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object:4.05 - The Instruments of the Spirit
If there is to be an active perfection of our being, the first necessity is a purification of the working of the instruments which it now uses for a music of discords. The being itself, the spirit, the divine Reality in man stands in no need of purification; it is for ever pure, not affected by the faults of its instrumentation or the stumblings of mind and heart and body in their work, as the sun, says the Upanishad, is not touched or stained by the faults of the eye of vision. Mind, heart, the soul of vital desire, the life in the body are the seats of impurity; it is they that must be set right if the working of the spirit is to be a perfect working and not marked by its present greater or less concession to the devious pleasure of the lower nature. What is ordinarily called purity of the being, is either a negative whiteness, a freedom from sin gained by a constant inhibition of whatever action, feeling, idea or will we think to be wrong, or else, the highest negative or passive purity, the entire God-content, inaction, the complete stilling of the vibrant mind and the soul of desire, which in quietistic disciplines leads to a supreme peace; for then the spirit appears in all the eternal purity of its immaculate essence. That gained, there would be nothing farther to be enjoyed or done. But here we have the more difficult problem of a total, unabated, even an increased and more powerful action founded on perfect bliss of the being, the purity of the soul's instrumental as well as the spirit's essential nature. Mind, heart, life, body are to do the works of the Divine, all the works which they do now and yet more, but to do them divinely, as now they do not do them. This is the first appearance of the problem before him on which the seeker of perfection has to lay hold, that it is not a negative, prohibitory, passive or quietistic, but a positive, affirmative, active purity which is his object. A divine quietism discovers the immaculate eternity of the Spirit, a divine kinetism adds to it the right pure undeviating action of the soul, mind and body.

Moreover, it is a total purification of all the complex instrumentality in all the parts of each instrument that is demanded of us by the integral perfection. It is not, ultimately, the narrower moral purification of the ethical nature. Ethics deals only with the desire-soul and the active outward dynamical part of our being; its field is confined to character and action. It prohibits and inhibits certain actions, certain desires, impulses, propensities, -- it inculcates certain qualities in the act, such as truthfulness, love, charity, compassion, chastity. When it has got this done and assured a base of virtue, the possession of a purified will and blameless habit of action, its work is finished. But the Siddha of the integral perfection has to dwell in a larger plane of the Spirit's eternal purity beyond good and evil. By this phrase it is not meant, as the rash hastily concluding intellect would be prone to imagine, that he will do good and evil indifferently and declare that to the spirit there is no difference between them, which would be in the plane of individual action an obvious untruth and might serve to cover a reckless self-indulgence of the imperfect human nature. Neither is it meant that since good and evil are in this world inextricably entangled together, like pain and pleasure, -- a proposition which, however true at the moment and plausible as a generalisation, need not be true of the human being's greater spiritual evolution, -- the liberated man will live in the spirit and stand back from the mechanical continued workings of a necessarily imperfect nature. This, however possible as a stage towards a final cessation of all activity, is evidently not a counsel of active perfection. But it is meant that the Siddha of the active integral perfection will live dynamically in the working of the transcendent power of the divine Spirit as a universal will through the supermind individualised in him for action. His works will therefore be the works of an eternal Knowledge, an eternal Truth, an eternal Might, an eternal Love, an eternal Ananda; but the truth, knowledge, force, love, delight will be the whole essential spirit of whatever work he will do and will not depend on its form; they will determine his action from the spirit within and the action will not determine the spirit or subject it to a fixed standard or rigid mould of working. He will have no dominant mere habit of character, but only a spiritual being and will with at the most a free and flexible temperamental mould for the action. His life will be a direct stream from the eternal fountains, not a form cut to some temporary human pattern. His perfection will not be a sattwic purity, but a thing uplifted beyond the gunas of Nature, a perfection of spiritual knowledge, spiritual power, spiritual delight, unity and harmony of unity; the outward perfection of his works will be freely shaped as the self-expression of this inner spiritual transcendence and universality. For this change he must make conscient in him that power of spirit and supermind which is now superconscient to our mentality. But that cannot work in him so long as his present mental, vital, physical being is not liberated from its actual inferior working. This purification is the first necessity.

In other words, purification must not be understood in any limited sense of a selection of certain outward kinetic movements, their regulation, the inhibition of other action or a liberation of certain forms of character or particular mental and moral capacities. These things are secondary signs of our derivative being, not essential powers and first forces. We have to take a wider psychological view of the primary forces of our nature. We have to distinguish the formed parts of our being, find out their basic defect of impurity or wrong action and correct that, sure that the rest will then come right naturally. We have not to doctor symptoms of impurity, or that only secondarily, as a minor help, -- but to strike at its roots after a deeper diagnosis. We then find that there are two forms of impurity which are at the root of the whole confusion. One is a defect born of the nature of our past evolution, which has been a nature of separative ignorance; this defect is a radically wrong and ignorant form given to the proper action of each part of our instrumental being. The other impurity is born of the successive process of an evolution, where life emerges in and depends on body, mind emerges in and depends on life in the body, supermind emerges in and lends itself to instead of governing mind, soul itself is apparent only as a circumstance of the bodily life of the mental being and veils up the spirit in the lower imperfections. This second defect of our nature is caused by this dependence of the higher on the lower parts; it is all immixture of functions by which the impure working of the lower instrument gets into the characteristic action of the higher function and gives to it an added imperfection of embarrassment, wrong direction and confusion.

Thus the proper function of the life, the vital force, is enjoyment and possession, both of them perfectly legitimate, because the Spirit created the world for Ananda, enjoyment and possession of the many by the One, of the One by the many and of the many too by the many; but, -- this is an instance of the first kind of defect, -- the separative ignorance gives to it the wrong form of desire and craving which vitiates the whole enjoyment and possession and imposes on it its opposites, want and suffering. Again, because mind is entangled in life from which it evolves, this desire and craving get into the action of the mental will and knowledge; that makes the will a will of craving, a force of desire instead of a rational will and a discerning force of intelligent effectuation, and it distorts the judgment and reason so that we judge and reason according to our desires and prepossessions and not with the disinterested impartiality of a pure judgment and the rectitude of a reason which seeks only to distinguish truth and understand rightly the objects of its workings. That is an example of immixture. These two kinds of defect, wrong form of action and illegitimate mixture of action, are not limited to these signal instances, but belong to each instrument and to each combination of their functionings. They pervade the whole economy of our nature. They are fundamental defects of our lower instrumental nature, and if we can set them right, we shall get our instrumental being into a state of purity, enjoy the clarity of a pure will, a pure heart of emotion, a pure enjoyment of our vitality, a pure body. That will be a preliminary, a human perfection, but it can be made the basis and open out in its effort of self-attainment into the greater, the divine perfection.

Mind, life and body are the three powers of our lower nature. But they cannot be taken quite separately because the life acts as a link and gives its character to body and to a great extent to our mentality. Our body is a living body; the life-force mingles in and determines all its functionings. Our mind too is largely a mind of life, a mind of physical sensation; only in its higher functions is it normally capable of something more than the workings of a physical mentality subjected to life. We may put it in this ascending order. We have, first, a body supported by the physical life-force, the physical Prana which courses through the whole nervous system and gives its stamp to our corporeal action, so that all is of the character of the action of a living and not an inert mechanical body. Prana and physicality together make the gross body, sthula sarira. This is only the outer instrument, the nervous force of life acting in the form of body with its gross physical organs. Then there is the inner instrument, antahkarana, the conscious mentality. This inner instrument is divided by the old system into four powers; citta or basic mental consciousness; manas, the sense mind; buddhi, the intelligence; ahankara, the ego-idea. The classification may serve as a starting-point, though for a greater practicality we have to make certain farther distinctions. This mentality is pervaded by the life-force, which becomes here an instrument for psychic consciousness of life and psychic action on life. Every fibre of the sense mind and basic consciousness is shot through with the action of this psychic Prana, it is a nervous or vital and physical mentality. Even the Buddhi and ego are overpowered by it, although they have the capacity of raising the mind beyond subjection to this vital, nervous and physical psychology. This combination creates in us the sensational desire-soul which is the chief obstacle to a higher human as well as to the still greater divine perfection. Finally, above our present conscious mentality is a secret supermind which is the proper means and native seat of that perfection.

Chitta, the basic consciousness, is largely subconscient; it has, open and hidden, two kinds of action, one passive or receptive, the other active or reactive and formative. As a passive power it receives all impacts, even those of which the mind is unaware or to which it is inattentive, and it stores them in an immense reserve of passive subconscient memory on which the mind as an active memory can draw. But ordinarily the mind draws only what it had observed and understood at the time, -- more easily what it had observed well and understood carefully, less easily what it had observed carelessly or ill understood; at the same time there is a power in consciousness to send up to the active mind for use what that mind had not at all observed or attended to or even consciously experienced. This power only acts observably in abnormal conditions, when some part of the subconscious Chitta comes as it were to the surface or when the subliminal being in us appears on the threshold and for a time plays some part in the outer chamber of mentality where the direct intercourse and commerce with the external world takes place and our inner dealings with ourselves develop on the surface. This action of memory is so fundamental to the entire mental action that it is sometimes said, memory is the man. Even in the submental action of the body and life, which is full of this subconscient Chitta, though not under the control of the conscious mind, there is a vital and physical memory. The vital and physical habits are largely formed by this submental memory. For this reason they can be changed to an indefinite extent by a more powerful action of conscious mind and will, when that can be developed and can find means to communicate to the subconscient Chitta the will of the spirit for a new law of vital and physical action. Even, the whole constitution of our life and body may be described as a bundle of habits formed by the past evolution in Nature and held together by the persistent memory of this secret consciousness. For Chitta, the primary stuff of consciousness, is like Prana and body universal in Nature, but is subconscient and mechanical in nature of Matter.

But in fact all action of the mind or inner instrument arises out of this Chitta or basic consciousness, partly conscient, partly subconscient or subliminal to our active mentality. When it is struck by the world's impacts from outside or urged by the reflective powers of the subjective inner being, it throws up certain habitual activities, the mould of which has been determined by our evolution. One of these forms of activity is the emotional mind, -- the heart, as we may call it for the sake of a convenient brevity. Our emotions are the waves of reaction and response which rise up from the basic consciousness, cittavrtti. Their action too is largely regulated by habit and an emotive memory. They are not imperative, not laws of Necessity; there is no really binding law of our emotional being to which we must submit without remedy; we are not obliged to give responses of grief to certain impacts upon the mind, responses of anger to others, to yet others responses of hatred or dislike, to others responses of liking or love. All these things are only habits of our affective mentality; they can be changed by the conscious will of the spirit; they can be inhibited; we may even rise entirely above all subjection to grief, anger, hatred, the duality of liking and disliking. We are subject to these things only so long as we persist in subjection to the mechanical action of the Chitta in the emotive mentality, a thing difficult to get rid of because of the power of past habit and especially the importunate insistence of the vital part of mentality, the nervous life-mind or psychic Prana. This nature of the emotive mind as a reaction of Chitta with a certain close dependence upon the nervous life-sensations and responses of the psychic Prana is so characteristic that in some languages it is called Chitta and Prana, the heart, the life soul; it is indeed the most directly agitating and powerfully insistent action of the desire-soul which the immixture of vital desire and responsive consciousness has created in us. And yet the true emotive soul, the real psyche in us, is not a desire-soul, but a soul of pure love and delight; but that, like the rest of our true being, can only emerge when the deformation created by the life of desire is removed from the surface and is no longer the characteristic action of our being. To get that done is a necessary part of our purification, liberation, perfection.

The nervous action of the psychic Prana is most obvious in our purely sensational mentality. This nervous mentality pursues indeed all the action of the inner instrument and seems often to form the greater part of things other than sensation. The emotions are especially assailed and have the pranic stamp; fear is even more of a nervous sensation than an emotion, anger is largely or often a sensational response translated into terms of emotion. Other feelings are more of the heart, more inward, but they ally themselves to the nervous and physical longings or outward-going impulses of the psychic Prana. Love is an emotion of the heart and may be a pure feeling, -- all mentality, since we are embodied minds, must produce, even thought produces, some kind of life effect and some response in the stuff of body, but they need not for that reason be of a physical nature, -- but the heart's love allies itself readily with a vital desire in the body. This physical element may be purified of that subjection to physical desire which is called lust, it may become love using the body for a physical as well as a mental and spiritual nearness; but love may, too, separate itself from all, even the most innocent physical element, or from all but a shadow of it, and be a pure movement to union of soul with soul, psyche with psyche. Still the proper action of the sensational mind is not emotion, but conscious nervous response and nervous feeling and affection, impulse of the use of physical sense and body for some action, conscious vital craving and desire. There is a side of receptive response, a side of dynamic reaction. These things get their proper normal use when the higher mind is not mechanically subject to them, but controls and regulates their action. But a still higher state is when they undergo a certain transformation by the conscious will of the spirit which gives its right and no longer its wrong or desire form of characteristic action to the psychic Prana.

Manas, the sense mind, depends in our ordinary consciousness on the physical organs of receptive sense for knowledge and on the organs of the body for action directed towards the objects of sense. The superficial and outward action of the senses is physical and nervous in its character, and they may easily be thought to be merely results of nerve-action; they are sometimes called in the old books pranas, nervous or life activities. But still the essential thing in them is not the nervous excitation, but the consciousness, the action of the Chitta, which makes use of the organ and of the nervous impact of which it is the channel. Manas, sense-mind, is the activity, emerging from the basic consciousness, which makes up the whole essentiality of what we call sense. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch are really properties of &e; mind, not of the body; but the physical mind which we ordinarily use, limits itself to a translation into sense of so much of the outer impacts as it receives through the nervous system and the physical organs. But the inner Manas has also a subtle sight, hearing, power of contact of its own which is not dependent on the physical organs. And it has, moreover, a power not only of direct communication of mind with object, -- leading even at a without remedy; we are not obliged to give responses of grief to certain impacts upon the mind, responses of anger to others, to yet others responses of hatred or dislike, to others responses of liking or love. All these things are only habits of our affective mentality; they can be changed by the conscious will of the spirit; they can be inhibited; we may even rise entirely above all subjection to grief, anger, hatred, the duality of liking and disliking. We are subject to these things only so long as we persist in subjection to the mechanical action of the Chitta in the emotive mentality, a thing difficult to get rid of because of the power of past habit and especially the importunate insistence of the vital part of mentality, the nervous life-mind or psychic Prana. This nature of the emotive mind as a reaction of Chitta with a certain close dependence upon the nervous life-sensations and responses of the psychic Prana is so characteristic that in some languages it is called Chitta and Prana, the heart, the life soul; it is indeed the most directly agitating and powerfully insistent action of the desire-soul which the immixture of vital desire and responsive consciousness has created in us. And yet the true emotive soul, the real psyche in us, is not a desire-soul, but a soul of pure love and delight; but that, like the rest of our true being, can only emerge when the deformation created by the life of desire is removed from the surface and is no longer the characteristic action of our being. To get that done is a necessary part of our purification, liberation, perfection.

The nervous action of the psychic Prana is most obvious in our purely sensational mentality. This nervous mentality pursues indeed all the action of the inner instrument and seems often to form the greater part of things other than sensation. The emotions are especially assailed and have the pranic stamp; fear is even more of a nervous sensation than an emotion, anger is largely or often a sensational response translated into terms of emotion. Other feelings are more of the heart, more inward, but they ally themselves to the nervous and physical longings or outward-going impulses of the psychic Prana. Love is an emotion of the heart and may be a pure feeling, -- all mentality, since we are embodied minds, must produce, even thought produces, some kind of life effect and some response in the stuff of body, but they need not for that reason be of a physical nature, -- but the heart's love allies itself readily with a vital desire in the body. This physical element may be purified of that subjection to physical desire which is called lust, it may become love using the body for a physical as well as a mental and spiritual nearness; but love may, too, separate itself from all, even the most innocent physical element, or from all but a shadow of it, and be a pure movement to union of soul with soul, psyche with psyche. Still the proper action of the sensational mind is not emotion, but conscious nervous response and nervous feeling and affection, impulse of the use of physical sense and body for some action, conscious vital craving and desire. There is a side of receptive response, a side of dynamic reaction. These things get their proper normal use when the higher mind is not mechanically subject to them, but controls and regulates their action. But a still higher state is when they undergo a certain transformation by the conscious will of the spirit which gives its right and no longer its wrong or desire form of characteristic action to the psychic Prana.

Manas, the sense mind, depends in our ordinary consciousness on the physical organs of receptive sense for knowledge and on the organs of the body for action directed towards the objects of sense. The superficial and outward action of the senses is physical and nervous in its character, and they may easily be thought to be merely results of nerve-action; they are sometimes called in the old books pranas, nervous or life activities. But still the essential thing in them is not the nervous excitation, but the consciousness, the action of the Chitta, which makes use of the organ and of the nervous impact of which it is the channel. Manas, sense-mind, is the activity, emerging from the basic consciousness, which makes up the whole essentiality of what we call sense. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch are really properties of the mind, not of the body; but the physical mind which we ordinarily use, limits itself to a translation into sense of so much of the outer impacts as it receives through the nervous system and the physical organs. But the inner Manas has also a subtle sight, hearing, power of contact of its own which is not dependent on the physical organs. And it has, moreover, a power not only of direct communication of mind with object, -- leading even at a high pitch of action to a sense of the contents of an object within or beyond the physical range, -- but direct communication also of mind with mind. Mind is able too to alter, modify, inhibit the incidence, values, intensities of sense impacts. These powers of the mind we do not ordinarily use or develop; they remain subliminal and emerge sometimes in an irregular and fitful action, more readily in some minds than in others, or come to the surface in abnormal states of the being. They are the basis of clairvoyance, clairaudience, transference of thought and impulse, telepathy, most of the more ordinary kinds of occult powers, -- so called, though these are better described less mystically as powers of the now subliminal action of the Manas. The phenomena of hypnotism and many others depend upon the action of this subliminal sense-mind; not that it alone constitutes all the elements of the phenomena, but it is the first supporting means of intercourse, communication and response, though much of the actual operation belongs to an inner Buddhi. Mind physical, mind supraphysical, -- we have and can use this double sense mentality.

Buddhi is a construction of conscious being which quite exceeds its beginnings in the basic Chitta; it is the intelligence with its power of knowledge and will. Buddhi takes up and deals with all the rest of the action of the mind and life and body. It is in its nature thought-power and will-power of the Spirit turned into the lower form of a mental activity. We may distinguish three successive gradations of the action of this intelligence. There is first an inferior perceptive understanding which simply takes up, records, understands and responds to the communications of the sense-mind, memory, heart and sensational mentality. It creates by their means an elementary thinking mind which does not go beyond their data, but subjects itself to their mould and rings out their repetitions, runs round and round in the habitual circle of thought and will suggested by them or follows, with an obedient subservience of the reason to the suggestions of life, any fresh determinations which may be offered to its perception and conception. Beyond this elementary understanding, which we all use to an enormous extent, there is a power of arranging or selecting reason and will-force of the Intelligence which has for its action and aim an attempt to arrive at a plausible, sufficient, settled ordering of knowledge and will for the use of an intellectual conception of life.

In spite of its more purely intellectual character this secondary or intermediate reason is really pragmatic in its intention. It creates a certain kind of intellectual structure, frame, rule into which it tries to cast the inner and outer life so as to use it with a certain mastery and government for the purposes of some kind of rational will. It is this reason which gives to our normal intellectual being our set aesthetic and ethical standards, our structures of opinion and our established norms of idea and purpose. It is highly developed and takes the primacy in all men of an at all developed understanding. But beyond it there is a reason, a highest action of the Buddhi which concerns itself disinterestedly with a pursuit of pure truth and right knowledge; it seeks to discover the real Truth behind life and things and our apparent selves and to subject its will to the law of Truth. Few, if any of us, can use this highest reason with any purity, but the attempt to do it is the topmost capacity of the inner instrument, the ahtahkarana.

Buddhi is really an intermediary between a much higher Truth-mind not now in our active possession, which is the direct instrument of Spirit, and the physical life of the human mind evolved in body. Its powers of intelligence and will are drawn from this greater direct Truth-mind or supermind. Buddhi centres its mental action round the ego-idea, the idea that I am this mind, life and body or am a mental being determined by their action. It serves this ego-idea whether limited by what we call egoism or extended by sympathy with the life around us. An ego-sense is created which reposes on the separative action of the body, of the individualised life, of the mind-responses, and the ego-idea in the Buddhi centralises the whole action of this ego's thought, character, personality. The lower understanding and the intermediary reason are instruments of its desire of experience and self-enlargement. But when the highest reason and .will develop, we can turn towards that which these outward things mean to the higher spiritual consciousness. The "I" can then be seen as a mental reflection of the Self, the Spirit, the Divine, the one existence transcendent, universal, individual in its multiplicity; the consciousness in which these things meet, become aspects of one being and assume their right relations, can then be unveiled out of all these physical and mental coverings. When the transition to supermind takes place, the powers of the Buddhi do not perish, but have all to be converted to their supramental values. But consideration of the supermind and the conversion of the Buddhi belongs to the question of the higher siddhi or divine perfection. At present we have to consider the purification of the normal being of man, preparatory to any such conversion, which leads to the liberation from the bonds of our lower nature.

