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object:3.05 - SAL
book class:Mysterium Coniunctionis
author class:Carl Jung
subject class:Psychology
subject class:Occultism

5. SAL
a. Salt as the Arcane Substance
[234] In this section I shall discuss not only salt but a number of symbolisms that are closely connected with it, such as the bitterness of the sea, sea-water and its baptismal quality, which in turn relates it to the Red Sea. I have included the latter in the scope of my observations but not the symbol of the sea as such. Since Luna symbolizes the unconscious, Sal, as one of its attri butes, is a special instance of the lunar symbolism. This explains the length of the present entire chapter: extensive digressions are necessary in order to do justice to the various aspects of the unconscious that are expressed by salt, and at the same time to explain their psychological meaning.
[235] Owing to the theory of correspondentia, regarded as axiomatic in the Middle Ages, the principles of each of the four worlds the intelligible or divine, the heavenly, the earthly, and the infernal379corresponded to each other. Usually, however, there was a division into three worlds to correspond with the Trinity: heaven, earth, hell.380 Triads were also known in alchemy. From the time of Paracelsus the most important triad was Sulphur-Mercurius-Sal, which was held to correspond with the Trinity. Georg von Welling, the plagiarist of Johann Rudolf Glauber, still thought in 1735 that his triad of fire, sun, and salt381 was in its root entirely one thing.382 The use of the Trinity formula in alchemy is so common that further documentation is unnecessary. A subtle feature of the Sulphur-Mercurius-Sal formula is that the central figure, Mercurius, is by nature androgynous and thus partakes both of the masculine red sulphur and of the lunar salt.383 His equivalent in the celestial realm is the planetary pair Sol and Luna, and in the intelligible realm Christ in his mystical androgyny, the man encompassed by the woman,384 i.e., sponsus and sponsa (Ecclesia). Like the Trinity, the alchemical triunity is a quaternity in disguise owing to the duplicity of the central figure: Mercurius is not only split into a masculine and a feminine half, but is the poisonous dragon and at the same time the heavenly lapis. This makes it clear that the dragon is analogous to the devil and the lapis to Christ, in accordance with the ecclesiastical view of the devil as an autonomous counterpart of Christ. Furthermore, not only the dragon but the negative aspect of sulphur, namely sulphur comburens, is identical with the devil, as Glauber says: Verily, sulphur is the true black devil of hell, who can be conquered by no element save by salt alone.385 Salt by contrast is a light substance, similar to the lapis, as we shall see.
[236] From all this we get the following schema:

[237] Here we have another of those well-known quaternities of opposites which are usually masked as a triad, just as the Christian Trinity is able to maintain itself as such only by eliminating the fourth protagonist of the divine drama. If he were included there would be, not a Trinity, but a Christian Quaternity. For a long time there had been a psychological need for this, as is evident from the medieval pictures of the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin; it was also responsible for elevating her to the position of mediatrix, corresponding to Christs position as the mediator, with the difference that Mary only transmits grace but does not generate it. The recent promulgation of the dogma of the Assumption emphasizes the taking up not only of the soul but of the body of Mary into the Trinity, thus making a dogmatic reality of those medieval representations of the quaternity which are constructed on the following pattern:

Only in 1950, after the teaching authority in the Church had long deferred it, and almost a century after the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, did the Pope, moved by a growing wave of popular petitions,386 feel compelled to declare the Assumption as a revealed truth. All the evidence shows that the dogmatization was motivated chiefly by the religious need of the Catholic masses. Behind this stands the archetypal numen of feminine deity,387 who, at the Council of Ephesus in 431, imperiously announced her claim to the title of Theotokos (God-bearer), as distinct from that of a mere Anthropotokos (man-bearer) accorded to her by the Nestorian rationalists.
[238] The taking up of the body had long been emphasized as an historical and material event, and the alchemists could therefore make use of the representations of the Assumption in describing the glorification of matter in the opus. The illustration of this process in Reusners Pandora388 shows, underneath the coronation scene, a kind of shield between the emblems of Matthew and Luke, on which is depicted the extraction of Mercurius from the prima materia. The extracted spirit appears in monstrous form: the head is surrounded by a halo, and reminds us of the traditional head of Christ, but the arms are snakes and the lower half of the body resembles a stylized fishs tail.389 This is without doubt the anima mundi who has been freed from the shackles of matter, the filius macrocosmi or Mercurius-Anthropos, who, because of his double nature, is not only spiritual and physical but unites in himself the morally highest and lowest.390 The illustration in Pandora points to the great secret which the alchemists dimly felt was implicit in the Assumption. The proverbial darkness of sublunary matter has always been associated with the prince of this world, the devil. He is the metaphysical figure who is excluded from the Trinity but who, as the counterpart of Christ, is the sine qua non of the drama of redemption.391 His equivalent in alchemy is the dark side of Mercurius duplex and, as we saw, the active sulphur. He also conceals himself in the poisonous dragon, the preliminary, chthonic form of the lapis aethereus. To the natural philosophers of the Middle Ages, and to Dorn in particular, it was perfectly clear that the triad must be complemented by a fourth, as the lapis had always been regarded as a quaternity of elements. It did not disturb them that this would necessarily involve the evil spirit. On the contrary, the dismemberment and self-devouring of the dragon probably seemed to them a commendable operation. Dorn, however, saw in the quaternity the absolute opposite of the Trinity, namely the female principle, which seemed to him of the devil, for which reason he called the devil the four-horned serpent. This insight must have given him a glimpse into the core of the problem.392 In his refutation he identified woman with the devil because of the number two, which is characteristic of both. The devil, he thought, was the binarius itself, since it was created on the second day of Creation, on Monday, the day of the moon, on which God failed to express his pleasure, this being the day of doubt and separation.393 Dorn puts into words what is merely hinted at in the Pandora illustration.
[239] If we compare this train of thought with the Christian quaternity which the new dogma has virtually produced (but has not defined as such), it will immediately be apparent that we have here an upper quaternio which is supraordinate to mans wholeness and is psychologically comparable to the Moses quaternio of the Gnostics.394 Man and the dark abyss of the world, the deus absconditus, have not yet been taken up into it. Alchemy, however, is the herald of a still-unconscious drive for maximal integration which seems to be reserved for a distant future, even though it originated with Origens doubt concerning the ultimate fate of the devil.395
[240] In philosophical alchemy, salt is a cosmic principle. According to its position in the quaternity, it is correlated with the feminine, lunar side and with the upper, light half. It is therefore not surprising that Sal is one of the many designations for the arcane substance. This connotation seems to have developed in the early Middle Ages under Arabic influence. The oldest traces of it can be found in the Turba, where salt-water and sea-water are synonyms for the aqua permanens,396 and in Senior, who says that Mercurius is made from salt.397 His treatise is one of the earliest authorities in Latin alchemy. Here Sal Alkali also plays the role of the arcane substance, and Senior mentions that the dealbatio was called salsatura (marination).398 In the almost equally old Allegoriae sapientum the lapis is described as salsus (salty).399 Arnaldus de Villanova (1235?1313) says: Whoever possesses the salt that can be melted, and the oil that cannot be burned, may praise God.400 It is clear from this that salt is an arcane substance. The Rosarium, which leans very heavily on the old Latin sources, remarks that the whole secret lies in the prepared common salt,401 and that the root of the art is the soap of the sages (sapo sapientum), which is the mineral of all salts and is called the bitter salt (sal amarum).402 Whoever knows the salt knows the secret of the old sages.403 Salts and alums are the helpers of the stone.404 Isaac Hollandus calls salt the medium between the terra sulphurea and the water. God poured a certain salt into them in order to unite them, and the sages named this salt the salt of the wise.405
[241] Among later writers, salt is even more clearly the arcane substance. For Mylius it is synonymous with the tincture;406 it is the earth-dragon who eats his own tail, and the ash, the diadem of thy heart.407 The salt of the metals is the lapis.408 Basilius Valentinus speaks of a sal spirituale.409 It is the seat of the virtue which makes the art possible,410 the most noble treasury,411 the good and noble salt, which though it has not the form of salt from the beginning, is nevertheless called salt; it becomes impure and pure of itself, it dissolves and coagulates itself, or, as the sages say, locks and unlocks itself;412 it is the quintessence, above all things and in all creatures.413 The whole magistery lies in the salt and its solution.414 The permanent radical moisture consists of salt.415 It is synonymous with the incombustible oil,416 and is altogether a mystery to be concealed.417
[242] As the arcane substance, it is identified with various synonyms for the latter. Above all it is an ens centrale. For Khunrath salt is the physical centre of the earth.418 For Vigenerus it is a component of that virginal and pure earth which is contained in the centre of all composite elementals, or in the depths of the same.419 Glauber calls salt the concentrated centre of the elements.420
[243] Although the arcane substance is usually identified with Mercurius, the relation of salt to Mercurius is seldom mentioned. Senior, as we noted, says that by divers operations Mercurius is made from salt,421 and Khunrath identifies Mercurius with common salt.422 The rarity of the identification strikes us just because the salt of the wise really implies its relation to Mercurius. I can explain this only on the supposition that salt did not acquire its significance until later times and then at once appeared as an independent figure in the Sulphur-Mercurius-Sal triad.
[244] Salt also has an obvious relation to the earth, not to the earth as such, but to our earth, by which is naturally meant the arcane substance.423 This is evident from the aforementioned identification of salt with the earth-dragon. The full text of Mylius runs:
What remains below in the retort is our salt, that is, our earth, and it is of a black colour, a dragon that eats his own tail. For the dragon is the matter that remains behind after the distillation of water from it, and this water is called the dragons tail, and the dragon is its blackness, and the dragon is saturated with his water and coagulated, and so he eats his tail.424
The rarely mentioned relation of salt to the nigredo425 is worth noting here, for because of its proverbial whiteness salt is constantly associated with the albedo. On the other hand we would expect the close connection between salt and water, which is in fact already implicit in the sea-water. The aqua pontica plays an important role as a synonym for the aqua permanens, as also does mare (sea). That salt, as well as Luna, is an essential component of this is clear from Vigenerus: There is nothing wherein the moisture lasts longer, or is wetter, than salt, of which the sea for the most part consists. Neither is there anything wherein the moon displays her motion more clearly than the sea, as can be seen . . . from its ebb and flow. Salt, he says, has an inexterminable humidity, and that is the reason why the sea cannot be dried up.426 Khunrath identifies the femina alba or candida with the crystalline salt, and this with the white water.427 Our water cannot be made without salt,428 and without salt the opus will not succeed.429 According to Rupescissa (ca. 1350), salt is water, which the dryness of the fire has coagulated.430
b. The Bitterness
[245] Inseparable from salt and sea is the quality of amaritudo, bitterness. The etymology of Isidore of Seville was accepted all through the Middle Ages: Mare ab amaro.431 Among the alchemists the bitterness became a kind of technical term. Thus, in the treatise Rosinus ad Euthiciam,432 there is the following dialogue between Zosimos and Theosebeia: This is the stone that hath in it glory and colour. And she: Whence cometh its colour? He replied: From its exceeding strong bitterness. And she: Whence cometh its bitterness and intensity? He answered: From the impurity of its metal. The treatise Rosinus ad Sarratantam episcopum433 says: Take the stone that is black, white, red, and yellow, and is a wonderful bird that flies without wings in the blackness of the night and the brightness of the day: in the bitterness that is in its throat the colouring will be found. Each thing in its first matter is corrupt and bitter, says Ripley. The bitterness is a tincturing poison.434 And Mylius: Our stone is endowed with the strongest spirit, bitter and brazen (aeneus);435 and the Rosarium mentions that salt is bitter because it comes from the mineral of the sea.436 The Liber Alze437 says: O nature of this wondrous thing, which transforms the body into spirit! . . . When it is found alone it conquers all things, and is an excellent, harsh, and bitter acid, which transmutes gold into pure spirit.438
[246] These quotations clearly allude to the sharp taste of salt and sea-water. The reason why the taste is described as bitter and not simply as salt may lie first of all in the inexactness of the language, since amarus also means sharp, biting, harsh, and is used metaphorically for acrimonious speech or a wounding joke. Besides this, the language of the Vulgate had an important influence as it was one of the main sources for medieval Latin. The moral use which the Vulgate consistently makes of amarus and amaritudo gives them, in alchemy as well, a nuance that cannot be passed over. This comes out clearly in Ripleys remark that each thing in its first matter is corrupt and bitter. The juxtaposition of these two attri butes indicates the inner connection between them: corruption and bitterness are on the same footing, they denote the state of imperfect bodies, the initial state of the prima materia. Among the best known synonyms for the latter are the chaos and the sea, in the classical, mythological sense denoting the beginning of the world, the sea in particular being conceived as the

, matrix of all creatures.439 The prima materia is often called aqua pontica. The salt that comes from the mineral of the sea is by its very nature bitter, but the bitterness is due also to the impurity of the imperfect body. This apparent contradiction is explained by the report of Plutarch that the Egyptians regarded the sea as something impure and untrustworthy (

), and as the domain of Typhon (Set); they called salt the spume of Typhon.440 In his Philosophia reformata, Mylius mentions sea-spume together with the purged or purified sea, rock-salt, the bird, and Luna as equivalent synonyms for the lapis occultus.441 Here the impurity of the sea is indirectly indicated by the epithets purged or purified. The sea-spume is on a par with the salt andof particular interestwith the bird, naturally the bird of Hermes, and this throws a sudden light on the above passage from Rosinus, about the bird with bitterness in its throat. The bird is a parallel of salt because salt is a spirit,442 a volatile substance, which the alchemists were wont to conceive as a bird.
[247] As the expulsion of the spirit was effected by various kinds of burning (combustio, adustio, calcinatio, assatio, sublimatio, incineratio, etc.), it was natural to call the end-product ashagain in a double sense as scoria, faex, etc., and as the spirit or bird of Hermes. Thus the Rosarium says: Sublime with fire, until the spirit which thou wilt find in it [the substance] goeth forth from it, and it is named the bird or the ash of Hermes. Therefore saith Morienus: Despise not the ashes, for they are the diadem of thy heart, and the ash of things that endure.443 In other words, the ash is the spirit that dwells in the glorified body.
[248] This bird or spirit is associated with various colours. At first the bird is black, then it grows white feathers, which finally become coloured.444 The Chinese cousin of the avis Hermetis, the scarlet bird, moults in a similar way.445 We are told in the treatise of Wei Po-yang: The fluttering Chu-niao flies the five colours.446 They are arranged as follows:

[249] Earth occupies the central position as the fifth element, though it is not the quintessence and goal of the work but rather its basis, corresponding to terra as the arcane substance in Western alchemy.447
[250] As regards the origin and meaning of the avis Hermetis, I would like to mention the report of Aelian that the ibis is dear to Hermes, the father of words, since in its form it resembles the nature of the Logos; for its blackness and swift flight could be compared to the silent and introverted [

] Logos, but its whiteness to the Logos already uttered and heard, which is the servant and messenger of the inner word.448
[251] It is not easy for a modern mind to conceive salt, a cold-damp, lunar-terrestrial substance, as a bird and a spirit. Spirit, as the Chinese conceive it, is yang, the fiery and dry element, and this accords with the views of Heraclitus as well as with the Christian concept of the Holy Ghost as tongues of fire. Luna, we have seen, is unquestionably connected with mens, manas, mind, etc. But these connections are of a somewhat ambiguous nature. Although the earth can boast of an earth-spirit and other daemons, they are after all spirits and not spirit. The cold side of nature is not lacking in spirit, but it is a spirit of a special kind, which Christianity regarded as demonic and which therefore found no acclaim except in the realm of the magical arts and sciences. This spirit is the snake-like Nous or Agathodaimon, which in Hellenistic syncretism merges together with Hermes. Christian allegory and iconography also took possession of it on the basis of John 3 : 14: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. The mercurial serpent or spirit Mercurius is the personification and living continuation of the spirit who, in the prayer entitled the Secret Inscription in the Great Magic Papyrus of Paris, is invoked as follows:
Greetings, entire edifice of the Spirit of the air, greetings, Spirit that penetratest from heaven to earth, and from earth, which abideth in the midst of the universe, to the uttermost bounds of the abyss, greetings, Spirit that penetratest into me, and shakest me. . . . Greetings, beginning and end of irremovable Nature, greetings, thou who revolvest the elements that untiringly render service, greetings, brightly shining sun, whose radiance ministereth to the world, greetings, moon shining by night with disc of fickle brilliance, greetings, all ye spirits of the demons of the air. . . . O great, greatest, incomprehensible fabric of the world, formed in a circle! . . . dwelling in the aether, having the form of water, of earth, of fire, of wind, of light, of darkness, star-glittering, damp-fiery-cold Spirit! [

[252] Here is a magnificent description of a spirit that is apparently the exact opposite of the Christian pneuma. This antique spirit is also the spirit of alchemy, which today we can interpret as the unconscious projected into heavenly space and external objects. Although declared to be the devil by the early Christians, it should not be identified outright with evil; it merely has the uncomfortable quality of being beyond good and evil, and it gives this perilous quality to anyone who identifies with it, as we can see from the eloquent case of Nietzsche and the psychic epidemic that came after him. This spirit that is beyond good and evil is not the same as being six thousand feet above good and evil, but rather the same distance below it, or better, before it. It is the spirit of the chaotic waters of the beginning, before the second day of Creation, before the separation of the opposites and hence before the advent of consciousness. That is why it leads those whom it overcomes neither upwards nor beyond, but back into chaos. This spirit corresponds to that part of the psyche which has not been assimilated to consciousness and whose transformation and integration are the outcome of a long and wearisome opus. The artifex was, in his way, conscious enough of the dangers of the work, and for this reason his operations consisted largely of precautions whose equivalents are the rites of the Church.
[253] The alchemists understood the return to chaos as an essential part of the opus. It was the stage of the nigredo and mortificatio, which was then followed by the purgatorial fire and the albedo. The spirit of chaos is indispensable to the work, and it cannot be distinguished from the gift of the Holy Ghost any more than the Satan of the Old Testament can be distinguished from Yahweh. The unconscious is both good and evil and yet neither, the matrix of all potentialities.
[254] After these remarkswhich seemed to me necessaryon the salt-spirit, as Khunrath calls it, let us turn back to the amaritudo. As the bitter salt comes from the impure sea, it is understandable that the Gloria mundi should call it mostly black and evil-smelling in the beginning.450 The blackness and bad smell, described by the alchemists as the stench of the graves, pertain to the underworld and to the sphere of moral darkness. This impure quality is common also to the corruptio, which, as we saw, Ripley equates with bitterness. Vigenerus describes salt as corruptible, in the sense that the body is subject to corruption and decay and does not have the fiery and incorruptible nature of the spirit.451
[255] The moral use of qualities that were originally physical is clearly dependent, particularly in the case of a cleric like Ripley, on ecclesiastical language. About this I can be brief, as I can rely on Rahners valuable Antenna Crucis II: Das Meer der Welt. Here Rahner brings together all the patristic allegories that are needed to understand the alchemical symbolism. The patristic use of mare is defined by St. Augustine: Mare saeculum est (the sea is the world).452 It is the essence of the world, as the element . . . subject to the devil. St. Hilary says: By the depths of the sea is meant the seat of hell.453 The sea is the gloomy abyss, the remains of the original pit,454 and hence of the chaos that covered the earth. For St. Augustine this abyss is the realm of power allotted to the devil and demons after their fall.455 It is on the one hand a deep that cannot be reached or comprehended456 and on the other the depths of sin.457 For Gregory the Great the sea is the depths of eternal death.458 Since ancient times it was the abode of water-demons.459 There dwells Leviathan (Job 3 : 8),460 who in the language of the Fathers signifies the devil. Rahner documents the patristic equations: diabolus = draco = Leviathan = cetus magnus = aspis (adder, asp) = draco.461 St. Jerome says: The devil surrounds the seas and the ocean on all sides.462 The bitterness of salt-water is relevant in this connection, as it is one of the peculiarities of hell and damnation which must be fully tasted by the meditant in Loyolas Exercises. Point 4 of Exercise V says he must, in imagination, taste with the taste bitter things, as tears, sadness, and the worm of conscience.463 This is expressed even more colourfully in the Spiritual Exercises of the Jesuit Sebastian Izquierdo (1686): Fourthly, the taste will be tormented with a rabid hunger and thirst, with no hope of alleviation; and its food will be bitter wormwood, and its drink water of gall.464
c. The Red Sea
[256] It might almost be one of the alchemical paradoxes that the Red Sea, in contrast to the significance ordinarily attached to mare, is a term for the healing and transforming baptismal water,465 and is thus an equivalent of the alchemical aqua pontica. St. Augustine says, The Red Sea signifies baptism;466 and, according to Honorius of Autun, the Red Sea is the baptism reddened by the blood of Christ, in which our enemies, namely our sins, are drowned.467
[257] We must also mention the Peratic interpretation of the Red Sea. The Red Sea drowned the Egyptians, but the Egyptians were all non-knowers (

). The exodus from Egypt signifies the exodus from the body, which is Egypt in miniature, being the incarnation of sinfulness, and the crossing (

)468 of the Red Sea is the crossing of the water of corruption, which is Kronos. The other side of the Red Sea is the other side of Creation. The arrival in the desert is a genesis outside of generation (

). There the gods of destruction and the god of salvation are all together.469 The Red Sea is a water of death for those that are unconscious, but for those that are conscious it is a baptismal water of rebirth and transcendence.470 By unconscious are meant those who have no gnosis, i.e., are not enlightened as to the nature and destiny of man in the cosmos. In modern language it would be those who have no knowledge of the contents of the personal and collective unconscious. The personal unconscious is the shadow and the inferior function,471 in Gnostic terms the sinfulness and impurity that must be washed away by baptism. The collective unconscious expresses itself in the mythological teachings, characteristic of most mystery religions, which reveal the secret knowledge concerning the origin of all things and the way to salvation. Unconscious people who attempt to cross the sea without being purified and without the guidance of enlightenment are drowned; they get stuck in the unconscious and suffer a spiritual death in so far as they cannot get beyond their one-sidedness. To do this they would have to be more conscious of what is unconscious to them and their age, above all of the inner opposite, namely those contents to which the prevailing views are in any way opposed. This continual process of getting to know the counterposition in the unconscious I have called the transcendent function,472 because the confrontation of conscious (rational) data with those that are unconscious (irrational) necessarily results in a modification of standpoint. But an alteration is possible only if the existence of the other is admitted, at least to the point of taking conscious cognizance of it. A Christian of today, for instance, no longer ought to cling obstinately to a one-sided credo, but should face the fact that Christianity has been in a state of schism for four hundred years, with the result that every single Christian has a split in his psyche. Naturally this lesion cannot be treated or healed if everyone insists on his own standpoint. Behind those barriers he can rejoice in his absolute and consistent convictions and deem himself above the conflict, but outside them he keeps the conflict alive by his intransigence and continues to deplore the pig-headedness and stiff-neckedness of everybody else. It seems as if Christianity had been from the outset the religion of chronic squabblers, and even now it does everything in its power never to let the squabbles rest. Remarkably enough, it never stops preaching the gospel of neighbourly love.
[258] We should get along a lot better if we realized that the majority views of others are condoned by a minority in ourselves. Armed with this psychological insight, which today no longer has the character of revelation since common sense can grasp it, we could set out on the road to the union of the opposites and would then, as in the Peratic doctrine, come to the place where the gods of destruction and the god of salvation are together. By this is obviously meant the destructive and constructive powers of the unconscious. This coincidentia oppositorum forms a parallel to the Messianic state of fulfilment described in Isaiah 11 : 6ff. and 35 : 5ff., though with one important difference: the place of genesis outside of generationpresumably an opus contra naturam is clearly not paradise but

the desert and the wilderness. Everyone who becomes conscious of even a fraction of his unconscious gets outside his own time and social stratum into a kind of solitude, as our text remarks. But only there is it possible to meet the god of salvation. Light is manifest in the darkness, and out of danger the rescue comes. In his sermon on Luke 19: 12 Meister Eckhart says: And who can be nobler than the man who is born half of the highest and best the world has to offer, and half of the innermost ground of Gods nature and Gods loneliness? Therefore the Lord speaks in the prophet Hosea: I will lead the noble souls into the wilderness, and speak into their hearts. One with the One, One from the One, and in the One itself the One, eternally!473
[259] I have gone into this Hippolytus text at some length because the Red Sea was of special significance to the alchemists. Sermo LXII of the Turba mentions the Tyrian dye, which is extracted from our most pure Red Sea. It is the parallel of the tinctura philosophorum, which is described as black and is extracted from the sea.474 The old treatise Rosinus ad Euthiciam says: And know that our Red Sea is more tincturing than all seas, and that the poison,475 when it is cooked and becomes foul and discoloured, penetrates all bodies.476 The tincture is the dip and the baptismal water of the alchemists, here asserted to come from the Red Sea. This idea is understandable in view of the patristic and Gnostic interpretation of the Red Sea as the blood of Christ in which we are baptized; hence the paralleling of the tincture, salt, and aqua pontica with blood.477
[260] The Red Sea appears in a very peculiar manner in the Tractatus Aristotelis ad Alexandrum Magnum, where a recipe says:
Take the serpent, and place it in the chariot with four wheels, and let it be turned about on the earth until it is immersed in the depths of the sea, and nothing more is visible but the blackest dead sea. And there let the chariot with the wheels remain, until so many fumes rise up from the serpent that the whole surface [planities] becomes dry, and by desiccation sandy and black. All that is the earth which is no earth, but a stone lacking all weight. . . . [And when the fumes are precipitated in the form of rain,] you should bring the chariot from the water to dry land, and then you have placed the four wheels upon the chariot, and will obtain the result if you will advance further to the Red Sea, running without running, moving without motion [currens sine cursu, movens sine motu].478
[261] This curious text requires a little elucidation. The serpent is the prima materia, the Serpens Hermetis, which he [Hermes] sent to King Antiochus, that he might do battle with thee [Alexander] and thine army.479 The serpent is placed in the chariot of its vessel and is led hither and thither by the fourfold rotation of the natures, but it should be securely enclosed. The wheels are the wheels of the elements. The vessel or vehicle is the spherical tomb of the serpent.480 The fourfold rotation of the natures corresponds to the ancient tetrameria of the opus (its division into four parts), i.e., transformation through the four elements, from earth to fire. This symbolism describes in abbreviated form the essentials of the opus: the serpent of Hermes or the Agathodaimon, the Nous that animates the cold part of nature that is, the unconsciousis enclosed in the spherical vessel of diaphanous glass which, on the alchemical view, represents the world and the soul.481 The psychologist would see it rather as the psychic reflection of the world, namely, consciousness of the world and the psyche.482 The transformation corresponds to the psychic process of assimilation and integration by means of the transcendent function.483 This function unites the pairs of opposites, which, as alchemy shows, are arranged in a quaternio when they represent a totality. The totality appears in quaternary form only when it is not just an unconscious fact but a conscious and differentiated totality; for instance, when the horizon is thought of not simply as a circle that can be divided into any number of parts but as consisting of four clearly defined points. Accordingly, ones given personality could be represented by a continuous circle, whereas the conscious personality would be a circle divided up in a definite way, and this generally turns out to be a quaternity. The quaternity of basic functions of consciousness meets this requirement. It is therefore only to be expected that the chariot should have four wheels,484 to correspond with the four elements or natures. The chariot as a spherical vessel and as consciousness rests on the four elements or basic functions,485 just as the floating island where Apollo was born, Delos, rested on the four supports which Poseidon made for it. The wheels, naturally, are on the outside of the chariot and are its motor organs, just as the functions of consciousness facilitate the relation of the psyche to its environment. It must, however, be stressed that what we today call the schema of functions is archetypally prefigured by one of the oldest patterns of order known to man, namely the quaternity, which always represents a consciously reflected and differentiated totality. Quite apart from its almost universal incidence it also appears spontaneously in dreams as an expression of the total personality. The chariot of Aristotle can be understood in this sense as a symbol of the self.
[262] The recipe goes on to say that this symbolic vehicle should be immersed in the sea of the unconscious for the purpose of heating and incubation,486 corresponding to the state of tapas,487 incubation by means of self-heating. By this is obviously meant a state of introversion in which the unconscious content is brooded over and digested. During this operation all relations with the outside world are broken off; the feelers of perception and intuition, discrimination and valuation are withdrawn. The four wheels are placed upon the chariot: outside everything is quiet and still, but deep inside the psyche the wheels go on turning, performing those cyclic evolutions which bring the mandala of the total personality,488 the ground-plan of the self, closer to consciousness. But so long as consciousness has not completed the process of integration it is covered by the blackest dead sea, darkened by unconsciousness and oppressed by heat, as was the hero in the belly of the whale during the night sea journey.489 Through the incubation the snake-like content is vapourized, literally sublimated, which amounts to saying that it is recognized and made an object of conscious discrimination.
[263] The evaporatio is followed by the desiccation of the surface, which then appears sandy and black. Here the imagery changes: the allusion to the subsiding flood means psychologically that the black blanket of unconsciousness hiding the nascent symbol is drawn away. Arena (sand) is defined as the pure substance of the stone,490 and accordingly the text describes the regenerated earth as a stone lacking all weight. The text does not explain just why it is weightless, but it is evident that nothing material, which alone has weight, is left over, and all that remains is the psychic content of the projection.
[264] The opus is far from having come to an end at this point, for the nigredo (terra nigra) still prevails and the substance of the stone is still black. It is therefore necessary for the fumes (evaporationes) to precipitate and wash off the blackness, whence the whole earth becomes white. The rain now falls so copiously that the earth is almost turned into a sea. Hence the direction that the chariot should be brought to dry land. This is clearly another allusion to Noahs Ark and the flood.491 With the coming of the flood the previous state of chaos would be restored, and the result of the opus would again be swamped by unconsciousness. This motif recurs in the form of the dragon that pursued Leto and the woman crowned with stars (Rev. 12 : 1f.).
[265] If the chariot reaches dry land, this obviously means that the content has become visible and remains conscious, and then, says the text, you have placed the wheels upon the chariot.492 The four natures or elements are gathered together and are contained in the spherical vessel, i.e., the four aspects or functions are integrated with consciousness, so that the state of totality has almost been attained. Had it really been attained the opus would be consummated at this point, but the result (effectus) is obtained only by advancing further. The result therefore means something more than integration of the four natures. If we take the loading of the chariot as the conscious realization of the four functions, this does in fact denote only the possibility of remaining conscious of the whole previous material, that is, of the principal aspects of the psyche. The question then arises as to how all these divergent factors, previously kept apart by apparently insuperable incompatibilities, will behave, and what the ego is going to do about it.
[266] The singular image of the Nous-serpent enthroned on a chariot reminds us of the chariot-driving, snake-shaped gods of southern India, for instance on the immense black temple at Puri, which is itself a chariot of stone. I certainly dont want to suggest that there is any direct Indian influence in our text, for there is another model closer to hand, and that is Ezekiels vision of the four creatures, with the faces respectively of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. These four figures are associated with four wheels, their construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went.493 Together they formed the moving throne of a figure having the appearance of a man. In the Cabala this chariot (Merkabah) plays an important role as the vehicle on which the believers mount up to God and the human soul unites with the world-soul.
[267] An interpretation of the four wheels as the quadriga and vehicle of divinity is found in a window medallion by Suger, the twelfth-century maker of stained glass for the Abbey of Saint-Denis.494 The chariot which is depicted bears the inscription QUADRIGE AMINADAB,referring to the Song of Songs 6: 11 (DV): My soul troubled me for the chariots of Aminadab.495 God the Father stands on a four-wheeled chariot holding the crucifix before him. In the corners of the medallion are the four emblems of the evangelists, the Christian continuation of Ezekiels winged creatures. The four gospels form, as it were, a quaternary podium on which the Redeemer stands.
[268] Still another source might be Honorius of Autun. In his commentary on Song of Songs 6 : 11, he says that his animalis vita was troubled because the chariot signified the four evangelists. It was this chariot that the apostles and their followers had driven through the world. For Christ had said in the gospels: Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13: 3). And it was to him, Honorius, that the words were addressed: Return, return, O Shulamite (Song of Songs 6 : 13).496
[269] Psychologically the vision of Ezekiel is a symbol of the self consisting of four individual creatures and wheels, i.e., of different functions. Three of the faces are theriomorphic and only one anthropomorphic, which presumably means that only one function has reached the human level, whereas the others are still in an unconscious or animal state. The problem of three and four (trinity and quaternity) plays a great role in alchemy as the axiom of Maria497 and, like the vision of Ezekiel, is concerned with the God-image. The symbols of the self are as a rule symbols of totality, but this is only occasionally true of God-images. In the former the circle and the quaternity predominate, in the latter the circle and the trinity and this, moreover, only in the case of abstract representations, which are not the only ones to occur.
[270] These hints may throw a little light on the strange idea of the serpent-chariot. It is a symbol of the arcane substance and the quintessence, of the aether that contains all four elements, and at the same time a God-image or, to be more accurate, an image of the anima mundi. This is indicated by the Mercurial serpent, which in its turn was interpreted by the alchemists as the spirit of life that was in the wheels (DV).498 We should also mention that according to Ezekiel 1 : 18 the inter-revolving wheels were full of eyes round about. The old illustrators therefore produced something like an astrolabe in their attempts to depict the vision. The notion of wheels is naturally connected with movement in all directions, for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the whole earth (Zech. 4 : 10). It is said of the horses, too, that they walk to and fro through the earth (Zech. 6 : 7). Eyes are round and in common speech are likened to cart-wheels. They also seem to be a typical symbol for what I have called the multiple luminosities of the unconscious. By this I mean the seeming possibility that complexes possess a kind of consciousness, a luminosity of their own, which, I conjecture, expresses itself in the symbol of the soul-spark, multiple eyes (polyophthalmia), and the starry heaven.499
[271] By reason of its solar nature the eye is a symbol of consciousness, and accordingly multiple eyes would indicate a multiplicity of conscious centres which are co-ordinated into a unity like the many-faceted eye of an insect. As Ezekiels vision can be interpreted psychologically as a symbol of the self, we may also mention in this connection the Hindu definition of the selfhere hiranyagarbhaas the collective aggregate of all individual souls.500
[272] Ezekiels vision is of psychological importance because the quaternity embodied in it is the vehicle or throne of him who had the appearance of a man. Together with the spirit of life in the wheels it represents the empirical self, the totality of the four functions. These four are only partly conscious. The auxiliary functions are partly, and the inferior or subliminal function is wholly, autonomous; they cannot be put to conscious use and they reach consciousness only indirectly as a fait accompli, through their sometimes disturbing effects. Their specific energy adds itself to the normal energy of the unconscious and thereby gives it an impulse that enables it to irrupt spontaneously into consciousness. As we know, these invasions can be observed systematically in the association experiment.501
[273] The quaternity of the self appears in Ezekiels vision as the true psychological foundation of the God-concept. God uses it as his vehicle. It is possible for the psychologist to verify the structure of this foundation, but beyond that the theologian has the last word. In order to clear up any misunderstandings, especially from the theological side, I would like to emphasize yet again that it is not the business of science to draw conclusions which go beyond the bounds of our empirical knowledge. I do not feel the slightest need to put the self in place of God, as short-sighted critics have often accused me of doing. If Indian philosophers equate the atman with the concept of God and many Westerners copy them, this is simply their subjective opinion and not science. A consensus generalis on this point would in itself be yet another fact which, for the empirical psychologist, is as well worth considering as the remarkable view of many theologians that religious statements have nothing to do with the psyche. Similarly, it is characteristic of the mystical philosophy of the alchemists that the Mercurial serpent is enthroned on the chariot. He is a living spirit who uses as his chariot the body that consists of the four elements. In this sense the chariot is the symbol of earthly life. A Georgian fairytale closes with the verses:
I have dragged a cart up the mountain,
It has become like a mountain.
Summon me from this life
Over to eternity.502
[274] As I have said, the process of transformation does not come to an end with the production of the quaternity symbol. The continuation of the opus leads to the dangerous crossing of the Red Sea, signifying death and rebirth. It is very remarkable that our author, by his paradox running without running, moving without motion, introduces a coincidence of opposites just at this point, and that the Hippolytus text speaks, equally paradoxically, of the gods of destruction and the god of salvation being together. The quaternity, as we have seen, is a quaternio of opposites, a synthesis of the four originally divergent functions. Their synthesis is here achieved in an image, but in psychic reality becoming conscious of the whole psyche503 faces us with a highly problematical situation. We can indicate its scope in a single question: What am I to do with the unconscious?
[275] For this, unfortunately, there are no recipes or general rules. I have tried to present the main outlines of what the psycho therapist can observe of this wearisome and all too familiar process in my study The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious. For the layman these experiences are a terra incognita which is not made any more accessible by broad generalizations. Even the imagination of the alchemists, otherwise so fertile, fails us completely here. Only a thorough investigation of the texts could shed a little light on this question. The same task challenges our endeavours in the field of psycho therapy. Here too are thousands of images, symbols, dreams, fantasies, and visions that still await comparative research. The only thing that can be said with some certainty at present is that there is a gradual process of approximation whereby the two positions, the conscious and the unconscious, are both modified. Differences in individual cases, however, are just as great as they were among the alchemists.
d. The Fourth of the Three
[276] In the course of his mystic peregrination504 Maier reached the Red (Erythraean) Sea, and in the following way: he journeyed to the four directions, to the north (Europe), to the west (America), to the east (Asia).505 Leaving Asia and turning south to Africa, he found a statue of Mercury, made of silver, and with a golden head. The statue pointed to Paradise, which he espied far off. Now because of its four rivers, and because it was the abode of the originally androgynous Primordial Man (Adam), the Garden of Eden was a favourite mandala in Christian iconography, and is therefore a symbol of totality andfrom the psychological point of viewof the self. If we take the four directions and the four elements (see note 505) as a symbolical equivalent of the four basic functions of consciousness, we can say that Maier had become conscious of three of them by the time he reached Asia. This brings him to the fourth and last, the inferior function, which is the darkest and the most unconscious of all. Africa is not a bad image for this. But just as Maier was about to direct his steps thither, he had a vision of paradise as the primordial image of wholeness, which showed him that the goal of his journey lay in the attainment of this wholeness. By the time he reached Africa, he says, the sun was in its house, Leo, and the moon was in Cancer, the moon having Cancer for the roof of its house. The proximity of the two houses indicates a coniunctio Solis et Lunae, the union of supreme opposites, and this is the crowning of the opus and the goal of the peregrination. He adds: And this gave me great hope of the best augury.
[277] The fourth function has its seat in the unconscious. In mythology the unconscious is portrayed as a great animal, for instance Leviathan, or as a whale, wolf, or dragon. We know from the myth of the sun-hero that it is so hot in the belly of the whale that his hair falls out.506 Arisleus and his companions likewise suffer from the great heat of their prison under the sea.507 The alchemists were fond of comparing their fire to the fire of hell or the flames of purgatory. Maier gives a description of Africa which is very like a description of hell: uncultivated, torrid, parched,508 sterile and empty.509 He says there are so few springs that animals of the most varied species assemble at the drinking-places and mingle with one another, whence new births and animals of a novel appearance are born, which explained the saying Always something new out of Africa. Pans dwelt there, and satyrs, dog-headed baboons, and half-men, besides innumerable species of wild animals. According to certain modern views, this could hardly be bettered as a description of the unconscious. Maier further reports that in the region of the Red Sea an animal is found with the name of Ortus (rising, origin). It had a red head with streaks of gold reaching to its neck, black eyes, a white face, white forepaws, and black hindpaws. He derived the idea of this animal from the remark of Avicenna: That thing whose head is red, its eyes black and its feet white, is the magistery.510 He was convinced that the legend of this creature referred to the phoenix, which was likewise found in that region. While he was making inquiries about the phoenix he heard a rumour that not far off a prophetess, known as the Erythraean Sibyl, dwelt in a cave. This was the sibyl who was alleged to have foretold the coming of Christ. Maier is probably referring here not to the eighth book of the Sibylline Oracles, verse 217, at which point thirty-four verses begin with the following letters: IHOY XPEITO EOY YIO THP TAYPO,511 but to the report of St. Augustine in Decivitate dei,512 which was well known in the Middle Ages. He also cites the passage about the sibyl in the Constantini Oratio of Eusebius and emphasizes that the sibylline prophecy referred to the coming of Christ in the flesh.512a
[278] We have seen earlier that the Erythraean Sea is a mysterious place, but here we meet with some noteworthy details. To begin with, our author reaches this sea just when he has completed the journey through the three continents and is about to enter the critical fourth region. We know from the Axiom of Maria and from Faust the crucial importance of that seemingly innocent question at the beginning of the Timaeus:
SOCRATES: One, two, three but where, my dear Timaeus, is the fourth of those guests of yesterday who were to entertain me today?
TIMAEUS: He suddenly felt unwell, Socrates; he would not have failed to join our company if he could have helped it.513
[279] The transition from three to four is a problem514 on which the ambiguous formulation of Maria does not shed very much light.515 We come across the dilemma of three and four in any number of guises, and in Maiers Symbola aureae mensae as well the step from three to four proves to be an important development presaged by the vision of paradise. The region of the Red Sea is proverbially hot, and Maier reached it at the end of July, in the intense heat of summer. He was, in fact, getting hot, uncommonly hot, as hot as hell, for he was approaching that region of the psyche which was not unjustly said to be inhabited by Pans, Satyrs, dog-headed baboons, and half-men. It is not difficult to see that this region is the animal soul in man. For just as a man has a body which is no different in principle from that of an animal, so also his psychology has a whole series of lower storeys in which the spectres from humanitys past epochs still dwell, then the animal souls from the age of Pithecanthropus and the hominids, then the psyche of the cold-blooded saurians, and, deepest down of all, the transcendental mystery and paradox of the sympathetic and parasympa thetic psychoid processes.
[280] So it is not surprising that our world-voyager felt that he had landed in the hottest placehe was in Arabia Felixin the sweltering heat of summer! He was painfully aware that he was risking his skin: Its your concern when your neighbours wall is on fire.516 He was the banquet-giver and the guest, the eater and the eaten in one person.
[281] The innumerable species of animals begin to show up already by the Red Sea, headed by the fabulous four-footed Ortus, which combines in itself the four alchemical colours, black, white, red, and yellow517 (the gold streaks on head and neck). Maier does not hesitate to identify the Ortus with the phoenix, the other legendary inhabitant of Arabia Felix,518 less perhaps on account of its appearance than on account of its name; for the phoenix, too, after consuming itself in the land of Egypt, each time rose renewed, like the reborn sun in Heliopolis.
[282] The Ortus is the alchemical animal which represents the living quaternity in its first synthesis. In order to become the ever-living bird of the spirit it needs the transforming fire, which is found in Africa, that is, in the encounter with and investigation of the fourth function and the animal soul represented by the Ortus. By interpreting it as the phoenix, Maier gave it a far-reaching change of meaning, as we shall see. For besides his animal soul he also discovered in its vicinity a kind of feminine soul, a virgin, to whom he at first appeared like an importunate guest.519 This was the sibyl who foretold the coming of Christ. Thus, by the Red Sea, he met the animal soul in the form of a monstrous quaternity, symbolizing, so to speak, the prima materia of the self and, as the phoenix, rebirth. The mystery alluded to here is not only the encounter with the animal soul but, at the same time and in the same place, the meeting with the anima, a feminine psychopomp who showed him the way to Mercurius and also how to find the phoenix.520
[283] It is worth noting that the animal is the symbolic carrier of the self. This hint in Maier is borne out by modern individuals who have no notion of alchemy.521 It expresses the fact that the structure of wholeness was always present but was buried in profound unconsciousness, where it can always be found again if one is willing to risk ones skin to attain the greatest possible range of consciousness through the greatest possible self-knowledgea harsh and bitter drink usually reserved for hell. The throne of God seems to be no unworthy reward for such trials. For self-knowledgein the total meaning of the wordis not a one-sided intellectual pastime but a journey through the four continents, where one is exposed to all the dangers of land, sea, air, and fire. Any total act of recognition worthy of the name embraces the fouror 360!aspects of existence. Nothing may be disregarded. When Ignatius Loyola recommended imagination through the five senses522 to the meditant, and told him to imitate Christ by use of his senses,523 what he had in mind was the fullest possible realization of the object of contemplation. Quite apart from the moral or other effects of this kind of meditation, its chief effect is the training of consciousness, of the capacity for concentration, and of attention and clarity of thought. The corresponding forms of Yoga have similar effects. But in contrast to these traditional modes of realization, where the meditant projects himself into some prescribed form, the self-knowledge alluded to by Maier is a projection into the empirical self as it actually is. It is not the self we like to imagine ourselves to be after carefully removing all the blemishes, but the empirical ego just as it is, with everything that it does and everything that happens to it. Everybody would like to be quit of this odious adjunct, which is precisely why in the East the ego is explained as illusion and why in the West it is offered up in sacrifice to the Christ figure.
[284] By contrast, the aim of the mystical peregrination is to understand all parts of the world, to achieve the greatest possible extension of consciousness, as though its guiding principle were the Carpocratic524 idea that one is delivered from no sin which one has not committed. Not a turning away from its empirical so-ness, but the fullest possible experience of the ego as reflected in the ten thousand things that is the goal of the peregrination.525 This follows logically from the psychological recognition that God cannot be experienced at all unless this futile and ridiculous ego offers a modest vessel in which to catch the effluence of the Most High and name it with his name. The significance of the vas-symbol in alchemy shows how concerned the artifex was to have the right vessel for the right content: One is the lapis, one the medicament, one the vessel, one the procedure, and one the disposition. The aqua nostra, the transformative substance, is even its own vessel.526 From this it is but a step to the paradoxical statement of Angelus Silesius:
God is my centre when I close him in,
And my circumference when I melt in him.527
[285] Maiers Erythraean quadruped, the Ortus, corresponds to the four-wheeled chariot of Pseudo-Aristotle. The tetramorph, too, is a product of early medieval iconography,528 combining the four winged creatures of Ezekiels vision into a four-footed monster. The interpretation of the Ortus as the phoenix connects it with Christ, whose coming was prophesied by the Sibyl; for the phoenix is a well-known allegory of the resurrection of Christ and of the dead in general.529 It is the symbol of transformation par excellence. In view of this well-known interpretation of the phoenix and of the Erythraean oracle, it is amazing that any author at the beginning of the seventeenth century should dare to ask the sibyl, not to show him the way to Christ, but to tell him where he could find Mercurius! This passage offers another striking proof of the parallelism between Mercurius and Christ. Nor does the phoenix appear here as a Christ allegory but as the bearer and birthplace of the universal medicine, the remedy against wrath and pain. As the sibyl once foretold the coming of the Lord, so now she is to point the way to Mercurius. Christ is the Anthropos, the Primordial Man; Mercurius has the same meaning, and the Primordial Man stands for the round, original wholeness, long ago made captive by the powers of this world. In Christs case the victory and liberation of the Primordial Man were said to be complete, so that the labours of the alchemists would seem to be superfluous. We can only assume that the alchemists were of a different opinion, and that they sought their remedy against wrath and pain in order to complete what they considered to be Christs unfinished work of redemption.
[286] It is characteristic of Maiers views that the idea of most importance is not Mercurius, who elsewhere appears strongly personified, but a substance brought by the phoenix, the bird of the spirit. It is this inorganic substance, and not a living being, which is used as a symbol of wholeness, or as a means towards wholeness, a desideratum apparently not fulfilled by the Christ-symbol.530 Involuntarily one asks oneself whether the intense personalization of the divine figures, as is customary in Christianity and quite particularly in Protestantism,531 is not in the end compensated, and to some extent mitigated, by a more objective point of view emanating from the unconscious.
e. Ascent and Descent
[287] In his quest for wholeness so far, Michael Maier, besides crossing three continents and travelling in three directions, has discovered a statue of Mercurius pointing the way to paradise; he has glimpsed paradise from afar, he has found the animal soul and the sibylline anima, who now counsels him to journey to the seven mouths of the Nile (Ostia Nili), in order to seek for Mercurius. The continuation of his pilgrimage recalls the flight of the phoenix from Arabia, where it lives, to Egypt, where it dies and arises anew. We may therefore expect that something similar will befall the author. We are not told anything of his crossing of the Red Sea and of his recapitulation, in the reverse direction, of the miraculous wanderings of the children of Israel. We do, however, soon learn that something like a rebirth mystery is to take place, because Maier compares the seven mouths of the Nile to the seven planets. He first reaches the Canopic Gate, the western mouth of the delta, where he finds Saturn domiciled. Of the remaining planets we can recognize only Mars with certainty, as the description of the cities where the others dwell is not very clear. Amid innumerable hazards he traverses the seven regions without meeting Mercurius. He does not find him even in his own city. Finally he has to turn back and retrace his steps until he reaches the Canopic Gate, where this time he finds Mercurius. Although he learns from him all sorts of secrets, he fails to find the phoenix. Later, he will return again in order to discover the panacea. In his Epigramma ad Phoenicem he begs the wonderful bird to give the wise man its feathers,532 and in his epigram to the Medicina Phoeniciae he rates it above riches and gold, and he who does not think so is not a man but a beast.533
[288] The experience of the fourth quarter, the region of fire (i.e., the inferior function), is described by Maier as an ascent and descent through the seven planetary spheres. Even if the peregrination up to this point was not an allegory of the opus alchymicum, from now on it certainly is. The opus is atransitus, a

in the Gnostic sense, a transcension and transformation whose subject and object is the elusive Mercurius. I will not discuss the nature of the transitus here in any great detail, as this would be the proper concern of an account of the opus itself. One aspect of the transitus, however, is the ascent and descent through the planetary spheres, and to this we must devote a few words. As the Tabula smaragdina shows, the purpose of the ascent and descent is to unite the powers of Above and Below. A feature worthy of special notice is that in the opus there is an ascent followed by a descent, whereas the probable Gnostic-Christian prototype depicts first the descent and then the ascent. There are numerous evidences of this in the literature and I do not need to cite them here. I will quote only the words of one of the great Greek Fathers, St. Basil, who says in his explanation of Psalm 17 : 10534 (And he bowed the heavens and came down, and a black cloud was under his feet): David says here: God came down from heaven to help me and to chastise his enemies. But he clearly prophesies the incarnation [

] of Christ when he says: He bowed the heavens and came down. For he did not break through the heavens and did not make the mystery manifest, but came down to earth secretly, like rain upon the fleece,535 because the incarnation was secret and unknown, and his coming into the world-order [

] was hidden.536 Commenting on the next verse (And he was borne upon the cherubim, and he flew), Basil says: For in ascending he rose above the Cherubim, whom David named also the wings of the wind, on account of their winged and stormy nature. By the wings of the wind is also meant the cloud which took him up.537 Irenaeus sums up the mystery in the lapidary saying: For it is He who descended and ascended for the salvation of men.538
[289] In contrast to this, in alchemy the ascent comes first and then the descent. I would mention the ascent and descent of the soul in the Rosarium illustrations539 and above all the exordium in the Tabula smaragdina, whose authority held sway throughout the Middle Ages:
IV. Its father is the sun, its mother the moon; the wind hath carried it in his belly; its nurse is the earth.
VI. Its power is complete when it is turned towards the earth.
VIII. It ascendeth from the earth to heaven, and descendeth again to the earth, and receiveth the power of the higher and lower things. So wilt thou have the glory of the whole world.540
[290] These articles (whose subject is sometimes masculine and sometimes neuter) describe the sun-moon child who is laid in the cradle of the four elements, attains full power through them and the earth, rises to heaven and receives the power of the upper world, and then returns to earth, accomplishing, it seems, a triumph of wholeness (gloria totius mundi). The words So wilt thou have are evidently addressed to the Philosopher, for he is the artifex of the filius philosophorum. If he succeeds in transforming the arcane substance he will simultaneously accomplish his own wholeness, which will manifest itself as the glory of the whole world.
[291] There can be no doubt that the arcane substance, whether in neuter or personified form, rises from the earth, unites the opposites, and then returns to earth, thereby achieving its own transformation into the elixir. He riseth up and goeth down in the tree of the sun, till he becomes the elixir, says the Consilium coniugii.541 The text continues:
Someone hath said,542 And when I rise naked to heaven, then shall I come clothed upon the earth, and shall perfect all minerals.543 And if we are baptized in the fountain of gold and silver, and the spirit of our body [i.e., the arcane substance] ascends into heaven with the father and the son, and descends again, then shall our souls revive, and my animal body will remain white, that is, [the body] of the moon.544
[292] Here the union of opposites consists in an ascent to heaven and a descent to earth in the bath of the tincture. The earthly effect is first a perfection of minerals, then a resuscitation of souls and a transfiguration of the animal body, which before was dark. A parallel passage in the Consilium runs:
His soul rises up from it545 and is exalted to the heavens, that is, to the spirit, and becomes the rising sun (that is, red), in the waxing moon, and of solar nature.546 And then the lantern with two lights,547 which is the water of life, will return to its origin, that is, to earth. And it becomes of low estate, is humbled and decays, and is joined to its beloved,548 the terrestrial sulphur.549
[293] This text describes the ascent of the soul of the arcane substance, the incombustible sulphur. The soul as Luna attains its plenilunium, its sunlike brilliance, then wanes into the novilunium and sinks down into the embrace of the terrestrial sulphur, which here signifies death and corruption. We are reminded of the gruesome conjunction at the new moon in Maiers Scrutinium chymicum, where the woman and the dragon embrace in the grave.550 The description Dorn gives in his Physica Trismegisti is also to the point: In the end it will come to pass that this earthly, spagyric birth clothes itself with heavenly nature by its ascent, and then by its descent visibly puts on the nature of the centre of the earth, but nonetheless the nature of the heavenly centre which it acquired by the ascent is secretly preserved.551 This birth (foetura) conquers the subtile and spiritual sickness in the human mind and also all bodily defects, within as well as without. The medicament is produced in the same way as the world was created. Elsewhere Dorn remarks that the foetus spagyricus is forced by the fire to rise up to heaven (caelum), by which he means from the bottom of the vessel to the top, and from there it descends again after attaining the necessary degree of ripeness, and returns to earth: This spirit becomes corporeal again, after having become spirit from a body.552
[294] As if in contradiction to the Tabula smaragdina, whose authority he follows here, Dorn writes in his Philosophia speculativa: No one ascends into the heaven which ye seek, unless he who descends from the heaven which ye do not seek, enlighten him.553 Dorn was perhaps the first alchemist to find certain statements of his art problematical,554 and it was for this reason that he provided his foetus spagyricus, who behaves in an all too Basilidian manner, with a Christian alibi. At the same time he was conscious that the artifex was indissolubly one with the opus.555 His speculations are not to be taken lightly as they are occasionally of the greatest psychological interest, e.g.: The descent to the four and the ascent to the monad are simultaneous.556 The four are the four elements and the monad is the original unity which reappears in the denarius (the number 10), the goal of the opus; it is the unity of the personality projected into the unity of the stone. The descent is analytic, a separation into the four components of wholeness; the ascent synthetic, a putting together of the denarius. This speculation accords with the psychological fact that the confrontation of conscious and unconscious produces a dissolution of the personality and at the same time regroups it into a whole. This can be seen very clearly in moments of psychic crisis, for it is just in these moments that the symbol of unity, for instance the mandala, occurs in a dream. Where danger is, there / Arises salvation also, says Hlderlin.
[295] While the older authors keep strictly to the Tabula smaragdina,557 the more modern ones, under the leadership of Dorn, tend to present the process the other way round. For instance, Mylius says that the earth cannot ascend unless heaven comes down first. And even then the earth can be sublimated to heaven only if it is dissolved in its own spirit558 and becomes one substance therewith.559 The Paracelsist Penotus is even more emphatic. Speaking of Mercurius, he says:
As to how the son of man [filius hominis] is generated by the philosopher and the fruit of the virgin is produced, it is necessary that he be exalted from the earth and cleansed of all earthliness; then he rises as a whole into the air and is changed into spirit. Thus the word of the philosopher is fulfilled: He ascends from earth to heaven and puts on the power of Above and Below, and lays aside his earthly and uncleanly nature.560
This complete identification of the lapis with the son of man must obviously end with its ascension. But that contradicts the original and widespread conception of the lapis as the tincture or medicine, which has meaning and value only if it applies itself to the base substances of the lower world. The upper world is in need of no medicine, since it is incorruptible anyway. A redeemer who proceeds from matter and returns to matter gradually became unthinkable. Those who identified the lapis absolutely with Christ stopped working in the laboratory, and those who preferred laboratory work slowly gave up their mystic language.
[296] Ascent and descent, above and below, up and down, represent an emotional realization of opposites, and this realization gradually leads, or should lead, to their equilibrium. This motif occurs very frequently in dreams, in the form of going up- and downhill, climbing stairs, going up or down in a lift, balloon, aeroplane, etc.561 It corresponds to the struggle between the winged and the wingless dragon, i.e., the uroboros. Dorn describes it also as the circular distillation562 and as the spagyric vessel which has to be constructed after the likeness of the natural vessel, i.e., in the form of a sphere. As Dorn interprets it, this vacillating between the opposites and being tossed back and forth means being contained in the opposites. They become a vessel in which what was previously now one thing and now another floats vibrating, so that the painful suspension between opposites gradually changes into the bilateral activity of the point in the centre.563 This is the liberation from opposites, the nirdvandva of Hindu philosophy, though it is not really a philosophical but rather a psychological development. The Aurelia occulta puts this thought in the words of the dragon: Many from one and one from many, issue of a famous line, I rise from the lowest to the highest. The nethermost power of the whole earth is united with the highest. I therefore am the One and the Many within me.564 In these words the dragon makes it clear that he is the chthonic forerunner of the self.
f. The Journey through the Planetary Houses
[297] Returning now to Michael Maiers journey to the seven mouths of the Nile, which signify the seven planets, we bring to this theme a deepened understanding of what the alchemists meant by ascent and descent. It was the freeing of the soul from the shackles of darkness, or unconsciousness; its ascent to heaven, the widening of consciousness; and finally its return to earth, to hard reality, in the form of the tincture or healing drink, endowed with the powers of the Above. What this means psychologically could be seen very clearly from the Hypnerotomachia565 were its meaning not overlaid by a mass of ornate detail. It should therefore be pointed out that the whole first part of the book is a description of the dreamers ascent to a world of gods and heroes, of his initiation into a Venus mystery, followed by the illumination and semi-apotheosis of Poliphilo and his Polia. In the second, smaller part this leads to disenchantment and the cooling off of the lovers, culminating in the knowledge that it was all only a dream. It is a descent to earth, to the reality of daily life, and it is not altogether clear whether the hero managed to preserve in secret the nature of the heavenly centre which he acquired by the ascent.566 One rather doubts it. Nevertheless, his exciting adventure has left us a psychological document which is a perfect example of the course and the symbolism of the individuation process. The spirit, if not the language, of alchemy breathes through it and sheds light even on the darkest enigmas and riddles of the Masters.567
[298] Maiers journey through the planetary houses begins with Saturn, who is the coldest, heaviest, and most distant of the planets, the maleficus and abode of evil, the mysterious and sinister Senex (Old Man), and from there he ascends to the region of the sun, to look for the Boy Mercurius, the longed-for and long-sought goal of the adept. It is an ascent ever nearer to the sun, from darkness and cold to light and warmth, from old age to youth, from death to rebirth. But he has to go back along the way he came, for Mercurius is not to be found in the region of the sun but at the point from which he originally started. This sounds very psychological, and in fact life never goes forward except at the place where it has come to a standstill.568 The sought-for Mercurius is the spiritus vegetativus, a living spirit, whose nature it is to run through all the houses of the planets, i.e., the entire Zodiac. We could just as well say through the entire horoscope, or, since the horoscope is the chronometric equivalent of individual character, through all the characterological components of the personality. Individual character is, on the old view, the curse or blessing which the gods bestowed on the child at its birth in the form of favourable or unfavourable astrological aspects. The horoscope is like the chirographum, the handwriting of the ordinances against us . . . which Christ blotted out; and he took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. And after having disarmed the principalities and powers he made a show of them openly, and triumphed over them.569
[299] This very ancient idea of what we might call an inborn bill of debt to fate is the Western version of a prenatal karma. It is the archons, the seven rulers of the planets, who imprint its fate upon the soul. Thus Priscillian (d. c. 385) says that the soul, on its descent to birth, passes through certain circles where it is made captive by evil powers, and in accordance with the will of the victorious prince is forced into divers bodies, and his handwriting inscribed upon it.570 Presumably this means that the soul is imprinted with the influences of the various planetary spheres. The descent of the soul through the planetary houses corresponds to its passage through the gates of the planets as described by Origen: the first gate is of lead and is correlated with Saturn,571 from which it is clear that Maier is following an old tradition.572 His peregrinatio chymica repeats the old heavenly journey of the soul, an idea which seems to have been developed more particularly in Persia.
[300] I shall not go more closely here into the transitus through the planetary houses;573 it is sufficient to know that Michael Maier, like Mercurius, passes through them on his mystic journey.574 This journey is reminiscent of the voyage of the hero, one motif of which becomes evident in the archetypal meeting at the critical place (the ford) with the Ortus, its head showing the four colours. There are other motifs too. Where there is a monster a beautiful maiden is not far away, for they have, as we know, a secret understanding so that the one is seldom found without the other. The sibyl, the guide of souls, shows the hero the way to Mercurius, who in this case is Hermes Trismegistus, the supreme mystagogue.
[301] In the Shepherd of Hermas it is related that the hero, while travelling along the Via Campana, met a monster resembling a dragon of the sea (

And the beast had on its head four colours, black, then the colour of flame and blood, then golden, then white. After I had passed the beast by and had gone about thirty feet further, lo! a maiden met me, adorned as if coming forth from the bridal chamber, all in white and with white sandals, veiled to the forehead, and a turban for a head-dress, but her hair was white.575
[302] The similarity between the two stories is so complete that one is tempted to assume that Maier had read the Shepherd of Hermas. This is not very likely. Though he had a good education in the humanities I can see in his writings no evidence that he was familiar with the patristic literature, and in his references to the writings of Albertus and Thomas Aquinas576 he might easily have let slip a remark of this kind. But one finds nothing, and it does not seem very probable, either, that Maier had direct knowledge of the New Testament Apocrypha.
[303] Hermas interprets the maiden as the Church, and Maier, fifteen hundred years later, as the Erythraean Sibyl, which only goes to show once more that the newer is the older. The supreme mistress led Hermas to the kingdom of the triune God, but Maier she leads to Hermes Trismegistus and Trisomatos, the triadic Mercurius, who would reveal to him the secret of the phoenixs resurrection.577 He can find Mercurius only through the rite of the ascent and descent, the circular distillation, beginning with the black lead, with the darkness, coldness, and malignity of the malefic Saturn; then ascending through the other planets to the fiery Sol, where the gold is heated in the hottest fire and cleansed of all impurities; and finally returning to Saturn, where this time he meets Mercurius and receives some useful teachings from him. Saturn has here changed from a star of ill omen into a domus barbae (House of the Beard), where the wisest of all, Thrice-Greatest Hermes, imparts wisdom.578 Hermas too begins with the blackness; his mistress gives him the following explanation:
The black is this world in which you are living; the colour of fire and blood means that this world must be destroyed in blood and fire. The golden part is you, who have fled from this world, for even as gold is tried in the fire and becomes valuable, so also you who live among them are tried. . . . The white part is the world to come, in which the elect of God shall dwell; for those who have been chosen by God for eternal life will be without spot and pure.579
[304] In alchemy the fire purifies, but it also melts the opposites into a unity. He who ascends unites the powers of Above and Below and shows his full power when he returns again to earth.580 By this is to be understood the production on the one hand of the panacea or Medicina Catholica, and on the other, of a living being with a human form, the filius philosophorum, who is often depicted as a youth or hermaphrodite or child. He is a parallel of the Gnostic Anthropos, but he also appears as an Anthroparion, a kind of goblin, a familiar who stands by the adept in his work and helps the physician to heal.581 This being ascends and descends and unites Below with Above, gaining a new power which carries its effect over into everyday life. His mistress gives Hermas this advice: Therefore do not cease to speak to the ears of the saints582in other words, work among your fellow men by spreading the news of the Risen.
[305] Just as Maier on his return met Mercurius, so Hermas in his next vision met the Poimen, the shepherd, a white fleece round his shoulders, a knapsack on his back, and a staff in his hand. Hermas recognized that it was he to whom I was handed over,583 namely the shepherd of the lamb, which was himself. In iconography the good shepherd has the closest connections with Hermes Kriophoros (the lamb-bearer); thus even in antiquity these two saviour figures coalesced. Whereas Hermas is handed over to his shepherd, Hermes hands over his art and wisdom to his pupil Maier and thus equips him to do something himself and to work with the aid of the magic caduceus. This, for a physician who was an alchemist, took the place of the staff of Asklepios, which had only one snake. The sacred snake of the Asklepieion signified: The god heals; but the caduceus, or Mercurius in the form of the coniunctio in the retort, means: In the hands of the physician lie the magic remedies granted by God.584
[306] The numerous analogies between two texts so far apart in time enable us to take a psychological view of the transformations they describe. The sequence of colours coincides by and large with the sequence of the planets. Grey and black correspond to Saturn585 and the evil world; they symbolize the beginning in darkness, in the melancholy, fear, wickedness, and wretchedness of ordinary human life. It is Maier from whom the saying comes about the noble substance which moves from lord to lord, in the beginning whereof is wretchedness with vinegar.586 By lord he means the archon and ruler of the planetary house. He adds: And so it will fare with me. The darkness and blackness can be interpreted psychologically as mans confusion and lostness; that state which nowadays results in an anamnesis, a thorough examination of all those contents which are the cause of the problematical situation, or at any rate its expression. This examination, as we know, includes the irrational contents that originate in the unconscious and express themselves in fantasies and dreams. The analysis and interpretation of dreams confront the conscious standpoint with the statements of the unconscious, thus widening its narrow horizon. This loosening up of cramped and rigid attitudes corresponds to the solution and separation of the elements by the aqua permanens, which was already present in the body and is lured out by the art. The water is a soul or spirit, that is, a psychic substance, which now in its turn is applied to the initial material. This corresponds to using the dreams meaning to clarify existing problems. Solutio is defined in this sense by Dorn.587
[307] The situation is now gradually illuminated as is a dark night by the rising moon. The illumination comes to a certain extent from the unconscious, since it is mainly dreams that put us on the track of enlightenment. This dawning light corresponds to the albedo, the moonlight which in the opinion of some alchemists heralds the rising sun. The growing redness (rubedo) which now follows denotes an increase of warmth and light coming from the sun, consciousness. This corresponds to the increasing participation of consciousness, which now begins to react emotionally to the contents produced by the unconscious. At first the process of integration is a fiery conflict, but gradually it leads over to the melting or synthesis of the opposites. The alchemists termed this the rubedo, in which the marriage of the red man and the white woman, Sol and Luna, is consummated. Although the opposites flee from one another they nevertheless strive for balance, since a state of conflict is too inimical to life to be endured indefinitely. They do this by wearing each other out: the one eats the other, like the two dragons or the other ravenous beasts of alchemical symbolism.
[308] Astrologically, as we have said, this process corresponds to an ascent through the planets from the dark, cold, distant Saturn to the sun. To the alchemists the connection between individual temperament and the positions of the planets was self-evident, for these elementary astrological considerations were the common property of any educated person in the Middle Ages as well as in antiquity. The ascent through the planetary spheres therefore meant something like a shedding of the characterological qualities indicated by the horoscope, a retrogressive liberation from the character imprinted by the archons. The conscious or unconscious model for such an ascent was the Gnostic redeemer, who either deceives the archons by guile or breaks their power by force. A similar motif is the release from the bill of debt to fate. The men of late antiquity in particular felt their psychic situation to be fatally dependent on the compulsion of the stars, Heimarmene, a feeling which may be compared with that inspired by the modern theory of heredity, or rather by the pessimistic use of it. A similar demoralization sets in in many neuroses when the patient takes the psychic factors producing the symptoms as though they were unalterable facts which it is useless to resist. The journey through the planetary houses, like the crossing of the great halls in the Egyptian underworld, therefore signifies the overcoming of a psychic obstacle, or of an autonomous complex, suitably represented by a planetary god or demon. Anyone who has passed through all the spheres is free from compulsion; he has won the crown of victory and become like a god.
[309] In our psychological language today we express ourselves more modestly: the journey through the planetary houses boils down to becoming conscious of the good and the bad qualities in our character, and the apotheosis means no more than maximum consciousness, which amounts to maximal freedom of the will. This goal cannot be better represented than by the alchemical symbol of the

(position of the sun at noon) in Zosimos.588 But at the zenith the descent begins. The mystic traveller goes back to the Nile mouth from which he started. He repeats, as it were, the descent of the soul which had led in the first place to the imprinting of the chirographum. He retraces his steps through the planetary houses until he comes back to the dark Saturn. This means that the soul, which was imprinted with a horoscopic character at the time of its descent into birth, conscious now of its godlikeness, beards the archons in their lairs and carries the light undisguised down into the darkness of the world.
[310] Here again psychology makes no special claims. What before was a burden unwillingly borne and blamed upon the entire family, is seen by the greatest possible insight (which can be very modest!) to be no more than the possession of ones own personality, and one realizesas though this were not self-evident!that one cannot live from anything except what one is.
[311] On returning to the house of Saturn our pilgrim finds the long-sought Mercurius.589 Maier passes remarkably quickly over this highly significant encounter and mentions merely their numerous conversations without, however, disclosing their content. This is the more surprising in that Mercurius either personifies the great teacher or else has the character of the arcane substance, both of which would be a fruitful source for further revelations. For Mercurius is the light-bringing Nous, who knows the secret of transformation and of immortality.
[312] Let us assume that Maiers sudden silence is no mere accident but was intentional or even a necessity. This assumption is not entirely without justification since Maier was one of the founders of the international Rosicrucian Society,590 and would therefore have no doubt been in a position to expatiate at length upon the Hermetic arcana. What we know of the so-called Rosicrucian secrets does nothing to explain why they were hushed up. This, incidentally, is true of most mysteries of this kind. It is very significant that the mysteries of the early Church turned soon enough into sacraments. The word mystery became a misnomer, since everything lay open in the rite. Andreas Rosencreutz used as a motto for his Chymical Wedding:Mysteries profaned and made public fade and lose their grace. Therefore, cast not pearls before swine, nor spread roses for the ass. This attitude might have been a motive for silence. People had so often got to know of things that were kept secret in the mysteries under the most fearsome oaths and had wondered why on earth they should ever have been the object of secrecy. Self-importance or the prestige of the priesthood or of the initiates seemed the obvious deduction. And there can be no doubt that the mysteries often were abused in this way. But the real reason was the imperative need to participate in a or perhaps the secret without which life loses its supreme meaning. The secret is not really worth keeping, but the fact that it is still obstinately kept reveals an equally persistent psychic motive for keeping secrets, and that is the real secret, the real mystery. It is indeed remarkable and mysterious that this gesture of keeping something secret should be made at all. Why does man need to keep a secret, and for what purpose does he invent an artificial one which he even decks out as an ineffably holy rite? The thing hidden is always more or less irrelevant, for in itself it is no more than an image or sign pointing to a content that cannot be defined more closely. This content is certainly not a matter for indifference since it indicates the living presence of a numinous archetype. The essential thing is the hiding, an expressive gesture which symbolizes something unconscious and not to be named lying behind it; something, therefore, that is either not yet conscious or cannot or will not become conscious. It points, in a word, to the presence of an unconscious content, which exacts from consciousness a tri bute of constant regard and attention. With the application of interest the continual perception and assimilation of the effects of the secret become possible. This is beneficial to the conduct of life, because the contents of the unconscious can then exert their compensatory effect and, if taken note of and recognized, bring about a balance that promotes health. On a primitive level, therefore, the chief effect of the mysteries is to promote health, growth, and fertility. If there were nothing good in the rite it would presumably never have come into existence or would long since have perished. The tremendous psychic effect of the Eleusinian mysteries, for instance, is beyond question. Psycho therapeutic experience has made the meaning of secrets once more a topical question, not only from the religious or philosophical point of view but also in respect of the demands of conscience with which individuation confronts a man.
[313] Maiers silence is eloquent, as we soon find when we try to see the psychological equivalent of the descent and of the discovery of Mercurius. The maximal degree of consciousness confronts the ego with its shadow, and individual psychic life with a collective psyche. These psychological terms sound light enough but they weigh heavy, for they denote an almost unendurable conflict, a psychic strait whose terrors only he knows who has passed through it. What one then discovers about oneself and about man and the world is of such a nature that one would rather not speak of it; and besides, it is so difficult to put into words that ones courage fails at the bare attempt. So it need not be at all a frivolous evasion if Maier merely hints at his conversations with Mercurius. In the encounter with life and the world there are experiences that are capable of moving us to long and thorough reflection, from which, in time, insights and convictions grow upa process depicted by the alchemists as the philosophical tree. The unfolding of these experiences is regulated, as it were, by two archetypes: the anima, who expresses life, and the Wise Old Man, who personifies meaning.591 Our author was led in the first place by the anima-sibyl to undertake the journey through the planetary houses as the precondition of all that was to follow. It is therefore only logical that, towards the end of the descent, he should meet Thrice-Greatest Hermes, the fount of all wisdom. This aptly describes the character of that spirit or thinking which you do not, like an intellectual operation, perform yourself, as the little god of this world, but which happens to you as though it came from another, and greater, perhaps the great spirit of the world, not inappositely named Trismegistus. The long reflection, the immensa meditatio of the alchemists is defined as an internal colloquy with another, who is invisible.592
[314] Possibly Maier would have revealed to us something more if Mercurius had not been in such a hurry to take upon himself the role of arbiter between the owl and the birds who were fighting it.593 This is an allusion to a work of Maiers entitled Jocus severus (Frankfurt a. M., 1617), where he defends the wisdom of alchemy against its detractors, a theme that also plays an important part in his Symbola aureae mensae in the form of argument and counterargument. One is therefore justified in assuming that Maier got into increasing conflict with himself and his environment the more he buried himself in the secret speculations of Hermetic philosophy. Indeed nothing else could have been expected, for the world of Hermetic images gravitates round the unconscious, and the unconscious compensation is always aimed at the conscious positions which are the most strongly defended because they are the most questionable, though its apparently hostile aspect merely reflects the surly face which the ego turns towards it. In reality the unconscious compensation is not intended as a hostile act but as a necessary and helpful attempt to restore the balance. For Maier it meant an inner and outer conflict which was not abolished, but only embittered, by the firmness of his convictions. For every one-sided conviction is accompanied by the voice of doubt, and certainties that are mere beliefs turn into uncertainties which may correspond better with the truth. The truth of the sic et non (yes and no), almost, but not quite, recognized by Abelard, is a difficult thing for the intellect to bear; so it is no wonder that Maier got stuck in the conflict and had to postpone his discovery of the phoenix until doomsday. Fortunately he was honest enough not to assert that he had ever made the lapis or the philosophical gold, and for this reason he never spread a veil of deception over his work. Thanks to his scrupulousness his late successors are at least able to guess how far he had progressed in the art, and where his labours came to a standstill. He never succeeded, as we can now see, in reaching the point where conflict and argument become logically superfluous, where yes and no are two aspects of the same thing. Thou wilt never make the One which thou seekest, says the master, except first there be made one thing of thyself.594
g. The Regeneration in Sea-water
[315] After these long digressions on the interrelated symbols that branch out from the sea and its various aspects, we will resume our discussion of salt and salt-water.
[316] The aqua pontica (or aqua permanens) behaves very much like the baptismal water of the Church. Its chief function is ablution, the cleansing of the sinner, and in alchemy this is the lato, the impure body;595 hence the oft-repeated saying attri buted to Elbo Interfector:596 Whiten the lato597 and rend the books, lest your hearts be rent asunder.598 In the Rosarium the ablution599 of the lato occurs in variant form: it is cleansed not by water but by Azoth and fire,600 that is, by a kind of baptism in fire, which is often used as a synonym for water.601 The equivalent of this in the Catholic rite is the plunging of a burning candle into the font, in accordance with Matthew 3 : 11: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.602 The alchemists did not hesitate to call the transformative process a baptism. Thus the Consilium coniugii says: And if we are baptized in the fountain of gold and silver, and the spirit of our body ascends into heaven with the father and the son, and descends again, then our souls shall revive and my animal body will remain white, that is, [the body] of the moon.603 The subject of this sentence is Sol and Luna. The Aurora consurgens I distinguishes three kinds of baptism, in water, in blood, and in fire,604 the Christian ideas being here transferred directly to the chemical procedure. The same is true of the idea that baptism is a submersion in death, following Colossians 2 : 12: (Ye are) buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him. In his Table of Symbols, Penotus605 correlates the moon, the spirits and ghosts of the dead [Manes et Lemures], and gods of the underworld with the mystery of baptism, and the corresponding stage in the opus is the solutio, which signifies the total dissolution of the imperfect body in the aqua divina, its submersion, mortification,606 and burial. The putrefaction takes place in the grave, and the foul smell that accompanies it is the stench of the graves.607 The motif of imprisonment in the underworld is found in Greek alchemy, in the treatise of Komarios: Lock them [the substances] in Hades.608 The rebirth from the floods (

) of Hades and from the grave recurs in Cyril of Jerusalem: That saving flood is both your sepulchre and your mother,609 and in St. Augustine: The water leads him down, as if dying, into the grave; the Holy Spirit brings him up, as if rising again, into heaven.610
[317] The treatise of Ostanes611 says that when preparing the

, the vessel with the ingredients should be immersed in sea-water, and then the divine water will be perfected. It is, so to speak, gestated in the womb of the sea-water. The text says: This [divine] water makes the dead living and the living dead, it lights the darkness and darkens the light, concentrates [

