran_Krause
Goodreads author - Marcus_du_Sautoy
Goodreads author - Chungliang_Al_Huang
Goodreads author - Robert_W_McGee
Goodreads author - Karl_A_Menninger
Goodreads author - Alexander_Bard
Goodreads author - Al_Black
Goodreads author - Anne_Ursu
Goodreads author - Bryan_L_Hutchinson
Goodreads author - Errol_Morris
Goodreads author - Tim_Hall
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Agostinho_da_Silva
Goodreads author - Josepha_Sherman
Goodreads author - Kim_Dong_Hwa
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Hallam
Goodreads author - Nouriel_Roubini
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Fritz_Shurmur
Goodreads author - Wallace_Thurman
Goodreads author - Gottfried_Benn
Goodreads author - Carl_Zuckmayer
Goodreads author - Erich_von_D_niken
Goodreads author - Beth_Wiseman
Goodreads author - Roz_Bailey
Goodreads author - Kathy_Lette
Goodreads author - Luiz_Pacheco
Goodreads author - Ronald_Dworkin
Goodreads author - Judy_Gelman
Goodreads author - Chuck_Kinder
Goodreads author - Hiro_Kamigaki
Goodreads author - C_J_West
Goodreads author - Michel_Girin
Goodreads author - Brenda_Wineapple
Goodreads author - Rhys_Hughes
Goodreads author - John_Mayer
Goodreads author - Debra_L_Martin
Goodreads author - Douglas_Schoon
Goodreads author - Bich_Minh_Nguyen
Goodreads author - Charlotte_Kasl
Goodreads author - Benny_Morris
Goodreads author - JoSelle_Vanderhooft
Goodreads author - Rose_Weitz
Goodreads author - Lynne_Kutsukake
Goodreads author - Paolo_Bacigalupi
Goodreads author - Emil_Sher
Goodreads author - Frank_J_Edwards
Goodreads author - Shigeru_Takao
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Goodreads author - Derek_Raymond
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Goodreads author - Jason_Reynolds
Goodreads author - Geoffrey_Abbot
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Goodreads author - Neal_Conan
Goodreads author - Geoff_Herbach
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Goodreads author - Roger_Scruton
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Goodreads author - Ben_Bova
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Goodreads author - Vanessa_R_Sasson
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Goodreads author - Jordan_Krall
Goodreads author - Diane_Cantrell
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Goodreads author - Bill_McMillan
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Goodreads author - Barton_Gellman
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Goodreads author - Nicholas_Goodrick_Clarke
Goodreads author - Ingmar_Bergman
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Goodreads author - Judith_Rock
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Goodreads author - Ann_Clancy
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Goodreads author - S_D_Smith
Goodreads author - Sezgin_Kaymaz
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Goodreads author - Tom_Franklin
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Goodreads author - Amy_O_Neill_Houck
Goodreads author - Douglas_Preston
Goodreads author - Fino_Yurio_Kristo
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Goodreads author - Rod_Dreher
Goodreads author - Euclid
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Goodreads author - James_Gunn
Goodreads author - Bernard_Baudouin
Goodreads author - Cory_Doctorow
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Goodreads author - E_L_Doctorow
