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object:4.12 - The Way of Equality

It will appear from the description of the complete and perfect equality that this equality has two sides. It must therefore be arrived at by two successive movements. One will liberate us from the action of the lower nature and admit us to the calm peace of the divine being; the other will liberate us into the full being and power of the higher nature and admit us to the equal poise and universality of a divine and infinite knowledge, will of action, Ananda. The first may be described as a passive or negative equality, an equality of reception which fronts impassively the impacts and phenomena of existence and negates the dualities of the appearances and reactions which they impose on us. The second is an active, a positive equality which accepts the phenomena of existence, but only as the manifestation of the one divine being and with an equal response to them which comes from the divine nature in us and transforms them into its hidden values. The first lives in the peace of the one Brahman and puts away from it the nature of the active Ignorance. The second lives in that peace, but also in the Ananda of the Divine and imposes on the life of the soul in nature the signs of the divine knowledge, power and bliss of being. It is this double orientation united by the common principle which will determine the movement of equality in the integral Yoga.

The effort towards a passive or purely receptive equality may start from three different principles or attitudes which all lead to the same result and ultimate consequence, -- endurance, indifference and submission. The principle of endurance relics on the strength of the spirit within us to bear all the contacts, impacts, suggestions of this phenomenal Nature that besieges us on every side without being overborne by them and compelled to bear their emotional, sensational, dynamic, intellectual reactions. The outer mind in the lower nature has not this strength. Its strength is that of a limited force of consciousness which has to do the best it can with all that comes in upon it or besieges it from the greater whirl of consciousness and energy which environs it on this plane of existence. That it can maintain itself at all and affirm its individual being in the universe, is due indeed to the strength of the spirit within it, but it cannot bring forward the whole of that strength or the infinity of that force to meet the attacks of life; if it could, it would be at once the equal and master of its world. In fact, it has to manage as it can. It meets certain impacts and Is able to assimilate, equate or master them partially or completely, for a time or wholly, and then it has in that degree the emotional and sensational reactions of joy, pleasure, satisfaction, liking, love, etc., or the intellectual and mental reactions of acceptance, approval, understanding, knowledge, preference, and on these its will seizes with attraction, desire, the attempt to prolong, to repeat, to create, to possess, to make them the pleasurable habit of its life. Other impacts it meets, but finds them too strong for it or too dissimilar and discordant or too weak to give it satisfaction; these are things which it cannot bear or cannot equate with itself or cannot assimilate, and it is obliged to give to them reactions of grief, pain, discomfort, dissatisfaction, disliking, disapproval, rejection, inability to understand or know, refusal of admission. Against them it seeks to protect itself, to escape from them, to avoid or minimise their recurrence; it has with regard to them movements of fear, anger, shrinking, horror, aversion, disgust, shame, would gladly be delivered from them, but it cannot get away from them, for it is bound to and even invites their causes and therefore the results; for these impacts are part of life, tangled up with the things we desire, and the inability to deal with them is part of the imperfection of our nature. Other impacts again the normal mind succeeds in holding at bay or neutralising and to these it has a natural reaction of indifference, insensibility or tolerance which is neither positive acceptance and enjoyment nor rejection or suffering. To things, persons, happenings, ideas, workings, whatever presents itself to the mind, there are always these three kinds of reaction. At the same time, in spite of their generality, there is nothing absolute about them; they form a scheme for a habitual scale which is not precisely the same for all or even for the same mind at different times or in different conditions. The same impact may arouse in it at one time and another the pleasurable or positive, the adverse or negative or the indifferent or neutral reactions.

The soul which seeks mastery may begin by turning upon these reactions the encountering and opposing force of a strong and equal endurance. Instead of seeking to protect itself from or to shun and escape the unpleasant impacts it may confront them and teach itself to suffer and to bear them with perseverance, with fortitude, an increasing equanimity or an austere or calm acceptance. This attitude, this discipline brings out three results, three powers of the soul in relation to things. First, it is found that what was before unbearable, becomes easy to endure; the scale of the power that meets the impact rises in degree; it needs a greater and greater force of it or of its protracted incidence to cause trouble, pain, grief, aversion or any other of the notes in the gamut of the unpleasant reactions. Secondly, it is found that the conscious nature divides itself into two parts, one of the normal mental and emotional nature in which the customary reactions continue to take place, another of the higher will and reason which observes and is not troubled or affected by the passion of this lower nature, does not accept it as its own, does not approve, sanction or participate. Then the lower nature begins to lose the force and power of its reactions, to submit to the suggestions of calm and strength from the higher reason and will, and gradually that calm and strength take possession of the mental and emotional, even of the sensational, vital and physical being. This brings the third power and result, the power by this endurance and mastery, this separation and rejection of the lower nature, to get rid of the normal reactions and even, if we will, to remould all our modes of experience by the strength of the spirit. This method is applied not only to the unpleasant, but also to the pleasant reactions; the soul refuses to give itself up to or be carried away by them; it endures with calm the impacts which bring joy and pleasure, refuses to be excited by them and replaces the joy and eager seeking of the mind after pleasant things by the calm of the spirit. It can be applied too to the thought-mind in a calm reception of knowledge and of limitations of knowledge which refuses to be carried away by the fascination of this attractive or repelled by dislike for that unaccustomed or unpalatable thought-suggestion and waits on the Truth with a detached observation which allows it to grow on the strong, disinterested, mastering will and reason. Thus the soul becomes gradually equal to all things, master of itself, adequate to meet the world with a strong front in the mind and an undisturbed serenity of the spirit.

