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object:2.11 - The Boundaries of the Ignorance
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Chapter XI

The Boundaries of the Ignorance
One who thinks there is this world and no other.
Katha Upanishad.1

Extended within the Infinite, . . . headless and footless, concealing his two ends.2
Rig Veda.3
He who has the knowledge "I am Brahman" becomes all this that is; but whoever worships another divinity than the One
Self and thinks, "Other is he and I am other", he knows not.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.4

This Self is fourfold - the Self of Waking who has the outer intelligence and enjoys external things, is its first part; the Self of Dream who has the inner intelligence and enjoys things subtle, is its second part; the Self of Sleep, unified, a massed intelligence, blissful and enjoying bliss, is the third part . . . the lord of all, the omniscient, the inner Control. That which is unseen, indefinable, self-evident in its one selfhood, is the fourth part: this is the Self, this is that which has to be known.
Mandukya Upanishad.5

A conscious being, no larger than a man's thumb, stands in the centre of our self; he is master of the past and the present; . . . he is today and he is tomorrow.
Katha Upanishad.6


T IS now possible to review in its larger lines this Ignorance, or this separative knowledge labouring towards identical knowledge, which constitutes our human mentality and, in an obscurer form, all consciousness that has evolved below our
1 I. 2. 6.
2 Head and feet, the superconscient and the inconscient.
3 IV. I. 7, 11.
4 I. 4. 10.
5 Verses 2-7.
6 II. 1. 12, 13.


The Life Divine
level. We see that in us it consists of a succession of waves of being and force, pressing from outside and rising from within, which become stuff of consciousness and formulate in a mental cognition and mentalised sensation of self and things in Time and
Space. Time presents itself to us as a flow of dynamic movement,
Space as an objective field of contents for the experience of this imperfect and developing awareness. By immediate awareness the mental being mobile in Time lives perpetually in the present; by memory he saves a certain part of his experience of self and things from streaming away from him entirely into the past; by thought and will and action, by mind energy, life energy, body energy he utilises it for what he becomes in the present and is yet to become hereafter; the force of being in him that has made him what he is works to prolong, develop and amplify his becoming in the future. All this insecurely held material of self-expression and experience of things, this partial knowledge accumulated in the succession of Time, is co-ordinated for him by perception, memory, intelligence and will to be utilised for an ever-new or ever-repeated becoming and for the mental, vital, physical action which helps him to grow into what he is to be and to express what he already is. The present totality of all this experience of consciousness and output of energy is co-ordinated for relation to his being, gathered into consistency around an ego-sense which formulates the habit of response of self-experience to the contacts of Nature in a persistent limited field of conscious being.
It is this ego-sense that gives a first basis of coherence to what otherwise might be a string or mass of floating impressions: all that is so sensed is referred to a corresponding artificial centre of mental consciousness in the understanding, the ego-idea. This ego-sense in the life stuff and this ego-idea in the mind maintain a constructed symbol of self, the separative ego, which does duty for the hidden real self, the spirit or true being. The surface mental individuality is, in consequence, always ego-centric; even its altruism is an enlargement of its ego: the ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. The necessity of centralisation around the ego continues until there is no longer need of any such device or contrivance because there

The Boundaries of the Ignorance

has emerged the true self, the spiritual being, which is at once wheel and motion and that which holds all together, the centre and the circumference.
But the moment we study ourselves, we find that the selfexperience which we thus co-ordinate and consciously utilise for life, is a small part even of our waking individual consciousness.
We fasten only upon a very limited number of the mental sensations and perceptions of self and things which come up into our surface consciousness in our continual present: of these again memory saves up only a scanty part from the oblivious gulf of the past; of the storings of memory our intelligence utilises only a small portion for co-ordinated knowledge, will utilises a still smaller percentage for action. A narrow selection, a large rejection or reservation, a miserly-spendthrift system of waste of material and unemployment of resources and a scanty and disorderly modicum of useful spending and utilisable balance seems to be the method of Nature in our conscious becoming even as it is in the field of the material universe. But this is only in appearance, for it would be a wholly untrue account to say that all that is not thus saved up and utilised is destroyed, becomes null and has passed away ineffectually and in vain. A great part of it has been quietly used by Nature herself to form us and actuates that sufficiently large mass of our growth and becoming and action for which our conscious memory, will and intelligence are not responsible. A still greater part is used by her as a store from which she draws and which she utilises, while we ourselves have utterly forgotten the origin and provenance of this material which we find ourselves employing with a deceptive sense of creation; for we imagine we are creating this new material of our work, when we are only combining results out of that which we have forgotten but Nature in us has remembered. If we admit rebirth as part of her system, we shall realise that all experience has its use; for all experience counts in this prolonged building and nothing is rejected except what has exhausted its utility and would be a burden on the future.
A judgment from what appears now in our conscious surface is fallacious: for when we study and understand, we perceive that


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only a little of her action and growth in us is conscious; the bulk of it is carried on subconsciously as in the rest of her material life. We are not only what we know of ourselves but an immense more which we do not know; our momentary personality is only a bubble on the ocean of our existence.
A superficial observation of our waking consciousness shows us that of a great part of our individual being and becoming we are quite ignorant; it is to us the Inconscient, just as much as the life of the plant, the metal, the earth, the elements.
But if we carry our knowledge farther, pushing psychological experiment and observation beyond their normal bounds, we find how vast is the sphere of this supposed Inconscient or this subconscient in our total existence, - the subconscient, so seeming and so called by us because it is a concealed consciousness, - and what a small and fragmentary portion of our being is covered by our waking self-awareness. We arrive at the knowledge that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self, - for so that self appears to us, - or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves while the great body of the building is submerged under the surface of the waters.
This concealed self and consciousness is our real or whole being, of which the outer is a part and a phenomenon, a selective formation for a surface use. We perceive only a small number of the contacts of things which impinge upon us; the inner being perceives all that enters or touches us and our environment. We perceive only a part of the workings of our life and being; the inner being perceives so much that we might almost suppose that nothing escapes its view. We remember only a small selection from our perceptions, and of these even we keep a great part in a store-room where we cannot always lay our hand upon what we need; the inner being retains everything that it has ever received and has it always ready to hand. We can form into co-ordinated understanding and knowledge only so much of our perceptions and memories as our trained intelligence and mental

The Boundaries of the Ignorance

capacity can grasp in their sense and appreciate in their relations: the intelligence of the inner being needs no training, but preserves the accurate form and relations of all its perceptions and memories and, - though this is a proposition which may be considered doubtful or difficult to concede in its fullness, - can grasp immediately, when it does not possess already, their significance. And its perceptions are not confined, as are ordinarily those of the waking mind, to the scanty gleanings of the physical senses, but extend far beyond and use, as telepathic phenomena of many kinds bear witness, a subtle sense the limits of which are too wide to be easily fixed. The relations between the surface will or impulsion and the subliminal urge, mistakenly described as unconscious or subconscious, have not been properly studied except in regard to unusual and unorganised manifestations and to certain morbidly abnormal phenomena of the diseased human mind; but if we pursue our observation far enough, we shall find that the cognition and will or impulsive force of the inner being really stand behind the whole conscious becoming; the latter represents only that part of its secret endeavour and achievement which rises successfully to the surface of our life. To know our inner being is the first step towards a real self-knowledge.
If we undertake this self-discovery and enlarge our knowledge of the subliminal self, so conceiving it as to include in it our lower subconscient and upper superconscient ends, we shall discover that it is really this which provides the whole material of our apparent being and that our perceptions, our memories, our effectuations of will and intelligence are only a selection from its perceptions, memories, activities and relations of will and intelligence; our very ego is only a minor and superficial formulation of its self-consciousness and self-experience. It is, as it were, the urgent sea out of which the waves of our conscious becoming arise. But what are its limits? how far does it extend? what is its fundamental nature? Ordinarily, we speak of a subconscious existence and include in this term all that is not on the waking surface. But the whole or the greater part of the inner or subliminal self can hardly be characterised by that epithet; for when we say subconscious, we think readily


The Life Divine
of an obscure unconsciousness or half-consciousness or else a submerged consciousness below and in a way inferior to and less than our organised waking awareness or, at least, less in possession of itself. But we find, when we go within, that somewhere in our subliminal part, - though not co-extensive with it since it has also obscure and ignorant regions, - there is a consciousness much wider, more luminous, more in possession of itself and things than that which wakes upon our surface and is the percipient of our daily hours; that is our inner being, and it is this which we must regard as our subliminal self and set apart the subconscient as an inferior, a lowest occult province of our nature. In the same way there is a superconscient part of our total existence in which there is what we discover to be our highest self, and this too we can set apart as a higher occult province of our nature.
But what then is the subconscient and where does it begin and how is it related to our surface being or to the subliminal of which it would seem more properly to be a province? We are aware of our body and know that we have a physical existence, even very largely identify ourselves with it, and yet most of its operations are really subconscious to our mental being; not only does the mind take no part in them but, as we suppose, our most physical being has no awareness of its own hidden operations or, by itself, of its own existence; it knows or rather feels only so much of itself as is enlightened by mind-sense and observable by intelligence. We are aware of a vitality working in this bodily form and structure as in the plant or lower animal, a vital existence which is also for the most part subconscious to us, for we only observe some of its movements and reactions. We are partly aware of its operations, but not by any means of all or most of them, and rather of those which are abnormal than those which are normal; its wants impress themselves more forcibly upon us than its satisfactions, its diseases and disorders than its health and its regular rhythm, its death is more poignant to us than its life is vivid: we know as much of it as we can consciously observe and use or as much as forces itself upon us by pain and pleasure and other sensations or as a cause of nervous or

The Boundaries of the Ignorance

physical reaction and disturbance, but no more. Accordingly, we suppose that this vital-physical part of us also is not conscious of its own operations or has only a suppressed consciousness or no-consciousness like the plant or an inchoate consciousness like the incipient animal; it becomes conscious only so far as it is enlightened by mind and observable by intelligence.
This is an exaggeration and a confusion due to our identification of consciousness with mentality and mental awareness.
Mind identifies itself to a certain extent with the movements proper to physical life and body and annexes them to its mentality, so that all consciousness seems to us to be mental. But if we draw back, if we separate the mind as witness from these parts of us, we can discover that life and body - even the most physical parts of life - have a consciousness of their own, a consciousness proper to an obscurer vital and to a bodily being, even such an elemental awareness as primitive animal forms may have, but in us partly taken up by the mind and to that extent mentalised. Yet it has not, in its independent motion, the mental awareness which we enjoy; if there is mind in it, it is mind involved and implicit in the body and in the physical life: there is no organised self-consciousness, but only a sense of action and reaction, movement, impulse and desire, need, necessary activities imposed by Nature, hunger, instinct, pain, insensibility and pleasure. Although thus inferior, it has this awareness obscure, limited and automatic; but since it is less in possession of itself, void of what to us is the stamp of mentality, we may justly call it the submental, but not so justly the subconscious part of our being. For when we stand back from it, when we can separate our mind from its sensations, we perceive that this is a nervous and sensational and automatically dynamic mode of consciousness, a gradation of awareness different from the mind: it has its own separate reactions to contacts and is sensitive to them in its own power of feeling; it does not depend for that on the mind's perception and response. The true subconscious is other than this vital or physical substratum; it is the Inconscient vibrating on the borders of consciousness, sending up its motions to be changed into conscious stuff, swallowing into its depths


The Life Divine
impressions of past experience as seeds of unconscious habit and returning them constantly but often chaotically to the surface consciousness, missioning upwards much futile or perilous stuff of which the origin is obscure to us, in dream, in mechanical repetitions of all kinds, in untraceable impulsions and motives, in mental, vital, physical perturbations and upheavals, in dumb automatic necessities of our obscurest parts of nature.
But the subliminal self has not at all this subconscious character: it is in full possession of a mind, a life-force, a clear subtle-physical sense of things. It has the same capacities as our waking being, a subtle sense and perception, a comprehensive extended memory and an intensive selecting intelligence, will, self-consciousness; but even though the same in kind, they are wider, more developed, more sovereign. And it has other capacities which exceed those of our mortal mind because of a power of direct awareness of the being, whether acting in itself or turned upon its object, which arrives more swiftly at knowledge, more swiftly at effectivity of will, more deeply at understanding and satisfaction of impulse. Our surface mind is hardly a true mentality, so involved, bound, hampered, conditioned is it by the body and bodily life and the limitations of the nerve-system and the physical organs. But the subliminal self has a true mentality superior to these limitations; it exceeds the physical mind and physical organs although it is aware of them and their works and is, indeed, in a large degree their cause or creator. It is only subconscious in the sense of not bringing all or most of itself to the surface, it works always behind the veil: it is rather a secret intraconscient and circumconscient than a subconscient; for it envelops quite as much as it supports the outer nature.
This description is no doubt truest of the deeper parts of the subliminal; in other layers of it nearer to our surface there is a more ignorant action and those who, penetrating within, pause in the zones of lesser coherence or in the No-man's-land between the subliminal and the surface, may fall into much delusion and confusion: but that too, though ignorant, is not of the nature of the subconscious; the confusion of these intermediate zones has no kinship to the Inconscience.

The Boundaries of the Ignorance


We might say then that there are three elements in the totality of our being: there is the submental and the subconscient which appears to us as if it were inconscient, comprising the material basis and a good part of our life and body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep within behind our normal self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit. For the subliminal proper is no more than the inner being on the level of the Knowledge-Ignorance, luminous, powerful and extended indeed beyond the poor conception of our waking mind, but still not the supreme or the whole sense of our being, not its ultimate mystery. We become aware, in a certain experience, of a range of being superconscient to all these three, aware too of something, a supreme highest Reality sustaining and exceeding them all, which humanity speaks of vaguely as Spirit, God, the Oversoul: from these superconscient ranges we have visitations and in our highest being we tend towards them and to that supreme Spirit. There is then in our total range of existence a superconscience as well as a subconscience and inconscience, overarching and perhaps enveloping our subliminal and our waking selves, but unknown to us, seemingly unattainable and incommunicable.
But with the extension of our knowledge we discover what this spirit or oversoul is: it is ultimately our own highest deepest vastest Self, it is apparent on its summits or by reflection in ourselves as Sachchidananda creating us and the world by the power of His divine Knowledge-Will, spiritual, supramental, truth-conscious, infinite. That is the real Being, Lord and Creator, who, as the Cosmic Self veiled in Mind and Life and Matter, has descended into that which we call the Inconscient and constitutes and directs its subconscient existence by His supramental


The Life Divine
will and knowledge, has ascended out of the Inconscient and dwells in the inner being constituting and directing its subliminal existence by the same will and knowledge, has cast up out of the subliminal our surface existence and dwells secretly in it overseeing with the same supreme light and mastery its stumbling and groping movements. If the subliminal and subconscient may be compared to a sea which throws up the waves of our surface mental existence, the superconscience may be compared to an ether which constitutes, contains, overroofs, inhabits and determines the movements of the sea and its waves. It is there in this higher ether that we are inherently and intrinsically conscious of our self and spirit, not as here below by a reflection in silent mind or by acquisition of the knowledge of a hidden Being within us; it is through it, through that ether of superconscience, that we can pass to a supreme status, knowledge, experience. Of this superconscient existence through which we can arrive at the highest status of our real, our supreme Self, we are normally even more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that our being emerging out of the involution in Inconscience is struggling to evolve. This limitation to our surface existence, this unconsciousness of our highest as of our inmost self, is our first, our capital ignorance.
We exist superficially by a becoming in Time; but here again out of that becoming in Time the surface mind, which we call ourselves, is ignorant of all the long past and the long future, aware only of the little life which it remembers and not of all even of that; for much of it is lost to its observation, much to its memory. We readily believe, - for the simple and compelling but insufficient reason that we do not remember, have not perceived, are not informed of anything else, - that we came into existence first by our physical birth into this life and shall cease to exist by the death of this body and the cessation of this brief physical activity. But while this is true of our physical mentality and physical vitality, our corporeal sheath, for they have been constituted at our birth and are dissolved by death, it is not true of our real becoming in Time. For our real self in the cosmos is the Superconscient which becomes the subliminal

The Boundaries of the Ignorance

self and throws up this apparent surface self to act out the brief and limited part assigned to it between birth and death as a present living and conscious self-formation of the being in the stuff of a world of inconscient Nature. The true being which we are no more dies by the cessation of one life than the actor ceases to exist when he has finished one of his parts or the poet when he has poured out something of himself in one of his poems; our mortal personality is only such a role or such a creative self-expression. Whether or no we accept the theory of many births of the same soul or psychic being in various human bodies upon this earth, certain it is that our becoming in Time goes far back into the past and continues far on into the future.
For neither the superconscient nor the subliminal can be limited by a few moments of Time: the one is eternal and Time is only one of its modes; to the other, to the subliminal, it is an infinite field of various experience and the very existence of the being presupposes all the past for its own and equally all the future.
Yet of this past which alone explains our present being, our mind knows, if knowledge it can be called, only this actual physical existence and its memories: of the future which alone explains the constant trend of our becoming, it knows nothing. So fixed are we in the experience of our ignorance that we even insist that the one can be known only by its vestiges and the other cannot be known, because the future is not yet and the past is no longer in existence; yet are they both here in us, the past involved and active, the future ready to evolve in the continuity of the secret spirit. This is another limiting and frustrating ignorance.
But even here the self-ignorance of man does not end; for not only is he ignorant of his superconscient Self, of his subliminal self, of his subconscient self, he is ignorant of his world in which he presently lives, which constantly acts on and through him and on which and by which he has to act. And the stamp of his ignorance is this, that he regards it as something quite separate from him, as not-self because it is other than his individual nature-formation and his ego. So too when he confronts his superconscient Self, he thinks of it first as something quite other than he, an external, even extracosmic God; when he confronts


The Life Divine
and becomes aware of his subliminal self, it seems to him at first another greater person or another consciousness than his own which can support and guide him. Of the world he regards only one little foam-bubble, his life and body, as himself. But when we get into our subliminal consciousness, we find it extending itself to be commensurate with its world; when we get into our superconscient Self, we find that the world is only its manifestation and that all in it is the One, all in it is our self.
We see that there is one indivisible Matter of which our body is a knot, one indivisible Life of which our life is an eddy, one indivisible Mind of which our mind is a receiving and recording, forming or translating and transmitting station, one indivisible
Spirit of which our soul and individual being are a portion or a manifestation. It is the ego-sense which clinches the division and in which the ignorance we superficially are finds its power to maintain the strong though always permeable walls it has created to be its own prison. Ego is the most formidable of the knots which keep us tied to the Ignorance.
As we are ignorant of our existence in Time except the small hour which we remember, so we are ignorant of ourselves in Space except the small span of which we are mentally and sensationally conscious, the single body that moves there and the mind and life which are identified with it, and we regard the environment as a not-self we have to deal with and use: it is this identification and this conception that form the life of the ego. Space according to one view is only the coexistence of things or of souls; the Sankhya affirms the plurality of souls and their independent existence, and their coexistence is then only possible by the unity of Nature-force, their field of experience,
Prakriti: but, even granting this, the coexistence is there and it is in the end coexistence in one Being. Space is the self-conceptive extension of that one Being; it is the one spiritual Existence displaying the field of movement of its Conscious-Force in its own self as Space. Because that Conscious-Force concentrates in manifold bodies, lives, minds and the soul presides over one of them, therefore our mentality is concentrated in this and regards this as itself and all the rest as not-self, just as it regards

The Boundaries of the Ignorance

its one life on which it concentrates by a similar ignorance as its whole term of existence cut off from the past and the future.
Yet we cannot really know our own mentality without knowing the one Mind, our own vitality without knowing the one Life, our own body without knowing the one Matter; for not only is their nature determined by the nature of that, but by that their activities are at every moment being influenced and determined.
But, with all this sea of being flowing in on us, we do not participate in its consciousness, but know of it only so much as can be brought into the surface of our minds and co-ordinated there. The world lives in us, thinks in us, forms itself in us; but we imagine that it is we who live, think, become separately by ourselves and for ourselves. As we are ignorant of our timeless, of our superconscient, of our subliminal and subconscient selves, so are we ignorant of our universal self. This alone saves us that ours is an ignorance which is full of the impulse and strives irresistibly, eternally, by the very law of its being towards the realisation of self-possession and self-knowledge. A many-sided
Ignorance striving to become an all-embracing Knowledge is the definition of the consciousness of man the mental being, - or, looking at it from another side, we may say equally that it is a limited separative awareness of things striving to become an integral consciousness and an integral Knowledge.