] the sea-water and quenches fire. As this miraculous water occurs even in the oldest texts, it must be of pagan rather than of Christian origin. The oldest Chinese treatise known to us (A.D. 142) likewise contains this idea of the divine water: it is the flowing pearl (quicksilver), and the divine chi, meaning air, spirit, ethereal essence. The various essences are likened to spring showers in abundance,612 and this recalls the blessed water in the treatise of Komarios, which brings the spring.613 The age-old use of water at sacrifices and the great role it played in Egypt, where Western alchemy originated, may well have foreshadowed the water symbolism of later times. Folk ideas and superstitions such as we find in the Magic Papyri may have made their contri bution, too; the following words might just as well have been taken from an alchemical treatise: I am the plant named Bas, I am a spout of blood . . ., the outgrowth of the abyss.614 . . . I am the sacred bird Phoenix.615 . . . I am Helios. . . . I am Aphrodite. . . . I am Kronos, who has showed forth the light. . . . I am Osiris, named water, I am Isis, named dew, I am Esenephys, named spring.616 The personified

might well have spoken like that.
[318] The effect of Christian baptism is the washing away of sin and the acceptance of the neophyte into the Church as the earthly kingdom of Christ, sanctification and rebirth through grace, and the bestowal of an indelible character on the baptized. The effect of the aqua permanens is equally miraculous. The Gloria mundi says: The mystery of every thing is life, which is water; for water dissolves the body into spirit and summons a spirit from the dead.617 Dissolution into spirit, the bodys volatilization or sublimation, corresponds chemically to evaporation, or any rate to the expulsion of evaporable ingredients like quicksilver, sulphur, etc. Psychologically it corresponds to the conscious realization and integration of an unconscious content. Unconscious contents lurk somewhere in the body like so many demons of sickness, impossible to get hold of, especially when they give rise to physical symptoms the organic causes of which cannot be demonstrated. The spirit summoned from the dead is usually the spirit Mercurius, who, as the anima mundi, is inherent in all things in a latent state. It is clear from the passage immediately following that it is salt of which it is said: And that is the thing which we seek: all our secrets are contained in it. Salt, however, takes its origin from Mercurius, so salt is a synonym for the arcane substance. It also plays an important part in the Roman rite: after being blessed it is added to the consecrated water, and in the ceremony of baptism a few grains of the consecrated salt are placed in the neophytes mouth with the words: Receive the salt of wisdom: may it be a propitiation for thee unto eternal life.
[319] As the alchemists strove to produce an incorruptible glorified body, they would, if they were successful, attain that state in the albedo, where the body became spotless and no longer subject to decay. The white substance of the ash618 was therefore described as the diadem of the heart, and its synonym, the white foliated earth (terra alba foliata), as the crown of victory.619 The ash is identical with the pure water which is cleansed from the darkness of the soul, and of the black matter, for the wickedness (malitia) of base earthiness has been separated from it.620 This terrestreitas mala is the terra damnata (accursed earth) mentioned by other authors; it is what Goe the calls the trace of earth painful to bear, the moral turpitude that cannot be washed off. In Senior the ash is synonymous with vitrum (glass), which, on account of its incorruptibility and transparency, seemed to resemble the glorified body. Glass in its turn was associated with salt, for salt was praised as that virgin and pure earth, and the finest crystalline glass is composed mainly of sal Sodae (soda salts), with sand added as a binding agent. Thus the raw material of glass-making (technically known as the batch) is formed from two incorruptible substances.621 Furthermore, glass is made in the fire, the pure element. In the sharp or burning taste of salt the alchemists detected the fire dwelling within it, whose preservative property it in fact shares. Alexander of Macedon is cited as saying: Know that the salt is fire and dryness.622 Or, the salts are of fiery nature.623 Salt has an affinity with sulphur, whose nature is essentially fiery.624 Glauber maintains that fire and salt are in their essential nature one thing and are therefore held in high esteem by all sensible Christians, but the ignorant know no more of these things than a cow, a pig, or a brute, which live without understanding. He also says the Abyssinians baptized with water and fire. Without fire and salt the hea then would not have been able to offer sacrifice, and the evangelist Mark had said that every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.625
h. The Interpretation and Meaning of Salt
[320] Salt as much as ash is a synonym for the albedo (or dealbatio), and is identical with the white stone, the white sun, the full moon, the fruitful white earth, cleansed and calcined.626 The connecting link between ash and salt is potash, and the burning and corrosive property of lye (caustic solution) is well known.627 Senior mentions that the dealbatio was known as salsatura (marination).628
[321] Some light is thrown on the numerous overlapping significations of salt, and the obscurity begins to clear up, when we are informed, further, that one of its principal meanings is soul. As the white substance it is the white woman, and the salt of our magnesia629 is a spark of the anima mundi.630 For Glauber the salt is feminine and corresponds to Eve.631 The Gloria mundi says: The salt of the earth is the soul.632 This pregnant sentence contains within it the whole ambiguity of alchemy. On the one hand the soul is the aqua permanens, which dissolves and coagulates, the arcane substance which is at once the transformer and the transformed, the nature which conquers nature. On the other hand it is the human soul imprisoned in the body as the anima mundi is in matter, and this soul undergoes the same transformations by death and purification, and finally by glorification, as the lapis. It is the tincture which coagulates all substances, indeed it even fixes (figit) itself; it comes from the centre of the earth and is the destroyed earth, nor is there anything on the earth like to the tincture.633 The soul is therefore not an earthly but a transcendental thing, regardless of the fact that the alchemists expected it to appear in a retort. This contradiction presented no difficulties to the medieval mind. There was a good reason for this: the philosophers were so fascinated by their own psychisms that, in their navet, they faithfully reproduced the inner psychic situation externally. Although the unconscious, personified by the anima, is in itself transcendental, it can appear in the sphere of consciousness, that is, in this world, in the form of an influence on conscious processes.
[322] Just as the world-soul pervades all things, so does salt. It is ubiquitous and thus fulfils the main requirement of an arcane substance, that it can be found everywhere. No doubt the reader will be as conscious as I am of how uncommonly difficult it is to give an account of salt and its ubiquitous connections. It represents the feminine principle of Eros, which brings everything into relationship, in an almost perfect way. In this respect it is surpassed only by Mercurius, and the notion that salt comes from Mercurius is therefore quite understandable. For salt, as the soul or spark of the anima mundi, is in very truth the daughter of the spiritus vegetativus of creation. Salt is far more indefinite and more universal than sulphur, whose essence is fairly well defined by its fiery nature.
[323] The relationship of salt to the anima mundi, which as we know is personified by the Primordial Man or Anthropos, brings us to the analogy with Christ. Glauber himself makes the equation Sal: Sol = A : ,634 so that salt becomes an analogue of God. According to Glauber, the sign for salt

was originally

,635 a double totality symbol; the circle representing non-differentiated wholeness, and the square discriminated wholeness.636 As a matter of fact there is another sign for salt,

in contradistinction to

Venus, who certainly has less to do with understanding and wisdom than has salt. Salt, says Glauber, was the first fiat at the creation.637 Christ is the salt of wisdom which is given at baptism.638 These ideas are elaborated by Georg von Welling: Christ is the salt, the fiat is the Word that is begotten from eternity for our preservation. Christ is the sweet, fixed salt of silent, gentle eternity. The body, when salted by Christ, becomes tinctured and therefore incorruptible.639
[324] The Christ parallel runs through the late alchemical speculations that set in after Boehme, and it was made possible by the sal: sapientia equation. Already in antiquity salt denoted wit, good sense, good taste, etc., as well as spirit. Cicero, for instance, remarks: In wit [sale] and humour Caesar . . . surpassed them all.640 But it was the Vulgate that had the most decisive influence on the formation of alchemical concepts. In the Old Testament, even the salt of the covenant641 has a moral meaning. In the New Testament, the famous words Ye are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5 : 13) show that the disciples were regarded as personifications of higher insight and divine wisdom, just as, in their role of

(proclaimers of the message), they functioned as angels (

, messengers), so that Gods kingdom on earth might approximate as closely as possible to the structure of the heavenly hierarchy. The other well-known passage is at Mark 9 : 50, ending with the words: Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another. The earliest reference to salt in the New Testament (Colossians 4 : 6) likewise has a classical flavour: Let your speech be alway with grace, and seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
[325] Here salt undoubtedly means insight, understanding, wisdom. In both Matthew and Mark the salt is liable to lose its savour. Evidently this salt must keep its tang, just as the wise virgins kept their lamps trimmed. For this purpose a flexibility of mind is needed, and the last thing to guarantee this is rigid insistence on the necessity of faith. Everyone will admit that it is the task of the Church to safeguard her store of wisdom, the aqua doctrinae, in its original purity, and yet, in response to the changing spirit of the times, she must go on altering it and differentiating it just as the Fathers did. For the cultured Greco-Roman world early Christianity was among other things a message in philosophical disguise, as we can see quite plainly from Hippolytus. It was a competing philosophical doctrine that reached a certain peak of perfection in St. Thomas. Until well into the sixteenth century the degree of philosophical truth of Christian doctrine corresponded to that of scientific truth today.
[326] The physicians and natural philosophers of the Middle Ages nevertheless found themselves faced with problems for which the Church had no answer. Confronted with sickness and death, the physicians did not hesitate to seek counsel with the Arabs and so resuscitate that bit of the ancient world which the Church thought she had exterminated for ever, namely the Mandaean and Sabaean remnants of Hellenistic syncretism. From them they derived a sal sapientiae that seemed so unlike the doctrine of the Church that before long a process of mutual assimilation arose which put forth some very remarkable blossoms. The ecclesiastical allegories kept, so far as I can judge, to the classical usage of Sal. Only St. Hilary (d. 367) seems to have gone rather more deeply into the nature of salt when he remarks that salt contains in itself the element of water and fire, and by this is one out of two.642 Picinellus observes: Two elements which stir up an implacable enmity between themselves are found in wondrous alliance in salt. For salt is wholly fire and wholly water.643 For the rest he advises a sparing use of salt: Let the word be sprinkled with salt, not deluged with it,644 and another, earlier allegorist, the Jesuit Nicholas Caussin,645 does not mention salt at all.
[327] This is not altogether surprising, for how do wisdom and revelation square with one another? As certain books of the Old Testament canon show, there is, besides the wisdom of God which expresses itself in revelation, a human wisdom which cannot be had unless one works for it. Mark 9 : 50 therefore exhorts us to make sure that we always have enough salt in us, and he is certainly not referring to divine revelation, for this is something no man can produce on his own resources. But at least he can cultivate and increase his own human wisdom. That Mark should offer this warning, and that Paul should express himself in a very similar way, is in accord with the traditional Judeo-Hellenism of the Jewish communities at that time. An authoritarian Church, however, leaves very little room for the salt of human wisdom. Hence it is not surprising that the sal sapientiae plays an incomparably greater role outside the Church. Irenaeus, reporting the views of the Gnostics, says: The spiritual, they say, [is] sent forth to this end, that, being united here below with the psychic, it may take form, and be instructed simultaneously by intercourse with it. And this they declare to be the salt and the light of the world.646 The union of the spiritual, masculine principle with the feminine, psychic principle is far from being just a fantasy of the Gnostics: it has found an echo in the Assumption of the Virgin, in the union of Tifereth and Malchuth, and in Goethes the Eternal Feminine leads us upward and on. Hippolytus mentions this same view as that of the Sethians. He says:
But when this wave is raised from the water by the wind and made pregnant in its nature, and has received within itself the reproductive power of the feminine, it retains the light scattered from on high together with the fragrance of the spirit [

],647 and that is Nous given shape in various forms. This [light] is a perfect God, who is brought down from the unbegotten light on high and from the spirit into mans nature as into a temple, by the power of nature and the movement of the wind. It is engendered from the water and commingled and mixed with the bodies as if it were the salt of all created things, and a light of the darkness struggling to be freed from the bodies, and not able to find a way out. For some very small spark of the light is mingled with the fragrance from above. . . . [Here follows a corrupt and controversial passage which I pass over.] . . . Therefore every thought and care of the light from above is how and in what way the Nous may be delivered from the death of the sinful and dark body, from the father below [

],648 who is the wind which raised up the waves in tumult and terror, and begot Nous his own perfect son, who is yet not his own son in substance. For he was a ray of light from on high, from that perfect light overpowered in the dark and terrible, bitter polluted water, and a shining spirit carried away over the water 649
[328] This strangely beautiful passage contains pretty well everything that the alchemists endeavoured to say about salt: it is the spirit, the turning of the body into light (albedo), the spark of the anima mundi, imprisoned in the dark depths of the sea and begotten there by the light from above and the reproductive power of the feminine. It should be noted that the alchemists could have known nothing of Hippolytus, as his Philosophumena, long believed lost, was rediscovered only in the middle of the nineteenth century in a monastery on Mount Athos. Anyone familiar with the spirit of alchemy and the views of the Gnostics in Hippolytus will be struck again and again by their inner affinity.
[329] The clue to this passage from the Elenchos, and to other similar ones, is to be found in the phenomenology of the self.650 Salt is not a very common dream-symbol, but it does appear in the cubic form of a crystal,651 which in many patients drawings represents the centre and hence the self; similarly, the quaternary structure of most mandalas reminds one of the sign for salt

mentioned earlier. Just as the numerous synonyms and attri butes of the lapis stress now one and now another of its aspects, so do the symbols of the self. Apart from its preservative quality salt has mainly the metaphorical meaning of sapientia. With regard to this aspect the Tractatus aureus states: It is said in the mystic language of our sages, He who works without salt will never raise dead bodies. . . . He who works without salt draws a bow without a string. For you must know that these sayings refer to a very different kind of salt from the common mineral. . . . Sometimes they call the medicine itself Salt. 652 These words are ambiguous: here salt means wit as well as wisdom. As to the importance of salt in the opus, Johannes Grasseus says of the arcane substance: And this is the Lead of the Philosophers, which they also call the lead of the air. In it is found the shining white dove, named the salt of the metals, wherein is the whole magistery of the work. This [dove] is the pure, chaste, wise, and rich Queen of Sheba.653 Here salt, arcane substance (the paradoxical lead of the air), the white dove (spiritus sapientiae), wisdom, and femininity appear in one figure. The saying from the Gloria mundi is quite clear: No man can understand this Art who does not know the salt and its preparation.654 For the Aquarium sapientum the sal sapientiae comes from the aqua benedicta or aqua pontica, which, itself an extract, is named heart, soul, and spirit. At first the aqua is contained in the prima materia and is of a blood-red colour; but after its preparation it becomes of a bright, clear, transparent white, and is called by the sages the Salt of Wisdom.655 Khunrath boldly summarizes these statements about the salt when he says: Our water cannot be made without the salt of wisdom, for it is the salt of wisdom itself, say the philosophers; a fire, and a salt fire, the true Living Universal Menstruum. Without salt the work has no success.656 Elsewhere he remarks: Not without good reason has salt been adorned by the wise with the name of Wisdom. Salt is the lapis, a mystery to be hidden.657 Vigenerus says that the Redeemer chose his disciples that they might be the salt of men and proclaim to them the pure and incorruptible doctrine of the gospel. He reports the Cabalists as saying that the computatio658 of the Hebrew word for salt (melach) gives the number 78. This number could be divided by any divisor and still give a word that referred to the divine Name. We will not pursue the inferences he draws from this but will only note that for all those reasons salt was used for the service of God in all offerings and sacrifices.659 Glauber calls Christ the sal sapientiae and says that his favourite disciple John was salted with the salt of wisdom.660
[330] Apart from its lunar wetness and its terrestrial nature, the most outstanding properties of salt are bitterness and wisdom. As in the double quaternio of the elements and qualities, earth and water have coldness in common, so bitterness and wisdom would form a pair of opposites with a third thing between. (See diagram on facing page.) The factor common to both, however incommensurable the two ideas may seem, is, psychologically, the function of feeling. Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness. Salt, as the carrier of this fateful alternative, is co-ordinated with the nature of woman. The masculine, solar nature in the right half of the quaternio knows neither coldness, nor a shadow, nor heaviness, melancholy, etc., because, so long as all goes well, it identifies as closely as possible with consciousness, and that as a rule is the idea which one has of oneself. In this idea the shadow is usually missing: first because nobody likes to admit to any inferiority, and second because logic forbids something white to be called black. A good man has good qualities, and only the bad man has bad qualities. For reasons of prestige we pass over the shadow in complete silence. A famous example of masculine prejudice is Nietzsches Superman, who scorns compassion and fights against the Ugliest Man the ordinary man that everyone is. The shadow must not be seen, it must be denied, repressed, or twisted into something quite extraordinary. The sun is always shining and everything smiles back. There is no room for any prestige-diminishing weakness, so the sol niger is never seen. Only in solitary hours is its presence feared.

[331] Things are different with Luna: every month she is darkened and extinguished; she cannot hide this from anybody, not even from herself. She knows that this same Luna is now bright and now dark but who has ever heard of a dark sun? We call this quality of Luna womans closeness to nature, and the fiery brilliance and hot air that plays round the surface of things we like to call the masculine mind.
[332] Despite all attempts at denial and obfuscation there is an unconscious factor, a black sun, which is responsible for the surprisingly common phenomenon of masculine split-mindedness, when the right hand mustnt know what the left is doing. This split in the masculine psyche and the regular darkening of the moon in woman together explain the remarkable fact that the woman is accused of all the darkness in a man, while he himself basks in the thought that he is a veritable fount of vitality and illumination for all the females in his environment. Actually, he would be better advised to shroud the brilliance of his mind in the profoundest doubt. It is not difficult for this type of mind (which besides other things is a great trickster like Mercurius) to admit a host of sins in the most convincing way, and even to combine it with a spurious feeling of ethical superiority without in the least approximating to a genuine insight. This can never be achieved without the participation of feeling; but the intellect admits feeling only when it is convenient. The novilunium of woman is a source of countless disappointments for man which easily turn to bitterness, though they could equally well be a source of wisdom if they were understood. Naturally this is possible only if he is prepared to acknowledge his black sun, that is, his shadow.
[333] Confirmation of our interpretation of salt as Eros (i.e., as a feeling relationship) is found in the fact that the bitterness is the origin of the colours (par. 245). We have only to look at the drawings and paintings of patients who supplement their analysis by active imagination to see that colours are feeling-values. Mostly, to begin with, only a pencil or pen is used to make rapid sketches of dreams, sudden ideas, and fantasies. But from a certain moment on the patients begin to make use of colour, and this is generally the moment when merely intellectual interest gives way to emotional participation. Occasionally the same phenomenon can be observed in dreams, which at such moments are dreamt in colour, or a particularly vivid colour is insisted upon.
[334] Disappointment, always a shock to the feelings, is not only the mother of bitterness but the strongest incentive to a differentiation of feeling. The failure of a pet plan, the disappointing behaviour of someone one loves, can supply the impulse either for a more or less brutal outburst of affect or for a modification and adjustment of feeling, and hence for its higher development. This culminates in wisdom if feeling is supplemented by reflection and rational insight. Wisdom is never violent: where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling.
[335] This interpretation of salt and its qualities prompts us to ask, as in all cases where alchemical statements are involved, whether the alchemists themselves had such thoughts. We know from the literature that they were thoroughly aware of the moral meaning of the amaritudo, and by sapientia they did not mean anything essentially different from what we understand by this word. But how the wisdom comes from the bitterness, and how the bitterness can be the source of the colours, on these points they leave us in the dark. Nor have we any reason to believe that these connections were so self-evident to them that they regarded any explanation as superfluous. If that were so, someone would have been sure to blurt it out. It is much more probable that they simply said these things without any conscious act of cognition. Moreover, the sum of all these statements is seldom or never found consistently formulated in any one author; rather one author mentions one thing and another another, and it is only by viewing them all together, as we have tried to do here, that we get the whole picture.661 The alchemists themselves suggest this method, and I must admit that it was their advice which first put me on the track of a psychological interpretation. The Rosarium says one should read from page to page, and other sayings are He should possess many books and One book opens another. Yet the complete lack, until the nineteenth century, of any psychological viewpoint (which even today meets with the grossest misunderstandings) makes it very unlikely that anything resembling a psychological interpretation penetrated into the consciousness of the alchemists. Their moral concepts moved entirely on the plane of synonym and analogy, in a word, of correspondence. Most of their statements spring not from a conscious but from an unconscious act of thinking, as do dreams, sudden ideas, and fantasies, where again we only find out the meaning afterwards by careful comparison and analysis.
[336] But the greatest of all riddles, of course, is the ever-recurring question of what the alchemists really meant by their substances. What, for instance, is the meaning of a sal spirituale? The only possible answer seems to be this: chemical matter was so completely unknown to them that it instantly became a carrier for projections. Its darkness was so loaded with unconscious contents that a state of participation mystique,662 or unconscious identity, arose between them and the chemical substance, which caused this substance to behave, at any rate in part, like an unconscious content. Of this relationship the alchemists had a dim presentimentenough, anyway, to enable them to make statements which can only be understood as psychological.
[337] Khunrath says: And the Light was made Salt, a body of salt, the salt of wisdom.663 The same author remarks that the point in the midst of the salt corresponds to the Tartarus of the greater world, which is hell.664 This coincides with the conception of the fire hidden in the salt. Salt must have the paradoxical double nature of the arcane substance. Thus the Gloria mundi says that in the salt are two salts, namely sulphur and the radical moisture, the two most potent opposites imaginable, for which reason it was also called the Rebis.665 Vigenerus asserts that salt consists of two substances, since all salts partake of sulphur and quicksilver.666 These correspond to Khunraths king and queen, the two waters, red and white.667 During the work the salt assumes the appearance of blood.668 It is certain, says Dorn, that a salt, the natural balsam of the body, is begotten from human blood. It has within it both corruption and preservation against corruption, for in the natural order there is nothing that does not contain as much evil as good.669 Dorn was a physician, and his remark is characteristic of the empirical standpoint of the alchemists.
[338] The dark nature of salt accounts for its blackness and foetid smell.670 At the dissolution of living bodies it is the last residue of corruption, but it is the prime agent in generation.671 Mylius expressly identifies salt with the uroboros-dragon.672 We have already mentioned its identification with the sea of Typhon; hence one could easily identify it with the sea-monster Leviathan.673 At all events there is an amusing relationship between salt and the Leviathan in Abraham Eleazar, who says with reference to Job 40 : 15:674 For Behemoth is a wild ox, whom the Most High has salted up with Leviathan and preserved for the world to come,675 evidently as food for the inhabitants of paradise,676 or whatever the world to come may mean.
[339] Another direful aspect of salt is its relation to the malefic Saturn, as is implied by Grasseus in that passage about the white dove and the philosophical lead. Speaking of the identity of sea and salt, Vigenerus points out that the Pythagoreans called the sea the tear of Kronos, because of its bitter saltness.677 On account of its relation to Typhon salt is also endowed with a murderous quality,678 as we saw in the chapter on Sulphur, where Sal inflicts on Sulphur an incurable wound. This offers a curious parallel to Kundrys wounding of Amfortas in Parsifal. In the parable of Sulphur Sal plays the sinister new-moon role of Luna.
[340] As a natural product, salt contains as much evil as good. As the sea it is the

, mother of all things; as the tear of Kronos it is bitterness and sadness; as the sea-spume it is the scum of Typhon, and as the clear water it is Sapientia herself.
[341] The Gloria mundi says that the aqua permanens is a very limpid water, so bitter as to be quite undrinkable.679 In a hymn-like invocation the text continues: O water of bitter taste, that preservest the elements! O nature of propinquity, that dissolvest nature! O best of natures, which overcomest nature herself! . . . Thou art crowned with light and art born . . . and the quintessence ariseth from thee.680 This water is like none on earth, with the exception of that fount in Judaea which is named the Fount of the Saviour or of Blessedness. With great efforts and by the grace of God the philosophers found that noble spring. But the spring is in a place so secret that only a few know of its gushing, and they know not the way to Judaea where it might be found. Therefore the philosopher681 cries out: O water of harsh and bitter taste! For it is hard and difficult for any man to find that spring.682 This is an obvious allusion to the arcane nature and moral significance of the water, and it is also evident that it is not the water of grace or the water of the doctrine but that it springs from the lumen naturae. Otherwise the author would not have emphasized that Judaea was in a secret place, for if the Churchs teachings were meant no one would need to find them in a secret place, since they are accessible to everyone. Also, it would be quite incomprehensible why the philosopher should exclaim: O water, held worthless by all! By reason of its worthlessness and tortuousness683 no one can attain perfection in the art, or perceive its mighty virtue; for all four elements are, as it were, contained in it. There can be no doubt that this is the aqua permanens or aqua pontica, the primal water which contains the four elements.
[342] The psychological equivalent of the chaotic water of the beginning684 is the unconscious, which the old writers could grasp only in projected form, just as today most people cannot see the beam in their own eye but are all too well aware of the mote in their brothers. Political propaganda exploits this primitivity and conquers the naive with their own defect. The only defence against this overwhelming danger is recognition of the shadow. The sight of its darkness is itself an illumination, a widening of consciousness through integration of the hitherto unconscious components of the personality. Freuds efforts to bring the shadow to consciousness are the logical and salutary answer to the almost universal unconsciousness and projection-proneness of the general public. It is as though Freud, with sure instinct, had sought to avert the danger of nation-wide psychic epidemics that threatened Europe. What he did not see was that the confrontation with the shadow is not just a harmless affair that can be settled by reason. The shadow is the primitive who is still alive and active in civilized man, and our civilized reason means nothing to him. He needs to be ruled by a higher authority, such as is found in the great religions. Even when Reason triumphed at the beginning of the French Revolution it was quickly turned into a goddess and enthroned in Notre-Dame.
[343] The shadow exerts a dangerous fascination which can be countered only by another fascinosum. It cannot be got at by reason, even in the most rational person, but only by illumination, of a degree and kind that are equal to the darkness but are the exact opposite of enlightenment. For what we call rational is everything that seems fitting to the man in the street, and the question then arises whether this fitness may not in the end prove to be irrational in the bad sense of the word. Sometimes, even with the best intentions this dilemma cannot be solved. This is the moment when the primitive trusts himself to a higher authority and to a decision beyond his comprehension. The civilized man in his closed-in environment functions in a fitting and appropriate manner, that is, rationally. But if, because of some apparently insoluble dilemma, he gets outside the confines of civilization, he becomes a primitive again; then he has irrational ideas and acts on hunches; then he no longer thinks but it thinks in him; then he needs magical practices in order to gain a feeling of security; then the latent autonomy of the unconscious becomes active and begins to manifest itself as it has always done in the past.
[344] The good tidings announced by alchemy are that, as once a fountain sprang up in Judaea, so now there is a secret Judaea the way to which is not easily found, and a hidden spring whose waters seem so worthless685 and so bitter that they are deemed of no use at all. We know from numerous hints686 that mans inner life is the secret place where the aqua solvens et coagulans, the medicina catholica or panacea, the spark of the light of nature,687 are to be found. Our text shows us how much the alchemists put their art on the level of divine revelation and regarded it as at least an essential complement to the work of redemption. True, only a few of them were the elect who formed the golden chain linking earth to heaven, but still they were the fathers of natural science today. They were the unwitting instigators of the schism between faith and knowledge, and it was they who made the world conscious that the revelation was neither complete nor final. Since these things are so, says an ecclesiastic of the seventeenth century, it will suffice, after the light of faith, for human ingenuity to recognize, as it were, the refracted rays of the Divine majesty in the world and in created things.688 The refracted rays correspond to the certain luminosity which the alchemists said was inherent in the natural world.
[345] Revelation conveys general truths which often do not illuminate the individuals actual situation in the slightest, nor was it traditional revelation that gave us the microscope and the machine. And since human life is not enacted exclusively, or even to a noticeable degree, on the plane of the higher verities, the source of knowledge unlocked by the old alchemists and physicians has done humanity a great and welcome serviceso great that for many people the light of revelation has been extinguished altogether. Within the confines of civilization mans wilful rationality apparently suffices. Outside of this shines, or should shine, the light of faith. But where the darkness comprehendeth it not (this being the prerogative of darkness!) those labouring in the darkness must try to accomplish an opus that will cause the fishes eyes to shine in the depths of the sea, or to catch the refracted rays of the divine majesty even though this produces a light which the darkness, as usual, does not comprehend. But when there is a light in the darkness which comprehends the darkness, darkness no longer prevails. The longing of the darkness for light is fulfilled only when the light can no longer be rationally explained by the darkness. For the darkness has its own peculiar intellect and its own logic, which should be taken very seriously. Only the light which the darkness comprehendeth not can illuminate the darkness. Everything that the darkness thinks, grasps, and comprehends by itself is dark; therefore it is illuminated only by what, to it, is unexpected, unwanted, and incomprehensible. The psycho therapeutic method of active imagination offers excellent examples of this; sometimes a numinous dream or some external event will have the same effect.
[346] Alchemy announced a source of knowledge, parallel if not equivalent to revelation, which yields a bitter water by no means acceptable to our human judgment. It is harsh and bitter or like vinegar,689 for it is a bitter thing to accept the darkness and blackness of the umbra solis and to pass through this valley of the shadow. It is bitter indeed to discover behind ones lofty ideals narrow, fanatical convictions, all the more cherished for that, and behind ones heroic pretensions nothing but crude egotism, infantile greed, and complacency. This painful corrective is an unavoidable stage in every psycho therapeutic process. As the alchemists said, it begins with the nigredo, or generates it as the indispensable prerequisite for synthesis, for unless the opposites are constellated and brought to consciousness they can never be united. Freud halted the process at the reduction to the inferior half of the personality and tended to overlook the daemonic dangerousness of the dark side, which by no means consists only of relatively harmless infantilisms. Man is neither so reasonable nor so good that he can cope eo ipso with evil. The darkness can quite well engulf him, especially when he finds himself with those of like mind. Mass-mindedness increases unconsciousness and then the evil swells like an avalanche, as contemporary events have shown. Even so, society can also work for good; it is even necessary because of the moral weakness of most human beings, who, to maintain themselves at all, must have some external good to cling on to. The great religions are psycho therapeutic systems that give a foothold to all those who cannot stand by themselves, and they are in the overwhelming majority.
[347] In spite of their undoubtedly heretical methods the alchemists showed by their positive attitude to the Church that they were cleverer than certain modern apostles of enlightenment. Alsovery much in contrast to the rationalistic tendencies of todaythey displayed, despite its tortuousness, a remarkable understanding of the imagery upon which the Christian cosmos is built. This world of images, in its historical form, is irretrievably lost to modern man; its loss has spiritually impoverished the masses and compelled them to find pitiful substitutes, as poisonous as they are worthless. No one can be held responsible for this development. It is due rather to the restless tempo of spiritual growth and change, whose motive forces go far beyond the horizon of the individual. He can only hope to keep pace with it and try to understand it so far that he is not blindly swallowed up by it. For that is the alarming thing about mass movements, even if they are good, that they demand and must demand blind faith. The Church can never explain the truth of her images because she acknowledges no point of view but her own. She moves solely within the framework of her images, and her arguments must always beg the question. The flock of harmless sheep was ever the symbolic prototype of the credulous crowd, though the Church is quick to recognize the wolves in sheeps clothing who lead the faith of the multitude astray in order to destroy them. The tragedy is that the blind trust which leads to perdition is practised just as much inside the Church and is praised as the highest virtue. Yet our Lord says: Be ye therefore wise as serpents,690 and the Bible itself stresses the cleverness and cunning of the serpent. But where are these necessary if not altogether praiseworthy qualities developed and given their due? The serpent has become a by-word for everything morally abhorrent, and yet anyone who is not as smart as a snake is liable to land himself in trouble through blind faith.
[348] The alchemists knew about the snake and the cold half of nature,691 and they said enough to make it clear to their successors that they endeavoured by their art to lead that serpentine Nous of the darkness, the serpens mercurialis, through the stages of transformation to the goal of perfection (telesmus).692 The more or less symbolical or projected integration of the unconscious that went hand in hand with this evidently had so many favourable effects that the alchemists felt encouraged to express a tempered optimism.

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IN WEBGEN [10000/250063]