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Wikipedia - Hideo Yamamoto -- Japanese manga artist
Wikipedia - Hide photography -- Taking photos while hiding
Wikipedia - Hideroku Hara -- Japanese legal scholar
Wikipedia - Hidesaburo Hanafusa -- Japanese virologist
Wikipedia - Hideshi Ishikawa -- Japanese archaeologist
Wikipedia - Hideshio Station -- Railway station in Shiojiri, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hide (skin) -- Animal skin treated for human use
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Miyazaki -- Japanese video game director
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Monma -- Japanese mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Nishiyama -- Japanese karateka
Wikipedia - Hidetaka Suehiro -- Japanese video game creator
Wikipedia - Hideto Aki -- Japanese adult video director
Wikipedia - Hideto Kishida -- Japanese architect
Wikipedia - Hideto M-EM-^Lnishi -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Hideto Shigenobu -- Japanese golfer
Wikipedia - Hidetoshi Katori -- Japanese physicist
Wikipedia - Hidetoshi Nakanishi -- Japanese judoka
Wikipedia - Hidetoshi Nishijima (politician) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Hidetoshi Sato -- Japanese luger
Wikipedia - Hideto Tanihara -- Japanese professional golfer
Wikipedia - Hide (unit) -- Historical unit of land measurement
Wikipedia - Hide U -- 2000 single by Kosheen
Wikipedia - Hideya Matsumoto -- Japanese mathematician
Wikipedia - Hideya Station -- Railway station in Aga, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hideyo Fujita -- Japanese actor
Wikipedia - Hideyo Hanazumi -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Hideyo Noguchi -- Japanese bacteriologist
Wikipedia - Hideyoshi Kagawa -- Japanese karateka
Wikipedia - Hideyoshi Obata -- Imperial Japanese Army general
Wikipedia - Hideyo Sugimoto -- Japanese professional golfer
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Ashihara -- Japanese karateka
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Busujima -- Japanese businessman
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Fujisawa -- Japanese Go player
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Kikuchi -- Japanese novelist
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Sakai -- Japanese Go player
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Takei -- Japanese pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Hideyuki Tanaka -- Japanese actor
Wikipedia - Hidezumi Shirakata -- Japanese golfer
Wikipedia - Hirate Hirohide -- Japanese samurai
Wikipedia - Hirohide Hamashima -- Japanese engineer
Wikipedia - History of hide materials
Wikipedia - Hizbul Mujahideen -- A militant group in Kashmir
Wikipedia - Hydrogen sulphide
Wikipedia - Imre Hideghethy -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Ino Hidefumi -- Japanese musician
Wikipedia - Iron phosphide -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - I Still Hide to Smoke -- 2016 film directed by Rayhana
Wikipedia - Jalaluddin Haqqani -- Mujahideen leader
Wikipedia - Jaysh al-Muwahhideen -- Druze militia group in Syria
Wikipedia - Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim
Wikipedia - KanM-EM-^M Hideyori -- Japanese painter
Wikipedia - Kawajiri Hidetaka -- Japanese samurai
Wikipedia - Kazuhide Tomonaga -- Japanese animator
Wikipedia - Khadir Mohideen College -- College in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Kiyohide Seki -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Kiyohide ShinjM-EM-^M -- Okinawan karateka
Wikipedia - Koide Hidemasa -- Japanese samurai
Wikipedia - La Chair de l'orchidee -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Lai Zhide
Wikipedia - Lalith Dehideniya -- Sri Lanka Judge
Wikipedia - Lampronia psychidella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Leucoptera onobrychidella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - List of Dothideomycetes taxa incertae sedis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at Malahide Cricket Club Ground -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rawhide episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Maire Hider -- British diver
Wikipedia - Malahide Castle -- Castle and demesne by the village of Malahide, County Dublin
Wikipedia - Malahide Community School -- School in Malahide, Ireland
Wikipedia - Malahide -- Suburban settlement north of Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Maplewashing -- To sanitize and hide undesirable qualities about Canada
Wikipedia - Mark Khidekel -- Russian architect
Wikipedia - Masahide Sasaki -- Japanese chemist
Wikipedia - Masahiro Higashide -- Japanese actor and model
Wikipedia - Max Farenthide -- Polish DJ and music producer
Wikipedia - Megachile brochidens -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Mehide -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Mitsuhide Hata -- Japanese canoeist
Wikipedia - Mitsuhide Iwaki -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Mizuta Masahide
Wikipedia - Mohamed Khider -- Algerian politician
Wikipedia - Mohammad Shahidehpour
Wikipedia - Mohammad Yunus Khalis -- Mujahideen commander
Wikipedia - Mohideen Baig -- Sri Lankan musician
Wikipedia - Mooncraft Shiden -- Japanese prototype race car
Wikipedia - Mujahideen Shura Council (Iraq)
Wikipedia - Mujahideen Victory Day -- Political Afghan holiday
Wikipedia - Mujahideen -- Arabic term for people engaged in jihad ("struggle")
Wikipedia - Naqareh -- Middle Eastern drum with a rounded back and a hide head
Wikipedia - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth -- 1997 film directed by Hideaki Anno
Wikipedia - News From Hide-Park -- Song
Wikipedia - Nobuhide Minorikawa -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - No Place to Hide (Greenwald book) -- Book by Glenn Greenwald
Wikipedia - Noriko Higashide -- Japanese actress
Wikipedia - Nothing to Hide (2018 film) -- 2018 film directed by Fred CavayM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Nothing to hide argument -- Argument that one doesn't need privacy unless they are doing something wrong
Wikipedia - Nowhere to Hide (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Mario Philip Azzopardi
Wikipedia - Okama Report -- 1989 manga by Hideo Yamamoto
Wikipedia - Oxhide ingot -- Metal slabs, usually of copper but sometimes of tin, produced and widely distributed during the Mediterranean Late Bronze Age
Wikipedia - Oxybismuthides -- Class of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Parallel construction -- Law enforcement process that hides details of investigation
Wikipedia - Parasite Eve (novel) -- 1995 novel by Hideaki Sena
Wikipedia - Parfleche -- Container made of rawhide
Wikipedia - Patrick Malahide -- British actor
Wikipedia - Penthides -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Peshawar Accord -- Agreement between some Afghan mujahideen parties
Wikipedia - Phosphine -- Chemical compound hydrogen phosphide
Wikipedia - Rawhide (1926 film) -- 1926 film directed by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Rawhide (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Ray Taylor
Wikipedia - Rawhide Kid
Wikipedia - Rawhide Mail -- 1934 film directed by Bernard B. Ray
Wikipedia - Rawhide Mine -- Coal mine in Gillette, Wyoming, United States
Wikipedia - Rawhide Rangers -- 1941 film by Ray Taylor
Wikipedia - Rawhide (song) -- 1958 Western song by Ned Washington and Dimitri Tiomkin
Wikipedia - Rawhide (TV series) -- American Western television series
Wikipedia - Raymond Hide -- British physicist
Wikipedia - Ring (film) -- 1998 film by Hideo Nakata
Wikipedia - Riyaz Bhatkal -- Founder of Indian Mujahideen, a terrorist organization
Wikipedia - Riyaz Naikoo -- Hizbul Mujahideen Militant group commander a terrorist
Wikipedia - Robert Chideka -- Botswana athlete
Wikipedia - Rodney Hide -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Sabzar Bhat -- Hizbul Mujahideen commander
Wikipedia - Sahiden -- 2016 album by Buray
Wikipedia - Sambhaji Bhide -- Hindutva activist
Wikipedia - Samurai Resurrection -- 2003 film directed by Hideyuki Hirayama
Wikipedia - Schreibersite -- Iron nickel phosphide mineral usually found in meteorites
Wikipedia - Shide (monk)
Wikipedia - Shide (Shinto) -- Paper streamer used in Shinto rituals
Wikipedia - Shin Godzilla -- 2016 film by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi
Wikipedia - Streisand effect -- phenomenon that attempting to hide information attracts more attention to it
Wikipedia - Sucheta Bhide Chapekar -- Indian dancer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Suga Cabinet -- Cabinet of Yoshihide Suga
Wikipedia - Sulphide Creek Falls -- Waterfall in North Cascades National Park, Washington
Wikipedia - Sulphide Creek -- River in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Takahide Kimura -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Takehide Nakatani -- Japanese judoka
Wikipedia - Telluride phosphide -- Class of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Tetsuhide Sasaki -- Japanese weightlifter
Wikipedia - The End of Evangelion -- 1997 film directed by Hideaki Anno
Wikipedia - The Rawhide Kid (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Rawhide Terror -- 1934 film by Jack Nelson
Wikipedia - The Rawhide Years -- 1956 film by Rudolph Mate
Wikipedia - The Ring Two -- 2005 film by Hideo Nakata
Wikipedia - Thideer Kannaiah -- Indian Actor
Wikipedia - Tomohide Dote -- Japanese Nihonga painter
Wikipedia - Toshihide Maskawa
Wikipedia - Toyotomi Hideyori -- Japanese samurai
Wikipedia - Toyotomi Hideyoshi -- 1500s Japanese daimyo and politician
Wikipedia - Trichidema -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Turn (film) -- 2001 film by Hideyuki Hirayama
Wikipedia - Uchide Station -- Railway station in Ashiya, HyM-EM-^Mgo Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Vampire Hunter D -- Japanese horror novel series by Hideyuki Kikuchi
Wikipedia - Westhide -- Westhide
Wikipedia - Yasuda Nagahide -- Japanese military commander
Wikipedia - Yasuhide Kurihara -- Japanese Army officer
Wikipedia - Yasuhide Nakayama -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Yoshihide Fukutome -- Japanese modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Yoshihide Muroya
Wikipedia - Yoshihide Ueda -- Japanese sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yoshino Nishide -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - You Cannot Hide -- Mexican-Spanish television series
Wikipedia - Zakir Rashid Bhat -- Hizbul Mujahideen Rebel
Wikipedia - Zinc cadmium phosphide arsenide -- Semiconductor material
Wikipedia - Zinc diphosphide -- Compound of zinc and phosphorus
Hideaki Sorachi ::: Born: May 25, 1979; Occupation: Artist;
Toyotomi Hideyoshi ::: Born: March 17, 1537; Died: September 18, 1598; Occupation: Daimyo;
Hideki Tojo ::: Born: December 30, 1884; Died: December 23, 1948; Occupation: Military Officer;
Hideki Yukawa ::: Born: January 23, 1907; Died: September 8, 1981; Occupation: Physicist;
Hideaki Anno ::: Born: May 22, 1960; Occupation: Animator;
Hideo Kojima ::: Born: August 24, 1963; Occupation: Video Game Designer;
Goodreads author - Hideyuki_Kikuchi
Goodreads author - Hideo_Furukawa
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Wilhide
Goodreads author - Hidenori_Kusaka
Goodreads author - Hidenori_Kumai
selforum - no need to hide it under culture
Dharmapedia - Indian_Mujahideen
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Psychology Wiki - Special:RecentChanges?hideliu=1
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Psychology Wiki - Special:RecentChanges?hidemyself=1
Rugrats (1991 - 2004) - The #2 longest running and second most Popular animated Nickelodeon series ever behind Spongebob Squarepants. The fearless leader of the Rugrats is Tommy Pickles, a resourceful baby who hides a plastic screwdriver in his diaper so that they can leave the pen. His best friend was Chuckie Finster, a f...
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995 - 1996) - Neon Genesis Evangelion (Japanese: VIG@QI Shin Seiki Evangerion) is an anime television series, begun in 1995, directed and written by Hideaki Anno, and produced by Gainax. It takes place in 2015 AD, fifteen years after the catastrophic Second Impact, reportedly caused by a meteor st...
Where's Waldo? (1991 - 1992) - Where's Waldo is about this guy named Waldo that travels all around the world and then he hides in the crowds and then You The Loyal Viewers Must Find Him Before The Clock Runs Out.
The Toxic Crusaders (1991 - 1992) - The cartoon follows roughly the same plot as the films The Toxic Avenger and it's two suceeding sequels. A complete and hopeless nerd, Melvin, falls into toxic waste and becomes Toxie, a hideously deformed mutant of superhuman size and strength. Teaming with other mutants, No-Zone (whose power comes...
My Secret Identity (1988 - 1991) - Teenager Andrew Clements gains superpowers after accidentally getting in the way of Dr. Benjamin Jeffcoate's scientific experiment. Andrew uses his superpowers to help people, but must hide them from his family and friends. With the powers of Invulnerability, Super Speed, and Levitation Andrew fight...
Chobits (2002 - 2002) - Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocon' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chii, an adorable but dyfunctional pers...
Sheep In The Big City (2000 - 2002) - Sheep in the Big City is Cartoon Network's ninth original animated series. The show is a classic livestock-out-of-water story about a sheep named Sheep who runs away from the farm and hides out in the big city to escape the Top Secret Military Organization on his tail. Sheep faces problems like find...
Rawhide (1959 - 1966) - Rawhide is an American Western TV series starring Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood that aired for eight seasons on the CBS network on Friday nights, from January 9, 1959 to September 3, 1965, before moving to Tuesday nights from September 14, 1965 until January 4, 1966, with a total of 217 black-and-...
Kare Kano (1998 - 1999) - anime television series by Gainax,lit. "His and Her Circumstances Directed by Hideaki Anno, the episodes were broadcast in Japan on TV Tokyo from October 1998 to March 1999. It is licensed for distribution in North America by Right Stuf International, which released it as His and Her Circumstances....
Earth: Final Conflict (1997 - 2002) - They are the Companions. Aliens, come to earth on a mission of peace. Their true mission, the secrets they hide, forever alter humanity. In the struggle for our planet, the battle between these Taelon Companions and the Human Resistance, holds the key to Earths future and the fate of mankind. On Ear...
The Xs (2005 - 2006) - The X's was an American animated television series created by Carlos Ramos about a family of spies, who must hide their identity from the outside world, but sometimes have a little trouble in doing so. It premiered on Nickelodeon on November 25, 2005. It was canceled on December 13, 2006
R.O.D the TV (2003 - 2004) - a 26-episode anime television series, animated by J.C.Staff and Studio Deen and produced by Aniplex, directed by Koji Masunari and scripted by Hideyuki Kurata, about the adventures of three paper-manipulating sisters, Michelle, Maggie and Anita, who become the bodyguards of Nenene Sumiregawa, a famo...
Hetalia: Axis Powers (2009 - 2015) - an anime series, by Hidekaz Himaruya. The series' main presentation is as an often over-the-top allegory of political and historic events as well as more general cultural comparisons. Characters are personifications of countries, regions such as Hong Kong and micronations with little reference to ot...
Gun Sword (2005 - Current) - (Japanese:  Hepburn: Gan Sdo, stylized as GUNSWORD), is a Japanese anime television series produced by AIC A.S.T.A. The series is directed by Gor Taniguchi and written by Hideyuki Kurata.The story is set on the "Planet of Endless Illusion", a place where rogues of all sorts gather. The pr...
Magikano (2006 - 2006) - an anime series, directed by Seiji Kishi and written by Hideki Mitsui.also broadcast by Animax, who adapted and dubbed the series into English for broadcast across its English language networks in Southeast Asia and South Asia from February 2007, where the series received its English language premie...
Super Milk-chan (1998 - 2000) - Sp Miruku Chan) is an anime comedy directed by Hideyuki Tanaka and produced by Genco, Suplex, framegraphics and Geneon Entertainment for the 24-hour channel Animax. The show pre-began as 14 eight-minute segment episodes which aired on Fuji Television's Flyer TV block from June 18, 1998 to Septembe...
Onegai My Melody (2006 - 2009) - lit. Please My Melody) is a Japanese anime series produced by Hal Film Maker and Studio Comet, based on the Sanrio character My Melody. The anime is directed by Makoto Moriwaki, who directed High School! Kimengumi The Movie and produced by Hideyuki Kachi and Kazuya Watanabe. The series was written b...
Unsub (1989 - 1989) - As the head of a highly specialized Behavioral Science unit within the U.S. Justice Department charge with the criminal profiling of unknown subjects, John Wesley Grayson (David Soul) is often called upon the uncover the hideous details of multiple-victim murders.
Hickory Hideout (1981 - 1991) - 1980's Cleveland, Ohio based live action children's show that featured humans, and puppets, tackling children's issues of that era. Actress Kathryn Hahn("Crossing Jordan") got her start on this show.
Beauty and the Beast(1991) - Adapted from the public domain and dedicated to the memory of co-songwriter Howard Ashman (1950-1991). Once upon a time, a prince named Adam is cursed by an enchantress disguised as an old woman to become what he is on the inside: a hideous beast. The only way to break the curse is to find someone t...
Gremlins(1984) - Minature green monsters tear through the small town of Kingston Falls. Hijinks ensue as a mild-mannered bank teller releases these hideous loonies after gaining a new pet and violating two of three simple rules: No water (violated), no food after midnight (violated), and no bright light. Hilarious m...
Poltergeist III: The Final Chapter(1988) - Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(1937) - A beautiful girl, Snow White, takes refuge in the forest in the house of seven dwarfs to hide from her stepmother, the wicked Queen. The Queen is jealous because she wants to be known as "the fairest in the land," and Snow White's beauty surpasses her own.
Garfield in Paradise(1986) - Garfield, Jon, and Odie go to Hawaii and find themselves in love under the sun. But things heat up when a volcano's spirit hides in their car and they soon find out the story of how a previous car saved the village they visit. It all results in a race against time. Can the car appease the force of t...
True Lies(1994) - Harry Tasker live a double life counter terrorism task force called The Omega Sector. He hides his life from his family including his wife Helen however Helen begins hiding something from him. Harry thinks Helen is having an affair but it turns out she just wants some excitement in her life. Harry i...
Night of the Demons 3(1997) - A group of young criminals accidentally shoot a police officer. To avoid being arrested they hide out in an abandoned house. When they realize that the house is haunted, they start to wish that they had turned themselves in when they had a chance.
The Master Of Disguise(2002) - In 1979, Fabbarzzio Disguisey, the latest in a line of Italian secret agents and masters of disguise is nearly exposed during a case. For family protection, he decides to hide the fact from his infant son, Pistachio. 23 years later, Pistachio, now a waiter working at the family's Italian restaurant,...
Blue Streak(1999) - Can a crook go straight without really trying? Jewel thief Miles Logan (Martin Lawrence) was being chased by the police after a robbery when he was forced to hide a cache of diamonds, worth $20 million, at a construction site. Despite his caution, Miles ended up behind bars anyway; after serving his...
No Place to Hide(1993) - In this gory thriller, a troubled dancer has just enough time to convince her little sister to hide a videotape before she is stabbed to death by an unseen killer, leaving the surviving sister in grave danger. Fortunately, a cynical but determined cop comes on the case to help her. Sandra Bren...
Legionnaire(1998) - Action hero Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in this globe-trotting adventure set in the 1920s. Van Damme plays Alain, a carefree French playboy who makes the mistake of getting involved with the girlfriend of a notorious Mob kingpin. Running for his life, Alain decides to hide out in a time-tested manne...
Totally F***d Up(1993) - group of gay and lesbian teen characters addresses the camera directly in this pseudo-documentary about the travails of queer adolescence in early-'90s Los Angeles. Andy (James Duval), who hides his sensitive side beneath a nihilistic exterior, really yearns to find a nice boyfriend and settle down...
Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style(2012) - Kelly's grandpa invites the whole clique to his little hotel "The Hideaway" in Hawaii for summer vacation. They expect a marvelous time at the beach - without Belding. Arrived there, the learn quickly that not only Belding's there too, but they also have to help grandpa against the mean capitalist W...
Clean and Sober(1988) - Daryl Pointer (Michael Keaton) is already dealing with alcohol and cocaine issues, but now he has a dead woman in his bed and an accusation of thievery from his employers. He decides to hide out at a rehab facility, but the process helps him change his life.
La Cage Aux Folles II(1980) - The sequel to La Cage Aux Folles has homosexual nightclub owner Renato and his transvestite companion/lover Albin becoming involved with the local cops and foreign spies when Albin unwittingly gets his hands on a role of stolen microfilm. The gay couple then hide out in Renato's native Italy, but fi...
Sweet November(2001) - An advertising exec(Keanu Reeves)falls in love with an eccentric,free spirited woman(Charlize Theron)who hides a tragic secret.
Wheels Of Fire(1985) - The Future is now. There are no rules and no place to hide from the deadly Highway Warriors who ravage the roads in machines of destruction
Who's Minding The Mint"(1967)(1967) - A bumbling account for the US Treasury"Harry Lucas"(Jim Hutton)inadvertedly stuffs several thousands of dollars into a paper sack of lousy tasting fudge..and when he gets home..he dumps both the hideous candy and monies into his garbage disposal..ruining the funds. In need of help to replace the des...
Tom & Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers(2006) - Tom & Jerry are chasing each other upon a pirate ship belonging to Red Pirate Ron and his jolly old crew. It turns out Red is after the legendary Lost Treasure of the Spanish Mane. Tom hides the map leading to the treasure after they crash land on the island so he can find the treasure for himself b...
Shin Godzilla(2016) - Japan is plunged into chaos when a skyscraper-sized lizard monster rises from the deep of Tokyo Bay and lays waste to Tokyo. From director Hideaki Anno, creator of the cult classic anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.
The Christmas Dinosaur(2004) - An animated Christmas story about an 8-year-old boy Jason Barnes who is a dinosaur freak. He receives a petrified dinosaur egg for Christmas and amzingly a real live Pterosaur pops out! He names his new friend Spot. Jason and his brother Tommy first hide the baby dinosaur in their bedroom but it gro...
I Am a Hero(2015) - One day, after returning from work late in the evening, Hideo witnesses a traffic accident in which a car crashes into a nearby pedestrian, killing the victim instantly. However, despite severe injuries including a broken neck, the victim's body stands up and walks away. Hideo questions whether this...
The Accused (1949)(1949) - A beautiful psychology professor tries to hide a self-defense killing.
Rope(1948) - Two young men strangle their "inferior" classmate, hide his body in their apartment, and invite his friends and family to a dinner party as a means to challenge the "perfection" of their crime.