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Wikipedia - Everybody's Doing It (1938 film) -- 1938 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Everybody's Favorite Duck
Wikipedia - Everybody's Fine (2009 film) -- 2009 film by Kirk Jones
Wikipedia - Everybody's Fool -- 2004 single by Evanescence
Wikipedia - Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) -- 1991 single by Rozalla
Wikipedia - Everybody's Golf (2017 video game) -- 2017 sports video game
Wikipedia - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture -- Adventure video game
Wikipedia - Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime -- 1980 single by The Korgis
Wikipedia - Everybody (Shinee song) -- 2013 single by SHINee
Wikipedia - Everybody's Hobby -- 1939 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Everybody Sing -- 1938 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - Everybody, Sing! -- television series
Wikipedia - Everybody's Old Man -- 1936 film by James Flood
Wikipedia - Everybody's Sweetheart (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Alan Crosland, Laurence Trimble
Wikipedia - Everybody (Stabilo song) -- song by Stabilo
Wikipedia - Everybody's Talking -- US television program
Wikipedia - Everybody's Talkin' -- 1968 single by Fred Neil
Wikipedia - Everybody's Woman (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Everybody's Woman -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Everybody Wants Some!! (film) -- 2016 film by Richard Linklater
Wikipedia - Everybody Wants to Be Like You -- 2000 single by Snow
Wikipedia - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Wikipedia - Every Breath You Take -- 1983 single by the Police
Wikipedia - Every Day (2018 film) -- 2018 American romantic fantasy film
Wikipedia - Everyday Aesthetics -- Philosophy subfield
Wikipedia - Everyday (Ariana Grande song) -- 2017 single by Ariana Grande featuring Future
Wikipedia - Everyday Black Man -- 2010 American film
Wikipedia - Everyday (Bon Jovi song) -- 2002 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Everyday (Dave Matthews Band song) -- closing track and third radio single from Dave Matthews Band's album Everyday
Wikipedia - Everyday God Kisses Us On The Mouth -- 2001 film directed by SiniM-EM-^_a Dragin
Wikipedia - Everyday I Love You Less and Less -- 2005 single by Kaiser Chiefs
Wikipedia - Every Day I Love You -- 1999 single by Boyzone
Wikipedia - Every Day Is Exactly the Same -- Nine Inch Nails song
Wikipedia - Every Day Is for the Thief -- Book by Teju Cole
Wikipedia - Everyday Life (Coldplay album)
Wikipedia - Everyday Life (song) -- 2019 single by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Everyday life -- Routine processes in humans daily and weekly cycle
Wikipedia - Everyday People (album) -- Studio album by Nicole C. Mullen
Wikipedia - Everyday (Phil Collins song) -- 1994 single by Phil Collins
Wikipedia - Everyday (Rudebwoy) -- Hip-hop song by Kardinal Offishall featuring Ray Robinson
Wikipedia - Every Day's a Holiday (1937 film) -- 1937 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - Everyday Stalinism -- Book about Stalinist urbanization and industrialization in the 1930s
Wikipedia - Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone -- 2010 documentary film
Wikipedia - Everyday Sunshine -- Rock 'n' roll Song
Wikipedia - Every Day the Same Dream -- Video game
Wikipedia - Every Dog Has Her Day!!! -- 1990 album by Denise Lopez
Wikipedia - Every Face Tells a Story -- 1977 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Every Frame a Painting -- Series of video essays about cinematography
Wikipedia - Every Girl's Dream -- 1917 film by Harry F. Millarde
Wikipedia - Every Girl Should Have One -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Every Girl (Stellar song) -- 2000 single by Stellar
Wikipedia - Every House has its Man -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Every Little Thing U Do -- 1993 single by Christopher Williams
Wikipedia - Every Man a King (song) -- Song cowritten by Huey Long
Wikipedia - Every Man for Himself (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Every Man for Himself (song) -- 2000 song performed by Neal McCoy
Wikipedia - Every Man His Own Broker -- 1761 book on economics
Wikipedia - Every Man in His Humour -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Everyman (Marvel Comics)
Wikipedia - Every Man out of His Humour -- Play
Wikipedia - Everyman (play) -- 15th-century morality play.
Wikipedia - Everyman Project
Wikipedia - Every Man's Wife -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Everyman Theatre, Liverpool -- Theatre and building in Liverpool, Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - Everyman
Wikipedia - Every Morning (Sugar Ray song) -- 1999 single by Sugar Ray
Wikipedia - Every Mother's Son (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Every Night at Eight -- 1935 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Everyone Asks for Erika -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Everyone Everywhere -- Rock band from Philadelphia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Everyone Is Dirty -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Everyone Poops -- 1993 book by TarM-EM-^M Gomi
Wikipedia - Everyone Says 'Hi' -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Everyone's in Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Everyone Stares -- 2006 film by Stewart Copeland
Wikipedia - Every Rose Has Its Thorn -- 1988 single by Poison
Wikipedia - Every Saturday Night -- 1936 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Every Second Counts (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Everysight
Wikipedia - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall -- 2011 single by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Everything2 -- Web-based community
Wikipedia - Everything and More (Natalia album) -- album by Natalia
Wikipedia - Everything Bad Is Good for You
Wikipedia - Everything Beautiful Is Far Away (film) -- 2017 film directed by Pete Ohs
Wikipedia - Everything but the Girl -- English musical duo
Wikipedia - Everything Changed... -- 2019 EP by Social House
Wikipedia - Everything Changes (Markus Fagervall song) -- 2006 single by Markus Fagervall
Wikipedia - Everything Changes (Take That song) -- 1994 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Everything Counts -- 1983 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Everything (Dum Dums song) -- 2000 song by Dum Dums
Wikipedia - Everything Falls Apart (song) -- Single by Dog's Eye View
Wikipedia - Everything for Father -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Everything for Gloria -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Everything for Sale (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Everything for Sale -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Everything for the Woman -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Everything Goes Cold -- Industrial band from California
Wikipedia - Everything Happens at Night -- 1939 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Everything Happens to Me (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Roy William Neill, starring Max Miller
Wikipedia - Everything Has Changed -- 2013 single by Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran
Wikipedia - Everything (Henry Rollins album) -- Album by Henry Rollins
Wikipedia - Everything I Am (song) -- 2000 single by Anna Vissi
Wikipedia - Everything I Like -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Everything in Between (Matt Wertz album) -- album by Matt Wertz
Wikipedia - Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Little Golden Book -- Humor book
Wikipedia - Everything in Its Right Place -- Song by Radiohead
Wikipedia - Everything is a file
Wikipedia - Everything Is Amplified -- album by Veto
Wikipedia - Everything Is Awesome -- 2014 song performed by Tegan and Sara featuring The Lonely Island
Wikipedia - Everything Is Burning -- album by IAMX
Wikipedia - Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home -- 2003 album
Wikipedia - Everything Is Love -- 2018 studio album by The Carters
Wikipedia - Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups
Wikipedia - Everything I Wanted -- 2019 single by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - Everything (Misia song) -- 2000 song by Misia
Wikipedia - Everything Moves Alone -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Everything Must Change (Paul Young song) -- 1984 single by Paul Young
Wikipedia - Everything Must Go (song) -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - Everything (Nine Inch Nails song) -- Nine Inch Nails song
Wikipedia - Everything Now
Wikipedia - Everything's Coming Up Roses -- 1959 song from the musical, Gypsy
Wikipedia - Everythings for Sale -- 2019 album by American rapper Westside Boogie
Wikipedia - Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Naughty by Nature song) -- 1991 single by Naughty by Nature
Wikipedia - Everything (software)
Wikipedia - Everything's Rosie -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today -- 2008 studio album by David Byrne and Brian Eno
Wikipedia - Everything That Rises Must Converge
Wikipedia - Everything (video game) -- 2017 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Everything We Need -- Song by Kanye West
Wikipedia - Everything which is not forbidden is allowed -- A constitutional principle
Wikipedia - Everything -- Term from metaphysics designating all that exists
Wikipedia - Everything Will Be Better in the Morning -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Everything Will Be Fine (2010 film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Everything Will Flow -- 1999 single by Suede
Wikipedia - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (film) -- 1972 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Everything You Do -- 2000 single by M2M
Wikipedia - Everything You Need (song) -- 2000 single by Madison Avenue
Wikipedia - Everything You Want (Ray J song) -- 1997 song by Ray J
Wikipedia - Everytime (Ariana Grande song) -- 2018 song by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Every Time I Close My Eyes (Vanessa Amorosi song) -- 2000 song by Vanessa Amorosi
Wikipedia - Every Time I Turn the Radio On -- Country song by Bill Anderson
Wikipedia - Every Time (Janet Jackson song) -- 1998 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Everytime (Tatyana Ali song) -- 1999 single by Tatyana Ali
Wikipedia - Everytime We Touch (Cascada song) -- 2005 single by Cascada
Wikipedia - Everytime -- 2004 single by Britney Spears
Wikipedia - Everytime You Need Me -- 2001 single by Fragma
Wikipedia - Everyway That I Can -- 2003 song by Sertab Erener
Wikipedia - Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac song) -- 1987 single by Fleetwood Mac
Wikipedia - Everywhere (video game) -- Upcoming open world videogame
Wikipedia - Every Which Way but Loose -- 1978 film by James Fargo
Wikipedia - Every Witch Way -- American fantasy telenovela
Wikipedia - Everywoman (1919 film) -- 1919 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - Every Woman Dreams -- 2006 album by American R&B artist Shanice
Wikipedia - Every Woman Has Something -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Everywoman's Husband -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Every Woman's Problem -- 1917 silent film
Wikipedia - Everywoman
Wikipedia - Fermat polygonal number theorem -- Every positive integer is a sum of at most n n-gonal numbers
Wikipedia - Fermat's little theorem -- For every prime p, the difference between any integer and its p-th power is a multiple of p
Wikipedia - Finitely generated abelian group -- A commutative group where every element is the sum of elements from one finite subset
Wikipedia - For Every Man -- album by Steve Camp
Wikipedia - Forget Everything You Know -- extended play by D.b.s.
Wikipedia - For the Girl Who Has Everything (song) -- 1997 single by NSYNC
Wikipedia - Four-vertex theorem -- Every simple closed smooth plane curve has at least 4 points of locally extreme curvature
Wikipedia - Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light on Everything -- 2014 album
Wikipedia - Fuck wit Dre Day (And Everybody's Celebratin') -- 1993 single by Dr. Dre
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of algebra -- Every polynomial has a real or complex root
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of ideal theory in number fields -- Every nonzero proper ideal in the ring of integers of a number field factorizes uniquely
Wikipedia - Gaussian process -- Statistical model where every point in a continuous input space is associated with a normally distributed random variable
Wikipedia - Genius (mythology) -- In ancient Roman religion, an individual instance of a general divine nature that is present in every individual person, place, or thing
Wikipedia - Genre art -- Art genre that depicts scenes from everyday life
Wikipedia - Genre painting -- Paintings of scenes or events from everyday life
Wikipedia - Gibson's law -- Every PhD has an equal and opposite PhD
Wikipedia - Give Me Everything -- 2011 single by Pitbull
Wikipedia - God Gave Me Everything (Mick Jagger song) -- 2001 single by Mick Jagger
Wikipedia - God in Jainism -- In Jainism, godliness is said to be the inherent quality of every soul
Wikipedia - Goldbach's conjecture -- Conjecture that every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of two primes
Wikipedia - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) -- 1990 single by C+C Music Factory
Wikipedia - Grassroots -- Political or economic movement based on local communities and everyday people
Wikipedia - Halley's Comet -- Short-period comet visible every 75-76 years
Wikipedia - Hans in Every Street -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Happiness Over Everything (H.O.E.) -- 2020 single by Jhene Aiko featuring Future and Miguel
Wikipedia - Hasse norm theorem -- In cyclic extension of number fields, if k is a local norm everywhere, it is a global norm
Wikipedia - Health at Every Size -- Hypothesis that overweight has no detrimental issue on health, which is unsupported scientifically
Wikipedia - Hello, Everybody! -- 1933 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Henry Every -- English captain and pirate
Wikipedia - Here Comes Everybody -- Book by Clay Shirky
Wikipedia - Hold Everything (film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Hold Everything (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Holzapfel Knows Everything -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Houston Marathon -- Held every January in Houston, Texas, US
Wikipedia - How to Avoid Everything -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - How to Win at Checkers (Every Time) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Human behavior -- Array of every physical action and observable emotion associated with humans
Wikipedia - Human-centered design -- Approach to design that considers human needs at every step of development
Wikipedia - I Belong to You (Every Time I See Your Face) -- 1997 single by Rome
Wikipedia - I Can't Give Everything Away -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - I Dig Everything -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - If Only Everyone -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Improv Everywhere
Wikipedia - In Every Woman's Life -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Informal mathematics -- Any informal mathematical practices used in everyday life
Wikipedia - Intermediate value theorem -- A continuous function on an interval takes on every value between its values at the ends
Wikipedia - Internet of things -- Proposed Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects
Wikipedia - Introduction to M-theory -- The leading contender for a universal "Theory of Everything" that unifies gravity with other forces such as electromagnetism.
Wikipedia - Is Everybody Happy? (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? -- Memoir by Mindy Kaling
Wikipedia - Is Love Everything? -- 1924 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - It Happens Every Day -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - It Happens Every Spring -- 1950 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - It's a Summer Vacation Everyday -- 1994 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - It's Everyday Bro -- 2017 single by Jake Paul featuring Team 10
Wikipedia - It's Every Night Sis -- Song
Wikipedia - I've Been Everywhere -- Song
Wikipedia - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday -- 1973 Single by Wizzard
Wikipedia - Jenny Everywhere -- Open-source fictional character
Wikipedia - Jump (Every Little Thing song) -- 2001 single by Every Little Thing
Wikipedia - Kemnitz's conjecture -- Every set of lattice points in the plane has a large subset with centroid a lattice point
Wikipedia - Kronecker-Weber theorem -- Every finite abelian extension of Q is contained within some cyclotomic field
Wikipedia - Lagrange's four-square theorem -- Every natural number can be represented as the sum of four integer squares
Wikipedia - Leroy P. Steele Prize -- Awarded every year by the American Mathematical Society
Wikipedia - Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
Wikipedia - Lift Every Voice and Sing -- American song
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by The Theory of Everything -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Adam Ruins Everything episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Everybody Loves Raymond -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of daily news podcasts -- List of news podcasts that release an episode every day or every weekday
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Hates Chris characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Hates Chris episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Loves Raymond characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Loves Raymond episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Every Move You Make characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Every Witch Way episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of musicals: A to L -- Wikipedia list l to cook everything
Wikipedia - List of One Born Every Minute episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Chaser's War on Everything episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Little Fires Everywhere (miniseries) -- 2020 American drama streaming television miniseries
Wikipedia - Lived religion -- The beliefs, practices, and everyday experiences of religious and spiritual persons
Wikipedia - Living Is a Problem Because Everything Dies -- 2007 single by Biffy Clyro
Wikipedia - Love Belongs to Everyone -- 2006 film by Hilde Van Mieghem
Wikipedia - Love Changes (Everything) -- 1987 single by Climie Fisher
Wikipedia - Love in Every Port -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Lower shoreface -- The portion of the seafloor, and the sedimentary depositional environment, that lies below the everyday wave base
Wikipedia - Made in USA -- country of origin label of the United States stamped in every products
Wikipedia - Manis (orangutan) -- Orangutan that played Clyde in the 1978 movie Every Which Way But Loose
Wikipedia - Maraton La Guadalupe de Ponce -- Long-distance running event held every year in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Matt Every -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - MBC Every 1 -- South Korean cable television network
Wikipedia - Me and You and Everyone We Know -- 2005 film by Miranda July
Wikipedia - Merry Xmas Everybody -- 1973 single by Slade
Wikipedia - Minkowski's theorem -- Every symmetric convex set in Rn with volume > 2^n contains a non-zero integer point
Wikipedia - Minority Report: Everybody Runs -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Missing (Everything but the Girl song) -- 1994 single by Everything but the Girl
Wikipedia - Mixed Up Everything -- Hard rock group
Wikipedia - Money Isn't Everything -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Montel space -- A barrelled topological vector space in which every closed and bounded subset is compact.
Wikipedia - Municipal solid waste -- Type of waste consisting of everyday items discarded by the public
Wikipedia - My Everything (98 Degrees song) -- 2000 single by 98 Degrees
Wikipedia - My Everything (Ariana Grande album) -- 2014 studio album by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Nanette Makes Everything -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Napoleon Is to Blame for Everything -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - National Hobo Convention -- Held on the second weekend of every August since 1900
Wikipedia - New York Film Festival -- Annual film festival held every autumn in New York City
Wikipedia - Nielsen-Schreier theorem -- Theorem that every subgroup of a free group is itself free
Wikipedia - Norse cosmology -- Conception of everything that exists in Norse mythology
Wikipedia - Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible -- 2014 book
Wikipedia - Ohio Versus Everything -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides -- 2018 album by Sophie
Wikipedia - Omega Point -- Spiritual belief and a scientific speculation that everything in the universe is fated to spiral towards a final point of unification
Wikipedia - Omnipresence -- Property of being present everywhere
Wikipedia - Omniscience -- Capacity to know everything
Wikipedia - Once to Every Woman (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Allen Holubar
Wikipedia - Once to Every Woman -- 1934 film by Lambert Hillyer
Wikipedia - Our Everyday Life -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Out of the Everywhere -- Book by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Pandigital number -- Integer whose representation contains every digit in its number base
Wikipedia - Pangram -- Sentence using every letter of an alphabet
Wikipedia - Paracompact space -- Topological space in which every open cover has an open refinement that is locally finite
Wikipedia - Pareto efficiency -- State in which no reallocation of resources can make everyone at least as well off
Wikipedia - Parochial Memories of 1758 -- Enquiry sent to every parish in Portugal following the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
Wikipedia - People Everyday -- 1992 single by Arrested Development
Wikipedia - Perfection of Christ -- Assertion that Christ's human attributes exemplified perfection in every possible sense
Wikipedia - Peter Van Every -- American politician
Wikipedia - Physical system -- Portion of the physical universe chosen for analysis; everything outside the system is known as the environment
Wikipedia - Physical therapy -- Health profession that aims to address the illnesses or injuries that limit a person's physical abilities to function in everyday life
Wikipedia - Plain weave -- Method of weaving cloth in which each warp and weft thread crosses over/under every other thread
Wikipedia - Poll tax -- Tax which is the same for every liable individual
Wikipedia - Prayag Kumbh Mela -- Gathering or a fair held every 12 years at Allahabad (Prayagraj) in India
Wikipedia - Project commissioning -- Application of a set of engineering techniques and procedures to check, inspect and test every operational component of a project
Wikipedia - Quinquennial visit ad limina -- Formal visit of a bishop to the pope every five years
Wikipedia - Reach Every Reader -- A web based project aims to screen children with reading difficulty and develop personalized intervention
Wikipedia - Reflexive relation -- A binary relation over a set in which every element is related to itself
Wikipedia - Representation theorem -- A proof that every structure with certain properties is isomorphic to another structure
Wikipedia - Reverse Polish notation -- Mathematical notation in which every operator follows all of its operands
Wikipedia - Reversible cellular automaton -- Cellular automaton in which every configuration has a unique predecessor.
Wikipedia - Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) -- 2006 single by Bob Sinclar & Cutee B featuring Dollarman, Big Ali and Makedah
Wikipedia - Rome Independent Film Festival -- An annual film festivals held every year in November in Rome
Wikipedia - Rule 34 -- Internet joke stating that internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic
Wikipedia - Rule of law -- Political situation where every citizen is subject to the law
Wikipedia - Rule of thumb -- Principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation
Wikipedia - She's Got Everything (film) -- 1937 film directed by Joseph Santley
Wikipedia - Shrove Monday -- A Christian observance falling on the Monday before Ash Wednesday every year
Wikipedia - Sinkhorn's theorem -- Every square matrix with positive entries can be written in a certain standard form
Wikipedia - Slice of life -- Depiction of everyday experience in art and entertainment
Wikipedia - Something for Everybody (Devo album) -- Album by Devo
Wikipedia - Sprague-Grundy theorem -- Every impartial game position is equivalent to a position in the game of nim
Wikipedia - Stanford Engineering Everywhere
Wikipedia - Stanley-Wilf conjecture -- Theorem that the growth rate of every proper permutation class is singly exponential
Wikipedia - Steiner-Lehmus theorem -- Every triangle with two angle bisectors of equal lengths is isosceles
Wikipedia - Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras -- Every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to a certain field of sets
Wikipedia - Strange Things Happening Every Day -- 1944 single by Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Wikipedia - Sturgeon's law -- "Ninety percent of everything is crap"
Wikipedia - Subgroups of cyclic groups -- Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic, and if finite, its order divides its parent's
Wikipedia - Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary -- Indian teacher known for attending every home match of the Indian cricket team
Wikipedia - Superheroes Are Everywhere -- 2019 children's picture book by Kamala Harris
Wikipedia - Surjective function -- Function such that every element has a preimage (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Sustainable Development Goal 1 -- The first of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty everywhere
Wikipedia - Sydney New Year's Eve -- Annual multi-tiered event held every New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Tautology (logic) -- Logical formula which is true in every possible interpretation
Wikipedia - Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember -- Memoir of a 33 year old stroke victim
Wikipedia - Thanks for Everything (1938 film) -- 1938 comedy film
Wikipedia - Thanks for Everything (2019 film) -- 2019 Canadian comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - The Banksias -- A three-volume series of monographs containing paintings of every Banksia species
Wikipedia - The Best of Everything (film) -- 1959 film by Jean Negulesco
Wikipedia - The Design of Everyday Things
Wikipedia - The Eye of Every Storm -- 2004 album by Neurosis
Wikipedia - The Hero of Every Girl's Dream -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Last Man Who Knew Everything -- Book by W. Andrew Robinson
Wikipedia - The Man Who Surprised Everyone -- 2018 Russian film directed by Aleksey Chupov and Natasha Merkulova
Wikipedia - The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary
Wikipedia - The Museum of Everyday Life -- Museum in Vermont
Wikipedia - Theorem of the three geodesics -- Every Riemannian manifold with the topology of a sphere has at least 3 closed geodesics
Wikipedia - Theory of everything (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Theory of everything -- Hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics
Wikipedia - The Phone Rings Every Night -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life -- Book by Erving Goffman
Wikipedia - The Psychology of Everyday Things
Wikipedia - The Psychopathology of Everyday Life -- 1901 book by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - The Sky Is Everywhere
Wikipedia - The Theory of Everything (2006 film) -- 2006 American drama film
Wikipedia - The Theory of Everything (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - The Woman Everyone Loves Is You -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - This Changes Everything (book) -- 2014 book by Naomi Klein
Wikipedia - To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar -- 1995 film directed by Beeban Kidron
Wikipedia - Translation Changes Everything -- Book by Lawrence Venuti
Wikipedia - Triploid syndrome -- Chromosomal disorder in which there are three copies of every chromosome
Wikipedia - Trouble Every Day (film) -- 2001 French erotic horror film directed by Claire Denis
Wikipedia - TV Everywhere -- Authentication for streaming video
Wikipedia - Two ears theorem -- Every simple polygon with more than three vertices has at least two ears
Wikipedia - Universal causation -- Proposition that everything in the universe has a cause and is thus an effect of that cause
Wikipedia - Upper shoreface -- The portion of the seafloor that is shallow enough to be agitated by everyday wave action
Wikipedia - Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
Wikipedia - Vehicle-to-everything
Wikipedia - Vernacular photography -- Creation of photographs that take everyday life and common things as subjects
Wikipedia - Vertex cover -- Set of vertices that includes at least one endpoint of every edge in a graph
Wikipedia - Virtually Haken conjecture -- Every compact, irreducible 3-manifold with infinite fundamental group is virtually Haken
Wikipedia - Volksschule -- German term; compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person is required to attend
Wikipedia - Vyasa (title) -- Title given to the sage or Rishi who divides the Hindu holy scripture Vedas in every Dvapara Yuga of every Yuga cycle
Wikipedia - Water, Water Every Hare -- 1952 cartoon by Chuck Jones
Wikipedia - Water, Water, Everywhere -- 1920 film directed by Clarence G. Badger
Wikipedia - We Can't Have Everything -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Weierstrass function -- Function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere
Wikipedia - What Every Girl Should Know (film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - What Every Woman Knows (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - What Every Woman Knows (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Gregory La Cava, Lesley Selander
Wikipedia - What Every Woman Learns -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - What Every Woman Wants (1919 film) -- 1919 American film directed by Jesse D. Hampton
Wikipedia - When Everything Feels Like the Movies -- 2014 book by Raziel Reid
Wikipedia - Where Everybody Knows Your Name -- 1989 single by Gary Portnoy, theme song of the television series "Cheers"
Wikipedia - Where Is Everybody?
Wikipedia - Wiki communities for everyone! --
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:The answer to life, the universe, and everything -- Wikipedia page summarizing the notability guideline
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics -- Main project for everything linguistics and languages
Wikipedia - With Every Heartbeat (film) -- 2011 film by Alexandra-Therese Keining
Wikipedia - With Everything I Feel in Me -- album
Wikipedia - Women Everywhere -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - World Scout Jamboree -- Large-scale youth event which occurs every four years
Wikipedia - Xanthopsia -- Medical term for seeing everything tinted in yellow
Wikipedia - You Are Everything (Dru Hill song) -- 1999 single by Dru Hill
Wikipedia - You Can't Believe Everything -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - You Can't Buy Everything -- 1934 film by Charles Reisner
Wikipedia - You Can't Have Everything -- 1937 film by Norman Taurog
Wikipedia - You're My Everything (The Temptations song) -- 1967 single by The Temptations
Wikipedia - Your Everything -- 2000 single by Keith Urban
Wikipedia - YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind -- ''YouTube Rewind'' video released by YouTube
Wikipedia - Z: The Beginning of Everything -- American period drama television series\\\\
Goodreads author - Hannah_B_Who_is_rebellious_for_everything_,_everyone_with_offspring_should_have_one'_s_related_to_Charlemagne...! -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - ArthurMYoung -- 33
Kheper - formative_causation -- 46
Kheper - theoryofeverything index -- 40
Kheper - Reflexive -- 39
Kheper - Theory_of_Process -- 28
Kheper - toelinks -- 49
Kheper - torus -- 29
Kheper - Unified_Science -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - universal -- 42
auromere - the-grace-is-at-work-everywhere
Integral World - Integral World : Exploring Theories of Everything.
Integral World - Which is Worse: War or "Everything Else"?, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - German pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Spanish pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Estonian pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - French pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Greek pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Synopsis of Theory of Everything and Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber (Greek)
Integral World - Synopsis of "A Theory of Everything" (Greek)
Integral World - "Everyone is Right": Frank Visser's Analysis of Ken Wilber, Wouter Hanegraaff
Integral World - Bald Ambition: A Critique of Ken Wilber's Theory of Everything, Jeff Meyerhoff
Integral World - Dutch pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Polish pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Post-materialist Science, Is Everything Really Made of Consciousness?, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Integral Immortality, The Kundalini/Golden Embryo Theory of Everything, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Portuguese pages on "Integral World - Exploring Theories of Everything"
Integral World - Hawking's Approach to a Theory of Everything, And the Folly of Scientism, Gary Stogsdill
Integral World - Does Every Outside Have an Inside?, Ken Wilber's Strained Relationship to Science, Frank Visser
Integral World - With Friends Like This...: A Brief Response to H.B. Augustine's Defence of Ken Wilber's Theory of Everything, Frank Visser
Integral World - Why Integral Theory is not a Theory of Everything, Frank Visser
Everyone Culture: A Radical New Model for Work, Career, and Leadership
Free Podcast: Everyone Is Right
From Rationalism to Nationalism: How the Internet Ruined Everything
Everything Is Workable: Zen and the Art of Conflict Resolution
Kosmic Address: Everything In Its Right Place
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Dharmapedia - What_Every_Hindu_Should_Know_About_Christianity
Psychology Wiki - Everyday_life
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - aesthetics-of-everyday!!_(film)'s_Eventual,_Christchurch_Art_Gallery,_Christchurch,_New_Zealand.jpg,_patrol_south_clearing_every_house_on_their_way_through_Fallujah,_Iraq,_during_Operation_Al_Fajr_(New_Dawn).jpg's_War_On_Everything,_Thanks_for_Everything!_Julie_Newmar
Animaniacs (1993 - 1998) - Brought to you by the creators of Tiny Toon Adventures, and under the creative eye of Steven Spielberg, Animaniacs is a variety show following several casts of original characters. It stars the Warner Brothers (and sister) Yakko, Wakko,and Dot, causing chaos for everyone they meet. Originally airing...
The Simpsons (1989 - Current) - The Simpsons has since grown into the longest running animated primetime series on U.S. television! Since its introduction in 1989, it has become an icon of American popular culture. Lampooning everything from science and technology to pop culture, the series was not afraid right out the door to tak...
South Park (1997 - Current) - Staring off as an animated short called "Santa Claus vs. Jesus Christ" in what is perhaps the Internet's first example of a "viral video" that single video quickly grew into an animated series all about the foul-mouthed adventures of four kids in the small town of South Park, Colorado. With every ep...
Bill Nye: the Science Guy (1993 - 1997) - Smash Beakmans World on the ground. Pick up the pieces and put them into a blender. Smash Bob Saget and Pee-Wee Herman together and put that into the blender as well. Add a book called everything you nedded to know about Science, then add some kids, milk, eggs, and sugar, and cheesey childrens hip h...
ALF (1986 - 1990) - ALF (or Alien Life Form) is a creature from Planet Melmac that crash landed on earth, and is adopted/taken in by an otherwise normal Earth family. A comedic sitcom that featured episodes with everything from mundane things like getting people to like you, to close calls with the government, all wit...
The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991 - 1996) - A cat and a dog living together with sick jokes... now that's what everybody wants to see. Ren and Stimpy ran for 5 years on Nickelodeon and then because of its crude jokes, was tossed around from network to network and landed on SpikeTV for a while. John K. tried a comeback in 2003 on SpikeTV cal...
The Angry Beavers (1997 - 2001) - When their parents have another litter, the Norbert (the smart one) and Daggett (the stupid one) Beaver have to strike out on their own. Their new home on a lake in middle of the forest seems to be the scene of most every odd occurrence imaginable. The two beavers have to deal with wacko government...
Samurai Pizza Cats (1990 - 1991) - Three cats who work for a pizza parlor in Little Tokyo must suit up in every episode and stop the Big Cheese's latest plot to take over the city. Samurai Pizza Cats lived and died relatively unknown, but those who have seen it take pride in its quirky translation parodying the show and the genre in...
Johnny Bravo (1997 - 2004) - Johnny Bravo; he talks like Elvis, looks like a macho man, but he's as blonde as they come. This highly sucessful cartoon follows Johnny's antics as he sweet talks the ladies (and striking out every time) and continues to be his own worst enemy.
Shining Time Station (1989 - 1993) - An American version of the popular British children's program. Every episode, the kids (and sometimes the adults, too) at Shining Time Station learn some special lessons about life and getting along with others from the miniature Mr. Conductor. The lessons are then illustrated in segments featuring...
Out of this World (1987 - 1991) - The Out Of This World television show was about a young girl with unique special powers. She could stop time by placing her two index fingers together. She also has an alien father which no one gets to ever see. She talks to him for advice at the start and end of every episode outside a window in he...
Caillou (1997 - 2010) - Based on the books by Christine L'Heureux, the show centers on a 4-year-old named Caillou, a bratty preschooler who is upset by the world around him. He has many crying tantrums with his family and friends and uses his whining in every episode, but in the end he's just as curious as any four-year-ol...
The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994 - 1998) - Alex Mack is your typical, ordinary 13-year-old who lives with her "genius" sister Annie, her mom Barbara, & her dad George who is a scientist at the town's chemical plant. On Alex's first day of junior high, everything goes wrong, including being humiliated by the most popular girl in front of one...
Figure it Out (1997 - 2013) - Hosted by former Olympic Swimming star Summer Sanders, Nickelodeon stars and celebrity guests would ask yes or no questions to figure out the totally bizarre talents and unique skills of everyday kids from all over the country. The longer the stars would take, the more prizes the kids would win! 4 s...
The Elephant Show (1984 - 1988) - Sharon, Lois and Bram are a children's singing group and the show featured three different children every show and Elephant. Bram's friend Eric was also a regular on the show
The Great Space Coaster (1981 - 1986) - A kid's fantasy/variety show about three friends who leave Earth each day in their 'Space Coaster'. Each episode featured several musical numbers (usually dealing with the various issues and problems kids face every day), plus news reports from Gary Gnu and book reviews from Speed Reader.
CBS Storybreak (1985 - 1985) - In an effort to spur kids into reading, Captain Kangaroo himself Bob Keeshan hosted this charming show that featured a different children's book in animated form every week.
Saturday Night Live (1975 - Current) - NBC's legendary late night comedy show that has gone on making sketches and spoofs for over 40 years now. Every show a guest host and musical guests along to go with the "Not ready for prime time players", and the warm up band which has featured the likes of G. E. Smith and legendary saxophonist Len...
Captain Planet (1990 - 1996) - 5 Teens were each given powers in the forms of rings they controled earth, water, fire, wind and heart and when they combinded their powers they could summon CAPTIAN PLANET!!! The show was basiclly about people who would always pollute and Captian Planet would stop them and clean everything up.
Tom and Jerry Kids Show (1990 - 1993) - An updated version of the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons from 1940s/ 1950s. The 'kids' in these cartoons are far less violent than their 'parents' were, but still find ways to cause plenty of trouble for each other and everyone else around them. The show also features Droopy and Spike, along with thei...
Kids in the Hall (1989 - 1996) - A truly Canadian sketch comedy show starring Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin MacDonald, Mark McKinney, and Scott Thompson. The show highlighted the troupe's ability to make anything from mundane, everyday tasks (ex: a daily "to do" list) to the most bizarre situations (ex: Arumba, arumba) absolut...
The Jerry Springer Show (1991 - Current) - Jerry Springer, a former mayor of Cincinnati, hosts this show that has to pull itself up in content quality to qualify as "Trash TV". TV Guide named it as the worst show ever which it proudly declares at the start of every episode. One of the most infamous Guilty Pleasures on TV. In the show's fir...
Everybody Loves Raymond (1996 - 2005) - Stand-up comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter and devoted husband to Debra (Patricia Heaton), who must deal with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Frank (Peter Boyle) and Marie (Doris Roberts) love to meddle in his life, while older brother...
Matlock (1986 - 1995) - Ben Matlock is a Georgia bred, Harvard educated defense attorney. His fee is $250,000 but he's worth every cent of it as he defends his clients not only in Atlanta but all over the country. He is cantankerous and gruff and often uses colorful language, but beneath it all he has a heart of gold. He i...
Brothers Flub (1999 - 2000) - The Brothers Flub was a short-lived show on Nickelodeon about two alien brothers working at an interstellar delivery company. Everytime the Brothers Flub went to a planet to deliver a package, something weird and funny would always happen.
The Big O (1999 - 2003) - Roger Smith acts as a negotiator in a city where everyone has lost their memories and decide to keep it that way. When he isn't helping hostage situations, he's averting major disasters in a giant robot known as Big O. Although Roger has no idea why the "megadeus" (Big O) responds to his commands or...
Moon Dreamers (1986 - 1986) - The show Moon Dreamers involved a bunch of children in shiny suits that gave you your good dreams. They lived in space with various pegasus', dragons, and bear-like creatures (entitled snoozers). In just about every episode the evil Scowlene trys to prevent good dreams or steal the dream crystals wh...
Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman (1993 - 1997) - Clark Kent is a reporter for a newspaper company. But unbeknownst to everybody he knows, he is Superman. But things get complicated when his partner Lois Lane, starts developing feelings for not only Clark, but Superman as well.
One Day at a Time (1975 - 1984) - Divorced mother & 2 teenage daughters live in an apartment. Busy-body super sticks his nose into everything.
Chobits (2002 - 2002) - Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocon' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chii, an adorable but dyfunctional pers...
Cro (1993 - 1995) - The story: A wooley mammoth from the Ice Age is thawed out in the 20th century by Dr. C and Mikey. Each episode, he tells a story about his caveman friend, Cro. Each story has to do with science in every Stone Age daily life. The show premiered on PBS kids in 1993 and then was taken off the air in t...
The Adventures of Batman (1992 - 1995) - In 1992, the birth of Warner Bros. "Batman: The Animated Series" changed the Batman Universe forever. The dynamic series spawned a new technique in animation using black backgrounds that would eventually be dubbed "Dark Deco." Dark Deco gave every scene within Gotham an extraordinary look, redefinin...
Land of the Lost (Original TV Series) (1974 - 1977) - Marshal, Will and Holly, on a routine expedition...came the greatest earthquake every known, shook their tiny raft, an took them to the valley deep below, to the land of the lost, the land of the lost.
My Little Pony Tales (1992 - 1992) - Six ponies - Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Bon Bon, and Clover - learn everyday lessons in real-life adventure show.
Webster (1983 - 1989) - The post-retirement season is suddenly disrupted for football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine when Webster, the orphaned son of a former teammate, moves in. Laughter -- and life lessons -- in every episode.
Ant and the Aardvark (1969 - 1971) - Very similar to your Road Runner and Coyote series, it features an ant and an aardvark. Every episode, the aardvark tries to catch the ant.
Amazing Stories (1985 - 1987) - Amazing Stories was a short lived sci-fi/fantasy series in the vein of The Twilight Zone. A new story - sometimes scary, sometimes funny - would be featured every week featuring many notable 80s character actors as well as a few big name stars. The series was most noted for the number of guest dir...
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl (1976 - 1977) - This show is about two women, Laurie and Judy, who are newspaper reporters for the world famous Newsmaker Magazine who coincidentally also happen to be the super heroines Electra Woman & Dyna Girl. With the help of Crimescope, the two reporters can transform themselves from everyday reporters to the...
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) - Referred to as "the most cunning talk show around" by Entertainment Weekly, "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" began its twelfth season on September 13, 2004. In addition to dominating the ratings in its time period, every aspect of "Late Night" has been praised in the media, from Conan himself ("modes...
Freaky Stories (1997 - 1999) - Started in 1997, the series created by Steve Schnier centers around the kind of myths and legends that are told as scary campfire or bedtime stories. Every episode always starts with and finishes with the phrase: "This is a true story, and it happened to friend of a friend of mine." and by the words...
Aladdin (1994 - 1996) - Before he settles down to become the prince of Agrabah, the street rat turned hero sees the world, continuing to rescue people, making new friends and enemies. Genie's impressions and modern jokes continue to annoy Iago, but give every evil they face a light side. Princess Jasmine learns more about...
Iron Man (1994 - 1996) - Iron Man, based on the Marvel comic of the same name, centers around Tony Stark, the billionaire head of Stark Enterprises. His alter-ego is Iron Man, high-tech armored superhero that deals with everything from evil supervillains like the Mandarin to corporate saboteurs like the Ghost. With a vast a...
V.I.P. (1998 - 2002) - Blonde bombshell Valerie Irons starts an protection agency to serve everyone from high-class celebs to the most desperate victims. Most of their job start out as simple assignments but they turn into all out fights before all is said and done.
Roswell (1999 - 2002) - Max, Michael, Isabel, & Tess. 4 teenage human/alien hybrids living in Roswell, New Mexico. When their secret is exposed to save Liz, a human girl's life, they know she must be told the truth. Liz's friends Maria, Alex, & Kyle all find out & when everyone's life is put in danger, they are now all...
Wish Kid (1991 - 1991) - WishKid" was a Saturday morning animated series created to play off the success of pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin (of Home Alone). Nick McClary owned a magic baseball glove which, if punched three times, granted his every wish. Stories--which were introduced in live action by Culkin--revolved a...
Hokuto No Ken (1984 - 1988) - After a nuclear holocaust tears the world apart, mankind is forced to the harshness of not only the oppression of others who are much more powerful, but the dead earth which seems to be getting worse with every passing moment. But a savior has risen from the ashes, a man who will defeat those who wo...
Walker, Texas Ranger (1993 - 2001) - Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris) is a Texas Ranger. He is a rough-and-tumble "cowboy" cop, who drives a big Dodge pickup, and busts everybody from organized crime bosses, to child beaters, to drug runners. He does his duty to the State of Texas with help of his buddy, Rookie Ranger James Trivette (Cl...
St. Elsewhere (1982 - 1988) - This hour-long dramatic series featured life at St. Eligius Hospital, headed by Drs. Donald Westphall and Daniel Auschlander. Every year, new residents would walk down the halls of St. Eligius; learning to deal with perfectionist Cardiovascular Surgeon Mark Craig was only the beginning of the way th...
Two Of A Kind (1998 - 1999) - "Two of a Kind" is a family comedy with a romantic twist. Kevin Burke (Christopher Sieber) is a science professor and single father who believes there is a scientific explanation for everything except how to control his scheming pre-teen daughters! Mary Kate and Ashley are twin sisters who are compl...
Roger Ramjet (1965 - 1965) - That's how Roger Ramjet was introduced to his viewers every week in this underappreciated superhero satire. The show followed the adventures of a research scientist who, after taking his Proton Energy Pill, was endowed with the AMAZING power of twenty atom bombs. Each Proton Pill only lasted 20 seco...
Diagnosis Murder (1993 - 2001) - Diagnosis Murder follows Dr. Mark Sloan, the chief of internal medicine, at LA's Community General Hospital. Dr. Sloan, much like Jessica Fletcher of Murder, She Wrote, has a magnetic quality that apparently draws murders to him. Every week, Dr. Sloan stumbles across murders, either acting in his ro...
Marvel super sunday (1985 - 1987) - Marvel show that changed it's shows every week.
China Beach (1988 - 1991) - A drama series set at an American base during the Vietnam War. Rather than focusing on the battle scenes that made up most other portrayals of the war, this show looked at the everyday lives of the people sent to serve their country. The doctors, nurses, soldiers and even USO entertainers stationed...
The Love Boat (1977 - 1987) - The Love Boat was set aboard the Pacific Princess and embarked each week on a romantic and sometimes comical journey across the tropics. The show consisted of several storylines and interweaved them with the lives of the ships crew. Every episode featured a different cruise and a separate set of p...
Problem Child (1993 - 1993) - Problem Child follows the misadventures of Junior Healy. The show continues from the first two movies in which Junior and everybody else including Ben and Mr. Peabody in wild episodes.
Mad About You (1992 - 1999) - Television comedy featuring Paul and Jaime Buchman as a recently married couple living in New York City. They point out the gentle humor of domesticity and in the everyday situations of life.
Postman Pat (1981 - Current) - "Postman Pat" is a BBC TV's show about a cheerful and hard-working postman who always helps his friends on his rounds whatever it is a missing doll, or someone who needs to be taken to doctor. Pat is always there for everyone when they need him. As the favourite postman everybody loves and admires.
Kodocha (1996 - 1997) - Kodomo no Omocha (or Kodocha for short) is a sugar high captured in animation, for the most part. Sana Kurata, the main character, is an 11 year old actress who may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but she genuinely cares about everyone around her and wants the world to be happy. The anime revo...
G Gundam (1994 - 1994) - that was radically different from the original concept of Gundam wars. Rather than an all out Earth vs. Space series of battles, the conflict in G Gundam is reduced to a tournament that takes place every four years. The arena is the ravaged Earth, populated by those left behind when the colonies w...
Police Woman (1974 - 1978) - Sexy Sgt. Pepper Anderson was an undercover agent for the criminal conspiracy department of the Los Angeles Police Department. Working on a vice-squad team that included detectives Joe Styles and Pete Royster, two other undercover cops, she was called on to pose as everything from a prostitute to a...
Ally McBeal (1997 - 2002) - Alley McBeal is a good lawyer who is unsure about every other aspect of her life. Her love life is a roller coaster. Her co-works are anything but normal. And she often dazes off into a daydream making the weird life she struggles to understand look a little bit weirder. David E Kelly is master of m...
Robocop (Live Action) (1994 - 1995) - This live-action series, based on the popular movie trilogy, continued the adventures of everyone's favorite cyborg cop. While the movies were quite violent, the violence quotient was toned down considerably for this show to make it more "family friendly." Shot in Toronto, many notable Canadian ac...
Homeboys in Outer Space (1996 - 1997) - Homeboys deal with every-day life in outer space.
The Jersey (1999 - 2001) - The Jersey is about Nick Lighter, Morgan Hudson, Coleman Galloway, and Elliot Riffkin who discover the magic of the Jersey. The Jersey transforms kids into sports atheletes. There is a different sport athlete on every show. The Jersey is on Disney Channel
The Hurricanes (1993 - 1997) - The hurricanes was an animated series which was, unfortunately, short lived. It followed the exploits of a soccer team that not only traveled around the world to compete in soccer games [and win every time as well], but also along the way they tended to solve mysteries or fight crime.
The Dukes (1983 - 1983) - the Dukes, Daisy and her cousins, Coy and Vance in the first season, and then Bo and Luke in the second, were racing Boss Hogg and his right hand man Roscoe, to win the prize money, to pay the mortgage on their farm. Everyweek Uncle Jesse who was back on the farm wuld get a letter or postcard from D...
Fly Tales (1999 - 2003) - The TV show actually originated in Spain, not the UK. However, there was no specific language labelled to this wonderfully magic cartoon, everybody could understand it because, simply, there were no words!
Otaku no Video (1991 - 1991) - A comedy anime and documentary OVA series about an everyday Japanese guy named, Ken Kubo. He is in college, a member of the tennis team and even has a girlfriend. Then one day he comes across his old friend from high school, Tanaka. Tanaka induces Kubo to his otaku friends, all being experts in thie...
The Sooty Show (1955 - 2012) - The little yellow bear with the sooty ears and nose attached to the end of Harry Corbett's arm has been a British TV tradition since its TV debut on BBC TV Talent Night in 1952. Sooty was every child's hero - able to misbehave with impunity and torment the life of poor old Harry Corbett.
Fawlty Towers (1974 - 1979) - This classic british sitcom was about the running of a hotel in Torquay. The central character was Basil Fawlty, the hotel owner who was always getting worked up about various things, and more often taking things out on Manuel - the hotel waiter from Barcelona. Just about every guest that stayed the...
Huxley Pig (1989 - 1993) - Huxley pig is a dreamy adverturous pig who is always trying new things every day in his imagination. With his friends Sam and his nemies Boris Huxley is never afraid to make a friend or solve a problem.
Free Spirit (1989 - 1990) - When young Gene wishes for a friend, his wish is granted and into his family's life falls witch Winnie Goodwin. Taking on the job of housekeeper, Winnie charms the Harper family at her every task. The catch is that while the kids know that she's a witch, divorced dad T.J. doesn't.
NOVA (1974 - Current) - Seen in more than 100 countries, NOVA is the most watched science television series in the world and the most watched documentary series on PBS. It is also one of television's most acclaimed series, having won every major television award, most of them many times over.
Mr. Show (1995 - 1998) - A sketch-comedy show hosted by David Cross and Bob Odenkirk which combined live acting with recroded clips into an even flow of non-stop halarity. Every episode followed a theme.
Everybody Hates Chris (2005 - 2009) - A sitcom based on the teenage life of comedian Chris Rock. A teenage boy named Chris(based on a teenage Chris Rock)lives in a ghetto neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York along with his ill-tempered and paranoid mother, popular older brother, spoiled younger sister, and workaholic father. He is not onl...
60 Minutes (1968 - Current) - The longest-running Prime Time News show, 60 Minutes has been shown every Sunday night on CBS since 1968. Known for the concluding segment in which Grumpy Old Man Andy Rooney used to complain about whatever ticked him off this week until his October 2011 retirement and passing in the next month.
PJ Masks (2015 - Current) - Three children become superheroes at night. During the school day a problem arises, and during the night the culprit is found by the PJ Masks and the problem gets solved by sharing ideas, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, and the ability of working together to get the problem solved. Everything...
The Brittas Empire (1991 - 1997) - British sitcom starring Chris Barrie as a jobsworth Lesuire Centre Manager. Disaster strikes in every episode as Gordon Brittas' ruthless following of the company rules leads to death and destruction. Eventually Brittas is killed saving the life of a baby, only to be bizarrely brought back to life...
Rhoda (1974 - 1978) - This was a spin-off of the "Mary Tyler Moore" show. Rhoda played her best friend on the show. Rhoda moves back to New York from Minneapolis. This was the opening to everyshow, all the while showing photos of Rhoda growing up. "Rhoda Morgenstern was born in the Bronx in December 1941. She's always fe...
Hikari Sentai Maskman (1987 - 1988) - Everything starts with Commander Sugata, studious of being able them of the mind. He discovers the existence of the Underground Empire Tube, a malignant force that wants to dominate the Land, located in underground Japan. In the beggining, Tube was centered in the Pacific. However, when Zeba assumes...
Black Adder (1983 - 1989) - Black Adder tells the story of 4 different generations of Black Adders over 4 seasons. Each season has the same actors but a different storyline. Every Black Adder is a decendant from the previous season's Black Adder.
Early Edition (1996 - 2012) - A man wakes up every morning to a cat that brings him his newspaper, this cat brings him tomorrows newspaper today.He trys to stop bad things from happening before they happen because the paper tells him when where and what is going to happen.
Trollkins (1981 - 1982) - Based on the Troll Dolls, the Trollkins were an inspration from the Dukes of Hazard where a group of trolls live in Trolltown where they encounter various adventures in every episode.
The Mighty B! (2008 - 2011) - The Mighty B! is an American animated television series co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon. The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl scout who believes she will become The Mighty B (a superhero) if she collects every Honeybee badge. Be...
Play with Me Sesame (2002 - 2007) - Play with Me Sesame is a spinoff of Sesame Street produced by and for Noggin. (Back in 2002, Noggin was co-owned by Sesame Workshop and Nickelodeon.) The show is an interactive series featuring Ernie, Bert, Grover, and Prairie Dawn. Every episode has regular segments including Bert's Computer, Ernie...
Even Stevens (2000 - 2003) - Every family has a Louis. Every family wants a Ren. Even they can't believe they're related. This popular and critically-acclaimed family sitcom was part of Disney Channel's "Zoog Weekendz" lineup. It's about an upper-middle class family in Sacramento, California with the focus on the two youngest s...
Praise the Lord (1973 - Current) - The flagship program of the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Every night TBN's Crouch family, Paul Crouch Senior(before his December 2013 death) Jan Crouch and Paul Crouch Jr. host a live church service with many special guest stars. Often times the show goes on the road to spread the word of God.
Now You See It (1974 - 1989) - "Every answer ... to every question ... is hidden somewhere in this maze of letters. And NOW ... YOU ... SEE ... IT!"
George and Martha (1999 - 2000) - George and Martha is an animated TV series made for HBO Family. The program revolves around the lives of two hippos: George and Martha (voiced by Nathan Lane and Andrea Martin respectively), best friends that spend everyday adventures together.
Kim Possible (2002 - 2007) - A teenage crime fighter who has the task of dealing with worldwide, family, and school issues every day. Kim possible is not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now boyfriend Ron Stoppable and his naked mole r...
Monday Night Football (1970 - Current) - Are you ready for some football? Every week since 1970 Monday Night Football has broadcast a live game from the National Football League. Airing up until 2005 on ABC the show was one of the longest running and highest-rated prime time broadcast shows in history! The show has broadcast over 700 footb...
First Wave (1998 - 2001) - Cade Foster is an ex-thief who gave up thievery to get married and have a family. All of a sudden his life is thrown apart when he gets fired, all his money disappears, his house gets vandalized and eventually his wife gets killed and he gets framed for murder.
What a Dummy (1990 - 1991) - Ed Branningan's great uncle dies and leaves a trunk full of props from the days when Uncle Jackie was a ventriloquist. Buzz, Jackie's dummy, has been locked in the trunk for 50-years; Buzz can also think and talk and goes about giving everyone in the house advice. Ed's family, which lives in Secaucu...
Oh Madeline (1982 - 1984) - After 10 years of marriage, Madeline is bored, so she decides to try every trendy diversion that comes along. Plenty of slapstick comedy, along with marital misunderstandings, make this show reminiscent of "I Love Lucy".
Dash! Kappei (1981 - 1982) - Kappei is a dramatically short guy but he is a master in every sport. He lives as a guest in sweet Akane's house, and he's in love with her, but there's a strange rival, her dog Salomone (Italian name) who plans evil traps to encumber Kappei. But the dog has also another function: he explains all sp...
South Central (1994 - 1994) - South Central was a short-lived comedy sitcom that aired on the Fox network from April 5, 1994 to June 4, 1994. It was cancelled midway through its first season, for a total of 10 episodes. The sitcom was set in South Central Los Angeles, and dealt with everyday life in Los Angeles. Many notable act...
Rab C Nesbitt (1989 - 1999) - Rab C Nesbitt has an opinion on anything and everything; put foward in a way that only Rab can. He is possibly the only person on the planet for whom the phrase "dysfunctional family" is regarded as a compliment. His theories may have as many holes as his string vest, and ther's alot more life in th...
The New Adam 12 (1989 - 1989) - A remake of the popular and long-running 70's poilce drama of the same name. Officers Doyle and Grant patrolled the streets of Los Angeles in squad car Adam-12, trying to keep the city safe for everyone. The show mainly focused on the partners' dealings with both serious crimes and more unusual humo...
Flamingo Road (1981 - 1982) - Set in the fictional Southern community of Truro Country, Florida. The town was run by the corrupt and powerful sheriff, Titus Semple, who made it his points to know everyone`s business. The original storyline centered around a triangle between ambitious politician Fielding Carlyle, his beautiful an...
Search (1972 - 1973) - A high-tech detective working with a team of scientists monitoring his every move and providing information and advice. Search was futuristic, suspensful, well executed and clever. NBC picked up the movie/pilot, changed the name to Probe 3, then to Search, and aired 23 episodes, Wednesday at 10:00 P...
Little Britain (2003 - Current) - A look at "every day" life of the citizens of Britain.
Only When I Laugh (1982 - 1986) - A comedy set in the ward of an NHS hospital near Leeds where an odd trio will have you laughing every show.
ITV News Newscasts (UK) (1955 - Current) - The news bulletins of ITV News in the UK, that delivers news from the UK and around the world, everyday and everynight since 1955.
for the KBS broadcast; subtitled Robots for Everyone in the United States) is a South Korean animated television series created by Cinepix. 4Kids Entertainment acquired the rights for an English adaption dub to the series in 2001, retaining them until their trans...
Soul Eater Not! (2014 - 2014) - Three freshman girls: Tsugumi Harudori, a normal girl in every way; Meme Tatane, an airheaded girl; and Anya Hepburn, a tsundere princess, encounter and start their new lives at Death Weapon & Meister Academy (DWMA).
Mr. Squiggle (1959 - 1999) - "Mr. Squiggle" was an Australian children's TV series, which lasted for 40 years. The main character was a marionette who had a pencil for a nose lived on the moon. Every episode had him visiting Earth and drawing pictures for his friends.
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (2016 - 2016) - When Subaru Natsuki leaves the convenience store, the last thing he expects is to be wrenched from his everyday life and dropped into a fantasy world. Things aren't looking good for the bewildered teenager, however: not long after his arrival, he is attacked by some thugs; armed with only a bag of g...
Saint Seiya Omega (2012 - 2014) - The god of war and guardian of his namesake planet, Mars, was once sealed away by Seiya, but time has passed and his revival is at hand. Meanwhile, Saori Kido (Athena) is raising the boy Kga, whose life Seiya saved, and he's been training every day to become a Saint in order to prepare for the comi...
Mathica's Mathshop (1993 - 1994) - Mathica's Mathshop is a math tutorial TV series produced for TVO from 1993-1994. The 15-minute programs focus on teaching basic mathematics for primary grades by incorporating storytelling with the principles of the subject. Every program presents math through a familiar fairytale context which enco...
Nichijou - My Ordinary Life (2011 - 2011) - Nichijou primarily focuses on the daily antics of a trio of childhood friendshigh school girls Mio Naganohara, Yuuko Aioi and Mai Minakamiwhose stories soon intertwine with the young genius Hakase Shinonome, her robot caretaker Nano, and their talking cat Sakamoto. With every passing day, the live...
Milo (2003 - 2005) - Milo is a funny young rabbit with human characteristics similar to those of a 6 years-old child at whom his stories are aimed. Milos adventures illustrate a typical child in his everydays life: the games, the feelings, the new experiences, the dreams and small kids dramas. His play-friend Judith...
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995 - 2000) - Each episode details a classic fairy tale, but with characters voiced by famous actors, comedians, singers, political activists, stunts, and other famous celebrities of varying cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity.
The Dumb Bunnies (1998 - 1999) - Based off the series of children's book of the same name by Dav Pilkey, the Dumb Bunnies are a family of lovable bunnies that aren't very smart and do everything backwards.
Potatoes and Dragons (2003 - 2004) - A quarrel pits Potatoes King Hugo III against his neighbour the dragon who resides in the cavern at the foot of the castle. For Hugo III this dragon is a calamity and he wont hesitate to employ every and any knight possible to rid himself of this ambulant volcano!
Creepschool (2004 - 2004) - Welcome to the school where your fears and nightmares become a hilariously creepy reality! Ghouls in the classroom! Giant octopuses in the swimming-pool! Elsa, Josh and the other kids have personal dilemmas and everyday problems just like the rest of us. But in the twilight zone of Creepschool nothi...
Farzzle's World (2004 - 2005) - Farzzles World is the real world seen from a babys point of view with a twist. For Farzzle, everyday objects suddenly take on a life of their own and simple explorations always turn into magical adventures.
Franny's Feet (2004 - 2011) - Frances "Franny" Fantootsie visits with her Grandpa every day at his shoe repair shop in Vancouver. They like to talk about matters until a customer comes. The customer presents the problem shoes to Grandpa, and he gives the pair to Franny to place inside the shoe repair box. Franny tries on the foo...
WCBS-TV Newscasts (1941 - Current) - Everyday, these local newscasts are seen presentally locally produced by WCBS-TV, an east coast flagship station of the CBS Television Network, which is located in New York City.
Sorcerer Hunters (1995 - 1995) - In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent's aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he's placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira...
Peppa Pig (2004 - Current) - A British television program about a cheeky little piggy who loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Along with her brother and parents, they explore the world around Peppa and her friends too. Along the way, Peppa learns something new everyday.
fabletjeskrant (1968 - 1989) - A blue owl reads a fable every day. The fabels include ones by Aesop,Phaedrus,and others.
Martin Morning (2003 - 2007) - Martin, an ordinary nine-year-old boy, has one strange characteristic: every morning he awakes to find himself transformed into fantastic and legendary beings a Merlin-like wizard, a pharaoh, a caveman, a vampire, a superhero and many more transformations. Despite the transformations, he goes to s...
Colby's Clubhouse (1984 - 2000) - a children's television show that teaches principles from the Bible; through songs and everyday situations. The main character is Colby, an anthropomorphic computer that teaches children Christian principles and lessons. Colby has the entire Bible programmed into his memory.[1][2][3] The show was wr...
Christmas in Rockefeller Center (1951 - Current) - Every year since 1931 the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree has been an American tradition for New Yorkers and Tourists alike. The first tree erected in 1931 stood just 20 feet tall and was decorated with "strings of cranberries, garlands of paper, and even a few tin cans". In 1933 the tree was lit...
B'tX (1996 - 1996) - Teppei is going to visit his older brother Kotaro Takamiya during a scientific conference after training with a mysterious woman named Karen for the past 11 years. However his plans for a family reunion become stalled when a woman named Aramis kills everyone in the conference to kidnap Kotaro. Teppe...
Miss World (1959 - Current) - Every year since 1959, the Miss World Psgeant was televised around the world. The pageant was first live on television in 1959 in the U.K. by BBC, and would aired through 1979. UK's ITV aired the pageant from 1980 to 1988, and again in 1990. The pageant has been aired live on the U.S. cable netwo...
Pinkalicious & Peterrific (2018 - Current) - Based on a series of books by Victoria and Elizabeth Kann, this PBS Kids animated series follows Pinkalicious and her brother Peter learning about everything with their interests of art and creativity.
Stella and Sam (2010 - 2015) - With wild red hair and an imagination to match, nine year old Stella is truly a "star" in the eyes of her four year old brother Sam. He feels lucky to have a big sister like Stella, who does ninety-nine things a day and wouldn't dream of leaving Sam out of the fun! Besides, Stella knows everything,...
The Junji Ito Collection (2018 - 2018) - In the light of day and in the dead of night, mysterious horrors await in the darkest shadows of every corner. They are unexplainable, inescapable, and undefeatable. Be prepared, or you may become their next victim.
Utawarerumono (2006 - 2006) - An injured man is found in the woods by a girl named Eruruu, and everything about him is mysterious. Without knowledge of his past nor even his own name, he is welcomed to Eruruu's home and is given the name Hakuoro by her grandmother, and younger sister, Aruruu. While the inhabitants of the village...
The Kentucky Derby (1952 - Current) - The great American tradition, held at Churchill Downs in Louisville Kentucky every year on the first Saturday in May since 1875. NBC showed it on TV for the first time in 1949 but the event was nationally televised for the first time in 1952.
Greenclaws (1989 - 1990) - a children's television series aired on the BBC between 3 January 1989 and 7 February 1990.Greenclaws, played by Nick Mercer, was a big green monster who lived in a greenhouse. Every week, Iris would visit Greenclaws. They would put one of Greenclaws' fabulous seeds in a plant pot, put the plant pot...
Kykelikokos (1996 - 2003) - a weekly Norwegian children's television program that ran from 1996 to 2003. It was the first live children's show ever produced in Norway. It was highly popular, and usually drew close to a quarter million viewers every week.The show began in 1996, airing Saturdays at 8 to 10 AM, a timeslot it held...
The Tower of Druaga (2008 - 2009) - It is said that every few years, there is what's known as the "Summer of Anu." During that summer, thanks to the divine protection of the sky-god Anu, all of the demons in the tower lose their power. The country of Uruk has begun an invasion of the tower in order to suppress the demons. They've buil...
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill (2018 - Current) - a Japanese anime television series produced by Sunrise. The series premiered from September 30 to December 23, 2018.[1] The production team features some of the staff who worked on the Tiger & Bunny series.[In the city-state Lisvaletta, while people go about their tranquil everyday lives, crimes and...
Hatara Kizzu Maihamu Gumi (2007 - 2008) - ( Hatara Kizzu Maihamu Gumi), literally "Working Kids, Meister Hamster Team", is a Japanese anime action series for young children about hamsters who hold down jobs from firefighting to cooking. The show is produced by Toei Animation and was broadcast at 6:307:00 am on Sunday every week...
Black Cat (2005 - 2006) - Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos.
Maisy (1999 - 2000) - everyones favoirote mouse
The Loud House (2016 - Current) - The Loud House is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children. It is set in a fictional town in southeastern Mic...
School Days (2007 - 2007) - High school student Makoto Itou first notices Kotonoha Katsura at the start of his second semester, freshman year. Immediately, he becomes entranced by her beauty, but his bashfulness doesn't allow him to approach her, even though they ride the same train every day. Instead, he snaps a photo of her...
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (1948 - Current) - An American Thanksgiving Day tradition just as big and just as important as the turkey, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been held in Midtown Manhattan every year since 1924 and is America's oldest Thanksgiving Parade. Originally a one-time event to celebrate the heritage of American workers a...
Shin Cutey Honey (1994 - 1995) - Cosplay City is in danger when the evil Dolmeck shows up. Commanding his army of monsters, he plans on destroying everything. Only one person can stop this: Cutey Honey. After she is released from her dormancy, Honey Kisaragi becomes the multi-transformational android Cutey Honey. However, the least...
His and Her Circumstances (1998 - 1999) - Miyazawa Yukino is the perfect student. Kind, intelligent, pretty and modest, it's unbelievable that such a person could exist. Little did everyone know Yukino's perfection was just a facade. An act to fulfill her desire for praise and admiration. Her life took a turn however, as a newcomer to their...
Osomatsu-kun (1988) (1988 - 1989) - Meet the Osomatsu boyssextuplets who look, speak, dress and talk like the same. They only add to the hyper eccentric residents of the town who easily break any boundaries defined by common sense. Check your logical thinking and reason at the door and immerse yourself in everyday lives of unique cha...
KYW-TV Newscasts (1941 - Current) - KYW-TV in Philadelphia broadcasts 32 hours of locally produced newscasts every week (with 5 hours on weekdays, 3 hours on Saturdays, and 4 hours on Sundays), with news, weather, traffic and sports. In the early days, Channel 3's news department had it's early newscasts like Philco News, way before...
CBS News: Election Coverage (1948 - Current) - Since 1948, CBS News has been carried Election Coverage, in the race for the U.S. Presidency (every 4 years), the U.S. Senate (every 2 years), the U.S. House (every 2 years), and more...
National Memorial Day Concert (1989 - Current) - Held every year since 1989 on the US Capitol's West Lawn, the National Memorial Day Concert is attended by half a million people and watched by millions more on PBS. The concert can also be seen overseas by U.S. military personnel in more than 175 countries and aboard more than 200 U.S. Navy ships a...
Alice SOS (1998 - 1999) - an anime series directed by Shingo Kaneko. It was broadcast every second week from April 6, 1998 until January 28, 1999.Takashi loves reading books and especially loves Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. One day, he buys some used books, and he finds one book thrown in. When Takashi opens the book, t...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (1991 - 1992) - Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Daburueitsr Sutdasuto Memor) is a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two m...
The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee (1994 - 1995) - Created by Slim Goodbody, The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee is an educational show aimed at children dedicated to literacy. The show tells the story of a magical dragon named Read Alee Deed Alee. One day he takes a magical journey to a faraway land where everybody loves to read. The series had a focu...
WWE WrestleMania (1985 - Current) - WrestleMania is a professional wrestling event produced annually every year by the WWE.
WWE SummerSlam (1988 - Current) - SummerSlam is a professional PPV event, produced annual by the WWE every August since 1988.
Maburaho (2003 - 2004) - a 24 episode anime series produced by J.C.Staff and broadcast by WOWOW in Japan.set in a world where every character has the ability to use magic, however everyone's magic is not equal. Each person in the story has a different degree of magic and a set number of times that they can use their magic....
Wisharoo Park (1999 - 2003) - Created by Paula A. Luciano, Wisharoo Park is a series all about learning to use your imagination for play and learning. Using the act of wishing, something that every child (and adult) can understand, the show encouraged children to use their imagination to engage in healthy play and discovery, and...
Eyewitness News Nightcast (1965 - 1995) - This was a news show shown on KYW Philadelphia every night when it was a Group W station and an NBC affiliate (it is now a CBS affiliate); aired at 11:00 pm
Heroes on Hot Wheels (1986 - 1989) - Michael Valiant is the World's best racer. He drives everything, from Jet skis to motorcycles to planes. If it has a motor, he races it. Pops is his dad and the leader of the Valiant racing team. Quincy is the mechanic who comes up with really powerful motors to propel Michael's vehicles to maximum...
ALF (1986 - 1990) - ALF (or Alien Life Form) is a creature from Planet Melmac that crash landed on earth, and is adopted/taken in by an otherwise normal Earth family. A comedic sitcom that featured episodes with everything from mundane things like getting people to like you, to close calls with the government, all wit...
Georgia Championship Wrestling on Superstation WTBS (1976 - 1984) - In 1976 , The Superstation TBS went national and brought Georgia Championship Wrestling to the forefront of the NWA. It was the first NWA territory to be broadcast nationally and because of the resaulting exsposure became a magnet for NWA stars. Soon everybody that was anybody was appearing on the p...
Superman (Fleischer Studios Shorts) (1941 - 1943) - Based on the popular and legendary DC Comics character, this was classic early animated adventures of Superman. Disguised as everyday reported, Clark Kent, in times of need he quickly dons the heroic alter ego know as Superman fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Colby's Clubhouse (1995 - 2012) - Colby's Clubhouse was a children's television show that taught principles from the Bible through songs and everyday situations. It was written and produced by Peter and Hanneke Jacobs. Peter Jacobs played the part of Colby the Computer. It originally aired from 1987 to 2000 with several changes of c...
Allsorts (1991 - 1994) - Allsorts (also named Gigglish Allsorts) was a Childrens television show that was broadcasted from 1991 to 1994 on CITV, made by Granada Television. It consitied of five main characters, who live in a brightly decorated house with everything in a different colour. It had a worktop, a main sofa and co...
Dragnet (1967) (1967 - 1970) - The campy remake show of the 1951 show but in COLOR. This time taking on Hippies & drug dealers & more. Every episode is directed by Jack Webb. The Show lasted on 4 seasons & 98 & episodes.
Today (1952 - Current) - Today (also referred to as The Today Show), is an American morning news and talk show airing every morning from NBC News. Debuting on January 14, 1952, it was the first of its genre, spawning similar morning news and entertainment television programs across the United States and around the world. Th...
The Dean Martin Show (1965 - 1974) - The Dean Martin Show was a TV variety-comedy series that ran from 1965 to 1974, for 245 episodes. It was broadcast by NBC and hosted by legendary crooner Dean Martin. The theme song to the series was his 1964 hit "Everybody Loves Somebody."
Mobile Fighter G Gundam (1994 - 1995) -   In the 60th century humans leave the polluted Earth and migrate to space colonies. To prevent war, the colonies come up with a tournament called a Gundam Fight which is held every four years. Each nation builds a gundam and sends it to Earth to fight. These gundam represent their nation and bat...
Iznogoud (1995 - 1995) - This is a show about Iznogoud, the Sultans right hand which Iznogoud is NOT pleased to be. He wants to be the Sultan himself! So every episode is about him and his not so trusty sidekick Wa'at Alahf where they plan how to throw him off the throne, but always ends in mischief for poor Iznogoud
Mucha Lucha (2002 - 2005) - The show is set in a town centered around Lucha libre (nearly everyone in the town has a mask and costume and a signature move) and is essentially about the adventures of three children, Rikochet, Buena Girl, and The Flea, as they struggle through the world-famous school of wrestling where they stud...
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962 - 1965) - This should be seasons 8-10 of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The shows runtime was 60 min not 30 mins like Alfred Hitchcock Presents was. They renamed the show so that people would know that show was 60 min and not 30 min. Aired on CBS on every Thursday. Before season 3 aka season 10 the show got moved...
Games World (1993 - 1998) - Games World was a British computer games-based television programme, made by Hewland International and broadcast on Sky One each weekday from 1993-1998. The overall concept of Games World was quite similar to Hewland International's GamesMaster (1992-98), which was shown every week on Channel 4 and...
Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995 - Current) - A cartoon in which every episode was a different fairytale usually containing a wolf, witch or giant.
Will & Dewitt (2007 - 2008) - Will, an everyday kid who wants to do it all, is able to jump into new situations with a little help from his best friend, cheerleader and morphing pal, Dewitt (who just happens to be a frog!).
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings (2002 - 2003) - The magical adventures of a six-year-old boy with a vivid imagination and a unique talent: everything he draws comes to life in the Land of Chalk Drawings - a colourful world of his own creation! After Simon draws something on his chalkboard, he climbs a ladder and jumps over a fence into the Land o...
The Backyardigans (2004 - 2010) - The Backyardigans is a Canadian musical cartoon created by Janice Burgess. The series focuses on Uniqua, Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha and Austin: a group of five anthropomorphic creatures who transform their own backyard into fantastic landscapes everyday. The series premiered on Nickelodeon in 2004, but wa...
Wunschpunsch (2000 - 2002) - A wizard named Bubonic and a witch named Tyrannia are casting spells on their city every episode. They use a special magical parchment to give it power. Their pets, Mauricio and Jacob, have to reverse the spell in 7 hours.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (2003 - 2005) - Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, along with Beauty, Don Patch, Gasser, and Jelly Jiggler, fight Czar Baldy-Bald the 4th's evil Hair Hunt troop and deliver their own hairy brand of justice to evildoers everywhere.
Big Brother (1999 - Current) - 12 to 16 people spend three months living on a house cut off from the outside world while cameras watch their every move. This was the very first camera-based contest reality show.
How It's Made (2001 - Current) - A documentary series where cameras go inside America's factories and show the manufacturing of various everyday goods. The series does not have an onscreen narrator, and avoids showing human interaction and using brand names.
Wibbly Pig (2009 - 2010) - Based on Mick Inkpens multi-award winning literary franchise Wibbly Pig (over two million books sold worldwide), Wibbly Pig is a comedy series that takes the daily routine of a young child and finds humor and fun in every part of it. Wibbly simply does what children do. From day to day activities l...
Scripps National Spelling Bee (1994 - Current) - Every year since 1925 the E.W. Scripps Company has brought the world's best students together to challenge them with the world's toughest words. ESPN has aired the bee since 1994 with early rounds during the day and with championship rounds in Primetime.
Molly of Denali (2019 - Current) - Molly of Denali follows the adventures of Alaskan native girl and Vlogger Molly Mabray who along with her family and friends learn about everything on their home state of Alaska and their home in the village of Qyah.
Racquetball on ESPN (1980 - Current) - Sports channel ESPN has broadcast racquetball events since 1980. Given the sport's obscurity ESPN has been credited with introducing it to mainstream audiences. ESPN has broadcast the US Open every year since its inception in 1996 and also airs the Pan American Games, World Games and Central America...
FIFA World Cup (1954 - Current) - First held in 1930, the FIFA World Cup is television's single most watched and most followed sporting event in the world! Since the first televised World Cup in 1954 over 300 million people worldwide tune into to the event every four years with the 2006 final being the world's most watched sporting...
Trooping the Colour (1951 - Current) - Every year since 1951, BBC1 in the UK has been televising live coverage of Britian's Trooping the Colour: the British Queen's Birthday Parade.
Art:21 (2001 - Current) - Art:21 - Art in the 21st Century is a PBS series, educational resource, archive, and history of contemporary art. It premiered in 2001, and is now broadcast in over 50 countries worldwide. Premiering a new season every two years, Art:21 is the only series on United States television to focus exclusi...
Justin Time (2011 - 2016) - The TV series revolves around the adventures of Justin. In every episode, Justin encounters a problem of everyday childhood (such as sharing, teamwork, or paying attention). Then Justin and his shape-shifting sidekick Squidgy solve the problems by tackling them in adventures through time and around...
Hippothesis (2011 - 2011) - Our stars, Dawn, the pygmy Hippopotamus, and Edward the dog, explore their everyday environments and learn about the natural world around them. Dawn enthusiastically investigates anything, while Edward approaches the world more methodically - wanting to know what the result will be before they even...
New York Rangers Hockey on MSG Network (1969 - Current) - MSG Network in New York has been broadcasting New York Rangers Hockey every season since MSG Network was launched on October 15, 1969.
Golden Globe Awards (1964 - Current) - The Golden Globe Awards are accolades bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association beginning in January 1944, recognizing excellence in film, both American and International, and the American television. NBC has broadcast the awards annually every year since 1964.
The Tony Awards (1967 - Current) - The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre, more commonly known as the Tony Award, recognizes excellence in live Broadway theatre. Held every year since 1947, CBS has televised the ceremony every year since 1967.
Adventures in Booga Booga Land (2006 - 2009) - Finding everything too small in the town of Too-small-for-me, Gerard leaves his hometown for the capital city, Booga. As his bus pulls into the streets of Booga, he meets Marty and they become best friends.
Art Chest (1987 - 1989) - Mr. Mihuta returns with his second instructional TV series. Every episode he opens the namesake Art Chest and there is a different follow-along activity inside.
Super Bowl Greatest Commercials (2001 - Current) - Every year right before the big game, CBS hosts a special where viewers get to vote on the greatest Super Bowl Commercials of the past 20 years. Originally cast via the website, the special has allowed viewers to comment via social media to vote for their favorite commercial in more recent y...
Math Monsters (2003 - 2004) - In this all-CGI series that was distributed to schools via video but also aired on PBS, the titular Math Monsters Mina, Multiplex, Split, and Addison apply math skills to task they are currently performing with fun songs and catchy rhymes along the way. Every episode of the series ended with a live-...
A Christmas Story(1983) - Picture it, Cleveland Ohio in the 1940's. What does every young boy want? You can safely assume it's not a video game system. No, it's a Red Rider BB Gun, the prefered weapon of every wild west imaginary hero. And Ralphie is no different than any other boy. But while his head is in the clouds thinki...
Pokemon: The First Movie(1999) - Based on the Pokmon craze in the late '90s (although millions of kids and adults still enjoy it well in to the new millennium.) this premiere movie to the Pokmon series was based on a video game. A genetic Pokmon by the name of Mewtwo was cloned from the legendary Mew, but everything seemed to go...
Donkey Kong Country Legend of the crystal coconut(1999) - In this film many adventers hapen Since DK was chosen to be ruler of Congo Bongo, he wanted to know EVERYTHING about the Crystal Coconut. When he asked Inka Dinka Doo the secrets of the Coconut, Inka Dinka Doo said "You must give up everything!". DK thought that he had to give up the Coconut to K.Ro...
A Bug's Life(1998) - Every year, a bunch of grasshoppers come to the anthill and eat what the ants have gathered for them. The ants have to work all year to get the food, just to have the grass hoppers take it the queen ant tells a trouble making ant named flick to go find warriors to help them fight off the gra...
Matilda(1996) - The Wormwoods are a not so nice family who live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. The father Harry Wormwood is a sleazy car salesman who is under constant monitor by the FBI and the mother Zinnia spends all day every day at the Bingo Hall playing Bingo. The Wormwoods fail to realize their mist...
The Warriors(1979) - When Cyrus, President of the largest and most powerful street gang (The Gramercy Riffs) in all of New York, calls a massive truce between 100 gangs in five boroughs, everyone shows their colors at the meeting. But something goes terribly wrong. Cyrus is shot dead and the meeting is raided by cops. T...
Tommy Boy(1995) - Everything is going good for Tommy, he has just graduated from college after attending for seven years. And so he visits his dad who is in charge of a large brake pads corporation called Callahan, (After their last name.) But when his father dies, Tommy must overcome his clumsiness to save the compa...
IT(1990) - Originally titled Stephen King's It, this two-part TV movie first aired on November 18 and 20, 1990. The story starts in Maine, where a small child is lured into the hands of what audiences everywhere can be assured is one mean clown. The 30-year struggle against an evil supernatural force that masq...
Mulan(1998) - When the Huns invade China, the Emperor decrees that one man from every family will serve in the Imperial Army. When Mulan's injured and ailing father must fight, she disguises herself as a man and goes in his place. Her ancestors try to send the Great Stone Dragon to fetch her but Mushu, a dragon w...
Fritz The Cat(1972) - Mavrick writer/director Ralph Bakshi made his feature-length film debut created the first rated X cartoon ever it's the age of awakening and fritz one way-cool cat and NYU student loves to embrace every experimental experience that crosses his path embarking on a fantastic journey of self-discovery...
Office Space(1999) - Peter Gibbons is a typical corporate everyman that hates his job and his life. He works for Innotech updating computer software for the new millennium amongst a sea of cubicles. He eats lunch at the same restaurant everyday, drives a mid-size car and lives in a duplex with walls so thin that he ca...
THX 1138(1971) - In This Story Of The Future, Everyone Has Bald Heads And It Takes Place Underground On The Planet Earth.
Detroit Rock City(1999) - Four members of a high school band called Mystery do everything they can to attend a KISS concert in Detroit. In order to make it to the show they must steal, cheat, strip, deal with an anti-rock mom, and generally do whatever it takes to see the band that has inspired them to be musicians. It plays...
Grease(1978) - Almost 30 years alter its premiere; Randal Kleiser's Grease is as popular as ever. To what do it owes its everlasting attraction? Maybe it's because this nostalgic musical vision of the fifties is one of those films where everything fits right int
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey(1991) - Attention all righteous dudes and babes! Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are back and better than ever with a most triumphant sequel to Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure! Everything's excellent for everyone's favourite surf-speaking dudes. With their own apartment, a pair of bodacious princess babes a...
Clueless(1995) - Basically the epitome of the 90's teen flick-and one of the best. Loosely based on Jane Austen's Emma, this film follows the life and adventures of upper middle-class Beverly Hills teen Cher Horowitz and her assorted Bronson Alcott High pals. While Cher is busy playing match maker for everyone else,...
Star Trek: The Motion Picture(1979) - Admiral James T. Kirk is called upon to take command of the U.S.S. Enterprise for the first time since the TV series ended. A strange alien craft is heading towards earth, destroying everything in its path. Kirk rounds up the rest of his old crew, and acquires a few new members, and sets off to inte...
A Little Princess(1995) - When her father enlists to fight for the British in WWI, young Sara Crewe goes to New York to attend the same boarding school her late mother attended. She soon clashes with the severe headmistress, Miss Minchin, who attempts to stifle her creativity and sense of self- worth. Her belief that "every...
The Velveteen Rabbit(1985) - Velvee, a stuffed bunny toy, is given to young Robert for Christmas. Soon, Velvee becomes loved best of all out of all of Robert's toys. But when Robert takes ill, everything he's come into contact with must be destroyed -- so it's up to the Nursery Fairy to rescu
Flash Gordon(1980) - If you want your share of glorious comic book cheese, watch this film. It's like eating Salt and Vinegar potato chips. You aren't sure why, but you enjoy it. This film comes complete with a fantastic super cheesey theme by Queen "Flash, awaaaaw, he'll save every one of us
Phantasm(1979) - Mike is being watched over by his older brother Jody. Everywhere Jody goes, mike follows. Jody has little choice in the matter with their parents dead. Then there's Reggie, a musician on the side Ice Crea
Weird Science(1985) - Two unpopular teenagers, Gary and Wyatt, fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Thier desperation to be liked leads them to create their own woman. Surprised that the crazy experiement works, the woman, Lisa makes them and everyone else realize how popular they really are.
A Charlie Brown Christmas(1965) - Christmas time is here. And despite the fluffy snow, Christmas lights, and holiday spirit all around him, Charlie Brown feels numb to it. Maybe it's because everyone seems to see Christmas as a time to get, get, get. Snoopy enters a Christmas lights and display contest to win money. Sally asks Santa...
Falling Down(1993) - Michael Douglas plays a person having a very bad day because of a divorce that had turned him the wrong way. This man is trying to get along but certain issues are driving him away. An urban tale of a man at war with the every day life.
Logans Run(1976) - In the 23rd century, what remains of society is sheltered inside a high-tech domed city. Shades of the Brave New World, poverty, sickness, and war have been eradicated in this futuristic utopia. Babies are grown inside test tubes rather than born. With every needs taken care by the city's central co...
The Stupids(1996) - This film is based on The Stupids series of children's books by Harry Allard and James Marshall, which are about a family that takes things very, very literally. In this film, the Stupids attempt to discover what happens to the garbage that disappears from their lawn every week (they think it has be...
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me(1999) - Austin Powers fashion photographer, denizen of Swingin' London, international espionage agent, and bane of dental hygienists everywhere returns in his second screen adventure. Powers (once again played by Mike Myers), a 1960s superspy stranded in the 1990s, discovers that his nemesis, criminal g...
Commando(1985) - John Matrix, a former Colonel in the special forces, lives with his daughter Jenny up in the mountains. All he wants is a little peace and quiet. However his former life catches up with him as every member of his old unit is killed one by one. A group of mercenaries, led by his former teammate Be...
Dazed and Confused(1993) - It's the last day of school at a high school in a small town in Texas in 1976. The upperclassmen are hazing the incoming freshmen, and everyone is trying to get stoned, drunk, or laid, even the football players that signed a pledge not to. The film launched several prominent film careers including,...
Alice in Wonderland(1951) - A young girl named Alice dreams of a world where everything that shouldn't be, should. She follows a white rabbit down a hole into Wonderland. Her curiousity only finds her farther and farther away from home.
Godzilla vs. Megalon(1973) - Possibly one of the most humorous of the Godzilla films, Godzilla vs. Megalon stars everyone's favorite giant lizard who fights the beetle-like Megalon and the chicken alien Gigan with the assistance of the freaky looking robot, Je
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid(1992) - In the sequel to Disney's Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, a bumbling but brilliant scientist (Rick Moranis) accidentally makes his two-year-old son into a giant who becomes larger every time he comes in contact with electricity. Though he and his wife try to control their son, the child inevitably escapes...
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974)(1974) - "Tigger's exuberant jumping and bouncing is driving everyone crazy in the Hundred Acre Wood. Rabbit discovers a cure that turns out to increase his antics, not lessen them and poor Tigger gets stuck in a tree."
Mars Attacks!(1996) - The Martians decide to attack our planet and devastate everything. Why? Because it's fun!!! They enjoy killing people and destroy buildings; they even play bowling with the statues at Easter Isles and pose for photos in front of temples as they are blowing up. Will somebody find a way to stop them o...
The Truman Show(1998) - Truman is living a normal life. He has a job, a wife, and friends. But unbeknowest to him, he's been watched on TV all his life by everybody else. And that he actually lives in a giant dome.
Encino Man(1992) - Two losers find a frozen caveman after they an earthquake in Encino California. The reason the frozen cube man came out of the ground was because of the pool they were digging. At first scared, the caveman does not like his surroundings but soon enjoys everything the 90's has to offer at this point...
The Godfather(1972) - Generally acknowledged as a bona fide classic, this Francis Ford Coppola film is one of those rare experiences that feels perfectly right from beginning to end--almost as if everyone involved had been born to participate in it. Based on Mario Puzo's bestselling novel about a Mafia dynasty, Coppola's...
My Girl(1991) - Vada Sultenfuss is obsessed with death. Her mother is dead, and her father runs a funeral parlor. She is also in love with her English teacher, and joins a poetry class over the summer just to impress him. Thomas J., her best friend, is "allergic to everything", and sticks with Vada despite her hang...
Dennis the Menace(1993) - Dennis, everyone's favorite kid from the comics is back. When his parents have to go out of town, he stays with Mr and Mrs Wilson. The little menace is driving Mr Wilson crazy. But Dennis is just trying to be helpful. Even to the thief he bumps into.
Dumbo(1941) - Everyone's favorite elephant with big ears flies onto the big screen! With encounters such as the jeers of fellow circus participants, a few spectators, and being demoted to a clown, Dumbo soon learns how to believe in himself with the help of his loyal friend, Timothy Mouse. A true classic for all...
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day(1968) - It's "Winds Day" in the Hundred Acre Wood, and everyone is wondering when it will end. Pooh visits Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, and Owl, but soon Owl's house crashes, and Eeyore is put in charge of finding a new one for him. Meanwhile, Tigger warns Pooh there could be heffalumps and woozles out to steal...
The Running Man(1987) - In the near future, everything is controlled by the government, including television. The most popular show, The Running Man, is hosted by Killian, a ruthless host. Sentenced to a bogus prison term, Benjamin (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is forced to "run" for his life from the sadistic "heroes" of the sh...
Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special(1988) - Pee-Wee and his pals in the playhouse celebrate a wacky christmas in this TV special. When Pee-Wee wishes for almost every toy in the world, Conky explodes as he makes a list for Pee-Wee. Santa finds out and then Pee-Wee learns a valueble lesson, you can't get everything you want! Along thw way, Pee...
Pump Up the Volume(1990) - One of the biggest teen movies of the 90s, this is the tale of a geek named Mark Hunter (Christian Hunter). Mild-mannered and meek by day, at night he takes on the guise of a man named Hard Harry, broadcasting a pirate radio show that soon gains an audience of his peers, hanging on his every word. W...
Mouse Hunt(1997) - When the Founder of a string factory dies..his two sons inherit it. Due to a promise they made to their father on his death bed..they must agree what to do with it. When a pesky mouse is discovered..the brothers try everything to get rid of it.
First Kid(1996) - Some say that to be the leader of a country is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. But being the child of a world leader can be doubly so. Constantly surrounded by security officers, restricted in movements and having almost every waking moment carefully monitored makes normalcy an impossibility...
New Year's Evil(1980) - In this horrific slasher outing, a punk rock disc jockey has a really bad night when a nutcase begins calling her every hour on New Year's Eve to inform her of his latest murder victim
Mission: Impossible II(2000) - A scientist who is part of IMF agent Ethan Hunt who is in Sydeny. On the way to Atlanta while on the plane something happens Ethan kills the scentiset and everyone on the plane with some help. But the Ethan was not Ethan it was someone posing as him. The real Ethan is then summoned by his superior f...
Man of the House(1995) - Ben Archer is not happy. His mother, Sandy, has just met a man, and it looks like things are pretty serious. Driven by a fear of abandonment, Ben tries anything and everything to ruin the "love bubble" which surrounds his mom. However, after Ben and Jack's experiences in the Indian Guides, the two b...
Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even(1992) - The movie revolves around Laura whose family is somewhat disfunctional. Laura gains new step parents and step brothers and sisters. But one summer at the lake reunites everyone in a somewhat comedic way.
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country(1991) - Captian Kirk and his crew have returned faceing their greatest conflict, Peace. The Klingon empire is faceing extinction and the two enemies must over come decades of hostilities to work together. Not everyone desires this peace and the Enterprise crew must stop their plans before war breaks out.
Tommy(1975) - Tommy is blind, deaf and dumb, but there is nothing wrong with him. As a small child, he accidentally witnessed the murder of his father by his stepfather. His mother and stepfather told him to forget everything he had seen and heard, and to never talk about it; but Tommy carried it to the extreme,...
The Worst Witch(1986) - Mildred Hubble (Fairuza Balk) is the flunk-out of the Witch's Academy--that is until she gets her big chance to show everyone just how much magic she can make! The school's headmistress Agatha (Charlotte Rae) has an evil twin, who is plotting to cause havoc just before the big Halloween celebration...
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore(1983) - Eeyore, the melancholy donkey, thinks everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood has forgotten his birthday. When Winnie the Pooh and his friends realize their oversight, they prepare a huge celebration with chocolate cake and a birthda
Cheech & Chong's Next Movie(1980) - Cheech must deal with losing his job, his angry neighbor, and trying to score with sexy Donna. Meanwhile, Chong meets Cheech's cousin Red and the two have a wild time in Hollywood with a big bag of buds and a cool Ferrari. Along the way they meet everyone from Pee Wee Herman to really cool aliens....
Student Bodies(1981) - Less than two decades before Scary Movie spoofed horror, there was a little slasher movie satire called Student Bodies. It's a big day for the students and teachers of Lamab High School and everything is happening from the big parade to the big football game to the big dance. But the happy events...
This House Possessed(1981) - Sick pop singer Gary (Parker Stevenson) and his nurse/love-interest Sheila (Lisa Eilbacher) move into a remote mansion. The house comes alive and taunts the two and everyone who come into contact with them. Shattering mirrors, bloody showers, crushing gates and drownings await visitors to the mans...
PCU(1994) - Is it possible to be politically correct and unified? Find out in this satire set on a fictional eastern university. Port Chester University espouses pc thinking. From the Womynists to the Republicans, everyone there is involved in a cause; many of them are militant. So involved are they, that there...
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar(1995) - To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar is a 1995 American comedy film directed by Beeban Kidron and starring Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze, and John Leguizamo as three New York City drag queens who embark on a road trip. Its title refers to an iconic autographed photo of actress Julie Newm...
Critters 4(1991) - Sent directly to video, the fourth installment in the Critters series picks up the action with Charlie (Don Keith Opper) about to destroy the last of the critter eggs. A holographic apparition warns him, however, that every species must be preserved by galactic law; the eggs are transported into dee...
Here Comes Peter Cottontail(1971) - Peter Cottontail wants to become the new chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for evil Irontail. Peter must deliver more eggs than his archrival to earn the top spot...and save Easter for children everywhere. Hop along with Peter and his best friend Seymore S. Sassafrass...
Night of the Demons 2(1994) - Angela, the universe's most unpleasant party crasher, returns! Angela's sister, Mouse, is taken by her bullying Catholic school classmates to a party at Angela's favorite haunt, and before long, everybody's being turned into demons and only a butt-kickin' nun, who wields her ruler like a mighty swor...
Every Which Way But Loose(1978) - Philo Beddoe is an easy-going trucker and a great fist-fighter. With two friends - Orville, who promotes prize-fights for him, and Clyde, the orangutan he won on a bet - he roams the San Fernando Valley in search of cold beer, country music and the occasional punch-up. But he is floored himself by a...
Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation(1992) - In this third version of the Nerds theme, the next generation of Nerd boys have by now taken control of Adams College and one of the college trustees is sick of seeing the geeky nerds running everything so he schemes a plan devoted to the return of jock power.
Crooklyn(1994) - Find a seat on the stoop and make yourself at home with the carmichael family as they experience one very special summer in their crowded but cozy brooklyn neighborhood. it's a time and place so magical and crazy that they nickname their hometown, "crooklyn", scarcely noting that every passing day b...
The Andromeda Strain(1971) - A U.S. satellite has crash landed near the small town of Piedmont, New Mexico. Its only passenger is a deadly space microorganism, the "Andromeda Strain", that leaves everything dead in its wake. The only survivors of the first deadly encounter are a baby and a drunk. A group of top scientists ar...
Weekend at Bernie's II(1993) - When they discover that their deceased boss had stashed away two million illegally embezzled dollars in a Caribbean safe deposit box, two co-workers decide to claim the cash. To do so, however, they must convince everyone the boss is actually alive
Shakes the Clown(1992) - This black comedy chronicles the fall of one of the world's most unlovable clowns as he plies his trade and tries to survive in Palukaville a town where everyone is more or less a Bozo. Shakes loves women and more than that, he loves his booze. Like many of his painted peers, ol' Shakes likes to han...
Armed and Dangerous(1986) - Frank Dooley is an ex-cop, thrown out of the force after being framed by corrupt colleagues. Herman Kane is an out of work attorney who quit because he lost his nerve. Both men turn to a private security firm to find employment, but everything goes quickly wrong when the first warehouse they guard g...
Miracle Mile(1988) - Anthony Edwards stars in this movie about a man who answers a random phone call from a phone booth to learn that the world is going under nuclear attack and that his city will be hit in 70 minutes. He spends this time trying to inform everyone that the world is going to end, causing complete chaos...
Every Which Way But Loose(1978) - Philo Beddoe is a trucker,who also street fights for money.He falls in love with a woman(Lynn),who leaves unannounced.Philo,along with his friend(Orville)and pet orangutan(Clyde),go on a trip to find Lynn.Along the way they have encounters,with all sorts of strange individuals.Starring Clint Eastwoo...
Mosquito(1995) - Gunnar Hansen,Ron Asheton,and Rachel Loiselle star in this b horror movie.Set in rural Michigan,a group of people set out to stop mutated mosquitos killing everyone in their path.
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla(1974) - The King of the Monsters faces his greatest challange ever. A robot designed to be just like him in every way! Built by a race of alien gorilla people who want the Earth for themselves. Does Godzilla stand a chance? Even with the Azumi Royal Guardian King Ceasar at his side?
Annabelle's Wish(1997) - In this animated comedy/drama for the family, Annabelle (voice of Kath Soucie) is a calf who has a special wish for Christmas she'd like to be a reindeer and help Santa Claus drive his sleigh as he delivers his presents. Annabelle's friends tell her not to get her hopes up, but to everyone's surp...
Frankenstein(1931) - Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) is a scientist who has devoted his time to prevent death and create a new life through resurrecting dead tissue with the help of various electric machines and lighting. It has become his obsession and passion above everything else even his own bride to be Elizabe...
Private Resort(1985) - Jack (Depp) and his buddy ben (Morrow) check in at a posh Florida resort, planning to spend every hour in hot pursuit of gorgeous babes. But their plans hit a major detour when they try to bed the wife of a conniving jewel theif (Ector Elizondo). They'll have to outsmart him, a nasty security guard...
Frankenweenie(1984) - This short 30 minute movie was a Disney movie made in 1984 by Tim Burton. It is about young Victor Frankenstein and his dog Sparky. One day, Sparky is hit by a car and is killed. After learning about electricity at school, Victor digs up his dog and brings him back to life. Unfortunately, everyone e...
Surf Nazis Must Die(1987) - The coasts of California is destroyed and is overrun with gangs. One gang ,the Surf Nazi's, is led by Adolf who intends on destroying all rival gangs on the beaches and control everything. However they make one mistake on killing an Innocent civilian named Leroy who works as an oil worker on the bea...
The Brothers Rico(1957) - Eddie Rico has been the book-keeper of an important Mafia boss but now he is an honest merchant and lives with his family in Florida. Everything changes when the police starts to search for his brothers. Now Eddie sees himself forced to get in touch with the Mafia again.
Oscar(1991) - Angelo "Snaps" Provelone (Sylvester Stallone) is a profitable gangster during the Prohibition. He promises his dying father that he'll go straight, and the movie is set on the day he has a meeting with bankers to do just that. However, everything goes wrong -- he is woken up by his accountant who te...
The Tommyknockers(1993) - Adapted for TV, this is a Stephen King story in which an aspiring writer and an alcoholic poet (with a metal plate in his head, no less) literally stumble over a long-buried spaceship while walking in the woods. It starts glowing green when uncovered and soon everyone in town has green eyes, their t...
You Light Up My Life(1977) - Laurie has been in show business since she was a child. Her dream is to be a singer, songwriter and actress. Her father wants her to be a comedian like him and Laurie only tries because it pleases her father. But she is a lousy comedian. She auditions for everything and is engaged to Ken, but Ken do...
Nemesis 2: Nebula(1995) - In the future, cyborgs have taken over and they send Alex, a genetically superior child, back in time where she grows to womanhood in the African wilderness. A cyborg with the ability to cloak arrives at the same time and place to kill her. Director Albert Pyun takes from every classic in the genre,...
The Unborn 2(1994) - In this gory horror movie, a pregnant woman and her fiance travel to his ancestral home. There the hapless woman discovers that everyone in his family is a vampire, and that they feast on unborn babies.
Murder by Death(1976) - Neil Simon wrote this 1976 spoof in which virtually every famous fictional detective of the 1930s and 1940s congregate at the home of a mysterious fellow (Truman Capote) to try and solve the mystery of who's trying to kill them all. Simon's jokes are mostly obvious, and the film's real appeal is the...
Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target(1998) - The anti-terrorist Delta Force is called into action once again in this thriller, concerning a crazed genius who threatens to unleash a biological weapon with the power to kill everyone in New York City.
Leprechaun in the Hood(2000) - Everyone's favorite bloodthirsty Irish gnome invades the world of hip-hop in the fifth film in the Leprechaun series. Stray Bullet, Butch, and Postmaster P are three young rappers trying to raise money for their first record. They break into the studio of powerful producer Mack Daddy (Ice-T), hoping...
New Jack City(1991) - The gangster Nino has a gang who call themselves Cash Money Brothers. They get into the crack business and not before long they make a million every week. A cop, Scotty, is after them. He tries to get into the gang by letting an ex-drug addict infiltrate them, but the trial fails miserably. The only...
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy(1996) - The Canadian sketch-comedy masters hit the big screen with Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy, their send-up of psychopharmacology and its social ramifications. Each "kid" plays a plethora of roles; in fact, nearly every character in the film is played by one of the five "kids". When Roritor Pharmaceutic...
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes(1969) - Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately...
Tremors 2: Aftershocks(1996) - The "Graboids" have returned and now there's a lot more of them. Earl Bassett (Fred Ward) and his newfound assistant are hired to hunt them down, and everything goes along peachy until they mutate into smaller versions with legs! Fun sequel manages to pack enough laughs and surprises to keep it inte...
Nine Months(1995) - Everything is going great for Sam. He has a steady job, a girlfriend, and a great group of friends. That is, until he discovers his girlfriend is pregnant. A discovery that will prove how mature he really is.
Waiting For Guffman(1996) - Small town Blaine, Missouri puts on a pageant, despite a lack of theatrical ability obvious to everyone but themselves.
Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown(1977) - The Peanuts gang attend a summer camp named, Camp Remote. During their time Charlie Brown and crew are introduced in harshness of the camp and are soon picked on by three bullies. They have won a raft race every year at the camp (especially through cheating) and soon all the gang join the race being...
Christmas Every Day(1996) - Set in the fictional town of Greenwood Falls, Virginia (just outside of Washington, D.C.), the film stars Erik von Detten as Billy Jackson, a selfish teenager forced to relive the same Christmas every day. At night on Christmas Day, Billy's sister (Yvonne Zima) wishes that it was Christmas every day...
Wee Sing in Sillyville(1900) - Two kids named Scott and Laurie and there basset hound Barney get transformed in to a coloring book by a character named Sillwhim to help her and her friends in Sillyville become friends again and to get the colors back in to Sillywhims clothes which faded when everyone in Sillyville quit speeking t...
Brink!(1998) - Andy "Brink" Brinker is an inline-skater who hangs with a group of friends who go by the moniker of "Soul-Skaters". This group skates as a way to kick back, not to define who they are. Everything becomes even harder for Brink when he finds out that his parents are caught in some financial issues. So...
Babylon 5: Third Space(1998) - The crew of Babylon 5 discover a mysterious artifact of unknown origin. The artifact influences the minds of people aboard the station and endangers the lives of everyone aboard. Takes place during season 4 of the Babylon 5 TV series.
Thank God It's Friday(1978) - After a long week of work and school we all need a break and Friday night has finally arrived and everybody is headed to the big dance contest at the hottest disco in town: The Zoo. Among the contests, a pair of underage girls who need to find a way inside and a man in leather who can dance his way...
Dad (1989) - High-powered investment banker John Tremont is always "on-the-run" so much so that he hasn't seen his family over the years. And when his aging mother, Bette, suffers a heart attack, he drops everything and flies out to be by her bedside. While she recovers, John stays with his father, Jake and te...
Everybody's All-American(1988) -
Slums of Beverly Hills(1998) - Being young is tough on many levels, but for Vivian Abromowitz (Natasha Lyonne), things are especially strenuous. It's 1976 and she and her family have moved to Beverly Hills, but not the glamorous Beverly Hills that everyone is familiar with. The reason for the constant moving is because her parent...
Smile (1975) - From the moment they are born, every girl has the dream of being a beauty queen and The Young American Miss Pageant brings them to life. In the small town of Santa Rosa, California, all are excited from the teenage contestants to the organizers. It's also the biggest event of the year for head jud...
The Projectionist(1971) - A projectionist bored with his everyday life begins fantasizing about his being one of the superheroes he sees in the movies he shows. Clown Chuck McCann plays the title role..the film also features Rodney Dangerfield.
The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat(1974) - In this 1974 sequel to the X-rated hit "Fritz the Cat", We see Fritz married to a nagging wife, living on welfare, and he's out of work. And he's hating every minute of his new life. To escape his nagging reality, he smokes pot and has a psychadelic trip that takes him to his eight other lives. This...
The Simpsons Movie(2007) - Based on the long-running and iconic animated series. The EPA has launched a plot to put all of Springfield under a dome and isolate them from the rest of the world because the town has become the single most polluted place in the world. Not wanting their home and their city destroyed and everyone t...
Tucker: The Man And His Dream(1988) - Preston Tucker (Jeff Bridges) was just your everyday car enthusiast. When the government recruited him to create some vehicles for combat, he came up with designs so revolutionary that the auto industry is set on edge.
Mother's Day(1980) - Every son wants to make his mother proud...but these aren't just any ordinary sons and this woman hardly qualifies for the Mother of the Year award. Way out in the secluded wilderness of Deep Barons, brothers Ike and Addley are trained the art of violence, rape, and murder by their manic mama. Mea...
Laserblast(1978) - Billy Duncan is a angry and lonely kid in a small town dealing with bullies and the towns citizens everyday. He feels that they all mistreat him and he hates the town even more it. While relaxing in the desert an alien ship leaves behind a powerful laser weapon. Billy finds it and starts to use it a...
Clean and Sober(1988) - Daryl Pointer (Michael Keaton) is already dealing with alcohol and cocaine issues, but now he has a dead woman in his bed and an accusation of thievery from his employers. He decides to hide out at a rehab facility, but the process helps him change his life.
Funny About Love(1990) - Everybody has a biological clock ticking away and one man's is about to go off. Famed political cartoonist Duffy Bergman has just found the love of his life in gourmet chef, Meg Lloyd. After they marry, they find that love isn't enough and want to take things to a new level as the couple try to ha...
Everyone Says I Love You(1996) - Writer-director Woody Allen brings romance and comedy together in his first movie musical that celebrates love for one extended family with classic love songs and hilarious production number making perfect (and sometimes not so perfect) harmony. We see Joe, a writer living in Paris returning to New...
Of Unknown Origin(1983) - Businessman Bart Hughes stay home alone when his family goes on vacation to work on a big project that will get him a promotion at work. However one night he finds out he has a over-sized rat that has invaded his home. He becomes obsessive on killing the rodent studying everything there is to know a...
A Christmas Carol(1999) - Scrooge is a London business man who's miserly and greedy ways have almost ruined everyone's Christmas spirit. This changes when he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner Jacob Marley. He tells Scrooge that they will be visited by three ghosts: Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Fut...
Screwballs(1983) - Taft & Adams High School (or T&A High, for short) is your typical high school in the way that everybody is thinking about sex. The object of 5 young men's desires is named Purity Busch (Linda Speciale). Even though she got them in trouble, they lust after her anyway, and try to get her naked as payb...
Shall we dansu?(1997) - Japanese businessman, Shohei Sugiyama, has everything he could want in life. He has a well paid and successful job in Tokyo and also has a loving family with his devoted wife and daughter, However he has become depressed feeling lost and unfulfilled. One night while on the way home from Tokyo, he no...
Immediate Family(1989) - For Linda and Michael Spector, they seem to have the mature and perfect life: married for over ten years, successful in their careers, living in a beautiful home, and have everything that it takes to be parents...but are unable to have any children of their own. Desperate to start a family, the cou...
Cat People(1982) - Irena Gallier (Nastassja Kinski) is your everyday girl. She comes from Europe and lives in New Orelans with her brother Paul (Malcolm McDowell). She has a boyfriend named Oliver (John Heard) who works at the zoo. She lives a nice life, but she has sexual urges of a very strange manner, and when she...
Carbon Copy(1981) - Walter Whitney (George Segal) is an upscale executive with a good life on many fronts. Everything is thrown into disarray, though, when he meets the child he never knew he had, a young man named Roger Porter. That's already shocking, but even more shocking is that he's black (Porter is played by Den...
Invaders from Mars(1986) - Remake of the 1953 William Cameron Menzies film of the same name. A young boy watches in horror as an alien spaceship lands near his home late one evening. But everyone who goes out to investigate the UFO returns devoid of all emotion. As the other townspeople succumb one by one to alien control, th...
Bad Boys(1983) - Mick O'Brien (Sean Penn) is a 16-year-old Irish hood from Chicago. While most of Mick's crimes involve snatching purses, vandalism, and getting into brawls, he aspires to bigger and better things, which leads him to attempt ripping off a rival hood, Paco Moreno (Esai Morales). Everything goes wrong:...
Baby's Day Out(1994) - Baby Bink couldn't ask for more; he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, he lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents; especially the three enterprising kidnapers who...
Sophie's Choice(1982) - Everybody, at one point or another in their lives, is forced to make a decision that will put an emotional weight on them for the rest of their lives. Sophie Zawistowski (Meryl Streep), a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, was forced to make one of the most heart-rending and emotionally shatteri...
I Wanna Hold Your Hand(1978) - It's February, 1964 and America has come down with Beatlemania. Six friends from Maplewood, New Jersey make the wildest road trip to New York City in the hopes to catch The Fab Four's big debut on The Ed Sullivan Show and everyone has their own agenda...Grace wants to gets exclusive photos of The Be...
Altered States(1980) - Research scientist Eddie Jessup (William Hurt) believes other states of consciousness are as real as everyday reality. Using sensory deprivation, then adding powerful, hallucinogenic drugs, he explores these altered states...and endures experiences that make madness seem a blessing.
Cannonball Run II(1984) - Our racers are back for a second cannonball run - the illegal race that takes place all over the country... Almost every star of the first film is here, along with new ones. Will J.J. McClure (Burt Reynolds) finally be the winner this time?
Dear God(1996) - When letters written to God start getting results, and replies, people everywhere are amazed. The Post Office however is annoyed.
Wee Sing Train(1993) - All aboard for fun and adventure! Children everywhere will clap, hop, and sing along to the exhilarating song and dance numbers of the Wee Sing Train. Imagine playing with a toy train and suddenly becoming a passenger---this could only happen with a spark of Wee Sing magic! Casey and Carter have fin...
Wee Sing in the Marvelous Musical Mansion(1992) - A mysterious package from Timbuktu? A door knocker that rattles off riddles? Music boxes that come to life? Piccolo Pizza and Piano Pudding? Where will you find such magical, musical, mysterious things? At Uncle Rubatos Marvelous Musical Mansion! Dance and sing in every room with encha...
Horror High(1974) - Vernon Potts is the local high school nerd is picked on by everybody from students to the teachers. His only salvation is in his science experiments, his most recent one involving a new formula which transforms his pet guinea pig in a enraged monster. One night while staying late at the school on hi...
Marie(1985) - Based on a true story, Marie Ragghianti (Sissy Spacek) lives in Tennessee. Corruption abounds in that state, and so she decides to take on the government, even though it'll put everything in jeopardy for her.
Mr. Saturday Night(1992) - Buddy Young was the comic's comic, beloved by everyone. Now, playing to miniscule crowds in nursing homes, it seems like everybody but Buddy realizes that he should retire. As Buddy looks for work in show business, he realizes that the rest of the world has forgotten the golden days of Buddy Young,...
A Whale of a Tale (1976)(1976) - " A heartwarming adventure tale about a young boy who suprises everybody by secretly training a killer whale at Marineland
Revenge of the Teenage Vixens from Outer Space(1986) - The Vixens are coming! They've landed on earth to wreak havoc on the male student bodies of Mayfield High. You see, there are no men on their native planet, and every so often, they'll visit earth to fulfill their ravenous desires. Unfortunately, the adolecent boys are no match for these lustfull al...
Chasing Amy(1997) - Holden And Banky Are Comic Book Artists, Everything Is Going Good For Them Until They Meet Alyssa, Holden Falls In Love With Her But His Hopes Are Crushed When He Find's Out That She's A Lesbian.
Last resort(1986) - Comedy about family trip to the beach and everything goe
Bang The Drum Slowly(1973) - The story of a New York pro baseball team and two of its players. Henry Wiggen is the star pitcher and Bruce Pearson is the normal, everyday catcher who is far from the star player on the team and friend to all of his teammates. During the off-season, Bruce learns that he is terminally ill, and Henr...
Barton Fink(1991) - The title character, played by John Turturro, is a Broadway playwright, based on Clifford Odets, lured to Hollywood with the promise of untold riches by a boorish studio chieftain (played by Michael Lerner as a combination of Louis B. Mayer and Harry Cohn). Despising the film capital and everything...
It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown(1974) - While the Peanuts gang is getting ready for Easter time, Linus says it is all a waste of time. He claims that the Easter Beagle will take care of everything but nobody listens to him except for Sally, who is still skeptical after the Great Pumpkin situation the previous Halloween. Peppermint Patty a...
The Woman in Red(1984) - All that one businessman wanted to do was to live his life on the edge...not ending up on a ledge. It all started four weeks for Teddy Pierce who had everything he could possibly want in life: a loving wife, two beautiful daughters, and good friends. He should be happy, right? Wrong. He feels th...
Stop Making Sense(1984) - This movie depicts a series of concerts that was used to promote the Talking Heads album "Speaking In Tongues". The songs that the group sang were combined with odd dancing, cool sets and peculiar visual ideas inspired by everything from Fred Astaire movies to Kabuki. This movie has oft-times been p...
Any Which Way You Can(1980) - In this sequel to"Every Which Way But Loose",Philo Beddoe decides to retire from street fighting,and rekindles his romance with Lynn.Only problem,gangsters kidnap Lynn,and Philo is forced to fight Jack Wilson(a mixed martial artist)to save her.Starring Clint Eastwood,Sandra Locke,Geoffrey Lewis,and...
The Lady From Yesterday(1985) - Vietnam veteran Craig Weston (Wayne Rogers) and his wife Janet (Bonnie Bedelia) are living an everyday life when Craig is visited by a woman he had an affair with when in country. Her name is Lien (Tina Chen) and she wants Craig to take care of the child they had.
That Night(1992) - In 1961 Long Island, 10-year-old Alice Bloom is trying to understand just how love works only to be teased by her playmates. Along with that, she starts idolizing 17-year-old Sheryl O'Connor across the street by watching her from bedroom window and copying everything from her favorite record to the...
The Aurora Encounter(1986) - A tiny alien lands in the small town Aurora in Texas in the times of the Wild West. He flies around in his spaceship and checks out everything. While the kids are fascinated, their parents are rather sceptic and afraid. Ms. Peabels, teacher and new owner of the local paper, smells a good story and b...
Blondie and Dagwood: Second Wedding Workout(1989) - Blondie and Dagwood's 20th anniversary is coming up, and Dagwood has two conflicting projects: a renovation project on a building and his 20-year vow renewal. Everyone pitches in to work, but will everything turn out well in the end? The answer is revealed during their wedding!
New Jersey Drive(1995) - New Jersey Drive is a 1995 film about black youths in Newark, New Jersey, the unofficial "car theft capital of the world". Their favorite pastime is that of everybody in their neighborhood: stealing cars and joyriding. The trouble starts when they steal a police car and the cops launch a violent off...
Mikey(1992) - Although Mikey is just a little boy, he is capable of anything.... Every family Mikey lives with has a series of unexplained "accidents" and hence he's moved from home to home. After his original family die, accidently, Mikey is taken by authorities and placed into the care of adoptive parents. Of c...
Curse of the Queerwolf(1988) - A man(Michael Palazzolo) is bitten on his buttocks by a transvestite and as result transform into a transvestite every full moon.
Every Home Should Have One(1970) - An advertising man(Marty Feldman)tries to use sexy images to sell a type of frozen porridge.
Godzilla's Revenge(1969) - Ichiro, a young boy, is sick and tired of the horrors and stresses of everyday life so he dreams he goes to Monster Island and meets Minya, the son of Godzilla, to help him give courage and be strong to take on unwanted obstacles ranging from a pair of Abbot and Costello-like robbers to bullies. Wo...
The Curse(1987) - A meteorite lands on a farmer's property,contaminates the land,and soon everyone starts going insane.
On the Town(1949) - Fun-loving sailors Gabey (Gene Kelly), Chip (Frank Sinatra) and Ozzie (Jules Munshin) have 24 hours of shore leave in New York City, and they want to make every second count. While Chip hooks up with loudmouth cab driver Brunhilde (Betty Garrett) and Ozzie swoons for prim anthropologist Claire (Ann...
The Twilight Saga: New Moon(2009) - Bella Swan is still very much in love with vampire Edward Cullen. But when a dangerous incident occurs on her birthday, it prompts Edward and the rest of the Cullen clan to leave Forks. Feeling extremely heartbroken, Bella becomes withdrawn from everyone else around her and seeking comfort in reckle...
Black Snake Moan(2006) - A God-fearing bluesman takes to a wild young woman who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, looks everywhere for love, never quite finding it.
The Story of Santa Claus(1996) - This holiday TV special opens in "Europe, a long time ago". Nicholas Claus, nicknamed "Santa" by his wife Gretchen, is a toymaker who wishes he could give a toy to every child in the world. It's explained that Nicholas grew up in the Angel's Island Orphanage, where he taught himself to make toys for...
Eloise at the Plaza(2003) - Eloise is a fun-loving six-year-old girl with a knack for finding adventure every place she looks. While under the care of her "rawther" wonderful nanny (Julie Andrews), Eloise tries to play matchmaker to a lonely prince and wrangle an invitation to the society event of the season.
Watching the Detectives(2007) - A film freak has turned his life upside down when he starts dating a real-life femme fatale in this comedy. Neil is a dyed-in-the-wool movie fan who runs a video store, "Gumshoe Video", specializing in classic film noir and offbeat cult items. Neil spends nearly every evening on the couch, soaking u...
Crazy/Beautiful(2001) - The Romeo and Juliet story has been modernized to a high school setting previously, but this romance from director John Stockwell turns the tale inside out. Jay Hernandez stars as Carlos Nunez, a poor but athletically gifted Latino teenager who endures a two-hour bus ride every day from East L.A. to...
Real Life(1979) - A pushy, narcissistic filmmaker persuades a Phoenix family to let him and his crew film their everyday lives, in the manner of the ground-breaking PBS series "An American Family". However, instead of remaining unobtrusive and letting the family be themselves, he can't keep himself from trying to con...
Day Zero(2007) - The military draft is back, three best friends are drafted and given 30 days to report for duty. In that time, they're forced to confront everything they believe about courage, duty, love, friendship and honor.
Blue Valentine(2010) - Dean and Cindy live the quiet life in a modest neighbourhood. To the casual observer (and through flashbacks of their courtship several years earlier), everything seems normal, but upon closer examination, the couple is spiraling downward as their marriage slowly crumbles and neither husband nor wif...
Final Destination 2(2003) - One year after the explosion of Flight 180, Kimberly "Kim" Corman is on her way to Daytona Beach for spring break with her friends Shaina, Dano, and Frankie En route, Kimberly has a premonition of a massive car pile-up on Route 23, killing everyone involved. She stalls her SUV on the entrance ramp p...
The Wolfpack(2015) - Confined in an apartment from a New York housing project, the six Angulo brothers learned everything they know about the world through watching films and spend their time reenacting their favorite movies with intricate homemade costumes.
Joan Rivers And Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz(1985) - Fictional character Heidi Abromowitz is the butt of everyone's jokes.
Golgo 13: The Professional(1983) - After assassinating the son of business tycoon Leonard Dawson, Golgo 13 finds himself prey to the CIA and the U.S. Army, whom Dawson has personally hired to kill the assassin. As days pass by, Dawson slowly loses his sanity as he continues to plot every attempt to kill Golgo 13 even without caring a...
Appleseed (2004)(2004) - Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out t...
The Playboys(1992) - A young woman, Tara Maguire (Robin Wright) scandalizes her provincial Irish village in the 1950s by having a baby out of wedlock, and refusing to name the father. She has a rare beauty and every man in town desires her, especially Sergeant Hegarty (Albert Finney). The arrival of a dramatic troupe st...
They Were Eleven(1986) - The elite Cosmo Academy attracts applicants from every stellar nation in the galaxy. One young hopeful is Tadatos Lane, an orphan esper from Terra. The final stage of the academy's entrance exam is a perilous mission simulation aboard an actual derelict starship. The applicants depart for the ships...
I, The Jury(1982) - An old friend of a private detective is murdered. The detective, Mike Hammer, will make every effort to find out the killer. At each step he does, there is someone taking advantage of his progress.
Angie(1994) - Angie lives in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, N.Y. and dreams of a better life than everyone she knows. When she finds that she is pregnant by her boyfriend Vinnie, she decides that she will have the baby, but not Vinnie as a husband. This turns the entire neighborhood upside down and starts h...
The Funny Farm(1983) - Welcome to the comedy club where young comics make every night riot night. Now, they're taking their act to the streets.
Babes in Toyland (1997)(1997) - Everyone's favorite nursery rhyme characters come magically and musically to life in this animated adventure based on the classic holida
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I: The Egg of the King(2012) - In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger tha
The Polar Express(2004) - Based on the children's book of the same name. A young boy boy from Grand Rapids, Michigan in the 1950's is hoping for a true belief in the Christmas spirit, but it seems every encyclopedia and source of information denies the existence of Santa at the North Pole. On Christmas Eve night a large trai...
Shatter(1974) - Stuart Whitman is Shatter, an international hitman who is hiding out in Hong Kong after he has completed a contract out on an African leader. Shatter soon finds out that everyone wants him dead, including the crime syndicate, the cops and the brother of the African leader he killed. Shatter teams up...
Dr. Goldfoot And The Girl Bombs(1966) - The foppish mad scientist Dr. Goldfoot plots another mad scheme to take over the world by killing off the major military leaders of every country; to that end, he creates in his secret lab a bevy of bodacious girl bombs; full-length, life-size robots that explode when embraced.
The American Success Company(1980) - Also known as "Success", Jeff Bridges plays a man thought lowly of by everyone in his life who changes his image.
Stay Hungry(1976) - A syndicate wants to buy a whole district to rebuild it. They've bought every house except the small gym "Olympic", where Mr. Austria Joe Santo prepares for the Mr. Universum championships a month ahead. The rich sunny-boy Craig Blake is brought in by the syndicate as a dummy to buy the gym. But the...
Rudolph's Shiny New Year(1976) - The animated sequel to the classic 1964 holiday special. Rudolph has just gotten back from helping Santa deliver presents when he gets an alarming message from Father Time, Happy the Baby New Year has run away after everyone made fun of his large ears, even though not serious. If he is not returned...