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Goodreads author - Jean_Moynahan
Goodreads author - Kelley_Eskridge
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Goodreads author - Charlotte_Raine
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Goodreads author - Steven_Millhauser
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Goodreads author - Sanjay_Chitranshi
Goodreads author - Pamela_Belle
Goodreads author - Obert_Skye
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Goodreads author - Ryan_Ottley
Goodreads author - Bill_Crabtree
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Goodreads author - Mario_Puzo
Goodreads author - Adam_Leith_Gollner
Goodreads author - Rudolf_J_Mund
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Goodreads author - Rogier_Fentener_van_Vlissingen
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Goodreads author - Satanasov
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Goodreads author - Jenny_Siegel
Goodreads author - Nathan_Aaseng
Goodreads author - Nicole_Givens_Kurtz
Goodreads author - Carol_Cassella
Goodreads author - Elise_Gravel
Goodreads author - John_Lange
Goodreads author - David_Hartness
Goodreads author - Annie_Proulx
Goodreads author - Donald_McCaig
Goodreads author - Karyna_McGlynn
Goodreads author - Rajiv_Chandrasekaran
Goodreads author - Gaston_Len_tre
Goodreads author - Aldo_Carotenuto
Goodreads author - Pidi_Baiq
Goodreads author - David_Berceli
Goodreads author - Maureen_McCormick
Goodreads author - Laurie_Garrett
Goodreads author - Ayu_Watanabe
Goodreads author - Peter_D_Schiff
Goodreads author - John_D_Emilio
Goodreads author - B_N_Mullick
Goodreads author - Mae_Victoria
Goodreads author - Hilaria_Alexander
Goodreads author - Tucker_Viemeister
Goodreads author - Azzurra_Nox
Goodreads author - Wendy_Holden
Goodreads author - Jules_Moulin
Goodreads author - J_Edward_Cornelius
Goodreads author - Saiber
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Goodreads author - Millie_Criswell
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Goodreads author - Sonja_Foust
Goodreads author - Lesley_Thomson
Goodreads author - Navid_Kermani
Goodreads author - Mar_a_Luisa_Puga
Goodreads author - Anne_Jolles
Goodreads author - M_T_Clanchy
Goodreads author - Jason_S_Hornsby
Goodreads author - Charles_Alexander
Goodreads author - Catherine_Ryan_Hyde
Goodreads author - Setha_M_Low
Goodreads author - Michael_Lee_West
Goodreads author - Claudia_Roden
Goodreads author - Edgar_Lee_Masters
Goodreads author - Hartmann_von_Aue
Goodreads author - Jean_Baudrillard
Goodreads author - Michael_Flynn
Goodreads author - Meera_Syal
Goodreads author - Peter_D_Norton
Goodreads author - Donna_Partow
Goodreads author - _d_n_von_Horv_th
Goodreads author - Liana_Maeby
Goodreads author - Christopher_Dawes
Goodreads author - Jean_Fran_ois_Lyotard
Goodreads author - Ivan_Stang
Goodreads author - Ionu_Chiva
Goodreads author - Margaret_Cahill
Goodreads author - Jane_Austen
Goodreads author - Nicholas_Pippenger
Goodreads author - Cecily_von_Ziegesar
Goodreads author - Jess_Walter
Goodreads author - Charles_Seife
Goodreads author - Christina_Crooks
Goodreads author - K_E_Mills
Goodreads author - Linda_Riesenberg_Fisler
Goodreads author - Andre_Romijn
Goodreads author - Albert_Goldbarth
Goodreads author - Jeff_Long
Goodreads author - Tim_Bailey
Goodreads author - Karen_Traviss
Goodreads author - Andy_McNab
Goodreads author - Michael_Haag
