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Fear is always a very bad adviser.

It is the fear more or less conscious which does almost all the mischief.

Without fear nothing can happen.

Do not fear, keep your confidence, all these troubles will leave you.

With my love and blessings.

Stop fearing and the bothers will stop also.

A child of mine cannot fear.


My protection is always with you and nothing bad can happen.

But you must take the decision to shake off the fear and then my force can work fully.

27 October 1937

Do not torment yourself, do not worry; above all try to banish all fear; fear is a dangerous thing which can give importance to something which had none at all. The mere fear of seeing certain symptoms renew themselves is enough to bring about this repetition.

24 July 1945



This fear comes from weakness of nerves and of the vital. This fear must be got rid of, before any attempt is made to follow the path of Yoga.

9 March 1949

Yoga and fear do not go together.

You are frightened because your breathing seems to stop when you try to concentrate. Dont enter this path if you are so full of fears. Suppose it comes to the worst; then what will happen?
You may die and then? What great harm will be done if you are dead? Our Yoga is not for cowards; if you have no courage, better leave it your fears will bring disaster.
What can he fear who belongs to the Divine? Can he not walk, his soul expanding and his brow illumined, upon the path the
Divine traces for him, whatever it may be, even if it is altogether incomprehensible to his limited reason?
14 October 1954

All fear must be overcome and replaced by a total confidence in the Divine Grace.

6 June 1955

On some days of each month, when I sleep at night on my cot, moonlight from the window of my room falls on my face and body. Is there any harm in the moonlight falling on me while I am sleeping? I ask You because someone told me that it might have a bad effect and so it would be better to shut it out. But I love the moon and

Words of the Mother II
the moonlight very much for they remind me of Your
White Light. Will you please let me know if there is any harm if moonlight falls on me while I sleep?
If you are not frightened, there is no harm it is not the moon, it is the fear which harms.

9 May 1963

Nothing can harm you if you do not fear.

So, fear not, be quiet and calm all will be all right.

With love and blessings.

15 October 1966

The first thing from which you must cure yourself once for ever, is Fear.

It is more dangerous than the worst disease.

With love and blessings.

9 October 1967

There is nothing to fear all is the Lord there is nothing else than the Lord; the Lord alone exists and all that tries to frighten us is only a silly and meaningless disguise of the Lord.

Cheer up the way is open before you, shake off this obsession of illness and bring down the Divine Calm.

Then everything will be all right.

With love and blessings.

Mother I feel terribly ill at ease, there are doubts about the Power and all sorts of troublesome things. I feel as if I were suffocating little by little, I have a headache that drifts here and there, it is terrible; I feel bound

to something tamasic, inert and dark. I cannot get rid of this. Help me, Mother I dont know what to do, everything is dark, dark, dark. I dont know how long
I can hold out against this, a sort of something which gradually drains my energy and wants to draw me into itself. Mother help me, I really dont know what to do.

You must not be afraid. Have full trust in the Divine who is
Love, Light and Life.

8 March 1972

Go safely to Siddhapur and do not fear.

It is only fear which hurts, not the spirits. When people who have left their body appear in front of you, you must not fear it is generally because they are restless and lack peace give them a good thought and wish them to be in peace and it will be over.

In any case you can tell them to go to Mother and they will not bother you any more.

Go to Siddhapur and avoid unpleasant company if there is any, but always remember that it is only fear which harms and that with confident faith in the Divines Grace you are safe.

You can be entirely free from fear only when you have driven out of you all violence.

Get rid of all violence and you will no longer have any fear.

Fear is hidden consent. When you are afraid of something, it means that you admit its possibility and thus streng then its hand. It can be said that it is a subconscient consent. Fear can be

Words of the Mother II
overcome in many ways. The ways of courage, faith, knowledge are some of them.
Fear is slavery, work is liberty, courage is victory.

Doubt is not a sport to indulge in with impunity; it is a poison which drop by drop corrodes the soul.

We must decide to get rid of all doubts, they are among the worst enemies of our progress.

29 July 1954

How to avoid attacks of depression?
Do not pay attention to the depression and act as if it was not there.

31 March 1934

My heart feels arid, sad and gloomy, Mother

Why dont you try to read something beautiful and interesting and turn your attention away from yourself? That is the best remedy.

6 September 1935



Do not indulge in such ridiculous ideas. Madness and hell and dark cell are all in your imagination.

You had better replace them by the sense of my love and blessings.

9 October 1937

My dear child, I hope your poem is only a poem and that you are not truly suffering from depression. Indeed, depression is the worst of all illnesses and we must reject it with as much energy as we use to get rid of a disease.

With my love and blessings always.

30 January 1946

It is the devil of depression and despondency that we shall slay tonight so that all those who have the sincere will to get rid of this disease will receive the necessary help to conquer.

20 October 1950

A depression is always unreasonable as it leads nowhere. It is the most subtle enemy of the Yoga.

31 May 1955

I have only one thing to say: Depression is a bad adviser.

My love is always with you. Have faith and you will be all right.

It is the depression that gives you bad health.


28 October 1967


Words of the Mother II

It is the ego that gets depressed.

Do not mind it. Go on quietly with your work and the depression will disappear.

18 August 1971

At these moments of depression or of revolt, no fresh decision must be taken under the impulse of the wrong movement, but practically one must go on with the usual routine, quiet and undisturbed.

* *
When you feel unhappy like that, it means that you have a progress to make. You can say that we always need to progress, it is true. But at times our nature gives its consent to the needed change and then everything goes smoothly, even happily. On the contrary sometimes the part that has to progress refuses to move and clings to its old habits through inertia, ignorance, attachment or desire. Then, under the pressure of the perfecting force, the struggle starts translating itself into unhappiness or revolt or both together.

The only remedy is to keep quiet, look within oneself honestly to find out what is wrong and set to work courageously to put it right.

The Divine Consciousness will always be there to help you if your endeavour is sincere; and the more sincere your endeavour the more the Divine Consciousness will help and assist you.

19 May 1952

Periods of obscuration are frequent and common; generally, it is enough to keep quiet without worrying, knowing that these are spiritual nights which alternate with the full light of the days.



But to be able to remain in peace you must keep in your heart gratitude towards the Divine for all the help He gives. If gratitude also is veiled, the obscure periods last much longer. There is, however, a swift and effective remedy: it is to keep always burning in your heart the flame of purification, the aspiration for progress, the intensity, the ardour of consecration. This flame is kindled in the heart of all who are sincere; you must not let ingratitude cover it up with its ashes.

You must remember one thing: the dark periods are inevitable.

When your psychic is active, you feel a delight without any apparent reason. It continues for some time and again the same mental or vital reactions come in and you go back to the darkness. This will continue. The brighter days will become longer and the dark periods will come after longer intervals and for shorter duration till they finally disappear. Till then you must know that the sun is there behind the clouds and you need not worry. You must have the confidence of a child a confidence that there is someone who takes care of you and you can entirely depend on him.
My word to you is: Do not cherish suffering and suffering will leave you altogether. Suffering is far from being indispensable to progress. The greatest progress is made through a steady and cheerful equanimity.

10 May 1932

The world is full of sufferings and sorrows.


Words of the Mother II

One should try never to be the cause of any additional suffering.

10 October 1970

The only remedy for all human suffering: divine love.

Turn towards the Divine, all your sufferings will disappear.

Do not take the sorrows of life for what they seem to be; they are in truth a way to greater achievements.

It is a dangerous illness: laziness.

30 July 1936

Tiredness shows lack of will for progress. When you feel tired or fatigued that is lack of will for progress.

Fire is always burning in you.

Fatigue comes from doing without interest the things you do.

Whatever you do you can find interest in it, provided you take it as the means of progressing; you must try to do better and better what you are doing, the will for progress must always be there and then you take interest in what you do, whatever it is. The most insignificant occupation can prove interesting if you take it that way.



But even the most attractive and important activity will soon lose all its interest for you if the will for progress towards an ideal perfection is not there while you act.

About every ten days I have an attack of fatigue and exhaustion which has a tendency to turn into inertia and discouragement.

Take no notice of it and go on with your programme as usual.

It is the quickest way of getting rid of it.

If I work I feel all right, but the fatigue comes after that.

Why? What to do?
It is because you are receptive to the force when you work and that sustains you. But when you are not under the strain of the work you are less receptive. You must learn to be receptive in all circumstances and always especially when you take rest it must not be the rest of inertia but a true rest of receptivity.

The forces behind the cyclone were not hostile but full of transforming power. You did the right thing, and I can assure you that to go inward and to receive the force is more helpful than to throw oneself into an agitated action. Certainly tamas is not good, but it is only through surrender to the Divine Consciousness that tamas can be changed.

What are the defects in me that are coming in my way of spiritual as well as material progress?
Tamas and sluggishness.


Words of the Mother II

What am I to do to get rid of these defects of my nature?
Become more and more conscious.

22 October 1964

Do not expect any satisfaction from physical life and you will no more be tied to it.

For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and action is put at our disposal according to the place we should occupy there.

The more we are consciously in contact with our inner being, the more exact are the means we are given.

3 June 1970

What is truly needed will surely come.

Things must be asked for only when truly needed.

What is bad is slavery. Slavery to abstinence as well as slavery to needs. What comes we take but always ready to let it go, if it goes...



Greed for anything concerning physical consciousness, so-called necessities and comfort of whatever nature this is one of the most serious obstacles to sadhana.

Each little satisfaction you get through greed is one step backward from the goal.

When you have a desire you are governed by the thing you desire, it takes possession of your mind and your life, and you become a slave. If you have greed for food you are no more the master of food, it is the food that masters you.

A sadhak must eat to satisfy the needs of his body and not to meet the demands of his greed.

4 April 1937

If you prefer the pleasures of the palate to the union with the
Divine, it is your own look-out and I have nothing to say, except that I do not approve, but each one must be free to choose whether he will rise above his lower nature or sink down in the material pit. My help is always for those who choose the higher path.

It is an inner attitude of freedom from attachment and from greed for food and desire of the palate that is needed, not undue diminution of the quantity taken or any self-starvation. One must take sufficient food for the maintenance of the body and its strength and health, but without attachment or desire.

27 April 1937


Words of the Mother II

It would be a hundred times more effective to never waste food than to cut down one meal as a show and to eat more before and after.

A strong, ardent, sincere campaign against the waste of food is essential and full-heartedly I approve of it.

Let the inmates of the Ashram show their goodwill and collaboration in never eating more than they can digest and never ask for more than they can eat.

Kindly suggest some simple way by which one can slowly diminish ones abject dependence on ordinary material food and open oneself more and more to the universal vital energy.

There is no easy way to get over physical animality and vital greed. It is only an obstinate perseverance that can succeed.

If each one took the resolution of mastering oneself and controlling ones impulses, the situation would become more clear.

When people allow their consciousness to remain in a turmoil, all their life becomes a turmoil.

An impulsive person who cannot control himself has a disordered life.

First learn to know yourself perfectly and then to control yourself perfectly. You will be able to do it by aspiring at every moment. It is never too early to begin, never too late to continue.



Control over the lower impulsions is the first step towards realisation.

Renunciation of desires: the essential condition for realisation.

Yes, we must keep the seat of our consciousness in the higher being and do whatever we are doing from there, not allowing the lower, blind and selfish movements and reactions to spoil our work.

To accept the uglinesses of the lower nature under the pretext that they exist if this is what is meant by realism does not form part of the sadhana. Our aim is not to accept these things and enjoy them, but to get rid of them and create a life of spiritual beauty and perfection. That cannot be done as long as we accept these uglinesses.

To be aware that they are there and to reject them, not to let them touch us is one thing; to accept them and submit to them is quite another.

Beware of what pulls you downward. Do not yield to any lower instinct. Keep intact your aspiration for the Divine.

Yielding to desires is not the way of getting rid of them. There is no end to desires each one which is satisfied is at once replaced by another one and they go on clamouring more and more.

It is only by conquering the desires that you can get rid of them, by coming out of this consciousness of the lower nature and rising to a higher consciousness.

