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object:3.02 - The Soul in the Soul World after Death
book class:Theosophy
author class:Rudolf Steiner
subject class:Theosophy


The soul is the connecting link between the spirit of man and his body. Its forces of sympathy and antipathy which, owing to their mutual relationship, bring about soul manifestations, such as desire, excitability, wish, liking, and aversion, etc., are not only active between soul formations and soul formations, but they manifest themselves also in relation to the beings of the other worlds, the physical
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and the spiritual. While the soul lives in the body it participates to a certain extent in all that takes place in it. When the physical functions of the body proceed with regularity, there arise in the soul desire and comfort. If these functions are disturbed aversion and pain arise. And the soul has its share in the activities of the spirit also; one thought fills it with joy, another with repulsion; a correct judgment has the approval of the soul, a false one its disapproval. The stage of evolution of a man depends, in fact, on whether the inclinations of his soul move more in one direction or in another. A man is the more perfect the more his soul sympathizes with the manifestations of the spirit; he is the more imperfect the more the inclinations of his soul are satisfied by the functions of the body.

The spirit is the central point of man, the body the instrument by which the spirit observes and learns to understand the physical world and through it acts in it. But the soul is the intermediary between the two. Out of the physical impression which the vibrations of air make on the ear, it awakens the sensing of the sound; it produces the pleasure in this
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tone. All this it communicates to the spirit, which thus attains to the understanding of the physical world. A thought which arises in the spirit is changed by the soul into the wish to realize it, and only through this can it become deed, with the help of the body as instrument. Now man can fulfill his destiny only by allowing his spirit to direct the course of all his activity. The soul can (of itself) direct its inclinations just as well to the physical as to the spiritual. It sends, as it were, its feelers down into the physical as well as up into the spiritual. By sinking them into the physical world its own being becomes penetrated and colored by the nature of the physical. But the spirit, because able to act in the physical world only through it as intermediary, receives also in this way the direction toward the physical. Its formations are drawn to the physical by the forces of the soul. Observe, for example, the undeveloped man. The inclinations of his soul cling to the functions of his body. He feels pleasure only in the impressions made by the physical world on his senses. His intellectual life also is thereby completely drawn down into this region. His
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thoughts serve only to satisfy his demands on the physical life. The spiritual Self by living from incarnation to incarnation is intended to receive its direction ever increasingly out of the spiritual; its knowledge to be determined by the spirit of eternal Truth, its action by the eternal Goodness.

Death, when regarded as a fact in the physical world, signifies a change in the functions of the body. It ceases to be through its organization the instrument of the soul and the spirit. It shows itself henceforth to be entirely subject, as regards its functions, to the physical world and its laws. And it passes over into it in order to dissolve in it. Only these physical processes in the body can be observed after death by the physical senses. What happens then to soul and spirit escapes them. For even during life soul and spirit can be observed by the senses only in so far as they have external expressions in physical processes. After death this kind of expression is no longer possible. For this reason observation by means of the physical senses and science based on it, do not come under consideration in reference to the fate of the soul and spirit after death. Here
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a higher knowledge steps in, based on observation of the events in the soul and spirit worlds.

After the spirit has released itself from the body it continues to be united with the soul. And as, during physical life, the body chains it to the physical world, the soul now chains it to the soul world. But it is not in this soul world that the spirit's true primordial being is to be found. The soul world is intended to serve merely as its connecting link with the scene of its actions, the physical world. In order to appear in a new incarnation with a more perfect form it must draw force and strength from the spiritual world. But through the soul it has become entangled in the physical world. It is bound to a soul being which is penetrated and colored by the nature of the physical, and through this it has itself acquired a tendency in this direction. After death the soul is no longer bound to the body, but only to the spirit. It lives now within soul surroundings. Only the forces of this soul world can therefore have an effect on it. And at first the spirit also is bound to this life of the soul in the soul world. It is bound to it in the
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same way as it is bound to the body during physical incarnation. The time when the body is to die is determined by the laws of the body. Speaking generally, in fact, it must be said it is not that the soul and spirit forsake the body, but that the body is set free by them when its forces are no longer able to act after the manner of the human organization. The same relationship exists between soul and spirit. The soul sets the spirit free to pass into the higher, the spiritual world, when its forces are no longer able to function as after the manner of the human soul-organism. The spirit is set free the moment the soul has handed over to dissolution what it can only experience in the body, and retains only that which remains over, which can live on with the spirit. This retained extract, which, although experienced in the body, can, nevertheless as fruit, be stamped on the spirit, connects the soul with the spirit in the pure, spiritual world.

In order to learn the fate of the soul after death, therefore, one has to observe its process of dissolution. It had the task of giving the spirit its direction toward the
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physical. The moment it has fulfilled this task the soul takes the direction to the spiritual. In fact, the nature of its task would cause it to be henceforth only spiritually active when the body falls away from it, that is, when it can no longer be a connecting link. And so it would be, had it not, owing to its life in the body, been influenced by it and in its inclinations attracted to it. Were it not for this coloring received through the body it would at once, on being disembodied, follow the laws of the spiritual soul world only, and manifest no further inclination to the sensible world. This is what would happen if a man on dying lost completely all interest in the earthly world, if all desires, wishes, etc., attaching to the existence he has left had been completely satisfied. To the extent to which this is not the case, the unsatisfied part of the soul persists in its longings for the physical.

To avoid confusion we must here carefully distinguish between what chains man to the world in such a way that it can be made good in any following incarnation, and that which chains him to one particular incarnation, that is, to the immediately preceding one. The
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first is made good by means of the law of destiny or Karma; but the other can only be got rid of by the soul after death.

After death there follows, for the human spirit, a time during which the soul is shaking off its inclinations toward the physical existence, in order once more to follow the laws of the spiritual soul world only and set the spirit free. It is natural that this time will last the longer the more the soul was bound to the physical. It will be short in the case of a man who has clung little to the physical life, long, on the other hand, for one who has so completely bound up his interests with it that at death many desires, wishes, etc., still live in the soul.

The easiest way to gain an idea of the condition in which the soul lives during the time immediately after death is afforded by the following consideration. Let us take the somewhat crass example, the enjoyment of the bon vivant. His pleasure consists in the tickling of the palate by food. The pleasure is naturally not bodily, but belongs to the soul. The pleasure lives in the soul, as also does the desire for the pleasure. But for the
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satisfaction of the desire the corresponding bodily organs, the palate, etc., are necessary. After death the soul has not immediately lost such a desire, but it no longer possesses the bodily organ which provides the means for satisfying the desire. For another reason, but one which acts in the same way only far more strongly, the man is now as if he were suffering burning thirst in a region in the length and breadth of which there is no water. The soul thus suffers burning pain from the deprivation of the pleasure because it has laid aside the bodily organ by which it can experience it. It is the same with all that the soul yearns for and that can only be satisfied through the bodily organs. This condition (of burning privation) lasts until the soul has learned not to long any more for that which can only be satisfied through the body. The time passed in this condition is usually called in Theosophy "Kamaloca" (region of desires, although it has of course nothing to do with a locality).

When the soul enters the soul world after death it becomes subject to the laws of that world. The laws act on it, and on their action
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depends the manner in which its inclinations toward the physical are destroyed. The ways in which they act on it must differ according to the kinds of soul substances and soul forces in whose domain it is placed at the time. Each of these kinds will make its purifying, cleansing influence felt. The process which takes place here consists in the gradual conquering of all antipathy in the soul by the forces of sympathy, and in bringing this sympathy itself to its highest pitch. For through this highest degree of sympathy with the whole of the rest of the soul world, the soul will, as it were, merge into it, become one with it; then is it utterly emptied of its self-seeking; it ceases to exist as a being inclined to the physically sensible existence; the spirit is set free through it. The soul therefore purifies itself through all the regions of the soul world described above until, in the region of perfect sympathy, it becomes one with the whole soul world. That the spirit itself is in bondage until the last moment of the liberation of its soul is due to the fact that, through its life with it, it has developed a complete affinity. This relationship is much greater
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than the one with the body. For the spirit is bound directly to the soul, but only indirectly through the soul to the body. The soul is, in fact, the spirit's own life. For this reason the spirit is not bound to the decaying body, though it is bound to the soul gradually freeing itself. On account of the immediate bond between the spirit and the soul, the spirit can feel free with the soul only when the latter has itself become one with the whole soul world.

In so far as the soul world is the abode of man immediately after death it is called "Kamaloca," the "Region of Desires." The different religious systems which have embodied in their doctrines a knowledge of these conditions know this "Region of Desires" by the name of "purgatory," "cleansing fire," and so on.

The lowest region of the soul world is that of Burning Desire. By it everything in the soul that has to do with the coarsest, lowest, selfish desires of the physical life is rooted out of the soul after death. For through such desires it is exposed to the effects of the forces of this soul region. The unsatisfied
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desires which have remained from physical life furnish the points of attack. The sympathy of such souls extends only to what can nourish their selfish natures; it is greatly exceeded by the antipathy which floods everything else. Now the desires aim at physical enjoyments which cannot be satisfied in the soul world. The craving is intensified to its highest degree by this impossibility of satisfaction. But at the same time owing to this impossibility it is forced to die out gradually. The burning lusts gradually exhaust themselves, and the soul has learned by experience that the only means of preventing the suffering that must come from such longings lies in killing them out. During the physical life satisfaction is constantly being repeated. By this means the pain of the burning lusts is covered over by a kind of illusion. After death, in the "fire cleansing," the pain comes into evidence quite unveiled. The most fearful sufferings are laid bare. A dark, gloomy state is it in which the soul thus finds itself. Of course only those persons whose desires are directed during physical life to the coarsest things can fall into this condition. Natures
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with few lusts go through it without noticing it, for they have no affinity with it. It must be stated that, in general, souls are the longer influenced by the Burning Desire the more closely they have become bound up with that fire during life, and the more they require on that account to be purified in it.

