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object:3.09 - The Return of the Soul
book class:The Practice of Psycho therapy
author class:Carl Jung
subject class:Psychology

Here is the soul descending from on high/
To quick the corpse we strove to purify.
[Figure 9]
Here the reconciler, the soul, dives down from heaven to brea the life
into the dead body. The two birds at the bottom left of the picture represent
the allegorical winged and wingless dragons in the form of fledged and
unfledged birds. This is one of the many synonyms for the double nature
of Mercurius, who is both a chthonic and a pneumatic being. The presence
of this divided pair of opposites means that although the hermaphrodite
appears to be united and is on the point of coming alive, the conflict
between them is by no means finally resolved and has not yet disappeared:
it is relegated to the left and to the bottom of the picture, i.e., banished
to the sphere of the unconscious. The fact that these still unintegrated
opposites are represented theriomorphically (and not anthropomorphically
as before) bears out this supposition.
The text of the Rosarium continues with a quotation from Morienus:
Despise not the ash, for it is the diadem of thy heart. This ash, the inert
product of incineration, refers to the dead body, and the admonition
establishes a curious connection between body and heart which at that time
was regarded as the real seat of the soul. The diadem refers of course to
the supremely kingly ornament. Coronation plays some part in alchemy
the Rosarium, for instance, has a picture of the Coronatio Mariae,
signifying the glorification of the white, moonlike (purified) body. The
text then quotes Senior as follows: Concerning the white tincture: When
my beloved parents have tasted of life, have been nourished with pure milk
and become drunk with my white substance, and have embraced each
other in my bed, they shall bring forth the son of the moon, who will excel
all his kindred. And when my beloved has drunk from the red rock
sepulchre and tasted the maternal fount in matrimony, and has drunk with
me of my red wine and lain with me in my bed in friendship, then I, loving
him and receiving his seed into my cell, shall conceive and become
3pregnant and when my time is come shall bring forth a most mighty son,
who shall rule over and govern all the kings and princes of the earth,
crowned with the golden crown of victory by the supreme God who liveth
and reigneth for ever and ever.
The coronation picture that illustrates this text proves that the
resuscitation of the purified corpse is at the same time a glorification, since
the process is likened to the crowning of the Virgin. The allegorical
language of the Church supports such a comparison. The connections of
the Mother of God with the moon, water, and fountains are so well known
that I need not substantiate them further. But whereas it is the Virgin who
is crowned here, in the Senior text it is the son who receives the crown of
victorywhich is quite in order since he is the filius regius who replaces
his father. In Aurora the crown is given to the regina austri, Sapientia,
who says to her beloved: I am the crown wherewith my beloved is
crowned, so that the crown serves as a connection between the mother
and her son-lover. In a later text the aqua amara is defined as crowned
with light. At that time Isidore of Sevilles etymology was still valid:
mare ab amaro, which vouches for sea as synonymous with the aqua
permanens. It is also an allusion to the water symbolism of Mary (
fountain). Again and again we note that the alchemist proceeds like the
unconscious in the choice of his symbols: every idea finds both a positive
and a negative expression. Sometimes he speaks of a royal pair, sometimes
of dog and bitch; and the water symbolism is likewise expressed in violent
contrasts. We read that the royal diadem appears in menstruo meretricis
(in the menstruum of a whore), or the following instructions are given:
Take the foul deposit [faecem] that remains in the cooking-vessel and
preserve it, for it is the crown of the heart. The deposit corresponds to the
corpse in the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus corresponds in turn to the
mercurial fountain or the vas hermeticum.
12Figure 9
The soul descending from heaven is identical with the dew, the aqua
divina, which, as Senior, quoting Maria, explains, is Rex de coelo
descendens. Hence this water is itself crowned and forms the diadem of
the heart, in apparent contradiction to the earlier statement that the ash
was the diadem. It is difficult to tell whether the alchemists were so
hopelessly muddled that they did not notice these flat contradictions, or
whether their paradoxes were sublimely deliberate. I suspect it was a bit of
both, since the ignorantes, stulti, fatui would take the texts at their face
value and get bogged in the welter of analogies, while the more astute
reader, realizing the necessity for symbolism, would handle it like a
virtuoso with no trouble at all. Intellectual responsibility seems always to
14have been the alchemists weak spot, though a few of them tell us plainly
enough how we are to regard their peculiar language. The less respect
they showed for the bowed shoulders of the sweating reader, the greater
was their debt, willing or unwilling, to the unconscious, for it is just the
infinite variety of their images and paradoxes that points to a psychological
fact of prime importance: the indefiniteness of the archetype with its
multitude of meanings, all presenting different facets of a single, simple
truth. The alchemists were so steeped in their inner experiences that their
sole concern was to devise fitting images and expressions regardless of
whether these were intelligible or not. Although in this respect they
remained behind the times, they nevertheless performed the inestimable
service of having constructed a phenomenology of the unconscious long
before the advent of psychology. We, as heirs to these riches, do not find
our heritage at all easy to enjoy. Yet we can comfort ourselves with the
reflection that the old masters were equally at a loss to understand one
another, or that they did so only with difficulty. Thus the author of the
Rosarium says that the antiqui Philosophi tam obscure quam confuse
scripserunt, so that they only baffled the reader or put him off altogether.
For his part, he says, he would make the experimentum verissimum
plain for all eyes to see and reveal it in the most certain and human
manner and then proceeds to write exactly like all the others before
him. This was inevitable, as the alchemists did not really know what they
were writing about. Whether we know today seems to me not altogether
sure. At any rate we no longer believe that the secret lies in chemical
substances, but that it is rather to be found in one of the darker and deeper
layers of the psyche, although we do not know the nature of this layer.
Perhaps in another century or so we shall discover a new darkness from
which there will emerge something we do not understand either, but whose
presence we sense with the utmost certainty.
The alchemist saw no contradiction in comparing the diadem with a
foul deposit and then, in the next breath, saying that it is of heavenly
origin. He follows the rule laid down in the Tabula smaragdina: Quod
est inferius, est sicut quod est superius. Et quod est superius, est sicut quod
est inferius. His faculty for conscious discrimination was not as acute as
modern mans, and was distinctly blunter than the scholastic thought of his
contemporaries. This apparent regression cannot be explained by any
mental backwardness on the part of the alchemist; it is more the case that
16his main interest is focussed on the unconscious itself and not at all on the
powers of discrimination and formulation which mark the concise
conceptual thinking of the schoolmen. He is content if he succeeds in
finding expressions to delineate afresh the secret he feels. How these
expressions relate to and differ from one another is of the smallest account
to him, for he never supposes that anybody could reconstruct the art from
his ideas about it, but that those who approach the art at all are already
fascinated by its secret and are guided by sure intuition, or are actually
elected and predestined thereto by God. Thus the Rosarium says, quoting
Hortulanus: Solus ille, qui scit facere lapidem Philosophorum, intelligit
verba eorum de lapide (Only he who knows how to make the
philosophers stone can understand their words concerning it). The
darkness of the symbolism scatters before the eyes of the enlightened
philosopher. Hortulanus says again: Nihil enim prodest occultatio
philosophorum in sermonibus, ubi doctrina Spiritus sancti operatur (The
mystification in the sayings of the philosophers is of no avail where the
teaching of the Holy Ghost is at work).
The alchemists failure to distinguish between corpus and spiritus is in
our case assisted by the assumption that, owing to the preceding
mortificatio and sublimatio, the body has taken on quintessential or
spiritual form and consequently, as a corpus mundum (pure substance), is
not so very different from spirit. It may shelter spirit or even draw it down
to itself. All these ideas lead one to conclude that not only the coniunctio
but the reanimation of the body is an altogether transmundane event, a
process occurring in the psychic non-ego. This would explain why the
process is so easily projected, for if it were of a personal nature its liability
to projection would be considerably reduced, because it could then be
made conscious without too much difficulty. At any rate this liability
would not have been sufficient to cause a projection upon inanimate
matter, which is the polar opposite of the living psyche. Experience shows
that the carrier of the projection is not just any object but is always one that
proves adequate to the nature of the content projected that is to say, it
must offer the content a hook to hang on.
Although the process is essentially transcendental, the projection
brings it down to reality by violently affecting the conscious and personal
psyche. The result is an inflation, and it then becomes clear that theconiunctio is a hierosgamos of the gods and not a mere love-affair between
mortals. This is very subtly suggested in the Chymical Wedding, where
Rosencreutz, the hero of the drama, is only a guest at the feast and, though
forbidden to do so, slips into the bedchamber of Venus in order to gaze
admiringly on the naked beauty of the sleeper. As a punishment for this
intrusion Cupid wounds him in the hand with an arrow. His own personal,
secret connection with the royal marriage is only fleetingly indicated right
at the end: the king, alluding to Rosencreutz, says that he (Rosencreutz)
was his father. Andreae, the author, must have been a man of some wit,
since at this point he tries to extricate himself from the affair with a jest.
He gives a clear hint that he himself is the father of his characters and gets
the king to confirm this. The voluntarily proffered information about the
paternity of this child is the familiar attempt of a creative artist to bolster
up the prestige of his ego against the suspicion that he is the victim of the
creative urge welling out of the unconscious. Goe the could not shake off
the grip of Faust his main business half so easily. (Lesser men have
correspondingly more need of greatness, hence they must make others
think more highly of them.) Andreae was as fascinated by the secret of the
art as any alchemist; the serious attempt he made to found the Rosicrucian
Order is proof of this, and it was largely for reasons of expediency, owing
to his position as a cleric, that he was led to adopt a more distant attitude in
later years.
If there is such a thing as an unconscious that is not personali.e.,
does not consist of individually acquired contents, whether forgotten,
subliminally perceived, or repressed then there must also be processes
going on in this non-ego, spontaneous archetypal events which the
conscious mind can only perceive when they are projected. They are
immemorially strange and unknown, and yet we seem to have known them
from everlasting; they are also the source of a remarkable fascination that
dazzles and illuminates at once. They draw us like a magnet and at the
same time frighten us; they manifest themselves in fantasies, dreams,
hallucinations, and in certain kinds of religious ecstasy. The coniunctio is
one of these archetypes. The absorptive power of the archetype explains
not only the widespread incidence of this motif but also the passionate
intensity with which it seizes upon the individual, often in defiance of all
reason and understanding. To the peripeteia of the coniunctio also belong
the processes illustrated in the last few pictures. They deal with the after-
25effects of the fusion of opposites, which have involved the conscious
personality in their union. The extreme consequence of this is the
dissolution of the ego in the unconscious, a state resembling death. It
results from the more or less complete identification of the ego with
unconscious factors, or, as we would say, from contamination. This is what
the alchemists experienced as immunditia, pollution. They saw it as the
defilement of something transcendent by the gross and opaque body which
had for that reason to undergo sublimation. But the body, psychologically
speaking, is the expression of our individual and conscious existence,
which, we then feel, is in danger of being swamped or poisoned by the
unconscious. We therefore try to separate the ego-consciousness from the
unconscious and free it from that perilous embrace. Yet, although the
power of the unconscious is feared as something sinister, this feeling is
only partially justified by the facts, since we also know that the
unconscious is capable of producing beneficial effects. The kind of effect
it will have depends to a large extent on the attitude of the conscious mind.
Hence the mundificatio purificationis an attempt to discriminate
the mixture, to sort out the coincidentia oppositorum in which the
individual has been caught. The rational man, in order to live in this world,
has to make a distinction between himself and what we might call the
eternal man. Although he is a unique individual, he also stands for
man as a species, and thus he has a share in all the movements of the
collective unconscious. In other words, the eternal truths become
dangerously disturbing factors when they suppress the unique ego of the
individual and live at his expense. If our psychology is forced, owing to
the special nature of its empirical material, to stress the importance of the
unconscious, that does not in any way diminish the importance of ego-
consciousness. It is merely the one-sided over-valuation of the latter that
has to be checked by a certain relativization of values. But this
relativization should not be carried so far that the ego is completely
fascinated and overpowered by the archetypal truths. The ego lives in
space and time and must adapt itself to their laws if it is to exist at all. If it
is absorbed by the unconscious to such an extent that the latter alone has
the power of decision, then the ego is stifled, and there is no longer any
medium in which the unconscious could be integrated and in which the
work of realization could take place. The separation of the empirical ego
from the eternal and universal man is therefore of vital importance,particularly today, when mass-degeneration of the personality is making
such threatening strides. Mass-degeneration does not come only from
without: it also comes from within, from the collective unconscious.
Against the outside, some protection was afforded by the droits de
lhomme which at present are lost to the greater part of Europe, and even
where they are not actually lost we see political parties, as nave as they
are powerful, doing their best to abolish them in favour of the slave state,
with the bait of social security. Against the daemonism from within, the
Church offers some protection so long as it wields authority. But
protection and security are only valuable when not excessively cramping
to our existence; and in the same way the superiority of consciousness is
desirable only if it does not suppress and shut out too much life. As
always, life is a voyage between Scylla and Charybdis.
The process of differentiating the ego from the unconscious, then,
has its equivalent in the mundificatio, and, just as this is the necessary
condition for the return of the soul to the body, so the body is necessary if
the unconscious is not to have destructive effects on the ego-
consciousness, for it is the body that gives bounds to the personality. The
unconscious can be integrated only if the ego holds its ground.