The second way is an attitude of impartial indifference. Its method is to reject at once the attraction or the repulsion of things, to cultivate for them aluminous impassivity, an inhibiting rejection, a habit of dissociation and desuetude. This attitude reposes less on the will, though will is always necessary, than on the knowledge. It is an attitude which regards these passions of the mind as things born of the illusion of the outward mentality or inferior movements unworthy of the calm truth of the single and equal spirit or a vital and emotional disturbance to be rejected by the tranquil observing will and dispassionate intelligence of the sage. It puts away desire from the mind, discards the ego which attri butes these dual values to things, and replaces desire by an impartial and indifferent peace and ego by the pure self which is not troubled, excited or unhinged by the impacts of the world. And not only is the emotional mind quieted, but the intellectual being also rejects the thoughts of the ignorance and rises beyond the interests of an inferior knowledge to the one truth that is eternal and without change. This way too develops three results or powers by which it ascends to peace.

First, it is found that the mind is voluntarily bound by the petty joys and troubles of life and that in reality these can have no inner hold on it, if the soul simply chooses to cast off its habit of helpless determination by external and transient things. Secondly, it is found that here too a division can be made, a psychological partition between the lower or outward mind still subservient to the old habitual touches and the higher reason and will which stand back to live in the indifferent calm of the spirit. There grows on us, in other words, an inner separate calm which watches the commotion of the lower members without taking part in it or giving it any sanction. At first the higher reason and will may be often clouded, invaded, the mind carried away by the incitation of the lower members, but eventually this calm becomes inexpugnable, permanent, not to be shaken by the most violent touches, na duhkhena gurunapi vicalyate. This inner soul of calm regards the trouble of the outer mind with a detached superiority or a passing uninvolved indulgence such as might be given to the trivial joys and griefs of a child, it does not regard them as its own or as reposing on any permanent reality. And, finally, the outer mind too accepts by degrees this calm and indifferent serenity; it ceases to be attracted by the things that attracted it or troubled by the griefs and pains to which it had the habit of attaching an unreal importance. Thus the third power comes, an all-pervading power of wide tranquillity and peace, a bliss of release from the siege of our imposed fantastic self-torturing nature, the deep undisturbed exceeding happiness of the touch of the eternal and infinite replacing by its permanence the strife and turmoil of impermanent things, brahma-samsparsam atyantam sukham asnute. The soul is fixed in the delight of the self, atmaratih in the single and infinite Ananda of the spirit and hunts no more after outward touches and their griefs and pleasures. It observes the world only as the spectator of a play or action in which it is no longer compelled to participate.

The third way is that of submission, which may be the Christian resignation founded on submission to the will of God, or an unegoistic acceptance of things and happenings as a manifestation of the universal Will in time, or a complete surrender of the person to the Divine, to the supreme Purusha. As the first was a way of the will and the second a way of knowledge, of the understanding reason, so this is a way of the temperament and heart and very intimately connected with the principle of Bhakti. If it is pushed to the end, it arrives at the same result of a perfect equality. For the knot of the ego is loosened and the personal claim begins to disappear, we find that we are no longer bound to joy in things pleasant or sorrow over the unpleasant; we bear them without either eager acceptance or troubled rejection, refer them to the Master of our being, concern ourselves less and less with their personal result to us and hold only one thing of importance, to approach God, or to be in touch and tune with the universal and infinite Existence, or to be united with the Divine, his channel, instrument, servant, lover, rejoicing in him and in our relation with him and having no other object or cause of joy or sorrow. Here too there may be for some time a division between the lower mind of habitual emotions and the higher psychical mind of love and self-giving, but eventually the former yields, changes, transforms itself, is swallowed up in the love, joy, delight of the Divine and has no other interests or attractions. Then all within is the equal peace and bliss of that union, the one silent bliss that passes understanding, the peace that abides untouched by the solicitation of lower things in the depths of our spiritual existence.

