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Aeschylus of Alexandria


Aeschylus One of the three greatest Greek tragic poets, born at Eleusis (525-456 BC), the seat of the Mysteries of Demeter, into which he undoubtedly was initiated. Of his perhaps 90 plays, only seven survive. Plato accuses him of impiety and Cicero describes him as almost a Pythagorean. He profaned the Mysteries in the eyes of the Athenians (e.g. in the real meaning of the allegories present in Prometheus Bound and The Eumenides) and has been accused of introducing antagonism among the celestial powers, transferring the political radicalism and demagogy of Athens from the agora to Olympus. His works introduced a second actor, thus creating true dramatic dialogue; he also introduced masks and imposing headdresses and costumes for the actors.

Erinyes (Greek) [cf Latin Furae furies] Also Dirae. Furies, avenging goddesses; sometimes legion, sometimes three in number, according to the point of view of the ancient writers, named by Alexandrian authors, copying Euripides: Tisiphone (avenger of the slain), Megaera (the jealous), and Alecto (unceasing hatred). Their mission was to follow and reform evil doers, which has popularly been misunderstood to be persecution. Aeschylus speaks of them as being daughters of Night, Sophocles as being born of Darkness and Earth, and Hesiod as having sprung from the blood of the injured Uranus. They dwell in the underworld, whence they issue to pursue the wicked towards reformation and the reestablishment of all broken natural equilibrium; upon the expiation of crime in Aeschylus they transform themselves into gracious and beneficent deities called the Eumenides. In Athens they were known as Semnae (the venerable ones).

Eschyus. See AESCHYLUS

Eumenides (Greek) [from eumenides beneficent or gracious ones]. Beneficent deities; they appear in the famous Greek tragedy The Eumenidies by Aeschylus. Originally karmic agents, called by the ancient Greeks avenging Erinyes (Furies), whose functions it is to attend upon human acts such as crimes and to bring about the reestablishment of the broken harmony, immediately after which they are seen in their real character: divinities of beneficence and beauty. See also ERINYES

His portrayal of Zeus in different dramas is inconsistent, since there were two Zeuses: the abstract deity of Grecian thought, and the Olympic Zeus. While the former represents the head of the hierarchy of divinities, the latter is, in man, the human soul or kama-manas. Prometheus, who steals fire from heaven and brings it to mankind in a fennel-stalk, is buddhi-manas, mankindM-bM-^@M-^Ys savior. Zeus is the serpent, the intellectual tempter of humanity, which nevertheless begets in due time the man-savior, the solar Dionysus (SD 2:419-20). Harmony results from the equilibrium of contraries, and the drama of evolution as depicted in man shows the clash of descending and reascending cycles, the antimony of law and free will. These dramas have been immortalized for all generations by Aeschylus who, in his daring and self-sacrificing enthusiasm, may himself be styled a Prometheus offending the powers that be in order to bring light to mankind.

  M-bM-^@M-^\It is admitted that, however inferior to the classical Sanskrit of Panini, the language of the oldest portions of Rig Veda, notwithstanding the antiquity of its grammatical forms, is the same as that of the latest texts. Every one sees M-bM-^@M-^T cannot fail to see and to know M-bM-^@M-^T that for a language so old and so perfect as the Sanskrit to have survived alone, among all languages, it must have had its cycles of perfection and its cycles of degeneration. And, if one had any intuition, he might have seen that what they call a M-bM-^@M-^Xdead languageM-bM-^@M-^Y being an anomaly, a useless thing in Nature, it would not have survived, even as a M-bM-^@M-^XdeadM-bM-^@M-^Y tongue, had it not its special purpose in the reign of immutable cyclic laws; and that Sanskrit, which came to be nearly lost to the world, is now slowly spreading in Europe, and will one day have the extension it had thousands upon thousands of years back M-bM-^@M-^T that of a universal language. The same as to the Greek and the Latin: there will be a time when the Greek of Aeschylus (and more perfect still in its future form) will be spoken by all in Southern Europe, while Sanskrit will be resting in its periodical pralaya; and the Attic will be followed later by the Latin of Virgil. Something ought to have whispered to us that there was also a time M-bM-^@M-^T before the original Aryan settlers among the Dravidian and other aborigines, admitted within the fold of Brahmanical initiation, marred the purity of the sacred Sanskrita Bhasha M-bM-^@M-^T when Sanskrit was spoken in all its unalloyed subsequent purity, and therefore must have had more than once its rise and fall. The reason for it is simply this: classical Sanskrit was only restored, if in some things perfected, by Panini. Panini, Katyayana, or Patanjali did not create it; it has existed throughout cycles, and will pass through other cycles stillM-bM-^@M-^] (Five Years of Theosophy 419-20).

Oedipus (Greek) Oidipous. Swollen-footed; Theban hero, son of Laius, named by the shepherd who found him with his feet swollen from the holes bored in them when he was exposed by his father, as it was predicted that he would kill his father and marry his mother M-bM-^@M-^T which he subsequently did. In many cosmogonies there are characters who slay their fathers or who are represented as both husband and son of the same goddess. This symbolism, being interpreted literally in OedipusM-bM-^@M-^Y case, has made a fine story of horror for the tragedians. Oedipus is also famous for having solved the riddle of the Theban Sphinx. OedipusM-bM-^@M-^Y romantic and tragic history formed the theme of three plays by Sophocles and by Aeschylus. The essential significance of the story is the inescapable consequences following upon karmic causes, from which there is no escape once these causes have been set in motion by man.

Zeus was not always portrayed as the ineffable cosmic principle, as in the dramas of Aeschylus, especially in his trilogy on Prometheus. M-bM-^@M-^\In the case of Prometheus, Zeus represents the Host of the primeval progenitors, of the pitar, the M-bM-^@M-^XFathersM-bM-^@M-^Y who created man senseless and without any mind; while the divine Titan stands for the Spiritual creators, the devas who M-bM-^@M-^XfellM-bM-^@M-^Y into generation. The former are spiritually lower, but physically stronger, than the M-bM-^@M-^XPrometheansM-bM-^@M-^Y: therefore, the latter are shown conquered. M-bM-^@M-^XThe lower Host, whose work the Titan spoiled and thus defeated the plans of Zeus,M-bM-^@M-^Y was on this earth in its own sphere and plane of action; whereas, the superior Host was an exile from Heaven, who had got entangled in the meshes of matter. They (the inferior M-bM-^@M-^XHostM-bM-^@M-^Y) were masters of all the Cosmic and lower titanic forces; the higher Titan possessed only the intellectual and spiritual fire. This drama of the struggle of Prometheus with the Olympic tyrant and despot, sensual Zeus, one sees enacted daily within our actual mankind: the lower passions chain the higher aspirations to the rock of matter, to generate in many a case the vulture of sorrow, pain, and repentanceM-bM-^@M-^] (SD 2:421-2). This inferior host is the various classes of the lunar pitris; whereas the higher host, collectively represented by Prometheus, is the aggregate of the agnishvatta-pitris or agni-dhyanis.

QUOTES [7 / 7 - 547 / 547]

KEYS (10k)

   4 Aeschylus
   2 Sri Aurobindo
   1 Mortimer J Adler


  489 Aeschylus
   3 Eric Greitens
   3 C S Lewis
   2 Victor Hugo
   2 Tom Stoppard
   2 Sri Aurobindo
   2 Robert F Kennedy
   2 Mortimer J Adler
   2 Mahmoud Darwish
   2 Edith Hamilton

1:There is an advantage in the wisdom won from pain. ~ Aeschylus, @FourthWayTweets
2:He who learns must suffer. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
3:He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon, l. 177,
4:Wisdom comes through suffering.
Trouble, with its memories of pain,
Drips in our hearts as we try to sleep,
So men against their will
Learn to practice moderation.
Favours come to us from gods.
~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon,
5:If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enter - only Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well claim a place beside Valmiki, Sophocles beside Aeschylus.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art, Great Poets of the World, 369,
6:1st row Homer, Shakespeare, Valmiki
2nd row Dante, Kalidasa, Aeschylus, Virgil, Milton
3rd row Goethe
I am not prepared to classify all the poets in the universe - it was the front bench or benches you asked for. By others I meant poets like Lucretius, Euripides, Calderon, Corneille, Hugo. Euripides (Medea, Bacchae and other plays) is a greater poet than Racine whom you want to put in the first ranks. If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enter - only Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well claim a place beside Valmiki, Sophocles beside Aeschylus. The rest, if you like, you can send into the third row with Goethe, but it is something of a promotion about which one can feel some qualms. Spenser too, if you like; it is difficult to draw a line.