A second class of things in the soul world is of such a nature that sympathy and antipathy preserve an equal balance in them. In so far as a human soul is in a similar condition after death it will be influenced by these things for a time. The giving of oneself up entirely to the external glitter of life and to joy in the swiftly-succeeding impressions of the senses, brings about this condition. Many people live in it. They allow themselves to be influenced by each worthless trifle of everyday life; but, as their sympathy is attached to no one thing in particular, the influences quickly pass. Everything that does not belong to this region of empty nothings is repellent to such persons. If the soul experiences this condition after death without the presence of the physical objects which are necessary for its satisfaction, the condition
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must needs die out ultimately. Naturally the privation which precedes its complete extinction in the soul is full of suffering. This state of suffering is the school for the destruction of the illusion in which such persons are completely wrapped up during physical life.

Thirdly there come under consideration in the soul world the things with predominating sympathy, those in whose natures wish predominates. The effects of their activity are experienced by souls that retain an atmosphere of wishes after death. These wishes also gradually die out on account of the impossibility of their being satisfied.

The region of Attraction and Repulsion which has been described above as the fourth, exposes the soul to special trials. As long as the soul dwells in the body it shares all that concerns it. The inner surge life of attraction and repulsion is bound up with the body. It causes the soul's feeling of well-being and comfort, dislike and discomfort. Man feels during his physical life that his body is himself, what one calls the feeling of self springs from this. And the more sensually inclined people are, the more does their
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feeling of self take on this characteristic. After death the body, the object of this feeling of self, is lacking. On this account the soul, with which the feeling has remained, feels as if emptied out. A feeling as if it had lost itself befalls it. This continues until the soul has recognized that the true man does not lie in the physical. The operations of this fourth region on the soul accordingly destroy the illusion of the bodily self. The soul, at length, learns to stop feeling that this corporality is an essential reality. It is cured and purified of its attachment to embodiment. In this way it has conquered that which chains it strongly to the physical world, and can unfold fully the forces of sympathy which flow outward. It has, so to say, broken free from itself, and is ready to pour itself with full sympathy into the common soul world.

It should not pass unnoted that the torments of this region are suffered to an especial degree by suicides. They leave their physical body in an artificial way, while all the feelings connected with it remain unchanged. In the case of a natural death the decay of the body is accompanied by a
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partial dying out of the feelings of attachment to it. In the case of suicides there are, in addition to the torment caused by the feeling of having been suddenly emptied out, the unsatisfied desires and wishes on account of which they have deprived themselves of their bodies.

The fifth stage of the soul world is that of Soul Light. In it sympathy with others has already reached a high degree of power. Souls are connected with it in so far as they have not during their physical lives entirely devoted themselves to satisfying lower necessities, but have had joy and pleasure in their surroundings. Enthusiasm for nature, for example, in so far as it has borne something of a sensuous character undergoes cleansing here. It is necessary, however, to distinguish clearly this kind of love of nature from that higher living in nature which is of the spiritual kind, and which seeks for the spirit that reveals itself in the things and events of nature. This kind of feeling for nature is one of the things that develop the spirit itself and establish something permanent in the spirit. But one must distinguish between this feeling
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for nature and such pleasure in nature as is based on the senses. In regard to this the soul requires purification just as well as in regard to other inclinations based on the mere physical existence. Many people hold, as a kind of ideal, arrangements which minister to sensuous welfare, and a system of education which results above all in the production of sensuous comfort. One cannot say of them that they further only their selfish impulses, but their souls are, nevertheless, directed to the physical world, and must be cured of this by the prevailing force of sympathy in the fifth region of the soul world in which these external means of satisfaction are lacking. The soul here recognizes gradually that this sympathy must take other directions, and these are found in the outpouring of the soul into the soul region, which is brought about by sympathy with the soul surroundings. Those souls also that demand from their religious observances mainly an enhancement of their sensuous welfare, whether it be that their longing goes out to an earthly or a heavenly paradise, are purified here. They find this paradise in the "Soul-land," but only
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for the purpose of seeing through its worthlessness. These are, of course, merely a few detached examples of purifications which take place in this fifth region. They could be multiplied indefinitely.

By means of the sixth region, that of Active Soul Force, the purification of souls thirsting for action takes place, souls whose activity does not bear an egotistical character, but springs, nevertheless, from the sensuous satisfaction it affords them. Such natures, viewed superficially, quite convey the impression of being idealists; they show themselves to be persons capable of self-sacrifice. In a deeper sense, however, the chief thing with them is the enhancement of a sensuous feeling of pleasure. Many artistic natures and such as give themselves up to scientific activity because it pleases them, belong to this class. What binds these people to the physical world is the belief that art and science exist for the sake of such pleasure. They have not yet learned to place these at the service of the world's evolution, and thereby to place themselves at its service.

The seventh region, that of the real Soul Life,
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frees man of his last inclination to the sensibly physical world. Each preceding region divests the soul of whatever has affinity with it. What now still envelops the spirit is the belief that its activity should be entirely devoted to the physical world. There are individuals who, though highly gifted, do not think about much over and above the occurrences of the physical world. This belief can be called materialistic. It must be destroyed, and this is done in the seventh region. There these souls see that they have no objects for their materialistic thinking. Like ice in the sun this belief of the soul melts away. The soul being is now absorbed into its own world. The spirit, free from all fetters, rises to the regions where it lives in its own surroundings only. The soul has completed its previous earthly task, and after death any traces of this task that remained fettering the spirit have dissolved. By overcoming the last trace of the earth, the soul is itself given back to its elements.

One sees by this description that the experiences in the soul world, and also the conditions of the soul life after death, gain an ever
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friendlier appearance the more a man has shaken off the low elements that adhere to him from his earthly union with the physical corporality. The soul will belong for a longer or shorter time to one or another region according to its physical life. 'Where the soul feels itself to be in affinity, there it remains until the affinity is extinguished. Where no relationship exists, it goes on its way untouched.

It was intended that only the fundamental characteristics of the soul world, and the outstanding features of the life of the soul in this world, should be described here. This applies also to the following descriptions of the spirit land. I would exceed the prescribed limits of this book were further characteristics of these higher worlds to be gone into. For the special relationships and the lapse of time, which are quite different there from those in the physical world, can only be spoken about intelligibly when one is prepared to deal with them in full detail. References of importance in this connection will be found in my "Outline of Occult Science" ("Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss," Altmann's Verlag, Leipsig).

