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object:4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection

Essentially then this divine self-perfection is a conversion of the human into a likeness of and a fundamental oneness with the divine nature, a rapid shaping of the image of God in man and filling in of its ideal outlines. It is what is ordinarily termed sadrsya-mukti, a liberation into the divine resemblance out of the bondage of the human seeming, or, to use the expression of the Gita, sadharmya-gati, a coming to be one in law of being with the supreme, universal and indwelling Divine. To perceive and have a right view of our way to such a transformation we must form some sufficient working idea of the complex thing that this human nature at present is in the confused interminglings of its various principles, so that we may see the precise nature of the conversion each part of it must undergo and the most effective means for the conversion. How to disengage from this knot of thinking mortal matter the Immortal it contains, from this mentalised vital animal man the happy fullness of his submerged hints of Godhead, is the real problem of a human being and living. Life develops many first hints of the divinity without completely disengaging them; Yoga is the unravelling of the knot of Life's difficulty.

First of all we have to know the central secret of the psychological complexity which creates the problem and all its difficulties. But an ordinary psychology which only takes mind and its phenomena at their surface values, will be of no help to us; it will not give us the least guidance in this line of self-exploration and self-conversion. Still less can we find the clue in a scientific psychology with a materialistic basis which assumes that the body and the biological and physiological factors of our nature are not only the starting-point but the whole real foundation and regards human mind as only a subtle development from the life and the body. That may be the actual truth of the animal side of human nature and of the human mind in so far as it is limited and conditioned by the physical part of our being. But the whole difference between marl and the animal is that the animal mind, as we know it, cannot get for one moment away from its origins, cannot break out from the covering, the close chrysalis which the bodily life has spun round the soul, and become something greater than its present self, a more free, magnificent and noble being; but in man mind reveals itself as a greater energy escaping from the restrictions of the vital and physical formula of being. But even this is not all that man is or can be: he has in him the power to evolve and release a still greater ideal energy which in its turn escapes out of the restrictions of the mental formula of his nature and discloses the supramental form, the ideal power of a spiritual being. In Yoga we have to travel beyond the physical nature and the superficial man and to discover the workings of the whole nature of the real man. In other words, we must arrive at and use a psycho-physical knowledge with a spiritual foundation.

Man is in his real nature, -- however obscure now this truth may be to our present understanding and self-consciousness, we must for the purposes of Yoga have faith in it, and we shall then find that our faith is justified by an increasing experience and a greater self-knowledge, --a spirit using the mind, life and body for an individual and a communal experience and self-manifestation in the universe. This spirit is an infinite existence limiting itself in apparent being for individual experience. It is an infinite consciousness which defines itself in finite forms of consciousness for joy of various knowledge and various power of being. It is an infinite delight of being expanding and contracting itself and its powers, concealing and discovering, formulating many terms of its joy of existence, even to an apparent obscuration arid denial of its own nature. In itself it is eternal Sachchidananda, but this complexity, this knotting up and unravelling of the infinite in the finite is the aspect we see it assume in universal and in individual nature. To discover the eternal Sachchidananda, this essential self of our being within us, and live in it is the stable basis, to make its true nature evident and creative of a divine way of living in our instruments, supermind, mind, life and body, the active principle of a spiritual perfection. Supermind, mind, life and body are the four instruments which the spirit uses for its manifestation in the workings of Nature. Supermind is spiritual consciousness acting as a self-luminous knowledge, will, sense, aesthesis, energy, self-creative and unveiling power of its own delight and being. Mind is the action of the same powers, but limited and only very indirectly and partially illumined. Supermind lives in unity though it plays with diversity; mind lives in a separative action of diversity, though it may open to unity. Mind is not only capable of ignorance, but, because it acts always partially and by limitation, it works characteristically as a power of ignorance : it may even and it does forget itself in a complete inconscience, or nescience, awaken from it to the ignorance of a partial knowledge and move from the ignorance towards a complete knowledge, -- that is its natural action in the human being, -- but it can never have by itself a complete knowledge. supermind is incapable of real ignorance; even if it puts full knowledge behind it in the limitation of a particular working, yet all its working refers back to what it has put behind it and all is instinct with self-illumination; even if it involves itself in material nescience, it yet does there accurately the works of a perfect will and knowledge. supermind lends itself to the action of the inferior instruments; it is always there indeed at the core as a secret support of their operations. In matter it is an automatic action and effectuation of the hidden idea in things; in life its most seizable form is instinct, an instinctive, subconscious or partly subconscious knowledge and operation; in mind it reveals itself as intuition, a swift, direct and self-effective illumination of intelligence, will, sense and aesthesis. But these are merely irradiations of the supermind which accommodate themselves to the limited functioning of the obscurer instruments: its own characteristic nature is a gnosis superconscient to mind, life and body. Supermind or gnosis is the characteristic, illumined, significant action of spirit in its own native reality.

Life is an energy of spirit subordinated to action of mind and body, which fulfils itself through mentality and physicality and acts as a link between them. It has its own characteristic operation but nowhere works independently of mind and body. All energy of the spirit in action works in the two terms of existence and consciousness, for the self-formation of existence and the play and self-realisation of consciousness, for the delight of existence and the delight of consciousness. In this inferior formulation of being in which we at present live, the spirit's energy of life works between the two terms of mind and matter, supporting and effecting the formulations of substance of matter and working as a material energy, supporting the formulations of consciousness of mind and the workings of mental energy, supporting the interaction of mind and body and working as a sensory and nervous energy. What we call vitality is for the purposes of our normal human existence power of conscious being emerging in matter, liberating from it and in it mind and the higher powers and supporting their limited action in the physical life, --just as what we call mentality is power of conscious being awaking in body to light of its own consciousness and to consciousness of all the rest of being immediately around it and working at first in the limited action set for it by life and body, but at certain points and at a certain height escaping from it to a partial action beyond this circle. But this is not the whole power whether of life or mentality; they have planes of conscious existence of their own kind, other than this material level, where they are freer in their characteristic action. Matter or body itself is a limiting form of substance of spirit in which life and mind and spirit are involved, self-hidden, self-forgetful by absorption in their own externalising action, but bound to emerge from it by a self-compelling evolution. But matter too is capable of refining to subtler forms of substance in which it becomes more apparently a formal density of life, of mind, of spirit. Man himself has, besides this gross material body, an encasing vital sheath, a mental body, a body of bliss and gnosis. But all matter, all body contains within it the secret powers of these higher principles; matter is a formation of life that has no real existence apart from the informing universal spirit which gives it its energy and substance.

This is the nature of spirit and its instruments. But to understand its operations and to get at a knowledge which will give to us a power of leverage in uplifting them out of the established groove in which our life goes spinning, we have to perceive that the Spirit has based all its workings upon two twin aspects of its being. Soul and Nature, Purusha and prakriti. We have to treat them as different and diverse in power, -- for in practice of consciousness this difference is valid, -- although they are only two sides of the same reality, pole and pole of the one conscious being. Purusha or soul is spirit cognisant of the workings of its nature, supporting them by its being, enjoying or rejecting enjoyment of them in its delight of being. Nature is power of the spirit, and she is too working and process of its power formulating name and form of being, developing action of consciousness and knowledge, throwing itself up in will and impulsion, force and energy, fulfilling itself in enjoyment. Nature is prakriti, Maya, shakti. If we look at her on her most external side where she seems the opposite of Purusha, she is prakriti, an inert and mechanical self-driven operation, inconscient or conscient only by the light of Purusha, elevated by various degrees, vital, mental, supramental, of his soul-illumination of her workings. If we look at her on her other internal side where she moves nearer to unity with Purusha, she is Maya, will of being and becoming or of cessation from being and becoming with all their results, apparent to the consciousness, of involution and evolution, existing and non-existing, self-concealment of spirit and self-discovery of spirit. Both are sides of one and the same thing, shakti, power of being of the spirit which operates, whether superconsciously or consciously or subconsciously in a seeming inconscience, -- in fact all these motions co-exist at the same time and in the same soul, --as the spirit's power of knowledge, power of will, power of process and action, jnana-sakti, iccha-sakti, kriya-sakti. By this power the spirit creates all things in itself, hides and discovers all itself in the form and behind the veil of its manifestation.

Purusha is able by this power of its nature to take whatever poise it may will and to follow the law and form of being proper to any self-formulation. It is eternal soul and spirit in its own power of self-existence superior to and governing its manifestations; it is universal soul and spirit developed in power of becoming of its existence, infinite in the finite; it is individual soul and spirit absorbed in development of some particular course of its becoming, in appearance mutably finite in the infinite. All these things it can be at once, eternal spirit universalised in cosmos, individualised in its beings; it can too found the consciousness rejecting, governing or responding to the action of Nature in any one of them, put the others behind it or away from it, know itself as pure eternity, self-supporting universality or exclusive individuality. Whatever the formulation of its nature, soul can seem to become that and view itself as that only in the frontal active part of its consciousness; but it is never only what it seems to be; it is too the so much else that it can be; secretly, it is the all of itself that is yet hidden. It is not irrevocably limited by any particular self-formulation in Time, but can break through and beyond it, break it up or develop it, select, reject, new-create, reveal out of itself a greater self-formulation. What it believes itself to be by the whole active will of its consciousness in its instruments, that it is or tends to become, yo yacchraddhah sa eva sah what it believes it can be and has full faith in becoming, that it changes to in nature, evolves or discovers.

This power of the soul over its nature is of the utmost importance in the Yoga of self-perfection; if it did not exist, we could never get by conscious endeavour and aspiration out of the fixed groove of our present imperfect human being; if any greater perfection were intended, we should have to wait for Nature to effect it in her own slow or swift process of evolution. In the lower forms of being the soul accepts this complete subjection to Nature, but as it rises higher in the scale, it awakes to a sense of something in itself which can comm and Nature; but it is only when it arrives at self-knowledge that this free will and control becomes a complete reality. The change effects itself through process of nature, not therefore by any capricious magic, but an ordered development and intelligible process. When complete mastery is gained, then the process by its self-effective rapidity may seem a miracle to the intelligence, but it still proceeds by law of the truth of Spirit, -- when the Divine within us by close union of our will and being with him takes up the Yoga and acts as the omnipotent master of the nature. For the Divine is our highest Self and the self of all Nature, the eternal and universal Purusha.

Purusha may establish himself in any plane of being, take any principle of being as the immediate head of his power and live in the working of its proper mode of conscious action. The soul may dwell in the principle of infinite unity of self-existence and be aware of all consciousness, energy, delight, knowledge, will, activity as conscious form of this essential truth. Sat or Satya. It may dwell in the principle of infinite conscious energy, Tapas, and be aware of it unrolling out of self-existence the works of knowledge, will and dynamic soul-action for the enjoyment of an infinite delight of the being. It may dwell in the principle of infinite self-existent delight and be aware of the divine Ananda creating out of its self-existence by its energy whatever harmony of being. In these three poises the consciousness of unity dominates; the soul lives in its awareness of eternity, universality, unity, and whatever diversity there is, is not separative, but only a multitudinous aspect of oneness. It may dwell too in the principle of supermind, in a luminous self-determining knowledge, will and action which develops some coordination of perfect delight of conscious being. In the higher gnosis unity is the basis, but it takes its joy in diversity; in lower fact of supermind diversity is the basis, but it refers back always to a conscious unity and it takes joy in unity. These ranges of consciousness are beyond our present level; they are superconscious to our normal mentality. That belongs to a lower hemisphere of being.

This lower being begins where a veil falls between soul and nature, between spirit in supermind and spirit in mind, life and body. Where this veil has not fallen, these instrumental powers are not what they are in us, but an enlightened part of the unified action of supermind and spirit. Mind gets to an independent idea of its own action when it forgets to refer back to the light from which it derives and becomes absorbed in the possibilities of its own separative process and enjoyment. The soul when it dwells in the principle of mind, not yet subject to but user of life and body, knows itself as a mental being working out its mental life and forces and images, bodies of the subtle mental substance, according to its individual knowledge, will and dynamis modified by its relation to other similar beings and powers in the universal mind. When it dwells in the principle of life, it knows itself as a being of the universal life working out action and consciousness by its desires under similar modifying conditions proper to a universal life-soul whose action is through many individual life-beings. When it dwells in the principle of matter, it knows itself as a consciousness of matter acting under a similar law of the energy of material being. In proportion as it leans towards the side of knowledge, it is aware of itself more or less clearly as a soul of mind, a soul of life, a soul of body viewing and acting in or acted upon by its nature; but where it leans towards the side of ignorance, it knows itself as an ego identified with nature of mind, of life or of body, a creation of Nature. But the native tendency of material being leads towards an absorption of the soul's energy in the act of formation and material movement and a consequent self-oblivion of the conscious being. The material universe begins from an apparent inconscience.

The universal Purusha dwells in all these planes in a certain simultaneity and builds upon each of these principles a world or series of worlds with its beings who live in the nature of that principle. Man, the microcosm, has all these planes in his own being, ranged from his subconscient to his superconscient existence. By a developing power of Yoga he can become aware of these concealed worlds hidden from his physical, materialised mind and senses which know only the material world, and then he becomes aware that his material existence is not a thing apart and self-existent, as the material universe in which he lives is also not a thing apart and self-existent, but is in constant relation to the higher planes and acted on by their powers and beings. He can open up and increase the action of these higher planes in himself and enjoy some sort of participation in the life of the other worlds, -- which, for the rest, are or can be his dwelling-place, that is to say, 'the station of his awareness, dhama, after death or between death and rebirth in a material body. But his most important capacity is that of developing the powers of the higher principles in himself, a greater power of life, a purer light of mind, the illumination of supermind, the infinite being, consciousness and delight of spirit. By an ascending movement he can develop his human imperfection towards that greater perfection.

But whatever his aim, however exalted his aspiration, he has to begin from the law of his present imperfection, to take full account of it and see how it can be converted to the law of a possible perfection. This present law of his being starts from the inconscience of the material universe, an involution of the soul in form and subjection to material nature; and, though in this matter, life and mind have developed their own energies, yet they are limited and bound up in the action of the lower material, which is to the ignorance of his practical surface consciousness his original principle. Mind in him, though he is an embodied mental being, has to bear the control of the body and the physical life and can only by some more or less considerable effort of energy and concentration consciously control life and body. It is only by increasing that control that he can move towards perfection, -and it is only by developing soul-power that he can reach it. Nature-power in him has to become more and more completely a conscious act of soul, a conscious expression of all the will and knowledge of spirit. prakriti has to reveal itself as shakti of the Purusha.