Shelley, Keats and Wordsworth have not been brought into consideration although their best work is as fine poetry as any written, but they have written nothing on a larger scale which would place them among the greatest creators. If Keats had finished Hyperion (without spoiling it), if Shelley had lived, or if Wordsworth had not petered out like a motor car with insufficient petrol, it might be different, but we have to take things as they are. As it is, all began magnificently, but none of them finished, and what work they did, except a few lyrics, sonnets, short pieces and narratives, is often flawed and unequal. If they had to be admitted, what about at least fifty others in Europe and Asia? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art,
7:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer - Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus - Tragedies
4. Sophocles - Tragedies
5. Herodotus - Histories
6. Euripides - Tragedies
7. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates - Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes - Comedies
10. Plato - Dialogues
11. Aristotle - Works
12. Epicurus - Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid - Elements
14.Archimedes - Works
15. Apollonius of Perga - Conic Sections
16. Cicero - Works
17. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil - Works
19. Horace - Works
20. Livy - History of Rome
21. Ovid - Works
22. Plutarch - Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus - Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus - Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy - Almagest
27. Lucian - Works
28. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
29. Galen - On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus - The Enneads
32. St. Augustine - On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci - Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus - The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More - Utopia
44. Martin Luther - Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne - Essays
48. William Gilbert - On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser - Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon - Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare - Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei - Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
57. René Descartes - Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton - Works
59. Molière - Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal - The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens - Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza - Ethics
63. John Locke - Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine - Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67.Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift - A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve - The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope - Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu - Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire - Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
   ~ Mortimer J Adler,
1:Success is man's god. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
2:But let the good prevail. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
3:By suffering comes wisdom. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
4:Even the old should learn. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
5:Fear is stronger than arms. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
6:Wisdom cometh by suffering. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
7:Delay not to seize the hour! ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
8:Suffering brings experience. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
9:Sweet is a grief well ended. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
10:Simple is the speech of truth. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
11:The words of truth are simple. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
12:A great ox stands on my tongue. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
13:Ask the gods nothing excessive. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
14:Do not kick against the pricks. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
15:There is no avoidance in delay. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
16:The wisest of the wise may err. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
17:Time brings all things to pass. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
18:The reward of pain is experience. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
19:The unenvied man is not enviable. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
20:Art is far feebler than necessity. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
21:Call no man happy till he is dead. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
22:Honor modesty more than your life. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
23:Hungry wailing standeth not aloof. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
24:Only through suffering do we learn ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
25:Excessive fear is always powerless. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
26:Memory is the mother of all wisdom. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
27:Myriad laughter of the ocean waves. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
28:Necessity is stronger far than art. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
29:Base men who prosper are unenviable. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
30:Everyone's quick to blame the alien. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
31:In war, truth is the first casualty. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
32:The reward of suffering is experience ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
33:To learn is to be young, however old. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
34:Wisdom comes alone through suffering. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
35:Wrong must not win by technicalities. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
36:Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
37:Wiles and deceit are female qualities. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
38:A prosperous fool is a grievous burden. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
39:Every ruler is harsh whose laws is new. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
40:From a just fraud God turneth not away. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
41:I know how men in exile feed on dreams. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
42:In war the first casualty is the truth. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
43:The force of necessity is irresistible. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
44:Words are healers of the sick tempered. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
45:Rumours voiced by women come to nothing. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
46:They who prosper take on airs of vanity. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
47:Time cleanses what it touches over time. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
48:Time waxing old can many a lesson teach. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
49:Whoever is new to power is always harsh. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
50:Ares gives his verdict without witnesses. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
51:Know not to revere human things too much. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
52:Take courage; pain's extremity soon ends. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
53:Time, waxing old, doth all things purify. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
54:We shall perish by guile just as we slew. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
55:For hostile word let hostile word be paid. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
56:For know that no one is free, except Zeus. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
57:From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
58:He who goes unenvied shall not be admired. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
59:The man who does ill, ill must suffer too. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
60:To many mortals silence great gain brings. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
61:Truth is always the first casualty of war. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
62:Black smoke, the flickering sister of fire. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
63:For the mighty, even to give away is grace. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
64:He hears but half who hears one party only. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
65:Mourn for me rather as living than as dead. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
66:The adulterer dies. An old custom, justice. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
67:Too few rejoice at a friend's good fortune. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
68:Words are the parents of a causeless wrath. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
69:By Time and Age full many things are taught. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
70:God is not averse to deceit in a holy cause. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
71:If you are not envied, you are not enviable. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
72:In the sinews of the dead there is no blood. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
73:It is always in season for old men to learn. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
74:It is through suffering that learning comes. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
75:Making it a valid law to learn by suffering. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
76:Of prosperity mortals can never have enough. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
77:Words are the physicians of a mind diseased. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
78:As long as there are men the bulwark is safe. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
79:Death hath a fairer fame than a life of toil. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
80:Everyone is ready to speak ill of a stranger. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
81:God ever works with those who work with will. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
82:It is always the season for the old to learn. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
83:It is best for the wise man not to seem wise. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
84:Number, the most excellent of all inventions. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
85:The field of doom bears death as its harvest. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
86:The will was of Zeus, the hand of Hephaestus. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
87:Time in his aging overtakes all things alike. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
88:Willingly no one chooses the yoke of slavery. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
89:For a murderous blow let murderous blow atone. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
90:For a single path leads to the house of Hades. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
91:The best by far is to marry in one's own rank. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
92:I say you must not win an unjust case by oaths. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
93:Since long I've held silence a remedy for harm. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
94:There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
95:Truly even he errs that is wiser than the wise. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
96:Bronze is the mirror of form, wine of the heart. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
97:Old age hath stronger sense of right than youth. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
98:When a match has equal partners then I fear not. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
99:God's most lordly gift to man is decency of mind. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
100:It is the nature of mortals to kick a fallen man. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
101:Oaths are not the credit of men but men of oaths. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
102:Of all the gods only death does not desire gifts. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
103:Success! to thee, as to a God, men bend the knee. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
104:The misfortunes of mankind are of varied plumage. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
105:To be free from evil thoughts is God's best gift. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
106:What good is it to live a life that brings pains? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
107:When a man's willing and eager the god's join in. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
108:Fear hurries on my tongue through want of courage. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
109:God always strives together with those who strive. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
110:God loves to help him who strives to help himself. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
111:His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
112:Joy steals upon me, such joy as calls forth tears. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
113:Long tarries destiny, But comes to those who pray. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
114:The man whose authority is recent is always stern. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
115:Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
116:Everyone, to those weaker than themselves, is kind. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
117:For wherein is life sweet to him who suffers grief? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
118:God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
119:The laws of a state change with the changing times. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
120:Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
121:My will is mine... I shall not make it soft for you. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
122:Be bold and boast, just like the cock beside the hen. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
123:Good fortune is a god among men, and more than a god. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
124:Old men are always young enough to learn with profit. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
125:Pleasantest of all ties is the tie of host and guest. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
126:To be fortunate is God, and more than God to mortals. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
127:Whenever a man makes haste, God too hastens with him. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
128:I would rather be ignorant than knowledgeable of evils. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
129:For children preserve the fame of a man after his death. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
130:It is an ill thing to be the first to bring news of ill. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
131:The power that holds the sky's majesty wins our worship. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
132:We spoil ourselves with scruples long as things go well. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
133:Who holds a power but newly gained is ever stern of mood. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
134:I gave them hope, and so turned away their eyes from death ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
135:It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
136:Report uttered by the people is everywhere of great power. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
137:The high strength of men knows no content with limitation. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
138:Courage! Suffering, when it climbs highest, lasts not long. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
139:For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
140:Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
141:. . . it is yours women's to be silent and stay within doors. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
142:Many men who transgress justice, honor appearance over reality. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
143:The saying goes that the gods leave a town once it is captured. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
144:You shall learn, though late, the lesson of how to be discreet. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
145:Don't try to make intelligent decisions when your brain is hyped ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
146:Once to die is better than length of days in sorrow without end. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
147:There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
148:This is the law: blood spilt upon the ground cries out for more. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
149:Unanimous hatred is the greatest medicine for a human community. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
150:Ares ever loves to pluck all the fairest flower of an armed host. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
151:High fortune, this in man's eye is god and more than god is this. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
152:Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth, even for the old. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
153:Nothing forces us to know What we do not want to know Except pain ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
154:Against necessity, against its strength, no one can fight and win. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
155:On him who wields power gently, the god looks favorably from afar. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
156:Tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
157:What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
158:When a man takes the road to destruction, the gods help him along. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
159:For by the will of the gods Fate hath held sway since ancient days. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
160:For the impious act begets more after it, like to the parent stock. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
161:The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
162:No man looks with love on deeds that to the high Gods hateful prove. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
163:Don't you know this, that words are doctors to a diseased temperment? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
164:It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
165:Justice turns the scale, bringing to some learning through suffering. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
166:Remember to be submissive, thou art analien, a fugitive, and in need. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
167:Who, except the gods, can live time through forever without any pain? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
168:Fortune is for all, judgment is theirs who have won it for themselves. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
169:There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
170:Ye waves That o'er th' interminable ocean wreathe Your crisped smiles. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
171:It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
172:Jars neither of wine nor of water shall fail in the houses of the rich. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
173:The act of evil breeds others to follow, young sins in its own likeness. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
174:When strength is yoked with justice, where is a mightier pair than they? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
175:Who apart from the gods is without pain for his whole lifetime's length? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
176:Bonds and the pangs of hunger are excellent prophet doctors for the wits. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
177:From him [Death] alone of all the powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
178:If you will take me as your teacher, you will not kick against the pricks. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
179:Many among men are they who set high the show of honor, yet break justice. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
180:Obedience, you know, is Good Luck's mother, wedded to Salvation, they say. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
181:There is a limit to the best of health, disease is always a near neighbor. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
182:We must pronounce him fortunate who has ended his life in fair prosperity. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
183:When a man dies, flesh is frayed and broken in the fire, but not his will. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
184:Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend's success without envy. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
185:Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
186:By polluting clear water with slime you will never find good drinking water. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
187:I willingly speak to those who know, but for those who do not know I forget. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
188:The evils of mortals are manifold; nowhere is trouble of the same wing seen. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
189:A god implants in mortal guilt whenever he wants utterly to confound a house. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
190:Misfortune wandering the same track lights now upon one and now upon another. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
191:The tongue of slander is too prompt with wanton malice to wound the stranger. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
192:God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
193:In visions of the night, like dropping rain, Descend the many memories of pain. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
194:Unjustly men hate death, which is the greatest defence against their many ills. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
195:You have been trapped in the inescapable net of ruin by your own want of sense. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
196:For the lips of Zeus do not know how to lie, but bring to fulfilment every word. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
197:May dawn, as the proverb goes, bring happy tidings coming from her mother night. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
198:The one knowing what is profitable, and not the man knowing many things, is wise. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
199:Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
200:Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
201:In the lack of judgment great harm arises, but one vote cast can set right a house. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
202:Let there be wealth without tears; enough for the wise man who will ask no further. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
203:Married love between man and woman is bigger than oaths guarded by right of nature. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
204:Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another's might. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
205:I have been schooled by my own suffering: I've learned the many ways of being purged. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
206:For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
207:Lustre of man walking proud beneath the sky diminishes to nothing and goes unregarded. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
208:There's only few people who have strength to honor someone's achievement without envy. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
209:But when the dust has drunk the blood of men, no resurrection comes for one who's dead. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
210:Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
211:Still to the sufferer comes, as due from God, a glory that to suffering owes its birth. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
212:If a man should wanton walk with crime ... he shall find in death no great deliverance. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
213:In few men is it part of nature to respect a friend's prosperity without begrudging him. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
214:It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
215:Know yourself and fit yourself to new fashions. For there is a new ruler among the gods. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
216:There is a time when fear is good and ought to remain seated as a guardian of the heart. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
217:For not many men, the proverb saith, can love a friend whom fortune prospereth unenvying. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
218:Old men are children once again a dream that sways and wavers into the hard light of day. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
219:But when once the earth has sucked up a dead man's blood, there is no way to raise him up. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
220:There is no disgrace in an enemy suffering ill at an enemy's hand, when you hate mutually. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
221:A people's wrath voiced abroad bringeth grave Danger, no less than public curse pronounced. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
222:For in pure maidens, knowing not the marriage-bed, the glance of the eyes sinks from shame. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
223:For sufferers it is sweet to know before-hand clearly the pain that still remains for them. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
224:God planteth in mortal men the cause of sin whensoever he wills utterly to destroy a house. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
225:There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
226:In every tyrant's heart there springs in the end this poison, that he cannot trust a friend. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
227:Those who would learn must suffer. In our own despair, against our will, wisdom comes to us. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
228:For a deadly blow let him pay with a deadly blow: it is for him who has done a deed to suffer. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
229:The anvil of justice is planted firm, and fate who makes the sword does the forging in advance. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
231:But still the block of Vengeance firm doth stand, and Fate, as swordsmith, hammers blow on blow. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
232:Death is easier than a wretched life; and better never to have born than to live and fare badly. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
233:If you pour oil and vinegar into the same vessel, you would call them not friends but opponents. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
234:I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
235:For in the voyage of the heart, there is a freight of hatred, and the wind of wrath blows shrill. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
236:The air is Zeus, Zeus earth, and Zeus the heaven, Zeus all that is, and what transcends them all. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
237:For mortal kind taketh thought only for the day, and hath no more surety than the shadow of smoke. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
238:It's a man's jobno place for women's plans here!what lies outside. Stay home and cause no trouble. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
239:Search well and be wise, nor believe that self-willed pride will ever be better than good counsel. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
240:What exists outside is a man's concern; let no woman give advice; and do no mischief within doors. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
241:Obstinacy standing alone is the weakest of all things in one whose mind is not possessed by wisdom. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
242:Be it mine to draw from wisdom's fount, pure as it flows, that calm of soul which virtue only knows. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
243:Nor does night conceal men's deeds of ill, but whatsoe'er thou dost, think that some God beholds it. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
244:The seed of mortals broods o'er passing things, and hath nought surer than the smoke-cloud's shadow. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
245:I, schooled in misery, know many purifying rites, and I know where speech is proper and where silence. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
246:It is a light thing for whoever keeps his foot outside trouble to advise and counsel him that suffers. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
247:Nought is there in wealth That serves as bulwark &
248:When a tongue fails to send forth appropriate shafts, there might be a word to act as healer of these. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
249:But from the good health of the mind comes that which is dear to all and the object of prayer-happiness. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
250:For the marriage bed ordained by fate for men and women is stronger than an oath and guarded by Justice. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
251:Truly upon mortals cometh swift of foot their evil and his offence upon him that trespasseth against Right. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
252:And one who is just of his own free will shall not lack for happiness; and he will never come to utter ruin. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
253:But I must bear my destiny as best I can, knowing well that there is no resisting the strength of necessity. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
254:The cure is in the house, not brought by other hands from distant places, but by its own, in agony and blood. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
255:They sent forth men to battle, But no such men return; And home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes in an urn ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
256:Whoever is just willingly and without compulsion will not lack happiness; he will never be utterly destroyed. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
257:Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
258:To make wail and lament for one's ill fortune, when one will win a tear from the audience, is well worthwhile. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
259:Arrogance is truly the child of impiety, but from health of soul comes happiness, dear to all, much prayed for. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
260:Beyond age, leaf withered, man goes three footed no stronger than a child is, a dream that falters in daylight. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
261:It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
262:To mourn and bewail your ill-fortune, when you will gain a tear from those who listen, this is worth the trouble. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
263:Unions in wedlock are perverted by the victory of shameless passion that masters the female among men and beasts. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
264:ATHENA: You wish to be called righteous rather than act right. [... ] I say, wrong must not win by technicalities. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
265:On me the tempest falls. It does not make me tremble. O holy Mother Earth, O air and sun, behold me. I am wronged. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
266:For there below ground sits the Dark God, strong to call men to judgment; he sees all, and writes it in his memory. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
267:This is a sickness rooted and inherent in the nature of a tyranny: that he that holds it does not trust his friends. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
268:When the black and mortal blood of man has fallen to the ground ... who then can sing spells to call it back again? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
269:Overly persuasive a woman's ordinance spreads far, traveling fast; but fast dying a rumor voiced by a woman perishes. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
270:The gods at will can shape a gladder strain, and from the lamentations at the graveside, a song of triumph may arise. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
271:For there is no defense for a man who, in the excess of his wealth, has kicked the great altar of Justice out of sight. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
272:But I will place this carefully fed pig Within the crackling oven; and, I pray, What nicer dish can e'er be given to man. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
273:When we sleep the soul is lit up... by many eyes, and with them, we can see everything that we cannot see in the daytime. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
274:For Hades is mighty in calling men to account below the earth, and with a mind that records in tablets he surveys all things. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
275:And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand, they hasten on their course in vain. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
276:Out of respect, a man must veil his words when talking with a woman, but with a man he can frankly say whatever's on his mind. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
277:The burning gaze of a young woman, such as hath tasted man, shall not escape me; for I have a spirit keen to mark these things. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
278:Neither a life of anarchy nor a life under a despot should you praise. To all that lies in the middle has a god given excellence. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
279:Old men, what are they? Fast fading the leaf, Three-footed they walk, yet frail as a child, As a dream set afloat in the daylight. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
280:Only one accomplishment is beyond both the power and the mercy of the Gods. They cannot make the past as though it had never been. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
281:The moving light, rejoicing in its strength, Sped from the pyre of pine, and urged its way, In golden glory, like some strange new sun. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
282:No bribes. Nothing that passes under the roof of a temple Or under the roof of the mouth, can appease heaven's anger Or deflect its aim. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
283:Respect the altar of Justice and do not, looking to profit, dishonor it by spurning with godless foot; for punishment will come upon you. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
284:O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray, To come to me: of cureless ills thou art The one physician. Pain lays not its touch Upon a corpse. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
285:Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
286:Alas, poor men, their destiny. When all goes well a shadow will overthrow it. If it be unkind one stroke of a wet sponge wipes all the picture out. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
287:I pray for no more youth To perish before its prime; That Revenge and iron-heated War May fade with all that has gone before Into the night of time. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
288:Justice shines in very smoky homes, and honors the righteous; but the gold-spangled mansions where the hands are unclean she leaves with eyes averted. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
289:If a man suffers ill, let it be without shame; for this is the only profit when we are dead. You will never say a good word about deeds that are evil and disgraceful. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
290:Alas for the affairs of men! When they are fortunate you might compare them to a shadow; and if they are unfortunate, a wet sponge with one dash wipes the picture away. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
291:And now it goes as it goes and where it ends is Fate. And neither by singeing flesh nor tipping cups of wine nor shedding burning tears can you enchant away the rigid Fury. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
292:I warn the marauder dragging plunder, chaotic, rich beyond all rights: he'll strike his sails, harried at long last, stunned when the squalls of torment break his spars to bits. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
293:For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another's happiness. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
294:So in the Libyan fable it is told That once an eagle, stricken with a dart, Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft: With our own feathers, not by others' hands, Are we now smitten. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
295:A man dies not for the many wounds that pierce his breast, unless it be that life's end keep pace with death, nor by sitting on his hearth at home doth he the more escape his appointed doom. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
296:He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
297:Chorus: Zeus, who guided men to think who laid it down that wisdom comes alone through suffering. Still there drips in sleep against the heart grief of memory; against our pleasure we are temperate. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
298:[Hermes addresses Prometheus :] To you, the clever and crafty, bitter beyond all bitterness, who has sinned against the gods in bestowing honors upon creatures of a day&
299:The people's awe and innate fear will hold injustice back by day, by night, so long as the people leave the laws intact, just as they are: muddy the cleanest spring, and all you'll have to drink is muddy water. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
300:For this our task hath Fate spun without fail to last for ever sure, that we on man weighed down with deeds of hate should follow till the earth his life immure. Nor when he dies can he boast of being truly free. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
301:The so-called mother of the child isn't the child's begetter, but only a sort of nursing soil for the new-sown seed. The man, the one on top, is the true parent, while she, a stranger, foster's a stranger's sprout. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
302:Yet though a man gets many wounds in breast, He dieth not, unless the appointed time, The limit of his life's span, coincide; Nor does the man who by the hearth at home Sits still, escape the doom that Fate decrees. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
303:Of all the gods, Death only craves not gifts: Nor sacrifice, nor yet drink-offering poured Avails; no altars hath he, nor is soothed By hymns of praise. From him alone of all The powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
304:Human prosperity never rests but always craves more, till blown up with pride it totters and falls. From the opulent mansions pointed at by all passers-by none warns it away, none cries, &
305:My friends, whoever has had experience of evils knows how whenever a flood of ills comes upon mortals, a man fears everything; but whenever a divine force cheers on our voyage, then we believe that the same fate will always blow fair. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
306:Watchful are the Gods of all Hands with slaughter stained. The black Furies wait, and when a man Has grown by luck, not justice, great, With sudden overturn of chance They wear him to a shade, and, cast Down to perdition, who shall save him? ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
307:The truth Has to be melted out of our stubborn lives By suffering. Nothing speaks the truth, Nothing tells us how things really are, Nothing forces us to know What we do not want to know Except pain. And this is how the gods declare their love. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
308:Justice, voiceless, unseen, seeth thee when thou sleepest and when thou goest forth and when thou liest down. Continually doth she attend thee, now aslant thy course, now at a later time. These lines are from a section of doubtful or spurious fragments. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
309:But who can describe the overweening pride of men? Or women mad with passion, reckless in their hearts, soulmates to every kind of ruin that befalls us? Wild passion, unrestrained, boundless, that overcomes the women, perverts the yoke of wedlock for beasts and men alike. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
310:You'll see all other mortal sinners, the ones who flout the honor owed to gods or guests, or loving parents&
311:No one can count the terrors that the earth spawns, catastrophic, gruesome, and the vast arms of the sea swarm with brute monsters bent on harm, and everywhere between the sky and ground lights bloom by day in flares and sudden bolts; and birds and beasts alike can tell of the whirlwind's whirling wrath. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
312:The holy heaven yearns to wound the earth, and yearning layeth hold on the earth to join in wedlock; the rain, fallen from the amorous heaven, impregnates the earth, and it bringeth forth for mankind the food of flocks and herds and Demeter's gifts; and from that moist marriage-rite the woods put on their bloom. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
313:I pray the gods some respite from the weary task of this long year's watch that lying on the Atreidae's roof on bended arm, dog- like, I have kept, marking the conclave of all night's stars, those potentates blazing in the heavens that bring winter and summer to mortal men, the constellations, when they wane, when they rise. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
314:ATHENA: There are two sides to this dispute. I've heard only one half the argument. (... ) So you two parties, summon your witnesses, set out your proofs, with sworn evidence to back your stories. Once I've picked the finest men in Athens, I'll return. They'll rule fairly in this case, bound by a sworn oath to act with justice. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
315:I pray the gods will give me some relief and end this weary job. One long full year I've been lying here, on this rooftop, the palace of the sons of Atreus, resting on my arms, just like a dog. I've come to know the night sky, every star, the powers we see glittering in the sky, bringing winter and summer to us all, as the constellations rise and sink. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
316:The great and amorous sky curved over the earth, and lay upon her as a pure lover. The rain, the humid flux descending from heaven for both man and animal, for both thick and strong, germinated the wheat, swelled the furrows with fecund mud and brought forth the buds in the orchards. And it is I who empowered these moist espousals, I the great Aphrodite. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
317:Aeschylus and Plato are remembered today long after the triumphs of Imperial Athens are gone. Dante outlived the ambitions of thirteenth century Florence. Goethe stands serenely above the politics of Germany, and I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over cities, we too will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Success is man's god. ~ Aeschylus,
2:Every medicine is vain. ~ Aeschylus,
3:But let the good prevail. ~ Aeschylus,
4:It is like a woman indeed ~ Aeschylus,
5:By suffering comes wisdom. ~ Aeschylus,
6:Even the old should learn. ~ Aeschylus,
7:He who learns must suffer. ~ Aeschylus,
8:Fear is stronger than arms. ~ Aeschylus,
9:Görünmek istediğin gibi ol. ~ Aeschylus,
10:My heart's a dance of fear. ~ Aeschylus,
11:Wisdom cometh by suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
12:You have used me strangely. ~ Aeschylus,
13:Delay not to seize the hour! ~ Aeschylus,
14:Learning comes through pain. ~ Aeschylus,
15:Suffering brings experience. ~ Aeschylus,
16:Sweet is a grief well ended. ~ Aeschylus,
18:A curse burns bright on crime. ~ Aeschylus,
19:Simple is the speech of truth. ~ Aeschylus,
20:The words of truth are simple. ~ Aeschylus,
21:A great ox stands on my tongue. ~ Aeschylus,
22:Ask the gods nothing excessive. ~ Aeschylus,
23:Do not kick against the pricks. ~ Aeschylus,
24:Man shall learn from man's lot. ~ Aeschylus,
25:There is no avoidance in delay. ~ Aeschylus,
26:The wisest of the wise may err. ~ Aeschylus,
27:Time brings all things to pass. ~ Aeschylus,
28:Wisdom comes through suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
29:Zeus'tan başkası özgür değildir. ~ Aeschylus,
30:Pain both ways and what is worse? ~ Aeschylus,
31:The reward of pain is experience. ~ Aeschylus,
32:The unenvied man is not enviable. ~ Aeschylus,
33:Art is far feebler than necessity. ~ Aeschylus,
34:Call no man happy till he is dead. ~ Aeschylus,
35:Honor modesty more than your life. ~ Aeschylus,
36:Hungry wailing standeth not aloof. ~ Aeschylus,
37:I salute you as the Gates of Death ~ Aeschylus,
38:Only through suffering do we learn ~ Aeschylus,
39:Excessive fear is always powerless. ~ Aeschylus,
40:Memory is the mother of all wisdom. ~ Aeschylus,
41:Myriad laughter of the ocean waves. ~ Aeschylus,
42:Necessity is stronger far than art. ~ Aeschylus,
43:Base men who prosper are unenviable. ~ Aeschylus,
44:Death is softer by far than tyranny. ~ Aeschylus,
45:Everyone's quick to blame the alien. ~ Aeschylus,
46:In war, the first casualty is truth. ~ Aeschylus,
47:In war, truth is the first casualty. ~ Aeschylus,
48:I take my cue from deeds, not words. ~ Aeschylus,
49:Savaşta verilen ilk kayıp gerçektir. ~ Aeschylus,
50:The reward of suffering is experience ~ Aeschylus,
51:To learn is to be young, however old. ~ Aeschylus,
52:Wisdom comes alone through suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
53:Wrong must not win by technicalities. ~ Aeschylus,
54:I know how men in exile feed on dreams ~ Aeschylus,
55:Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse. ~ Aeschylus,
56:Wiles and deceit are female qualities. ~ Aeschylus,
57:A prosperous fool is a grievous burden. ~ Aeschylus,
58:Every ruler is harsh whose laws is new. ~ Aeschylus,
59:From a just fraud God turneth not away. ~ Aeschylus,
60:I know how men in exile feed on dreams. ~ Aeschylus,
61:In war the first casualty is the truth. ~ Aeschylus,
62:The force of necessity is irresistible. ~ Aeschylus,
63:Words are healers of the sick tempered. ~ Aeschylus,
64:Rumours voiced by women come to nothing. ~ Aeschylus,
65:They who prosper take on airs of vanity. ~ Aeschylus,
66:Time cleanses what it touches over time. ~ Aeschylus,
67:Time shell be the limit of my suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
68:Time waxing old can many a lesson teach. ~ Aeschylus,
69:Whoever is new to power is always harsh. ~ Aeschylus,
70:Ares gives his verdict without witnesses. ~ Aeschylus,
71:Know not to revere human things too much. ~ Aeschylus,
72:Take courage; pain's extremity soon ends. ~ Aeschylus,
73:Time, waxing old, doth all things purify. ~ Aeschylus,
74:We shall perish by guile just as we slew. ~ Aeschylus,
75:For hostile word let hostile word be paid. ~ Aeschylus,
76:For know that no one is free, except Zeus. ~ Aeschylus,
77:From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. ~ Aeschylus,
78:He who goes unenvied shall not be admired. ~ Aeschylus,
79:The man who does ill, ill must suffer too. ~ Aeschylus,
80:The reward of suffering is experience.
~ Aeschylus,
81:Time, as it grows old, teaches all things. ~ Aeschylus,
82:To many mortals silence great gain brings. ~ Aeschylus,
83:Truth is always the first casualty of war. ~ Aeschylus,
84:Words are doctors for the diseased temper. ~ Aeschylus,
85:You have learned the lesson by experience. ~ Aeschylus,
86:Black smoke, the flickering sister of fire. ~ Aeschylus,
87:For the mighty, even to give away is grace. ~ Aeschylus,
88:He hears but half who hears one party only. ~ Aeschylus,
89:Mourn for me rather as living than as dead. ~ Aeschylus,
90:The adulterer dies. An old custom, justice. ~ Aeschylus,
91:Time refines all things that age with time. ~ Aeschylus,
92:Too few rejoice at a friend's good fortune. ~ Aeschylus,
93:Words are the parents of a causeless wrath. ~ Aeschylus,
94:By Time and Age full many things are taught. ~ Aeschylus,
95:Death is a softer thing by far than tyranny. ~ Aeschylus,
96:God is not averse to deceit in a holy cause. ~ Aeschylus,
97:If you are not envied, you are not enviable. ~ Aeschylus,
98:I have not need to promise what I cannot do. ~ Aeschylus,
99:In the sinews of the dead there is no blood. ~ Aeschylus,
100:I say, wrong must not win by technicalities. ~ Aeschylus,
101:It is always in season for old men to learn. ~ Aeschylus,
102:It is through suffering that learning comes. ~ Aeschylus,
103:Making it a valid law to learn by suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
104:Of prosperity mortals can never have enough. ~ Aeschylus,
105:Time in its aging course teaches all things. ~ Aeschylus,
106:With our own feathers, not by others' hands, ~ Aeschylus,
107:Words are the physicians of a mind diseased. ~ Aeschylus,
108:As long as there are men the bulwark is safe. ~ Aeschylus,
109:A tyrant's trust dishonors those who earn it. ~ Aeschylus,
110:Death hath a fairer fame than a life of toil. ~ Aeschylus,
111:Everyone is ready to speak ill of a stranger. ~ Aeschylus,
112:God ever works with those who work with will. ~ Aeschylus,
113:It is always the season for the old to learn. ~ Aeschylus,
114:It is best for the wise man not to seem wise. ~ Aeschylus,
115:Number, the most excellent of all inventions. ~ Aeschylus,
116:The field of doom bears death as its harvest. ~ Aeschylus,
117:The will was of Zeus, the hand of Hephaestus. ~ Aeschylus,
118:Time in his aging overtakes all things alike. ~ Aeschylus,
119:Willingly no one chooses the yoke of slavery. ~ Aeschylus,
120:Write what I tell you in your book of memory. ~ Aeschylus,
121:For a murderous blow let murderous blow atone. ~ Aeschylus,
122:For a single path leads to the house of Hades. ~ Aeschylus,
123:The best by far is to marry in one's own rank. ~ Aeschylus,
124:When one is wise, it's wisest to seem foolish. ~ Aeschylus,
125:Give me an answer which is plain to understand. ~ Aeschylus,
126:I know how men in exile feed on dreams of hope. ~ Aeschylus,
127:I say you must not win an unjust case by oaths. ~ Aeschylus,
128:She looked just like a painting dying to speak. ~ Aeschylus,
129:Since long I've held silence a remedy for harm. ~ Aeschylus,
130:There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain. ~ Aeschylus,
131:Truly even he errs that is wiser than the wise. ~ Aeschylus,
132:Bronze is the mirror of form, wine of the heart. ~ Aeschylus,
133:Do not labor uselessly at what helps not at all. ~ Aeschylus,
134:His resolve is not to seem, but to be, the best. ~ Aeschylus,
135:Old age hath stronger sense of right than youth. ~ Aeschylus,
136:When a match has equal partners then I fear not. ~ Aeschylus,
137:God's most lordly gift to man is decency of mind. ~ Aeschylus,
138:It is the nature of mortals to kick a fallen man. ~ Aeschylus,
139:Oaths are not the credit of men but men of oaths. ~ Aeschylus,
140:Of all the gods only death does not desire gifts. ~ Aeschylus,
141:Success! to thee, as to a God, men bend the knee. ~ Aeschylus,
142:The misfortunes of mankind are of varied plumage. ~ Aeschylus,
143:To be free from evil thoughts is God's best gift. ~ Aeschylus,
144:What good is it to live a life that brings pains? ~ Aeschylus,
145:When a man's willing and eager the god's join in. ~ Aeschylus,
146:Fear hurries on my tongue through want of courage. ~ Aeschylus,
147:God always strives together with those who strive. ~ Aeschylus,
148:God loves to help him who strives to help himself. ~ Aeschylus,
149:His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be. ~ Aeschylus,
150:Joy steals upon me, such joy as calls forth tears. ~ Aeschylus,
151:Long tarries destiny, But comes to those who pray. ~ Aeschylus,
152:The man whose authority is recent is always stern. ~ Aeschylus,
153:Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. ~ Aeschylus,
154:Everyone, to those weaker than themselves, is kind. ~ Aeschylus,
155:For wherein is life sweet to him who suffers grief? ~ Aeschylus,
156:God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard. ~ Aeschylus,
157:My will is mine...I shall not make it soft for you. ~ Aeschylus,
158:The laws of a state change with the changing times. ~ Aeschylus,
159:Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times. ~ Aeschylus,
160:Be bold and boast, just like the cock beside the hen. ~ Aeschylus,
161:Good fortune is a god among men, and more than a god. ~ Aeschylus,
162:Old men are always young enough to learn with profit. ~ Aeschylus,
163:Pleasantest of all ties is the tie of host and guest. ~ Aeschylus,
164:To be fortunate is God, and more than God to mortals. ~ Aeschylus,
165:We should know what is true before we break our rage. ~ Aeschylus,
166:Whenever a man makes haste, God too hastens with him. ~ Aeschylus,
167:Old men are always young enough to learn, with profit. ~ Aeschylus,
168:I would rather be ignorant than knowledgeable of evils. ~ Aeschylus,
169:Look at him, look how he drips unhealth—shudder object! ~ Aeschylus,
170:Thy tongue sounds in accordance with thy form. (Vulcan) ~ Aeschylus,
171:For children preserve the fame of a man after his death. ~ Aeschylus,
172:Here I am. Look no furter. No one loves you more than I. ~ Aeschylus,
173:It is an ill thing to be the first to bring news of ill. ~ Aeschylus,
174:The power that holds the sky's majesty wins our worship. ~ Aeschylus,
175:We spoil ourselves with scruples long as things go well. ~ Aeschylus,
176:By the sword you did your work, and by the sword you die. ~ Aeschylus,
177:Cry, cry for death, but good win out in glory in the end. ~ Aeschylus,
178:Who holds a power but newly gained is ever stern of mood. ~ Aeschylus,
179:I gave them hope, and so turned away their eyes from death ~ Aeschylus,
180:It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish. ~ Aeschylus,
181:Report uttered by the people is everywhere of great power. ~ Aeschylus,
182:The high strength of men knows no content with limitation. ~ Aeschylus,
183:Courage! Suffering, when it climbs highest, lasts not long. ~ Aeschylus,
184:Dreptatea luptă laolaltă cu cel care o apără la rândul său. ~ Aeschylus,
185:For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends. ~ Aeschylus,
186:Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety. ~ Aeschylus,
187:Thou beholdest a spectacle ill-sighted to the eye. (Vulcan) ~ Aeschylus,
188:Es la dolencia de la tiranía el no confiar ni en los amigos. ~ Aeschylus,
189:. . . it is yours women's to be silent and stay within doors. ~ Aeschylus,
190:ATHENA: You wish to be called righteous rather than act right. ~ Aeschylus,
191:In every enterprise is no greater evil than bad companionship. ~ Aeschylus,
192:KLYTAIMESTRA : I said a lot of things before that sounded nice. ~ Aeschylus,
193:Many men who transgress justice, honor appearance over reality. ~ Aeschylus,
194:The saying goes that the gods leave a town once it is captured. ~ Aeschylus,
195:You shall learn, though late, the lesson of how to be discreet. ~ Aeschylus,
196:Don't try to make intelligent decisions when your brain is hyped ~ Aeschylus,
197:Once to die is better than length of days in sorrow without end. ~ Aeschylus,
198:There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief. ~ Aeschylus,
199:This is the law: blood spilt upon the ground cries out for more. ~ Aeschylus,
200:Unanimous hatred is the greatest medicine for a human community. ~ Aeschylus,
201:Ares ever loves to pluck all the fairest flower of an armed host. ~ Aeschylus,
202:High fortune, this in man's eye is god and more than god is this. ~ Aeschylus,
203:Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth, even for the old. ~ Aeschylus,
204:Nothing forces us to know What we do not want to know Except pain ~ Aeschylus,
205:Against necessity, against its strength, no one can fight and win. ~ Aeschylus,
206:On him who wields power gently, the god looks favorably from afar. ~ Aeschylus,
207:Tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. ~ Aeschylus,
208:What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest? ~ Aeschylus,
209:When a man takes the road to destruction, the gods help him along. ~ Aeschylus,
210:Who acts, shall endure. So speaks the voice of the age-old wisdom. ~ Aeschylus,
211:For by the will of the gods Fate hath held sway since ancient days. ~ Aeschylus,
212:For the impious act begets more after it, like to the parent stock. ~ Aeschylus,
213:The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it. ~ Aeschylus,
214:When evil come on those we dearly love, never shall we betray them. ~ Aeschylus,
215:No man looks with love on deeds that to the high Gods hateful prove. ~ Aeschylus,
216:Don't you know this, that words are doctors to a diseased temperment? ~ Aeschylus,
217:It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted. ~ Aeschylus,
218:It's not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath ~ Aeschylus,
219:Justice turns the scale, bringing to some learning through suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
220:Remember to be submissive, thou art analien, a fugitive, and in need. ~ Aeschylus,
221:Who, except the gods, can live time through forever without any pain? ~ Aeschylus,
222:      Whosoe'er shall take the sword       Shall perish by the sword. ~ Aeschylus,
223:Fortune is for all, judgment is theirs who have won it for themselves. ~ Aeschylus,
224:There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie. ~ Aeschylus,
225:There is no sickness worse for me that words that to be kind must lie. ~ Aeschylus,
226:Ye waves That o'er th' interminable ocean wreathe Your crisped smiles. ~ Aeschylus,
227:It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath. ~ Aeschylus,
228:Jars neither of wine nor of water shall fail in the houses of the rich. ~ Aeschylus,
229:Nothing forces us to know
What we do not want to know
Except pain ~ Aeschylus,
230:The act of evil breeds others to follow, young sins in its own likeness. ~ Aeschylus,
231:When strength is yoked with justice, where is a mightier pair than they? ~ Aeschylus,
232:Who apart from the gods is without pain for his whole lifetime's length? ~ Aeschylus,
233:Bonds and the pangs of hunger are excellent prophet doctors for the wits. ~ Aeschylus,
234:But concern not thou thyself vainly with matters that are of no advantage. ~ Aeschylus,
235:From him [Death] alone of all the powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof. ~ Aeschylus,
236:If you will take me as your teacher, you will not kick against the pricks. ~ Aeschylus,
237:Many among men are they who set high the show of honor, yet break justice. ~ Aeschylus,
238:Obedience, you know, is Good Luck's mother, wedded to Salvation, they say. ~ Aeschylus,
239:There is a limit to the best of health, disease is always a near neighbor. ~ Aeschylus,
240:We must pronounce him fortunate who has ended his life in fair prosperity. ~ Aeschylus,
241:When a man dies, flesh is frayed and broken in the fire, but not his will. ~ Aeschylus,
242:Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend's success without envy. ~ Aeschylus,
243:I have suffered into truth (...) Time refines all things that age with time ~ Aeschylus,
244:Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. ~ Aeschylus,
245:By polluting clear water with slime you will never find good drinking water. ~ Aeschylus,
246:If bright water you stain with mud, you nevermore will find it fit to drink. ~ Aeschylus,
247:I willingly speak to those who know, but for those who do not know I forget. ~ Aeschylus,
248:I will speak in defense of reason: for the very child of vanity is violence. ~ Aeschylus,
249:The evils of mortals are manifold; nowhere is trouble of the same wing seen. ~ Aeschylus,
250:A god implants in mortal guilt whenever he wants utterly to confound a house. ~ Aeschylus,
251:Misfortune wandering the same track lights now upon one and now upon another. ~ Aeschylus,
252:The tongue of slander is too prompt with wanton malice to wound the stranger. ~ Aeschylus,
253:For many among men are they who set high the show of honor, yet break justice. ~ Aeschylus,
254:God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word. ~ Aeschylus,
255:In visions of the night, like dropping rain, Descend the many memories of pain. ~ Aeschylus,
256:Let there be less suffering . . .
give us the sense to live on what we need. ~ Aeschylus,
257:Unjustly men hate death, which is the greatest defence against their many ills. ~ Aeschylus,
258:What mortal else who hears shall claim he was born immune to the demon of harm? ~ Aeschylus,
259:You have been trapped in the inescapable net of ruin by your own want of sense. ~ Aeschylus,
260:For the lips of Zeus do not know how to lie, but bring to fulfilment every word. ~ Aeschylus,
261:May dawn, as the proverb goes, bring happy tidings coming from her mother night. ~ Aeschylus,
262:The one knowing what is profitable, and not the man knowing many things, is wise. ~ Aeschylus,
263:In visions of the night, like dropping rain,
Descend the many memories of pain ~ Aeschylus,
264:Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy. ~ Aeschylus,
265:Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals? ~ Aeschylus,
266:In the lack of judgment great harm arises, but one vote cast can set right a house. ~ Aeschylus,
267:Let there be wealth without tears; enough for the wise man who will ask no further. ~ Aeschylus,
268:Look - can't you see? The more you kick
against the pricks, the more you suffer. ~ Aeschylus,
269:Married love between man and woman is bigger than oaths guarded by right of nature. ~ Aeschylus,
270:Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another's might. ~ Aeschylus,
271:Only when man's life comes to its end in prosperity can one call that man fortunate. ~ Aeschylus,
272:The sleeping brain has eyes that give us light; we can never see our destiny by day. ~ Aeschylus,
273:Trust my folly then, since it is best
for a man truly wise to be thought a fool. ~ Aeschylus,
274:I have been schooled by my own suffering: I've learned the many ways of being purged. ~ Aeschylus,
275:That sweet Muse-mother. ~ Aeschylus (or by his son Euphorion), Prometheus bound (ca. 480-430 BC).,
276:For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life. ~ Aeschylus,
277:Lustre of man walking proud beneath the sky diminishes to nothing and goes unregarded. ~ Aeschylus,
278:There's only few people who have strength to honor someone's achievement without envy. ~ Aeschylus,
279:Todo es arduo, menos ser rey de dioses. Que, excepto Zeus, nadie en el mundo es libre. ~ Aeschylus,
280:But when the dust has drunk the blood of men, no resurrection comes for one who's dead. ~ Aeschylus,
281:If a man should wanton walk with crime ... he shall find in death no great deliverance. ~ Aeschylus,
282:Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things. ~ Aeschylus,
283:Still to the sufferer comes, as due from God, a glory that to suffering owes its birth. ~ Aeschylus,
284:In few men is it part of nature to respect a friend's prosperity without begrudging him. ~ Aeschylus,
285:It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. ~ Aeschylus,
286:Know yourself and fit yourself to new fashions. For there is a new ruler among the gods. ~ Aeschylus,
287:There is a time when fear is good and ought to remain seated as a guardian of the heart. ~ Aeschylus,
288:For not many men, the proverb saith, can love a friend whom fortune prospereth unenvying. ~ Aeschylus,
289:Old men are children once again a dream that sways and wavers into the hard light of day. ~ Aeschylus,
290:But when once the earth has sucked up a dead man's blood, there is no way to raise him up. ~ Aeschylus,
291:"Reverence for parents" stands written among the three laws of most revered righteousness. ~ Aeschylus,
292:There is no disgrace in an enemy suffering ill at an enemy's hand, when you hate mutually. ~ Aeschylus,
293:Time as he grows old teaches many lessons. - Aeschylus Time is the wisest counselor of all. ~ Pericles,
294:A people's wrath voiced abroad bringeth grave Danger, no less than public curse pronounced. ~ Aeschylus,
295:Every thing has been achieved except for the gods to rule; for no one is free save Jupiter. ~ Aeschylus,
296:For in pure maidens, knowing not the marriage-bed, the glance of the eyes sinks from shame. ~ Aeschylus,
297:For sufferers it is sweet to know before-hand clearly the pain that still remains for them. ~ Aeschylus,
298:God planteth in mortal men the cause of sin whensoever he wills utterly to destroy a house. ~ Aeschylus,
299:There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls. ~ Aeschylus,
300:But you cannot speak of any glory for happenings that are at once evil and held in dishonor. ~ Aeschylus,
301:In every tyrant's heart there springs in the end this poison, that he cannot trust a friend. ~ Aeschylus,
302:Those who would learn must suffer. In our own despair, against our will, wisdom comes to us. ~ Aeschylus,
303:Bethink thee of the adage, 'Call none blest, till peaceful death have crowned a life of weal. ~ Aeschylus,
304:For a deadly blow let him pay with a deadly blow: it is for him who has done a deed to suffer. ~ Aeschylus,
305:No dreams, these torments,
not to me, they're clear, real - the hounds
of mother's hate. ~ Aeschylus,
306:The anvil of justice is planted firm, and fate who makes the sword does the forging in advance. ~ Aeschylus,
307:But still the block of Vengeance firm doth stand, and Fate, as swordsmith, hammers blow on blow. ~ Aeschylus,
308:Death is easier than a wretched life; and better never to have born than to live and fare badly. ~ Aeschylus,
309:If you pour oil and vinegar into the same vessel, you would call them not friends but opponents. ~ Aeschylus,
310:I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. ~ Aeschylus,
311:Nought is there in wealth That serves as bulwark 'gainst the subtle stealth Of Destiny and Doom. ~ Aeschylus,
312:Pour everything out for the blood you have shed, you're wasting your time in appeasing the dead. ~ Aeschylus,
313:For in the voyage of the heart, there is a freight of hatred, and the wind of wrath blows shrill. ~ Aeschylus,
314:The air is Zeus, Zeus earth, and Zeus the heaven, Zeus all that is, and what transcends them all. ~ Aeschylus,
315:For mortal kind taketh thought only for the day, and hath no more surety than the shadow of smoke. ~ Aeschylus,
316:It's a man's jobno place for women's plans here!what lies outside. Stay home and cause no trouble. ~ Aeschylus,
317:Search well and be wise, nor believe that self-willed pride will ever be better than good counsel. ~ Aeschylus,
318:What exists outside is a man's concern; let no woman give advice; and do no mischief within doors. ~ Aeschylus,
319:Yes, he had the heart to sacrifice his daughter, to bless the war that avenge the loss of a woman. ~ Aeschylus,
320:Obstinacy standing alone is the weakest of all things in one whose mind is not possessed by wisdom. ~ Aeschylus,
321:Be it mine to draw from wisdom's fount, pure as it flows, that calm of soul which virtue only knows. ~ Aeschylus,
322:Nor does night conceal men's deeds of ill, but whatsoe'er thou dost, think that some God beholds it. ~ Aeschylus,
323:The seed of mortals broods o'er passing things, and hath nought surer than the smoke-cloud's shadow. ~ Aeschylus,
324:he slaughtered at the altar his own child, my pain grown into love, to charm away the winds of Thrace. ~ Aeschylus,
325:I, schooled in misery, know many purifying rites, and I know where speech is proper and where silence. ~ Aeschylus,
326:It is a light thing for whoever keeps his foot outside trouble to advise and counsel him that suffers. ~ Aeschylus,
327:When a tongue fails to send forth appropriate shafts, there might be a word to act as healer of these. ~ Aeschylus,
328:For obstinacy standing alone is the weakest of all things in one whose mind is not possessed by wisdom. ~ Aeschylus,
329:Horror gives place to wonder at your true account;
The rest outstrips our comprehension; we give up. ~ Aeschylus,
330:But from the good health of the mind comes that which is dear to all and the object of prayer-happiness. ~ Aeschylus,
331:For the marriage bed ordained by fate for men and women is stronger than an oath and guarded by Justice. ~ Aeschylus,
332:Truly upon mortals cometh swift of foot their evil and his offence upon him that trespasseth against Right. ~ Aeschylus,
333:And one who is just of his own free will shall not lack for happiness; and he will never come to utter ruin. ~ Aeschylus,
334:But I must bear my destiny as best I can, knowing well that there is no resisting the strength of necessity. ~ Aeschylus,
335:The cure is in the house, not brought by other hands from distant places, but by its own, in agony and blood. ~ Aeschylus,
336:They sent forth men to battle, But no such men return; And home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes in an urn ~ Aeschylus,
337:Whoever is just willingly and without compulsion will not lack happiness; he will never be utterly destroyed. ~ Aeschylus,
338:Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers. ~ Aeschylus,
339:To make wail and lament for one's ill fortune, when one will win a tear from the audience, is well worthwhile. ~ Aeschylus,
340:Arrogance is truly the child of impiety, but from health of soul comes happiness, dear to all, much prayed for. ~ Aeschylus,
341:Beyond age, leaf withered, man goes three footed no stronger than a child is, a dream that falters in daylight. ~ Aeschylus,
342:But to speak ill of people at hand who give no cause for blame, is to assume a right far distinct from justice. ~ Aeschylus,
343:He has opened the way of wisdom to mortals, by proclaiming as a sovereign law: By suffering comes understanding ~ Aeschylus,
344:Ill is the very word to speak, for none        Can ransom or atone For blood once shed and darkening the plain. ~ Aeschylus,
345:It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer. ~ Aeschylus,
346:No man can go through life
and reach the end unharmed.
Aye, trouble is now,
and trouble still to come. ~ Aeschylus,
What ails thee, raising this ado for us?
I say the dead are come to slay the living. ~ Aeschylus,
348:ATHENA: You wish to be called righteous rather than act right. [...] I say, wrong must not win by technicalities. ~ Aeschylus,
349:To mourn and bewail your ill-fortune, when you will gain a tear from those who listen, this is worth the trouble. ~ Aeschylus,
350:Unions in wedlock are perverted by the victory of shameless passion that masters the female among men and beasts. ~ Aeschylus,
351:On me the tempest falls. It does not make me tremble. O holy Mother Earth, O air and sun, behold me. I am wronged. ~ Aeschylus,
352:For there below ground sits the Dark God, strong to call men to judgment; he sees all, and writes it in his memory. ~ Aeschylus,
353:When the black and mortal blood of man has fallen to the ground ... who then can sing spells to call it back again? ~ Aeschylus,
354:Plini de-ngâmfare, stârniți de mârșavă neobrăzare,
Asemenea câinilor fără rușine,
Nu vor s-audă vocile zeilor. ~ Aeschylus,
355:This is a sickness rooted and inherent in the nature of a tyranny: that he that holds it does not trust his friends. ~ Aeschylus,
356:Bastions of wealth
are no deference for the man
who treads the grand altar of Justice
down and out of sight. ~ Aeschylus,
357:Hear the sum of the whole matter in the compass of one brief word — every art possessed by man comes from Prometheus. ~ Aeschylus,
358:Overly persuasive a woman's ordinance spreads far, traveling fast; but fast dying a rumor voiced by a woman perishes. ~ Aeschylus,
359:The gods at will can shape a gladder strain, and from the lamentations at the graveside, a song of triumph may arise. ~ Aeschylus,
360:For there is no defense for a man who, in the excess of his wealth, has kicked the great altar of Justice out of sight. ~ Aeschylus,
361:But I will place this carefully fed pig Within the crackling oven; and, I pray, What nicer dish can e'er be given to man. ~ Aeschylus,
362:When we sleep the soul is lit up... by many eyes, and with them, we can see everything that we cannot see in the daytime. ~ Aeschylus,
363:PROMETHEUS: 'Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers ~ Aeschylus,
364:Let me attain no envied wealth, let me not plunder cities, neither be taken in turn, and face life in the power of another. ~ Aeschylus,
365:A world of wealth is trash if men are wanting; men who have no wealth never find fortune smiling as their strength deserves. ~ Aeschylus,
366:Yet the insidious guile of god—what mortal man can escape it? Who with agile foot can lightly overleap and escape its toils? ~ Aeschylus,
367:For Hades is mighty in calling men to account below the earth, and with a mind that records in tablets he surveys all things. ~ Aeschylus,
368:And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand, they hasten on their course in vain. ~ Aeschylus,
369:Out of respect, a man must veil his words when talking with a woman, but with a man he can frankly say whatever's on his mind. ~ Aeschylus,
370:I beg you, alight and join your sorrow with mine: misfortune wanders everywhere, and settles now upon one and now upon another. ~ Aeschylus,
371:The burning gaze of a young woman, such as hath tasted man, shall not escape me; for I have a spirit keen to mark these things. ~ Aeschylus,
372:Neither a life of anarchy nor a life under a despot should you praise. To all that lies in the middle has a god given excellence. ~ Aeschylus,
373:Old men, what are they? Fast fading the leaf, Three-footed they walk, yet frail as a child, As a dream set afloat in the daylight. ~ Aeschylus,
374:Only one accomplishment is beyond both the power and the mercy of the Gods. They cannot make the past as though it had never been. ~ Aeschylus,
375:Chiar în vârtejul relelelor dați sufletelor voastre veselia cea de toate zilele, căci pentru morți belșugul aurului nu mai are preț. ~ Aeschylus,
376:Aeschylus first introduced a second actor; he diminished the importance of the Chorus, and assigned the leading part to the dialogue. ~ Aristotle,
377:Aș vrea să fiu mai bine un nătâng, decât un înțelept vestind nenorociri.
Să se petreacă toate minunat chiar împotriva minții mele! ~ Aeschylus,
378:Here he lies like something melting away. His mother’s blood comes quaking howling brassing bawling blacking down his mad little veins. ~ Aeschylus,
379:The moving light, rejoicing in its strength, Sped from the pyre of pine, and urged its way, In golden glory, like some strange new sun. ~ Aeschylus,
380:No bribes. Nothing that passes under the roof of a temple Or under the roof of the mouth, can appease heaven's anger Or deflect its aim. ~ Aeschylus,
381:The ancient Greek dramatist Aeschylus wrote, “The reward of suffering is experience.” Let this be the lasting legacy of Vietnam. ~ Robert S McNamara,
382:Respect the altar of Justice and do not, looking to profit, dishonor it by spurning with godless foot; for punishment will come upon you. ~ Aeschylus,
383:El futuro, cuando suceda, lo oirás. De momento déjalo correr, no llores antes de hora, pues claramente llegará con los rayos de la aurora. ~ Aeschylus,
384:There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls. There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain. ~ Aeschylus,
385:Aeschylus was born in about 525 b.c.e., and the Oresteia, put on in 458, just two years before his death, was recognized as his masterpiece. ~ Aeschylus,
386:Neither the life of anarchy nor the life enslaved by tyrants, no, worship neither. Strike the balance all in all and god will give you power. ~ Aeschylus,
387:O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray, To come to me: of cureless ills thou art The one physician. Pain lays not its touch Upon a corpse. ~ Aeschylus,
388:The gods! long since they hold us in contempt,
Scornful of gifts thus offered by the lost!
Why should we fawn and flinch away from doom? ~ Aeschylus,
389:Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting. ~ Aeschylus,
390:The moving light, rejoicing in its strength,
Sped from the pyre of pine, and urged its way,
In golden glory, like some strange new sun... ~ Aeschylus,
391:Alas, poor men, their destiny. When all goes well a shadow will overthrow it. If it be unkind one stroke of a wet sponge wipes all the picture out. ~ Aeschylus,
392:I would join Sisyphus in Hades and gladly push my boulder up the slope if only, each time it rolled back down, I were given a line of Aeschylus. ~ Tom Stoppard,
393:I pray for no more youth To perish before its prime; That Revenge and iron-heated War May fade with all that has gone before Into the night of time. ~ Aeschylus,
394:Justice shines in very smoky homes, and honors the righteous; but the gold-spangled mansions where the hands are unclean she leaves with eyes averted. ~ Aeschylus,
395:that we must suffer, suffer into truth.
We cannot sleep, and drop by drop at the heart
the pain of pain remembered comes again
and we resist. ~ Aeschylus,
396:And there they ring the walls, the young, the lithe. The handsome hold the graves they won in Troy; the enemy earth rides over those who conquered.
~ Aeschylus,
397:They came back
To widows,
To fatherless children,
To screams, to sobbing.
The men came back
As little clay jars
Full of sharp cinders. ~ Aeschylus,
398:Sorrow with me, Sorrowful one!
Tell me, whose voice proclaims
Things true and sad,
Naming by all their old, unhappy names,
What drove me mad-- ~ Aeschylus,
399:But the lust for power never dies- men cannot have enough.
No one will lift a hand to send it from his door, to give it warning, 'Power, never come again! ~ Aeschylus,
400:Commander against commander, brother against brother, enemy against enemy, I will take my stand. Quick, bring my greaves to protect against spears and stones! ~ Aeschylus,
401:[. . .] we suffer and we learn.
And we will know the future when it comes.
Greet it too early, weep too soon.
It all comes clear in the light of day. ~ Aeschylus,
402:Neither anarchy, nor tyranny, my people.
Worship the Mean, I urge you,
shore it up with reverence and never
banish terror from the gates, not outright. ~ Aeschylus,
403:But who can recount all 595 the high daring in the will of man, and in the stubborn hearts of women the all-adventurous passions that couple with man’s overthrow. ~ Aeschylus,
404:In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
405:But there is a cure in the house,
and not outside it, no,
not from others but from them,
their bloody strife. We sing to you,
dark gods beneath the earth. ~ Aeschylus,
406:If a man suffers ill, let it be without shame; for this is the only profit when we are dead. You will never say a good word about deeds that are evil and disgraceful. ~ Aeschylus,
407:Justice weighs out learning to those who suffer. ~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon, in Early Greek Philosophy: Beginnings and Ionian Thinkers Loeb Classical Library Volume 525 (2016), p. 123,
408:Alas for the affairs of men! When they are fortunate you might compare them to a shadow; and if they are unfortunate, a wet sponge with one dash wipes the picture away. ~ Aeschylus,
409:Sophokles is a playwright fascinated in general by people who say no, people who resist compromise, people who make stumbling blocks of themselves, like Antigone or Ajax. ~ Aeschylus,
410:And now it goes as it goes and where it ends is Fate. And neither by singeing flesh nor tipping cups of wine nor shedding burning tears can you enchant away the rigid Fury. ~ Aeschylus,
411:At home there tarries like a lurking snake,
Biding its time, a wrath unreconciled,
A wily watcher, passionate to slake,
In blood, resentment for a murdered child. ~ Aeschylus,
412:No mortal can complete his life unharmed and unpunished throughout--ah ah! Some troubles are here now, some will come later." Chorus, Aeschylus' "Eumenides" from the Oresteia ~ Aeschylus,
413:Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
414:I warn the marauder dragging plunder, chaotic, rich beyond all rights: he'll strike his sails, harried at long last, stunned when the squalls of torment break his spars to bits. ~ Aeschylus,
415:For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another's happiness. ~ Aeschylus,
416:You are dreaming, children,
dreams dearer than gold, more blest
than the Blest beyond the North Wind's raging.
Dreams are easy, oh,
but the double lash is striking home. ~ Aeschylus,
417:In our sleep, pain, which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. —AESCHYLUS ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
418:So in the Libyan fable it is told That once an eagle, stricken with a dart, Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft: With our own feathers, not by others' hands, Are we now smitten. ~ Aeschylus,
419:Aeschylus writes, "In our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
420:In our sleep, pain, which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. —Aeschylus ~ William Peter Blatty,
421:We call on the gods, and the gods well know
what storms torment us, sailors whirled to nothing.
But if we are to live and reach the haven,
one small seed could grow a mighty tree - ~ Aeschylus,
422:A man dies not for the many wounds that pierce his breast, unless it be that life's end keep pace with death, nor by sitting on his hearth at home doth he the more escape his appointed doom. ~ Aeschylus,
423:Even so is the Libyan fable famed abroad: the eagle, pierced by the bow-sped shaft, looked at the feathered device, and said, “Thus, not by others, but by means of our own plumage, are we slain. ~ Aeschylus,
424:We nearly always live through screens—a screened existence. And I sometimes think, when people say my work looks violent, that I have been able to clear away one or two of the veils or screens.4 ~ Aeschylus,
425:He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
426:Chorus: Zeus, who guided men to think who laid it down that wisdom comes alone through suffering. Still there drips in sleep against the heart grief of memory; against our pleasure we are temperate. ~ Aeschylus,
427:[Hermes addresses Prometheus :] To you, the clever and crafty, bitter beyond all bitterness, who has sinned against the gods in bestowing honors upon creatures of a day--to you, thief of fire, I speak. ~ Aeschylus,
428:He who learns must suffer. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
429:If libations were proper to pour above the slain, this man deserved, more than deserved, such sacrament. He filled our cup with evil things unspeakable and now himself come home has drunk it to the dregs. ~ Aeschylus,
430:and life beats on, and
we nurse our lives with tears,
to the sound of ripping linen beat our robes in sorrow,
close to the breast the beats throb
and laughter's gone and fortune throbs and throbs. ~ Aeschylus,
431:Wisdom comes through suffering.
Trouble, with its memories of pain,
Drips in our hearts as we try to sleep,
So men against their will
Learn to practice moderation.
Favours come to us from gods. ~ Aeschylus,
432:Alas, poor men, their destiny. When all goes well a shadow will overthrow it. If it be unkind one stroke of a wet sponge wipes all the picture out; and that is far the most unhappy thing of all.
-Cassandra ~ Aeschylus,
433:The people's awe and innate fear will hold injustice back by day, by night, so long as the people leave the laws intact, just as they are: muddy the cleanest spring, and all you'll have to drink is muddy water. ~ Aeschylus,
Over the beast doomed to the fire
this is the chant, scatter of wits,
frenzy and fear, hurting the heart,
song of the Furies
binding brain and blighting blood
in its stringless melody. ~ Aeschylus,
435:Marvels, the Earth breeds many marvels,
terrible marvels overwhelm us.
The heaving arms of the sea embrace and swarm
with savage life. And high in the no man's land of night
torches hang like swords. ~ Aeschylus,
436:For this our task hath Fate spun without fail to last for ever sure, that we on man weighed down with deeds of hate should follow till the earth his life immure. Nor when he dies can he boast of being truly free. ~ Aeschylus,
437:The so-called mother of the child isn't the child's begetter, but only a sort of nursing soil for the new-sown seed. The man, the one on top, is the true parent, while she, a stranger, foster's a stranger's sprout. ~ Aeschylus,
438:CLYTEMNESTRA. Nay, peace, O best-belovèd! Peace! And let us work no evil more. Surely the reaping of the past is a full harvest, and not good, And wounds enough are everywhere.—Let us not stain ourselves with blood. ~ Aeschylus,
439:He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon, l. 177,
440:Human prosperity never rests but always craves more, till blown up with pride it totters and falls. From the opulent mansions pointed at by all passers-by none warns it away, none cries, 'Let no more riches enter!'. ~ Aeschylus,
441:Yet though a man gets many wounds in breast, He dieth not, unless the appointed time, The limit of his life's span, coincide; Nor does the man who by the hearth at home Sits still, escape the doom that Fate decrees. ~ Aeschylus,
442:Of all the gods, Death only craves not gifts: Nor sacrifice, nor yet drink-offering poured Avails; no altars hath he, nor is soothed By hymns of praise. From him alone of all The powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof. ~ Aeschylus,
443:Right’s anvil stands staunch on the ground and the smith, Destiny, hammers out the sword. Delayed in glory, pensive from 650 the murk, Vengeance brings home at last a child, to wipe out the stain of blood shed long ago. ~ Aeschylus,
444:Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. "Immortality" may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean. ~ G H Hardy,
445:There is something about the way that Greek poets, say Aeschylus, use metaphor that really attracts me. I don't think I can imitate it, but there's a density to it that I think I'm always trying to push towards in English. ~ Anne Carson,
446:Greeks heard the poems read on stage while a group of dancers performed. Then a clever poet called Aeschylus came along and had a great idea. He put a second reader on stage. Now you had a ‘play’ –the first drama in the world. ~ Terry Deary,
447:If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enter - only Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well claim a place beside Valmiki, Sophocles beside Aeschylus.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art, Great Poets of the World, 369,
448:My friends, whoever has had experience of evils knows how whenever a flood of ills comes upon mortals, a man fears everything; but whenever a divine force cheers on our voyage, then we believe that the same fate will always blow fair. ~ Aeschylus,
449:Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. ‘Immortality’ may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean. G.H. Hardy 23 ~ Simon Singh,
450:[. . .] radiant dreams are passing in the night,
the memories throb with sorrow, joy with pain . . .
it is pain to dream and see desires
slip through the arms,
a vision lost for ever
winging down the moving drifts of sleep. ~ Aeschylus,
451:Watchful are the Gods of all Hands with slaughter stained. The black Furies wait, and when a man Has grown by luck, not justice, great, With sudden overturn of chance They wear him to a shade, and, cast Down to perdition, who shall save him? ~ Aeschylus,
452:For not many men . . . can love a friend who fortune prospers without envying; and about the envious brain cold poison clings and doubles all the pain life brings him. His own woundings he must nurse, and feel another's gladness like a curse. ~ Aeschylus,
453:I know the stars by heart,
the armies of the night, and there in the lead the ones that bring us snow or the crops of summer, bring us all we have--
our great blazing kings of the sky, I know them, when they rise and when the fall . . . ~ Aeschylus,
454:I know the stars by heart,
the armies of the night, and there in the lead the ones that bring us snow or the crops of summer, bring us all we have--
our great blazing kings of the sky, I know them, when they rise and when they fall . . . ~ Aeschylus,
455:The truth Has to be melted out of our stubborn lives By suffering. Nothing speaks the truth, Nothing tells us how things really are, Nothing forces us to know What we do not want to know Except pain. And this is how the gods declare their love. ~ Aeschylus,
456:You are young and young your rule and you think that the tower in which you live is free from sorrow: from it have I not seen two tyrants thrown? The third, who now is king, I shall yet live to see him fall, of all three most suddenly, most dishonored. ~ Aeschylus,
457:Justice, voiceless, unseen, seeth thee when thou sleepest and when thou goest forth and when thou liest down. Continually doth she attend thee, now aslant thy course, now at a later time. These lines are from a section of doubtful or spurious fragments. ~ Aeschylus,
458:The Appointed Time
Yet though a man gets many wounds in breast,
He dieth not, unless the appointed time,
The limit of his life's span, coincide;
Nor does the man who by the hearth at home
Sits still, escape the doom that Fate decrees.
~ Aeschylus,
459:Thus he died, and all the life struggled out of him;
and as he died he spattered me with the dark red
and violent driven rain of bitter-savored blood
to make me glad, as gardens stand among the showers
of God in glory at the birthtime of the buds. ~ Aeschylus,
460:Aeschylus observed that the gods ordained a solemn decree that from suffering alone comes wisdom. Such earned wisdom brings greater dignity and depth to our lives, and we are blessed by the spiritual enlargement that is its byproduct. ~ James…,
461:that we must suffer, suffer into truth.
We cannot sleep, and drop by drop at the heart
the pain of pain remembered comes again
and we resist, but ripeness comes as well.
From the gods enthroned on the awesome rowing-bench
there comes a violent love. ~ Aeschylus,
462:But who can describe the overweening pride of men? Or women mad with passion, reckless in their hearts, soulmates to every kind of ruin that befalls us? Wild passion, unrestrained, boundless, that overcomes the women, perverts the yoke of wedlock for beasts and men alike. ~ Aeschylus,
463:I can’t speak for Aeschylus or Epictetus or Aristotle. But I am convinced of this: they would have hated having their wisdom confined to classrooms and textbooks. This is wisdom about how to live. And it’s your property as much as anyone’s. It is yours. Take it. Use it. ~ Eric Greitens,
464:We have on this earth what makes life worth living: April’s hesitation, the aroma of bread at dawn, a woman’s point of view about men, the works of Aeschylus, the beginning of love, grass on a stone, mothers living on a flute’s sigh and the invaders’ fear of memories. ~ Mahmoud Darwish,
465:Does the novel have to deepen the psychology of its heroes? Certainly the modern novel does, but the ancient legends did not do the same. Oedipus' psychology was deduced by Aeschylus or Freud, but the character is simply there, fixed in a pure and terribly disquieting state. ~ Umberto Eco,
466:Yet again, isn’t there something terrible in randomness—the idea that at the very bottom of its calculations, real depravity has no master plan of any kind, it’s just a dreamy whim that slides out of people when they are trapped or bored or too lazy to analyze their own mania. ~ Aeschylus,
O Zeus, whoe'er Thou be,
If that name please thee well,
By that I call on Thee;
For weighing all things else I fail to tell
Of any name but Zeus;
If once for all I seek
Of all my haunting, troubled thoughts a truce,
That name I still must speak.
~ Aeschylus,
468:Now, by the altar,
Over the victim
Ripe for our ritual,
Sing this enchantment:
A song without music,
A sword in the senses,
A storm in the heart
And a fire in the brain;
A clamour of Furies
To paralyse reason,
A tune full of terror,
A drought in the soul! ~ Aeschylus,
469:Furono saggi i nostri padri, facendo questa legge: che chi avesse le mani insanguinate non potesse farsi vedere né avere contatto con nessuno; e l’espiazione fosse l’esilio, non la morte. Ché, se no, ci sarebbe sempre stato uno implicato nel sangue: quello con l’ultima sozzura sulle mani. ~ Aeschylus,
470:In all Hellas, for those who swarmed to the war, 430 the heartbreaking misery shows in the house of each. Many are they who are touched at the heart by these things. Those they sent forth they knew; now, in place of the young men 435 urns and ashes are carried home to the houses of the fighters. ~ Aeschylus,
471:You'll see all other mortal sinners, the ones who flout the honor owed to gods or guests, or loving parents--you'll see them get the justice they deserve. For Hades holds men mightily to a strict accounting down below the earth; he sees all things, inscribes them within the book of his remembering. ~ Aeschylus,
472:Un sabio, sí, era un sabio quien por primera vez alzó en su mente y con su lengua expresó que la boda con un igual es lo mejor, con mucho, y que ni con quienes por su riqueza viven en la molicie ni con quienes por su linaje están ensoberbecidos, cuando uno es un jornalero, ha de ambicionar casarse... ~ Aeschylus,
473:No one can count the terrors that the earth spawns, catastrophic, gruesome, and the vast arms of the sea swarm with brute monsters bent on harm, and everywhere between the sky and ground lights bloom by day in flares and sudden bolts; and birds and beasts alike can tell of the whirlwind's whirling wrath. ~ Aeschylus,
474:What shall I say, as I pour out these outpourings of sorrow? How say the good word, how make my prayer to my father? Shall I say I bring it to the man 90 beloved, from a loving wife, and mean my mother? I have not the daring to say this, nor know what else to say, as I pour this liquid on my father’s tomb. ~ Aeschylus,
475:There is an overwhelming inclination to keep the unsavory particulars hidden from public view, to pretend the calamity never occurred. Thus it has always been, and probably always will be. As Aeschylus, the illustrious Greek tragedian, noted in the fifth century B.C., “In war, truth is the first casualty. ~ Jon Krakauer,
476:I did have the resource of having taught Greek mythology and the history of Western civilization, and you can go back into the plays of Aeschylus and follow what happens when people seek revenge, and there are people plucking their eyes out. And Greek mythology is filled with all kinds of monsters and whatnot. ~ Wes Craven,
477:The holy heaven yearns to wound the earth, and yearning layeth hold on the earth to join in wedlock; the rain, fallen from the amorous heaven, impregnates the earth, and it bringeth forth for mankind the food of flocks and herds and Demeter's gifts; and from that moist marriage-rite the woods put on their bloom. ~ Aeschylus,
478:But Righteousness still shines out in the smoke of mean houses. 775 Her blessing is on the just man. From high halls starred with gold by reeking hands she turns back with eyes that glance away to the simple in heart, spurning the strength of gold 780 stamped false with flattery. And all things she steers to fulfillment. ~ Aeschylus,
479:I pray the gods some respite from the weary task of this long year's watch that lying on the Atreidae's roof on bended arm, dog- like, I have kept, marking the conclave of all night's stars, those potentates blazing in the heavens that bring winter and summer to mortal men, the constellations, when they wane, when they rise. ~ Aeschylus,
480:ATHENA: There are two sides to this dispute. I've heard only one half the argument. (...) So you two parties, summon your witnesses, set out your proofs, with sworn evidence to back your stories. Once I've picked the finest men in Athens, I'll return. They'll rule fairly in this case, bound by a sworn oath to act with justice. ~ Aeschylus,
481:Conozco las estrellas por memorias, los ejércitos de la noche, y hay en la delantera los que nos traen la nieve o los cultivos de verano, nos traen todo lo que tenemos (...) los conozco cuando se levantan y cuando caen... y ahora veo la luz, la señal del fuego saliendo (...). Por lo tanto, ella ordena, llana de grandes esperanzas. ~ Aeschylus,
482:Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. "Immortality" may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean. ~ G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology (London 1941).Quotations by Hardy. Retrieved on 27 November 2013..,
483:I look out on my language, two days later
A short absence is enough
for Aeschylus to open the door to peace
a short speech is enough
for Antonio to incite war
A hand of a woman in my hand
is enough
to embrace my freedom
and for the ebb and flow to begin anew in my body

(I See my Ghost Coming from a Distance) ~ Mahmoud Darwish,
484:It can hardly be coincidence that at just that same time, in 508, the Athenians radically changed their political constitution to transfer ultimate power to the people (demos)—in other words, they inaugurated the world’s first democracy. So the first performance of the Oresteia may well mark the fiftieth birthday both of democracy and of theater. ~ Aeschylus,
485:The wonderful thing about the theater is that it can emphasize BOTH our diversity AND our common humanity. In many ways, the world of Shakespeare (or Aeschylus or Racine) is totally different from our world; and yet any human being can look through the differences in dress and mores and discover our common problems, passions, and potentials. ~ Howard Gardner,
486:No shame, I think, in the death given this man. And did he not first of all in this house wreak death by treachery? 1525 The flower of this man’s love and mine, Iphigeneia of the many tears— he dealt with her even as he has suffered now.° So let his speech in Death’s house be not loud. With the sword he struck; with the sword he paid for his own act. ~ Aeschylus,
487:I pray the gods will give me some relief and end this weary job. One long full year I've been lying here, on this rooftop, the palace of the sons of Atreus, resting on my arms, just like a dog. I've come to know the night sky, every star, the powers we see glittering in the sky, bringing winter and summer to us all, as the constellations rise and sink. ~ Aeschylus,
488:The great and amorous sky curved over the earth, and lay upon her as a pure lover. The rain, the humid flux descending from heaven for both man and animal, for both thick and strong, germinated the wheat, swelled the furrows with fecund mud and brought forth the buds in the orchards. And it is I who empowered these moist espousals, I the great Aphrodite. ~ Aeschylus,
489:Zeus, whose will has marked for man
The sole way where wisdom lies;
Ordered one eternal plan:
Man must suffer to be wise.
Head-winds heavy with past ill
Stray his course and cloud his heart:
Sorrow takes the blind soul's part -
Man grows wise against his will.
For powers who rule from thrones above
By ruthlessness commend their love. ~ Aeschylus,
490:I shall select judges of manslaughter, and swear them in, establish a court into all time to come. 485 Litigants, call your witnesses, have ready your proofs as evidence under bond to keep this case secure. I will pick the finest of my citizens, and come back. They shall swear to make no judgment that is not just, and make clear where in this action the truth lies. ~ Aeschylus,
491:For Ares, lord of strife,
Who doth the swaying scales of battle hold,
War’s money-changer, giving dust for gold,
Sends back, to hearts that held them dear,
Scant ash of warriors, wept with many a tear,
Light to the hand, but heavy to the soul;
Yea, fills the light urn full
With what survived the flame—
Death’s dusty measure of a hero’s frame! ~ Aeschylus,
492:For many men value appearances more than reality—thus they violate what’s right. Everyone’s prepared to sigh over some suffering man, though no sorrow really eats their hearts, or they can pretend to join another person’s happiness forcing their faces into smiling masks. But a good man discerns true character— he’s not fooled by eyes feigning loyalty, favouring him with watered-down respect. ~ Aeschylus,
493:Your speech is pompous sounding, full of pride, as fits the lackey of the Gods. You are young and young your rule and you think the tower in which you live is free from sorrow: from it have I not seen two tyrants thrown? The third, who now is king, I shall yet live to see him fall, of all three most suddenly, most dishonored. Do you think I will crouch before your Gods, -so new-and tremble? I am far from that. ~ Aeschylus,
494:Aeschylus and Plato are remembered today long after the triumphs of Imperial Athens are gone. Dante outlived the ambitions of thirteenth century Florence. Goethe stands serenely above the politics of Germany, and I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over cities, we too will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit. ~ John F Kennedy,
495:The vast majority of all the ancient Greek literature that has survived comes from this period of imperial rule. To give a sense of scale, the work of just one of these writers – Plutarch, the second-century CE biographer, philosopher, essayist and priest of the famous Greek oracle at Delphi – extends to as many modern pages as all the surviving work of the fifth century BCE put together, from the tragedies of Aeschylus to the history of Thucydides. ~ Mary Beard,
496:We are the old, dishonoured ones,
the broken husks of men.
Even then they cast us off,
the rescue mission left us here
to prop a child's strength upon a stick.
What if the new sap rises in his chest?
He has no soldiery in him,
no more than we,
and we are the aged past ageing,
gloss of the leaf shrivelled,
three legs at a time we falter on.
Old men are children once again,
a dream that sways and wavers
into the hard light of day. ~ Aeschylus,
497:Prometheus Bound
Spasm! Again
what manias
beat my brain
hot i'm hot
where's the fire?
here's horsefly
His Arrowhead
not fire forged
but sticks: heart
stuck with fear
kicks at my ribs
eye balls whirl
spirally wheeled
by madness, madness
stormblasted I'm
blown off course
my tongue my tiller
it's unhinged, flappy
words words thrash
dashed O! at doom
mud churning up
breaking in waves
~ Aeschylus,
498:Oh, the torment bred in the race,
the grinding scream of death
and the stroke that hits the vein,
the hemorrhage none can staunch, the grief,
the curse no man can bear.

But there is a cure in the house, and not outside it, no,
not from others but from them,
their bloody strife. We sing to you,
dark gods beneath the earth.

