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object:4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit

The purification of the mental being and the psychic Prana, -- we will leave aside for the time the question of the physical purification, that of the body and physical Prana, though that too is necessary to an integral perfections-prepares the ground for a spiritual liberation. Suddhi is the condition for mukti. All purification is a release, a delivery; for it is a throwing away of limiting, binding, obscuring imperfections and confusions: purification from desire brings the freedom of the psychic Prana, purification from wrong emotions and troubling reactions the freedom of the heart, purification from the obscuring limited thought of the sense-mind the freedom of the intelligence, purification from mere intellectuality the freedom of the gnosis. But all this is an instrumental liberation. The freedom of the soul, mukti, is of a larger and more essential character; it is an opening out of mortal limitation into the illimitable immortality of the Spirit.

For certain ways of thinking liberation is a throwing off of all nature, a silent state of pure being, a Nirvana or extinction, a dissolution of the natural existence into some indefinable Absolute, moksa. But an absorbed and immersed bliss, a wideness of actionless peace, a release of self-extinction or self-drowning in the Absolute is not our aim. We shall give to the idea of liberation, mukti, only the connotation of that inner change which is common to all experience of this kind, essential to perfection and indispensable to spiritual freedom. We shall find that it then implies always two things, a rejection and an assumption, a negative and a positive side; the negative movement of freedom is a liberation from the principal bonds, the master-knots of the lower soul-nature, the positive side an opening or growth into the higher spiritual existence. But what are these master-knots-other and deeper twistings than the instrumental knots of the mind, heart, psychic life-force? We find them pointed out for us and insisted on with great force and a constant emphatic repetition in the Gita; they are four, desire, ego, the dualities and the three gunas of Nature; for to be desireless, ego-less, equal of mind and soul and spirit and nistraigunya is in the idea of the Gita to be free, mukta. We may accept this description; for everything essential is covered by its amplitude. On the other hand, the positive sense of freedom is to be universal in soul, transcendently one in spirit with God, possessed of the highest divine nature, -- as we may say, like to God, or one with him in the law of our being. This is the whole and full sense of liberation and this is the integral freedom of the spirit.

We have already had to speak of purification from the psychic desire of which the craving of the Prana is the evolutionary or, as we may put it, the practical basis. But this is in the mental and psychic nature; spiritual desirelessness has a wider and more essential meaning: for desire has a double knot, a lower knot in the Prana, which is a craving in the instruments, and a very subtle knot in the soul itself with the Buddhi as its first support or pratistha, which is the inmost origin of this mesh of our bondage. When we look from below, desire presents itself to us as a craving of the life force which subtilises in the emotions into a craving of the heart and is farther subtilised in the intelligence into a craving, preference, passion of the aesthetic, ethical, dynamic or rational turn of the Buddhi. This desire is essential to the ordinary man; he cannot live or act as an individual without knotting up all his action into the service of some kind of lower or higher craving, preference or passion. But when we are able to look at desire from above, we see that what supports this instrumental desire is a will of the spirit. There is a will, tapas, sakti, by which the secret spirit imposes on its outer members all their action and draws from it an active delight of its being, an Ananda, in which they very obscurely and imperfectly, if at all consciously, partake. This Tapas is the will of the transcendent spirit who creates the universal movement, of the universal spirit who supports and informs it, of the free individual spirit who is the soul centre of its multiplicities. It is one will, free in all these at once, comprehensive, harmonious, unified; we find it, when we live and act in the spirit, to be an effortless and desireless, a spontaneous and illumined, a self-fulfilling and self-possessing, a satisfied and blissful will of the spiritual delight of being.

But the moment the individual soul leans away from the universal and transcendent truth of its being, leans towards ego, tries to make this will a thing of its own, a separate personal energy, that will changes its character: it becomes an effort, a straining, a heat of force which may have its fiery joys of effectuation and of possession, but has also its afflicting recoils and pain of labour. It is this that turns in each instrument into an intellectual, emotional, dynamic, sensational or vital will of desire, wish, craving. Even when the instruments per se are purified of their own apparent initiative and particular kind of desire, this imperfect Tapas may still remain, and so long as it conceals the source or deforms the type of the inner action, the soul has not the bliss of liberty, or can only have it by refraining from all action; even, if allowed to persist, it will rekindle the pranic or other desires or at least throw a reminiscent shadow of them on the being. This spiritual seed or beginning of desire too must be expelled, renounced, cast away: the Sadhaka must either choose an active peace and complete inner silence or lose individual initiation, sankalparambha, in a unity with the universal will, the Tapas of the divine shakti. The passive way is to be inwardly immobile, without effort, wish, expectation or any turn to action, niscesta, aniha, nirapeksa, nivrtta; the active way is to be thus immobile and impersonal in the mind, but to allow the supreme Will in its spiritual purity to act through the purified instruments. Then, if the soul abides on the level of the spiritualised mentality, it becomes an instrument only, but is itself without initiative or action, niskriya, sarvarambha-parvatyagi. But if it rises to the gnosis, it is at once an instrument and a participant in the bliss of the divine action and the bliss of the divine Ananda; it unifies in itself the prakrti and the purusa.

The ego turn, the separative turn of the being, is the fulcrum of the whole embarrassed labour of the ignorance and the bondage. So long as one is not free from the ego sense, there can be no real freedom. The seat of the ego is said to be in the Buddhi; it is an ignorance of the discriminating mind and reason which discriminate wrongly and take the individuation of mind, life and body for a truth of separative existence and are turned away from the greater reconciling truth of the oneness of all existence. At any rate, in man it is the ego idea which chiefly supports the falsehood of a separative existence; to get rid of this idea, to dwell on the opposite idea of unity, of the one self, the one spirit, the one being of nature is therefore an effective remedy; but it is not by itself absolutely effective. For the ego, though it supports itself by this ego idea, aham-buddhi, finds its most powerful means for a certain obstinacy or passion of persistence in the normal action of the sense-mind, the Prana and the body. To cast out of us the ego idea is not entirely possible or not entirely effective until these instruments have undergone purification; for, their action being persistently egoistic and separative, the Buddhi is carried away -- by them, -- as a boat by winds on the sea, says the Gita, -- the knowledge in the intelligence is being constantly obscured or lost temporarily and has to be restored again, a very labour of Sisyphus. But if the lower instruments have been purified of egoistic desire, wish, will, egoistic passion, egoistic emotion and the Buddhi itself of egoistic idea and preference, then the knowledge of the spiritual truth of oneness can find a firm foundation. Till then, the ego takes all sorts of subtle forms and we imagine ourselves to be free from it, when we are really acting as its instruments and all we have attained is a certain intellectual poise which is not the true spiritual liberation. Moreover, to throw away the active sense of ego is not enough; that may merely bring an inactive state of the mentality, a certain passive inert quietude of separate being may take the place of the kinetic egoism, which is also not the true liberation. The ego sense must be replaced by a oneness with the transcendental Divine and with universal being.

This necessity arises from the fact that the Buddhi is only a pratistha or chief support of the ego-sense in its manifold play, ahankara; but in its source it is a degradation or deformation of a truth of our spiritual being. The truth of being is that there is a transcendent existence, supreme self or spirit, a timeless soul of existence, an eternal, a Divine, or even we may speak of it in relation to current mental ideas of the Godhead as a supra-Divine, which is here immanent, all-embracing, all-initiating and all-governing, a great universal Spirit; and the individual is a conscious power of being of the Eternal, capable eternally of relations with him, but one with him too in the very core of reality of its own eternal existence. This is a truth which the intelligence can apprehend, can, when once purified, reflect, transmit, hold in a derivative fashion, but it can only be entirely realised, lived and made effective in the spirit. When we live in the spirit, then we not only know, but are this truth of our being. The individual then enjoys in the spirit, in the bliss of the spirit, his oneness with the universal existence, his oneness with the timeless Divine and his oneness with all other beings and that is the essential sense of a spiritual liberation from the ego. But the moment the soul leans towards the mental limitation, there is a certain sense of spiritual separativeness which has its joys, but may at any moment lapse into the entire ego-sense, ignorance, oblivion of oneness. To get rid of this separativeness an attempt is made to absorb oneself in the idea and realisation of the Divine, and this takes in certain forms of spiritual askesis the turn of a strain towards the abolition of all individual being and a casting away, in the trance of immersion, of all individual or universal relations with the Divine, in others it becomes an absorbed dwelling in him and not in this world or a continual absorbed or intent living in his presence, sayujya, salokya, samipya mukti. The way proposed for the integral Yoga is a lifting up and surrender of the whole being to him, by which not only do we become one with him in our spiritual existence, but dwell too in him and he in us, so that the whole nature is full of his presence and changed into the divine nature; we become one spirit and consciousness and life and substance with the Divine and at the same time we live and move in and have a various joy of that oneness. This integral liberation from the ego into the divine spirit and nature can only be relatively complete on our present level, but it begins to become absolute as we open to and mount into the gnosis. This is the liberated perfection.

The liberation from ego, the liberation from desire together found the central spiritual freedom. The sense, the idea, the experience that I am a separately self-existent being in the universe, and the forming of consciousness and force of being into the mould of that experience are the root of all suffering, ignorance and evil. And it is so because that falsifies both in practice and in cognition the whole real truth of things; it limits the being, limits the consciousness, limits the power of our being, limits the bliss of being; this limitation, again, produces a wrong way of existence, wrong way of consciousness, wrong way of using the power of our being and consciousness, and wrong, perverse and contrary forms of the delight of existence. The soul limited in being and self-isolated in its environment feels itself no longer in unity and harmony with its Self, with God, with the universe, with all around it; but rather it finds itself at odds with the universe, in conflict and disaccord with other beings who are its other selves, but whom it treats as not-self; and so long as this disaccord and disagreement last, it cannot possess its world and it cannot enjoy the universal life, but is full of uncase, fear, afflictions of all kinds, in a painful struggle to preserve and increase itself and possess its surroundings, -- for to possess its world is the nature of infinite spirit and the necessary urge in all being. The satisfactions it gets from this labour and effort are of a stinted, perverse and unsatisfying kind: for the one real satisfaction it has is that of growth, of an increasing return towards itself, of some realisation of accord and harmony, of successful self-creation and self-realisation, but the little of these things that it can achieve on the basis of ego-consciousness is always limited, insecure, imperfect, transitory. It is at war too with its own self, -- first because, since it is no longer in possession of the central harmomsing truth of its own being, it cannot properly control its natural members or accord their tendencies, powers and demands; it has not the secret of harmony, because it has not the secret of its own unity and self-possession; and, secondly, not being in possession of its highest self, it has to struggle towards that, is not allowed to be at peace till it is in possession of its own true highest being. All this means that it is not at one with God; for to be at one with God is to be at one with oneself, at one with the universe and at one with all beings. This oneness is the secret of a right and a divine existence. But the ego cannot have it, because it is in its very nature separative and because even with regard to ourselves, to our own psychological existence it is a false centre of unity; for it tries to find the unity of our being in an identification with a shifting mental, vital, physical personality, not with the eternal self of our total existence. Only in the spiritual self can we possess the true unity; for there the individual enlarges to his own total being and finds himself one with universal existence and with the transcending Divinity.

All the trouble and suffering of the soul proceeds from this wrong egoistic and separative way of existence. The soul not in possession of its free self-existence, anatmavan, because it is limited in its consciousness, is limited in knowledge; and this limited knowledge takes the form of a falsifying knowledge. The struggle to return to a true knowing is imposed upon it, but the ego in the separative mind is satisfied with shows and fragments of knowledge which it pieces together into some false or some imperfect total or governing notion, and this knowledge fails it and has to be abandoned for a fresh pursuit of the one thing to be known. That one thing is the Divine, the Self, the Spirit in whom universal and individual being find at last their right foundation and their right harmonies. Again, because it is limited in force, the ego-prisoned soul is full of many incapacities; wrong knowledge is accompanied by wrong will, wrong tendencies and impulses of the being, and the acute sense of this wrongness is the root of the human consciousness of sin. This deficiency of its nature it tries to set right by standards of conduct which will help it to remove the egoistic consciousness and satisfactions of sin by the egoistic consciousness and self-satisfaction of virtue, the rajasic by the sattwic egoism. But the original sin has to be cured, the separation of its being and will from the divine Being and the divine Will; when it returns to unity with the divine Will and Being, it rises beyond sin and virtue to the infinite self-existent purity and the security of its own divine nature. Its incapacities it tries to set right by organising its imperfect knowledge and disciplining its half-enlightened will and force and directing them by some systematic effort of the reason; but the result must always be a limited, uncertain, mutable and stumbling way and standard of capacity in action. Only when it returns again to the large unity of the free spirit, bhuma, can the action of its nature move perfectly as the instrument of the infinite Spirit and in the steps of the Right and Truth and Power which belong to the free soul acting from the supreme centre of its existence. Again, because it is limited in the delight of being, it is unable to lay hold on the secure, self-existent perfect bliss of the spirit or the delight, the Ananda of the universe which keeps the world in motion, but is only able to move in a mixed and shifting succession of pleasures and pains, joys and sorrows, or must take refuge in some conscient inconscience or neutral indifference. The ego mind cannot do otherwise, and the soul which has externalised itself in ego, is subjected to this unsatisfactory, secondary, imperfect, often perverse, troubled or annulled enjoyment of existence; yet all the time the spiritual and universal Ananda is within, in the self, in the spirit, in its secret unity with God and existence. To cast away the chain of ego and go back to free self, immortal spiritual being is the soul's return to its own eternal divinity.

The will to the imperfect separative being, that wrong Tapas which makes the soul in Nature attempt to individualise itself, to individualise its being, consciousness, force of being, delight of existence in a separative sense, to have these things as its own, in its own right and not in the right of God and of the universal oneness, is that which brings about this wrong turn and creates the ego. To turn from this original desire is therefore essential, to get back to the will without desire whose whole enjoyment of being and whole will in being is that of a free universal and unifying Ananda. These two things are one, liberation from the will that is of the nature of desire and liberation from the ego, and the oneness which is brought about by the happy loss of the will of desire and the ego, is the essence of Mukti.

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Wikipedia - Georgia on My Mind
Wikipedia - Ghost in the machine -- Description of Rene Descartes' mind-body dualism
Wikipedia - Giorgi Tsmindashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Gloria, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - God and Other Minds -- 1967 book by American philosopher of religion Alvin Plantinga
Wikipedia - Google DeepMind
Wikipedia - Got My Mind Set on You -- 1987 single by George Harrison
Wikipedia - Got You on My Mind (Jean Shepard album) -- album by Jean Shepard
Wikipedia - Got You on My Mind -- album by William Galison
Wikipedia - Grete Minde -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Grote Chair of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic
Wikipedia - Group mind (science fiction) -- Plot device used in science-fiction stories
Wikipedia - Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind -- 1978 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - Hans Peter Minderhoud -- Dutch equestrian
Wikipedia - Hansuli Minder -- Swiss sports shooter
Wikipedia - Harminder Singh -- Indian race walker
Wikipedia - Hasel (Mindel) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Hasselbach (Durre Holzminde) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Heaven on My Mind (song) -- 2020 single by Becky Hill
Wikipedia - Helminda pilipennis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Holzminden (district) -- District in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Holzminde -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Hope -- Optimistic attitude of mind
Wikipedia - How the Mind Works -- 1997 book by Steven Pinker
Wikipedia - How to Change Your Mind
Wikipedia - How to Create a Mind
Wikipedia - How You Remind Me -- 2001 single by Nickelback
Wikipedia - Human mind
Wikipedia - IBM's The Great Mind Challenge
Wikipedia - I Can't Get You Off of My Mind -- 1948 song by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Identity theory of mind
Wikipedia - If You Ever Change Your Mind -- 1980 single by Crystal Gayle
Wikipedia - Illmind -- American record producer
Wikipedia - I Love the Sound of the Kalachnikov It Reminds Me of Tchaikovsky -- 2001 film by Philippe Vartan Khazarian
Wikipedia - Incomindios Switzerland -- Human rights organization that focuses on the native populations of the Americas
Wikipedia - Index of philosophy of mind articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Infinity and the Mind
Wikipedia - In My Mind (film) -- Documentary about Patrick McGoohan
Wikipedia - Innatism -- Belief that the human mind is born with knowledge
Wikipedia - Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense
Wikipedia - Inside the Neolithic Mind -- Book by David Lewis-Williams
Wikipedia - Intelligibility (philosophy) -- Perceptible by the mind
Wikipedia - Intentionalism (philosophy of mind)
Wikipedia - Interactionism (philosophy of mind)
Wikipedia - Internal sin -- Sin committed by the inner activity of the mind
Wikipedia - In the Back of My Mind -- 1965 song by the Beach Boys
Wikipedia - In Your House 10: Mind Games -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Irreducible Mind
Wikipedia - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? -- Memoir by Mindy Kaling
Wikipedia - I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You -- 2020 song by Bob Dylan
Wikipedia - Jack Garrett (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders) -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Wikipedia - Jamindan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Capiz
Wikipedia - Jason Gideon -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Jennifer Jareau -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Journal of Mind and Behavior
Wikipedia - Juminda Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Estonia
Wikipedia - Jzsef Mindszenty
Wikipedia - Kaucminde Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Kavanah -- A theological concept in Judaism about a worshiper's state of mind and heart
Wikipedia - Keith Frankish -- British Philosopher of mind, known for the illusionist stance
Wikipedia - Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez -- 2020 American true crime documentary series about Aaron Hernandez
Wikipedia - Kill My Mind -- 2019 song by Louis Tomlinson
Wikipedia - Klaus Mindrup -- German politician
Wikipedia - Kleshas (Buddhism) -- In Buddhism, mental states that cloud the mind
Wikipedia - KM-CM-%re Minde -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - KPXJ -- CW affiliate in Minden, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Kristin Minde -- Norwegian vocalist and composer
Wikipedia - Kushibiki Yumindo -- Japanese impresario
Wikipedia - Kuta Church Ruins -- Church ruins in Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Lady Mastermind
Wikipedia - Lake Mindemoya -- Lake in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Language and Mind
Wikipedia - Last Thing on My Mind (Bananarama song) -- 1992 single by Bananarama
Wikipedia - Last Thing on My Mind (Ronan Keating song) -- 2004 single by Ronan Keating and LeAnn Rimes
Wikipedia - Laszlo Mindszenti -- Hungarian painter
Wikipedia - Legend of a Mind
Wikipedia - Lego Mindstorms EV3
Wikipedia - Lego Mindstorms -- Hardware and software platform by Lego
Wikipedia - Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance -- 1996 book by Alessandro Vezzosi
Wikipedia - Let us with a gladsome mind
Wikipedia - Limerence -- State of mind which results from a romantic attraction to another person
Wikipedia - Lina Almind Knudsen -- Danish curler
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of children of Mindon Min -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of concept- and mind-mapping software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds characters -- Listing of characters on American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CS Mindelense players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls by Chaminda Vaas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Minder episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mind Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mind Your Language episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mork & Mindy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Never Mind the Buzzcocks episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Never Mind the Buzzcocks presenters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of philosophers of mind -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Mindy Project episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of world championships in mind sports
Wikipedia - Live in the City of Angels -- 2019 live album by Simple Minds
Wikipedia - Looc, Occidental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Losing My Mind (Falling in Reverse song) -- 2018 single by Falling in Reverse
Wikipedia - Losing My Mind -- 1971 song from musical ''Follies'' by Stephen Sondheim
Wikipedia - Love on My Mind (Freemasons song) -- 2005 single by Freemasons
Wikipedia - Luminous mind -- Metaphor used in Buddhist doctrine
Wikipedia - Madness (Is All in the Mind) -- Song by Madness
Wikipedia - Mae Jarvis -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Wikipedia - Magandang Umaga South Central Mindanao -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Magnanimity -- The virtue of being great of mind and heart
Wikipedia - Make Up Your Mind (Theory of a Deadman song) -- 2003 single by Theory of a Deadman
Wikipedia - Mamburao -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Manda (zamindari) -- Princely state in British Raj
Wikipedia - Manila Trench -- Oceanic trench in the Pacific Ocean, west of Luzon and Mindoro in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Mario Is Missing! -- 1993 educational video game published by The Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Mario's Early Years! -- 1993-94 educational video games published by Software Toolworks and Mindscape
Wikipedia - Mario's Game Gallery -- 1995 video game compilation published by Interplay Productions, Mindscape, and Stepping Stone
Wikipedia - Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock -- English philosopher of morality, education, and mind, and a writer on existentialism
Wikipedia - Mastermind (1976 film) -- 1976 detective comedy film
Wikipedia - Mastermind (board game)
Wikipedia - Mastermind (British game show) -- British quiz show
Wikipedia - Mastermind (Irish game show) -- Irish version of a British television quiz show
Wikipedia - Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) -- Supervillain in the Marvel Universe, father of Martinique Jason (who is also known as Mastermind)
Wikipedia - Masterminds (1997 film) -- 1997 film by Roger Christian
Wikipedia - Master Minds (game show) -- American game show
Wikipedia - Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds) -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Wikipedia - Measuring the Mind
Wikipedia - Meditation -- Mental practice of focus on a particular object, thought or activity to improve one's mind
Wikipedia - Megamind -- 2010 American 3D computer-animated superhero comedy film directed by Miles Leonard
Wikipedia - Memories ( album) -- Memories ( album)
Wikipedia - Mental status examination -- Way of observing and describing a patient's current state of mind
Wikipedia - Mindanao bleeding-heart -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Mindanao brown dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Mindanao Current -- A narrow, southward flowing ocean current along the eastward side of the southern Philippines
Wikipedia - Mindanao Eddy -- A semi-permanent cold-ring eddy formed in the retroflection area of the Mindanao Current.
Wikipedia - Mindanao (film) -- 2019 Filipino drama film by Brillante Mendoza
Wikipedia - Mindanaona mindanaonis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mindanao -- Second largest island of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Mind and Life Institute
Wikipedia - Minda Poochakku Kalyanam -- 1990 film by Alleppey Ashraf
Wikipedia - Mind at Large
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Mind at the End of Its Tether -- Book by Herbert George Wells
Wikipedia - Mindaugas Bilius -- Lithuanian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Mindaugas Gedminas -- Norwegian amateur boxer (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Mindaugas Kvietkauskas -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Mind-blindness
Wikipedia - Mind Blowin' -- 1994 studio album by Vanilla Ice
Wikipedia - Mind-body dichotomy
Wikipedia - Mindbody dualism
Wikipedia - Mind-body dualism -- Philosophical theory that mental phenomena are non-physical and that matter exists independently of mind
Wikipedia - Mindbody Inc. -- American software company
Wikipedia - Mind-body interventions -- Health and fitness interventions that are supposed to work on a physical and mental level such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates.
Wikipedia - Mind-body Problem
Wikipedia - Mind body problem
Wikipedia - Mind/body problem
Wikipedia - Mind-body problem -- Open question in philosophy of how abstract minds interact with physical bodies
Wikipedia - Mind-body-spirit
Wikipedia - Mind > Brain Prize
Wikipedia - Mind Breaths -- Book by Allen Ginsberg
Wikipedia - Mind control
Wikipedia - Mind-cure
Wikipedia - Mind Dynamics
Wikipedia - Mindel C. Sheps -- Canadian physician, biostatistician and demographer (1913-1973
Wikipedia - Mindelsee -- Lake in Germany
Wikipedia - Mindel -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Minden Blake -- New Zealand flying ace
Wikipedia - Minden Land -- Cultural landscape in East Westphalia
Wikipedia - Minden Miles -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - Minden-Tahoe Airport -- Airport in Nevada, US
Wikipedia - Minden Township, Benton County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Minden
Wikipedia - Minden Wild Water Preserve -- Canoeing and kayaking slalom facility in Minden, Ontario
Wikipedia - Minder (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Mind Fields -- Book by Harlan Ellison
Wikipedia - Mind Field
Wikipedia - MindFreedom International
Wikipedia - Mindfulness and technology
Wikipedia - Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Wikipedia - Mindfulness-based stress reduction
Wikipedia - Mindfulness (Buddhism)
Wikipedia - Mindfulness (journal)
Wikipedia - Mindfulness (psychology)
Wikipedia - Mindfulness -- Meditation practice to bring one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment
Wikipedia - Mind Game (film) -- 2004 film by Masaaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Mind Games (John Lennon song) -- 1973 single by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Mind Games (TV series) -- American drama television series
Wikipedia - Mind games -- Intellectual competition
Wikipedia - MindGeek -- Internet pornography company
Wikipedia - Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit -- 1995 book by John E. Douglas
Wikipedia - Mindhunter (TV series) -- American crime thriller television series
Wikipedia - Mindi Abair -- American jazz saxophonist
Wikipedia - Mindia Ugrekhelidze -- Georgian judge
Wikipedia - Mindie Burgoyne -- American writer and businessperson
Wikipedia - Mind in eastern philosophy -- branch of philosophy on the nature of the mind
Wikipedia - Minding (horse) -- Irish Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Minding the Baby -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Minding the Gap -- 2018 documentary film directed by Bing Liu
Wikipedia - MIND Institute
Wikipedia - Mindiri language -- Austronesian language spoken in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mindjim River -- river in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mind (journal)
Wikipedia - Mind > Language
Wikipedia - Mindless Ones -- Fictional comic book monsters
Wikipedia - Mindless Self Indulgence -- American electronic rock band
Wikipedia - Mind Lords of the Last Sea
Wikipedia - Mind maps
Wikipedia - Mind map -- System or map used to visually organize information
Wikipedia - Mind Master -- 2011 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - MIND MGMT -- American comic book series
Wikipedia - Mind Mischief -- 2012 song by Tame Impala
Wikipedia - Mind of a Stoner -- 2013 song by Machine Gun Kelly
Wikipedia - Mind of a Toy -- 1981 single by Visage
Wikipedia - Mindomys -- A species of rodent in the family Cricetidae from Ecuador
Wikipedia - Mindon Min
Wikipedia - Mindoro bleeding-heart -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Mindoro Block -- A microcontinental block in the Philippine Mobile Belt
Wikipedia - Mindoro (province) -- Former province of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Mindoro State University -- State university in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Mind over matter -- Phrase used spiritual doctrines, parapsychology, and philosophy
Wikipedia - Mind Over Motor -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Mindpixel
Wikipedia - Mind Playing Tricks on Me -- 1991 single
Wikipedia - Mind projection fallacy -- An informal fallacy that the way one sees the world reflects the way the world really is
Wikipedia - Mindquarry
Wikipedia - MindRDR -- Google Glass app
Wikipedia - Mind Reader (song) -- 2008 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Mindroling Monastery
Wikipedia - Mindrolling Jetsnma
Wikipedia - Mindrolling Monastery
Wikipedia - Mindrolling Trichen
Wikipedia - Minds and Machines
Wikipedia - Mind, Self and Society
Wikipedia - Mindset List -- Annual compilation of the values that shape the worldview of students about 18 years old
Wikipedia - Mindset -- Term in decision theory and general systems theory
Wikipedia - Mind's eye
Wikipedia - Mind share -- When a brand is the first thing that comes to mind
Wikipedia - Mindspark Interactive Network
Wikipedia - Mindspeed Technologies
Wikipedia - Mind Sports Olympiad
Wikipedia - Mind Sports Organisation
Wikipedia - Mind sport -- Game of skill where the mental exercise component is more significant than the physical
Wikipedia - Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas
Wikipedia - Mind Stream(citta-santana)
Wikipedia - Mind Stream
Wikipedia - Mindstream
Wikipedia - Minds -- Open source social networking service
Wikipedia - Mind (The Culture)
Wikipedia - Mind the gap -- Warning to train passengers
Wikipedia - Mind the Malhotras -- 2019 Indian family drama series
Wikipedia - MindTouch
Wikipedia - Mind transfer (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Mindtree -- Indian multinational IT services and outsourcing company
Wikipedia - Mind uploading in fiction
Wikipedia - Mind uploading -- Hypothetical process of digitally emulating a brain
Wikipedia - Mind-wandering -- The experience of thoughts not remaining on a single topic for a long period of time
Wikipedia - Mind -- Combination of cognitive faculties that provide consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception and judgment
Wikipedia - Mind-world relation
Wikipedia - Mindy Alper -- American artist
Wikipedia - Mindy Baha El Din -- American-Egyptian scientist
Wikipedia - Mindy Brashears -- American civil servant
Wikipedia - Mindy Cohn -- American actress
Wikipedia - Mindy Domb -- American politician
Wikipedia - Mindy Kaling -- American actress, writer, producer, and comedian
Wikipedia - Mind Your Back, Professor -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Mind Your Manners (Pearl Jam song) -- Pearl Jam song
Wikipedia - Mind Your Own Business (film) -- 1936 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - Mind your own business -- English saying often abbreviated as MYOB
Wikipedia - Mind your Ps and Qs -- English-language idiom used to encourage (one) to be polite, presentable, and proper in a certain setting or context
Wikipedia - Mindy Seu -- American designer
Wikipedia - Mindy Sterling -- American television, film and voice actress
Wikipedia - Mindy Thompson Fullilove -- American clinical psychiatrist
Wikipedia - Mister Mind -- Fictional character from Fawcett and DC Comics
Wikipedia - Modularity of mind
Wikipedia - MonsterMind
Wikipedia - Month's mind -- Requiem mass celebrated about one month after a person's death
Wikipedia - Mork & Mindy -- American TV situation comedy
Wikipedia - Moro Islamic Liberation Front -- Group based in Mindanao, Philippines seeking an autonomous region of the Moro people
Wikipedia - Moro people -- Ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippines and archipelagos of Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan
Wikipedia - Moyez Manzil -- A Zamindar's house in Faridpur
Wikipedia - Mtatsminda Pantheon -- Cemetery in Tbilisi, Georgia
Wikipedia - Muckraker -- Progressive Era reform-minded journalists
Wikipedia - Murder in Mind (film) -- 1997 crime film by Andy Morahan
Wikipedia - Music on My Mind -- 1978 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - Mutharaiyar dynasty -- Zamindars from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - My Mind Right -- 2000 single by Jay-Z, Memphis Bleek, Beanie Sigel
Wikipedia - My Mind's Flower Rain -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Nature of mind (Buddhism)
Wikipedia - Nature of mind
Wikipedia - Nature of the mind
Wikipedia - Naujan, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Nepenthes mindanaoensis -- Tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines
Wikipedia - NetMind
Wikipedia - Neutral monism -- umbrella term for a class of metaphysical theories in the philosophy of mind
Wikipedia - Never Mind the Buzzcocks -- British comedy panel game television show
Wikipedia - Never Say Never Mind: The Swedish Bikini Team -- 2001 British film spoof by Buzz Feitshans IV
Wikipedia - New mysterianism -- Philosophical position on the mind-body problem
Wikipedia - Northern Mindanao -- Administrative region of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Northern Mindoro languages -- Subgroup of the Austronesian language family
Wikipedia - Not eXactly C -- High-level programming language for the Lego Mindstorms NXT
Wikipedia - Nothing Like I Imagined -- Memoir by Mindy Kaling
Wikipedia - Notion (philosophy) -- Reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations
Wikipedia - Nous -- The faculty of the human mind necessary for understanding what is true or real
Wikipedia - Object of the mind -- An object that exists in the imagination
Wikipedia - Occidental Mindoro Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
Wikipedia - Occidental Mindoro State College -- Public college
Wikipedia - Odyssey of the Mind -- Creative problem-solving program involving students from kindergarten through college
Wikipedia - One Mindanao -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - One Time 4 Your Mind -- 1994 song by Nas
Wikipedia - On My Mind (Ellie Goulding song) -- 2015 single by Ellie Goulding
Wikipedia - On the Mindless Menace of Violence -- Speech by Robert F. Kennedy
Wikipedia - Open Mind Common Sense -- Artificial intelligence project
Wikipedia - Open Mind (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Open Skies, Closed Minds -- Book by Nick Pope
Wikipedia - Operation Mindfuck
Wikipedia - Ordinary Mind Zen School
Wikipedia - Oriental Mindoro Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Wikipedia - Ostension: Word Learning and the Embodied Mind -- 2014 book by Chad Engelland
Wikipedia - Out of Mind (Tove Lo song) -- 2013 single by Tove Lo
Wikipedia - Overmind (comics) -- Villain in the Marvel Comics universe
Wikipedia - Overmind (Sri Aurobindo)
Wikipedia - Paluan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Panpsychism -- View that mind or a mind-like aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality
Wikipedia - Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind -- 1957 parapsychology book
Wikipedia - Parminder Ghumman -- Indian voice actor
Wikipedia - Parminder Phangura -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Parminder Singh Dhindsa -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Passionate Minds
Wikipedia - Peace of Mind (band) -- American Christian rapcore/nu metal band
Wikipedia - Peace of Mind (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Penelope Garcia -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Pentimento -- Alteration in a painting, evidenced by traces of previous work, showing that the artist has changed their mind as to the composition during the process of painting
Wikipedia - Peter Minder -- Swiss modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Mindanao Affairs -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Phillip Tahmindjis -- Australian speed skater
Wikipedia - Philosopher of mind
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Mind
Wikipedia - Philosophy of mind -- Branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of the mind
Wikipedia - Philosophy of the Mind
Wikipedia - Philosophy of the mind
Wikipedia - Piece of Mind (Tela album) -- 1996 studio album by Tela
Wikipedia - PiliPinas Debates 2016 - Mindanao leg -- Philippine presidential debate
Wikipedia - Pinamalayan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Play party (BDSM) -- Social event in which attendees socialize with like-minded people and engage in BDSM activities
Wikipedia - Pointing-out instruction -- Direct introduction to the nature of mind in Tibetan Buddhism
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: The Mastermind of Mirage PokM-CM-)mon -- 2006 special episode of the PokM-CM-)mon anime series
Wikipedia - Pola, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Pornhub -- Pornographic video sharing website owned by MindGeek
Wikipedia - PornMD -- Pornographic video sharing website owned by MindGeek
Wikipedia - Possible Minds: Twenty-five Ways of Looking at AI
Wikipedia - Possible Minds -- 2019 science anthology
Wikipedia - Prison Mindfulness Institute -- American non-profit organization supporting prisoners in transformation through meditation
Wikipedia - Problem of other minds -- The epistemological problem of how one can know that others have minds, given that one can only observe the behavior of others
Wikipedia - Propaganda techniques -- Methods of mind manipulation, many of which are based on logical fallacies
Wikipedia - Protect Your Mind (Braveheart) -- 1998 single by DJ Sakin
Wikipedia - Psyche (psychology) -- Totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious
Wikipedia - Psychosis -- Condition of the mind that involves a loss of contact with reality
Wikipedia - Puerto Galera -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Quantum mind
Wikipedia - Radio Clube do Mindelo -- Former radio station in Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Raminder Kaur -- Anthropologist
Wikipedia - Ramindjeri -- An Aboriginal Australian people of southern South Australia
Wikipedia - Ramnad estate -- Zamindhari estate that existed in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Rampenloch -- Street in Minden, Germany
Wikipedia - Raphael Minder -- Journalist (b. 1971)
Wikipedia - Raymond D. Mindlin
Wikipedia - Reactive mind -- Concept in Scientology
Wikipedia - Reasoning Mind -- Non-profit organizations based in Houston
Wikipedia - Reminders (Apple) -- iOS stock task management app
Wikipedia - Reminder software
Wikipedia - Reminds Me of You (Juice Wrld and The Kid Laroi song) -- 2020 single by Juice Wrld and the Kid Laroi
Wikipedia - Reminds Me -- 2020 single by Kim Petras
Wikipedia - Re-Mind
Wikipedia - Remind -- Company
Wikipedia - Representational theory of mind
Wikipedia - Repressed memory -- Controversial phenomenon in which memory may be stored in unconscious mind
Wikipedia - Retaliation (song) -- 2001 song performed by Jedi Mind Tricks
Wikipedia - Rieder Bach (Mindel) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Rizal, Occidental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Roxas, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Wikipedia - Russ Montgomery -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Wikipedia - Sablayan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Samatha -- Buddhist term meaning "tranquility of the mind
Wikipedia - Samu (Zen) -- Physical work done with mindfulness
Wikipedia - San Jose, Occidental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Santa Cruz, Occidental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Sati (Buddhism) -- Buddhist concept of mindfulness or awareness
Wikipedia - Satipatthana -- Mindfulness in Buddhism
Wikipedia - Science of Mind (magazine)
Wikipedia - Scientific American Mind
Wikipedia - Shadows of the Mind -- Book by Roger Penrose
Wikipedia - She's a River -- 1995 single by Simple Minds
Wikipedia - Simple Minds -- Scottish rock band formed in 1977
Wikipedia - Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind
Wikipedia - Society of Mind theory
Wikipedia - Society of Mind
Wikipedia - Solipsism -- Philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist
Wikipedia - Something to Remind Me -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Southern Mindanao Colleges -- Private college in Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines.