Slaughter's Big Rip-Off(1973) - Vigilante Slaughter comes under attack from Duncan, a local money launderer whose hit-man traps Slaughter in a car at a cliff, but Slaughter escapes, arms himself, and goes after Duncan's hideout.
I Was A Teenage Frankenstein(1957) - Professor Frankenstein, a university lecturer with an alligator pit under his house, steals body parts of dead athletes from the wreckage of a crashed airplane. He builds a hunky male monster with a hideously disfigured face, which goes on a killing spree.
Star Worms II: Attack Of The Pleasure Pods(1985) - Jessup, forced to hide his true identity, is imprisoned on a deadly and desolate planet, the Star Prison. banished to mine rabid rivers for the elusive Fire Gems, Jessup and his men must battle bands of derelict prisoners and fight the fatal fangs of the Star Worms in order to supply the Lords of th...
Out Of Annie's Past(1995) - Annie's got a secret past she's eager to hide from her husband and her family. An iconclastic bounty hunter blackmails her to keep that past a secret. As the stakes increase, though, so do the ruthless and brutal actions of all those involved. Soon, deaths of some major players in the game change th...
The Incredibles(2004) - In the past years, the world's superheroes have been forced to hide their superpowers and blend in as normal civilians. These include the Parr Family, Bob and Helen, both former supers and their kids, Violet and Dashiel(Dash), and toddler Jack-Jack. After losing his job, Bob gets a call to destroy...
Evil Clutch(1988) - The story of a hideous monster who takes the form of a beautiful, seductive woman who in a torrent of special effects, beauty and monster transform into a climax of pure evil. For years this monster woman has cursed a small village, and to this day her deadly grasps holds the peaceful residents in f...
The Ring Two(2005) - The Ring Two is a 2005 American psychological thriller film, and a sequel to the 2002 film The Ring, which was a remake of the 1998 Japanese film Ringu. Hideo Nakata, director of the original Japanese film Ringu, on which the American versions are based, directed this film in place of Gore Verbinski...
Hideous!(1997) - A group of rival collectors of severely deformed freakish human beings and the FBI agents that are investigating them must battle against some of their collections which aren't as dead as they seem...
The Easter Bunny Is Comin' to Town(1977) - The sequel to the hit Christmas tale "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" Fred Astaire returns once again as S.D Kluger who intends to explain the origin of the Easter Bunny, from why people color eggs to why he hides them, as well as who made the first jellybeans and chocolate bunnies.
The Impostors(1998) - In an attempt to resurrect the slapstick comedy of Laurel and Hardy or The Marx Brothers, Stanley Tucci and Oliver Platt team-up as two out-of-work actors who accidentally stowaway on a ship to hide from a drunken, belligerent lead actor who has sworn to kill them for belittling his talents. Of cour...
The Hazing(1977) - A college freshman rushes a fraternity and witnesses another pledge's death during a hazing ritual. He and the other fraternity brothers try to cover up the accident and hide the body.
Oxygen(1999) - A masochistic cop, who hides her predilection from her cop husband, gets involved in pursuing a kidnapper nicknamed Harry for Harry Houdini, who has kidnapped a rich woman and has buried her somewhere in Manhattan while demanding a ransom from her tycoon husband. Failure to pay the ransom within 24...
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of Black Pearl(2003) - As Governor Weatherby Swann, his 12-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, and Lieutenant James Norrington sail to Port Royal, Jamaica, their vessel encounters a burning shipwreck with an unconscious survivor, the young Will Turner. Elizabeth hides a gold medallion that Will is wearing, fearing it will ident...
The Illustrated Man(1969) - A man, whose body is almost completely covered in tattoos, is looking for the woman who drew all the intricate designs on him. Each tattoo hides a futuristic story, which you experience when you stare at it. Written
The Curse Of The Fly(1965) - The Delambre family are still trying to perfect their invention,a teleportation device.As a result,of their failure,people are being transformed into hideous mutants.The final film of"The Fly" trilogy.
Treasure Planet(2002) - he film's prologue depicts Jim Hawkins as a five-year-old (voiced by Austin Majors) reading a storybook in bed. Jim is enchanted by stories of the legendary pirate Captain Flint and his ability to appear from nowhere, raid passing ships, and disappear in order to hide the loot on the mysterious "Tre...
Godzilla (Gojira)(1954) - In Ishir Honda's 1954 classic, nuclear tests unleash the unstoppable radioactive beast known as "Gojira", or "Godzilla", upon Japan's major cities. In order to stop the creature's colossal rampage, ship captain Hideto Ogata, paleontologist Kyohei Yamane, his daughter Emiko, and Dr. Daisuke Serizawa...
Beowulf(2007) - Beowulf is a brave legendary Geatish warrior who travels to Denmark alongside his band of soldiers, which include his best friend, Wiglaf, in answer to the call of King Hrothgar, who needs a hero to slay a monster called Grendel, a hideously disfigured troll-like creature with superhuman strength, w...
Houseboat Horror(1989) - A film crew go with a rock band to a lake to make a film clip while staying on a houseboat, not knowing that a hideously disfigured, deranged murderer is at large and is following them. Once there, he commences murdering the film crew one by one in grisly ways.
Club Dread(2004) - When a serial killer interrupts the fun at the swanky Coconut Pete's Coconut Beach Resort--a hedonistic island paradise for swingers--it's up to the club's staff to stop the violence...or at least hide it.
The Wrong Guy(1997) - After his boss is murdered, Nelson is on the run for fear of prosecution. He hides out in a small town to avoid the police, which should be easy because they know he didn't do it and they aren't looking for him.
China Moon(1994) - Detective Kyle Bodine falls for Rachel Munro who is trapped in a violent marriage. After shooting her husband, Kyle reluctantly agrees to help hide the body, but Kyle's partner is showing an unusual flair for finding clues.
The Stunt Man(1980) - A fugitive stumbles on a movie set just when they need a new stunt man, takes the job as a way to hide out and falls for the leading lady.
The Wind Rises(2013) - A lifelong love of flight inspires Japanese aviation engineer Jiro Horikoshi (Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion and director of Shin Godzilla), whose storied career includes the creation of the A6M World War II fighter plane.
Ready or Not(2019) - Grace has just gotten married to Alex LeDomas and joined his familys gaming "dominion". On the night of their wedding, Alexs family has Grace join their tradition of playing a game. She draws a card for Hide and Seek, and she is told she must stay hidden until dawn. Grace soon learns that the fami...
The Danger Zone(1987) - Six girls are on their way to Las Vegas to sing in a TV competition, but when their car breaks down, their only choice is to walk to a town they see in the distance. Little do they know that this ghost town is the hideout of a gang of drug dealing bikers. The bikers hold the girls captive, and only... --
American Psycho (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 14 April 2000 (USA) -- A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves deeper into his violent, hedonistic fantasies. Director: Mary Harron Writers:
Aoi Bungaku Series ::: 22min | Animation, Drama, History | TV Mini-Series (2009- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Aoi Bungaku Series Poster Aoi Bungaku is a 12 episode anime series that is comprised of adaptations of six Japanese literary classics. The stories included are 'No Longer Human' and 'Run, Melos!' by Osamu Dazai, 'In... S Stars: Aya End, Aya Hisakawa, Hidenobu Kiuchi
Beauty and the Beast (1991) ::: 8.0/10 -- G | 1h 24min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 22 November 1991 (USA) -- A prince cursed to spend his days as a hideous monster sets out to regain his humanity by earning a young woman's love. Directors: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise Writers: Linda Woolverton (animation screenplay by), Brenda Chapman (story by) |
Black Box ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama | TV Series (2014) -- Catherine Black, a famed neuroscientist with a job at the Center for Neurological Research and Treatment, struggles with mental illness. However, this is just one of the many secrets she hides from her fianc and her family. Creator:
Chobits ::: TV-14 | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20022003) -- Hideki finds the discarded and malfunctioning Persocom Chi, a personal computer that looks like a girl. While trying to fix and care for Chi, Hideki discovers that she might be a Chobits, a robot of urban legend that has free will. Stars:
Da 5 Bloods (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 34min | Adventure, Drama, War | 12 June 2020 (USA) -- Four African-American vets battle the forces of man and nature when they return to Vietnam seeking the remains of their fallen squad leader and the gold fortune he helped them hide. Director: Spike Lee Writers:
Dark Water (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- Honogurai mizu no soko kara (original title) -- Dark Water Poster A mother and her 6 year old daughter move into a creepy apartment whose every surface is permeated by water. Director: Hideo Nakata Writers: Kji Suzuki (novel), Ken'ichi Suzuki (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Detective Conan ::: Meitantei Conan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996 ) -- The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy but must hide his true mental development. Creator:
Edges of the Lord (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 12 October 2001 (Poland) -- A twelve-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis. Director: Yurek Bogayevicz Writer: Yurek Bogayevicz Stars:
From Beyond the Grave (1974) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Fantasy, Horror | 7 November 1975 (USA) -- An anthology of four short horror stories revolving around a mysterious antique shop owner and his antique pieces, each of which hides a deadly secret. Director: Kevin Connor Writers:
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20142018) -- Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who hides her recent separation as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles. Creator:
Gossip Girl ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Romance | TV Series (20072012) -- Privileged teens living on the Upper East Side of New York can hide no secret from the ruthless blogger who is always watching. Creators: Stephanie Savage, Josh Schwartz
Hemlock Grove ::: TV-MA | 46min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (20132015) -- Secrets are just part of daily life in the small Pennsylvania town of Hemlock Grove, where the darkest evils hide in plain sight. Creators: Brian McGreevy, Lee Shipman
Hiding Out (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 November 1987 (USA) -- A stockbroker on the run from the mob decides to hide out from them by enrolling as a student in high school. Director: Bob Giraldi Writers: Joe Menosky, Jeff Rothberg
Laggies (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 24 October 2014 (USA) -- In the throes of a quarter-life crisis, Megan panics when her boyfriend proposes, then, taking an opportunity to escape for a week, hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year-old Annika, who lives with her world-weary single dad. Director: Lynn Shelton Writer:
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- Shin seiki Evangelion Gekij-ban: Shito shinsei (original title) -- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth Poster -- A recap of the first 24 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, followed by a 30-minute continuation of the plot that would later form the first third of The End of Evangelion. Directors: Hideaki Anno, Masayuki | 1 more credit Writers:
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (1997) ::: 8.1/10 -- Shin seiki Evangelion Gekij-ban: Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni (original -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Animation, Action, Drama | 2005 (Germany) Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion Poster -- Concurrent theatrical ending of the TV series Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995). Directors: Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki Writer:
Peyton Place (1957) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 37min | Drama, Romance | 3 March 1958 (Sweden) -- A peaceful New England town hides secrets and scandals. Director: Mark Robson Writers: John Michael Hayes (screenplay), Grace Metalious (from the novel by)
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019) -- Everything about the town of Beacon Heights seems perfect, but in the aftermath of the town's first murder, behind every Perfectionist hides secrets, lies and much needed alibies. Creator:
Rawhide ::: TV-PG | 50min | Western | TV Series (19591965) -- Gil Favor is trail boss of a continuous cattle drive. He is assisted by Rowdy Yates. The crew runs into characters and adventures along the way. Creator:
Run Hide Fight (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 49min | Action, Thriller | 14 January 2021 (Canada) -- 17-year-old Zoe Hull uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life, and those of her fellow classmates, against a group of live-streaming school shooters. Director: Kyle Rankin Writer:
Secrets and Lies ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20152016) -- Each series, a detective focuses on the prime suspect in a murder case; but everyone has something to hide. Creator: Barbie Kligman
Shin Godzilla (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- Shin Gojira (original title) -- Shin Godzilla Poster -- Japan is plunged into chaos upon the appearance of a giant monster. Directors: Hideaki Anno, Shinji Higuchi (co-director) Writers: Hideaki Anno, Sean Whitley
The Cement Garden (1993) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama | 11 February 1994 (USA) -- Four children live with their terminally ill mother. After she dies, they try to hold things together. In their isolated house, they begin to deteriorate mentally, whilst they hide their mom's decomposing corpse in a makeshift concrete sarcophagus. Director: Andrew Birkin Writers: Andrew Birkin, Ian McEwan (novel)
The Last Seduction (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 26 October 1994 (USA) -- A devious sexpot steals her husband's drug money and hides out in a small town where she meets the perfect dupe for her next scheme. Director: John Dahl Writer: Steve Barancik
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) ::: 9.4/10 -- Zeruda no densetsu: Buresu obu za wairudo (original title) -- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Poster -- After a century of hibernation, Link reawakens to once again save a ruined Hyrule from a great evil. Directors: Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Hiroki Hirano | 1 more credit Writer:
The Major and the Minor (1942) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Comedy, Romance | 24 December 1942 (Mexico) -- A frustrated city girl disguises herself as a youngster in order to get a cheaper train ticket home. But little "Sue Sue" finds herself in a whole heap of grown-up trouble when she hides out in a compartment with a handsome Major. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
The Man with the Iron Heart (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- HHhH (original title) -- The Man with the Iron Heart Poster As the German Fascists expand their borders, scorching Europe from end to end, two brave Czechs of the Resistance prepare for a suicide mission to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, the hideous mastermind behind the "Final Solution". Director: Cdric Jimenez Writers: Laurent Binet (based on the novel by), David Farr (screenplay by) | 2
The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Comedy, Drama, War | 27 February 1970 (Finland) -- During WWII in Italy, a wine producing village hide a million bottles from the Germans Director: Stanley Kramer Writers: Robert Crichton (novel), William Rose (screenplay by) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Stunt Man (1980) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Action, Comedy, Drama | 27 June 1980 (USA) -- A fugitive stumbles on a movie set just when they need a new stunt man, takes the job as a way to hide out and falls for the leading lady. Director: Richard Rush Writers: Lawrence B. Marcus (screenplay), Richard Rush (adaptation) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Unknown (1927) ::: 7.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 3min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 4 June 1927 (USA) -- A criminal on the run hides in a circus and seeks to possess the daughter of the ringmaster at any cost. Director: Tod Browning Writers: Tod Browning (story), Waldemar Young (scenario) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Wrong Guy (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Thriller | 1 August 1997 (Canada) -- After his boss is murdered, Nelson is on the run for fear of prosecution. He hides out in a small town to avoid the police, which should be easy because they know he didn't do it and they aren't looking for him. Director: David Steinberg Writers: Dave Foley, David Anthony Higgins (as David Higgins) | 1 more credit
Throne of Blood (1957) ::: 8.1/10 -- Kumonosu-j (original title) -- Throne of Blood Poster A war-hardened general, egged on by his ambitious wife, works to fulfill a prophecy that he would become lord of Spider's Web Castle. Director: Akira Kurosawa Writers: Hideo Oguni (screenplay), Shinobu Hashimoto (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) ::: 7.5/10 -- G | 2h 24min | Action, Drama, History | 23 September 1970 (USA) -- The story of the 1941 Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, and the series of preceding American blunders that aggravated its effectiveness. Directors: Richard Fleischer, Kinji Fukasaku | 2 more credits Writers: Larry Forrester (screenplay), Hideo Oguni (screenplay) | 3 more
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | 28 September 2001 (USA) -- When a girl is abducted by a vampire, a legendary bounty hunter is hired to bring her back. Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri Writers: Hideyuki Kikuchi (novel), Yoshiaki Kawajiri (screenplay) | 2 more
We're No Angels (1955) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 46min | Comedy, Crime, Romance | 8 September 1955 -- We're No Angels Poster -- Three Devil's Island escapees hide out in the house of a kindly merchant and repay his kindness by helping him and his family out of several crises. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers:
Wicked City (1987) ::: 6.8/10 -- Yj toshi (original title) -- (USA) Wicked City Poster Two agents, a lady-killer human and a voluptuous demon, attempt to protect a signatory to a peace treaty between the human world and the demon world from radicalized demons. Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri Writers: Hideyuki Kikuchi (novel) (as Hideyuki Kikuti), Yoshiaki Kawajiri's_Hideout's_Hide's_Hideout's_Hideout's_Hideout?"/>'s_Father've_Got_to_Hide_Your_Liv_Away's_Hide"/>'s_Hide's_Hideaway's_Hideout's_Hideout's_Hide's_Hide_(Blades)'s_Hide_(Skyrim)'s_Hideout'_Hideout's_Hideout's_Hideout's_hideaway's_hideout"You_can't_hide_forever,_Elsa!"'s_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide's_Hide'Bhu_Hideousmask'_Hideout's_Hide's_Hideout's_hideous_laughter's_uncontrollable_hideous_laughter've_Got_To_Hide_Your_Love_Away've_Got_to_Hide_Your_Love_Away's_Dark_Outside!"/>,_Leathers,_Pelts,_and_Skins's_Hideout's_Mansion_Wiki:Hider_and_Seek's_Hideaway's_species's_Hideout's_hideout's_hideous_laughter's_Secret's_hideout's_hideout's_Hideout'bo's_Hideout
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page -- Bundled with the limited edition 15th volume of the manga. -- -- Chapters adapted -- 1. Volume 10, Chapter 41: Shirayuki to Zen, Hajimete no Joukamachi Date (白雪とゼン、はじめての城下町デート) -- 2. Volume 7, Special Chapter: Raji Ouji Youshou no Migiri (ラジ王子幼少のみぎり) -- 3. Volume 11, Special Chapter: Hajimari no Zen & Mitsuhide & Kiki (始まりのゼン&ミツヒデ&木� -- ) -- OVA - Jan 5, 2016 -- 60,473 7.71
Anime Tenchou -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Parody -- Anime Tenchou Anime Tenchou -- This is the Animation Store Manager!! -- -- Anime Tenchou is a CM character for Animate, one of Japan's biggest retailer of anime, games, and manga. The character series was created by Shimamoto Kazuhiko for publicity purposes. Later adapted into a manga, a weekly radio drama and this OVA animated by GAINAX and directed by Anno Hideaki. -- -- Anizawa Meito is the blazing store manager. He is a fireball who loves animation merchandise at heart. He takes over the dying wish of the former store manager, though still alive, who was attacked by the rival store and becomes a “store manager” of newly opened animation goods specialty store, Animate. The scarlet, “store manager visor” is his trademark. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 19, 2002 -- 9,501 6.04
Aoi Bungaku Series -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Drama Historical Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Aoi Bungaku Series Aoi Bungaku Series -- Ningen Shikkaku -- A high school student seeks solace in narcotics to escape the dispiritedness that has come over his life. As he goes through the different stages of his life, it culminates in the questioning of his existence in the world. -- -- Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita -- The adaptation of Ango Sakaguchi's literary work deals with the love story of a woman abducted by a mountain bandit. -- -- Kokoro -- While trying to fill the void in his life, a university student in Tokyo encounters a charismatic older man, whom he addresses as "Sensei," who offers him advice on life. However, the man is apprehensive to share his life experience, deepening the student's curiosity. Through this peculiar relationship, the student comes to ponder about the distance between him and his family and the growing desolation in his heart filled with ego and guilt. -- -- Hashire, Melos! -- The story portrays the unbreakable bond between two friends, Melos and Selinuntius, and their faith in protecting each other, all while dangling on a thread which hovers over death and misery. -- -- Kumo no Ito -- Kandata is a coldhearted criminal who, while being punished in Hell for his misdeeds, is noticed by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Despite maintaining a record of committing ruthless atrocities, Kandata had once shown mercy to a spider he encountered in the forest by letting it live. Moved by this, Shakyamuni offers him redemption by dropping a spider's thread into the searing pits of Hell, and it is up to Kandata to seize the opportunity. -- -- Jigokuhen -- Yoshihide is a great painter in the land ruled by Horikawa, a tyrant. Offered a commission to paint the "Buddhist Hell" by the lord, Yoshihide declines, as he cannot paint anything he has not witnessed himself. In an attempt to make Yoshihide understand the magnitude of his request, the lord tortures his subjects to provide inspiration for the artist, descending his domain into utter despair and darkness. -- -- TV - Oct 11, 2009 -- 174,861 7.74