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Wikipedia - Queen of Heaven in Catholic art
Wikipedia - Queen of Heaven
Wikipedia - Rage in Heaven -- 1941 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Reaching from Heaven -- 1948 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - Rockin' Heaven -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Seven heavens
Wikipedia - Seven Heavens -- Seven levels or divisions of Heaven in religious or mythological cosmology
Wikipedia - Seventh Heaven (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Seventh Heaven (poetry collection) -- Book by Patti Smith
Wikipedia - Seventh Heaven (restaurant) -- Revolving restaurant in Moscow TV tower
Wikipedia - Simply Heavenly -- Musical comedy
Wikipedia - Sinners in Heaven -- 1924 film by Alan Crosland
Wikipedia - Sleep in Heavenly Peace -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Some Kind of Heaven -- 2020 American documentary film
Wikipedia - Somewhere Under Heaven -- 1992 song by Tom Petty
Wikipedia - Son of Heaven
Wikipedia - Stairway to Heaven (Philippine TV series) -- 2009 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Stairway to Heaven -- 1971 song by Led Zeppelin
Wikipedia - Stolen Heaven (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Stolen Heaven (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Andrew L. Stone
Wikipedia - Straight to Heaven -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Sunrise in Heaven -- 2019 film by Waymon Boone
Wikipedia - Taiping Heavenly Kingdom -- Chinese oppositional state existing from 1851 to 1864
Wikipedia - Tale of King Mu, Son of Heaven -- Literary work of ancient China, a fantasy version of the travels of King Mu of Zhou, historical fifth sovereign of the Zhou dynasty
Wikipedia - Tanzil -- Descent of God's message from heaven to earth where it was revealed to Muhammad
Wikipedia - Tears in Heaven
Wikipedia - Template talk:Heaven
Wikipedia - Temple of Heaven -- Imperial complex of religious buildings in Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Temptation (Heaven 17 song) -- 1983 single by Heaven 17
Wikipedia - Thank Heaven for Little Girls -- Song by Maurice Chevalier
Wikipedia - The Black Tides of Heaven -- Fantasy novella by JY Yang
Wikipedia - The Blue of Heaven -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven -- Book by Kevin and Alex Malarkey
Wikipedia - The Crow: Stairway to Heaven -- Television series
Wikipedia - The Discovery of Heaven -- Novel by Harry Mulisch
Wikipedia - The Edge of Heaven (film) -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - The Fires of Heaven -- 1993 novel by Robert Jordan
Wikipedia - The Gates of Heaven -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - The Heavenly Bodies (1960s tag team) -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - The Heavenly Bodies (1990s tag team) -- Professional wrestling disbanded tag team
Wikipedia - The Heavenly Play -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - The House That Heaven Built -- Single by Japandroids
Wikipedia - The Lathe of Heaven (film)
Wikipedia - The Lathe of Heaven
Wikipedia - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell -- Book with text and images by William Blake
Wikipedia - Themes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Wikipedia - The Other Side of Heaven -- 2001 adventure drama film by Mitch Davis
Wikipedia - The Promise That Heaven Kept -- album by Promise
Wikipedia - The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (TV series) -- Chinese television series about the Taiping rebellion
Wikipedia - The Woman in Heaven -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Working Class Goes to Heaven -- 1971 film directed by Elio Petri
Wikipedia - The Worms at Heaven's Gate -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - Third Heaven -- Division of Heaven in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Wikipedia - Thirteen Heavens
Wikipedia - This Is Heaven -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - This Side of Heaven -- 1934 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Thought I'd Died and Gone to Heaven -- 1992 single by Bryan Adams
Wikipedia - Too Much Heaven -- 1978 single by Bee Gees
Wikipedia - Tower of Heaven -- 2009 platforming video game
Wikipedia - True Heaven -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Tryin' to Get to Heaven -- 1997 song by Bob Dylan
Wikipedia - Tushita -- Buddhism heavenly realm
Wikipedia - Twelve Heavenly Generals
Wikipedia - Two Heavenly Blue Eyes -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens
Wikipedia - Violeta Went to Heaven -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - VirM-EM-+pakM-aM-9M-#a -- One of the Four Heavenly Kings and a dharmapala
Wikipedia - Virus (Heavenly album) -- album by Heavenly
Wikipedia - War in Heaven -- Supernatural war described in the Book of Revelation
Wikipedia - When Heaven Fell -- 1995 novel by William Barton
Wikipedia - Wings of Heaven Live -- 2008 live album by Magnum
Wikipedia - Yama -- Third of the six heavenly worlds of the desire realm in Buddhist cosmology
   Christ is born: glorify Him. Christ comes from heaven: go out to meet Him. Christ descends to earth: let us be raised on high. -- --> 13 Copy quote -- Gregory of Nazianzus ::: Born: 330; Died: January 25, 390; Occupation: Saint;\
Goodreads author - Ross_Heaven's_Blade_Wielder's_Gate_(Cult)'s_Gate_(cult)'s_Great_Council_in_Heaven's_Gate_(cult)
Kheper - Heaven_and_Earth -- 18
Integral World - Climbing the Stairway to Heaven, Ken Wilber's Mystical Religion of the Future, Review of "The Religion of Tomorrow", Part VII, Frank Visser
Integral World - Free PDF: Climbing the Stairway to Heaven, Reflections on Ken Wilber's "The Religion of Tomorrow", Frank Visser
Stairway to Heaven: Honoring Dr. James Fowler
dedroidify.blogspot - heaven-and-hell
dedroidify.blogspot - coldplay-hurts-like-heaven
dedroidify.blogspot - they-promise-you-heaven-so-they-can
Psychology Wiki - Heaven
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - heaven-hell
7th Heaven (1996 - 2012) - Rev Eric Camden and his wife, Annie have 5 kids: Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie. However, in the 5th season they had twins Sam and David. This show shows how the family works together to get through the different things kids will encounter as they grow up.
Teen Angel (1997 - 1998) - A teen, Marty DePolo, eats a bad burger, dies, and goes to heaven. There he meets God's cousin, Rod (later known as the Head), who becomes his boss and makes him a gurdian angel for his best friend, Steve, still on earth.
Highway to Heaven (1984 - 1989) - Starring Michael Landon & Victor French
7th Heaven (1996 - 2007) - The Camden family, a moderately liberal Christian family living in California, face the challenges of trying to live a moral life in a confusing world. Jam-packed with positive role models and thinly disguised public service announcements, this show may seem very conservative to the casual watcher (...
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1990 - 1995) - Charlie and Itchy are living as bachelors in present-day San Francisco. In each episode, Annabelle sends them on an angelic mission, but with the ever-present threat of Carface and Killer, completing the task may be easier said than done!
Touched by an Angel (1994 - 2003) - Angels are dispatched from heaven to inspire people who are at a crossroads in their lives. Monica, an angel who at times still needs some guidance with her earthly assignments, reports to Tess, her tough, wise, and always loving supervisor. Joining them is Andrew, who, in addition to his duties as...
Noah's Island (1996 - 1998) - Noah is a Polar Bear with a dream, to turn his floating Island into a Haven and a Home for Endangered animals all over the World as he and his Friends travel all over the Paraific Ocean gathering more Animals and finding the safe Heaven, Diamantina.
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven (1998 - 1999) - The tv show follows the journeys of Eric Draven (Mark Dacascos) as he tries to balance good and evil so he can be reunited with his deceased girlfriend, Shelly Webster (Sabine Karsenti). Unlike the original Crow movie, Eric Draven in the tv series stays behind to help other people, not just those w...
Demon Dragon of the Heavens Gaiking (1979 - 1981) - Great Sky Demon Dragon Gaiking (o, Daik Mary Gaikingu?) was a Super Robot mecha anime series produced by Toei Animation on an original idea by Akio Sugino (not Go Nagai, contrary to legend, even though his company, Dynamic Productions, co-produced the show from Episode 22 on, bu...
Good Heavens (1976 - 1976) -
Heaven Help Us (1994 - 1994) -
Eto Ranger (1995 - 1996) - In the world of Mugen, monsters called Jyarei Monsters fly up out of the ocean and attack the Novel Pole, the giant pillar that connects Mugen to Heaven, So 12 warriors, each an animal on the zodiac, are chosen to go from Novel-realm to Novel-realm and defeat the Jyarei.
Star Gazers (1976 - Current) - PBS documentary series showcasing astronomy. The show first began in 1976 hasted by Jack Foley Horkheimer, an astronomer at the Miami Museum of Science. In the early 1970's he appeared on Miami's WPBT TV with a local show called Horkheimer's Heavens. In 1976 Star Gazers would premiere nationally air...
Corpse Princess (2008 - 2009) - the series centers on the "Corpse Princess" Makina Hoshimura, an undead girl who is hunting down 108 undead corpses in order to gain entry into heaven with the help of a secret society of anti-corpse Buddhist monks.Feel and Gainax partnered together to adapt the series into a thirteen episode anime...
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (2010 - 2010) - The "Anarchy Sisters," Panty and Stocking, have been kicked out of Heaven for, to put it mildly, misbehaving. Led by a priest named Garterbelt, these angels must buy their way back by exterminating ghosts in Daten City. But this task requires unconventional weapons for these unorthodox angelsthey t...
Black Heaven (1999 - Current) - also referred to as The Legend of Black Heaven and Kacho-ji, is a thirteen-episode anime television series about the middle-aged members of a short-lived heavy metal band and their unexpected role in an alien interstellar war. The Japanese title of the series is a multi-layered pun; it can be trans...
Heaven's Memo Pad (2011 - 2011) - Narumi Fujishima isn't your typical high school student. He's never really fit in and has become increasingly more isolated from his fellow classmates. But he's not alone, and when Ayaka, the sole member of the Gardening Club, introduces him to the reclusive girl who lives above the ramen shop, Naru...
All Dogs Go to Heaven(1989) - All Dogs Go To Heaven is the classic Don Bluth film that is still widely popular almost 20 years after it 198
Xanadu(1980) - Sonny Malone (Michael Beck) is an artist, who is forced to go back to work when his plans to freelance don't pay off. Unhappy and stuck in a dead end job, he gets a little heavenly intervention in the form of Kira (Olivia Newton John, "Grease"). So when Sonny meets aging clarinet player Danny McGu...
All Dogs Go To Heaven 2(1996) - When Gabriel's Horn Falls From Heaven, Annabelle Enlists Charlie And Itchy To Recover It, But Once On Earth, Charlie Falls In Love With Sasha LaFleur And Find Out About Dog Collars That Can Make Him And Itchy Solid Again, Following Carface, They Come Across An Elderly Dog Named Red, Who Give's Them...
Dogma(1999) - When two renegade angels decide to steal back into heaven, thus destroying the universe as we know it, it's up to the last decendent of Christ, two unlikely Prophets, the 13th apostle, and a muse with writer's block to stop them.
What Dreams May Come(1998) - Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could have ever dreamed of. There is one thing missing: his wife. After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Chris decides to risk eternity in hades for the small chance that he will be able to bring her back to...
The Heavenly Kid(1985) - A guardian angel(Lewis Smith),who was killed in a car accident,is sent to earth to help a lonely teenage boy(Jason Gedrick).
Seven Minutes In Heaven(1985) - While her father is away on business, a teenage girl(Jennifer Connelly) lets her best friends(Byron Thames and Maddie Corman)move in with her.Together the 3 teens learn about life,love,and growing up.
Heaven Can Wait(1978) - Joe Pendelton, played by Warren Beatty, is a quarterback for the L.A. Rams until he is in a car accident and is almost killed. An over-anxious angle takes him to heaven only to find out it wasn't his time to die. Pendelton's body is cremated though so he must find a new body on earth. He ends up...
Heavenly Bodies(1984) - Samantha (Cynthia Dale) is a young single mother who starts a health club. The club is a great success, but she could lose it all if her business rivals take over. An exercise marathon takes place, but which club will succeed?
Heavenly Creatures(1994) - Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme are two schoolgirls and best friends who during 1953 and 1954, share a love for literature, music and a fantasy land that they share thinking that no one could understand real beauty. But, when they stray further away their respected families and other around them, Ju...
X(2001) - In 1999, it's considered the Year of Destiny and the end of the world. Kamui Shiro controls the fate of the world and must decide to destroy Dragons of Earth or the Dragons of Heaven. Kamui will choose weather humanity will be destroyed or have a chance to prosper. Hinoto and Kanoe are two oracles d...
Pennies From Heaven(1981) - Arthur Parker (Steve Martin) is a sheet music salesman during The Great Depression. He frequently hits the road, both to ply his wares and escape from the issues he has with his wife Joan (Jessica Harper). On one excursion, he meets a teacher named Eileen (Bernadette Peters) and he falls in love wit...
Ishtar(1987) - Ishtar is a 1987 comedy film directed by Elaine May (Heaven Can Wait) and starring Warren Beatty (Dick Tracy, Bonnie & Clyde) and Dustin Hoffman (Tootsie) as "Rogers and Clarke", a duo of incredibly untalented lounge singers who travel to Morocco looking for work and stumble into a four-party Cold W...
My Blue Heaven(1990) - A nerdy FBI agent(Rick Moranis) gets more than he bargained for protecting a larger than life ex mobster(Steve Martin).
Oh Heavenly Dog(1980) - Heavenly Dog is a 1980 comedy film, written by Rod Browning. The film stars the dog Benji, Chevy Chase, Jane Seymour, and Omar Sharif. The film was directed by Joe Camp, and released by 20th Centur
Meatballs III: Summer Job(1987) - Loose sequel to the original"Meatballs",features the now teenage Rudy Gerner(Patrick Dempsey)taking a job at a river resort and trying desperately to lose his virginity.A dead porn star(Sally Kellerman),who must perform a good deed to be able to enter Heaven,decides to help Rudy with his lack of a s...
Ziegfeld Follies(1945) - The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld looks down from heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style.
A Night in Heaven(1983) - The Florida heat is about to get hotter when community-college professor Faye Hanlon is gets a lesson she herself will never forget...especially when she's stuck with an emotionally depressed husband and a lot of sexual frustration. But when her visiting sister takes her on a girls' night out to a s...
X/1999(1996) - At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragon of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragon of Earth, the seven angels of l...
Made In Heaven(1987) - After being dumped by his girlfriend, a boy runs away to California. But he ends up in heaven because he dies after trying to help a family from drowning in a river. In heaven he'll meet a beautiful girl, who has never reincarnated before.
Housewives from Another World(2010) - 2007 Penthouse Pet of the Year Heather Vandeven headlines this sexy sci-fi comedy about three beautiful housewives whose heavenly bodies get snatched by aliens attempting to prevent the launch of a deep-space satellite. Christine Nguyen and Rebecca Love co-star.
Wrath of the Ninja(1989) - The year a comet races across the sky, splitting the heavens, from the depths of the Earth the dark god shall arise once again. Then, the dark evil lurking in the shadows shall come out of the depths of Hell and show itself in the present world. The emotions of the blade of the wind shall collect at...
Clash Of The Titans (2010)(2010) - Perseus, mortal son of Zeus, battles the minions of the underworld to stop them from conquering the Earth and the heavens.
All That Heaven Allows(1955) - An upper-class widow falls in love with a much younger, down-to-earth nurseryman, much to the disapproval of her children and criticism of her country club peers.
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth(2003) - A Chinese emissary is sent to the Gobi desert to execute a renegade soldier. When a caravan transporting a Buddhist monk and a valuable treasure is threatened by thieves, however, the two warriors might unite to protect the travelers.
Heaven Help Us(1985) - A new transfer student to St. Basil's Boys' Prep School tries to fit in while romantically pursuing a troubled young girl.
Impure Thoughts(1986) - Four male friends are reunited after not being in contact with each other for several years. However, the meeting place is Purgatory, the afterlife state of limbo between heaven and hell. In Purgatory, these friends reflect on their pasts while they were living. They especially focus on their years...
Sweet Bird Of Youth(1962) - Drifter Chance Wayne returns to his hometown after many years of trying to make it in the movies. Arriving with him is a faded film star he picked up along the way, Alexandra Del Lago. While trying to get her help to make a screen test, he also finds the time to meet his former girlfriend Heavenly,...