Now hear, you blissful powers underground --
answer the call, send help.
Bless the children, give them triumph now. ~ Aeschylus,
499:The truth to reconcile these truths he found in the experience of men, which the men of his generation must have realized far beyond others, that pain and error have their purpose and their use: they are steps of the ladder of knowledge: God, whose law it is that he who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despite, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. (Aeschylus, Agamemnon) ~ Edith Hamilton,
500:The truth to reconcile these truths he found in the experience of men, which the men of his generation must have realized far beyond others, that pain and error have their purpose and their use: they are steps of the ladder of knowledge: 'God, whose law it is that he who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despite, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.' (Aeschylus, Agamemnon) ~ Edith Hamilton,
501:Aeschylus knew - and you and I have to remind ourselves and teach our children - that human beings can turn hardship into wisdom because we are born with the capacity for resilience, and we can make ourselves more resilient through practice. To be resilient - to build a full and meaningful life of strength, wisdom, and joy - is not easy. But it's not complicated. We can all do it. To get there, it's not enough to want to be resilient or to think about being resilient. We have to choose to live a resilient life. ~ Eric Greitens,
502:I'll probably never produce a masterpiece, but so what? I feel I have a Sound aborning, which is my own, and that Sound if erratic is still my greatest pride, because I would rather write like a dancer shaking my ass to boogaloo inside my head, and perhaps reach only readers who like to use books to shake their asses, than to be or write for the man cloistered in a closet somewhere reading Aeschylus while this stupefying world careens crazily past his waxy windows toward its last raving sooty feedback pirouette. ~ Lester Bangs,
503:The man who boldly transgresses, amassing a great heap unjustly--by force, in time, he will strike his sail, when trouble seizes him as the yardarm is splintered. He calls on those who hear nothing and he struggles in the midst of the whirling waters. The god laughs at the hot-headed man, seeing him, who boasted that this would never happen, exhausted by distress without remedy and unable to surmount the cresting wave. He wrecks the happiness of his earlier life on the reef of Justice, and he perishes unwept, unseen. ~ Aeschylus,
504:Rather, an authentic drama was afoot reminiscent of a play by Aeschylus or Shakespeare in which powerful schemers end up caught in a trap of their own making. In the real-life drama I was witnessing, Summers’s sacred rule of insiders kicked in the moment they recognized their powerlessness. The hatches were battened down, official denial prevailed, and the consequences of the tragic impasse they’d created were left to unfold on autopilot, imprisoning them yet further in a situation they detested for weakening their hold over events. ~ Yanis Varoufakis,
505:A Spectral Vision
Chorus from The Libation Bearers
A spectral vision clear
Thrills every hair with fear,
In haunted sleep,
Breathing of dire distress,
From innermost recess
Its watch doth keep,
Breaking with cry of fright
The still deep hush of night:
All through the queenly bower
Sharp cry was heard that hour,
And they to whom 'twas given
To read decrees of Heaven,
In dream o'ertrue,
By solemn pledges bound,
Declared that underground
The dead were wrathful found
'Gainst those that slew.
~ Aeschylus,
506:About 2500 years ago Aeschylus, the Greek playwright, wrote, He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. These remarkable photos and the stories that accompany them should be on billboards from sea to shining sea, so the pain and suffering they represent might fall drop by drop upon the American psyche and against our will, by the awful grace of God, wisdom might come to these United States and her foreign policy. ~ Gioconda Belli,
507:The man who rightly acts without coercion
Will not be grieved, can never wholly sink in wretchedness;
While the lawless criminal is forcibly dragged under
In the current of time when from the shattered mast
The elements rip down his sails.
He shouts, there is no ear to hear him
Struggling, hopeless, at the maelstrom's center.
Gods laugh at the transgressor now,
Watching him, his pride now wrecked,
Caught in desperation's shackles.
He flees the rocks in vain;
His fortunes smash on retribution's reef
And, unmourned, he is engulfed.
~ Aeschylus,
508:Crouched on the altar-steps, a grisly band
Of women slumbers—not like women they,
But Gorgons rather; nay, that word is weak,
Nor may I match the Gorgons’ shape with theirs!
Such have I seen in painted semblance erst—
Winged Harpies, snatching food from Phineus’ board,—
But these are wingless, black, and all their shape
The eye’s abomination to behold.
Fell is the breath—let none draw nigh to it—
Wherewith they snort in slumber; from their eyes
Exude the damnèd drops of poisonous ire:
And such their garb as none should dare to bring
To statues of the gods or homes of men. ~ Aeschylus,
509:So, kind brother, you refuse me a sol parisis to go and buy a crust from the baker?

“Qui non laborat non manducet.” (He who does not work, let him not eat.)

At this reply from the immovable archdeacon, Jehan hid his face in hins hands, like a woman sobbing, and exclaimed with an expression of despair: Oτoτoτoτoτoτ!”

“What does that mean, monsieur?” asked Claude, surprised by this outburst.

“What? Well,” said the student, raising two insolent eyes to Claude into which he had just stuck his firsts so as to make them look red from weeping, “it’s Greek! It’s an anapaest from Aeschylus which perfectly expresses grief. ~ Victor Hugo,
510:Prometheus Amid Hurricane And Earthquake
Earth is rocking in space!
And the thunders crash up with a roar upon roar,
And the eddying lightnings flash fire in my face,
And the whirlwinds are whirling the dust round and round-And the blasts of the winds universal leap free
And blow each other upon each, with a passion of sound,
And æther goes mingling in storm with the sea!
Such a curse on my head, in a manifest dread,
From the hand of your Zeus has been hurtled along!
O my mother's fair glory! O Æther, enringing
All eyes with the sweet common light of thy bringing,
Dost see how I suffer this wrong?
~ Aeschylus,
511:Lament For The Two Brothers Slain By Each Other's
Now do our eyes behold
The tidings which were told:
Twin fallen kings, twin perished hopes to mourn,
The slayer, the slain,
The entangled doom forlorn
And ruinous end of twain.
Say, is not sorrow, is not sorrow's sum
On home and hearthstone come?
Oh, waft with sighs the sail from shore,
Oh, smite the bosom, cadencing the oar
That rows beyond the rueful stream for aye
To the far strand,
The ship of souls, the dark,
The unreturning bark
Whereon light never falls nor foot of Day,
Even to the bourne of all, to the unbeholden land.
~ Aeschylus,
512:Those who have not learned to read the ancient classics in the language in which they were written must have a very imperfect knowledge of the history of the human race; for it is remarkable that no transcript of them has ever been made into any modern tongue, unless our civilization itself may be regarded as such a transcript. Homer has never yet been printed in English, nor Aeschylus, nor Virgil even, works as refined, as solidly done, and as beautiful almost as the morning itself; for later writers, say what we will of their genius, have rarely, if ever, equaled the elaborate beauty and finish and the lifelong and heroic literary labors of the ancients. They only talk of forgetting them who never knew them. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
513:For this village, even were it incomparably more remote and incredibly more primitive, is the West, the West onto which I have been so strangely grafted. These people cannot be, from the point of view of power, strangers anywhere in the world; they have made the modern world, in effect, even if they do not know it. The most illiterate among them is related, in a way that I am not, to Dante, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Aeschylus, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Racine; the cathedral at Chartres says something to them which it cannot say to me, as indeed would New York’s Empire State Building, should anyone here ever see it. Out of their hymns and dances come Beethoven and Bach. Go back a few centuries and they are in their full glory—but I am in Africa, watching the conquerors arrive. ~ James Baldwin,
514:All known great religions have had an exoteric aspect, that is, exterior, profane, for the masses of believers, and another esoteric, for a restricted select minority of initiates. So it was with the Egyptian and Greek cults. Those ignorant people who pompously speak to us about Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and the 'rational thought of the Greeks' ignore the fact that behind their ideas one finds the Eleusinian Mysteries of Delphi and elsewhere, in which these same philosophers, above all Plato, Aeschylus, Euripides took part, though they could not speak of it in public. The Orphic cults and mythology are the foundation of the philosophical thought of Ancient Greece. The word esoteric itself comes from the Greek work eisoteo and means 'to enter into' and 'to open a door' (towards the Gods: Theo, eiso-theo). ~ Miguel Serrano,
515:I’ve always found it strange that so many of them meet their Maker in unusual circumstances. Matthew Arnold, for example, died while leaping over a hedge . . .’ ‘I suppose he did,’ Sidney replied. ‘And didn’t the Chinese poet Li Po drown while trying to kiss the reflection of the moon in water?’ ‘Pushkin and Lermontov were both killed in duels . . .’ Sidney began to recall his classical education, ‘Aeschylus was felled by a falling tortoise.’ ‘Euripides was mauled by a pack of wild dogs . . .’ ‘Neither of them strictly poets, of course . . .’ Sidney cautioned. ‘Although if the criteria was broadened to writers in general then we could have a field day,’ Leonard Graham continued. ‘Edgar Allan Poe was found in another person’s clothes.’ ‘And Sherwood Anderson swallowed a toothpick. But we are getting distracted, my good friend. ~ James Runcie,
516:As long as the sole ruler and disposer of the universe, the nous, remained excluded from artistic activity, things were mixed together in a primeval chaos: this was what Euripides must have thought; and so, as the first "sober" one among them, he had to condemn the "drunken" poets. Sophocles said of Aeschylus that he did what was right, though he did it unconsciously. This was surely not how Euripides saw it. He might have said that Aeschylus, because he created unconsciously, did what was wrong. The divine Plato, too, almost always speaks only ironically of the creative faculty of the poet, insofar as it is not conscious insight, and places it on a par with the gift of the soothsayer and dream-interpreter: the poet is incapable of composing until he has become unconscious and bereft of understanding. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
517:In Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus tells the story of Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from heaven as a gift for mankind and saved us from extinction. In punishment for his theft, the god Zeus orders Prometheus chained to a mountain crag. Each day, an eagle lands on him and devours his liver; each night, his liver grows back so the eagle can consume it again. Alone, immobile, exposed to the elements, Prometheus stays full of defiance. (The guy won’t stop fighting. Remind you of anyone?) Prometheus is chained, but noble. He is tied down and tortured, but still heroic. Prometheus is imprisoned, but his story is ultimately about the salvation of humanity and the possibility of human progress. Life places limits on all of us. Yet even under the severest limits, we can still struggle valiantly, and in that struggle reach new heights of nobility and wisdom. ~ Eric Greitens,
518:My father, father!' - she might pray to the winds;
no innocence moves her judges mad for war.
Her father called his henchmen on,
on with a prayer,
'Host her over the alter
like a yearling, give it all your strength!
She's fainting - lift her,
sweep her robes around her,
but slip this strap in her gentle curving lips...
here, gag her hard, a sound will curse the house'-
and the bridle chokes her voice... her saffron robes
pouring over the sand
her glance like arrows showering
wounding every murderer through with pity
clear as a picture, live,
she strains to call their names...
I remember often the days with father's guests
when over the feast her voice unbroken,
purees the home her loving father
bearing third libations, sang to Saving Zeus -
transfixed with joy, Atreus' offspring
throbbing out their love. ~ Aeschylus,
519:Your favourite virtue ... Simplicity
Your favourite virtue in man ... Strength
Your favourite virtue in woman ... Weakness
Your chief characteristic ... Singleness of purpose
Your idea of happiness ... To fight
Your idea of misery ... Submission
The vice you excuse most ... Gullibility
The vice you detest most ... Servility
Your aversion ... Martin Tupper
Favourite occupation ... Book-worming
Favourite poet ... Shakespeare, Aeschylus, Goethe
Favourite prose-writer ... Diderot
Favourite hero ... Spartacus, Kepler
Favourite heroine ... Gretchen [Heroine of Goethe's Faust]
Favourite flower ... Daphne
Favourite colour ... Red
Favourite name ... Laura, Jenny
Favourite dish ... Fish
Favourite maxim ... Nihil humani a me alienum puto [Nothing human is alien to me]
Favourite motto ... De omnibus dubitandum [Everything must be doubted]. ~ Karl Marx,
520:There are those people who try to elevate their souls like someone who continually jumps from a standing position in the hope that forcing oneself to jump all day— and higher every day— they would no longer fall back down, but rise to heaven. Thus occupied, they no longer look to heaven. We cannot even take one step toward heaven. The vertical direction is forbidden to us. But if we look to heaven long-term, God descends and lifts us up. God lifts us up easily. As Aeschylus says, ‘That which is divine is without effort.’ There is an ease in salvation more difficult for us than all efforts. In one of Grimm’s accounts, there is a competition of strength between a giant and a little tailor. The giant throws a stone so high that it takes a very long time before falling back down. The little tailor throws a bird that never comes back down. That which does not have wings always comes back down in the end. ~ Simone Weil,
521:At schools, the children who are too stupid or lazy to learn languages, mathematics and elementary science can be set to doing the things that children used to do in their spare time. Let them, for example, make mud pies and call it modelling. But all the time there must be no faintest hint that they are inferior to the children who are at work. Whatever nonsense they are engaged in must have—I believe the English already use the phrase—"parity of esteem." An even more drastic scheme is not impossible. Children who are fit to proceed to a higher class may be artificially kept back, because the others would get a trauma—Beelzebub, what a useful word!—by being left behind. The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered to his own age group throughout his school career, and a boy who would be capable of tackling Aeschylus or Dante sits listening to his coeval's attempts to spell out 'A Cat Sat On A Mat'. ~ C S Lewis,
522:Long before the dread monotheists got their hands on history’s neck, we had been taught how to handle feuds by none other than the god Apollo as dramatized by Aeschylus in Eumenides (a polite Greek term for the Furies who keep us daily company on CNN). Orestes, for the sin of matricide, cannot rid himself of the Furies who hound him wherever he goes. He appeals to the god Apollo who tells him to go to the UN—also known as the citizens’ assembly at Athens—which he does and is acquitted on the ground that blood feuds must be ended or they will smolder forever, generation after generation, and great towers shall turn to flame and incinerate us all until “the thirsty dust shall never more suck up the darkly steaming blood ... and vengeance crying death for death! But man with man and state with state shall vow the pledge of common hate and common friendship, that for man has oft made blessing out of ban, be ours until all time.” Let Annan mediate between East and West before there is nothing left of either of us to salvage. ~ Gore Vidal,
523:THOMASINA: ....the enemy who burned the great library of Alexandria without so much as a fine for all that is overdue. Oh, Septimus! -- can you bear it? All the lost plays of the Athenians! Two hundred at least by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides -- thousands of poems -- Aristotle's own library!....How can we sleep for grief?

SEPTIMUS: By counting our stock. Seven plays from Aeschylus, seven from Sophocles, nineteen from Euripides, my lady! You should no more grieve for the rest than for a buckle lost from your first shoe, or for your lesson book which will be lost when you are old. We shed as we pick up, like travellers who must carry everything in their arms, and what we let fall will be picked up by those behind. The procession is very long and life is very short. We die on the march. But there is nothing outside the march so nothing can be lost to it. The missing plays of Sophocles will turn up piece by piece, or be written again in another language. Ancient cures for diseases will reveal themselves once more. Mathematical discoveries glimpsed and lost to view will have their time again. You do not suppose, my lady, that if all of Archimedes had been hiding in the great library of Alexandria, we would be at a loss for a corkscrew? ~ Tom Stoppard,
524:Young Men Of Sidon
The actor they'd brought in to entertain them
also recited a few choice epigrams.
The room opened out on the garden
and the delicate odour of flowers
mingled with the scent
of the five perfumed young Sidonians.
There were readings from Meleager, Krinagoras, Rhianos.
But when the actor recited
'Here lies Aeschylus, the Athenian, son of Euphorion'
(stressing maybe more than he should have
'his renowned valour' and 'sacred Marathonian grove'),
a vivacious young man, mad about literature,
suddenly jumped up and said:
'I don't like that quatrain at all.
Sentiments of that kind seem somehow weak.
Give, I say, all your strength to your work,
make it your total concern. And don't forget your work
even in times of stress or when you begin to decline.
This is what I expect, what I demand of you
and not that you completely dismiss from your mind
the magnificent art of your tragedies
your Agamemnon, your marvellous Prometheus,
your representations of Orestes and Cassandra,
your Seven Against Thebes -merely to set down for your
that as an ordinary soldier, one of the herd,
you too fought against Datis and Artaphernis.'
~ Constantine P. Cavafy,
525:All the books were beginning to turn against me. Indeed, I must have been blind as a bat not to have seen it long before, the ludicrous contradiction between my theory of life and my actual experiences as a reader. George MacDonald had done more to me than any other writer; of course it was a pity that he had that bee in his bonnet about Christianity. He was good in spite of it. Chesterton has more sense than all the other moderns put together; bating, of course, his Christianity. Johnson was one of the few authors whom I felt I could trust utterly; curiously enough, he had the same kink. Spenser and Milton by a strange coincidence had it too. Even among ancient authors the same paradox was to be found. The most religious (Plato, Aeschylus, Virgil) were clearly those on whom I could really feed. On the other hand, those writers who did not suffer from religion and with whom in theory my sympathy ought to have been complete -- Shaw and Wells and Mill and Gibbon and Voltaire -- all seemed a little thin; what as boys we called "tinny". It wasn't that I didn't like them. They were all (especially Gibbon) entertaining; but hardly more. There seemed to be no depth in them. They were too simple. The roughness and density of life did not appear in their books. ~ C S Lewis,
526:The Decree Of Athena
Hear ye my statute, men of Attica-Ye who of bloodshed judge this primal cause;
Yea, and in future age shall Aegeus's host
Revere this court of jurors. This the hill
Of Ares, seat of Amazons, their tent,
What time 'gainst Theseus, breathing hate, they came,
Waging fierce battle, and their towers upreared,
A counter-fortress to Acropolis;-To Ares they did sacrifice, and hence
This rock is titled Areopagus.
Here then shall sacred Awe, to Fear allied,
By day and night my lieges hold from wrong,
Save if themselves do innovate my laws,
If thou with mud, or influx base, bedim
The sparkling water, nought thou'lt find to drink.
Nor Anarchy, nor Tyrant's lawless rule
Commend I to my people's reverence;-Nor let them banish from their city Fear;
For who 'mong men, uncurbed by fear, is just?
Thus holding Awe in seemly reverence,
A bulwark for your State shall ye possess,
A safeguard to protect your city walls,
Such as no mortals otherwhere can boast,
Neither in Scythia, nor in Pelops's realm.
Behold! This Court august, untouched by bribes,
Sharp to avenge, wakeful for those who sleep,
Establish I, a bulwark to this land.
This charge, extending to all future time,
I give my lieges. Meet it as ye rise,
Assume the pebbles, and decide the cause,
Your oath revering. All hath now been said.
~ Aeschylus,
527:The basic principle of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be ‘undemocratic’. These differences between the pupils—for they are obviously and nakedly individual differences—must be disguised. This can be done on various levels. At universities, examinations must be framed so that nearly all the students get good marks. Entrance examinations must be framed so that all, or nearly all, citizens can go to universities, whether they have any power (or wish) to profit by higher education or not. At schools, the children who are too stupid or lazy to learn languages and mathematics and elementary science can be set to doing the things that children used to do in their spare time. Let them, for example, make mud-pies and call it modelling. But all the time there must be no faintest hint that they are inferior to the children who are at work. Whatever nonsense they are engaged in must have—I believe the English already use the phrase—‘parity of esteem’. An even more drastic scheme is not impossible. Children who are fit to proceed to a higher class may be artificially kept back, because the others would get a trauma—Beelzebub, what a useful word!—by being left behind. The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered to his own age-group throughout his school career, and a boy who would be capable of tackling Aeschylus or Dante sits listening to his coaeval’s attempts to spell out A CAT SAT ON THE MAT. ~ C S Lewis,
528:1st row Homer, Shakespeare, Valmiki
2nd row Dante, Kalidasa, Aeschylus, Virgil, Milton
3rd row Goethe
I am not prepared to classify all the poets in the universe - it was the front bench or benches you asked for. By others I meant poets like Lucretius, Euripides, Calderon, Corneille, Hugo. Euripides (Medea, Bacchae and other plays) is a greater poet than Racine whom you want to put in the first ranks. If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enter - only Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well claim a place beside Valmiki, Sophocles beside Aeschylus. The rest, if you like, you can send into the third row with Goethe, but it is something of a promotion about which one can feel some qualms. Spenser too, if you like; it is difficult to draw a line.

Shelley, Keats and Wordsworth have not been brought into consideration although their best work is as fine poetry as any written, but they have written nothing on a larger scale which would place them among the greatest creators. If Keats had finished Hyperion (without spoiling it), if Shelley had lived, or if Wordsworth had not petered out like a motor car with insufficient petrol, it might be different, but we have to take things as they are. As it is, all began magnificently, but none of them finished, and what work they did, except a few lyrics, sonnets, short pieces and narratives, is often flawed and unequal. If they had to be admitted, what about at least fifty others in Europe and Asia? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Poetry And Art,
529:Song Of The Furies
Up and lead the dance of Fate!
Lift the song that mortals hate!
Tell what rights are ours on earth,
Over all of human birth.
Swift of foot to avenge are we!
He whose hands are clean and pure,
Naught our wrath to dread hath he;
Calm his cloudless days endure.
But the man that seeks to hide
Like him (1), his gore-bedewèd hands,
Witnesses to them that died,
The blood avengers at his side,
The Furies' troop forever stands.
O'er our victim come begin!
Come, the incantation sing,
Frantic all and maddening,
To the heart a brand of fire,
The Furies' hymn,
That which claims the senses dim,
Tuneless to the gentle lyre,
Withering the soul within.
The pride of all of human birth,
All glorious in the eye of day,
Dishonored slowly melts away,
Trod down and trampled to the earth,
Whene'er our dark-stoled troop advances,
Whene'er our feet lead on the dismal dances.
For light our footsteps are,
And perfect is our might,
Awful remembrances of guilt and crime,
Implacable to mortal prayer,
Far from the gods, unhonored, and heaven's light,
We hold our voiceless dwellings dread,
All unapproached by living or by dead.
What mortal feels not awe,
Nor trembles at our name,
Hearing our fate-appointed power sublime,
Fixed by the eternal law.
For old our office, and our fame,
Might never yet of its due honors fail,
Though 'neath the earth our realm in unsunned regions pale.
~ Aeschylus,
530:The Lament Of The Old Nurse
Our mistress bids me with all speed to call
Aegisthus to the strangers, that he come
And hear more clearly, as a man from man,
This newly brought report. Before her slaves,
Under set eyes of melancholy cast,
She hid her inner chuckle at the events
That have been brought to pass--too well for her,
But for this house and hearth most miserably,-As in the tale the strangers clearly told.
He, when he hears and learns the story's gist,
Will joy, I trow, in heart. Ah, wretched me!
How those old troubles, of all sorts made up,
Most hard to bear, in Atreus's palace-halls
Have made my heart full heavy in my breast!
But never have I known a woe like this.
For other ills I bore full patiently,
But as for dear Orestes, my sweet charge,
Whom from his mother I received and nursed . . .
And then the shrill cries rousing me o' nights,
And many and unprofitable toils
For me who bore them. For one needs must rear
The heedless infant like an animal,
(How can it else be?) as his humor serve
For while a child is yet in swaddling clothes,
It speaketh not, if either hunger comes,
Or passing thirst, or lower calls of need;
And children's stomach works its own content.
And I, though I foresaw this, call to mind,
How I was cheated, washing swaddling clothes,
And nurse and laundress did the selfsame work.
I then with these my double handicrafts,
Brought up Orestes for his father dear;
And now, woe's me! I learn that he is dead,
And go to fetch the man that mars this house;
And gladly will he hear these words of mine.
~ Aeschylus,
531:It may be remarked in passing that success is an ugly thing. Men are deceived by its false resemblances to merit. To the crowd, success ears almost the features of true mastery, and the greatest dupe of this counterfeit talent is History. Juvenal and Tacitus alone mistrust it. In these days an almost official philosophy has come to dwell in the house of Success, wear its livery, receive callers in its ante-chamber. Success in principle and for its own sake. Prosperity presupposes ability. Win a lottery-prize and you are a clever man. Winners are adulated. To be born with a caul is everything; luck is what matters. Be fortunate and you will be thought great. With a handful of tremendous exceptions which constitute the glory of a century, the popular esteem is singularly short-sighted. Gilt is as good as gold. No harm in being a chance arrival provided you arrive. The populace is an aged Narcissus which worships itself and applauds the commonplace. The tremendous qualities of Moses, an Aeschylus, a Dante, a Michelangelo or a Napoleon are readily ascribed by the multitude to any man, in any sphere, who has got what he set out to get - the notary who becomes a deputy, the hack playwright who produces a mock-Corneille, the eunuch who acquires a harem, the journeyman-general who by accident wins the decisive battle of an epoch. The profiteer who supplies the army of the Sambre-et-Meuse with boot-soles of cardboard and earns himself an income of four hundred thousand a year; the huckster who espouses usury and brings her to bed of seven or eight millions; the preacher who becomes bishop by loudly braying; the bailiff of a great estate who so enriches himself that on retirement he is made Minister of Finance - all this is what men call genius, just as they call a painted face beauty and a richly attired figure majesty. The confound the brilliance of the firmament with the star-shaped footprints of a duck in the mud. ~ Victor Hugo,
532:The Complaint Of Prometheus
O holy Aether, and swift-winged Winds,
And River-wells, and laughter innumerous
Of yon Sea-waves! Earth, mother of us all,
And all-viewing cyclic Sun, I cry on you,-Behold me a god, what I endure from gods!
Behold, with throe on throe,
How, wasted by this woe,
I wrestle down the myriad years of Time!
Behold, how fast around me
The new King of the happy ones sublime
Has flung the chain he forged, has shamed and bound me!
Woe, woe! to-day's woe and the coming morrow's
I cover with one groan. And where is found me
A limit to these sorrows?
And yet what word do I say? I have foreknown
Clearly all things that should be; nothing done
Comes sudden to my soul--and I must bear
What is ordained with patience, being aware
Necessity doth front the universe
With an invincible gesture. Yet this curse
Which strikes me now, I find it hard to brave
In silence or in speech. Because I gave
Honor to mortals, I have yoked my soul
To this compelling fate. Because I stole
The secret fount of fire, whose bubbles went
Over the ferrule's brim, and manward sent
Art's mighty means and perfect rudiment,
That sin I expiate in this agony,
Hung here in fetters, 'neath the blanching sky.
Ah, ah me! what a sound,
What a fragrance sweeps up from a pinion unseen
Of a god, or a mortal, or nature between,
Sweeping up to this rock where the earth has her bound,
To have sight of my pangs, or some guerdon obtain-Lo, a god in the anguish, a god in the chain!
The god Zeus hateth sore,
And his gods hate again,
As many as tread on his glorified floor,
Because I loved mortals too much evermore.
Alas me! what a murmur and motion I hear,
As of birds flying near!
And the air undersings
The light stroke of their wings-And all life that approaches I wait for in fear.
~ Aeschylus,
533:The Beacon Fires
A GLEAM -- a gleam -- from Ida's height,
By the Fire-god sent, it came;
From watch to watch it leapt, that light,
As a rider rode the flame!
It shot through the startled sky,
And the torch of that blazing glory
Old Lemnos caught on high,
On its holy promontory,
And sent it on, the jocund sign,
To Athos, Mount of Jove divine.
Wildly the while, it rose from the isle,
So that the might of the journeying Light
Skimmed over the back of the gleaming brine!
Farther and faster speeds it on,
Till the watch that keeps Macistus steep
See it burst like a blazing Sun!
Doth Macistus sleep
On his tower-clad steep?
No! rapid and red doth the wild fire sweep;
It flashes afar on the wayward stream
Of the wild Euripus, the rushing beam!
It rouses the light on Messapion's height,
And they feed its breath with the withered heath.
But it may not stay!
And away -- away -It bounds in its freshening might.
Silent and soon,
Like a broadened moon,
It passes in sheen, Asopus green,
And bursts on Cithaeron gray!
The warder wakes to the Signal-rays,
And it swoops from the hill with a broader blaze.
On, on the fiery Glory rode;
Thy lonely lake, Gorgopis, glowed!
To Megara's Mount it came;
They feed it again
And it streams amain-A giant beard of Flame!
The headland cliffs that darkly down
O'er the Saronic waters frown,
Are passed with the Swift One's lurid stride,
And the huge rock glares on the glaring tide.
With mightier march and fiercer power
It gained Arachne's neighboring tower;
Thence on our Argive roof its rest it won,
Of Ida's fire the long-descended Son!
Bright Harbinger of glory and of joy!
So first and last with equal honor crowned,
In solemn feasts the race-torch circles round. -And these my heralds! -- this my SIGN OF PEACE;
Lo! while we breathe, the victor lords of Greece
Stalk, in stern tumult, through the halls of Troy!
~ Aeschylus,
534:The Defiance Of Eteocles
Now at the Seventh Gate the seventh chief,
Thy proper mother's son, I will announce,
What fortune for this city, for himself,
With curses he invoketh:--on the walls
Ascending, heralded as king, to stand,
With paeans for their capture; then with thee
To fight, and either slaying near thee die,
Or thee, who wronged him, chasing forth alive,
Requite in kind his proper banishment.
Such words he shouts, and calls upon the gods
Who o'er his race preside and Fatherland,
With gracious eye to look upon his prayers.
A well-wrought buckler, newly forged, he bears,
With twofold blazon riveted thereon,
For there a woman leads, with sober mien,
A mailed warrior, enchased in gold;
Justice her style, and thus the legend speaks:-'This man I will restore, and he shall hold
The city and his father's palace homes.'
Such the devices of the hostile chiefs.
'Tis for thyself to choose whom thou wilt send;
But never shalt thou blame my herald-words.
To guide the rudder of the State be thine!
O heaven-demented race of Oedipus,
My race, tear-fraught, detested of the gods!
Alas, our father's curses now bear fruit.
But it beseems not to lament or weep,
Lest lamentations sadder still be born.
For him, too truly Polyneikes named,-What his device will work we soon shall know;
Whether his braggart words, with madness fraught,
Gold-blazoned on his shield, shall lead him back.
Hath Justice communed with, or claimed him hers,
Guided his deeds and thoughts, this might have been;
But neither when he fled the darksome womb,
Or in his childhood, or in youth's fair prime,
Or when the hair thick gathered on his chin,
Hath Justice communed with, or claimed him hers,
Nor in this outrage on his Fatherland
Deem I she now beside him deigns to stand.
For Justice would in sooth belie her name,
Did she with this all-daring man consort.
In these regards confiding will I go,
Myself will meet him. Who with better right?
Brother to brother, chieftain against chief,
Foeman to foe, I'll stand. Quick, bring my spear,
My greaves, and armor, bulwark against stones.
~ Aeschylus,
535:The Battle Of Salamis
The night was passing, and the Grecian host
By no means sought to issue forth unseen.
But when indeed the day with her white steeds
Held all the earth, resplendent to behold,
First from the Greeks the loud-resounding din
Of song triumphant came; and shrill at once
Echo responded from the island rock.
Then upon all barbarians terror fell,
Thus disappointed; for not as for flight
The Hellenes sang the holy pæan then,
But setting forth to battle valiantly.
The bugle with its note inflamed them all;
And straightway with the dip of plashing oars
They smote the deep sea water at command,
And quickly all were plainly to be seen.
Their right wing first in orderly array
Led on, and second all the armament
Followed them forth; and meanwhile there was heard
A mighty shout: "Come, O ye sons of Greeks,
Make free your country, make your children free,
Your wives, and fanes of your ancestral gods,
And your sires' tombs! For all we now contend!"
And from our side the rush of Persian speech
Replied. No longer might the crisis wait.
At once ship smote on ship with brazen beak;
A vessel of the Greeks began the attack,
Crushing the stem of a Phoenician ship.
Each on a different vessel turned its prow.
At first the current of the Persian host
Withstood; but when within the strait the throng
Of ships was gathered, and they could not aid
Each other, but by their own brazen bows
Were struck, they shattered all our naval host.
The Grecian vessels not unskillfully
Were smiting round about; the hulls of ships
Were overset; the sea was hid from sight,
Covered with wreckage and the death of men;
The reefs and headlands were with corpses filled,
And in disordered flight each ship was rowed,
As many as were of the Persian host.
But they, like tunnies or some shoal of fish,
With broken oars and fragments of the wrecks
Struck us and clove us; and at once a cry
Of lamentation filled the briny sea,
Till the black darkness' eye did rescue us.
The number of our griefs, not though ten days
I talked together, could I fully tell;
But this know well, that never in one day
Perished so great a multitude of men.
~ Aeschylus,
536:I fancy my father thought me an odd child, and had little fondness for me; though he was very careful in fulfilling what he regarded as a parent's duties. But he was already past the middle of life, and I was not his only son. My mother had been his second wife, and he was five-and-forty when he married her. He was a firm, unbending, intensely orderly man, in root and stem a banker, but with a flourishing graft of the active landholder, aspiring to county influence: one of those people who are always like themselves from day to day, who are uninfluenced by the weather, and neither know melancholy nor high spirits. I held him in great awe, and appeared more timid and sensitive in his presence than at other times; a circumstance which, perhaps, helped to confirm him in the intention to educate me on a different plan from the prescriptive one with which he had complied in the case of my elder brother, already a tall youth at Eton. My brother was to be his representative and successor; he must go to Eton and Oxford, for the sake of making connexions, of course: my father was not a man to underrate the bearing of Latin satirists or Greek dramatists on the attainment of an aristocratic position. But intrinsically, he had slight esteem for "those dead but sceptred spirits"; having qualified himself for forming an independent opinion by reading Potter's Aeschylus, and dipping into Francis's Horace. To this negative view he added a positive one, derived from a recent connexion with mining speculations; namely, that scientific education was the really useful training for a younger son. Moreover, it was clear that a shy, sensitive boy like me was not fit to encounter the rough experience of a public school. Mr. Letherall had said so very decidedly. Mr. Letherall was a large man in spectacles, who one day took my small head between his large hands, and pressed it here and there in an exploratory, suspicious manner - then placed each of his great thumbs on my temples, and pushed me a little way from him, and stared at me with glittering spectacles. The contemplation appeared to displease him, for he frowned sternly, and said to my father, drawing his thumbs across my eyebrows -

'The deficiency is there, sir-there; and here,' he added, touching the upper sides of my head, 'here is the excess. That must be brought out, sir, and this must be laid to sleep.'

I was in a state of tremor, partly at the vague idea that I was the object of reprobation, partly in the agitation of my first hatred - hatred of this big, spectacled man, who pulled my head about as if he wanted to buy and cheapen it. ("The Lifted Veil") ~ George Eliot,
537:The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia
Now long and long from wintry Strymon blew
The weary, hungry, anchor-straining blasts,
The winds that wandering seamen dearly rue,
Nor spared the cables worn and groaning masts;
And, lingering on, in indolent delay,
Slow wasted all the strength of Greece away.
But when the shrill-voiced prophet 'gan proclaim
That remedy more dismal and more dread
Than the drear weather blackening overhead,
And spoke in Artemis' most awful name,
The sons of Atreus, 'mid their armed peers,
Their sceptres dashed to earth, and each broke out in tears,
And thus the elder king began to say:
"Dire doom! to disobey the gods' commands!
More dire, my child, mine house's pride, to slay,
Dabbling in virgin blood a father's hands.
Alas! alas! which way to fly?
As base deserter quit the host,
The pride and strength of our great league all lost?
Should I the storm-appeasing rite deny,
Will not their wrathfullest wrath rage up and swell?
Exact the virgin's blood?--oh, would 't were o'er and well!"
So, 'neath Necessity's stern yoke he passed,
And his lost soul, with impious impulse veering,
Surrendered to the accursed unholy blast,
Warped to the dire extreme of human daring.
The frenzy of affliction still
Maddens, dire counselor, man's soul to ill.
So he endured to be the priest
In that child-slaughtering rite unblest,
The first full offering of that host
In fatal war for a bad woman lost.
The prayers, the mute appeal to her hard sire,
Her youth, her virgin beauty,
Naught heeded they, the chiefs for war on fire.
So to the ministers of that dire duty
(First having prayed) the father gave the sign,
Like some soft kid, to lift her to the shrine.
There lay she prone,
Her graceful garments round her thrown;
But first her beauteous mouth around
Their violent bonds they wound,
With their rude inarticulate might,
Lest her dread curse the fatal house should smite.
But she her saffron robe to earth let fall:
The shaft of pity from her eye
Transpierced that awful priesthood--one and all.
Lovely as in a picture stood she by
As she would speak. Thus at her father's feasts
The virgin, 'mid the reveling guests,
Was wont with her chaste voice to supplicate
For her dear father an auspicious fate.
I saw no more! to speak more is not mine;
Not unfulfilled was Calchas' lore divine.
Eternal justice still will bring
Wisdom out of suffering.
So to the fond desire farewell,
The inevitable future to foretell;
'Tis but our woe to antedate;
Joint knit with joint, expands the full-formed fate.
Yet at the end of these dark days
May prospering weal return at length;
Thus in his spirit prays
He of the Apian land the sole remaining strength.
~ Aeschylus,
538:I have bad news for you, for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice for his fellow human beings, and he died because of that effort.

In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black--considering the evidence there evidently is that there were white people who were responsible--you can be filled with bitterness, with hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization--black people amongst black, white people amongst white, filled with hatred toward one another.

Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend, and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love.
For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and distrust at the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I can only say that I feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to go beyond these rather difficult times.

My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He wrote: "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black.

So I shall ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King, that's true, but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love--a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke.

We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times; we've had difficult times in the past; we will have difficult times in the future. It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; it is not the end of disorder.

But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together, want to improve the quality of our life, and want justice for all human beings who abide in our land.

Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.

Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people. ~ Robert F Kennedy,
539:Ladies and Gentlemen - I'm only going to talk to you just for a minute or so this evening. Because...

I have some very sad news for all of you, and I think sad news for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort. In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it's perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in.

For those of you who are black - considering the evidence evidently is that there were white people who were responsible - you can be filled with bitterness, and with hatred, and a desire for revenge.

We can move in that direction as a country, in greater polarization - black people amongst blacks, and white amongst whites, filled with hatred toward one another. Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend, and replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand, compassion and love.

For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and mistrust of the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I would only say that I can also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man.

But we have to make an effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to get beyond these rather difficult times.

My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He once wrote: "Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black.

(Interrupted by applause)

So I ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King, yeah that's true, but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love - a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke. We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times. We've had difficult times in the past. And we will have difficult times in the future. It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; and it's not the end of disorder.

But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together, want to improve the quality of our life, and want justice for all human beings that abide in our land.

Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.

Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people. Thank you very much. ~ Robert F Kennedy,
540:L'Idéal (The Ideal)
Ce ne seront jamais ces beautés de vignettes,
Produits avariés, nés d'un siècle vaurien,
Ces pieds à brodequins, ces doigts à castagnettes,
Qui sauront satisfaire un coeur comme le mien.
Je laisse à Gavarni, poète des chloroses,
Son troupeau gazouillant de beautés d'hôpital,
Car je ne puis trouver parmi ces pâles roses
Une fleur qui ressemble à mon rouge idéal.
Ce qu'il faut à ce coeur profond comme un abîme,
C'est vous, Lady Macbeth, âme puissante au crime,
Rêve d'Eschyle éclos au climat des autans;
Ou bien toi, grande Nuit, fille de Michel-Ange,
Qui tors paisiblement dans une pose étrange
Tes appas façonnés aux bouches des Titans!
The Ideal
It will never be the beauties that vignettes show, Those damaged products of a
good-for-nothing age,
Their feet shod with high shoes, hands holding castanets,
Who can ever satisfy any heart like mine.
I leave to Gavarni, poet of chlorosis,
His prattling troop of consumptive beauties,
For I cannot find among those pale roses
A flower that is like my red ideal.
The real need of my heart, profound as an abyss,
Is you, Lady Macbeth, soul so potent in crime,
The dream of Aeschylus, born in the land of storms;
Or you, great Night, daughter of Michelangelo,
Who calmly contort, reclining in a strange pose
Your charms molded by the mouths of Titans!
— Translated by William Aggeler
The Ideal
It's not with smirking beauties of vignettes,
The shopsoiled products of a worthless age,
With buskined feet and hands for castanets —
A heart like mine its longing could assuage.
I leave Gavarni, poet of chloroses,
His twittering flock, anaemic and unreal.
I could not find among such bloodless roses,
A flower to match my crimson-hued ideal.
To this heart deeper than the deepest canyon,
Lady Macbeth would be a fit companion,
Crime-puissant dream of Aeschylus; or you,
Daughter of Buonarroti, stately Night!
Whose charms to suit a Titan's appetite,
You twist, so strange, yet peaceful, to the view.
— Translated by Roy Campbell
The Ideal
No beauties such as figure in vignettes,
Monsters of a vain era's lame design,
With feet for buskins, hands for castanets,
Can ever satisfy a heart like mine.
I leave to Gavarni's chlorotic Muse
These sickly prattling nymphs, however real;
Not one of these pale roses would I choose
To match the flowers of my red ideal.
What my heart, deep as an abyss, demands,
Lady Macbeth, is your brave bloody hands,
And, Aeschylus, your dreams of rage and fright,
Or you, vast Night, daughter of Angelo's,
Who peacefully twist into a strange pose
Charms fashioned for a Titan's mouth to bite.
— Translated by Jacques LeClercq
'twill be no lovely girls of our vignettes
— spoiled fruits our worthless epoch deems divine —
slim slippered feet, hands made for castagnettes,
that shall content this questing heart of mine.
I leave to great Gavarni, bard of blight,
his prattling beauties with their frail appeal.
I cannot find among his roses white
the flaming flower of my red ideal.
I crave, to fill my heart's abyss of death,
thy passion, fair and merciless Macbeth,
whom Aeschylus might not have dreamed in boreal snows;
or thine, great Night, in Bunarroti's South,
tranquilly turning in a monstrous pose
thy bosom fashioned by a Titan's mouth!
— Translated by Lewis Piaget Shanks
~ Charles Baudelaire,
541:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer – Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus – Tragedies
4. Sophocles – Tragedies
5. Herodotus – Histories
6. Euripides – Tragedies
7. Thucydides – History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates – Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes – Comedies
10. Plato – Dialogues
11. Aristotle – Works
12. Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid – Elements
14. Archimedes – Works
15. Apollonius of Perga – Conic Sections
16. Cicero – Works
17. Lucretius – On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil – Works
19. Horace – Works
20. Livy – History of Rome
21. Ovid – Works
22. Plutarch – Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus – Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa – Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus – Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy – Almagest
27. Lucian – Works
28. Marcus Aurelius – Meditations
29. Galen – On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus – The Enneads
32. St. Augustine – On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njál
36. St. Thomas Aquinas – Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri – The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer – Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci – Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli – The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus – The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus – On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More – Utopia
44. Martin Luther – Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais – Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin – Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne – Essays
48. William Gilbert – On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes – Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser – Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon – Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare – Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei – Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler – Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey – On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes – Leviathan
57. René Descartes – Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton – Works
59. Molière – Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal – The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens – Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza – Ethics
63. John Locke – Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine – Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton – Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz – Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67. Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift – A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve – The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley – Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope – Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu – Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire – Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson – The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets ~ Mortimer J Adler,
542:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer - Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus - Tragedies
4. Sophocles - Tragedies
5. Herodotus - Histories
6. Euripides - Tragedies
7. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates - Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes - Comedies
10. Plato - Dialogues
11. Aristotle - Works
12. Epicurus - Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid - Elements
14.Archimedes - Works
15. Apollonius of Perga - Conic Sections
16. Cicero - Works
17. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil - Works
19. Horace - Works
20. Livy - History of Rome
21. Ovid - Works
22. Plutarch - Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus - Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus - Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy - Almagest
27. Lucian - Works
28. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
29. Galen - On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus - The Enneads
32. St. Augustine - On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci - Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus - The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More - Utopia
44. Martin Luther - Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne - Essays
48. William Gilbert - On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser - Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon - Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare - Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei - Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
57. René Descartes - Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton - Works
59. Molière - Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal - The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens - Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza - Ethics
63. John Locke - Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine - Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67.Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift - A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve - The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope - Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu - Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire - Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
   ~ Mortimer J Adler,
543:The world's great age begins anew,
   The golden years return,
The earth doth like a snake renew
   Her winter weeds outworn:
Heaven smiles, and faiths and empires gleam
Like wrecks of a dissolving dream.

A brighter Hellas rears its mountains
   From waves serener far;
A new Peneus rolls his fountains
   Against the morning star.
Where fairer Tempes bloom, there sleep
Young Cyclads on a sunnier deep.

A loftier Argo cleaves the main,
   Fraught with a later prize;
Another Orpheus sings again,
   And loves, and weeps, and dies.
A new Ulysses leaves once more
Calypso for his native shore.

Oh, write no more the tale of Troy,
   If earth Death's scroll must be!
Nor mix with Laian rage the joy
   Which dawns upon the free:
Although a subtler Sphinx renew
Riddles of death Thebes never knew.

Another Athens shall arise,
   And to remoter time
Bequeath, like sunset to the skies,
   The splendour of its prime;
And leave, if nought so bright may live,
All earth can take or Heaven can give.

Saturn and Love their long repose
   Shall burst, more bright and good
Than all who fell, than One who rose,
   Than many unsubdu'd:
Not gold, not blood, their altar dowers,
But votive tears and symbol flowers.

Oh cease! must hate and death return?
   Cease! must men kill and die?
Cease! drain not to its dregs the urn
   Of bitter prophecy.
The world is weary of the past,
Oh might it die or rest at last!