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Wikipedia - Palm Treo Pro -- 2009 Windows Mobile-based smartphone by Palm
Wikipedia - Paned window (architecture) -- Type of window in architecture
Wikipedia - Paned window (computing) -- Computer user interface window that is divided into sections known as "panes"
Wikipedia - Parable of the broken window -- Parable by French economist FrM-CM-)dM-CM-)ric Bastiat
Wikipedia - People (Windows)
Wikipedia - Pipelight -- Compatibility layer that allows NPAPI plugins designed for Windows to run on Linux
Wikipedia - Plasma window
Wikipedia - Pocomail -- 1999 e-mail client for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Porthole -- Window of a ship
Wikipedia - Power window
Wikipedia - Psycle -- Free software sound tracker for Windows
Wikipedia - Quarter glass -- Type of car window
Wikipedia - Rear Window -- 1954 American suspense film directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Recovery Toolbox -- Microsoft windows recovery software
Wikipedia - Register window
Wikipedia - Remote Desktop Services -- Components of Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Rose window
Wikipedia - Rxvt -- Terminal emulator for the X Window System
Wikipedia - Saint Thomas Becket window in Chartres Cathedral -- Stained glass window
Wikipedia - Sash window -- Window made of one or more movable panels
Wikipedia - Sawfish (window manager)
Wikipedia - Scientific WorkPlace -- Software package for scientific word processing on Microsoft Windows and OS X
Wikipedia - Secret Window -- 2004 film directed by David Koepp
Wikipedia - Security Account Manager -- Windows database that stores users' passwords
Wikipedia - Security and Maintenance -- Microsoft Windows software
Wikipedia - Semi-submarine -- Boat with underwater windows
Wikipedia - Settings (Windows) -- Configuration interface of Windows 8 or later
Wikipedia - Side-by-side assembly -- Standard for executable files in Windows operating systems that attempts to alleviate problems caused by the use of dynamic-link libraries
Wikipedia - Sinistar: Unleashed -- 1999 action space shooter video game for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Sir Ronald Fisher window -- Stained glass window commemorating Sir Ronald Fisher
Wikipedia - Slab window -- A gap that forms in a subducted oceanic plate when a mid-ocean ridge meets with a subduction zone and the ridge is subducted
Wikipedia - Sliding window based part-of-speech tagging
Wikipedia - Sliding window
Wikipedia - Snell's window -- Underwater phenomenon due to Snell's Law
Wikipedia - Solitaire (Windows)
Wikipedia - SQL window function
Wikipedia - Stacking window manager
Wikipedia - Stained glass window
Wikipedia - Stained-glass window
Wikipedia - Sticky keys -- Microsoft Windows accessibility feature
Wikipedia - Sticky Notes -- Desktop notes application included in Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Storm Worm -- Backdoor Trojan horse found in Windows
Wikipedia - Sway (window manager)
Wikipedia - Sysinternals -- Microsoft website offering diagnostic tools for Windows
Wikipedia - Sysprep -- Microsoft tool for Windows deployment
Wikipedia - System Information (Windows)
Wikipedia - System Restore -- System recovery feature in Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Task Manager (Windows)
Wikipedia - TDM-GCC -- Compiler suite for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Template talk:Apple software on Windows
Wikipedia - Template talk:Desktop environments and window managers for X11 and Wayland
Wikipedia - Template talk:Microsoft Windows components
Wikipedia - Template talk:Windows 10
Wikipedia - Template talk:Windows commands
Wikipedia - Template talk:Windows Phone
Wikipedia - TerrSet -- Windows GIS and remote sensing software
Wikipedia - Text Services Framework -- Software framework and API for input method in Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - The Angel of the West Window
Wikipedia - The Bedroom Window (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Diabolical Church Window -- 1910 film by Georges MM-CM-)lies
Wikipedia - The Face at the Window (1913 film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - The Face at the Window (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Face at the Window (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Face at Your Window -- 1920 film by Richard Stanton
Wikipedia - The High Window -- Novel by Raymond Chandler
Wikipedia - The House with the Golden Windows -- 1916 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (film) -- 2013 comedy film
Wikipedia - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared -- 2009 comic novel by the Swedish author Jonas Jonasson
Wikipedia - The Neighbors' Window -- 2019 American short film by Marshall Curry
Wikipedia - The Tomorrow Windows -- Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris
Wikipedia - The Twisted Window -- Novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - The Window Over the Way -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - The Window (song cycle)
Wikipedia - The Window to Luna Park -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - The Window Washers -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Woman by the Dark Window -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Three Windows and a Hanging -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Through a Glass Window -- 1922 film by Maurice Campbell
Wikipedia - Tiling window manager
Wikipedia - Timeline of Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Travel (Windows)
Wikipedia - Trickbot -- Trojan for the Microsoft Windows operating system
Wikipedia - Trojan.Win32.DNSChanger -- Trojan for Windows
Wikipedia - Truth window -- Opening in a wall surface to reveal the wall components, often found in strawbale houses
Wikipedia - Tukey window
Wikipedia - Turbo Pascal for Windows
Wikipedia - Twin (windowing system)
Wikipedia - Unified Hangul Code -- Windows character encoding for Korean
Wikipedia - Universal Windows Platform apps
Wikipedia - Universal Windows Platform app
Wikipedia - Universal Windows Platform
Wikipedia - Video for Windows
Wikipedia - View from the Window at Le Gras -- First known photo, by NicM-CM-)phore NiM-CM-)pce
Wikipedia - Vrinda (Font) -- Default Bengali font in Windows
Wikipedia - Waterford, Hertfordshire -- village in Hertfordshire, England, particularly noted for Pre-Raphaelite stained-glass windows in St Michael and All Angels church
Wikipedia - Waving Through a Window -- Song by Ben Platt from ''Dear Evan Hansen''
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Microsoft Windows -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Window blind -- Type of window covering
Wikipedia - Window Cleaners -- 1940 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Window (computing) -- Visual area containing some kind of user interface
Wikipedia - Window decoration
Wikipedia - Window deflector
Wikipedia - Window (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Window function
Wikipedia - Windowing system
Wikipedia - Window insulation -- Methods of reducing heat transfer through a window
Wikipedia - Window in the Skies
Wikipedia - WindowLab
Wikipedia - Window Maker
Wikipedia - Window manager
Wikipedia - Window Observational Research Facility -- Experiment rack facility manufactured by the Brazilian Space Agency
Wikipedia - Window of opportunity -- period of time
Wikipedia - Window operator -- Operator in modal logic
Wikipedia - Windowpane (song)
Wikipedia - Windowpane > the Snow
Wikipedia - Window period -- Period when an infection is not yet detectable for a given test
Wikipedia - Window prostitution -- Showcase for prostitutes
Wikipedia - Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Wikipedia - Windows 10 editions
Wikipedia - Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Wikipedia - Windows 10 IoT Core
Wikipedia - Windows 10 Mobile
Wikipedia - Windows 10 version history -- Version history of the Windows 10 operating system
Wikipedia - Windows 1.0 -- Operating system
Wikipedia - Windows 10 -- personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2015
Wikipedia - Windows-1252
Wikipedia - Windows 2000 -- personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 1999
Wikipedia - Windows 2008
Wikipedia - Windows 2.0 -- 16-bit Microsoft Windows GUI-based operating environment
Wikipedia - Windows 2.1x -- 16-bit Microsoft Windows GUI-based operating environment
Wikipedia - Windows 3.0 -- Third major release of Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Windows 3.1
Wikipedia - Windows 3.1x -- Family of operating systems made by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows 3.x
Wikipedia - Windows 7 SP1
Wikipedia - Windows 7 -- Personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2009
Wikipedia - Windows 8.1
Wikipedia - Windows 8 -- personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2012
Wikipedia - Windows 95 -- Operating systems from Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows 98 -- Microsoft personal computer operating system released in 1998
Wikipedia - Windows 9x -- Series of Microsoft Windows computer operating systems
Wikipedia - Windows accelerator
Wikipedia - Windows Address Book
Wikipedia - Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform
Wikipedia - Windows Aero
Wikipedia - Windows Alarms > Clock
Wikipedia - Windows Anytime Upgrade
Wikipedia - Windows API -- Microsoft's core set of application programming interfaces on Windows
Wikipedia - Windows App Studio
Wikipedia - Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit
Wikipedia - Windows Azure
Wikipedia - Windows Calculator -- Calculator application included in Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Windows Camera
Wikipedia - Windows CardSpace
Wikipedia - Windows CE 5.0 -- embedded operating system by Microsoft released in 2004
Wikipedia - Windows CE
Wikipedia - Windows Chat
Wikipedia - Windows Color System
Wikipedia - Windows Command Prompt
Wikipedia - Windows Communication Foundation
Wikipedia - Windows Compute Cluster Server
Wikipedia - Windows (computing)
Wikipedia - Windows Console
Wikipedia - Windows Contacts
Wikipedia - Windows Defender
Wikipedia - Windows Deployment Services
Wikipedia - Windows Desktop Gadgets -- Discontinued widget engine for Microsoft Gadgets
Wikipedia - Windows Desktop Search
Wikipedia - Windows Display Driver Model
Wikipedia - Windows domain
Wikipedia - Windows Driver Frameworks
Wikipedia - Windows Driver Kit
Wikipedia - Windows Driver Model
Wikipedia - Windows (Druckman) -- Orchestral composition
Wikipedia - Windows DVD Maker
Wikipedia - Windows Easy Transfer
Wikipedia - Windows Embedded CE 6.0 -- embedded operating system by Microsoft released in 2006
Wikipedia - Windows Embedded Compact 7 -- 2011 release of the Windows Embedded CE operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Embedded Compact -- embedded operating system by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Embedded Industry -- industrial embedded operating system by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Error Reporting
Wikipedia - Windows Essential Business Server 2008 -- server operating system by Microsoft released in 2008
Wikipedia - Windows Fax and Scan
Wikipedia - Windows File Protection
Wikipedia - Windows Filtering Platform