These three ways coincide in spite of their separate starting-points, first, by their inhibition of the normal reactions of the mind to the touches of outward things, bahya-sparsan, secondly, by their separation of the self or spirit from the outward action of Nature. Bat it is evident that our perfection will be greater and more ernbracingly complete, if we can have a more active equality which will enable us not only to draw back from or confront the world in a detached and separated calm, but to return upon it and possess it in the power of the calm and equal Spirit. This is possible because the world, Nature, action are not in fact a quite separate thing, but a manifestation of the Self, the All-Soul, the Divine. The reactions of the normal mind are a degradation of the divine values which would but for this degradation make this truth evident to us, --a falsification, an ignorance which alters their workings, an ignorance which starts from the involution of Self in a blind material nescience. Once we return to the full consciousness of Self, of God, we can then put a true divine value on things and receive and act on them with the calm, joy, knowledge, seeing will of the Spirit. When we begin to do that, then the soul begins to have an equal joy in the universe, an equal will dealing with all energies, an equal knowledge which takes possession of the spiritual truth behind all the phenomena of this divine manifestation. It possesses the world as the Divine possesses it, in a fullness of the infinite light, power and Ananda.

All this existence can therefore be approached by a Yoga of positive and active in place of the negative and passive equality. This requires, first, a new knowledge which is the knowledge of unity, -- to see all things as oneself and to see all things in God and God in all things. There is then a will of equal acceptance of all phenomena, all events, all happenings, all persons and forces as masks of the Self, movements of the one energy, results of the one power in action, ruled by the one divine wisdom; and on the foundation of this will of greater knowledge there grows a strength to meet everything with an untroubled soul and mind. There must be an identification of myself with the self of the universe, a vision and a feeling of oneness with all creatures, a perception of all forces and energies and results as the movement of this energy of my self and therefore intimately my own; not, obviously, of my ego-self which must be silenced, eliminated, cast away, -- otherwise this perfection cannot come,.- but of a greater impersonal or universal self with which I am now one. For my personality is now only one centre of action of that universal self, but a centre intimately in relation and unison with all other personalities and also with all those other things which are to us only impersonal objects and forces : but in fact they also are powers of the one impersonal Person (Purusha), God, Self and Spirit. My individuality is his and is no longer a thing incompatible with or separated from universal being; it is itself universalised, a knower of the universal Ananda and one with and a lover of all that it knows, acts on and enjoys. For to the equal knowledge of the universe and equal will of acceptance of the universe will be added an equal delight in all the cosmic manifestation of the Divine.

Here too we may describe three results or powers of the method. First, we develop this power of equal acceptance in the spirit and in the higher reason and will which respond to the spiritual knowledge. But also we find that though the nature can be induced to take this general attitude, there is yet a struggle between that higher reason and will and the lower mental being which clings to the old egoistic way of seeing the world and reacting to its impacts. Then we find that these two, though at first confused, mingled together, alternating, acting on each other, striving for possession, can be divided, the higher spiritual disengaged from the lower mental nature. But in this stage, while the mind is still subject to reactions of grief, trouble, an inferior joy and pleasure, there is an increased difficulty which does not act to the same extent in a more sharply individualised Yoga. For not only does the mind feel its own troubles and difficulties, but it shares in the joys and griefs of others, vibrates to them in a poignant sympathy, feels their impacts with a subtle sensitiveness, makes them its own; not only so, but the difficulties of others are added to our own and the forces which oppose the perfection act with a greater persistence, because they feel this movement to be an attack upon and an attempt to conquer their universal kingdom and not merely the escape of an isolated soul from their empire. But finally, we find too that there comes a power to surmount these difficulties; the higher reason and will impose themselves on the lower mind, which sensibly changes into the vast types of the spiritual nature; it takes even a delight in feeling, meeting and surmounting all troubles, obstacles and difficulties until they are eliminated by its own transformation. Then the whole being lives in a final power, the universal calm and joy, the seeing delight and will of the Spirit in itself and its manifestation.