29 April 1930


Words of the Mother II

Refuse to do anything whatsoever which leads you away from the Divine.

18 October 1934

If you want to become conscious of my presence in you and to be delivered from hostile attacks, you must renounce any attempt to satisfy your desires. Only when the vital has lost all hope of seeing its desires satisfied does it consent to be spiritualised.

My help and blessings are with you.

3 September 1935

A desire which knows that it will never be satisfied at once vanishes.

All the lower movements have to be conquered if ever anything divine is to be established upon earth.

18 March 1936

There is no greater victory than that of controlling oneself.

3 May 1954

It is indispensable to perceive the lower movements of your being, in a detached and scientific manner, as a witness with clear vision and insight. But you must never allow these movements to express and assert themselves as if they had the right to exist and govern the rest of the being. In other words, you must never act under the impulse of these movements, never physically translate their suggestions into speech or action, never permit their orders to be carried out in any inner or outer gesture.

19 September 1956



Keep quiet, try to detach yourself and observe as a witness, to prevent all possibility of acting on impulse.
Do not act under an impulse.

Never forget that, as much outside as in the Ashram, if you want to lead a happy life, you must be the master of your lower nature and control your desires and vital impulses; otherwise there is no end to the miseries and the troubles.

20 September 1960

At every moment of life you are put in the presence of a choice between the Grace and your personal satisfaction.

13 September 1961

One cannot overcome ones desires by making oneself weak but only in strength, balance and peace.

7 June 1964

If one is not master of ones desires, one cannot be master of ones thoughts.

22 August 1964

Sometimes you say all right even to our desires and ambitions.

The Grace works for progress on the path. The satisfaction of desire may also serve that purpose in showing the inanity of desire.

And the good of yesterday may no more be good tomorrow.


Words of the Mother II

So follow your inspiration and my blessings are with you.

30 May 1968

You have my love and grace and blessings.

But if you are to feel them you must be disciplined, attentive and concentrated; above all you must not listen to any of your desires and fancies.

In life, one must choose between a disordered and useless life of desires and that of an ascent into the light of aspiration and mastery of ones lower nature.

16 June 1971

No self-indulgence and no desire.

To conquer a desire brings more joy than to satisfy it.

Self-mastery is the greatest conquest, it is the basis of all enduring happiness.

Continence: control over oneself.

To be continent is to allow no other movements in the being
(mental, vital and physical) than those strictly indispensable to manifest the Divines Will.



The ego thinks of what it wants and has not. This is its constant preoccupation.

The soul is aware of what it is given and lives in endless gratitude.

Abolition of the ego: one exists only by the Divine and for the

All bitterness in life always comes from the ego refusing to abdicate.

All that happens is to teach us one and the same lesson, unless we get rid of our ego there is no peace either for ourselves or for others. And without ego life becomes such a wonderful marvel!...

We can contemplate the divine smile when we have conquered our ego.

Without the play of ego, there would be no conflicts; and if there were not in the vital a tendency to drama, there would be no dramatic happenings in life.


Words of the Mother II

Yes, those who live in their ego live constantly in an ugly drama.

If people were a little less selfish things would not be so bad.

Meanwhile we must meet all these adverse circumstances with patience, endurance and equanimity.

23 October 1935

The extent of your difficulties gives you the measure of your ego.

23 March 1957

Divine Mother
My giant enemy ego is sitting directly in my path and will not let me pass. In what manner should I fight him?
Ignore him and go through.

12 May 1966

To get over our ego is not an easy task.

Even after overcoming it in the material consciousness, we meet it once more magnified in the spiritual.

How can one get rid of ones vanity and selfishness?
By a complete consecration to the Divine and a loving surrender to the Divines Will.


15 May 1944



Each thought turned towards oneself veils the Divine.

25 August 1944

We must be free of all selfishness to serve properly the Divines

26 May 1954

Selfishness and self-pity lead nowhere. You would do better to get rid of them for it is these two narrow movements which prevent you from feeling the Divines help and love.

25 March 1965

Pride: a great obstacle to progress.

It is not the soul but the ego and its pride that feel defeat and humiliation.

Vanity: one of the most frequent forms of falsehood.

It is better to be than to seem to be.

Vanity is the most serious obstacle to true greatness.


Words of the Mother II

There was a time when your amour-propre was a great help. It saved you from doing many stupid things by telling you that they were beneath your dignity. But now it is the greatest obstacle in your way.
We should always be on our guard against the interference of the ego, shouldnt we, Mother
Certainly this is correct. Ambition is always a source of disturbance and confusion.

16 May 1934

Detaching oneself from the ignorant actions of the mind and vital and from any kind of ambition, and allowing the Divine Mother to work according to Her own will, one can have inner as well as outer peace and happiness; and this, I think, is the way one can serve the Mother gratefully and sincerely. Is this not so?
Certainly, action without ambition and egoistic calculation is the condition of peace and felicity both inner and outer.

Behind all ambitions there is a Truth waiting for the opportune time to manifest. Now that the ambition is gone, it is time for the truth (the capacities and abilities) to manifest.

Take great care not to become swollen; but I am with you, helping you, in order to do something interesting.



A part of my being has developed the bad habit of feeling miserable after Pranam. It gets jealous of certain people.

Dont you think I should have the strength to reject this obstacle?
Certainly but then you must do it in all sincerity and not accept these movements of jealousy in any way.

16 April 1934

I do not understand why my vital is always jealous of X.

Apparently there is no valid reason.

There is never any reason for jealousy. It is a very low and ignorant movement.

20 April 1934

Jealousy comes from a narrowness of the mind and a weakness of the heart. It is a great pity that so many are attacked by it.

Jealousy with its escort of slanders is the output of the weak and the small.

It deserves more pity than anger, and must leave us perfectly indifferent to it, enjoying the bliss of our unshakable certitude.

You cannot expect the whole world to be at your service and everything to happen as you fancy it to be more convenient for you.


Words of the Mother II

You must stop quarrelling with everybody and about everything; otherwise how can you expect to make any progress in yoga?
23 September 1932

Keep this attitude never side with anybody nor take up any personal quarrel think only of the Divine Peace, Harmony,
Light and Happiness and become more and more their purified and quiet instrument.

18 September 1934

You must never forget that I disapprove of quarrels and always consider that both sides are equally wrong. To surmount ones feelings, preferences, dislikes and impulses, is an indispensable discipline here.

1 October 1943

Of course, X told me the story in a very different way but I am used to the fact that each one tells me things from a particular angle, the one which is most favourable to him and I do not give much importance to that. There is only one thing
I always regret: the useless quarrels that make life so difficult when, with a little mutual goodwill, everything could be settled harmoniously.

21 July 1947

You asked me not to quarrel and to agree with one another, but I frankly say that I miss the light that can show me how to agree with X. I pray for that light. I beseech your pardon for violating your order. Would you not pardon me? You have to, Mother



Pardon and blessings are there, but one way or another a different arrangement must be made to stop these quarrels.

Love and blessings.

26 October 1948

This is a very good opportunity to test the value of the relation.

You must absolutely stop all quarrels. They are harmful for the sadhana of both of you.

Try your level best, and if you cannot succeed, then you will have to give up the relation.

23 September 1951

In quarrels I never interfere, because surely both are wrong.

10 May 1953

When two persons quarrel, always both are in the wrong.

It is always wrong to quarrel, even if one is not the aggressor.

When you start a quarrel it is as if you were declaring war on the Divines work.

Yes, all these quarrels are a very sad thing they interfere terribly in the work and make everything more difficult.

Before getting angry at the mistakes of others one should always remember ones own mistakes.

22 July 1954


Words of the Mother II

You must get rid of all inner as well as all outer movements of anger, impatience and dislike. If things go wrong or are done wrongly, you will simply say, The Mother knows and go on quietly doing or getting things done as well as you can without friction.
That one feels sad for ones own faults, this may, if necessary, be useful to streng then ones resolution to correct them.

But that one can be offended by anothers bad conduct, this has truly nothing to do with the spiritual life and the service of the Divine.

To be above offence or insult makes one truly great.

What is to be done if a person comes to quarrel because one has accepted in one case and refused in another?
What is to be done to avoid such bitterness around one, provoked by repeated refusals?
As for ill-will, jealousy, quarrels and reproaches, one must sincerely be above all that and reply with a benevolent smile to the bitterest words; and unless one is absolutely sure of himself and his reactions, it would be better, as a general rule, to keep silent.

6 October 1960

As usual, it is only a misunderstanding, and also as usual, the ego of each one, by its reaction, magnifies the thing and aggravates it. But it is easy to arrange, and, with the goodwill of all, I am sure that all will be well.



I consider that we are at an excellent occasion for collective and individual Sadhana and that is why I engage myself in it and take special interest in it.

We do not work for the success of Xs play, or of Ys dance, or of Zs scenario.

We want to render in physical terms, as perfectly as possible, the inspiration sent by the Lord for the accomplishment of His work upon earth.

And for that each individual soul is a helper and a collaborator, but each human ego is a limitation and an obstacle.


It is obviously very regrettable to allow oneself to be upset by such little things, and if each one gave more thought to his work as the really important thing, all these little quarrels would be seen for what they are, that is, as utterly ridiculous.

I hope that everything will be settled soon and that harmony will reign once more among the bakery-workers.

With my blessings.

My blessings and my help are always with you and with those who work in the bakery, so that harmony may reign among you more and more.

This world is full of pitiable miseries. But of all beings those are the most to be pitied who are so small and so weak that they cannot avoid being nasty.

18 September 1963

Hostility, recoil and distrust seem to me so useless. We could so easily be friends, each and all.


Words of the Mother II

This is just what the Supreme Lord says to Himself when He sees the life of men upon earth.

Love and blessings.

14 September 1969

We speak of union and say we are working for it. But the spirit of quarrelling is in our midst. Shall we not conquer this insincerity?
I am here to ask you to do it. And the best way is to join in the service of the Divine.


12 March 1972

No disputes, no quarrels the sweetness of a life without clashes.

Take the division out of the heart and then speak of no division.

The whole trouble comes from the fact that you cannot harmonise with someone unless he is in agreement with your own ideas and his opinion and way of doing things are in conformity with yours.

You must widen your consciousness and understand that everyone has his own law. It is necessary to find the ground of understanding and harmony in a happy combination of individual wills and not to try that all may be the same in an identical will and action.



One of the chief obstacles to the establishment of a progressive harmony is our eagerness to prove to an opponent that he is wrong and we are right.

I am happy about your new arrangement; let us hope it works.

It depends on how much each one cares more for harmony than for the triumph of his own will!
How do you expect others to keep to an arrangement when you are not doing it yourself?
How do you hope to get out of your shallowness if you remain always one-sided in your perception of things?
June 1931

X is quite justified in thinking and feeling as he does, but he must understand that the others also are justified in their thinking and feeling although it differs from his and he ought not to despise them and call them bad names.

Among human beings, the most widely spread disease is mental narrowness. They understand only what is in their own consciousness and cannot tolerate anything else.

24 September 1953

A person who considers only his own opinion becomes more and more narrow.

For each problem there is a solution that can give satisfaction to everybody, but for finding this ideal solution each one must want it, instead of meeting the others with the will to enforce ones own preference.


Words of the Mother II

Enlarge your consciousness and aspire for the satisfaction of all.

28 August 1971

You see only your side of the question, but if you want to widen your consciousness it would be better to look from all sides impartially. Later you will discover that this attitude has great advantages.

17 September 1971

As long as you are for some and against others, you are necessarily outside of the Truth.