Wikipedia - 002 Operazione Luna -- 1965 film directed by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - 005 -- 1981 video game
Wikipedia - 00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - 0,10 Exhibition -- 1915-16 Russian exhibition
Wikipedia - 01932 -- Dialing code
Wikipedia - 100,000 Cobbers -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - 10,000 Hours -- 2019 single by Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber
Wikipedia - 1000 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 1,000 Dollars a Minute -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - 1000 Gecs -- 2019 studio album by 100 Gecs
Wikipedia - 1000 Roses -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - 1001 Danish Delights -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - 100 (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Tamil-language action film written and directed by Sam Anton
Wikipedia - 100 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 100 FM-CM-$uste und ein Vaterunser -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - 100 Horsemen -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 100% Kadhal -- 2019 film by MM Chandramouli
Wikipedia - 100 mm air defense gun KS-19
Wikipedia - 100% Pure Love -- 1994 single by Crystal Waters
Wikipedia - 100 Rifles -- 1969 film by Tom Gries
Wikipedia - 100% (Senidah song) -- 2019 single by Senidah and RAF Camora
Wikipedia - 100 Ways to Murder Your Wife -- 1986 film by Kenny Bee
Wikipedia - 100 Years of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - 101955 Bennu -- Second most hazardous near-Earth asteroid
Wikipedia - 10199 Chariklo
Wikipedia - 101 (album) -- 1989 live album by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - 101 California Street shooting -- 1993 mass shooting in California
Wikipedia - 101 Dalmatians (1996 film) -- 1996 Walt Disney Pictures film directed by Stephen Herek
Wikipedia - 101 Dalmatians (2021 musical) -- Upcoming stage musical based on the 1956 children's novel
Wikipedia - 10:30 P.M. Summer -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - 10:32 -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - 107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60) -- Cannon
Wikipedia - 1080M-BM-0 Snowboarding -- 1998 snowboard racing game
Wikipedia - 10 cm/50 Type 88 naval gun -- Dual purpose gun used by the Japanese Navy (1932-1945)
Wikipedia - 10 (film) -- 1979 film by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - 10-Pin Bowling (video game) -- 1999 Game Boy Color game
Wikipedia - 10 Rillington Place -- 1971 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - 10 sen note -- Japanese currency denomination (1872-1948)
Wikipedia - 10 Squadron SAAF -- Squadron of the South African Air Force until 1943
Wikipedia - 10th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1937
Wikipedia - 10th AVN Awards -- 1993 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 10th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1989
Wikipedia - 10 Things I Hate About You -- 1999 film by Gil Junger
Wikipedia - 10TP -- 1930s Polish medium tank prototype.
Wikipedia - 11:11 (Maluma album) -- 2019 studio album by Maluma
Wikipedia - 1119 papal election
Wikipedia - 116th United States Congress -- 2019-2021 meeting of U.S. legislature
Wikipedia - 1190 AM -- Medium-wave radio frequency
Wikipedia - 119 (emergency telephone number) -- Emergency telephone number
Wikipedia - 119P/Parker-Hartley -- Periodic comet with 8 year orbit
Wikipedia - 119 series -- Japanese DC electric multiple unit train type
Wikipedia - 119th Assault Helicopter Company -- 17th Combat Aviation Group
Wikipedia - 11 Harrowhouse -- 1974 film by Aram Avakian
Wikipedia - 11 Minutes (song) -- 2019 song by Yungblud and Halsey
Wikipedia - 11th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1938
Wikipedia - 11th AVN Awards -- 1994 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 11th Division (Australia) -- 1942-46 Australian Army formation
Wikipedia - 11th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1990
Wikipedia - 11th Parliament of Ontario -- Legislature of Ontario from 1905 to 1908
Wikipedia - 12.10 -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - 1219 -- The year 1219 in the Gregorian calendar.
Wikipedia - 122 (2019 film) -- Psychological horror film
Wikipedia - 122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30)
Wikipedia - 1, 2, 3 Dayz Up -- 2019 single by Kim Petras
Wikipedia - 1, 2, 3, Sun -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - 125 Rooms of Comfort -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 12 Angry Men (1957 film) -- 1957 American film by Sidney Lumet
Wikipedia - 12 Angry Men (1997 film) -- 1997 television film directed by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - 1/2 Gentlemen/Not Beasts -- 1980 album by Half Japanese
Wikipedia - 12 O'Clock (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - 12 Play -- 1993 R. Kelly album
Wikipedia - 12 Storeys -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - 12th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1939
Wikipedia - 12th AVN Awards -- 1995 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 12th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1991
Wikipedia - 12th Mirchi Music Awards -- 2019 Hindi language movie-music award ceremony
Wikipedia - 12 to the Moon -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - 134th IOC Session -- IOC session in Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 June 2019
Wikipedia - 13 Days to Die -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 13 Frightened Girls -- 1963 Cold War spy film directed by William Castle
Wikipedia - 13 Ghosts -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - 13 Hours by Air -- 1936 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - 13 Steps Lead Down -- 1994 song by Elvis Costello
Wikipedia - 13th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1940
Wikipedia - 13th Dalai Lama -- 19th and 20th-century Dalai Lama of Tibet
Wikipedia - 13th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1992
Wikipedia - 13 Washington Square -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - 13 West Street -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - 140 Days Under the World -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 14-18 -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - 141 Minutes from the Unfinished Sentence -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - 1492: Conquest of Paradise -- 1992 film directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - 14 Carrot Rabbit -- 1952 short film by Friz Freleng
Wikipedia - 14 Days, 12 Nights -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - 14 Days to Life -- 1997 German thriller film
Wikipedia - 14 Going on 30 -- 1988 television film by Paul Schneider
Wikipedia - 14 July Revolution -- Coup d'etat in Iraq in 1958 resulting in the overthrow of the Hashemite monarchy
Wikipedia - 14th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1941
Wikipedia - 14th AVN Awards -- 1997 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 14th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1993
Wikipedia - 14TP -- 1930s Polish medium tank project.
Wikipedia - 152 mm mortar M1931 (NM)
Wikipedia - 15 Khordad Foundation -- Iranian government organization (e. 1982)
Wikipedia - 15 Maiden Lane -- 1936 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - 15-Minute Hamlet -- 1976 comedic abridgement of Hamlet by Tom Stoppard.
Wikipedia - 15 Scaffolds for a Murderer -- 1968 film by Nunzio Malasomma
Wikipedia - 15th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1942
Wikipedia - 15th AVN Awards -- 1998 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 15th Brigade (Australia) -- 1916-1945 Australian Army infantry brigade
Wikipedia - 15th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1994
Wikipedia - 15th World Scout Jamboree (cancelled) -- Cancelled 1979 Scout Jamboree in Iran
Wikipedia - 16 Days of Glory -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 16-inch/50-caliber M1919 gun
Wikipedia - 16-inch howitzer M1920
Wikipedia - 16th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1943
Wikipedia - 16th AVN Awards -- 1999 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 16th Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army during 1917-1946
Wikipedia - 16th Century Russian Wedding -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - 16th G7 summit -- 1990 G7 summit in Houston
Wikipedia - 16 Vayathinile -- 1977 film by P. Bharathiraja
Wikipedia - 1776 (boardgame) -- 1974 board game
Wikipedia - 1776 (film) -- 1972 film by Peter H. Hunt
Wikipedia - 17 August 2019 Kabul bombing -- Suicide bombing at a wedding in Kabul
Wikipedia - 17 July Revolution -- Coup in Iraq (17 July 1968) by the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which ousted President Abdul Rahman Arif
Wikipedia - 17 Million Fuck Offs -- 2019 British comedy folk song
Wikipedia - 17-sai -- 1971 song by Saori Minami
Wikipedia - 17th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1944
Wikipedia - 17th Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army 1917-1946
Wikipedia - 17th Lok Sabha -- Lower house of the Parliament of India (2019-)
Wikipedia - 17th Parallel, Nights and Days -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - 17th Parallel: Vietnam in War -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - 1-800 Suicide -- 1995 Gravediggaz album
Wikipedia - 1819
Wikipedia - 1831 in paleontology -- 19th century paleontology
Wikipedia - 1842 in paleontology -- 19th century paleontology
Wikipedia - 1843 in paleontology -- 19th century paleontology
Wikipedia - 1848 (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - 1860 (film) -- 1934 film by Alessandro Blasetti
Wikipedia - 1870 (film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - 1885 Belmont Stakes -- 19th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1899 Porto plague outbreak -- Late 19th-century epidemic in Portugal
Wikipedia - 18 and 19 Brook Green
Wikipedia - 18. Oktober 1977 -- series of paintings by Gerhard Richter
Wikipedia - 18th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 1997
Wikipedia - 18th World Science Fiction Convention -- Science Fiction Convection held in 1960 in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - 1900-1950 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1900 Amur anti-Chinese pogroms -- 1900 pogrom of ethnic Chinese in Blagoveshchensk, Russian Empire
Wikipedia - 1900 English beer poisoning -- Food safety crisis
Wikipedia - 1900 (film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - 1900 Galveston hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1900
Wikipedia - 1900 Hoboken Docks fire -- Ship
Wikipedia - 1900 Hull-Ottawa fire -- Destructive Canadian urban fire
Wikipedia - 1900 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1900 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1900s (decade) -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1900-1909)
Wikipedia - 1900s in Western fashion -- Costume and fashion in the decade 1900-1910
Wikipedia - 1900 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1900 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 1900 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 1901 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1901 Black Sea earthquake -- Earthquake struck Dobrich Province, Bulgaria on March 31, 1901
Wikipedia - 1901 in archaeology -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1901 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1901 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1901 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1901 in sports
Wikipedia - 1901 (song) -- 2009 single by Phoenix
Wikipedia - 1902 Coronation Honours
Wikipedia - 1902 Ibrox disaster -- Stadium structural failure in Glasgow, Scotland
Wikipedia - 1902 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1902 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1902 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1902 M-EM-^Ltani expedition -- Archaeological expedition
Wikipedia - 1903 East Paris train wreck -- head-on collision on the Pere Marquette Railway, December 26, 1903
Wikipedia - 1903 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1903 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1903 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1903 papal conclave
Wikipedia - 1903 Petrol Electric Autocar -- 1903 experimental petrol-electric railcar in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 1904 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1904 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1904 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1904 Pictorial 4d Lake Taupo invert -- Rare inverted New Zealand stamp
Wikipedia - 1904 Sasun uprising -- 1904 uprising by Armenian militia against the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - 1904 Summer Olympics -- Games of the III Olympiad, celebrated in Saint Louis (United States) in 1904
Wikipedia - 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State -- Legal basis of state secularism in France
Wikipedia - 1905 French law on the separation of the State and the Church
Wikipedia - 1905 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1905 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1905 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1905 Kanchenjunga expedition
Wikipedia - 1905 Partition of Bengal
Wikipedia - 1905 Russian Revolution -- Wave of political and social unrest in areas of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - 1905 Tibetan Rebellion
Wikipedia - 1905
Wikipedia - 1906 Atlantic City train wreck -- Rail accident in 1906
Wikipedia - 1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake -- Offshore earthquake west of Ecuador and Colombia in January 1906
Wikipedia - 1906 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1906 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1906 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1906 malaria outbreak in Ceylon -- Malaria outbreak in Ceylon
Wikipedia - 1906 Pagoda riots -- Violent clashes in Mauritius between 1900-1906
Wikipedia - 1906 San Francisco earthquake -- Major earthquake that struck San Francisco and the coast of Northern California
Wikipedia - 1907 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1907 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1907 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1907 Kingston earthquake -- Earthquake epicentre Saint Mary Parish, Jamaica on January 14, 1907 (UTC)
Wikipedia - 1907 Romanian Peasants' Revolt -- Peasant revolt
Wikipedia - 1907 Tiflis bank robbery -- Robbery of bank stagecoach by Bolsheviks in 1907
Wikipedia - 1908 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1908 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1908 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1908 Messina earthquake -- Devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake & tsunami in southern Italy
Wikipedia - 1909 Crystal Palace Scout Rally -- Historic Scout gathering in London
Wikipedia - 1909 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1909 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1909 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1909 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 190 Strand
Wikipedia - 190th Battalion (Winnipeg Rifles), CEF -- Unit in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during WWI
Wikipedia - 190th Mechanized Infantry Brigade -- 190th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
Wikipedia - 1910-11 FC Basel season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1910-11 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1910 Belmont Stakes -- 44th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1910 Cuba hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane
Wikipedia - 1910 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1910 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1910 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1910 London to Manchester air race -- Race between Claude Grahame-White and Louis Paulhan
Wikipedia - 1910 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1910s in comics -- Timeline of significant 1910s comic events
Wikipedia - 1910s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1910-1919)
Wikipedia - 1911-12 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1911 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1911 Britannica
Wikipedia - 1911 (film) -- 2011 Chinese film by Jackie Chan
Wikipedia - 1911 in India
Wikipedia - 1911 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1911 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1911 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1911 Kebin earthquake -- Earthquake in Kazakhstan on 3 January 1911
Wikipedia - 1911 Revolution -- Revolution in China that overthrew the Qing dynasty and established the Republic of China
Wikipedia - 1912-13 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1912 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1912 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1912 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1912 Lawrence textile strike
Wikipedia - 1912 Maymyo earthquake -- Earthquake in Myanmar
Wikipedia - 1913-14 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1913 Australian referendum (Trusts) -- Unsuccessful Australian referendum
Wikipedia - 1913 Epsom Derby -- A horse race which took place at Epsom Downs on 4 June 1913
Wikipedia - 1913 in Croatia -- Events from the year 1913 in Croatia
Wikipedia - 1913 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1913 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1913 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1913 Liberty Head nickel -- Rare United States coinage
Wikipedia - 1913
Wikipedia - 1914-15 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1914-15 Star -- Campaign medal of the British Empire
Wikipedia - 1914-1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal (France) -- French commemorative medal
Wikipedia - 1914 (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 1914 in British music -- Music-related events in the United Kingdom during the year of 1914
Wikipedia - 1914 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1914 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1914 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1914 Port Adelaide Football Club season
Wikipedia - 1915-16 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1915 Birthday Honours
Wikipedia - 1915 Galveston hurricane -- 1900 Category 4 Atlantic hurricane which landed near Galveston, Texas
Wikipedia - 1915 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1915 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1915 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1915 Singapore Mutiny
Wikipedia - 1915 typhus and relapsing fever epidemic in Serbia -- Epidemic
Wikipedia - 1915
Wikipedia - 1916-17 Manchester City F.C. season -- Manchester City F.C. season
Wikipedia - 1916-17 NHA season -- National Hockey Association season
Wikipedia - 1916 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1916 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1916 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1916 Summer Olympics -- Games of the VI Olympiad, scheduled to be played in Berlin, Germany, in 1916 but canceled due to World War I
Wikipedia - 1916 Texas hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1916
Wikipedia - 1916 Zoning Resolution -- New York City code that was the first citywide zoning code in the United States
Wikipedia - 1917 (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - 1917 (2019 film) -- 2019 British war film directed by Sam Mendes
Wikipedia - 1917 Code of Canon Law
Wikipedia - 1917 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1917 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1917 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1917 Russian Constituent Assembly election
Wikipedia - 1918 (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - 1918 flu pandemic
Wikipedia - 1918 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1918 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1918 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1918 New Year Honours (MSM) -- New year honours
Wikipedia - 1918 Romanian typographers' strike -- Labor strike in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - 1918 San Fermin earthquake -- Earthquake that struck Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1918 Stanley Cup Finals -- Series of ice hockey games to determine seasonal champion
Wikipedia - 1919 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1919 Australian referendum -- Referendum in 1919
Wikipedia - 1919 Belmont Stakes -- 51st running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1919 (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 1919 Florida Keys hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1919
Wikipedia - 1919 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1919 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1919 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1919 Lynching in Montgomery, Alabama -- African Americans were lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 1919 New Year Honours (OBE) -- Appointments of Officers of the Order of the British Empire in the 1919 New Year Honours
Wikipedia - 1919 New Year Honours -- Appointments by King George V to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire
Wikipedia - 1919 Preakness Stakes -- 44th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1919 South Wales race riots -- Outbreaks of violence in Newport, Cardiff and Barry in June 1919
Wikipedia - 1919 Standard Oil Company fire -- 1919 fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 1919 United States anarchist bombings -- Series of bombings in the US in 1919
Wikipedia - 191 North Wacker -- Skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - 191 (number)
Wikipedia - 191st Motorized Infantry Brigade (People's Republic of China) -- 191st Motorized Infantry Brigade (People's Republic of China)
Wikipedia - 1920 Belmont Stakes -- 52nd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1920 Bolivian coup d'etat -- Bloodless takeover of power in Bolivia on July 12, 1920
Wikipedia - 1920 Democratic National Convention -- political meeting
Wikipedia - 1920 Epsom Derby -- 141st running of the Epsom Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1920: Evil Returns -- 2012 film by Bhushan Patel
Wikipedia - 1920 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1920 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1920 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1920: London -- 2016 film by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - 1920 Schleswig plebiscites -- 1920 plebiscite used to determine the border between Denmark and Germany
Wikipedia - 1920s in film
Wikipedia - 1920s Investigators' Companion -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - 1920s in Western fashion -- Clothing in the 1920s
Wikipedia - 1920s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1920-1929)
Wikipedia - 1921 (1988 film) -- 1988 film directed by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - 1921 (2018 film) -- 2018 Indian horror film directed and produced by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - 1921 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- First attempt to find a route to climb Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1921 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1921 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1921 in Russia -- Individuals and events related to 1921 in Soviet Russia
Wikipedia - 1921 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1921 NFL Championship controversy
Wikipedia - 1921 Tampa Bay hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1921
Wikipedia - 1922 (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 1922 British Mount Everest expedition -- First attempt to reach summit of world's highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1922 confiscation of Russian Orthodox Church property
Wikipedia - 1922 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1922 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1922 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1922 Lupeni mine disaster -- Mine explosion disaster
Wikipedia - 1922 (novella) -- Novella by Stephen King
Wikipedia - 1923 Berkeley, California fire
Wikipedia - 1923 Bulgarian coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat
Wikipedia - 1923 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1923 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1923 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1923 Municipal Manager Law -- New Jersey law
Wikipedia - 1923 World Series
Wikipedia - 1924 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1924 British Mount Everest expedition -- Attempt at first ascent of Mount Everest in 1924
Wikipedia - 1924 Cuba hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1924
Wikipedia - 1924 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1924 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1924 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1924 Liechtenstein tax law referendum -- Referendum in Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - 1924 Winter Olympics -- 1st edition of Winter Olympics, held in Chamonix (France)
Wikipedia - 1925-26 Allsvenskan -- 1926-1926 season of Fotbollsallsvenskan
Wikipedia - 1925 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1925 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1925 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1925 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1925 Preakness Stakes -- 50th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1925 Report for Reform in the East (Turkey) -- Reform plan for the Kurdish territories in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1925 serum run to Nome
Wikipedia - 1926 Arkansas state highway numbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1926 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1926 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1926 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1926 Iowa highway renumbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1926 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1926 Preakness Stakes -- 51st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1926 Simko Shikak revolt -- Kurdish uprising in Iran
Wikipedia - 1926 Slavery Convention
Wikipedia - 1926 United Kingdom general strike -- Coal miner strike in UK in 1926
Wikipedia - 1927 (band) -- Australian pop-rock band
Wikipedia - 1927 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during the year of 1927
Wikipedia - 1927 Indiana bituminous strike -- Strike by American coal miners
Wikipedia - 1927 in film
Wikipedia - 1927 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1927 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1927 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1927 Lompoc earthquake -- Earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1927 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1927 Preakness Stakes -- 52nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1928 Great Barrier Reef expedition -- 1928 Australian Great Barrier Reef expedition
Wikipedia - 1928 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1928 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1928 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1928 Isle of Man TT -- Motorcycle race
Wikipedia - 1928 Okeechobee hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1928 Preakness Stakes -- 53rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1928 San Felipe hurricane
Wikipedia - 1928 Summer Olympics -- Games of the IX Olympiad, celebrated in Amsterdam in 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Thames flood -- A combined storm surge and river flood of the River Thames
Wikipedia - 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Winter Olympics -- 2nd edition of Winter Olympics, held in Sankt Moritz (Switzerland)
Wikipedia - 1929-1930 psittacosis pandemic -- Pandemic
Wikipedia - 1929 Bahamas hurricane -- 1929 Bahamas hurricane
Wikipedia - 1929 Hebron massacre -- Massacre of Jewish residents of Hebron by Arab residents in 1929 Arab riots in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - 1929 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1929 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1929 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1929 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1929 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1929 Preakness Stakes -- 54th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1929 Ryder Cup -- 1929 edition of the Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1929 Soviet Union legislative election
Wikipedia - 1929 Swiss referendums -- Five referendums
Wikipedia - 192 Shoreham Street -- Building in Sheffield, England
Wikipedia - 1930-1945 in Western fashion -- Costume and fashion from the 1930s to the end of World War II
Wikipedia - 1930 Argentine coup d'etat -- September 1930 coup d' etat in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1930 Bago earthquake -- Earthquake in Myanmar
Wikipedia - 1930 Belmont Stakes -- 62nd running of an American Thoroughbred race
Wikipedia - 1930 British Empire Games -- 1st edition of the British Empire Games
Wikipedia - 1930 Dominican Republic hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1930
Wikipedia - 1930 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1930 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1930 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1930 International University Games -- Thirty nations competed in a programme of eight sports
Wikipedia - 1930s in film
Wikipedia - 1930s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1930-1939)
Wikipedia - 1930 Western Wall Commission -- Commission appointed by the British government
Wikipedia - 1931 in aviation -- Aviation-related events in 1931
Wikipedia - 1931 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1931 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1931 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1931 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1931 Nicaragua earthquake -- March 1931 earthquake in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - 1931 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1931 Prussian Landtag referendum -- German referendum
Wikipedia - 1932 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1932 Cuba hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1932
Wikipedia - 1932 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1932 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1932 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1932 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1932 San Ciprian hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1932
Wikipedia - 1932 Winter Olympics -- 3rd edition of Winter Olympics, held in Lake Placid (NY)
Wikipedia - 1933 anti-Nazi boycott -- Boycott of German products by foreign critics of the Nazi Party
Wikipedia - 1933 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1933 Datsun Type 12 -- Car model
Wikipedia - 1933 double eagle -- Twenty-dollar American gold coin minted in 1933
Wikipedia - 1933 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1933 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1933 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1933 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1933 Romanian general election
Wikipedia - 1933 Treasure Coast hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1933
Wikipedia - 1933 Western Australian secession referendum -- Referendum on secession of Western Australia from Commonwealth of Australia
Wikipedia - 1934 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1934 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1934 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1934 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake
Wikipedia - 1934 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1934 Thrace pogroms -- Pogroms against Jews in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1934
Wikipedia - 1935 Belmont Stakes -- 67th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1935 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- Mountaineering expedition led by Eric Shipton
Wikipedia - 1935 Erdek-Marmara Islands earthquake -- Erdek-Marmara Islands earthquake
Wikipedia - 1935 Greek coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat in Greece
Wikipedia - 1935 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1935 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1935 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1935 Labor Day hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1935
Wikipedia - 1935 Quetta earthquake -- Magnitude 7.7 earthquake in Quetta (now Pakistan)
Wikipedia - 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine -- Nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - 1936 Birthday Honours -- King Edward VIII 1936 birthday honours
Wikipedia - 1936 British Mount Everest expedition -- Unsuccessful expedition led by Hugh Ruttledge
Wikipedia - 1936 Bundaberg distillery fire -- Fire in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union -- Led by Joseph Stalin, promising increased democracy
Wikipedia - 1936 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1936 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1936 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1936 Mid-Atlantic hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1936
Wikipedia - 1936 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1936 Soviet Constitution
Wikipedia - 1936 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XI Olympiad, celebrated in Berlin in 1936
Wikipedia - 1937 Belmont Stakes -- 69th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1937 Fox vault fire -- Fire at 20th Century-Fox film storage facility in Little Ferry, New Jersey
Wikipedia - 1937 Indian provincial elections
Wikipedia - 1937 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1937 in organized crime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1937 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1937 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1937 Social Credit backbenchers' revolt -- Parliamentary revolt in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - 1937 Soviet Union legislative election
Wikipedia - 1937 -- 1937
Wikipedia - 1938 American Karakoram expedition to K2 -- Failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1938 British Mount Everest expedition -- Low-cost, unsuccessful expedition led by Bill Tilman
Wikipedia - 1938 Changsha fire -- Fire during the Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - 1938 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1938 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1938 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1938 New England hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1938
Wikipedia - 1938 New Year Honours -- Honour
Wikipedia - 1938 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1938 USDA soil taxonomy
Wikipedia - 1938 Yellow River flood -- 1938 flood in China
Wikipedia - 1939-1945 Star -- United Kingdom military campaign medal for service in the Second World War
Wikipedia - 1939-40 Winter Offensive -- Military offensive
Wikipedia - 1939 American Karakoram expedition to K2 -- Failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1939 Erzincan earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey in 1939
Wikipedia - 1939 (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - 1939 Gent-Wevelgem -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania -- 1939 German diplomatic demand on Lithuania
Wikipedia - 1939 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1939 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1939 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1939 Japanese expedition to Tibet
Wikipedia - 1939 New York World's Fair -- Fair held at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - 1939 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1939 Returning/Chicken vs. Macho -- 2000 song performed by The Crocketts
Wikipedia - 193 (number)
Wikipedia - 1940 Brocklesby mid-air collision -- Collision involving Royal Australian Air Force training aircraft
Wikipedia - 1940 Canberra air disaster -- Air crash in Australia
Wikipedia - 1940 Governor General's Awards
Wikipedia - 1940 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1940 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1940 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1940 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1940 Panamanian constitutional referendum -- Panama constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1940s in film
Wikipedia - 1940s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1940-1949)
Wikipedia - 1941 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1941 Belmont Stakes -- 73rd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1941 Cabo San Lucas hurricane -- Pacific hurricane in 1941
Wikipedia - 1941 (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 1941 Florida hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane
Wikipedia - 1941 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1941 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1941 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1941 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1941 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1941 Paris synagogue attacks -- Synagogue attack
Wikipedia - 1941 Van-ErciM-EM-^_ earthquake -- Earthquake in. eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1941 VFL season -- Season of the Victorian Footbal League competition
Wikipedia - 1942: A Love Story -- 1994 film by Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Wikipedia - 1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier -- 1940s class of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - 1942 experimental cents -- United States pattern coins
Wikipedia - 1942 Indianapolis 500 -- Cancelled Indianapolis 500
Wikipedia - 1942 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1942 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1942 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1942 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1942 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1943 Adapazari-Hendek earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1943 Belmont Stakes -- Horse race
Wikipedia - 1943 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1943 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1943 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1943 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1943 Rolls-Royce strike -- Strike action over women's pay
Wikipedia - 1943 steel cent -- U.S. currency
Wikipedia - 1943 Surprise Hurricane -- Category 2 Atlantic hurricane in 1943
Wikipedia - 1943 University of Oslo fire
Wikipedia - 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake -- Earthquake in northwest Turkey
Wikipedia - 1944 Bombay explosion -- 1944 explosion in India
Wikipedia - 1944 Cuba-Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1944
Wikipedia - 1944 (film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - 1944 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1944 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1944 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1944 Jamaica hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1944
Wikipedia - 1944 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1944 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1945-1960 in Western fashion -- Costume and fashion in the Post-war years 1945-1960
Wikipedia - 1945 (2017 film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - 1945 Empire State Building B-25 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1945 Florida State Road renumbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1945 Homestead hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1945
Wikipedia - 1945 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1945 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1945 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1945 Katsuyama killing incident -- Killing of three American soldiers by Okinawans in 1945.
Wikipedia - 1945 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1945 Norwegian parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 1945
Wikipedia - 1946 African Mine Workers' Union strike -- Strike by mine workers of Witwatersrand started on August 12, 1946
Wikipedia - 1946 American Overseas Airlines Douglas DC-4 crash -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Antarctica PBM Mariner crash -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash -- Accident in Hobart
Wikipedia - 1946 Belmont Stakes -- 78th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1946 Bulgarian Cup Final -- Final of the Bulgarian Cup
Wikipedia - 1946 C-53 Skytrooper crash on the Gauli Glacier -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Cabinet Mission to India
Wikipedia - 1946 Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1946
Wikipedia - 1946 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1946 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1946 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1946 Italian institutional referendum -- Referendum on abolishing the Italian monarchy.
Wikipedia - 1946 KLM Douglas DC-3 Amsterdam accident -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Pilbara strike -- Workers strike in Australia
Wikipedia - 1946 Railway Air Services Dakota crash
Wikipedia - 1946 Varto-Hinis earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1947-48 Montenegrin Republic League -- Third season of the Montenegrin Republic League
Wikipedia - 1947 Amritsar train massacre -- Massacre of Indian refugees by Sikhs
Wikipedia - 1947 anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo
Wikipedia - 1947 Cape Sable hurricane -- Category 2 Atlantic hurricane in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 Doncaster rail crash -- 1947 railway accident in Doncaster, England
Wikipedia - 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1947 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1947 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1947 New York City smallpox outbreak -- A smallpox outbreak occurred in New York City in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 Preakness Stakes -- 57th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1947 Royal New Zealand Navy mutinies -- Series of mutinies in 1947 in the New Zealand navy
Wikipedia - 1947 Telephone strike -- 1947 labor strike across the United States
Wikipedia - 1948 Arab-Israeli War -- First Arab-Israeli war
Wikipedia - 1948 Ashes series -- Test cricket series between England and Australia
Wikipedia - 1948 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash -- Accident in New South Wales
Wikipedia - 1948 Belmont Stakes -- 80th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'etat -- 1948 coup in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - 1948 Democratic National Convention -- US political convention in 1948
Wikipedia - 1948 Gozo luzzu disaster {{DISPLAYTITLE:1948 Gozo ''luzzu'' disaster -- 1948 Gozo luzzu disaster {{DISPLAYTITLE:1948 Gozo ''luzzu'' disaster
Wikipedia - 1948 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1948 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1948 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1948 South African general election
Wikipedia - 1948 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1949 Ambato earthquake -- Earthquake in Ecuador
Wikipedia - 1949 Belmont Stakes -- 81st running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1949 Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1949
Wikipedia - 1949 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1949 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1949 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1949 MacRobertson Miller Aviation DC-3 crash -- Accident in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1949 Norwegian parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 1949 Olympia earthquake -- Earthquake in Washington state
Wikipedia - 1949 Queen Charlotte Islands earthquake -- Magnitude 8.1 Earthquake affecting Queen Charlotte Islands and Canadian Pacific Northwest (1949)
Wikipedia - 1949 Strato-Freight Curtiss C-46A crash -- Airplane crash in 1949 in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1950 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1950 Australian National Airways Douglas DC-4 crash -- Accident in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1950 French Annapurna expedition -- First ascent by Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal
Wikipedia - 1950 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1950 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1950 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1950 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1950s in film
Wikipedia - 1950 (song) -- 2018 single by King Princess
Wikipedia - 1950s South-West Indian Ocean cyclone seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1950s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1950-1959)
Wikipedia - 1950 United States Census
Wikipedia - 1950 Wynder and Graham Study -- research connecting smoking with lung cancer
Wikipedia - 1951-1952 Massachusetts legislature -- Session of the legislature of Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - 1951 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1951 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- First major reconnaissance from Nepal
Wikipedia - 1951 English Greyhound Derby -- Greyhound racing event
Wikipedia - 1951 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1951 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1951 in science
Wikipedia - 1951 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1951 in spaceflight -- List of spaceflights in 1951
Wikipedia - 1951 Mediterranean Games -- First edition of the Mediterranean Games
Wikipedia - 1951 Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning
Wikipedia - 1951 Preakness Stakes -- 76th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1952 Air France SNCASE Languedoc crash -- 1952 plane crash
Wikipedia - 1952 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1952 British Cho Oyu expedition -- Failed climbing expedition to Cho Oyu
Wikipedia - 1952 Farnborough Airshow crash -- Jet fighter crash in England
Wikipedia - 1952 Hasankale earthquake -- Earthquake in Erzurum Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1952 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1952 in organized crime -- organized crime year
Wikipedia - 1952 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1952 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1952 Puerto Rican constitutional referendum -- Referendum that passed a new Puerto Rico constitution
Wikipedia - 1952 Severo-Kurilsk earthquake -- Sixth most powerful on record; in Russia
Wikipedia - 1952 Summer Olympics torch relay -- Torch relay for 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki
Wikipedia - 1952 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident
Wikipedia - 1952 Winter Olympics -- 6th Winter Olympics, held in Oslo, Norway
Wikipedia - 1953 Alcoa Aluminum advertisement
Wikipedia - 1953 American Karakoram expedition -- Attempt at first ascent of K2 in 1953
Wikipedia - 1953 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1953 Baltimore Colts season -- Inaugural season for the current Colts franchise
Wikipedia - 1953 British Mount Everest expedition -- First successful ascent of Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1953 FAMAS Awards
Wikipedia - 1953 Flint-Beecher tornado -- U.S. natural disaster
Wikipedia - 1953 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1953 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1953 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1953 Iranian coup d'etat -- Overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran
Wikipedia - 1953 London to Christchurch air race -- Last Great Air Race
Wikipedia - 1953 North Kyushu flood
Wikipedia - 1953 Pennsylvania Railroad train wreck -- Train wreck in Washington, D. C.
Wikipedia - 1953 Puerto Rico highway renumbering -- Insular highways renumbered
Wikipedia - 1953 Rupertwildt -- asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt
Wikipedia - 1953 Vicksburg, Mississippi tornado -- weather event affecting Mississippi
Wikipedia - 1953 Yenice-Gonen earthquake -- Earthquake in the Marmara region, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1954 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1954 Bilderberg Conference -- Conference
Wikipedia - 1954 Caribbean Series -- Sixth edition of The Caribbean Series
Wikipedia - 1954 Geneva Conference -- Conference among several nations that took place in Geneva from April 26->July 20, 1954; dealt with aftermath of Korean War and the First Indochina War, resulting in the partition of Vietnam-This conference 1954 divided Vietnam land into 2 countries
Wikipedia - 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat -- Covert CIA operation in Guatemala
Wikipedia - 1954 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1954 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1954 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition controversy -- Controversy following first successful attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition to K2 -- First successful attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1954 National Service riots -- 1954 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1954 United States Capitol shooting -- Puerto Rican nationalists shot US Congressmen
Wikipedia - 1955 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1955 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1955 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1955 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1955 Le Mans disaster -- Motor racing crash
Wikipedia - 1955 MacArthur Airport United Airlines crash -- Airplane crash in New York
Wikipedia - 1955 Preakness Stakes -- 80th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1955 State of Vietnam referendum -- Referendum on the form of government
Wikipedia - 1956 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1956 B-47 disappearance -- A Boeing B-47 Stratojet disappeared in 1956
Wikipedia - 1956 Grand Canyon mid-air collision -- mid-air collision on June 30, 1956 over the Grand Canyon
Wikipedia - 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Wikipedia - 1956 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1956 in Michigan -- List of events which happened in Michigan, United States in 1956
Wikipedia - 1956 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1956 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1956 Preakness Stakes -- 81st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1956 Treason Trial
Wikipedia - 1956 Winter Olympics -- 7th Winter Olympics, held in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
Wikipedia - 1957 Alexandra bus boycott
Wikipedia - 1957 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1957 Chevrolet -- Make of US auto
Wikipedia - 1957 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1957 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1957 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1957 New Year Honours -- 1957 UK state honours list
Wikipedia - 1957 Pacoima mid-air collision -- Mid-air collision over Pacoima, California, United States
Wikipedia - 1957 Preakness Stakes -- 82nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1957
Wikipedia - 1958 Asian Games -- Third edition of the Asian Games
Wikipedia - 1958 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1958 Aviaco SNCASE Languedoc crash -- Plane crash in the Guadarrama Mountains which killed 21
Wikipedia - 1958 BOAC Bristol Britannia crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Central African Airways plane crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Channel Airways de Havilland DH.104 Dove crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Dan-Air Avro York crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 East River collision -- Collision between two ships and the subsequent fire and gasoline spill
Wikipedia - 1958 Huslia earthquake -- 1958 earthquake in Alaska
Wikipedia - 1958 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1958 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1958 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1958 Lebanon crisis
Wikipedia - 1958 London Vickers Viking accident -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Mars Bluff B-47 nuclear weapon loss incident -- Accidental release of a nuclear weapon in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - 1958 Pakistani coup d'etat -- Events surrounding the deposing of Pakistani President Iskander Mirza by Ayub Khan, Pakistani Army Commander-in-Chief
Wikipedia - 1958 papal conclave
Wikipedia - 1958 Preakness Stakes -- 83rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1958 Syerston Avro Vulcan crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958
Wikipedia - 1959 Air Charter Turkey crash -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1959 Curitiba riots -- Comb War was a protest that started in December 8th 1959 in the city of Curitiba
Wikipedia - 1959 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1959 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1959 in South African sport -- Sports-related events in South Africa during 1959
Wikipedia - 1959 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1959 Junior Springboks tour of South America -- A series of rugby union matches played in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1959 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes -- Ninth running of the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes
Wikipedia - 1959 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1959 Preakness Stakes -- 84th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1959 San Diego F3H crash -- Aircraft accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Tibetan Rebellion
Wikipedia - 1959 Tibetan uprising
Wikipedia - 1959 Transair Douglas Dakota accident -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Turkish Airlines Gatwick crash -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Viqueque rebellion -- Uprising against Portuguese rule in East Timor
Wikipedia - 1959
Wikipedia - 195 Eurykleia -- Main-belt asteroid
Wikipedia - 1960 Agadir earthquake -- Earthquake in Morocco
Wikipedia - 1960 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1960 Ethiopian coup d'etat attempt -- attempted coups d'etat against Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie
Wikipedia - 1960 Guisan -- Asteroid
Wikipedia - 1960 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1960 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1960 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1960 Los Angeles Chargers season -- Inaugural season for the franchise in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - 1960 New York Titans season -- Inaugural season for New York's AFL franchise
Wikipedia - 1960 Preakness Stakes -- 85th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1960 RB-47 shootdown incident -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1960 Rio de Janeiro mid-air collision -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1960s Australian region cyclone seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1960s Berkeley protests
Wikipedia - 1960s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1960s
Wikipedia - 1960s in film
Wikipedia - 1960 South African republic referendum
Wikipedia - 1960 South Africa referendum
Wikipedia - 1960 South Vietnamese coup attempt -- Failed coup against President Ngo M-DM-^PM-CM-,nh DiM-aM-;M-^Gm
Wikipedia - 1960s South Pacific cyclone seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1960 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XVII Olympiad, celebrated in Rome in 1960
Wikipedia - 1960s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1960-1969)
Wikipedia - 1960 U-2 incident -- Cold War aviation incident
Wikipedia - 1960 United States census -- 18th United States national census
Wikipedia - 1960 Valdivia earthquake -- May 1960 earthquake in Chile
Wikipedia - 1961-1975 cholera pandemic -- Seventh major cholera pandemic
Wikipedia - 1961-62 Allsvenskan (men's handball) -- Handball season
Wikipedia - 1961 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1961 Golden Helmet (Poland) -- Motorcycle speedway event
Wikipedia - 1961 in Ireland -- Events in 1961
Wikipedia - 1961 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1961 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1961 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1961 Intercontinental Cup -- 1961 edition of the FIFA Intercontinental Cup
Wikipedia - 1961 New York Titans season -- 1961 season of AFL team New York Titans
Wikipedia - 1961 Preakness Stakes -- 86th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1961 Puerto Rican financial referendum -- Referendum on financial-related amendments to Puerto Rican statute
Wikipedia - 1962 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1962 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1962 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1962 in South African sport -- Sports-related events in South Africa during 1962
Wikipedia - 1962 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1962 London smog -- 1962 air pollution event in London, England
Wikipedia - 1962 New Year Honours -- Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth
Wikipedia - 1962 New York Titans season -- 1962 season of AFL team New York Titans
Wikipedia - 1962 Preakness Stakes -- 87th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1962 Roman Missal
Wikipedia - 1962 Seattle World's Fair
Wikipedia - 1962 Singaporean integration referendum -- Referendum on the terms of integration of Singapore into the Federation of Malaysia
Wikipedia - 1962 South Vietnamese Independence Palace bombing -- Aerial attack in Saigon
Wikipedia - 1962 World's Fair
Wikipedia - 1963 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1963 Camden PA-24 crash -- Aviation crash in 1963
Wikipedia - 1963 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1963 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1963 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1963 New York Jets season -- 1963 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1963 papal conclave
Wikipedia - 1963 Preakness Stakes -- 88th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1963 Provincial Speedway League -- Speedway league season
Wikipedia - 1963 South Vietnamese coup
Wikipedia - 1963 Togolese coup d'etat -- 1963 coup in Togo
Wikipedia - 1964 Alaska earthquake
Wikipedia - 1964 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1964 Brazilian coup d'etat -- March-April 1964 coup d'etat in Brazil that ousted President Joao Goulart
Wikipedia - 1964 Brinks Hotel bombing -- Viet Cong bombing in Saigon
Wikipedia - 1964 European Nations' Cup -- 1964 edition of the UEFA European Nations' Cup
Wikipedia - 1964 (film) -- 2015 documentary film about the events of 1964
Wikipedia - 1964 in Israel -- article about events in a specific year or time period
Wikipedia - 1964 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1964 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1964 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1964 in sports -- Sports-related events of 1964
Wikipedia - 1964 Manyas earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1964 New York Jets season -- 1964 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1964 New York World's Fair -- Showcase of mid-20th-century American culture and technology fair
Wikipedia - 1964 Preakness Stakes -- 89th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1964 race riots in Singapore -- 1964 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1964 state highway renumbering (California) -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1964 state highway renumbering (Washington) -- Highway renumbering in Washington
Wikipedia - 1964 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1964 T-39 shootdown incident -- Cold War incident involving an American T-39 being shot down by a Soviet MiG-19
Wikipedia - 1964 Ugandan lost counties referendum -- Ugandan referendum
Wikipedia - 1965 Argentine Air Force C-54 disappearance -- Argentine military flight that disappeared on 3 November 1965
Wikipedia - 1965 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1965 Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - 1965 Indian Everest Expedition -- First successful Indian summit of Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1965 in film
Wikipedia - 1965 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1965 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1965 in science
Wikipedia - 1965 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1965 MGM vault fire -- 1965 fire
Wikipedia - 1965 New York Jets season -- 1965 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1965 Preakness Stakes -- 90th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1965 Saigon bombing -- Bombing in which 42 were killed
Wikipedia - 1965 Saint Louis Billikens men's soccer team -- U.S. soccer team
Wikipedia - 1965 South Vietnamese coup -- 1965 coup attempt in South Vietnam
Wikipedia - 1965 Soviet economic reform
Wikipedia - 1966-67 Czechoslovak Extraliga season -- Season of the Czechoslovak Extraliga
Wikipedia - 1966 anti-Igbo pogrom -- Series of massacres of Igbo people in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1966 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1966 British Empire and Commonwealth Games -- 8th edition of the British Empire and Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1966 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1966 European Indoor Games - Women's 60 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - 1966 Felthorpe Trident crash -- Crash of a Trident airliner in a pre-delivery flight in 1966
Wikipedia - 1966 flood of the Arno -- November 1966 flood of the Arno River in Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - 1966 in baseball
Wikipedia - 1966 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1966 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1966 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1966 Iraqi coup d'etat attempt -- 1966 coup d'etat attempt in Iraq
Wikipedia - 1966 Miami Dolphins season -- Inaugural season for Miami's AFL team
Wikipedia - 1966 New York City smog -- Air-pollution episode in New York City
Wikipedia - 1966 New York Jets season -- 1966 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1966 Nigerian counter-coup -- 2nd Nigeria coup in 1966
Wikipedia - 1966 Preakness Stakes -- 91st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1966 Spanish organic law referendum -- Referendum in Francoist Spain
Wikipedia - 1966 Varto earthquake -- Earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1967-68 Irish League -- Irish League
Wikipedia - 1967 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1967 Australian referendum (Aboriginals) -- Question 2 of 1967 Australian referendum, about counting Indigenous people in the census and allowing the government to legislate separately for them
Wikipedia - 1967 Buffalo riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Grand National -- Horse race held in 1967
Wikipedia - 1967 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1967 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1967 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1967 Milwaukee riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Minneapolis Riot -- Minneapolis Riot
Wikipedia - 1967 Mudurnu earthquake -- Earthquake in western Turkey
Wikipedia - 1967 Newark riots -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 New York Jets season -- 1967 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1967 Palestinian exodus -- Flight of around 280,000 to 325,000 Palestinians out of the territories captured by Israel during and in the aftermath of the Six-Day War
Wikipedia - 1967 Plainfield riots -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Preakness Stakes -- 92nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1967 Saginaw riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Togolese coup d'etat -- 1967 coup in Togo
Wikipedia - 1968-69 United States network television schedule -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1968 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1968 Belice earthquake -- Earthquake in Sicily, Italy
Wikipedia - 1968 Cannes Film Festival -- 21st film festival at Cannes; cut short due to protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention protest activity
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention
Wikipedia - 1968 Illinois earthquake -- Largest recorded earthquake in Illinois, US
Wikipedia - 1968 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1968 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1968 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1968 Israel Super Cup -- Sport competition
Wikipedia - 1968 Maryland Terrapins men's soccer team -- 19698 Maryland Terrapins men's soccer team
Wikipedia - 1968 Meckering earthquake -- Earthquake in 1968 in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1968 New York Jets season -- 1968 season of AFL team New York Jets; first and to date only Super Bowl appearance and win
Wikipedia - 1968 Olympics Black Power salute -- Protest during 1968 Olympic Games
Wikipedia - 1968 Preakness Stakes -- 93rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1968 Pulitzer Prize -- Awards given at the 1968 Pulitzer Prize
Wikipedia - 1968 student protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XIX Olympiad, held in Mexico City in 1968
Wikipedia - 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash -- 1968 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1969 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1969 Birmingham Ladywood by-election
Wikipedia - 1969 Curacao uprising -- Series of riots and protests
Wikipedia - 1969 (film) -- 1988 drama film directed by Ernest Thompson
Wikipedia - 1969 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1969 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1969 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1969 Libyan coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat carried out by the Libyan Free Unionist Officers Movement (1969)
Wikipedia - 1969 Newton Cessna 172 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1969 New York Jets season -- 1969 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1969 Preakness Stakes -- 94th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1969 race riots of Singapore -- 1969 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill -- Oil platform blow-out fouled the coast of California resulting in environmental legislation
Wikipedia - 1969 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1969 Southeast Asian Peninsular Games -- Multi-sport event
Wikipedia - 1969 (TV series) -- 2019 television documentary series
Wikipedia - 1970 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1970 Atlantic Ocean Antonov An-22 crash -- 1970 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1970 Bhola cyclone -- Tropical cyclone that struck East Pakistan in 1970
Wikipedia - 1970 British Annapurna South Face expedition -- First ascent of Himalayan mountain face using rock climbing techniques
Wikipedia - 1970 Cambodian coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat in Cambodia
Wikipedia - 1970 Chilean presidential election
Wikipedia - 1970 Golden Helmet (Poland) -- Annual motorcycle speedway event
Wikipedia - 1970 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1970 in music
Wikipedia - 1970 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1970 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1970 La Fleche Wallonne -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1970 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Self-coup of Leabua Jonathan
Wikipedia - 1970 Preakness Stakes -- 95th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1970s energy crisis
Wikipedia - 1970s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1970s
Wikipedia - 1970s in film
Wikipedia - 1970s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1970s in video games
Wikipedia - 1970s operation in Balochistan
Wikipedia - 1970 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1970 Spantax CV-990 crash -- Aviation accident in Stockholm, Sweden
Wikipedia - 1970s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1970-1979)
Wikipedia - 1970 United States gubernatorial elections
Wikipedia - 1971-72 Cypriot First Division -- The 33rd season of Cypriot First Division
Wikipedia - 1971 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1971 B-52C Lake Michigan crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1971 Balmoral Furniture Company bombing -- 1971 terrorist attack in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1971 Bangladesh genocide -- 1971 deportation, ethnic cleansing, mass murder and genocidal rape of Bengali people in East Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1971: Beyond Borders -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - 1971 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1971 Colorado Aviation Aero Commander 680 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1971 Indian Airlines hijacking -- Aviation incident
Wikipedia - 1971 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1971 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1971 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1971 in video games
Wikipedia - 1971 January 22 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash -- Aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1971 January 31 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash -- Aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1971 JVP insurrection -- Attempted coup in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 1971 KFK competitions (Ukraine) -- 1971 sporting event
Wikipedia - 1971 Krasnodar bus bombing -- Bus bombing in Krasnodar, Russia
Wikipedia - 1971 May Day Protests
Wikipedia - 1971 Odisha cyclone -- North Indian Ocean cyclone in 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 Preakness Stakes -- 96th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1971 RAF Hercules crash -- Aviation accident off the coast of Italy
Wikipedia - 1971 San Fernando earthquake -- Earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1971 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1971 Swiss referendums -- Three referendums held in Switzerland in 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 Women's World Cup
Wikipedia - 1972 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1972 Bean Station, Tennessee bus crash -- Bus/semi-truck collision in Bean Station, Tennessee
Wikipedia - 1972 California Proposition 17 -- Measure enacted by California voters to reinstate the death penalty
Wikipedia - 1972 Cameroonian constitutional referendum -- referendum in Cameroon
Wikipedia - 1972 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1972 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1972
Wikipedia - 1972 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1972 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1972 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1972 in video games
Wikipedia - 1972 Iran blizzard -- Deadly snowstorm in Iran
Wikipedia - 1972 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts robbery -- Highest-value theft in Canadian history
Wikipedia - 1972 New Zealand eight -- rowing team
Wikipedia - 1972 Preakness Stakes -- 97th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1972 Puerto Rico DC-7 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1972 Qatari coup d'etat -- Palace overthrow of Ahmad bin Ali Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1972 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1972 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XX Olympiad, held in Munich in 1972
Wikipedia - 1972 Tour de Romandie -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1973-1975 recession -- Period of economic stagnation in the Western world
Wikipedia - 1973 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1973 Belmont Stakes -- 105th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1973 Canadian federal budget -- Canadian federal budget for fiscal year 1973-1974
Wikipedia - 1973 Chilean coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat in Chile on 11 September 1973
Wikipedia - 1973 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1973 DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Learjet crash -- Aviation accident in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - 1973 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1973 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1973 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1973 in video games
Wikipedia - 1973 Luhuo earthquake -- 1973 earthquake in China
Wikipedia - 1973 Nantes mid-air collision -- Mid-air collision over France in 1973
Wikipedia - 1973 Nemzeti Bajnoksag I (women's handball) -- Hungary's premier Handball league
Wikipedia - 1973 Nepal plane hijack -- Plane hijacking in Nepal
Wikipedia - 1973 Northern Ireland border poll -- Referendum held in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1973 oil crisis -- 1973 petroleum shortage
Wikipedia - 1973 Paris Air Show Tu-144 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1973 Preakness Stakes -- 98th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1973 raid on Egyptian missile bases -- Israeli raid during the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - 1973 Rome airport attacks and hijacking -- Terrorist attacks
Wikipedia - 1973 (song) -- 2007 single by James Blunt
Wikipedia - 1973 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1973 Westminster bombing -- Car bomb explosion in Millbank, London
Wikipedia - 1974-75 FC Barcelona season -- FC Barcelona season
Wikipedia - 1974-75 Lancashire Cup -- Sixty-second occasion
Wikipedia - 1974 AD -- Nepalese Rock band
Wikipedia - 1974 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1974 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1974 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship
Wikipedia - 1974 Houses of Parliament bombing -- 1974 bombing of the British Houses of Parliament
Wikipedia - 1974 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1974 in Malaysia -- Malaysian related events in the year 1974
Wikipedia - 1974 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1974 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1974 in television
Wikipedia - 1974 in video games
Wikipedia - 1974 Lima earthquake -- 1974 earthquake in Peru
Wikipedia - 1974 Preakness Stakes -- 99th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1974 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1974 Suez Canal Clearance Operation -- Agreement to reopen the Suez Canal following the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - 1974 Super Outbreak -- April 1974, the 2nd-largest tornado outbreak ever in a 24-hour period
Wikipedia - 1974 Togo presidential C-47 crash -- 1974 aviation accident in Togo
Wikipedia - 1974 White House helicopter incident -- 1974 incident in which a U.S. Army pilot landed a stolen helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House
Wikipedia - 1975 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1975 Australian constitutional crisis -- Dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by Governor-General John Kerr
Wikipedia - 1975 British Mount Everest Southwest Face expedition -- Himalayan ascent requiring rock climbing techniques
Wikipedia - 1975 Holton-Arms School senior prom -- 1975 high school dance held at the White House
Wikipedia - 1975 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1975
Wikipedia - 1975 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1975 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1975 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1975 in video games
Wikipedia - 1975 Kjalarnes helicopter crash -- Deadliest helicopter crash in Icelandic aviation history
Wikipedia - 1975 Ladbroke International (snooker) -- Professional invitational team snooker event
Wikipedia - 1975 LaGuardia Airport bombing -- Terrorist attack in New York City
Wikipedia - 1975 M-EM-;abbar Avro Vulcan crash -- Crash of a British jet bomber in eastern Malta
Wikipedia - 1975 New York Telephone exchange fire -- 1975 fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 1975 Nigerian coup d'etat -- 1975 coup in Nigeria led by General Yakubu Gowon
Wikipedia - 1975 Piccadilly bombing -- Bomb attack near Green Park Underground station, London
Wikipedia - 1975 Preakness Stakes -- 100th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1975 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1975 South Pacific Games -- Fifth edition of the South Pacific Games, held in Guam
Wikipedia - 1975 Spring Offensive -- The final North Vietnamese campaign in the Vietnam War that led to the capitulation of South Vietnam
Wikipedia - 1975 United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum -- British referendum of 1975
Wikipedia - 1976 African Cup of Nations squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1976 Argentine coup d'etat -- March 1976 military coup d'etat in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1976 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1976 British Isles heat wave -- Heat wave 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 Chowchilla kidnapping -- Mass kidnapping committed in California, US
Wikipedia - 1976 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1976 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1976 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1976 in video games
Wikipedia - 1976 M-CM-^Galdiran-Muradiye earthquake -- November 1976 earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1976 Nigerian coup d'etat attempt -- 1979 coup detat attempt by colonel Buka Suka Dimka
Wikipedia - 1976 Olympia bombing -- Bomb attack in West London
Wikipedia - 1976 Philadelphia Legionnaires' disease outbreak -- First occasion of a cluster of a pneumonia cases later identified as Legionnaires' disease
Wikipedia - 1976 Preakness Stakes -- 101st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1976 Rotherham by-election
Wikipedia - 1976 Rothmans Sun-7 Series -- A motor racing competition for Touring Cars of under 3 litre capacity
Wikipedia - 1976 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1976 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXI Olympiad, held in Montreal in 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 Tangshan earthquake -- Earthquake that occurred in 1976 in Tangshan, Hebei, China
Wikipedia - 1976 Tehran UFO incident -- Radar and visual sighting of a UFO over Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - 1976 Wirral by-election
Wikipedia - 1977 Arizona armored car robbery -- 1977 robbery of an armored car
Wikipedia - 1977 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1977 Atocha massacre -- far-right massacre of five people in Madrid in 1977
Wikipedia - 1977 Australian plebiscite (National Song) -- Additional question in the 1977 Australian referendum
Wikipedia - 1977 Australian referendum -- Public vote in Australia containing a total of five questions
Wikipedia - 1977 Belmont Stakes -- 109th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1977 B.R.S.C.C. Trophy -- Formula Three race
Wikipedia - 1977 (film) -- 2009 film by G.N.Dinesh Kumar
Wikipedia - 1977 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1977
Wikipedia - 1977 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1977 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1977 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1977 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1977 in video games
Wikipedia - 1977 Preakness Stakes -- 102nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1977 Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours -- List of honours
Wikipedia - 1977 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1978-79 Bundesliga -- 16th season of the Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 1978-79 FA Trophy -- Tenth season of the FA Trophy
Wikipedia - 1978 Agoura-Malibu firestorm -- |Wildfire in Los Angeles county, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1978 American Soccer League -- American Soccer League
Wikipedia - 1978 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1978 Balkan Bulgarian Tupolev Tu-134 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1978 Belmont Stakes -- 110th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1978 British Army Gazelle downing -- Helicopter downed over Northern Ireland during an engagement between the Provisional IRA and the British Army
Wikipedia - 1978 California Proposition 13 -- A ballot initiative which capped property tax at 1% and yearly increases at 2%
Wikipedia - 1978 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1978 Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - 1978 Epsom and Ewell by-election
Wikipedia - 1978 Georgian demonstrations -- 1978 protests in Tbilisi, Georgia
Wikipedia - 1978 Ghanaian governmental referendum -- Ghanaian referendum
Wikipedia - 1978 Hardy Cup
Wikipedia - 1978 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1978
Wikipedia - 1978 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1978 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1978 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1978 in video games
Wikipedia - 1978 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown -- Helicopters shot down by Soviet air defense forces
Wikipedia - 1978 LAV HS 748 accident -- Aviation accident off the Venezuelan coast
Wikipedia - 1978 London bus attack -- Terrorist attack in which 2 people died
Wikipedia - 1978 Mauritanian coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Moktar Ould Daddah
Wikipedia - 1978 North Sea storm surge -- A storm surge which occurred over 11-12 January causing extensive [[coastal flooding]] and considerable damage on the east coast of England between the Humber and Kent
Wikipedia - 1978 Palace of Versailles bombing -- Terrorist bombing in which one person was injured
Wikipedia - 1978 Preakness Stakes -- 103rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1978 Singapore flood -- 1978 flood in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1978 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1979 Arizona Republic / Jimmy Bryan 150 -- First round of the 1979 IndyCar season
Wikipedia - 1979 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1979 Cannes Film Festival -- The 32nd Cannes Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1979 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1979
Wikipedia - 1979 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1979 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1979 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1979 in video games
Wikipedia - 1979 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1979 Pan American Games -- Eighth edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 1979 Preakness Stakes -- 104th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1979 revolution
Wikipedia - 1979 (song) -- 1996 single by The Smashing Pumpkins
Wikipedia - 1979 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1979 vote of no confidence in the Callaghan ministry -- 1979 political event in the UK
Wikipedia - 1979 XB -- Risk-listed hazardous near-Earth asteroid
Wikipedia - 197 (number)
Wikipedia - 197 Yonge Street -- Canadian historical property
Wikipedia - 1980-1989 world oil market chronology -- 1980s economic history
Wikipedia - 1980 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1980 Azores Islands earthquake -- Earthquake on Azores Islands, Portugal
Wikipedia - 1980 Camarate air crash -- Air crash in Camarate, Portugal
Wikipedia - 1980 Canadian federal budget -- The Canadian federal budget for fiscal year 1980-1981
Wikipedia - 1980 Damascus Titan missile explosion -- Explosion of a US ICBM in Arkansas
Wikipedia - 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens -- Major volcanic eruption in Skamania County, Washington, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1980 in games -- Game-related events of 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1980 in Pakistan -- Events happened in 1980 in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1980 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1980 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1980 in video games
Wikipedia - 1980 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1980 murders of U.S. missionaries in El Salvador -- Murders
Wikipedia - 1980 NHRA Winternationals -- Drag racing event
Wikipedia - 1980 Panorama Fire -- Wildfire in San Bernardino county, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1980 Plesetsk launch pad disaster -- Vostok-2M rocket explosion during refueling
Wikipedia - 1980 Preakness Stakes -- 105th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1980s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980s in film
Wikipedia - 1980s in Japan -- Economic boom period in Japanese history
Wikipedia - 1980s in Latin music -- Major events and trends in Latin music in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1980s in video games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - 1980s oil glut -- oversupply of oil in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980 (song)
Wikipedia - 1980 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1980s professional wrestling boom -- Era of professional wrestling
Wikipedia - 1980 St Pauls riot -- Occurred in St Pauls, Bristol, England on 2 April 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 Summer Olympics closing ceremony -- Olympics ceremony in Moscow, USSR
Wikipedia - 1980 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXII Olympiad, held in Moscow in 1980
Wikipedia - 1980s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1980-1989)
Wikipedia - 1980 United States Senate election in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - 1980 United States Senate elections
Wikipedia - 1980 Women's World Open (snooker) -- Women's snooker event, held May 1980
Wikipedia - 1981-82 Eredivisie -- Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 1981-82 South Pacific cyclone season -- South Pacific tropical cyclone season
Wikipedia - 1981 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1981 Brink's robbery
Wikipedia - 1981 Brixton riot -- Confrontation between police and protesters in London in 1981
Wikipedia - 1981 Emperor's Cup -- 1981 Emperor's Cup
Wikipedia - 1981 Epsom Derby -- 202nd annual running of the Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1981 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1981
Wikipedia - 1981 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1981 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1981 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1981 in video games
Wikipedia - 1981 Iranian Air Force C-130 crash
Wikipedia - 1981 Irish hunger strike -- Protest by Irish republican prisoners in Northern Ireland, in which ten died
Wikipedia - 1981 Moroccan riots -- Uprising in Moroccan society
Wikipedia - 1981 Preakness Stakes -- 106th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1981 Quebec general election
Wikipedia - 1981 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand and the United States -- Controversial rugby tour of New Zealand and the US by the South African rugby team
Wikipedia - 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand
Wikipedia - 1981 Spanish coup d'etat attempt -- February 1981 coup d'etat attempt in Spain
Wikipedia - 1981 Vienna synagogue attack -- Armed terrorist attacks in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - 1981 warning strike in Poland -- 1981 strike in Poland
Wikipedia - 1981 Westmorland earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1981 Women's World Open (snooker) -- Women's snooker event, held May 1981
Wikipedia - 1982-1992 (Europe album) -- compilation album by Europe
Wikipedia - 1982 (2019 film) -- 2019 Lebanese drama film
Wikipedia - 1982 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1982 Bass and Golden Leisure Classic -- Invitational professional snooker event, held 29 May 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 British Army Gazelle friendly fire incident -- Accidental downing of a helicopter in the Falklands War
Wikipedia - 1982 Chicago Tylenol murders
Wikipedia - 1982 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony -- Opening ceremony
Wikipedia - 1982 Commonwealth Games -- 12th edition of the Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1982 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1982 Gay Games -- International LGBT multi-sport and cultural event
Wikipedia - 1982 Hama massacre -- Suppression of the Islamic Uprising in Syria
Wikipedia - 1982 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1982 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1982 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1982 in spaceflight -- Events of the year 1982 in spaceflight
Wikipedia - 1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands -- 1982 Argentine invasion of the Falklands
Wikipedia - 1982 in video games
Wikipedia - 1982, Janine -- Book by Alasdair Gray
Wikipedia - 1982 Lebanon War -- 1982 war between Israel and forces in Lebanon
Wikipedia - 1982 Peckham by-election
Wikipedia - 1982 Preakness Stakes -- 107th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1982 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1982 Wilkes-Barre shootings -- Spree killing in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - 1982 World's Fair -- 1982 international exposition in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 1982 World's Strongest Man -- 6th edition of the World's Strongest Man Contest held in California
Wikipedia - 1983-1985 famine in Ethiopia -- Widespread famine in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - 1983-1986 Kurdish rebellions in Iraq -- Kurdish rebellion against the Government of Saddam Hussein In Iraq
Wikipedia - 1983-84 NASL Indoor season -- Indoor soccer league history
Wikipedia - 1983... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be) -- 1968 song by the Jimi Hendrix Experience
Wikipedia - 1983 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1983 Can-Am season -- 16th season of Sports Car Club of America series
Wikipedia - 1983 Code of Canon Law
Wikipedia - 1983 Erzurum earthquake -- Earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1983 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1983 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1983 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1983 in video games
Wikipedia - 1983 Kuwait bombings -- Attacks on six key foreign and Kuwaiti installations on 12 December 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 Lucanamarca massacre -- Massacre perpetrated by the Shining Path in 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 New York City Marathon -- Marathon held in New York City in 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 Orly Airport attack -- Bombing in Orly airport by ASALA
Wikipedia - 1983 Pan American Games -- Ninth edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 1983 Preakness Stakes -- 108th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1983 South African constitutional reform referendum
Wikipedia - 1983 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1983 United States Senate bombing
Wikipedia - 1984 (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - 1984 (advertisement) -- 1984 American television commercial directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - 1984 Allsvenskan -- 1984 season of Fotbollsallsvenskan
Wikipedia - 1984 anti-Sikh riots -- 1984 series of organised pogroms against Sikhs in India
Wikipedia - 1984 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1984 Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fokker F27 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1984 (book)
Wikipedia - 1984 Can-Am season -- Racing season
Wikipedia - 1984 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1984 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1984 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1984 in video games
Wikipedia - 1984 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1984 New York City Subway shooting -- Shooting committed on the New York City Subway
Wikipedia - 1984 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1984 Preakness Stakes -- 109th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack -- Deliberate Salmonella contamination in Oregon, US
Wikipedia - 1984 (song) -- David Bowie song
Wikipedia - 1984 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1984 Summer Olympics closing ceremony -- Closing ceremony for the 1984 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1984 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXIII Olympiad, held in Los Angeles in 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 (television commercial)
Wikipedia - 1984 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1984 Winter Olympics -- 14th edition of Winter Olympics, held in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) in 1984
Wikipedia - 1985-86 Scottish Premier Division -- Scottish Premier Division
Wikipedia - 1985 Athens bar bombing -- Far-right bombing aimed at Americans
Wikipedia - 1985 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1985 Brixton riot -- Confrontation between Police and protesters in London in 1985
Wikipedia - 1985 (film) -- 2018 film directed by Yen Tan
Wikipedia - 1985 Gujarat riots -- 1985 communal violence in Gujarat State
Wikipedia - 1985 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1985
Wikipedia - 1985 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1985 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1985 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1985 in video games
Wikipedia - 1985 Mexico City earthquake -- Earthquake in Mexico
Wikipedia - 1985 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1985 North American cold wave -- Meteorological event
Wikipedia - 1985 Northern Cypriot constitutional referendum -- Northern Cyprian constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1985 Polar Sea controversy
Wikipedia - 1985 Preakness Stakes -- 110th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1985 Puerto Rico floods -- Flood event that took place in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1985 Rajneeshee assassination plot -- Oregon assassination plot
Wikipedia - 1985 (SR-71 song) -- 2004 song by SR-71
Wikipedia - 1985: The Year of the Spy -- Year with most spies arrested in US
Wikipedia - 1985 World Snooker Championship final
Wikipedia - 1986 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing
Wikipedia - 1986 California Proposition 65 -- California law to protect drinking water from toxic substances
Wikipedia - 1986 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1986 enlargement of the European Communities -- Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities
Wikipedia - 1986 FBI Miami shootout -- Gun battle between eight FBI agents and two serial bank robbers and murderers in Miami in 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 Gay Games -- International LGBT multi-sport and cultural event
Wikipedia - 1986 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in Japanese television -- Television-related events in Japan in 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1986 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1986 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1986 in video games
Wikipedia - 1986 K2 disaster -- Five deaths in five days on the mountain K2
Wikipedia - 1986 Killing of Kekuojalie Sachu and Vikhozo Yhoshu -- 1986 killing of students by police forces in Kohima, Nagaland, India
Wikipedia - 1986 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Leabua Jonathan
Wikipedia - 1986 Mozambican Tupolev Tu-134 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1986 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1986 Preakness Stakes -- 111th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1986 Togolese coup d'etat attempt -- 1986 coup attempt in Togo
Wikipedia - 1986 Turkish consulate bombing in Melbourne -- Terror attack in 1986 in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - 1986 United States bombing of Libya -- US April 1986 military operation in Libya
Wikipedia - 1986
Wikipedia - 1987-1989 JVP insurrection -- Armed revolt in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 1987 America's Cup -- 26th America's Cup yacht race
Wikipedia - 1987 (artist) -- Swedish producer, songwriter, and musician
Wikipedia - 1987 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1987 Black Dragon fire -- Major wildfire in China and the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1987 FA Cup Final
Wikipedia - 1987 Indianapolis Ramada Inn A-7D Corsair II crash -- Aircraft accident in Indianapolis, Indiana
Wikipedia - 1987 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1987
Wikipedia - 1987 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1987 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1987 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1987 in sports -- The year's events in world sport
Wikipedia - 1987 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1987 in video games
Wikipedia - 1987 Maryland train collision -- Train accident
Wikipedia - 1987 Mecca incident -- July 1987 clash between Shia pilgrims and Saudi Arabian security forces during the Islamic Hajj season
Wikipedia - 1987 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1987 Preakness Stakes -- 112th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1987 Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?) -- Debut album of The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
Wikipedia - 1988-89 Eintracht Frankfurt season -- Bundesliga season
Wikipedia - 1988-89 League Cup (rugby league) -- Rugby league season
Wikipedia - 1988-94 British broadcasting voice restrictions -- |Partial ban on radio and TV broadcast in the UK of voices of certain Republican and Loyalist figures
Wikipedia - 1988 African Cup of Nations squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1988 Amstel Gold Race -- Road bicycle race in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - 1988 Armenian earthquake -- December 1988 earthquake in Armenian SSR, USSR
Wikipedia - 1988 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1988 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1988 Cannes and Nice attacks -- Anti-immigrant attack
Wikipedia - 1988 Currie Cup Division B -- 49th season of the second division of the Rugby competition
Wikipedia - 1988 Czechoslovak - New Zealand Mount Everest Southwest Face Expedition -- Mount Everest expedition
Wikipedia - 1988 Democratic National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - 1988 Gilgit massacre -- Major instance of Shia-Sunni sectarian violence in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1988 Hyderabad, Sindh massacre -- Communal mass shooting
Wikipedia - 1988 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1988
Wikipedia - 1988 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1988 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1988 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1988 in spaceflight -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1988 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1988 in video games
Wikipedia - 1988 La Fleche Wallonne -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1988 Lion Cup -- Premier domestic rugby union knock-out competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1988 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1988 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1988 Naples bombing -- Terrorist attack against a United Service Organizations club
Wikipedia - 1988 October Riots
Wikipedia - 1988 Ordzhonikidze bus hijacking -- bus hijacking event in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1988 Preakness Stakes -- 113th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby season
Wikipedia - 1988 Soro derailment -- Danish rail disaster
Wikipedia - 1988 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXIV Olympiad, celebrated in Seoul (South Korea) in 1988
Wikipedia - 1988 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1988
Wikipedia - 1989-90 Courage League National Division Three -- Rugby union league
Wikipedia - 1989 air battle near Tobruk -- 1989 air battle between Libyan and US aircraft
Wikipedia - 1989 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division A -- Premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division B -- Second division of the Currie Cup Rugby competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 DC Prostitute Expulsion -- 1989 attempted expulsion of suspected sex workers from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - 1989 Haitian coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted military overthrow of Prosper Avril
Wikipedia - 1989 Helena train wreck -- Train accident in Montana, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1989 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1989
Wikipedia - 1989 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1989 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1989 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1989 in video games
Wikipedia - 1989 Lion Cup -- Premier domestic rugby union knock-out competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake -- Major earthquake in northern California
Wikipedia - 1989 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador
Wikipedia - 1989 Newcastle earthquake -- 28 December 1989 earthquake in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - 1989 Nigerien constitutional referendum -- Constitutional referendum held in Niger
Wikipedia - 1989 Pepsi 300 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1989 Philippine coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat against the government of Corazon Aquino
Wikipedia - 1989 Preakness Stakes -- 114th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1989 Richmond (Yorks) by-election
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1989 (Taylor Swift album) -- 2014 studio album by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - 1989 Tiananmen Square protests -- 1989 Chinese pro-democracy movement
Wikipedia - 1989
Wikipedia - 1990 Armagh City roadside bomb -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1990 British Army Gazelle shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1990 Channel 10 Challenge Cup -- Pre-season rugby league competition in the New South Wales Rugby League
Wikipedia - 1990 Commonwealth Games -- 14th edition of the Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1990 Currie Cup Division A -- Top division of the premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1990 Dushanbe riots -- Anti-government unrest occurred in Dushanbe in February, 1990.
Wikipedia - 1990 Faucett Peru 727 disappearance -- Airliner disappearance
Wikipedia - 1990 IIHF Women's World Championship
Wikipedia - 1990 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1990 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1990 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1990 in video games
Wikipedia - 1990 Italian Air Force MB-326 crash -- Air accident in Italy
Wikipedia - 1990 Kids' Choice Awards -- 4th Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
Wikipedia - 1990 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1990 Lough Neagh ambush -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 Metro Manila Film Festival -- Philippine film festival
Wikipedia - 1990 Moscow Victory Day Parade -- Parade
Wikipedia - 1990 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1990 Nepalese revolution -- Restoration of democracy in Nepal
Wikipedia - 1990 Nigerian coup d'etat attempt -- 1990 coup attempt by Major Gideon Orkar in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1990 Polish presidential election
Wikipedia - 1990 Preakness Stakes -- 115th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1990s in fashion -- Costume and fashion of the 1990s
Wikipedia - 1990s in film
Wikipedia - 1990s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1990s in video games -- Video game-related events in 1990s
Wikipedia - 1990s post-Soviet aliyah -- Migration of Jews from the former USSR to Israel
Wikipedia - 1990s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1990-1999)
Wikipedia - 1990: The Bronx Warriors -- 1982 film by Enzo G. Castellari
Wikipedia - 1990 United States census -- 21st United States national census
Wikipedia - 1990 Vrancea earthquakes -- Romanian powerful earthquake
Wikipedia - 1990
Wikipedia - 1991 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1991 Bangladesh cyclone -- 1991 tropical cyclone
Wikipedia - 1991 Belmont Stakes -- 123rd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo -- Volcanic eruption in the Philippines in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Haitian coup d'etat -- Overthrow of recently elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Wikipedia - 1991 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1991 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1991 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1991 in video games
Wikipedia - 1991 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Justin Lekhanya
Wikipedia - 1991 Macedonian independence referendum -- Refendum
Wikipedia - 1991 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1991 Pacific hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1991 Perfect Storm -- Nor'easter and Category 1 Atlantic hurricane in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Preakness Stakes -- 116th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1991 Queensland four year terms referendum -- Maximum term of the Parliament of Queensland from three years to four years
Wikipedia - 1991 RTHK Top 10 Gold Songs Awards -- 1991 edition of a Hong Kong music award
Wikipedia - 1991 Ryder Cup -- 1991 edition of the Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1991 Sacramento hostage crisis -- A 1991 hostage crisis
Wikipedia - 1991 Sino-Soviet Border Agreement
Wikipedia - 1991 Soviet coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat against Mikhail Gorbachev's government
Wikipedia - 1991 uprisings in Iraq -- Anti-government uprisings in Ba'athist Iraq
Wikipedia - 1991 West Virginia derecho -- Weather event
Wikipedia - 1992 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires -- 1992 suicide bombing attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
Wikipedia - 1992 cageless shark-diving expedition -- First recorded cageless dive with great white sharks
Wikipedia - 1992 Deluxe -- album by Wavy Spice
Wikipedia - 1992 Democratic National Convention -- Political convention
Wikipedia - 1992 Detroit Drive season -- Arena footbal team season
Wikipedia - 1992 Erzincan earthquake -- Earthquake in Erzincan province, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1992 Federation Cup (tennis) -- Women's tennis competition
Wikipedia - 1992 Indian stock market scam -- Scam on the Bombay Stock Exchange
Wikipedia - 1992 India-Pakistan floods -- 1992 India-Pakistan floods
Wikipedia - 1992 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1992
Wikipedia - 1992 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1992 in music
Wikipedia - 1992 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1992 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1992 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1992 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1992 in video games
Wikipedia - 1992 Kids' Choice Awards -- 6th Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
Wikipedia - 1992 Landers earthquake -- Magnitude-7.3 tremor in California
Wikipedia - 1992 London Bridge bombing -- Provisional IRA attack in London
Wikipedia - 1992 Los Angeles riots
Wikipedia - 1992 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1992 CART World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1992 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1992 Nicaragua earthquake -- Earthquake in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - 1992 Oregon Ballot Measure 9 -- Ballot measure
Wikipedia - 1992 Peruvian constitutional crisis -- Constitutional crisis after the dissolution of the Peruvian legislature and judiciary
Wikipedia - 1992 Preakness Stakes -- 117th running of the Preakness Stakes thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - 1992 Republican National Convention -- Political convention of the Republican Party
Wikipedia - 1992 South African apartheid referendum
Wikipedia - 1992 South African Referendum
Wikipedia - 1992 South Africa vs New Zealand rugby union match -- South Africa's first rugby test match since being banned due to apartheid
Wikipedia - 1992 Staples Corner bombing -- Provisional IRA attack on London
Wikipedia - 1992 St. George earthquake -- 1992 earthquake
Wikipedia - 1992 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1992 Tour of Flanders -- 1992 cycle race
Wikipedia - 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team
Wikipedia - 1992 V-League -- Statistics of the V-League in the 1992 season.
Wikipedia - 1992
Wikipedia - 1992 Winnipeg municipal election
Wikipedia - 1992 Zangon Kataf crises -- Ethno-religious crises in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1993-94 Elitserien season -- 1993-1994 season of the Swedish Elite League
Wikipedia - 1993-94 Pirveli Liga -- 5th season of the Georgian Pirveli Liga
Wikipedia - 1993 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1993 Aurora, Colorado shooting -- Mass shooting on December 14, 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 Bowbazar bombing -- bomb explosion in Kolkata
Wikipedia - 1993 Cannes Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1993 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1993 child sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson -- Evan Chandler's accusations of Michael Jackson sexually abusing Jordan Chandler
Wikipedia - 1993 Chretien attack ad -- Canadian campaign ad
Wikipedia - 1993 congressional hearings on video games -- USA video game industry lawmaking
Wikipedia - 1993 Copa America squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1993 India floods -- 1993 India floods
Wikipedia - 1993 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1993 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1993 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1993 in video games
Wikipedia - 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting -- Shooting in a train in Garden City, New York, US
Wikipedia - 1993 "Maize Blue" University of Michigan Solar Car
Wikipedia - 1993 Masters of Formula 3 -- Formula 3 race
Wikipedia - 1993 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1993 CART World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1993 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1993 National Art Museum of Azerbaijan theft -- Art theft in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - 1993 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1993 Preakness Stakes -- 118th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1993 Solingen arson attack -- Neo-nazi arson attack on Turkish home in Solingen
Wikipedia - 1993 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 Storm of the Century -- March 1993 snowstorm in the United States
Wikipedia - 1993 United States Virgin Islands status referendum -- Referendum in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - 1993 Volta a Catalunya -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1993 Welling riots -- English riots
Wikipedia - 1993 World Trade Center bombing -- Truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City
Wikipedia - 1994-1996 United States broadcast television realignment -- Series of events between Fox Broadcasting Company and New World Communications
Wikipedia - 1994-95 Liga EBA season -- First season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 1994-95 Regionalliga -- 1st season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1994 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1994 Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes Returns -- 1993 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - 1994 Baku Metro bombings -- Series of terrorist incidents in 1994, in Baku
Wikipedia - 1994 Black Hawk shootdown incident -- US friendly fire incident over Iraq
Wikipedia - 1994 Bophuthatswana crisis
Wikipedia - 1994 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1994 Chicago Marathon -- 17th running of the Chicago Marathon
Wikipedia - 1994 Currie Cup -- South African sporting competition
Wikipedia - 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash -- US aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1994 Guatemalan constitutional referendum -- Constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1994 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1994
Wikipedia - 1994 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1994 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1994 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1994 Interserie -- Motorsport competition
Wikipedia - 1994 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1994 in video games
Wikipedia - 1994 Italian general election
Wikipedia - 1994 Japanese electoral reform
Wikipedia - 1994 Kangaroo tour of Great Britain and France
Wikipedia - 1994 London Israeli Embassy bombing -- Car bomb attack on 26 July 1994 against the Israeli embassy building in London
Wikipedia - 1994 (Mexican TV series) -- Mexican Spanish-language docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - 1994 Moroccan census -- Census
Wikipedia - 1994 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1994 New Zealand Superclub League -- Sports league
Wikipedia - 1994 Northridge earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1994 Preakness Stakes -- 119th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1994 Quebec general election
Wikipedia - 1994 Sahara Airlines Boeing 737 crash -- Aviation accident in India
Wikipedia - 1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash
Wikipedia - 1994 South African general election
Wikipedia - 1994 State of Origin series -- 1994 rugby game in the State of Origin series
Wikipedia - 1994 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1994
Wikipedia - 1994 United States broadcast TV realignment
Wikipedia - 1994 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 1 to Stage 11 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1994
Wikipedia - 1995-1997 Gujarat political crisis -- Political crisis in Indian state of Gujarat
Wikipedia - 1995-96 Liga EBA season -- 2nd season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 1995-96 Regionalliga -- 2nd season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1995 America's Cup -- 29th America's Cup yacht race
Wikipedia - 1995 Atlantic hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 Benson and Hedges Open - Singles -- Tennis competition
Wikipedia - 1995 Dinar earthquake -- Earthquake in southwest Turkey
Wikipedia - 1995 French consulate bombing in Perth -- Terror attack in 1995 in Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1995 Great Britain and Ireland heat wave -- 1995 heat wave in the British Isles
Wikipedia - 1995 in Australian television -- television-related events in Australia during the year 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in British television -- television-related events in the UK during 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1995 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1995 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1995 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1995 in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 1995 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1995 in video games
Wikipedia - 1995 Jacksonville Jaguars season -- Inaugural season for the franchise
Wikipedia - 1995 Kobe earthquake
Wikipedia - 1995 Moscow Victory Day Parades -- Victory day parades
Wikipedia - 1995 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1995 Pacific hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1995 Preakness Stakes -- 120th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1995 Qatari coup d'etat -- Palace overthrow of Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1995 Rijeka bombing -- Terrorist bombing in Rijeka, Croatia
Wikipedia - 1995 Rugby World Cup
Wikipedia - 1995 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 University of Maryland conference on crime and genetics -- Conference held by the University of Maryland about genetics and crime
Wikipedia - 1995 Vallecas bombing -- Car bomb attack by the Basque separatist organisation ETA
Wikipedia - 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 Williamsburg Bridge subway collision -- 1995 New York City subway crash
Wikipedia - 1995 Women's Field Hockey Olympic Qualifier -- Qualification for the 1996 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1996-97 Regionalliga -- 3rd season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1996-97 strikes in South Korea -- Series of strikes in Asia
Wikipedia - 1996 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1996 Bangladesh coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat
Wikipedia - 1996 Bangladesh tornado -- 1996 tornado in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - 1996 Cannes Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 1996 Chadian constitutional referendum -- Referendum held in Chad on 31 March 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision -- November 1996 mid-air plane collision in northern India
Wikipedia - 1996 Copenhagen Airport shooting -- Gang-related shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark
Wikipedia - 1996 Copenhagen rocket attack -- Gang-related attack in Copenhagen, Denmark
Wikipedia - 1996 Democratic National Convention -- Political convention
Wikipedia - 1996 Epsom Derby -- 217th annual running of the Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1996 Gangneung submarine infiltration incident -- Naval incident between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1996 Golden Globes (Portugal) -- List of awards in arts and sport
Wikipedia - 1996 Indo-Tibetan Border Police expedition to Mount Everest -- Expedition to Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1996 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1996 in literature
Wikipedia - 1996 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1996 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1996 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1996 in video games
Wikipedia - 1996 Lake Huron cyclone -- Hurricane storm system in 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Libertarian National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - 1996 Maryland train collision -- 1996 train crash in the United States
Wikipedia - 1996 Men's Field Hockey Olympic Qualifier -- Qualification for the 1996 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1996 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1996 CART race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1996 Moscow-Constantinople schism -- Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Churches of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarchate which started on 23 February 1996 and ended on 16 May 1996.
Wikipedia - 1996 Mount Everest disaster -- Events of 10-11 May 1996, when eight people were caught in a blizzard and died on Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1996 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1996 Preakness Stakes -- 121st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1996 Qatari coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted overthrow of Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1996 Republican National Convention -- U.S. political event held in San Diego, California
Wikipedia - 1996 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Sulawesi earthquake -- Earthquake in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 1996 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVI Olympiad, in Atlanta
Wikipedia - 1996 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1996 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a -- 51st edition of the cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 1996
Wikipedia - 1997-98 National League 2 South -- The eleventh season of rugby union
Wikipedia - 1997-98 Regionalliga -- 4th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1997-98 Serie A (ice hockey) season -- Serie A season
Wikipedia - 1997 Argentina rugby union tour of New Zealand -- Series of sporting events
Wikipedia - 1997 Asian financial crisis -- Financial crisis of many Asian countries during the second half of 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1997 Belmont Stakes -- 129th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1997 Cannes Film Festival -- Awards gathering for films
Wikipedia - 1997 Central Texas tornado outbreak -- Tornado outbreak in Texas
Wikipedia - 1997 Constitution of Fiji -- 1997 constitution of Fiji