To see how this positive method works, we may note very briefly its principle in the three great powers of knowledge, will and feeling. All emotion, feeling, sensation is a way of the soul meeting and putting effective values on the manifestations of the Self in nature. But what the self feels is a universal delight, Ananda. The soul in the lower mind on the contrary gives it, as we have seen, three varying values of pain, pleasure and neutral indifference, which tone by gradations of less and more into each other, and this gradation depends on the power of the individualised consciousness to meet, sense, assimilate, equate, master all that comes in oil it from all of the greater self which it has by separative individualisation put outside of it and made as if not-self to its experience. But all the time, because of the greater Self within us, there is a secret soul which takes delight in all these things and draws strength from and grows by all that touches it, profits as much by adverse as by favourable experience. This can make itself felt by the outer desire soul, and that in fact is why we have a delight in existing and can even take a certain kind of pleasure in struggle, suffering and the harsher colours of existence. But to get the universal Ananda all our instruments must learn to take not any partial or perverse, but the essential joy of all things. In all things there is a principle of Ananda, which the understanding can seize on and the aesthesis feel as the taste of delight in them, their rasa; but ordinarily they put upon them instead arbitrary, unequal and contrary values: they have to be led to perceive things in the light of the spirit and to transform these provisional values into the real, the equal and essential, the spiritual Rasa. The life-principle is there to give this seizing of the principle of delight, rasa-grahana, the form of a strong possessing enjoyment, bhoga, which makes the whole lifebeing vibrate with it and accept and rejoice in it; but ordinarily it is not, owing to desire, equal to its task, but turns it into the three lower forms, -- pain and pleasure, sukha-bhoga duhkha-bhoga, and that rejection of both which we call insensibility or indifference. The Prana or vital being has to be liberated from desire and its inequalities and to accept and turn into pure enjoyment the rasa which the understanding and aesthesis perceive. Then there is no farther obstacle in the instruments to the third step by which all is changed into the full and pure ecstasy of the spiritual Ananda.

In the matter of knowledge, there are again three reactions of the mind to things, ignorance, error and true knowledge. The positive equality will accept all three of them to start with as movements of a self-manifestation which evolves out of ignorance through the partial or distorted knowledge which is the cause of error to true knowledge. It will deal with the ignorance of the mind, as what it is psychologically, a clouded, veiled or wrapped-up state of the substance of consciousness in which the knowledge of the all-knowing Self is hidden as if in a dark sheath; it will dwell on it by the mind and by the aid of related truths already known, by the intelligence or by an intuitive concentration deliver the knowledge out of the veil of the ignorance. It will not attach itself only to the known or try to force all into its little frame, but will dwell on the known and the unknown with an equal mind open to all possibility. So too it will deal with error; it will accept the tangled skein of truth and error, but attach itself to no opinion, rather seeking for the element of truth behind all opinions, the knowledge concealed within the error, -- for all error is a disfiguration of some misunderstood fragments of truth and draws its vitality from that and not from its misapprehension; it will accept, but not limit itself even by ascertained truths, but will always be ready for new knowledge and seek for a more and more integral, a more and more extended, reconciling, unifying wisdom. This can only come in its fullness by rising to the ideal supermind, and therefore the equal seeker of truth will not be attached to the intellect and its workings or think that all ends there, but be prepared to rise beyond, accepting each stage of ascent and the contri butions of each power of his being, but only to lift them into a higher truth. He must accept everything, but cling to nothing, be repelled by nothing however imperfect or however subversive of fixed notions, but also allow nothing to lay hold on him to the detriment of the free working of the Truth-Spirit. This equality of the intelligence is an essential condition for rising to the higher supramental and spiritual knowledge.

The will in us, because it is the most generally forceful power of our being, --there is a will of knowledge, a will of life, a will of emotion, a will acting in every part of our nature, -- takes many forms and returns various reactions to things, such as incapacity, limitation of power, mastery, or right will, wrong or perverted will, neutral volition, -- in the ethical mind virtue, sin and non-ethical volition, -- and others of the kind. These too the positive equality accepts as a tangle of provisional values from which it must start, but which it must transform into universal mastery, into the will of the Truth and universal Right, into the freedom of the divine Will in action. The equal will need not feel remorse, sorrow or discouragement over its stumblings; if these reactions occur in the habitual mentality, it will only see how far they indicate an imperfection and the thing to be corrected, --for they are not always just indicators, -- and so get beyond them to a calm and equal guidance. It will see that these stumblings themselves are necessary to experience and in the end steps towards the goal. Behind and within all that occurs in ourselves and in the world, it will look for the divine meaning and the divine guidance; it will look beyond imposed limitations to the voluntary self-limitation of the universal Power by which it regulates its steps and gradations, -- imposed on our ignorance, self-imposed in the divine knowledge, -- and go beyond to unity with the illimitable power of the Divine. All energies and actions it will see as forces proceeding from the one Existence and their perversions as imperfections, inevitable in the developing movement, of powers that were needed for that movement; it will therefore have charity for all imperfections, even while pressing steadily towards a universal perfection. This equality will open the nature to the guidance of the divine and universal Will and make it ready for that supramental action in which the power of the soul in us is luminously full of and one with the power of the supreme Spirit.