Composition Date:

Written at Pisa in the autumn of 1821 and published in 1822, Hellas
is a "lyrical drama" treating of the contemporary struggle for freedom in
Greece and dedicated to Prince Mavrocordato, whom Shelley met in exile at
Pisa and who had returned to Greece in June 1821 to take part in the revolution
against the Turks. Shelley writes in a Preface: "The Persae of Aeschylus
afforded me the first model of my conception, although the decision of the
glorious contest now waging in Greece being yet suspended forbids a catastrophe
parallel to the return of Xerxes and the desolation of the Persians. I have,
therefore, contented myself with exhibiting a series of lyric pictures ... [suggesting]
the final triumph of the Greek cause as a portion of the cause of civilization
and social improvement." The action takes place in the palace of the Turkish
king, where he receives reports on the progress of the war from messengers
and prophecies of doom from visionary visitors. The last news, however, is of
a Turkish victory, to the dismay of the Greek slaves who act as chorus throughout
the play. "The final chorus," according to Shelley's note, "is indistinct and
obscure, as the event of the living drama whose arrival it foretells. Prophecies
of wars, and rumours of wars, etc., may safely be made by poet or prophet in
any age, but to anticipate however darkly a period of regeneration and happiness
is a more hazardous exercise of the faculty which bards possess or feign. It
will remind the reader 'magno nec proximus intervallo' of Isaiah and
Virgil, whose ardent spirits overleaping the actual reign of evil which we
endure and bewail, already saw the possible and perhaps approaching state of
society in which the 'lion shall lie down with the lamb,' and 'omnis feret
omnia tellus.' Let these great names be my authority and excuse."

The world's great age: the "annus magnus" at the end of which, according
to an idea of the ancients, all the heavenly bodies would return to their original
positions, and when, in consequence, the history of the world would begin to
repeat itself.

Peneus: a river in Thessaly.

Tempe: the vale through which Peneus flows.

Cyclads: a group of islands in the Aegean.

Argo: the vessel which bore Jason on his search for the Golden Fleece.

See Virgil, Eclogue IV:

Another Tiphys shall new seas explore;
Another Argo land the chiefs upon th'Iberian shore;
Another Helen other wars create,
And great Achilles urge the Trojan fate

(Dryden's translation).

Orpheus. For the stories of Orpheus--his entrancing music, the loss of his
wife Eurydice and his ultimate failure to recover her from the underworld, and
his death at the hands of Maenads (worshippers of Dionysus)--see Ovid's

Calypso: a sorceress on whose island Ulysses remained for seven years on
the way home from Troy to Ithaca.

Laian rage. Laius was King of Thebes, father of Oedipus, and head of a
house whose horrors were a favourite theme of Greek tragedy.

Sphinx: a monster who sat on the roadside at Thebes and slew all who could
not solve a riddle it proposed.

Shelley's note reads (in part): "Saturn and Love were among the deities of
a real or imaginary state of innocence and happiness. All those who
fell, or the Gods of Greece, Asia and Egypt; the One who rose, or
Jesus Christ . . .; and the many unsubdued, or the monstrous objects of
the idolatry of China, India, the Antarctic islands, and the native tribes of

~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, Chorus from Hellas
Come up on deck! The morning is clear,Memory wakes, as the landmarks appear.
How many the islands, green and cheery,
The salt-licking skerries, weed-wound, smeary!
On this side, on that side, they frolic before us,
Good friends, but wild,-in frightened chorus
Sea-fowl shriek round us, a flying legion.
We are in a region
Of storms historic, unique for aye.
We fare the fishermen's venturesome way!
Far out the bank and the big fish shoaling,
The captain narrates; and just now unrolling
Sails run to shore a swift racing match;Good is the catch.
Yes, yes,-I recognize them again,
Romsdal's boats' weather-beaten men.
how to sail, when need's at hand.
But I'm forgetting to look towards land!
- - - It whelms the sight
Like lightning bright,In memory graven, but not so great.
Wherever I suffer my eyes to wander,
Stand mountain-giants, both here and yonder,
The loin of one by the other's shoulder,
Naught else to where earth and sky are blending.
The dread of a world's din daunts the beholder;
The silence vastens the vision unending.
Some are in white and others in blue,
With pointed tops that emulous tower;
Some mass their power,
In marching columns their purpose pursue.
Away, you small folk!-In there 'The Preacher'
In high assembly the service intoning
Of magnates primeval, their patriarch owning!
Of what does he preach, my childhood's teacher?
So often, so often to him I listened,
In eager worship, devout and lowly;
My songs were christened
In light that fell from his whiteness holy.
- How great it is! I can finish never.
Great thoughts that in life and legend we treasure
Stream towards the scene in persistent endeavor,
The mighty impression to grasp and measure,Dame's hell, India's myth-panorama,
Shakespeare's earth-overarching drama,
Aeschylus' thunders that purge and free,
Beethoven's powerful symphony,They widen and heighten, they cloud and brighten
-Like small ants scrambling and soft-cooing doves,
They tumble backward and flee affrighted;As if a dandy in dress-coat and gloves
The mountains approached and to dance invited.
No, tempt them not! Their retainer be!
You'll learn then later,
How life with the great must make you greater.
If you are humble, they'll say it themselves,
That something is greater than e'en their greatest.
Look how the little river that delves
High in the notch within limits straitest,
Through ice first burrowed and stone, a brook,
Slowly the giants asunder wearing!
Unmoved before, their face now and bearing
They had to change 'mid the spring-flood's laughter;
Millions of years have followed thereafter,
Millions of years it also took.
In stamps the fjord now to look on their party,
Lifts his sou'-wester, gives greeting to them.
Whoever at times in their fog could view them
Has seen him near to their very noses;The fjord's not famed for his well-bred poses.
Towards him hurry, all white-foam-faced,
Brooks and rivers in whirling haste,
All of his family, frolicsome, naughty.
If ever the mountains the fjord would immure,
Their narrows press nigher, a prison sure;His water-hands then with a gesture haughty
Seize the whole saucy pass like a shell;
Set to his mouth, he begins to blow it
With western-gale-lungs,-and then you may know it,
Loud is the noise, and the swift currents swell.
Forcing the coast, a big fjord, black and gray,
Breaks us our way;
Waterfalls rushing on both sides rumble.
Sponge-wet and slow,
Cloud-masses over the mountain-flanks fumble;
The sun and mist, lo,
Symbol of struggle eternal show.
This is my Romsdal's unruly land!
Home-love rejoices.
All things I see, have eyes and have voices.
The people? I know them, each man understand,
Though never I saw him nor with him have spoken;
I know this folk, for the fjord is their token.
is the fjord in the storm's battle-fray,
is he when the sunbeams play
In midsummer's splendor,
And radiant, happy his heart is tender.
Whatever has form,
He bears on his breast with affection warm,
Mirrors it, fondles it,Be it so bare as the mossy gray rubble,
Be it so brief as a brook's fleeting bubble.
Oh, what a brightness! Beauty, soul-ravishing,
Shines from his prayer, that now he be shriven
Of all the past! And penitence lavishing,
All he confesses; with glad homage given
Mirrors and masses
Deep the mountains' high peaks and passes.
The old giants think now: He's not really bad;
In greater degree he's wrathful and glad
Than others perchance; is false not at all,
But reckless, capricious,-true son of Romsdal.
Right are the mountains! This race-type keeping,
saw men creeping
Over the ridges, scant fodder reaping.
saw men eager
Toil on the sea, though their take was meager,
Plow the steep slope and trench the bog-valley,
To bouts with the rock the brown nag rally.
Saw their faults flaunted,Buck-like they bicker,
Love well their liquor,But know not defeat,-hoist the sail undaunted!
Different the districts; but all in all:
Spirits vivacious, with longings that spur them,
Depths full of song, with billows that stir them,
Folk of the fjord and the sudden squall.
Viking-abode, I hail you with wonder!
High-built the wall, broad sea-floor thereunder,
Hall lit by sun-bows on waterfall vapors,
Hangings of green,-your dwellers the drapers.
Viking-born race,-'t is you I exalt!
It costs in under so high a vault
A struggle long unto lordship stable;
Not all who have tried to succeed, were able.
It costs to recover the wealth of the fjord
From wanton waste and in power to hoard.
It costs;-but who conquers is made a man.
I know there are that can.
~ Bjornstjerne Bjornson,
545:directed many of his own productions, and according to ancient critics, he is said
to have brought the Furies onstage in so realistic a manner that women
miscarried in the audience.
Although ~ Aeschylus

is said to have written over ninety plays, only seven have
survived. His first extant work, The Suppliants, reveals a young ~ Aeschylus

struggling with the problems of choral drama. The tale revolves around the fifty
daughers of Danaus who seek refuge in Argos from the attentions of the fifty
sons of Aegyptus. His second extant drama, The Persians, recounts the battle of
Salamis--in which ~ Aeschylus

and his brother actually fought--and deals primarily
with the reception of the news at the imperial court. This play contains the first
"ghost scene" of extant drama.
In his third surviving play, Prometheus Bound, ~ Aeschylus

tackles the myth of
Prometheus, the world's first humanitarian. As the play begins, the titan is being
fastened against his will to a peak in the Caucasian mountains for giving mankind
the gift of fire without the consent of the gods. Prometheus knows Zeus is
destined to fall. In fact, he holds the secret of the Olympian's doom--a certain
woman that will be his undoing--but Prometheus will not reveal her name. Even
amid the fire from heaven that is hurled at him in a frightening climax,
Prometheus remains fearless and silent.
In Seven Against Thebes, ~ Aeschylus

deals with themes of patricide and incest. He
was not, however, willing to settle for the conventional explanation of the "family
curse". Instead, ~ Aeschylus

delved deeper, suggesting that heredity is nothing
more than a predisposition--that the true cause of such "acts of wickedness" is
ambition, greed, and a lack of moral fortitude. Thus, eliminating the gods as an
excuse for wickedness, ~ Aeschylus

demanded that men take responsibility for
their actions.
The Oresteia, a trilogy, was performed in 458 BC, less than two years before
~ Aeschylus

' death. Once again, he dealt with the tragedy of a royal house, a
"hereditary curse" which began in a dim, legendary world in which Tantalus was
cast into the pit of Tartarus for revealing to mankind the secrets of the gods. This
situation paralleled events in ~ Aeschylus

' own life. He was reportedly charged with
"impiety" for revealing the Eleusinian mysteries--the secret rites of the city of his
birth--to outsiders. It is likely, however, that these charges were politically
motivated, and he was not convicted.
Legend has it that ~ Aeschylus

met his death when an eagle mistook his bald head
for a rock and dropped a tortoise on it. Whatever the cause of his death, his life
laid the groundwork the dramatic arts would need to flourish, and by the time of
his death, there were two notable successors ready to take his place--
~ Aeschylus

claims at lines 1026-7 that he "taught the Athenians to desire always
to defeat their enemies." ~ Aeschylus

goes on to say at lines 1039ff. that his plays
inspired the Athenians to be brave and virtuous.
Influence outside of Greek Culture
~ Aeschylus

's works were influential beyond his own time. Hugh Lloyd-Jones
(Regius Professor of Greek Emeritus at Oxford University) draws attention to
Wagner's reverence of ~ Aeschylus

. Michael Ewans argues in his Wagner and
~ Aeschylus

. The Ring and the Oresteia (London: Faber. 1982) that the influence
was so great as to merit a direct character by character comparison between
Wagner's Ring and ~ Aeschylus

's Oresteia. A critic of his book however, while not
denying that Wagner read and respected ~ Aeschylus

, has described his arguments
as unreasonable and forced.
Sir J. T. Sheppard argues in the second half of his ~ Aeschylus

and Sophocles:
Their Work and Influence that ~ Aeschylus

, along with Sophocles, have played a
major part in the formation of dramatic literature from the Renaissance to the
present, specifically in French and Elizabethan drama. He also claims that their
influence went beyond just drama and applies to literature in general, citing
During his presidential campaign in 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy quoted the
Edith Hamilton translation of ~ Aeschylus

on the night of the assassination of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Kennedy was notified of King's murder before a campaign
stop in Indianapolis, Indiana and was warned not to attend the event due to
fears of rioting from the mostly African-American crowd. Kennedy insisted on
attending and delivered an impromptu speech that delivered news of King's
death to the crowd. Acknowledging the audience's emotions, Kennedy referred to
his own grief at the murder of his brother, President John F. Kennedy and,
quoting a passage from the play Agamemnon, said: "My favorite poet was
~ Aeschylus

. He once wrote: 'Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop
by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom
through the awful grace of God.' What we need in the United States is not
division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the
United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and
compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still
suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black... Let us
dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the
savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world." The speech is
considered to be Kennedy's finest. The quotation from ~ Aeschylus

was later
inscribed on a memorial at the gravesite of Robert Kennedy following his own
A Prayer For Artemis
Though Zeus plan all things right,
Yet is his heart's desire full hard to trace;
Nathless in every place
Brightly it gleameth, e'en in darkest night,
Fraught with black fate to man's speech-gifted race.
Steadfast, ne'er thrown in fight,
The deed in brow of Zeus to ripeness brought;
For wrapt in shadowy night,
Tangled, unscanned by mortal sight,
Extend the pathways of his secret thought.
From towering hopes mortals he hurleth prone
To utter doom; but for their fall
No force arrayeth he; for all
That gods devise is without effort wrought.
A mindful Spirit aloft on holy throne
By inborn energy achieves his thought.
But let him mortal insolence behold:-How with proud contumacy rife,
Wantons the stem in lusty life
My marriage craving;--frenzy over-bold,
Spur ever-pricking, goads them on to fate,
By ruin taught their folly all too late.
Thus I complain, in piteous strain,
Grief-laden, tear-evoking, shrill;
Ah woe is me! woe! woe!
Dirge-like it sounds; mine own death-trill
I pour, yet breathing vital air.
Hear, hill-crowned Apia, hear my prayer!
Full well, O land,
My voice barbaric thou canst understand;
While oft with rendings I assail
My byssine vesture and Sidonian veil.
My nuptial right in Heaven's pure sight
Pollution were, death-laden, rude;
Ah woe is me! woe! woe!
Alas for sorrow's murky brood!
Where will this billow hurl me? Where?
Hear, hill-crowned Apia, hear my prayer;
Full well, O land,
My voice barbaric thou canst understand,
While oft with rendings I assail
My byssine vesture and Sidonian veil.
The oar indeed and home with sails
Flax-tissued, swelled with favoring gales,
Staunch to the wave, from spear-storm free,
Have to this shore escorted me,
Nor so far blame I destiny.
But may the all-seeing Father send
In fitting time propitious end;
So our dread Mother's mighty brood,
The lordly couch may 'scape, ah me,
Unwedded, unsubdued!
Meeting my will with will divine,
Daughter of Zeus, who here dost hold
Steadfast thy sacred shrine,-Me, Artemis unstained, behold,
Do thou, who sovereign might dost wield,
Virgin thyself, a virgin shield;
So our dread Mother's mighty brood
The lordly couch may 'scape, ah me,
Unwedded, unsubdued!
~ Aeschylus,
546:"As certain also of your own poets have said"
   (Acts 17.28)
  Cleon the poet (from the sprinkled isles,
Lily on lily, that o'erlace the sea
And laugh their pride when the light wave lisps "Greece")
To Protus in his Tyranny: much health!

They give thy letter to me, even now:
I read and seem as if I heard thee speak.
The master of thy galley still unlades
Gift after gift; they block my court at last
And pile themselves along its portico
Royal with sunset, like a thought of thee:
And one white she-slave from the group dispersed
Of black and white slaves (like the chequer-work
Pavement, at once my nation's work and gift,
Now covered with this settle-down of doves),
One lyric woman, in her crocus vest
Woven of sea-wools, with her two white hands
Commends to me the strainer and the cup
Thy lip hath bettered ere it blesses mine.

Well-counselled, king, in thy munificence!
For so shall men remark, in such an act
Of love for him whose song gives life its joy,
Thy recognition of the use of life;
Nor call thy spirit barely adequate
To help on life in straight ways, broad enough
For vulgar souls, by ruling and the rest.
Thou, in the daily building of thy tower,
Whether in fierce and sudden spasms of toil,
Or through dim lulls of unapparent growth,
Or when the general work 'mid good acclaim
Climbed with the eye to cheer the architect,
Didst ne'er engage in work for mere work's sake
Hadst ever in thy heart the luring hope
Of some eventual rest a-top of it,
Whence, all the tumult of the building hushed,
Thou first of men might'st look out to the East:
The vulgar saw thy tower, thou sawest the sun.
For this, I promise on thy festival
To pour libation, looking o'er the sea,
Making this slave narrate thy fortunes, speak
Thy great words, and describe thy royal face
Wishing thee wholly where Zeus lives the most,
Within the eventual element of calm.

Thy letter's first requirement meets me here.
It is as thou hast heard: in one short life
I, Cleon, have effected all those things
Thou wonderingly dost enumerate.
That epos on thy hundred plates of gold
Is mine,and also mine the little chant,
So sure to rise from every fishing-bark
When, lights at prow, the seamen haul their net.
The image of the sun-god on the phare,
Men turn from the sun's self to see, is mine;
The Po'er-storied its whole length,
As thou didst hear, with painting, is mine too.
I know the true proportions of a man
And woman also, not observed before;
And I have written three books on the soul,
Proving absurd all written hitherto,
And putting us to ignorance again.
For music,why, I have combined the moods,
Inventing one. In brief, all arts are mine;
Thus much the people know and recognize,
Throughout our seventeen islands. Marvel not.
We of these latter days, with greater mind
Than our forerunners, since more composite,
Look not so great, beside their simple way,
To a judge who only sees one way at once,
One mind-point and no other at a time,
Compares the small part of a man of us
With some whole man of the heroic age,
Great in his waynot ours, nor meant for ours.
And ours is greater, had we skill to know:
For, what we call this life of men on earth,
This sequence of the soul's achievements here
Being, as I find much reason to conceive,
Intended to be viewed eventually
As a great whole, not analyzed to parts,
But each part having reference to all,
How shall a certain part, pronounced complete,
Endure effacement by another part?
Was the thing done?then, what's to do again?
See, in the chequered pavement opposite,
Suppose the artist made a perfect rhomb,
And next a lozenge, then a trapezoid
He did not overlay them, superimpose
The new upon the old and blot it out,
But laid them on a level in his work,
Making at last a picture; there it lies.
So, first the perfect separate forms were made,
The portions of mankind; and after, so,
Occurred the combination of the same.
For where had been a progress, otherwise?
Mankind, made up of all the single men,
In such a synthesis the labour ends.
Now mark me! those divine men of old time
Have reached, thou sayest well, each at one point
The outside verge that rounds our faculty;
And where they reached, who can do more than reach?
It takes but little water just to touch
At some one point the inside of a sphere,
And, as we turn the sphere, touch all the rest
In due succession: but the finer air      
Which not so palpably nor obviously,  
Though no less universally, can touch
The whole circumference of that emptied sphere,
Fills it more fully than the water did;
Holds thrice the weight of water in itself
Resolved into a subtler element.
And yet the vulgar call the sphere first full
Up to the visible heightand after, void;
Not knowing air's more hidden properties.
And thus our soul, misknown, cries out to Zeus
To vindicate his purpose in our life:
Why stay we on the earth unless to grow?
Long since, I imaged, wrote the fiction out,
That he or other god descended here
And, once for all, showed simultaneously
What, in its nature, never can be shown,
Piecemeal or in succession;showed, I say,
The worth both absolute and relative
Of all his children from the birth of time,
His instruments for all appointed work.
I now go on to image,might we hear
The judgment which should give the due to each,
Show where the labour lay and where the ease,
And prove Zeus' self, the latent everywhere!
This is a dream:but no dream, let us hope,
That years and days, the summers and the springs,
Follow each other with unwaning powers.
The grapes which dye thy wine are richer far,
Through culture, than the wild wealth of the rock;
The suave plum than the savage-tasted drupe;
The pastured honey-bee drops choicer sweet;
The flowers turn double, and the leaves turn flowers;
That young and tender crescent-moon, thy slave,
Sleeping above her robe as buoyed by clouds,
Refines upon the women of my youth.
What, and the soul alone deteriorates?
I have not chanted verse like Homer, no
Nor swept string like Terpander, nonor carved
And painted men like Phidias and his friend:
I am not great as they are, point by point.
But I have entered into sympathy
With these four, running these into one soul,
Who, separate, ignored each other's art.
Say, is it nothing that I know them all?
The wild flower was the larger; I have dashed
Rose-blood upon its petals, pricked its cup's
Honey with wine, and driven its seed to fruit,
And show a better flower if not so large:
I stand myself. Refer this to the gods
Whose gift alone it is! which, shall I dare
(All pride apart) upon the absurd pretext
That such a gift by chance lay in my hand,
Discourse of lightly or depreciate?
It might have fallen to another's hand: what then?
I pass too surely: let at least truth stay!

And next, of what thou followest on to ask.
This being with me as I declare, O king,
My works, in all these varicoloured kinds,
So done by me, accepted so by men
Thou askest, if (my soul thus in men's hearts)
I must not be accounted to attain
The very crown and proper end of life?
Inquiring thence how, now life closeth up,
I face death with success in my right hand:
Whether I fear death less than dost thyself
The fortunate of men? "For" (writest thou)
"Thou leavest much behind, while I leave nought.
Thy life stays in the poems men shall sing,
The pictures men shall study; while my life,
Complete and whole now in its power and joy,
Dies altogether with my brain and arm,
Is lost indeed; since, what survives myself?
The brazen statue to o'erlook my grave,
Set on the promontory which I named.
And thatsome supple courtier of my heir
Shall use its robed and sceptred arm, perhaps,
To fix the rope to, which best drags it down.
I go then: triumph thou, who dost not go!"

Nay, thou art worthy of hearing my whole mind.
Is this apparent, when thou turn'st to muse
Upon the scheme of earth and man in chief,
That admiration grows as knowledge grows?
That imperfection means perfection hid,
Reserved in part, to grace the after-time?
If, in the morning of philosophy,
Ere aught had been recorded, nay perceived,
Thou, with the light now in thee, couldst have looked
On all earth's tenantry, from worm to bird,
Ere man, her last, appeared upon the stage
Thou wouldst have seen them perfect, and deduced
The perfectness of others yet unseen.
Conceding which,had Zeus then questioned thee,
"Shall I go on a step, improve on this,
Do more for visible creatures than is done?"
Thou wouldst have answered, "Ay, by making each
Grow conscious in himselfby that alone.
All's perfect else: the shell sucks fast the rock,
The fish strikes through the sea, the snake both swims
And slides, forth range the beasts, the birds take flight,
Till life's mechanics can no further go
And all this joy in natural life is put
Like fire from off thy finger into each,
So exquisitely perfect is the same.
But 'tis pure fire, and they mere matter are;
It has them, not they it: and so I choose
For man, thy last premeditated work
(If I might add a glory to the scheme),
That a third thing should stand apart from both,
A quality arise within his soul,
Which, intro-active, made to supervise
And feel the force it has, may view itself,
And so be happy." Man might live at first
The animal life: but is there nothing more?
In due time, let him critically learn
How he lives; and, the more he gets to know
Of his own life's adaptabilities,
The more joy-giving will his life become.
Thus man, who hath this quality, is best.

But thou, king, hadst more reasonably said:
Let progress end at once,man make no step
Beyond the natural man, the better beast,
Using his senses, not the sense of sense."
In man there's failure, only since he left
The lower and inconscious forms of life.
We called it an advance, the rendering plain
Man's spirit might grow conscious of man's life,
And, by new lore so added to the old,
Take each step higher over the brute's head.
This grew the only life, the pleasure-house,
Watch-tower and treasure-fortress of the soul,
Which whole surrounding flats of natural life
Seemed only fit to yield subsistence to;
A tower that crowns a country. But alas,
The soul now climbs it just to perish there!
For thence we have discovered ('tis no dream
We know this, which we had not else perceived)
That there's a world of capability
For joy, spread round about us, meant for us,
Inviting us; and still the soul craves all,
And still the flesh replies, "Take no jot more
Than ere thou clombst the tower to look abroad!
Nay, so much less as that fatigue has brought
Deduction to it." We struggle, fain to enlarge
Our bounded physical recipiency,
Increase our power, supply fresh oil to life,
Repair the waste of age and sickness: no,
It skills not! life's inadequate to joy,
As the soul sees joy, tempting life to take.
They praise a fountain in my garden here
Wherein a Naiad sends the water-bow
Thin from her tube; she smiles to see it rise.
What if I told her, it is just a thread
From that great river which the hills shut up,
And mock her with my leave to take the same?
The artificer has given her one small tube
Past power to widen or exchangewhat boots
To know she might spout oceans if she could?
She cannot lift beyond her first thin thread:
And so a man can use but a man's joy
While he sees God's. Is it for Zeus to boast,
"See, man, how happy I live, and despair
That I may be still happierfor thy use!"
If this were so, we could not thank our lord,
As hearts beat on to doing; 'tis not so
Malice it is not. Is it carelessness?
Still, no. If carewhere is the sign? I ask,
And get no answer, and agree in sum,
O king, with thy profound discouragement,
Who seest the wider but to sigh the more.
Most progress is most failure: thou sayest well.

The last point now:thou dost except a case
Holding joy not impossible to one
With artist-giftsto such a man as I
Who leave behind me living works indeed;
For, such a poem, such a painting lives.    
What? dost thou verily trip upon a word,      
Confound the accurate view of what joy is
(Caught somewhat clearer by my eyes than thine)  
With feeling joy? confound the knowing how
And showing how to live (my faculty)
With actually living?Otherwise
Where is the artist's vantage o'er the king?
Because in my great epos I display
How divers men young, strong, fair, wise, can act
Is this as though I acted? if I paint,
Carve the young Ph{oe}bus, am I therefore young?
Methinks I'm older that I bowed myself
The many years of pain that taught me art!
Indeed, to know is something, and to prove
How all this beauty might be enjoyed, is more:
But, knowing nought, to enjoy is something too.
Yon rower, with the moulded muscles there,
Lowering the sail, is nearer it than I.
I can write love-odes: thy fair slave's an ode.
I get to sing of love, when grown too grey
For being beloved: she turns to that young man,
The muscles all a-ripple on his back.
I know the joy of kingship: well, thou art king!

"But," sayest thou(and I marvel, I repeat,
To find thee trip on such a mere word) "what
Thou writest, paintest, stays; that does not die:
Sappho survives, because we sing her songs,
And Aeschylus, because we read his plays!"
Why, if they live still, let them come and take
Thy slave in my despite, drink from thy cup,
Speak in my place. Thou diest while I survive?
Say rather that my fate is deadlier still,
In this, that every day my sense of joy
Grows more acute, my soul (intensified
By power and insight) more enlarged, more keen;
While every day my hairs fall more and more,
My hand shakes, and the heavy years increase
The horror quickening still from year to year,
The consummation coming past escape,
When I shall know most, and yet least enjoy
When all my works wherein I prove my worth,
Being present still to mock me in men's mouths,
Alive still, in the praise of such as thou,
I, I the feeling, thinking, acting man,
The man who loved his life so over-much,
Sleep in my urn. It is so horrible,
I dare at times imagine to my need
Some future state revealed to us by Zeus,
Unlimited in capability
For joy, as this is in desire for joy,
To seek which, the joy-hunger forces us:
That, stung by straitness of our life, made strait
On purpose to make prized the life at large
Freed by the throbbing impulse we call death,
We burst there as the worm into the fly,
Who, while a worm still, wants his wings. But no!
Zeus has not yet revealed it; and alas,
He must have done so, were it possible!

Live long and happy, and in that thought die:
Glad for what was! Farewell. And for the rest,
I cannot tell thy messenger aright
Where to deliver what he bears of thine
To one called Paulus; we have heard his fame
Indeed, if Christus be not one with him
I know not, nor am troubled much to know.
Thou canst not think a mere barbarian Jew,
As Paulus proves to be, one circumcised,
Hath access to a secret shut from us?
Thou wrongest our philosophy, O king,
In stooping to inquire of such an one,
As if his answer could impose at all!
He writeth, doth he? well, and he may write.
Oh, the Jew findeth scholars! certain slaves
Who touched on this same isle, preached him and Christ;
And (as I gathered from a bystander)
Their doctrine could be held by no sane man.


The motto is from St. Paul's speech to the philosophers
of Athens, Acts. 17: 28. Cleon and King Protus are both
imaginary characters.

sprinkled isles: the Sporades, near Crete.

tyranny: kingdom. In the Greek sense, tyrant simply
means absolute ruler, and implies no misgovernment or oppressions.

P\;cile: the Portico in Athens.

Terpander: founder of the first Greek School of
music (late seventh century B.C.).

Phidias: famous Greek sculptor who supervised the
construction of the Parthenon, and made the great statue of
Pallas Athene for it. Died 432 B.C. "His friend" was Pericles,
ruler of Athens from 460-429 B.C.

Aeschylus: the earliest of the great writers of Greek tragedy
(525-456 B.C.).

~ Robert Browning, Cleon
547:or Callistratus. Similarly, the hero in The Acharnians complains about Cleon
"dragging me into court" over "last year's play" but here again it is not clear if
this was said on behalf of ~ Aristophanes

or Callistratus, either of whom might
have been prosecuted by Cleon.
Comments made by the Chorus on behalf of ~ Aristophanes

in The Clouds have
been interpreted as evidence that he can have been hardly more than 18 years
old when his first play The Banqueters was produced. The second parabasis in
Wasps appears to indicate that he reached some kind of temporary
accommodation with Cleon following either the controversy over The Babylonians
or a subsequent controversy over The Knights.[ It has been inferred from
statements in The Clouds and Peace that ~ Aristophanes

was prematurely bald.
We know that ~ Aristophanes

was probably victorious at least once at the City
Dionysia (with Babylonians in 427)and at least three times at the Lenaia, with
Acharnians in 425, Knights in 424, and Frogs in 405. Frogs in fact won the
unique distinction of a repeat performance at a subsequent festival. We know
that a son of ~ Aristophanes

, Araros, was also a comic poet and he could have
been heavily involved in the production of his father's play Wealth II in s is also
thought to have been responsible for the posthumous performances of the now
lost plays Aeolosicon II and Cocalus, and it is possible that the last of these won
the prize at the City Dionysia in 387. It appears that a second son, Philippus, was
twice victorious at the Lenaia and he could have directed some of Eubulus’
comedies.A third son was called either Nicostratus or Philetaerus, and a man by
the latter name appears in the catalogue of Lenaia victors with two victories, the
first probably in the late 370s.
Plato's The Symposium appears to be a useful source of biographical information
about ~ Aristophanes

, but its reliability is open to doubt. It purports to be a record
of conversations at a dinner party at which both ~ Aristophanes

and Socrates are
guests, held some seven years after the performance of The Clouds, the play in
which Socrates was cruelly caricatured. One of the guests, Alcibiades, even
quotes from the play when teasing Socrates over his appearance and yet there is
no indication of any ill-feeling between Socrates and ~ Aristophanes

. Plato's
~ Aristophanes

is in fact a genial character and this has been interpreted as
evidence of Plato's own friendship with him (their friendship appears to be
corroborated by an epitaph for ~ Aristophanes

, reputedly written by Plato, in which
the playwright's soul is compared to an eternal shrine for the Graces). Plato was
only a boy when the events in The Symposium are supposed to have occurred
and it is possible that his ~ Aristophanes

is in fact based on a reading of the plays.
For example, conversation among the guests turns to the subject of Love and
~ Aristophanes

explains his notion of it in terms of an amusing allegory, a device
he often uses in his plays. He is represented as suffering an attack of hiccoughs
and this might be a humorous reference to the crude physical jokes in his plays.
He tells the other guests that he is quite happy to be thought amusing but he is
wary of appearing ridiculous. This fear of being ridiculed is consistent with his
declaration in The Knights that he embarked on a career of comic playwright
warily after witnessing the public contempt and ridicule that other dramatists had
~ Aristophanes

survived The Peloponnesian War, two oligarchic revolutions and two
democratic restorations; this has been interpreted as evidence that he was not
actively involved in politics despite his highly political plays. He was probably
appointed to the Council of Five Hundred for a year at the beginning of the fourth
century but such appointments were very common in democratic tes, in the trial
leading up to his own death, put the issue of a personal conscience in those
troubled times quite succinctly:
"...he who will really fight for the right, if he would live even for a little while,
must have a private station and not a public one.
~ Aristophanes

the Poet
The language in ~ Aristophanes

' plays, and in Old Comedy generally, was valued
by ancient commentators as a model of the Attic dialect. The orator Quintilian
believed that the charm and grandeur of the Attic dialect made Old Comedy an
example for orators to study and follow, and he considered it inferior in these
respects only to the works of
A full appreciation of ~ Aristophanes

' plays requires an understanding of the poetic
forms he employed with virtuoso skill, and of their different rhythms and
associations. There were three broad poetic forms: iambic dialogue, tetrameter
verses and lyrics:
Iambic dialogue: ~ Aristophanes

achieves an effect resembling natural speech
through the use of the iambic hexameter (corresponding to the effects achieved
by English poets such as

based on words that are similar rather than identical, and it has been observed
that there could be more of them than scholars have yet been able to identify.
Others are based on double meanings. Sometimes entire scenes are constructed
on puns, as in The Acharnians with the Megarian farmer and his pigs: the
Megarian farmer defies the Athenian embargo against Megarian trade, and tries
to trade his daughters disguised as pigs, except "pig" was ancient slang for
"vagina". Since the embargo against Megara was the pretext for the
Peloponnesian War, ~ Aristophanes

naturally concludes that this whole mess
happened because of "three cunts".
It can be argued that the most important feature of the language of the plays is
imagery, particularly the use of similes, metaphors and pictorial expressions. In
'The Knights', for example, the ears of a character with selective hearing are
represented as parasols that open and close.In The Frogs, Aeschylus is said to
compose verses in the manner of a horse rolling in a sandpit. Some plays feature
revelations of human perfectibility that are poetic rather than religious in
character, such as the marriage of the hero Pisthetairos to Zeus's paramour in
The Birds and the 'recreation' of old Athens, crowned with roses, at the end of
The Knights.
~ Aristophanes

and Old Comedy
The Greek word for 'comedy' (komoidía) derives from the words for 'revel' and
'song' (komos and ode) and according to Aristotle comic drama actually
developed from song. The first, official comedy at the City Dionysia was not
staged until 487/6 BC, by which time tragedy had already been long established
there. The first comedy at the Lenaia was staged later still, only about 20 years
before the performance there of The Acharnians, the first of ~ Aristophanes

surviving plays. According to Aristotle, comedy was slow to gain official
acceptance because nobody took it seriously yet, only sixty years after comedy
first appeared at 'The City Dionysia', ~ Aristophanes

observed that producing
comedies was the most difficult work of tition at the Dionysian festivals needed
dramatic conventions for plays to be judged, but it also fuelled innovations.
Developments were quite rapid and Aristotle was able to distinguish between
'old' and 'new' comedy by 330 BC. The trend from Old Comedy to New Comedy
saw a move away from highly topical concerns with real individuals and local
issues towards generalized situations and stock characters. This was partly due
to the internationalization of cultural perspectives during and after the
Peloponnesian War. For ancient commentators such as Plutarch, New Comedy
was a more sophisticated form of drama than Old Comedy. However Old Comedy
was in fact a complex and sophisticated dramatic form incorporating many
approaches to humour and entertainment. In ~ Aristophanes

' early plays, the
genre appears to have developed around a complex set of dramatic conventions
and these were only gradually simplified and abandoned.
The City Dionysia and the Lenaia were celebrated in honour of Dionysus, a god
who represented Man's darker nature (Euripides' play The Bacchae offers the
best insight into 5th Century ideas about this god). Old Comedy can be
understood as a celebration of the exuberant sense of release inherent in his
worship It was more interested in finding targets for satire than in any kind of
advocacy. During the City Dionysia, a statue of the god was brought to the
theatre from a temple outside the city and it remained in the theatre throughout
the festival, overseeing the plays like a privileged member of the audience.[102]
In The Frogs, the god appears also as a dramatic character and he enters the
theatre ludicrously disguised as Hercules. He observes to the audience that every
time he is on hand to hear a joke from a comic dramatist like Phrynichus (one of
~ Aristophanes

' rivals) he ages by more than a year. The scene opens the play and
it is a reminder to the audience that nobody is above mockery in Old Comedy —
not even its patron god and its practitioners! Gods, artists, politicians and
ordinary citizens were legitimate targets, comedy was a kind of licensed
buffoonery and there was no legal redress for anyone who was slandered in a
play. There were some limits to the scope of the satire, but they are not easily
defined. Impiety could be punished in 5th century Athens but absurdities implicit
in traditional religion were open to ridicule. The polis was not allowed to be
slandered but, as stated in the biography section of this article, that could
depend on who was in the audience and which festival was involved.
For convenience, Old Comedy, as represented by ~ Aristophanes

' early plays, is
analysed below in terms of three broad characteristics — topicality, festivity and
complexity. Dramatic structure contributes to the complexity of ~ Aristophanes

plays. However it is associated with poetic rhythms and meters that have little
relevance to English translations and it is therefore treated in a separate section.
Influence and legacy
The tragic dramatists, Sophocles and Euripides, died near the end of the
Peloponnesian War and the art of tragedy thereafter ceased to develop, yet
comedy did continue to develop after the defeat of Athens and it is possible that
it did so because, in ~ Aristophanes

, it had a master craftsman who lived long
enough to help usher it into a new age. Indeed, according to one ancient source
(Platonius, c.9th Century AD), one of ~ Aristophanes

's last plays, Aioliskon, had
neither a parabasis nor any choral lyrics (making it a type of Middle Comedy),
while Kolakos anticipated all the elements of New Comedy, including a rape and
a recognition scene. ~ Aristophanes

seems to have had some appreciation of his
formative role in the development of comedy, as indicated by his comment in
Clouds that his audience would be judged by other times according to its
reception of his plays. Clouds was awarded third (i.e. last) place after its original
performance and the text that has come down to the modern age was a
subsequent draft that ~ Aristophanes

intended to be read rather than circulation of
his plays in manuscript extended their influence beyond the original audience,
over whom in fact they seem to have had little or no practical influence: they did
not affect the career of Cleon, they failed to persuade the Athenians to pursue an
honourable peace with Sparta and it is not clear that they were instrumental in
the trial and execution of Socrates, whose death probably resulted from public
animosity towards the philosopher's disgraced associates (such as Alcibiades),
exacerbated of course by his own intransigence during the plays, in manuscript
form, have been put to some surprising uses — as indicated earlier, they were
used in the study of rhetoric on the recommendation of Quintilian and by
students of the Attic dialect in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD. It is possible
that Plato sent copies of the plays to Dionysius of Syracuse so that he might
learn about Athenian life and government.
Latin translations of the plays by Andreas Divus (Venice 1528) were circulated
widely throughout Europe in the Renaissance and these were soon followed by
translations and adaptations in modern languages. Racine, for example, drew Les
Plaideurs (1668) from The Wasps.

1909: Wasps, original Greek, Cambridge University undergraduate production,
music by Vaughan Williams;
2004, July–October: The Frogs (musical), adapted by Nathan Lane, music and
lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, performed at The Vivian Beaumont Theatre
1962-2006: various plays by students and staff, Kings College London, in the
original Greek:Frogs 1962,1971,1988; Thesmophoriazusae 1965, 1974, 1985;
Acharnians 1968, 1992, 2004; Clouds 1977, 1990; Birds 1982, 2000;
Ecclesiazusae 2006; Peace 1970; Wasps 1981
2002: Lysistrata, adapted by Robert Brustein, music by Galt McDermot,
performed by American Repertory Theatre, Boston U.S.A.;
2008, May–June: Frogs, adapted by David Greenspan, music by Thomas
Cabaniss, performed by Classic Stage Company, New York, U.S.A.
The romantic poet, Percy Shelley, wrote a comic, lyrical drama (Swellfoot the
Tyrrant) in imitation of ~ Aristophanes

' play The Frogs after he was reminded of
the Chorus in that play by a herd of pigs passing to market under the window of
his lodgings in San Giuliano, Italy.
~ Aristophanes

(particularly in reference to The Clouds) is mentioned frequently by
the character Menedemos in the Hellenic Traders series of novels by H N
A liberal version of the comedies have been published in comic book format,
initially by "Agrotikes Ekdoseis" during the 1990s and republished over the years
by other companies. The plot was written by Tasos Apostolidis and the sketches
were of George Akokalidis. The stories feature either ~ Aristophanes

them, directing the play, or even as a character inside one of his stories.
Electronic Media
The Wasps, radio play adapted by David Pountney, music by Vaughan Williams,
recorded 26–28 July 2005, Albert Halls, Bolten, in association with BBC, under
Halle label;
Acropolis Now is a comedy radio show for the BBC set in Ancient Greece. It
features ~ Aristophanes

, Socrates and many other famous Greeks. (Not to be
confused with the Australian sitcom of the same name.) ~ Aristophanes

characterised as a celebrity playwright, and most of his plays have the title
formula: One of Our [e.g] Slaves has an Enormous Knob (a reference to the
exaggerated appendages worn by Greek comic actors)
~ Aristophanes

Against the World was a radio play by Martyn Wade and broadcast
on BBC Radio 4. Loosely based on several of his plays, it featured Clive Merrison
as ~ Aristophanes

In The Odd Couple, Oscar and Felix are on Password, and when the password is
bird, Felix’s esoteric clue is "~ Aristophanes

" because of his play The Birds. During
the commercial break (having failed to guess the password and lost the round),
Oscar orders Felix not to give any more Greek clues and angrily growls,
"~ Aristophanes

is ridiculous"! Then when it's Oscar’s turn to give the clue on the
team’s next shot, the password is ridiculous and Oscar angrily growls
"~ Aristophanes

", to which Felix gleefully responds, "Ridiculous!"
Satiric Dances for a Comedy by ~ Aristophanes

is a three-movement piece for
concert band composed by Norman Dello Joio. It was commissioned in
commemoration of the Bicentennial of April 19, 1775 (the start of the American
Revolutionary War) by the Concord (Massachusetts) Band. The commission was
funded by the Town of Concord and assistance was given by the Eastern National
Park and Monument Association in cooperation with the National Park Service.
A Parody On Euripides's Lyric Verse
Halcyons ye by the flowing sea
Waves that warble twitteringly,
Circling over the tumbling blue,
Dipping your down in its briny dew,
Spi-i-iders in corners dim
Spi-spi-spinning your fairy film,
Shuttles echoing round the room
Silver notes of the whistling loom,
Where the light-footed dolphin skips
Down the wake of the dark-prowed ships,
Over the course of the racing steed
Where the clustering tendrils breed
Grapes to drown dull care in delight,
Oh! mother make me a child again just for to-night!
I don't exactly see how that last line is to scan,
But that's a consideration I leave to our musical man.
~ Aristophanes,


   6 Philosophy
   6 Integral Yoga
   2 Poetry
   1 Occultism
   1 Fiction
   1 Christianity

   4 Sri Aurobindo
   3 Plato
   3 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   2 Aristotle

   2 The Secret Doctrine
   2 Poetics
   2 Letters On Poetry And Art
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   But should there be an inherent incompatibility between spontaneous creation and self-consciousness? As we have seen, a harmony and fusion can and do happen of the superconscious and the normally conscious in the Yogi. Likewise, an artist also can be wakeful and transparent enough so that he is conscious on both the levels simultaneouslyabove, he is conscious of the source and origin of his inspiration, and on the level plain he is conscious of the working of the instrument, how the vehicle transcribes and embodies what comes from elsewhere. The poet's consciousness becomes then divalent as it werethere is a sense of absolute passivity in respect of the receiving apparatus and coupled and immisced with it there is also the sense of dynamism, of conscious agency as in his secret being he is the master of his apparatus and one with the Inspirerin other words, the poet is both a seer (kavih) and a creator or doer (poits).

1.04 - GOD IN THE WORLD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  To have too much power over ones fellows, to be too rich, too violent, too ambitiousall this invites punishment, and in the long run, we notice, punishment of one sort or another duly comes. But the Greeks did not stop there. Because they regarded Nature as in some way divine, they felt that it had to be respected and they were convinced that a hubristic lack of respect for Nature would be punished by avenging nemesis. In The Persians, Aeschylus gives the reasons the ultimate, metaphysical reasons for the barbarians defeat. Xerxes was punished for two offencesoverweening imperialism directed against the Athenians, and overweening imperialism directed against Nature. He tried to enslave his fellow men, and he tried to enslave the sea, by building a bridge across the Hellespont.