Wikipedia - 1997 Drammen bombing -- Gang-related bombing in Drammen, Norway
Wikipedia - 1997 Empire State Building shooting -- Shooting on the observation deck of the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - 1997 Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Group II - Pool B -- Group B of the 1997 Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Group II
Wikipedia - 1997 Fed Cup -- 1997 edition of the Fed Cup, competition between national teams in women's tennis
Wikipedia - 1997 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1997 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1997 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1997 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1997 in video games
Wikipedia - 1997 Manyi earthquake -- November 1997 earthquake in Tibet, PR China
Wikipedia - 1997 Melavalavu massacre -- Caste related violence against Dalits
Wikipedia - 1997 Mozambique floods -- Floods caused by tropical cyclogenesis
Wikipedia - 1997 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1997 Namibia mid-air collision -- Collision between USAF C-141B and German Air Force Tu-154M
Wikipedia - 1997 Preakness Stakes -- 122nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1997 Qayen earthquake -- Earthquake in Iran
Wikipedia - 1997 Raghopur Massacre -- An incident in a series of caste related violence in the Eastern Indian state of Bihar
Wikipedia - 1997 Red River flood -- Major flood on the Red River of the North
Wikipedia - 1997 Southeast Asian haze -- Haze over the Southeast Asia region in mid-1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Summer Deaflympics -- International sports competition
Wikipedia - 1997
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Ecuador financial crisis -- Period of economic instability
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Meistriliiga (ice hockey) season -- Ninth season of the Meistriliiga, the top level of ice hockey in Estonia
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Regionalliga -- 5th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1998-99 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1998 abduction of foreign engineers in Chechnya -- Abductions and murders in Chechnya
Wikipedia - 1998 Adana-Ceyhan earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1998 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1998 Australian waterfront dispute -- Event in Australian industrial relations history
Wikipedia - 1998 Bank of America robbery -- 1998 robbery in New York, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - 1998 Baseball World Cup
Wikipedia - 1998 Belmont Stakes -- 130th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1998 bombing of Iraq -- US and UK bombardment of Iraq in December 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Coimbatore bombings -- Bombings in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - 1998 DK36 -- Asteroid
Wikipedia - 1998 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1998 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1998 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1998 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1998 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1998 (instrumental) -- Instrumental song
Wikipedia - 1998 in video games
Wikipedia - 1998 kidnapping of Mormon missionaries in Saratov, Russia -- 1998 kidnapping case
Wikipedia - 1998 Klang Valley water crisis -- Water shortage in Malaysia
Wikipedia - 1998 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1998 CART Fed/Ex Champ Car World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1998 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1998 North Indian Ocean cyclone season -- Cyclone season in the North Indian ocean
Wikipedia - 1998 Pacific hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1998 Preakness Stakes -- 123rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1998 Puerto Rican general strike -- Strike to protest government privatization
Wikipedia - 1998 Ramgiri-Udaygiri violence -- Violence in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - 1998 Sokcho submarine incident -- Combat incident between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1998 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Sydney water crisis -- Sydney water crisis 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Tour de France -- 85th edition of cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 1998 United States embassy bombings -- Attacks on the US Embassy
Wikipedia - 1998 U.S. Open Cup Final -- 1998 final of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
Wikipedia - 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Yeosu submersible incident -- 1998 naval skirmish between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1999-2000 Regionalliga -- 6th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1999-2000 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1999 Aggie Bonfire collapse -- Fatal accident at Texas A&M University
Wikipedia - 1999 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1999 Belmont Stakes -- 131st running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1999 Bridge Creek-Moore tornado -- 1999 tornado in Oklahoma, US
Wikipedia - 1999 Chamoli earthquake -- 1999 earthquake in India
Wikipedia - 1999 (Charli XCX and Troye Sivan song) -- 2018 single by Charli XCX and Troye Sivan
Wikipedia - 1999 East Timorese independence referendum -- Referendum
Wikipedia - 1999 F-117A shootdown -- 1999 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup Americas Zone Group I - Pool B -- Regional competition in the 1999 Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup Americas Zone -- Regional competition in the 1999 Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup -- 1999 edition of the Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 (film) -- 2009 film by Lenin M. Sivam
Wikipedia - 1999 Hector Mine earthquake -- Magnitude 7.1 earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1999 in film
Wikipedia - 1999 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1999
Wikipedia - 1999 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1999 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1999 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1999 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1999 in the Bahamas -- None
Wikipedia - 1999 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1999 in video games
Wikipedia - 1999 Island Games -- 1999 Island Games in Gotland
Wikipedia - 1999 Istanbul summit -- intergovernmental meeting
Wikipedia - 1999 Kvalserien -- 25th edition of Kvalserien
Wikipedia - 1999 Kyrgyzstan League -- Statistics of Kyrgyzstan League for the 1999 season.
Wikipedia - 1999 Leeds Central by-election
Wikipedia - 1999 Loomis truck robbery -- Robbery of a semi-trailer truck transporting money in California, US
Wikipedia - 1999 Matamoros standoff -- Standoff in Matamoros, Mexico
Wikipedia - 1999 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1999 CART race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1999 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak -- Tornado outbreak in May 1999
Wikipedia - 1999 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1999 Pakistani coup d'etat -- October 1999 military coup in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1999 Preakness Stakes -- 124th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1999 Ranalai violence -- Anti-Christian violence
Wikipedia - 1999 Seattle WTO conference
Wikipedia - 1999 Seattle WTO protests -- Protests of the 1999 WTO conference in Seattle, Washington, US
Wikipedia - 1999 South Dakota Learjet crash -- 1999 plane crash in South Dakota
Wikipedia - 1999 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 1999 Sydney hailstorm -- 1999 storm in Australia
Wikipedia - 1999 Washington summit -- NATO summit during the Yugoslav war
Wikipedia - 1999 Whites Drug Store Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 1999
Wikipedia - 199 Lives: The Travis Pastrana Story -- 2008 film by Gregg Godfrey
Wikipedia - 199 (number)
Wikipedia - 19 (Adele album)
Wikipedia - 19 Dutch -- Residential skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - 19 (film) -- 2001 film by Kazushi Watanabe
Wikipedia - 19 Gramercy Park South
Wikipedia - 19-inch rack
Wikipedia - 19 Kids and Counting -- American reality television show
Wikipedia - 19 Kislev -- Chassidic holiday
Wikipedia - 19 Lyrae -- Star in the constellation Lyra
Wikipedia - 19-norandrosterone
Wikipedia - 19 (number)
Wikipedia - 19 October
Wikipedia - 19P/Borrelly -- Periodic comet with 6 year orbit
Wikipedia - 19 Red Roses -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 19 South LaSalle Street
Wikipedia - 19 Squadron SAAF -- Squadron of the South African Air Force
Wikipedia - 19 Tauri -- Triple star system in the constellation Taurus
Wikipedia - 19th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1946
Wikipedia - 19th Arizona State Legislature -- Session of the Arizona Legislature
Wikipedia - 19th Arizona Territorial Legislature -- Session of the Arizona Territorial Legislature
Wikipedia - 19th Army Corps (Russian Empire) -- Army corps in the Imperial Russian Army
Wikipedia - 19th arrondissement
Wikipedia - 19th Battalion (Australia) -- Australian Army infantry battalion
Wikipedia - 19th Battalion (United States Marine Corps)
Wikipedia - 19th Berlin International Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 19th Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army during World War II
Wikipedia - 19th-century Anglo-Saxonism -- Racial belief system developed by British and American individuals in the 19th century
Wikipedia - 19th century BC in architecture -- Building and structures in 19th century before Christ
Wikipedia - 19th-century French literature
Wikipedia - 19th century in LGBT rights
Wikipedia - 19th century in literature
Wikipedia - 19th century in philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th century in science
Wikipedia - 19th century philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th-century philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th Century Spring Hill Neighborhood Thematic Resource
Wikipedia - 19th-century turnpikes in Massachusetts -- Highway system
Wikipedia - 19th Century
Wikipedia - 19th century
Wikipedia - 19th European Film Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 19th Field Artillery Regiment -- US military unit
Wikipedia - 19th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 1998
Wikipedia - 19th Japan Film Professional Awards -- 19th edition of the Japan Film Professional Awards
Wikipedia - 19th Kushok Bakula Rinpoche
Wikipedia - 19th Moscow International Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 19th Operations Group
Wikipedia - 19th Special Forces Group
Wikipedia - 19th Street Bridge
Wikipedia - 19th Street station (SEPTA) -- Subway station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - 19th Venice International Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1. April 2000 -- 1952 film by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Wikipedia - 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia
Wikipedia - 1 Is One -- 1957 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - 1 July 2019 Kabul attack -- Terrorist attack in Kabul
Wikipedia - 1 November 1944 reconnaissance sortie over Japan -- Sortie by US F-13 Superfortress aircraft
Wikipedia - 1 November 1954 Stadium (Batna) -- Multi-use stadium in Batna, Algeria
Wikipedia - 1 September 1939 Reichstag speech
Wikipedia - 1st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony for achievement in filmmaking in 1927 and 1928
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (United States) -- United States Army combat formation, active since 1921
Wikipedia - 1st Congress of the Comintern -- 1919 gathering which established the Comintern
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Special Rifle Corps -- Red Army blocking formation active briefly in 1941
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Tank Division -- 1942-1945 Red Army formation
Wikipedia - 1st November of 1954 Great Mosque
Wikipedia - 1st Primetime Emmy Awards -- 1949 television awards event
Wikipedia - 1st Rank Raju (2019 film) -- 2019 Telugu comedy film remake of Kannada movie by the same title
Wikipedia - 1st U-boat Flotilla -- 1935-1944 submarine unit of the German Navy
Wikipedia - 1st World Festival of Youth and Students -- Youth festival, 1947
Wikipedia - 20,000 Cheers for the Chain Gang -- 1933 film directed by Roy Mack
Wikipedia - 20,000 Eyes -- 1961 crime drama film directed by Jack Leewood
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Across the Land -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 film) -- 1916 movie from Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Men a Year -- 1939 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - 20,000 Years in Sing Sing -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 2000 Year Old Man -- Comedy sketch, originally created by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner in 1950s
Wikipedia - 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) -- 1968 film by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - 2001: A Space Odyssey -- 1968 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 2001 (Dr. Dre album) -- 1999 studio album by Dr. Dre
Wikipedia - 2002 Winter Olympics -- 19th edition of Winter Olympics, held in Salt Lake City (United States) in 2002
Wikipedia - 2009 (album) -- 2019 studio album by Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y
Wikipedia - 200 Cigarettes -- 1999 American comedy and drama film by Risa Bramon Garcia
Wikipedia - 200 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 200 Motels -- 1971 American-British musical surrealist film
Wikipedia - 2010: Odyssey Two -- 1982 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 2010s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (2010-2019)
Wikipedia - 2010: The Year We Make Contact -- 1984 science fiction movie directed by Peter Hyams
Wikipedia - 2012-13 Liga EBA season -- 19th season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 2012 (1982 album) -- album by Statik Selektah
Wikipedia - 2014 Farafra ambush -- Terrorist attack on 19 July 2014 in the Farafra Oasis Road in Egypt's New Valley Governorate
Wikipedia - 2015 Boston Marathon -- 119th edition of the Boston Marathon
Wikipedia - 2015 Webby Awards -- 19th annual edition of the Webby Awards
Wikipedia - 2017-19 ICC World Cricket League -- International cricket league
Wikipedia - 2017 Puebla earthquake -- 19 September 2017 earthquake in Mexico
Wikipedia - 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference -- International climate change conference in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany in November 1999
Wikipedia - 2018-19 2. Bundesliga -- 45th edition of 2. Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 3. Liga -- 11th season of the 3. Liga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Al Ittihad Alexandria Club season -- 104th season of Al Ittihad
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Barnsley F.C. season -- Barnsley F.C. season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Biathlon IBU Cup -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Cairns Taipans season -- Cairns Taipans season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino -- The 34th edition of Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Connacht Rugby season -- Rugby Union Pro14 season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Cypriot Cup -- The 77th season of Cypriot Cup
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Danish Superliga -- 29th season of the Danish Superliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 education workers' strikes in the United States -- Withdrawal of labor by US teachers, 2018
Wikipedia - 2018-19 European winter -- Winter
Wikipedia - 2018-19 FIBA Europe Cup Play-offs -- Sport season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 figure skating season -- Competitive figure skating year, 2018/7/1 to 2019/6/30
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Gibraltar Intermediate Cup -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 I-League -- Twelfth season of I-League
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Indian Super League season -- Fifth season of ISL
Wikipedia - 2018-19 La Liga -- 88th La Liga season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Liga EBA season -- 25th season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Magyar Kupa (men's handball) -- 61st Hungarian men's handball competition
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Orszagos Bajnoksag I (women's water polo) -- 36th season of the Orszagos Bajnoksag I, Hungary's premier Water polo league
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Pro14 -- International rugby union competition season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Regionalliga -- 11th season of the Regionalliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Sydney Sixers WBBL season -- Sydney Sixers Women's Season 2018-19
Wikipedia - 2018-19 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 USA Team Handball rankings -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Vegas Golden Knights season -- 2nd season in team history
Wikipedia - 2018-19 V.League Division 1 Men's squads -- Japanese vollyball
Wikipedia - 2018-19 World Rugby Women's Sevens Series -- Seventh edition of the global circuit for women's national rugby sevens teams
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Gaza border protests -- protest campaign for refugee rights in the Gaza Strip
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Haitian protests -- Ongoing protests
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 student protest in Albania -- 2018 Albanian student protests against the Albanian government
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Swedish government formation -- parliamentary government formation in Sweden
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 United States federal government shutdown -- Government shutdown from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 Amaravati protests -- Ongoing protests against decentralisation in Amaravati
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 Maltese protests -- 2019 protest movement started in Malta
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Measles epidemic in the DRC in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019-2021 Persian Gulf crisis -- Period of military tensions between the US and Iran
Wikipedia - 2019-2023 structural changes to local government in England -- Planned changes to local government authorities in England
Wikipedia - 2019-20 2. Bundesliga -- 46th edition of 2. Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 3. Liga -- 12th season of the 3. Liga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 ABA League First Division -- ABA League 19th season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Algerian protests -- Protests against the government
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season -- 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Atlanta SC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Australian bushfire season -- Bushfires in Australia
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Australian region cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Buffalo Sabres season -- 50th season in team history
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Bundesliga -- 57th season of the Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Calcutta Premier Division -- 122nd season of Calcutta Premier Division
Wikipedia - 2019-20 California United Strikers FC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Campeonato Nacional Feminino -- The 35th edition of Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Canadian network television schedule -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Connacht Rugby season -- Rugby Union Pro14 season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Copa MX -- The 82nd staging of the Copa MX
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Cyclo-cross Superprestige -- cyclo-cross competition held in Belgium and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Cypriot Cup -- The 78th season of Cypriot Cup
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Danish Superliga -- The 30th season of the Danish Superliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Eredivisie -- The 64th season of the Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 2019-20 European windstorm season -- European windstorm season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 figure skating season -- Competitive figure skating year, 2019/7/1 to 2020/6/30
Wikipedia - 2019-20 I-League -- 13th season of I-League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Indian cricket season -- 2019-20 Indian cricket season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Indian Super League season -- Sixth season of the Indian Super League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Iranian protests -- Protests against the Government of Iran
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Israeli political crisis -- Political crisis in Israel
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Ligue 1 -- 82nd season of Ligue 1 in 2019/20
Wikipedia - 2019-20 locust infestation -- Ongoing locust infestation in East Africa, Arabian peninsula and Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Naisten Liiga season -- 37th season of the Naisten Liiga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Oakland Roots SC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Primeira Liga -- 28th season of the Primeira Liga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Puerto Rico earthquakes -- Earthquakes that happened in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Qatar Stars League -- 47th season of the Qatar Stars League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Regionalliga -- 12th season of the Regionalliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Rugby Africa Cup -- International rugby union competition Africa
Wikipedia - 2019-20 San Diego 1904 FC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Serie B -- The 88th season of the Serie B
Wikipedia - 2019-20 South Pacific cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity in the South Pacific Ocean.
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Stumptown Athletic season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Super 6 -- Rugby union Super 6 season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 United Kingdom floods -- Severe flooding events in the United Kingdom over the winter of 2019-20
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Vegas Golden Knights season -- 3rd season in team history
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Western Libya campaign -- A Military Campaign in Western Libya
Wikipedia - 2019-20 West Region Premiership -- West Region Premiership 2019-2020
Wikipedia - 2019-20 World Rugby Women's Sevens Series -- The 8th edition of the global circuit for women's national rugby sevens teams
Wikipedia - 2019-21 Regionalliga Bayern -- 8th season of the Regionalliga Bayern
Wikipedia - 2019 24H GT Series -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Abqaiq-Khurais attack -- Drone attack on Saudi oil processing facilities
Wikipedia - 2019 AFC Asian Cup -- 17th edition of the AFC Asian Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 AFLHCC season -- -- 2019 AFLHCC season --
Wikipedia - 2019 Africa U-23 Cup of Nations -- The third edition of the Africa U-23 Cup of Nations
Wikipedia - 2019 Alaska Aces season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Albania earthquake -- Earthquake in Northwestern Albania
Wikipedia - 2019 Algarve Cup squads -- Lists of the squads for the 2019 Algarve Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Algarve Cup -- The 26th edition of the Algarve Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Altamira prison riot -- Brazilian prison riot
Wikipedia - 2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires -- Wildfires in Brazil
Wikipedia - 2019 AMJ Campbell Shorty Jenkins Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Antalya Open (pool) -- Professional pool competition, held November 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Antenna Awards -- Awards show honouring achievements in Australian community television
Wikipedia - 2019 anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka -- Series of religiously motivated riots targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 2019 ARCA Menards Series -- 67th season of the ARCA Menards Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay blackout -- Blackout affecting Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Paraguay
Wikipedia - 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic -- Arnold Strongman Classic event of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Ashes series -- Test cricket series between Australia and England
Wikipedia - 2019 Atlantic hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Australia Day Honours -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Australian Open - Day-by-day summaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Bagram Airfield attack -- Taliban bombing and attack on an US airfield in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - 2019 Balakot airstrike -- Airstrike conducted by the Indian Air Force
Wikipedia - 2019 Baltimore ransomware attack -- Massive ransomware attack against the government of the City of Baltimore
Wikipedia - 2019 Barangay Ginebra San Miguel season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Belmont Stakes -- 151th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 2019 Berlin Marathon -- Marathon race
Wikipedia - 2019 Bihar encephalitis outbreak -- Outbreak of acute encephalitis syndrome in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Bihar floods -- Flood in Bihar, India.
Wikipedia - 2019 Billboard Music Awards -- Music award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 Birthday Honours -- Awards list for the Commonwealth
Wikipedia - 2019 Blancpain GT Sports Club -- Fifth season of the Blancpain GT Sports Club
Wikipedia - 2019 Blancpain GT World Challenge America -- Racing season
Wikipedia - 2019 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress crash -- Vintage World War II heavy bomber crash during tourist flight
Wikipedia - 2019 Boston Marathon -- 2019 running of the Boston Marathon
Wikipedia - 2019 Bougainvillean independence referendum -- Bougainville's referendum for independence from Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - 2019 British Academy Television Awards -- 2019 British Academy Television Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 British prorogation controversy -- Unlawful and voided suspension of Parliament
Wikipedia - 2019 Cameron's Brewing Oakville Fall Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 -- The 26th season of Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 under its current title and the 66th season under its current league division format
Wikipedia - 2019 Camp Shorabak attack -- Taliban attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Canada Winter Games -- Multi-sports competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Canad Inns Women's Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Canberra Rugby League -- Rugby League competition in Canberra, Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 Cannes Film Festival -- film festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Cargill Curling Training Centre Icebreaker -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Cavalry FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 CCC Team season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2019 Changan Ford International Curling Elite -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Chicago arson killings -- Arson by a nine-year-old child resulting in 5 deaths
Wikipedia - 2019 Chicago Public Schools Strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Chilean Air Force C-130 crash -- Military aircraft accident
Wikipedia - 2019 college admissions bribery scandal -- Ongoing corruption scandal involving major universities in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Colombia DC-3 crash -- 2019 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 Colonial Square Ladies Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Columbian Dyip season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final -- Final match of the 2019 edition of the CONCACAF Gold Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup -- The 15th edition of the CONCACAF Gold Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa America squads -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa Libertadores Femenina -- The 11th edition of the CONMEBOL Libertadores Femenina
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa Paulino Alcantara -- 2nd season of the Copa Paulino Alcantara
Wikipedia - 2019 Cotabato earthquakes -- series of earthquakes in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 Cyprus Women's Cup squads -- List of players competing at the 12th edition of the Cyprus Women's Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 D1NZ season -- Premier drifting series of New Zealand
Wikipedia - 2019 Dallas courthouse shooting -- shooting in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - 2019 Dally M Awards -- Official annual awards of the National Rugby League
Wikipedia - 2019 Dayton shooting -- Mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
Wikipedia - 2019 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2019 Deceuninck-Quick-Step season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2019 decisions of the Trademarks Opposition Board -- 2019 list of Trademarks Opposition Board decisions
Wikipedia - 2019 Dhamar Airstrike -- A Saudi-led airstrike on a detention centre
Wikipedia - 2019 Dow Tennis Classic -- ITF professional tennis competition, Midland, U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Durand Cup -- 129th edition of the Durand Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Durban Easter floods -- 2019 flooding in Durban, South Africa
Wikipedia - 2019 Durham gas explosion -- 2019 gas explosion in Durham, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Ecuadorian protests -- Protests in Ecuador against austerity measures by President Lenin Moreno
Wikipedia - 2019 El Paso shooting -- Mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, United States of America
Wikipedia - 2019 Epsom Derby -- 240th running of the annual Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 2019 ESPY Awards -- The 27th annual ESPY Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 European Games -- The second edition of the European Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Euro Tour season -- Nine-ball pool season of events
Wikipedia - 2019 FAMAS Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences
Wikipedia - 2019 FC Edmonton season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Fed Cup Americas Zone Group I - Pool B -- 2019 Fed Cup Americas Zone
Wikipedia - 2019 FIVB Volleyball Men's Nations League -- The second edition of the FIVB Volleyball Men's Nations League
Wikipedia - 2019 FIVB Volleyball Women's Nations League -- The second edition of the FIVB Volleyball Women's Nations League
Wikipedia - 2019 French Open - Day-by-day summaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 General Motors strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Georgia Swarm season -- National Lacrosse League season
Wikipedia - 2019 Giro di Sicilia -- 24th edition of the Giro di Sicilia
Wikipedia - 2019 Great Britain Lions tour -- Great Britain rugby league tour
Wikipedia - 2019 heat wave in India and Pakistan -- Severe heatwave in India
Wikipedia - 2019 HFX Wanderers FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Hokkaido Bank Curling Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill -- 2019 bill proposed by Hong Kong's government
Wikipedia - 2019 Hpakant jade mine collapse -- Mine collapse triggered by a landslide
Wikipedia - 2019 Hyderabad gang rape -- 2019 rape and murder of a woman in India
Wikipedia - 2019 IAAF World Challenge -- Track and field events
Wikipedia - 2019 Iditarod -- 2019 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
Wikipedia - 2019 in American television -- Television-related events in the United States during 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in archaeology -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 in baseball
Wikipedia - 2019 in climate change
Wikipedia - 2019 India doctors' strike -- Doctor's strike in India in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 India-Pakistan border skirmishes -- Series of armed skirmishes between India and Pakistan in Kashmir
Wikipedia - 2019 Indonesia Pro Futsal League -- Twelfth season of Indonesia Pro Futsal League
Wikipedia - 2019 in Indian sport -- Sports-related events in India during the year of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in K-1 -- K-1 martial arts events in 2018
Wikipedia - 2019 in Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki -- Mixed martial arts event
Wikipedia - 2019 in Papua New Guinea -- Papua New Guinea-related evens during the year of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 2019 in public domain
Wikipedia - 2019 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in RXF -- RXF mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in Saudi Arabia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 2019 in television -- Television set index
Wikipedia - 2019 Internet blackout in Iran -- A week-long total internet blackout ordered by Supreme National Security Council
Wikipedia - 2019 in video games
Wikipedia - 2019 Iran floods -- 2019 flash floods across Iran
Wikipedia - 2019 Iranian shoot-down of American drone -- Military action in the Strait of Hormuz
Wikipedia - 2019 Israel State Cup Final -- 2018-19 Israel State Cup finale
Wikipedia - 2019 Istanbul earthquake -- Earthquake that happened in Turkey
Wikipedia - 2019 J3 League -- 6th season of the Japanese J3 League
Wikipedia - 2019 Jalalabad suicide bombing -- Suicide bombing
Wikipedia - 2019 Jamia Millia Islamia attack -- Attack on a University campus in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Japanese imperial transition -- Japanese imperial abdication and transition
Wikipedia - 2019 Japan Series -- 70th edition of the Japan Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Java blackout -- Power Outage in Java, Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Jersey City shooting -- Mass shooting in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Johannesburg riots
Wikipedia - 2019 Jolo Cathedral bombings
Wikipedia - 2019 Joox Thailand Music Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by JOOX Thailand
Wikipedia - 2019 Kaduna State massacre -- 2019 terrorist attack in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 2019 KBS Drama Awards -- 2019 KBS Drama Awards TV show
Wikipedia - 2019 KBS Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean KBS Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 Kentucky gubernatorial election
Wikipedia - 2019 Kerala floods -- Severe flooding due to heavy monsoon rainfall on 8 August 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 K League 2 -- Seventh season of the K League 2, the second tier South Korean professional league
Wikipedia - 2019 Kulgam massacre -- Terrorist attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Lahore bombing -- A suicide bomb attack on 8 May 2019 outside Data Darbar in Lahore, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 League of Ireland Cup -- 46th season of the League of Ireland's secondary knockout competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Challenge Cup -- 2019 edition of the Lebanese Challenge Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Elite Cup -- 2019 edition of the Lebanese Elite Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Super Cup -- 19th edition of the Lebanese Super Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Legends Tour -- Women's golf series
Wikipedia - 2019 Liga 3 -- Third season of the Liga 3 in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Line TV Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by LINE TV Thailand
Wikipedia - 2019 Major League Lacrosse season -- 19th season of Major League Lacrosse
Wikipedia - 2019 Maya Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by Maya Channel Magazine
Wikipedia - 2019 MBC Drama Awards -- 2019 MBC Drama Awards TV show
Wikipedia - 2019 MBC Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean MBC Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 measles outbreaks -- Global measles outbreaks in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Medan suicide bombing -- terrorist attack in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Meistriliiga -- The 29th season of the Meistriliiga
Wikipedia - 2019 Melaka United season -- 3rd season in the Malaysia Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 Melon Music Awards -- Korean music award ceremony, 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 MENA Tour -- Professional golf tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Men's Oceania Cup -- Hockey competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Meralco Bolts season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom -- 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom
Wikipedia - 2019 Mettupalayam wall collapse -- Collapse of a wall which killed 17 people and led to protests
Wikipedia - 2019 Midwestern U.S. floods -- 2019 disaster in the Midwestern United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Mini Challenge UK -- Eighteenth season of the Mini Challenge UK
Wikipedia - 2019 MLB London Series -- Two-game series between the Yankees and Red Sox in London in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Molucca Sea earthquakes -- July 7, 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Monte Carlo Rally -- 87th edition of Rallye Automobile Monte-Carlo
Wikipedia - 2019 Montreal Impact season -- Canadian Major League Soccer team
Wikipedia - 2019 Monza Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula
Wikipedia - 2019 Mosul ferry sinking -- Multiple-fatalities disaster on the Tigris River
Wikipedia - 2019 MO -- Near-Earth asteroid discovered by ATLAS-MLO that impacted Earth's atmosphere on 22 June 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Movie & TV Awards -- The 28th edition of the MTV Movie & TV Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 National Amateur Cup -- 96th edition of cup competition in American soccer
Wikipedia - 2019 Nepal floods -- Devastating 2019 flood in Nepal
Wikipedia - 2019 New England Patriots season -- 60th season in Patriots franchise history
Wikipedia - 2019 New South Wales Waratahs season -- 2019 New South Wales Waratahs rugby union season
Wikipedia - 2019 New York Film Festival -- 2019 film festival edition
Wikipedia - 2019 New York measles outbreak -- Measles outbreak in New York state
Wikipedia - 2019 New Zealand Sevens -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 NLEX Road Warriors season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
Wikipedia - 2019 North Carolina FC season -- Second season in the USL
Wikipedia - 2019 Northeast Brazil oil spill -- Oil spill
Wikipedia - 2019 North Korea-United States Hanoi Summit -- Meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump
Wikipedia - 2019 North Maluku earthquake -- July 7, 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 NPSL season -- 107th season of FIFA-sanctioned soccer in the United States
Wikipedia - 2019 NRL Women's season results -- Second season of professional women's rugby league in Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 OK -- Near-Earth asteroid
Wikipedia - 2019 Open Sud de France -- ATP tennis competition, France
Wikipedia - 2019 opinion polling on the Donald Trump administration -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Oracle Challenger Series - Indian Wells - Men's Singles -- Oracle Challenger Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Oregon Senate Republican walkouts -- 2019 protest by Oregon State Senators
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific Northwest measles outbreak -- Measles outbreak in the Portland metropolitan area
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific typhoon season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Pahang FA season -- 16th season in the Malaysian Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 Pan American Games -- 18th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Papua protests -- series of protests by Papuans in Indonesian Papua
Wikipedia - 2019 Parapan American Games -- An international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities
Wikipedia - 2019 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2019 PDC Calendar -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Philadelphia Freedoms season -- Tennis team season
Wikipedia - 2019 Philippine Super Liga season -- Volleyball league season in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 PKNS F.C. season -- 6th season in the Malaysia Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 PNGNRL season -- Season of rugby league
Wikipedia - 2019 Polish parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 2019 Ponparappi violence -- Anti-Dalit violence in Ponparappi, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2019 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia -- Automobiles competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Portuguese fuel-tanker drivers' strike -- Strike action
Wikipedia - 2019 Prayag Kumbh Mela -- Ardh Kumbh Mela held in Allahabad from January to March 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Preakness Stakes -- 144th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 2019 Premier Lacrosse League season -- Inaugural season of the Premier Lacrosse League
Wikipedia - 2019 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours -- List
Wikipedia - 2019 Prince Edward station attack -- August 2019 incident in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - 2019 Pro Bowl -- Game
Wikipedia - 2019 PSA Annual Awards -- annual awarding ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 Pulwama attack -- Terrorist attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Pune flood -- Flood in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Argentina -- 39th edition of Rally Argentina
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Australia -- 28th edition of Rally Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Catalunya -- 55th edition of Rally de Catalunya
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Chile -- 1st edition of Rally Chile
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally de Portugal -- 53rd edition of Rally de Portugal
Wikipedia - 2019 Rallye Deutschland -- 37th edition of Rallye Deutschland
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Estonia -- The 9th edition of Rally Estonia
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Finland -- 69th edition of Rally Finland
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Italia Sardegna -- 16th edition of Rally Italia Sardegna
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Mexico -- 16th edition of Rally Mexico
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Sweden -- 67th edition of Rally Sweden
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Turkey -- 12th edition of Rally Turkey
Wikipedia - 2019 redefinition of the SI base units
Wikipedia - 2019 RFL League 1 -- 2019 rugby league competition in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 2019 RFL Women's Super League -- Women's rugby league competition in Great Britain
Wikipedia - 2019 Rio Piedras shooting -- On October 14, 2019 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 2019 Road to Le Mans -- Motor season
Wikipedia - 2019 Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 Samoa assassination plot -- Attempt to kill Prime Minister of Samoa
Wikipedia - 2019 Samoa measles outbreak -- Measles epidemic in Samoa in late 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 SBS Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean SBS Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 service delivery protests
Wikipedia - 2019 SheBelieves Cup squads -- List of players competing at the 4th edition of the SheBelieves Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Shute Shield season -- 146th season of a premier rugby union competition in Sydney
Wikipedia - 2019 Siberia wildfires -- Spate of forest fires in Russia
Wikipedia - 2019 Sindh HIV outbreak -- In the Ratodero area in Sindh, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 South Asian Games -- XIII South Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- 30th edition of the Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Southern Libya offensive
Wikipedia - 2019 Spa-Francorchamps Formula 2 round -- Formula 2 race
Wikipedia - 2019 Sports Car Challenge of Mid-Ohio -- Sports race
Wikipedia - 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings
Wikipedia - 2019 State of the Nation Address (Philippines) -- State of the Nation Address in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 Stop & Shop strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Sundance Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Sunda Strait earthquake -- 7 July 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya dispute -- Indian land dispute ruling
Wikipedia - 2019 Tacoma attack -- Arson attempt in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Tajoura migrant center airstrike
Wikipedia - 2019 Tell Rifaat clashes -- Part of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - 2019 Tezgam train fire -- 2019 train fire in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 The Nationals -- Esports league season
Wikipedia - 2019 Tokyo car attack -- A terrorist attack in Tokyo
Wikipedia - 2019 Tonga measles outbreak -- Measles epidemic in Tonga in late 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Toronto International Film Festival -- 44th edition of the festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de Corse -- 62nd edition of Rally Corsica
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de France -- 106th edition of cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de l'Avenir -- 2019 edition of the Tour de l'Avenir
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de Yorkshire -- 5th men's Tour de Yorkshire
Wikipedia - 2019 UCI America Tour -- Bicycle competition
Wikipedia - 2019 UCI Europe Tour -- Fifteenth season of the UCI Europe Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 UEFA Champions League Final -- The final of the 2018-19 edition of the UEFA Champions League
Wikipedia - 2019 UN13 -- 3rd closest non-impacting Earth approach
Wikipedia - 2019 UN Climate Action Summit
Wikipedia - 2019 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - 2019 United States Tri-Nation Series -- Cricket series
Wikipedia - 2019 USA Team Handball Nationals - Men's Elite Division -- Handball competition
Wikipedia - 2019 U.S. Open Cup Final -- 2019 final of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 U.S. Open Cup -- 106th edition of cup competition in American soccer
Wikipedia - 2019 Venezuelan blackouts -- Nationwide power outages
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia Beach shooting -- Mass shooting in Virginia
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia political crisis -- February 2019 Virginia political scandals
Wikipedia - 2019 Visayas earthquake -- 2019 earthquake in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 VTV Awards -- Vietnamese Awards held in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 12 to Stage 21 -- Second half of the 2019 Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 1 to Stage 11 -- First half of the 2019 Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Wales Rally GB -- 75th edition of Wales Rally GB
Wikipedia - 2019 WCT Arctic Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 WCT Uiseong International Curling Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption -- Volcanic eruption which killed or injured 47 people
Wikipedia - 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 wildfire season -- Wildfire season in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Winter Deaflympics -- 19th Winter Deaflympics, Province of Sondrio 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 with the United Nations -- Overview of United Nations-related events in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Women's Tour de Yorkshire -- 5th women's Tour de Yorkshire
Wikipedia - 2019 World Beach Games -- The inaugural event of the World Beach Games
Wikipedia - 2019 World Pool Masters -- Professional 9-Ball Pool event
Wikipedia - 2019 World's Strongest Man -- World's Strongest Man event of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 World Taekwondo Grand Slam -- Taekwondo international competition
Wikipedia - 2019 W Series -- 2019 women's-only Racing Event
Wikipedia - 2019 WWE Draft -- WWE's intra-brand draft
Wikipedia - 2019 WWE Superstar Shake-up -- WWE's intra-brand draft
Wikipedia - 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion -- 21 March 2019 explosion in Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - 2019 York9 FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Yuen Long attack -- Mob attack in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Eerste Divisie -- Sixty-fifth season of Eerste Divisie since its establishment in 1955
Wikipedia - 20/20 (Beach Boys album) -- 1969 studio album by US band The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - 2020 Irish education shutdown -- Irish school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2020 Monza Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula 2
Wikipedia - 2020 Mugello Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula 2
Wikipedia - 2020 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2020 Tablighi Jamaat COVID-19 hotspot in Delhi -- Virus super spreader event
Wikipedia - 2020 UEFA Champions League Final -- The final of the 2019-20 season of the UEFA Champions League
Wikipedia - 2020 United Kingdom education shutdown -- UK school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2021 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2061: Odyssey Three -- 1987 novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 20 Dates -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - 20 June 1981 Iranian protests -- Protests in Iran
Wikipedia - 20 Mule Team -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - 20 Stycznia 1920 Street in Bydgoszcz
Wikipedia - 20th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1947
Wikipedia - 20th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1992
Wikipedia - 20th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 1999
Wikipedia - 20th Saskatchewan Legislature -- Provincial legislature of Saskatchewan from 1982 to 1986
Wikipedia - 21-87 -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 2/19th Battalion (Australia) -- World War II Australian infantry battalion
Wikipedia - 21 Bridges -- 2019 US action thriller film by Brian Kirk
Wikipedia - 21 Days -- 1940 British drama film directed by Basil Dean
Wikipedia - 21 Hours at Munich -- 1976 television film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - 21 Jump Street -- American TV crime series from 1987 to 1991
Wikipedia - 21st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1948
Wikipedia - 21st Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1993
Wikipedia - 21st Century Boy -- 1986 single by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Wikipedia - 21 Today -- 1961 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - 220 (album) -- 1996 instrumental album by Phil Keaggy
Wikipedia - 22 June 1897 -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 22nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1949
Wikipedia - 22nd Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1994
Wikipedia - 22nd New Brunswick Legislature -- 19th-century New Brunswick legislative assembly
Wikipedia - 22nd South African Parliament -- Parliament of South Africa, 1994-1999
Wikipedia - 22 Yards -- 2019 film by Mitali Ghoshal
Wikipedia - 23 1/2 Hours' Leave -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - 23 (film) -- 1998 German drama thriller film
Wikipedia - 23 Paces to Baker Street -- 1956 film by Henry Hathaway
Wikipedia - 23rd Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1995
Wikipedia - 23rd G8 summit -- 1997 G8 summit in Denver
Wikipedia - 23rd Street Fire -- 1966 major fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 23 Skidoo (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 240 mm howitzer M1 -- 1940s United States 240 mm field howitzer
Wikipedia - 24 heures d'amant -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 24 Horas de Sonho -- 1941 film directed by Chianca de Garcia
Wikipedia - 24 Horas (Mexican TV program) -- Mexican television newscast (1970-1998)
Wikipedia - 24 Hour Alert -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (1968 film) -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of a Woman's Life -- 1952 film by Victor Saville
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of Explicit Sex -- 1985 film by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - 24 Hours to Kill -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours to Midnight -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 24th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1951
Wikipedia - 24th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1996
Wikipedia - 24th Field Artillery Regiment (United States) -- Philippine Scouts unit in 1922-1942
Wikipedia - 25th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1952
Wikipedia - 25th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1997
Wikipedia - 25 Words or Less -- 1996 board game
Wikipedia - 26th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1953
Wikipedia - 26th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1998
Wikipedia - 26th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1911
Wikipedia - 26th Parliament of Ontario -- 1959-1963 legislature of Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 27A -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 27 Down -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 27 Mavalli Circle -- 1986 film directed by T. N. Narasimhan
Wikipedia - 27 Rue de la Paix -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - 27th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1954
Wikipedia - 27th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1999
Wikipedia - 27th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1913
Wikipedia - 280 mm mortar M1939 (Br-5)
Wikipedia - 28 (2019 film) -- Indian thriller film
Wikipedia - 28th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1955
Wikipedia - 28th National Film Awards -- Awards ceremony for Indian Cinema released in 1980
Wikipedia - 29 Acacia Avenue -- Play and 1945 film directed by Henry Cass
Wikipedia - 29 settembre -- 1966 song by Lucio Battisti and Mogol
Wikipedia - 29th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1956
Wikipedia - 2 A. M. in the Subway -- 1905 film
Wikipedia - 2 Become 1 -- 1996 single by Spice Girls
Wikipedia - 2 Brothers -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 2channel -- Anonymous Japanese textboard founded in 1999
Wikipedia - 2C-T-19
Wikipedia - 2 Days in the Valley -- 1996 film by John Herzfeld
Wikipedia - 2I/Borisov -- Interstellar comet passing through the Solar System, discovered in 2019
Wikipedia - 2MASS J12195156+3128497
Wikipedia - 2nd Academy Awards -- Filmmaking award for 1928 and 1929
Wikipedia - 2nd Division (Imperial Japanese Army) -- 1888-1945 Imperial Japanese Army formation
Wikipedia - 2nd G7 summit -- Held in Puerto Rico in 1976
Wikipedia - 2nd Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1981
Wikipedia - 2nd Time Around (album) -- 1970 album by The Spinners
Wikipedia - 2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge -- Ice hockey arcade game by Midway Games from 1995
Wikipedia - 2 Times -- 1999 single by Ann Lee
Wikipedia - 30,000 Miles Under the Sea -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - 3001: The Final Odyssey -- 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 301, 302 -- 1995 film by Park Cheol-su
Wikipedia - 3022 -- 2019 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - 30 Below Zero -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 30 karatow szczM-DM-^YM-EM-^[cia -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - 30 September Movement -- Military organization that attempted a coup d'etat in Indonesia in 1965
Wikipedia - 30th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1957
Wikipedia - 3:10 to Yuma (1957 film) -- 1957 film by Delmer Daves
Wikipedia - 31 June -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 31st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1958
Wikipedia - 32 Minutes and 17 Seconds with Cliff Richard -- 1962 studio album by Cliff Richard with The Shadows and Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra
Wikipedia - 32nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1959
Wikipedia - 32nd Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1923
Wikipedia - 333 (album) -- 1994 studio album by Green JellM-CM-?
Wikipedia - 33rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1960
Wikipedia - 33rd Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army during 1945-46
Wikipedia - 34 (song) -- 1994 song by the Dave Matthews Band
Wikipedia - 34th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1961
Wikipedia - 34th Goya Awards -- 2019 annual Spanish film awards
Wikipedia - 35th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1962
Wikipedia - 365 (Loona song) -- 2019 single by Loona
Wikipedia - 365 Nights in Hollywood -- 1934 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - 36 Ghante -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 36 Hours (1965 film) -- 1965 film by George Seaton
Wikipedia - 36 Hours to Kill -- 1936 film by Eugene Forde
Wikipedia - 36th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1963
Wikipedia - 37 Seconds -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - 37th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1964
Wikipedia - 37th TVyNovelas Awards -- 2019 television award ceremony
Wikipedia - 38.1 cm /45 Model 1926 naval gun -- Type of coastal artillery
Wikipedia - 38 Parrots -- Film series (1976-1991)
Wikipedia - 38th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1965
Wikipedia - 39 East -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - 39P/Oterma -- Periodic comet with 19 year orbit
Wikipedia - 39th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1966
Wikipedia - 3 a.m. Eternal -- 1989 single by The KLF
Wikipedia - 3 Avengers -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 3 Bad Men -- 1926 western film
Wikipedia - 3 Days of a Blind Girl -- 1993 film by Chan Wing-Chiu
Wikipedia - 3 Days to Go -- 2019 South African drama film
Wikipedia - 3 Day Weekend -- 2019 thriller film
Wikipedia - 3-D Docking Mission -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - 3D Tetris -- 1996 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 3 Dumb Clucks -- 1937 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - 3 Feet High and Rising -- 1989 album by De La Soul
Wikipedia - 3 Godfathers (1948 film) -- 1948 film directed by John Ford
Wikipedia - 3 Gold Coins -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - 3 nach 9 -- German talk show produced and aired by Radio Bremen since 1974
Wikipedia - 3 Nuts in Search of a Bolt -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 3rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1929 and 1930
Wikipedia - 3rd Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1982
Wikipedia - 3rd Legislative Assembly of Singapore -- Last legislative assembly of Singapore, 1963-1965
Wikipedia - 3 Will Be Free -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 3 Women -- 1977 film by Robert Altman
Wikipedia - 40,000 Headmen -- 1968 song performed by Traffic
Wikipedia - 409 (song) -- 1962 single by The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - 40 Golden Greats (Cliff Richard album) -- 1977 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - 40-Horse Hawkins -- 1924 film by Edward Sedgwick
Wikipedia - 40-Hour Week -- 1985 album by Alabama
Wikipedia - 40 Pounds of Trouble -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - 40 Quadratmeter Deutschland -- 1985 film by Tevfik BaM-EM-^_er
Wikipedia - 40 Sticks -- 2019 Kenyan thriller film
Wikipedia - 40th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1967
Wikipedia - 40th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 2019
Wikipedia - 415 (group) -- American hip hop group formed in Oakland, California in 1988
Wikipedia - -- Scam baiting website
Wikipedia - 419 series -- Japanese train type
Wikipedia - 41st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1968
Wikipedia - 42nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1969
Wikipedia - 42nd Street (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - 43rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1970
Wikipedia - 44th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1971
Wikipedia - 44th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1947
Wikipedia - 4.50 from Paddington -- 1957 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - 45 Calibre Echo -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 45 Fathers -- 1937 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - 45 Minutes from Hollywood -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 45th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1972
Wikipedia - 45th People's Choice Awards -- 2019 popular culture award ceremony
Wikipedia - 45th Saturn Awards -- 2019 science fiction awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 469219 KamoM-JM-;oalewa -- asteroid
Wikipedia - 46th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1973
Wikipedia - 46th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 2019
Wikipedia - 47 Dhansukh Bhawan -- 2019 one shot Gujarati thriller film
Wikipedia - 47 Meters Down: Uncaged -- 2019 American survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts
Wikipedia - 47 Natkal -- 1981 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - 47th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1974
Wikipedia - 47th Venice International Film Festival -- 1990 film festival edition
Wikipedia - 48 Hours of Hallucinatory Sex -- 1987 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - 48 Hours to Live -- 1959 film starring Anthony Steel
Wikipedia - 48th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1975
Wikipedia - 491 (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 49ers (album) -- 1990 studio album by 49ers
Wikipedia - 49th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1976
Wikipedia - 49th Parallel (film) -- 1941 film by Michael Powell
Wikipedia - 4 da Fam -- 1999 single by Amil
Wikipedia - 4 Devils -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - 4D Man -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - 4 Dollars of Revenge -- 1965 film by Alfonso Balcazar
Wikipedia - 4 Latas -- Spanish 2019 comedy film on Netflix
Wikipedia - 4 Little Girls -- 1997 film by Spike Lee
Wikipedia - 4Real 4Real -- 2019 studio album by YG
Wikipedia - 4 Schlussel -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 4 Seasons of Loneliness -- 1997 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - 4th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1930/1931
Wikipedia - 4th AVN Awards -- 1987 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 4th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1983
Wikipedia - 4th Golden Rooster Awards -- 1984 film awards
Wikipedia - 4th Republic -- 2019 Nigerian political drama film
Wikipedia - 4TP -- 1930s Polish light tank prototype.
Wikipedia - 4x4 (1965 film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 4x4 (2019 film) -- 2019 Argentine-Spanish thriller crime film by Mariano Cohn
Wikipedia - 500 Miles -- 1961 song by Hedy West
Wikipedia - 50/50 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Krishna Sai
Wikipedia - 50 ans -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - 50 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 50ft Queenie -- 1993 song by PJ Harvey
Wikipedia - 50 Million Frenchmen (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 50th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1977
Wikipedia - 54th World Science Fiction Convention -- 1996 science fiction convention
Wikipedia - 55 Central Park West -- 19-floor housing cooperative located in Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - 55 Days at Peking -- 1963 American historical epic film directed by Nicholas Ray
Wikipedia - 55th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1982
Wikipedia - 5,6,7,8 -- 1997 single by Steps
Wikipedia - 56th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1983
Wikipedia - 56th United States Congress -- 1899-1901 legislative term
Wikipedia - 57th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1984
Wikipedia - 58th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1985
Wikipedia - 58th Venice Biennale -- 2019 international contemporary art exhibition
Wikipedia - 59th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1986
Wikipedia - 5 Card Stud -- 1968 film by Henry Hathaway
Wikipedia - 5 Fingers -- 1952 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - 5 Is the Perfect Number -- 2019 film directed by Igort
Wikipedia - 5 June (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - 5 marines per 100 ragazze -- 1961 film by Mario Mattoli
Wikipedia - 5M-CM-^W5=25 -- 1921 exhibition of modern art which took place in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - 5 Miles to Empty -- 1997 single by Brownstone
Wikipedia - 5 October 1910 revolution -- October 1910 coup d'etat in Portugal; monarchy overthrown, republic established
Wikipedia - 5 raske piger -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - 5 Rifles -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 5 Superfighters -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 5th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1931/1932
Wikipedia - 5th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1984
Wikipedia - 600,000 Francs a Month (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 6,000 Enemies -- 1939 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - 60 metres at the Olympics -- Sprint event at the 1900 & 1904 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 60th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1987
Wikipedia - 61st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1988
Wikipedia - 62nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1989
Wikipedia - 633 Squadron -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.) -- 1966 single by Wilson Pickett
Wikipedia - 6:3 Play It Again Tutti -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - 63rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1990
Wikipedia - 64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi: Minna de Tamagotchi World -- 1997 board video game published by Bandai
Wikipedia - 64th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1991
Wikipedia - 65th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1992
Wikipedia - 666 Ways to Love: Prologue -- EP by Finnish band HIM, released in 1996
Wikipedia - 66th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1993
Wikipedia - 67th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1994
Wikipedia - 6 February 1934 crisis -- French protest in Paris
Wikipedia - 6th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1932/1933
Wikipedia - 6th Avenue Heartache -- 1996 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - 6th AVN Awards -- 1989 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 6th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1985
Wikipedia - 6th Screen Actors Guild Awards -- Film award ceremony for films released in 1999
Wikipedia - 70,000 Witnesses -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 70 mm Grandeur film -- Early yet successful Wide Screen Film format used in the late 1920s/early 1930s
Wikipedia - 70th Birthday Concert (Duke Ellington album) -- 1970 live album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - 7:11AM 11.20.1979 79M-BM-055'W 40M-BM-027'N (sculpture) -- Sculpture by Janet Zweig in Pittsburgh, United States
Wikipedia - 713 Requests Permission to Land -- 1962 film directed by Grigori Nikulin
Wikipedia - 719 series -- Japanese train type
Wikipedia - 7:19 -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - 71st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1998
Wikipedia - 72 Hours: Martyr Who Never Died -- 2019 Indian biographical drama film directed by Avinash Dhyani
Wikipedia - 72nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1999
Wikipedia - 747 (song) -- 1998 single by Kent
Wikipedia - 7500 (film) -- 2019 action-thriller film
Wikipedia - 7.5 cm FK 18 -- 1930s towed 75 mm field gun of German origin
Wikipedia - 76th Golden Globe Awards -- 2019 film and television awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 7.7 cm Leichte Kraftwagengeschutze M1914 -- German anti-aircraft gun
Wikipedia - 77 Park Lane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 77 Rue Chalgrin -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 79 A.D. -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - 7 August 2019 Kabul bombing -- Suicide car bomb attack in Kabul
Wikipedia - 7 chili in 7 giorni -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - 7 Days to Vegas -- 2019 American comedy film
Wikipedia - 7 Faces of Dr. Lao -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 7 Grandmasters -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 7M-CM-^W7 Tales of a Sevensleeper -- 1985 book by Hanna Johansen
Wikipedia - 7 Rings -- 2019 single by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - 7 Seconds (song) -- 1994 single by Youssou N'Dour and Neneh Cherry
Wikipedia - 7th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1934
Wikipedia - 7th AVN Awards -- 1990 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 7th Cavalry (film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - 7th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1986
Wikipedia - 7th Heaven (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - 7th Sea (collectible card game) -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - 7th World Scout Jamboree -- Reunion of scouts held in Austria in August, 1951
Wikipedia - 7 Women -- 1966 film directed by John Ford
Wikipedia - 80,000 Suspects -- 1963 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - 80 Blocks from Tiffany's -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 80 Micro -- Computer magazine published between 1980 and 1988
Wikipedia - 813 (film) -- 1920 film by Charles Christie
Wikipedia - 8:15 12:15 -- 1969 live comedy album by Bill Cosby
Wikipedia - 8192 (number)
Wikipedia - 84 Charing Cross Road (film) -- 1987 film by David Hugh Jones
Wikipedia - 84C MoPic -- 1989 film by Patrick Sheane Duncan
Wikipedia - 853-5937 -- 1988 single by Squeeze
Wikipedia - 867-5309/Jenny -- 1981 single by Tommy Tutone
Wikipedia - 89mm from Europe -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - 8BC -- 1980s Manhattan nightclub
Wikipedia - 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag -- 1997 black comedy film by Tom Schulman
Wikipedia - 8M-BM-= -- 1963 Italian comedy-drama film by Federico Fellini
Wikipedia - 8 Million Ways to Die -- 1986 film by Hal Ashby
Wikipedia - 8mm (film) -- 1999 film by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - 8th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1935
Wikipedia - 8th AVN Awards -- 1991 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 8th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1987
Wikipedia - 8th World Science Fiction Convention -- Science fiction convention in 1950 in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - 9012Live (video) -- 1985 live video album by Yes
Wikipedia - 90 Bristol Court -- 1960s American sitcom block
Wikipedia - 90 Days (film) -- 1985 film by Giles Walker
Wikipedia - 90 ML (2019 Tamil film) -- 2019 film directed by Anita Udeep
Wikipedia - 90ML (2019 Telugu film) -- 2019 Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - 90th Guards Lvov Tank Division (1985-1997) -- Armored division of the Soviet Army
Wikipedia - 911 Is a Joke -- 1990 single by Public Enemy
Wikipedia - 9 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Jenuse Mohamed
Wikipedia - 92 in the Shade -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - 92nd Academy Awards -- 2019 filmmaking award ceremony
Wikipedia - 96 Tears -- 1966 single by ? and the Mysterians
Wikipedia - 98.6 (song) -- 1966 song by Keith
Wikipedia - 99 (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - 99 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Preetham Gubbi
Wikipedia - 99 and 44/100% Dead -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 99 Luftballons -- 1983 single by Nena
Wikipedia - 99 (song) -- 1979 song by the band 99Toto
Wikipedia - 99 Women -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - 9M119 Svir/Refleks -- Gun-launched anti-tank missile
Wikipedia - 9M-BM-= Weeks -- 1986 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Adrian Lyne
Wikipedia - 9M-CM-^W19mm Parabellum -- Pistol cartridge designed by Georg Luger
Wikipedia - 9 PM (Till I Come) -- 1998 single by ATB
Wikipedia - 9th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1936
Wikipedia - 9th AVN Awards -- 1992 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 9th G7 summit -- 1983 G7 summit in Williamsburg, Virginia, US
Wikipedia - 9th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1988
Wikipedia - 9th Parliament of British Columbia -- Legislative assembly of British Columbia from 1900 to 1903
Wikipedia - 9 to 5 (film) -- 1980 American comedy film directed by Colin Higgins
Wikipedia - 9X Generation -- Vietnamese demographic cohort born in the 1990s
Wikipedia - A1198 road -- Road in Cambridgeshire, England
Wikipedia - A119 road (England) -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A194 road -- Road in Tyne and Wear, England
Wikipedia - A197 road (England) -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A19 road -- Road in Northern England
Wikipedia - A 29-Cent Robbery -- 1910 film produced by the Thanhouser Company
Wikipedia - A 3 Minute Hug -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A5199 road -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A719 road -- A road in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - AAA Invading LA -- 2019 Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide event
Wikipedia - Aacharyan -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Aa Chithrashalabham Parannotte -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aadai -- 2019 Indian film
Wikipedia - Aadamkhor -- 1986 film by Joginder Shelly
Wikipedia - Aada Pettanam -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Aadara Hasuna -- 1986 film directed by H.D. Premaratne
Wikipedia - Aadavantha Deivam -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aadhyathe Katha -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aadi Dampatulu -- 1986 film directed by Dasari Narayana Rao
Wikipedia - Aadi Lakshmi Puraana -- 2019 Kannada-language romantic film
Wikipedia - Aadipaapam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aadi Perukku (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aa Drushya -- 2019 Indian Kannada language crime film
Wikipedia - Aadu Puli Attam (film) -- 1977 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aadyakiranangal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aadyarathrikku Munbu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aaganthuka -- 1987 Kannadian film in India
Wikipedia - Aag Aur Daag -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aag Aur Shola -- 1986 film by Kovelamudi Bapayya
Wikipedia - Aagaya Thamaraigal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aag Hi Aag -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aag Ka Darya -- 1959 novel by Qurratulain Hyder
Wikipedia - Aag Ke Sholay -- 1988 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Aahuti (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aahuti (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aai Bahar -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Aai Phirse Bahar -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aa Jaane Jaan -- Song from the 1969 Hindi film Intaqam
Wikipedia - Aaj (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ka Daur -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ka Hindustan -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ke Angaare -- 1988 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ke Sholey -- 1985 Indian Film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ki Dhara -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ki Duniya -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aakaashathekkoru Kilivaathil -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aakasha Ganga 2 -- 2019 Indian Malayalam-language horror-thriller film directed by Vinayan
Wikipedia - Aakhir Kyon? -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aakhree Raasta -- 1986 film by K. Bhagyaraj
Wikipedia - Aakhri Daao -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aakhri Daku -- 1978 film by Prakash Mehra
Wikipedia - Aakhri Kasam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aakraman -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aakrosh (1998 film) -- 1998 film by Lateef Binny
Wikipedia - Aalappirandhavan -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aalayamani -- 1962 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Aalippazhangal -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A. Ali -- Malaysian musician (b. 1949, d. 2020)
Wikipedia - Aalmaaraattam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aalorungi Arangorungi -- 1986 film by Chellappan
Wikipedia - Aalukkoru Veedu -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aama (1964 film) -- 1964 Nepali film by Hira Singh Khatri
Wikipedia - Aamer Hameed -- Pakistani cricketer (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Aanakkalari -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aanakkorumma -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aanandham Paramaanandham -- 1977 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Aanappaachan -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aana Valarthiya Vanampadi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Aanayum Ambaariyum -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aan Baan (1972 film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aan boord van de 'Sabina' -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aanchal (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aandavan Kattalai -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A- and B-class destroyer -- 1929 class of British destroyers
Wikipedia - Aandhi-Toofan -- 1985 film by Babbar Subhash
Wikipedia - Aandhiyan (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Chetan Anand
Wikipedia - Aa Neram Alppa Dooram -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aangan Ki Kali -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aangan (novel) -- 1962 Pakistani Urdu novel by Khadija Mastoor
Wikipedia - Aani Ver -- 1981 film directed by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - Aankalai Nambathey -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aankhen (1950 film) -- 1950 Indian film
Wikipedia - Aankh Micholi -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aankh Michouli -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Aankhon Aankhon Mein -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aankiliyude Tharattu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aan Milo Sajna -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aan Paavam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aan Pillai Singam -- 1975 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aansoo Aur Muskan -- 1970 film by P. Madhavan
Wikipedia - Aan -- 1952 film by Mehboob Khan
Wikipedia - Aap Ke Deewane -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ke Saath -- 1986 film by J. Om Prakash
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Kasam -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Parchhaiyan -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Sewa Mein -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Aaraam Jaalakam -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Aaraam Thampuran -- 1997 film by Shaji Kailas
Wikipedia - Aaradimanninte Janmi -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aaranya Kandam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aarathi -- Indian actress (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Aarattu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aaravam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aarilirunthu Arubathu Varai -- 1979 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aarodum Parayaruthu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aaron Aaronsohn -- Jewish agronomist, botanist, and Zionist activist (1876-1919)
Wikipedia - Aaron Bow -- American record producer (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Aaron Copland -- American composer and conductor (1900-1990)
Wikipedia - Aaron Hoffman -- American writer and lyricist for theatre and the screen (1880-1924)
Wikipedia - Aaron Loves Angela -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick -- 1952 film by Claude Binyon
Wikipedia - Aaron's Rod (novel) -- 1922 novel by D. H. Lawrence
Wikipedia - Aaro Oral -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aarop -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aar Paar (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Arte de Amar Bem -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aarti (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aarum Anyaralla -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aaru Mooru Ombhatthu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aarundivide Chodikkan -- 1986 film directed by Manoj Babu
Wikipedia - Aasai Thambi -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Aasai -- 1995 film directed by Vasanth
Wikipedia - Aaseya Bale -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aashachakram -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Aasha Sundari -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aashiana -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aashiq (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aas Ka Panchhi -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Aasmaan Se Gira -- 1992 Hindi Children's Film
Wikipedia - Aasmund Frisak -- Norwegian politician (1852-1935)
Wikipedia - Aasramam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aatamin puvussa ja vM-CM-$hM-CM-$n Eevankin (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Aatamin puvussa ja vM-CM-$hM-CM-$n Eevankin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aatank -- 1996 Bollywood action thriller
Wikipedia - Aathi Parasakthi -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aathma Balam -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aathmasakhi -- 1952 film by G.R. Rao
Wikipedia - Aathmasanthi -- 1952 film by Joseph Thaliyath
Wikipedia - Aatish (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aatish Taseer -- British-Indian journalist and writer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Aatmabalam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aatma Bandhuvulu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aatma Bandhuvu -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aatpadi Nights -- 2019 Indian Marathi language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Aattakatha (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aattukara Alamelu -- 1970 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Aat van Rhijn -- Dutch politician (1892-1986)
Wikipedia - A. Aubrey Bodine -- American photographer (1906-1970)
Wikipedia - Aavanazhi -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Aavarampoo -- 1992 film by Bharathan
Wikipedia - Aavesham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Jenmangal (2020 film) -- 2019 film by Ezhil
Wikipedia - Aayiram Jenmangal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Kannudayaal -- 1980 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Aayiram Kannukal -- 1986 film directed by Joshiy
Wikipedia - Aayiram Poi -- 1969 film by Muktha Srinivasan
Wikipedia - Aayiram Pookkal Malarattum -- 1980 film by E. Ramdoss
Wikipedia - Aayiram Porkasugal -- 2019 Indian Tamil romantic comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Roobai -- 1964 film by K. S. Gopalakrishnan
Wikipedia - Aayirathil Oruthi -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aayirathil Oruvan (1965 film) -- 1965 film by B. R. Panthulu
Wikipedia - Aayisha -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aayusu Nooru -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aazhi Alayaazhi -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aazhi -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Abacab (song) -- 1981 single by Genesis
Wikipedia - A Bachelor Husband -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Bachelor's Baby -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Bachelor's Life Abroad -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Abak Prithibi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Abalai Anjugam -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Ballad About Green Wood -- 1983 short film by JiM-EM-^Yi Barta
Wikipedia - A Baltic Tragedy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Banda das Velhas Virgens -- 1979 film directed by Amacio Mazzaropi
Wikipedia - A Bandit -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Abandoned (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Joseph M. Newman
Wikipedia - Abandoned (1955 film) -- 1955 film by Francesco Maselli
Wikipedia - Abandoned (2019 film) -- Philippine horror film
Wikipedia - Abandoned Luncheonette -- 1973 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Abandonment (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Abanindranath Tagore -- Indian artist and writer (1871-1951)
Wikipedia - A Bankrupt Honeymoon -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Barnyard Frolic -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Barrel Full of Dollars -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Abar, the First Black Superman -- 1977 film by Frank Packard
Wikipedia - Abas Ermenji -- Albanian politician, historian and nationalist fighter (1913-2003)
Wikipedia - A Bashful Bigamist -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Bath House Beauty -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Abaz Kupi -- Albanian military officer, anti-communist politician and founder of the Legaility Movement (1892-1976)
Wikipedia - Abba Aa Hudugi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - ABBA (album) -- 1975 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Abba Eban -- Israeli diplomat and politician (1915-2002)
Wikipedia - Abbas al-Musawi -- Lebanese Shia cleric and co-founder and Secretary General of Hezbollah (1952-1992)
Wikipedia - Abbas II of Egypt -- Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1874-1944) (r. 1892-1914)
Wikipedia - Abbas Shafiee -- Iranian pharmaceutical chemist (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Album -- 1977 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Movie -- 1977 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Abbey Road -- 1969 studio album by the Beatles
Wikipedia - Abbie Hoffman -- American political and social activist (1936-1989)
Wikipedia - Abbot of Shaolin -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello in Hollywood -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd -- 1952 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- 1953 American film directed by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein -- 1948 American horror comedy film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Abbott Records -- American record label operated by producer Fabor Robison from 1951 to about 1958
Wikipedia - Abbuzze! Der Badesalz-Film -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Abby (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - AbC-19 rapid antibody test -- Immunological test for COVID-19 exposure
Wikipedia - ABC Bunny -- 1933 book by Wanda Gag
Wikipedia - ABCD: American Born Confused Desi (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Sanjeev Reddy
Wikipedia - ABCD line -- Series of embargoes against Japan beginning in 1940
Wikipedia - A, B, C... Manhattan -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - ABC (The Jackson 5 album) -- 1970 studio album by the Jackson 5
Wikipedia - ABC (The Jackson 5 song) -- 1970 single by The Jackson 5
Wikipedia - Abd al Aziz al-Amawi -- 19th-century Somali diplomat, poet, and scholar
Wikipedia - Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz -- Saudi Arabian Islamic studies scholar, mufti and cleric (1912-1999)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Karim al-Jundi -- Syrian military officer and founding member of the Ba'ath Party's Military Committee (1932-1969)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Karim Qasim -- Iraqi Army brigadier, nationalist and Prime Minister of Iraq from 1958 to 1963
Wikipedia - Abdallah Al-Jazi -- Jordanian politician (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Abdalla Hamdok -- Prime Minister of Sudan (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Abdallah Ougazzaden -- French scientist (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz -- Iraqi politician (1913-1973)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi -- Imam of the Ansar and Sudanese politician (1885-1959)
Wikipedia - Abd el-Krim -- Riffian political and military leader (1882-1963)
Wikipedia - Abdelmadjid Tebboune -- President of Algeria since 2019
Wikipedia - Abd El-Razzak El-Sanhuri -- Egyptian legal scholar (1895-1971)
Wikipedia - Abderrahim Bouabid -- Moroccan politician (1922-1992)
Wikipedia - Abdication of Edward VIII -- 1936 constitutional crisis in Britain
Wikipedia - Abdillahi Mohammed Ahmed -- Somali politician (born 1923)
Wikipedia - Abduction (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Abduct Me -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Abdu Gusau -- Nigerian civil engineer (1918-1994)
Wikipedia - Abdulaziz bin Muhammad -- 18th and 19th-century ruler of the First Saudi State
Wikipedia - Abdul Caffoor Mohamad Ameer -- Sri Lankan lawyer (1914-1997)
Wikipedia - Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani -- Bangladeshi Islamic scholar and political leader (1880-1976)
Wikipedia - Abdulla (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Abdullah Mwinyi -- Tanzanian politician (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Abdullah Yusuf Ali -- British-Indian barrister and Shi'i scholar (1872-1953)
Wikipedia - Abdullah Zilkha -- Swiss investment banker (born 1913)
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1942) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1952) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1953) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Rahman Khan Yousuf Khan -- Indian politician (1925 - 2007)
Wikipedia - Abdul Rahman Munif -- Saudi writer (1933-2004)
Wikipedia - Abdulreza Shahlai -- Iranian militiar officer (born c. 1957)
Wikipedia - Abdul the Damned (film) -- 1935 British film directed by Karl Grune
Wikipedia - Abdur Rahim Khan -- Pakistan Air Force Officer (1925-1990)
Wikipedia - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood -- 2019 film directed by Marielle Heller
Wikipedia - Abed Abest -- Iranian director, writer, and actor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Bedtime Story -- 1933 film by Norman Taurog
Wikipedia - Abe Gubegna -- Ethiopian novelist and playwright (1934-1980)
Wikipedia - Abel (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Alex van Warmerdam
Wikipedia - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (film) -- 1940 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (play) -- 1938 theater play
Wikipedia - Abel's Island -- 1976 children's book by William Steig
Wikipedia - Abenteuer in Bamsdorf -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Abercynon Colliery -- Welsh coal mine active 1889-1988
Wikipedia - A Berlin Republic -- 1997 book by Jurgen Habermas
Wikipedia - A Better Class of Person -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Better Master -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow III: Love & Death in Saigon -- 1989 film by Tsui Hark
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow II -- 1987 Hong Kong action film
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow -- 1986 Hong Kong action film
Wikipedia - Abgehauen -- 1998 German documentary film
Wikipedia - Abha Narain Lambah -- Indian conservation architect (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Abhayam (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abhayam Thedi -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Abhijan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Abhilasha (1983 film) -- 1983 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Abhilash Pillai -- Director (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Abhimaanam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Abhimanam (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Abhinavano Rasavichar -- 1969 book by [[Nagindas Parekh]]
Wikipedia - Abhinetri (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abhinoy Noy -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Abhishek Agarwal -- Film producer (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Abhisheka Wimalaweera -- Sri Lankan songstress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Abi and Rabi -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Bid for Fortune -- British crime film from 1917
Wikipedia - Abid Hassan Minto -- Pakistani lawyer, politician, critic (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Abid Raza Naqvi -- Indian poet (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Abie Bain -- American boxer (1906-1993)
Wikipedia - Abie's Irish Rose (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Abie's Irish Rose (1946 film) -- 1946 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - Abi foq al-Shagara -- 1969 Egyptian drama romantic film
Wikipedia - Abigail (2019 feature film) -- 2019 Russian fantasy adventure film
Wikipedia - Abigail Harrison -- American scientist and author (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Abigail Hing Wen -- American author (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Abigail Morris -- British museum director (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - Abigail Varela -- Venezuelan artist (b. 1948)
Wikipedia - A Big Family -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Bigger Splash (1973 film) -- 1973/1974 film about David Hockney
Wikipedia - Abijeet -- Indian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Abilene Town -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1940 film) -- 1940 film by John Farrow
Wikipedia - A Bird in a Bonnet -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Bird in the Head -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Bit of Heaven -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Bit of Jade -- 1918 film by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - A Bit of Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Blackmailer's Trick -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Abla Ki Shakti -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - A Blaze in the Northern Sky -- | 1992 studio album by Darkthrone
Wikipedia - Able Archer 83 -- NATO command post exercise in 1983
Wikipedia - A Blind Bargain -- 1922 film by Wallace Worsley
Wikipedia - A Blonde Dream -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Blonde for a Night -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Abnormal Family: Older Brother's Bride -- 1984 film by Masayuki Suo
Wikipedia - Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act, 1991
Wikipedia - Abolition of the Caliphate -- Event in Turkey in 1924
Wikipedia - Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate -- Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 1 November 1922
Wikipedia - A Bomb Was Stolen -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Abominable (2019 film) -- 2019 computer-animated adventure film directed by Jill Culton and Todd Wilderman
Wikipedia - Abomination: The Nemesis Project -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - A Book of Giants -- 1963 fairy tale book by Ruth Manning-Sanders
Wikipedia - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act'' 1984 -- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act'' 1984
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 -- Law governing the protection of Aboriginal cultural sites in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 -- South Australian legislation
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976 -- Act of the Parliament of Australia, first in the country to recognise the Aboriginal system of land ownership
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 -- Act of the Parliament of South Australia, the first major recognition of Aboriginal land rights in Australia
Wikipedia - Abort (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abortion in Puerto Rico -- Legal since 1937
Wikipedia - Aboubacry Moussa Lam -- Senegalese historian (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - About an Inquest -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - About Endlessness -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - About Face (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - About Face (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - About Last Night (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Edward Zwick
Wikipedia - About Love (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - About Mrs. Leslie -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - About That Life (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - About the Son -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - About Us (novel) -- 1967 book
Wikipedia - About Work the Dancefloor -- 2019 single by Georgia
Wikipedia - Above All Else in the World -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Above All Laws -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Above and Beyond (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Melvin Frank and Norman Panama
Wikipedia - Above Rubies -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Above Suspicion (1943 film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Above the Limit -- 1900 American short film directed by Frederick S. Armitage
Wikipedia - Above the Rim -- 1994 film directed by Jeff Pollack
Wikipedia - A Bowery Cinderella -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Boy, a Girl and a Dog -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Boy and His Dog (1946 film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Boy and His Dog (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Boy of Flanders -- 1924 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Abracadabra (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Max Neufeld
Wikipedia - Abraham Aiyash -- American politician (b. 1992)
Wikipedia - Abraham Chasanow -- United States government employee (1910-1989)
Wikipedia - Abraham Jacob Hollandersky -- American boxer (1887-1966)
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1924 film short) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Abraham, Martin and John -- 1968 song, a memorial for assassinated Americans
Wikipedia - Abraham's Gold -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Trommius -- Dutch theologian (b. 1633, d. 1719)
Wikipedia - A Brand New Hero -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Breath of Scandal -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Brewerytown Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Bride for Henry -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - A Bridge Too Far (film) -- 1977 film by Richard Attenborough
Wikipedia - A Brief History of Blasphemy -- 1990 book by Richard Webster
Wikipedia - A Brief History of Time -- 1988 book by Stephen Hawking
Wikipedia - A Brief Vacation -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Abriendo Puertas (Jerry Rivera album) -- 1990 studio album by Jerry Rivera
Wikipedia - A Broadway Butterfly -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Broadway Cowboy -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Broadway Scandal -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Broken Doll -- 1921 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Broken Leghorn -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Bronx Morning -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Bronx Tale -- 1993 film directed by Robert De Niro
Wikipedia - A Brother's Love -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A. Bruce Bielaski -- Director of the FBI (1883 - 1964)
Wikipedia - Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards 2019 -- Award Ceremony
Wikipedia - Abscam -- 1970s and 1980s FBI sting operation
Wikipedia - Abschied von den Wolken -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Absence of Malice -- 1981 film by Sydney Pollack
Wikipedia - Absence of the Good -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absent (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Absent Without Leave (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Beginners (film) -- 1986 film directed by Julien Temple
Wikipedia - Absolute Giganten -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Hangover -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absolutely Fabulous (song) -- 1994 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - Absolutely Seriously -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Power (film) -- 1997 American political thriller film directed by Clint Eastwood
Wikipedia - Absolute Quiet -- 1936 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Absolution (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Abstraktes Bild (809-1) -- 1994 painting by Gerhard Richter
Wikipedia - Abubakar Gumi -- Islamic scholar (1924-1992)
Wikipedia - Abubakar Shekau -- Nigerian militant and leader of Boko Haram (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Abubakar Suleiman -- Nigerian businessman (born 1973)
Wikipedia - A Bucket of Blood -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey -- 1992 archaeological survey mission
Wikipedia - A Bug's Life -- 1998 American computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar
Wikipedia - Abu Hussain Sarkar -- Bengali politician and Chief Minister of East Pakistan (1894-1969)
Wikipedia - Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi -- Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant since 2019
Wikipedia - Abujh Mon -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Abulfaz Elchibey -- Azerbaijani statesman (1938-2000)
Wikipedia - Abulhassan Navab -- Iranian professor/cleric (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Abul Kalam Azad (politician, born 1950) -- Bangladesh Awami League politician
Wikipedia - A Bullet for Pretty Boy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Bullet in the Gun Barrel -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Bullet in the Head (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Abu Mohammad al-Adnani -- Former official spokesman for ISIL (1977-2016)
Wikipedia - Abundance of Life -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Abu Nidal -- Palestinian militant, founder of Fatah (1937-2002)
Wikipedia - A Burglar's Mistake -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Abused Confidence -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Abuse Me -- 1997 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Abuse of Power (film) -- 1971 film by Stavros Tsiolis
Wikipedia - Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib -- leader of Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca (c.535-c.619)
Wikipedia - Abyssinia Crisis -- International crisis in 1935
Wikipedia - Abyss (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Academia El Tango Argentino -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Academy (automobile) -- English dual-control car built by West of Coventry between 1906 and 1908
Wikipedia - Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union -- Highest scientific institution of the Soviet Union (1925-1991)
Wikipedia - Acadiana (film) -- 2019 Canadian film
Wikipedia - A Cafe in Cairo -- 1924 film by Chester Withey
Wikipedia - A Caixa -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Calamitous Elopement -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Calculated Risk -- 1992 financial thriller
Wikipedia - A California Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Aca Lukas -- Serbian singer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - A Cancao da Primavera -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Cancao da Saudade -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Canine Sherlock Holmes -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Can of Bees -- 1979 album by the Soft Boys
Wikipedia - Acao Games -- Brazilian video game magazine (1991-2003)
Wikipedia - A Caprice of Pompadour -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Captain's Courage -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Acapulco (film) -- 1952 film by Emilio Fernandez
Wikipedia - A Caribbean Mystery -- 1964 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Carol for Another Christmas -- 1964 television film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - A Casa Assassinada -- 1971 Brazilian drama film
Wikipedia - A Case for PC 49 -- 1951 film by Francis Searle
Wikipedia - A Cat in the Brain -- 1990 film directed by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - A Cause to Kill -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A. C. Benson -- English essayist, poet, author and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge (1862-1925)
Wikipedia - A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -- Indian spiritual teacher and the founder-preceptor of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (1896-1977)
Wikipedia - Accattone -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Accent on Love -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Accent on Youth (film) -- 1935 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Acceptance and commitment therapy -- Counseling form developed by Steven Hayes in 1982
Wikipedia - Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator -- G20 COVID-19 global initiative
Wikipedia - Accident (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Accident (1976 film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Accident (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Accident 703 -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Accidental Meeting (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Igor Savchenko
Wikipedia - Accidents to the Taxes!! -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Accidents Will Happen (film) -- 1938 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Accion Comunal -- Panama political movement (1923-1932)
Wikipedia - Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1970 -- International Labour Organization Convention
Wikipedia - Accommodations for Marriage -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Accordiana -- 1934 American musical radio series
Wikipedia - According to Hoyle (film) -- 1922 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - According to Law -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Account Rendered (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Accrington Stanley, Who Are They? -- UK 1980s milk advert
Wikipedia - Accroche-coeur -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Accurate News and Information Act -- A statute passed by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada, in 1937
Wikipedia - Accused (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Accused (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Accused of Murder -- 1956 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Accused, Stand Up! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Accusing Evidence -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies -- 1973 film by John Erman
Wikipedia - Ace High (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ace High (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ace in the Hole (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ace in the Hole (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Celebration -- 1982 single by U2
Wikipedia - Ace of Aces (1933 film) -- 1933 film by J. Walter Ruben
Wikipedia - Ace of Action -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Ace of Cactus Range -- 1924 film by Denver Dixon and Malon Andrus
Wikipedia - Ace of Spades (serial) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ace of the Saddle -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Acerba animi -- 1932 encyclical on persecution of Catholics in Mexico
Wikipedia - A Certain Justice -- 1997 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Certain Sacrifice -- 1985 film by Stephen Jon Lewicki
Wikipedia - A Certain Smile (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Certain Young Man -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Aces and Eights (film) -- 1936 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Aces Go Places IV -- 1986 film by Ringo Lam
Wikipedia - Aces Wild -- 1936 film by Harry L. Fraser
Wikipedia - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective -- 1994 film by Tom Shadyac
Wikipedia - Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls -- 1995 American comedy film directed by Steve Oedekerk
Wikipedia - A. C. Graham -- British scholar and Sinologist and Professor of Classical Chinese at the University of London (1919-1991)
Wikipedia - A Chair for My Mother -- 1982 children's book by Vera Williams
Wikipedia - Achan (1952 film) -- 1952 film by M.R.S. Mani
Wikipedia - Achanak (1973 film) -- 1973 Hindi film directed by Gulzar
Wikipedia - A Chance Deception -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Chance to Live -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Change Is Gonna Come -- 1964 single by Sam Cooke
Wikipedia - A Change of Climate -- 1994 book by Hilary Mantel
Wikipedia - A Change of Spirit -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Achanum Bappayum -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Chapter in Her Life -- 1923 film by Lois Weber
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Celebration -- 1982 television film
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Christmas -- 1965 television special directed by Bill Melendez
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving -- 1973 television special
Wikipedia - A Charming Man -- 1941 film by Martin FriM-DM-^M
Wikipedia - Acharya S -- American Christ myth theorist (1960-2015)
Wikipedia - Achchani -- 1978 film by Karaikudi Narayanan
Wikipedia - Achen Amar Muktar -- 1978 Dhallywood film song
Wikipedia - Acheron-class destroyer -- Class of twenty-three destroyers of the British Royal Navy, completed between 1911 and 1912
Wikipedia - A che servono questi quattrini? -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Chess Dispute -- 1903 film by Robert W. Paul
Wikipedia - Achhut Kannya -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Achhut -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Achieving Our Country -- 1998 book by Richard Rorty
Wikipedia - A Child for Sale -- 1920 silent film directed by Ivan Abramson
Wikipedia - A Child in the Crowd -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Child Is Born (film) -- 1939 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Child's Good Night Book -- 1943 Picture book
Wikipedia - Achille De Bassini -- Italian opera singer 1819-1881
Wikipedia - Achille Lauro hijacking -- 1985 hijacking of Italian MS Achille Lauro by four Palestine Liberation Front members off the coast of Egypt
Wikipedia - A Chinese Ghost Story -- 1987 Hong Kong romantic comedy horror film by Ching Siu-tung
Wikipedia - A Chinese Torture Chamber Story -- 1994 film by Wong Jing
Wikipedia - A Choice Not an Echo -- 1964 non-fiction book by Phyllis Schlafly
Wikipedia - A Choice of Magic -- 1971 book by Ruth Manning-Sanders
Wikipedia - A Chorus Line (film) -- 1985 film by Richard Attenborough
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1910 film) -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1938 film) -- 1938 American Christmas film directed by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1982 film) -- 1982 Australian made-for-television animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1984 film) -- 1984 US television film directed by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1997 film) -- 1997 animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1999 film) -- Television film directed by David Jones
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (2004 film) -- 2004 television film based on a 1994 stage musical
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (TV special) -- 1971 animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Story -- 1983 film by Bob Clark
Wikipedia - A Chronicle of Amorous Accidents -- 1986 film by Andrzej Wajda
Wikipedia - A Chrysanthemum Bursts in Cincoesquinas -- 1998 film directed by Daniel Burman
Wikipedia - Achtung! - Auto-Diebe! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Achtung Baby -- 1991 studio album by U2
Wikipedia - Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 -- 2010 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - A Chump at Oxford -- 1940 film by Alfred J. Goulding
Wikipedia - Achuvettante Veedu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Acid Dreams (book) -- 1986 non-fiction book by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain
Wikipedia - Acid for the Children -- 2019 memoir of Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea
Wikipedia - Acid house party -- Type of illegal party typically staged in warehouses in 1987-1989
Wikipedia - Acid Tests -- LSD experiments/parties in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Acif HadM-EM->iahmetovic -- Yugoslav politician (1887-1945)
Wikipedia - A Cinema Girl's Romance -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A City Called Copenhagen -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A City Decides -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A City of Sadness -- 1989 film directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien
Wikipedia - A City Sparrow -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A City Upside Down -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Civil War (book) -- 1991 book by Claudio Pavone
Wikipedia - Aci Zafer -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A-class destroyer (1913) -- 1913 class of British destroyers
Wikipedia - A Class to Remember -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm -- A policy report prepared for the Israeli prime minister in 1996
Wikipedia - A Clean Sweep -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Clean, Well-Lighted Place -- 1933 short story by Ernest Hemingway
Wikipedia - A Clever Dummy -- 1917 silent short film
Wikipedia - A Clockwork Orange (film) -- 1971 film directed by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - A Clockwork Orange (novel) -- 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess
Wikipedia - A Close Call for Ellery Queen -- 1942 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - A Close Call -- 1929 animated film
Wikipedia - A Close Shave -- 1995 animated short film directed by Nick Park
Wikipedia - A Clouded Name -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Acme motorcycle (1939-49) -- Defunct Australian motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Aconcagua (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Coney Island Princess -- 1916 film by Dell Henderson
Wikipedia - A Confucian Confusion -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Connecticut Yankee (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Cool Sound from Hell -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Cor do Seu Destino -- 1986 film by Jorge Duran
Wikipedia - A Corner in Cotton -- 1916 film by Fred J. Balshofer
Wikipedia - A Corny Concerto -- 1943 animated short film directed by Bob Clampett
Wikipedia - A Cottage on Dartmoor -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Country Cupid -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Country Hero -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Couple of Down and Outs -- 1923 film by Walter Summers
Wikipedia - A Course of Modern Analysis -- Landmark textbook in mathematical analysis by E. T. Whittaker, originally published in 1902 with four editions.
Wikipedia - Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey -- A deep-towed still-camera sled operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Acoustic Dance Party -- 1994 album by Toad the Wet Sprocket
Wikipedia - A Cozy Cottage -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Acquitted (1916 film) -- 1916 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - Acquitted (1929 film) -- 1929 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - A Crazy Night -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Creampuff Romance -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Critique of Pure Tolerance -- 1965 book by Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore Jr., and Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - Acrobatty Bunny -- 1946 Bugs Bunny cartoon
Wikipedia - Across 110th Street -- 1972 film by Barry Shear
Wikipedia - Across Ten Thousand Rivers and One Thousand Mountains -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Across the Alley from the Alamo -- 1946 jazz standard
Wikipedia - Across the Atlantic -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Across the Blue Sea -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Across the Border (film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Across the Cemetery -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Across the Continent -- 1922 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Across the Dead-Line -- 1922 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Across the Desert -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Across the Pacific (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Across the Pacific -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Across the Plains (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Across the Plains (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet, Addison Randall
Wikipedia - Across the Rio Grande (film) -- 1949 film directed by Oliver Drake
Wikipedia - Across the Sierras -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Across to Singapore -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Cry for Help (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Cry from the Streets -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Acta General de Chile -- 1986 documentary film directed by Miguel Littin
Wikipedia - Acteon (film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Acting Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Action (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Action (2019 film) -- Tamil action film directed by Sundar C
Wikipedia - Action at Anguar -- 1945 short documentary film
Wikipedia - Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists -- German neo-Nazi organization banned in 1983
Wikipedia - Action in the North Atlantic -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Action Man (film) -- 1967 film by Jean Delannoy
Wikipedia - Action of 13 May 1944 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 17 July 1944 -- Submarine engagement in World War II
Wikipedia - Action of 19 August 1916 -- North Sea naval battle between the UK and German fleets
Wikipedia - Action of 22 September 1914 -- German U-boat ambush of British cruisers
Wikipedia - Action of 26 April 1944 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 27 March 1942 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 4 April 1941 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 6 June 1942 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 9 January 1921 -- Short naval battle of the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Action Painting II -- 1984 painting by Mark Tansey
Wikipedia - Action Tae Kwon Do -- 1972 Hong Kong film
Wikipedia - Action Taimanin -- 2019 3D action role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Active Worlds -- Virtual world launched in 1995
Wikipedia - ActiveX -- Software framework by Microsoft introduced in 1996
Wikipedia - Act of Aggression (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Act of Betrayal -- 1988 television film by Lawrence Gordon Clark
Wikipedia - Act of Murder (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Act of Reprisal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Act of Vengeance (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Act of Violence (1959 film) -- 1958 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Act of Violence -- 1948 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - Actor's and Sin -- 1952 film by Ben Hecht and Lee Garmes