Wikipedia - Windows Firewall
Wikipedia - Windows Forms -- Graphical user interface software library
Wikipedia - Windows for Pen Computing
Wikipedia - Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs -- thin client operating system from Microsoft
Wikipedia - WindowShade
Wikipedia - Windows Hardware Engineering Conference
Wikipedia - Windows Hardware Error Architecture
Wikipedia - Windows Hardware Lab Kit
Wikipedia - Windows Help
Wikipedia - Windows Holographic
Wikipedia - Windows Home Server 2011 -- home server operating system by Microsoft released in 2011
Wikipedia - Windows Home Server -- home server operating system by Microsoft released in 2007
Wikipedia - Window shopping
Wikipedia - Windows HPC Server 2008 -- Operating system for high performance computing
Wikipedia - Windows Identity Foundation
Wikipedia - Window sill -- horizontal structure immediately under a window
Wikipedia - Windows Image Acquisition
Wikipedia - Windows Imaging Component
Wikipedia - Windows Imaging Format
Wikipedia - Windows Ink
Wikipedia - Windows Insider
Wikipedia - Windows Installer
Wikipedia - Windows Interface Source Environment
Wikipedia - Windows Internal Database
Wikipedia - Windows Internet Name Service -- Microsoft's implementation of NetBIOS Name Service
Wikipedia - Windows in the Sky -- 2018 studio albumn by Alex Henry Foster
Wikipedia - Windows IoT -- embedded operating system by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows IT Pro
Wikipedia - Windows Journal
Wikipedia - Windows key
Wikipedia - Windows Live Mail
Wikipedia - Windows Live Messenger -- Deprecated instant messaging client
Wikipedia - Windows Live OneCare -- Discontinued Microsoft security software
Wikipedia - Windows Live Personalized Experience
Wikipedia - Windows Live Spaces
Wikipedia - Windows Live Writer
Wikipedia - Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line
Wikipedia - Windows Management Instrumentation
Wikipedia - Windows Maps
Wikipedia - Windows Marketplace for Mobile
Wikipedia - Windows Marketplace
Wikipedia - Windows Media Audio
Wikipedia - Windows Media Center -- software by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Media Encoder
Wikipedia - Windows Media Player
Wikipedia - Windows Media Services
Wikipedia - Windows Media Video
Wikipedia - Windows Media
Wikipedia - Windows Meeting Space
Wikipedia - Windows Messaging
Wikipedia - Windows Messenger
Wikipedia - Windows Metafile -- File format
Wikipedia - Windows ME
Wikipedia - Windows Me -- Personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2000
Wikipedia - Windows Mixed Reality
Wikipedia - Windows Mobile Device Center
Wikipedia - Windows Mobile -- Discontinued family of mobile operating systems
Wikipedia - Windows Mobility Center
Wikipedia - Windows Movie Maker
Wikipedia - Windows Multipoint Mouse
Wikipedia - Windows Neptune -- Codename for a version of Microsoft Windows under development in 1999
Wikipedia - Windows NT 3.1 -- 32-bit cross-platform operating system developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows NT 3.51 -- 32-bit cross-platform operating system developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows NT 3.5 -- 32-bit cross-platform operating system developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows NT 4.0 -- pre-emptive, graphical operating system by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows NT 4
Wikipedia - Windows NT startup process
Wikipedia - Windows NT -- Family of operating systems by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Window Snyder -- Computer security expert
Wikipedia - Windows Odyssey -- Cancelled operating system
Wikipedia - Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund -- Charitable organization
Wikipedia - Windows on Windows
Wikipedia - Windows (operating system)
Wikipedia - Windows operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Package Manager -- FOSS package manager for Windows 10
Wikipedia - Windows PC
Wikipedia - Windows PE
Wikipedia - Windows Phone 7 -- First generation of Microsoft's Windows Phone mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Phone 8.1 -- Third generation of Microsoft's Windows Phone mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Phone 8 -- Second generation of Microsoft's Windows Phone mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Phone Recovery Tool
Wikipedia - Windows Phone Store
Wikipedia - Windows Phone version history
Wikipedia - Windows Phone
Wikipedia - Windows Photo Gallery
Wikipedia - Windows Photo Viewer -- Image viewing software
Wikipedia - Windows PowerShell
Wikipedia - Windows Powershell
Wikipedia - Windows Preinstallation Environment -- Lightweight version of Microsoft Windows for deployment
Wikipedia - Windows Presentation Foundation
Wikipedia - Windows Push Notification Service -- Notification service developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Rally
Wikipedia - Windows Recovery Environment
Wikipedia - Windows Registry
Wikipedia - Windows Remote Management
Wikipedia - Windows Resource Kit
Wikipedia - Windows Resource Protection
Wikipedia - Windows RSS Platform
Wikipedia - Windows RT -- discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Runtime
Wikipedia - Windows Runtime XAML Framework -- User interface API, part of Windows Runtime
Wikipedia - WindowsSCOPE
Wikipedia - Windows Script Host
Wikipedia - Windows Scripting Host
Wikipedia - Windows Search
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2003 SP1
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2003 -- server operating system by Microsoft released in 2003
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2008 R2 -- server operating system by Microsoft released in 2009
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2008 -- server operating system by Microsoft released in 2008
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2012 R2 -- Server operating system by Microsoft released in 2013
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2012 -- server operating system by Microsoft released in 2012
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2016 -- Microsoft Windows Server operating system released in 2016
Wikipedia - Windows Server 2019 -- Version of Windows Server family of operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Server domain
Wikipedia - Windows Server Update Services
Wikipedia - Windows Server -- Group of server operating systems by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Windows Services for UNIX
Wikipedia - Windows Services for Unix
Wikipedia - Windows Service
Wikipedia - Windows service -- Component of the Microsoft Windows operating system
Wikipedia - Windows Shell namespace
Wikipedia - Windows shell replacement
Wikipedia - Windows shell
Wikipedia - Windows SideShow
Wikipedia - Windows SID
Wikipedia - Windows Speech Recognition
Wikipedia - Windows Spotlight
Wikipedia - Windows startup process
Wikipedia - Windows Subsystem for Linux -- Compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables natively on Windows
Wikipedia - Windows Support Tools
Wikipedia - Windows System Assessment Tool
Wikipedia - Windows System Resource Manager
Wikipedia - Windows Task Scheduler
Wikipedia - Windows Template Library
Wikipedia - Windows Terminal -- Terminal emulator for Windows 10
Wikipedia - Windows To Go
Wikipedia - Windows UI Library
Wikipedia - Windows Ultimate Extras
Wikipedia - Windows Update -- Software update distribution service for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Windows USER
Wikipedia - Windows Virtual PC
Wikipedia - Windows Vista startup process
Wikipedia - Windows Vista -- personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2006
Wikipedia - Windows Voice Recorder
Wikipedia - Windows
Wikipedia - Windows Workflow Foundation
Wikipedia - Windows XP Media Center Edition -- Microsoft Windows operating system released in 2002
Wikipedia - Windows XP Mode
Wikipedia - Windows XP Professional x64 Edition -- Microsoft Windows operating system released in 2005
Wikipedia - Windows XP SP2
Wikipedia - Windows XP visual styles
Wikipedia - Windows XP -- Personal computer operating system by Microsoft released in 2001
Wikipedia - Window tax -- Property tax based on the number of windows in a house
Wikipedia - Window -- Opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light and may also allow the passage of sound and sometimes air
Wikipedia - Windshield -- Front window of vehicle
Wikipedia - Wintel -- Partnership of Microsoft Windows and Intel producing personal computers using Intel x86-compatible processors running Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Witch window -- Window rotated 45M-BM-0 from vertical, found primarily on 19th century famhouses in Vermont, US
Wikipedia - Woman at a Window
Wikipedia - WordPad -- Basic word processor included with Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - XFree86 -- implementation of the X Window System
Wikipedia - X.Org Server -- free and open-source display server for X Window System
Wikipedia - Xterm -- standard terminal emulator for the X Window system
Wikipedia - X video extension -- video output mechanism for the X Window System
Wikipedia - X window manager
Wikipedia - X Window selection
Wikipedia - X Window System
Wikipedia - X window system
Wikipedia - X Window
Wikipedia - Young Woman at a Window -- 1925 painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - Your PC Protector -- Rogue antivirus program part of the Windows Police Pro and Windows Antivirus Pro family
Integral World - Integral's Overton Window - Opening or Closing?, Joseph Dillard
wiki.auroville - Windows
wiki.auroville - Windows_and_doors
Allegra's Window (1994 - 1996) - Show based right from the window of a young girl named Allegra. The show revolved around Allegra, her friend Lindi (yellow dog), her brother Rondo and his friend Riff (blue cat). They would visit with neighbors, friends, while eating blue zutabegas and learning new things.
Out of this World (1987 - 1991) - The Out Of This World television show was about a young girl with unique special powers. She could stop time by placing her two index fingers together. She also has an alien father which no one gets to ever see. She talks to him for advice at the start and end of every episode outside a window in he...
Flash Forward (1996 - 1997) - Tucker and Becca are close friends. So close that they live next door to one another with facing second story windows and share a birthday. Tucker is at times an absent minded goof-off while Becca tends to be opinated and in a hurry to grow up. Now in middle school, they find themselves caught in ev...
Windows 98 Commercial (2017 - Current) - Windows 98 Commercial
Winky Dink and You (1953 - 1973) - A cult classic praised by Bill Gates as "the first interactive TV show". Viewers watching it used a magic window to place over their TV screen, and drew on it with their magic crayons to help Winky Dink and his dog Woofer on their adventures. The CBS TV Network version of this show was seen on sunda...
Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity (2009 - Current) - a Japanese visual novel developed by Lump of Sugar. It was first released as an adult game for Windows PCs on July 11, 2008 in both limited and regular editions, and was later followed by an Xbox 360 version. Tayutama is Lump of Sugar's third title after their previous titles Nursery Rhyme and Itsuk...