1.07 - Note on the word Go, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  I pass now to a third passage, also instructive, also full of that depth and fine knowledge of the movements of the higher consciousness which every Yogin must find in the Veda. It is in the 9th hymn of the Mandala and forms the seventh verse of that hymn. Sam gomad Indra vajavad asme prithu sravo brihat, visvayur dhehi akshitam. The only crucial question in this verse is the signification of sravas.With our modern ideas the sentence seems to us to demand that sravas should be translated here fame. Sravas is undoubtedly the same word as the Greek xo (originally xFo); it means a thing heard, rumour, report, & thence fame. If we take it in that sense, we shall have to translate Arrange for us, O universal life, a luminous and solid, wide & great fame unimpaired. I dismiss at once the idea that go & vaja can here signify cattle and food or wealth. A herded & fooded or wealthy fame to express a fame for wealth of cattle & food is a forceful turn of expression we might expect to find in Aeschylus or in Shakespeare; but I should hesitate, except in case of clear necessity, to admit it in the Veda or in any Sanscrit style of composition; for such expressions have always been alien to the Indian intellect. Our stylistic vagaries have been of another kind. But is luminous & solid fame much better? I shall suggest another meaning for sravas which will give as usual a deeper sense to the whole passage without our needing to depart by a hairs breadth from the etymological significance of the words. Sruti in Sanscrit is a technical term, originally, for the means by which Vedic knowledge is acquired, inspiration in the suprarational mind; srutam is the knowledge of Veda. Similarly, we have in Vedic Sanscrit the forms srut and sravas. I take srut to mean inspired knowledge in the act of reception, sravas the thing acquired by the reception, inspired knowledge. Gomad immediately assumes its usual meaning illuminated, full of illumination. Vaja I take throughout the Veda as a technical Vedic expression for that substantiality of being-consciousness which is the basis of all special manifestation of being & power, all utayah & vibhutayahit means by etymology extended being in force, va or v to exist or move in extension and the vocable j which always gives the idea of force or brilliance or decisiveness in action or manifestation or contact. I shall accept no meaning which is inconsistent with this fundamental significance. Moreover the tendency of the old commentators to make all possible words, vaja, ritam etc mean sacrifice or food, must be rejected,although a justification in etymology might always be made out for the effort. Vaja means substance in being, substance, plenty, strength, solidity, steadfastness. Here it obviously means full of substance, just as gomad full of luminousness,not in the sense arthavat, but with another & psychological connotation. I translate then, O Indra, life of all, order for us an inspired knowledge full of illumination & substance, wide & great and unimpaired. Anyone acquainted with Yoga will at once be struck by the peculiar & exact appropriateness of all these epithets; they will admit him at once by sympathy into the very heart of Madhuchchhandas experience & unite him in soul with that ancient son of Visvamitra. When Mahas, the supra-rational principle, begins with some clearness to work in Yoga, not on its own level, not swe dame, but in the mind, it works at first through the principle of Srutinot Smriti or Drishti, but this Sruti is feeble & limited in its range, it is not prithu; broken & scattered in its working even when the range is wide, not unlimited in continuity, not brihat; not pouring in a flood of light, not gomat, but coming as a flash in the darkness, often with a pale glimmer like the first feebleness of dawn; not supported by a strong steady force & foundation of being, Sat, in manifestation, not vajavad, but working without foundation, in a void, like secondh and glimpses of Sat in nothingness, in vacuum, in Asat; and, therefore, easily impaired, easily lost hold of, easily stolen by the Panis or the Vritras. All these defects Madhuchchhanda has noticed in his own experience; his prayer is for an inspired knowledge which shall be full & free & perfect, not marred even in a small degree by these deficiencies.
  The combination of go & vaja occurs again in the eleventh hymn where the seer writes Purvir Indrasya ratayo na vi dasyanti utayah, yadi vajasya gomatah stotribhyo manhate magham. The former delights of Indra, those first established his (new &larger) expansions of being do not destroy or scatter, when to his praisers he enlarges the mass of their illuminated substance or strength of being. Here again we have Madhuchchhandas deep experience & his fine & subtle knowledge. It is a common experience in Yoga that the ananda and siddhi first established, is destroyed in the effort or movement towards a larger fullness of being, knowledge or delight, and a period of crisis intervenes in which there is a rending & scattering of joy & light, a period of darkness, confusion & trouble painful to all & dangerous except to the strongest. Can these crises, difficulties, perilous conditions of soul be avoided? Yes, says Madhuchchhandas in effect, when you deliver yourself with devotion into the care of Indra, he comes to your help, he removes that limitation, that concentration in detail, in the alpam, the little, that consequent necessity of losing hold of one thing in order to give yourself to another, he increases the magha, the vijnanamay state of mahattwa or relative non-limitation in the finite which shows itself by an increase of fundamental force of being filled with higher illumination. That support of vaja prevents us from falling from what we have gained; there is sufficient substance of being expressed in us to provide for the new utayah without sacrificing the joys already established; there is sufficient luminousness of mind to prevent darkness, obscuration & misery supervening. Thus we see still the same symbolic sense, the same depth, the same experience as true to the Yogin today as to Madhuchchhandas thousands of years ago.

1.18 - Further rules for the Tragic Poet., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Christianity
  Again, the poet should remember what has been often said, and not make an Epic structure into a Tragedy--by an Epic structure I mean one with a multiplicity of plots--as if, for instance, you were to make a tragedy out of the entire story of the Iliad. In the Epic poem, owing to its length, each part assumes its proper magnitude. In the drama the result is far from answering to the poet's expectation. The proof is that the poets who have dramatised the whole story of the Fall of Troy, instead of selecting portions, like Euripides; or who have taken the whole tale of Niobe, and not a part of her story, like Aeschylus, either fail utterly or meet with poor success on the stage. Even Agathon has been known to fail from this one defect. In his Reversals of the Situation, however, he shows a marvellous skill in the effort to hit the popular taste,--to produce a tragic effect that satisfies the moral sense. This effect is produced when the clever rogue, like Sisyphus, is outwitted, or the brave villain defeated. Such an event is probable in Agathon's sense of the word: 'it is probable,' he says, 'that many things should happen contrary to probability.'
  The Chorus too should be regarded as one of the actors; it should be an integral part of the whole, and share in the action, in the manner not of Euripides but of Sophocles. As for the later poets, their choral songs pertain as little to the subject of the piece as to that of any other tragedy. They are, therefore, sung as mere interludes, a practice first begun by Agathon. Yet what difference is there between introducing such choral interludes, and transferring a speech, or even a whole act, from one play to another?

1.22 - (Poetic Diction continued.) How Poetry combines elevation of language with perspicuity., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Christianity
  Eucleides, the elder, declared that it would be an easy matter to be a poet if you might leng then syllables at will. He caricatured the practice in the very form of his diction, as in the verse: '{Epsilon pi iota chi alpha rho eta nu / epsilon iota delta omicron nu / Mu alpha rho alpha theta omega nu alpha delta epsilon / Beta alpha delta iota zeta omicron nu tau alpha}, or, {omicron upsilon kappa / alpha nu / gamma / epsilon rho alpha mu epsilon nu omicron sigma / tau omicron nu / epsilon kappa epsilon iota nu omicron upsilon /epsilon lambda lambda epsilon beta omicron rho omicron nu}. To employ such license at all obtrusively is, no doubt, grotesque; but in any mode of poetic diction there must be moderation. Even metaphors, strange (or rare) words, or any similar forms of speech, would produce the like effect if used without propriety and with the express purpose of being ludicrous. How great a difference is made by the appropriate use of leng thening, may be seen in Epic poetry by the insertion of ordinary forms in the verse. So, again, if we take a strange (or rare) word, a metaphor, or any similar mode of expression, and replace it by the current or proper term, the truth of our observation will be manifest. For example Aeschylus and Euripides each composed the same iambic line. But the alteration of a single word by Euripides, who employed the rarer term instead of the ordinary one, makes one verse appear beautiful and the other trivial. Aeschylus in his
  Philoctetes says: {Phi alpha gamma epsilon delta alpha iota nu alpha / delta / eta / mu omicron upsilon / sigma alpha rho kappa alpha sigma / epsilon rho theta iota epsilon iota / pi omicron delta omicron sigma}.

1.74 - Obstacles on the Path, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  The gravamen is that the Path of the Wise is gay with flowers, gilded with kiosks, and beset with snares; that every step is the Abode of Terror and Rapture and all that! Yet I habitually write in the manner of a drunken dominie! You "gaped for Aeschylus, and got Theognis."
  I tempted you, it seems with The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosencreutz, its incomparable mystery and glamour, its fugitive beauty, its ineffable romance, its chivalry and its adventure, pellucid gleams as of sunlight under the sea, vast brooding wings of horror overshadowing the firmament, yet with strong Starlight constant over- bead. And then I let you down!

1.pbs - Chorus from Hellas, #Shelley - Poems, #Percy Bysshe Shelley, #Fiction
  against the Turks. Shelley writes in a Preface: "The Persae of Aeschylus
  afforded me the first model of my conception, although the decision of the

1.rb - Cleon, #Browning - Poems, #Robert Browning, #Poetry
   And Aeschylus, because we read his plays!"
   Why, if they live still, let them come and take - Comments on Specific Lines and Passages of the Poem, #Letters On Poetry And Art, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Do not forget that the Savitri is an experiment in mystic poetry, spiritual poetry cast into a symbolic figure. Done on this scale, it is really a new attempt and cannot be hampered by old ideas of technique except when they are assimilable. Least of all by standards proper to a mere intellectual and abstract poetry which makes reason and taste the supreme arbiters, aims at a harmonised poetic-intellectual balanced expression of the sense, elegance in language, a sober and subtle use of imaginative decoration, a restrained emotive element etc. The attempt at mystic spiritual poetry of the kind I am at demands above all a spiritual objectivity, an intense psycho-physical concreteness. I do not know what you mean exactly here by obvious and subtle. According to certain canons epithets should be used sparingly, free use of them is rhetorical, an obvious device, a crowding of images is bad taste, there should be a subtlety of art not displayed but severely concealedsumma ars est celare artem. Very good for a certain standard of poetry, not so good or not good at all for others. Shakespeare kicks over these traces at every step, Aeschylus freely and frequently, Milton whenever he chooses. Such lines as
    In hideous ruin and combustion down - The World's Greatest Poets, #Letters On Poetry And Art, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  You once spoke of Goe the as not being one of the worlds absolutely supreme singers. Who are these, then? Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Valmiki, Kalidasa? And what about Aeschylus, Virgil and Milton?
  I suppose all the names you mention except Goe the can be included; or if you like you can put them all including Goe the in three rowse.g.:
  2nd row Dante, Kalidasa, Aeschylus, Virgil, Milton
  3rd row Goethe
  and there you are! To speak less flippantly, the first three have at once supreme imaginative originality, supreme poetic gift, widest scope and supreme creative genius. Each is a sort of poetic Demiurge who has created a world of his own. Dantes triple world beyond is more constructed by the poetic seeing mind than by this kind of elemental demiurgic powero therwise he would rank by their side; the same with Kalidasa. Aeschylus is a seer and creator but on a much smaller scale. Virgil and Milton have a less spontaneous breath of creative genius; one or two typal figures excepted, they live rather by what they have said than by what they have made.
  31 March 1932
  Yes, I plead guilty. But that, I hope, will be no reason why Vyasa and Sophocles should remain unclassified by you. And the others they intrigue me even more. Who are these others? Saintsbury as good as declares that poetry is Shelley and Shelley poetrySpenser alone, to his mind, can contest the right to that equation. (Shakespeare, of course, is admittedly hors concours.) Aldous Huxley abominates Spenser: the fellow has got nothing to say and says it with a consummately cloying melodiousness! Swinburne, as is well known, could never think of Victor Hugo without bursting into half a dozen alliterative superlatives, while Matthew Arnold it was, I believe, who pitied Hugo for imagining that poetry consisted in using divinit, infinit ternit, as lavishly as possible. And then there is Keats, whose Hyperion compelled even the sneering Byron to forget his usual condescending attitude to wards Johnny and confess that nothing grander had been seen since Aeschylus. Racine, too, cannot be left outcan he? Voltaire adored him, Voltaire who called Shakespeare a drunken barbarian. Finally, what of Wordsworth, whose Immortality Ode was hailed by Mark Pattison as the ne plus ultra of English poetry since the days of Lycidas? Kindly shed the light of infallible viveka on this chaos of jostling opinions.
  I am not prepared to classify all the poets in the universeit was the front bench or benches you asked for. By others I meant poets like Lucretius, Euripides, Calderon, Corneille, Hugo. Euripides (Medea, Bacchae and other plays) is a greater poet than Racine whom you want to put in the first ranks. If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enteronly Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well claim a place beside Valmiki, Sophocles beside Aeschylus. The rest, if you like, you can send into the third row with Goethe, but it is something of a promotion about which one can feel some qualms. Spenser too, if you like; it is difficult to draw a line.
  Shelley, Keats and Wordsworth have not been brought into consideration although their best work is as fine poetry as any written, but they have written nothing on a larger scale which would place them among the greatest creators. If Keats had finished Hyperion (without spoiling it), if Shelley had lived, or if Wordsworth had not petered out like a motor car with insufficient petrol, it might be different, but we have to take things as they are. As it is, all began magnificently, but none of them finished, and what work they did, except a few lyrics, sonnets, short pieces and narratives, is often flawed and unequal. If they had to be admitted, what about at least fifty others in Europe and Asia?

30.01 - World-Literature, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   REAL poetry, the acme of poetical art, says Victor Hugo, is characterised by immensity alone. That is why Aeschylus, Lucretius, Shakespeare and Corneille had conquered his heart. Had he been acquainted with Sanskrit literature he would have included Valmiki and the Vedic seers. As a matter of fact, what we want to derive from poetry or any other artistic creation is a glimpse of the Infinite and the Eternal. When the heart opens wide, it soars aloft to clasp the whole universe with its outspread wings. In the absence of the spirit of universality any work of art, however fascinating, exq1Jisite, subtle or deep, is incomplete; it betrays an imperfection. And where this element of immensity is present, we get something superior even if it contains nothing else; whether it is charged with a grand significance or not, we get something that surpasses all other virtues and we see our heart full to the brim. Whatever be the matter, the, subject, the thought, the emotion or anything else, that does not touch the core of poetry. Through all these or reaching beyond them what is required is a glimpse of the vast, the waves of delight pervading the universe.
   When we read these lines of Shakespeare,

30.02 - Greek Drama, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides are the three supreme creators of drama in ancient Greece, each of them is different from the others. Aeschylus the senior most of the three has vision and spirit and strength. He throws out the spark and lustre of inner knowledge, there is in him a swift natural movement of a primal concentrated consciousness. He is therefore allotted a seat in the very first rank, with Shakespeare, Dante and Homer. Sophocles reminds one of the French dramatists with their restraint and measure, their skill in delineating subtle feeling. There is here nothing in excess, but there is a sense of subdued force and a suggestion of all-round perfection.
   Euripides on the other hand has in him all the doubts and questionings of the human mind, all its curiosity and comment. He reaches out towards the modern mentality, has almost come in line with it.
   It was the custom in those days to write trilogies or tetralogies, that is, plays grouped together in a series of three or four. Each of these groups was built around the same theme and dwelt on the different parts of one and the same story; but every piece was to be a self-contained whole, both as a story and a play. Such for example was the Theben trilogy of Sophocles based on the story of the Theben king, Oedipus, and his daughter Antigone, or else, the Orestenian trilogy of Aeschylus dealing with the story of king Agamemnon and his son Orestes - Orestes was the Hamlet of Greek tragedy. The fourth piece in a tetralogy used to be something amusing, like a farce that rounded off the main programme in a Yatra performance of Bengal.
   But the theme of tragic drama in Greek is invariably and excessively melodramatic, with a full and free use of the terrible and even the horrid. Things like patricide, matricide and infanticide, oppression and torture, abduction of women, illicit love and incest are represented freely. One gets here the impression of a primitive humanity with all its unbridled licence. A picture is presented with fullest possible detail of the vital impulses in their natural primitive unrefined state.
   That was the golden age of Greece and Athens, famed in history as the Age of Pericles. Pericles was the leading man in his city, the chief Archon of the state, and a man of great genius. It was largely thanks to his genius that the whole of Greece could attain its supreme point of greatness in all manner of achievement and creative ability. In every field there appeared in that age men of outstanding gifts. In the realm of tragic drama there were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides; in comedy there was Aristophanes. Herodotus the father of History was there and the master sculptor Phidias. Above all, there was Socrates with his band of young disciples. All of them produced their wonderful work during this period of a little more than a hundred years. We may remember that precisely during this period, that is about five hundred years before Christ, Lord Buddha made his appearance in the East, in India. It was thus an Age of Transition, the beginning of a New Age in the history of mankind.
   A remarkable thing about these ancients is that almost all of them lived to a ripe old age. They had such an abundance of vital force that they retained their capacity to work undiminished till the last days of their life. Sophocles went on writing plays till his ninetieth year. He could count as many or more works to his credit than the number of years in his life; he had written more than a hundred of which only about half a dozen are still extant. About Euripides it is said that he had composed twenty three tetralogies, making a total of ninety two pieces, or about one for every year of his life; only some ten out of this number have survived. All of these men were poets and artists and men of high intellectual calibre, but most of them thought fit not to confine themselves within the inner sanctum of their chosen work; they were also great men of action, they devoted themselves to public work in the service of their state, they did a good deal of politics, even took part in wars as common soldiers or as commanders.

BOOK II. -- PART I. ANTHROPOGENESIS., #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  *** In Mrs. Anna Swanwick's volumes, "The Dramas of Aeschylus," it is said of "Prometheus Bound"
  (Vol. II., pp. 146, 147), that Prometheus truly appears in it "as [[Footnote continued on next page]]
  belongs to neither Hesiod nor Aeschylus; but, as Bunsen says, it "is older than the Hellenes
  themselves," for it belongs, in truth, to the dawn of human consciousness. The Crucified Titan is the
  volumes of "The Dramas of Aeschylus," "considers the name of the Titan to be derived from the
  Sanskrit word Pramantha, the instrument used for kindling fire. The root mand or manth, implies
  The subject of Aeschylus' drama (the trilogy is lost) is known to all cultured readers. The demi-god
  robs the gods (the Elohim) of their secret -- the mystery of the creative fire. For this sacrilegious
  [[Vol. 2, Page]] 419 WAS Aeschylus INITIATED?
  But "Argos" is Arghya Varsha, the land of libation of the old Hierophants, whence the deliverer of
  467 -- Ed. Potter's). The latter writers are the only ones who attri bute the fact that Aeschylus was
  charged by the Athenians with sacrilege and condemned to be stoned to death, to its true cause. They
  say that having been himself uninitiated, Aeschylus had profaned the Mysteries by exposing them in
  his trilogies on a public stage.* But he would have incurred the same condemnation had he been
  The translators of the drama wonder how Aeschylus could become guilty of such "discrepancy
  between the character of Zeus as portrayed in the 'Prometheus Bound' and that depicted in the
  remaining dramas." (Mrs. A. Swanwick.) This is just because Aeschylus, like Shakespeare, was and
  will ever remain the intellectual "Sphinx" of the ages. Between Zeus, the abstract deity of Grecian
  * Herodotus and Pausanias supposed that the cause of the condemnation was that Aeschylus, adopting
  the theogony of the Egyptians, made Diana, the daughter of Ceres, and not of Latona. (See AElian Var.

BOOK II. -- PART II. THE ARCHAIC SYMBOLISM OF THE WORLD-RELIGIONS, #The Secret Doctrine, #H P Blavatsky, #Theosophy
  us after Aeschylus by Lucretius, and the exact truth of which is now confirmed by science; and then
  one may understand better that a new life really began for man, on that day when he saw the first
  The miserable state of Humanity described by Aeschylus and Prometheus was no more wretched
  then, in the early days of the Aryans, than it is now. That "state" was limited to the savage tribes; and
  acquainted with fire, is one of the most painfully illogical of all. But old Aeschylus was an initiate,
  and knew well what he was giving out.*
  in the day of the old Greek writers!) to explain the real meaning of the ideas of Aeschylus, which,
  being an ignorant ancient Greek, he could not express so well himself, is absurdly ludicrous!
  the knowledge of all the arts; a conception which found its most poetical expounder in Aeschylus.
  But with all other nations Prometheus is -- what? The fallen Angel, Satan, as the Church would have

ENNEAD 06.05 - The One and Identical Being is Everywhere Present In Its Entirety.345, #Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04, #Plotinus, #Christianity
  11 Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes, 327.
  12 The vegetative soul, the power that presides over the nutrition and growth of the body; see iv. 3.23.

Euthyphro, #unset, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  Then follows the third and last definition, 'Piety is a part of justice.' Thus far Socrates has proceeded in placing religion on a moral foundation. He is seeking to realize the harmony of religion and morality, which the great poets Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Pindar had unconsciously anticipated, and which is the universal want of all men. To this the soothsayer adds the ceremonial element, 'attending upon the gods.' When further interrogated by Socrates as to the nature of this 'attention to the gods,' he replies, that piety is an affair of business, a science of giving and asking, and the like. Socrates points out the anthropomorphism of these notions, (compare Symp.; Republic; Politicus.) But when we expect him to go on and show that the true service of the gods is the service of the spirit and the co-operation with them in all things true and good, he stops short; this was a lesson which the soothsayer could not have been made to understand, and which every one must learn for himself.
  There seem to be altogether three aims or interests in this little Dialogue: (1) the dialectical development of the idea of piety; (2) the antithesis of true and false religion, which is carried to a certain extent only; (3) the defence of Socrates.

Phaedo, #unset, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  For after death, as they say, the genius of each individual, to whom he belonged in life, leads him to a certain place in which the dead are gathered together, whence after judgment has been given they pass into the world below, following the guide, who is appointed to conduct them from this world to the other: and when they have there received their due and remained their time, another guide brings them back again after many revolutions of ages. Now this way to the other world is not, as Aeschylus says in the Telephus, a single and straight pathif that were so no guide would be needed, for no one could miss it; but there are many partings of the road, and windings, as I infer from the rites and sacrifices which are offered to the gods below in places where three ways meet on earth. The wise and orderly soul follows in the straight path and is conscious of her surroundings; but the soul which desires the body, and which, as I was relating before, has long been fluttering about the lifeless frame and the world of sight, is after many struggles and many sufferings hardly and with violence carried away by her attendant genius, and when she arrives at the place where the other souls are gathered, if she be impure and have done impure deeds, whether foul murders or other crimes which are the brothers of these, and the works of brothers in crimefrom that soul every one flees and turns away; no one will be her companion, no one her guide, but alone she wanders in extremity of evil until certain times are fulfilled, and when they are fulfilled, she is borne irresistibly to her own fitting habitation; as every pure and just soul which has passed through life in the company and under the guidance of the gods has also her own proper home.
  Now the earth has divers wonderful regions, and is indeed in nature and extent very unlike the notions of geographers, as I believe on the authority of one who shall be nameless.

Symposium translated by B Jowett, #Symposium, #Plato, #Philosophy
  The discourse of Phaedrus is half-mythical, half-ethical; and he himself, true to the character which is given him in the Dialogue bearing his name, is half-sophist, half-enthusiast. He is the critic of poetry also, who compares Homer and Aeschylus in the insipid and irrational manner of the schools of the day, characteristically reasoning about the probability of matters which do not admit of reasoning. He starts from a noble text: 'That without the sense of honour and dishonour neither states nor individuals ever do any good or great work.' But he soon passes on to more common-place topics. The antiquity of love, the blessing of having a lover, the incentive which love offers to daring deeds, the examples of Alcestis and Achilles, are the chief themes of his discourse. The love of women is regarded by him as almost on an equality with that of men; and he makes the singular remark that the gods favour the return of love which is made by the beloved more than the original sentiment, because the lover is of a nobler and diviner nature.
  There is something of a sophistical ring in the speech of Phaedrus, which recalls the first speech in imitation of Lysias, occurring in the Dialogue called the Phaedrus. This is still more marked in the speech of Pausanias which follows; and which is at once hyperlogical in form and also extremely confused and pedantic. Plato is attacking the logical feebleness of the sophists and rhetoricians, through their pupils, not forgetting by the way to satirize the monotonous and unmeaning rhythms which Prodicus and others were introducing into Attic prose (compare Protag.). Of course, he is 'playing both sides of the game,' as in the Gorgias and Phaedrus; but it is not necessary in order to understand him that we should discuss the fairness of his mode of proceeding. The love of Pausanias for Agathon has already been touched upon in the Protagoras, and is alluded to by Aristophanes. Hence he is naturally the upholder of male loves, which, like all the other affections or actions of men, he regards as varying according to the manner of their performance. Like the sophists and like Plato himself, though in a different sense, he begins his discussion by an appeal to mythology, and distinguishes between the elder and younger love. The value which he attri butes to such loves as motives to virtue and philosophy is at variance with modern and Christian notions, but is in accordance with Hellenic sentiment. The opinion of Christendom has not altogether condemned passionate friendships between persons of the same sex, but has certainly not encouraged them, because though innocent in themselves in a few temperaments they are liable to degenerate into fearful evil. Pausanias is very earnest in the defence of such loves; and he speaks of them as generally approved among Hellenes and disapproved by barbarians. His speech is 'more words than matter,' and might have been composed by a pupil of Lysias or of Prodicus, although there is no hint given that Plato is specially referring to them. As Eryximachus says, 'he makes a fair beginning, but a lame ending.'
  Love will make men dare to die for their belovedlove alone; and women as well as men. Of this, Alcestis, the daughter of Pelias, is a monument to all Hellas; for she was willing to lay down her life on behalf of her husband, when no one else would, although he had a father and mother; but the tenderness of her love so far exceeded theirs, that she made them seem to be strangers in blood to their own son, and in name only related to him; and so noble did this action of hers appear to the gods, as well as to men, that among the many who have done virtuously she is one of the very few to whom, in admiration of her noble action, they have granted the privilege of returning alive to earth; such exceeding honour is paid by the gods to the devotion and virtue of love. But Orpheus, the son of Oeagrus, the harper, they sent empty away, and presented to him an apparition only of her whom he sought, but herself they would not give up, because he showed no spirit; he was only a harp-player, and did not dare like Alcestis to die for love, but was contriving how he might enter Hades alive; moreover, they afterwards caused him to suffer death at the hands of women, as the punishment of his cowardliness. Very different was the reward of the true love of Achilles towards his lover Patroclushis lover and not his love (the notion that Patroclus was the beloved one is a foolish error into which Aeschylus has fallen, for Achilles was surely the fairer of the two, fairer also than all the other heroes; and, as Homer informs us, he was still beardless, and younger far). And greatly as the gods honour the virtue of love, still the return of love on the part of the beloved to the lover is more admired and valued and rewarded by them, for the lover is more divine; because he is inspired by God. Now Achilles was quite aware, for he had been told by his mother, that he might avoid death and return home, and live to a good old age, if he abstained from slaying Hector. Nevertheless he gave his life to revenge his friend, and dared to die, not only in his defence, but after he was dead. Wherefore the gods honoured him even above Alcestis, and sent him to the Islands of the Blest. These are my reasons for affirming that Love is the eldest and noblest and mightiest of the gods; and the chiefest author and giver of virtue in life, and of happiness after death.
  This, or something like this, was the speech of Phaedrus; and some other speeches followed which Aristodemus did not remember; the next which he repeated was that of Pausanias. Phaedrus, he said, the argument has not been set before us, I think, quite in the right form;we should not be called upon to praise Love in such an indiscriminate manner. If there were only one Love, then what you said would be well enough; but since there are more Loves than one,should have begun by determining which of them was to be the theme of our praises. I will amend this defect; and first of all I will tell you which Love is deserving of praise, and then try to hymn the praiseworthy one in a manner worthy of him. For we all know that Love is inseparable from Aphrodite, and if there were only one Aphrodite there would be only one Love; but as there are two goddesses there must be two Loves. And am I not right in asserting that there are two goddesses? The elder one, having no mother, who is called the heavenly Aphroditeshe is the daughter of Uranus; the younger, who is the daughter of Zeus and Dioneher we call common; and the Love who is her fellow-worker is rightly named common, as the other love is called heavenly. All the gods ought to have praise given to them, but not without distinction of their natures; and therefore I must try to distinguish the characters of the two Loves. Now actions vary according to the manner of their performance. Take, for example, that which we are now doing, drinking, singing and talkingthese actions are not in themselves either good or evil, but they turn out in this or that way according to the mode of performing them; and when well done they are good, and when wrongly done they are evil; and in like manner not every love, but only that which has a noble purpose, is noble and worthy of praise. The Love who is the offspring of the common Aphrodite is essentially common, and has no discrimination, being such as the meaner sort of men feel, and is apt to be of women as well as of youths, and is of the body rather than of the soulthe most foolish beings are the objects of this love which desires only to gain an end, but never thinks of accomplishing the end nobly, and therefore does good and evil quite indiscriminately. The goddess who is his mother is far younger than the other, and she was born of the union of the male and female, and partakes of both. But the offspring of the heavenly Aphrodite is derived from a mother in whose birth the female has no part,she is from the male only; this is that love which is of youths, and the goddess being older, there is nothing of wantonness in her. Those who are inspired by this love turn to the male, and delight in him who is the more valiant and intelligent nature; any one may recognise the pure enthusiasts in the very character of their attachments. For they love not boys, but intelligent beings whose reason is beginning to be developed, much about the time at which their beards begin to grow. And in choosing young men to be their companions, they mean to be faithful to them, and pass their whole life in company with them, not to take them in their inexperience, and deceive them, and play the fool with them, or run away from one to another of them. But the love of young boys should be forbidden by law, because their future is uncertain; they may turn out good or bad, either in body or soul, and much noble enthusiasm may be thrown away upon them; in this matter the good are a law to themselves, and the coarser sort of lovers ought to be restrained by force; as we restrain or attempt to restrain them from fixing their affections on women of free birth. These are the persons who bring a reproach on love; and some have been led to deny the lawfulness of such attachments because they see the impropriety and evil of them; for surely nothing that is decorously and lawfully done can justly be censured. Now here and in Lacedaemon the rules about love are perplexing, but in most cities they are simple and easily intelligible; in Elis and Boeotia, and in countries having no gifts of eloquence, they are very straightforward; the law is simply in favour of these connexions, and no one, whether young or old, has anything to say to their discredit; the reason being, as I suppose, that they are men of few words in those parts, and therefore the lovers do not like the trouble of pleading their suit. In Ionia and other places, and generally in countries which are subject to the barbarians, the custom is held to be dishonourable; loves of youths share the evil repute in which philosophy and gymnastics are held, because they are inimical to tyranny; for the interests of rulers require that their subjects should be poor in spirit (compare Arist. Politics), and that there should be no strong bond of friendship or society among them, which love, above all other motives, is likely to inspire, as our Athenian tyrants learned by experience; for the love of Aristogeiton and the constancy of Harmodius had a strength which undid their power. And, therefore, the ill-repute into which these attachments have fallen is to be ascribed to the evil condition of those who make them to be ill-reputed; that is to say, to the self-seeking of the governors and the cowardice of the governed; on the other hand, the indiscriminate honour which is given to them in some countries is attri butable to the laziness of those who hold this opinion of them. In our own country a far better principle prevails, but, as I was saying, the explanation of it is rather perplexing. For, observe that open loves are held to be more honourable than secret ones, and that the love of the noblest and highest, even if their persons are less beautiful than others, is especially honourable. Consider, too, how great is the encouragement which all the world gives to the lover; neither is he supposed to be doing anything dishonourable; but if he succeeds he is praised, and if he fail he is blamed. And in the pursuit of his love the custom of mankind allows him to do many strange things, which philosophy would bitterly censure if they were done from any motive of interest, or wish for office or power. He may pray, and entreat, and supplicate, and swear, and lie on a mat at the door, and endure a slavery worse than that of any slavein any other case friends and enemies would be equally ready to prevent him, but now there is no friend who will be ashamed of him and admonish him, and no enemy will charge him with meanness or flattery; the actions of a lover have a grace which ennobles them; and custom has decided that they are highly commendable and that there no loss of character in them; and, what is strangest of all, he only may swear and forswear himself (so men say), and the gods will forgive his transgression, for there is no such thing as a lover's oath. Such is the entire liberty which gods and men have allowed the lover, according to the custom which prevails in our part of the world. From this point of view a man fairly argues that in Athens to love and to be loved is held to be a very honourable thing. But when parents forbid their sons to talk with their lovers, and place them under a tutor's care, who is appointed to see to these things, and their companions and equals cast in their teeth anything of the sort which they may observe, and their elders refuse to silence the reprovers and do not rebuke themany one who reflects on all this will, on the contrary, think that we hold these practices to be most disgraceful. But, as I was saying at first, the truth as I imagine is, that whether such practices are honourable or whether they are dishonourable is not a simple question; they are honourable to him who follows them honourably, dishonourable to him who follows them dishonourably. There is dishonour in yielding to the evil, or in an evil manner; but there is honour in yielding to the good, or in an honourable manner. Evil is the vulgar lover who loves the body rather than the soul, inasmuch as he is not even stable, because he loves a thing which is in itself unstable, and therefore when the bloom of youth which he was desiring is over, he takes wing and flies away, in spite of all his words and promises; whereas the love of the noble disposition is life-long, for it becomes one with the everlasting. The custom of our country would have both of them proven well and truly, and would have us yield to the one sort of lover and avoid the other, and therefore encourages some to pursue, and others to fly; testing both the lover and beloved in contests and trials, until they show to which of the two classes they respectively belong. And this is the reason why, in the first place, a hasty attachment is held to be dishonourable, because time is the true test of this as of most other things; and secondly there is a dishonour in being overcome by the love of money, or of wealth, or of political power, whether a man is frightened into surrender by the loss of them, or, having experienced the benefits of money and political corruption, is unable to rise above the seductions of them. For none of these things are of a permanent or lasting nature; not to mention that no generous friendship ever sprang from them. There remains, then, only one way of honourable attachment which custom allows in the beloved, and this is the way of virtue; for as we admitted that any service which the lover does to him is not to be accounted flattery or a dishonour to himself, so the beloved has one way only of voluntary service which is not dishonourable, and this is virtuous service.

Talks With Sri Aurobindo 1, #unset, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  have used them, so great a poet as Aeschylus or so great a prose stylist as


--- Overview of noun aeschylus

The noun aeschylus has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts)
1. (1) Aeschylus ::: (Greek tragedian; the father of Greek tragic drama (525-456 BC))

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun aeschylus

1 sense of aeschylus                          

Sense 1
   INSTANCE OF=> dramatist, playwright
     => writer, author
       => communicator
         => person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul
           => organism, being
             => living thing, animate thing
               => whole, unit
                 => object, physical object
                   => physical entity
                     => entity
           => causal agent, cause, causal agency
             => physical entity
               => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun aeschylus

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun aeschylus

1 sense of aeschylus                          

Sense 1
   INSTANCE OF=> dramatist, playwright

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun aeschylus

1 sense of aeschylus                          

Sense 1
  -> dramatist, playwright
   HAS INSTANCE=> Aeschylus
   HAS INSTANCE=> Albee, Edward Albee, Edward Franklin Albeen
   HAS INSTANCE=> Anderson, Maxwell Anderson
   HAS INSTANCE=> Anouilh, Jean Anouilh
   HAS INSTANCE=> Aristophanes
   HAS INSTANCE=> Barrie, James Barrie, J. M. Barrie, James Matthew Barrie, Sir James Matthew Barrie
   HAS INSTANCE=> Beaumont, Francis Beaumont
   HAS INSTANCE=> Beckett, Samuel Beckett
   HAS INSTANCE=> Brecht, Bertolt Brecht
   HAS INSTANCE=> Calderon, Calderon de la Barca, Pedro Calderon de la Barca
   HAS INSTANCE=> Capek, Karel Capek
   HAS INSTANCE=> Cervantes, Miguel de Cervantes, Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
   HAS INSTANCE=> Chekhov, Chekov, Anton Chekhov, Anton Chekov, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich Chekov
   HAS INSTANCE=> Congreve, William Congreve
   HAS INSTANCE=> Corneille, Pierre Corneille
   HAS INSTANCE=> Coward, Noel Coward, Sir Noel Pierce Coward
   HAS INSTANCE=> Crouse, Russel Crouse
   HAS INSTANCE=> Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac
   HAS INSTANCE=> Dekker, Decker, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Decker
   HAS INSTANCE=> Dryden, John Dryden
   HAS INSTANCE=> Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot
   HAS INSTANCE=> Euripides
   HAS INSTANCE=> Fletcher, John Fletcher
   HAS INSTANCE=> Fry, Christopher Fry
   HAS INSTANCE=> Fugard, Athol Fugard
   HAS INSTANCE=> Garcia Lorca, Frederico Garcia Lorca, Lorca
   HAS INSTANCE=> Genet, Jean Genet
   HAS INSTANCE=> Gide, Andre Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume Gide
   HAS INSTANCE=> Giraudoux, Jean Giraudoux, Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux
   HAS INSTANCE=> Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   HAS INSTANCE=> Goldoni, Carlo Goldoni
   HAS INSTANCE=> Granville-Barker, Harley Granville-Barker
   HAS INSTANCE=> Hart, Moss Hart
   HAS INSTANCE=> Havel, Vaclav Havel
   HAS INSTANCE=> Hebbel, Friedrich Hebbel, Christian Friedrich Hebbel
   HAS INSTANCE=> Hellman, Lillian Hellman
   HAS INSTANCE=> Hugo, Victor Hugo, Victor-Marie Hugo
   HAS INSTANCE=> Ibsen, Henrik Ibsen, Henrik Johan Ibsen
   HAS INSTANCE=> Inge, William Inge
   HAS INSTANCE=> Ionesco, Eugene Ionesco
   HAS INSTANCE=> Jonson, Ben Jonson, Benjamin Jonson
   HAS INSTANCE=> Kaufman, George S. Kaufman, George Simon Kaufman
   HAS INSTANCE=> Kleist, Heinrich von Kleist, Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist
   HAS INSTANCE=> Kyd, Kid, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Kid
   HAS INSTANCE=> Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
   HAS INSTANCE=> Lindsay, Howard Lindsay
   HAS INSTANCE=> Luce, Clare Booth Luce
   HAS INSTANCE=> Maeterlinck, Count Maurice Maeterlinck
   HAS INSTANCE=> Mamet, David Mamet
   HAS INSTANCE=> Marlowe, Christopher Marlowe
   HAS INSTANCE=> Marstan, John Marstan
   HAS INSTANCE=> Menander
   HAS INSTANCE=> Middleton, Thomas Middleton
   HAS INSTANCE=> Miller, Arthur Miller
   HAS INSTANCE=> Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
   HAS INSTANCE=> Molnar, Ferenc Molnar
   HAS INSTANCE=> O'Casey, Sean O'Casey
   HAS INSTANCE=> Odets, Clifford Odets
   HAS INSTANCE=> O'Neill, Eugene O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone O'Neill
   HAS INSTANCE=> Osborne, John Osborne, John James Osborne
   HAS INSTANCE=> Pinter, Harold Pinter
   HAS INSTANCE=> Pirandello, Luigi Pirandello
   HAS INSTANCE=> Pitt, George Pitt, George Dibdin Pitt, George Dibdin-Pitt
   HAS INSTANCE=> Plautus, Titus Maccius Plautus
   HAS INSTANCE=> Racine, Jean Racine, Jean Baptiste Racine
   HAS INSTANCE=> Rattigan, Terence Rattigan, Sir Terence Mervyn Rattigan
   HAS INSTANCE=> Rice, Elmer Rice, Elmer Leopold Rice, Elmer Reizenstein
   HAS INSTANCE=> Robinson, Lennox Robinson, Esme Stuart Lennox Robinson
   HAS INSTANCE=> Rostand, Edmond Rostand
   HAS INSTANCE=> Sartre, Jean-Paul Sartre
   HAS INSTANCE=> Scribe, Augustin Eugene Scribe
   HAS INSTANCE=> Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Seneca
   HAS INSTANCE=> Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, Shakspere, William Shakspere, Bard of Avon
   HAS INSTANCE=> Shaw, G. B. Shaw, George Bernard Shaw
   HAS INSTANCE=> Shepard, Sam Shepard
   HAS INSTANCE=> Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Sheridan
   HAS INSTANCE=> Sherwood, Robert Emmet Sherwood
   HAS INSTANCE=> Simon, Neil Simon, Marvin Neil Simon
   HAS INSTANCE=> Sophocles
   HAS INSTANCE=> Stoppard, Tom Stoppard, Sir Tom Stoppard, Thomas Straussler
   HAS INSTANCE=> Strindberg, August Strindberg, Johan August Strindberg
   HAS INSTANCE=> Synge, J. M. Synge, John Millington Synge, Edmund John Millington Synge
   HAS INSTANCE=> Terence, Publius Terentius Afer
   HAS INSTANCE=> Tirso de Molina, Gabriel Tellez
   HAS INSTANCE=> Ustinov, Sir Peter Ustinov, Peter Alexander Ustinov
   HAS INSTANCE=> Vega, Lope de Vega, Lope Felix de Vega Carpio
   HAS INSTANCE=> Webster, John Webster
   HAS INSTANCE=> Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde
   HAS INSTANCE=> Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Thornton Niven Wilder
   HAS INSTANCE=> Williams, Tennessee Williams, Thomas Lanier Williams
   HAS INSTANCE=> Wycherley, William Wycherley
   HAS INSTANCE=> Yeats, William Butler Yeats, W. B. Yeats