Wikipedia - ActRaiser -- 1990 SNES video game
Wikipedia - Acts 19
Wikipedia - Act Zluky -- 1919 agreement
Wikipedia - A Cumberland Romance -- 1920 film directed by Charles Maigne
Wikipedia - A Cure for Pokeritis -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Cure for Suffragettes -- 1913 American silent comedy film
Wikipedia - A Current Affair (American TV program) -- American television newsmagazine program (1986-1996, 2005)
Wikipedia - AD 1319
Wikipedia - Ada (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Ada (2019 film) -- Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Ada Anderson -- 19th-century British athlete
Wikipedia - Ada and Minna Everleigh -- Sisters who ran the Everleigh Club brothel in Chicago from 1900 to 1911
Wikipedia - Adabel Guerrero -- Ukrainian-Argentine burlesque dancer and vedette (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Adada -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ada Falcon -- Argentine actress (1905-2002)
Wikipedia - Ada I. Pastore -- Argentinian botanist (1906-1952)
Wikipedia - Adalat (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adalat (1976 film) -- 1976 film directed by Narendra Bedi
Wikipedia - Adalbert Hamman -- French priest and translator (1910-2000)
Wikipedia - Adalu Badalu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Adam-12 -- American television series 1968-1975
Wikipedia - Adam (2019 American film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Adam (2019 Moroccan film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Adam & Yves -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eva -- 1923 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1949 film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me (Johnston novel) -- 1994 young adult novel by Julie Johnston
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (Rodin) -- 1905 marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin
Wikipedia - Adam and Evil (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Adam and the Serpent -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Adam Apple -- 19th century German American politician and state legislator.
Wikipedia - Ada Mary a Beckett -- Australian educationist (1872-1948)
Wikipedia - Adam at 6 A.M. -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adam Bede (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Adam Clayton Powell (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Adam Clayton Powell Sr. -- American pastor in Harlem (1865-1953)
Wikipedia - Adam Cvijanovic -- American painter (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Adam Had Four Sons -- 1941 film by Gregory Ratoff
Wikipedia - Adam Hanuszkiewicz -- Polish actor (1924-2011)
Wikipedia - Adam Hargreaves -- English writer and illustrator (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Adam Marshall Diston -- Scottish journalist (1893 to 1956)
Wikipedia - Adam Ondra -- Czech climber (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Adam P. Symson -- American median executive (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Adam Ragusea -- American YouTuber (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Adam Rex -- American children's illustrator and writer (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Adam Saitiev -- Russian Olympic wrestler (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Adam's Apple (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adam Schlesinger -- American musician (1967-2020)
Wikipedia - A Damsel in Distress (1937 film) -- 1937 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - A Damsel in Distress (novel) -- 1919 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Adam Sisman -- British writer, biographer, editor (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Adams-Onis Treaty -- Treaty between the United States and Spain, ceding Florida to the U.S. (1819)
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib (TV series) -- American television series - 1973
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib -- 1949 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - Adam Stewart (cyclist) -- New Zealand racing cyclist (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Adam's Tree -- 1936 film by Mario Bonnard
Wikipedia - Adam's Woman -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adam von Trott zu Solz -- German noble and diplomat (1909-1944)
Wikipedia - Adana massacre of 1909
Wikipedia - A Dandy in Aspic -- 1968 British spy film directed by Anthony Mann
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Adventure (1937 film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Adventure (serial) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Affair (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Age -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Foe -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1922 film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Harry Piel
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (novel) -- 1956 novel by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Woman (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Wooing -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ada Prins -- Dutch chemist (1879-1977)
Wikipedia - Ada (programming language) -- High-level programming language first released in 1980
Wikipedia - Ada "Bricktop" Smith -- American entertainer (1894-1984)
Wikipedia - Ada Rehan -- 19th/20th-century American actress
Wikipedia - Adarer Bon -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Dark Lantern -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - Adaro Chirta -- 1935 Spanish trainer aircraft
Wikipedia - Adarsha Hindu Hotel (film) -- 1957 Bengali film
Wikipedia - A Darwinian Left -- 1999 book by Peter Singer
Wikipedia - Ada Sacchi Simonetta -- Librarian and women's rights activist (b. 1874, d. 1944)
Wikipedia - A Dash of Courage -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ad Astra (film) -- 2019 science fiction film directed by James Gray
Wikipedia - A Date with the Falcon -- 1942 film by Irving Reis
Wikipedia - A Daughter in Revolt -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Australia (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Luxury -- 1922 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Congo -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Gods -- 1916 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Law -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Poor -- 1917 silent film by Edward Dillon
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Sioux -- 1925 film directed by Ben F. Wilson
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Wolf -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Two Worlds -- 1920 film by James Young
Wikipedia - Adavi Donga -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adavukal Pathinettu -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Day at School -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Day at the Races (film) -- 1937 Marx Brothers film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - A Day for Lionhearts -- 1961 Italian war - drama film
Wikipedia - A Day in Court -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (film) -- 1972 film by Peter Medak
Wikipedia - A Day in the Death of Joe Egg -- 1967 play
Wikipedia - A Day of Roses in August -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Day on Mars -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Day's Adventure -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Day's Pleasure -- 1919 short film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - A Day to Remember (1991 film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - A Day Will Come (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Day Will Come -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Day with the Devil -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Ad beatissimi Apostolorum -- 1914 encyclical of Pope Benedict XV
Wikipedia - Addams Groove -- 1991 single by Hammer
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (film) -- 1997 romantic comedy film directed by Griffin Dunne
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (song) -- 1986 single by Robert Palmer
Wikipedia - Ad diem illum -- 1904 encyclical on Mariology
Wikipedia - Addio, figlio mio! -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Addis Abebe -- Ethiopian long-distance runner (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Addison Brown -- American judge, botanist, and amateur astronomer (1830-1913)
Wikipedia - Address to the Women of America -- 1971 speech by Gloria Steinem
Wikipedia - Address Unknown (1938 novel) -- Short novel by Kathrine Taylor
Wikipedia - Address Unknown (1944 film) -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - A Dead Certainty -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Deadly Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Deadly Secret (film) -- 1980 Hong Kong film
Wikipedia - A Dead Secret -- 1959 film directed by William Sterling
Wikipedia - A Dear Fool -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Adebayo Faleti -- Nigerian actor (1921-2017)
Wikipedia - A Debt of Honour (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Debt of Honour -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Debtor to the Law -- 1919 American motion picture
Wikipedia - A Decree of Destiny -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Deeper Love -- 1991 single by Clivilles & Cole
Wikipedia - A Defeated People -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Defence of Masochism -- 1998 non-fiction book on BDSM by Anita Phillips
Wikipedia - Adegoke Adelabu -- Nigerian politician (1915-1958)
Wikipedia - A Degree of Murder -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Ade Kannu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adekunle Akinlade -- Nigerian politician (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Adelaide Casely-Hayford -- 19th and 20th-century Sierra Leonean activist, educator, feminist and writer
Wikipedia - Adelaide Hawkins -- American cryptologist (b. 1914, d. 2008)
Wikipedia - Adelante (Sash! song) -- 1999 single by Sash!
Wikipedia - Adele Almati -- German-Swedish opera singer 1861-1919
Wikipedia - Adele and Co. -- 1931 novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Adele (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Adele Gerard Lewis Grant -- American botanist (1881-1969)
Wikipedia - Adele Hommaire de Hell -- 19th-century French explorer and writer
Wikipedia - Adelheid (film) -- 1970 Czechoslovak drama film
Wikipedia - Adelheid und ihre Morder -- 1993-2007 German comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Adelina Adalis -- Soviet poet (1900-1969)
Wikipedia - Adeline Ames -- American mycologist (1879-1976)
Wikipedia - Adem Demaci -- Albanian politician (1936-2018)
Wikipedia - Adentro Cojutepeque -- 1942 song by Francisco Palaviccini
Wikipedia - A Desert Hero -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Design for Life -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure (film) -- 1938 film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen -- 1942 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Moment -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Adetola Nola -- Entrepreneur (b. 1990)
Wikipedia - Adeva! -- 1989 studio album by Adeva
Wikipedia - A Devil of a Woman -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Devil with Women -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Adewale Ayuba -- Nigerian singer (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Ad Fundum -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - A. D. Godley -- British classical scholar and poet (1856-1925)
Wikipedia - Adharmam -- 1994 film by Ramesh Balakrishnan
Wikipedia - Adhikar (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - Adhithan Kanavu -- 1948 Tamil film directed by T. R. Sundaram
Wikipedia - Adhyarathri -- A 2019 Malayalam language comedy film
Wikipedia - Adhyayam Onnu Muthal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Diary of Chuji's Travels -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Adia -- 1998 single by Sarah McLachlan
Wikipedia - A Dictionary of Musical Themes -- 1949 reference book by Morgenstern and Barlow
Wikipedia - Adicto (Tainy, Anuel AA and Ozuna song) -- 2019 song by Tainy
Wikipedia - Adi Dharm -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal
Wikipedia - Adiemus (song) -- 1995 single by Karl Jenkins
Wikipedia - Adieu Blaireau -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adieu Bonaparte -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adieu Philippine -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Different Approach -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Different Beat (song) -- 1996 single by Boyzone
Wikipedia - A Different Story -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adimai Penn -- 1969 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Adimakal Udamakal -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Adimakkachavadam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adina Megha -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adios Amigo -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adios gringo -- 1965 film by Giorgio Stegani
Wikipedia - Adios pampa mia -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Adios, Roberto -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adios, Sabata -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Diplomatic Mission -- 1918 American silent comedy drama film
Wikipedia - A Diplomatic Wife -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Adirondack Fire -- U.S. wildfire in 1903
Wikipedia - A Dispatch from Reuters -- 1940 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - A Distant Mirror -- 1978 history book by Barbara Tuchman
Wikipedia - Adithya Varma -- 2019 film directed by Gireesaaya
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1983) -- Indian television and film actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1996) -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Singh (politician) -- Indian politician (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Aditya 369 -- 1991 film directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Adiverukal -- 1986 film by P. Anil
Wikipedia - A Division of the Spoils -- 1975 book by Paul Scott
Wikipedia - Adlai Stevenson I -- 19th-century U.S. Vice President and Congressman from Illinois
Wikipedia - Adlan Varayev -- Russian Olympic wrestler (1962-2016)
Wikipedia - Adler (cars and motorcycle) -- 1900-1957 automobile and motorcycle manufacturer in Germany
Wikipedia - Adlerwerke vorm. Heinrich Kleyer -- 1930s aircraft manufacturer in Germany
Wikipedia - Administration of Estates Act 1925 -- UK statute
Wikipedia - Adnan al-Zurfi -- Iraqi faqih and politician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Adnan Pachachi -- Iraqi politician, diplomat and Foreign Minister (1923-2019)
Wikipedia - Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino -- Hausa writer and director (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - A Doctor's Diary -- 1937 film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - A Dog in Space -- 1966 film by Antonio Roman, Antonio del Amo
Wikipedia - A Dog of Flanders (1935 film) -- 1935 film directed by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - A Dog of the Regiment -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Dog on Barkham Street -- 1960 book by Mary Stolz
Wikipedia - A Dog's Best Friend -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Dog's Journey (film) -- 2019 film by Gail Mancuso
Wikipedia - A Dog's Life (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Dog's Life -- 1918 film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - A Dog's Way Home -- 2019 film directed by Charles Martin Smith
Wikipedia - Adolescence (film) -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Adolescence of Cain -- 1959 film by Roman Chalbaud
Wikipedia - Adolescence of Utena -- 1999 film by Kunihiko Ikuhara
Wikipedia - Adolescencia -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Adolf Bottger -- German translator and poet (1815-1970)
Wikipedia - Adolf Butenandt -- German biochemist (1939 Nobel Prize)
Wikipedia - Adolf Engler -- German botanist (1844-1930)
Wikipedia - Adolf Klose -- German engineer and businessman (1844-1923)
Wikipedia - Adolf Muller (politician, born 1916) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Adolfo Suarez -- Prime Minister of Spain (1976-1981)
Wikipedia - Adolf von Harnack -- Baltic German theologian and Church historian (1851-1930)
Wikipedia - Adolf Wilbrandt -- German novelist and dramatist (1837-1911)
Wikipedia - A Doll's Dream -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Doll's House (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Doll's House (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Charles Bryant
Wikipedia - A Doll Wife -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Adolph Cornelis van Bruggen -- Dutch biologist (1929-2016)
Wikipedia - Adolphe (ship) -- Ship wrecked on Hunter River in New South Wales, Australia in 1904
Wikipedia - Adolph J. Sabath -- American politician (1866-1952)
Wikipedia - Adolph Medlycott -- Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Thrissur (1838-1918)
Wikipedia - Adoor Gopalakrishnan -- Indian film director (born 1941)
Wikipedia - A Door into Ocean -- 1986 feminist science fiction novel by Joan Slonczewski
Wikipedia - Adoption (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adorabili e bugiarde -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Creatures -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Adorable (film) -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Adorable Julia -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Liar -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Lies -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Adoration (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adoration (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Fabrice Du Welz
Wikipedia - Adore You (Harry Styles song) -- 2019 single by Harry Styles
Wikipedia - Adoring -- 2019 film directed by Yang Zi
Wikipedia - A Double-Dyed Deceiver -- 1920 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - A Double Life (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Double Life (1947 film)
Wikipedia - A Double Winning -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Ad Petri Cathedram -- 1959 papal encyclical of pastoral character
Wikipedia - A Dream Is What You Wake Up From -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Happiness -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Passion -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Red Mansions (1988 film series) -- Serial feature film by Xie Tieli
Wikipedia - A Dream or Two Ago -- 1916 film by James Kirkwood
Wikipedia - Adriaan Diedericks -- Artist (b. 1990)
Wikipedia - Adriana Ambesi -- Italian film actress of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Adriana Chechik -- American pornographic actress (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Adriana Lecouvreur (film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Adrian Fortescue -- 19th and 20th-century English Catholic priest and scholar
Wikipedia - Adrian Hall (artist) -- Conceptual and performance artist (b. 1943)
Wikipedia - Adrian Juarez Jimenez -- Mexican politician (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Adrien Costa -- American cyclist (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Adrienne Lecouvreur (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adrienne Martyn -- New Zealand photographer (1950- )
Wikipedia - Adrienne Shelly -- American actress (1966-2006)
Wikipedia - Adrienn Toth -- Hungarian modern pentathlete (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Adrishtam -- 1939 film by S. D. S. Yogi
Wikipedia - Adri van Westerop -- Luxembourg chemist, author, and politician (1957-2009)
Wikipedia - A Drive into the Blue -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Drum for Ben Boyd -- 1948 book by Francis Webb
Wikipedia - A Drunkard's Reformation -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Adua and Her Friends -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Ducking They Did Go -- 1939 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - Adukkan Entheluppam -- 1986 film directed by Jeassy
Wikipedia - Adult Behavior -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Adult Children -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adult Education (song) -- 1984 single by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Adultery: A User's Guide -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Adultery Tree -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adults in the Room -- 2019 film by Costa-Gavras
Wikipedia - Aduthathu Albert -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adutha Varisu -- 1983 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Adutha Veettu Penn -- 1960 film by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - Aduva Gombe -- 2019 film by S. K. Bhagavan
Wikipedia - Adva Cohen -- Israeli runner (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Advance Australia Fair -- Official national anthem of Australia since 1984
Wikipedia - Advanced Lawnmower Simulator -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Advance to the Rear -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Advantage (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Adventure (1925 film) -- 1925 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Adventure (1926 schooner) -- 1926 schooner
Wikipedia - Adventure (1945 film) -- 1945 American romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Adventure (1980 video game) -- Landmark Atari video game from 1980
Wikipedia - Adventure Girl -- 1934 American adventure documentary directed by Herman C. Raymaker
Wikipedia - Adventure in Diamonds -- 1940 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Adventure in Manhattan -- 1936 film by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - Adventure in Paradise -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Paris -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Sahara -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in the Bronx -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Warsaw -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Washington -- 1941 film directed by Alfred Edward Green
Wikipedia - Adventure Island 3 -- 1992 NES game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island II -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure on the Night Express -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Adventure on the Southern Express -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Adventurer at the Door -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adventurer's Fate -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adventure's End -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in a City that does not Exist -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Babysitting -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Perception -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Silverado -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Aladdin -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Plumber's Mate -- 1978 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Private Eye -- 1977 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Taxi Driver -- 1976 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of Carol -- 1917 US silent film directed by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - Adventures of Joselito and Tom Thumb -- 1960 film by Rene Cardona
Wikipedia - Adventures of Juan Lucas -- 1949 film by Rafael Gil
Wikipedia - Adventures of Juku the Dog -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Krosh -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Nils Holgersson -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Red Ryder -- 1940 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Adventures of Rusty -- 1945 film by Paul Burnford
Wikipedia - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; or, Held for Ransom -- 1905 film by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - Adventures of Superman (TV series) -- US 1950s television series
Wikipedia - Adventures of Tarzan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Barber of Seville -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Bengal Lancers -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Queen -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Zatoichi -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Adventure Time (1959 TV series) -- 1959-1975 live-action television show for children on WTAE TV-4 in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Adventurous Youth -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Advice from a Caterpillar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Advice to the Lovelorn -- 1933 film by Alfred L. Werker
Wikipedia - Advise & Consent -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Advise and Consent -- 1959 book by Allen Drury
Wikipedia - Advisory opinion on Western Sahara -- 1975 ICJ advisory body on Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Advocate (2019 film) -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Adwa (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Adweek -- Weekly American advertising trade publication that was first published in 1979
Wikipedia - A Dying Nation -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - AEC Renown -- Double decker bus manufactured by AEC (1952-1967)
Wikipedia - Aegean Goddess -- Cruise ship launched in 1994
Wikipedia - AEG -- 1883-1996 electrical equipment and aircraft manufacturer of Germany
Wikipedia - A. E. Housman -- British classical scholar and poet (1859-1936)
Wikipedia - AEIOU (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aelita -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Aenigma (film) -- 1987 Italian horror film by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - Aera! Aera! Aera! -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aer Lingus Flight 712 -- Flight which crashed en route from Cork to London on 24 March 1968
Wikipedia - Aero A.24 -- 1920s prototype bomber aircraft by Aero Vodochody
Wikipedia - Aerocar Aero-Plane -- Light aircraft flown in 1964
Wikipedia - Aero Fighters -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Aero Flight 311 -- 1961 aviation accident in Kvevlax, Finland
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 101/435 -- 1985 aircraft hijacking
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 109 -- 1973 plane crash caused by hijacker with bomb
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 13 -- 1973 Antonov An-24 crash in Baku
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 141 -- 1973 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1492 -- Aviation accident in Moscow on 5 May 2019
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1661 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1912 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 19 -- 1973 airliner hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 2022 -- Tupolev Tu-124 crash in 1973
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 2174 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 244 -- 1970 hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 315 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3519 -- 1984 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 36 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3630 -- 1970 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3932 -- 1973 plane crash in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6263 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 630 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6551 -- 1973 Aeroflot Il-18 crash
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6709 -- 1978 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 699 -- 1988 Russian aircraft accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 773 -- 1971 airliner bombing
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 7841 -- Soviet passenger flight involved in a 1985 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 964 -- October 1973 Tupolev Tu-104 crash in Moscow
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight U-45 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aerolineas Argentinas Flight 707 -- 1970 aviation accident in Argentina
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Flight 229 -- 1973 aviation accident in Mexico
Wikipedia - Aero NT-54 -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela Flight 108 -- 1991 aviation accident in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Aero Spacelines -- 1960s aircraft manufacturer in the United States
Wikipedia - Aerospatiale Gazelle -- Light helicopter, French, 1973-present
Wikipedia - AeroTech -- 1996 wargame
Wikipedia - Aesop's Fables (film series) -- Series of animated short films (1921-1933)
Wikipedia - A Esposa do Solteiro -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A. E. Sunderland -- American politician (1866-1940)
Wikipedia - Aeterna Dei sapientia -- 1961 encyclical on the unity of Christendom
Wikipedia - A. E. van Vogt -- Canadian science fiction author (1912-2000)
Wikipedia - A. E. W. Mason -- English novelist (1865-1948)
Wikipedia - A Face in the Crowd (film) -- 1957 American drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Face in the Fog -- 1936 film by Robert F. Hill
Wikipedia - A Faithful Soldier of Pancho Villa -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - A Fallen Idol -- 1919 film by Kenean Buel
Wikipedia - A False Student -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Family Affair (1937 film) -- 1937 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - A Family Thing -- 1996 American film directed by Richard Pearce
Wikipedia - A Fan's Notes (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms (1957 film) -- 1957 American drama film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms -- 1929 novel by Ernest Hemingway
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Kings (song) -- 1977 song by Rush
Wikipedia - A Farewell to the Woman Called My Sister -- 1957 film by IshirM-EM-^M Honda
Wikipedia - Afarit el-asphalt -- 1996 Egyptian action thriller film
Wikipedia - A Farmer's Life -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Farmyard Drama -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Father Without Knowing It -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Favor to a Friend -- 1919 film by John Ince
Wikipedia - A Feather in Her Hat -- 1935 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - Afeez Oyetoro -- Nigerian comic actor (born 1963)
Wikipedia - A Feud in the Kentucky Hills -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Few Good Men -- 1992 American legal drama film by Rob Reiner
Wikipedia - A Few Moments with Eddie Cantor -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Few Notes on Our Food Problem -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Few Ole Country Boys -- 1990 single by Randy Travis
Wikipedia - A Few Quick Ones -- 1959 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Few Words About Breasts -- May 1972 essay by Nora Ephron
Wikipedia - Affair at the Grand Hotel -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Affaire des Fiches -- 1904-1905 French political scandal
Wikipedia - Affair in Havana -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Affair in Trinidad -- 1952 film by Vincent Sherman
Wikipedia - Affairs of a Gentleman -- 1934 American drama film directed by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - Affairs of Cappy Ricks -- 1937 film by Ralph Staub
Wikipedia - Affectionately Yours (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Affectionately Yours -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Affection (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Affliction (1996 film) -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - AffM-CM-&ren Birte -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Afghan cameleers in Australia -- Camel drivers in Australia (c.1860s-1930s)
Wikipedia - Afghan Girl -- 1985 cover photograph on National Geographic magazine
Wikipedia - Afida Turner -- French-American singer, actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - A Fight for Love -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Fighting Colleen -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Fight to the Finish (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Fight to the Finish -- 1937 film by Charles C. Coleman
Wikipedia - Afilando los cuchillos -- Puerto Rico 2019 protest song
Wikipedia - A Film for the Future -- 1998 single by Idlewild
Wikipedia - A Final Reckoning -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Fine Romance (film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - A Fire Upon the Deep -- 1992 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - A Fistful of Death -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Fistful of Dollars -- 1964 film directed by Sergio Leone
Wikipedia - Aflame in the Sky -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Flash of Light -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Flea on the Scales -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Flintstones Christmas Carol -- 1994 Flintstones Christmas special
Wikipedia - A Flirt's Mistake -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Florida Feud -- 1909 film directed by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - A Flower Above the Clouds -- 2019 Burmese film
Wikipedia - A Flower in Hell -- 1958 Korean film directed by Shin Sang-ok
Wikipedia - A. F. M. Ahsanuddin Chowdhury -- Public servant, judge and President of Bangladesh (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - Afonya -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Fool and His Money (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Fool and His Money (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Foolish Maiden -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Advice -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Awakening -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Revenge -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1914 film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1915 film) -- 1915 American silent film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Emmett J. Flynn
Wikipedia - A Foozle at the Tee Party -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A for Apple -- 2019 Malayalam-language film
Wikipedia - A Foreign Affair (Gasolin' album) -- 1997 compilation album by Gasolin'
Wikipedia - A Forest -- 1980 song by The Cure
Wikipedia - A Forever Kind of Love -- 1962 single by Bobby Vee
Wikipedia - A Formula do Amor -- 1985 song performed by Kid Abelha
Wikipedia - A Fowl Proceeding -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A. F. P. Hulsewe -- Dutch Sinologist and scholar best known for his studies of ancient Chinese law (1910-1993)
Wikipedia - Afraid (Motley Crue song) -- 1997 single by Motley Crue
Wikipedia - Afraid of Love (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Die -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Fight -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Love -- 1927 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Afraid to Talk -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Free People -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Free Soul -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A French Woman -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Fresh Air Romance -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Fresh Start -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Africa (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Africa (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Africa Adventure -- 1954 American documentary film directed by Robert C. Ruark
Wikipedia - Africa Before Dark -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Africa, Center of the World -- 1981 studio album by Roy Ayers
Wikipedia - Africadalli Sheela -- 1986 film by Dwarakish
Wikipedia - Africa Express (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources -- Continent-wide agreement signed in 1968 in Algiers
Wikipedia - African reference alphabet -- Set of 60 letters (in the latter edition), used for writing various African languages; initially proposed in 1978 and revised in 1982
Wikipedia - African Transformation Movement -- South African political party (e. 2019)
Wikipedia - African Treasure -- 1952 film directed by Ford Beebe
Wikipedia - Africa, Prelude to Victory -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Africa Speaks! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Africa Squeaks -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Africa (Toto song) -- 1981 Toto song
Wikipedia - Afric Simone -- Mozambican musician (born 1956)
Wikipedia - A Friendly Husband -- 1923 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - A Friend of Cupid -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Friend of the Deceased -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Frightful Blunder -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Afrikan tM-CM-$hti -- 1951 Finnish board game
Wikipedia - Afrikanych -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Afrique-sur-Seine -- 1955 French film
Wikipedia - Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference, 1957 -- 1957 political conference in Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Afro-Bossa -- 1963 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - Afrojack -- Dutch record producer and DJ (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Front Page Story -- 1922 film by Jess Robbins
Wikipedia - Afsporet -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - After All It's Only Life -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - After All (play) -- 1929 play
Wikipedia - After a Million -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - After Babel -- 1975 book by George Steiner
Wikipedia - After Business Hours -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - After Casanova's Fashion -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - After Darkness (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After Darkness (2019 film) -- 2019 American-Mexican science fiction film by Batan Silva
Wikipedia - After Five in the Forest Primeval -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - After Five -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Afterglow (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - After His Own Heart -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - After Hours (1958 British TV series) -- 1958 British TV series
Wikipedia - After Hours (film) -- 1985 film directed by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - After Hours (novel) -- 1979 Edwin Torres crime novel
Wikipedia - After Jimmy -- 1996 CBS TV movie directed by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - Afterlife (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - After Many Days -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - After Many Years (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - After Many Years (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - After Maria -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - AfterMASH -- 1980s American comedy TV series; sequel to M*A*S*H
Wikipedia - Aftermath (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanity -- 1979 film by Eiichi Kudo
Wikipedia - After Midnight (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Monta Bell
Wikipedia - After Midnight with Boston Blackie -- 1943 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Afternoon Off -- 1979 film by Stephen Frears
Wikipedia - Afternoon of the Bulls -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - After Office Hours (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After Office Hours -- 1935 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Afterparty (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Aftershock: Earthquake in New York -- 1999 miniseries directed by Mikael Salomon
Wikipedia - After the Axe -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1914 film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1957 film) -- 1957 film by Compton Bennett
Wikipedia - After the Dance (film) -- 1935 American drama film directed by Leo Bulgakov
Wikipedia - After the Earthquake -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - After the Fire Over Russia -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - After the Funeral -- 1953 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - After the Love Has Gone (Steps song) -- 1999 single by Steps
Wikipedia - After the Lovin' (album) -- 1976 album by Engelbert Humperdinck
Wikipedia - After the Promise -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - After the Raid -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - After the Rain Comes Sunshine -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - After the Rain, on Thursday -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After the Show (film) -- 1921 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - After the Storm (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - After the Storm (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - After the Thin Man -- 1936 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - After the Truth -- 1999 German film
Wikipedia - After the Verdict (novel) -- 1924 novel by Robert Hichens
Wikipedia - After the Verdict -- 1929 film by Henrik Galeen
Wikipedia - After the Wedding (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - After Tomorrow -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After Virtue -- 1981 book by Alasdair MacIntyre
Wikipedia - Afterwards (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - After Winter: Sterling Brown -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After You Duchess -- 1954 French comedy film
Wikipedia - After You've Gone (song) -- 1918 song
Wikipedia - A Fugitive from Matrimony -- 1919 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Full House -- 1920 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (film) -- 1966 film by Richard Lester
Wikipedia - Afzal Tauseef -- Pakistani writer, columnist (1936-2014)
Wikipedia - Afzal-ul Amin -- Indian politician and social worker (1915-1983)
Wikipedia - Agadadash Gurbanov -- Azerbaijani actor (1911-1965)
Wikipedia - Again (Alice in Chains song) -- 1996 single by Alice in Chains
Wikipedia - Again and Again (Status Quo song) -- 1978 single by Status Quo
Wikipedia - Against a Crooked Sky -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (1984 film) -- 1984 film directed by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) -- 1984 single by Phil Collins
Wikipedia - Against All -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Against Her Will: An Incident in Baltimore -- 1992 film directed by Delbert Mann
Wikipedia - Against Our Will -- 1975 book by Susan Brownmiller
Wikipedia - Against the Grain (Acoustic Alchemy album) -- 1994 studio album by Acoustic Alchemy
Wikipedia - Against the Law (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Against Wind and Tide: A Cuban Odyssey -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - A Gallery of Children -- 1925 book by A. A. Milne
Wikipedia - Agal Vilakku -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble in Lives -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Gambler's Honor -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble with Death -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble with Hearts -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Gamblin' Fool -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Game Chicken -- 1922 film by Chester M. Franklin
Wikipedia - A Game of Death -- 1945 film by Robert Wise
Wikipedia - A Game of Wits -- 1917 silent ilm by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Game with Stones -- 1965 film by Jan M-EM- vankmajer
Wikipedia - A Gangstergirl -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - A Garibaldian in the Convent -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Gasoline Wedding -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Agata Pyzik -- Polish journalist (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Agatha (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Agatha, Stop That Murdering! -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Days -- 1979 novel by Joan Blos
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Eagles -- 1963 film by Delbert Mann
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Old Men (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agathiyar -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A. G. C. Bierer -- Oklahoma judge (b. 1862, d. 1951)
Wikipedia - Agda Meyerson -- 19th and 20th-century Swedish nurse and activist
Wikipedia - Age 13 -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Age 7 in America -- 1991 American documentary film
Wikipedia - Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 -- United States labor law
Wikipedia - Agee (film) -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - A-Ge-Man: Tales of a Golden Geisha -- 1990 Japanese comedy film by JM-EM-+zM-EM-^M Itami
Wikipedia - Agenda 21 -- Decision Taken Rio Summit, 1992
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Exploitation and Class -- 1982 book by John Roemer
Wikipedia - A Gentle Madness -- 1995 book
Wikipedia - A Gentleman After Dark -- 1942 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Gentleman at Heart -- 1942 film by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - A Gentleman in Tails -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of France -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure (1915 film) -- 1915 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure -- 1910 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Paris (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Harry dM-bM-^@M-^YAbbadie dM-bM-^@M-^YArrast
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Paris (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Quality -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of the Ring (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of the Ring (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman Preferred -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman's Agreement -- 1918 film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Gentle Woman -- 1969 film by Robert Bresson
Wikipedia - Agent Running in the Field -- 2019 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya -- 2019 film directed by Swaroop RSJ
Wikipedia - Agent trouble -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Age of Apocalypse -- 1995-96 Marvel comic book crossover
Wikipedia - Age of Consent (film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition -- 2019 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II -- 1999 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Enlightenment -- European cultural movement of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Age of Indiscretion -- 1935 film by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - Age of X-Man -- 2019 crossover of Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - A German Robinson Crusoe -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men -- 1933 film by Mark Sandrich
Wikipedia - Aggi Pidugu -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aggrey House -- Hostel in London in 1934 for African students and students of African descent
Wikipedia - Aggro Santos -- Brazilian-British rapper (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Aghaat -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Gift For Whom You Hate -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - A Gift of Magic -- 1971 young adult supernatural novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - A Gipsy Cavalier -- 1922 film by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - A Girl, a Guy and a Gob -- 1941 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - A Girl and a Dolphin -- 1979 Soviet/Russian animated film directed by Rozaliya Zelma
Wikipedia - A Girl... and a Million -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Girl at Bay -- 1919 film by Tom Mills
Wikipedia - A Girl Called Jules -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Called Rosemary -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from Hunan -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from Paris -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Chorus -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Reeperbahn -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Goes Ashore -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Girl in Australia -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Girl in Every Port (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Like You (Edwyn Collins song) -- 1994 single by Edwyn Collins
Wikipedia - A Girl Missing -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Must Live -- 1939 film by Carol Reed
Wikipedia - A Girl Named Mary -- 1919 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Girl of London -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Bush -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Limberlost (1924 film) -- 1924 film directed by James Leo Meehan
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Limberlost (1934 film) -- 1934 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - A Girl of the People -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Timber Claims -- 1917 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - A Girl of Yesterday -- 1915 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Girl's Own Story -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - A Girl's Stratagem -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Girl's Tears -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - A Girl with Guitar -- 1958 Soviet musical comedy film
Wikipedia - A Girl with Ideas -- 1937 film by S. Sylvan Simon
Wikipedia - A Girl with Temperament -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Agitated Women -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Glass Eye at a Keyhole -- 1938 book
Wikipedia - A Glass of Rage -- 1999 film directed by Aluizio Abranches
Wikipedia - A Glass of Water (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Glass of Water (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Global Affair -- 1964 film by Jack Arnold
Wikipedia - A Glove Shop in Vienna: And Other Stories -- 1984 short story collection by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - Agnee Morcha -- 1997 film directed by Raju Chouhan
Wikipedia - Agnelli family -- Italian industrial family founded by Giovanni Agnelli (1866-1945)
Wikipedia - Agnes Arber -- British botanist (1879-1960)
Wikipedia - Agnes Arnau and Her Three Suitors -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Agnes Cecilia - en sM-CM-$llsam historia -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Agnes de Mille -- American dancer and choreographer (1905-1993)
Wikipedia - Agnes E. Wells -- American mathematician, educator and women's rights activist (1876-1959)
Wikipedia - Agnes Jones Adams -- African American activist and teacher (1858-1923)
Wikipedia - Agnes Joy -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Agnes J. Quirk -- American botanist (1884-1974)
Wikipedia - Agnes Larson -- American historian, 1892-1957
Wikipedia - Agnes Morgan -- American director, theatrical producer and actor (1879-1976)
Wikipedia - Agnes of God (film) -- 1985 film by Norman Jewison
Wikipedia - Agnes of God -- 1979 play by John Pielmeier
Wikipedia - Agnes Salm-Salm -- American wife of Prussian prince and soldier of fortune (1844-1912)
Wikipedia - Agni (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Agnichakra (film) -- 1997 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Agnieszka Arnold -- Polish documentary filmmaker born 1947
Wikipedia - Agnikankan: Branded Oath -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Agni Muhurtham -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agni Natchathiram -- 1988 film by Mani Ratnam
Wikipedia - Agni Parvatam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Agniparvatham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Agni Putrudu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agni Sakshi (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Partho Ghosh
Wikipedia - Agnishwar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Agnisnaan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Agni Theertham -- 1990 film directed by Sree Bharathi
Wikipedia - Agni Vyooham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Gnome Named Gnorm -- 1990 film directed by Stan Winston
Wikipedia - AGO Ao 192 -- Airliner by AGO
Wikipedia - Agony (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Good Business Deal -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Good Girl Keeps Herself in Good Order -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Good Time for a Dime -- 1941 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Agostino (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Agosto (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agraharathil Kazhutai -- 1977 film by John Abraham
Wikipedia - A Grand Day Out -- 1989 short film directed by Nick Park
Wikipedia - A Grande Arte -- 1991 film directed by Walter Salles
Wikipedia - Agra Road (1957 film) -- 1957 Bollywood film directed by Ravindra Dave
Wikipedia - A Great Big Bunch of You -- 1932 short film
Wikipedia - A Great Day in Harlem (film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Agreed Not to Separate -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Agreement on a Cease-fire and Separation of Forces -- 1994 ceasefire agreement after the War in Abkhazia
Wikipedia - A. G. Rigg -- British academic and medievalist (1937-2019)
Wikipedia - Agueda Martinez: Our People, Our Country -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - A Guide for the Married Man -- 1967 film by Gene Kelly
Wikipedia - Aguila (film) -- 1980 Filipino film directed by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Aguirre, the Wrath of God -- 1972 film by Werner Herzog
Wikipedia - A Gun Fightin' Gentleman -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Guru Comes -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Agus Kuncoro -- Indonesian actor (b1972)
Wikipedia - AgustaWestland AW119 Koala -- Single-engine, eight-seat utility helicopter manufactured by Leonardo
Wikipedia - Agustina of Aragon (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Agustina of Aragon (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Gust of Wind -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Gutter Magdalene -- 1916 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - AH19 -- Asian Highway route in Thailand
Wikipedia - Ahaa Re -- 2019 film by Ranjan Ghosh
Wikipedia - Ahalya (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Ham in a Role -- 1949 film by Robert McKimson
Wikipedia - Aha Naa-Pellanta! (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A Handful of Darkness -- 1955 book by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - A Handful of Heroes -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - A Handful of Love (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ah, And We Do It Like This -- 1990 song by Onyx
Wikipedia - A Happy Divorce -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Happy Man (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Hard Day's Night (album) -- 1964 studio album by the Beatles
Wikipedia - A Hare Grows in Manhattan -- 1947 Warner Bros. cartoon film by Friz Freleng
Wikipedia - A Harp in Hock -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Ahas Gauwa -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Hatful of Rain -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - A-Haunting We Will Go (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ahead by a Century -- 1996 single by The Tragically Hip
Wikipedia - A Heart Beats for You -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Heart in Pawn -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - A Heart Plays False -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Heart Returns Home -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A Heart to Let -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Heidelberg Romance -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Heist with Markiplier -- 2019 interactive film directed by Mark Edward Fischbach
Wikipedia - A Hen in the Wind -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Heritage and Its History -- 1959 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich -- 1973 young adult novel by Alice Childress
Wikipedia - A Hero for a Night -- 1927 film by William James Craft
Wikipedia - A Hero of Our Times -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - A Hero of the Big Snows -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Hero on Horseback -- 1927 film by Del Andrews
Wikipedia - A Hidden Life (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - A High Wind in Jamaica (film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A High Wind in Jamaica (novel) -- 1929 novel by Richard Hughes
Wikipedia - A Hill on the Dark Side of the Moon -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Ahimsa (1981 film) -- 1981 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Ahinsa (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A History of Christianity (Johnson book) -- 1976 book by Paul Johnson
Wikipedia - A History of Embryology -- 1934 book by Joseph Needham
Wikipedia - A History of the American People -- 1997 book by Paul Johnson
Wikipedia - A History of the Birds of Europe -- Nine-volume, late 19th century book about the history of European birds
Wikipedia - A History of the Mind -- 1992 book by Nicholas Humphrey
Wikipedia - A History of US -- 1995 book by Joy Hakim
Wikipedia - A History of Venice -- 1982 book by John Julius Norwich
Wikipedia - A History of Violence (comics) -- 1997 graphic novel
Wikipedia - A History of Western Philosophy -- 1945 book by Bertrand Russell
Wikipedia - Ah! Kai na 'moun antras -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Ah! La Barbe -- 1905 film by Segundo de Chomon
Wikipedia - Ahmad Afandi Abdulaev -- Mufti of Dagestan, Russia (b. 1959)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Albab -- 1968 film by P. Ramlee
Wikipedia - Ahmad Ali Barqi Azmi -- Indian poet (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Hussain -- Politician in Pakistan (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Keshvari -- Iranian aviator (1953-1980)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Massoud -- Afghan politician (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Zohadi -- Iranian architecture scholar, publisher (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Adeeb -- Maldivian politician (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Al-Khabaz -- White hat hacker and entrepreneur (b. 1994)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Benjelloun -- Moroccan politician (1942 - 2015)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Hassan Awke -- Somali journalist from 1972 to 2015
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1934) -- Egyptologist and essayist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1982) -- Egyptian author
Wikipedia - Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi -- 19th and 20th-century Indian scholar
Wikipedia - Ahmet Muhtar MollaoM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish politician (b. 1870, d. 1934)
Wikipedia - Ahn Doo-hee -- (1917-1996) Korean lieutenant and assassin of independence activist Kim Koo
Wikipedia - Ah Nerede -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ahn Sang-soo (born May 1946) -- South Korean politician born May 1946
Wikipedia - A Hoax -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Hole in the Head -- 1959 film by Frank Capra
Wikipedia - A Hole in the Wall (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Holiday with Piroschka -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Holy Terror -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Homansu -- 1986 film by Yusaku Matsuda
Wikipedia - A Home for Tanya -- 1959 film by Lev Kulidzhanov
Wikipedia - A Homespun Vamp -- 1922 film by Frank O'Connor
Wikipedia - A Honeymoon Adventure -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Hopeless Case -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - A Horseman of the Plains -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Horse with No Name -- 1971 single by America
Wikipedia - A Hot Summer Night II -- 1986 National Wrestling Alliance supercard event
Wikipedia - A Hot Summer Night -- Wrestling event in Hawaii, 1985
Wikipedia - A House and Its Head -- 1935 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A House Divided (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A House for Mr Biswas -- 1961 book by V. S. Naipaul
Wikipedia - A House Full of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A House Without Boundaries -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Ahsaas -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Hungry Heart -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Hunting Accident -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Huntress of Men -- 1916 film by Lucius J. Henderson
Wikipedia - Ah, Wilderness! (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Aichi Experimental Type 15-Ko Reconnaissance Seaplane (Mi-go) -- 1920s Japanese reconnaissance seaplane
Wikipedia - Aida (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Aida (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Clemente Fracassi
Wikipedia - Aida (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aida Young -- British film producer (1920-2007)
Wikipedia - Aido: Slave of Love -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - AIDS amendments of 1988 -- US law
Wikipedia - Aids (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ai Giri Giri -- 1979 song performed by Pink Lady
Wikipedia - Ai Iijima -- Japanese television personality (1972-2008)
Wikipedia - Aikea-Guinea -- 1985 single and EP by the Cocteau Twins
Wikipedia - Aiko Sato (actress) -- Japanese actress (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Aileen Palmer -- (1915-1988) poet, translator and political activist
Wikipedia - Aileen Pringle -- American actress (1895-1989
Wikipedia - A Ilha dos Amores -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Aiman Khan -- Pakistani actress (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Aimee & Jaguar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Aimee Antoinette Camus -- French botanist (1879-1965)
Wikipedia - Aime Morot -- French painter (1850 - 1913)
Wikipedia - Aime Perpillou -- French geographer (1902 - 1976)
Wikipedia - Aimie Atkinson -- British actress (born 1987(
Wikipedia - Aimless Walk -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Aimo Koivunen -- Finnish soldier (1917-1989)
Wikipedia - Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg -- 1991 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody -- 1991 single by Kid 'n Play
Wikipedia - Ain't Misbehavin' (song) -- 1929 song
Wikipedia - Ain't Nature Grand! -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ain't Nobody -- 1983 single by Rufus and Chaka Khan
Wikipedia - Ain't No Doubt -- 1992 single by Jimmy Nail
Wikipedia - Ain't No Love (Ain't No Use) -- 1993 single by Sub Sub
Wikipedia - Ain't No Pleasing You -- 1982 single by Chas & Dave
Wikipedia - Ain't No Sunshine -- 1971 single by Bill Withers
Wikipedia - Ain't No Trick (It Takes Magic) -- 1982 single by Lee Greenwood
Wikipedia - A Intrusa -- 1979 film directed by Carlos Hugo Christensen
Wikipedia - Ain't That a Shame -- 1955 single by Fats Domino
Wikipedia - Ain't That Just the Way -- 1975 single by Barbi Benton
Wikipedia - Airaa -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Air Afrique Flight 056 -- 1987 airplane hijacking
Wikipedia - Air America (airline) -- CIA covert airline from 1950 to 1976
Wikipedia - Air America (film) -- 1990 film by Roger Spottiswoode
Wikipedia - Airbag (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Airborne (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Airborne (1993 film) -- 1993 American comedy-drama film directed by Rob Bowman
Wikipedia - Airborne Mine Countermeasures Weapon Systems Training School -- US military unit 1994 - 2015
Wikipedia - Air Bud: Golden Receiver -- 1998 film by Richard Martin
Wikipedia - Air Bud -- 1997 film directed by Charles Martin Smith
Wikipedia - Airbus A319 -- Airliner, shortened variant of the A320 family
Wikipedia - Airbus Industrie Flight 129 -- 1994 Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Air campaign of the Uganda-Tanzania War -- Part of the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978-79
Wikipedia - Air Canada Flight 189 -- 1978 plane crash of an Air Canada DC-9-32
Wikipedia - Air Caribbean Flight 309 -- Fatal 1978 airliner crash in Barrio Obrero, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Airco DH.9A -- 1918 bomber aircraft by Airco
Wikipedia - Airco DH.9 -- 1917 bomber aircraft family by Airco
Wikipedia - Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion -- US project 1946-1961
Wikipedia - Air Cushion Restraint System -- 1970s General Motors airbag technology
Wikipedia - Air Devils -- 1938 film by John Rawlins
Wikipedia - Air Eagles -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Air Florida Flight 90 -- January 1982 airliner crash near Washington, D.C., US
Wikipedia - Air Force (film) -- 1943 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Air Force One (film) -- 1997 film by Wolfgang Petersen
Wikipedia - Air France Flight 1611 -- 1968 airliner crash in the Mediterranean off Nice
Wikipedia - Air France Flight 8969 -- 1994 aircraft hijacking
Wikipedia - Air Hawks -- 1935 film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Airheads -- 1994 film by Michael Lehmann
Wikipedia - Air Hostess (1933 film) -- 1933 American film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Air Hostess (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 101 -- 1966 plane crash of an Air India Boeing 707 into Mont Blanc, France
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 182 -- June 1985 aircraft bombing over the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 245 -- 1950 plane crash of an Air India L-749A Constellation into Mont Blanc, France
Wikipedia - Airini Beautrais -- New Zealand poet (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Air Kazakhstan -- Flag carrier from 1991 to 2004
Wikipedia - Airline (1998 TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Air Mail (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Air Mail Pilot -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Air Mail scandal -- Political scandal resulting from a 1934 congressional investigation of the awarding of contracts to certain airlines to carry airmail
Wikipedia - Air Mata Iboe -- 1941 film by Njoo Cheong Seng
Wikipedia - Air Ontario Flight 1363 -- March 1989 plane crash in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Air Patrol (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Airplane II: The Sequel -- 1982 American parody film by Ken Finkleman
Wikipedia - Airplane! -- 1980 American satirical comedy film
Wikipedia - Air Police (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1970 film) -- 1970 film by George Seaton
Wikipedia - Airport 1975 -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1993 film) -- 1993 film directed by Joshi
Wikipedia - Airport '77 -- 1977 disaster film directed by Jerry Jameson
Wikipedia - Air Rhodesia Flight 825 -- passenger aircraft shot down in 1978
Wikipedia - Air Rhodesia Flight 827 -- 1979 aircraft incident in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Air-Sea Battle -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Airspeed Oxford -- 1937 training aircraft by Airspeed
Wikipedia - Air Transport International Flight 805 -- Flight that crashed in Ohio on February 15, 1992
Wikipedia - AirUK -- Former British regional airline (1980-1998)
Wikipedia - Air Vanuatu -- National airline of Vanuatu, founded in 1981
Wikipedia - Air Warrior III -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Air Wisconsin Flight 965 -- 1980 plane crash in Nebraska
Wikipedia - Airwolf -- American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987
Wikipedia - Air Yugoslavia -- Yugoslavian airline (1969-2005)
Wikipedia - Aisa Pyaar Kahan -- 1986 Hindi-language film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - Aishah and The Fan Club -- New Zealand-based singing group in the late 1980s and early 1990s
Wikipedia - Aisha Muharrar -- American screenwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Aishath Nahula -- Maldivian politician (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aishwarya Raj Bhakuni -- Indian TV actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Ai Siqi -- Yunnan Mongol Chinese philosopher and author (1910-1966)
Wikipedia - Ai Takabe -- Japanese actress (born 1988
Wikipedia - Aitare da Praia -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Aitbaar -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aitebar -- 1993 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Aiyoku no ki -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Ajab Gayer Ajab Katha -- 1998 Bengali film
Wikipedia - Ajahn Sumedho -- American Buddhist philosopher (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Ajahn Viradhammo -- Theravada Buddhist monk (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - A. James Clark -- American business executive and philanthropist (1927-2015)
Wikipedia - Ajanabee (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A. Jane Duncombe -- American architect (1925-2015)
Wikipedia - Ajanta Pharma -- Indian pharmaceutical company established in 1973
Wikipedia - Ajantha (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ajantrik -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Jazzed Honeymoon -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Jewel in Pawn -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Ajeya -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ajeyudu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ajitendu Chakraverti -- Indian navy admiral (1914-1995)
Wikipedia - Ajnaatha Theerangal -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Joke of Destiny -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - A Journey of Happiness -- 2019 Cantonese-language comedy film
Wikipedia - A Journey Through Filmland -- 1921 film by Beaumont Smith
Wikipedia - A. J. P. Taylor -- English historian (1906-1990)
Wikipedia - A.J. Saudin -- Canadian actor (born 1992)
Wikipedia - AK-47 -- 1940s rifle of Soviet origin
Wikipedia - A.k.a. Cassius Clay -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Karlsruhe AK-1 Mischl -- 1970s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs31 -- Training sailplane designed and built by the Akaflieg Stuttgart in the 1980s.
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs32 -- 1990s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs33 -- Sailplane built by the Akaflieg Stuttgart in the 1990s.
Wikipedia - Akaki Khorava -- Georgian actor (1895-1972)
Wikipedia - Akaklike -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Akalabeth: World of Doom -- 1979 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Akalangalil -- 1986 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Akalathe Ambili -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akane Hotta -- Japanese model and actress (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Akanksha Sahai -- Indian Vovinam martial artist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Akasen -- Historic slang term for red-light districts in 1940s-50s Japan
Wikipedia - A.K.A. Serial Killer -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Akash Ar Mati -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Akatsuki-class destroyer (1931) -- Destroyer class of the Imperial Japanese Navy
Wikipedia - Akazukin Chacha -- 1994 television anime
Wikipedia - Akbar Salim Anarkali -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Akcja pod Arsenalem -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Akelarre (film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Akele Hum Akele Tum -- 1995 film by Mansoor Khan
Wikipedia - Akenfield -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Kentucky Cinderella -- 1917 American drama film directed by Rupert Julian
Wikipedia - Akerselvens Brugseierforening -- 19th-century industrial association
Wikipedia - Akeyuku Sora -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A. K. Faezul Huq -- Bangladeshi politician, lawyer and journalist (1945-2007)
Wikipedia - A. K. Fazlul Huq -- Bengali statesman and jurist, Prime Minister of Bengal and Governor of East Pakistan (1873-1962)
Wikipedia - A.K. (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akhepatar -- 1999 Gujarati novel by Bindu Bhatt
Wikipedia - Akh, kak khochetsya zhit -- 1985 studio album by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Akhmed Chakaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Akhtar Aly Kureshy -- Pakistani lawyer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Akidearest -- American YouTuber (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Akie Kotabe -- American actor (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Akihito -- Emperor of Japan from 1989 to 2019
Wikipedia - Akiko Abe -- Japanese free announcer and actress (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Akiko (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Akiko Yagi -- Japanese announcer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - A Killer Without a Grave -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Kind of Family -- 1992 film by Andrew Koster
Wikipedia - A Kind of Loving (film) -- 1962 film by John Schlesinger
Wikipedia - A Kind of Magic (song) -- 1986 single by Queen
Wikipedia - A Kingdom for a House -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A King's Story -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Akin Odebunmi -- Nigerian professor of pragmatics (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Akin "Ak" Reyes -- American radio personality (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Akio Sato (politician, born 1927) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Akio Sato (politician, born 1943) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Akira (1988 film) -- 1988 Japanese animated action film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo
Wikipedia - Akira (video game) -- 1988 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Akireta musume-tachi -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss for Cinderella (film) -- 1925 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - A Kiss from the Stadium -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in a Taxi -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in the Dark (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in Time (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Akitsu Springs -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Akizuki-class destroyer (1959) -- Destroyer class of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
Wikipedia - Akka Chellelu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akkacheyude Kunjuvava -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akka (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akkaldaama -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Akkarapacha -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Akkara Paha -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Akkare Ninnoru Maran -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akka Thamudu -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - AkM-EM-^M RM-EM-^Mshi (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A. K. Narain -- Indian historian, numismatist and archaeologist (1925-2013)
Wikipedia - A Knight in London -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Knight of the Range -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Akramana -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Akram Osman -- Afghan writer, intellectual and novelist (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - Akrebin YolculuM-DM-^_u -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Akri Shehzada -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Akropol -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Akseli and Elina -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aksharam -- 1995 film by Sibi Malayil
Wikipedia - Akshay Oberoi -- Indian actor (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Aktionsanalytische Organisation -- Friedrichshof Commune, 1972-1990
Wikipedia - Akuto -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Akwaaba (film) -- 2019 Ghanaian film dir. Kobi Rana
Wikipedia - Akyat Bahay Gang -- 1988 Filipino film starring Lito Lapid
Wikipedia - Ala-Arriba! (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alabama and Florida Railroad (1898-1900) -- Historic railroad in Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama and Florida Railroad (1986-1992) -- Former short-line railroad in Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama Live -- 1988 album by the American band, Alabama
Wikipedia - A La Cabaret -- 1916 short film
Wikipedia - Alacrity 19 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - A Lad an' a Lamp -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1979 musical) -- Musical/pantomime written by Sandy Wilson
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 Disney film) -- 1992 American animated musical fantasy film by Walt Disney Feature Animation
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 Golden Films film) -- 1992 US/Japanese short animated film directed by Masakazu Higuchi and Chinami Namba
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 soundtrack) -- 1992 soundtrack album by various artists
Wikipedia - Aladdin (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Walt Disney Pictures directed by Guy Ritchie
Wikipedia - Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp (Cliff Richard and the Shadows album) -- 1964 pantomime cast album by Cliff Richard and the Shadows
Wikipedia - A Lady Did It -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Lady in Love -- 1920 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Lady of Chance -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Lady of Quality (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Hobart Henley
Wikipedia - A Lady's Morals -- 1930 film by Sidney Franklin
Wikipedia - A Lady's Name -- 1918 American comedy-drama film directed by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Lady's Profession -- 1933 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - A Lady Surrenders -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Lady Takes a Chance -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Lady to Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alag Alag -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alai (author) -- Tibetan author (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alaigal (film) -- 1973 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Alaigal Oivathillai -- 1981 film by P. Bharathiraja
Wikipedia - Alain Connes -- French mathematician (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Alain Nu -- American meantalist and personality (born1965)
Wikipedia - Alai Osai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alakal -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alakazam the Great -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alam Ara -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alamgir Hashmi -- Anglo-Pakistani poet (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Alamo Bay -- 1985 film directed by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - A Lamusi -- Chinese Olympic judoka (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Alana Evans -- American pornographic actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Alan Ayckbourn -- English playwright (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Alan Badel -- British stage and screen actor (1923-1982)
Wikipedia - Alan Boyson -- English muralist of post-war public art 1930 - 2018
Wikipedia - Alan Burke (director) -- Australian writer, film director and producer (1923-2007)
Wikipedia - Alan Clark (keyboardist) -- English musician (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Alan Clutton-Brock -- British art critic and essayist (1904-1976)
Wikipedia - Alan Colmes -- American broadcaster (1950-2017)
Wikipedia - Alan Cowman -- Australian medical researcher (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Alan F. Segal -- American academic and scholar of ancient religions (1945-2011)
Wikipedia - Alan Garcia -- President of Peru (1985-1990 and 2006-2011)
Wikipedia - Alangkar -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Alan G. Poindexter -- American test pilot and astronaut (1961-2012)
Wikipedia - Alan Hale Jr. -- American actor (1921-1990)
Wikipedia - Alan Kay -- American computer scientist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Alan Kirton -- New Zealand agricultural scientist (1933-2001)
Wikipedia - Alan Longmuir -- Scottish musician (1948-2018)
Wikipedia - Alan Marshall (Australian author) -- Australian writer (1902-1984)
Wikipedia - Alan M. Kriegsman -- American dance critic (1928-2012)
Wikipedia - Alan Moore -- English comic book author (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alan Pritsker -- American engineer (1933-2000)
Wikipedia - Alan Rawsthorne -- British composer (1905-1971)
Wikipedia - Alan Rodger, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry -- Scottish judge (1944-2011)
Wikipedia - Alan Shepard -- American astronaut (1923-1998)
Wikipedia - Alan Thicke -- Canadian actor, songwriter, and television host (1947-2016)
Wikipedia - Alan Turing (sculpture) -- 1988 sculpture of Alan Turing by Wayne Chabre, installed in the University of Oregon campus.
Wikipedia - Alan Watts -- British writer and lecturer (1915-1973)
Wikipedia - Alan West, Baron West of Spithead -- Retired Royal Navy admiral (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Alan William James Cousins -- (1903-2001) South African astronomer
Wikipedia - Alan Wood (Australian politician) -- Australian politician, 1927-2005
Wikipedia - Alapalooza: The Videos -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alarm (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Alarm (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Alarm at Midnight -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alarm at Station III -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Alarm Bells -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Alarm Call -- 1998 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Alarm Clock Andy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Alarm in Peking -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Alarm in the Circus -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Alas and Alack -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Airlines Flight 1866 -- 1971 fatal jet airliner crash
Wikipedia - Alaskan Knights -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Passage -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Statehood Act -- 1958 United States law
Wikipedia - Alaska Wilderness Lake -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition -- 1909 exposition in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Alas! Poor Yorick! -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Alastair Niven -- Literary scholar and author (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Alaverdoba (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Lawman Is Born -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Alayaron -- 1986 Bodo language film directed by Jwngdao Bodosa
Wikipedia - Alban Berg -- Austrian composer (1885-1935)
Wikipedia - Albanian Airlines -- Albanian international airline (1991-2011)
Wikipedia - Albanian Civil War -- 1997 unrest in Albania
Wikipedia - Albanian revolt of 1910 -- First of a series of major uprisings
Wikipedia - Alba Regia (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Albatros C.I -- 1910s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Albatros L 76 -- 1927 German reconnaissance aircraft
Wikipedia - Albatross expedition -- A Swedish oceanographic expedition in 1947 and 1948
Wikipedia - Albatros W.4 -- 1916 fighter floatplane by Albatros
Wikipedia - Albedo One -- Irish speculative fiction magazine (1993-)
Wikipedia - Albeli -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alberic Magnard -- French composer (1865-1914)
Wikipedia - Albert (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alberta Views -- regional magazine published in Alberta, Canada since 1997
Wikipedia - Albert Ayler -- American jazz saxophonist (1936-1970)
Wikipedia - Albert Baker (cricketer) -- British cricketer (1872-1948)
Wikipedia - Albert Bernhard Frank -- German biologist and botanist (1839-1900)
Wikipedia - Albert Bierstadt -- 19th-century German-American landscape painter
Wikipedia - Albert Bruce Jackson -- British dendrologist (1876-1947)
Wikipedia - Albert Butz -- Swiss businessman (1849-1904)
Wikipedia - Albert Campbell (dogsled racer) -- Canadian musher and trapper (1894-1961)
Wikipedia - Albert Cassell -- American architect (1895-1969)
Wikipedia - Albert Charles Smith -- American botanist (1906-1999)
Wikipedia - Albert Curtis Clark -- British classical scholar (1859-1937)
Wikipedia - Albert Etter -- American plant breeder (1872-1950)
Wikipedia - Albert Fairfax, 12th Lord Fairfax of Cameron -- British noble (1870-1939)
Wikipedia - Albert Flasher -- 1971 single by The Guess Who
Wikipedia - Albert Flynn -- British civil servant and author (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Albert Gillis von Baumhauer -- Dutch aviation pioneer (1891-1939)
Wikipedia - Albert Guille -- French opera singer 1854-1914
Wikipedia - Albert Hay Malotte -- American composer and keyboard player (1895-1964)
Wikipedia - Albert Herring -- 1947 opera by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Albertina Carri -- Argentinian film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Albertina Martinez Burgos -- Chilean photojournalist (1981-2019)
Wikipedia - Albert John Hesse -- (1895-1987) South African entomologist
Wikipedia - Albert Joseph Moore -- 19th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Albert Kawal -- American athlete and coach (1912-1990)
Wikipedia - Albert Ketelbey -- English composer and pianist (1875-1959)
Wikipedia - Albert L. Lehninger -- American biochemist (1917-1986)
Wikipedia - Albert N. Jorgensen -- 7th President of the University of Connecticut (1935-1962)
Wikipedia - Alberto Acereda -- Professor and business leader (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Alberto Fujimori -- President of Peru (1990-2000)
Wikipedia - Alberto Giacometti -- Swiss sculptor and painter (1901-1966)
Wikipedia - Alberto Leoncini Bartoli -- Italian diplomat (b. 1932)
Wikipedia - Alberto Maria de Agostini -- Italian explorer (1883 - 1960)
Wikipedia - Alberto Rigoni -- Italian composer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Alberto Rios -- American poet (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Alberto Terrile -- Italian photographer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Aata Hai? -- 2019 film by Soumitra Ranade
Wikipedia - Albert Plecy -- French journalist, painter, photographer and filmmaker, semiotician (1914-1977)
Wikipedia - Albert Poulain -- French chocolatier (1851-1937)
Wikipedia - Albert, Prince Consort -- Husband of Queen Victoria (1819-1861)
Wikipedia - Albert Ritchie -- American politician (1876-1936)
Wikipedia - Albert Schweitzer (film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Albert Schweitzer -- French-German physician, theologian, musician and philosopher (1875-1965)
Wikipedia - Albert Speer (born 1934) -- German architect and urban planner
Wikipedia - Albert Thellung -- Swiss botanist (1881-1928)
Wikipedia - Albert T. Morgan -- American politician (unknown-1922)
Wikipedia - Albert Waugh -- American economist and academic administrator at the University of Connecticut (1903-1985)
Wikipedia - Albert Wilhelm Anton Brandon-Cremer -- Actor and theatre company manager (b. 1871, d. 1959)
Wikipedia - Albert Willemetz -- French librettist (1887-1964)
Wikipedia - Albina Riot of 1967 -- 1967 race riot in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Albino Ballerina -- 1992 single by Sweet Jesus
Wikipedia - Albino (film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Albin Ouschan -- Austrian pool player, two time world champion, born August 1990
Wikipedia - Albion Viking VK -- Bus chassis manufactured by Albion between 1963 and 1980
Wikipedia - Albrecht Graf von Bernstorff (1890-1945) -- German politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Albrecht Hofmann -- German chemist (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Albuquerque (song) -- 1999 song performed by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Al Capone (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alcatraz Island (film) -- 1937 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Alcofrisbas, the Master Magician -- 1903 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Alcott Skei Gwentshe -- South African anti-Apartheid activist (d. 1966)
Wikipedia - Aldebaran (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Alder & Derryberry A -- American 1930s light sport aircraft
Wikipedia - Alder Hey organs scandal -- 1988-1995 unauthorised removal, retention, and disposal of human tissue at Alder Hay Children's Hospital, Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Aldous Huxley -- English writer and philosopher (1894-1963)
Wikipedia - Aldo Vera Serafin -- Cuban exile murdered in Puerto Rico in 1976
Wikipedia - Aldwych bus bombing -- 1996 IRA bomb in London
Wikipedia - A League of Their Own -- 1992 film by Penny Marshall
Wikipedia - Alec Beechman -- British politician (1896-1965)
Wikipedia - Alec Secareanu -- Romanian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alec Templeton -- British composer (1909/10-1963)
Wikipedia - Alega Gang: Public Enemy No.1 of Cebu -- 1988 film starring Ramon "Bong" Revilla and Robin Padilla
Wikipedia - A Legend of Montrose -- 1819 novel by Walter Scott
Wikipedia - Alegre ma non troppo -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Aleister Crowley -- English occultist (1875-1947)
Wikipedia - Alejandro Cercas -- Spanish politician (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Alejandro Finocchiaro -- Argentine politician (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Alejandro OrdoM-CM-1ez -- 19th century Spanish mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Aleksa M-EM- antic -- Poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina (1868-1924)
Wikipedia - Aleksander Krupa -- Polish actor (born 1947)
Wikipedia - AleksandM-CM-+r Moisiu -- Albanian born Austrian stage actor (1879-1935)
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Andreevna Antonova -- Russian Sami teacher, writer, poet, translator (1932- 2014)
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Troitskaya -- Russian microbiologist (1896-1979)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Bogomoev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Konovalov (politician, born 1968) -- Russian politician; Minister of Justice (2008-2020)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nosatov -- Russian admiral (b. 1963)
Wikipedia - Aleksey Dmitrievich Popov -- Russian actor and film director (1892-1961)
Wikipedia - Aleli -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alen BeM-EM-!ic -- Serbian writer (b. 1975)
Wikipedia - Alen Simonyan -- Armenian politician (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Alephonsion Deng -- South Sudanese author and speaker (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Alerion Express 19 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Alessandro Bianchi (politician, born 1945) -- Italian academic and politician
Wikipedia - Alessandro Bianchi (politician, born 1965) -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - A Lesson Before Dying (film) -- 1999 film by Joseph Sargent
Wikipedia - A Lesson from Aloes -- 1978 play by South African playwright Athol Fugard
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Al este del oeste -- 1984 film directed by Mariano Ozores
Wikipedia - Aletta Jacobs -- 19th and 20th-century Dutch physician and feminist
Wikipedia - A Letter for Evie -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Letter from Home (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Hindu -- Letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908
Wikipedia - A Letter to Elise -- 1992 single by The Cure
Wikipedia - A Letter to Freddy Buache -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to Three Wives -- 1949 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - A Letter to You -- 1984 single by Shakin' Stevens
Wikipedia - Alex & Amie -- 2019 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Alexander Aaronsohn -- Jewish author and activist (1888-1948)
Wikipedia - Alexander Bailey (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American educator, farmer, and postmaster.
Wikipedia - Alexander Bari -- Russian and American engineer and entrepreneur (1847-1913)
Wikipedia - Alexander Botkin -- 19th century American Democratic politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, last Treasurer of the Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Brown (mathematician) -- (1877 - 1948) Scottish Mathematician and educator in South Africa
Wikipedia - Alexander Buchan (mathematician) -- (1904 - 1976) Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexander Bullock -- 19th-century American politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Charles Garrett -- 19th and 20th-century Episcopal bishop and missionary
Wikipedia - Alexander Chayanov -- Soviet scholar (1888-1937)
Wikipedia - Alexander Contee Hanson -- American politician (1786-1819)
Wikipedia - Alexander Croft Shaw -- 19th-century Canadian Anglican missionary in Japan
Wikipedia - Alexander Dyce -- 19th-century literary editor and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander F. I. Forbes -- (1871- 1959) South African astronomer, architect and artist
Wikipedia - Alexander Flyabout D -- 1931 aircraft by Alexander Airplane Company
Wikipedia - Alexander G. Burgess -- (1872 - 1932) Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexander Glazunov -- Russian composer (1865-1936)
Wikipedia - Alexander Hamilton (film) -- 1931 American biographical film directed by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - Alexander III Commemorative (Faberge egg) -- 1909 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander III Equestrian (Faberge egg) -- 1910 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander I of Yugoslavia -- Prince regent of Kingdom of Serbia and later King of Yugoslavia 1921-34
Wikipedia - Alexander J. Dessler -- American astrophysicist (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Alexander Kellock Brown -- Scottish landscape painter (1849-1922)
Wikipedia - Alexander MacRobert (politician) -- Scottish lawyer and politician (1873-1930)
Wikipedia - Alexander Mar Thoma -- Indian bishop (1912-2000)
Wikipedia - Alexander Meiselman -- Russian writer and poet (1900-1938)
Wikipedia - Alexander Nevsky (film) -- 1938 film by Sergei Eisenstein
Wikipedia - Alexander Owens -- Irish barrister, High Court judge since 2019
Wikipedia - Alexander Palace (Faberge egg) -- 1908 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander Parkhomenko (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alexander Penn -- Israeli poet (1906-1972)
Wikipedia - Alexander Pope Field -- 19th century American politician, 6th Illinois Secretary of State, 21st Attorney General of Louisiana, 4th Secretary of Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Popov (film) -- 1949 film by Herbert Rappaport
Wikipedia - Alexander Roda Roda -- Austrian writer (1872-1945)
Wikipedia - Alexander Shulgin -- American medicinal chemist (1925-2014)
Wikipedia - Alexander Smith Cochran -- American manufacturer, sportsman, and philanthropist (1874-1929)
Wikipedia - Alexander's Ragtime Band -- 1911 song composed by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Alexander the Great (board game) -- 1971 wargame
Wikipedia - Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn -- 1977 television film directed by John Erman
Wikipedia - Alexander Vakhrameyev -- Russian painter (b. 1874, d. 1926)
Wikipedia - Alexander Viets Griswold -- 19th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Alexander Volkanovski -- Australian mixed martial arts fighter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Alexander Wetmore -- American ornithologist and avian paleontologist (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Alexander William Francis Banfield -- Canadian mammalogist and biologist (1918-1996)
Wikipedia - Alexandr Alexandrovich Fischer von Waldheim -- Russian botanist (1839-1920)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Nazarova (actress) -- Soviet actress (1940-2019)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Pelosi -- American journalist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Rozenman -- Russian-American artist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Silk -- American pornographic actress (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alexandre Beljame -- 18th/19th-century French writer
Wikipedia - Alexandre Douala Manga Bell -- French politician (1897 - 1966)
Wikipedia - Alexandre Franquet -- French naval officer (1828-1907)
Wikipedia - Alexandre NoM-CM-+l Charles Acloque -- French botanist (1871-1941)
Wikipedia - Alexandria... Why? -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Alexandru PM-CM-.nzari -- Moldovan politician (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Alex Barclay -- Irish crime fiction writer, former journalist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Alex Bavelas -- Psychosociologist (b. 1920)
Wikipedia - Alex Benoit -- American ice dancer (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Alex Brychta -- British illustrator (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Alex Chilton (song) -- 1987 single by the Replacements
Wikipedia - Alex Dixon (blues) -- American blues musician (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Alex Drum Hawkes -- British botanist (1927-1977)
Wikipedia - Alexei Barantsev -- Russian businessman (b. 1959)
Wikipedia - Alexei Kosygin -- Soviet politician (1904-1980)
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia -- Last heir apparent of the last imperial family of Russia (1904-1917)
Wikipedia - Alex Goyette -- American director, writer, producer, and actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Alex Holeh Ahavah -- 1986 film by Boaz Davidson
Wikipedia - Alex Honnold -- American rock climber (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Alex Hyndman -- British journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Alex in Wonderland -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Alexis Alford -- American YouTuber (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Alexis Bachelot -- 19th century French missionary Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alexis Carrel -- French surgeon and biologist (1873-1944)
Wikipedia - Alexis Fire -- American pornographic actress (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Alexis Stamatis -- Greek writer (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Alex Johnson (climber) -- American rock climber (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Alex La Guma -- South African novelist and politician (1925-1985)
Wikipedia - Alex Lowe -- American mountaineer (1958-1999)
Wikipedia - Alex Marshall (journalist) -- American journalist (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alex McAleer -- British mentalist (b. 1986)
Wikipedia - Alex Michaelides -- author and screenwriter (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Alex Milton -- English cricketer (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Alex Parks -- English singer-songwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alex Perry -- Australian fashion designer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alex Shigo -- American horticulturist (1930-2006)
Wikipedia - Alex the Astronaut -- Australian singer and songwriter (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Alex the Great -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alex Trebek -- Canadian-American television personality (1940-2020)
Wikipedia - ALFA 15/20 HP -- Italian car model made- 1914-1920
Wikipedia - Alfalfa's Double -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 430A -- Bus produced from 1949 to 1953 by Italian automotive manufacturer Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 900A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo from 1952 to 1956
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 902A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo between 1957 and 1959
Wikipedia - Alf, Bill and Fred -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Alfie (1966 film) -- 1966 film by Lewis Gilbert
Wikipedia - Alfie Kohn -- American author and lecturer (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Alfio Contini -- Italian cinematographer (1927-2020)
Wikipedia - Alfonso XII and Maria Cristina -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alfonso XIII -- King of Spain (1886-1941) (ruled 1886-1931)
Wikipedia - Alfons Zitterbacke -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Al Franken -- American comedian and politician (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Alfred Benzon (1855-1932) -- Danish businessman
Wikipedia - Alfred Butt -- British politician (1878-1962)
Wikipedia - Alfred Byrd Graf -- German-American botanist (1901-2001)
Wikipedia - Alfred Cellier -- 19th-century English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Alfred Chicken -- 1993 platform video game
Wikipedia - Alfred Dampier -- Australian actor (circa 1843-1908)
Wikipedia - Alfred Dieudonne -- 19th-century French actor
Wikipedia - Alfred Douglas Hardy -- Australian botanist (1870-1958)
Wikipedia - Alfred Dreyfus -- French artillery officer (1859-1935)
Wikipedia - Alfred Escher -- 19th-century Swiss politician and railroad entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Alfred F. Beiter -- American politician (1894-1974)
Wikipedia - Alfred Gercke -- German classical philologist (1860-1922)
Wikipedia - Alfred Gurdon Gulley -- American horticulturist and educator (1848-1917)
Wikipedia - Alfred Harding (bishop) -- 19th and 20th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985 TV series) -- American anthology series which started airing in 1985
Wikipedia - Alfred Jacob Miller -- 19th-century American painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Kinsey -- American scientist (1894-1956)
Wikipedia - Alfred L. Cary -- 19th century American lawyer and politician.
Wikipedia - Alfred Lee Loomis -- American attorney, investment banker, and scientist (1887-1975)
Wikipedia - Alfred Newman (composer) -- American composer (1901-1970)
Wikipedia - Alfredo, Alfredo -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Alfredo Cristiani -- Salvadoran politician, President of El Salvador from 1989 to 1994
Wikipedia - Alfredo Landa -- Spanish actor (1933-2013)
Wikipedia - Alfred Pippard -- British engineer (1891-1969)
Wikipedia - Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building -- Oklahoma, U.S., building bombed in 1995
Wikipedia - Alfred Rahlfs' edition of the Septuagint -- Edition of the Septuagint by Alfred Rahlfs published in 1935
Wikipedia - Alfred R. Conkling -- American lawyer (1850-1917)
Wikipedia - Alfred S. Alschuler -- American architect (1876 - 1940) in Chicago
Wikipedia - Alfred Schirokauer -- German novelist and screenwriter (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Alfred Sisley -- 19th-century French painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Tucker -- 19th and 20th-century English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Alfred von Ingelheim's Dramatic Life -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Alfred W. Pollard -- 19th/20th-century English author and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Alf's Button (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Alf's Button (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alf's Carpet -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - ALF: The First Adventure -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - ALF (video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Algerian Civil Concord referendum, 1999
Wikipedia - Algerian independence referendum, 1962
Wikipedia - Algerian War -- War between France and the Algerian independence movement from 1954 to 1962
Wikipedia - Algernon Freeman-Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale -- British diplomat, collector, and writer (1837-1916)
Wikipedia - Algiers (film) -- 1938 American drama film
Wikipedia - Algiers putsch of 1961
Wikipedia - Algie's Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Algol (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Al Heagy -- Chemist and lacross coach (1906-1990)
Wikipedia - Alhierd Baharevich -- Belarusian writer and translator (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Ali Abdolrezaei -- British-Iranian poet (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Ali Akbar Abdolrashidi -- Iranian journalist, translator and writer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Ali Al-Biladi -- 19th and 20th-century Bahraini cleric, historian, writer and poet
Wikipedia - Ali Aliyev (wrestler) -- Russian amateur wrestler (1937-1995)
Wikipedia - Alias Big Shot -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alias Billy the Kid -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Alias Boston Blackie -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alias Grace -- 1996 novel by Margaret Atwood
Wikipedia - Alias Jesse James -- 1959 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1920 film) -- 1920 American film
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Alias Julius Caesar -- 1922 film directed by Charles Ray
Wikipedia - Alias Ladyfingers -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Alias 'La Gringa' -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Brown -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Dow -- 1935 film by Kurt Neumann
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Flynn -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mike Moran -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Alias Miss Dodd -- 1920 film directed by Harry L. Franklin
Wikipedia - Alias Mrs. Jessop -- 1916 American silent comedy film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - Alias Nick Beal -- 1949 film by John Farrow
Wikipedia - Alias - the Bad Man -- 1931 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Alias the Deacon (1940 film) -- 1940 comedy film
Wikipedia - Alias the Deacon -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Alias the Doctor -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Alias the Lone Wolf -- 1927 mystery film
Wikipedia - Alias the Night Wind -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Ali Azam (politician, born 1972) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Ali Baba (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba 40 Dongalu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ali-Baba Bound -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba Bujang Lapok -- 1960 film by P. Ramlee
Wikipedia - Ali Baba Goes to Town -- 1937 film by David Butler
Wikipedia - Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum (1941 film) -- 1941 film by K. S. Mani
Wikipedia - Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum (1956 film) -- 1956 film by T. R. Sundaram
Wikipedia - Alibabayum 41 Kallanmaarum -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baqar Najafi -- | Pakistani justice (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alibi (1929 film) -- 1929 film by Roland West
Wikipedia - Alibi (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alibi (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alibi (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Alibi for Murder -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alibi Ike -- 1935 film by Ray Enright, Ring Lardner
Wikipedia - Ali Bu'ul -- 19th century Somali poet and military leader
Wikipedia - Alice (1982 film)
Wikipedia - Alice (1988 film) -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (1935 film) -- 1935 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (novel) -- 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Booth Tarkington
Wikipedia - Alice and the Mayor -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alice Birney -- American educator (1858-1907)
Wikipedia - Alice Bruce -- (1867-1951), UK educationist
Wikipedia - Alice Carter Cook -- American horticulturist and author (1868-1943)
Wikipedia - Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore -- 1974 film directed by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - Alice Gets Stung -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice Glaser -- American writer and magazine editor( 1928-1970)
Wikipedia - Alice Greenwood -- 19th/20th-century British historian, teacher, and writer
Wikipedia - Alice Hamilton -- 19th and 20th-century American physician and toxicologist
Wikipedia - Alice Harris (linguist) -- American linguist and caucasologist (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - Alice in the Cities -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alice in the Navy -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1903 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1915 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1949 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1951 film) -- 1951 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1962 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1966 TV play)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1976 film) -- 1976 pornographic musical film directed by Bud Townsend
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1981 film) -- Soviet animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 film) -- 1985 two-part film directed by Harry Harris
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1988 film) -- 1988 Australian 51-minute direct-to-video animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1999 film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alice K. Hartley -- American computer scientist (1937-2017)
Wikipedia - Alice Kuipers -- British writer (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Alice Larde de Venturino -- Salvadoran poet, scientist and composer (1895-1983)
Wikipedia - Alice Lucas (poet) -- British writer (1851-1935)
Wikipedia - Alice Maria Ottley -- American botanist (1882-1971)
Wikipedia - Alice McDermott -- American writer, novelist, essayist (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alice Meredith Williams -- British sculptor and painter, 1877-1934
Wikipedia - Alice Motion -- British chemist and science communicator (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alice Pestana -- Portuguese writer (1860 - 1929)
Wikipedia - Alice Piffer Canabrava -- Brazilian historian (1911-2003)
Wikipedia - Alice Rich Northrop -- American botanist (1864-1922)
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1910 film)
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972 film)
Wikipedia - Alice's Day at Sea -- 1924 Walt Disney short
Wikipedia - Alice Solves the Puzzle -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice's Orphan -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Alice's Spooky Adventure -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Alice, Sweet Alice -- 1976 film by Alfred Sole
Wikipedia - Alice's Wonderland -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Alice the Toreador -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice Through the Looking Glass (1987 film) -- 1987 animated film directed by Andrea Bresciani
Wikipedia - Alice through the Looking Glass (1998 film)
Wikipedia - Alice to Nowhere -- 1986 film by John Power
Wikipedia - Alice von Hildebrand -- Belgian philosopher (born 1923)
Wikipedia - Alice Wilson -- Canadian geologist and paleontologist (1881-1964)
Wikipedia - Alicia Boyle -- Irish painter (1908-1997)
Wikipedia - Alicia Elliott -- Tuscarora writer and editor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Alicia (film) -- 1974 film by Wim Verstappen
Wikipedia - Alicia Lourteig -- Argentine botanist (1913-2003)
Wikipedia - Alick Kalwihzi -- Zambian judoka (1960-)
Wikipedia - Alien (1984 video game) -- 1984 strategy/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Alien 2: On Earth -- 1980 Italian-British-American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Alien 3 -- 1992 American science-fiction horror film by David Fincher
Wikipedia - Alien 8 -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County -- 1998 television film
Wikipedia - Alien (Atlanta Rhythm Section song) -- 1981 single by Atlanta Rhythm Section
Wikipedia - Alien (film) -- 1979 science fiction horror film by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - Alien Intruder -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alien (Northlane album) -- 2019 album by Northlane
Wikipedia - Alien Resurrection -- 1997 American science-fiction film
Wikipedia - Aliens Control Act, 1973
Wikipedia - Aliens (film) -- 1986 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Aliens in the Wild, Wild West -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alien Souls -- 1916 lost silent film directed by Frank Reicher
Wikipedia - Alien Thunder -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ali Fadakar -- Iranian karateka (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Ali: Fear Eats the Soul -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Life at Stake -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Life for Do -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Life for the Taking -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Life Less Ordinary (song) -- 1997 single by Ash
Wikipedia - A Life of Her Own -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Life of Sundays -- 1990 song by The Waterboys
Wikipedia - Alif Laila -- Indian television series from 1993 to 2001
Wikipedia - Alif (TV series) -- 2019 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - A Light Woman -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ali in Wonderland -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Ali Khamenei -- Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989
Wikipedia - Ali Khan Mahmudabad -- Indian academic (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Aliki Brandenberg -- American author and illustrator (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Ali KM-CM-+lcyra -- Albanian politician and co-founder of the Balli KombM-CM-+tar (1891-1963)
Wikipedia - Ali Lohrasbi -- Iranian singer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Ali Modu Sheriff -- Nigerian politician (born 1956)
Wikipedia - A Limo for a Lame-O -- 1980 commentary by Al Franken on ''Saturday Night Live''
Wikipedia - Ali-Mohammad Khademi -- Iranian lieutenant general and business executive (b. 1913, d. 1978)
Wikipedia - Alina Plugaru -- Romanian pornographic actress (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Aline Charigot -- Wife and model of Auguste Renoir, 1859-1915
Wikipedia - Aline Chretien -- Canadian political spouse (1936-2020)
Wikipedia - Ali Nuhu -- Nigerian actor and director (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Ali of Hejaz -- King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca (1879-1935) (ruled 1924-1925)
Wikipedia - A Lion Is in the Streets -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Aliovsat Guliyev -- Azerbaijani historian (b. 1922, d. 1969)
Wikipedia - Ali Pasha Mubarak -- Egyptian education reformer in 19th century
Wikipedia - Ali Sahin (politician, born 1934) -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Alisarda -- Italian airline (1963-1991)
Wikipedia - Alison Balsom -- English trumpet player (b1978)
Wikipedia - Alison R. H. Narayan -- American chemist (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alison (song) -- 1977 song performed by Elvis Costello
Wikipedia - Alison Thornton -- Canadian-American actress (born 1999)
Wikipedia - Alistair Hicks -- Writer and art curator (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Alistair Milne -- British businessman (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Alita: Battle Angel -- 2019 film directed by Robert Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Ali, the Fighter -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Little Bit Alexis -- 2019 single by Annie Murphy
Wikipedia - A Little Bit More (Kym Sims song) -- 1992 song by Kym Sims
Wikipedia - A Little Bit More -- 1976 single by Dr. Hook
Wikipedia - A Little Bit of Fluff (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Little Bit of Luck -- 1999 single by DJ Luck & MC Neat
Wikipedia - A Little Bitty Tear -- 1961 single by Burl Ives
Wikipedia - A Little Boogie Woogie in the Back of My Mind -- 1977 single by Gary Glitter
Wikipedia - A Little Girl in a Big City -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Little Hero (film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Little Journey -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Little Less Conversation -- 1968 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - A Little Princess (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Little Princess -- 1905 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wikipedia - A Little Sex -- 1982 film by Bruce Paltrow
Wikipedia - A Little Sister of Everybody -- 1918 silent film by Robert Thornby
Wikipedia - A Little Something for Us Tempunauts -- 1975 short story by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - A Little Soul -- 1998 single by Pulp
Wikipedia - A Little Vicious -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Alive: 20 Years Later -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alive and Kicking (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alive and Kicking (song) -- 1985 single by Simple Minds
Wikipedia - Alive II Tour -- 1977-78 concert tour by Kiss
Wikipedia - Alive in the Deep -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Ali Velshi -- Canadian journalist (born c. 1968)
Wikipedia - Alive (Pearl Jam song) -- 1991 single by Pearl Jam
Wikipedia - Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors -- 1974 non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Alixa Naff -- American historian (1919-2013)
Wikipedia - Aliya Alla Magala Ganda -- 1997 film directed by Y. Yesudas
Wikipedia - Aliya bint Ali -- Queen consort of Iraq (1911-1950)
Wikipedia - Ali Zand -- Iranian karateka (born 1999)
Wikipedia - A Lizard in a Woman's Skin -- 1971 giallo film directed by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - Alizee Dufraisse -- French rock climber (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Al Jean -- American television writer and producer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Alka Kubal -- Indian actress (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Alkali Ike's Auto -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Alkitrang Dugo -- 1976 Filipino film
Wikipedia - Alkohol -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Al-Kompars -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - All 4 Love -- 1991 single by Color Me Badd
Wikipedia - All Aboard (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - All Aboard (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - All Aboard, We Are Off -- 1944 children picture book
Wikipedia - All About Eve -- 1950 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - All About Hash -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - All About Love (Joyce Sims album) -- 1989 studio album by Joyce Sims
Wikipedia - All About Loving -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All About My Mother -- 1999 film by Pedro Almodovar
Wikipedia - All About Yves -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el Rancho Grande -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el trapiche -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el tropico -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Allah Rakha (film) -- 1986 film by Ketan Desai
Wikipedia - Allah Verdi Mirza Farman Farmaian -- Qajar prince (born 1929)
Wikipedia - All American Chump -- 1936 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - All American (film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - All American High -- 1987 documentary directed by Keva Rosenfeld
Wikipedia - All American in Jazz -- 1962 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Allan Carlsson -- Swedish boxer (1910-1983)
Wikipedia - Allan Flanders -- British academic (1910-1973)
Wikipedia - Allan Hills 84001 -- Martian meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1984
Wikipedia - Allan MacLeod Cormack -- South African American physicist (1924-1998)
Wikipedia - Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold -- 1986 film by Gary Nelson