Aoki Uru -- -- Gaina -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Aoki Uru Aoki Uru -- In March 1992, Gainax had begun planning and production of an anime movie called Aoki Uru ("Blue Uru"), which was to be a sequel to Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise set 50 years later, which, like Oritsu, would follow a group of fighter pilots. -- -- Production would eventually cease in July 1993: a full-length anime movie was just beyond Gainax's financial ability; many of its core businesses were shutting down or producing minimal amounts of money. -- -- At the 2013 Tokyo Anime Fair, Gainax announced that they are finally producing the Blue Uru film with Honneamise veterans Hiroyuki Yamaga as the director and screenwriter and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto as the character designer, but without Hideaki Anno's involvement in the project. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- -- It was announced that Aoki Uru will premiere worldwide in 2018. -- -- A short titled "Overture," created by a newly launched Uru in Blue LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in Singapore, will be pre-streamed worldwide in Spring 2015. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Set to air in 2022. -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 5,423 N/AFull Metal Panic! Movie 1: Boy Meets Girl -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Full Metal Panic! Movie 1: Boy Meets Girl Full Metal Panic! Movie 1: Boy Meets Girl -- Shikidouji, the illustrator of Shoji Gatoh's Full Metal Panic! light novel series, revealed that production has been green-lit on a "director's cut" version of the first Full Metal Panic!! television anime series from 2002. The director's cut will consist of three films. The announcement does not state if the film trilogy will add new footage. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Nov 25, 2017 -- 5,240 6.89
Azumanga Daioh -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Azumanga Daioh Azumanga Daioh -- Chiyo Mihama begins her high school career as one of the strangest students in her freshman class—a tiny, 10-year-old academic prodigy with a fondness for plush dolls and homemade cooking. But her homeroom teacher, Yukari Tanizaki, is the kind of person who would hijack a student's bike to avoid being late, so "strange" is a relative word. -- -- There certainly isn't a shortage of peculiar girls in Yukari-sensei's homeroom class. Accompanying Chiyo are students like Tomo Takino, an energetic tomboy with more enthusiasm than brains; Koyomi Mizuhara, Tomo's best friend whose temper has a fuse shorter than Chiyo; and Sakaki, a tall, athletic beauty whose intimidating looks hide a gentle personality and a painful obsession with cats. In addition, transfer student Ayumu Kasuga, a girl with her head stuck in the clouds, fits right in with the rest of the girls—and she has a few interesting theories about Chiyo's pigtails! -- -- Together, this lovable group of girls experience the ups and downs of school life, their many adventures filled with constant laughter, surreal absurdity, and occasionally even touching commentary on the bittersweet, temporal nature of high school. -- -- 268,177 7.97
Azumanga Daioh -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Azumanga Daioh Azumanga Daioh -- Chiyo Mihama begins her high school career as one of the strangest students in her freshman class—a tiny, 10-year-old academic prodigy with a fondness for plush dolls and homemade cooking. But her homeroom teacher, Yukari Tanizaki, is the kind of person who would hijack a student's bike to avoid being late, so "strange" is a relative word. -- -- There certainly isn't a shortage of peculiar girls in Yukari-sensei's homeroom class. Accompanying Chiyo are students like Tomo Takino, an energetic tomboy with more enthusiasm than brains; Koyomi Mizuhara, Tomo's best friend whose temper has a fuse shorter than Chiyo; and Sakaki, a tall, athletic beauty whose intimidating looks hide a gentle personality and a painful obsession with cats. In addition, transfer student Ayumu Kasuga, a girl with her head stuck in the clouds, fits right in with the rest of the girls—and she has a few interesting theories about Chiyo's pigtails! -- -- Together, this lovable group of girls experience the ups and downs of school life, their many adventures filled with constant laughter, surreal absurdity, and occasionally even touching commentary on the bittersweet, temporal nature of high school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 268,177 7.97
Azur Lane -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Azur Lane Azur Lane -- When the "Sirens," an alien force with an arsenal far surpassing the limits of current technology, suddenly appeared, a divided humanity stood in complete solidarity for the first time. Four countries—Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—formed Azur Lane, paving the way for the improvement of modern warfare, which led to an initial victory against the common threat. However, this tenuous union was threatened by opposing ideals, dividing the alliance into two. Sakura Empire and Iron Blood broke away and formed the Red Axis, and humanity became fragmented once again. -- -- As a seasoned and experienced fighter, the "Grey Ghost" Enterprise shoulders Azur Lane's hope for ending the war. But behind her stoic persona hides a frail girl, afraid of the ocean. Even so, she continues to fight as she believes that it's the only purpose for her existence. Meanwhile, Javelin, Laffey, and Unicorn—three ships from the union—stumble upon Ayanami, a spy from the Red Axis. Strange as it may seem, they try to befriend her, but as enemies, their efforts are for naught. Still, they persevere in hopes of succeeding one day. -- -- Amidst the neverending conflict within humankind, the keys that could unite a fragmented race might exist: a soldier coming to terms with her mysterious personality and camaraderie between those with different ideals. -- -- 112,848 6.27
Azur Lane -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Azur Lane Azur Lane -- When the "Sirens," an alien force with an arsenal far surpassing the limits of current technology, suddenly appeared, a divided humanity stood in complete solidarity for the first time. Four countries—Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—formed Azur Lane, paving the way for the improvement of modern warfare, which led to an initial victory against the common threat. However, this tenuous union was threatened by opposing ideals, dividing the alliance into two. Sakura Empire and Iron Blood broke away and formed the Red Axis, and humanity became fragmented once again. -- -- As a seasoned and experienced fighter, the "Grey Ghost" Enterprise shoulders Azur Lane's hope for ending the war. But behind her stoic persona hides a frail girl, afraid of the ocean. Even so, she continues to fight as she believes that it's the only purpose for her existence. Meanwhile, Javelin, Laffey, and Unicorn—three ships from the union—stumble upon Ayanami, a spy from the Red Axis. Strange as it may seem, they try to befriend her, but as enemies, their efforts are for naught. Still, they persevere in hopes of succeeding one day. -- -- Amidst the neverending conflict within humankind, the keys that could unite a fragmented race might exist: a soldier coming to terms with her mysterious personality and camaraderie between those with different ideals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 112,848 6.27
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!: Mahou Hideyoshi Hideyoshi -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!: Mahou Hideyoshi Hideyoshi Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!: Mahou Hideyoshi Hideyoshi -- A short special included on the second volume of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! Blu-ray/DVD release. -- Special - Oct 26, 2011 -- 21,634 7.10
Banana Fish -- -- MAPPA -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Shoujo -- Banana Fish Banana Fish -- Aslan Jade Callenreese, known as Ash Lynx, was a runaway picked off the streets of New York City and raised by the infamous godfather of the mafia, Dino Golzine. Now 17 years old and the boss of his own gang, Ash begins investigating the mysterious "Banana Fish"—the same two words his older brother, Griffin, has muttered since his return from the Iraq War. However, his inquiries are hindered when Dino sends his men after Ash at an underground bar he uses as a hideout. -- -- At the bar, Skip, Ash's friend, introduces him to Shunichi Ibe and his assistant, Eiji Okumura, who are Japanese photographers reporting on American street gangs. However, their conversation is interrupted when Shorter Wong, one of Ash's allies, calls to warn him about Dino. Soon, Dino's men storm the bar, and in the ensuing chaos kidnap Skip and Eiji. Now, Ash must find a way to rescue them and continue his investigation into Banana Fish, but will his history with the mafia prevent him from succeeding? -- -- 472,678 8.48
Battle Royal High School -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Super Power Demons Supernatural Martial Arts -- Battle Royal High School Battle Royal High School -- Hyoudo Riki is just an ordinary guy who likes to wear a tiger mask while Kung-Fu fighting, which means he fits in real well at BATTLE ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL! -- -- Unfortunately for Riki, he`s the doppleganger in our world of Byoudo, Master of the Dark Realm, and when a dimensional gate opens between the two worlds, the evil Fairy Master tricks Byoudo into making an attempt to conquer our beautiful, and better lit, world. -- -- Now poor Riki is semi-possessed by his opposite number, and the minions of the Fairy Master are mutating his classmates into hideous lustful monsters. To make matters worse, all the inter-dimensional commotion has attracted the attention of a sword-happy exorcist and the heroic Zankan of the Space-Time Police! -- -- Which all means that Riki is about to take one bitch of a mid-term. The course is survival, and forget "Pass/Fail". The test is graded "Live/Die". -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - Dec 10, 1987 -- 5,964 5.56
Battle Royal High School -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Super Power Demons Supernatural Martial Arts -- Battle Royal High School Battle Royal High School -- Hyoudo Riki is just an ordinary guy who likes to wear a tiger mask while Kung-Fu fighting, which means he fits in real well at BATTLE ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL! -- -- Unfortunately for Riki, he`s the doppleganger in our world of Byoudo, Master of the Dark Realm, and when a dimensional gate opens between the two worlds, the evil Fairy Master tricks Byoudo into making an attempt to conquer our beautiful, and better lit, world. -- -- Now poor Riki is semi-possessed by his opposite number, and the minions of the Fairy Master are mutating his classmates into hideous lustful monsters. To make matters worse, all the inter-dimensional commotion has attracted the attention of a sword-happy exorcist and the heroic Zankan of the Space-Time Police! -- -- Which all means that Riki is about to take one bitch of a mid-term. The course is survival, and forget "Pass/Fail". The test is graded "Live/Die". -- OVA - Dec 10, 1987 -- 5,964 5.56
Beastars -- -- Orange -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Shounen -- Beastars Beastars -- In a civilized society of anthropomorphic animals, an uneasy tension exists between carnivores and herbivores. At Cherryton Academy, this mutual distrust peaks after a predation incident results in the death of Tem, an alpaca in the school's drama club. Tem's friend Legoshi, a grey wolf in the stage crew, has been an object of fear and suspicion for his whole life. In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, he continues to lay low and hide his menacing traits, much to the disapproval of Louis, a red deer and the domineering star actor of the drama club. -- -- When Louis sneaks into the auditorium to train Tem's replacement for an upcoming play, he assigns Legoshi to lookout duty. That very night, Legoshi has a fateful encounter with Haru, a white dwarf rabbit scorned by her peers. His growing feelings for Haru, complicated by his predatory instincts, force him to confront his own true nature, the circumstances surrounding the death of his friend, and the undercurrent of violence plaguing the world around him. -- -- 525,888 8.00
Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) -- -- Madhouse -- 18 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Mystery Horror -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) -- Hushed exchanges among the female student populace of Shinyo Academy center around an enigmatic supernatural entity. This entity is Boogiepop, a Shinigami who is rumored to murder people at the height of their beauty before their allure wanes. Few know of his true nature: a guardian who, between periods of dormancy, manifests as the alter ego of a high school girl named Touka Miyashita to fend off "the enemies of the world." Now, a string of mysterious disappearances—presumed by the school to be merely runaways—has caused Boogiepop to awaken. But somewhere in the academy, a menacing creature hides, waiting for its opportune moment to strike. -- -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai subtly explores the intrinsic associations between human beings and their perception of time, while delving into its characters' complex relationships, emotions, memories, and pasts. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 173,602 7.09
Born by Myself -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological -- Born by Myself Born by Myself -- A dark surreal film of several creatures metamorphorphing inside a room. A stop motion animation film from the minds of Kobayashi Masahide and Keita Funamoto of The Village of Marchen -- ONA - ??? ??, 2005 -- 2,069 3.24
Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Shounen -- Buzzer Beater 2nd Season Buzzer Beater 2nd Season -- After being drafted into the Earth Team, a basketball team comprised solely of humans, street-punk-turned-pro Hideyoshi couldn't be more cocky. The team is still up against the Gorons, a physically superior race of aliens who have dominated the game for some time. New challenges and problems stand in their way. Hideyoshi is unhappy with the team and the Gorons have new tricks up their sleeves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 7,573 6.82
Change!! Getter Robo: Sekai Saigo no Hi -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- - -- Action Psychological Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Horror Shounen -- Change!! Getter Robo: Sekai Saigo no Hi Change!! Getter Robo: Sekai Saigo no Hi -- Dr. Saotome returns from the dead after being seemingly murdered by Getter pilot Nagare Ryoma and threatens the world with his ultimate creation: the Shin Dragon. Ryoma reluctantly teams up with his former co-pilots Jin Hayato and Tomoe Mushashi to combat Dr. Saotome. The pilots must also deal with the mysterious Invaders, aliens that have the ability to possess humans and warp their flesh to form hideous creatures. -- -- (Source: Nihon Review) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- OVA - Aug 25, 1998 -- 11,345 7.68
Chobits -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Seinen -- Chobits Chobits -- When computers start to look like humans, can love remain the same? -- -- Hideki Motosuwa is a young country boy who is studying hard to get into college. Coming from a poor background, he can barely afford the expenses, let alone the newest fad: Persocoms, personal computers that look exactly like human beings. One evening while walking home, he finds an abandoned Persocom. After taking her home and managing to activate her, she seems to be defective, as she can only say one word, "Chii," which eventually becomes her name. Unlike other Persocoms, however, Chii cannot download information onto her hard drive, so Hideki decides to teach her about the world the old-fashioned way, while studying for his college entrance exams at the same time. -- -- Along with his friends, Hideki tries to unravel the mystery of Chii, who may be a "Chobit," an urban legend about special units that have real human emotions and thoughts, and love toward their owner. But can romance flourish between a Persocom and a human? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 410,390 7.43
Comet Lucifer -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Mecha -- Comet Lucifer Comet Lucifer -- In the world of Gift, the bowels of the planet hide a highly sought after crystalline substance known as Giftium. A young boy on Gift named Sougo Amagi inherited his interest in Giftium from his mother, a researcher. As an inhabitant of Garden Indigo, a small and prosperous miner's town, Sougo has many opportunities to forage and collect rare crystals that can only be found there. -- -- However, the most exciting treasure that Sougo discovers is not a crystal, but a person. After being pulled into a school quarrel, he plummets into the deep caverns of an old mine. There, in the abysmal depths of the earth, Felia—an enigmatic girl with red eyes and blue hair—emerges from a large crystal. Through this strange first encounter, bonds of friendship are formed between Felia and Sougo. But Felia is being pursued by a secret organization that aims to use her powers for their own benefit, and Sougo and his friends must help her, all while discovering the true nature of this girl from the crystal. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,220 5.85
Crayon Shin-chan -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Crayon Shin-chan -- There is no such thing as an uneventful day in the life of kindergartener Shinnosuke "Shin-chan" Nohara. The five-year-old is a cut above the most troublesome, perverted, and shameless kid one can imagine. Shin-chan is almost always engaged in questionable activities such as forgetting about a friend during hide and seek, sumo wrestling for love, performing various gags including the notorious "elephant" in public, and flirting with college girls. The exemplary troublemaker has done it all and has no plans to stop anytime soon. -- -- Crayon Shin-chan follows the daily shenanigans of Shin-chan with his group of friends, parading around as the self-proclaimed "Kasukabe Defense Force." The adults witnessing these shenanigans unfold can't help but adore Shin-chan, as he keeps them entertained while unintentionally solving their daily troubles through his mindless antics—leaving himself as the only problem they do not know what to do with. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 60,098 7.69
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- Roaming the halls of the all-boys Sanada North High School are three close comrades: the eccentric ringleader with a hyperactive imagination Hidenori, the passionate Yoshitake, and the rational and prudent Tadakuni. Their lives are filled with giant robots, true love, and intense drama... in their colorful imaginations, at least. In reality, they are just an everyday trio of ordinary guys trying to pass the time, but who said everyday life couldn't be interesting? Whether it's an intricate RPG reenactment or an unexpected romantic encounter on the riverbank at sunset, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is rife with bizarre yet hilariously relatable situations that are anything but mundane. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 621,146 8.27
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials -- The original gag comedy manga follows the humorous yet "realistic" everyday life of Tadakuni, Hidenori, Yoshitake, and other students at a boys' high school. -- -- This entry refers to the unaired episodes released on the DVDs and BDs. The pre-air specials were all included in the TV series and are not listed separately on MAL. -- -- Episode 1: High School Boys and Ideals -- Episode 2: High School Boys and Loneliness -- Episode 3: High School Boys and Zippers -- Episode 4: High School Boys and Tricks -- Episode 5: High School Boys and Hiccups -- Episode 6: High School Boys and Consideration -- Special - Apr 3, 2012 -- 108,243 7.85
Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Detective Conan -- Shinichi Kudou, a high school student of astounding talent in detective work, is well known for having solved several challenging cases. One day, when Shinichi spots two suspicious men and decides to follow them, he inadvertently becomes witness to a disturbing illegal activity. Unfortunately, he is caught in the act, so the men dose him with an experimental drug formulated by their criminal organization, leaving him to his death. However, to his own astonishment, Shinichi lives to see another day, but now in the body of a seven-year-old child. -- -- Perfectly preserving his original intelligence, he hides his real identity from everyone, including his childhood friend Ran Mouri and her father, private detective Kogorou Mouri. To this end, he takes on the alias of Conan Edogawa, inspired by the mystery writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa. -- -- Detective Conan follows Shinichi who, as Conan, starts secretly solving the senior Mouri's cases from behind the scenes with his still exceptional sleuthing skills, while covertly investigating the organization responsible for his current state, hoping to reverse the drug's effects someday. -- -- 262,623 8.16
Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- Fifteen years ago in a barren stretch of the Pacific, a cruise ship collided with an iceberg and was lost at sea. More than a decade later, Hideto Yashiro—a ship engineer—died in a fatal car accident. The unlikely connection between these events only comes to light on the luxury liner St. Aphrodite during her maiden voyage. -- -- Aboard it on a much needed vacation, Kogorou Mouri, his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boys enjoy a trip provided by Sonoko Suzuki's family. But their fun is soon cut short when a game of hide-and-seek leads to Sonoko's disappearance. Some time later, the CEO of the Yashiro group, who built the St. Aphrodite, is found stabbed to death and her father missing. While the police's investigation turns to a dead end, Conan closes in on the culprit. Unwilling to be apprehended, the culprit threatens to blow up the St. Aphrodite and sink all her passengers. -- -- As the ship's hull rapidly fills with water, the truth behind the vengeful murders is finally revealed. With no place to escape, Conan and Kogorou must wrestle with the elusive culprit before everyone on board is dragged to the ocean floor. -- -- Movie - Apr 9, 2005 -- 39,039 7.81
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- -- Yumeta Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- As the Chosen Children and their partner Digimon live happily together in the human world, Taichi Yagami and Yamato Ishida, alongside their friends, dedicate themselves to maintaining this hard-earned peace. Though united by this innate responsibility, each one has already started to take their first steps toward a future beyond being a Chosen Child. -- -- However, this new journey is interrupted by the appearance of Menoa Bellucci, an American professor specializing in Digimon research. She bears news of several Chosen Children from around the world being found comatose, with their partner Digimon nowhere to be found. Menoa's investigations indicate that a new breed of Digimon is behind the alarming phenomenon: Eosmon, who hides within the internet's depths. -- -- To succeed in this mission, the team must endeavor through the growing distance between them and band together one last time. -- -- Movie - Feb 21, 2020 -- 26,274 8.19
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- Emperor Chiaotzu's wife has gone missing, and he is told by Master Shen that if he collects the seven dragon balls he can call upon the eternal dragon and wish for her return. Meanwhile, Goku and Krillin attend the World Martial Arts Tournament, which is hosted by the Emperor; Bora and his son Upa attempt to hide the dragon ball they found from the emperor's forces, which are under the control of the evil Shen and General Tao; and Bulma conducts her own search for the dragon balls with the help of Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. -- -- (Source: Written by page8701 from IMDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 9, 1988 -- 45,128 6.86