Wikipedia - South Mindanao languages -- Subgroup of the Austronesian language family
Wikipedia - Speak Your Mind -- album by Anne-Marie
Wikipedia - SphoM-aM-9M--a -- How the mind orders linguistic units into coherent discourse and meaning
Wikipedia - Splinter of the Mind's Eye -- Book by Alan Dean Foster
Wikipedia - Srish Chandra Nandy -- Bengali politician and writer and zamindar of Cossimbazar Raj (1897-1952)
Wikipedia - Stadttheater Minden -- Theatre in Minden, Germany
Wikipedia - State of Mind (video game) -- 2018 graphic adventure game
Wikipedia - States of Mind I:The Farewells -- Painting by Umberto Boccioni
Wikipedia - Subconscious mind
Wikipedia - Subjective idealism -- Philosophy that only minds and ideas are real
Wikipedia - Suminda Sirisena -- Sri Lankan actor
Wikipedia - Supermind (Integral thought)
Wikipedia - Supermind (Integral yoga)
Wikipedia - Supermind (novel) -- Book by A.E. van Vogt
Wikipedia - Tabula rasa -- Latin phrase; philosophical theory of mind
Wikipedia - Tara Lewis (Criminal Minds) -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - TeamIndus
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philosophy of mind
Wikipedia - The Absent-Minded Beggar -- Poem by Rudyard Kipling
Wikipedia - The Absent-Minded Professor -- 1961 film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - The Adapted Mind -- 1992 book by Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, and John Tooby
Wikipedia - The Aesthetic Mind -- 2011 book by Peter Goldie and Elisabeth Schellekens
Wikipedia - The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall into My Mind) -- 1995 single by Kenny "Dope" and the Bucketheads
Wikipedia - The Captive Mind -- Polish non-fiction
Wikipedia - The Closing of the American Mind -- 1987 book by Allan Bloom
Wikipedia - The Coddling of the American Mind
Wikipedia - The Concept of Mind -- 1949 book by Gilbert Ryle
Wikipedia - The Conscious Mind
Wikipedia - The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Wikipedia - The Dark End of the Street -- 1967 single by James Carr and You Got My Mind Messed Up
Wikipedia - The Darkest Minds -- 2018 film by Jennifer Yuh Nelson
Wikipedia - The Desperate Mind -- Czech punk rock band
Wikipedia - The Educated Mind
Wikipedia - The Emperor's New Mind -- Book by SIr Roger Penrose
Wikipedia - The Extended Mind
Wikipedia - The Eye of Minds -- 2013 novel by James Dashner
Wikipedia - The Fearing Mind -- American television series
Wikipedia - The Future of the Mind -- 2014 book by Michio Kaku
Wikipedia - The Game (mind game) -- Mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself
Wikipedia - The Jewish Mind
Wikipedia - The Large, the Small and the Human Mind -- Book by Roger Penrose
Wikipedia - The Life of the Mind -- Posthumous and incomplete philosophy book by Hannah Arendt
Wikipedia - The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
Wikipedia - The Master Mind (1914 film) -- 1914 film by Cecil B. DeMille, Oscar Apfel
Wikipedia - The Master Mind (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Kenneth Webb
Wikipedia - The Mind and Society
Wikipedia - The Mind Cage -- Book by A.E. van Vogt
Wikipedia - The Mind, Explained -- 2019 docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - The Mind Game -- 1980 novel by Norman Spinrad
Wikipedia - The Mind in the Cave -- Book by David Lewis-Williams
Wikipedia - The Mind of Adolf Hitler -- WW2 American attempt to psychoanalyse Hitler
Wikipedia - The mind of an ape
Wikipedia - The Mind of God
Wikipedia - The Mind of Mark DeFriest -- 2014 film directed by Gabriel London
Wikipedia - The Mind of Primitive Man
Wikipedia - The Mind of the Maker -- 1941 theological book by Dorothy Sayers
Wikipedia - The Mind Parasites
Wikipedia - The Mind Reader -- 1933 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - The Mindscape of Alan Moore
Wikipedia - The Mind's I
Wikipedia - The Mind's I -- The Mind's I
Wikipedia - The Mind Trust -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - The Mindy Project -- American romantic comedy television series
Wikipedia - The Miracle of Mindfulness -- Manual on meditation by Thich NhM-aM-:M-%t HM-aM-:M-!nh in 1975
Wikipedia - The Mum Minder -- 1993 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - The Mystery Mind -- 1920 silent film serial by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind -- 1976 book by Julian Jaynes
Wikipedia - Theory of mind in animals
Wikipedia - Theory of Mind
Wikipedia - Theory of mind -- Ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others
Wikipedia - The Passion of the Western Mind -- 1991 book by Richard Tarnas
Wikipedia - The Passions of the Mind -- Book by Irving Stone
Wikipedia - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living -- Artwork by Damien Hirst
Wikipedia - The problem of other minds
Wikipedia - The Reactionary Mind
Wikipedia - There Is Always Something There to Remind Me -- 1988 single by The Housemartins
Wikipedia - The Reminder (Flin Flon)
Wikipedia - The Reminder
Wikipedia - The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion
Wikipedia - The Righteous Mind -- 2012 book by Jonathan Haidt
Wikipedia - The Savage Mind
Wikipedia - The Science of Mind
Wikipedia - The Society of Mind
Wikipedia - The Stronger Mind -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Third Mind -- Book by William S. Burroughs II
Wikipedia - The Vectors of Mind
Wikipedia - The woman who made up her mind -- Advert opposing Scottish independence in 2014 referendum campaign
Wikipedia - Thomas Erichsens Minde -- Building in Askoy, Hordaland, Norway
Wikipedia - Thomas Mindermann -- German-born Swiss neurosurgeon
Wikipedia - Thomas Minder -- Swiss politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Three Vajras -- Buddhist concept, body, speech and mind
Wikipedia - Thumindu Dodantenna -- Sri Lankan actor
Wikipedia - Thunder Perfect Mind (Current 93 album)
Wikipedia - Timehop -- Smartphone app that reminds users of their past activity
Wikipedia - Time Out of Mind (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Tony Quinn (businessman) -- Irish businessman, yoga entrepreneur and a mind coach
Wikipedia - Treasure Island (Ontario) -- Large island in Lake Mindemoya, Ontario
Wikipedia - Typhoon Mindulle (2004) -- Pacific typhoon
Wikipedia - Ulath Ekai Pilath Ekai -- 2016 film by Chaminda Ranasinghe
Wikipedia - Unconscious mind
Wikipedia - Undermind (TV series) -- British science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Uni-Mind
Wikipedia - Universal mind -- Concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being in the universe
Wikipedia - University of Southern Mindanao -- Public university in Kabacan, Cotabato province, Philippines
Wikipedia - University of the Philippines Mindanao -- Public research university
Wikipedia - Unstrange Minds -- Book by Roy Richard Grinker
Wikipedia - User talk:Mind meal
Wikipedia - USS Mindanao (ARG-3) -- US Navy Luzon-class internal combustion engine repair ship in service 1943-1947
Wikipedia - Victoria, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Vidyamala Burch -- Mindfulness teacher
Wikipedia - VijM-CM-1ana -- Term used in theology & philosophy of Hinduism (for discernment, understanding, knowledge, intelligence) and of Buddhism (for discernment, consciousness, life force, mind)
Wikipedia - Viruses of the Mind -- 1991 essay by Richard Dawkins
Wikipedia - Wajed Ali Khan Panni -- Bengali zamindar and politician
Wikipedia - Wallander: Mastermind -- 2005 film by Peter Flinth
Wikipedia - Wemindji Airport -- Airport in Wemindji, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Westernach (Mindel) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Western Mindanao State University -- Public university in Zamboanga City, Western Mindanao, Philippines
Wikipedia - What Now? Remind Me -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Whenever You're on My Mind -- 1983 song by American rock musician Marshall Crenshaw
Wikipedia - Where Is My Mind? -- 1988 song by the Pixies
Wikipedia - Where's My Mind Tour -- 2018 concert tour by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - Who Are the Mind Benders? -- 1997 publication by Nick Griffin which was printed and distributed by the British National Party
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Tutorial (historical)/Keep in mind -- Tutorial on Wikipedia policies such as verifiability and copyright
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Mind -- Sub-project of WikiProject Philosophy
Wikipedia - Wild Minds -- Short story by Michael Swanwick
Wikipedia - World Mind Sports Games
Wikipedia - XMind -- Mind-mapping software
Wikipedia - Zahid Al-Sheikh -- Soldier and brother of 9/11 mastermind
Wikipedia - Zamindar -- Indian hereditary aristocrat
Wikipedia - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Wikipedia - Zurich.minds
Parminder Nagra ::: Born: October 5, 1975; Occupation: Film actress;
Mindy Cohn ::: Born: May 20, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
Mindy McCready ::: Born: November 30, 1975; Died: February 17, 2013; Occupation: Singer;
Mindy Sterling ::: Born: July 11, 1953; Occupation: Actress;
Arnold Mindell ::: Born: January 1, 1940; Occupation: Author;
Mindy Kaling ::: Born: June 24, 1979; Occupation: Actress;\\\
Goodreads author - Mindy_Klasky
Goodreads author - Mindy_Lewis
Goodreads author - Mindy_Kaling
Goodreads author - Minda_Webber
Goodreads author - Mindi_Scott
Goodreads author - Mindy_Starns_Clark
Goodreads author - Nissan_Mindel
Goodreads author - Mindee_Arnett
Goodreads author - Mindy_McGinnis
Goodreads author - Arnold_Mindell
Goodreads author - Mindy_Mejia
Goodreads author - Jenna_Mindel
Goodreads author - David_A_Mindell
Goodreads author - Marie_von_Minden
Goodreads author - Mindy_Ruiz
Goodreads author - Mindy_A_Carter's_Mind"In_the_Buddha's_Words"#Mastering_the_Mind"In_the_Buddha's_Words"#Refinement_of_the_Mind"In_the_Buddha's_Words"#The_Mind_is_Key's_Mind -- 0
Kheper - mind -- 28
Kheper - Higher_Mind -- 74
Kheper - Illumined_Mind -- 51
Kheper - mental_Mind -- 37 -- 0
Kheper - Mind -- 42
Kheper - Overmind -- 35
Kheper - physical_Mind -- 36
Kheper - Seven_Suns_of_Supermind -- 28
Kheper - Supermind -- 48
Kheper - thinking_mind -- 30
Kheper - vital_Mind -- 32 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - higher_spiritual_mind -- 39 -- 0
auromere - supermind-descending-vs-latent
auromere - ethical-logical-and-aesthetic-mind
auromere - taming-the-monkey-mind
auromere - videha-dharana-fixing-the-mind-outside-the-body
auromere - how-does-the-mind-change-with-yoga
auromere - the-greater-powers-of-the-sense-mind-manas
auromere - how-does-the-mind-change-with-yoga
auromere - the-greater-powers-of-the-sense-mind-manas
auromere - distinguishing-between-stilling-the-mind-and-dynamizing-meditation
auromere - brain-not-mind-yoga-psycho
auromere - constitution-of-man
auromere - mental-sheath
auromere - The greater powers of the sense-mind (Manas
auromere - on-absent-mindedness-instinctive-and-willful-actions
auromere - brain-imaging-can-reveal-the-movies-in-our-mind
auromere - taming-the-monkey-mind
auromere - isaac-newton-mind-reading-and-the-scholar-gypsy
auromere - comparing-roger-penrose-and-sri-aurobindo-on-the-mind
Integral World - Open Minds, License Plates, and Respectful Communications, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - The Non-Polarized Mind and "Superhuman", Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - The Artificial Brain of the Future, Looking at Ray Kurzweil's How to Create a Mind, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - The Future of the Mind, A Review, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - The God Behind the Curtain, A Critical Look at Michael Behe's Mind Centered Theory of Evolution, David Lane
Integral World - The Philosopher's Library, Folios from a Hypertextual Mind, David Lane
Integral World - Audio Books and the Distracted Mind, A Memoir, David Lane
Integral World - The Qualia Question, What is the Evolutionary Advantage of Subjective Awareness?, A Two-Minded Discussion, David Lane and Brandon Gillett
Integral World - The Quantum Mind, Closing the Gap between Concrete Reality and Subjective Experience, Brandon Gillett and David Lane in Dialogue
Integral World - Paralyzed Body, Liberating Mind, Kenneth's Journey into Virtual Reality, An Ongoing VR Journal by Kenneth Williams, David Lane
Integral World - The Evolution of Meditation, Why Understanding the Mind-Brain and its Permutations is Helpful, David Lane
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Brian Cox, Tyler Cardena-Wagers
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Philip J. Klass, Hee June Park
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - James Randi, Veronica Ramirez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Eugenie Scott, Jenny Wang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Harry Houdini, Felisha Jacobus
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Christopher Hitchens, (Justin) Yuan-Chun Hsu
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Sam Harris, Hannah Esqueda
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Joe Nickell, Jiselle Ramirez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Ray Hyman, Alexander Mendez
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Susan Blackmore, Kimberley Cang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Martin Gardner, Tiffany Wang
Integral World - Doubting Mind: Great Skeptical Thinkers - Adam Savage, Brian Tam
Integral World - The Language of development, How Societies Create Minds, Andy Smith
Integral World - Perennialism and the Myth of Narcissus: Falling in Love with Mind, Gary Stogsdill
Integral World - The Eon Hypothesis in a Nutshell: A Causal Connection between Mind and Matter, Gerrit Teule
Integral World - The arrogance of the imperial integral mind, Eric Towle
Integral World - Ken Wilber Videos: I Am Big Mind
Integral World - What's It Like to Be a Super-Nova?, Ken Wilber's Cosmic Approach to the Mind-Body Problem, Review of "The Religion of Tomorrow", Part IV, Frank Visser
Integral World - Biased toward the Marvelous?: Integral Reflections on Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos, Frank Visser
Integral World - The mind-body problem: helpful hints from integralism and perennialism, essay by Frank Visser
13 Koans (And Their Answers) to Awaken Your Deepest Heart and Mind
Body Mind Moment Training
Customize Your Mindfulness for Resilience and Impact
Divided Minds, Divided Societies: How ILP Can Help Heal Social Division
Full Body Mindfulness
Full Spectrum Mindfulness
Full Spectrum Mindfulness: A Guided Tour
Full Spectrum Mindfulness: The Hunger Drive
Full Spectrum Mindfulness
Inside the Super Brain: Integrating Mind, Matter, and Consciousness
Integral Mindfulness and the Evolution of Shame
Mindfulness, Psychotherapy, and Politics
Monkey Mind (And Other Kinds of Animal Intelligence)
Nature of Mind
From Stardust to Supermind
Supermind and the Primordial Avoidance
The Supermind
Shapes of Mind: The 10 Stages of Consciousness
The Expanded Full Spectrum Mindfulness Master Course
WTF is CryptoMind?
selforum - kingdoms and godheads of greater mind
selforum - epiphenomenal view of mind
selforum - mind of cells
selforum - global supermind
selforum - integrating mind body spirit in higher
selforum - mind is terrible thing to measure
selforum - supermind is to mind as conscious
selforum - integral mindblowing
selforum - vital mind cannot really be appeased
selforum - counteract virus of narrowminded
selforum - ordinary mind vs psychic being
selforum - overmind will replace automatism of
selforum - solitary mind world wide heart
selforum - uinterrupted flow of mind of light in
selforum - this is hard saying for occidental mind
selforum - sri aurobindo uses supermind as vehicle
selforum - supermind had touched earth on 29 march
selforum - supermind is nothing irrationally
selforum - we keep open mind and let profound
selforum - mind cosmos and invisible brewer
selforum - group mind behaving ethically seems to
selforum - twilight of modern mind
dedroidify.blogspot - unconscious-mind-does-not-process
dedroidify.blogspot - alex-grey-art-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - mindscape-of-alan-moore
dedroidify.blogspot - new-cure-for-mind-control-truth
dedroidify.blogspot - cia-mind-control-and-satanism
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-reclaim-your-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - liquid-mind-with-timothy-leary
dedroidify.blogspot - mind-is-liar-and-whore-part-1
dedroidify.blogspot - mind-is-liar-and-whore-part-2
dedroidify.blogspot - rupert-sheldrake-extended-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-mind-numbing-spirit
dedroidify.blogspot - steven-jacobson-mind-control-neuro
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-open-your-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - stewart-swerdlow-history-of-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-mind-techniques
dedroidify.blogspot - mind-control-themes-and-programming
dedroidify.blogspot - terence-mckenna-time-and-mind-tykes
dedroidify.blogspot - global-mind-change
dedroidify.blogspot - rupert-sheldrakes-extended-mind-recent
dedroidify.blogspot - battle-for-your-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - mechanics-of-mind-control-tools-for
dedroidify.blogspot - zoe7-mind-machines-entheogens-and
dedroidify.blogspot - mind-perception-quotes
dedroidify.blogspot - prescription-drugs-industry-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - making-mind-altering-hallucinogens
dedroidify.blogspot - manifesting-mind-official-trailer
dedroidify.blogspot - process-of-healing-mindfulness-style
dedroidify.blogspot - benny-shanons-antipodes-of-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - drjohn-lilly-in-province-of-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - the-ego-tunnel-science-of-mind-and-myth
dedroidify.blogspot - 311-soundsystem-12-mindspin
dedroidify.blogspot - absynthe-minded-space
dedroidify.blogspot - mind-blown-machine-elves-dance-around
dedroidify.blogspot - jason-silva-mirroring-mind
dedroidify.blogspot - a-reminder-to-myself
wiki.auroville - Conversion_of_the_mind
wiki.auroville - Higher_Mind
wiki.auroville - Illumined_Mind
wiki.auroville - Intuitive_mind
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Two.XI_"The_Kingdoms_and_Godheads_of_the_Greater_Mind"_part_2
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Two.X_"The_Kingdoms_and_Godheads_of_the_Little_Mind"_part_1
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Two.X_"The_Kingdoms_and_Godheads_of_the_Little_Mind"_part_2
wiki.auroville - Mind
wiki.auroville - Mind_of_Light
wiki.auroville - Mind_of_the_cells
wiki.auroville - Overmind
wiki.auroville - Physical_mind
wiki.auroville - SAIIER_Research_Letter_No._3_-_Beyond_the_Walls_of_Mind
wiki.auroville - Silent_mind
wiki.auroville - Supermind
wiki.auroville - Transformation_of_the_mind_of_the_cells
wiki.auroville - Universal_mind
Dharmapedia - Category:Mind-body_interventions
Dharmapedia - Decolonizing_the_Hindu_Mind
Dharmapedia - Indoctrinating_Minds:_Politics_of_Education_in_Bangladesh
Dharmapedia - Mindfulness
Dharmapedia - Overmind_(Sri_Aurobindo
Psychology Wiki - Absent-mindedness
Psychology Wiki - Bodymind
Psychology Wiki - Category:Mind-body_interventions
Psychology Wiki - Category:Mind_control
Psychology Wiki - Category:Philosophy_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Conscious_mind
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Mind.E2.80.93body_problem
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Problem_of_other_minds
Psychology Wiki - Dualism_(philosophy_of_mind)
Psychology Wiki - File:Descartes_mind_and_body.gif
Psychology Wiki - Functionalism_(philosophy_of_mind)
Psychology Wiki - Human_mind
Psychology Wiki - Index_of_philosophy_of_mind_articles
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Higher_levels_of_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Overmind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Supermind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Types_of_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_yoga#The_Realisation_of_Supermind
Psychology Wiki - Many-minds_interpretation
Psychology Wiki - Mind
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Animal_intelligence
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Artificial_intelligence
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Aspects_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Mind-body_problem
Psychology Wiki - Mind-body_problem
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Brain
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Evolutionary_history_of_the_human_mind
Psychology Wiki - Mind#External_links
Psychology Wiki - Mindfulness
Psychology Wiki - Mindfulness-based_Cognitive_Therapy
Psychology Wiki - Mindfulness_(psychology)
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Mental_faculties
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Mental_health
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Philosophy_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Mind#References
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Religious_perspectives
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Science_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Mind#See_also
Psychology Wiki - Mindset
Psychology Wiki - Mind's_eye
Psychology Wiki - Mind#Social_psychology_and_group_behaviour
Psychology Wiki - Mind-wandering
Psychology Wiki - Modularity_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Philosophy_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Mindfulness
Psychology Wiki - Problem_of_other_minds
Psychology Wiki - Quantum_mind
Psychology Wiki - Skumin_mind_control_method
Psychology Wiki - Society_of_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Soul#Attempted_demonstrations_of_the_soul_as_distinct_from_the_mind
Psychology Wiki - Subconscious_mind
Psychology Wiki - The_Emperor's_New_Mind
Psychology Wiki - The_Origin_of_Consciousness_in_the_Breakdown_of_the_Bicameral_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Theory_of_mind
Psychology Wiki - Unconscious_mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - arabic-islamic-mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - computational-mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - kant-mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - leibniz-mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - mind-identity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - mind-indian-buddhism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - modularity-mind
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - other-minds
Occultopedia - mind_medicine,_6_Pancras_Square.jpg's_Mind
Eureeka's Castle (1989 - 1995) - Eureeka's Castle was a Nick Jr puppet show that took place in a castle music box that was wound up by a friendly giant. Eureeka was a young wizard who was a little clumsy with her wand. Magellan the dragon and his pet Cooey lived there along with Magellan's mischeivous tail that had a mind of it's o...
Bobby's World (1990 - 1998) - Bobby's World premiered on FOX on September 8, 1990. From the wacky mind of comedian Howie Mandel comes the coolest cartoon yet, Bobby's World. Bobby lives in a typical suburban neighborhood, but step inside his imagination and discover a world of daring adventure, incredible wonder and lots of laug...
Arthur (1996 - Current) - Developed from Marc Brown's beloved books, Arthur reminds us all of how it feels to be 8 years old. Just like your average kid, Arthur overcomes the dreaded obstacles of third-grade life, such as his tough teacher Mr. Ratburn, bullies, and mountains of homework. At home, Arthur must face the pint-si...
Disney's One Saturday Morning (OSM) (1997 - 2002) - Disney's One Saturday Morning featured a wide variety of animated shows including Doug, Recess, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, 101 Dalmatians, Hercules, Mickey Mouse Works, and such shorts and skits like Mrs. Munger's Class, Manny The Uncanny, Great Minds Think For Themselves, Flyndiggery Do!, The Monk...
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994 - 1998) - The 90s version of Spider-Man is the longest running Spider-Man cartoon at 65 episodes. This series really portrayed Peter Parker and what was in his mind. A lot of the show is Peter thinking to himself outloud, giving the audience a true feel of his emotions. The animation was superb, even mixing...
Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors (1985 - 1986) - The plot follows protagonists Jayce, Flora, Herc Stormsailor, Oon, and Gillian, in search of Jayce's father Audric, and opposing antagonist Saw Boss and his followers, the Monster Minds.
Mork & Mindy (1978 - 1982) - Mork is a bumbling alien from the planet Ork sent to Earth, in his egg, to study its inhabitants. He will report to his unseen superior, Orson, until reassigned. On Earth, he meets Mindy McConnell, an average woman who takes him in and shelters him. On befriending Mork, she signs herself up for some...
Archie's Weird Mysteries (1999 - 1999) - There's somthing going on in Riverdale and Archie is determind to find out what it is to, ghosts, vampires, goblins, gods, you name it he'll try to find it and Jughead, Reggie, Betty and Veronica are here for the ride.It's Archie's Wierd Mysteries, the short lived series of Archie.
Charmed (1998 - 2006) - The Halliwell sisters, also known as the Charmed Ones are the most powerful good witches that had lived the earth. They have the power to stop time, see the future, and move objects with their minds, or also known as telekenisis. Once that they use the Power of Three, no amount of evil powers can...
Flash Forward (1996 - 1997) - Tucker and Becca are close friends. So close that they live next door to one another with facing second story windows and share a birthday. Tucker is at times an absent minded goof-off while Becca tends to be opinated and in a hurry to grow up. Now in middle school, they find themselves caught in ev...
Liquid Television (1991 - 1994) - What words come to mind when you think of Liquid Television? Perhaps smart..funny..dramatic...maybe even weird. Liquid Television was THE show for "up-and-coming" animators to show what they got. Originally shown on BBC-2 in December of 1990, MTV picked up the show in June of 1991, and lasted 3 seas...
Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991) - From the strange mind of director David Lynch came Twin Peaks, a murder mystery with his signature surreal and deranged twists detailing FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper's (Kyle MacLachlan) search for the killer of high school homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the quirky town of Twin Peaks....
Mork and mindy (cartoon) (1982 - 1984) - Cartoon based on tv series.
The Pretender (1996 - 2012) - Jarod is a Pretender - a genius whose exceptional intelligence allows him to assume various identities at will. Taken from his parents at an early age, Jarod was brought up in the Centre, a think-tank facility where he believed his computer-like mind was being used to benefit mankind. But when he...
Feed your Mind (1994 - 1997) -
Hikari Sentai Maskman (1987 - 1988) - Everything starts with Commander Sugata, studious of being able them of the mind. He discovers the existence of the Underground Empire Tube, a malignant force that wants to dominate the Land, located in underground Japan. In the beggining, Tube was centered in the Pacific. However, when Zeba assumes...
Supergran (1985 - 1987) - In a small British town, there is an old lady who is making the best of her weak condition. However, the small time criminal mastermind, Scunner Campbell, has stolen a new invention that he hopes will grant superpowers to himself; as soon as he makes it work that is. However, a botched firing makes...
Dangerous Minds (1996 - 1997) -
Professor Iris (1992 - 1994) - Puppeteer Tim Gosley talks of his days on Iris the Happy Professor as being part of a "secret fraternity," and there is some truth in that. Iris the Happy Professor, after a two-year run on TLC, went into hiding, waiting for broadminded, independent public television stations to find it. Fielding so...
Derren Brown: Mind Control (1994 - 2006) -
Minder (1979 - 1994) - The comic partnership of Arthur Daley (George Cole) and ex-con/boxer Terry McCann (Dennis Waterman) became a British institution in the 1980s and 90s, such was their unique blend of raw-edged humour and gritty realism.
Psycho-Pass (2012 - 2013) - The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" in the anime's title refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The...
Sword Art Online (2012 - 2012) - The players of a virtual reality MMORPG, Sword Art Online, are trapped and fighting for their very lives. After it is announced that the only way to leave the game is by beating it, Kiritoa very powerful swordsmanand his friends take on a quest to free all the minds trapped in Aincrad.
Delta State (2004 - 2005) - Four people all become aware that they each possess a superhuman ability of the mind and that theyve been charged with saving the world from Rifter forces according to their friend and mentor Professor Brodie. Brodie trains them to battle Rifters in the Delta State, a reference to the brain wave pa...
Gasaraki (1998 - 1999) - The flames of war explode in the Middle East as two shadow forces unleash monstrous new weapons of mass destruction! But in a world in which giant robots are real, the most dangerous weapon of all lies buried within a human mind. Yuushirou, the fourth son of the mysterious and powerful Gouwa family,...
Hyppo and Thomas (1971 - 1972) - Kaba Totto) is an anime created by Tatsunoko Production.Thomas is a cunning bird who sponges on Kaba, the good-natured hippopotamus. Although Thomas is a dependent, living in Hyppo's big mouth, he always acts lordly and tries to outsmart his simpleminded host. However, their basic friendship and coo...
Witch Hunter Robin (2002 - 2002) - Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J's witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divi...
Herbie, The Love Bug (1982 - 1982) - Disney's Volkswagon Beetle with human characteristics and a mind of its own creates matchmaking havoc for its owner in this hourlong series spun off from the 1968 movie and its three sequels.
Phred on Your Head Show (1999 - 2002) - Phred on Your Head Show was the first Noggin original series, predating better-known Noggin productions like "Oobi" (which premiered one year later, in 2000). It stars a green character named Phred who looks similar to a pickle (but often reminds others that he is not a pickle).
Oliver & Company(1988) - Oliver Is Befriended By Dodger, The Mischievous Little Kitten Is Welcomed By Dodger's Pack Of Dogs, The Dogs Run Into Trouble When The Evil Mastermind Sykes Schemes To Kidnap A Girl, It's Up To The Brave Kitten And His Friends To Race To The Rescue In An Electrifying Chase Through New York City's Su...
The Matrix(1999) - In the distant future, a computer hacker named Neo discovers that what we think is reality is actually a computerized image planted in our minds. The real world is run by machines that use human bodies as batteries, and place the human's minds into an alternate reality, a reality knows as The Matrix...
Return of the Living Dead III(1993) - A more straightforward horror film than the darkly comic Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988), this third chapter in the "Living Dead" saga was directed by Brian Yuzna and is quite similar plot-wise to his earlier film, Bride of Re-Animator (1990). J. Trevor Edmond and Mindy Clarke star as Curt...
Plan 9 from Outer Space(1959) - "Can your heart stand the shocking facts about Graverobbers from Outer Space?" That's the question on the lips of the narrator of this tale about flying saucers, zombies and cardboard tombstones. A laughable Sci-fi/ Horror film about a pair of aliens, angered by the "stupid minds" of planet Earth, s...
the Silence of the Lambs(1991) - Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Brilliant. Cunning. Psychotic. In his mind lies the clue to a ruthless killer. - Clarice Starling, FBI. Brilliant. Vulnerable. Alone. She must trust him to stop the killer.
Dream a Little Dream(1989) - An unfortunate bike accident leaves the minds of an elderly man and a young teenager swapped over - and the teenager uses the mind of the elderly man to win the girl of his dreams. An excellent comedy with a superb cast and is certainly well worth watching if you get
Who's Harry Crumb?(1989) - Harry Crumb is a bumbling and inept private investigator who is hired to solve the kidnapping of a young heiress which he's not expected to solve because his employer is the mastermind behind the kidnapping.
Dog Day Afternoon(1975) - On a hot Brooklyn afternoon, two optimistic losers set out to rob a bank. Sonny (Al Pacino) is the mastermind, Sal (John Cazale) is the follower, and disaster is the result. Because the cops, crowds, TV cameras and even the pizza man have arrived. The "well planned" heist is now a circus.
G.i.joe: Arise Serpentor Arise(1986) - yet another defeat inflicted by G.I. Joe, the immediate subordinates of Cobra's leader, Cobra Commander, have finally come to the end of their patience with his apparent incompetence and his inability to achieve real victories. The leader of the research and interrogations wing, Dr. Mindbender, rec...
Scanners(1981) - Darryl Revok is the most powerful of all the scanners, and is the head of the underground scanner movement for world domination. Scanners have great psychic power, strong enough to control minds; they can inflict enormous pain/damage on their victims. Doctor Paul Ruth finds a scanner that Revok hasn...
Flubber(1997) - Although "flub" is defined as "to make a mess of," the word "flubber" is a contraction from "flying rubber." In this remake of the 1961 comedy-fantasy The Absent Minded Professor, Robin Williams takes on the role created by Fred MacMurray and later executed by Harry Anderson on television, while the...
The Cannonball Run(1981) - A bunch of interesting individuals gather together for an illegal cross-country race. And some of the competitors don't mind playing dirty.
Hot Shots!(1991) - From director Jim Abrahams, one of the minds behind the Airplane! and Naked Gun films, comes another parody. This time around, Abrahams has his sights set on the action-adventure genre, specifically Top Gun. Charlie Sheen stars as Topper Harley, a maverick air force pilot who constantly lives in the...
Runaway brain(1995) - Mickey mouse switch's minds with a monster version of pete and must save minnie.
Arcade(1993) - A virtual reality game begins taking over the minds of teenagers. Filmed in 1991, but release was delayed until 1994 for legal reasons.
XChange(2000) - This science fiction thriller is set in a future where new technology allows travelers to save time and effort by transporting their minds into a body waiting at their chosen destination. However, a public relations man learns of the potential dangers of this new service when his body is taken over...
Colossus: The Forbin Project(1970) - "We built a super computer with a mind of its own and now we must fight it for the world
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt(2003) - When the original Batmobile is stolen, there's no time to the call the police. This is a job for Actors! years after the original Batman series went off the air a fiendish mastermind is forcing Adam West and Burt Ward to relive their legendary pasts as the Caped Crusader and The Boy Wonder. What we...
Dark Night of the Scarecrow(1981) - Charles Elliot "Bubba" Ritter (Larry Drake), a huge man with the mind and soul of a child, befriends young Marylee Williams, (Tonya Crowe, who later played Olivia Cunningham in Knots Landing). The townspeople are upset by the friendship between Marylee and Bubba, and the brooding, mean-spirited post...
The Curse of Inferno(1997) - Comedian Pauly Shore headlines this goofy comedy caper as a rather dull-minded bank robber who suffers a change of heart and decides to give back the money. The trouble is, getting the money back into the bank proves much more difficult than taking it out.
Tommorow Never Dies(1997) - A deranged media mogul is staging international incidents to pit the world's superpowers against each other. Now 007 must take on this evil mastermind in an adrenaline-charged battle to end his reign of terror and prevent global pandemonium. --- The 18th film from the legendary James Bond series, st...
The Goodbye Girl(1977) - The Goodbye Girl is a bittersweet comedy about relationships and taking chances. Though it deals with the human condition, what most quickly comes to mind are those wickedly comedic scenes featuring Richard Dreyfuss in an Oscar-winning role. He plays a struggling actor with a sharp tongue who has su...
Betrayal of the Dove(1992) - Divorcee Helen Slater doesn't mind single life, but she doesn't like being alone either. Her best pal Kelly LeBrock dutifully sets up a blind date. Outwardly charming doctor Billy Zane is Slater's companion for the evening, and things couldn't be rosier. But it turns out that neither Zane nor LeBroc...
Babylon 5: Third Space(1998) - The crew of Babylon 5 discover a mysterious artifact of unknown origin. The artifact influences the minds of people aboard the station and endangers the lives of everyone aboard. Takes place during season 4 of the Babylon 5 TV series.
Phenomena(1985) - One of the masters of horror, Italian horror director Dario Argento (SUSPIRIA, TENEBRE) brings us a horror film that lies within telepathic minds, witnessing murder when sleepwalking, an
Mastergate(1992) - A true GENIUS satire of the Iran-Contra hearings from the twisted mind of Larry Gelbart, creator of MASH and made for the Showtime Network. The whole thing is a study in double talk with such quotes as "What did the President know, and did he know he knew it?" and "The extent of my involvement was l...
The Hunt for Red October(1990) - When a Soviet nuclear sub headed toward American waters drops off U.S. scanners, the Yanks scramble to take defensive steps. But CIA analyst Jack Ryan convinces the brass that the sub's commander has something other than a first strike in mind. A perilous cat-and-mouse game ensues.
Rapid Fire(1992) - When college student Jake Lo (Brandon Lee) witnesses a murder by the Chicago mob, Jake is stuck between two fuding Drug Lords, one who wants him dead. After being betrayed by the FBI, he teams up with a local single-minded Chicago cop (Powers Boothe) who reminds him of his deceased father. It's up t...
1969(1988) - Two friends, Ralph and Scott live in a small minded town at the onset of wide public dissatisfaction with the Vietnam war. While Scott's brother enlists, he and Ralph are outspoken in their opposition to the war. Scott's attitude alienates him from his father and he and Ralph leave town to enjoy the...
Dreamscape(1984) - Alex Gardner is a down on his luck psychic whogambles . After a run in with a gangster named Sneed,Gardner joins his former mentor Dr. Paul Novotny for a university project:a way to project the minds of certain individuals into the dreams of others.He uses this gift to help those troubled by disturb...
The Verdict(1982) - Frank Galvin (Paul Newman) is a lawyer who has lost his way. He's losing cases and losing himself inside glasses of alcohol. When his associate Mickey Morrissey (Jack Warden) reminds him of his duties in a medical malpractice case, Galvin, with the support of his girlfriend Laura Fischer (Charlotte...
Where the Red Fern Grows: Part 2 (1992)(1900) - Billy has returned home from World War II, embittered about the killing he saw and losing a leg. Grandpa had anticipated his state of mind and has a gift waiting for Billy: a pair of redbone hound puppies. Billy must now confront life all over again.
The Red Balloon(1957) - Albert Lamorisse's classic French film about a boy and his unlikely friendship with a giant, red balloon. The balloon seems to have a mind and will of its own, and it follows the boy wherever he goes, wreaking havoc and creatin
Straight Talk(1992) - Dolly Parton and James Woods as the screen's hottest new romantic team? That's only one of several casting surprises in this romantic comedy. Shirlee Kenyon (Dolly Parton) has had enough of life in her small Arkansas town, not to mention her small-minded Arkansas boyfriend Steve (Michael Madsen). So...
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown!(1986) - Charlie Brown has a problem: He has to write a book report over the Christmas holidays which is due on the first day back. There is one major distraction on his mind and that is the big new year's party all of his friends are attending. He tries inviting the object of his desires, The Little Red-Hai...
Paternity(1981) - Meet Buddy Evans. He's a confirmed bachelor, the event's manager at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and loves his life as well as children. But the more he finds himself around kids, along with the fact he just turned 44, he finds himself wanting a son of his own...someone to remind the wo...
Copycat(1995) - Criminal profiler and psychologist Dr. Helen Hudson becomes entangled in the deadly mind game of a vicious copycat serial killer Peter Foley. Due to the horrific attack Helen suffered in her past as an agoraphobic she is confined to her apartment. The killer uses this against her in his murderous at...
The Commitments(1991) - In the working class section of Northern Dublin, young Jimmy Rabbitte was always focused on the music business (at least in the matters of retail) and has very high aspirations of managing the world's greatest band...the only thing is he has one kind of music in mind: soul. After countless audition...
The Ref(1994) - A professional thief finds himself in an unlikely situation after his partner ditches him, he's on the run, and to make matters worse he kidnaps a quarlleing couple that remind him of his own parents. He finds himself having to take on the task of being their marital "ref" if he is going to make it...
The Sound of Music(1965) - Maria, a nun at Nonnberg Abbey, is sent to Captain von Trapp's home to tutor his seven children in music and singing. She also falls in love with and marries the Captain, but soon she changes her mind about not becoming a nun. The whole family becomes famous in their singing, but they cannot keep it...
The Mind of Mr. Soames(1970) - A 30 year old man(Terrance Stamp),who has been in a coma since birth,awakens to find himself a child in an adult world.
Were The World Mine(2008) - A gay teenager(Tanner Cohen)uses a love position to turn the close minded townspeople into homosexuals including a jock he admires.The film is loosely based on Shakespeare's"A Midsummers Night's Dream".
Saturday Night Sunday Morning(1961) - an angry young working class Briton(Albert Finney) lives his life wanting nothing more than mindless pleasure.His way of living eventually gets him into trouble as he impregnates the wife of a co-worker.
Inside Out(2015) - Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter. Young Riley was perfectly content with her life when her father landed a new job in San Francisco, and the famil...
Big Hero 6(2014) - Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada learns to harness his geniusthanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous...
Who's Minding The Mint"(1967)(1967) - A bumbling account for the US Treasury"Harry Lucas"(Jim Hutton)inadvertedly stuffs several thousands of dollars into a paper sack of lousy tasting fudge..and when he gets home..he dumps both the hideous candy and monies into his garbage disposal..ruining the funds. In need of help to replace the des...
One Nation Under God(2009) - Austin, Lawson, Michael, and Will are four college-aged Christians who have grown up in the bubble of Christianity. They realize that their faith is more religion and less relationship. Because they have been in the rut of mindless faith, they decide to expand their views on God, the world, and eter...
Voyager(1991) - Walter Faber has survived a crash with an airplane. His next trip is by ship. On board this ship he meets the enchanting Sabeth and they have a passionate love affair. Together they travel to her home in Greece, but the rational Faber doesn't know what fate has in mind for him for past doings.
A State of Mind(2004) - A State of Mind is a 2004 documentary film directed by Daniel Gordon and produced by Nicholas Bonner. The film follows two North Korean child gymnasts and their families for over eight months during training for the 2003 Pyongyang mass games. The film won two awards at the North Korean Pyongyang Int...
Ice Princess(2005) - A teenager is torn between her desire to please her mother and following her own ambitions in this family-friendly comedy drama. Casey Carlyle is a high-school student who has a keen mind for math and looks to be on the fast track to Harvard, which is just the way her mother want it. However, Casey...
Happiness Runs(2010) - A young man named Victor realizes the shortcomings of the Utopian ideals on the hippie commune where he was raised. Victor's mother is funding the commune where the guru Insley hypnotizes and seduces women with a technique he calls "running." Insley manipulates the minds of these women so that they...
Mind Game(2004) - Nishi has always loved Myon since they were little. And now as adults, he wants to pursue his dream of becoming a manga artist and marrying his childhood sweetheart. There's one problem, though. She's already been proposed to and she thinks Nishi is too much of a wimp. But upon meeting the fianc wh...
Ghost in the Shell (2017)(2017) - In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified t...
Viva Las Vegas(1964) - Lucky Jackson arrives in town with his car literally in tow ready for the first Las Vegas Grand Prix - once he has the money to buy an engine. He gets the cash easily enough but mislays it when the pretty swimming pool manageress takes his mind off things. It seems he will lose both race and girl, p...
Vampire Circus(1972) - A village in Nineteenth Century Europe is at first relieved when a circus breaks through the quarantine to take the local's minds off the plague. But their troubles are only beginning as children begin to disappear and the legacy of a long-ago massacre is brought to light.
Questions(2008) - On the evening of his 40th birthday, Harvey Furst seems to have it all. A successful musician of renown, he is engaged to be married to a beautiful fashion model. For a while now he's been hearing a certain 7 note melody in his mind, over and over, but is unable to remember it after a few seconds. U...
The Love Bug(1968) - A race car driver becomes a champion with a Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own.
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant(1971) - Dr. Roger Girard is a rich scientist conducting experiments on head transplantation. His caretaker has a son, Danny, who, although fully grown, has the mind of child. One day an escaped psycho-killer invades Girard's home, killing Danny's father before being gunned down himself. With the maniac dyin...
Presence Of Mind(1999) - Henry James' classic tale of terror The Turn of the Screw receives yet another screen adaptation in this thriller shot in Spain. A young woman (Sadie Frost) is hired to serve as a governess for two children, Miles and Flora (Nilo Mur and Ella Jones). She is hired by their uncle, the Master (Harvey K...