The Magic Window (1951 - 1994) - also known as The House with the Magic Window) was an American children's television program broadcast on ABC affiliate WOI-TV in Ames, Iowa from 1951 to 1994. With a run of 43 years, it was the longest running children's television program in American history.[1] (Bozo's Circus technically had a lo...
Toy Story(1995) - Toy Story is about the 'secret life of toys' when people are not around. When Buzz Lightyear, a space-ranger, takes Woody's place as Andy's favorite toy, Woody doesn't like the situation and gets into a fight with Buzz. Buzz accidently falls out the window and Woody is accused by all the other toys...
Child's Play(1988) - After six year old Andy Barclay's babysitter is violently pushed out of a window to her death, nobody believes him when he says that "Chucky"; his new birthday doll, did it! Until things start going terribly wrong... dead wrong. Staring- Brad Drouif as Chucky!
The Toxic Avenger(1984) - Lovely Tromaville, land of hazardous waste and nerdy janitors. Nerdy until they leap from second story windows and land in a drum of toxic waste. (They go together, they just don't GO together - remember back to your high school dating scene, you'll understand.) And so Melvin became the Toxic Aveng...
Mannequin(1987) - Jonathan Switcher is a young artist. He just doesn't seem to last in any job he does. But when he builds a mannequin, he makes it so perfect, he falls in love with it. It is the first thing he has made that makes him feel like a real artist. The mannequin ends up in the window of a big department st...
Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave(1995) - Wallace and Gromit become window washers. A sheep-killer has been going around, and a lamb named Shawn escpaes and comes to the clay characters' house and they become friends. Not also to mention Wallace met Wendoline Ramsbottom, the girl of his dreams, and also the sidekick of the sheep-killer th...
Octopussy(1983) - Bond is sent on a mission to discover how another, dying, '00' agent crashes through the British Embassy's window with a fake Faberge egg in his hand. He discovers that its not only him thats interested in the real egg when it is put up for auction and is bought by rich exiled Indian Prince, Kamal K...
Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III(1990) - The film begins with Leatherface (R.A. Mihailoff) bludgeoning a young woman, Gina, to death with a sledgehammer before beginning the process of cutting off her face in order to make it into a mask. Gina's sister, Sara (Toni Hudson) watches from a nearby window. Leatherface hears Sara outside, and af...
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit(1998) - Fantasist Ray Bradbury wrote the screenplay for this adaptation of his 1957 Saturday Evening Post short story, "The Magic White Suit," previously adapted as a TV drama, a stage musical, and a play. Middle-aged Gomez (Joe Mantegna) hopes to own the beautiful white suit he spots in a store window. Sin...
Don't Bother to Knock(1952) - One night in a New York hotel, airline pilot Jed Towers gets the air from his chanteuse girlfriend Lyn Lesley. Meanwhile, the Joneses, guests at the hotel, need a baby-sitter, and elevator operator Eddie recommends his shapely niece Nell. Jed sees Nell through his window, gets acquainted, and become...
That Night(1992) - In 1961 Long Island, 10-year-old Alice Bloom is trying to understand just how love works only to be teased by her playmates. Along with that, she starts idolizing 17-year-old Sheryl O'Connor across the street by watching her from bedroom window and copying everything from her favorite record to the...
Paprika(2006) - The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device with the power to delve into the dreams of others. Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita have been tirelessly...
Leave it to Beaver(1997) - Beaver gets his heart set on a bicycle in the store window, but does not think his parents will shell out that money for it. Eddie Haskell tells him that if he sucks up to his father, by signing up for football, he will be sure to get the bike on his upcoming birthday. Beaver enrolls on the football...
Shopping(1994) - Billy and Jo get their kicks from a special type of window-shopping (driving a car through the window and stealing everything inside.) These professional criminals are not in it for the money, but for the fun of it. When Billy gets released from prison, his rival Tommy has taken over the street. A f...
Secret Window(2004) - A writer is accused for plagiarism by a strange man, who then starts haunting him for "justice."
Rear Window(1954) - A wheelchair bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder.
The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure(2012) - On Schluufy's birthday, the Oogieloves, Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie, and their friends J. Edgar, Windy Window, and Ruffy, work on organizing a party. Everything is going as planned until J. Edgar trips and loses the last five magical balloons in all of Lovelyloveville, prompting The Oogieloves to set...
Easy Virtue(2008) - A young Englishman marries a glamorous American. When he brings her home to meet the parents, she arrives like a blast from the future - blowing their entrenched British stuffiness out the window.
The Bedroom Window(1987) - Terry has an affair with his boss' wife. From his bedroom window, she sees a rape and murder attempt. Terry reports it to the police as if he saw it. Things get complicated.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days(2012) - In this third film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley wants to spend the summer before eighth grade playing video games and maybe, if he can finagle it, getting closer to his crush Holly Hills. The former plan goes out the window when his dad Frank decides to ban video games from the h... -- -- Kids -- Comedy
Easy Virtue (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 19 June 2009 (USA) -- A young Englishman marries a glamorous American. When he brings her home to meet the parents, she arrives like a blast from the future - blowing their entrenched British stuffiness out the window. Director: Stephan Elliott Writers:
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (1967) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 1min | Comedy, Musical | 9 March 1967 (USA) -- Armed with the titular manual, an ambitious window washer seeks to climb the corporate ladder. Director: David Swift Writers: Abe Burrows (book), Jack Weinstock (book) | 3 more credits Stars:
Hush (2016) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 22min | Horror, Thriller | 8 April 2016 (USA) -- A deaf and mute writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window. Director: Mike Flanagan Writers:
Murder She Said (1961) ::: 7.4/10 -- Unrated | 1h 27min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 7 January 1962 (USA) -- When Miss Jane Marple reports witnessing a murder through the window of a passing train, the police dismiss her as a dotty spinster when no trace of the crime can be found. Director: George Pollock Writers:
Nothing Personal (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- 1h 25min | Drama | 19 November 2010 (USA) -- Alone in her empty flat, from her window Anne observes the people passing by who nervously snatch up the personal belongings and pieces of furniture she has put out on the pavement. Her ... S Director: Urszula Antoniak Writer:
Poison (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 16 August 1991 (Sweden) -- A boy shoots his father and flies out the window. A man falls in love with a fellow inmate in prison. A doctor accidentally ingests his experimental sex serum, wreaking havoc on the community. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Jean Genet (inspired by the novels of Jean Genet with quotations from "Miracle of the Rose", "Our Lady of the Flowers" and "Thief's Journal"), Todd Haynes
Rear Window (1954) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Mystery, Thriller | September 1954 (USA) -- A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
Secret Window (2004) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 12 March 2004 (USA) -- A successful writer in the midst of a painful divorce is stalked at his remote lake house by a would-be scribe who accuses him of plagiarism. Director: David Koepp Writers: Stephen King (novel), David Koepp (screenplay)
The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- Hundraringen som klev ut genom fnstret och frsvann (original title) -- The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared Poster -- After living a long and colorful life, Allan Karlsson finds himself stuck in a nursing home. On his 100th birthday, he leaps out a window and begins an unexpected journey. Director: Felix Herngren Writers:
The Bedroom Window (1987) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 16 January 1987 (USA) -- A young executive starts an affair with his boss's wife which then escalates into a nightmare after he lies to the police in order to protect her. Director: Curtis Hanson Writers: Anne Holden (novel), Curtis Hanson (screenplay) Stars:
The Company of Wolves (1984) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 19 April 1985 (USA) -- A teenage girl in a country manor falls asleep while reading a magazine, and has a disturbing dream involving wolves prowling the woods below her bedroom window. Director: Neil Jordan Writers: Angela Carter (screenplay), Neil Jordan (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Window (1949) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller | May 1949 (USA) -- To avoid the heat of a sweltering summer night a 9-year-old Manhattan boy decides to sleep on the fire escape and witnesses a murder, but no one will believe him. Director: Ted Tetzlaff Writers: Mel Dinelli (screenplay), Cornell Woolrich (based on a story by: "The Boy Cried Murder")
The Woman in the Window (1944) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 3 November 1944 (USA) -- A conservative middle aged professor engages in a relationship with a femme fatale, he's plunged into a nightmarish world of blackmail and murder. Director: Fritz Lang Writers: Nunnally Johnson (written for the screen by), J.H. Wallis (novel) (as J. H. Wallis)'s_Window)'s_Window)'06's_Window's_a_Window_to_Heaven's_Window's_Window's_Window,_SMASH_-_LARGE_WINDOW_CRASH,_SMASH_-_LARGE_WINDOW_CRASH_02"Hit_any_key_to_close_this_window"_message_in_remote_editing"taskbar",_it_Must_be_a_Trick!!!'s_spiel_on_chat_windows
Arete Hime -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy Magic -- Arete Hime Arete Hime -- Confined in the castle tower by her father, princess Arete spends her days watching the world outside her window. Sometimes she seeks out to watch the common people at work. The knights of the kingdom compete for the right to marry her and rule the land by competing to see who can find powerful magic objects made by a long dead race of sorcerers. Arete wants none of this. She longs to meet the common people and travel to exotic lands she has only seen in the books she keeps hidden under her bed. One day the sorcerer Boax arrives in a fantastic flying machine and offers to take Arete as his wife and transform her into a proper princess. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 21, 2001 -- 10,365 6.91