Round Trip To Heaven(1992) - Since Larry works at a garage, he gets to use one of the Rolls Royces. There is only one problem, there is a briefcase full of money in the trunk. So when Larry and his cousin Steve decide to go to Palm Springs to look for Ms. Right at a popular beauty pageant, the owner of the briefcase will do the... -- Adventure, Fantasy, Psychological, Comedy, Shounen -- Adventure, Police, Comedy, Mystery, Shounen -- -- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha, Sci-Fi -- Action, Fantasy, Magic, Supernatural -- Action, Supernatural, Magic, Fantasy -- Action, Ecchi, Magic, Fantasy, Comedy, Harem, Shounen -- Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Shounen Ai -- Adventure, Demons, Fantasy -- Action, Mystery, Romance, Super Power, Thriller -- Action, Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi -- Harem, Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Shounen Ai -- Harem, Comedy, Parody, Shounen
7th Heaven (1927) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 30 October 1927 (USA) -- A street cleaner saves a young woman's life, and the pair slowly fall in love until war intervenes. Director: Frank Borzage Writers: Austin Strong (play), Benjamin Glazer (screenplay) | 4 more credits Stars:
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989) ::: 6.8/10 -- G | 1h 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | 17 November 1989 (USA) -- A canine angel, Charlie, sneaks back to earth from heaven but ends up befriending an orphan girl who can speak to animals. In the process, Charlie learns that friendship is the most heavenly gift of all. Directors: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman (co-director) | 1 more credit Writers: Don Bluth (story by), Ken Cromar (story by) | 9 more credits Stars:
All That Heaven Allows (1955) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 29min | Drama, Romance | 25 December 1955 (USA) -- An upper-class widow falls in love with a much younger, down-to-earth nurseryman, much to the disapproval of her children and criticism of her country club peers. Director: Douglas Sirk Writers:
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 2h 21min | Drama, Romance | 13 July 1940 (USA) -- A duchess' irrational behavior toward the governess of her children triggers tragic events that will change her family's lives forever. Director: Anatole Litvak Writers: Rachel Field (by), Casey Robinson (screen play)
As It Is in Heaven (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- S som i himmelen (original title) -- As It Is in Heaven Poster A famous international conductor returns to his small childhood town in Sweden for early retirement. He's asked to help with the church choir. He affects the lives of all in the choir. Director: Kay Pollak Writers: Anders Nyberg, Ola Olsson | 3 more credits
Carnivle ::: TV-MA | 55min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20032005) -- During the Great Depression, an Oklahoma farm boy and a charismatic minister learn that they are key players in a proxy war being fought between Heaven and Hell. Creator:
Chef's Table ::: TV-MA | 50min | Documentary | TV Series (2015 ) -- Chef's Table goes inside the lives and kitchens of six of the world's most renowned international chefs. Each episode focuses on a single chef and their unique look at their lives, talents and passion from their piece of culinary heaven. Stars:
City of Angels (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 10 April 1998 (USA) -- An angel on Earth, a doctor unable to believe, a patient with a secret, a love story made in Heaven. Director: Brad Silberling Writers: Wim Wenders (screenplay "Der Himmel ber Berlin"), Peter Handke (screenplay "Der Himmel ber Berlin") | 2 more credits Stars:
Days of Heaven (1978) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 34min | Drama, Romance | 6 October 1978 (USA) -- A hot-tempered farm laborer convinces the woman he loves to marry their rich but dying boss so that they can have a claim to his fortune. Director: Terrence Malick Writer: Terrence Malick
Death Parade ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2015) Episode Guide 12 episodes Death Parade Poster After death, humans go to either heaven or hell. But for some, at the instant of their death, they arrive at the Quindecim, a bar attended by the mysterious white-haired Decim. Stars: Jamie Marchi, Tomoaki Maeno, Anastasia Munoz
Dogma (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 12 November 1999 (USA) -- An abortion clinic worker with a special heritage is called upon to save the existence of humanity from being negated by two renegade angels trying to exploit a loop-hole and reenter Heaven. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Dragon's Heaven (1988) ::: 6.8/10 -- 42min | Animation, Short, Sci-Fi | Video 25 February 1988 -- In the year 3195, during a war between robots and humans, a sentient combat armor loses his companion in battle and shuts down until his internal systems spot a new human. Director: Makoto Kobayashi Writer: Ikuyo Kkami Stars:
Far from Heaven (2002) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 10 January 2003 (USA) -- In 1950s Connecticut, a housewife faces a marital crisis and mounting racial tensions in the outside world. Director: Todd Haynes Writer: Todd Haynes
Five Minutes of Heaven (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Thriller | 27 February 2009 (Ireland) -- The story of former UVF member Alistair Little. Twenty-five years after Little killed Joe Griffen's brother, the media arrange an auspicious meeting between the two. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel Writer:
Heaven (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 21 February 2002 (Germany) -- A woman takes the law into her own hands after police ignore her pleas to arrest the man responsible for her husband's death, and finds herself not only under arrest for murder but falling in love with an officer. Director: Tom Tykwer Writers:
Heaven Can Wait (1943) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 13 August 1943 (USA) -- An old rou arrives in Hades to review his life with Satan, who will rule on his eligibility to enter the Underworld. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Samson Raphaelson (screenplay), Leslie Bush-Fekete (play) (as Lazlo Bus-Fekete) Stars:
Heaven Can Wait (1978) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 28 June 1978 (USA) -- A Los Angeles Rams quarterback, accidentally taken away from his body by an overanxious angel before he was meant to die, returns to life in the body of a recently murdered millionaire. Directors: Warren Beatty, Buck Henry Writers:
Heaven & Earth (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Action, Biography, Drama | 7 January 1994 (USA) -- During the Viet Nam War, a Viet Namese woman struggles hustling on the streets, where she comes face to face with those involved in the conflict around her. Director: Oliver Stone Writers: Le Ly Hayslip (book), Jay Wurts (book) | 3 more credits Stars:
Heaven Help Us (1985) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 February 1985 (USA) -- A new transfer student to St. Basil's Boys' Prep School tries to fit in while romantically pursuing a troubled young girl. Director: Michael Dinner Writer: Charles Purpura Stars:
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Adventure, Drama, War | 13 March 1957 (USA) -- During World War II, an American marine and an Irish nun form an unlikely friendship after being stranded on a South Pacific island. They find comfort in one another as the two hope for a rescue. Director: John Huston Writers:
Heaven Knows What (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama | 29 May 2015 (USA) -- A young woman struggles to reconcile her love for her boyfriend and for heroin, as she finds out that suicide is the only way for her boyfriend to forgive her for her misdeed. Directors: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie Writers:
Heavenly Creatures (1994) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 14 October 1994 (New Zealand) -- Two teenage girls share a unique bond; their parents, concerned that the friendship is too intense, separate them, and the girls take revenge. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
Heaven's Gate (1980) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 3h 39min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 24 April 1981 (USA) -- During the Johnson County War in 1890 Wyoming, a sheriff born into wealth does his best to protect immigrant farmers from rich cattle interests. Director: Michael Cimino Writer:
Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 34min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 21 August 1941 (USA) -- Boxer Joe Pendleton dies 50 years too soon due to a heavenly mistake, and is given a new life as a millionaire playboy. Director: Alexander Hall Writers: Sidney Buchman (screen play), Seton I. Miller (screen play) | 1 more
It Must Be Heaven (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Comedy | 4 December 2019 (France) -- Filmmaker Elia Suleiman travels to different cities and finds unexpected parallels to his homeland of Palestine. Director: Elia Suleiman Writer: Elia Suleiman
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) ::: 8.6/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 7 January 1947 (USA) -- An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed. Director: Frank Capra Writers:
Just Like Heaven (2005) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 16 September 2005 (USA) -- A lonely landscape architect falls for the spirit of the beautiful woman who used to live in his new apartment. Director: Mark Waters Writers: Peter Tolan (screenplay), Leslie Dixon (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 6 May 2005 (USA) -- Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the Crusades of the 12th century, and there he finds himself as the defender of the city and its people. Director: Ridley Scott Writer:
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Action, Crime, Comedy | 20 February 1997 -- Knockin' on Heaven's Door Poster Two terminally ill patients escape from a hospital, steal a car and rush towards the sea. Director: Thomas Jahn Writers: Thomas Jahn (story), Thomas Jahn (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Leave Her to Heaven (1945) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 50min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | January 1946 (USA) -- A writer falls in love with a young socialite and they're soon married. But her obsessive love for him threatens to be the undoing of them both, and everyone else around them. Director: John M. Stahl Writers:
Made in Heaven (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 6 November 1987 (USA) -- After being dumped by his girlfriend, a boy runs away to California. But he ends up in heaven because he dies after trying to help a family from drowning in a river. In heaven he'll meet a beautiful girl, who has never reincarnated before. Director: Alan Rudolph Writers:
Made in Heaven -- Not Rated | 50min | Drama, Romance | TV Series (2019 ) ::: It is the story of two wedding planners in Delhi, where tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of big fat Indian weddings revealing many secrets and lies. Creators:
Miracles from Heaven (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, Family | 16 March 2016 (USA) -- Based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. Director: Patricia Riggen Writers: Christy Beam (book), Randy Brown (screenplay)
Miracle Workers ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A comedy set in the offices of Heaven Inc. When God plans to destroy the Earth, two low-level angels must convince their boss to save humanity. They bet him they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love. Creator:
No News from God (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- Sin noticias de Dios (original title) -- No News from God Poster Two angels, one from the heaven and one from the hell, come to earth to save the soul of a boxer. Director: Agustn Daz Yanes (as Agustin Diaz Yanes) Writer: Agustn Daz Yanes (as Agustin Diaz Yanes) Stars:
Pennies from Heaven (1981) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 1 January 1982 (USA) -- During the Great Depression, a sheet-music salesman seeks to escape his dreary life through popular music and a love affair with an innocent schoolteacher. Director: Herbert Ross Writers:
Penny Serenade (1941) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 24 April 1941 (USA) -- A couple's big dreams give way to a life full of unexpected sadness and unexpected joy. Director: George Stevens Writers: Morrie Ryskind (screen play), Martha Cheavens (story) Stars:
Purgatory (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 34min | Fantasy, Western | TV Movie 10 January 1999 -- An outlaw band rides into a town that is actually Purgatory, between Heaven and Hell. Director: Uli Edel Writer: Gordon T. Dawson (as Gordon Dawson)
The Discovery of Heaven (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- 2h 30min | Drama, Fantasy | 25 October 2001 (Netherlands) -- God is disappointed with the human race and wants his stone tablets back. An angel is given the assignment and, with Gabrils help, tries to manipulate several humans on earth to get his ... S Director: Jeroen Krabb Writers: Harry Mulisch (novel), Edwin de Vries Stars:
The Edge of Heaven (2007) ::: 7.8/10 -- Auf der anderen Seite (original title) -- The Edge of Heaven Poster -- A Turkish man travels to Istanbul to find the daughter of his father's former girlfriend. Director: Fatih Akin Writer:
The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 3h | Drama, Fantasy | TV Movie 24 April 2005 -- An elderly amusement park maintenance man, Eddie, is trapped in purgatory and the only way out is to confront five people from his past. Unfortunately, dark secrets from his service in the Philippines begin to haunt him. Director: Lloyd Kramer Writers: Mitch Albom (teleplay), Mitch Albom (book)
The Heavenly Kid (1985) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 26 July 1985 (USA) -- A hip guardian angel named Bobby Fantana, who died in a car race in the 60s, reluctantly agrees to watch over a lonely 80s high schooler who needs guidance on how to become cool. Director: Cary Medoway Writers: Cary Medoway, Martin Copeland Stars:
The Other Side of Heaven (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 12 April 2002 (USA) -- John Groberg, a farm kid from Idaho Falls, crosses an ocean to become a missionary in the remote and exotic Tongan islands during the 1950s. Director: Mitch Davis Writers: Mitch Davis, John H. Groberg (book) Stars:
The Prophecy (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1 September 1995 (USA) -- At the scene of a bizarre murder, L.A. homicide detective Thomas Dagget discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now being fulfilled on earth. In his fight to stop the forces of evil, he finds an unlikely ally in an elementary school teacher. Director: Gregory Widen Writer:
What Dreams May Come (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 2 October 1998 (USA) -- Chris Nielsen dies in an accident, and enters Heaven. But when he discovers that his beloved wife Annie has killed herself out of grief over the loss, he embarks on an afterlife adventure to reunite with her. Director: Vincent Ward Writers:'s's_Too_Heavenly_Here't_Keep_a_Good_Dog_Down's_Gate_(Space_Race_Didn't_End)'s_Door's_Design_Team's_Memo_Pad!!'s_War's_Door's_Fury,_Hell,_and_Secret_Cow_Levels's_bountiful_reward's_armies Heaven 1001,000_Year_Old_Holy_Demonic_True_Infinite_Dragon_God_Empress_of_The_Time-Space_Administration_Bureau_&_Legacy_of_The_First_Ascendant_&_Original_DigiDestined:_Digital_Fusion_&_Twilight_Dragon_Roar_of_The_Endless_Heavens,_Force_&_Combat_&_The_Ultimate_Supreme_Infinite_Twilight_Inferno_True_Dragon_King_God_Emperor_of_The_10_Divine_Heavenly_&_Demonic_Commandments,_The_Original_Infinite_Dragon_God_&_The_Original_True_Dragon_God_Emperor,_Revolutionary_Heavenly_&_Devilish_Royal_Commandments,_War_Of_The_Holy_Light_Vs._The_Demonic_Darkness-_Will_Of_The_Gods,_The_Dragon_God,_&_The_True_Dragon,_Galactic_Star_Protectors_Of_The_Universal_Dimensions,_Revolutionary_Heavenly_and_Devilish_Royal_Commandments_&_The_Grand_Awakening_of_The_True_Successors_of_The_Strongest_&_Most_Powerful_Beings_in_Existence'_Door's_Heavenly_War's_Eye's_Father's_Crossbow's_Mother*Band'd:_A_Remix_Project!'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Eyes_of_Heaven's_Bizarre_Adventure_Over_Heaven's_a_Window_to_Heaven,_the_Branches_of_Heaven'Twould_Ring_the_Bells_of_Heaven's_Mount'm_a_lady_now!!'em-up_2's_Paradise's_Heaven_Sword's_Night's_Lost_Property_Final:_Eternal_My_Master's_Lost_Property_the_Movie:_The_Angeloid_of_Clockwork's_Devils_(End_War)'s_Devils's_Tear's_Confession_Dial's_Hospital's_Feel_(route)'_on_Heaven's_Door's_Eye
009 Re:Cyborg -- -- Production I.G, SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- 009 Re:Cyborg 009 Re:Cyborg -- Nine regular humans from different parts of the world are abducted and transformed into cyborgs with astounding powers for the purpose of being used as weapons. The nine cyborgs rebel and start to fight against their creators in the name of justice and world peace. Decades later, the nine cyborgs seem to be untouched by time, but they live in a world where "justice" has as many nuances as the number of people living on the planet. What is their place in the world now? -- -- "In the beginning was the Voice, and the word was Him; and all obeyed His word in great awe. But those who dwelt upon the land, through vanity, cunning and greed, attempted to build a multitude of towers whose tops reached unto heaven, and accumulated great wealth on earth. Scattering across the land and laying it to waste, man turned a deaf ear to His Voice. So He gave unto man an opportunity to atone for his misdeeds; and flame and smoke and the roar of a lion descended upon earth; and shattered the many towers to dust...." -- -- (Source: Production I.G Official Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NYAV Post -- Movie - Oct 27, 2012 -- 14,174 6.51
Aa! Megami-sama!: Tatakau Tsubasa -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Aa! Megami-sama!: Tatakau Tsubasa Aa! Megami-sama!: Tatakau Tsubasa -- An Angel Eater has been freed in Heaven. Since Goddesses and Angels share body and soul, losing your angel results in going into shock for the Goddess. Lind goes to Earth to protect Belldandy and the others unknowing that it is a trap. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 9, 2007 -- 24,399 7.59
Aldnoah.Zero -- -- A-1 Pictures, TROYCA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Aldnoah.Zero Aldnoah.Zero -- The discovery of a hypergate on the Moon once allowed the human race to teleport to Mars. Those who chose to settle there unearthed a technology far more advanced than that of their home planet, which they named "Aldnoah." This discovery led to the founding of the Vers Empire of Mars and a declaration of war against the "Terrans," those who stayed behind on Earth. However, a battle on the moon—later called "Heaven's Fall"—caused the hypergate to explode, destroying the moon and leading the two planets to establish an uneasy ceasefire. -- -- Their peace was a fragile one, however. Fifteen years later, high school student Inaho Kaizuka witnesses the plotted assassination of the Vers Empire's Princess Asseylum Vers Allusia, who had come to Earth in hopes of repairing the relationship between the empire and its homeland. The ceasefire is shattered, and the Martians declare war on the Terrans once again. In the face of this insurmountable enemy, Inaho and his friends must now fight against the Vers Empire to settle the war once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 442,464 7.43
Angel Beats!: Another Epilogue -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Supernatural Drama School -- Angel Beats!: Another Epilogue Angel Beats!: Another Epilogue -- Disillusioned with the afterlife, a new student causes a scene during a classroom test and expresses his doubts about whether getting good grades can really lead to escaping the school and ascending to Heaven. Afterwards, he is confronted by the new student council president—a familiar face whose past experiences give him powerful insight into the true nature of the school and first-hand knowledge regarding the futility of rebellion. -- -- Special - Dec 22, 2010 -- 212,399 7.49
Angel Beats! Specials -- -- P.A. Works -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy School Supernatural -- Angel Beats! Specials Angel Beats! Specials -- As the Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) continue their vindictive rebellion against God, their leader, Yuri Nakamura, comes up with an ingenious plan to escape the afterlife. Her subordinates prepare to carry out "Operation High Tension Syndrome" to deceive Kanade Tachibana, student council president and alleged associate of God, into thinking that they are ready to pass on. With a week's worth of food on the line and with Heaven as the ultimate prize, will the SSS members be able to fool the inscrutable Kanade? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 22, 2010 -- 233,759 7.61
Ayashi no Ceres -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Ayashi no Ceres Ayashi no Ceres -- Ceres was a tennyo (Celestial maiden) who came down from the heavens to bathe in a stream. She hung her hagoromo (robe) on a tree nearby, which was her key to returning to the heavens. But the robe was stolen and the man who had stolen it forced her to become his wife, thus producing a family full of human and tennyo blood mixed. -- -- Now, in modern day time, Aya Mikage is a descendent of Ceres, and has quite an amount of tennyo blood. On her 16th birthday, she and her twin brother, Aki, are thrown a party. At the "party," Aya's grandpa plans to kill her, for she has tennyo powers unlike the rest of the family, and can actually become Ceres herself and destroy the Mikage family. Aya, however, can switch back, so this transformation happens quite frequently. -- -- With protector Yuuhi by her side, it is up to Aya to control Ceres and keep her from coming back, but her relationship with an ex-worker for her evil grandpa may be a distraction. -- 53,983 7.22