The Tigger Movie(2000) - It is nearing wintertime in the Hundred Acre Wood and in the middle of everyone's preparations, Tigger continues wanting to play! After causing a mess for his friends, Tigger decides to go out and see if there are any other tiggers out there. His friends all decide to come together and pose as his f...
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street(1978) - It's Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and everyone, especially Big Bird is excited for Santa Claus. That is until Oscar the Grouch raises doubts as to how Santa Claus can deliver presents if he can't fit through narrow chimneys. This leaves Big Bird greatly concerned, so after he and his friends Patty...
Gas Pump Girls(1979) - June and her friends take over a service station formerly run by her uncle. They perform every trick in the book to attract the customers.
The War Of The Roses(1989) - A married couple try everything to get each other to leave the house in a vicious divorce battle.
Storm Of The Century(1999) - A small village off the mainland is about to receive a huge winter storm. It won't be just another storm for them. A strange visitor named Andre Linoge comes to the small village and gives the residents havoc. He knows everything about them, and when he tells the truth about one of them, that person...
The Princess Diaries(2001) - Mia Thermopolis Has A Few Weeks To Become A Princess And Change Her Look's, Behavior And Every Aspect Of Her Life To Be A Princess Before She Takes The Throne.
Flesh Gordon(1974) - Emperor Wang (the Perverted) is leader of the planet Porno and sends his mighty "Sex Ray" towards Earth, turning everyone into sex-mad fiends. Only one man can save the Earth, football player Flesh Gordon. Along with his girlfriend Dale Ardent and Professor Flexi-Jerkoff, they set off towards the so...
Recess: School's Out(2001) - It is the end of the school year at Third Street School, and T.J. is excited to be out of school and spend the whole summer with his friends. Unfortunately everybody else is going to various camps for the summer to look ahead at the future. Soon afterward, T.J. notices strange people hanging out ins...
Terminal Island(1973) - It's every man and woman for himself on an island where convicted murderers are dumped, rather than kept in prison.
American Dreamer(1984) - A housewife named Cathy Palmer (JoBeth Williams) escapes the drudgery of her everyday life by reading books about an adventurer named Rebecca Ryan. Palmer enters a Rebecca Ryan story-writing contest, and when she wins, she's off to Paris to accept her honor. One accident later, Palmer thinks she's R...
Star Trek: The Motion Picture(1979) - An alien phenomenon of unprecedented size and power is approaching Earth, destroying everything in its path. The only starship in range is the U.S.S. Enterprise--still in drydock after a major overhaul. As Captain Decker readies his ship and his crew to face this menace, the legendary Admiral James...
National Lampoon Goes to the Movies(1982) - National Lampoon Goes to the Movies is a 1982 National Lampoon anthology of three shorts spoofing everything from personal growth films, glossy soap operas, and police stories. In the first story "Growing Yourself", stars Peter Riegert as a confused family man who throws his wife out of the house in...
Shopping(1994) - Billy and Jo get their kicks from a special type of window-shopping (driving a car through the window and stealing everything inside.) These professional criminals are not in it for the money, but for the fun of it. When Billy gets released from prison, his rival Tommy has taken over the street. A f...
The Last Days Of Frank And Jesse James(1986) - This movie looks at the last years (not days, as implied in the title) of famous outlaws, Frank and Jesse James. The film opens in 1877 with the brothers trying to settle down after 15 years of thievery. Frank is shown to be a book-loving and family-oriented man, while brother Jesse is a money-hungr...
The Lonely Guy(1984) - This film is for lonely guys everywhere. From the dawn of time to a thousand years into the future; from Asia to Africa, there will always be one, but this is the story of New Yorker Larry Hubbard who finds himself single after being dumped by his girlfriend. With the help of the equally lonely Warr...
Wet Hot American Summer(2001) - August 18th, 1981. It's the last day for everyone at Camp Firewood and there is still a lot of unfinished business to do for everybody. But there is still time for arts & crafts, a little romance, and an assortment of activities. At the center of it all, camp director Beth tries to keep things toget...
Panic in Year Zero!(1962) - Harry Baldwin and his family leave the home to go on a camping trip, when they are on the road they notice an awkward flash of light. The hear various loose reports on the radio until the see a mushroom cloud hovering over what was once Los Angeles. With this Harry does everything he can to help his...
The Trouble With Harry(1955) - The trouble with Harry is that he's dead, and everyone seems to have a different idea of what needs to be done with his body...
Horror House(1969) - Teenagers gathered in an old mansion are being murdered one by one. The survivors must discover who among them is the killer before he finishes off everybody.
Whisper To The Wind(1966) - Siblings discover that their father has their vampire mother chained up in the cellar. The mother bites her son and soon everyone in the community is either dead or a vampire.
No Time For Sergeants(1958) - Will Stockdale is a country bumpkin drafted into the Air Force and too dumb to realize he's driving everyone around him crazy, no one more than Sgt. King.
The Incredible Shrinking Man(1957) - Businessman Scott Carey and his wife are on vacation, off the California coast, when their boat runs into radioactive cloud. Scott is exposed to the cloud while is wife is inside the boat. At first everything appears to be okay but Scott starts various things: clothes nothing fitting, his wedding ri...
Bee Movie(2007) - Barry Benson B. has just graduated from college and is about to begin the same job as every bee, working at Honex Industries to ship honey out to the various bees of the world. Wanting to be a different kind of bee than everyone else, Barry decides to leave his hive, located in New York City's Centr...
Friendly Persuasion(1956) - The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religous sect is strongly opposed to violence and war. It's not easy for them to meet the rules of their religion in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful att...
The Bad Seed(1956) - A mother named Christine Penmark lives with her husband (currently away on military duty) and their daughter, Rhoda. Rhoda is a well, proper and sweetheart, Later it turns out a young boy has drowned at Rhona's school, Christine start to unravel that Rhoda may not be the good girl everyone think she...
The Mysterians(1957) - Aliens arrive on Earth and ask permission to be given a certain tract of land for their people to live on. But when they are discovered to be invaders, responsible for the giant robot that is destroying cities, the armed forces attempt to stop them with every weapon available.
Shadows In An Empty Room(1976) - An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought it was.
Daybreakers(2009) - In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind.
Capitalism: A Love Story(2009) - Capitalism: A Love Story examines the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world). The film moves from Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan. With both humor and outrage, the fi...
One Night At McCool's(2001) - Every man has a different recollection of the beautiful young woman who wreaked havoc on their lives during one heated night.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown(1985) - Based on the 1967 play of the same name. Everybody says Charlie Brown is a "good man" but he cannot seem to bring himself to believe it. He may need the help of his friends to do so.
You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown(1979) - Charlie Brown decides to enter the Junior Olympics at his school after it is revealed he is not going on vacation like he thought he would. The decathlon is the only thing left open, and Charlie Brown accepts the challenge (of course after everyone else there refused to take on such a tough event be...
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown(1969) - School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, playing baseball, and playing classical music. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate...
The Grey(2011) - After their plane crashes in Alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step.
A Thousand Words(2012) - After stretching the truth on a deal with a spiritual guru, literary agent Jack McCall finds a Bodhi tree on his property. Its appearance holds a valuable lesson on the consequences of every word we speak.
Somewhere, Tomorrow(1983) - Young Lori Anderson lost her father in a plane crash. While her mother appears to be picking up the pieces of her life, Lori isn't. She is resentful of every decision that her mother makes from selling the family horse farm to a relationship with the local sherrif. Lori doesn't know what to do and t...
Bad Santa(2003) - Willie T. Stokes and Marcus are professional heistmen, that take on the Santa Claus routine for the children at a different shopping mall every year as a front for the opportunity to disable the mall security system, clean out the safe, and then flee on Christmas Eve. Willie is an alcoholic, a sex a...
Something For Everyone(1970) - Konrad, a handsome country boy in post-war Austria, charms his way into a butler position at the castle of a widowed countess that lost her fortune. Before long the opportunistic boy is running the entire household. As he starts affairs with both the countess's son and the daughter of a whealthy bus...
Silver Linings Playbook(2012) - Life doesn't always go according to plan. Pat Solatano has lost everything - his house, his job, and his wife. He now finds himself living back with his parents after spending eight months in a state institution on a plea bargain. Pat is determined to rebuild his life, remain positive and reunite wi...
Defendor(2009) - A comedy centered around three characters: an everyday guy who comes to believe he's a superhero, his psychiatrist, and the teenager he befriends.
The Last Day of Summer(2007) - When Luke Mallow wishes every day could be the last day of summer vacation he gets hit in the head and the same day winds up recurring repeatedly. The only way to stop the cycle and enter tomorrow is to dodge and overcome every obstacle in his way.
The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure(2012) - On Schluufy's birthday, the Oogieloves, Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie, and their friends J. Edgar, Windy Window, and Ruffy, work on organizing a party. Everything is going as planned until J. Edgar trips and loses the last five magical balloons in all of Lovelyloveville, prompting The Oogieloves to set...
Pokmon: Jirachi Wish Maker(2003) - Every one thousand years a comet called the Millennium Comet lights up the sky for seven nights. When the comet appears, the legendary Pokemon Jirachi awakens from its thousand year slumber for those seven nights to grants wishes using the comet's energy and channel it back into the Earth. Ash and i...
Good Advice(2001) - An investment banker loses everything and must discover what's important in life.
The Last Man(2000) - Apocalyptic comedy finds a socially-challenged grad school student as one of the last two men on Earth with a beautiful woman. However, the other remaining man is his superior in every sense.
The Dark Knight(2008) - It Begins With The Joker Robbing A Bank, Batman And Lt. James Gordon Decide To Include Gotham City's Newly Elected District Attorney Harvey Dent In Their Plan To Eradicate The Joker And His Mob, The Joker Soon Reveals That He Will Kill One Person Every Day Until Batman Reveals His True Identity And...
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer(2007) - When a strange silver object enters the Earth and causes strange phenomena to occur Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four must come back together to see what is going on. They soon see this is the work of the Silver Surfer, an alien who has destroyed every planet he has visited. They must now work to...
X2(2003) - The X-Men Are Against The Genocidal William Stryker Who Leads An Assault On Professor Xavier's School Of Mutants To Build His Own Version Of Professor Xavier's Mutant Tracking Computer Cerebro In Order To Destroy Every Mutant On Earth.
Just My Luck(2006) - Ashley Albright is the most popular and luck girl in high school. It seems everywhere she goes she has the greatest strokes of luck and everything goes her way. This is in contrast to her boyfriend Jake Hardin who seems eternally plagued by bad luck and misfortune. During a masquerade party, Ashley...
Everyone's Hero(2006) - Young baseball fan Yankee Irving, whose father Stanley works as a janitor for New York City's Yankee Stadium, dreams of playing for the Yankees but can't even play sandlot baseball well enough to avoid being picked last. One day beside the sandlot, he finds a talking baseball he name
Beethoven's 5th(2003) - When Sara takes Beethoven to spend summer vacation with wacky Uncle Freddie in an old mining town, the mischievous canine "digs up" the missing clue to a legendary hidden fortune of Rita and Moe Selig. Now everybody wants to be the dog's best friend as his discovery unleashes a frenzy of treasure hu...
Silent Rage(1982) - In the hospital of a small town, three doctors experiment on a man called John Kirby. As a result, John becomes a mute maniacal murderer with the ability to heal automatically every time he gets injured, no matter how bad it is. When he starts killing everyone he crosses, the town's sheriff goes aft...
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit(2005) - Tottington Hall's annual Giant Vegetable Competition is approaching. The winner of the competition will win the coveted Golden Carrot Award. All are eager to protect their vegetables from damage and thievery by rabbits until the contest, and Wallace and Gromit are cashing in by running a vegetable s...
Teen Lust(1979) - Two sexy young women move into a sleepy suburb and before long, every man in the vicinity falls for their charms.
Hoodwinked!(2005) - Red Riding Hood is on her way to her granny's house when she comes across the Big Bad Wolf who has disguised himself as her grandmother. After the woodsman bursts in startling everyone, the police arrive to question Red Riding Hood, Granny, and the Wolf about what happened, leading to several differ...
Dance With Me(1998) - Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Ra...
Happy Feet(2006) - Every Emperor Penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the male penguin's heartsong matches the female's song, the two penguins mate. Norma Jean, a female penguin, falls for Memphis, a male penguin and they become mates. They lay an egg, which is left in Memphis' care,...
Wild Hogs(2007) - Four middle-aged Suburban Cincinnati men find themselves tired of everyday life and decide to take a motorcycle trip across the country to California calling themselves the "Wild Hogs".
Bratz: The Movie(2007) - Based on the series of dolls of the same name. The four friends: Cloe, Yasmin, Sasha, and Jade, are about to start high school. Head girl Meredith Baxter Dimly (Chelsea Kane) wants everyone to belong to a clique, and goes about organizing people. She does not like the independent spirit of the four...
Troy(2004) - Prince Hector and his young brother Paris negotiate peace between Troy and Sparta. Paris has fallen in love with Helen, the wife of king Menelaus, and smuggles her to Troy. Infuriated, Menelaus vows revenge approaching his brother Agamemnon, king of Mycenae who has conquered and now commands every a...
Ninotchka(1939) - A stern Russian woman sent to Paris on official business finds herself attracted to a man who represents everything she is supposed to detest.
The Hebrew Hammer(2003) - A Jewish blaxploitation crime fighter known as the Hebrew Hammer must save Hanukkah from the evil son of Santa Claus, who wants to destroy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and make everyone celebrate Christmas.
The Razor's Edge(1984) - He had everything and wanted nothing. He learned that he had nothing and wanted everything. He saved the world and then it shattered. The path to enlightenment is as sharp and narrow as a razor's edge.
Thumb Tripping(1972) - An adventurous couple of hitchhikers decides to accept every ride that is offered to them. no matter how odd the driver might be. They'll get more than they bargained for.
Laurel Canyon(2002) - When an uptight young man and his fiancee move into his libertine mother's house, the resulting clash of life attitudes shakes everyone up.
Every Little Step(2008) - Follows the plight of real-life dancers as they struggle through auditions for the Broadway revival of "A Chorus Line". Also investigates the history of the show and the creative minds behind the original and current incarnations.
Mr. Love(1985) - An elderly mild-mannered gardener becomes a lovable legend in his town for his talent to romantically please every woman that fancies him.
With Six You Get Eggroll(1968) - Doris Day in her final film appearance plays a widowed mother with three sons who falls in love with her old flame a single dad (Brian Keith) with one daughter. After being married, they try everything to be one happy family.
The Bad Seed(1985) - Christine Penmark is a single mother raising her daughter Rachel Penmark. Everybody loves and adores Rachel however everything may not be as it seems. A series of deaths start centering around Rachel and Christine begins to question Rachel's childhoo
Final Mission(1984) - Vince Deacon, a higly decorated Vietnam War veteran, serves as a SWAT team captain for LAPD. When his family gets attacked by thugs and he kills one of them in self defense he's being suspended by his boss. Deacon and his family decide to spend the weekend camping at a lake to forget about everythin...
The Girl in Black Stockings(1957) - Los Angeles lawyer David Hewson goes on a peaceful vacation to a lodge in Utah. His vacation is ruined when the murder of playgirl Marsha Morgan everyone becomes a suspect in the once quie
Thunder Alley (1967)(1967) - Stock car racer Tommy Callahan is forced to join Pete Madsen's thrill circus after his blackouts cause a fatal accident that gets him thrown off the circuit. He shows Pete's daughter Francie and her boyfriend Eddie Sands everything he knows about driving. Eddie takes up with Tommy's girl Annie Blain...
The Lion King (2019)(2019) - Simba idolizes his father, King Mufasa, and takes to heart his own royal destiny on the plains of Africa. But not everyone in the kingdom celebrates the new cub's arrival. Scar, Mufasa's brother -- and former heir to the throne -- has plans of his own. The battle for Pride Rock is soon ravaged with...
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls(2013) - Twilight Sparkle's crown the Element of Magic gets stolen by Princess Celestria's former student Sunset Shimmer. Twilight (with Spike in tow) enters through a mirror portal to another dimension where everypony she knows including her friends are humans and becomes one herself. Twilight has little ti...
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks(2014) - As a now reform Sunset Shimmer struggles to make friends with the other students of Canterlot High, a trio of new villains called The Sirens (Adagio, Sonata, and Aria) come and use their magic of music to take control of everyone to make a Battle of the Bands. With help of Twilight Sparkle, the Stud...
The Looney Tunes Hall of Fame(1991) - The Looney Tunes Hall of Fame is a 1991 feature film compilation of 15 classic animated short subjects from the Warner Bros. studio. This compilation gave a new audience the chance to see every classic short in 35mm theatrical presentation for the first time.
Frog and Toad Together(1987) - Frog and Toad are best friendsthey do everything together. When Toad admires the flowers in Frog's garden, Frog gives him seeds to grow a garden of his own. When Toad bakes cookies, Frog helps him eat them. And when both Frog and Toad are scared, they are brave together. The School and Library Jour...
Framed(1975) - A gambler kills a sheriff in self defense. But as everyone in conspiring against him, he is condemned to a long sentence in prison.
Shaun the Sheep(2015) - When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it's up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home. Based on the...
Happy Feet Two(2011) - Mumble's son, Erik, is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their home -- one that will take everyone working together to save them.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2(2016) - 15 years later, Toula's married life is in shambles as the family has lost every business except the restaurant. Their daughter Paris wants to leave for college but feel smothered by her family. meanwhile Gus wants to prove himself as a descendent of Alexander the Great but the ancestry website show...
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman(2005) - Frosty the Snowman befriends a young boy named Tommy Tinkerton in the town of Evergreen, an upbeat but decrepit town where every kid has to follow harsh rules and having fun is discouraged. When word gets out that Tommy has befriended a fun-loving snowman he becomes an outcast in the town. Meanwhile...
Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas(2014) - In a half-hour special based on the hit film and also on the musical, Santa narrates the story of Buddy, an Elf who comes to New York City to meet his father and transforms the lives of everyone he meets thanks to his holiday cheer. This special is animated in stop-motion versus being made with CGI.
Evil Under The Sun(1982) - Trying to find how a millionaire wound up with a phony diamond brings Hercule Poirot to an exclusive island resort frequented by the rich and famous. When a murder is committed, everyone has an alibi.
Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas(2014) - In a prime example of how to do everything wrong in a documentary film, Kirk Cameron stars as a fictionalized version of himself. In Saving Christmas, Cameron, after explaining his views on Christmas directly to the audience, tries to convince his fictional brother-in-law, played by the film's direc...
Almost Christmas(2016) - Walter Meyers is a retired automotive engineer who lost his wife Grace 10 months earlier. Now that the holiday season is here, he invites his four grown children and the rest of the family to his house for a traditional celebration. The family soon learns that they may not have everything in common...
Illegal Aliens(2007) - "Charlie's Angels" goes sci-fi, with a touch of "Men In Black" thrown in for good measure, when three aliens morph into super-hot babes and arrive to protect Earth from the intergalactic forces of evil. Guided by Syntax, their holographic mentor, these illegal aliens are willing to use every trick i...
Weekend Pass(1984) - Three rookie sailors who have just completed basic training are out on their first weekend pass. As they hit one bar after another, they soon forget everything the Navy ever taught them.
The Ambassador(1984) - An American ambassador to Israel tries to bring peace to the Middle East conflict through unconventional methods, but his efforts are hampered at every turn and his personal life threatened.
Ava's Magical Adventure(1994) - Ava is a 10-year-old girl who runs away from home with her best friend, Nellie, a 2-ton circus elephant. They are pursued by everyone from the police to the circus' owner.
Love Circles(1985) - This film traces the chance meetings that happen everywhere, every day, from the view of a pack of cigarettes handed from person to person. As it is passed between partners in a string of chance sexual encounters, the pack is carried around the globe.
Vampires Suck(2010) - A spoof of vampire-themed movies. Teenager, Becca finds herself torn between 2 boys. As she and her friends wrestle with a number of different dramas, everything comes to a head at their prom.
The Hunger Games(2012) - Every year, in the ruins of what was once North America, the Capitol of the nation of Panem forces each of the 12 districts to send a boy and girl tribute between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete in the Hunger Games: a nationally televised event in which the 'tributes' fight each other to the death...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules(2011) - As Greg Heffley braves his first days of seventh grade, his parents make a noble yet ill-advised attempt to help him forge a stronger bond with his mischievous older brother Rodrick, who takes twisted delight in tormenting his unsuspecting younger sibling at every opportunity.
42(2013) - A deep look into the life of Jackie Robinson, the first African American player to play in Major League Baseball. Signing in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers, a young Robinson is just pushing to be seen as equal as every other player in the league during a time when American society feverishly argued...
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos(2008) - The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos is a 2008 British-American nature documentary that explores the great gathering of lesser flamingos which occurs every year at Lake Natron in Tanzania and along the salt lakes of the African Rift Valley. It was the first movie released under the then-new Di...
Unplanned(2019) - All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a woman's right to choose. Until the day she saw something that changed everything. -- Slice of Life, Psychological, Romance
12:01 (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Movie 5 July 1993 -- A man likes a woman at work. He sees her get murdered. He gets drunk and zapped at 12:01AM. Next morning she's back and everything is exactly like the day before. The time loops gives him chances to save her. Director: Jack Sholder Writers:
28 Weeks Later (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 11 May 2007 (USA) -- Six months after the rage virus was inflicted on the population of Great Britain, the US Army helps to secure a small area of London for the survivors to repopulate and start again. But not everything goes according to plan. Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Writers:
8 Mile (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Music | 8 November 2002 (USA) -- A young rapper, struggling with every aspect of his life, wants to make it big but his friends and foes make this odyssey of rap harder than it may seem. Director: Curtis Hanson Writer:
Abstract: The Art of Design ::: TV-14 | 45min | Documentary | TV Series (2017 ) -- A look beyond blueprints and computers into the art and science of design, showcasing great designers from every discipline whose work shapes our world. Stars:
Accepted (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy | 18 August 2006 (USA) -- A high school slacker who's rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, the South Harmon Institute of Technology, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown. Director: Steve Pink Writers:
According to Jim ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (20012009) -- A television show centered around a macho everyman, his loving wife, and their three precocious children. Creators: Tracy Newman, Jonathan Stark
Adam Ruins Everything ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Comedy, History | TV Series (2015 ) -- Iconoclastic Adam Conover from CollegeHumor turns life as we know it on its ear by showing us how unnecessary, and sometimes horrible, things we think we know to be real and true really are. Stars:
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace ::: 1h | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (2011) Episode Guide 3 episodes All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Poster A series of films about how humans have been colonized by the machines we have built. Although we don't realize it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers. Stars: Adam Curtis, Stewart Brand, Peder Anker
Always Be My Maybe (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Romance | 31 May 2019 (USA) -- Everyone assumed Sasha and Marcus would wind up together except for Sasha and Marcus. Reconnecting after 15 years, the two start to wonder - maybe? Director: Nahnatchka Khan Writers:
American Splendor (2003) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 12 September 2003 (USA) -- An original mix of fiction and reality illuminates the life of comic book hero everyman Harvey Pekar. Directors: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini Writers: Harvey Pekar (comic book series American Splendor), Joyce Brabner
Animation, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2021- ) ::: Connections -- 4 episodes -- S A town of people slowly go insane over increasing obsessions with spiral shapes: patterns in the clouds, everyday objects, hair, insects, skin. Stars: Uki Satake, Shin'ichir Miki [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png]
Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun ::: TV-MA | 20min | Comedy | TV Series (2020 ) -- In their new sketch series, Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun take viewers along for an absurdist adventure through their everyday lives. Creator: Aunty Donna
Avenue 5 ::: TV-MA | Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- The troubled crew of Avenue 5, a space cruise ship filled with spoiled, rich, snotty space tourists, must try and keep everyone calm after their ship gets thrown off course into space and ends up needing three years to return to Earth. Creator:
Battle for Terra (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- Terra (original title) -- Battle for Terra Poster -- A peaceful alien planet faces annihilation, as the homeless remainder of the human race sets its eyes on Terra. Mala, a rebellious Terrian teenager, will do everything she can to stop it. Director: Aristomenis Tsirbas Writers:
Beats (2019) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 26 June 2020 (USA) -- Two teenage boys in Scotland in 1994, best friends with no control over their lives, risk everything to attend an illegal rave, hoping for the best night of their boring lives. Director: Brian Welsh Writers:
Beavis and Butt-Head ::: TV-14 | 15min | Animation, Comedy, Music | TV Series (19932011) -- Animated MTV series about two teenage heavy-metal music fans who occasionally do idiotic things because they're bored. For them, everything is "cool" or "sucks." Creator:
Becker ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19982004) -- Dr. John Becker goes through his daily routine of being a doctor, stopping at his favorite diner, and other various situations, all the while hating life and everything around him. Creator:
Before I Fall (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over and over, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing. Director: Ry Russo-Young Writers:
Before I Go to Sleep (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 31 October 2014 (USA) -- A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her. Director: Rowan Joffe Writers:
Be Kind Rewind (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Comedy | 22 February 2008 (USA) -- Two bumbling store clerks inadvertently erase the footage from all of the tapes in their video rental store. In order to keep the business running, they re-shoot every film in the store with their own camera, with a budget of zero dollars. Director: Michel Gondry Writer:
Big Daddy (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 25 June 1999 (USA) -- A lazy law school grad adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend, but everything doesn't go as planned and he becomes the unlikely foster father. Director: Dennis Dugan Writers:
Black Snake Moan (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Music | 2 March 2007 (USA) -- A God-fearing bluesman takes to a wild young woman who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, looks everywhere for love, never quite finding it. Director: Craig Brewer Writer:
BoJack Horseman ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20142020) -- BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit television show "Horsin' Around" in the '80s and '90s, now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters. Creator:
BoJack Horseman ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2014-2020) Episode Guide 77 episodes BoJack Horseman Poster -- BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit television show "Horsin' Around" in the '80s and '90s, now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters. Creator:
Boyka: Undisputed (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- Boyka: Undisputed IV (original title) -- Boyka: Undisputed Poster -- In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. Director: Todor Chapkanov Writers:
Car Share ::: 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20152020) Assistant manager John Redmond and promotions rep Kayleigh Kitson are forced to commute together every day. But will they get along? Stars: Peter Kay, Sian Gibson, Danny Swarsbrick  
Cast a Deadly Spell (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | TV Movie 7 September 1991 -- In a fantastical 40's where magic is used by everyone, a hard-boiled detective investigates the theft of a mystical tome. Director: Martin Campbell Writer: Joseph Dougherty
Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious ::: Shinch ysha ~ kono ysha ga ore TUEEE kuse ni shinch sugiru ~ (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Poster The goddess Rista summons a hero to help her hard mode video game-like world. The hero, Seiya, is exceptional in every way, but he is incredibly cautious. He does things like buy three sets... S Stars:
Chasing Amy (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 April 1997 (USA) -- Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything's going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Cheers ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (19821993) -- The regulars of the Boston bar "Cheers" share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar where everybody knows your name. Creators:
Chivalry of a Failed Knight ::: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Chivalry of a Failed Knight Poster -- Follow Ikki Kurogane as he defies the odds that everyone thinks he can't do. Ikki is the lowest of the low at his acdemy. While others have magical power and are high ranking. He is the ... S
Class ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016) -- The sixth formers of Coal Hill Academy all have their own secrets and desires. They have to deal with the stresses of everyday life including friends, parents, school work, sex, and sorrow, but also the horrors that come from time travel. Stars:
Cloak & Dagger ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (20182019) -- Two teenagers from very different backgrounds find themselves burdened and awakened to newly acquired superpowers while growing closer together every day. Creator:
Closer to the Moon (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 17 April 2015 (USA) -- A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of old friends from the World War II Jewish Resistance to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they are only filming a movie. Director: Nae Caranfil Writer:
Codename: Kids Next Door ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20022008) The adventures of a group of ten-year-old friends who fight for the right to do everything that adults restrict from them. Creator: Tom Warburton Stars:
Condor ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2018 ) -- A brilliant, young, idealistic CIA analyst finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy that kills everyone else at his office. Can he, with no field experience, stay alive long enough to get to the bottom of it? Creators:
Contagion (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Thriller | 9 September 2011 (USA) -- Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer: Scott Z. Burns
Coup de Torchon (1981) ::: 7.5/10 -- Coup de torchon (original title) -- Coup de Torchon Poster -- A pathetic police chief, humiliated by everyone around him, suddenly wants a clean slate in life - and resorts to drastic means to do so. Director: Bertrand Tavernier Writers:
Crime Scene Cleaner ::: Der Tatortreiniger (original title) 26min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20112018) The bizarre everyday adventures of Heiko "Schotty" Schotte, whose profession is to clean up crime scenes. Stars: Bjarne Mdel, Peer Martiny, Jrg Pose
Cuckoo ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2012 ) -- Cuckoo is every parent's worst nightmare - a slacker full of outlandish, New Age ideas. Creators: Robin French, Kieron Quirke
Dark Water (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- Honogurai mizu no soko kara (original title) -- Dark Water Poster A mother and her 6 year old daughter move into a creepy apartment whose every surface is permeated by water. Director: Hideo Nakata Writers: Kji Suzuki (novel), Ken'ichi Suzuki (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Daybreakers (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind. Directors: Michael Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers), Peter Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers)
Dead End ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 10 episodes Dead End Poster In a post-nuclear-war Jerusalem, two teenage siblings search for their little brother whom they lost in the aftermath of the bombing. They find that despite everything literally going up in smoke, nothing had really changed. Stars: Gaya Beer Gurevich, Ofir Sasson, Guy Shahaf
Designated Survivor ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162019) -- A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession. Creator:
Detroit 1-8-7 ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102011) -- The everyday trials and tribulations of Detroit's homicide unit. Creator: Jason Richman
Dispatches from Elsewhere ::: TV-14 | Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2020 ) -- Feeling as though there's something missing in their lives, four ordinary people stumble across a puzzle hiding just beyond the veil of everyday life, and their eyes are opened to a world of possibility and magic. Creator:
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 1975 (USA) -- Three amateur bank robbers plan to hold up a bank. A nice simple robbery: Walk in, take the money, and run. Unfortunately, the supposedly uncomplicated heist suddenly becomes a bizarre nightmare as everything that could go wrong does. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers:
Don't Think Twice (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 22 July 2016 (USA) -- When a member of a popular New York City improv troupe gets a huge break, the rest of the group - all best friends - start to realize that not everyone is going to make it after all. Director: Mike Birbiglia Writer:
Do the Right Thing (1989) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Drama | 21 July 1989 (USA) -- On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence. Director: Spike Lee Writer:
Eagle Eye (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 26 September 2008 (USA) -- Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. Director: D.J. Caruso
Easy Living (1937) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 28min | Comedy, Romance | 16 July 1937 (USA) -- A wealthy banker throws his wife's expensive fur coat off the roof of a building; it lands on the head of a stenographer, leading to everyone assuming she is his mistress and has access to his millions. Director: Mitchell Leisen Writers: Preston Sturges (screenplay), Vera Caspary (based on a story by) Stars:
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 June 2014 (USA) -- A soldier fighting aliens gets to relive the same day over and over again, the day restarting every time he dies. Director: Doug Liman Writers: Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay by), Jez Butterworth (screenplay by)
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1977) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 48min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 4 December 1977 -- A poor otter family risks everything for the chance to win the cash prize of a talent contest for Christmas. Director: Jim Henson Writers: Lillian Hoban (book), Russell Hoban (book) | 1 more credit
Everybody Hates Chris ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Music | TV Series (20052009) -- A young African-American teen attempts to survive with his dysfunctional family and his all-white school in the 1980s. Creators: Ali LeRoi, Chris Rock
Everybody Knows (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- Todos lo saben (original title) -- Everybody Knows Poster -- Laura, a Spanish woman living in Buenos Aires, returns to her hometown outside Madrid with her two children to attend her sister's wedding. However, the trip is upset by unexpected events that bring secrets into the open. Director: Asghar Farhadi
Everybody Loves Raymond ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (19962005) -- The comical everyday life of sports columnist Ray Barone and his dysfunctional family. Creator: Phil Rosenthal
Everybody Loves Somebody (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- Todos queremos a alguien (original title) -- Everybody Loves Somebody Poster -- A successful and single career woman asks her co-worker to pose as her boyfriend at a family wedding back home in Mexico. Her situation gets complicated when her ex shows up at the ceremony. Director: Catalina Aguilar Mastretta Writer:
Everybody's Famous! (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- Iedereen beroemd! (original title) -- Everybody's Famous! Poster Jean is a family man and factory worker who dreams of becoming a songwriter. Pinning his hopes on his teenage daughter, Marva, he takes her to singing contests in which the awkward and ... S Director: Dominique Deruddere Writer: Dominique Deruddere
Everybody's Famous! (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- Iedereen beroemd! (original title) -- Everybody's Famous! Poster Jean is a family man and factory worker who dreams of becoming a songwriter. Pinning his hopes on his teenage daughter, Marva, he takes her to singing contests in which the awkward and ... S Director:
Everybody's Fine (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Adventure, Drama | 4 December 2009 (USA) -- A widower who realized his only connection to his family was through his wife sets off on an impromptu road trip to reunite with each of his grown children. Director: Kirk Jones Writers:
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy | 7 April 2016 (Russia) -- In 1980, a group of college baseball players navigate their way through the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood. Director: Richard Linklater Writer: Richard Linklater
Every Day (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 23 February 2018 (USA) -- A shy teenager falls for a spirit who wakes up in the body of a different person every morning. Director: Michael Sucsy Writers: Jesse Andrews (screenplay by), David Levithan (based on the novel by)
Everyone Says I Love You (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 17 January 1997 (USA) -- A New York girl sets her father up with a beautiful woman in a troubled marriage while her stepsister gets engaged. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Everything, Everything (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama, Romance | 19 May 2017 (USA) -- A teenager who's spent her whole life confined to her home falls for the boy next door. Director: Stella Meghie Writers: J. Mills Goodloe (screenplay by), Nicola Yoon (based on the book by)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 4 November 2005 (Mexico) -- A young Jewish American man endeavors to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II in a Ukrainian village, that was ultimately razed by the Nazis, with the help of an eccentric local. Director: Liev Schreiber Writers:
Everything Must Go (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama | 14 October 2011 (UK) -- When an alcoholic relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form. Director: Dan Rush Writers:
Everything's Eventual (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- 1h 18min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 23 October 2009 (USA) -- A young man, who has a unique psychic talent, is recruited by a mysterious company. In return, he is given everything he wants, a house, a car, everything. His situation seems ideal, ... S Director: J.P. Scott Writers:
Everything Sucks! ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2018) -- In 1990s Oregon, members of a high school A/V club clash with the drama club. Creators: Ben York Jones, Michael Mohan
Every Which Way but Loose (1978) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Action, Comedy | 20 December 1978 (USA) -- The San Fernando Valley adventures of trucker turned prize-fighter Philo Beddoe and his pet orangutan Clyde. Director: James Fargo Writer: Jeremy Joe Kronsberg
Evil Under the Sun (1982) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 5 March 1982 (USA) -- Trying to find how a millionaire wound up with a phony diamond brings Hercule Poirot (Sir Peter Ustinov) to an exclusive island resort frequented by the rich and famous. When a murder is committed, everyone has an alibi. Director: Guy Hamilton Writer:
Family Guy ::: TV-14 | 22min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (1999 ) -- In a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strive to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another. Creators:
Feel Good ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20202021) -- The series follows recovering addict and comedian Mae, who is trying to control the addictive behaviors and intense romanticism that permeate every facet of her life. Stars:
Finding Dory (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 17 June 2016 (USA) -- Friendly but forgetful blue tang Dory begins a search for her long-lost parents, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of family along the way. Directors: Andrew Stanton, Angus MacLane (co-director) Writers:
Fish Tank (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Drama | 11 September 2009 (UK) -- Everything changes for 15-year-old Mia when her mum brings home a new boyfriend. Director: Andrea Arnold Writer: Andrea Arnold
Flashforward ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20092010) -- 1 -- A special task force in the FBI investigates after every person on Earth simultaneously blacks out and awakens with a short vision of their future. Creators:
For Love of the Game (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 17min | Drama, Romance, Sport | 17 September 1999 (USA) -- After 19 years of playing the game he's loved his whole life, Detroit Tigers pitcher Billy Chapel has to decide if he's going to risk everything and put everything out there. Director: Sam Raimi Writers:
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 2 - Ghost Whisper (2013) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-MA | 57min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | November 2013 (USA) -- Witness the formation of the legendary Public Security Section 9. When a clandestine organization hacks every car in the city, Kusanagi recruits a lethal team of cyber operatives to clamp down on the chaos and make the city safe again. Directors: Atsushi Takeuchi, Kazuchika Kise Writers: Shirow Masamune (manga) (as Masamune Shirow), Tow Ubukata (screenplay)
Ghost Wars ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (20172018) -- A remote Alaskan town that has been overrun by paranormal forces. Local outcast Roman Mercer must overcome the town's prejudices and his own personal demons if he's to harness his repressed psychic powers and save everyone. Creator:
Glass Jaw (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 38min | Drama, Sport, Thriller | 26 October 2018 (USA) -- Glass Jaw is the redemption story of Travis Austin, a one time champion boxer who goes to prison and loses everything. After his release, he experiences the trials and tribulations of redeeming his reputation, his belt, and his true love. Director: Jeff Celentano Writers:
Good Girls ::: TV-14 | 43min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) Next Episode Sunday, March 14 -- Three suburban mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.
Goon (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | 24 February 2012 (Canada) -- Labeled an outcast by his brainy family, a bouncer overcomes long odds to lead a team of under performing misfits to semi-pro hockey glory, beating the crap out of everything that stands in his way. Director: Michael Dowse Writers:
Greenhouse Academy ::: TV-PG | 25min | Drama | TV Series (20172020) -- Almost a year after their astronaut mother's tragic death, brother and sister Hayley and Alex Woods begin to attend an elite boarding school for future leaders. However they soon realise that everything is not as it seems. Creator:
Her (2013) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 10 January 2014 (USA) -- In a near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need. Director: Spike Jonze Writer: Spike Jonze
Hey Arnold! ::: TV-Y7 | 15min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (19962004) -- The everyday life of Arnold, a fourth-grader in a nameless city that resembles Brooklyn, New York, who lives in a multi-racial boarding house with his grandparents and a motley assortment of friends and neighbors. Creators:
His Girl Friday (1940) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 January 1940 (USA) -- A newspaper editor uses every trick in the book to keep his ace reporter ex-wife from remarrying. Director: Howard Hawks Writers: Charles Lederer (screen play), Ben Hecht (from the play "The Front
Holiday (1938) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy, Romance | 15 June 1938 (USA) -- A young man in love with a girl from a rich family finds his unorthodox plan to go on holiday for the early years of his life met with skepticism by everyone except for his fiance's eccentric sister and long-suffering brother. Director: George Cukor Writers: Donald Ogden Stewart (screenplay), Sidney Buchman (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Honest Trailers ::: TV-14 | 5min | Comedy | TV Series (2012 ) In this web series the Screen Junkies crew picks out everything that is wrong with a movie and then makes an "honest trailer". Creators: Andy Signore, Brett Weiner Stars:
Hotel Mumbai (2018) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Action, Drama, History | 29 March 2019 (USA) -- The true story of the Taj Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai. Hotel staff risk their lives to keep everyone safe as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families. Director: Anthony Maras Writers:
House of Lies ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20122016) -- Charming, fast-talking Marty Kaan and his crack team of management consultants use every dirty trick in the book to woo powerful CEOs and close huge deals in this scathing, irreverent satire of corporate America today. Creator:
How It's Made ::: TV-G | 24min | Documentary | TV Series (2001- ) Episode Guide 476 episodes How It's Made Poster -- Television series that documents how various everyday products are made. Stars: Brooks T. Moore, Tony Hirst, Lynne Adams
How It's Made ::: TV-G | 24min | Documentary | TV Series (2001 ) -- Television series that documents how various everyday products are made. Stars: Brooks T. Moore, Tony Hirst, Lynne Adams
How to with John Wilson ::: TV-MA | 30min | Documentary, Comedy | TV Series (2020 ) -- An anxious New Yorker who attempts to give everyday advice while dealing with his own personal issues. Stars: John Wilson, Cynthia Larson, Ron Low
iCarly ::: TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Family, Romance | TV Series (20072012) -- Carly hosts her own home-grown web show, iCarly, Carly and sidekick Sam's regular webcasts ultimately feature everything from comedy sketches and talent contests to interviews, recipes, and problem-solving. Creator:
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 31 March 2006 (USA) -- Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that the ice age is coming to an end, and join everybody for a journey to higher ground. On the trip, they discover that Manny, in fact, is not the last of the woolly mammoths. Director: Carlos Saldanha Writers:
Idiots and Angels (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 18min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | 14 January 2009 -- Idiots and Angels Poster -- Much to his surprise, an utter misanthrope is transformed into a reluctant do-gooder, when a glorious pair of angelic snow-white wings sprouts up from his back. Now, everyone in town wants a piece of his feathered appendages. Director: Bill Plympton
I Hate Everything ::: TV-MA | Animation, Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (2013 ) Alex Beltman hates ''everything'' and with that makes criticism to a variety of subjects and for that use a lot of black comedy to prove his point, being both serious and funny at the same time. Creator: Alex Beltman Stars:
I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Drama, Thriller | 4 September 2020 (USA) -- Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself. Director: Charlie Kaufman Writers:
In Her Skin (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Thriller | 2009 (Australia) -- This is what every parent fears: their child not coming home when they're meant to. When the fifteen-year-old student, Rachel Barber, doesn't climb off the tram to meet her dad, Elizabeth, her mother, and Mike, her dad, bolt into action. Director: Simone North Writer:
It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 29 November 2002 -- 'Twas the night before Christmas and the Muppet Theatre is in danger of being torn down, but with hilarious send-ups of just about every holiday movie ever made, the Muppets discover that what matters most is their love for each other. Director: Kirk R. Thatcher Writers: Tom Martin, Jim Lewis
Joan of Arcadia ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20032005) -- A teenage girl is visited by God, disguised as everyday people, and is given assignments and tasks that eventually have a positive outcome on people's lives. Creator:
John Doe ::: 1h | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20022003) A man who seems to know everything but his own name helps police solve crimes as he searches for his identity. Creators: Brandon Camp, Mike Thompson Stars:
John Wick (2014) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 24 October 2014 (USA) -- An ex-hit-man comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that killed his dog and took everything from him. Directors: Chad Stahelski, David Leitch (uncredited) Writer: Derek Kolstad
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 17 May 2019 (USA) -- John Wick is on the run after killing a member of the international assassins' guild, and with a $14 million price tag on his head, he is the target of hit men and women everywhere. Director: Chad Stahelski Writers:
Jo Nesb's Headhunters (2011) ::: 7.5/10 -- Hodejegerne (original title) -- Jo Nesb's Headhunters Poster -- An accomplished headhunter risks everything to obtain a valuable painting owned by a former mercenary. Director: Morten Tyldum Writers:
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 16 August 2013 (USA) -- Following Kick-Ass' heroics, other citizens are inspired to become masked crusaders. But Red Mist leads his own group of evil supervillains to get revenge, kill Kick-Ass and destroy everything he stands for. Director: Jeff Wadlow Writers:
Kilo Two Bravo (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- Kajaki (original title) -- Kilo Two Bravo Poster -- Kajaki Dam 2006. A company of young British soldiers encounter an unexpected, terrifying enemy. A dried-out river bed, and under every step the possibility of an anti-personnel mine. A mine that could cost you your leg - or your life. Director: Paul Katis
Kincsem - Bet on Revenge (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- Kincsem (original title) -- Kincsem - Bet on Revenge Poster Ern Blaskovich lost everything after the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Kincsem, a magnificent horse gives a purpose of his meaningless, self-destructing life. He gets a chance to gain everything back: revenge, love and fame. Director: Gbor Herendi Writers: Blint Hegeds (screenplay), Gbor Herendi
La piovra ::: TV-14 | 6h 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19841998) An epic crime saga of power, money, violence and corruption, the mafia controls everything like an Octopus but when law enforcement tries to bring them down they pay the ultimate price. Creators: Lucio Battistrada, Massimo De Rita Stars:
Late Spring (1949) ::: 8.3/10 -- Banshun (original title) -- Late Spring Poster -- Noriko is twenty-seven years old and still living with her widowed father. Everybody tries to talk her into marrying, but Noriko wants to stay at home caring for her father. Director: Yasujir Ozu Writers:
Laurel Canyon (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 28 March 2003 (USA) -- When an uptight young man and his fiance move into his libertine mother's house, the resulting clash of life attitudes shakes everyone up. Director: Lisa Cholodenko Writer:
Leave Her to Heaven (1945) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 50min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | January 1946 (USA) -- A writer falls in love with a young socialite and they're soon married. But her obsessive love for him threatens to be the undoing of them both, and everyone else around them. Director: John M. Stahl Writers:
Leaving Las Vegas (1995) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Romance | 9 February 1996 (USA) -- Ben Sanderson, a Hollywood screenwriter who lost everything because of his alcoholism, arrives in Las Vegas to drink himself to death. There, he meets and forms an uneasy friendship and non-interference pact with prostitute Sera. Director: Mike Figgis Writers:
Le Magnifique (1973) ::: 7.2/10 -- Le magnifique (original title) -- Le Magnifique Poster Francois Merlin is an espionnage-book writer. He likes to mix every-day character he can met in his book. In his book, he is Bob Saint Clar, his neighbour Christine appears as Tatiana and ... S Director: Philippe de Broca Writers: Philippe de Broca, Vittorio Caprioli | 1 more credit
L.I.E. (2001) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama | 29 November 2002 (UK) -- A 15-year-old Long Island boy loses everything and everyone he knows, soon becoming involved in a relationship with a much older man. Director: Michael Cuesta Writers:
L.I.E. (2001) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama | 29 November 2002 (UK) -- A 15-year-old Long Island boy loses everything and everyone he knows, soon becoming involved in a relationship with a much older man. Director: Michael Cuesta Writers: Stephen M. Ryder, Michael Cuesta | 1 more credit Stars:
Little Man Tate (1991) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Drama | 1 November 1991 (USA) -- A single mother raises a child prodigy on her own, struggling to give him every opportunity he needs to express his gift. Director: Jodie Foster Writer: Scott Frank
Lola (1981) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Drama, Romance | 4 August 1982 (USA) -- A seductive cabaret singer-prostitute pits a corrupt building contractor against the new straight-arrow building commissioner, launching an outrageous plan to elevate herself in a world where everything-and everyone-is for sale. Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder Writers: Pea Frhlich, Peter Mrthesheimer | 1 more credit
Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 54min | Drama | 27 November 1963 (Argentina) -- At the end of a long and hot summer day, members of one family gather in a large house. Everyone has something painful and offensive to say, and their silence is even worse. Director: Sidney Lumet Writer:
Lovesick ::: TV-MA | 24min | Comedy | TV Series (20142018) -- After finding out he has an STD, Dylan must get back in touch with every girl he has ever had sex with to let them know the bad news. Creator: Tom Edge
Love, Simon (2018) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 March 2018 (USA) -- Simon Spier keeps a huge secret from his family, his friends and all of his classmates: he's gay. When that secret is threatened, Simon must face everyone and come to terms with his identity. Director: Greg Berlanti Writers:
Mao's Last Dancer (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, Music | 1 October 2010 (USA) -- In Maoist China, a boy is taken from his family and trained to become a dancer, but everything he knows is challenged when he is chosen to attend a ballet summer school in Houston, Texas. Director: Bruce Beresford Writers:
Matlock ::: TV-PG | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19861995) -- Ben Matlock is a very expensive criminal defense attorney, who charges one hundred thousand dollars to take a case. Fortunately, he's worth every penny, as he and his associates defend his clients by finding the real killer. Creator:
Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 5 August 2005 (USA) -- A lonely shoe salesman and an eccentric performance artist struggle to connect in this unique take on contemporary life. Director: Miranda July Writer: Miranda July
Meet the Parents (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy, Romance | 6 October 2000 (USA) -- Male nurse Greg Focker meets his girlfriend's parents before proposing, but her suspicious father is every date's worst nightmare. Director: Jay Roach Writers: Greg Glienna, Mary Ruth Clarke | 4 more credits
Meet the Parents (2000) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy, Romance | 6 October 2000 (USA) -- Male nurse Greg Focker meets his girlfriend's parents before proposing, but her suspicious father is every date's worst nightmare.
Meme Review ::: TV-14 | Short, Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (2017 ) PewDiePie's critically acclaimed show where he rates and reviews popular memes out of 10 every week. Stars: Felix Kjellberg, Elon Musk, Will Smith  
Midnight in Paris (2011) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 10 June 2011 (USA) -- While on a trip to Paris with his fiance's family, a nostalgic screenwriter finds himself mysteriously going back to the 1920s every day at midnight. Director: Woody Allen Writer:
Monkey Business (1931) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 17min | Comedy, Musical | 19 September 1931 (USA) -- On a transatlantic crossing, The Marx Brothers get up to their usual antics and manage to annoy just about everyone on board the ship. Director: Norman Z. McLeod (as Norman McLeod) Writers: S.J. Perelman (by), Will B. Johnstone (by) | 1 more credit Stars:
Moonlight (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama | 18 November 2016 (USA) -- A young African-American man grapples with his identity and sexuality while experiencing the everyday struggles of childhood, adolescence, and burgeoning adulthood. Director: Barry Jenkins Writers:
Murder, She Wrote ::: TV-PG | 50min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19841996) -- Professional writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher uses her intellect, charm, and persistence to get to the bottom of every crime she encounters. Creators:
Nerve (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | 27 July 2016 (USA) -- A high school senior finds herself immersed in an online game of truth or dare, where her every move starts to become manipulated by an anonymous community of "watchers." Directors: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman Writers:
Ninotchka (1939) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Comedy, Romance | 23 November 1939 (USA) -- A stern Russian woman sent to Paris on official business finds herself attracted to a man who represents everything she is supposed to detest. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Charles Brackett (screen play), Billy Wilder (screen play) | 2 more
Nomadland (2020) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama | 19 February 2021 (USA) -- After losing everything in the Great Recession, a woman embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. Director: Chlo Zhao Writers:
Non-Stop (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 28 February 2014 (USA) -- An air marshal springs into action during a transatlantic flight after receiving a series of text messages demanding $150 million into an off-shore account, or someone will die every 20 minutes. Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Writers:
No Time for Sergeants (1958) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 59min | Comedy, War | 5 July 1958 (USA) -- Will Stockdale is a country bumpkin drafted into the Air Force and too dumb to realize he's driving everyone around him crazy, no one more than Sergeant King. Director: Mervyn LeRoy Writers:
Okja (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-MA | 2h | Action, Adventure, Drama | 28 June 2017 (USA) -- A young girl risks everything to prevent a powerful, multinational company from kidnapping her best friend - a fascinating beast named Okja. Director: Bong Joon Ho Writers:
Only the Brave (2017) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Action, Biography, Drama | 20 October 2017 (USA) -- Based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a group of elite firefighters who risk everything to protect a town from a historic wildfire. Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers:
Our Hospitality (1923) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 5min | Comedy, Romance, Thriller | 13 December 1923 -- Our Hospitality Poster -- A man returns to his Appalachian homestead. On the trip, he falls for a young woman. The only problem is her family has vowed to kill every member of his family. Directors: John G. Blystone (as Jack Blystone), Buster Keaton Writers:
Pali Road (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 29 April 2016 (USA) -- A young doctor wakes up from a car accident and discovers she is married to another man and living a life she can't remember. Her search for the truth to her past life will lead her to question everyone around her and her entire existence. Director: Jonathan Lim (as Jonathan Hua Lang Lim) Writers:
Pingu ::: TV-G | 5min | Animation, Short, Comedy | TV Series (19802006) -- "Pingu finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a lesson. Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga. Everyone in his town speaks ""Penguinese."" Laugh along and find out what happens. Stars:
Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy, Music | 17 September 1982 (USA) -- A confined but troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone. Director: Alan Parker Writers: Roger Waters (album "The Wall"), Roger Waters (screenplay)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 26 May 2017 (USA) -- Captain Jack Sparrow is pursued by old rival Captain Salazar and a crew of deadly ghosts who have escaped from the Devil's Triangle. They're determined to kill every pirate at sea...notably Jack. Directors: Joachim Rnning, Espen Sandberg Writers:
Plus One (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 June 2019 (USA) -- In order to survive a summer of wedding fever, longtime single friends, Ben and Alice, agree to be each other's plus one at every wedding they've been invited to. Directors: Jeff Chan, Andrew Rhymer Writers:
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Music | 3 June 2016 (USA) -- When it becomes clear that his solo album is a failure, a former boy band member does everything in his power to maintain his celebrity status. Directors: Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone Writers:
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019) -- Everything about the town of Beacon Heights seems perfect, but in the aftermath of the town's first murder, behind every Perfectionist hides secrets, lies and much needed alibies. Creator:
Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs) (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- Coeurs (original title) -- Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs) Poster -- In Paris, six people all look for love, despite typically having their romantic aspirations dashed at every turn. Director: Alain Resnais Writers:
Quarry ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2016) -- Quarry, a disillusioned Vietnam War vet, returns home to Memphis in 1972 only to find rejection and scrutiny at every step. A mysterious man known only as The Broker gives him an offer he can't refuse - to work for him as a hitman. Creators:
Radius (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 33min | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 November 2017 (USA) -- A man wakes up with no memory of who he is, and finds that everyone who comes within a certain distance of him suddenly dies. Directors: Caroline Labrche, Steeve Lonard Writers: Caroline Labrche, Caroline Labrche | 2 more credits
Rake -- Not Rated | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20102018) ::: Criminal lawyer Cleaver Greene defends the indefensible - from bigamists to cannibals and everything in between. He is champion of the lost cause, both in the court room and in the bedroom. Creators:
Rare Exports (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Adventure, Fantasy, Horror | 3 December 2010 (Finland) -- In the depths of the Korvatunturi mountains, 486 meters deep, lies the closest ever guarded secret of Christmas. The time has come to dig it up. This Christmas everyone will believe in Santa Claus. Director: Jalmari Helander Writers:
Reckless -- 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2014) ::: In sultry Charleston, where summer is long and secrets simmer behind every door, sex and crime walk hand in hand as two adversaries, a gorgeous Yankee litigator and a southern City Attorney... S Creator:
Renaissance (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | 15 March 2006 (France) -- In 2054, Paris is a labyrinth where all movement is monitored and recorded. Casting a shadow over everything is the city's largest company, Avalon, which insinuates itself into every aspect of contemporary life to sell its primary export, youth and beauty. In this world of stark contrasts and rigid laws, the populace is kept in line and accounted for. Director: Christian Volckman
Return to Oz (1985) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 21 June 1985 (USA) -- Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, is somehow called back to Oz when a vain witch and the Nome King destroy everything that makes the magical land beautiful. Director: Walter Murch Writers:
Robot Chicken ::: TV-MA | 11min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2005- ) Episode Guide 206 episodes Robot Chicken Poster -- Pop culture references fly thick and fast as stop-motion animation is featured in sketches lampooning everything from television movies to comic books. Creators:
Robot Chicken ::: TV-MA | 11min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2005 ) -- Pop culture references fly thick and fast as stop-motion animation is featured in sketches lampooning everything from television movies to comic books. Creators:
Roseanne ::: TV-PG | 21min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (19882018) -- A revival of the popular 1990s sitcom "Roseanne", which centered on the everyday life of an American working-class family. Creators: Roseanne Barr, Matt Williams
Rotten -- 55min | Documentary | TV Series (20182019) ::: Rotten dives deep into the food production underworld to expose the corruption, waste and real dangers behind your everyday eating habits. Stars: Latif Nasser, Casey Cox, Stanley Crawford
Ruben Brandt, Collector (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Ruben Brandt, a gyujto (original title) -- Ruben Brandt, Collector Poster -- Four expert thieves attempt to steal every famous artwork that is haunting their mutual psychotherapist. A detective attempts to find out who the "Collector" is. Director: Milorad Krstic Writers:
Running Wilde -- 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20102011) ::: Steven Wilde always had everything he wanted, due to his improbably rich father. Except the girl, Emmy Kadubic, who is an environmentalist. Emmy and her daughter, Puddle come to live with him. Creators:
Saint Ralph (2004) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | 8 April 2005 (Canada) -- Saint Ralph is the unlikely story of Ralph Walker, a ninth grader who outran everyone's expectations except his own in his bold quest of trying to win the 1954 Boston Marathon. Director: Michael McGowan Writer:
Same Time, Next Year (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 March 1979 (UK) -- A married man and a married woman end up sleeping with each other, and decide to meet at the same place every year on the anniversary of their one night stand. As the years go by, they observe changes in each other and their relationship. Director: Robert Mulligan Writers: Bernard Slade (based on the stage play by), Bernard Slade (screenplay)
Samurai 7 ::: TV-PG | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2004) -- Set in an alternate feudal Japan where mechas and giant airships are a common thing for humans to see. With in this time period is a small village that gets raided by bandits during every ... S Stars:
Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys (2008) ::: 7.9/10 -- G | 47min | Comedy | TV Movie 7 December 2008 -- It has been one year since the boys have become rich. Julian decided to keep the money safe, but when it comes time for everyone to get their share, the money is lost forever. Director: Mike Clattenburg Writers: Mike Clattenburg, Timm Hannebohm Stars:
Sci-Fi | TV Mini-Series ::: Connections -- 10 episodes -- after losing everything. Creator: Patrick Somerville Stars: Mackenzie Davis, Danielle Deadwyler, Matilda Lawler [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png]
Secret Admirer (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Romance | 14 June 1985 (USA) -- An anonymous love letter left in Michael Ryan's locker on the last day of school wreaks havoc on his life and the lives of everyone who come in contact with it. Director: David Greenwalt Writers:
Secrets and Lies ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20152016) -- Each series, a detective focuses on the prime suspect in a murder case; but everyone has something to hide. Creator: Barbie Kligman
Seven Beauties (1975) ::: 7.8/10 -- Pasqualino Settebellezze (original title) -- Seven Beauties Poster -- The defense of honor, a strong value in Neapolitan society, and its effects on the life of everyman Pasquale Frafuso. Director: Lina Wertmller Writer:
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 22 September 1989 (USA) -- A sexually repressed woman's husband is having an affair with her sister. The arrival of a visitor with a rather unusual fetish changes everything. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer:
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 25min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 5 August 2015 (USA) -- When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it's up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home. Directors: Mark Burton, Richard Starzak
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows ::: Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows (original title) 8min | Animation, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 4 episodes She and Her Cat: Everything Flows Poster The simple, charming serie fallows Kanojo as she job hunts and experience various changes in her life, all while her cat Daru remains the supportive constant. Stars: Madeleine Morris, Shintar Asanuma, Kana Hanazawa
Sick Note ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20172018) -- When Daniel Glass is misdiagnosed with a fatal disease he begins to notice how everyone around him treats him better, so he decides to keep pretending that he really is sick. This leads to more lies, and, eventually, crimes. Creators:
Sixteen Candles (1984) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Comedy, Romance | 4 May 1984 (USA) -- A girl's "sweet" sixteenth birthday becomes anything but special, as she suffers from every embarrassment possible. Director: John Hughes Writer: John Hughes
So You Think You Can Dance ::: TV-PG | 1h | Game-Show, Music, Reality-TV | TV Series (2005 ) -- Dancers skilled in everything from ballroom and ballet to salsa, jive, hip-hop and krumping, all compete to be named the best. Dancers must impress the judges with their moves and rigorous ... S Creators:
Star Trek Beyond (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 22 July 2016 (USA) -- The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the test. Director: Justin Lin Writers:
Storage Wars ::: TV-14 | 22min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2010 ) -- Four professional buyers and their teams as they scour repossessed storage units in search of hidden treasure. these seasoned veterans have found everything from coffins to the world's most... S Stars:
Strike! (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy | 4 September 1998 (USA) -- In the 1960s, a group of friends at an all girls school learn that their school is going to be combined with a nearby all boys school. They concoct a plan to save their school while dealing with everyday problems along the way. Director: Sarah Kernochan Writer:
Super (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Action, Comedy, Drama | 10 June 2011 (Iceland) -- After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, but lacking in heroic skills. Director: James Gunn Writer:
Swept from the Sea (1997) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 23 January 1998 (USA) -- The of story of Russian emigrant Yanko Goorall and servant Amy Foster in the end of nineteenth century. When Yanko enters a farm, sick and hungry after a shipwreck, everyone is afraid of him, except for Amy. Director: Beeban Kidron Writers: Joseph Conrad (short story "Amy Foster"), Tim Willocks Stars:
Tenchi Muy! ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (1992- ) Episode Guide 71 episodes Tenchi Muy! Poster -- Every man needs a good woman. Tenchi Masaki has six. Creator: Masaki Kajishima
The Adjuster (1991) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | July 1992 (USA) -- A reflection about what makes everyone's life unique, through the story of Noah's family. Noah is an adjuster, having sex with his customers. His wife Hera watches pornographic movies for ... S Director: Atom Egoyan Writer:
The Asphalt Jungle (1950) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 12 May 1950 (USA) -- A major heist goes off as planned, but then double crosses, bad luck and solid police work cause everything to unravel. Director: John Huston Writers: Ben Maddow (screen play), John Huston (screen play) | 1 more credit
The Assistant (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Drama | 31 January 2020 (UK) -- A searing look at a day in the life of an assistant to a powerful executive. As Jane follows her daily routine, she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position. Director: Kitty Green Writer:
The Awakening (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Horror, Thriller | 11 November 2011 (UK) -- In 1921, England is overwhelmed by the loss and grief of World War I. Hoax exposer Florence Cathcart visits a boarding school to explain sightings of a child ghost. Everything she believes unravels as the 'missing' begin to show themselves. Director: Nick Murphy Writers:
The Beautiful Risk (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 23 November 2014 (USA) -- William, a respected artist who lost everything after his divorce, arrives in Montreal on a job prospect. When the job falls through he then is saved and forms an erotic relationship and exposes his soul with a young woman named Paulette. Director: Mark Penney Writer: Mark Penney
The Beauty Inside (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- Byuti insaideu (original title) -- The Beauty Inside Poster -- A South Korean has a different person's body, changing every morning to a body "borrowed" for a day - man, woman, old, child and sometimes a foreigner. "He" works as furniture designer. He loves a girl. She loves him for the beauty inside. Director: Jong-Yeol Baek
The Berlin File (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- Bereullin (original title) -- The Berlin File Poster -- Jong-seong, a North Korean ghost agent, interrupts an illegal arms sale in Berlin. A notorious North Korean agent tests the loyalties of everyone involved as Jong-Seong prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice. Director: Seung-wan Ryoo
The Black Balloon (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 6 March 2008 (Australia) -- All Thomas wants is a normal adolescence but his autistic brother, Charlie, thwarts his every opportunity. Will Thomas, with the help of his girlfriend, Jackie, accept his brother? Director: Elissa Down Writers:
The Blob (1958) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 10 September 1958 (USA) -- An alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows. Directors: Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr., Russell S. Doughten Jr. (uncredited) Writers: Theodore Simonson (screenplay), Kay Linaker (screenplay) (as Kate
The Booth at the End -- 30min | Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112012) ::: Everyone wants something. There is a mysterious figure who sits in the booth at the end, who you make a deal with to get what you want. You do the task or you don't - that is up to you, but... S Stars:
The Boy Who Could Fly (1986) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 15 August 1986 (USA) -- An autistic boy who dreams of flying touches everyone he meets, including a new family who has moved in after their father dies. Director: Nick Castle Writer: Nick Castle
The Colbert Report ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, News, Talk-Show | TV Series (20052014) Satirical newscaster Stephen Colbert provides humorous commentary on the big issues going on in the United States and the rest of the world, with his larger-than-life ego and overly-patriotic spirit along with him every step of the way. Creators: Stephen Colbert, Ben Karlin, Jon Stewart
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989) ::: 7.6/10 -- NC-17 | 2h 4min | Crime, Drama | 6 April 1990 (USA) -- At Le Hollandais gourmet restaurant, every night is filled with opulence, decadence, and gluttony. But when the cook, a thief, his wife and her lover all come together, they unleash a shocking torrent of sex, food, murder and revenge. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer:
The Dark Valley (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- Das finstere Tal (original title) -- (Germany) The Dark Valley Poster -- Through a hidden path a lone rider reaches a little town high up in the Alps. Nobody knows where the stranger comes from, nor what he wants there. But everyone knows that they don't want him to stay. Director: Andreas Prochaska
The Dead Zone ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20022007) -- Johnny had the perfect life until he was in coma for six years. When he awoke, he found his fiancee married to another man. His son doesn't know him. Everything's changed, including Johnny. With one touch, he can see things. Creators:
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. ::: Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2016 ) Saiki Kusuo is a powerful psychic who hates attracting attention, yet he is surrounded by colorful characters who always find a way to remove him from his everyday life. Creator: Shichi As
The Following ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama, Horror | TV Series (20132015) -- A brilliant and charismatic, yet psychotic serial killer communicates with other active serial killers and activates a cult of believers following his every command. Creator:
The Gilded Cage (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- La cage dore (original title) -- The Gilded Cage Poster -- For thirty years now Maria and Jos Ribeiro have been living on the ground floor of a Haussmannian building in one of the most exclusive districts of Paris. Everybody loves this nice couple... S Director: Ruben Alves
The Good Witch (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 29min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | TV Movie 18 January 2008 -- A darkly beautiful and mysterious woman comes in to town and inhabits the local haunted mansion, making everyone wonder if she's a witch or "The Grey Lady". Director: Craig Pryce Writer:
The Grey (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 27 January 2012 (USA) -- After their plane crashes in Alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step. Director: Joe Carnahan Writers:
The Gunfighter (1950) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 25min | Western | 21 August 1950 (Sweden) -- Notorious gunfighter Jimmy Ringo rides into town to find his true love, who doesn't want to see him. He hasn't come looking for trouble, but trouble finds him around every corner. Director: Henry King Writers:
The Helpful Fox Senko-san ::: Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes The Helpful Fox Senko-san Poster The everyday life of Nakano, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, is suddenly intruded upon by the fox, Senko-san (800-year-old little girl). Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or... S Stars: Azumi Waki, Jun'ichi Suwabe, Aaron Campbell
The Last Kiss (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 September 2006 (USA) -- Michael'd have a great job, still have his 4 best friends, and be in love with a beautiful girl at 30. He loves Jenna but his life seems predictable until he meets a college girl. It seems that everybody's having relationship problems. Director: Tony Goldwyn Writers:
The Last Word (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- Harriet is a retired businesswoman who tries to control everything around her. When she decides to write her own obituary, a young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth resulting in a life-altering friendship. Director: Mark Pellington Writer:
The League ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Sport | TV Series (20092015) -- An ensemble comedy that follows a group of old friends in a fantasy football league who care deeply about one another -- so deeply that they use every opportunity to make each other's lives miserable. Creators:
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 47min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 8 February 2019 (USA) -- It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild. Director: Mike Mitchell Writers:
The Lost Valentine (2011) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 27min | Drama, Romance | TV Movie 30 January 2011 -- Lucas Thomas's grandmother Caroline returns every Valentine's Day to the station where, at their then first wedding anniversary, she waved off to the Pacific war theatre in 1944. Naval ... S Director: Darnell Martin Writers:
The Loud House ::: TV-Y7 | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016 ) -- Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day. Creators:
The New Adventures of Old Christine ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20062010) -- A divorced mom tries to keep pace with everyone around her. Creator: Kari Lizer
The New Edition Story ::: 2h | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 3 episodes The New Edition Story Poster Chronicles the ups and downs of legendary music group New Edition from their humble beginnings in Boston to individual solo success and everything in between. Stars: Bryshere Y. Gray, Elijah Kelley, Luke James
The Parallax View (1974) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama, Thriller | 19 June 1974 (USA) -- An ambitious reporter gets in way-over-his-head trouble while investigating a senator's assassination which leads to a vast conspiracy involving a multinational corporation behind every event in the world's headlines. Director: Alan J. Pakula Writers:
The Party (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 11min | Comedy, Drama | 16 February 2018 (USA) -- Janet (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) hosts a party to celebrate her new promotion, but once the guests arrive, it becomes clear that not everything is going to go down as smoothly as the red wine. Director: Sally Potter Writers:
The Prestige (2006) ::: 8.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 20 October 2006 (USA) -- After a tragic accident, two stage magicians engage in a battle to create the ultimate illusion while sacrificing everything they have to outwit each other. Director: Christopher Nolan Writers:
The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1975) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Comedy | 5 May 1975 (Sweden) -- A suddenly-unemployed company executive suffers a nervous breakdown, and his supporting wife tries everything to console him and pick up the slack. Director: Melvin Frank Writers:
The Razor's Edge (1984) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 8min | Drama, Romance, War | 19 October 1984 (USA) -- He had everything and wanted nothing. He learned that he had nothing and wanted everything. He saved the world and then it shattered. The path to enlightenment is as sharp and narrow as a razor's edge. Director: John Byrum Writers:
The Red Spectacles (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- Jigoku no banken: akai megane (original title) -- The Red Spectacles Poster A surreal science fiction noir involving a man trapped in a future where seemingly everyone is a government spy and all-night noodle stands are outlawed. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writers: Kazunori It, Mamoru Oshii
The Royle Family ::: 45min | Comedy | TV Series (19982012) A British sitcom about a family going through everyday life in the Royle family house. Stars: Ricky Tomlinson, Sue Johnston, Caroline Aherne Available on Amazon
The Signal (2014) ::: 6.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 July 2014 (Germany) -- On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare. Director: William Eubank Writers:
The Society ::: TV-MA | 58min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019) -- When everyone else mysteriously vanishes from their wealthy town, the teen residents of West Ham must forge their own society to survive. Creator: Christopher Keyser
The Soup ::: TV-14 | 25min | Comedy | TV Series (20042020) -- From the hottest new series to the latest OMG reality TV moments, catch up on everything you missed through the lens of a sharp and hilarious commentary. Stars:
The Spoils of Babylon ::: TV-14 | 2h 18min | Comedy | TV Series (2014) -- Cynthia and Devon are two siblings whose intense love drives everything and everyone around them to ruin. Creators: Matt Piedmont, Andrew Steele
The Sweet Hereafter (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 21 November 1997 (USA) -- A bus crash in a small town brings a lawyer to the town to defend the families, but he discovers that everything is not what it seems. Director: Atom Egoyan Writers: Russell Banks (novel), Atom Egoyan (screenplay)
The Theory of Everything (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 26 November 2014 (USA) -- A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife. Director: James Marsh Writers: Anthony McCarten (screenplay), Jane Hawking (book)
The Titan Games ::: TV-G | 1h | Reality-TV | TV Series (2019 ) -- Dwayne Johnson presents and stars in "The Titan Games," a groundbreaking new athletic competition based on Dwayne's belief that within each and every one of us is the potential for greatness. Creator:
The Towering Inferno (1974) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 2h 45min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 14 December 1974 (Canada) -- At the opening party of a colossal, but poorly constructed, office building, a massive fire breaks out that threatens to destroy the tower and everyone in it. Director: John Guillermin Writers:
The Trouble with Harry (1955) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Mystery | 3 October 1955 (USA) -- The trouble with Harry is that he is dead and, while no one really minds, everyone feels responsible. After Harry's body is found in the woods, several locals must determine not only how and why he was killed but what to do with the body. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat ::: TV-G | 25min | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (1995-1997) Episode Guide 21 episodes The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat Poster -- The beyond surreal adventures of Felix The Cat and his friends set in an incredibly weird and fantastical toon world where everything is alive and only dream logic rules. Each episode has three segments. Creators:
The War of the Roses (1989) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Comedy, Romance | 8 December 1989 (USA) -- A married couple try everything to get each other to leave the house in a vicious divorce battle. Director: Danny DeVito Writers: Warren Adler (novel), Michael Leeson (screenplay)
The Warriors (1979) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 9 February 1979 (USA) -- In the near future, a charismatic leader summons the street gangs of New York City in a bid to take it over. When he is killed, The Warriors are falsely blamed and now must fight their way home while every other gang is hunting them down. Director: Walter Hill Writers:
The Whistlers (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- La Gomera (original title) -- (Romania) The Whistlers Poster -- Not everything is as it seems for Cristi, a policeman who plays both sides of the law. Embarking with the beautiful Gilda on a high-stakes heist, both will have to navigate the twists and turns of corruption, treachery and deception. Director: Corneliu Porumboiu
Thumbsucker (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 7 October 2005 (USA) -- Justin throws himself and everyone around him into chaos when he attempts to break free from his addiction to his thumb. Director: Mike Mills Writers: Walter Kirn (novel), Mike Mills
Thursday (1998) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 25 September 1998 (UK) -- A former L.A. drug dealer has moved to Houston to make a new life for himself as a married architect. Everything falls apart when he is suddenly visited by one of his former cohorts who comes carrying heroin. Director: Skip Woods Writer:
Tim (1979) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 13 July 1979 (Australia) -- A somewhat mentally handicapped 20-year-old man works as a laborer, but everyone abuses his naivet. A nice 40-year-old American woman hires him one day and they become close. However, the town and his family see her as predatory. Director: Michael Pate Writers: Colleen McCullough (novel), Michael Pate
Toast (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | TV Movie 30 December -- Toast Poster -- The ultimate nostalgia trip through everything edible in 1960s Britain. Director: S.J. Clarkson (as SJ Clarkson) Writers: Lee Hall, Nigel Slater (based on the memoir by)
TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise ::: 15min | Animation, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2011-2015) Episode Guide 23 episodes TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise Poster It's the year 2020, and everyone's playing video games. Creators: Mike Luckas, Chris Niosi Stars: Martin Billany, Chris Niosi, Anna Kingsley
Top Gear ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Comedy, Reality-TV | TV Series (2002 ) -- The hosts talk about everything car-related. From new cars to how they're fueled, this show has it all. Stars: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May
Tower of God ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Tower of God Poster Reach the top, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours. Stars: Matthew David Rudd, Johnny Yong Bosch, Chris Hackney
To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 8 September 1995 (USA) -- Three drag queens travel cross-country until their car breaks down, leaving them stranded in a small town. Director: Beeban Kidron Writer: Douglas Carter Beane
Toy Story of Terror (2013) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 22min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Movie 16 October 2013 -- Woody and the gang are held up at a roadside motel and members of the group start to disappear from everywhere. Woody and set about getting to the bottom of the mystery. Director: Angus MacLane Writer: Angus MacLane Stars:
Transparent ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20142019) -- An L.A. family with serious boundary issues have their past and future unravel when a dramatic admission causes everyone's secrets to spill out. Creator:
Trick 'r Treat (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 22min | Comedy, Horror | 27 November 2015 (Latvia) -- Five interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: An everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband; and a mean old man meets his match with a demonic, supernatural trick-or-treater. Director: Michael Dougherty
Tru Confessions (2002) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 52min | Drama, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 5 April 2002 -- Trudy Walker hated her life. She thought it was totally messed up until she found out about a contest that could change everything.. Director: Paul Hoen Writers: Janet Tashjian (novel), Stu Krieger (teleplay) Stars:
Turbo (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 17 July 2013 (USA) -- A freak accident might just help an everyday garden snail achieve his biggest dream: winning the Indy 500. Director: David Soren Writers: Darren Lemke (screenplay by), Robert Siegel (screenplay by) | 2 more
Ugly Americans ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (20102012) Take New York City, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak, and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly, and you've got Ugly Americans. Creators: Devin Clark, David M. Stern Stars:
Unconditional (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 21 September 2012 (USA) -- A woman's idyllic life is shattered when her husband is killed in a senseless act of violence. As she prepares to take matters into her own hands, two unexpected encounters begin to change everything. Director: Brent McCorkle Writer:
Uncut Gems (2019) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 25 December 2019 (USA) -- With his debts mounting and angry collectors closing in, a fast-talking New York City jeweler risks everything in hope of staying afloat and alive. Directors: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie Writers:
U Turn (1997) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 3 October 1997 (USA) -- A man heading to Vegas to pay off his gambling debt before the Russian mafia kills him is forced to stop in an Arizona town where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Director: Oliver Stone Writers:
Veep ::: TV-MA | 28min | Comedy | TV Series (20122019) -- Former Senator Selina Meyer finds that being Vice President of the United States is nothing like she hoped and everything that everyone ever warned her about. Creator:
Vicious ::: TV-MA | 23min | Comedy | TV Series (20132016) -- Freddie Thornhill (Sir Ian McKellen) and Stuart Bixby (Sir Derek Jacobi) are an old gay couple who have been together for nearly fifty years. Their lives now revolve around entertaining their frequent guests and hurling insults at each other at every opportunity. Creators:
Vizontele Tuuba (2003) ::: 6.5/10 -- 1h 51min | Comedy, Drama | 2003 (Turkey) -- Vizontele Tuuba is the sequel to Vizontele and recounts the 1980 military coup, the repercussions of the coup in a small southeastern town in Turkey. This is a very confusing period: every ... S Director: Yilmaz Erdogan Writer: Yilmaz Erdogan
Waterloo (1970) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 2h 3min | Action, Biography, Drama | 29 October 1970 (Italy) -- Facing the decline of everything he has worked to obtain, conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte and his army confront the British at the Battle of Waterloo. Director: Sergey Bondarchuk (as Sergei Bondarchuk) Writers:
We Bare Bears ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20142019) -- Three bear brothers do whatever they can to be a part of human society by doing what everyone around them does. Creator: Daniel Chong
Westworld ::: TV-MA | 1h 2min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Westworld Poster -- Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite can be indulged without consequence. Creators:
Westworld ::: TV-MA | 1h 2min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016 ) -- Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite can be indulged without consequence. Creators:
Who Is Cletis Tout? (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Crime | 21 December 2001 (Spain) -- This is a comedy about mistaken identities, a hitman who sees everything in terms of the movies, and a twenty-year-old diamond heist. Director: Chris Ver Wiel Writer: Chris Ver Wiel (as Chris Verwiel) Stars:
Wolfwalkers (2020) ::: 8.1/10 -- WolfWalkers (original title) -- Wolfwalkers Poster -- A young apprentice hunter and her father journey to Ireland to help wipe out the last wolf pack. But everything changes when she befriends a free-spirited girl from a mysterious tribe rumored to transform into wolves by night. Directors: Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart
Won't Back Down (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 1min | Drama | 28 September 2012 (USA) -- Two determined mothers, one a teacher, look to transform their children's failing inner city school. Facing a powerful and entrenched bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference in the education and future of their children. Director: Daniel Barnz Writers:
WWE Raw ::: WWE Monday Night RAW (original tit ::: TV-PG | 1h | Action, Sport | TV Series (1993 ) -- The superstars of World Wrestling Entertainment's "RAW" brand collide each and every week on WWE Monday Night. Creators:
Yes Man (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Romance | 19 December 2008 (USA) -- A man challenges himself to say "yes" to everything. Director: Peyton Reed Writers: Nicholas Stoller (screenplay), Jarrad Paul (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Z Nation ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20142018) -- Three years after the zombie virus has gutted the United States of America a team of everyday heroes must transport the only known survivor of the plague from New York to California, where the last functioning viral lab waits for his blood. Creators:
Z: The Beginning of Everything ::: TV-14 | 27min | Biography, Drama | TV Series (20152017) -- The story of Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, a brilliant and beautiful Southbern Belle who became the original flapper and icon of the wild, flamboyant Jazz Age. Creators:!'s_Everyday_Toils!_Falcom_Academy,_Colors_Everywhere't_Everything'm_Struggling!_(Fairly_OddParents)'s_Dead!'s_Coming_Up_Lucifer's_Okay,_Bones,_Everywhere_Bones!'s_Fool_(music_video)'s_Fool_(song)'m_a_Witch'Bryan'!'s_Every_Week,_Shining_Armor,_you_didn't_forget_about_magic._It's_safe_inside_you./Gallery"Art_For_Everyone"'s_Grudge_(spell)"Water,_Water_Everywhere!"'s_Conditions's_Cauldron_of_Everything's_Guide_to_Everything's_More_Than_One_of_Everything's_Golf_2's_Every_Flavour_Beans!_SUNNYDAY!'s_A-OJ's_Library,_There_&_Everywhere's_a_Soccer_Born_Every_Minute!'s_Better_with_Perry's_Coming_Up_Mellie!!'s_a_Critic,_Updated_and_Expanded's_Better_With_Cheese!'s_a_Nightmare_to_Someone's_Pop-Up_Book_of_Nasty_Creatures_From_Other_Dimensions,_Everywhere_(short_story)!_(Part_1)!_(Part_2)!_Part_1!_Part_2!,_But_Backwards_and_In_High_Heels,_Everyone_Duels
00:08 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 00:08 00:08 -- A man enjoys a drink over and over and over again, for eight seconds each time. It's the same every time... or at least that's what it seems like at first. With every sip, something changes, making things a little more intriguing each time. -- -- Movie - Jun 8, 2014 -- 7,513 4.88
07-Ghost -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Josei Magic Military -- 07-Ghost 07-Ghost -- Barsburg Empire's Military Academy is known for training elites who bring victory to the empire. Students of the academy freely utilize an ability called "Zaiphon" to fight, while the types of Zaiphon usable depends on the nature of the soldier. -- -- Teito Klein, a student at the academy, is one of the most promising soldiers produced. Although ridiculed by everyone for being a sklave (German for slave) with no memories of his past, he is befriended by a fellow student called Mikage. While preparing for the final exam, Teito uncovers a dark secret related to his past. When an attempt to assassinate Ayanami, a high-ranking official who killed his father, fails, Teito is locked away awaiting punishment. -- -- Only wanting the best for Teito, Mikage helps him escape. Teito ends up at the 7th District Church where he is taken in by the bishops. It is here that Teito attempts to evade the grasp of Ayanami and the Military, so he can rediscover his memories and learn why he is the person that can change the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 7, 2009 -- 187,533 7.23
11-nin Iru! -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Space Drama Romance Shoujo -- 11-nin Iru! 11-nin Iru! -- After the Interstellar Alliance established peace among most of the planets in the universe, they created the Cosmo Academy. The academy is renowned as the most elite school in existence, with its graduates guaranteed virtually any job they desire. However, one can only become a student if they pass the entrance examinations held every three years, making the competition for admission extremely fierce. -- -- Lane Tadatos is a Terran who has managed to reach the final stage of examinations. Placed in a group of 10, he is sent to the Esperanza—a ship stranded in orbit. Their final test is to survive 53 days on the ship, without any means of communication with the outside other than an emergency forfeit button. But a serious problem emerges for the examinees when they perform a headcount. There are 11 people aboard the Esperanza, meaning that one of them is an impostor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Nov 1, 1986 -- 8,811 7.08
3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season -- -- Shaft -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Seinen Slice of Life -- 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season -- Now in his second year of high school, Rei Kiriyama continues pushing through his struggles in the professional shogi world as well as his personal life. Surrounded by vibrant personalities at the shogi hall, the school club, and in the local community, his solitary shell slowly begins to crack. Among them are the three Kawamoto sisters—Akari, Hinata, and Momo—who forge an affectionate and familial bond with Rei. Through these ties, he realizes that everyone is burdened by their own emotional hardships and begins learning how to rely on others while supporting them in return. -- -- Nonetheless, the life of a professional is not easy. Between tournaments, championships, and title matches, the pressure mounts as Rei advances through the ranks and encounters incredibly skilled opponents. As he manages his relationships with those who have grown close to him, the shogi player continues to search for the reason he plays the game that defines his career. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 283,096 9.00
5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ -- Through their tutor Fuutarou Uesugi's diligent guidance, the Nakano quintuplets' academic performance shows signs of improvement, even if their path to graduation is still rocky. However, as they continue to cause various situations that delay any actual tutoring, Fuutarou becomes increasingly involved with their personal lives, further complicating their relationship with each other. -- -- On another note, Fuutarou slowly begins to realize the existence of a possible connection between him and the past he believes to have shared with one of the five girls. With everyone's feelings beginning to develop and overlap, will they be able to keep their bond strictly to that of a teacher and his students—or will it mature into something else entirely? -- -- 336,495 8.16
7 Seeds -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Mystery Psychological Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo -- 7 Seeds 7 Seeds -- Imagine this: you are living a normal day in your life. Maybe you are out with friends, eating your family's home-cooked meal or spending time with your girlfriend. When you next wake up, you are suddenly thrust into a strange, new world, surrounded by five strangers on a rapidly sinking boat in the middle of a storm. -- -- For Natsu Iwashimizu, this is her new reality. Humanity has perished, and all that remains of the Japanese population are five groups of men and women who were chosen to be sent to the future in hopes of continuing mankind's existence. While every other person chosen has a useful talent such as martial arts, knowledge, or architecture, Natsu is a shy high school girl who cannot even raise her voice to shout. The new world is dangerous beyond imagination, and although Natsu seems to lack helpful skills, she must go with the others making their way to the "Seven Fuji" in order to survive. -- -- ONA - Jun 28, 2019 -- 84,437 6.55
91 Days -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Historical -- 91 Days 91 Days -- As a child living in the town of Lawless, Angelo Lagusa has witnessed a tragedy: his parents and younger brother have been mercilessly slaughtered by the Vanetti mafia family. Losing everything he holds dear, he leaves both his name and hometown behind, adopting the new identity of Avilio Bruno. -- -- Seven years later, Avilio finally has his chance for revenge when he receives a mysterious letter prompting him to return to Lawless. Obliging, he soon encounters the Vanetti don's son, Nero, and seeks to befriend him using the skills he has quietly honed for years. -- -- Set during the Prohibition era, 91 Days tells the story of Avilio's dark, bloodstained path to vengeance, as he slowly ends each of the men involved in the killing of his family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 502,107 7.83
91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Historical Drama -- 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita -- This episode contains three stories. -- -- The first story, "Toki no Asase" (Shoals of Time), will center on Nero and Vanno persuading Frate to skip mass with them and see the circus. -- -- The second story, "Subete no Kinou" (Yesterday Before Everything), will focus on Ganzo, as he meets a young man named Vincente at a bar, and asks Ganzo to do something for him. -- -- The third story, "Ashita, Mata Ashita" (Tomorrow, and then Tomorrow), is set after Nero and Avilio defeat Mad Mack and are on the way back to Lawless. Nero suffers from fever dreams, and Avilio nurses him back to health. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 5, 2017 -- 38,796 6.88
Aachi wa Ssipak -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy -- Aachi wa Ssipak Aachi wa Ssipak -- After the world ran out of all traditional energy sources, only one remained—human excrement. To encourage citizens to produce as much waste as possible, the government implants a chip in the anus at birth, which provides citizens with "juicybars" every time it detects defecation. Juicybars are highly addictive narcotics that sometimes transform their users into mutant blue dwarfs with extreme constipation. These mutant addicts make up the "Diaper Gang," those who live underground and are focused on trying to obtain juicybars. -- -- Aachi and Ssipak are two small-time crooks who steal and sell juicybars to make it on the streets. When they meet a beautiful woman who has the anal chips of every Diaper Gang member implanted in her, producing dozens of juicybars with every dump, Aachi and Ssipak strike it rich. However, with both the government and the Diaper Gang on their tails, the two struggle to protect their newfound riches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- Movie - Jun 28, 2006 -- 8,637 6.66
Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- -- Gainax, Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody Ecchi Fantasy -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya believes his life is in shambles, as only a 12-year-old can. Having lost his card collection, his childish dilemmas worsen when he learns that his childhood friend, Arumi Asahina, will be moving away. -- -- Suddenly, their issues are dashed aside for the surreal, and they find themselves transported away through bizarre worlds of science fiction, magic, and war. Any attempt to escape only catapults them into another alien land. Soon, the two come to a realization: every world is just a reimagining of their hometown. But there are two unfamiliar faces—the voluptuous Mune-mune and the elusive blue-haired Eutus—and they just might be the key to escaping their predicament. -- -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai follows Sasshi and Arumi's comedic exploits as they desperately attempt to return home. However, when the pair unravel a tale spanning generations, they begin to wonder if the cause of their situation is more personal than they thought. Is returning home truly what they desire? -- -- 73,588 7.25
Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- -- Gainax, Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody Ecchi Fantasy -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya believes his life is in shambles, as only a 12-year-old can. Having lost his card collection, his childish dilemmas worsen when he learns that his childhood friend, Arumi Asahina, will be moving away. -- -- Suddenly, their issues are dashed aside for the surreal, and they find themselves transported away through bizarre worlds of science fiction, magic, and war. Any attempt to escape only catapults them into another alien land. Soon, the two come to a realization: every world is just a reimagining of their hometown. But there are two unfamiliar faces—the voluptuous Mune-mune and the elusive blue-haired Eutus—and they just might be the key to escaping their predicament. -- -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai follows Sasshi and Arumi's comedic exploits as they desperately attempt to return home. However, when the pair unravel a tale spanning generations, they begin to wonder if the cause of their situation is more personal than they thought. Is returning home truly what they desire? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 73,588 7.25
Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Acchi Kocchi (TV) Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- Feelings may come and go, but true love always remains in the heart. Tsumiki Miniwa is in love with her best friend, Io Otonashi. For her, confessing is nearly impossible; but to her friends, they seem to be the perfect match. Cute and petite, Tsumiki comes off more as a friend, and Io's attitude toward her is friendlier than toward others. Despite the constant teasing and obvious hints that his friends have been dropping, Io always seems to miss the signs. -- -- Throughout her everyday school life, Tsumiki spends time with her friends and Io. Will she finally muster enough courage to confess her true feelings? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2012 -- 260,189 7.50
Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Acchi Kocchi (TV) Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- Feelings may come and go, but true love always remains in the heart. Tsumiki Miniwa is in love with her best friend, Io Otonashi. For her, confessing is nearly impossible; but to her friends, they seem to be the perfect match. Cute and petite, Tsumiki comes off more as a friend, and Io's attitude toward her is friendlier than toward others. Despite the constant teasing and obvious hints that his friends have been dropping, Io always seems to miss the signs. -- -- Throughout her everyday school life, Tsumiki spends time with her friends and Io. Will she finally muster enough courage to confess her true feelings? -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2012 -- 260,189 7.50
A-Channel+smile -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 2 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- A-Channel+smile A-Channel+smile -- Following the everyday lives of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi. -- -- Mountain of Pancakes -- Kitou-sensei injures her hand during class and has to deal with it while Tooru brings cat Tansan to school with her to meet Yutaka and Miho. Later, the girls decide to get pancakes at a café where Miho happens to be working, facing trouble when Yutaka shows up out of the blue. -- -- A Picture of a Wish -- Yuuko catches a cold so the others pay her a visit and help look after her. Later, the girls get together for the New Year's shrine visit. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 20,185 7.12
AD Police -- -- AIC, Artmic -- 3 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Dementia Police Psychological Thriller Mecha -- AD Police AD Police -- The year is 2027 in MegaTokyo, six years before the Knight Sabers will make their debut. Boomers (artificial humans) are still a relatively new advancement, and the implementation and integration of boomers into society is still a bit buggy -- sometimes fatally so. Whenever a boomer incident occurs, though, there is the Advanced Police, a special force trained to deal with boomer crimes. -- -- Leon McNichol is a rookie in the AD Police, and is just starting to become exposed to the horrors and tragedies one finds every day in MegaTokyo. He and his veteran partner, Gina Marceau, slowly learn about the ever-fading line that separates man from machine. -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - May 25, 1990 -- 13,204 6.27
A.D. Police (TV) -- -- Plum -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha Shounen -- A.D. Police (TV) A.D. Police (TV) -- Set a few years before Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, A.D. Police chronicles the tales of Mega-Tokyo's special police division designed to control rogue Boomers in the city. A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki faces a major dilemma: he loses another partner to a rabid boomer. A day after he's sent off-duty, he receives a new partner in the form of German cop Hans Kleif. Funny thing is that Kenji sucker-punched Hans at a bar the night before. Not only does Kenji face the everyday task of controlling Boomers, he has to learn to adjust with his new partner. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 9,576 6.01
Afro Samurai -- -- Gonzo -- 5 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Samurai -- Afro Samurai Afro Samurai -- When he was a young boy, Afro witnessed his father be cut down in a duel at the hands of a man known only as Justice. After taking the life of Afro's father, Justice cast aside his Number Two headband and took the Number One to claim its godly powers as his own. -- -- Years later, having obtained the Number Two headband which grants him the right to challenge the Number One, Afro moves forward in his hunt for revenge on the man who murdered his father. There is just one thing that stands in his way—everyone else in the world! Though the Number One can only be challenged by the Number Two, the Number Two can be challenged by anyone. As his enemies gather to try and take the title of Number Two, Afro must fight through a myriad of foes and obstacles if he hopes to reach the Number One and claim vengeance once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - May 3, 2007 -- 284,702 7.36
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 4th Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 4th Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 4th Season -- Fourth season of Aggressive Retsuko. -- ONA - ??? ??, ???? -- 10,262 N/AJie Yao -- -- Seven Stone Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen Ai -- Jie Yao Jie Yao -- Cheng Ke has lost everything. Coming from a privileged background, he now has to search through trash to find his missing possessions. When one of his frustrated outbursts results in him being punched in the face, Cheng Ke finds himself unfortunately acquainted with terrifying gang leader Jiang Yuduo. -- -- Circumstances lead to Cheng Ke becoming a tenant at a new apartment—which just so happens to be rented out by Jiang Yuduo. Cheng Ke's inability to complete even the most menial tasks forces him to overly depend on his landlord, and as a result, the two form an indescribable bond. -- -- However, there are darker forces at play in the lives of both Cheng Ke and Jiang Yuduo. The two men are haunted by the pasts they left behind, and meanwhile, danger lurks around every corner. With mysterious figures following their every move, gang wars raging in the streets they walk on, and enemies itching to bring them down, Cheng Ke and Jiang Yuduo must always have each other's back. -- -- ONA - Jan 9, 2020 -- 10,217 7.02
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- Some offices have stereotypical dynamics: the chauvinistic pig of a boss who never does any real work; the employees whose goal is to suck up to the boss; the ones whose lives seem perfect; and the individuals who have all the actual work pushed onto them. Retsuko the red panda is in the last group, as she stays late most nights to make up the work her coworkers are too lazy to do themselves. -- -- Her relief from the stress of her everyday life comes in the form of singing death metal at a local karaoke club. Night after night, Retsuko channels her grief into a microphone and considers the place to be her own personal sanctuary. But as she moves further away from her comfort zone and the ideas people have of her, she discovers that letting others into her world of death metal may not be such a bad thing. -- -- ONA - Apr 20, 2018 -- 122,453 7.68
Aho Girl -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Aho Girl Aho Girl -- Yoshiko Hanabatake is an idiot beyond all belief. Somehow managing to consistently score zeroes on all of her tests and consumed by an absurd obsession with bananas, her senseless acts have caused even her own mother to lose all hope. Only one person is up to the task of keeping her insanity in check: childhood friend Akuru "A-kun" Akutsu. -- -- Though he bemoans the ridiculous behavior he has to endure, the studious but terrifying A-kun is always ready to put an end to any stupidity Yoshiko gets up to, with no qualms about using physical force. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he attempts to knock some sense into her, the girl bounces right back to her usual shenanigans, even dragging in some other eccentrics along for the ride. Try as he might to rein in her nonsense, every moment is unpredictable with Yoshiko and her profound idiocy on the loose. -- -- 355,295 6.87
Ai no Kusabi -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Yaoi -- Ai no Kusabi Ai no Kusabi -- On the planet Amoi, a person's status is primarily dictated by the color of their hair. This society is run by the AI supercomputer known as Jupiter and its governing board of perfect blondes, referred to as Blondies, living in the capital city of Tanagura. However, the darker-haired humans live out their lives in the golden "pleasure city" of Midas and its outlying slum Ceres. They are known as "mongrels," and most cannot progress out of the slums. -- -- Three years ago, a boy named Riki disappeared from the slums of Ceres. Once the revered leader of the gang Bison, a sudden encounter with an elite Blondie, Iason Mink, forced Riki to abandon everything he had cultivated. The boy was snatched from his home and forced to become Iason's pet. Riki has spent the past three years enduring numerous blows to his pride, his time in Tanagura nothing but a form of torture. -- -- Now that Riki has returned, Bison once again rallies behind him. The risk he finds himself in, however, is much greater than ever before—there is always someone ready to sell him out. -- -- OVA - Aug 1, 1992 -- 32,431 7.12
Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- Aishiteruze Baby� -- � -- -- Katakura Kippei is in every way a high school playboy. Spending his days flirting with any female he can see, responsibility is the last thing on his mind. Life takes an unexpected turn for him as one day he returns home to find himself with the fulltime task of caring for his 5-year-old cousin. Kippei's aunt Miyako had disappeared, appearing to have abandoned his cousin, Yuzuyu. With Kippei's lack of responsibility and knowledge of childcare and Yuzuyu's injured heart with the disappearance of her mother, their time together is in for a bumpy ride. -- 91,037 7.47
Ajin -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Seinen -- Ajin Ajin -- Mysterious immortal humans known as "Ajin" first appeared 17 years ago in Africa. Upon their discovery, they were labeled as a threat to mankind, as they might use their powers for evil and were incapable of being destroyed. Since then, whenever an Ajin is found within society, they are to be arrested and taken into custody immediately. -- -- Studying hard to become a doctor, Kei Nagai is a high schooler who knows very little about Ajin, only having seen them appear in the news every now and then. Students are taught that these creatures are not considered to be human, but Kei doesn't pay much attention in class. As a result, his perilously little grasp on this subject proves to be completely irrelevant when he survives an accident that was supposed to claim his life, signaling his rebirth as an Ajin and the start of his days of torment. However, as he finds himself alone on the run from the entire world, Kei soon realizes that more of his species may be a lot closer than he thinks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 465,425 7.47
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 263,914 7.99
A Kite -- -- Arms -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Hentai Police -- A Kite A Kite -- After her parents were brutally murdered, school girl Sawa was taken into custody by Akai and Kanie, a pair of detectives assigned to her case. Corrupt and immoral, they train the girl to become a weapon, dangling the promise of vengeance in front of the hapless orphan. From celebrities and politicians to influential businessmen, Sawa is tasked with assassinating targets selected arbitrarily by her crooked overseers. She executes every mission without fail, and her distinctive weapon has become infamous among the city's police officers. -- -- Physically abused by Akai, who is no more righteous than her victims, Sawa begins to dream of a life unhindered by the shadow of her "guardians." One day, Sawa meets Oburi, a fellow orphan and vigilante. They quickly form a bond born of desperation and disgruntlement at the unjust world, envisioning a future free from the stain of murder. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 25, 1998 -- 49,784 6.55
Aku no Hana -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Drama Romance School Shounen -- Aku no Hana Aku no Hana -- Kasuga Takao is a boy who loves reading books, particularly Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal. A girl at his school, Saeki Nanako, is his muse and his Venus, and he admires her from a distance. One day, he forgets his copy of Les Fleurs du Mal in the classroom and runs back alone to pick it up. In the classroom, he finds not only his book, but Saeki's gym uniform. On a mad impulse, he steals it. -- -- Now everyone knows "some pervert" stole Saeki's uniform, and Kasuga is dying with shame and guilt. Furthermore, the weird, creepy, and friendless girl of the class, Nakamura, saw him take the uniform. Instead of revealing it was him, she recognizes his kindred deviant spirit and uses her knowledge to take control of his life. Will it be possible for Kasuga to get closer to Saeki, despite Nakamura's meddling and his dark secret? What exactly does Nakamura intend to do with him? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 168,662 7.16
Aku no Hana -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Drama Romance School Shounen -- Aku no Hana Aku no Hana -- Kasuga Takao is a boy who loves reading books, particularly Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal. A girl at his school, Saeki Nanako, is his muse and his Venus, and he admires her from a distance. One day, he forgets his copy of Les Fleurs du Mal in the classroom and runs back alone to pick it up. In the classroom, he finds not only his book, but Saeki's gym uniform. On a mad impulse, he steals it. -- -- Now everyone knows "some pervert" stole Saeki's uniform, and Kasuga is dying with shame and guilt. Furthermore, the weird, creepy, and friendless girl of the class, Nakamura, saw him take the uniform. Instead of revealing it was him, she recognizes his kindred deviant spirit and uses her knowledge to take control of his life. Will it be possible for Kasuga to get closer to Saeki, despite Nakamura's meddling and his dark secret? What exactly does Nakamura intend to do with him? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 168,662 7.16
Andromeda Stories -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Space -- Andromeda Stories Andromeda Stories -- In the Andromeda galaxy there's a planet of a highly developed human civilisation. The gentle Prince Itaka and another kingdom's beautiful Princess Lilia are about to enter a love-marriage and take over the throne, when they discover a strange object on the nightsky. Later it lands on the planet, and an alien, mechanic civilization invades King Itaka's peaceful country making nearly everybody their slave. On a fateful night Queen Lilia gives birth to twins, and to avoid misfortune, the nanny Tarama takes one of the babies away, and entrusts it to the gladiator Balga. They still don't know, that the children were born with strong powers, and hold the key to the fight against the enemy that's searching to destroy every human civilisation on the planet... -- -- (Source: Terra e... LJ Community) -- Special - Aug 22, 1982 -- 1,544 5.73
Ane Naru Mono -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Ane Naru Mono Ane Naru Mono -- Since the death of his parents, young Yuu has suffered considerably from neglect and abuse at the hands of his adoptive relatives, who leave him to his own resources to survive. Fortunately, a girl named Chiyo comes to his aid and offers to take care of Yuu while acting as his older sister. However, Chiyo is not what she seems, and Yuu knows all too well that her intentions are far from innocent. In exchange for her generosity, Yuu must supply Chiyo with his "life potential." -- -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,864 N/A -- -- Call Me Tonight -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror Romance Sci-Fi -- Call Me Tonight Call Me Tonight -- Rumi's met a lot of guys through her job, and it's probably fair to assume that most of them could be said to have some sort of problem, but a man who literally turns into a beast when he gets turned on may be outside of this perky call girl's field of expertise. Still, a little challenge every now and again stimulates the mind and makes life so much more interesting, so she's willing to give it a shot. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 28, 1986 -- 7,859 5.28
Another -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller School -- Another Another -- In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within. -- -- Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3 of Yomiyama North and soon after discovers that a strange, gloomy mood seems to hang over all the students. He also finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki; however, the rest of the class and the teachers seem to treat her like she doesn't exist. Paying no heed to warnings from everyone including Mei herself, Kouichi begins to get closer not only to her, but also to the truth behind the gruesome phenomenon plaguing class 3-3 of Yomiyama North. -- -- Another follows Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates as they are pulled into the enigma surrounding a series of inevitable, tragic events—but unraveling the horror of Yomiyama may just cost them the ultimate price. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2012 -- 1,275,253 7.53
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- -- SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- Recap of the Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova TV series, with approximately 40 minutes of new material. -- -- By 2039, global warming had caused sea levels to rise and large amount of territory to be lost. As though in response, a mysterious group of warships clad in mist, "the Fleet of Mist," appeared in every corner of the ocean, and began attacking human ships. In spite of humanity mustering all their strength, they were utterly defeated by the Mist's overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes were blockaded by the Fleet of Mist, their political economy was destroyed, and the human race was steadily beaten down. Seven years later, the Fleet of Mist's submarine I-401 appears before cadet Gunzo Chihaya. The humanoid life form that pilots the sub, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 31, 2015 -- 23,000 7.44
Ao no Exorcist Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Movie Ao no Exorcist Movie -- The atmosphere in True Cross Academy is lively and boisterous in the days leading up to the grand festival held once every 11 years. During this time, Okumura Rin is entrusted with the responsibility of suppressing the berserk Phantom Train. In the midst of his mission, he meets a devil whose appearance is that of a young boy. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 28, 2012 -- 221,053 7.62
Ao no Exorcist Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Movie Ao no Exorcist Movie -- The atmosphere in True Cross Academy is lively and boisterous in the days leading up to the grand festival held once every 11 years. During this time, Okumura Rin is entrusted with the responsibility of suppressing the berserk Phantom Train. In the midst of his mission, he meets a devil whose appearance is that of a young boy. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Dec 28, 2012 -- 221,053 7.62
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Sports Drama School -- Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm -- With the invention of anti-gravitational shoes known as Grav-Shoes, the ability to fly freely has become an everyday experience for the people inhabiting a four-island archipelago south of Japan. This invention has brought the people new ways of living and also a new sport known as "Flying Circus," where participants gain points by either touching floating buoys or their opponent's back. -- -- The gullible and clumsy Asuka Kurashina, newly transferred to Kunahama High School, enters this world of flight unknowingly when she is able to pull off a difficult maneuver the first time she participates in a Flying Circus match. Eventually, this leads her to join her school’s Flying Circus club. Led by their coach, Masaya Hinata, their members consist of the experienced Misaki Tobisawa and her overprotective friend, Mashiro Arisaka. Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm follows this rookie group soaring high above the skies and toward their dreams, armed only with their unwavering passion against an uncertain future. -- -- 129,466 6.69
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Sports Drama School -- Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm -- With the invention of anti-gravitational shoes known as Grav-Shoes, the ability to fly freely has become an everyday experience for the people inhabiting a four-island archipelago south of Japan. This invention has brought the people new ways of living and also a new sport known as "Flying Circus," where participants gain points by either touching floating buoys or their opponent's back. -- -- The gullible and clumsy Asuka Kurashina, newly transferred to Kunahama High School, enters this world of flight unknowingly when she is able to pull off a difficult maneuver the first time she participates in a Flying Circus match. Eventually, this leads her to join her school’s Flying Circus club. Led by their coach, Masaya Hinata, their members consist of the experienced Misaki Tobisawa and her overprotective friend, Mashiro Arisaka. Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm follows this rookie group soaring high above the skies and toward their dreams, armed only with their unwavering passion against an uncertain future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 129,466 6.69
Appleseed (Movie) -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Drama Mecha Shounen -- Appleseed (Movie) Appleseed (Movie) -- Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out to be of critical importance to the future of humanity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 65,854 7.09
Appleseed (Movie) -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Drama Mecha Shounen -- Appleseed (Movie) Appleseed (Movie) -- Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out to be of critical importance to the future of humanity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 65,854 7.09
Arc the Lad -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi -- Arc the Lad Arc the Lad -- The story follows Elk, a bounty hunter in some strange futuristic world. On this world archaic but advanced technology exists side by side with primitive attitudes, beasts and magic. In other words it's got a bit of everything. It also has an evil conspiracy who are able to produce powerful monsters called chimera, who can also appear as human. Naturally it is not long before Elk has rescued a young female beast-master and gained himself some serious enemies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 14,351 6.52
Arslan Senki -- -- animate Film, J.C.Staff -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical -- Arslan Senki Arslan Senki -- In the medieval kingdom of Pars, young Prince Arslan confronts the hostility of his father and the disinterest of his mother, and yearns to learn more about the world. Despite being surrounded by poverty and slavery, Arslan persists in seeing the possibility of a nobler world. Everything changes when the neighboring nation of Lusitania invades Pars, and Arslan is forced to grow up in an instant. -- -- Arslan Senki follows Prince Arslan to war, where he struggles to save his nation and family with the help of a small but devoted circle of advisers. Along the way the young prince finds secrets around every corner and faces enemies who hate him because of what he is, but also finds friends where he least expects them. The story of nations at war, Arslan Senki is also the story of one boy's quest to stay himself in the most trying of circumstances. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Aug 17, 1991 -- 18,453 6.92
Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller -- Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- One day, when Remu Mikage is on a video call with his sister, Shiki, who has traveled to the futuristic Okinotori-island Mega Float City for school, she confesses that both the audio and visuals of her are completely artificial. In order to be more efficient in her studies, Shiki has used neural-linked nanomachines to upload her consciousness onto a computer and is storing her physical body in a "body pool." While shocked, Remu is supportive of his sister's decision, until the disaster known as the "Early Rapture" happens. -- -- The Early Rapture causes everyone who has uploaded their consciousnesses to either fall into a coma or perish. Remu visits his sister's empty apartment one last time, but is shocked when Shiki arrives at the door. With no memory of her family or past, and being pursued by a violent group of researchers, Shiki and her brother are forced to flee using her newfound power of nanomachine manipulation. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 24,206 6.29
Assassins Pride -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Assassins Pride Assassins Pride -- On the brink of extinction, mankind has downsized and now solely resides in the city-state of Flandore, living in cities encased by glass domes. Beyond the domes exist vicious lycanthropes who thrive in the darkness; among the citizens inside, a clear distinction between the nobility and commoners is in place. The blood of nobles enables them to utilize mana, granting them abilities that exceed human limits and greatly assist them in defeating lycanthropes. -- -- Already 13 years of age, noble Melida Angel has yet to manifest her mana, and attends an elite academy where she is mistreated for her lack thereof. In order to help her, Kufa Vampir is ordered by the Angel family to become Melida's tutor. While Kufa seems to be a mere mentor, an ulterior motive lurks behind his job—he is to assassinate her if he confirms that she does not possess mana. -- -- Kufa's investigation eventually leads him to determine he must eliminate Melida. However, Kufa is struck by her unwavering determination, spirit, and belief in herself when he witnesses her in a fight, choosing instead to offer a way she can manifest her magic. As Melida learns to use mana with the help of Kufa's teachings, Kufa forsakes his mission and jeopardizes everything to keep his discovery of Melida unknown to the Angel family and his own guild. However, both Kufa and Melida will soon realize that hiding their secret will not be the only challenge they face, as unforeseen trouble is waiting just around the corner. -- -- 231,931 5.92
Astarotte no Omocha! -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Ecchi Fantasy Romance Seinen -- Astarotte no Omocha! Astarotte no Omocha! -- Succubi, like the young princess Astarotte "Lotte" Ygvar, require the life seed from men to survive, replenish their magic, and continue the royal lineage of the magical realm. This means succubi are required to keep a harem of men close at hand. Ironically, Lotte despises men, which will put her life at risk once she matures. To convince her to fulfill her duties, one of her attendants, Judith Snorrevik, goes to the human realm to find a human male whom Lotte can tolerate. -- -- Judith returns with 23-year-old Naoya Touhara, a single father who unfortunately leaves his daughter, Asuha, behind in the human realm. As the first member of Lotte's harem, Naoya quickly adapts to this new environment, serving the princess to make her happy, rather than viewing her with sexual intent. Unfortunately, when his daughter is allowed to arrive in the magical realm, Naoya's relationship quickly worsens with Lotte. Even so, he strives to patch up their relationship. -- -- It soon becomes clear, however, that Naoya's presence in the magical realm is more than just mere coincidence. As he develops his bond with Lotte, fate begins to pull together the connections that tie him and everyone else within this enchanting world. -- -- TV - Apr 11, 2011 -- 124,210 6.58
Asura Cryin' -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Mecha -- Asura Cryin' Asura Cryin' -- Natsume Tomoharu is a normal high-school student in every way with one exception: he's being followed by the ghost of his best friend, Misao. -- -- After moving into his brother's old house, Tomoharu expects to continue living his normal life but is one day left with a mysterious and locked briefcase without any instruction. At first he plans to leave it in storage; however, his house is soon invaded by multiple groups of people after the briefcase. Although still not knowing the purpose of the briefcase, Tomoharu and Misao attempt to escape with it. -- -- From there on, Tomoharu tries to learn the secrets behind the briefcase, the connections between it and Misao, and why it has the power to change the world. -- -- 91,283 6.94