Azumanga Daioh: Gekijou Tanpen -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Azumanga Daioh: Gekijou Tanpen Azumanga Daioh: Gekijou Tanpen -- In this short movie featuring familiar characters from Azumanga Daioh, Osaka is yet again having a strange dream of Chiyo-Chan's pigtails being posessed. As Chiyo-Chan's pigtails bounce out of the window, who knows if young Chiyo will ever be happy again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Special - Dec 25, 2001 -- 36,151 7.03
Batman: Gotham Knight -- -- Bee Train, Madhouse, Production I.G, Studio 4°C -- 6 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Martial Arts -- Batman: Gotham Knight Batman: Gotham Knight -- Anime-inspired direct-to-DVD anthology film. Comprised of six short stories, from diverse creators, including Academy Award-nominated Josh Olsen (A History of Violence), Batman Begins writer David S. Goyer, and comics scribe Brian Azzarello. It's planned for a release window of two to four weeks prior to the release of The Dark Knight, and would bridge the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- OVA - Jul 8, 2008 -- 24,869 6.97
Chang -- -- Studio Dadashow -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Thriller -- Chang Chang -- Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are staying indoors a corroded stockroom renovated without windows. His squad is well known for their hardworking members until councellor Hong Yeong-soo comes in. Jeong Cheol-min does all he can to make Hong Yeong-soo the right man for his squad and the army requires him to. However, private Hong Yeong-soo doesn't adjust to the surroundings and causes trouble. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- Movie - Nov 1, 2012 -- 614 N/A -- -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Military Drama Seinen -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- Yazawa, a Japanese pilot, suffers a crash in his Phantom jetfighter. After a six month recovery, his old friend from an airplane magazine wants him to investigate the appearance of a Phantom in an armed conflict in El Salvador. Yazawa's investigations makes him wind up in an international arms conspiracy. Based on a series of military fiction novels. -- OVA - Jan 24, 1991 -- 604 5.33
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy -- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- Makoto Niwa meticulously tallies the amount of positive and negative youthful experiences he engages in as if to grade his own life. When his parents go overseas, he moves to a new town to live with his aunt, welcoming the change and ready for a fresh start. However, as ordinary as he had imagined his adolescence to be, he could never have taken the existence of an enigmatic long-lost cousin into account. -- -- Upon moving into his aunt's house, he discovers the cousin he never knew about: Erio Touwa. Despite being Makoto's age, she couldn't be more different: Erio chooses to wrap herself in a futon all day rather than to go to school. She even claims to be an alien, and with a speech pattern and personality to back it up, any chance of Makoto's dreamt-of normal life is instantly tossed out the window. -- -- As he meets a string of other eccentric girls in town, Makoto must face the possibility of seeing his youth points in the red. However, he might be surprised by how thrilling an abnormal youth can be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 254,924 7.17
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy -- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- Makoto Niwa meticulously tallies the amount of positive and negative youthful experiences he engages in as if to grade his own life. When his parents go overseas, he moves to a new town to live with his aunt, welcoming the change and ready for a fresh start. However, as ordinary as he had imagined his adolescence to be, he could never have taken the existence of an enigmatic long-lost cousin into account. -- -- Upon moving into his aunt's house, he discovers the cousin he never knew about: Erio Touwa. Despite being Makoto's age, she couldn't be more different: Erio chooses to wrap herself in a futon all day rather than to go to school. She even claims to be an alien, and with a speech pattern and personality to back it up, any chance of Makoto's dreamt-of normal life is instantly tossed out the window. -- -- As he meets a string of other eccentric girls in town, Makoto must face the possibility of seeing his youth points in the red. However, he might be surprised by how thrilling an abnormal youth can be. -- -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 254,924 7.17
Juusenki L-Gaim I: Pentagona Window + Lady Gavlet -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha Shounen -- Juusenki L-Gaim I: Pentagona Window + Lady Gavlet Juusenki L-Gaim I: Pentagona Window + Lady Gavlet -- A recap OVA that portrays the first half of the series Heavy Metal L-Gaim. After the credits, there is a short clip animated for the OVA entitled "Lady Gavlet", which is intended to be comic relief. -- OVA - Nov 5, 1986 -- 796 5.69
Kangaeru Renshuu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kangaeru Renshuu Kangaeru Renshuu -- The description of Suwami Nogami's minimalistic line drawing piece, Imagination Practice, calls it an unending "thought loop". It depicts an artist sitting in front of a window with a self-portrait, like a miniature mirror image, on the desk in front of him. The window frame and the blue sky filled with moving clouds are in colour, but the figure of the artist is not coloured in. The soundtrack sounds like a skipping record that is punctuated by humourous springing noises (a la Bugs Bunny) as the image 'bounces' in an unending loop from the establishing shot into the "drawing." A philosophical piece, Imagination Practice considers the circular dialogue between an artist and his work. -- -- (Source: Midnight Eye) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2003 -- 483 4.27
Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life School -- Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen -- Second season of Kantai Collection: KanColle. -- - - ??? ??, 2022 -- 32,846 N/A -- -- GJ-bu@ -- -- Doga Kobo -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- GJ-bu@ GJ-bu@ -- During the school's spring break, Kyouya "Kyoro" Shinomiya has once again been kidnapped. Upon release, he finds himself in the GJ Club room, together with his captors, the cute GJ club members. At first glance, Kyoro does not see anything out of the ordinary in the club room, but as he gazes out of the window, he realizes that they are no longer in Japan but in New York! -- -- Special - May 6, 2014 -- 32,837 7.25
Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories Kitsutsuki: The Ten Hole Stories -- G9+1 film. -- Movie - Jul 20, 2009 -- 210 N/A -- -- Don't You Wish You Were Here? -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Don't You Wish You Were Here? Don't You Wish You Were Here? -- "My first abstract animation. What color do you have in your mind?" -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1997 -- 208 N/A -- -- Templex -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Templex Templex -- One rainy day, a woman wakes up, opens the curtains, and stares at her reflection in the window, noticing her curly hair. She climbs out of bed and begins to wash it, while strange images of self-hatred fill her mind. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2015 -- 208 5.64
Kuroshitsuji Picture Drama -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Demons Supernatural -- Kuroshitsuji Picture Drama Kuroshitsuji Picture Drama -- It is almost Valentine's Day, and grim reaper Grell Sutcliff finally receives the opportunity to become the heroine of her very own harem battle. Whilst making chocolates for the demonic butler Sebastian Michaelis, Grell's preparations are interrupted by a whole host of handsome men smashing through the window. -- -- First to appear is fellow reaper William T. Spears, who brings nothing but harsh reprimands. Next, however, the man of the hour appears—Sebastian Michaelis. The room begins to fill up even more, with Grell's unconventional harem expanding to include a pair of Phantomhive servants; the English branch manager of a Chinese trading company, Lau; the promiscuous Viscount Druitt; the Queen's butler, Ash Landers; and even the royal master-servant pair, Prince Soma and Agni. And when The Undertaker appears as "The Valentine's Fairy," this chaotic gathering becomes a lot more romantic. -- -- Special - Jan 31, 2010 -- 19,464 7.12
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Magic Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- There are three known worlds—the human world, the angel world, and the devil world. The evil queen Raindevilla yearns to destroy the angel world with help or her many devil minions. The goddess Aphrodite sends an angel to the human world, Limone, to summon three love angels in the form of three school girls, Momoko Hanasaki, Yuri Tanima, and Hinagiku Tamano, who together become Angel Lilly, Angel Daisy, and Wedding Peach. The three girls must fight to overcome the evils of the devils, as well as their own lives, and restore peace to the angel world by gathering all pieces of the Sacred Four Somethings (or Saint Something Four) and defeat the evil queen once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 18,769 6.68
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- Unaired episode of Danchigai included on the Blu-ray/DVD volume. -- Special - Sep 18, 2015 -- 18,734 6.44
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,791 7.25
Nozo x Kimi -- -- Zexcs -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Shounen -- Nozo x Kimi Nozo x Kimi -- Suga Kimio finds himself hiding in the girls locker room, unable to move or escape the situation as the girls in his school crowd in. Although he originally had no ulterior motives, he found himself panicking as he heard the girls coming in and hid in a locker. Komine Nozomi, one of the shy girls in his class finds him, but surprisingly covers for him. Perplexed but glad, Kimio goes home. -- -- Later that night, he gets a text from Nozomi who happens to live across the way on the same floor of the complex they both live in. She blackmails him into agreeing to show each other's bodies when she texts him. Kimio has to abide by Nozomi's insane demands or risk ruining his school life so they both start their little peep show through each other's windows... -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- OVA - Aug 18, 2014 -- 27,759 6.43
Paprika -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Dementia Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller -- Paprika Paprika -- The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device with the power to delve into the dreams of others. Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita have been tirelessly working to develop this technology with the hopes of using it to deeply explore patients' minds and help cure them of their psychological disorders. -- -- However, having access to the deepest corners of a person's mind comes with a tremendous responsibility. In the wrong hands, the DC Mini could be used as a form of psychological terrorism and cause mental breakdowns in the minds of targets. When this technology is stolen and people around them start acting strangely, Atsuko and Kosaku know they have a serious problem on their hands. Enlisting the help of Officer Konakawa, who has been receiving this experimental therapy, they search both the real and dream worlds for their mental terrorist. -- -- Movie - Nov 25, 2006 -- 384,301 8.06