Consequently, the alchemists endeavour to unite the corpus mundum, the
purified body, with the soul is also the endeavour of the psychologist once
he has succeeded in freeing the ego-consciousness from contamination
with the unconscious. In alchemy the purification is the result of numerous
distillations; in psychology too it comes from an equally thorough
separation of the ordinary ego-personality from all inflationary admixtures
of unconscious material. This task entails the most painstaking self-
examination and self-education, which can, however, be passed on to
others by one who has acquired the discipline himself. The process of
psychological differentiation is no light work; it needs the tenacity and
patience of the alchemist, who must purify the body from all superfluities
in the fiercest heat of the furnace, and pursue Mercurius from one bride
chamber to the next. As alchemical symbolism shows, a radical
understanding of this kind is impossible without a human partner. A
general and merely academic insight into ones mistakes is ineffectual,
for then the mistakes are not really seen at all, only the idea of them. But
they show up acutely when a human relationship brings them to the fore
and when they are noticed by the other person as well as by oneself. Then
27and then only can they really be felt and their true nature recognized.
Similarly, confessions made to ones secret self generally have little or no
effect, whereas confessions made to another are much more promising.
The soul which is reunited with the body is the One born of the two,
the vinculum common to both. It is therefore the very essence of
relationship. Equally the psychological anima, as representative of the
collective unconscious, has a collective character. The collective
unconscious is a natural and universal datum and its manifestation always
causes an unconscious identity, a state of participation mystique. If the
conscious personality becomes caught up in it and offers no resistance, the
relationship is personified by the anima (in dreams, for instance), who
then, as a more or less autonomous part of the personality, generally has a
disturbing effect. But if, as the result of a long and thorough analysis and
the withdrawal of projections, the ego has been successfully separated
from the unconscious, the anima will gradually cease to act as an
autonomous personality and will become a function of relationship
between conscious and unconscious. So long as she is projected she leads
to all sorts of illusions about people and things and thus to endless
complications. The withdrawal of projections makes the anima what she
originally was: an archetypal image which, in its right place, functions to
the advantage of the individual. Interposed between the ego and the world,
she acts like an ever-changing Shakti, who weaves the veil of Maya and
dances the illusion of existence. But, functioning between the ego and the
unconscious, the anima becomes the matrix of all the divine and semi-
divine figures, from the pagan goddess to the Virgin, from the messenger
of the Holy Grail to the saint. The unconscious anima is a creature without
relationships, an autoerotic being whose one aim is to take total possession
of the individual. When this happens to a man he becomes strangely
womanish in the worst sense, with a moody and uncontrolled disposition
which, in time, has a deleterious effect even on the hitherto reliable
functionse.g., his intellectand gives rise to the kind of ideas and
opinions we rightly find so objectionable in animus-possessed women.
Here I must point out that very different rules apply in feminine
psychology, since in this case we are not dealing with a function of
relationship but, on the contrary, with a discriminative function, namely
the animus. Alchemy was, as a philosophy, mainly a masculinepreoccupation and in consequence of this its formulations are for the most
part masculine in character. But we should not overlook the fact that the
feminine element in alchemy is not so inconsiderable since, even at the
time of its beginnings in Alexandria, we have au thentic proof of female
philosophers like Theosebeia, the soror mystica of Zosimos, and
Paphnutia and Maria Prophetissa. From later times we know of the pair of
alchemists, Nicolas Flamel and his wife Peronelle. The Mutus liber of
1677 gives an account of a man and wife performing the opus together,
and finally in the nineteenth century we have the pair of English
alchemists, Thomas South and his daughter, who later became Mrs.
Atwood. After busying themselves for many years with the study of
alchemy, they decided to set down their ideas and experiences in book
form. To this end they separated, the father working in one part of the
house and his daughter in another. She wrote a thick, erudite tome while he
versified. She was the first to finish and promptly sent the book to the
printer. Scarcely had it appeared when her father was overcome with
scruples, fearing lest they had betrayed the great secret. He succeeded in
persuading his daughter to withdraw the book and destroy it. In the same
spirit, he sacrificed his own poetic labours. Only a few lines are preserved
in her book, of which it was too late to withdraw all the copies. A reprint,
prepared after her death in 1910, appeared in 1918. I have read the book:
no secrets are betrayed. It is a thoroughly medieval production garnished
with would-be theosophical explanations as a sop to the syncretism of the
new age.
A remarkable contri bution to the role of feminine psychology in
alchemy is furnished by the letter which the English theologian and
alchemist, John Pordage, wrote to his soror mystica Jane Leade. In it he
gives her spiritual instruction concerning the opus:
This sacred furnace, this Balneum Mariae, this glass phial, this secret
furnace, is the place, the matrix or womb, and the centre from which the
divine Tincture flows forth from its source and origin. Of the place or
abode where the Tincture has its home and dwelling I need not remind
you, nor name its name, but I exhort you only to knock at the foundation.
Solomon tells us in his Song that its inner dwelling its not far from the
navel, which resembles a round goblet filled with the sacred liquor of the
pure Tincture. You know the fire of the philosophers, it was the key they
36kept concealed.... The fire is the love-fire, the life that flows forth from the
Divine Venus, or the Love of God; the fire of Mars is too choleric, too
sharp, and too fierce, so that it would dry up and burn the materia:
wherefore the love-fire of Venus alone has the qualities of the right true
This true philosophy will teach you how you should know yourself,
and if you know yourself rightly, you will also know the pure nature; for
the pure nature is in yourself. And when you know the pure nature which
is your true selfhood, freed from all wicked, sinful selfishness, then also
you will know God, for the Godhead is concealed and wrapped in the pure
nature like a kernel in the nutshell.... The true philosophy will teach you
who is the father and who is the mother of this magical child.... The father
of this child is Mars, he is the fiery life which proceeds from Mars as the
fathers quality. His mother is Venus, who is the gentle love-fire
proceeding from the sons quality. Here then, in the qualities and forms of
nature, you see male and female, man and wife, bride and bridegroom, the
first marriage or wedding of Galilee, which is celebrated between Mars
and Venus when they return from their fallen state. Mars, or the husband,
must become a godly man, otherwise the pure Venus will take him neither
into the conjugal nor into the sacred marriage bed. Venus must become a
pure virgin, a virginal wife, otherwise the wrathful jealous Mars in his
wrath-fire will not wed with her nor live with her in union; but instead of
agreement and harmony, there will be naught but strife, jealousy, discord,
and enmity among the qualities of nature....
Accordingly, if you think to become a learned artist, look with
earnestness to the union of your own Mars and Venus, that the nuptial knot
be rightly tied and the marriage between them well and truly
consummated. You must see to it that they lie together in the bed of their
union and live in sweet harmony; then the virgin Venus will bring forth her
pearl, her water-spirit, in you, to soften the fiery spirit of Mars, and the
wrathful fire of Mars will sink quite willingly, in mildness and love, into
the love-fire of Venus, and thus both qualities, as fire and water, will
mingle together, agree, and flow into one another; and from their
agreement and union there will proceed the first conception of the magical
birth which we call Tincture, the love-fire Tincture. Now although the
Tincture is conceived in the womb of your humanity and is awakened tolife, yet there is still a great danger, and it is to be feared that, because it is
still in the body or womb, it may yet be spoiled by neglect before it be
brought in due season into the light. On this account you must look round
for a good nurse, who will watch it in its childhood and will tend it
properly: and such must be your own pure heart and your own virginal
This child, this tincturing life, must be assayed, proved, and tried in
the qualities of nature; and here again great anxiety and danger will arise,
seeing that it must suffer the damage of temptation in the body and womb,
and you may thus lose the birth. For the delicate Tincture, this tender child
of life, must descend into the forms and qualities of nature, that it may
suffer and endure temptation and overcome it; it must needs descend into
the Divine Darkness, into the darkness of Saturn, wherein no light of life is
to be seen: there it must be held captive, and be bound with the chains of
darkness, and must live from the food which the prickly Mercurius will
give it to eat, which to the Divine Tincture of life is naught but dust and
ashes, poison and gall, fire and brimstone. It must enter into the fierce
wrathful Mars, by whom (as happened to Jonah in the belly of hell) it is
swallowed, and must experience the curse of Gods wrath; also it must be
tempted by Lucifer and the million devils who dwell in the quality of the
wrathful fire. And here the divine artist in this philosophical work will see
the first colour, where the Tincture appears in its blackness, and it is the
blackest black; the learned philosophers call it their black crow, or their
black raven, or again their blessed and blissful black; for in the darkness of
this black is hidden the light of lights in the quality of Saturn; and in this
poison and gall there is hidden in Mercurius the most precious medicament
against the poison, namely the life of life. And the blessed Tincture is
hidden in the fury or wrath and curse of Mars.
Now it seems to the artist that all his work is lost. What has become of
the Tincture? Here is nothing that is apparent, that can be perceived,
recognized, or tasted, but darkness, most painful death, a hellish fearful
fire, nothing but the wrath and curse of God; yet he does not see that the
Tincture of Life is in this putrefaction or dissolution and destruction, that
there is light in this darkness, life in this death, love in this fury and wrath,
and in this poison the highest and most precious Tincture and medicament
against all poison and sickness.[512]
The old philosophers named this work or labour their descension, their
cineration, their pulverization, their death, their putrefaction of the materia
of the stone, their corruption, their caput mortuum. You must not despise
this blackness, or black colour, but persevere in it in patience, in suffering,
and in silence, until its forty days of temptation are over, until the days of
its tribulations are completed, when the seed of life shall waken to life,
shall rise up, sublimate or glorify itself, transform itself into whiteness,
purify and sanctify itself, give itself the redness, in other words, transfigure
and fix its shape. When the work is brought thus far, it is an easy work: for
the learned philosophers have said that the making of the stone is then
womans work and childs play. Therefore, if the human will is given over
and left, and becomes patient and still and as a dead nothing, the Tincture
will do and effect everything in us and for us, if we can keep our thoughts,
movements, and imaginations still, or can leave off and rest. But how
difficult, hard, and bitter this work appears to the human will, before it can
be brought to this shape, so that it remains still and calm even though all
the fire be let loose in its sight, and all manner of temptations assail it!
Here, as you see, there is great danger, and the Tincture of life can
easily be spoiled and the fruit wasted in the womb, when it is thus
surrounded on all sides and assailed by so many devils and so many
tempting essences. But if it can withstand and overcome this fiery trial and
sore temptation, and win the victory: then you will see the beginning of its
resurrection from hell, death, and the mortal grave, appearing first in the
quality of Venus; and then the Tincture of life will itself burst forth
mightily from the prison of the dark Saturn, through the hell of the
poisonous Mercurius, and through the curse and direful death of Gods
wrath that burns and flames in Mars, and the gentle love-fire of the Venus
quality will gain the upper hand, and the love-fire Tincture will be
preferred in the government and have supreme command. And then the
gentleness and love-fire of Divine Venus will reign as lord and king in and
over all qualities.
Nevertheless there is still another danger that the work of the stone
may yet miscarry. Therefore the artist must wait until he sees the Tincture
covered over with its other colour, as with the whitest white, which he may
expect to see after long patience and stillness, and which truly appears
when the Tincture rises up in the lunar quality: illustrious Luna imparts abeautiful white to the Tincture, the most perfect white hue and a brilliant
splendour. And thus is the darkness transformed into light, and death into
life. And this brilliant whiteness awakens joy and hope in the heart of the
artist, that the work has gone so well and fallen out so happily. For now the
white colour reveals to the enlightened eye of the soul cleanliness,
innocence, holiness, simplicity, heavenly-mindedness, and righteousness,
and with these the Tincture is henceforth clothed over and over as with a
garment. She is radiant as the moon, beautiful as the dawn. Now the divine
virginity of the tincturing life shines forth, and no spot or wrinkle nor any
other blemish is to be seen.
The old masters were wont to call this work their white swan, their
albification, or making white, their sublimation, their distillation, their
circulation, their purification, their separation, their sanctification, and
their resurrection, because the Tincture is made white like a shining silver.
It is sublimed or exalted and transfigured by reason of its many descents
into Saturn, Mercurius, and Mars, and by its many ascents into Venus and
Luna. This is the distillation, the Balneum Mariae: because the Tincture is
purified in the qualities of nature through the many distillations of the
water, blood, and heavenly dew of the Divine Virgin Sophia, and, through
the manifold circulation in and out of the forms and qualities of nature, is
made white and pure, like brilliantly polished silver. And all uncleanliness
of the blackness, all death, hell, curse, wrath, and all poison which rise up
out of the qualities of Saturn, Mercury, and Mars are separated and depart,
wherefore they call it their separation, and when the Tincture attains its
whiteness and brilliance in Venus and Luna they call it their sanctification,
their purification and making white. They call it their resurrection, because
the white rises up out of the black, and the divine virginity and purity out
of the poison of Mercurius and out of the red fiery rage and wrath of Mars.
Now is the stone shaped, the elixir of life prepared, the love-child or
the child of love born, the new birth completed, and the work made whole
and perfect. Farewell! fall, hell, curse, death, dragon, beast, and serpent!
Good night! mortality, fear, sorrow, and misery! For now redemption,
salvation, and recovery of everything that was lost will again come to pass
within and without, for now you have the great secret and mystery of the
whole world; you have the Pearl of Love; you have the unchangeableeternal essence of Divine Joy from which all healing virtue and all
multiplying power come, from which there actively proceeds the active
power of the Holy Ghost. You have the seed of the woman who has
trampled on the head of the serpent. You have the seed of the virgin and
the blood of the virgin in one essence and quality.