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Wikipedia - Bullwinkle (oil platform) -- Pile-supported fixed steel oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico
Wikipedia - Butterfly loop -- Knot used to form a fixed loop in the middle of a rope
Wikipedia - C3 carbon fixation -- Metabolic pathway for carbon fixation in photosynthesis
Wikipedia - C4 carbon fixation -- Photosynthetic process in some plants
Wikipedia - Carbon fixation -- Conversion of carbon from CO2 to organic compounds
Wikipedia - CarbonFix Standard
Wikipedia - Category:Fixed points (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Category:Infobox holiday fixed day
Wikipedia - Caudron Type A -- Early French fixed-wing aircraft
Wikipedia - Centripetal force -- Complementary orthogonal force accompanying motion of object towards central fixed point, allowing object to follow curved path
Wikipedia - CFIX (AM) -- Former radio station licensed to Cornwall, Ontario
Wikipedia - CFIX-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - Chosen-prefix collision attack
Wikipedia - Circular search -- A search pattern where the diver swims at a series of distances around a fixed reference point
Wikipedia - Classical compound -- Classical compounds and neoclassical compounds are compound words composed from combining forms (which act as affixes or stems) derived from classical Latin or ancient Greek roots
Wikipedia - Compressed suffix array
Wikipedia - Confederation Bridge -- Fixed link connecting Canadian province of Prince Edward Island with the mainland, at New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Controversies in professional sumo -- Match-fixing, hazing and others
Wikipedia - Coronet -- Small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring
Wikipedia - Cotter (pin) -- A pin or wedge passing through a hole to fix parts tightly together
Wikipedia - Counter-Strike match fixing scandal -- Match fixing scandal in professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Wikipedia - Coupe -- Closed two-door car body style with a permanently attached fixed roof which is shorter than a sedan
Wikipedia - Crucifix (Cimabue, Santa Croce) -- Painting by Cimabue
Wikipedia - Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych -- Two small painted panels attributed to Jan van Eyck
Wikipedia - Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
Wikipedia - Crucifixion darkness -- An episode in three of the gospels in which the sky becomes dark in daytime during the crucifixion of Jesus.
Wikipedia - Crucifixion in the arts
Wikipedia - Crucifixion in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Crucifixion of Jesus -- Event described in the four gospels
Wikipedia - Crucifixion of Saint Peter (Caravaggio) -- Painting by Caravaggio
Wikipedia - Crucifixion, seen from the Cross -- Watercolor painting by French painter James Tissot
Wikipedia - Crucifixion Standard -- C. 1505 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Crucifixion (Uccello) -- c. 1457 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Crucifixion -- Method of capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until eventual death
Wikipedia - Crucifixion with Mourners and St Dominic -- c. 1435 painting by Fra Angelico
Wikipedia - Crucifixion with St Mary Magdalene -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Crucifixion with Two Angels -- c. 1423 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Crucifix of San Marcello -- Crucifix associated with the 1522 plague epidemic in Rome.
Wikipedia - Crucifix position -- Grappling position
Wikipedia - Crucifix -- Image of Jesus on the cross
Wikipedia - Cyclic permutation -- Type of (mathematical) permutation with no fixed element
Wikipedia - Decimal prefix
Wikipedia - Delusion -- Firm and fixed belief in that which is based on inadequate grounding
Wikipedia - Demand responsive transport -- Bus routes based on demand rather than fixed routes or timetables
Wikipedia - Demon Attack -- Fixed shooter video game from 1982
Wikipedia - Desktop computer -- Computer designed to be used on a fixed location
Wikipedia - Divisibility rule -- Shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor
Wikipedia - Donald Fixico -- American writer and intellectual
Wikipedia - Draft:Prolifix Memes -- Content Creator
Wikipedia - Dror Fixler -- Israeli physicist specializing in optics
Wikipedia - E.Bon Holdings -- Hardware and fixture company
Wikipedia - Eccentric (mechanism) -- Circular disk rigidly fixed to a rotating axle with its centre offset from that of the axle
Wikipedia - Edge wave -- A surface gravity wave fixed by refraction against a rigid boundary, often a shoaling beach
Wikipedia - Electromagnetism uniqueness theorem -- Providing boundary conditions for Maxwell's equations uniquely fixes a solution
Wikipedia - Elevation -- Height of a geographic location above a fixed reference point
Wikipedia - English prefixes
Wikipedia - English prefix
Wikipedia - Euler's rotation theorem -- In 3D-space, a displacement with a fixed point is a rotation
Wikipedia - European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 -- Geodetic reference frame fixed to the Eurasian Plate
Wikipedia - Evelyn Fix -- Statistician
Wikipedia - Exhibition designer -- Professional who creates fixtures and display stands for events
Wikipedia - Extrusion -- Process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile
Wikipedia - Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link -- Planned immersed tunnel connecting Denmark and Germany
Wikipedia - Femto- -- Prefix denoting 10 to the M-bM-^HM-^R15th power
Wikipedia - Fibrous joint -- Fixed joints between bones held together by dense, fibrous tissue
Wikipedia - Figure space -- Typographical space equal to the tabular width of a font; in fonts with fixed-width digits, equals the size of those digits
Wikipedia - Filename extension -- Filename suffix that indicates the file's type
Wikipedia - Five Get into a Fix -- 1958 children's novel by Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Fixation index -- Measure of population differentiation
Wikipedia - Fixation (psychology)
Wikipedia - Fixation (visual)
Wikipedia - Fixboot
Wikipedia - Fix (Chris Lane song) -- 2015 Single by Chris Lane
Wikipedia - Fixed 3D
Wikipedia - Fixed action pattern
Wikipedia - Fixed allele -- Type of allele
Wikipedia - Fixed capital -- Fixed capital is a non-circulating means of production that is durable, or isn't fully consumed in a single time period.
Wikipedia - Fixed disk
Wikipedia - Fixed Dose Procedure
Wikipedia - Fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator -- Circular particle accelerator concept
Wikipedia - Fixed-function
Wikipedia - Fixed penalty notice -- Financial penalty issued for a minor offence
Wikipedia - Fixed-point arithmetic -- Computer format for representing real numbers
Wikipedia - Fixed-point combinator
Wikipedia - Fixed point iteration
Wikipedia - Fixed point (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Fixed-point ocean observatory -- An autonomous system of automatic sensors and samplers that continuously gathers data from deep sea, water column and lower atmosphere, and transmits the data to shore in real or near real-time
Wikipedia - Fixed-point theorem
Wikipedia - Fixed prayer times -- Religious practice
Wikipedia - Fixed price of Coca-Cola from 1886 to 1959 -- $0.05 price of Coca-Cola
Wikipedia - Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling
Wikipedia - Fixed-size blocks allocation
Wikipedia - Fixed stars
Wikipedia - Fixed verse -- Poetic style
Wikipedia - Fixed-wing aircraft -- Heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings generating aerodynamic lift in the airflow caused by forward airspeed
Wikipedia - Fixed wireless
Wikipedia - Fixer (comics) -- Fictional comic book character
Wikipedia - Fixer Dugan -- 1939 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Fixer (person) -- Person who carries out assignments or solves problems for others
Wikipedia - Fixerr -- 2019 Indian Hindi action drama web series
Wikipedia - Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi -- 2009 film by Ian Olds
Wikipedia - Fixer Upper (TV series) -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Fixing Dinner -- Canadian reality television series
Wikipedia - Fixmbr
Wikipedia - Fix NICS Act of 2017 -- A US law
Wikipedia - Fixpoint logic
Wikipedia - Fixpoint
Wikipedia - Fix-Saint-Geneys
Wikipedia - Fix This Now -- 2015 newspaper headline
Wikipedia - FiXT -- American independent media company
Wikipedia - Fix-up -- Novel created from a collection of short fiction published previously
Wikipedia - Fix You -- 2005 single by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Flicker fixer
Wikipedia - Flight dynamics (fixed-wing aircraft) -- Science of air vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions
Wikipedia - Floor drain -- Plumbing fixture
Wikipedia - Focus mitt -- Padded target fixed to a glove, used in training combat athletes
Wikipedia - Formes fixes
Wikipedia - Formulaic language -- Utterances with fixed forms and often non-literal meaning
Wikipedia - Four-engined jet aircraft -- Aircraft class with fixed wings propelled by four main jet engines
Wikipedia - Fragment of a Crucifixion -- 1950 painting by Francis Bacon
Wikipedia - Frame of reference -- Abstract coordinate system and the set of physical reference points that uniquely fix (locate and orient) the coordinate system and standardize measurement (s)
Wikipedia - Freeze frame television -- Television in which fixed images are transmitted sequentially at a slow rate
Wikipedia - Functional fixedness
Wikipedia - Galaxian -- Fixed shooter arcade game released in 1979
Wikipedia - Gauge fixing
Wikipedia - Generalized suffix tree
Wikipedia - George Fix -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Geosynchronous orbit -- Orbit keeping the satellite at a fixed longitude above the equator
Wikipedia - Gold standard -- Monetary system where the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of gold
Wikipedia - Gorf -- Fixed shooter video game first released in 1981
Wikipedia - Great Belt Fixed Link -- bridge-tunnel road and railway crossing of the Great Belt in Denmark
Wikipedia - Ground effect (aerodynamics) -- Increased aircraft lift generated when close to fixed surface
Wikipedia - Hash function -- Type of function that maps data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size
Wikipedia - Headlamp (outdoor) -- Light source affixed to the head
Wikipedia - Heart valve repair -- Surgical technique used to fix defects in heart valves
Wikipedia - Hector Fix-Zamudio -- Mexican jurist
Wikipedia - Her Majesty's Ship -- Ship prefix used in the United Kingdom and some other monarchies
Wikipedia - Hicksian demand function -- Demand of a consumer over a bundle of goods that minimizes their expenditure while delivering a fixed level of utility.
Wikipedia - HitFix
Wikipedia - Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge -- Fixed link consisting of tunnel and multiple bridges
Wikipedia - How to Fix a Drug Scandal -- 2020 American documentary television mini-series
Wikipedia - Hyposidra infixaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ideal Standard -- Multinational bathroom, sanitary ware and plumbing fixture company.
Wikipedia - Idee fixe (psychology) -- An idea that preoccupies an individual and that he is unwilling to give up despite evidence to the contrary
Wikipedia - IEC prefix
Wikipedia - IEEE 1541-2002 -- IEEE standard on binary prefixes
Wikipedia - If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Wikipedia - IFixit -- Company aiming to ease repairing of consumer electronics.
Wikipedia - Ilizarov apparatus -- Type of external fixation (medical device)
Wikipedia - I'll Fix It -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Index set (recursion theory) -- Classes of partial recursive functions, specifically they give all indices of functions in that class according to a fixed enumeration of partial recursive functions
Wikipedia - Infix notation
Wikipedia - Infix -- Affix inserted inside a word stem
Wikipedia - Instructional Television Fixed Service
Wikipedia - Intercontinental and transoceanic fixed links -- Permanent road/rail connections between continents.
Wikipedia - International Fixed Calendar
Wikipedia - Iris-fixated intraocular lens -- Intraocular lens
Wikipedia - Islamic views on Jesus' death -- Various versions of Islamic doctrine denying Jesus' death at the crucifixion (either by surviving it, or by a phantasm being crucified, or by it being fictional), congruent with early Christian Docetism
Wikipedia - Isofix
Wikipedia - Isotropy representation -- Linear representation of a group on the tangent space to a fixed point of the group.
Wikipedia - Jack Zuta -- American accountant and political fixer
Wikipedia - Jersey+upline -- Disposable, bio-degradable line fixed to the bottom and deployed with surface marker buoy by technical divers to control ascent position
Wikipedia - Jewish deicide -- Belief that Jews bear collective guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus
Wikipedia - Jim'll Fix It -- British television show
Wikipedia - Joseph of Arimathea -- Man who assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Just One Fix -- 1993 song by Ministry
Wikipedia - Kadison-Kastler metric -- Metric on the C*-algebras on a fixed Hilbert space
Wikipedia - Kendo Kata -- Fixed patterns in kendo practice
Wikipedia - Kleene fixed-point theorem
Wikipedia - Larry Taunton -- Author of The Grace Effect and Executive Director of Fixed Point Foundation
Wikipedia - Last Supper -- Final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Leading lights -- Light beacons used for watercraft navigation in a shallow or dangerous channel or as position fixing
Wikipedia - Least fixed point
Wikipedia - Lee Fixel -- American venture capitalist and investor
Wikipedia - Lefschetz fixed-point theorem -- Counts the fixed points of a continuous mapping from a compact topological space to itself
Wikipedia - Lever -- Simple machine consisting of a beam pivoted at a fixed hinge
Wikipedia - Limor Fix -- Israeli electronic design automation engineer