Baccano! -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Historical Mystery Supernatural -- Baccano! Baccano! -- During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. -- -- Based on the award-winning light novels of the same name, Baccano! follows several events that initially seem unrelated, both in time and place, but are part of a much bigger story—one of alchemy, survival, and immortality. Merging these events together are the kindhearted would-be thieves, Isaac and Miria, connecting various people, all of them with their own hidden ambitions and agendas, and creating lifelong bonds and consequences for everyone involved. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 735,544 8.41
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- Fumizuki Academy isn't a typical Japanese high school. This unique institution has implemented a new and innovative system to sort its students. At the end of their freshman year, students take a test that divides up the student body. The highest scorers are placed into A class, all the way down until F class, for the lowest of the low. -- -- Unfortunately for Akihisa Yoshii, his supposedly "great" intellect wasn't quite enough for such a test, and he's now stuck at the bottom of F class. Naturally, F class has the worst facilities: not only rotten tatami mats and broken tables, but also outdated equipment and worn out furniture. On the bright side, his friend Yuuji Sakamoto is in the same class, and to everyone's surprise, the genius girl Mizuki Himeji has also ended up in the same class due to an unforeseen fever on the day of the test. -- -- Unsatisfied with their perquisites, F class rallies behind Yuuji, determined to take on the higher-tiered classes in order to seize their perks by using the school's Examinations Summon Battle system. The participants can summon fantasy characters—whose power levels are equal to their student's test scores—in an all-out battle. Will F class be able to rise to the top, or will they live up to everyone's expectations and fail? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 542,160 7.58
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! -- The blockheads of Class F return with more misadventures! Rather than desperately competing against the elite students in Class A for better facilities, they have other problems at hand. While the girls are constantly vying for the boys' attention, Akihisa Yoshii and Yuuji Sakamoto are being blackmailed by a stalker who threatens to reveal their most embarrassing secrets to the whole school. Moreover, everyone's avatar starts to behave strangely. -- -- Filled with more nosebleeds and eye-pokes, the boys of Class F must work together to discover the stalker's identity and deal with the misfortunes that come with love among fools. -- -- TV - Jul 8, 2011 -- 322,656 7.74
Bakumatsu Rock -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Music Comedy Historical Shoujo -- Bakumatsu Rock Bakumatsu Rock -- Ryouma Sakamoto wants everyone to know about his passion for rock 'n' roll, so he roams around town with his electric guitar willing to show anyone he encounters that he's just as skilled as the famous Shinsengumi stars they admire. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't allow anything other than that group's Heaven's Songs, for writing or performing different types of music is forbidden and can lead to harsh consequences. -- -- Agitated by these strict rules and brainwashing, Ryouma does everything he can to show people that the music he loves will bring them the freedom they deserve. Along with his bandmates Shinsaku Takasugi and Kogoru Katsura, Ryouma works hard to find places for his rock 'n' roll group to perform. Refusing to back down until their music is accepted in Japan, the trio begin to realize that there's more to their passion than they had thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 2, 2014 -- 26,390 6.05
Bakuon!! -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Bakuon!! Bakuon!! -- Every day Hane Sakura makes the arduous trip to school, cycling up a large hill on her bicycle. After encountering the motorcycle enthusiast Onsa Amano one morning, she is introduced to the motorcycle club, led by the ever-silent Raimu Kawasaki. New to motorcycles, Sakura experiences firsthand the difficulty of learning to ride again. However, through this, she hopes to once again recreate her first biking experience, which was filled with both horror and exhilaration. -- -- Alongside Baita, the talking motorcycle; Rin Suzunoki, a Suzuki model enthusiast; Hijiri Minowa, a wealthy girl who dreams of being a thug; and professional racer Chisame Nakano, Sakura strives toward getting her bike license and experiencing the joys and hardships of motorcycles. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 53,371 6.48
Bakuretsu Hunters -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Magic Shounen Supernatural -- Bakuretsu Hunters Bakuretsu Hunters -- In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent's aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he's placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira (who can transform into dominatrix's at will) must stop the evil sorcerers from picking on the weak; however, none of them (except maybe Marron) have a clue to what's going on. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 17,495 6.70
Bakuretsu Hunters -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Magic Shounen Supernatural -- Bakuretsu Hunters Bakuretsu Hunters -- In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent's aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he's placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira (who can transform into dominatrix's at will) must stop the evil sorcerers from picking on the weak; however, none of them (except maybe Marron) have a clue to what's going on. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- 17,495 6.70
Baldr Force Exe Resolution -- -- Satelight -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Baldr Force Exe Resolution Baldr Force Exe Resolution -- Any network runs all over the world, and the development of the information network reaches its acme. In this age, there are two developed worlds; "the real world" and "wired", or the virtual network world. -- -- Soma Toru belongs to a hacking group, Steppen Wolf, which runs around the network world freely. They attack the database of the UN forces as their last work. During this attack, he loses Nonomura Yuya, his friend as well as the team leader. Toru is arrested by the army. In exchange for letting him free, he has to work for an anti-hacker organization, the first squad of the UN Security Force Information Administration Bureau. -- -- Working for them, he is looking for the person who killed his friend, while the other members also have their own reason to fight. -- -- The three-way fights of the terrorist group, the security enterprise, and the army, continue every day. The various events occurred during the fight seem to be independent of each other at the first glance, but they're converging on one event as if they were attracted by something. -- -- Based on the game by GIGA. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Nov 10, 2006 -- 15,668 6.46
Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Historical Martial Arts -- Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou -- It has been 10 years since the war between the Iga and Kouga ninja clans came to an end. The two groups have since made peace, supposedly dispelling the animosity that once existed between them. Hachirou Kouga and Hibiki Iga, the successors of their respective bloodlines, seem to have the perfect conditions for their love to bloom, but not everyone is satisfied with the results of the age-old battle. -- -- Different tales of the final showdown between Gennosuke Kouga and Oboro Iga have spread, leaving Tadanaga Tokugawa—whom the Kouga represented—dissatisfied. As tension between the two clans rises once again, the brewing political climate threatens to keep the two fated lovers apart, just as it had in the previous generation. -- -- 30,267 5.47
Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Historical Martial Arts -- Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou -- It has been 10 years since the war between the Iga and Kouga ninja clans came to an end. The two groups have since made peace, supposedly dispelling the animosity that once existed between them. Hachirou Kouga and Hibiki Iga, the successors of their respective bloodlines, seem to have the perfect conditions for their love to bloom, but not everyone is satisfied with the results of the age-old battle. -- -- Different tales of the final showdown between Gennosuke Kouga and Oboro Iga have spread, leaving Tadanaga Tokugawa—whom the Kouga represented—dissatisfied. As tension between the two clans rises once again, the brewing political climate threatens to keep the two fated lovers apart, just as it had in the previous generation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 30,267 5.47
Battle Spirits: Brave -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Military Sci-Fi Adventure Demons -- Battle Spirits: Brave Battle Spirits: Brave -- Two years ago, the world was saved by Dan Bashin and the other light bearers of the cores. Having once risked his life in Grand Rolo's strife, Dan no longer finds passion in the mundanity of everyday card battles. When Dan desires to clash against stronger opponents, he is approached by Mai Shinomiya. She offers to bring him to the future, the stage of a new conflict where Dan's strength is needed. -- -- The two arrive in the year 2650, where civilization has been ravaged by the struggle for power between mankind and an otherworldly race known as "Mazoku." As humanity begins to crumble under the dominance of the Mazoku, the hardened light bearers are destined to cross paths once more. Armed with new cards from the future, Dan and the other warriors must yet again bear the fate of humanity on their shoulders. -- -- 3,112 7.07
Battle Spirits: Burning Soul -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Card game -- Game -- Battle Spirits: Burning Soul Battle Spirits: Burning Soul -- In the near future, a battle card game called "Battle Spirits" has gained enormous popularity. Players of the game—known as "Battlers"—start duelings everywhere using their color-coded cards with different attributes, creating a "Sengoku (Warring States) period" for the game. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 3,230 6.70
Battle Spirits: Heroes -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Sci-Fi -- Battle Spirits: Heroes Battle Spirits: Heroes -- Like every card game enthusiast, Hajime Hinobori has always wanted to see the Spirits from his cards come to life and witness them in real combat. This dream is successfully realized by Hajime's scientist parents, who develop an augmented reality system that revolutionizes the competitive scene of Battle Spirits. Curious players from across the globe travel to partake in this innovative battle system. -- -- With his sight set on becoming the champion of this new form of Battle Spirits, Hajime encounters many colorful and quirky rivals, including eccentric diva Kimari Tatsumi and arrogant prodigy Tegamaru Tanashi. Along this journey of self-discovery and card-gaming shenanigans, there are no ordinary days in the lives of young heroes striving to take the crown! -- -- TV - Sep 18, 2011 -- 1,670 6.14
Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- -- Sunrise, Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Shounen -- Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- Energetic and thrill-seeking sixth grader Toppa Bashin has his mind set on only one thing—the card game Battle Spirits. Bearing a ruby pendant inherited from his missing father, Bashin heads to school every day with excitement: not for academics, but for card battling, much to the chagrin of his peers. -- -- One day, Bashin encounters J, the child prodigy champion of Battle Spirits, who bears a similar pendant. Star-struck, Bashin challenges J to a battle. However, the battle he gets is one he did not anticipate; the two are teleported to a mysterious arena in the sky—the Isekai World—where Spirits from the game become real. -- -- Feeling that his dream is finally within arm's reach, Bashin dives headfirst into the Isekai World, encountering other card battlers with extraordinary pendants. While making his way to the top, he slowly realizes that there is more to Battle Spirits than he ever imagined. -- -- TV - Sep 7, 2008 -- 2,736 6.41
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- -- Sunrise -- 29 eps -- Card game -- Game Adventure Fantasy -- Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- Many years ago, the death of the emperor sparked riots and civil wars that ravaged Atlantia. Upon the throning of the young king Yaiba, treacherous rebels were executed to restore the peace the country once had. However, tainted by this radical act of governance, Atlantia continues to be enveloped under the shadow of oppressive rule. -- -- Tsurugi Tatewaki is a spunky teenager who grew up in the rural countryside with little memory of his birth parents. One day in his home, he stumbles upon a mysterious sword that transforms into a Battle Spirits card. When armed forces from Atlantia confront Tsurugi with their sights set on procuring his card, the secrets behind Tsurugi's past seemingly begin to unravel. -- -- Accompanied by a droid named Bringer, Tsurugi makes his way to the capital of Atlantia and encounters supposed warriors who wield similar swords. As his world is slowly turned upside down by the gradual appearance of greater mysteries, Tsurugi may have to question everything he knows, including his very own judgment on what separates good from evil. -- -- TV - Sep 9, 2012 -- 2,050 6.54
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Demons Fantasy Super Power -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- Driven to recover her memories after waking in a coffin at the bottom of a lake 20 years ago, Bayonetta hunts down the forces of Heaven day and night in search of clues to her forgotten past, and to uphold her pact with the demonic forces she draws her powers from as an Umbra Witch. She is armed and guided by the mysterious bartender and weapon-smith, Rodin, and following her every footstep is the intrepid journalist, Luka Redgrave, who believes that she has something to do with the death of his father and will stop at nothing to get the truth. Her quest takes a promising turn when she encounters a little girl named Cereza, but standing in her way is a rival Umbra Witch named Jeanne, who works for the very forces that she should be opposing. -- -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate is an action-packed anime film that explores the connection between all of characters and works to unravel just how they are seemingly entwined in a conspiracy that eclipses them all. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 40,497 6.63
Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Romance Shounen -- Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- According to legend, Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell, betrayed God and was banished from Heaven for eternity. Beelzebub now leads the kingdom of Pandemonium, where all former angels roam and work every single day of their immortal lives. A devil like him would give people chills at the mere mention of his name, but… -- -- What if Beelzebub is not as evil as initially thought? What if he was obsessed with fluffy things? And what if Beelzebub is actually a woman? -- -- That is what new assistant Myurin discovers when he is hired to serve Her Majesty Beelzebub. She may know exactly what to do to keep Pandemonium running like clockwork, but whenever she leaves the professionalism of the office, the girl needs some assistance in order to function like a normal…devil. As much as Myurin can’t stand being unprofessional, he is secretly obsessed with her adorable antics, and his new job teaches him that everything is not exactly what it seems, especially with the other head devils of Pandemonium. -- -- 68,775 7.26
Before long, the Bloody War Alliance, discontent with this disparity, began committing acts of terrorism. Amidst all this, the police established the anti-RC special mobile unit and a joint anti-RC training school for the initial training of the unit members. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 978 N/ALive On Cardliver Kakeru -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Game Fantasy -- Live On Cardliver Kakeru Live On Cardliver Kakeru -- Kakeru is a big fan of the Live On card game, like so many kids his age. However he loses every time he plays, no matter how hard he tries. Things change when one day Kakeru saves a small dog-like creature chased by weird people. The “dog” is in fact a Create Monster and gives Kakeru an unusual Live Change card, which in turn allows Kakeru to protect his newfound friend… And gets him involved in something he did not expect… -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 5, 2008 -- 947 6.47
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger than himself. -- -- One day, Griffith, the mysterious leader of the mercenary group Band of the Hawk, witnesses the warrior's battle prowess and invites the wandering swordsman to join his squadron. Rejecting the offer, Guts challenges Griffith to a duel—and, much to the former's surprise, is subsequently defeated and forced to join. -- -- Now, Guts must fight alongside Griffith and his crew to help Midland defeat the Empire of Chuder. However, Griffith seems to harbor ulterior motives, desiring something much larger than just settling the war... -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- Movie - Feb 4, 2012 -- 170,324 7.74
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago -- In the Kingdom of Midland, a mercenary named Guts wanders the land, preferring a life of conflict over a life of peace. Despite the odds never being in his favor, he is an unstoppable force that overcomes every opponent, wielding a massive sword larger than himself. -- -- One day, Griffith, the mysterious leader of the mercenary group Band of the Hawk, witnesses the warrior's battle prowess and invites the wandering swordsman to join his squadron. Rejecting the offer, Guts challenges Griffith to a duel—and, much to the former's surprise, is subsequently defeated and forced to join. -- -- Now, Guts must fight alongside Griffith and his crew to help Midland defeat the Empire of Chuder. However, Griffith seems to harbor ulterior motives, desiring something much larger than just settling the war... -- -- Movie - Feb 4, 2012 -- 170,324 7.74
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- The Band of the Hawk and their enigmatic leader Griffith continue winning battle after battle as their prestige throughout the kingdom of Midland grows. But their latest task is one that has seen failure from everyone who has attempted it: the subjugation of the impenetrable fortress of Doldrey. -- -- But with members like Guts—the captain of the Hawks' raiders who can easily fell 100 men with his gigantic sword—such tasks prove to be trivial. However, in the aftermath of the battle, Guts decides to leave the Hawks in order to pursue his own dream and bids farewell to his companions, despite Griffith's attempts to make him stay. This single event causes Griffith to lose his composure, and leads him to make a decision that will alter his and the Hawks' fates forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jun 23, 2012 -- 156,516 7.91
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- The Band of the Hawk and their enigmatic leader Griffith continue winning battle after battle as their prestige throughout the kingdom of Midland grows. But their latest task is one that has seen failure from everyone who has attempted it: the subjugation of the impenetrable fortress of Doldrey. -- -- But with members like Guts—the captain of the Hawks' raiders who can easily fell 100 men with his gigantic sword—such tasks prove to be trivial. However, in the aftermath of the battle, Guts decides to leave the Hawks in order to pursue his own dream and bids farewell to his companions, despite Griffith's attempts to make him stay. This single event causes Griffith to lose his composure, and leads him to make a decision that will alter his and the Hawks' fates forever. -- -- Movie - Jun 23, 2012 -- 156,516 7.91
Big Order (TV) -- -- Asread -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Big Order (TV) Big Order (TV) -- Ten years ago, a fairy by the name of Daisy appeared and asked the child Eiji Hoshimiya what his one and only wish was. Although his wish remains a mystery, the consequences were catastrophic. In an event called the "Great Destruction," the world started to fall apart as everything collapsed and countless people died. -- -- Now, Eiji is a high school student whose only concern is his sick sister. He does not remember what he wished for; all that he remembers is that his wish caused the Great Destruction. In the years since that event, thousands of other people have also received abilities to make their heart's desire come true. These people called "Orders" are believed to be evil and are hated by the general public. However, some of these Orders are after Eiji's life in vengeance for those that he killed. Will Eiji be able to survive the numerous assassination attempts? And the biggest mystery of all: what did he wish for, and what were his intentions in wishing for something that caused so much desolation? -- -- 183,563 5.38
Big Order (TV) -- -- Asread -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Big Order (TV) Big Order (TV) -- Ten years ago, a fairy by the name of Daisy appeared and asked the child Eiji Hoshimiya what his one and only wish was. Although his wish remains a mystery, the consequences were catastrophic. In an event called the "Great Destruction," the world started to fall apart as everything collapsed and countless people died. -- -- Now, Eiji is a high school student whose only concern is his sick sister. He does not remember what he wished for; all that he remembers is that his wish caused the Great Destruction. In the years since that event, thousands of other people have also received abilities to make their heart's desire come true. These people called "Orders" are believed to be evil and are hated by the general public. However, some of these Orders are after Eiji's life in vengeance for those that he killed. Will Eiji be able to survive the numerous assassination attempts? And the biggest mystery of all: what did he wish for, and what were his intentions in wishing for something that caused so much desolation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 183,563 5.38
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! -- -- Studio Comet -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Parody Magic School -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! -- The older boys are graduating school and recount their memories together. The next day everyone defends the graduation ceremony against Zundar and Dadacha's Second Button Monster but Yumoto struggles using his love power. -- OVA - Aug 26, 2017 -- 7,240 6.82
Binbougami ga! -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Shounen Supernatural -- Binbougami ga! Binbougami ga! -- Ichiko Sakura lives life on easy mode. Blessed with good fortune, she has everything she has ever wanted, including beauty, intelligence, and wealth. Momiji Binboda is a goddess of poverty. In stark contrast to Ichiko, she is cursed with misfortune, such as a perpetual cast on her arm, a flat chest, and a box under a bridge for a home. -- -- Their lives collide when Momiji lives up to her title and delivers some unfortunate news to Ichiko: her large amount of luck is due to her subconsciously draining the luck from those around her! Momiji has been tasked with stealing back Ichiko's fortune before she leaves everyone without enough luck to even survive. But Ichiko, with the help of the wandering monk Bobby Statice, manages to fight off the poverty goddess. This defeat forces the goddess to enlist reinforcements in the form of Kumagai, her teddy bear familiar, and the masochistic dog god, Momoo Inugami. -- -- Insanity ensues as Ichiko's quiet life is replaced with daily battles for her fortune. To survive the chaos, Ichiko will need all the luck she can get in Binbougami ga!! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 5, 2012 -- 199,037 7.72
Binbougami ga! -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Shounen Supernatural -- Binbougami ga! Binbougami ga! -- Ichiko Sakura lives life on easy mode. Blessed with good fortune, she has everything she has ever wanted, including beauty, intelligence, and wealth. Momiji Binboda is a goddess of poverty. In stark contrast to Ichiko, she is cursed with misfortune, such as a perpetual cast on her arm, a flat chest, and a box under a bridge for a home. -- -- Their lives collide when Momiji lives up to her title and delivers some unfortunate news to Ichiko: her large amount of luck is due to her subconsciously draining the luck from those around her! Momiji has been tasked with stealing back Ichiko's fortune before she leaves everyone without enough luck to even survive. But Ichiko, with the help of the wandering monk Bobby Statice, manages to fight off the poverty goddess. This defeat forces the goddess to enlist reinforcements in the form of Kumagai, her teddy bear familiar, and the masochistic dog god, Momoo Inugami. -- -- Insanity ensues as Ichiko's quiet life is replaced with daily battles for her fortune. To survive the chaos, Ichiko will need all the luck she can get in Binbougami ga!! -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2012 -- 199,037 7.72
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor 9 Senshi Shuuketsu! Black Dream Hole no Kiseki -- -- Production Reed, Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Magic Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor 9 Senshi Shuuketsu! Black Dream Hole no Kiseki Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor 9 Senshi Shuuketsu! Black Dream Hole no Kiseki -- Everywhere around the world, the children sleep. Unaware of danger lurking in the shadows. But tonight, a strange darkness floats in the wind. And the children, one by one, begin to disappear. It seems to be a supernatural force that feeds on their dreams. The evil queen, Badiyanu, and her loyal fairies assist in using the "Black Dream Hole" to swallow the earth. It is up to Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers to prevent the approaching Darkness. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 34,715 7.54
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- 236,091 7.37
Black Cat (TV) -- -- Gonzo -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Black Cat (TV) Black Cat (TV) -- Completing every job with ruthless accuracy, Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin with no regard for human life. Donning the moniker "Black Cat" in the underground world, the elite killer works for the powerful secret organization known only as Chronos. -- -- One gloomy night, the blasé gunman stumbles upon Saya Minatsuki, an enigmatic bounty hunter, and soon develops an odd friendship with her. Influenced by Saya's positive outlook on life, Train begins to rethink his life. Deciding to abandon his role as the Black Cat, he instead opts to head down a virtuous path as an honest bounty hunter. However, Chronos—and particularly Creed Diskenth, Train's possessive underling—is not impressed with Train's sudden change of heart and vows to resort to extreme measures in order to bring back the emissary of bad luck. -- -- This assassin turned "stray cat" can only wander so far before the deafening sound of gunfire rings out. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 236,091 7.37
Black Jack -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Black Jack Black Jack -- Kuroo Hazama, also known as "Black Jack," is a legend in the medical world. Famous for being one of the best, as well as not having a license, Hazama and his assistant Pinoko save countless lives that other doctors cannot... for a price; an exorbitant price, in fact, which causes many to view the genius as greedy and heartless. Despite these claims, however, none can deny his skill and the lengths that he will go to treat his patients. This dark medical drama tells the story of the ominous and mysterious world of underground medicine as Black Jack risks his life to cure some of the most bizarre diseases imaginable, even if it means breaking every law in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 21, 1993 -- 31,096 7.73
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Seinen -- Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage -- Rokurou "Rock" Okajima has joined the Lagoon Company, a pirate mercenary group which operates out of Roanapur, Thailand. Despite his initial protests, this filthy slum of depraved souls and merciless criminals now serves as the former salaryman's home. Stranded, with nothing left of his past life but the clothes on his back and his inner morality, Rock is forced to perform jobs alongside the other members of the Lagoon crew. Berated for his lack of spine as he wades through the underbelly of society, he must decide whether to continue on amidst the gunfire and ruthlessness or risk everything he has in an attempt to be free. Whether he chooses the comfort of a familiar land or the freedom of being an outlaw, his decision will have lasting consequences on the crew who gave him a home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 393,204 8.19
B-Legend! Battle B-Daman -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Game Kids -- B-Legend! Battle B-Daman B-Legend! Battle B-Daman -- Upon the creation of marble launching machines known as B-Daman, people started to participate in the competitive sport B-DaBattles. However, B-Daman contain hidden powers which enhance marble shooting that can be misused for combative purposes. -- -- One night, a certain object residing behind the walls of a restaurant calls upon Yamato Daiwa—a boy raised by cats. Yamato has been having visions of the object which resembles a machine familiar to everyone. Little does he know, hidden behind the walls is not a mere machine, but the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Hasbro -- 11,333 6.29
Blend -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Blend Blend -- This short experiments with the flow of oil ink over the surface of the water. Mizue manipulated the ink by blowing with straws or stirring with toothpicks and used stop motion animation techniques to shoot the resulting effects. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2009 -- 455 N/A -- -- Hanasu na� -- -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Hanasu na� -- Hanasu na� -- -- A televised advertisement for Mode Gakuen, a vocational college in Japan located in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Paris. They specialize in fashion, styling, graphic design both in techniques as well as business. Every year they make a new student recruitment video with a tag line. For 2018, the video was animated with the tag line Suki na Koto dake wa, Shindemo Hanasu na� -- . -- Special - Apr 1, 2018 -- 451 5.32
Blood-C -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Vampire School -- Blood-C Blood-C -- Peaceful schoolgirl by day, fearsome monster slayer by night, Saya Kisaragi is leading a split life. Equipped with a ceremonial sword given to her by her father for sacred tasks, she vanquishes every monster who dares threaten her quiet little village. But all too soon, Saya's reality and everything she believes to be true is tested, when she overhears the monsters speak of a broken covenant—something she knows nothing about. And then, unexpectedly, a strange dog appears; it asks her to whom she promised to protect the village, curious as to what would happen if she were to break that promise. Tormented by unexplainable visions and her world unraveling around her, we travel with Saya through her struggle to find a way to the truth in a village where nothing is as it seems. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 8, 2011 -- 267,827 6.54
Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo Ai -- Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- Five years ago, something horrifying happened on Kamioki Island. Something so nightmarish that it stripped all memory from Mari Wakatake's mind even as it left every other human on the island dead in its wake! Now enrolled against her will at an isolated girl's academy, Mari is unaware that hidden eyes are watching her, waiting for her memory to return. -- -- Buried in her psyche is the most terrifying secret of all: while Mari was the only human who lived, she may not have been the only survivor! As something in a female skin invades Kaihou Academy, Mari's only hope may lie in a strange girl to whom she is inexplicably drawn yet cannot trust. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 27,023 6.72
Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo Ai -- Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku -- Five years ago, something horrifying happened on Kamioki Island. Something so nightmarish that it stripped all memory from Mari Wakatake's mind even as it left every other human on the island dead in its wake! Now enrolled against her will at an isolated girl's academy, Mari is unaware that hidden eyes are watching her, waiting for her memory to return. -- -- Buried in her psyche is the most terrifying secret of all: while Mari was the only human who lived, she may not have been the only survivor! As something in a female skin invades Kaihou Academy, Mari's only hope may lie in a strange girl to whom she is inexplicably drawn yet cannot trust. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 27,023 6.72
Blue Reflection Ray -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Game -- Magic School -- Blue Reflection Ray Blue Reflection Ray -- This is a story of connecting shining emotions. -- -- Joy, sadness, anger. Feelings are a power, invisible to the eye, that every person possesses. Sometimes this power is even capable of changing the world. -- -- Hiori Hirahara always has a positive attitude and can't leave people in trouble alone. Ruki Hanari is socially awkward, she wants to get along well with others, but she doesn't know how to go about it. -- -- How will the meeting of these two wildly different girls change not only them, but the world itself? -- -- (Source: Official Site, translated) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 13,452 5.79
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo -- -- Toei Animation -- 76 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo -- In a futuristic world, the Maruhage Empire is a militant organization out to steal everyone's hair, and thus their freedom. But a brave man with an afro of gold and nose hairs of steel stands up against their tyranny. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, trained in the ways of hair, rescues a teenager named Beauty from the grunts of the Maruhage Empire. Together, they start on a journey to defeat Emperor Tsuru Tsurulina IV. As Bo-bobo meets new friends and battles foes along the way, so too does he begin his quest to save all the hairs of the world! -- -- Light-hearted and comical, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo details a wacky adventure in which Bo-bobo and his companions fight all sorts of villains and deviants within the Maruhage Empire, all the while having a fun and exciting adventure. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Nov 8, 2003 -- 74,778 7.49
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo -- -- Toei Animation -- 76 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo -- In a futuristic world, the Maruhage Empire is a militant organization out to steal everyone's hair, and thus their freedom. But a brave man with an afro of gold and nose hairs of steel stands up against their tyranny. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, trained in the ways of hair, rescues a teenager named Beauty from the grunts of the Maruhage Empire. Together, they start on a journey to defeat Emperor Tsuru Tsurulina IV. As Bo-bobo meets new friends and battles foes along the way, so too does he begin his quest to save all the hairs of the world! -- -- Light-hearted and comical, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo details a wacky adventure in which Bo-bobo and his companions fight all sorts of villains and deviants within the Maruhage Empire, all the while having a fun and exciting adventure. -- -- TV - Nov 8, 2003 -- 74,778 7.49
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Drama Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- Alice Sakaguchi once dreamt that she is another person living on the moon. The dream is so strange and so real that Alice can't stop thinking about it. She finds out that some of her classmates are having the same kind of dream. They soon discover that they had been seeing flashes of their past lives as a team of scientists on the moon. Alice and her friends then decide to find the other members and piece together what took place back then. Complications arise when they realize that everything that happened in their previous existence continue to haunt and affect their present lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Dec 17, 1993 -- 14,074 7.16
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero -- U.A. High School's students of Class 1-A have made it to summer break. Izuku Midoriya accompanies his mentor All Might to a celebratory superhero festival on I-Island, an isolated patch of land dedicated to researching Quirks and everything else associated with the hero business. Midoriya is granted the opportunity to meet All Might's friend Dave and Dave's daughter Melissa, two talented hero equipment engineers. He also encounters his classmates, most of whom have been given the opportunity to spend part of their summer break at the festival. -- -- However, a mysterious squad of villains infiltrates I-Island, and it is up to Midoriya and his friends to confront them, using their developing Quirks to fight off the new enemy and uncover a treacherous plot. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 3, 2018 -- 472,015 7.66
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero -- U.A. High School's students of Class 1-A have made it to summer break. Izuku Midoriya accompanies his mentor All Might to a celebratory superhero festival on I-Island, an isolated patch of land dedicated to researching Quirks and everything else associated with the hero business. Midoriya is granted the opportunity to meet All Might's friend Dave and Dave's daughter Melissa, two talented hero equipment engineers. He also encounters his classmates, most of whom have been given the opportunity to spend part of their summer break at the festival. -- -- However, a mysterious squad of villains infiltrates I-Island, and it is up to Midoriya and his friends to confront them, using their developing Quirks to fight off the new enemy and uncover a treacherous plot. -- -- Movie - Aug 3, 2018 -- 472,015 7.66
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - Aug 6, 2021 -- 60,166 N/A -- -- Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro -- Yako Katsuragi is an acclaimed high school detective, who, despite her young age, has solved many cases. In fact, there seems to be no case that she can't solve, or any culprit that escapes justice. But within the walls of her detective agency lies the secret to her prolific crime-solving skills: the cases are actually solved by her assistant, Neuro Nougami. -- -- However, to call Neuro an ordinary man would be incorrect. In reality, he is a demon, who came to the human world in search of the ultimate mystery, having already solved every mystery in the demon world. With Yako as his proxy, he feasts on the negative energy released by humans when they commit crimes. Thus, he promises to help Yako solve the mystery of her father's death. But to do so, he must avoid drawing too much attention to himself, which is why Yako plays the role of the detective. -- -- Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro follows this unlikely duo as they solve case after case to satisfy Neuro's ravenous appetite and Yako's desperate search for the truth of her father's death. -- -- TV - Oct 3, 2007 -- 60,043 7.62
Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken -- -- Diomedéa, Studio Blanc -- 10 eps -- Web manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi School -- Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken -- Haruka Shinozaki has been interested in the class representative, Akiho Kousaka, since his first year in high school. She is attractive, good at sports, and is an all-around model student. Since they are in the same class this year, Shinozaki decides to confess his feelings—and, to his shock, Kousaka agrees to be his girlfriend! -- -- However, he finds that Kousaka is a bit stranger than he first thought: this seemingly perfect girl has never been in a relationship. But even though she is inexperienced, she vows to please Shinozaki in every way she can... such as learning multiple sex positions or his fetishes. Shinozaki tries to assure her that her studies into such subjects aren't necessary, but Kousaka devotes herself to making him happy in more ways than one. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 192,145 6.27
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- -- Arvo Animation, Silver -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai -- Nariyuki Yuiga, an impoverished third-year high school student, works tirelessly to receive the VIP nomination, a scholarship that would cover all of his college tuition fees. In recognition of his hard work, the headmaster awards him the renowned scholarship. -- -- However, this scholarship is given under one condition: he must tutor the school's geniuses in their weakest subjects! Joining his new brigade of pupils are the math maestro Rizu Ogata, who wants to study humanities; the literature legend Fumino Furuhashi, who wants to study science; and Yuiga's sports-savvy childhood friend, Uruka Takemoto, who is hopeless at everything else. -- -- Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai follows Yuiga as he tries to teach his three eccentric tutees in a series of strange and comedic antics. But as Ogata's and Furuhashi's ambitions conflict with their talents, will Yuiga be able to help his students achieve their dreams? -- -- 285,793 7.31
Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Supernatural Dementia Mystery Drama Horror -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there. Are you safe? -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 97,293 7.16
Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Supernatural Dementia Mystery Drama Horror -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there. Are you safe? -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 97,293 7.16
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 20,259 6.44
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 20,259 6.44
Brandish -- -- Studio Eromatick -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Hentai Demons Supernatural -- Brandish Brandish -- Twiska enjoys visiting local towns and draining the villagers of their cum. Everything is going along well until she encounters Theo, the legendary Hero destined to defeat her. Theo is a cute shouta and addictively good at sex. Now Twiska isn't sure anymore whether she wants to kill him or keep him for herself. -- OVA - Jun 22, 2012 -- 14,111 6.71
Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Ecchi Magic Military Sci-Fi -- Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku -- As New Year’s Eve draws closer, preparations for a holiday party are underway in Petersburg. In anticipation of the event, Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing is determined to take Sanya V. Litvyak on a leisurely walk around the city. However, despite Eila's best intentions, she gets interrupted every time she gets a chance to ask Sanya out, ruining the moment and separating the girls. To make things worse, a Neuroi is approaching the base, threatening both the squadmates and the celebration in Petersburg. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- Special - Aug 25, 2017 -- 8,466 7.02
B'T X -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- B'T X B'T X -- Teppei is going to visit his older brother Kotaro Takamiya during a scientific conference after training with a mysterious woman named Karen for the past 11 years. However his plans for a family reunion become stalled when a woman named Aramis kills everyone in the conference to kidnap Kotaro. Teppei on the way to save his brother encounters a broken mechanical horse called B't X who revives thanks to Teppei's blood and is now his aide to save his brother from the mysterious Machine Empire. -- -- Licensor: -- Anime Midstream -- 9,746 7.04
"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Mystery Drama Romance School -- "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- The protagonist of the story, Konoha Inoue, is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His high school life, other than a hinted incident 2 years ago, can be summed up as normal- if one can dismiss the secret fact that he used to be a female bestselling romance author. Due to that incident, however, he has now vowed never to write again. -- -- This continued on until he was forced to join the literary club by the literary club president, the 3rd year female student Amano Tooko, a beautiful girl who has a taste for eating literary works. Now he has been tasked with writing her snack every day after school. -- -- (Source: To Say Nothing of the Dog) -- Movie - May 1, 2010 -- 58,740 7.40
Busou Shinki -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Slice of Life Mecha -- Busou Shinki Busou Shinki -- The slice-of-life battle story is set in a future that has neither World War III nor an alien invasion—just an ordinary future set after our current age. In this world, robots are part of everyday life, and they contribute in various aspects of society. "Shinki" are 15-centimeter-tall (about 6-inch-tall) cute partners made to assist humans. Equipped with intelligence and emotions, they devote themselves to serving their "Masters." -- -- These Shinki can even be equipped with weapons and armor to fight each other. Such Shinki are named "Busou Shinki" (literally, "armed divine princesses"). In particular, the Shinki Ann (Arnval), Aines (Altines), and Lene (Altlene) serve a high school freshman named Masato. Things change when a new Shinki, the bellicose Strarf, joins them. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 33,934 6.32
Byousoku 5 Centimeter -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 3 eps -- Original -- Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Byousoku 5 Centimeter Byousoku 5 Centimeter -- What happens when two people love each other but just aren't meant to be together? Takaki Toono and Akari Shinohara are childhood friends, but circumstances beyond their control tear them apart. They promise to stay in contact, and although the progression of time widens the distance between them, the chain of memories remains ever-present. -- -- Byousoku 5 Centimeter is a romantic drama that focuses on the mundane and harsh reality of long-distance relationships. Stuck in the past and unable to make any new memories, Takaki and Akari cling to the hope of seeing each other again. They live their everyday lives half-heartedly, both hurting themselves and the people around them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Bandai Entertainment, Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- Movie - Mar 3, 2007 -- 725,001 7.70
Caligula (TV) -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi -- Caligula (TV) Caligula (TV) -- What is happiness? Ever the fan of psychology, questions such as this are ones that high school student Ritsu Shikishima likes to ponder as he spends his peaceful days with his friends. His perfect world, however, begins to unravel when he hears a strange voice obscured by static, pleading for help. This voice belongs to μ, a beloved pop idol, whose singing begins to have an adverse effect on the world. Before Ritsu's very eyes, the faces of his friends and family become distorted by glitches as the sound of μ's voice transforms them into Digiheads: berserk monsters bent on the extermination of all those who begin to awaken to the true nature of their existence. -- -- Realizing that he is trapped in a virtual world created by μ called Mobius, Ritsu must now gather everyone else who has managed to realize the truth before they are all eliminated. Together, they will use their newfound powers and weapons granted by their emotions—known as the Catharsis Effect—to fight off the mysterious group known as The Ostinato Musicians as they struggle to escape. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Ponycan USA -- 66,549 6.02
Candy Boy Episode: EX01 - Mirai Yohouzu -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Candy Boy Episode: EX01 - Mirai Yohouzu Candy Boy Episode: EX01 - Mirai Yohouzu -- A dvd only prequel to the Candy Boy series. Twin sisters, Yukino and Kanade Sakurai, move to a new school in the big city of Tokyo but not everything is quite like they expected. -- OVA - Aug 13, 2008 -- 23,587 6.84
Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 -- -- Group TAC, Madhouse -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 -- Tsubasa Oozora loves everything about soccer: the cheer of the crowd, the speed of the ball, the passion of the players, and the excitement that comes from striving to be the best soccer player he can be. His goal is to aim for the World Cup, and to do that, he’s spent countless hours practicing soccer, ever since the moment he could walk on two legs. Now, as he plays for the Barcelona team in a fierce game, it seems as though his dreams are on the verge of coming true. -- -- Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 tells the story of how Tsubasa climbed his way through the ranks, featuring his roots in the town of Nankatsu as well as his epic journey to master the art of soccer. -- TV - Oct 7, 2001 -- 43,226 7.40
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- 347,666 8.16
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana, NIS America, Inc. -- 347,666 8.16
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Fantasy Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma -- After the conclusion of the Sakura Card Arc, life is going back to normal. There are no more mysteries, no more disturbances of evil, no more tests of strength. Everyone is moving on with their lives and Sakura feels a sadness in her heart. Even through the goodbyes, Sakura perseveres to keep everyone and a special someone, dear to her heart. -- OVA - Sep 13, 2017 -- 33,717 7.80
Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018) -- -- OLM -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Game Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018) Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018) -- The main protagonist Sendou Aichi, is a timid and mundane third-year middle school boy. The thing that supported Aichi's heart, was the "Blaster Blade" card that he received as a child. It's an important rare card from "Vanguard", a card game with the imaginary world of "Planet Cray" as its stage. From the day he reunited with the person who gave him that card "Toshiki Kai", Aichi's everyday life began to change. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 8,139 6.73
Cardfight!! Vanguard -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 65 eps -- Original -- Action Game Adventure Demons Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard Cardfight!! Vanguard -- Cardfight!! Vanguard features a world where the game Cardfight!! Vanguard is becoming the latest craze among trading card games, becoming a part of everyday life for people all over the world. The game is not limited to Earth alone; battles between the creatures used by the players take place on another planet called Cray. -- -- The story begins with Aichi Sendou, a timid middle schooler whose meek attitude often leaves him a target for bullies. Aichi was given a very rare card, "Blaster Blade", when he was very young. It's his one treasure that gives him hope. That is, until it gets taken from him. Although Aichi has never played Cardfight!! Vanguard before, he challenges the thief to a game in order to win the "Blaster Blade" back. This high-stakes game quickly draws Aichi into the world of Vanguard battles, which will test and change his worth as both a player and a person. -- 43,966 7.03
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 33 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Demons Game Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate-hen Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate-hen -- Several days after the mortal battle against Link Joker which embroils the whole world, the world has returned to peace. -- -- But Kai Toshiki faces a surprising situation. Sendou Aichi, the hero who saved the world from the invasion of Link Joker, has suddenly disappeared. In addition, everyone's memory about Aichi is lost...Almost all hints have been lost, and Kai starts to search Aichi with "Blaster Blade" and the deck of Royal Paladin, the only existing hint and the proof of their bonds. -- -- Kai is approached by fighters who call themselves "Quatre Knights". The four---Gaillard, Neve, Ratie and Sarah---are fighters with world-class power in vanguard fights. They control mysterious power and urge Kai to give up searching Aichi. What is their purpose...!? And what is their relationship with Aichi...!? -- -- Kai, with the new power "Legion" in his hand, fights to take Aichi back. Now, the war has begun! -- -- (Source: Cardfight!! Vanguard Wikia) -- 12,411 6.76
Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Game -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress -- Yu-yu is a boy living in Kanazawa, Kaga Province. He is 15 years old and in his third year of junior high school. He has the ability to sense the feelings of others, but he is troubled by the fact that he cannot say no when asked. -- -- One day, Yu-yu could no longer stand going along with his sister's hobby, so he ran away from home. The one who saves him is Megumi Okura. Megumi invites Yu-yu to a nighttime amusement park called "Wonder Hill" where her friends hang out. At the amusement park, Yu-yu meets Megumi, Zakusa Ishikame, and Tomari Seto, members of "Team Blackout," a group that meets to play Vanguard every night. -- -- Tonight, a serious fight for the team's flag will take place. Blackout's leader, Danji Momoyama, and the mysterious and powerful fighter, Touya Ebata. As Yu-yu stares at them, the card fight is soon eroded into a world of images. -- -- This is how Yu-yu encounters Vanguard, a world he has never seen before, and is drawn in by its powerful allure- making new friends along the way. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 5,929 6.23
Centaur no Nayami -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy School Seinen -- Centaur no Nayami Centaur no Nayami -- Himeno is a sweet, shy little centaur girl. In her world, everyone seems to be a supernatural creature, and all her classmates have some kind of horns, wings, tails, halos, or other visible supernatural body part. Despite their supernatural elements, Himeno and her best friends, Nozomi and Kyouko, have a fun and mostly normal daily school life! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 73,634 6.47
Centaur no Nayami -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy School Seinen -- Centaur no Nayami Centaur no Nayami -- Himeno is a sweet, shy little centaur girl. In her world, everyone seems to be a supernatural creature, and all her classmates have some kind of horns, wings, tails, halos, or other visible supernatural body part. Despite their supernatural elements, Himeno and her best friends, Nozomi and Kyouko, have a fun and mostly normal daily school life! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 73,634 6.47
Chibi Maruko-chan -- -- Nippon Animation -- 142 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life Shoujo -- Chibi Maruko-chan Chibi Maruko-chan -- Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called "Chibi Maruko-chan" due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister in a little town. In school, she has many friends with whom she studies and plays together everyday, including her close pal, Tama-chan; the student committee members, Maruo-kun and Migiwa-san; and the B-class trio: 'little master' Hanawa-kun, Hamaji-Bu Taro and Sekiguchi-kun. This is a fun-loving and enjoyable anime that portrays the simple things in life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 7, 1990 -- 9,568 7.62
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- 94,380 8.50
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Military Kids -- Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi -- The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa" (war story). -- Special - Aug 14, 2004 -- 272 N/A -- -- Rekkoku Rikugun -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military -- Rekkoku Rikugun Rekkoku Rikugun -- During a night of drinking Maru-san (Mr. Circle) and Sumi-san (Mr. Square) hear the armies parade of the world and talk to learn more about them on a global scale. In every aspect Japan's army was the smallest. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1932 -- 259 5.05
Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Horror -- Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- Behind the colorful curtains and extravagant performances, there lies the dark side of a circus life, hidden away from the smiles and praises of the audience. Set in early 20th century Japan, Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki highlights the misdeeds that occur in circus camps. -- -- Midori was an innocent young girl who enjoyed her life as an elementary student to the fullest. However, everything changed after her mother fell ill. Eventually, Midori is forced to stop going to school and, instead, sells flowers in the city. When her mother dies tragically, Midori meets a stranger who leads her towards the circus. What awaits her will change her life forever... -- -- In a life where nothing seems to go right, will Midori lose faith and give up? Or will she manage to stay strong in hopes of a better future? -- Movie - May 2, 1992 -- 37,169 5.08
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- 26,790 6.82
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 26,790 6.82
Chitose Get You!! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance School Seinen Slice of Life -- Chitose Get You!! Chitose Get You!! -- Chitose is an 11-year-old girl who is madly in love with an older guy named Hiroshi. He works at the town hall right next to the school and Chitose spends every day relentlessly pursuing him. Can Chitose ever convince Hiroshi to go out with her? -- TV - Jul 2, 2012 -- 18,214 6.25
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Drama Hentai -- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji -- Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Juujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the "Choujin" (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko, must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth. -- OVA - Jan 21, 1987 -- 10,601 6.12
Chuuka Ichiban! -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Shounen -- Chuuka Ichiban! Chuuka Ichiban! -- The story takes place in 19th century China during the Qing Dynasty, where the Emperor was weakened and the country was close to chaos. It is also during a fictitious era called "The Era of the Cooking Wars". It was an era in which top chefs with different cooking styles tried their best to improve their skills and to become the best chef in China. It is a country where insulting a high-grade chef or fooling around with cooking could land a person in a jail, and impersonating a top-chef is as good as usurpation of authority. Chefs compete with each other in order to gain respect and even power, but also with the risks of losing everything. -- -- The country of China has four major regions: Beijing, Szechuan, Shanghai, and Guangdong. -- -- The beginning of the story takes place in Szechuan, Mao's birthplace. -- -- After the death of Mao's mother, Pai, who was called the 'Fairy of Cuisine', Mao becomes a Super Chef in order to take the title as Master Chef of his mother's restaurant. However, before he takes his mother's place as Master Chef, he continues to travel China in order to learn more of the many ways of cooking, in the hopes of becoming a legendary chef, just like his mother. During his journey, he meets great friends and fierce rivals who wish to challenge him in the field of cooking. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 16,108 7.62
Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1993) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Book -- Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1993) Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1993) -- Two gentlemen from the city go out hunting. After getting lost on a mountain road they found a cheap restaurant. But everything is not as it seems. -- Movie - Aug 3, 1993 -- 1,032 5.49
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance School -- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! -- Everybody has had that stage in their life where they have thought themselves to be special, different from the masses of ordinary humans. They might go as far as seeing themselves capable of wielding mystical powers, or maybe even believe themselves to have descended from a fantasy realm. This "disease" is known as "chuunibyou" and is often the source of some of the most embarrassing moments of a person's life. -- -- For Yuuta Togashi, the scars that his chuunibyou has left behind are still fresh. Having posed as the "Dark Flame Master" during his middle school years, he looks back at those times with extreme embarrassment, so much so that he decides to attend a high school far away where nobody will recognize him. Putting his dark history behind him, he longs to live a normal high school life. -- -- Unfortunately, he hasn't escaped his past yet: enter Rikka Takanashi, Yuuta's new classmate and self-declared vessel of the "Wicked Eye." As this eccentric young girl crashes into Yuuta's life, his dream of an ordinary, chuunibyou-free life quickly crumbles away. In this hilarious and heartwarming story of a boy who just wants to leave his embarrassing memories behind, the delusions of old are far from a thing of the past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,009,336 7.75
Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance School -- Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen -- Included in the 8th and final DVD of Clannad ~After Story~ is an extra episode set in an alternate universe. Here, Fujibayashi Kyou is the main heroine in place of Furukawa Nagisa. -- -- Love can be wonderfully exciting, but also extremely painful. Fujibayashi Ryou, Kyou's sister, is in love with Okazaki Tomoya, the male protagonist. With the help of Kyou, Ryou manages to sum up the courage to ask him out and now Tomoya and Ryou are a couple. However, as things progress, Kyou begins to acknowledge her feelings for Tomoya, and a love-triangle is formed. -- -- As everything is revealed, the sisters learn the pains of love and try to decide between the two loves of their life: Tomoya, or each other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Jul 1, 2009 -- 225,544 7.84
Claymore -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Claymore Claymore -- When a shapeshifting demon with a thirst for human flesh, known as "youma," arrives in Raki's village, a lone woman with silver eyes walks into town with only a sword upon her back. She is a "Claymore," a being manufactured as half-human and half-youma, for the express purpose of exterminating these monsters. After Raki's family is killed, the Claymore saves his life, but he is subsequently banished from his home. With nowhere else to go, Raki finds the Claymore, known as Clare, and decides to follow her on her journeys. -- -- As the pair travel from town to town, defeating youma along the way, more about Clare's organization and her fellow warriors comes to light. With every town cleansed and every demon destroyed, they come closer to the youma on which Clare has sought vengeance ever since she chose to become a Claymore. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 556,969 7.77
Code Geass: Dakkan no Z -- -- Sunrise -- ? eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha -- Code Geass: Dakkan no Z Code Geass: Dakkan no Z -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 21,063 N/A -- -- Battle Girl High School -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi School -- Battle Girl High School Battle Girl High School -- Based on COLOPL's school action role-playing game. Set in the year 2045. The world has been contaminated by Irousu (mysterious invaders who suddenly appeared), and humans find themselves restricted and contained. Standing boldly against these invaders are ordinary girls everywhere, without a powerful army or even weapons. -- -- The Shinjugamine Girls Academy is a school for these "Hoshimori" (Star Guardians) destined to fight the Irousu. The player is assigned to this academy to train the girls and take back the contaminated Earth. And so, once again, the chimes echo through the sun-strewn schoolyard to mark the beginning of classes today... -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 21,061 5.83
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama -- -- Sunrise -- 9 eps -- Original -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama -- At Ashford Academy, the girls get into juicy talks in the bath, and later plan a gender role reversal festival, which has everyone but Lelouch Lamperouge eager. The students also attend the grand opening of the Clovis Land pool, much to the scantily clad Cornelia li Britannia's embarrassment. Events from Lelouch's past show a chapter from his royal upbringing, and how he met Suzaku Kururugi. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama shows that when they are away from the bloodshed and agony of war, the characters live very different and often humorous lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Special - Jan 27, 2007 -- 45,132 6.97
Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi is the first princess of the noble Misurugi Empire. The kingdom has seen great power and prosperity due to the advancement of the revolutionary technology known as "Mana," an abstract bending of light that has reduced the world's problems of war and pollution to a timeless peace. -- -- However, not all are blessed with the ability to wield Mana. Those who cannot are labeled "Norma," outcasts of society who are considered a threat to civilization and live under constant persecution, and Angelise herself is one of many who want the Norma exterminated. But as Angelise's sixteenth birthday commences, it is discovered in a shocking revelation that she is actually a Norma. Chaos ensues, the public is outraged, and the once adored princess is exiled to Arzenal: a remote military base where Normas are forced into conscription. -- -- Now, the former royal must adapt to a harsh and vastly different lifestyle; piloting mechanical robots known as "Paramail" to fend off large, devastating beasts referred to as DRAGONs. However, a sinister truth about these savage creatures threatens to change everything. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 159,107 7.40
Crying Freeman -- -- Toei Animation -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Police Martial Arts Romance Drama Seinen -- Crying Freeman Crying Freeman -- Yo Hinomura was an ordinary Japanese potter when a run-in with a Chinese mafia changed his life forever. Now an assassin for the 108 Dragons, Yo is the perfect killing machine. As a sign for remorse over his victims, he sheds tears after eliminating his targets. Because of this, he is infamously known by the Dragons and every crime syndicate in the world as "Crying Freeman." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- OVA - Nov 25, 1988 -- 8,733 6.49
Crystal Blaze -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Crystal Blaze Crystal Blaze -- Rags Town is the garbage dump of Japan. The place where people who want to forget their pasts run to. In this town, where the rules strictly forbid asking about the past or getting to know people, there is small detective agency called S&A Detectives. -- -- The story revolves around Ayamana, the inseparable pair of misfit wannabe detectives, the case Manami takes on impulse, and the trouble that arises from it. On the case they find a woman who is abnormally hot, and who is being chased by a bunch of women with guns. After being dubbed Sara, the detectives try and figure out just what is going on with her. At the same time, all over town teenage girls are burning up and turning into glass. The government is covering everything up, but the detectives, as well as a nosy reporter and the local police, are determined to find out what is happening. -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- 15,411 6.15
Cyber City Oedo 808 -- -- Madhouse -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Police Sci-Fi -- Cyber City Oedo 808 Cyber City Oedo 808 -- It is the year 2808. Three convicts are recruited as members of the Cyber Police to keep major criminal activity in Oedo (formerly Tokyo) in check. In return, their life sentences will be reduced by a few years for every mission accomplished. However, to ensure that these convicts are doing their job, the police have secured special collars around their necks. If they attempt to remove their collars or fail to meet the time limit of their mission, the collars will self-destruct. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jun 21, 1990 -- 20,664 7.17
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners -- -- Trigger -- 10 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi -- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Cyberpunk: Edgerunners -- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners tells a standalone story about a street kid trying to survive in a technology and body modification-obsessed city of the future. Having everything to lose, he chooses to stay alive by becoming an edgerunner—a mercenary outlaw also known as a cyberpunk. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2022 -- 14,850 N/A -- -- Dr. Slump -- -- Toei Animation -- 74 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dr. Slump Dr. Slump -- In Penguin Village, humans live alongside talking animals and objects. Senbei Norimaki is one of these humans, and he's an inventor with the lofty dream of creating the world's best robot girl. -- -- The product of his efforts is Arale, but depending on your definition of perfect, she's anything but! Not only is Arale severely nearsighted, but she also has no common sense! At least she has super-strength, though that often proves to be a setback as well. -- -- Although she means well, Arale only causes trouble for her neighbors in the whimsical Penguin Village! -- 14,849 7.00
Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- -- JCF -- 5 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Dai Yamato Zero-gou Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- In the galactic group there are more than 100,000,000,000 galaxies, and the Milky Way galaxy, the one which includes Earth's solar system, is only one of these... one of many in the immensity of outer space. -- -- This story starts in the year 3199, when a mighty enemy attacks the Milky Way from a neighbouring galaxy. The enemy engages the combined forces of the Milky Way, an Alliance of many stellar nations, and defeats them one after another. -- -- The remaining Milky Way Alliance forces are reduced to just six fleets. After the Alliance headquarters is destroyed, and when the collapse of the central Milky Way Alliance is imminent, the Great Yamato "Zero" surprises everyone and embarks on a mission to assist the Milky Way Alliance in one last great battle. -- OVA - Mar 31, 2004 -- 1,186 5.73
Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. -- Takato Saijou has held the title of "Sexiest Man of the Year" for five years running. He is an accomplished actor, with 20 years of experience under his belt, and is aware his good looks are well above average. Proud of his career, Takato regards the title as an appropriate indicator of his success. -- -- But when his reign is ended by acting newbie Junta Azumaya, who debuted only three years ago, Takato's initial shock gives way to jealous hostility. Even in the new drama that he has been cast in, Junta seems to have suddenly surpassed him; snatching Takato's usual spot of lead actor, Junta continually manages to get on his nerves. Most infuriating of all are the bright smile and kind words that accompany everything Junta does. -- -- All this animosity comes to a head, however, when Junta catches Takato in a rather vulnerable drunken state. Endangering his own public image, Takato confronts the junior actor with harsh words and angry comments—an opportunity Junta takes every advantage of. With the famous actor Takato Saijou now on video picking a fight with a co-star, Junta has the perfect means to blackmail him. -- -- Asking the price of his enemy's silence, Takato is shocked to find that his motivation lies far from advancing his career; instead, Junta's terms are those that can only be realized in the bedroom! -- -- 90,579 7.38
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- Roaming the halls of the all-boys Sanada North High School are three close comrades: the eccentric ringleader with a hyperactive imagination Hidenori, the passionate Yoshitake, and the rational and prudent Tadakuni. Their lives are filled with giant robots, true love, and intense drama... in their colorful imaginations, at least. In reality, they are just an everyday trio of ordinary guys trying to pass the time, but who said everyday life couldn't be interesting? Whether it's an intricate RPG reenactment or an unexpected romantic encounter on the riverbank at sunset, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is rife with bizarre yet hilariously relatable situations that are anything but mundane. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 621,146 8.27
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials -- The original gag comedy manga follows the humorous yet "realistic" everyday life of Tadakuni, Hidenori, Yoshitake, and other students at a boys' high school. -- -- This entry refers to the unaired episodes released on the DVDs and BDs. The pre-air specials were all included in the TV series and are not listed separately on MAL. -- -- Episode 1: High School Boys and Ideals -- Episode 2: High School Boys and Loneliness -- Episode 3: High School Boys and Zippers -- Episode 4: High School Boys and Tricks -- Episode 5: High School Boys and Hiccups -- Episode 6: High School Boys and Consideration -- Special - Apr 3, 2012 -- 108,243 7.85
Dantalian no Shoka -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Dantalian no Shoka Dantalian no Shoka -- Six months ago, Lord Hugh Anthony Disward, also known as Huey, lost his eccentric grandfather, Sir Wesley Disward, who was a renowned collector of rare books. His grandfather's will states that, in order to inherit his manor and everything inside it, he must take guardianship over the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian—an archive that contains forbidden knowledge—and also take care of a mysterious girl called Dalian. -- -- As Huey settles into the manor, an old rival of his grandfather's arranges a meeting with him. Dalian, knowing the rival to be Wesley's killer, tags along and discovers that the murderer is in possession of a Phantom Book—a cursed tome that Wesley tried to seal away. When the book puts the two in danger, Huey discovers that the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian and Dalian are one and the same, and she entrusts Huey with the key to unlocking the knowledge stored within her. Together, Dalian and Huey seal the book away, and thus begins an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by other Phantom Books. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 16, 2011 -- 128,173 7.25
Dantalian no Shoka -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Dantalian no Shoka Dantalian no Shoka -- Six months ago, Lord Hugh Anthony Disward, also known as Huey, lost his eccentric grandfather, Sir Wesley Disward, who was a renowned collector of rare books. His grandfather's will states that, in order to inherit his manor and everything inside it, he must take guardianship over the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian—an archive that contains forbidden knowledge—and also take care of a mysterious girl called Dalian. -- -- As Huey settles into the manor, an old rival of his grandfather's arranges a meeting with him. Dalian, knowing the rival to be Wesley's killer, tags along and discovers that the murderer is in possession of a Phantom Book—a cursed tome that Wesley tried to seal away. When the book puts the two in danger, Huey discovers that the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian and Dalian are one and the same, and she entrusts Huey with the key to unlocking the knowledge stored within her. Together, Dalian and Huey seal the book away, and thus begins an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by other Phantom Books. -- -- TV - Jul 16, 2011 -- 128,173 7.25
Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power -- Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- One night, as meteors streak across the star-studded sky, Shion Pavlichenko becomes a Contractor. Despite her brother's transformation, Shion's twin sister Suou continues to live a fairly ordinary life, attending middle school with her friends and getting caught up in the awkwardness of growing up. However, everything changes when her home is invaded by a masked man cloaked in black, destroying any sense of normality she once had. Revealed to possess latent Contractor abilities of her own, Suou is caught between family, friends, and her own sense of purpose as she ventures into the ruthless world of cutthroats and espionage that Contractors call home. -- -- Meanwhile in Tokyo, investigation surrounding Hell's Gate's sudden collapse is underway, and prophetic signs of doom point in the direction of a silver-haired doll. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2009 -- 357,284 7.47
Darkside Blues -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi -- Darkside Blues Darkside Blues -- The Persona Century Corporation has purchased nearly every parcel of land on earth. Dissension is not tolerated within the corporation's borders and those who oppose Persona are dealt with swiftly. Of those few places not yet under Persona's control is the free town of Kabuki-cho, also known as "The Dark Side of Tokyo". Within the town, under the leadership of a woman named Mai, is a small resistance group called Messiah. Into this world steps a man who takes the sobriquet of Kabuki-cho: Darkside. Sealed up in another dimension eighteen years ago by Persona Century, Darkside now returns to aid Messiah using his unique mystic power of renewal. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 8, 1994 -- 8,178 6.08
Da Shi Jie -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Thriller -- Da Shi Jie Da Shi Jie -- A hard rain is about to fall on a small town in Southern China. In a desperate attempt to find money to save his fiancée’s failed plastic surgery, Xiao Zhang, a mere driver, steals a bag containing 1 million from his boss. News of the robbery spreads fast within the town and, over the course of one night, everyone starts looking for Xiao Zhang and his money. -- -- (Source: Metacritic) -- Movie - Jan 12, 2018 -- 582 5.97
Da Yu Hai Tang (Movie) -- -- B&T -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural Drama Romance -- Da Yu Hai Tang (Movie) Da Yu Hai Tang (Movie) -- In an old mythical world, there reside spirit-like beings who oversee the natural order of the mortal realm. One of them, a young girl named Chun, has just come of age and must undergo her rite of passage by experiencing the human world for herself. While there, she gets caught in a fishing net during a storm and is rescued by a human boy. -- -- However, the boy ends up drowning during the incident, and Chun returns to her realm full of guilt. Afterwards, she meets the Soul Keeper and decides to revive the boy in exchange for a part of her lifespan. Little does she know, meddling with the natural order of the world has severe consequences. -- -- Da Yu Hai Tang is a story about sacrifice and redemption as Chun comes to terms with the limitations of her powers and deals with death, love, and her own emotions. She must decide if she will sacrifice everything to save the human boy or forsake her moral obligation for the order of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Jul 8, 2016 -- 31,800 7.56
D.C.: Da Capo -- -- feel., Zexcs -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Magic Romance -- D.C.: Da Capo D.C.: Da Capo -- Hatsunejima abounds in mysteries—one of which is the town's unwithering cherry trees that are said to grant the most genuine wishes. There are also rumors of people possessing supernatural powers, like Junichi Asakura, who can see other people's dreams and create sweets out of nothing. Alongside his sister Nemu, he enjoys living in peace with his friends at Kazami Academy but chooses to shroud his identity in secrecy. -- -- His tranquil school life comes to a halt when he finds out that his childhood friend Sakura Yoshino has returned from America after six years. She is there for one purpose: to fulfill the promises she made long ago with Junichi. Little does anyone know, however, that Sakura's appearance is bound to change everyone's lives—for better or worse. -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2003 -- 68,645 6.76
D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Harem Romance Supernatural Drama -- D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season -- Hatsune-Jima was once well-known for its cherry trees, which would bloom no matter what time of year it was. Two years ago, the island's cherry trees lost this ability and all became ordinary cherry trees that bloom only in the spring. Jun'ichi Asakura is now a graduating senior at Kazami Academy, and is surrounded by many close friends, old and new alike. On a stormy summer day, a mysterious young girl, Aisia, arrives at Jun'ichi's door. She is looking for Sakura's grandmother to study magic, ultimately hoping to bring happiness to everyone. When she discovers that grandmother Yoshino had long since passed away, she joyfully assumes (thanks to his error in judgment) that Jun'ichi is able to teach her. Even though she finally understands that the only magic he's capable of is conjuring Japanese confections, Aisia continues her search for magic on Hatsune-Jima. Amid the chaos of her search, Kazami Academy hires new medical staff. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 2, 2005 -- 30,728 6.99
Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Vampire Fantasy School Seinen -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- High school biology teacher Tetsuo Takahashi may look like your average everyday instructor, but beneath his gentle appearance lies something less ordinary: his fascination for the "Ajin," more commonly known as "Demi." Although these half-human, half-monster beings have integrated into human society, Takahashi believes that much about them will remain unknown unless he interacts with them firsthand. -- -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai follows Takahashi's daily life in Shibasaki High School together with his three Demi students—Hikari Takanashi, an energetic vampire; Kyouko Machi, a gentle dullahan; and Yuki Kusakabe, the shy snow woman. Along the way, Takahashi also meets fellow teacher Sakie Satou, a succubus with an aversion towards men. To fulfill his goal of learning more about the Demi, Takahashi decides to conduct casual interviews with the girls to learn more about their abilities, psyche, and interaction with human society. As Takahashi strengthens his bond with his students, he soon discovers that the Demi are not as unusual as he initially believed. -- -- 328,868 7.60
Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Vampire Fantasy School Seinen -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- High school biology teacher Tetsuo Takahashi may look like your average everyday instructor, but beneath his gentle appearance lies something less ordinary: his fascination for the "Ajin," more commonly known as "Demi." Although these half-human, half-monster beings have integrated into human society, Takahashi believes that much about them will remain unknown unless he interacts with them firsthand. -- -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai follows Takahashi's daily life in Shibasaki High School together with his three Demi students—Hikari Takanashi, an energetic vampire; Kyouko Machi, a gentle dullahan; and Yuki Kusakabe, the shy snow woman. Along the way, Takahashi also meets fellow teacher Sakie Satou, a succubus with an aversion towards men. To fulfill his goal of learning more about the Demi, Takahashi decides to conduct casual interviews with the girls to learn more about their abilities, psyche, and interaction with human society. As Takahashi strengthens his bond with his students, he soon discovers that the Demi are not as unusual as he initially believed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 328,868 7.60
Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Detective Conan -- Shinichi Kudou, a high school student of astounding talent in detective work, is well known for having solved several challenging cases. One day, when Shinichi spots two suspicious men and decides to follow them, he inadvertently becomes witness to a disturbing illegal activity. Unfortunately, he is caught in the act, so the men dose him with an experimental drug formulated by their criminal organization, leaving him to his death. However, to his own astonishment, Shinichi lives to see another day, but now in the body of a seven-year-old child. -- -- Perfectly preserving his original intelligence, he hides his real identity from everyone, including his childhood friend Ran Mouri and her father, private detective Kogorou Mouri. To this end, he takes on the alias of Conan Edogawa, inspired by the mystery writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa. -- -- Detective Conan follows Shinichi who, as Conan, starts secretly solving the senior Mouri's cases from behind the scenes with his still exceptional sleuthing skills, while covertly investigating the organization responsible for his current state, hoping to reverse the drug's effects someday. -- -- 262,623 8.16
Detective Conan Movie 04: Captured in Her Eyes -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 04: Captured in Her Eyes Detective Conan Movie 04: Captured in Her Eyes -- On a rainy afternoon, the Detective Boys witness a murder across the street. Barred by traffic, the culprit slips away and Conan Edogawa is left a single clue by a dying detective. Days later, another detective is found murdered in a parking lot, leaving the police rattled. Suspicious that the culprit is one of their own, everyone in the police department without an alibi is suspect. But despite being on high alert, they are outmaneuvered and suffer yet another attack—this time with Ran Mouri finding herself in the crossfire. -- -- Traumatized, Ran wakes in the hospital with retrograde amnesia, remembering nothing about her life. Soon released, she struggles to remember her past and grows fearful of not regaining her memories before being targeted by the killer for what she witnessed. As she is guarded by friends and family, it is up to Conan to piece together the clues and find who the murderer is before they strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 22, 2000 -- 49,129 8.03
Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Police Comedy Mystery Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven -- Conan Edogawa, the Detective Boys, and Professor Hiroshi Agasa decide to visit the Nishitamashi Twin Towers. There they run into Ran Mouri; her closest friend, Sonoko Suzuki, and Ran's father, the famous Kogorou Mouri. Learning the trio are attending the towers' grand opening, Conan and company tag along for a private tour of its floors. -- -- However, as preparations are finalized for the opening ceremony, their visit takes an unexpected turn—three brutal murders occur, seemingly linked to a mysterious Porsche 356A. Soon after, as Conan and the detectives dive deeper into the case, the towers are rocked by an explosion. With fire rapidly spreading and lives in danger, police desperately seek to evacuate everyone. But when the elevator, their only means to escape goes down, Conan and company are left behind. With help on its way, they frantically try to keep everyone safe, but time is running out if they want to bring the perpetrators to justice. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2001 -- 49,927 8.13
Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- Once again, Kaitou Kid crosses swords with Conan Edogawa in this annual installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. After receiving a letter from the thief, famous actress Juri Maki seeks the help of private detective Kogorou Mouri to protect the Star Sapphire—the "Jewel of Destiny," said to represent faith, fate, and hope. Thinking he has deciphered Kid's riddle, Kogorou personally shows up to the newly constructed space theater where Juri is acting in the play "Josephine" in order to catch Kid in the act. -- -- The next day, Conan and the gang are invited by Juri to her holiday home, to celebrate the thwarting of Kid's plan and the success of the play. However, their triumph crumbles when a murder occurs during the flight there. Although unintentional, this sets off a series of events that escalate to catastrophic results. Conan and Kid, unlikely allies that they are, must work together to save both their friends and every other passenger aboard the plane. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 44,589 8.10
Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- Fifteen years ago in a barren stretch of the Pacific, a cruise ship collided with an iceberg and was lost at sea. More than a decade later, Hideto Yashiro—a ship engineer—died in a fatal car accident. The unlikely connection between these events only comes to light on the luxury liner St. Aphrodite during her maiden voyage. -- -- Aboard it on a much needed vacation, Kogorou Mouri, his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boys enjoy a trip provided by Sonoko Suzuki's family. But their fun is soon cut short when a game of hide-and-seek leads to Sonoko's disappearance. Some time later, the CEO of the Yashiro group, who built the St. Aphrodite, is found stabbed to death and her father missing. While the police's investigation turns to a dead end, Conan closes in on the culprit. Unwilling to be apprehended, the culprit threatens to blow up the St. Aphrodite and sink all her passengers. -- -- As the ship's hull rapidly fills with water, the truth behind the vengeful murders is finally revealed. With no place to escape, Conan and Kogorou must wrestle with the elusive culprit before everyone on board is dragged to the ocean floor. -- -- Movie - Apr 9, 2005 -- 39,039 7.81
Detective Conan Movie 13: The Raven Chaser -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Police Mystery Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 13: The Raven Chaser Detective Conan Movie 13: The Raven Chaser -- Kudou Shinichi is living his life as Edogawa Conan, but those days seem like they might end pretty soon. The Black Syndicate is coming dangerously close to learning the truth about Shinichi having survived. Conan and everybody around him may end up dead if he doesn't manage to find Irish—a member of the Black Organization who has infiltrated the police forces, currently investigating a big serial murder case. -- Movie - Apr 18, 2009 -- 46,745 8.23
Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- The momentous day of the opening of the new Tokyo subway, the Touto Line, has come, but a bombing incident puts all celebrations to a halt. The governor of Tokyo is caught in the blast while onboard the train, but he and everyone else present is fortunately saved by the quick thinking and actions of Conan Edogawa. -- -- Intrigued by the incident, Conan researches the governor's political history and discovers that the man was responsible for the destruction of a village in Niigata to build the Kitanosawa Dam. Believing the attack to be related to the construction of the dam, Conan, accompanied by Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Professor Agasa, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys, decides to visit the village and investigate. -- -- There, they meet a group of locals who lived in the old village before it was torn down. However, just as one mystery leads to another, one of the locals is murdered. Suspecting that something much more sinister is afoot, Conan vows to uncover the truth behind these two incidents before it is too late. -- -- Movie - Apr 16, 2011 -- 36,932 8.02
Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight -- -- D & D Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Space -- Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight -- The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has planned a huge exhibition to present current progress in space exploration, as well as showcase a set of large, beautiful celestial jewels. But then, a message arrives from infamous Kaitou Kid, who plans to steal the treasure. Conan and the Detective Boys are brought in as added security. Everything is going well... until the power cuts out. With limited time, Conan and company must protect the jewels from Kaitou Kid. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 2,088 6.53
Diamond no Ace -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace Diamond no Ace -- With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. Encouraged by his teammates, Eijun accepts the offer, ready to improve his skills and play at a much more competitive level of baseball. -- -- However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster. With the addition of these talented new players to an already powerful lineup, the Seidou baseball team aims to become the best in Japan, facing off against a number of formidable foes that stand in their way. -- -- 188,213 8.11
Dies Irae -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 11 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Super Power Magic -- Dies Irae Dies Irae -- On May 1, 1945 in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag over the Reichskanzlei, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual. For them, the slaughter in the city is nothing but the perfect ritual sacrifice in order to bring back the Order of the 13 Lances, a group of supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Years later, no one knows if this group of officers succeeded, or whether they lived or died. Few know of their existence, and even those who knew began to pass away as the decades passed. -- -- Now in December in the present day in Suwahara City, Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital. It has been two months since the incident that brought him to the hospital: a fight with his friend Shirou Yusa where they almost tried to kill each other. He tries to value what he has left to him, but every night he sees the same dream: a guillotine, murderers who hunt people, and the black clothed knights who pursue the murderers. He is desperate to return to his normal, everyday life, but even now he hears Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 115,820 5.37
Dies Irae -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 11 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Super Power Magic -- Dies Irae Dies Irae -- On May 1, 1945 in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag over the Reichskanzlei, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual. For them, the slaughter in the city is nothing but the perfect ritual sacrifice in order to bring back the Order of the 13 Lances, a group of supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Years later, no one knows if this group of officers succeeded, or whether they lived or died. Few know of their existence, and even those who knew began to pass away as the decades passed. -- -- Now in December in the present day in Suwahara City, Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital. It has been two months since the incident that brought him to the hospital: a fight with his friend Shirou Yusa where they almost tried to kill each other. He tries to value what he has left to him, but every night he sees the same dream: a guillotine, murderers who hunt people, and the black clothed knights who pursue the murderers. He is desperate to return to his normal, everyday life, but even now he hears Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 115,820 5.37
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- After the events of 02, everything is finally getting back to normal. That is, until a strangely familiar icon starts showing up on computer systems around the Japan. And not just computer systems... TVs, mobile phones, video games; anything with a screen with online capabilities. And this icon seems to be looking for somone... Yagami Taichi, and Ishida Yamato, who defeated it several years before. Yes, it turns out that this jellyfish digimon is in fact Diablomon, the Virus-type Digimon that was defeated in the second movie. But this time, he's learned to make himself physical, and is sending thousands of copies of himself into the real world. -- -- Koushiro and Ken devise a plan to rid the world of the virus once and for all, but it'll take the help of all the Destined, past and present. Once again, it's a race against time to put a stop to Diablomon's plot... but even that is cloaked in shadow. -- -- Will the revival of Omagamon be enough to stop Diablomon a second time, or will the millions of copies prove enough of a power boost to shrug off the "Digimon Champion of Justice"? Of course, he hasn't seen the new breed of Chosen, nor the new techniques. It's a fight to the finish, with the destruction of Tokyo resting on the line. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 3, 2001 -- 46,582 7.28
Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids -- Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! -- This movie takes place after the Adventure series ends. It begins when a new Digimon Egg is found on the internet, and manages to penetrate into almost every computer system in Japan. When the egg hatches, it's identified as a new kind of Digimon, a Virus-type. It sustains itself by eating data from various system, and starts wreaking havok in Japan. As it consumes more and more data, it continues to evolve. And Taichi and Koushiro decide it's time to stop it. -- -- They're off, sending Agumon and Tentomon through the internet to fight off this new enemy. But, with the Virus controlling systems like the American military, all too soon, this digital menace may become all too real. Calling in the help of Yamato and Takeru, they hope that they can stop what's already begun, and maybe save this world a second time. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 4, 2000 -- 64,759 7.77
Digimon Adventure: -- -- Toei Animation -- 66 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: -- In the year 2020, technology is everywhere. Every digital device around the world is connected by a singular network where data travels. Unbeknownst to humans, this network has become home to life forms known as "Digimon." -- -- Fifth-grader Taichi Yagami is preparing for summer camp when strange occurrences begin in Tokyo; certain electronic systems have started going haywire. When he discovers that his sister and mother are trapped on an unstoppable train, he rushes to the nearby station. Suddenly, Taichi is transported to another world where he meets a strange creature by the name of Agumon, who somehow already knows his name. Taichi also receives a strange device called a "Digivice," which allows him to communicate with the undigitized world. -- -- Taichi discovers he is in the "Network," and virus-like Digimon are attacking the areas that maintain Tokyo’s electronic systems. It is up to Taichi and his new partner Agumon to stop these cyberattacks before the whole world is threatened by the actions of mischievous Digimon. -- -- 43,352 6.70
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu -- The Chosen Children have been reunited with their Digimon partners, who no longer remember them due to the effects of a digital reset. While everyone tries to reconnect with their digital monsters, Sora Takenouchi encounters resistance from Piyomon, who stubbornly refuses to speak to her. Suddenly, an attack by a hostile Digimon separates the group, scattering them and their Digimon across the Digital World. -- -- Back in the human world, Daigo Nishijima of the Incorporated Administrative Agency receives a warning that a new entity is in pursuit of "Libra," which he believes to be an alias for Meicoomon. For some reason, Meicoomon retains all of her memories and therefore still recalls her partner Meiko Mochizuki, who has come alone to the Digital World to find her. If they hope to identify what other forces have been driving the incidents thus far, the Chosen Children must survive the obstacles of the recreated Digital World and make their way back home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Feb 25, 2017 -- 47,790 7.33
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- Everyone in the world uses smartphone apps. But inside them lurks unknown creatures called "Appli Monsters," or "Appmon." The Appmon are AI lifeforms with the ability to think and act, and exist in the boundary between the human world and digital space. In the vast sea of the internet, the "last boss AI" Leviathan takes control of the Appmon with a virus and begins hacking every system, thus starting to control the human world from the world of the net. Haru Shinkai is led to acquire the Appli Drive, and uses it to materialize Gatchmon, a search app monster. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 11,498 6.58
Doupo Cangqiong -- -- Shanghai Foch Film Culture Investment -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Romance -- Doupo Cangqiong Doupo Cangqiong -- In a land where no magic is present. A land where the strong make the rules and weak have to obey. A land filled with alluring treasures and beauty, yet also filled with unforeseen danger. Three years ago, Xiao Yan, who had shown talents none had seen in decades, suddenly lost everything. His powers, his reputation, and his promise to his mother. What sorcery has caused him to lose all of his powers? And why has his fiancee suddenly shown up? -- -- (Source: -- ONA - Jan 7, 2017 -- 6,232 7.28
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu -- Mr. Money is holding another Tenka'ichi Budokai and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 10, 1993 -- 94,444 7.11
Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu -- Mr. Money is holding another Tenka'ichi Budokai and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman. -- Movie - Jul 10, 1993 -- 94,444 7.11
Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special Dragon Ball Z: Summer Vacation Special -- One peaceful afternoon, the Son family and friends are spending the day out on the town shopping in West City. Meanwhile, two strangers enter the city and begin causing havoc, destroying nearly everything in their path. As the Son family is eating, the building they're in is suddenly attacked, as it turns out the two are after Son Goku. When Goku sees that innocent people are being attacked in his name, he becomes furious. Trunks comes to Goku’s aid, and the two lead the artificial humans out of the city. As the battle is moved elsewhere, Goku and Gohan, now dressed in white tuxes, return and land in West City. -- -- The two proceed to show clips and highlights from the preceding Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z movies. Goku of course doesn't much like being all dressed up, and by the end he powers up to change back into his typical dōgi. Gohan tries to do the same, but isn't powerful enough to get out of his tux. Goku says he’ll get there someday, and Gohan tells everyone to be sure to go see “Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans” in theaters. -- -- (Source: Kanzenshuu) -- Special - Jul ??, 1992 -- 10,356 6.60
Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- -- Signal.MD -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- When a dragon fails to live up to the fearsome standards set for him, his family kicks him out. He embarks on a quest to find a new home, but soon finds that life on the road is no place for a cowardly beast of legend. In a fantasy world full of elves, dwarves, and other mythical creatures, where everyone wants a piece of him—literally!—the frustrations of house-hunting reach a whole new level. -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,266 5.90
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) -- -- Toei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) -- A long time ago, there was a valiant swordsman who came to be known simply as "the hero." There was a demon who has caused people suffering. The hero and his companions arrived to challenge the demon to a battle and by combining their powers, the battle was brought swift conclusion. With no one around to cause trouble, the island became a quiet place where everyone could live together in peace. -- -- Several years later, the demon is revived. Our present-day protagonist, Dai, lives on a remote island in the southern seas and dreams of becoming a great hero. When he hears about the demon's revival, Dai and his friends take it upon themselves to stop him and the evil force that revived him. Along the way, Dai discovers the identity of "the hero," the truth behind the evil force who revived the demon, and Dai's own hidden powers that surface in times of peril. -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- 44,669 7.08
Drifters (OVA) -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Historical Samurai Seinen -- Drifters (OVA) Drifters (OVA) -- Despite the Ends’ attack on Verlina being successfully repelled, the war has not yet ended. With the monster armies regrouping, the Black King tightens his grasp on the already conquered territory. New conflicts erupt all across Orte, as its remaining forces struggle to retain control over long-oppressed demi-human races. -- -- While Ends grow more potent each day, Toyohisa Shimazu remains unconscious after heavy injuries suffered during the Battle of Verlina. Facing enemies on every side, humanity’s fate is still on a knife's edge. -- -- OVA - Dec 23, 2017 -- 62,443 7.56
Dr. Stone -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Dr. Stone Dr. Stone -- After five years of harboring unspoken feelings, high-schooler Taiju Ooki is finally ready to confess his love to Yuzuriha Ogawa. Just when Taiju begins his confession however, a blinding green light strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind around the world—turning every single human into stone. -- -- Several millennia later, Taiju awakens to find the modern world completely nonexistent, as nature has flourished in the years humanity stood still. Among a stone world of statues, Taiju encounters one other living human: his science-loving friend Senkuu, who has been active for a few months. Taiju learns that Senkuu has developed a grand scheme—to launch the complete revival of civilization with science. Taiju's brawn and Senkuu's brains combine to forge a formidable partnership, and they soon uncover a method to revive those petrified. -- -- However, Senkuu's master plan is threatened when his ideologies are challenged by those who awaken. All the while, the reason for mankind's petrification remains unknown. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 1,059,749 8.32
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- Senkuu has made it his goal to bring back two million years of human achievement and revive the entirety of those turned to statues. However, one man stands in his way: Tsukasa Shishiou, who believes that only the fittest of those petrified should be revived. -- -- As the snow melts and spring approaches, Senkuu and his allies in Ishigami Village finish the preparations for their attack on the Tsukasa Empire. With a reinvented cell phone model now at their disposal, the Kingdom of Science is ready to launch its newest scheme to recruit the sizable numbers of Tsukasa's army to their side. However, it is a race against time; for every day the Kingdom of Science spends perfecting their inventions, the empire rapidly grows in number. -- -- Reuniting with old friends and gaining new allies, Senkuu and the Kingdom of Science must stop Tsukasa's forces in order to fulfill their goal of restoring humanity and all its creations. With the two sides each in pursuit of their ideal world, the Stone Wars have now begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 535,602 8.22
Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- It is said that every few years, there is what's known as the "Summer of Anu." During that summer, thanks to the divine protection of the sky-god Anu, all of the demons in the tower lose their power. The country of Uruk has begun an invasion of the tower in order to suppress the demons. They've built up positions inside the tower, with their sights set on getting to the upper levels. The Uruk army knows that this is the third Summer of Anu-a perfect time to launch a mission to suppress the monster Druaga once and for all. The army soldiers aren't the only ones in the tower, though. An enitre city called Meskia has formed inside the tower's first floor. It plays host not just to soldiers, but also to adventurers who have heard rumors about a legendary treasure called the Blue Crystal Rod, which is said to rest at the very top of the tower. With all these different groups in the mix, each with its own agenda, one can only guess how things will play out during this unusual summer. -- -- (Source: Newtype Magazine) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2008 -- 105,591 7.18
Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk -- With broken spirits and enigmatic questions that hold no answers lingering, Jil is still trying to figure everything out. Then, a mysterious girl named Kai appears before him and says: "Take me to the top of the tower." -- -- Kai's request shrouded in ambiguity, Jil will have another chance to work towards completing his destiny and ascend the Tower. With his hopes and aspirations seemingly slipping out of his hands, Jil must rise to the challenge once again on this never-ending adventure. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 67,214 7.23
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka -- Life in the bustling city of Orario is never dull, especially for Bell Cranel, a naïve young man who hopes to become the greatest adventurer in the land. After a chance encounter with the lonely goddess, Hestia, his dreams become a little closer to reality. With her support, Bell embarks on a fantastic quest as he ventures deep within the city's monster-filled catacombs, known only as the "Dungeon." Death lurks around every corner in the cavernous depths of this terrifying labyrinth, and a mysterious power moves amidst the shadows. -- -- Even on the surface, survival is a hard-earned privilege. Indeed, nothing is ever certain in a world where gods and humans live and work together, especially when they often struggle to get along. One thing is for sure, though: a myriad of blunders, triumphs and friendships awaits the dauntlessly optimistic protagonist of this herculean tale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,138,573 7.61
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- The third season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- -- When Bell encounters a frightened little girl in the dungeon, he doesn’t think twice to help. But this simple act of kindness has consequences. The girl is a monster and proof that monsters can be eerily human. And not everyone can accept this... -- -- (Source: HIDIVE) -- 339,465 7.46
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III -- The third season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- -- When Bell encounters a frightened little girl in the dungeon, he doesn’t think twice to help. But this simple act of kindness has consequences. The girl is a monster and proof that monsters can be eerily human. And not everyone can accept this... -- -- (Source: HIDIVE) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 339,465 7.46
Durarara!!x2 Ten -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten Durarara!!x2 Ten -- In Ikebukuro, the lives of its citizens continue intertwining with each other as if their fates are predestined. Mikado Ryuugamine is now one step closer to his goal of living an exciting life, and in turn, delves deeper into the darker side of Ikebukuro. After gaining absolute control over a former rival, he uses his newfound power as he pleases, purging the Dollars from the inside to mold it into the ideal organization. This proves to be as challenging as it sounds as Mikado must now deal with unwanted outside interference, most notably a re-emerging and dearly missed friend. Meanwhile, Izaya Orihara still has some schemes up his sleeve, although a rival information exchange center has proven to be quite the hindrance, lurking within everyone’s favorite downtown district. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, chaos will strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 322,624 8.00
Een -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Een Een -- Synchronized the irritation of the baby’s cries and the frustration I have ever experienced. Everyone was born while crying and grew crying. I grew up to be an adult, but I strongly want to be a baby again. -- -- Short film by Sawako Kabuki. -- ONA - Feb 12, 2018 -- 528 5.01
Egao no Daika -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Military Slice of Life Drama Fantasy Mecha -- Egao no Daika Egao no Daika -- On a planet far from Earth, there is a kingdom full of smiling faces. Princess Yuuki is 12 years old, and about to enter a sensitive age in a person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and sometimes, her heart throbs with excitement. All the while, she lives merrily in the royal palace. -- -- Filling her days are her loyal vassals: her tutor Reira, Izana who assists in political affairs, the leader of the chivalry Harold … and then there is her childhood friend and aide Joshua. -- -- "Yuuki! If you have spirit and guts, you can do anything!" -- -- "…No, not this again! Joshua, be nobler!" -- -- Stella is 17 years old and a capable, reserved soldier. However, she is always smiling ... for smiling is essential to living. -- -- This is a story of two girls born on distant planets. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 31,621 6.06
Eikyuu Kazoku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Comedy -- Eikyuu Kazoku Eikyuu Kazoku -- It started as a sociological experiment. Six different people were brainwashed to think that they were a family and then put in arbitrary situations to see how they would react; however, when a taping of the families conducts is sold in a desperate attempt to make a little capital, it instantly becomes a success. Now the family is a first rated show and their every move is broadcasted around the world without them knowing it. But when a clogged toilet sets off a chain of events that ultimately frees the family from the room they are confined in the broadcasters, not willing to lose their source of income, set out to hunt down and recapture every member of the Eternal family. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 1, 1997 -- 8,447 5.94
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- With the threat of the Holy Grail War no longer looming over Fuyuki City, its inhabitants can finally enjoy a time of peace. Now that all of the Masters and Servants have adjusted to their new mundane lives, Shirou has taken it upon himself to cook for his household and show Saber the wonders of modern cuisine. Every day, he ventures into the marketplace to see what kind of different meals he can cook up with unique ingredients and a limited budget. However, his legendary skills often attract uninvited guests from all over the city, so there is never a dull moment at dinner with the Emiya family. -- -- As his guests entertain themselves in the living room, Shirou walks through the step-by-step process of creating some of his favorite meals. With delicacies such as his savory New Year soba with shrimp tempura, steamy foil-baked salmon, and cheesy bamboo shoot gratin, everything is up for grabs on his menu. Itadakimasu! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- ONA - Jan 25, 2018 -- 89,555 7.81
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- With the threat of the Holy Grail War no longer looming over Fuyuki City, its inhabitants can finally enjoy a time of peace. Now that all of the Masters and Servants have adjusted to their new mundane lives, Shirou has taken it upon himself to cook for his household and show Saber the wonders of modern cuisine. Every day, he ventures into the marketplace to see what kind of different meals he can cook up with unique ingredients and a limited budget. However, his legendary skills often attract uninvited guests from all over the city, so there is never a dull moment at dinner with the Emiya family. -- -- As his guests entertain themselves in the living room, Shirou walks through the step-by-step process of creating some of his favorite meals. With delicacies such as his savory New Year soba with shrimp tempura, steamy foil-baked salmon, and cheesy bamboo shoot gratin, everything is up for grabs on his menu. Itadakimasu! -- -- ONA - Jan 25, 2018 -- 89,555 7.81
Endro~! -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Slice of Life -- Endro~! Endro~! -- In a world of adventurers and magic lies Naral Island. Every generation, a Demon Lord rises to plague the land, and every generation, a Hero is born to subdue him. For countless centuries, the cycle has repeated with no end in sight. The latest Hero, Juulia "Yusha" Charldetto, has almost completed her valiant campaign alongside her party members: responsible priest Seiran "Seira" Élénoir, enigmatic mage Meiza "Mei" Endust, and hyper-energetic warrior Fai Fai. -- -- In the final battle against the Demon Lord, Yusha's party attempt a risky spell to cast their enemy into the drifts of time. But the incantation goes awry, sending Yusha and her friends back to a time before the Demon Lord, before Yusha becomes the Hero, and before the party had even graduated as adventurers. With their memories of the future erased, the four girls restart their ambitions to become the Hero's Party, aspiring to defeat the Demon Lord. -- -- However, in a sudden twist of fate, the Demon Lord was also sent back in time with her memories intact. Reduced to the form of a little girl, the Demon Lord takes the name Mao and infiltrates the adventurers' school as a teacher, planning to stop Yusha before she becomes a hero. Thus begins the story of Yusha and her friends, in their quest to defeat the Demon Lord, not knowing that the one they seek is right by their side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,878 6.93
Eromanga-sensei OVA -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Romance -- Eromanga-sensei OVA Eromanga-sensei OVA -- Yamada Elf's Love Song -- -- As a novelist with works getting adapted into anime, Elf Yamada holds an event to celebrate her success and to thank everyone who had supported her. With her mother attending, she becomes more excited. However, just as her mother arrives, she tells Elf to go back home so that she can find a suitable husband. Elf, who harbors feelings for Masamune Izumi, chooses to say no… -- -- Cooked Meals of Pure Love -- -- Winter has come, and it's freezing outside. With her brother Masamune catching a cold, Sagiri Izumi decides to nurse her brother into good health by stepping outside the comfort of her room and doing the housework herself. -- -- OVA - Jan 16, 2019 -- 85,923 6.90
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- 70,946 6.84
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 70,946 6.84
Fairy Tail -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 175 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fairy Tail Fairy Tail -- In the mystical land of Fiore, magic exists as an essential part of everyday life. Countless magic guilds lie at the core of all magical activity, and serve as venues for like-minded mages to band together and take on job requests. Among them, Fairy Tail stands out from the rest as a place of strength, spirit, and family. -- -- Lucy Heartfilia is a young mage searching for celestial gate keys, and her dream is to become a full-fledged wizard by joining this famous guild. In her search, she runs into Natsu Dragneel and his partner Happy, who are on a quest to find Natsu's foster father, the dragon Igneel. -- -- Upon being tricked by a man, Lucy falls under an abduction attempt, only to be saved by Natsu. To her shock, he reveals that he is a member of Fairy Tail and invites her to join them. There, Lucy meets the guild's strange members, such as the ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and magic swordswoman Erza Scarlet. Together as a family, they battle the forces of evil, help those in need, and gain new friends, all the while enjoying the never-ending adventure that is Fairy Tail. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,374,207 7.64
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- Smile Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Smile Precure! Smile Precure! -- To teenager Miyuki Hoshizora, fairy tales are a world of wondrous encounters and happy endings. Inspired by her love for these stories, she lives every day searching for happiness. While running late on her first day of school as a transfer student, Miyuki meets Candy—a mysterious fairy from the world of fairy tales, Märchenland. However, when Candy disappears as quickly as she appeared, Miyuki is left believing the encounter was only a dream. -- -- After an eventful first day, Miyuki finds a mysterious library at school. While combing through the bookshelves, she is transported next to Candy, who claims to be searching for the so-called legendary warriors, Precure. When forced to protect Candy's and everyone else's happiness, Miyuki transforms into "Cure Happy," one of the Precure warriors! As Cure Happy, Miyuki is now tasked with finding the other legendary warriors and protecting the world from destruction, all while possibly discovering her very own happy ending. -- -- 29,388 6.71
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. -- -- Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Toosaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed. -- -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly continues to focus on the remaining Masters and Servants as they fight each other in the hopes of obtaining the Holy Grail. However, as darkness arises within Fuyuki City, even the state of their sacred war could be in danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jan 12, 2019 -- 224,860 8.59
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly -- The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. -- -- Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Toosaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed. -- -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly continues to focus on the remaining Masters and Servants as they fight each other in the hopes of obtaining the Holy Grail. However, as darkness arises within Fuyuki City, even the state of their sacred war could be in danger. -- -- Movie - Jan 12, 2019 -- 224,860 8.59
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season -- In the midst of the Fifth Holy Grail War, Caster sets her plans into motion, beginning with the capture of Shirou's Servant Saber. With the witch growing ever more powerful, Rin and Archer determine she is a threat that must be dealt with at once. But as the balance of power in the war begins to shift, the Master and Servant find themselves walking separate ways. -- -- Meanwhile, despite losing his Servant and stumbling from injuries, Shirou ignores Rin's warning to abandon the battle royale, forcing his way into the fight against Caster. Determined to show his resolve in his will to fight, Shirou's potential to become a protector of the people is put to the test. -- -- Amidst the bloodshed and chaos, the motivations of each Master and Servant are slowly revealed as they sacrifice everything in order to arise as the victor and claim the Holy Grail. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 636,899 8.33
Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- Tsubasa Shiina is a 10-year-old girl who recently moved to Hokkaido to live with her father. In school, she is very quiet and unsociable with her classmates. Then one night, she witnesses a UFO crash in the forest near her home. She rushes to the scene and finds the pilot, codenamed "D.D.", in a barely stable condition. Also in the scene is a Maguar, a hideous alien that hatched aboard D.D.'s ship. As the Maguar is close to taking Tsubasa's life, an alien lifeform fuses with her body to form the Riberus battle armor Figure 17, which shortly destroys the alien threat. The life form takes the name Hikaru and turns into an identical twin of Tsubasa. As time passes, Tsubasa becomes more open to everyone around her, thanks to her new twin sister Hikaru. However, with Maguar eggs scattered all over Hokkaido, their ability to form Figure 17 is needed to eliminate all hatched Maguars until backup from D.D.'s home planet arrives on Earth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - May 27, 2001 -- 11,234 7.22
Final Approach -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Final Approach Final Approach -- Ever since their parents died a few years ago, Ryo and his sister Akane have been living alone together. Despite their difficult situation, they are still living reasonably happy and normal lives. However, everything is about to be flipped upside-down due to a secret government project. Due to increasingly low birth rates in Japan, the Japanese government is testing a program in which two young people are forced to marry. Ryo wants no part of it, but he is given little choice in the matter; his new fiancée, Shizuka, comes to his home late one night with several dozen government issued bodyguards, who are there to ensure the success of the new couple. Unlike Ryo, Shizuka couldn’t be more willing to go along with this new program, and eagerly goes about her wifely duties, despite his objections. With meddling friends, pushy bodyguards, and an overenthusiastic new fiancée, Ryo’s life has taken a turn in a direction the young man certainly didn’t expect. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 32,102 6.55
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within -- -- Square Enix -- 1 ep -- Game -- Sci-Fi -- Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within -- The year is 2065, and the planet of Earth is far removed from the place that it was in the past. Deadly alien creatures known as Phantoms have appeared all over the planet, and mere contact with these entities is lethal, whether it be an instant death or a prolonged decline. In order to try and salvage what little of the human race is left, large force-field barriers have been constructed around certain cities to repel the Phantoms. -- -- Seeking a more permanent solution to this invasion are scientists Aki Ross and her mentor, Dr. Sid, whose investigations have revealed that there exists a form of spiritual, Gaia energy that can eradicate the Phantom's presence from this world. Aki and Sid aren't alone in their quest through Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within; the human council and the military squad "Deep Eyes" are ready to help. Not everyone is convinced of this plan though. -- -- Aki, Sid, Grey, and their allies have to band together against forces both alien and human if they are to have any chance at restoring peace to Earth. An enemy whose mere touch is fatal, the Phantoms appear the more dangerous enemy, but as they will come to find out, their human nemeses are also not to be trifled with. -- Movie - Jul 2, 2001 -- 65,855 6.35
Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Fantasy Super Power -- Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel -- After the three-pronged conflict between tyrannical electric company Shinra, rebel group Avalanche, and the maniacal Sephiroth, the damaged planet slowly heals its wounds. A rural town dubbed Edge sprouts up on the outskirts of Midgar's ruins. Reeve Tuesti, former Head of Urban Development at Shinra, interviews a young boy named Denzel for potential membership in Reeve's World Regenesis Organization, a group devoted to the restoration and protection of the planet. -- -- Denzel recounts his tragic history to Reeve, detailing how the aftermath of the heroic Avalanche's actions laid waste to Midgar and took the lives of everyone the boy knew. Through reminiscing to Reeve, Denzel discovers a newfound purpose. -- -- OVA - Apr 16, 2009 -- 23,906 7.12
First Squad: The Moment of Truth -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Historical Military Super Power Supernatural -- First Squad: The Moment of Truth First Squad: The Moment of Truth -- As the Second World War rages on throughout Europe and the German forces advance closer to Moscow, the days of the Soviet Union seem numbered. Their only hope is the First Squad, a special unit operating within the Soviet intelligence service that consists of teenagers possessing supernatural abilities. However, the unit’s sole surviving memberNadya Ruslanova suffers from memory loss and is unlikely to take part in any combat operation. -- -- The next Moment of Truth – an event that happens once every 700 years, when the actions of a single man can change the entire course of history – is rapidly approaching the Eastern Front. In hopes of breaking the stalemate at the frontlines, a German occult organization called Ahnenerbe plans to summon Baron von Wolff, a medieval knight from the Northern Crusades, and his undead army from the underworld. To prevent this from happening, First Squad must gather once again, and it’s up to Nadya to bring back her deceased friends to stop the Nazis from taking over the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - May 13, 2009 -- 36,094 6.01
FLCL Alternative -- -- Nut, Production I.G, Revoroot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Alternative FLCL Alternative -- Life seems to drift by for Kana Koumoto and her friends in their small Japanese town. Every day is just like the last, and it feels like every new day will be the same. Kana goes to school, hangs out with her friends, and likes to paint her nails and listen to music, but it feels like nothing special is ever going to happen. -- -- As a change of pace, Kana and her friends decide to design a bottle rocket and launch it into space, even though it might not get there at all. However, just when the rocket is completed, a robot suddenly crashes into and destroys it, shortly followed by a pink-haired woman claiming to be a "Galactic Investigator." Kana's life quickly becomes more exciting than she ever imagined, dealing with new feelings, changing friends, and even boy troubles. It turns out life can go by in the blink of an eye, fast enough to even miss it, so what's with these weird robots that seem to show up at the worst times?! -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 7, 2018 -- 75,025 6.57
FLCL Alternative -- -- Nut, Production I.G, Revoroot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Alternative FLCL Alternative -- Life seems to drift by for Kana Koumoto and her friends in their small Japanese town. Every day is just like the last, and it feels like every new day will be the same. Kana goes to school, hangs out with her friends, and likes to paint her nails and listen to music, but it feels like nothing special is ever going to happen. -- -- As a change of pace, Kana and her friends decide to design a bottle rocket and launch it into space, even though it might not get there at all. However, just when the rocket is completed, a robot suddenly crashes into and destroys it, shortly followed by a pink-haired woman claiming to be a "Galactic Investigator." Kana's life quickly becomes more exciting than she ever imagined, dealing with new feelings, changing friends, and even boy troubles. It turns out life can go by in the blink of an eye, fast enough to even miss it, so what's with these weird robots that seem to show up at the worst times?! -- -- Movie - Sep 7, 2018 -- 75,025 6.57
FLCL -- -- Gainax, Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Dementia Psychological Mecha -- FLCL FLCL -- Naota Nandaba is an ordinary sixth grader living in a city where nothing amazing ever seems to happen. After his brother Tasuku leaves town to play baseball in America, Naota takes it upon himself to look after everything Tasuku left behind—from his top bunk bed to his ex-girlfriend Mamimi Samejima, who hasn't stopped clinging to Naota since Tasuku left. -- -- Little does Naota know, however, that his mundane existence is on the verge of being changed forever: enter Haruko Haruhara, a Vespa-riding, bass guitar-wielding, pink-haired psychopath whose first encounter with Naota leaves him with tire tracks on his back and a giant horn on his head. Though all he wants is some peace and quiet, when Haruko takes up residence at his parents' home, Naota finds himself dragged into the heart of the greatest battle for supremacy that Earth—and quite possibly the entire universe—has ever seen. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Synch-Point -- OVA - Apr 26, 2000 -- 633,940 8.03
Flying Witch -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Flying Witch Flying Witch -- In the witches' tradition, when a practitioner turns 15, they must become independent and leave their home to study witchcraft. Makoto Kowata is one such apprentice witch who leaves her parents' home in Yokohama in pursuit of knowledge and training. Along with her companion Chito, a black cat familiar, they embark on a journey to Aomori, a region favored by witches due to its abundance of nature and affinity with magic. They begin their new life by living with Makoto's second cousins, Kei Kuramoto and his little sister Chinatsu. -- -- While Makoto may seem to be attending high school like any other teenager, her whimsical and eccentric involvement with witchcraft sets her apart from others her age. From her encounter with an anthropomorphic dog fortune teller to the peculiar magic training she receives from her older sister Akane, Makoto's peaceful everyday life is filled with the idiosyncrasies of witchcraft that she shares with her friends and family. -- -- 217,847 7.53
Flying Witch -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Flying Witch Flying Witch -- In the witches' tradition, when a practitioner turns 15, they must become independent and leave their home to study witchcraft. Makoto Kowata is one such apprentice witch who leaves her parents' home in Yokohama in pursuit of knowledge and training. Along with her companion Chito, a black cat familiar, they embark on a journey to Aomori, a region favored by witches due to its abundance of nature and affinity with magic. They begin their new life by living with Makoto's second cousins, Kei Kuramoto and his little sister Chinatsu. -- -- While Makoto may seem to be attending high school like any other teenager, her whimsical and eccentric involvement with witchcraft sets her apart from others her age. From her encounter with an anthropomorphic dog fortune teller to the peculiar magic training she receives from her older sister Akane, Makoto's peaceful everyday life is filled with the idiosyncrasies of witchcraft that she shares with her friends and family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 217,847 7.53
Freaky Highschool -- -- - -- 69 eps -- Original -- Horror School -- Freaky Highschool Freaky Highschool -- A cutesy horror anime. Everyone in town is monster but they're living their lives like normal while attending high school. -- 386 N/A -- -- Anime-ban Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Historical Horror Supernatural -- Anime-ban Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan Anime-ban Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- An adaptation of Yotsuya Kaidan, a classic Japanese horror story about a ghost getting revenge. -- Special - Aug 16, 1981 -- 368 N/A -- -- Monkey Peak -- -- Tomovies -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Seinen -- Monkey Peak Monkey Peak -- The anime centers on a group of pharmaceutical company employees who embark on a mountain-climbing trip together and who encounter tragedy at the hands of mysterious monkeys when they reach the top. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 26, 2018 -- 361 N/ANineko Gelée -- -- DLE -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia Horror Fantasy -- Nineko Gelée Nineko Gelée -- An animation staring Gelée, an anthropomorphic cat character created by DLE. -- ONA - Oct 25, 2016 -- 349 5.42
Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shoujo -- Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu -- Ryou Sakaguchi is a totally normal high school student, aside from his single unusual hobby. Sakaguchi is a fudanshi—a man who loves reading "boys' love" manga, and fantasizing about the gay potential he sees everywhere. He has only one wish before he dies: to find himself some friends that understand his secret passion. -- -- His wish comes true, as Sakaguchi begins to uncover a host of interested parties. There's Rumi Nishihara, a closeted fujoshi who is more than eager to discuss the joys of boys' love with Sakaguchi; the flamboyantly gay leader of the school's cooking club, Yuujirou Shiratori, who makes no effort whatsoever to conceal his sexuality; Akira Ueda, Shiratori's diligent admirer, who will do anything for the love of his life; and even the mischievous Daigo, a fellow fudanshi and popular author of boys' love doujinshi. Standing by their sides throughout all the otaku chaos is Sakaguchi's best friend, Toshiaki Nakamura, who only wishes his classmates would start acting more like normal people. -- -- 58,239 6.54
Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited -- -- CloverWorks -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Comedy Police -- Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited -- Daisuke Kanbe, a man of extraordinary wealth, is assigned to the Modern Crime Prevention Headquarters as a detective. It is there that he gets partnered with Haru Katou, a humane detective who values justice above all. The two are polar opposites, and their morals clash time and time again. Haru despises Daisuke for using monetary wealth to solve cases, as he believes that money isn't everything. The two will have to combine their efforts, however, to solve the mysteries that are coming their way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 247,413 7.55
Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- Despite being burdened with crippling debt to the morose Haruitsuki Abeno, Hanae Ashiya has come to enjoy his job as an exorcist. His ability to communicate with youkai has given him a sense of responsibility regarding the magical creatures, and he continues to work hard to send them to their true home in the Underworld. -- -- As Ashiya’s life finally stabilizes, the youkai threaten to upset it once again. Knowledge of his existence has begun to spread, and not everyone is happy to have a human working for the Mononokean, the interdimensional tea room. But one day, a simple visit to the Underworld draws the attention of those in power, and Ashiya soon learns that not every youkai is willing to go along with Abeno's plans. -- -- 37,757 7.56
Fukumenkei Noise -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Music Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Fukumenkei Noise Fukumenkei Noise -- Every day, a young girl wearing a mask stands by the beach and sings a nostalgic melody. After experiencing two sudden heart-wrenching partings when she was only a child, Nino Arisugawa has been singing her songs to the ocean, bound by a promise made with her two childhood friends—her first love, Momo Sakaki, and a boy who composed music, Kanade "Yuzu" Yuzuriha. Having never met each other, the boys both individually promised that if Nino was ever separated from them, her voice would be the beacon to reunite them once again. -- -- After six long years, destiny has finally placed Nino, Momo, and Yuzu in the same high school. However, the passage of time has changed many things in their lives—while Nino relentlessly attempts to fulfill her childhood promise with the boys, Yuzu's feelings for her from the past resurface, and Momo goes to great lengths to prevent a reunion with Nino. Through music, will they be able to mend their friendship and overcome all the feelings involved in this complicated love triangle? -- -- 92,198 7.00
Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection -- -- Bones -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Comedy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection -- 1. State Alchemists vs Seven Homunculi -- A 10 minute film featuring: Ed, Al, Mustang and many other members of the State doing battle with the deadly Homonculi in an alternate reality Amestris. -- -- 2. Chibi Party (Enkai-hen) -- Short 6 minute Skit drawn in Super Deformed style where every character in the series (including bad guys) are celebrating an "After Party" of the Conqueror of Shambala movie. -- -- 3. Kids (Kodomo-hen) -- Short 3 minute story which features Edward and his grandkids in present day 2005. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Mar 29, 2006 -- 62,206 7.34
Fumikiri Jikan -- -- EKACHI EPILKA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Fumikiri Jikan Fumikiri Jikan -- Every day, all kinds of different people stop at railroad crossings on their way to work or school, resulting in all sorts of different conversations. Friends, enemies, acquaintances, and complete strangers—there's always a new encounter to be had. -- -- Fumikiri Jikan documents the discussions that take place at these locations. Whether these are funny or depressing, expected or completely unexpected, they certainly have the potential to be quite interesting. -- -- 33,594 6.39
Fushigi na Somera-chan -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Magic Slice of Life -- Fushigi na Somera-chan Fushigi na Somera-chan -- The story follows the everyday life of Somera Nonomoto who can use the strongest kenpo, Nonomoto Mahou-ken, which is inherited from her mother with her younger sister Kukuru. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 11,838 5.86
Gabriel DropOut -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Gabriel DropOut Gabriel DropOut -- For centuries, Heaven has required its young angels to live and study among humans in order to become full-fledged angels. This is no different for top-of-her-class Gabriel White Tenma, who believes it is her mission to be a great angel who will bring happiness to mankind. However, Gabriel grows addicted to video games on Earth and eventually becomes a hikikomori. Proclaiming herself a "Fallen Angel," she is apathetic to everything else—much to the annoyance of Vignette April Tsukinose, a demon whom Gabriel befriended in her angelic early days on Earth. -- -- Vignette's attempts to revert Gabriel back to her previous self are in vain, as Gabriel shoots down any attempt to change her precious lifestyle. As they spend their time on Earth, they meet two eccentric personalities: the angel Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha, Gabriel's classmate with a penchant for sadism, and the demon Satanichia McDowell Kurumizawa, a clumsy self-proclaimed future ruler of the Underworld. -- -- Gabriel DropOut follows these four friends' comedic lives as they utterly fail to understand what it truly means to be a demon or an angel. -- -- 355,891 7.48
GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- The Ayanoi High School features the Geijutsuka Art Design Class (GA) that focuses on the arts. Five close friends — the energetic "hime"-prankster Noda Miki; the level-headed, cynical Nozaki Namiko; the intelligent, observant, and kind Oomichi Miyabi; the lively and mischievous tomboy Tomokane; and the curious, innocent, glasses-wearing Yamaguchi Kisaragi — attend this class with great enthusiasm, learning about the many art techniques. Every day seems to pose a new and interesting challenge, be it struggling with the latest assignment or when dealing with the daily strangeness of school life. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jul 7, 2009 -- 17,651 7.14
Gakuen Senki Muryou -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Supernatural Mecha Shounen -- Gakuen Senki Muryou Gakuen Senki Muryou -- The world is about to be turned upside down for Hajime Murata. First, a strange alien ship appears over Tokyo, and then a mysterious new transfer student arrives at his school wearing an ancient school uniform. His name is Muryou, and with his arrival, everything begins to change. Students suddenly begin to display amazing psychic powers, a giant white guardian keeps appearing in the skies over the city to fight off gigantic alien creatures, and men with threatening weapons are haunting the shadows of the school grounds. -- -- With all these strange events taking place around him, Hajime is determined to figure out the truth about a world he thought he already knew. This is his story: a tale of aliens and humans, starships and spies, and friends who are often more than they appear. Join Hajime as he uncovers the mystery of Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - May 8, 2001 -- 5,892 7.04
Gakuen Senki Muryou -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Supernatural Mecha Shounen -- Gakuen Senki Muryou Gakuen Senki Muryou -- The world is about to be turned upside down for Hajime Murata. First, a strange alien ship appears over Tokyo, and then a mysterious new transfer student arrives at his school wearing an ancient school uniform. His name is Muryou, and with his arrival, everything begins to change. Students suddenly begin to display amazing psychic powers, a giant white guardian keeps appearing in the skies over the city to fight off gigantic alien creatures, and men with threatening weapons are haunting the shadows of the school grounds. -- -- With all these strange events taking place around him, Hajime is determined to figure out the truth about a world he thought he already knew. This is his story: a tale of aliens and humans, starships and spies, and friends who are often more than they appear. Join Hajime as he uncovers the mystery of Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - May 8, 2001 -- 5,892 7.04
Gamers! -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Comedy Romance School -- Gamers! Gamers! -- Keita Amano is a typical high school gamer living out an average student's life. One day, however, he has an unexpected meeting with the cutest girl in school that makes him want to disappear without a trace! -- -- This girl, Karen Tendou, is an exemplary student who is proclaimed to be the school's idol. She discovers that Amano is a gamer, and this newfound knowledge incites a passionate desire within her to recruit him into the game club. Upon visiting the club, Amano is forcefully made aware of a side to gaming wildly different than the one he loves so dearly. -- -- Tendou's interest in Amano begins shaking up what was once an uneventful life, filling it with spontaneity, awkwardness, and a little bit of mayhem. As a result, every day becomes a comical battle for Amano's sanity as he tries to adapt to these wild, unexpected changes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 482,559 6.88
Gangsta. -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Seinen -- Gangsta. Gangsta. -- Nicholas Brown and Worick Arcangelo, known in the city of Ergastalum as the "Handymen," are mercenaries for hire who take on jobs no one else can handle. Contracted by powerful mob syndicates and police alike, the Handymen have to be ready and willing for anything. After completing the order of killing a local pimp, the Handymen add Alex Benedetto—a prostitute also designated for elimination—to their ranks to protect her from forces that want her gone from the decrepit hellhole of a city she has come to call home. However, this criminal’s paradise is undergoing a profound period of change that threatens to corrode the delicate balance of power. -- -- Ergastalum was once a safe haven for "Twilights," super-human beings born as the result of a special drug but are now being hunted down by a fierce underground organization. This new threat is rising up to challenge everything the city stands for, and the Handymen will not be able to avoid this coming war. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 448,327 7.40
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- 27,252 5.89
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 27,252 5.89
Gatchaman Crowds -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure -- Gatchaman Crowds Gatchaman Crowds -- Hajime Ichinose's ordinary life is in for a change when a transcendent being named J.J Robinson hands her a small book called NOTE—a device which transforms her into one of the Gatchaman, the legendary protectors of Tachikawa City. Stressing that the existence of their group must remain a secret, fellow Gatchaman Sugane Tachibana takes Hajime to their base of operations, where Paiman, the panda-like alien leader of the Gatchaman, reveals their purpose: to eliminate aliens that pose a danger to humanity. These existential threats, called MESS, are becoming increasingly dangerous, destroying everything they touch. Now it's up to the Gatchaman and their new recruit to stop them before the world is engulfed in chaos. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 13, 2013 -- 165,353 7.32
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Military -- Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri -- Off-duty Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) officer and otaku, Youji Itami, is on his way to attend a doujin convention in Ginza, Tokyo when a mysterious portal in the shape of a large gate suddenly appears. From this gate, supernatural creatures and warriors clad in medieval armor emerge, charging through the city, killing and destroying everything in their path. With swift actions, Youji saves as many lives as he can while the rest of the JSDF direct their efforts towards stopping the invasion. -- -- Three months after the attack, Youji has been tasked with leading a special recon team, as part of a JSDF task force, that will be sent to the world beyond the gate—now being referred to as the "Special Region." They must travel into this unknown world in order to learn more about what they are dealing with and attempt to befriend the locals in hopes of creating peaceful ties with the ruling empire. But if they fail, they face the consequence of participating in a devastating war that will engulf both sides of the gate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 621,953 7.73
Gate Keepers -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Gate Keepers Gate Keepers -- Technology, science, and industry—this is 1969 Tokyo, and there is no better time to be alive! But a shadow looms quietly around every corner: "Invaders" have infiltrated the populace, and nobody knows who or what they are. -- -- Only the members of the top-secret agency AEGIS know of their existence. Covertly fighting the enemy is their job, but only those with the ability to open "Gates" to another world can truly defeat them. Within AEGIS is a specialized task force known as the "Gate Keepers." Composed of extraordinary individuals with a variety of Gate-related abilities, they are the only ones who can save humanity from the vicious Invaders plaguing the planet. -- -- Shun Ukiya is an average high school student who lives with his widowed mother and little sister. While on his way home from school one day, he comes across a group of Invaders heading toward his house. In a desperate plight to save his family, Shun discovers he possesses the ability to open a Gate, allowing him to harness massive amounts of energy. With his newfound ability exposed, he catches the attention of AEGIS, and particularly the interest of one of its Gate Keepers, Shun's childhood friend Ruriko Ikusawa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 3, 2000 -- 19,578 6.95
Gate Keepers -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Gate Keepers Gate Keepers -- Technology, science, and industry—this is 1969 Tokyo, and there is no better time to be alive! But a shadow looms quietly around every corner: "Invaders" have infiltrated the populace, and nobody knows who or what they are. -- -- Only the members of the top-secret agency AEGIS know of their existence. Covertly fighting the enemy is their job, but only those with the ability to open "Gates" to another world can truly defeat them. Within AEGIS is a specialized task force known as the "Gate Keepers." Composed of extraordinary individuals with a variety of Gate-related abilities, they are the only ones who can save humanity from the vicious Invaders plaguing the planet. -- -- Shun Ukiya is an average high school student who lives with his widowed mother and little sister. While on his way home from school one day, he comes across a group of Invaders heading toward his house. In a desperate plight to save his family, Shun discovers he possesses the ability to open a Gate, allowing him to harness massive amounts of energy. With his newfound ability exposed, he catches the attention of AEGIS, and particularly the interest of one of its Gate Keepers, Shun's childhood friend Ruriko Ikusawa. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2000 -- 19,578 6.95
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- -- J.C.Staff -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Harem Magic Romance Fantasy -- Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- O, Hero! -- -- When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma's idea of heroism is more practical than most—he wants to rebuild the flagging economy of the new land he's found himself in! Betrothed to the princess and abruptly planted on the throne, this realist hero must gather talented people to help him get the country back on its feet—not through war, or adventure, but with administrative reform! -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 23,670 N/A -- -- Mujin Wakusei Survive -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Mujin Wakusei Survive Mujin Wakusei Survive -- The story is set in the 22nd century where space travel, planet colonization and anti-gravity basketball are practically everyday things. Planet Earth has become uninhabitable, and therefore people live in colonies on the surrounding planets. On a school field trip, a mistake causes the protagonist, a young transfer student named Luna, her pet robot, and six of her classmates to be thrown through a gravity storm and crash land on a seemingly uninhabited planet. There, with Luna as their leader, the robot cat Chako, the lone wolf Kaoru, the spoiled rich boy Howard, the shy Sharla, the obedient Bell, the prideful musician Menori and the young genius Shingo must fight for their survival. But is the planet really uninhabited, or is there someone or something out there, waiting in the shadows? -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 16, 2003 -- 23,504 7.70
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Ecchi -- Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Getsuyoubi no Tawawa -- The anime follows a salaryman who has a chance meeting with a girl named Ai on the train. They begin to meet every Monday on the train, with the man serving as her bodyguard on the crowded commute while they chat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 10, 2016 -- 76,357 6.43
Giant Killing -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sports Drama Seinen -- Giant Killing Giant Killing -- East Tokyo United (ETU) has been struggling in Japan's top soccer league for the past few years. It has taken everything they have just to avoid relegation. To make matters even worse, the team has lost five matches in a row, leading to abysmal team morale. Even the fans are beginning to abandon them, and rumors hint that the home ground municipality is going to withdraw their support. With countless coaches fired and poor financial choices in hiring players, it is a downward spiral for ETU. -- -- The board of directors, under pressure from general manager Kousei Gotou, takes a gamble and hires a new coach—the slightly eccentric Takeshi Tatsumi. Though considered a great soccer player when he was younger, Tatsumi abandoned ETU years ago. However, since then, he has proven himself successful as the manager of one of England's lower division amateur teams. -- -- Tatsumi's task won't be easy; ETU fans call him a traitor, and the team is pitted against others with larger budgets and better players. Yet even the underdog can take down a goliath, and Tatsumi claims he is an expert at giant killing. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2010 -- 59,355 7.57
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin -- -- Toei Animation -- 21 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Shounen -- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ginga Nagareboshi Gin -- Gin is a silver Tora-ge named after his coat color. Shortly after being born, he watches his father, Riki, get killed by Akakabuto, a bear that terrorizes everything in his path. Being the third-generation of bear-dogs to try to stand up against Akakabuto, he ventures out to find dogs to join him in his fight. -- TV - Apr 7, 1986 -- 21,672 8.04
Gin no Saji -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Gin no Saji Gin no Saji -- Yuugo Hachiken is studious, hard-working, and tired of trying to live up to expectations he just cannot meet. With the ushering in of a brand new school year, he decides to enrol in Ooezo Agricultural High School, a boarding school located in the Hokkaido countryside, as a means to escape from the stress brought upon by his parents. -- -- Initially convinced that he would do well at this institution, Hachiken is quickly proven wrong by his talented classmates, individuals who have been living on farms their entire lives and know just about everything when it comes to food, vegetables, and even the physiology of livestock! Whether it be waking up at five in the morning for strenuous labor or to take care of farm animals, Hachiken is a complete amateur when it comes to the harsh agricultural life. -- -- Gin no Saji follows the comedic story of a young student as he tries to fit into a completely new environment, meeting many unique people along the way. As he struggles to appreciate his surroundings, Hachiken hopes to discover his dreams, so that he may lead a fulfilling life on his own terms. -- -- 237,416 8.11
Gin no Saji -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Gin no Saji Gin no Saji -- Yuugo Hachiken is studious, hard-working, and tired of trying to live up to expectations he just cannot meet. With the ushering in of a brand new school year, he decides to enrol in Ooezo Agricultural High School, a boarding school located in the Hokkaido countryside, as a means to escape from the stress brought upon by his parents. -- -- Initially convinced that he would do well at this institution, Hachiken is quickly proven wrong by his talented classmates, individuals who have been living on farms their entire lives and know just about everything when it comes to food, vegetables, and even the physiology of livestock! Whether it be waking up at five in the morning for strenuous labor or to take care of farm animals, Hachiken is a complete amateur when it comes to the harsh agricultural life. -- -- Gin no Saji follows the comedic story of a young student as he tries to fit into a completely new environment, meeting many unique people along the way. As he struggles to appreciate his surroundings, Hachiken hopes to discover his dreams, so that he may lead a fulfilling life on his own terms. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 237,416 8.11
Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody -- Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen -- The red-light district, Yoshiwara, is suddenly taken over by "Aizen Kou," an incense that has the ability to make anyone fall in love with the first person they see. Having been outlawed for its strong potency, the love drug was thought to have disappeared from the red-light district for good; however, it seems to have found its way back inside Yoshiwara's walls and now has the entire district under its influence. -- -- Of those affected is the cold-hearted Hyakka captain, Tsukuyo, and the first person she sees after inhaling the smoke is none other than the brazen Yorozuya leader, Gintoki Sakata. Unbeknownst to everyone else though, she was already attracted to Gintoki. With those hidden feelings now intensified, Tsukuyo must overcome her afflictions and work with the Yorozuya to return everyone back to normal. -- -- OVA - Aug 4, 2016 -- 61,969 8.41
Giovanni no Shima -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Historical -- Giovanni no Shima Giovanni no Shima -- In the aftermath of the most devastating conflict mankind had ever experienced, the tiny island of Shikotan became part of the Sakhalin Oblast... and on the unhealed border in this remote corner of the world, friendship among children from two different countries timidly blossomed, striving to overcome language barriers and the waves of history. Inspired by true events. -- -- On August 15th, they told us we had lost the war. At that time, we did not really understand. Then one day, everything changed. Many soldiers, wearing uniforms we had never seen before, arrived on the island. That was the day I met Tanya. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- Movie - Feb 22, 2014 -- 25,126 7.70
Glass no Kamen (2005) -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shoujo -- Glass no Kamen (2005) Glass no Kamen (2005) -- Two Girls. One Dream. And the entire world for a stage. -- -- At 13 years old, Maya Kitajima seems destined to spend the rest of her life toiling in a crowded restaurant alongside her bitter and unstable mother. But when her incredible acting talent is discovered by the legendary diva Chigusa Tsukikage, Maya finds a new future filled with both golden opportunities and terrifying risks. -- -- For Ayumi Himekawa, success has always been assured, yet she longs to be recognized for her own talents and skills, not her famous parents' connections. -- -- For both, the ultimate prize is the role of The Crimson Goddess in the play of the same name, a part created by Chigusa. To achieve this goal, both Maya and Ayumi must seek out and conquer every acting challenge, pushing the limits of their talent and endurance to the utmost, until they are worthy of the part… -- -- But for one to win, the other must fail! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2005 -- 31,711 8.08
Gleipnir -- -- Pine Jam -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Ecchi Seinen -- Gleipnir Gleipnir -- Shuuichi Kagaya is what one would consider an average high school student, but sometimes, he turns into a monster. He doesn't know how or why he got his abilities, only that he would prefer no one knows about them. One night, he finds a building ablaze with a girl trapped inside. Deciding to save her, he transforms and carries her to safety, but accidentally drops his phone. -- -- The next day, the girl he saved—Claire Aoki—finds him and confronts him about his monster identity. She even goes so far as to push him off the school roof to prove her theory after Shuuichi denies her allegations. Desperate to save himself, he transforms, and Claire snaps a picture in order to blackmail him into telling her everything he knows about monsters, which, ironically, isn't much. -- -- As it turns out, Claire has a secret of her own: she has been searching for her sister, who also became a monster. She enlists Shuuichi's help to track her down, but they aren't the only ones searching for answers. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 299,638 7.01
Goblin Slayer -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Goblin Slayer Goblin Slayer -- Goblins are known for their ferocity, cunning, and rapid reproduction, but their reputation as the lowliest of monsters causes their threat to be overlooked. Raiding rural civilizations to kidnap females of other species for breeding, these vile creatures are free to continue their onslaught as adventurers turn a blind eye in favor of more rewarding assignments with larger bounties. -- -- To commemorate her first day as a Porcelain-ranked adventurer, the 15-year-old Priestess joins a band of young, enthusiastic rookies to investigate a tribe of goblins responsible for the disappearance of several village women. Unprepared and inexperienced, the group soon faces its inevitable demise from an ambush while exploring a cave. With no one else left standing, the terrified Priestess accepts her fate—until the Goblin Slayer unexpectedly appears to not only rescue her with little effort, but destroy the entire goblin nest. -- -- As a holder of the prestigious Silver rank, the Goblin Slayer allows her to accompany him as he assists the Adventurer's Guild in all goblin-related matters. Together with the Priestess, High Elf, Dwarf, and Lizard-man, the armored warrior will not rest until every single goblin in the frontier lands has been eradicated for good. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 751,943 7.45
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? -- Kokoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe's founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. -- -- After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished. -- -- With fluffy silliness and caffeinated fun, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is a heartwarming comedy about five young waitresses and their amusing adventures in the town they call home. -- -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 190,522 7.51
God Eater -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- God Eater God Eater -- The year is 2071. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction following the emergence of man-eating monsters called "Aragami" that boast an immunity to conventional weaponry. They ravaged the land, consuming almost everything in their path and leaving nothing in their wake. To combat them, an organization named Fenrir was formed as a last-ditch effort to save humanity through the use of "God Eaters"—special humans infused with Oracle cells, allowing them to wield the God Arc, the only known weapon capable of killing an Aragami. One such God Eater is Lenka Utsugi, a New-Type whose God Arc takes the form of both blade and gun. -- -- Now, as one of Fenrir's greatest weapons, Lenka must master his God Arc if he is to fulfill his desire of wiping out the Aragami once and for all. The monsters continue to be born en masse while the remnants of humanity struggle to survive the night. Only God Eaters stand between the Aragami and complete and total annihilation of the human race. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 443,037 7.27
Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- A door opens, and a golden seal shatters a star. -- -- It is the early 21st century. Mankind has lost the battle for planet Earth to Godzilla, and has taken to the stars in search of a new home. But the search ends in vain, forcing them and their alien allies back to Earth. But 20,000 years have passed in their absence, and the Earth is a wholly different place. -- -- The planet's flora and fauna now embody and serve Godzilla. Earth is a monster's planet, ruled by the largest Godzilla ever at 300 meters in height. Godzilla Earth. -- -- Human protagonist, Captain Haruo, yearns to defeat Godzilla and retake the planet for mankind. There, he meets aboriginal descendants of the human race, the Houtua tribe. The Houtua twin sisters, Maina and Miana, lead him to the skeletal remains of Mecha-Godzilla, an old anti-Godzilla weapon, which to everyone's surprise is still alive in the form of self-generating nanometal. Taken from the Mecha-Godzilla carcass, the nanometals have gradually been rebuilding a "Mecha-Godzilla City," a potential weapon capable of destroying Godzilla Earth. -- -- As the strategy develops, a rift forms between the humans and the Bilusaludo, one of several alien races that had joined the humans on their exodus from Earth. Their leader, Galu-gu, believes that the secret to defeating Godzilla lies in the use of superhuman powers – namely, the nanometal integration – but Haruo resists, fearing that in defeating monsters, they must not become monsters themselves. Haruo ultimately uses his means for defeating Godzilla Earth to destroy the Mecha-Godzilla city so as to prevent nanometal assimilation, killing Galu-gu. However, his childhood friend, Yuuko, has been absorbed by the nanometal integration and has fallen into a brain dead coma. -- -- The human race, once again, is lost. Metphies, commander of the priestly alien race, Exif, marvels at the miraculous survival of Haruo, he begins to attract a following. The Exif has secretly harbored this outcome as their "ultimate goal." Miana and Maina issue warnings against Metphies, while Haruo begins to question mankind's next move. -- -- With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The earth shakes once again with as war moves to a higher dimension. -- -- What is Godzilla exactly? Does mankind stand a chance? Is there a future vision in Haruo's eyes? Find out in the finale. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 9, 2018 -- 23,950 6.26
Golgo 13 -- -- Filmlink International, Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Drama Seinen -- Golgo 13 Golgo 13 -- After assassinating the son of business tycoon Leonard Dawson, Golgo 13 finds himself prey to the CIA and the U.S. Army, whom Dawson has personally hired to kill the assassin. As days pass by, Dawson slowly loses his sanity as he continues to plot every attempt to kill Golgo 13 even without caring about who hired the assassin to kill his son. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- Movie - May 28, 1983 -- 13,488 6.78
Golgo 13 (TV) -- -- The Answer Studio -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Thriller Seinen -- Golgo 13 (TV) Golgo 13 (TV) -- Golgo 13 is not his real name. Then again, neither is Duke Togo, Tadashi Togo, or any number of the aliases he goes by. A man of mystery, not even the world’s most prominent intelligence agencies can determine who Golgo really is, or just where he came from. But all agree that his skills are nothing short of legendary. -- -- Armed with a custom M16, Golgo is willing to take any job for any agency, from the FBI to the KGB. He has completed every contract he has ever taken and will work for anyone who can meet his price. He is both the greatest weapon and the greatest threat to any nation; no one is safe once they are in Golgo’s sights. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 12, 2008 -- 34,312 7.53
Good Morning Althea -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Good Morning Althea Good Morning Althea -- The story revolves around Nikolai, apparently a part-cyborg; Galory, a young boy who apparently is part human/part Crest person, and Althea, who is entirely a Crest person. Seems the Earth and the Crest people were at war for 300 years so there's still a lot of bad feelings present. -- -- The ship Galory, Nikolai and others are on is ambushed and almost everyone killed by some kind of automated attack ships from a huge Crest ship that has been taken over by an automaton. -- -- Galory, Nikolai and Althea go to the ship to try and see if there are any survivors of an advanced party from Galory's ship that can be saved, and to see if they can destroy the Type 38 automaton in the ship's core. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Dec 16, 1987 -- 1,522 5.52
Go! Princess Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Go! Princess Precure Go! Princess Precure -- Ever since she was young, Haruka Haruno has always aspired to become a princess. Despite being mocked for this seemingly childish wish, Haruka perseveres to make her dream a reality, ultimately culminating in her acceptance into the prestigious Noble Academy—the birthplace of people's fantasies. -- -- When Haruka arrives at her new school, a chance encounter with a pair of magical creatures influences a series of unbelievable events, and Haruka awakens as "Cure Flora," the princess of blooming flowers. After two of Haruka's classmates also transform into legendary princesses, a story of self-discovery unfolds as the newfound team "Princess Precure" carries the responsibility of protecting everyone's dreams. Engaged in a battle between hope and despair, Haruka may find the key toward becoming the princess she has always dreamed to be. -- -- 13,058 7.71
Grappler Baki (TV) -- -- Group TAC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Martial Arts Shounen -- Grappler Baki (TV) Grappler Baki (TV) -- Ever since he was born, Baki Hanma has always known nothing but fighting—strengthening every single muscle and learning different techniques from various martial arts under the supervision of his mother, Emi Akezawa. He trains in order to prepare himself to face and eventually surpass his own father, Yuujirou Hanma, a man feared by the masses as the "Ogre" and deemed the strongest being in the world. -- -- However, when Baki realizes his mother's techniques are no longer enough, he sets out to become stronger in his own way. Seeking out powerful opponents and forming unbreakable bonds with them, he continues to grow both body and his soul, as the clock continues to tick closer toward the inevitable showdown against his father... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 9, 2001 -- 78,756 7.44
Grappler Baki (TV) -- -- Group TAC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Martial Arts Shounen -- Grappler Baki (TV) Grappler Baki (TV) -- Ever since he was born, Baki Hanma has always known nothing but fighting—strengthening every single muscle and learning different techniques from various martial arts under the supervision of his mother, Emi Akezawa. He trains in order to prepare himself to face and eventually surpass his own father, Yuujirou Hanma, a man feared by the masses as the "Ogre" and deemed the strongest being in the world. -- -- However, when Baki realizes his mother's techniques are no longer enough, he sets out to become stronger in his own way. Seeking out powerful opponents and forming unbreakable bonds with them, he continues to grow both body and his soul, as the clock continues to tick closer toward the inevitable showdown against his father... -- -- TV - Jan 9, 2001 -- 78,756 7.44
Green Green -- -- Studio Matrix -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Slice of Life -- Green Green Green Green -- Kanenone Gakuen is an all-male boarding school located in the countryside of Japan. Although an all-male school is nothing new, life can become quite difficult when there are no female students for miles around. In order to help the psychological health of everyone involved, the school board has decided to try and merge with the nearest all-girl boarding school in order to become co-ed. The boys of Kanenone are more than thrilled at the prospect, and the girls are curious as to how interesting school life might become if there were more boys around. Before any serious decisions are made, the girls have been invited to stay at Kanenone for one month as a test. -- -- Green Green follows Yuusuke Takazaki and his naughty room mates called the Baka (Idiot) Trio, and their ability to talk to the girls without making complete fools of themselves. But as soon as the school bus with the girls arrives, things become weird, hormonal, and hysterical. In particular, a girl named Midori Chitose leaps off the bus and immediately embraces a very confused Yuusuke. Is he a natural ladies' man, or do the two of them have a shared history that he is not aware of? -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jul 12, 2003 -- 107,248 6.20
Grimms Notes The Animation -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Grimms Notes The Animation Grimms Notes The Animation -- Within one's Book of Fate is their destiny. Written by the mysterious Story Tellers, these books decide every small detail of one's life. Some Story Tellers, however, choose to interfere with the stories of others rather than write their own. These malevolent beings are known as Chaos Tellers, who seek to ruin stories by overwriting the Books of Fate. -- -- Ex, Reina, Tao, and Shane were born with blank books. Ostracized by society due to this abnormality, they abandon their respective stories in search of better lives. In the vast unknown, they encounter famous fairy tale characters such as Cinderella, Momotarou, and Snow White. All the while, they work to subdue the Chaos Tellers and return peace and order to the stories. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 35,540 5.98
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Action School -- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation -- Following the Heath Oslo incident, the existence of the US-Japanese anti-terror organization CIRS has become a matter of public knowledge. CIRS has been rebuilt from the ground up, and its most covert functions spun off to a new agency: SORD (Social Ops, Research & Development). -- -- The goal of SORD is to train a new generation of operatives to defend the country against future threats. To that end, the organization has established a series of schools up and down the country. Mihama Academy, more-or-less left to rot after its abrupt closure, has been given new purpose as one such 'specialist training school'. -- -- This new incarnation of Mihama Academy is home to a diverse group of students, who every day work to polish their unusual skills – sometimes on the job. Mihama now entrusts the misfit girls who attend it with guns and live ammunition. -- -- Paying their own safety no heed, these students are again and again plunged into dangerous extrajudicial missions - all for the good of the realm. -- -- "We've been provided with a place in the world. That alone isn't enough - there wouldn't be any meaning in living, if that was all we had... It's not enough just to be made use of by others. I live by my own strength, and I fight to survive. That's the only way those of us who actually make it through can find forgiveness..." -- -- No matter how much life grinds them down, what future awaits these girls, who've themselves chosen the path of the gun? -- -- (Source: Kickstarter) -- Movie - Mar 15, 2019 -- 60,507 6.97
Gunnm -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gunnm Gunnm -- Doc Ido, a doctor and mechanic who lives and works in the hellish, postapocalyptic "Scrapyard", finds the—miraculously preserved—remains of a female cyborg in a junk heap. After he revives and rebuilds her, the preternaturally strong, amnesiac "Gally" begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day can bring a fight for life. Adapts the first two volumes of the "Battle Angel Alita" manga. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Jun 21, 1993 -- 47,084 7.09
Gunnm -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gunnm Gunnm -- Doc Ido, a doctor and mechanic who lives and works in the hellish, postapocalyptic "Scrapyard", finds the—miraculously preserved—remains of a female cyborg in a junk heap. After he revives and rebuilds her, the preternaturally strong, amnesiac "Gally" begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day can bring a fight for life. Adapts the first two volumes of the "Battle Angel Alita" manga. -- OVA - Jun 21, 1993 -- 47,084 7.09
Gunsmith Cats -- -- OLM -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Police Seinen -- Gunsmith Cats Gunsmith Cats -- In the dangerous suburbs of Chicago, skilled bounty hunters Irene "Rally" Vincent and "Minnie" May Hopkins run Gunsmith Cats, a firearms store of questionable legality. One day, Bill Collins, an agent for the Chicago branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, blackmails Rally and May into working with him on a case. The stakes are high, but Rally’s gunmanship and May’s knowledge of explosives are unmatched. As Rally and May unravel the secrets of the case, the two will need to use guns and grenades while being faster, stronger, and better than everyone else in order to stay alive. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, AnimEigo -- OVA - Nov 1, 1995 -- 35,022 7.28
Hadashi no Gen -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical -- Hadashi no Gen Hadashi no Gen -- It's the summer of 1945. 3 years have elapsed since the war between Japan and USA began. Gen is a young boy living a struggling yet satisfying life in the city of Hiroshima, that has been strangely spared by the bombing taken in almost every other Japanese City. Food is scarce, and Gen's family is suffering from severe malnutrition, which endangers his pregnant mother. There isn't much spare time as Gen and his little brother Shinji help their father and mother at work and try to make sure their family survives the tough times. Little do they know, what the Americans have in store for the city of Hiroshima and as of the 6th of August 1945, their lives are about to change dramatically. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Jul 21, 1983 -- 37,251 7.79
Hagane Orchestra -- -- Fanworks -- 12 eps -- Game -- Game Adventure Comedy Parody -- Hagane Orchestra Hagane Orchestra -- A group of young girls make a living by running an armored vehicle customization workshop in a desert town. They discuss different ways of promoting their business every day. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 4,414 5.56
Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou -- -- Production I.G -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou -- After the victory against Aoba Jousai High, Karasuno High School, once called “a fallen powerhouse, a crow that can’t fly,” has finally reached the climax of the heated Spring tournament. Now, to advance to nationals, the Karasuno team has to defeat the powerhouse Shiratorizawa Academy. Karasuno’s greatest hurdle is their adversary’s ace, Wakatoshi Ushijima, the number one player in the Miyagi Prefecture, and one of the country’s top three aces. -- -- Only the strongest team will make it to the national tournament. Since this match is the third-year players’ last chance to qualify for nationals, Karasuno has to use everything they learned during the training camp and prior matches to attain victory. Filled with restlessness and excitement, both teams are determined to come out on top in the third season of Haikyuu!!. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 795,159 8.84
Haikyuu!!: Lev Genzan! -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Shounen Sports -- Haikyuu!!: Lev Genzan! Haikyuu!!: Lev Genzan! -- Nekoma High School’s volleyball team recruits a new member: the half-Japanese, half-Russian Lev Haiba. Though the self-proclaimed ace is blessed with great height, he lacks basic volleyball techniques. This gives the team's setter, Kenma Kozume, a hard time when matching up with him. -- -- To everyone’s surprise, Nekoma’s coach suggests that Lev play in the Kunihira Senior High School’s practice match, leaving Kenma no choice but to cooperate with the tall player. Will Kenma be able to overcome this new challenge? -- -- OVA - Mar 4, 2015 -- 94,586 7.73
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Comedy Parody -- Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver-haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Space Defense Agency to Earth. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien called Nightgaunt, who had planned on abducting and selling him as a slave. -- -- After rescuing him from the alien, the Lovecraftian deity falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself into his household, much to his chagrin. Moreover, they are soon joined by two others from the fictional universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a young boy easily mistaken for a beautiful female. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten both his and Earth's well-being, all the while making his life a living hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Apr 10, 2012 -- 293,083 7.05
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Comedy Parody -- Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver-haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Space Defense Agency to Earth. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien called Nightgaunt, who had planned on abducting and selling him as a slave. -- -- After rescuing him from the alien, the Lovecraftian deity falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself into his household, much to his chagrin. Moreover, they are soon joined by two others from the fictional universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a young boy easily mistaken for a beautiful female. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten both his and Earth's well-being, all the while making his life a living hell. -- -- TV - Apr 10, 2012 -- 293,083 7.05
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shoujo -- Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- The village of Ootsuka—home to Shino Inuzuka, Sousuke Inukawa, and Hamaji—was lit on fire under the preconception that a virus had seen all of its life eradicated. Now surrounded by flames and on the verge of death, the three were approached by a strange man holding a sword. He tells them that they must reach a decision if they want to live. That night changed everything for these children. -- -- Five years later, the family of three now lives under the watchful eye of the small Imperial Church in a nearby village. All is fine and dandy until the Church attempts to reclaim the demonic sword of Murasame. To accomplish this, they kidnap Hamaji to lure Shino, now a bearer of Murasame's soul, and Sousuke, who possesses the ability to transform into a dog. The brothers must put their differences aside to rescue their beloved sister from the Church in the Imperial Capital, signalling the beginning of a very difficult journey. -- 98,606 7.43
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shoujo -- Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- The village of Ootsuka—home to Shino Inuzuka, Sousuke Inukawa, and Hamaji—was lit on fire under the preconception that a virus had seen all of its life eradicated. Now surrounded by flames and on the verge of death, the three were approached by a strange man holding a sword. He tells them that they must reach a decision if they want to live. That night changed everything for these children. -- -- Five years later, the family of three now lives under the watchful eye of the small Imperial Church in a nearby village. All is fine and dandy until the Church attempts to reclaim the demonic sword of Murasame. To accomplish this, they kidnap Hamaji to lure Shino, now a bearer of Murasame's soul, and Sousuke, who possesses the ability to transform into a dog. The brothers must put their differences aside to rescue their beloved sister from the Church in the Imperial Capital, signalling the beginning of a very difficult journey. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,606 7.43
Hakuouki Hekketsuroku -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Historical Josei Samurai Supernatural -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Hakuouki Hekketsuroku -- After the conclusion of Hakuouki, Chizuru Yukimura and the Shinsengumi are forced to flee Kyoto and set sail for Edo. In their commander Isami Kondou's absence, vice-commander Toshizou Hijikata steps in as acting commander. However, Hijikata is not only struggling with the extra leadership duties—which worries everyone around him—but also a newfound uncontrollable bloodlust. To make matters worse, the urge does not affect him alone, and it is even beginning to drive some of his subordinates mad. -- -- Finally, Kondou returns with orders from the emperor to defend the castle, and a new name for their squad: the Kouyou Chinbutai. But in war, the balance of power can shift suddenly and allegiances can waver. In Hakuouki Hekketsuroku, Chizuru follows the Shinsengumi into the heart of war and continues the search for her missing father, all while the bond between her and Hijikata grows ever stronger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 4, 2010 -- 75,902 7.61
Hakuouki Hekketsuroku -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Historical Josei Samurai Supernatural -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Hakuouki Hekketsuroku -- After the conclusion of Hakuouki, Chizuru Yukimura and the Shinsengumi are forced to flee Kyoto and set sail for Edo. In their commander Isami Kondou's absence, vice-commander Toshizou Hijikata steps in as acting commander. However, Hijikata is not only struggling with the extra leadership duties—which worries everyone around him—but also a newfound uncontrollable bloodlust. To make matters worse, the urge does not affect him alone, and it is even beginning to drive some of his subordinates mad. -- -- Finally, Kondou returns with orders from the emperor to defend the castle, and a new name for their squad: the Kouyou Chinbutai. But in war, the balance of power can shift suddenly and allegiances can waver. In Hakuouki Hekketsuroku, Chizuru follows the Shinsengumi into the heart of war and continues the search for her missing father, all while the bond between her and Hijikata grows ever stronger. -- -- TV - Oct 4, 2010 -- 75,902 7.61
Hakuouki Reimeiroku -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Reimeiroku Hakuouki Reimeiroku -- The year is 1863 and as Japan's long festering wounds of political discord erupt into violent waves of street clashes and murder, the Tokugawa Shogunate sends a new force of masterless samurai called the Roshigumi to the aid of the Aizu forces in Kyoto. However the new "police" are anything but a cohesive force and assassination has already split them into two opposing factions. The stronger is led by the brutal Serizawa Kamo and the lesser by the more honorable but less assertive Isami Kondo. It is into this pack of wolves that Ryunosuke Ibuki is dragged by the rabid Serizawa. Forced to be a virtual slave by blood debt, he hates the samurai and everything they stand for. But as he sees how the other half of the samurai live, he begins to believe that there may still be a chance, for both himself and Japan, if only Kondo will step up and take down the mad dog Serizawa! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 10, 2012 -- 49,621 7.47
Hakuouki Reimeiroku -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Reimeiroku Hakuouki Reimeiroku -- The year is 1863 and as Japan's long festering wounds of political discord erupt into violent waves of street clashes and murder, the Tokugawa Shogunate sends a new force of masterless samurai called the Roshigumi to the aid of the Aizu forces in Kyoto. However the new "police" are anything but a cohesive force and assassination has already split them into two opposing factions. The stronger is led by the brutal Serizawa Kamo and the lesser by the more honorable but less assertive Isami Kondo. It is into this pack of wolves that Ryunosuke Ibuki is dragged by the rabid Serizawa. Forced to be a virtual slave by blood debt, he hates the samurai and everything they stand for. But as he sees how the other half of the samurai live, he begins to believe that there may still be a chance, for both himself and Japan, if only Kondo will step up and take down the mad dog Serizawa! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Jul 10, 2012 -- 49,621 7.47
Hakushaku to Yousei Specials -- -- Artland -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Magic Historical -- Hakushaku to Yousei Specials Hakushaku to Yousei Specials -- Chibi-Earl and Chibi-Fairy. Every special focuses on another character, who will in their turn recite a poem by Shakespeare, that they feel describes their lives the best. -- Special - Dec 29, 2008 -- 7,891 6.41
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- 95,307 7.33
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 95,307 7.33
Handa-kun -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Handa-kun Handa-kun -- Hated by everyone around him, Sei Handa goes about his high school life regarded as an outcast—or at least that's what he believes. In reality, Sei is the most popular student on campus, revered by all for his incomparable calligraphy skills, good looks, and cool personality. However, due an endless series of misunderstandings, Handa perceives the worship he receives from his legions of fans as bullying, leading the school's idol to shut himself off from the rest of his classmates. -- -- But distancing himself from his peers doesn't deter them from adoring him; in fact, his attempts at drawing attention away from himself often end up unintentionally converting even the most skeptical of students into believers. Fashion models, shut-in delinquents, obsessive fangirls, and more—none can stand against the brilliance that is Sei Handa. -- -- 209,730 7.38
Handa-kun -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Handa-kun Handa-kun -- Hated by everyone around him, Sei Handa goes about his high school life regarded as an outcast—or at least that's what he believes. In reality, Sei is the most popular student on campus, revered by all for his incomparable calligraphy skills, good looks, and cool personality. However, due an endless series of misunderstandings, Handa perceives the worship he receives from his legions of fans as bullying, leading the school's idol to shut himself off from the rest of his classmates. -- -- But distancing himself from his peers doesn't deter them from adoring him; in fact, his attempts at drawing attention away from himself often end up unintentionally converting even the most skeptical of students into believers. Fashion models, shut-in delinquents, obsessive fangirls, and more—none can stand against the brilliance that is Sei Handa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 209,730 7.38
Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- Third part of the Baki series. -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 11,668 N/ASenjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou -- -- - -- ? eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou -- Second season of Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 9,028 N/A -- -- Full Moon wo Sagashite: Kawaii Kawaii Daibouken -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shoujo Supernatural -- Full Moon wo Sagashite: Kawaii Kawaii Daibouken Full Moon wo Sagashite: Kawaii Kawaii Daibouken -- Mitsuki wakes up late, and must rush to a photo shoot. However, in her hury she forgets to bring Takuto and Meroko along. Now they must catch up to her, before the photo shoot begins, despite everything that gets in their way. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Nov 1, 2002 -- 8,928 6.72
Happy☆Lesson (TV) -- -- Studio Hibari -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Harem Romance Slice of Life -- Happy☆Lesson (TV) Happy☆Lesson (TV) -- Hitotose Chitose was always alone and untrusting of people but when 5 female teachers appear and started living together with him in his family's house as his mothers, things started to change and pick up, together with Hazuki-nee and Minazuki (his 2 sisters) everyday is a lesson. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Apr 1, 2002 -- 24,131 6.65
Happy☆Lesson (TV) -- -- Studio Hibari -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Harem Romance Slice of Life -- Happy☆Lesson (TV) Happy☆Lesson (TV) -- Hitotose Chitose was always alone and untrusting of people but when 5 female teachers appear and started living together with him in his family's house as his mothers, things started to change and pick up, together with Hazuki-nee and Minazuki (his 2 sisters) everyday is a lesson. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 1, 2002 -- 24,131 6.65
Hataage! Kemono Michi -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Hataage! Kemono Michi Hataage! Kemono Michi -- Professional wrestler Genzou Shibata sports the body of a mountain, but beneath his hulking appearance is a man with an extreme affection for animals. Facing off his opponents in the ring as the legendary "Animal Mask," Genzou wins the hearts of crowds everywhere with his iconic tiger persona. -- -- During the bout for the title of World Champion against his greatest rival, the Macadamian Ogre, Genzou is suddenly summoned to a fantasy world by a princess. With her kingdom being threatened by a monster infestation, she pleads the wrestler for assistance—to which he answers by knocking her out with a German suplex! Escaping the castle and finding himself stranded in a mysterious land, Genzou decides to begin his career as a beast hunter to capture and befriend creatures far and wide. Joined by the wolf-girl Shigure, the dragon-girl Hanako, and the vampire Carmilla Vanstein, the professional wrestler pursues all kinds of dangerous requests for the sake of fulfilling his dream as a pet shop owner. -- -- 142,305 6.67
Hataage! Kemono Michi -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Hataage! Kemono Michi Hataage! Kemono Michi -- Professional wrestler Genzou Shibata sports the body of a mountain, but beneath his hulking appearance is a man with an extreme affection for animals. Facing off his opponents in the ring as the legendary "Animal Mask," Genzou wins the hearts of crowds everywhere with his iconic tiger persona. -- -- During the bout for the title of World Champion against his greatest rival, the Macadamian Ogre, Genzou is suddenly summoned to a fantasy world by a princess. With her kingdom being threatened by a monster infestation, she pleads the wrestler for assistance—to which he answers by knocking her out with a German suplex! Escaping the castle and finding himself stranded in a mysterious land, Genzou decides to begin his career as a beast hunter to capture and befriend creatures far and wide. Joined by the wolf-girl Shigure, the dragon-girl Hanako, and the vampire Carmilla Vanstein, the professional wrestler pursues all kinds of dangerous requests for the sake of fulfilling his dream as a pet shop owner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 142,305 6.67
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/A -- -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Hataraku Maou-sama! -- -- White Fox -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! Hataraku Maou-sama! -- Striking fear into the hearts of mortals, the Demon Lord Satan begins to conquer the land of Ente Isla with his vast demon armies. However, while embarking on this brutal quest to take over the continent, his efforts are foiled by the hero Emilia, forcing Satan to make his swift retreat through a dimensional portal only to land in the human world. Along with his loyal general Alsiel, the demon finds himself stranded in modern-day Tokyo and vows to return and complete his subjugation of Ente Isla—that is, if they can find a way back! -- -- Powerless in a world without magic, Satan assumes the guise of a human named Sadao Maou and begins working at MgRonald's—a local fast-food restaurant—to make ends meet. He soon realizes that his goal of conquering Ente Isla is just not enough as he grows determined to climb the corporate ladder and become the ruler of Earth, one satisfied customer at a time! -- -- Whether it's part-time work, household chores, or simply trying to pay the rent on time, Hataraku Maou-sama! presents a hilarious view of the most mundane aspects of everyday life, all through the eyes of a hapless demon lord. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,131,488 7.81
Hataraku Saibou!! -- -- David Production -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou!! Hataraku Saibou!! -- The cells of the human body never rest for too long; there's always something new to do and learn every day. At least, that's what Hakkekkyuu U-1146 feels as he rushes to and fro, searching for any pathogens that could cause harm to the body. Despite his dangerous line of work, it's all worth it to protect the happy smiles of Sekkekkyuu AE3803, the platelet crew, his fellow neutrophils, and the other cells he meets along the way. -- -- In his latest pathogen-hunting adventures, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 discovers how important cells can sometimes make mistakes, and that not all bacteria are actually bad. Everybody has their bad days, but everything eventually works out when their comrades have their backs. In the end, it's just another normal day for these hardworking cells! -- -- 175,777 7.31
Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- -- David Production -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- A mysterious cell wearing a stylish hat appears before the regular cells, who are bored with just the same (cell division) work over and over again, every day. This mysterious cell lures the regular cells into a mischievous scheme against White Blood Cell and Killer T Cell. The regular cells enjoy working out their everyday, pent-up frustration. But, just who exactly is this cell wearing a stylish hat? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 27, 2018 -- 37,187 7.27
Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Harem Parody Romance -- Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- To encourage Nagi to swim and enjoy summer, Maria invites various friends to their Sanzenin family's private beach. While everyone is having fun, Nagi hesitates to wear swimsuits and come out because of her small breasts, and refuses to join... -- OVA - Mar 6, 2009 -- 35,002 7.33
Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic -- Although learning different languages continues to be an interest for Shinobu and her friends, the new school year brings unexpected difficulties. Not only is there always something new and different to distract them from their studies, but Alice and Yoko also are having trouble adjusting to being in a different class from Shinobu and Aya. -- -- Meanwhile, Karen isn't getting along at all with her new homeroom teacher, and it doesn't help that the teacher is having trouble figuring out how to make herself seem friendlier to her students as well. Craziness may ensue, but sometimes, all it takes is the right mutual experience to bring everyone together. -- -- While some of those experiences may not be as well-thought-out as others (like when Alice and Aya act like juvenile delinquents to seem more grown up), the gang's new adventures are certain to warm everyone's heart as the fun and friendships keep growing in HELLO!! KINMOZA! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 67,078 7.52
Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Music Drama School -- Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale -- A new year signifies a new beginning, and that seems to be the case for Kitauji High School’s concert band. Following the graduation of the third-year seniors comes the entrance of the first-year juniors. The band members put in their utmost effort in practicing for their goal—to enter nationals. -- -- The now second-year Kumiko Oumae, along with her friends, is met with the new and quirky batch of first-years, resulting in friction and conflict between the band members. However, as time passes, their inner feelings slowly unravel, but not every conflict is as easy to solve as the other. The trust and bonds between the band members will be challenged as they push forward for their regionals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Apr 19, 2019 -- 40,620 7.76
Hidan no Aria AA -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action School Shoujo Ai -- Hidan no Aria AA Hidan no Aria AA -- Akari Mamiya, a first-year student from Tokyo Butei High, idolizes the S-rank Butei Aria Holmes Kanzaki and wishes to follow in her footsteps. Despite only being an inept E-rank Butei, Akari's resolve to improve remains strong. After the idea of having an Amica contract (a senior-student mentorship program) with Aria is brought up, Akari submits a request form attempting to establish said contract. Her classmates and friends do not expect Aria to accept Akari's request, mainly because of the girl's strict selection process, but to everyone's surprise, Aria gives Akari a chance through a test, which Akari miraculously passes! However, Aria will not officially make Akari her Amica until Akari meets her standards. -- -- Training under Aria will be no easy feat, as she has to concurrently manage her relationships with her friends. Will Akari have what it takes to walk down the same path as her idol? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 83,790 6.23
Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mystery Romance Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost -- As one of the 12 Seleção that needs to save the country in order to win a game, Akira Takizawa decided to become the "King of Japan." With that in mind, after his return from the U.S.A., the remaining Seleção will also need to follow up on their own plans as they strive to outdo each other. -- -- Saki Morimi and the other members of the "Eden of the East" are under suspicion of being terrorists, but they still do everything they can to help Takizawa reach his goal and unravel the secrets of his past, as the last fight between the Seleção begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 13, 2010 -- 127,696 7.62
High School Fleet -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military School -- High School Fleet High School Fleet -- A hundred years after catastrophic shifts in tectonic plates caused most of its area to submerge, Japan now thrives as a maritime nation. High functioning cities line the coasts of Japan, and well developed sea routes are defended by specialized naval ships. The marine industry is flourishing, and young girls are eager to join the Blue Mermaids—highly skilled women who devote their lives to protecting the seas. -- -- After some time apart, childhood friends Akeno Misaki and Moeka China are reunited at Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School. Here they are joined by others who share their dream of becoming Blue Mermaids. Soon, training exercises commence, with Akeno and Moeka being put in charge of their own ships and crew. Everything is progressing smoothly for Akeno as she settles into her role as captain and builds camaraderie between her fellow crew members aboard the Harekaze, a destroyer ship. However, unexpected engine and navigation failures soon leave their ship stranded and the crew in danger. -- -- High School Fleet follows the Harekaze's valiant crew as they navigate treacherous waters and other obstacles on their quest to become fully fledged Blue Mermaids. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 87,728 7.30
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai -- -- Studio Deen -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai -- In the small village of Hinamizawa, Rika Furude and her friends live together in relative harmony. Beneath this mask of peace, however, lies a hidden darkness, one that Rika understands all too well. In this eternal summer, she has been witness to unspeakable horrors. Every time the clock resets, Rika must try to find the villain behind these senseless deaths before tragedy strikes again. However, trying to decipher a mystery when only half the clues are present proves time and again to be disastrous, and each time she believes that things will change, she inevitably fails. As the annual festival approaches, Rika begins her descent from hope to despair in her struggle to break the chains of fate entangling them all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 398,376 8.22
Hiiro no Kakera -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hiiro no Kakera Hiiro no Kakera -- Gods and ghosts only exist in fairy tales, right? That's the impression that high school girl Tamki Kasuga has before she goes to live with her grandmother in the remote village of Kifumura. After being attacked by strange creatures upon her arrival, she is soon informed that females in her family contain the blood of the Tamayori Princess, who has the responsibility and power of keeping gods and ghosts sealed away so that they can't harm the general public. At first Tamaki has trouble believing this, but having five beautiful young men following her everywhere she goes acting as her guardians goes a long way towards convincing her. -- -- There's more to this job than Tamaki first realizes, however, and the path that lies ahead of her is fraught with peril and danger. Will she be able to successfully take on the heavy role that has been put on her shoulders? -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 1, 2012 -- 96,326 6.73
Hiiro no Kakera -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hiiro no Kakera Hiiro no Kakera -- Gods and ghosts only exist in fairy tales, right? That's the impression that high school girl Tamki Kasuga has before she goes to live with her grandmother in the remote village of Kifumura. After being attacked by strange creatures upon her arrival, she is soon informed that females in her family contain the blood of the Tamayori Princess, who has the responsibility and power of keeping gods and ghosts sealed away so that they can't harm the general public. At first Tamaki has trouble believing this, but having five beautiful young men following her everywhere she goes acting as her guardians goes a long way towards convincing her. -- -- There's more to this job than Tamaki first realizes, however, and the path that lies ahead of her is fraught with peril and danger. Will she be able to successfully take on the heavy role that has been put on her shoulders? -- TV - Apr 1, 2012 -- 96,326 6.73
Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- Fam and Ihrie are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. So when these debt-driven damsels discover the potential profits to be hand in recovering a particularly dangerous mystical object, it means mortal peril for an entire civilization. -- -- There's no guarantee that they'll live long enough to squander the fabulous wealth they've been promised, and danger lurks around every turn as they cross dark seas in pursuit of legendary evil. Haunted by an unspeakable curse, plagued by doomsday prophecies, plotted against by untrustworthy traveling companions and looked in desperate race to gain the Ultimate Power, Fam and Ihrie are the Ruin Explorers! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jun 25, 1995 -- 6,815 6.65
Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Comedy Fantasy School -- Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic -- Liones Yelistratova, a pure princess from a small country, enters a school in Hokkaido on a spring day. The school is a specialized educational institution operated by ALCA to train Logicalists, who maintain world peace. Liones enters class S, where she meets many classmates with unique personalities, like Nina. A lively and cute everyday life begins now. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 1, 2017 -- 23,840 6.66
Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- Based on Kaidan Yotsuya (Classic Japanese ghost story). -- OVA - Jul 20, 2000 -- 548 N/A -- -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- -- - -- 10 eps -- Book -- Horror Supernatural -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- Short ghost stories by Inagawa Junji, an entertainer who is famous for his horror stories broadcasted on late night radio. He has gone on to write horror novels and directing live-action horror dramas and films. The anime is a spin-off of his Inagawa Junji no Chou: Kowai Hanashi (Inagawa Junji's Super Scary Stories) live-action direct-to-DVD series. -- ONA - Sep 5, 2017 -- 530 N/A -- -- Kyoufu Shinbun -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Horror Shounen -- Kyoufu Shinbun Kyoufu Shinbun -- For reasons unknown to him, Rei receives the Kyoufu Shinbun every morning, a newspaper which foresees deaths and catastrophes... -- -- Based on Tsunoda Jirou's classic horror manga "Kyoufu Shinbun", serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 21, 1991 -- 528 N/A -- -- Eko Eko Azarak -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Horror Magic -- Eko Eko Azarak Eko Eko Azarak -- The worried owner of a luxury hotel hires high school student Kuroi Misa who has experience with necromancy. The reason is that a series of suicides carried out by guests have taken place in the garden which was once a place of execution. She agrees to use her knowledge of the black arts but demands a fee of ten million yen. -- OVA - Jan 30, 2007 -- 522 N/A -- -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Supernatural Thriller -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- A "deleted scene" from Chainsaw Bunny, where the monster becomes a giant pink faceless looming creature. -- ONA - Aug 1, 2018 -- 509 4.75
Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle -- -- Bones -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle -- The search for the remains of Emperor Gaz continues. Chaika still in search of knowing who she really is and what her purpose is. Similarly, the Red Chaika continues the search for the rest of Emperor Gaz's remains. The Gillette corporation continues the mission to catch every last Chaika. In their adventure they give a revealing account kept secret by the Emperor, which Chaika, Fredrica, Toru, and Akari decide to uncover. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- 171,448 7.20
Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle -- -- Bones -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle -- The search for the remains of Emperor Gaz continues. Chaika still in search of knowing who she really is and what her purpose is. Similarly, the Red Chaika continues the search for the rest of Emperor Gaz's remains. The Gillette corporation continues the mission to catch every last Chaika. In their adventure they give a revealing account kept secret by the Emperor, which Chaika, Fredrica, Toru, and Akari decide to uncover. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 171,448 7.20
Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei -- -- DLE -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei -- The story revolves around Kibayashi, a teacher whose hobby is speaking with the dead and whose special talent is exorcism. She seems to know everything about the other world, yet nothing about our own. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 13, 2011 -- 6,951 6.54
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- Eustachius no Shitamachi Sennyuu Dai Sakusen (Eustachius' Incognito Operation Downtown) -- To get more information about Myne and her strange background, Head Priest Ferdinand sends two nobles, Eustachius and Eckhard, to investigate everything regarding her life within her hometown. However, things do not go the way they expected. -- -- Corinna-sama no Otaku Houmon (Visiting Missus Corinna) -- Otto's wife, Corinna, takes an interest in the outfit that Myne wore at her baptism. Corinna summons her alongside her mother, Eva, and sister, Turi, wishing to know the procedure in making such sophisticated attire and accessories. Naturally, for Myne, she sees an excellent opportunity for profit. -- -- OVA - Mar 10, 2020 -- 23,716 7.47
Hori-san to Miyamura-kun -- -- Gonzo, Hoods Entertainment -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Hori-san to Miyamura-kun Hori-san to Miyamura-kun -- Within everyone there exists a side preferably kept hidden, even from close friends. For the smart and popular Kyouko Hori, it's the fact that she has to do all the housework and care for her little brother, Souta, because of her parents' busy work schedules. For the gentle Izumi Miyamura, whom everybody sees as an otaku, it's his nine hidden piercings and large body tattoo. -- -- So what happens when they accidentally discover each other's hidden sides? Sharing parts of themselves that they couldn't with anyone else, strong bonds of friendship soon begin to form between Miyamura and Hori, as well as those around them. As their hidden personas start to dissipate, they slowly learn how to open up to others. -- -- OVA - Sep 26, 2012 -- 79,025 7.36
Hotarubi no Mori e -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hotarubi no Mori e Hotarubi no Mori e -- Intrigued by the tale of a mountain god, six-year-old Hotaru Takegawa loses her way in the ancient forest while visiting her uncle. Exhausted and desperate for help, Hotaru is thrilled to find a masked forest spirit named Gin. She learns the hard way that she should not touch the boy, or he would disappear. In spite of this, Gin leads Hotaru out of the forest and warns her never to return when she promises to come again with a gift. -- -- Paying no heed to his cautionary words, and despite being separated by both distance and planes of existence, Hotaru and Gin become close friends as she visits him every summer. However, their relationship and resolve are put to the test, when romantic feelings conflict with the one and only rule. -- -- Based on Yuki Midorikawa's manga of the same name, Hotarubi no Mori e is a tale of friendship and compromise of two people who should never have crossed paths, as their lives become hopelessly intertwined. -- -- Movie - Sep 17, 2011 -- 598,874 8.36
Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission -- Nen: the hidden source of energy and potential that runs through everyone, and gives those that master it a source of great power. Inside Nen is the potential for limitless light and limitless darkness. The Hunter Association has arisen to control access to it. Hunters come in many shapes and forms, and with many different appetites - but all of them have learned to master Nen, and use it to chase wealth, power, and their dreams. -- -- The greatest and most powerful Hunter is Isaac Netero, chairman of the Hunter Association. Decades ago he sealed away Jed, a Hunter who had mastered the use of On, the dark "shadow" of Nen. Now On users have reappeared at the Heaven's Arena "Battle Olympia" tournament. For Netero, this is the last mission: to protect the Association and the world from a threat driven by hatred and the thirst for revenge. And he's going to need all the help he can get in order to succeed. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 27, 2013 -- 118,131 7.24
Huyao Xiao Hongniang -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Historical Supernatural Romance -- Huyao Xiao Hongniang Huyao Xiao Hongniang -- True love never dies—even when it is between a human and a near-immortal youkai. Thankfully, fox spirit youkai have discovered a solution which allows a human to be reincarnated, and with the services of a Fox Spirit Matchmaker, eventually recall memories of their past life, so they can begin anew with their beloved youkai. -- -- Enter Bai Yuechu—a powerful human Taoist who desires freedom from the ruling Yi Qi Dao League—and Tushan Susu, a small and innocent fox spirit who dreams of becoming a renowned matchmaker, despite her reputation as a colossal screw-up. After Susu literally falls through the roof and into his life, Yuechu gets dragged into helping her bring together two separated lovers: prince Fan Yun Fei and his reincarnated lover, Li Xueyang. However, not everyone wants them to be reunited, including Xueyang herself. Thrown together by fate, Yuechu and Susu will discover who they truly are... and who they used to be. -- -- ONA - Jun 26, 2015 -- 35,427 7.22
Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou -- -- Artland -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Magic Ecchi Fantasy School -- Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou -- Dreaming of changing the world for good, Akuto Sai transfers to Constant Magic Academy where he befriends a virtuous ninja clan member, Junko Hattori. On the way to the academy, they vow to make the world a better place together; however, the situation suddenly takes a turn for the worse upon his arrival—it is prophesied that he will become the Demon King! -- -- As word of his destiny spreads, the school begins to fear him, and Junko's trust in him falters. While Akuto is determined to not let his predicted future control his fate, it seems as though everything he says and does only serve to reinforce the fact that he is destined to be the Demon King. Moreover, he is surrounded by a harem of beautiful girls who each have their own plans for him, ranging from bringing him to justice to simply showering him with love. With his newly awakened powers, Akuto must cope with his constantly growing list of misfortune and fight to prove that his fate is not set in stone. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 3, 2010 -- 414,558 6.86
Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou -- -- Artland -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Magic Ecchi Fantasy School -- Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou -- Dreaming of changing the world for good, Akuto Sai transfers to Constant Magic Academy where he befriends a virtuous ninja clan member, Junko Hattori. On the way to the academy, they vow to make the world a better place together; however, the situation suddenly takes a turn for the worse upon his arrival—it is prophesied that he will become the Demon King! -- -- As word of his destiny spreads, the school begins to fear him, and Junko's trust in him falters. While Akuto is determined to not let his predicted future control his fate, it seems as though everything he says and does only serve to reinforce the fact that he is destined to be the Demon King. Moreover, he is surrounded by a harem of beautiful girls who each have their own plans for him, ranging from bringing him to justice to simply showering him with love. With his newly awakened powers, Akuto must cope with his constantly growing list of misfortune and fight to prove that his fate is not set in stone. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2010 -- 414,558 6.86
Ichigo Mashimaro -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Ichigo Mashimaro Ichigo Mashimaro -- "Cute girls doing cute things in cute ways." -- -- Everyday things make up the fabric of life—whether it's making friends, going to school, trying to make money, or celebrating a holiday. Ichigo Mashimaro is a heartwarming series that follows the daily lives of Itou Chika, her sister Nobue, and her friends Miu, Matsuri, and Ana. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 15, 2005 -- 72,555 7.66
Ichigo Mashimaro -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Ichigo Mashimaro Ichigo Mashimaro -- "Cute girls doing cute things in cute ways." -- -- Everyday things make up the fabric of life—whether it's making friends, going to school, trying to make money, or celebrating a holiday. Ichigo Mashimaro is a heartwarming series that follows the daily lives of Itou Chika, her sister Nobue, and her friends Miu, Matsuri, and Ana. -- -- TV - Jul 15, 2005 -- 72,555 7.66
Ichigo Mashimaro OVA -- -- Daume -- 3 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Ichigo Mashimaro OVA Ichigo Mashimaro OVA -- Based on Barasui's manga series, Ichigo Mashimaro follows the life of Nobue Itou, her younger sister Chika, and her friends. The basic premise of the show can be summed up in "cute girls do cute things in cute ways", be it trying to quit smoking, going outside to play, celebrating a holiday, or doing school work. This OVA picks up where the series left off, continuing the adventures of your everyday life, only cuter. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Feb 23, 2007 -- 20,810 7.71
Id:Invaded -- -- NAZ -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Police Psychological Sci-Fi -- Id:Invaded Id:Invaded -- The Mizuhanome System is a highly advanced development that allows people to enter one of the most intriguing places in existence—the human mind. Through the use of so-called "cognition particles" left behind at a crime scene by the perpetrator, detectives from the specialized police squad Kura can manifest a criminal's unconscious mind as a bizarre stream of thoughts in a virtual world. Their task is to explore this psychological plane, called an "id well," to reveal the identity of the culprit. -- -- Not just anyone can enter the id wells; the prerequisite is that you must have killed someone yourself. Such is the case for former detective Akihito Narihisago, who is known as "Sakaido" inside the id wells. Once a respected member of the police, tragedy struck, and he soon found himself on the other side of the law. -- -- Nevertheless, Narihisago continues to assist Kura in confinement. While his prodigious detective skills still prove useful toward investigations, Narihisago discovers that not everything is as it seems, as behind the seemingly standalone series of murder cases lurks a much more sinister truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 227,851 7.89
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season -- Team Satomi has just been deemed as the winners for the IG-2 lower league and now join the top IG-1 competition. But it's not going to be easy. Young pilots Takeshi, Liz, Amy, and River are going to have to be a team to be number 1, however one thing leads to another with these four. Most important of all, their opponents overwhelm Team Satomi in every aspect, including strategy and skill, as well as funding. One thing is for sure, this is not going to be an easy year for "Team Satomi." -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- TV - May 20, 2006 -- 9,681 7.28
Inaka Isha -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Other -- Dementia Drama Historical Psychological -- Inaka Isha Inaka Isha -- A hapless country doctor describes with breathless urgency a night-time summons to attend a young patient. Events soon take on a surreal aspect as "unearthly horses" transport him instantaneously to the bedside. The doctor, preoccupied with personal distractions and grievances against those he is employed to care for, fails to find what is revealed to be a vile, fatal wound. He is humiliated by the villagers, who are "always expecting the impossible from the doctor," and doomed to an endless return trip, losing everything. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 2, 2007 -- 17,218 6.70
Inazuma Eleven Go -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven Go Inazuma Eleven Go -- Tenma Matsukaze is a new student at Raimon Junior High. Due to his love for soccer, he decides to join the school soccer team, which gained its reputation after the amazing performance shown ten years earlier in the Football Frontier International, a tournament that hosts the best youth teams the world has to offer. Unfortunately, the once renowned school doesn't have the soccer spirit it once enjoyed. -- -- This is primarily due to the fact that soccer in Japan is now controlled by a dark entity known as the "Fifth Sector." They alone decide the fate of every match, instructing teams to either win or lose. The actions of the Fifth Sector have beaten down the country’s soccer teams, who no longer have a love for the game. -- -- Tenma and his teammates will look to shift this paradigm and fight back against their evil oppressors. Thankfully, they will not be alone in this battle, as they will get help from a group known as the "Resistance." Cheer on the boys of Inazuma Eleven Go as they fight the good fight! -- TV - May 4, 2011 -- 57,397 6.96
Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Game -- Sports Super Power Shounen -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone is set after the Holy Road Soccer Tournament. The hero of of the moment, Tenma Matsukaze, traveled all over Japan to teach soccer to kids. -- -- He returns to Raimon Junior High School after completing his mission, but to his surprise, it's no longer the same Raimon Junior High that he remembers. The soccer club is non-existent, and the members of the champion team in the Holy Road Soccer Tournament have no recollection of taking part in the tournament. They neither remember Tenma nor the game of soccer they loved. As Tenma is baffled by this twist, Alpha, the leader of the Route Agents and captain of Protocol Omega team, suddenly appears before him. Alpha declares that he and his team are responsible for wiping out passion for soccer in Raimon along with the memories of the soccer club members: and Tenma himself is next. -- -- That's when a strange boy named Fei Rune appears just in time to save him. Just who is Fei, and why does Alpha want to eliminate soccer for good? Tenma knows that he needs to do everything in his power to emerge victorious. It's a battle that could seal the fate of soccer forever. -- 40,499 7.17
Infini-T Force -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Infini-T Force Infini-T Force -- Emi is a seventeen-year-old girl living in Shibuya. Her father is always away with work and she's grown listless. Suddenly, a twist of fate involving a certain magical item changes everything. A mysterious pencil, of all things, is linked to the appearance of heroes from another world! Could this be the start to the excitement she's so desperately craving, or is there something more? -- -- (Source: VIZ Media) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 7,690 6.48
Initial D Extra Stage -- -- Pastel -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Sports Drama Seinen -- Initial D Extra Stage Initial D Extra Stage -- The Lancer EVO-driving group "Emperor" have defeated every racing team they've met in the Gunma region. Now they're out to challenge the duo of Mako and Sayuki and their SilEighty - the Impact Blue of Usui Mountain. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Tokyopop -- OVA - Mar 22, 2001 -- 37,066 7.32
Initial D First Stage -- -- Gallop, Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Drama Seinen Sports -- Initial D First Stage Initial D First Stage -- Unlike his friends, Takumi Fujiwara is not particularly interested in cars, with little to no knowledge about the world of car enthusiasts and street racers. The son of a tofu shop owner, he is tasked to deliver tofu every morning without fail, driving along the mountain of Akina. Thus, conversations regarding cars or driving in general would only remind Takumi of the tiring daily routine forced upon him. -- -- One night, the Akagi Red Suns, an infamous team of street racers, visit the town of Akina to challenge the local mountain pass. Led by their two aces, Ryousuke and Keisuke Takahashi, the Red Suns plan to conquer every racing course in Kanto, establishing themselves as the fastest crew in the region. However, much to their disbelief, one of their aces is overtaken by an old Toyota AE86 during a drive back home from Akina. After the incident, the Takahashi brothers are cautious of a mysterious driver geared with remarkable technique and experience in the local roads—the AE86 of Mount Akina. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Tokyopop -- 242,578 8.28
Injuu vs. Onna Spy -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Injuu vs. Onna Spy Injuu vs. Onna Spy -- When the government develops a bio-engineered cyborg, named Dragon, as a secret weapon, a failure in gene manipulation turns the creature into a sex-crazed monster! The government assigns three very sexy agents to find the creature, and execute everyone involved. Will they be able to solve the case before even more women are abducted to fill the creature's sexual appetite? Or will they become Dragon's next conquests? -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 28, 1997 -- 1,295 5.43
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- During a Literature Club meeting, the four club members—along with their faculty adviser's niece—suddenly find themselves with supernatural powers. Now capable of fabricating black flames, resident chuunibyou Jurai Andou is the most ecstatic about their new abilities; unfortunately, his own is only for show and unable to accomplish anything of substance. Moreover, he is completely outclassed by those around him: fellow club member Tomoyo Kanzaki manipulates time, Jurai's childhood friend Hatoko Kushikawa wields control over the five elements, club president Sayumi Takanashi can repair both inanimate objects and living things, and their adviser's niece Chifuyu Himeki is able to create objects out of thin air. -- -- However, while the mystery of why they received these powers looms overhead, very little has changed for the Literature Club. The everyday lives of these five superpowered students continue on, albeit now tinged with the supernatural. -- -- 333,922 7.12
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de -- During a Literature Club meeting, the four club members—along with their faculty adviser's niece—suddenly find themselves with supernatural powers. Now capable of fabricating black flames, resident chuunibyou Jurai Andou is the most ecstatic about their new abilities; unfortunately, his own is only for show and unable to accomplish anything of substance. Moreover, he is completely outclassed by those around him: fellow club member Tomoyo Kanzaki manipulates time, Jurai's childhood friend Hatoko Kushikawa wields control over the five elements, club president Sayumi Takanashi can repair both inanimate objects and living things, and their adviser's niece Chifuyu Himeki is able to create objects out of thin air. -- -- However, while the mystery of why they received these powers looms overhead, very little has changed for the Literature Club. The everyday lives of these five superpowered students continue on, albeit now tinged with the supernatural. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 333,922 7.12
InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi -- -- Kyoto Animation, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi -- Inu-Yasha has mastered the ultimate attack of the Tetsusaiga and continues his battle for the Shikon Jewel shards with Kagome, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku. Unfortunately, a freak occurance with a jewel shard has brought to life an incarnation of a demonic enemy sealed by Inu-Yashas' father. Inu-Yasha must surpass his father and destroy this demon or every soul in Japan will be consumed. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 22, 2001 -- 83,393 7.56
InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi -- -- Kyoto Animation, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi -- Inu-Yasha has mastered the ultimate attack of the Tetsusaiga and continues his battle for the Shikon Jewel shards with Kagome, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku. Unfortunately, a freak occurance with a jewel shard has brought to life an incarnation of a demonic enemy sealed by Inu-Yashas' father. Inu-Yasha must surpass his father and destroy this demon or every soul in Japan will be consumed. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 22, 2001 -- 83,393 7.56
InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- Izayoi and Inu no Taishou, Inuyasha's parents, are having problems with a human named Setsuna no Takemaru. Sou'unga a magical sword that has been sealed away for 700 years is found. Now everyone is after the sword and its powers but it seems the sword has something else in mind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 20, 2003 -- 82,981 7.79
InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken -- Izayoi and Inu no Taishou, Inuyasha's parents, are having problems with a human named Setsuna no Takemaru. Sou'unga a magical sword that has been sealed away for 700 years is found. Now everyone is after the sword and its powers but it seems the sword has something else in mind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 20, 2003 -- 82,981 7.79
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Magic Romance School -- Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara -- Despite the kaleidoscopic magic ingrained in everyday life, Hitomi Tsukishiro's monochrome world is deprived of emotion and feeling. On a night as black and white as any other, amidst the fireworks spreading across the sky, Hitomi's grandmother Kohaku conjures a spell, for which she has been harnessing the moon's light for 60 years, to send Hitomi back in time to the year 2018 when Kohaku was in high school. -- -- Hitomi's mission seems unclear, but her grandmother assures her that she will know when she gets there. Following a trip through time aboard a train driven by a strange yellow creature, Hitomi finds herself in stoic artist Yuito Aoi's room, and his drawings flood her world with color. What is Hitomi's purpose there, and why do Yuito's drawings return such breathtaking color to her drab world? -- -- 237,287 7.54
Isekai Quartet -- -- Studio PuYUKAI -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Fantasy Parody -- Isekai Quartet Isekai Quartet -- It is a normal day; everyone from deranged military girl Tanya Degurechaff and 16-year-old isekai protagonist Satou Kazuma to expansionist overlord Ainz Ooal Gown and demon sisters Rem and Ram go on with their daily lives. Suddenly, a conspicuous red button begging to be pressed appears before them. Overcome by curiosity, the otherworldly characters push the button, sending them to an unfamiliar world. -- -- With no way of escaping, the characters must lead a normal school life and make acquaintances with the others. One thing is certain: the classroom full of fan-favorite eccentric personalities never gets boring! -- -- 291,946 7.44
IS: Infinite Stratos -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Ecchi Mecha -- IS: Infinite Stratos IS: Infinite Stratos -- An exoskeleton weapon engineered by Japan, Infinite Stratos (IS) can be piloted only by women. Its power and combat prowess are so immense that an international treaty has been signed banning its use as a military asset. -- -- When it is discovered that 15-year-old Ichika Orimura is the only male capable of steering an IS, he is forcibly enrolled in the Infinite Stratos Academy: an all-female boarding school, the students of which graduate to become IS pilots. At this training school, Ichika is reunited with two of his childhood friends, Houki Shinonono and Lingyin Huang, and befriends Cecilia Alcott, an IS representative from the United Kingdom. -- -- Guided by the legendary pilot Chifuyu Orimura—their strict homeroom teacher and Ichika's older sister—Ichika and the girls will need to use everything at their disposal to defend themselves and their academy against the dangers that will arise during the course of their thrilling school life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 520,948 6.72
Isshuukan Friends. -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Isshuukan Friends. Isshuukan Friends. -- Sixteen-year-old Yuuki Hase finally finds the courage to speak to his crush and ask her if she wants to become friends. The object of his affection, Kaori Fujimiya, is a quiet and reserved girl who cuts herself off from everyone and does not spare him the same blunt rejection she gives everybody else. -- -- Some time after, Yuuki finds her eating lunch on the roof where she secludes herself during break. He decides to start meeting with Kaori every day in the hopes of beginning to understand her better. The more time they spend together, the more she begins to open up to him. However, nearing the end of the week, she starts to push him away once more. It is then revealed to him the reason for Kaori's cold front: at the end of the week, her memories of those close to her, excluding her family, are forgotten, as they are reset every Monday. The result of an accident in middle school, the once popular and kind Kaori is now unable to make friends in fear of hurting the people dear to her. -- -- Determined to become more than just one week friends, Yuuki asks her the exact same question each Monday: "Would you like to be friends?" Because he knows that deep down, Kaori wishes for that more than anything. -- -- 259,203 7.56
Isshuukan Friends. -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Isshuukan Friends. Isshuukan Friends. -- Sixteen-year-old Yuuki Hase finally finds the courage to speak to his crush and ask her if she wants to become friends. The object of his affection, Kaori Fujimiya, is a quiet and reserved girl who cuts herself off from everyone and does not spare him the same blunt rejection she gives everybody else. -- -- Some time after, Yuuki finds her eating lunch on the roof where she secludes herself during break. He decides to start meeting with Kaori every day in the hopes of beginning to understand her better. The more time they spend together, the more she begins to open up to him. However, nearing the end of the week, she starts to push him away once more. It is then revealed to him the reason for Kaori's cold front: at the end of the week, her memories of those close to her, excluding her family, are forgotten, as they are reset every Monday. The result of an accident in middle school, the once popular and kind Kaori is now unable to make friends in fear of hurting the people dear to her. -- -- Determined to become more than just one week friends, Yuuki asks her the exact same question each Monday: "Would you like to be friends?" Because he knows that deep down, Kaori wishes for that more than anything. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 259,203 7.56
Itou Junji: Collection -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Itou Junji: Collection Itou Junji: Collection -- In the light of day and in the dead of night, mysterious horrors await in the darkest shadows of every corner. They are unexplainable, inescapable, and undefeatable. Be prepared, or you may become their next victim. -- -- Sit back in terror as traumatizing tales of unparalleled terror unfold. Tales, such as that of a cursed jade carving that opens holes all over its victims' bodies; deep nightmares that span decades; an attractive spirit at a misty crossroad that grants cursed advice; and a slug that grows inside a girl's mouth. Tread carefully, for the horrifying supernatural tales of the Itou Junji: Collection are not for the faint of heart. -- -- 101,194 6.19
Itou Junji: Collection -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Itou Junji: Collection Itou Junji: Collection -- In the light of day and in the dead of night, mysterious horrors await in the darkest shadows of every corner. They are unexplainable, inescapable, and undefeatable. Be prepared, or you may become their next victim. -- -- Sit back in terror as traumatizing tales of unparalleled terror unfold. Tales, such as that of a cursed jade carving that opens holes all over its victims' bodies; deep nightmares that span decades; an attractive spirit at a misty crossroad that grants cursed advice; and a slug that grows inside a girl's mouth. Tread carefully, for the horrifying supernatural tales of the Itou Junji: Collection are not for the faint of heart. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 101,194 6.19
Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki -- -- Studio Kyuuma, Trinet Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Martial Arts Romance Supernatural -- Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki -- Yagi Takeru has been living in the Touma family's house since his parents are gone. He was raised by Touma Rokunosuke, the head of the house. He is surrounded by many people such as Yamato Takeshi, his best friend-cum-rival from the kendo club, the Shiratori sisters, Kotono and Asuka, and his childhood friend, Oosu Seri. Life has been blissful until one day, an earthquake strikes the school and everything changes. Takeru awakens to find that the school looks as if it has been abandoned for centuries and reduced to ruins. He also realize that all the teachers and students have disappeared as well. He meets up with Seri and Asuka and they fled from the ruins, only to realize that the town they used to live in is completely empty. Subsequently, people wrapped in cloaks appear before him. They were told that they have been brought to another world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2005 -- 10,895 6.22
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance School -- Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- Fumiya Tomozaki is Japan's best player in the online game Attack Families, commonly known as "Tackfam." Despite holding such a revered title, a lack of social skills and amiability causes him to fall short in his everyday high school life. Failing to have any friends, he blames the convoluted mechanics and unfair rules of life, forcing him to give up and proclaim himself a bottom-tier character in this "game." -- -- After a fateful meeting with another top-tier Tackfam player, Fumiya is shocked to discover the player's true identity—Aoi Hinami, a popular, smart, and sociable classmate who is the complete opposite of himself. Aoi, surprised at how inept Fumiya is at everything besides Tackfam, decides to assist him in succeeding in what she calls the greatest game of them all. Through the gruesome ordeals of social interactions and relationships, Fumiya begins to advance tiers in the glorious game of life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 179,634 7.23
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms. -- -- Kamome Academy has its own version of Hanako-san's legend. Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, she will grant her summoner any wish. Lured by the gossip, many people have tried to call upon her, yet every attempt has failed. However, when Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! -- -- After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions. -- -- 323,882 7.80
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms. -- -- Kamome Academy has its own version of Hanako-san's legend. Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, she will grant her summoner any wish. Lured by the gossip, many people have tried to call upon her, yet every attempt has failed. However, when Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! -- -- After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 323,882 7.80
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai -- -- David Production -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Drama Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai -- The year is 1999. Morioh, a normally quiet and peaceful town, has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Joutarou Kuujou, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jousuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jousuke is actually the illegitimate child of Joutarou's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. When they meet, Joutarou realizes that he may have more in common with Jousuke than just a blood relation. -- -- Along with the mild-mannered Kouichi Hirose and the boisterous Okuyasu Nijimura, the group dedicates themselves to investigating recent disappearances and other suspicious occurrences within Morioh. Aided by the power of Stands, the four men will encounter danger at every street corner, as it is up to them to unravel the town's secrets, before another occurs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 687,713 8.50
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- -- David Production -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- In 1868, Dario Brando saves the life of an English nobleman, George Joestar. By taking in Dario's son Dio when the boy becomes fatherless, George hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior. However Dio, unsatisfied with his station in life, aspires to seize the Joestar house for his own. Wielding an Aztec stone mask with supernatural properties, he sets out to destroy George and his son, Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar, and triggers a chain of events that will continue to echo through the years to come. -- -- Half a century later, in New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar discovers the legacy his grandfather left for him. When an archeological dig unearths the truth behind the stone mask, he realizes that he is the only one who can defeat the Pillar Men, mystical beings of immeasurable power who inadvertently began everything. -- -- Adapted from the first two arcs of Hirohiko Araki's outlandish manga series, JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken follows the many thrilling expeditions of JoJo and his descendants. Whether it's facing off with the evil Dio, or combatting the sinister Pillar Men, there's always plenty of bizarre adventures in store. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media, Warner Bros. Pictures -- 1,054,934 8.01
Jormungand -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Seinen -- Jormungand Jormungand -- Brought up in a conflict-ridden environment, child soldier Jonathan "Jonah" Mar hates weapons and those who deal them. But when Koko Hekmatyar, an international arms dealer, takes on Jonah as one of her bodyguards, he has little choice but to take up arms. Along with Koko's other bodyguards, composed mostly of former special-ops soldiers, Jonah is now tasked with protecting Koko and her overly idealistic goal of world peace from the countless dangers that come from her line of work. -- -- Jormungand follows Koko, Jonah, and the rest of crew as they travel the world selling weapons under the international shipping company HCLI. As Koko's work is illegal under international law, she is forced to constantly sidestep both local and international authorities while doing business with armies, private militaries, and militias. With the CIA always hot on her trail, and assassins around every corner, Jonah and the crew must guard Koko and her dream of world peace with their lives or die trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 11, 2012 -- 279,590 7.84
Jormungand: Perfect Order -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Seinen -- Jormungand: Perfect Order Jormungand: Perfect Order -- Still in pursuit of her ambitious goal, ingenious arms dealer Koko Hekmatyar, inexpressive child soldier Jonathan “Jonah” Mar, and the rest of their squad continue their mercenary activities. From professional assassins to private militaries, the group's work constantly puts them in the face of danger. -- -- But internal conflicts soon arise after Renato "R" Socci, one of Koko's bodyguards, is revealed to be an undercover agent for "Operation Undershaft"—a plan devised by the CIA to infiltrate HCLI and exploit Koko as a tool. Shocked by his betrayal, Koko's leadership is needed now more than ever to rally her squad and rebuild their foundation of trust before they are torn apart. -- -- Jormungand: Perfect Order follows Koko and the rest of her crew as they take on persistent adversaries, overcome internal struggles, and make Koko's vision of world peace a reality—where everything is in perfect order. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 10, 2012 -- 155,241 7.93
Joshikausei -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Joshikausei Joshikausei -- Momoko Futo is an average high-school girl going about her everyday life. Though laid-back and cheerful, her life is anything but mundane as her eccentricity and clumsiness never fail to spice up her days. Her two best friends are always with her: the cute and innocent Mayumi Furui, and the calm and cool Shibumi Shibusawa. Without any spoken dialogue or narration, Joshikausei aims to recount the comedic shenanigans these girls get up to through the expressive sounds and gestures that they make. -- -- 44,909 5.76
Joshiraku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Joshiraku Joshiraku -- Joshiraku follows the conversations of five rakugo storyteller girls relating the odd things that happen to them each day. Their comedic and satirical chatting covers all kinds of topics, from pointless observations of everyday life, to politics, manga, and more. Each girl has something new to add to the discussion, and the discourse never ends in the same place it began. -- -- Each of the rakugo girls has their own unique personality, with the energetic but immature Marii Buratei; the seemingly cute Kigurumi Haroukitei; the inherently lucky and carefree Tetora Bouhatei; the calm and violent Gankyou Kuurubiyuutei; and the pessimistic and unstable Kukuru Anrakutei. These girls—and their mysterious friend in a wrestling mask—give their observations to the audience, either backstage at the rakugo theater or in various famous locations around Tokyo. -- -- TV - Jul 6, 2012 -- 117,626 7.49
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Supernatural Dementia Mystery Drama Horror -- Boogiepop wa Warawanai Boogiepop wa Warawanai -- Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there. Are you safe? -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 97,293 7.16
Just Because! -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Drama Romance School -- Just Because! Just Because! -- As another school year begins drawing to a close, the third-year high school students move steadily toward the next milestone of their lives: graduation. Among them are Mio Natsume, a girl burdened with lingering feelings; Hazuki Morikawa, a member of the concert band but distant from the others; and Haruto Souma, an athlete obsessed with baseball. Meanwhile, second-year student Ena Komiya seeks to revive the photography club to its former glory, refusing to let the organization be disbanded. Though this group lacks a strong connection with one another, their lives suddenly cross paths with the arrival of a third-year transfer student. -- -- While a transfer so close to graduation is unusual for most, it is business as usual for Eita Izumi. Due to his father's work, he has never been able to stay in one place for very long. But as luck would have it, their most recent relocation has returned Eita to his hometown for his final semester of high school. For better or worse, it also sparks the rekindling of old relationships left behind in the past. -- -- With graduation already causing its own share of anxieties, Eita's sudden arrival brings these students' carefree days to an abrupt end. Long-forgotten memories, deeply buried emotions, and inspiring new passions—everything is brought to light in their bittersweet final semester. -- -- 225,913 7.28
Just Because! -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Drama Romance School -- Just Because! Just Because! -- As another school year begins drawing to a close, the third-year high school students move steadily toward the next milestone of their lives: graduation. Among them are Mio Natsume, a girl burdened with lingering feelings; Hazuki Morikawa, a member of the concert band but distant from the others; and Haruto Souma, an athlete obsessed with baseball. Meanwhile, second-year student Ena Komiya seeks to revive the photography club to its former glory, refusing to let the organization be disbanded. Though this group lacks a strong connection with one another, their lives suddenly cross paths with the arrival of a third-year transfer student. -- -- While a transfer so close to graduation is unusual for most, it is business as usual for Eita Izumi. Due to his father's work, he has never been able to stay in one place for very long. But as luck would have it, their most recent relocation has returned Eita to his hometown for his final semester of high school. For better or worse, it also sparks the rekindling of old relationships left behind in the past. -- -- With graduation already causing its own share of anxieties, Eita's sudden arrival brings these students' carefree days to an abrupt end. Long-forgotten memories, deeply buried emotions, and inspiring new passions—everything is brought to light in their bittersweet final semester. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 225,913 7.28
Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Horror Magic Martial Arts Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- Fourteen years after defeating the immortal warrior Himuro Genma and thwarting the Shogun of the Dark's evil plans, Kibagami Jubei continues to roam all over Japan as a masterless swordsman. During his journey, he meets Shigure, a priestess who has never seen the world outside her village. But when a group of demons destroys the village and kills everyone, Jubei becomes a prime target after acquiring the Dragon Jewel—a stone with an unknown origin. Meanwhile, Shigure—along with the monk Dakuan and a young thief named Tsubute—travels to the village of Yagyu. And with two demon clans now hunting down Shigure, Dakuan must once again acquire the services of Jubei to protect the Priestess of Light. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- TV - Apr 15, 2003 -- 34,373 6.69
Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Horror Magic Martial Arts Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen -- Fourteen years after defeating the immortal warrior Himuro Genma and thwarting the Shogun of the Dark's evil plans, Kibagami Jubei continues to roam all over Japan as a masterless swordsman. During his journey, he meets Shigure, a priestess who has never seen the world outside her village. But when a group of demons destroys the village and kills everyone, Jubei becomes a prime target after acquiring the Dragon Jewel—a stone with an unknown origin. Meanwhile, Shigure—along with the monk Dakuan and a young thief named Tsubute—travels to the village of Yagyu. And with two demon clans now hunting down Shigure, Dakuan must once again acquire the services of Jubei to protect the Priestess of Light. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 15, 2003 -- 34,373 6.69
Juuni Taisen -- -- Graphinica -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action -- Juuni Taisen Juuni Taisen -- Every 12 years, mercenaries who possess the highest caliber of brute strength, cunning wit, and deadly precision gather to participate in the Zodiac Tournament. Each warrior bears the name and attributes of one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. With their pride and lives on the line, they engage in vicious combat until only the victor remains. -- -- The 12th Zodiac Tournament begins in a desolate city, devoid of any evidence of the half million people who recently lived there. To raise the stakes, each warrior ingests a poisonous gem, thus setting a time limit on the tournament—and on their life. With one wish for the victor up for grabs, the Zodiac Warriors start their cutthroat battle for survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 231,212 6.55
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Romance School Seinen -- Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen -- At the renowned Shuchiin Academy, Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya are the student body's top representatives. Ranked the top student in the nation and respected by peers and mentors alike, Miyuki serves as the student council president. Alongside him, the vice president Kaguya—eldest daughter of the wealthy Shinomiya family—excels in every field imaginable. They are the envy of the entire student body, regarded as the perfect couple. -- -- However, despite both having already developed feelings for the other, neither are willing to admit them. The first to confess loses, will be looked down upon, and will be considered the lesser. With their honor and pride at stake, Miyuki and Kaguya are both equally determined to be the one to emerge victorious on the battlefield of love! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,015,770 8.42
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OVA -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Romance School Seinen -- Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OVA Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OVA -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - May 19, 2021 -- 70,875 N/A -- -- Koufuku Graffiti -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Koufuku Graffiti Koufuku Graffiti -- The path to becoming a fine wife begins with being an accomplished cook—at least, that is what Ryou Machiko's late grandmother had led her to believe. For a middle schooler, Ryou's cooking skills are incomparable; but recently, though Ryou's food looks appetizing and smells inviting, the taste has not been delicious. Just when the dejected art student comes to terms with the possibility that she might continue living alone for the rest of her life, her aunt tells her that Kirin Morino—Ryou's second cousin—will begin staying with her every weekend since the younger girl has joined a cram school in Tokyo and aims to attend the same school as Ryou. -- -- Surprisingly, with her cousin's arrival, Ryou finds that her cooking has vastly improved—apparently, it is not her prowess in the kitchen, but the sharing of the experience with those closest to her that seems to make the flavors shine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 70,861 6.80
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Harem Drama Magic Ecchi Fantasy -- Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi -- When Keyaru acquired his powers as a Hero who specialized in healing all injuries regardless of severity, it seemed that he would walk the path to a great future. But what awaited him instead was great agony; he was subjected to years of seemingly endless hellish torture and abuse. Keyaru's healing skills allowed him to secretly collect the memories and abilities of those he treated, gradually making him stronger than anyone else. But by the time he reached his full potential, it was far too late—he had already lost everything. -- -- Determined to put his life back on track, Keyaru decided to unleash a powerful healing spell that rewound the entire world back to the time before he began to suffer his horrible fate. Equipped with the anguish of his past, he vows to redo everything in order to fulfill a new purpose—to exact revenge upon those who have wronged him. -- -- 307,219 6.31
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Harem Drama Magic Ecchi Fantasy -- Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi -- When Keyaru acquired his powers as a Hero who specialized in healing all injuries regardless of severity, it seemed that he would walk the path to a great future. But what awaited him instead was great agony; he was subjected to years of seemingly endless hellish torture and abuse. Keyaru's healing skills allowed him to secretly collect the memories and abilities of those he treated, gradually making him stronger than anyone else. But by the time he reached his full potential, it was far too late—he had already lost everything. -- -- Determined to put his life back on track, Keyaru decided to unleash a powerful healing spell that rewound the entire world back to the time before he began to suffer his horrible fate. Equipped with the anguish of his past, he vows to redo everything in order to fulfill a new purpose—to exact revenge upon those who have wronged him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 307,219 6.31
Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Space Mecha -- Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season -- Haruto and his comrades continue to fight against the forces of Dorssia. However, many things remain unanswered in the midst of battle, including the past of L-Elf and his fellow soldier's past, the destiny of the mysterious girl Liselotte, and the feelings of Haruto, Shouko, and Saki. The relationships and loyalty of each and every member of each army will be tested as the clash of ideals and power reaches its climax. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- TV - Oct 10, 2013 -- 82,914 7.29
Kakushigoto Movie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto Movie Kakushigoto Movie -- Compilation movie of the TV series which includes new scenes that were not adapted in the television anime, and different perspectives. -- -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- Movie - Jul 9, 2021 -- 14,440 N/A -- -- Sola Specials -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life Supernatural -- Sola Specials Sola Specials -- DVD-exclusive specials. The first takes place between episode 4 and 5 of the main series and and the second is a prologue to the series leading up to the events on the last day before the beginning of episode 1. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Sep 25, 2007 -- 14,440 6.95
Kakushigoto Movie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto Movie Kakushigoto Movie -- Compilation movie of the TV series which includes new scenes that were not adapted in the television anime, and different perspectives. -- -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- Movie - Jul 9, 2021 -- 14,440 N/A -- -- Teekyuu 6 -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Sports -- Teekyuu 6 Teekyuu 6 -- Sixth season of the Teekyuu series. -- 14,439 6.62
Kakushigoto (TV) -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto (TV) Kakushigoto (TV) -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- 214,676 8.01
Kakushigoto (TV) -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto (TV) Kakushigoto (TV) -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 214,676 8.01
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- Having freed a myriad of women from the runaway spirits possessing their hearts, the "God of Conquest" Keima Katsuragi is confronted with a new task: find the Jupiter Sisters, the goddesses that sealed Old Hell in the past. Diana, the goddess that resides inside his childhood friend Tenri Ayukawa, explains that they have taken shelter in the hearts of the girls he had assisted previously. Moreover, once Diana and her sisters are reunited, their power can seal the runaway spirits away for good and relieve Keima of his exorcising duties. Though he is initially reluctant to get involved in yet another chore, everything changes when tragedy befalls one of the hosts. -- -- Discovering that the goddesses are being targeted by a mysterious organization known as Vintage, Keima is caught in a race against time to reunite the sisters and rescue the girl who has already fallen prey. With deeper resolve than ever before, Keima works together with demons Elsie and Haqua to recapture the hearts of the girls he had charmed in the past. However, the road ahead is a difficult one, as he is soon met with the consequences of his previous conquests. -- -- 281,799 8.07
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- Having freed a myriad of women from the runaway spirits possessing their hearts, the "God of Conquest" Keima Katsuragi is confronted with a new task: find the Jupiter Sisters, the goddesses that sealed Old Hell in the past. Diana, the goddess that resides inside his childhood friend Tenri Ayukawa, explains that they have taken shelter in the hearts of the girls he had assisted previously. Moreover, once Diana and her sisters are reunited, their power can seal the runaway spirits away for good and relieve Keima of his exorcising duties. Though he is initially reluctant to get involved in yet another chore, everything changes when tragedy befalls one of the hosts. -- -- Discovering that the goddesses are being targeted by a mysterious organization known as Vintage, Keima is caught in a race against time to reunite the sisters and rescue the girl who has already fallen prey. With deeper resolve than ever before, Keima works together with demons Elsie and Haqua to recapture the hearts of the girls he had charmed in the past. However, the road ahead is a difficult one, as he is soon met with the consequences of his previous conquests. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 281,799 8.07
Kami no Tou -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Kami no Tou Kami no Tou -- There is a tower that summons chosen people called "Regulars" with the promise of granting their deepest desires. Whether it be wealth, fame, authority, or something that surpasses them all—everything awaits those who reach the top. -- -- Twenty-Fifth Bam is a boy who had only known a dark cave, a dirty cloth, and an unreachable light his entire life. So when a girl named Rachel came to him through the light, his entire world changed. Becoming close friends with Rachel, he learned various things about the outside world from her. But when Rachel says she must leave him to climb the Tower, his world shatters around him. Vowing to follow after her no matter what it takes, he sets his sight on the tower, and a miracle occurs. -- -- Thus begins the journey of Bam, a young boy who was not chosen by the Tower but opened its gates by himself. They call his kind "Irregulars"—beings that have shaken the very foundation of the Tower each time they set foot inside it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 584,626 7.62
Kamisama Hajimemashita -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita Kamisama Hajimemashita -- High schooler Nanami Momozono has quite a few problems of late, beginning with her absentee father being in such extreme debt that they lose everything. Downtrodden and homeless, she runs into a man being harassed by a dog. After helping him, she explains her situation, and to her surprise, he offers her his home in gratitude. But when she discovers that said home is a rundown shrine, she tries to leave; however, she is caught by two shrine spirits and a fox familiar named Tomoe. They mistake her for the man Nanami rescued—the land god of the shrine, Mikage. Realizing that Mikage must have sent her there as a replacement god, Tomoe leaves abruptly, refusing to serve a human. -- -- Rather than going back to being homeless, Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. Now the two must traverse the path of godhood together as god and familiar; but it will not be easy, for new threats arise in the form of a youkai who wants to devour the girl, a snake that wants to marry her, and Nanami's own unexpected feelings for her new familiar. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 460,758 8.04
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Harem Romance School -- Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara -- In visual novels, an imaginary flag is defined as an event that serves as a turning point for the whole story. A player triggering the romance flag for a heroine will proceed to her route, or a death flag will signify that a certain character will die afterwards. -- -- High school student Souta Hatate can see these flags above a person's head, and has the ability to bring them down to stop certain events from happening. Using this power, he has prevented other people's deaths. But, after a past accident with him as a sole survivor, he ended up believing that only misfortune will befall those who are near him, and has refrained from making friends or having relationships ever since. -- -- However, everything starts to change after transferring to a new school. After toppling another death flag, his classmate Nanami Knight Bladefield notices his powers and tries to learn more about him, promising that she will remain at his side no matter what may happen. Thus begins Souta's journey as he meets new friends and acquaintances while uncovering the mysteries of his ability... which might run deeper than what anyone expects. -- -- TV - Apr 7, 2014 -- 159,162 6.43
Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 4 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Romance -- Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows -- For the longest time, it's just been the two of them. "Kanojo" and her cat Daru are inseparable, having grown up together. Now a junior in college, Tomoka—her roommate of a year and a half—moves out of their shared apartment, and in order to keep her living space, Kanojo must find a job. Day by day, Daru watches her continued efforts from a cat's-eye view, eagerly awaiting his owner's return. When she gets back, once again, it's just she and her cat. -- -- Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows is a charming short series about the bond between a pet and his owner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 98,285 7.69
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Samurai Fantasy -- Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu -- In 1863, Izuminokami Kanesada and his partner, Horikawa Kunihiro, arrive in the streets of Edo from the future to investigate their master's reports of an upcoming enemy invasion. As humanoid manifestations of the famous Toshizou Hijikata's swords, they have been tasked with protecting history from the Retrograde Army that seeks to alter it. Soon enlisting the help of other sword warriors, they continuously battle the mysterious army throughout the Bakumatsu period. -- -- However, their journey will not be an easy one. Fraught with blood and betrayal in the chaotic era closest to their hearts, the duo will be forced to make difficult decisions with everything they care about on the line. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 99,494 6.73
Katte ni Kaizou -- -- Shaft -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody School Sci-Fi Shounen -- Katte ni Kaizou Katte ni Kaizou -- Katsu Kaizou is a very gullible, 17-year-old high school student and a believer in science fiction, aliens, ghosts, UFOs, conspiracies, etc. He thinks that everything going on around him is the result of some sort of alien plot to take over the world. Each story is pretty much self-contained and is completely bizarre. Kaizou joins the school's science club, makes new friends, and ends up coming in contact with all sorts of strange things like log people, deadly sushi, pee-blades, scary infections, robot invasions, ghosts, living dolls, and more! -- OVA - May 23, 2011 -- 26,910 6.91
Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Dementia Drama Sci-Fi -- Kaze no Na wa Amnesia Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- Two years ago, a mysterious wind swept over the Earth without warning, taking everyone's memories with it. Not knowing their names or even how to speak, cars crashed, planes dropped from the sky, and society crumbled in an instant. One young man happens to wander into a military testing facility, where he meets Johnny, a young boy who underwent experimental memory enhancement treatment and could, therefore, still remember who he was. Johnny names the young man Wataru and teaches him everything that he can before his frail body fails him. -- -- Wataru sets out on a journey to see if he can find other people like him, and in San Francisco, he meets a mysterious silver-haired woman named Sophia, who refuses to speak about her past. Sophia says that she is heading to New York, and decides to travel together with Wataru. As the pair make their way across America, they learn about what has happened to the rest of society, and what the essence of humanity really is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- Movie - Dec 22, 1990 -- 14,803 6.37
Kaze Tachinu -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance -- Kaze Tachinu Kaze Tachinu -- Although Jirou Horikoshi's nearsightedness prevents him from ever becoming a pilot, he leaves his hometown to study aeronautical engineering at Tokyo Imperial University for one simple purpose: to design and build planes just like his hero, Italian aircraft pioneer Giovanni Battista Caproni. His arrival in the capital coincides with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, during which he saves a maid serving the family of a young girl named Naoko Satomi; this disastrous event marks the beginning of over two decades of social unrest and malaise leading up to Japan's eventual surrender in World War II. -- -- For Jirou, the years leading up to the production of his infamous Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter aircraft will test every fiber of his being. His many travels and life experiences only urge him onward⁠—even as he realizes both the role of his creations in the war and the harsh realities of his personal life. As time marches on, he must confront an impossible question: at what cost does he chase his beautiful dream? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2013 -- 219,577 8.11
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- -- Anima&Co. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Police Vampire Fantasy -- Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- In Tokyo, there exists a peaceful cohabitation between supernatural creatures—elves, dwarves, vampires, and more—and humans. However, contrary to history, powerful dragons once ruled over this world of creatures and humans but have since disappeared. Consequently, a diabolical group under the alias "Nine," who seek the miracles of the once godlike dragons, stirs up trouble in the streets of Tokyo, commiting mass murder and causing destruction. To combat the dangerous group of Nine, the police organize the Special 7—a group of highly skilled professionals whose abilities exceed those of ordinary humans. -- -- Caught up in a bank robbery turned hostage crisis, Seiji Nanatsuki, having recently become a detective, has a chance encounter with Shiori Ichinose, a member of Special 7. Assisting with the resolution of the robbery, Seiji is recognized for his clear sense of justice and refreshing character, suddenly earning him a spot on the elite unit. -- -- As he takes on new missions, Seiji finds that being a detective as part of Special 7 isn't the police work he expected, where working alongside a team of different species with special abilities and vibrant personalities brings unpredictability to his daily life and police work. While the everyday crime in Tokyo continues, Seiji and the Special 7 will fight not only to resolve special cases, but also obstruct the ill-intentioned plans of the merciless group of Nine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 38,207 6.02
Kekkai Sensen & Beyond -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Shounen Super Power Supernatural Vampire -- Kekkai Sensen & Beyond Kekkai Sensen & Beyond -- Three years ago, a gateway between Earth and the Beyond opened in New York City, trapping extradimensional creatures and humans alike in an impermeable bubble. After the city's restoration, monsters, magic, and madness are common findings in the area now known as Hellsalem's Lot. Leonardo Watch, a young photographer who unwillingly obtained the "All-seeing Eyes of the Gods" in exchange for his sister's eyesight, came to this paranormal city to find answers to the mysterious power that he possesses. He later finds his life drastically changed when he joins Libra, a secret organization of people with supernatural abilities dedicated to maintaining order in the everyday chaos of Hellsalem's Lot. -- -- However, this is only the beginning of Leonardo's unexpected journey ahead. Regardless of the constant threat of otherworldly enemies, he is determined to uncover the secrets of his power and find a way to restore his sister's eyesight. Kekkai Sensen & Beyond follows Leonardo as he sets off on more crazy adventures with his comrades, fighting to ensure peace and order. -- -- 314,725 7.86
Kekkai Sensen & Beyond -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Shounen Super Power Supernatural Vampire -- Kekkai Sensen & Beyond Kekkai Sensen & Beyond -- Three years ago, a gateway between Earth and the Beyond opened in New York City, trapping extradimensional creatures and humans alike in an impermeable bubble. After the city's restoration, monsters, magic, and madness are common findings in the area now known as Hellsalem's Lot. Leonardo Watch, a young photographer who unwillingly obtained the "All-seeing Eyes of the Gods" in exchange for his sister's eyesight, came to this paranormal city to find answers to the mysterious power that he possesses. He later finds his life drastically changed when he joins Libra, a secret organization of people with supernatural abilities dedicated to maintaining order in the everyday chaos of Hellsalem's Lot. -- -- However, this is only the beginning of Leonardo's unexpected journey ahead. Regardless of the constant threat of otherworldly enemies, he is determined to uncover the secrets of his power and find a way to restore his sister's eyesight. Kekkai Sensen & Beyond follows Leonardo as he sets off on more crazy adventures with his comrades, fighting to ensure peace and order. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 314,725 7.86
Kemono Friends -- -- Yaoyorozu -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Kemono Friends Kemono Friends -- Japari Park is an untamed paradise where many humanoid animals, known as "Friends," live their everyday lives in all corners of the natural environmental park. -- -- One lazy afternoon in the savannah area, the energetic Serval encounters a peculiar new Friend. Curious, she swiftly takes down the Friend, named Kaban, to try and discover what species she is. To Serval's disappointment, not even Kaban herself knows the answer. -- -- The two become friends and set out on a grand adventure through the many habitats, landmarks, and attractions of Japari Park. Their destination is the park library, where they hope to shed some light on Kaban’s identity. Along the way, they meet many other Friends, looking into their lives and helping them out. However, they soon begin to uncover the sinister reality behind the park and their own existence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 69,154 7.57
Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- -- Artland -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Ecchi School Shounen -- Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou -- Kaname Okiura, a student of Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High ("Umishou" for short), joined the school's swimming club in order to learn how to swim, but the club is filled with weirdos, let alone who can teach him swimming. Then, a sunny, happy-go-lucky girl named Amuro Ninagawa who transferred from Okinawa joined the club. Her extraordinary underwater speed and unorthodox swimming style (plus her personal habit of nude swimming—a powerful magnet to teenage boys) surprised every club member, especially Okiura, because she reminds him of a mermaid-like creature he saw only once in his early childhood. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 4, 2007 -- 34,608 7.15
Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba -- -- Pastel -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Martial Arts Shounen -- Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba -- Kurogane Yaiba is a boy who doesn't want to become what any regular kid would: A samurai. That's why he undergoes a hard training with his father, knowing only the forest as his world. Then, one day, he is sent to Japan, where he has to deal with a whole new civilized reality, meeting the Mine family, the evil Onimaru and even the legendary Musashi, having lots of dangerous adventures, becoming stronger everyday. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- 7,686 7.12
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun -- He is charming, cool, athletic, a good cook, but more importantly, he's a clean freak. Aoyama is idolized and respected by everyone, but they can only admire him from afar due to his mysophobia. Despite that, he plays soccer—a rather dirty sport! -- -- As the playmaker for Fujimi High School's soccer club, Aoyama avoids physical contact at all cost and cleanly dribbles toward victory. However, the path to Nationals will not be easy for Fujimi's underdog team. But alongside striker Kaoru Zaizen, Aoyama will show everyone that even as a clean freak, there are things he's willing to get dirty for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 130,773 6.98
Kiddy Grade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Ecchi Mecha -- Kiddy Grade Kiddy Grade -- In the distant future, humanity has taken to the skies and colonized many planets throughout the universe. An agency known as the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT) has been formed to maintain order. Within GOTT, a secret squad of enhanced human beings—known as the ES Unit—carry out secret missions to put a stop to major galactic crimes. Two such operatives are the lowly C-ranked Éclair and Lumière. -- -- Despite being on the bottom of the totem pole, the pair wield formidable powers: Éclair's superhuman strength and lipstick whip and Lumière's ability to take control of any computer. Together, they can take on any mission that GOTT throws at them. But as they complete more and more missions, the duo begin to uncover a major conspiracy that leaves them questioning everything they know about themselves and the entire galaxy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2002 -- 40,723 7.21
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- -- Studio Deen -- 7 eps -- Original -- Comedy Mecha Police Sci-Fi -- Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- As the human race evolves, so does its technology. Engineers have successfully created robots dubbed "Labors" for mass distribution, utilized by society for a number of everyday tasks. However, there are criminals who manage to get their hands on these Labors, using them for their own nefarious means. -- -- To combat this new form of delinquency, police around the world begin using "Patrol Labors" or "Patlabors" to put a stop to Labor-related crimes. Rookie police officer Noa Izumi is drafted into a special Patlabor unit, getting her own mechanical suit to fight crime. Naming this machine Alphonse, Izumi works tirelessly alongside her peers to keep civilization safe from those who would use this advanced technology to harm others. -- -- As Izumi becomes further ingrained within her unit, she must also learn how to navigate both her social and professional spheres with grace and wit. She befriends the aloof Asuma Shinohara, fellow pilot Isao Oota, and the other members of her brigade as she helps them to combat conspiratorial plots, workplace revolts, and supernatural beings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Maiden Japan -- OVA - Apr 25, 1988 -- 25,666 7.29
Kimera -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Supernatural Vampire -- Kimera Kimera -- Osamu and Jay are two cereal salesmen traveling for work when they encounter a barricade. Curious as to what is going on, they step out of their car and enter into a government secret. Two mysterious demon-like men have been terrorizing the military, who came to respond to a car crash involving a vehicle carrying government research material. Inside the car wreckage, Osamu finds a beautiful hermaphrodite with gold and crimson eyes trapped in a frozen chamber. Osamu shares a kiss with them through the glass before he is forced to flee the scene. -- -- Osamu and Jay interrogate Jay's father, a top researcher at a government laboratory, who reveals that what Osamu and Jay saw was top-secret, and they would likely be sitting in prison if it weren't for his influence. While Jay is ready to forget everything that happened, Osamu cannot let it go that easily. After stealing a security badge, Osamu finds where the person he kissed is being kept, and learns that their name is Kimera. Osamu wants to run away with the beautiful Kimera, though he does not know why Kimera is being held captive or what a relationship with them means for the future of humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Jul 31, 1996 -- 6,184 5.12
Kimera -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shounen Ai Supernatural Vampire -- Kimera Kimera -- Osamu and Jay are two cereal salesmen traveling for work when they encounter a barricade. Curious as to what is going on, they step out of their car and enter into a government secret. Two mysterious demon-like men have been terrorizing the military, who came to respond to a car crash involving a vehicle carrying government research material. Inside the car wreckage, Osamu finds a beautiful hermaphrodite with gold and crimson eyes trapped in a frozen chamber. Osamu shares a kiss with them through the glass before he is forced to flee the scene. -- -- Osamu and Jay interrogate Jay's father, a top researcher at a government laboratory, who reveals that what Osamu and Jay saw was top-secret, and they would likely be sitting in prison if it weren't for his influence. While Jay is ready to forget everything that happened, Osamu cannot let it go that easily. After stealing a security badge, Osamu finds where the person he kissed is being kept, and learns that their name is Kimera. Osamu wants to run away with the beautiful Kimera, though he does not know why Kimera is being held captive or what a relationship with them means for the future of humanity. -- -- OVA - Jul 31, 1996 -- 6,184 5.12