Goodreads author - Pete_Wentz
Goodreads author - Heather_O_Neill
Goodreads author - Frederico_Louren_o
Goodreads author - Minfong_Ho
Goodreads author - Linnea_May
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Goodreads author - Alejandro_Zambra
Goodreads author - Rob_Hopkins
Goodreads author - John_Bytheway
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Goodreads author - Nick_Sagan
Goodreads author - Andreas_T_Rieck
Goodreads author - Maria_A_Sardjono
Goodreads author - Alexey_Slapovsky
Goodreads author - Stefan_Klein
Goodreads author - Betty_Hechtman
Goodreads author - Illiad
Goodreads author - Dan_Piraro
Goodreads author - Lisa_McInerney
Goodreads author - Corinne_Humphrey
Goodreads author - Marie_Curie
Goodreads author - Donna_Lynch
Goodreads author - Marta_Sanz
Goodreads author - Alisha_Paige
Goodreads author - Kate_Hewitt
Goodreads author - Franco_Santoro
Goodreads author - Diana_Palmer
Goodreads author - David_E_Comings
Goodreads author - Jane_Porter
Goodreads author - James_T_Controvich
Goodreads author - Claire_Delacroix
Goodreads author - Sean_Russell
Goodreads author - Christina_Dodd
Goodreads author - Jerry_Spinelli
Goodreads author - Larry_Maddock
Goodreads author - Bill_Wyman
Goodreads author - Sarah_Sloane
Goodreads author - Kathryn_Ibata_Arens
Goodreads author - Michael_Capuzzo
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Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Ciana_Stone
Goodreads author - K_Z_Snow
Goodreads author - Desiree_Holt
Goodreads author - John_Colman_Wood
Goodreads author - Sarah_Ash
Goodreads author - Corinne_Gouget
Goodreads author - Pedro_Cabiya
Goodreads author - Rosemary_Altea
Goodreads author - Catharine_A_MacKinnon
Goodreads author - Rob_Thomas
Goodreads author - MADHAVIKKUTTY
Goodreads author - D_A_Carson
Goodreads author - Andrea_Askowitz
Goodreads author - Shelley_Shepard_Gray
Goodreads author - Alan_A_Winter
Goodreads author - Monica_Drake
Goodreads author - Jack_L_Chalker
Goodreads author - Peter_Seeburg
Goodreads author - Sue_Kaufman
Goodreads author - Cathleen_Schine
Goodreads author - Lena_Andersson
Goodreads author - David_Yonggi_Cho
Goodreads author - Helena_Rentmeester
Goodreads author - Bruce_Levine
Goodreads author - Lance_Olsen
Goodreads author - Michael_A_FitzGerald
Goodreads author - Cathy_Ostlere
Goodreads author - Victoria_Chang
Goodreads author - Michael_J_Winkelman
Goodreads author - Bel_n_Fern_ndez
Goodreads author - Grant_Morrison
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Jon_J_Muth
Goodreads author - Chris_Rush
Goodreads author - Duncan_K_Foley
Goodreads author - Mark_Millar
Goodreads author - Janeane_Garofalo
Goodreads author - Jae_Lee
Goodreads author - Harry_Hervey
Goodreads author - Ramakrishna
Goodreads author - Tomoko_Hayakawa
Goodreads author - Christian_Kracht
Goodreads author - Renato_Bareti_
Goodreads author - David_A_Wells
Goodreads author - Kamal_Abu_deeb
Goodreads author - Kristin_Billerbeck
Goodreads author - Syed_Ahmad_Khan
Goodreads author - Nancy_Missler
Goodreads author - Robert_E_Svoboda
Goodreads author - Mark_Owen
Goodreads author - Terese_Svoboda
Goodreads author - Cathy_Coote
Goodreads author - ReShonda_Tate_Billingsley
Goodreads author - Ross_Bonander
Goodreads author - Ernesto_Mallo
Goodreads author - Domingo_Villar
Goodreads author - Mack_Reynolds
Goodreads author - Werner_A_Lind
Goodreads author - Andrew_L_Berkin
Goodreads author - Michael_Bollen