--- Grep of noun aeschylus

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Wikipedia - Copernicium -- chemical element 112
Wikipedia - Copper -- Chemical element with atomic number 29
Wikipedia - Coronavirus packaging signal -- Regulartory element in coronaviruses
Wikipedia - Countable set -- A set with each element associated a unique natural number
Wikipedia - Counting -- Finding the number of elements of a finite set
Wikipedia - Coupled substitution -- Geological process by which two elements simultaneously substitute into a crystal
Wikipedia - Critical points of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Cross-dressing in music and opera -- Element of music performance
Wikipedia - Cross-genre -- Genre that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres
Wikipedia - Cultural appropriation -- The adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture
Wikipedia - Culture of Eritrea -- Societal elements in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Culture of the Caribbean -- Elements that are representative of Caribbean people
Wikipedia - Curium -- chemical element with atomic number 96
Wikipedia - Curtain array -- Class of large multielement directional wire radio transmitting antennas
Wikipedia - Cyclic AMP response element-binding protein
Wikipedia - Cyclic group -- Mathematical group that can be generated as the set of powers of a single element
Wikipedia - Cyclic permutation -- Type of (mathematical) permutation with no fixed element
Wikipedia - Daehyun Elementary School -- Public primary school in Ulsan, South Korea
Wikipedia - Dallas Elementary School District 327 -- Public elementary school district in Hancock County, Illinois
Wikipedia - Darmstadtium -- chemical element 110
Wikipedia - Data model -- An abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to on another and to real world entities.
Wikipedia - Dayton City School -- School district and elementary/middle school in Dayton, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Decipium -- Proposed chemical element.
Wikipedia - Decussation -- Crossing of anatomical elements
Wikipedia - Dendrogram -- A tree-shaped diagram showing the arrangement of various elements
Wikipedia - Densities of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Design elements and principles
Wikipedia - Dialog box -- User interface element
Wikipedia - Diatomic molecule -- Molecule composed of only two atoms of the same or different chemical elements
Wikipedia - Dihedral group of order 6 -- Non-commutative group with 6 elements
Wikipedia - Dimension theorem for vector spaces -- All bases of a vector space have equally many elements
Wikipedia - Directed set -- A set with a preorder in which any two elements are always both less than or equal to some third element.
Wikipedia - Discrete element method -- Numerical methods for computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles
Wikipedia - Distributed-element filter -- Type of electronic filter circuit
Wikipedia - Doan's Hollow Public School -- Defunct elementary school located near Port Dover, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Dolos -- Concrete breakwater element
Wikipedia - Dome -- An architectural element similar to the hollow upper half of a sphere; there are many types
Wikipedia - Dormer -- Structural element of a building
Wikipedia - Downstream promoter element
Wikipedia - Drop-down list -- User interface element
Wikipedia - Dual photon -- A hypothetical elementary particle that is a dual of the photon under electric-magnetic duality
Wikipedia - Dublin Core -- Standardized set of metadata elements
Wikipedia - Dubnium -- synthetic chemical element with atomic number 105
Wikipedia - Dysprosium -- chemical element with atomic number 66
Wikipedia - Earth (classical element) -- Classical element in ancient Greek philosophy and science
Wikipedia - Earth symbol -- Astronomical symbols for the planet Earth, alchemical symbol for the element Earth
Wikipedia - Earth (wuxing) -- Third of five elements in Wuxing cycle
Wikipedia - Ecole des BM-CM-"tisseurs -- Elementary school in Fredericton, New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Einsteinium -- chemical element with atomic number 99
Wikipedia - Elastic properties of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - El Dorado Elementary School -- Historic building in Stockton, California
Wikipedia - Electrical network -- Assemblage of connected electrical elements
Wikipedia - Electrical resistivities of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Electron configurations of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Electronegativities of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Element 14 (company) -- DSL
Wikipedia - Element 79 (anthology) -- Collection of science fiction short stories by Fred Hoyle
Wikipedia - Elemental analysis -- Process of analytical chemistry
Wikipedia - Elemental (Dungeons > Dragons)
Wikipedia - Elemental Gelade -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Elemental Masters -- Fantasy book series by Mercedes Lackey
Wikipedia - Elementals (DC Comics) -- Fictional team of superheroes
Wikipedia - Elementals (Marvel Comics) -- Fictional organization in the Marvel Universe
Wikipedia - Elemental tetrad -- Game design conceptual framework
Wikipedia - Elemental: War of Magic -- Video game
Wikipedia - Elemental
Wikipedia - Elementary algebra -- Basic concepts of algebra
Wikipedia - Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- United States law, part of Johnson's War on Poverty
Wikipedia - Elementary arithmetic
Wikipedia - Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach
Wikipedia - Elementary cellular automation
Wikipedia - Elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Elementary charge -- Charge carried by one proton or electron
Wikipedia - Elementary cognitive task
Wikipedia - Elementary Comparison Testing
Wikipedia - Elementary, Dear Data
Wikipedia - Elementary Education Act 1870
Wikipedia - Elementary education
Wikipedia - Elementary function -- Mathematical function
Wikipedia - Elementary matrix
Wikipedia - Elementary OS -- Desktop operating system based on Ubuntu
Wikipedia - Elementary particle physics
Wikipedia - Elementary particles
Wikipedia - Elementary particle -- Subatomic particle having no known substructure
Wikipedia - Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics -- Book by Josiah Willard Gibbs
Wikipedia - Elementary proof
Wikipedia - Elementary propositions
Wikipedia - Elementary proposition
Wikipedia - Elementary row operation
Wikipedia - Elementary schools
Wikipedia - Elementary school (United States) -- School that provides primary education in the United States
Wikipedia - Elementary school
Wikipedia - Elementary stream
Wikipedia - Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario -- Teacher's Union representing educators in publicly funded Ontario schools
Wikipedia - Elementary theory -- Mathematical logic
Wikipedia - Elementary (TV series) -- American crime drama television series (2012-2019)
Wikipedia - ELEMENTARY
Wikipedia - Element Books
Wikipedia - Element (criminal law) -- Fact that must be proven for a criminal conviction
Wikipedia - Element Eighty -- American nu metal band
Wikipedia - Element Electronics
Wikipedia - Element Lad -- DC Comics character
Wikipedia - Element Magazine -- Asian men's online magazine
Wikipedia - Element (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Element of Light -- 1986 album by Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians
Wikipedia - Element One -- Lawrence Technological University's hydrogen fuel cell race team
Wikipedia - Elemento -- 2014 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Elements Casino Brantford -- Casino in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Elements (esports) -- Former professional esports organisation
Wikipedia - Elements, Hong Kong -- Shopping centre in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Elements (journal)
Wikipedia - Elements of art
Wikipedia - Elements of Dynamic -- Book by William Kingdon Clifford
Wikipedia - Elements of International Law
Wikipedia - Elements of music
Wikipedia - Elements of Semiology
Wikipedia - Elements of Style
Wikipedia - Elements of the Cthulhu Mythos -- Tables and lists featuring elements of the Cthulhu Mythos
Wikipedia - Elements of Theology
Wikipedia - Elements of the Philosophy of Newton
Wikipedia - Elements of the Philosophy of Right
Wikipedia - Element (software) -- Decentralised, encrypted chat and collaboration software powered by the Matrix protocol
Wikipedia - Element Solutions -- American chemicals production company
Wikipedia - Elements (Steve Howe album) -- Steve Howe album
Wikipedia - Elena Ghica Elementary School -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Empty set -- Mathematical set containing no elements
Wikipedia - ENCODE -- Research consortium investigating functional elements in human and model organism DNA
Wikipedia - Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy -- analytical technique used for the elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample
Wikipedia - English clause element -- Linguistics concept
Wikipedia - Enomoto: New Elements that Shake the World -- Manga series
Wikipedia - Entablature -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Entitative graph -- Element of the diagrammatic syntax for logic
Wikipedia - Erbium -- chemical element with atomic number 68
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Fuchs theorem -- On the number of ways numbers can be represented as sums of elements of an additive basis
Wikipedia - Ernest Element -- British musician
Wikipedia - Escutcheon (heraldry) -- Main or focal element in an achievement of arms
Wikipedia - Euclid's elements
Wikipedia - Euclid's Elements -- Mathematical treatise by Euclid
Wikipedia - Europium -- chemical element with atomic number 63
Wikipedia - Exploitation fiction -- Novels and magazines that exploit sex, violence, drugs, or other elements meant to attract readers
Wikipedia - Extended periodic table -- Periodic table of the elements with 8 or more periods
Wikipedia - Faith in Buddhism -- Important element of the teachings of the Buddha
Wikipedia - Fender (boating) -- Element protecting the hull of a ship
Wikipedia - Fermion -- one of two classes of elementary particles
Wikipedia - Fermium -- chemical element with atomic number 100
Wikipedia - FESOM -- A multi-resolution ocean general circulation model that solves the equations of motion describing the ocean and sea ice using finite-element and finite-volume methods on unstructured computational grids
Wikipedia - Fictional universe -- Self-consistent fictional setting with elements that may differ from the real world
Wikipedia - Fiction -- Narrative with imaginary elements
Wikipedia - Fief -- Central element of feudalism
Wikipedia - Film genre -- Classification of films based on similarities in narrative elements
Wikipedia - Finial -- Element marking the top or end of some object; decorative feature
Wikipedia - Finite element analysis
Wikipedia - Finite element machine -- Project
Wikipedia - Finite element meshing
Wikipedia - Finite element method -- Numerical method for solving physical or engineering problems
Wikipedia - Finite group -- Mathematical group based upon a finite number of elements
Wikipedia - Finitely generated abelian group -- A commutative group where every element is the sum of elements from one finite subset
Wikipedia - Fire (classical element) -- One of the four classical elements
Wikipedia - Fire (wuxing) -- Second of five elements of Wuxing
Wikipedia - First variation of area formula -- Element in Riemannian geometry
Wikipedia - Five elements (Chinese philosophy)
Wikipedia - Five elements (Japanese philosophy)
Wikipedia - Flerovium -- chemical element 114
Wikipedia - Fleur-de-lis in Scouting -- Main element in the logo of most Scouting organizations
Wikipedia - Fluorine -- Chemical element with atomic number 9 and a atomic mass of 19
Wikipedia - Fock state -- A quantum state that is an element of a Fock space with a well-defined number of particles (or quanta)
Wikipedia - Folktronica -- Genre of music comprising various elements of folk music and electronica
Wikipedia - Four elements
Wikipedia - Francium -- chemical element with atomic number 87
Wikipedia - Free abelian group -- Commutative group whose elements are unique integer combinations of basis elements
Wikipedia - Free Papua Movement -- Umbrella term for independence movement for West Papua (the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua), with both militant and nonviolent elements
Wikipedia - Friction -- Force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other
Wikipedia - Fuzzy finite element
Wikipedia - Gas giant -- Giant planet which mainly consists of light elements such as hydrogen and helium
Wikipedia - G-CSF factor stem-loop destabilising element -- RNA element
Wikipedia - Generator (mathematics) -- Element of a generating set, a subset of an algebraic structure that allows specifying all elements of the structure
Wikipedia - Germanium -- chemical element with atomic number 32
Wikipedia - Ghost story -- Literary genre, work of literature featuring supernatural elements
Wikipedia - Gilligan's Wake -- |A 2003 novel by Tom Carson combining elements of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" and 1960s sitcom "Gilligan's Island"
Wikipedia - Glossary of elementary quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Glowplug -- Heating element used to aid in starting diesel engines
Wikipedia - Gluon -- Elementary particle that mediates the strong force
Wikipedia - Glyph -- Element of writing
Wikipedia - Godai (Japanese philosophy) -- Five elements in Japanese philosophy: earth (M-eM-^\M-0), water (M-fM-0M-4), fire (M-gM-^AM-+), wind (M-iM-"M-(), void (M-gM-)M-:)
Wikipedia - Gold salts -- Ionic chemical compounds of the element
Wikipedia - Goldschmidt classification -- Geochemical classification grouping the chemical elements according to their preferred host phases
Wikipedia - Gold -- chemical element with atomic number 79
Wikipedia - Grammatical modifier -- Optional element in phrase or clause structure
Wikipedia - Graphical control element
Wikipedia - Graphical widget -- Element of interaction in a graphical user interface
Wikipedia - Graphic communication -- Communication using graphic elements
Wikipedia - Graviton -- Hypothetical elementary particle that mediates gravitation
Wikipedia - Greatest element
Wikipedia - Grotesque (architecture) -- Fantastic or mythical figure used as architectural element
Wikipedia - Ground segment -- ground-based elements of a spacecraft system
Wikipedia - Group 10 element
Wikipedia - Group 11 element
Wikipedia - Group 12 element -- Group of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Group 1 element
Wikipedia - Group 3 element
Wikipedia - Group 4 element
Wikipedia - Group 5 element
Wikipedia - Group 6 element -- Group of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Group 7 element
Wikipedia - Group 8 element
Wikipedia - Group 9 element
Wikipedia - Group action -- Operation of the elements of a group as transformations or automorphisms (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Group (periodic table) -- Column of elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements
Wikipedia - Grunwald-Wang theorem -- A local-global result for when an element in a number field is an nth power
Wikipedia - Guard stone -- Architectural element intended to protect structures from damage from vehicle wheels
Wikipedia - Hafnium -- Chemical element with atomic number 72
Wikipedia - Ha-ha -- Type of wall; recessed landscape design element
Wikipedia - Halogen -- Group of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Hamburger button -- User interface element
Wikipedia - Hardnesses of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Hassium -- chemical element 108
Wikipedia - Hattori-Stong theorem -- Links the stable homotopy of a Thom spectrum and the primitive elements of its K-homology
Wikipedia - Headgear -- Any covering for the head; element of clothing which is worn on one's head
Wikipedia - Heads-up display (video games) -- User interface element common in video games
Wikipedia - Heat capacities of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Heating element
Wikipedia - Heats of fusion of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Heats of vaporization of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Heavy metals -- Loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties
Wikipedia - Helium -- chemical element with atomic number of 2
Wikipedia - Hellenistic Judaism -- A form of Judaism in classical antiquity that combined Jewish religious tradition with elements of Greek culture
Wikipedia - Helvetium -- Proposed chemical element.
Wikipedia - Hepatitis C virus 3'X element -- RNA element
Wikipedia - Hero Elementary -- PBS Kids animated TV series, 2020
Wikipedia - Heterocyclic compound -- Cyclic compound that has atoms of at least two different elements as members of its ring(s).
Wikipedia - Heterogeneous Element Processor
Wikipedia - Hierarchy -- System of elements that are subordinated to each other
Wikipedia - Higgs boson -- Elementary particle related to the Higgs field giving particles mass
Wikipedia - History of aluminium -- History of the chemical element aluminium
Wikipedia - History of the periodic table -- History of the periodic table of the elements
Wikipedia - Holmium -- chemical element with atomic number 67
Wikipedia - Holographic optical element
Wikipedia - Hope Elementary School District -- Elementary school district in Santa Barbara, California
Wikipedia - Hoverbox -- User interface element
Wikipedia - HTML attribute -- Special words used inside the opening tag to control the element's behaviour
Wikipedia - HTML element -- Individual component of an HTML document
Wikipedia - Hua's identity -- Formula relating pairs of elements in a division ring
Wikipedia - Human-agent team -- A system containing both human and AI elements
Wikipedia - Hydrate -- Substance containing water or its constituent elements
Wikipedia - Hydride -- Any chemical compound having a hydrogen atom bonded to a more electropositive element or groups
Wikipedia - Hydrogenation -- Chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen and another compound or element
Wikipedia - Hydrogen atom -- Atom of the element hydrogen
Wikipedia - Hydrogen -- chemical element with atomic number 1
Wikipedia - Hyperreal number -- Element of a nonstandard model of the reals, which can be infinite or infinitesimal
Wikipedia - Hypertrichosis 1 (universalis, congenital) -- Genetic element in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Hyphen (architecture) -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Identity element
Wikipedia - Illegitimacy in fiction -- List of fictional stories in which illegitimacy features as an important plot element
Wikipedia - Indium -- chemical element with atomic number 49
Wikipedia - Inner automorphism -- automorphism of a group, ring, or algebra given by the conjugation action of one of its elements
Wikipedia - Insertion sort -- Sorting algorithm that, at each iteration, inserts the current input element into the suitable position between the already sorted elements
Wikipedia - Insulator (genetics) -- Genetic boundary element that blocks the interaction between enhancers and promoters
Wikipedia - Intangible cultural heritage of Georgia -- Elements of the cultural heritage of Georgia
Wikipedia - Interlace (art) -- Decorative element of bands or portions of other motifs looped, braided, and knotted in complex geometric patterns
Wikipedia - Interpretatio Christiana -- Adaptation of non-Christian elements of culture or historical facts to the worldview of Christianity.
Wikipedia - Interval finite element
Wikipedia - Inverse element
Wikipedia - Iodine in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential trace element
Wikipedia - Iodine -- chemical element with atomic number 53
Wikipedia - Ionization energies of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Iridium -- chemical element with atomic number 77
Wikipedia - Iron(II) -- The element iron in its +2 oxidation state
Wikipedia - Iron peak -- Comparatively high abundance of elements with atomic numbers near iron.
Wikipedia - Iron -- Chemical element with atomic number 26
Wikipedia - Island of stability -- Isotopes of super-heavy elements theorized to be much more stable than others
Wikipedia - Isotopes of nitrogen -- Isotopes of the element nitrogen
Wikipedia - James Russell Lowell School (Philadelphia) -- A historic elementary school in the Olney neighborhood of Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Joseph M. Demko School -- Alberta elementary-junior high school
Wikipedia - Journal bearing -- Simplest type of bearing, comprising just a bearing surface and no rolling elements
Wikipedia - Juxtaposition -- Act of placing two elements side by side
Wikipedia - Karanga (Maori culture) -- Element of cultural protocol in Maoridom
Wikipedia - Keel -- Lower centreline structural element of a ship or boat hull
Wikipedia - Kernel (set theory) -- Equivalence relation expressing that two elements have the same image under a function
Wikipedia - Kneeland Elementary School District -- School district in California
Wikipedia - Knights Ferry Elementary School District -- School district in California
Wikipedia - KOLOS -- Concrete breakwater element
Wikipedia - Krypton -- chemical element with atomic number 36
Wikipedia - K-U ratio -- Ratio of a slightly volatile element, potassium (K), to a highly refractory element, uranium (U).
Wikipedia - Lakeville Elementary School -- US elementary school
Wikipedia - Lamborghini Sesto Elemento -- Limited edition Lamborghini
Wikipedia - Langlands-Deligne local constant -- Elementary function in mathematics
Wikipedia - Lanthanide -- Trivalent metallic rare-earth elements
Wikipedia - Lanthanum -- chemical element with atomic number 57
Wikipedia - Latin rock -- Term to describe a music subgenre consisting in melting traditional sounds and elements of Latin American and Caribbean folk with rock music
Wikipedia - Lawrencium -- chemical element 103
Wikipedia - Lead -- Chemical element with atomic number 82
Wikipedia - Least element
Wikipedia - Lepton -- Class of elementary particles that do not undergo strong interactions
Wikipedia - Lexicographic order -- Generalization of the alphabetical order of dictionaries to sequences of elements of an ordered set
Wikipedia - LINE1 -- Long interspersed nuclear element
Wikipedia - Linear relation -- In mathematics, relation between elements of a ring or a module
Wikipedia - Linked list -- Data structure which is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, each pointing to the next node by means of a pointer
Wikipedia - Liouville's theorem (differential algebra) -- Says when antiderivatives of elementary functions can expressed as elementary functions
Wikipedia - Liquid helium -- Liquid state of the element helium
Wikipedia - Liquid hydrogen -- Liquid state of the element hydrogen
Wikipedia - Liquid oxygen -- One of the physical forms of elemental oxygen
Wikipedia - List box -- Graphical control element
Wikipedia - List of chemical element name etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chemical elements naming controversies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chemical elements -- A list of the 118 identified chemical elements
Wikipedia - List of data references for chemical elements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Elemental Gelade episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Elementary episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elementary schools in Hawaii -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by atomic properties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by name
Wikipedia - List of elements by number
Wikipedia - List of elements by stability of isotopes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by symbol
Wikipedia - List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and subatomic particles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of formulas in elementary geometry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of graphical user interface elements
Wikipedia - List of Houston Independent School District elementary schools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Eastern Europe -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Northern Europe -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Saudi Arabia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oakland, California elementary schools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oxidation states of the elements
Wikipedia - List of people whose names are used in chemical element names -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of places used in the names of chemical elements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public elementary schools in New York City -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Park Elementary staff -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of students at South Park Elementary -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of submarine topographical features -- Oceanic landforms and topographic elements.
Wikipedia - List of Toronto District School Board elementary schools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of world production chemical elements
Wikipedia - Lithium -- Chemical element with atomic number 3
Wikipedia - Livermorium -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 116 and symbol Lv
Wikipedia - Living Human Treasure -- According to UNESCO, a person who possesses to a high degree the knowledge and skills required for performing or re-creating specific elements of the intangible cultural heritage
Wikipedia - Llan (placename) -- placename element in Brythonic languages
Wikipedia - Lock screen -- Computer user interface element
Wikipedia - Log-periodic antenna -- Multi-element, directional antenna useable over a wide band of frequencies
Wikipedia - Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education -- Government agency of Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Lucille Hunter Elementary School -- Historic elementary school in North Carolina
Wikipedia - Lutetium -- chemical element with atomic number 71
Wikipedia - Madden-Julian oscillation -- Largest element of the intraseasonal variability in the tropical atmosphere
Wikipedia - Magnesium -- Chemical element with atomic number 12
Wikipedia - Main-group element -- A set of elements consisting of Groups 1, 2 and 13 to 18 in the periodic table
Wikipedia - Majority -- Subset consisting of more than half of the set's elements
Wikipedia - Manufacturing of the International Space Station -- Fabrication of the ISS elements
Wikipedia - Map -- A symbolic depiction of relationships between elements of some space
Wikipedia - Marxist-Leninist atheism -- irreligious and anti-clerical element of Marxism-Leninism
Wikipedia - Matzo -- Unleavened flatbread in Jewish cuisine; an element of the Passover festival
Wikipedia - Maximum-minimums identity -- Relates the maximum element of a set of numbers and the minima of its non-empty subsets
Wikipedia - Megalithic architectural elements -- Architectural elements typical of European megalithic structures
Wikipedia - Meitnerium -- chemical element 109
Wikipedia - Melting points of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Memristor -- Nonlinear two-terminal fundamental circuit element
Wikipedia - Mendeleev's predicted elements -- Elements predicted to exist but not yet found on the first periodic table
Wikipedia - Mendelevium -- chemical element with atomic number 101
Wikipedia - Mercury (element) -- chemical element with atomic number 80
Wikipedia - Metal (classical element)
Wikipedia - Metalloid -- Chemical element with relatively weak metallic and nonmetallic properties
Wikipedia - Metals close to the border between metals and nonmetals -- Category of metallic elements
Wikipedia - Metal (wuxing) -- Fourth of five elements of the Wuxing
Wikipedia - Metamictisation -- Internal alpha irradiation due to radioactive elements leading to the destruction of a mineral's crystal structure
Wikipedia - Metope -- Rectangular architectural element that fills the space between two triglyphs in a Doric frieze
Wikipedia - Microdistrict -- Residential complex-a primary structural element of the residential area construction in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Middle school -- School offering the lower levels of secondary education, in some countries, between elementary and high school
Wikipedia - Military rank -- Element of hierarchy in armed forces
Wikipedia - Miller Creek Elementary School District -- School district in California
Wikipedia - Mineral (nutrient) -- Chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life
Wikipedia - Mineral -- Element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline, formed as a result of geological processes
Wikipedia - Minimal pair -- Two words that differ in only one element of their pronunciation
Wikipedia - Minimal polynomial -- Monic polynomial of the lowest degree that has a given element as a zero
Wikipedia - Mixed electoral system -- Electoral system that combines a plurality/majoritarian voting system with an element of proportional representation
Wikipedia - Mobile genetic elements -- DNA sequence whose position in the genome is variable
Wikipedia - Molar ionization energies of the elements -- Table of molar ionization energies for the chemical elements
Wikipedia - Molding (decorative) -- Class of decorative elements in the ornamentation
Wikipedia - Molten chocolate cake -- A dessert that combines the elements of a flourless chocolate cake whit pM-CM-"ine soufflM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Molybdenum -- chemical element with atomic number 42
Wikipedia - Monoid -- Algebraic structure with an associative operation and an identity element
Wikipedia - Moscovium -- chemical element 115
Wikipedia - Mouseover -- User interface element
Wikipedia - MPEG elementary stream
Wikipedia - Multivector -- Element of an exterior algebra
Wikipedia - Muon -- Elementary subatomic particle with negative electric charge
Wikipedia - Music of the Isle of Man -- Element of Manx culture
Wikipedia - Myofibril -- Contractile element of muscle
Wikipedia - Names for sets of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Naming of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Narrative structure -- Literary element
Wikipedia - Native aluminium -- Mineral (as opposed to the chemical element)
Wikipedia - Native copper -- Mineral (as opposed to the chemical element)
Wikipedia - Natural Elements (Acoustic Alchemy album) -- 1988 studio album by Acoustic Alchemy
Wikipedia - Natural heritage -- Elements of biodiversity, including flora and fauna, ecosystems and geological structures
Wikipedia - Nauvoo-Colusa Community Unit School District 325 -- Public elementary school district in Hancock County, Illinois, U.S.
Wikipedia - N-entity -- active n-th layer element
Wikipedia - Neodymium -- chemical element with atomic number 60
Wikipedia - Neon -- Chemical element with atomic number 10
Wikipedia - Neptunium -- chemical element with atomic number 93
Wikipedia - Network element
Wikipedia - Network topology -- Arrangement of the various elements of a computer network; topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically
Wikipedia - Neutrino -- Elementary particle with extremely low mass that interacts only via the weak force and gravity
Wikipedia - Newark element14 -- American electronic components distributor
Wikipedia - News media -- Elements of mass media that focus on delivering news
Wikipedia - NF-M-NM-:B -- Nuclear transcriptional activator that binds to enhancer elements in many different cell types
Wikipedia - Nickel -- chemical element with atomic number of 28
Wikipedia - Nihonium -- chemical element 113
Wikipedia - Nilpotence theorem -- On when an element of the coefficient ring of a ring spectrum is nilpotent
Wikipedia - Nine sorceresses -- Arthurian Legend element
Wikipedia - Niobium -- chemical element with atomic number 41
Wikipedia - Nisba (onomastics) -- Element in Arabic names denoting place of origin, tribal affiliation, or ancestry
Wikipedia - Nitrogen -- chemical element with atomic number 7
Wikipedia - Nixon Public School -- Defunct elementary school near Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - No. 23 Elementary Flying Training School -- Canadian flight training school during WWII
Wikipedia - No. 38 Group RAF -- Group command element of the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Nobelium -- chemical element 102
Wikipedia - Noble gas -- Any of the group of chemical elements previously known as inert gases
Wikipedia - Nonmetal -- Chemical element that mostly lacks the characteristics of a metal
Wikipedia - Nunatak -- Exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier
Wikipedia - Oakley Union Elementary School District -- Public school district in California, United States
Wikipedia - Ocean View Elementary School District -- School district in Ventura County, California
Wikipedia - Oganesson -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 118 and symbol Og
Wikipedia - Oil drop experiment -- Experiment to measure elementary electric charge
Wikipedia - Orbital elements -- Parameters that uniquely identify a specific orbit
Wikipedia - Ore -- Rock with valuable metals, minerals and elements
Wikipedia - Osmium -- chemical element with atomic number 76
Wikipedia - Our Lady of Grace (Encino) -- Catholic church and elementary school in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Oxidation state -- Number that describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound; the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were fully ionic
Wikipedia - Oxnard Elementary School District -- School district in Ventura County, California
Wikipedia - Oxygen -- Chemical element with atomic number 8
Wikipedia - Oxypnictide -- Class of materials containing oxygen and a group-V element
Wikipedia - Packetized elementary stream
Wikipedia - Page layout -- Part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement of visual elements on a page
Wikipedia - Palladium -- chemical element with atomic number 46
Wikipedia - Paludarium -- A type of vivarium that incorporates both terrestrial and aquatic elements
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 29 -- Fragment of the second book of the Elements by Euclid
Wikipedia - Paramagnetism -- Weak, attractive magnetism possessed by most elements and some compounds
Wikipedia - Pediment -- Element in classical, neoclassical and baroque architecture
Wikipedia - Pendentive -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Period 1 element
Wikipedia - Period 2 element
Wikipedia - Period 3 element
Wikipedia - Period 4 element
Wikipedia - Period 5 element
Wikipedia - Period 6 element
Wikipedia - Period 7 element
Wikipedia - Periodic table of elements
Wikipedia - Periodic table -- Tabular arrangement of the chemical elements ordered by atomic number
Wikipedia - Period (periodic table) -- A method of visualizing the relationship between elements
Wikipedia - Perris Elementary School District -- public school district in Riverside County, California
Wikipedia - Phosphorus -- Chemical element with atomic number 15
Wikipedia - Photon -- Elementary particle or quantum of light
Wikipedia - Piano nobile -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Pickleball -- Paddleball is a sport combining elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis
Wikipedia - Pil (placename) -- placename element in Brythonic languages
Wikipedia - Pivot element -- Non-zero element of a matrix selected by an algorithm
Wikipedia - Plain bearing -- Simplest type of bearing, comprising just a bearing surface and no rolling elements
Wikipedia - Plant nutrition -- Study of the chemical elements and compounds necessary for normal plant life
Wikipedia - Platinum group -- Six noble, precious metallic elements clustered together in the periodic table
Wikipedia - Platinum -- chemical element with atomic number 78
Wikipedia - Plutonium -- chemical element with atomic number 94
Wikipedia - Polonium -- chemical element with atomic number 84
Wikipedia - Pop rap -- Genre of music which combines hip hop music with elements of pop music
Wikipedia - Positive Christianity -- Movement within Nazi Germany which mixed ideas of racial purity and Nazi ideology with elements of Christianity
Wikipedia - Positive element
Wikipedia - Pospiviroid RY motif stem loop -- RNA element found in Pospiviroids such as potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd)
Wikipedia - Potassium in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential mineral micronutrient
Wikipedia - Potassium -- Chemical element with atomic number 19
Wikipedia - Praseodymium -- chemical element with atomic number 59
Wikipedia - Precious metal -- Rare, naturally occurring metallic chemical element of high economic and cultural value
Wikipedia - Preston Hollow Elementary School -- Public, primary school
Wikipedia - Primary school -- School in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about 5 to 12
Wikipedia - Prime element -- Analogue of a prime number in a commutative ring
Wikipedia - Primitive element (finite field) -- Generator of the multiplicative group of a finite field
Wikipedia - Prince of Wales Public School (Peterborough, ON) -- Elementary school in Peterborough, Ontario
Wikipedia - Promethium -- chemical element with atomic number 61
Wikipedia - Prosody (linguistics) -- Part of linguistics concerned with elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments, but properties of syllables and larger units of speech
Wikipedia - Protactinium -- chemical element with atomic number 91
Wikipedia - Pseudo-anglicism -- Word in a foreign language formed using English elements although not existing as a native English word
Wikipedia - PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting
Wikipedia - PTC Creo Elements/Pro
Wikipedia - Public affairs (broadcasting) -- Element of public broadcasting
Wikipedia - Pure element
Wikipedia - QName -- Fully qualified name of an element, attribute, or identifier in an XML document
Wikipedia - Quark -- Elementary particle
Wikipedia - Race (bearing) -- Track in a bearing along which the rolling elements ride
Wikipedia - Radio button -- Graphical user interface control element
Wikipedia - Radium -- chemical element with atomic number 88
Wikipedia - Radon -- chemical element with atomic number 86
Wikipedia - RAF Regiment -- Force security element of Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Rare earth element
Wikipedia - Rare-earth element -- Any of the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium
Wikipedia - Real Elements -- Malawian hip-hop band
Wikipedia - Recurring elements in the Final Fantasy series -- Overview about the recurring elements in the Final Fantasy series
Wikipedia - Reducing agent -- Element or compound that loses (or "donates") an electron to another chemical species in a redox chemical reaction; losing electrons,oxidized,"reduces" (are "oxidized" by) oxidizers (oxidizing agents)
Wikipedia - Reflexive relation -- A binary relation over a set in which every element is related to itself
Wikipedia - Regulatory elements
Wikipedia - Relevance (law) -- Tendency of an item of evidence to prove or disprove one of the legal elements of a case, or to have probative value
Wikipedia - RemObjects Elements
Wikipedia - Representation term -- Word, or a combination of words, that semantically represent the data type (value domain) of a data element
Wikipedia - Retrocausality -- A thought experiment in philosophy of science based on elements of physics, addressing whether the future can affect the present and whether the present can affect the past
Wikipedia - Rhenium -- chemical element with atomic number 75
Wikipedia - Rhodium -- chemical element with atomic number 45
Wikipedia - Rib vault -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - River Edge Elementary School District -- School district in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Roentgenium -- chemical element 111
Wikipedia - Roof lantern -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Roslyn Elementary School
Wikipedia - Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division -- Element of the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Rubidium -- chemical element with atomic number 37
Wikipedia - Rule 110 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 184 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 30 -- Elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 90 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Ruthenium -- chemical element with atomic number 44
Wikipedia - Rutherfordium -- chemical element 104
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart School (Lombard, Illinois) -- Roman Catholic elementary school in Lombard, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Samarium -- chemical element with atomic number 62
Wikipedia - Sam Houston Elementary School (McAllen, Texas) -- Public elementary school in McAllen, Texas.
Wikipedia - Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories -- Claims the school shooting was a false flag government attack
Wikipedia - Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting -- 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Santa Paula Elementary School District -- School district in Ventura County, California
Wikipedia - Sap -- Fluid transported in xylem cells or phloem sieve tube elements of a plant
Wikipedia - Saxion -- Hypothetical elementary particle
Wikipedia - Scalar (mathematics) -- Elements of a field, e.g. real numbers, in the context of linear algebra
Wikipedia - Scots law -- Hybrid legal system of Scotland, containing civil law and common law elements
Wikipedia - Seaborgium -- chemical element 106
Wikipedia - SECIS element -- RNA sequence directing the translation of UGA codons as selenocysteines
Wikipedia - Selenium -- Chemical element with atomic number 34
Wikipedia - Selfish genetic element -- Genetic segments that can enhance their own transmission at the expense of other genes
Wikipedia - Semicircular potential well -- Elementary example of quantum phenomena and the applications of quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Semiotic elements and classes of signs (Peirce)
Wikipedia - Semiotic elements and classes of signs
Wikipedia - Sequence -- Finite or infinite ordered list of elements
Wikipedia - Service-level objective -- Key element of a service-level agreement
Wikipedia - Sesquioxide -- An oxide compound with a 2:3 ratio of a given element to oxygen
Wikipedia - Sieve tube element -- Elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Sihwei Elementary School metro station -- Future metro station in Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Silicon -- Chemical element with atomic number 14
Wikipedia - Silver -- chemical element with atomic number 47
Wikipedia - Sir Alexander Mackenzie Elementary School (St. Albert) -- Alberta elementary school
Wikipedia - Situation awareness -- Adequate perception of environmental elements and external events
Wikipedia - Slewing bearing -- Rotational support element for directional alignment
Wikipedia - Snow plow problem -- A problem in elementary differential equations
Wikipedia - Society for Elementary Books -- 18th-century Polish government agency
Wikipedia - Sodium -- Chemical element with atomic number 11
Wikipedia - Sook Ching -- Japanese purge of hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore and Malaya during World War II
Wikipedia - Span and div -- HTML elements used to define parts of a document
Wikipedia - Speeds of sound of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Spherical roller bearing -- Rolling-element bearing that tolerates angular misalignment
Wikipedia - Spirit body -- In LDS theology, manM-bM-^@M-^Ys spiritual element, made in the likeness of God
Wikipedia - Splash screen -- User interface element
Wikipedia - Spoiler (media) -- Description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot elements
Wikipedia - Sponge spicule -- Structural element of sea sponges
Wikipedia - Spy-Fi (subgenre) -- Subgenre of spy fiction that includes elements of science fiction
Wikipedia - Squinch -- Architectural element used to support a dome
Wikipedia - Status bar -- Graphical control element
Wikipedia - Steel -- Metal alloy made by combining iron with other elements
Wikipedia - Stellar nucleosynthesis -- Process by which the natural abundances of the chemical elements within stars change due to nuclear fusion reactions
Wikipedia - Sthayibhava -- Essential aesthetic element of Rasa theory in Sanskrit literature.
Wikipedia - St. Mel (Woodland Hills, California) -- Catholic church and elementary school in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Strontium -- chemical element with atomic number 38
Wikipedia - Structuralism -- Theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure
Wikipedia - Structure -- Arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in an object or system, or the object or system so organized
Wikipedia - Style Louis XIV -- Style of Louis XIV period; baroque style with classical elements
Wikipedia - Successor function -- Elementary operation on a natural number
Wikipedia - Superheavy element
Wikipedia - Supernova nucleosynthesis -- Production of the elements in a supernova explosion
Wikipedia - Surjective function -- Function such that every element has a preimage (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Swamp Thing -- Fictional character, an elemental creature in the DC Comics Universe
Wikipedia - Symmetric difference -- Subset of the elements that belong to exactly one among two sets
Wikipedia - Synthetic element -- Chemical elements that do not occur naturally
Wikipedia - Systematic element name -- Temporary name assigned to predicted chemical elements
Wikipedia - Table of the Elements -- American record label
Wikipedia - Tall tale -- Story with unbelievable elements, related as if it were true and factual
Wikipedia - Tantalum -- chemical element with atomic number 73
Wikipedia - Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes -- Rare American children's elementary language textbook
Wikipedia - Technetium -- chemical element with atomic number 43
Wikipedia - Telemental health
Wikipedia - Tellurium -- chemical element with atomic number 52
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox element/sandbox -- Chemical element with atomic number {{{number|28
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox element -- Chemical element with atomic number {{{number|
Wikipedia - Tennessine -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 117 and symbol Ts
Wikipedia - Terbium -- chemical element with atomic number 65
Wikipedia - Tetrapod (structure) -- Concrete breakwater element
Wikipedia - Thallium -- chemical element with atomic number 81
Wikipedia - The devil is in the detail -- Idiom that refers to a catch or mysterious element hidden in the details
Wikipedia - The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
Wikipedia - The Elementary Structures of Kinship
Wikipedia - The Elements of Moral Philosophy
Wikipedia - The Elements of Programming Style
Wikipedia - The Elements of Style -- American English writing style guide
Wikipedia - The Elements (song) -- Song by Tom Lehrer
Wikipedia - The Fifth Element (video game) -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - The Fifth Element -- 1997 film by Luc Besson
Wikipedia - The Four Elements (Arcimboldo) -- Painting series by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Wikipedia - Thermal conductivities of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Thermal expansion coefficients of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - The Temple of Elemental Evil (video game)
Wikipedia - The Temple of Elemental Evil
Wikipedia - Three Elements -- Painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wikipedia - Timeline of chemical element discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of science fiction -- Various science fiction elements from early history to present
Wikipedia - Tin -- chemical element with atomic number 50
Wikipedia - Titanium -- Chemical element with atomic number 22
Wikipedia - Tooltip -- Graphical user interface element
Wikipedia - Top-hat transform -- Operation that extracts small elements and details from given images
Wikipedia - Torsion group -- Group in which each element has finite order
Wikipedia - Trace element -- Element of low concentration
Wikipedia - Tracking (Scouting) -- Element of scouting that focuses on following a trail
Wikipedia - Transactinide element
Wikipedia - Transept -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Transition metal -- Series of chemical elements
Wikipedia - Transmutation of elements
Wikipedia - Transplutonium element
Wikipedia - Transposable elements
Wikipedia - Transposable element
Wikipedia - Transuranium element -- Element whose atomic number is greater than 92
Wikipedia - Trope (cinema) -- Element of film semiology
Wikipedia - Tungsten -- chemical element with atomic number 74
Wikipedia - Tuple -- Finite ordered list of elements
Wikipedia - Two-element Boolean algebra -- Boolean algebra
Wikipedia - Tympanum (architecture) -- Architectural element
Wikipedia - Uranium -- chemical element with atomic number 92
Wikipedia - Urelement -- Concept in set theory
Wikipedia - Urim and Thummim -- Elements of the breastplate worn by the Jewish High Priest
Wikipedia - Vanadium -- Chemical element with atomic number 23
Wikipedia - Vapor pressures of the elements (data page)
Wikipedia - Vector (mathematics and physics) -- Element of a vector space
Wikipedia - Venereum -- Element of ancient Roman private apartments
Wikipedia - Vessel elements
Wikipedia - Vessel element
Wikipedia - Victor Elementary School District -- School district in Victorville, California, United States
Wikipedia - Victorium -- Proposed chemical element.
Wikipedia - Video game walkthrough -- Guide to assist players in completing either an entire video game or specific elements of it
Wikipedia - Visual hierarchy -- Arrangement of elements to imply importance
Wikipedia - Volatiles -- Elements and compounds that are readily vaporized
Wikipedia - Volume element
Wikipedia - Voxel -- Element representing a value on a grid in three dimensional space
Wikipedia - Wahl-Coates Elementary School
Wikipedia - Walsh Public School -- Elementary school near Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - W and Z bosons -- Elementary particles; gauge bosons that mediate the weak interaction
Wikipedia - Water (classical element)
Wikipedia - Water (wuxing) -- Fifth of five elements in the Wu Xing
Wikipedia - Weather map -- Table of weather elements
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Elements -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wire race bearing -- A rolling-element bearing, where the balls or rollers run on races resembling loops of wire
Wikipedia - Wood (classical element)
Wikipedia - Woodlawn Elementary School -- Public primary school in Danville, Kentucky, US
Wikipedia - Wood (wuxing) -- First of five elements of Wu Xing
Wikipedia - Wuxing (Chinese philosophy) -- Chinese five elements
Wikipedia - Xbloc -- Concrete breakwater element
Wikipedia - Xenon -- chemical element with atomic number 54
Wikipedia - XML namespace -- Method of providing unique elements and attributes in an XML document
Wikipedia - XSLT elements
Wikipedia - Yellow brick road -- Element in the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Wikipedia - Ytterbium -- chemical element with atomic number 70
Wikipedia - Yttrium -- chemical element with atomic number 39
Wikipedia - Zero of a function -- Element of the domain where function's value is zero
Wikipedia - Zinc -- Chemical element with atomic number 30
Wikipedia - Zirconium -- chemical element with atomic number 40 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - elements -- 30
auromere - panchatattva-dharana-contemplation-on-the-five-elements
Integral World - Overcoming Intractable Elements in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict through Spiral Dynamics, Neri Bar-On
Integral World - Key Elements of Development, part 1, Peter Collins
Integral World - Key Elements of Development, part 2, Peter Collins
Integral World - Heavy Elements: Why Integral Physics is Lost in Space, Frank Visser
The Five Elements of AQAL
selforum - sankhya element is also discernible
selforum - elements of psychology of evolution
selforum - sri aurobindo gives collective element
wiki.auroville - Elemental_beings
wiki.auroville - Elements_of_Yoga
Dharmapedia - Elements_of_Indian_Art
Psychology Wiki - Cultural_elements_of_Buddhism
Occultopedia - elemental_divination
Occultopedia - elementals,_The_Power_of_Illuminated_Love
Family Guy (1999 - Current) - Created by Seth MacFarlane, "Family Guy" shows the daily misadventures of the dysfunctional Griffin Family who live in Quahog, RI. Packed full of religiously and ethnically themed jokes you can't help but laugh at one more signature element of the show is its signature "cutaway gags" where the on-sc...
The Adventures of Pete and Pete (1993 - 1996) - The Adventures of Pete & Pete was a U.S. television series produced and broadcast by the Nickelodeon cable channel. The show, which featured humorous and surreal elements in its narrative and many recurring themes, centered on two brothers both named Pete Wrigley, along with their family, friends an...
Recess (1997 - 2001) - Recess is an American animated television series created by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere (credited as "Paul and Joe") and produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The series focuses on six elementary school students and their interaction with other classmates and teachers. The title refers...
Weinerville (1993 - 1996) - The show, a totally outrageous half-hour variety show, uses classic elements of kid's programming, which include puppeteering and interaction with a live studio audience, to entertain kids and their parents. Weinerville Productions also produces live nationally touring stage shows. Weinerville speci...
The Mask Animated Series (1995 - 1997) - Taking off from the feature film, Stanley Ipkiss is the city's (almost) unwilling defender as The Mask, the flamboyant, raucous, nigh-indestructible force of nature that plays out reality like a cartoon character (a bit ironic within the context). He opposes the various rotten elements of the city,...
Smart Guy (1997 - 1999) - Smart Guy is an American sitcom centering on the exploits of child genius T.J. Henderson (Tahj Mowry), who moves from being an elementary school student in the fourth grade to a high school student in the tenth grade, attending the same school as his two elder siblings Yvette and Marcus. Created by...
Stickin' Around (1996 - 1999) - Winner of the 1998 Gemini Award for Best Animated Series, Stickin' Around uses the advanced computer graphics of "Boiler Paint," virtually convincing us that kids are creating their own animated series. Follow best friends Stacy and Bradley as they navigate their way through their elementary school...
The Secret Of Isis (1975 - 1976) - Egyptian Queen Hatchupset Was Given An Amulet With This Amulet Empowered Her With The Powers Of The Goddess Isis To Command The Elements Of Sky And Earth, Andera Thomas Found Her Lost Amulet While On An Archaeological Dig, She Found Out That She Was The Heir To The ''Secrets Of Isis'', By Wearing Th...
The Kids from Room 402 (1999 - 2001) - This show is about real kids, doing real things and suffering real consequences at "Harding Elementary School in Anytown U.S.A.". Their problems are not imagined or fantasized. Being kids they see even the most trivial occurrences as life or death struggles. Simple issues become magnified into co...