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen -- After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the flame pillar, Kyoujurou Rengoku, takes it upon himself to eliminate the threat. Accompanying him are some of the Corps' most promising new blood: Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira, who all hope to witness the fiery feats of this model demon slayer firsthand. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces responsible for the disappearances have already put their sinister plan in motion. Under this demonic presence, the group must muster every ounce of their willpower and draw their swords to save all two hundred passengers onboard. Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen delves into the deepest corners of Tanjirou's mind, putting his resolve and commitment to duty to the test. -- -- Movie - Oct 16, 2020 -- 400,828 8.72
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 14 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Kimi ga Nozomu Eien -- In the warmth of a golden sun, timid high school student Haruka Suzumiya confesses to Takayuki Narumi, the boy she admires. Takayuki accepts Haruka's confession and the two become a couple, supported by their mutual friends Mitsuki Hayase and Shinji Taira. All is well for these friends—until tragedy strikes. -- -- One of them is sent to an unenviable fate, lying dormant in a coma. Three years later, they awaken, but their sudden reappearance in everyone's lives threatens to test the limits of these friends' bonds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2003 -- 125,638 7.23
Kimi to Boku. 2 -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Slice of Life -- Kimi to Boku. 2 Kimi to Boku. 2 -- "No matter how many years go by, I'm sure we'll still be laughing together." -- -- Twins Yuta and Yuki, Kaname, and Shun have been childhood friends since kindergarten. When transfer student Chizuru joins them, their five man school life becomes all the more lively. Through the changing seasons, the boys will find laughter, surprises, love, and new encounters waiting for them. -- -- The second season of the boys growing a little every day of their invaluable daily lives is about to begin! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- TV - Apr 3, 2012 -- 74,688 7.97
Kimi to Boku. -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Slice of Life -- Kimi to Boku. Kimi to Boku. -- Four childhood friends are in their second year at Homare High School: kind and cheerful Shun Matsuoka, hot-tempered Kaname Tsukahara, and the Asaba twins, gentle Yuuta and lazy Yuuki. When a dynamic transfer student, Chizuru Tachibana, joins their group, the friends get caught up in his creative yet troublesome ideas that end up bringing excitement to their everyday lives. With new encounters and experiences, they begin to learn more about each other and themselves. -- -- TV - Oct 4, 2011 -- 153,311 7.69
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Romance Fantasy -- Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen -- A force known as Astral power permeates throughout the world, wielded by astral mages. Fearing its destructive power, the "Empire" persecutes those who show their abilities. The tormented mages then founded the Nebulis Sovereignty to flee from their oppressors. Since then, the two nations have been in bitter conflict, the war still going strong for more than a century. -- -- After committing the great crime of freeing an imprisoned witch, the talented knight Iska is sentenced to prison. A year later, the Empire leadership suddenly decides to set him free, with the condition that he hunts down a fearsome mage known as the "Ice Calamity Witch." Hoping to end the war, Iska agrees. Coincidentally, the Ice Calamity Witch herself, Aliceliese "Alice" Lou Nebulis XI, also wishes for peace and is willing to do everything she can to bring down the Empire. -- -- As Iska and Alice both yearn for a crusade that will turn the world into one without struggle, woe, or pain, the strings of fate tie them ever closer together, creating a bond that goes beyond something fabricated by mere coincidence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 162,998 6.54
Kingdom 3rd Season -- -- Studio Signpost -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Military Seinen -- Kingdom 3rd Season Kingdom 3rd Season -- Following the successful Sanyou campaign, the Qin army, including 1,000-Man Commander Li Xin, inches ever closer to fulfilling King Ying Zheng's dream of unifying China. With a major geographical foothold in the state of Wei now under its control, Qin sets its sights eastward toward the remaining warring states. -- -- Meanwhile Li Mu—an unparalleled strategist and the newly appointed prime minister of the state of Zhao—has taken advantage of Zhao's temporary truce with Qin to negotiate with the other states without interruption. Seemingly without warning, Ying Zheng receives news that armies from the states of Chu, Zhao, Wei, Han, Yan, and Qi have crossed into Qin territory. Realizing too late the purpose behind Li Mu's truce with Qin, Zheng quickly gathers his advisors to devise a plan to address the six-state coalition army on their doorstep. For the first time in history, the state of Qin faces complete destruction and must use every resource and strategy at their disposal to prevent themselves from being wiped off the map. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 42,809 8.38
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action -- Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV -- For years, the Niflheim Empire and the kingdom of Lucis have been at war. The empire, having dominated most of the world of Eos, covets the power of the last known Crystal, which is held in Lucis' capital city, Insomnia. -- -- In order to protect his people from these advancing forces, King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII used the power of the Crystal to surround Insomnia with a magical wall. Along with this barrier, Regis assembled an elite military task force known as the Kingsglaive. By drawing their power from the king, the Kingsglaive protect Lucis' borders from the onslaught of the empire and other forces that would do them harm. -- -- One such member of the Kingsglaive is Nyx, a man nicknamed "The Hero" by his fellow warriors due to his arrogance and desire to save everyone. However, his pride gets the better of him, causing him to disobey his captain's orders, resulting in a demotion. Now, Nyx spends his days guarding the city gates, but things begin to change once word gets out that Regis plans to sign a peace treaty with their sworn enemies. -- -- Movie - Jul 9, 2016 -- 49,242 7.46
Kiniro Mosaic: Pretty Days -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Kiniro Mosaic: Pretty Days Kiniro Mosaic: Pretty Days -- The episode is set during a school festival where Shinobu is assigned to write a script and make outfits for her class play. Youko and Alice notice that Shinobu is sleepy every morning and are worried that she might be getting tired of all the work. Will Shinobu be able to successfully complete all her tasks in time? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 12, 2016 -- 19,791 7.52
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Psychological Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- Kino, a 15-year-old traveler, forms a bond with Hermes, a talking motorcycle. Together, they wander the lands and venture through various countries and places, despite having no clear idea of what to expect. After all, life is a journey filled with the unknown. -- -- Throughout their journeys, they encounter different kinds of customs, from the morally gray to tragic and fascinating. They also meet many people: some who live to work, some who live to make others happy, and some who live to chase their dreams. Thus, in every country they visit, there is always something to learn from the way people carry out their lives. -- -- It is not up to Kino or Hermes to decide whether these asserted values are wrong or right, as they merely assume the roles of observers within this small world. They do not attempt to change or influence the places they visit, despite how absurd these values would appear. That's because in one way or another, they believe things are fine as they are, and that "the world is not beautiful; therefore, it is." -- -- 234,132 8.33
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Psychological Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World -- Kino, a 15-year-old traveler, forms a bond with Hermes, a talking motorcycle. Together, they wander the lands and venture through various countries and places, despite having no clear idea of what to expect. After all, life is a journey filled with the unknown. -- -- Throughout their journeys, they encounter different kinds of customs, from the morally gray to tragic and fascinating. They also meet many people: some who live to work, some who live to make others happy, and some who live to chase their dreams. Thus, in every country they visit, there is always something to learn from the way people carry out their lives. -- -- It is not up to Kino or Hermes to decide whether these asserted values are wrong or right, as they merely assume the roles of observers within this small world. They do not attempt to change or influence the places they visit, despite how absurd these values would appear. That's because in one way or another, they believe things are fine as they are, and that "the world is not beautiful; therefore, it is." -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 234,132 8.33
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- Zeus had a daughter named Athena, the goddess of war. A group of youths flocked to Athena fighting to protect her amidst heroic battles as her "Saints". Their proof of being a Saint laid with the battle protector known as Sacred Cloth. -- -- After a virtual eternity, a new struggle is about to unfold now again over the Cloth. A boy named Seiya has crossed way over to Greece to undergo the training to become a Saint and obtained the Cloth, Bronze cloth, the lowest position among Saints. Every Saint takes a constellation as their tutelary god. And Seiya's guardian star is Pegasus. Now, the saints gather together from all over the world to participate in the "Galatic War" - championship of Saints, aiming at the Gold Cloth, the symbol of ruler of the Saints. The curtain for Galatic War has been cut open. During the death battle between the Saints, Phoenix, the Black Saint, suddenly appeared on the scene and runs off with Gold Cloth in front of a full house in his ambition to become ruler of the world. Seiya and his fellow bronze cloth warriors go after Phoenix and his "Shadow Army" to retrieve the lost Gold Cloth... -- -- The battles waged among the saints, the strongest young men on earth, begin now! -- -- (Source: Toei Animation) -- ONA - Jul 19, 2019 -- 13,627 5.11
Kobato. -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance -- Kobato. Kobato. -- The friendly and sincere Kobato Hanato has a wish to go to a particular place no matter what. To fulfill this desire, she is tasked with helping people in their times of distress. For each mended broken heart, a small candy-like fragment is produced and fills a special bottle. Once the bottle is full, her wish will be granted. -- -- As Kobato carries out her mission alongside her stuffed toy companion, Ioryogi, she encounters various people troubled by their different situations. From a child struggling with his parents, a high school girl troubled about romance, and everything in between, Kobato's naturally sweet smile and outgoing personality are ready to brighten their day! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 6, 2009 -- 142,415 7.97
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- -- Kyoto Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy -- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- Second season of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 130,085 N/A -- -- WWW.Working!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- WWW.Working!! WWW.Working!! -- Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student at Higashizaka High School. He lives a peaceful everyday life even though he is not satisfied with the family who doesn't laugh at all and makes him tired. However, his father's company goes bankrupt one day, and he can no longer afford allowances, cellphone bills, and commuter tickets. When his father orders him to take up a part-time job, Daisuke decides to work at a nearby family restaurant in order to avoid traveling 15 kilometers to school by bicycle. -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 128,189 7.44
Kodomo no Omocha (TV) -- -- Gallop -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Kodomo no Omocha (TV) Kodomo no Omocha (TV) -- Sixth grader Sana Kurata has a perfect life. Her mother is a (fairly) successful author, she has a young man employed to keep her happy and safe, and best of all, she is the star of the children's television show Kodomo no Omocha. There's just one thing bothering her, and that's Akito Hayama. -- -- Akito is a classmate of Sana's, and ever since he's started acting out in class, the rest of the boys have followed his example. Every day, the girls and the teacher wage a battle to keep the class under control and to get some actual learning done. That rotten Akito… Sana won't stand for this! -- -- The hyperactive Sana decides to dig deeper and find out what makes Akito tick, so class can go back to normal and the teacher can stop spending every day crying instead of teaching. But the more she learns about him, the more she realizes that there might be more to Akito than meets the eye. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation -- 50,873 8.04
Koe no Katachi -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama School Shounen -- Koe no Katachi Koe no Katachi -- As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye. -- -- Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still plagued by his wrongdoings as a young boy. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he sets out on a journey of redemption: to meet Shouko once more and make amends. -- -- Koe no Katachi tells the heartwarming tale of Shouya's reunion with Shouko and his honest attempts to redeem himself, all while being continually haunted by the shadows of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts, NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 17, 2016 -- 1,504,877 8.99
Koi to Uso -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School -- Koi to Uso Koi to Uso -- In a futuristic society, Japan has implemented a complex system referred to as "The Red Threads of Science" to encourage successful marriages and combat increasingly low birthrates. Based on a compatibility calculation, young people at the age of 16 are assigned marriage partners by the government, with severe repercussions awaiting those who disobey the arrangement. For Yukari Nejima, a teen that considers himself average in every way, this system might be his best shot at living a fulfilling life. -- -- However, spurred by his infatuation for his classmate and long-time crush, Misaki Takasaki, Yukari defies the system and confesses his love. After some initial reluctance, Misaki reciprocates his feelings in a moment of passion. Unfortunately, before the two can further their relationship, Yukari receives his marriage notice. He is then thrown into a confusing web of love and lies when his less-than-thrilled assigned partner, Ririna Sanada, becomes fascinated with his illicit romance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 294,276 6.56
Kokkoku -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Mystery Seinen -- Kokkoku Kokkoku -- Having failed 19 job interviews in one day, Juri Yukawa's dreams of moving out of her parents' home are utterly dashed. Stuck living with her working mother Nobuko, NEET brother Tsubasa, laid-off father Takafumi, and single-parent sister Sanae, the only hope for this family to raise a decent adult is her little nephew Makoto. However, this struggling family's life takes a turn for the worse when Makoto and Tsubasa are violently kidnapped by a mysterious organization and held for ransom. With only 30 minutes to deliver five million yen to the criminals, Juri's grandfather reveals a dangerously powerful secret to her and Takafumi. -- -- By offering blood to her grandfather's mystical stone, the three enter the world of "Stasis," a version of their world where time stops for everyone but the users. Having arrived at their destination, their rescue efforts go awry when they are assailed by a surprising group of people who are somehow able to move around within Stasis. While all hope seems lost, a monstrous giant known only as the Herald appears amidst the chaos, its intent and motivations as cryptic as the very nature of this timeless world. -- -- 145,749 7.03
Kokkoku -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Mystery Seinen -- Kokkoku Kokkoku -- Having failed 19 job interviews in one day, Juri Yukawa's dreams of moving out of her parents' home are utterly dashed. Stuck living with her working mother Nobuko, NEET brother Tsubasa, laid-off father Takafumi, and single-parent sister Sanae, the only hope for this family to raise a decent adult is her little nephew Makoto. However, this struggling family's life takes a turn for the worse when Makoto and Tsubasa are violently kidnapped by a mysterious organization and held for ransom. With only 30 minutes to deliver five million yen to the criminals, Juri's grandfather reveals a dangerously powerful secret to her and Takafumi. -- -- By offering blood to her grandfather's mystical stone, the three enter the world of "Stasis," a version of their world where time stops for everyone but the users. Having arrived at their destination, their rescue efforts go awry when they are assailed by a surprising group of people who are somehow able to move around within Stasis. While all hope seems lost, a monstrous giant known only as the Herald appears amidst the chaos, its intent and motivations as cryptic as the very nature of this timeless world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,749 7.03
Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Romance School -- Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. -- Jun Naruse is a chatterbox whose life is colored by fairy tales and happy endings. However, influenced by her deep belief in those tales, she is too naive and trusting, and her words soon shatter her family's bond when she inadvertently reveals her father's affair. Naruse is scarred for life after being blamed for her parent's divorce, and her regrets soon manifest into a fairy egg—a being who seals her mouth from speaking in order to protect everyone's happy ending. -- -- Now, even in high school, Naruse's speech remains locked by the fairy egg. Even trying to speak causes her stomach to twist. Though unable to convey her thoughts through words, she is unexpectedly chosen to perform in a musical alongside three other students: Takumi Sakagami, Natsuki Nitou, and Daiki Tasaki. Naruse makes her way to the club room to reject the daunting task, but changes her mind when she overhears Sakagami's beautiful singing. -- -- Perhaps the fairy egg "curse" does not apply to singing, and perhaps Sakagami is the fairy tale prince she has been seeking all along. Will Naruse be able to convey the anthem of her heart? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 19, 2015 -- 246,056 7.94
Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! -- -- Artland -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! -- Fifteen-year-old Komori Shuri is a junior high school girl who is too nice to decline requests. Constantly doing favors for other people has given her incredible strength?! But even so, she is also an adolescent junior high school girl. -- -- An anime overflowing with the ups and downs of everyday life! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- 53,285 6.25
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Shounen Supernatural -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu -- With only Coast School in mind, Takamine Kiyomaro leaves Gash bewildered that he’ll make a new Volcan 300 for him to play with. The genius tries to catch up with the bus that would take him there, but a giant Volcan 300 kidnaps him. Meanwhile Gash befriends the same Vulcan that kidnapped Kiyomaro later named: Volcan 300 Generation 4. The genius wakes up to see that he isn’t in Coast School, but that a doctor by the name M2 wants him to be his partner in the future. However, Gash and the other demons interfere with M2's plan in taking Kiyomaro to the future by the help of Generation 4 who agreed to take Gash there by a glitch in its system. Still the doctor tries to get Kiyomaro to come back with him, but with the help of everyone, he is defeated. Though a new situation is at hand, the time warp that M2 came from is out of control. It’s up to Gash and the others to save the city or be sucked into it. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 6, 2005 -- 5,970 7.09
Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru Kono Mayonnaise wa Yuru Sugiru -- Everything is liquid in this world, like the mayonnaise. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 482 4.52
Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Historical Drama Seinen -- Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni -- Suzu Urano is a pure and kindhearted girl who loves to draw and keep her head in the clouds. Growing up in the outskirts of Hiroshima with her family, she is more than happy to help with her grandmother's nori business. -- -- However, when she becomes of age, Suzu leaves her beloved home to marry Shuusaku Houjou, a man she barely knows. As she integrates into her new husband's household, the homesick bride struggles to adjust to the unfamiliar environment as the war effort extends far beyond its point of no return. When the war reaches Suzu's own backyard and peace gives way to brutality, how will she support herself and those she comes to love along the way? -- -- Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni paints a colorful yet haunting depiction of everyday life in the years before and after World War II, showcasing the perseverance and fortitude of ordinary Japanese during one of the darkest periods of modern history. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Nov 12, 2016 -- 130,034 8.23
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Parody Supernatural -- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- After dying a laughable and pathetic death on his way back from buying a game, high school student and recluse Kazuma Satou finds himself sitting before a beautiful but obnoxious goddess named Aqua. She provides the NEET with two options: continue on to heaven or reincarnate in every gamer's dream—a real fantasy world! Choosing to start a new life, Kazuma is quickly tasked with defeating a Demon King who is terrorizing villages. But before he goes, he can choose one item of any kind to aid him in his quest, and the future hero selects Aqua. But Kazuma has made a grave mistake—Aqua is completely useless! -- -- Unfortunately, their troubles don't end here; it turns out that living in such a world is far different from how it plays out in a game. Instead of going on a thrilling adventure, the duo must first work to pay for their living expenses. Indeed, their misfortunes have only just begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 1,372,961 8.15
Kotoura-san -- -- AIC Classic -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School -- Kotoura-san Kotoura-san -- Since childhood, Haruka Kotoura's classmates have seen her as a creepy and monstrous person. This is due to her ability to read other people's minds—the same ability that drove her parents away, leaving her alone with her grandfather. As a result, she has grown accustomed to the bitter treatment by the people around her, becoming completely cold and unsociable to others. -- -- However, everything starts to change when Haruka transfers to a new school. While most are off put by her as usual, she meets Yoshihisa Manabe, who finds her power astonishing. Yoshihisa then proceeds to befriend Haruka, promising to never leave her no matter what happens. -- -- Haruka's new experiences of social belonging thus begin, meeting new friends and learning to open herself along the way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 275,232 7.21
Kotoura-san -- -- AIC Classic -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School -- Kotoura-san Kotoura-san -- Since childhood, Haruka Kotoura's classmates have seen her as a creepy and monstrous person. This is due to her ability to read other people's minds—the same ability that drove her parents away, leaving her alone with her grandfather. As a result, she has grown accustomed to the bitter treatment by the people around her, becoming completely cold and unsociable to others. -- -- However, everything starts to change when Haruka transfers to a new school. While most are off put by her as usual, she meets Yoshihisa Manabe, who finds her power astonishing. Yoshihisa then proceeds to befriend Haruka, promising to never leave her no matter what happens. -- -- Haruka's new experiences of social belonging thus begin, meeting new friends and learning to open herself along the way. -- -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 275,232 7.21
Koufuku Graffiti -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Koufuku Graffiti Koufuku Graffiti -- The path to becoming a fine wife begins with being an accomplished cook—at least, that is what Ryou Machiko's late grandmother had led her to believe. For a middle schooler, Ryou's cooking skills are incomparable; but recently, though Ryou's food looks appetizing and smells inviting, the taste has not been delicious. Just when the dejected art student comes to terms with the possibility that she might continue living alone for the rest of her life, her aunt tells her that Kirin Morino—Ryou's second cousin—will begin staying with her every weekend since the younger girl has joined a cram school in Tokyo and aims to attend the same school as Ryou. -- -- Surprisingly, with her cousin's arrival, Ryou finds that her cooking has vastly improved—apparently, it is not her prowess in the kitchen, but the sharing of the experience with those closest to her that seems to make the flavors shine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 70,861 6.80
Koukai Benjo The Animation -- -- Office Takeout -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Hentai Psychological Drama School -- Koukai Benjo The Animation Koukai Benjo The Animation -- Every month, one random girl becomes a comfort station as students and staff from around the school use the comfort station for pleasure. -- OVA - Mar 22, 2013 -- 5,474 6.14
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Tachikoma na Hibi -- Tachikomatic Days is a series of comedic shorts attached to the end of every episode of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG. The shorts feature the antics of the Tachikoma think tanks of Section 9 and usually involve plot points. The average short time is a little over a minute. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Sep 10, 2004 -- 18,555 7.20
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi -- Tachikomatic Days is a series of comedic shorts attached to the end of every episode of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The shorts feature the antics of the Tachikoma think tanks of Section 9 and usually involve plot points. The average short time is a little over a minute. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Oct 1, 2002 -- 23,592 7.15
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven -- -- Bones -- 50 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven -- In the backwater town of Bellforest lives a 14-year-old boy named Renton Thurston. He desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, hoping to find some adventure to brighten up his mundane life. However, stuck between his grandfather's insistence to become a mechanic like him and the pressure of his deceased father's legacy, the only excitement Renton finds is in his pastime of riding the Trapar wave particles that are dispersed throughout the air, an activity akin to surfing. -- -- Everything changes when an unknown object crashes through Renton's garage, discovered to be a Light Finding Operation—a robot capable of riding the Trapar waves—specifically known as the Nirvash typeZERO. Its pilot is a young girl named Eureka, a member of the Gekkostate, who requests a tune-up for the Nirvash. Their meeting sparks the beginning of Renton's involvement with the Gekkostate as he takes off alongside Eureka as the co-pilot of the Nirvash. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 384,409 8.08
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 -- It all begins with the story that was left untold—the earth-shattering incident where Renton's father disappeared. With the mysterious pilot Eureka by his side, only Adroc Thurston could undo his own mistake, sparking the event that changed everything and earned him the title of a hero. Now, ten years later, Eureka lies in critical condition as Renton leaves the crew of the Gekko. But when he finds himself in the care of his father's old friends, he has a choice to make. Either stay with the loving family he's always wanted, or earn the love he seeks. -- -- (Source: Funimation Films) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 16, 2017 -- 14,751 6.29
Kowabon -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Horror -- Kowabon Kowabon -- In today's world full of wondrous technological innovation, the unnatural and mysterious sometimes appear even more horrifying than usual. But despite how far society has advanced, the fear of the unknown always remains. The unfortunate participants in Kowabon find themselves in such a predicament, experiencing the supernatural through their everyday technology. From a frightening sight caught on a parking garage camera to a video chat that takes an unexpected turn, the victims struggle to escape that which haunts them. However, what awaits these doomed souls may be a fate even worse than death... -- -- 30,373 5.23
K: Seven Stories Movie 6 - Circle Vision - Nameless Song -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Seven Stories Movie 6 - Circle Vision - Nameless Song K: Seven Stories Movie 6 - Circle Vision - Nameless Song -- Adolf K. Weismann is sharing a peaceful meal with his loved ones, but as the days go by, some begin to realize that this perfect world where everyone is alive and happy seems too good to be true. -- -- (Source: TubiTV, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 1, 2018 -- 14,612 7.15
Kuchao -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Kuchao Kuchao -- The primary schoolboy "Kuchao" is hated person in his class. Even if everyone fly balloons, only he doesn't part with his it. When he immediately begins to chew a bubble gum, he enter the imagination world after school. When his balloon becomes the face and begins to chew a bubble gum, it changes into various things. His imagination makes rapid progress more. Then, the bird approaches while flying and... -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 776 5.14
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- -- Millepensee -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- The day is as normal as it can be in high school as the students peacefully go about their everyday activities until an unprecedented catastrophe strikes the school, killing every person in its wake. Guided by what seems to be a miracle, a handful of students are fortunate enough to be reincarnated into another world as nobles, princes, and other kinds of people with prestigious backgrounds. -- -- One girl, however, is not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider of the weakest kind, she immediately experiences the hardships of her dire situation. Even so, she must press on to survive the numerous threats that endanger her life. Discovering that her new world has a system like that of an RPG, she tries her best to hunt prey and defeat monsters to level up and evolve. As she gradually grows stronger, she hopes one day her efforts will be rewarded, and that she will be granted a better life. -- -- 182,578 7.26
Kurage no Shokudou -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama -- Kurage no Shokudou Kurage no Shokudou -- In the story, the protagonist Youtarou Misaki finds himself lying on the beach one day. He is picked up by Arashi, who manages a restaurant called Kurage no Shokudou. When asked who he is, the protagonist tells a lie that he lost his memory—but he remembers everything, including the fact that his twin brother died. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 9, 2016 -- 13,156 6.25
Kurogane no Linebarrels -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Kurogane no Linebarrels Kurogane no Linebarrels -- Fourteen-year-old Kouichi Hayase's life has always been a mediocre one, if not dismal. However, those days of being bullied by classmates and escaping to a fantasy of being a hero are put to an end when a certain "accident" bestows on him a girl and a gigantic humanoid robot called "LINEBARREL." The extraordinary power that Kouichi obtains puts him and everything around him on a sudden rollercoaster ride of battles, intrigues and friendship! During the course of his adventure, the boy starts to learn what life has to offer; he meets new friends, bids farewell to the old ones, but most of all he now has considerable responsibilities and is forced to confront the world around him. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 39,326 6.94
Kurokami The Animation -- -- Sunrise -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Martial Arts Seinen -- Kurokami The Animation Kurokami The Animation -- High school student Ibuki Keita has been haunted by misfortune for as long as he can remember. For no apparent reason, everyone around him dies tragically. Ultimately, he refuses to become too close to anyone, even his childhood friend Akane. This leaves Keita alone in a life full of misery and disgrace. -- -- While eating at his favorite ramen shop one evening, Keita meets a strange young girl named Kuro. Possessing abilities that surpass that of a normal human being, Kuro classifies herself as a Mototsumitama. She explains to Keita about "Terra," a life-energy force split between three identical looking people; a global phenomenon dubbed the "Doppeliner System." As a Mototsumitama, Kuro guards the "Coexistence Equilibrium," the beings that protect the flow of Terra around the world. Keita refuses to believe her story, until he is caught up in the crossfire of this hidden world. On the verge of death, he makes a contract with Kuro, unbeknownst to its true meaning. Now he is bound to Kuro, and must be with her at all times. Could Keita's misfortune possibly get any greater? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, NYAV Post, Sentai Filmworks -- 108,073 7.16
Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou -- Third of three compilation films of the Kuroko no Basket franchise. -- -- Rakuzan and Shutoku face off in the semi finals at the Winter Cup. Despite struggling with Akashi's Emperor Eye that sees through everything, Midorima and Takao fight back with their consecutive plays, and the whole Shutoku team bites back at Rakuzan. However, it doesn't take long before Akashi crushes all of their hopes. It is decided that the finals will be fought between Seirin and Rakuzan. Kagami immediately enters the Zone as soon as the match starts, but it is no match for Akashi. Facing an extreme difference in ability against Rakuzan, Seirin loses their hope a number of times during the match. However, Kuroko doesn't give up, and continues to strongly fight against Akashi. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Dec 3, 2016 -- 25,975 7.73
Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game -- Hailing from America, Jabberwock—a street basketball team with skills comparable to those of the NBA—has come to Japan to play an exhibition match against Strky, a team of former third-year students who once played in the Interhigh and Winter Cup. However, due to the vast difference in skill, Jabberwock easily wins. Their captain, Nash Gold Jr., mocks the basketball style of all players in Japan by comparing them to monkeys. -- -- Infuriated by the nasty comment, Kagetora Aida challenges them to a revenge match. Because of pride and the belief that the results will be no different, Nash accepts the challenge. Kagetora then assembles Vorpal Swords, a team composed of the Generation of Miracles, including Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga, for they are the only ones who stand a chance against a foe that seems unbeatable from every angle. -- -- Movie - Mar 18, 2017 -- 183,918 8.07
Kuroko no Basket: Saikou no Present Desu -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action School Shounen Sports -- Kuroko no Basket: Saikou no Present Desu Kuroko no Basket: Saikou no Present Desu -- It is Tetsuya Kuroko's birthday. In celebration, Satsuki Momoi has invited the other members of the Generation of Miracles to play basketball together and rekindle the memories from their nostalgic middle school days. Meanwhile, Taiga Kagami and his fellow teammates of Seirin High are doing their best to prepare for Kuroko's birthday party. -- -- Sometimes, the best gift one can receive is not a material one but, rather, the feeling of having fun with everyone! -- -- Special - Dec 24, 2015 -- 73,859 8.10
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- 115,000 7.19
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 115,000 7.19
Kuuchuu Buranko -- -- Toei Animation -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Psychological Drama Seinen -- Kuuchuu Buranko Kuuchuu Buranko -- The world of psychology is far from strange to the unusual Dr. Ichirou Irabu, a resident psychiatrist of Irabu General Hospital. He and his charming nurse Mayumi run through several patients, each suffering from a mental illness that harms their everyday life. -- -- Patients should be wary of the seductive Mayumi, with her spellbinding looks and devilishly short pink nurse uniform. On the other hand, the doctor seems to have three separate personalities: a child with an oversized lab coat; an intelligent, youthful man with feminine traits; and a selfish, outgoing green bear. While curing his patients in questionable ways, Dr. Irabu often tries to gain something from them outside of his profession—and in doing so, occasionally forgets his role as a doctor. -- -- As each patient struggles to face the nature of their distress, an obvious yet invisible thread ties their paths together. -- -- 75,563 7.96
Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Magic School -- Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan -- Years ago, humanity almost got wiped out by huge magical armored insects that had become too strong and aggressive to handle. Because of these giant bugs, humans do not live on the earth anymore, but in floating cities instead. However, this does not mean that everything is lost, because the wizards from prestigious floating wizard academies are fighting these monsters. -- -- Kanata Age is a young man now labelled as a traitor even though he was once praised as the "Black Master Swordsman." He gets a chance to repair his reputation by instructing the team E601, which seems to be facing some difficulties. It consists of three girls, Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel, each with problems of their own. It appears that Kanata will get in deep waters more than once because of them... -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 204,840 6.38
Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- -- Next Media Animation -- 16 eps -- - -- Horror Demons Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- Rei Kigata is a first year middle schooler at Ishido Middle School. He is not a believer of any paranormal phenomena such as existence of ghosts or spirits in any kind, but one day at midnight, while he is sleeping, a mysterious newspaper called "Horror News" is delivered to his room. The newspaper tells a story in which one of his teachers at the school will get killed in a car accident the following morning and Kigata will be a witness of the accident. The story turns into a fact in the following day and since then, the mysterious newspaper is delivered everyday. He realizes he is haunted by this newspaper and that his life span would be shortened in 100 days every time he reads it. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll, edited) -- ONA - Apr 28, 2014 -- 1,563 5.66
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- 151,698 7.77
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 151,698 7.77
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 76,180 7.20
Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy -- Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara Kyuukyoku Shinka shita Full Dive RPG ga Genjitsu yori mo Kusoge Dattara -- In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. -- -- Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. -- -- The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,180 7.20
Lamune -- -- Picture Magic, Trinet Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Lamune Lamune -- Lamune tells the story of a boy named Kenji and his childhood friend Nanami. Although, everyone seems to know that they have a relationship, neither are determined to push it anymore than close friends. The story goes through flashbacks, explaining why they are such close friends and any action doesn't seem to push them apart, but draw them closer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 37,684 6.83
Lance N' Masques -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Lance N' Masques Lance N' Masques -- Eight words describe the feelings of Youtarou Hanabusa: "I just want to live a normal life." Unfortunately for him, as a member of the Knights of the World, his training in this ancient and international order has left him with a condition he calls "White Knight Syndrome." This condition causes Youtarou to instinctively act heroically and chivalrously whenever he encounters someone in danger. -- -- To protect his identity in such embarrassing moments, he carries a mask with him at all times. Then one day, he saves the life of Makio Kidouin, the young daughter of an elite and affluent family. Little does he know that this singular act of heroism will change his life forever. Soon, he is simultaneously blessed with a life in the lap of luxury and cursed with one of abnormality, for his new friend Makio lives a life far removed from the everyday. -- -- Between coping with the hijinks of six-year-old Makio, and dealing with a cast of odd friends and scheming enemies, Youtarou must protect his new friend while keeping his identity hidden as the masked hero Knight Lancer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 45,399 5.51
Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Other -- Music Magic Fantasy -- Lapis Re:LiGHTs Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- Tiara, a princess from the kingdom of Waleland, travels to the city of Mamkestell to attend a prestigious academy for those who practice magic like herself. After passing a test to prove her eligibility, Tiara reunites with her childhood friend Rosetta, who is also a student there. She then joins and meets Rosetta's group: the athletic Lavie, the reliable Ashley, and the bookish Lynette—all of whom Tiara quickly befriends. -- -- In this institution, students are placed into one of three ranks based on their test score: group Noir being the highest, followed by Rouge and Lapis. Tiara's group is ranked Lapis, and if that wasn't enough, those who fail while ranked Lapis face expulsion. Realizing their dire situation, Tiana urges everyone to start taking their activities more seriously. -- -- On top of this, Tiara has one more purpose for excelling at the academy: to become more like her elder sister, who is a very skilled singer. However, to reach the stage that she desires, she will have to overcome many challenges, along with her companions, as she continues her magical journey. -- -- 30,833 6.63
Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Other -- Music Magic Fantasy -- Lapis Re:LiGHTs Lapis Re:LiGHTs -- Tiara, a princess from the kingdom of Waleland, travels to the city of Mamkestell to attend a prestigious academy for those who practice magic like herself. After passing a test to prove her eligibility, Tiara reunites with her childhood friend Rosetta, who is also a student there. She then joins and meets Rosetta's group: the athletic Lavie, the reliable Ashley, and the bookish Lynette—all of whom Tiara quickly befriends. -- -- In this institution, students are placed into one of three ranks based on their test score: group Noir being the highest, followed by Rouge and Lapis. Tiara's group is ranked Lapis, and if that wasn't enough, those who fail while ranked Lapis face expulsion. Realizing their dire situation, Tiana urges everyone to start taking their activities more seriously. -- -- On top of this, Tiara has one more purpose for excelling at the academy: to become more like her elder sister, who is a very skilled singer. However, to reach the stage that she desires, she will have to overcome many challenges, along with her companions, as she continues her magical journey. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 30,833 6.63
Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari -- "Period" is how magic users called who beat "Spiral"—monsters that were summoned from isolation. Due to the rise of these beings, 14-year-old apprentice Period Haru, who is a part of the Eighth Arc-end Division, is called to break the cycle and cast himself into the endless battle. However, a mysterious thievery occurred and sank the division into bankruptcy, forcing Haru and his other comrades have to leave their headquarters. To rebuild a branch, they have to overcome quest after quest. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 31,504 6.43
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/A -- -- Children -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological Drama -- Children Children -- A short film by Takuya Okada set in a conformist society. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- ONA - Jun 30, 2011 -- 1,532 6.02
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/AUsogui -- -- Shueisha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Psychological Seinen -- Usogui Usogui -- There are gamblers out there who even bet their lives as ante. But to secure the integrity of these life-threatening gambles, a violent and powerful organization by the name of "Kagerou" referees these games as a neutral party. Follow Bak Madarame a.k.a. Usogui (The Lie Eater) as he gambles against maniacal opponents at games—such as Escape the Abandoned Building, Old Maid, and Hangman—to ultimately "out-gamble" and control the neutral organization of Kagerou itself. -- -- (Source: MU) -- OVA - Oct 19, 2012 -- 1,527 5.48
Little Busters!: Refrain -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Little Busters!: Refrain Little Busters!: Refrain -- Following the Little Busters after they lost their first baseball game, the team decides to have a pancake party. It has been almost one semester since the return of Kyousuke Natsume. As usual, Riki Naoe continues to help the Little Busters' members—both old and new—with confronting their inner struggles. However, strange happenings begin to occur, leading Rin Natsume and Riki closer to unraveling the truth behind the "secret of this world." -- -- Little do Rin and Rikki know, their discovery will end up changing the peaceful everyday lives created by the Little Busters once and for all. Little Busters!: Refrain brings a conclusion to the colorful stories of its ensemble cast—forged with the weight of emotions and strengthened with the bond of friendship—as they come to terms with their regrets and weaknesses. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2013 -- 136,838 8.22
Little Busters!: Refrain -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Little Busters!: Refrain Little Busters!: Refrain -- Following the Little Busters after they lost their first baseball game, the team decides to have a pancake party. It has been almost one semester since the return of Kyousuke Natsume. As usual, Riki Naoe continues to help the Little Busters' members—both old and new—with confronting their inner struggles. However, strange happenings begin to occur, leading Rin Natsume and Riki closer to unraveling the truth behind the "secret of this world." -- -- Little do Rin and Rikki know, their discovery will end up changing the peaceful everyday lives created by the Little Busters once and for all. Little Busters!: Refrain brings a conclusion to the colorful stories of its ensemble cast—forged with the weight of emotions and strengthened with the bond of friendship—as they come to terms with their regrets and weaknesses. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2013 -- 136,838 8.22
Little Witch Academia -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy School -- Little Witch Academia Little Witch Academia -- For young witches everywhere, the world-renowned witch Shiny Chariot reigns as the most revered and celebrated role model. But as the girls age, so do their opinions of her—now just the mention of Chariot would get a witch labeled a child. However, undeterred in her blind admiration for Chariot, ordinary girl Atsuko Kagari enrolls into Luna Nova Magical Academy, hoping to someday become just as mesmerizing as her idol. -- -- However, the witch academy isn't all the fun and games Atsuko thought it would be: boring lectures, strict teachers, and students who mock Chariot plague the campus. Coupled with her own ineptness in magic, she's seen as little more than a rebel student. But when a chance finally presents itself to prove herself to her peers and teachers, she takes it, and now it's up to her to stop a rampaging dragon before it flattens the entire academy. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 269,741 7.84
Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy School -- Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- You can tell witch training is not going swimmingly for the young sorceresses Akko, Lotte, and Sucy—they face expulsion for screwing up one class too many, and their only way out is if they successfully organize their academy's annual parade through a nearby town. But when they stumble upon the momentous discovery that the objective of the parade is to humiliate witches and commemorate their past subjugation, Akko decides it is time for a change: It is time to show the world how fantastic modern witches truly are! However, with the other girls struggling to keep up with Akko's grandiose ambitions, and everything from mischievous boys to slumbering giants getting in their way, maybe pulling it off will require not only all the magical prowess the pupils of Luna Nova Magical Academy can muster, but also a miracle. -- -- Movie - Oct 9, 2015 -- 147,201 7.78
Log Horizon 2nd Season -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon 2nd Season Log Horizon 2nd Season -- After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city. -- -- As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 503,514 7.61
Log Horizon -- -- Satelight -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon Log Horizon -- In the blink of an eye, thirty thousand bewildered Japanese gamers are whisked from their everyday lives into the world of the popular MMORPG, Elder Tale, after the game's latest update—unable to log out. Among them is the socially awkward college student Shiroe, whose confusion and shock lasts only a moment as, a veteran of the game, he immediately sets out to explore the limits of his new reality. -- -- Shiroe must learn to live in this new world, leading others and negotiating with the NPC "natives" in order to bring stability to the virtual city of Akihabara. He is joined by his unfortunate friend Naotsugu, having logged in for the first time in years only to find himself trapped, and Akatsuki, a petite but fierce assassin who labels Shiroe as her master. A tale of fantasy, adventure, and politics, Log Horizon explores the elements of gaming through the eyes of a master strategist who attempts to make the best of a puzzling situation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 907,271 7.99
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- 23,310 6.65
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 23,310 6.65
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- -- Asread, Tear Studio -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy -- Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- Set in Tokyo, it's January 29, 2030. High-frequency resonance is observed in the vicinity of Tokyo, and the red fog rolls into the city. Those who hear the sound, humans and animals alike, pass out, losing consciousness. Everything shuts down in Tokyo, believing that the fog is carrying an unknown virus that causes an epidemic. However, six days later, after the incident, people wake up as if nothing happened. After that, Tokyo's sealed-off city sections gradually return to normal. However, since the high-frequency resonance, some "bizarre events" start to happen, and people find themselves being pulled deeper into more mysteries. Meanwhile, young people start to become aware of themselves and release their power hidden in their blood, discovering themselves as "vessel of wisdom blood." Together, being led by something unknown, they meet, communicate, and face the unavoidable circle of fate, sacrificing their own lives. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 35,503 5.34
Lost Universe -- -- E&G Films -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Lost Universe Lost Universe -- Millie Nocturne has one great goal in life: to be the best in the universe - at absolutely everything! But when she tries her hand at being the "best detective," she ends up an unwilling partner with two people who will change her life forever: Kane Blueriver, the psi-blade-wielding master of the starship Swordbreaker, and Canal, the smart-mouthed holographic image of the ship's computer. -- -- Join this unlikely trio on their adventures as they hurtle through space facing off against intergalactic crime lords, rogue starships, and hijackers dressed as chickens... and that's just the tip of the asteroid! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- 14,072 7.02
Loups=Garous -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller -- Loups=Garous Loups=Garous -- In a future governed through the lens of a camera, where people eat synthetic food and pursue an online existence in lieu of physical contact, a group of children begin meeting up in the real world. The aloof Ayumi Kono, the genius hacker Mio Tsuzuki, and the socially awkward Hazuki Makino set out to find the fourth member of their group, Yuko Yabe, who has gone missing. With the help of Myao Rei, an unregistered citizen proficient in martial arts, they are able to find Yuko. However, when their situation takes a sudden turn for the worse, the group stumbles headlong into a dark mystery that challenges everything they know about their world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 28, 2010 -- 16,244 6.29
Love Live! School Idol Project -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! School Idol Project Love Live! School Idol Project -- Otonokizaka High School is in a crisis! With the number of enrolling students dropping lower and lower every year, the school is set to shut down after its current first years graduate. However, second year Honoka Kousaka refuses to let it go without a fight. Searching for a solution, she comes across popular school idol group A-RISE and sets out to create a school idol group of her own. With the help of her childhood friends Umi Sonoda and Kotori Minami, Honoka forms μ's (pronounced "muse") to boost awareness and popularity of her school. -- -- Unfortunately, it's all easier said than done. Student council president Eri Ayase vehemently opposes the establishment of a school idol group and will do anything in her power to prevent its creation. Moreover, Honoka and her friends have trouble attracting any additional members. But the Love Live, a competition to determine the best and most beloved school idol groups in Japan, can help them gain the attention they desperately need. With the contest fast approaching, Honoka must act quickly and diligently to try and bring together a school idol group and win the Love Live in order to save Otonokizaka High School. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 367,131 7.43
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Part 5 -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Part 5 Lupin III: Part 5 -- Genius thief Arsene Lupin III—along with the usual crew of Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Daisuke Jigen—finds himself in modern-day France, where he encounters both new and old adversaries, with Inspector Kouichi Zenigata still hot on his trail. As they steal from darker, more sinister entities, they will also have to find a way to deal with the newest technology in their escapades, as well as face the ghosts of their pasts. However, this time, Lupin's choices begin to catch up with him as his pursuers use every tool at their disposal to take him down once and for all. -- -- 30,449 8.17
Maburaho -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Magic Romance School -- Maburaho Maburaho -- In the world of Maburaho, everyone is born with the ability to use magic and are thus labeled magicians. However, the magical ability of each person is not equal. The number of times you can use magic determines the amount of respect you receive, and since one’s magical power is determined at birth by traits and genetics, those who have a bloodline stemming from famous magicians are highly sought after. -- -- Having the lowest magic count in Aoi Academy, Kazuki Shikimori is looked down upon by his classmates and seen as a nearly worthless magician. However, his bloodline consists of many great magicians throughout the ages, meaning that while he may not be a great magician, his offspring could be. This leads to him being sought after by three different young women: Yuna Miyama, a transfer student who declares herself his wife upon arrival, Rin Kamishiro, a prideful swordswoman of a traditional family who wants to kill him so she will be free to pursue her own desires, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki, a member of an influential family who bluntly tries to seduce him for his genes. -- -- Now he has to deal with not only the jealousy of all the guys in his school, but also various women chasing after him! -- 86,894 6.79
Macross 7 Plus -- -- Production Reed -- 11 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life Space Mecha -- Macross 7 Plus Macross 7 Plus -- A series of 2-3 minute shorts revealing the everyday life of some characters, back-story of others, and the occasional music video. Originally included as extras on the Macross 7 VHS and laserdisc releases. -- Special - Jan 25, 1995 -- 5,780 6.80
Made in Abyss 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss 2 Made in Abyss 2 -- Directly after the events of Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul, the third installment of Made in Abyss covers the adventure of Reg, Riko, and Nanachi in the Sixth Layer, The Capital of the Unreturned. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 87,566 N/AMaburaho -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Magic Romance School -- Maburaho Maburaho -- In the world of Maburaho, everyone is born with the ability to use magic and are thus labeled magicians. However, the magical ability of each person is not equal. The number of times you can use magic determines the amount of respect you receive, and since one’s magical power is determined at birth by traits and genetics, those who have a bloodline stemming from famous magicians are highly sought after. -- -- Having the lowest magic count in Aoi Academy, Kazuki Shikimori is looked down upon by his classmates and seen as a nearly worthless magician. However, his bloodline consists of many great magicians throughout the ages, meaning that while he may not be a great magician, his offspring could be. This leads to him being sought after by three different young women: Yuna Miyama, a transfer student who declares herself his wife upon arrival, Rin Kamishiro, a prideful swordswoman of a traditional family who wants to kill him so she will be free to pursue her own desires, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki, a member of an influential family who bluntly tries to seduce him for his genes. -- -- Now he has to deal with not only the jealousy of all the guys in his school, but also various women chasing after him! -- 86,894 6.79
Made in Abyss 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss 2 Made in Abyss 2 -- Directly after the events of Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul, the third installment of Made in Abyss covers the adventure of Reg, Riko, and Nanachi in the Sixth Layer, The Capital of the Unreturned. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 87,566 N/AVivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Thriller -- Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- Nirland—an A.I complex theme park where dreams, hopes, and science intermingle. Created as the first-ever autonomous humanoid A.I, Vivy acts as an A.I cast for the establishment. To fulfill her mission of making everyone happy through songs, she continues to take the stage and perform with all her heart. However, the theme park was still lacking in popularity. -- -- One day, an A.I named Matsumoto appears before Vivy and explains that he has traveled from 100 years into the future, with the mission to correct history with Vivy and prevent the war between A.I and humanity that is set to take place 100 years later. -- -- What sort of future will the encounter of two A.I with different missions redraw? This is the story of A.I destroying A.I. A.I diva Vivy's 100-year journey begins. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 87,209 8.29
Maetel Legend -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 2 eps -- - -- Space Drama Sci-Fi -- Maetel Legend Maetel Legend -- The artificial sun that lights the frozen planet La Metalle is dying, threatening to extinguish what little life is left there. Queen La Andromeda Prometheum decides that the only way for her people to survive is for them to submit to Hardgear's transformation process, which will turn everyone's body into machines. The Queen's daughters, Emeraldas and Maetel, refuse to submit to this process, and fight to stay human. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 13, 2000 -- 3,562 6.41
Magic Kaito 1412 -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Romance Shounen -- Magic Kaito 1412 Magic Kaito 1412 -- Eight years after the mysterious death of his father, Kaito Kuroba, a slightly mischievous but otherwise ordinary teenager, discovers a shocking secret: the Phantom Thief Kaito Kid—also known as "The Magician Under the Moonlight"—was none other than his own father. The former thief was murdered by a criminal organization seeking a mythical stone called the Pandora Gem, said to shed a tear with the passing of the Valley Comet that comes every ten thousand years. When the tear is consumed, the gem supposedly grants immortality. -- -- Vowing to bring those responsible for his father's death to justice, Kaito dons the Phantom Thief's disguise, stealing priceless jewels night after night to find the Pandora Gem before his enemies can use the power for themselves. -- -- 98,515 7.87
Magic Kaito -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Romance Shounen -- Magic Kaito Magic Kaito -- Magic is not real—everyone knows that. When performed by a true expert, however, magic possesses the ability to amaze and wonder its audience. Kaito Kuroba, son of world-famous stage magician Touichi Kuroba, is no stranger to this fact. Well-versed in the arts of deception and misdirection, Kaito frequently disrupts the lives of those around him with flashy tricks and pranks. But when Kaito accidentally stumbles upon a hidden passage in his home, he discovers a secret that may well have been the cause of his father's death eight years ago—the dove-white outfit of Kid the Phantom Thief. Wanting to find out more about his father, Kaito dons the outfit and searches for the Pandora Gem that is said to grant immortality. However, he is not the only one after the gem—the organization responsible for his father's death is also hot on his tail! -- -- Magic Kaito follows the rebirth of Kaitou Kid, phantom thief of the night. Utilizing his dummies, disguises, and signature card gun, Kaito sets out to steal the world's most precious jewels, uncovering the truth behind his father's death and the rumored Pandora Gem along the way. -- -- Special - Apr 17, 2010 -- 57,983 7.80
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Super Power -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's -- After solving the incident of the scattered Jewel Seeds, Nanoha Takamachi happily returns to her everyday life, though now with added magic practice in the morning. Exchanging video messages with Fate Testarossa and the crew of the Arthra, Nanoha eagerly awaits the chance to speak with them in person again. But while studying in her room one day, Raising Heart suddenly calls out to Nanoha and warns her of an incoming attack! -- -- The attacker is a young girl named Vita, who calls herself a Belka Knight. She proves her strength by using an intelligent device with a mysterious cartridge system to quickly overwhelm Nanoha. Luckily, the Space-Time Administration Bureau is able to step in before she is completely crushed. Vita and her fellow knights Shamal, Signum, and Zafila are on a mission to steal magical power from mages in order to complete the Book of Darkness, one of the Lost Logia. For what sinister purpose are the knights after this Book of Darkness? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 2, 2005 -- 57,634 7.98
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Super Power -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's -- After solving the incident of the scattered Jewel Seeds, Nanoha Takamachi happily returns to her everyday life, though now with added magic practice in the morning. Exchanging video messages with Fate Testarossa and the crew of the Arthra, Nanoha eagerly awaits the chance to speak with them in person again. But while studying in her room one day, Raising Heart suddenly calls out to Nanoha and warns her of an incoming attack! -- -- The attacker is a young girl named Vita, who calls herself a Belka Knight. She proves her strength by using an intelligent device with a mysterious cartridge system to quickly overwhelm Nanoha. Luckily, the Space-Time Administration Bureau is able to step in before she is completely crushed. Vita and her fellow knights Shamal, Signum, and Zafila are on a mission to steal magical power from mages in order to complete the Book of Darkness, one of the Lost Logia. For what sinister purpose are the knights after this Book of Darkness? -- -- TV - Oct 2, 2005 -- 57,634 7.98
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica -- Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki are regular middle school girls with regular lives, but all that changes when they encounter Kyuubey, a cat-like magical familiar, and Homura Akemi, the new transfer student. -- -- Kyuubey offers them a proposition: he will grant any one of their wishes and in exchange, they will each become a magical girl, gaining enough power to fulfill their dreams. However, Homura Akemi, a magical girl herself, urges them not to accept the offer, stating that everything is not what it seems. -- -- A story of hope, despair, and friendship, Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica deals with the difficulties of being a magical girl and the price one has to pay to make a dream come true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,003,175 8.37
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari -- The young girls of Mitakihara happily live their lives, occasionally fighting off evil, but otherwise going about their peaceful, everyday routines. However, Homura Akemi feels that something is wrong with this unusually pleasant atmosphere—though the others remain oblivious, she can't help but suspect that there is more to what is going on than meets the eye: someone who should not exist is currently present to join in on their activities. -- -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari follows Homura in her struggle to uncover the painful truth behind the mysterious circumstances, as she selfishly and desperately fights for the sake of her undying love in this despair-ridden conclusion to the story of five magical girls. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 26, 2013 -- 295,580 8.45
Mahou Shoujo Site -- -- production doA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site -- Every day, Aya Asagiri thinks about killing herself. She is bullied relentlessly at school, and at home, her older brother Kaname physically abuses her to relieve the academic stress put on him by their father. -- -- One night, as she lies awake wishing for death, a mysterious website called Magical Girl Site appears on her laptop, promising to give her magical powers. At first, she dismisses it as a creepy prank, but when she finds a magical gun in her shoe locker the next day, she doesn't know what to believe. Deciding to take it with her, she soon runs into her bullies once again. But this time, desperate for anything to save her, she uses the gun—and her assailants are transported to a nearby railroad crossing, where they are run over. -- -- Aya's conscience is unable to handle the fact that she murdered two of her classmates with magic, and she desperately tries to understand the situation. However, when she finds herself in trouble again, she is saved by Tsuyuno Yatsumura, a classmate who can use magic to stop time. This duo has a lot to do: not only do they have to fight alongside and against other magical girls, but they also need to uncover the truth behind the website and the apocalyptic event known as "The Tempest" that is soon to occur. -- -- 161,527 6.49
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Magic Military Seinen -- Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -- Three years ago, a bloodthirsty race of interdimensional beings known as the Disas appeared and destroyed everything they could reach on Earth. With regular weapons rendered useless, humanity's only hope of survival relied on humans who became magical girls after forming an alliance with the Spirit Realm, who had followed the Disas to Earth. After a violent conflict, the squad of magical girls emerge victorious, with the survivors now known as the "Magical Five." -- -- Following the war with the Disas, the Magical Five disbands. Kurumi Mugen, Mia Cyrus, Tamara Volkova, and Lau Peipei independently continue their own military services, while their leader, Asuka Ootorii, retires and becomes a high school student. However, Asuka's peace is short-lived, as it seems there were survivors on the enemy's side as well. As magic must be fought with magic, Asuka is dragged back into combat as an even worse battle looms on the horizon. -- -- 64,447 6.34
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Magic Military Seinen -- Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -- Three years ago, a bloodthirsty race of interdimensional beings known as the Disas appeared and destroyed everything they could reach on Earth. With regular weapons rendered useless, humanity's only hope of survival relied on humans who became magical girls after forming an alliance with the Spirit Realm, who had followed the Disas to Earth. After a violent conflict, the squad of magical girls emerge victorious, with the survivors now known as the "Magical Five." -- -- Following the war with the Disas, the Magical Five disbands. Kurumi Mugen, Mia Cyrus, Tamara Volkova, and Lau Peipei independently continue their own military services, while their leader, Asuka Ootorii, retires and becomes a high school student. However, Asuka's peace is short-lived, as it seems there were survivors on the enemy's side as well. As magic must be fought with magic, Asuka is dragged back into combat as an even worse battle looms on the horizon. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 64,447 6.34
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Magic Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- There are three known worlds—the human world, the angel world, and the devil world. The evil queen Raindevilla yearns to destroy the angel world with help or her many devil minions. The goddess Aphrodite sends an angel to the human world, Limone, to summon three love angels in the form of three school girls, Momoko Hanasaki, Yuri Tanima, and Hinagiku Tamano, who together become Angel Lilly, Angel Daisy, and Wedding Peach. The three girls must fight to overcome the evils of the devils, as well as their own lives, and restore peace to the angel world by gathering all pieces of the Sacred Four Somethings (or Saint Something Four) and defeat the evil queen once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 18,769 6.68
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- Unaired episode of Danchigai included on the Blu-ray/DVD volume. -- Special - Sep 18, 2015 -- 18,734 6.44
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,791 7.25
Mahoutsukai Tai! (TV) -- -- Madhouse, Production Reed -- 13 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Comedy Magic Romance School -- Mahoutsukai Tai! (TV) Mahoutsukai Tai! (TV) -- The aliens have been defeated, and the Bell has been transformed into a gigantic cherry tree. Now, the brave Magic User's Club must reconvene to deal with a new problem. Apparently, some inconsiderate persons left a skyscraper sized cherry tree in the middle of Tokyo, and it's become a major inconvenience to everyone in the city. Even though they have no idea who could have done such a thing, the Club feels strangely responsible and springs into action. Meanwhile, a mysterious person is spying on the magic club in the form of a small boy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, Nozomi Entertainment, NYAV Post -- 8,995 6.77
Maid of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Maid of the Dead Maid of the Dead -- It's just another normal day at a maid café until one of the customers turn out to be a zombie! Disrupting business and infecting some of the maids, everything suddenly descends into chaos as people are attacked. As one of the more experienced maids comes to deal with the unruly customer and newly-made zombie maids, perhaps there's a bright side to this unbelievable turn of events after all? -- -- ONA - Oct 7, 2013 -- 3,430 4.07
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Shounen -- Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Mairimashita! Iruma-kun -- Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has been unfortunate all his life, having to work to earn money for his irresponsible parents despite being underage. One day, he finds out that his parents sold him to the demon Sullivan. However, Iruma's worries about what will become of him are soon relieved, for Sullivan merely wants a grandchild, pampering him and making him attend the demon school Babyls. -- -- At first, Iruma tries to keep a low profile in fear of his peers discovering that he is human. Unfortunately, this ends up being more difficult than he expected. It turns out that Sullivan himself is the chairman of the school, and everyone expects him to become the next Demon King! -- -- Iruma immediately finds himself in an outrageous situation when he has to chant a forbidden spell in front of the entire school. With this, Iruma instantly earns a reputation he does not want. Even so, he is bound to be roped into more bizarre circumstances. -- -- 221,515 7.69
Majimoji Rurumo -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Majimoji Rurumo Majimoji Rurumo -- After an unfortunate accident, completely normal heterosexual high school student Kouta Shibaki is branded as the school pervert. With girls avoiding Kouta like the plague, truly the young man's worst nightmare has come to fruition! One day in the school library, he stumbles upon a peculiar book said to possess the power to summon witches. Partly out of desperation, partly out of boredom, Kouta decides to play along with the joke of a book, until an apprentice witch going by the name of Rurumo Maji Mojiruka appears before him. In an unusual turn of events, Kouta ends up helping Rurumo with some general witchery tasks in exchange for his soul being spared. -- -- Majimoji Rurumo follows the misadventures of Rurumo as she attempts to persuade Kouta to use 666 magical wish-granting tickets in her efforts to become a fully-fledged witch, unaware that every time she grants a wish, Kouta's life is shortened. Aided by Rurumo's familiar Chiro, Kouta must decide between helping Rurumo or saving his own life. -- -- TV - Jul 9, 2014 -- 64,142 6.85
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro -- Yako Katsuragi is an acclaimed high school detective, who, despite her young age, has solved many cases. In fact, there seems to be no case that she can't solve, or any culprit that escapes justice. But within the walls of her detective agency lies the secret to her prolific crime-solving skills: the cases are actually solved by her assistant, Neuro Nougami. -- -- However, to call Neuro an ordinary man would be incorrect. In reality, he is a demon, who came to the human world in search of the ultimate mystery, having already solved every mystery in the demon world. With Yako as his proxy, he feasts on the negative energy released by humans when they commit crimes. Thus, he promises to help Yako solve the mystery of her father's death. But to do so, he must avoid drawing too much attention to himself, which is why Yako plays the role of the detective. -- -- Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro follows this unlikely duo as they solve case after case to satisfy Neuro's ravenous appetite and Yako's desperate search for the truth of her father's death. -- -- TV - Oct 3, 2007 -- 60,043 7.62
Major: World Series -- -- SynergySP -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major: World Series Major: World Series -- Gorou Shigeno's journey with the Indiana Hornets continues as they seek to win the prestigious World Series. However, after an unexpected accident during the match with his fated rival, his quest in becoming the world's best becomes more challenging. Undaunted, Gorou continues to put the weight of his dreams into every pitch he makes, and forges a path towards his desired future through high-speed pitching. -- -- OVA - Dec 16, 2011 -- 30,421 8.34
Makai Senki Disgaea -- -- OLM -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Demons Fantasy Magic -- Makai Senki Disgaea Makai Senki Disgaea -- An angel arrives in Hell! A demon lord is awakened! There are penguins everywhere! What’s going on here? -- -- Angel assassin-in-training Flonne is on a quest to destroy the demon Overlord. Instead of accomplishing her mission, the ditzy Flonne manages to wake Laharl, the demon lord and heir to the throne, from his two year slumber. Now the pair, along with Laharl’s not-so-faithful vassal Etna and her army of explosive souls in penguin costumes, must restore order to the crumbling Netherworld. -- -- Based on the events of the game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Makai Senki Disgaea follows Laharl’s journey to squash the demon rebellion, reclaim the throne, and destroy anyone who stands in his path. Or, you know, let them join him on his travels if they really want. Just remember: Laharl is a demon lord. There’s no way he’ll ever show kindness, compassion, or love... right? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 5, 2006 -- 39,528 6.75
Mangirl! -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Mangirl! Mangirl! -- "We're going to launch a manga magazine!" -- -- A team of girls with zero experience in manga editing are off and running toward their dream of creating the biggest manga magazine in Japan! They seem to do nothing but run into problems and failures... But still they're working hard every day! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- TV - Jan 3, 2013 -- 28,292 5.85
Maoujou de Oyasumi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Maoujou de Oyasumi Maoujou de Oyasumi -- The Demon Lord Tasogare's castle is a dark and frightening place, filled to the brim with various monsters. Any soul unfortunate enough to be imprisoned here is sure to be terrified by the horrors within. However, the human princess Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin is a different case. Rather indifferent to her situation, Syalis worries about one thing and one thing only—sleep. Ever since the demon lord kidnapped her from her kingdom, she has not had a single good night's rest. -- -- To alleviate her dozen dozing issues, the princess makes do with what she can find in the castle. Whether it be the fur of fluffy demonic teddy bears or the silky, blanket-like bodies of ghost shrouds, everything is but a means to ensure a peaceful slumber. With so many potential materials to craft items that can help her sleep at her disposal, nothing will stop the sleepy princess—not even death. -- -- 113,272 8.02
Maoujou de Oyasumi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Maoujou de Oyasumi Maoujou de Oyasumi -- The Demon Lord Tasogare's castle is a dark and frightening place, filled to the brim with various monsters. Any soul unfortunate enough to be imprisoned here is sure to be terrified by the horrors within. However, the human princess Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin is a different case. Rather indifferent to her situation, Syalis worries about one thing and one thing only—sleep. Ever since the demon lord kidnapped her from her kingdom, she has not had a single good night's rest. -- -- To alleviate her dozen dozing issues, the princess makes do with what she can find in the castle. Whether it be the fur of fluffy demonic teddy bears or the silky, blanket-like bodies of ghost shrouds, everything is but a means to ensure a peaceful slumber. With so many potential materials to craft items that can help her sleep at her disposal, nothing will stop the sleepy princess—not even death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 113,272 8.02
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- 44,353 7.28
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 44,353 7.28
Märchen Mädchen -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Magic School -- Märchen Mädchen Märchen Mädchen -- Hazuki Kagimura is a socially awkward girl with no friends; and having been recently adopted, she struggles to connect with her new family as well. Her only refuge from this painful reality is between the pages of stories where her vivid imagination allows her to live out her dreams of friendship and adventure. However, one day, an old and mysterious text appears in her book bag. On her way back to the library to return it, Hazuki sees a familiar girl who is seemingly invisible to everyone but her. Deciding to follow her, Hazuki is led a hidden library where a world she thought only existed in her dreams awaits her. -- -- Märchen Mädchen tells the story of Hazuki's meeting with Shizuka Tsuchimikado, her very first friend, and discovering she has been chosen by the original print of Cinderella to become a powerful mage known as an Origin Master. Hazuki enrolls at Kuzunoha Girl's Magic Academy where she learns to conquer her fears and believe in her ability to create her own amazing story. -- -- 35,608 5.39
Mardock Scramble: The First Compression -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological -- Mardock Scramble: The First Compression Mardock Scramble: The First Compression -- Rune Balot is a down-and-out teen prostitute in Mardock City. One day, she's picked up by an ambitious casino manager named Shell who gives her everything she could want. Renewed by a false innocence, a false past, and now the false life Shell has given her, Balot feels grateful. However, she can't help but be curious about why he's done so much for her, so she does some research about his past on a computer. This turns out to be a mistake which will change her life greatly. When Shell finds out what she's done, he attempts to burn her to death by blowing up her car. -- -- Due to the high crime rate in Mardock, a new law called "Scramble 09" has given police carte blanche to take extreme and otherwise illegal measures to revive crime witnesses. With this in mind, they allow a professor to bring Balot back from the brink of death by reassembling her entire body with reinforced synthetic fiber. When she finally wakes up, her confused mental state eventually turns toward revenge as Shell is revealed as her killer. -- -- (Source: Nippon Cinema) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Oct 8, 2010 -- 64,211 7.47
Marmalade Boy -- -- Toei Animation -- 76 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Marmalade Boy Marmalade Boy -- Miki Koishikawa is a high school student who enjoys a very simple life. However, her ordinary life is about to be turned upside down, and she may not be able to handle everything that is coming her way. -- -- After a very "fun" holiday in Hawaii, her parents have decided to get a divorce. As if this wasn’t enough of a shock for the poor girl, she also discovers that they will soon be re-marrying and swapping partners with another couple who they met on holiday. In order to include Miki in this shocking turn of events, they ask her to give the new couple a chance, and set up a dinner date with everyone. Miki may have tried to be emotionally prepared for her new parents, but what she was not expecting was their handsome son Matsuura Yuu. -- -- Miki develops an instant crush for Yuu. What starts off as a lovely friendship between them soon develops into romantic feelings which they are both finding hard to control. But more trouble is ahead in their relationship, as both Miki and Yuu have admirers of their own who are trying very hard to keep them separated. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Tokyopop -- 43,628 7.48
Mary to Majo no Hana -- -- Studio Ponoc -- 1 ep -- Book -- Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Mary to Majo no Hana Mary to Majo no Hana -- Mary Smith is a clumsy girl with wild red hair who can't seem to do anything right. After moving in with her Great Aunt Charlotte, Mary finds herself lonely and bored, until one day she spies a cat which seems to keep changing color every time she sees it. Curiosity gets the better of her and she follows it into nearby woods. Deep in the forest, the cat takes her to a clearing with dead trees and brown grass, where the only sign of life is a cluster of mysterious blue flowers that Mary has never seen before. The gardener of the estate later tells her that the rare species is called "Fly-by-Night," and is said to be sought by witches for its incredible magical power. -- -- When the strange cat returns to her one night, Mary is led once again into the woods, but this time to an old broomstick hidden by a gnarled tree. After she clumsily squashes some Fly-by-Night against the broomstick, it begins to glow, whisking her off into the sky. Her wayward journey ends at the Endor College for Witches, where she is mistaken for a new student. And so, Mary must learn to look after herself in this marvelous new world of magic, where things are not always as they seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 8, 2017 -- 70,991 7.27
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- 51,199 6.71
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,199 6.71
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- 208,054 7.06
Medaka Box -- -- Asahi Production, Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Martial Arts School Shounen Super Power -- Medaka Box Medaka Box -- Medaka Kurokami is, in the truest sense of the word, perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic, Medaka's dream is to make others happy. So when she runs for Student Council President of the prestigious Hakoniwa Academy, winning the election with 98% of the votes is only to be expected. -- -- The very first thing the boisterous new president does is set up the "Medaka Box," a suggestion box allowing students to submit any kind of request for assistance. Together with the cynical Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, her childhood friend who has been strong-armed into helping, Medaka fulfills these requests at a ridiculous rate. For every job completed, she adds flowers to the student council room, with the aim of filling the entire school. However, the two are about to find out that helping others may be a lot harder than they think as they begin to uncover a devastating plan centering on the academy and even Medaka herself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 208,054 7.06
Megachu! -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural -- Megachu! Megachu! -- Based on an adult game by Front Wing. -- -- Kousuke is an everyday nice-guy college kid who suffers from a reoccurring nightmare where he's a rampaging sex demon. He just can't figure out why that is, as he sits down to play his favorite video games like Magical Girl Lape-chan. One day a beautiful Goddess named Fauna appears before him, not to grant wishes, but to destroy him! It seems Kousuke has the power of an evil demon sleeping inside of him. Luckily, Fauna decides on an alternate means of stopping the demon, which involves lots of sex with her and sexy older sister (and love potion maker) Jordh. Unluckily, there's Natsuki, a little devil with plans of her own for Kousuke. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 25, 2007 -- 6,682 6.52
Megami Kouhosei -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Megami Kouhosei Megami Kouhosei -- In the future humankind has expanded and colonized other planets. Then an alien species, Victim, attacks the human colonies leaving only one planet, Zion. In an effort to stop Victim from destroying the last planet a training school, GOA, is set up to gather boys from the Zion colonies and train them to become pilots of the Ingrids AKA The Goddesses, five fighting robots that protect Zion. The boys must possess a rare blood type, EO, as well as a special ability, or EX. Zero (Candidate 88) has just arrived in GOA when he falls into the cockpit of the Ingrid Eeva-Leena. Since the synch between pilot and Ingrid are very sensitive everyone believes the Goddess will kill Zero in an attempt to synch. Just before Zero passes out he makes a full synch with the Goddess. Before he can find out more about the incident, his pilot training begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- 19,526 6.39
Meiji Tokyo Renka -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Historical Supernatural Romance Shoujo -- Meiji Tokyo Renka Meiji Tokyo Renka -- Mei Ayazuki is just your ordinary, everyday high-school girl. That is until one night, when the moon is full and red, she’s transported through time to the Meiji Period by Charlie, a self-proclaimed magician. -- -- She ends up in a strange, Meiji-era ‘Tokyo’ where the existence of ghosts is accepted. Led by Charlie, she finally arrives at the Rokumeikan. There, waiting for her to arrive, are the historical figures Ougai Mori, Shunsou Hishida, Otojirou Kawakami, Kyouka Izumi, Gorou Fujita, Yakumo Koizumi, and Tousuke Iwasaki. -- -- Whilst interacting with these men, she discovers she is a Tamayori - someone who can see ghosts - a skill that is highly valued in the Meiji Period. Due to these powers, her relationship with the men begins to change… As she gets to know these handsome men in a new era she just can’t get used to, a love begins to grow within her. -- -- Will Mei be able to return to her time? What will become of her love - a love that crosses the boundaries of time and space? -- -- (Source: Honey's Anime) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 34,827 6.94
Mekakucity Days -- -- - -- 5 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological Sci-Fi -- Mekakucity Days Mekakucity Days -- Mekakucity Days is a series of music videos that tell the stories of some of the members of the "Mekakushi-dan." -- -- Kagerou Daze -- In the scorching heat haze of summer, Hibiya Amamiya feels every day is monotonous. On a swing in a park, he meets up with Hiyori Asahina, who gently strokes the cat in her arms. However, when the cat leaps away, Hiyori runs headlong into a never-ending tragedy—and Hibiya will do whatever it takes to see her safe. -- -- Headphone Actor -- "The end of the world is nigh," the news broadcast proclaims. Amidst the chaos, Takane Enomoto hears a voice in her headphones, asking if she wants to live. Following its directions, she races onward, but what awaits her may not be the salvation that she desires. -- -- Souzou Forest -- Due to her red eyes and white hair, everybody sees Mari Kozakura as a monster. Although she lacks the courage to do so, she dreams of escaping her house in the forest where she lives alone, imagining the world outside. Fortunately, her lonesome life begins to change with a simple knock on the door. -- -- Konoha no Sekai Jijou -- The android-like being Konoha lacks many memories. What he recalls are feelings of longing, but by who and for who, he cannot place. What he does know, however, is that in the heat haze of summer, a young boy and girl face a tragedy. But fate is unchangeable, and his desperate attempts to save them can never seem to rewrite the future. -- -- Toumei Answer -- Shintarou Kisaragi knows how every day will go. Blessed with a photographic memory, he knows he will score full marks on his next exam, and he knows that Ayano Tateyama, the girl who sits next to him, will do poorly. But with his genius also comes unrelenting boredom; not even Ayano's bright smile and optimistic outlook can make him waver. His apathy may finally be broken, however, when Ayano does something that shakes Shintarou to his very core. -- -- Music - May 30, 2012 -- 8,282 7.51
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Midori-ko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Midori-ko Midori-ko -- One of the must-see gems making its premiere at our festival, Midori-Ko is adored Japanese animator Kurosaka Keita's whimsically nightmarish vision of 21st-century Tokyo on the brink of apocalypse. Ten years in the making and entirely, single-handedly rendered in colored pencil, Kurosaka's fantastical labor of love is a marvel to behold. Emerging from the staggering detail and craft flooding every frame is the story of a young woman who sets out to engineer a dream-food that can put an end to the world's famine. Synthesizing Frederic Back's subtle, haptic textures with Bill Plympton's frenetic mutations and David Lynch's haunting wormholes, Kurosaka’s work still retains its own singular, luminous potency. -- -- (Source: Los Angeles Animation Festival summary) -- Movie - Sep 24, 2011 -- 2,792 6.07
Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku -- -- - -- 5 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological School -- Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku -- As a new student, Eruna Ichinomiya meets various strangers, learns about their clubs, and helps them with their problems. -- -- Houkago Stride -- Eruna was hardly prepared to go to her new school, but that's no matter. Leading it off with an enormous stride, she will hop, step, and jump her way through, showing her unparalleled motivation and optimistic outlook. One, two, three—she'll shout out her excitement with the fire of a toy gun! -- -- Mukiryoku Coup d'Etat -- As an actor, Yuuto Akama is accustomed to playing different roles, and real life is just another one of these. He wears a practiced smile and a carefree attitude, but inside, a war is waging. A personality squashed and imprisoned... Yuuto puts down the coup d'état of his former self, all to maintain his perfect facade. But no matter how much time passes, the memories don't disappear, and he can never stop the flames of rebellion of his heart. -- -- Uchouten Vivace -- With a cheerful hop and skip, Himi Yasaka shows Eruna all the fun and excitement of the Calligraphy Club. It's a rhythmic and all-encompassing art; although calligraphy may take a bit of practice, anyone can do it. All you need is an ecstatic vivace! -- -- Garakuta Innocence -- No matter what saturation, contrast, or hue, painter Kyouma Kuzuryuu cannot create a work that is good enough. Everything, including himself, always falls short. He lies to himself that this is what he always wanted, but in the end, he is still another piece of trash. Is there any salvation for the lonesome and self-deprecating Kyouma? -- -- Izayoi Seeing -- Asuhi Imizu has lived his life secluded from others. Gazing at the night sky through his telescope, he draws new constellations in his mind. However, like the sun after a rainstorm, Eruna brightens his life, helping him open up to others. Together, they view a 16-day-old moon; all the while, Asuhi is guided by her light. -- -- Music - Feb 25, 2015 -- 2,681 6.66
Military! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Ecchi Slice of Life Comedy Military Seinen -- Military! Military! -- The story takes place during a conflict between the Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic. In the midst of the fighting, a savior appears to the Krakozhia Dukedom, and it is a high school student named Yano Souhei. Two female soldiers, First Lieutenant Ruto and Second Lieutenant Haruka, appear in tanks to intrude on Souhei's everyday life, followed by the enemy soldier Shachirofu, all of whom use firearms without hesitation at his house. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 34,629 5.82
Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitenshabu -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitenshabu Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitenshabu -- Maiharu Hiromi has moved to Kamakura Nagasaki, and rides a bicycle to school everyday. Then she meets Akizuki Tomoe, the leader of the girls cycling club. She therefore joins the club and her life gradually begins to change. -- 17,285 6.26
Minami-ke Okaeri -- -- Asread -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Minami-ke Okaeri Minami-ke Okaeri -- A year has passed since Okawari and the three sisters have grown up. Their likings and moods are almost the same. Haruka, the older sister, is a love-giving mother to the younger sisters and a discipline follower. Kana, the middle one, leaves everything to the last possible moment and always gives trouble to the trio. Chiaki, the little one, is the calculating and manipulating one; she likes to be admired and loved by Haruka and always gives trouble to the less blessed Kana. Despite being an unbalanced family, they love each other with all their heart. The family's daily life is as funny as ever; trouble and love are always present. Now it's time to see if they'll survive this age change since Haruka is now a young adult; she has even more responsibilities, having to watch over the young while integrating into the adult life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 60,364 7.57
Minami-ke Tadaima -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Minami-ke Tadaima Minami-ke Tadaima -- The everyday lives of the Minami sisters continue. Chiaki, the youngest, continues to call people idiots while worshipping her eldest sister. Kana, the middle, still can't figure out that Fujioka's feelings for her are a crush, not a grudge. Haruka, the eldest, still unknowingly avoids Hosaka's advances to invite her to the volleyball team, and after a long day of excitement, the sisters enjoy sitting at the table at their home. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 6, 2013 -- 49,865 7.68
Mitsuboshi Colors -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Mitsuboshi Colors Mitsuboshi Colors -- Residing within Tokyo's district of Ueno are the Colors, three individuals who protect their city by performing good deeds and aiding their community. Or, at the very least, they pretend to be the city's defenders. In reality, the Colors are just three young girls: the shy Yui Akamatsu, the noisy Sacchan, and the video game-loving Kotoha, who spend their time playing make-believe and exploring the city. The Colors' activities are facilitated by the grandfatherly Daigorou "Pops" Kujiraoka, who uses his store's inventory of knick-knacks to entertain the rambunctious trio. -- -- Not everyone is a fan of the Colors though. The local policeman Saitou just wants to deal with his regular duties, but he often finds himself the target of the Colors' attention, having been made the villain in most of their fantasies. But despite his personal feelings, Saitou always finds the time to go along with the three girls' games. Even though the Colors do not actually defend Ueno, they definitely help brighten everyone's day. -- -- 77,805 7.43
Mitsuboshi Colors -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Mitsuboshi Colors Mitsuboshi Colors -- Residing within Tokyo's district of Ueno are the Colors, three individuals who protect their city by performing good deeds and aiding their community. Or, at the very least, they pretend to be the city's defenders. In reality, the Colors are just three young girls: the shy Yui Akamatsu, the noisy Sacchan, and the video game-loving Kotoha, who spend their time playing make-believe and exploring the city. The Colors' activities are facilitated by the grandfatherly Daigorou "Pops" Kujiraoka, who uses his store's inventory of knick-knacks to entertain the rambunctious trio. -- -- Not everyone is a fan of the Colors though. The local policeman Saitou just wants to deal with his regular duties, but he often finds himself the target of the Colors' attention, having been made the villain in most of their fantasies. But despite his personal feelings, Saitou always finds the time to go along with the three girls' games. Even though the Colors do not actually defend Ueno, they definitely help brighten everyone's day. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 77,805 7.43
Mitsu x Mitsu Drops -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Mitsu x Mitsu Drops Mitsu x Mitsu Drops -- Students at the Houjou academy are perfectly normal—except for those who take the Kuge course. This special course is reserved only for elite and rich students and their "honeys." Hagino Yuzuru enrolls in the course through Kai Renge, and she quickly regrets it. -- -- To become a honey, a student must get someone already in the Kuge course to sponsor her. Kai becomes Hagino's sponsor, getting her into the course and paying the price to cover it. But in return, Hagino must submit to him as her master, catering to his every whim. -- -- Hagino may have gotten herself into something she can't handle. But if she pulls out now, she gets expelled from the school. Can she make things work with Kai, or will she call it quits before he does something she'll regret? -- OVA - Apr 28, 2006 -- 23,329 5.97
Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- As the War continues, Amuro and the White Base crew must make their way toward the Earth Federation Headquarters, Jaburo. On their way they meet several new enemies and face off against impossible odds. They fight in Operation Odessa to relieve the Earth from the clutches of the Zeon forces. -- -- Lives are lost, new friendships are made, and discoveries at every corner. Amuro soon learns that he possesses the powers of the mysterious Newtypes. -- -- (Source: Otakufreakmk2) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 11, 1981 -- 22,600 7.38
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Movie -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Space Mecha Military Drama Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Movie Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Movie -- At the climax of the Eve Wars, on December 24 of the year AC 195, the armies of the World Nation and White Fang met in a ferocious battle. World Nation leader Treize Khushrenada was slain, White Fang leader Zechs Merquise disappeared, and Earth was saved from destruction by the intervention of the five Gundam pilots. Having witnessed the consequences of war and hatred, the people of Earth and the space colonies put aside their differences and together founded a new world government. Under this newly-formed Earth Sphere Unified Nation, a year has passed in peace. The government and the populace have disarmed themselves, and almost every remaining mobile suit has been destroyed. Deciding to follow suit, Gundam pilots Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, and Quatre Raberba Winner place their mighty mobile suits inside an asteroid and send them on a one-way voyage into the sun. But even as they bid their Gundams farewell, a new conflict is drawing near. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 1, 1998 -- 50,948 7.81
Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 8 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season -- Continuing his masquerade as the deranged lunatic from the Lanling Jin Clan, Wei Wuxian resides in the Cloud Recesses while his former cultivation classmate, Lan Wangji, searches for answers about the demonic severed arm they have in custody. With an overwhelming dark energy emanating from the arm, the two are forced to work together in order to keep it contained. However, the demonic arm is not the only dark force lurking in the region, and as spiritual tensions rise in the mountains of the Gusu Lan Clan, it is up to the two of them to try and restore the natural order. -- -- The story of Wei Wuxian's fall from grace continues as more light is shed on his descent into the path of demonic cultivation. The demonic arm only further strains his mischievous spirit. This is the time for him to prove that he has truly broken free from the forbidden path and is not the maniacal sorcerer that everyone remembers him to be. -- -- ONA - Aug 3, 2019 -- 58,081 8.43
Mo Dao Zu Shi -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 15 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Mo Dao Zu Shi Mo Dao Zu Shi -- Xian: the state of immortality that all cultivators strive to achieve. However, there is a dark energy that lies underneath—the forbidden Mo Dao, or demonic path. Through an unfortunate series of tragedies, this is the path that cultivator Wei Wuxian experiments with during his teachings. His rise in power is accompanied by chaos and destruction, but his reign of terror comes to an abrupt end when the cultivation clans overpower him and he is killed by his closest ally. -- -- Thirteen years later, Wei Wuxian is reincarnated in the body of a lunatic and reunited with Lan Wangji, a former classmate of his. This marks the beginning of a supernatural mystery that plagues the clans and threatens to disrupt their everyday life. -- -- Mo Dao Zu Shi follows these two men on their mission to unravel the mysteries of the spiritual world. Fighting demons, ghosts, and even other cultivators, the two end up forming a bond that neither of them had ever expected. -- -- ONA - Jul 9, 2018 -- 140,492 8.49
Mo Dao Zu Shi Q -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 30 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Historical Supernatural Magic -- Mo Dao Zu Shi Q Mo Dao Zu Shi Q -- The cultivation classes in the Cloud Recesses have started, and Wei Wuxian is as mischievous as ever. From getting in trouble for cheating to tempting the ever-so-cold and stoic Lan Wangji into breaking one of the three thousand strict rules of the Gusu Lan Clan—he's done it all. Although almost everything Wei Wuxian does is against Lan Wangji's principles, an unbreakable bond forms between the two. -- -- This chibi spin-off is a refreshing compilation of the hilarious and adorable moments of Mo Dao Zu Shi that shows not only how impish Wei Wuxian can be, but also the bashful side of the icy Lan Wangji. -- -- ONA - Jul 31, 2020 -- 11,353 8.16
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- With his parents abroad, Kimihito Kurusu lived a quiet, unremarkable life alone until monster girls came crowding in! This alternate reality presents cutting-edge Japan, the first country to promote the integration of non-human species into society. After the incompetence of interspecies exchange coordinator Agent Smith leaves Kimihito as the homestay caretaker of a Lamia named Miia, the newly-minted "Darling" quickly attracts girls of various breeds, resulting in an ever-growing harem flush with eroticism and attraction. -- -- Unfortunately for him and the ladies, sexual interactions between species is forbidden by the Interspecies Exchange Act! The only loophole is through an experimental marriage provision. Kimihito's life becomes fraught with an abundance of creature-specific caveats and sensitive interspecies law as the passionate, affectionate, and lusty women hound his every move, seeking his romantic and sexual affections. With new species often appearing and events materializing out of thin air, where Kimihito and his harem go is anyone's guess! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 567,258 7.06
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga -- -- Lerche -- 60 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga -- Anime shorts that offer a secret candid look at the daily lives of Monster Musume. The shorts will update almost every weekday, but each short will be available for 24 hours only. The weekends will have a digest version summarizing the week's videos. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Jul 8, 2015 -- 38,881 6.55
Monster Strike Anime -- -- - -- 23 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike Anime Monster Strike Anime -- Second season of Monster Strike, animated entirely in CG. -- -- A transfer student from America, Mana Livingston, becomes friends with the main cast and learns about the Monster Strike game, even obtaining her own ring and partner. Together everyone helps solve crises involving the energy points that draw monsters in random areas of Japan. By sealing them the monsters will stop being drawn to them. But Madarame, a CEO who reaches out to the children, is not telling them the whole truth. -- ONA - Apr 1, 2017 -- 5,739 6.34
Mo Ri Shu Guang -- -- Dawn Animation -- 20 eps -- Novel -- Action Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen Ai -- Mo Ri Shu Guang Mo Ri Shu Guang -- In the year of 2013, the tide of zombies outbreak exploded in everyone's homeland, humanity launches a large-scale battle in the endless nights awaiting for the arrival of the dawn. -- -- The end is approaching, is there going to be a way out for them? -- Their faiths were shattered into pieces and buried in ashes in the raging fire. But within the blazing fire, a newborn hope arise once again. -- -- (Source: polarbearadise) -- ONA - May 20, 2018 -- 3,851 6.19
Mouryou no Nie -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Horror Supernatural -- Mouryou no Nie Mouryou no Nie -- Hundreds of years ago, a big war between humans and monsters happened. Humans somehow won the war and sealed up the monsters deep in the mountains.... Hayato, Chihiro and Suzuna work hard to eliminate and seal up evil monsters every day. They are actually monsters, but they just want to coexist with humans. One day, they hear that the monsters sealed up hundreds of years ago are about to come out.... To stop it, they decide to visit the place.... -- -- (Source: ErogeShop) -- OVA - Dec 21, 2012 -- 3,404 6.21
Mujin Wakusei Survive -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Mujin Wakusei Survive Mujin Wakusei Survive -- The story is set in the 22nd century where space travel, planet colonization and anti-gravity basketball are practically everyday things. Planet Earth has become uninhabitable, and therefore people live in colonies on the surrounding planets. On a school field trip, a mistake causes the protagonist, a young transfer student named Luna, her pet robot, and six of her classmates to be thrown through a gravity storm and crash land on a seemingly uninhabited planet. There, with Luna as their leader, the robot cat Chako, the lone wolf Kaoru, the spoiled rich boy Howard, the shy Sharla, the obedient Bell, the prideful musician Menori and the young genius Shingo must fight for their survival. But is the planet really uninhabited, or is there someone or something out there, waiting in the shadows? -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 16, 2003 -- 23,504 7.70
Munou na Nana -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Shounen Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Munou na Nana Munou na Nana -- Fifty years ago, horrific creatures dubbed as the "enemies of humanity" suddenly appeared around the world. To combat these threats, teenagers gifted with supernatural abilities called "Talents"—such as pyrokinesis and time travel—hone their powers at an academy on a secluded island. -- -- Nanao Nakajima, however, is quite different from the others on the island: he has no Talent. With many "Talented" teenagers around him, Nanao is often a target for bullying, but even so, he still strives to complete his training. Soon after, two transfer students, the mysterious Kyouya Onodera and the mind-reading Nana Hiiragi, join the class. But just as everyone starts blending as comrades-in-arms, mysterious disappearances begin to threaten the class's entire foundation. -- -- 185,964 7.28
Munou na Nana -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Shounen Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Munou na Nana Munou na Nana -- Fifty years ago, horrific creatures dubbed as the "enemies of humanity" suddenly appeared around the world. To combat these threats, teenagers gifted with supernatural abilities called "Talents"—such as pyrokinesis and time travel—hone their powers at an academy on a secluded island. -- -- Nanao Nakajima, however, is quite different from the others on the island: he has no Talent. With many "Talented" teenagers around him, Nanao is often a target for bullying, but even so, he still strives to complete his training. Soon after, two transfer students, the mysterious Kyouya Onodera and the mind-reading Nana Hiiragi, join the class. But just as everyone starts blending as comrades-in-arms, mysterious disappearances begin to threaten the class's entire foundation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 185,964 7.28
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- 408,233 6.88
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 408,233 6.88
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- -- Studio Bind -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- Second half of Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 56,965 N/A -- -- Gakuen Heaven -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Ai -- Gakuen Heaven Gakuen Heaven -- Itou Keita, an average guy, is shocked when he's invited to attend the elite institution, "Bell Liberty Academy." Unnerved by the mystery, he's further distracted by the school's social dynamics. In a sea of amazing young men, Keita struggles to find out what makes him unique, and how he can possibly deserve to be treated as an equal by the boys of BL. Lacking any particular ability, just why has Itou been welcomed into the privileged world of the talented and the beautiful? -- -- Along the way, he develops intense relationships with the almost everyone at school but he is terribly drawn to the friendly, over-caring but very mysterious classmate, Kazuki Endou. -- TV - Apr 1, 2006 -- 56,764 6.52
Mushrambo -- -- Toei Animation -- 32 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Mushrambo Mushrambo -- In the world of Mushrambo, human life has all but come to an end. After a deadly virus threatened the extinction of mankind, a new race called the Enterrans was created to preserve life on Earth. However, relations between the Enterrans and their creators did not remain peaceful. Soon a war broke out with the Enterrans fighting against the humans and their robots. Ultimately the Enterrans were the victors of this conflict, renaming Earth as Enterra in honor of their victory. -- -- Before the last vestiges of humanity fell, one of the few remaining scientists put his daughter, Yakumo Shindou, into a sleep chamber. His hope was that his daughter would one day reawaken and find the human sanctuary known as Shinzo, reviving humanity and restoring peace between humans and Enterrans. Centuries have passed since the war; Yakumo now awakens and meets an Enterran named Mashura who pledges to assist in her quest. Also joined by the Enterrans Sago and Kutal, the group must now work to locate Yakumo's missing memories and locate Shinzo. But not every Enterran is as kind as Yakumo's new friends and some are prepared to commit any atrocity to prevent the return of humanity. -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- 13,510 6.97
Muv-Luv Alternative -- -- - -- ? eps -- Visual novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Muv-Luv Alternative Muv-Luv Alternative -- In Muv-Luv Alternative, Takeru wakes up three years after the end of Muv-Luv Unlimited to find himself back in his room. Although he first thinks that everything that had happened to him was a dream, he soon feels that something is wrong, and leaves the house to find that he has been sent back in time to the beginning of the events in Unlimited. Unwilling to accept something like Alternative V, he decides to help professor Kouzuki to complete Alternative IV and save mankind. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 4,705 N/AGirls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 4 -- The fourth film in the six-part Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou film series. -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 4,663 N/A -- -- Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama -- -- Actas -- 4 eps -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama Girls & Panzer Heartful Tank Disc Picture Drama -- Picture drama episodes bundled with the Girls & Panzer "Heartful Tank Disc." -- Special - Sep 25, 2013 -- 4,653 6.59
Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san -- Mukoujima Takurou is a lonely teenager who spends his time fishing at the pier and, to his incredible surprise, fishes up Muromi, a mermaid. Muromi first off doesn't realize she's a mermaid until she meets Takurou. Not only that, she is incredibly dense and crazy and has a drinking problem to top it off. Now every time Takurou goes fishing, Muromi appears and makes life interesting for him. -- -- (Source: MU) -- 37,080 6.96
Nanbaka -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Drama -- Nanbaka Nanbaka -- Nanba is the world's most formidable prison, built to incarcerate criminals who are too slippery to stay in ordinary confinement. The four inmates who occupy Cell 13 are particularly cunning on that behalf, having escaped every other prison with a perfect success rate. There is Juugo, a specialist in locks who has spent the majority of his life in prison; Uno, a gambler with great intuition; Nico, an otaku whose body reacts strangely to drugs; and Rock, a bruiser with a love for food. The daily shenanigans of the four prisoners always cause trouble for the building supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, who desperately tries to prevent them from breaking out of Nanba. -- -- Nanbaka follows the comedic, sparkle-filled exploits of these prisoners and their guards. From three square meals a day to sports festivals, prison life in Nanba isn't actually that bad—and it is the closest these four have to a home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 247,115 7.34
Naruto SD: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Parody -- Naruto SD: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden Naruto SD: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden -- Welcome to the Hidden Leaf Village. The village where Uzumaki Naruto, star of the TV show "Naruto" makes his home. Every day, countless powerful ninjas carry out missions and train to hone their skills. Our main character is one of these powerful ninjas...but it's not Naruto! It's the ninja who can't use ninjutsu, Rock Lee! In spite of his handicap, Lee has big dreams. He works hard every day to perfect his hand-to-hand combat skills and become a splendid ninja! And to achieve his dream, he puts in more effort than anyone else. Under the hot-blooded tutelage of his teacher Guy, he works alongside his teammates Tenten and Neji. Watch the Beautiful Green Beast Rock Lee train, go on missions, and have all sorts of adventures! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 68,932 7.14
Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 31, 2010 -- 41,848 6.97
Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 31, 2010 -- 41,848 6.97
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- -- Shuka -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Demons Drama Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- The film will be made up of two stories: "Ishi Okoshi" and "Ayashiki Raihousha." In "Ishi Okoshi," Natsume meets a small youkai called Mitsumi in a forest. Mitsumi is entrusted to wake up the divine youkai "Iwatetsu" from its deep slumber. Mitsumi weighs on Natsume's mind, so he sets out to help Mitsumi with his task. -- -- In "Ayashiki Raihousha," a mysterious visitor appears in front of Tanuma. Nearly every day, the visitor visits Tanuma, talks to him a little, and then leaves. Natsume, who knows the visitor is a youkai, worries for Tanuma, but Tanuma enjoys these exchanges with the youkai. The youkai means no harm, but Tanuma's health slowly starts to deteriorate. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 16, 2021 -- 16,755 7.21
Natsunagu! -- -- IMAGICA Lab. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Slice of Life -- Natsunagu! Natsunagu! -- After earthquakes suddenly took place in the Kumamoto Prefecture, Natsuna Keyaki lost contact with her dearest online friend, Itsuki. With nothing but a drawn picture of the landscape, Natsuna embarks on a journey from Tokyo to Kumamoto to find her. -- -- When Natsuna gets lost in a rural area of the disaster-stricken prefecture, she encounters a policeman and an energetic middle school girl named Izumi Chiba. Izumi, along with her hospitable family members, offers Natsuna shelter and information to assist her in her quest. With these kind locals helping her on every step of the way, Natsuna moves closer to discover what happened to Itsuki. -- -- 20,189 5.84
Negima!? Haru Special!? -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Ecchi Fantasy Magic Comedy Harem Romance Super Power Shounen -- Negima!? Haru Special!? Negima!? Haru Special!? -- Sometime after all the events which took place during Negi's first year as a teacher, Class 2-A goes on a school trip to a beautiful island for Spring break. Everything is fine now, but troubles continue for Negi, because he's still the main atraction of the class. But he has something else to worry about, Asuna is angry at him because he told her she had nothing to do with his studies as a wizard. During the trip, the situation gets intense as Asuna's friends try to help Negi make up with her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 25, 2006 -- 18,222 7.10
Negima!? Haru Special!? -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Ecchi Fantasy Magic Comedy Harem Romance Super Power Shounen -- Negima!? Haru Special!? Negima!? Haru Special!? -- Sometime after all the events which took place during Negi's first year as a teacher, Class 2-A goes on a school trip to a beautiful island for Spring break. Everything is fine now, but troubles continue for Negi, because he's still the main atraction of the class. But he has something else to worry about, Asuna is angry at him because he told her she had nothing to do with his studies as a wizard. During the trip, the situation gets intense as Asuna's friends try to help Negi make up with her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Oct 25, 2006 -- 18,222 7.10
Nekopara -- -- Felix Film -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Nekopara Nekopara -- The siblings Kashou and Shigure Minazuki enjoy the company of six catgirls. Chocola and Vanilla assist Kashou in his job as a baker at the patisserie La Soleil, while the others—Coconut, Azuki, Cinnamon, and Maple—accompany Shigure in her daily life back at their home. -- -- One afternoon, when Chocola goes out for an errand, she notices a green-haired kitten alone by herself at a park and decides to bring her back to the patisserie. Soon after, the Minazuki household adopts her and gives her a name: Cacao. With a new member in their family, the members of the Minazuki household continue their everyday lives—bound to become livelier than ever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 118,739 6.76
Neo Angelique Abyss -- -- Yumeta Company -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Fantasy Harem Romance Shoujo -- Neo Angelique Abyss Neo Angelique Abyss -- While the young Angelique lives out her days peacefully in her school, attacks from the monstrous Thanatos has been increasing everywhere else. Two Purifiers show up one day, men with the power to exterminate the Thanatos. One of them, Nyx, attempts to convince Angelique to join them in their work, as she has the power to be the only female Purifier. As Angelique hesitates, a Thanatos shows up in their school. Nyx and the other Purifier, Rayne, fight a losing battle. With her classmates falling prey to the Thanatos, and the Purifiers beaten to submission, Angelique's desire to save everyone awakens. She became the only female Purifier in their land of Arcadia, the one known as the "Queen's Egg". -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 7, 2008 -- 33,621 6.84
Nerawareta Gakuen -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Romance School Sci-Fi -- Nerawareta Gakuen Nerawareta Gakuen -- Very little changes in Kenji Seki's daily routine. Every morning, he takes his dog to the beach in the hopes of catching a glimpse of his classmate, Kahori Harukawa, while she surfs. Afterward, he meets up with his neighbor and childhood friend, Natsuki Suzuura, and they walk to school. In essence, he lives an idyllic life where the only thing he has to worry about is how to finally confess his feelings to Kahori. -- -- The routineness of Kenji's life is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious transfer student. Ryouichi Kyougoku, who claims to be a psychic, has both the charisma and popularity that Kenji has always dreamed of. Before long, Kahori begins to show feelings for Ryouichi, and Natsuki becomes distant whenever Kenji tries to talk about his feelings. -- -- As Kenji's life is thrown into disarray, how will Ryouichi's arrival impact those around him? Nerawareta Gakuen follows these formerly typical high schoolers as they become involved with the supernatural. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NYAV Post -- Movie - Oct 19, 2012 -- 79,833 6.99
Nichijou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Nichijou Nichijou -- Nichijou primarily focuses on the daily antics of a trio of childhood friends—high school girls Mio Naganohara, Yuuko Aioi and Mai Minakami—whose stories soon intertwine with the young genius Hakase Shinonome, her robot caretaker Nano, and their talking cat Sakamoto. With every passing day, the lives of these six, as well as of the many people around them, experience both the calms of normal life and the insanity of the absurd. Walking to school, being bitten by a talking crow, spending time with friends, and watching the principal suplex a deer: they are all in a day's work in the extraordinary everyday lives of those in Nichijou. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 672,644 8.47
Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot's arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn't study for. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Mar 12, 2011 -- 68,985 7.40
Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa -- While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot's arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn't study for. -- OVA - Mar 12, 2011 -- 68,985 7.40
No Game No Life -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Adventure Comedy Supernatural Ecchi Fantasy -- No Game No Life No Game No Life -- No Game No Life is a surreal comedy that follows Sora and Shiro, shut-in NEET siblings and the online gamer duo behind the legendary username "Blank." They view the real world as just another lousy game; however, a strange e-mail challenging them to a chess match changes everything—the brother and sister are plunged into an otherworldly realm where they meet Tet, the God of Games. -- -- The mysterious god welcomes Sora and Shiro to Disboard, a world where all forms of conflict—from petty squabbles to the fate of whole countries—are settled not through war, but by way of high-stake games. This system works thanks to a fundamental rule wherein each party must wager something they deem to be of equal value to the other party's wager. In this strange land where the very idea of humanity is reduced to child's play, the indifferent genius gamer duo of Sora and Shiro have finally found a real reason to keep playing games: to unite the sixteen races of Disboard, defeat Tet, and become the gods of this new, gaming-is-everything world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,835,953 8.17
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance -- Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu -- Haruka Nogizaka is the most popular student in the prestigious Hakujo Academy, possessing unparalleled beauty, talent, and influence. Unbeknownst to her fellow students, however, she keeps an embarrassing secret of being an otaku—something that can potentially destroy her elegant reputation. -- -- Unfortunately for Haruka, an encounter with the timid Yuuto Ayase in the school library spells the end of her well-kept secret. However, the two reach a mutual agreement with Yuuto promising to keep Haruka's secret, sparking an unexpected friendship between them. Nonetheless, with Haruka's status as the school celebrity and her friendly relationship with Yuuta, both of them are bound to be the subject of gossip everywhere they go! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jul 3, 2008 -- 118,929 7.23
No Guns Life -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Drama Seinen -- No Guns Life No Guns Life -- The technology to create powerful cyborg soldiers has been released for public use by the Berühren Corporation. Those outfitted with robotic parts are known as the Extended. Juuzou Inui, one such Extended, was created as a soldier and has no memories of his former life. But now, after the war, he runs a business that takes care of Extended-related incidents around the city. -- -- Rumors of a renegade Extended that kidnapped a child reach his ears; lo and behold, as Juuzo returns to his office, a giant robotic man with a boy on his back crashes in, asking for help. While Juuzou could just turn the guy in and be done with it, something about this situation is too fishy to ignore. It seems that everyone wants hold of this kid and, whether he likes it or not, Juuzou must find out why this Extended is on the run, how it connects to the Berühren Corporation, and just how far the treachery runs in this city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 150,851 6.88
Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Drama -- Nomad: Megalo Box 2 Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- In the end, "Gearless" Joe was the one that reigned as the champion of Megalonia, a first ever megalobox tournament. Fans everywhere were mesmerized by the meteoric rise of Joe who sprung out from the deepest underground ring to the top in mere three months and without the use of gear. Seven years later, "Gearless" Joe was once again fighting in underground matches. Adorned with scars and once again donning his gear, but now known only as Nomad… -- -- (Source: TMS Entertainment) -- -- 88,409 8.16
Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Drama -- Nomad: Megalo Box 2 Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- In the end, "Gearless" Joe was the one that reigned as the champion of Megalonia, a first ever megalobox tournament. Fans everywhere were mesmerized by the meteoric rise of Joe who sprung out from the deepest underground ring to the top in mere three months and without the use of gear. Seven years later, "Gearless" Joe was once again fighting in underground matches. Adorned with scars and once again donning his gear, but now known only as Nomad… -- -- (Source: TMS Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 88,409 8.16
Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta -- While spending a summer day at the department store, Suguru Koshigaya wins the lottery’s grand prize—four tickets to Okinawa! Filled with awe and excitement, the girls of Asahigaoka do various things to prepare for the trip. From practicing how to ride on an airplane to buying travel essentials at the convenience store, they do everything beforehand so they can enjoy their time in Okinawa to the fullest extent. -- -- A departure from the familiar scenery of Asahigaoka is a new experience for Renge Miyauchi, but that does not stop her from pondering how her perspective of the world may change. As the day of the trip draws near, a promise is made. -- -- OVA - Jul 23, 2014 -- 50,070 7.62
Non Non Biyori Repeat -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Non Non Biyori Repeat Non Non Biyori Repeat -- Far from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and with only a single candy store and bus route to its name, the rural Asahigaoka is certainly not a place for everyone. Nevertheless, the village's children still manage to cheerfully spend their days exploring and having fun in the wilderness around them. One such child, Renge Miyauchi, the youngest of the group, looks forward to the entrance ceremony of the upcoming school year, signalling her entry into first grade and the beginning of her elementary school life. Attending the only school in town, Renge and her friends, seventh grader Natsumi Koshigaya and her eighth grade sister Komari, make the most out of their rural lifestyle, playing and studying everyday. -- -- Meanwhile, fifth grader Hotaru Ichijou has just moved to Asahigaoka from Tokyo, unaware of the numerous adventures and memories that await her. -- -- 150,733 8.19
Non Non Biyori Repeat -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Non Non Biyori Repeat Non Non Biyori Repeat -- Far from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and with only a single candy store and bus route to its name, the rural Asahigaoka is certainly not a place for everyone. Nevertheless, the village's children still manage to cheerfully spend their days exploring and having fun in the wilderness around them. One such child, Renge Miyauchi, the youngest of the group, looks forward to the entrance ceremony of the upcoming school year, signalling her entry into first grade and the beginning of her elementary school life. Attending the only school in town, Renge and her friends, seventh grader Natsumi Koshigaya and her eighth grade sister Komari, make the most out of their rural lifestyle, playing and studying everyday. -- -- Meanwhile, fifth grader Hotaru Ichijou has just moved to Asahigaoka from Tokyo, unaware of the numerous adventures and memories that await her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 150,733 8.19
Non Non Biyori Repeat: Hotaru ga Tanoshinda -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Non Non Biyori Repeat: Hotaru ga Tanoshinda Non Non Biyori Repeat: Hotaru ga Tanoshinda -- Life in rural Asahigaoka moves at its own pace. Devoid of the pleasures and worries of a bustling metropolis, this small village might seem painfully dull at first glance. However, despite living this far from her hometown of Tokyo, Hotaru Ichijou manages to find a group of friends whom she can spend quality time with. No matter whether it's winter, spring, summer, or fall, they make full use of everything the nature around them has to offer. -- -- OVA - Sep 23, 2016 -- 34,825 7.83
Noragami Aragoto -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami Aragoto Noragami Aragoto -- Yato and Yukine have finally mended their relationship as god and Regalia, and everyone has returned to their daily life. Yato remains a minor and unknown deity who continues taking odd jobs for five yen apiece in the hopes of one day having millions of worshippers and his own grand shrine. Hiyori Iki has yet to have her loose soul fixed by Yato, but she enjoys life and prepares to attend high school nonetheless. -- -- Taking place immediately after the first season, Noragami Aragoto delves into the complicated past between Yato and the god of war Bishamon. The female god holds a mysterious grudge against Yato, which often results in violent clashes between them. It doesn't help that Bishamon's most trusted and beloved Regalia, Kazuma, appears to be indebted to Yato. When lives are on the line, unraveling these mysteries and others may be the only way to correct past mistakes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,100,062 8.20
Nyan Koi! -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance -- Nyan Koi! Nyan Koi! -- Junpei Kousaka is a second-year high school student who has an allergy for cats—a predicament that has made him hate cats and everything related to them. Unfortunately for him, though, he is surrounded by cat lovers: his family, his estranged childhood friend, and even his crush Kaede Mizuno. -- -- One day, while returning home from school, Junpei nonchalantly attempts to kick an empty can into the trash, but miserably misses. Instead of making it to the garbage, the can ends up breaking off the head of a cat deity statue. That fateful day, he is cursed with the ability to understand cat speech. However, he must keep his curse a secret from everyone else, because anyone who finds out will become more accident-prone and share the same fate as him. -- -- With the guidance of his cat Nyamsus and with no other choice left, Junpei now has to do a hundred good deeds for cats to lift the curse. If he is unable to complete this task, he will turn into a cat, and considering his allergy, that would be a death sentence for him! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2009 -- 228,166 7.18
Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- -- Madhouse, Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Historical Romance -- Oda Nobuna no Yabou Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- High school student Yoshiharu Sagara wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a raging Sengoku period battle. He is saved by the legendary Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but at the cost of the hero's life. With his dying breath, the warrior pleads for Yoshiharu to become a feudal lord in his place. Now that the course of history has been changed, Yoshiharu pledges to keep the timeline from diverging any further. Yet, after rescuing Nobuna Oda—whom he discovers is actually the fabled Nobunaga Oda's female counterpart—Yoshiharu realizes he has been transported to an alternate reality where most of Japan's historical warlords are now cute girls! -- -- To set things right and find a way back home, Yoshiharu agrees to become one of Nobuna's retainers and assist her in a conquest of Japan. As Nobuna initiates her campaign, Yoshiharu discovers that the history he learned from playing the video game "Nobunaga's Ambition" allows him to predict future events and turn the tide of war. Using this invaluable gift to aid the Oda clan's beautiful generals, Yoshiharu hopes to help his new lord fulfill her dream and win the hearts of women everywhere. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 9, 2012 -- 248,346 7.45
Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- -- Daume -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance -- Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- Two weeks have passed since the dilemma between Maiku, Karen and Miina was resolved, but their lives are more hectic than ever. Karen has become possessed in her newly discovered brother and Miina is desperate for attention as well, which leaves little time for Maiku to concentrate on his work. Therefore he decides to head out in the woods and set up a camp, where he can be work in peace. But, as always, we have Morino who is up to no good. To make things a bit more interesting, she organizes a field trip to Maiku's camp site, and encourages everyone to make some good summer memories. -- OVA - Apr 28, 2004 -- 27,598 7.03
One Outs -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Sports Psychological Seinen -- One Outs One Outs -- Toua Tokuchi is an athlete by profession, but a reckless gambler at heart. On the streets of Okinawa, he uses nothing but his wits and a "fastball" peaking at a mere 134 kmph to somehow achieve 499 wins in the game of "One Outs," a simplified version of baseball between the pitcher and one batter. Amazed by Toua's unique prowess on the mound, veteran slugger Hiromichi Kojima artfully scouts the pitcher for his long unsuccessful team, the Saikyou Saitama Lycaons. Kojima desperately hopes Toua will lead them to the championship; however, Tsuneo Saikawa, the mercenary owner of the Lycaons, sees the vastly talented pitcher as a threat to the income generated by the team. Rising to the challenge of swaying the owner, Toua suggests a one-of-a-kind "One Outs" contract: every out Toua pitches will earn him five million yen, but with every run he gives up, he will lose fifty million yen. -- -- Adapted from the manga by Shinobu Kaitani of Liar Game fame, One Outs documents the intense psychological battles between Toua and those around him. With millions of yen at stake, can a pitcher who has done nothing but gamble in a head-to-head imitation of baseball finally lead a real baseball team to victory? -- -- TV - Oct 8, 2008 -- 188,651 8.35
One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima -- "If you are a pirate among pirates among pirates among pirates, then gather your steadfast crew of friends and set sail for our island." Upon finding an advertisement with these words on it for Omatsuri Island, the only recreational resort on the Grand Line, Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Crew set out for it immediately. -- -- Enticed by the island's casinos, spas, beautiful women, and exquisite cuisine, the crew are eager to relax and enjoy themselves. Much to their disappointment though, they are told upon arrival that they will first have to pass Baron Omatsuri's "Ordeals of Hell." Once they complete this series of challenges, they will be able to enjoy the resort. -- -- However, problems begin to surface the longer they stay on the island. As strange events continue to unfold, the Straw Hat Crew find themselves at odds with one another, disagreeing at every turn. Will the Straw Hat Crew be able to figure out the truth behind Omatsuri Island, or will they fall apart from infighting first? -- -- Movie - Mar 5, 2005 -- 69,421 7.70
One Punch Man 2nd Season -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man 2nd Season One Punch Man 2nd Season -- In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuously on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association’s resources. Their top executives decide on the bold move of recruiting hoodlums in order to help in their battle. But during the first meeting with these potential newcomers, a mysterious man calling himself Garou makes his appearance. Claiming to be a monster, he starts mercilessly attacking the crowd. -- -- The mysterious Garou continues his rampage against the Hero Association, crushing every hero he encounters. He turns out to be the legendary martial artist Silverfang’s best former disciple and seems driven by unknown motives. Regardless, this beast of a man seems unstoppable. Intrigued by this puzzling new foe and with an insatiable thirst for money, Saitama decides to seize the opportunity and joins the interesting martial arts competition. -- -- As the tournament commences and Garou continues his rampage, a new great menace reveals itself, threatening the entire human world. Could this finally be the earth-shattering catastrophe predicted by the great seer Madame Shibabawa? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 1,071,054 7.41