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- Emperor Chiaotzu's wife has gone missing, and he is told by Master Shen that if he collects the seven dragon balls he can call upon the eternal dragon and wish for her return. Meanwhile, Goku and Krillin attend the World Martial Arts Tournament, which is hosted by the Emperor; Bora and his son Upa attempt to hide the dragon ball they found from the emperor's forces, which are under the control of the evil Shen and General Tao; and Bulma conducts her own search for the dragon balls with the help of Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. -- -- (Source: Written by page8701 from IMDB) -- Movie - Jul 9, 1988 -- 45,128 6.86
Dwaeji-ui Wang -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological Drama Thriller Seinen -- Dwaeji-ui Wang Dwaeji-ui Wang -- After his business goes bankrupt, 30-something Kyung-Min (Oh Jung-Se) kills his wife impulsively. Hiding his anger, he seeks out his former middle school classmate Jong-Suk (Yang Ik-June). Jong-Suk now works as a ghostwriter for an autobiography, but he dreams of writing his own novel. For the first time in 15 years, they meet. Kyung-Min and Jong-Suk both hide their own current situations and begin to talk about their middle school days. -- -- At their middle school, they were classified by their wealth and grades. Kyung-Min and Jong-Suk were at the bottom. They were called pigs. They were bullied by a ruling class called dogs. When they were called pigs, they got angry but couldn't do anything against the dogs. Then a king of pigs appears—Chul (Kim Hye-Na). Kyung-Min and Jong-Suk became to rely on Chul-Yi. -- -- Now, leading Jong-Suk to their middle school grounds, Kyung-Min discloses the shocking truth to Jong-Suk of what happened 15 years ago. -- -- (Source: Asian Media Wiki) -- Movie - Nov 3, 2011 -- 5,433 6.78
Eromanga-sensei -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi -- Eromanga-sensei Eromanga-sensei -- One year ago, Sagiri Izumi became step-siblings with Masamune Izumi. But the sudden death of their parents tears their new family apart, resulting in Sagiri becoming a shut-in which cut her off from her brother and society. -- -- While caring for what's left of his family, Masamune earns a living as a published light novel author with one small problem: he's never actually met his acclaimed illustrator, Eromanga-sensei, infamous for drawing the most lewd erotica. Through an embarrassing chain of events, he learns that his very own little sister was his partner the whole time! -- -- As new characters and challenges appear, Masamune and Sagiri must now face the light novel industry together. Eromanga-Sensei follows the development of their relationship and their struggle to become successful; and as Sagiri slowly grows out of her shell, just how long will she be able to hide her true persona from the rest of the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 543,359 6.46
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eyeshield 21 -- -- Gallop -- 145 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Comedy Shounen -- Eyeshield 21 Eyeshield 21 -- Sena is like any other shy kid starting high school; he's just trying to survive. Constantly bullied, he's accustomed to running away. -- -- Surviving high school is about to become a lot more difficult after Hiruma, captain of the school's American football team, witnesses Sena's incredible agility and speed during an escape from some bullies. Hiruma schemes to make Sena the running back of his school team, The Devil Bats, hoping that it will turn around the squad's fortunes from being the laughingstock of Japan's high school leagues, to title contender. -- -- To protect his precious star player from rivaling recruiters, he enlists Sena as "team secretary," giving him a visored helmet and the nickname "Eyeshield 21" to hide his identity. -- -- The Devilbats will look to make their way to the Christmas Bowl, an annual tournament attended by the best football teams in Japan, with "Eyeshield 21" leading the way. Will they be able to win the Christmas Bowl? Will Sena be able to transform from a timid, undersized freshman to an all-star player? Put on your pads and helmet to find out! -- 152,259 7.94
Eyeshield 21 -- -- Gallop -- 145 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Comedy Shounen -- Eyeshield 21 Eyeshield 21 -- Sena is like any other shy kid starting high school; he's just trying to survive. Constantly bullied, he's accustomed to running away. -- -- Surviving high school is about to become a lot more difficult after Hiruma, captain of the school's American football team, witnesses Sena's incredible agility and speed during an escape from some bullies. Hiruma schemes to make Sena the running back of his school team, The Devil Bats, hoping that it will turn around the squad's fortunes from being the laughingstock of Japan's high school leagues, to title contender. -- -- To protect his precious star player from rivaling recruiters, he enlists Sena as "team secretary," giving him a visored helmet and the nickname "Eyeshield 21" to hide his identity. -- -- The Devilbats will look to make their way to the Christmas Bowl, an annual tournament attended by the best football teams in Japan, with "Eyeshield 21" leading the way. Will they be able to win the Christmas Bowl? Will Sena be able to transform from a timid, undersized freshman to an all-star player? Put on your pads and helmet to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, VIZ Media -- 152,259 7.94
Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- Tsubasa Shiina is a 10-year-old girl who recently moved to Hokkaido to live with her father. In school, she is very quiet and unsociable with her classmates. Then one night, she witnesses a UFO crash in the forest near her home. She rushes to the scene and finds the pilot, codenamed "D.D.", in a barely stable condition. Also in the scene is a Maguar, a hideous alien that hatched aboard D.D.'s ship. As the Maguar is close to taking Tsubasa's life, an alien lifeform fuses with her body to form the Riberus battle armor Figure 17, which shortly destroys the alien threat. The life form takes the name Hikaru and turns into an identical twin of Tsubasa. As time passes, Tsubasa becomes more open to everyone around her, thanks to her new twin sister Hikaru. However, with Maguar eggs scattered all over Hokkaido, their ability to form Figure 17 is needed to eliminate all hatched Maguars until backup from D.D.'s home planet arrives on Earth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - May 27, 2001 -- 11,234 7.22
Free! (Movie) -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Sports Drama School -- Free! (Movie) Free! (Movie) -- At the end of final episode of Free! Dive to the Future, the movie was announced to premiere in Summer 2020. It has now been postponed to 2021. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,274 N/AUzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/ALost Song -- -- Dwango, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Lost Song Lost Song -- Lost Song tells the stories of the cheerful Rin and the reserved Finis, two songstresses who are capable of performing magical songs. Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret, while Finis lives and performs in the royal palace. -- -- Rin's happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured knight named Henry Leobort with her song of healing. She was seen by soldiers who proceeded to attack her village in hopes of capturing her. With nowhere else to go, she and her inventor brother Al begin a journey to the capital. -- -- Finis finds herself falling in love with Henry and, knowing that the greedy and spiteful Prince Lood Bernstein IV desires her, must hide their relationship. She wants to help people with her songs, but with war on the horizon, she worries that Lood will order her to cast her magic in the battlefield. Only time will tell how her destiny and Rin's will intersect, as the two of them struggle to find their paths. -- -- 33,037 6.99
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mecha Military -- Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory -- The boisterous student Kaname Chidori and soldier Sousuke Sagara are enjoying a blissful high school life. However, their peaceful days are disrupted by the threatening terrorist organization Amalgam. Leonard Testarossa, a member of the organization who possesses "Whispered," seeks to procure Kaname and her knowledge. -- -- Kaname and Sousuke's battle against Amalgam starts right in their own neighborhood, which eventually takes them on a hunt around the world. From the exotic lands of Laos to the barren Mexican coast, Sousuke must gather intelligence to bring down Amalgam. Meanwhile, Kaname's abilities grow, but so does her frustration as her resolve withers. Caught up in an intense game of hide and seek, as well as strategic plots, the pair try to connect and push beyond their own limits. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 78,212 7.59
Gakuen Basara -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy School -- Gakuen Basara Gakuen Basara -- A heated battle is once again revving up at Basara Academy between baseball star Masamune Date and soccer ace Yukimura Sanada. What's more, ever since student council chairman Hideyoshi Toyotomi received a suspension, leaving the seat up for grabs, a host of class "warlords" have become embroiled in a quest for supreme power. Amid Ieyasu Tokugawa's appeals to bonds of kinship and Mitsunari Ishida's fervor to defeat him, who will wrest ultimate control of the domain in "troubled" times? -- -- (Source: TBS Global Business) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 15,172 6.18
Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- The horrid stories that remain in many conversations, the chilling urban legends come to life thanks to the Ga-nime. -- -- The terrible anecdote of an old fridge thrown by a dried up river bed in “Refrigerator”. -- The grotesque encounter with an out of place sculpture standing on top of a building in “The Dharma Statue”. -- The ghost encounter experience by a boy on a long bridge at night in “The Night Bridge” -- A purchase at the flea market that brings a man to an ironic end in “US Army Surplus” -- The enigma of continuous deadly accidents near a railroad in “The Railroad Crossing” -- The mysterious experience of a boy on summer vacation in a peaceful countryside in “I Want Friends”. -- -- 6 pieces of horror put on 1 film. The Japanese urban legends, put on screen in the characteristic drawing of KIMURA Toshiyuki, whose fame reaches outside the borders of Japan, call for a scream, with the talented collaboration for the ending theme of an artist produced by SUDOH Akira, Leilani. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Aug 1, 2006 -- 1,097 N/A -- -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- Iijima is no ordinary coed. She's a tempestuous time traveler from a future ruled by hideous replinoid monsters. She has come to this past to find a hero, a man strong enough to wield her futuristic sword and save the women of Earth from a grisly doom! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 1,065 4.88
Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D -- Demonic Vice-Commander of the Shinsengumi, Toushirou Hijikata, acquires a cursed sword—one which completely rewrites his personality, morphing him from a hard-boiled, no-nonsense cop into a hopeless otaku. As he struggles to break the curse, an ambitious new member of the police force, Itou Kamotarou, seizes the opportunity to depose Hijikata in his bid for power within the organization. However, Itou's scheme is revealed to be more devious than anyone imagined, and the very existence of the Shinsengumi is thrown into peril. -- -- In another time and place, the Yorozuya squad is suddenly greeted by a potential new recruit. Before them is a mysterious young woman named Pirako Doromizu who hides a penchant for extreme violence behind her smiling, enthusiastic exterior. However, unbeknownst to Gintoki and the others, Pirako has strong ties to one of the ruling figures of the Kabuki district of Edo, and her arrival sets off a chain reaction that throws the inhabitants of the district into a civil war. -- -- Movie - Aug 26, 2012 -- 33,137 8.44
Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Super Power Ecchi Fantasy -- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- Since the discovery of "Samon Syndrome" 30 years ago, thousands of young people have traveled to fantasy worlds, the few returnees managing to keep the special abilities they acquired in those parallel universes. -- -- Akatsuki Ousawa, known as the "Rogue Hero," discards his peaceful life in the fantasy world Alayzard to face new challenges upon returning to Earth. He comes back with Miu, the daughter of the Demon King he defeated, and is now forced to hide her true identity by having her pose as his little sister. The two soon join Babel, a special school designed for those who have acquired special abilities and magical powers through their journey to a fantasy world. -- -- Babel was seemingly founded to train young interdimensional travelers and "guide them to the right path for the sake of humanity and themselves," but its true purpose remains unclear to the pseudo-siblings. Will Akatsuki and Miu be able to overcome the hostile, powerful student council and uncover the forces at play behind the scenes? -- -- 332,827 6.86
Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Super Power Ecchi Fantasy -- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- Since the discovery of "Samon Syndrome" 30 years ago, thousands of young people have traveled to fantasy worlds, the few returnees managing to keep the special abilities they acquired in those parallel universes. -- -- Akatsuki Ousawa, known as the "Rogue Hero," discards his peaceful life in the fantasy world Alayzard to face new challenges upon returning to Earth. He comes back with Miu, the daughter of the Demon King he defeated, and is now forced to hide her true identity by having her pose as his little sister. The two soon join Babel, a special school designed for those who have acquired special abilities and magical powers through their journey to a fantasy world. -- -- Babel was seemingly founded to train young interdimensional travelers and "guide them to the right path for the sake of humanity and themselves," but its true purpose remains unclear to the pseudo-siblings. Will Akatsuki and Miu be able to overcome the hostile, powerful student council and uncover the forces at play behind the scenes? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 332,827 6.86
Hakuouki -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Hakuouki -- In 1864 Japan, a young woman named Chizuru Yukimura is searching for her missing father, Koudou, a doctor by trade whose work often takes him far from home. But with no word from him in months, Chizuru disguises herself as a man and heads to Kyoto in search of him. Attracting the attention of ronin, she tries to hide and ends up witnessing a horrifying sight: the ronin being brutally murdered by crazed white-haired men. In a startling turn of events, members of the Shinsengumi arrive to dispatch the creatures. But Chizuru's safety doesn't last long, as this group of men tie her up and take her back to their headquarters, unsure of whether to let her live or silence her permanently. -- -- However, once she reveals the name of her father, the Shinsengumi decide to keep her safe, as they too have been searching for him. But Koudou is more connected to the Shinsengumi than they let on, and soon Chizuru finds herself embroiled in a conflict between the Shinsengumi and their enemies, as well as political tension in Kyoto. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2010 -- 145,474 7.40
Hakuouki -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Hakuouki -- In 1864 Japan, a young woman named Chizuru Yukimura is searching for her missing father, Koudou, a doctor by trade whose work often takes him far from home. But with no word from him in months, Chizuru disguises herself as a man and heads to Kyoto in search of him. Attracting the attention of ronin, she tries to hide and ends up witnessing a horrifying sight: the ronin being brutally murdered by crazed white-haired men. In a startling turn of events, members of the Shinsengumi arrive to dispatch the creatures. But Chizuru's safety doesn't last long, as this group of men tie her up and take her back to their headquarters, unsure of whether to let her live or silence her permanently. -- -- However, once she reveals the name of her father, the Shinsengumi decide to keep her safe, as they too have been searching for him. But Koudou is more connected to the Shinsengumi than they let on, and soon Chizuru finds herself embroiled in a conflict between the Shinsengumi and their enemies, as well as political tension in Kyoto. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2010 -- 145,474 7.40
Hetalia Axis Powers -- -- Studio Deen -- 52 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Parody -- Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers -- What if nations were people? What traits would they have? What would this mean for historical events? -- -- Hetalia Axis Powers takes these questions and runs with them, personifying countries into characters. The show takes a comedic and light approach to politics and historical events while educating the viewer. -- -- Taking place primarily during the events of World War I and World War II, the story focuses on the Axis Powers and occasionally throws the spotlight onto the tumultuous relationship between the Allied Forces. The Axis Powers feature the titular character North Italy, who is clumsy, carefree and loves pasta; Germany, who is very serious but easily flustered; and Japan, who is stoic but has bizarre interests. -- -- Based on Hidekaz Himaruya's widely popular webcomic turned print manga, Hetalia Axis Powers is a historical comedy that pokes lightly at culture, examines the relationships between nations and breathes fun into history. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 24, 2009 -- 227,002 7.36
Hetalia World Series -- -- Studio Deen -- 48 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Parody -- Hetalia World Series Hetalia World Series -- The third and fourth seasons of the Hetalia Axis Powers anime. A continuation of the first 2 seasons under a new name, still adapting the online webcomics drawn by Himaruya Hidekaz. -- -- Based on a popular web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, this has been described as a "cynical gag" story set in Europe in the years between WW1 and WW2 (1915-1939), using exaggerated caricatures of the different nationalities as portrayed by a gaggle of bishōnen. For example, the Italia Veneziano character is into pasta and women. The Deutsche (German) bishi loves potatoes and sausages, and Nippon is an otaku boy. Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics. The manga's title comes the Japanese words for "useless" (hetare) and Italy (Italia). -- -- (Source: ANI) -- ONA - Mar 26, 2010 -- 99,364 7.54
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu -- -- - -- ? eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu -- Sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 22,024 N/A -- -- Yami Shibai 4 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 4 Yami Shibai 4 -- Excited children gather around the enigmatic masked Storyteller once more. His unique kamishibai storytelling draws them into tales of fear and dread. These are dark and foreboding stories, which could happen to anyone... -- -- This season has tales of a salaryman who buries a dead cat, only to be haunted soon after; a college student and her cheap new apartment that hides a ghastly secret; boys exploring an abandoned haunted house before coming across a strange fish tank; a man who finds himself on the wrong bus, and in more danger than he thought possible; and a young couple's visit to an amusement park, which suddenly takes a dark turn. All these stories and more await in Yami Shibai 4. -- -- 21,571 5.73
Hinamatsuri (TV) -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Seinen -- Hinamatsuri (TV) Hinamatsuri (TV) -- While reveling in the successful clinching of a prized vase for his collection, Yoshifumi Nitta, a yakuza member, is rudely interrupted when a large, peculiar capsule suddenly materializes and falls on his head. He opens the capsule to reveal a young, blue-haired girl, who doesn't divulge anything about herself but her name—Hina—and the fact that she possesses immense powers. As if things couldn't get any worse, she loses control and unleashes an explosion if her powers remain unused. Faced with no other choice, Nitta finds himself becoming her caregiver. -- -- To let her use her powers freely, Nitta asks Hina to help out with a construction deal, which goes smoothly. But while this is happening, a rival yakuza group covertly attacks his boss. To Nitta's shock, his colleagues later pin the blame on him! Tasked with attacking the rival group in retaliation, Nitta steels himself and arrives at their hideout. But suddenly, Hina unexpectedly steps in and helps him wipe out the entire group. As it turns out, Hina might just become a valuable asset to Nitta and his yakuza business, provided she does not use her powers on him first! And so the strange life of this unusual duo begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 362,188 8.20
Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- Based on Kaidan Yotsuya (Classic Japanese ghost story). -- OVA - Jul 20, 2000 -- 548 N/A -- -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- -- - -- 10 eps -- Book -- Horror Supernatural -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- Short ghost stories by Inagawa Junji, an entertainer who is famous for his horror stories broadcasted on late night radio. He has gone on to write horror novels and directing live-action horror dramas and films. The anime is a spin-off of his Inagawa Junji no Chou: Kowai Hanashi (Inagawa Junji's Super Scary Stories) live-action direct-to-DVD series. -- ONA - Sep 5, 2017 -- 530 N/A -- -- Kyoufu Shinbun -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Horror Shounen -- Kyoufu Shinbun Kyoufu Shinbun -- For reasons unknown to him, Rei receives the Kyoufu Shinbun every morning, a newspaper which foresees deaths and catastrophes... -- -- Based on Tsunoda Jirou's classic horror manga "Kyoufu Shinbun", serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 21, 1991 -- 528 N/A -- -- Eko Eko Azarak -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Horror Magic -- Eko Eko Azarak Eko Eko Azarak -- The worried owner of a luxury hotel hires high school student Kuroi Misa who has experience with necromancy. The reason is that a series of suicides carried out by guests have taken place in the garden which was once a place of execution. She agrees to use her knowledge of the black arts but demands a fee of ten million yen. -- OVA - Jan 30, 2007 -- 522 N/A -- -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Supernatural Thriller -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- A "deleted scene" from Chainsaw Bunny, where the monster becomes a giant pink faceless looming creature. -- ONA - Aug 1, 2018 -- 509 4.75
Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo -- If you could turn all your memories into a song, what would it resemble? -- -- Between being an exceptional student and taking care of the house alone during her mother's absence, Asuna Watase's only distraction is listening to her old crystal radio in her secret mountain hideout. One day, she accidentally tunes to a mysterious and melancholic melody, different from anything she has ever heard before. Soon after, an enigmatic boy named Shun saves her from a dangerous creature, unknowingly dragging Asuna on a long journey to a long lost land bound to surpass her very imagination, turning her once melodic life into an intricate requiem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - May 7, 2011 -- 168,501 7.57