Telefon(1977) - A Russian officer is sent to USA to try and stop sleeper agents who will mindlessly attack government entities when they hear certain coded words.
Baby M(1988) - When Betsy Stern was told she couldn't have a child, she and her husband Bill met with Mary Beth Whitehead who agreed to act as a surrogate mother. But after giving birth to a baby girl, Mary Beth changed her mind and wanted to keep the child. Based on the true story of the custody battle between W...
Attack Of The 50 Foot Woman (1958)(1958) - When an abused wife grows to giant size because of an alien encounter and an aborted murder attempt, she goes after cheating husband with revenge on her mind.
It Conquered the World(1956) - Scientist Dr. Tom Anderson makes contact with an alien called Venusian through radio transmission. Dr. Anderson is told that the alien only wants to bring peace to the human by getting rid of human emotions but the alien intends on taking over. The only person that escapes the mind control is Dr. An...
Disney's A Christmas Carol(2009) - Jim Carrey plays Ebeneezer Scrooge in Robert Zemeckis' motion-capture adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic. Ebeneezer Scrooge is a grumpy old man that holds the spirit of Christmas in contempt. In a dream, her gets a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past, who reminds him of how he got to be su...
Invaders From Mars (1953)(1953) - A young boy learns that space aliens are taking over the minds of earthlings.
Black Swan(2010) - A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.
Spider(2002) - A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood.
A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Swan III(2012) - A graphic designer's enviable life slides into despair when his girlfriend breaks up with him.
It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown(1983) - A one-hour-long Peanuts special which consists of eight different stories. In "Sack" Charlie Brown is having hallucinations about baseball after he gets stitches on the back of his head and tries to get his mind off of it. In "Caddies" Peppermint Patty and Marcie become golf caddies. In "Kite" Charl...
Terminal City Ricochet(1990) - Welcome to Terminal City, a decaying world where the citizens wallow amidst a mind-boggling profusion of discarded consumer goods; a ruthless world where television is exploited to its fullest to sell yet more needless junk to eager consumers; a bewildering land where the unreal is real and the real...
Day Of The Warrior(1996) - The Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law (L.E.T.H.A.L.), is tracking a criminal mastermind known only as The Warrior. While investigating his combination diamond smuggling/art theft/porn production industry, the agents discover that he has cracked their secret database and has stolen the files on...
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(2003) - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Thoden, Gamling, and omer meet up with Merry, Pippin and Treebeard at Isengard. The group returns to Edoras, where Pippin looks into Saruman's recovered palantr, in which Sauron appears and invades his mind; Pippin tells him nothing regarding Frodo and the Ring....
Bend It Like Beckham(2002) - 18-year-old Jessminder "Jess" Bharma is infatuated with soccer but because she is female and Indian, her parents do not allow her to play. She spends her spare time playing in the park with her friends including her best friend, closet homosexual Tony. After seeing her skill, Tony recommends she try...
The Absent-Minded Professor(1961) - Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to en...
A Beautiful Mind(2001) - After A Brilliant Mathematician Accepts Work In Cryptography When His Life Takes A Turn To The Nightmarish.
High School Musical 2(2007) - In the second installment of the trilogy, high school student Troy Bolton stresses over getting a job, with the price of college expenses looming on his mind, as well as trying to make sure he and Gabriella Montez are able to stay together all summer. This situation attracts the attention of Sharpay...
Rumble Fish(1983) - Rusty James, an absent-minded street thug struggles to live up to his legendary older brother's reputation, and longs for the days when gang warfare was going on.
The Bank(2001) - A monstrous banker takes on an econometrist as the latter has thought up a computer system that can predict the rises and falls of the stock market and thinks that they will greatly profit from it, unaware that the latter has revenge in mind for an event from his childhood which he blames on the ban...
Stealing Harvard(2002) - John (Jason Lee) is a hard-working guy who only wants to marry his longtime girlfriend Elaine (Leslie Mann). Elaine and John have vowed to marry once they save $30,000 for their dream house. Things are fine until John's sister calls to remind him of his promise to pay his niece's tuition, which cost...
Trouble In Mind(1985) - The lives of an ex-con, a coffee-shop owner, and a young couple looking to make it rich intersect in the fictional and hypnotic Rain City.
The Magus(1968) - A teacher on a Greek island becomes involved in bizarre mind-games with the island's magus (magician) and a beautiful young woman.
Every Little Step(2008) - Follows the plight of real-life dancers as they struggle through auditions for the Broadway revival of "A Chorus Line". Also investigates the history of the show and the creative minds behind the original and current incarnations.
The Baby(1973) - A social worker Ann Gentry investigates the Wadsworth Family after finding out they have a adult son who has the mind of baby. The social worker is faced with rejection from the mother and daughters resulting in violent actions. The social worker soon becomes determined to get the son named Baby....
The Inspector General(1949) - In this farcical Technicolor musical, snake oil salesman Georgi (Danny Kaye) is too honest for his own good. After his partner (Walter Slezak) fires him, the simple-minded Georgi wanders into a corrupt town where he is mistaken for a diplomat. As Georgi unknowingly enjoys his false identity, the tow...
Megamind(2010) - This is the story of a super-intelligent alien supervillain, Megamind, who after a long-lasting battle one day actually destroys his foe, the much-loved superhero Metro Man. Having Metro City for himself, Megamind finds out that his villainy has no purpose, and thus creates a new superhero to serve...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(2004) - Through a medical procedure, Joel & Clementine's memories got erased. -- -- -- Adventure, Comedy, Dementia, Psychological, Romance
30 Rock ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20062013) -- Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), head writer of the sketch comedy show "TGS with Tracy Jordan", must deal with an arrogant new boss and a crazy new star, all while trying to run a successful television show without losing her mind. Creator:
8 Women (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- 8 femmes (original title) -- 8 Women Poster -- One murdered man, eight women, each seeming to be eager than the others to know the truth. Gimme, gimme, gimme some clues to make up my mind. And eventually enter the truth. Oh, thou cruel woman! Director: Franois Ozon Writers:
A Beautiful Mind (2001) ::: 8.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 15min | Biography, Drama | 4 January 2002 (USA) -- After John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, accepts secret work in cryptography, his life takes a turn for the nightmarish. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Akiva Goldsman, Sylvia Nasar (book)
A Brilliant Young Mind (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- X+Y (original title) -- A Brilliant Young Mind Poster -- A socially awkward teenage math prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad. Director: Morgan Matthews Writer:
After the Fox (1966) ::: 6.5/10 -- Caccia alla volpe (original title) -- After the Fox Poster An Italian criminal mastermind, impersonating a film director, plans to grab the loot on a beach where a bogus movie is being filmed. Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers: Neil Simon (play), Neil Simon (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Alpha Dog (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 12 January 2007 (USA) -- Johnny and a couple pals kidnap Jake's 15-year-old brother, Zach, then assigns his buddy Frankie to be Zach's minder. They develop a brotherly friendship. Zach parties with his captors as things begin to spin out of control. Director: Nick Cassavetes Writer:
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2020) Episode Guide 18 episodes Altered Carbon Poster -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20182020) -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Being There (1979) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Comedy, Drama | 8 February 1980 (USA) -- A simpleminded, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted advisor to a powerful businessman and an insider in Washington politics. Director: Hal Ashby Writers: Jerzy Kosinski (novel), Jerzy Kosinski (screenplay)
Bordertown ::: Sorjonen (original tit ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162020) -- Quirky police detective, in Finland, delves into his mind palace to solve despicable crimes all the while trying to keep his family together. If Sherlock was based in Finland this would be it. Creator:
Brainstorm (1983) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Sci-Fi, Thriller | 30 September 1983 (USA) -- Researchers develop a system where they can jump into people's minds. But when people involved bring their personal problems into the equation, it becomes dangerous - perhaps deadly. Director: Douglas Trumbull Writers:
Christine (1983) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Horror, Thriller | 9 December 1983 (USA) -- A nerdish boy buys a strange car with an evil mind of its own and his nature starts to change to reflect it. Director: John Carpenter Writers: Stephen King (based upon the novel by), Bill Phillips (screenplay by)
Clone High ::: TV-14 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20022003) -- The greatest minds of the world have been cloned, and are now attending high school together. Creators: Bill Lawrence, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 24 January 2003 (USA) -- An adaptation of the cult memoir of game show impresario Chuck Barris (Sam Rockwell), in which he purports to have been a C.I.A. hitman. Director: George Clooney Writers: Chuck Barris (book), Charlie Kaufman (screenplay)
Criminal Minds ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20052020) -- The cases of the F.B.I. Behavioral Analysis Unit (B.A.U.), an elite group of profilers who analyze the nation's most dangerous serial killers and individual heinous crimes in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again. Creator:
Dangerous Minds (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama | 11 August 1995 (USA) -- An ex-Marine turned teacher struggles to connect with her students in an inner city school. Director: John N. Smith Writers: LouAnne Johnson (book), Ronald Bass (screenplay)
Despicable Me (2010) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Animation, Comedy, Crime | 9 July 2010 (USA) -- When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better. Directors: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Writers:
Detroit (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Crime, Drama, History | 4 August 2017 (USA) -- Fact-based drama set during the 1967 Detroit riots in which a group of rogue police officers respond to a complaint with retribution rather than justice on their minds. Director: Kathryn Bigelow Writer:
Dream Corp LLC ::: TV-14 | 11min | Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 30 episodes Dream Corp LLC Poster -- An absurd workplace comedy set in a neglected dream therapy facility where a rotating cast of desperate patients have their dreams recorded and analyzed by Dream Corp's absent-minded professor. Creator:
Elephant Song (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama | 26 February 2015 (Netherlands) -- A psychiatrist is drawn into a complex mind game when he questions a disturbed patient about the disappearance of a colleague. Director: Charles Binam Writers: Nicolas Billon, Nicolas Billon (play)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 19 March 2004 (USA) -- When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a medical procedure to have each other erased from their memories. Director: Michel Gondry Writers: Charlie Kaufman (story), Michel Gondry (story) | 2 more credits
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 19 March 2004 (USA) -- When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a medical procedure to have each other erased from their memories. Director: Michel Gondry Writers: Charlie Kaufman (story), Michel Gondry (story) | 2 more credits
Eureka ::: TV-14 | 1h | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20062012) -- A U.S. Marshall becomes the sheriff of a remote cozy little Northwestern town of Eureka where the best minds in the US have secretly been tucked away to build futuristic inventions for the government which often go disastrously wrong. Creators:
Face/Off (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 27 June 1997 (USA) -- To foil a terrorist plot, an FBI agent undergoes facial transplant surgery to assume the identity of the criminal mastermind who murdered his only son, but the criminal wakes up prematurely and seeks revenge. Director: John Woo Writers:
FBI ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) Next Episode Tuesday, March 16 -- Procedural drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI, bringing to bear all the Bureau's skills, intellect and mind-blowing technology to keep New York and the country safe.
Four Weddings and a Funeral -- R | 1h | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (2019) ::: Television adaptation of the romantic comedy film 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. Creators: Mindy Kaling, Matt Warburton
Gamer (2009) ::: 5.8/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 4 September 2009 (USA) -- In a future mind-controlling game, death row convicts are forced to battle in a 'Doom'-type environment. Convict Kable, controlled by Simon, a skilled teenage gamer, must survive thirty sessions in order to be set free. Directors: Mark Neveldine (as Neveldine), Brian Taylor (as Taylor) Writers:
Genius ::: TV-14 | 43min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Genius Poster -- The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius. Creators:
Genius ::: TV-14 | 43min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2017 ) -- The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius. Creators:
Great Minds with Dan Harmon -- Comedy | TV Series (2016) Episode Guide 15 episodes Great Minds with Dan Harmon Poster ::: Dan Harmon and his assistant Spencer Crittenden create clones of famous people in history and introduce them to the modern world for 6 hours while asking questions. Stars:
H+ -- 5min | Sci-Fi | TV Series (2011- ) Episode Guide 54 episodes H+ Poster ::: A future-set story in which a virus has wiped out most of the human race, and those still alive have their minds linked to the Internet 24 hours a day. Here, a viral incident leads to a new world order. Stars:
Harsh Times (2005) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Action, Crime, Drama | 10 November 2006 (USA) -- A tough-minded drama about two friends in South Central Los Angeles and the violence that comes between them. Director: David Ayer Writer: David Ayer
Horror Express (1972) ::: 6.6/10 -- Pnico en el Transiberiano (original title) -- Horror Express Poster -- While travelling on the Trans-Siberian Express, an anthropologist and his rival must contain the threat posed by the former's cargo: a prehistoric ape which is the host for a lifeform that is absorbing the minds of the passengers and crew. Director: Eugenio Martn (as Gene Martin)
Hunter ::: TV-PG | 48min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19841991) -- Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who bends the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals. Creator:
I Can Only Imagine (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, Family | 16 March 2018 (USA) -- The inspiring and unknown true story behind MercyMe's beloved, chart topping song that brings ultimate hope to so many is a gripping reminder of the power of true forgiveness. Directors: Andrew Erwin (as The Erwin Brothers), Jon Erwin (as The Erwin Brothers) Writers:
I'm All Right Jack (1959) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Comedy | 7 March 1960 (Sweden) -- A naive aristocrat in search of a career becomes caught up in the struggles between his profit-minded uncle and an aggressive labor union. Director: John Boulting Writers: Alan Hackney (novel), Frank Harvey (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
Inception (2010) ::: 8.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 28min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 16 July 2010 (USA) -- A thief who steals corporate secrets through the use of dream-sharing technology is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a C.E.O. Director: Christopher Nolan Writer:
In the Soup (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 13 August 1992 (Germany) -- New Yorker Adolpho Rollo is your classic head-movie auteur. In his mind, he's creating deathless classics of the screen. Back in the real world, he can't pay the rent on the downtown grothole he calls home. Director: Alexandre Rockwell Writers: Sollace Mitchell (as Tim Kissell), Alexandre Rockwell Stars:
Jarhead (2005) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Action, Biography, Drama | 4 November 2005 (USA) -- A psychological study of a soldier's state of mind during the Gulf War. Told through the eyes of a U.S. Marine sniper who struggles to cope with boredom, a sense of isolation, and other issues back home. Director: Sam Mendes Writers:
Kiss of Death (1947) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | September 1947 (USA) -- Nick Bianco is caught during a botched jewellery heist. The prosecution offer him a more lenient sentence if he squeals on his accomplices but he doesn't roll over on them. Three years into the sentence an event changes his mind. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers:
Late Night (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | 14 June 2019 (USA) -- A late night talk show host suspects that she may soon lose her long-running show. Director: Nisha Ganatra Writer: Mindy Kaling (screenplay by)
Les Enfants Terribles (1950) ::: 7.1/10 -- Les enfants terribles (original title) -- Les Enfants Terribles Poster The dangerously obsessive relationship between a psychologically manipulative brother and sister who isolate themselves and draw others into their mind games. Director: Jean-Pierre Melville Writers: Jean Cocteau (novel), Jean Cocteau (adaptation)
Life Is Beautiful (1997) ::: 8.6/10 -- La vita bella (original title) -- Life Is Beautiful Poster -- When an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor, and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp. Director: Roberto Benigni Writers:
Lucky Man ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 28 episodes Lucky Man Poster -- From the mind of comic book legend Stan Lee comes a bold new action crime series about a brilliant but flawed police officer with the power to control luck. Creators:
Luther ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20102019) -- DCI John Luther is a near-genius murder detective whose brilliant mind can't always save him from the dangerous violence of his passions. Creator: Neil Cross
Malena (2000) ::: 7.5/10 -- Malna (original title) -- Malena Poster -- Amidst the war climate, a teenage boy discovering himself becomes love-stricken by Malna, a sensual woman living in a small, narrow-minded Italian town. Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Writers:
Megamind (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Animation, Action, Comedy | 5 November 2010 (USA) -- The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life. Director: Tom McGrath Writers:
Metropolis (1927) ::: 8.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 33min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 13 March 1927 (USA) -- In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working-class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences. Director: Fritz Lang Writers:
Millennium -- 45min | Crime, Drama, Horror | TV Series (19961999) ::: A former FBI profiler with the ability to look inside the mind of a killer begins working for the mysterious Millennium Group which investigates serial killers, conspiracies, the occult, and those obsessed with the end of the millennium. Creator:
Mindhorn (2016) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 29min | Comedy, Thriller | 5 May 2017 (UK) -- A has-been actor best known for playing the title character in the 1980s detective series "Mindhorn" must work with the police when a serial killer says that he will only speak with Detective Mindhorn, whom he believes to be a real person. Director: Sean Foley Writers:
Mindhunters (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Crime, Horror, Thriller | 13 May 2005 (USA) -- Trainees in the FBI's psychological profiling program must put their training into practice when they discover a killer in their midst. Director: Renny Harlin Writers: Wayne Kramer (story), Wayne Kramer (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Mindhunter ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20172019) -- Set in the late 1970s, two FBI agents are tasked with interviewing serial killers to solve open cases. Creator: Joe Penhall
Mind Your Language ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19771986) A diverse group of immigrants and foreigners learn English at an adult education school in London. Creator: Vince Powell Stars:
Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 27 March 2009 (USA) -- A woman transformed into a giant after she is struck by a meteorite on her wedding day becomes part of a team of monsters sent in by the U.S. government to defeat an alien mastermind trying to take over Earth. Directors: Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon Writers:
Mork & Mindy ::: TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi | TV Series (19781982) -- A wacky alien comes to Earth to study its residents and the life of the human woman he boards with is never the same. Creators: Joe Glauberg, Garry Marshall, Dale McRaven
Need for Speed (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Thriller | 14 March 2014 (USA) -- Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross-country race with revenge in mind. His ex-partner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins. Director: Scott Waugh Writers:
Never Have I Ever ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2020 ) -- The complicated life of a modern-day first generation Indian American teenage girl, inspired by Mindy Kaling's own childhood. Creators: Lang Fisher, Mindy Kaling
Never Mind the Buzzcocks ::: 30min | Comedy, Game-Show, Music | TV Series (19962015) Music-based comedy quiz show. Stars: Phill Jupitus, Mark Lamarr, Bill Bailey  Add to Watchlist
Operation Finale (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama, History | 29 August 2018 (USA) -- A team of secret agents set out to track down the Nazi officer who masterminded the Holocaust. Director: Chris Weitz Writer: Matthew Orton
Point Blank (1967) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 31 August 1967 (USA) -- After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the money that was stolen from him. Director: John Boorman Writers:
Predestination (2014) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 9 January 2015 (USA) -- For his final assignment, a top temporal agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time. The chase turns into a unique, surprising and mind-bending exploration of love, fate, identity and time travel taboos. Directors: Michael Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers), Peter Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers)
Project Gutenberg (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- Mou seung (original title) -- Project Gutenberg Poster -- The Hong Kong police are hunting a counterfeiting gang led by a mastermind code-named "Painter". In order to crack the true identity of him, the police recruits gang member Lee Man to unmask "Painter's" secret identity. Director: Felix Chong
Psycho-Pass ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Crime | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 41 episodes Psycho-Pass Poster -- Believing in humanity and order, policewoman Akane Tsunemori obeys the ruling, computerized, precognitive Sibyl System. But when she faces a criminal mastermind who can elude this "perfect" system, she questions both Sibyl and herself. Creator:
Pump Up the Volume (1990) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 22 August 1990 (USA) -- Mark runs a pirate radio station and causes an uproar when he speaks his mind and enthralls fellow teens. Director: Allan Moyle Writer: Allan Moyle
Rumble Fish (1983) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 21 October 1983 (USA) -- Rusty James, an absent-minded street thug struggles to live up to his legendary older brother's reputation, and longs for the days when gang warfare was going on. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers:
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | 16 December 2011 (USA) -- Detective Sherlock Holmes is on the trail of criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, who is carrying out a string of random crimes across Europe. Director: Guy Ritchie Writers:
Shivers (1975) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 6 July 1976 (USA) -- The residents of a suburban high-rise apartment building are being infected by a strain of parasites that turn them into mindless, sex-crazed fiends out to infect others by the slightest sexual contact. Director: David Cronenberg Writer:
Spider (2002) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 13 December 2002 (Canada) -- A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood. Director: David Cronenberg Writers:
Spiral (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Drama, Thriller | 27 January 2007 (USA) -- A recluse telemarkets at an office, where his boss is his only friend. As he befriends a new, social colleague and sketches/paints her, his dark mind surfaces. Directors: Adam Green, Joel David Moore Writers:
Stitchers ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20152017) -- A young woman is recruited into a secret government agency to be "stitched" into the minds of the recently deceased, using their memories to investigate murders. Creator:
Teachers ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162019) -- Teachers show their hilariously warped perspective as six elementary school educators trying to mold young minds, even though their own lives aren't really together. Creator:
Telefon (1977) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 16 December 1977 (USA) -- A Russian officer is sent to the U.S. to try and stop sleeper agents who will mindlessly attack government entities when they hear certain coded words. Director: Don Siegel Writers: Peter Hyams (screenplay), Stirling Silliphant (screenplay) | 2 more credits
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 29min | Family, Fantasy, Music | 1 July 1953 (USA) -- A young boy dreams that he is in an imaginary world where, assisted by his family's plumber, he must save other piano-playing kids like himself from the dungeons of his dictatorial piano teacher who also mind-controls his mother. Director: Roy Rowland Writers:
The Absent Minded Professor (1961) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 32min | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi | 16 March 1961 (USA) -- A college professor invents an anti-gravity substance which a corrupt businessman wants for himself. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers: Bill Walsh (screenplay), Samuel W. Taylor (story)
The Brain (1969) ::: 6.9/10 -- Le cerveau (original title) -- The Brain Poster -- When NATO transfers some of its funds from Paris to Brussels by train, a criminal mastermind posing as a British colonel plans to steal it but two petty French thieves also have the same intent. Director: Grard Oury Writers:
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim. Director: Tarsem Singh Writer:
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim.
The Fall (2006) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 30 May 2008 (USA) -- In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastic story of five mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality blurs as the tale advances. Director: Tarsem Singh (as Tarsem)
The Far Country (1954) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 37min | Action, Romance, Western | 20 August 1954 (Denmark) -- A self-minded adventurer (Jeff Webster) locks horns with a crooked lawman (Mr. Gannon) while driving cattle to Dawson. Director: Anthony Mann Writer: Borden Chase (story and screenplay) Stars:
The Homesman (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama, Western | 18 May 2014 (France) -- Three women who have been driven mad by pioneer life are to be transported across the country by covered wagon by the pious, independent-minded Mary Bee Cuddy, who in turn employs low-life drifter George Briggs to assist her. Director: Tommy Lee Jones Writers:
The Honeymoon Killers (1970) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 4 February 1970 (USA) -- An obese, embittered nurse doesn't mind if her toupee-wearing boyfriend romances and fleeces other women, as long as he takes her along on his con jobs. Directors: Leonard Kastle, Martin Scorsese (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writer: Leonard Kastle Stars:
The Jerk (1979) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy | 14 December 1979 (USA) -- A simpleminded, sheltered country boy suddenly decides to leave his family home to experience life in the big city, where his naivete is both his best friend and his worst enemy. Director: Carl Reiner Writers:
The Love Bug (1968) ::: 6.5/10 -- G | 1h 48min | Comedy, Family, Sport | 13 March 1969 (USA) -- A race car driver becomes a champion with a Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers: Bill Walsh (screenplay), Don DaGradi (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Man with the Iron Heart (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- HHhH (original title) -- The Man with the Iron Heart Poster As the German Fascists expand their borders, scorching Europe from end to end, two brave Czechs of the Resistance prepare for a suicide mission to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, the hideous mastermind behind the "Final Solution". Director: Cdric Jimenez Writers: Laurent Binet (based on the novel by), David Farr (screenplay by) | 2
The Mindy Project ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20122017) -- A young Ob/Gyn doctor balances her personal and professional life, surrounded by quirky co-workers in a small office. Creator: Mindy Kaling
The Punisher ::: TV-MA | 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20172019) -- After the murder of his family, Marine veteran Frank Castle becomes the vigilante known as "The Punisher," with only one goal in mind: to avenge them. Creator:
The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 12 June 2009 (USA) -- Armed men hijack a New York City subway train, holding the passengers hostage in return for a ransom, and turning an ordinary day's work for dispatcher Walter Garber into a face-off with the mastermind behind the crime. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
The Toys That Made Us ::: TV-14 | 46min | Documentary, Comedy, History | TV Series (2017 ) -- The minds behind history's most iconic toy franchises discuss the rise (and sometimes fall) of their billion-dollar creations. Stars: Donald Ian Black, Mark Bellomo, David Vonner
The Trouble with Harry (1955) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Mystery | 3 October 1955 (USA) -- The trouble with Harry is that he is dead and, while no one really minds, everyone feels responsible. After Harry's body is found in the woods, several locals must determine not only how and why he was killed but what to do with the body. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974) ::: 7.8/10 -- TV-G | 51min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 10 December 1974 -- When a weary and discouraged Santa Claus considers skipping his Christmas Eve run one year, Mrs. Claus and his Elves set out to change his mind. Directors: Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. Writers: William J. Keenan (teleplay) (as William Keenan), Phyllis McGinley (novel)
Total Recall (1990) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 1 June 1990 (USA) -- When a man goes in to have virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars implanted in his mind, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he? Director: Paul Verhoeven Writers:
Westworld ::: Westworld (2016- ) -- 2016 Season 1 | Episode 10 Previous All Episodes (29) Next The Bicameral Mind Poster -- Ford unveils his bold new narrative; Dolores embraces her identity; Maeve sets her plan in motion. Director:
What About Bob? (1991) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy | 17 May 1991 (USA) -- A successful psychotherapist loses his mind after one of his most dependent patients, an obsessive-compulsive neurotic, tracks him down during his family vacation. Director: Frank Oz Writers:
What Lies Beneath (2000) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 21 July 2000 (USA) -- The wife of a university research scientist believes that her lakeside Vermont home is haunted by a ghost - or that she is losing her mind. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writers: Clark Gregg (screenplay), Sarah Kernochan (story) | 1 more credit
What's New, Scooby-Doo? ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20022006) -- Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang are launched into the 21st century, with new mysteries to solve. Stars: Frank Welker, Mindy Cohn, Casey Kasem
Wire in the Blood ::: TV-MA | 1h 9min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20022009) -- A psychologist gets inside of the minds of both killers and victims to aid the police in solving gruesome serial killings in Northern England. Stars: Robson Green, Mark Letheren, Emma Handy's_Species,_Cleitus's_Ultimate_Criminal_Mastermind's_Ultimate_Criminal_Mastermind?'s_Mindful_Relocation's_demand's_Body-Mind_Union's_Back,_Region_2,_El_Kadsre,_2015),_body_and_soul's_Mind's_Fate,_Mind_Assassin's_Eye's_Shard:_Harvesting_Ripe_Minds's_Mind_Playlist's-eyed_Klugwug,_Scattered_Mind's_gentle_reminder!_In_the_Name_of_Love/Free_Your_Mind,_will_achieves's_Little_Book_of_Mindfulness's_Eye_(episode)'s_Little_Reminders's_Eye's_Mind_0.68_Seconds_Before_the_Satellite_Hit!_Night_of_100_Frights)'s_Mind_Blowers,_Clear_Mind,000_BC_(2008)/Megamind"Mind_That_Bike"_Transcript'abul's_Eye's_Eye_(comics)'ari_mind_shroud's_mind,_Two_Hearts_in_One_Mind's_mind's_Eye_(audio_story)'s_Meryl_Streep_Costume_Party's_Christmas_Party,_Baby's_Girlfriend's_Brother'_Strike,_Please'_End's_Tale're_a_Couple_Now,_Haters!'ve_Got_Sext's_My_Mind's_Eye_Theatre's_Eye_Theatre_Core_Rulebook's_Eye_Theatre:_The_Awakening's_Eye_Theatre:_The_Requiem's_Eye_Theatre:_Vampire:_The_Masquerade's_Eye_Theatre:_Werewolf:_The_Apocalypse's_Eye_Theatre_(WOD)'sha
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/A -- -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- The peaceful days turn out to be short-lived as the shadow of another Selector Battle looms large. Kiyoi Mizushima is the first to notice that things are amiss, and she makes her move to put an end to the cycle of darkness.The Battle this time includes a new card, "Key," and has been set up with rules different than before. With both the mastermind and their motive shrouded in mystery, the darkness grows ever deeper and more menacing. Suzuko Homura, Chinatsu Morishita, Hanna Mikage, Ruuko Kominato, Yuzuki Kurebayashi, Hitoe Uemura, and Akira Aoi, the Selectors gather once again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,986 7.09
4.Eyes -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 4.Eyes 4.Eyes -- The human eye, a well-known motif in psychedelic culture, is duplicated and intensified in this cinematic trip. Drawing from his experiences designing discotheques, Tanaami presents two prints of the same film in double projection with a time delay ––one projected a few seconds earlier than the other–– to suggest the mind slipping out of consciousness. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1975 -- 805 4.14
Aa / ii -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Aa / ii Aa / ii -- When the mind says aah, the body says hee. I dance around the confusion and the consensus, and my whole life is getting composed of these dances. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2014 -- 367 4.82
Aggressive Retsuko -- -- Fanworks -- 100 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko Aggressive Retsuko -- Whether it be facing misogynistic remarks from her boss or being pressured by condescending co-workers, stress is just another part of the job for 25-year-old red panda Retsuko. Despite being one of the most diligent workers at her office, her diminutiveness and modesty often lead her to be exploited by her colleagues. However, when her irritation hits the limit, Retsuko brings forth her unique brand of letting off steam: aggressive death metal karaoke bashing the idiocy and hypocrisy of her co-workers' actions and work life. Although this venting only takes place in her mind, it gives her an outlet to counter her frustration in a world where hierarchy and appearances reign supreme. -- -- 78,138 7.63
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- Red panda Retsuko continues to work at her cyclic office job, with the occasional stress-venting via death metal karaoke on the side. With the company of her newfound friends Gori and Washimi, life is more enjoyable than ever before. But some new shake-ups to her status quo threaten to add more stress to her life. At the office, new employee Anai seems like a fine addition to the company. Yet when Retsuko is placed in charge of his training, she finds that beneath his steadfast dedication, he may pose a threat to the stability of the workplace. Meanwhile, at home, Retsuko's mother pays an abrupt visit, fully intent on having her daughter finally settle down and find a man. With this in mind, she sets Retsuko up for various marriage appointments, much to her chagrin. -- -- Now, Retsuko finds all the more reasons to head to the karaoke bar and unleash her furious diatribes. However, knowing that this will not truly solve her problems, she decides to make a more spontaneous choice to avoid her issues. And so, Retsuko finds herself set upon another self-reflecting journey, coming to learn more about herself and love, with the ever cathartic support of death metal karaoke. -- -- ONA - Jun 14, 2019 -- 73,221 7.78
Air Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Air Movie Air Movie -- Centuries ago, Kanna, a princess and the last of a winged race, was held prisoner in a castle as she was feared by the rest of the world. However, when she met a soldier named Ryuuya, she fell in love with him and told him of her wishes to see the outside world and to find her mother. Ryuuya attempted to fulfill these wishes. However, his efforts were in vain as Kanna was sealed in the sky through magic and cursed to be in pain for all eternity. -- -- Hundreds of years later, Yukito, a decendant of Ryuuya, comes to a quiet town one week before their annual festival with hopes that he can make some money. However, when he meets an unusual girl called Misuzu, he is reminded of what his mother once told him—"When you go out on your journey, if you find the winged girl's re-incarnation, you must use your power to set her free." -- -- Yukito and Misuzu's fates soon become intertwined with each other, with each developing feelings for the other. However when Yukito realizes Misuzu's connection to the past, he must decide on whether to leave, or to attempt to break the curse that has bound Kanna in centuries of pain. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- Movie - Feb 5, 2005 -- 55,485 7.26
Air Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Air Movie Air Movie -- Centuries ago, Kanna, a princess and the last of a winged race, was held prisoner in a castle as she was feared by the rest of the world. However, when she met a soldier named Ryuuya, she fell in love with him and told him of her wishes to see the outside world and to find her mother. Ryuuya attempted to fulfill these wishes. However, his efforts were in vain as Kanna was sealed in the sky through magic and cursed to be in pain for all eternity. -- -- Hundreds of years later, Yukito, a decendant of Ryuuya, comes to a quiet town one week before their annual festival with hopes that he can make some money. However, when he meets an unusual girl called Misuzu, he is reminded of what his mother once told him—"When you go out on your journey, if you find the winged girl's re-incarnation, you must use your power to set her free." -- -- Yukito and Misuzu's fates soon become intertwined with each other, with each developing feelings for the other. However when Yukito realizes Misuzu's connection to the past, he must decide on whether to leave, or to attempt to break the curse that has bound Kanna in centuries of pain. -- -- Movie - Feb 5, 2005 -- 55,485 7.26
Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- -- Katakura Kippei is in every way a high school playboy. Spending his days flirting with any female he can see, responsibility is the last thing on his mind. Life takes an unexpected turn for him as one day he returns home to find himself with the fulltime task of caring for his 5-year-old cousin. Kippei's aunt Miyako had disappeared, appearing to have abandoned his cousin, Yuzuyu. With Kippei's lack of responsibility and knowledge of childcare and Yuzuyu's injured heart with the disappearance of her mother, their time together is in for a bumpy ride. -- 91,037 7.47
Ai Yori Aoshi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Ai Yori Aoshi Ai Yori Aoshi -- Kaoru Hanabishi, a college student who lives alone, met a beautiful but bewildered girl dressed in a kimono at a train station. He volunteered to guide her way to the address she was looking for, which happened to be in his neighborhood, but turned out to be an empty lot. Not knowing what to do next, Kaoru invited the devastated girl to his apartment and asked for any additional clues to her destination. She supplied him with a photo of two children whom Kauru immediately identified as himself and Aoi Sakuraba, his childhood friend. It turned out that the girl in front of him is Aoi Sakuraba herself, his betrothed fiancee who came all the way to Tokyo to marry him. Her revelation was not only surprising but also reminded the deepest part of Kaoru's memory for why he left the Hanabishi family in the first place. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 11, 2002 -- 96,319 7.13
Ai Yori Aoshi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Ai Yori Aoshi Ai Yori Aoshi -- Kaoru Hanabishi, a college student who lives alone, met a beautiful but bewildered girl dressed in a kimono at a train station. He volunteered to guide her way to the address she was looking for, which happened to be in his neighborhood, but turned out to be an empty lot. Not knowing what to do next, Kaoru invited the devastated girl to his apartment and asked for any additional clues to her destination. She supplied him with a photo of two children whom Kauru immediately identified as himself and Aoi Sakuraba, his childhood friend. It turned out that the girl in front of him is Aoi Sakuraba herself, his betrothed fiancee who came all the way to Tokyo to marry him. Her revelation was not only surprising but also reminded the deepest part of Kaoru's memory for why he left the Hanabishi family in the first place. -- TV - Apr 11, 2002 -- 96,319 7.13
Alien 9 -- -- J.C.Staff -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Horror Psychological School -- Alien 9 Alien 9 -- Soon after entering middle school, Yuri Otani is coerced into joining the "Alien Party," a single-minded group with one goal: capture any alien attempting to enter school grounds. Terrified of aliens her entire life, Otani is anything but thrilled, and to make matters worse, her kit includes a "Borg"—an alien-like creature tasked with ensuring her safety. Despite this, she finds solace in her two partners: the independent and reliable Kumi Kawamura, and the smart and energetic Kasumi Tomine. -- -- As the Alien Party works to fend off extraterrestrial threats, will their roller blades and lacrosse sticks be enough to overcome the dire challenges ahead, or will they succumb to fear and suffer the grim consequences of defeat? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jun 25, 2001 -- 28,150 6.68
Amon: Devilman Mokushiroku -- -- Studio Live -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Demons Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Amon: Devilman Mokushiroku Amon: Devilman Mokushiroku -- Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike. -- OVA - May 24, 2000 -- 17,474 6.46
Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Tomaranai Monologue -- -- Brain's Base -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi School Shounen -- Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Tomaranai Monologue Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Tomaranai Monologue -- When Konoe Moyako and her little brother, Akira, were young, he said he wanted to marry her. Naturally, Moyako decided that her little brother was a complete pervert who was obsessed with her. Now that they're both teenagers, Moyako is convinced she needs to "rehabilitate" him. However, it seems that the "perversion" is entirely in her imagination, and she can't seem to help turning completely innocent situations into creepy ones in her mind! -- -- (Source: MU) -- -- Bundled with the limited edition 5th, 6th, and 7th manga volumes. -- OVA - Sep 16, 2014 -- 30,469 6.12
Ane Naru Mono -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Ane Naru Mono Ane Naru Mono -- Since the death of his parents, young Yuu has suffered considerably from neglect and abuse at the hands of his adoptive relatives, who leave him to his own resources to survive. Fortunately, a girl named Chiyo comes to his aid and offers to take care of Yuu while acting as his older sister. However, Chiyo is not what she seems, and Yuu knows all too well that her intentions are far from innocent. In exchange for her generosity, Yuu must supply Chiyo with his "life potential." -- -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,864 N/A -- -- Call Me Tonight -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror Romance Sci-Fi -- Call Me Tonight Call Me Tonight -- Rumi's met a lot of guys through her job, and it's probably fair to assume that most of them could be said to have some sort of problem, but a man who literally turns into a beast when he gets turned on may be outside of this perky call girl's field of expertise. Still, a little challenge every now and again stimulates the mind and makes life so much more interesting, so she's willing to give it a shot. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 28, 1986 -- 7,859 5.28
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Supernatural Drama -- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- Jinta Yadomi is peacefully living as a recluse, spending his days away from school and playing video games at home instead. One hot summer day, his childhood friend, Meiko "Menma" Honma, appears and pesters him to grant a forgotten wish. He pays her no mind, which annoys her, but he doesn't really care. After all, Menma already died years ago. -- -- At first, Jinta thinks that he is merely hallucinating due to the summer heat, but he is later on convinced that what he sees truly is the ghost of Menma. Jinta and his group of childhood friends grew apart after her untimely death, but they are drawn together once more as they try to lay Menma's spirit to rest. Re-living their pain and guilt, will they be able to find the strength to help not only Menma move on—but themselves as well? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, NIS America, Inc. -- 1,229,900 8.40
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- A year can change a person's life forever. The 365 days Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High spent with their eccentric teacher, Koro-sensei, certainly did. Carrying the memories of that year close to their hearts, alumni Nagisa Shiota and Karma Akabane return to their former classroom to recall the events of that momentous time of their lives. -- -- Nagisa and Karma are reminded by the familiar rooms, desks, chalkboard, and the class album of the events that shaped them into "assassins" and prepared them for the real world. That is the legacy of their octopus-like teacher—who had introduced himself by threatening to destroy the world if they didn't kill him by the end of the school year—and the time spent in the bizarre yet exceptional "Assassination Classroom." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 19, 2016 -- 71,344 7.35
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- A year can change a person's life forever. The 365 days Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High spent with their eccentric teacher, Koro-sensei, certainly did. Carrying the memories of that year close to their hearts, alumni Nagisa Shiota and Karma Akabane return to their former classroom to recall the events of that momentous time of their lives. -- -- Nagisa and Karma are reminded by the familiar rooms, desks, chalkboard, and the class album of the events that shaped them into "assassins" and prepared them for the real world. That is the legacy of their octopus-like teacher—who had introduced himself by threatening to destroy the world if they didn't kill him by the end of the school year—and the time spent in the bizarre yet exceptional "Assassination Classroom." -- -- Movie - Nov 19, 2016 -- 71,344 7.35
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-nichi no Jikan -- A year can change a person's life forever. The 365 days Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High spent with their eccentric teacher, Koro-sensei, certainly did. Carrying the memories of that year close to their hearts, alumni Nagisa Shiota and Karma Akabane return to their former classroom to recall the events of that momentous time of their lives. -- -- Nagisa and Karma are reminded by the familiar rooms, desks, chalkboard, and the class album of the events that shaped them into "assassins" and prepared them for the real world. That is the legacy of their octopus-like teacher—who had introduced himself by threatening to destroy the world if they didn't kill him by the end of the school year—and the time spent in the bizarre yet exceptional "Assassination Classroom." -- -- Movie - Nov 19, 2016 -- 72,040 7.34
Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Card game -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Music Super Power Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution -- Five supernatural factions have been fighting against each other for who knows how many centuries, with the beginning of Aquarian Age always in mind. Kyouta, soon begins to see visions of mystical girls fighting, except they do exist. Soon he and his girlfriend Yoriko become involved and the battle for Earth and Aquarian Age lies in their hands. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 11,981 6.11
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- -- Lay-duce -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen -- Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, she finds friends that keep her mind occupied. Known throughout the school for reading aloud sex scenes in literature novels, the club's reputation has kept all teachers from accepting the task of being their adviser. --   -- During a discussion about what they would put on their bucket list, one of the girls says one thing: sex. This single word sends ripples throughout the five girls, as the thought of sex begins taking over their daily lives. And, after walking in on Izumi during a very private moment, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive. -- -- 215,366 7.47