Wikipedia - Allan Shivers -- American politician (1907-1985)
Wikipedia - Allari Mogudu -- 1992 film by K. Raghavendra Rao
Wikipedia - All Around Frying Pan -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - All Around the Town -- 1948 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Allauddinum Albhutha Vilakkum -- 1999 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - All Because of the Dog -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - All Clues Lead to Berlin -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - All Creatures Great and Small (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - All Dat -- 2019 single by Moneybagg Yo featuring Megan Thee Stallion
Wikipedia - All Day and Night -- 2019 single by Europa and Madison Beer
Wikipedia - All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 -- 1996 American animated film
Wikipedia - All Dogs Go to Heaven -- 1989 animated film directed by Don Bluth
Wikipedia - All Dressed Up (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alleged assault of Jussie Smollett -- 2019 fabricated hate crime
Wikipedia - Allegheny Airlines Flight 485 -- 1971 aviation accident in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Allegheny Transportation Company -- 19th century American oil pipeline company
Wikipedia - Allegheny Uprising -- 1939 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Allegro barbaro (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Allegro Con Brio (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Allemaal naar Bed -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Allen Beville Ramsay -- English academic and Latin poet (1872-1955)
Wikipedia - Allene Talmey -- American columnist, film critic (1903-1986)
Wikipedia - Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer -- 1943 class of destroyers of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Allen Saunders -- American cartoonist, 1899-1986
Wikipedia - Allentown Jail -- 1963 single by The Lettermen
Wikipedia - Allen Webster M-bM-^@M-^\WebM-bM-^@M-^] Hawkins -- Newspaper editor (b. 1925, d. 2016)
Wikipedia - Allen Young (writer) -- American journalist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Allergic (song) -- 2019 single by Post Malone
Wikipedia - Alles Bob! -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alles Leben ist Kampf -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Alle tiders kupp -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Alley Cat (film) -- 1984 American action film
Wikipedia - Alleycat Rock: Female Boss -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Alleyway (video game) -- 1989 Breakout clone video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Allez Hopp -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Allez Oop -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - All Fall Down (1962 film) -- 1962 film by John Frankenheimer
Wikipedia - All Falling Down -- 1952 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - All for a Girl (1915 film) -- 1915 short film by Roy Applegate
Wikipedia - All for a Girl (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - All for Leyna -- 1980 single by Billy Joel
Wikipedia - All for Love (song) -- 1993 single by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting
Wikipedia - All for Mary -- 1955 film by Wendy Toye
Wikipedia - All for Money -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - All for Nothing / Nothing for All -- 1997 compilation album by the Replacements
Wikipedia - All for Peggy -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - All for Science -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - All for Us -- 2019 single by Labrinth
Wikipedia - All God's Children (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Sylvia Rhue
Wikipedia - All Hands on Deck (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All I Am (Lynsey de Paul and Susan Sheridan song) -- 1980 song performed by Lynsey de Paul
Wikipedia - Alliance for Labor Action -- An American and Canadian national trade union center from 1968 to 1972
Wikipedia - Alliance Francaise French Film Festival -- 2019 alliance french film festival brisbane program
Wikipedia - All I Ask of You -- 1986 single by Sarah Brightman and Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Alli Darbar -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Allied invasion of Sicily -- 1943 military campaign of World War II on the island of Sicily, Italy
Wikipedia - Alli (film) -- 1964 film by S. S. Rajendran
Wikipedia - Alligator (film) -- 1980 film by Lewis Teague
Wikipedia - Alligator (novel) -- 1962 parody novel
Wikipedia - All I Have to Do Is Dream -- 1958 jangle pop single performed by the Everly Brothers, written and composed by Boudleaux Bryant
Wikipedia - All I Have to Give -- 1998 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - All in a Night's Work (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All in a Nutshell -- 1949 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - All I Need (Air song) -- 1998 single by Air
Wikipedia - All I Need Is a Miracle -- 1986 single by Mike + The Mechanics
Wikipedia - All I Need (Jack Wagner song) -- 1984 single by Jack Wagner
Wikipedia - All I Need (Jesse Powell song) -- 1996 single by Jesse Powell
Wikipedia - All In (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - All in Good Taste -- 1983 film by Anthony Kramreither
Wikipedia - All in Love Is Fair (album) -- 1974 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - All in My Family -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - All in One (film) -- 1938 short film
Wikipedia - All in the Family (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alli Petra Pillai -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - All I Really Want (Alanis Morissette song) -- 1996 single by Alanis Morissette
Wikipedia - All I Really Want (Kim Lukas song) -- 1999 single by Kim Lukas
Wikipedia - All Is at Stake -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - All Is Found -- 2019 song by Evan Rachel Wood
Wikipedia - All Is Full of Love -- 1999 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Allison Holker -- American dancer (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Allison Krause -- Student killed at Kent State University in 1970
Wikipedia - Allison Road -- 1994 single by Gin Blossoms
Wikipedia - Allison Vest -- Canadian rock climber (born 1995)
Wikipedia - All Is Possible in Granada (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - All I Wanna Do (1998 film) -- 1998 Canadian-American comedy film by Sarah Kernochan
Wikipedia - All I Want for Christmas Is You -- 1994 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - All I Want Is You (911 song) -- 1998 single by 911
Wikipedia - All I Want (Toad the Wet Sprocket song) -- 1992 single by Toad the Wet Sprocket
Wikipedia - All Ladies Do It -- 1992 film by Tinto Brass
Wikipedia - All Lies (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - All Men Are Brothers (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - All Men Are Enemies -- 1934 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - All Men Are Liars (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - All Mixed Up (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - All Monsters Attack -- 1969 film by IshirM-EM-^M Honda
Wikipedia - All My Babies -- 1953 film by George C. Stoney
Wikipedia - All My Compatriots -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - All My Friends Part 2 -- 1982 Italian film by Mario Monicelli
Wikipedia - All My Life (K-Ci & JoJo song) -- 1998 single by K-Ci & JoJo
Wikipedia - All My Loving (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - All-Negro Comics -- 1947 American comic book
Wikipedia - All Night (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All Night Long (1962 film) -- 1962 film by Basil Dearden
Wikipedia - All Night Long (1981 film) -- 1981 film directed by Jean-Claude Tramont
Wikipedia - All Night Long (All Night) -- 1983 Lionel Richie single from the album Can't Slow Down
Wikipedia - All Night Long (Joe Walsh song) -- 1980 single by Joe Walsh
Wikipedia - All Night Long (Rainbow song) -- 1980 single by Rainbow
Wikipedia - All-Night Vigil (Rachmaninoff) -- 1915 a cappella choral composition by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Wikipedia - All Nippon Airways Flight 58 -- 1971 mid-air collision over Japan
Wikipedia - All n My Grill -- 1999 single by Missy Elliott, Big Boi, Nicole Wray
Wikipedia - All Nothing -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - All Nudity Shall Be Punished -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - All-of-a-Kind Family -- 1951 children's book by Sydney Taylor
Wikipedia - All of a Sudden Norma -- 1919 film directed by Howard Hickman
Wikipedia - All of a Sudden Peggy -- 1920 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - All of Me (1934 film) -- 1934 drama film by James Flood
Wikipedia - All of Me (1984 film) -- 1984 American film by Carl Reiner
Wikipedia - All on Account of the Milk -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Allos gia to ekatommyrio -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All Out (2019) -- 2019 All Elite Wrestling event
Wikipedia - All Out of Love -- 1980 Air Supply song
Wikipedia - All Over Me (film) -- 1997 film by Alex Sichel
Wikipedia - All Over the World (Electric Light Orchestra song) -- 1980 single by Electric Light Orchestra
Wikipedia - All Over Town -- 1937 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - Allpakallpa -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - AllrakM-CM-$raste syster (film) -- 1988 Swedish film directed by Goran Carmback
Wikipedia - All Roads Lead Home (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - All Roads Lead to Calvary (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Screwed Up -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - All's Fair at the Fair -- 1938 film by Dave Fleischer
Wikipedia - All's Fair -- American television series 1976-1977
Wikipedia - All Shook Down -- 1990 album by the Replacements
Wikipedia - All Sorts and Conditions of Men -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Souls' Day (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - All Soul's Eve -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Souls (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - All Star (song) -- 1999 single by Smash Mouth
Wikipedia - All Strung Out Over You -- 1966 song by The Chambers Brothers
Wikipedia - All That Glitters (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - All That Jazz (film) -- 1979 film directed by Bob Fosse
Wikipedia - All That Matters (play) -- 1911 play by Charles McEvoy
Wikipedia - All That Really Matters -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - All That She Wants -- 1992 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - All That Swagger -- 1936 book by Miles Franklin
Wikipedia - All the Brothers Were Valiant (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - All the Colors of the Dark -- 1972 film by Sergio Martino
Wikipedia - All the Fault of Paradise -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - All the Fine Young Cannibals -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - All the Freckles in the World -- 2019 Mexican film directed by Yibran Asuad
Wikipedia - All the Gold in the World -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All the Good Girls Go to Hell -- 2019 single by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - All the King's Horses (film) -- 1935 film by Frank Tuttle
Wikipedia - All the King's Men (1949 film)
Wikipedia - All the King's Men -- 1946 novel by Robert Penn Warren
Wikipedia - All the Love in the World (album) -- 1974 album by Mac Davis
Wikipedia - All the President's Men (film) -- 1976 film by Alan J. Pakula
Wikipedia - All the Right Moves (film) -- 1983 US sports drama film by Michael Chapman
Wikipedia - All the Right Noises -- 1971 film by Gerry O'Hara
Wikipedia - All the Sad World Needs -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All These Small Moments -- 2019 film directed by Melissa Miller Costanzo
Wikipedia - All These Women -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All the Sins of the Earth -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - All the Small Things -- 1999 single by Blink-182
Wikipedia - All the Things You Are -- Original show tune composed by Jerome Kern, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II; from the 1939 musical "Very Warm for May"
Wikipedia - All the Things (Your Man Won't Do) -- 1996 single by Joe
Wikipedia - All the Way Up -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - All the Winners -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - All the World's a Stooge -- 1941 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - All the World to Nothing -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All the Young Dudes -- 1972 glam rock single by Mott the Hoople, written by David Bowie
Wikipedia - All the Young Men -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - All Things Fair -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - All This, and Heaven Too -- 1940 film by Anatole Litvak
Wikipedia - All This and Rabbit Stew -- 1941 Bugs Bunny cartoon
Wikipedia - All This and World War II -- 1976 film by Susan Winslow
Wikipedia - All This Is That -- 1972 song by the Beach Boys
Wikipedia - All Through the Night (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - All Together (1942 film) -- 1942 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - All Together Now -- 1969 song by The Beatles
Wikipedia - Alludugaaru Vachcharu -- 1999 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Allu Ramalingaiah -- Indian actor (1922-2004)
Wikipedia - Allu Ramendran -- 2019 Indian Malayalam-language film
Wikipedia - Allures (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alluri Seetarama Raju (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - All Woman (film) -- 1918 film by Hobart Henley
Wikipedia - All Wrong (film) -- 1919 film by Raymond B. West
Wikipedia - All You Need Is Cash -- 1978 television film
Wikipedia - All You Need to Know -- 2019 song by Gryffin
Wikipedia - Alma en pena -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alma Gould Dale -- 19th and 20th-century Canadian Quaker minister
Wikipedia - Alma May Waterman -- American botanist (1893-1977)
Wikipedia - Almanac of Fall -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Al Martino -- American actor and singer (1927-2009)
Wikipedia - Alma Selimovic -- Queer human rights activist (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Almenrausch and Edelweiss (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Almenrausch and Edelweiss (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - ALM Flight 980 -- Aviation accident in the Caribbean Sea on 2 May 1970
Wikipedia - Almirante Latorre-class battleship -- Two dreadnoughts built for Chile starting in 1911
Wikipedia - Almost a Divorce -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Gentleman (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Oswald Mitchell
Wikipedia - Almost a Gentleman (1939 film) -- 1939 film directed by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - Almost a Honeymoon (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Husband -- 1919 film by Clarence G. Badger
Wikipedia - Almost a Lady -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Almost an Actress -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Almost Angels -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Rescue -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Wild Man -- 1913 film by Dell Henderson
Wikipedia - Almost Doesn't Count -- 1999 single by Brandy
Wikipedia - Almost Family -- 2019 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Almost Hear You Sigh -- 1990 song by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Almost Human (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Frank John Urson
Wikipedia - Almost Human (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Almost Lost -- 1996 book by Beatrice Sparks
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Charles Swickard
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Almost Summer -- 1978 film by Martin Davidson
Wikipedia - Almost You -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Al-Mughamara -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Almut Gitter Jones -- German-American botanist (1923-2013)
Wikipedia - Al-Nour -- Lebanese pro-Hezbollah radio station established in 1988
Wikipedia - Alocao -- 2019 song by Omar Montes & Bad Gyal
Wikipedia - A Lodge in the Wilderness -- 1906 quasi-novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Aloha (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite -- 1973 film by Marty Pasetta
Wikipedia - Alois EliaM-EM-! -- Czechoslovak general and politician (1890-1942)
Wikipedia - Alois Mertes -- German politician (1921-1985)
Wikipedia - Alois Rainer (politician, born 1965) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Aloma of the South Seas (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Aloma of the South Seas (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - AloM-CM-/se Corbaz -- Swiss artist (1886-1964)
Wikipedia - AloM-CM-/se (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alone (1931 French film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alone Across the Pacific -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Alone Against Rome -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Alone (Chisato Moritaka song) -- 1988 song by Chisato Moritaka
Wikipedia - Alone in the Jungle -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Alone Too Long (song) -- 1975 single by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Along Came Auntie -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Along Came Love -- 1936 film by Bert Lytell
Wikipedia - Along Came Ruth -- 1924 film by Edward F. Cline
Wikipedia - Along Came Youth -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Long December -- 1996 single by Counting Crows
Wikipedia - A Long Journey -- 1967 film by Patricio Kaulen
Wikipedia - Along the Great Divide -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Along the Oregon Trail -- 1947 film by R. G. Springsteen
Wikipedia - Along the Red Ledge -- 1978 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Along the Rio Grande -- 1941 film by Edward Killy
Wikipedia - Along These Lines (film) -- 1974 Canadian film
Wikipedia - Along the Sundown Trail -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Long Way from Nowhere -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Long Way Home (1981 film)
Wikipedia - Alootook Ipellie -- Inuk graphic artist, political and satirical cartoonist, writer, and photographer (1951-2007)
Wikipedia - Alor Michil -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Lost Lady (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - A Lost Lady (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Alfred E. Green, Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Lost Leader -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Lost Life -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Love, A Thief, A Department Store -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Lovely Way to Die -- 1968 film by David Lowell Rich
Wikipedia - A Lover in Pawn -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Oath -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Return -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Love Song for Latasha -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Love Sublime -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Lowland Cinderella -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Aloys Lenz (politician, born 1910) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Alpha 1 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1970 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alpha 2 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1971 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 3 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1972 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 4 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1973 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 5 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1974 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 6 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1976 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 7 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1977 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 8 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1978 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alphabet City (film) -- 1984 film by Amos Poe
Wikipedia - Alphabet of Fear -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alphee Saint-Amand -- Mayor of Quebec, Canada (1903-1983)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Chigot -- French artist known for painting (1824-1917)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Jette -- Canadian ice hockey defenceman (1887 - 1944)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Milne-Edwards -- Anglo-French zoologist (1835-1900)
Wikipedia - Alphonse W. Salomone Jr. -- Canadian-American hotelier (1919-1993)
Wikipedia - Alphons Timmerman -- Belgian spy for Nazi Germany (1904-1942)
Wikipedia - Alpina B10 Bi-Turbo -- High performance executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1989–1994
Wikipedia - Alpina B12 -- High performance automobiles manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1988–2001
Wikipedia - Alpine Antics (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alpine Antics -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Alpine Fire -- 1985 Swiss drama film
Wikipedia - Alpine Glow in Dirndlrock -- 1974 film by Sigi Rothemund
Wikipedia - Alpine Racer 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Alpine skiing at the 1972 Winter Olympics -- 1972 edition of the ski jumping competitions during the Olympic Winter Games
Wikipedia - Alpine Tragedy -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Al Posen -- American cartoonist, 1894-1960
Wikipedia - Al Qadisiyya -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Al-Qahir -- 19th Abbasid Caliph
Wikipedia - Alraune (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Alraune, die Henkerstochter, genannt die rote Hanne -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Al Reinert -- American film director (1947-2018)
Wikipedia - Al-RidaM-JM-< al-AbyaM-aM-8M-^M -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alright (Cast song) -- 1995 single by Cast
Wikipedia - Alright (Janet Jackson song) -- 1990 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Alright (Supergrass song) -- 1995 single by Supergrass
Wikipedia - Al Scaduto -- American cartoonist, 1928-2007
Wikipedia - Al Schwimmer -- Israeli aerospace engineer and businessman (1917-2011)
Wikipedia - Al-Shams Fi Yawam Gha'em -- 1986 film directed by Muhammad Shahin
Wikipedia - Als in een Roes -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Al Smith (cartoonist) -- American cartoonist, 1902-1986
Wikipedia - Al son del mambo -- 1950 film by Chano Urueta
Wikipedia - Also People -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alsos Mission -- United States military operation of 1943-1945 to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II
Wikipedia - Altair 8800 -- Microcomputer designed in 1974
Wikipedia - Altamont Free Concert -- 1969 music festival in northern California
Wikipedia - Altars of Desire -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Alt dette og Island med -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Altered Beast -- 1988 beat 'em up arcade game
Wikipedia - Altered Space -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Altered States -- 1980 science-fiction horror film by Ken Russell
Wikipedia - Alternative Girlfriend -- 1994 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Alternative law in Ireland prior to 1921 -- Legal systems used by Irish nationalist organizations
Wikipedia - Althaara -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Althea Gyles -- Gyles, Margaret Alethea [known as Althea Gyles] (1867-1949), artist and poet
Wikipedia - Altid ballade -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Alto Parana (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Altus Lacy Quaintance -- American naturalist (1870-1958)
Wikipedia - Alucita xanthozona (Clarke, 1986) -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita xanthozona (Diakonoff, 1954) -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - A Lucky Man -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Lucky Strike -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Lucky Sweep -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Lume Spento -- 1908 self-published poetry collection by Ezra Pound
Wikipedia - Alun Michael -- Welsh politician (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Alvah Augustus Eaton -- U.S. botanist (1865-1908)
Wikipedia - Alvan Graham Clark -- 19th-century American astronomer
Wikipedia - Alvan S. Harper -- American photographer, 1847-1911
Wikipedia - Alvar Aalto -- Finnish architect and designer (1898-1976)
Wikipedia - Al Vermeer -- American cartoonist, 1911-1980
Wikipedia - Alvin Anthons -- Malaysian entertainer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Alvin M. Johnston -- American test pilot (1914-1998)
Wikipedia - Alvin Purple -- 1972 Australian film directed by Tim Burstall
Wikipedia - Alvin Rides Again -- 1974 film by Robin Copping, David Bilcock
Wikipedia - Alvorada (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Always (1989 film) -- 1989 romantic drama film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Always a Bride -- 1940 film by Noel M. Smith
Wikipedia - Always, Always -- 1969 Portner Wagoner and Dolly Parton album
Wikipedia - Always & Forever (film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Always a New Beginning -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Always Audacious -- 1920 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - Always Be My Baby -- 1996 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Always Be My Maybe (2019 film) -- 2019 romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Always Be True and Faithful -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Always (Bon Jovi song) -- 1994 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Always Breaking My Heart -- 1996 single by Belinda Carlisle
Wikipedia - Always (Erasure song) -- 1994 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Always Faithful -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Always for Pleasure -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Always Further On -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Always Goodbye (1931 film) -- 1931 film by Kenneth MacKenna
Wikipedia - Always Goodbye (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Sidney Lanfield
Wikipedia - Always Guaranteed -- 1987 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Always Have, Always Will (Ace of Base song) -- 1998 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - Always in My Heart (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Always in Trouble -- 1938 film by Joseph Santley
Wikipedia - Always Kickin' -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Always Leave Them Laughing -- 1949 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life -- 1979 song from Monty Python's Life of Brian
Wikipedia - Always on Duty -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Always on the Run -- 1991 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Always Tell Your Wife -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Always the Woman -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Always Trouble with the Teachers -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Al Wilson (pilot) -- American film actor, producer, and stunt pilot (1895-1932)
Wikipedia - Alwin Berger -- German botanist (1871-1931)
Wikipedia - Alwin der Letzte -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alyam, Alyam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Alyas Pusa: Ang Taong May 13 Buhay -- 1988 Filipino film starring Ramon Revilla
Wikipedia - Alyonka -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alyosha's Love -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alyoshenka -- Putative premature baby corpse found in Russia in 1996
Wikipedia - Al-ZaylaM-JM-=i -- 19th-century Somali Islamic jurist
Wikipedia - A.M. 180 -- 1998 single by Grandaddy
Wikipedia - AM-919
Wikipedia - Am Abend -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Amada Bata -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Madea Family Funeral -- 2019 American comedy film directed by Tyler Perry
Wikipedia - Amadeus (film) -- 1984 film by MiloM-EM-! Forman
Wikipedia - Amadeus (play) -- 1979 stage play
Wikipedia - A Mad Idea -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Amado Carrillo Fuentes -- Mexican drug lord (1956-1997)
Wikipedia - Amador Aguiar -- Brazilian banker (1904-1991)
Wikipedia - Amadou Toumani Toure -- Malian soldier and politician (1948-2020)
Wikipedia - Ama Girls -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Maid of the Silver Sea (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Maid to Order -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Amalananda Ghosh -- Indian archaeologist (1910-1981)
Wikipedia - Amalgamation of Winnipeg -- Merger of the City of Winnipeg with other municipalities in 1972
Wikipedia - Amal Hamadeh -- Comedian (b. 1976, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Amalia (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Amalia Puga de Losada -- Peruvian writer (1866-1963)
Wikipedia - Amalio Reyes, un hombre -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amalric Walter -- French glass artist specializing in pM-CM-"te de verre (1870-1959)
Wikipedia - A Man About Town -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Man Alone (film) -- 1955 film by Ray Milland
Wikipedia - A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Man and a Woman -- 1966 film by Claude Lelouch
Wikipedia - A Man and His Money -- 1919 film directed by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - Amanat Ali (singer) -- Pakistani singer (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Man, a Woman, and a Bank -- 1979 film by Noel Black
Wikipedia - A Man Betrayed (1936 film) -- 1936 American film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - A Man Betrayed (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Man Called Horse (film) -- 1970 film by Elliot Silverstein
Wikipedia - A Man Called Peter -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - A Man Called Sledge -- 1970 film by Vic Morrow, Giorgio Gentili
Wikipedia - Amanda Cassatt -- American journalist and entrepreneur (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Amanda Fallon -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Amanda Marcotte -- American blogger (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Amanda Nunes -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Amanda Palmer -- American musician and songwriter (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Amanda Renteria -- American politicall aide (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Amandine Savary -- French pianist (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Amandote a la Italiana -- 1985 compilation album by Luis Miguel
Wikipedia - A Man for All Seasons (1966 film) -- 1966 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - A Man for My Wife -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Man Four-Square -- 1926 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - A Man from Wyoming -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Amangeldy Muraliyev -- Kyrgyz politician (born 1947)
Wikipedia - A Manhattan Knight -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Man in Love (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A Man Like Maximilian -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - A ManM-bM-^@M-2s World -- 1971 film directed by Yasuharu Hasebe
Wikipedia - A Man Must Live -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Action (film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Iron -- 1925 silent film
Wikipedia - A Man of Mayfair -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Means -- 1991 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse and C.H. Bovill
Wikipedia - A Man of Principle -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Quality -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Sentiment -- 1933 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - A Man of Sorrow -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Straw -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Man on the Beach -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Aman Raj -- Indian golfer (1995-)
Wikipedia - A Man's Affair -- 1949 film by Jay Lewis
Wikipedia - A Man's Country -- 1919 film by Henry Kolker
Wikipedia - A Man's Fight -- 1919 film by Thomas N. Heffron
Wikipedia - A Man's Game -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Land -- 1932 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Man's Man (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Mate -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Neck (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Past -- 1927 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Man's Prerogative -- 1915 silent film by George Nichols
Wikipedia - A Man's Shadow -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Man's World (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film directed by Herbert Blache
Wikipedia - A Man's World (1942 film) -- 1942 film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - A Man to Remember -- 1938 film by Garson Kanin
Wikipedia - Amanush -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Man Was Going Down the Road -- 1973 book by Otar Tschiladse
Wikipedia - A Man with Heart -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Man with Principles? -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Ama Qamata -- South African actress (born circa 1998)
Wikipedia - Amar (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Nagashekar
Wikipedia - Amara Deepam (1956 film) -- 1956 film by T. Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Amar Akbar Anthony -- 1977 Indian Hindi film by Manmohan Desai
Wikipedia - Amaran (film) -- 1992 film directed by K. Rajeshwar
Wikipedia - Amaranta Kun -- Peruvian actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Amarashilpi Jakanachari (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Amar Bakshi -- Artist (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Amar Bhoopali -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Amardeep (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amar Deep (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Amarillo by Morning (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Amarillo by Morning (song) -- 1973 country-western song written by Terry Stanford and made famous by George Strait
Wikipedia - Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley -- 1918 film directed by Marshall Neilan
Wikipedia - Amarjeet Kaur (politician) -- Indian politician (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Amarjit Chandan -- Punjabi poet (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Amar Jyoti -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Amarkalam -- 1999 film directed by Saran
Wikipedia - Amar Kantak -- 1986 film by Sukhen Das
Wikipedia - A Marked Man -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Amar Lenin -- 1970 film by Ritwik Ghatak
Wikipedia - Amarna Miller -- Spanish YouTuber (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Amarnath (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amar Rahe Yeh Pyar -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Married Couple -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Amar Sangi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amar Shakti -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amarsham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amar Sindhu -- Pakistani writer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Amar Sonar Bangla -- 1905 poem by Rabindranath Tagore and national anthem of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Amar Suhagin -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Marvada Carne -- 1985 film directed by Andre Klotzel
Wikipedia - A Master of Craft -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Amateur (1994 film) -- 1994 film by Hal Hartley
Wikipedia - Amateur Crook -- 1937 film by Sam Katzman
Wikipedia - Amateur Daddy -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Mathematician's Apology -- 1940 essay by British mathematician G. H. Hardy
Wikipedia - A Matter of Dignity -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Earnestness -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Life and Death (film) -- 1946 film by Emeric Pressburger and Michael Powell
Wikipedia - A Matter of Morals -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Time (Deshpande novel) -- 1996 novel by Shashi Deshpande
Wikipedia - A Matter of Trust -- 1986 single by Billy Joel
Wikipedia - Amavas -- 2019 Bollywood horror film
Wikipedia - A Maze of Death -- 1970 novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Amazing (Aerosmith song) -- 1993 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Amazing Grace (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amazing Grace and Chuck -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amazing Spring -- 2019 Malaysian Cantonese-language comedy film
Wikipedia - Amazing Stories (1985 TV series) -- American anthology television series
Wikipedia - Amazon (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Amazon (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Amazons (1986 film) -- 1986 Argentine film directed by Alejandro Sessa
Wikipedia - Amazons of Rome -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Amazon Symphony -- 1954 film directed by Anelio Latini Filho
Wikipedia - Amazon Women on the Moon -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ambada Njaane! -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ambadi Thannilorunni -- 1986 film directed by Alleppey Ranganath
Wikipedia - Amba (film) -- 1990 film directed by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Ambalapravu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ambassador Bill -- 1931 film by Sam Taylor
Wikipedia - Ambassador Hotel (Los Angeles) -- US hotel in Los Angeles, CA (1921-2005)
Wikipedia - Ambassadors of Music -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Amber Gambler -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amber Marshall -- Canadian actress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Ambikapathy (1937 film)
Wikipedia - Ambikapathy (1957 film)
Wikipedia - Ambika Sharan Singh -- Indian government minister (1922-1977)
Wikipedia - Ambili Ammavan (film) -- 1986 film directed by KG Vijayakumar
Wikipedia - Ambili (film) -- 2019 film directed by Johnpaul George
Wikipedia - Ambition (1916 film) -- 1916 film by James Vincent
Wikipedia - Amblin' -- 1968 film by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Amboy (ship) -- Wooden schooner-barge wrecked in the Mataafa Storm of 1905
Wikipedia - Ambroise Noumazalaye -- Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo (1933-2007)
Wikipedia - Ambrose Barker -- 19th-century British political activist
Wikipedia - Ambush (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Kurt Neumann
Wikipedia - Ambush (1988 film) -- 1988 Filipino film starring Ronnie Ricketts
Wikipedia - Ambush at Cimarron Pass -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ambush at Iga Pass -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ambushed (1998 film) -- 1998 film by Ernest Dickerson
Wikipedia - Ambush in Leopard Street -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ambush Valley -- 1936 film by Bernard B. Ray
Wikipedia - A M-CM-^Arvore dos Sexos -- 1977 film by Silvio de Abreu
Wikipedia - Amco -- American car produced from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Ame Badha -- 1935 Gujarati humorous novel by Dhansukhlal Mehta and Jyotindra Dave
Wikipedia - Amedee Bollee -- French bellfounder and inventor (1844-1917)
Wikipedia - Ameer Aadmi Gharib Aadmi -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Amelia and the Angel -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amelia Lopes O'Neill -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Amelie or The Time to Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_iyan (magazine) -- Ottoman magazine (1908-1909)
Wikipedia - A Memory Called Empire -- 2019 novel by Arkady Martine
Wikipedia - A menesgazda -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ameno (song) -- 1996 song performed by Era
Wikipedia - America (1924 film) -- 1924 film by D. W. Griffith
Wikipedia - America 3000 -- 1986 film directed by David Engelbach
Wikipedia - America Abbayi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - America as Seen by a Frenchman -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - America Ferrera -- American actress (born 1984)
Wikipedia - America First Party (1943) -- American political party founded in 1943
Wikipedia - America Goes Over -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Americana (1992 TV series) -- 1992 documentary series by [[Jonathan Ross]]
Wikipedia - Americana (film) -- 1983 film directed by David Carradine
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 1420 -- June 1999 runway overrun and crash in Arkansas, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 191 -- May 1979 plane crash in Chicago, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 320 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 514 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 63 (Flagship Missouri) -- October 1943 plane crash in Tennessee, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 965 -- December 1995 plane crash in western Colombia
Wikipedia - American Anthem -- 1986 film by Albert Magnoli
Wikipedia - American Antiquities Act of 1906
Wikipedia - American Aristocracy -- 1916 comedy-drama film by Lloyd Ingraham
Wikipedia - American Arts Commemorative Series medallions -- Gold bullion medallions minted 1980-1984
Wikipedia - American Beauty (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - American Beauty (1999 film) -- 1999 film directed by Sam Mendes
Wikipedia - American Beauty (album) -- 1970 studio album by Grateful Dead
Wikipedia - American Boy: A Profile of Steven Prince -- 1978 film by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - American Boy (Eddie Rabbitt song) -- 1990 single by Eddie Rabbitt
Wikipedia - American Capitalism -- 1952 book by John Kenneth Galbraith
Wikipedia - American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation -- 1986 computer game
Wikipedia - American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - American Collectors (Fred and Marcia Weisman) -- 1968 painting by David Hockney
Wikipedia - American Eagle Flight 4184 -- October 1994 plane crash in Indiana, US
Wikipedia - American Eagle Flight 5456 -- Accident in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico on June 7, 1992
Wikipedia - American Empire (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - American Enterprise Institute -- American conservative think tank founded in 1938
Wikipedia - American Equal Rights Association -- US 19th-century suffrage organization
Wikipedia - American Exit -- 2019 American drama thriller film
Wikipedia - American Factory -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - American Flyers -- 1985 American sports drama film
Wikipedia - American frontier -- Undeveloped territory of the United States, c. 1607-1912
Wikipedia - American Gigolo -- 1980 crime drama film by Paul Schrader
Wikipedia - American Girls (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (1989 TV series) -- Television program
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - American Graffiti -- 1973 US film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - American Heart (film) -- 1992 film by Martin Bell
Wikipedia - American History X -- 1998 drama film directed by Tony Kaye
Wikipedia - American Horror Story: 1984 -- Ninth season of American Horror Story
Wikipedia - American Hot Wax -- 1978 film by Floyd Mutrux
Wikipedia - American Juvenile Electric -- Electric automobile for children made in 1907
Wikipedia - American Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - American Madness -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - American Manners -- 1924 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - American Matchmaker -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - American Me -- 1992 film directed by Edward James Olmos
Wikipedia - American Motor Car Company -- Indianapolis, IN, automobile manufacturer, active 1906-1913
Wikipedia - American Music Awards of 2019
Wikipedia - American National Exhibition -- 1959 exhibition in Moscow
Wikipedia - American Ninja 2: The Confrontation -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - American Ninja -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - American Pastoral -- 1997 Book by Philip Roth
Wikipedia - American Peace Mobilization -- 1940-unknown, aka. National Committee to Win the Peace
Wikipedia - American Pimp -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - American Pluck -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - American Pop -- 1981 film by Ralph Bakshi
Wikipedia - American Pride (album) -- 1992 album by the American band, Alabama
Wikipedia - American proletarian poetry movement -- political poetry movement in the US-1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - American Psycho -- 1991 novel by Bret Easton Ellis
Wikipedia - American Shoeshine -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Americans in Europe -- 1963 live jazz albums
Wikipedia - American Skin (film) -- 2019 film directed by Nate Parker
Wikipedia - American Son (2019 film) -- Drama film
Wikipedia - American Stories: Food, Family and Philosophy -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Wikipedia - American - That's All -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - American Theater Hall of Fame -- Hall of Fame in New York City founded in 1972
Wikipedia - American Tune -- 1973 single by Paul Simon
Wikipedia - American Typewriter -- Slab serif typeface created in 1974
Wikipedia - American Underslung -- Innovative automobile of 1905-1914 made in Indianapolis
Wikipedia - American Woman Suffrage Association -- US 19th-century suffrage organization
Wikipedia - America's Answer -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - America's Ethan Allen -- 1950 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Americas in Transition -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - America the Beautiful (Disney film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Americathon -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - America Tropical: Oprimida y Destrozada por los Imperialismos -- 1932 mural by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Wikipedia - America, Why I Love Her -- 1973 spoken word album by John Wayne
Wikipedia - Amerika (miniseries) -- 1987 American television serial
Wikipedia - A Mero Hajur 3 -- 2019 Nepalese film directed by Jharana Thapa
Wikipedia - A Mesmerian Experiment -- 1905 film
Wikipedia - Ame (song) -- 1990 song by Chisato Moritaka
Wikipedia - A Message from Mars (1921 film) -- 1921 film directed by Maxwell Karger
Wikipedia - Amhara Region coup d'etat attempt -- 2019 assassinations and attempted coup in an Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Amhi Doghe Raja Rani -- 1986 film directed by Kamlakar Torne
Wikipedia - AMI-193
Wikipedia - Ami Ami -- 1985 single by Sandra Kim
Wikipedia - Am I Beautiful? -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Amicii URSS -- 1934 Romanian cultural organisation
Wikipedia - Amici miei - Atto III -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Amico (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Midnight Bell -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Midnight Romance -- 1919 film directed by Lois Weber
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1909 film) -- 1909 American film directed by Charles Kent and J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William Dieterle and Max Reinhardt
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968 film) -- 1968 film by Peter Hall
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1969 film)
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Michael Hoffman
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (ballet) -- 1962 ballet by George Balanchine
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy -- 1982 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - AMI Entertainment Network -- Jukebox and music video company (e. 1909)
Wikipedia - Amiga 1000 -- 1985 personal computer
Wikipedia - Amigo de nadie -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Amigomio -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Amigos para La Aventura -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amii Stewart -- American singer, dancer and actress, most famous for her 1979 hit "Knock on Wood"
Wikipedia - A Million a Minute -- 1916 film by John W. Noble
Wikipedia - A Million Bid -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Million Love Songs -- 1992 single by Take That
Wikipedia - A Million to Burn -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Million to One (film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Amin al-Hafiz -- Syrian politician and army general (1921-2009)
Wikipedia - Amina Tailors -- 1991 film directed by Sajan
Wikipedia - A Mind to Murder -- 1963 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Miner's Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Amin Maher -- Iranian artist and filmmaker (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Amir Banoo Karimi -- Iranian academic (born 1931)
Wikipedia - Amir Dawud -- Singer and writer (b. 1977, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Amir Garib -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amiruddin Ahmad -- Bengali politician and Governor of East Pakistan (1955-56)
Wikipedia - A Misappropriated Turkey -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amish Devgan -- Indian Journalist and television news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Amish Paradise -- 1996 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begam (Novel) -- 1960 novel by Sree Parabat
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begam -- 1973 film directed by Sushil Mukhopadhyay
Wikipedia - A Misplaced Foot -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Mission for Mr. Dodd -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Missouri Outlaw -- 1941 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - Amistad (film) -- 1997 historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - A Misunderstood Boy -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amit Bhadana -- Indian YouTuber, born 1994
Wikipedia - Amit Bhatt -- Indian television actor (born 1972)
Wikipedia - A. Mitchell Palmer -- 19th and 20th-century American politician
Wikipedia - Am I the Same Girl -- 1969 single by Barbara Acklin
Wikipedia - Amit Kumar (Bangladeshi cricketer) -- Bangladeshi cricketer, b. 1988
Wikipedia - Amit Sana -- Indian singer (Born 1983)
Wikipedia - Amityville: It's About Time -- 1992 American supernatural horror film
Wikipedia - A Mixup for Mazie -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Mix Up in Hearts -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Mix-Up in Pedigrees -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amjad Khan (actor) -- Indian actor (1940-1992)
Wikipedia - Amjad Nasser -- Jordanian writer (1955-2019)
Wikipedia - Amma (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Jiten
Wikipedia - Ammaa Ki Boli -- 2019 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Amma Ariyan -- 1986 film by John Abraham
Wikipedia - Amma Enge -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ammaiyappan (film) -- 1954 film by A. Bhimsingh
Wikipedia - Amman Kovil Kizhakale -- 1986 film by R. Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Ammayane Sathyam -- 1993 film by Balachandra Menon
Wikipedia - Ammayenna Sthree -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ammayi Pelli -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amme Bhagavathi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ammon Hennacy -- American Christian pacifist, anarchist and social activist (1893-1970)
Wikipedia - Ammonia Avenue -- 1984 album by The Alan Parsons Project
Wikipedia - Ammu Joseph -- Indian journalist (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - Ammuvinte Aattinkutty -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amnesia (1994 film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Amnesty (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Casanova -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Cinderella -- 1917 film by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - A Modern Dubarry -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Hero -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Marriage -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Musketeer -- 1917 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Modern Salome -- 1920 film by Leonce Perret
Wikipedia - A Modern Thelma -- 1916 film by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - A Modest Hero -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Mohawk's Way -- 1910 short film by D.W. Griffith
Wikipedia - Amok (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Amoklauf -- 1994 film by Uwe Boll
Wikipedia - Amok (novella) -- 1922 novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - Among Grey Stones -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Among the Irish Fisher Folk -- 1911 film by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - Among the Living (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Stuart Heisler
Wikipedia - Among the Mourners -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Among the Ruins -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Among Those Present -- 1921 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - Among Vultures -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Among Wolves -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Month by the Lake -- 1995 film by John Irvin
Wikipedia - A Month in the Country (film) -- 1987 film by Pat O'Connor
Wikipedia - A Moonlight Serenade -- 1903 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Amor a la Mexicana (song) -- 1997 single by Thalia
Wikipedia - Amor de otoM-CM-1o -- 1996 film directed by Jose Conrado Castelli
Wikipedia - Amor de Perdicao (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amore amaro -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amore libero - Free Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amor (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Amori miei -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amorina (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Amori pericolosi -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Mormon Maid -- 1917 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Amorosa (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Mai Zetterling
Wikipedia - Amor prohibido (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amor Prohibido -- 1994 studio album by Selena
Wikipedia - Amor se dice cantando -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Morte Comanda o Cangaco -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Amor Towles -- American novelist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Amor y sexo -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Amos Fortune, Free Man -- 1950 novel by Elizabeth Yates
Wikipedia - A Moslem -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Most Immoral Lady -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Atonement -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1939 film) -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Secret -- 1918 American drama film directed by Douglas Gerrard
Wikipedia - Amour (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amourous Adventure -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Amparo MuM-CM-1oz -- Spanish actress and model, Miss Universe 1974 winner
Wikipedia - Ampera Cabinet -- Indonesian Cabinet between July 1966 and October 1967
Wikipedia - Amphibious Fighters -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Amphitryon (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Amrapali (film) -- 1966 film by Lekh Tandon
Wikipedia - Amrita (Gujarati novel) -- 1965 Gujarati novel by Raghuveer Chaudhari
Wikipedia - Amrit (film) -- 1986 film by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Amrit Kaur -- Indian politician (1889-1964)
Wikipedia - Amritsar 1919 -- Book by Kim A. Wagner (2019)
Wikipedia - Amrutha Chumbanam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Amrutham Gamaya -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amsterdamned -- 1988 Dutch horror film by Dick Maas
Wikipedia - Amsterdamse Joffers -- Group of 19th century Dutch women artists
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Vice -- 2019 Dutch film
Wikipedia - Amstrad CPC 464 -- 1984 home computer
Wikipedia - Amstrad -- 1968-2010 British electronics company
Wikipedia - Amudhavalli -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Amundsen (film) -- Norwegian movie from 2019
Wikipedia - A Murder Is Announced -- 1950 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Murder of Quality -- 1962 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - A Murderous Girl -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Musical Monologue -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Musical War of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Amy (1981 film) -- 1981 American family drama film by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Amy-Eloise Markovc -- English long-distance runner (b. 1995)
Wikipedia - Amy Hill -- American character actress (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Amy Ignatow -- American cartoonist, illustrator and writer (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Amy Keating Rogers -- American screenwriter (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Amy Lalonde -- Canadian actress (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Amy Linker -- American actress (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Amy Mack -- Australian journalist, writer and editor (1876-1939)
Wikipedia - Amy Sherald -- American portrait painter (1973 - )
Wikipedia - Amy Siskind -- American activist and writer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Amy Voce -- English radio broadcaster (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ana Botin -- Spanish businesswoman, banker (born 1960)
Wikipedia - An Acceptable Time -- 1989 book by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - An account of Nepenthes in New Guinea -- 1991 article by Jebb
Wikipedia - An Ache in Every Stake -- 1941 short film directed by Del Lord
Wikipedia - Anaconda (film) -- 1997 film directed by Luis Llosa
Wikipedia - An Act of Murder -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - An Actress -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - An Act to amend the Criminal Code (peremptory challenges) -- A 2019 act of the Canadian Parliament
Wikipedia - An Act to extend the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 for 10 years -- US law
Wikipedia - Anadhai Anandhan -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anadha -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure in Hearts -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure in the Autumn Woods -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure of Salvator Rosa -- 1939 film by Alessandro Blasetti
Wikipedia - An Adventurous Automobile Trip -- 1905 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - An Aerial Joyride -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ana Fernandez (actress, born 1963) -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - An Affair of Honor -- 1901 silent film
Wikipedia - An Affair of the Follies -- 1927 film by Millard Webb
Wikipedia - An Affair to Die For -- 2019 film directed by Victor Garcia
Wikipedia - An Affair to Remember -- 1957 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Anagarika Dharmapala -- Sri Lankan Buddhist revivalist and writer (1864-1933)
Wikipedia - An Age of Kings -- 1960 British TV series
Wikipedia - Ana GradiM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian pool player, bown October 1996.
Wikipedia - Anahuac (automobile) -- Short-lived United States automobile styled after a contemporary Polish car and manufactured in 1922 in Indianapolis by the Frontenac Motor Corporation Intended for the export market
Wikipedia - Anak ni Palaris -- 1955 Filipino film directed by Mario Barri
Wikipedia - Anak Perawan di Sarang Penjamun -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn -- 1997 American mockumentary film
Wikipedia - An All Dogs Christmas Carol -- 1998 animated film
Wikipedia - An Alligator Named Daisy -- 1955 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - An Almost Perfect Affair -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Analyze This -- 1999 film by Harold Ramis
Wikipedia - Analyzing Marx -- 1984 book by Richard W. Miller
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Micu -- Artist (b. 1979)
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Shua -- Argentine writer (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Anamaria Vartolomei -- Actress (b. 1999)
Wikipedia - Ana Mariscal -- Spanish actress, director, screenwriter, and producer (1923-1995)
Wikipedia - An Amateur Devil -- 1920 film by Maurice Campbell
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s de Bassanville -- 19th-century French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - A Name for Evil -- 1973 film by Bernard Girard
Wikipedia - An American ABC -- 1941 Picture book
Wikipedia - An American Christmas Carol -- 1979 film directed by Eric Till
Wikipedia - An American Citizen -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An American Girl Story - Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas -- 2016 film by Valerie Weiss
Wikipedia - An American in Buenos Aires -- 1961 Argentine romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - An American in Paris (film) -- 1951 film by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - An American in Toledo -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - An American Romance -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - An American Tail -- 1986 animated film directed by Don Bluth
Wikipedia - An American Tragedy (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - An American Werewolf in Paris -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Anand (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Anand (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ananda Aradhanai -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anandha Kanneer -- 1980 film by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - An Angel at My Table -- 1990 film by Jane Campion
Wikipedia - An Angel from Texas -- 1940 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - An Angel on Wheels -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - An Anglo-American Alliance -- 1906 lesbian science fiction novel
Wikipedia - An Annapolis Story -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Anantana Avantara -- 1989 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - Anantaram -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ananthasayanam (1942 film) -- 1942 film by K. Subramanyam
Wikipedia - An Anthology of Chance Operations -- 1963 American artist's book
Wikipedia - Ana Pauker -- Romanian politician (1893-1960)
Wikipedia - An Arabian Knight -- 1920 film by Charles Swickard
Wikipedia - Anarbala -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Eltzbacher book) -- 1900 book by Paul Eltzbacher
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Miller book) -- 1984 book-length survey of anarchism
Wikipedia - Anarchism or Socialism? -- 1906/1907 work by Joseph Stalin
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Ritter book) -- 1981 book
Wikipedia - Anarchist insurrection of Alt Llobregat -- 1932 Catalonian strike
Wikipedia - Anarchy, State, and Utopia -- 1974 book by Robert Nozick
Wikipedia - Anari (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anari (1993 film) -- 1993 film by K. Murali Mohana Rao
Wikipedia - Ana Rich -- Serbian singer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Anari -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anarkali (1955 film) -- 1955 film by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - An Artist of Life -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ana Shalikashvili -- Georgian painter (b. 1919, d. 2004)
Wikipedia - Ana's Song (Open Fire) -- 1999 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Anastasia (1956 film) -- 1956 American historical drama film directed by Anatole Litvak
Wikipedia - Anastasia (1997 film)
Wikipedia - Anastasia (soundtrack) -- Soundtrack for the 1997 Fox Animation Studios film Anastasia
Wikipedia - Anastasia, the False Czar's Daughter -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna -- 1986 TV film directed by Marvin J. Chomsky
Wikipedia - Anastasija Grigorjeva -- Latvian freestyle wrestler (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anasuyamma Gari Alludu -- 1986 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Ana Terra -- 1971 film directed by Durval Gomes Garcia
Wikipedia - Anatole and the Cat -- 1958 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Anatole France -- French author and journalist (1844-1924)
Wikipedia - Anatole Kaletsky -- British economist and journalist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Liberman -- Russian-born American linguist and etymologist, 1937-
Wikipedia - Anatoly Nikolayevich Davidovich -- Decorated Azerbaijani soldier deceased in 1992
Wikipedia - Anatoly Petrov (animator) -- russian animator and director (1937-2010)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Smiranin -- Russian actor (1892-1971)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Volin -- The Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR in 1948 - 1957
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Francoise -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Jean-Marc -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Murder -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Psycho -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anatopia -- 1990s protest occupation in northwest Germany
Wikipedia - A Natural History of the Senses -- 1990 book by Diane Ackerman
Wikipedia - An Australian by Marriage -- 1923 film by Raymond Longford
Wikipedia - An Autumn Afternoon -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - An Autumn's Tale -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ana Voog -- American blogger and musician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - An Awful Moment -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Anbe Aaruyire (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anbe Vaa -- 1966 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Anbu Engey -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anbu Karangal -- 1965 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Anbukku Naan Adimai -- 1980 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Anbulla Appa -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anbulla Malare -- 1984 Tamil Indian feature film
Wikipedia - Anbulla Rajinikanth -- 1984 film by K. Natraj
Wikipedia - Anbu Magan -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anbu Thangai -- 1974 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Ancestors (Renee Rosnes album) -- 1996 album by Renee Rosnes
Wikipedia - Anchor Button (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anchoress (film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Anchors Aweigh (film) -- 1945 film by George Sidney
Wikipedia - Ancient Chinese Whorehouse -- 1994 film by Kai Ming Lai
Wikipedia - Ancient Evenings -- 1983 novel by Norman Mailer
Wikipedia - Ancient God of Evil -- 1995 studio album by Unanimated
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Act 1931 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 -- Law in the UK
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act 1913 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Preservation Act 1904 -- Act in British India
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1900 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1910 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - An Claidheamh Soluis -- Irish-speaking weekly newspaper from 1899 to 1931
Wikipedia - Andadu Aagadu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - And a Little Child Shall Lead Them -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Andaman Ammayi -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Andaman Kadhali -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Andaru Dongale -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Andata e ritorno -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Andaz (1971 film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Andaz Apna Apna -- 1994 Indian Hindi language comedy film
Wikipedia - And Berry Came Too -- 1936 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - And death shall have no dominion -- 1933 poem by Dylan Thomas
Wikipedia - Anders Eriksson (ice hockey, born 1985) -- Swedish professional ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Anders G. Aldrin -- American artist (1889-1970)
Wikipedia - Anders Zorn -- 19th and 20th-century Swedish painter and engraver
Wikipedia - An der Via Egnatia - Historisches und Heutiges uber Stadt und Messe -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - An der Zeitmauer -- 1959 book by Ernst Junger
Wikipedia - And Five Were Foolish -- 1924 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - And God Said to Cain -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - And God Smiled at Me -- 1972 film by Mar S. Torres
Wikipedia - Andha Naal -- 1954 film by Sundaram Balachander
Wikipedia - Andha Oru Nimidam -- 1985 film by Major Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Andharangam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Andhare Alo (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Andhera -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein -- 1986 film by Dada Kondke
Wikipedia - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going -- 1982 single by Jennifer Holliday
Wikipedia - Andi Farid Izdihar -- Indonesian motorcycle racer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - And If We Should Meet Again -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Andile Mbanjwa -- South African goalkeeper (born 1998)
Wikipedia - And Love Has Vanished -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - And No Birds Sing -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - And Now My Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - And On and On -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - And One Was Beautiful -- 1940 film directed by Robert B. Sinclair
Wikipedia - Andon Zlatarev -- Bulgarian Revolutionary(1872-1902)
Wikipedia - Andover tornado outbreak -- April 1991 tornado outbreak
Wikipedia - And Quiet Flows the Don (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - And Quiet Flows the Don (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Andras Pandy -- Belgian murderer (1927 - 2013)
Wikipedia - AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System -- US Strategic Forces system to communication with ballistic missiles in use from 1963-1991
Wikipedia - Andrea Cabral -- American lawyer (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Andrea Camilleri -- Italian writer (1925-2019)
Wikipedia - Andre, a Cara e a Coragem -- 1971 film directed by Xavier de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Andrea Coscelli -- British economist and businessman (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Andrea Crespo (writer) -- Ecuadorian writer, born 1983
Wikipedia - Andrea Crisanti -- Italian production designer and art director (1936-2012)
Wikipedia - Andrea Hah -- Australian rock climber (born c.1985)
Wikipedia - Andrea Luka Zimmerman -- Filmmaker and activist (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Andre and Ursula -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Andrea Prat -- Italian economist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Andrea Radrizzani -- Italian businessman (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Andreas Hofer (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Andreas Paul Weber -- German lithographer , draftsman and painter (1893-1980)
Wikipedia - Andreas Schluter (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Andreas Voss (botanist) -- German botanist and horticulturist (1857-1924)
Wikipedia - Andre Birleanu -- Russian model (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Andre Cornelis (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Andre Cornelis (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Andrei Bely -- Russian poet, writer and critic (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Andrei Rublev (film) -- 1966 film by Andrei Tarkovsky
Wikipedia - Andre Kertesz -- Hungarian photographer (1894 - 1985)
Wikipedia - Andre Knevel -- Canadian concert organist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Andre Morell -- British actor (1909-1978)
Wikipedia - Andres Barbero -- Paraguayan botanist (1877-1951)
Wikipedia - Andres Saliquet -- Spanish military personnel (1877-1959)
Wikipedia - Andre Surmain -- Restaurateur (b. 1920, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Andretti Racing -- 1996 racing video game
Wikipedia - Andreu Capdevila i Puig -- Spanish trade unionist (1894-1987)
Wikipedia - Andrew Bergman -- American film director and screenwriter (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Carrick Gow -- British artist (1848-1920)
Wikipedia - Andrew C. Love -- NBC Radio executive, director, producer, in Hollywood, from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Andrew Devane -- Irish architect (1917-2000)
Wikipedia - Andrew Firestone -- American TV reality show personality (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Andrew Forsyth -- 19th and 20th-century British mathematician
Wikipedia - Andrew Grant (writer) -- British writer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Andrew H. J. Wang -- Taiwanese biochemist (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Houston -- Irish writer (1850-1920)
Wikipedia - Andrew Jackson Zilker -- American politician and philanthropist (1858 - 1934)
Wikipedia - Andrew Klavan -- American novelist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Andrew Law (artist) -- British painter (1873-1967)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lownie -- British biographer and literary agent (b1961)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Jr. -- Politician and Attorney General from NSW, Australia (1873-1933)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Sr. -- Politician from NSW, Australia (1832-1906)
Wikipedia - Andrew Martin (novelist) -- British writer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mattison -- American medical psychologist (1948-2005)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mazzei -- British art director (1887-1975)
Wikipedia - Andrew McMillan (poet) -- English poet (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mukooza -- Ugandan military officer (1944-1979)
Wikipedia - Andrew Pearson (director) -- British filmmaker, actor and producer born 1971
Wikipedia - Andrew Road triple murders -- 1983 high-profile triple murder case in Singapore
Wikipedia - Andrew Roe -- British Army officer (fl. 1992- )
Wikipedia - Andrew Sachs -- British actor (1930-2016)
Wikipedia - Andrew Solomon -- American writer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Andrew Young (mathematician) -- (1891-1968) Scottish mathematician, natural scientist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Andrey Adamovskiy -- Businessman (b. 1962)
Wikipedia - Andrey Andreyevich Andreyev -- Soviet politician (1895-1971)
Wikipedia - Andrian Candu -- Moldovan politician (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Andrija Artukovic -- Convicted World War II war criminal (1899-1988)
Wikipedia - Andrina (film) -- 1981 television play
Wikipedia - Android (film) -- 1982 science fiction film directed by Aaron Lipstadt
Wikipedia - Android Nim -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Andry Rajoelina -- President of Madagascar (2009-2014; 2019-present)
Wikipedia - Andrzej Bryl -- Polish martial artist (b. 1957)
Wikipedia - And Satan Calls the Turns -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - And She Was -- 1985 single by Talking Heads
Wikipedia - And So Is Love -- 1994 Kate Bush Single
Wikipedia - And Soon the Darkness -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - And So They Were Married -- 1936 film directed by Elliott Nugent
Wikipedia - And So to Bath -- 1940 novel by Cecil Roberts
Wikipedia - And Sudden Death -- 1936 American film by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - And That on Monday Morning -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - And the Band Played On -- 1987 book by Randy Shilts
Wikipedia - And the Big Men Fly -- 1963 Australian play by Alan Hopgood
Wikipedia - And the Birds Rained Down -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave -- 1971 Spanish film directed by Juan Bosch
Wikipedia - And the Devil is Their Third Accomplice -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - And the Heavens Above Us -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None -- 1939 mystery novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - And Then We Danced -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - And the Plains Are Gleaming -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - And the Pursuit of Happiness -- 1986 film by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - And the Same to You -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - And This Is My Beloved -- Song from the 1953 musical Kismet
Wikipedia - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street -- 1937 children's book by Dr. Seuss
Wikipedia - Andwella -- Northern Irish psychedelic rock band formed in 1968
Wikipedia - And Who Is Kissing Me? -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - And Women Shall Weep -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Andy Barker (philanthropist) -- American theme town founder (1924-2011)
Wikipedia - And Yet Luck Came -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - And Yet They Paused -- 1938 one-act play by Georgia Douglas Johnson
Wikipedia - Andy Frost (hammer thrower) -- British athlete (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Comes Home -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever -- 1939 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Meets Debutante -- 1940 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy's Double Life -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy's Private Secretary -- 1941 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Andy Mangels -- American science fiction writer (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Andy Nicholson -- English musician, DJ and producer (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Andy Nicolas -- Greek singer-songwriter (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Andy Nisbet -- Scottish mountaineer (1953-2019)
Wikipedia - And Your Bird Can Sing -- 1966 Beatles song
Wikipedia - Andy Riley -- British TV screenwriter, cartoonist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Andy Warhol's Pork -- 1971 stage play by Andy Warhol
Wikipedia - Andy Weir -- American novelist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - A Nearly Decent Girl -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - An Eastern Westerner -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - An Easy Girl -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Aneesh Vidyashankar -- Indian violinist (born 1991)
Wikipedia - An Elastic Affair -- 1930 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - An Elephant on His Hands -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Anemic Cinema -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - An Enemy of Men -- 1925 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - An Englishman in Moscow -- 1914 painting
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Castle -- 1978 British television series
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Home -- 1940 film by Albert de Courville
Wikipedia - An Essay on Liberation -- 1969 book by Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - An Essay on Marxian Economics -- 1942 book by Joan Robinson
Wikipedia - An Essay on Matisse -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Anesthesia (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Nest Unfeathered -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe -- 1970 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - An Evening Visit -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - An Evening with Elton John -- 1999 Elton John concert tour
Wikipedia - An Everyday Story -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A New Day (song) -- 1984 single by Killing Jake
Wikipedia - A New England -- 1984 single by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - A New Leaf (film) -- 1971 film directed by Elaine May
Wikipedia - A New System of Domestic Cookery -- 19th century British cookbook
Wikipedia - An Examined Life -- 2019 book by Karan Singh
Wikipedia - An Expensive Visit -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - An Experiment with Time -- 1927 book by J. W. Dunne
Wikipedia - An Eye for an Eye (1981 film) -- 1981 film by Steve Carver
Wikipedia - An Eye for a Tooth -- 1943 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - ANF Les Mureaux 160T -- 1932 design French touring monoplane
Wikipedia - Angaaray (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Rajesh Sethi
Wikipedia - Angadikkappurathu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angakkuri -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angan Ke Par Dwar -- 1961 Hindi poetry collection by Agyeya
Wikipedia - Angara (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angarey -- 1932 Urdu short story collection
Wikipedia - Angathattu -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ang Cheng Hock -- Singaporean judge (b. 1970)
Wikipedia - Ang Daigdig Ko'y Ikaw -- 1965 Filipino film directed by Efren Reyes Sr.
Wikipedia - Angel (1937 film) -- 1937 comedy-drama film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - Angel (1966 film)
Wikipedia - Angel (1982 Greek film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Angel (1984 film) -- 1984 American crime/sexploitation film directed by Tom DeSimone
Wikipedia - Angel (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Angel (1999 TV series) -- American television series (1999-2004)
Wikipedia - Angela (1978 film) -- 1978 film by Boris Sagal
Wikipedia - Angela Clayton -- Transgender rights activists and physicist (1959 - 2014)
Wikipedia - Angela Manalang-Gloria -- Filipino writer (1907-1995)
Wikipedia - Angel and Big Joe -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Angela Paton -- American actor, stage actor and television actor (1930-2016)
Wikipedia - Angel (Aretha Franklin song) -- 1973 single by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Angela Thirkell -- British and Australian novelist (1890-1961)
Wikipedia - Angel Baby (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Paul Wendkos
Wikipedia - Angele (film) -- 1934 French film by Marcel Pagnol
Wikipedia - Angeles (band) -- American rock band from Los Angeles, United States, formed in 1977 by Dale Lytle
Wikipedia - Angel Esquire (novel) -- 1908 crime mystery novel
Wikipedia - Angel Esquire -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Angel Express -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Angel Eyes (The Jeff Healey Band song) -- 1989 single by The Jeff Healey Band
Wikipedia - Angel Face (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Otto Preminger
Wikipedia - Angelfist -- 1993 film by Cirio H. Santiago
Wikipedia - Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground -- 1981 single by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Angel from Montgomery -- 1971 John Prine song
Wikipedia - Angel Guts: Red Classroom (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angel Has Fallen -- 2019 American action film directed by Ric Roman Waugh
Wikipedia - Angel Heart -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Angelica Kauffman -- 18th/19th-century Swiss Neoclassical painter
Wikipedia - Angelica Panganiban -- Filipino actress and comedian (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Angel III: The Final Chapter -- 1988 film by Tom DeSimone
Wikipedia - Angelina Stepanova -- Soviet actor (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Angel in a Taxi -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Angelina Valentijn -- 18/19th century Indigenous Indonesian woman, who, born a slave amassed a large colonial fortune
Wikipedia - Angeline Flor Pua -- Miss Universe Belgium 2019, beauty pageant titleholder, Belgian-Filipino model
Wikipedia - Angel in Exile -- 1948 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Angel in My Pocket -- 1969 film by Alan Rafkin
Wikipedia - Angel in Separee -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Angel in the Wings -- Broadway musical revue 1947-1948
Wikipedia - Angelique, Marquise des Anges -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Angelique Morgan -- American pornographic actress (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Angeli senza paradiso -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angelitos negros (1948 film) -- 1948 film by Joselito Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Angelitos negros (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angel (Jon Secada song) -- 1993 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Angel (Madonna song) -- 1985 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Angel of H.E.A.T. -- 1983 film by Myrl A. Schreibman
Wikipedia - Angel of Mercy (1993 film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Angel of Mine (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Angel of Mine -- 1997 single by Eternal
Wikipedia - Angelo My Love -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Angel on My Shoulder (film) -- 1946 film directed by Archie Mayo
Wikipedia - Angels (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Angels' Alley -- 1948 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Angel's Dance -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Angel's Holiday -- 1937 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Angels in America -- 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Tony Kushner
Wikipedia - Angels in the Outfield (1951 film) -- 1951 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Angels of Darkness -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Angels of Iron -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Angels of the Street -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Angels Over Broadway -- 1940 film by Ben Hecht, Lee Garmes
Wikipedia - Angels Revenge -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angels (Robbie Williams song) -- 1997 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Angels with Broken Wings -- 1941 film by Bernard Vorhaus
Wikipedia - Angels with Dirty Faces -- 1938 American gangster film
Wikipedia - Angel (Tina Cousins song) -- 1997 single by Tina Cousins
Wikipedia - Angel Unchained -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angel with the Sword -- 1985 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Anger Management (mixtape) -- 2019 mixtape by Rico Nasty and Kenny Beats
Wikipedia - Angidi Chettiar -- Mauritian politician (1928 - 2010)
Wikipedia - Angie (1993 film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Angie Thomas -- American author (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Angi Vera -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Angkor: Cambodia Express -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Angkor: Heart of an Asian Empire -- 1989 book by Bruno Dagens
Wikipedia - Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission -- Organisation created in 1969
Wikipedia - Anglo-Egyptian Sudan -- Joint British and Egyptian rule between 1899-1956
Wikipedia - Anglo-Irish Treaty -- 1921 agreement between the United Kingdom government and Irish republican leaders which ended the Irish War of Independence
Wikipedia - Anglo-Metis -- 19th century community of the Metis people of Canada
Wikipedia - Ang.: Lone -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anglo-Ottoman Convention of 1913 -- Agreement between the Ottoman Empire and the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Anglo-Persian Oil Company -- English energy company founded in 1908
Wikipedia - Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907
Wikipedia - Anglo-Russian Convention -- 1907 treaty between the UK and Russia
Wikipedia - Angoor (1982 film)
Wikipedia - Angora Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Angoroj -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ang Padrino -- 1984 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Ang Panday (1980 film) -- 1980 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Ang Probinsyano (film) -- 1997 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Angra dos Reis (song) -- 1988 song by Legiao Urbana
Wikipedia - Angrakshak -- 1995 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Angry Arts week -- 1967 event in New York City
Wikipedia - Angry Chair -- 1992 single by Alice in Chains
Wikipedia - Angry Harvest -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angst (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ang Tatlong Hambog -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Ang Tharkay -- Nepalese sherpa and sirdar (1907-1981)
Wikipedia - Anguish (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Bigas Luna
Wikipedia - Angulimaal (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Angus Gill -- Australian singer-songwriter (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Angus Macfadyen -- Scottish actor (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Angus McLaren -- Australian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Angus Robertson Fulton -- Scottish engineer (1871-1958)
Wikipedia - Angus Wilson -- British author (1913-1991)
Wikipedia - Anhedoniac -- 1998 album
Wikipedia - Anhonee (1952 film) -- 1952 Hindi film directed by Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Wikipedia - Aniara -- 1956 poem by Harry Martinson
Wikipedia - Anibal Escalante -- Cuban communist and political organizer (1909-1977)
Wikipedia - Anice George -- Indian academic (born 1961)
Wikipedia - A Nice Neighbor -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - An Ideal Husband (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - An Ideal Husband (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Oliver Parker
Wikipedia - An Ideal Woman -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - An Idyll of the Hills -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Aniela Kupiec -- Polish poet from the Czech Republic (1920-2019
Wikipedia - A Nigger in the Woodpile -- 1904 blackface minstrel silent short comedy film from the United States
Wikipedia - A Night at Glimmingehus -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Night at the Grand Hotel -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (film) -- 1935 Marx Brothers film directed by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (Queen album) -- 1975 studio album by Queen
Wikipedia - A Night at the Ritz -- 1935 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - A Night at the Roxbury -- 1998 film by John Fortenberry
Wikipedia - A Night in Dixie -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (film) -- 1979 film by Ralph Thomas
Wikipedia - A Night in May -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Montmartre -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Paradise (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Tunisia (1957 album) -- 1958 studio album by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers
Wikipedia - A Night in Venice (1934 German film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Venice (1934 Hungarian film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Night Like This (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors -- American nightmare-themed slasher film from 1987
Wikipedia - A Night of Change -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Fame -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Horror -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Love (film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Mystery -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Thrills -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Night on the Danube -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A Night's Adventure -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Night to Remember (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - A Night to Remember (Shalamar song) -- 1982 single by Shalamar
Wikipedia - Ani Kavafian -- American musician (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Aniki-Bobo -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Anil K. Jain (computer scientist, born 1948)
Wikipedia - Anil K. Jain (electrical engineer, born 1946)
Wikipedia - Anil Kumar Yadav (politician, born 1960) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Anil Nedumangad -- Indian actor (1972-2020)
Wikipedia - An Image of the Past -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Animal Crackers (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Animal (Def Leppard song) -- 1987 song by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - Animal Drug Availability Act 1996 -- US law
Wikipedia - Animal Farm (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Animal Health and Welfare Act 1984 -- leglislation of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Animal House -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Animal Husbandry (game) -- 1943 dice game
Wikipedia - Animal Instinct (The Cranberries song) -- 1999 single by The Cranberries
Wikipedia - Animalize World Tour -- 1984-1985 concert tour by Kiss
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation (book) -- 1975 book by Peter Singer
Wikipedia - Animal Olympic Games -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Animal Park (1991 TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Animal (Pearl Jam song) -- 1994 single by Pearl Jam
Wikipedia - Animals (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Animals Are Beautiful People -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
Wikipedia - Animal Treasure Island -- 1971 film by Hiroshi Ikeda
Wikipedia - Animal Welfare Act 1999
Wikipedia - Animal Welfare Act of 1966
Wikipedia - Animalympics -- 1980 animated film by Steven Lisberger
Wikipedia - Anima nera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Animaniacs (2020 TV series) -- 2020 revival of the 1993 to 1998 animated series of the same name
Wikipedia - Anima - Symphonie phantastique -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Animated series with LGBTQ characters: 1990s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - An Impression of John Steinbeck: Writer -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - An Incompetent Hero -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An Indian Love Story -- 1911 film by Fred J. Balshofer
Wikipedia - An Indian's Loyalty -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - An Inlet of Muddy Water -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - An Inn at Osaka -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - An Innocent Adventuress -- 1919 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - An Innocent Affair -- 1948 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - An Innocent Magdalene -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - An Innocent Man (film) -- 1989 film by Peter Yates
Wikipedia - An Inquiry into the Good -- 1911 book by Kitaro Nishida
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls (TV series) -- 1982 television film by Michael Simpson
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls -- 1945 play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley
Wikipedia - An International Marriage -- 1916 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - An Introduction to Karl Marx -- 1986 book by Jon Elster
Wikipedia - An Irish Airman Foresees His Death -- 1919 poem by William Butler Yeats
Wikipedia - Anisa Wahab -- Afghan actor and singer (1957-2010)
Wikipedia - An Islamic Utopian: A Political Biography of Ali Shariati -- 1998 book by Ali Rahnema
Wikipedia - Anis Nagi -- Pakistani writer (1939-2010)
Wikipedia - Anita: Dances of Vice -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Anita Ganeri -- British children's writer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Anita Jo -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Anita Kurmann -- Swiss endocrinologist and thyroid surgeon (1976-2015)
Wikipedia - Anita Stukane -- Latvian high jumper (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Anita: Swedish Nymphet -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Aniyara -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anjaam (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anjada Gandu -- 1988 film by Renuka Sharma
Wikipedia - Anjali (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Mani Ratnam
Wikipedia - Anjali Nair -- Indian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Anjane Mein -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anjatha Singam -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anja Thauer -- German cellist (1945-1973)
Wikipedia - Anjli Mohindra -- British actress (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anjuman (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anjuman (1986 film) -- 1986 Hindi drama film directed by Muzaffar Ali
Wikipedia - Ankahee (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ankh Ka Tara -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ankichi Arakaki -- Okinawan martial arts master(ShM-EM-^Mrin-ryM-EM-+ karate)despite dying at the age of 28/1927
Wikipedia - Ankles Preferred -- 1927 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - Anksa Kara -- French/Cameroonian pornographic actress (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Ankur (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ankush -- 1986 film by N. Chandra
Wikipedia - An-Magritt -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Anmol K.C. -- Nepalese actor & producer (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Anmol Ratan -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Anmol Tasveer -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anna (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Luc Besson
Wikipedia - Anna Akhmatova -- Russian poet (1889-1966)
Wikipedia - Anna Alexander -- 19th and 20th-century American Episcopal deaconess and saint
Wikipedia - Anna Alt -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Annaamalai -- 1992 film by Suresh Krissna
Wikipedia - Anna and Elizabeth -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Anna and the King of Siam (film) -- 1946 drama film directed by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Anna and the King -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna Apostolaki -- Greek archaeologist & museum curator (1880-1958)
Wikipedia - Anna Ascends -- 1922 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Anna Atkins -- 19th-century English botanist and photographer
Wikipedia - Anna Attige -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Anna B. Eckstein -- German pacifist (1868-1947)
Wikipedia - Annabelle Comes Home -- 2019 supernatural horror film
Wikipedia - Annabelle's Affairs -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Annabel Takes a Tour -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Anna Boleyn -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna Catherine Parnell -- 19th/20th-century Irish nationalist
Wikipedia - Anna Christie (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Anna Christie (1930 German-language film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Anna Crowe -- British poet and translator (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Annadammula Anubandham -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Annadammula Savaal -- 1978 Indian Telugu language drama film
Wikipedia - Anna D'Angeri -- Austrian-Italian opera singer 1853-1907
Wikipedia - Anna de Diesbach -- Rose breeder (1844-1929)
Wikipedia - Anna Favetti -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Anna Fifield -- New Zealand journalist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Anna Fougez -- Italian singer and actress (1894-1966)
Wikipedia - Anna Gustafsson Chen -- Swedish literary translator and sinologist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anna Hirzel-Langenhan -- Swiss classical pianist (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Annai (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Annai Bhoomi 3D -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Annai Oru Aalayam -- 1979 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Annai Poopathy -- Sri Lankan activist (1932-1988)
Wikipedia - Anna Isabel Mulford -- American botanist (1848-1943)
Wikipedia - Annaiyin Aanai -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Annaiyum Pithavum -- 1969 film by Krishnan-Panju
Wikipedia - Anna Jackson -- New Zealand writer (b.1967
Wikipedia - Anna Jelmini -- American athlete (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anna Jens -- 18/19th century Dutch East Indies resident, convicted of abuse of slaves
Wikipedia - Anna Karamazoff -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Clarence Brown
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1948 film) -- 1948 film by Julien Duvivier
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1996 TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Annakili -- 1976 film by Devaraj Mohan
Wikipedia - Anna Liberata de Souza -- 19th c. storyteller and maid
Wikipedia - Anna-Liisa -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Anna Lucasta (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Irving Rapper
Wikipedia - Anna Lucasta (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Annaluise & Anton -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Tobler -- Swiss artist (1882-1935)
Wikipedia - Anna Maurizio -- Swiss botanist (1900-1993)
Wikipedia - Anna May-Rychter -- German painter, watercolourist (1864-1955)
Wikipedia - Anna Mazhirina -- Russian pool, snooker and billiards player, born 1983
Wikipedia - Anna Minton -- British journalist and writer (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Ann and Eve -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Annan (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Annan Thangachi -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna of Brooklyn -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna Ottosson -- Swedish alpine skier (birn 1976)
Wikipedia - Anna Pavlova (film) -- 1983 biographical film directed by Emil Loteanu
Wikipedia - Anna Petersen -- Danish painter (1845-1910)
Wikipedia - Anna Ploszajski -- Researcher (b. 1991)
Wikipedia - Anna Polina -- Russian/French pornographic actress (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Annapolis (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Annapolis Farewell -- 1935 film by Alexander Hall
Wikipedia - Annapolis Salute -- 1936 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Anna Politkovskaya -- Russian journalist, writer, and activist (1958-2006)
Wikipedia - Annapoorna (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Annapurna (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Anna Sharevich -- Belarusian chess player (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Anna Stohr -- Austrian rock climber (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Anna Susanna -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Anna SzelM-DM-^Egowska -- Polish feminist, union organizer (1879-1962)
Wikipedia - Anna Taylor (writer) -- New Zealand author (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Anna Thammudu (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna Thangi (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna the Adventuress -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna T. Litovkina -- (1963-) linguist, psychologist, coach
Wikipedia - AnnaTommy -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Anna Veronica Mautner -- Brazilian psychoanalyst, journalist, university teacher (1935-2019)
Wikipedia - Annavin Aasai -- 1966 film by Dada Mirasi
Wikipedia - Anna Zakrisson -- (b. 1980) Swedish science communicator and scientist
Wikipedia - Ann B. Davis -- American actress (1926-2014)
Wikipedia - Ann Carver's Profession -- 1933 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - Ann Cleeves -- British author (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Ann Compton (art historian) -- Art historian born 1956
Wikipedia - Anne Against the World -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Anne Anne Kindergarten stabbing -- 1982 mass murder in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Anne Archer -- American actress (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Anneaux d'or -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anne Bishop (activist) -- Canadian activist and social justice advocate (1950-)
Wikipedia - Anne Blunt, 15th Baroness Wentworth -- Arabian horse breeder with her husband the poet Wilfrid Blunt (1837-1917)
Wikipedia - Anne Boden -- British entrepreneur (b. 1960)
Wikipedia - Anne Carleton -- American painter, 1878-1968
Wikipedia - Anne Catherine Hof Blinks -- Botanist, weaver and textile scholar (1903-1995)
Wikipedia - Anne Crone -- Irish novelist and teacher (1915-1972)
Wikipedia - Annecy Round -- International trade negotiation, adopted in 1949
Wikipedia - Anne Devlin (film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Anne Emery (young adult author) -- American author of popular teen romance novels from 1946 to 1980.
Wikipedia - Anne Fine -- British children's and adult writer (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Anne Finlay -- Scottish painter (1898-1963)
Wikipedia - Anne Graham Lotz -- American evangelist (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Anne Helm -- American actress and author, born 1938
Wikipedia - Anne Jefferson -- American hydrologist (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anne Kiguta -- Kenyan journalist, talkshow host and news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Anne Lawrence -- American psychologist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Anne-Liese of Dessau -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Annelis Schreiber -- German botanist (1927-2010)
Wikipedia - Anne Lyon Haight -- American author, essayist, rare book collector (1891-1977)
Wikipedia - Anne Main -- UK politician (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Anne Marev -- Belgian actress (b. 1932, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Adiaffi -- Ivorian writer (1951-1994)
Wikipedia - Annemarie and Her Cavalryman -- 1926 film by Erich Eriksen
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Annemarie, the Bride of the Company -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anne McAllister (speech therapist) -- (1892-1983), Scottish speech therapist and teacher
Wikipedia - Anne Meulendijks -- Dutch dressage rider (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Anne no Nikki -- 1995 film by Akinori Nagaoka
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1919 film) -- 1919 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1934 film) -- 1934 film by George Nicholls, Jr.
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1956 film) -- 1956 television film by Don Harron
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables -- 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Wikipedia - Anne of Little Smoky -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Windy Poplars (film) -- 1940 film by Jack Hively
Wikipedia - Anne Stevenson -- British-American poet (1933-2020)
Wikipedia - Anne Trister -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Anne Truitt -- American artist (1921-2004)
Wikipedia - Annetta Mary Carter -- Botanist (1907-1991)
Wikipedia - Annette Aiello -- American entomologist, botanist (*1941)
Wikipedia - Annette and the Blonde Woman -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Annette Bezor -- Australian painter (1950-2020)
Wikipedia - Annette Carson -- British non-fiction writer and biographer (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Annette Clifford -- New Zealand landlord (1881-1968)
Wikipedia - Annette Eick -- Jewish lesbian writer (b. 1909, d. 2010)
Wikipedia - Annette Elizabeth Mahon -- Irish pilot (1918-2013)
Wikipedia - Annette in Paradise -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Annette Schwarz -- German pornographic actress and model (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Annexation of Goa -- Indian Army operation in December 1961 to annex Goa into Indian Republic
Wikipedia - Anngrove Stud -- Irish horse breeding stud (e. 1970)
Wikipedia - Anni (1948 film) -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Annie (1982 film) -- 1982 film by John Huston
Wikipedia - Annie (1999 film) -- 1999 American musical comedy-drama film by Rob Marshall
Wikipedia - Annie Armstrong -- Lay Southern Baptist denominational leader (1850-1938)
Wikipedia - Annie: A Royal Adventure! -- 1995 television film directed by Ian Toynton
Wikipedia - Annie Dale Biddle Andrews -- (1885-1940) first woman to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley
Wikipedia - Annie Falconer -- Ship sunk in Lake Ontario in 1904
Wikipedia - Annie Finch -- American poet (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Annie from Tharau -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Annie Get Your Gun (musical) -- 1946 musical by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Annie Hall -- 1977 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Annie Laurie (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Annie Laurie (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Annie Lederman -- American comedian (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Annie Leuch-Reineck -- Swiss mathematician (1880-1978)
Wikipedia - Annie Mack -- Irish-born American stage actress (1850-1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Oakley (1935 film) -- 1935 American biographical film directed by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Annie O'Meara de Vic Beamish -- Irish author (1883-1969)
Wikipedia - Annie Proulx -- American novelist, short story and non-fiction author (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Rialland -- French linguist (b. 1948)
Wikipedia - Annie Rothwell -- Canadian novelist and poet (1837-1927)
Wikipedia - Annie's Song -- 1974 single by John Denver
Wikipedia - Annie Wilkes -- Fictional character in the 1987 novel Misery
Wikipedia - Annie Yeamans -- American actress (1835-1912)
Wikipedia - Anniversary - 10 Years of Hits -- 1982 compilation album by George Jones
Wikipedia - Ann Katharine Mitchell -- British cryptanalyst and psychologist (1922-2020)
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis (barrel racer) -- American barrel racer (b. 1968)
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis (musician) -- Japanese singer (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Ann Mercy Hunt -- (1938-2014), medical researcher and campaigner
Wikipedia - Anno Domini 1573 -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ann Olivarius -- British lawyer (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Annoru Ravil -- 1986 film directed by M. R. Joseph
Wikipedia - Anno uno -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ann Patchett -- American novelist and memoirist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Ann Silver -- British physiologist (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Ann Spence Black -- Scottish artist (1861-1947)
Wikipedia - Annu Good Friday -- 1992 film by Beypore Mani
Wikipedia - Annushka (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Annus Mirabilis papers -- Papers of Albert Einstein published in the scientific journal Annalen der Physik in 1905
Wikipedia - Ann Vickers (film) -- 1933 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Ann Williams (politician) -- American politician from Illinois (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Annychka -- 1968 film by Borys Ivchenko
Wikipedia - Anny Robert -- Nigerian celebrity photographer (born 1990)
Wikipedia - An Obvious Situation -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Gentleman -- 1982 US romantic drama film by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Spy (film) -- 2019 film by Roman Polanski
Wikipedia - A Noise in Newboro -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Anokha Rishta -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Anokha -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - An Oklahoma Cowboy -- 1929 silent film
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Boy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - An Old-Fashioned Girl (film) -- 1949 American film
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Love Song -- 1971 single by Three Dog Night
Wikipedia - An Old Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - An Old Master -- 1910 poem by C. J. Dennis
Wikipedia - An Old Sweetheart of Mine -- 1923 film directed by Harry Garson
Wikipedia - An Old-Time Nightmare (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Anondo Osru -- 1997 film by Shibli Sadik
Wikipedia - Anonymous Bodies in an Empty Room -- 1990 album
Wikipedia - Anonymous Letters -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - An Orchestra of Minorities -- 2019 novel by Chigozie Obioma
Wikipedia - Another Dawn (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Another Day in Paradise -- 1989 single by Phil Collins
Wikipedia - Another Day (Whigfield song) -- 1994 single by Whigfield
Wikipedia - Another Face -- 1935 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Another Fine Mess -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Another Kind of Monday -- 1996 book by William E. Coles, Jr.
Wikipedia - Another Language -- 1933 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Another Life (2019 TV series) -- American sci-fi television series
Wikipedia - Another Life (Motionless in White song) -- 2019 single by Motionless in White
Wikipedia - Another Man's Boots -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Another Man's Shoes (film) -- 1922 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Another Me (song) -- 2019 song by Seven Lions
Wikipedia - Another Night in London -- 1996 live album by Gene Harris
Wikipedia - Another Night (Real McCoy song) -- 1993 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Another One Bites the Dust -- 1980 single by Queen
Wikipedia - Another One Down -- 2019 song by Richard Marx
Wikipedia - Another One Rides the Bus -- 1981 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Another Part of the Forest (film) -- 1948 film by Michael Gordon
Wikipedia - Another Sad Love Song -- 1993 single by Toni Braxton
Wikipedia - Another Saturday Night -- 1963 Sam Cooke single
Wikipedia - Another Scandal -- 1924 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Another Shore -- 1948 film by Charles Crichton
Wikipedia - Another Stakeout -- 1993 buddy cop action comedy film by John Badham
Wikipedia - Another Suitcase in Another Hall -- 1977 single by Barbara Dickson
Wikipedia - Another Thin Man -- 1939 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Another Time, Another Place (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Another Town, Another Train -- 1973 ABBA song
Wikipedia - Another Way (2015 film) -- 2019 South Korean drama film
Wikipedia - Another Woman (1988 film) -- 1988 American film
Wikipedia - Another World (1937 film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Notorious Affair -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Notorious Gentleman -- 1935 film by Edward Laemmle
Wikipedia - An Outcast Among Outcasts -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - An Ozark Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Anpadh -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ansaldo A.1 Balilla -- 1917 Italian fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Anselm Weber -- American Franciscan missionary (b. 1862, d. 1921)
Wikipedia - Anselo Lee -- 1915 silent film
Wikipedia - Ansett New Zealand -- New Zealand domestic airline operating 1987-2001
Wikipedia - A. N. Sherwin-White -- British academic and ancient historian (1911-1993)
Wikipedia - ANSI C12.19 -- Standard for data tables used in automated meter reading
Wikipedia - Anslem de Silva -- 19th-century Sri Lankan naturalist
Wikipedia - Anstruther Davidson -- Botanist and naturalist (1860-1932)
Wikipedia - Answer for Heaven -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - -- Q&A site founded in 1999
Wikipedia - Answer to History -- 1980 memoir by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Wikipedia - Antara Dua Darjat -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Antarctic Crossing -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Antardhan -- 1992 Indian Bengali-language thriller drama film directed by Tapan Sinha
Wikipedia - Antarjali Jatra -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anteater (video game) -- Video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Antebellum architecture -- Neoclassical architectural style characteristic of the 19th-century Southern United States
Wikipedia - Antero Puranen -- Finnish javelin thrower (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Ante Up (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antha Ezhu Naatkal -- 1981 film by K. Bhagyaraj
Wikipedia - Antha (film) -- 1981 film by Rajendra Singh Babu
Wikipedia - Anthasthu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anthem for the Year 2000 -- 1999 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Anthony Ackroyd -- Australian comedian, speaker and writer (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Anthony Adverse -- 1936 film directed by Mervyn LeRoy
Wikipedia - Anthony Birley -- British ancient historian, archaeologist and academic (1937-2020)
Wikipedia - Anthony Bourdain -- American chef and travel documentarian (1956-2018)
Wikipedia - Anthony Brandon Wong -- Australian actor (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony Eden -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1955 to 1957
Wikipedia - Anthony Eisley -- American actor (1925-2003)
Wikipedia - Anthony Forwood -- English actor (1915-1988)
Wikipedia - Anthony Hope -- English novelist (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Horowitz -- English novelist and screenwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod -- English botanist (1861-1948)
Wikipedia - Anthony Lukeman -- American military officer (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Lyveden -- 1921 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Anthony Marwood -- English classical violinist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony McAuliffe -- United States Army general (1898-1975)
Wikipedia - Anthony Oliver -- British actor (1922-1995)
Wikipedia - Anthony Powell -- English novelist (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Anthony Quinn -- Mexican-American actor, painter, writer and film director (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - Anthony Radetic -- American paraplegic athlete (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anthony Thwaite -- British poet and critic (b1930)
Wikipedia - Anthony Van Wyck -- 19th century American lawyer, judge, and politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, county judge.
Wikipedia - Anthony Warde -- Actor (1908-1975)
Wikipedia - Anthony Warner (chef) -- British chef, food writer and author (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Anthropophagous 2000 -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anticasanova -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anti-cession movement of Sarawak -- Anti-colonial activism in Sarawak, 1946-1950
Wikipedia - Anti-Clock -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anti-Comintern Pact -- Anti-Communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan in 1936
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anti-cosmopolitan campaign -- Thinly disguised antisemitic campaign in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, 1948-1953
Wikipedia - Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 -- US law
Wikipedia - Antigone (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Antigone (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Antigone oder die Stadt -- 1988 opera by Georg Katzer and Gerhard Muller