One Punch Man: Road to Hero -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man: Road to Hero One Punch Man: Road to Hero -- Before Saitama became the man he is today, he trained and fought endlessly to become a hero. While every scuffle leaves his tracksuit uniform in tatters, he always has it mended for free thanks to his local tailor. One day, however, the tailor informs him that he must close up shop due to pressure from a local gang. Saitama decides to help him out—and gains something irreplaceable in the process. -- -- OVA - Dec 4, 2015 -- 248,632 7.73
Oni-Tensei -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Original -- Hentai Horror Supernatural -- Oni-Tensei Oni-Tensei -- There is an ancient legend that says if a tattoo is drawn to perfection, it will come to life. Reiko Kure is a female detective with a strange massacre on her hands. Some kind of huge animal savagely murdered thirteen members of the mafia, and only the quiet Ema Nozomi was left at the scene. Ema is taken into protective custody. However, every man left with her is killed, and every woman left with her is raped. There are no clues, except the innocent Ema's strange tattoo, perfectly depicting a demon. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 25, 2000 -- 2,482 6.16
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Parody Romance -- Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi -- Tomboy Ryouko Ookami is a fierce boxer and the assigned bruiser of her club. Of course, no normal high school club needs a bruiser, but the Otogi Bank operates more akin to an actual bank. Here, the students can ask for favors from the club as long as they promise to return the favor in the future. Sixteen-year-old Ryoushi Morino is a shy boy, a far cry from the Otogi Bank members. To his biggest surprise, after unsuccessfully confessing to Ryouko, he inadvertently finds himself joining the club! -- -- Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi follows the everyday lives of the Otogi Bank members as they tackle favors that range from the mundane to the dangerous. However, since Ryoushi's sole motivation is to win Ryouko over, she doubts he will be able to have her back in a fight, especially when he can't even stand having people look at him—much less fight anyone! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 1, 2010 -- 240,653 7.21
Ookami to Koushinryou II -- -- Brain's Base, Marvy Jack -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Historical Romance Fantasy -- Ookami to Koushinryou II Ookami to Koushinryou II -- Traveling merchant Kraft Lawrence continues his northward journey with wolf goddess Holo, in search of her lost home of Yoitsu. Lawrence and his sharp-witted partner continue to make some small profits along the way, while slowly uncovering more information about Holo's hometown. However, the road to Yoitsu is a bumpy one filled with many troubles—Lawrence runs into a charming young fellow merchant who has his eyes set on the female wolf companion, and he begins to doubt if Holo will remain by his side; he and the goddess will also have to consider precarious and risky business deals as Lawrence strives to achieve his dream of becoming a shopowner. All the while, with his determination tested at every turn during his journey, Lawrence must question his relationship with Holo, take on business ventures, and ask himself whether it is time for him and Holo to go their separate ways. -- -- TV - Jul 9, 2009 -- 405,242 8.36
Ooyasan wa Shishunki! -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Ooyasan wa Shishunki! Ooyasan wa Shishunki! -- Maeda has just moved into his new apartment to live by himself. While unpacking, a cute middle school student named Chie Satonaka suddenly appears in his room. She introduces herself as his new landlord, which pleasantly surprises him as he has never seen a landlord so young. His excitement is boosted further when the gorgeous Reiko Shirai, who lives directly next to him, also introduces herself as his new neighbor. -- -- Ooyasan wa Shishunki! follows the everyday lives of Maeda and his newfound acquaintances, where each day presents itself as an opportunity for new events to unfold and new bonds to be forged. -- -- 42,316 6.55
Orbital Era -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Orbital Era Orbital Era -- Orbital Era is set in the near-future on a space colony under construction. The film features a coming-of-age action-adventure story following the lives of young boys surviving in this peculiar environment and society as they are tossed around by fate. "The reality found in mankind's future" will be depicted through their perspective. -- -- The story will take place over four seasons in the space colony. The characters relationships will unfold over these seasons. Otomo noted that the film is set in the future, but instead of being rooted in science fiction, the story will skew more toward fantasy. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 2,451 N/A -- -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- Tekkaman is just an average bright boy in his everyday life. However, modern science can turn him into a mighty space warrior. This becomes a reality when aggressive aliens come from space to invade our planet. Armed with a space lance, Tekkaman gallantly goes into action against the grotesque space creatures. During his battles he encounters a mysterious young man from another planet who helps him out whenever he is in danger. -- -- (Source: Absoluteanime) -- TV - Jul 2, 1975 -- 2,442 6.19
Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon -- -- Okuruto Noboru -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Ecchi Fantasy -- Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon -- Despite his noble title, Noir Starga is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Because of this, his fellow nobles oppress him and treat him like garbage. However, he possesses a rare yet powerful ability to communicate with the Great Sage, an oracle who grants Noir the answer to absolutely anything. -- -- After failing to secure a job as a librarian, Noir decides to join the Hero Academy. He knows he must become stronger to enter the institution. The Great Sage advises him to explore a hidden dungeon deep within the mountains. There, Noir meets Olivia Servant, a beautiful yet enchained maiden trapped within the labyrinth. Olivia bestows upon Noir a set of ridiculously powerful skills that grants him virtually total control over reality. Naturally, there is a catch—every time Noir attempts to use his powers, his life points decrease, putting his life at risk. To replenish his energy, he must give in to worldly pleasures such as kissing his childhood friend! -- -- With his newfound powers, Noir begins his journey as a student in the Hero Academy, meeting new acquaintances and helping them through the dire situations ahead. -- -- 189,648 6.26
Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken -- Kimito Kagurazaka is a commoner with a fetish for men's muscles—or at least that's the lie he must keep telling if he wants to keep himself out of trouble at the elite all-girls school, Seikain Academy. Kidnapped by the school under the assumption that he prefers men, Kimito is made to be their "commoner sample," exposing the girls to both commoner and man so that the transition to the world after school is not jarring. Threatened with castration should his sexual preferences not match the school's assumptions, Kimito keeps up the facade to protect his manhood. -- -- But there are eccentric individuals around every corner who begin to make Kimito's life even more difficult. Among them are Aika Tenkuubashi, a social outcast who blurts out whatever comes to mind; Hakua Shiodome, a young genius; Karen Jinryou, the daughter of samurai who is obsessed with defeating Kimito; and Reiko Arisugawa, the perfect student who has delusions of marrying Kimito. Along with the commoner himself, these four girls make up the Commoner Club, which attempts to teach the girls more about life outside the school, while Kimito gradually learns about the odd girls surrounding him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 210,993 6.79
Ore Monogatari!! -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ore Monogatari!! Ore Monogatari!! -- With his muscular build and tall stature, Takeo Gouda is not exactly your average high school freshman. However, behind his intimidating appearance hides a heart of gold, and he is considered a hero by the boys for his courage and chivalry. Unfortunately, these traits do not help much with his love life. As if his looks are not enough to scare the opposite sex away, Takeo's cool and handsome best friend and constant companion Makoto Sunakawa easily steals the hearts of the female students—including every girl Takeo has ever liked. -- -- When Takeo gallantly saves cute and angelic Rinko Yamato from being molested, he falls in love with her instantly, but suspects that she might be interested in Sunakawa. With his own love for Yamato continuing to bloom, Takeo unselfishly decides to act as her cupid, even as he yearns for his own love story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 502,304 7.94
Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Romance Fantasy School Shounen -- Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. -- Twintails: the glory of all mankind—or at least that is what first-year high school student Souji Mitsuka believes. At school, Souji spends most of his time daydreaming and rating girls' twintails, even going as far as creating a club dedicated to the hairstyle. His obsession does not go unnoticed, however; when monsters from outer space attack Earth and claim the world's twintails for themselves, a strange woman named Twoearle enlists Souji to fight back using twintails of his own! -- -- By transforming into the twin-tailed warrior Tail Red, Souji combats the vicious alien organization known as Ultimegil, whose main goal is to colonize Earth and steal everyone's spiritual energy, or "attribute power." Alongside fellow twin-tailed fighters Aika Tsube and Erina Shindou, Souji must find a way to defeat the invading army and defend the twintails he holds so dear. -- -- 133,197 6.49
Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Romance Fantasy School Shounen -- Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. -- Twintails: the glory of all mankind—or at least that is what first-year high school student Souji Mitsuka believes. At school, Souji spends most of his time daydreaming and rating girls' twintails, even going as far as creating a club dedicated to the hairstyle. His obsession does not go unnoticed, however; when monsters from outer space attack Earth and claim the world's twintails for themselves, a strange woman named Twoearle enlists Souji to fight back using twintails of his own! -- -- By transforming into the twin-tailed warrior Tail Red, Souji combats the vicious alien organization known as Ultimegil, whose main goal is to colonize Earth and steal everyone's spiritual energy, or "attribute power." Alongside fellow twin-tailed fighters Aika Tsube and Erina Shindou, Souji must find a way to defeat the invading army and defend the twintails he holds so dear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 133,197 6.49
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Otaku no Video -- -- Gainax -- 2 eps -- Other -- Comedy Drama Historical Magic Mecha Sci-Fi -- Otaku no Video Otaku no Video -- Somewhat based on the real story of how Gainax was founded, Otaku no Video addresses all aspects of an otaku lifestyle. Ken Kubo is a young man living an average life until he is dragged into a group of otaku. Slowly, he becomes more like them until he decides to abandon his former life to become king of otaku—the otaking! -- -- Mixed in are live-action interviews with real otaku, addressing every aspect of hardcore otaku life. Not only are anime and manga fans included, but also sci-fi fans, military fans, and other groups of Japanese geeks. -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - Sep 27, 1991 -- 25,424 7.14
Otaku no Video -- -- Gainax -- 2 eps -- Other -- Comedy Drama Historical Magic Mecha Sci-Fi -- Otaku no Video Otaku no Video -- Somewhat based on the real story of how Gainax was founded, Otaku no Video addresses all aspects of an otaku lifestyle. Ken Kubo is a young man living an average life until he is dragged into a group of otaku. Slowly, he becomes more like them until he decides to abandon his former life to become king of otaku—the otaking! -- -- Mixed in are live-action interviews with real otaku, addressing every aspect of hardcore otaku life. Not only are anime and manga fans included, but also sci-fi fans, military fans, and other groups of Japanese geeks. -- OVA - Sep 27, 1991 -- 25,424 7.14
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Drama Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... -- Most people would prefer being the protagonist of a world full of adventure, be it in a game or in another world. But, unfortunately, a certain girl is not so lucky. Regaining the memories of her past life, she realizes that she was reborn in the world of Fortune Lover—one of the games she used to play. -- -- Unfortunately, the character she was reincarnated into—Katarina Claes—is the game's main antagonist, who faces utter doom in every ending. Using her extensive knowledge of the game, she takes it upon herself to escape from the chains of this accursed destiny. -- -- However, this will not be an easy feat, especially since she needs to be cautious as to not set off death flags that may speed up the impending doom she is trying to avoid. Even so, to make a change that will affect the lives of everyone around her, she strives—not as the heroine—but as the villainess. -- -- 258,252 7.49
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School -- Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru -- Mizuho can't believe his ears when Grandpa's will is read out. Grandpa's final wish is for Mizuho to attend the same academy as Mizuho's mother. The catch is it's an all-girls school. With the help of friend Mariya however, he gets a makeover good enough to fool everyone at the academy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Oct 8, 2006 -- 56,296 7.06
Owari no Seraph -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Supernatural Drama Vampire Shounen -- Owari no Seraph Owari no Seraph -- With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood. -- -- Among these survivors are Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya, two young boys who are taken captive from an orphanage, along with other children whom they consider family. Discontent with being treated like livestock under the vampires' cruel reign, Mikaela hatches a rebellious escape plan that is ultimately doomed to fail. The only survivor to come out on the other side is Yuuichirou, who is found by the Moon Demon Company, a military unit dedicated to exterminating the vampires in Japan. -- -- Many years later, now a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, Yuuichirou is determined to take revenge on the creatures that slaughtered his family, but at what cost? -- -- Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 938,604 7.49
OZ -- -- Madhouse, Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo -- OZ OZ -- Loosely based on L.F. Baum's novel, The Wizard of Oz. Original manga done by Itsuki Natsumi. -- -- A nuclear war has killed most of humanity and split the USA into six warring states. By 2021, a legend has grown up about the fabled city of OZ where everything still works. Scientist Felicia sets out in search of it with the mercenary Muto and android 1019. At the end of the quest they only discover a military base and a madman. -- -- A mercenary was hired by a girl to bring her to the mythical Oz (a paradise) where her missing brother supposedly lived. Accompanying them was a cyborg sent by her brother. But Oz was not the paradise it seemed and her brother was not as sane as he was smart. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 28, 1992 -- 1,523 5.48
Pan de Peace! -- -- Asahi Production -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Pan de Peace! Pan de Peace! -- For the airheaded Minami Tani, there is nothing more delightful than delicious bread for breakfast. Bonding over a mutual love for the food, Minami meets the dignified Yuu Aizawa and the upbeat Fuyumi Fukagawa. Joining them is Noa Sakura, a pint-sized girl who sees bread as the ultimate weapon of self-defense. Together, the girls strengthen their bonds of friendship, while striving to sample every kind of bread this world has to offer. -- -- 28,435 5.62
Penguin Musume♥Heart -- -- - -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi School Slice of Life -- Penguin Musume♥Heart Penguin Musume♥Heart -- Sakura Nankyoku is a total otaku. Due to a fluke, she gets elected as her class' Student Council President. Everything takes off from there into a series of crazy misadventures revolving around Sakura, her family, and her classmates. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Apr 19, 2008 -- 15,474 6.73
Petshop of Horrors -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Horror Josei Mystery Supernatural -- Petshop of Horrors Petshop of Horrors -- Count D, a quite interesting pet shop owner from an area called Chinatown, sells rare and hard to come by pets to people longing for something special, but with each sale comes a contract. If the rules of the contract are followed, everything goes fine, but if someone should break the rules of the contract, the pet shop cannot be held responsible for anything unfortunate that might happen. Leon Orcot, a homicide detective, has linked many odd and unexplainable deaths together; they all were customers of Count D's pet shop, and he intends to find out why. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Urban Vision -- TV - Mar 2, 1999 -- 52,941 7.26
Petshop of Horrors -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Horror Josei Mystery Supernatural -- Petshop of Horrors Petshop of Horrors -- Count D, a quite interesting pet shop owner from an area called Chinatown, sells rare and hard to come by pets to people longing for something special, but with each sale comes a contract. If the rules of the contract are followed, everything goes fine, but if someone should break the rules of the contract, the pet shop cannot be held responsible for anything unfortunate that might happen. Leon Orcot, a homicide detective, has linked many odd and unexplainable deaths together; they all were customers of Count D's pet shop, and he intends to find out why. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Mar 2, 1999 -- 52,941 7.26
Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Game Sci-Fi School -- Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation -- In the year 2027, the video game Phantasy Star Online 2 is all the rage at Seiga Academy. Every student is on board the fad—except for Itsuki Tachibana, a well-rounded student who doesn't play video games. Due to its popularity, the game is currently under review at Seiga Academy to see if it has a negative impact on the students. Consequently, this causes Itsuki to catch the attention of Rina Izumi, the perfectionist student council president who aims to prove that the game is not to blame. -- -- To accomplish her objective, Rina recruits Itsuki as the student council vice president and tasks him with learning to play the game while keeping his grades up. Now obliged to report his daily findings of the game to Rina and analyze its merits, Itsuki carries the fate of Phantasy Star Online 2 in his hands. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 59,993 6.34
Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Game Mystery Shounen -- Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle -- Kaito Daimon would be a completely average high school student except for one thing: he's a 'demon' at solving puzzles. Kaito is so brilliant, in fact, that when he's asked to take some 'special' tests of his unique ability, he immediately suspects that the test itself is a test. Kaito suddenly finds himself caught up in a lethal Philosopher's Puzzle made by the sinister group POG, a murderous maze of trap upon trap, where failing to solve the secret correctly will result in death! Fortunately, Kaito's skills prove up to the first test, both for himself and his childhood friend Nanoha, who is also caught up in the deadly scheme. But now that he has been designated as a Solver, he is pulled into a new life where he must travel the world with other Solvers, attempting to solve the latest deadly riddles left by POG. There's a new conundrum around every corner and each deception could lead to death, but once a riddle has been posed, you can count on Kaito to unfold, unravel and unlock it! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2011 -- 97,029 7.20
Ping Pong the Animation -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Psychological Seinen Sports -- Ping Pong the Animation Ping Pong the Animation -- "The hero comes. The hero comes. The hero comes. Chant these words in your mind, and I'll surely come to you..." This mantra is what Makoto Tsukimoto repeats as a source of motivation when he fights through the stress of not only grueling ping pong matches, but also in situations of his life. Makoto doesn't fight alone; he and his friend, Yutaka Hoshino, nicknamed Smile and Peco respectively, are two boys who have grown up playing ping pong together nearly every day. Peco, brimming with confidence, aims to be the best table tennis player in the world; Smile, on the other hand, shows little ambition. Nevertheless, the two have always stuck together, with a bond built upon their mutual love for this sport. -- -- Every year, students from all across Japan gather for the inter-high table tennis competition to achieve national and international stardom. Through intense training and competition, only the very best persevere. -- -- From the avant-garde director of Tatami Galaxy, Masaaki Yuasa, Ping Pong the Animation serves a tale of ambition with its fair share of bumps along the way. Whatever the odds, Peco and Smile will face them together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 281,560 8.62
Planetes -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Planetes Planetes -- In 2075, space travel is no longer just a dream, but an everyday reality for mankind. Advancements in science and technology have led to the colonization of the moon, the commercialization of outer space, and the formation of large space corporations. Ai Tanabe, an upbeat woman whose interests lie in the cosmos, joins Technora Corporation as a member of their Debris Section, a department dedicated to the removal of dangerous space junk between the orbits of the Earth and Moon. -- -- However, Ai soon discovers how unappreciated her job is. As the laughingstock of Technora, the Debris Section is severely understaffed, poorly funded, and is forced to use a dilapidated spaceship nicknamed the "Toy Box" for debris retrieval. Undeterred, Ai perseveres and gradually becomes acquainted with the strange personalities that make up the Debris Section's staff, such as the bumbling but good-natured chief clerk Philippe Myers; the mysterious and tight-lipped temp worker Edelgard Rivera; and the hotheaded and passionate Hachirouta Hoshino, who longs for a spaceship to call his own. -- -- Planetes is an unconventional sci-fi series that portrays the vastness of space as a backdrop for the personal lives of ordinary people—people who may have been born on Earth, but whose hopes and dreams lie amongst the stars. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 200,479 8.30
Planet With -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Planet With Planet With -- According to the theories of oneiromancy, dreams of dragons represent the struggle of losing yourself to your own anger. Fittingly, Souya Kuroi wakes up from a nightmare of a massive dragon destroying everything around him in a blaze of rainbow colored light. After being told that he lost his parents and memory in a strange accident, the waking world becomes another nightmare in itself. With this dream being his only memory, he has no choice but to be taken care of by his two strange guardians: the spunky and energetic maid Ginko, and a huge cat known only as "Sensei." -- -- His new life is turned upside down when the denizens of Saromisaka City are beset by a teddy bear-shaped UFO. When military power proves to be ineffective, seven mysterious people rise up to fight off the monstrosity. These heroes destroy the invader in a flurry of rainbow colored lights, the very same lights that Souya saw in his nightmare. -- -- With the alien threat repelled, these seven strangers find themselves facing a new adversary: Souya. Swearing vengeance upon the people who decimated his old life, he begins his crusade against these "heroes" and becomes embroiled in a struggle of galactic proportions. -- -- 49,177 7.22
Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2 -- -- OLM -- 24 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2 -- Satoshi, Iris & Dent continue their travels through the Isshu region. After successfully winning his 8th Gym Badge against Homika in Tachiwaki City, Shirona invites everyone to stay at her villa in East Isshu, where old friend Hikari is also staying, and participate in the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup before Satoshi participates in the Unova League. Team Rocket, meanwhile, initiate their final plan for the Isshu region-what is their purpose in their desire for the legendary Pokémon Meloetta? -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 48,825 6.40
Pokemon -- -- OLM -- 276 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Pokemon -- Pokemon are peculiar creatures with a vast array of different abilities and appearances; many people, known as Pokemon trainers, capture and train them, often with the intent of battling others. Young Satoshi has not only dreamed of becoming a Pokemon trainer but also a "Pokemon Master," and on the arrival of his 10th birthday, he finally has a chance to make that dream a reality. Unfortunately for him, all three Pokemon available to beginning trainers have already been claimed and only Pikachu, a rebellious Electric type Pokemon, remains. However, this chance encounter would mark the start of a lifelong friendship and an epic adventure! -- -- Setting off on a journey to become the very best, Satoshi and Pikachu travel across beautiful, sprawling regions with their friends Kasumi, a Water type trainer, and Takeshi, a Rock type trainer. But danger lurks around every corner. The infamous Team Rocket is always nearby, seeking to steal powerful Pokemon through nefarious schemes. It'll be up to Satoshi and his friends to thwart their efforts as he also strives to earn the eight Pokemon Gym Badges he'll need to challenge the Pokemon League, and eventually claim the title of Pokemon Master. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, VIZ Media -- 485,459 7.34
Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan -- An ancient prophecy tells of a day when the titans of ice, lightning, and fire are disturbed. When this occurs, Lugia, the guardian of the sea, will rise up and restore harmony. Enchanted by the words of the prophecy, Gelardan, a Pokémon collector, sets out on his airship with a dreadful plan to capture Lugia by going after these three titans. -- -- After Gelardan makes his move, drastic climate change begins to take place, as terrible storms start popping up all over the globe. One such storm causes the ship carrying Pokémon trainers Satoshi, Kasumi, and Kenji to drift off course and land on Earthia Island. Upon arriving, Satoshi is told of the ancient prophecy, and of his destiny as the chosen one who will help Lugia restore balance to the world. -- -- With the fate of the world in his hands, Satoshi must summon the courage to face the chaos that threatens to tear everything apart and stop Gelardan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Jul 17, 1999 -- 150,877 7.35
Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- A long time ago, the people of Camaron Palace found themselves on the brink of destruction. Fortunately, they escaped it when Sir Aaron, the True Guardian of Aura, saved them. He sacrificed himself to stop a war between kingdoms. From that day on, a tournament is held every year to commemorate his noble deed. -- -- Satoshi, a budding Pokemon trainer from Kanto, manages to win the latest tournament and is allowed to wield a staff said to have belonged to Sir Aaron himself. Lucario, the Aura Pokemon—who is also the servant of the True Guardian—emerges from the staff. However, remembering his last memory of his master abandoning him, Lucario runs away in confusion. -- -- Meanwhile, Pikachu, Satoshi's companion, is abruptly taken by a Pokemon named Mew to the legendary Tree of Beginning. Only Lucario knows the way there, but he is unwilling to trust humans after his master's betrayal. Even so, to save his partner, Satoshi and his companions must acquire all the help they need and travel to the Tree of Beginning, unfolding hidden truths from centuries ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 16, 2005 -- 91,291 7.30
Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario -- A long time ago, the people of Camaron Palace found themselves on the brink of destruction. Fortunately, they escaped it when Sir Aaron, the True Guardian of Aura, saved them. He sacrificed himself to stop a war between kingdoms. From that day on, a tournament is held every year to commemorate his noble deed. -- -- Satoshi, a budding Pokemon trainer from Kanto, manages to win the latest tournament and is allowed to wield a staff said to have belonged to Sir Aaron himself. Lucario, the Aura Pokemon—who is also the servant of the True Guardian—emerges from the staff. However, remembering his last memory of his master abandoning him, Lucario runs away in confusion. -- -- Meanwhile, Pikachu, Satoshi's companion, is abruptly taken by a Pokemon named Mew to the legendary Tree of Beginning. Only Lucario knows the way there, but he is unwilling to trust humans after his master's betrayal. Even so, to save his partner, Satoshi and his companions must acquire all the help they need and travel to the Tree of Beginning, unfolding hidden truths from centuries ago. -- -- Movie - Jul 16, 2005 -- 91,291 7.30
Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- The beautiful Alamos Town is home to a pair of century-old structures known as the Space-Time Towers, built by the architect Godey to play orchestral music in the area. The towers are also home to the Alamos Town Contest Hall, which is the next destination for Hikari, Satoshi, and Takeshi in their journey through the Sinnoh region. A woman named Alice and her partner Chimchar are happy to guide Satoshi and his friends through the town and its hallmarks. -- -- But the tour is suddenly interrupted when Alice's friend Tonio notices a wave of dimensional disturbances throughout the town—all of which is blamed on an ominous Pokémon named Darkrai. The space-time disturbances continue to intensify as two legendary Pokémon, the Temporal Pokémon Dialga and the Spatial Pokémon Palkia, appear to duel each other, isolating the town and everyone present in it from the world into another dimension! -- -- As he learns that this event was foreseen long ago, Tonio finds that his great-grandfather left behind a way to stop the dueling Pokémon. Will Satoshi and his friends be able to use this last resort to save Alamos Town from vaporizing between the dimensions? -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 15, 2007 -- 86,536 7.26
Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- The beautiful Alamos Town is home to a pair of century-old structures known as the Space-Time Towers, built by the architect Godey to play orchestral music in the area. The towers are also home to the Alamos Town Contest Hall, which is the next destination for Hikari, Satoshi, and Takeshi in their journey through the Sinnoh region. A woman named Alice and her partner Chimchar are happy to guide Satoshi and his friends through the town and its hallmarks. -- -- But the tour is suddenly interrupted when Alice's friend Tonio notices a wave of dimensional disturbances throughout the town—all of which is blamed on an ominous Pokémon named Darkrai. The space-time disturbances continue to intensify as two legendary Pokémon, the Temporal Pokémon Dialga and the Spatial Pokémon Palkia, appear to duel each other, isolating the town and everyone present in it from the world into another dimension! -- -- As he learns that this event was foreseen long ago, Tonio finds that his great-grandfather left behind a way to stop the dueling Pokémon. Will Satoshi and his friends be able to use this last resort to save Alamos Town from vaporizing between the dimensions? -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 2007 -- 86,536 7.26
Pokemon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokemon -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokemon Pokemon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokemon -- Dr. Yung, an enigmatic Pokémon scientist, has developed a new Mirage system that uses computer data to resurrect extinct Pokémon, like Kabutops and Armaldo. Professor Oak, Ash and his companions show up at the Mirage Mansion at Dr. Yung's invitation, and watch a demonstration of the machine's capabilities. In the middle of a battle between Dr. Yung's Mirage Pokémon and Ash, the machine goes haywire and a Mirage Aerodactyl swoops in and kidnaps Dr. Yung. A man calling himself "The Mirage Master" appears and announces to everyone that the Mirage System can be used to create Pokémon with absolutely no weaknesses. Ash, Misty, and Professor Oak struggle to stop the madman and escape with their lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, The Pokemon Company International -- ONA - Oct 13, 2006 -- 24,623 6.47
Popotan -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Supernatural -- Popotan Popotan -- Beautiful sisters Ai, Mai, Mii, their android maid Mea and slippery pet ferret Unagi make an amazing journey together through time and space without ever leaving their beloved mansion behind! Following the clues of the strange dandelion-like "Popotan," the girls are theoretically seeking the person who has the answers to their most personal questions, but they seem to have more than enough time to take side trips, meet new friends, visit hot springs and occasionally operate the X-mas shop they keep in the house along the way! -- -- Yet, the girls' ultimate destiny holds more than a few surprises of its own, and not every moment is filled with hilarity, as moving through time means having to leave friends behind as well. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Mar 18, 2003 -- 21,221 6.29
Popotan -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Supernatural -- Popotan Popotan -- Beautiful sisters Ai, Mai, Mii, their android maid Mea and slippery pet ferret Unagi make an amazing journey together through time and space without ever leaving their beloved mansion behind! Following the clues of the strange dandelion-like "Popotan," the girls are theoretically seeking the person who has the answers to their most personal questions, but they seem to have more than enough time to take side trips, meet new friends, visit hot springs and occasionally operate the X-mas shop they keep in the house along the way! -- -- Yet, the girls' ultimate destiny holds more than a few surprises of its own, and not every moment is filled with hilarity, as moving through time means having to leave friends behind as well. -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - Mar 18, 2003 -- 21,221 6.29
Prince of Stride: Alternative -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sports Drama School -- Prince of Stride: Alternative Prince of Stride: Alternative -- "Stride"—an extreme sport that combines parkour, free running, relay, and sprinting—is what made first year high school student Nana Sakurai enroll in Honan Academy, after being captivated by the school's stride team. Sharing the mutual intention of joining the team is fellow first year and stride maniac, Takeru Fujiwara, and together they request to join. Much to their dismay, however, the stride club is no longer active due to lack of members, and they are now operating under the shogi club. -- -- In order to revive the stride club, Nana and Takeru recruit first year Riku Yagami—a fast runner who is interested in almost every sport. With this new team, the club now aims high at a new goal: to win the prestigious End of Summer competition, and bring the Honan stride team back to their prime. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 148,461 6.91
Princess Principal: Crown Handler 1 -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mystery Historical -- Princess Principal: Crown Handler 1 Princess Principal: Crown Handler 1 -- The film is set in London at the end of the 19th century and after the attempted assassination of the Imperial princess in the television anime. The Empire is increasing counter-spy actions in the wake of the incident, and finds Control, the Commonwealth group in charge of covert operations against the Empire, at unease and suspecting its spy within the royal family as a double agent. Control assigns their spy ring Dove with a new mission to extract a secondhand bookstore owner and deliver him to Commonwealth hands. Ange, Dorothy, and Chise successfully spring the bookstore owner from an Imperial prison. Control also assigns Dove to make contact with Bishop, their spy within the royal family, to ascertain their loyalties. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Feb 11, 2021 -- 28,086 N/ASupernatural The Animation -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Other -- Action Demons Horror Supernatural -- Supernatural The Animation Supernatural The Animation -- Monsters walk the earth. While some may refute their existence as myths or urban legends, the Winchester brothers—Sam and Dean—know all too well what dangers lurk out there in the dark. Driving around in their 1967 Chevrolet Impala, these brothers have made it their life's mission to destroy anything supernatural that would threaten human lives. -- -- From shapeshifters to werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and even demons, the Winchesters track down and kill every evil being they can find, while also searching for the creature that caused them so much personal tragedy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- OVA - Feb 23, 2011 -- 28,086 7.01
PriPara -- -- Dongwoo A&E, Tatsunoko Production -- 140 eps -- Game -- Music Slice of Life School Shoujo -- PriPara PriPara -- Every little girl waits for the day she'll get her special ticket, one that will grant her entry into the world of PriPara (Prism Paradise). PriPara is a world of music, fashion, and daily auditions for a chance to become a pop idol. Laala Manaka's friends and classmates aspire to become idols, but her school forbids elementary school students from participating in the idol competitions. -- -- Luckily, Laala is only interested in watching the idol shows. Yet somehow despite all this, she manages to bumble her way into the PriPara world, and debut as a fresh new talent. After being told all her life that she's too loud, Laala has finally found a place where she can be as loud as she wants and sing from her heart. -- -- And not only that, but there's a possibility that she might be the legendary Prism Voice. Adventure, fashion, and music awaits as Laala climbs her way to the top, on her way to become the cutest and most beloved pop idol in the world of PriPara! -- 16,826 7.43
Promare -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Super Power -- Promare Promare -- Thirty years ago, a new race of flame-wielding mutants suddenly appeared, destroying a large portion of humanity. These so-called “Burnish” have continued to appear at random, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. -- -- The autonomous republic of Promepolis is a thriving nation thanks to the incredible efforts of their leader, Kray Foresight, against the Burnish. A team of firefighters known as the Burning Rescue is tasked with stopping these horrifying monsters, using the most performant technology available thanks to their incredible mechanic Lucia Fex. Galo Thymos is an energetic young man, who considers Foresight his hero for saving his life and is the rescue team's most recent recruit. -- -- A terrorist group calling themselves Mad Burnish has been causing havoc all over the nation. After an encounter with Mad Burnish leader Lio Fotia, Galo sets out on his fated journey to find the truth about these mutants, ultimately leading him to question everything he previously held to be true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - May 24, 2019 -- 183,443 8.07
Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector -- -- Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Police Psychological Sci-Fi -- Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector -- Inspectors Arata Shindou and Mikhail Kei Ignatov have uncovered a dangerous conspiracy. The Sybil System, the ultimate judge of human character in Japan, is being undermined by a criminal syndicate that is amassing wealth and power in the shadows. -- -- Now, Bifrost agent Kouichi Azusawa launches a direct assault upon the Criminal Investigation Department by occupying its headquarters and taking Inspector Shindou and everyone with him hostage. CID Unit 1 supervisor, along with Chief Mika Shimotsuki and former unit members Shinya Kougami and Nobuchika Ginoza, face the task of reclaiming the building and saving everyone inside. -- -- Alongside the hostage situation and Azusawa’s demands for Tokyo governor Karina Komiya’s resignation, there is a sinister plot hatching in the background—a secret plan that will force Inspector Shindou to confront not only Azusawa but also his own past. These events slowly bring him closer to unshrouding the mystery that has eluded him and his best friend, Ignatov, for many years. -- -- Movie - Mar 27, 2020 -- 56,175 7.86
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER -- -- Gathering -- 64 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER -- From the popular game "THE IDOLM@STER", comes a petit spinoff cute and soothing 4-koma! The setting is the same 765 Production from the games. One day, 765 Pro idols Ami and Mami bring in the mysterious Petit-dols "Afuu" and "Yukipo"!? More and more Petit-dols gather at the offices where everyone works. Leisurely enjoy their daily lives full of laughs and happenings. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 1, 2013 -- 12,405 7.14
Punch Line -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Punch Line Punch Line -- After escaping a bus hijacking with the help of masked superhero Strange Juice, Yuuta Iridatsu finds his soul separated from his body and in the care of a perverse cat spirit, Chiranosuke. As a spirit, Yuuta wanders around his residence, the Korai House, aiming to regain his body and observe the other residents: Meika Daihatsu, a genius inventor; Mikatan Narugino, a cheerful idol; Ito Hikiotani, a shut-in NEET; and Rabura Chichibu, a spiritual medium. After catching a glimpse of Narugino's undergarments, Chiranosuke reveals to Yuuta that he becomes exponentially stronger upon seeing panties. However, if he sees another pair while he is still a spirit, his power will cause an asteroid to crash into the earth, ending the world and killing his friends. -- -- Punch Line follows Yuuta as he unravels the mysteries surrounding Korai House, its residents, and a villainous organization attempting to end the world. Will Yuuta be able to save everyone, or will the ever-present threat of panties result in their doom? -- -- 191,872 6.98
Punch Line -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Punch Line Punch Line -- After escaping a bus hijacking with the help of masked superhero Strange Juice, Yuuta Iridatsu finds his soul separated from his body and in the care of a perverse cat spirit, Chiranosuke. As a spirit, Yuuta wanders around his residence, the Korai House, aiming to regain his body and observe the other residents: Meika Daihatsu, a genius inventor; Mikatan Narugino, a cheerful idol; Ito Hikiotani, a shut-in NEET; and Rabura Chichibu, a spiritual medium. After catching a glimpse of Narugino's undergarments, Chiranosuke reveals to Yuuta that he becomes exponentially stronger upon seeing panties. However, if he sees another pair while he is still a spirit, his power will cause an asteroid to crash into the earth, ending the world and killing his friends. -- -- Punch Line follows Yuuta as he unravels the mysteries surrounding Korai House, its residents, and a villainous organization attempting to end the world. Will Yuuta be able to save everyone, or will the ever-present threat of panties result in their doom? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 191,872 6.98
Pupa -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Horror Psychological -- Pupa Pupa -- Abandoned by their abusive parents and with only each other to depend on, siblings Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa find themselves led astray by beautiful red butterflies that have appeared in their world. Unbeknownst to them, these crimson winged heralds trumpet the beginning of a cannibalistic nightmare—a mysterious virus known as Pupa is about to hatch. -- -- After succumbing to the full effects of Pupa, Yume undergoes a grotesque metamorphosis into a monstrous creature with an insatiable desire for flesh; Utsutsu, on the other hand, is only partially affected, gaining remarkable regenerative powers instead. Reaffirming the resolve to keep the promise he made to himself years ago, Utsutsu is willing to sacrifice everything in order to always be there for his precious little sister. -- -- Pupa tells the story of a loving brother's desperate struggles to save his sister while protecting the world from her uncontrollable hunger. -- -- 154,549 3.39
Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy -- Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi -- In a land where a queen is chosen every few years solely by winning a tournament, there can be no short supply of formidable opponents. For one woman warrior however, an early defeat clearly shows her that she is lacking in experience though she may be bountiful in body. -- -- Fortunately, while defeat could spell one's doom, her life is saved by a powerful stranger. But unfortunately for this savior, less-than-pure motives and shrewd family members mean her reward is a prison cell. Her release is prompt when the unseasoned warrior she saved, tired of her current lifestyle of nobility, sets off to prove herself. -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 2, 2009 -- 80,249 6.17
RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Psychological Romance Sci-Fi -- RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku RahXephon: Tagen Hensoukyoku -- Ayato Kamina was separated from the girl he loved, Haruka Mishima, when an event occurred that was thought to have killed everyone outside of Tokyo. But one day three years later, invaders suddenly attacked the city. It was then that he meets an agent of TERRA, Haruka Shitow, who tells him that she will give him the truth about the world. It is the beginning of a series of strange events, which involve him activating a giant mecha, the RahXephon and finding out that many people, including his own mother, has blue blood, and that he was actually living in a self-encased dimension where time moves slower than that of the outside world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Apr 19, 2003 -- 13,715 7.03
Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! -- Ranma and the gang are invited to a boating trip with Kuno. Unfortunately, a storm destroys the yacht and everyone is stranded on a remote island. The whole situation goes even more awry when one by one, the girls disappear without a trace. Ranma then finds out that the girls are abducted by Toma, ruler of the island, as part of his personal harem. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 1, 1992 -- 17,831 7.42
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Redline -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Cars Sports -- Redline Redline -- Every five years, an exhilarating race called Redline is held, and the universe's most anticipated competition has only one rule: that there are none. Racers are pushed to their absolute limit—a feeling that daredevil driver JP knows all too well. Having just qualified to participate in Redline, he is eager to battle against the other highly skilled drivers, particularly the beautiful rising star and the only other human that qualified, Sonoshee McLaren. -- -- But this year's Redline may be far more dangerous than usual—it has been announced to take place on the planet Roboworld with its trigger-happy military and criminals who look to turn the race to their own advantage. However, the potential danger doesn't stop the racers; in fact, it only adds to the thrill. Relying solely on his vehicle's speed, JP prepares for the event to come, aiming to take first place in the biggest race of his life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films -- Movie - Aug 14, 2009 -- 273,654 8.29
Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -- -- Actas -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -- In the country of Rimguard, a mysterious event shook the country and its people just 12 years prior. As time passed, memory of the incident began to fade while peace reigned over the land. Sisters Yui and Rena live a quiet life in the Enastria Empire until a large mecha suddenly attacks their peaceful home, changing everything. The girls become caught in a vortex of destiny and godly revival. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,299 5.99
Re-Kan! -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Seinen Supernatural -- Re-Kan! Re-Kan! -- Hibiki Amami would be a regular high school girl if it weren't for one thing: a sixth sense that allows her to see ghosts. Rather than being scared, Amami is more interested in befriending and helping the apparitions. This often leads to her human friends witnessing paranormal activity as the ghosts try to help Amami with everyday tasks. -- -- The majority of Amami's friends accept that she has a sixth sense, but Narumi Inoue—a girl who is terrified of the supernatural—refuses to acknowledge that ghosts are real. Though she is scared and stubborn, Inoue goes along with the rest of her friends, who decide to take up Amami's mission of helping ghosts however they can. -- -- 53,580 6.76
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan -- -- Remic -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Magic Parody Vampire -- Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan -- Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan follows the daily lives of four young girls. There is just one catch: they are anything but normal. This group of friends—the energetic werewolf Liru, the joyful witch-in-training Uma, the motherly android Aiko, and the seductive vampire Pachira—are actually princesses from the netherworld who have traveled to the human world in search of a new home. Unfortunately, their naivety and severe lack of knowledge make living peacefully among earthlings much more difficult than they imagined. -- -- As they attempt to adapt to their brand new lifestyle, they cause all sorts of trouble, and end up attracting the unwanted attention of a woman by the name of Dr. K-Ko. The scientist believes that these new residents of Earth are up to no good and attempts to capture the girls to prove the existence of the supernatural and gain credibility with the scientific community. Every day brings a new adventure as the girls deal with the insanity of her antics and all that the human realm has to offer. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2006 -- 27,408 6.98
Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- -- Shaft -- ? eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Music Magic Ecchi -- Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- These are witches who defend everyone's smiles and fight enemies through the healing power of music. These witches, opposite of those in the defense fleet, are idols known as the Music Squadron. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 5,971 N/A -- -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- -- M.S.C -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Military Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- It has been a month since London was struck with tragedy, and a ceremony symbolizing peace and restoration will soon be held. In light of these events, Arsène Lupin plans to throw a party for Cardia Beckford to honor the fulfillment of her wish. Lupin sets out on a search for the perfect gift to offer her; however, he finds himself caught up in the theft of a valuable jewel, and he is framed and believed to be the culprit. With Lupin locked behind bars, his friends work along with Cardia and an unexpected ally to clear Lupin's name and find the real perpetrators behind the heist. -- -- OVA - May 17, 2018 -- 5,867 6.74
Revisions -- -- Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Revisions Revisions -- "This is a prophecy for you, where five people will meet huge adversaries, and only you can protect everyone." Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon—Shibuya Drift—with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future. What's waiting for them is endless wilderness and forest, Interspersed ruin, future citizens, and "Revisions" which are huge mechanical monsters. Trampled by the monsters without understanding the situation, a girl who has the same name as the person who saved Daisuke when he was abducted, Miro, provided a mobile suit "String Puppet" and told them to save Shibuya. With separated paths, adversaries, destined prophecies, the boys, and girls are on their journey to return to their original time. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Jan 10, 2019 -- 50,240 6.10
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- -- White Fox -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama Thriller Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- When Subaru Natsuki leaves the convenience store, the last thing he expects is to be wrenched from his everyday life and dropped into a fantasy world. Things aren't looking good for the bewildered teenager; however, not long after his arrival, he is attacked by some thugs. Armed with only a bag of groceries and a now useless cell phone, he is quickly beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, a mysterious beauty named Satella, in hot pursuit after the one who stole her insignia, happens upon Subaru and saves him. In order to thank the honest and kindhearted girl, Subaru offers to help in her search, and later that night, he even finds the whereabouts of that which she seeks. But unbeknownst to them, a much darker force stalks the pair from the shadows, and just minutes after locating the insignia, Subaru and Satella are brutally murdered. -- -- However, Subaru immediately reawakens to a familiar scene—confronted by the same group of thugs, meeting Satella all over again—the enigma deepens as history inexplicably repeats itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,589,703 8.28
Rio: Rainbow Gate! -- -- Xebec -- 13 eps -- Other -- Game Comedy Ecchi -- Rio: Rainbow Gate! Rio: Rainbow Gate! -- The "Howard Resort Hotel" is an entertainment destination where people gather from around the world to grab huge fortunes. In the casino is a beautiful female dealer named Rio Rollins, known far and wide as the "Goddess of Victory". -- -- In order to approach closer to her mother, one of history's greatest dealers, she does battle to gather up the legendary cards called "gates". Those who gather all 13 gate cards are presented with the title MVCD (Most Valuable Casino Dealer), proof that they are a top dealer. -- -- Set in a vast resort, an exciting battle begins with rival dealers that'll take your breath away! Throw in some "supreme comedy" and a story that makes you cry when you least expect it, these cute and sexy girls will explode off your screen! With everyone's cheer of "Leave it to Rio!", Lady Luck'll be with you, too! -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 4, 2011 -- 34,687 5.89
Ristorante Paradiso -- -- David Production -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Ristorante Paradiso Ristorante Paradiso -- When Nicoletta was a little girl, her mother, Olga, abandoned her and ran off to Rome to remarry. Now, 15 years later and a young woman, she travels to Rome with the intention of ruining her mother's life. She tracks Olga down to a restaurant called Casetta dell'Orso, but the second Nicoletta steps through its door, everything changes. It's a peculiar place staffed entirely by mature gentlemen wearing spectacles, and like their clientele, she is helpless against their wise smiles and warm voices. Before Nicoletta realizes it, her plans for vengeance start to fade, and she's swept up in the sweet romance of everyday Italian life. -- -- (Source: Right Stuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 37,997 7.36
Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Game Kids -- Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- Deep in the dark recesses of the UnderNet, Forte sleeps as he drifts aimlessly. In this cybernetic graveyard, a pulsating power re-awakens Forte, alerting him to a dangerous being shortly ahead. A haunting face appears amidst a massive bright purple blob, laughing directly at Forte. Cursing him, Forte finds himself powerless as the blob takes form, and captures him within its grasp! -- Nearing the time of sunset, a peaceful city and its people go about their everyday business. Curious bystanders on a sidewalk glimpse a shimmering purple light, which suddenly expands into tall pillar that reaches up to the sky. Screams erupt from the people as the pillar of light takes flight, absorbing everything in its destructive path. A tower clock dings the hour of 4 o'clock as the pillar desintigrates, leaving behind a trail of cybernetic residue and utter emptyness. -- 'The Program of Light and Dark' -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2005 -- 3,827 7.21
Rockman.EXE Stream -- -- Xebec -- 51 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Game Mecha School Sci-Fi Shounen -- Rockman.EXE Stream Rockman.EXE Stream -- A comet burns in the sky, its brilliant light shining down upon the people of Earth. At that time, a giant army of viruses invade the real world, crushing everything in their path. Netto and Enzan use cross fusion to intervene, but are whisked away to an unknown location, only to be confronted by the one responsible for the attack - Duo! -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 2, 2004 -- 7,900 7.08
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (TV) -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Supernatural School -- Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (TV) Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (TV) -- After Koutarou Satomi's father is suddenly relocated for his job, the first-year high school student is faced with finding a cheap place to live by himself. Naturally, he jumps at the chance to move into Corona House's Room 106 for a mere five thousand yen a month. But while everything goes well at first, Koutarou soon gets a lot more than he bargained for after stumbling upon a mysterious cave while working his part-time job. -- -- The following night, Koutarou is visited by various seemingly mythical figures, all of whom claim ownership of the poor student's apartment. Among the invaders are Sanae Higashihongan, a ghost supposedly haunting the room, magical girl Yurika, alien princess Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe, and Kiriha Kurano, a direct descendant of the Earth People. But more importantly, each of these four girls needs Koutarou's apartment for her own reasons and won’t back down without a fight! -- -- Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? is a comedic battle royale over a six-tatami mat apartment involving supernatural beings, romantic high school hijinks, and a deceptively cordial landlady. -- -- 152,067 7.17
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Seisou-hen -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Historical Drama Romance Samurai Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Seisou-hen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Seisou-hen -- Kaoru goes to the harbor every day to see if Kenshin has returned. After a while, she starts looking back at her life with Kenshin and all the things that have happened. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Dec 19, 2001 -- 72,522 7.99
Rurouni Kenshin: Special Techniques -- -- Gallop, Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Samurai -- Rurouni Kenshin: Special Techniques Rurouni Kenshin: Special Techniques -- Similiar to the "Himura Kenshin's Greatest Hits" from the first special, this episode goes through every technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu and explains how it works. -- Special - Oct 21, 1997 -- 10,304 7.24
Ryokunohara Meikyuu -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Dementia Psychological Drama Romance Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Ryokunohara Meikyuu Ryokunohara Meikyuu -- Hiroki and Kanata have been together since they were children. One day Hiroki is caught up in an accident while trying to save a little girl. The next thing he knows, he is looking down on his own body. Seperated from his body, Kanata, and everything else, he tries to figure out just what is going on. -- -- Why is he outside his body which is living on as if nothing has changed, how can he convince Kanata that he is there, and who is the strange girl, Fhalei, who keeps appearing for him? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 25, 1990 -- 3,678 5.09
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- 202,223 7.18
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 202,223 7.18
Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Game Slice of Life -- Ryuuou no Oshigoto! Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- Shogi, a Japanese game similar to chess, is one of the most popular board games in the country, played by everyone from children to the elderly. Some players are talented enough to take the game to a professional level. The title of Ryuuou, meaning "the dragon king," is only awarded to the person who reaches the pinnacle of competitive shogi. -- -- Yaichi Kuzuryuu has just become the youngest Ryuuou after winning the grand championship. However, the shogi community is unwelcoming to his victory, some even calling him the worst Ryuuou in history. Moreover, he forgets about the agreement he made with Ai Hinatsuru, a little girl he promised to coach if he won. After she shows up at his doorstep, he reluctantly agrees to uphold his promise and makes Ai his disciple. -- -- Together, they aim to improve and exceed the limits of their shogi prowess: Ai, to unlock her hidden talents; Yaichi, to prove to the world that he deserves his accomplishments. -- -- 140,877 6.90
Saber Marionette J -- -- Studio Junio -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Harem Martial Arts Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saber Marionette J Saber Marionette J -- In the distant future, since the Earth has become overpopulated, efforts to find and colonize on other planets have begun. However, one of the ships, the "Mesopotamia" malfunctions and all but 6 of its inhabitants are all killed. the remaining 6 manage to escape to a nearby planet named "Terra ll ", which is similar to Earth in many respects. However, all of them are male. Therefore, as to not let their efforts go to waste, they begin to set up 6 countries and to reproduce through cloning and genetic engineering. however, there are still no women, and to make up for it they create lifelike advanced female androids called "Marionettes" which do everyday chores and work. However, they are all emotionless machines. But one day, a ordinary boy named Otaru finds and awakens 3 special battle type Marionettes that have emotions due to a "Maiden Circuit" within them. It's up to him then to teach them and allow their emotions to grow, and when a nearby country threatens with world domination, it's up to to Otaru and his "human" Marionettes to protect their country. -- 26,908 7.34
Saber Marionette J -- -- Studio Junio -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Harem Martial Arts Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saber Marionette J Saber Marionette J -- In the distant future, since the Earth has become overpopulated, efforts to find and colonize on other planets have begun. However, one of the ships, the "Mesopotamia" malfunctions and all but 6 of its inhabitants are all killed. the remaining 6 manage to escape to a nearby planet named "Terra ll ", which is similar to Earth in many respects. However, all of them are male. Therefore, as to not let their efforts go to waste, they begin to set up 6 countries and to reproduce through cloning and genetic engineering. however, there are still no women, and to make up for it they create lifelike advanced female androids called "Marionettes" which do everyday chores and work. However, they are all emotionless machines. But one day, a ordinary boy named Otaru finds and awakens 3 special battle type Marionettes that have emotions due to a "Maiden Circuit" within them. It's up to him then to teach them and allow their emotions to grow, and when a nearby country threatens with world domination, it's up to to Otaru and his "human" Marionettes to protect their country. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 26,908 7.34
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The Clouds Gather -- -- GRIZZLY -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Yaoi -- Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The Clouds Gather Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The Clouds Gather -- Yashiro is the young leader of Shinseikai and the president of the Shinseikai Enterprise, but like so many powerful men, he leads a double life as a deviant and a masochist. Doumeki Chikara comes to work as a bodyguard for him and, although Yashiro had decided that he would never lay a hand on his own men, he finds there's something about Doumeki that he can't resist. Yashiro makes advances toward Doumeki, but Doumeki has mysterious reasons for denying. Yashiro, who abuses his power just to abuse himself, and Doumeki, who faithfully obeys his every command, begin the tumultuous affair of two men with songs in their hearts and no wings to fly. -- -- (Source: Juné) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Feb 15, 2020 -- 20,850 7.52
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) -- Anime adaptation of the Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan manga by Asou Shuichi, telling the story about a male high school student named Kusuo Saiki. He possesses supernatural powers that cause unfortunate events in his everyday life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Aug 4, 2013 -- 26,080 6.90
Saint Seiya Omega -- -- Toei Animation -- 97 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Saint Seiya Omega Saint Seiya Omega -- The god of war and guardian of his namesake planet, Mars, was once sealed away by Seiya, but time has passed and his revival is at hand. Meanwhile, Saori Kido (Athena) is raising the boy Kouga, whose life Seiya saved, and he's been training every day to become a Saint in order to prepare for the coming crisis... -- -- Unaware of his destiny, when Kouga awakens to the power of his Cosmo hidden inside him, the curtain will rise upon the legend of a new Saint. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 40,811 6.27
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, VIZ Media -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saiyuuki Reload -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Josei Supernatural -- Saiyuuki Reload Saiyuuki Reload -- Priest Genjo Sanzo and companions Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku maintain their westward journey to stop the resurrection of the demon Gyoumao. As the reputation of the Sanzo Ikkou precedes them, they continue to fight demon assassins at every turn, but they must also deal with increasing tensions within their group in order to defeat a powerful enemy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 2, 2003 -- 28,865 7.40
Saiyuuki Reload -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Josei Supernatural -- Saiyuuki Reload Saiyuuki Reload -- Priest Genjo Sanzo and companions Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku maintain their westward journey to stop the resurrection of the demon Gyoumao. As the reputation of the Sanzo Ikkou precedes them, they continue to fight demon assassins at every turn, but they must also deal with increasing tensions within their group in order to defeat a powerful enemy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 2, 2003 -- 28,865 7.40
Sakurada Reset -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Super Power Supernatural School -- Sakurada Reset Sakurada Reset -- Kei Asai lives in the oceanside city of Sakurada—a town where the inhabitants are born with strange abilities. On the school rooftop one day, he meets Misora Haruki, an apathetic girl with the power to reset anything around her up to three days prior. While no one knows when she has reset, not even Haruki, Kei can retain everything before the reset thanks to his own ability: photographic memory. After they successfully help someone by combining their powers, they join the Service Club to aid others in their town. -- -- However, their club becomes involved with and begins completing missions for the mysterious Administration Bureau—an organization that focuses on managing the abilities in Sakurada and manipulating the town's events for their own ends. They may find out that there are more things at work in Sakurada than the machinations of the uncanny organization. -- -- 121,387 7.36
Sakura Taisen -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Game -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sakura Taisen Sakura Taisen -- Sakura travels to the capital with aspirations of defending the city from the demonic forces of the Black Sanctum Council like her father before her. However, things are not as she imagined as in addition to using her great spiritual energy to pilot a mech called a Kobu, she must also perform on stage as an actor as The Imperial Flower Division's cover is an art theater. Making a fool of herself and ruining a production gets her on everyone's bad side and somehow she must learn to work with them as well as prevent the enemy from destroying several shrines which protect the city. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 20,073 6.88
Sakura Taisen -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Game -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sakura Taisen Sakura Taisen -- Sakura travels to the capital with aspirations of defending the city from the demonic forces of the Black Sanctum Council like her father before her. However, things are not as she imagined as in addition to using her great spiritual energy to pilot a mech called a Kobu, she must also perform on stage as an actor as The Imperial Flower Division's cover is an art theater. Making a fool of herself and ruining a production gets her on everyone's bad side and somehow she must learn to work with them as well as prevent the enemy from destroying several shrines which protect the city. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 20,073 6.88
Sankarea -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Horror Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Sankarea Sankarea -- Ever since he was a child, zombie-obsessed Chihiro Furuya has wanted an undead girlfriend. Soon enough, his love for all things zombie comes in handy when his cat Baabu gets run over, prompting Chihiro to try to make a resurrection potion and bring him back to life. During his endeavor, he sees a rich girl named Rea Sanka yelling into an old well every day about her oppressive life. After meeting and bonding with her, Chihiro is convinced by Rea to persevere in saving Baabu. Eventually, he succeeds with the help of the poisonous hydrangea flowers from Rea's family garden. -- -- Unaware of the potion's success and seeking to escape the burdens of her life, Rea drinks the resurrection potion, mistakenly thinking she will die. Though it doesn't kill her, the effects still linger and her death from a fatal accident causes her to be reborn as a zombie. With help from Chihiro, Rea strives to adjust to her new—albeit undead—life. -- -- For a boy wanting a zombie girlfriend, this situation would seem like a dream come true. But in Sankarea, Chihiro's life becomes stranger than usual as he deals with Rea's odd new cravings and the unforeseen consequences of her transformation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 481,086 7.34
Sansha Sanyou -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Sansha Sanyou Sansha Sanyou -- Having gone from pampered to poor after the bankruptcy of her father's company, Youko Nishikawa struggles to drop her princess-like persona and make friends at her all-girls high school. One day, while eating alone in a nearby forest, she has a chance encounter with Futaba Odagiri, the super-energetic transfer student, and Teru Hayama, an innocent-looking girl with a surprisingly direct and sometimes mean personality. Despite their differing personalities, the three girls who all have the kanji for "leaf" in their name begin an unlikely friendship as they try to navigate through an amusing and spontaneous adventure known as high school life. -- -- Sansha Sanyou is a cheerful, cute series revolving around three close but very different friends as they try to balance the everyday challenges that school and adolescence have to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 54,006 7.12
Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club -- -- AIC Spirits -- 13 eps -- - -- Fantasy Magic School -- Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club -- In this world, there live a group of people who call themselves "Majo" or "Magical Girls." They hide their powers so as to assimilate into the environment. They have been living together in harmony with the humans for many years to come, and their predecessors continue to do so. Sasami was enthroned with magical powers since her birth. However, at the age of three, she was told by her parents never to use her innate powers and from then on, had kept it a secret from everyone. On the day of a new school term, a new transfer teacher by the name of Wajuu arrives and from then on, Sasami's life begins to change tremendously. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 13, 2006 -- 6,486 6.60
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Supernatural -- Sasami-san@Ganbaranai Sasami-san@Ganbaranai -- The Japanese call them hikikomori—people who've become so withdrawn socially that they refuse to leave their homes for weeks and even months at a time. For Sasami Tsukuyomi, who's attempting to pass her first year of high school despite being a shut in, it's more than just a word. Fortunately though, she lives with her older brother Kamiomi, who just happens to be a teacher at the school Sasami is supposed to attend. Not to mention, her "Brother Surveillance Tool" which lets her view the outside world via her computer and will, theoretically, allow her to readjust to interfacing with people again. What it mainly does, however, is let her view her brother's interactions with the three very odd Yagami sisters, who inexplicably seem to have had their ages reversed and have various types of "interest" in Kamiomi. And then things start to get really weird... Magical powers? Everything turning into chocolate? Is life via the web warping Sasami's brain, or is it the universe that's going crazy? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 74,433 6.68
Scan2Go -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Original -- Game Cars Space Kids -- Scan2Go Scan2Go -- Sometime in the near future, in an age in which we have established contact and communications with planets outside our galaxy, Scan2Go has become a huge phenomenon throughout all of outer space. Giant races are held at every locality, with each racer gunning for the title of the universe's number one racer! -- -- The main character in the series, Kazuya, possesses the power of the eagle, performed well with his blazing, innate power commanding his falconine beast spirit. He competes in a tournament, the "Pro-Racer Exhibition Race.", but was no match for the other teams that had won their way through the competitive Space Preliminaries. -- -- Realizing the difficult obstacles that lie before them, Kazuya and his friends leave the small Earth behind and set off on a universe-wide quest to hone their skills as warriors! -- -- Licensor: -- Cookie Jar Entertainment -- TV - Aug 9, 2010 -- 2,232 6.10
School Days -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- School Days School Days -- High school student Makoto Itou first notices Kotonoha Katsura at the start of his second semester, freshman year. Immediately, he becomes entranced by her beauty, but his bashfulness doesn't allow him to approach her, even though they ride the same train every day. Instead, he snaps a photo of her in secret and sets it as his cell phone's wallpaper: a charm that, if kept under wraps, would supposedly help you realize your love. However, classmate Sekai Saionji spots the picture, but instead of ratting him out, she offers to help set him up with Kotonoha—going so far as befriending her just for him. Thus, the trio begins a rather impromptu friendship. -- -- School Days follows the lives of these three teenagers as they traverse the joys and hardships that come with being a high schooler. In a story alive and brimming with romance and melancholy, the tale of these three students will linger in memory long after the momentous conclusion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 539,138 5.65
School Rumble -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- School Rumble School Rumble -- Just the words "I love you," and everything changes—such is the nature of the bittersweet trials of high school romance. Tenma Tsukamoto, a second year, is on a quest to confess her feelings to the boy she likes. Kenji Harima, a delinquent with a sizable reputation, is in a similar situation, as he cannot properly convey his feelings to the one he loves. Between school, friends, rivalries, and hobbies, these two will find that high school romance is no walk in the park, especially as misunderstandings further complicate their plight. -- -- School Rumble is a high-octane romantic comedy full of relatable situations, as Tenma and Kenji both try to win the hearts of those they desire. -- -- 281,389 7.93
School Rumble Ni Gakki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- School Rumble Ni Gakki School Rumble Ni Gakki -- Continuing right where season 1 left off: Harima still likes Tenma but still runs into obstacles everytime he tries to confess his love to her. To complicate the situation, Class 2-D challenges class 2-C once again and there's a rumor floating around that Harima and Yakumo are dating as the school prepares for the cultural festival. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 3, 2006 -- 137,802 8.03
School Rumble Ni Gakki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- School Rumble Ni Gakki School Rumble Ni Gakki -- Continuing right where season 1 left off: Harima still likes Tenma but still runs into obstacles everytime he tries to confess his love to her. To complicate the situation, Class 2-D challenges class 2-C once again and there's a rumor floating around that Harima and Yakumo are dating as the school prepares for the cultural festival. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 3, 2006 -- 137,802 8.03
Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Comedy -- Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star -- Gene Starwind has always dreamed of piloting his own ship out into the vast sea of stars. Unfortunately, not all dreams come true, as he spends his days working odd jobs alongside his partner, James Hawking, on the small planet Sentinel III instead. However, this all takes a turn when the duo takes on a job from Rachel Sweet who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a treasure-hunting outlaw. Tasked with protecting a mysterious girl known as Melfina, the meeting irrevocably changes the pair's lives as they are sent out into the great unknown aboard the highly advanced ship, Outlaw Star. -- -- Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star follows Gene and his ragtag crew as they brave the final frontier, navigating the stars in search of answers to the mysteries surrounding Melfina. Encountering dangerous bounty hunters, space pirates, Taoist mages, and even catgirls, there is sure to be an exhilarating adventure around every corner. -- -- 127,821 7.86
Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Comedy -- Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star -- Gene Starwind has always dreamed of piloting his own ship out into the vast sea of stars. Unfortunately, not all dreams come true, as he spends his days working odd jobs alongside his partner, James Hawking, on the small planet Sentinel III instead. However, this all takes a turn when the duo takes on a job from Rachel Sweet who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a treasure-hunting outlaw. Tasked with protecting a mysterious girl known as Melfina, the meeting irrevocably changes the pair's lives as they are sent out into the great unknown aboard the highly advanced ship, Outlaw Star. -- -- Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star follows Gene and his ragtag crew as they brave the final frontier, navigating the stars in search of answers to the mysteries surrounding Melfina. Encountering dangerous bounty hunters, space pirates, Taoist mages, and even catgirls, there is sure to be an exhilarating adventure around every corner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 127,821 7.86
Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Magic Romance Fantasy -- Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu -- Sei, a 20-year-old office worker, is whisked away to a whole new world. Unfortunately for Sei, the ritual that summoned her—meant to produce a "Saint" who would banish the dark magic—brought two people over instead of one. And everyone prefers the second girl over Sei?! But this is just fine by Sei, who leaves the royal palace to set up shop making potions and cosmetics with her newfound magic. Business is booming, and this might not be such a bad life, after long as her supposed Sainthood doesn't come back to haunt her. -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 50,376 7.16
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Specials -- -- TNK -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Supernatural Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Specials Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Specials -- Mini specials bundled with each Blu-ray/DVD volume of Seireitsukai no Blade Dance. -- -- Each special is tied to the new 32-page short story that original light novel author Shimizu Yuu wrote for the limited first pressing of every Blu-ray/DVD volume. -- Special - Oct 8, 2014 -- 31,579 6.66
Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- -- AIC -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Parody School -- Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2 -- Sugisaki Ken, through diligence and academic excellence, had successfully entered the paradise that is the Hekiyou Private Academy's Student Council. There, he boldly embarks on his plan to create his personal harem with the 4 girls who are the other council members, namely: The incredibly youthful president Sakurano Kurimu; The cool and kindly yet super-sadistic secretary Akaba Chizuru; Tomboyish and hot-blooded vice-president Shiina Minatsu; and The ephemerally beautiful yet complicated treasurer Shiina Mafuyu. While every day since then has been non-stop fun, Graduation Day now looms near. Could this spell the end of their carefree days? -- -- (Source: translated and adapted from official site by Cranston) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 13, 2012 -- 63,446 7.37
Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Harem Super Power -- Sekirei: Pure Engagement Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- The second stage of the battle royale known as the Sekirei Plan is underway. Shintou Teito has been closed off; no Sekirei or Ashikabi may leave. Minato Sahashi and his harem of Sekirei must now prepare to fight new battles as changes to the rules are put into place. However, not all groups will return to the battle: some Sekirei are loved very much by their Ashikabi partners, who would rather forfeit the prize than see them perish. -- -- In the midst of the action, someone close to Minato may be more involved than he had ever imagined, and threats lurk around every corner. There are even rumors that the "Single Numbers," the most powerful type of Sekirei, have entered the fray. In the eyes of the "Game Master" Minaka Hiroto, everything is proceeding according to plan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 4, 2010 -- 201,694 7.34
Sengoku Collection -- -- Brain's Base -- 26 eps -- Game -- Fantasy Parody Samurai -- Sengoku Collection Sengoku Collection -- Sengoku Collection revolves around many samurai who are accidentally removed from a parallel universe inhabited by well-known historic characters. Unlike the historical war period known to us, all inhabitants in this unique world look like high school girls. Coming from the medieval era and finding themselves totally amazed by everything they encounter in modern day Tokyo, the girls become best friends through their adventures. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 21,851 6.43
Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Historical Samurai Sci-Fi Super Power -- Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox -- Yoshino Hide is an average girl who always seems to find trouble wherever she goes. One day Yoshino visits a local shrine to pray in order to pass her upcoming test. However, Yoshino sees a blue light coming from inside the Shrine and looks inside to find a mysterious person performing a magic spell. In a stroke of bad luck, Yoshino trips on a small bell and crashes into the shrine, prompting the stranger to catch her. Upon Yoshino's capture, the magic spell spirals out of control and sends Yoshino back in time to the Sengoku Era. -- -- Yoshino then encounters Akechi Mitsuhide and Oda Nobunaga. But unlike what really happened during the era, Hideyoshino realizes that everyone in the world is female. She then decides to help Oda Nobunaga find the Crimson Armor which is said to allow the person wearing the armor to conquer all of Japan. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2011 -- 40,349 6.58
Senjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Magic Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Historical Shounen -- Senkaiden Houshin Engi Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles, and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hunt down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Jul 3, 1999 -- 15,015 7.12
Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Magic Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Historical Shounen -- Senkaiden Houshin Engi Senkaiden Houshin Engi -- Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles, and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hunt down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 3, 1999 -- 15,015 7.12
Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- Following the events of Senki Zesshou Symphogear G, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to operate under the command of Genjuurou Kazanari. Meanwhile, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, Kirika Akatsuki, and Shirabe Tsukuyomi are taken into protective custody. With peace restored, everyone returns to their daily lives; however, the appearance of the alchemist Carol Malus Dienheim and her subordinates—the "Autoscorers"—threatens to draw everyone back into a conflict. -- -- Armed with a strange and magical power, Carol wishes to initiate the apocalypse and bring destruction to the world... and she is willing to sacrifice everything to do so. Against this mysterious new foe, the six Symphogear wielders must rise to the challenge in order to protect what they hold dear. However, will Carol and her Autoscorers prove to be too much to handle in this fight to protect the fate of the world? -- -- 38,803 7.42
Senyoku no Sigrdrifa -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military -- Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Senyoku no Sigrdrifa -- When humanity is driven to the brink of despair by an alien threat called Pillars, a self-proclaimed god named Odin appears and bestows upon the people the power of "Valkyries"—battle maidens who pilot vintage aircraft called Hero Wings. -- -- Claudia "Schwertleite" Bruford is the ace of the European Valkyrie Wing. When Japan's S-class Valkyrie passes away in battle, Claudia is relocated to Japan as a replacement. However, with a dark record of being the sole survivor in every mission that results in being nicknamed "Grim Reaper," she suspects she already knows why she was chosen. -- -- Prepared to be shunned yet again, she arrives at the Tateyama Valkyrie Wing. Little does she know, her new comrades are a bunch of oddballs who have zero intention of accepting her dreadful nickname! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 33,834 6.46
Servamp -- -- Brain's Base, Platinum Vision -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Drama Vampire Josei -- Servamp Servamp -- Mahiru Shirota firmly believes that simple is best and troublesome things should be avoided at all costs. It is troublesome to do nothing and regret it later—and this ideology has led the 15-year-old to pick up a stray cat on his way home from school. As he affectionately names the feline Kuro, little does he know that this chance meeting will spark an extraordinary change in his everyday life. -- -- One day, Mahiru returns home to find something quite strange: a mysterious young man he has never seen before. His subsequent panic results in the uninvited guest being exposed to sunlight and—much to Mahiru's shock—transforming into Kuro! Upon revealing himself as a mere lazy shut-in vampire, Kuro promises to leave once night falls. However, one disaster after another leads to Mahiru accidentally forming a contract with his new freeloader, dragging him into a life-threatening battle of supernatural servants and bloodthirsty beings that is anything but simple. -- -- 210,279 6.92
Servamp -- -- Brain's Base, Platinum Vision -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Drama Vampire Josei -- Servamp Servamp -- Mahiru Shirota firmly believes that simple is best and troublesome things should be avoided at all costs. It is troublesome to do nothing and regret it later—and this ideology has led the 15-year-old to pick up a stray cat on his way home from school. As he affectionately names the feline Kuro, little does he know that this chance meeting will spark an extraordinary change in his everyday life. -- -- One day, Mahiru returns home to find something quite strange: a mysterious young man he has never seen before. His subsequent panic results in the uninvited guest being exposed to sunlight and—much to Mahiru's shock—transforming into Kuro! Upon revealing himself as a mere lazy shut-in vampire, Kuro promises to leave once night falls. However, one disaster after another leads to Mahiru accidentally forming a contract with his new freeloader, dragging him into a life-threatening battle of supernatural servants and bloodthirsty beings that is anything but simple. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 210,279 6.92
Seto no Hanayome OVA -- -- Gonzo -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Romance School Shounen -- Seto no Hanayome OVA Seto no Hanayome OVA -- The Seto no Hanayome OVAs are new stand alone shorts with characters from the series and also two new ones. It is now the third year of school, San and Luna's dads are still being over protective. All the while Nagasumi has his hands full trying to keep everyone around him under control and rescuing damsels in distress. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Nov 3, 2008 -- 46,931 7.87
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Romance -- Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san -- Like many hardworking members of the workforce, Kuroto Nakano is perpetually stressed out by his job. Still, since he lives alone, he must carry on to sustain himself. Little do humans like Kuroto know, this stress takes the form of darkness residing within a person's body and will bring one's life to ruin. -- -- Fox deities can see this darkness and have the duty to save people before it is too late. To help rid Kuroto of his stress, Senko-san, an eight hundred-year-old foxgirl, volunteers to take care of him, and will do everything she can to ease the tension in his weary soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 245,060 7.35
SF Shinseiki Lensman -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Book -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- SF Shinseiki Lensman SF Shinseiki Lensman -- Kim is living a peaceful life with his father as a farmer on their planet until one day when a runaway spaceship is detected moving at a high speed towards his father's farm. To rescue his father Kim jumps on board the ship and manages to land it safely before it crashes. -- -- On board the ship he finds a severely Injured lone survivor whom with his dying words begs Kim to take something of his to the Galactic Fleet. He then transfers something that was attached to his arm onto Kim's arm. The thing was a Lens and its transferring should have been impossible and having it has turned Kim into a Lensman. Other than giving Kim unknown powers it also contains vital information for the victory of the Galactic Fleet over the evil Boskone Empire. -- -- Kim must now using the spaceship Britannia bring the Lense to the Galactic Fleet. But this is not an easy task when Lord Helmet of the Boskone Empire is willing to use everything in his power to stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 2,670 6.13
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shakugan no Shana Movie -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Shakugan no Shana Movie Shakugan no Shana Movie -- Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. -- -- Yet such things are unknown to Yuuji Sakai, who starts his day like any other and heads to school. His day, however, takes a turn for the extraordinary when he witnesses everyone around him freeze in place and is left the only one able to move. Immediately, a Rinne begins devouring the souls of those around him, but as the creature sets its sights on Yuuji, a katana-wielding Flame Haze with blazing red hair saves him. -- -- After his protector fixes the damage done, she explains why Yuuji was able to move: he has become a Torch, a remnant of a dead human being that will eventually fade from memory. Furthermore, he is also a Mystes, a Torch that houses an unknown treasure. Before his flame burns out completely, a Crimson Denizen will try to seize the treasure he holds, so the fiery hunter decides to watch over him. As Yuuji comes to terms with being dead, he resolves to live his life the best he can with the time he has remaining. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 57,208 7.38
Shaman King (2021) -- -- Bridge -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Shaman King (2021) Shaman King (2021) -- Shamans are extraordinary individuals with the ability to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and gods, which are invisible to ordinary people. The Shaman Fight—a prestigious tournament pitting shamans from all over the world against each other—is held every five hundred years, where the winner is crowned Shaman King. This title allows the current incumbent to call upon the Great Spirit and shape the world as they see fit. -- -- Finding himself late for class one night, Manta Oyamada, an ordinary middle school student, decides to take a shortcut through the local cemetery. Noticing him, a lone boy sitting on a gravestone invites Manta to stargaze with "them." Realizing that "them" refers to the boy and his ghostly friends, Manta flees the terror. Later, the boy introduces himself as You Asakura, a Shaman-in-training, and demonstrates his powers by teaming up with the ghost of six-hundred-year-old samurai Amidamaru to save Manta from a group of thugs. You befriends Manta due to his ability to see spirits, and with the help of Amidamaru, they set out to accomplish You's goal of becoming the next Shaman King. -- -- 145,383 7.21
Shaman King (2021) -- -- Bridge -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Shaman King (2021) Shaman King (2021) -- Shamans are extraordinary individuals with the ability to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and gods, which are invisible to ordinary people. The Shaman Fight—a prestigious tournament pitting shamans from all over the world against each other—is held every five hundred years, where the winner is crowned Shaman King. This title allows the current incumbent to call upon the Great Spirit and shape the world as they see fit. -- -- Finding himself late for class one night, Manta Oyamada, an ordinary middle school student, decides to take a shortcut through the local cemetery. Noticing him, a lone boy sitting on a gravestone invites Manta to stargaze with "them." Realizing that "them" refers to the boy and his ghostly friends, Manta flees the terror. Later, the boy introduces himself as You Asakura, a Shaman-in-training, and demonstrates his powers by teaming up with the ghost of six-hundred-year-old samurai Amidamaru to save Manta from a group of thugs. You befriends Manta due to his ability to see spirits, and with the help of Amidamaru, they set out to accomplish You's goal of becoming the next Shaman King. -- -- 145,599 7.21
Shaman King -- -- Xebec -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Shaman King Shaman King -- A battle is about to begin in Tokyo: the Shaman Fight, a tournament held every five hundred years where shaman—those who can command spirits—confront each other in combat. The victor of this contest becomes the Shaman King and the only one who is able to contact and control the Great Spirit, allowing them to reshape the world as they please through its immense power. -- -- During a late night walk, Manta Oyamada runs into his classmate, the carefree You Asakura, who invites him to come stargazing with some friends, who, to Manta's horror, turn out to be ghosts from a local cemetery! However, the knowledge that Manta possesses—a rare sixth sense that allows Manta to see these spirits—endears the boy to You. So when You finds out that his new comrade has been beaten up by a local gang, he decides to avenge him with the help of Amidamaru, a samurai ghost whose tomb was broken by the gang leader. -- -- Soon Manta uncovers more about the world of spirits, including the Shaman Fight, in which his new friend You aims to claim victory. -- -- 304,592 7.78
Shaman King -- -- Xebec -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Shaman King Shaman King -- A battle is about to begin in Tokyo: the Shaman Fight, a tournament held every five hundred years where shaman—those who can command spirits—confront each other in combat. The victor of this contest becomes the Shaman King and the only one who is able to contact and control the Great Spirit, allowing them to reshape the world as they please through its immense power. -- -- During a late night walk, Manta Oyamada runs into his classmate, the carefree You Asakura, who invites him to come stargazing with some friends, who, to Manta's horror, turn out to be ghosts from a local cemetery! However, the knowledge that Manta possesses—a rare sixth sense that allows Manta to see these spirits—endears the boy to You. So when You finds out that his new comrade has been beaten up by a local gang, he decides to avenge him with the help of Amidamaru, a samurai ghost whose tomb was broken by the gang leader. -- -- Soon Manta uncovers more about the world of spirits, including the Shaman Fight, in which his new friend You aims to claim victory. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 304,592 7.78
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- Music accompanies the path of the human metronome, the prodigious pianist Kousei Arima. But after the passing of his mother, Saki Arima, Kousei falls into a downward spiral, rendering him unable to hear the sound of his own piano. -- -- Two years later, Kousei still avoids the piano, leaving behind his admirers and rivals, and lives a colorless life alongside his friends Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryouta Watari. However, everything changes when he meets a beautiful violinist, Kaori Miyazono, who stirs up his world and sets him on a journey to face music again. -- -- Based on the manga series of the same name, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso approaches the story of Kousei's recovery as he discovers that music is more than playing each note perfectly, and a single melody can bring in the fresh spring air of April. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,553,386 8.72
Shika no Ou: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Shika no Ou: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi Shika no Ou: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi -- Van is the head of a group of soldiers who expected to die fighting for their lands against a large empire looking to incorporate their home into its kingdom. Instead of dying, however, Van is taken as a slave and thrown into a salt mine. One night, a pack of strange dogs attacks the salt mine, and a mysterious illness breaks out. During the attack, Van takes the opportunity to escape, and he meets a young girl. Elsewhere, rumor is spreading that only immigrants are coming down with this mysterious illness. The medical scientist Hossal risks his life to search for a cure. Doctors also study a father and child who seem to have survived the illness. The novels tell the interconnecting stories and bonds of those who fight against a cruel fate. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Sep 10, 2021 -- 10,976 N/A -- -- Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Drama Martial Arts Romance Shounen -- Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture -- Young millionaire Laocorn Gaudeamus is on a crusade to recover six pieces of armour said to give the user the powers of Mars—the legendary God of War. Fearing that her twin brother is slowly losing his sanity with every armour piece he collects, Sulia runs to Terry, Andy, Joe and Mai to form their own global crusade to stop Laocorn from opening a potential Pandora's Box and releasing an uncontrollable form of destruction. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 16, 1994 -- 10,963 6.58
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- 383,578 7.53
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 383,578 7.53
Shin Cutey Honey -- -- Toei Animation -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi Magic Sci-Fi -- Shin Cutey Honey Shin Cutey Honey -- Cosplay City is in danger when the evil Dolmeck shows up. Commanding his army of monsters, he plans on destroying everything. Only one person can stop this: Cutey Honey. After she is released from her dormancy, Honey Kisaragi becomes the multi-transformational android Cutey Honey. However, the least is expected when Honey is faced with an old enemy from the past: Panther Zora. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- OVA - Apr 21, 1994 -- 7,765 6.63
Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Novel -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Fantasy -- Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls -- Wall Sina, Goodbye -- Annie Leonhart has a job to do—and a resulting absence that must stay off her record at all costs. With no one else to turn to, she asks her comrade Hitch Dreyse to cover for her. She agrees but puts forward a single condition: Annie must solve the fruitless missing person case Hitch was assigned. The case revolves around Carly Stratmann, a university graduate and the daughter of wealthy businessman Elliot Stratmann. With only a single day to solve the case and the underground of the Stohess District crawling with thugs, Annie must put her all into finding this girl. Yet, every answer she uncovers only leads to further questions—how has the illegal drug coderoin found its way to Stohess, what is Elliot hiding, and where has Carly disappeared to? -- -- Lost in the Cruel World -- With worry for Eren Yeager gripping her heart, Mikasa Ackerman begins to remember. She remembers her conversations with Armin Arlert, her concern for her friends, and most painfully, the time she had almost lost everything. As fear takes control, she begins to experience an alternate version of her past—some things can be changed, but are there events so inescapable that she can't even prevent them in her dreams? -- -- OVA - Dec 8, 2017 -- 196,647 7.77
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- -- Wit Studio -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Military Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- Seeking to restore humanity's diminishing hope, the Survey Corps embark on a mission to retake Wall Maria, where the battle against the merciless "Titans" takes the stage once again. -- -- Returning to the tattered Shiganshina District that was once his home, Eren Yeager and the Corps find the town oddly unoccupied by Titans. Even after the outer gate is plugged, they strangely encounter no opposition. The mission progresses smoothly until Armin Arlert, highly suspicious of the enemy's absence, discovers distressing signs of a potential scheme against them. -- -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 follows Eren as he vows to take back everything that was once his. Alongside him, the Survey Corps strive—through countless sacrifices—to carve a path towards victory and uncover the secrets locked away in the Yeager family's basement. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,244,399 9.11
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/ABerserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku -- The Band of the Hawk and their enigmatic leader Griffith continue winning battle after battle as their prestige throughout the kingdom of Midland grows. But their latest task is one that has seen failure from everyone who has attempted it: the subjugation of the impenetrable fortress of Doldrey. -- -- But with members like Guts—the captain of the Hawks' raiders who can easily fell 100 men with his gigantic sword—such tasks prove to be trivial. However, in the aftermath of the battle, Guts decides to leave the Hawks in order to pursue his own dream and bids farewell to his companions, despite Griffith's attempts to make him stay. This single event causes Griffith to lose his composure, and leads him to make a decision that will alter his and the Hawks' fates forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jun 23, 2012 -- 156,516 7.91
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/AFate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Shin Hokuto no Ken -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 3 eps -- Novel -- Action Martial Arts Sci-Fi Shounen -- Shin Hokuto no Ken Shin Hokuto no Ken -- In a post-apocalyptic Earth, the water has become entirely toxic, except for some kept safe in a reservoir. A fortified zone has been created by a man named Sanga, he calls it The Lastland. A group of villagers have discovered safe water, and Sanga wants it. He and his band of killers go to kill everyone and steal it. As they do a mysterious man appears out of nowhere, instantly killing some of Sanga's men. His name is Kenshiro, and he can beat any man with his martial art, Hokuto Shin Ken. Sanga will do anything for the water, and Kenshiro will do anything to try and stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Jul 24, 2003 -- 11,962 6.96
Shinmai Maou no Testament -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Shinmai Maou no Testament -- Running into your new stepsister in the bathroom is not the best way to make a good first impression, which Basara Toujou learns the hard way. When his father suddenly brings home two beautiful girls and introduces them as his new siblings, he has no choice but to accept into his family the Naruse sisters: busty redhead Mio and petite silver-haired Maria. -- -- But when these seemingly normal girls reveal themselves as demons—Mio the former Demon Lord's only daughter and Maria her trusted succubus servant—Basara is forced to reveal himself as a former member of a clan of "Heroes," sworn enemies of the demons. However, having begun to care for his new sisters, Basara instead decides to protect them with his powers and forms a master-servant contract with Mio to keep watch over her. -- -- With the Heroes observing his every move and the constant threat of hostile demons, Basara has to do the impossible to protect his new family members. Moreover, the protector himself is hiding his own dark secret that still haunts him to this day... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 501,096 6.78
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- Basara Toujou has a hard life. He is the older step-brother to two demonic sisters, Mio and Maria Naruse, whom he protects from entitled demons looking to claim Mio's power for themselves. On top of that, rising political tension within the demon realm only makes his job more difficult. -- -- When a messenger arrives with summons for Mio to the demon realm, she and her friends go in spite of the danger. Now on the enemy's turf, Basara will have to grow stronger through erotic pleasure in order to do the impossible and protect everyone. -- -- 293,205 6.88
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- Basara Toujou has a hard life. He is the older step-brother to two demonic sisters, Mio and Maria Naruse, whom he protects from entitled demons looking to claim Mio's power for themselves. On top of that, rising political tension within the demon realm only makes his job more difficult. -- -- When a messenger arrives with summons for Mio to the demon realm, she and her friends go in spite of the danger. Now on the enemy's turf, Basara will have to grow stronger through erotic pleasure in order to do the impossible and protect everyone. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 293,205 6.88
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo Super Power -- Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear -- Due to her father's remarriage, robust 16-year-old Himeno Awayuki moves into a large mansion with a beautiful garden—the quintessential dream house for any girl her age. However, much to Himeno's disappointment, her new stepfamily doesn't really seem to like her, as her stepmother often occupies herself with her father, her younger stepsister Mawata ignores her, and her other stepsister—the equally aged Mayune—tries to prank her at every opportunity. -- -- But Himeno doesn't have time to dwell into thoughts of hopelessness—her new life has now become involved with a group of seven magical boys known as the Leafe Knights, after they ask her to become a magical princess who can borrow their powers! Although Himeno accepts their request and becomes the Prétear, she feels doubtful in her abilities to protect the world and its Leafe, the source of energy for all life. Will Himeno be able to find happiness among her new family and also save the Earth from the enemy, the Princess of Disaster? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 54,536 7.19
Shin Tenchi Muyou! -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Comedy Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Shin Tenchi Muyou! Shin Tenchi Muyou! -- Tenchi Masaki heads out to tackle the big world, setting off to school in Tokyo! But not everyone is happy to hear he is moving away, as his female friends sulk and complain at the prospect of him being alone. However, Tenchi is not by himself for very long, as he soon meets a kind and compassionate girl named Sakuya Kumashiro who helps him get used to life in Tokyo. -- -- The two become close friends, but Sakuya wants more than just that, so she proclaims her love for Tenchi. This confession comes as a shock not only to Tenchi, but also the girls back home. In response, the girls decide to step up their game, and they immediately flock to Tokyo to take Tenchi for themselves. -- -- With the girls competing for his love, Tenchi must decide once and for all who the most important woman in his life is. However, he is going to have a hard time deciding, as strange events start happening that drive Tenchi further apart from his friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 31,692 6.87
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Shisha no Teikoku -- -- Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Historical Psychological -- Shisha no Teikoku Shisha no Teikoku -- By the 19th century, humanity has cultivated technology enabling the reanimation of corpses. Unable to experience individual thoughts or emotions, the corpses are programmed by humans to act as laborers in various occupations. -- -- This newfound technology, however, comes with a catch. Science may be able to restore the corpses' ability to move, yet it cannot return what every corpse loses at death: the soul. But Doctor Victor Frankenstein, who vanished shortly after his revolutionary work on corpse reanimation, is said to have revived the only corpse in possession of a soul. -- -- In pursuit of this scientific knowledge, London medical student John Watson hopes to fulfill his promise to his late partner, Friday. After being scouted by a government agency, Watson is on a hunt to obtain Frankenstein's notes, which he believes hold the key to the secrets of the soul. During his search, Watson uncovers the harsh realities of the developing corpse technology and the price he must pay to advance his research. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 2, 2015 -- 66,504 6.91
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi School Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen -- A dark age of cooking befalls Tootsuki Culinary Academy. With the Elite Ten's devastating coup d'état, Azami Nakiri is now the director of the prestigious school. Students must now conform to Azami's ideology of "true gourmet food" and are forbidden to express creativity, or else face expulsion. -- -- However, Souma Yukihira and the members of the Polar Star Dormitory refuse to accept these changes. Aided by other rebellious first-years, including the tenth seat, Erina Nakiri, Souma and his allies band together to fight off supporters of Azami's regime. But corrupt instructors and the menacing Central organization stand in their way, and so they must work together, harder than ever before, to survive every underhanded plot designed to banish them from the school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 507,524 8.05
Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi School Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara -- At Tootsuki Culinary Academy, a heated eight-on-eight Shokugeki known as the Régiment de Cuisine rages on between Central and the rebel forces led by Souma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri. Though they won a stunning perfect victory in the first bout, the rebels face an uphill battle ahead, as they must now face off against the rest of the Elite Ten Council. With the future of Tootsuki at stake, Souma and Erina must push far beyond the limits of their abilities, using everything they learned from their mentors and ultimately drawing from their experiences cooking together as friends. -- -- 392,186 7.75
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo Shoujo Ai -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- All eyes are on Utena Tenjou, a mysterious transfer student to Ohtori Academy. But Utena's eyes seem to be fixed on one familiar face that stands out among the rest—Touga Kiryuu, Utena's childhood friend. Touga knows of Utena's past and possesses knowledge of the Mark of the Rose, a set of unique rings worn by those who compete for the hand of the Rose Bride. The Rose Bride, Himemiya Anthy, belongs to whomever wins her in a duel, and the one that wins all the duels is said to be given the power to bring revolution to the world. Utena is drawn into the duels, but Touga and their complicated history together may end up unraveling everything. Nothing is as it seems in this retelling of the original anime series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Aug 14, 1999 -- 39,871 7.60
Show By Rock!! -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Game -- Comedy Music -- Show By Rock!! Show By Rock!! -- The great music adventure in Show by Rock!! begins after Cyan decides to play her favorite rhythm game and suddenly gets sucked in, finding herself in a world called Midi City where music reigns supreme. She learns that anyone who delivers amazing and powerful music also has the ability to control the city. However, not all music is pure. An evil plan is set in motion to engulf the whole Midi City in darkness. Is it too late for Cyan to do something? -- -- Cyan Hijirikawa always regards herself as nothing but an ordinary girl living in a mediocre world. She has great talent and extreme guitar skills, but she also lacks the confidence to take the first step in realizing her dream to play in a band and be a music millionaire! Little did she know that an eminent power resides deep within herself—the power to defeat evil with her magical music! -- -- Join Cyan, Chuchu, Retoree and Moa in a world where music is everything. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 69,003 7.04
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 286,923 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Gintama: Dai Hanseikai -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Parody Samurai -- Gintama: Dai Hanseikai Gintama: Dai Hanseikai -- Some of the characters get together and talk about "regrets" they have after 4 years of anime Gintama. Soon they fight over who gets more screen time. Special animation shown at the Gintama Haru Matsuri 2010 live event. -- Special - Mar 25, 2010 -- 29,677 8.07
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Hyakujitsu no Bara -- -- PrimeTime -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Yaoi -- Hyakujitsu no Bara Hyakujitsu no Bara -- Two soldiers from warring countries are bound by a pledge as master and servant. Taki Reizen is a Commander of sublime beauty, shouldering the fate of his nation. Called "Mad Dog" because of his rough temperament, Klaus has sworn his loyalty to him as a knight. Despite this, those around them are cold and disapproving, full of various misgivings. For all their genuine feelings, what will come of love made cruel by the violence of war? -- OVA - May 29, 2009 -- 29,624 6.61
Shuumatsu no Walküre -- -- Graphinica -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Shuumatsu no Walküre Shuumatsu no Walküre -- High above the realm of man, the gods of the world have convened to decide on a single matter: the continued existence of mankind. Under the head of Zeus, the deities of Ancient Greece, Norse mythology, and Hinduism, among others, call assembly every one thousand years to decide the fate of humanity. Because of their unrelenting abuse toward each other and the planet, this time the gods vote unanimously in favor of ending the human race. -- -- But before the mandate passes, Brunhild, one of the 13 demigod Valkyries, puts forth an alternate proposal: rather than anticlimactically annihilating mankind, why not give them a fighting chance and enact Ragnarök, a one-on-one showdown between man and god? Spurred on by the audacity of the challenge, the divine council quickly accepts, fully confident that this contest will display the utter might of the gods. To stand a chance against the mighty heavens, Brunhild will need to assemble history's greatest individuals, otherwise the death knell will surely be sounded for mankind. -- -- ONA - Jun ??, 2021 -- 29,841 N/A -- -- Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... Kannagi: Moshimo Kannagi ga Attara... -- Unaired episode included in DVD Vol.7. -- -- In this episode they attempt to make a movie with some money they found lying on the ground. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - May 27, 2009 -- 29,660 7.08
Simoun -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Military Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo Ai -- Simoun Simoun -- In the peaceful theocracy of Simulicram, everyone is born female. At age 17, each maiden undergoes a special ceremony where she chooses her sex. However, only Pairs of maiden priestesses can synchronize with the ancient flying ships known as Simoun needed to defend Simulicram. These Pairs refrain from undergoing the ceremony as long as they wish to keep piloting their Simoun. -- -- Aer is recruited to be a Simoun pilot after a terrifying attack by an enemy nation decimates the squadron known as Chor Tempest. To earn her wings she needs to find her way into the heart of Neviril, Regina of Chor Tempest. But Neviril's heart still belongs to her previous Pair, lost in the battle when she attempted a forbidden Simoun maneuver. -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 3, 2006 -- 36,818 7.45
Sketchbook: Full Color's -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Sketchbook: Full Color's Sketchbook: Full Color's -- Sora Kajiwara is a shy first year who joined the art club at her school. Sora slowly becomes less shy as she befriends everyone in the art club. She also grows artistically and learns how to sketch the beautiful world around her... and cats! -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 25,412 7.39
Slow Start -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Slow Start Slow Start -- Hana Ichinose, a 17-year-old high school student who is not only introverted, but also insecure and timid, has just moved and will be attending a new school. To make her situation more difficult, Hana is a "slow start," which means that she missed a year and worries about attending a class where everyone is younger than her. -- -- During her introduction, the teacher reveals it is Hana's birthday, which gives her the jumping-off point to meet three of her classmates: Tamate Momochi, a charismatic and extroverted girl; Kanmuri Sengoku, who is shy and small; and the popular and pretty Eiko Tokura. Not wanting to lose the chance to make new friends, Hana's interactions with these three mark the beginning of some beautiful relationships that will change her life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 64,917 7.03
Smile Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Smile Precure! Smile Precure! -- To teenager Miyuki Hoshizora, fairy tales are a world of wondrous encounters and happy endings. Inspired by her love for these stories, she lives every day searching for happiness. While running late on her first day of school as a transfer student, Miyuki meets Candy—a mysterious fairy from the world of fairy tales, Märchenland. However, when Candy disappears as quickly as she appeared, Miyuki is left believing the encounter was only a dream. -- -- After an eventful first day, Miyuki finds a mysterious library at school. While combing through the bookshelves, she is transported next to Candy, who claims to be searching for the so-called legendary warriors, Precure. When forced to protect Candy's and everyone else's happiness, Miyuki transforms into "Cure Happy," one of the Precure warriors! As Cure Happy, Miyuki is now tasked with finding the other legendary warriors and protecting the world from destruction, all while possibly discovering her very own happy ending. -- -- 29,388 6.71
Sonic X -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 78 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids Mecha Shounen -- Sonic X Sonic X -- Back on Sonic's home planet, Eggman has collected all 7 of the Chaos Emeralds, and is about to have absolute power when Sonic interferes, causing an explosion that sends everyone from their world to Earth. Sonic and his friends team up with 12 year old Christopher Thorndyke to collect all the Chaos Emeralds and defeat the evil Dr. Eggman. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Discotek Media -- 58,737 6.46
Sora no Method -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy School Slice of Life -- Sora no Method Sora no Method -- A group of friends—Nonoka Komiya, Koharu Shiihara, Shione Togawa, and twins Yuzuki and Souta Mizusaka—once attempted to summon a flying saucer to grant their wishes. After thinking that they failed, they called it a day. However, soon afterward, Nonoka abruptly moved out of Kiriya City, breaking the bond of their circle. Little did the group know, they were successful and the saucer has been floating in the sky since then, waiting to fulfill its purpose. -- -- Seven years later, Nonoka returns to Kiriya, all but forgetting everything regarding her life there. She meets Noel, a little girl wearing strange clothes, and through her, Nonoka begins to remember the past and the friends she left behind. From there, she strives to reforge her severed relationship with the others as she uncovers the mysteries connecting Noel, the saucer, and the wishes they once cherished together. -- -- 91,491 6.76
Sora no Method -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy School Slice of Life -- Sora no Method Sora no Method -- A group of friends—Nonoka Komiya, Koharu Shiihara, Shione Togawa, and twins Yuzuki and Souta Mizusaka—once attempted to summon a flying saucer to grant their wishes. After thinking that they failed, they called it a day. However, soon afterward, Nonoka abruptly moved out of Kiriya City, breaking the bond of their circle. Little did the group know, they were successful and the saucer has been floating in the sky since then, waiting to fulfill its purpose. -- -- Seven years later, Nonoka returns to Kiriya, all but forgetting everything regarding her life there. She meets Noel, a little girl wearing strange clothes, and through her, Nonoka begins to remember the past and the friends she left behind. From there, she strives to reforge her severed relationship with the others as she uncovers the mysteries connecting Noel, the saucer, and the wishes they once cherished together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 91,491 6.76
Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 9 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy -- Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai -- To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 35,286 7.12
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. -- -- Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south. -- -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho follows the captivating journey of four spirited girls, all in search of something great. -- -- 359,273 8.56
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- On a whim, first-year Ayumu Tanaka quits the Kendo Club to join the illegitimate Shogi Club. Urushi Yaotome, the president of the club and a master of shogi, is thrilled to finally have a playing partner. As Ayumu's upperclassman, Urushi endeavors to be his shogi mentor and student role model. Too often, however, she finds herself blushing with embarrassment! Stone-faced and honest, Ayumu sees no issue with calling Urushi "cute." Although Ayumu likes her, he refrains from confessing and promises himself to first beat her in a game of shogi. -- -- Through school life and shogi games, the two students have many hilarious and heart-warming adventures. Ayumu enjoys every second with Urushi, but he is still a long way from beating her in shogi. With the commitment he made to himself, will Ayumu ever get the chance to confess his feelings to Urushi? -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 8,907 N/A -- -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- -- Satelight -- 2 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- Original short episodes featuring characters in super-deformed style. -- Special - Feb 5, 2014 -- 8,885 6.85
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- Hotori Arashiyama loves mysteries, but there's one she just can't solve: why does the solution to one problem inevitably seem to lead to another? Like how when Hotori has to start working at the Seaside Maid Cafe after school to pay off a debt and her friend Toshiko fortunately knows exactly how a Maid Cafe should be run. Which is fortunate since Hotori has no clue. Except that, unfortunately, Toshiko has no interest in working at the cafe—until she discovers that Hotori's childhood friend Hiroyuki is a regular. Which SEEMS fortunate. Except that Hotori doesn't know that, while Toshiko likes Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki secretly likes Hotori, while Hotori secretly has a crush on... No, no more spoilers! -- -- But if that's not enough drama, there's work, angst with a certain math teacher, table tennis between her classmates, her younger brother versus the school's bad girl... And yet, even though everything seems like it's going to crash at any moment, somehow Hotori's life keeps going hilariously forward. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,364 7.44
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- In the Sun Kingdom, sunshine is part of its citizens' everyday lives, and rain is something that they have never even heard of. However, in a faraway land called the Rain Dukedom, the weather is reversed, and everybody has the power to create rain with their voices. -- -- Livius Ifrikia has conquered the entire world and expanded the Sun Kingdom's influence in the three short years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the powers to create rain, Livius decides to marry Nike Remercier, one of the princesses of the Rain Dukedom. However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a cruel, ruthless, and tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 239,664 7.66
Soukou no Strain -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Ecchi Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Soukou no Strain Soukou no Strain -- Eleven-year-old Sara Werec's elder brother, Ralph, was sent to the frontlines of an interstellar war 130 light years away, and Sara vowed to reunite with him one day as a comrade. Five years later, Sara is a student at Grapera Space Armed Soldier Academy, training to become a Reasoner, a pilot of an advanced weapons system called a "Strain." -- -- When the academy is suddenly attacked by enemy forces, Sara enters battle against a Strain that quickly overpowers her. After incapacitating her, the pilot reveals himself to be her Ralph. Killing all the other students and destroying the school, he disappears, leaving Sara to question everything she has ever known. Soukou no Strain is the story of Sara as she reenters training under a new name, now determined to confront her brother and make sense of her brother's actions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Nov 2, 2006 -- 20,207 7.06
Soul Eater NOT! -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Supernatural -- Soul Eater NOT! Soul Eater NOT! -- Soul Eater NOT! is a spin-off and side story that takes place one year prior to the events of the original Soul Eater. At the Death Weapon Meister Academy, humans born with the power to transform into weapons and those with the power to wield these weapons (Meisters) train to hone their natural talent. The characters of the main series are enrolled in the Especially Advantaged Talent class, where they train to become warriors of justice capable of defeating what threats prey on innocent lives—or even the entire world. -- -- Other students at the DWMA are less talented. Members of the Normally Overcome Target class focus less on being warriors of justice and more on controlling their powers so they don't hurt themselves or anyone around them. Tsugumi Harudori, a new halberd-transforming student, meets Meisters Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn and quickly grows indecisive about which of the two new friends should be her partner. As they learn to use these powers and settle in, their lives as everyday students will be far from normal. -- 172,411 5.95
Soul Eater NOT! -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Supernatural -- Soul Eater NOT! Soul Eater NOT! -- Soul Eater NOT! is a spin-off and side story that takes place one year prior to the events of the original Soul Eater. At the Death Weapon Meister Academy, humans born with the power to transform into weapons and those with the power to wield these weapons (Meisters) train to hone their natural talent. The characters of the main series are enrolled in the Especially Advantaged Talent class, where they train to become warriors of justice capable of defeating what threats prey on innocent lives—or even the entire world. -- -- Other students at the DWMA are less talented. Members of the Normally Overcome Target class focus less on being warriors of justice and more on controlling their powers so they don't hurt themselves or anyone around them. Tsugumi Harudori, a new halberd-transforming student, meets Meisters Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn and quickly grows indecisive about which of the two new friends should be her partner. As they learn to use these powers and settle in, their lives as everyday students will be far from normal. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 172,411 5.95
Souten no Ken: Regenesis -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Martial Arts -- Souten no Ken: Regenesis Souten no Ken: Regenesis -- Long before Kenshiro said, "You're already dead," a different Kenshiro walked the violent streets of Shanghai. The city is in constant crisis as two mafia families battle one another for supremacy. In the crossfire, a little girl named Erika is orphaned and soon taken under the wing of martial artist Liu Fei-Yan. Sorrow seems to follow the girl, as every time Fei-Yan attempts to hand her off, her new guardians end up dead. Fei-Yan decides to bring the girl to a man named Guise but instead crosses paths with powerful Kenshiro Kasumi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- ONA - Apr 3, 2018 -- 9,685 5.67
Special A -- -- AIC, Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Special A Special A -- Hikari Hanazono has always been able to do things that normal people cannot. As a child, she assumed no one could beat her—until she met Kei Takishima. Thinking she would win, Hikari challenged him to a match. But things didn’t go as planned; she lost not once but each time she rechallenged him. From that point on, she has sworn to best Kei at everything, ranging from academics to athletics. -- -- To achieve her goal, Hikari enrolls in the same school as Kei—Hakusenkan, a prestigious institute for the wealthy. As a pair, they hold the top two rankings in school and are among seven of the academy's best students in a class known as Special A. -- -- While Hikari treats Kei as a rival, she is completely oblivious that he harbors hidden feelings for her. Together, the members of Special A deal with competition, friendship, and just a bit of love. -- -- 307,188 7.55
Stand By Me Doraemon -- -- Shin-Ei Animation, Shirogumi -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Kids Sci-Fi Shounen -- Stand By Me Doraemon Stand By Me Doraemon -- Nobita Nobi is an elementary student who hates studying, is bad at sports, and does everything half-heartedly. He is a pushover, unlucky, and fearful of many things. His personality makes him a failure in life, even affecting his progeny. This causes his great-great-grandchild, Sewashi, to take control of the situation. -- -- Sewashi travels back in time from the 22nd century to the 20th century to meet Nobita, who is shocked to see him appear out of his drawer alongside a blue robotic cat. The robotic cat calls himself Doraemon, who claims to have been pressured by Sewashi to assist Nobita, with their ultimate goal being to provide Nobita happiness. Frustrated after seeing Nobita's hopeless state, Doraemon decides to go back to the future. However, Sewashi activates a program within Doraemon that prevents him from doing so. -- -- Forced to stay, Doraemon helps Nobita using futuristic gadgets through his four-dimensional pocket—a bag containing anything inside it. Can Doraemon bring Nobita happiness and return to the future? -- -- Movie - Aug 8, 2014 -- 31,200 8.06
Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Starship Troopers: Red Planet Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- After the events of Invasion, Johnny Rico has been demoted to the rank of colonel and relocated to a Martian satellite to train a new batch of troopers. Unfortunately, these troopers are some of the worst low-performing Rico has ever trained as they're Martians and don't take the war seriously. Mars overall has low support for the war as they see their planet unaffected by the bug conflict and even suggested pulling out from the war. Because of their laid back attitude, the denizens of Mars wasn't ready when the bugs attacked. Unknown to everyone, Sky Marshall Amy Snapp executes her plans for power. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Feb 10, 2018 -- 1,915 6.50
Steamboy -- -- Studio 4°C, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Historical Drama -- Steamboy Steamboy -- Ray is a young wunderkind inventor living in Victorian England. His life is turned upside down when he receives a special package hailing from the United States, sent by his grandfather, Lloyd Steam. The package contains a device called a Steam Ball, a device so powerful that it can drive any machine that requires steam with a nearly limitless amount of energy. -- -- Ray is instructed to not let the Steam Ball fall into the wrong hands, which include the mighty O'Hara Foundation, who desperately want to bring the Steam Ball back into their control so they can achieve their less than noble goals. -- -- He will need to use every bit of his brilliance in order to dodge the countless goons that are sent to snatch the device from him. It will be a battle between good and evil, a battle for redemption, a battle for the future! -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 17, 2004 -- 67,126 7.35
Steamboy -- -- Studio 4°C, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Historical Drama -- Steamboy Steamboy -- Ray is a young wunderkind inventor living in Victorian England. His life is turned upside down when he receives a special package hailing from the United States, sent by his grandfather, Lloyd Steam. The package contains a device called a Steam Ball, a device so powerful that it can drive any machine that requires steam with a nearly limitless amount of energy. -- -- Ray is instructed to not let the Steam Ball fall into the wrong hands, which include the mighty O'Hara Foundation, who desperately want to bring the Steam Ball back into their control so they can achieve their less than noble goals. -- -- He will need to use every bit of his brilliance in order to dodge the countless goons that are sent to snatch the device from him. It will be a battle between good and evil, a battle for redemption, a battle for the future! -- Movie - Jul 17, 2004 -- 67,126 7.35
Strait Jacket -- -- feel. -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Strait Jacket Strait Jacket -- It is the world where magic and science coexist. Rayotte Steinberg, a lone wolf "tactical sorcerist", fights against monsters. They used to be human beings, but they had overused forbidden power, "magic", to turn into monsters. What he wears is "mold", the straight jacket that keeps him being a human. What he holds on his hand is "staff", a magical wand that explodes everything. If he casts magic, he moves one step to be a monster. If he doesn't, he will be killed. Among the harsh battles, he will face a sin he had committed in the past. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Nov 26, 2007 -- 23,726 6.84
Strawberry Panic -- -- Imagin, Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Other -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic -- Nagisa Aoi begins her new school life as a transfer student at St. Miator’s Girls Academy, one of three prestigious all-girls institutions atop Astraea Hill. Getting lost on her first day, Nagisa encounters a mysterious student whose elegance and charm is so bewitching, she ends up in the infirmary. -- -- There to greet her when she awakens is Tamao Suzumi, her roommate, who enthusiastically introduces Nagisa to the daily life and social structure on campus. Most notably, Tamao informs her of the existence of an exceptional student representative among all three schools—the Etoile, or "star." Eager to meet this person, Nagisa learns that the ethereal beauty she met earlier, Shizuma Hanazono, is the one and only Etoile herself! Not only that, Shizuma seems openly interested in Nagisa! Her interactions with Shizuma naturally make her a hot topic on campus; yet despite being so captivated, Nagisa can’t help but wonder if something is off. -- -- Strawberry Panic! follows the everyday routines of Nagisa, Shizuma, and her friends at St. Miator’s, St. Spica, and St. Lulim as they navigate through the challenge of relationships while confronting hidden feelings, lingering regrets, and new possibilities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 116,121 7.30
Subete ga F ni Naru -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological -- Subete ga F ni Naru Subete ga F ni Naru -- In a research facility hidden away on a remote island, genius programmer Shiki Magata has lived as a recluse for years. She rarely sees guests, but associate professor Souhei Saikawa and university student Moe Nishinosono still seek her out. However, their meeting is cut short when they are caught up in a locked-room murder mystery. -- -- Everything is not as it seems, and many secrets are hidden. Within an isolated facility, a seemingly impossible and gruesome crime takes place, and Saikawa and Moe must unravel the truth behind the murder and Magata's shrouded past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 141,702 7.27
Submarine Super 99 -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Shounen -- Submarine Super 99 Submarine Super 99 -- Dr. Oki , the genius scientist who designed a new type of submarine is missing. His son, Susumu, smells an evil scheme of unknown group. He knows everything of his father's submarine called "Super 99" – equipment, weapons, functions and capacity. Susumu thinks that to find his father is to reveal the secret organization, Helmet Party, and stop their conspiracy. With the help of his friends and Marine Corps, he sets out to an underwater quest, not knowing how dangerous his endeavour is… -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Enoki Films -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 1,458 6.20
Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological -- Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono -- At Hope's Peak Academy, a school full of extraordinarily talented individuals, Nagito Komaeda is an ordinary boy with no special traits or interesting skills to speak of—except for his incredible unluckiness. Just walking to school in the morning leads to a number of unfortunate accidents, which only escalate as the day goes on. Despite this, Komaeda leads a relatively normal life and is satisfied with his modest slice of happiness. -- -- But everything changes when a mysterious boy who declares himself the "Destroyer of the World" arrives to shatter this hopeless paradise. -- -- OVA - Jan 12, 2017 -- 75,565 7.18
Supernatural The Animation -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Other -- Action Demons Horror Supernatural -- Supernatural The Animation Supernatural The Animation -- Monsters walk the earth. While some may refute their existence as myths or urban legends, the Winchester brothers—Sam and Dean—know all too well what dangers lurk out there in the dark. Driving around in their 1967 Chevrolet Impala, these brothers have made it their life's mission to destroy anything supernatural that would threaten human lives. -- -- From shapeshifters to werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and even demons, the Winchesters track down and kill every evil being they can find, while also searching for the creature that caused them so much personal tragedy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- OVA - Feb 23, 2011 -- 28,086 7.01