The integral Yoga will make use of both the passive and the active methods according to the need of the nature and the guidance of the inner spirit, the Antaryamin. It will not limit itself by the passive way, for that would lead only to some individual quietistic salvation or negation of an active and universal spiritual being which would be inconsistent with the totality of its aim. It will use the method of endurance, but not stop short with a detached strength and serenity, but move rather to a positive strength and mastery, in which endurance will no longer be needed, since the self will then be in a calm and powerful spontaneous possession of the universal energy and capable of determining easily and happily all its reactions in the oneness and the Ananda. It will use the method of impartial indifference, but not end in an aloof indifference to all things, but rather move towards a high-seated impartial acceptance of life strong to transform all experience into the greater values of the equal spirit. It will use too temporarily resignation and submission, but by the full surrender of its personal being to the Divine it will attain to the all-possessing Ananda in which there is no need of resignation, to the perfect harmony with the universal which is not merely an acquiescence, but an embracing oneness, to the perfect instrumentality and subjection of the natural self to the Divine by which the Divine also is possessed by the individual spirit. It will use fully the positive method, but will go beyond any individual acceptance of things which would have the effect of turning existence into a field only of the perfected individual knowledge, power and Ananda. That it will have, but also it will have the oneness by which it can live in the existence of others for their sake and not only for its own and for their assistance and as one of their means, an associated and helping force in the movement towards the same perfection. It will live for the Divine, not shunning world-existence, not attached to the earth or the heavens, not attached either to a supracosmic liberation, but equally one with the Divine in all his planes and able to live in him equally in the Self and in the manifestation.