Injuu Kyoushi -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Demons Hentai Horror -- Injuu Kyoushi Injuu Kyoushi -- Atsuko and Sayaka think they have it made when they are both accepted into the same prestigious women`s academy. There, they will be free to explore the intense passion of their relationship, unbounded. -- -- But when the mystical bonds imprisoning a hideous ancient evil that feeds on the lust of nubile women are accidentally broken, the two young lovers soon learn they have more to fear than final exams. -- -- Licensor: -- SoftCel Pictures -- OVA - Oct 21, 1994 -- 2,173 5.49
Kabukichou Sherlock -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Drama -- Kabukichou Sherlock Kabukichou Sherlock -- In Shinjuku ward's east side lies Kabukichou, a vibrant city of chaos that glows brilliantly with neon lights but also hides unseen darkness. Employed at a university hospital on the west side, John H. Watson is looking for someone who can assist him with an odd case. His search leads him to the Pipe Cat, an underground bar that serves as a meetup venue and job board for some of the best detectives in Shinjuku, the most prominent among them being Sherlock Holmes. -- -- Upon finding the bar and meeting the peculiar investigators, John learns that they are pursuing a case involving Jack the Ripper, an infamous serial killer. Due to subsequent events, John ends up driving Sherlock to the crime scene of a murder supposedly carried out by Jack the Ripper. Even though John is only there to enlist Sherlock's help with his case, he witnesses Sherlock brilliantly uncover the truth behind the crime scene. However, he begins to realize that Sherlock is not only a genius detective but also an eccentric character. -- -- As John continues to request Sherlock to assist him with his case, he finds himself spiraling into the detective lifestyle of solving cases beyond the minds of ordinary civilians. Through this work, John begins to see the true colors of the chaotic city that is Kabukichou and starts to unravel the unsettling mystery behind his own case. -- -- 69,446 6.91
Kabukichou Sherlock -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Drama -- Kabukichou Sherlock Kabukichou Sherlock -- In Shinjuku ward's east side lies Kabukichou, a vibrant city of chaos that glows brilliantly with neon lights but also hides unseen darkness. Employed at a university hospital on the west side, John H. Watson is looking for someone who can assist him with an odd case. His search leads him to the Pipe Cat, an underground bar that serves as a meetup venue and job board for some of the best detectives in Shinjuku, the most prominent among them being Sherlock Holmes. -- -- Upon finding the bar and meeting the peculiar investigators, John learns that they are pursuing a case involving Jack the Ripper, an infamous serial killer. Due to subsequent events, John ends up driving Sherlock to the crime scene of a murder supposedly carried out by Jack the Ripper. Even though John is only there to enlist Sherlock's help with his case, he witnesses Sherlock brilliantly uncover the truth behind the crime scene. However, he begins to realize that Sherlock is not only a genius detective but also an eccentric character. -- -- As John continues to request Sherlock to assist him with his case, he finds himself spiraling into the detective lifestyle of solving cases beyond the minds of ordinary civilians. Through this work, John begins to see the true colors of the chaotic city that is Kabukichou and starts to unravel the unsettling mystery behind his own case. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 69,446 6.91
Kakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Kengan Ashura -- -- Larx Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Martial Arts -- Kengan Ashura Kengan Ashura -- Business deals are usually made through meetings and contracts; but in the world of Kengan Ashura, businesses resort to other means to make their decisions: by hiring gladiators. Yabako Sandrovich's Kengan Ashura depicts a world brimming with action, violence, and martial arts—one where powerful gladiators have fought in grand arenas since the Edo Period to settle the disputes of wealthy businesses and merchants. -- -- Ouma Tokita, who is nicknamed "The Ashura," is a fighter trying to prove himself as the strongest. Hideki Nogi, a member of the Nogi Group, hires Ouma to fight for him and makes Kazuo Yamashita, an average middle-aged man, his manager. The duo is thrown into fights facilitated by the Kengan Association. Their journey will be full of ruthless battles with other fighters aiming for the same goal. Do they have what it takes to be the best? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- ONA - Jul 31, 2019 -- 82,364 7.46
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- 356,606 6.54
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 356,606 6.54
Keroro Gunsou -- -- Sunrise -- 358 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Mecha Parody Sci-Fi Shounen -- Keroro Gunsou Keroro Gunsou -- Unsuspecting inhabitants of the planet Earth are going about their business, enjoying a bright and particularly beautiful sunny day, when a young Japanese boy spots a shiny object falling from the sky... Has an alien invasion finally begun? -- -- Elsewhere in Japan, Keroro, frog sergeant and leader of the Space Invasion Army Special Tactics Platoon of the 58th Planet in the Gamma Planetary System, has discovered the perfect hideout. He infiltrates the home of the Hinata family in an attempt to establish a headquarters that he and his troops could use to prepare for world domination... but earthlings Fuyuki and Natsumi Hinata are too much for him to handle! Natsumi instinctively calls them out of hiding, leaving the hapless sergeant no option but to reveal his secret identity. The two siblings soon welcome the sergeant to their home, all thanks to Fuyuki’s generos—err... curiosity. -- -- The Sergeant has successfully infiltrated his first target area! Or has he? Join Keroro Gunsou in his dastardly attempt to take over the world! -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media, Funimation -- TV - Apr 3, 2004 -- 61,510 7.69
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- We lay our scene in the fair Dahlia Academy, where two countries, both alike in dignity, come together; the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and "White Cats" of the Principality of West have a longstanding feud. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia, leaders of their respective dorms, seem to be bitter enemies. -- -- In reality, however, Romio and Juliet are hopelessly in love, but revealing their relationship would call upon the ire of all their comrades. They hide their love to maintain peace, but a clandestine relationship means they miss out on many of the activities couples get to do. As they grow closer together, Romio and Juliet must come to terms with the fact that keeping their relationship a secret may prove to be impossible. -- -- 235,050 7.46
Koyomimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Koyomimonogatari Koyomimonogatari -- Whether it is investigating stone shrines, tracking rumors, or simply playing hide and seek, Koyomi Araragi is always there to fulfill the requests of his friends from both the human and supernatural worlds. Koyomimonogatari tells a series of short stories involving Koyomi as he helps each of the girls in his cohort solve a mystery or kill some time, alongside previously unexplored problems in this essential prelude to his story's last chapter. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- ONA - Jan 10, 2016 -- 190,076 7.67
Koyomimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Koyomimonogatari Koyomimonogatari -- Whether it is investigating stone shrines, tracking rumors, or simply playing hide and seek, Koyomi Araragi is always there to fulfill the requests of his friends from both the human and supernatural worlds. Koyomimonogatari tells a series of short stories involving Koyomi as he helps each of the girls in his cohort solve a mystery or kill some time, alongside previously unexplored problems in this essential prelude to his story's last chapter. -- -- ONA - Jan 10, 2016 -- 190,076 7.67
Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Horror Drama -- Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- Airing on TV Asahi in 1981, with a running time of 111 minutes, Frankenstein is a reasonably standard retelling of the classic book by Mary Shelley. In a foreboding castle scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein performs a hideous experiment which he hopes will bring the dead back to life. With the help of his assistant he is successful in reanimating a man recreated from parts gathered from corpses but the creature is unpredictable and horrifying. The doctor flees back to his home in Switzerland leaving his assistant in charge of destroying the monster. But Dr. Frankenstein soon finds that he cannot hide from his shameful secret forever as mysterious murders are committed around him forcing him to question if his creation really is dead and gone... -- Special - Jul 27, 1981 -- 1,356 5.51
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- 112,244 7.36
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 112,244 7.36
Lost Song -- -- Dwango, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Lost Song Lost Song -- Lost Song tells the stories of the cheerful Rin and the reserved Finis, two songstresses who are capable of performing magical songs. Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret, while Finis lives and performs in the royal palace. -- -- Rin's happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured knight named Henry Leobort with her song of healing. She was seen by soldiers who proceeded to attack her village in hopes of capturing her. With nowhere else to go, she and her inventor brother Al begin a journey to the capital. -- -- Finis finds herself falling in love with Henry and, knowing that the greedy and spiteful Prince Lood Bernstein IV desires her, must hide their relationship. She wants to help people with her songs, but with war on the horizon, she worries that Lood will order her to cast her magic in the battlefield. Only time will tell how her destiny and Rin's will intersect, as the two of them struggle to find their paths. -- -- 33,037 6.99
Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- After a diamond heist in Brazil, Lupin hides the gem in a doll and boards a plane headed out of the country. While on board, the doll is stolen by a little girl named Julia, whose nanny is none other than Fujiko Mine. Before Lupin can get the doll back, the plane is hijacked and the girl is kidnapped. The kidnappers are after the same thing that Fujiko is after - a book of Nostradamus prophecies hidden in Julia's father's tower. Lupin and the gang join forces to save the girl, get the diamond back, and discover the secrets surrounding the strange book. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 22, 1995 -- 8,746 7.36
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- -- Shaft -- 13 eps -- Game -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- Rumor has it that if a young girl strikes a bargain with a white fairy, it will grant any wish her heart desires. However, in exchange, she will become a magical girl and must put her life on the line to slay fearsome and ferocious witches. -- -- Iroha Tamaki, a kind-hearted middle schooler from Takarazaki City, is living proof that these rumors are true. Armed with a magical crossbow and the ability to heal injuries, Iroha seeks out the labyrinths where witches hide and defeats them before they can prey on humans. Yet Iroha has no memory of her wish, and even Kyuubey, the white fairy himself, seems to have no idea what Iroha requested of him. -- -- One day, Iroha hears rumors of a city where "magical girls can be saved," and finds herself on a sunset train to Kamihama City. Unfortunately, she discovers that the witches in Kamihama are far more powerful than usual. After veteran magical girl Yachiyo Nanami is forced to save her, Iroha vows to never return. But when a chance encounter with a tiny Kyuubey seems to trigger distant memories, Iroha is compelled to investigate the mysterious city despite the danger. -- -- 111,777 6.81
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- -- Shaft -- 13 eps -- Game -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- Rumor has it that if a young girl strikes a bargain with a white fairy, it will grant any wish her heart desires. However, in exchange, she will become a magical girl and must put her life on the line to slay fearsome and ferocious witches. -- -- Iroha Tamaki, a kind-hearted middle schooler from Takarazaki City, is living proof that these rumors are true. Armed with a magical crossbow and the ability to heal injuries, Iroha seeks out the labyrinths where witches hide and defeats them before they can prey on humans. Yet Iroha has no memory of her wish, and even Kyuubey, the white fairy himself, seems to have no idea what Iroha requested of him. -- -- One day, Iroha hears rumors of a city where "magical girls can be saved," and finds herself on a sunset train to Kamihama City. Unfortunately, she discovers that the witches in Kamihama are far more powerful than usual. After veteran magical girl Yachiyo Nanami is forced to save her, Iroha vows to never return. But when a chance encounter with a tiny Kyuubey seems to trigger distant memories, Iroha is compelled to investigate the mysterious city despite the danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 111,777 6.81
Mazinger Z -- -- Toei Animation -- 92 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Mazinger Z Mazinger Z -- The villainous Dr. Hell has amassed an army of mechanical beasts in his secret hideaway, the island of Bardos located in the Aegean Sea. He is capable of controlling mechanized beasts with his cane, and instructs them to unleash devastating attacks. However, Dr. Hell doesn't do all the dirty work by himself; he has his loyal henchman Baron Ashura to carry out his devilish plans. -- -- There are also those that will see to it that evil does not prevail. Kouji Kabuto is the young and feisty teenager with a score to settle: his goal is avenging the murder of his grandfather by Dr. Hell. And he might just be able to pull it off, as he is the pilot of Mazinger Z, a mighty giant robot made out of an indestructible metal known as Super-Alloy Z. -- -- Mazinger Z boasts several powerful special attacks. By channeling Photonic Energy through its eyes, and unleashing the Koushiryoku Beam, it can cause great destruction. But things get really cool when Mazinger Z launches its Rocket Punch attack. Dr. Hell and his minions might have just found their match! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 13,380 7.26
Mekakucity Reload -- -- - -- ? eps -- Music -- Sci-Fi Comedy Super Power Supernatural Romance -- Mekakucity Reload Mekakucity Reload -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 33,398 N/A -- -- Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D -- Demonic Vice-Commander of the Shinsengumi, Toushirou Hijikata, acquires a cursed sword—one which completely rewrites his personality, morphing him from a hard-boiled, no-nonsense cop into a hopeless otaku. As he struggles to break the curse, an ambitious new member of the police force, Itou Kamotarou, seizes the opportunity to depose Hijikata in his bid for power within the organization. However, Itou's scheme is revealed to be more devious than anyone imagined, and the very existence of the Shinsengumi is thrown into peril. -- -- In another time and place, the Yorozuya squad is suddenly greeted by a potential new recruit. Before them is a mysterious young woman named Pirako Doromizu who hides a penchant for extreme violence behind her smiling, enthusiastic exterior. However, unbeknownst to Gintoki and the others, Pirako has strong ties to one of the ruling figures of the Kabuki district of Edo, and her arrival sets off a chain reaction that throws the inhabitants of the district into a civil war. -- -- Movie - Aug 26, 2012 -- 33,137 8.44
Mieruko-chan -- -- Passione -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural -- Mieruko-chan Mieruko-chan -- Miko is a typical high school student whose life turns upside down when she suddenly starts to see gruesome and hideous monsters. Despite being completely terrified, Miko carries on with her daily life, pretending not to notice the horrors that surround her. She must endure the fear in order to keep herself and her friend Hana out of danger, even if that means coming face to face with the absolute worst. Blending both comedy and horror, Mieruko-chan tells the story of a girl who tries to deal with the paranormal by acting indifferent toward it. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 12,421 N/ABetterman -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Psychological Comedy Mecha Drama Horror Mystery Sci-Fi -- Betterman Betterman -- A deadly virus known as "Algernon" has attacked humanity with vicious meaning. At the forefront of the battle is the mystifying Akamatsu Industries—disguised as a heavy machine factory in Tokyo, this undercover organization uses neural enhanced weapons known as NeuroNoids to battle Algernon. Also helping with their secret efforts is the mysterious mutant who is only known as "Betterman." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 12,269 6.59
Mieruko-chan -- -- Passione -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural -- Mieruko-chan Mieruko-chan -- Miko is a typical high school student whose life turns upside down when she suddenly starts to see gruesome and hideous monsters. Despite being completely terrified, Miko carries on with her daily life, pretending not to notice the horrors that surround her. She must endure the fear in order to keep herself and her friend Hana out of danger, even if that means coming face to face with the absolute worst. Blending both comedy and horror, Mieruko-chan tells the story of a girl who tries to deal with the paranormal by acting indifferent toward it. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 12,421 N/A -- -- Akira (Shin Anime) -- -- Sunrise -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Supernatural Seinen -- Akira (Shin Anime) Akira (Shin Anime) -- A new anime adaptation for Otomo's highly acclaimed post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga series Akira. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 12,362 N/A -- -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Harem Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Vampire Josei -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 -- Summary of the first season of Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. Aired the week before the second season began. -- Special - Oct 3, 2010 -- 12,346 7.12
Mirai Robo Daltanias -- -- Toei Animation -- 47 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Mirai Robo Daltanias Mirai Robo Daltanias -- It is the year 1995. Earth has been conquered by an alien army from the Saar cluster known as the Akron. The cities of Earth have been destroyed, and the remaining survivors live in harsh shanty towns and villages. Kento, a war orphan, hides within a cave along with his companions in order to escape some bandits. In the cave, they find the secret base of Dr. Earl, who was an inhabitant of the planet Helios, a planet conquered by the Akron. Dr. Earl then fled to Earth, bringing with him the greatest achievement in Helian technology: the super robot Daltanius, whose power is increased when combined with the intelligent lion robot, Beralios. Dr. Earl entrusts the fight for Earth to Kenta, who happens to be a descendant from the long disappeared Helian royal line. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Mar 21, 1979 -- 1,187 6.61
Mouse -- -- Production Reed, Studio Deen, Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Shounen -- Mouse Mouse -- Teacher Sorata Muon carries on his family's centuries-old old tradition of being the master thief Mouse who can steal anything after properly alerting authorities of his intentions so they can be there yet fail to stop him. He is assisted by 3 nubile female assistants who also use the teaching cover and who, in typical Satoru Akahori, favor tight/skimpy/bondage outfits over their ample curves as they constantly pursue Sorata much more than he pursues them, although the girls do get some attention from their master. Not only is Mouse pursued by the girls & the local law enforcement authorities, there is also a secret art protection society employing the services of a former ally of Sorata's after his pretty little hide, all in 15 minute episodes. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 6, 2003 -- 17,111 6.02
Mouse -- -- Production Reed, Studio Deen, Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Shounen -- Mouse Mouse -- Teacher Sorata Muon carries on his family's centuries-old old tradition of being the master thief Mouse who can steal anything after properly alerting authorities of his intentions so they can be there yet fail to stop him. He is assisted by 3 nubile female assistants who also use the teaching cover and who, in typical Satoru Akahori, favor tight/skimpy/bondage outfits over their ample curves as they constantly pursue Sorata much more than he pursues them, although the girls do get some attention from their master. Not only is Mouse pursued by the girls & the local law enforcement authorities, there is also a secret art protection society employing the services of a former ally of Sorata's after his pretty little hide, all in 15 minute episodes. -- TV - Jan 6, 2003 -- 17,111 6.02
Natsume Yuujinchou Shi -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Natsume Yuujinchou Shi Natsume Yuujinchou Shi -- Takashi Natsume, the timid youkai expert and master of the Book of Friends, continues his journey towards self-understanding and acceptance with the help of friends both new and old. His most important ally is still his gluttonous and sake-loving bodyguard, the arrogant but fiercely protective wolf spirit Madara—or Nyanko-sensei, as Madara is called when in his usual disguise of an unassuming, pudgy cat. -- -- Natsume, while briefly separated from Nyanko-sensei, is ambushed and kidnapped by a strange group of masked, monkey-like youkai, who have spirited him away to their forest as they desperately search for the Book of Friends. Realizing that his "servant" has been taken out from right under his nose, Nyanko-sensei enlists the help of Natsume's youkai friends and mounts a rescue operation. However, the forest of the monkey spirits holds many dangerous enemies, including the Matoba Clan, Natsume's old nemesis. -- -- Stretching from the formidable hideout of the Matoba to Natsume's own childhood home, Natsume Yuujinchou Shi is a sweeping but familiar return to a world of danger and friendship, where Natsume will finally confront the demons of his own past. -- -- 198,703 8.66
Natsume Yuujinchou Shi -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Natsume Yuujinchou Shi Natsume Yuujinchou Shi -- Takashi Natsume, the timid youkai expert and master of the Book of Friends, continues his journey towards self-understanding and acceptance with the help of friends both new and old. His most important ally is still his gluttonous and sake-loving bodyguard, the arrogant but fiercely protective wolf spirit Madara—or Nyanko-sensei, as Madara is called when in his usual disguise of an unassuming, pudgy cat. -- -- Natsume, while briefly separated from Nyanko-sensei, is ambushed and kidnapped by a strange group of masked, monkey-like youkai, who have spirited him away to their forest as they desperately search for the Book of Friends. Realizing that his "servant" has been taken out from right under his nose, Nyanko-sensei enlists the help of Natsume's youkai friends and mounts a rescue operation. However, the forest of the monkey spirits holds many dangerous enemies, including the Matoba Clan, Natsume's old nemesis. -- -- Stretching from the formidable hideout of the Matoba to Natsume's own childhood home, Natsume Yuujinchou Shi is a sweeping but familiar return to a world of danger and friendship, where Natsume will finally confront the demons of his own past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 198,703 8.66