Ayashi no Ceres -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Ayashi no Ceres Ayashi no Ceres -- Ceres was a tennyo (Celestial maiden) who came down from the heavens to bathe in a stream. She hung her hagoromo (robe) on a tree nearby, which was her key to returning to the heavens. But the robe was stolen and the man who had stolen it forced her to become his wife, thus producing a family full of human and tennyo blood mixed. -- -- Now, in modern day time, Aya Mikage is a descendent of Ceres, and has quite an amount of tennyo blood. On her 16th birthday, she and her twin brother, Aki, are thrown a party. At the "party," Aya's grandpa plans to kill her, for she has tennyo powers unlike the rest of the family, and can actually become Ceres herself and destroy the Mikage family. Aya, however, can switch back, so this transformation happens quite frequently. -- -- With protector Yuuhi by her side, it is up to Aya to control Ceres and keep her from coming back, but her relationship with an ex-worker for her evil grandpa may be a distraction. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 53,983 7.22
Bakumatsu Rock -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Music Comedy Historical Shoujo -- Bakumatsu Rock Bakumatsu Rock -- Ryouma Sakamoto wants everyone to know about his passion for rock 'n' roll, so he roams around town with his electric guitar willing to show anyone he encounters that he's just as skilled as the famous Shinsengumi stars they admire. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't allow anything other than that group's Heaven's Songs, for writing or performing different types of music is forbidden and can lead to harsh consequences. -- -- Agitated by these strict rules and brainwashing, Ryouma does everything he can to show people that the music he loves will bring them the freedom they deserve. Along with his bandmates Shinsaku Takasugi and Kogoru Katsura, Ryouma works hard to find places for his rock 'n' roll group to perform. Refusing to back down until their music is accepted in Japan, the trio begin to realize that there's more to their passion than they had thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 2, 2014 -- 26,390 6.05
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Demons Fantasy Super Power -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- Driven to recover her memories after waking in a coffin at the bottom of a lake 20 years ago, Bayonetta hunts down the forces of Heaven day and night in search of clues to her forgotten past, and to uphold her pact with the demonic forces she draws her powers from as an Umbra Witch. She is armed and guided by the mysterious bartender and weapon-smith, Rodin, and following her every footstep is the intrepid journalist, Luka Redgrave, who believes that she has something to do with the death of his father and will stop at nothing to get the truth. Her quest takes a promising turn when she encounters a little girl named Cereza, but standing in her way is a rival Umbra Witch named Jeanne, who works for the very forces that she should be opposing. -- -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate is an action-packed anime film that explores the connection between all of characters and works to unravel just how they are seemingly entwined in a conspiracy that eclipses them all. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 40,497 6.63
Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Romance Shounen -- Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- According to legend, Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell, betrayed God and was banished from Heaven for eternity. Beelzebub now leads the kingdom of Pandemonium, where all former angels roam and work every single day of their immortal lives. A devil like him would give people chills at the mere mention of his name, but… -- -- What if Beelzebub is not as evil as initially thought? What if he was obsessed with fluffy things? And what if Beelzebub is actually a woman? -- -- That is what new assistant Myurin discovers when he is hired to serve Her Majesty Beelzebub. She may know exactly what to do to keep Pandemonium running like clockwork, but whenever she leaves the professionalism of the office, the girl needs some assistance in order to function like a normal…devil. As much as Myurin can’t stand being unprofessional, he is secretly obsessed with her adorable antics, and his new job teaches him that everything is not exactly what it seems, especially with the other head devils of Pandemonium. -- -- 68,775 7.26
Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou -- -- Diomedéa -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Magic Romance -- Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou -- Some people suddenly find religion, but for 16-year-old Kusanagi Godou, it's that REALLY old time religion that's found him! As the result of defeating the God of War in mortal combat, Godou's stuck with the unwanted position of Campione!, or God Slayer, whose duty is to fight Heretical Gods whenever they try to muscle in on the local turf. Not only is this likely to make Godou roadkill on the Highway to Heaven, it's also a job that comes with a lot of other problems. Like how to deal with the fact that his "enhanced status" is attracting a bevy of overly-worshippy female followers. After all, they're just there to aid him in his demi-godly duties, right? So why is it that their leader, the demonically manipulative sword-mistress Erica Blandelli, seems to have such a devilish interest in encouraging some VERY unorthodox activities? Get ready for immortal affairs, heavenly harems and lots of dueling deities taking pious in the face as the ultimate smash, bash and thrash of the Titans rocks both Heaven and Earth. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 6, 2012 -- 314,959 7.02
Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou -- -- Diomedéa -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Magic Romance -- Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou -- Some people suddenly find religion, but for 16-year-old Kusanagi Godou, it's that REALLY old time religion that's found him! As the result of defeating the God of War in mortal combat, Godou's stuck with the unwanted position of Campione!, or God Slayer, whose duty is to fight Heretical Gods whenever they try to muscle in on the local turf. Not only is this likely to make Godou roadkill on the Highway to Heaven, it's also a job that comes with a lot of other problems. Like how to deal with the fact that his "enhanced status" is attracting a bevy of overly-worshippy female followers. After all, they're just there to aid him in his demi-godly duties, right? So why is it that their leader, the demonically manipulative sword-mistress Erica Blandelli, seems to have such a devilish interest in encouraging some VERY unorthodox activities? Get ready for immortal affairs, heavenly harems and lots of dueling deities taking pious in the face as the ultimate smash, bash and thrash of the Titans rocks both Heaven and Earth. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Jul 6, 2012 -- 314,959 7.02
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou -- -- Asread -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou -- Nine students gather in their high school at night to bid farewell to a friend. As is customary among many high school students, they perform a sort of ritual for them to remain friends forever, using small paper charms shaped like dolls. -- -- However, the students do not realize that these charms are connected to Heavenly Host Academy—an elementary school that was destroyed years ago after a series of gruesome murders took place, a school that rests under the foundation of their very own Kisaragi Academy. Now, trapped in an alternate dimension with vengeful ghosts of the past, the students must work together to escape—or join the spirits of the damned forever. -- -- A feast for mystery fanatics, gore-hounds, and horror fans alike, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou shows a sobering look at redemption, sacrifice, and how the past is always right behind, sometimes a little too close for comfort. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jul 24, 2013 -- 296,149 6.55
Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha -- -- Bones -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power -- Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha -- It has been 10 years since Heaven's Gate appeared in South America and Hell's Gate appeared in Japan, veiling the once familiar night sky with an oppressive skyscape. Their purposes unknown, these Gates are spaces in which the very laws of physics are ignored. With the appearance of the Gates emerged Contractors, who, in exchange for their humanity, are granted supernatural abilities. -- -- In the Japanese city surrounding Hell’s Gate, Section 4 Chief Misaki Kirihara finds herself at odds with an infamous Contractor codenamed Hei. Called "Black Reaper" in the underground world, Hei, like his associates, undertakes missions for the mysterious and ruthless Syndicate while slowly peeling back the dark layers covering a nefarious plot that threatens the very existence of Contractors. -- -- From the mind of Tensai Okamura comes a sci-fi thriller taking the form of a subtle exposé on a war in which political positions and justice have no sway—a war waged exclusively in the shadows. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2007 -- 777,640 8.11
Death Parade -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama Thriller -- Death Parade Death Parade -- After death, there is no heaven or hell, only a bar that stands between reincarnation and oblivion. There the attendant will, one after another, challenge pairs of the recently deceased to a random game in which their fate of either ascending into reincarnation or falling into the void will be wagered. Whether it's bowling, darts, air hockey, or anything in between, each person's true nature will be revealed in a ghastly parade of death and memories, dancing to the whims of the bar's master. Welcome to Quindecim, where Decim, arbiter of the afterlife, awaits! -- -- Death Parade expands upon the original one-shot intended to train young animators. It follows yet more people receiving judgment—until a strange, black-haired guest causes Decim to begin questioning his own rulings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,285,447 8.19
Decadence: Remix -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Military Music -- Decadence: Remix Decadence: Remix -- Music video for Heavenstamp's Decadence (Animal Collective remix) song created by Rabbit MACHINE for their 2012 music video competition. -- Music - Apr 14, 2012 -- 326 5.24
Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Police Comedy Mystery Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- Conan Edogawa, the Detective Boys, and Professor Hiroshi Agasa decide to visit the Nishitamashi Twin Towers. There they run into Ran Mouri; her closest friend, Sonoko Suzuki, and Ran's father, the famous Kogorou Mouri. Learning the trio are attending the towers' grand opening, Conan and company tag along for a private tour of its floors. -- -- However, as preparations are finalized for the opening ceremony, their visit takes an unexpected turn—three brutal murders occur, seemingly linked to a mysterious Porsche 356A. Soon after, as Conan and the detectives dive deeper into the case, the towers are rocked by an explosion. With fire rapidly spreading and lives in danger, police desperately seek to evacuate everyone. But when the elevator, their only means to escape goes down, Conan and company are left behind. With help on its way, they frantically try to keep everyone safe, but time is running out if they want to bring the perpetrators to justice. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2001 -- 49,927 8.13
Divine Gate -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Divine Gate Divine Gate -- The legend of the Divine Gate is a story told to young children that depicts the merging of the living world, the heavens, and the underworld. "Adapters"—people born with unique elemental abilities gifted to them from the union of these worlds—formed the World Council, an organization which controls the chaos of the Gate by portraying its legend as nothing more than a myth. These Adapters train in a special academy owned by the World Council that allows the students to hone their skills. -- -- Aoto, a teenage boy with exceptional water powers and a tragic past, rejects the offer to join the academy numerous times—until he is successfully pressured by the energetic wind user Midori and stubborn fire user Akane. Together, with the World Council and their mysterious leader Arthur, they seek out the Gate in the hopes of uncovering the truth. But in order to reach their goals, they must unite and overcome their own despair while dealing with behind the scene mischief. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 147,125 5.58
Dragon Ball Z -- -- Toei Animation -- 291 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z -- Five years after winning the World Martial Arts tournament, Gokuu is now living a peaceful life with his wife and son. This changes, however, with the arrival of a mysterious enemy named Raditz who presents himself as Gokuu's long-lost brother. He reveals that Gokuu is a warrior from the once powerful but now virtually extinct Saiyan race, whose homeworld was completely annihilated. When he was sent to Earth as a baby, Gokuu's sole purpose was to conquer and destroy the planet; but after suffering amnesia from a head injury, his violent and savage nature changed, and instead was raised as a kind and well-mannered boy, now fighting to protect others. -- -- With his failed attempt at forcibly recruiting Gokuu as an ally, Raditz warns Gokuu's friends of a new threat that's rapidly approaching Earth—one that could plunge Earth into an intergalactic conflict and cause the heavens themselves to shake. A war will be fought over the seven mystical dragon balls, and only the strongest will survive in Dragon Ball Z. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 931,858 8.15
Dragon Quest: Your Story -- -- Robot Communications, Shirogumi -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Dragon Quest: Your Story Dragon Quest: Your Story -- Following in his father's footsteps, Luca must find the hero who wields the zenithian sword to save his mother from Ladja. Based on Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride game's story. -- -- (Source: Apple TV) -- Movie - Aug 2, 2019 -- 10,714 6.82
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- 70,946 6.84
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 70,946 6.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. -- -- Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Toosaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed. -- -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly continues to focus on the remaining Masters and Servants as they fight each other in the hopes of obtaining the Holy Grail. However, as darkness arises within Fuyuki City, even the state of their sacred war could be in danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jan 12, 2019 -- 224,860 8.59
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. -- -- Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Toosaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed. -- -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly continues to focus on the remaining Masters and Servants as they fight each other in the hopes of obtaining the Holy Grail. However, as darkness arises within Fuyuki City, even the state of their sacred war could be in danger. -- -- Movie - Jan 12, 2019 -- 224,860 8.59
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- The Holy Grail War: a violent battle between mages in which seven masters and their summoned servants fight for the Holy Grail, a magical artifact that can grant the victor any wish. Nearly 10 years ago, the final battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War wreaked havoc on Fuyuki City and took over 500 lives, leaving the city devastated. -- -- Shirou Emiya, a survivor of this tragedy, aspires to become a hero of justice like his rescuer and adoptive father, Kiritsugu Emiya. Despite only being a student, Shirou is thrown into the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally sees a battle between servants at school and summons his own servant, Saber. -- -- When a mysterious shadow begins a murderous spree in Fuyuki City, Shirou aligns himself with Rin Toosaka, a fellow participant in the Holy Grail War, in order to stop the deaths of countless people. However, Shirou's feelings for his close friend Sakura Matou lead him deeper into the dark secrets surrounding the war and the feuding families involved. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 14, 2017 -- 289,661 8.25
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower -- The Holy Grail War: a violent battle between mages in which seven masters and their summoned servants fight for the Holy Grail, a magical artifact that can grant the victor any wish. Nearly 10 years ago, the final battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War wreaked havoc on Fuyuki City and took over 500 lives, leaving the city devastated. -- -- Shirou Emiya, a survivor of this tragedy, aspires to become a hero of justice like his rescuer and adoptive father, Kiritsugu Emiya. Despite only being a student, Shirou is thrown into the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally sees a battle between servants at school and summons his own servant, Saber. -- -- When a mysterious shadow begins a murderous spree in Fuyuki City, Shirou aligns himself with Rin Toosaka, a fellow participant in the Holy Grail War, in order to stop the deaths of countless people. However, Shirou's feelings for his close friend Sakura Matou lead him deeper into the dark secrets surrounding the war and the feuding families involved. -- -- Movie - Oct 14, 2017 -- 289,661 8.25
Gabriel DropOut -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Gabriel DropOut Gabriel DropOut -- For centuries, Heaven has required its young angels to live and study among humans in order to become full-fledged angels. This is no different for top-of-her-class Gabriel White Tenma, who believes it is her mission to be a great angel who will bring happiness to mankind. However, Gabriel grows addicted to video games on Earth and eventually becomes a hikikomori. Proclaiming herself a "Fallen Angel," she is apathetic to everything else—much to the annoyance of Vignette April Tsukinose, a demon whom Gabriel befriended in her angelic early days on Earth. -- -- Vignette's attempts to revert Gabriel back to her previous self are in vain, as Gabriel shoots down any attempt to change her precious lifestyle. As they spend their time on Earth, they meet two eccentric personalities: the angel Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha, Gabriel's classmate with a penchant for sadism, and the demon Satanichia McDowell Kurumizawa, a clumsy self-proclaimed future ruler of the Underworld. -- -- Gabriel DropOut follows these four friends' comedic lives as they utterly fail to understand what it truly means to be a demon or an angel. -- -- 355,891 7.48
Gift: Eternal Rainbow - Ki no Saka Ryokan Kiki Ippatsu!! -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi -- Gift: Eternal Rainbow - Ki no Saka Ryokan Kiki Ippatsu!! Gift: Eternal Rainbow - Ki no Saka Ryokan Kiki Ippatsu!! -- Haruhiko, Riko, Yukari, Chisa and Rinka are trying to help Kirino save her family's inn from bankruptcy due to their newest rival, Hotel Moonstone. As a result, they decided that creating high-class cuisine was the best method in order to help the Konosaka Inn attract customers. However, in the process of creating this high-class cuisine Yukari, Chisa and Rinka mysteriously and instantaneously develop overpowering feelings towards Haruhiko and end up vigorously competing for him. Unfortunately, for Haruhiko this harem contains mixes of both heaven and hell. -- Special - Jun 22, 2007 -- 6,846 6.73
Gilgamesh -- -- Group TAC, Japan Vistec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -- The half-divine King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was considered but a paltry legend... until his majestic tomb was discovered in the Middle East. This imperial crypt drew scientists from across the globe to the land, and with that came recognition of their fame. In a joint effort, they built Heaven's Gate in pursuit of advancing human knowledge. -- -- One day, a group of terrorists driven by greed attack Heaven's Gate, causing an explosion within the facility for archaeological excavation. The resulting phenomenon had much more impact than anyone could have imagined. -- -- More specifically, it triggered the birth of supernatural beings. In the midst of this mess, two siblings by the names of Kiyoko and Tatsuya encounter mysterious men with supernatural powers who, despite the scientific crisis around them, claim the ability to restore good to the world. Nevertheless, these seemingly heroic and all-powerful creatures act under the rule of factions. Are they here to save the world, or destroy it? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Nov 2, 2003 -- 34,423 6.65