Goodreads author - Chin_Ning_Chu
Goodreads author - Kader_Abdolah
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Harry_Beckwith
Goodreads author - C_S_Friedman
Goodreads author - Clare_London
Goodreads author - Maggie_Toussaint
Goodreads author - Lambros_Dakis
Goodreads author - Chip_Ingram
Goodreads author - Mark_T_Sullivan
Goodreads author - Belleruth_Naparstek
Goodreads author - Andrew_Soltis
Goodreads author - John_A_Sanford
Goodreads author - Mich_le_Lesbre
Goodreads author - Chris_Tinney
Goodreads author - Danilo_Ki_
Goodreads author - Jenna_Petersen
Goodreads author - Kate_Marshall
Goodreads author - Genevi_ve_Behrend
Goodreads author - Darick_Robertson
Goodreads author - Warren_Ellis
Goodreads author - Sabrina_Benaim
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Goodreads author - Bob_McKenzie
Goodreads author - Monica_Sarsini
Goodreads author - Sebastian_Ex
Goodreads author - Stephen_T_Johnson
Goodreads author - Elise_Chidley
Goodreads author - Michael_Havelin
Goodreads author - Shari_Lapena
Goodreads author - Romina_Paula
Goodreads author - Lee_Ann_Womack
Goodreads author - Jackie_Griffey
Goodreads author - Jess_McCann
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Goodreads author - Russ_Kick
Goodreads author - Thrity_Umrigar
Goodreads author - Stephanie_Burke
Goodreads author - Brad_Schreiber
Goodreads author - Marilyn_Lee
Goodreads author - Lloyd_C_Douglas
Goodreads author - Brad_Taylor
Goodreads author - Ron_Roy
Goodreads author - Eddie_Izzard
Goodreads author - Robin_Harfouche
Goodreads author - Sahar_Khalifeh
Goodreads author - Enzo_Cormann
Goodreads author - Charles_Darwin
Goodreads author - Terry_M_West
Goodreads author - Samuel_M_Paley
Goodreads author - Steve_Hely
Goodreads author - Michael_Weinman
Goodreads author - David_Coleman
Goodreads author - Robert_Shearman
Goodreads author - Sheryl_Nantus
Goodreads author - Paul_Jenkins
Goodreads author - Frank_Cottrell_Boyce
Goodreads author - Paul_Magrs
Goodreads author - Sean_Flannery
Goodreads author - Rick_Robinson
Goodreads author - Rita_Indiana
Goodreads author - Donald_Kagan
Goodreads author - Hannah_Arendt
Goodreads author - Loraine_Despres
Goodreads author - Dan_Biermeier
Goodreads author - Thomas_J_Sugrue
Goodreads author - Bernard_Bailyn
Goodreads author - David_Bright
Goodreads author - Peter_Lamborn_Wilson
Goodreads author - Julian_Jaynes
Goodreads author - Sandra_K_Horn
Goodreads author - Peter_Biddlecombe
Goodreads author - Carl_Zimmer
Goodreads author - Daron_Acemo_lu
Goodreads author - Sheila_Tobias
Goodreads author - Nicanor_Parra
Goodreads author - Jeffrey_Burton_Russell
Goodreads author - Mary_Pat_Hyland
Goodreads author - D_W_Griffith
Goodreads author - James_Galvin
Goodreads author - Stanley_Booth
Goodreads author - Linda_Wisdom
Goodreads author - Jennifer_Blake
Goodreads author - Charles_Lamb
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Shawn_McBride
Goodreads author - John_Rollin_Ridge
Goodreads author - Bruce_Henderson
Goodreads author - Todd_Duncan
Goodreads author - Mike_Dellosso
Goodreads author - A_J_P_Taylor
Goodreads author - Whitney_Hamilton
Goodreads author - Irving_Stone
Goodreads author - Joy_V_Smith
Goodreads author - Colin_McGinn
Goodreads author - Ronald_Hutton
Goodreads author - Fr_d_ric_Lordon
Goodreads author - Howard_Bloom
Goodreads author - Leo_Tolstoy
Goodreads author - Karen_Fyke_Kirchel
Goodreads author - Kelley_Heckart
Goodreads author - Thomas_Tryon
Goodreads author - Arthur_O_Shaughnessy