Wikipedia - List of aircraft registration prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian organizations with royal prefix -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of commonly used taxonomic affixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by gross fixed investment as percentage of GDP -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of family name affixes
Wikipedia - List of Fixer Upper episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international call prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of match-fixing incidents -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mobile telephone prefixes by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pharmaceutical compound number prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scandals with "-gate" suffix
Wikipedia - List of spacecraft prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of suffixed Arkansas state highways -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tattoo Fixers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ZIP Code prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Literal (computer programming) -- Notation for representing a fixed value in source code
Wikipedia - Liturgical year -- Annually recurring fixed sequence of Christian feast days
Wikipedia - Liv Corfixen -- Danish actress and documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Magic Round (NRL) -- Rugby league weekend where all fixtures are played at one venue
Wikipedia - Magic Weekend -- Rugby league weekend where all fixtures are played at one venue
Wikipedia - Martyn Crucefix -- British poet, translator and reviewer
Wikipedia - Mathematical constant -- Fixed number that has received a name
Wikipedia - Meta -- Prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending
Wikipedia - Metric prefix
Wikipedia - Minkowski-Bouligand dimension -- Way of determining the dimension of a fractal set in a Euclidean space by counting the number of fixed-size boxes needed to cover the set as a function of the box size
Wikipedia - Mixed and Fixed -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Modular arithmetic -- Computation modulo a fixed integer
Wikipedia - Moduli space -- A geometric space whose points represent algebro-geometric objects of some fixed kind
Wikipedia - Moment of inertia -- Scalar measure of the rotational inertia with respect to a fixed axis of rotation
Wikipedia - Monoplane -- Fixed-wing aircraft with a single main wing plane
Wikipedia - Mr. Fix-It -- 1918 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Nightlight -- Small light fixture used to provide dim illumination during the night
Wikipedia - Nihon no Fixer -- 1979 film directed by Yasuo Furuhata
Wikipedia - Nisba (suffix)
Wikipedia - Nitrogen fixation -- Conversion of molecular nitrogen into biologically-accessible nitrogen compounds
Wikipedia - Nothin' My Love Can't Fix -- 1993 single by Joey Lawrence
Wikipedia - Offshore radio -- Radio broadcasting from ships or fixed maritime structures
Wikipedia - Oliver Fix -- German slalom canoeist
Wikipedia - Order of magnitude -- Scale of numbers with a fixed ratio
Wikipedia - Padua Crucifix -- Crucifix painted by Giotto
Wikipedia - Page (computer memory) -- Fixed-length contiguous block of virtual memory
Wikipedia - Parole Fixer -- 1940 film by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - Passion of Jesus -- Final period in the life of Jesus, before his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Patch (computing) -- Piece of software designed to update a computer program to fix or improve it
Wikipedia - Paul Fixter -- Canadian ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Paul Fix -- American film and television character actor, best known for his work in Westerns
Wikipedia - Periphrasis -- The usage of multiple separate words to carry the meaning of prefixes, suffixes or verbs
Wikipedia - Placidus Fixlmillner
Wikipedia - Position (geometry) -- Vector representing the position of a point with respect to a fixed origin
Wikipedia - Postfix (software) -- Mail transfer agent
Wikipedia - Prefix (acoustics) -- Auditory perception in acoustics
Wikipedia - Prefix code
Wikipedia - Prefix notation
Wikipedia - Prefix sum
Wikipedia - Prefix -- Affix which is placed before the stem of a word
Wikipedia - Price fixing
Wikipedia - Price-fixing
Wikipedia - Proposed British Isles fixed sea link connections -- Proposed Great Britain-Ireland tunnels or bridges
Wikipedia - Public Suffix List -- Catalog of Internet domain names under which Internet users can directly register names; maintained by the Mozilla Foundation; used by Firefox
Wikipedia - Railway semaphore signal -- Form of fixed railway signal
Wikipedia - Reduced-gravity aircraft -- Fixed-wing aircraft that provides brief near-weightless environments
Wikipedia - Resurrection of Jesus -- Christian belief that God raised Jesus after his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Revolving credit -- Type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments
Wikipedia - Romani crucifixion legend -- Christian legend against the Roma
Wikipedia - Rondeau (forme fixe)
Wikipedia - Rood -- Crucifix
Wikipedia - Root (linguistics) -- indivisible part of word that does not have a prefix or a suffix, may have a meaning and be usable alone or not
Wikipedia - Roquefixade -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Rotation around a fixed axis -- Type of motion
Wikipedia - Royal Mail Ship -- Prefix for ships that carry mail under contract by the British Royal Mail
Wikipedia - RuBisCO -- A key enzyme of the photosynthesis involved in carbon fixation
Wikipedia - Saccade -- Quick, simultaneous movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in the same direction
Wikipedia - Santa Croce Crucifix (sculpture) -- Sculpture by Donatello
Wikipedia - Satan's Hollow -- Fixed shooter arcade game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Saxbe fix -- Congressional payment scheme
Wikipedia - Sayings of Jesus on the cross -- seven expressions of Jesus during his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Sconce (light fixture) -- Type of light fixture
Wikipedia - Scopula defixaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Seamless robe of Jesus -- Robe said to have been worn by Jesus during or shortly before his crucifixion
Wikipedia - SeeClickFix -- US digital communications system company
Wikipedia - Separable affix
Wikipedia - Ship prefix -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Sigil (computer programming) -- Symbol affixed to a variable name
Wikipedia - Sigma model -- Field theory of a point particle confined to move on a fixed manifold
Wikipedia - Sikorsky S-72 -- US experimental hybrid helicopter/fixed-wing aircraft
Wikipedia - Sink -- Bowl-shaped plumbing fixture used for washing hands, dishes, or clothes
Wikipedia - SI prefix
Wikipedia - Space Invaders DX -- 1993 fixed shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Space Invaders -- Landmark fixed shooter arcade video game from 1978
Wikipedia - Stadin derby -- Fixture between HIFK Fotboll and HJK Helsinki
Wikipedia - Stations of the Cross -- Series of artistic representations, depicting Jesus Christ carrying the Cross to his crucifixion
Wikipedia - Steel fixer
Wikipedia - Stephen Fix -- American academic
Wikipedia - Stick pusher -- Device installed in some fixed-wing aircraft to prevent the aircraft from entering an aerodynamic stall
Wikipedia - Strasbourg Crucifixion -- Painting by Giotto di Bondone
Wikipedia - Substitution cipher -- Cipher which uses a fixed system to replace plaintext with ciphertext
Wikipedia - Suffix array
Wikipedia - Suffix automaton -- Deterministic finite automaton accepting set of all suffixes of particular string
Wikipedia - Suffixes
Wikipedia - Suffix (name) -- Naming tradition, follows a person's full name and provides additional information about the person
Wikipedia - Suffix tree -- Tree containing all suffixes of a given text
Wikipedia - Suffix -- Linguistic term referring to an affix placed after the stem of a word
Wikipedia - Target fixation
Wikipedia - Technological fix -- Attempt of using engineering or technology to solve a problem
Wikipedia - Template talk:Active Wiki Fixup Projects
Wikipedia - Template talk:Bit and byte prefixes
Wikipedia - Term life insurance -- Life insurance that provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time
Wikipedia - Test fixture
Wikipedia - Tether -- A cord, fixture, or flexible attachment that anchors something movable to a reference point which may be fixed or moving
Wikipedia - The Big Fix (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - The College Fix -- American conservative news website
Wikipedia - The Crucifix Carver of Ammergau -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - The Crucifix of Destiny -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Fixer (2016 film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The Honourable -- Honorific style prefix
Wikipedia - Thematic suffix
Wikipedia - The Most Noble -- British honourific prefix
Wikipedia - The Olsen Gang in a Fix -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - ThM-CM-)odore Fix -- Swiss-born French economist
Wikipedia - Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion -- 1944 triptych by Francis Bacon
Wikipedia - Timeline of binary prefixes
Wikipedia - Time Transfixed -- Painting by RenM-CM-) Magritte
Wikipedia - Title -- Prefix or suffix added to someone's name in certain contexts
Wikipedia - Toilet (room) -- room for privately accessing a toilet (sanitation fixture) and handwashing basin
Wikipedia - Tower of Spite -- Album by Cerebral Fix
Wikipedia - Tractrix -- Curve traced by a point pulled through a segment of fixed length by a point moving on a line
Wikipedia - Trailer skirt -- device affixed to the underside of a trailer to reduce drag
Wikipedia - Tramp trade -- Cargo shipping without a fixed schedule
Wikipedia - Trans-Fixed -- 1974 performance
Wikipedia - Travoprost/timolol -- Fixed-dose combination medication
Wikipedia - Triangulation station -- Fixed surveying station used in geodetic surveying
Wikipedia - Trickling filter -- Type of wastewater treatment system with a fixed bed of rocks or similar
Wikipedia - Triolet -- Forme fixe
Wikipedia - Tuf Voyaging -- 1986 science fiction fix-up novel by George Martin
Wikipedia - Tussenvoegsel -- Dutch family name affix
Wikipedia - Ukkonen's algorithm -- Algorithm for construction of suffix trees
Wikipedia - Un mari a prix fixe -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Urinal -- sanitary fixture for urination
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 11E -- Suffixed U.S. Highway in Tennessee and Virginia in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 11W -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and Virginia in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 19E -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and North Carolina
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 19W -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and North Carolina
Wikipedia - Ville -- French word and English suffixe
Wikipedia - Virtual fixture -- An overlay of augmented sensory information upon a user's perception of a real environment
Wikipedia - Visual field -- Area that can be seen when an eye is fixed straight at a point
Wikipedia - Wallah -- Indian surname or suffix
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Typo Team -- Collaboration to fix typos and misspellings
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Fix common mistakes -- Collaboration to fix common mistakes in articles
Wikipedia - Women at the crucifixion
Wikipedia - W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co. -- American manufacturer of traditional pocket knives, fixed blades/sporting knives, kitchen knives, limited edition commemoratives and collectibles
Wikipedia - Yars' Revenge -- 1982 fixed shooter video game for the Atari 2600
Wikipedia - Zarzon -- Fixed shooter arcade game from 1981
Wikipedia - Zero-day (computing) -- Unfixed software vulnerability
Wikipedia - Zoophilia -- Paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on non-human animal\
Goodreads author - Jaima_Fixsen
auromere - videha-dharana-fixing-the-mind-outside-the-body
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part I: Why We Do Not Recognize that Our Development is Fixated, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part 2: Ways Integral AQAL Supports the Thesis That Our Development is Fixated at an Early Developmental Stage, Joseph Dillard
I Am Weasel (1997 - 2000) - This was a side-show for the animated series Cow and Chicken, and later became a full spinoff. The episodes usually involve I.R. Baboon doing his best to out-class I.M. Weasel, and failing. Then Weasel fixes Baboon's mess, inadvertently making himself look even better.
Home Improvement (1991 - 1999) - The show about the Taylor family. It consists of a husband who loves tools and fixing things, (even though he usually only makes things worse.) A wife who sticks by him no matter what. They also have three boys, and an unusual neigbor named Wilson, who is always full of good advice and wisdom. Tim T...
Voyagers! (1982 - 1983) - Phineas Bogg is a member of a group time travelers called Voyagers. He is a regular human that once lived as a pirate before he was chosen to be a voyager. He travels by way of a brass pocket watch type device called an omni. When the light flashes red, it means history is wrong. His job is to fix i...
Fix & Foxi and Friends (1999 - 2001) - Animated series based on German comic book series created by Rolf Kauka. Main characters are twin fox brothers, Fix and Foxi. TV series directed by Antoni D'Ocon, was a German-Australian-Spanish production.
Being Ian (2005 - 2008) - Ian Kelly likes to cope with the injustices of his life using his fascination with movies and a strong desire to "fix things." So while the stories start off from a familiar place, they quickly go in unexpected and hilarious directions thanks to Ian's wild cinematic imagination.