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Wikipedia - Swami Krishnananda
Wikipedia - Swami Kriyananda
Wikipedia - Swami Narayanananda
Wikipedia - Swaminarayan Mantra -- Main mantra of the Swaminarayan sect
Wikipedia - Swaminarayan Sampradaya
Wikipedia - Swaminarayan Sampraday
Wikipedia - Swaminarayan -- Founder of Swaminarayan Sampradaya
Wikipedia - Swaminathan Aiyar -- Indian journalist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Swaminathan Sivaram
Wikipedia - Swami Nikhilananda
Wikipedia - Swami Nithyananda
Wikipedia - Swami Omvesh -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Swami Paramananda
Wikipedia - Swami Parthasarathy
Wikipedia - Swami Prabhavananda
Wikipedia - Swami Prasad Maurya -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Swami Purnachaitanya
Wikipedia - Swamir Aadesh -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Swami Rama Himalayan University -- University in Dehradun
Wikipedia - Swami Ramanand
Wikipedia - Swami Rama -- Indian yogi
Wikipedia - Swami Ramdas
Wikipedia - Swami Ramdev - Ek Sangharsh -- 2018 Indian biopic television series
Wikipedia - Swamir Ghar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Swami Samarth
Wikipedia - Swami Satchidananda Saraswati -- Indian religious teacher (1914-2002)
Wikipedia - Swami Satchidananda
Wikipedia - Swami Satprakashananda
Wikipedia - Swami Satyamitranand
Wikipedia - Swami Satyananda
Wikipedia - Swami Shankarananda (Shiva Yoga)
Wikipedia - Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi -- College in Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Swami Shraddhanand
Wikipedia - Swami Shree Haridas Ji -- Spiritual teacher
Wikipedia - Swami Sivananda
Wikipedia - Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Wikipedia - Swami Sundaranand -- Indian environmentalist
Wikipedia - Swami Swatamarama
Wikipedia - Swami Vipulananda
Wikipedia - Swami Virajananda
Wikipedia - Swami Vireswarananda
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda (1955 film) -- 1955 film by Amar Mullick
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda (1998 film) -- 1998 Indian film by G. V. Iyer
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda Airport -- Airport in Chhattisgarh, India
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of the World's Religions (1893)
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda in California
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda: Messiah of Resurgent India -- 2003 book by Pranaba Ranjan Bhuyan
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda on Himself
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda Road metro station
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda's prayer to Kali at Dakshineswar
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda statue
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda -- Indian Hindu monk and philosopher (1863-1902)
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda Youth Employment Week
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekanand Subharti University
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekanand University, Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Swami
Wikipedia - Swami Yatiswarananda
Wikipedia - Teachings and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
Wikipedia - Template talk:Swami Vivekananda
Wikipedia - The Light: Swami Vivekananda
Wikipedia - Thirukkovil Sithira Velayutha Swami Kovil
Wikipedia - Trailokyanath Goswami -- Indian Assamese author (1906-1988)
Wikipedia - Tridandi Swami -- Hindu guru
Wikipedia - Udita Goswami -- Indian actress and model
Wikipedia - Usha Goswami -- British Neuroscientist & scholar
Wikipedia - Vallakottai Subramaniyaswami temple -- Hindu temple in Vallakottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Vatapi Ganapatim -- Sanskrit hymn to Hindu god Ganesha by Muthuswami Dikshitar
Wikipedia - Venkatesan Guruswami
Wikipedia - Vishnuswami
Wikipedia - Vishwesha Tirtha -- Indian Hindu guru, saint and swamiji of the Sri Pejavara Adokshaja Matha (1931-2019)
Wikipedia - Viswamitra (film) -- 2019 Telugu-language film
Wikipedia - Yogaswami
Radhanath Swami ::: Born: December 7, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Swami Vivekananda ::: Born: January 12, 1863; Died: July 4, 1902; Occupation: Author;
Swami Satchidananda ::: Born: December 22, 1914; Died: August 19, 2002; Occupation: Author;
Goswami Kriyananda ::: Born: May 19, 1926; Died: April 21, 2013; Occupation: Author;
Swami Brahmananda ::: Born: January 21, 1863; Died: April 10, 1922;
Rama Swami ::: Born: 1925; Died: 1996;
Bhakti Charu Swami ::: Born: September 17, 1945;
Yogaswami ::: Born: 1872; Died: 1964;
Swami Nithyananda ::: Born: January 1, 1978;
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ::: Born: September 1, 1896; Died: November 14, 1977; Occupation: Spiritual teacher;
Bhakti Tirtha Swami ::: Born: February 25, 1950; Died: June 27, 2005;
Sivaya Subramuniyaswami ::: Born: January 5, 1927; Died: November 12, 2001;
Swami Paramananda ::: Born: February 5, 1884; Died: June 21, 1940; Occupation: Poet;
Swami Abhedananda ::: Born: October 2, 1866; Died: September 8, 1939; Occupation: Author;
Lokanatha Swami ::: Born: 1949;
Sacinandana Swami ::: Born: 1954;
Amit Goswami ::: Born: 1936; Occupation: Author;
Swami Prabhavananda ::: Born: December 26, 1893; Died: July 4, 1976;
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha ::: Born: May 13, 1933;
Swami Veda Bharati ::: Born: 1933; Died: July 14, 2015; Occupation: Author;
Swami Parthasarathy ::: Born: June 8, 1927;
Narayanananda Swami. ::: Born: April 12, 1902; Died: February 26, 1988;
Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami ::: Born: December 9, 1937; Died: October 2, 2006;
Mukunda Goswami ::: Born: April 10, 1942;
Goodreads author - Swami_Chetanananda
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Goodreads author - Swami_Abhedananda
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Goodreads author - Swami_Satyadharma
Goodreads author - Arnab_Goswami
Goodreads author - Amit_Goswami
Goodreads author - Swami_Kriyananda
Goodreads author - Swami_Chidananda
Goodreads author - S_Krishnaswami_Aiyangar
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Goodreads author - Swami_Jnanamritananda
Goodreads author - Indradyumna_Swami
Goodreads author - Radhanath_Swami
Goodreads author - Swami_Abhayananda
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Goodreads author - Swami_Ramdas
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Goodreads author - Supriya_Goswami
Goodreads author - Swami_Satchidananda
Goodreads author - Swami_Prakashanand_Saraswati
Goodreads author - Swami_Dayanand
Goodreads author - A_C_Bhaktivedanta_Swami_Prabhup_da
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Dharmapedia - Bochasanwasi_Shri_Akshar_Purushottam_Swaminarayan_Sanstha
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Dharmapedia - Swami_Karpatri
Dharmapedia - Swami_Lakshmanananda
Dharmapedia - Swaminarayan
Dharmapedia - Swaminarayan_Sampraday
Dharmapedia - Swami_Prabhavananda
Dharmapedia - Swami_Rama
Dharmapedia - Swami_Ramdas
Dharmapedia - Swami_Shraddhanand
Dharmapedia - Swami_Shraddhananda
Dharmapedia - Swami_Sivananda
Dharmapedia - Swami_Veda_Bharati
Dharmapedia - Swami_Vipulananda
Dharmapedia - Swami_Vivekananda
Dharmapedia - Swami_Vivekananda:_A_Historical_Review
Psychology Wiki - Swami_Satyananda
Psychology Wiki - Swami_Sivananda
Psychology Wiki - Swami_Vivekananda
150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
A. A. Krishnaswami Ayyangar
A Bouquet of Swami Vivekananda's Writings
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar
Amar Praner Swami
Ammu Swaminathan
Anantnath Swami Temple
Anjali Goswami
Appayya Swamigalu
Arcot N. Veeraswami
Arnab Goswami
Arvind Swami
A. Swamidhas
Avantiswami Temple
Ayikudi Balasubramanya Swami Temple
Ayyavu Swamikal
Baburam Maharaj (Swami Premananda)
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Chicago
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Chino Hills
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir London
Bhadreshdas Swami
Bhakti Caitanya Swami
Bhakti Charu Swami
Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami
Bhakti Tirtha Swami
Bibliography of Swami Vivekananda
Bijoy Goswami
Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha
Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Book:Swami Vivekananda
Brahmanand Swami
Category:Swaminarayan sect of Hinduism
Chakradhar Swami
Chattampi Swamikal
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Chintalarayaswami Temple
Chuni Goswami
Cotah Ramaswami
C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation
C. P. Ramaswami Iyer
C. V. Kumaraswami Sastri
Debabrata Goswami
Devanand Swami
Dharendra Yogi Goswami
Dhayananthapuri Swamiji
D. M. Swaminathan
Draft:Nalla Gounder Palaniswami
Draft:Swami Vivekananda University, West Bengal
Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College
Edappadi K. Palaniswami
Gautama Swami
Gegeneophis ramaswamii
Giriraja Swami
Gopala Bhatta Goswami
Gopalaswami Parthasarathy
Gopalaswami Parthasarathy (diplomat)
Gopal Krishna Goswami
Gopal Swami Khetanchi
Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College
Gour Govinda Swami
Gunatitanand Swami
GuruswamiSudan list decoding algorithm
Halcyon Days (Sounds of Swami EP)
Hanagal Kumaraswamiji
Hansadutta Swami
Hanumatpresaka Swami
Harikesa Swami
Hemant Goswami
Hemchandra Goswami
I. D. Swami
Influence and legacy of Swami Vivekananda
International Swaminarayan Satsang Organisation
Jagdish Swaminathan
Jahnabi Goswami
Jai Shri Swaminarayan
Jai Swaminarayan
Janardan Swami
Jayadvaita Swami
Jayapataka Swami
Jay Sadguru Swami
Jiva Goswami
Joyasree Goswami Mahanta
Kalarickal Manikanda Swami Temple
Kallepalli E. Swamidass
Kanji Swami
Karunamaya Goswami
Kasturi Ramaswami
Kirtanananda Swami
Krishnaswami Iyengar
Krishnaswami Srinivas Sanjivi
K. Venkataswami Naidu
Lajja Goswami
Life and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
List of Swaminarayan temples
Lokanath Swami
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Mahavir Swami Wildlife Sanctuary
Mahesh Muthuswami
Malayappa swami
Mamoni Raisom Goswami
Manoj Kumar Goswami
Manyasree Viswamithran
Mayuranathaswami Temple, Mayiladuthurai
M. C. Muthukumaraswami
Mina Swaminathan
Mohan Nath Goswami
Moloya Goswami
M. P. Periaswami
M. R. Rangaswami
M. S. Swaminathan
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
Mukkoottuthara Thiruvambadi Sree Krishnaswami Temple
Muktanand Swami
Muthuswami Dikshitar
Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti
Narayanprasaddasji Swami
Nelliparampu Sreekrishna Swami temple
Neyyattinkara Sree Krishna Swami Temple
N. Gopalaswami
N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar
Niralamba Swami
Nityanand Swami
Nityanand Swami (Paramhansa)
Notes of Some Wanderings with the Swami Vivekananda
N. S. Ramaswami
Palaniswami ministry
Panjab University Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur
Parthasarathy Swami Sabha
Perunna Subrahmanya Swami Temple
Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Praphulladatta Goswami
Premanand Swami
P. S. Sivaswami Iyer
Radhanath Swami
Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod
Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami
Raghunatha dasa Goswami
Rajaram Swaminathan
Ramalinga Swamigal