Sky Commanders (1987 - 1987) - This series is about a group of soldiers who battle the evil General Plague and his goons, who are trying to destroy the planet. Set on a new continent deep in the South Pacific created buy a powerful and unstable new element called Phata 7. He who can control it would be the ruler of the world. Gen...
Make the Grade (1989 - 1991) - Nickelodeon game show where contestants had to answer school questions for points and "graduate school" by winning the game. Contestants sat at red, green, and blue desks and had to answer question on a 7x7 game board. Grade levels from elementary school and grades 7-12 ran across the top and six ba...
Robin of Sherwood (1984 - 1986) - Robin of Sherwood was a series based on the Robin Hood legend, but with added elements of celtic and medieval mythology and some fantasy.
Concentration (1958 - 1979) - Concentration is an American television game show based on the children's memory game of the same name. Matching cards represented prizes that contestants could win. As matching pairs of cards were gradually removed from the board, it would slowly reveal elements of a rebus puzzle that contestants h...
Drexell's Class (1991 - 1992) - An executive(Dabney Coleman)is arrested for tax evasion.He is offered probation by agreeing to teach at an elementary school,until his back taxeas are paid.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005 - 2008) - In the world exist four nations, the nations of Water, Earth, Fire and Air, along with people who can use the element of their nation to their own benefit, known as "bending", a type of martial art. The only person in the world capable of using all four elements at once is known as the Avatar, the s...
Nightmare Cafe (1992 - 1992) - Nightmare Cafe is a short-lived American telefantasy program which aired on NBC for an abridged first season from January to April 1992. While the overall tone of the program was that of a mystical fantasy, it frequently incorporated elements of dark humor, horror, and even outright comedy. A total...
Davis Rules (1991 - 1992) - A widowed,elementary school,principal raises 3 boys,with help from his silly father.The show ran for one season on ABC,and a second season on CBS.Starred Randy Quaid and Jonathan Winters.
Fangbone! (2016 - Current) - Fangbone is a nine-year-old barbarian warrior from Skullbania who has landed in Eastwood Elementary's third grade class to save his native land from the vilest villain, Venomous Drool.
My Hero Academia (2016 - Current) - The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such...
Science Court (1997 - 2000) - The half-hour program mixed courtroom drama, science experiments, and humor to teach fundamental concepts in elementary and middle school science such as the water cycle, work, matter, gravity, flight, and energy. As each case unfolded, the characters in the trial used humor to highlight scientific...
A Little Curious (1998 - 2000) - The 23-minute episodes are essentially anthologies of shorts centered on a common, easily digested theme such as "Up and Down" or "Slippery." While each short draws from the same pool of characters, one unique element of the show is that each short may be produced using one of a number of animation...
The Song of Tentomushi (1974 - 1976) - (lit. "The Ladybug's Song") is manga series by Noboru Kawasaki published from 1973 to 1975 by Shogakukan in their elementary school study magazines in the Shogakukan no Gakush Zasshi series. The manga was collected in four volumes. An anime series adapted from the manga was created by Tatsunoko Pro...
Chitose Get You!! (2012 - Current) - a Japanese yonkoma manga series written and illustrated by Etsuya Mashima. A 26-episode anime television series by Silver Link aired between July 1, 2012 and December 24, elementary school girl who has a crush on Hiroshi after he allegedly rescued her. She is incredibly strong and athletic f...
Larry Smith Puppets (1969 - 1974) - (or The Larry Smith Show) was a long-running afternoon television program, seen from 1969 to 1974 on WXIX-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio, geared toward the elementary school aged crowd. It was one of many TV puppet shows created by TV personality Larry Smith and was a favorite of children in the so-called "...
Super Doll Licca-chan (1998 - 1999) - an anime television series which ran on TV Tokyo in 19981999. Kodansha also serialized a manga based on the anime series in its monthly manga magazine Nakayoshi. The story follows an ordinary elementary school girl named Licca Kayama[1][2] and the strange circumstances surrounding her origins, as w...
MythBusters (2003 - 2016) - MythBusters is a science entertainment TV program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie s...
Parpar Nechmad (1982 - 2009) - The long-running Israeli children's television program, aimed mainly at pre-schoolers. This show uses some elements from other shows like "Mister Rogers Neighborhood", "Reading Rainbow" and "Captain Kangaroo"
Hero Elementary (2020 - Current) - Spark's Crew to the Rescue
The Fifth Element(1997) - It's the year 2257 and a taxi driver has been unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity. The Fifth Element is filmed in a futuristic metropolitan city and in a French comic book asthetic by a controversial British, French a...
Kindergarten Cop(1990) - LAPD Detective John Kimble (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is on the trail of drug lord Cullen Crisp (Richard Tyson). In order to convict Crisp, the police need the testimony of his ex-wife (Penelope Ann Miller). They track her to an elementary school in Oregon, and when John's partner falls ill, he is fo...
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood(1996) - Much as Keenen Ivory Wayans' I'm Gonna Git You Sucka parodied the basic elements of 70's blaxploitation pictures, this film written by and starring his younger brothers Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans pokes fun at the gritty "reality check" films of the 1990's, such as Boyz N The Hood, Menace II Soci...
The Adventures of Mark Twain(1986) - Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the Human Race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet a...
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys(1993) - Full Moon Entertainment Charles Band's direct-to-video outfit tosses together elements from three of its film franchises for this loopy mix & match item. Tracy Scoggins returns as tough cop Judith Grey, who must confront the lethal, wise-cracking terror toys again when they reappear at t...
Fortress(1993) - Elements of Orwellian science-fiction and old-fashioned prison dramas are combined in this futuristic action film, as an unjustly imprisoned couple attempts to escape from a high-tech jail known as The Fortress. The Fortress is the tool of a repressive government, an imposing, computerized hell, fea...
eXistenZ(1999) - Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg, who has long been fascinated by the ways new technology shapes and manipulates the human beings who believe they are its masters, is in familiar territory with eXistenZ, a futuristic thriller which combines elements of science fiction, horror and action-adventure...
Dead Heat(1988) - Although many genre filmmakers have managed to blend horror and humor with great success, movies employing this formula often run the risk of both elements canceling each other out, resulting in a horror comedy that is neither scary nor funny. Alas, Dead Heat is a textbook example of this kind of fa...
The Raccoons and the Lost Star(1983) - The Raccoons and the Lost Star was a precursor to the critically-acclaimed animated series The Raccoons and debuted in 1983. It came after the first Raccoons seasonal specials, which were The Christmas Raccoons in 1980 and The Raccoons on Ice in 1981. There are some thematic elements that don't exis...
Salsa(1988) - In a nightly escape from his day job as a mechanic, Rico (Robby Rosa) enters his true element: the wild exuberance of the East L.A. "La Luna" salsa club. Dreaming of making himself and Vicky (Angela Alvarado), his girlfriend the "King and Queen of Salsa," Rico pours all his energy into winning La Lu...
Days Of Thunder(1990) - The Top Gun team of producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, director Tony Scott, and superstar Tom Cruise reunite for this excursion into stock-car racing that incorporates the vroom and rumble of deafening car engines with a rehash of the same elements that worked so effectively in Cruise's To...
Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis(2001) - Metropolis ( Metoroporisu) is a 2001 anime film loosely based on the 1949 Metropolis manga created by Osamu Tezuka, itself inspired by the 1927 German silent film (was directed by Fritz Lang) of the same name, though the two do not share plot elements. The anime, however, does draw aspects of...
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut(2006) - Reconstructed Using Archival Film And Archival Sound Elements, This Version Puts Together Footage That Was Shot By Richard Donner As Originally Conceived And Originally Intended.
McQ(1974) - Police Lieutenant Lon McQ investigates the killing of his best friend and uncovers corrupt elements of the police department dealing in confiscated drugs.
Scream Greats Vol. 2: Satanism And Witchcraft(1986) - Documentary tracks the rise of devil cults, witches and other elements of the "black arts."
The Courage Of Kavik, The Wolf Dog(1980) - A boy and his sled dog fight against the elements.
Summer School Teachers(1974) - This was a Roger Corman-produced sex comedy with dramatic and thriller elements.
Footloose (2011)(2011) - This movie is a remake of the 80s favorite. Many elements from the original are included, like several soundtrack songs, and many scenes. Other elements have been changed (like where Ren comes from). Basically, it's more of the same.
The American Mall(2008) - Produced by the same team behind Disney's High School Musical film series, The American Mall is conceptually very similar, as it focuses on several teenage characters and their daily struggles, with comic elements and musical numbers. The central plot thread of the film is that the two main characte...
Transformers: Dark of the Moon(2011) - The film's story is set three years after the events of the second film, with the Autobots, during their collaboration with the NEST (Networked Elements: Supporters and Transformers) military force, discovering a hidden alien technology in possession of humans, which had been found by Apollo 11 on t...
Terminator Salvation(2009) - The fourth installment in the Terminator film series. In a departure from the previous installments, which were set between 1984 and 2004 and used time travel as a key plot element, Salvation is set in 2018 and focuses on the war between Skynet and humanity, with the human Resistance fighting agains...
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls(2013) - Twilight Sparkle's crown the Element of Magic gets stolen by Princess Celestria's former student Sunset Shimmer. Twilight (with Spike in tow) enters through a mirror portal to another dimension where everypony she knows including her friends are humans and becomes one herself. Twilight has little ti...
Our Friend, Martin(1998) - DIC Entertainment has crafted Martin Luther King in animation for black (& white) people with real-life-inspired time-travel elements, Motown recording artists and archival footage of the real Dr. King (including his "I Have a Dream" speech).
Frozen II(2019) - Three years after the first film, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. They set out to find the origin of Elsa's powers in order to save their kingdom when an accident causes the other elemental powers of the world to...
Karatix(1986) - Tiana Alexandra (the only woman to be trained by Bruce Lee) is the innovator of KARATIX, a unique exercise and self-defense training program. It combines elements of dance and combat art disciplines to develop self defense skills which the beginner can learn at home through regular practice. Tiana A... -- Sci-Fi, Shounen
Alfred Hitchcock Presents ::: TV-14 | 25min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19551962) -- Series of unrelated short stories covering elements of crime, horror, drama, and comedy about people of different backgrounds committing murders, suicides, thefts, and other sorts of crime caused by certain motivations, perceived or not. Stars:
A Simple Favor (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | 14 September 2018 (USA) -- Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to investigate. Director: Paul Feig Writers:
Atomised (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- Elementarteilchen (original title) -- Atomised Poster Two half brothers in Berlin, 30+, one an introverted scientist, the other a sexually frustrated teacher, have no love life. That's about to change. Director: Oskar Roehler Writers: Michel Houellebecq (novel), Oskar Roehler
Avatar: The Last Airbender ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2005-2008) Episode Guide 62 episodes Avatar: The Last Airbender Poster -- In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world. Creators:
Avatar: The Last Airbender ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20052008) -- In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world. Creators:
Believe ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2014) -- A relationship forms between a gifted young girl and a man sprung from prison who has been tasked with protecting her from the evil elements that hunt her power. Creators:
Big Little Lies ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20172019) -- The apparently perfect lives of upper-class mothers, at a prestigious elementary school, unravel to the point of murder when a single-mother moves to their quaint Californian beach town. Creator:
Elementary ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20122019) -- A modern take on the cases of Sherlock Holmes, with the detective now living in New York City. Creator: Robert Doherty
Fog Hill of Five Elements ::: 28min | Animation | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 3 episodes Fog Hill of Five Elements Poster A legend tells that a long time ago, monsters could give the ability to certain elected officials to master the five elements. But for that, you have to go through the dangerous foggy ... S Add to Watchlist Reviews 5 user
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic ::: TV-Y | 22min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20102020) -- After learning that her friends, as well as herself, are the magical Elements of Harmony, studious unicorn Twilight Sparkle is sent by her mentor, Princess Celestia, to Ponyville to study the magic of friendship with help from her friends. Creators:
Rififi (1955) ::: 8.1/10 -- Du rififi chez les hommes (original title) -- Rififi Poster -- Four men plan a technically perfect crime, but the human element intervenes... Director: Jules Dassin Writers:
School of Rock (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- The School of Rock (original title) -- School of Rock Poster -- After being kicked out of his rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher of an uptight elementary private school, only to try and turn his class into a rock band. Director: Richard Linklater Writer:
Smart Guy ::: TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Series (19971999) -- A 10-year-old genius goes from elementary school to high school. Creators: Danny Kallis, Brian Suskind
Teachers ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162019) -- Teachers show their hilariously warped perspective as six elementary school educators trying to mold young minds, even though their own lives aren't really together. Creator:
The Element of Crime (1984) ::: 6.8/10 -- Forbrydelsens element (original title) -- The Element of Crime Poster A cop in a dystopian Europe investigates a serial killings suspect using controversial methods written by his now disgraced former mentor. Director: Lars von Trier (as Lars Von Trier) Writers: Niels Vrsel, William Quarshie (dialogue translation) | 2 more credits
The Fifth Element (1997) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 9 May 1997 (USA) -- In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr. Zorg at bay. Director: Luc Besson Writers:
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi | September 2001 (USA) -- A bad scientist and wife, a mad scientist and skeleton, two aliens and their escaped pet are all searching for the elusive element "atmospherium". Director: Larry Blamire Writer:
The Mountain Between Us (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow-covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a perilous journey across the wilderness. Director: Hany Abu-Assad Writers:
The Prophecy (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1 September 1995 (USA) -- At the scene of a bizarre murder, L.A. homicide detective Thomas Dagget discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now being fulfilled on earth. In his fight to stop the forces of evil, he finds an unlikely ally in an elementary school teacher. Director: Gregory Widen Writer:
The Rare Breed (1966) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 37min | Western | 25 February 1966 (Italy) -- An English woman and her daughter enlist the aid of a cowboy to try and get their hardy hornless bull to mate with the longhorns of Texas, but have to overcome greedy criminals and the natural elements. Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Writer:
W.I.T.C.H. ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20042006) Five teenage girls learn that they have been chosen to guard the walls between parallel universes. For this purpose, they have been given the powers of the elements. Stars: Kelly Stables, Candi Milo, Liza Del Mundo
W.I.T.C.H. ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2004 ) Five teenage girls learn that they have been chosen to guard the walls between parallel universes. For this purpose, they have been given the powers of the elements. Stars: Kelly Stables, Candi Milo, Liza Del Mundo
Wonder (2017) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Drama, Family | 17 November 2017 (USA) -- Based on the New York Times bestseller, this movie tells the incredibly inspiring and heartwarming story of August Pullman, a boy with facial differences who enters the fifth grade, attending a mainstream elementary school for the first time. Director: Stephen Chbosky Writers:,_Part_2:_The_Elemental_Orbs,_the_Fire_Elemental,_the_Earth_Elemental,_the_Ice_Elemental,_the_Air_Elemental's_Elements's_Elemental_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Lava_Elemental's_Drape'For_Better_or_for_Worse:_the_Hilarious_Story_Shorts':_Becky_the_Whistler_(April_and_Becky's_Elementary_School_Years)'s_Elemental's_Companion,_10'_radius,_10'_radius's_Law_of_Elemental_Transfiguration'_Crew,_Devices,_Elements,_Features,_and_Ornamentations,_ARUNDEL,_Dear_Data_(episode),_Dear_Data's_Elemental_Dragon's_General_Store:_Master_the_Elements,_Heavy_Weapons_and_Unstable_Elements,_My_Dear_Sheila_(short_story)
Aoi Hana -- -- J.C.Staff -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Romance Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Aoi Hana Aoi Hana -- Shy and soft-spoken Fumi Manjoume and upfront and caring Akira Okudaira were best friends in elementary school, but this changed when Fumi and her family moved away. Years later, Fumi moves back to her hometown after being accepted at Matsuoka Girls’ High School. She finally reunites with Akira, who is going to attend Fujigatani Girls’ Academy. Despite their reunion, their relationship isn't the same as it was years ago. -- -- As soon as Fumi starts attending school, popular senior Yasuko Sugimoto takes notice of her and flatters her more than any other underclassmen. After running to Akira for help so many times before, Fumi must figure out who she is as a person instead of standing in someone else’s shadow. However, that doesn’t stop Akira from wanting her friendship with Fumi to be as it once was. Will the girls be able to conquer the high school stage of growing up before it pulls them apart? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 80,907 7.14
Boku no Hero Academia -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Hero Academia -- The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual. -- -- Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor! -- -- Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,093,393 8.06
Capeta -- -- Studio Comet -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Cars Sports Shounen -- Capeta Capeta -- After losing his mother at a very young age, elementary school student Capeta Taira is forced to become more independent to avoid his father worrying for him. Working in a paving company, his father is often busy and has to work overtime to make ends meet. However, no matter how tough he acts in front of his father, Capeta is ultimately just a lonely kid with a rough life. In addition to his typical house duties, he has to deal with the bully Nobu Andou which makes him feel worse, despite support from his classmate, Monami Suzuki. -- -- One day, Capeta's father sees young go-kart drivers racing at high speeds and gets inspired by the scene. He then decides to collect scrapped parts available on the track and begins working on a gift for his son. Meanwhile, Capeta and Monami sneak into his workplace, suspecting that his father is up to something. Much to their surprise, they see a go-kart built from discarded parts—with Capeta's name attached to it! Although it lacks an engine and looks worn out, the kart is mostly complete and functional. -- -- Despite the heavy rain, Capeta cannot resist the urge to try out this new machinery. As he drives the kart downhill on a wet road, an incident that is almost a dangerous accident instead becomes a thrilling obsession. No longer bored with life, the engine of Capeta's heart is ignited with a new passion as he journeys into the world of racing. -- -- 20,851 7.82
Captain Tsubasa (2018) -- -- David Production -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Captain Tsubasa (2018) Captain Tsubasa (2018) -- Captain Tsubasa is the passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing football at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. -- -- In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd. -- -- He encounters not only rivals, but also new friends like the pretty girl Sanae Nakazawa and the talented goalkeeper, Genzo Wakabayashi, who shares the same passion as Tsubasa, and will prove to be a treasured friend in helping him push towards his dreams. Representing Japan in the FIFA World Cup is Tsubasa’s ultimate dream, but it will take a lot more than talent to reach it. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 55,697 7.41
Captain Tsubasa -- -- Tsuchida Productions -- 128 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Sports -- Captain Tsubasa Captain Tsubasa -- Captain Tsubasa is the passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora started playing soccer at a very young age, and while it was mostly just a recreational sport for his friends, for him, it developed into something of an obsession. -- -- In order to pursue his dream to the best of his elementary school abilities, Tsubasa moves with his mother to Nankatsu city, which is well-known for its excellent elementary school soccer teams. But although he was easily the best in his old town, Nankatsu has a lot more competition, and he will need all of his skill and talent in order to stand out from this new crowd. -- -- He encounters not only rivals, but also new friends like the pretty girl Sanae Nakazawa and the talented goalkeeper, Genzo Wakabayashi, who shares the same passion as Tsubasa, and will prove to be a treasured friend in helping him push towards his dreams. Representing Japan in the FIFA World Cup is Tsubasa’s ultimate dream, but it will take a lot more than talent to reach it. -- TV - Oct 13, 1983 -- 67,893 7.30
Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Centaur no Nayami -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy School Seinen -- Centaur no Nayami Centaur no Nayami -- Himeno is a sweet, shy little centaur girl. In her world, everyone seems to be a supernatural creature, and all her classmates have some kind of horns, wings, tails, halos, or other visible supernatural body part. Despite their supernatural elements, Himeno and her best friends, Nozomi and Kyouko, have a fun and mostly normal daily school life! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 73,634 6.47
Centaur no Nayami -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy School Seinen -- Centaur no Nayami Centaur no Nayami -- Himeno is a sweet, shy little centaur girl. In her world, everyone seems to be a supernatural creature, and all her classmates have some kind of horns, wings, tails, halos, or other visible supernatural body part. Despite their supernatural elements, Himeno and her best friends, Nozomi and Kyouko, have a fun and mostly normal daily school life! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 73,634 6.47
Chainsaw Man -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Shounen -- Chainsaw Man Chainsaw Man -- Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash. -- -- Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji's dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams. -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 67,759 N/A -- -- Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Chibi Maruko-chan -- -- Nippon Animation -- 142 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life Shoujo -- Chibi Maruko-chan Chibi Maruko-chan -- Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called "Chibi Maruko-chan" due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister in a little town. In school, she has many friends with whom she studies and plays together everyday, including her close pal, Tama-chan; the student committee members, Maruo-kun and Migiwa-san; and the B-class trio: 'little master' Hanawa-kun, Hamaji-Bu Taro and Sekiguchi-kun. This is a fun-loving and enjoyable anime that portrays the simple things in life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 7, 1990 -- 9,568 7.62
Chihayafuru -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru Chihayafuru -- Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. -- -- Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2011 -- 361,019 8.23
Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Horror -- Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- Behind the colorful curtains and extravagant performances, there lies the dark side of a circus life, hidden away from the smiles and praises of the audience. Set in early 20th century Japan, Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki highlights the misdeeds that occur in circus camps. -- -- Midori was an innocent young girl who enjoyed her life as an elementary student to the fullest. However, everything changed after her mother fell ill. Eventually, Midori is forced to stop going to school and, instead, sells flowers in the city. When her mother dies tragically, Midori meets a stranger who leads her towards the circus. What awaits her will change her life forever... -- -- In a life where nothing seems to go right, will Midori lose faith and give up? Or will she manage to stay strong in hopes of a better future? -- Movie - May 2, 1992 -- 37,169 5.08
Corpse Party: Missing Footage -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Horror School -- Corpse Party: Missing Footage Corpse Party: Missing Footage -- Someday a group of classmates will perform a charm at night after school—the Happy Sachiko charm. This paper doll ritual is meant to make them stay friends forever, but performing it incorrectly will lead them to be dragged down into a dilapidated phantom of Tenjin Elementary School, which had been torn down years ago. Trapped until they can reunite and perform the charm correctly, the students will have to solve the mystery of the haunted school in order to make it out alive. -- -- Before that ill-fated event, however, the friends led ordinary lives. Corpse Party: Missing Footage reveals an insight into the students' lives on the day before they were thrust into a waking nightmare. -- -- OVA - Aug 2, 2012 -- 116,039 6.05
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou -- -- Asread -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou -- Nine students gather in their high school at night to bid farewell to a friend. As is customary among many high school students, they perform a sort of ritual for them to remain friends forever, using small paper charms shaped like dolls. -- -- However, the students do not realize that these charms are connected to Heavenly Host Academy—an elementary school that was destroyed years ago after a series of gruesome murders took place, a school that rests under the foundation of their very own Kisaragi Academy. Now, trapped in an alternate dimension with vengeful ghosts of the past, the students must work together to escape—or join the spirits of the damned forever. -- -- A feast for mystery fanatics, gore-hounds, and horror fans alike, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou shows a sobering look at redemption, sacrifice, and how the past is always right behind, sometimes a little too close for comfort. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jul 24, 2013 -- 296,149 6.55
Cutey Honey -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi School -- Cutey Honey Cutey Honey -- One day, Honey Kisaragi's a trendy, class-cutting Catholic schoolgirl. The next, her father's been murdered by demonic divas from a dastardly organization called Panther Claw. When his dying message reveals that she's an android, Honey uses the transformative power of the Atmospheric Element Solidifier - the very thing Panther Claw wanted to steal - to seek revenge against the shadowy clan. Can Honey fight her way up Panther Claw's ranks to defeat its leader, the sinister Sister Jill while managing to escape the watchful eyes of Miss Histler, her school's headmistress? -- -- Aided by journalist Hayami Seiji, his ninja father, and his lady-loving grade school brother, Honey sometimes appears as a racecar driver, sometimes as a glamorous model, and sometimes as a beggar, but her true identity is none other than the warrior of love, Cutie Honey! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 13,432 6.44
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,059 5.42
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 16,059 5.42
Divine Gate -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Divine Gate Divine Gate -- The legend of the Divine Gate is a story told to young children that depicts the merging of the living world, the heavens, and the underworld. "Adapters"—people born with unique elemental abilities gifted to them from the union of these worlds—formed the World Council, an organization which controls the chaos of the Gate by portraying its legend as nothing more than a myth. These Adapters train in a special academy owned by the World Council that allows the students to hone their skills. -- -- Aoto, a teenage boy with exceptional water powers and a tragic past, rejects the offer to join the academy numerous times—until he is successfully pressured by the energetic wind user Midori and stubborn fire user Akane. Together, with the World Council and their mysterious leader Arthur, they seek out the Gate in the hopes of uncovering the truth. But in order to reach their goals, they must unite and overcome their own despair while dealing with behind the scene mischief. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 147,125 5.58
Dororon Enma-kun -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Dororon Enma-kun Dororon Enma-kun -- Monsters are coming to the human world from the Hell in order to get human spirits. As people's minds are getting dirty, being attracted by the dirty spirits, the monsters break the rule to go to the human world. -- -- Tsutomu, a boy who goes to Yokai Elementary School, is suddenly assaulted by monsters. Those who save him from the monsters are Enma-kun, the son of Enma, Yukiko, a snow woman, and Kapaeru. They are members of Monster Patrol that are sent to the human world to arrest monsters. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Oct 4, 1973 -- 3,230 6.26
Element Hunters -- -- Heewon Entertainment, NHK Enterprises -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Shounen -- Element Hunters Element Hunters -- In 2029, a large scale ground sinkage occurred in the Mediterranean Sea. Chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, and cobalt disappeared from the earth's crust suddenly. The human population was decreased by 90% in sixty years. Researchers found out that the disappeared elements were drained into a planet "Nega Earth", located in another dimension. To save the Earth, a special team called the "Element Hunters" is organized. All of the members are under 13 years old, because young and flexible brains are needed to access "Nega Earth". -- 12,090 6.64
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- Waking up to find herself in a parallel version of Fuyuki City, Illyasviel "Illya" von Einzbern is lost and alone. She discovers her home in ruins, with a massive crater lying in the center of her hometown. With snow falling in the middle of summer, confusion consumes the young elementary schooler, who has no knowledge of where her friends or her wand Ruby may be. -- -- Making it to the remains of her house, she is suddenly tackled by an amnesiac girl. Wearing a gym uniform as the icy temperature sets in, the mysterious girl has no idea of where she is or why she showed up. However, this stranger, known as Tanaka, apparently has information about the location of Rin Toosaka, Miyu Edelfelt, and the rest of Illya's missing friends. -- -- Fleeing from agents of the Ainsworth family⁠—those in control of this parallel realm—where will these two end up, and how will Illya restore the present back to the world she once knew? -- -- 96,521 7.55
Free! -- -- Animation Do, Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Drama School -- Free! Free! -- Haruka Nanase has a love for water and a passion for swimming. In elementary school, he competed in and won a relay race with his three friends Rin Matsuoka, Nagisa Hazuki, and Makoto Tachibana. After claiming victory at the tournament, the four friends went their separate ways. Years later, they reunite as high school students; however, Rin couldn't care less about returning to the way things used to be. Not only does he attend a different school, but the sole thing important to him is proving that he is a better swimmer than Haruka. -- -- After the bitter reunion, Haruka, Nagisa, and Makoto decide to form the Iwatobi High School Swim Club, but they will need a fourth member if they hope to take part in the upcoming tournament. Enter Rei Ryuugazaki, a former member of the track team whom Nagisa recruits. As the time to compete draws near, the four develop a close bond while training intensely to come out on top and settle things between Haruka and Rin once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media, Funimation -- 616,928 7.37
Gantz 2nd Stage -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Ecchi -- Gantz 2nd Stage Gantz 2nd Stage -- Kurono Kei and his ex-elementary school classmate, Kato Masaru have survived the first two ordeals that the unknown black sphere Gantz has sent them through. Exploding body parts, struggling to stay alive till the last seconds and seeing your fellow comrades fall in a pile of blood and gore are norm to them now. They are aware now that Gantz can call them up along with any new deeds, at any time for another confrontation with aliens. -- -- Will Kato's experiences in the Gantz world give him the same courage in the real world? With fellow veteran Gantzer Kei Kishimoto currently staying at Kurono's home as his "adopted pet", can Kurono stave off his growing lust for her mammaries? -- -- What the heck is Gantz? -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Aug 26, 2004 -- 138,168 7.08
Gantz 2nd Stage -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Ecchi -- Gantz 2nd Stage Gantz 2nd Stage -- Kurono Kei and his ex-elementary school classmate, Kato Masaru have survived the first two ordeals that the unknown black sphere Gantz has sent them through. Exploding body parts, struggling to stay alive till the last seconds and seeing your fellow comrades fall in a pile of blood and gore are norm to them now. They are aware now that Gantz can call them up along with any new deeds, at any time for another confrontation with aliens. -- -- Will Kato's experiences in the Gantz world give him the same courage in the real world? With fellow veteran Gantzer Kei Kishimoto currently staying at Kurono's home as his "adopted pet", can Kurono stave off his growing lust for her mammaries? -- -- What the heck is Gantz? -- -- (Source: -- TV - Aug 26, 2004 -- 138,168 7.08
Gear Fighter Dendoh -- -- Sunrise -- 38 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Mecha School Sci-Fi Space -- Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Fighter Dendoh -- The story takes place in the future where war machines from evil mechanical alien empire Garufa finally reaches Earth. In order to protect earth, an Earth defense organization called GEAR (Guard Earth and Advanced Reconnaissance) is formed. GEAR has an ultimate weapon in a form of war mecha, GEAR Fighter Dendoh, which is piloted by two elementary school students, namely Kusanagi Hokuto and Izumo Ginga. Can the friendship between Hokuto and Ginga unleashed the full potential power of Dendoh in order to fight Garufa? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- 2,728 7.17
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Magic -- Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- Akari Taiyou is an apprentice fortune teller living with her aunt, uncle, and their daughter Fuyuna. Having lost her mother at a young age, the only thing Akari has left of her is a deck of tarot cards and a dream to follow in her footsteps as a fortune teller. -- -- One night, Akari has a dream of being attacked by a plant monster and witnesses a stronger version of herself defeat it. When she awakens, she discovers to her horror that the monster was actually Fuyuna. But mysteriously, Akari and her relatives soon forget Fuyuna ever existed. After another close encounter with a similar monster, she is rescued by three magical girls: Ginka Shirokane, Seira Hoshikawa, and Luna Tsukuyomi. They explain that they are from the Sefiro Fiore organization, which uses Elemental Tarot power to fight the evil creatures known as "Daemonia." -- -- Akari discovers she too is a magical girl and has inherited her mother's power of The Sun card. However, she comes to realize Daemonia are actually people who have been possessed, and she must decide whether to try to save what is left of their humanity or to wipe them from existence. As Akari comes to terms with her grim duty of protecting the world from Daemonia, the bonds of the organization and that of their team will soon be strained when they deal with grave threats from the outside and from within. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 48,475 6.42
Haitai Nanafa -- -- Passione -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural -- Haitai Nanafa Haitai Nanafa -- Nanafa Kyan lives in Okinawa with her grandmother who runs the "Kame Soba" soba shop, her beautiful older sister Nao who is in high school, and her younger sister Kokona, who is in elementary school and has a strong ability to sense the supernatural. -- -- One day, Nanafa witnesses a seal fall off of a Chinese banyan tree, and three spirits who live in that tree are unleashed. These spirits include Niina and Raana, who are "jimunaa" spirits. The third spirit is Iina, who is an incarnation of an Okinawan lion statue. As spirits start appearing one after another, the peaceful life of Nanafa and her family begins to change. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 9,387 5.97
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/A -- -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Hero Bank -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 51 eps -- Game -- Game Kids -- Hero Bank Hero Bank -- In Big Money City, players participate in "Hero Battles" using Bankfon Gs, which allows them to rent powerful hero suits and fight battles against other players, receiving power boosts from the system's public domain feature. Kaito Goushou, a young elementary school student who is always eager to help others, ends up hastily signing a contract to rent the powerful unlisted hero suit, "Enter the Gold," from a mysteriously seedy priest named Sennen; however, he soon learns that the suit comes with a debt of 10 billion yen, and Kaito must now clear his dues by winning Hero Battles. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 7, 2014 -- 2,596 6.03
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu -- -- C2C -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu -- Many of us know what it is like to transition to a new school with few to no friends in a new environment, going through the arduous process of getting to know people again. Bocchi Hitori knows this struggle all too well, having just graduated from elementary school and thrown into middle school. Unfortunately, she suffers from extreme social anxiety: she faints when overwhelmed, vomits when nervous, and draws up ridiculously convoluted plans to avoid social contact. It does not help that her only friend from elementary school, Kai Yawara, will not be attending the same middle school as Bocchi. However, wanting to help her, Kai severs ties with Bocchi and promises to reconcile with her when she befriends all of her classmates in her new middle school class. -- -- Even though Bocchi has no faith in herself, she is determined to be friends with Kai again. Summoning all of her courage, Bocchi takes on the daunting challenge of making friends with her entire class, starting with the delinquent-looking girl sitting in front of her... -- -- 152,537 7.50
Ichigo 100% OVA -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Shounen -- Ichigo 100% OVA Ichigo 100% OVA -- Further continuation from the Ichigo 100% TV series. Four episodes in length, comprised mostly of side-story elements such as a Spring Festival featuring Cosplay, Junpei's adventure to return a notebook to Yui's friend who atteneds the All-Girl Oumi Academy, summer work at Sawayaka to help cover production costs and last, but not least.. the Strawberry 'Pantsu' Invaders. This OVA features two new characters. -- -- (Note: Best if viewed after the Jump Festa 2004 OVA, or in other words.. "last", but could be substituted and watched prior to the Jump Festa OVA.) -- OVA - Jun 20, 2005 -- 24,686 6.90
Ingress the Animation -- -- Craftar Studios -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Mystery -- Ingress the Animation Ingress the Animation -- A project was launched where scientists discovered a mysterious substance that can interface directly with the human brain. This substance, called "Exotic Matter (XM)," has existed since ancient times, influencing human minds and the progress of humanity. In the wake of this discovery, a battle of powerful nations and corporate giants has been unleashed. Organizations across the globe have embarked on a secret race to exploit XM. It represents both an opportunity and a threat to humanity. Two Factions seeks to control the XM. The Enlightened view XM's power as a gift that enhances human experience and discovery. The Resistance sees XM as a hostile takeover of the human mind, choosing technology as humanity's best path forward. XM, and the mystery behind it lie at the center of this battle for the fate of humanity. -- -- 2018—Now, a new struggle is about to unfold in Tokyo and across the globe. Dangerous and powerful forces seeking to exploit the potential of XM will collide. This groundbreaking project will mark the beginning of an epic augmented-reality experience combining the three elements of animation, location-based gaming, and the real world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Oct 18, 2018 -- 22,463 6.36
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- During a Literature Club meeting, the four club members—along with their faculty adviser's niece—suddenly find themselves with supernatural powers. Now capable of fabricating black flames, resident chuunibyou Jurai Andou is the most ecstatic about their new abilities; unfortunately, his own is only for show and unable to accomplish anything of substance. Moreover, he is completely outclassed by those around him: fellow club member Tomoyo Kanzaki manipulates time, Jurai's childhood friend Hatoko Kushikawa wields control over the five elements, club president Sayumi Takanashi can repair both inanimate objects and living things, and their adviser's niece Chifuyu Himeki is able to create objects out of thin air. -- -- However, while the mystery of why they received these powers looms overhead, very little has changed for the Literature Club. The everyday lives of these five superpowered students continue on, albeit now tinged with the supernatural. -- -- 333,922 7.12
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- During a Literature Club meeting, the four club members—along with their faculty adviser's niece—suddenly find themselves with supernatural powers. Now capable of fabricating black flames, resident chuunibyou Jurai Andou is the most ecstatic about their new abilities; unfortunately, his own is only for show and unable to accomplish anything of substance. Moreover, he is completely outclassed by those around him: fellow club member Tomoyo Kanzaki manipulates time, Jurai's childhood friend Hatoko Kushikawa wields control over the five elements, club president Sayumi Takanashi can repair both inanimate objects and living things, and their adviser's niece Chifuyu Himeki is able to create objects out of thin air. -- -- However, while the mystery of why they received these powers looms overhead, very little has changed for the Literature Club. The everyday lives of these five superpowered students continue on, albeit now tinged with the supernatural. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 333,922 7.12
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/ARunway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 3rd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Romance School Seinen -- Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 3rd Season Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 3rd Season -- Third season of Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 138,754 N/AGantz 2nd Stage -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Ecchi -- Gantz 2nd Stage Gantz 2nd Stage -- Kurono Kei and his ex-elementary school classmate, Kato Masaru have survived the first two ordeals that the unknown black sphere Gantz has sent them through. Exploding body parts, struggling to stay alive till the last seconds and seeing your fellow comrades fall in a pile of blood and gore are norm to them now. They are aware now that Gantz can call them up along with any new deeds, at any time for another confrontation with aliens. -- -- Will Kato's experiences in the Gantz world give him the same courage in the real world? With fellow veteran Gantzer Kei Kishimoto currently staying at Kurono's home as his "adopted pet", can Kurono stave off his growing lust for her mammaries? -- -- What the heck is Gantz? -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Aug 26, 2004 -- 138,168 7.08
Koe no Katachi -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama School Shounen -- Koe no Katachi Koe no Katachi -- As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye. -- -- Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still plagued by his wrongdoings as a young boy. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he sets out on a journey of redemption: to meet Shouko once more and make amends. -- -- Koe no Katachi tells the heartwarming tale of Shouya's reunion with Shouko and his honest attempts to redeem himself, all while being continually haunted by the shadows of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts, NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 17, 2016 -- 1,504,877 8.99
Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki -- A young girl named Ange is summoned to a Sacred Land and is chosen as the Legendary Etoile, whose mission is to save the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast, which has recently fallen under a crisis. With the support of nine Guardians (who have the power of nine elements), she embarks on a journey to save the dying land of the Holy Beast and to discover her true self. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 8, 2006 -- 10,135 6.87
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Police Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission -- The premise of the story: "Snatch the rebel elements' secret data using the Surface! There is a leak saying that the giant coporation Ishimiya Industry will commit an act of international terrorism, and Motoko Kusanagi and the Armored Riot Police head out to seize the plug data!" -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- A short animation for promoting Microsoft's Surface tablet in Japan. -- Special - Jun 4, 2013 -- 10,203 6.53
Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Super Power -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver -- The plot of this OVA is a rough adaptation of the first four chapters of the Guyver manga. It covers the same basic elements of these chapters; Genesis of the guyver, Fight with Vamore, Fight with Guyver 2 and the introduction of Guyver 3. Main differences are the exclusion of Tetsuro and his replacement by Mizuki, The replacement of Lisker with a female Agent "Valcuria", and thus a female Guyver 2. There is also a look at Sho's psychology of how he deals with his situation including a very harsh moment where his friends are assassinated in cold blood. -- -- One night, high school student Sho Fukamachi discovers a mysterious metal object. Then in a blinding flash of light, Sho finds that he has accidentally fused with the Guyver, a mecha of mysterious alien design. -- -- Now, to save his girlfriend, Mizuki Segawa, along with the entire world, Sho must become the Guyver to fight the Chronos Corporation and their biocreatures, called Zoanoids, who are hell-bent on world domination. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Dec 13, 1986 -- 5,349 6.24
Log Horizon -- -- Satelight -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon Log Horizon -- In the blink of an eye, thirty thousand bewildered Japanese gamers are whisked from their everyday lives into the world of the popular MMORPG, Elder Tale, after the game's latest update—unable to log out. Among them is the socially awkward college student Shiroe, whose confusion and shock lasts only a moment as, a veteran of the game, he immediately sets out to explore the limits of his new reality. -- -- Shiroe must learn to live in this new world, leading others and negotiating with the NPC "natives" in order to bring stability to the virtual city of Akihabara. He is joined by his unfortunate friend Naotsugu, having logged in for the first time in years only to find himself trapped, and Akatsuki, a petite but fierce assassin who labels Shiroe as her master. A tale of fantasy, adventure, and politics, Log Horizon explores the elements of gaming through the eyes of a master strategist who attempts to make the best of a puzzling situation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 907,271 7.99
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Magic Comedy Sci-Fi Drama -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's -- Six months have passed since the events in the previous movie. Fate has returned to Uminari City with Lindy as her legal guardian and is living the life of a normal elementary schoolgirl along with Nanoha and her friends. The reunion between the two new-found friends is cut short, however, when they are assaulted by four ancient magic users who identify themselves as the Wolkenritter. As the motives behind the actions of the Wolkenritter become clear, Nanoha and Fate find themselves in a race against time to stop the reactivation of a highly dangerous artifact known as The Book of Darkness. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 14, 2012 -- 20,824 8.17
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid -- The series takes place four years after the events of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, during which, magical girl Nanoha Takamachi rescued and adopted a young girl named Vivio, who is the reincarnation of the Sankt Kaiser, Olivie Segbrecht. After entering her fourth year of elementary school, Vivio is given her own intelligence device, Sacred Heart, and gains the power to transform using her adult Sankt Kaiser mode. She soon comes across a girl named Einhart Stratos who, similar to Vivio, is the descendant of another Sankt Kaiser ruler, Claus G.S. Ingvalt. As Einhart becomes determined to prove her fighting style is the strongest, Vivio befriends her and together with her friends, enters a martial arts tournament where they fight against various magical opponents and learn more about their past lives. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 21,958 6.73
Mai-HiME -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Mecha Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Mai-HiME Mai-HiME -- Thirteen girls, each with the ability to materialize "Elements" and summon metallic guardians called "Childs" have been brought to Fuuka Academy to battle mysterious creatures called Orphans. Each with a different personality and background, they must decide who they truly care about and why they fight. -- 102,657 7.45
Mai-HiME -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Mecha Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Mai-HiME Mai-HiME -- Thirteen girls, each with the ability to materialize "Elements" and summon metallic guardians called "Childs" have been brought to Fuuka Academy to battle mysterious creatures called Orphans. Each with a different personality and background, they must decide who they truly care about and why they fight. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 102,657 7.45
Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- -- OLM -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- After recovering from the inner struggles he faced in the past, Daigo Shigeno continues to play baseball and is now the captain of Fuurin Private Academy Middle School's baseball team. Alongside Mutsuko Sakura, his classmate from elementary school, he aims to lead the team to glory. However, due to unexpected circumstances, Fuurin's baseball team is left with only six members: Daigo, Mutsuko, Yayoi Sawa, Tao Sagara, Seira Kandori, and Hiromu Tanba. Left with mostly female players and lacking in experience, the team struggles to gain confidence and trust from the new recruits—Akira Nishina, Anita Kabashima, and Chisato Fujii. Facing challenges such as having no proper coach, problematic recruits, and a limited number of members, Daigo's resolution is put to the test as he tries to bring the team together in time to participate in their first ever tournament. -- -- 14,548 7.57