Neon Genesis Evangelion -- -- Gainax, Tatsunoko Production -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Dementia Psychological Drama Mecha -- Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion -- In the year 2015, the world stands on the brink of destruction. Humanity's last hope lies in the hands of Nerv, a special agency under the United Nations, and their Evangelions, giant machines capable of defeating the Angels who herald Earth's ruin. Gendou Ikari, head of the organization, seeks compatible pilots who can synchronize with the Evangelions and realize their true potential. Aiding in this defensive endeavor are talented personnel Misato Katsuragi, Head of Tactical Operations, and Ritsuko Akagi, Chief Scientist. -- -- Face to face with his father for the first time in years, 14-year-old Shinji Ikari's average life is irreversibly changed when he is whisked away into the depths of Nerv, and into a harrowing new destiny—he must become the pilot of Evangelion Unit-01 with the fate of mankind on his shoulders. -- -- Written by Hideaki Anno, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a heroic tale of a young boy who will become a legend. But as this psychological drama unfolds, ancient secrets beneath the big picture begin to bubble to the surface... -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Netflix -- 1,227,361 8.32
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Comedy Romance Ecchi School -- Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? -- After mustering up the courage to propose to a girl in an online game, naïve otaku Hideki "Rusian" Nishimura is devastated when she flat out rejects him. To make matters worse, the girl reveals that she is actually an older man in real life. With his dreams crushed and his heart broken, Rusian comes to an abrupt decision in the midst of his raging fit: he will never trust another girl in an online game again. -- -- Years later, Rusian is now in a guild with three other players, one of whom possesses a female avatar by the name of "Ako." Ako is deeply in love with Rusian and wants to marry him. Although he entertains the possibility that she might be a guy, Rusian accepts her proposal, claiming that her gender doesn't matter as long as she is cute in the game. However, after a discussion between guild members that led to all of them having an offline meeting, Rusian finds out that Ako, along with the other members, are not just girls, but also his schoolmates. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 401,877 6.80
Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot's arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn't study for. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Mar 12, 2011 -- 68,985 7.40
Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot's arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn't study for. -- OVA - Mar 12, 2011 -- 68,985 7.40
Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- World-class conductor Franz von Stresemann sends his favorite music students Shinichi Chiaki, Megumi "Nodame" Noda, Ryuutarou Mine, and Masumi Okuyama to the Nina Lutz Music Festival in Nagano to study under other famous masters. During their car ride, Chiaki is irritated by his friends' antics, but later wakes up from a nap to discover that they took a detour to a beach in Niigata. Mine tans under the bright sun while Nodame and Masumi enjoy a refreshing swim; Chiaki sits inside the beach club, trying his best to hide his fear of the sea. When Nodame suggests renting an inflatable boat to row over to a small island, will Chiaki be able to keep his secret? -- -- Special - Feb 16, 2008 -- 25,985 7.38
Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- -- Madhouse, Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Historical Romance -- Oda Nobuna no Yabou Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- High school student Yoshiharu Sagara wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a raging Sengoku period battle. He is saved by the legendary Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but at the cost of the hero's life. With his dying breath, the warrior pleads for Yoshiharu to become a feudal lord in his place. Now that the course of history has been changed, Yoshiharu pledges to keep the timeline from diverging any further. Yet, after rescuing Nobuna Oda—whom he discovers is actually the fabled Nobunaga Oda's female counterpart—Yoshiharu realizes he has been transported to an alternate reality where most of Japan's historical warlords are now cute girls! -- -- To set things right and find a way back home, Yoshiharu agrees to become one of Nobuna's retainers and assist her in a conquest of Japan. As Nobuna initiates her campaign, Yoshiharu discovers that the history he learned from playing the video game "Nobunaga's Ambition" allows him to predict future events and turn the tide of war. Using this invaluable gift to aid the Oda clan's beautiful generals, Yoshiharu hopes to help his new lord fulfill her dream and win the hearts of women everywhere. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 9, 2012 -- 248,346 7.45
Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Drama -- Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) -- Asami Onohara is a seventeen-year old high-school student with a secret which has not been revealed to anyone: She is already married. Her husband, Kyosuke Ichimaru, is a Physics teacher in the same high school as her. However, even though they are officially a married couple, Asami's father forbids them to have any sexual contact until after Asami has graduated. Asami has to hide the fact that she is married to Kyosuke while trying desperately to further their relationship, and it does not help when there are so many interferences and obstacles from her father and other third parties. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 2, 2005 -- 23,096 6.34
Ore Monogatari!! -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ore Monogatari!! Ore Monogatari!! -- With his muscular build and tall stature, Takeo Gouda is not exactly your average high school freshman. However, behind his intimidating appearance hides a heart of gold, and he is considered a hero by the boys for his courage and chivalry. Unfortunately, these traits do not help much with his love life. As if his looks are not enough to scare the opposite sex away, Takeo's cool and handsome best friend and constant companion Makoto Sunakawa easily steals the hearts of the female students—including every girl Takeo has ever liked. -- -- When Takeo gallantly saves cute and angelic Rinko Yamato from being molested, he falls in love with her instantly, but suspects that she might be interested in Sunakawa. With his own love for Yamato continuing to bloom, Takeo unselfishly decides to act as her cupid, even as he yearns for his own love story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 502,304 7.94
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Seinen Thriller -- Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom -- Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom." -- -- One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantom's latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno "Scythe Master" captures the tourist and brainwashes him. -- -- Given the name "Zwei," this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 276,682 8.00
Robot Carnival -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Fantasy Mecha -- Robot Carnival Robot Carnival -- 9 of Japan's leading animators were asked to create a short segment that followed the theme of "Robots," for their inclusion in this film. Essentially, this "movie" is 9 short films, all independant of one another. The common element is human interaction with robots, namely the consequences of creating life with one's own hands, played in nine very different ways. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- 1: Opening (Atsuko Fukushima and Katsuhiro Otomo) -- 2: Franken's Gears (Koji Morimoto) -- 3: Deprive (Hidetoshi Omori) -- 4: Presence (Yasuomi Umetsu) -- 5: Star Light Angel (Hiroyuki Kitazume) -- 6: Cloud (Mao Lamdo) -- 7: A Tale of Two Robots (Hiroyuki Kitakubo) -- 8: Nightmare (Takashi Nakamura) -- 9: Ending (Atsuko Fukushima and Katsuhiro Otomo) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1987 -- 17,397 7.27
Saint☆Oniisan -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Saint☆Oniisan Saint☆Oniisan -- Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan. -- -- OVA - Dec 3, 2012 -- 76,787 7.50
Saki -- -- Gonzo, Picture Magic -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Game School Slice of Life -- Saki Saki -- Due to childhood circumstances, first-year high school student Saki Miyanaga hates anything related to mahjong. When she does play the game, she keeps a low profile to avoid standing out. One day, her friend Kyoutarou Suga drags her along to the school's mahjong club. There, she meets Nodoka Haramura, the champion of the previous year's national middle school mahjong championship, and Yuuki Kataoka, a fellow club member. -- -- As the club play a few rounds, Saki attempts to hide her talent. However, the club president, Hisa Takei, notices Saki's unusual playstyle. Realizing her potential, she puts Saki's real ability to the test—proving her to be more talented than expected. This revelation damages Nodoka's pride, and their relationship gets off to a rocky start. -- -- Saki ends up joining the club, and after clearing up the misunderstandings between her and Nodoka, friendship blooms between them. As Saki slowly warms up to mahjong once again, she and the rest of her club only have one goal—to win nationals! -- -- 80,934 7.48
Samurai Flamenco -- -- Manglobe -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Parody Super Power -- Samurai Flamenco Samurai Flamenco -- "A hero will never give up, never hide, never be defeated and never accept evil!" -- -- Firmly believing these words, Masayoshi Hazama has been obsessed with superhero shows since childhood. By day, he earns his living as a famous model, and by night, he becomes the gallant hero Samurai Flamenco. Armed with only his superhero costume, he seeks to bring justice to the city and faces anybody who tries to break the law—even rebellious juveniles and people who litter on the street. -- -- Masayoshi's heroic antics later catch the attention of the public, leading to the fateful discovery of his identity by policeman Hidenori Gotou. Although initially telling Masayoshi to leave the crime-busting activities to the police, Gotou ends up joining him in his antics. However, things soon escalate from preventing littering and petty thefts to bizarre adventures that involve even the fate of the world. Together with their newfound comrades, Masayoshi and Gotou embark on a battle with the world and themselves in order to find the true meaning of being a hero—with or without superpowers. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 116,563 6.90
Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club -- -- AIC Spirits -- 13 eps -- - -- Fantasy Magic School -- Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club -- In this world, there live a group of people who call themselves "Majo" or "Magical Girls." They hide their powers so as to assimilate into the environment. They have been living together in harmony with the humans for many years to come, and their predecessors continue to do so. Sasami was enthroned with magical powers since her birth. However, at the age of three, she was told by her parents never to use her innate powers and from then on, had kept it a secret from everyone. On the day of a new school term, a new transfer teacher by the name of Wajuu arrives and from then on, Sasami's life begins to change tremendously. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 13, 2006 -- 6,486 6.60
Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Super Power -- Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party -- The story of the film is set after the conflict instigated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ended, but not before the Battle of Sekigahara determines who shall be the Shogun of Japan. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 4, 2011 -- 25,992 7.61
Sengoku Basara Ni -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Super Power Martial Arts Samurai -- Sengoku Basara Ni Sengoku Basara Ni -- The deadly confrontation with the Devil King, Oda Nobunaga is over, but the struggle for supremacy continues in Warring Countries-era Japan, as the armies of Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin repeatedly engage battle at Kawanakajima. -- -- Meanwhile, on the easternmost side of the battlefield, two outstanding characters bound by destiny—one clad in azure and the other in crimson—are about to clash in a long-awaited, decisive duel. -- -- Then a sudden dispatch informs that a huge army has surrounded the forces of Takeda, Uesugi and Date at Kakanakajima. Their leader is Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the man who inherited Nobunaga's dreams and ambitions, and who is now going to bring havoc over Japan once again! -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 61,504 7.56
Sengoku Musou -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Samurai -- Sengoku Musou Sengoku Musou -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi is on the verge of unifying the realm, and all that remains is the Odawara Castle protected by the "Lion of Sagami" Ujiyasu Houjou. Hideyoshi's personally trained generals—Ishida Mitsunari, Katou Kiyomasa, and Fukushima Masanori—as well as Ootani Yoshitsugu, Shima Sakon, and Naoe Kanetsugu are all on the frontline of the battle. Amidst the battle formation are the two young warriors of the Sanada household: older brother Nobuyuki and younger brother Yukimura. As the stalemate begins to break down, Sanada Yukimura rides on a lone horse into the fray. His brother follows him right after. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 20,002 6.55
Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Historical Samurai Sci-Fi Super Power -- Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox -- Yoshino Hide is an average girl who always seems to find trouble wherever she goes. One day Yoshino visits a local shrine to pray in order to pass her upcoming test. However, Yoshino sees a blue light coming from inside the Shrine and looks inside to find a mysterious person performing a magic spell. In a stroke of bad luck, Yoshino trips on a small bell and crashes into the shrine, prompting the stranger to catch her. Upon Yoshino's capture, the magic spell spirals out of control and sends Yoshino back in time to the Sengoku Era. -- -- Yoshino then encounters Akechi Mitsuhide and Oda Nobunaga. But unlike what really happened during the era, Hideyoshino realizes that everyone in the world is female. She then decides to help Oda Nobunaga find the Crimson Armor which is said to allow the person wearing the armor to conquer all of Japan. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2011 -- 40,349 6.58
Shingeki no Kyojin -- -- Wit Studio -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin Shingeki no Kyojin -- Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations. -- -- After witnessing a horrific personal loss at the hands of the invading creatures, Eren Yeager dedicates his life to their eradication by enlisting into the Survey Corps, an elite military unit that combats the merciless humanoids outside the protection of the walls. Based on Hajime Isayama's award-winning manga, Shingeki no Kyojin follows Eren, along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert, as they join the brutal war against the titans and race to discover a way of defeating them before the last walls are breached. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,727,137 8.50
Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi -- -- T.P.O -- 1 ep -- - -- Historical Military -- Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi -- In the Fifth Year of the Keicho era, the Tokugawa clan sought to solidify their control of Japan. Hidetada Tokugawa has come to the doorsteps of Ueda Castle with the intentions of having the Sanada clan open its doors to him. But the Sanada and their retainers have other plans... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 29, 2005 -- 819 6.00
Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation -- -- G&G Entertainment, Group TAC -- 12 eps -- - -- Action Comedy Historical Military Samurai -- Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation -- In the Fifth Year of the Keicho era, the Tokugawa clan sought to solidify their control of Japan. Hidetada Tokugawa has come to the doorsteps of Ueda Castle with the intentions of having the Sanada clan open its doors to him. But the Sanada and their retainers have other plans... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - May 7, 2005 -- 1,467 6.06
Shuangsheng Lingtan -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Psychological -- Shuangsheng Lingtan Shuangsheng Lingtan -- There is always more to the world than meets the eye. This is the motto that twin brothers Sun Xiaotu and Sun Xiaohu follow in their lives as paranormal investigators, where what may be terrifying to some is just another day at work. Normally, it is simple for them to separate their daily lives from their job, but when they go to investigate a seemingly typical haunting of a pair of twins, a series of bizarre events throw their perception of the supernatural world into question as they become a target of the hauntings themselves. -- -- The further the brothers search for answers to the paranormal mysteries thrown at them, the hazier the lines between truth and fiction become. Through the challenging and sometimes dangerous adventures ahead, one question remains: what kind of secrets are the ghosts trying to hide from them, and are they already more connected to the spirits than they originally thought? -- -- ONA - Aug 25, 2016 -- 11,678 7.26
Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- Suddenly dying from overwork, salarywoman Azusa Aizawa finds herself before an angel, who allows her to reincarnate into a new world as an immortal witch, where she spends her days killing slimes for money on an otherwise eternal vacation. But even the minimal experience points from slimes will add up after hundreds of years, and Azusa discovers that she accidentally reached the maximum level! Fearing that her strong abilities will attract work and force her back to a life of overexertion, she decides to hide her strength in order to preserve her peaceful lifestyle. -- -- Despite her efforts, tales of the max level "Witch of the Plateau" spread across the land, and a proud dragon named Raika shows up looking to test their strength against her. Even though Azusa defeats and befriends Raika, problems arise as both friends and foes come looking for the secluded witch. -- -- 116,142 7.31
Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Romance -- Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... -- At a high school reunion, Mio Fukatani reunites with a classmate she has not seen in years—Takahide Kujou. She had always wanted to know more about the kind-hearted boy in high school, but once she realizes that Kujou has become a monk, she believes that any chance of getting to know him romantically is slim. Deciding to drink away her sorrows, she ends up walking home drunk, and surprisingly, running into Kujou who helps her get home. -- -- However, once inside, Kujou's lust for Mio becomes apparent and the two share an erotic night of passion. As this steamy romance blossoms between these two unlikely lovers, Mio and Kujou will undoubtedly spend many nights together in utter ecstasy. -- -- 37,113 4.63
Suisei no Gargantia -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Suisei no Gargantia Suisei no Gargantia -- In the distant future, a majority of humans have left the Earth, and the Galactic Alliance of Humanity is founded to guide exploration and ensure the prosperity of mankind. However, a significant threat arises in the form of strange creatures called Hideauze, resulting in an interstellar war to prevent humanity's extinction. Armed with Chamber, an autonomous robot, 16-year-old lieutenant Ledo of the Galactic Alliance joins the battle against the monsters. In an unfortunate turn of events, Ledo loses control during the battle and is cast out to the far reaches of space, crash-landing on a waterlogged Earth. -- -- On the blue planet, Gargantia—a large fleet of scavenger ships—comes across Chamber and retrieves it from the ocean, thinking they have salvaged something of value. Mistaking their actions for hostility, Ledo sneaks aboard and takes a young messenger girl named Amy hostage, only to realize that the residents of Gargantia are not as dangerous as he had believed. Faced with uncertainty, and unable to communicate with his comrades in space, Ledo attempts to get his bearings and acclimate to a new lifestyle. But his peaceful days are about to be short-lived, as there is more to this ocean-covered planet than meets the eye. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 289,134 7.49
Tamako Market -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Tamako Market Tamako Market -- Inside the Usagiyama Shopping District lies an eccentric but close-knit community of business owners. Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy though adorable teenage girl, belongs to a family of mochi bakers who own a quaint shop called Tama-ya. One day, Tamako stumbles upon a talking bird that presents himself as royalty from a distant land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states that he’s seeking a bride for his country’s prince. Intent on his mission, Dera follows Tamako home and develops an addiction to mochi, becoming painfully overweight and subsequently unable to fly back to his homeland; thus, he takes up residence with Tamako's family and becomes the community’s beloved mascot. -- -- Meanwhile, Tamako's friend, Mochizou Ooji, continues to hide his true feelings for her. Their fathers are fierce mochi rivals, but will it be enough to drive a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera's task of finding his prince’s destined bride? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2013 -- 312,560 7.38
Tamako Market -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Tamako Market Tamako Market -- Inside the Usagiyama Shopping District lies an eccentric but close-knit community of business owners. Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy though adorable teenage girl, belongs to a family of mochi bakers who own a quaint shop called Tama-ya. One day, Tamako stumbles upon a talking bird that presents himself as royalty from a distant land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states that he’s seeking a bride for his country’s prince. Intent on his mission, Dera follows Tamako home and develops an addiction to mochi, becoming painfully overweight and subsequently unable to fly back to his homeland; thus, he takes up residence with Tamako's family and becomes the community’s beloved mascot. -- -- Meanwhile, Tamako's friend, Mochizou Ooji, continues to hide his true feelings for her. Their fathers are fierce mochi rivals, but will it be enough to drive a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera's task of finding his prince’s destined bride? -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2013 -- 312,560 7.38
Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space OVA -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Original -- Dementia Sci-Fi -- Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space OVA Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space OVA -- After a long 5-year wait, the team that created the widely acclaimed "TAMALA2010 A Punk Cat in Space" (Winner of the Jury and Public's Prize for Best Animated Feature Film in Canada's FanTasia 2003), brings you a fusion of extremely cute graphics and nice music. Also included are 3 shorts directed by Studio 4C's Hidekazu Ohara. It's a new animation world you'd want to see and listen to again and again. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 24, 2007 -- 1,164 5.58