Rec -- -- Shaft -- 9 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Rec Rec -- After being stood up for a movie date, marketing employee Fumihiko Matsumaru is about to throw away his tickets when he is stopped by a girl who implores him to let her accompany him instead. Thanks to his upbeat and eccentric companion Aka Onda, an aspiring voice actress, Fumihiko enjoys his evening. While walking home together, they find out that they live in the same neighborhood. Mere hours later, Fumihiko wakes up from a nightmare and hears sirens outside his window. Going outside to check the situation, he sees that Aka's apartment has burned down, along with all her possessions. Fumihiko invites the distressed Aka to stay at his place, leading to them sleeping together. -- -- In the aftermath of that fateful night, their personal and professional lives become inextricably intertwined. Not only do they begin living together platonically despite their one-night stand, they also discover that Aka will be voicing the mascot Fumihiko designed for his company's newest product. While trying to keep their live-in relationship under wraps for fear of scrutiny, the two begin to support each other throughout the difficulties in their respective careers. -- -- 100,360 7.33
Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shou ga Nai!! -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo Shounen Ai Slice of Life -- Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shou ga Nai!! Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shou ga Nai!! -- Hashiba Sora has fallen from a 4th story window and has lost all of his memories. When Fujimori Sunao comes to his school as his new room mate, Fujimori tells Hashiba that he is called Ran. Fujimori and Hashiba both have a split personality which they developed in their youth. Their split personalities, Yoru and Ran, are deeply in love. Even though it creeps Fujimori and Hashiba out what their other selves do with each other at night, they also start to fall for each other. Because of their relationship, Hashiba Sora finds out a lot of shocking facts about their youth. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 9, 2005 -- 44,011 6.69
The Place Where We Were -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- The Place Where We Were The Place Where We Were -- A couple are seen at home. The woman says a heartfelt prayer while the man looks up from his newspaper, holding a cup of tea. They both look out of the window. In the sky above their house a giant angel is flying past. A forest has grown on the angel's back. In the forest three creatures sit around a table and playing cards. The cards are laid out and feature different images: three cards depicting babies jump down a hole in the middle of the table and begin a journey through the body of the angel. They stop in a cave where a creature plays the harp for them and turns the cards into tears. The tears fly through the air out of the angel's eyes and one of them reaches the woman's womb. In the next scene she is seen sitting at home, with her cat, contentedly stroking her own pregnant belly. The next scene is an exterior: a field with a lone tree growing on it. The man is dancing and walking towards the tree: behind the tree he finds his partner, the woman, holding a baby. They all smile at each other. -- -- -- (Source: Tommaso Corvi-Mora) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2008 -- 428 N/A -- -- Kiseki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Dementia -- Kiseki Kiseki -- Experimental animation by Kuri Youji. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1963 -- 427 4.83
Yami Shibai 6 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 6 Yami Shibai 6 -- Late at night, in a clearing within a dark fog-filled forest, there sits a kamishibai storyboard. A visitor approaches, and suddenly, the fog recedes. A shape begins to take form beside the board—this figure is the masked Storyteller, who once again starts to spin tales of horror and despair. -- -- The events described in these macabre tales might happen to anyone, even your neighbors or friends: a group of girls bully one of their members in a cave, only to find themselves the victims of a dark presence; a boy with scopophobia moves to the countryside, but he still cannot escape the eyes of others; a man has a window that won't stay closed, and is the recipient of strange phone calls; and a salaryman steals an umbrella on a rainy day, but this seemingly insignificant act leads to consequences he never expected. Visitors may enjoy the Storyteller's offerings, but they should also be vigilant so that they don't wind up as the subjects of his next story. -- -- 14,635 6.15
Yoru no Hi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Yoru no Hi Yoru no Hi -- The rooftops of a darkened city, a couple walking by a lone streetlight on an otherwise darkened street, an old man rocking in a creaky chair in the corner of a room lit only by the moon or the streetlight entering through the window. -- -- (Source: Nishikata Film Review) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2005 -- 1,216 4.94
Yuri!!! on Ice -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sports -- Yuri!!! on Ice Yuri!!! on Ice -- Reeling from his crushing defeat at the Grand Prix Finale, Yuuri Katsuki, once Japan's most promising figure skater, returns to his family home to assess his options for the future. At age 23, Yuuri's window for success in skating is closing rapidly, and his love of pork cutlets and aptitude for gaining weight are not helping either. -- -- However, Yuuri finds himself in the spotlight when a video of him performing a routine previously executed by five-time world champion, Victor Nikiforov, suddenly goes viral. In fact, Victor himself abruptly appears at Yuuri's house and offers to be his mentor. As one of his biggest fans, Yuuri eagerly accepts, kicking off his journey to make it back onto the world stage. But the competition is fierce, as the rising star from Russia, Yuri Plisetsky, is relentlessly determined to defeat Yuuri and win back Victor's tutelage. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 629,894 7.91"Unable_to_launch_the_MATLABWindow_application",_Beaumont_window's_Cathedral_Dunedin_NZ_window.jpg,_Onomichi,_Ikuchi_Island,_Japan.jpg,_Irvine_Old_Parish_Church.JPG"Guns_don't_kill_people_chuck_norris_kills_people"_Window_sign.jpg,_1857.jpg,_Hill_Bark.jpg,_2015_06_06_A_(413)_(18455040190).jpg,_2015_06_06_A_(417)_(18643963125).jpg,_2015_06_06_A_(420)_(18456107499).jpg,_St._Giles.jpg,_State_Library_of_Victoria,_Melbourne,_2017-10-29.jpg,_Copying_the_Wit_of_the_Window.jpg,_A_monk_at_a_lower_window_is_striking_a_piece_of_suspended_iron_with_a_hammer,_to_call_the_fraternity_to_(NYPL_b10607452-80712).jpg,_A_monk_at_a_lower_window_is_striking_a_piece_of_suspended_iron_with_a_hammer,_to_call_the_fraternity_to_(NYPL_b10607452-80712).tiff,_Dhaka_04.jpg,_Canada).jpg
100 Broken Windows
10/40 window
2003 South African floor-crossing window period
2005 South African floor-crossing window period
2007 South African floor-crossing window period
Abstract Window Toolkit
Address Windowing Extensions
A Guide to Window-Dressing
A Light in the Window (film)
Allegra's Window
Angel of the Resurrection (Tiffany Studios stained glass window)
Anthony Windows
Aortopulmonary window
Application Programming Interface for Windows
Architecture of Windows 9x
Architecture of Windows NT
Ardent Window Manager
A Shadow at the Window
Atmospheric window
At My Window
Avant Window Navigator
Awesome (window manager)
A Window in London
A Window on Washington Park
A Woman at Her Window
Azure Window
Baade's Window
Bay window
Bay Windows
BBC Two 'Window on the World' idents
Beneath Her Window
Bow window
Briefcase (Microsoft Windows)
Broken Hearts & Dirty Windows: Songs of John Prine
Broken window
Broken windows theory
Bull's-eye window
Bundling of Microsoft Windows
Calendar (Windows)
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?
Casement window
Caught by the Window
Caustic Window (album)
CD Player (Windows)
Chair Beside a Window
Character Map (Windows)
Christmas window
Church window
Church window (dessert)
Code page 932 (Microsoft Windows)
Code page 936 (Microsoft Windows)
Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server
Come to My Window
Common menus in Microsoft Windows
Comparison of Microsoft Windows versions
Comparison of Start menu replacements for Windows 8
Comparison of Windows Vista and Windows XP
Comparison of X window managers
Comparison of X Window System desktop environments
Compilation (Caustic Window album)
Compositing window manager
Confessions of a Window Cleaner
Control Panel (Windows)
Conversations (From a Second Story Window album)
Criticism of Microsoft Windows
Criticism of Windows Vista
Criticism of Windows XP
Crittall Windows
Crown glass (window)
Cwm (window manager)
Date windowing
Demographic window
Desktop Window Manager
Development of Windows 95
Development of Windows Vista
Development of Windows XP
Diocletian window
Discount window
Display window
DM (windowing system)
Domain controller (Windows)
Don't Lean Out the Window
Doors and Windows
Doors and Windows (album)
DVD Player (Windows)
Education (Chittenden Memorial Window)
Electrochemical window
Engadin window
Extended Window Manager Hints
Facing Windows
Features new to Windows 10
Features new to Windows 7
Features new to Windows 8
Features new to Windows Vista
Features new to Windows XP
Fences and Windows
File Manager (Windows)
Find (Windows)
Fire Through the Window
First window
Flowers in the Window
Footprints Under the Window
Four Walls Eight Windows
Free Software Foundation anti-Windows campaigns
French Windows
From a Second Story Window
From a Window
From a Window/This Morning
Games for Windows
Games for Windows Live
Games for Windows: The Official Magazine
Girl in the Window
Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window
Glazing (window)
Go In and Out the Window
Greased paper window
High Windows
Hohe Tauern window
(How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?
How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?
HTC Titan (Windows Mobile phone)
HTC Windows Phone 8S
HTC Windows Phone 8X
I'm Looking out the Window
I3 (window manager)
If My Heart Had Windows
If My Heart Had Windows (song)
Image for Windows
Imaging for Windows
Index of Windows games
Index of Windows games (09)
Index of Windows games (A)
Index of Windows games (B)
Index of Windows games (C)
Index of Windows games (D)
Index of Windows games (E)
Index of Windows games (F)
Index of Windows games (G)
Index of Windows games (H)
Index of Windows games (I)
Index of Windows games (J)
Index of Windows games (M)
Index of Windows games (S)
Infrared window
Integrated Windows Authentication
Ion (window manager)