Ramaswami Balasubramaniam
Ramesvara Swami
Ram Narayan Goswami
Relationship between Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda
Renu Goswami
R. Kandaswami
Rupa Goswami
Sacinandana Swami
Sadananda Swami
Sadhu Kuppuswami
Salem Ramaswami Mudaliar
Sanatana Goswami
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
Seshadri Swamigal
Shahana Goswami
Shivakumara Swami
Shivamurthy Shivacharya Mahaswamiji
Shreedhar Swami
Shridhar Swami Nazarekar
Shri Purohit Swami
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Auckland
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Bhuj (New temple)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Cardiff
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Dholera
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Downey
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Junagadh
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Karachi
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London (East London)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London (Harrow)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London (Willesden)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Mumbai
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Mumbai (disambiguation)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Nairobi
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Nairobi (EASS Temple)
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, New Jersey
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, New Jersey (Weehawken)
Shyam Manohar Goswami
Siddharudha Swami
Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya
Sivarama Swami
Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Six Goswamis of Vrindavana
S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Soumya Swaminathan
Soumya Swaminathan (scientist)
Sounds of Swami
Sree Balakrishna Swami Temple, Kuzhuppilly
Sree Krishna Swami Temple, Kotayilkovilakam
Srimadvirat Veerabrahmendra Swami Charitra
Sri Navaladi Karuppannaswami Temple Mohanur
S. Rm. M. Ramaswami Chettiar
Suhotra Swami
Swami Abhedananda
Swami Achootanand
Swami Adidevananda
Swami and Friends
Swami Aseemanand
Swami Ashokananda
Swami Atmajnanananda
Swami Avdheshanand Giri
Swami Ayyappan
Swami (band)
Swami Chidbhavananda
Swami Dayananda
Swami (disambiguation)
Swami Ghanananda (Ramakrishna Mission)
Swami gimmick
Swami Haridas Sangeet Sammelan
Swamiji (film)
Swami Kalyandev
Swami Karpatri
Swamikartik Khapar
Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University
Swami Kirtidananda
Swami Kuvalayananda
Swami Madhavananda
Swami Maheshwarananda
Swami ministry
Swami Murugesu
Swaminarayan Akshardham (Gandhinagar)
Swaminarayan Akshardham (New Delhi)
Swaminarayan Akshardham (North America)
Swami Narayanananda
Swaminarayan (disambiguation)
Swaminarayan Gadi
Swaminarayan Gurukul
Swaminarayan Mandir, Bhuj
Swaminarayan Mandir, Gadhada
Swaminarayan Mandir, Vadtal
Swaminarayan Mandir Vasna Sanstha
Swaminarayan Mantra
Swaminarayan Sampradaya
Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad
Swaminatha Desikar
Swaminathan Aiyar
Swaminathan Gurumurthy
Swaminathaswamy temple, Swamimalai
Swami Nikhilananda
Swami Niranjanananda
Swamini Vato
Swami (novel)
Swami Omanand Saraswati
Swami Paramananda
Swami Prabhavananda
Swami Prakashananda
Swami Premananda
Swami Premananda (guru)
Swami Purnachaitanya
Swami Purushottamananda
Swami Rama
Swami Rama Himalayan University
Swami Ramanand
Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute of Science & Technology
Swami Ramanand Shastri
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Swami Ramanand Tirtha
Swami Ramdev - Ek Sangharsh
Swami Sahajananda (Chidambaram MLA)
Swami Samarth
Swami Satchidananda Saraswati
Swami Satprakashananda
Swami Satyabhakta
Swami Satyamitranand
Swami Satyananda Puri
Swami Shambhavananda
Swami Shivananda Educational Society
Swami Shivom Tirtha
Swami Shraddhanand
Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi
Swami Shree Haridas Ji
Swami Shukdevanand Post Graduate College
Swami Siddheshwarananda
Swami Smaranananda
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Swami Sundaranand
Swami Swahananda
Swami Swarupanand
Swami Tapasyananda (Ramakrishna Mission)
Swamithope Pathi
Swami Tyagananda
Swami Vipulananda
Swami Virajananda
Swami Vishnu Tirtha
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda's prayer to Kali at Dakshineswar
Swami Vivekananda's travels in India (18881893)
Swami Vivekananda (1955 film)
Swami Vivekananda Airport
Swami Vivekananda and meditation
Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of the World's Religions
Swami Vivekananda (disambiguation)
Swami Vivekananda in California
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
Swami Vivekananda on Himself
Swami Vivekananda Planetarium
Swami Vivekananda Stadium
Swami Vivekananda statue
Swami Vivekananda University
Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement
Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering & Technology
Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University
Swami Vivekanand University, Madhya Pradesh
Swami Yatiswarananda
Swami Yogananda
Tamal Krishna Goswami
Thayumanaswami Temple, Rockfort
The Goat, the Sofa, and Mr. Swami
The Light: Swami Vivekananda
Thenkachi Ko. Swaminathan
Thirumazhapadi Vaidyanathaswami Temple
Thiruvangad Sree Ramaswami Temple
Tripurari Swami
T S Narayanaswami College of Arts and Science
T. S. Swaminatha Odayar
T. Swaminathan
Uttara Swami Malai Temple
U. V. Swaminatha Iyer
Vijayendra Saraswati Swamigal
Vilwamangalam Swamiyar
Visnujana Swami
V. K. Ramaswami Mudaliar
Vulimiri Ramalingaswami
Yadunandana Swami

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