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- -- Telescreen -- 78 eps -- Book -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Slice of Life -- Tanoshii Muumin Ikka Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- Spring has finally arrived in Moomin Valley, giving way to another great adventure for Moomintroll and the rest of its inhabitants. With Snufkin coming home from his winter migration, the locals of the valley finally begin to rise from their hibernation. Finding a mysterious hat, the Moomins cannot bring themselves to throw it away due to its fine quality, instead hoping to eventually find its owner. -- -- While playing games with his friends, Moomin tries to hide in the silk hat. When his friends come looking for him, they are shocked to discover that Moomin has transformed into a hideous creature. Examining himself in the mirror, he is disgusted to find himself completely unrecognizable. -- -- Transforming back to normal after scaring his friends and family, Moomin and Snufkin decide to toss the hat in the river. As it drifts away, they begin to wonder who the hat belonged to and whether its owner will return for their lost possession. -- -- 18,937 8.13
The Urotsuki -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 3 eps -- - -- Adventure Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- The Urotsuki The Urotsuki -- An immortal beast-man of supernatural lusts, Amano Jaku escapes prison to gratify his appetites at Meishin College. But the campus is not just a hotbed of luscious coeds – it’s the breeding ground of a hideous monster! The Ultra God is Amano Jaku’s nemesis, a vile killing machine, and the ancient harbinger of the coming apocalypse. Now, immortals will clash in a battle that will bathe the Earth in innocent blood! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 3, 2002 -- 3,300 5.69
Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- -- Arvo Animation -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space Vampire -- Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- The first astronaut in human history was a vampire girl. -- -- Following the end of World War II, the world-dividing superpowers, Federal Republic of Zirnitra in the East and United Kingdom of Arnack in the West, turned their territorial ambitions toward space. Both countries have been competing fiercely for development. -- -- East history 1960. Gergiev, the chief leader of the Republic, announces the manned space flight program Project Mechtat (Dream), which, if successful, would be the first feat for humankind. At that time, Lev Leps, a substitute astronaut candidate, is ordered to perform a top secret mission. The "Nosferatu Project"—a program that experiments with vampires prior to manned missions—will use Irina Luminesk as a test subject, and Lev is to monitor and train her. -- -- Even while trifled by the walls of the race and ego of the nations, Lev and Irina share a genuine sentiment as they aim for the universe. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 3,644 N/A -- -- Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Space -- Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars -- Papi, the tiny president of a faraway planet, escapes to Earth to avoid being captured by the military forces that took over. Despite being welcomed by Doraemon, Nobita and their friends, the little alien notices that his enemies have also reached this world and doesn't want to get his human friends involved in this war. Doraemon, Nobita, Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka start a big adventure as they try to hide and protect Papi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 16, 1985 -- 3,627 6.94
Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Space -- Uchuu Show e Youkoso Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- Five elementary school children are spending their summer break camping at a remote mountain village. While on a hunt for their missing rabbit, Pyon-kichi, they find an injured dog in a field with crop circles. After nursing the dog back to health, they are shocked when he suddenly speaks and introduces himself as Pochi Rickman—an alien researcher who has been on Earth researching its plant life. -- -- As thanks for saving his life, Pochi offers to take the children to the moon on a sightseeing trip. When they arrive, the group quickly discovers that the moon hides a vast alien metropolis which they begin to gleefully explore. Unfortunately, after hearing that Pochi was severely injured on his mission, the government of the moon issues a travel sanction on Earth, preventing the children from returning home. -- -- Left with no other choice, the group journeys around the galaxy in search of a way to safely return to Earth. Amidst their adventure, they are pursued by aliens affiliated with "The Space Show," the universe's most-watched production shrouded in mystery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - Feb 18, 2010 -- 21,658 7.35
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- 99,429 7.76
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 99,429 7.76
UFO Gakuen no Himitsu -- -- HS Pictures Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- UFO Gakuen no Himitsu UFO Gakuen no Himitsu -- Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke are five high school students who are suddenly wrapped up in a mysterious incident. -- -- An alien species called Grey abducts Halle's sister and embeds her with a special chip inside her brain. The five stand up to save Halle's sister and try to reveal the existence of aliens, but continue to be met with mysterious events. -- -- The high school students' story progresses into a shocking development! -- -- What truths hide on the dark side of the moon? What are the true intentions of the aliens that are infiltrating America, Russia, and China? What is the true crisis that is closing in on Earth and what hope can we have towards the future!? -- -- (Source: HS Pictures Studio) -- Movie - Oct 10, 2015 -- 2,556 5.14
Ultra Maniac -- -- Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance School Shoujo -- Ultra Maniac Ultra Maniac -- Fantasies and miracles never interested Ayu Tateishi, a popular second-year student at her middle school. She was content with preserving her image of being cool, calm, and collected—all to catch the eye of her crush, Tetsushi Kaji. Ayu's carefree youthful days are interrupted by the appearance of Nina Sakura, a new transfer student who turns out to be a witch. As the only person who knows about Nina's ability to cast spells using a mini-computer, Ayu is forced to help Nina with her mission to find the five Holy Stones, qualifying her to marry the prince of the Magic Kingdom. -- -- Unfortunately, Nina's ineptitude with magic and her habit of meddling in Ayu's personal life cause nothing but trouble for the two of them as Ayu toils to maintain her good reputation and Nina struggles to hide her secret from the discerning eye of Hiroki Tsujiai, Tetsushi's best friend and an avid fan of manga. And when Nina's search for the five Holy Stones brings allies and challengers from the Magic Kingdom, Ayu is dragged into a world she never even dreamed was possible. -- -- 28,255 7.17
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/AKakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne! -- Having stood out from others most of her life due to her exceptional character, Misato Kurihara has lived without neither the joy of having close friends nor the experience of having a regular life. However, after a sudden death, she was transported to a divine realm to be reincarnated—and granted one wish to top it off. Thinking about the ordinary life that she had always wanted, she wished to be born as a normal person, with abilities that are average for the world she will resurrect in. -- -- Reborn as Adele von Ascham—the daughter of a noble—she possesses magic powers completely exceeding what one would label average. Still desiring to carry out the life she wanted, she leaves her home and enrolls at a hunter school in a faraway kingdom using "Mile" as an alias. However, try as she might to hide her overpowering potential, attaining her goal will be difficult—especially when facing against the crazy situations that ensue! -- -- 116,130 6.84
Yami Shibai 4 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 4 Yami Shibai 4 -- Excited children gather around the enigmatic masked Storyteller once more. His unique kamishibai storytelling draws them into tales of fear and dread. These are dark and foreboding stories, which could happen to anyone... -- -- This season has tales of a salaryman who buries a dead cat, only to be haunted soon after; a college student and her cheap new apartment that hides a ghastly secret; boys exploring an abandoned haunted house before coming across a strange fish tank; a man who finds himself on the wrong bus, and in more danger than he thought possible; and a young couple's visit to an amusement park, which suddenly takes a dark turn. All these stories and more await in Yami Shibai 4. -- -- 21,571 5.73
Yawara! -- -- Madhouse -- 124 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Martial Arts Romance Slice of Life Sports -- Yawara! Yawara! -- High school student Yawara Inokuma lives a completely happy and ordinary life. She aspires to an average lifestyle as a delicate young lady with a handsome boyfriend in the near future. -- -- Unfortunately for Yawara, she has an undesirable prodigious talent in Judo, a modern martial art that is neither feminine nor fashionable. Moreover, Yawara is the only granddaughter of the seventh dan Judo master Jigorou Inokuma, who expects her to become a Japanese Judoka superstar of the '90s. -- -- Yawara cautiously hides her strength from everyone to maintain a normal reputation but is often pushed to situations when she must exercise her Judo skills. Observing Yawara's immense potential from the shadows, Kousaku Matsuda, a sports reporter from a substandard paper, is willing to do everything he can to bring her into the limelight. -- -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- 15,295 7.47
Youjuu Kyoushitsu Gaiden -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Hentai Horror Demons -- Youjuu Kyoushitsu Gaiden Youjuu Kyoushitsu Gaiden -- From the radioactive emptiness of space comes the Demon Beast! A hideous alien monster, the Beast shares a psychic link with the beautiful Earth woman, Kayo. Bound by a forbidden past and a horrifying erotic encounter, she is destined to lure the Beast back to a helpless Earth. Her tortured soul cries out across dimensions, calling the Demon Beast to begin his reign of bloodlust, carnage, and terror! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Nov 17, 1995 -- 1,284 5.18
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS -- -- Gallop -- 120 eps -- Card game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS -- The world of Duel Monsters is once again evolving with the development of a network called Link Vrains and a new summoning mechanic introduced as Link Summoning. By using this cyberspace, duelists can now create their own avatars and duel their way to glory within a virtual reality. -- -- However, much like the real world, the digital world is not free from war, conflict, and mysteries. Years ago, a hacker organization known as the Knights of Hanoi unleashed an attack on Link Vrains. Led by the anonymous Revolver, their aim was to annihilate the artificial intelligence program known as the Cyberse. After a failed attempt, one of their targets, Ignis, managed to escape and hide the Cyberse somewhere in the network. -- -- Five years later, high school student Yuusaku Fujiki encounters a strange artificial intelligence program while dueling in Link Vrains. Under the guise of his avatar named Playmaker, Yuusaku and his partner in crime, Shouichi Kusanagi, decide to join forces with the peculiar existence. As he seeks the truth behind a mysterious incident of the past, Yuusaku battles against the Knights of Hanoi and SOL Technologies in a race that might alter the fate of the world. -- -- 34,019 6.62
Zekkyou Gakkyuu: Tensei -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Horror Shoujo Supernatural -- Zekkyou Gakkyuu: Tensei Zekkyou Gakkyuu: Tensei -- A girl's classmate disappears during a game of hide-and-seek. When she goes out to look for him, she hides when she hears someone pursuing her. After a while, she peeks out to see if her pursuer has given up. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Apr 26, 2016 -- 3,214 5.45't_Hide_Community_Bike_Ride_-_Calgary_2016.jpg
Abu Hider
Adeimantus (son of Leucolophides)
Akechi Hidemitsu
Akechi Mitsuhide
Akihide Tamura
Akihiko Hoshide
A Love to Hide
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Aluminium gallium phosphide
Aluminium phosphide
Aluminium phosphide poisoning
American Dollar Bill Keep Facing Sideways, You're Too Hideous to Look at Face On
Among Us Hide...
Andrew Harper's Hideaway Report
Ansar ul-Mujahideen
Aogiyama Hideki
Apex Hides the Hurt
Aphidecta obliterata
Arab Mujahideen in Chechnya
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Archidendron bigeminum
Archidendron microcarpum
Archidendron pauciflorum
Archidermapteron martynovi
Arimatsu Hideyoshi
Army of Mujahideen
Arthur H. Hider
Asanoyama Hideki
Asayama Ichiden-ry
Ashikaga Yoshihide
Ashwini Bhide-Deshpande
Asociaia Ghidelor i Ghizilor din Romnia
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout
Attack of the Hideous Space-Varmints
Bacchides (play)
Baishideng Publishing Group
Bark Hide and Horn
Barney's Hide & Seek Game
Baron Talbot of Malahide
Battle of Uchidehama
Beefhide, Kentucky
Bird hide
Bjrglfur Hideaki Takefusa
Boron phosphide
Bosnian mujahideen
Botryosphaeria dothidea
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Cadmium phosphide
Calcium phosphide
California hide trade
Calyptra ophideroides
Caroline Dolehide
Cerataphis orchidearum
Cerithidea balteata
Cerithidea decollata
Cerithidea quoyii
Cerithideopsilla conica
Cerithideopsis californica
Cerithideopsis costata
Cerithideopsis largillierti
Cerithideopsis montagnei
Cerithideopsis pliculosa
Cerithideopsis scalariformis
Charles Hider
Charlie Hides
Chewing Hides the Sound
Chidera Ejuke
Chidera Ezeh
Chidester, Arkansas
Chiyotairy Hidemasa
Ch Tsurahide
Chris Ihidero
Colotis evanthides
Copper(I) phosphide
Dai Zhide
Dalian Shide F.C.
Dalian Shide Siwu FC
Der Orchideengarten
Dice (hide song)
Die Orchidee
Dimitrios Chidemenakis
Donkey-hide gelatin
East Indonesia Mujahideen
Edward Hide
Egawa Hidetatsu
Elizabeth Wilhide
Emmanuel-Auguste de Cahideuc, Comte Dubois de la Motte
Euchaetes promathides
Eutychide physcella
Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
Farai Chideya
Federation of Hides, Leather, and Kindred Trades
Flash Hiders
Forza! Hidemaru
Franois Lehideux
Friction (Phideaux Xavier album)
Fujiwara no Hidehira
Fujiwara no Hidesato
Fukuda Hideko
Fun'ya no Yasuhide
Gallium arsenide phosphide
Gallium phosphide
Gam Hideyuki
Gam Katahide
GaragePunk Hideout
Garry Shider
Glaston Twelve Hides
Gunfight at Hide Park
Hanshan and Shide
Hashiba Hidekatsu
Hayashi Hidesada
Hayateumi Hidehito
Heliothela ophideresana
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Herbie Hide
Hernando's Hideaway
Hideaki Anno
Hideaki It
Hideaki Itsuno
Hideaki Kobayashi
Hideaki Maeguchi
Hideaki Miyamura
Hideaki Motoyama
Hideaki Nagai
Hideaki Okubo
Hideaki mura
Hideaki Sorachi
Hideaki Takizawa
Hideaki Tokunaga
Hide (album)
Hide & Seek (Janet Devlin album)
Hide & Seek (Patterson novel)
Hide and Creep
Hide and Go Shriek
Hide and Q
Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek (1932 cartoon)
Hide and Seek (1964 film)
Hide and Seek (2005 film)
Hide and Seek (2013 film)
Hide and Seek (2014 film)
Hide and Seek (2018 film)
Hide and Seek (Collins novel)
Hide and Seek (EP)
Hide and Seek (Rankin novel)
Hide and Seek/Sunset Refrain
Hide and Seek (The Birthday Massacre album)
Hide and Shriek
Hideaway's Erin Go Bragh
Hide Away (Daya song)
Hide Away (film)
Hide Away (instrumental)
Hideaway (Kiesza song)
Hideaway (Tessanne Chin song)
Hideaway, Texas
Hide (Doctor Who)
Hide from the Sun
Hidefumi Kimura
Hidegkuti Nndor Stadion
Hidehiko Hoshino
Hidehiko Matsumoto
Hidehiko Yoshida
Hidehiro Miyashita
Hidehisa Otsuji
Hideji Hj
Hideji Kat
Hideji Oda
Hideji taki
Hidejir Nagata
Hide (Joy Williams song)
Hidekatsu Shibata
Hide Kawanishi
Hidekaz Himaruya
Hidekazu Hayashi
Hidekazu Tojo
Hidekazu Yoshida
Hideki Arai
Hideki Chihara
Hideki Fujii
Hideki Fujisawa
Hideki Irabu
Hideki Ishima
Hideki Kamiya
Hideki Komatsu
Hideki Kuriyama
Hideki Matsui
Hideki Matsuoka
Hideki Matsuyama
Hideki Mitsui
Hideki Mori
Hideki Naganuma
Hideki Noda
Hideki Noda (playwright)
Hideki Okada
Hideki Okajima
Hideki Omuro
Hideki Saijo
Hideki Sakamoto
Hideki Shing
Hideki Shirakawa
Hideki Suzuki
Hideki Takahashi
Hideki Togi
Hideki Tojo
Hideki Yukawa
Hideko Inoue
Hideko Mizuno
Hideko Saito
Hideko Takamine
Hidemaro Konoye
Hidemichi Tanaka
Hidemi Jinushizono
Hidemi Kon
Hide Mineshima
Hidemitsu Tanaka
Hide (musician)
Hide n' Seek
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Hidenohana Yukihide
Hidenokuni Hajime
Hidenori Inatsu
Hidenori Isa
Hidenori Kusaka
Hidenori Tokuyama
Hidenoumi Takuya
Hidenoumi Wataru
Hidenoyama Raigor
Hideo Azuma
Hideo Date
Hideo Fujimoto
Hideo Gosha
Hideo Hamamura
Hideo Higashikokubaru
Hideo Higashiyama
Hideo Iijima
Hideo Ishikawa
Hideo Itokawa
Hideo Iwakuro
Hideo Jinpu
Hideo Jojo
Hideo Kanekawa
Hideo Kanze
Hideo Kobayashi
Hideo Kobayashi (canoeist)
Hideo Kojima
Hideo Levy
Hideo Murai
Hideo Murata
Hideo Nagata
Hideo Nakamura
Hideo Nomo
Hideo Oe
Hideo Ohkubo
Hideo nishi
Hideo shima
Hideo Otake
Hideo Saito
Hideo Sakaki
Hideo Takubo
Hideo Tanaka
Hideo Tanifuji
Hideous (liqueur)
Hideout Festival
Hideout in the Sun
Hideout (novel)
Hideout, Utah
Hideo Yamamoto (disambiguation)
Hideo Yokoyama
Hideo Yoshino
Hider in the House
Hider in the House (film)
Hideroku Hara
Hidesaburo Hanafusa
Hidesabur Kurushima
Hidesabur Ueno
Hideshi Hino
Hideshi Hino's Theater of Horror
Hide (skin)
Hidetaka Kanazono
Hidetaka Miyazaki
Hideta Kanai
Hidetaka Nishiyama
Hidetaka Suehiro
Hidetoki Takahashi
Hidetoshi Nakata
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Hidetoshi Nishijima (actor)
Hideto Tanihara
Hideto Tomabechi
Hidetoyo Watanabe
Hide (unit)
Hideyo Amamoto
Hideyo Arisaka
Hideyo Noguchi
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize
Hideyoshi (given name)
Hideyoshi Obata
Hideyoshi (TV series)
Hide Your Face
Hide Your Heart
Hide Your Heart (album)
Hideyuki Ashihara
Hideyuki Fujisawa
Hideyuki Fukasawa
Hideyuki Hirayama
Hideyuki Hori
Hideyuki Imakura
Hideyuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D
Hideyuki Kurata
Hideyuki Otake
Hideyuki Sakai
Hideyuki Takano
Hideyuki Tanaka
Hideyuki Umezu
Hidezo Takahashi
Hidezumi Shirakata
Higashifushimi Kunihide
Hiden: Mamono-tachi tono Chikai
Hirate Hirohide
Hirate Masahide
Hirohide Fushimi
Hirohide Ishida
History of hide materials
Hizbul Mujahideen
Hokutriki Hideki
Hori Hidemasa
Hori Naohide
Iba Hideaki
Imre Hideghthy
Indian Mujahideen
Indium gallium arsenide phosphide
Indium gallium phosphide
Indium phosphide
Isabel Talbot, Baroness Talbot de Malahide
Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen
I Still Hide to Smoke
Jack Hides
Jaish al-Mujahideen
Jaish al-Rashideen
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
James Chidester Egbert Jr.
James Talbot, 4th Baron Talbot of Malahide
Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim
John Hiden
John Vlahides
Kagami Hideoki
Kan Hideyori
Katsuhide Motoki
Kazuhide Uekusa
Kijr Shidehara
Kinhide Tokudaiji
Kitabayama Hidetoshi
Kitazakura Hidetoshi
Kiyohide Shima
Kiyohide Shinj
K. M. Kader Mohideen
Kobayakawa Hideaki
Kobayakawa Hidekane
Koide Hidemasa
Kurohimeyama Hideo
Kusunoki Masahide
La Chair de l'orchide
Lai Zhide
Lalith Dehideniya
Lampronia psychidella
Lehideux and Isorni v France
Les Sylphides
Let's Hide Away and Dance Away with Freddy King
List of Dothideomycetes taxa incertae sedis
List of military equipment used by mujahideen during SovietAfghan War
Lithium diphenylphosphide
Lovci orchidej
Love Rhymes with Hideous Car Wreck
Malahide Cricket Club
Malahide, Ontario
Malahide United F.C.
Mark Khidekel
Masahide Kanayama
Masahide ta
Masahiro Higashide
Matsunaga Hisahide
Matthew Urhoghide
Max Farenthide
Milo Talbot, 7th Baron Talbot of Malahide
Misery (hide song)
Mitsuhide Hata
Mohamed Khider
Mohideen Baig
Monica Bhide
Mooncraft Shiden
Mri Hidemoto
Mri Hidenari
Mujahideen Army (Iraq)
Mujahideen (disambiguation)
Mujahideen Shura Council
Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem
My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes
Myke Hideous
Nakagawa Hidemasa
Nakagawa Hidenari
Nakagawa Kiyohide
Nndor Hidegkuti
Naohidemyces vaccinii
Never Run, Never Hide
Niwa Nagahide
Nobuhide Akiba
Nobutaka Shiden
No Place to Hide
No Place to Hide (1973 film)
No Place to Hide (ER)
No Place to Hide (Lost in Space)
Noriko Higashide
Nothing to Hide
Nothing to Hide (2018 film)
Nothing to Hide (album)
Nothing to hide argument
Nothing to Hide (book)
Nothing to Hide (Heroes)
Nothing to Hide (magic show)
Nowhere to Hide
Nowhere to Hide (1999 film)
Oda Hidenobu
Oda Nobuhide
kuma Tomohide
Olga Adzhiderskaya
Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide
Onchidella armadilla
Onchidella binneyi
Onchidella carpenteri
Onchidella celtica
Onchidella floridana
Onchidella incisa
Onchidella indolens
Onchidella maculata
Onchidella marginata
Onchidella nigricans
Onchidella oniscioides
Onchidella reticulata
Onchidella steindachneri
Ophiderma definita
Orchidea De Santis
Otomo Yoshihide
tsukasa Nobuhide
Oueddei Kichidemi
Oxhide ingot
Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside
P. A. Mohideen
Pararchidendron pruinosum
Parmanand Rishideo
Patrick Malahide
Penthides flavus
Penthides rufoflavus
Peter Hide
Peter Paphides
Phideaux Xavier
Philip W. Hiden
Piddletrenthide (liberty)
Plains hide painting
P. Sathidevi
Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1
Quinone methide
Rachide Forbes
Rawhide Kid
Rawhide (material)
Rawhide (song)
Rawhide (TV series)
Ready or Not Here I Come (Can't Hide from Love)
Richard Delahide
Richard Talbot, 2nd Baron Talbot of Malahide
Robert Chideka
Rodney Hide
Rodolphe Hiden
Roy Lnhiden
Run and Hide
Run, hide, tell
Rustlers' Hideout
Sarah Hider
Sar Pushideh
Sasaki Hideyoshi
Sengoku Hidehisa
Sergei Zhideyev
Sharyn Ghidella
Shide, Isle of Wight
Shideler, Indiana
Shide (monk)
Shide (Shinto)
Shiratayama Hidetoshi
Sitthideth Khanthavong
Sodium phosphide
Something to Hide
Sorcha N Chide
Spathidexia setipennis
Sucheta Bhide Chapekar
Sukehide Kabayama
Sulphide Creek
SulphideFrisco Cabin
Sulphide Indole Motility medium
Taikou Risshiden V
Takamine Hideo
Takanosato Toshihide
Takeda Hideo
Takehide Nakatani
Tamarikid Hideki
Tell Me (hide song)
Telluride phosphide
Thaddeus Shideler
That Hideous Strength
The Flipside of Dominick Hide
The Great Leap (Phideaux album)
The Hideaways
The Hideous Sun Demon
The Hideout (film)
The Hideout Inn
They Who Hide Behind Masks
Titanium(III) phosphide
Tokugawa Hidetada
Tokuyama Norihide
Tomoefuji Toshihide
Toshihide Maskawa
Toshihide Migita
Toyotomi Hidenaga
Toyotomi Hidetsugu
Toyotomi Hideyori
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Trachidermus fasciatus
Tsunamasa Shidei
Tuhfat Ul Mujahideen
Ukita Hideie
Urakusai Nagahide
Vahide Aydn
Vahide Perin
Visalia Rawhide
Volkswagen Phideon
We Can't Hide It Anymore
Where Does the Devil Hide
Where Do You Hide the Sun?
Yagy Ren'yasai: Hidentsuki Kagesh
Yasuhide Kobashi
Yoshihide Fukao
Yoshihide Fukutome
Yoshihide Hayashi
Yoshihide Kiry
Yoshihide Suga
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
You Can't Hide Love
You can click, but you can't hide
You Cannot Hide
You can run, but you can't hide
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International
You Dig the Tunnel, I'll Hide the Soil
Yttrium phosphide
Yki Hideyasu
Yunnan hide-and-seek incident
Zinc diphosphide
Zinc phosphide

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last updated: 2022-02-04 15:18:14
243120 site hits