O wonder of wonders! You have the tincturing Tincture, the pearl of
the virgin, which has three essences or qualities in one; it has body, soul,
and spirit, it has fire, light, and joy, it has the Fathers quality, it has the
Sons quality, and has also the Holy Ghosts quality, even all these three,
in one fixed and eternal essence and being. This is the Son of the Virgin,
this is her first-born, this is the noble hero, the trampler of the serpent, and
he who casts the dragon under his feet and tramples upon him.... For now
the Man of Paradise is become clear as a transparent glass, in which the
Divine Sun shines through and through, like gold that is wholly bright,
pure, and clear, without blemish or spot. The soul is henceforth a most
substantial seraphic angel, she can make herself doctor, theologian,
astrologer, divine magician, she can make herself whatsoever she will, and
do and have whatsoever she will: for all qualities have but one will in
agreement and harmony. And this same one will is Gods eternal infallible
will; and from henceforth the Divine Man is in his own nature become one
with God.
This hymn-like myth of love, virgin, mother, and child sounds
extremely feminine, but in reality it is an archetypal conception sprung
from the masculine unconscious, where the Virgin Sophia corresponds to
the anima (in the psychological sense). As is shown by the symbolism
and by the not very clear distinction between her and the son, she is also
the paradisal or divine being, i.e., the self. The fact that these ideas
and figures were still mystical for Pordage and more or less
undifferentiated is explained by the emotional nature of the experiences
which he himself describes. Experiences of this kind leave little room for
critical understanding. They do, however, throw light on the processes
hidden behind the alchemical symbolism and pave the way for the
discoveries of modern medical psychology. Unfortunately we possess no
original treatises that can with any certainty be ascribed to a woman
author. Consequently we do not know what kind of alchemical symbolism
a womans view would have produced. Nevertheless, modern medical
39practice tells us that the feminine unconscious produces a symbolism
which, by and large, is compensatory to the masculine. In that case, to use
Pordages terms, the leitmotiv would not be gentle Venus but fiery Mars,
not Sophia but Hecate, Demeter, and Persephone, or the matriarchal Kali
of southern India in her brighter and darker aspects.
In this connection I would like to draw attention to the curious
pictures of the arbor philosophica in the fourteenth-century Codex
Ashburnham. One picture shows Adam struck by an arrow, and the tree
growing out of his genitals; in the other picture the tree grows out of Eves
head. Her right hand covers her genitals, her left points to a skull. Plainly
this is a hint that the mans opus is concerned with the erotic aspect of the
anima, while the womans is concerned with the animus, which is a
function of the head. The prima materia, i.e., the unconscious, is
represented in man by the unconscious anima, and in woman by the
unconscious animus. Out of the prima materia grows the philosophical
tree, the unfolding opus. In their symbolical sense, too, the pictures are in
accord with the findings of psychology, since Adam would then stand for
the womans animus who generates philosophical ideas with his member
, and Eve for the mans anima who, as Sapientia or Sophia,
produces out of her head the intellectual content of the work.
Finally, I must point out that a certain concession to feminine
psychology is also to be found in the Rosarium, in so far as the first series
of pictures is followed by a secondless complete, but otherwise
analogousseries, at the end of which there appears a masculine figure,
the emperor, and not, as in the first, an empress, the daughter of the
philosophers. The accentuation of the feminine element in the Rebis (Fig.
10) is consistent with a predominantly male psychology, whereas the
addition of an emperor in the second version is a concession to woman
(or possibly to the male consciousness).
In its primary unconscious form the animus is a compound of
spontaneous, unpremeditated opinions which exercise a powerful influence
on the womans emotional life, while the anima is similarly compounded
of feelings which thereafter influence or distort the mans understanding
(she has turned his head). Consequently the animus likes to project
himself upon intellectuals and all kinds of heroes, including tenors,
artists, sporting celebrities, etc. The anima has a predilection foreverything that is unconscious, dark, equivocal, and unrelated in woman,
and also for her vanity, frigidity, helplessness, and so forth. In both cases
the incest element plays an important part: there is a relation between the
young woman and her father, the older woman and her son, the young man
and his mother, the older man and his daughter.
It will be clear from all this that the soul which accrues to ego-
consciousness during the opus has a feminine character in the man and a
masculine character in the woman. His anima wants to reconcile and unite;
her animus tries to discern and discriminate. This strict antithesis is
depicted in the alchemists Rebis, the symbol of transcendental unity, as a
coincidence of opposites; but in conscious realityonce the conscious
mind has been cleansed of unconscious impurities by the preceding
mundificatio it represents a conflict even though the conscious relations
between the two individuals may be quite harmonious. Even when the
conscious mind does not identify itself with the inclinations of the
unconscious, it still has to face them and somehow take account of them in
order that they may play their part in the life of the individual, however
difficult this may be. For if the unconscious is not allowed to express itself
through word and deed, through worry and suffering, through our
consideration of its claims and resistance to them, then the earlier, divided
state will return with all the incalculable consequences which disregard of
the unconscious may entail. If, on the other hand, we give in to the
unconscious too much, it leads to a positive or negative inflation of the
personality. Turn and twist this situation as we may, it always remains an
inner and outer conflict: one of the birds is fledged and the other not. We
are always in doubt: there is a pro to be rejected and a contra to be
accepted. All of us would like to escape from this admittedly
uncomfortable situation, but we do so only to discover that what we left
behind us was ourselves. To live in perpetual flight from ourselves is a
bitter thing, and to live with ourselves demands a number of Christian
virtues which we then have to apply to our own case, such as patience,
love, faith, hope, and humility. It is all very fine to make our neighbour
happy by applying them to him, but the demon of self-admiration so easily
claps us on the back and says, Well done! And because this is a great
psychological truth, it must be stood on its head for an equal number of
people so as to give the devil something to carp at. Butdoes it make us
happy when we have to apply these virtues to ourselves? when I am therecipient of my own gifts, the least among my brothers whom I must take
to my bosom? when I must admit that I need all my patience, my love, my
faith, and even my humility, and that I myself am my own devil, the
antagonist who always wants the opposite in everything? Can we ever
really endure ourselves? Do unto others...this is as true of evil as of
In John Gowers Confessio amantis there is a saying which I have
used as a motto to the Introduction of this book: Bellica pax, vulnus
dulce, suave malum (a warring peace, a sweet wound, a mild evil). Into
these words the old alchemist put the quintessence of his experience. I can
add nothing to their incomparable simplicity and conciseness. They
contain all that the ego can reasonably demand of the opus, and illuminate
for it the paradoxical darkness of human life. Submission to the
fundamental contrariety of human nature amounts to an acceptance of the
fact that the psyche is at cross purposes with itself. Alchemy teaches that
the tension is fourfold, forming a cross which stands for the four warring
elements. The quaternio is the minimal aspect under which such a state of
total opposition can be regarded. The cross as a form of suffering
expresses psychic reality, and carrying the cross is therefore an apt symbol
for the wholeness and also for the passion which the alchemist saw in his
work. Hence the Rosarium ends, not unfittingly, with the picture of the
risen Christ and the verses:
After my many sufferings and great martyry
I rise again transfigured, of all blemish free.
An exclusively rational analysis and interpretation of alchemy, and of
the unconscious contents projected into it, must necessarily stop short at
the above parallels and antinomies, for in a total opposition there is no
thirdtertium non daturl Science comes to a stop at the frontiers of logic,
but nature does notshe thrives on ground as yet untrodden by theory.
Venerabilis natura does not halt at the opposites; she uses them to create,
out of opposition, a new birth.

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
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Wikipedia - Inkstone News -- Hong Kong news website
Wikipedia - Inquisitr -- Privately owned news and media website
Wikipedia - Inside Higher Ed -- News website focused on issues of degree-oriented tertiary education
Wikipedia - Inside Philanthropy -- Philanthropy news website
Wikipedia - Internet Sacred Text Archive -- Website dedicated to the preservation of electronic public domain texts
Wikipedia - Intuitor -- Website promoting creative learning
Wikipedia - Inverse (website) -- American online magazine
Wikipedia - Investopedia -- Website focused on finance and investing
Wikipedia - Irish Statute Book -- Irish legal website/database
Wikipedia - Irked Magazine -- Canadian multimedia website
Wikipedia - Italki -- Language learning website
Wikipedia - -- Website for distributing video games
Wikipedia - IT Examiner -- Indian information technology news website
Wikipedia - Jamendo -- Website and weblabel
Wikipedia - Jayski's Silly Season Site -- News website
Wikipedia - -- French video game website
Wikipedia - Jezebel (website) -- Blog and website targeted towards women
Wikipedia - -- Film industry website
Wikipedia - Joe (website) -- Irish website
Wikipedia - Karen McGrane -- American content strategist and website accessibility advocate
Wikipedia - KartaView -- Website that provides free street view imagery for mapping
Wikipedia - Kavkaz Center -- Political website
Wikipedia - Keyword Tool (software) -- Search keyword generation website
Wikipedia - KickassTorrents -- Defunct file-sharing website
Wikipedia - Killer List of Videogames -- Website
Wikipedia - KILTR -- Defunct social networking website
Wikipedia - Kinja (website) -- Online news aggregator
Wikipedia - Klout -- Website
Wikipedia - Know Your Meme -- Website and video series documenting Internet memes and online phenomena
Wikipedia - Kocowa -- American online video streaming website
Wikipedia - -- E-commerce website in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kongregate -- American online gaming website
Wikipedia - Koolmuzone -- Pakistani music website
Wikipedia - Kotaku -- Video game website and blog
Wikipedia - Lala (website)
Wikipedia - Lanyrd -- Conference directory website
Wikipedia - La Silla Vacia -- Colombian news website
Wikipedia - Launchpad (website)
Wikipedia - Leafly -- American cannabis website
Wikipedia - LEO (website) -- Internet-based electronic dictionary and translation dictionary
Wikipedia - Lexico -- Dictionary website
Wikipedia - -- Popular linking website
Wikipedia - Lifehacker -- Software and life hacks website and blog
Wikipedia - Lifewire -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - LIHKG -- Hong Kong online forum website
Wikipedia - LinkedIn -- Social networking website for people in professional occupations
Wikipedia - Link farm -- Group of websites that link to each other
Wikipedia - List of astronomy websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biology websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chat websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct social networking websites
Wikipedia - List of educational video websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of employment websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of environmental websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fake news websites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of image-sharing websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of microcredit lending websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most popular websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of music sharing websites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Korean websites banned in South Korea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of photo sharing websites
Wikipedia - List of professional wrestling websites -- Professional wrestling websites
Wikipedia - List of question-and-answer websites
Wikipedia - List of Romanian websites by number of unique visitors in 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of satirical news websites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social bookmarking websites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social networking websites
Wikipedia - List of types of websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of websites about food and drink -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of websites blocked in mainland China -- Domain names that are blocked in mainland China under the country's Internet censorship policy
Wikipedia - List of websites blocked in Russia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of websites blocked in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of websites founded before 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of websites
Wikipedia - List of websites with country access restrictions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of wikis -- list of websites that use a wiki model
Wikipedia - Lists of websites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Literary Hub -- Daily literary website
Wikipedia - LiveJasmin -- Adult website emphasizing live streaming and related services
Wikipedia - LiveLeak -- UK-based video sharing website
Wikipedia - Live Science -- Science news website
Wikipedia - Location search optimization -- Process of improving website visibility.
Wikipedia - -- URL redirection website
Wikipedia - Louder Than War (website) -- Online music magazine
Wikipedia - Luxury Escapes -- One of the worldM-bM-^@M-^Ys fastest-growing travel websites
Wikipedia - MacInTouch -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - Manchester City F.C. media -- Manchester City F.C media website
Wikipedia - Mapbox -- American provider of custom online maps for websites and applications
Wikipedia - MarketWatch -- American financial information website
Wikipedia - -- Polish video game website
Wikipedia - Masada2000 -- California-based pro-Israeli political website
Wikipedia - Mashable -- Technology news website (founded in 2005)
Wikipedia - Masked Republic -- Professional wrestling website
Wikipedia - Matmice -- Former social networking website
Wikipedia - McMansion Hell -- Website which humorously critiques "McMansions"
Wikipedia - M-CM-^ -- Kenyan news website
Wikipedia - Media Bias/Fact Check -- American fact-checking website that reviews news and media organisations
Wikipedia - Mediaite -- News and opinion website covering politics and entertainment, owned by Abrams Media
Wikipedia - Medium (website) -- Online publishing platform
Wikipedia - Meetup (website)
Wikipedia - Meituan -- Chinese group buying and food delivery website
Wikipedia - Melon (online music service) -- South Korea music website
Wikipedia - Metacritic -- Website that aggregates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows, DVDs, and formerly, books
Wikipedia - MetArt -- Erotic photography website
Wikipedia - MeWATCH -- Sngaporean entertainment/lifestyle website
Wikipedia - Midnight Raver -- Music website
Wikipedia - -- Former social networking website
Wikipedia - Miley Save Fuzzy -- Website and internet campaign
Wikipedia - Mimikama -- Australian fact checker website
Wikipedia - Mingjing News -- New York-based Chinese-language news website
Wikipedia - Miniclip -- Swiss browser game website
Wikipedia - Mininova -- Dutch BitTorrent website
Wikipedia - MintPress News -- Minnesota-based news website
Wikipedia - Mirror website
Wikipedia - Mirsky's Worst of the Web -- Former website
Wikipedia - Mission and Spacecraft Library -- NASA reference library website
Wikipedia - Mixer (website)
Wikipedia - MMA Fighting -- Mixed martial arts websites
Wikipedia - -- Mixed martial arts websites
Wikipedia - Mobli -- Former social mobile photo and video-sharing website
Wikipedia - MobyGames -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Mondoweiss -- American news website
Wikipedia - -- Indian business news website
Wikipedia - Money (magazine) -- American personal finance magazine and website
Wikipedia - -- British consumer finance information and discussion website
Wikipedia - -- Employment website
Wikipedia - Most Awesomest Thing Ever -- Entertainment website
Wikipedia - -- Racing website
Wikipedia - MovieCode -- Website
Wikipedia - Movie TV Tech Geeks -- Entertainment news website
Wikipedia - M Sharp -- Code generation tool and a domain-specific language that can be used to create websites and web applications.