Medarot -- -- Bee Train -- 52 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Medarot Medarot -- Medabots—powerful robots granted artificial intelligence through special "medals"—serve at the whims of their owner. They are more commonly used in "Robbatling," a popular combat sport where two medabots face off against one another. In its professional form, Medafighters use their Medabots to qualify for the World Tournament and fight amongst the elite to gain the title of champion. -- -- Elementary schooler Ikki Tenryou has just gained his first Medabot: Metabee, an outdated model with no medal. Fortunately, however, Ikki manages to find a medal in the nearby river; but when Ikki places it into Metabee's head, the latter starts to exhibit strange behaviour. Short-tempered and rebellious, he refuses to obey Ikki's orders. However, to climb the ranks to the World Tournament, Ikki and Metabee must first learn to work together, no matter how difficult the prospect may seem… -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media, Shout! Factory -- 48,858 7.07
Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku -- -- Encourage Films, Ordet -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life -- Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku -- A spin-off of Lucky Star. Centers around big sister Hinata Miyakawa and little sister Hikage Miyakawa's impoverished daily life at home (due to Hinata's wasteful habits) and Hikage's life at elementary school. -- ONA - Apr 29, 2013 -- 21,043 6.52
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- 408,233 6.88
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 408,233 6.88
Nanako Kaitai Shinsho -- -- Radix -- 6 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Nanako Kaitai Shinsho Nanako Kaitai Shinsho -- Nanako is a an inept apprentice nurse to the brilliant young Dr. Kouji. Now for some reason, Nanako is always being targeted by various elements which makes Nanako wonder if she has done anything wrong. But there are certain secrets to Nanako's past that only Dr. Kouji and his family know about. -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Jul 5, 1999 -- 9,398 5.56
Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical -- Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- From the heavenly object known as the Chaos Pearl, two elements are extracted: the Spirit Pearl and the Demon Orb. In an attempt to suppress their power, the Lord of Heaven sends the Spirit Pearl to Earth to reincarnate as Ne Zha, the third son of Li Jing, while the Demon Orb is scheduled to be destroyed by a lightning strike. However, because of a conspiracy by the Dragon King to steal the Spirit Pearl for his own son, Ne Zha is instead reincarnated with the Demon Orb. -- -- With no way to remove the cursed effects of the Demon Orb, Ne Zha is raised under the belief that he will become the great demon hunter the Spirit Pearl destined for him to be. Fighting against his chaotic and mischievous nature, Ne Zha must decide whether to accept his evil fate or repel against it to prove he is worthy of the future his parents foretold. -- -- Movie - Jul 26, 2019 -- 8,578 7.66
Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e -- -- Satelight -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Slice of Life Drama -- Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e -- During their last summer of elementary school, four friends decide to undertake a test of courage at their local graveyard. Before the test begins, Haruka Kaminogi makes a last effort to pull Yuu Gotou away from his controlling mother. While doing so, Haruka suddenly has a strange vision of blue snow followed by the appearance of an imposing silver-haired man. Later, a similar vision occurs at the graveyard to both Haruka and her friends before they try to escape what they assume are ghosts. -- -- Unbeknownst to the children, the people who appeared before them are Dragon Soldiers: an elite military group from a dimension known as La'cryma. The soldiers have traveled to this dimension to secure the "Dragon Torque"—an entity they believe to be their last hope for survival. However, both the Dragon Soldiers and Haruka are shocked to learn that the Dragon Torque is Haruka herself. She attempts to escape from the Dragon Soldiers as she finds her own last ray of hope—the strange silver-haired man who claims to be another version of Yuu himself. -- -- 79,486 7.61
Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e -- -- Satelight -- 24 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Slice of Life Drama -- Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e -- During their last summer of elementary school, four friends decide to undertake a test of courage at their local graveyard. Before the test begins, Haruka Kaminogi makes a last effort to pull Yuu Gotou away from his controlling mother. While doing so, Haruka suddenly has a strange vision of blue snow followed by the appearance of an imposing silver-haired man. Later, a similar vision occurs at the graveyard to both Haruka and her friends before they try to escape what they assume are ghosts. -- -- Unbeknownst to the children, the people who appeared before them are Dragon Soldiers: an elite military group from a dimension known as La'cryma. The soldiers have traveled to this dimension to secure the "Dragon Torque"—an entity they believe to be their last hope for survival. However, both the Dragon Soldiers and Haruka are shocked to learn that the Dragon Torque is Haruka herself. She attempts to escape from the Dragon Soldiers as she finds her own last ray of hope—the strange silver-haired man who claims to be another version of Yuu himself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Manga Entertainment -- 79,486 7.61
Non Non Biyori Repeat -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Non Non Biyori Repeat Non Non Biyori Repeat -- Far from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and with only a single candy store and bus route to its name, the rural Asahigaoka is certainly not a place for everyone. Nevertheless, the village's children still manage to cheerfully spend their days exploring and having fun in the wilderness around them. One such child, Renge Miyauchi, the youngest of the group, looks forward to the entrance ceremony of the upcoming school year, signalling her entry into first grade and the beginning of her elementary school life. Attending the only school in town, Renge and her friends, seventh grader Natsumi Koshigaya and her eighth grade sister Komari, make the most out of their rural lifestyle, playing and studying everyday. -- -- Meanwhile, fifth grader Hotaru Ichijou has just moved to Asahigaoka from Tokyo, unaware of the numerous adventures and memories that await her. -- -- 150,733 8.19
Non Non Biyori Repeat -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Non Non Biyori Repeat Non Non Biyori Repeat -- Far from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and with only a single candy store and bus route to its name, the rural Asahigaoka is certainly not a place for everyone. Nevertheless, the village's children still manage to cheerfully spend their days exploring and having fun in the wilderness around them. One such child, Renge Miyauchi, the youngest of the group, looks forward to the entrance ceremony of the upcoming school year, signalling her entry into first grade and the beginning of her elementary school life. Attending the only school in town, Renge and her friends, seventh grader Natsumi Koshigaya and her eighth grade sister Komari, make the most out of their rural lifestyle, playing and studying everyday. -- -- Meanwhile, fifth grader Hotaru Ichijou has just moved to Asahigaoka from Tokyo, unaware of the numerous adventures and memories that await her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 150,733 8.19
Piano no Mori -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Music Comedy Drama School Seinen -- Piano no Mori Piano no Mori -- Piano no Mori tells the story of Shuuhei Amamiya, a transfer student, and Kai Ichinose, a problem child from the rough areas of town. Upon transferring to Moriwaki Elementary and telling the other kids about his talent for piano, Shuuhei quickly finds himself as the victim of bully Daigaku Kanehira. -- -- Daigaku dares Shuuhei to find and play a cursed piano in the forest, which leads him to meet Kai, who claims to be the owner of the piano and the only one who can play it. Intrigued, Shuuhei follows Kai to the hidden piano in the forest and listens to him play a beautiful medley. -- -- Earning the respect of not only Shuuhei but school music teacher Sousuke Ajino as well, Kai now finds himself formally learning how to play the piano. -- -- Movie - Jul 21, 2007 -- 55,993 7.66
PriPara -- -- Dongwoo A&E, Tatsunoko Production -- 140 eps -- Game -- Music Slice of Life School Shoujo -- PriPara PriPara -- Every little girl waits for the day she'll get her special ticket, one that will grant her entry into the world of PriPara (Prism Paradise). PriPara is a world of music, fashion, and daily auditions for a chance to become a pop idol. Laala Manaka's friends and classmates aspire to become idols, but her school forbids elementary school students from participating in the idol competitions. -- -- Luckily, Laala is only interested in watching the idol shows. Yet somehow despite all this, she manages to bumble her way into the PriPara world, and debut as a fresh new talent. After being told all her life that she's too loud, Laala has finally found a place where she can be as loud as she wants and sing from her heart. -- -- And not only that, but there's a possibility that she might be the legendary Prism Voice. Adventure, fashion, and music awaits as Laala climbs her way to the top, on her way to become the cutest and most beloved pop idol in the world of PriPara! -- 16,826 7.43
Pupipo! -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 15 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural School -- Pupipo! Pupipo! -- Himeji Wakaba is a 5th year elementary school student, and she has the ability to see things that others can't. They are mostly frightening evil spirits, and they tend to do bad things to people who are close to her. As a result, Wakaba has no friends and rarely smiles. On a couple of occasions, she brings home stray animals, but her parents won't let her keep them. However, they're worried about their sad, creepy daughter, so one day they decide that whatever Wakaba brings home next, they'll let her keep. -- -- The next thing she brings home is a pink monster called "Pupipo", but her parents stand by their decision and let her keep it. No one is quite sure what Pupipo is, but it protects Wakaba from the other things she sees. Pupipo also helps Wakaba make friends with an occult-obsessed transfer student and solve problems with bullying. Wakaba's life is a much better place with her pet pink monster! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 18,524 6.82
Puzzle & Dragon -- -- Studio Pierrot -- ? eps -- Game -- Game Kids -- Puzzle & Dragon Puzzle & Dragon -- The story is set in modern day Japan following the growth of the protagonist Taiga Akashi, an elementary school kid who wants to be a professional gamer someday. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 987 N/A -- -- Möbius Dust -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Game Kids -- Möbius Dust Möbius Dust -- On February 29, 2000, the Möbius meteorites fell on Earth. These meteorites brought a new form of matter known as Möbius Dust to Earth. The dust permeated Earth's atmosphere, leading to a miracle. The day the meteorites fell, nicknamed "2.29," accelerated the economic disparity in Japan.
Quanzhi Fashi -- -- Shanghai Foch Film Culture Investment -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Fantasy Magic School -- Quanzhi Fashi Quanzhi Fashi -- The aloof high schooler Mo Fan has found himself in a universe similar yet distinctly different from his own mundane one; it's a place where magic has replaced the essence of science. Here, the most capable students are taught to master the wonders of spellworking to fend off large devastating beasts that lurk in the forests surrounding the city. -- -- Like his previous life, Mo Fan remains the son of a poor laborer and the older step-brother to a crippled sister. Despite these disadvantages, he dreams of attending a magic school to become a magician—a highly respected and lucrative trade—in order to repay his father for his hard work. -- -- Mo Fan is accepted into a renowned magic institution. However, rumors spread about his poverty and lack of magical ability, labeling him as the laughing stock of the school. Nonetheless, Mo Fan manages to harness not only the powerful fire element, but also the rare lightning element! Now armed with dual abilities, what dangerous encounters will the versatile mage face? -- -- ONA - Sep 2, 2016 -- 88,810 7.27
Quanzhi Fashi II -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Magic Fantasy School -- Quanzhi Fashi II Quanzhi Fashi II -- After defeating Yu Ang at the cost of revealing his lightning element, Mo Fan has been granted seven days to train in the Underground Holy Spring, where it is said that one can greatly increase their power level. -- -- However, Mo Fan's training is abruptly cut short when fierce monsters mysteriously appear all around Bo City, something which should be impossible given the city’s border defenses. An emergency is declared, and Mo Fan is tasked with delivering the Underground Holy Spring—now condensed into a small bottle—to a special refuge zone that is protected from the havoc in the city. -- -- The path there is long, dangerous, and riddled with bloodthirsty beasts. To worsen matters, the malicious Black Order threatens to halt his advance. How will Mo Fan stop the sacred spring from falling into the wrong hands? -- -- ONA - Sep 15, 2017 -- 47,397 6.73
Robot Carnival -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Fantasy Mecha -- Robot Carnival Robot Carnival -- 9 of Japan's leading animators were asked to create a short segment that followed the theme of "Robots," for their inclusion in this film. Essentially, this "movie" is 9 short films, all independant of one another. The common element is human interaction with robots, namely the consequences of creating life with one's own hands, played in nine very different ways. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- 1: Opening (Atsuko Fukushima and Katsuhiro Otomo) -- 2: Franken's Gears (Koji Morimoto) -- 3: Deprive (Hidetoshi Omori) -- 4: Presence (Yasuomi Umetsu) -- 5: Star Light Angel (Hiroyuki Kitazume) -- 6: Cloud (Mao Lamdo) -- 7: A Tale of Two Robots (Hiroyuki Kitakubo) -- 8: Nightmare (Takashi Nakamura) -- 9: Ending (Atsuko Fukushima and Katsuhiro Otomo) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1987 -- 17,397 7.27
Ro-Kyu-Bu! -- -- Barnum Studio, Project No.9, Studio Blanc -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi School Sports -- Ro-Kyu-Bu! Ro-Kyu-Bu! -- Subaru Hasegawa has the ambition to become one of the best basketball superstars of all time. However, this comes to an apparent halt when his school's basketball team ceases activities for a year. Shocked by the news, he decides not to involve himself in basketball anymore. -- -- One day, his aunt Mihoshi Takamura invites him to coach the Keishin Academy girls’ basketball team on how to play the sport, and he reluctantly agrees. He meets sixth-graders Tomoka Minato, Maho Misawa, Airi Kashii, Hinata Hakamada and Saki Nagatsuki, and begins training them in the sport with one goal: to defeat all strong opponents along the way. -- -- Ro-Kyu-Bu! follows the effort of five elementary girls and their coach as they their cute style of playing basketball. -- -- 72,245 6.82
Runway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Runway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 85,891 7.62
Saint☆Oniisan (Movie) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Saint☆Oniisan (Movie) Saint☆Oniisan (Movie) -- What if Jesus and Buddha were living on Earth in modern times? What if they shared an apartment in Japan? Saint Young Men is a humorous manga about the daily lives of Jesus and Buddha, with each chapter focusing on some element of modern life, such as Disneyland, rush hour on the train, Christmas, the public pool, carnivals, and more. -- -- (Source: Mangafox) -- Movie - May 10, 2013 -- 73,973 7.84
Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game School Slice of Life -- Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A -- The Achiga Girls' Academy in Nara once defeated regional mahjong powerhouse Bansei High School. It advanced into the national team semifinals but lost to the eventual champion, and the mahjong club was later disbanded. -- -- Six years later, elementary school student Shizuno Takakamo befriends transfer student Nodoka Haramura. The two eventually enter Achiga Girls', but Nodoka transfers out of the school in the second year. -- -- When Shizuno sees Nodoka on television the following year as the national middle school individual mahjong champion, she decides to revive Achiga's mahjong club. -- 31,594 7.33
Seikon no Qwaser -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Ecchi Seinen -- Seikon no Qwaser Seikon no Qwaser -- When Tomo Yamanobe's father—the former headmaster of Saint Mikhailov Academy—disappeared, he left nothing behind except for a piece of art called the "icon." Soon after his disappearance, rumors of a serial killer attacking female students of the academy began to spread. -- -- As Tomo and her sister Mafuyu Oribe head home after being tormented at school, Tomo trips over an injured silver-haired boy who abruptly vanishes while being tended to. Mafuyu goes to look for him, only to discover that the church holding the icon is burning down. When she tries to save the painting, the rumored serial killer suddenly attacks her with a mysterious ability to control magnesium. Appearing out of nowhere, the silver-haired boy, who can control iron, rescues Mafuyu. -- -- Mafuyu finds out that the boy, named Alexander Nikolaevich "Sasha" Hell, is a "qwaser"—a being who is capable of controlling an element through the power of "soma," received through the act of breastfeeding. Confused by the ordeal, Mafuyu attempts to move past it with little luck, as Sasha transfers to her class the next day. What will become of Tomo and Mafuyu's normal school life with the danger of other qwasers looming close to them? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 270,286 6.43
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- On his way to Areishia Spirit Academy, Kamito Kazehaya runs into a naked Claire Rouge, a student who had been bathing as part of a purification ceremony. She had been preparing to form a contract with a powerful spirit in order to acquire more power as an "elementalist." Her efforts are wasted, however, when Kamito ends up with the spirit despite the fact that only shrine maidens can become elementalists. Yet to be discouraged, Claire then announces that Kamito must become her contracted spirit instead! -- -- After reaching the school grounds, Kamito escapes from Claire and meets Headmaster Greyworth Ciel Mais, who invites him to enroll at the academy. Although his life at Areishia will be far from easy as the only male student among the shrine princesses-in-training, he begrudgingly accepts in exchange for information about his former contracted spirit, Restia Ashdoll. Adding on to that, he also must fulfill Greyworth's main request: to win in the Blade Dance, a battle festival occurring in two months, where he will face the strongest elementalist rumored to be contracted with a darkness spirit. -- -- 293,324 6.79
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- On his way to Areishia Spirit Academy, Kamito Kazehaya runs into a naked Claire Rouge, a student who had been bathing as part of a purification ceremony. She had been preparing to form a contract with a powerful spirit in order to acquire more power as an "elementalist." Her efforts are wasted, however, when Kamito ends up with the spirit despite the fact that only shrine maidens can become elementalists. Yet to be discouraged, Claire then announces that Kamito must become her contracted spirit instead! -- -- After reaching the school grounds, Kamito escapes from Claire and meets Headmaster Greyworth Ciel Mais, who invites him to enroll at the academy. Although his life at Areishia will be far from easy as the only male student among the shrine princesses-in-training, he begrudgingly accepts in exchange for information about his former contracted spirit, Restia Ashdoll. Adding on to that, he also must fulfill Greyworth's main request: to win in the Blade Dance, a battle festival occurring in two months, where he will face the strongest elementalist rumored to be contracted with a darkness spirit. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 293,324 6.79
Seitokai Yakuindomo -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Seitokai Yakuindomo Seitokai Yakuindomo -- On his first day of high school at the formerly all-girl's Ousai Private Academy, Takatoshi Tsuda is called out for his untidy uniform by the student council president Shino Amakusa. In apology for delaying Takatoshi for his first class—and stating that the group needs a male point of view to accommodate the arrival of boys at the school—Shino offers him the position of vice president of the student council. Though unwilling, Takatoshi finds himself appointed as the newest member of the student council having yet to even step foot inside the school building. -- -- Takatoshi soon realizes that the other student council members who are more than a little strange: President Shino, who is studious and serious in appearance, but actually a huge pervert, fascinated with the erotic and constantly making lewd jokes; the secretary Aria Shichijou, who may seem like a typical sheltered rich girl, but is just as risque as the president, if not more so; and finally, the treasurer Suzu Hagimura, who may act fairly normal, but has the body of an elementary school student and is extremely self-conscious of it. Surrounded by these colorful characters, the new vice president must now work through a nonstop assault of sexual humor and insanity. -- -- 406,166 7.59
Seitokai Yakuindomo -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Seitokai Yakuindomo Seitokai Yakuindomo -- On his first day of high school at the formerly all-girl's Ousai Private Academy, Takatoshi Tsuda is called out for his untidy uniform by the student council president Shino Amakusa. In apology for delaying Takatoshi for his first class—and stating that the group needs a male point of view to accommodate the arrival of boys at the school—Shino offers him the position of vice president of the student council. Though unwilling, Takatoshi finds himself appointed as the newest member of the student council having yet to even step foot inside the school building. -- -- Takatoshi soon realizes that the other student council members who are more than a little strange: President Shino, who is studious and serious in appearance, but actually a huge pervert, fascinated with the erotic and constantly making lewd jokes; the secretary Aria Shichijou, who may seem like a typical sheltered rich girl, but is just as risque as the president, if not more so; and finally, the treasurer Suzu Hagimura, who may act fairly normal, but has the body of an elementary school student and is extremely self-conscious of it. Surrounded by these colorful characters, the new vice president must now work through a nonstop assault of sexual humor and insanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 406,166 7.59
Shounen Maid -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shoujo Slice of Life -- Shounen Maid Shounen Maid -- After the sudden death of his mother, elementary school student Chihiro Komiya is left with no home and no family. But this changes when he encounters a rich and frivolous stranger who turns out to be his long-lost uncle, Madoka Takatori. Madoka offers to take Chihiro in, but upon arriving at his uncle's high-class mansion, the young boy is greeted by a plethora of dust and garbage. As Chihiro's neatfreak instincts kick in, he sets about cleaning the entire residence. -- -- Shounen Maid is a lighthearted comedy that follows Chihiro as he finds himself dressed in a frilly uniform (handmade by his uncle), receiving a salary, and working as maid of the house. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 66,838 7.29
Shugo Chara! -- -- Satelight -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic School Shoujo -- Shugo Chara! Shugo Chara! -- Amu Hinamori is a student at Seiyo Elementary, where she has a reputation for being "cool and spicy"; however, her real personality is that of an extremely shy and easily intimidated girl. One night Amu makes a wish that she would have the courage to be reborn as her "would-be" self. The next morning Amu finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. Each egg eventually hatches into a Guardian Character: Ran, Miki, and Su. Guardian Characters are angel-like beings that aid a person into becoming their "would-be" selves and fulfill the person's dreams. The Guardian Characters accomplish this by giving encouragement and advice, but they can also temporarily change a person's personality and abilities. With the Guardian Characters, Amu's life becomes much more complex as she now struggles to deal with her new personalities and the Seiyo Elementary Guardians—a student council group where each member has their own Guardian Character—who recruits Amu to search for and seal the X eggs and X Characters, corrupted forms of people's dreams. -- TV - Oct 6, 2007 -- 186,908 7.41
Shugo Chara! Party! -- -- Satelight -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic School Shoujo -- Shugo Chara! Party! Shugo Chara! Party! -- Amu meets a super-peppy transfer student at Seiyo Academy Elementary School named Hiiragi Rikka at school one day. Not only can she see Guardian Characters, but it seems she has some other, mysterious powers as well. When she sees the work that Amu and the other Guardians do at school, she's awestruck. -- -- Each 24-25 minute episode consists of a series of variety show style shorts (including Shugo Chara! Pucchi Puchi) totaling approx. 9-10 minutes, followed by the main 11-12 minute animation titled Shugo Chara!!! Dokki Doki which is the actual continuation of season 2 and comes with it's own opening animation. The remaining time is occupied by live action padding between each section and capped off with the opening/ending themes at the beginning and end of the episode. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 3, 2009 -- 63,045 6.62
Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Stand By Me Doraemon -- -- Shin-Ei Animation, Shirogumi -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Kids Sci-Fi Shounen -- Stand By Me Doraemon Stand By Me Doraemon -- Nobita Nobi is an elementary student who hates studying, is bad at sports, and does everything half-heartedly. He is a pushover, unlucky, and fearful of many things. His personality makes him a failure in life, even affecting his progeny. This causes his great-great-grandchild, Sewashi, to take control of the situation. -- -- Sewashi travels back in time from the 22nd century to the 20th century to meet Nobita, who is shocked to see him appear out of his drawer alongside a blue robotic cat. The robotic cat calls himself Doraemon, who claims to have been pressured by Sewashi to assist Nobita, with their ultimate goal being to provide Nobita happiness. Frustrated after seeing Nobita's hopeless state, Doraemon decides to go back to the future. However, Sewashi activates a program within Doraemon that prevents him from doing so. -- -- Forced to stay, Doraemon helps Nobita using futuristic gadgets through his four-dimensional pocket—a bag containing anything inside it. Can Doraemon bring Nobita happiness and return to the future? -- -- Movie - Aug 8, 2014 -- 31,200 8.06
Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation -- -- Brain's Base -- 3 eps -- Game -- Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation Super Robot Taisen OG The Animation -- Dr. Jurgen of DC developed a global defense system to combat potential alien threats. This system has two elements. First is the VTX-001 Vartoul unmanned anti alien PT. Governing these drones is the ODE worldwide network system. However, this system has a noteworthy secret. A living human is needed to control the ODE core. Furthermore, the ODE core needs human organs to support itself. At the present day, the drone have gone on a mass abduction spree. Kyosuke and co has been sent in to take care of the problem. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Bandai Visual USA, Media Blasters -- OVA - May 27, 2005 -- 3,541 6.66
Tabi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Psychological -- Tabi Tabi -- Surreal cutout (kiri-gami) animation following a young girl's physical journey, which is also an inner voyage through which she will learn all the pain and joy of life. She travels to an anonymous Western city, a bizarre dreamscape cluttered with elements from works by Dali, Magritte, de Chirico and Escher. The journey will change her completely but when she returns she will be the only one who knows how she has changed. -- (The poem in the film is by Su Tong-Po, a famous Chinese poet) -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1973 -- 1,013 5.40
Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie -- Summary of the first season of the show, as seen from Rikka's perspective with new elements. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Sep 14, 2013 -- 79,512 7.35
Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie -- Summary of the first season of the show, as seen from Rikka's perspective with new elements. -- Movie - Sep 14, 2013 -- 79,512 7.35
Tenshi no 3P! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Music School Slice of Life -- Tenshi no 3P! Tenshi no 3P! -- Since entering high school, Kyou Nukui has not attended a single class. Instead, he spends his days locked in his bedroom composing music and posting it on the internet accompanied by his only friend's drawings, an artist with the pseudonym "Kiriyume." One day, Kyou hesitantly uploads his newest composition, and first departure from his typical style, TR03. Additionally, he does not upload under his usual handle "HibikiP," but simply under the name "me," and without a drawing from his mysterious friend. -- -- Shortly after, Kyou receives a very polite email, not only praising his music but also somehow discerning that he is, in fact, the composer behind TR03. The e-mail also asks for a meetup in a nearby park, to which he cautiously decides to go. To his surprise, however, he finds three elementary school girls at the meeting place! Suddenly, Jun Gotou, Nozomi Momijidani, and Sora Kaneshiro ask for his help to hold a concert in their home, an old church now used as an orphanage. And though Kyou is reluctant at first, after seeing their musical abilities, he eventually decides to accept their proposal. -- -- Based on the light novel of the same name by the award-winning Sagu Aoyama, Tenshi no 3P! follows Kyou as these three angels change his life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 50,931 6.64
Tentacle and Witches -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural Magic -- Tentacle and Witches Tentacle and Witches -- High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. -- -- Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! -- -- The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game. -- OVA - May 27, 2011 -- 14,597 7.11
Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ -- -- Graphinica, Yumeta Company -- ? eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ -- New Tokyo Mew Mew anime. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 8,053 N/A -- -- Kuromajo-san ga Tooru!! -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 60 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Magic School Slice of Life -- Kuromajo-san ga Tooru!! Kuromajo-san ga Tooru!! -- Kurotori Chiyoko, a 5th-grader in elementary school, loves the occult. One day, a friend requests her to do a love fortune-telling. Chiyoko tries to summon Cupid, but thanks to a stuffy nose, accidentally summons a witch named Gyubid instead! -- -- From that day on, Chiyoko starts learning witchcraft from Gyubid, the self-proclaimed hottest instructor of the magic world. The training regimen is tough, and punishment for slacking is harsh. Fortunately, Chiyoko is able to keep her extra-curricular studies secret, aided by the fact that no one else can see Gyubid. -- -- (Source: -- TV - Apr 4, 2012 -- 8,029 6.48
Tokyo Underground -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Super Power -- Tokyo Underground Tokyo Underground -- Under the capital city of Tokyo, Japan, there exists a large, vast, and unknown world known as Underground. There, people known as Elemental Users exist; people who have the ability to control the elements: Fire, Water, Lightning, Magnetism, Freeze, etc. Meet Rumina Asagi and his best friend Ginnosuke Isuzu, two average high school freshmen who reside in Tokyo. When they meet Gravity User, Chelsea Rorec, and the Miko of Life, Ruri Sarasa, their whole lives change into one big adventure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 25,672 6.63
Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror -- Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko -- Story: 3D CG-animated movie about Hikiko, who is a character of a Japanese urban legend. She was violently treated all the time by her parents and classmates at the elementary school and she's extremely ugly due to the constant violence. To revenge, she caught students from elementary school and drag them on the floor until they're badly mutilated. -- -- When Revsersing Hikiko's full name 森妃姫子(Mori Hikiko) gives 引き籠もり(hikikomori), which means Social Withdrawal. -- OVA - Aug 8, 2008 -- 4,664 5.94
Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Space -- Uchuu Show e Youkoso Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- Five elementary school children are spending their summer break camping at a remote mountain village. While on a hunt for their missing rabbit, Pyon-kichi, they find an injured dog in a field with crop circles. After nursing the dog back to health, they are shocked when he suddenly speaks and introduces himself as Pochi Rickman—an alien researcher who has been on Earth researching its plant life. -- -- As thanks for saving his life, Pochi offers to take the children to the moon on a sightseeing trip. When they arrive, the group quickly discovers that the moon hides a vast alien metropolis which they begin to gleefully explore. Unfortunately, after hearing that Pochi was severely injured on his mission, the government of the moon issues a travel sanction on Earth, preventing the children from returning home. -- -- Left with no other choice, the group journeys around the galaxy in search of a way to safely return to Earth. Amidst their adventure, they are pursued by aliens affiliated with "The Space Show," the universe's most-watched production shrouded in mystery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - Feb 18, 2010 -- 21,658 7.35
Weiß Kreuz -- -- Magic Bus, Plum -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Shounen -- Weiß Kreuz Weiß Kreuz -- Aya, Yoji, Ken, and Omi are the four young men who comprise Weiss Kruez (WK), an assassin group who eliminates certain menaces to society. Each member has his own trademark fighting style. Aya is adept at fighting with a katana, Yoji has mastered the art of strangulation via strings, Ken is lethal with his metal claws, while Omi specializes in a wide array of projectiles. Under the command of a mysterious man known only as "Persia", the WK is dispatched to take care of drug rings, terrorist factions, and the like. But as things go along, they discover that most, if not all, the bad elements they have dealt with are somehow connected to the Takatori family. The Takatori family is rich, powerful, and influential. It seems if the problem is to be nipped in the bud, the WK would have to put an end to one of Japan's most prominent clans. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 9, 1998 -- 16,739 6.72
Weiß Kreuz -- -- Magic Bus, Plum -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Shounen -- Weiß Kreuz Weiß Kreuz -- Aya, Yoji, Ken, and Omi are the four young men who comprise Weiss Kruez (WK), an assassin group who eliminates certain menaces to society. Each member has his own trademark fighting style. Aya is adept at fighting with a katana, Yoji has mastered the art of strangulation via strings, Ken is lethal with his metal claws, while Omi specializes in a wide array of projectiles. Under the command of a mysterious man known only as "Persia", the WK is dispatched to take care of drug rings, terrorist factions, and the like. But as things go along, they discover that most, if not all, the bad elements they have dealt with are somehow connected to the Takatori family. The Takatori family is rich, powerful, and influential. It seems if the problem is to be nipped in the bud, the WK would have to put an end to one of Japan's most prominent clans. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 9, 1998 -- 16,739 6.72
Wena Wrist -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Music -- Wena Wrist Wena Wrist -- Sony unveiled its new "wena wrist" smartwatch's "kawamori Edition" with Macross anime director and mechanical designer Shoji Kawamori, and naturally, it comes complete with an anime ad. -- -- The aircraft shown in the video closely evokes the forward-swept-wing YF-19/VF-19 variable fighter designs first seen in Macross Plus and Macross 7, but appears to also draw inspiration from real-life fighter craft, with canards common in European fighters, and an air intake similar to the F-16. The iconic motif of hands in the shape of a fighter also first appeared in Macross Plus. -- -- Kawamori designed the case that will ship alongside the Wena Wrist product. The watch itself is a mechanical design, evoking pilot watch-style elements. The dial's design evokes the attitude indicator/artificial horizon seen on fighter instrument panels, with one side being an open-heart design showing the mechanical movement. The 12:00 position is indicated by a white arrow, common to many pilot watches. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 28, 2020 -- 248 5.36
Wu Shan Wu Xing -- -- Nice Boat Animation, Samsara Animation Studio -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Wu Shan Wu Xing Wu Shan Wu Xing -- A legend tells that a long time ago, monsters could give the ability to certain elected officials to master the five elements. But for that, you have to go through the dangerous foggy mountains... -- -- We follow the adventures of one of these elected officials. -- -- (Source: Nautiljon) -- ONA - Jul 26, 2020 -- 26,299 8.00
Yami wo Mitsumeru Hane -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Yami wo Mitsumeru Hane Yami wo Mitsumeru Hane -- A story set in a world before ours. A world in chaos where forces of good and evil fight and mingle. By doing so, it creates the chance to give birth to the new world. -- -- A couple of winged beings make love and fly away. They bear a child in an egg, and when the child opens its eyes they are immediately destroyed, one consumed by fire and the other by water. -- -- Mythical, elemental and mysterious, the world created by Tsuji is dangerous, menacing and suffuse with signs of apocalypse, but somehow simultaneously tender and compassionate. A Feather Stare at the Dark captures simple gestures and primal feelings and amplifies them, realising the non-verbal and non-literal with remarkable grace. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2003 -- 1,043 5.08
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- -- Bridge -- ? eps -- Card game -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- In the ever-growing world of Duel Monsters, as duelists improve their skills and rise up the ranks, duels become increasingly complex. By adhering to strict rules, in addition to using and learning proven strategies, one can develop into a strong duelist. However, as a boy who loves inventions and discovering new possibilities, elementary school student Yuuga Oudou finds the current way of dueling predictable and rigid—in other words, boring. -- -- Thus, he aims to craft a new path in dueling with his exhilarating new invention: Rush Duels. His ambition soon catches the attention of Tatsuhisa Kamijou, a fellow elementary school student, who brings him to a mysterious place in an attempt to discover the potential of the new system. -- -- While Yuuga aims to implement Rush Duels as the new dueling standard and overthrow the conventions of the game, he opens the door to his ultimate goal—to make dueling exciting again. -- -- 12,476 5.39"Carol_I"_elementary_school_in_Curtea_de_Arge'Curso_elemental_de_geografia_universal'_(11244521493).jpg'The_Boston_School_Atlas._With_elemental_geography_and_astronomy,_etc._(Fourth_edition.)_(Maps,_with_explanatory_text.)'_(11221767755).jpg'The_Boston_School_Atlas._With_elemental_geography_and_astronomy,_etc._(Fourth_edition.)_(Maps,_with_explanatory_text.)'_(11003022535).jpg'The_Boston_School_Atlas._With_elemental_geography_and_astronomy,_etc._(Fourth_edition.)_(Maps,_with_explanatory_text.)'_(11003032215).jpg'The_Boston_School_Atlas._With_elemental_geography_and_astronomy,_etc._(Fourth_edition.)_(Maps,_with_explanatory_text.)'_(11003185894).jpg'The_Boston_School_Atlas._With_elemental_geography_and_astronomy,_etc._(Fourth_edition.)_(Maps,_with_explanatory_text.)'_(11003200403).jpg'Left_to_the_Elements_by_Gustav_Seyferth'.jpg;_a_textbook_(1919)_(14779902094).jpg"Carol_I"_elementary_school_in_Curtea_de_Arge"Carol_I"_elementary_school_in_Curtea_de_Arge"Carol_I"_elementary_school_in_Curtea_de_Arge"Carol+I"+elementary+school+in+Curtea+de+Arge"Carol+I"+elementary+school+in+Curtea+de+Arge"Carol_I"_elementary_school_in_Curtea_de_Arge"Carol+I"+elementary+school+in+Curtea+de+Arge
Aber and Inver (placename elements)
Absorbing element
Abstract elementary class
Abundance of elements in Earth's crust
Abundance of the chemical elements
Ac/Ds transposable controlling elements
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Adobe Premiere Elements
Aether (classical element)
Against the Elements
Age of Elements
Air (classical element)
Algebraic element
Allegory of the Element Earth
All elements test
Alu element
Aluminium: The Thirteenth Element
Analytic element method
An Elementary Treatise on Electricity
Antizyme RNA frameshifting stimulation element
Apolipoprotein B (apoB) 5 UTR cis-regulatory element
Applied element method
Article element
A Simple Response to an Elemental Message
Astrology and the classical elements
Atomic radii of the elements (data page)
AU-rich element
Aviation combat element
AWS Elemental
Bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) cis-regulatory element
Barr (placename element)
Barsoum elements
Basic Element
Basic Elementary Skills Test
Basic Element (band)
Basic Element (company)
Bec (placename element)
Besselian elements
Bicoid 3-UTR regulatory element
Bilinear quadrilateral element
Biological roles of the elements
Biological Trace Element Research
Bladedance of Elementalers
Blade element momentum theory
Blink element
Block Elements
Blockquote element
Boiling points of the elements (data page)
Book:Chemical elements (sorted alphabetically)
Book:Group 3 elements
Boundary element method
CAMP responsive element modulator
Canonical link element
Canvas element
Carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein
Cardiovirus cis-acting replication element
Casimir element
Category:Lists of chemical elements
Chemical element
Chemical elements in East Asian languages
Chester (placename element)
Cis-acting replication element
Cis-regulatory element
Clash of the Elements
Classical element
Classical elements in popular culture
Compact element
Competition elements in ice dance
Conjugate element (field theory)
Constant phase element
Constant strain triangle element
Copenhagen: Elements of Life World Tour
Coxeter element
C-rich stability element
Dale (place name element)
Dark Element
Data element
Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia
Democratic elements of Roman Republic
Diffuse element method
Discrete element method
Distributed-element circuit
Distributed-element filter
Distributed-element model
Diversity-generating retroelement
DNA unwinding element
Doll Elements
Downstream promoter element
Driven element
Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements
Eagle Elementary District
Earth (classical element)
Electrical element
Electron configurations of the elements (data page)
Electronegativities of the elements (data page)
Element 21 (company)
Element AI
Elemental analysis
Elemental chlorine free
Elemental cost planning
Elemental (disambiguation)
Elemental: Fallen Enchantress
Elemental Games
Elemental Gelade
Elemental Machines
Elemental Masters
Elementals (comics)
Elementals (DC Comics)
Elementals (Marvel Comics)
Elemental (Tears for Fears album)
Elemental tetrad
Elemental: War of Magic
Elementary abelian group
Elementary algebra
Elementary amenable group
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III Part A
Elementary arithmetic
Elementary calculus
Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach
Elementary cellular automaton
Elementary charge
Elementary class
Elementary comparison testing
Elementary, Dear Data
Elementary definition
Elementary diagram
Elementary divisors
Elementary Education Act 1870
Elementary Education Act 1880
Elementary equivalence
Elementary event
Elementary function
Elementary function arithmetic
Elementary group
Elementary key normal form
Elementary mathematics
Elementary matrix
Elementary operations
Elementary OS
Elementary particle
Elementary proof
Elementary reaction
Elementary realism
Elementary symmetric polynomial
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
Elementary (TV series)
Element (category theory)
Element collecting
Element (criminal law)
Element distinctness problem
Elemente der Mathematik
Element Eighty
Element Electronics
Element Girl
Element Lad
Element Magazine
Element management
Element management system
Element (mathematics)
Element of Crime
Element of Light
Elementos de derecho pblico provincial Argentino
Element Pictures
Element-reactant-product table
Elements and Things
Elements Casino Brantford
Elements (esports)
Elements, Hong Kong
Element Six
Elements (journal)
Element Skateboards
Elements (miniseries)
Elements Music
Elements Music Camp
Elements of AI
Elements of Algebra
Elements of art
Elements of Corrosion
Elements of Destruction
Elements of Life
Elements of Life: Remixed
Elements of music
Elements of national security
Elements of Persuasion
Elements of Semiology
Elements of the Cthulhu Mythos
Elements of Theology
Elements of the Philosophy of Newton
Elements of the Philosophy of Right
Element (software)
Element Solutions
Element (song)
Elements Pt. 1
Elements Pt. 2
Elements (restaurant)
Elements Software
Elements The Best of Mike Oldfield
Elements The Best of Mike Oldfield (video)
Elements trilogy
Empty element
Endogenous viral element
English clause element
Enomoto: New Elements that Shake the World
Enteroviral 3 UTR element
Enterovirus 5 cloverleaf cis-acting replication element
Epigenetic regulation of transposable elements in the plant kingdom
Eps-Associated RNA element
Ernest Element
Ethylene-responsive element binding protein
Euclid's Elements
Extended discrete element method
Extended finite element method
Extinct isotopes of superheavy elements
Farnell element14
Far upstream element-binding protein 1
FEM Element
FIE3 (ftz instability element 3) element
Field with one element
Fifth Element
Finite element machine
Finite element method
Fire (classical element)
Fire support coordination element
Five elements
Five Elements Ninjas
Flash Element TD
Functionally graded element
Fuzzy finite element
Garside element
Gave (placename element)
G-CSF factor stem-loop destabilising element
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese
Godai Elemental Force
Government Elementary Teacher Education Institution
Greatest element and least element
Ground combat element
Group 10 element
Group 11 element
Group 12 element
Group 3 element
Group 4 element
Group 5 element
Group 6 element
Group 7 element
Group 8 element
Group 9 element
Habia (placename element)
Hairy RNA localisation element (HLE)
Heating element
Hepatitis C virus cis-acting replication element
Hero Elementary
HIV Rev response element
Holographic optical element
Honda Element
Hormone response element
HTML element
Human parechovirus 1 (HPeV1) cis regulatory element (CRE)
Human rhinovirus internal cis-acting regulatory element
Identity element
Imaginary element
Ina Bauer (element)
Incompatible element
Information element
Initiator element
Integral element
Interstitial element
Interval finite element
Introduction to the heaviest elements
Inverse element
Ionization energies of the elements (data page)
Iron response element
Iron-responsive element-binding protein
IscR stability element
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
JucysMurphy element
K10 transport/localisation element (TLS)
Kirk (placename element)
KripkePlatek set theory with urelements
Lamborghini Sesto Elemento
Layer element
Length of a Weyl group element
Let Us Burn Elements & Hydra Live in Concert
List of chemical element name etymologies
List of chemical elements
List of chemical elements naming controversies
List of cis-regulatory RNA elements
List of data references for chemical elements
List of Elemental Gelade characters
List of Elementary episodes
List of elements by atomic properties
List of elements by stability of isotopes
List of elements facing shortage
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and subatomic particles
List of finite element software packages
List of formulas in elementary geometry
List of graphical user interface elements
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Eastern Europe
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Iran
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage elements in Northern Europe
List of misidentified chemical elements
List of people whose names are used in chemical element names
List of places used in the names of chemical elements
List of South Park Elementary staff
List of students at South Park Elementary
Literary element
Live at Roseland: Elements of 4
Logistics combat element
Long interspersed nuclear element
Los elementos
Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
LPM Youth and Student Command Element
Lumped-element model
Luteovirus cap-independent translation element
Maeser Elementary
Magical Elements
Magnesium responsive RNA element
Main-group element
Marquee element
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Matrix element
Maximal and minimal elements
Meadow Creek Elementary
Megalithic architectural elements
Melting points of the elements (data page)
Mendeleev's predicted elements
Mercury (element)
Meta element
Method of distinguished element
Metro Toronto Elementary Teacher's strike
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mobile genetic elements
Modern elementary mathematics
Modified Scheme of Elementary education 1953
Molar ionization energies of the elements
Mongol elements in Western medieval art
Mononuclidic element
MorleyWangXu element
MPEG elementary stream
Multivariate optical element
Names for sets of chemical elements
Naming of chemical elements
Nanos 3 UTR translation control element
Native element mineral
Natural element method
Natural elements
Natural Elements (hip hop group)
Network Centric Airborne Defense Element
Newark element14
Nikolaos Tselementes
Nonelementary integral
Nonelementary problem
Northern Elements Progressive Union
Octatomic element
Olinda Elementary
Orbital elements
Packetized elementary stream
Parallel Element Processing Ensemble
Parasitic element (electrical networks)
Partial element equivalent circuit
Path computation element
P element
Period 1 element
Period 2 element
Period 3 element
Period 4 element
Period 5 element
Period 6 element
Period 7 element
PiggyBac Transposable Element Derived 5
Pivot element
Positive element
Power and Propulsion Element
Power Processing Element
Prices of chemical elements
Primitive element
Primitive element (co-algebra)
Primitive element theorem
Professor Elemental
Proper orbital elements
PTC Creo Elements/Direct Drafting
PTC Creo Elements/Pro
PTC Creo Elements/View
Pur (placename element)
Quadratic quadrilateral element
Quasiregular element
Rare-earth element
RbcL 5 UTR RNA stabilising element
Real element
Real Elements
Recurring elements in the Final Fantasy series
Red clover necrotic mosaic virus translation enhancer elements
Regular element
Regular element of a Lie algebra
Remote Operations Service Element protocol
Renin stability regulatory element (REN-SRE)
Representative elementary volume
Repression of heat shock gene expression (ROSE) element
Response element
Retroviral psi packaging element
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
RNase E 5 UTR element
Roller coaster elements
Rolling-element bearing
Root element
Rotavirus cis-acting replication element
Rubella virus 3 cis-acting element
SCSI element codes
SECIS element
Selfish genetic element
Semigroup with three elements
Semigroup with two elements
Separation of the elements
Short interspersed nuclear element
Sieve tube element
Soce, the elemental wizard
Society for Elementary Books
South Park Elementary
Spearhead Land Element
Speeds of sound of the elements
Spi-1 (PU.1) 5 UTR regulatory element
Square-free element
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2
Structural element
St. Vincent de Paul Elementary & Junior High
Superheavy element
Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Mas Kishin The Lord Of Elemental
Surface element
Sxy 5 UTR element
Synthetic element
Systematic element name
Table of the Elements
Tapered element oscillating microbalance
Teatro de los Elementos
Technology-critical element
The 5th Element (Tynisha Keli album)
The Ambergris Element
The Dark Element
The Elementary Doctor Watson!
The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
The Element of Crime
The Element of Freedom
The Element of Sonic Defiance
The Elements: Fire
The Elements of Eloquence
The Elements of Programming Style
The Elements of Style
The Elements of Typographic Style
The Elements (song)
The Fifth Element
The Four Elements (Arcimboldo)
The Fundamental Elements of Southtown
Thematic elements
The Perfect Element, Part I
The Surviving Elements: From Soul Survivor II Sessions
The Temple of Elemental Evil
The Temple of Elemental Evil (video game)
Timeline of chemical element discoveries
Togavirus 5 plus strand cis-regulatory element
Tombusvirus internal replication element (IRE)
Total element long run incremental cost
Trace element
Trans-activation response element (TAR)
Transposable element
Trans-regulatory element
Transuranium element
Tre- (place name element)
Two-element Boolean algebra
Two-line element set
Tymovirus/pomovirus tRNA-like 3' UTR element
U1A polyadenylation inhibition element (PIE)
Ultra-conserved element
UnaL2 LINE 3 element
Unbundled network element
Universal Data Element Framework
Uppsala hgre elementarlroverk fr flickor
Uprooted (Absent Element EP)
User:SpinnerLaserz/Userboxes/Wood Element
Vessel element
Visual design elements and principles
Volume element
Wasatch Elementary
Water (classical element)
Wax thermostatic element
Well-formed element
Westwood Elementary
WHP Posttranscriptional Response Element
WildPlay Element Parks
Wingless localisation element 3 (WLE3)
XSLT elements
Zero element

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