IRQL (Windows)
Jalousie window
Jawbreaker (Windows Mobile game)
Johari window
John Windows
Kaiser window
Karst window
Keep Away from the Window
Kiss by the Window
Lancet window
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
Launch window
Leaf window
Leaving Through the Window
Light in the Window
List of alternative shells for Windows
List of Disney Main Street window honors
List of features removed in Windows 10
List of features removed in Windows 7
List of features removed in Windows 8
List of features removed in Windows Phone
List of features removed in Windows Vista
List of features removed in Windows XP
List of Games for Windows Live titles
List of Games for Windows titles
List of Microsoft Windows application programming interfaces and frameworks
List of Microsoft Windows components
List of Microsoft Windows versions
List of typefaces included with Microsoft Windows
List of Windows 10 Mobile devices
List of Windows Games on Demand
List of Windows Mobile devices
List of Windows Mobile Professional games
List of Windows Phone 7 devices
List of Windows Phone 8.1 devices
List of Windows Phone 8 devices
List of Windows phones
List of Xbox games on Windows Phone
List of Xbox Live games on Windows 10
Lookin' Through the Windows (song)
Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager
Magic Windows
Magnifier (Windows)
Mail (Windows)
Management features new to Windows Vista
Matt Windows
Metabolic window
MEX (windowing system)
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows library files
Microsoft Windows SDK
Microsoft Windows version history
Modal window
Motif Window Manager
My Windows Phone
Near-infrared window in biological tissue
Neptune's Window
Object Manager (Windows)
Object Windows Library
Open the Window Close the Door: Live in Japan
Open Window Institute
Open Your Window
Open Your Window (film)
Opera window
Oriel window
Outside My Window
Oval window
Overton window
Oxygen window in diving decompression
Palette window
Paned window (architecture)
Paned window (computing)
Pangrammatic window
Parable of the broken window
Peepin' in My Window
People (Windows)
Pericardial window
Plasma window
Poet in My Window
Power window
Power Windows (album)
Power windows (disambiguation)
Pupa's Window
Put a Light in the Window
Radio window
Rear Window
Rear Window Captioning System
Register window
Re-parenting window manager
Republic Windows and Doors
Resource (Windows)
Rio (windowing system)
Root window
Rose window
Rose Windows (band)
Round window
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals: A View of Other Windows
Safety and security window film
Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search
Sash window
Sawfish (window manager)
Second window
Secret Window
Security and safety features new to Windows Vista
Settings (Windows)
Shabaka (window)
She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
Silly window syndrome
Single-window system
Slab window
Sliding window protocol
Smash the Windows
Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows
Snell's window
Stellar Data Recovery for Windows
Storm window
System Information (Windows)
Task Manager (Windows)
TCP window scale option
Technical features new to Windows Vista
The Angel of the West Window
The Bedroom Window
The Cat in the Window (The Bird in the Sky)
The Diabolical Church Window
The Face at the Window
The Face at the Window (play)
The Good Samaritan Window, Chartres Cathedral
The High Windows
The House with Laughing Windows
The House Without Windows
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (film)
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
The Judas Window
The King in the Window
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen's Window
The Magic Window
The Michel Publicity Window E.P.
The Neighbors' Window
The Open Window (Matisse)
The Overton Window
These Two Windows
The Thing at the Nursery Room Window
The Valley of the Squinting Windows
The View from My Window
The Wide Window
The Window
The Window (1970 film)
The Window of Orpheus
The Window Over the Way
The Windows of Heaven
The Windows of the World
The Window (song cycle)
The Window to Luna Park
The Window Up Above
The Woman by the Dark Window
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window (novel)
The Woman in the Window (upcoming film)
Third Window Films
Three Windows and a Hanging
Through a Window
Through the Windowpane
Tiling window manager
Tinted Windows (band)
Toledo Window Box
Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window
Transfer window
Truth window
Twin (windowing system)
Two-dimensional window design
Ultrix Window Manager
Under His Very Windows
Unicode in Microsoft Windows
Universal Windows Platform
Universal Windows Platform apps
User profiles in Microsoft Windows
User:The Raven's Apprentice/Userboxes/User MS Windows
Venetian window
Victor Hugo (artist and window dresser)
Video for Windows
View from the Window at Le Gras
Wharf of Windows
When I'm Cleaning Windows
Wied il-Miela Window
Window at Tangier
Window blind
Window box
Windowbox (filmmaking)
Window class
Window Cleaner
Window cleaner
Window Clippings
Window (computing)
Window Connection
Window cornice
Window deflector
Window detector
Window (disambiguation)
Window dresser
Windowed envelope
Window film
Window function
Window (geology)
Window Horses
Windowing system
Window in the Skies
Window Maker
Window manager
Window Media
Window Observational Research Facility
Window of opportunity
Window of Opportunity (Stargate SG-1)
Window of the World
Window on China Theme Park
Window on the World
Window on the World (disambiguation)
Windowpane & the Snow
Windowpane flounder
Windowpane oyster
Windowpane (song)
Window prostitution
Window Rock Airport
Window Rock, Arizona
Windows 10
Windows 1.0
Windows 10 editions
Windows 10 Mobile
Windows 10 version history
Windows 10 version history (version 1507)
Windows 10 version history (version 1511)
Windows 10 version history (version 1607)
Windows 10 version history (version 1703)
Windows 10 version history (version 1709)
Windows 10 version history (version 1803)
Windows 10 version history (version 1809)
Windows 10 version history (version 1903)
Windows 10 version history (version 1909)
Windows 10 version history (version 2004)
Windows 2.0
Windows 2000
Windows 2.1x
Windows 3.0
Windows 3.1x
Windows 3.x
Windows 7
Windows 7 editions
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 8 editions
Windows 8.x
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 9x
Windows Address Book
Windows Admin Center
Windows Aero
Windows Alarms & Clock
Windows and Walls
Windows Anytime Upgrade
Windows API
Windows App Studio
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit
Windows Calculator
Windows Camera
Windows CardSpace
Windows CE 5.0
Windows ChallengE
Windows Chat
Windows code page
Windows Color System
Windows Communication Foundation
Windows Console
Windows Contacts
Windows (country-psych band)
Window screen
Windows Deployment Services
Windows Desktop Gadgets
Windows Desktop Update
Windows (disambiguation)
Windows domain
Windows Down
Windows DreamScene
Windows DVD Maker
Windows Easy Transfer
Window seat
Window Seat (song)
Windows Embedded Automotive
Windows Embedded CE 6.0
Windows Embedded Compact
Windows Embedded Compact 7
Windows Embedded Industry
Windows Error Reporting
Windows Essential Business Server 2008
Windows Essentials
Windows Fax and Scan
Windows File Protection
Windows Firewall
Windows Forms
Windows for Pen Computing
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Windows Genuine Advantage
Windows Glyph List 4
Windows Hardware Engineering Conference
Windows Hardware Lab Kit
Windows Home Server
Windows Home Server 2011
Window shopping
Windows HPC Server 2008
Window shutter
Window sill
Windows Image Acquisition
Windows Imaging Format
Windows Ink
Windows Insider
Windows Installer
Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
Windows Internal Database
Windows Internet Name Service
Windows in the Sky
Windows IoT
Windows IT Pro
Windows (jazz band)
Windows Journal
Windows kernel
Windows key
WINdows KwikStat
Windows legacy audio components
Windows Live
Windows Live Alerts
Windows Live Barcode
Windows Live Call
Windows Live Gallery
Windows Live Mail
Windows Live Mesh
Windows Live Messenger
Windows Live OneCare
Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner
Windows Live Personalized Experience
Windows Live Spaces
Windows Live Toolbar
Windows Live TV
Windows Live Web Messenger
Windows Live Writer
Windows Management Instrumentation
Windows Maps
Windows Marketplace
Windows Marketplace for Mobile
Windows Master Control Panel shortcut
Windows Me
Windows Media
Windows Media Audio
Windows Media Center
Windows Media Center Extender
Windows Media Components for QuickTime
Windows Media Connect
Windows Media DRM
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player Playlist
Windows Media Video
Windows Meeting Space
Windows Messaging
Windows Messenger
Windows Messenger service
Windows Metafile
Windows Metafile vulnerability
Windows Mixed Reality
Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile 2003
Windows Mobile 5.0
Windows Mobile 6.0
Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.5
Windows Mobile Device Center
Windows Mobility Center
Windows Movie Maker
Windows MultiPoint Server
Windows Nashville
Windows Neptune
Windows NT
Windows NT 3.1
Windows NT 3.5
Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT 3.x
Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT 6 startup process
Windows NT processor scheduling
Windows NT startup process
Window Snyder
Windows of Heaven
Windows on ARM
Windows on Earth
Windows on the World
Windows on the World (novel)
Windows on Windows
Windows Package Manager
Windows Phone
Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 8.1
Windows Phone Store
Windows Phone version history
Windows Photo Gallery
Windows Photo Viewer
Windows Pioneers
Windows Preinstallation Environment
Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Push Notification Service
Windows Rally
Windows Registry
Windows Remote Management
Windows Resource Protection
Windows RT
Windows Runtime
Windows Script File
Windows Script Host
Windows Search
Windows Server
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server Essentials
Windows Server Update Services
Windows service
Windows Services for UNIX
Windows shell
Windows SideShow
Windows Speech Recognition
Windows startup process
Windows Subsystem for Linux
Windows Support Tools
Windows system
Windows System Assessment Tool
Windows Task Scheduler
Windows tax
Windows Terminal
Windows thumbnail cache
Windows To Go
Windows Ultimate Extras
Windows Update
Windows USER
Windows User Magazine
Windows Virtual PC
Windows Vista
Windows Vista editions
Windows Vista I/O technologies
Windows Vista networking technologies
Windows Voice Recorder
Windows Workflow Foundation
Windows X
Windows XP
Windows XP 64-bit
Windows XP editions
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows XP visual styles
Window tax
Window to Paris
Window treatment
Window Water Baby Moving
Window well cover
Witch window
Woman at a Window
X Window authorization
X window manager
XWindows Dock
X Window System
X Window System core protocol
X Window System protocols and architecture
Young Man at His Window

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last updated: 2022-02-04 18:03:27
294966 site hits