Wikipedia - Mugshot (website)
Wikipedia - Multiply (website)
Wikipedia - Mumbrella -- Australian media news website
Wikipedia - Music download -- Digital transfer of music from an Internet-facing computer or website to a user's local desktop computer
Wikipedia - MusicMight -- Former rock music website
Wikipedia - Muslims Condemn -- Website containing lists of Muslims who condemn negative things[1] such as terrorism, climate change, discrimination against women, and more
Wikipedia - -- Website
Wikipedia - Muxlim -- Website
Wikipedia - Mxtabs -- 1999-2008 American music tablature website
Wikipedia - MyAnimeList -- English-language anime and manga database website
Wikipedia - MyBroadband -- South African technology news website and forum
Wikipedia - MyFreeCams -- American adult camming website
Wikipedia - My School -- School performance monitoring website
Wikipedia - Myspace -- Social networking website
Wikipedia - Natalie (website) -- Japanese entertainment news website
Wikipedia - National Observer (Canada) -- a Canadian national journalism website
Wikipedia - Natural News -- Conspiracy theory and fake news website
Wikipedia - NatureShare -- nature website
Wikipedia - Neon Alley -- American anime streaming website
Wikipedia - Neowin -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - Netra News -- Bangladesh News website from Sweden
Wikipedia - Newgrounds -- American entertainment website
Wikipedia - Newsarama -- American website based around comic books
Wikipedia - -- Australian news website
Wikipedia - Newsela -- Educational website
Wikipedia - Newser -- American news aggregation website
Wikipedia - Newsmax -- American conservative news and opinion website
Wikipedia - NewsPunch -- Fake news website
Wikipedia - Niche (company) -- American ranking and review website
Wikipedia - Niconico -- Japanese video-sharing website
Wikipedia - -- Australian news and current events website
Wikipedia - Ning (website)
Wikipedia - -- Website for local news from New Jersey
Wikipedia - NME -- British music journalism website and former magazine
Wikipedia - Nookazon -- Fan-made website
Wikipedia - Norma Stitz -- Website entrepreneur and fetish model
Wikipedia - Nova24TV -- Slovenian television network and website
Wikipedia - NowThis News -- Media website
Wikipedia - -- Dutch news website
Wikipedia - Nyaa Torrents -- BitTorrent website
Wikipedia - Occupy Democrats -- Left-wing political Facebook page and website
Wikipedia - OkayAfrica -- Website
Wikipedia - One Music PH -- Filipino music website
Wikipedia - Online food ordering -- Process of ordering food via a website or other application
Wikipedia - Online Pornography (Commercial Basis) Regulations 2019 -- Statutory instrument intended to regulate access to pornographic websites in the UK
Wikipedia - Orkut -- Social networking website owned and operated by Google
Wikipedia - Osho Times -- Website related to the spiritual teacher Osho
Wikipedia - Our World in Data -- Website that presents data and statistics of socially relevant topics
Wikipedia - P3P -- Obsolete communications protocol allowing websites to declare their intended use of information they collect about web browser users
Wikipedia - Pakapaka -- Argentine television channel and website
Wikipedia - PanAm Post -- Libertarian news website
Wikipedia - PandoDaily -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - Pandora (streaming service) -- Music streaming and recommendation website
Wikipedia - -- Online text storage website
Wikipedia - Patch (website) -- U.S. local news and information platform
Wikipedia - Patient UK -- Website providing medical information
Wikipedia - Patreon -- American crowdfunding website created in 2013
Wikipedia - Personal website
Wikipedia - -- Website
Wikipedia - -- Defunct shopping website
Wikipedia - Photobucket -- American photo storage and image hosting website
Wikipedia - Photofeeler -- Website for photo feedback
Wikipedia - -- Science news website
Wikipedia - Piczo -- Company in San Francisco, California that ran a social networking and blogging website for teens, 2003-2012
Wikipedia - Pinkvilla -- Bollywood website
Wikipedia - Pinterest -- American photo sharing and saving website
Wikipedia - Pitchfork (website) -- Online music magazine
Wikipedia - PlainSite -- A website dedicated to legal data transparency advocacy.
Wikipedia - Planning Portal -- British government website
Wikipedia - Player FM -- podcasting discovery website and mobile application
Wikipedia - Pl@ntNet -- App and website for plant identification
Wikipedia - POF (dating website) -- Canadian online dating service
Wikipedia - PolitiFact -- American nonprofit fact-checking website
Wikipedia - Polygon (website) -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Poly (website)
Wikipedia - Popjustice -- British music website
Wikipedia - Porn 2.0 -- Pornographic websites featuring user-generated content
Wikipedia - Pornhub -- Pornographic video sharing website owned by MindGeek
Wikipedia - PornMD -- Pornographic video sharing website owned by MindGeek
Wikipedia - Portadown News -- Northern Ireland satire website
Wikipedia - -- American business website
Wikipedia - Poundit -- Filipino e-commerce website
Wikipedia - Prabhasakshi -- Indian Hindi-language news website
Wikipedia - PricePanda -- Website
Wikipedia - Professor Watchlist -- Anti-intellectual conservative website listing professors Turning Point USA disagrees with
Wikipedia - Programming languages used in most popular websites
Wikipedia - Publons -- Website for researchers to share and receive credit for peer review activity
Wikipedia - Pundit Arena -- Irish sports website
Wikipedia - Quackwatch -- American alternative medicine watchdog website focusing on quackery
Wikipedia - Quartz (website)
Wikipedia - -- Video-streaming website where multiple people can remotely browse and watch the same content in real-time
Wikipedia - Radar Online -- American entertainment and gossip website
Wikipedia - -- E-commerce website
Wikipedia - Rantic -- Social media marketing website
Wikipedia - Rappler -- News website company in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Rapture Ready -- Evangelical Christian website that argues that the rapture will occur in the near future and tracks real-world events supposedly foretold in the Bible
Wikipedia - ReadWrite -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - -- Real estate website
Wikipedia - Rebel News -- Canadian far-right political and social commentary media website
Wikipedia - Recode -- American technology news website
Wikipedia - Reddit -- US social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website
Wikipedia - Redfish (website) -- Redfish (website)
Wikipedia - -- Indian news and entertainment website
Wikipedia - Rekhta (website) -- Nonprofit organization in India
Wikipedia - Reparations (website) -- Website devoted to cause of compensation for the descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Wikipedia - Requiem Survey (website) -- music list website
Wikipedia - Review site -- Website on which reviews can be posted about people, businesses, products, or services
Wikipedia - -- Obituary website in Ireland
Wikipedia - RocketMail -- Defunct free webmail website
Wikipedia - Rock, Paper, Shotgun -- Video game website and blog
Wikipedia - -- film review website
Wikipedia - Roll20 -- Website for playing tabletop roleplaying games
Wikipedia - -- Shock website active from 1996 to 2012
Wikipedia - Rounds (website) -- Social networking website
Wikipedia - Rubikon (website) -- German online magazine
Wikipedia - Rue89 -- French news website
Wikipedia - Rumble (website)
Wikipedia - Runrunes -- Venezuelan news and opinion website
Wikipedia - Rutter Group -- American legal website
Wikipedia - Rutube -- Website
Wikipedia - Ryze -- Social networking website
Wikipedia - Salon (website)
Wikipedia - SceneOne -- Defunct television channel and website in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - School website
Wikipedia - Science-Based Medicine -- Website covering issues in science and medicine, focusing on quackery
Wikipedia - ScienceDaily -- American news website
Wikipedia - ScienceDirect -- Website providing subscription-based access to a database of scientific and medical research
Wikipedia - SciFiNow -- British website and defunct magazine on speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Sci-Hub -- Scientific research paper file sharing website
Wikipedia - -- United Kingdom business directory website
Wikipedia - Scraper site -- Type of website
Wikipedia - Screenonline -- Website about the history of British film, television and social history
Wikipedia - Screen Rant -- Entertainment news website
Wikipedia - SDxCentral -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - Serious Eats -- Food enthusiast website and blog
Wikipedia - Shacknews -- Video game website
Wikipedia - Sharesome -- Cypriot adult social media website
Wikipedia - Shelfari -- Defunct social cataloging website for books
Wikipedia - Sherdog -- Mixed martial arts website
Wikipedia - Shock site -- Website intended to offend and disgust its viewers
Wikipedia - Shodan (website) -- American web search engine
Wikipedia - Silicon Republic -- Irish technology website
Wikipedia - SimilarWeb -- Provider of website rankings and analytics
Wikipedia - Simply Hired -- Employment website
Wikipedia - Sina Weibo -- Chinese microblogging website
Wikipedia - SkyscraperCity -- Website
Wikipedia - Slap (magazine) -- Skate magazine and later website
Wikipedia - Slashdot effect -- increase in traffic caused by a popular website linking to a smaller website
Wikipedia - Slashdot -- Technology-related news website
Wikipedia - -- Technology news website (defunct)
Wikipedia - Snag (website) -- American staffing company
Wikipedia - Snapguide -- IOS application and website for user generated step-by-step how-to guides
Wikipedia - Snoqualmie Valley Record -- Newspaper and website reporting on the Snoqualmie Valley
Wikipedia - Social Blade -- American website
Wikipedia - Social media marketing -- Use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service
Wikipedia - Social news website -- Kind of web service
Wikipedia - -- Spanish software hosting website founded in 1997
Wikipedia - SOHH -- Hip hop news website
Wikipedia - Something Awful -- US internet culture website
Wikipedia - Songfacts -- Music-oriented website
Wikipedia - Soompi -- Website
Wikipedia - Soundtrack.Net -- Website
Wikipedia - SourceFed -- Former YouTube channel and news website
Wikipedia - Southern AIDS Living Quilt -- website
Wikipedia - SpaceNews -- American magazine and website
Wikipedia - SparkNotes -- Study guide website
Wikipedia - Sperling's BestPlaces -- Website
Wikipedia - Sphere (Website)
Wikipedia - Spinner (website)
Wikipedia - Splinter News -- news and opinion website
Wikipedia - Sporting News -- U.S.-based sports news website and former publication
Wikipedia - Sportskeeda -- Indian sports website founded in 2009
Wikipedia - Sports Reference -- Company which operates several sports-related websites
Wikipedia - Sputnikmusic -- American music criticism website launched in 2005
Wikipedia - Square Meal -- Website and smartphone app with reviews of London and UK restaurants and bars
Wikipedia - Stack Overflow (website)
Wikipedia - Stack Overflow -- Website hosting questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming
Wikipedia - Stand News -- Hong Kong non-profit online news website
Wikipedia - StarWipe -- Defunct celebrity gossip satirical website
Wikipedia - State (website)
Wikipedia - Stat (website) -- American health-oriented news website
Wikipedia - Steam Spy -- website tracking video game sales
Wikipedia - Steemit -- A blockchain-based blogging and social media website.