He's the Mayor (1986 - 1986) - Carl Burke (Kevin Hooks) is a 25-year-old man that decides he can fix his town's problems if he is the mayor. After winning the election he quickly finds out that it isn't as easy as he thought. He often seeks advice from his father (Al Fann)who is the janitor at city hall.
The New Yankee Workshop (1989 - 2009) - The New Yankee Workshop is a woodworking program produced by WGBH Boston, which aired on PBS. Created in 1989 by Russell Morash, the program is hosted by Norm Abram, a regular fixture on Morash's This Old House. The series aired for 21 seasons before broadcasting its final episode on June 27, 2009....
The New Adventures of Old Christine (2006 - 2010) - Christine Campbell (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is a neurotic mother and owner of a women's gym who is in a constant struggle to keep pace with those around her. A fixture in her life is her ex-husband Richard (Clark Gregg), whose new girlfriend (Emily Rutherfurd) is also named Christine, hence the nicknam...
Ernest Goes to Camp(1987) - Ernest gets a job as a fix-it man at a summer camp for troubled boys, but what he really wants to be is a counselor. This juvenile comedy, filled with potty humor and slapstick, chronicles his campaign to get a promotion. As a consummate bungler, he ends up causing all kinds of comical chaos. Fortun...
Asterix indta'r Rom(2012) - Twelve Tasks of Asterix (Les Douze travaux d'Astrix) is an animated feature film based on the Asterix comic book series. The screenplay was written by Pierre Tchernia, a friend of Ren Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, and produced at the Idefix Studios. Unlike the other Asterix animated movies, it was...
Wild at Heart(1990) - Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern play a pair of lovers on the run in David Lynch's surrealist road movie Wild at Heart. Cage's Sailor Ripley is a violent ex-convict with an Elvis Presley fixation who falls in love with Dern's Lula Pace Fortune, the daughter of a rich, but mentally unstable, Southern bell...
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes(1969) - Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately...
The Pie In The Sky(1995) - This comedy chronicles the romantic exploits of a rather stodgy young man with a traffic fetish. Even as a child Charlie Dunlap was totally fixated by freeway traffic. Charlie's biggest idol is Alan Davenport, a radio traffic reporter. As a young man, Charlie falls in love with the lively, free-spir...
King of Kings(1961) - King of Kings is a 1961 American Biblical epic film made by Samuel Bronston Productions and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Directed by Nicholas Ray, the film is a dramatization of the story of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth and ministry to his crucifixion and resurrection, with much dramatic...
The Setup(1949) - An aging boxer(Robert Ryan) pays a heavy price for winning a fixed boxing match.
Shame(1988) - Asta Cadell, a lawyer traveling through the Australian Outback on holiday, stops in a small Western Australian town after her motorcycle breaks down and shacks up with Tim Curtis, the local mechanic, while fixing it. She then becomes involved in helping Curtis' teenage daughter, Lizzie, who has been...
The King Of Kings(1927) - Mary Magdalene becomes angry when Judas, now a follower of Jesus, won't come to her feast. She goes to see Jesus and becomes repentant. From there the Bible story unfolds through the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
A Fine Mess(1986) - An actor(Ted Danson)and a waiter(Howie Mandel)get mixed up with mobsters trying to fix a horse race.
All About Steve(2009) - Meet Mary. An eccentric crossword puzzle creator for the Sacramento Chronicle who gets fixed up (by her parents) on a blind date with news network cameraman Steve whose quickly put off by her constant verbiage and over-the-top advances. Over the moon and thinking he is the man for her, Mary writes a...
The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock(1998) - Grandpa tells Littlefoot about their mythical hero called the Lone Dinosaur. Cera gets a niece and nephew to take care of. Later, the kids accidentally chip the lucky Saurus Rock, and need to fix it before the bad luck hits.
Wreck-It Ralph(2012) - When Litwak's Arcade closes at night all the characters are free to come out of their own games to visit others. Wreck-It Ralph, the main bad guy in the game Fix-It Felix Jr. vows to change his role and stop being the bad guy in the video game. He may soon find his chance in the saccharine racing ga...
The Robe(1953) - The Robe is a 1953 American Biblical epic film that tells the story of a Roman military tribune who commands the unit that is responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus. The film was released by 20th Century Fox and was the first film released in the widescreen process CinemaScope. Like other early Ci...
Columbus Day(2009) - A thief has just one morning to fix the damage done during the biggest heist of his career, all while attempting to repair his relationship with his ex-wife.
A.D. The Bible Continues -- 44min | Drama | TV Series (2015) ::: Follows the book of ACTS. Shows the complete message of Christ and the transformation of Saul to Paul and how the high priest of Judea does not believe in what has taken place after the Crucifixion of Christ. Stars:
After Dark, My Sweet (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 August 1990 (USA) -- An ex-boxer is drifting around after escaping from the mental hospital. He meets a widow who convinces him to help fix up the neglected estate her ex-husband left. Her Uncle talks them both... S Director: James Foley Writers:
Chobits ::: TV-14 | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20022003) -- Hideki finds the discarded and malfunctioning Persocom Chi, a personal computer that looks like a girl. While trying to fix and care for Chi, Hideki discovers that she might be a Chobits, a robot of urban legend that has free will. Stars:
Death in Venice (1971) ::: 7.4/10 -- Morte a Venezia (original title) -- Death in Venice Poster -- While recovering in Venice, sickly Composer Gustav von Aschenbach becomes dangerously fixated with teenager Tadzio. Director: Luchino Visconti Writers:
Death of a Salesman (1985) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 16min | Drama | TV Movie 15 September 1985 -- An aging traveling salesman recognizes the emptiness of his life and tries to fix it. Director: Volker Schlndorff (as Volker Schlondorff) Writers: Arthur Miller (teleplay), Arthur Miller (play) Stars:
Frequency (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 28 April 2000 (USA) -- An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father's life, but then must fix the consequences. Director: Gregory Hoblit Writer:
Frequency (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 28 April 2000 (USA) -- An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father's life, but then must fix the consequences.
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto ::: Sakamoto desu ga? (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto Poster -- Sakamoto is a genius who is well liked by both girls and boys. Despite the strange situations he may be in, Sakamoto always manages to fix the problem in absolute perfection while still being over the top. Stars:
Michael Clayton (2007) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 12 October 2007 (USA) -- A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multibillion-dollar class action suit. Director: Tony Gilroy Writer:
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 32min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 7 March 2014 (USA) -- The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created. Director: Rob Minkoff Writers: Jay Ward (based on the series produced by), Craig Wright (screenplay) |
Mr. Pip (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, War | 3 October 2013 (New Zealand) -- As a war rages on in the province of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, a young girl becomes transfixed by the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, which is being read at school by the only white man in the village. Director: Andrew Adamson Writers:
North Sea Texas (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- Noordzee, Texas (original title) -- North Sea Texas Poster -- A teenage boy's search for love finds him fixated on a boy who lives nearby. Director: Bavo Defurne Writers:
Quiz Show (1994) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Biography, Drama, History | 7 October 1994 (USA) -- A young lawyer, Richard Goodwin, investigates a potentially fixed game show. Charles Van Doren, a big time show winner, is under Goodwin's investigation. Director: Robert Redford Writers:
Ray Donovan ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20132020) -- Ray Donovan, a professional "fixer" for the rich and famous in Los Angeles, can make anyone's problems disappear except those created by his own family. Creator:
Storks (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 27min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 23 September 2016 (USA) -- Storks have moved on from delivering babies to packages. But when an order for a baby appears, the best delivery stork must scramble to fix the error by delivering the baby. Directors: Nicholas Stoller, Doug Sweetland Writer:
Summer Wars (2009) ::: 7.5/10 -- Sam uzu (original title) -- Summer Wars Poster -- A student tries to fix a problem he accidentally caused in OZ, a digital world, while pretending to be the fianc of his friend at her grandmother's 90th birthday. Director: Mamoru Hosoda Writers:
The Informant! (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 18 September 2009 (USA) -- The U.S. government decides to go after an agro-business giant with a price-fixing accusation, based on the evidence submitted by their star witness, vice president-turned-informant Mark Whitacre. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers:
The Rifleman ::: TV-PG | 30min | Family, Western | TV Series (19581963) -- The adventures of a Wild West rancher, wielding a customized rapid-fire Winchester rifle, and his son. Stars: Chuck Connors, Johnny Crawford, Paul Fix
War Room (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h | Drama | 28 August 2015 (USA) -- A seemingly perfect family looks to fix their problems with the help of Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman. Director: Alex Kendrick Writers: Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick
When We First Met (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 9 February 2018 (USA) -- Noah meets Avery at a Halloween party and falls in love but gets friend-zoned. 3 years later, she's engaged to someone else. Noah returns in a time machine to fix things. Director: Ari Sandel Writer:
You ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 30 episodes You Poster -- A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by. Creators: Sera Gamble, Greg Berlanti
You ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2018 ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 -- A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by. Creators:,_Jr
3-tsu no Kumo -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Original -- Dementia -- 3-tsu no Kumo 3-tsu no Kumo -- Plot Synopsis : Trilogy about clouds, that is, an omnibus movie consisting of three different stories of clouds. It is based on a charcoal drawing. The clouds without the fixed form are the worlds which surround us. -- -- 1 "Breathing Cloud" 3min 10sec -- People’s body and soul transform into big a cloud, and are mixed with erotic shapes. -- -- 2 "Looking At A Cloud." 5min 45sec -- Something happens at the junior high school. When a boy starts to draw a cloud, that drawing begin to move and eat the students... -- -- 3 "From The Cloud" 3min 50sec -- A funny little story about people living on the soft cloud. A look at their daily life, in the morning, they listen to the bell and begin to go down the sky. -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 1,587 4.75
Back Street Girls: Gokudolls -- -- J.C.Staff -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Seinen -- Back Street Girls: Gokudolls Back Street Girls: Gokudolls -- After failing their boss for the last time, yakuza members Kentarou, Ryou, and Kazuhiko are faced with one of two choices: have their organs harvested and sold or take a trip to Thailand for sex reassignment surgery and become pop idols. Now, after a year of excruciating training, the three thugs have been reborn as Airi, Chika, and Mari. Debuting as the amateur idol group The Goku Dolls, the three strive towards becoming top idols. -- -- However, despite the hours of feminizing brainwashing they were forced to endure, the three idols have managed to keep the yakuza spirit alive in their hearts. In order to fix this, their yakuza boss hires Mandarin Kinoshita, a legendary manager who has never had an idol group fail under his management. With their lives now on the line, the reluctant yakuza must work with their new manager to unleash their inner cuteness and become the successful idols that their tyrannical boss can truly be proud of. -- -- 100,526 6.93
Casshern Sins -- -- Madhouse, Tatsunoko Production -- 24 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Drama Psychological Sci-Fi -- Casshern Sins Casshern Sins -- In a distant future, Earth has become a wasteland and humanity as we know it has died out. All that remains are sentient robots. They were supposed to be able to live forever—until the one called Luna died and The Ruin started. Their bodies will rust, and there is nothing that can be done to fix it. Now the robots are left only to contemplate their deaths, kept going only by the rumor that if they eat the one called Casshern they will gain immortality. -- -- Casshern knows nothing about his past, why he exists or what he is, but he must find out or he will face the constant torment of being hunted by robots who don't want to die. Casshern leaves death wherever he goes, but he must face it if he is to find out the truth of this world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 135,820 7.52