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- -- Lay-duce -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen -- Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. -- When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, she finds friends that keep her mind occupied. Known throughout the school for reading aloud sex scenes in literature novels, the club's reputation has kept all teachers from accepting the task of being their adviser. --   -- During a discussion about what they would put on their bucket list, one of the girls says one thing: sex. This single word sends ripples throughout the five girls, as the thought of sex begins taking over their daily lives. And, after walking in on Izumi during a very private moment, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 215,366 7.47
Aragne no Mushikago -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Horror Mystery -- Aragne no Mushikago Aragne no Mushikago -- Life could be better for shy, anxious university student Rin. The apartment she has rented is hardly the sunny palace the rental listings suggested. The housing complex is rundown, grim and haunted by troubled souls lurking in dark corners. Ghastly crimes are occurring in the vicinity. And a grinning stranger makes his unsettling presence known. -- -- Beyond all this, Rin is coming to realize that something even more sinister is manifesting itself, something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity and medical science. Determined to find out more, Rin visits the library, where she meets a sympathetic young staffer. But what she learns does not begin to put her mind at ease. -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- Movie - Aug 18, 2018 -- 2,910 5.13
Area 88 -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Drama Romance -- Area 88 Area 88 -- Shin Kazama, tricked and forced into flying for the remote country of Aslan, can only escape the hell of war by earning money for shooting down enemy planes or die trying. Through the course of the series, Shin must deal with the consequences of killing and friends dying around him as tries to keep his mind on freeing himself from this nightmare. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- OVA - Feb 5, 1985 -- 13,917 7.52
Area 88 Movie -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Drama Romance -- Area 88 Movie Area 88 Movie -- Kazama Shin, tricked and forced into fighting for the remote country of Arslan, can only escape the hell of war by earning money for shooting down enemy planes or die trying. As the war rages on, Shin has to deal with the consequences of killing and friends dying around him as he tries to keep his mind on freeing himself from this nightmare. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 20, 1985 -- 1,228 6.44
Arslan Senki (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS, SANZIGEN -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV) Arslan Senki (TV) -- The year is 320. Under the rule of the belligerent King Andragoras III, the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring empire, Lusitania. Though different from his father in many aspects, Arslan, the young prince, sets out to prove his valor on the battlefield for the very first time. However, when the king is betrayed by one of his most trusted officials, the Parsian army is decimated and the capital city of Ecbatana is sieged. With the army in shambles and the Lusitanians out for his head, Arslan is forced to go on the run. With a respected general by his side, Daryun, Arslan soon sets off on a journey in search of allies that will help him take back his home. -- -- However, the enemies that the prince faces are far from limited to just those occupying his kingdom. Armies of other kingdoms stand ready to conquer Ecbatana. Moreover, the mastermind behind Lusitania's victory, an enigmatic man hiding behind a silver mask, poses a dangerous threat to Arslan and his company as he possesses a secret that could jeopardize Arslan's right to succession. -- -- With the odds stacked against him, Arslan must find the strength and courage to overcome these obstacles, and allies who will help him fight in the journey that will help prepare him for the day he becomes king. -- -- 311,716 7.70
Arslan Senki (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS, SANZIGEN -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV) Arslan Senki (TV) -- The year is 320. Under the rule of the belligerent King Andragoras III, the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring empire, Lusitania. Though different from his father in many aspects, Arslan, the young prince, sets out to prove his valor on the battlefield for the very first time. However, when the king is betrayed by one of his most trusted officials, the Parsian army is decimated and the capital city of Ecbatana is sieged. With the army in shambles and the Lusitanians out for his head, Arslan is forced to go on the run. With a respected general by his side, Daryun, Arslan soon sets off on a journey in search of allies that will help him take back his home. -- -- However, the enemies that the prince faces are far from limited to just those occupying his kingdom. Armies of other kingdoms stand ready to conquer Ecbatana. Moreover, the mastermind behind Lusitania's victory, an enigmatic man hiding behind a silver mask, poses a dangerous threat to Arslan and his company as he possesses a secret that could jeopardize Arslan's right to succession. -- -- With the odds stacked against him, Arslan must find the strength and courage to overcome these obstacles, and allies who will help him fight in the journey that will help prepare him for the day he becomes king. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 311,716 7.70
Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- -- AIC ASTA -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- Ichirou Satou is an ordinary high school student who pretended that he was a hero by the name of "Maryuuin Kouga" back in middle school, which led to others frequently bullying him. Now that he has left this embarrassing phase behind, he does his best to avoid standing out and live a peaceful life, although he feels the world has become quite dull. But when he makes his way back to school one night to grab a textbook he left in class, he runs into a strange girl wearing a costume. -- -- This girl, Ryouko Satou, happens to be his classmate and is affected by the exact same condition that he once had, holding on to a delusion that she is someone else and dressing up to reflect this. The very next day, Ichirou is asked by his teacher to become friends with Ryouko, to which he adamantly refuses, unwilling to be reminded of his own history. When he sees that she is being bullied just as he once was, however, the boy makes it his responsibility to take care of her and break her free from that which what once plagued him—the perfect job for Maryuuin Kouga. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 13, 2013 -- 47,395 7.48
Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- -- AIC ASTA -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -- Ichirou Satou is an ordinary high school student who pretended that he was a hero by the name of "Maryuuin Kouga" back in middle school, which led to others frequently bullying him. Now that he has left this embarrassing phase behind, he does his best to avoid standing out and live a peaceful life, although he feels the world has become quite dull. But when he makes his way back to school one night to grab a textbook he left in class, he runs into a strange girl wearing a costume. -- -- This girl, Ryouko Satou, happens to be his classmate and is affected by the exact same condition that he once had, holding on to a delusion that she is someone else and dressing up to reflect this. The very next day, Ichirou is asked by his teacher to become friends with Ryouko, to which he adamantly refuses, unwilling to be reminded of his own history. When he sees that she is being bullied just as he once was, however, the boy makes it his responsibility to take care of her and break her free from that which what once plagued him—the perfect job for Maryuuin Kouga. -- -- Movie - Apr 13, 2013 -- 47,395 7.48
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 46 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Shounen -- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge -- After returning from the feuding realms of Gundalia and Neathia, Danma Kuusou and his companions continue their lives on Earth. Now, a year later, the virtual reality world of Bakugan Interspace has finally recovered from the alien invasion and has once again become a place for brawlers to gather and challenge themselves. -- -- It turns out, however, that whenever Danma's Bakugan, Pyrus Dragonoid, unleashes his might in battle, the Interspace experiences new disruptions. Unable to harness the incredible powers granted to him by Code Eve—the Bakugan Mother spirit—he struggles to maintain control over the Mechtogan contained within him. When it goes out of control, the mysterious mechanical entity wreaks havoc on the battlefield, attacking friends and foes alike. -- -- To make matters worse, Bakugan Interspace is at risk of being infiltrated again. An unknown mastermind is sending mutated Chaos Bakugan into the system in order to brainwash brawlers and take control of the virtual realm. In anticipation of the inevitable confrontation, Danma must find a way to keep the Mechtogan's destructive force at bay and rally the Battle Brawlers once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nelvana -- TV - Feb 13, 2011 -- 33,952 6.16
Bakukyuu Hit! Crash B-Daman -- -- SynergySP -- 50 eps -- - -- Game Adventure Kids -- Bakukyuu Hit! Crash B-Daman Bakukyuu Hit! Crash B-Daman -- Hitto Tamaga, an 11-year-old boy, lives in some town in Japan. He is a very unfortunate boy, whose only asset is brightness. He lives only with his father who is a Bedaman researcher, but he left home several months ago, and he's been missing since then. He is living alone in a hut built on a relative’s land. Nobody celebrates his 11th birthday...except his cousin Nana who lives in the same land. One day, Hitto receives a present from the lost father, and he is very grad to know that his father remembers his birthday. It is “Crash Bedaman” that he longed for. After he puts them together to complete Crash Bedaman, he brings it to Bee Park, or a battle field of Beedaman. A battle there shows him a new way he should go. -- -- There is a message from his father with the present. -- -- “Overcome the difficulties”. -- -- Putting this word in his mind, he beats the enemies one after another with his Bedaman. With the encounter of partners and rivals, the mystery of Bedaman, a shadow organization, and the reason of the missing of his father gradually come to light. Defeating various obstacles in his way, he’s growing up. (Source: AnimeNFO) -- 1,562 6.04
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Historical Samurai -- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu, wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki travels the length and breadth of Japan. And while he employs his sword in the usual fashion, he also uses it to help him locate supernatural items which he pursues with single-minded determination, often with bloody results. In the course of his quest, he crosses paths with a traveling theater group whose members have their own dark agenda. Is it a chance meeting or the result of some, as yet, undiscovered conspiracy? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 6, 2006 -- 35,781 7.12
Barakamon -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Barakamon Barakamon -- Seishuu Handa is an up-and-coming calligrapher: young, handsome, talented, and unfortunately, a narcissist to boot. When a veteran labels his award-winning piece as "unoriginal," Seishuu quickly loses his cool with severe repercussions. -- -- As punishment, and also in order to aid him in self-reflection, Seishuu's father exiles him to the Goto Islands, far from the comfortable Tokyo lifestyle the temperamental artist is used to. Now thrown into a rural setting, Seishuu must attempt to find new inspiration and develop his own unique art style—that is, if boisterous children (headed by the frisky Naru Kotoishi), fujoshi middle schoolers, and energetic old men stop barging into his house! The newest addition to the intimate and quirky Goto community only wants to get some work done, but the islands are far from the peaceful countryside he signed up for. Thanks to his wacky neighbors who are entirely incapable of minding their own business, the arrogant calligrapher learns so much more than he ever hoped to. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 523,303 8.40
Bastard!!: Ankoku no Hakaishin -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Seinen -- Bastard!!: Ankoku no Hakaishin Bastard!!: Ankoku no Hakaishin -- The kingdom of Metallicana is under attack from the Four Lords of Havoc. This party of villains—ninja master Gara, deadly thunder empress Nei Arshes, cold and calculating Kall-Su, and enigmatic dark priest Abigail—will stop at nothing to get what they want, even if it leaves utter destruction in their wake. -- -- High Priest Geo is desperate to help save the kingdom and its people. He unleashes the mighty wizard Dark Schneider, a man who used to be an ally of the villains. Unfortunately, Dark Schneider has his own plans in mind. Will he stop the Four Lords of Havoc or join them in their conquest of the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Aug 25, 1992 -- 29,618 6.74
Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- -- Sunrise, Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Shounen -- Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- Energetic and thrill-seeking sixth grader Toppa Bashin has his mind set on only one thing—the card game Battle Spirits. Bearing a ruby pendant inherited from his missing father, Bashin heads to school every day with excitement: not for academics, but for card battling, much to the chagrin of his peers. -- -- One day, Bashin encounters J, the child prodigy champion of Battle Spirits, who bears a similar pendant. Star-struck, Bashin challenges J to a battle. However, the battle he gets is one he did not anticipate; the two are teleported to a mysterious arena in the sky—the Isekai World—where Spirits from the game become real. -- -- Feeling that his dream is finally within arm's reach, Bashin dives headfirst into the Isekai World, encountering other card battlers with extraordinary pendants. While making his way to the top, he slowly realizes that there is more to Battle Spirits than he ever imagined. -- -- TV - Sep 7, 2008 -- 2,736 6.41
Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space -- Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- It is the dawn of the 21st century. Mankind has terraformed and colonized Mars. But we are not alone in the universe. An ancient race of alien beings, known only as "The Gods," has been watching mankind's progress ...and waiting. Now, these mysterious aliens have returned to halt mankind's expansion into space force. -- -- Now, the planet named after the God of War will become our final battlefield, as mankind fights a desperate battle with the latest in high-tech, military hardware: hyper-advanced aircraft, orbital fighters, and gigantic, desert battleships brimming with the most advanced weaponry. -- -- But will it be enough? The aliens have awesome, incredibly destructive weapons at their disposal—including "Hell"—an unstoppable stealth carrier. But the alien's primary weapon is insidiously quiet and invisible—a mind control plaque. Incurable. Inevitable. Contagious. Humans are powerless to resist its effects, which transforms even the most loyal soldiers into dangerous subversives. -- -- Our last hope lies with Captain Akuh and the crew of the Battleship Aoba. If his top-secret mission is successful, mankind will deal a decisive blow to the alien armada. But Akuh's girlfriend is showing signs of nymphomania—the first symptom of alien subversion! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Sep 25, 1993 -- 2,482 5.45
Black Fox -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action -- Black Fox Black Fox -- Rikka Isurugi has spent her life training in the way of the ninja with her grandfather Hyoe while following in the footsteps of her father, the esteemed researcher Allen. His work has culminated in a set of cutting- edge drones equipped with artificial intelligence and incredible technical capabilities; although Allen plans to develop these drones for civilian use, there are others who have more sinister ideas in mind. -- -- On Rikka's 16th birthday, things are forever changed when a paramilitary group raids the Isurugi house in search of the drone technology, killing Allen and Hyoe while Rikka manages to escape with the drones. Months pass, and Rikka is now an ordinary girl working as a private detective while sharing an apartment with another girl, Melissa. But when night falls, she dons her grandfather's fox mask and mercilessly hunts down those responsible for the attack. With the anger she felt that day driving her forward, Rikka will not rest until her family's killers receive the justice that they deserve. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Oct 5, 2019 -- 64,168 6.75
Blade of the Immortal -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Samurai -- Blade of the Immortal Blade of the Immortal -- Manji is an infamous swordsman in feudal Japan who is known as the "Hundred Man Killer," as he has killed one hundred innocent men. However, there is something far more frightening than his ominous reputation: the fact that he is immortal. This is the handiwork of eight-hundred-year-old nun Yaobikuni, who placed bloodworms capable of healing almost any wound in Manji's body. -- -- To atone for his crimes, Manji resolves to kill one thousand evil men. Yaobikuni agrees to this proposal, saying that if he succeeds, she will undo his curse of immortality. Soon after this promise, Manji meets Rin Asano, a 16-year-old girl who requests Manji's assistance in killing those who slaughtered her parents. -- -- Initially reluctant, Manji refuses Rin's desperate plea. However, owing to her evident lack of strength, Manji changes his mind and agrees to protect Rin for four years. With this partnership set in stone, the two embark on a perilous journey of bloodshed, vengeance, and redemption, each to fulfill their own life's cause. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jul 14, 2008 -- 57,921 6.82
Blade of the Immortal -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Samurai -- Blade of the Immortal Blade of the Immortal -- Manji is an infamous swordsman in feudal Japan who is known as the "Hundred Man Killer," as he has killed one hundred innocent men. However, there is something far more frightening than his ominous reputation: the fact that he is immortal. This is the handiwork of eight-hundred-year-old nun Yaobikuni, who placed bloodworms capable of healing almost any wound in Manji's body. -- -- To atone for his crimes, Manji resolves to kill one thousand evil men. Yaobikuni agrees to this proposal, saying that if he succeeds, she will undo his curse of immortality. Soon after this promise, Manji meets Rin Asano, a 16-year-old girl who requests Manji's assistance in killing those who slaughtered her parents. -- -- Initially reluctant, Manji refuses Rin's desperate plea. However, owing to her evident lack of strength, Manji changes his mind and agrees to protect Rin for four years. With this partnership set in stone, the two embark on a perilous journey of bloodshed, vengeance, and redemption, each to fulfill their own life's cause. -- -- TV - Jul 14, 2008 -- 57,921 6.82
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo Ai -- Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- Five years ago, something horrifying happened on Kamioki Island. Something so nightmarish that it stripped all memory from Mari Wakatake's mind even as it left every other human on the island dead in its wake! Now enrolled against her will at an isolated girl's academy, Mari is unaware that hidden eyes are watching her, waiting for her memory to return. -- -- Buried in her psyche is the most terrifying secret of all: while Mari was the only human who lived, she may not have been the only survivor! As something in a female skin invades Kaihou Academy, Mari's only hope may lie in a strange girl to whom she is inexplicably drawn yet cannot trust. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 27,023 6.72
Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo Ai -- Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- Five years ago, something horrifying happened on Kamioki Island. Something so nightmarish that it stripped all memory from Mari Wakatake's mind even as it left every other human on the island dead in its wake! Now enrolled against her will at an isolated girl's academy, Mari is unaware that hidden eyes are watching her, waiting for her memory to return. -- -- Buried in her psyche is the most terrifying secret of all: while Mari was the only human who lived, she may not have been the only survivor! As something in a female skin invades Kaihou Academy, Mari's only hope may lie in a strange girl to whom she is inexplicably drawn yet cannot trust. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 27,023 6.72
Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Josei -- Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. -- In the distant past, Miguel, the God of Destruction, was sealed inside the knight who ruled over light and darkness, Sturmhurt. Alongside the knight was Gestöber, who accompanied him through countless battles. In the present day, destiny causes them to reincarnate as Kabuto Hanadori and Seri Koyuki, two classmates. -- -- Their reunion should be a joyous moment, if not for the fact that these fantasied heroes are just products of Kabuto's delusions. As the fictional "Gestöber," Seri finds himself in various embarrassing situations due to Kabuto's antics that sometimes grow out of his control. Moreover, his classmate Utsugi Tsukimiya joins the fray with his absurdly accurate mind-reading abilities, slowly destroying Seri's social life. -- -- Seri tries hard to stay away from them, refusing to acknowledge their shenanigans, however with Kabuto's chuunibyou and Utsugi's unpredictability, he is only bound to be swept by the craziness coming his way. -- -- 40,259 6.65
Born by Myself -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological -- Born by Myself Born by Myself -- A dark surreal film of several creatures metamorphorphing inside a room. A stop motion animation film from the minds of Kobayashi Masahide and Keita Funamoto of The Village of Marchen -- ONA - ??? ??, 2005 -- 2,069 3.24
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 20,259 6.44
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 20,259 6.44
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Charlotte -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama School Super Power -- Charlotte Charlotte -- While on the surface Yuu Otosaka appears to be just another charming and intelligent teenager, he has a secret—he has the ability to slip into people's minds and fully control their body for five seconds at a time. Yuu has been using this skill for years to gain the highest grades, which allowed him to enter a prestigious high school. -- -- When the enigmatic Nao Tomori catches Yuu using his power, she coerces him and his sister Ayumi into transferring to Hoshinoumi Academy, a school for students with supernatural abilities. The student council of the school, led by Nao, is tasked with secretly tracking down adolescents who abuse their powers. Yuu is forced to join the student council and together, they face formidable challenges that bring him closer to the shocking truth that his own, seemingly incomplete ability, might be more powerful than he could have ever imagined. -- -- An original story from Jun Maeda, creator of Angel Beats and Clannad, Charlotte explores the supernatural lives of these teenagers and the price they must pay for being special. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,129,120 7.76
Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Super Power Drama School -- Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi -- Takehito Kumagami's clairvoyance leads his group of friends to another child with supernatural powers: Iori Sekiguchi, a mind reader. However, as they try to approach her, they realize her power makes her nearly impossible to pin down. Having been chosen by the club to handle this case, Nao Tomori and Yuu Otosaka must find a way to get around the child's unique ability before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Mar 30, 2016 -- 129,991 7.48
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Fantasy Parody Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- After years of fruitless war between the four realms of Gamindustri (Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox) over Share energy, the source of their strength based on how much their people have faith in their goddesses, the four CPUs that rule over them have finally signed a friendship treaty. The treaty bans any attempt at claiming Share energy through military force, in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to their worlds. Yet, a month after the treaty, Neptune, the CPU Goddess of Planeptune, spends her time goofing off and playing games rather than doing her job, leaving her land's Shares plummeting. -- -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation follows Neptune and her friends' attempts at raising Shares, while dealing with an external threat that could spell the end of both the Goddesses and Gamindustri itself... -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 12, 2013 -- 134,162 6.97
Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Fantasy Parody Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- After years of fruitless war between the four realms of Gamindustri (Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox) over Share energy, the source of their strength based on how much their people have faith in their goddesses, the four CPUs that rule over them have finally signed a friendship treaty. The treaty bans any attempt at claiming Share energy through military force, in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to their worlds. Yet, a month after the treaty, Neptune, the CPU Goddess of Planeptune, spends her time goofing off and playing games rather than doing her job, leaving her land's Shares plummeting. -- -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation follows Neptune and her friends' attempts at raising Shares, while dealing with an external threat that could spell the end of both the Goddesses and Gamindustri itself... -- TV - Jul 12, 2013 -- 134,162 6.97
Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Shoujo -- Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan -- The CLAMP school, with its integrated curriculum from kindergarten to post-graduate studies, was founded by the largest of Japanese business empires, the House of Imonoyama. Funded entirely out of its own deep pockets, it was hoped that the school would be a haven for young men and women on whose shoulders our future would rest. -- -- The School is open to any talented individual, irrespective of his or her lineage or financial standing and is known to count scores of singularly talented pupils. It is furthermore also famous for its harboring of a remarkable percentage of party animals. Not even the bright and talented minds of CLAMP School can keep the campus free of crimes and mysteries. Or can they? Join Nokoru, Suoh and Akira, our case-cracking kid detectives, as they save the day and even the odd damsel in distress! -- -- (Source: Bandai Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Maiden Japan -- TV - May 3, 1997 -- 11,755 6.89
Classroom☆Crisis -- -- Lay-duce -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Romance School Sci-Fi -- Classroom☆Crisis Classroom☆Crisis -- In Martian colony Fourth Tokyo lies a classroom of Kirishina Corporation's brightest minds spearheading aerospace development: A-TEC, led by genius engineer Kaito Sera, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their newest member. It soon becomes clear, however, that the transfer student is hardly ordinary—Nagisa Kiryuu, newly appointed chief of A-TEC and the younger brother of the corporation's CEO, is sent to shut the program down. To keep the classroom alive, Kaito and his students desperately work to develop a successor to their most powerful rocket, the X-2; meanwhile, Nagisa climbs the corporate ladder in pursuit of his own mission. In spite of this, their separate battles soon reveal that much more is going on in Kirishina Corporation than meets the eye. -- -- Classroom☆Crisis follows Kaito and Nagisa, as well as Kaito's younger sister Mizuki and A-TEC's test pilot Iris Shirasaki, in a story of intrigue, political warfare, and, against all odds, romance. As Nagisa and A-TEC are dragged further and further into Kirishina Corporation's conspiracies, friendships grow and pasts are unveiled as they fight to avert their classroom crisis. -- -- 104,511 7.02
Classroom☆Crisis -- -- Lay-duce -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Romance School Sci-Fi -- Classroom☆Crisis Classroom☆Crisis -- In Martian colony Fourth Tokyo lies a classroom of Kirishina Corporation's brightest minds spearheading aerospace development: A-TEC, led by genius engineer Kaito Sera, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their newest member. It soon becomes clear, however, that the transfer student is hardly ordinary—Nagisa Kiryuu, newly appointed chief of A-TEC and the younger brother of the corporation's CEO, is sent to shut the program down. To keep the classroom alive, Kaito and his students desperately work to develop a successor to their most powerful rocket, the X-2; meanwhile, Nagisa climbs the corporate ladder in pursuit of his own mission. In spite of this, their separate battles soon reveal that much more is going on in Kirishina Corporation than meets the eye. -- -- Classroom☆Crisis follows Kaito and Nagisa, as well as Kaito's younger sister Mizuki and A-TEC's test pilot Iris Shirasaki, in a story of intrigue, political warfare, and, against all odds, romance. As Nagisa and A-TEC are dragged further and further into Kirishina Corporation's conspiracies, friendships grow and pasts are unveiled as they fight to avert their classroom crisis. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 104,511 7.02
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 -- One year has passed since the Black Rebellion, a failed uprising against the Holy Britannian Empire led by the masked vigilante Zero, who is now missing. At a loss without their revolutionary leader, Area 11's resistance group—the Black Knights—find themselves too powerless to combat the brutality inflicted upon the Elevens by Britannia, which has increased significantly in order to crush any hope of a future revolt. -- -- Lelouch Lamperouge, having lost all memory of his double life, is living peacefully alongside his friends as a high school student at Ashford Academy. His former partner C.C., unable to accept this turn of events, takes it upon herself to remind him of his past purpose, hoping that the mastermind Zero will rise once again to finish what he started, in this thrilling conclusion to the series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 1,328,109 8.91
Cossette no Shouzou -- -- Daume -- 3 eps -- Original -- Drama Horror Magic Psychological Romance Supernatural -- Cossette no Shouzou Cossette no Shouzou -- Eiri Kurahashi is a Japanese art student who works in an antique shop. His friends begin to notice a dramatic, and rather concerning, change in Eiri, as he becomes more absent-minded and his behavior completely changes. They quickly decide to blame their friend's troubles on a girl. -- -- They may be right, however, as Eiri has begun seeing a beautiful, doll-like girl trapped within an antique Venetian glass that his uncle bought in France. She seems to be living in a strange other world, contained entirely inside this glass, but her image refuses to leave Eiri's mind. His sketchbook becomes filled with her likeness, and he realizes he has become completely infatuated with this strange little girl. When he recognizes her in a portrait by the mysterious Italian artist, Marchello Orlando, he learns her name is Cossette d’Auvergne, and that she was tragically murdered along with the rest of her family. -- -- One night, as he closes up the shop, he hears a voice asking him not to leave. Finally making contact with the object of his obsession, he makes a deal that he doesn't fully understand. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Apr 11, 2004 -- 60,299 6.84
Cossette no Shouzou -- -- Daume -- 3 eps -- Original -- Drama Horror Magic Psychological Romance Supernatural -- Cossette no Shouzou Cossette no Shouzou -- Eiri Kurahashi is a Japanese art student who works in an antique shop. His friends begin to notice a dramatic, and rather concerning, change in Eiri, as he becomes more absent-minded and his behavior completely changes. They quickly decide to blame their friend's troubles on a girl. -- -- They may be right, however, as Eiri has begun seeing a beautiful, doll-like girl trapped within an antique Venetian glass that his uncle bought in France. She seems to be living in a strange other world, contained entirely inside this glass, but her image refuses to leave Eiri's mind. His sketchbook becomes filled with her likeness, and he realizes he has become completely infatuated with this strange little girl. When he recognizes her in a portrait by the mysterious Italian artist, Marchello Orlando, he learns her name is Cossette d’Auvergne, and that she was tragically murdered along with the rest of her family. -- -- One night, as he closes up the shop, he hears a voice asking him not to leave. Finally making contact with the object of his obsession, he makes a deal that he doesn't fully understand. -- -- OVA - Apr 11, 2004 -- 60,299 6.84
Crayon Shin-chan -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Crayon Shin-chan -- There is no such thing as an uneventful day in the life of kindergartener Shinnosuke "Shin-chan" Nohara. The five-year-old is a cut above the most troublesome, perverted, and shameless kid one can imagine. Shin-chan is almost always engaged in questionable activities such as forgetting about a friend during hide and seek, sumo wrestling for love, performing various gags including the notorious "elephant" in public, and flirting with college girls. The exemplary troublemaker has done it all and has no plans to stop anytime soon. -- -- Crayon Shin-chan follows the daily shenanigans of Shin-chan with his group of friends, parading around as the self-proclaimed "Kasukabe Defense Force." The adults witnessing these shenanigans unfold can't help but adore Shin-chan, as he keeps them entertained while unintentionally solving their daily troubles through his mindless antics—leaving himself as the only problem they do not know what to do with. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 60,098 7.69
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,059 5.42
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 16,059 5.42
Dagashi Kashi -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Dagashi Kashi Dagashi Kashi -- Out in the countryside stands a sweet shop run by the Shikada family for nine generations: Shikada Dagashi, a small business selling traditional Japanese candy. However, despite his father's pleas, Kokonotsu Shikada, an aspiring manga artist, adamantly refuses to inherit the family business. -- -- However, this may start to change with the arrival of the eccentric Hotaru Shidare. Hotaru is in search of Kokonotsu's father, with the goal of bringing him back to work for her family's company, Shidare Corporation, a world famous sweets manufacturer. Although the senior Shikada initially refuses, he states that he will change his mind on one condition: if Hotaru can convince Kokonotsu to take over the family shop. And so begins Hotaru's mission to enlighten the boy on the true joy of delicious and nostalgic dagashi! -- -- 351,768 6.62
Dagashi Kashi -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Dagashi Kashi Dagashi Kashi -- Out in the countryside stands a sweet shop run by the Shikada family for nine generations: Shikada Dagashi, a small business selling traditional Japanese candy. However, despite his father's pleas, Kokonotsu Shikada, an aspiring manga artist, adamantly refuses to inherit the family business. -- -- However, this may start to change with the arrival of the eccentric Hotaru Shidare. Hotaru is in search of Kokonotsu's father, with the goal of bringing him back to work for her family's company, Shidare Corporation, a world famous sweets manufacturer. Although the senior Shikada initially refuses, he states that he will change his mind on one condition: if Hotaru can convince Kokonotsu to take over the family shop. And so begins Hotaru's mission to enlighten the boy on the true joy of delicious and nostalgic dagashi! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 351,768 6.62
Damekko Doubutsu -- -- Magic Bus -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Damekko Doubutsu Damekko Doubutsu -- Uruno, a useless wolf, is on the road searching for a new place to call home. He soon comes upon a whole forest full of "useless animals"-- that is, animals that don't live up to their species' usual character. After a short fight with the smoking, bad-tempered rabbit, Usahara, Uruno decides that he wants to move on... but changes his mind upon meeting Chiiko, a clumsy cheetah girl. It's love at first sight for Uruno, and after deciding to stay for her, he continues to hope that even though he's a good-for-nothing, he'll win her over someday. That is, if living with the other strange residents of the forest-- including the aformentioned smoking rabbit, a sake-drinking unicorn, a near-sighted eagle, an orca that cannot swim, and a shy pegasus --doesn't get to him first. -- TV - Jan 17, 2005 -- 10,069 7.29
Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha -- -- Bones -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power -- Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha -- It has been 10 years since Heaven's Gate appeared in South America and Hell's Gate appeared in Japan, veiling the once familiar night sky with an oppressive skyscape. Their purposes unknown, these Gates are spaces in which the very laws of physics are ignored. With the appearance of the Gates emerged Contractors, who, in exchange for their humanity, are granted supernatural abilities. -- -- In the Japanese city surrounding Hell’s Gate, Section 4 Chief Misaki Kirihara finds herself at odds with an infamous Contractor codenamed Hei. Called "Black Reaper" in the underground world, Hei, like his associates, undertakes missions for the mysterious and ruthless Syndicate while slowly peeling back the dark layers covering a nefarious plot that threatens the very existence of Contractors. -- -- From the mind of Tensai Okamura comes a sci-fi thriller taking the form of a subtle exposé on a war in which political positions and justice have no sway—a war waged exclusively in the shadows. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2007 -- 777,640 8.11
Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen -- Pushed out to the far reaches of the galaxy, the crew of the Solo Ship faces impossible odds of survival. With the Earth destroyed and the remnants of the Buff Clan pushing them to their limit, the Ideon shows as the last line of defense for the battered remains of humanity. -- -- As the tensions of their last stand rack up on their minds, Captain Bes Jordan and pilot Cosmo Yuuki race against the clock to protect their final opportunity of survival, even as desperation eats away at the minds of their loved ones. Using any weapons left at their disposal, the crew desperately fight on to protect themselves in the cold clutches of space, punished with a final duel against Harulu Ajiba, who is now desperate to reclaim the honor lost in her father's eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- Movie - Jul 10, 1982 -- 6,742 7.83
Detective Conan Movie 01: The Timed Skyscraper -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 01: The Timed Skyscraper Detective Conan Movie 01: The Timed Skyscraper -- Conan Edogawa is facing a dilemma: Ran Mouri has asked Shinichi Kudou out to the movies and he is unable to provide a convincing excuse not to go. However, when the day of the date arrives, he has more pressing problems to worry about—a great amount of plastic explosives has recently been stolen and the culprit has challenged Shinichi to find and dispose of the bombs he has scattered across the city. Now forced in a race against time, Conan must not only protect the city, but also figure out who the mastermind is and his reason for confronting Shinichi. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 19, 1997 -- 55,825 7.86
Detective Conan Movie 06: The Phantom of Baker Street -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 06: The Phantom of Baker Street Detective Conan Movie 06: The Phantom of Baker Street -- Noah's Ark—the latest in VR technology and a milestone of human innovation—is set for a showcase to Japan's privileged children. They have the honour of beginning a new revolution in gaming; however, their carefree fun is cut short when a company employee is found murdered, with his dying message pointing to a clue hidden within the Ark. -- -- Along with the Detective Boys and Ran Mouri, Conan Edogawa enters Noah's Ark to solve this mystery and ensure the perpetrator is caught. But once they're inside the Ark, it takes on a mind of its own, imprisoning them and the children within its worlds. To escape and bring the murderer to justice, Conan and company must navigate a simulated 19th century London and track down the infamous Jack the Ripper—with the lives of 50 innocent children depending on them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 20, 2002 -- 60,737 8.30
Detective Conan OVA 04: Conan and Kid and Crystal Mother -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan OVA 04: Conan and Kid and Crystal Mother Detective Conan OVA 04: Conan and Kid and Crystal Mother -- Once again, Kaitou Kid has a target in mind: the Crystal Mother, Europe's largest topaz owned by Queen Selizabeth of the Principality of Ingram. He intends to steal this jewel while the Queen is stuck on a train from Tokyo to Osaka. However, Kid's abilities are put to the test, as the Queen has already concealed the gem somewhere aboard the train. -- -- Conan Edogawa, who is among train's passengers, suspects an attack from the phantom thief and begins investigating on his own, while Inspector Ginzou Nakamori is ready for a new confrontation against the elusive jewelry robber. -- -- OVA - ??? ??, 2004 -- 14,818 7.51
Diamond no Ace: Second Season -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Diamond no Ace: Second Season Diamond no Ace: Second Season -- After the National Tournament, the Seidou High baseball team moves forward with uncertainty as the Fall season quickly approaches. In an attempt to build a stronger team centered around their new captain, fresh faces join the starting roster for the very first time. Previous losses weigh heavily on the minds of the veteran players as they continue their rigorous training, preparing for what will inevitably be their toughest season yet. -- -- Rivals both new and old stand in their path as Seidou once again climbs their way toward the top, one game at a time. Needed now more than ever before, Furuya and Eijun must be determined to pitch with all their skill and strength in order to lead their team to victory. And this time, one of these young pitchers may finally claim that coveted title: "The Ace of Seidou." -- -- 105,319 8.31
Dies Irae -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 11 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Super Power Magic -- Dies Irae Dies Irae -- On May 1, 1945 in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag over the Reichskanzlei, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual. For them, the slaughter in the city is nothing but the perfect ritual sacrifice in order to bring back the Order of the 13 Lances, a group of supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Years later, no one knows if this group of officers succeeded, or whether they lived or died. Few know of their existence, and even those who knew began to pass away as the decades passed. -- -- Now in December in the present day in Suwahara City, Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital. It has been two months since the incident that brought him to the hospital: a fight with his friend Shirou Yusa where they almost tried to kill each other. He tries to value what he has left to him, but every night he sees the same dream: a guillotine, murderers who hunt people, and the black clothed knights who pursue the murderers. He is desperate to return to his normal, everyday life, but even now he hears Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 115,820 5.37
Dies Irae -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 11 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Super Power Magic -- Dies Irae Dies Irae -- On May 1, 1945 in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag over the Reichskanzlei, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual. For them, the slaughter in the city is nothing but the perfect ritual sacrifice in order to bring back the Order of the 13 Lances, a group of supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Years later, no one knows if this group of officers succeeded, or whether they lived or died. Few know of their existence, and even those who knew began to pass away as the decades passed. -- -- Now in December in the present day in Suwahara City, Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital. It has been two months since the incident that brought him to the hospital: a fight with his friend Shirou Yusa where they almost tried to kill each other. He tries to value what he has left to him, but every night he sees the same dream: a guillotine, murderers who hunt people, and the black clothed knights who pursue the murderers. He is desperate to return to his normal, everyday life, but even now he hears Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 115,820 5.37
Digimon Adventure 02 -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Adventure 02 -- Taichi Yagami and his friends have moved on to junior high, but by that time, they have lost contact with their Digimon partners. Taichi is therefore surprised to suddenly receive a distress call summoning him to the Digital World. Once there, he learns that Digimon are living in fear of the mysterious Digimon Emperor, who is somehow suppressing their ability to Digivolve! -- -- In the real world, Hikari Yagami and Takeru Takaishi reunite in the same fifth grade class. They share three schoolmates: Daisuke Motomiya, who reminds them both of Taichi; Miyako Inoue, a technical wizard; and Iori Hida, Miyako's neighbor. When these three children receive "D-3" Digivices, they—along with Hikari and Takeru, who still possess their own original Digivices—comprise the new generation of "Chosen Children" who must save the world once again. With the power of the Armored Digi-Eggs, they must thwart the Digimon Emperor's plans to spread his influence over the entire Digital World. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 192,995 7.24
D.N.Angel -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- D.N.Angel D.N.Angel -- Daisuke Niwa is a clumsy, block-headed, and wimpy middle school student who has few redeeming qualities. On his 14th birthday, he finally decides to confess his love to his longtime crush Risa Harada, but is rejected. -- -- In an unexpected turn of events, however, Daisuke finds himself transforming into Dark Mousy, the infamous phantom thief, whenever his mind is set on Risa. Though Daisuke is unaware of this strange heritage, his mother is certainly not: since before the boy was born, his mother had been planning for him to steal valuable works of art and let the name of the elusive art thief be known. -- -- With doubt and confusion constantly clouding his mind, Daisuke finds himself struggling in his relationships with classmates and family. And it is not long before Daisuke realizes that he is not the only one with a fated family legacy—his greatest adversary could be the one classmate he is most unwilling to fight. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2003 -- 169,463 7.19
D.N.Angel -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- D.N.Angel D.N.Angel -- Daisuke Niwa is a clumsy, block-headed, and wimpy middle school student who has few redeeming qualities. On his 14th birthday, he finally decides to confess his love to his longtime crush Risa Harada, but is rejected. -- -- In an unexpected turn of events, however, Daisuke finds himself transforming into Dark Mousy, the infamous phantom thief, whenever his mind is set on Risa. Though Daisuke is unaware of this strange heritage, his mother is certainly not: since before the boy was born, his mother had been planning for him to steal valuable works of art and let the name of the elusive art thief be known. -- -- With doubt and confusion constantly clouding his mind, Daisuke finds himself struggling in his relationships with classmates and family. And it is not long before Daisuke realizes that he is not the only one with a fated family legacy—his greatest adversary could be the one classmate he is most unwilling to fight. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2003 -- 169,463 7.19
Domestic na Kanojo -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shounen -- Domestic na Kanojo Domestic na Kanojo -- In their teenage years, few things can hurt people more than the heartaches that come with unrequited love. Such is the case for Natsuo Fujii, who has found himself entranced by his school's ever-cheerful teacher Hina. Deflated by this unreachable desire, Natsuo humors his friends and attends a mixer. There he meets Rui, a girl whose lack of excitement rivals that of himself. After bonding over their mutual awkwardness, Rui takes Natsuo to her house and asks him to have sex with her, hoping that the experience will stop her friends from treating her like a clueless child. With his hopeless feelings towards Hina still on his mind, Natsuo hesitantly agrees. -- -- Equally unfulfilled by their "first times," the two decide to part ways as strangers. However, before he even has a chance to process this experience, Natsuo's father drops a major bombshell: he is getting remarried, and his new wife Tsukiko Tachibana is coming over now to meet Natsuo. As if that was not enough of a shock, her daughters—and, in turn, Natsuo's new sisters—are Hina and Rui Tachibana, the woman he's in love with and the girl with whom he shared his first night. Now, Natsuo must come to terms with the feelings he has for his step-siblings as his eyes open to a darker side of love. -- -- 451,362 6.75
Domestic na Kanojo -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shounen -- Domestic na Kanojo Domestic na Kanojo -- In their teenage years, few things can hurt people more than the heartaches that come with unrequited love. Such is the case for Natsuo Fujii, who has found himself entranced by his school's ever-cheerful teacher Hina. Deflated by this unreachable desire, Natsuo humors his friends and attends a mixer. There he meets Rui, a girl whose lack of excitement rivals that of himself. After bonding over their mutual awkwardness, Rui takes Natsuo to her house and asks him to have sex with her, hoping that the experience will stop her friends from treating her like a clueless child. With his hopeless feelings towards Hina still on his mind, Natsuo hesitantly agrees. -- -- Equally unfulfilled by their "first times," the two decide to part ways as strangers. However, before he even has a chance to process this experience, Natsuo's father drops a major bombshell: he is getting remarried, and his new wife Tsukiko Tachibana is coming over now to meet Natsuo. As if that was not enough of a shock, her daughters—and, in turn, Natsuo's new sisters—are Hina and Rui Tachibana, the woman he's in love with and the girl with whom he shared his first night. Now, Natsuo must come to terms with the feelings he has for his step-siblings as his eyes open to a darker side of love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 451,362 6.75
Dororon Enma-kun -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Dororon Enma-kun Dororon Enma-kun -- Monsters are coming to the human world from the Hell in order to get human spirits. As people's minds are getting dirty, being attracted by the dirty spirits, the monsters break the rule to go to the human world. -- -- Tsutomu, a boy who goes to Yokai Elementary School, is suddenly assaulted by monsters. Those who save him from the monsters are Enma-kun, the son of Enma, Yukiko, a snow woman, and Kapaeru. They are members of Monster Patrol that are sent to the human world to arrest monsters. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Oct 4, 1973 -- 3,230 6.26