Wikipedia - Stickam -- Live-streaming video website
Wikipedia - Stiff Jab -- Mixed martial arts websites
Wikipedia - Stop Mandatory Vaccination -- Anti-vaccination website and Facebook group
Wikipedia - Stormfront (website) -- First major racial hate website, known for white supremacy, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial
Wikipedia - Streetlife (website)
Wikipedia - Stuff (website) -- A New Zealand news website
Wikipedia - StyleGAN -- Website
Wikipedia - Subpage -- Lower level page in a website
Wikipedia - Superbad (website) -- Internet art created by Ben Benjamin in 1997
Wikipedia - SuperMoney -- Online financial advice website and financial comparison platform
Wikipedia - Surface web -- Websites and pages easily accessible to user agents
Wikipedia - -- Polish healthcare website
Wikipedia - Sysinternals -- Microsoft website offering diagnostic tools for Windows
Wikipedia - Tagged (website)
Wikipedia - Talking Points Memo -- American politics website
Wikipedia - Tamil Rockers -- BitTorrent website
Wikipedia - Taobao -- Chinese website for online shopping
Wikipedia - -- Resource website
Wikipedia - TechCrunch -- Technology news website owned by Verizon Media
Wikipedia - TechEngage -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - Tech in Asia -- Singaporean technology website
Wikipedia - TEDxLagos -- Website
Wikipedia - Teleshkronja Post -- news and media website in Kosovo
Wikipedia - Template talk:Commerce-website-stub
Wikipedia - Template talk:Website-stub
Wikipedia - Tencent Animation and Comics -- Animation and comics website
Wikipedia - Tencent Video -- Chinese video streaming website
Wikipedia - Tencent Weibo -- Chinese microblogging website
Wikipedia - Tenor (website) -- Search engine
Wikipedia - The Arts Desk -- British arts journalism website
Wikipedia - The A.V. Club -- Online newspaper and entertainment website
Wikipedia - The Aviation Herald -- Aviation accident and incident news website
Wikipedia - The Awl -- Defunct website focused on news and culture
Wikipedia - The Babylon Bee -- Satirical website
Wikipedia - The Balance (website) -- Website
Wikipedia - The Best Page in the Universe -- Website
Wikipedia - The Bolton News -- Daily newspaper and news website in northwestern England
Wikipedia - The Bulwark (website) -- news and opinion website
Wikipedia - The College Fix -- American conservative news website
Wikipedia - The Conversation (website) -- network of not-for-profit news media outlets
Wikipedia - The Daily Beast -- American progressive opinion website focused on politics and pop culture
Wikipedia - The Daily Bonnet -- Mennonite satire website
Wikipedia - The Daily Caller -- right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - The Daily Stormer -- American neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board website
Wikipedia - The Daily Wire -- American news and opinion website
Wikipedia - The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows -- Website and web video series about made-up words to describe emotions
Wikipedia - The Erotic Review -- Escort review website
Wikipedia - The Federalist (website) -- American conservative online magazine and podcast
Wikipedia - TheForce.Net -- Star Wars news website
Wikipedia - The Futon Critic -- American television website
Wikipedia - The Green Guide -- An American lifestyle publication and website
Wikipedia - -- British news and media website owned by the Guardian Media Group
Wikipedia - The Hard Times -- Satirical website
Wikipedia - The Hill (newspaper) -- Political newspaper and website based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - The Hollywood Reporter -- American magazine and website focusing on the Hollywood entertainment industry
Wikipedia - The Inquirer -- British technology tabloid website
Wikipedia - The Insider (website) -- Investigative journalism website
Wikipedia - The International House of Mojo -- Gaming fan website
Wikipedia - The Internet Pilot to Physics -- Historical website
Wikipedia - The Knot Atlas -- Encyclopedic website dedicated to knot theory
Wikipedia - The Memory Hole (website) -- Web archive
Wikipedia - The Million Dollar Homepage -- Website
Wikipedia - Them (website) -- American online LGBT magazine
Wikipedia - The Next Web -- Technology and business website and conference
Wikipedia - The Nine Planets -- Website
Wikipedia - The Now (newspaper) -- Canadian news websites
Wikipedia - The Numbers (website) -- Website which tracks film box office revenue
Wikipedia - The Outline (website)
Wikipedia - The Players' Tribune -- Sports journalism website providing content written by professional athletes
Wikipedia - The Points Guy -- American travel website and blog
Wikipedia - The Poke -- British satirical website
Wikipedia - The Political Compass -- website offering a political self-test
Wikipedia - ThePrint -- Indian news website
Wikipedia - The Progressive -- American political magazine and website.
Wikipedia - The Published Reporter -- Online news and opinion website
Wikipedia - The Quint -- English and Hindi language Indian news website
Wikipedia - The Register -- British technology news and opinion website
Wikipedia - The Ringer (website) -- American sports and pop culture website
Wikipedia - The Romp (website) -- Entertainment website
Wikipedia - -- US financial news and financial literacy website
Wikipedia - The Tribune (San Luis Obispo) -- Daily broadsheet newspaper and news website in California
Wikipedia - The Tyee -- Canadian news, opinion, and analysis website
Wikipedia - The Undefeated (website) -- Sports and pop culture website owned and operated by ESPN
Wikipedia - The Upshot -- Website published by the New York Times
Wikipedia - The Vancouver Observer -- Canadian news websites
Wikipedia - The Verge (website)
Wikipedia - The Verge -- American technology news and media website operated by Vox Media
Wikipedia - The Wire (India) -- Indian news website
Wikipedia - The Worry Website -- 2003 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - TheWrap -- American entertainment and media news website
Wikipedia - TheyWorkForYou -- Website by mySociety that monitors the four parliaments in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - ThinkProgress -- American news website owned by the Center for American Progress
Wikipedia - Thought Catalog -- American website
Wikipedia - Thumbtack (website) -- American online marketplace
Wikipedia - Tibet Sun -- Tibetan news website
Wikipedia - Tidbits -- Apple Inc. news website and newsletter
Wikipedia - Time (magazine) -- American news magazine and website based in New York City
Wikipedia - Tinychat -- Online chat website
Wikipedia - Tiny Mix Tapes -- Website
Wikipedia - TinyPic -- Former free image hosting website
Wikipedia - TM-CM-*tes a claques -- French-Canadian comedy website
Wikipedia - TMZ -- American celebrity tabloid news website based in Los Angeles.
Wikipedia - TooXclusive -- Nigerian music website
Wikipedia - -- An American soccer website
Wikipedia - Tortoise Media -- British news website
Wikipedia - Townhall -- American conservative website, print magazine, and radio news service owned by Salem Media Group
Wikipedia - Trackback -- Protocol for a website to notify another about an update
Wikipedia - -- Website for translating free software
Wikipedia - Travelstart -- African online travel booking website
Wikipedia - Travel website -- A website that is dedicated to travel reviews, trip fares, or a combination
Wikipedia - TreeHugger -- U.S.-based sustainability website
Wikipedia - Tudou -- Chinese video-sharing website headquartered in Shanghai
Wikipedia - Tumblr -- American microblogging and social networking website
Wikipedia - Tunefind -- Website index of music featured in TV and movies
Wikipedia - TVARK -- Website for TV broadcast archives with sound, video clips and images
Wikipedia - -- Website
Wikipedia - TVLine -- Website devoted to information about television programs
Wikipedia - Typosquatting -- Form of cybersquatting which relies on mistakes when inputting a website address
Wikipedia - Ubuntu Wiki (community-edited website)
Wikipedia - UDisc -- Mobile disc golf app and website
Wikipedia - UK Web Archive -- Project to archive UK websites
Wikipedia - Uncyclopedia -- Satirical website that parodies Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Uniform Map -- Taiwanese school uniform website
Wikipedia - Universo HQ -- Brazilian comic-related news website
Wikipedia - Unpakt -- Comparative pricing and booking website for moving services
Wikipedia - Unsplash -- copyright-free stock photography website
Wikipedia - Upcoming -- Social event calendar website
Wikipedia - Uproxx -- Entertainment and pop culture news website
Wikipedia - Upworthy -- Website dedicated to positive storytelling (started March 2012)
Wikipedia - Uriminzokkiri -- North Korean news website
Wikipedia - Usage data -- Data about the usage of a website
Wikipedia - Use of social network websites in investigations
Wikipedia - User revolt -- Users of a website collectively and openly protest a website host's or administrator's instructions for using the website
Wikipedia - -- Website of in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Vaccine Safety Net -- Network of medical information websites
Wikipedia - VDARE -- American alt-right white nationalist website opposing immigration to the United States
Wikipedia - Venezuelanalysis -- website supporting the Bolivarian Revolution
Wikipedia - VentureBeat -- American technology news and analysis website based in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Verywell -- Website
Wikipedia - Vessel (website)
Wikipedia - Veterans Today -- Fake news website
Wikipedia - VGChartz -- Video game sales tracking website
Wikipedia - VG-lista -- Norwegian music website
Wikipedia - Viki (streaming service) -- American video streaming website
Wikipedia - VirusTotal -- Cybersecurity website owned by Alphabet Inc.
Wikipedia - Vox (website) -- American news and opinion website owned by Vox Media
Wikipedia - VWorker -- Employment website for freelancers
Wikipedia - Vyond -- Website
Wikipedia - W3Schools -- Web development information website
Wikipedia - WagJag -- Online deals website
Wikipedia - Wagtail (CMS) -- Website content management system
Wikipedia - WalletHub -- Personal finance website
Wikipedia - Wall Street Survivor -- Finance education website
Wikipedia - Wargamer (website) -- Web site specializing in war and strategy gaming
Wikipedia - Washington Examiner -- American conservative political journalism website and magazine based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Watching America -- Online news website
Wikipedia - Waterford Whispers News -- Irish satire news website
Wikipedia - Web content -- Content encountered as part of the user experience on websites
Wikipedia - Web design -- Creation and maintenance of websites
Wikipedia - Web hosting service -- Service for hosting websites
Wikipedia - Webmaster -- Person responsible for maintaining one or many websites
Wikipedia - Web scraping -- Data scraping used for extracting data from websites
Wikipedia - Website accessibility
Wikipedia - Website defacement
Wikipedia - Website localization
Wikipedia - Website mirroring software
Wikipedia - Websites blocked in India -- Websites that are blocked in India due to the IT Act 2000
Wikipedia - Website spoofing -- Creating a website, as a hoax, with the intention of misleading readers
Wikipedia - Websites
Wikipedia - Website -- Set of related web pages served from a single web domain
Wikipedia - Website wireframe
Wikipedia - Web syndication -- Broadcasting content from one website to other sites
Wikipedia - Web tracking -- Collection of information regarding user usage by websites.
Wikipedia - WhatCulture -- Entertainment news website
Wikipedia - What They Play -- Video game website
Wikipedia - -- Former adult entertainment website
Wikipedia - -- Parody website
Wikipedia - WhoSampled -- Website cataloging sampling in music
Wikipedia - -- Website created by Clifford A. Pickover that promises to permanently record a snapshot of the "best of the Wikipedia rejects"
Wikipedia - WikiFeet -- Foot fetish photo-sharing website
Wikipedia - WikiHow -- Wiki-based how-to website
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:External links/Perennial websites -- List of websites that editors frequently discuss on Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Websites -- WikiProject improving the quality and quantity of websites-related Wikipedia articles
Wikipedia - Wikipediocracy -- Website for discussion and criticism of Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikitravel -- Collaborative wiki travel website
Wikipedia - WikiTree -- Genealogy website
Wikipedia - WikiTribune -- For-profit, user-curated news website
Wikipedia - Wiki -- Type of website that visitors can edit
Wikipedia - WikiWikiWeb -- First user-editable website
Wikipedia - Wired (website)
Wikipedia - -- Website
Wikipedia - Women Are Boring -- Online academic news website
Wikipedia - Women in Refrigerators -- Website analyzing comic book trope of female injury or death
Wikipedia - -- Online retailer and website of Woolworths Group (UK)
Wikipedia - WorldNetDaily -- American far-right news and opinion website
Wikipedia - Worldometer -- Reference website for real-time statistics
Wikipedia - World Tibet News -- Tibetan news website
Wikipedia - Worth1000 -- Website
Wikipedia - WrestleCrap -- Professional wrestling website
Wikipedia - Wretch (website)
Wikipedia - WWNLive -- Professional wrestling promotion and online streaming website
Wikipedia - Xconomy -- Technology news website
Wikipedia - XHamster -- Cypriot pornographic video sharing website
Wikipedia - XVideos -- Pornographic video sharing website
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Auctions -- Online auction website in Asia
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Cricket -- Cricket-related website hosted and administered by Yahoo! India
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Maps -- Website
Wikipedia - Yahoo Sports -- Sports news website
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Travel -- Defunct travel website
Wikipedia - Y'all Politics -- Mississippi political website
Wikipedia - Ynet -- Israeli news and general content website
Wikipedia - Youku -- Website
Wikipedia - YouPorn -- Free pornographic video sharing website
Wikipedia - Youth Ki Awaaz -- Indian social justice youth media website
Wikipedia - YouTube copyright strike -- Website policy action
Wikipedia - YugaTech -- Website in the Philippines
Wikipedia - ZDNet -- business technology news website
Wikipedia - Zillow -- American real estate website
Wikipedia - -- Single-serving website
Wikipedia - Zone-H -- Archive of defaced websites
Wikipedia - Zug (website) -- Defunct comedy website
Wikipedia - Zyro -- Website builder and e-commerce platform
Integral World - Integral World - About this Website
Integral World - Visitors to the Integral World website
selforum - integral politics website books
wiki.auroville - Integration_of_Auroville's_Websites
Dharmapedia - Category:Websites
Psychology Wiki - Integral_thought#Websites
Psychology Wiki - Website
Psychology Wiki - Websites_for_psychologists
media class:website
Darkstalkers (1995 - 1995) - I know that this cartoon inspired by the capcom arcade game exist until I saw it in another website. It used to come on UPN in 1995 but I don't know what day,probably on the weekend, and the characters that were there I believe were Demitri, Morrigan, L.Rapter, Victor, Anakaris, Hsien-Ko, J.Talbain...
Butlers: Chitose Momotose Monogatari (2018 - Current) - (Butlers, "Butlers: A Millennium Century Story") is a Japanese anime television series produced by Silver Link. The series aired from April 12 to June 28, 2018. A manga adaptation began serialization on the Comic Newtype website in January 2018.The anime series is directed by Ken Takahashi a...
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless (2016 - Current) - an ongoing Japanese slice of life comedy shnen web manga series written and illustrated by Nozomi Uda. It's published by Square Enix, with serialization on Gangan Online website and with twelve volumes released, as of March 2019. An anime adaptation by Silver Link aired from April 9 to June 25, 201...
Yurikuma Arashi (2015 - Current) - lit. "Lily Bear Storm"[2][3]) is a Japanese yuri anime television series produced by Silver Link and directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara. The series was first announced via a website in August 2012, where it was referred to as the "Kunihiko Ikuhara/Penguinbear Project." The series first aired in Japan betw...