Wikipedia - Anti-Jewish violence in Czechoslovakia (1918-1920) -- Wave of anti-Jewish rioting and violence in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Anti-Mask League of San Francisco -- 1919 San Francisco organization
Wikipedia - Anti-Oedipus -- 1972 book by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Wikipedia - Anti-religious campaign during the Russian Civil War -- Religious repression in Russia from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Anti-revisionism -- Marxist-Leninist position which emerged in the 1950s in opposition to the reforms of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
Wikipedia - Anti-Semite and Jew -- 1946 book by Jean-Paul Sartre
Wikipedia - Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo -- Riots in response to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914
Wikipedia - Anti-Sixteenth Amendment Society -- USA 19th century organisation against votes for women
Wikipedia - Antisocial (Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Anti-Terror Law of Turkey -- Turkish Statutory Law 1991-Present
Wikipedia - Anti urination devices in Norwich -- Hostile architecture installed in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Antler Dance -- 1994 album by Boiled in Lead
Wikipedia - Antmusic -- 1980 single by Adam and the Ants
Wikipedia - Antoine and Antoinette -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Antoine and Colette -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Antoine and Sebastian -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antoine Griezmann: The Making of a Legend -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Antoine Mariotte -- French composer, conductor and music administrator (1875-1944)
Wikipedia - Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon -- 19th-century French sculptor and photographer
Wikipedia - Antoinette Sabrier -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Antoinette Tubman -- First Lady of Liberia (b. 1914, d. 2011)
Wikipedia - Anton Betz -- German journalist and publisher (1893-1984)
Wikipedia - Anton Christian Bang -- 19th and 20th-century Norwegian bishop, writer and politician
Wikipedia - Anton Dolin -- Ballet dancer and choreographer (1904-1983)
Wikipedia - Anton Fredrik Klaveness (1903-1981) -- Norwegian equestrian
Wikipedia - Anton Harber -- (b.1958) South African professor of journalism, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antonia Fraser -- British author and novelist (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Antonina Polozhy -- Russian botanist (1917-2003)
Wikipedia - Antonina Prikhot'ko -- Soviet physicist (1906-1995)
Wikipedia - Antonio Aliotta -- Italian philosopher (1881-1964)
Wikipedia - Antonio Cabral Bejarano -- 19th-century Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Antonio Cabreira -- Portuguese mathematician, polygraph and publicist (1868-1953)
Wikipedia - Antonio Corton -- Spanish journalist and literary critic (1854-1913)
Wikipedia - Antonio Costa (painter) -- Italian painter (1847-1915)
Wikipedia - Antonio Cotogni -- Italian opera singer 1831-1918
Wikipedia - Antonio das Mortes -- 1969 film directed by Glauber Rocha
Wikipedia - Antonio Escobar NuM-CM-1ez -- Spanish musical artist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Antonio Gabica -- Philippine pool player, born October 1972
Wikipedia - Antonio Galassi -- Italian opera singer 1845-1904
Wikipedia - Antonio Garcia Birlan -- Spanish politician (1891-1984)
Wikipedia - Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna -- 19th-century Mexican politician general
Wikipedia - Antonio Magini-Coletti -- Italian opera singer 1855-1912
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Romeu -- Cuban musician (1876-1955)
Wikipedia - Antonio Martins (sport shooter, born 1930) -- Portuguese sports shooter
Wikipedia - Antonio Meucci (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Antonio Ortiz Ramirez -- Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and anarchist (1907-1996)
Wikipedia - Antonio Villas Boas -- Brazilian farmer who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in 1957
Wikipedia - Antoni Palau i Dulcet -- Spanish writer (1867-1954)
Wikipedia - Antonius Robben -- Dutch cultural anthropologist (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - Anton Jones -- Sri Lankan singer and composer (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - Antonov An-3 -- 1990s utility transport aircraft by Antonov
Wikipedia - Anton Solomoukha -- Ukrainian-French artist (1945-2015)
Wikipedia - Anton Spelec, Sharp-Shooter -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Last -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Magician -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Terrible -- 1916 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Anton von Werner -- German painter (1843-1915)
Wikipedia - Anton Waisbecker -- Hungarian botanist (1835-1916)
Wikipedia - Anton Webern -- Austrian composer (1883-1945)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1908 film) -- 1908 silent short film
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Enrico Guazzoni
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1959 film)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1972 film)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1974 TV drama)
Wikipedia - Antony Garrett Lisi -- American theoretical physicist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Antony Higginbotham -- British Conservative politician (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Antoon Derkinderen -- Dutch painter and autobiographer (1859-1925)
Wikipedia - Antosha Rybkin -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ants in the Pantry -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ants in the Plants -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ant Street -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Antti the Treebranch -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Antz -- 1998 American animated film
Wikipedia - Anubandham (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anubavam Pudhumai -- 1967 film by C. V. Rajendran
Wikipedia - Anubavi Raja Anubavi -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Anubhav (1986 film) -- 1985 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - Anubhavangale Nanni -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anubhoothikalude Nimisham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anumodhanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - An Unmarried Woman -- 1978 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Paul Mazursky
Wikipedia - An Unquiet Mind -- 1995 memoir by Kay Redfield Jamison
Wikipedia - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman -- 1972 Cordelia Gray novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - An Unwilling Hero -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Anupallavi (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anupriya Laxmi Katoch -- Indian actress (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Anup Shukla -- Indian TV anchor, actor and voice actor (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anuradha (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anuradha (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Anuraga Aralithu -- 1986 film by M.S. Rajashekar
Wikipedia - An Urchin in the Storm -- 1987 book by Stephen Jay Gould
Wikipedia - Anuschka (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Anusree -- Indian actress (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anveshana (novel) -- 1976 book by Kannada author S. L. Bhyrappa
Wikipedia - Anveshana -- 1985 Telugu film
Wikipedia - Anvil (band) -- Canadian heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 1978
Wikipedia - Anxiety (1998 film) -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Anyarude Bhoomi -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anya Seton -- American author of historical fiction (1904-1990)
Wikipedia - Anybody Here Seen Kelly? -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's Blonde -- 1931 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - Anybody Seen My Baby? -- 1997 single by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Anybody's Goat -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's War -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's Woman -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Any Day Now (1976 film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Any Dream Will Do (song) -- 1968 song written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice
Wikipedia - Any Given Sunday -- 1999 film by Oliver Stone
Wikipedia - Any Number Can Win (film) -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Any Old Port! -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anyone Can Play -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town (film) -- 1967 film by George Lucas
Wikipedia - Anyone Who Had a Heart (song) -- 1963 single by Dionne Warwick
Wikipedia - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) -- 1964 song written by Jeannie Seely and Randy Newman
Wikipedia - Any Rags? -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anything but Down -- 1999 single by Sheryl Crow
Wikipedia - Anything (Culture Beat song) -- 1993 single by Culture Beat
Wikipedia - Anything for a Song -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Anything for a Thrill -- 1937 film directed by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - Anything for Love -- 1993 film by Michael Keusch
Wikipedia - Anything for You (Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine song) -- 1988 single by Gloria Estefan
Wikipedia - Anything Goes (1936 film) -- 1936 American musical film
Wikipedia - Anything Once (1925 film) -- silent comedy film
Wikipedia - Anything Once -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Anything (SWV song) -- 1994 single by SWV
Wikipedia - Any Time, Any Place -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Anytime You Need a Friend -- 1994 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Anywayawanna -- 1989 studio album by The Beatmasters
Wikipedia - Any Wednesday -- 1966 film by Robert Ellis Miller
Wikipedia - Anywhere but Here (film) -- 1999 drama film directed by Wayne Wang
Wikipedia - Anywhere for You (Backstreet Boys song) -- 1996 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - Any Which Way You Can -- 1980 film by Buddy Van Horn
Wikipedia - Any Wife -- 1922 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - Any Woman -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - An Zhisheng -- Chinese geographer (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Anzor Boltukaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Anzor Urishev -- Russian wrestler (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A One Man Game -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Ostra e o Vento -- 1997 film by Walter Lima, Jr.
Wikipedia - Aozora (song) -- 1989 single by The Blue Hearts
Wikipedia - Apache Blood -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apache (film) -- 1954 film by Robert Aldrich
Wikipedia - Apache Fury -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apache Rifles -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apaches of Paris -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Apache Territory -- 1958 film by Ray Nazarro
Wikipedia - Apache: The Life of Carlos Tevez -- 2019 Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - Apache Trail (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Page of Madness -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Pair of Cupids -- 1918 silent film directed by Charles Brabin
Wikipedia - A Pair of Hellions -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Pair of Kings (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Apalachin meeting -- Large meeting of the American Mafia held in 1957
Wikipedia - A Pale -- 2019 single by Rosalia
Wikipedia - Apapacho -- 2019 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Aparichita -- 1978 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - A Parisian Romance (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Parisian Scandal -- 1921 film directed by George L. Cox
Wikipedia - Apart from Life -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apart from You -- 1933 Japanese drama film
Wikipedia - Apartheid -- System of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Apartment 3-G -- 1961-2015 American soap opera comic strip
Wikipedia - Apartment Eight -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Apartment for Ladies -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apartmentzauber -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Apartment Zero -- 1988 film by Martin Donovan
Wikipedia - A Passage to India (film) -- 1984 drama film directed by David Lean
Wikipedia - A Passage to India -- 1924 novel by E. M. Forster
Wikipedia - A Passion Play -- 1973 album by Jethro Tull
Wikipedia - A Passport to Hell -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Pasteboard Crown -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Patch of Blue -- 1965 film by Guy Green
Wikipedia - Ape and Super-Ape -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Peep Behind the Scenes (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Peep Behind the Scenes (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ape in a Cape: An Alphabet of Odd Animals -- 1953 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Apeksha -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Apel (film) -- 1970 film by Ryszard Czekala
Wikipedia - A Pelican at Blandings -- 1969 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A People's History of the United States -- 1980 history book by Howard Zinn
Wikipedia - Ape Out -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - A Perfect Crime -- 1921 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Perfect Gentleman (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Perfect Gentleman (1928 film) -- 1928 film directed by Clyde Bruckman
Wikipedia - A Perfect World -- 1993 film by Clint Eastwood
Wikipedia - A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies -- 1995 film directed by Martin Scorsese and Michael Henry Wilson
Wikipedia - Aperuit illis -- 2019 Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis
Wikipedia - Apes of Wrath -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Petal -- 1996 South Korean film
Wikipedia - Apex Legends -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - A Phoenix Too Frequent (1957 film) -- 1957 Australian TV play
Wikipedia - A Piece of the Action (film) -- 1977 film by Sidney Poitier
Wikipedia - A Pizza in Jordbro -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Place in the Land -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - A Place in the Sun (film) -- 1951 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - A Place in the Sun (South Korean TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - A Place in the World (film) -- 1992 film by Adolfo Aristarain
Wikipedia - A Place to Call Home (1970 film) -- |1970 drama film directed by Wu Jiaxiang
Wikipedia - A Place to Live -- 1941 film by Irving Lerner
Wikipedia - A Plantation Act -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Play for a Passenger -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Pleasant Journey -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A. P. Lucas -- English first-class cricketer (1857-1923)
Wikipedia - A Plumbing We Will Go -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Apna Banake Dekho -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Apna Ghar -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Apna Khoon -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Apne Apne -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Apne Dushman -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apne Huye Paraye -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apne Rang Hazaar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apni Apni Love Story -- 2019 Pakistani television film
Wikipedia - Apni Nagariya -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Apocalypse Now -- 1979 epic war film directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Wikipedia - A Pocket Full of Rye -- 1953 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Apodaca prison riot -- Prison riot at a prison in Nuevo Leon, Mexico on 19 February 2012
Wikipedia - A Poet from the Sea -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Apokal -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Apokalypso - Bombenstimmung in Berlin -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Apolas Lermi -- Turkish singer (1986 - )
Wikipedia - A Policewoman in New York -- 1981 film by Michele Massimo Tarantini
Wikipedia - A Policewoman on the Porno Squad -- 1979 Italian sex comedy film directed by Michele Massimo Tarantini
Wikipedia - Apolinary Szeluto -- Polish pianist and composer (1884-1966)
Wikipedia - Apollo 11 (2019 film) -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Apollo 13 (film) -- 1995 film by Ron Howard
Wikipedia - Apollo 15 postal covers incident -- 1972 NASA scandal
Wikipedia - Apollo Computer -- Manufacturer of Apollo/Domain workstations in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Apology (film) -- 1986 television film directed by Robert Bierman
Wikipedia - A Poor Relation -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Apoorvam Chilar -- 1991 Indian Malayalam film
Wikipedia - Apoorva Raagangal -- 1975 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film) -- 1989 film by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Apoorva Sahodarulu -- 1986 film by K. Raghavendra Rao
Wikipedia - A Poor Wife's Devotion -- 1909 film directed by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- 1916 novel by James Joyce
Wikipedia - Apostolopulo House -- 19th-century mansion in Taganrog, Russia
Wikipedia - Apotheosis (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apparao M Rao -- American physicist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Apparatus and Hand -- 1927 painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - Appassionata (1944 film) -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Appassionata (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Appassionatamente -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Appeal of 18 June -- 1940 speech by Charles de Gaulle
Wikipedia - Appearances (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Appears -- 1999 song by Ayumi Hamasaki
Wikipedia - Appetite for Destruction -- 1987 debut studio album by Guns NM-bM-^@M-^Y Roses
Wikipedia - Applause (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Apple Blossom (Faberge egg) -- 1901 Faberge Kelch Egg
Wikipedia - Applehead Man -- 1986 debut album by Trip Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Apple in the River -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Apple-Oids -- Video game clone of Asteroids made for the Apple II computer in 1980
Wikipedia - Apple Trees (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Appointment for Love -- 1941 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Appointment in Berlin -- 1943 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Appointment in Liverpool -- 1988 film by Marco Tullio Giordana
Wikipedia - Appointment in London -- 1953 film by Philip Leacock
Wikipedia - Appointment in Tokyo -- 1945 film by Jack Hively
Wikipedia - Appointment with Death -- 1938 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Appointment with Fear (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Appointment with Happiness -- 1954 film by Ezzel Dine Zulficar
Wikipedia - Appu Chesi Pappu Koodu -- 1958 film by L. V. Prasad
Wikipedia - Appuntamento a Ischia -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Appuntamento in riviera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Apradhi (1974 film) -- 1974 film by Jugal Kishore Sharma
Wikipedia - A Praga -- 1980 film by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - A Prayer for the Dying -- 1987 film by Mike Hodges
Wikipedia - A Prefect's Uncle -- 1903 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Preferred List -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Present from Margate -- 1933 British comedy play by Ian Hay and AEW Mason
Wikipedia - A Price Above Rubies -- 1998 film directed by Boaz Yakin
Wikipedia - April 1900 -- List of events that occurred in April 1900
Wikipedia - April 1901 -- List of events that occurred in April 1901
Wikipedia - April 1902 -- List of events that occurred in April 1902
Wikipedia - April 1903 -- List of events that occurred in April 1903
Wikipedia - April 1909 -- List of events that occurred in April 1909
Wikipedia - April 1910 -- Month of 1910
Wikipedia - April 1911 -- List of events which occurred during a month in 1911
Wikipedia - April 1912 -- Month of 1912
Wikipedia - April 1913 -- Month of 1913
Wikipedia - April 1914 -- Month of 1914
Wikipedia - April 1915 -- Month of 1915
Wikipedia - April 1916 -- Month in 1916
Wikipedia - April 1917 -- Month in 1917
Wikipedia - April 1918 -- Month in 1918
Wikipedia - April 1919 -- Month in 1919
Wikipedia - April 1920 -- Month in 1920
Wikipedia - April 1921 -- Month of 1921
Wikipedia - April 1922 -- Month of 1922
Wikipedia - April 1923 -- Month of 1923
Wikipedia - April 1924 -- Month of 1924
Wikipedia - April 1925 -- Month of 1925
Wikipedia - April 1926 -- Month of 1926
Wikipedia - April 1927 -- Month of 1927
Wikipedia - April 1928 -- Month of 1928
Wikipedia - April 1929 -- Month of 1929
Wikipedia - April 1930 -- Month of 1930
Wikipedia - April 1931 -- Month of 1931
Wikipedia - April 1932 -- Month of 1932
Wikipedia - April 1933 -- Month of 1933
Wikipedia - April 1934 -- Month of 1934
Wikipedia - April 1935 -- Month of 1935
Wikipedia - April 1936 -- Month of 1936
Wikipedia - April 1937 -- Month of 1937
Wikipedia - April 1938 -- Month of 1938
Wikipedia - April 1939 -- Month of 1939
Wikipedia - April 1940 -- Month of 1940
Wikipedia - April 1941 -- Month of 1941
Wikipedia - April 1942 -- Month of 1942
Wikipedia - April 1943 -- Month of 1943
Wikipedia - April 1944 -- Month of 1944
Wikipedia - April 1945 -- Month of 1945
Wikipedia - April 1946 -- Month of 1946
Wikipedia - April 1947 -- Month of 1947
Wikipedia - April 1948 -- Month of 1948
Wikipedia - April 1949 -- Month of 1949
Wikipedia - April 1950 -- Month of 1950
Wikipedia - April 1953 -- Month of 1953
Wikipedia - April 1954 -- Month of 1954
Wikipedia - April 1955 -- Month of 1955
Wikipedia - April 1956 -- Month of 1956
Wikipedia - April 1959 -- Month of 1959
Wikipedia - April 1960 -- Month of 1960
Wikipedia - April (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - April 1961 -- Month of 1961
Wikipedia - April 1962 -- Month of 1962
Wikipedia - April 1963 -- Month of 1963
Wikipedia - April 1964 -- Month of 1964
Wikipedia - April 1965 -- Month of 1965
Wikipedia - April 1966 -- Month of 1966
Wikipedia - April 1967 -- Month of 1967
Wikipedia - April 1968 -- Month of 1968
Wikipedia - April 1969 -- Month of 1969
Wikipedia - April 1970 -- Month of 1970
Wikipedia - April 1971 -- Month of 1971
Wikipedia - April 1972 -- Month of 1972
Wikipedia - April 1973 -- Month of 1973
Wikipedia - April 1980 -- Month of 1980
Wikipedia - April 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Wikipedia - April 19 (film) -- 1996 film directed by Balachandra Menon
Wikipedia - April 19 University Movement -- Nicaraguan anti-Ortega student movement
Wikipedia - April 2019 Kalmunai shootout
Wikipedia - April, April! (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - April Flores -- American pornographic actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - April Folly -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - April Fool (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - April Fool (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - April Fools' Day (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - April Fool's Day (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Fred Walton
Wikipedia - April Maze -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - April Revolution -- 1960 South Korean uprising that led to the resignation of President Syngman Rhee
Wikipedia - April Showers (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Tom Forman
Wikipedia - April's Kittens -- 1940 Picture book
Wikipedia - A Prince of Lovers -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Prince of the Captivity -- 1933 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - A Princesa e o Robo -- 1983 film directed by Mauricio de Sousa
Wikipedia - A Princesa Xuxa e os TrapalhM-CM-5es -- 1989 film directed by Jose Alvarenga Junior
Wikipedia - A Princess of Destiny -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Prince There Was -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Private Cosmos -- 1968 novel by Philip Jose Farmer
Wikipedia - A Private Enterprise -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Private Matter (book) -- 1963 novel by Beppe Fenoglio
Wikipedia - A Private Scandal -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Promise (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Promise of Bed -- 1969 film by Derek Ford
Wikipedia - A Prussian Love Story -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Apt Pupil (film) -- 1998 film by Bryan Singer
Wikipedia - Aquamania -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Aquamarine no Mama de Ite -- 1988 single by Omega Tribe
Wikipedia - Aquarium (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Aquathlon at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Aquatic House Party -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Aquatics at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games -- Aquatic events held at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - A Queda -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Queen Is Crowned -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Aquele Luxo! -- 1999 EP by Charlie Brown Jr.
Wikipedia - Aquello que Amamos -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Aquel Que Habia Muerto -- 1998 studio album by Vico C
Wikipedia - A Question of Adultery -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Europe -- 1975 televised debate on the United Kingdoms membership in the European Economic Community
Wikipedia - A Question of Honor (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Honor -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Silence -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Trust -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Little Wedding -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Place in the Country -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Place to Kill -- 1970 film by Umberto Lenzi
Wikipedia - A Quiet Street -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Arab Blues -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Arabella (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Arabella Churchill (charity founder) -- English charity founder, festival co-founder, and fundraiser (1949-2007)
Wikipedia - Arabella Kenealy -- Kenealy, Arabella Madonna (1859-1938), writer and physician
Wikipedia - Arabesque (Coldplay song) -- 2019 song by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Arabian Love -- 1922 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Arabian Nights (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arabian Nights (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arabikkadal -- 1983 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Arab Israeli Dialogue -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arab Revolt -- Uprising in 1916 against the ruling Ottoman Turks during World War I
Wikipedia - A Race for Life -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Race of Noblemen -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Arachnophobia (film) -- 1990 film directed by Frank Marshall
Wikipedia - A Racing Romeo -- 1927 film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - Arac (video game) -- 1986 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1969 film) -- 1969 film by Shakti Samanta
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 195 -- Prototype torpedo bomber by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 196 -- 1936 maritime reconnaissance floatplane family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 197 -- Prototype fighter by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 198 -- Prototype reconnaissance aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 199 -- Prototype training floatplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 232 -- 1941 airlifter by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 234 -- 1943 bomber aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 240 -- 1940 fighter aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 64 -- 1930 fighter aircraft family
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 65 -- 1931 fighter aircraft family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 68 -- 1934 fighter aircraft family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 76 -- 1934 fighter aircraft series by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 79 -- 1938 sportplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 80 -- 1935 prototype fighter aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 95 -- 1937 reconnaissance floatplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado E.581-4 -- 1944 German flying wing bomber project
Wikipedia - ARA General Belgrano -- 1951-1982 Brooklyn class cruiser of the Argentine Navy, formerly the USS Phoenix
Wikipedia - Araichimani -- 1942 film by P. K. Raja Sandow
Wikipedia - A Rainy Day in New York -- 2019 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - A Rainy Night in Soho -- 1986 song by British punk band The Pogues
Wikipedia - A Raisin in the Sun (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Daniel Petrie
Wikipedia - Arakkallan Mukkalkkallan -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aram + Aram = Kinnaram -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aram Khachaturian -- Armenian composer (1903-1978)
Wikipedia - Aranazhika Neram -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Ranch Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Random Walk Down Wall Street -- 1973 book by Burton Malkiel
Wikipedia - Arangetram (film) -- 1973 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Arangetra Velai -- 1990 film directed by Fazil
Wikipedia - A Rank Outsider -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aranmanai Kili -- 1993 film by Rajkiran
Wikipedia - Aranyakanda -- 1987 Telugu film directed by Kranthi Kumar
Wikipedia - Aranyer Din Ratri -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arappatta Kettiya Gramathil -- 1986 film by P. Padmarajan
Wikipedia - Arappavan -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Rare Lover -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Arasa Kattalai -- 1967 film by M. G. Chakrapani
Wikipedia - Arashi (film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Arashi no naka o tsuppashire -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A-ra-shi: Reborn -- 2019 single by Arashi
Wikipedia - Arashi -- Japanese idol group (1999-)
Wikipedia - Arasilankumari -- 1961 film by A. S. A. Sami and A. Kasilingam
Wikipedia - Araya (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arbeiter-Zeitung (Luxembourg) -- Newspaper in Luxembourg (1924-27)
Wikipedia - Arbor Day (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Arcade Records -- British record label (1972 - 2001)
Wikipedia - Arcadia (card game) -- 1996 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX -- 1982-1983 anime series by Leiji Matsumoto
Wikipedia - Arcadia of My Youth -- 1982 film by Tomoharu Katsumata
Wikipedia - Arcadia (play) -- 1993 play by Tom Stoppard
Wikipedia - Arcangel -- American reggaeton singer and songwriter (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Archana Aaradhana -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Archana Prajapati -- Indian actor (b. 1996)
Wikipedia - Archana Sharma (botanist) -- Indian geneticist (1932-2008)
Wikipedia - Archana Soreng -- Indian environment activist (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria (1922-1993) -- Archduchess of Austria (1922-1993)
Wikipedia - Archduchess Louise of Austria -- Crown Princess of Saxony (1870-1947)
Wikipedia - Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria -- Archduke of Austria-Este and heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary (1863-1914)
Wikipedia - Archduke John (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Archer (1975 TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Chapelet 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Chapelet 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Cordon Dore 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Cordon Dore 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Championnat du Monde -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Sur la Perche a la Herse -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Sur la Perche a la Pyramide -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's double American round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's double York round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's team round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Women's double Columbia round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Women's team round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's Continental style -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's double York round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Women's double National round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Archery competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery -- British Liberal politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1847-1929)
Wikipedia - Archibald Russell (ship) -- 1905 Scottish four-masted steel barque
Wikipedia - Archie Bunker's Place -- American television series 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Archie P. McKishnie -- Canadian author, 1875-1946
Wikipedia - Archie vs. Predator II -- 2019 American comic book
Wikipedia - Archimede-class submarine -- 1933 class of submarines of the Regia Marina
Wikipedia - Archimede le clochard -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Archmagic -- 1993 role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Arc Light (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - ARCO Arena (1985) -- Temporary indoor arena in Sacramento, California
Wikipedia - Arcot N. Veeraswami -- Indian politician (born 1931)
Wikipedia - ARC Riders -- 1995 novel by David Drake and Janet Morris
Wikipedia - Arctic Antics -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arctic Coal Company -- 1906-1916 American coal mining company operating in Svalbard, Norway
Wikipedia - Arctic Dogs -- 2019 film directed by Aaron Woodley
Wikipedia - Arctic Dreams -- 1986 book
Wikipedia - Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition -- 1910s Russian sea expedion
Wikipedia - Arcwelder -- Punk rock band from Minnesota formed in 1988
Wikipedia - Ardaas Karaan (film) -- 2019 Indian Punjabi-language social drama film
Wikipedia - Ardab Mutiyaran -- 2019 Punjabi language romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Ardele ou la Marguerite -- 1948 play written by Jean Anouilh
Wikipedia - Ardhangini (film) -- 1959 film directed by Ajit Chakrabarty
Wikipedia - Ardha Raathri -- 1986 film directed by Asha Khan
Wikipedia - Ardharathiri -- 1969 film by P. Sambasiva Rao
Wikipedia - Ardie Clark Halyard -- American bankera and civil rights advocate (1896-1989)
Wikipedia - Area code 219 -- Area code that serves northwest Indiana
Wikipedia - Area code 719 -- Colorado telephone area code
Wikipedia - Area codes 619 and 858 -- Area codes serving San Diego County, California
Wikipedia - Area codes 919 and 984 -- Area codes in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - A Real Bloke -- 1935 film by John Baxter
Wikipedia - A Real Girl -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Are All Men Alike? -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Area Redevelopment Administration -- American rural poverty program (1963-1965)
Wikipedia - Arecibo message -- 1974 message into space from the Arecibo Observatory
Wikipedia - A Reckless Gamble -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Reckless Romeo -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Are Crooks Dishonest? -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Red Letter Day -- 1997 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - A-Reece -- South African rapper, songwriter, and record producer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - A Reformed Santa Claus -- 1911 American silent film
Wikipedia - A Regiseggyujto -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Regular Fellow (1919 film) -- 1919 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - A Regular Fellow (1925 film) -- 1925 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - A Regular Girl -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - A Regular Scout -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Regular Woman -- 2019 German biographical film
Wikipedia - Are Husbands Necessary? (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arena (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Arena Hash (album) -- 1998 album by Arena Hash
Wikipedia - Arenal Prehistory Project -- Studies of prehistory done during the 1980s
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 15th Anniversary Show -- 1992 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 21st Anniversary Show -- 1998 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 22nd Anniversary Show -- 1999 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 5th Anniversary Show -- 1982 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena of Death -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Arena of Fear -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arende (film) -- 1994 South African drama film
Wikipedia - A Reno Divorce -- 1927 film by Ralph Graves
Wikipedia - Aren't We All? (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Are Parents People? -- 1925 film by Malcolm St. Clair
Wikipedia - A Report on the Party and the Guests -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - A Republic, Not an Empire -- 1999 book by Patrick J. Buchanan
Wikipedia - Aretha Sings the Blues -- 1980 compilation album by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Are These Our Children -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Revolutionary Family -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Are We Civilized? -- 1934 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - Are We Men or Corporals? -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Are You Being Served? (film) -- 1977 film by Bob Kellett
Wikipedia - Are You Experienced -- 1967 album by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Wikipedia - Are You Gonna Go My Way (song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Are You in the House Alone? -- 1978 television film by Walter Grauman
Wikipedia - Are You Listening? (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Are You Loathsome Tonight? -- 1998 collection of short stories by Poppy Z. Brite
Wikipedia - Are You Ready (Aaliyah song) -- 1996 single by Aaliyah
Wikipedia - Are You Ready for Love -- 1979 single by Elton John
Wikipedia - Are You Shakespearienced? -- 1989 album by Trip Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Are You That Somebody? -- 1998 single by Aaliyah
Wikipedia - Are You There? (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Argentina Fans Kaattoorkadavu -- 2019 Indian Malayalam film
Wikipedia - Argentine Love -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Argentine Nights -- 1940 film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Argentine Revolution -- Military junta that ruled Argentina from 1966 to 1973
Wikipedia - Argila (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Argila (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Argo 16 -- Italian Air Force C-47 Dakota that crashed in 1973
Wikipedia - Argos-class patrol boat -- 1991 patrol boat class of the Portuguese Navy
Wikipedia - A Rhapsody in Black and Blue -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Ariadna Scriabina -- Russian poet and activist in the French Resistance (1905-1944)
Wikipedia - Ariadne in Hoppegarten -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Aria (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aria Giovanni -- American model and erotic glamour actress (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Ariake-class destroyer (1959) -- Ariake-class destroyer
Wikipedia - Ariana Afghan Airlines Flight 202 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Ariana Jollee -- American pornographic actress and director (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ariana Marie -- American pornographic actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Ariana Rockefeller -- American fashion designer and equestrian (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ariane (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ariane, jeune fille russe (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ariane, jeune fille russe (novel) -- 1920 novel
Wikipedia - A Ride for a Bride -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Ari Eldjarn -- Icelandic stand-up comedian (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aries Susanti Rahayu -- Indonesian rock climber (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Arif Aajakia -- Pakistani-born human rights advocate (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Arif Abd ar-Razzaq -- Iraqi politician (1921-2007)
Wikipedia - ArijskM-CM-= boj -- Fascist Czech newspaper (1940-1945)
Wikipedia - Ari Melber -- American television journalist (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Arina Kachan -- Belarusian judoka (1994-)
Wikipedia - A Ring of Endless Light -- 1980 book by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Arirang (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Arirang 3 -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Arirang geuhu iyagi -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arise, My Love -- 1940 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Arishina Kumkuma -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arising from the Surface -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Ariyaatha Bandham -- 1986 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Arizona (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film drama
Wikipedia - Arizona (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arizona (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Arizona Bad Man -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Bound (1927 film) -- 1927 film by John Waters
Wikipedia - Arizona Bound (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet
Wikipedia - Arizona Bushwhackers -- 1968 film by Lesley Selander
Wikipedia - Arizona Colt Returns -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Cyclone -- 1941 film by Joseph H. Lewis
Wikipedia - Arizona Days (1928 film) -- 1928 film by J. P. McGowan
Wikipedia - Arizona Days (1937 film) -- 1937 film by John English
Wikipedia - Arizona Frontier -- 1940 western film by Albert Herman
Wikipedia - Arizona Gang Busters -- 1940 film directed by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Arizona Gunfighter -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Arizona Legion -- 1939 American western film directed by David Howard
Wikipedia - Arizona Mahoney -- 1936 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Arizona Nights -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Roundup -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Slim -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Stage Coach -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Territory -- US 19th century-early 20th century territory
Wikipedia - Arizona Terrors -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Terror -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arizona to Broadway -- 1933 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Arizona Trail (film) -- 1943 film by Vernon Keays
Wikipedia - Arjun (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Arjun Patiala -- 2019 Indian Hindi-language parody film
Wikipedia - Arjun Singh (politician, born 1930) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arjun Singh (politician, born 1962) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arkanoid -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Arkansas Highway 100 (1926-1960) -- Former highway in Arkansas
Wikipedia - Arkansas Highway 190 -- Highway in Arkansas
Wikipedia - Arkansas Judge -- 1941 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Arkansas Territory -- Territory of the United States of America from 1819 to 1836
Wikipedia - Ark Area -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth -- 1989 Batman graphic novel written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Dave McKean
Wikipedia - Arktika (1972 icebreaker) -- Russian Arktika-class icebreaker
Wikipedia - Arleen Auger -- American coloratura soprano (1939-1993)
Wikipedia - Arlekino i drugiye -- 1979 studio album by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Arlekino -- 1975 song with lyrics by Emil Dimitrov, Boris Barkas performed by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Arlene Anderson Skutch -- American singer, actress, and artist (b. 1924, d. 2012)
Wikipedia - Arletty -- 1898-1992 French actress
Wikipedia - Armaan (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1998 film) -- 1998 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon It -- 1987 song by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - Armand Joubert -- South African singer-songwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Armand Mijares -- Filipino archaeologist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Armando Manzanero -- Mexican singer-songwriter and composer (1935-2020)
Wikipedia - Arma Senkrah -- 19th-century American violinist
Wikipedia - Armas Lindgren -- Finnish architect (1874-1929)
Wikipedia - Armed and Dangerous (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Mark L. Lester
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Ruling Council (Nigeria) -- Legal armed force council incharge during 1985 to 1983 in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Weapons Project -- U.S. nuclear weapons agency until 1947
Wikipedia - Armed Response (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Fred Olen Ray
Wikipedia - Armen Darbinyan -- Armenian politician (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Armenia City in the Sky -- 1967 song by The Who
Wikipedia - Armenian Genocide survivors -- Armenians who survived the 1915 genocide
Wikipedia - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia -- Armenian militant organization that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armen Vardanyan -- Armenian-Ukrainian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Armero tragedy -- November 1985 volcanic eruption in Colombia
Wikipedia - Armin von Bogdandy -- German legal scholar (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Armistead Burwell (judge) -- American judge (1939-1913)
Wikipedia - Armistice of 11 November 1918 -- Armistice during First World War between Allies and Germany
Wikipedia - Armistice of 22 June 1940 -- Armistice between France and Nazi Germany in World War II
Wikipedia - Armon (film) -- 1986 film by Melis Abzalov
Wikipedia - Armor Attack -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Car (film) -- 1937 film directed by Lewis R. Foster
Wikipedia - Armored Command -- 1961 film by Byron Haskin
Wikipedia - Armored cruiser -- Type of cruiser in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Arms and the Man (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Arms and the Man (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Arms and the Woman -- 1916 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Arms Around the World -- 1997 single by Louise
Wikipedia - Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Act 2019 -- New Zealand bill
Wikipedia - Armstrong Gibbs -- English composer (1889-1960)
Wikipedia - Armstrong's Wife -- 1915 American drama silent film directed by George Melford
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth Albemarle -- 1940 airlifter by Armstrong Whitworth
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth Ape -- Experimental British aeroplane built in the 1920s
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth A.W.19 -- British single-engine biplane
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth AW.660 Argosy -- 1959 transport aircraft family by Armstrong Whitworth
Wikipedia - Army Bound -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Army Brats -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Army Champions -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Army Girl -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Army Manoeuvres of 1912 -- Military exercise
Wikipedia - Army of Me -- 1995 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Army of Shadows -- 1969 film by Jean-Pierre Melville
Wikipedia - Army Surgeon -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arnhem post mill (1946) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnhem post mill (1989) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnhem smock mill (1960) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnold Bax -- English composer and poet (1883-1953)
Wikipedia - Arnold Bocklin -- Swiss artist (1827-1901)
Wikipedia - Arnold Cooke -- British composer (1906-2005)
Wikipedia - Arnold E. Bender -- British professor in nutrition and food toxicology (1918-1999)
Wikipedia - Arnold Edward Ortmann -- Prussian-born United States naturalist and zoologist (1863-1927)
Wikipedia - Arnold Layne -- 1967 Pink Floyd single
Wikipedia - Arnold Plant -- British economist (1898-1978)
Wikipedia - Arnold Roth -- American cartoonist, born 1929
Wikipedia - Arnold Schoenberg -- Austrian-American composer (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Arnold Spielberg -- American electrical engineer (1917-2020)
Wikipedia - Arnold S. Relman -- American internist, professor and journal editor (1923-2014)
Wikipedia - Arnold Wall -- New Zealand university professor, philologist, poet, mountaineer, botanist, writer, radio broadcaster (1869-1966)
Wikipedia - Arnold Weiss -- American intelligence officer (1924-2010)
Wikipedia - Arnold Zwicky -- American linguist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Arnulfo Arias -- President of Panama from 1940 to 1941, 1949 to 1951 and in 1968
Wikipedia - Arnulf Rainer (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Roaring Adventure -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Robust Romeo -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Rogue in Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Rogue's Romance -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - Arogya Niketan -- 1953 Indian Bengali-language novel by Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay
Wikipedia - Aromalunni -- 1972 film by Kunchacko
Wikipedia - A Romance of Happy Valley -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Mayfair -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Old Baghdad -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Seville -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Redwoods -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Western Hills -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Wastdale -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Romantic Adventuress -- 1920 film by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - A Room for Three -- 1952 film by Antonio Lara de Gavilan
Wikipedia - A Room with a View (1985 film) -- 1985 British romance drama film by James Ivory, based on the novel
Wikipedia - A Rough Passage -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Around a Million -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Around the Beatles -- 1964 television special featuring the Beatles, produced by Jack Good for ITV/Rediffusion London
Wikipedia - Around the Boree Log -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A-round the Corner (Beneath the Berry Tree) -- 1952 song
Wikipedia - Around the Corner -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Around the World (1943 film) -- 1943 American comedy film produced and directed by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Around the World (East 17 song) -- 1994 single by East 17
Wikipedia - Around the World in 18 Days -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Around the World in 80 Days (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - Around the World in 80 Minutes with Douglas Fairbanks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Around the World in Eighty Days (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Around the World (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) -- 1999 single by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wikipedia - Around the World with Orson Welles -- 1955 television film by Orson Welles
Wikipedia - Around the World with Peynet's Lovers -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Rowboat Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Royal Divorce (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Royal Family -- 1915 silent film
Wikipedia - A Royal Romance -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arpad Miklos -- Hungarian gay male pornographic film actor (1967-2013)
Wikipedia - Arpege -- 1927 perfume made by Jeanne Lanvin
Wikipedia - Arpi Gabrielyan -- Amernian model, singer, actress (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Arrest Bulldog Drummond -- 1939 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Arrigo Boito -- Italian librettist and composer (1842-1918)
Wikipedia - Arrival (ABBA album) -- 1976 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Arrivano i nostri -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Arron Blake -- British actor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Arrondissement of Avelgem -- Early-19th century political unit in Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrondissement of Menen -- Early-19th century political unit in Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrow Air Flight 1285 -- December 1985 plane crash in Newfoundland, Canada
Wikipedia - Arrowhead (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Charles Marquis Warren
Wikipedia - Arrowsmith (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arrows of Desire (novel) -- 1985 novel by Geoffrey Household
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin (1917 film) -- 1917 film by Paul Scardon
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin (1932 film) -- 1932 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin contra Sherlock Holmes -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin, Detective -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin Returns -- 1938 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Arsenic and Old Lace (cocktail) -- Classic cocktail from the 1940s
Wikipedia - Arsenio Climaco -- Governor of the province of Cebu, Philippines from 1923-1930
Wikipedia - Ars (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arshad Madani -- Indian Muslim scholar (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Arshin Mal Alan (operetta) -- 1913 operetta by Uzeyir Hajibeyov
Wikipedia - Arson for Hire -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arson Gang Busters -- 1938 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Artaballabha Mohanty -- Indian writer, literary critique (1887-1969)
Wikipedia - Art Alive! -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Art Almanac -- Australian monthly print and internet guide to galleries, art news and awards established 1974
Wikipedia - Art and Scholasticism -- 1920 book by Jacques Maritain
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1912 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1920 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1924 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1928 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1932 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1936 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1948 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art Decade -- 1977 song performed by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Artem Alikhanian -- Soviet Armenian physicist (1908-1978)
Wikipedia - Artemisia (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Art et Liberte -- Egyptian artistic movement 1938-1948
Wikipedia - Art for Art's Sake (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Arthamulla Aasaigal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Arthdal Chronicles -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Arthur Alexander (album) -- 1972 studio album by Arthur Alexander
Wikipedia - Arthur Alexandrovich Rean -- Russian psychologist (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Arthur and Leontine -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Arthur and Lillie -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Arthur Andrew Hamilton -- Australian botanist (1855-1929)
Wikipedia - Arthur Balfour -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905
Wikipedia - Arthur Berger (composer) -- American composer and music critic (1912-2003)
Wikipedia - Arthur Bliss Seymour -- American botanist and mycologist (1859-1933)
Wikipedia - Arthur Bliss -- British composer (1891-1975)
Wikipedia - Arthur Carracher -- Australian cricketer (1867-1935)
Wikipedia - Arthur Cronquist -- American botanist (1919-1992)
Wikipedia - Arthur Cuming Ringland -- Conservationist and co-founder of CARE (1882 - 1981)
Wikipedia - Arthur E. Gordon -- American archaeologist and classical philologist (1902-1989)
Wikipedia - Arthur Ewert -- German communist political activist (1890-1959)
Wikipedia - Arthur Flower -- English cricket administrator (1920-1986)
Wikipedia - Arthur Hays Sulzberger -- Publisher of The New York Times from 1935 to 1961
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry White -- American businessman and humanitarian (1924-2014)
Wikipedia - Arthur Housman -- American actor in films during both the silent film era and the Golden Age of Hollywood (1889-1942)
Wikipedia - Arthur Humberstone -- British film animator (1912-1999)
Wikipedia - Arthur Hunter Palmer -- 19th-century Australian politician
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Cramp -- British-born American medical doctor, researcher, and writer (1872-1951)
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Elliot II -- American naval commander (1933 - 1968)
Wikipedia - Arthur Koestler (1984 book by Mark Levene)
Wikipedia - Arthur LeBlanc -- Canadian politician (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Arthur Lee Simpkins -- Singer (b. 1907, d. 1972)
Wikipedia - Arthur Lloyd (missionary) -- 19th and 20th-century Anglican priest, scholar, and missionary
Wikipedia - Arthur Machen -- Welsh author and mystic (1863-1947)
Wikipedia - Arthur Migliazza -- Jazz musician (b. 1980)
Wikipedia - Arthur Mole -- American photographer 1889-1983
Wikipedia - Arthur Mullard -- British actor (1910-1995)
Wikipedia - Arthur Murray -- American dance instructor (1895-1991)
Wikipedia - Arthur Pentelow -- British actor (1924-1991)
Wikipedia - Arthur Quiller-Couch -- 19th/20th-century British writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Arthur Salter, 1st Baron Salter -- British politician and academic (1881-1975)
Wikipedia - Arthur's Desperate Resolve -- 1916 silent short film directed by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Arthur Sephton -- Archdeacon of Craven from 1956 to 1972.
Wikipedia - Arthur S. Moreau Jr. -- United States Navy admiral (1931-1986)
Wikipedia - Arthur Somervell -- British composer and art song writer (1863-1937)
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan -- English composer of Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas (1842-1900)
Wikipedia - Arthur Sze -- American poet (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Arthur W. Conway -- Irish physicist, President of University College Dublin 1940-1947
Wikipedia - Arthur W. French -- American journalist and popular-song writer (1846-1916)
Wikipedia - Arthur W. Hummel Jr. -- American diplomat (1920-2001)
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilkinson -- British composer (1919-1968)
Wikipedia - Arthur Williams (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1964
Wikipedia - Arthur William Turner -- Australian veterinary scientist and bacteriologist (1900-1989)
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilson (crystallographer) -- Canadian crystallographer (1914-1995)
Wikipedia - Article 15 (film) -- 2019 crime drama film by Anubhav Sinha
Wikipedia - Article 48 (Weimar Constitution) -- Article of the Weimar Constitution allowed Chancellor Adolf Hitler, with decrees issued by President Paul von Hindenburg, to create a totalitarian dictatorship after the Nazi Party's rise to power in the early 1930s.
Wikipedia - Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got -- 1986 film directed by Brigitte Berman
Wikipedia - Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans -- 2019 book by Melanie Mitchell
Wikipedia - Artificial Paradise (film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Artik (film) -- A 2019 American horror film
Wikipedia - Artimes Farshad Yeganeh -- Iranian rock climber (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Artin billiard -- Type of a dynamical billiard first studied by Emil Artin in 1924
Wikipedia - Artistenrevue -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Artisten -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Artistic swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Artistic swimming competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Artist Love -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Artists and Models (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Artists and Models Abroad -- 1938 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Artists' Blood -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Artists (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Art Is... -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Art jove -- Catalan magazine (1905-1906)
Wikipedia - Art Monthly Australasia -- Australian visual arts periodical established 1987
Wikipedia - Art of the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests -- Artistic works created as part of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Art (play) -- 1994 play by Yasmina Reza
Wikipedia - Arts and Crafts movement -- Design movement c. 1880-1920
Wikipedia - Artur Dinter -- German writer and Nazi politician (1876-1948)
Wikipedia - Artur Naifonov -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Arturo Arias -- Guatemalan novelist and critic (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Arturo Lomibao -- Filipino police officer (b. 1950)
Wikipedia - Arturo's Island (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Arturs KriM-EM-!janis KariM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Prime Minister of Latvia (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Art Young -- American cartoonist and writer (1866-1943)
Wikipedia - Aruanda (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Arube uprising -- 1974 Ugandan coup d'etat attempt against Idi Amin
Wikipedia - A Ruined Life -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Arumai Magal Abirami -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arunachalam (film) -- 1997 film by Sundar C.
Wikipedia - Arunagirinathar (film) -- 1964 film by T. R. Ramanna
Wikipedia - Aruna Raaga -- 1986 film directed by K. V. Jayaram
Wikipedia - Arun Barun O Kiranmala -- 1979 Bengali film
Wikipedia - Arundhati Roy -- Indian novelist, essayist, and activist (BORN 1961)
Wikipedia - Arun Kumar Sharma -- Indian botanist (1924-2017)
Wikipedia - A Rural Demon -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Rural Elopement -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Arusha Accords (Rwanda) -- set of five accords (or protocols) signed in Arusha, Tanzania on 4 August 1993 to end the Rwandan Civil War
Wikipedia - A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours -- 1987 song by The Smiths
Wikipedia - Aruvadai Naal -- 1986 film by G. M. Kumar
Wikipedia - Aruva Velu -- 1996 film by Bharathi Kannan
Wikipedia - Arven (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Arvind Singh Mewar -- Indian businessman (born 1944)
Wikipedia - Arvingen -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Aryamala -- 1941 film by Bomman Irani
Wikipedia - Arya Rajendran -- Indian politician (born 1999)
Wikipedia - Arya Vaiv -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Arzoo (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - AS-19 (drug)
Wikipedia - A sablazo limpio -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Asa Branca: Um Sonho Brasileiro -- 1981 film directed by Djalma Limongi Batista
Wikipedia - A Safe Affair -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Safe Proposition -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Asahel Farr -- 19th century American frontier doctor, and pioneer of Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - A Sailor-Made Man -- 1921 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - A Sailor's Heart -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Sailor's Sweetheart -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Sailor Tramp -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sainted Devil -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Asakaze-class destroyer (1954) -- Asakaze-class destroyer
Wikipedia - A Salzburg Comedy -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Asambhava -- 1986 film by D. Rajendra Babu
Wikipedia - A Sammy in Siberia -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Sand Book -- 2019 poetry collection
Wikipedia - A Sanitarium Scramble -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - ASAP Bari -- American fashion designer and businessman (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Asaram Tyagi -- Hero of 1965 India-Pakistan war
Wikipedia - A Saturday on Earth -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - As Aventuras da Turma da Monica -- 1982 film by Mauricio de Sousa
Wikipedia - As Aventuras de Gregorio -- 1920 film directed by Luiz de Barros
Wikipedia - A Sawmill Hazard -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - As Berry and I Were Saying -- 1952 fictionalised memoirs of Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - As Bodas de Deus -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - A. S. Byatt -- British writer, 1964-present
Wikipedia - Ascencion (album) -- 1974 studio album by Malo
Wikipedia - Ascending and Descending -- 1960 lithograph by M. C. Escher
Wikipedia - Ascensao e Queda de um Paquera -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ascensor -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A School for Husbands -- 1917 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Score to Settle -- 2019 film by Shawn Ku
Wikipedia - A Scrap of Paper -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Scream from Silence -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Dark -- 1943 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Night -- 1934 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - A Screw -- 1986 EP
Wikipedia - A Season in Hakkari -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - A Secret Institution -- 19th-century American autobiography
Wikipedia - Asedillo -- 1971 Filipino film directed by Celso Advento Castillo
Wikipedia - A Self-Made Failure -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - A Self Made Hero -- 1996 film by Jacques Audiard
Wikipedia - A Separate Creation -- 1996 book by Chandler Burr
Wikipedia - A Separate Peace -- 1959 novel by John Knowles
Wikipedia - Aserca Airlines -- Defunct Venezuelan airline (1968-2018)
Wikipedia - A Sereia de Pedra -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Serious Case -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Severa (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Severed Head -- 1961 novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - Asew -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A. S. F. Gow -- British classical scholar and teacher (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Asger Lund Christiansen -- Danish cellist (1927-1998)
Wikipedia - As God Made Her -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - As Good as It Gets -- 1997 American romantic comedy film directed by James L. Brooks
Wikipedia - As Good as Married -- 1937 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - As Good as New (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Shadow at the Window -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - A Shadow You Soon Will Be -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Ashamed of Parents -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Ashanti (1979 film) -- 1979 action-adventure film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Ashanti (Crown Colony) -- Former British [[Crown Colony]] from 1901 until 1957, now part of Ghana
Wikipedia - Ashanti to Zulu -- Children's book from 1976
Wikipedia - Ash: A Secret History -- 1999-2000 fantasy novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon -- 2019 film directed by Will Becher and Richard Phelan
Wikipedia - Ashes and Diamonds (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ashes and Diamonds -- 1948 Polish novel
Wikipedia - Ashes of Embers -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Paradise -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Vengeance -- 1923 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - Ashes to the Wind -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ashgate Publishing -- 1967-2015 British academic publisher
Wikipedia - Ashik Kerib (film) -- 1988 film by Sergei Parajanov
Wikipedia - Ashikkhito -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Ship Bound for India -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - A Ship Comes In -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ashita Dhawan -- Indian television actress (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ashita wa Ashita no Kaze ga Fuku -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ashley Horace Thorndike -- 19th/20th-century American educator and Shakespeare expert
Wikipedia - Ashley Thorpe -- Australian cricketer (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Ashlyn Gere -- American pornographic and TV actress (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Ashmita Karnani -- Indian actor (b. 1985)
Wikipedia - A Shocking Accident -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Shock to the System (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Jan Egleson
Wikipedia - Ashokavanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ashok Bhattacharya -- Indian politician (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Ashok Chavda -- Gujarati poet and writer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Ashoke Pandit -- Indian filmmaker and social activist (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Ashok Swain -- Indian-born Swedish professor (born 1965)
Wikipedia - A Short Vision -- 1956 animated horror film
Wikipedia - A Shot at Dawn -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1964 film) -- 1964 comedy film by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - A Show of Force -- 1990 film by Bruno Barreto
Wikipedia - Ashraf Abbasov -- Soviet composer (1920-1992)
Wikipedia - Ashraf Hussain -- Bengali writer (1892-1965)
Wikipedia - Ashridge Dining Club -- The meetings of an English political club 1933-1938
Wikipedia - A Shriek in the Night -- 1933 film by Albert Ray
Wikipedia - Ashtabandham -- 1986 film directed by Askar
Wikipedia - Ashtamirohini -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ashtamudikkaayal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - As Husbands Go -- 1934 film directed by Hamilton MacFadden
Wikipedia - Ashutosh Mukherjee -- Bengali educator, jurist, barrister and mathematician (1864-1924)
Wikipedia - Ashwani Kumar (military officer) -- Adjutant General of Indian Army from 2018 to 2019
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday bushfires -- 1983 brushfires in Australia
Wikipedia - Ashworth Improvement Plan -- Australian railway improvement plan 1940 - 1947
Wikipedia - Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act, 1946
Wikipedia - Asif Shah -- Nepali TV presenter, actor, singer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - A Silent Witness -- 1912 Australian film by Franklyn Barrett
Wikipedia - Asima Chatterjee -- Indian chemist (1917-2006)
Wikipedia - A Simple Case -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Death -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Game -- 1968 song by the Moody Blues
Wikipedia - A Simple Story (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Twist of Fate -- 1994 film by Gillies MacKinnon
Wikipedia - As in a Looking Glass -- 1916 film by Frank Hall Crane
Wikipedia - A Single Man (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Single Man (album) -- 1978 album by Elton John
Wikipedia - As in Heaven -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Asi O De Otra Manera -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Sister of Six (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Sister of Six -- 1916 silent film by Chester M. and Sidney Franklin
Wikipedia - A Sister's Love -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Asi te quiero -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - As It Happened -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Asit Kumar Haldar -- Indian painter of Bengal school (1890-1964)
Wikipedia - A Six Shootin' Romance -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Sixth Part of the World -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Asiya (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Ask Ann Landers -- American daily advice column by Ann Landers (pseudonym), originated 1943 by Ruth Crowley
Wikipedia - Ask Any Girl (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Ask a Policeman -- 1939 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Askari Mohammadian -- Iranian wrestler (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Ask Dad -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ask Dr. Ruth -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Ask Father -- 1919 film by Hal Roach
Wikipedia - Ask for the Moon -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Ask Grandma -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Asking for Trouble -- 1942 film by Oswald Mitchell
Wikipedia - Ask Max -- 1986 television film directed by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Ask Me (Elvis Presley song) -- 1964 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - ASL Airlines Ireland -- Irish freight and passenger airline founded in 1972
Wikipedia - ASL Airlines Switzerland -- Defumct Swiss airline (1984-2018)
Wikipedia - Aslak Brekke -- Norwegian musician, vocalist (1901-1978)
Wikipedia - Aslan (band) -- Irish rock band formed in 1982
Wikipedia - A Slave of Fashion -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Slave of Vanity -- 1920 film by Henry Otto
Wikipedia - A Slice of Life (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Slice of Life (short story) -- 1926 short story by P. G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Slight Case of Murder -- 1938 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Slightly Pregnant Man -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Asli-Naqli -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Asli Naqli -- 1986 film directed by Sudarsan Nag
Wikipedia - As Long as It Matters -- 1996 single by Gin Blossoms
Wikipedia - As Long as the Roses Bloom -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - As Long as They're Happy -- 1955 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - As Long as You Live -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - As Long as You Love Me (Backstreet Boys song) -- 1997 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - As Long as You're Near Me -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Small Circle of Friends -- 1980 film by Rob Cohen
Wikipedia - A Small Down Payment on Bliss -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Small Town Girl -- 1915 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Small Town Idol -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - As Man Desires -- 1925 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Asmara Moerni -- 1941 film by Rd Ariffien
Wikipedia - As Men Love -- 1917 film by E. Mason Hopper
Wikipedia - A Smoked Husband -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Social Celebrity -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Social Cub -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Society Exile -- 1919 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - A Society Scandal -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Society Sherlock -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Duty -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Oath -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Plaything -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Story -- 1984 film by Norman Jewison
Wikipedia - A Son Comes Home -- 1936 film by Ewald Andre Dupont
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Song About the Gray Pigeon -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Song for Mama -- 1997 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - A Song for Summer -- 1997 romance novel by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - A Song for You (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Song from Days of Youth -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Song Goes Round the World (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Song Goes Round the World -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Song of Kentucky -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Son of David -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Son of Erin -- 1916 film by Julia Crawford Ivers
Wikipedia - A Son of His Father -- 1925 silent film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - A Son of Man -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Son of Satan -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Desert -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Plains -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Sahara -- 1924 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - As Other Men Are -- 1925 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - A Soul at Stake -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - A Soul Enslaved -- 1916 silent film directed by Cleo Madison
Wikipedia - A Soul's Awakening -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Soul to Devils -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A South Sea Bubble -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Spaceman Came Travelling -- 1975 single by Chris de Burgh
Wikipedia - A Space to Grow -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Spaniard in the Works -- 1965 book by John Lennon
Wikipedia - A Special Delivery -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Spectre Haunts Europe -- 1923 film by Vladimir Gardin
Wikipedia - Aspects of Scientific Explanation -- 1965 book by Carl Gustav Hempel
Wikipedia - A Spell of Winter -- 1995 gothic novel by Helen Dunmore
Wikipedia - Asphalt (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Asphalt (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Asphalt Tango -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - A Spiritualistic Photographer -- 1903 film directed by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - A Splendid Hazard -- 1920 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Sporting Chance (1919 Paramount film) -- 1919 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Sporting Chance (1919 Pathe film) -- 1919 US silent film by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Sporting Double -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sportsman's Wife -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Spray of Plum Blossoms -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Square Deal -- 1917 film directed by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - A. Sreedhara Menon -- Indian historian (1925-2010)
Wikipedia - Assa (film) -- 1987 film directed by Sergei Solovyov
Wikipedia - Assassination (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Assassination (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Assassination (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Assassination in Davos -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr. -- 1983 Philippine assassination
Wikipedia - Assassination of Huey Long -- 1935 murder of the US Senator
Wikipedia - Assassination of John F. Kennedy -- 1963 murder of the US President
Wikipedia - Assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira -- 1994 shooting down of a plane carrying the Rwandan and Burundian presidents
Wikipedia - Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi -- 1948 assassination of Indian nationalist
Wikipedia - Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. -- 1968 murder
Wikipedia - Assassination of Pawel Adamowicz -- Stabbing of Mayor of Gdansk during charity event in 2019
Wikipedia - Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi -- 1991 assassination of the 6th Prime Minister of India
Wikipedia - Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy -- 1968 assassination of an American politician
Wikipedia - Assassination of William McKinley -- 1901 murder of the 25th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Assassin of Youth -- 1937 film by Elmer Clifton
Wikipedia - Assassins (1995 film)
Wikipedia - Assassin(s) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Assault (film) -- 1971 British film directed by Sidney Hayers
Wikipedia - Assault on Agathon -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Assault on Precinct 13 (1976 film) -- 1976 film by John Carpenter
Wikipedia - Assault on the State Treasure -- 1967 film by Piero Pierotti
Wikipedia - Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ -- Christian denomination formed in 1952
Wikipedia - Assembly of Captive European Nations -- Coalition of representatives from nations in Central and Eastern Europe under Soviet domination (1954-1972)
Wikipedia - Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Assia Noris -- Russian-Italian actress (1912-1998)
Wikipedia - Assignment K -- 1968 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Assignment - Paris! -- 1952 film by Robert Parrish
Wikipedia - Assignment: Underwater -- American adventure television series from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Assignment: Venezuela -- 1956 American oil industry propaganda film
Wikipedia - Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Home) -- British Navy post 1942-1945
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy -- Senior civilian official of the Department of the Navy, position abolished in 1954
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2018-19 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2019-20 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2019 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Association of Independent Methodists -- Methodist Christian denomination founded in 1965
Wikipedia - Association of Wrongdoers -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Queensland) -- Act of the Parliament of Queensland
Wikipedia - Association to Unite the Democracies -- Organization founded 1939
Wikipedia - Assume Form -- 2019 studio album by James Blake
Wikipedia - Assunta Spina (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Assunta Spina (1948 film) -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Stab in the Dark (film) -- 1999 film dir. Veronica Quarshie
Wikipedia - A Stage Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Astal -- 1995 2D side-scrolling platformer video game
Wikipedia - A Star Disappears -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Star Is Born (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - A Star Is Born (1976 film) -- 1976 film by Frank Pierson
Wikipedia - As Tears Go By (film) -- 1988 film by Wong Kar-wai
Wikipedia - A Step Away -- 1980 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Step into the Darkness (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Asterix Conquers America -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Asterix Versus Caesar -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Asteroids (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Astero -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Asthamayam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - As the Earth Turns (1934 film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - As the Sea Rages -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - As the Sun Went Down -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - As the World Turns -- American television soap opera (1956-2010)
Wikipedia - A Sticky Affair -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Stitch for Time -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aston Martin DB7 -- Grand Tourer produced by British automobile manufacturer Aston Martin as a successor to the DB6 from 1994-2004
Wikipedia - A Storm Over Zakopane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Astor Place Riot -- 19th century theatre-related riot in Manhattan
Wikipedia - A Story a Story -- 1970 book by Gail E. Haley
Wikipedia - Astra Airlines -- Defunct Greek airline (2008-2019)
Wikipedia - Astra-Gnome -- Concept car by industrial designer Richard Arbib using a 1955 Nash Metropolitan chassis
Wikipedia - Astral Chain -- 2019 action-adventure hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - A Strange Adventure (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Guest -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Place to Meet -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - A Stranger in Town (1943 film) -- 1943 film by Roy Rowland
Wikipedia - A Strange Role -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Transgressor -- 1917 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 film) -- 1951 drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Streetcar Named Desire -- 1947 play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - Astrid Varnay -- American operatic soprano (1918-2006)
Wikipedia - A String of Pearls (film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Astri Welhaven Heiberg -- Norwegian painter (1881-1967)
Wikipedia - AstroFlight Sunrise -- 1974 experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Astronaut (film) -- 2019 film by Shelagh McLeod
Wikipedia - Astrosmash -- Video game from 1981 for the Intellivision console
Wikipedia - A Student's Song of Heidelberg -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Reds -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1914 American film) -- 1914 film by Francis Ford
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1914 British film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Study in Terror -- 1965 film by James Hill
Wikipedia - A Submarine Pirate -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Successful Calamity -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Successful Failure -- 1934 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - A Successful Man -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Suitable Boy -- 1993 novel by Vikram Seth
Wikipedia - Asuman Baytop -- Turkish botanist (1920-2015)
Wikipedia - A Summer in La Goulette -- 1996 film by Ferid Boughedir
Wikipedia - A Summer Rain -- 1978 film directed by Carlos Diegues
Wikipedia - A Summer You Will Never Forget -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Summons to Memphis -- 1986 novel by Peter Taylor
Wikipedia - Asunto terminado -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Sun -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Asuran (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Tamil-language film directed by Vetrimaaran
Wikipedia - Asuryalok -- 1987 Gujarati novel by Bhagwatikumar Sharma
Wikipedia - A Suspended Ordeal -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 6 -- 2019 Asus flagship smartphone with flip camera
Wikipedia - Aswathy -- 1974 Indian film directed by Jeassy
Wikipedia - A Sweeter Song -- 1976 film directed by Allan Eastman
Wikipedia - A Sweet Scent of Death -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - A Swiftly Tilting Planet -- 1978 science fiction novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Asylums (book) -- 1961 book by Erving Goffman
Wikipedia - As You Desire Me (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - As You Like It (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - As You Like It (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - As Young as We Are -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Atado a Tu Amor -- 1998 studio album by Chayanne
Wikipedia - At A French Fireside -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - A Tailored Gentleman -- 1954 film by Miguel M. Delgado
Wikipedia - A Tailor-Made Man (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Joe De Grasse
Wikipedia - A Tailor Made Man -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Adam Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve' -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Five Cities -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of the Wind -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Three Sisters -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Robert Zigler Leonard, Jack Conway
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Kitchens -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Kitties -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Worlds -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Atal Jaler Ahwan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Tango for You -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Tango Tragedy -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A TanitonM-EM-^Q -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Atanu Bhuyan -- Indian journalist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Atari Game Brain -- Unreleased dedicated first-generation home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978
Wikipedia - Atari video game burial -- 1983 mass burial of unsold video game cartridges in New Mexico
Wikipedia - A Taste for Death (James novel) -- 1986 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Taste of Catnip -- 1966 film by Robert McKimson
Wikipedia - A Taxing Woman -- 1987 film by JM-EM-+zM-EM-^M Itami
Wikipedia - At Bertram's Hotel -- 1965 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - At Close Range -- 1986 film by James Foley
Wikipedia - At Cooloolah -- 1954 poem by Judith Wright
Wikipedia - At Ease -- Alternative to the Macintosh desktop developed by Apple Computer in the early 1990s for the classic Mac OS
Wikipedia - A Teenager in Love -- 1959 single by Dion and the Belmonts
Wikipedia - A Teenager's Romance -- 1957 song performed by Ricky Nelson
Wikipedia - At Eighteen -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Atelier Double -- Video game studio (1996-2004)
Wikipedia - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout -- 2019 video game by Gust Co. Ltd.
Wikipedia - Ateliosis -- Early-1900s term for proportional dwarfism
Wikipedia - Atem (album) -- 1973 album by Tangerine Dream
Wikipedia - AteM-EM-^_ten Gomlek -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Temperamental Wife -- 1919 American film directed by David Kirkland
Wikipedia - A Temporary Gentleman -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Temporary Truce -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Temporary Vagabond -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Tender-Hearted Crook -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Ateneo de El Salvador -- Cultural institution in El Salvador founded in 1912
Wikipedia - Atentat -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Terrible Tragedy -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Texas Steer -- 1927 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1917 film) -- 1917 American film directed by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1999 film) -- 1999 American film by Irwin Winkler
Wikipedia - At Five O'Clock in the Afternoon -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - At Freddie's -- 1982 novel by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - At Full Gallop -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - ATF (video game) -- 1988 computer game
Wikipedia - Atham Chithira Chothy -- 1986 film directed by A. T. Abu
Wikipedia - Athanasios Elias -- Syriac Orthodox bishop (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Athanasius Paulose -- 19th and 20th-century Jacobite Syrian patriarch
Wikipedia - Atha Okinti Kodale -- 1958 film by K. B. Tilak
Wikipedia - Athens Classic Marathon -- Annual race in Greece held since 1972
Wikipedia - Athens, GA: Inside/Out -- 1987 film by Tony Gayton
Wikipedia - Athens Polytechnic uprising -- Student uprising against the Greek junta, 1973
Wikipedia - A Theory of Justice -- 1971 book by John Rawls
Wikipedia - Athey Kangal -- 1967 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Athidhi (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in Paradise -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in the Dark -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in the Night (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Thing of Magic -- 2019 Marathi feature-film
Wikipedia - A Thin Line Between Love and Hate -- 1996 film by Martin Lawrence
Wikipedia - Athinumappuram -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Athiratha Maharatha -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Athiroopa Amaravathi -- 1935 film by C. V. Raman
Wikipedia - Athisaya Penn -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Athisaya Piravi -- 1990 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Athisaya Thirudan -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Athlete (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Takamasa Oe
Wikipedia - Athletes (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 110 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 1500 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 2500 metres steeplechase -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 4000 metres steeplechase -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 5000 metres team race -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 60 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 800 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's discus throw -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's hammer throw -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's high jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's long jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's marathon -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's pole vault -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's shot put -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing high jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing long jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing triple jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's triple jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's individual cross country -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 110 metres hurdles -- Held in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 110 yards relay -- Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Women's 100 yards -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1970 British Commonwealth Games - Women's 400 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1975 South Pacific Games -- 1975 athletics competitions in Guam
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's decathlon -- Track and field competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1977 Southeast Asian Games -- Medal results of sporting event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1981 Summer Universiade - Women's 100 metres -- Women's Athletic Universiade
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Pan American Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 100 metres relay -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's 200 metres -- Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's 200 metres
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's discus throw -- Women's discus throw event at the 1983 Summer Universiade
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's javelin throw -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1985 Bolivarian Games -- Bolivarian Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1991 Summer Universiade - Women's heptathlon -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's long jump -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1993 Summer Universiade - Men's 5000 metres -- Athletic event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Asian Games - Women's 200 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Micronesian Games -- Game
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1999 Pan American Games - Women's triple jump -- Athletic event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Athletics competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's javelin throw -- Athletics competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Summer Universiade - Men's 400 metres hurdles -- Athletics competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Summer Universiade - Men's 5000 metres -- 2019 Men's 5000 metres for Summer Universiade
Wikipedia - Athma (film) -- 1993 film by Prathap K. Pothan
Wikipedia - At Home Among Strangers -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Little Kisses -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Melodies -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Red Roses Bloom -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Sisters -- 2019 book by Elizabeth Wein
Wikipedia - A Thousand Stars Aglitter -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand to One -- 1920 film by Rowland V. Lee
Wikipedia - A Thousand Trees -- 1997 single by Stereophonics
Wikipedia - A Throw of Dice -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A. Thurairajah -- Sri Lankan Tamil Academic and vice-chancellor of the University of Jaffna (1934-1994)
Wikipedia - Athyra -- 1993 novel in the Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - A Tiger's Tale -- 1987 film by Peter Douglas
Wikipedia - A Tight Corner -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Time for Burning -- 1966 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Time for Dying -- 1969 film by Budd Boetticher
Wikipedia - A Time for Justice -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Time for Killing -- 1967 film by Roger Corman, Phil Karlson
Wikipedia - A Timely Interception -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Time Out of War -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Time to Kill (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - A Time to Love and a Time to Die -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Atishi Marlena -- Indian politician (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Atithee -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Atlanta Millionaires Club -- 2019 studio album by Faye Webster
Wikipedia - Atlanta murders of 1979-1981 -- Series of at least 28 murders, mostly of children, in Atlanta, Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Atlanta prison riots -- 1987 prison riots at USP Atlanta
Wikipedia - Atlantic Adventure -- 1935 film directed by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Atlantic Bubble -- 2020 COVID-19 travel restrictions
Wikipedia - Atlantic Convoy -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Council -- American Atlanticist think tank founded in 1961
Wikipedia - Atlantic Ferry -- 1941 film by Walter Forde
Wikipedia - Atlantic (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Flight (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Flight (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Atlantic Patrol -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic slave trade -- Slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th to the 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Atlantics -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Wall (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Atlantik (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis (1913 film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis, the Lost Continent -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis: The Lost Tales -- 1997 fantasy adventure video game
Wikipedia - Atlas Alone -- 2019 novel by Emma Newman
Wikipedia - Atlas Autocode -- 1960s computer programming language
Wikipedia - Atlas Comics (1950s) -- 1950s comic book publishing company
Wikipedia - Atlas (computer) -- Supercomputer of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Atlas (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - ATLAS-I -- US Air Force electromagnetic pulse generation and testing apparatus in use from 1972-1980 at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, US
Wikipedia - Atlas/Seaboard Comics -- Term for line of 1970s comics
Wikipedia - Atlas Shrugged -- 1957 novel by Ayn Rand
Wikipedia - At Long Last Love -- 1975 film by Peter Bogdanovich
Wikipedia - Atmaram Sadashiv Jayakar -- Indian naturalist, military physician and surgeon (1844-1911)
Wikipedia - At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul -- 1964 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - Atmosfear (series) -- 1991 video board game
Wikipedia - At Night All Cats Are Crazy -- 1977 film by Gerard Zingg
Wikipedia - A Tokyo Siren -- 1920 film by Norman Dawn
Wikipedia - Atom Age Vampire -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Atom Bomb (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Atom Bomb (song) -- 1996 song performed by Fluke
Wikipedia - Atomic Age (design) -- Design style from the approximate period 1940-1960, when concerns of nuclear war dominated the West during the Cold War
Wikipedia - Atomic Age -- Period of history (1945-)
Wikipedia - Atomic Dog -- 1982 electronic funk single by George Clinton
Wikipedia - Atomic Energy Act of 1946 -- US law on the control and management of nuclear technology
Wikipedia - Atomic Power (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Atomic Robo-Kid -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Atomic Rulers of the World -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Atomic Train -- 1999 American television miniseries
Wikipedia - Atomic War Bride -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Atomium -- Building in Brussels, Belgium built in 1958
Wikipedia - A Tornado in the Saddle -- 1942 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Ator, the Fighting Eagle -- 1982 film by Joe D'Amato
Wikipedia - A Touch of Love (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - A Tough Winter -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Town of Love and Hope -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Atraco a las tres -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Train Leaves in Every Hour -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Trap -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945 film) -- 1945 American drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (novel) -- 1943 semi-autobiographical novel by Betty Smith
Wikipedia - A Tremendously Rich Man -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Trick of Fate -- 1919 film by Howard Hickman
Wikipedia - A Trick of Hearts -- 1928 film directed by B. Reeves Eason
Wikipedia - A Trick of Light -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Trick of the Tail (song) -- 1976 song by Genesis
Wikipedia - A Tricky Painter's Fate -- 1908 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - A Trip Down Memory Lane -- 1965 short film by Arthur Lipsett
Wikipedia - A Trip to Chinatown (film) -- 1926 film by Robert P. Kerr
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paradise -- 1921 film directed by Maxwell Karger
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paramountown -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paris -- 1938 film by Malcolm St. Clair
Wikipedia - A Trip to the Moon -- 1902 film
Wikipedia - A Trip Without a Load -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - At Ruedesheimer Castle There Is a Lime Tree -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - At Sachem Farm -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Atsuko Sakuraba -- Japanese model and actor (born 1976)
Wikipedia - At Sword's Edge -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Atta Boy -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Attacked!! -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack from Space -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the 50 Foot Woman -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Beast Creatures -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Flesh Devouring Space Worms from Outer Space -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Giant Leeches -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Helping Hand -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Moors -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Normans -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Puppet People -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Attack on Baku -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Attack on Reginald Denny -- Racially motivated attack during the 1992 L.A. riots
Wikipedia - Attack on Richard Nixon's motorcade -- Attack on the motorcade of US Vice President Richard Nixon in Caracas, Venezuela while he was visiting in 1958
Wikipedia - Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan -- 1975 American TV film
Wikipedia - Attack on the Dureenbee -- Attack of fishing trawler in 1942 by a Japanese submarine
Wikipedia - Attack on the Iron Coast -- 1967 film by Paul Wendkos
Wikipedia - Attaku Yamudu Ammayiki Mogudu -- 1989 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in Sacramento -- 1975 assassination attempt by Lynette Fromme
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco -- 1975 assassination attempt by Sara Jane Moore
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman -- Assassination attempt on U.S. President Truman on 1 November 1950
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Leonid Brezhnev -- 1969 assassination attempt made upon Leonid Brezhnev
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan -- 1981 shooting of US President Ronald Reagan
Wikipedia - Attempt to Kill -- 1961 film directed by Royston Morley
Wikipedia - Attentat 1942 -- 2017 Czech WWII video game
Wikipedia - Attention bandits! -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Attention (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Attention, The Kids Are Watching -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attention, Turtle! -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - At the Altar -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - At the Circus -- 1939 Marx Brothers film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - At the Crossroads (film) -- 1943 film by Paul Guevremont
Wikipedia - At the Edge of Conquest: The Journey of Chief Wai-Wai -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - At the Edge of the Great City -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - At the Edge of the World (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - At the End of the World -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - At the Green Cockatoo by Night -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - At the Mercy of Men -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - At the Movies 1959-1974 -- 1996 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - At the Movies (1986 TV program) -- Movie review television program
Wikipedia - At the Old Stage Door -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - At the Stage Door -- 1921 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - At the Strasbourg -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - At the Stroke of the Angelus -- 1915 silent short starring Charles Clary
Wikipedia - At the Top of the Stairs -- 1983 film by Paul Vecchiali
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Maurice Elvey
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Walter Summers
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (novel) -- 1910 detective novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - At the Well in Front of the Gate -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - At the World's Limit -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Attica Prison riot -- 1971 prisoner riot at the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Attila Bartis -- Hungarian writer and photographer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Attila Demko -- Hungarian diplomat and writer (b. 1976)
Wikipedia - Attila flagello di Dio -- 1982 Italian film by Castellano e Pipolo
Wikipedia - Attitude Era -- World Wrestling Federation's increase in adult-oriented content in the late-1990s
Wikipedia - Attorney for the Defense -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Attorney for the Heart -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Twal A Tar -- 1972 Burmese film
Wikipedia - At War in the Diamond Fields -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - At War with the Army -- 1950 film by Hal Walker
Wikipedia - A Twist of Sand -- 1968 film by Don Chaffey
Wikipedia - At Your Orders, Madame -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - At Your Orders, Sergeant -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - At Your Threshold -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Auburn Speedster -- American automobile model (1925-1937)
Wikipedia - Auckland Marathon -- Annual race in New Zealand held since 1992
Wikipedia - Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Audacia Ray -- American human sexuality writer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Audacity (song) -- 2019 single by Stormzy
Wikipedia - Au-dela des lois humaines -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Audioscopiks -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Audio Visuals -- Unlicensed series of Doctor Who audio dramas made by British fans in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Audition (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Takashi Miike
Wikipedia - Auditions (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Audrey (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Audrey Meadows -- Actress, banker (1922-1996)
Wikipedia - Audrey Niffenegger -- American writer, artist and academic (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Audrey Tang -- Taiwanese software programmer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Audrius Nakas -- Lithuanian politician and actor (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Auf Wiedersehen (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Au grand balcon -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - August 1900 -- List of events that occurred in August 1900
Wikipedia - August 1901 -- List of events that occurred in August 1901
Wikipedia - August 1902 -- List of events that occurred in August 1902
Wikipedia - August 1903 -- List of events that occurred in August 1903
Wikipedia - August 1909 -- List of events that occurred in August 1909
Wikipedia - August 1910 -- Month of 1910
Wikipedia - August 1911 -- Month of 1911
Wikipedia - August 1912 -- Month of 1912
Wikipedia - August 1913 -- Month of 1913
Wikipedia - August 1914 -- Month of 1914
Wikipedia - August 1915 -- Month of 1915
Wikipedia - August 1916 -- Month in 1916
Wikipedia - August 1917 -- Month in 1917
Wikipedia - August 1918 -- Month in 1918
Wikipedia - August 1920 -- Month in 1920
Wikipedia - August 1921 -- Month of 1921
Wikipedia - August 1922 -- Month of 1922
Wikipedia - August 1923 -- Month of 1923
Wikipedia - August 1924 -- Month of 1924
Wikipedia - August 1925 -- Month of 1925
Wikipedia - August 1926 -- Month of 1926
Wikipedia - August 1927 -- Month of 1927
Wikipedia - August 1928 -- Month of 1928
Wikipedia - August 1929 -- Month of 1929
Wikipedia - August 1930 -- Month of 1930
Wikipedia - August 1931 -- Month of 1931
Wikipedia - August 1932 -- Month of 1932
Wikipedia - August 1933 -- Month of 1933
Wikipedia - August 1934 -- Month of 1934
Wikipedia - August 1935 -- Month of 1935
Wikipedia - August 1936 -- Month of 1936
Wikipedia - August 1937 -- Month of 1937
Wikipedia - August 1938 -- Month of 1938
Wikipedia - August 1939 -- Month of 1939
Wikipedia - August 1940 -- Month of 1940
Wikipedia - August 1941 -- Month of 1941
Wikipedia - August 1942 -- Month of 1942
Wikipedia - August 1943 -- Month of 1943
Wikipedia - August 1944 -- Month of 1944
Wikipedia - August 1945 -- Month of 1945
Wikipedia - August 1946 -- Month of 1946
Wikipedia - August 1947 -- Month of 1947
Wikipedia - August 1948 -- Month of 1948
Wikipedia - August 1949 -- Month of 1949
Wikipedia - August 1950 -- Month of 1950
Wikipedia - August 1953 -- Month of 1953
Wikipedia - August 1954 -- Month of 1954
Wikipedia - August 1955 -- Month of 1955
Wikipedia - August 1956 -- Month of 1956
Wikipedia - August 1959 -- Month of 1959
Wikipedia - August 1960 -- Month of 1960
Wikipedia - August 1961 -- Month of 1961
Wikipedia - August 1962 -- Month of 1962
Wikipedia - August 1963 -- Month of 1963
Wikipedia - August 1964 -- Month of 1964
Wikipedia - August 1965 -- Month of 1965
Wikipedia - August 1966 -- Month of 1966
Wikipedia - August 1967 -- Month of 1967
Wikipedia - August 1968 -- Month of 1968
Wikipedia - August 1969 -- Month of 1969
Wikipedia - August 1970 -- Month of 1970
Wikipedia - August 1971 -- Month of 1971
Wikipedia - August 1972 -- Month of 1972
Wikipedia - August 1973 -- Month of 1973
Wikipedia - August 1978 papal conclave
Wikipedia - August 1980 -- Month of 1980
Wikipedia - August 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Wikipedia - August 32nd on Earth -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Augusta (album) -- 1995 album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Augusta Bender -- German writer (1846-1924)
Wikipedia - Augusta Fox Bronner -- American Psychologist (1881-1966)
Wikipedia - Augusta Harvey Worthen -- American educator, author (1823-1910)
Wikipedia - August Bebel -- German social democrat politician (1840-1913)
Wikipedia - August C. Krey -- German-born American historian, 1887-1961
Wikipedia - Auguste Chevalier -- French botanist (1873-1956)
Wikipedia - Auguste Clesinger -- 19th-century French sculptor and painter
Wikipedia - Auguste (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Auguste Forel -- Swiss myrmecologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist (1848-1931)
Wikipedia - Auguste Groner -- 19th-century Austrian mystery and detective writer
Wikipedia - Auguste Lecerf -- French neo-Calvinist theologian (1872-1943)
Wikipedia - Auguste Marie Fabre -- (1839-1922)
Wikipedia - Augusten Burroughs -- American writer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - August Grisebach -- German botanist of the 19th century
Wikipedia - Augustin Bea -- German Jesuit priest and scholar and cardinal (1881-1968)
Wikipedia - Augustin Daly -- 19th-century American playwright and theatre impresario
Wikipedia - Augustin (film) -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Augustin Pyramus de Candolle -- 19th-century Swiss botanist, noted for his contributions to taxonomy
Wikipedia - August Kalkmann -- German art historian and archaeologist (1853-1905)
Wikipedia - August Meyszner -- Austrian police officer, SS officer and Nazi politician (1886-1947)
Wikipedia - Augusto Anibal quer casar -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Augusto Barcia Trelles -- Spanish politician (1881-1961)
Wikipedia - Augusto B. Leguia -- Peruvian politician and President of Peru (1863-1932)
Wikipedia - Augusto Cabrita -- Portuguese film director and photographer (1923-1993)
Wikipedia - Augusto Conte Mac Donell -- Argentinian lawyer and politician (b. 1927, d. 1992)
Wikipedia - August Strindberg -- Swedish writer and painter (1849-1912)
Wikipedia - Augustus Franklin Crail -- American/Montana pioneer (1842-1924)
Wikipedia - Augustus the Strong (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - August Weekend -- 1936 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - August Weismann -- German evolutionary biologist (1834-1914)
Wikipedia - August Wilson -- American playwright (1945-2005)
Wikipedia - Aulad (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aulad (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Auld Lang Syne (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Bill -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Clara (film) -- 1954 film by Anthony Kimmins
Wikipedia - Aunt Frieda -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Auntie Fee -- YouTube cooking show star (1957-2017)
Wikipedia - Auntie Mame (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Auntie's Fantasies -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Rachel -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Sally (film) -- 1933 film by Tim Whelan
Wikipedia - Aunts Aren't Gentlemen -- 1974 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Aunus expedition -- Attempt by Finnish volunteers to occupy East Karelia in 1919
Wikipedia - Au Pair Girls -- 1972 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Aurat (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aurat Aurat Aurat -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aura (The Brave album) -- 2019 album by The Brave
Wikipedia - Aurat Pair Ki Juti Nahin Hai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aur Ek Prem Kahani -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aurel Dessewffy (1846-1928) -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Aurelio Fernandez Sanchez -- Spanish politician (1897-1974)
Wikipedia - Aurelio Gonzales Jr. -- Filipino politician (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Au revoir les enfants -- 1987 autobiographical film directed by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - Aur Kaun? -- 1979 film directed by Tulsi and Shyam Ramsay
Wikipedia - Aurora (Disney) -- Title character from Disney's 1959 animated film Sleeping Beauty
Wikipedia - Aurora Snow -- American pornographic actress and writer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya -- 1997 film by Rahul Rawail
Wikipedia - Au Secours! -- 1924 film by Abel Gance
Wikipedia - AuslM-CM-$nder (Rammstein song) -- 2019 song by Rammstein
Wikipedia - Auster AOP.6 -- 1945 reconnaissance aircraft by Auster Aircraft
Wikipedia - Austerlitz (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Austin 15/20 -- British car model of 1906
Wikipedia - Austin Gary -- American songwriter, novelist, and playwright (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Austin-Healey 3000 -- British sports car built from 1959 to 1967
Wikipedia - Austin Lane Crothers -- American politician (1860-1912)
Wikipedia - Austin Marathon -- Annual race in the United States held since 1992
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Collectible Card Game -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery -- 1997 film by Jay Roach
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Operation: Trivia -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me -- 1999 film by Jay Roach
Wikipedia - Australasian Antarctic Expedition -- Expedition to Antarctica led by Douglas Mawson, 1911-1914
Wikipedia - Australia Act 1986 -- Legislation by the UK and Australian Parliaments
Wikipedia - Australia at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Australia at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Australia Calls (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Raymond Longford
Wikipedia - Australia Calls (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Australia (Manic Street Preachers song) -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - Australian Bank -- Australian retail bank (1981-1989)
Wikipedia - Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 -- Act of the Parliament of Australia that established the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Australian Dream (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Jackie McKimmie
Wikipedia - Australian feral camel -- Feral camels in Australia, descended from animals imported in 19th century
Wikipedia - Australian Hymn Book -- Ecumenical collection of hymns published in Australia in 1977
Wikipedia - Australian Liberal Party (Victoria) -- 1920s political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian National Airways -- Australia's predominant carrier until the early 1950s