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,059 5.42
Cutie Honey Universe -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Cutie Honey Universe Cutie Honey Universe -- The forces of evil are on the rise. When the evil mastermind Sister Jill transforms one of her girls into the bestial Breast Claw and sends her minions out on a mission involving the group Panther Claw and a jewelry store heist, Honey Kisaragi departs from her Catholic girls' school to confront the threat as Cutie Honey. But that's exactly what Sister Jill wants, as she desires Honey's Airborne Element Fixing Device, which allows her to transform into Honey's seven different forms. Meanwhile, Sister Jill is also on the scene in disguise as Inspector Genet, trying to worm her way into Honey's confidence from a different angle. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 16,059 5.42
DearS -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- DearS DearS -- One year ago, a UFO containing 150 aliens crash-landed off the shores of Kasai. Because no one could fix their ship, the Japanese Government decided to bestow upon them the designation "DearS" and make them into Japanese citizens, teaching them the language, customs, and culture of Japan. However, in order for them to become more familiar with human society, a home-stay program has been enacted to allow them to mingle with other humans. -- -- One misty morning, a truck carrying a capsule that housed one of these aliens ends up dropping it into the riverbank, releasing her from her confinement. She is eventually found by a high school student named Takeya Ikuhara, who saves her from being hit by a truck and takes pity on her, despite being extremely distrustful of their race and wanting nothing to do with them. Upon being named Ren, she imprints upon him as her "Master" and serves as his personal "Slave," leaving him with a "DearS" who wants to remain with him no matter what and bringing his ordinary, alien-free days to an end. -- 130,613 6.61
DearS -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Shounen -- DearS DearS -- One year ago, a UFO containing 150 aliens crash-landed off the shores of Kasai. Because no one could fix their ship, the Japanese Government decided to bestow upon them the designation "DearS" and make them into Japanese citizens, teaching them the language, customs, and culture of Japan. However, in order for them to become more familiar with human society, a home-stay program has been enacted to allow them to mingle with other humans. -- -- One misty morning, a truck carrying a capsule that housed one of these aliens ends up dropping it into the riverbank, releasing her from her confinement. She is eventually found by a high school student named Takeya Ikuhara, who saves her from being hit by a truck and takes pity on her, despite being extremely distrustful of their race and wanting nothing to do with them. Upon being named Ren, she imprints upon him as her "Master" and serves as his personal "Slave," leaving him with a "DearS" who wants to remain with him no matter what and bringing his ordinary, alien-free days to an end. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 130,613 6.61
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- -- Bones -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost." -- -- Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that gives Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist. -- -- Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone, but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 2,372,958 9.18
Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 51 eps -- Original -- Magic Comedy Shoujo -- Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime -- In the hollow Mysterious Planet, seven kingdoms co-exist, all of them lit by the Sun's Blessing from the Kingdom of the Sun, in the middle of the planet. The light of the core sun is necessary for the continued existence of all the kingdoms. Yet, something is causing the Sun's Blessing to weaken. If something isn't done, it will be the end of life in the Mysterious Planet. Fortunately, the twin princesses of the Sun Kingdom, Fine and Rein, have been endowed with the magic of the Prominence, and are looking for a way to fix things. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 2, 2005 -- 9,329 7.26
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- 428,700 9.09
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 428,700 9.09
Given -- -- Lerche -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance Shounen Ai Slice of Life -- Given Given -- Tightly clutching his Gibson guitar, Mafuyu Satou steps out of his dark apartment to begin another day of his high school life. While taking a nap in a quiet spot on the gymnasium staircase, he has a chance encounter with fellow student Ritsuka Uenoyama, who berates him for letting his guitar's strings rust and break. Noticing Uenoyama's knowledge of the instrument, Satou pleads for him to fix it and to teach him how to play. Uenoyama eventually agrees and invites him to sit in on a jam session with his two band mates: bassist Haruki Nakayama and drummer Akihiko Kaji. --   -- Satou's voice is strikingly beautiful, filling Uenoyama with the determination to make Satou the lead singer of the band. Though reticent at first, Satou takes the offer after an emotional meeting with an old friend. With the support of his new friends, Satou must not only learn how to play guitar, but also come to terms with the mysterious circumstances that led him to be its owner. -- -- 304,338 8.34
Hand Shakers -- -- GoHands -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action -- Hand Shakers Hand Shakers -- Those who receive the Revelation of Babel must overcome many battles and trials. By grasping the hand of their special partner, these "Hand Shakers" transport themselves to the realm of Ziggurat, an alternate dimension where time no longer exists. Each pair of Hand Shakers must battle it out for the right to meet with God, who will reward them by granting them a single wish. -- -- Tazuna Takatsuki, a high school student with a penchant for fixing things, is one of these Hand Shakers. After receiving a request for repairs from Professor Makihara of a nearby university, Tazuna stumbles upon Koyori Akutagawa, a bedridden girl that reminds him of his deceased sister Musubu. Remembering her dying wish to never let go of her hand, Tazuna grasps Koyori's hand and awakens his power as a Hand Shaker. However, Koyori's life is directly tied to her status as a Hand Shaker, meaning if Tazuna was to ever let go of her hand she would die. With meeting God being their only hope for saving her, the duo must find a way to make their unique powers mesh together, overcome the opposing Hand Shakers, and make their wish come true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 89,580 5.32
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. -- Youto Yokodera wants to be seen in a way different from most men: as a pervert. However, his lewd actions are often misinterpreted as good intentions, and people cannot see his true nature. Upon hearing rumors of a cat statue that can banish an unwanted trait, he searches for it and prays for his façade to be removed. But each wish comes at a price: those unwelcomed traits are transferred to someone else who desires them! -- -- After realizing that vocalizing his dirty thoughts is not the best thing, Youto decides to regain his lost traits by seeking out the person who received them. Unfortunately, he was not alone in praying to the cat statue, and now he must not only fix his life, but the lives of others as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 380,300 7.23
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou -- -- Passione -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Dementia Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou -- Rika Furude and her group of friends live in the small mountain village of Hinamizawa; in June 1983, they welcome transfer student Keiichi Maebara into their ranks, making him the only boy in their group. After school, they have fun playing games and spending each day living their lives to the fullest. Despite this seemingly normal routine, Keiichi begins noticing strange behavior from his friends, who seem to be hiding the town's dark secrets from him. -- -- Elsewhere, a certain person watches these increasingly unsettling events unfold and remembers all the times that this, and other similar stories, have played out. Using that knowledge, this person decides to fix these broken worlds. However, when certain variables change, the individual is faced with a horrifying realization: they have no idea what to expect or how to stop the impending tragedy. -- -- 176,218 7.17
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou -- -- Passione -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Dementia Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou -- Rika Furude and her group of friends live in the small mountain village of Hinamizawa; in June 1983, they welcome transfer student Keiichi Maebara into their ranks, making him the only boy in their group. After school, they have fun playing games and spending each day living their lives to the fullest. Despite this seemingly normal routine, Keiichi begins noticing strange behavior from his friends, who seem to be hiding the town's dark secrets from him. -- -- Elsewhere, a certain person watches these increasingly unsettling events unfold and remembers all the times that this, and other similar stories, have played out. Using that knowledge, this person decides to fix these broken worlds. However, when certain variables change, the individual is faced with a horrifying realization: they have no idea what to expect or how to stop the impending tragedy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 176,218 7.17
Ikebukuro West Gate Park -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Drama -- Ikebukuro West Gate Park Ikebukuro West Gate Park -- Crime-ridden Ikebukuro is a haven for violent gangs, the Yakuza, and home to Makoto Majima. To protect his friends, this charismatic troubleshooter mediates disputes among the warring factions—even fixing problems the police can't. -- -- But when a rising tide of violence results in Makoto losing a loved one, can he ride out the storm, or will he drown in all the spilled blood that floods his streets? -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- 73,422 6.83
Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin -- ​Shiki Ryougi, Mikiya Kokutou, and Touko Aozaki begin investigating a bomber after they witness a nearby explosion. That same night, Shiki catches a glimpse of the bomber, and as a result, he becomes fixated on her. To get rid of her, the madman plays a game of cat and mouse in attempts to lure her to an empty parking garage. And bombs are not the only thing he has in his arsenal: he also possesses the ability to see the future, and he intends to bring an end to Shiki. -- -- Elsewhere a few days prior, a student at Reien Girls' Academy, Shizune Seo, plans to head home for the summer. However, while exiting a bus, she has a vision of the future involving a nearby stranger's death. While trying to warn the stranger, she meets Mikiya—who succeeds in utilizing Shizune's information effectively. -- -- Subsequently, an employee is sent on a job with his employer's 10-year-old daughter in tow. However, the subject of his investigation turns out to be a ghost from both of their pasts. -- -- Mirai Fukuin tells the stories set during the main timeline of the Kara no Kyoukai films, as well as one set in the future. -- -- Movie - Sep 28, 2013 -- 89,191 8.03
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai -- -- David Production -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai -- Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai adapts a handful of one-shots based on the manga series JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken, and follows the bizarre adventures that Rohan Kishibe goes through as he searches for inspiration for his manga. -- -- Fugou Mura -- -- Rohan accompanies manga editor Kyouka Izumi to a secretive village where she plans on buying a house. Izumi informs Rohan that inhabitants of the village suddenly become rich at the age of 25 after purchasing their homes. Being 25 years old herself, Izumi has high hopes for moving into the village and invites Rohan to gather ideas for his manga. As they enter one of the houses for an interview with the seller, they are greeted by a servant named Ikkyuu, who puts them through a test of etiquette with deadly consequences. -- -- Mutsukabezaka -- -- Rohan meets with his editor, Minoru Kagamari, to discuss both his manga and the six mountains that the manga author recently bought. He explains that he purchased the mountains in order to search for a legendary spirit known as the Mutsukabezaka. To give his search context, he tells the tale of Naoko Osato, a wealthy heiress who murdered her boyfriend and became cursed by the spirit. -- -- Zangenshitsu -- -- Rohan decides to vacation in Venice after putting his manga on hiatus. While there, he explores the interior of a church and examines the structure of its confessional. After stepping into the priest's compartment, Rohan hears a man enter the confessional and begin to confess his sins. The man recounts his confrontation with a starving beggar and the haunting events that followed. -- -- The Run -- -- Youma Hashimoto is a young male model who has quickly risen to success. As his popularity grows, so does his obsession with his appearance and body. One day, he meets Rohan at the gym, and the two quickly form a rivalry which pushes Youma to intensify his training. Soon. Youma's fixation on his physique takes a dark turn as his training takes precedence over his life, and he challenges Rohan to a fatal competition on the treadmills. -- -- OVA - Sep 20, 2017 -- 77,010 7.62