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! -- -- Science SARU -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy School Seinen -- Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! -- Midori Asakusa sees the world a bit differently. Always having her nose in a sketchbook, Asakusa draws detailed landscapes and backgrounds of both the world around her and the one within her boundless imagination. Even the simple act of doodling on a wall evolves into an emergency repair on the outer hull of her spaceship. She is only brought back to reality by her best friend Sayaka Kanamori. The pair are stark opposites, with Asakusa's childlike wonder contrasted by Kanamori's calculated approach to life. -- -- After a chance encounter where the two "save" the young model Tsubame Misuzaki from her overprotective bodyguard, a connection instantly sparks between Asakusa and Misuzaki, as both share an intense passion for art and animation. Whereas Asakusa is interested in backgrounds and settings, Misuzaki loves drawing the human form. Sensing a money-making opportunity, Kanamori suggests that they start an animation club, which they disguise as a motion picture club since the school already has an anime club. Thus begins the trio's journey of producing animation that will awe the world. -- -- From the brilliant mind of Masaaki Yuasa, Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! is a love letter to animation, wildly creative in its approach, and a testament to the potential of the medium. -- -- 231,001 8.17
Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou -- After his confrontation in the Nether with his younger brother Shou, Shinra Kusakabe's resolve to become a hero that saves lives from the flame terror strengthens. Finding a way to turn the Infernals back into people, unraveling the mystery of the Evangelist and Adolla Burst, and saving his mother and Shou—these are the goals Shinra has in mind. However, he has come to realize that attaining these goals will not be easy, especially with the imminent danger the Evangelist poses. -- -- The Evangelist's plan is clear: to gather the eight pillars—the individuals who possess Adolla Burst—and sacrifice them to recreate the Great Cataclysm from 250 years ago. Having been revealed by the First Pillar that the birth of a new pillar is approaching, Shinra is determined to protect his fellow pillars from the Evangelist. Thus, the fiery battle between the Special Fire Force and the Evangelist ignites. Together with the Special Fire Force, Shinra's fight continues as he uncovers the truth about the Great Cataclysm and the nature of Adolla Bursts, as well as the mysteries behind human combustion. -- -- 402,357 7.75
Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou -- After his confrontation in the Nether with his younger brother Shou, Shinra Kusakabe's resolve to become a hero that saves lives from the flame terror strengthens. Finding a way to turn the Infernals back into people, unraveling the mystery of the Evangelist and Adolla Burst, and saving his mother and Shou—these are the goals Shinra has in mind. However, he has come to realize that attaining these goals will not be easy, especially with the imminent danger the Evangelist poses. -- -- The Evangelist's plan is clear: to gather the eight pillars—the individuals who possess Adolla Burst—and sacrifice them to recreate the Great Cataclysm from 250 years ago. Having been revealed by the First Pillar that the birth of a new pillar is approaching, Shinra is determined to protect his fellow pillars from the Evangelist. Thus, the fiery battle between the Special Fire Force and the Evangelist ignites. Together with the Special Fire Force, Shinra's fight continues as he uncovers the truth about the Great Cataclysm and the nature of Adolla Bursts, as well as the mysteries behind human combustion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 402,357 7.75
Fairy Tail -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 175 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fairy Tail Fairy Tail -- In the mystical land of Fiore, magic exists as an essential part of everyday life. Countless magic guilds lie at the core of all magical activity, and serve as venues for like-minded mages to band together and take on job requests. Among them, Fairy Tail stands out from the rest as a place of strength, spirit, and family. -- -- Lucy Heartfilia is a young mage searching for celestial gate keys, and her dream is to become a full-fledged wizard by joining this famous guild. In her search, she runs into Natsu Dragneel and his partner Happy, who are on a quest to find Natsu's foster father, the dragon Igneel. -- -- Upon being tricked by a man, Lucy falls under an abduction attempt, only to be saved by Natsu. To her shock, he reveals that he is a member of Fairy Tail and invites her to join them. There, Lucy meets the guild's strange members, such as the ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and magic swordswoman Erza Scarlet. Together as a family, they battle the forces of evil, help those in need, and gain new friends, all the while enjoying the never-ending adventure that is Fairy Tail. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,374,207 7.64
Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,965 N/AKono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Furiko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Furiko Furiko -- Furiko, meaning "pendulum," shows the highs and lows of a family of two—a high schooler, and his future wife, whom he rescues from delinquents. From the brilliant mind of comedian Tekken, comes a heartwarming story of a couple overcoming their differences even as they struggle through life. Not a moment goes by without meaning or expression in these four and a half minutes. -- -- -- In December of 2018, Tekken released an extended cut of film which features new music and adds one-and-a-half minutes of runtime. -- Special - Mar 16, 2012 -- 16,727 7.55
Gankutsuou -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Supernatural Thriller -- Gankutsuou Gankutsuou -- In the year 5053, French aristocrats Viscount Albert de Morcerf and Baron Franz d'Epinay attend the festival of Carnival on the moon city of Luna. While Franz is just looking to have fun, Albert is seeking something more to fill his life—but he finds more than he bargained for in The Count of Monte Cristo, a mysterious and charming self-made nobleman who meets his gaze during an opera performance. -- -- Through a few twists and turns, Albert befriends the Count and introduces him into French society. The Count, however, has more on his mind than just friendship; he plots to finally unleash his vengeance on those who wronged him years earlier. Gankutsuou follows Albert and the Count's intertwined destinies and the ultimate price paid for enacting revenge. -- -- 199,719 8.17
Gankutsuou -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Supernatural Thriller -- Gankutsuou Gankutsuou -- In the year 5053, French aristocrats Viscount Albert de Morcerf and Baron Franz d'Epinay attend the festival of Carnival on the moon city of Luna. While Franz is just looking to have fun, Albert is seeking something more to fill his life—but he finds more than he bargained for in The Count of Monte Cristo, a mysterious and charming self-made nobleman who meets his gaze during an opera performance. -- -- Through a few twists and turns, Albert befriends the Count and introduces him into French society. The Count, however, has more on his mind than just friendship; he plots to finally unleash his vengeance on those who wronged him years earlier. Gankutsuou follows Albert and the Count's intertwined destinies and the ultimate price paid for enacting revenge. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 199,719 8.17
Gasaraki -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mecha Military Supernatural Drama -- Gasaraki Gasaraki -- The flames of war explode in the Middle East as two shadow forces unleash monstrous new weapons of mass destruction! But in a world in which giant robots are real, the most dangerous weapon of all lies buried within a human mind. Yuushirou, the fourth son of the mysterious and powerful Gouwa family, finds himself at the center of events that will change the future of mankind forever! Nothing can prepare the human race for what is about to be unleashed in Gasaraki! -- -- (Source: Sunrise) -- 17,959 6.65
Gasaraki -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mecha Military Supernatural Drama -- Gasaraki Gasaraki -- The flames of war explode in the Middle East as two shadow forces unleash monstrous new weapons of mass destruction! But in a world in which giant robots are real, the most dangerous weapon of all lies buried within a human mind. Yuushirou, the fourth son of the mysterious and powerful Gouwa family, finds himself at the center of events that will change the future of mankind forever! Nothing can prepare the human race for what is about to be unleashed in Gasaraki! -- -- (Source: Sunrise) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- 17,959 6.65
Genius Party -- -- Studio 4°C -- 7 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Dementia Psychological Romance Fantasy Mecha -- Genius Party Genius Party -- A collection of seven individual and unique shorts which range from touching to downright bizarre. With each story different from the last, we encounter monsters going to school, a man who has a hard time dealing with himself, and a child who learns the hard way about the circle of life, as well as many other unique characters and experiences. -- -- A journey through the minds of the most prolific artists in Japan, this compilation truly is the setting of a Genius Party. -- -- Movie - Jul 7, 2007 -- 31,455 7.20
Gi(a)rlish Number -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life -- Gi(a)rlish Number Gi(a)rlish Number -- College student Chitose Karasuma is determined not to do boring things as she enters the adult world. To this end, this bad-mannered beauty barges into a facility that trains would-be voice actors and actresses, somehow landing a job at "Number One Produce," a seiyuu agency managed by her older brother, Gojou. In Chitose's mind, she's poised for greatness, but finds herself at a loss when she continues to only get minor roles. As she clashes with other girls in the agency, including a cunning airhead and a girl with a Kansai accent, Chitose is about to learn that there's more to succeeding in this competitive industry than she imagined. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 90,864 6.87
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu -- -- Artland, Magic Bus -- 110 eps -- Novel -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu -- The 150-year-long stalemate between the two interstellar superpowers, the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, comes to an end when a new generation of leaders arises: the idealistic military genius Reinhard von Lohengramm, and the FPA's reserved historian, Yang Wenli. -- -- While Reinhard climbs the ranks of the Empire with the aid of his childhood friend, Siegfried Kircheis, he must fight not only the war, but also the remnants of the crumbling Goldenbaum Dynasty in order to free his sister from the Kaiser and unify humanity under one genuine ruler. Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, Yang—a strong supporter of democratic ideals—has to stand firm in his beliefs, despite the struggles of the FPA, and show his pupil, Julian Mintz, that autocracy is not the solution. -- -- As ideologies clash amidst the war's many casualties, the two strategic masterminds must ask themselves what the real reason behind their battle is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Jan 8, 1988 -- 239,570 9.06
Gungrave -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Drama Sci-Fi Seinen Super Power -- Gungrave Gungrave -- Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowel, two friends so close they could be called brothers, receive an abrupt and violent reminder one fateful day of how appallingly merciless the world around them can be. Their whole lives before then were simple and easygoing, consisting largely of local brawls, seducing women, and committing petty theft to make a living and pass the time. What they failed to realize is that in this cruel world, happiness is fleeting, and change is inevitable. -- -- Enter Millennion, the largest and most infamous mafia syndicate in the area, which accepts Brandon and Harry into their ranks and starts them at the bottom of the food chain. Harry has ambitions to ascend the ranks and one day replace Big Daddy as the supreme leader of Millennion, while Brandon only wishes to support his friend and appease Big Daddy who has taken custody of the woman Brandon loves. -- -- Based off the third-person shooter video game under the same name, Gungrave is an epic story of friendship, betrayal, and avarice that spans the course of several years, ultimately tying back to the gripping and foreboding first episode, all the while building up to the story's thrilling conclusion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 7, 2003 -- 157,169 7.86
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit. -- -- Based on the first entry of the famous gambling manga series by Nobuyuki Fukumoto, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor follows our unlucky protagonist as he is forced to fight not only other people, but also the mysteries of their psyches. Kaiji finds out the hard way that the worst sides of human nature surface when people's backs are against the wall, and that the most fearsome dangers of all are greed, paranoia, and the human survival instinct itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 257,125 8.28
Hand Shakers -- -- GoHands -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action -- Hand Shakers Hand Shakers -- Those who receive the Revelation of Babel must overcome many battles and trials. By grasping the hand of their special partner, these "Hand Shakers" transport themselves to the realm of Ziggurat, an alternate dimension where time no longer exists. Each pair of Hand Shakers must battle it out for the right to meet with God, who will reward them by granting them a single wish. -- -- Tazuna Takatsuki, a high school student with a penchant for fixing things, is one of these Hand Shakers. After receiving a request for repairs from Professor Makihara of a nearby university, Tazuna stumbles upon Koyori Akutagawa, a bedridden girl that reminds him of his deceased sister Musubu. Remembering her dying wish to never let go of her hand, Tazuna grasps Koyori's hand and awakens his power as a Hand Shaker. However, Koyori's life is directly tied to her status as a Hand Shaker, meaning if Tazuna was to ever let go of her hand she would die. With meeting God being their only hope for saving her, the duo must find a way to make their unique powers mesh together, overcome the opposing Hand Shakers, and make their wish come true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 89,580 5.32
Hatenkou Yuugi -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Romance Fantasy Josei -- Hatenkou Yuugi Hatenkou Yuugi -- "See the world" -- -- With these words, Rahzel, the daughter of a rich family, is kicked out of her house and sent on her journey. Along the way she meets up with Heat and Alzeid, two men with very different personalities but very similar journeys. Rahzel is a clever, stubborn, and confident girl, who, with the powers of her magic and mind helps the people she runs into on her journey to discover the world. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 34,148 7.15
Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mystery Romance Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost -- As one of the 12 Seleção that needs to save the country in order to win a game, Akira Takizawa decided to become the "King of Japan." With that in mind, after his return from the U.S.A., the remaining Seleção will also need to follow up on their own plans as they strive to outdo each other. -- -- Saki Morimi and the other members of the "Eden of the East" are under suspicion of being terrorists, but they still do everything they can to help Takizawa reach his goal and unravel the secrets of his past, as the last fight between the Seleção begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 13, 2010 -- 127,696 7.62
High Score Girl -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy Romance School Seinen -- High Score Girl High Score Girl -- The year is 1991, and arcade video games are the latest craze. Becoming a professional gamer is a far-fetched dream in an industry that has yet to spread its influence. Yet, that is the path sixth-grader Haruo Yaguchi wants to pursue. His aptitude for video games has earned him respect in local arcades and bestowed him with confidence and pride, both of which are shattered when fellow classmate Akira Oono easily defeats him in Street Fighter 2. -- -- Akira is rich, pretty, and smart—as close as can be to a perfect girl. But Haruo had never cared about these things as, despite his multiple shortcomings as a person, his supremacy in video games was, in his mind, undisputed. So, now that someone has appeared who can rival him, part of Haruo cannot help but loathe her. Another part, however, itches for somebody who can compete with him on equal terms, and Akira is more than capable. -- -- 180,364 7.85
High Score Girl -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy Romance School Seinen -- High Score Girl High Score Girl -- The year is 1991, and arcade video games are the latest craze. Becoming a professional gamer is a far-fetched dream in an industry that has yet to spread its influence. Yet, that is the path sixth-grader Haruo Yaguchi wants to pursue. His aptitude for video games has earned him respect in local arcades and bestowed him with confidence and pride, both of which are shattered when fellow classmate Akira Oono easily defeats him in Street Fighter 2. -- -- Akira is rich, pretty, and smart—as close as can be to a perfect girl. But Haruo had never cared about these things as, despite his multiple shortcomings as a person, his supremacy in video games was, in his mind, undisputed. So, now that someone has appeared who can rival him, part of Haruo cannot help but loathe her. Another part, however, itches for somebody who can compete with him on equal terms, and Akira is more than capable. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 180,364 7.85
Himekishi Lilia -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Horror Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Himekishi Lilia Himekishi Lilia -- The princess knight Lilia Evelvine is set to succeed her father as the ruler of the Leuven kingdom, but her jealous brother, Dirk, will do anything to halt her ascension to the throne. With the aid of Kiriko, his court enchantress, and Sand, the servant of the King of Demons, the dastardly prince enacts a coup to gain control of the castle and become the next king. He succeeds, but not before being reminded of his agreement with Sand: to extract the holy energy within Lilia as a tribute to the King of Demons. Dirk then proceeds to corrupt his mother and Lilia with all sorts of perversions, hoping to fulfill his task on time while turning the two into his loyal slaves. -- -- OVA - Jun 2, 2006 -- 9,845 6.80
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- In the wastelands following the great nuclear war, a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No Ken.” The Fist of the North Star. Master of a legendary fighting technique. A man of impossible strength and endurance. Yet before Ken claimed the title of the Fist, there was another master, trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken, the King of the Fist, the Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate assassin, the ultimate warrior. This is the story of the world before Fist of the North Star, and how one man took the future of a savage world into his deadly hands and reshaped its destiny. Not as a hero but as a conqueror. For in the mind of the man called Raoh, the only way to save Mankind is to grind it under his giant heel! The greatest battle is about to begin in Legends of the Dark King ~ Fist of the North Star! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 10,521 7.13
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen -- -- Ajia-Do -- 14 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Fantasy -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen -- Urano Motosu loves books and has an endless desire to read literature, no matter the subject. She almost fulfills her dream job of becoming a librarian before her life is ended in an accident. As she draws her last breath, she wishes to be able to read more books in her next life. -- -- As if fate was listening to her prayer, she wakes up reincarnated as Myne—a frail five-year-old girl living in a medieval era. What immediately comes to her mind is her passion. She tries to find something to read, only to become frustrated by the lack of books at her disposal. -- -- Without the printing press, books have to be written and copied by hand, making them very expensive; as such, only a few nobles can afford them—but this won't stop Myne. She will prove that her will to read is unbreakable, and if there are no books around, she will make them herself! -- -- 162,089 8.02
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen -- -- Ajia-Do -- 14 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Fantasy -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen -- Urano Motosu loves books and has an endless desire to read literature, no matter the subject. She almost fulfills her dream job of becoming a librarian before her life is ended in an accident. As she draws her last breath, she wishes to be able to read more books in her next life. -- -- As if fate was listening to her prayer, she wakes up reincarnated as Myne—a frail five-year-old girl living in a medieval era. What immediately comes to her mind is her passion. She tries to find something to read, only to become frustrated by the lack of books at her disposal. -- -- Without the printing press, books have to be written and copied by hand, making them very expensive; as such, only a few nobles can afford them—but this won't stop Myne. She will prove that her will to read is unbreakable, and if there are no books around, she will make them herself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 162,089 8.02
Horimiya -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Horimiya Horimiya -- On the surface, the thought of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would be the last thing in people's minds. After all, Hori has a perfect combination of beauty and brains, while Miyamura appears meek and distant to his fellow classmates. However, a fateful meeting between the two lays both of their hidden selves bare. Even though she is popular at school, Hori has little time to socialize with her friends due to housework. On the other hand, Miyamura lives under the noses of his peers, his body bearing secret tattoos and piercings that make him look like a gentle delinquent. -- -- Having opposite personalities yet sharing odd similarities, the two quickly become friends and often spend time together in Hori's home. As they both emerge from their shells, they share with each other a side of themselves concealed from the outside world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 573,127 8.29
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi -- Kazuma Hoshino is preparing himself for a new stage of his life as a teenager. Because of his brother Ayumu’s weaker than average health, their parents thought it best for the family to move out from the city to a more rural environment. Now the two brothers are off to the Yorozuyo Inn where they’ll be staying until their parents can settle affairs back in the city and set up their new home. -- -- Their arrival to the inn doesn’t go as planned though when they catch the wrong bus, wind up in the middle of nowhere, Ayumu gets his hat stolen by a wild monkey, and Kazuma gets lost in the woods trying to track the animal down. It all leads to a chance encounter with a spirited young girl named Ui, who Kazuma ends up accidentally falling onto and kissing while she tries leading him back to the bus stop. This hardly sits well with Ui’s friend Ibuki who swiftly kicks Kazuma and sends him on his way. Much to Kazuma’s continued horror, his bad luck is perpetuated at the inn thanks to its landlady Senka and her slightly perverted sense of humor, and then finding out that two of his classmates are the girls he embarrassed himself in front of back in the woods! -- -- Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi finds Kazuma adapting to his new school, dealing with the multiple women who have entered his life, providing emotional support for his younger brother, and coping with living with his new landlady. However, for some reason, something about this place is bringing whispers of the past into Kazuma's mind. Small flashes back to a more innocent time and a friendship long forgotten. What could this déjà vu mean? -- 149,537 6.76
Id:Invaded -- -- NAZ -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Police Psychological Sci-Fi -- Id:Invaded Id:Invaded -- The Mizuhanome System is a highly advanced development that allows people to enter one of the most intriguing places in existence—the human mind. Through the use of so-called "cognition particles" left behind at a crime scene by the perpetrator, detectives from the specialized police squad Kura can manifest a criminal's unconscious mind as a bizarre stream of thoughts in a virtual world. Their task is to explore this psychological plane, called an "id well," to reveal the identity of the culprit. -- -- Not just anyone can enter the id wells; the prerequisite is that you must have killed someone yourself. Such is the case for former detective Akihito Narihisago, who is known as "Sakaido" inside the id wells. Once a respected member of the police, tragedy struck, and he soon found himself on the other side of the law. -- -- Nevertheless, Narihisago continues to assist Kura in confinement. While his prodigious detective skills still prove useful toward investigations, Narihisago discovers that not everything is as it seems, as behind the seemingly standalone series of murder cases lurks a much more sinister truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 227,851 7.89
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- 110,835 7.66
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- 110,835 7.66
Ingress the Animation -- -- Craftar Studios -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Mystery -- Ingress the Animation Ingress the Animation -- A project was launched where scientists discovered a mysterious substance that can interface directly with the human brain. This substance, called "Exotic Matter (XM)," has existed since ancient times, influencing human minds and the progress of humanity. In the wake of this discovery, a battle of powerful nations and corporate giants has been unleashed. Organizations across the globe have embarked on a secret race to exploit XM. It represents both an opportunity and a threat to humanity. Two Factions seeks to control the XM. The Enlightened view XM's power as a gift that enhances human experience and discovery. The Resistance sees XM as a hostile takeover of the human mind, choosing technology as humanity's best path forward. XM, and the mystery behind it lie at the center of this battle for the fate of humanity. -- -- 2018—Now, a new struggle is about to unfold in Tokyo and across the globe. Dangerous and powerful forces seeking to exploit the potential of XM will collide. This groundbreaking project will mark the beginning of an epic augmented-reality experience combining the three elements of animation, location-based gaming, and the real world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Oct 18, 2018 -- 22,463 6.36
Initial D First Stage -- -- Gallop, Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Drama Seinen Sports -- Initial D First Stage Initial D First Stage -- Unlike his friends, Takumi Fujiwara is not particularly interested in cars, with little to no knowledge about the world of car enthusiasts and street racers. The son of a tofu shop owner, he is tasked to deliver tofu every morning without fail, driving along the mountain of Akina. Thus, conversations regarding cars or driving in general would only remind Takumi of the tiring daily routine forced upon him. -- -- One night, the Akagi Red Suns, an infamous team of street racers, visit the town of Akina to challenge the local mountain pass. Led by their two aces, Ryousuke and Keisuke Takahashi, the Red Suns plan to conquer every racing course in Kanto, establishing themselves as the fastest crew in the region. However, much to their disbelief, one of their aces is overtaken by an old Toyota AE86 during a drive back home from Akina. After the incident, the Takahashi brothers are cautious of a mysterious driver geared with remarkable technique and experience in the local roads—the AE86 of Mount Akina. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Tokyopop -- 242,578 8.28
InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- Izayoi and Inu no Taishou, Inuyasha's parents, are having problems with a human named Setsuna no Takemaru. Sou'unga a magical sword that has been sealed away for 700 years is found. Now everyone is after the sword and its powers but it seems the sword has something else in mind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 20, 2003 -- 82,981 7.79
InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- Izayoi and Inu no Taishou, Inuyasha's parents, are having problems with a human named Setsuna no Takemaru. Sou'unga a magical sword that has been sealed away for 700 years is found. Now everyone is after the sword and its powers but it seems the sword has something else in mind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 20, 2003 -- 82,981 7.79
Ishuzoku Reviewers -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Ishuzoku Reviewers Ishuzoku Reviewers -- Countless diverse races, from perky fairies to oozing slimes, inhabit the world. Naturally, such a melting pot of creatures has a broad and alluring variety of brothels. With so many options to choose from, it is hard to decide with which succu-girl to have a meaningful, interpersonal experience. -- -- Fortunately, a tight group of brave warriors has come together to enlighten the public. These perverted adventurers take it upon themselves to assess the appeal of all types of succu-girls through hands-on research. Whether it be the scorchingly hot salamanders or the udderly hu-moo-ngous cow-girls, the Yoruno Gloss reviewers leave no species behind. -- -- Directed by the mastermind behind Miru Tights, Ishuzoku Reviewers seeks to answer one of the most pressing questions there is: which species is the sexiest? -- -- 332,880 7.55
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- 106,760 6.33
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 106,760 6.33
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/A -- -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2012 -- 85,740 6.93
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/ARunway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
Kabukichou Sherlock -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Drama -- Kabukichou Sherlock Kabukichou Sherlock -- In Shinjuku ward's east side lies Kabukichou, a vibrant city of chaos that glows brilliantly with neon lights but also hides unseen darkness. Employed at a university hospital on the west side, John H. Watson is looking for someone who can assist him with an odd case. His search leads him to the Pipe Cat, an underground bar that serves as a meetup venue and job board for some of the best detectives in Shinjuku, the most prominent among them being Sherlock Holmes. -- -- Upon finding the bar and meeting the peculiar investigators, John learns that they are pursuing a case involving Jack the Ripper, an infamous serial killer. Due to subsequent events, John ends up driving Sherlock to the crime scene of a murder supposedly carried out by Jack the Ripper. Even though John is only there to enlist Sherlock's help with his case, he witnesses Sherlock brilliantly uncover the truth behind the crime scene. However, he begins to realize that Sherlock is not only a genius detective but also an eccentric character. -- -- As John continues to request Sherlock to assist him with his case, he finds himself spiraling into the detective lifestyle of solving cases beyond the minds of ordinary civilians. Through this work, John begins to see the true colors of the chaotic city that is Kabukichou and starts to unravel the unsettling mystery behind his own case. -- -- 69,446 6.91
Kabukichou Sherlock -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Drama -- Kabukichou Sherlock Kabukichou Sherlock -- In Shinjuku ward's east side lies Kabukichou, a vibrant city of chaos that glows brilliantly with neon lights but also hides unseen darkness. Employed at a university hospital on the west side, John H. Watson is looking for someone who can assist him with an odd case. His search leads him to the Pipe Cat, an underground bar that serves as a meetup venue and job board for some of the best detectives in Shinjuku, the most prominent among them being Sherlock Holmes. -- -- Upon finding the bar and meeting the peculiar investigators, John learns that they are pursuing a case involving Jack the Ripper, an infamous serial killer. Due to subsequent events, John ends up driving Sherlock to the crime scene of a murder supposedly carried out by Jack the Ripper. Even though John is only there to enlist Sherlock's help with his case, he witnesses Sherlock brilliantly uncover the truth behind the crime scene. However, he begins to realize that Sherlock is not only a genius detective but also an eccentric character. -- -- As John continues to request Sherlock to assist him with his case, he finds himself spiraling into the detective lifestyle of solving cases beyond the minds of ordinary civilians. Through this work, John begins to see the true colors of the chaotic city that is Kabukichou and starts to unravel the unsettling mystery behind his own case. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 69,446 6.91
Kai Byoui Ramune -- -- Platinum Vision -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Supernatural Shounen -- Kai Byoui Ramune Kai Byoui Ramune -- As long as hearts exist inside people, there will always be those who suffer. And then something "strange" enters their mind and causes a strange disease to manifest itself in the body. The illness, which is called a "mystery disease" is unknown to most, but certainly exists. There is a doctor and apprentice who fights the disease, which modern medicine cannot cure. -- -- His name is Ramune. He acts freely all the time, is foul-mouthed, and doesn't even look like a doctor! However, once he is confronted with the mysterious disease, he is able to quickly uncover the root cause of his patients' deep-seated distress and cure them. And beyond that... -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 41,336 7.15
Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - Extra Chorus -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - Extra Chorus Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - Extra Chorus -- Mikiya Kokutou gives Shiki Ryougi a cat to watch, as he will be away for a little while. Though Shiki protests, he leaves the cat anyway, and Shiki is stuck trying to understand her new feline companion. But as luck would have it, the cat seems to have taken a liking to Mikiya and misses him. -- -- Later in another part of the city, Ririsu Miyazuki visits the place where her dear friend committed suicide. She intends to end her life as well, but she meets Fujino Asagami, a blind classmate with a traumatic past. Though the two girls don't have much in common, Asagami reminds Miyazuki of her lost friend and helps her understand her pain. -- -- Two months later, Mikiya elects to celebrate New Year's with Shiki instead of his family, which makes his sister Azaka very upset, leading to her spending the holiday with her school friends. As the snow begins to fall, Mikiya reflects on what he wishes for most of all: that Shiki's life be filled with happiness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Sep 28, 2013 -- 36,067 7.49
Kashikokimono -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Kashikokimono Kashikokimono -- A combination of hand-drawn animation and computer-based generative animation exploring music and animation as a form of organic expression. Animated by Takahiro Hayakawa. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 337 N/A -- -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Dementia Fantasy Horror Music Parody -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- Three 10-minute videos present a trippy view into the minds of their creators. Brought together by Pierre Taki of Denki Groove, Mechano: Scientific Attack Force features three shorts done in very different styles. -- -- The three short films are: -- -- "Plastic Gun Man" - a 3D Western spoof -- "World Meccano Triangle" - a music video reminiscent of '90s era screensavers -- "Haiirogaoka no Soridaijin" (translated as "Prime Minister of Gray Hill") - an anime-style animated video parody of Akira Mochizuki's famous 1977 manga, Yuuhi ga Oka no Souri Daijin -- OVA - Sep 1, 1995 -- 334 N/A -- -- Motion Lumine -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Motion Lumine Motion Lumine -- Furukawa Taku film. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1978 -- 334 4.75
Kekkai Sensen: Ousama no Restaurant no Ousama -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Kekkai Sensen: Ousama no Restaurant no Ousama Kekkai Sensen: Ousama no Restaurant no Ousama -- For a rare occasion, the members of Libra have come out of the shadows to dine with an important guest: a royal next in line for the crown of his country. To show their visitor the finest that Hellsalem's Lot has to offer, the group decides to dine at Molzzogazza, the cream of the crop as far as restaurants go in the city. -- -- As the success of this dinner may prove to be beneficial to Libra, Steven A. Starphase mounts the pressure on the team to be on its best behavior and avoid screw-ups. However, Steven has made one oversight. Molzzogazza, famous for its cuisine's indescribable and transcendent flavors, serves food so good that most people lose their minds eating it. Though the ragtag team may do their best to be cordial, the food is sure to unwind their composure, threatening the success of the dinner and leaving them unaware of an oncoming threat to the restaurant. -- -- OVA - Jun 3, 2016 -- 33,225 7.40
Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- -- Artland -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Ecchi School Shounen -- Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- Kaname Okiura, a student of Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High ("Umishou" for short), joined the school's swimming club in order to learn how to swim, but the club is filled with weirdos, let alone who can teach him swimming. Then, a sunny, happy-go-lucky girl named Amuro Ninagawa who transferred from Okinawa joined the club. Her extraordinary underwater speed and unorthodox swimming style (plus her personal habit of nude swimming—a powerful magnet to teenage boys) surprised every club member, especially Okiura, because she reminds him of a mermaid-like creature he saw only once in his early childhood. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 4, 2007 -- 34,608 7.15
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Mystery Police Drama Mecha -- Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie -- Three years after the Babylon Project conspiracy is resolved, the members of Kiichi Gotou's Patlabor unit have gone their separate ways. Gotou remains with the Patlabor team, accompanied by Shinobu Nagumo, his romantic crush and comrade. -- -- Playing into the public's skepticism toward the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force, a terrorist organization begins to work from within the military to cause destruction and mass civil unrest throughout Japan. Nagumo learns that the mastermind behind the growing terrorist plot is none other than Yukihito Tsuge, her former mentor and lover. -- -- Gotou reassembles his former Patlabor team, spearheaded by pilot Noa Izumi. Leading the team into a mission to arrest Tsuge, Nagumo must come to terms with her complicated past relationships in order to save Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 7, 1993 -- 26,031 7.90
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Mystery Police Drama Mecha -- Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie -- Three years after the Babylon Project conspiracy is resolved, the members of Kiichi Gotou's Patlabor unit have gone their separate ways. Gotou remains with the Patlabor team, accompanied by Shinobu Nagumo, his romantic crush and comrade. -- -- Playing into the public's skepticism toward the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force, a terrorist organization begins to work from within the military to cause destruction and mass civil unrest throughout Japan. Nagumo learns that the mastermind behind the growing terrorist plot is none other than Yukihito Tsuge, her former mentor and lover. -- -- Gotou reassembles his former Patlabor team, spearheaded by pilot Noa Izumi. Leading the team into a mission to arrest Tsuge, Nagumo must come to terms with her complicated past relationships in order to save Japan. -- -- Movie - Aug 7, 1993 -- 26,031 7.90
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kirarin☆Revolution -- -- SynergySP -- 153 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Kirarin☆Revolution Kirarin☆Revolution -- Kirari Tsukishima, a gluttonous 14-year-old beauty, is a girl who does not care about idols and the entertainment world because her mind is occupied by food. Her obsession with food only causes her to be clueless about love. -- -- One day, after saving a turtle that is stranded in a tree, Kirari meets with a handsome and gentle boy named Seiji, who gives her ticket to a SHIPS (a popular idol group) concert to show his gratitude for her saving his pet. Kirari then storms off to the concert and runs into another boy, who tears up her ticket and warns her to stay away from Seiji because she and Seiji live in different worlds. The outraged Kirari then sneaks into the concert, only to discover that Seiji and the boy who tore her ticket, named Hiroto, are actually members of SHIPS. -- -- Finally understanding the meaning of "different worlds" (Seiji is a popular idol while she is an average middle school student), Kirari refuses to give up. Filled with determination to be with Seiji, she declares that she will also become an idol. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 25,637 7.06
Kiss x Sis -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Seinen -- Kiss x Sis Kiss x Sis -- When Keita Suminoe's father remarried, not only did he gain a new mother, but elder twin sisters as well. Distinct yet similar, the homely and mature Ako is a former student council president, while the athletic and aloof Riko is the previous disciplinary president. The three of them have been together since kindergarten, resulting in a deep bond between the siblings. However, over time, their relationship developed into something more romantic—and erotic . -- -- Now in his last year of middle school, Keita has already received a sports recommendation, but it's from a different high school than his two sisters. Disappointed, both sisters try to change his mind, and he agrees, giving in to their desperate pleas. Unaware of the consequences, he now has to attempt to study for his high school exams while warding off the advances of his lust-driven sisters. With their parent's blessings, Ako and Riko strive to be Keita's future wife, leaving him to try his best to keep the relationship between them strictly platonic. However, with two beautiful girls vying for his attention, will Keita be able to withstand the endless temptations? -- -- OVA - Dec 22, 2008 -- 264,581 6.92
Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories -- G9+1 film. -- Movie - Jul 20, 2009 -- 210 N/A -- -- Don't You Wish You Were Here? -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Don't You Wish You Were Here? Don't You Wish You Were Here? -- "My first abstract animation. What color do you have in your mind?" -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1997 -- 208 N/A -- -- Templex -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Templex Templex -- One rainy day, a woman wakes up, opens the curtains, and stares at her reflection in the window, noticing her curly hair. She climbs out of bed and begins to wash it, while strange images of self-hatred fill her mind. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2015 -- 208 5.64
Kiznaiver -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance -- Kiznaiver Kiznaiver -- Katsuhira Agata is a quiet and reserved teenage boy whose sense of pain has all but vanished. His friend, Chidori Takashiro, can only faintly remember the days before Katsuhira had undergone this profound change. Now, his muffled and complacent demeanor make Katsuhira a constant target for bullies, who exploit him for egregious sums of money. But their fists only just manage to make him blink, as even emotions are far from his grasp. -- -- However, one day Katsuhira, Chidori, and four other teenagers are abducted and forced to join the Kizuna System as official "Kiznaivers." Those taking part are connected through pain: if one member is injured, the others will feel an equal amount of agony. These individuals must become the lab rats and scapegoats of an incomplete system designed with world peace in mind. With their fates literally intertwined, the Kiznaivers must expose their true selves to each other, or risk failing much more than just the Kizuna System. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Crunchyroll -- 565,047 7.42
Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Romance School -- Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. -- Jun Naruse is a chatterbox whose life is colored by fairy tales and happy endings. However, influenced by her deep belief in those tales, she is too naive and trusting, and her words soon shatter her family's bond when she inadvertently reveals her father's affair. Naruse is scarred for life after being blamed for her parent's divorce, and her regrets soon manifest into a fairy egg—a being who seals her mouth from speaking in order to protect everyone's happy ending. -- -- Now, even in high school, Naruse's speech remains locked by the fairy egg. Even trying to speak causes her stomach to twist. Though unable to convey her thoughts through words, she is unexpectedly chosen to perform in a musical alongside three other students: Takumi Sakagami, Natsuki Nitou, and Daiki Tasaki. Naruse makes her way to the club room to reject the daunting task, but changes her mind when she overhears Sakagami's beautiful singing. -- -- Perhaps the fairy egg "curse" does not apply to singing, and perhaps Sakagami is the fairy tale prince she has been seeking all along. Will Naruse be able to convey the anthem of her heart? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 19, 2015 -- 246,056 7.94
Koko wa Green Wood -- -- Ajia-Do, Studio Pierrot -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Koko wa Green Wood Koko wa Green Wood -- Hasukawa Kazuya is in a terrible bind. His brother's new wife is also the woman that Kazuya secretly loves. Determined to avoid them both, Kazuya leaves home to live in the student dorm called Greenwood. There, he hopes to find peace of mind. Unfortunately for Kazuya, stability and peace are the last things one might find at Greenwood - home of the weirdest characters on campus. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Nov 22, 1991 -- 7,934 6.83
K-On!! -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Music School Slice of Life -- K-On!! K-On!! -- It is the new year, which means that the senior members of the Light Music Club are now third-years, with Azusa Nakano being the only second-year. The seniors soon realize that Azusa will be the only member left once they graduate and decide to recruit new members. Despite trying many methods of attracting underclassmen—handing out fliers, bringing people into the clubroom, and performing at the welcoming ceremony—there are no signs of anyone that plans to join. -- -- While heading to the clubroom, Azusa overhears Yui Hirasawa say that the club is fine with only five people and that they can do many fun things together. Changing her mind, she decides that they do not need to recruit any members for the time being. -- -- K-On!! revolves around the members of the Light Music Club as they experience their daily high school life. From rehearsing for concerts to just messing around, they are ready to make their last year together an exciting one! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 530,529 8.15
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Shounen Supernatural -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu -- With only Coast School in mind, Takamine Kiyomaro leaves Gash bewildered that he’ll make a new Volcan 300 for him to play with. The genius tries to catch up with the bus that would take him there, but a giant Volcan 300 kidnaps him. Meanwhile Gash befriends the same Vulcan that kidnapped Kiyomaro later named: Volcan 300 Generation 4. The genius wakes up to see that he isn’t in Coast School, but that a doctor by the name M2 wants him to be his partner in the future. However, Gash and the other demons interfere with M2's plan in taking Kiyomaro to the future by the help of Generation 4 who agreed to take Gash there by a glitch in its system. Still the doctor tries to get Kiyomaro to come back with him, but with the help of everyone, he is defeated. Though a new situation is at hand, the time warp that M2 came from is out of control. It’s up to Gash and the others to save the city or be sucked into it. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 6, 2005 -- 5,970 7.09
Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Shounen Ai Super Power Supernatural -- Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu. -- All hope seems lost when the world is suddenly invaded by aliens. Earth's only defense is a small three-person team known as the Special Counter-Aliens Task Force, consisting of an anonymous director, the tyrannical Shiro, and the easygoing Arikawa. -- -- The luck of the Task Force improves when Arikawa finds a teenage boy lying alone on a hill. The boy, Kakashi, is humanity's only hope—he has power previously unbeknownst capable of defeating the aliens! However, without any memories and with no knowledge on how to use his power, Kakashi is left clinging to Arikawa and Shiro as well as the only remnant of his previous life: his broken cellphone. -- -- Kakashi is conflicted by the fears and emotions clouding his mind and he calls his own motivations into question. Can he overcome his doubts and internal struggles and save the world? -- -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 22,909 6.84
Koroshiya 1 The Animation: Episode 0 -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Dementia Drama Horror Martial Arts Psychological Seinen -- Koroshiya 1 The Animation: Episode 0 Koroshiya 1 The Animation: Episode 0 -- A masochistic mobster meets his match in the dark streets of Tokyo. His nemesis, Ichi, is a psychopathic killer with an unrelenting thirst for bloodshed. A horrifying secret burns in his mind, and his hands deal death without mercy. At last, the shrouds of mystery are parted to reveal the origin of the monster. The city will know its greatest fear at the unveiling of Ichi the Killer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Sep 27, 2002 -- 8,819 5.69
Kotoura-san -- -- AIC Classic -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School -- Kotoura-san Kotoura-san -- Since childhood, Haruka Kotoura's classmates have seen her as a creepy and monstrous person. This is due to her ability to read other people's minds—the same ability that drove her parents away, leaving her alone with her grandfather. As a result, she has grown accustomed to the bitter treatment by the people around her, becoming completely cold and unsociable to others. -- -- However, everything starts to change when Haruka transfers to a new school. While most are off put by her as usual, she meets Yoshihisa Manabe, who finds her power astonishing. Yoshihisa then proceeds to befriend Haruka, promising to never leave her no matter what happens. -- -- Haruka's new experiences of social belonging thus begin, meeting new friends and learning to open herself along the way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 275,232 7.21