Wikipedia - Australia's Own -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Austral Lineas Aereas Flight 205 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austria at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Austria at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Austrian Airlines Flight 901 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austrian State Treaty -- 1955 multilateral treaty regarding the international status of Austria
Wikipedia - Austria victim theory -- Ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 1878-1918 period of rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Autar Singh Paintal -- Indian medical scientist (1925-2004)
Wikipedia - Authentic Science Fiction -- British science fiction magazine published in the 1950s
Wikipedia - Autobiography of a Princess -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Autobus Number Two -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Autobus S -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Autocine Mon Amour -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Autoestima -- 2019 song by Cupido, Lola Indigo and Alizzz
Wikipedia - Autographic film -- System for roll film launched by Kodak in 1914
Wikipedia - Automatic Lover (Call for Love) -- 1994 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Autonomous Land of Slovakia -- 1938-39 autonomous republic within the Second Czechoslovak Republic
Wikipedia - Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991 -- Puerto Rican law that regulates the local government of all the municipalities of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Autopsy (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Autostrada A19 (Italy) -- Controlled-access highway
Wikipedia - Autostrada A2 (Italy, 1962-1988) -- A highway between Rome and Naples
Wikipedia - Auto Test -- 1954 electro-mechanical game
Wikipedia - Autumn (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Autumn and Spring -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Harvest Uprising -- 1927 insurrection in China led by Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Autumn Leaves (film) -- 1956 film by Robert Aldrich
Wikipedia - Autumn Marathon -- 1979 Russian film by Georgiy Daneliya
Wikipedia - Autumn Milk -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Autumn: October in Algiers -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Autumn on the Rhine -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Roses (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Sonata -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ava Adore -- 1998 single by The Smashing Pumpkins
Wikipedia - Avaete, Seed of Revenge -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ava Gardner -- American actress and singer (1922-1990)
Wikipedia - Avakaasham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aval Appadithan -- 1978 film by C. Rudraiah
Wikipedia - Aval Kaathirunnu Avanum -- 1986 film by P. G. Viswambharan
Wikipedia - Aval Kanda Lokam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalku Maranamilla -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalon (1990 film) -- 1990 film directed by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - Avalon (Al Jolson song) -- 1920 popular song written by Al Jolson, Buddy DeSylva and Vincent Rose
Wikipedia - Avalon (Roxy Music song) -- 1982 single by Roxy Music
Wikipedia - Aval Oru Thodar Kathai -- 1974 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Aval Sumangalithan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avalude Katha -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Avalude Ravukal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalukendru Oru Manam -- 1971 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Avalukku Aayiram Kangal -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Avalum Penn Thaane -- 1974 film by Durai
Wikipedia - Aval Varuvala -- 1998 film directed by Raj Kapoor
Wikipedia - Aval Viswasthayayirunnu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aval Yaar -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Avan (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avana Ivan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Avan Amaran -- 1958 film by Sundaram Balachander
Wikipedia - Avan Aval Adhu -- 1980 film by Muktha Srinivasan
Wikipedia - Avandhan Manidhan -- 1975 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Avane Srimannarayana -- 2019 film directed by Sachin Ravi
Wikipedia - A Vanished World -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Avan Oru Sarithiram -- 1977 film by Kovelamudi Surya Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Avanti Popolo (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Avanti ragazzi di Buda -- Italian song about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Wikipedia - Avanti! -- 1972 comedy film by Billy Wilder
Wikipedia - Avargal -- 1977 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Avar Jeevikkunnu -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avar Khanate -- Muslim state 13th to 19th century
Wikipedia - Avasthe -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Avatar (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Avatar (1979 video game)
Wikipedia - Avdo Karabegovic Hasanbegov -- 19th-century Bosnian poet
Wikipedia - Ave Caesar! -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ave Kallu -- 1967 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Avelino Gonzalez Mallada -- Spanish politician and trade unionist (1894-1938)
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maryam -- 2019 Indonesian romance drama film
Wikipedia - Avenged (1910 film) -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Avengement -- 2019 action film by Jesse V. Johnson
Wikipedia - Avenger of the Seven Seas -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Avengers 1959
Wikipedia - Avengers Assemble (TV series) -- Animated series (2013-2019)
Wikipedia - Avengers: Endgame -- 2019 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios
Wikipedia - Avenging Angel (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Angels (song) -- 1997 single by Space
Wikipedia - Avenging Bill -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Fangs -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Force -- 1986 film by Sam Firstenberg
Wikipedia - Avenging Waters -- 1936 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet
Wikipedia - Aventura en Rio -- 1953 film by Alberto Gout M-CM-^@brego
Wikipedia - Aventura (Lunay, Ozuna and Anuel AA song) -- 2019 song by Lunay, Anuel AA, and Ozuna
Wikipedia - Aventure Malgache -- 1944 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Aventurera -- 1950 film by Alberto Gout M-CM-^@brego
Wikipedia - Avenues and Alleyways -- 1973 single by Tony Christie
Wikipedia - AverStar -- Software company in Cambridge, Massachusetts (founded as Intermetrics 1969)
Wikipedia - A Very Big Child -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - A Very Brady Sequel -- 1996 film by Arlene Sanford
Wikipedia - A Very Curious Girl -- 1969 French film directed by Nelly Kaplan
Wikipedia - A Very English Murder -- 1974 film by Samson Samsonov
Wikipedia - A Very Good Young Man -- 1919 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - A Very Honorable Guy -- 1934 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Very Merry Cricket -- 1973 animated television Christmas special
Wikipedia - A Very Moral Night -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - A Very Unlucky Leprechaun -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - A Very Young Lady -- 1941 film by Harold D. Schuster
Wikipedia - Aviaco Flight 118 -- 1973 plane crash in Spain
Wikipedia - Avianca Flight 671 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Avia S-199 -- Czechoslovak fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviation (painting) -- 1934 painting by Rufino Tamayo
Wikipedia - Aviation Vacation -- 1941 film by Tex Avery
Wikipedia - AVICII Invector -- 2019 multi-player music video game
Wikipedia - Avidathe Pole Ivideyum -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill (song) -- 1985 single by Duran Duran
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill -- 1985 James Bond film directed by John Glen
Wikipedia - A Village Scandal -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Avinash (film) -- 1986 film by Umesh Mehra
Wikipedia - Avinash Mukherjee -- Indian actor (born 1997)
Wikipedia - A. Vinod Bharathi -- Indian cinematographer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Aviogenex Flight 130 -- 1971 aviation accident
Wikipedia - A Virgin Among the Living Dead -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - A Virginia Courtship -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Virgin Paradise -- 1921 film by J. Searle Dawley
Wikipedia - A Virtuous Vamp -- 1919 film by Sidney Franklin, David Kirkland
Wikipedia - Avis Acres -- New Zealand artist, writer, illustrator, conservationist (1910-1994)
Wikipedia - A Visitor to a Museum -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - A Visit to the Seaside -- 1908 short film by George Albert Smith
Wikipedia - A Viuvinha (film) -- 1914 film directed by Luiz de Barros
Wikipedia - Aviva Kempner -- American filmmaker (born 1946)
Wikipedia - A Voice from the Deep -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Voice in the Dark (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Voice Said Goodnight -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Volta do Filho Prodigo -- 1978 film directed by Ipojuca Ponte
Wikipedia - Avonturen van een Zigeunerjongen -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Vow to Kill -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Voz do Carnaval -- 1933 film directed by Adhemar Gonzaga
Wikipedia - Avraham Abba Leifer -- American rabbi (1918-1990)
Wikipedia - Avraham Katznelson -- Zionist and Israeli politician (1888-1956)
Wikipedia - Avraham Mattisyahu Friedman -- Hasidic rabbi from Romania (1848-1933)
Wikipedia - Avro Anson -- 1935 multi-role military aircraft family by Avro
Wikipedia - Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck -- Interceptor aircraft in service 1952-1981
Wikipedia - Avro Lincoln -- British four-engined heavy bomber in service 1945-1963
Wikipedia - Avtaar -- 1983 film by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Avurududa -- 1986 film directed by Wimal Saman Jayaweera
Wikipedia - Avvai Shanmughi -- 1996 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - A. V. Williams Jackson -- American specialist on Indo-Iranian languages (1862-1937)
Wikipedia - Awaargi -- 1990 Indian Hindi drama film by Mahesh Bhatt
Wikipedia - Awakening (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Awakening of the Beast -- 1970 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - Awakenings -- 1990 film by Penny Marshall, Alain Cuniot
Wikipedia - Awake: The Million Dollar Game -- 2019 American game show
Wikipedia - A Walk in the Sun (1945 film) -- 1945 film by Lewis Milestone
Wikipedia - A Wall Street Tragedy -- 1916 film by Lawrence Marston
Wikipedia - A Waltz by Strauss (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Waltz by Strauss (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Waltz Dream (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Awam (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Awara Baap -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Awara Badal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Awara Zindagi -- 1989 film by Syed Ishrat Abbas
Wikipedia - A Warm Corner -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Warm December -- 1973 film by Sidney Poitier
Wikipedia - A Warm Reception -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Warning (book) -- 2019 book on the Trump administration
Wikipedia - Away All Boats -- 1956 film by Joseph Pevney
Wikipedia - Away Goes Prudence -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - A Way Out of the Wilderness -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Way Through the Wood -- 1951 novel by Nigel Balchin
Wikipedia - Awaz (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aw Boon Haw -- Burmese Chinese businessman (1882-1954)
Wikipedia - A Week's Vacation -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Awesome Again -- Canadian Thoroughbred racehorse (1994-2020)
Wikipedia - A Western Demon -- 1922 film directed by Robert McKenzie
Wikipedia - A Whiter Shade of Pale -- 1967 single by Procol Harum
Wikipedia - A White, White Day -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Whole New World -- Song from Disney's 1992 animated film Aladdin
Wikipedia - A Whore Like Me -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Wicked Woman -- 1934 film by Charles Brabin
Wikipedia - A Wife's Romance -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Wife's Sacrifice -- 1916 film by J. Gordon Edwards
Wikipedia - A Wild Goose Chase -- 1919 silent film
Wikipedia - A Wild Hare -- 1940 Bugs Bunny cartoon directed by Tex Avery
Wikipedia - A Will and a Way -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Window in Piccadilly -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving -- 1998 film directed by Jun Falkenstein
Wikipedia - A Wise Fool -- 1921 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Wizard of Earthsea -- 1968 fantasy novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - Awkward Hands -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Against the World -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Alone (1917 film) -- 1917 film directed by Harry Davenport
Wikipedia - A Woman Alone (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Eugene Frenke
Wikipedia - A Woman, an Animal, a Diamond -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Woman and a Man (film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Branded -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Commands -- 1932 film by Paul L. Stein
Wikipedia - A Woman for 24 Hours -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman for a Season -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - A Woman for Life -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in Flames -- 1983 film by Robert van Ackeren
Wikipedia - A Woman in Pawn -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in the Night -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in the Ultimate -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Like You (1933 film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Misunderstood -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Woman, My Mother -- 2019 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Affairs -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Distinction -- 1950 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - A Woman of Experience -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of No Importance (1921 film) -- 1921 film by Denison Clift
Wikipedia - A Woman of No Importance (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Pleasure -- 1919 film by Wallace Worsley
Wikipedia - A Woman of the Sea -- 1926 film by Josef von Sternberg
Wikipedia - A Woman of the World -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Today -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Rebels -- 1936 film by Mark Sandrich
Wikipedia - A Woman Redeemed -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Business -- 1920 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman Scorned (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Devotion -- 1956 film by Paul Henreid
Wikipedia - A Woman's Eyes -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Face (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Gustaf Molander
Wikipedia - A Woman's Face -- 1941 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - A Woman's Faith -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Fool -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Heart (film) -- 1926 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Woman's Man -- 1934 film directed by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - A Woman's Resurrection -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Revenge (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Revenge (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Secret -- 1949 film by Nicholas Ray
Wikipedia - A Woman's Story -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Testament -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Vengeance -- 1948 film by Zoltan Korda
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1916 film) -- 1916 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Woman -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman There Was -- 1919 film by J. Gordon Edwards
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants (German version) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Understood -- 1920 film by William Parke
Wikipedia - A Woman with Style -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Wonderful Life (film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Wonderful Wife -- 1922 film directed by Paul Scardon
Wikipedia - A World Between -- 1979 novel by Norman Spinrad
Wikipedia - A World of Difference (novel) -- 1990 novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - A Wreath in Time -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - A Wrinkle in Time -- 1962 science fantasy novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Awwad Eid Al-Aradi Al-Balawi -- Saudi Arabian Vice Admiral (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Axe (film) -- 1977 film by Frederick R. Friedel
Wikipedia - Axegrinder -- 1989 single by Hoodoo Gurus
Wikipedia - Axel F -- 1984 single by Harold Faltermeyer
Wikipedia - Axel Munthe, The Doctor of San Michele -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Axel Zeebroek -- Belgian triathlete (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Axiliad -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 -- 2010 board wargame
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 -- 2010 board game
Wikipedia - Ayaash -- 1982 Indian Bollywood film
Wikipedia - Ayalvasi Oru Daridravasi -- 1986 film directed by Priyadarshan
Wikipedia - A Yank at Oxford -- 1938 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - A Yankee Go Getter -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Yankee Princess -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Yank in Indo-China -- 1952 film by Wallace Grissell
Wikipedia - A Yank in Rome -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Yank in the R.A.F. -- 1941 American black-and-white war film directed by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Yank in Viet-Nam -- 1964 film by Marshall Thompson
Wikipedia - Ayanna Jolivet McCloud -- Artist from Houston, Texas, US (b. 1978)
Wikipedia - Ayano Kudo -- Japanese actress (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Ayanum -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ayastefanos'taki Rus Abidesinin YikiliM-EM-^_i -- 1914 film by Fuat Uzkinay
Wikipedia - Aya Sugimoto -- Japanese TV personality, actress, model (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Aybak -- Sultan of Egypt (1197-1257)
Wikipedia - Aybuke Pusat -- Turkish actress, dancer, and model (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Aydar Aganin -- 19th and 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Aydin Sayili -- Turkish historian of science (1913-1993)
Wikipedia - A Year in the Life -- 1980s American television series
Wikipedia - A Year of the Quiet Sun -- 1984 Polish film by Krzysztof Zanussi
Wikipedia - A Year Toward Tomorrow -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Ayee Milan Ki Bela -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ayer me echaron del pueblo -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Ayesha Dutt -- Indian film producer, model and actress (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Ayesha Patricia Rekhi -- Canadian diplomat, from 2019 Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Ayinde Barrister -- Nigerian musician (1948-2010)
Wikipedia - Ayitham -- 1988 film by Venu Nagavally
Wikipedia - Aylwin (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Ayodele Awojobi -- Nigerian academic (1937-1984)
Wikipedia - Ayodele Olajide Falase -- Cardiologist and academic administrator (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Ayodhya (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ayodhyecha Raja -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Ayogya (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Tamil-language action film
Wikipedia - A Yoke of Gold -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Ayub Ommaya -- American neurosurgeon (1930-2008)
Wikipedia - Ayudeme usted compadre -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Ayushman Bhava (2019 film) -- Kannada language film by P Vasu
Wikipedia - Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh -- Indian organic chemist (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Azaad (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Azadi-e-Watan -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Azadistan -- Short lived state in Iran in 1920
Wikipedia - Azamat Tuskaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1994)
Wikipedia - AZD1222 -- Vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - A Zed & Two Noughts -- 1985 film by Peter Greenaway
Wikipedia - Az Eletbe tancoltatott leany -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Azhagarmalai Kalvan -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Azhage Unnai Aarathikkiren -- 1979 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Azhaggiye Thee -- 2019 Malaysian Tamil-language drama film
Wikipedia - Azhagu Nila -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Azhiyatha Bandhangal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Azhiyatha Kolangal -- 1979 film by Balu Mahendra
Wikipedia - Azim Khamisa -- American writer (1959-)
Wikipedia - Azis -- Bulgarian singer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Aztarac -- Color vector arcade shooter game from 1983
Wikipedia - Azubuko Udah -- Nigerian police inspector general (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - Azuki-chan -- 1995 television anime
Wikipedia - Azure Dreams -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Azure (painting) -- 1928 painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne
Wikipedia - Azurian Attack -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Azza El-Hassan -- Palestinian documentary filmmaker (b. 1971)
Wikipedia - Baadal (1951 film) -- 1951 film by Amiya Chakraborty
Wikipedia - Baadal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Baaghi (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Deepak Shivdasani
Wikipedia - Baaghi- Ek Yoddha -- 2019 Indian Bhojpuri film
Wikipedia - Baaj Adebule -- Nigerian actor, model filmmaker (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Baaje Ghungroo -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Baal (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baal teshuva movement -- Return of secular Jews to religious Judaism since the 1960s
Wikipedia - Baalu Belagithu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baalu Jenu -- 1976 film directed by Balan and Kunigal Nagabhushan
Wikipedia - Baantjer, de film: De Cock en de wraak zonder einde -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Baap Re Baap (2019 film) -- 2019 Gujarati thriller comedy film
Wikipedia - Baashha -- 1995 action film by Suresh Krissna
Wikipedia - Baat Ban Jaye -- 1986 film by Bharat Rangachary
Wikipedia - Baat Ek Raat Ki -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ba'athist Iraq -- Covers the history of the Republic of Iraq from 1968 to 2003
Wikipedia - Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) -- Iraqi political party (1963-2003)
Wikipedia - Ba'ath Party -- Syrian political party (1947-1966)
Wikipedia - Babai Abbai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Babajide Sanwo-Olu -- Nigerian politician (born 1965)
Wikipedia - BabaKiueria -- 1986 film by Don Featherstone
Wikipedia - Babar: King of the Elephants -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Babatu -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Baba Yaga (film) -- 1973 Italian-French erotic thriller directed by Corrado Farina
Wikipedia - Baba Yaga is against! -- 1980 animated film directed by Vladimir Pekar
Wikipedia - Babayaran Mo ng Dugo -- 1989 Philippine action film
Wikipedia - Babbitt (1924 film) -- 1924 silent film
Wikipedia - Babbitt (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Babe Comes Home -- 1927 film by Ted Wilde
Wikipedia - Babe (film) -- 1995 film by Chris Noonan
Wikipedia - Bab El-Oued City -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Babel (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Babenco: Tell Me When I Die -- 2019 film directed by Barbara Paz
Wikipedia - Babe: Pig in the City -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Babe Rainbow -- 1992 studio album by The House of Love
Wikipedia - Babes in Arms (film) -- 1939 film by Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Babes in Arms -- 1937 musical by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Wikipedia - Babes in the Woods -- 1932 animated short film directed by Burt Gillett
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1934 film) -- 1934 Laurel and Hardy film
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1986 film) -- 1986 television film by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - Babes on Broadway -- 1941 film by Vincente Minnelli, Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Babe's School Days -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Babe (Take That song) -- 1993 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Babette Bomberling -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Babette Goes to War -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Babette's Feast -- 1987 film by Gabriel Axel
Wikipedia - Babies for Sale -- 1940 film by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Babrak Karmal -- Afghan politician and President of Afghanistan (1929-1996)
Wikipedia - Babri Masjid -- Mosque in Ayodhya, India, destroyed in 1992
Wikipedia - Babruvahana (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Babs (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Babu (1971 film) -- 1971 film directed by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Babu (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Babu (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Babumon (film) -- 1975 film directed by Hariharan
Wikipedia - Babu Singh Kushwaha -- Indian politician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Baby (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Baby & Me -- 1996 television anime
Wikipedia - Baby-Baby-Baby -- 1992 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Baby Baby (Corona song) -- 1995 single by Corona
Wikipedia - Baby Be Mine (Blackstreet song) -- 1993 single by Blackstreet
Wikipedia - Baby Blue (Badfinger song) -- 1972 song by Badfinger
Wikipedia - Baby Blue Marine -- 1976 film by John D. Hancock
Wikipedia - Baby Blues (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Edward L. Cahn
Wikipedia - Baby boomers -- Generation born during the post-World War II baby boom, with birth dates generally from 1946 to 1964
Wikipedia - Baby Bottleneck -- 1946 Daffy Duck and Porky Pig cartoon
Wikipedia - Baby Brother -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Baby Burlesks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Baby Can I Hold You -- 1988 single by Tracy Chapman
Wikipedia - Baby Clothes -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Baby, Come Back (The Equals song) -- 1966 single by the Equals
Wikipedia - Baby Doll (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Baby Doll -- 1956 American black comedy drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - Baby Don't Cry (INXS song) -- 1992 single by INXS
Wikipedia - Baby Elephant Walk -- 1962 song performed by Nana Kinomi
Wikipedia - Baby Face (film) -- 1933 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Baby Face Harrington -- 1935 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Baby Face Morgan -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Baby Geniuses -- 1999 film by Bob Clark
Wikipedia - Baby Got Back -- 1992 single by Sir Mix-A-Lot
Wikipedia - Baby I'm Yours (Barbara Lewis song) -- 1965 single by Barbara Lewis
Wikipedia - Babylon 5: The Gathering -- 1993 pilot film of the science fiction television series Babylon 5 directed by Richard Compton
Wikipedia - Babylon (David Gray song) -- 1999 single by David Gray
Wikipedia - Babylon (film) -- 1980 film directed by Franco Rosso
Wikipedia - Baby Love (1968 film) -- 1969 film by Alastair Reid
Wikipedia - Baby Love -- 1964 single by The Supremes
Wikipedia - Baby Mine (1917 film) -- 1917 film by John S. Robertson, Hugo Ballin
Wikipedia - Baby Mine (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Baby Rani -- Child actor (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Baby's Back Again -- 1967 single by Connie Smith
Wikipedia - Baby's Day Out -- 1994 film by Patrick Read Johnson
Wikipedia - Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Baby's Got a New Baby -- 1986 single by S-K-O
Wikipedia - Baby Sister -- 1985 single by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Baby Snakes -- 1979 film by Frank Zappa
Wikipedia - Baby Take a Bow -- 1934 American comedy drama film directed by Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - Babyteeth (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Baby, We're Really in Love -- 1951 Hank Williams song
Wikipedia - Baccara (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Baccarat (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Baccha Shoshur -- 2019 Bengali comedy film
Wikipedia - BAC Credomatic -- Central American financial institution founded in 1952
Wikipedia - Bach and Broccoli -- 1986 film directed by Andre Melancon
Wikipedia - Bachelor Apartment -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Bait -- 1934 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Bachelor Brides -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Daddy -- 1941 film by Harold Young
Wikipedia - Bachelorette (song) -- 1997 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Bachelor Flat -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Mother (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Mother -- 1939 film by Garson Kanin
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Arts (film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Hearts -- 1958 film by Wolf Rilla
Wikipedia - Bachelor Party (1984 film) -- 1984 film by Neal Israel
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Affairs -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelors Anonymous -- 1973 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Baby -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Paradise (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Paradise -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Bachem Ba 349 -- 1945 prototype fighter aircraft by Bachem
Wikipedia - Bachir Gemayel -- Lebanese politician and a resistance commander and President of Lebanon (1947-1982)
Wikipedia - Bachpan -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bach the Detective -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Back and Forth (Cameo song) -- 1987 single by Cameo
Wikipedia - Back and Forth (film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Back at One (song) -- 1999 single by Brian McKnight
Wikipedia - Back at the Front -- 1952 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - Backbeat (film) -- 1994 film by Iain Softley
Wikipedia - Backbone (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - Backbone (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Back Door to Heaven -- 1939 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Back Door to Hell -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Backdraft 2 -- 2019 action thriller film
Wikipedia - Backdraft (film) -- 1991 movie by Ron Howard
Wikipedia - Backfire (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Back Fire -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Back for Good (song) -- 1995 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Back from Eternity -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Backgammon (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Background (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Daniel Birt
Wikipedia - Background (1973 film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Back Home and Broke -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Back in Circulation -- 1937 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Back in My Life -- 1999 single by Alice Deejay
Wikipedia - Back in the Day (Ahmad song) -- 1994 single by Ahmad
Wikipedia - Back in the Saddle (film) -- 1941 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Back in the Saddle -- 1977 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Back in Trouble -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Backlash (1947 film) -- American film noir starring Jean Rogers
Wikipedia - Backlash (1956 film) -- American Western starring Richard Widmark
Wikipedia - Backlash (1986 film) -- Australian drama directed by [[Bill Bennett]]
Wikipedia - Backlash (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women -- 1991 book by Susan Faludi
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Back-Room Boy -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Back Stabbers (song) -- 1972 single by The O'Jays
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Roscoe Arbuckle
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Back Street (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Back Street (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - Back Street (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Backstreet Boys (1996 album) -- 1996 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Backstreet Boys (1997 album) -- 1997 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Back Street Pickup -- 1990 song performed by The Angels
Wikipedia - Backstreet's Back -- 1997 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Back Then (film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Back to Ararat -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Back to Basics (Billy Bragg album) -- 1987 compilation album by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - Back to Even -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Back to Liberty -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Back to Life (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Back to Life (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Back to Life (However Do You Want Me) -- 1989 song by Soul II Soul
Wikipedia - Back to Love (Chris Brown song) -- 2019 song by Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Back to My Roots -- 1993 single by RuPaul
Wikipedia - Back to Nature -- 1936 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Back to Roots -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Back to School (2019 film) -- French comedy film
Wikipedia - Back to School -- 1986 American comedy film by Alan Metter
Wikipedia - Back to Square One (film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Door -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Farm -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Future (franchise) -- 1985-1990 trilogy of films directed by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future Part III -- 1990 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future Part II -- 1989 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future (soundtrack) -- Album with the soundtrack of the 1985 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Future -- 1985 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Woods (1918 Goldwyn film) -- 1918 American silent comedy film
Wikipedia - Back to the Woods (1919 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Back Trail -- 1948 American western film, directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Backwoods Bunny -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Backyard Soccer -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - BAC One-Eleven -- British short-range jet airliner used from the 1960s to the 1990s
Wikipedia - Bacon Grabbers -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ba Congress -- 1944 Chetnik congress in Serbia
Wikipedia - Bacup railway station -- English railway station from 1852 to 1966
Wikipedia - Bacurau -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Badai-Selatan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Bada Kabutar -- 1973 film by Deven Verma
Wikipedia - Badalte Rishtey -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Badarna -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Bad as the Boys -- 2019 single by Tove Lo featuring Alma
Wikipedia - Bad Boy (1935 film) -- 1935 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - Bad Boy (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Herbert Meyer
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (1995 film) -- Based on a book from the 1995 action film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (Inner Circle song) -- 1987 single by Inner Circle
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (manga) -- 1993 manga series by Hiroshi Tanaka
Wikipedia - Bad City Blues -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1986 film) -- 1986 Argentine film directed by Jose Santiso
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1999 film) -- 1999 French film directed by Jean-Pierre Ameris starring Maud Forget and Lou Doillon
Wikipedia - Bad Company (manga) -- 1998 one volume prequel to Shonan Junai Gumi
Wikipedia - Bad Day (viral video) -- 1996 viral video
Wikipedia - Badd Blood: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Education (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Cory Finley
Wikipedia - Bade Miyan Chote Miyan -- 1998 film by David Dhawan
Wikipedia - Badge 373 -- 1973 film by Howard W. Koch
Wikipedia - Badge of the Assassin -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Badger (automobile company) -- Car company of Columbus, Wisconsin, United States,[1] was an automobile company founded in 1910.
Wikipedia - Badger's Green (1934 film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (1963 film) -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Bad girl art -- Comic book trend of the 1980s/90s
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (La Toya Jackson song) -- 1989 single by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (Madonna song) -- 1993 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bad Girls Don't Cry -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girls (Wilson novel) -- 1996 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Bad Guy (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Edward L. Cahn
Wikipedia - Bad Guy (Billie Eilish song) -- 2019 single by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - Bad Hair Day -- 1996 album by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi -- 1974 film by Kishore Kumar
Wikipedia - Badhu Biday -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bad Idea (song) -- 2019 song by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Badla (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Hindi language film by Sujoy Ghosh
Wikipedia - Bad Lands (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Badlands (film) -- 1973 American crime film directed by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - Badlands of Dakota -- 1941 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Bad Lieutenant -- 1992 crime-drama film directed by Abel Ferrara
Wikipedia - Bad Little Angel -- 1939 film by Wilhelm Thiele
Wikipedia - Bad Luck (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bad Man from Red Butte -- 1940 film directed by Ray Taylor
Wikipedia - Bad Man of Deadwood -- 1941 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Bad Man's Bluff -- 1926 film by Alan James
Wikipedia - Badman's Country -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bad Man's River -- 1971 film by Eugenio Martin
Wikipedia - Bad Medicine (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bad Medicine (song) -- 1988 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bad Men of Missouri -- 1941 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Bad Men of the Hills -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Bad (Michael Jackson song) -- 1987 single by Michael Jackson
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Mixed doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 2019 Pan American Games -- Badminton competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bad Moon -- 1996 Canadian-American horror film
Wikipedia - Bad Mothers -- 2019 Australian television series
Wikipedia - Badnaam Gali -- 2019 web film by Ashwin Shetty
Wikipedia - Badnam Basti -- 1971 Indian neorealistic drama film by Prem Kapoor
Wikipedia - Bad of the Heart (song) -- 1990 single by George Lamond
Wikipedia - Badou Boy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bad Ronald -- 1974 television film directed by Buzz Kulik
Wikipedia - Bad Sister (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Subject -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Bad Taste -- 1987 film by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - Bad Time -- 1975 song by Grand Funk Railroad
Wikipedia - Bad to the Bone (Kool G Rap & DJ Polo song) -- 1991 single by Kool G Rap
Wikipedia - Bad (U2 song) -- 1984 song by U2
Wikipedia - Bagaduce-class tugboat -- Class of United States Navy fleet tugs (1918)
Wikipedia - Bag and Baggage -- 1923 film directed by Finis Fox
Wikipedia - Bagdad (film) -- 1949 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Baggy Trousers -- 1980 single by Madness
Wikipedia - Bagh Bondi Khela -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Baghdad Pact -- Military alliance involving Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Kingdom (1955-1979)
Wikipedia - Baghini (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Nehal Dutt
Wikipedia - Baghi Sipahi -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bag Kobenhavns kulisser -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Bagrat VII of Kartli -- King of Kartli (1569-1619) (r. c.1615-1619)
Wikipedia - Bags (song) -- 2019 song by Clairo
Wikipedia - Baguettes in the Face -- 2019 song by Mustard featuring Nav, Playboi Carti, and A Boogie wit da Hoodie
Wikipedia - Bahaghari -- 1940 Filipino film directed by Don Dano
Wikipedia - Bahama Passage -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Bahana (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bahana (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baharon Ke Sapne -- 1967 film by Nasir Hussain
Wikipedia - Baharon Ki Manzil (1968 film) -- Hindi film
Wikipedia - Baharon Phool Barsao -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Bahi Ladgham -- Prime Minister of Tunisia (1969-1970)
Wikipedia - Bahjat (singer) -- Libyan singer and songwriter (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Bahu Begum (2019 TV series) -- Indian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Bahu Beti -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Bahurani (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bahurani (1963 film) -- 1963 film by Tatineni Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Bahut Din Huwe -- 1954 film by S. S. Vasan
Wikipedia - Bailamos -- 1999 single by Enrique Iglesias
Wikipedia - Bailando 2019 -- Fourteenth season of Bailando por un SueM-CM-1o
Wikipedia - Bailey-Morshead exploration of Tsangpo Gorge -- 1913 expedition that discovered route of Tsangpo River through Himalaya
Wikipedia - Bai Ling -- Chinese actress (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Bailout at 43,000 -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Bai Lu (actress) -- Chinese actress (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Bairavi -- 1978 film by M. Bhaskar
Wikipedia - Bairoletto, la aventura de un rebelde -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bait (1950 film) -- 1950 film by Frank Richardson
Wikipedia - Bait (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Baixa de Cassanje revolt -- 1961 revolt against Portuguese rule of Angola
Wikipedia - Baja Buggies -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Baja Oklahoma -- 1988 television film directed by Bobby Roth
Wikipedia - Baji Rout -- Indian victim of British police violence (1926-1938)
Wikipedia - Bajo un angel del cielo -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Baker's Hawk -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Baker Street robbery -- Burglary of the safety deposit boxes in London in 1971
Wikipedia - Bakrid -- 2019 Indian drama film
Wikipedia - Baksa Badal -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Bakul -- 1954 film directed by Bholanath Mitra
Wikipedia - Bakumatsu (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baku pogrom -- 1990 pogrom against ethnic Armenian inhabitants of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR
Wikipedia - Bala (2019 film) -- 2019 Hindi-language social problem comedy film
Wikipedia - Balaclava (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Balad al-Shaykh massacre -- Massacre of Palestinian Arabs by Jewish militia in 1947-48
Wikipedia - Bala Ganapathi William -- Malaysian actor (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Balaji Sakthivel -- Indian film director (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Balak Aur Janwar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Balala Hakkula Sangham -- Children's rights' organization (e. 1985)
Wikipedia - Balalaika (film) -- 1939 film by Reinhold Schunzel
Wikipedia - Balamangalam -- Malayalam comic magazine published between 1980 and 2012
Wikipedia - Balamut -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bala Nagamma (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bala Nagamma (1959 film) -- 1959 film directed by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - Balance (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Balance, Not Symmetry -- 2019 film directed by Jamie Adams
Wikipedia - Bala Panjara -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balapareekshanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Balaraju Katha -- 1970 film directed by Bapu
Wikipedia - Bal Bramhachari (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Prakash Mehra
Wikipedia - Balcones Fault (band) -- 1970s comedic Dixieland band
Wikipedia - Bald Eagle (clipper) -- 19th c. American clipper ship
Wikipedia - Baldevins bryllup -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Baldomero Argente -- Spanish politician (1877-1965)
Wikipedia - Balduin Groller -- Austrian author (1848-1916)
Wikipedia - Baldwin's Wedding -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Bale Pandiya (1962 film) -- 1962 film by B. R. Panthulu
Wikipedia - Balidaan (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Balidaan (1997 film) -- 1997 Nepali historical drama film, directed by Tulsi Ghimire
Wikipedia - Balidan -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Bali (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balina Guri -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Balipeetam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Balkan Bulgarian Airlines Flight 307 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Balkan Wars -- Two wars on the Balkan Peninsula 1912-1913
Wikipedia - Balked at the Altar -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Balkenkreuz -- Bar cross that was the symbol of German armed forces from 1935-1945
Wikipedia - Ballade pM-CM-% Christianshavn -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ballad for One Gun -- 1963 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Ballad in Blue -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of a Gunman -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of an Old Gun -- 1986 film directed by Gennadiy Voronin
Wikipedia - Ballad of a Soldier -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of Carl-Henning -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of Tara -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of the Masterthief Ole Hoiland -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balla Linda -- 1968 song by Lucio Battisti
Wikipedia - Ball at Savoy (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ball at the Savoy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Ballerina (1956 film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Ballet Mecanique -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Ballettratten -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - B.A.L.L. Four: Hardball -- 1990 album by B.A.L.L.
Wikipedia - Ballin' (Mustard song) -- 2019 song by Mustard
Wikipedia - Ball Lightning (film) -- 1979 Czechoslovak comedy film directed by Ladislav Smoljak and ZdenM-DM-^[k PodskalskM-CM-=
Wikipedia - Ball of Fire -- 1941 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Balloon (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Ballyhooey -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Ballymurphy massacre -- 1971 massacre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by the British Army
Wikipedia - Balraj Pasi -- Indian politician (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Balsamus, l'uomo di Satana -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baltasar Sangchili -- Spanish boxer (1911-1992)
Wikipedia - Baltic Deputy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Baltic Skies -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baltic Way -- 1989 peaceful demonstration in the form of a human chain
Wikipedia - Baltimore riots of 1919 -- Series of riots connected to the Red Summer of 1919
Wikipedia - Balzaminov's Marriage -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bamako Initiative -- Formal statement adopted by African health ministers in 1987 in Bamako, Mali, to implement strategies designed to increase the availability of essential drugs
Wikipedia - Bama Vijayam (1967 film) -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Bamba Qadin -- 19th century Walida Pasha of Egypt
Wikipedia - Bambaru Avith -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bambino the Clown -- 1947 Picture book
Wikipedia - Bambi's Childhood -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bambi -- 1942 American animated Disney drama film directed by David Hand
Wikipedia - Bambi Woods -- American pornographic actress (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Bamie Roosevelt -- Elder sister of Theodore Roosevelt (1855 - 1931)
Wikipedia - Bamlanivimab -- Experimental antibody treatment for COVID-19
Wikipedia - Banana da Terra -- 1939 film directed by Ruy Costa
Wikipedia - Banana Joe (film) -- 1982 film by Stefano Vanzina
Wikipedia - Banana Peel -- 1963 French-Italian-German comedy film by Marcel Ophuls
Wikipedia - Banana Republic (song) -- 1980 single by The Boomtown Rats
Wikipedia - Banana Ridge (film) -- 1942 film by Walter C. Mycroft
Wikipedia - Bananas (film) -- 1971 comedy film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Bananes mecaniques -- 1973 film by Jean-Francois Davy
Wikipedia - Banarasi Babu (1997 film)
Wikipedia - Banarsi Thug -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Band and Battalion of the U.S. Indian School -- 1901 silent film
Wikipedia - Banda Ramudu -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bandham (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bandhan (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bandhanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bandha Pasam -- 1962 film directed by A. Bhimsingh
Wikipedia - Bandhu (1992 film) -- 1992 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Bandidos (film) -- 1967 film by Massimo Dallamano
Wikipedia - Bandi Sanjay Kumar -- Indian politician (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Bandish (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Prakash Jha
Wikipedia - Bandi Theke Begum -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Banditi a Orgosolo -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bandit Ranger -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bandits (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Bandits Beware -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Bandits in Milan -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Bandits of Dark Canyon -- 1947 film by Philip Ford
Wikipedia - Bandits of El Dorado -- 1949 film by Ray Nazarro
Wikipedia - Bandits of the Autobahn -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Bandits of the Badlands -- 1945 film by Thomas Carr
Wikipedia - Bandits vs. Samurai Squadron -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Banditti of the Prairie -- A group of loose-knit outlaw gangs, during the early-mid-19th century
Wikipedia - Band of Angels -- 1957 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Band of Gold (TV series) -- British television crime drama series aired on ITV from 1995 to 1997
Wikipedia - Band of the Hand -- 1986 film by Paul Michael Glaser
Wikipedia - Band of Thieves -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Bandolero! -- 1968 film by Andrew V. McLaglen
Wikipedia - Bandung Conference -- 1955 meeting of Asian and African states
Wikipedia - Bandung Sea of Fire -- Burning of Bandung, Indonesia, in 1946
Wikipedia - Band Waggon (film) -- 1940 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Bandwagon (film) -- 1996 film by John Schultz
Wikipedia - Banesh Hoffmann -- American mathematician and physicist (1906-1986)
Wikipedia - Bang a Drum -- 1998 single by Jon Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bangaru Gaajulu -- 1968 film by C. S. Rao
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (BA Robertson song) -- 1979 single by BA Robertson
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (Danger Danger song) -- 1989 song by Danger Danger
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) -- 1966 song by Cher
Wikipedia - Bang Boom Bang -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Bang! (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Bangkok Buddies -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Plead -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Marathon -- Annual race in Thailand held since 1987
Wikipedia - Bangla Bhasha Procholon Ain, 1987 -- Bangladeshi law
Wikipedia - Banglar Badhu -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie (video game) -- 1998 platform video game developed by Rare
Wikipedia - Banjo on My Knee (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bank Alarm -- 1937 film by Louis J. Gasnier
Wikipedia - Bank Ban (film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Bank Clerks -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bankers Also Have Souls -- 1982 film by Michel Lang
Wikipedia - Banketten -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Bank Holiday (film) -- 1938 film by Carol Reed
Wikipedia - Banking Act of 1935 -- US banking legislation
Wikipedia - Banknotes of Kutch -- Series of specimen banknotes printed in 1946
Wikipedia - Bank of Crete (1980-1999) -- Defunct bank in Greece
Wikipedia - Bank of England Act 1946 -- Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that nationalised the Bank of England
Wikipedia - Bank of Latvia -- The central bank of Latvia, established in 1922
Wikipedia - Bankomatt -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Bankraub in der Rue Latour -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bank Shot -- 1974 film by Gower Champion
Wikipedia - Bank War -- Political struggle in the 19th-century United States
Wikipedia - Ban Muang (newspaper) -- Thai newspaper (1972-2016)
Wikipedia - Banned Book: Flesh Futon -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Bano Qudsia -- Pakistani writer (1928-2017)
Wikipedia - Banque Misr -- Egyptian bank founded by industrialist Talaat Pasha Harb in 1920
Wikipedia - Bansari (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bantu Authorities Act, 1951
Wikipedia - Bantu Education Act, 1953
Wikipedia - Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, 1970
Wikipedia - Bantu Homelands Constitution Act, 1971
Wikipedia - Bantu Investment Corporation Act, 1959
Wikipedia - Banzai (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Banzai Runner -- 1986 film by John G. Thomas
Wikipedia - Banza Mukalay -- Congolese politician (1953-2016)
Wikipedia - B.A.P.S. -- 1997 comedy film by Robert Townsend
Wikipedia - Baptism of Fire -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Bar 20 Justice -- 1938 film by Lesley Selander
Wikipedia - Bar 20 Rides Again -- 1935 film by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Barabbas (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Barabbas (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Barairo no Jinsei -- 2019 song by Mai Kuraki
Wikipedia - Baraka (film) -- 1992 documentary directed by Ron Fricke
Wikipedia - Barat (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Anderson (anti-tax activist) -- Activist (b. 1943, d. 2016)
Wikipedia - Barbara Ann DeBuono -- Health executive (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Barbara Blackman O'Neil -- American suffragist (1880-1963)
Wikipedia - Barbara Bush (born 1981) -- American health care activist and daughter of George W. Bush
Wikipedia - Barbara Cartland -- English writer and media personality (1901-2000)
Wikipedia - Barbara ClaM-CM-^_en -- German judoka (1957-1990)
Wikipedia - Barbara Fallis -- American ballet dancer, born 1924
Wikipedia - Barbara Frietchie (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Harris (actress) -- American actress born 1935
Wikipedia - Barbara Holland -- American writer (1933-2010)
Wikipedia - Barbara Lawrence (zoologist) -- American zoologist (1909-1997)
Wikipedia - Barbara L. Kelly -- Scottish-Irish musicologist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Barbara Mandrell Live -- 1981 live album by Barbara Mandrell
Wikipedia - Barbara Marchisio -- Italian opera singer 1833-1919
Wikipedia - Barbara Murray -- British screen actress (1929-2014)
Wikipedia - Barbara Oteng Gyasi -- Ghanaian politician (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - Barbara Parker-Mallowan -- English archaeologist, Assyriologist, and epigraphist (1908-1993)
Wikipedia - Barbara Paz -- Brazilian actress (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Barbara Radziwillowna (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Thiering -- Australian historian, theologian, and Biblical exegete (1930-2015)
Wikipedia - Barbara Woodell -- American actress (1910-1997)
Wikipedia - Barbara W. Tuchman -- American historian and author (1912-1989)
Wikipedia - Barbara Young, Baroness Young of Old Scone -- BBC Governor, Peer and Chancellor of Cranfield University (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Barbarella (film) -- 1968 film by Roger Vadim
Wikipedia - Barbarian Queen -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Barbarians at the Gate (film) -- 1993 television film by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - Barbarians at the Gate -- 1989 book by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
Wikipedia - Barbarians of the Bay -- 2019 Canadian comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Barbarians vs New Zealand, 1973 -- Rugby union match
Wikipedia - Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Barbary Coast (film) -- 1935 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Barbary Coast, San Francisco -- Red-light district in San Francisco (1849-1917)
Wikipedia - Barbary Sheep (film) -- 1917 film by Maurice Tourneur
Wikipedia - Barbed Wire (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Barbed Wire (1952 film) -- Western film starring Gene Autry
Wikipedia - Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World -- 1987 direct to video film based on the toy line directed by Bernard Deyries
Wikipedia - Barbie and the Sensations: Rockin' Back to Earth -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Barbie Girl -- 1997 single by Aqua
Wikipedia - Barbora Hlavsova -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barb Wire (1922 film) -- Western film
Wikipedia - Barb Wire (film) -- 1996 film by David Hogan
Wikipedia - Barca Nostra -- art project by Christoph Buchel at the 2019 Venice Biennale
Wikipedia - Barcelona Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit -- 1921 international treaty
Wikipedia - Barcelona (Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe song) -- 1987 single by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe
Wikipedia - Barcelona International Women's Film Festival -- Women's film festival in Barcelona, Catalunya, established in 1993
Wikipedia - Barcelona Marathon -- Annual race in Spain held since 1978
Wikipedia - Bardelys the Magnificent -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Bare Behind Bars -- 1980 film directed by Oswaldo de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Baree, Son of Kazan (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - Baree, Son of Kazan (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bare-Fisted Gallagher -- 1919 western film directed by Joseph Franz
Wikipedia - Bare Fists -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Boy (film) -- 1938 film by Karl Brown
Wikipedia - Barefooted Youth -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Gen (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Gen 2 -- 1986 film directed by Toshio Hirata
Wikipedia - Barefoot in the Park (song) -- 2019 single
Wikipedia - Barefoot mailman -- 19th-century postal delivery route in Florida
Wikipedia - Barefoot Savage -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Bare Knees -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Barely Breathing -- 1996 single by Duncan Sheik
Wikipedia - Barenaked in America -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Barfly (film) -- 1987 film by Barbet Schroeder
Wikipedia - Bargain Day -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Barima Sidney -- Ghanaian musician and entrepreneur (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Bari Theke Paliye -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Barjo -- 1992 film by Jerome Boivin
Wikipedia - Barkha (film) -- 1959 film by Krishnan-Panju
Wikipedia - Barkis (children's book) -- 1938 Picture book
Wikipedia - Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials -- 1979 book by Wayne Barlowe
Wikipedia - Barmaid (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Barmat scandal -- 1920s political scandal in the Weimar Republic
Wikipedia - Barmy in Wonderland -- 1952 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Barnabas Geevarghese -- Syriac Orthodox bishop (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Barnabo of the Mountains -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Barnaby Jones -- American television series 1973-1980
Wikipedia - Barnaby Lee (film) -- 1917 silent film
Wikipedia - Barnaby Rudge (film) -- 1915 film by Cecil Hepworth, Thomas Bentley
Wikipedia - Barnacle Bill (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Barnacle Bill (1941 film) -- 1941 feature film directed by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Barney and Betty Hill -- United States couple who said they were abducted by aliens in 1961
Wikipedia - Barney Harwood -- British television presenter (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Barney Live in New York City -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Barn the Spoon -- Spoon carver and author (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Barnum & Ringling, Inc. -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Barnum Was Right -- 1929 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Barnyard Flirtations -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Barnyard Follies -- 1940 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Barocco (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Baron Bliss -- 19th and 20th-century British philanthropist
Wikipedia - Baronessen fra benzintanken -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baron PraM-EM-!il (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Baron Stalbridge -- UK peerage 1886 - 1949
Wikipedia - Baron Trump novels -- 19th century children's novels by Ingersoll Lockwood
Wikipedia - Barony A Frame -- Preserved headframe, built 1954, at an inactive Scottish colliery
Wikipedia - Baroque in Croatia -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barotrauma (video game) -- 2019 side-scrolling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Baroud -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Barouh Berkovits -- Czech-born American bioengineer (1926-2012)
Wikipedia - Barquero -- 1970 film by Gordon Douglas
Wikipedia - Barrabas (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Barrel of a Gun (Depeche Mode song) -- 1997 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Barrett Warner -- American writer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Barricade (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Gregory Ratoff
Wikipedia - Barrier (film) -- 1966 film by Jerzy Skolimowski
Wikipedia - Barrier of the Law -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Barrier of the Unknown -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Barriers Burned Away -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Barriers of Society -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Barrington King -- American diplomat (b. 1930, d. 2006)
Wikipedia - Barrister Parvateesam (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Barro Humano -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Barrow Gang -- American gang active between 1932 and 1934
Wikipedia - Barrows: Freedom Fighter -- 2019 Barbados Documentary film
Wikipedia - Barry Beyerstein -- Canadian psychologist and scientific skeptic (1947-2007)
Wikipedia - Barry Dennen -- American actor, singer, voice actor and writer (1938-2017)
Wikipedia - Barry Desmond -- Irish politician (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Barry Goldwater -- Republican nominee for President, 1964; U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Barry Jones (actor) -- British stage and film actor (1893-1981)
Wikipedia - Barry Linton -- New Zealand cartoonist (b. 1947, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Barry Locke -- American politician (1930-2007)
Wikipedia - Barry Lyndon -- 1975 film by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - Barry Smith (ice hockey, born 1952) -- American ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Barry Smolin -- American singer-songwriter (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Barry Sullivan (stage actor) -- 19th-century British actor
Wikipedia - Barsaat Ki Ek Raat -- 1981 Indian Hindi-Bengali film by Shakti Samanta
Wikipedia - Barsaat Ki Raat -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bars and Stripes -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bars of Hate -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Bars of Iron -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Bart Bok -- American astronomer and lecturer (1906-1983)
Wikipedia - Bartel Leendert van der Waerden -- Dutch mathematician and historian of mathematics (1903-1996)
Wikipedia - Bartholomew County Annex building -- 1928 former school building in Columbus, Indiana
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Versus the Wheel -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bart Johnson -- American actor (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Bartle Bogle Hegarty -- British global advertising agency founded in 1982
Wikipedia - Bartleby (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bartlett Adamson -- Australian journalist and poet (1884-1951)
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Borghesi -- 19th century Italian numismatist and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Barton Fink -- 1991 film by Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Wikipedia - Barun Sobti -- Indian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Bar-Z Bad Men -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Basanta Regmi -- Nepalese cricketer (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Basant Bahar (film) -- 1956 film by Raja Nawathe
Wikipedia - Basant Bhatt -- Indian actor (b. 1994)
Wikipedia - Basant (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Basavaraj Kattimani -- Indian progressive writer, novelist, journalist (1919-1989)
Wikipedia - Basdeo Bissoondoyal -- Mauritian social worker (1906 - 1991)
Wikipedia - Based on the Novel -- 1999 film by Eddy Terstall
Wikipedia - BASEketball -- 1998 American sports comedy film directed by David Zucker
Wikipedia - Basem Naim -- Palestinian physician and politician(born 1963)
Wikipedia - Bashful Anton -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bashful Buccaneer -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bashful Felix -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bashful (film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Bashu, the Little Stranger -- 1989 film by Bahram Bayzai
Wikipedia - Basic Instinct -- 1992 erotic thriller film by Paul Verhoeven
Wikipedia - Basic Training (1985 film) -- 1985 film by Andrew Sugerman
Wikipedia - Basie's in the Bag -- 1967 jazz album by Count Basie
Wikipedia - Basil Baker -- Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas (b. 1871, d. 1941)
Wikipedia - Basil Harwood -- English organist and composer (1859-1949)
Wikipedia - Basil Rathbone -- British stage and movie actor (1892-1967)
Wikipedia - Basil Zaharoff -- Greek-born arms dealer and industrialist (1849-1936)
Wikipedia - Basket Case 2 -- 1990 film by Frank Henenlotter
Wikipedia - Basket Case (film) -- 1982 film by Frank Henenlotter
Wikipedia - Basket Case (song) -- 1994 single by Green Day
Wikipedia - Basket of Flowers (Faberge egg) -- 1901 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - Basque pelota at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Basque pelota competition at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bassey Dan-Abia -- Nigerian politician (b. 1957)
Wikipedia - Basta de mujeres -- 1977 film by Hugo Moser
Wikipedia - Basta guardarla -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bastard (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bastard (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Bastard, Go and Kill -- 1971 film by Gino Mangini
Wikipedia - Bastard Out of Carolina (film) -- 1996 film by Anjelica Huston
Wikipedia - Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash -- US band formed 1995
Wikipedia - Basudev -- 1984 Nepali film by Neer Shah
Wikipedia - Bat*21 -- 1988 film directed by Peter Markle
Wikipedia - Bataan Death March -- 1942 march moving prisoners of war during WWII
Wikipedia - Bataashi Kingyo -- 1990 film by Joji Matsuoka
Wikipedia - Batang Quiapo -- 1986 Filipino film directed by Pablo Santiago
Wikipedia - Batasari -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Batas ng .45 -- 1991 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (film) -- 1987 made-for-television film directed by Richard Rothstein
Wikipedia - Bathing machine -- Device used for sea bathing during the 19th century
Wikipedia - Bath School disaster -- 1927 bombing attacks in Bath Township, Michigan
Wikipedia - Batla House -- 2019 Indian Hindi-language action thriller film
Wikipedia - Batman (1966 film) -- 1966 film directed by Leslie H. Martinson
Wikipedia - Batman (1989 film) -- 1989 film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Batman: A Death in the Family -- 1988 Batman comic book storyline
Wikipedia - Batman & Robin (film) -- 1997 film directed by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - Batman Beyond -- 1999-2001 American television series
Wikipedia - Batman Dracula -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Batman Forever -- 1995 film directed by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - Batman: Hush (film) -- 2019 animated film directed by Justin Copeland
Wikipedia - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm -- 1993 film by Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm
Wikipedia - Batman Returns -- 1992 film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Batman: The Killing Joke -- 1988 graphic novel by Alan Moore
Wikipedia - Batman: The Long Halloween -- Limited comic book series by Jeph Loeb (1996-1997)
Wikipedia - Batman Theme -- 1966 single by Neal Hefti
Wikipedia - Batman (TV series) -- 1960s American television series
Wikipedia - Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- 2019 animated crossover superhero film
Wikipedia - Batman: Year One -- 1987 story arc in Batman comic book series
Wikipedia - Baton Bunny -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bato sa Buhangin -- 1976 Filipino film directed by Pablo Santiago
Wikipedia - Batouala (novel) -- 1921 novel by Guianan writer Rene Maran
Wikipedia - Bat Out of Hell (song) -- 1979 single by Meat Loaf
Wikipedia - Bat Pussy -- 1970s American pornographic film by an anonymous director, released in 1996
Wikipedia - Bats & Terry -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Bats in the Belfry (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Battalion (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Battle 7 -- 1995 New Japan Pro-Wrestling event
Wikipedia - Battle Angel (OVA) -- 1993 original video animation based on manga by Yukito Kishiro
Wikipedia - Battle at Bloody Beach -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Battle Bakraid -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Beneath the Earth -- 1967 spy film by Montgomery Tully
Wikipedia - Battle Beyond the Sun -- 1959 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Battle Circus (film) -- 1953 film by Richard Brooks
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1942 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Flame -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battle for Andromeda -- 1976 board wargame
Wikipedia - Battle for Baby 700 -- Battle of the Gallipoli campaign in May 1915
Wikipedia - BattleForce -- 1987 wargame
Wikipedia - Battle for Henderson Field -- Battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II (1942)
Wikipedia - Battle for the Planet of the Apes -- 1973 film directed by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - Battlefront (1986 video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Battleground (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Battle in Outer Space -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battlelords -- 1995 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Battle Master -- 1990 fantasy action adventure game
Wikipedia - Battlemorph -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of 73 Easting -- Tank battle fought on 26 February 1991, during the Gulf War
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1916) -- part of the Battle of the Somme
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Alcatraz -- unsuccessful escape attempt from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in 1946
Wikipedia - Battle of al-Kafr -- Battle in 1925 during the Great Syrian Revolt against French rule
Wikipedia - Battle of Amgala (1989) -- Military operation in the Western Sahara War
Wikipedia - Battle of Amiens (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Anabta -- 1936 attack by Arab militants on a convoy of civilian buses escorted by British soldiers in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - Battle of An Lao -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1964)
Wikipedia - Battle of An LM-aM-;M-^Yc -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1972)
Wikipedia - Battle of Anzio -- 1944 battle in Italy
Wikipedia - Battle of Aranzueque -- Battle of the First Carlist War on 19 September 1837
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1917) -- British offensive during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arsuf -- Christian crusaders victory against Saladin, 1191
Wikipedia - Battle of Athens (1946) -- Civilian revolt against corrupt local government in McMinn County, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Battle of Balikpapan (1945) -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Bamber Bridge -- 1943 mutiny of American servicemen
Wikipedia - Battle of Ban Me Thuot -- 1975 battle in the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Barking Creek -- Friendly fire aviation incident in 1939
Wikipedia - Battle of Beaufort (1945) -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Be'erot Yitzhak -- 1948 Arab-Israeli War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Belleau Wood -- World War One battle in 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin (film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin (RAF campaign) -- Bomber attacks, 1943-44, WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin -- 1945 last major offensive of the European theatre of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Bizani -- 1913 battle between Greek and Ottoman forces
Wikipedia - Battle of Blood Island -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Bolimow -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Boulogne -- Battle for the port and town of Boulogne-sur-Mer during 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Brasso (1916) -- World War I battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Bremule -- 1119 battle between Henry I of England and Louis VI the Fat of France
Wikipedia - Battle of Britain Day -- 15 September 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Britain (film) -- 1969 film by Guy Hamilton
Wikipedia - Battle of Broadway -- 1938 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - Battle of Brody (1941) -- World War II tank battle between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army from 23 to 30 June 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Broodseinde -- Battle in Belgium in 1917 during World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Bucharest -- 1916 battle in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Bunker Hill (1952) -- Battle of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cable Street -- 1936 violent confrontation in the East End of London, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Carei -- 1944 WWII battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Cer -- Battle fought between Austria-Hungary and Serbia in August 1914
Wikipedia - Battle of Chamb -- Battle of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Wikipedia - Battle of Chios (1319) -- Naval battle
Wikipedia - Battle of ChM-CM-"teau-Thierry (1918) -- 1918 World War I battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Christmas Island -- 1942 battle in the Pacific during WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of Ciudad Juarez (1913) -- Battle of the Mexican Revolution
Wikipedia - Battle of Coral-Balmoral -- 1968 battle during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Coronel -- Naval battle of 1 November 1914 near Chile in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Corregidor (1945) -- WWII battle in the Pacific Theater
Wikipedia - Battle of Courtrai (1918) -- battle of the Hundred Days Offensive of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Crete -- German invasion vs Allies, WWII, 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Ctesiphon (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Damascus (1941) -- Second World War battle in Syria during 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Dazhongji -- 1945 battle during the Chinese Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Delville Wood -- Series of engagements in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) -- Naval battle fought in the North Sea on 24 January 1915
Wikipedia - Battle of Dublin -- A week of street battles in Dublin in 1922, beginning the Irish Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dumlupinar -- 1922 battle during the Greco-Turkish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dunkirk -- 1940 battle between the Allies and Germany in France
Wikipedia - Battle of Elands River (1900) -- Battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of El Herri -- A battle against French protectorate of Morocco; Zaians defeat Fourth French Republic in 1914
Wikipedia - Battle of Fardykambos -- 1943 World War II battle in Italian-occupied Greece
Wikipedia - Battle of Fatehpur (1519)
Wikipedia - Battle of France -- Successful German invasion of France in 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Gayaza Hills -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Goychay -- Battle in 1918 in the Caucasus that the Ottoman-Azeri force won decisively
Wikipedia - Battle of Grand Couronne -- 1914 battle between French and German armies in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Greed -- 1937 film by Howard Higgin
Wikipedia - Battle of Groningen -- Second World War battle from April 14-18, 1945
Wikipedia - Battle of Grozny (1994-95) -- Siege
Wikipedia - Battle of Guelta Zemmur (1989) -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Guelta Zemmur (October 1981) -- Battle of the Western Sahara War
Wikipedia - Battle of Haifa (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hartmannswillerkopf -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Heartbreak Ridge -- 1951 engagement of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Horten Harbour -- An engagement that occurred during the April 1940 German invasion of Norway
Wikipedia - Battle of Ichogil Bund -- Skirmish of the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965
Wikipedia - Battle of Issus (194) -- Septimius Severus defeats Pescennius Niger during the Year of the Four Emperors
Wikipedia - Battle of Jastkow -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Java (1942) -- A battle in the Pacific theatre of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Jerusalem -- Battle between the British Empire and the Ottoman Empire in 1917
Wikipedia - Battle of Jutland -- 1916 naval battle during World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Kaiapit -- 1943 engagement in New Guinea
Wikipedia - Battle of Kara Killisse (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Karbala (1991) -- Battle in 1991 between Iraqi forces and rebels
Wikipedia - Battle of Kendari -- 1942 battle of the Pacific War (WWII)
Wikipedia - Battle of Keren -- 1941 battle in Africa
Wikipedia - Battle of Khafji -- 1991 battle of the Gulf War
Wikipedia - Battle of Khorramshahr -- 1980 battle in the Iran-Iraq War
Wikipedia - Battle of Kock (1920) -- 1920 battle that was part of the Battle of Warsaw
Wikipedia - Battle of Kohima -- 1944 battle around Kohima, Nagaland, India
Wikipedia - Battle of Komarow (1914) -- Eastern front battle of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Kowang-san -- 1951 battle of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Labuan -- 1945 engagement in Borneo
Wikipedia - Battle of La Malmaison -- final French action of the 1917 campaign of the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Langemarck (1917) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Leuwiliang -- Japanese victory over Allied forces, Java, 1942
Wikipedia - Battle of Magdhaba -- 1916 WWI battle on the Sinai peninsula
Wikipedia - Battle of Maleme -- World War II battle on Crete in 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Manzikert (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Masaka -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Masaya (1912) -- 1912 battle in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Battle of Massawa (1990) -- Battle of the Eritrean War of Independence
Wikipedia - Battle of Matewan -- 1920 shootout in Matewan, West Virginia
Wikipedia - Battle of May Island -- British naval disaster in 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of M-DM-^PM-aM-;M-^Sng M-DM-^Pang (1979) -- Initial phase of the Battle of LM-aM-:M-!ng SM-FM-!n during the Sino-Vietnamese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Megiddo (1918) -- Battle of the First World War which was fought in Ottoman Palestine
Wikipedia - Battle of M-EM-^AodM-EM-: (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Misrata (1912) -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Mogadishu (1993) -- UN-Somali military incident, October 1993
Wikipedia - Battle of Moscow (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Mouquet Farm -- Engagement in the Battle of the Somme, 1916
Wikipedia - Battle of Mukden -- Large 1905 fight in Russo-Japanese war
Wikipedia - Battle of Mutukula -- a battle fought in January 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nablus (1918) -- Middle Eastern battle of WWI
Wikipedia - Battle of Namdaemun -- Insurgency by the Korean army against Japanese forces in Korea, in reaction to the disbandment of the Korean army following the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1907, at Namdaemun, Seoul on 1 August 1907
Wikipedia - Battle of Nam River -- A 1950 battle during the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Narva (1944) -- Battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Neretva (film) -- 1969 film directed by Veljko Bulajic
Wikipedia - Battle of Neuve Chapelle -- 1915 battle in the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Newry Road -- Gun battle between British Army helicopters and Provisional IRA's armed trucks in 1993
Wikipedia - Battle of NghM-DM-)a LM-aM-;M-^Y (1951) -- battle of the First Indochina War
Wikipedia - Battle of North Borneo -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Ortona -- World War II battle in Ortona, Italy in December 1943
Wikipedia - Battle of Otavi -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Paardeberg -- 1900 battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pakoslaw -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Palmyra (1941) -- Battle in Syria during the Syria-Lebanon campaign in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Pentemili beachhead -- Battle during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
Wikipedia - Battle of Prunaru -- 1916 battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Rabaul (1942) -- WWII battle in the Pacific Theater
Wikipedia - Battle of Radzymin (1920) -- Battle during the Polish-Soviet War (1919-21)
Wikipedia - Battle of Rafa -- 1917 battle during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Ras al-Ayn (2019) -- Battle in the Syrian civil war
Wikipedia - Battle of Rennell Island -- 1943 battle in the Pacific during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Rethymno -- World War II battle on Crete in 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Rhodes (1912) -- 1912 battle in the Italo-Turkish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rimini (1944) -- Part of the September 1944 battle during the Italian Campaign in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Sangshak -- Battle of the 1944 Burma campaign during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Shanghai -- 1937 battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Shusha (1992) -- Battle in 1992, during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War
Wikipedia - Battle of Simba Hills -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Soissons (1918) -- World War I battle in July 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of Sorovich -- First Balkan War 22-24 October 1912
Wikipedia - Battle of South Street -- 1934 violent confrontation in Worthing, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Stockton -- 1933 violent confrontation in Stockton-on-Tees, England
Wikipedia - Battle of St. Quentin (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Suez -- Battle fought in October, 1973
Wikipedia - Battle of Tanga -- 1914 battle of the German East African campaign at the African theatre of WW I
Wikipedia - Battle of Tannenberg (1914)
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bismarck Sea -- 1943 Allied attack on a Japanese convoy
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bulge (1965 film) -- 1965 film by Ken Annakin
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bulge (1991 film) -- 1991 Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Butterflies -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Caribbean -- 1941-1945 naval campaign between Allied and Axis forces in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Coral Sea (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Crna Bend (1917) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Eurymedon (190 BC) -- Naval battle where Rhodes defeat the Seleucids
Wikipedia - Battle of the Heligoland Bight (1939) -- First major aerial battle of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Kerch Peninsula -- 1941 battle in the Crimea
Wikipedia - Battle of the Lys (1918) -- part of the 1918 German offensive in Flanders
Wikipedia - Battle of the Mona Passage -- On 19 April 1782
Wikipedia - Battle of the Planets -- 1978-1980 American adaptation of a Japanese anime series
Wikipedia - Battle of Thermopylae (191 BC) -- Battle where Rome defeat the Seleucids and the Aetolian League
Wikipedia - Battle of the Sexes (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Sexes (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1917) -- Battle in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1940) -- Battle in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tenaru -- 1942 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tennis Court -- Part of the Battle of Kohima in North East India in 1944
Wikipedia - Battle of the V-1 -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Worlds -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Yalu River (1904) -- 1904 battle in the Russo-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tippecanoe -- 19th-century battle between US military and Indians in the Indiana territory
Wikipedia - Battle of Villers-Bocage -- 1944 battle in occupied France
Wikipedia - Battle of Vimy Ridge -- World War I battle (April 1917)
Wikipedia - Battle of Vrbanja Bridge -- 1995 confrontation between UN peacekeepers and Army of Republika Srpska
Wikipedia - Battle of Vukovar -- Siege in Croatia during the Croatian War of Independence (1991)
Wikipedia - Battle of Wakde -- 1944 battle in New Guinea during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Warsaw (1920)
Wikipedia - Battle of Warsaw 1920 -- 2011 Polish historical film directed by Jerzy Hoffman
Wikipedia - Battle of Wurzburg (1945) -- Battle in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Xuzhou -- 1938 battle between Japan and China
Wikipedia - Battle of Yad Mordechai -- 1948 battle in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Battle of Zacatecas (1914) -- Battle of the Mexican Revolution
Wikipedia - Battle Royal at the Albert Hall -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation event
Wikipedia - Battleship Potemkin -- 1925 film by Sergei Eisenstein
Wikipedia - Battle Soccer: Field no Hasha -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Battles of Latrun (1948) -- Battles during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Wikipedia - BattleSpace -- 1993 wargame
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series) -- American science fiction television series of the 1970s
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) -- 2004-2009 American science fiction television series, reimagining of a 1970s series
Wikipedia - Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy War -- 1973 film by Kinji Fukasaku
Wikipedia - BattleTanx -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Taxi -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Battletoads Arcade -- 1994 arcade game
Wikipedia - BattleTroops -- 1989 wargame
Wikipedia - Battlezone (1980 video game) -- Atari tank combat vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Battling Bosko -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Battling Buddy -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battling Bunyan -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battling Butler -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Battling Jane -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Battling with Buffalo Bill -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Batton Story -- 1976 film by Mario Landi
Wikipedia - Batuka (song) -- 2019 song by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bat Wings -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Batwoman (TV series) -- 2019 American superhero television series
Wikipedia - Batyrbek Tsakulov -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Bauddhayan Mukherji -- Indian film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Bauern erfullen den Plan -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Bauernfeld Prize -- Austrian literary prize that was awarded between 1894 and 1921
Wikipedia - Bau Na Vichar -- 2019 Gujarati Movie
Wikipedia - Bavarian Soviet Republic -- Unrecognized socialist state in Bavaria, Germany in 1919
Wikipedia - Bavu -- 1923 film by Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - Bawa Than Tha Yar -- 1956 Burmese film
Wikipedia - Bawskee 3.5 -- 2019 mixtape by Comethazine
Wikipedia - Baxenden railway station -- English railway station from 1848 to 1961
Wikipedia - Bayalu Daari -- 1976 Kannada film by Dore Bhagawan duo
Wikipedia - Bayardo Bar attack -- 1975 terrorist attack in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Bayen Hath Ka Khel -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bay of Angels -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Bayo (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bay of Pigs Invasion -- Failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba, April 1961
Wikipedia - Bayonet (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bay Tree (Faberge egg) -- 1911 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Bay View incident -- 1917 violence between Milwaukee police and anarchists
Wikipedia - Bazaar (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Kannada action crime film directed by Suni
Wikipedia - BBC Domesday Reloaded -- Local history web site for the digitised content of the BBC's 1986 Domesday Project
Wikipedia - BBC Home Service -- British radio broadcasting service from 1939 to 1967
Wikipedia - BBC Radio 5 (former) -- British national radio station (1990-1994)
Wikipedia - BBC Sessions (Cocteau Twins album) -- 1999 compilation album by the Cocteau Twins
Wikipedia - BBC Two 'Computer Generated 2' ident -- Ident used by BBC Two between 1979 and 1986
Wikipedia - BBC Worldwide -- 1979-2018 commercial subsidiary of the BBC
Wikipedia - B-Berry and I Look Back -- 1958 fictionalised memoirs of Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - B.B. King "Into the Night" -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - BBV152 -- Candidate vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - BCPA Flight 304 -- 1953 aviation accident in California, United States
Wikipedia - B. D. Kulkarni -- Indian chemical engineer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Bea Arthur -- American actress, singer, and comedian (1922-2009)
Wikipedia - Beach Blanket Babylon -- Longest running musical revue 1974-2019
Wikipedia - Beach Brawl -- 1991 Universal Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Beach Chair (film test) -- 1986 short computer animation by Eben Fiske Ostby
Wikipedia - Beach Combers -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beaches (1988 film) -- 1988 American comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Beach Fever -- 1987 film by Alexander Tabrizi
Wikipedia - Beach Guard in Winter -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Beach handball at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Beach House (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Beach Pajamas -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Beach Party -- 1963 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Beach Patrol (film) -- 1979 film by Bob Kelljan
Wikipedia - Beach Picnic (film) -- 1939 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Beach volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Beach volleyball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Beads from a Petal -- 1972 film by Noboru Tanaka
Wikipedia - Beagle Aircraft -- British light aircraft manufacturer active 1960-1969
Wikipedia - Be Alright (Zapp song) -- 1981 single by Zapp
Wikipedia - Bean (film) -- 1997 British-American comedy film directed by Mel Smith
Wikipedia - Beanpole (film) -- 2019 film by Kantemir Balagov
Wikipedia - Beans in My Ears -- US folk song popular in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Bearcats! -- American television series (1971)
Wikipedia - Bear Country (film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Bear Facts (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Bearly Asleep -- 1955 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Bear Party -- 1952 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Bears and Bad Men -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Bears and Man -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bear Shooters -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Bearskin (film) -- 1986 film by Walter Beck
Wikipedia - Bear Ye One Another's Burden -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Beast Busters -- Rail shooter arcade video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Beast from Haunted Cave -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus -- 1996 film directed by Gabrielle Beaumont
Wikipedia - Beast of Blood (film) -- 1970 film by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Beasts of Paradise -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Beasts of Prey -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Beast with a Gun -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Beat Girl -- 1960 film by Edmond T. Greville
Wikipedia - Beatification and canonization process in 1914
Wikipedia - Beating Heart (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beating the Game (1921 crime film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beating the Game -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beat It (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beat It -- 1983 single by Michael Jackson
Wikipedia - Beatles (novel) -- 1984 novel by Lars Saabye Christensen
Wikipedia - Beat Mama -- 1999 single by Cast
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX Club Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX (video game) -- 1999 music video game
Wikipedia - Beatrice (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Bertrand Tavernier
Wikipedia - Beatrice Burton -- American writer (1894-1983)
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1909 film) -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1956 film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice et Benedict -- 19th-century opera comique by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Beatrice Faust -- Australian author and women's activist (1939-2019)
Wikipedia - Beatrice M. Sweeney -- American plant physiologist and circadian rhythms researcher (1914-1989)
Wikipedia - Beatrice Pons -- Actress (1906-1991)
Wikipedia - Beatrix of the Netherlands -- Queen of the Netherlands (1980-2013)
Wikipedia - Beatrix Potter -- British children's writer and illustrator (1866-1943)
Wikipedia - Beatriz Lucero Lhuillier -- Filipino taekwondo practitioner (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Beat the Devil (film) -- 1953 film by John Huston
Wikipedia - Beau Bandit -- 1930 film directed by Lambert Hillyer
Wikipedia - Beau Broadway -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Beau Brummel (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Beau Brummell (1954 film) -- 1954 film by Curtis Bernhardt
Wikipedia - Beau Geste (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Beau Geste (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Beau Hunks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Beau Ideal -- 1931 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - Beau James -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Beau Revel -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beau Sabreur -- 1928 film by John Waters
Wikipedia - Beauties in Distress -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beauties on Bicycles -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful as the Moon - Terrible as an Army with Banners -- 1975 song written by Fred Frith and Chris Cutler for Henry Cow
Wikipedia - Beautiful Bismark -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) -- 1981 single by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Beautiful but Broke -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Families -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Ghosts -- 2019 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Beautiful Girls (film) -- 1996 film by Ted Demme
Wikipedia - Beautiful Kitty -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Life (Ace of Base song) -- 1995 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Night (Paul McCartney song) -- 1997 single by Paul McCartney
Wikipedia - Beautiful Ones -- 1996 single by Suede
Wikipedia - Beautiful People (Ed Sheeran song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran featuring Khalid
Wikipedia - Beautiful People (film) -- 1999 film by Jasmin Dizdar
Wikipedia - Beautiful Star -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare -- 1907 book by E. Nesbit
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stranger -- 1999 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Beautiful Sunday (song) -- 1972 single by Daniel Boone
Wikipedia - Beautiful Thing (film) -- 1996 film by Hettie MacDonald
Wikipedia - Beautiful World (Devo song) -- 1981 single by Devo
Wikipedia - Beautiful World (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beauty and Bullets -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Bad Man -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beach (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) -- 1991 American animated musical fantasy romance film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) -- 1991 Disney song
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (franchise) -- Disney media franchise spun off from the 1991 animated film based on the French fairy tale of the same name
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Boss -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Rogue -- 1918 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Beauty for Sale -- 1933 film by Richard Boleslawski
Wikipedia - Beauty for the Asking -- 1939 film by Glenn Tryon
Wikipedia - Beauty in Chains -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beauty of the World -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Beauty on a Back Street -- 1977 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Beauty Parlor -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty Spot -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty's Worth -- 1922 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-Head Do America -- 1996 American animated film
Wikipedia - Be Beautiful But Shut Up -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bebe Bratianu -- Romanian politician (b.1887, d. 195X)
Wikipedia - Bebe (Inna and Vinka song) -- 2019 song by Inna and Vinka
Wikipedia - Bebe's Kids -- 1992 film by Bruce W. Smith
Wikipedia - BeBe Zahara Benet -- Cameroonian-American entertainer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Be Big! -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bebop -- Subgenre of jazz music originated in the United States in mid-1940s
Wikipedia - BEC819 series -- Japanese battery electric multiple unit train type
Wikipedia - Be Careful, Grandma! -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Be Careful (Sparkle song) -- 1998 single by Sparkle
Wikipedia - Becassine (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Because, Because of a Woman -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Because (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Because I Love You (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Because of a Flower -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Because of a Woman -- 1917 American silent drama film
Wikipedia - Because of Love -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Because of You (98 Degrees song) -- 1998 single by 98 Degrees
Wikipedia - Because of You (Gabrielle song) -- 1994 single by Gabrielle
Wikipedia - Because (The Dave Clark Five song) -- 1964 single by The Dave Clark Five
Wikipedia - Because They're Young -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Because We Are Girls -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Because We Want To -- 1998 single by Billie Piper
Wikipedia - Bechuanaland Protectorate -- British protectorate in southern Africa, became Botswana in 1966
Wikipedia - Beck - De gesloten kamer -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Beckenham (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1950 onwards
Wikipedia - Becket (1924 film) -- 1924 film by George Ridgwell
Wikipedia - Becket (1964 film) -- 1964 film by Peter Glenville
Wikipedia - Beck's Bolero -- Instrumental first recorded by Jeff Beck in 1966
Wikipedia - Becky (1927 film) -- 1927 film by John P. McCarthy
Wikipedia - Becky Sharp (film) -- 1935 film by Rouben Mamoulian, Lowell Sherman
Wikipedia - Becky Worley -- American journalist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Bed and Board (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bed and Breakfast (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Bedara Kannappa -- 1954 Kannada film by H. L. N. Simha
Wikipedia - Bedazzled (1967 film) -- 1967 film by Stanley Donen
Wikipedia - Bedevil -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bedknobs and Broomsticks -- 1971 film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - Bedlam (1946 film) -- 1946 film by Mark Robson
Wikipedia - Bedlam (2019 film) -- 2020 film
Wikipedia - Bed of Roses (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Gregory La Cava
Wikipedia - Bed of Roses (Bon Jovi song) -- 1993 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bedrock Anthem -- 1993 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Bedrock Vice -- 1987 studio album by Thrashing Doves
Wikipedia - Bedroom Mazurka -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bedside -- 1934 film directed by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - Bedstemor gM-CM-%r amok -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime for Bonzo -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Stories (Madonna album) -- 1994 studio album by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Alexander Hall
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (Madonna song) -- 1995 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bedtime with Rosie -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Worries -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Beechcraft 1900 -- Commuter airliner and light transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Baron -- Light, twin-engined piston aircraft produced 1961-present
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Model 18 -- Twin-engine, low-wing, tailwheel light aircraft produced 1937-1970
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Travel Air -- Light, twin-engined piston aircraft produced 1958-1968
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Twin Bonanza -- Small twin-engined aircraft build 1951-1961
Wikipedia - Beechcraft XA-38 Grizzly -- 1944 prototype attack aircraft by Beechcraft
Wikipedia - Beeching cuts -- Plan to rationalise the British nationalised railway system to reduce losses (1963-1965)
Wikipedia - Beena (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Been It -- 1996 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Beep Prepared -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Beer (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Beer Hall Putsch -- Failed coup attempt in Germany in 1923
Wikipedia - Beer Never Broke My Heart -- 2019 single by Luke Combs
Wikipedia - Bees in His Bonnet -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Bees Saal Baad (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beethaeven Scottland -- American boxer (1975-2001)
Wikipedia - Beethoven Concerto -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beetlebum -- 1997 single by Blur
Wikipedia - Beetlejuice (musical) -- 2018 Musical based on the 1988 film
Wikipedia - Beetlejuice -- 1988 film by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Beezy Bear -- 1955 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Be Faithful -- 1999 single by Fatman Scoop
Wikipedia - Before 1900s in comics -- Before 1900s in comics
Wikipedia - Before Breakfast -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Before Dawn (film) -- 1933 film by Irving Pichel
Wikipedia - Before Freedom: Nehru's Letters to His Sister 1909-1947 -- Collection of letters written by Jawaharlal Nehru
Wikipedia - Before I Hang -- 1940 film by Nick Grinde
Wikipedia - Before Midnight (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Before Morning -- 1933 film by Arthur Hoerl
Wikipedia - Before Novels -- 1990 book by J. Paul Hunter
Wikipedia - Before Pastoral -- 1983 book by David M. Halperin
Wikipedia - Before Present -- Calendar based on 1950 CE (around when radiocarbon dating was developed and nuclear weapons testing artificially altered the proportion of carbon isotopes)
Wikipedia - Before Stonewall -- 1984 documentary film by Greta Schiller and Robert Rosenberg
Wikipedia - Before Sundown -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Before Sunrise -- 1995 film by Richard Linklater
Wikipedia - Before the Bat's Flight Is Done -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Before the Deluge -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Before the Hurricane -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Before the Jury -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Before the Lightning Strikes -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Before the Mountain Was Moved -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Before the Postman -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Before the Rain (1994 film) -- 1994 film by Milcho Manchevski
Wikipedia - Before the Revolution -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Be Forever Yamato -- 1980 film by Leiji Matsumoto, Toshio Masuda
Wikipedia - Before We Explode -- 2019 Canadian sex comedy film by Remi St-Michel
Wikipedia - Before Winter Comes -- 1969 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - Before You Go (Lewis Capaldi song) -- 2019 single by Lewis Capaldi
Wikipedia - Before You Know It (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Begaana (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Ambrish Sangal
Wikipedia - Begadang -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Beg, Borrow or Steal -- 1937 film by Wilhelm Thiele
Wikipedia - Beggar on Horseback (film) -- 1925 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - Beggars in Ermine -- 1934 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Beggars of Life -- 1928 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Begging (Prohibition) Act, 1962 -- Law in Nepal
Wikipedia - Beggin' -- 1967 single by The Four Seasons
Wikipedia - Begin Again (Norah Jones album) -- 2019 album by Norah Jones
Wikipedia - Begin Again (Space song) -- 1998 song by Britpop band Space
Wikipedia - Be Good Johnny -- 1982 single by Men at Work
Wikipedia - Begotten (film) -- 1989 experimental/horror film by E. Elias Merhige
Wikipedia - Begunah -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Behave Yourself (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Be Here Now (book) -- 1971 book by Richard Alpert
Wikipedia - Be Here Now Tour -- 1997-1998 concert tour by Oasis
Wikipedia - Behind a Long Wall -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Behind Closed Doors (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Gideon Amir
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (1997 film) -- 1997 film by Mark Griffiths
Wikipedia - Behind Jury Doors -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind Locked Doors (1991 film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Behind Masks -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Behind Monastery Walls (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Behind Monastery Walls (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Behind Office Doors -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Behind Prison Gates -- 1939 film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Behind Stone Walls -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind That Curtain (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Behind the 1953 Coup in Iran -- 2014 book by Ali Rahnema
Wikipedia - Behind the Altar -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Burma Road -- 1963 book by William Peers & Dean Brelis
Wikipedia - Behind the Clouds the Sun Is Shining -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Crimson Blind -- 1952 novel by John Dickson Carr
Wikipedia - Behind the Door (film) -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Behind the Eight Ball (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Front (film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Green Door: the Sequel -- 1986 film by Mitchell brothers
Wikipedia - Behind the Green Lights -- 1935 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Behind the Headlines (1937 film) -- 1937 American drama film directed by Richard Rosson
Wikipedia - Behind the Headlines (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Charles Saunders
Wikipedia - Behind the Lines (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Make-Up -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1946 film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1958 film) -- 1958 film by Brian Desmond Hurst
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (album) -- 1990 album by Fleetwood Mac
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask of Zorro -- 1965 Italian western film directed by Ricardo Blasco
Wikipedia - Behind the Mike (film) -- 1937 American comedy film directed by Sidney Salkow
Wikipedia - Behind the News (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Nudist Curtain -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Rising Sun (film) -- 1943 film by Edward Dmytryk
Wikipedia - Behind the Scenes (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Screen -- 1916 short film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - Behind the Shadows -- 1998 studio album by Silent Stream of Godless Elegy
Wikipedia - Behind the Sun (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) -- 1992 single by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wikipedia - Behind Two Guns -- 1924 film by Robert North Bradbury
Wikipedia - Behold a Pale Horse (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Behold Homolka -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Behold My Wife! (1920 film) -- 1920 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - Behold My Wife! (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Behold the Spirit -- Religious thesis published in 1947
Wikipedia - Behold This Woman -- 1924 film directed by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - Be Honest (song) -- 2019 single by Jorja Smith featuring Burna Boy
Wikipedia - Be Human (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beijing Marathon -- Annual race in China held since 1981
Wikipedia - Being and Nothingness -- 1943 book by Jean-Paul Sartre
Wikipedia - Being John Malkovich -- 1999 film by Spike Jonze
Wikipedia - Bein' Green -- 1970 song written by Joe Raposo, originally performed by Jim Henson as Kermit the Frog
Wikipedia - Being Respectable -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Being Twenty -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Being Two Isn't Easy -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beji Caid Essebsi -- President of Tunisia from 2014 to his death in 2019
Wikipedia - Bejo Dohmen -- Actor (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Beka Economopoulos -- American artist and activist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Bek Air Flight 2100 -- 2019 plane crash
Wikipedia - Bekhayali -- 2019 Hindi film song
Wikipedia - Bekjon Rakhmonov -- Uzbek politician (b. 1887, d. 1929)
Wikipedia - Bekkhan Goygereyev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Bekkhan Ozdoev -- Russian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Bel-Air (film) -- 2019 short fan film
Wikipedia - Bela Kovacs (politician, 1908) -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla -- 1952 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Bel Ami (1939 film) -- 1939 German film directed by Willi Forst
Wikipedia - Belarmino -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Belfast Morning News -- 19th-century Irish newspaper
Wikipedia - Belgarath the Sorcerer -- 1995 book by David Eddings
Wikipedia - Belgian Antarctic Expedition -- Late-19th century Antarctic expedition
Wikipedia - Belgian Railways Class 18 (Alsthom) -- Locomotive class of 6 Belgian electric locomotives built by Alsthom in 1973-1974
Wikipedia - Belgian Revenge -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Belgium at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Belgium at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Belgium in "the long nineteenth century" -- History of Belgium from 1789 to 1914
Wikipedia - Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference -- 1960 meeting between Belgian and Congolese leaders
Wikipedia - Belgrade Marathon -- Annual race in Serbia held since 1988
Wikipedia - Belgrade Offensive -- 1944 Second World War battle
Wikipedia - Believe (Cher song) -- 1998 single by Cher
Wikipedia - Believe (Goldie song) -- 1998 single by Goldie
Wikipedia - Believe (Lenny Kravitz song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Believe Me, Xantippe -- 1918 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - Be Like Me -- 2019 single by Lil Pump featuring Lil Wayne
Wikipedia - Belinda Lee -- English actress (1935-1961)
Wikipedia - Belinsky (film) -- 1953 film by Grigori Kozintsev
Wikipedia - Belizaire the Cajun -- 1986 film directed by Glen Pitre
Wikipedia - Bella Alten -- Polish opera singer 1877-1962
Wikipedia - Bella Bella (song) -- 2019 single by Luca HM-CM-$nni
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Robert Milton
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Bella Keyzer -- (1922-1992), Scottish textile and shipyard worker, and women's activist
Wikipedia - Bellamkonda Ramaraya Kavindrulu -- Indian poet, scholar, philosopher (1875-1914)
Wikipedia - Bellamy Road -- Improved 19th century road in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Bellamy salute -- Palm-out salute accompanying American Pledge of Allegiance (1892-1942)
Wikipedia - Bella Notte -- US 1955 song
Wikipedia - Bellas de noche -- 1975 film by Miguel M. Delgado
Wikipedia - Bellator MMA in 2019 -- Bellator mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - Bell, Book and Candle (play) -- 1950 Broadway play by John Van Druten
Wikipedia - Bell, Book and Candle -- 1958 film by Richard Quine
Wikipedia - Bell-Bottom George -- 1943 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Bell Bottom -- 2019 Kannada film by Jayatheertha
Wikipedia - Bell Boy 13 -- 1923 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Bellboy Donald -- 1942 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Belle (1973 film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Belle and Sebastian (1965 TV series) -- French television series
Wikipedia - Belle Davis -- American choreographer, dancer and singer (1874 - 1938)
Wikipedia - Belle de Jour (film) -- 1967 film by Luis BuM-CM-1uel
Wikipedia - Belle du Seigneur -- 1968 book by Albert Cohen
Wikipedia - Belle Epoque (film) -- 1992 film by Fernando Trueba
Wikipedia - Belle Epoque -- Period in European history, 1871 to 1914
Wikipedia - Belle Knox -- American pornographic actress (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Belle of the Nineties -- 1934 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Belle Starr (film) -- 1941 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Belli Moda -- 1967 Kannada film directed by Puttanna Kanagal
Wikipedia - Belli Naaga -- 1986 film directed by N. S. Dhananjaya
Wikipedia - Bellissima! -- 1988 album by Pizzicato Five
Wikipedia - Bell P-39 Airacobra -- 1938 fighter aircraft family by Bell
Wikipedia - Bell P-59 Airacomet -- 1942 fighter aircraft series by Bell
Wikipedia - Bell Records -- Record label active 1950s-1970s
Wikipedia - Bells Are Ringing (film) -- 1960 film directed by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - Bells from the Deep -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bells of Capistrano -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bells of San Juan -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Bell System -- 1877-1980s American telephone service monopoly
Wikipedia - Bell Witch -- Legendary 19th century haunting in Middle Tennessee
Wikipedia - Belly (film) -- 1998 film directed by Hype Williams
Wikipedia - Belmond El Encanto -- Hotel in Santa Barbara, California established during the early 1900s
Wikipedia - Belonging (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Belonningen -- 1980 film by Bjorn Lien
Wikipedia - Beloved (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Beauty -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Corinna -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Imposter -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Impostor (1961 film) -- 1961 film

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313433 site hits