Ginban Kaleidoscope -- -- Karaku -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sports Supernatural Drama Romance -- Ginban Kaleidoscope Ginban Kaleidoscope -- Figure skater Tazusa Sakurano is on the fast track to the Olympics. As a top contender, her chances rest on a single competition in Canada. However, during her program, she falls and hits her head on the ice, knocking her unconscious. At the same time, Canadian stunt pilot Pete Pumps goes down in a fiery blaze. -- -- After her devastating failure, Tazusa returns home to Japan, but she starts hearing a voice in her head. In reality, when Pete had arrived at the gates of heaven, he was denied access for his sins. Instead, he was told to wait 100 days and is now trapped in Tazusa's body! Unwilling to let this interrupt her life—even if her body is a bit crowded—Tazusa moves forward with skating, all while a pesky voice may just be able to help her achieve her dream. -- -- 43,570 7.33
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Parody Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- Taking place one month after the events that occurred in the movie Heaven is a Place on Earth. Living at the Sanzenin Mansion once again, Nagi returns to her old ways of life, until she receives word from American authorities informing her that she has a week to pick up her late father's belongings that was indefinitely delayed due to various circumstances. After receiving news of her father whom she doesn't remember, Nagi then meets a mysterious girl (with a hidden agenda) claiming to be Nagi's little sister. -- -- The series tells a new story that is original to the anime and not directly based on the manga. The main author of the original series Kenjiro Hata personally created the original concept for the story of this anime. -- -- (Source: Hayate no Gotoku! Wikia) -- 47,602 7.04
Hayate no Gotoku! Heaven Is a Place on Earth -- -- Manglobe -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Parody Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Heaven Is a Place on Earth Hayate no Gotoku! Heaven Is a Place on Earth -- Hayate, Nagi and the gang spend the last days of summer break at Nishizawa's countryside vacation home. But a mysterious spirit has concocted a scheme to separate the butler from his young mistress. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 27, 2011 -- 33,001 7.17
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- In the wastelands following the great nuclear war, a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No Ken.” The Fist of the North Star. Master of a legendary fighting technique. A man of impossible strength and endurance. Yet before Ken claimed the title of the Fist, there was another master, trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken, the King of the Fist, the Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate assassin, the ultimate warrior. This is the story of the world before Fist of the North Star, and how one man took the future of a savage world into his deadly hands and reshaped its destiny. Not as a hero but as a conqueror. For in the mind of the man called Raoh, the only way to save Mankind is to grind it under his giant heel! The greatest battle is about to begin in Legends of the Dark King ~ Fist of the North Star! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 10,521 7.13
Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission -- Nen: the hidden source of energy and potential that runs through everyone, and gives those that master it a source of great power. Inside Nen is the potential for limitless light and limitless darkness. The Hunter Association has arisen to control access to it. Hunters come in many shapes and forms, and with many different appetites - but all of them have learned to master Nen, and use it to chase wealth, power, and their dreams. -- -- The greatest and most powerful Hunter is Isaac Netero, chairman of the Hunter Association. Decades ago he sealed away Jed, a Hunter who had mastered the use of On, the dark "shadow" of Nen. Now On users have reappeared at the Heaven's Arena "Battle Olympia" tournament. For Netero, this is the last mission: to protect the Association and the world from a threat driven by hatred and the thirst for revenge. And he's going to need all the help he can get in order to succeed. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 27, 2013 -- 118,131 7.24
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. -- Frazzle-haired middle schooler Inari Fushimi is less than average; she's painfully shy and horribly clumsy, but despite all this, she is undeniably kind. Running about the winding streets of her hometown, she takes a shortcut through the local shrine and stumbles upon a small fox pup in a river. After rescuing him, she continues on, but from this moment on, her life takes a drastic turn. -- -- Grateful for rescuing the pup, the shrine goddess Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami, "Uka-sama," grants Inari a fragment of her power. Now, Inari has the ability to transform into anyone by shouting the magical phrase "Inari, konkon." Could this power also grant her the courage to convey her feelings to her crush, Kouji Tanbabashi? With her new heavenly ability and the fox spirit Kon, Inari forms a sincere friendship with Uka-sama, encounters more of the supernatural world, and learns that true love knows no bounds. -- -- 131,046 7.21
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. -- Frazzle-haired middle schooler Inari Fushimi is less than average; she's painfully shy and horribly clumsy, but despite all this, she is undeniably kind. Running about the winding streets of her hometown, she takes a shortcut through the local shrine and stumbles upon a small fox pup in a river. After rescuing him, she continues on, but from this moment on, her life takes a drastic turn. -- -- Grateful for rescuing the pup, the shrine goddess Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami, "Uka-sama," grants Inari a fragment of her power. Now, Inari has the ability to transform into anyone by shouting the magical phrase "Inari, konkon." Could this power also grant her the courage to convey her feelings to her crush, Kouji Tanbabashi? With her new heavenly ability and the fox spirit Kon, Inari forms a sincere friendship with Uka-sama, encounters more of the supernatural world, and learns that true love knows no bounds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,046 7.21
Jiok -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror Drama Fantasy -- Jiok Jiok -- Jae-young, an ordinary woman in her mid-20s is sentenced to death by an angel, and ascends to Heaven. Going to Heaven means nothing to her because she assumes Heaven is devoid of reason and humanity. But she accepts her fate and proceeds to bid farewell to her mother and friend. During her farewells, the desire for life starts to torture her. -- -- (Source: KoBiz) -- Movie - Jul ??, 2006 -- 708 5.94
Junketsu no Maria -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Historical Magic Romance Fantasy Seinen -- Junketsu no Maria Junketsu no Maria -- Maria is a powerful young witch living with her two familiars in medieval France during the Hundred Years' War against England. As the war rages on and the innocent get caught in its destruction, Maria becomes fed up with the situation and begins using her magic to try and prevent further conflict in hopes of maintaining peace. However, her constant intervention soon attracts the attention of the heavens, and the archangel Michael is sent to keep her from meddling in human affairs. The divine being confronts Maria, and he forbids her from using her powers, issuing a decree that her magic will be taken if she loses her virginity. Though she is now labeled a heretic, Maria adamantly refuses to heed Michael's warning and continues to disrupt the war between the two nations. But as the Church begins plotting to take away the witch's power and put a stop to Maria's interference once and for all, her peacemaking may soon come to an end. -- -- 131,598 7.15
Junketsu no Maria -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Historical Magic Romance Fantasy Seinen -- Junketsu no Maria Junketsu no Maria -- Maria is a powerful young witch living with her two familiars in medieval France during the Hundred Years' War against England. As the war rages on and the innocent get caught in its destruction, Maria becomes fed up with the situation and begins using her magic to try and prevent further conflict in hopes of maintaining peace. However, her constant intervention soon attracts the attention of the heavens, and the archangel Michael is sent to keep her from meddling in human affairs. The divine being confronts Maria, and he forbids her from using her powers, issuing a decree that her magic will be taken if she loses her virginity. Though she is now labeled a heretic, Maria adamantly refuses to heed Michael's warning and continues to disrupt the war between the two nations. But as the Church begins plotting to take away the witch's power and put a stop to Maria's interference once and for all, her peacemaking may soon come to an end. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,598 7.15
Kachou Ouji -- -- AIC, APPP -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Music Slice of Life Space Comedy -- Kachou Ouji Kachou Ouji -- Oji Tanaka has a wife, a child and a mundane job as a salary man in Tokyo's modern society. But life wasn't dull for him to begin with; 15 years ago, he was known as "Gabriel", leader of a short-lived heavy metal band called Black Heaven. Oji's life gets a sudden change in direction when he is invited by a mysterious blonde woman named Layla to pick up his Gibson Flying V and once again display his "legendary" guitar skills, not knowing that his music generates power for a massive weapon in an intergalactic war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 25,874 7.01
Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Other -- Fantasy Historical -- Kaguya-hime no Monogatari Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- Deep in the countryside, a man named Okina works as a bamboo cutter in a forest, chopping away at the hollow plants day after day. One day, he discovers a small baby inside a glowing shoot. He immediately takes her home, convinced that she is a princess sent to Earth as a divine blessing from heaven. Okina and his wife Ouna take it upon themselves to raise the infant as their own, watching over her as she quickly grows into an energetic young girl. Given the name Kaguya, she fits right in with the village she has come to call home, going on adventures with the other children and enjoying what youth has to offer. -- -- But when Okina finds a large fortune of gold and treasure in the forest, Kaguya's life is completely changed. Believing this to be yet another gift from heaven, he takes it upon himself to turn his daughter into a real princess using the wealth he has just obtained, relocating the family to a mansion in the capital. As she leaves her friends behind to enter into an unwanted life of royalty, Kaguya's origins and purpose slowly come to light. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 155,340 8.22
Kaiba -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Kaiba Kaiba -- In a world where memories exist in memory chips separate from the body, death of the body no longer means death of the soul. It is possible for memories to be viewed, altered, and transferred between bodies. These memory chips are used by the rich to obtain eternal lives in carefully selected bodies, while for the poor, selling their own bodies and conserving their souls in the chips often become the only way to earn a living. An electrolytic cloud in the sky serves as a barrier between the heavens of the fortunate and the underworld of the destitute, making this social division impregnable. -- -- One day, a man named Kaiba wakes up in an empty room with no memories, a mysterious hole in his chest, and a locket holding the picture of an unknown woman. After escaping an attack and stumbling upon a decrepit village of underworld residents, he begins his adventure across the different planets of this strange universe to find out more about his own identity and the woman he once knew. -- -- Through a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, Kaiba weaves together tales of souls and spirits and explores the importance of memories. -- -- TV - Apr 11, 2008 -- 117,051 8.17
Kara no Kyoukai Remix: Gate of Seventh Heaven -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Romance Super Power Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai Remix: Gate of Seventh Heaven Kara no Kyoukai Remix: Gate of Seventh Heaven -- In August of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou meets a young kimono-clad woman named Shiki Ryougi. When he finds out that they go to the same school, he attempts to befriend her. Though her upbringing is unconventional and she herself is strange, Mikiya is not deterred, and Shiki gradually opens up to him. But Mikiya's life will be changed forever by this simple meeting, and in ways that he never imagined, as he begins to see a deadly side to his new friend... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Mar 14, 2009 -- 39,169 7.60
Kingdom -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 38 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Military Seinen -- Kingdom Kingdom -- China’s Warring States period, a raging dragon that would raze the land for 500 years, saw many kingdoms rise and fall, making way for the next generation of kings and generals to fight for supremacy. Eventually, seven powerful states emerged from the endless cycle of warfare. -- -- In the kingdom of Qin, Li Xin, a war-orphaned slave, trains vigorously with fellow slave and best friend, Piao, who shares his proud dream of one day becoming a Great General of the Heavens. However, the two are suddenly forced to part ways when Piao is recruited to work in the royal palace by a retainer of the King. -- -- After a fierce coup d'état unfolds, Piao returns to Xin, half dead, with a mission that will lead him to a meeting with China's young King, Ying Zheng, who bears a striking resemblance to Piao. Kingdom follows Xin as he takes his first steps into the great blood-soaked pages of China's history. He must carve his own path to glory on his long quest to become a Great General of the historic Seven Warring States. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 140,915 8.03
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Parody Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 -- When Kazuma Satou died, he was given two choices: pass on to heaven or be revived in a fantasy world. After choosing the new world, the goddess Aqua tasked him with defeating the Demon King, and let him choose any weapon to aid him. Unfortunately, Kazuma chose to bring Aqua herself and has regretted the decision ever since then. -- -- Not only is he stuck with a useless deity turned party archpriest, the pair also has to make enough money for living expenses. To add to their problems, their group continued to grow as more problematic adventurers joined their ranks. Their token spellcaster, Megumin, is an explosion magic specialist who can only cast one spell once per day and refuses to learn anything else. There is also their stalwart crusader, Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford, a helpless masochist who makes Kazuma look pure in comparison. -- -- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 continues to follow Kazuma and the rest of his party through countless more adventures as they struggle to earn money and have to deal with one another's problematic personalities. However, things rarely go as planned, and they are often sidetracked by their own idiotic tendencies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 1,062,426 8.30
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Parody Supernatural -- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- After dying a laughable and pathetic death on his way back from buying a game, high school student and recluse Kazuma Satou finds himself sitting before a beautiful but obnoxious goddess named Aqua. She provides the NEET with two options: continue on to heaven or reincarnate in every gamer's dream—a real fantasy world! Choosing to start a new life, Kazuma is quickly tasked with defeating a Demon King who is terrorizing villages. But before he goes, he can choose one item of any kind to aid him in his quest, and the future hero selects Aqua. But Kazuma has made a grave mistake—Aqua is completely useless! -- -- Unfortunately, their troubles don't end here; it turns out that living in such a world is far different from how it plays out in a game. Instead of going on a thrilling adventure, the duo must first work to pay for their living expenses. Indeed, their misfortunes have only just begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 1,372,961 8.15
Kuro no Su: Chronus -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Kuro no Su: Chronus Kuro no Su: Chronus -- For as long as he can remember, Makoto Nakazono has had the power to see grim reapers watching people shortly before their deaths and escorting their souls to heaven. He realized long ago that nobody would believe him if he talked about his ability. Since there is nothing he can do to alter people's fates, he tries his best to pretend that he does not see anything out of the ordinary. -- -- This all changes when a reaper at Makoto's high school speaks to him and questions him why he never interferes. After learning that the reaper is there for his best friend, Hazuki Horiuchi, Makoto starts to wonder if he can defer her grim fate, even if only for a little while. -- -- Movie - Mar 1, 2014 -- 17,054 6.83
Kuroshitsuji -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Kuroshitsuji -- Young Ciel Phantomhive is known as "the Queen's Guard Dog," taking care of the many unsettling events that occur in Victorian England for Her Majesty. Aided by Sebastian Michaelis, his loyal butler with seemingly inhuman abilities, Ciel uses whatever means necessary to get the job done. But is there more to this black-clad butler than meets the eye? -- -- In Ciel's past lies a secret tragedy that enveloped him in perennial darkness—during one of his bleakest moments, he formed a contract with Sebastian, a demon, bargaining his soul in exchange for vengeance upon those who wronged him. Today, not only is Sebastian one hell of a butler, but he is also the perfect servant to carry out his master's orders—all the while anticipating the delicious meal he will eventually make of Ciel's soul. As the two work to unravel the mystery behind Ciel's chain of misfortunes, a bond forms between them that neither heaven nor hell can tear apart. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 914,399 7.73
Luck & Logic -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Fantasy -- Luck & Logic Luck & Logic -- "Logic" is the concept that governs emotions, abilities, ideals, memories, and all other abstract properties that make up life in various worlds. With its power, however, alien "Foreigners" are able to pass through portals imbued with their respective world's Logic and pose a threat to other worlds. To counter this problem, the Another Logic Counter Agency (ALCA) from the human world of Septpia employs "Logicalists," people with the power to form bonds with the Foreigners who seek peace and share their Logic, tasked with dealing with all possible dangers. -- -- After overloading his powers two years prior, Yoshichika Tsurugi has lost the ability to use Logic in combat, making him no different from a regular citizen. However, his life soon returns to the battlefield when he meets Athena, a Foreigner goddess from the world of Tetra-Heaven. She brings Yoshichika his missing Logic Card, allowing him to become a Logicalist once again. Soon after, Yoshichika forms a contract with Athena and joins ALCA. There, he meets other Logicalists, and only by working with them can he hope to bring an end to the threats once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 93,549 6.09
Makai Tenshou -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 2 eps -- Novel -- Action Supernatural Samurai Historical -- Makai Tenshou Makai Tenshou -- Get ready for a nightmarish journey through faith and betrayal as the infamous Jubei Yagyu wields his deadly blades against the forces of good and evil alike. In an orgy of unbelievable savagery, the armies of the Shogun give no quarter as they ruthlessly slaughter their enemies. Trapped on the rocky isthmus of Amakusa, the faithful await divine aid as the demon stirs in their midst. Desperate for vengeance, a Child of Heaven becomes the emissary of Hell. -- -- Tortured by visions of Amakusa's final hour, legendary swordsman Jubei Yagyu returns to his ancestral home seeking respite from the bloody duties of a feudal retainer. Life in the village of Yagyu possesses a serenity ill-befitting days of armed rebellion and unholy alliance. For Jubei the tranquility is far too transparent, and soon, chilling rumors reach him. Four dead heroes renew their claim to life, feeding on the fear and violence of the age. Forced to take up the sword once more, Jubei returns to the path of vengeance and damnation in Ninja Resurrection! -- -- (Source: DVD cover) -- OVA - Feb 27, 1998 -- 6,041 5.23
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- 44,353 7.28
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 44,353 7.28