Goodreads author - Thomas_Ligotti
Goodreads author - Anna_Spargo_Ryan
Goodreads author - Amanda_Boyden
Goodreads author - Denise_Swanson
Goodreads author - Adam_Jaworski
Goodreads author - Laurie_Fox
Goodreads author - Mayra_Santos_Febres
Goodreads author - Irving_Wallace
Goodreads author - Wojciech_Cejrowski
Goodreads author - Joe_Meno
Goodreads author - Denis_Leary
Goodreads author - William_Walsh
Goodreads author - Donald_Goldsmith
Goodreads author - Jos_Saramago
Goodreads author - Brock_Clarke
Goodreads author - Neil_deGrasse_Tyson
Goodreads author - Dan_White
Goodreads author - Costas_Lapavitsas
Goodreads author - Sarah_Monette
Goodreads author - Joseph_Vargo
Goodreads author - Jim_Palmer
Goodreads author - Elfriede_Jelinek
Goodreads author - Traci_Hunter_Abramson
Goodreads author - Antony_Johnston
Goodreads author - H_Beam_Piper
Goodreads author - Teresa_D_Amario
Goodreads author - C_Otto_Scharmer
Goodreads author - Betty_Sue_Flowers
Goodreads author - Theodore_Roszak
Goodreads author - Roger_J_Morneau
Goodreads author - Li_Young_Lee
Goodreads author - Vince_A_Liaguno
Goodreads author - Jay_Louis
Goodreads author - G_rard_de_Nerval
Goodreads author - Watchman_Nee
Goodreads author - Robert_Ferrigno
Goodreads author - Pierre_Choderlos_de_Laclos
Goodreads author - Alex_Gino
Goodreads author - Malla_Nunn
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Goodreads author - Zygmunt_Miloszewski
Goodreads author - Chuck_Tyrell
Goodreads author - Parul_Sheth
Goodreads author - Adena_Halpern
Goodreads author - Nani_Palkhiwala
Goodreads author - Vali_Nasr
Goodreads author - Anton_Friedrich_Koch
Goodreads author - Isha_Schwaller_de_Lubicz
Goodreads author - April_Reid
Goodreads author - Trinny_Woodall
Goodreads author - Jacques_Vach_
Goodreads author - Vali_Myers
Goodreads author - Jason_Jordan
Goodreads author - Alex_Beecroft
Goodreads author - Alexander_Jacob
Goodreads author - Marlen_Haushofer
Goodreads author - Thomas_Kempis
Goodreads author - Bonnie_Bainbridge_Cohen
Goodreads author - David_Bainbridge
Goodreads author - Tod_Goldberg
Goodreads author - Robert_Falcon_Scott
Goodreads author - Stephen_Chbosky
Goodreads author - Lina_Meruane
Goodreads author - Sergio_Aragon_s
Goodreads author - Thomas_A_Mauet
Goodreads author - Antoinette_Portis
Goodreads author - Jessica_Verday
Goodreads author - _
Goodreads author - Iker_Jim_nez
Goodreads author - Robin_Danner
Goodreads author - P_W_Catanese
Goodreads author - R_Scott_Ryder
Goodreads author - Robin_Wells
Goodreads author - saeki_fumimaro
Goodreads author - Nancy_Butler
Goodreads author - Susan_Ronald
Goodreads author - David_Christopher
Goodreads author - Jane_Green
Goodreads author - Harold_Lamb
Goodreads author - Paul_Krugman
Goodreads author - Meryl_Gordon
Goodreads author - Douglas_Sarine
Goodreads author - Selden_Edwards
Goodreads author - Stephen_R_Platt
Goodreads author - Matthew_J_Kirby
Goodreads author - Suzanne_McLeod
Goodreads author - Lara_Briden
Goodreads author - Lorna_Freeman
Goodreads author - Patricia_King
Goodreads author - Albert_Ellis
Goodreads author - Inger_Ash_Wolfe
Goodreads author - Sheri_Rose_Shepherd
Goodreads author - Ilia_Delio
Goodreads author - Shannon_Drake
Goodreads author - A_E_van_Vogt
Goodreads author - Eric_Jerome_Dickey
Goodreads author - Brenda_Novak
Goodreads author - Sharon_K_Black
Goodreads author - Dalton_Fury
Goodreads author - Elmore_Leonard
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