Kotoura-san -- -- AIC Classic -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School -- Kotoura-san Kotoura-san -- Since childhood, Haruka Kotoura's classmates have seen her as a creepy and monstrous person. This is due to her ability to read other people's minds—the same ability that drove her parents away, leaving her alone with her grandfather. As a result, she has grown accustomed to the bitter treatment by the people around her, becoming completely cold and unsociable to others. -- -- However, everything starts to change when Haruka transfers to a new school. While most are off put by her as usual, she meets Yoshihisa Manabe, who finds her power astonishing. Yoshihisa then proceeds to befriend Haruka, promising to never leave her no matter what happens. -- -- Haruka's new experiences of social belonging thus begin, meeting new friends and learning to open herself along the way. -- -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 275,232 7.21
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Sci-Fi Mystery Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society -- A.D. 2034. It has been two years since Motoko Kusanagi left Section 9. Togusa is now the new leader of the team, that has considerably increased its appointed personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultra-wizard hacker named the Puppeteer is behind the entire series of events. -- -- In the midst of all, Batou, who was stalking the case on a separate track, encounters Motoko. She goes away after saying, "Stay away from the Solid State Society." Batou is left with a doubt in his mind. Could Motoko be the Puppeteer? -- -- The series of intriguing incidents that Section 9 faces gradually link together almost artistically. Who is the Puppeteer? What will happen to Batou's relationship with Motoko? What is the full truth behind this carefully planned perfect crime? And what will the outcome be? Mysteries surround the Solid State Society... -- -- (Source: Production I.G.) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- Special - Sep 1, 2006 -- 86,863 8.13
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Sci-Fi Mystery Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society -- A.D. 2034. It has been two years since Motoko Kusanagi left Section 9. Togusa is now the new leader of the team, that has considerably increased its appointed personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultra-wizard hacker named the Puppeteer is behind the entire series of events. -- -- In the midst of all, Batou, who was stalking the case on a separate track, encounters Motoko. She goes away after saying, "Stay away from the Solid State Society." Batou is left with a doubt in his mind. Could Motoko be the Puppeteer? -- -- The series of intriguing incidents that Section 9 faces gradually link together almost artistically. Who is the Puppeteer? What will happen to Batou's relationship with Motoko? What is the full truth behind this carefully planned perfect crime? And what will the outcome be? Mysteries surround the Solid State Society... -- -- (Source: Production I.G.) -- Special - Sep 1, 2006 -- 86,863 8.13
Kyokou Suiri 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Mystery Demons Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Kyokou Suiri 2nd Season Kyokou Suiri 2nd Season -- Second season of Kyokou Suiri. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 34,015 N/A -- -- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 46 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Shounen -- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge -- After returning from the feuding realms of Gundalia and Neathia, Danma Kuusou and his companions continue their lives on Earth. Now, a year later, the virtual reality world of Bakugan Interspace has finally recovered from the alien invasion and has once again become a place for brawlers to gather and challenge themselves. -- -- It turns out, however, that whenever Danma's Bakugan, Pyrus Dragonoid, unleashes his might in battle, the Interspace experiences new disruptions. Unable to harness the incredible powers granted to him by Code Eve—the Bakugan Mother spirit—he struggles to maintain control over the Mechtogan contained within him. When it goes out of control, the mysterious mechanical entity wreaks havoc on the battlefield, attacking friends and foes alike. -- -- To make matters worse, Bakugan Interspace is at risk of being infiltrated again. An unknown mastermind is sending mutated Chaos Bakugan into the system in order to brainwash brawlers and take control of the virtual realm. In anticipation of the inevitable confrontation, Danma must find a way to keep the Mechtogan's destructive force at bay and rally the Battle Brawlers once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nelvana -- TV - Feb 13, 2011 -- 33,952 6.16
Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam -- -- Gonzo -- 21 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam -- "I've made up my mind! I'm going to steal that ship!" -- -- All source of life originates from the Grand Lake. -- -- At this very sacred lake, the battle between the Ades Federation and the Turan Kingdom has just begun. The Ades Federation, armed with massive battleships and its sights set on conquering the world, declares war on the Turan Kingdom. With the Federation's troops encroaching on their beloved country, Turan now lies on the brink of collapse. As this is happening, the princesses of Turan look on as a small vanship named Vespa cruises above their heads. -- -- "We shall now commandeer your flagship and take her from this battlefield. The choice is yours. Die here, or survive with us Sky Pirates!" -- -- The Vespa continues to weave through the barrage of bombs, while the fleets of the Federation close in on Turan. -- -- What are the motives of Luscinia, the man leading the Ades Federation into the war? And what is the secret behind "Exile"? -- -- (Source: Animax, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 39,998 7.08
Le Chevalier D'Eon -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Historical Magic Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Le Chevalier D'Eon Le Chevalier D'Eon -- In 18th century Paris, a coffin is found floating down the Seine River. It carries the corpse of noblewoman Lia de Beaumont: a spy of King Louis XV, and whose younger brother Charles d'Eon has just been knighted. When several disappearances occur throughout Paris, the young knight believes that they are somehow connected to his sister's death. Hoping to find her killers, d'Eon joins the secret police to investigate the incidents. -- -- Following the clues, they piece together that a conspiracy between members of the French and Russian nobility, spurred on by a cult, may be behind the disappearances. D'Eon concludes that Lia may have uncovered the truth while on a mission and was killed as a result. -- -- That night, the secret police are to arrest the Duke of Orléans on suspicion of being the mastermind. One of their own transforms into a demon called a Gargoyle and massacres the group. D'Eon attempts to rescue the sole survivor, only to find that he too has been transformed. During the ensuing battle, d'Eon is possessed by Lia's vengeful soul, who takes command of his body and slays the Gargoyle herself. In the aftermath, d'Eon must gather allies to discover the depth of this supernatural conspiracy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Jul 2, 2006 -- 50,521 7.22
Le Chevalier D'Eon -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Historical Magic Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Le Chevalier D'Eon Le Chevalier D'Eon -- In 18th century Paris, a coffin is found floating down the Seine River. It carries the corpse of noblewoman Lia de Beaumont: a spy of King Louis XV, and whose younger brother Charles d'Eon has just been knighted. When several disappearances occur throughout Paris, the young knight believes that they are somehow connected to his sister's death. Hoping to find her killers, d'Eon joins the secret police to investigate the incidents. -- -- Following the clues, they piece together that a conspiracy between members of the French and Russian nobility, spurred on by a cult, may be behind the disappearances. D'Eon concludes that Lia may have uncovered the truth while on a mission and was killed as a result. -- -- That night, the secret police are to arrest the Duke of Orléans on suspicion of being the mastermind. One of their own transforms into a demon called a Gargoyle and massacres the group. D'Eon attempts to rescue the sole survivor, only to find that he too has been transformed. During the ensuing battle, d'Eon is possessed by Lia's vengeful soul, who takes command of his body and slays the Gargoyle herself. In the aftermath, d'Eon must gather allies to discover the depth of this supernatural conspiracy. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2006 -- 50,521 7.22
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/A -- -- Children -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological Drama -- Children Children -- A short film by Takuya Okada set in a conformist society. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- ONA - Jun 30, 2011 -- 1,532 6.02
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/AUsogui -- -- Shueisha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Psychological Seinen -- Usogui Usogui -- There are gamblers out there who even bet their lives as ante. But to secure the integrity of these life-threatening gambles, a violent and powerful organization by the name of "Kagerou" referees these games as a neutral party. Follow Bak Madarame a.k.a. Usogui (The Lie Eater) as he gambles against maniacal opponents at games—such as Escape the Abandoned Building, Old Maid, and Hangman—to ultimately "out-gamble" and control the neutral organization of Kagerou itself. -- -- (Source: MU) -- OVA - Oct 19, 2012 -- 1,527 5.48
Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- The peaceful days turn out to be short-lived as the shadow of another Selector Battle looms large. Kiyoi Mizushima is the first to notice that things are amiss, and she makes her move to put an end to the cycle of darkness.The Battle this time includes a new card, "Key," and has been set up with rules different than before. With both the mastermind and their motive shrouded in mystery, the darkness grows ever deeper and more menacing. Suzuko Homura, Chinatsu Morishita, Hanna Mikage, Ruuko Kominato, Yuzuki Kurebayashi, Hitoe Uemura, and Akira Aoi, the Selectors gather once again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,986 7.09
Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- Otonokizaka High School has been saved! Despite having to withdraw from the Love Live!, the efforts of μ's were able to garner enough interest in their school to prevent it from being shut down. What more, following the conclusion of the first, a second Love Live! is announced, this time on an even larger stage than before. Given a chance for redemption, the nine girls come together once more to sing their hearts out and claim victory. -- -- However, with the end of the school year approaching, the graduation of the third years draws near. As they attempt to reach the top of the Love Live!, they must also consider their future and choose what path the group will take. Though the question of whether to continue without the third years or disband weighs heavily on the minds of its members, μ's must quickly come to an answer with graduation right around the corner. -- -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season continues the story of the girls as they laugh, cry, sing, and dance in their journey to determine the future of their group and conquer the Love Live! in their last chance to win with all nine girls together. -- -- 210,902 7.79
Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music School Slice of Life -- Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow -- Following the closure of Uranohoshi Girls' High School, the third-year students—Dia Kurosawa, Kanan Matsuura, and Mari Ohara—have just graduated, leaving Aqours with solely the first and second-years. While searching for a new place the remaining members can use to practice, they decide to visit the new school they will soon enroll in. However, to their surprise, the building seems to be abandoned! It turns out that due to the school board's worries regarding how the freshly transferred Uranohoshi students may burden the clubs, they were instead sent to a branch school. This sets Aqours on a new goal—to prove that Uranohoshi students are serious in their clubs as well. Meanwhile, another problem arises: the third-years have unexpectedly gone missing during their graduation trip! -- -- Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow revolves around the remaining Aqours members as they venture out to search for their missing seniors and, at the same time, try to figure out a way to change the new school's mind. -- -- Movie - Jan 4, 2019 -- 29,822 7.61
Major S2 -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S2 Major S2 -- Gorou Honda has finally returned to Mifune East Junior High School, surprising his friends upon arrival. Now, Gorou is once again surrounded by those he holds closest, and he strives to continue playing and enjoying the game he loves most. -- -- However, things do not go as planned, as Gorou is reminded of the harsh realities of baseball as he copes with an injury he sustained while playing baseball at Hitaka Little. Between new rivals, old friends, and mending broken relationships, Gorou must overcome challenges he has never faced before. -- -- His goal of attending elite baseball high school Kaido may not be far from his reach, but complicated circumstances may stop him in his tracks once again. How will he deal with the immense pressures of the game? And will he ever be able to find the type of baseball he loves most? -- -- TV - Dec 10, 2005 -- 59,966 8.24
Major S6 -- -- SynergySP -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S6 Major S6 -- The intense Baseball World Cup has reached its conclusion. Gorou Honda has regained his passion for baseball and is once again back in full gear. He has secured a team position with the Hornets and has travelled back to America to prepare for his spectacular debut as a Major League pitcher. -- -- However, Gorou encounters a sudden series of unexpected issues and devastating events follow, crushing his motivation and potentially reducing the baseball career that he has worked tirelessly to maintain into crumbs. In the final season of Major, Gorou must yet again overcome immense hardship in order to save his baseball career. This time there is no simple solution, as the problem is deeply rooted within his own mind... -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2010 -- 51,845 8.37
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi Seinen -- Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation -- Yuuki Aito is a perverted manga artist who appreciates panties, wishing to draw as many as he can. Being surrounded by numerous female assistants, he is constantly asking to use them as references for the manga he draws. -- -- Although Aito has an extremely degenerate mind, he can also be a very kind, generous, and helpful person. The duality of his behavior confuses his assistants—do they love the considerate side of him that he rarely displays, or do they hate him for the perverted thoughts he has most of the time? -- -- 227,304 7.17
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi Seinen -- Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation -- Yuuki Aito is a perverted manga artist who appreciates panties, wishing to draw as many as he can. Being surrounded by numerous female assistants, he is constantly asking to use them as references for the manga he draws. -- -- Although Aito has an extremely degenerate mind, he can also be a very kind, generous, and helpful person. The duality of his behavior confuses his assistants—do they love the considerate side of him that he rarely displays, or do they hate him for the perverted thoughts he has most of the time? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 227,304 7.17
Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 3 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari -- Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari is an anthology film composed of three short films by acclaimed directors Rintaro, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and Katsuhiro Otomo. -- -- Labyrinth Labyrinthos -- While Sachi is searching for her cat, Cicerone, they both fall through a mirror and become trapped in a mysterious, mind-bending labyrinth. They follow a clown's shadow into the distance, not knowing where it will lead them. -- -- Running Man -- Bob Stone is a reporter working on an article about racer Zack Hugh, the ten-year reigning champion of an extremely popular and deadly automobile race. By the time the two meet, Zack's body and mind are shells of what they used to be. When the next race starts, Bob observes what happens when both man and machine are pushed to their breaking point, and what it takes to be an enduring champion. -- -- The Order to Stop Construction -- Salaryman Tsutomo Sugioka is dispatched into the heart of a dangerous jungle in order to halt a construction project after the foreman's mysterious disappearance. There, he discovers the deadly and uncontrollable world created by the automated construction robots. When the chief robot is resistant to his orders, Tsutomo must figure out another way to stop the project before his company's financial losses become too great. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Sep 25, 1987 -- 24,165 7.05
Mardock Scramble: The First Compression -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological -- Mardock Scramble: The First Compression Mardock Scramble: The First Compression -- Rune Balot is a down-and-out teen prostitute in Mardock City. One day, she's picked up by an ambitious casino manager named Shell who gives her everything she could want. Renewed by a false innocence, a false past, and now the false life Shell has given her, Balot feels grateful. However, she can't help but be curious about why he's done so much for her, so she does some research about his past on a computer. This turns out to be a mistake which will change her life greatly. When Shell finds out what she's done, he attempts to burn her to death by blowing up her car. -- -- Due to the high crime rate in Mardock, a new law called "Scramble 09" has given police carte blanche to take extreme and otherwise illegal measures to revive crime witnesses. With this in mind, they allow a professor to bring Balot back from the brink of death by reassembling her entire body with reinforced synthetic fiber. When she finally wakes up, her confused mental state eventually turns toward revenge as Shell is revealed as her killer. -- -- (Source: Nippon Cinema) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Oct 8, 2010 -- 64,211 7.47
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- 51,199 6.71
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,199 6.71
Meganebu! -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Other -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Meganebu! Meganebu! -- At Himaraya Third Technical School, five bespectacled members of the Glasses club are crazy about eyewear. Their leader, Akira Souma, founded the club to develop the X-ray glasses of his dreams, but their research has been slow in between getting into quirky escapades and fighting off student body president William Satou's attempts to further cut their tight club funding. With unbounded youthful passion, these friends set their minds on making their project a resounding success. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 7, 2013 -- 28,503 6.28
Memory (ONA) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Memory (ONA) Memory (ONA) -- Set in a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by nuclear war, it tells the story of a damaged robot found by futuristic soldiers investigating a devastated area. -- -- The humanoid appeared to be household robot, reminiscent of Asimov, and when the soldiers booted it up, they were able to see what was left of videos recorded inside its memory as seen by the robot throughout the years. -- -- In just under seven minutes and with no dialogue, the film poignantly reminds us that all our experiences, the things that we hold dear in our lives, are in constant threat. -- -- (Source: Bouncing Red -- ONA - Apr ??, 2009 -- 2,278 6.21
Mezzo Forte -- -- Arms -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Hentai Sci-Fi -- Mezzo Forte Mezzo Forte -- For some individuals, baseball is more than just a game. Momokitchi Momoi, an underworld boss and the owner of a professional team known as the "Peach Twisters," seems to be the perfect example. There is only one punishment for players who have let him down: death. Terrible as he may sound, there is someone even more wicked than him—his daughter, Momomi. -- -- The three members of the Danger Service Agency—Mikura Suzuki, Tomohisa Harada, and Kenichi Kurokawa—are tasked with kidnapping Momokitchi and taking down his criminal empire. Surrounded by armed bodyguards, he is bound to be a risky target. However, born with a gun in hand, Mikura is used to dancing with danger. The only unknown quantity is Momomi, reputed to be a cold-blooded killer with a twisted mind. Should she stand in the DSA's way, Suzuki might finally find herself a worthy opponent. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, SoftCel Pictures -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 25,176 6.64
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- "Show them your A-O face!" As an innocent child, Ao Horie would unhesitantly proclaim the origins of her name. Now that she is in high school, she is determined to study hard in order to one day escape the influence of her lascivious father, a famous erotic author. However, when the amiable Takumi Kijima confesses to Horie, her mind runs wild with scandalous thoughts. -- -- Moans eager to escape, legs crossing, and a warmth spreading through her body, Horie cannot help but misconstrue Kijima's rather pure motivations. To make things worse, no matter how hard she tries to ward off Kijima, his advances do not stop. Now, if only she could just study! -- -- 174,154 6.77
Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku -- -- - -- 5 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological School -- Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku -- As a new student, Eruna Ichinomiya meets various strangers, learns about their clubs, and helps them with their problems. -- -- Houkago Stride -- Eruna was hardly prepared to go to her new school, but that's no matter. Leading it off with an enormous stride, she will hop, step, and jump her way through, showing her unparalleled motivation and optimistic outlook. One, two, three—she'll shout out her excitement with the fire of a toy gun! -- -- Mukiryoku Coup d'Etat -- As an actor, Yuuto Akama is accustomed to playing different roles, and real life is just another one of these. He wears a practiced smile and a carefree attitude, but inside, a war is waging. A personality squashed and imprisoned... Yuuto puts down the coup d'état of his former self, all to maintain his perfect facade. But no matter how much time passes, the memories don't disappear, and he can never stop the flames of rebellion of his heart. -- -- Uchouten Vivace -- With a cheerful hop and skip, Himi Yasaka shows Eruna all the fun and excitement of the Calligraphy Club. It's a rhythmic and all-encompassing art; although calligraphy may take a bit of practice, anyone can do it. All you need is an ecstatic vivace! -- -- Garakuta Innocence -- No matter what saturation, contrast, or hue, painter Kyouma Kuzuryuu cannot create a work that is good enough. Everything, including himself, always falls short. He lies to himself that this is what he always wanted, but in the end, he is still another piece of trash. Is there any salvation for the lonesome and self-deprecating Kyouma? -- -- Izayoi Seeing -- Asuhi Imizu has lived his life secluded from others. Gazing at the night sky through his telescope, he draws new constellations in his mind. However, like the sun after a rainstorm, Eruna brightens his life, helping him open up to others. Together, they view a 16-day-old moon; all the while, Asuhi is guided by her light. -- -- Music - Feb 25, 2015 -- 2,681 6.66
Mind Game -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Dementia Psychological Romance -- Mind Game Mind Game -- After seeing her jump onto a subway at the last second and getting her ankle crushed between the doors, Nishi reconnects with his high school sweetheart, Myon. Nishi is still very much in love with Myon, but is shocked to learn that she is engaged to another man. Nishi agrees to meet Myon's fiancé at her family's Yakitori restaurant, but members of the Yakuza storm the joint and murder Nishi when he tries to stop them from raping Myon. -- -- Nishi, now dead, wakes up and meets a constantly shapeshifting god, who mocks him for dying. The god tells Nishi to walk into a portal and disappear from existence, which Nishi rejects, choosing instead to sprint past the god and reanimate. With a new outlook on life and knowledge of how the Yakuza are going to attack him, Nishi kills one of the Yakuza with his own gun, fleeing in a stolen car with Myon and her sister. -- -- Acclaimed director Masaaki Yuasa's debut film, Mind Game's constantly shifting visuals tell a story about living one's life without regrets that is unlike any other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Aug 7, 2004 -- 62,336 7.79
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- In the year Cosmic Era 0071, a wartime brawl between two mobile suits results in the destruction of a neutral country. Shinn Asuka finds his entire family killed as casualties of the violence, and swears his life toward a vengeful pursuit of the Earth's Natural forces, under the impression they were the ones responsible for his family's death. Shinn works his way up through the ZAFT military forces, eventually gaining access to the cockpit of the prototype Impulse mobile suit. -- -- Athrun Zala, a veteran of the recent war employed in the service of diplomat Cagalli Yula Athha, finds himself drawn into a new conflict between the Naturals and the Coordinators: human beings artificially enhanced before birth and hated by the Naturals for their biological advantages. -- -- As the new war rears its head and violence becomes inevitable, Athrun finds himself as a mentor to the bitter Shinn. Athrun must steer the young pilot towards a mindset of mercy before his rage and desire for vengeance consumes him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, NYAV Post -- TV - Oct 9, 2004 -- 91,488 7.21
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- In the year Cosmic Era 0071, a wartime brawl between two mobile suits results in the destruction of a neutral country. Shinn Asuka finds his entire family killed as casualties of the violence, and swears his life toward a vengeful pursuit of the Earth's Natural forces, under the impression they were the ones responsible for his family's death. Shinn works his way up through the ZAFT military forces, eventually gaining access to the cockpit of the prototype Impulse mobile suit. -- -- Athrun Zala, a veteran of the recent war employed in the service of diplomat Cagalli Yula Athha, finds himself drawn into a new conflict between the Naturals and the Coordinators: human beings artificially enhanced before birth and hated by the Naturals for their biological advantages. -- -- As the new war rears its head and violence becomes inevitable, Athrun finds himself as a mentor to the bitter Shinn. Athrun must steer the young pilot towards a mindset of mercy before his rage and desire for vengeance consumes him. -- -- TV - Oct 9, 2004 -- 91,488 7.21
Mugen no Juunin: Immortal -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Samurai Seinen -- Mugen no Juunin: Immortal Mugen no Juunin: Immortal -- Manji is an infamous swordsman in feudal Japan who is known as the "Hundred Man Killer," as he has killed one hundred innocent men. However, there is something far more frightening than his ominous reputation: the fact that he is immortal. This is the handiwork of eight-hundred-year-old nun Yaobikuni, who placed bloodworms capable of healing almost any wound in Manji's body. -- -- To atone for his crimes, Manji resolves to kill one thousand evil men. Yaobikuni agrees to this proposal, saying that if he succeeds, she will undo his curse of immortality. Soon after this promise, Manji meets Rin Asano, a 16-year-old girl who requests Manji's assistance in killing those who slaughtered her parents. -- -- Initially reluctant, Manji refuses Rin's desperate plea. However, owing to her evident lack of strength, Manji changes his mind and agrees to protect Rin for four years. With this partnership set in stone, the two embark on a perilous journey of bloodshed, vengeance, and redemption, each to fulfill their own life's cause. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 10, 2019 -- 55,517 7.36
Mugen no Juunin: Immortal -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Samurai Seinen -- Mugen no Juunin: Immortal Mugen no Juunin: Immortal -- Manji is an infamous swordsman in feudal Japan who is known as the "Hundred Man Killer," as he has killed one hundred innocent men. However, there is something far more frightening than his ominous reputation: the fact that he is immortal. This is the handiwork of eight-hundred-year-old nun Yaobikuni, who placed bloodworms capable of healing almost any wound in Manji's body. -- -- To atone for his crimes, Manji resolves to kill one thousand evil men. Yaobikuni agrees to this proposal, saying that if he succeeds, she will undo his curse of immortality. Soon after this promise, Manji meets Rin Asano, a 16-year-old girl who requests Manji's assistance in killing those who slaughtered her parents. -- -- Initially reluctant, Manji refuses Rin's desperate plea. However, owing to her evident lack of strength, Manji changes his mind and agrees to protect Rin for four years. With this partnership set in stone, the two embark on a perilous journey of bloodshed, vengeance, and redemption, each to fulfill their own life's cause. -- -- ONA - Oct 10, 2019 -- 55,517 7.36
Munou na Nana -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Shounen Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Munou na Nana Munou na Nana -- Fifty years ago, horrific creatures dubbed as the "enemies of humanity" suddenly appeared around the world. To combat these threats, teenagers gifted with supernatural abilities called "Talents"—such as pyrokinesis and time travel—hone their powers at an academy on a secluded island. -- -- Nanao Nakajima, however, is quite different from the others on the island: he has no Talent. With many "Talented" teenagers around him, Nanao is often a target for bullying, but even so, he still strives to complete his training. Soon after, two transfer students, the mysterious Kyouya Onodera and the mind-reading Nana Hiiragi, join the class. But just as everyone starts blending as comrades-in-arms, mysterious disappearances begin to threaten the class's entire foundation. -- -- 185,964 7.28
Munou na Nana -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Shounen Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Munou na Nana Munou na Nana -- Fifty years ago, horrific creatures dubbed as the "enemies of humanity" suddenly appeared around the world. To combat these threats, teenagers gifted with supernatural abilities called "Talents"—such as pyrokinesis and time travel—hone their powers at an academy on a secluded island. -- -- Nanao Nakajima, however, is quite different from the others on the island: he has no Talent. With many "Talented" teenagers around him, Nanao is often a target for bullying, but even so, he still strives to complete his training. Soon after, two transfer students, the mysterious Kyouya Onodera and the mind-reading Nana Hiiragi, join the class. But just as everyone starts blending as comrades-in-arms, mysterious disappearances begin to threaten the class's entire foundation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 185,964 7.28
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu -- -- Studio Bind -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Ecchi Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu -- Despite being bullied, scorned, and oppressed all of his life, a thirty-four-year-old shut-in still found the resolve to attempt something heroic—only for it to end in a tragic accident. But in a twist of fate, he awakens in another world as Rudeus Greyrat, starting life again as a baby born to two loving parents. -- -- Preserving his memories and knowledge from his previous life, Rudeus quickly adapts to his new environment. With the mind of a grown adult, he starts to display magical talent that exceeds all expectations, honing his skill with the help of a mage named Roxy Migurdia. Rudeus learns swordplay from his father, Paul, and meets Sylphiette, a girl his age who quickly becomes his closest friend. -- -- As Rudeus' second chance at life begins, he tries to make the most of his new opportunity while conquering his traumatic past. And perhaps, one day, he may find the one thing he could not find in his old world—love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 497,034 8.43
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- After being sent to investigate the alarming disappearance of four bloodline limit-wielding ninjas from different countries, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai successfully discover their whereabouts and inform the Hokage. Unexpectedly, Tsunade's further arrangements fall apart when Hiruko—the mastermind behind the incident and also a former Konohagakure ninja obsessed with power—appears to announce that he has absorbed the missing ninjas' unique abilities. On the verge of becoming invincible, he seeks one more bloodline limit before starting an all-out war to take over the world. -- -- As Konohagakure's past connections with Hiruko raise suspicions among the nations about its involvement in the affair, Tsunade receives an ultimatum to solve the crisis. Left with no other choice, she decides to follow Kakashi's lead after he presents a daring yet salutary scheme—a proposal that could send him to certain death. However, Naruto opposes such a plan! Despite the Hokage's decision, he is determined to save his teacher's life, even if it means fighting friend and foe alike. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 1, 2009 -- 154,081 7.34
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- After being sent to investigate the alarming disappearance of four bloodline limit-wielding ninjas from different countries, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai successfully discover their whereabouts and inform the Hokage. Unexpectedly, Tsunade's further arrangements fall apart when Hiruko—the mastermind behind the incident and also a former Konohagakure ninja obsessed with power—appears to announce that he has absorbed the missing ninjas' unique abilities. On the verge of becoming invincible, he seeks one more bloodline limit before starting an all-out war to take over the world. -- -- As Konohagakure's past connections with Hiruko raise suspicions among the nations about its involvement in the affair, Tsunade receives an ultimatum to solve the crisis. Left with no other choice, she decides to follow Kakashi's lead after he presents a daring yet salutary scheme—a proposal that could send him to certain death. However, Naruto opposes such a plan! Despite the Hokage's decision, he is determined to save his teacher's life, even if it means fighting friend and foe alike. -- -- Movie - Aug 1, 2009 -- 154,081 7.34
Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sports Seinen -- Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu -- Pepe is a Spanish cyclist competing in an multi-stage Iberian cycling race similar to the Tour de France. He is a support rider for one of the teams competing in the race, and his role is to assist the team's top rider in winning the overall race. As the story unfolds, the racers are set to ride through Pepe's home town in Andalusia on the same day as the wedding of his elder brother Angel to his former girlfriend Carmen. Their relationship was a factor in his decision to leave the town to pursue professional cycling, and the wedding is a frustrating reminder that his career hasn't turned out as he would have liked. Now, with the sponsor planning to drop him from the team and his family and friends cheering him on, Pepe abandons his assigned role and strives for glory. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 26, 2003 -- 7,742 7.02
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- -- Shuka -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Demons Drama Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- The film will be made up of two stories: "Ishi Okoshi" and "Ayashiki Raihousha." In "Ishi Okoshi," Natsume meets a small youkai called Mitsumi in a forest. Mitsumi is entrusted to wake up the divine youkai "Iwatetsu" from its deep slumber. Mitsumi weighs on Natsume's mind, so he sets out to help Mitsumi with his task. -- -- In "Ayashiki Raihousha," a mysterious visitor appears in front of Tanuma. Nearly every day, the visitor visits Tanuma, talks to him a little, and then leaves. Natsume, who knows the visitor is a youkai, worries for Tanuma, but Tanuma enjoys these exchanges with the youkai. The youkai means no harm, but Tanuma's health slowly starts to deteriorate. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 16, 2021 -- 16,755 7.21
Nekojiru-sou -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Dementia Psychological -- Nekojiru-sou Nekojiru-sou -- The main character, a cat named Nyatto, embarks upon a journey to save his sister's soul, which was ripped in two when Nyatto tried to save her from Death. She trails after him, brain-dead. They encounter many brilliant, mind-bending situations, beginning with a disturbing magic show. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Feb 21, 2001 -- 61,732 7.33
Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Nurarihyon no Mago OVA Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- The story begins at about 100 years after the disappearance of Otome Yamabuki, Rihan Nura's first wife. Rihan has finally pulled himself together and his life returns to normal. As the head of the Nura Clan, he's busy working on building a harmonious world for humans and youkais. One day, he sees Setsura being upset so he decides to cheer her up by taking the clan to go enjoy the hot spring where Setsura makes up her mind to tell Rihan that she met Otome once after she left him about 100 years ago. She tells him the message that Otome left for him and the truth is...? -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Dec 4, 2012 -- 21,631 7.72
Ojisan to Marshmallow -- -- Creators in Pack -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance -- Ojisan to Marshmallow Ojisan to Marshmallow -- Habahiro Hige is a simple-minded older man who works an office job and is an enthusiast of Tabekko Marshmallows. His days often consist of being teased by his 24-year-old colleague Iori Wakabayashi, who uses his obsession to her advantage: from eating them in front of his face, to buying out his favorite brand from the convenience store, and even embarrassing him in front of their boss. Although her friends cannot fathom what she sees in him, she just cannot get over his marshmallow-like, fluffy frame. No matter the lengths it takes, Iori will find a way to get his attention. -- -- Little does Habahiro know that she is trying to seduce him into a romantic relationship with her. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? At least this is what Iori would honestly like to believe. With a bag in hand, Iori continues to make him chase after her day after day, hoping that he will finally see through her attempts. Will he ever realize that their relationship can become s'more? -- -- 55,184 6.60
Omoide no Marnie -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Drama -- Omoide no Marnie Omoide no Marnie -- Suffering from frequent asthma attacks, young Anna Sasaki is quiet, unsociable, and isolated from her peers, causing her foster parent endless worry. Upon recommendation by the doctor, Anna is sent to the countryside, in hope that the cleaner air and more relaxing lifestyle will improve her health and help clear her mind. Engaging in her passion for sketching, Anna spends her summer days living with her aunt and uncle in a small town near the sea. -- -- One day while wandering outside, Anna discovers an abandoned mansion known as the Marsh House. However, she soon finds that the residence isn't as vacant as it appears to be, running into a mysterious girl named Marnie. Marnie's bubbly demeanor slowly begins to draw Anna out of her shell as she returns night after night to meet with her new friend. But it seems there is more to the strange girl than meets the eye—as her time in the town nears its end, Anna begins to discover the truth behind the walls of the Marsh House. -- -- Omoide no Marnie tells the touching story of a young girl's journey through self-discovery and friendship, and the summer that she will remember for the rest of her life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 200,826 8.10
One Piece Movie 4: Dead End no Bouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Movie 4: Dead End no Bouken One Piece Movie 4: Dead End no Bouken -- Luffy and crew arrive at the harbour of Anabaru. The local casino is holding a competition in which the winner will obtain a huge monetary reward if he reaches the finishing line first. Nami is elated and decides to participate in the competition. However, there is a conspiracy going behind the competition and the mastermind is an ex-military commander, Gasparde. His plan is to lure all the pirates to the military base and send them to their deaths. Luffy and gang have to overcome the numerous tests and tribulations along the way to complete this dead-end adventure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 1, 2003 -- 73,017 7.58
Ongaku Shoujo -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo Ongaku Shoujo -- On her way to her first day of high school, Eri Kumagai is captivated by a girl's singing. Her song is beautiful but ends abruptly when the girl steps on a cat's tail and disrupts the moment. Eri pushes this out of her mind until that same girl rushes into her class late, cat in hand, and claims that the name on the attendance list—Chiharu Yuzuka—is her "false name" and she is actually called Haru Chitose. -- -- Much to Eri's distaste, she cannot escape the eccentric Haru, as the two happen to share the same dormitory room. Haru causes one headache after another, but when she snoops around in Eri's laptop and discovers that she is an online composer, Eri is furious. Haru, enamored by Eri's music, desperately wants to sing with Eri, but Eri is dead set against it. Will the two be able to find common ground? -- -- Movie - Mar 22, 2015 -- 11,441 6.23
Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- Kimito Kagurazaka is a commoner with a fetish for men's muscles—or at least that's the lie he must keep telling if he wants to keep himself out of trouble at the elite all-girls school, Seikain Academy. Kidnapped by the school under the assumption that he prefers men, Kimito is made to be their "commoner sample," exposing the girls to both commoner and man so that the transition to the world after school is not jarring. Threatened with castration should his sexual preferences not match the school's assumptions, Kimito keeps up the facade to protect his manhood. -- -- But there are eccentric individuals around every corner who begin to make Kimito's life even more difficult. Among them are Aika Tenkuubashi, a social outcast who blurts out whatever comes to mind; Hakua Shiodome, a young genius; Karen Jinryou, the daughter of samurai who is obsessed with defeating Kimito; and Reiko Arisugawa, the perfect student who has delusions of marrying Kimito. Along with the commoner himself, these four girls make up the Commoner Club, which attempts to teach the girls more about life outside the school, while Kimito gradually learns about the odd girls surrounding him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 210,993 6.79
Oretacha Youkai Ningen G -- -- DLE -- 26 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Parody -- Oretacha Youkai Ningen G Oretacha Youkai Ningen G -- (No synopsis yet.) -- 458 N/A -- -- Akuma-kun (Shin Anime) -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Demons Supernatural Thriller -- Akuma-kun (Shin Anime) Akuma-kun (Shin Anime) -- When Mr. Satou, a company employee at the world's largest electronics company, is called upon by his boss to tutor his only son in exchange for a high ranking position within the organization, things couldn't have been peachier. At least, that's what he thought... -- -- Little did he know that his student was Ichirou Matsushita, a young boy with the mind of a genius and a terrifying hidden agenda. It doesn't take long for Satou to realize that he is the second home tutor in as many weeks that has been sent to teach the little boy. What's even more unnerving is that the previous Tutor's whereabouts appear to be a mystery... -- -- The little boy's true identity is revealed when he puts Satou under a curse, turning him into a lizard man and making him one of servants. Little Ichirou Matsushita is none other than "Akuma-kun" boy genius and master of black magic. His goal? To open the portal between hell and earth, summon forth hell's most powerful demons, and enlist their help in taking over the world! -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 420 N/A -- -- Fujiko Fujio A no Mumako -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror Supernatural -- Fujiko Fujio A no Mumako Fujiko Fujio A no Mumako -- Based on the horror novel by Fujio (A) Fujiko. -- Special - Jul 3, 1990 -- 389 5.71
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa -- Shirotsugh "Shiro" Lhadatt may be a cadet in the Kingdom of Honneamise's Royal Space Force (RSF), but he has never been in space before—in fact, nobody has. The RSF is often regarded as a failure both by the country's citizens and a government more interested in precipitating a war with a neighboring country than scientific achievement. Following the funeral of a fellow cadet, an unmotivated Shiro is walking in the city one night, when he bumps into Riquinni Nonderaiko, a young, pious woman, genuinely enthusiastic about the significance of space exploration. -- -- As the two gradually bond, Riquinni's encouragement inspires Shiro to volunteer as a pilot for a prospective rocket ship, potentially becoming Honneamise's first man in space. Shiro and the RSF are soon joined by a team of elderly but eager scientists and engineers, and together, they embark on a mission to mold their nation's space program into a success. However, their efforts soon catch the attention of the government, which seems to have a different plan for the RSF in mind. Even as the odds are stacked against them, these men and women continue to stubbornly look to the sky, because somewhere among the frontiers of space may lie humanity's last chance at redemption. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 14, 1987 -- 35,422 7.52
Over Drive -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Shounen Sports -- Over Drive Over Drive -- Tour de France, it is the biggest bicycle race in the world. Now, a new achievement is about to be recorded in the history of Tour de France. The top racer is a Japanese boy named Shinozaki Mikoto. -- -- "Why don't you join our bicycle club?" said Fukazawa, Shinozaki Mikoto's secret love. -- -- Unfortunately, despite being a high school student, he doesn't know how to ride a bike. With no real idea of what the bicycle club is, he earnestly practices. After he overcomes this challenge, while he pedals along, something that was smoldering in his mind for 15 years ignites. -- -- "I want to devote myself to bike riding." -- -- Experiencing failure with his friends and rivals, he pedals towards becoming the top racer. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 39,803 7.58
Paprika -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Dementia Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller -- Paprika Paprika -- The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device with the power to delve into the dreams of others. Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita have been tirelessly working to develop this technology with the hopes of using it to deeply explore patients' minds and help cure them of their psychological disorders. -- -- However, having access to the deepest corners of a person's mind comes with a tremendous responsibility. In the wrong hands, the DC Mini could be used as a form of psychological terrorism and cause mental breakdowns in the minds of targets. When this technology is stolen and people around them start acting strangely, Atsuko and Kosaku know they have a serious problem on their hands. Enlisting the help of Officer Konakawa, who has been receiving this experimental therapy, they search both the real and dream worlds for their mental terrorist. -- -- Movie - Nov 25, 2006 -- 384,301 8.06
Peace Maker Kurogane -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Samurai Shounen -- Peace Maker Kurogane Peace Maker Kurogane -- Although traumatized by witnessing the murder of his parents by one of the Choushuu, Ichimura Tetsunosuke's thirst for revenge lead him to desire strength. At the age of 15, Tetsunosuke approached the Shinsengumi, wanting to become one of its members. However, Tetsunosuke lacked the skill, mind and will to emotionlessly cut down whoever threatened peace and the Shinsengumi. Even with the support of his brother Tatsunosuke and his newfound friends of the Shinsengumi, little did Tetsunosuke know the blood and pain he would have to face being part of this historical group. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Oct 8, 2003 -- 50,983 7.33
Pet -- -- Geno Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural Seinen -- Pet Pet -- Despite endless research, the human mind remains a mystery to this day. Unknown to the public, there exist special individuals who are able to dive deep into the minds of people and even manipulate their memories. -- -- Gifted with this ability, Hiroki, Tsukasa, and Satoru are among those who use their power to commit crime under the orders of their leader, Katsuragi. The three step into the dangerous territory of the human mind in order to destroy their assigned targets while striving to keep their own minds and memories safe. -- -- 76,808 6.47
Ping Pong the Animation -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Psychological Seinen Sports -- Ping Pong the Animation Ping Pong the Animation -- "The hero comes. The hero comes. The hero comes. Chant these words in your mind, and I'll surely come to you..." This mantra is what Makoto Tsukimoto repeats as a source of motivation when he fights through the stress of not only grueling ping pong matches, but also in situations of his life. Makoto doesn't fight alone; he and his friend, Yutaka Hoshino, nicknamed Smile and Peco respectively, are two boys who have grown up playing ping pong together nearly every day. Peco, brimming with confidence, aims to be the best table tennis player in the world; Smile, on the other hand, shows little ambition. Nevertheless, the two have always stuck together, with a bond built upon their mutual love for this sport. -- -- Every year, students from all across Japan gather for the inter-high table tennis competition to achieve national and international stardom. Through intense training and competition, only the very best persevere. -- -- From the avant-garde director of Tatami Galaxy, Masaaki Yuasa, Ping Pong the Animation serves a tale of ambition with its fair share of bumps along the way. Whatever the odds, Peco and Smile will face them together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 281,560 8.62
Pokemon: The Origin -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Xebec -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: The Origin Pokemon: The Origin -- Pokémon are marvelous creatures that come in a variety of types and sizes, with abilities, powers, and personalities as diverse as they are numerous. Doctor Yukinari Ookido has dedicated his life to studying these fascinating beings, that can be caught, trained, traded, and battled against each other. There's only so much he can do from his lab though. With this in mind, Ookido entrusts two young boys with a Pokémon of their own and a computerized encyclopedia to catalog them. One of them, Green, is brash, passionate, slightly arrogant, and Doctor Ookido's own nephew. The other boy, Red, is equally passionate, and filled with a wide-eyed, mildly naive sense of wonder. -- -- Pokémon: The Origin follows Red in his journey through the region of Kanto in his attempt to complete his "Pokédex" by capturing and cataloging all the Pokémon that exist. Along the way he'll discover there's more to himself and his goals than he originally thought. Red will have to put both himself and his Pokémon to the test in special Gyms whose leaders are steps along the way to the Pokémon League, in order to challenge the Elite Four and become a Pokémon League Champion. -- -- Aside from his goals to become a Champion, Red has other problems brewing. There are others who capture and train Pokémon for more sinister reasons, with the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket being one of them. If Red can defeat them, fellow trainers, his rival Green, and wild Pokémon all through Kanto, he just may fulfill his own dream, and Doctor Ookido's as well. -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Special - Oct 2, 2013 -- 186,698 7.75