Meiou Project Zeorymer -- -- AIC, Artmic -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha -- Meiou Project Zeorymer Meiou Project Zeorymer -- A young man named Akitsu Masato is captured by a secret govt. project known as "Last Guardian". He is told that his life as a normal student was all a lie, and that his real destiny is to be the pilot of a great robot called "Zeorymer of the Heavens". The truth of this is hammered in when Masato sees his parents accept payment for raising him. The Last Guardian is preparing for the resurrection of "Hau Dragon", an organization bent on world conquest. 15 years ago, Hau Dragon built 8 great robots. Each of the mecha represents a force of nature. However, before any of the robots could be used, their creater Kihara Masaki destroyed the robots except for the leader: Zeorymer. He took Zeorymer and an embryo to the government. The embryo became the boy Masato. Now, Hau Dragon has rebuilt the other 7 mecha and wants the 8th. It will be up to Masato and Himuro to pilot Zeorymer and fight against the Hau Dragon, but neither Masato or Himuro are all that they seem. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Nov 26, 1988 -- 4,650 6.17
Monster Strike The Animation -- -- Anima, ILCA -- 63 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike The Animation Monster Strike The Animation -- The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens. -- -- (Source: Official YouTube Channel) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- ONA - Jul 8, 2018 -- 4,173 6.63
Munto -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Romance -- Munto Munto -- Above Earth, invisible to humans, float the Heavens—a collection of floating island kingdoms supported by the magic of their godlike inhabitants. The mysterious power source known as Akuto enables this magic to exist, but this is quickly running out. In response to this energy crisis, most of the kingdoms in the Heavens agree to use the minimum amount of Akuto required to sustain themselves, except for the Magical Kingdom. The leader of this kingdom, the Magical King Munto, believes that Akuto can be replenished if he travels to Earth and meets a mysterious girl shown to him by a seer. While Munto sets off on the dangerous journey, the other kingdoms attempt to destroy the Magical Kingdom and acquire the remaining Akuto for themselves. -- -- On Earth, Yumemi Hidaka is dealing with her own problems. She can see floating islands in the sky that nobody else can. While her best friend Ichiko Ono believes her, Yumemi wonders if she is going insane. When Munto suddenly appears before her, Yumemi dismisses him as a mere delusion. She is more concerned about her 13-year-old friend Suzume Imamura, who is attempting to elope with her delinquent boyfriend. As the Magical Kingdom nears the point where it will fall from the sky, Munto's quest to save both the Heavens and Earth grows increasingly desperate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 18, 2003 -- 18,005 6.82
Munto: Toki no Kabe wo Koete -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Magic Super Power -- Munto: Toki no Kabe wo Koete Munto: Toki no Kabe wo Koete -- Two years have passed since the catastrophic event known as the "Continent's Dropping" from the first OVA episode. Yumemi still has not forgotten her ability to see the world above, but now she's in the last years of middle school, tests and real life take over. Unknown to the people of the world, Akuto the world still thrives, but the war rages on. In need of help, Gaz, sends Munto down to Earth once more to find the "Girl of Destiny" in order to save Heaven from its untimely demise. Yumemi must once again confront the world only she sees, and not even her friends Ichiko and Suzune can help her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Apr 29, 2005 -- 10,902 7.01
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- -- Studio Bind -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- Second half of Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 56,965 N/A -- -- Gakuen Heaven -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Ai -- Gakuen Heaven Gakuen Heaven -- Itou Keita, an average guy, is shocked when he's invited to attend the elite institution, "Bell Liberty Academy." Unnerved by the mystery, he's further distracted by the school's social dynamics. In a sea of amazing young men, Keita struggles to find out what makes him unique, and how he can possibly deserve to be treated as an equal by the boys of BL. Lacking any particular ability, just why has Itou been welcomed into the privileged world of the talented and the beautiful? -- -- Along the way, he develops intense relationships with the almost everyone at school but he is terribly drawn to the friendly, over-caring but very mysterious classmate, Kazuki Endou. -- TV - Apr 1, 2006 -- 56,764 6.52
Nanatsu no Bitoku -- -- Bridge -- 10 eps -- Other -- Ecchi Fantasy -- Nanatsu no Bitoku Nanatsu no Bitoku -- Set in the same timeline as Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai, Nanatsu no Bitoku follows a group of angels sent from Heaven to look for a potential "Savior" to counter-attack the demonic influence being spread by Lucifer and the other emissaries of Hell. -- -- (Source: Tokyo Zerostar) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 41,616 5.21
Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical -- Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi -- From the heavenly object known as the Chaos Pearl, two elements are extracted: the Spirit Pearl and the Demon Orb. In an attempt to suppress their power, the Lord of Heaven sends the Spirit Pearl to Earth to reincarnate as Ne Zha, the third son of Li Jing, while the Demon Orb is scheduled to be destroyed by a lightning strike. However, because of a conspiracy by the Dragon King to steal the Spirit Pearl for his own son, Ne Zha is instead reincarnated with the Demon Orb. -- -- With no way to remove the cursed effects of the Demon Orb, Ne Zha is raised under the belief that he will become the great demon hunter the Spirit Pearl destined for him to be. Fighting against his chaotic and mischievous nature, Ne Zha must decide whether to accept his evil fate or repel against it to prove he is worthy of the future his parents foretold. -- -- Movie - Jul 26, 2019 -- 8,578 7.66
Ou Dorobou Jing in Seventh Heaven -- -- Studio Deen -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Psychological Comedy Shounen -- Ou Dorobou Jing in Seventh Heaven Ou Dorobou Jing in Seventh Heaven -- Jing, the infamous King of Bandits, finds himself and his feathered partner Kir behind bars in Seventh Heaven, the most notorious prison complex in the world. There, they seek to steal the Dream Orb from the convict Campari. But before doing so, they must escape from the prison of dreams that Campari has conjured for them. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- OVA - Jan 21, 2004 -- 11,767 7.28
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt -- -- Gainax -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Parody Supernatural Ecchi -- Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt -- The "Anarchy Sisters," Panty and Stocking, have been kicked out of Heaven for, to put it mildly, misbehaving. Led by a priest named Garterbelt, these angels must buy their way back by exterminating ghosts in Daten City. But this task requires unconventional weapons for these unorthodox angels—they transform their lingerie into weapons to dispatch the spirits. Unfortunately, neither of them take their duties seriously, as they rather spend their time in pursuit of other "hobbies": Panty prefers to sleep with anything that walks, and Stocking favors stuffing her face with sweets than hunting ghosts. -- -- Follow these two unruly angels as they battle ghosts, an overflow of bodily fluids, and their own tendency to get side-tracked in Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 303,865 7.72
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt -- -- Gainax -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Parody Supernatural Ecchi -- Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt -- The "Anarchy Sisters," Panty and Stocking, have been kicked out of Heaven for, to put it mildly, misbehaving. Led by a priest named Garterbelt, these angels must buy their way back by exterminating ghosts in Daten City. But this task requires unconventional weapons for these unorthodox angels—they transform their lingerie into weapons to dispatch the spirits. Unfortunately, neither of them take their duties seriously, as they rather spend their time in pursuit of other "hobbies": Panty prefers to sleep with anything that walks, and Stocking favors stuffing her face with sweets than hunting ghosts. -- -- Follow these two unruly angels as they battle ghosts, an overflow of bodily fluids, and their own tendency to get side-tracked in Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. -- -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 303,865 7.72
Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- This is the 6th Movie. -- -- Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato come upon the festival of the Wishing Star of Seven Nights. During their enjoyment, the legendary pokemon, Jirachi, decends from the heavens and befriends Masato. Jirachi, with the power to grant any wish, is sought after by many people wanting to claim its power. One man seeks to use its legendary power to revive an ancient pokemon known as Groudon, unaware of the dangers hidden within Jirachi's powers -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Miramax Films -- Movie - Jul 19, 2003 -- 77,278 6.75
Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- This is the 6th Movie. -- -- Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato come upon the festival of the Wishing Star of Seven Nights. During their enjoyment, the legendary pokemon, Jirachi, decends from the heavens and befriends Masato. Jirachi, with the power to grant any wish, is sought after by many people wanting to claim its power. One man seeks to use its legendary power to revive an ancient pokemon known as Groudon, unaware of the dangers hidden within Jirachi's powers -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 19, 2003 -- 77,278 6.75
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- Long ago in the nine provinces of Kyushu, a calamitous event was prophesied to take place: falling comets would exhaust the spiritual energies of both the heavens and the lands and thus bring about an age of chaos upon the world. But contrary to the prophecy, the comets passed by with no calamity taking place. At the same time, as if touched by the phenomenon, a boy was born in a remote village of the Sokei region by the name of Ouriku. -- -- Twelve years later, as the memories of the event have faded from people's minds, the Reikenzan clan—one of the five supreme sects of the nine provinces—decides to hold an examination in order to gather the most talented individuals fit to become disciples and eventually sages. Hearing about this news, Ouriku and his servant Ouchou head toward the site, unaware that the organizer Oubu, despite her elegant appearance, is infamous for being extremely irresponsible and carefree; hence, making the trials in the examination unpredictable. -- -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage follows the story of Ouriku as he journeys through these trials to become a powerful sage. -- -- 79,165 7.10
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. -- Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. follows a family just starting to rebuild. When they marry, Mr. and Mrs. Kanzaki bring a teenage son and daughter along for the ride. But high school freshman Mitsuki Kanzaki is less than thrilled. Stinging from a history of absent and abusive father figures, she is slow to accept her stepfather and stepbrother. -- -- But after an accident lands Mitsuki in the hospital, she finds herself possessed by the ghost of Hiyori Kotobuki, a girl her age who was deeply in love with Mitsuki's stepbrother Yuuya. Hiyori cannot pass on to her final reward because of her unrequited love for Yuuya, meaning she's got to consummate it... in Mitsuki's body?! -- -- Now, Mitsuki's life depends on getting Hiyori to Heaven. But will she get used to sharing herself with a pushy, amorous ghost? Can she overcome her distrust of her new family? Can she bring herself to fulfill Hiyori's feelings for Yuuya? And might she be hiding some feelings of her own? -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 4, 2014 -- 140,422 6.26
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. -- Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. follows a family just starting to rebuild. When they marry, Mr. and Mrs. Kanzaki bring a teenage son and daughter along for the ride. But high school freshman Mitsuki Kanzaki is less than thrilled. Stinging from a history of absent and abusive father figures, she is slow to accept her stepfather and stepbrother. -- -- But after an accident lands Mitsuki in the hospital, she finds herself possessed by the ghost of Hiyori Kotobuki, a girl her age who was deeply in love with Mitsuki's stepbrother Yuuya. Hiyori cannot pass on to her final reward because of her unrequited love for Yuuya, meaning she's got to consummate it... in Mitsuki's body?! -- -- Now, Mitsuki's life depends on getting Hiyori to Heaven. But will she get used to sharing herself with a pushy, amorous ghost? Can she overcome her distrust of her new family? Can she bring herself to fulfill Hiyori's feelings for Yuuya? And might she be hiding some feelings of her own? -- TV - Jan 4, 2014 -- 140,422 6.26
Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- The seal which was imprisoning the fallen angels, Kirin no Yuda and Houou no Ruka, is broken and the two decide to get revenge on the God who had cast them to Hell by getting rid of the Heavens that had once been their home. Soon the guardian angels on Earth begin disappearing, and no one in Heaven can explain the happenings. But there is a sense of a vengeful animal spirit at work, and so the four Saint Beasts are called upon to investigate. -- -- The 4 Gods of Beasts attempt to rescue the guardian angels, as well as to find out what this evil animal spirit is... -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 8,086 6.00
Saint Seiya: Shinku no Shounen Densetsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Shinku no Shounen Densetsu Saint Seiya: Shinku no Shounen Densetsu -- Sun God Apollo the brother of Athena is here to take Athena back to heaven and taking over the sanctuary. He revived the deceased gold saints and use them and a few god saints as bodyguards. But Athena did not obey him, Apollo had no choice but send her to hell. On the otherhand, the bronze saints are on their way to save Athena. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Jul 23, 1988 -- 13,505 7.22
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- 49,776 6.92
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- 49,776 6.92
Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! -- -- C2C -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! -- Long ago, a goddess descended from Heaven and blessed the desolate land of Gatepia. As a result, gigantic gates appeared, leading to dungeons abundant in "kirakuri," crystals containing the energy needed for the foundation of the world. This led to the formation of various companies of adventurers who would harvest kirakuri from the dungeons. -- -- Following his father's disappearance inside one of the biggest gates in Gatepia, Minato is urged by his childhood friend Yutoria to become the president of his father's treasure-hunting company—the Kibou Company. He reluctantly agrees and meets with the other employees: the priest Makoto, the soldier Akari, and the accountant Guide. -- -- Thus, Makoto begins his tenure as president. As he and his comrades strive to fulfill various missions and other assorted tasks in order to keep their small company alive, they will uncover the mystery behind their former leader's sudden departure. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 28,167 5.86
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/AFate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- The world is divided into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of White, which floats in the heavens and is ruled by their queen Iris, and the Kingdom of Black, which stands upon desolate land below and houses the King of Darkness as its ruler. As of late, forces of evil have amassed great power, posing a threat to the entire world. Being the main representative of the Light, it is Iris' duty to maintain the balance of the world and fight off the darkness in her kingdom. -- -- Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Black, rampaging monsters annihilate a certain boy's village, leaving him the sole survivor. As he grieves in hopelessness, an armored man named Skeer notices the child and comforts him. Soon after, Skeer recognizes the boy's potential to change the kingdom's status quo and makes him his heir before passing away. The boy then vows to become the Prince of Darkness—the one who will replace the King—to bring the world back to its rightful path. -- -- As Iris and Prince of Darkness each challenge the impending doom the world faces in their own respective ways, their destinies will converge with each other, and perhaps, their bond will decide the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 63,136 5.29
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Gintama: Dai Hanseikai -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Parody Samurai -- Gintama: Dai Hanseikai Gintama: Dai Hanseikai -- Some of the characters get together and talk about "regrets" they have after 4 years of anime Gintama. Soon they fight over who gets more screen time. Special animation shown at the Gintama Haru Matsuri 2010 live event. -- Special - Mar 25, 2010 -- 29,677 8.07
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Hyakujitsu no Bara -- -- PrimeTime -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Yaoi -- Hyakujitsu no Bara Hyakujitsu no Bara -- Two soldiers from warring countries are bound by a pledge as master and servant. Taki Reizen is a Commander of sublime beauty, shouldering the fate of his nation. Called "Mad Dog" because of his rough temperament, Klaus has sworn his loyalty to him as a knight. Despite this, those around them are cold and disapproving, full of various misgivings. For all their genuine feelings, what will come of love made cruel by the violence of war? -- OVA - May 29, 2009 -- 29,624 6.61
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... -- Unaired episode included in DVD Vol.7. -- -- In this episode they attempt to make a movie with some money they found lying on the ground. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - May 27, 2009 -- 29,660 7.08
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai -- -- Artland, TNK -- 12 eps -- Other -- Ecchi Fantasy -- Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai -- Lucifer, an Archangel and former head of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, is banished from Heaven after revolting against the Lord's will.. While plummeting from the skies, she is halted halfway between Heaven and Hell after crashing through the roof of a high school church. Though she is witnessed by Maria Totsuka, a soft-spoken student at the academy, Lucifer swiftly continues her descent into the depths of Hell. -- -- Soon after her arrival, Lucifer is found by aspiring Demon Lord and fangirl Leviathan. The two decide to overthrow the Seven Sins, the authorities of Hell under the leadership of Belial. But with their combined powers, the Seven Sins are able to repel Lucifer and contain her divine powers by placing a Garb of Punishment over her body, transforming Lucifer into a Demon Lord. -- -- Longing for revenge and accompanied by Leviathan, Lucifer makes her way back to Earth, where she forces Maria to become her immortal slave. Together with her new accomplices, Lucifer sets out on a mission to subdue the Seven Sins so she may be free of the curse brought upon by her Garb. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 115,034 5.69
Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 9 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy -- Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 35,286 7.12
Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth -- The year is 2148. Two years after the end of the original Fafner in the Azure TV series, Tatsumiya Island and its surviving residents have returned to some semblance of recovery. However, things have become desperate for our hero, Kazuki; nearly blind now, and partially crippled from his battles with the Festum two years earlier, he clings to the promise his fallen friend Soushi made to him to return to the island and set things right again. Kazuki's hopes flare when a lifeform is detected within an unmanned submarine that comes floating into Tatsumiya Bay one night, but the person aboard isn't Soushi; it is a mysterious "boy" named Misao Kurusu who may not be entirely human, and who claims to have been sent by Sōshi. With Misao's arrival, hostilities break out anew between the Human Army and the Festum, and the Fafner pilots are thrown into the most desperate battle of their lives - this time, with the fate of TWO races riding on their shoulders. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 25, 2010 -- 12,535 7.38
Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- -- Asahi Production -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Seinen -- Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He also sought after a wide variety of animals to populate the planet. However, he felt that it was too tiresome to think of new ideas within his criteria. To address this problem, God appointed an organization—the Heaven's Design Team—to do the work instead! -- -- Shimoda is a newly-hired angel who serves as the mediator between God and the design team. As he steps into his role, he witnesses his coworkers conceive interesting ideas for many unique life forms according to God's desires. From giraffes and snakes to birds, anteaters, and everything in between, the possibilities for different animal species are endless! -- -- 48,634 7.16
Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven -- When a mysterious entity suddenly appears in the center of Tokyo, the Alta Mira Agency is tasked to repel the extraterrestrial threat. Otsuya Funagai must guide his all-female unit of "Battle Sole" pilots to take down the strange being no matter the cost. However, his intimate relationship with one of the pilots, Rin Ichikawa, may spell trouble for the team and the mission itself. -- -- OVA - Dec 8, 2004 -- 26,426 1.85
Tenkuu Senki Shurato -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 38 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Tenkuu Senki Shurato Tenkuu Senki Shurato -- A 16-year-old boy named Shurato and his friend Gai happen to be drawn into a gigantic ball of light while competing in the final match of a martial arts tournament. When they regain their senses, they find themselves transferred to a mystic heavenly sphere with a divine atmosphere. It's soon discovered that Shurato used to be the governing king of this world and that he has only been brought to his original state. Shurato is shocked as Gai suddenly turns hostile. After this unfortunate incident, a spectacular yet fantastic drama develops involving the two. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 8,884 7.22
Tenshi Kinryouku -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Tenshi Kinryouku Tenshi Kinryouku -- Setsuna Mudo is a 16-year-old high school student just trying to get by without running afoul of his bullying seniors. It doesn't help that he's in love with his younger sister, Sara, who only sees him once a month. But there's more to his life than just keeping his head down. -- -- Setsuna is ambushed by mysterious beings, angels, and demons, all professing to know his true destiny. The angels say he is the reincarnation of their leader Alexiel, while the demons claim he led them to war against God himself. -- -- As Setsuna struggles with his identity in such strange times, the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell threatens to reignite. Will he be prepared when it does? -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 44,326 6.31
Tenshi Kinryouku -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Tenshi Kinryouku Tenshi Kinryouku -- Setsuna Mudo is a 16-year-old high school student just trying to get by without running afoul of his bullying seniors. It doesn't help that he's in love with his younger sister, Sara, who only sees him once a month. But there's more to his life than just keeping his head down. -- -- Setsuna is ambushed by mysterious beings, angels, and demons, all professing to know his true destiny. The angels say he is the reincarnation of their leader Alexiel, while the demons claim he led them to war against God himself. -- -- As Setsuna struggles with his identity in such strange times, the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell threatens to reignite. Will he be prepared when it does? -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 44,326 6.31
Tian Guan Ci Fu -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama -- Tian Guan Ci Fu Tian Guan Ci Fu -- The heavens shake, the thunder rumbles, and Xie Lian appears with an apologetic smile—again! Eight hundred years prior, he was a beloved martial god, known as the Crown Prince of Xianle. Now, he ascends to the heavenly realm for the third time, but simply as a pitiful scrap-collecting god with no followers behind him. -- -- On his first mission, Xie Lian finds himself alone in the dark moonlit night. There, a gentle man dressed in red guides him through the forest. However, as abruptly as he appeared, the man suddenly dissipates into a swarm of silver butterflies. -- -- Xie Lian later learns that this mysterious stranger was none other than Hua Cheng, the Crimson Rain Sought Flower, a Ghost King feared by both demons and gods alike. But before Xie Lian can figure out why Hua Cheng would help a Heavenly Official like himself, he meets San Lang. A young man possessing great knowledge on not only the Ghost King, but also the now forgotten Crown Prince, San Lang decides to accompany Xie Lian on his journey of unveiling the mysteries of the past. -- -- ONA - Oct 31, 2020 -- 43,387 8.36
Toki-iro Kaima -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Horror Shounen -- Toki-iro Kaima Toki-iro Kaima -- Anime adaptation of the same name horror manga by Suzumiya Wayu, serialized in Shogakuan's Weekly Shonen Sunday special issue. -- OVA - Apr 20, 1989 -- 343 N/A -- -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Dementia Fantasy Horror Music Parody -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- Three 10-minute videos present a trippy view into the minds of their creators. Brought together by Pierre Taki of Denki Groove, Mechano: Scientific Attack Force features three shorts done in very different styles. -- -- The three short films are: -- -- "Plastic Gun Man" - a 3D Western spoof -- "World Meccano Triangle" - a music video reminiscent of '90s era screensavers -- "Haiirogaoka no Soridaijin" (translated as "Prime Minister of Gray Hill") - an anime-style animated video parody of Akira Mochizuki's famous 1977 manga, Yuuhi ga Oka no Souri Daijin -- OVA - Sep 1, 1995 -- 334 N/A -- -- Hwasan Golae -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Thriller -- Hwasan Golae Hwasan Golae -- In the year 2070, mankind faces a life threatening crisis due to huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Korea is in a state of anarchy and Busan is swarming with refugees. Young street dealer Ha-jin has the ability to communicate with whales – a fact she keeps hidden from everyone. One day, a onearmed woman named Baek Sang-won asks Ha-jin to join her in the gules whale hunt. Painful memories lead Ha-jin to turn down the offer initially, but she eventually ends up joining Baek. As she makes friends on the ship, she grows curious about the gules whale and learns that every crew member has a sad gules story. The madness in the crews’ eyes as they try to kill the gules brings Ha-jin’s trauma to the forefront of her mind – and she experiences her own madness. -- -- (Source: Korean Film Biz Zone) -- Movie - Sep 10, 2015 -- 322 N/A -- -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Demons Supernatural Thriller School -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- Following the popularity of the original omnibus OVA, this release offers 4 more stories but in animation only. -- OVA - Jun 11, 1999 -- 316 N/A -- -- Burning Village -- -- - -- 10 eps -- - -- Fantasy Horror -- Burning Village Burning Village -- Animal folk tales set in the titular community, in which local eccentric Ohahai retells several popular fairy tales with considerable license. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 1, 1989 -- 314 N/A -- -- Petit Petit Muse -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Cars Horror Kids -- Petit Petit Muse Petit Petit Muse -- Two twins, Ara and Ari, aspire into the world of fashion. Ara wants to become a fashion model, while her sister, Ari, wants to become a fashion designer. They meet a man named Yorang, who is the fashion designer in Heaven. -- 311 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Daimakyou and Ninja Hattori-kun: Nin Nin Ninpo Enikki no Maki. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 307 N/A -- -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- A mini movie released on the Fire Emblem Heroes website in honor of a major plot twist in Book 3. -- Special - Jul 21, 2019 -- 292 6.23
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Dai Ni Maku -- -- AIC Spirits -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Drama Martial Arts Fantasy School -- Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Dai Ni Maku Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Dai Ni Maku -- The battle against Tendou Kodzunu is over, and the Magami Five begin to look forward to their senior graduation, hopefully planning for their adult futures. However, life in Tokyo is not at peace... -- -- The underground assassin group known as the Twelve Heavenly Generals of the Martial Fist begin to move against those protecting the city from demons. Normally rumored to kill criminals that the mundane law was unable to bring to justice, the Martial Fist now set their sights on Tatsuma Hiyuu, Kyouichi Houraiji, Aoi Misato, Komaki Sakurai, Yuuya Daigo, and Hisui Kisaragi. -- -- What is the purpose of this cruel turn of events? And who ordered the hit? New threats emerge as others awakened to powers unleashed by the Ryumyaku seek out the Magami kids - and old friends now return as enemies. -- -- Destinies will collide as the Stars of Fate begin to merge; Yin and Yang will meet. And soon the shadowy figure pulling the strings will reveal himself, in an effort to raze Tokyo to the ground and awaken the Vessel of the Golden Dragon.   -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 31,175 7.26
To LOVE-Ru Darkness -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness To LOVE-Ru Darkness -- As close encounters of the twisted kind between the residents of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal family) and the inhabitants of Earth (represented mainly by one very exhausted Rito Yuki) continue to escalate, the situation spirals even further out of control. When junior princesses Nana and Momo transferred into Earth School where big sister LaLa can (theoretically) keep an eye on them, things SHOULD be smooth sailing. But when Momo decides she'd like to "supplement" Rito's relationship with LaLa with a little "sisterly love," you know LaLa's not going to waste any time splitting harems. Unfortunately, it's just about that point that Yami, the Golden Darkness, enters the scene with all the subtleness of a supernova, along with an army of possessed high school students! All of which is certain to make Rito's life suck more than a black hole at the family picnic. Unless, of course, a certain semi-demonic princess can apply a little of her Develukean Whoop Ass to exactly that portion of certain other heavenly bodies! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 294,694 7.49
To LOVE-Ru Darkness -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness To LOVE-Ru Darkness -- As close encounters of the twisted kind between the residents of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal family) and the inhabitants of Earth (represented mainly by one very exhausted Rito Yuki) continue to escalate, the situation spirals even further out of control. When junior princesses Nana and Momo transferred into Earth School where big sister LaLa can (theoretically) keep an eye on them, things SHOULD be smooth sailing. But when Momo decides she'd like to "supplement" Rito's relationship with LaLa with a little "sisterly love," you know LaLa's not going to waste any time splitting harems. Unfortunately, it's just about that point that Yami, the Golden Darkness, enters the scene with all the subtleness of a supernova, along with an army of possessed high school students! All of which is certain to make Rito's life suck more than a black hole at the family picnic. Unless, of course, a certain semi-demonic princess can apply a little of her Develukean Whoop Ass to exactly that portion of certain other heavenly bodies! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 294,694 7.49
Trinity Seven Movie 2: Heavens Library to Crimson Lord -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Magic Fantasy Comedy Harem Shounen -- Trinity Seven Movie 2: Heavens Library to Crimson Lord Trinity Seven Movie 2: Heavens Library to Crimson Lord -- Heavens Library to Crimson Lord brings back Arata, Lilith, and the rest of the Trinity Seven to face off against the greatest enemy in the history of the Trinity Seven; Lilith's own father, who is revealed to be the strongest Demon Lord, challenges Arata who is now a Demon Lord candidate. -- -- (Source: Avex Pictures, edited) -- Movie - Mar 29, 2019 -- 71,045 7.33
Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Space -- Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai -- Love, Heaven's greatest treasure went missing and to get it back, the Great God decides to send his two daughters Lemon and Cherry, as well as their governess Berry to find it. However, their search doesn't go so well, mainly because they decide they like it at planet Earth and prefer to work in a hamburger shop (Sic!). -- -- In the one-episode OVA, the girls end up searching for the Love treasure on an exotic planet, however they find magical living plushies instead, having to fight their way through them to recover "Essence of Life," which an evil organisation wants to use for nefarious purposes. -- -- (Source: BakaBT) -- OVA - Dec 5, 1986 -- 981 5.30
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- 99,429 7.76
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 99,429 7.76
Vanitas no Carte -- -- Bones -- ? eps -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Vampire Fantasy Shounen -- Vanitas no Carte Vanitas no Carte -- There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. -- -- Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. A sudden vampire attack leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanitas, a doctor who specializes in vampires and, much to Noé's surprise, a completely ordinary human. The mysterious doctor has inherited both the name and the infamous text from the Vanitas of legend, using the grimoire to heal his patients. But behind his kind demeanor lies something a bit more sinister... -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 8,091 N/A -- -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- The seal which was imprisoning the fallen angels, Kirin no Yuda and Houou no Ruka, is broken and the two decide to get revenge on the God who had cast them to Hell by getting rid of the Heavens that had once been their home. Soon the guardian angels on Earth begin disappearing, and no one in Heaven can explain the happenings. But there is a sense of a vengeful animal spirit at work, and so the four Saint Beasts are called upon to investigate. -- -- The 4 Gods of Beasts attempt to rescue the guardian angels, as well as to find out what this evil animal spirit is... -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 8,086 6.00
Virtua Fighter -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 35 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Comedy Shounen -- Virtua Fighter Virtua Fighter -- Akira Yuki has spent years honing his Bajiquan skills under the guidance of his grandfather. He yearns to see the constellation of the eight stars of heaven, which are only revealed to those with real strength. This burning desire urges him to embark on travels, so as to learn more about how to see the stars. -- -- Meanwhile, a nefarious robotics scientist, Eva Durix, desires to create the perfect soldier. Eva's group, Judgment 6, tracks down and kidnaps Sarah Bryant, a college student and close acquaintance of Akira who is investigating a mysterious accident concerning her brother. Akira must now fight his way to Sarah to save her from the clutches of Judgement 6, a perilous path sure to be paved with countless challenges. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 8,166 7.11
Wan Sheng Jie -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural -- Wan Sheng Jie Wan Sheng Jie -- In this world, angels, demons, and other supernatural beings peacefully coexist with humans. Neil Bowman is a demon who is unlike most; he is mesmerized with human culture, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't do anything evil. Thus, he runs away from Hell and up to Earth. -- -- Neil moves in with his online friend and vampire, Ira Blood, along with Ira's many roommates. Despite coming to Earth to meet humans, Neil discovers that not a single one of his new roommates is actually human. Along with Ira, there's Lynn Angel, the stern angel landlord; Lynn's little sister, Lily, who falls from Heaven; Abu, a mummy who never speaks; and Vladimir Eliot Kirilenko, a werewolf tasked with monitoring Neil. -- -- What most of them don't realize—not even Neil himself—is that Neil possesses the powers of the Demon King. What effect will this have on the residents of Apartment 1031 on All Saints Street? -- -- ONA - Apr 1, 2020 -- 8,484 7.94
X/1999 -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Horror Magic Sci-Fi Supernatural -- X/1999 X/1999 -- At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragon of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragon of Earth, the seven angels of legend, who embrace the devastation of the planet to bring about its purification. Now Kamui must decide which side to fight for although he finds the idea utterly unappealing. It isn't until realizing that his two childhood friends, Fuma and Kotori Monou, are in grievous peril that Kamui decides to step into his fated position in the climactic struggle of the Year of Destiny: 1999. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 3, 1996 -- 31,812 6.58
X/1999 -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Horror Magic Sci-Fi Supernatural -- X/1999 X/1999 -- At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragon of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragon of Earth, the seven angels of legend, who embrace the devastation of the planet to bring about its purification. Now Kamui must decide which side to fight for although he finds the idea utterly unappealing. It isn't until realizing that his two childhood friends, Fuma and Kotori Monou, are in grievous peril that Kamui decides to step into his fated position in the climactic struggle of the Year of Destiny: 1999. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Aug 3, 1996 -- 31,812 6.58
X -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- X X -- His destiny has finally arrived as the young Shirou Kamui returns to Tokyo after 6 years. A powerful psychic, Kamui vows to protect the happiness of his childhood friends Fuuma and Kotori, even if it means avoiding them. But fate is cruel, whether or not Kamui wants to be involved; he holds the future of the world in his hands, given the choice of becoming a Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of Earth. The Seven Seals gather, and so do the Seven Angels; all individuals who have their destiny carved out as one who would battle for the fate of the world. What future will Kamui choose to become reality? -- 70,913 7.43
X -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- X X -- His destiny has finally arrived as the young Shirou Kamui returns to Tokyo after 6 years. A powerful psychic, Kamui vows to protect the happiness of his childhood friends Fuuma and Kotori, even if it means avoiding them. But fate is cruel, whether or not Kamui wants to be involved; he holds the future of the world in his hands, given the choice of becoming a Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of Earth. The Seven Seals gather, and so do the Seven Angels; all individuals who have their destiny carved out as one who would battle for the fate of the world. What future will Kamui choose to become reality? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 70,913 7.43"Heaven_and_hell".jpg,_c._1300.jpg
100 Days to Heaven
1st Step to Heaven
7th Heaven (1927 film)
7th Heaven (band)
7th Heaven (novel)
7th Heaven (TV series)
90 Minutes in Heaven
Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
A Heavenly Vintage
A Ladder to Heaven
A Little Bit of Heaven
A Little Bit of Heaven (2011 film)
A Little Bit of Heaven (Ronnie Dove song)
A Little Piece of Heaven
A Little Trip to Heaven
All Dogs Go to Heaven
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
All Dogs Go to Heaven: The Series
All That Heaven Allows
All This, and Heaven Too
All This and Heaven Too (album)
All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell
AmaZulu: The Children of Heaven
And the Heavens Above Us
A Night in Heaven
A Place in Heaven
A Place Near Heaven
As in Heaven
As It Is in Heaven
As It Is in Heaven (play)
Asleep at Heaven's Gate
A Small Boy and a Grey Heaven
A Song Flung Up to Heaven
A Star Fell from Heaven (1934 film)
A Step From Heaven
A Storm in Heaven
A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven
Banking on Heaven
Battle in Heaven
Battle of Heavenfield
Battle Through the Heavens
Bear in Heaven
Below the Heavens
Benevolence and the Mandate of Heaven
Better Than Heaven
Between Heaven 'n Hell
Between Heaven and Earth
Between Heaven and Earth (1957 film)
Between Heaven and Earth (1992 film)
Between Heaven and Hell
Between Heaven and Hell (album)
Between Heaven and Hell (novel)
Beware the Heavens
Black Heaven
Black Heaven (film)
Blade of Heaven
Blessed Be the Host of the King of Heaven
Blue from Heaven
Blue Heaven
Blue Heaven (1994 TV series)
Blue Heaven (2003 TV series)
Blue Heaven (Box novel)
Blue in Heaven
Book of the Heavenly Cow
Borrowed Heaven tour
Boy Goes to Heaven
Breakfast in Heaven
Breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven: A Holiday Collection
Brief Heaven
Brothers in Heaven
Buddleja 'Podaras8' = Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven
Bull of Heaven (band)
Bungalow Heaven, Pasadena, California
Can't Be Heaven
Case Closed: Countdown to Heaven
Cathedral of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven and St Nicholas, Galway
Children of Heaven
Church of Heavenly Peace, Fuzhou
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, Teliai
Church of the Heavenly Rest
Closer to Heaven
Closer to Heaven (film)
Closer to Heaven (musical)
Closer to Heaven (original cast recording)
Closest Thing to Heaven
Closest Thing to Heaven (album)
Close to Heaven
Come from Heaven
Come Live with Me (Heaven 17 song)
Constance Heaven
Cover My Eyes (Pain and Heaven)
Credit in Heaven
Czech Movie Heaven
Dave Heaven
David Heavener
Days of Heaven
Dead and Gone to Heaven
Death in Heaven
Dept. Heaven
Destruction and Sorrow Beneath the Heavens
Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings
Disco Heaven
Divided Heaven
Divided Heaven (film)
Do G's Get to Go to Heaven?