Candy Boy (2007 - 2009) - an eight-minute original net animation produced by Anime International Company, and directed by Takafumi Hoshikawa.[1] Since November 22, 2007, the ONA is available through streaming on the Cho! animelo audiovisual website and the Nico Nico Douga online video service.[1] This was followed by a seven...
Idolmaster: Xenoglossia (2007 - Current) - a 26-episode anime television series by Sunrise, based on the Namco Bandai Games series The Idolmaster.[1] It aired between April 4 and September 24, 2007 on Kansai TV and various other UHF television stations. The series was also broadcast over the Internet on the Japanese website @nifty. The serie...
PC4U (1996 - 1997) - The Weekly Educational Show hosted By Kids Natalie Gauci and Nicolas Romney. Explore the Computer's Functions, Helpful Internet Websites, latest CD-ROM releases, A look into the Business World, go Behind the Scenes, and much much more.
Super Bowl Greatest Commercials (2001 - Current) - Every year right before the big game, CBS hosts a special where viewers get to vote on the greatest Super Bowl Commercials of the past 20 years. Originally cast via the website, the special has allowed viewers to comment via social media to vote for their favorite commercial in more recent y...
Perfect Blue(1998) - Pop star Mima Kirigoe decides to quit the J-Pop band "CHAM!" in pursuit of her dream in becoming an actress. After this many of her fans reject her new career and it leads her to obtain a stalker (named "Me-Mania") who runs a website "Mima's Room" which contains loads of personal information. At fir...
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2(2016) - 15 years later, Toula's married life is in shambles as the family has lost every business except the restaurant. Their daughter Paris wants to leave for college but feel smothered by her family. meanwhile Gus wants to prove himself as a descendent of Alexander the Great but the ancestry website show...
The Intern(2015) - A retired successful business owner and widower (Robert De Niro) lands an internship at a fashion website run by a young, career-driven woman (Anne Hathaway) in this Warner Bros. comedy from writer/director Nancy Meyers
Coffee Town (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Comedy | 9 July 2013 (USA) -- A website manager enlists the help of his two friends in order to convince the owners of his favorite coffee shop -- which doubles as his office -- not to turn their business into a bar. Director: Brad Copeland Writer:'s_Books_Wiki:Websites'_Websites's_Room_(website)!
009 Re:Cyborg -- -- Production I.G, SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- 009 Re:Cyborg 009 Re:Cyborg -- Nine regular humans from different parts of the world are abducted and transformed into cyborgs with astounding powers for the purpose of being used as weapons. The nine cyborgs rebel and start to fight against their creators in the name of justice and world peace. Decades later, the nine cyborgs seem to be untouched by time, but they live in a world where "justice" has as many nuances as the number of people living on the planet. What is their place in the world now? -- -- "In the beginning was the Voice, and the word was Him; and all obeyed His word in great awe. But those who dwelt upon the land, through vanity, cunning and greed, attempted to build a multitude of towers whose tops reached unto heaven, and accumulated great wealth on earth. Scattering across the land and laying it to waste, man turned a deaf ear to His Voice. So He gave unto man an opportunity to atone for his misdeeds; and flame and smoke and the roar of a lion descended upon earth; and shattered the many towers to dust...." -- -- (Source: Production I.G Official Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NYAV Post -- Movie - Oct 27, 2012 -- 14,174 6.51
Anomalies -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Anomalies Anomalies -- We try to enrich ourselves through prayer, faith and devotion to someone or something "other." Similarly, we believe in the existence of "anomalies," such as unknowable and uncontrollable monsters. But can such beliefs advance us? -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Special - ??? ??, 2013 -- 699 4.59
Another World -- -- Graphinica -- 3 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Another World Another World -- The official website for Tomohiko Itou's original film Hello World announced on Thursday that it will receive a three-part spin-off, Another World, beginning before the film's September 20 premiere. The first episode, titled "Record 2027," will stream on Hikari TV Channel+ on September 13, followed by the second—"Record 2032"—on September 27 and the third—"Record 2036"—on October 4. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Sep 13, 2019 -- 19,761 7.12
A Woman in a Fashion Building -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- A Woman in a Fashion Building A Woman in a Fashion Building -- Desire, delusions and a reality of a woman who came to a fashion building. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- -- Movie - ??? ??, 2015 -- 383 4.63
Bakugan: Battle Planet -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Game Fantasy -- Bakugan: Battle Planet Bakugan: Battle Planet -- The series follows pre-teens Dan Kouzo, Shun Kazami, Wynton Styles, Lia Venegas, and their dog Lightning. They are known as the "Awesome Ones" and make videos on the website ViewTube. Eventually, they stumble across a race of battling biomechanical creatures called Bakugan. They soon befriend the Bakugan and begin to battle each other with them, all while defending their neighborhood from thugs who use the Bakugan for malicious purposes. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 4,235 5.53
Bobunemimimmi Specials -- -- - -- 2 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Parody Dementia -- Bobunemimimmi Specials Bobunemimimmi Specials -- The official website for the Pop Team Epic anime announced on Monday that the series' Bobunemimimmi (Bob Epic Team) segments will be compiled into a standalone Blu-ray Disc release. The release will include all 22 previously released segments by the production team AC-bu, plus two new segments, a "high speed kamishibai (paper theater) collection" of the "Hellshake Yano" segment, and original stickers. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Sep 15, 2018 -- 2,171 5.74
Cannon Busters -- -- Satelight, Yumeta Company -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Mecha -- Cannon Busters Cannon Busters -- Follow the adventures and exploits of S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who's joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, the unlikely trio embarks on an unforgettable journey in a fantastic and dangerous world in search of S.A.M's best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege. -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- ONA - Aug 15, 2019 -- 27,533 6.47
City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Shounen -- City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes -- Ryo Saeba is the top "City Hunter" around and he takes on cases with his partner Kaori. A model named Ai Shindo has been attacked and hires him to be her bodyguard. Shinji Mikuni, the president of an IT company that has hired Ai for its ad campaign, turns out to be an old friend of Kaori, and they become involved. Meanwhile, mercenaries are gathering in Shinjuku... and a major arms dealer arrives in Japan with a new weapon, but with Mikuni in the picture, Ryo and Kaori are growing apart... -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Feb 8, 2019 -- 8,074 7.42
Count Down -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Count Down Count Down -- A promotional video of the exhibition 'ArtPath 2011' by Tokyo University of the Arts Musical Creativity and the Environment. The excitement before ArtPath starts. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 723 4.19
Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Mecha Shounen -- Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari -- Kazuki Yotsuga is your regular average nerd in high-school, except he isn't smart. He has this website which relates to his visions that only he can see. His vision's are about robots who keep fighting each other battle after battle. One day he is sent to a, "parallel world" where these visions exist and he joins a company to fight back against the devious RaRa, who want to take over the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 8, 1999 -- 15,430 7.09
Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Mecha Shounen -- Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari -- Kazuki Yotsuga is your regular average nerd in high-school, except he isn't smart. He has this website which relates to his visions that only he can see. His vision's are about robots who keep fighting each other battle after battle. One day he is sent to a, "parallel world" where these visions exist and he joins a company to fight back against the devious RaRa, who want to take over the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 8, 1999 -- 15,430 7.09
Fue -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Dementia -- Fue Fue -- Based on a poem by Sakutaro Hagiwara. A child and an adult have different troubles. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 548 4.26
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials -- To mark the July 2 opening of the Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos film, the Pia Eiga Seikatsu website posted an exclusive video "interview" with the stars of the film, Edward and Alphonse Elric (as voiced by Romi Park and Rie Kugimiya, respectively). In keeping with the spirit of Hiromu Arakawa's original manga and the two television anime, the interviewer has trouble early on in figuring out who the "Fullmetal Alchemist" is. (The interview has cameos by the other stars of the anime.) Also includes 3 "Study" sessions with "Professor" Mustang, teaching Winry and Hawkeye about Creta and Milos. -- ONA - Jun 10, 2011 -- 19,933 6.95
Gundam Build Divers -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Gundam Build Divers Gundam Build Divers -- Gunpla Battle Nexus Online (GBN) is a new network game that lets people enjoy a variety of missions using Gunpla in a virtual cyberspace dimension. Middle-school students Riku Mikami and Yukio Hidaka recruit their classmate Momoka Yashiro and dive together into this vast world. Becoming "Divers," or inhabitants of GBN, they meet a mysterious girl named Sarah who has an amazing sensitivity to Gunpla. They begin playing alongside her, but... -- -- There are many other famous Divers, starting with Kyoya Kujo, the champion whom Riku admires. Multiple Divers can join to form a team called a "force." Meanwhile, the game is disrupted by Mass-Divers who use unofficial tools called break decals. Through many encounters and experiences, Riku and his friends will build not only Gunpla, but their own adventures as well! -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- 22,014 6.29
Idea ga Tsukamaranai. -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Idea ga Tsukamaranai. Idea ga Tsukamaranai. -- A man is racking himself at a desk. On his desk there is a tiny man also racking himself at his desk.The big man remains still without any idea. The tiny man moves around in vain trying to catch some idea, which is supposed to be inside of him. Both man get cornered searching for idea, become desperate and after the daybreak the big man is struck by an idea... -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 196 N/A -- -- Miracle -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Miracle Miracle -- Music video directed by Shunji Iwai for the song Miracle by illion, Youjirou Noda's solo project, in the album "P.Y.L." -- Music - Nov 3, 2016 -- 196 N/A -- -- Shinrabanshou.mp3 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Shinrabanshou.mp3 Shinrabanshou.mp3 -- Space Shower TV Station ID directed by Wataru Uekusa, with music by sasakure.UK. -- Special - Feb 22, 2018 -- 196 N/A -- -- I Want Nothing -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- I Want Nothing I Want Nothing -- Music video for I Want Nothing by The Black Ghosts. -- Music - Apr 10, 2008 -- 194 5.34
Initial D Fourth Stage -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Sports Drama Seinen -- Initial D Fourth Stage Initial D Fourth Stage -- Takumi Fujiwara finally joins Ryousuke and Keisuke Takahashi to create "Project D." Their goal is twofold: Ryousuke wants to develop his "High-Speed Street Racing Theory," while Keisuke and Takumi aim at improving their driving skills by facing powerful opponents on dangerous roads. The idea of Project D is to challenge street racing teams from other prefectures to improve both their uphill and downhill records. In order to attract the attention of the best racing teams, Ryousuke creates a dedicated website to announce the future battles of Project D and post the team's results. -- -- The fourth season of Initial D details the hardships and successes of the members of Project D as they try to become the best street racing team outside of Gunma Prefecture. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 17, 2004 -- 123,589 8.14
Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Fantasy -- Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- An unprecedented media show is on air at a TV broadcasting studio. The show is asking people whether a spider that drove an assemblyman crazy should be publicly executed or not. The spider in question is Je Bul-chal(meaning 'my mistake'), a hardworking young individual who became 'an ear cleaner' because of a precious memory he holds concerning his sister. In order to take a poll about his execution, the story of how Mr. Sorry became a spider is gradually revealed. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2009 -- 471 5.81
Jigoku Shoujo -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Jigoku Shoujo -- Have you heard of Hell Correspondence? Those with a powerful grudge may only access this mysterious website at midnight, allowing them to enter anyone's name and have that person be ferried straight to hell. Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, will not judge whether or not the chosen target deserves punishment; she will merely exact revenge on them for you. Not much is known about this young girl other than that she swiftly carries out her tasks with the help of three straw dolls. There is just one catch, however—as payment for carrying out such a request, the user must condemn themselves to an afterlife in hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2005 -- 293,601 7.64
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- 89,990 7.65
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 89,990 7.65
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- 46,390 6.56
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 46,390 6.56
Kairaku no Sono -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia Music -- Kairaku no Sono Kairaku no Sono -- A study for the relation between movements and music. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2008 -- 598 4.57
Kakari -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Kakari Kakari -- A clerk has his own duty. A clerk does his own work. This is what a clerk should do. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 409 4.64
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Vongola Family Soutoujou! Vongola Shiki Shuugakuryokou, Kuru!! -- -- Artland -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Vongola Family Soutoujou! Vongola Shiki Shuugakuryokou, Kuru!! Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Vongola Family Soutoujou! Vongola Shiki Shuugakuryokou, Kuru!! -- An internet-only stand-alone special episode of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! on the Shounen-Jump website, where the main characters go to various tourist spots in Japan. It will be made available on DVD in July 2010, and extra scenes will be included. -- ONA - Mar ??, 2010 -- 26,429 7.58
Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru -- Everything is liquid in this world, like the mayonnaise. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 482 4.52
Kuchao -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Kuchao Kuchao -- The primary schoolboy "Kuchao" is hated person in his class. Even if everyone fly balloons, only he doesn't part with his it. When he immediately begins to chew a bubble gum, he enter the imagination world after school. When his balloon becomes the face and begins to chew a bubble gum, it changes into various things. His imagination makes rapid progress more. Then, the bird approaches while flying and... -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 776 5.14
Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Parody Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji II Specials Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- According to the Kuroshitsuji website, there are 6 OVAs included in the DVD releases. -- -- DVD 2: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 1) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 3: Welcome to the Phantomhive's -- This is meant to be like a simulation game. Elizabeth invites a lady (perhaps the viewer) to join her at a ball held at the Phantomhive mansion. -- -- DVD 5: The Making of Kuroshitsuji II -- This is a Hollywood style documentary with behind the scenes interviews with Sebastian, Ciel, Claude and Alois etc. -- -- DVD 6: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 2) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 8: The Tale of William the Shinigami -- William and Grell have to train new shinigami and reminisce about when they were training partners. -- -- DVD 9: The Spider's Intention -- The life in Trancy household and how those work under Alois is caring for him. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Oct 27, 2010 -- 103,888 7.46
Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Parody Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji II Specials Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- According to the Kuroshitsuji website, there are 6 OVAs included in the DVD releases. -- -- DVD 2: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 1) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 3: Welcome to the Phantomhive's -- This is meant to be like a simulation game. Elizabeth invites a lady (perhaps the viewer) to join her at a ball held at the Phantomhive mansion. -- -- DVD 5: The Making of Kuroshitsuji II -- This is a Hollywood style documentary with behind the scenes interviews with Sebastian, Ciel, Claude and Alois etc. -- -- DVD 6: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 2) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 8: The Tale of William the Shinigami -- William and Grell have to train new shinigami and reminisce about when they were training partners. -- -- DVD 9: The Spider's Intention -- The life in Trancy household and how those work under Alois is caring for him. -- Special - Oct 27, 2010 -- 103,888 7.46
Kyousou Giga -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga Kyousou Giga -- It's Kyoto, and yet it is not. -- -- A microcosm of peculiar origins, "Mirror Kyoto." -- -- A small incident causes a young girl, Koto, to wander into this world. -- -- She runs into a mysterious monk, gets chased around by a tech-obsessed girl, and heartily enjoys her chaotic and colorful new life, but meanwhile, out of sight, a certain plan is being set into motion... -- -- In this mysterious city where spirits and humans have been thrown together, the festivities are about to begin! -- -- (Source: translated from the official website by lygerzero0zero) -- ONA - Dec 1, 2011 -- 41,778 6.94
Learn to Love -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Learn to Love Learn to Love -- "Someone loves you whether you know it or not." -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1999 -- 199 N/A -- -- Ring Ring Boy -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Ring Ring Boy Ring Ring Boy -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1963 -- 199 N/A -- -- Time on the Planet -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Time on the Planet Time on the Planet -- The sun rises in one place and the sun sets in another. -- When a woman's hair grows up, a man shaves off her elongated beard. -- Even if the time is different, the time passes in the same way anywhere. -- The earth turns and the sun rises again. -- -- Each of the frames has a structure that loops indefinitely. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Special - ??? ??, 2016 -- 199 5.27
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha Shounen -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet -- What was the tragedy that decided the fates of Char Aznable, the man later nicknamed the "Red Comet" as an ace pilot of the Zeon forces, and his sister Sayla Mass? -- -- The two siblings' journeys, brought on by the sudden death of their father Zeon Zum Deikun who was a leader of the Spacenoids, are depicted in the four episodes of "Chronicle of Char and Sayla." -- -- The Zabi family who seize control of Side 3 and lead the Principality of Zeon, the early days of many renowned Zeon ace pilots who later fight in the One Year War, the secrets of mobile suit development, conflicts with the Earth Federation Forces, and the road leading to the outbreak of war—all will be revealed. -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- -- Note: A re-edited TV version of the six OVAs released from 2015 through 2018. -- TV - Apr 29, 2019 -- 11,990 8.09
Moonrise -- -- Wit Studio -- ? eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Moonrise Moonrise -- "Moonrise" will portray the lives of two men, Jack and Al, as they confront various hardships in the vast world of outer space. -- -- (Source: Amazon) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,147 N/A -- -- Mugen Kouro -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Space -- Mugen Kouro Mugen Kouro -- The software developers Platinum Games and Sega have scheduled their Mugen Kōro - Infinite Space science-fiction roleplaying game for the Nintendo DS portable console next spring and announced the October launch of animated short films for the project. The game centers around Yūrī, a young man who journeys across lawless space and becomes a spaceship captain. The animation studios GONZO and Production I.G are producing short movies to promote the game and develop its world and storyline. The first of the movies will premiere at the Tokyo Game Show on October 9 and then will run on the game's official website on October 17. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 9, 2008 -- 1,139 5.14
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- -- ixtl, Satelight -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- Since 1973, an invasion of aliens upon Earth known as BETA has driven human civilization to destruction. In order to defend themselves from this enormous mass of enemy force, mankind has developed large humanoid arms called Tactical Surface Fighters and deployed them to its defense lines through out the world. However, its efforts could only slow down the impending defeat, and mankind has been forced to abandon the major areas of the Eurasian Continent. For 30 years, they have been caught in an endless war against BETA without any hopes of victory. -- -- Now in 2001, Imperial Japan faces difficulties in the development of the next-generation of Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF) as it defends the front lines of the Far East. The UN has proposed a joint development program between Imperial Japan and the United States as a part of its TSF international mutual development unit, the Prominence Project. -- -- Yui Takamura (a surface pilot of the Imperial Royal Guards of Japan) is given the responsibility of the project and sets off to Alaska. Meanwhile, Yuya Bridges, also a surface pilot of the US Army, heads to the same destination. -- -- They never had any idea just how drastically their encounter would change their fates. -- -- This story of internal dilemma takes place during the development of the new Tactical Surface Fighters, the most crucial and effective weapons against BETA. And this time, the stakes are much higher than a handful of lives and our sanity. -- -- All we can do is fight. -- -- (Source: Muv-Luv Total Eclipse Official English Website, edited) -- 81,759 7.11
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- -- ixtl, Satelight -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse -- Since 1973, an invasion of aliens upon Earth known as BETA has driven human civilization to destruction. In order to defend themselves from this enormous mass of enemy force, mankind has developed large humanoid arms called Tactical Surface Fighters and deployed them to its defense lines through out the world. However, its efforts could only slow down the impending defeat, and mankind has been forced to abandon the major areas of the Eurasian Continent. For 30 years, they have been caught in an endless war against BETA without any hopes of victory. -- -- Now in 2001, Imperial Japan faces difficulties in the development of the next-generation of Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF) as it defends the front lines of the Far East. The UN has proposed a joint development program between Imperial Japan and the United States as a part of its TSF international mutual development unit, the Prominence Project. -- -- Yui Takamura (a surface pilot of the Imperial Royal Guards of Japan) is given the responsibility of the project and sets off to Alaska. Meanwhile, Yuya Bridges, also a surface pilot of the US Army, heads to the same destination. -- -- They never had any idea just how drastically their encounter would change their fates. -- -- This story of internal dilemma takes place during the development of the new Tactical Surface Fighters, the most crucial and effective weapons against BETA. And this time, the stakes are much higher than a handful of lives and our sanity. -- -- All we can do is fight. -- -- (Source: Muv-Luv Total Eclipse Official English Website, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 81,759 7.11
Nanbaka: Shusseki Bangou no Tsuita Baka-tachi! -- -- Satelight -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Action Comedy School -- Nanbaka: Shusseki Bangou no Tsuita Baka-tachi! Nanbaka: Shusseki Bangou no Tsuita Baka-tachi! -- The official website for the Nanbaka television anime announced that the "Nanfes" event in April will screen a previously unreleased anime special. -- Special - Apr 29, 2017 -- 24,315 6.88
Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Space Drama -- Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni -- A family was riding a car on their way home from a maternity hospital. Satomi and Yasunori were taking their newborn baby named "Orine" home and were filled with happy expectation. However, a sudden accident attacked them. Orine lost her parents, and she became alone. -- -- Nineteen years have passed, and she has grown up. She was pursued by the police because of an incident. She continued to escape, but Yuri Aoshima, a member of a shady organization, tried to contact her. Orine agreed to Yuri's demand, which was going to an experimental space station. Yuri will help her to escape, instead. -- -- Somehow, only Orine can enter an unmanned space station. Surprisingly, the person who was waiting for Orine was her mother, Satomi. She appeared in the similitude of her twenties. Orine was perplexed, and Yuri demanded to turn the power off of the station. Unwillingly, she started to place the shut-down device, but she believed that it will solve the mystery and help her mother. -- -- As Orine and Satomi spend time together, they made up for their lost time. Yuri's aim, Satomi's true identity, and a man called "SENSEI" who is involved in taking over the station. -- -- While the mystery deepens, Orine gets closer to the "truth"... -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Apr 12, 2014 -- 1,445 5.41
Perfect Blue -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Dementia Drama Horror Psychological -- Perfect Blue Perfect Blue -- J-pop idol group CHAM! has spent the last two years entertaining its fans. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and CHAM! must see one of its members, Mima Kirigoe, leave the group to pursue her acting career. While Mima's choice is met with a mixed response, she hopes her fans will continue to support her. -- -- However, Mima's life begins to change drastically after her departure from the group. Wanting to shed her pop-idol image, she takes on a role in a crime drama series, and her career as an actress gradually becomes more demanding and taxing for both Mima and her manager, Rumi Hidaka. To add to Mima's growing unease, an obsessed fan who is incapable of accepting that Mima has quit being an innocent idol, begins stalking her; a new anonymous website begins to impersonate her life with intricate detail; and CHAM! also appears to be doing better without her. One by one, each disturbing development drives Mima to become increasingly unhinged and unable to distinguish reality from fantasy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Feb 28, 1998 -- 423,581 8.49
PES: Peace Eco Smile -- -- Studio 4°C -- 7 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Cars Space -- PES: Peace Eco Smile PES: Peace Eco Smile -- A collaborative effort between the Japanese automaker and Japanese anime company Studio 4°C, PES: Peace Eco Smile is a new web promotional anime series that centers around PES, a traveller from space, and NaSuBi, a mysterious life-form who is enamored by the charm of Earth. The car of choice for these strangers in a new world? The Prius, particularly the Prius Liftback and Prius C hatchback. These two hybrids seem to be as much a part of this series as the two main characters are. A Lexus LFA (likely the ride of the antagonist) and the Toyota Camry hybrid also have a role to play. -- -- Each anime short in the campaign will be three to four minutes long and will be posted on Toyota's specially-dedicated website. -- -- (Source: Auto Tribute) -- ONA - May 25, 2012 -- 3,233 5.64
Sheng Shi Zhuang Niang -- -- Imagineer -- 20 eps -- Novel -- Game Historical Drama Romance Shoujo -- Sheng Shi Zhuang Niang Sheng Shi Zhuang Niang -- A beauty blogger has been sent to a VR reality game, where she has to stand firm in a catfight in boudoir. But how so? She is given numerous comestic products that she can arm herself up with. Based on the popular online novel published on the famous female-oriented online novel website "Jinjiang", this animation is strongly recommended to those who love all kinds of cosmetics. -- -- (Source: Guodong Subs) -- ONA - Jul 24, 2018 -- 3,791 6.74
Shiki Specials -- -- Daume -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller Vampire -- Shiki Specials Shiki Specials -- The official website of the Shiki television anime series confirmed on Saturday that the anime's eighth and ninth Blu-ray Disc/DVD volumes will each include an unaired episode. The eighth volume will ship with Episode 21 and the unaired episode "Dai Futatō to Han wa" (a wordplay for "Episode 20.5") on May 25, 2011, while the ninth volume will ship with Episode 22 and the unaired episode "Dai Futatō-ichi to Han wa" ("Episode 21.5") on June 22. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - May 25, 2011 -- 60,737 7.80
Shiki Specials -- -- Daume -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller Vampire -- Shiki Specials Shiki Specials -- The official website of the Shiki television anime series confirmed on Saturday that the anime's eighth and ninth Blu-ray Disc/DVD volumes will each include an unaired episode. The eighth volume will ship with Episode 21 and the unaired episode "Dai Futatō to Han wa" (a wordplay for "Episode 20.5") on May 25, 2011, while the ninth volume will ship with Episode 22 and the unaired episode "Dai Futatō-ichi to Han wa" ("Episode 21.5") on June 22. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - May 25, 2011 -- 60,737 7.80
Souiu Megane -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Souiu Megane Souiu Megane -- A material, an origin, a meaning, a value. When you have a question on glasses, let's answer "Well, that's glasses". -- Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival Best Film of The Young Jury. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2007 -- 265 5.37
Star Driver the Movie -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Shounen -- Star Driver the Movie Star Driver the Movie -- Star Driver takes place on the fictional Southern Cross Isle. One night, a boy named Takuto washes up on shore swimming from the mainland. He later enrolls in Southern Cross High School as a freshman and makes new friends. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Feb 9, 2013 -- 11,301 6.66
Swimming -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Swimming Swimming -- The short animation evokes all the awkwardness of a school swimming class. A chubby young boy, steps up reluctantly for his turn, after watching the sporty prowess of his peers. -- -- (source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2008 -- 291 5.44
Tailenders -- -- Picograph -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Cars Sci-Fi -- Tailenders Tailenders -- Tomoe Shiro, a formidable racer with a very promising career, experiments a U-turn when a serious accident puts his life at stake. He recovers miraculously though when his heart is replaced with the engine of his own racing car. However, because of that very reason, race regulations demote him to the category of a mere mechanical part of the vehicle and is deprived from the right to participate as a pilot in regular races. Only in a far away colonial planet, along with a multitude of other charismatic pilots also vetoed from participating in regular competitions, will he be given the opportunity to race for his pride and the money of the prize. And so this exciting rally starts!! -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Oct 16, 2009 -- 17,018 6.74