Kurenai no Buta -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Historical Drama Romance -- Kurenai no Buta Kurenai no Buta -- After a curse turned him into a pig, World War I ace Marco Pagot becomes Porco Rosso, a mysterious bounty hunter who takes down sky pirates in the Adriatic Sea. He whiles away his days on a secluded island, rarely leaving other than to collect bounties or to visit the beautiful Gina, a songstress and owner of the Hotel Adriano. -- -- One day, while traveling to fix his faulty engine, Porco Rosso is gunned down by a young American hotshot named Donald Curtis. Thrilled at the possibility of fame, Donald boldly declares that the flying pig is dead. Not wanting to disappoint Gina, Porco Rosso flees to the famous Piccolo S.P.A. airplane company and takes out a massive loan in order to repair and improve his fighter plane. There, he is surprised to find that the chief engineer of Piccolo S.P.A. is the 17-year-old Fio Piccolo, who hungers for a chance to prove herself. With Fio's improvements, Porco Rosso prepares to challenge Donald officially and regain his honor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 18, 1992 -- 174,994 7.97
Kurenai no Buta -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Historical Drama Romance -- Kurenai no Buta Kurenai no Buta -- After a curse turned him into a pig, World War I ace Marco Pagot becomes Porco Rosso, a mysterious bounty hunter who takes down sky pirates in the Adriatic Sea. He whiles away his days on a secluded island, rarely leaving other than to collect bounties or to visit the beautiful Gina, a songstress and owner of the Hotel Adriano. -- -- One day, while traveling to fix his faulty engine, Porco Rosso is gunned down by a young American hotshot named Donald Curtis. Thrilled at the possibility of fame, Donald boldly declares that the flying pig is dead. Not wanting to disappoint Gina, Porco Rosso flees to the famous Piccolo S.P.A. airplane company and takes out a massive loan in order to repair and improve his fighter plane. There, he is surprised to find that the chief engineer of Piccolo S.P.A. is the 17-year-old Fio Piccolo, who hungers for a chance to prove herself. With Fio's improvements, Porco Rosso prepares to challenge Donald officially and regain his honor. -- -- Movie - Jul 18, 1992 -- 174,994 7.97
MM! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Ecchi School -- MM! MM! -- Taro Sado is a high school student who lives his day to day life with a big secret—he's a masochist! Encouraged by his cross-dressing best friend Tatsukichi Hayama, Taro asks the Second Voluntary Club for help with his problem and ends up joining the club after they vow to "fix" him. -- -- However, it turns out that all of the members of the club have some serious issues. The club leader Mio Isurugi is a self-designated god who is afraid of cats, Arashiko Yuuno has a severe fear of men, and the club advisor Michiru Onigawara is a sadist who enjoys making people cosplay. -- -- Together with other wacky characters such as Yumi Mamiya, a talented masseuse and Yuuno's best friend, and Noa Hiiragi, the president of the invention club, they all learn about the importance of acceptance and kindness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 207,981 7.10
New Game! -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Game Slice of Life Comedy -- New Game! New Game! -- Since childhood, Aoba Suzukaze has loved the Fairies Story game series, particularly the character designs. So when she graduates from high school, it is no surprise that she applies to work at Eagle Jump, the company responsible for making her favorite video game. On her first day, she is excited to learn that she will be working on a new installment to the series: Fairies Story 3—and even more so under Kou Yagami, the lead character designer. -- -- In their department are people who share the same passion for games. There is Yun Iijima, whose specialty is designing monsters; the shy Hifumi Takimoto, who prefers to communicate through instant messaging; Hajime Shinoda, an animation team member with an impressive figurine collection; Rin Tooyama, the orderly art director; Shizuku Hazuki, the game director who brings her cat to work; and Umiko Ahagon, the short-tempered head programmer. -- -- New Game! follows Aoba and the others on their adventure through the ups and downs of game making, from making the perfect character design to fixing all the errors that will inevitably accumulate in the process. -- -- 346,352 7.60
New Game! -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Game Slice of Life Comedy -- New Game! New Game! -- Since childhood, Aoba Suzukaze has loved the Fairies Story game series, particularly the character designs. So when she graduates from high school, it is no surprise that she applies to work at Eagle Jump, the company responsible for making her favorite video game. On her first day, she is excited to learn that she will be working on a new installment to the series: Fairies Story 3—and even more so under Kou Yagami, the lead character designer. -- -- In their department are people who share the same passion for games. There is Yun Iijima, whose specialty is designing monsters; the shy Hifumi Takimoto, who prefers to communicate through instant messaging; Hajime Shinoda, an animation team member with an impressive figurine collection; Rin Tooyama, the orderly art director; Shizuku Hazuki, the game director who brings her cat to work; and Umiko Ahagon, the short-tempered head programmer. -- -- New Game! follows Aoba and the others on their adventure through the ups and downs of game making, from making the perfect character design to fixing all the errors that will inevitably accumulate in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 346,352 7.60
Noragami Aragoto -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami Aragoto Noragami Aragoto -- Yato and Yukine have finally mended their relationship as god and Regalia, and everyone has returned to their daily life. Yato remains a minor and unknown deity who continues taking odd jobs for five yen apiece in the hopes of one day having millions of worshippers and his own grand shrine. Hiyori Iki has yet to have her loose soul fixed by Yato, but she enjoys life and prepares to attend high school nonetheless. -- -- Taking place immediately after the first season, Noragami Aragoto delves into the complicated past between Yato and the god of war Bishamon. The female god holds a mysterious grudge against Yato, which often results in violent clashes between them. It doesn't help that Bishamon's most trusted and beloved Regalia, Kazuma, appears to be indebted to Yato. When lives are on the line, unraveling these mysteries and others may be the only way to correct past mistakes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,100,062 8.20
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- -- Ginga Ya -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Fantasy Music Romance School -- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- Phoron Tatara's no ordinary musician. As one of the rare Dantists who can summon elder spirits using music called Commandia, his gift is so strong that his spirit partner is none other than the infamous Corticarte Apa Lagranges. Sure, she may look like a young girl in her human form, but you don't get nicknames like "The Crimson Annihilator" and "The Bloody Duchess" for sitting back and watching the daisies grow. -- -- Now, at the behest of the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office, this dynamic duet travels the continent of Polyphonica on Phoron's combination motorcycle/organ, following the song of the open road, orchestrating rescues and generally fixing whatever's baroque! Some musicians wait for a muse to hit them, but Phoron makes his work for scale! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 29,276 6.84
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- -- Ginga Ya -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Fantasy Music Romance School -- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- Phoron Tatara's no ordinary musician. As one of the rare Dantists who can summon elder spirits using music called Commandia, his gift is so strong that his spirit partner is none other than the infamous Corticarte Apa Lagranges. Sure, she may look like a young girl in her human form, but you don't get nicknames like "The Crimson Annihilator" and "The Bloody Duchess" for sitting back and watching the daisies grow. -- -- Now, at the behest of the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office, this dynamic duet travels the continent of Polyphonica on Phoron's combination motorcycle/organ, following the song of the open road, orchestrating rescues and generally fixing whatever's baroque! Some musicians wait for a muse to hit them, but Phoron makes his work for scale! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 29,276 6.84
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo Shoujo Ai -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- All eyes are on Utena Tenjou, a mysterious transfer student to Ohtori Academy. But Utena's eyes seem to be fixed on one familiar face that stands out among the rest—Touga Kiryuu, Utena's childhood friend. Touga knows of Utena's past and possesses knowledge of the Mark of the Rose, a set of unique rings worn by those who compete for the hand of the Rose Bride. The Rose Bride, Himemiya Anthy, belongs to whomever wins her in a duel, and the one that wins all the duels is said to be given the power to bring revolution to the world. Utena is drawn into the duels, but Touga and their complicated history together may end up unraveling everything. Nothing is as it seems in this retelling of the original anime series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Aug 14, 1999 -- 39,871 7.60
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Josei -- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu -- Yotarou is a former yakuza member fresh out of prison and fixated on just one thing: rather than return to a life of crime, the young man aspires to take to the stage of Rakugo, a traditional Japanese form of comedic storytelling. Inspired during his incarceration by the performance of distinguished practitioner Yakumo Yuurakutei, he sets his mind on meeting the man who changed his life. After hearing Yotarou's desperate appeal for his mentorship, Yakumo is left with no choice but to accept his very first apprentice. -- -- As he eagerly begins his training, Yotarou meets Konatsu, an abrasive young woman who has been under Yakumo's care ever since her beloved father Sukeroku Yuurakutei, another prolific Rakugo performer, passed away. Through her hidden passion, Yotarou is drawn to Sukeroku's unique style of Rakugo despite learning under contrasting techniques. Upon seeing this, old memories and feelings return to Yakumo who reminisces about a much earlier time when he made a promise with his greatest rival. -- -- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a story set in both the past and present, depicting the art of Rakugo, the relationships it creates, and the lives and hearts of those dedicated to keeping the unique form of storytelling alive. -- -- 231,915 8.60
Sword Gai The Animation -- -- DLE, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Seinen -- Sword Gai The Animation Sword Gai The Animation -- When the gods would not answer in humanity's desperate hour of need, it turned to a demon instead. The supposed savior came wielding the sword Zsoltgewinn, but its uncontrollable lust for blood led it to kill those who summoned it too. Although the sword was sealed away long ago, it has been uncovered by the Shoshidai, an organization that collects such cursed artifacts. However, Zsoltgewinn proves to be too strong to be tamed by humans when its corruptive power influences the administrator, Takuma Miura, to flee with it in his grasp. -- -- At the same time, Gai Ogata's family is torn apart due to the possession of another demonic sword, Shiryu, leading his father to be murdered and his mother to hang herself shortly after giving birth to him. Abandoned in the forest clutching the blade, he is discovered by the blacksmith Amon. Unnaturally transfixed by the sword, Gai works tirelessly for years to hone his smithing skills. However, when an accident costs him his arm, he gains a new one—in the form of a reforged Shiryu. -- -- Now having a cursed sword for an arm, Gai must learn to control its violent urges. All the while, Zsoltgewinn continues its rampage, leaving a path of blood in its wake. -- -- ONA - Mar 23, 2018 -- 52,145 5.81
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Youkai Watch -- -- OLM -- 214 eps -- Game -- Comedy Demons Kids Supernatural -- Youkai Watch Youkai Watch -- Primary school student Keita Amano's curiosity is as innocent as any other child's his age. But when one day he decides to venture deeper into the forest, he encounters a small and mysterious capsule. Out from its depths comes Whisper. After 190 years of imprisonment, this ghost-like creature is glad that someone has been kind enough to set him free. He decides to reward Keita by becoming his guardian against supernatural forces. Whisper is one of many Youkai that exist in the world, and provides Keita with a special Youkai Watch, which enables him to see and interact with all the other Youkai. -- -- Youkai Watch follows Keita, Whisper and the cat spirit Jibanyan as they encounter Youkai, befriend them, fix all the trouble that they so often cause, and, with the help of the watch, use the powers of previously encountered Youkai to aid them. Young Keita may have been just an ordinary primary school student when he first encountered the Youkai, but the many adventures that follow his discovery provide him with invaluable experiences and precious life lessons that help him grow. -- 21,141 6.52