Pokemon: The Origin -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Xebec -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: The Origin Pokemon: The Origin -- Pokémon are marvelous creatures that come in a variety of types and sizes, with abilities, powers, and personalities as diverse as they are numerous. Doctor Yukinari Ookido has dedicated his life to studying these fascinating beings, that can be caught, trained, traded, and battled against each other. There's only so much he can do from his lab though. With this in mind, Ookido entrusts two young boys with a Pokémon of their own and a computerized encyclopedia to catalog them. One of them, Green, is brash, passionate, slightly arrogant, and Doctor Ookido's own nephew. The other boy, Red, is equally passionate, and filled with a wide-eyed, mildly naive sense of wonder. -- -- Pokémon: The Origin follows Red in his journey through the region of Kanto in his attempt to complete his "Pokédex" by capturing and cataloging all the Pokémon that exist. Along the way he'll discover there's more to himself and his goals than he originally thought. Red will have to put both himself and his Pokémon to the test in special Gyms whose leaders are steps along the way to the Pokémon League, in order to challenge the Elite Four and become a Pokémon League Champion. -- -- Aside from his goals to become a Champion, Red has other problems brewing. There are others who capture and train Pokémon for more sinister reasons, with the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket being one of them. If Red can defeat them, fellow trainers, his rival Green, and wild Pokémon all through Kanto, he just may fulfill his own dream, and Doctor Ookido's as well. -- Special - Oct 2, 2013 -- 186,698 7.75
Princess Principal -- -- Actas, Studio 3Hz -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Historical -- Princess Principal Princess Principal -- In the early 20th century, the discovery of the substance Cavorite allowed the production of advanced military technology and steered the country toward conflict. London is now divided by a wall, and the Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Albion battle a silent war where espionage is the only weapon that can destabilize the enemy. A group of girls from the prestigious Queen's Mayfaire school work as undercover spies for the Commonwealth. -- -- Led by Dorothy, an experienced driver with a striking personality, their group includes the talents of Ange le Carré, a cold-blooded liar and expert sharpshooter; Chise, a proficient samurai; and Beatrice, a voice-mimicking specialist. They use their unique individual skills for the Commonwealth to survive in a dark world filled with conspiracy, mystery, and infiltration. In the shadow of the war, they have only one goal in mind: completing their mission. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 159,821 7.72
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- Long ago in the nine provinces of Kyushu, a calamitous event was prophesied to take place: falling comets would exhaust the spiritual energies of both the heavens and the lands and thus bring about an age of chaos upon the world. But contrary to the prophecy, the comets passed by with no calamity taking place. At the same time, as if touched by the phenomenon, a boy was born in a remote village of the Sokei region by the name of Ouriku. -- -- Twelve years later, as the memories of the event have faded from people's minds, the Reikenzan clan—one of the five supreme sects of the nine provinces—decides to hold an examination in order to gather the most talented individuals fit to become disciples and eventually sages. Hearing about this news, Ouriku and his servant Ouchou head toward the site, unaware that the organizer Oubu, despite her elegant appearance, is infamous for being extremely irresponsible and carefree; hence, making the trials in the examination unpredictable. -- -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage follows the story of Ouriku as he journeys through these trials to become a powerful sage. -- -- 79,165 7.10
ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 4 eps -- Web manga -- Romance School Slice of Life -- ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen -- After reliving the life of a high school student through the ReLIFE experiment, 27-year-old Arata Kaizaki cannot believe how quickly it has changed him. He has begun to see the world through a different perspective that he had completely forgotten as an adult. He has made friends and formed deep relationships with each one of them. However his support, Ryou Yoake, reminds him that the experiment is all an illusion; after his experiment ends, he will be forgotten by all of them. -- -- The experiment of another ReLIFE subject is also coming to an end. After spending two years with ReLIFE, Chizuru Hishiro has developed into a more open, more thoughtful person than she could have ever imagined. She has met people who have changed her life, her perspective, and ultimately her. However, now that their ReLIFE is coming to an end, will they be able to let go of the memories they have made? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Mar 21, 2018 -- 257,052 8.22
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Sabage-bu! -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Comedy Shoujo -- Sabage-bu! Sabage-bu! -- Draw your weapons and take aim, because Sabagebu! is coming at you! -- -- Momoka Sonokawa was just minding her own business on the train one day when she encountered a pervert. Before she could do anything about it, a girl named Miou appears, brandishing two pistols and and scaring him off, only to be arrested herself a few minutes later for possessing firearms. -- -- Later Momoka sees this same girl at her school and follows her to a run down building. It turns out Miou is the president of the school's Survival Game Club, and it doesn't take long for Miou to capture Momoka and force her into joining them. -- -- Over the course of the series, Momoka and her new “friends” will take part in multiple battles against enemies from other schools, a rival from the same school who wants to see the club shut down and even each other (on multiple occasions). With friends and classmates like these, will Momoka even make it to graduation? -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 6, 2014 -- 131,385 7.37
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- 49,776 6.92
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- 49,776 6.92
Sarazanmai -- -- Lapin Track, MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Sarazanmai Sarazanmai -- After the noble Kappa Kingdom falls to the Otter Empire, the Kappa prince Keppi loses much of his power and becomes helpless against the unseen Kapa-zombies. These zombies plague the world, and are the creations of the Otters and manifestations of people's deepest desires. With no other choice, Keppi must rely on three young boys: Kazuki Yasaka, who must carry a box with him wherever he goes; Enta Jinnai, Kazuki's childhood friend; and Tooi Kuji, a delinquent and a school truant. -- -- By having the mythical organ called a shirikodama removed from them, the boys are able to become Kappa themselves and fight the Kapa-zombies. However, to defeat them, the boys must connect with each other via their minds, bodies, and—most importantly—secrets. As the Kappa Kingdom relies on these boys, they must reveal themselves as they have never done before, all the while learning that connections are fragile and truly precious things. -- -- 100,723 7.53
Sarazanmai -- -- Lapin Track, MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Sarazanmai Sarazanmai -- After the noble Kappa Kingdom falls to the Otter Empire, the Kappa prince Keppi loses much of his power and becomes helpless against the unseen Kapa-zombies. These zombies plague the world, and are the creations of the Otters and manifestations of people's deepest desires. With no other choice, Keppi must rely on three young boys: Kazuki Yasaka, who must carry a box with him wherever he goes; Enta Jinnai, Kazuki's childhood friend; and Tooi Kuji, a delinquent and a school truant. -- -- By having the mythical organ called a shirikodama removed from them, the boys are able to become Kappa themselves and fight the Kapa-zombies. However, to defeat them, the boys must connect with each other via their minds, bodies, and—most importantly—secrets. As the Kappa Kingdom relies on these boys, they must reveal themselves as they have never done before, all the while learning that connections are fragile and truly precious things. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 100,723 7.53
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- 244,980 6.88
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 244,980 6.88
Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Magic Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Historical Shounen -- Senkaiden Houshin Engi Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles, and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hunt down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Jul 3, 1999 -- 15,015 7.12
Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Magic Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Historical Shounen -- Senkaiden Houshin Engi Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles, and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hunt down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 3, 1999 -- 15,015 7.12
Shakugan no Shana -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance School Supernatural -- Shakugan no Shana Shakugan no Shana -- The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters. -- -- One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 469,818 7.50
Shiroi Suna no Aquatope -- -- P.A. Works -- ? eps -- Original -- Slice of Life -- Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Shiroi Suna no Aquatope -- Kukuru Misakino, an 18-year-old high school girl working in an aquarium, meets Fuuka Miyazawa, a former idol who lost her place in Tokyo and escaped. Fuuka will spend her days in the aquarium with her own thoughts in mind. However, the crisis of closing is approaching for the aquarium, as the girls explore their dreams and reality, loneliness and friends, bonds and conflicts. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 9,908 N/A -- -- Green Green Specials -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Slice of Life -- Green Green Specials Green Green Specials -- These are DVD specials, which include some extra footage and music videos; -- Character DVD #1 - Midori & Reika -- Character DVD #1 - Midori Music Video -- Character DVD #1 - Reika Music Video -- Character DVD #2 - Futaba & Chigusa -- Character DVD #2 - Futaba Music Video -- Character DVD #2 - Chigusa Music Video -- Character DVD #3 - Sanae & Wakaba -- Character DVD #3 - Sanae Music Video -- Character DVD #3 - Wakaba Music Video -- OVA - Nov 19, 2003 -- 9,897 6.22
Shiyan Pin Jiating -- -- BigFireBird Animation -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Shiyan Pin Jiating Shiyan Pin Jiating -- Tanis, a child genius, is the youngest son of two mad scientists. His family has spent their lives withdrawn from normal society living on an isolated island, where the couple conducts experiments on Tanis' siblings that result in them gaining abnormal abilities. However, this activity is put to a stop when they are caught and arrested. -- -- Tanis is brought by government officials to a more populated island, alongside his four siblings: Snow, a dog-human hybrid; Ashise, a plant-human hybrid; Aisley, a spider-human hybrid; and Suishi, a mind-reader. Being the only one who has not been genetically modified, Tanis takes on the responsibility of adapting his siblings to society, all while trying to conceal their' distinctive characteristics. -- -- ONA - Apr 9, 2018 -- 38,656 6.35
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Josei -- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu -- Yotarou is a former yakuza member fresh out of prison and fixated on just one thing: rather than return to a life of crime, the young man aspires to take to the stage of Rakugo, a traditional Japanese form of comedic storytelling. Inspired during his incarceration by the performance of distinguished practitioner Yakumo Yuurakutei, he sets his mind on meeting the man who changed his life. After hearing Yotarou's desperate appeal for his mentorship, Yakumo is left with no choice but to accept his very first apprentice. -- -- As he eagerly begins his training, Yotarou meets Konatsu, an abrasive young woman who has been under Yakumo's care ever since her beloved father Sukeroku Yuurakutei, another prolific Rakugo performer, passed away. Through her hidden passion, Yotarou is drawn to Sukeroku's unique style of Rakugo despite learning under contrasting techniques. Upon seeing this, old memories and feelings return to Yakumo who reminisces about a much earlier time when he made a promise with his greatest rival. -- -- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a story set in both the past and present, depicting the art of Rakugo, the relationships it creates, and the lives and hearts of those dedicated to keeping the unique form of storytelling alive. -- -- 231,915 8.60
Soukyuu no Fafner: Right of Left - Single Program -- -- Production I.G, Xebec -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Right of Left - Single Program Soukyuu no Fafner: Right of Left - Single Program -- Yumi Ikoma and Ryou Masaoka are children who have been selected to take part in a top secret mission, to be the pilots of the first Fafner combat units; the last chance of survival for the human race. The enemy is ruthless, remorseless and is able to read the minds of humans. Therefore, the details of this mission are kept a secret even from the personnel involved. The young pilots must use all their courage and faith in order to survive and complete their mission or the fate of mankind would be compromised. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 30, 2005 -- 13,314 7.40
Soul Eater -- -- Bones -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Soul Eater Soul Eater -- Death City is home to the famous Death Weapon Meister Academy, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami—Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. -- -- Soul Eater Evans, a Demon Scythe who only seems to care about what's cool, aims to become a Death Scythe with the help of his straight-laced wielder, or meister, Maka Albarn. The contrasting duo work and study alongside the hot headed Black☆Star and his caring weapon Tsubaki, as well as the Shinigami's own son, Death the Kid, an obsessive-compulsive dual wielder of twin pistols Patty and Liz. -- -- Soul Eater follows these students of Shibusen as they take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats while working together under the snickering sun to become sounder in mind, body, and soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,273,830 7.87
Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- -- domerica, Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure -- Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- Neku Sakuraba, a 15-year-old boy with a hobby for music and graffiti, wakes up in what seems to be the Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo, Japan. With no idea why he's there, he opens his hand to realize he is holding a strange black pin. After flipping it with his hand, the thoughts of the people surrounding him begins to flow into his head at once. Surprised, Neku discovers he is able to read the minds of others and assumes it has something to do with the black pin he is holding. -- -- A cell phone starts to ring in his pocket, and he can't tell whether it is his or not. A text message appears: "Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure. -The Reapers." After discovering he can't delete the message, a timer of 60 minutes imprints onto his right hand. Neku is in Shibuya to play the "Reapers' Game," which spans a total of seven days. All Players of the Reapers' Game have a black pin with a skull embedded on it. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 42,433 6.32
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life -- Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- Love has never really been a concern for Mitsuyoshi Tada, and as the aspiring photographer enters his second year of high school, it truthfully couldn't be further from his mind. However, things just might change after he meets a bright and bubbly foreigner named Teresa Wagner while he was taking pictures of a cherry blossom tree. Nevertheless, after she asks him to photograph her, the two soon separate... only to meet each other again twice more that same day! Finding Teresa just as she is caught in a sudden downpour, Tada invites her to his family's coffee shop to dry off. There, she explains that she was separated from her traveling companion, a no-nonsense redhead named Alexandra ''Alec'' Magritte. When Alec reunites with Teresa shortly after, they say their goodbyes, expecting to part ways for good—but the two unexpectedly show up as transfer students in his class the next day. -- -- Teresa and Alec quickly get used to their lives at Koinohoshi High School and decide to join Tada in the photography club, along with his narcissistic friend Kaoru Ijuuin, the idol-obsessed Hajime Sugimoto, serious class rep Hinako Hasegawa, and the dog-like Kentarou Yamashita. With these two peculiar additions to his equally eccentric group of friends, Tada's second year of high school is about to get even livelier, and he might need to start rethinking his approach to love. -- -- 196,789 7.54
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life -- Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai -- Love has never really been a concern for Mitsuyoshi Tada, and as the aspiring photographer enters his second year of high school, it truthfully couldn't be further from his mind. However, things just might change after he meets a bright and bubbly foreigner named Teresa Wagner while he was taking pictures of a cherry blossom tree. Nevertheless, after she asks him to photograph her, the two soon separate... only to meet each other again twice more that same day! Finding Teresa just as she is caught in a sudden downpour, Tada invites her to his family's coffee shop to dry off. There, she explains that she was separated from her traveling companion, a no-nonsense redhead named Alexandra ''Alec'' Magritte. When Alec reunites with Teresa shortly after, they say their goodbyes, expecting to part ways for good—but the two unexpectedly show up as transfer students in his class the next day. -- -- Teresa and Alec quickly get used to their lives at Koinohoshi High School and decide to join Tada in the photography club, along with his narcissistic friend Kaoru Ijuuin, the idol-obsessed Hajime Sugimoto, serious class rep Hinako Hasegawa, and the dog-like Kentarou Yamashita. With these two peculiar additions to his equally eccentric group of friends, Tada's second year of high school is about to get even livelier, and he might need to start rethinking his approach to love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 196,789 7.54
Tamayura: Hitotose -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama -- Tamayura: Hitotose Tamayura: Hitotose -- As a little girl, Fuu Sawatari’s father taught her to love photography. They took pictures everywhere they went. But after he passed away, seeing those photographs only served as a reminder of her loss, so she locked them away to be forgotten. Years later, her brother Kou finds their father’s picture album, and as he flips through its pages, the pictures remind Fuu of all the happy memories of her father that she will carry with her forever. -- -- Now, as the shy Fuu enters her first year of high school, she once again takes up her father’s old camera, determined to take wonderful pictures that will bring joy and happiness to others. -- -- (Source: Nozomi Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 39,207 7.31
Tenki no Ko -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Fantasy -- Tenki no Ko Tenki no Ko -- Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. -- -- Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. -- -- Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price... -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2019 -- 545,419 8.38
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
Texhnolyze -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama -- Texhnolyze Texhnolyze -- Texhnolyze takes place in the city of Lux, a man-made underground city that has crumbled after years of neglect and lack of repairs. Citizens of Lux have come to refer to their home as simply "The City" and treat it as though it has a mind and will of its own. Three major factions battle to control Lux: Organo, a group of "professionals" who collaborate with the criminal underworld that controls Texhnolyze (prosthetics), the Salvation Union, a populist group that seeks to disrupt Organo's business, and Racan, a collection of young individuals with Texhnolyzes that use their abilities for personal gain. -- -- Ichise was once an orphan who has made a place for himself in Lux as a prize fighter. One day, a fight promoter grows angry with him and the altercation that follows results in Ichise losing an arm and a leg. Before death can take him, Ichise is found by the scientist Eriko Kamata, who uses him as a test subject for her newly designed Texhnolyze. With these powerful new limbs at his disposal, Ichise begins to work for Oonishi, the leader of Organo. He soon meets a mysterious young girl, Ran, who has the power to see possible futures. Together, they soon realize that Lux is on the brink of war and collapse, and that they may be the only ones who can save The City. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 187,926 7.76
Toki-iro Kaima -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Horror Shounen -- Toki-iro Kaima Toki-iro Kaima -- Anime adaptation of the same name horror manga by Suzumiya Wayu, serialized in Shogakuan's Weekly Shonen Sunday special issue. -- OVA - Apr 20, 1989 -- 343 N/A -- -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Dementia Fantasy Horror Music Parody -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- Three 10-minute videos present a trippy view into the minds of their creators. Brought together by Pierre Taki of Denki Groove, Mechano: Scientific Attack Force features three shorts done in very different styles. -- -- The three short films are: -- -- "Plastic Gun Man" - a 3D Western spoof -- "World Meccano Triangle" - a music video reminiscent of '90s era screensavers -- "Haiirogaoka no Soridaijin" (translated as "Prime Minister of Gray Hill") - an anime-style animated video parody of Akira Mochizuki's famous 1977 manga, Yuuhi ga Oka no Souri Daijin -- OVA - Sep 1, 1995 -- 334 N/A -- -- Hwasan Golae -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Thriller -- Hwasan Golae Hwasan Golae -- In the year 2070, mankind faces a life threatening crisis due to huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Korea is in a state of anarchy and Busan is swarming with refugees. Young street dealer Ha-jin has the ability to communicate with whales – a fact she keeps hidden from everyone. One day, a onearmed woman named Baek Sang-won asks Ha-jin to join her in the gules whale hunt. Painful memories lead Ha-jin to turn down the offer initially, but she eventually ends up joining Baek. As she makes friends on the ship, she grows curious about the gules whale and learns that every crew member has a sad gules story. The madness in the crews’ eyes as they try to kill the gules brings Ha-jin’s trauma to the forefront of her mind – and she experiences her own madness. -- -- (Source: Korean Film Biz Zone) -- Movie - Sep 10, 2015 -- 322 N/A -- -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Demons Supernatural Thriller School -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- Following the popularity of the original omnibus OVA, this release offers 4 more stories but in animation only. -- OVA - Jun 11, 1999 -- 316 N/A -- -- Burning Village -- -- - -- 10 eps -- - -- Fantasy Horror -- Burning Village Burning Village -- Animal folk tales set in the titular community, in which local eccentric Ohahai retells several popular fairy tales with considerable license. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 1, 1989 -- 314 N/A -- -- Petit Petit Muse -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Cars Horror Kids -- Petit Petit Muse Petit Petit Muse -- Two twins, Ara and Ari, aspire into the world of fashion. Ara wants to become a fashion model, while her sister, Ari, wants to become a fashion designer. They meet a man named Yorang, who is the fashion designer in Heaven. -- 311 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Daimakyou and Ninja Hattori-kun: Nin Nin Ninpo Enikki no Maki. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 307 N/A -- -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- A mini movie released on the Fire Emblem Heroes website in honor of a major plot twist in Book 3. -- Special - Jul 21, 2019 -- 292 6.23
Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- Shuu Tsukiyama is a "ghoul": a creature who eats human flesh, and he likes to enjoy his meals to the fullest. One night, while relishing in the premeditated murder of his dinner, Shuu's much anticipated first bite is disturbed by a sudden flash of light. -- -- The flash turns out to be from the camera of high schooler Chie Hori, who presents Shuu with the perfect picture capturing his true nature; the extremely clear shot of a bloody corpse and an overly excited Shuu threatens to expose his ghoul identity, thus Shuu needs to sort out this situation quickly. -- -- After Shuu discovers that Chie attends the same high school as him and is even in the same class, the reason behind his feelings of obsession changes from self-preservation to morbid curiosity. As he grows closer to the absent-minded and extremely odd photographer, he challenges them both to learn more about each other's conflicting worlds; Shuu promises that Chie will come out of this experience with a photograph superior to the one she already has. -- -- OVA - Dec 25, 2015 -- 158,029 7.25
Tokyo Ghoul:re -- -- Pierrot Plus, Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Psychological Supernatural Mystery Drama Horror Seinen -- Tokyo Ghoul:re Tokyo Ghoul:re -- Two years have passed since the CCG's raid on Anteiku. Although the atmosphere in Tokyo has changed drastically due to the increased influence of the CCG, ghouls continue to pose a problem as they have begun taking caution, especially the terrorist organization Aogiri Tree, who acknowledge the CCG's growing threat to their existence. -- -- The creation of a special team, known as the Quinx Squad, may provide the CCG with the push they need to exterminate Tokyo's unwanted residents. As humans who have undergone surgery in order to make use of the special abilities of ghouls, they participate in operations to eradicate the dangerous creatures. The leader of this group, Haise Sasaki, is a half-ghoul, half-human who has been trained by famed special class investigator, Kishou Arima. However, there's more to this young man than meets the eye, as unknown memories claw at his mind, slowly reminding him of the person he used to be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 764,007 6.47
Top Secret: The Revelation -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Police Psychological Shoujo -- Top Secret: The Revelation Top Secret: The Revelation -- A newly developed method allows to display the memories of dead people. It is used to solve difficult murder cases. But at what cost? What of the dead's privacy as strangers poke about in their most private memories? What about the effects the imageries may have on the persons whose jobs require going through psychotic murderers' minds and experience whatever emotions and feelings these murderers felt as they skin and disembowel their victims? -- -- (Source: Adapted from manga description) -- TV - Apr 9, 2008 -- 16,796 7.32
Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock -- -- Toei Animation -- 42 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Seinen -- Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock -- It is 2977 AD and mankind has become stagnant. Robots do all the work, the masses are kept tranquil by subliminal messages, and government officials are lazy, caring only about recreational activities like golf and horse racing. Captain Herlock has defied this insipid mentality, leading a group of like-minded rebels to a more adventurous life aboard the spaceship Arcadia. -- -- A mysterious force known as the Mazone has invaded the Earth, taking the form of mysterious cloaked women that kill anyone who suspect their nefarious doings, such as Tadashi Daiba who is now on their hit-list. After his scientist father is ignored by the government and killed by the Mazone, he joins Captain Herlock and his ragtag group of pirates to assist them as they try to save humanity from the impending alien threat. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Mar 14, 1978 -- 29,306 7.70
Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock -- -- Toei Animation -- 42 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Seinen -- Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock -- It is 2977 AD and mankind has become stagnant. Robots do all the work, the masses are kept tranquil by subliminal messages, and government officials are lazy, caring only about recreational activities like golf and horse racing. Captain Herlock has defied this insipid mentality, leading a group of like-minded rebels to a more adventurous life aboard the spaceship Arcadia. -- -- A mysterious force known as the Mazone has invaded the Earth, taking the form of mysterious cloaked women that kill anyone who suspect their nefarious doings, such as Tadashi Daiba who is now on their hit-list. After his scientist father is ignored by the government and killed by the Mazone, he joins Captain Herlock and his ragtag group of pirates to assist them as they try to save humanity from the impending alien threat. -- -- TV - Mar 14, 1978 -- 29,306 7.70
Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- -- Azeta Pictures -- 13 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden -- Maetel abandoned her mother and her home planet, the doomed and frozen La Metal, where people must become cyborgs to survive. When she is beckoned to return, her options seem slim: follow her mother's path (and with it a robot mind and the contempt of all humans), or run away and fight with humans against the machines. Yet, she is not without comrades and defenders. If she can accept the friendship of beings of metal who desire peace, and oppose those who think being made of flesh and blood is enough to make one human, she may still have a chance to find her own path. -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- TV - Aug 6, 2004 -- 3,724 6.69
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Fantasy Seinen -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, Souta Tawara returns to his hometown in Kagawa. Though his parents are no longer around, his former home and family-owned udon restaurant reminds him of the times his family was still together. Reminiscing about his childhood, Souta enters the udon restaurant and discovers a grimy young boy sleeping. -- -- At first, Souta thinks nothing of the chance encounter and provides the boy with food and clothing. However, to his surprise, the boy suddenly sprouts a furry pair of ears and a tail! Souta soon learns that the nameless boy is actually the rumored shapeshifting tanuki that has been inhabiting Kagawa for many years. Thinking that the boy has been living a lonely life, he decides to take him in and name him Poko. -- -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari follows the heartwarming relationship between Souta and Poko, and through the time they spend together, Souta recalls his own past, the place he left behind for the city, and the relationship he had with his father. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 102,239 7.75
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- -- Lesprit -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen -- Ueno-san wa Bukiyou Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- As the head of her middle school's science club, it's only fitting that Ueno is also a brilliant inventor. With devices that can convert any liquid into drinkable water, deodorize the most foul smells, or even generate dark matter to be used as a means of concealment, it seems like nothing is beyond Ueno's capabilities. However, she doesn't invent these devices for the advancement of mankind. Rather, the one force that motivates her is love, the only phenomenon she can't quite figure out. -- -- Ueno is head over heels for Tanaka, her nonchalant fellow club member. Yet, because she is too nervous to confess her love and he is too oblivious to notice her affection, her love life is completely stagnant. In Ueno's mind, if she could just expose him to perverted situations, then surely he'd get flustered and fall for her, right? Assisted by her stone-faced classmate and dedicated wingwoman Yamashita, Ueno employs her many inventions on Tanaka in a lewd manner in hopes that he may one day understand how she feels. -- -- 87,391 6.62
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Vanitas no Carte -- -- Bones -- ? eps -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Vampire Fantasy Shounen -- Vanitas no Carte Vanitas no Carte -- There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. -- -- Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. A sudden vampire attack leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanitas, a doctor who specializes in vampires and, much to Noé's surprise, a completely ordinary human. The mysterious doctor has inherited both the name and the infamous text from the Vanitas of legend, using the grimoire to heal his patients. But behind his kind demeanor lies something a bit more sinister... -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 8,091 N/A -- -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- The seal which was imprisoning the fallen angels, Kirin no Yuda and Houou no Ruka, is broken and the two decide to get revenge on the God who had cast them to Hell by getting rid of the Heavens that had once been their home. Soon the guardian angels on Earth begin disappearing, and no one in Heaven can explain the happenings. But there is a sense of a vengeful animal spirit at work, and so the four Saint Beasts are called upon to investigate. -- -- The 4 Gods of Beasts attempt to rescue the guardian angels, as well as to find out what this evil animal spirit is... -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 8,086 6.00
Vanitas no Carte -- -- Bones -- ? eps -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Vampire Fantasy Shounen -- Vanitas no Carte Vanitas no Carte -- There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. -- -- Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. A sudden vampire attack leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanitas, a doctor who specializes in vampires and, much to Noé's surprise, a completely ordinary human. The mysterious doctor has inherited both the name and the infamous text from the Vanitas of legend, using the grimoire to heal his patients. But behind his kind demeanor lies something a bit more sinister... -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 8,091 N/A -- -- Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Supernatural Vampire -- Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu -- Yoshihito, a 23-year-old man who has no job or girlfriend. In order to make ends meet he rents out one of the rooms in his house. While he's showing Lily, his first tenant, around the house, she's suddenly attacked by a vampire named Vivian, and Yoshihito notices that Lily is actually a werewolf. As Yoshihito and Lily start living in the same house, Yoshihito is scouted for an organization that maintains order of the parallel universes, and strange creatures one after another become tenants in his house. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Jun 28, 2019 -- 7,551 6.41
Wakaba*Girl -- -- Nexus -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Wakaba*Girl Wakaba*Girl -- Wakaba Kohashi, a sheltered rich girl, dreams of becoming a fashionable and trendy gyaru because she admires their outgoing and carefree nature. With this goal in mind, Wakaba begins the school year hoping to make her high school debut as a gyaru. On the first day of class, she meets the pure Moeko Tokita, the serious Nao Mashiba, and the eccentric Mao Kurokawa, and the four of them quickly become friends as they learn about and imitate each other's lifestyles. -- -- Wakaba*Girl follows the adventures of these four friends while they experience events like school festivals, waterpark trips, and gym class tests. Along the way, Wakaba discovers what it is like to live as a regular student while Nao, Moeka, and Mao catch a glimpse into the life of a rich family. With never a dull moment in their lives, the four girls make sure to live each day to the fullest. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 37,406 6.89
Wata no Kuni Hoshi -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Psychological Romance Shoujo -- Wata no Kuni Hoshi Wata no Kuni Hoshi -- After two-month-old kitten Chibi-neko is abandoned by her former owners, she is found by 18-year-old Tokio. Although his mother is allergic to cats and has a great fear of them, she agrees to let him keep the kitten because she fears he is becoming too withdrawn after failing his university entrance exams. Chibi-neko soon falls in love with Tokio. -- -- In her own mind, Chibi-neko is a small human who speaks in human words, although people only ever seem to hear her meow, and she believes that all humans were once kittens like her. A stray cat tells Chibi-neko of a paradise called Cottonland, where dreams can come true. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Feb 11, 1984 -- 4,390 6.88
Witch Hunter Robin -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Supernatural Drama Magic -- Witch Hunter Robin Witch Hunter Robin -- Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J's witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divisions of STN, STN-J tries to capture the witches alive in order to learn why and how they became witches in the first place. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 96,293 7.27
Witch Hunter Robin -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Supernatural Drama Magic -- Witch Hunter Robin Witch Hunter Robin -- Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J's witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divisions of STN, STN-J tries to capture the witches alive in order to learn why and how they became witches in the first place. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 96,293 7.27
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Xue Se Cang Qiong -- -- CG Year -- 26 eps -- Web manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Horror Thriller Fantasy -- Xue Se Cang Qiong Xue Se Cang Qiong -- Li Mingyang was originally an ordinary office worker. Because of a strange QR code, he was trapped in a killing city. Here everyone is forced to participate in a survival game that is going to kill or be killed. In the process of finding a way out of the city, the mastermind behind the whole incident surfaced step by step. -- ONA - Aug 18, 2017 -- 1,955 6.32
Yami Shibai 3 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 3 Yami Shibai 3 -- A young boy silently sketches out the forms of the horrors that dwell in his mind. During this adventure into the occult and mysterious, he tells tales that involve dreams of a person with a muscular arm that you must not look at, a hospital with a room that holds a grim secret, and a visit to an eerily silent taxidermy museum. -- -- These tales and more are compiled in Yami Shibai 3. Presented in an art style similar to kamishibai storytelling, this horror series stays true to the gruesome and creepy trend that is prominent in Yami Shibai and Yami Shibai 2nd Season. -- -- 28,685 6.29
Yesterday wo Utatte -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Seinen -- Yesterday wo Utatte Yesterday wo Utatte -- Rikuo Uozumi has all but resigned himself to a bleak future, aimlessly working at a convenience store in Tokyo after graduating from college. His monotonous life is interrupted when the peculiar Haru Nonaka makes a lively appearance, frequently dropping by his workplace to befriend him. When Rikuo learns that an old college friend and crush, Shinako Morinome, has moved back into town, he reaches out to further their relationship. Unbeknownst to Rikuo however, Shinako is carrying painful memories from her past that were holding her back from accepting his feelings. Meanwhile, as Haru continually opens up to Rikuo, he discovers that she, much like him, is living by herself and wants to step out of her comfort zone into an uncertain future. -- -- The past lingers long in the mind, and the future remains elusive. At a crossroads along their intertwined paths, these three experience what it means to let go of their feelings of yesterday and embrace the change that tomorrow brings. -- -- 224,381 6.98
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- -- Madhouse -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Romance -- Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- One autumn evening at a mysterious ramen stand behind the Shimogamo Shrine, a lonely third-year college student bumps into a man with an eggplant-shaped head who calls himself a god of matrimony. Meeting this man causes the student to reflect upon his past two years at college—two years bitterly spent trying to break up couples on campus with his only friend Ozu, a ghoulish-looking man seemingly set on making his life as miserable as possible. Resolving to make the most out of the rest of his college life, the student attempts to ask out the unsociable but kind-hearted underclassman Akashi, yet fails to follow through, prompting him to regret not living out his college life differently. As soon as this thought passes through his head, however, he is hurtled through time and space to the beginning of his years at college and given another chance to live his life. -- -- Surreal, artistic, and mind-bending, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei chronicles the misadventures of a young man on a journey to make friends, find love, and experience the rose-colored campus life he always dreamed of. -- -- 323,218 8.60
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- -- Madhouse -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Romance -- Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- One autumn evening at a mysterious ramen stand behind the Shimogamo Shrine, a lonely third-year college student bumps into a man with an eggplant-shaped head who calls himself a god of matrimony. Meeting this man causes the student to reflect upon his past two years at college—two years bitterly spent trying to break up couples on campus with his only friend Ozu, a ghoulish-looking man seemingly set on making his life as miserable as possible. Resolving to make the most out of the rest of his college life, the student attempts to ask out the unsociable but kind-hearted underclassman Akashi, yet fails to follow through, prompting him to regret not living out his college life differently. As soon as this thought passes through his head, however, he is hurtled through time and space to the beginning of his years at college and given another chance to live his life. -- -- Surreal, artistic, and mind-bending, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei chronicles the misadventures of a young man on a journey to make friends, find love, and experience the rose-colored campus life he always dreamed of. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 323,218 8.60
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- Haruka and Sora Kasugano are coming home, to a place filled with memories. -- -- Having lost their parents in a tragic car accident, the twins resolve to return to the countryside and start life anew at their grandfather's house, the haunt a constant reminder of moments from their past. Greeting them are childhood friends Nao Yorihime and Akira Amatsume, and newcomer Kazuha Migiwa. It is a warm welcome, symbolic of the days that should come. -- -- Their peace is merely ephemeral, however, as suppressed emotions, born from vows both newfound and forgotten, start exerting their influence on the twins' new lives. And deep down, a dark secret, only known to them, begins to unshackle. -- -- Based on the visual novel by Sphere, Yosuga no Sora not only explores the power of lost memories and true love when the bonds of many become intertwined, but also raises the questions of morality and social acceptance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 373,767 6.22
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta -- Hundreds of years ago, the borders between the worlds of humans and youkai temporarily overlapped, resulting in many residents of both crossing over to the other side. In the years since this event, the city of Sakurashin has become a central hub for all inter-dimensional affairs—a result of both the sacred Seven Pillars around the city serving as a beacon for the youkai, and the efforts of the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office in keeping the townsfolk happy. This office is composed of Hime Yarizakura, the young mayor of the city; satori Ao Nanami, who can read people's minds; half-youkai Kotoha Isone, who can summon anything by speaking a word; oni siblings, Kyousuke and Touka Kishi; and the office director Akina Hiizumi, who inherited his family's ability to force youkai back to their world. -- -- Besides volunteer and arbitration work, the Life Counseling Office also suppresses any Strikes: rare occurrences where humans are suddenly infused with youkai powers and go on a rampage. But the appearance of a sinister man signals trouble as Strikes become increasingly common, political rivals make their moves, and malicious individuals descend upon the city. As the self-appointed defenders of Sakurashin, it's up to the Life Counseling Office to protect the idyllic city they call home! -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2013 -- 104,811 7.50
Yume Tsukai -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Magic Slice of Life -- Yume Tsukai Yume Tsukai -- When people dream, they express their utmost desires and emotions within the confines of their mind; but when their strong emotions cross the border into reality, the dream can turn into an uncontrollable nightmare. -- -- Touko and Rinko are sisters known as "yume tsukai" (dream users), and their job is to take care of these nightmares. Using toys as weapons, the girls must both destroy the nightmare and return the dream to its rightful owner before the nightmare does any sort of serious damage. -- -- Have no fear, Touko and Rinko are here! -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- 7,787 6.43
Zettai Karen Children -- -- SynergySP -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Zettai Karen Children Zettai Karen Children -- They're cute, adorable and three of the most powerful Espers the world has ever seen: Kaoru, the brash psychokinetic who can move objects with her mind; Shiho, the sarcastic and dark natured psychometric able to pick thoughts from people's minds and read the pasts of inanimate objects like a book; and Aoi, the most collected and rational of the three, who has the ability to teleport herself and the others at will. So what to do with these potential psychic monsters in the making? Enter B.A.B.E.L., the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory, where hopefully "The Children" and others like them can become part of the answer to an increasing wave of psychic evolution. It's a win-win solution... Unless you're Koichi Minamoto, the overworked young man stuck with the unenviable task of field commanding a team of three pre-teen girls! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2008 -- 40,173 7.34
Zettai Karen Children -- -- SynergySP -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Zettai Karen Children Zettai Karen Children -- They're cute, adorable and three of the most powerful Espers the world has ever seen: Kaoru, the brash psychokinetic who can move objects with her mind; Shiho, the sarcastic and dark natured psychometric able to pick thoughts from people's minds and read the pasts of inanimate objects like a book; and Aoi, the most collected and rational of the three, who has the ability to teleport herself and the others at will. So what to do with these potential psychic monsters in the making? Enter B.A.B.E.L., the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory, where hopefully "The Children" and others like them can become part of the answer to an increasing wave of psychic evolution. It's a win-win solution... Unless you're Koichi Minamoto, the overworked young man stuck with the unenviable task of field commanding a team of three pre-teen girls! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Apr 6, 2008 -- 40,173 7.34"Almighty_God_as_Created_the_Mind_Free_._._."_at_Jefferson_Memorial.jpg;_a_history_and_a_defense_of_animism_(IA_b00odymindhistoryamcdorich).pdf,_in_Four_Volumes,_Vol._I_(IA_dli.granth.17999).pdf,_in_Four_Volumes,_Vol._II_(IA_dli.granth.17998).pdf
'Till I Get My Way / Girl Is on My Mind
100 (Criminal Minds)
1897 Mindanao earthquakes
2001 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao expansion and inclusion plebiscite
2008 World Mind Sports Games
2009 Mindanao bombings
200 (Criminal Minds)
2010 Mindanao earthquakes
2012 World Mind Sports Games
2016 Karaliaus Mindaugo taur
2017 Karaliaus Mindaugo taur
2017 Visayas and Mindanao floods
2018 Karaliaus Mindaugo taur
24 Oras Northern Mindanao
51 Minds Entertainment
57P/du ToitNeujminDelporte
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind (film)
A Beautiful Mind (TV series)
Aberrations of the Mind
Absent Minded
Absent-minded professor
Absent Minded (Swedish rapper)
Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain
Acadmica do Mindelo
A Coney Island of the Mind
A Copy of My Mind
Acrobasis cymindella
Active Minds
Adapting Minds
A Diamond in the Mind: Live 2011
Administrative divisions of Mindanao
A Dozen Roses (You Remind Me)
Affairs of the Mind
AFP Eastern Mindanao Command
Agelasta mindanaonis
A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III (soundtrack)
Achatou Mindaoudou
A Journey to the Center of the Mind
Alexander Borisovich Mindlin
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
Al Green Explores Your Mind
A Lie of the Mind
A Lively Mind
All Around the World (Mindless Behavior album)
All in the Mind
All in the Mind (song)
Altered Minds
A Lustful Mind
Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind (Adeln song)
Always on My Mind (disambiguation)
Always on My Mind (Tiki Taane song)
A Mind Forever Voyaging
A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read
A Mind of Its Own
A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding in Your Mind
A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding in Your Mind: Volume 1
A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding in Your Mind: Volume 2
Anak Mindanao
Analog's From Mind to Mind: Tales of Communication
And That Reminds Me
Annie on My Mind
Annual Reminder
Another Mind (video game)
A Piece of Your Mind
Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose in Mindoro
Applied Minds
Archbishop of Nikortsminda
A Reminder
Armindo Arajo
Armindo Freitas-Magalhes
Arts & Minds
Art versus Nonart: Art out of Mind
A Satisfied Mind (album)
Astroblepus mindoensis
Atari Mindlink
A Thought Crushed My Mind
Audience with the Mind
Aur the Deep-Minded (varsdttir)
Aud the Deep-Minded
Aud the Deep-Minded (Ketilsdttir)
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Minderjhrigen
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Avenida Marginal (Mindelo)
(Baby I've Got You) On My Mind
Back of My Mind
Baliati Zamindari
Battle of Blomindon
Battle of Mindanao
Battle of Minden
Battle of Mindoro
Battle of Mindouos
BBC MindGames
Bear in Mind
Beautiful Minds
Beautiful Young Minds
Bedich Geminder
BelgiumIndia relations
BelgiumIndonesia relations
Bethlem Museum of the Mind
Better Than Yourself (Criminal Mind Pt 2)
Between the Minds
Big Music (Simple Minds album)
Billiluna (Mindibungu)
Bill the Minder
Bishopric of Minden
Black in Mind
Black Lake (Minden Hills)
Blagoje Tamindi
Blepephaeus mindanaonis
Blowin' Your Mind!