Down in Heaven
Downward Is Heavenward
Do You Wanna Go to Heaven
Dozakh in Search of Heaven
Dragon Flower Church of the Heart-bound Heavenly Way
Dropped from Heaven
Earth and High Heaven
Embassy of Heaven
Entering heaven alive
Esplanade of Sacrifice to the Heaven and Earth
Esports Heaven
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven
Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile)
Even Pigeons Go to Heaven
Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven
Evidence of Heaven
Eye of Heaven
Facing heaven pepper
Fallen from Heaven
Far from Heaven
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel II. lost butterfly
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel I. presage flower
February & Heavenly
Feels Like Heaven
Feels Like Heaven (album)
Feels Like Heaven (Urban Cookie Collective song)
Filling Up with Heaven
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Fire from Heaven
Fire from Heaven (comics)
Fire from Heaven (disambiguation)
Five Minutes of Heaven
Five Roundabouts to Heaven
Flemish Heaven
For Heaven's Sake
For Heaven's Sake (1926 film)
For Heaven's Sake (2008 film)
For Heaven's Sake (play)
Four Heavenly Kings
Four Heavenly Kings (disambiguation)
From Madrid to Heaven
Gakuen Heaven
Gamerz Heaven
Garden of Heaven
Gary Cooper, Who Art in Heaven
Gate of Heaven Cemetery (East Hanover, New Jersey)
Gate of Heaven Cemetery (Hawthorne, New York)
Gates of Heaven
Gates of Heaven (album)
Gates of Heaven (disambiguation)
Gates of Heaven Synagogue
Gate to Heaven
Geto Heaven Remix T.S.O.I. (The Sound of Illadelph)
Get to Heaven
God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)
Gospel of the Four Heavenly Realms
Go to Heaven
G Senj Heaven's Door
Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time
Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven
Half Heaven Half Heartache
Half of Heaven
Halfway to Heaven
Halfway to Heaven (album)
Halfway to Heaven (Harry Chapin song)
Hall of Four Heavenly Kings
Hardcore Heaven
Hardcore Heaven (1994)
Hardcore Heaven (1995)
Hardcore Heaven (1996)
Hardcore Heaven (1997)
Hardcore Heaven (1999)
Hardcore Heaven (2000)
Harlem Is Heaven
Havoc in Heaven
Hayate the Combat Butler! Heaven Is a Place on Earth
Heart for Heaven
Heaven's a Lie
Heaven's Basement
Heaven's Bookstore
Heaven's Burning
Heaven's Corner
Heaven's Door
Heaven's Door (2009 film)
Heaven's Door (2012 film)
Heaven's Drive
Heaven's Edge
Heaven's Gate
Heaven's Gate (film)
Heaven's Gate (religious group)
Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults
Heaven's Gate (video game)
Heaven's Here
Heaven's in Here
Heaven's Kitchen
Heaven's Kitchen (song)
Heaven's Lost Property
Heaven's Lost Property the Movie: The Angeloid of Clockwork
Heaven's Memo Pad
Heaven's Net is Wide
Heaven's Not for Saints
Heaven's on Fire
Heaven's Open
Heaven's Postman
Heaven's Prisoners
Heaven's Soldiers
Heaven's Stairway
Heaven's Vault
Heaven's What I Feel
Heaven's Will (manga)
Heaven'z Movie
Heaven 17
Heaven (1977 Bonnie Tyler song)
Heaven & Earth (1993 film)
Heaven & Earth (Phil Wickham album)
Heaven & Earth (TV series)
Heaven & Earth (Yes album)
Heaven & Hell: A Tribute to the Velvet Underground
Heaven & Hell (Ava Max album)
Heaven & Hell (band)
Heaven & Hell (Joe Jackson album)
Heaven & Hell (Shin Terai album)
Heaven and Earth
Heaven and Earth (1990 film)
Heaven and Earth (Al Jarreau album)
Heaven and Earth (book)
Heaven and Earth (John Martyn album)
Heaven and Earth Magic
Heaven and Earth (ProjeKct X album)
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell 2007 Tour
Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath album)
Heaven and Hell (Easybeats song)
Heaven and Hell (essay)
Heaven and Hell (Kardec book)
Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (19742001)
Heaven and Hell (Swedenborg book)
Heaven and Hell (Systems in Blue album)
Heaven and Hell (Vangelis album)
Heaven and Hull
Heaven (Andrews novel)
Heaven at Home
Heaven (Australian band)
Heaven (Ayumi Hamasaki song)
Heaven Before All Hell Breaks Loose
Heaven Below
Heaven Benchmark
Heaven (Beyonc song)
Heaven (Bryan Adams song)
Heaven (Buck-Tick song)
Heaven Can Wait
Heaven Can Wait (1943 film)
Heaven Can Wait (1978 film)
Heaven Can Wait (Michael Jackson song)
Heaven Can Wait The Best Ballads of Meat Loaf Vol. 1
Heaven Coming Down
Heaven (disambiguation)
Heaven (D mol song)
Heaven (Emeli Sand song)
Heavener, Oklahoma
Heavener Runestone Park
Heaven for Everyone
Heaven Has No Favorites
Heaven, Heartache and the Power of Love
Heaven, Heartache and the Power of Love (song)
Heaven Help Me
Heaven Help the Child
Heaven Help the Fool
Heaven Help Us
Heaven Help Us All
Heaven Help Us (disambiguation)
Heaven Hill
Heaven Hill Kentucky Whiskey
Heaven in a Wild Flower
Heaven in Christianity
Heaven in Her Arms
Heaven in Judaism
Heaven in My Hands
Heaven in the Backseat
Heaven in This Hell
Heaven in Your Eyes
Heaven Is
Heaven Is a Halfpipe
Heaven Is a Place on Earth
Heaven Is a Playground
Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405
Heaven Is Earth
Heaven Is for Real
Heaven Is for Real (film)
Heaven Island
Heaven Is Ours
Heaven Is Whenever
Heaven (Jason Rowe album)
Heaven (Jay-Z song)
Heaven (Jnsi song)
Heaven Knows
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison
Heaven Lake
Heaven (Los Lonely Boys song)
Heavenly 10th Anniversary Album
Heavenly bodies
Heavenly Body (film)
Heavenly (British band)
Heavenly Christmas
Heavenly Creatures
Heavenly Days
Heavenly Divine
Heavenly Forest
Heavenly (French band)
Heavenly Guardian
Heavenly hill rat
Heavenly host
Heavenly King
Heavenly (L'Arc-en-Ciel album)
Heavenly Lake of Tianshan
Heavenly Market enclosure
Heavenly Mother (Mormonism)
Heavenly Mountain Resort
Heavenly Nomadic
Heavenly Pop Hits The Best of The Chills
Heavenly Pursuits
Heavenly Questions
Heavenly Quran
Heavenly Recordings
Heavenly Recordings discography
Heavenly sanctuary
Heavenly Slug
Heavenly Sovereign
Heavenly Stems
Heavenly Sword
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre
Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel
Heaven (nightclub)
Heaven (Nina Girado album)
Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth (1935 film)
Heaven on Earth (2008 film)
Heaven on Earth, Part 1
Heaven on Earth, Part 2
Heaven on Earth, Part 3
Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism
Heaven Only Knows
Heaven Only Knows (album)
Heaven Only Knows (film)
Heaven on My Mind
Heaven on My Mind (song)
Heaven on One's Head
Heaven on the 7th Floor
Heaven or Hell
Heaven or Hell (Don Toliver album)
Heaven or Las Vegas
Heaven over the Marshes
Heaven (Pomegranates album)
Heaven (Rebecca Ferguson album)
Heaven Right Here on Earth
Heavens Above
Heavens (album)
Heavens Cafe
Heaven Sent
Heaven Sent (film)
Heaven Sent (Paul Haig song)
Heavens Fall
Heavens Gate (band)
Heaven Shall Burn
Heaven Shall Burn discography
Heavens Peak
Heaven (Stewart and Cohen novel)
Heavens to Betsy
Heaven Street Seven
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978 film)
Heaven to a Tortured Mind
Heaven: To the Land of Happiness
Heaven Up Here
Heaven Upside Down
Heaven v Pender
Heaven, We Inherit a Castle
Heaven Will Be Mine
Heaven Will Wait
Heaven with a Gun
Heaven Without Love
Heaven Without People
Heavier Than Heaven
Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God
Heavy Starry Heavenly
Hell Is Invisible... Heaven Is Her/e
Hello from Heaven!
Higher and Higher The Best of Heaven 17
Hitch Hike to Heaven
Holding onto Heaven
Hold Me Like a Heaven
Homecoming in Heaven
Hope in Heaven
Horse Heaven Hills AVA
Horse Heaven, Oregon
Hot Line to Heaven
Hot Trip to Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
Hurts Like Heaven
If You Wanna Get to Heaven
Images of Heaven
Images of Heaven (EP)
Images of Heaven: The Best of Peter Godwin
I May Never Get to Heaven
Indian Heaven
In Heaven
In Heaven (album)
In Heaven There Is No Beer
In Heaven There Is No Beer?
In Search of Voodoo: Roots to Heaven
Inside Your Heaven
It's My Life/Your Heaven
I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto
Ixion in Heaven
Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
Julius Excluded from Heaven
Just a Step from Heaven
Just Like Heaven
Just like Heaven (film)
Just Like Heaven (song)
Kate Heavenor
Keys of Heaven
Khan of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven (film)
Kingdom of heaven (Gospel of Matthew)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997 film)
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (disambiguation)
Knocking on Heaven's Door (book)
Lathe of Heaven
Leave Her to Heaven
Leave Luck to Heaven
Le Cirque: A Table in Heaven
Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato
Let Me Go (Heaven 17 song)
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
List of 7th Heaven characters
List of 7th Heaven episodes
List of All Dogs Go to Heaven episodes
List of Black Sabbath and Heaven & Hell members
List of Heaven's Lost Property episodes
List of Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato characters
List of New Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre episodes
List of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber characters
Little Bit of Heaven
Live from Radio City Music Hall (Heaven & Hell album)
Locked Out of Heaven
Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell
Long Way to Heaven
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven
Lost City in Snow Heaven
Made in Heaven
Made in Heaven (1987 film)
Made in Heaven (disambiguation)
Made in Heaven (TV series)
Magik Five: Heaven Beyond
Maharishi Heaven on Earth Development
Maid of Heaven
Mandate of Heaven
Mandate of Heaven (disambiguation)
Manna from Heaven
Marriage in Heaven
Mars Is Heaven!
Martha Cheavens
Match Made in Heaven
Metal Heaven
Midheaven (album)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
Miracles from Heaven
Monkey Gone to Heaven
Mother Ksters' Trip to Heaven
Mothers Heaven
Music from the Edge of Heaven
My Blue Heaven
My Blue Heaven (1990 Dutch film)
My Blue Heaven (1990 film)
My Blue Heaven (album)
My Heaven (Big Bang song)
My Heavenly Hockey Club
New Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre
Nina's Heavenly Delights
Nine Songs of the Moving Heavens
No. 1 in Heaven
Noble ranks of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
No Closer to Heaven
No Depression in Heaven
No Heaven for Gunga Din
No Place in Heaven
Not All Dogs Go to Heaven
No Telephone to Heaven
Not in Heaven
No Way to Heaven
Of Heaven Considered as a Tomb
Oh! Heavenly Dog
Old Man & Me (When I Get to Heaven)
On Earth as It Is in Heaven
One Door Away from Heaven
One Foot in Heaven
One Mile from Heaven
One Night in Heaven
One Night in Heaven (Mayonaka no Angel)
On Heaven and Earth
On the Heavens
Orlando in Heaven
Our Heavenly Bodies
Outside of Heaven
Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth
Palace of Heavenly Purity
Pennies from Heaven
Pennies from Heaven (1936 film)
Pennies from Heaven (1981 film)
Pennies from Heaven (TV series)
Penny from Heaven
Pete on the Way to Heaven
Pig Heaven/Slaughter the Grey
Pilgrim's Progress: Journey to Heaven
Poor Man's Heaven
Postcard from Heaven
Postcards from Heaven
Posterity of Heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Proof of Heaven
Queen of Heaven
Queen of Heaven (antiquity)
Queen of Heaven Cemetery
Quiet in Heaven/Song of Liberty
Rengoku II: The Stairway to Heaven
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Robert Heavener
Rockin' Heaven
Rockin' on Heaven's Door
Rocky Dennis in Heaven
Saint Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven
Scrap Heaven
Searching for Heaven
Second Spring under Heaven
Seeds of Heaven
Send Her to Heaven (The All-American Rejects song)
Seven Heavens
Seven minutes in heaven
Seven minutes in heaven (disambiguation)
Seven Steps to Heaven
Seven Steps to Heaven (composition)
Seventh Heaven
Seventh Heaven (1956 film)
Seventh Heaven (1993 film)
Seventh Heaven (2015 film)
Seventh Heaven (Buck-Tick album)
Seventh Heaven (L'Arc-en-Ciel song)
Seventh Heaven (poetry collection)
Sex, Dope, Rock'n'Roll: Teenage Heaven
Sheep Go to Heaven
Sheepheaven Creek redband trout
Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven
Show Me Heaven
Sinners in Heaven
Sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance
Skag Heaven
Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens
Soldiers of Heaven
Some Kind of Heaven
Something Happened on the Way to Heaven
Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
Son of Heaven
South of Heaven
South of Heaven, West of Hell
South of Heaven, West of Hell (film)
Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven
Spirits of Heaven and Ways of Heaven & Earth
Stairway to Heaven
Stairway to Heaven (disambiguation)
Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Uncensored
Stairway to Heaven (Philippine TV series)
Stairway to Heaven (South Korean TV series)
Stolen Heaven
Stolen Heaven (1974 film)
Storming Heaven
Storming Heaven (Giardina novel)
Straight to Heaven
Strangers in Heaven
Streets of Heaven
Sundown Heaven Town
Sunrise in Heaven
Sweden: Heaven and Hell
Sweets from Heaven & Fuzziwig's Candy Factory
Sweets from Heaven v Ster Kinekor
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum
Take Me to Your Heaven (song)
Tale of King Mu, Son of Heaven
Taste of Heaven
Tears in Heaven
Tears of Heaven (musical)
Tears of Heaven (TV series)
Temple of Heaven
Temptation (Heaven 17 song)
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven
Thank Heaven for Little Girls
Thank Heavens for Dale Evans
The Angel God Sent from Heaven
The Art in Heaven Concert
The Birds of Heaven
The Black Tides of Heaven
The Blue of Heaven
The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven
The Devil You Know (Heaven & Hell album)
The Discovery of Heaven
The Edge of Heaven
The Edge of Heaven (film)
Thee Heavenly Music Association
The Fall of Heaven
The Fires of Heaven
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Gates of Heaven
The Heaven and Earth Show
The Heavenly Decree
The Heavenly Kid
The Heavenly King
The Heavenly Play
The Heavenly Vision
The Heavenly Waltz
...The Heavens and the Earth
The Heavens Are Telling
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (1978 TV series)
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (1994 TV series)
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (2000 TV series)
The Hound of Heaven
The Last Voices from Heaven
The Lathe of Heaven
The Lathe of Heaven (film)
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (album)
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Part I
The Nearest Thing to Heaven
The Night Heaven Fell
The Number One Song in Heaven
The Other Side of Heaven
The Other Side of Heaven 2: Fire of Faith
The Pastures of Heaven
The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)
The Price of Heaven
The Prisoner of Heaven
The Promise That Heaven Kept
There Is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let's Keep It a Secret.
The Ripper at the Heaven's Gates of Dark
The Roots of Heaven
The Roots of Heaven (novel)
The Shards of Heaven
The Stars of Heaven
The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (TV series)
The Way to Heaven
The Windows of Heaven
The Woman in Heaven
The Working Class Goes to Heaven
The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1
The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2
Third Heaven
This Could Be Heaven
This Is Heaven
Thou Art in Heaven
Thought I'd Died and Gone to Heaven
Three Steps Above Heaven
Three Steps Over Heaven
Three Steps to Heaven
Three Steps to Heaven (song)
Ticket to Heaven
TimedText:Locked Out of Heaven (Bruno Mars song - sample)
To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians
To Get to Heaven, First You Have to Die
To Heaven from Hell
Tommy heavenly6 (album)
Tommy heavenly6 discography
Tommy Ice Cream Heaven Forever
Too Close to Heaven
Too Much Heaven
Too Much of Heaven
Touching Heaven Changing Earth
Tower of Heaven
Tribe of Heaven
TV Heaven, Telly Hell
Twelve Heavenly Generals
Two Heavenly Blue Eyes
Two Miles from Heaven
Two Steps from Heaven
Under Blazing Heavens
Under heaven
Under Heaven (novel)
Under the Banner of Heaven
Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens
Untitled Deafheaven demo EP
Vaxis Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures
Violeta Went to Heaven
Virhaka (Heavenly King)
Wait for Me in Heaven
War in Heaven
War of the Heavenly Horses
Warriors of Heaven and Earth
Way to Heaven
Way to Heaven (play)
What Are They Doing in Heaven?
What Heaven Is Like
When Heaven Burns
Where Heaven and Earth Meet
Where I Find My Heaven
Where I Find My Heaven (album)
Where I Find My Heaven + Flippin' Out
While Heaven Wept
Why Call Them Back from Heaven?
Windows of Heaven
Wings of Heaven
You'll Never Get to Heaven (If You Break My Heart)
You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven
You Lift Me Up to Heaven

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last updated: 2022-02-04 15:17:24
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