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- Three girls have been chosen by the great Shinju-sama to be heroes and fight against the destructive beings known as Vertexes—enemies that threaten the harmony and safety of the world. -- -- Unsure of when they would be called to duty, Sumi Washio, Sonoko Nogi, and Gin Minowa spent their time idly. However, with the sudden appearance of a Vertex, they realize they have no idea how to fight together as magical girls when they are nearly bested. They manage to defeat their enemy by sheer determination, but in the aftermath of the battle, the three decide to fix their teamwork issues and improve their combat capabilities. -- -- But as more enemies appear—and requiring even more power to defeat their nemeses—the girls may find themselves irreversibly changed by the use of their magic. What price will they have to pay to ensure victory, and is it one worth paying if humanity will be saved? -- -- 33,727 7.65
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- Three girls have been chosen by the great Shinju-sama to be heroes and fight against the destructive beings known as Vertexes—enemies that threaten the harmony and safety of the world. -- -- Unsure of when they would be called to duty, Sumi Washio, Sonoko Nogi, and Gin Minowa spent their time idly. However, with the sudden appearance of a Vertex, they realize they have no idea how to fight together as magical girls when they are nearly bested. They manage to defeat their enemy by sheer determination, but in the aftermath of the battle, the three decide to fix their teamwork issues and improve their combat capabilities. -- -- But as more enemies appear—and requiring even more power to defeat their nemeses—the girls may find themselves irreversibly changed by the use of their magic. What price will they have to pay to ensure victory, and is it one worth paying if humanity will be saved? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 33,727 7.65,_Dovecot_and_Roundcube,_Iraq_-_The_Book_of_Fixed_Stars_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg,_13c,_Lopburi_(34408724304).jpg,_St._Stephen_Monastery,_Meteora,_Greece.jpg,_Iraq_-_The_Book_of_Fixed_Stars_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg,_Iraq_-_The_Book_of_Fixed_Stars_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg&diff=prev
2018 cricket pitch fixing and betting scandal
Ade (drink suffix)
Aeronautical fixed service
Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
Affix grammar over a finite lattice
A Fix with Sontarans
Airfix Dogfighter
Altar crucifix
Antaeotricha confixella
Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics Individual fixed large bird
Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics Individual fixed small bird
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Wifix
AtiyahBott fixed-point theorem
Automatic bug fixing
Autorotation (fixed-wing aircraft)
Autosticha affixella
Ballade (forme fixe)
Banach fixed-point theorem
Ban Fracking Fix Crime Protect Water
BanksZaks fixed point
Basilica del Santo Crucifix
Battle of Crucifix Hill
Behenian fixed star
Bernd Fix
BigFix Inc
Binary prefix
Bjarky Fixed Link
Book of Fixed Stars
Book:Oral Fixation, Vol. 2
Borel fixed-point theorem
Brouwer fixed-point theorem
Browder fixed-point theorem
Bucculatrix perfixa
C3 carbon fixation
C4 carbon fixation
California Water Fix and Eco Restore
Calvin Fixx
Can We Fix It?
Carbon fixation
CarbonFix Standard
Caristi fixed-point theorem
Category:Wikipedia category-disambiguation box parameter needs fixing
Category:Wikipedia category-redirect box parameter needs fixing
Cerebral Fix
Chteau de Roquefixade
Chiasmia defixaria
Complement fixation test
Compressed suffix array
Consumption of fixed capital
Continuum (Mentallo & The Fixer album)
Counter-Strike match fixing scandal
Creation Is Crucifixion
Crucifix (band)
Crucifix (Cimabue, Santa Croce)
Crucifixion (1933)
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych
Crucifixion (Antonello da Messina)
Crucifixion (Bellini)
Crucifixion between Sts. Jerome and Christopher
Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
Crucifixion darkness
Crucifixion Diptych (van der Weyden)
Crucifixion (disambiguation)
Crucifixion (Francis Bacon, 1965)
Crucifixion in the arts
Crucifixion (Nabil Kanso)
Crucifixion of Jesus
Crucifixion of Saint Peter
Crucifixion of Saint Peter (Caravaggio)
Crucifixion, seen from the Cross
Crucifixion (song)
Crucifixion thorn
Crucifixion with a Donor (Bosch)
Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John
Crucifix (Michelangelo)
Crucifix (Nez Delgado)
Crucifix of Pisa
Crucifix of San Marcello
Crucifix position
Crucifix sea catfish
Crucifix toad
CSX milepost prefixes
Cyclic prefix
Donald Fixico
DRAM price fixing
Dror Fixler
Duchek Will Fix It
EarleHamilton fixed-point theorem
English prefix
Esperanto words with the suffix -um
Ethan Fixell
Eurhodope infixella
Expletive infixation
Extended affix grammar
External fixation
Fantasy Fix
Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link
File fixity
Finnish pespallo match-fixing scandal
First fix and second fix
Five Get into a Fix
Fix a Drink
Fix a Heart
Fix and Foxi
Fixated Threat Assessment Centre
Fixation disparity
Fixation (histology)
Fixation index
Fixation on a Co-Worker
Fixation (population genetics)
Fixation (psychology)
Fixation (visual)
Fix (beer)
Fixed Acquirer Network Fee
Fixed action pattern
Fixed annuity
Fixed asset
Fixed asset register
Fixed assets management
Fixed-asset turnover
Fixed at Zero
Fixed-base operator
Fixed Bayonets!
Fixed Bed Nuclear Reactor
Fixed bill
Fixed-block architecture
Fixed book price
Fixed cost
Fixed deposit
Fixed Dialing Number
Fixed-dose procedure
Fixed drug reaction
Fixed-effect Poisson model
Fixed effects model
Fixed end moment
Fixed (EP)
Fixed exchange rate system
Fixed fantasy
Fixed feast
Fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator
Fixed-focus lens
Fixed-gear bicycle
Fixed income
Fixed-income attribution
Fixed-income relative-value investing
Fixed interest rate loan
Fixed investment
Fixedmobile convergence
Fixed-odds betting
Fixed odds betting terminal
Fixed-pattern noise
Fixed penalty notice
Fixed pixel display
Fixed platform
Fixed point
Fixed-point arithmetic
Fixed-point combinator
Fixed-point index
Fixed-point iteration
Fixed-point lemma for normal functions
Fixed point (mathematics)
Fixed-point property
Fixed points of isometry groups in Euclidean space
Fixed-point space
Fixed-point subgroup
Fixed-point subring
Fixed-point theorem
Fixed-point theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces
Fixed position assembly
Fixed prayer times
Fixed price
Fixed-price contract
Fixed price of Coca-Cola from 1886 to 1959
Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling
Fixed prosthodontics
Fixed-radius near neighbors
Fixed rate bond
Fixed-rate mortgage
Fixed repeating schedule
Fixed roof tank
Fixed rope
Fixed-satellite service
Fixed sign
Fixed stars
Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002
Fixed-term employment contract
Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011
Fixed-term Work Directive 1999
Fixed (typeface)
Fixed value-added resource
Fixed verse
Fixed-width typeface
Fixed-wing aircraft
Fixed wireless
Fix (EP)
Fixer (album)
Fixer (comics)
Fixer (person)
Fixers (band)
Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi
Fixer Upper
Fixer Upper (TV series)
Fixin' to Die
Fixin' to Die Blues
Fixing a Broken Heart
Fixing a Hole
Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act
Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan
Fixing Sex
Fixin to Thrill
Fixin wine
Fix Me
Fix Me (10 Years song)
Fix Me Up
Fix NICS Act of 2017
Fix (position)
Fix Price
Fixstars Solutions
Fixtape 2
Fixtape (Popcaan album)
Fix the Court
Fix the Debt
Fixture (property law)
Fix You
Fix Your Accent
Flicker fixer
Flight dynamics (fixed-wing aircraft)
Formes fixes
Frank Fixaris
Fred V & Grafix
Free sale, fixity of tenure, and fair rent
Functional fixedness
Furniture, fixtures and equipment (accounting)
Gauge fixing
Gaussian fixed point
Generalized suffix tree
George Fix
Gold fixing
Grapple fixture
Great Belt Fixed Link
Gross fixed capital formation
Hardouin de Prfixe de Beaumont
He'd Have to Get Under Get Out and Get Under (to Fix Up His Automobile)
Hecatera fixseni
Hctor Fix-Zamudio
Help:Fixing failed pings
Help:How to fix bunched-up edit links
Help:How to fix your signature
High Watt Crucifixers
Holomorphic Lefschetz fixed-point formula
How Many Votes Fix Mix
Hyposidra infixaria
IBM BigFix
Ide fixe
Ide Fixe (album)
Ide fixe (psychology)
Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Transport
Infix notation
Infrared fixed point
Initial approach fix
Ink (The Fixx album)
Instrument of Jesus' crucifixion
Intercontinental and transoceanic fixed links
Internal fixation
International Fixed Calendar
Internet-related prefixes
IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation
-ista (suffix)
ITU prefix
Iyanla: Fix My Life
Jim'll Fix It
Jim Fixx
Kakutani fixed-point theorem
Kleene fixed-point theorem
Latex fixation test
Lauren Fix
Least fixed point
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
Light fixture
List of antiretroviral fixed-dose combinations
List of circulating fixed exchange rate currencies
List of commonly used taxonomic affixes
List of family name affixes
List of international call prefixes
List of match-fixing incidents
List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes
List of mobile telephone prefixes by country
List of pharmaceutical compound number prefixes
List of ZIP Code prefixes
Longest prefix match
Love Is the Law (Mentallo & The Fixer album)
Lysine price-fixing conspiracy
MarkovKakutani fixed-point theorem
Match fixing
Match-fixing in professional sumo
Match-fixing investigations of Norwegian 2. divisjon
Matter Fixed
Mentallo & The Fixer Meets Mainesthai
Mentallo and the Fixer
Metric prefix
Minimum Wage Fixing Convention 1970
Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention, 1951
Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928
Mond Crucifixion
Monofixation syndrome
Mr. Fix-It
Mr. Fixit
Nasal infix
Neotelphusa praefixa
Neto (suffix)
NewfoundlandLabrador fixed link
Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen fixation package
No fixed abode
No Fixed Address
No Fixed Address (album)
No Rest for the Wicked (Mentallo & The Fixer album)
Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer
Nothing Fixed or Final
Numeral prefix
Oglasa defixa
Oliver Fix
Oral fixation
Oral Fixation Tour (album)
Oral Fixation, Vol. 1 & 2
Oral Fixation, Vol. 2
Pakistan cricket spot-fixing scandal
Pazzi Crucifixion
Pejorative suffix
Phaecasiophora confixana
Phantoms (The Fixx album)
Phaos interfixa
Philippe Fix
Photographic fixer
Pilocrocis confixalis
Placidus Fixlmillner
Plumbing fixture
Polygrammodes infixalis
Possessive affix
Postfix (software)
Prayer Bead with the Adoration of the Magi and the Crucifixion
Prayer before a crucifix
Prediction Suffix Tree
Prefix code
Prefix delegation
Prefixes in Hebrew
Prefix hash tree
Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art
Prefix order
Prefix sum
Price fixing
Program Segment Prefix
Program temporary fix
Proposed British Isles fixed sea link connections
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
Pseudocatharylla infixellus
Pseudotelphusa confixa
Public Suffix List
Pyrausta interfixalis
Pyrgotis transfixa
Qfix robot kit
Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller
Radioactivity Fixatives
Revaluation of fixed assets
Rohrbach Ro IX Rofix
Romani crucifixion legend
Rondeau (forme fixe)
Rotation around a fixed axis
Ryll-Nardzewski fixed-point theorem
Saint Luke Painting the Crucifixion
Saxbe fix
Scars of the Crucifix
Schauder fixed-point theorem
Sconce (light fixture)
Scopula defixaria
Secure fixed term tenancy
Sensations' Fix
Session fixation
Ship prefix
Slavic name suffixes
Soil fixation
South Africa cricket match fixing
Special:PrefixIndex/WP:WikiProject Tanks/Tab header/Toolbox
Steel fixer
Stitch Fix
Street suffix
Structural fix
Suffix array
Suffixes in Hebrew
Suffix (name)
Suffix tree
Suffix tree clustering
Sympistis infixa
Target fixation
Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days
Technological fix
Telephone prefix
Tenacious D: Time Fixers
Ten Technologies to Fix Energy and Climate
The Big Fix
The Big Fix (2012 film)
The College Fix
The Crucifix
The Crucifix Carver of Ammergau
The Crucifixion (film)
The Crucifixion of St Julia
The Crucifixion of St. Peter (Michelangelo)
The Crucifixion (Pavias)
The Crucifixion (Stainer)
The Fix
The Fix (1997 film)
The Fix (2008 TV series)
The Fix (2018 TV series)
The Fix (2019 TV series)
The Fixations
The Fix (book)
The Fixed Future
The Fixer (2008 TV series)
The Fixer (2015 Hong Kong TV series)
The Fixer (2016 film)
The Fixer (comics)
The Fixer (novel)
The Fixer Uppers
The Fix (Heroes)
The Fix Is In
The Fix (musical)
The Fix (opera)
The Fix (song)
The Fix-Up
The Fixx
The Fixxers
The Journal of Fixed Income
The Olsen Gang in a Fix
The Quick Fix
The Quick Fix (novel)
The "Fish" Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag
The Rosy Crucifixion
The Sunshine Fix
The Yes Men Fix the World
This Is a Fix
This Is a Fix album tour
Timeline of binary prefixes
Time to first fix
Time Transfixed
TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.
Triffix Entertainment
Trigonopterus idefix
Trunk prefix
Tyrant (Spiderbaby Grafix)
Ultimate Collection (The Fixx album)
Ultimate Fixer
Ultraviolet fixed point
Ultraviolet (Fred V & Grafix song)
Unit prefix
Un mari prix fixe
Un (prefix)
User:Andrewa/fix the little problem
User:Mike Christie/Fix loops
User:Mr. Smart LION/Userboxes/Articles need fixing
USS Fixity
Vertebral fixation
VEX prefix
Vigra Fixed Link
Virtual fixture
Weeping crucifix in Mumbai
Wendy Fix
When Broken Is Easily Fixed
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Mentallo & The Fixer album)
White Crucifixion
Wikipedia talk:Find or fix a stub/Work
World's Toughest Fixes
Xystophora defixa
Zenker's fixative

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change "table font size":
last updated: 2022-02-02 19:38:46
253237 site hits