Blow My Mind
Blow My Mind (Davido and Chris Brown song)
Blow Ya Mind
Blow Your Mind
Blow Your Mind (J. Williams song)
Blow Your Mind (Redman song)
Bodies and Minds
Body, Mind, Soul
Bornsminde Manor
Boundaries of the Mind
Brain and Mind Centre
Bridgeprep Academy of Arts and Minds
British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches
British Netminder of the Year
Budakhan Mindphone
Bulows Minde, U.S. Virgin Islands
But Forever in My Mind
Carolina in My Mind
Carolina On My Mind
Celebrity Mastermind
Center for Mind and Brain
Central Mindanao Airport
Central Mindanao University
CentralPlaza Ramindra
Chaminda Indika Wijekoon
Chaminda Sampath
Chaminda Vaas
Chaminda Vidanapathirana
Change My Mind
Change My Mind (album)
Change My Mind (The Oak Ridge Boys song)
Change of Mind
Change Your Mind
Change Your Mind (Steven Universe)
Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker
Children of the Mind
Chrimanal Mind
Church of the Poison Mind
Citizen: I'm Not Losing My Mind, I'm Giving It Away
Citizens' List (Kerteminde)
City center of Mindelo
City of the Mind
Classic Albums: Nirvana Nevermind
Clear Body, Clear Mind
Coachella Woodstock in My Mind
Cobras and Fire (The Mastermind Redux)
Cologne-Minden trunk line
Community of Mindful Living
Computational-representational understanding of mind
Computational theory of mind
Conasprella mindana
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (album)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (song)
Confessions of the Mind
Conspiracy in Mind
COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Mindanao
Crash: Mind over Mutant
Crimes in Mind
Crimes of the Mind
Criminal Mind
Criminal Minded
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Criminal Minds (franchise)
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior
Criminal Minds (video game)
Criss Angel Mindfreak
CS Mindelense
Cymindis ovipennis
Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer
Dagger of the Mind
Daminda Ranawaka
Dangerous Mind
Dangerous Minds
Dangerous Minds (soundtrack)
Dangerous Minds (TV series)
Dan Mindel
Darc Mind
David Minda
David Mindel
David Mindell
David Mindich
Decolonising the Mind
Deep Mind
Dendrobium mindanaense
Department of Mindanao and Sulu
Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
Diamond Mind
Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time)
Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?
Diospyros mindanaensis
Dirty Mind
Dirty Mind (disambiguation)
Dirty Minds
Dirty Mind (The Pipettes song)
Doctor Mindbender
Doesn't Remind Me
Don't Come Home A-Drinkin' (With Lovin' on Your Mind)
Don't Come Home a Drinkin' (With Lovin' on Your Mind)
Don't Mind If I Do
Don't Mind If I Do (Culture Club album)
Don't Mind (Mary J. Blige song)
Do You Mind
Do You Mind If I Kiss Mommy?
Draco mindanensis
Draft:Bear Your Mind
Draft:Jalilpur Zamindari
Draft:Mind Fall
Draft:Reminders (band)
Draft:Sick Minded
Drinkin' My Baby (Off My Mind)
Drown in My Mind
Druid: Daemons of the Mind
Drre Holzminde
Earl Mindell
Eastern Mindanao frog
Eastern Mindoro Institute of Technology and Sciences
Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou
Edavazhiyile Poocha Minda Poocha
Edwin B. Minden
Ejnar Mindedal Rasmussen
Electoral district of Mindarie
Electric Music for the Mind and Body
Embassy of the Free Mind
Empire of Mind
Empire of the Over-Mind
En ganske almindelig pige
Engineering and the Mind's Eye
Enquiring Minds
Enter the Dangerous Mind
Erminda Rentoul Esler
Escape from the Mindmaster
Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (soundtrack)
Evil on Your Mind
Evolution, Mind and Behaviour
Ex-Simple Minds
Extended mind thesis
Eyes of the Mind
Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
Falsters Minder
Fania Mindell
Farmer's Bank of Carson Valley (1596 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, Nevada)
Faustabryna mindanaoensis
Fear Is the Mindkiller
Feel My Mind
Feliciano Luces: Alyas Kumander Toothpick, Mindanao
Ferdinand Minding
Fight for Your Mind
Filthy Mind
Fire in the Minds of Men
Flag of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Forever in Your Mind
Forget Me Nots and Remind Me
Frame of Mind
Frame of Mind (album)
Frame of Mind (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Freedom on My Mind
Freeman's Mind
Free-minded Liberal Party
Free-minded National Association
Free-minded Party
Freeminded People's Party
Free-minded People's Party (Germany)
Free-minded Union
Free Your Mind
Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow
Free Your Mind (EP)
Free Your Mind (MTV award)
Free Your Mind (song)
Free Your Soul and Save My Mind
Friday on My Mind
Friday On My Mind (miniseries)
From My Mind to Yours
Frontiers for Young Minds
Functionalism (philosophy of mind)
Gabriel B. Mindlin
Gamindu Kanishka
GandhidhamIndore Weekly Express
Gapminder Foundation
Gentle on My Mind
Gentle On My Mind and Other Originals
Georgia on My Mind
Georgia on My Mind (novelette)
German Free-minded Party
Ghughu-danga Zamindar Bari
Giorgi Tsmindashvili
Girl with a One-Track Mind
Girl You Need a Change of Mind
Gishu Mindaye
Gold Mind Records
Got My Mind Set on You
Got You on My Mind
Government Zamindar College, Gujrat
Governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Greater Mindanao shrew
Great Minds with Dan Harmon
Green-Tinted Sixties Mind
Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic
Group mind (science fiction)
Guilty of Mind
Gurulmindi, Queensland
Halle, Holzminden
Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind
Hameln-Pyrmont Holzminden
Hans Peter Minderhoud
Hansli Minder
Happiest Minds
Harlem on My Mind protest
Harminder Dua
Haslach-Mindel interglacial
Hasselbach (Drre Holzminde)
Hatsukoi Cider / Deep Mind
Have in Mind
Heart, Mind and Soul (TVXQ album)
Heart over Mind
Heart over Mind (Anne Murray album)
Heart over Mind (Jennifer Rush album)
Heart over Mind (song)
Heart over Mind (Tammy Wynette album)
Hearts and Minds
Hearts and Minds (1995 TV series)
Hearts and Minds (1996 TV programme)
Hearts and Minds (album)
Hearts and Minds (Lost)
Hearts and Minds (Vietnam War)
Heart vs. Mind
Heaven on My Mind
Heaven on My Mind (song)
Heaven to a Tortured Mind
Hello Mister Zamindar
Helminda pilipennis
Henry VIII: The Mind of a Tyrant
Herford Minden-Lbbecke II
Hive mind
Hive Mind (book)
Hive Mind (Sinch album)
Hive Mind (The Internet album)
HMS Minden (1810)
Holiline Reminder
Holzminden (district)
Holzminden prisoner-of-war camp
House of Mindaugas
How the Mind Works
How to Change Your Mind
How to Create a Mind
How to Operate with a Blown Mind
How You Remind Me
Hypnotize Minds
I'll Keep You in Mind, From Time to Time
I'm in Your Mind Fuzz
I've Got Love on My Mind
I Blow Minds for a Living
IBM's The Great Mind Challenge
I Came Here to Blow Minds
Ichthyophis mindanaoensis
I Don't Care That You Don't Mind
I Don't Mind
If (Mindless Self Indulgence album)
If Only I Had My Mind on Something Else
If You Could Read My Mind
Ignited Minds
I Got a Lot of Hurtin' Done Today/I've Got My Baby On My Mind
I Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl)
I Got Shit on My Mind
I Hope You Don't Mind Me Writing
III - Odyssey of the Mind
Ill Mind of Hopsin 5
Illmind production discography
Incomindios Switzerland
Incredible Expanding Mindfuck
Index of philosophy of mind articles
Infinity and the Mind
In Mind
In My Mind
In My Mind 19972007 the Best of Bertine Zetlitz
In My Mind (BJ the Chicago Kid album)
In My Mind (film)
In My Mind (Heather Headley song)
In My Mind (Ivan Gough and Feenixpawl song)
In My Mind (Pharrell Williams album)
Inside the Neolithic Mind
Interactionism (philosophy of mind)
International Mind Sports Association
In the Back of My Mind
In the Mind of...
Invasions of the Mind
In Your House 10: Mind Games
In Your Mind
In Your Mind (song)
Iron Mind
It's All in Your Mind
Jack Garrett (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders)
Jamiatu Muslim Mindanao
Jammers Minde
Jealous Minds Think Alike
Jedi Mind Tricks
Jeff Dunham: Minding the Monsters
Jessica Mindich
Jhon Minda
Jim Jones and The Righteous Mind
John Minds
Jos Mindlin
Journal of Mind and Behavior
Jzsef Mindszenty
Juelsminde Municipality
Juminda Lighthouse
Juminda peninsula
Justinmind (prototyper)
Kamindu Mendis
Karaliaus Mindaugo taur
Karaliaus Mindaugo taur MVP
Karatia Zamindari
Kre Minde
Kaucminde Manor
Keep in Mind Frankenstein
Keep Me in Mind
Keep Me in Mind (Lynn Anderson song)
Keep Me in Mind (Mike Spiteri song)
Keep Me in Mind (Miriam Makeba album)
Keep Me in Mind (novel)
Kerteminde Municipality
Kill My Mind
Ki Su U Ma I (Kiss Your Mind) / S.O.S. (Smile on Smile)
Kristine Minde
Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, Navamindradhiraj University
Kushibiki Yumindo
La Cour des Grands (Do You Mind If I Play)
Lady Mastermind
Lake Mindemoya
Lamnostoma mindora
Landing at Mindelo
Large Mindanao roundleaf bat
Large Mindoro forest mouse
Last Thing on My Mind
Last Thing on My Mind (Bananarama song)
Leathercoated Minds
Leavin' on Your Mind
Legislative district of Mindanao and Sulu
Legislative district of Mindoro
Legislative districts of Oriental Mindoro
Lego Mindstorms
Lego Mindstorms EV3
Lego Mindstorms NXT
Leminda millecra
Leonardo da Vinci: The Flights of the Mind
Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance
Let Me Blow Ya Mind
Let There Be Love (Simple Minds song)
Let us with a gladsome mind
Like-Minded Developing Countries
Like Minds
Like Minds (album)
Liliana Daz Mindurry
Lina Almind Knudsen
Lion van Minden
List of accolades received by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
List of bishops, prince-bishops, and administrators of Minden
List of concept- and mind-mapping software
List of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders characters
List of Criminal Minds characters
List of Criminal Minds episodes
List of Criss Angel Mindfreak episodes
List of Cultural Properties of the Philippines in Northern Mindanao
List of international cricket five-wicket hauls by Chaminda Vaas
List of Minder episodes
List of Mind Trekkers events
List of Mind Your Language episodes
List of Mork & Mindy episodes
List of Never Mind the Buzzcocks episodes
List of Never Mind the Buzzcocks presenters
List of Simple Minds concert tours
List of The Mindy Project episodes
Lose My Mind
Losing My Mind (disambiguation)
Lost My Mind
Love Is Not in Your Mind
Love on My Mind
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
Luminous mind
Made Up Mind
Madhuca mindanaensis
Magandang Umaga South Central Mindanao
Make Up Your Mind
Make Up Your Mind (Theory of a Deadman song)
Malminder Gill
Mama Makes Up Her Mind
Mama, You Been on My Mind
Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro
Manuel Mindn Manero
Manyam Zamindar
Many-minds interpretation
Mark Mindler
Martviri Sabatsmindeli
Mastermind (American band)
Mastermind (audio drama)
Mastermind (board game)
Mastermind (British game show)
Master Mind (comics)
Mastermind (EP)
Mastermind Herbie
Mastermind (Irish game show)
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde)
Mastermind (Rick Ross album)
Master Minds (1949 film)
Masterminds (1997 film)
Masterminds (2016 film)
Masterminds (Canadian TV series)
Master Minds (game show)
Masterminds (quiz bowl)
Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds)
Mechanisms of mindfulness meditation
Meeting of the minds
Megamind: The Button of Doom
Megamind (video game)
Metal Mind Productions
Michael Mind Project
Militant Minds
Mind's eye (disambiguation)
Mind's Eye (film series)
Mind's Eye (novel)
Mind's Eye (song)
Mind's Eye Theatre
Mind's Eye (The X-Files)
Mind's Eye (US military)
Minda Inc
Mind altering
Mind & Language
Mindanao Avenue
Mindanao bleeding-heart
Mindanao blue fantail
Mindanao brown dove
Mindanao Examiner
Mindanao (film)
Mindanao flying squirrel
Mindanao frog
Mindanao hairy-tailed rat
Mindanao hawk-owl
Mindanao hornbill
Mindanao horned frog
Mindanao languages
Mindanao lorikeet
Mindanao lowland forest mouse
Mindanao miniature babbler
Mindanao montane forest mouse
Mindanao mountain rat
Mindanaona mindanaonis
Mindanao Peoples Caucus
Mindanao pygmy babbler
Mindanao pygmy fruit bat
Mindanao racket-tail
Mindanao rasbora
Mindanao scops owl
Mindanao shrew
Mindanao shrew-rat
Mindanao squirrel
Mindanao Star
Mindanao treeshrew
Mindanao white-eye
Mind and Cosmos
Mind and Life Institute
Mind and matter
Minda Poochakku Kalyanam
Minda Ramm
Mindarus harringtoni
Minda, Samar
Mind Assault
Mind Association
Mind at Large
Mind at the End of Its Tether
Mindaugas Bruas
Mindaugas Eerskis
Mindaugas Gedminas
Mindaugas Girdinas
Mindaugas Grigaleviius
Mindaugas Grikonis
Mindaugas Kainas
Mindaugas Katelynas
Mindaugas Kupas
Mindaugas Mizgaitis
Mindaugas Murza
Mindaugas Pieaitis
Mindaugas Puktas
Mindaugas Sinkeviius
Mindaugas lipas
Mindaugas pokas
Mindaugas ukauskas
Minda (village)
Mind Blowin'
Mind, Body & Kick Ass Moves
Mind Body & Soul
Mind Body & Soul Sessions: Live in New York City
Mindbody dualism
Mindbody interventions
Mindbody problem
Mind Body Spirit Festival
Mind, Brain, and Education
Mind Candy
Mind (charity)
Mind control (disambiguation)
Mind-controlled wheelchair
Mind Control (song)
Mind Control (Stephen Marley album)
Mind Control to Steal the Soul
MIND diet
Mind (disambiguation)
Mind Dynamics
Minde (Alcanena)
Minde, Bergen
Mindel C. Sheps
Mindel glaciation
Mindelheimer Kpfl
Mindell Penn
Mindelo (Vila do Conde)
Minden Airport
Minden Aqueduct
Minden Butter Manufacturing Company
Minden Cathedral
Minden City, Michigan
Minden Coalfield
Minden Hills
Minden, Iowa
Minden Land
Minden, Louisiana
Mindenmines, Missouri
Minden, Nebraska
Minden, Nevada
Minden, Queensland
Minden, Rhineland-Palatinate
Minden Row
MindenTahoe Airport
Minden Township, Michigan
Mind Eraser
Minder (disambiguation)
Minderico language
Minder (TV series)
Mindfield (band)
Mindfields (Morandi album)
Mindflayer (band)
MindFreedom International
Mindful Education
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Mindfulness-based pain management
Mindfulness-based stress reduction
Mindfulness (disambiguation)
Mindful Yoga
Mind Funk
Mind Fusion
Mind Game (2015 TV series)
Mind Game (film)
Mindgame (play)
Mind Games
Mind games
Mind Games (2001 film)
Mind Games (Banks song)
Mind Games (John Lennon album)
Mind Games (Palisades album)
Mind Games (Paul Lamb album)
Mind Games (TV series)
Mind Games (Zard song)
Mind how you go
Mind How You Go (The Advisory Circle album)
Mindhunter (comic book)
Mindhunter (TV series)
Mindi Abair
Mindia Khitarishvili
Mindif (album)
Mind If I Make Love to You?
Mind If We Make Love to You
Mindil Beach
Mindil Beach Casino & Resort
MIND Institute
Mindiri language
Mind Is Not Brain
Mind Is the Magic
Mind Is the Magic: Anthem for the Las Vegas Show
Mindjim languages
Mind (journal)
Mindless Behavior
Mindless Behavior: All Around the World
Mindless (film)
Mindless Self Indulgence
MindlinReissner plate theory
Mind machine
Mind Made Up
Mind map
Mind Matters
MiND: Media Independence
Mind Meld
Mind model
Mindo, Ecuador
Mind of a Genius Records
Mind of a Stoner
Mind of a Toy
Mind of Mencia
Mind of Mine
Mindon Min
Mindon, Myanmar
Mind on You (Guy Sebastian song)
Mindoo Phillip Park
Mindoro Airport
MindoroBatangas Super Bridge
Mindoro black rat
Mindoro bleeding-heart
Mindoro bulbul
Mindoro climbing rat
Mindoro hawk-owl
Mindoro hornbill
Mindoro imperial pigeon
Mindoro narrow-disked gecko
Mindoro (province)
Mindoro racket-tail
Mindoro scops owl
Mindoro shrew
Mindoro striped rat
Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat
Mindoro tree frog
Mindoro Wind Farm
Mind over Four
Mind over Matter (band)
Mind over matter (disambiguation)
Mind over Matter (The Nightingales album)
Mind over Matter (Young the Giant album)
Mind over Matter (Zion I album)
Mind Over Murder
Mindovsky House
Mind: Path to Thalamus
Mind Playing Tricks on Me
Mind Pollution (The First Installment)
Mind projection fallacy
Mind Quiz
Mind reading
Mind Reflection (band)
Mindre teatern
Mind Ripper
Mindrolling Monastery
Mindrolling Trichen
Minds and Machines
Mindscape (company)
Mindscape (film)
Mindset (album)
Mindset (computer)
Mindset Evolution
Mindset List
Mindset Network
Mindset (vehicle)
Mind share
Mindshare (firm)
Mind Siege
Minds, Machines and Gdel
Mindspark Interactive Network
Mindspeed Technologies
Mind sport
Mind Sports Olympiad
Mind Sports Organisation
Mind Sports South Africa
MindSpot Clinic
Mindstar Rising
Mindstorms (book)
Mind Switch
Mind the Acoustic Pieces
Mind the gap
Mind the Gap (2004 film)
Mind the Gap (2007 film)
Mind the gap (disambiguation)
Mind the Gap Films
Mind the Gaps
Mind the Gap (Scooter album)
Mind the Gap Theatre
Mind the Journey
Mind Tricks
Mind U
Mindungsan (Gangwon)
Mindungsan (Gyeonggi)
Minduo Magazine
Mind uploading
Mind uploading in fiction
Mind Walker
Mindwarp (film)
Mindy Cohn
Mindy Finn
Mindy Grossman
Mindy Kaling
Mindy McCready
Mind Your Back, Professor
Mind your business
Mind Your Language
Mind Your Manners
Mind Your Manners (film)
Mind your own business
Mind your Ps and Qs
Mindy Seu
Mindy St. Claire
Mindy Sterling
Mindy White
Mind Zero
Mirror of My Mind
Mister Mind
Mitrella mindorensis
Modern Minds and Pastimes
Modiga mindre mn
Modularity of mind
Mohera Zamindar Bari
Money on My Mind
Monkey mind
Month's mind
Moral Minds
Mork & Mindy
Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour
Mount Wood (Occidental Mindoro)
Movies of the Mind
Mtatsminda Pantheon
Murder in Mind
Murder in Mind (film)
Murder in Mind (TV series)
Murder on My Mind
Music from My Mind
Mutant Mindframe
Mutants & Masterminds
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
My Mind's Eye
My Mind's Eye (album)
My Mind's Flower Rain
Myurella mindanaoensis
Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Thai Air Force Academy
Navamindradhiraj University
Neidermayer's Mind
Nevermind (disambiguation)
Nevermind It's an Interview
Never Mind the Ballots
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
Never Mind the Breeze Blocks
Nevermind the Buttocks
Never Mind the Buzzcocks
Never Mind the Full Stops
Never Mind the Goldbergs
Never Mind the Horrocks
Never Mind the Hosen, Here's Die Roten Rosen
Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
Never Mind the Sex Pistols, Here's the Tribute
Nevermind Tribute
Never Mind (video game)
New Deal of the Mind
New Mind
New Mind (band)
New Minden, Illinois
Newsline Mindanao
Nibbna: The Mind Stilled
Niko Mindega
Nikortsminda Cathedral
Nine Track Mind
Ninotsminda Municipality
No Angel (It's All in Your Mind)
Norsminde Fjord
Northern Mindanao
Northern Mindoro languages
Obama On My Mind
Object of the mind
Occidental Mindoro
Oceans of the Mind
OdenseKertemindeMartofte Jernbane
Odyssey of the Mind
Of Entity and Mind
Of Sound Mind
Of Two Minds
Of Two Minds (2012 documentary film)
Of Two Minds (2012 television film)
Once Upon a Mind
One Mind
One Mindanao
One Track Mind
Only One Word Comes to Mind
On My Mind
Onnum Mindatha Bharya
On the Greek Side of My Mind
Open Mind
Open Mind Common Sense
Openmind Projects
Open Your Mind (song)
Operation: Mindcrime
Operation: Mindcrime II
Oriental Mindoro
Ostension: Word Learning and the Embodied Mind
Other Minds
Other Minds (organization)
Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness
Out My Mind, Just in Time World Tour
Out of Mind
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Out of Mind, Out of Sight (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Out of My Mind
Out of My Mind (B.o.B song)
Out of My Mind (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Out of My Mind (Draper novel)
Out of My Mind / Holy Water
Out of Our Minds
Out of Our Minds (song)
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Out of Your Mind
Outta Sight/Outta Mind
Overmind (comics)
Pagan's Mind
Pain of Mind
Panorama (6cyclemind album)
Parallel Minds
Parminder Phangura
Parminder Singh Saini (field hockey)
Parminder Vir
Passion of Mind
Pay No Mind (Snoozer)
Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind (Bee Gees song)
Peace of Mind (Boston song)
Peace of Mind (Breathe album)
Peace of Mind (film)
Peace of Mind (Michael Monroe album)
Peace of Mind (Rebelution album)
Peace of Mind/The Candle Burns
Perminder Sachdev
Philosophy of mind
Piece of Mind
Piece of Mind (disambiguation)
PiliPinas Debates 2016 Mindanao leg
Pinoyscincus mindanensis
Playground in My Mind
Pokmon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokmon
Port of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Port of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Portraits of a Mind
Possible Minds
Premindra Singh Bhagat
Presence of Mind
Presence of Mind (album)
Primacy of mind
Principality of Mindelheim
Prison Mindfulness Institute
Problem of other minds
Protect Your Mind (Braveheart)
Proxenus mindara
Pseudophallus mindii
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Quantum mind
Rdio Clube do Mindelo
Radio Mindanao Network
Raheja Mindspace
Raju zamindaris
Ramblin' on My Mind
Raminda Wijesooriya
Raminder Gill
Raminder Kaur
Ramindu de Silva
Raymond D. Mindlin
Reactive mind
Read My Mind
Read My Mind (The Killers song)
Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind)
Real Life (Simple Minds album)
Regierungsbezirk Minden
Relax Your Mind (album)
Relax Your Mind (song)
Reminders (Apple)
Reminders (miniseries)
Reminder software
Reminder (song)
Reminderville, Ohio
Remind Me
Remind Me (Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood song)
Remind Me (Ryksopp song)
Remind Me to Forget
Remind Me Tomorrow
Remind Me Where the Light Is
Reminds Me
Reminds Me of You
Reminds Me of You (Juice Wrld and The Kid Laroi song)
Revaz Mindorashvili
Revolution of the Mind: Live at the Apollo, Volume III
Rio Grande de Mindanao
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind
Rosamind Julius
Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Samyamindra Thirtha
Sndor Minder
San Jose Airport (Mindoro)
San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Science of Mind (magazine)
Scientific American Mind
Seal of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sergey Mindirgasov
Shades of My Mind
Shadows of the Mind
Shaminder Singh
Shark: Mind of a Demon
She's Out of Her Mind
Shoo-Minda-Nye language
ShreveportBossier CityMinden CSA
Simple Minds
Simple Minds discography
Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind
Sleights of Mind
SM City Mindpro
Society of Mind
Solid n Mind
Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind
Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind Singles and Demos 1964 to 1967
Soul, Mind, Body Medicine
South Carolina on My Mind
Southern Mindoro languages
South Mindanao languages
Speak My Mind
Speak Your Mind
Spider-Man and Batman: Disordered Minds
Spilarctia mindanao
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Splinter (Songs from a Broken Mind)
Stadttheater Minden
Starmind (novel)
Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Stigma (Mind Assault album)
Still on My Mind
St. Joseph Cathedral (San Jose, Occidental Mindoro)
Stop Playing with My Mind
Sukich Nimmanheminda
Supermind (Integral yoga)
Suspicious Minds
Suspicious Minds (Desperate Housewives)
Sybra mindorensis
Tara Lewis (Criminal Minds)
Temindung Airport
Thargomindah Airport
. . . That Thou Art Mindful of Him
The Absent-Minded Beggar
The Absent-Minded Professor
The Adapted Mind
The Aesthetic Mind
Theater of the Mind
The Best of Simple Minds
The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall into My Mind)
The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart
The Button-Down Mind Strikes Back
The Captive Mind
The Closing of the American Mind
The Cloud Minders
The Coddling of the American Mind
The Concept of Mind
The Conscious Mind
The Criminal Minds
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
The Darkest Minds
The Desperate Mind
The Disordered Mind
The Educated Mind
The Emperor's New Mind
The Eye of Minds
The Future of the Mind
The Game (mind game)
The Game of Love (Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders song)
The Glen Campbell Collection (19621989) Gentle on My Mind
The Goldmind Inc.
The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot
The Kitazawas: We Mind Our Own Business
The Large, the Small and the Human Mind
The Last Thing on My Mind
The Last Thing on My Mind (Patty Loveless song)
The Last Thing on Your Mind
The Life of the Mind in America
The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
The Man Whose Mind Exploded
The Mastermind Jinda Sukha
The Master Mind of Mars
The Mind's Eye & Mission of the Viyrans
The Mind's Eye (novel)
The Mind's Eye (publisher)
The Mind's Eye (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
The Mind's I (album)
The Mindanao Daily Mirror
The Mind and Society
The Mind and the Matter
The Mind Benders
The Mind Benders (disambiguation)
The Minder
The Minders
The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste
The Mind Museum
The Mind of a Chef
The Mind of Adolf Hitler
The Mind of an Ape
The Mind of Evil
The Mind of Jake Paul
The Mind of Mannie Fresh
The Mind of Mark DeFriest
The Mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder
The Mind of Primitive Man
The Mind of Simon Foster
The Mind of the Maker
The Mind of the Married Man
The Mind Poisoners
The Mind Robber
The Minds of 99
The Mindsweep
The Mind the Paint Girl (film)
The Mind Trust
The Mindworm
The Mindy Project
The Miracle of Mindfulness
The Mirror of the Mind of Samantabhadra
The Naked Mind
The Open Mind (band)
The Open Mind (TV series)
The Organized Mind
Theory of mind
The Passions of the Mind
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
The "Mind the Paint" Girl
(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me
There's Something on Your Mind
The Relation of Face, Mind and Love
The Reminder
The Riddler Mindbender
The Righteous Mind
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
The Science of Mind
These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)
The Simple-Minded Murderer
The Sound of the Life of the Mind
The Straight Mind and Other Essays
The Stronger Mind
The Third Mind
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
The Unified Field / Quiet the Mind
The War for Muslim Minds
The Whole World Reminds Me of You
The Windmills of Your Mind
The woman who made up her mind
The World at Mind's End
Thief of the Mind
Thin Mind
Thomas Minder
Thumindu Dodantenna
Thunder Perfect Mind (Current 93 album)
Thunder Perfect Mind (Nurse with Wound album)
Tight (Mindless Self Indulgence album)
Time and Mind
Time Out of Mind
Time Out of Mind (Bob Dylan album)
T.I.M.E. (The Inner Mind's Eye)
Top-of-mind awareness
Tournament of Minds
Traminda aventiaria
Traminda mundissima
Trance in Your Mind: The Unstoppable Trance Machine
Trouble in Mind
Trouble in Mind (Elkie Brooks and Humphrey Lyttelton album)
Trouble in Mind (George Jones album)
Trouble in Mind (Hayes Carll album)
Trouble in Mind (Jodie Marie album)
Trouble on My Mind
Turn Off Your Mind
TV Patrol North Mindanao
TV Patrol Northwestern Mindanao
TV Patrol South Central Mindanao
TV Patrol Southern Mindanao
Two Minds
Typhoon Mindulle
Unconscious mind
Undermind (album)
Universal mind
Universal Mind Control
University of Mindanao
University of Mindelo
University of Southern Mindanao
University of the Philippines Mindanao
User:Mindmatrix/Parliament Infobox
USS Mindanao (ARG-3)
USS Mindanao (PR-8)
USS Mindoro (CVE-120)
Victoria, Oriental Mindoro (barangay)
Viruses of the Mind
Virus of the Mind
Virus of the Mind (album)
Vokesimurex mindanaoensis
Wake Your Mind
Wallander: Mastermind
War in My Mind
War (Mastermind song)
Waste of Mind
Welcome to My Mind
Well-Trained Mind Press
Wemindji Airport
We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds
Wharminda, South Australia
What's on My Mind?
What's On Your Mind
What's on Your Mind (George Benson song)
What's on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
Whatever's on Your Mind
What Now? Remind Me
When contact changes minds
Where Is My Mind?
Where the Mind Wants to Go / Where You Let It Go
Who's Minding the Store?
Who Are the Mind Benders?
Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind?
Widow Wake My Mind
Wilder Mind
Winning hearts and minds
Witchcraft Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls
With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
With You in Mind
With You in Mind (album)
Woman in Mind
World Mind Sports Games
Xamindele Airport
You're Always on My Mind
You Got My Mind Messed Up
You on My Mind
You Remind Me of Something
You Were on My Mind
Yundamindera, Western Australia
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Zamindaar Babu Trilok Nath
Zamindar (1952 film)
Zamindar (disambiguation)
Zamindar, Iran
Zamindar of Natore
Zamindars of Kanihati
Z.C. Mindanao Aguilas
Zene Mindenki mskpp csinlja
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction
Zones of Joint Cooperation (Mindanao)

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last updated: 2022-02-04 15:19:27
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