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen -- Animation studio Gainax presented a website for the release of a movie adaptation of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann TV series in the fall of 2008. Both the original director and series script editor will return to work on the new project. Gainax will also be hosting four events to celebrate this occasion at this year's Tokyo International Anime Fair, featuring voice actors from the anime. -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 6, 2008 -- 133,927 8.16
Tentoumushi no Otomurai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Tentoumushi no Otomurai Tentoumushi no Otomurai -- The story of the animation begins from a girl, named Eiko, mistakenly killing two ladybirds. From this incident, the girl's guilt swells up to create an illusion of seeing a button of her blouse as ladybirds, and fears for a feeling towards an existence of numerous selves in some other places. Being submerged in such continuous wave of guilt and fear, she keeps sewing hundreds of buttons to inside of her skirt. -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2006 -- 517 5.24
Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- -- - -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- After living in Transylvania for several years, "Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website calls him in English) has moved to Japan. In the Nerima Ward of Tokyo, he and his daughter, Chocola, and faithful servant Igor have taken up residence in an old-Western style house. -- -- While Chocola attends Junior High School, Earl Dracula is desperate to drink the blood of beautiful virgin women; an appropriate meal for a vampire of his stature. However, each night that Earl Dracula goes out on the prowl he finds himself getting involved in some kind of disturbance which leads to him causing various trouble for the local residents. With nobody in Japan believing in vampires, his very presence causes trouble amongst the people in town. -- TV - Apr 5, 1982 -- 1,934 6.08
The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Music Comedy Drama -- The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! -- The idols of 765 Production continue on their neverending journey—towards a new stage, towards a bright and shiny future! -- -- The girls and their producer have gone through thick and thin, and have stood face to face with all kinds of difficulties. -- -- It's time again for the girls to foster their friendship, and through great discipline, they step forward to their starry future. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Jan 25, 2014 -- 20,731 7.60
Toki-iro Kaima -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Horror Shounen -- Toki-iro Kaima Toki-iro Kaima -- Anime adaptation of the same name horror manga by Suzumiya Wayu, serialized in Shogakuan's Weekly Shonen Sunday special issue. -- OVA - Apr 20, 1989 -- 343 N/A -- -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Dementia Fantasy Horror Music Parody -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- Three 10-minute videos present a trippy view into the minds of their creators. Brought together by Pierre Taki of Denki Groove, Mechano: Scientific Attack Force features three shorts done in very different styles. -- -- The three short films are: -- -- "Plastic Gun Man" - a 3D Western spoof -- "World Meccano Triangle" - a music video reminiscent of '90s era screensavers -- "Haiirogaoka no Soridaijin" (translated as "Prime Minister of Gray Hill") - an anime-style animated video parody of Akira Mochizuki's famous 1977 manga, Yuuhi ga Oka no Souri Daijin -- OVA - Sep 1, 1995 -- 334 N/A -- -- Hwasan Golae -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Thriller -- Hwasan Golae Hwasan Golae -- In the year 2070, mankind faces a life threatening crisis due to huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Korea is in a state of anarchy and Busan is swarming with refugees. Young street dealer Ha-jin has the ability to communicate with whales – a fact she keeps hidden from everyone. One day, a onearmed woman named Baek Sang-won asks Ha-jin to join her in the gules whale hunt. Painful memories lead Ha-jin to turn down the offer initially, but she eventually ends up joining Baek. As she makes friends on the ship, she grows curious about the gules whale and learns that every crew member has a sad gules story. The madness in the crews’ eyes as they try to kill the gules brings Ha-jin’s trauma to the forefront of her mind – and she experiences her own madness. -- -- (Source: Korean Film Biz Zone) -- Movie - Sep 10, 2015 -- 322 N/A -- -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Demons Supernatural Thriller School -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- Following the popularity of the original omnibus OVA, this release offers 4 more stories but in animation only. -- OVA - Jun 11, 1999 -- 316 N/A -- -- Burning Village -- -- - -- 10 eps -- - -- Fantasy Horror -- Burning Village Burning Village -- Animal folk tales set in the titular community, in which local eccentric Ohahai retells several popular fairy tales with considerable license. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 1, 1989 -- 314 N/A -- -- Petit Petit Muse -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Cars Horror Kids -- Petit Petit Muse Petit Petit Muse -- Two twins, Ara and Ari, aspire into the world of fashion. Ara wants to become a fashion model, while her sister, Ari, wants to become a fashion designer. They meet a man named Yorang, who is the fashion designer in Heaven. -- 311 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Daimakyou and Ninja Hattori-kun: Nin Nin Ninpo Enikki no Maki. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 307 N/A -- -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- A mini movie released on the Fire Emblem Heroes website in honor of a major plot twist in Book 3. -- Special - Jul 21, 2019 -- 292 6.23
Tsubasa: Shunraiki -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Mystery Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Tsubasa: Shunraiki Tsubasa: Shunraiki -- Tsubasa/xxxHOLiC Project -- -- A 4 part OVA released with the limited editions of the Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC volumes. -- There are two OVAs for each series, with plots linked together. -- -- They cover the Nihon Country Arc and scarcely some of the Celes Country Arc. -- -- (Source: Official Project Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Mar 17, 2009 -- 55,817 8.12
Tsubasa: Shunraiki -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Mystery Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Tsubasa: Shunraiki Tsubasa: Shunraiki -- Tsubasa/xxxHOLiC Project -- -- A 4 part OVA released with the limited editions of the Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC volumes. -- There are two OVAs for each series, with plots linked together. -- -- They cover the Nihon Country Arc and scarcely some of the Celes Country Arc. -- -- (Source: Official Project Website) -- OVA - Mar 17, 2009 -- 55,817 8.12
Vampire in the Garden -- -- Wit Studio -- ? eps -- Original -- Vampire -- Vampire in the Garden Vampire in the Garden -- Once, vampires and humans lived in harmony. Now, a young girl and a vampire queen will search for that Paradise once again. In the divided world of the future, two girls want to do the forbidden: the human wants to play the violin, and the vampire wants to see a wider world. -- -- (Source: Netflix, edited) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 2,514 N/AKyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- -- Madhouse -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- Vampires are said to have many weaknesses such as garlic, crosses, and sunlight. Game-loving vampire lord Draluc just so happens to be weak to... everything. He dies, turning into a pile of ash, at the slightest shock. -- -- After Vampire Hunter Ronaldo learned of a castle inhabited by a vampire rumoured to have kidnapped a kid, he went there intending to take the devil down. However, the vampire turned out to be Draluc, a wimp who keeps turning into ash at the smallest things. Moreover, the kid wasn't being held captive—he was just using the "haunted house" as his personal playground! -- -- When his castle is destroyed, Draluc moves into Ronaldo's office, much to the other's chagrin. Despite their differences, they must try to work together to defend themselves from rogue vampires, Ronaldo's murderous editor, investigators, and more—with Draluc dying continuously along the way. -- -- (Source: MU, amended) -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 2,018 N/A -- -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- -- - -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- After living in Transylvania for several years, "Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website calls him in English) has moved to Japan. In the Nerima Ward of Tokyo, he and his daughter, Chocola, and faithful servant Igor have taken up residence in an old-Western style house. -- -- While Chocola attends Junior High School, Earl Dracula is desperate to drink the blood of beautiful virgin women; an appropriate meal for a vampire of his stature. However, each night that Earl Dracula goes out on the prowl he finds himself getting involved in some kind of disturbance which leads to him causing various trouble for the local residents. With nobody in Japan believing in vampires, his very presence causes trouble amongst the people in town. -- TV - Apr 5, 1982 -- 1,934 6.08
Vlad Love -- -- Drive, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural Vampire School -- Vlad Love Vlad Love -- Mitsugu Banba is a high school girl who finds meaning in donating blood. She frequently visits a blood bank to donate blood, despite being harshly treated by the nurse. One day, she encounters a beautiful girl who looks like she's from overseas at the blood bank. The pale girl looks like she's about to faint any minute, but then, she starts destroying the blood bank. The girl loses consciousness and Mitsugu takes her home... -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- ONA - Dec 18, 2020 -- 26,101 6.03
Wakaranai Buta -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Wakaranai Buta Wakaranai Buta -- A huge pig is lying down in front of a house. Father, mother, grandmother, six children and a dog live in the house. Everyone is aware of the huge pig, and the pig is aware of the family. But nobody knows how and what the other think. The mother doesn't understand the father… It depends what you imagine when you hear about normal family life. -- -- (Source: Fresh Film Fest Website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 726 4.81
Warau Salesman Dai SP-banashi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Warau Salesman Dai SP-banashi Warau Salesman Dai SP-banashi -- Specials of Warau Salesman broadcasted intermittently during the main show not included in the episode count of the main show. They are 3 times the length of a normal episode and fill a half hour time-slot. -- Special - Jan 23, 1990 -- 461 N/A -- -- Kodomo no Kaitei no Koto -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Kodomo no Kaitei no Koto Kodomo no Kaitei no Koto -- For whom does a girl keep rotating? A story of a weird relationship between a child and adults. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 449 4.36
Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- -- Nippon Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life -- Yakunara Mug Cup mo Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- The city of Tajimi, located in the southern part of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, is famous for Mino earthenware. The city is dotted with historical pottery producers and ceramic art museums. It has facilities where you can try your hand at making pottery, and many restaurants that serve food on Minoware dishes. -- -- The story begins when a high school girl moves to a shopping street in Tajimi. Many encounters await her, friends, town folk, ceramic art, etc. What will she discover in a town famous for ceramic? -- -- (Source: Official Manga Website) -- 23,202 6.72
Yankee-kun na Yamada-kun to Megane-chan to Majo -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen -- Yankee-kun na Yamada-kun to Megane-chan to Majo Yankee-kun na Yamada-kun to Megane-chan to Majo -- The official website for the Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches television anime series revealed on Sunday that the anime's first Blu-ray Disc and DVD box sets will include a Yankee-kun to Megane-chan collaborative manga and anime. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Aug 26, 2015 -- 20,074 7.05
Yasashii Fue, Tori, Ishi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Yasashii Fue, Tori, Ishi Yasashii Fue, Tori, Ishi -- A lot of wrong may happen, but no problem. A whistle, a bird, a stone, a human, they are gentle. -- -- (Sorce: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2005 -- 476 4.67
Yellow -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Yellow Yellow -- Everybody wants to be fashionable and praised. So do grandmothers. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2003 -- 466 5.06
Yoku Wakaru Mahouka! -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic -- Yoku Wakaru Mahouka! Yoku Wakaru Mahouka! -- Special introduction videos posted on the official website. -- ONA - Feb 22, 2014 -- 23,982 6.31
Yonimo Osoroshii Nihon Mukashibanashi -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Dementia Horror Psychological -- Yonimo Osoroshii Nihon Mukashibanashi Yonimo Osoroshii Nihon Mukashibanashi -- The horrible truths behind Japanese Fairy Tales from the ancient times are finally revealed! This title includes three episodes: "The Monkey and the Crab", "Click-Crack Mountain" and "Urashima and the Kingdom beneath the Sea". -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- OVA - ??? ??, 2000 -- 1,114 5.85
Yume Utsutsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Yume Utsutsu Yume Utsutsu -- Is the path I am walking on now part of a dream or reality? This is the first animation film that is largely motionless. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 246 N/A -- -- Adobe Student and Teacher Edition -- -- Saigo no Shudan -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Adobe Student and Teacher Edition Adobe Student and Teacher Edition -- Saigo no Shudan's earliest work, it is a commercial for Adobe's Student and Teacher Edition software. Though it is unknown if Saigo no Shudan created it as an example for their portfolio or if Adobe actually paid for their animation services. -- Special - Dec ??, 2009 -- 245 5.20
Zenchuu Maite -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Dementia -- Zenchuu Maite Zenchuu Maite -- Based on a poem by Kenji Miyazawa. -- A worm in this river looks shiny to me. -- 8 γ e 6 α -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 298 4.87
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Rekhta (website)
Requiem Survey (website)
Reward website
Ricochet (website)
Rounds (website)
Russian Journal (website)
Salon (website)
Scoop (website)
Scout (travel website)
Sedition (website)
Segfault (website)
Shodan (website)
Silex website builder
Snag (website)
Social news website
Some Guy with a Website
Sources (website)
Sphere (website)
Spinner (website)
Splash (website)
Spock (website)
SportsNation (website)
Starfall (website)
Stat (website)
Stormfront (website)
Stuff (website)
Superbad (website)
Tagged (website)
TAXI (website)
Tenor (website)
The Big Issue (website)
The Canary (website)
The City (website)
The Conversation (website)
The Daily Voice (African-American news website)
The Day (website)
The Dodo (website)
The Federalist (website)
The Hive (website)
The Leaky Cauldron (website)
The Library of Babel (website)
The Memory Hole (website)
The Muse (website)
Them (website)
The Numbers (website)
The Outline (website)
The Ringer (website)
The Roar (website)
The Romp (website)
The Trace (website)
The Undefeated (website)
Thumbtack (website)
Topix (website)
Travel website
UK Parliament petitions website
Use of social network websites in investigations
Utopia (website)
Virtual Office Website
Virtual reality website
Visualizing Cultures (website)
Vox (website)
Wargamer (website)
WAYN (website)
Website audit
Website builder
Website correlation
Website defacement
Website governance
Website monetization
Website monitoring
Website spoofing
Website wireframe
Whirlpool (website)
Wirecutter (website)
WOMAD (website)
Word of Mouth (website)
Wretch (website)
Writ (website)
Zug (website)
Zuni (website)

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last updated: 2022-02-04 19:01:14
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