Super Seisyun Brothers -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Josei Slice of Life -- Super Seisyun Brothers Super Seisyun Brothers -- The story involves two pairs of teenage elder sister and younger brother, the Shinmoto's who are a bit narcissistic and the Saitou's who look a bit mysterious. It follows their everyday life in school and at home. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Sep 14, 2013 -- 28,515 6.77
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- 352,245 7.42
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 352,245 7.42
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Game Military Sci-Fi -- Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online -- Clad in desert pink and the size of a mere child, the infamous "Pink Devil" mercilessly hunts down other players in the firearm-centered world of the virtual reality game Gun Gale Online. But in real life, this feared player killer is not quite who anyone would expect. -- -- A shy university student in Tokyo, Karen Kohiruimaki stands in stark contrast to her in-game avatar—in fact, she happens to stand above everyone else too, much to her dismay. Towering above all the people around her, Karen's insecurities over her height reach the point where she turns to the virtual world for an escape. Starting game after game in hopes of manifesting as a cute, short character, she finally obtains her ideal self in the world of Gun Gale Online. Overjoyed by her new persona, she pours her time into the game as LLENN, garnering her reputation as the legendary player killer. -- -- However, when one of LLENN's targets gets the best of her, she ends up meeting Pitohui, a skilled yet eccentric woman. Quickly becoming friends with Karen, Pitohui insists that LLENN participates in Squad Jam, a battle royale that pits teams against one another, fighting until only one remains. Thrust into the heated competition, LLENN must fight with all her wit and will if she hopes to shoot her way to the top. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 445,228 7.04
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Refrain -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Game Military Sci-Fi -- Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Refrain Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Refrain -- Following the conclusion of the first ever Squad Jam, Pitohui is eager to see what she missed, dying to know how everything went down. To satiate her desires, M reviews footage of the competition with her, commentating on the trials that he and LLENN faced together. -- -- Special - May 13, 2018 -- 29,940 6.48
Sword Art Online II -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online II Sword Art Online II -- A year after escaping Sword Art Online, Kazuto Kirigaya has been settling back into the real world. However, his peace is short-lived as a new incident occurs in a game called Gun Gale Online, where a player by the name of Death Gun appears to be killing people in the real world by shooting them in-game. Approached by officials to assist in investigating the murders, Kazuto assumes his persona of Kirito once again and logs into Gun Gale Online, intent on stopping the killer. -- -- Once inside, Kirito meets Sinon, a highly skilled sniper afflicted by a traumatic past. She is soon dragged in his chase after Death Gun, and together they enter the Bullet of Bullets, a tournament where their target is sure to appear. Uncertain of Death Gun's real powers, Kirito and Sinon race to stop him before he has the chance to claim another life. Not everything goes smoothly, however, as scars from the past impede their progress. In a high-stakes game where the next victim could easily be one of them, Kirito puts his life on the line in the virtual world once more. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,507,504 6.75
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Harem Military Romance Supernatural -- Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- In a world plagued by magical dangers and threats, there exist special warriors—known as Inquisitors—who are tasked with non-violently preventing these threats and nefarious actions. The Anti-Magic Academy is a specialized school built to educate and train these Inquisitors, which splits its students into small squads in order to train them to work together. Among these talented squads is the 35th Test Platoon, also known as the "Small Fry Platoon" due to its low ranking and incompetent members. -- -- However, everything changes when Ouka Ootori, a powerful yet rebellious former Inquisitor, is forced into joining due to her tendency to break rules and committing a serious violation: the killing of a witch. Tempers flare upon her arrival, as she clashes with their clumsy captain Takeru Kusanagi and argues with the rest of the squad over her views on witches. This eclectic group has a long way to go if they wish to succeed and climb the ranks at the Anti-Magic Academy: they must first set aside their differences and come to work together as a team. -- -- 248,539 6.88
Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Harem Military Romance Supernatural -- Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- In a world plagued by magical dangers and threats, there exist special warriors—known as Inquisitors—who are tasked with non-violently preventing these threats and nefarious actions. The Anti-Magic Academy is a specialized school built to educate and train these Inquisitors, which splits its students into small squads in order to train them to work together. Among these talented squads is the 35th Test Platoon, also known as the "Small Fry Platoon" due to its low ranking and incompetent members. -- -- However, everything changes when Ouka Ootori, a powerful yet rebellious former Inquisitor, is forced into joining due to her tendency to break rules and committing a serious violation: the killing of a witch. Tempers flare upon her arrival, as she clashes with their clumsy captain Takeru Kusanagi and argues with the rest of the squad over her views on witches. This eclectic group has a long way to go if they wish to succeed and climb the ranks at the Anti-Magic Academy: they must first set aside their differences and come to work together as a team. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 248,539 6.88
Takunomi. -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Takunomi. Takunomi. -- 20-year-old Michiru Amatsuki moved to Tokyo after a career change, and now finds herself living in a woman only share house, Stella House Haruno, with a few other women of varying age and occupation. Every night the girls settle down and have a drink or two (or more) as drama ensues. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 37,766 6.42
Tales of the Abyss -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Game -- Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tales of the Abyss Tales of the Abyss -- The world of Auldrant is bound by the Score, a series of prophecies from centuries past that dictate the world's future. It is considered an absolute fate that everyone lives by—even people whose actions lead to bloodshed and tears. Using magical abilities known as the Fonic Arts, a war between the nation of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear and the Malkuth Empire is waged in hopes of bringing the Score's foreseen utopia to life. -- -- Tales of the Abyss follows Luke von Fabre, who spends his days locked away in his manor after being kidnapped and losing memories as a child. One day, while honing his swordsmanship, a woman named Tear attempts to assassinate his master. Luke defends him, but the clash results in the two being teleported to a distant land. Luke and Tear’s journey back quickly escalates into a quest that will either free the world from the Score's chains or destroy it completely. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 110,620 7.31
Tama Gura Abayo: Moki Yumokyu Superdeluxe -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Tama Gura Abayo: Moki Yumokyu Superdeluxe Tama Gura Abayo: Moki Yumokyu Superdeluxe -- Music video by Sawako Kabuki for cover of "Here, There and Everywhere" by The Beatles. -- Music - Apr 23, 2013 -- 613 4.31
Tamayura: Hitotose -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama -- Tamayura: Hitotose Tamayura: Hitotose -- As a little girl, Fuu Sawatari’s father taught her to love photography. They took pictures everywhere they went. But after he passed away, seeing those photographs only served as a reminder of her loss, so she locked them away to be forgotten. Years later, her brother Kou finds their father’s picture album, and as he flips through its pages, the pictures remind Fuu of all the happy memories of her father that she will carry with her forever. -- -- Now, as the shy Fuu enters her first year of high school, she once again takes up her father’s old camera, determined to take wonderful pictures that will bring joy and happiness to others. -- -- (Source: Nozomi Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 39,207 7.31
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. -- -- ENGI -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Drama Romance -- Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. -- Kimizuka Kimihiko is a crisis-magnet. From getting caught up in a crime scene to accidentally witnessing a drug deal, trouble seems to find him around every corner. So it is no surprise when his rather mundane flight suddenly enters a state of emergency with a dire need of a detective onboard. Unfortunately, his attempt at avoiding trouble is foiled by a beautiful girl with silver hair who goes by the codename Siesta. Declaring herself a detective, she unceremoniously drags Kimizuka into the case as her assistant. -- -- That incident spelled the beginning of an adventure around the globe that went beyond his wildest imagination. Putting their lives on the line, the two took down criminal organizations, prevented disasters, and saved thousands. But the curtain closed to their epic journey with Siesta's untimely death three years later. -- -- Resolving to live an ordinary high school life this time, Kimizuka spends a year maintaining a low profile. However, as fate would have it, a girl with an uncanny resemblance to Siesta comes crashing into his life, threatening to throw his peaceful days into disarray. -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 19,730 N/A -- -- Master Keaton -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life -- Master Keaton Master Keaton -- Taichi Keaton is a half-British half-Japanese archeologist and SAS veteran of the Falklands War. He solves mysteries and investigates insurance fraud for Lloyd's around the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 19,713 7.60
Tari Tari -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life School -- Tari Tari Tari Tari -- At Shirahamazaka High School, a special recital is held every year in which music students are able to showcase their talents in front of professionals and other prestigious guests. A third year, Konatsu Miyamoto desperately wants to sing in her last high school recital, but because she screwed up the year before, the vice principal has barred her from participating. -- -- That's when Konatsu comes up with a new plan to get involved; instead of joining the official choir, she'll form her own singing club with her friends! Unfortunately this proves to be harder than she imagined. Her friend Wakana Sakai, has given up on singing, for one, and Konatsu needs more than just two members. With only a month left until the recital, will Konatsu be able to find enough members for her club and actually be ready to sing at one of the most important events of the school year and graduate without regrets? -- 135,669 7.32
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 -- -- DR Movie, Kinema Citrus -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 2 -- Second season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 251,232 N/A -- -- Nanbaka -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Drama -- Nanbaka Nanbaka -- Nanba is the world's most formidable prison, built to incarcerate criminals who are too slippery to stay in ordinary confinement. The four inmates who occupy Cell 13 are particularly cunning on that behalf, having escaped every other prison with a perfect success rate. There is Juugo, a specialist in locks who has spent the majority of his life in prison; Uno, a gambler with great intuition; Nico, an otaku whose body reacts strangely to drugs; and Rock, a bruiser with a love for food. The daily shenanigans of the four prisoners always cause trouble for the building supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, who desperately tries to prevent them from breaking out of Nanba. -- -- Nanbaka follows the comedic, sparkle-filled exploits of these prisoners and their guards. From three square meals a day to sports festivals, prison life in Nanba isn't actually that bad—and it is the closest these four have to a home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 247,115 7.34
Tegamibachi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Tegamibachi -- With his mother taken away from him and having lost everything, Lag Seeing is now a letter whose delivery has been assigned to Gauche Suede, a Letter Bee. Despite their troubling start, the two of them become friends, leading Lag to realize what his aim in life is: to deliver people's most important feelings in the form of letters, just as Gauche has done. -- -- 105,420 7.65
Tegamibachi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Tegamibachi -- With his mother taken away from him and having lost everything, Lag Seeing is now a letter whose delivery has been assigned to Gauche Suede, a Letter Bee. Despite their troubling start, the two of them become friends, leading Lag to realize what his aim in life is: to deliver people's most important feelings in the form of letters, just as Gauche has done. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 105,420 7.65
Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa -- The story takes place in the land of Amber Ground, a place of perpetual night only partially illuminated by an artificial sun. Lag Seeing works as a "Letter Bee" (delivery boy) at the "Bee Hive" (a delivery service), with his Dingo, Niche, and her "pet," Steak, traveling with him. He is entrusted with the "hearts" of the everyone in Amber Ground to deliver their packages. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Nov 24, 2008 -- 13,326 7.47
Tekkon Kinkreet -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Tekkon Kinkreet -- The streets of Treasure Town are said to belong to "The Cats." They know everything that goes on in the city, and no one can stir up trouble without going through them first. In reality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys called Black and White, who aren’t afraid of anything or anyone. -- -- But their rule of the streets is challenged when the Yakuza come to town and start making changes. The wild Black and the carefree White have no one to rely on but themselves to get their Treasure Town back to the way it was. But their bond is tested as they quickly realize going back to how things were may no longer be an option. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 23, 2006 -- 88,223 7.98
Tekkon Kinkreet -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Tekkon Kinkreet -- The streets of Treasure Town are said to belong to "The Cats." They know everything that goes on in the city, and no one can stir up trouble without going through them first. In reality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys called Black and White, who aren’t afraid of anything or anyone. -- -- But their rule of the streets is challenged when the Yakuza come to town and start making changes. The wild Black and the carefree White have no one to rely on but themselves to get their Treasure Town back to the way it was. But their bond is tested as they quickly realize going back to how things were may no longer be an option. -- -- Movie - Dec 23, 2006 -- 88,223 7.98
Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody Police Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- On a sunny day, Mihoshi Kuramitsu decides to take a peaceful nap while everyone else does chores. Sick of Mihoshi's laziness, Aeka Jurai Masaki questions her capability as a Galaxy Police Officer. Her pride wounded, Mihoshi decides to prove that she is a skilled first class detective by telling the story of how she and her partner, Kiyone Makibi, put a stop to a series of thefts involving Ultra Energy Matter. -- -- To make it more fun, Mihoshi inserts Tenchi Masaki and the others into her story. However, her fantastical tale may just demonstrate her lack of a grip on reality rather than showcase her accomplishment as a talented officer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Mar 25, 1994 -- 8,328 6.81
Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve -- Tenchi Masaki gets the surprise of his life when a teenage girl approaches him and calls him "Daddy." Believing that the girl is mistaking him for someone else, Tenchi brings her home to figure out what is going on, which turns out to be a big mistake. When the girl introduces herself as Mayuka Masaki, Tenchi's daughter, the Masaki household is thrown into yet another frenzy. -- -- Thinking that Mayuka is just taking advantage of Tenchi, the girls refuse to believe that she is really his child. However, when DNA testing reveals that Tenchi is indeed her father, Washuu comes to the conclusion that Mayuka is his daughter from the future, the result of a recent time distortion. With this new revelation, everyone tries to welcome Mayuka into their lives with the sole exception being Ryouko Hakubi, who senses something sinister lurking beneath Mayuka's charm. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Aug 2, 1997 -- 13,867 7.14
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 4th Season -- -- AIC -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Space Comedy Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 4th Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 4th Season -- The entire Jurai and Masaki family is in a celebratory mood as Nobuyuki and Rea are finally tying the knot! In the days leading up to his father's wedding, Tenchi reunites with those he met throughout his journey as well as gets acquainted with some new family members. Though this is a blissful time where everyone is finally together, there is one major bump in the road: Rea holds a major secret that will change the fate of her future child and disturb the balance of the Masaki family. -- -- OVA - Nov 30, 2016 -- 5,731 6.64
Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- -- Asahi Production -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Seinen -- Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tenchi Souzou Design-bu -- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He also sought after a wide variety of animals to populate the planet. However, he felt that it was too tiresome to think of new ideas within his criteria. To address this problem, God appointed an organization—the Heaven's Design Team—to do the work instead! -- -- Shimoda is a newly-hired angel who serves as the mediator between God and the design team. As he steps into his role, he witnesses his coworkers conceive interesting ideas for many unique life forms according to God's desires. From giraffes and snakes to birds, anteaters, and everything in between, the possibilities for different animal species are endless! -- -- 48,634 7.16
Tenki no Ko -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Fantasy -- Tenki no Ko Tenki no Ko -- Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. -- -- Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. -- -- Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price... -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2019 -- 545,419 8.38
Tenkuu Shinpan -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror -- Tenkuu Shinpan Tenkuu Shinpan -- Upon witnessing a man's head cracked open with an axe, 16-year-old Yuri Honjou trembles in fear and confusion as she flees from the masked assailant, only to find out she's trapped in an abandoned building where every door is mysteriously locked. Desperately searching for a way out, Yuri runs to the rooftop, but a world with no signs of life stands before her, surrounded by high-rise buildings. Though filled with despair, once she learns that her brother is also in this strange place, Yuri is determined to find him and escape. -- -- However, she soon finds that there are more masked murderers in the area, anxious to terrorize their newfound victims and satiate their sickest desires, leaving Yuri to question if they will be able to make it out alive. -- -- ONA - Feb 25, 2021 -- 104,271 6.82
Tenshi ni Narumon! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 26 eps -- Original -- Comedy Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Tenshi ni Narumon! Tenshi ni Narumon! -- Yuusuke was just a normal kid going to high school. Then one day, the cute and behaloed Noelle fell, quite literally, into his life, naked as a baby and every bit as innocent. Before he can even fathom what's just happened, Yuusuke is inducted into a rather odd family of otherworldly beings. -- -- Papa is a Frankenstein monster with a taste for calisthenics. Mama is a gorgeous lady with a penchant for "round objects" -- really! The eldest sister, Sara, is literally invisible; the brother, Gabriel, is a teenage vampire with an attitude problem; and the youngest sister, Ruka, loves inventing things. There's a disapproving Grandma, who's a witch to the nth degree, and her vulture familiar. All Yuusuke wanted was for the beautiful Natsumi to even notice his attention, but now he has an angel-in-training to follow him wherever he goes. And Noelle, too, has a guide on her path to being an angel, the mysterious Michael. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Synch-Point -- 6,093 6.71
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Terra e... (TV) -- -- Minami Machi Bugyousho, Tokyo Kids -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Shounen -- Terra e... (TV) Terra e... (TV) -- In the future, humans are living on colonized planets and are controlled in every aspect of their life by a system of computers. Evolution has resulted in the birth of people with extraordinary powers. This new race is called Mu. Hated and feared by the humans, the Mu dream of a place to live in peace: Earth—a mystical far away planet—for humanity had to leave their home long ago as pollution and destruction increased and made it impossible to stay there any longer. -- -- Jomy is a boy excitedly awaiting his birthday, the day he will enter the world of adults. Yet he knows nothing about the unknown powers sleeping in him and the shared dream of returning to Earth one day. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 54,008 7.92
Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02 -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy -- Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02 Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02 -- Following the Ryunka disaster, Tokyo is left in a period of social turmoil. To make matters worse, the group of aliens directly responsible for the catastrophic event have escaped from the Space Federation and are hiding on Earth. -- -- Still sharing a body, Space Federation officer Birdy Cephon Altera, and high schooler, Tsutomu Senkawa, are tasked with capturing the fugitives and bringing them to justice. However, an unexpected crisis develops when the outlaws become targets of an unknown assassin with a vendetta. Now Birdy must deal with the chaos of everyday life and also uncover the identity of the assassin before more escapees fall victim. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 45,377 7.74
Tetsuwan Birdy Decode: The Cipher -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi -- Tetsuwan Birdy Decode: The Cipher Tetsuwan Birdy Decode: The Cipher -- Birdy uses her pin-up alter ego to help Tsutomu make a love connection with Sayaka, but everything goes horribly wrong when a Federation marionette is added to the equation! -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- This OVA connects the first and second Birdy the Mighty Decode seasons. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jul 22, 2009 -- 19,479 7.30
The God of High School -- -- MAPPA -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Supernatural Martial Arts Fantasy -- The God of High School The God of High School -- The "God of High School" tournament has begun, seeking out the greatest fighter among Korean high school students! All martial arts styles, weapons, means, and methods of attaining victory are permitted. The prize? One wish for anything desired by the winner. -- -- Taekwondo expert Jin Mo-Ri is invited to participate in the competition. There he befriends karate specialist Han Dae-Wi and swordswoman Yu Mi-Ra, who both have entered for their own personal reasons. Mo-Ri knows that no opponent will be the same and that the matches will be the most ruthless he has ever fought in his life. But instead of being worried, this prospect excites him beyond belief. -- -- A secret lies beneath the facade of a transparent test of combat prowess the tournament claims to be—one that has Korean political candidate Park Mu-Jin watching every fight with expectant, hungry eyes. Mo-Ri, Dae-Wi, and Mi-Ra are about to discover what it really means to become the God of High School. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 536,956 7.05
The iDOLM@STER -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Game -- Music Comedy Drama -- The iDOLM@STER The iDOLM@STER -- 765 Production Studio manages the unique talents of 13 professional idols as they slowly make their way to the top and become country-wide celebrities. But the girls' journey is far from just fun and games: hard work, sweat, and tears are some of the prerequisites needed to flourish in this industry—and for 765 Pro in particular, a watchful eye out for their rival, the infamous 961 Production. -- -- As the girls' fame grows, however, their time together as a family diminishes, and now the very popularity they sought is threatening to tear them apart. A difficult balance of work and bonding must be achieved, or they risk everyone going their separate ways. The personal and professional ordeals of these idols can't be conquered alone, but with each other's loving support, any obstacle or hardship can be overcome! -- -- 132,397 7.62
The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo -- -- Xebec -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Seinen -- The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo -- In the distant future, because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries, civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything, and only 1/5th of the population survived. A strange breed of humans, ''The Third'' is said to have appeared just after the war. They possess a third eye, as their name suggests, that appear as oval-shaped red pupils called "space eyes'' over their conventional two eyes. Using them, they can control computer systems and so on, and as such, rule the world by their superior power over technology. -- -- In this world, there is a young woman named Honoka; she is a "jack-of-all-trades" sellsword, and she accepts any job except murder. One day, she happens to find and rescue a young man named Ikus in the desert. Entering his world, and accepting a job from him, the adventure begins for Honoka and Ikus. -- -- (Source: BestAnime, modified) -- -- Licensor: -- Kadokawa Pictures USA, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 19,122 7.32
Timbre A to Z -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Timbre A to Z Timbre A to Z -- A series of short films where Mirai Mizuki uploaded one abstract representation of a letter of the alphabet every day for 26 days. -- ONA - Jan 22, 2011 -- 597 4.68
To Heart -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Romance School Slice of Life -- To Heart To Heart -- For as long as Akari can remember, she and Hiroyuki have always been friends. But with time, everything changes, and her feelings have turned into something more. As a new semester of high school begins, will the two childhood friends come closer together or drift further apart? Join Hiroyuki, Akari and all their friends—the bubbly Shiho, the quiet Serika, the lovely Kotone, and more—in this heartwarming tale of love, relationships and friendship! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 22,919 6.59
Toki-iro Kaima -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Horror Shounen -- Toki-iro Kaima Toki-iro Kaima -- Anime adaptation of the same name horror manga by Suzumiya Wayu, serialized in Shogakuan's Weekly Shonen Sunday special issue. -- OVA - Apr 20, 1989 -- 343 N/A -- -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Comedy Dementia Fantasy Horror Music Parody -- Mechano: Scientific Attack Force Mechano: Scientific Attack Force -- Three 10-minute videos present a trippy view into the minds of their creators. Brought together by Pierre Taki of Denki Groove, Mechano: Scientific Attack Force features three shorts done in very different styles. -- -- The three short films are: -- -- "Plastic Gun Man" - a 3D Western spoof -- "World Meccano Triangle" - a music video reminiscent of '90s era screensavers -- "Haiirogaoka no Soridaijin" (translated as "Prime Minister of Gray Hill") - an anime-style animated video parody of Akira Mochizuki's famous 1977 manga, Yuuhi ga Oka no Souri Daijin -- OVA - Sep 1, 1995 -- 334 N/A -- -- Hwasan Golae -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Thriller -- Hwasan Golae Hwasan Golae -- In the year 2070, mankind faces a life threatening crisis due to huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Korea is in a state of anarchy and Busan is swarming with refugees. Young street dealer Ha-jin has the ability to communicate with whales – a fact she keeps hidden from everyone. One day, a onearmed woman named Baek Sang-won asks Ha-jin to join her in the gules whale hunt. Painful memories lead Ha-jin to turn down the offer initially, but she eventually ends up joining Baek. As she makes friends on the ship, she grows curious about the gules whale and learns that every crew member has a sad gules story. The madness in the crews’ eyes as they try to kill the gules brings Ha-jin’s trauma to the forefront of her mind – and she experiences her own madness. -- -- (Source: Korean Film Biz Zone) -- Movie - Sep 10, 2015 -- 322 N/A -- -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Demons Supernatural Thriller School -- Shin Gakkou no Yuurei Shin Gakkou no Yuurei -- Following the popularity of the original omnibus OVA, this release offers 4 more stories but in animation only. -- OVA - Jun 11, 1999 -- 316 N/A -- -- Burning Village -- -- - -- 10 eps -- - -- Fantasy Horror -- Burning Village Burning Village -- Animal folk tales set in the titular community, in which local eccentric Ohahai retells several popular fairy tales with considerable license. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - May 1, 1989 -- 314 N/A -- -- Petit Petit Muse -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Cars Horror Kids -- Petit Petit Muse Petit Petit Muse -- Two twins, Ara and Ari, aspire into the world of fashion. Ara wants to become a fashion model, while her sister, Ari, wants to become a fashion designer. They meet a man named Yorang, who is the fashion designer in Heaven. -- 311 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken Kaibutsu-kun: Demon no Ken -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Daimakyou and Ninja Hattori-kun: Nin Nin Ninpo Enikki no Maki. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 307 N/A -- -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead Fire Emblem Heroes Book III Movie:Cohort of the Dead -- A mini movie released on the Fire Emblem Heroes website in honor of a major plot twist in Book 3. -- Special - Jul 21, 2019 -- 292 6.23
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo -- Makoto Konno is in her last year of high school, but is having a hard time deciding what to do with her future. In between enduring the pressure of her teachers and killing time with her best friends, Makoto's life suddenly changes when she accidentally discovers that she is capable of literally leaping through time. -- -- Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo follows Makoto as she plays around with her newfound power. However, she soon learns the hard way that every choice has a consequence, and time is a lot more complicated than it may seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation, Kadokawa Pictures USA -- Movie - Jul 15, 2006 -- 640,120 8.18
Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Tokyo Babylon 2021 Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- Subaru Sumeragi is the thirteenth head of his powerful onmyouji clan. Until the time comes when he must succeed his grandmother fully, Subaru is allowed to live in Tokyo with his fraternal twin Hokuto. While Subaru is kind and shy, Hokuto has exuberance to spare, and her favorite pastime is designing bold matching outfits for the two of them to wear. Her next favorite thing to do is try to set up Subaru with their veterinarian friend Seishirou Sakurazuka who, oddly enough, is always readily available to accompany the Sumeragis throughout the city. -- -- Subaru has to resolve a variety of spiritual conflicts in Tokyo: some are cases formally brought to him by clients, and others are matters in which he decides to involve himself. A selfless teenager, he empathizes with others to the point that their pain may as well be his own. This leaves him vulnerable in a city where nearly everyone makes decisions that only benefit themselves as individuals. Hokuto hopes that if Subaru develops feelings for Seishirou, their relationship will be the one thing that he never gives up for the sake of anyone else. However, is Seishirou the best candidate for her brother's love, or is he hiding sinister secrets? -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 5,853 N/ANight Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/A -- -- Jie Mo Ren -- -- - -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Fantasy -- Jie Mo Ren Jie Mo Ren -- When Freshman Zhou Xiaoan put on a ring of unclear origin, a terrifying devil leaps from his mouth and his life is changed forever. Shocking historical secrets are slowly revealed - a Blood Devil calling itself King Zhou of Shang, a race of heart-eating zombies; a dubious group of Taoist Priests that fight against them; mysterious beings of the supernatural world who can blend in to human society. -- -- (Source: GFearJ) -- ONA - Apr 27, 2016 -- 5,744 6.18
Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season -- -- Pierrot Plus, Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Seinen Supernatural -- Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season -- After the conclusion of the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, the members of the Commission of Counter Ghouls (CCG) have grown exponentially in power and continue to pursue their goal of exterminating every ghoul in Japan. Having resigned from Quinx Squad, the now seemingly emotionless Haise Sasaki begins taking on more and more tasks from the CCG with no regard to the difficulty. Despite his vacant expressions, Ken Kaneki's memories are resurfacing in Haise, leaving him in a state of internal conflict. Meanwhile, his new coldhearted behavior is affecting the people around him. Quinx Squad are left in shambles, having to cope with the death of one of their members without the support of their former mentor. -- -- Amidst this turmoil, both Quinx Squad and Haise must continue to fulfill their duties to the CCG, whether willingly or not. However, the presence of a mysterious group behind the CCG has been made known to Haise, and certain whispers of corruption have not gone unheard by the Quinx Squad as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 521,694 6.35
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 -- -- Bones, Kinema Citrus -- 11 eps -- Original -- Drama -- Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 -- Middle school student Mirai Onozawa is dissatisfied with her family circumstances and, in a moment of frustration, wishes to tear everything apart. Unfortunately, these destructive thoughts seem to come true in the form of a magnitude 8.0 earthquake just a few moments later. -- -- When summer vacation begins, Mirai reluctantly takes her younger brother Yuuki to Odaiba, where a robot exhibition that he wanted to go to is being held. However, while they are in the exhibition center, the fury of a major earthquake shakes the Kanto region; helpless, both kids witness the devastating power of this natural disaster as it brings the city to its knees. -- -- In its aftermath, they stumble upon Mari Kusakabe, a motorcyclist and single mother who decides to help the young siblings. Aiming to return to their homes and reunite with their families, the group sets off on a long and hard journey through the decimated city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- 244,963 8.05
Tokyo Marble Chocolate -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Romance -- Tokyo Marble Chocolate Tokyo Marble Chocolate -- Serious and generous, but a bit shy, Yuudai has been unsuccessful with the opposite gender. Chizuru is an energetic and cheerful girl, but when it comes to boyfriends, she's been unlucky and clumsy, and never had a steady relationship. This is the first Christmas the couple spends together. Chizuru loves animals and Yuudai plans to give her a rabbit in a box, but it turns out to be... a mini donkey?! As the funny creature escapes, Chizuru goes after it, and Yuudai loses sight of them both! -- -- The time that should have been spent together... -- The important feeling that should have been revealed... -- Small, but precious things that tend to be buried in every day life. -- What answer will the two youngsters find while separated from each other? -- -- Yuudai and Chizuru—their feelings and the time they spent far from each other are delicately unfolded in this double-sided pure love story told from two different perspectives! -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- OVA - Dec 5, 2007 -- 22,688 7.20
Tokyo Ravens -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance School -- Tokyo Ravens Tokyo Ravens -- Onmyoudou magic was once a powerful technique used by the Japanese during the second World War in order for them to gain the upper hand and establish their nation as a formidable force. But Japan was quickly defeated after the revered onmyouji Yakou Tsuchimikado caused the "Great Spiritual Disaster," an event which plagues Tokyo to this very day. As a result of this mishap, the Onmyou Agency was established in order to exorcise further spiritual disasters and combat the demons that would make their way into the world. -- -- Now, Onmyoudou has become far more modern, simplified, and refined for use in a wide variety of applications such as medicine and technology. However, not everyone is able to utilize the magic, as is the case with Harutora, a member of the Tsuchimikado's branch family. Despite an old promise to protect Natsume, the heir of the Tsuchimikado's main family and Yakou's supposed reincarnation, as her familiar, Harutora has no talent and chooses to live a normal life instead. But when a prominent member of the Onmyou Agency attempts to recreate the same experiment which led to Japan's downfall, he decides to make good on his word and fight by Natsume's side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 388,582 7.51
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- The dispassionate, transforming assassin Golden Darkness returns to peer deeper into the mysteries surrounding her new life, while a sinister Nemesis manipulates her younger sister Mea from the shadows. Along with their newly discovered mother, Tearju, this previously estranged family quickly becomes the center of everyone's attention. On the other hand, Princess Momo's Harem Plan stands on shaky ground amidst Rito's inability to confess to his longtime crush Haruna, who has grown feelings of her own. -- -- But things aren't as peaceful as they seem; an evil force looms amidst the innocuous commotion, threatening to eclipse the love, happiness, and friendship of Rito and his harem. Only the light of love can hope to banish the shadow. -- -- 201,598 7.49
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- The dispassionate, transforming assassin Golden Darkness returns to peer deeper into the mysteries surrounding her new life, while a sinister Nemesis manipulates her younger sister Mea from the shadows. Along with their newly discovered mother, Tearju, this previously estranged family quickly becomes the center of everyone's attention. On the other hand, Princess Momo's Harem Plan stands on shaky ground amidst Rito's inability to confess to his longtime crush Haruna, who has grown feelings of her own. -- -- But things aren't as peaceful as they seem; an evil force looms amidst the innocuous commotion, threatening to eclipse the love, happiness, and friendship of Rito and his harem. Only the light of love can hope to banish the shadow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 201,598 7.49
Tomie -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Josei Supernatural -- Tomie Tomie -- Memories, both good and bad, suffuse the high school experience. Whether it's hanging out with friends or cramming for tests, everyone has something they will remember from that time in their lives. At a certain high school, one class is faced with an event that can cause people to look back on their high school days in sadness: the death of a student. -- -- The deceased is not just any student—she's Tomie Kawakami, a popular girl with an almost otherworldly beauty. Her death was particularly gruesome: her body was dismembered and the pieces scattered. As the class tries to make sense of the situation, they are shocked when a familiar voice calls out to them from the doorway, apologizing for being late. -- -- With raven hair and a beauty mark under her left eye, this girl is the spitting image of their murdered classmate. But she can't actually be Tomie, right? -- -- Special - Apr 27, 2018 -- 19,452 5.97
Tong Ling Fei -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 16 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Drama Romance -- Tong Ling Fei Tong Ling Fei -- When Qian Yunshang's marriage to Ye Youming is arranged by the emperor, she is terrified that the bad blood between their families will lead to her being treated miserably in the Ye household. Torn between duty and concern for his daughter, Qian Aotian devises a reckless plan. He summons his firstborn daughter—her existence unknown to all but his own family—to be the stand-in for her younger sister. -- -- Due to her unusual powers, Qian Yun Xi was exiled by her family when she was a child. Deprived of filial affection, she made a life of her own amid the wilderness on Mt. Ling Yun. However, everything begins to change when she marries Ye Youming in her sister's stead. -- -- Harboring immense contempt for the family of Qian, Ye Youming refuses to acknowledge Qian Yun Xi as his wife and treats her coldly, going so far as to banish her from his palace grounds. But he can only resist her childlike charm and boldness for so long... -- -- ONA - Nov 30, 2018 -- 20,014 7.71
Triage X -- -- Xebec -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Ecchi Shounen -- Triage X Triage X -- In a deadly terrorist attack, Arashi Mikami narrowly escapes death but loses everything in the process, including his family and best friend. However, the surgeon that rescues him is far from just an ordinary doctor—he commands a strike team known as Black Label whose task is to exterminate deadly criminals who have fallen too far. Filled with a new determination, Arashi joins the ranks of the vigilante organization. -- -- Black Label's targets are aplenty, as evil scum lurks everywhere—dangerous arms dealers, corrupt politicians, and shady gangsters all find themselves hunted by the extermination team. Although haunted by their dark and sinister past, all of the hunters are highly skilled at slaying their targets. In spite of the perilous lives the members live, Arashi and the gorgeous ladies surrounding him still manage to get caught up in a variety of sultry moments and racy hijinks. Though they face strong opposition, nothing can stop Black Label's objective of cleansing the world of ghastly evil. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 124,772 6.33
Tsukumogami Kashimasu -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural -- Tsukumogami Kashimasu Tsukumogami Kashimasu -- The series is set during the Edo period, in the Fukagawa ward of old Edo (present-day Tokyo). Because the area is prone to fire and flooding, residents rent everyday items like pots, futons, and clothing from shops instead of purchasing them, so as not to impede them when they flee. Obeni and Seiji, an older sister and younger brother, run one such rental shop called Izumoya. However, mixed in with their inventory are tsukumogami, objects that have turned into spirits after a hundred years of existence. The siblings sometimes lend these sentient items to customers. Both Obeni and Seiji can see and talk to these spirits, and other tsukumogami often come to the store after hearing of the famed siblings. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 14,147 6.70
Tsuyokiss -- -- Studio Hibari, Trinet Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Romance School Slice of Life -- Tsuyokiss Tsuyokiss -- Sunao Konoe starts her first day at a new school and is surprised to find that there is no drama club. So, she decides to make one of her own. But between a childhood friend showing up, the crazy student body, and the arrogant student council president blocking her at every turn, it seems that actually creating the club is going to be more difficult than she thought. -- -- (Source: ZomgAnime) -- 17,690 6.60
Uchouten Kazoku 2 -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Demons Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Uchouten Kazoku 2 Uchouten Kazoku 2 -- After uncovering the truth behind their father's untimely death, life for the four Shimogamo brothers returns to relative peace with each trying to live up to their father's greatness in their own way. For the eldest, Yaichirou, who aims to become the next Trick Magister and leader of the tanuki society, it starts with reinstating the popular shogi tournament. For Yajirou, it is restoring his former shapeshifting abilities, whilst little Yashirou is content with continuing his work at the family’s factory. But for the third son, Yasaburou, it simply means embracing the "fool's blood" he inherited from his father and living a carefree but interesting life. This, of course, includes hunting for the mysterious and elusive snake-like creature known as a tsuchinoko, and causing ripples of trouble at every turn. -- -- However, these ripples threaten to turn into waves with the return of Nidaime, the estranged son of the brothers' tengu teacher, Professor Akadama. Nidaime bears a grudge against not only his father, but his father's apprentice Benten as well. His loyalties suddenly brought into question, Yasaburou must use his tanuki wit to appease all sides without getting caught in the crossfire, before the delicate balance between human, tengu, and tanuki is overthrown and all hell breaks loose. -- -- 52,454 8.13
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 -- -- AIC, Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 -- In the year 2199, Earth faces its greatest crisis. Due to unrelenting bombings by the alien race known as "Gamilas," the planet can no longer sustain its inhabitants. In exactly one year, humanity is set to become extinct. -- -- In desperation, the people of Earth establish the Earth Defense Force, their last defense against the power-hungry Gamilas Empire. However, humanity finds a glimmer of hope after receiving a message from the mysterious planet Iscandar, which offers them a device that would restore Earth to its former glory. With salvation in sight, the Earth Defense Force calls on the prolific Space Battleship Yamato and swiftly assembles a crew to make the 168,000 light-year trek to Iscandar and receive their aid. -- -- Among the crew are young officers Susumu Kodai and Daisuke Shima, along with several other newly promoted leaders, all under the command of the distinguished Captain Juuzou Okita. Forced to learn how to handle the ship's innovative technology while dealing with the onslaught of Gamilas fleets, the inexperienced cast of Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 must summon every inch of their resolve to survive the many hardships aboard the Yamato and complete their mission: to save humanity before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - May 25, 2012 -- 94,501 8.36
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 -- -- AIC, Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 -- In the year 2199, Earth faces its greatest crisis. Due to unrelenting bombings by the alien race known as "Gamilas," the planet can no longer sustain its inhabitants. In exactly one year, humanity is set to become extinct. -- -- In desperation, the people of Earth establish the Earth Defense Force, their last defense against the power-hungry Gamilas Empire. However, humanity finds a glimmer of hope after receiving a message from the mysterious planet Iscandar, which offers them a device that would restore Earth to its former glory. With salvation in sight, the Earth Defense Force calls on the prolific Space Battleship Yamato and swiftly assembles a crew to make the 168,000 light-year trek to Iscandar and receive their aid. -- -- Among the crew are young officers Susumu Kodai and Daisuke Shima, along with several other newly promoted leaders, all under the command of the distinguished Captain Juuzou Okita. Forced to learn how to handle the ship's innovative technology while dealing with the onslaught of Gamilas fleets, the inexperienced cast of Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 must summon every inch of their resolve to survive the many hardships aboard the Yamato and complete their mission: to save humanity before it's too late. -- -- OVA - May 25, 2012 -- 94,501 8.36
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2 -- -- Group TAC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2 -- A year has passed since the Star Force returned to save the Earth but another danger now approaches from deep space. A gigantic White Comet hurtles toward our galaxy, obliterating everything in its path. But it is no ordinary comet—it is the deadly Comet Empire, conqueror of worlds... and Earth is the next target! Against orders, the Star Force blasts off to investigate, but even if they can get past the flagship Andromeda, they don't yet know the true nature of their new enemy! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- 6,704 7.42
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) -- In the year 2199, the Gamilon race declares war on humans, intent on taking Earth for themselves. The fighters on Earth do everything in their might to keep the planet stable, but alien technology proves to be far too advanced, and the resulting destruction renders the surface of planet Earth completely uninhabitable. The underground shelters are also becoming weak, and if nothing changes, humans will become extinct in less than a year. -- -- But just when all seems lost, Queen Starsha from the planet Iscandar offers a helping hand. The key to victory lies in the Cosmo-Cleaner D, which can eliminate the radiation that Earth is suffering from. However, the only way to get a hold of this life-saving device is if someone from Earth goes to Iscandar―148,000 light years away―to retrieve it. The problem is, they have less than a year before time runs out. -- -- The fate of the entire human race lies in the hands of the crew of a salvaged WWII craft, the Space Battleship Yamato. -- Movie - Aug 6, 1977 -- 4,218 6.72
UFO Princess Valkyrie 3: Seiresetsu no Hanayome -- -- TNK -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Sci-Fi -- UFO Princess Valkyrie 3: Seiresetsu no Hanayome UFO Princess Valkyrie 3: Seiresetsu no Hanayome -- The third season doesn`t have a particular story behind everything (like "Valkyrie Ghost" in the second season). It just tells 6 stories about the life of Kazuto & Co. with some additions: Raine and Chorus get a house on earth, the last three Valhalla princesses each get an episode, and in the last episode Kazuto and Valkyrie, who in the same episode managed to stay adult, >try< to marry again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- OVA - May 25, 2005 -- 6,403 6.96
Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi -- -- AXsiZ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi -- The story is set in the 15th century, during the Hundred Years' War between France and England over the succession to the French throne. Montmorency, the son of a noble, immerses himself in the studies of magic and alchemy at a royal knight training school. However, following France's crushing defeat at Agincourt, the school is dissolved. Having lost everything and now a wanted man, Montmorency, who had just become an alchemist, encounters a mysterious village girl named Jehanne. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,100 5.34
Umayon -- -- DMM.futureworks, W-Toon Studio -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports -- Umayon Umayon -- It's a "pop" and cute everyday anime based on the 4-koma manga featuring the characters from Uma Musume: Pretty Derby. -- 11,963 6.12
Umezu Kazuo no Noroi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Horror -- Umezu Kazuo no Noroi Umezu Kazuo no Noroi -- "Do not toy with the supernatural." -- -- Two stories of the consequences that descend upon humans who venture beyond the safe confines of their ordinary worlds. -- -- When a gorgeous girl named Rima transfers into Masami's class, she's not only jealous, but also deathly frightened of her. While the boys in class are tripping all over themselves to get to Rima, Masami's having nightmares of a ghastly visitor and finding scars on her body come morning. She asks a friend to help her get evidence to confirm her suspicions about the new girl. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth far more. The truth can set you free, but it can also be more terrifying than anything you can imagine. -- -- Shy Miko and her more outgoing friend Nanako are enjoying their summer vacation, trying to make the most of their youth. But when horror-movie marathons just aren't thrilling enough, Nanako sets her eyes on a new target: an abandoned mansion at the edge of town, said to be haunted. With two other friends in tow, a reluctant Miko and a gung-ho Nanako enter the mansion. Soon, everything that can go wrong starts going wrong. Only luck or a miracle will allow them manage to escape the mansion with their lives, their sanity, and even their sense of reality. -- -- (Source: Hanako) -- OVA - Mar 1, 1990 -- 5,203 6.14
Upotte!! -- -- Xebec -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Military Seinen -- Upotte!! Upotte!! -- Kiss kiss, bang bang! The arms race takes on a startling new development when the arms come with heads, legs and very feminine bodies attached! -- -- Yes, at Seishou Academy every girl is literally a lethal weapon, and they're all gunning for the top shot at getting their own personal serviceman! Needless to say, it's going to be difficult for newly recruited human instructor Genkoku to adjust to working with a living arsenal of high caliber cuties with tricky names like FNC (Funko) M 16A4 (Ichiroku) L85A1 (Eru) and SG 550 (Shigu). Especially since many have hair triggers and there's no bulletproof vest that can stop a really determined coed! He'll have to rewrite the operator's manual on student/teacher relationships, and pray that his job description won't include having to field strip and reassemble one of his cadets in the dark. But unfortunately (for him) FNC's already thinking about becoming HIS personal weapon, and she usually gets what she aims for! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Apr 7, 2012 -- 64,158 6.50
Urusei Yatsura -- -- Studio Deen, Studio Pierrot -- 195 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Romance -- Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura -- Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. It's a stroke of rare luck for Ataru that the duel is in fact a game of tag, and that his opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory. -- -- However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Wielding her influence as an alien princess, she moves in with him. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets. -- -- 59,467 7.69
Urusei Yatsura -- -- Studio Deen, Studio Pierrot -- 195 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Romance -- Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura -- Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. It's a stroke of rare luck for Ataru that the duel is in fact a game of tag, and that his opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory. -- -- However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Wielding her influence as an alien princess, she moves in with him. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets. -- -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- 59,467 7.69
Urusei Yatsura Movie 1: Only You -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Drama Sci-Fi -- Urusei Yatsura Movie 1: Only You Urusei Yatsura Movie 1: Only You -- Lum doesn't need much assistance going ballistic when everyone in Tomobiki gets an invitation to Ataru's wedding -- and she's not listed as the bride! It seems that some 11 years ago, Ataru played "Shadow Tag" with a young girl named Elle and won. Unfortunately, Elle was yet another Alien Princess; and on her planet, if a boy steps on a girl's shadow, they have to marry. -- When Elle's emissary comes to make arrangements, Lum redefines the term "the atmosphere was electric," but to no avail: a force-field now protects Ataru from her high voltage love-zaps. Lum's friend Benten suggests a pre-emptive wedding, and they proceed to abduct Ataru and all of the wedding guests, and the stage is set for the shotgun wedding of all time! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo, Discotek Media -- Movie - Feb 13, 1983 -- 7,693 7.07
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance School -- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete -- Kaori Sasaki—a member of Uchihama Academy’s Astronomy Club—confesses to Sou Akiyama, but later that evening, she dies in a tragic road accident. Her friends and fellow club members mourn her death in a local hospital. Yet she shows up to school the following day, and no one senses anything amiss. -- -- The day finishes without any unusual incidents, and the group of friends plans for the upcoming cultural festival. Suddenly, the room is shaken by an unnatural earthquake. Everyone splits up to investigate—except for Nagisa Hanamiya, who stays behind. As everyone leaves, Nagisa notices that the odd relic-like cube that she was toying with starts emitting a strange blue light. Meanwhile, Sou stumbles upon an unconscious, naked girl lying in a pool of water. -- -- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete follows the Astronomy Club’s increasingly bizarre adventures—from dealing with ghosts to quelling unrests between student clubs. All the while, they unravel the circumstances behind the sudden appearance of a new transfer student. -- -- 79,559 6.75
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance School -- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete -- Kaori Sasaki—a member of Uchihama Academy’s Astronomy Club—confesses to Sou Akiyama, but later that evening, she dies in a tragic road accident. Her friends and fellow club members mourn her death in a local hospital. Yet she shows up to school the following day, and no one senses anything amiss. -- -- The day finishes without any unusual incidents, and the group of friends plans for the upcoming cultural festival. Suddenly, the room is shaken by an unnatural earthquake. Everyone splits up to investigate—except for Nagisa Hanamiya, who stays behind. As everyone leaves, Nagisa notices that the odd relic-like cube that she was toying with starts emitting a strange blue light. Meanwhile, Sou stumbles upon an unconscious, naked girl lying in a pool of water. -- -- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete follows the Astronomy Club’s increasingly bizarre adventures—from dealing with ghosts to quelling unrests between student clubs. All the while, they unravel the circumstances behind the sudden appearance of a new transfer student. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 79,559 6.75
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪: Maji Love 1000% -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Music Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Uta no☆Prince-sama♪: Maji Love 1000% Uta no☆Prince-sama♪: Maji Love 1000% -- Haruka Nanami, an aspiring composer from the countryside, longs to write music for her beloved idol, Hayato Ichinose. Determined to accomplish this goal, she enrolls into Saotome Academy, a highly regarded vocational school for the performing arts. -- -- Upon her arrival, Haruka soon learns that everyone on staff, including the headmaster, is either an idol, a composer, or a poet. To top it all off, she is surrounded by incredibly talented future idols and composers, and the competition among the students is fierce; with the possibility of recruitment by the Shining Agency upon graduation, the stakes are incredibly high. As she strives to reach her dream at the academy, one fateful night, a series of events lead Haruka to a mysterious man standing in the moonlight, and he seems a bit familiar... -- -- TV - Jul 3, 2011 -- 171,922 7.08
Utawarerumono -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Utawarerumono Utawarerumono -- An injured man is found in the woods by a girl named Eruruu, and everything about him is mysterious. Without knowledge of his past nor even his own name, he is welcomed to Eruruu's home and is given the name Hakuoro by her grandmother, and younger sister, Aruruu. While the inhabitants of the village have large ears and tails, Hakuoro's defining physical trait is quite different as he has neither ears nor tail, but only a mask that he cannot remove. -- -- Soon after he becomes a part of the villagers' lives, a revolution against the tyrannical emperor of the land begins, and the conflict finds its way to his new home. Hakuoro must do whatever he can to save the people and the village that he has come to love, all while uncovering the mysteries that shroud his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 142,242 7.66
Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Drama Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Vampire Hunter D (2000) Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- The story revolves around D, the infamous "dhampir" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing his acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped. -- -- When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks, a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- Movie - Aug 25, 2000 -- 130,798 7.89
Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Drama Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Vampire Hunter D (2000) Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- The story revolves around D, the infamous "dhampir" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing his acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped. -- -- When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks, a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Aug 25, 2000 -- 130,798 7.89
Vampire in the Garden -- -- Wit Studio -- ? eps -- Original -- Vampire -- Vampire in the Garden Vampire in the Garden -- Once, vampires and humans lived in harmony. Now, a young girl and a vampire queen will search for that Paradise once again. In the divided world of the future, two girls want to do the forbidden: the human wants to play the violin, and the vampire wants to see a wider world. -- -- (Source: Netflix, edited) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 2,514 N/AKyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- -- Madhouse -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- Vampires are said to have many weaknesses such as garlic, crosses, and sunlight. Game-loving vampire lord Draluc just so happens to be weak to... everything. He dies, turning into a pile of ash, at the slightest shock. -- -- After Vampire Hunter Ronaldo learned of a castle inhabited by a vampire rumoured to have kidnapped a kid, he went there intending to take the devil down. However, the vampire turned out to be Draluc, a wimp who keeps turning into ash at the smallest things. Moreover, the kid wasn't being held captive—he was just using the "haunted house" as his personal playground! -- -- When his castle is destroyed, Draluc moves into Ronaldo's office, much to the other's chagrin. Despite their differences, they must try to work together to defend themselves from rogue vampires, Ronaldo's murderous editor, investigators, and more—with Draluc dying continuously along the way. -- -- (Source: MU, amended) -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 2,018 N/A -- -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- -- - -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- After living in Transylvania for several years, "Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website calls him in English) has moved to Japan. In the Nerima Ward of Tokyo, he and his daughter, Chocola, and faithful servant Igor have taken up residence in an old-Western style house. -- -- While Chocola attends Junior High School, Earl Dracula is desperate to drink the blood of beautiful virgin women; an appropriate meal for a vampire of his stature. However, each night that Earl Dracula goes out on the prowl he finds himself getting involved in some kind of disturbance which leads to him causing various trouble for the local residents. With nobody in Japan believing in vampires, his very presence causes trouble amongst the people in town. -- TV - Apr 5, 1982 -- 1,934 6.08
Vie Durant -- -- Marine Entertainment, Radix -- 8 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Drama Vampire -- Vie Durant Vie Durant -- The Antarctic thaws and it is an era when most of the land has been submerged in water. The extinction of Mankind already draws near. Mankind who were born from Adam and Eve, were now deteriorating as they repeatedly get cloned from generation to generation. Things essential for the survival of living things were lost. -- -- Even so, the ones remaining cling on to survive... -- -- "We should get what we need for survival from something else...!" -- -- And so, a mere small group of humans began a new life upon the surface of water, exhausting the resources of each and every other living thing to survive. In the end, they discover people who posess a huge quantity of things necessary for survival. -- -- The young men who posessed such things continues their journey even today, to escape from those who were pursuing them. They just wanted to find that something somewhere. They were seeking for the one and only "help" there was... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- ONA - Jul 15, 2003 -- 1,428 4.85
Vinland Saga -- -- Wit Studio -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Historical Seinen -- Vinland Saga Vinland Saga -- Young Thorfinn grew up listening to the stories of old sailors that had traveled the ocean and reached the place of legend, Vinland. It's said to be warm and fertile, a place where there would be no need for fighting—not at all like the frozen village in Iceland where he was born, and certainly not like his current life as a mercenary. War is his home now. Though his father once told him, "You have no enemies, nobody does. There is nobody who it's okay to hurt," as he grew, Thorfinn knew that nothing was further from the truth. -- -- The war between England and the Danes grows worse with each passing year. Death has become commonplace, and the viking mercenaries are loving every moment of it. Allying with either side will cause a massive swing in the balance of power, and the vikings are happy to make names for themselves and take any spoils they earn along the way. Among the chaos, Thorfinn must take his revenge and kill Askeladd, the man who murdered his father. The only paradise for the vikings, it seems, is the era of war and death that rages on. -- -- 744,449 8.71
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- The CH Postal Company has just received a request to transcribe a love letter from Irma Felice, a famous opera singer. Accepting the task, Violet Evergarden visits Irma to write her letter. However, not only does Irma provide little information, she asks Violet to write based on her own feelings. Despite Violet's numerous attempts, Irma finds every version of the letter inadequate. -- -- Violet consults her colleagues, and they help her out by writing love letters of their own. Yet even those are rejected by the opera singer. As a last resort, Violet asks Irma for her true thoughts and feelings, hoping to find the missing puzzle piece. Will the Auto Memory Doll be able to translate Irma's emotions into words? -- -- Special - Jul 4, 2018 -- 194,968 8.31
Vividred Operation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Ecchi -- Vividred Operation Vividred Operation -- Friendship is the key to protecting the world. -- -- That is everyone's wish. Here in a world where science has solved all questions. -- -- This story is set in Oshima. The happy, carefree 14-year-old Akane Isshiki lived a poor, but well loved life together with her reliable little sister, Momo, who does all the housework, and her grandfather, Kenjirou, a genius inventor who only created useless devices. When the weather is clear, they can see the artificial island, Blue Island, across the sea. In the center of that island rises the revolutionary Manifestation Engine, a discovery that solved the world's energy problems. -- -- It is a peaceful future, just like everyone dreamed of. One where everyone can smile and be happy... -- -- But suddenly, the world is visited by danger. An unknown enemy, the Alone, appear, targeting the Manifestation Engine. As none of their weapons worked and they fell into despair, a lone girl takes a stand wearing a red "Palette Suit" which wields a great, hidden power. Before long, allies gather around her to fight. -- -- And their friendship becomes the only hope for saving the world! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 60,608 6.46
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Thriller -- Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- Nirland—an A.I complex theme park where dreams, hopes, and science intermingle. Created as the first-ever autonomous humanoid A.I, Vivy acts as an A.I cast for the establishment. To fulfill her mission of making everyone happy through songs, she continues to take the stage and perform with all her heart. However, the theme park was still lacking in popularity. -- -- One day, an A.I named Matsumoto appears before Vivy and explains that he has traveled from 100 years into the future, with the mission to correct history with Vivy and prevent the war between A.I and humanity that is set to take place 100 years later. -- -- What sort of future will the encounter of two A.I with different missions redraw? This is the story of A.I destroying A.I. A.I diva Vivy's 100-year journey begins. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 87,209 8.29
Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- -- Studio Hibari -- 172 eps -- Manga -- Kids Adventure Fantasy Magic Comedy Romance School Drama Shoujo -- Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- Kaede is a cheerful and energetic eighth grader. When it comes to boys, however, she is hopelessly shy. -- -- One day, on her way home from school, Kaede walks into a mysterious shop and buys a colorful cocoa mug. When she reaches home, she casually peeks into the bottom of the mug and discovers an engraved note, which says, "If you read this message aloud while pouring hot cocoa into the mug, a love fairy ("muglox") will appear and grant your every wish." The skeptical but curious Kaede follows the directions and announces her wish to date Yuuki, the class heartthrob. Suddenly, the adorable blue Mirumo appears! We soon find out, however, that this cute little muglox would rather eat chocolate and create mischief than help Kaede. -- -- Mirumo, it seems, is prince of the muglox world. Horrified at the prospect of having to marry Rirumu, his princess bride-to-be, Mirumo has escaped the muglox world. Hot on his heels, however, are Rirumu, Yashichi the bounty hunter, and a cast of hundreds of muglox ranging from the good to the bad to the nutty. This gang of adorable troublemakers will see to it that school life for Kaede and her friends is never the same... -- -- (Source: mirmo-zibang) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 15,504 7.30
Wakaranai Buta -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Wakaranai Buta Wakaranai Buta -- A huge pig is lying down in front of a house. Father, mother, grandmother, six children and a dog live in the house. Everyone is aware of the huge pig, and the pig is aware of the family. But nobody knows how and what the other think. The mother doesn't understand the father… It depends what you imagine when you hear about normal family life. -- -- (Source: Fresh Film Fest Website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 726 4.81
Wasurenagumo -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural -- Wasurenagumo Wasurenagumo -- Legend says that centuries ago, a colossal spider ravaged Tokyo. Resistance was futile, as none could quell the havoc wrought upon the city by the beast. Fortunately, one man—the legendary exorcist—stopped the devastation. Using his divine powers, he sealed the monster away and the world has enjoyed peace ever since. -- -- Mizuki Henmi is an adolescent girl who is acquainted with Shu Suzuri, a dull young man who runs an old Japanese bookstore. During a routine visit to his store, Mizuki learns of a mysterious and valuable book that Shu is planning to sell. Unfortunately, the unrestrained Mizuki handles the book roughly, breaking the seal that kept it shut and revealing an odd entity—a cute spider. -- -- Wasurenagumo tells the story of Mizuki, Shu, and their seemingly harmless spider. However, ominous winds begin blowing. While Shu is infatued with his arachnid friend, Mizuki becomes wary of its every move… -- -- Movie - Mar 12, 2012 -- 30,107 7.09
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Watashi ga Motete Dousunda Watashi ga Motete Dousunda -- Kae Serinuma is a very kind second-year high school student and a devoted otaku. A little known fact about her, though, is that she's obsessed with BL, or Boy's Love. Serinuma can't help but to fantasize about her male classmates falling for each other and enjoys imagining them together. A more known fact about Serinuma, however, is that she’s noticeably overweight. -- -- While watching her favorite show one day, Serinuma witnesses the death of her most beloved character. Utterly depressed, she can't muster up the energy to eat her meals, let alone attend school. After an entire week, she finally recovers. But now there's something unusual about her—during the time she refused to leave her room, she ended up losing a large amount of weight and has somehow become strikingly beautiful! -- -- Now catching the eye of everyone who sees her, she finds herself at the center of attention of four boys she has always known at her school. Though they all wish to spend time with her, Serinuma would much rather they spend time falling in love with one another. How will Serinuma deal with the four boys pursuing her BL-obsessed self? -- -- 314,418 7.08
Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan -- -- Nippon Animation -- 40 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Historical Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan -- Daddy Long Legs is based on the novel of the same name by Jean Webster. It chronicles the adventures of Judy Abbott, an orphan in New York. During a meeting for the superintendent, with other important and rich people in attendance, a scholarship is offered to Judy by a mysterious benefactor. Catching only a glimpse of his tall shadow as he leaves, Judy calls him "Daddy Long Legs" and writes him letters every month as per his request. While studying at the Lincoln Memorial school, she makes many friends and learns about a world she never knew about before. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 12,222 7.73
White Album 2 -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Music Romance Slice of Life -- White Album 2 White Album 2 -- Haruki Kitahara's light music club is on the verge of disbanding. At this rate, the third year's dream of performing at the school festival would never be realized. However, as his exhausted fingers drift through the chords of "White Album," the first song he would ever play, an angelic voice and mysterious piano begin harmonizing with his lonely guitar. It is a momentous performance that marks the beginning of everything for Haruki. -- -- White Album 2 orchestrates Haruki's final semester with complex romance and exhilarating music, as the curtains of the stage he so desired begin to open... -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2013 -- 198,448 7.69
White Album -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Music Romance -- White Album White Album -- Can a relationship between a regular college student and an idol singer survive? That is the question that White Album tries to answer. Touya Fujii is a normal college student with normal worries—namely balancing his classes and his job he works to pay for school. He is also concerned about the amount of time he has to spend with Yuki Morikawa, or rather, the lack of it. -- -- Being an up and coming idol singer, Yuki has concerns of her own. Even though she's not yet as popular as experienced veteran Rina Ogata, Yuki is turning heads and landing interviews on television. This should be a good thing, but not everyone is happy about the attention she receives from the media and from Rina. The idol industry is surprisingly cutthroat, and rival singers have their eyes on Yuki. -- -- While it may seem exciting to watch your girlfriend on television, how does Touya really feel about all this? Between the challenges associated with Yuki's career and other people that Touya meets at his university, their relationship may not last… -- 97,888 6.54
Witch Craft Works -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Witch Craft Works Witch Craft Works -- Even though they shared the same bus every morning and sat next to each other in class, Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unreachable idol for Honoka Takamiya. The horde of students who worshipped the "Princess" was merely a nuisance to Honoka, living his lazy, regular high school life. -- -- Everything seemed perfectly normal until, one day, Honoka is attacked out of the blue by a mysterious witch. To his surprise, Ayaka saves his life, revealing herself to be a fire witch on a covert mission to protect Honoka. -- -- From that fateful day, the ordinary life of Honoka is turned upside down as he is thrown into the war between the Workshop Witches, who strive to protect the citizens, and the Tower Witches, who desire to steal a power hidden within him. -- -- TV - Jan 5, 2014 -- 249,978 7.05
Wo de Tian Jie Nu You -- -- - -- 15 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Super Power Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Wo de Tian Jie Nu You Wo de Tian Jie Nu You -- In the modern cultivation world, everywhere is law of the jungle, everyone feels insecure. After saving a cultivatior girl, the security guard Ma Yingxiong accidentally starts the journey of practicing cultivation. -- -- (Source: Guodong Subs) -- ONA - Sep 20, 2017 -- 20,163 6.55
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Wolf's Rain OVA -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Wolf's Rain OVA Wolf's Rain OVA -- As the world accelerates toward its own destruction, Kiba and Cheza—with the help of Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Blue—race to reach true paradise before the entire world is rendered uninhabitable. Now reunited, Cher and Hubb decide to accompany the wolves in hopes of seeing the journey through to its end, while a distraught and confused Quent wanders aimlessly into the wasteland with his mind fixated on revenge. -- -- Meanwhile, Lord Darcia the Third has finally put his plot into motion and pursues Cheza, pitting him against the pack. As everything falls apart yet simultaneously falls into place, the wolves struggle to survive in an increasingly dangerous environment. Though the end draws near, paradise seems further away than ever before. -- -- OVA - Jan 23, 2004 -- 55,762 8.03
Wonder (Movie) -- -- Calf Studio -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Wonder (Movie) Wonder (Movie) -- The 365 days animation consists of sequence of 8760 pictures, all different shape and color, hand-drawn by the director every day in 365 days. This is the ultimate analog approach by the abstract animated film creator in digital era. -- -- (Source: IMDb) -- Movie - Feb 8, 2014 -- 1,824 6.08
Working!!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Working!!! Working!!! -- As the stories of those connected to Wagnaria come to a close, only one thing is certain: the workplace is about to get crazier than ever before! Whether it be incredibly awkward romances, relentless searches for lost relatives, or even uncomfortable family reunions, lover of all things cute and tiny Souta Takanashi and his motley crew have plenty on their plates. With more Napoleon complexes, androphobia, and katana-wielding than you can shake a frying pan at, Working!!! delivers a final serving of the staff's hilarious misadventures working at everybody's favorite family restaurant. -- -- 201,076 8.01
Working!!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Working!!! Working!!! -- As the stories of those connected to Wagnaria come to a close, only one thing is certain: the workplace is about to get crazier than ever before! Whether it be incredibly awkward romances, relentless searches for lost relatives, or even uncomfortable family reunions, lover of all things cute and tiny Souta Takanashi and his motley crew have plenty on their plates. With more Napoleon complexes, androphobia, and katana-wielding than you can shake a frying pan at, Working!!! delivers a final serving of the staff's hilarious misadventures working at everybody's favorite family restaurant. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 201,076 8.01
WWW.Working!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- WWW.Working!! WWW.Working!! -- Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student at Higashizaka High School. He lives a peaceful everyday life even though he is not satisfied with the family who doesn't laugh at all and makes him tired. However, his father's company goes bankrupt one day, and he can no longer afford allowances, cellphone bills, and commuter tickets. When his father orders him to take up a part-time job, Daisuke decides to work at a nearby family restaurant in order to avoid traveling 15 kilometers to school by bicycle. -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 128,189 7.44
X Densha de Ikou -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Dementia Supernatural -- X Densha de Ikou X Densha de Ikou -- Ishihara Toru is an everyday guy with an on-and-off girlfriend and a position working for a train buff. Things become complicated when a ghostly vehicle dubbed the X Train begins to ride the rails, destroying everything in its path. Somehow, it seems that Toru is connected with the X Train by a strange power, which draws the attention of some very dangerous and power hungry people who would wield it for their own... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Nov 6, 1987 -- 2,720 5.75
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 2nd Season -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- ? eps -- Novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Comedy Demons Fantasy School -- Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 2nd Season Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 2nd Season -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 10,898 N/AIe Naki Ko -- -- Madhouse, TMS Entertainment -- 51 eps -- Novel -- Adventure Drama Historical Kids Slice of Life -- Ie Naki Ko Ie Naki Ko -- Remi is a boy living happily with his mother in the French countryside. But everything changes when his estranged father comes home and, in desperate need of money, reveals that Remi is adopted, and sells him. Heartbroken, Remi ends up with Vitalis, a traveling musician, and his troupe of animal entertainers. Together, they travel the country in search for Remi's real parents, along the way learning the harsh lessons of life. A deeply moving story about friendship, loss and the pursuit of happiness. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 2, 1977 -- 10,847 7.78
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 15 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Comedy Demons Fantasy School -- Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo -- As a cultivation genius who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his control. But now that he’s sixteen, he faces his greatest battle yet – Senior High School. With one challenge after another popping up, his plans for a low-key high school life seem further and further away… -- -- (Source: Novel Updates) -- -- Licensor: -- bilibili -- ONA - Jan 18, 2020 -- 73,872 7.21
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 15 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Comedy Demons Fantasy School -- Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo -- As a cultivation genius who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his control. But now that he’s sixteen, he faces his greatest battle yet – Senior High School. With one challenge after another popping up, his plans for a low-key high school life seem further and further away… -- -- (Source: Novel Updates) -- ONA - Jan 18, 2020 -- 73,872 7.21
Xie Wang Zhui Qi -- -- KJJ Animation -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Action Comedy Drama Romance Martial Arts Fantasy -- Xie Wang Zhui Qi Xie Wang Zhui Qi -- She, a renowned assassin of the 21st century, actually crossed over to become Su Manor’s most useless good-for-nothing Fourth Miss. -- -- He, Jin Empire’s imperial highness, was an emotionless overbearing demonic tyrant with unrivaled talent. -- -- Everyone knew that she was idiotic and good-for-nothing and bullied her as they pleased. But only he, the overbearing tyrant with the discerning eye, wouldn’t let go of her even if his life depended on it. -- -- For the time being, let’s just see how the stubborn versus stubborn clash and play out in this good show of the chaser and the chased. -- -- (Source: Official Webnovel) -- ONA - Jan 24, 2019 -- 12,893 6.70
Xue Se Cang Qiong -- -- CG Year -- 26 eps -- Web manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Horror Thriller Fantasy -- Xue Se Cang Qiong Xue Se Cang Qiong -- Li Mingyang was originally an ordinary office worker. Because of a strange QR code, he was trapped in a killing city. Here everyone is forced to participate in a survival game that is going to kill or be killed. In the process of finding a way out of the city, the mastermind behind the whole incident surfaced step by step. -- ONA - Aug 18, 2017 -- 1,955 6.32
xxxHOLiC Rou -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- - -- Mystery Supernatural -- xxxHOLiC Rou xxxHOLiC Rou -- 10 years after the events of xxxHOLiC Shunmuki, a melancholic Kimihiro Watanuki has taken over the shop formerly run by the mysterious Yuuko due to a promise he made to her. His companions Maru, Moro, and Mokona live together with him in relative contentment, and some familiar faces arrive every now and then: former rival turned-steadfast friend Shizuka Doumeki, and the former psychic prodigy Kohane Tsuyuri. While Kohane studies folklore under Doumeki at university, they encounter a case that is perfect for the master of the shop. -- -- Eventually, Watanuki receives a visit from Doumeki's grandfather, Haruka. He requests that Watanuki investigates his grandson's dreams. While inside the dream world, he discovers how their past adventures played out from Doumeki's perspective of view, leading Watanuki to discover truths from 10 years ago and secrets about the ties that bind their friendship. -- -- OVA - Apr 23, 2010 -- 58,538 8.22
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. -- Hachiman Hikigaya is an apathetic high school student with narcissistic and semi-nihilistic tendencies. He firmly believes that joyful youth is nothing but a farce, and everyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves. -- -- In a novel punishment for writing an essay mocking modern social relationships, Hachiman's teacher forces him to join the Volunteer Service Club, a club that aims to extend a helping hand to any student who seeks their support in achieving their goals. With the only other club member being the beautiful ice queen Yukino Yukinoshita, Hachiman finds himself on the front line of other people's problems—a place he never dreamed he would be. As Hachiman and Yukino use their wits to solve many students' problems, will Hachiman's rotten view of society prove to be a hindrance or a tool he can use to his advantage? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,036,533 8.05
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan OVA -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan OVA Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan OVA -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 38,919 N/A -- -- 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Historical Drama -- 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita -- This episode contains three stories. -- -- The first story, "Toki no Asase" (Shoals of Time), will center on Nero and Vanno persuading Frate to skip mass with them and see the circus. -- -- The second story, "Subete no Kinou" (Yesterday Before Everything), will focus on Ganzo, as he meets a young man named Vincente at a bar, and asks Ganzo to do something for him. -- -- The third story, "Ashita, Mata Ashita" (Tomorrow, and then Tomorrow), is set after Nero and Avilio defeat Mad Mack and are on the way back to Lawless. Nero suffers from fever dreams, and Avilio nurses him back to health. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 5, 2017 -- 38,796 6.88
Yakusoku no Neverland -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Horror Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland Yakusoku no Neverland -- Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family, never to be heard from again. -- -- However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,256,617 8.63
Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Omoide Present Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- On the final day of summer vacation, Kokona Aoba is ready to spend some long-awaited time with her mother, but these plans are unfortunately canceled due to work. Opting to go outside instead, she takes a stroll down a familiar path—one where fond memories appear at every corner. -- -- Later, in the middle of autumn, Hinata Kuraue and Aoi Yukimura are looking through a scrapbook of their childhood. Snooping around in Aoi's room, Hinata finds that she has kept a strange acorn as a keepsake, but doesn't remember the reason why. As its discovery dwells on her, a wave of old memories comes forth, causing her to reminisce about a forgotten event from her childhood. -- -- From time spent with loved ones to promises from the past, Yama no Susume: Omoide Present follows the three girls as they cherish old memories while crafting entirely new ones to remember. -- -- OVA - Oct 28, 2017 -- 9,603 7.37
Yami no Shihosha Judge -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Supernatural Horror Seinen -- Yami no Shihosha Judge Yami no Shihosha Judge -- Hoichiro Ohma works in an office. Everybody knows him as a silent, humble man. Even his girlfriend, Nanase, doesn't suspect that he could be something more, but he is. When a person dies as a victim of murder; when someone kills himself with a curse on his lips; when someone's death needs to be judged, he is there, for he is a Judge Of Darkness. Following the Laws Of Darkness, with a book made of human skin and an unusual parrot, he pronounces judgement over living criminals that would otherwise go free. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jun 15, 1991 -- 2,983 5.35
Yawara! -- -- Madhouse -- 124 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Martial Arts Romance Slice of Life Sports -- Yawara! Yawara! -- High school student Yawara Inokuma lives a completely happy and ordinary life. She aspires to an average lifestyle as a delicate young lady with a handsome boyfriend in the near future. -- -- Unfortunately for Yawara, she has an undesirable prodigious talent in Judo, a modern martial art that is neither feminine nor fashionable. Moreover, Yawara is the only granddaughter of the seventh dan Judo master Jigorou Inokuma, who expects her to become a Japanese Judoka superstar of the '90s. -- -- Yawara cautiously hides her strength from everyone to maintain a normal reputation but is often pushed to situations when she must exercise her Judo skills. Observing Yawara's immense potential from the shadows, Kousaku Matsuda, a sports reporter from a substandard paper, is willing to do everything he can to bring her into the limelight. -- -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- 15,295 7.47
Yellow -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Yellow Yellow -- Everybody wants to be fashionable and praised. So do grandmothers. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2003 -- 466 5.06
Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka -- -- Lesprit -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Shounen Ai -- Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka -- Kei Kunieda is a newscaster who strictly maintains an amiable and kind persona while at work. Although he smiles on the outside, he covertly curses at others to his heart's content. His everyday life is smooth, even if he keeps half of himself hidden at all times, but that changes when he meets Ushio Tsuzuki, an independent stop-motion animator. -- -- Soon, Kei finds himself caught in a lie borne from his two personas meeting Ushio under different conditions, with the other man unaware they are the very same person. As feelings begin to blossom between them, Kei cannot be sure if Ushio will love both sides of him—or only just half. -- -- Movie - Dec 11, 2020 -- 21,012 7.13
Yodomi no Sakagi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Yodomi no Sakagi Yodomi no Sakagi -- The two of them, all alone at home. All alone with her father's corpse. Memories, ideals, and reality all sink beneath the muck. Everyone is alone. Everyone is in solitude. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2014 -- 650 5.89
Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic -- Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou -- Life hasn't been fair to Koyomi Morishita. Even though she's in high school, she's so short that everyone assumes she's still in grade school. The boys and girls in her school tease her mercilessly, and she's not exactly graceful either. On the other hand, she's still better off than Yumiko, who has a magician trying to kill her. Or at least Koyomi was until their paths crossed! -- -- Fortunately, salvation arrives in the form of master mage and graduate student Misa Anehara, who agrees to take Koyomi under her wing in learning the new style of magic, which breaks enchantment down into sequences of code. That'll be quite a task, given that so far Koyomi's talent seems to consist of making washbasins randomly fall out of the sky. But if it was easy, it wouldn't be magic, would it? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 22,876 6.46
Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Romance -- Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- On a mysterious night that seems to last for a year, an ordinary college student continues to chase one of his underclassmen, a girl with black hair—the girl of his dreams. Up until now, he has been relying on a simple plan, which is to calculatingly bump into her every day while making it seem like a meaningful coincidence. However, his efforts remain futile as their relationship is not progressing at all. -- -- Meanwhile, the black-haired girl believes that everything is connected by fate and endeavors to experience as many new things as possible, leaving it all for destiny to decide. While strolling along the lively streets of Kyoto, she discovers that the very beginning of her fateful journey—a book she had as a child—is currently being sold in a second-hand bookstore. Upon knowing this, the college student eyes another opportunity to run into her "by chance": this time, he hopes to get the book before she does and finally grasp the thread of fate that could connect their hearts. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2017 -- 84,515 8.23
Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- Episode 1: A young man named Norikazu finds a computer from World War II buried in his back garden. When he activates it, he and a girl named Midori are transported to Hell where erotic creatures and monsters of different kinds live. They meet some friends including a sexy elf type woman named Eganko who falls in love with Norikazu, and a perverted monster prince who is soon enslaved by Midori. Using their new friends the pair try to make the dangerous journey back home. -- -- Episode 2: Having made their way back home the adventure duo find the world they knew is gone, and is now ruled by the demonic computer which first sent them to Hell. They travel back in time to World War II Japan in an attempt to stop the world from being changed. Notably, in doing so they witness the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and there is an appearance of the Enola Gay, as well as numerous symbols of Japanese culture at the time. -- -- Episode 3: This episode has a humorous love-quadrangle plot, where Eganko comes up with a plan to make Norikazu fall in love with her with a love potion, and simultaneously make Midori fall in love with an egotistical young man from her school. Unsurprisingly their plan backfires and everyone gets what they deserve. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1992 -- 1,944 5.33
Ys -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Magic -- Ys Ys -- Mythical beasts lay siege on the people of Esteria, who have raised an army to fight back. The beasts are relentless and seemingly have no end to their numbers, while the population of defenders dwindle in every skirmish. Even in the town of Minea, where the people are safely nestled behind castle walls, the constant attacks have left them hopeless. It is then that a prophecy is made, proclaiming the arrival of a brave young soul that could be the one who will bring their salvation. -- -- Ys follows Adol Christin, an adventurer driven by wanderlust towards the island of Esteria, who washes up on shore after a shipwreck. Following the guidance of the fortuneteller Sarah Tovah, he and his allies will travel the island in search of the legendary tomes known as the Books of Ys. It will be a long and perilous journey, but if fate is truly at work then Adol will certainly be the hero who returns peace to Esteria. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Nov 21, 1989 -- 6,790 6.48
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Adventure Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yuusei Fudou's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yuusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in the past. During this time, Paradox duels against Jaden Yuki, who is still able to use the powers of Yubel and The Supreme King. However, by this time Paradox had also captured Cyber End Dragon and Rainbow Dragon and overwhelms Jaden. He is saved thanks to Yuusei and the Crimson Dragon. Jaden informs Yuusei of Paradox's true intentions. By stealing various monsters from across time and turning them dark, he plans to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, preventing the game from being created and causing the events of all three series to never happen. -- -- Yuusei and Jaden agree to pursue Paradox, which leads them to the past and causes a meeting with the King of Games, Yuugi Mutou. However, by the time Yuusei and Jaden arrive, Paradox had already attacked his time, supposedly killing both Pegasus and Yuugi's grandpa, and had also managed to steal Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. After explaining everything to Yuugi, he agrees to fight with Yuusei and Jaden against Paradox in the ultimate three-on-one duel to free the trapped monsters and save both the world and time itself before it's too late. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Flatiron Film Company -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 38,569 7.13
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Adventure Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yuusei Fudou's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yuusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in the past. During this time, Paradox duels against Jaden Yuki, who is still able to use the powers of Yubel and The Supreme King. However, by this time Paradox had also captured Cyber End Dragon and Rainbow Dragon and overwhelms Jaden. He is saved thanks to Yuusei and the Crimson Dragon. Jaden informs Yuusei of Paradox's true intentions. By stealing various monsters from across time and turning them dark, he plans to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, preventing the game from being created and causing the events of all three series to never happen. -- -- Yuusei and Jaden agree to pursue Paradox, which leads them to the past and causes a meeting with the King of Games, Yuugi Mutou. However, by the time Yuusei and Jaden arrive, Paradox had already attacked his time, supposedly killing both Pegasus and Yuugi's grandpa, and had also managed to steal Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. After explaining everything to Yuugi, he agrees to fight with Yuusei and Jaden against Paradox in the ultimate three-on-one duel to free the trapped monsters and save both the world and time itself before it's too late. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 38,569 7.13
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal -- -- Gallop -- 73 eps -- Manga -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal -- In the bustling and futuristic city of Heartland, a young boy named Yuuma Tsukumo has a dream that everyone his age wants to achieve—earning the title of the greatest duelist! Sadly, due to his lackluster dueling skills, this dream is far from achievable. But when the school bully, Ryouga "Shark" Kamishiro, splits the key given to him by his father into two pieces, he inadvertently sets Yuuma on a collision course with his dream. -- -- Retaining one half of the key, Yuuma begins a duel with Shark, but soon realizes that his inexperienced skills are no match for him. In a sudden turn of events, Yuuma's key repairs itself, and the "Door of Destiny'' appears before him. Using the key to open it, Yuuma is greeted by an alien by the name of Astral—a being only he can see. -- -- The bewildered Yuuma soon learns that his memories have been divided into 100 "Number Cards," all of which he must retrieve. However, he is also not the only one looking for them. Bombarded by these revelations, Yuuma, alongside Astral, must defend the world from the upcoming threats that loom over Heartland City—regardless of any divine intervention that may occur. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Konami -- TV - Apr 11, 2011 -- 57,016 6.34
Yuru Camp△ -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Yuru Camp△ Yuru Camp△ -- While the perfect getaway for most girls her age might be a fancy vacation with their loved ones, Rin Shima's ideal way of spending her days off is camping alone at the base of Mount Fuji. From pitching her tent to gathering firewood, she has always done everything by herself, and has no plans of leaving her little solitary world. -- -- However, what starts off as one of Rin's usual camping sessions somehow ends up as a surprise get-together for two when the lost Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forced to take refuge at her campsite. Originally intending to see the picturesque view of Mount Fuji for herself, Nadeshiko's plans are disrupted when she ends up falling asleep partway to her destination. Alone and with no other choice, she seeks help from the only other person nearby. Despite their hasty introductions, the two girls nevertheless enjoy the chilly night together, eating ramen and conversing while the campfire keeps them warm. And even after Nadeshiko's sister finally picks her up later that night, both girls silently ponder the possibility of another camping trip together. -- -- 332,880 8.27
Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! -- -- TYO Animations -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! -- Even during summer break, the Amusement Club lives up to its name! When Akari Akaza, Kyouko Toshinou, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, and Yui Funami find a camping tent, they decide to put it to good use by spending the weekend outside in the mountains. When some student council members catch wind of this, they are invited to come along as well. -- -- After a very long journey, the group arrives at their destination and is ready to make the most of their trip. They engage in classic camping activities, such as outdoor cooking and tests of courage, and finish it all off with a visit to the hot springs. An extravagant trip like this doesn't happen every day, but the Amusement Club is sure to savor each moment. -- -- OVA - Feb 18, 2015 -- 61,094 7.87
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- In her everyday life, Yuuna Yuuki is a hero. As proof, she is in her middle school's Hero Club, where she does her best to help others and bring a smile to everyone's face. -- -- But Yuuna, always up to any task, is about to become an even bigger hero. Mysterious destructive forces called Vertexes begin threatening the world she loves, and the Hero Club is called upon by a strange phone app to save it. Along with her best friend Mimori Tougou, as well as sisters Fuu and Itsuki Inubouzaki, they must transform into magical girls in order to battle the Vertexes. -- -- In between studying and putting on shows for kids, Yuuna and the Hero Club must fight for the very existence of their world and face the harsh truths behind their own powers, all the while discovering what it truly means to be a hero. -- -- 122,692 7.37
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- In her everyday life, Yuuna Yuuki is a hero. As proof, she is in her middle school's Hero Club, where she does her best to help others and bring a smile to everyone's face. -- -- But Yuuna, always up to any task, is about to become an even bigger hero. Mysterious destructive forces called Vertexes begin threatening the world she loves, and the Hero Club is called upon by a strange phone app to save it. Along with her best friend Mimori Tougou, as well as sisters Fuu and Itsuki Inubouzaki, they must transform into magical girls in order to battle the Vertexes. -- -- In between studying and putting on shows for kids, Yuuna and the Hero Club must fight for the very existence of their world and face the harsh truths behind their own powers, all the while discovering what it truly means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 122,692 7.37
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- 244,737 6.89
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 244,737 6.89
Yuuwaku Countdown -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Hentai Horror Mecha Romance Supernatural -- Yuuwaku Countdown Yuuwaku Countdown -- From famed adult comic artist Hiroyuki Utatane come six of the most erotic, the most exotic, the most unusual and just downright odd stories ever animated. -- -- In Alimony Hunter we see Jun in an extremely unusual three-for-all in which not everyone is what he (or she!) seems. She also makes an appearance as a teacher in Cherry Lips (under an alias). It all comes to conclusion in Virgin Road, there perhaps too-willing bride is having a last minute fling with her in the back room of the chapel; the groom is also not a stranger to Jun... -- -- Then there's a manly knight who discovers the joys of bondage at the hands of a fair maiden; and a Samurai policewoman forced to tackle a giant walking statue, controlled by a sex-crazed megalomaniac, before it destroys Tokyo. -- Crimson is a bloody story of a man and his blind love slave. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Jun 15, 1995 -- 2,453 5.81
Zenonzard The Animation -- -- 8bit -- 9 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Zenonzard The Animation Zenonzard The Animation -- Hinaria is unemployed, gaming every day. One day she decides to hack the servers belonging to the Beholder Group for some money, and she stumbles across a carefully secured record of two witches, Alice and Rimel. The two women wished to coexist with mankind, and the history they experienced is connected to the modern ZENONZARD. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - Jan 31, 2020 -- 11,370 6.06
Zero no Tsukaima -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima Zero no Tsukaima -- Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière is a self-absorbed mage in a world of wands, cloaks, and royalty. Although she studies at Tristain Academy, a prestigious school for magicians, she has a major problem: Louise is unable to cast magic properly, earning her the nickname of "Louise the Zero" from her classmates. -- -- When the first year students are required to perform a summoning ritual, Louise's summoning results in a catastrophic explosion! Everyone deems this to be yet another failure, but when the smoke clears, a boy named Saito Hiraga appears. Now Louise's familiar, Saito is treated as a slave, forced to clean her clothes and eat off the ground. But when an unfamiliar brand is found etched on Saito's hand from the summoning ritual, it is believed to be the mark of a powerful familiar named Gandalfr. -- -- Wild, adventurous, and explosive, Zero no Tsukaima follows Saito as he comes to terms with his new life and as Louise proves that there is more to her than her nickname suggests. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 668,146 7.31
Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins -- -- Encourage Films -- 2 eps -- Original -- Magic Slice of Life -- Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins -- Amane Todoroki is a young girl who is straightforward but also unthinking. She will try her very best in everything and say, "I don't know how to answer you if you ask me whether this can be done. I just believe it can. If not, then nothing will get started!" She easily gets stuck in her thinking, but she can also get easily moved at something small and start crying. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Feb 26, 2014 -- 10,199 6.37
Zoids -- -- Xebec -- 67 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Zoids Zoids -- Zoids are beast-like fighting machines used in both everyday use such as transportation, and special use such as war. Some types of Zoids, know as Organoids, are miniature Zoids that are living organisms. These Organoids have the capability to fuse with a non-living Zoid and make it much more powerful. -- -- Van (Ban) Freiheit discovers a Zoid Organoid in an abandoned laboratory while running from two strangers piloting Zoids. Also in the laboratory, in an animated suspension tube is a strange girl. He breaks the tube open and takes her and the Organoid with him. Spotting a ruined Shield Liger Zoid outside nearby, the Organoid fuses with it and repairs the damages. Making his escape, Van names the Organoid Zeke, and decides to keep him as a friend. The girl, who says her name is Fiona, wants to find something called Zoids Eve, and so Van, Zeke, and Fiona begin their adventure. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, VIZ Media -- 42,390 7.38
Zoku Owarimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Zoku Owarimonogatari Zoku Owarimonogatari -- Graduation day is finally here, marking the end of Koyomi Araragi's eccentric high school life full of peculiar relationships with otherworldly beings. -- -- However, Araragi is unexpectedly absorbed into his own bathroom mirror and trapped inside a bizarre world where everything he knows is completely reversed—the haughty Karen Araragi is shorter than usual, poker-faced Yotsugi Ononoki is brimming with emotion, and cute ghost girl Mayoi Hachikuji is a grown woman! But not everything is as it seems. -- -- Zoku Owarimonogatari details the story of Araragi's endeavors in this new world as he struggles to return to his home and understand the nature of this bizarre dimension. -- -- Movie - Nov 10, 2018 -- 156,952 8.49,_A_free_and_rational_account_of_the_gift,_grace,_and_spirit_of_prayer;_with_plain_directions_how_every_Christian_may_attain_them_(1800)_(14783149385).jpg!!_Every_Leaf_Speaks!!.jpg;_containing_an_Historical_and_Critical_Account_of_the_Lives_and_Writings_of_the_most_Eminent_Persons_in_every_Nation_(IA_dli.granth.18008).pdf
14 Message: Every Ballad Songs 2
30 Everywhere
37 Everywhere
A Baby Changes Everything
Absolutely Everybody
Adam Ruins Everything
After Everything
Age Age Every Knight
Age Isn't Everything
Ain't That Just Like a Woman (They'll Do It Every Time)
Alice Everyday
Aliens are to Blame for Everything
A Life Is Everywhere
All Day Every Day
All I Want Is Everything
All I Want Is Everything (film)
All Kinds of Everything
All Kinds of Everything (game show)
All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Almost everywhere
Alone with Everybody
A Love Like Yours (Don't Come Knocking Everyday)
Always and Everyone
Always and Everywhere
An Ache in Every Stake
An American Mosaic: Prose and Poetry by Everyday Folk
An Audio Guide to Everyday Atrocity
And Every Blossom
And Everything Is Going Fine
An Everyday Story
An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything
A Place for Everything
A Present for Everyone
Architecture for Everyone
Aristotle for Everybody
A Rose for Everyone
Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!
Art for Everyday
A Short History of Nearly Everything
As If Everything Was Held in Place
A Theory of Everything
A Thorn for Every Heart
A Ticket for Everyone: Busted Live
A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven
A Train Leaves in Every Hour
August and Everything After
August and Everything After: Live at Town Hall
Bad Scene, Everyone's Fault: Jawbreaker Tribute
Basta Every Day Happy
Before Everything & After
Beware (The Funk Is Everywhere)
Blame Everyone
Book:Star Trek: Enterprise (Every Episode in Depth)
Break Every Rule World Tour
C'mon Everybody
Captain Everything!
Cars (Now, Now Every Children album)
Change Everything
Chevery Airport
Chips with Everything
Christmas Every Day
Cinema Is Everywhere
Clunk Click Every Trip
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Courage for Every Day
Cubix Robots for Everyone: Showdown
Dead, Everywhere
Dear Diz (Every Day I Think of You)
December's Children (And Everybody's)
Descent: An Irresistible Tragicomedy of Everyday Life
Despite Everything
Destroy Everything You Touch
Detroit vs. Everybody
Direct Action Everywhere
Do I Have to Take Care of Everything?
Don't Fall in Love with Everyone You See
Door (Every Little Thing album)
Draft:List of Everything Wrong with.... episodes (2018-2020)
Draft:List of Everything Wrong with.... episodes (2018-2021)
Draft:Re-Animator (Everything Everything album)
East of Everything
Eden (Everything but the Girl album)
Edward Every
E Is for Everything on Fat Wreck Chords
Elvis for Everyone!
Encounters of Every Kind
End of Everything
England's Past for Everyone
England expects that every man will do his duty
Enjoy Every Sandwich: The Songs of Warren Zevon
Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man
Enquire Within upon Everything
Every 1's a Winner
Every Avenue
Every baronets
Every Bastard a King
Every Beat of My Heart
Every Beat of My Heart (Rod Stewart album)
Every Beat of My Heart Tour
Every Best Single: Complete
Every Blessed Day
Everybody's All-American
Everybody's Angel
Everybody's (Australian magazine)
Everybody's Changing
Everybody's Crazy
Everybody's Doing It
Everybody's Entitled to Their Own Opinion
Everybody's Equal
Everybody's Everything (album)
Everybody's Famous!
Everybody's Favourite
Everybody's Fine
Everybody's Fine (1990 film)
Everybody's Fine (2016 film)
Everybody's Fool
Everybody's Fool (Russo novel)
Everybody's Free
Everybody's Free (To Feel Good)
Everybody's Golf
Everybody's Golf (1997 video game)
Everybody's Golf 2
Everybody's Golf (2017 video game)
Everybody's Golf 3
Everybody's Golf 4
Everybody's Golf 5
Everybody's Golf 6
Everybody's Golf Portable
Everybody's Golf Portable 2
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Everybody's Gone to War
Everybody's Got a Story
Everybody's Got Somebody But Me
Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime
Everybody's in Show-Biz
Everybody's Magazine
Everybody's Rockin'
Everybody's Somebody
Everybody's Somebody's Fool
Everybody's Sweetheart
Everybody's Talkin'
Everybody's Talkin' 'bout Miss Thing!
Everybody's Talking
Everybody's Talking About Jamie
Everybody's Talking About Jamie (film)
Everybody's Talking (album)
Everybody's Talking, Nobody's Listening
Everybody's Tennis
Everybody's Tennis Portable
Everybody's Trucking
Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby
(Everybody's Waitin' for) The Man with the Bag
Everybody's Weekly
Everybody's Woman
Everybody's Woman (1924 film)
Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
Everybody Changes
Everybody Come On
Everybody Comes to Rick's
Everybody Dance
Everybody Dance (album)
Everybody Dance (film)
Everybody Dance Now
Everybody Dance Now (album)
Everybody Dance! (TV series)
Everybody Dies
Everybody Dies but Me
Everybody Dies (disambiguation)
Everybody Dies (House)
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day
Everybody Else
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?
Everybody (EP)
Everybody Everybody
Everybody Everybody (song)
Everybody Fucks
Everybody Get Agenda
Everybody Get Shot
Everybody Get Up
Everybody (Gods Child album)
Everybody Goes (Chitsujo no Nai Gendai ni Drop Kick)
Everybody Go Home
Everybody Happy
Everybody Has Secrets
Everybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Hugo
Everybody Hates Me
Everybody Have a Good Time
Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Everybody Hurts
Everybody Hurts (The Sopranos)
Everybody (Ingrid Michaelson album)
Everybody in Jail
Everybody in Love
Everybody in Our Family
Everybody in the Place
Everybody Is a Masterpiece
Everybody Is a Star
Everybody Is Different
Everybody Is in the Place
Everybody Jam!
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows (Dave Clark Five song)
Everybody Knows (film)
Everybody Knows (Sonia album)
Everybody Knows the Monkey
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Everybody Likes Some Kind of Music
Everybody (Logic album)
Everybody Loves a Clown
Everybody Loves a Good Drought
Everybody Loves a Happy Ending
Everybody Loves a Happy Ending/Call Me Mellow
Everybody Loves Alice
Everybody Loves a Lover
Everybody Loves a Nut
Everybody Loves Hugo
Everybody Loves My Baby
Everybody Loves Raymond
Everybody Loves Sunshine
Everybody Loves the Sunshine
Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha
Everybody (Madonna song)
Everybody Makes Mistakes (Shearwater album)
Everybody Movin'
Everybody Needs a 303
Everybody Needs a Little Help
Everybody Needs a Little Help (song)
Everybody Needs Love
Everybody Needs Love (album)
Everybody Needs Love (The Temptations song)
Everybody Needs Somebody to Love
Everybody on My Dick Like They Supposed to Be
Everybody Out!
Everybody Out! (album)
Everybody Saves Father and The Only Girl in Camp
Everybody Say Kimchi
Everybody Says Don't
Everybody Sing
Everybody, Sing!
Everybody Speaks Nonsenses II Hot Pot
Everybody (Tanel Padar and Dave Benton song)
Every Body Tells a Story
Everybody Votes Channel
Everybody Wake Up (Our Finest Hour Arrives)
Everybody Wang Chung Tonight: Wang Chung's Greatest Hits
Everybody Wants Some!!
Everybody Wants Some!! (film)
Everybody Wants to Be Italian
Everybody Wants to Be on TV
Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Everybody Wants to Shag... The Teardrop Explodes
Everybody Wants You
Everybody Was in the French Resistance...Now!
Everybody Wins
Everybody Works but Father
Every Boy's Book of Outer Space Stories
Every Boy's Library (Boy Scouts of America Edition)
Every Breath
Every Breath You Take
Every Breath You Take: The Singles
Every Campus a Refuge
Every Child
Every Child By Two
Every Child Counts
Everychild Foundation
Every Child Ministries
Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
Every Country's Sun
Every Day's a Holiday
Every Day's a Holiday (1965 film)
Every Day's a Holiday (song)
Every Day's a Saturday
Every Day's Like Christmas
Everyday (2012 film)
Every Day (2018 film)
Every Day (album)
Every Day a Little Death
Every Day and Every Night
Everyday at the Bus Stop
Everyday behavior
Everyday Black Man
Everyday Blues
Everyday carry
Everyday (Dave Matthews Band album)
Everyday (DJ Mndez song)
Everyday God Kisses Us On The Mouth
Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield
Everyday Health
Everyday (Hillsong United album)
Everyday I Get Closer to the Light from Which I Came
Every Day I Have the Blues
Every Day I Have the Blues (Buddy Guy and Junior Wells album)
Every Day I Have the Blues (disambiguation)
Everyday I Have the Blues (Joe Williams album)
Every Day I Have to Cry (song)
Everyday II
Every Day I Love You
Everyday I Love You (film)
Everyday I Love You Less and Less
Every Day Is a Holiday
Everyday Is a Holiday
Everyday I Said a Prayer for Kathy and Made a One Inch Square
Every Day Is a New Day
Every Day Is a New Life
Everyday Is Christmas
Everyday Is Christmas (album)
Every Day Is Exactly the Same
Every Day Is for the Thief
(Every Day Is) Halloween
Every Day Is Halloween: The Anthology
Everyday Is Like Sunday
Every Day I Wake Up on the Wrong Side of Capitalism
Everyday I Write the Book
Everyday, Katyusha
Every Day Life
Everyday Life
Everyday life
Everyday Life (Coldplay album)
Everyday Life in a Syrian Village
Everyday Life (song)
Everyday (Logic and Marshmello song)
Everyday Mathematics
Every Day (novel)
Every Day of My Life
Everyday of My Life
Everyday (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark song)
Everyday People
Everyday People (album)
Everyday People Cartoons
Everyday People (film)
Everyday Practical Electronics
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Robots (song)
Everyday Saints and Other Stories
Everyday Sexism Project
Everyday Shooter
Everyday Stalinism
Everyday Sunday
Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone
Everyday (The Oak Ridge Boys song)
Every Day the Same Dream
Everyday (video)
Every Day with Jesus
Everyday Zekkch!!
Every Direction Is North
Every Everything: The Music, Life & Times of Grant Hart
Every Extend
Every Face Tells a Story
Every fool his own tool
Every Girl
Every Girl in This Town
Every Girl (Stellar song)
Every Girl (Young Money song)
Every Good Boy Deserves Favour
Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (album)
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Every Grain of Sand
Every Heart a Doorway
Every Heart (Minna no Kimochi)
Every Home Should Have One
Every Home Should Have One (album)
Every House has its Man
Every Inch a King
Every Kinda People
Every Kind of Light
Every Little Movement (Has a Meaning All Its Own)
Every Little Part of Me
Every Little Teardrop
Every Little Thing
Every Little Thing (album)
Every Little Thing (band)
Every Little Thing (Beatles song)
Every Little Thing discography
Every Little Thing (Jeff Lynne song)
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Every Little Word (song)
Every Living Thing
Every Living Thing (short story collection)
Every Maclean
Everyman's Encyclopaedia
Everyman's Feast
Everyman's Library
Everyman's Welfare Service
Everyman (1901 play)
Everyman (1964 film)
Everyman and Playhouse Youth Theatre
Every Man and Woman Is a Star
Every Man a Tiger
Everyman Chess
Everyman Cinema
Everyman Cinema, Hampstead
Everyman Cinema, Muswell Hill
Everyman Cinemas
Everyman (DC Comics)
Every Man Dies Alone
Everyman (disambiguation)
Every Man for Himself
Every Man for Himself (1980 film)
Every Man for Himself (album)
Every Man for Himself (Lost)
Everyman Gerrards Cross
Every Man Has a Woman
Every Man Has a Woman Who Loves Him
Every Man His Own Broker
Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter
Every Man in His Humour
Every Man out of His Humour
Everyman Palace Theatre
Everyman (play)
Everyman Theatre
Everyman Theatre, Baltimore
Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham
Everyman Theatre, Liverpool
Every Mile a Memory
Every Mile Mattered
Every Moment: The Best of Joy Williams
Every Morning
Every Morning (Basshunter song)
Every Moss and Cobweb
Every Mother's Son
Every Mother's Son (1926 film)
Every Mother's Son (album)
Every Mother's Worst Fear
Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts 2012
Every Move a Picture
Every Move You Make
Every Nation Churches & Ministries
Every Nation for Itself
Every Night
Every Night at Eight
Everynight ... Everynight
Every Night (Ysui Inoue album)
Every Now and Then
Every Ocean Hughes
Everyone's a Critic
Everyone's A Wally
Everyone's a Winner
Everyone's Going to Die
Everyone's Gone to the Moon
Everyone's Hero
Everyone's in Love
Everyone's in Love with You
Everyone's Life
Everyone's Out to Get Me
Everyone's Waiting
Everyone Asks for Erika
Everyone Bounce
Everyone Can Fly
Everyone Dies Alone
Everyone Dies Alone (album)
Everyone Else
Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 19631995
Everyone in Silico
Everyone into Position
Everyone Is Everybody Else
Everyone Is Here
Everyone Is Someone
Everyone Loves Mel
Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
Everyone Loves You When You're Dead
Everyone Nose (All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom)
Everyone Off to Jail
Every One of Us
Every One of Us (song)
Everyone (Olympics song)
Everyone Orchestra
Everyone Poops
Everyone Says 'Hi'
Everyone (Skins series 1)
Everyone (Skins series 5)
Everyone Stares
Everyone to La Moneda
Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone
Everyone You Ever Knew (Is Coming Back to Haunt You)
Every Open Eye
Every Other Monday
Every Other Time
Every Other Week
Every Other Weekend
Every Other Weekend (film)
EverYoung (Korean company)
Every Party
Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis
Every Picture Tells a Story
Every Picture Tells a Story (event)
Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon
Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Every Scene in Vibrant Green
Every Scene Needs a Center
Every Second Counts
Every Second Counts (album)
Every Second Counts (American game show)
Every Second Counts (British game show)
Every Second Counts (video contest)
Every Shade of Blue
Every Singaporean Son Epilogue
Every Singaporean Son II The Making of an Officer
Every Single Day
Every Single Day (band)
Every Single Day: Complete Bonnie Pink (19952006)
Every Single Day (Luni Coleone and Cool Nutz album)
Every Single Word
Every Six Seconds
Every Song Is About Me
Every Song Is a Cry for Love
Every Soul a Star
Every Sperm Is Sacred
Every Spy a Prince
Every Step
Every Step's a Yes
Every Step of the Way
Every Step You Take
Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain)
Every Struggle
Every Student Succeeds Act
Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall
Everythang's Corrupt
Everything's Alright
Everything's Alright (album)
Everything's Alright Forever
Everything's Alright (The Mojos song)
Everything's Archie (album)
Everything's Coming Up Roses
Everything's Cool
Everything's Cool (film)
Everything's Cool (song)
Everything's Eventual
Everything's Eventual (album)
Everything's Eventual (novella)
Everything's Fine (Jean Grae and Quelle Chris album)
Everything's Gone Green
Everything's Gone Green (film)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (album)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (David Lee Murphy and Kenny Chesney song)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Naughty by Nature song)
Everything's Gonna Be Great
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Everything's O.K.
Everything's on Ice
Everything's Relative
Everything's Relative (1987 TV series)
Everything's Rosie (TV series)
Everything's the Rush
Everything About Mustafa
Everything About You
Everything Acoustic
Everything All the Time
Everything and More
Everything and More (book)
Everything and More (Natalia album)
Everything and Nothing
Everything at Once
Everything at Once (album)
Everything Bad Is Good for You
Everything Beautiful Is Far Away (film)
Everything Black
Everything but Arms
Everything but the Girl
Everything but the Girl (album)
Everything but the Girl discography
Everything but the Truth
Everything but You
Everything Changed...
Everything Changes
Everything Changes (Julian Lennon album)
Everything Changes (Torchwood)
Everything Collide
Everything Comes and Goes
Everything Counts
Everything (disambiguation)
Everything (Dum Dums song)
Everything Ecstatic
Everything Else Has Gone Wrong
Everything (EP)
Everything, Everyday, Everywhere
Everything Everything
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything (novel)
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Everything Falls Apart
Everything for Father
Everything for Gloria
Everything for Sale
Everything for the Woman
Everything Goes
Everything Goes Cold
Everything Goes (game show)
Everything Goes Numb
Everything Goes Wrong
Everything Happens for a Reason
Everything Happens for the Best
Everything Happens to Me
Everything Happens to Me (1980 film)
Everything Has Changed
Everything (Henry Rollins album)
Everything Hits at Once: The Best of Spoon
Everything I'm Not
Everything I've Got in My Pocket
Everything I Am
Everything I Am (song)
(Everything I Do) I Do It for You
Everything I Have Is Yours
Everything I Have Is Yours (album)
Everything I Have Is Yours (film)
Everything I Like
Everything I Long For
Everything I Miss at Home
Everything in Between
Everything in Between (No Age album)
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Little Golden Book
Everything I Never Told You
Everything in Its Right Place
Everything in Moderation
Everything in the Garden
Everything in the World
Everything in Time
Everything in Transit
Everything I Play Is Funky
Everything Is
Everything Is 4
Everything is a file
Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, and Nothing Is Bleeding
Everything Is Allowed
Everything Is Alright
Everything Is Amplified
Everything Is A-OK
Everything Is Awesome
Everything Is Beautiful
Everything Is Beautiful (disambiguation)
Everything Is Beautiful (Princess Nokia album)
Everything Is Broken (Defiance)
Everything Is Broken (EP)
Everything Is Changing
Everything Is Copy
Everything Is Embarrassing
Everything Is (EP)
Everything Is Everything
Everything Is Everything (Brand Nubian album)
Everything Is Everything (Diana Ross album)
Everything Is Expensive
Everything Is Fine (film)
Everything Is Fire
Everything Is Forgotten
Everything Is Fucked
Everything Is Gonna Work Out Fine
Everything Is Good for You
Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home
Everything Is Healing Nicely
Everything Is Illuminated
Everything Is Illuminated (film)
Everything Is Love
Everything Is Miscellaneous
Everything Is My Family
Everything Is New
Everything Is Nice: The Matador Records 10th Anniversary Anthology
Everything Is Nothing
Everything Is Possible: The Best of Os Mutantes
Everything Is Shifting
Everything Is Terrible!
Everything Is Thunder
Everything Is True
Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups
Everything Is Vapour/Money and Blood
Everything Is Wrong
Everything Is Wrong (album)
Everything (It's You)
Everything I Touch Falls to Pieces
Everything I Wanted
Everything I Wanted (The Bangles song)
Everything I Want to Be
Everything Louder than Everyone Else
Everything Matters!
Everything Means Nothing
Everything (Michael Bubl song)
Everything (Misia song)
Everything Must Change
Everything Must Go
Everything Must Go (film)
Everything Must Go (How I Met Your Mother)
Everything Must Go (Manic Street Preachers album)
Everything Must Go (song)
Everything Must Go (Steely Dan album)
Everything Must Go (Vol. 1)
Everything My Heart Desires
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 2
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost World Tour
Everything Now
Everything Now (song)
Everything on Red
Everything Playing
Everything (P-Money song)
Everything Relative
Everything Remains (As It Never Was)
Everything (R. Stevie Moore album)
Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue
Everything (Sebastian Walldn song)
Everythings for Sale
Everything Starts with an 'E'
Everything Stops for Tea
Everything Sucks
Everything Sucks!
Everything Sucks (Descendents album)
Everything Sucks (Reel Big Fish album)
Everything Tastes Better with Bacon
Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
Everything That Rises Must Converge
Everything That Touches You
Everything (The Bangles album)
Everything to Everyone
Everything to Gain
Everything to Lose
Everything to Me
Everything to Me (Monica song)
Everything! (Tones on Tail album)
Everything Under the Sun
Everything (video game)
Everything Waits to Be Noticed
Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt
Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt (Breakfast with Amy album)
Everything Was Beautiful, and Nothing Hurt (Moby album)
Everything Was Sound
Everything We Need
Everything which is not forbidden is allowed
Everything Will Be Alright in the End
Everything Will Be Better in the Morning
Every Thing Will Be Fine
Everything Will Be Fine (2010 film)
Everything Will Be Okay
Everything Will Be Okay, We're All Going to Die!
Everything Will Work Out Right
Everything Works If You Let It
Everything You've Come to Expect
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (book)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (film)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Everything You Need (song)
Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)
Everything You Touch Turns to Gold
Everything You Want
Everything You Want (film)
Every Time
Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings
Everytime (Ariana Grande song)
Everytime (Butterfingers song)
Every Time I Close My Eyes
Every Time I Die
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Every Time I Look at You
Everytime I Think About Her
Every Time I Think of You
Everytime tha Beat Drop
Every Time Two Fools Collide
Every Time Two Fools Collide The Best of Kenny Rogers and Dottie West
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Every Time We Say Goodbye (film)
Everytime We Touch
Everytime We Touch (album)
Everytime We Touch (Cascada song)
Everytime You Cry
Everytime You Go Away
Every time you masturbate... God kills a kitten
Every Time You Say Goodbye
Everytime You Touch Me
Everytown for Gun Safety
Every Turn of the World
Every Voice
Everyway That I Can
Every Weekend
Everywhere and His Nasty Parlour Tricks
Everywhere, and Right Here
Everywhere at Once
Everywhere but Home
Everywhere I Go
Every Where Is Some Where
Everywhere (video game)
Every Which Way but Loose
Every Which Way but Loose (song)
Every Witch Way
Everywoman's Husband
Every Woman's Problem
Every Woman Has Something
Everywoman Safe Everywhere Labour's Consultation on Women's Safety
Every You Every Me
Every Young Man's Battle
Exhaustion, Salt Water, and Everything in Between
Exiled from Almost Everywhere
Face Everything and Rise
Fading Like a Flower (Every Time You Leave)
Family for Every Child
Family over Everything
Feeding Everyone No Matter What
Feelin' Stronger Every Day
First Time for Everything
For Every Heart
For Every Man
For Every Punk Bitch and Arsehole
Forget Everything You Know
For the Girl Who Has Everything
For the Girl Who Has Everything (Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased))
For the Girl Who Has Everything (song)
For the Love of Harry: Everybody Sings Nilsson
For the Man Who Has Everything
Fragile (Every Little Thing song)
Front for Everyone
Fuck Everyone and Run (F E A R)
Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light on Everything
Fuck wit Dre Day (And Everybody's Celebratin')
Future World (Every Little Thing song)
Gamble Everything for Love
Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything
George Every
Getting it right for every child
Girl's Day Everyday 3
Girl's Day Everyday 4
Girls Lean Back Everywhere
Give Me Everything
God Gave Me Everything (Mick Jagger song)
God, the Universe and Everything Else
Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)
Greatest Hits/Every Mile a Memory 20032008
Guilty of Everything
Hannah Every-Hall
Hans in Every Street
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child
Happiness Over Everything (H.O.E.)
Headfirst into Everything
Health at Every Size
Heaven for Everyone
Heirs to Thievery
Hello Everything
Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between
Henry Every
Here Comes Everybody
Here, There & Everywhere (company)
Here, There and Everywhere
Hey Everybody!
Hey Everyone!
Hi, Everything's Great.
High Water Everywhere
Hold Everything
Hold Everything (film)
Holiday Food/Everyone Is Good at Something
Holzapfel Knows Everything
Hot Damn! (Every Time I Die album)
How I Met Everyone Else
How to Avoid Everything
How to Clean Everything
How To Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted in Ten Easy Steps
How to Ruin Everything
How to Win at Checkers (Every Time)
HTTPS Everywhere
Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day
Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day Tour
I'll Be Your Everything
I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day
I'm Every Woman
(I'm Watching) Every Little Move You Make
I Am Alive in Everything I Touch
I Believe in Everything
I Believe in Everything (album)
I Believe in Everything (song)
I Belong to You (Every Time I See Your Face)
Ice Cream Everyday
I Don't Know Much, But I'll Say Everything
If Everyone Cared
Igor Severyanin
I Hate Everything
I Hate Everything About You
III Sides to Every Story
I Just Want to Be Your Everything
I Love You in Every Language in the World
Image Is Everything
Imma Star (Everywhere We Are)
Improv Everywhere
In Each and Every One
In Every Dream Home a Heartache
Information To Every One (i2e1)
In Love, Every Pleasure Has Its Pain
I Remember Everything, Richard
Is Everybody Happy?
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master
Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?
It's Everybody's War
It's Everyday Bro
It's Everything, and Then It's Gone
It's Funny to Everyone but Me
Italy (Everybody Loves Raymond)
It Happens Every Day
I Thought I'd Seen Everything
It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine.
I Want To (Do Everything for You)
I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
Jack Was Every Inch a Sailor
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Jenny Everywhere
Joe Rogan Questions Everything
John Every
Jump (Every Little Thing song)
Just Before Losing Everything
Kawennhere Devery Jacobs
King of Everything
Life, the Universe, & Everything
Life, the Universe and Everything
Life, the universe and everything
Lift Every Voice
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Lilly Done the Zampoughi Every Time I Pulled Her Coattail
List of accolades received by The Theory of Everything
List of awards and nominations received by Everybody Loves Raymond
List of Everybody Hates Chris characters
List of Everybody Hates Chris episodes
List of Everybody Loves Raymond characters
List of Everybody Loves Raymond episodes
List of Every Witch Way episodes
List of The Chaser's War on Everything episodes
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere (novel)
Living Is a Problem Because Everything Dies
Love Belongs to Everyone
Love Changes Everything
Love Changes Everything (Sarah Brightman album)
Love Changes Everything (song)
Love Everybody
Love Gets Me Every Time
Love, Heartbreak, & Everything in Between
Love in Every Port
Love Is Everything
Love Is Everything: The Jane Siberry Anthology
Lovin' Every Minute of It
Lovin' Every Minute of It (song)
Loving Every Minute
Loving Every Minute (album)
Make Everything Great Again
Man Alive (Everything Everything album)
Mara (and Everybody Else)
MBC Every 1
Me and You and Everyone We Know
Mean Everything to Nothing
Merry Xmas Everybody
Michael: Every Day
Middle of Everywhere: 25th Anniversary Tour
Middle of Everywhere: The Greatest Hits
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everywhere
Miho Komatsu 3rd : everywhere
Minon: Everyday Hero
Minority Report: Everybody Runs
Missing (Everything but the Girl song)
Mista Don't Play: Everythangs Workin
Mixed Up Everything
Modernity Killed Every Night
Money Changes Everything
Music Everywhere
My Everything
My Everything (Ariana Grande album)
Nanette Makes Everything
Napoleon Is to Blame for Everything
Nobody for Everybody
Not Everybody's Lucky Enough to Have Communist Parents
Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible
Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible
Not Like Everyone Else
Ohio Versus Everything
Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
OKE: Operation Kill Everything
Once a Year, Every Year
Once to Every Woman
One Born Every Minute
One Born Every Minute Australia
On Every Street
One with Everything: Styx and the Contemporary Youth Orchestra
Only Everything
Only Every Time
On Your Every Word
Our Everyday Life
Over and Over (Every Little Thing song)
Over the Hills and Everywhere
Parenting for Everyone
Pat Devery
People Everyday
Picture Perfect (Every Avenue album)
Promise Everything
Pushkin Is Our Everything
"Everything For the Country" Party
Random White Dude Be Everywhere
Rastafari Teach I Everything
Ready or Not/Everytime
Ring on Every Finger
Rockin' Every Night Live in Japan
Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
Ruining It for Everybody
Secrets Every Smart Traveler Should Know
See You Tomorrow, Everyone
Serving Every Ohioan Library Center
Severy, Kansas
Severyn Nalyvaiko
She's Got Everything
She's Got Everything (film)
She's Got Everything (The Kinks song)
Simon Every
Six Degrees of Everything
Size Isn't Everything
Something for Everybody
Something for Everybody (Devo album)
Something for Everybody (disambiguation)
Something for Everyone
Song for Everyone
Songs to Ruin Every Occasion
Sorry Everybody
Spanish for Everyone!
Stanford Engineering Everywhere
Stop Abuse for Everyone
Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
Super Eurobeat presents Euro Every Little Thing
Sure (Every Little Thing song)
Tabitabi + Every Best Single 2: More Complete
Taco trucks on every corner
Take the Message Everywhere
Talk:An American Mosaic: Prose and Poetry by Everyday Folk
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember
Tell Me You Do Everything for Me
Terrence McNally: Every Act of Life
Thanks for Every New Morning
Thanks for Everything
Thank You 4 Every Day Every Body
Thank You for Everything
That Day After Everyday
The Bamboozle 2007: Everything Will Be Much Better Once I Get These Clowns Out of My Head
The Battle for Everything
The Beginning and the End of Everything
The Best of Everything
The Best of Everything (album)
The Best of Everything but the Girl
The Best of Everything (film)
The Big Everything
The Book of Everything
The Chaser's War on Everything
The Day Everything Became Nothing
The Design of Everyday Things
The Destruction of Everything is the Beginning of Something New
The Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman
The End of Everything
The End of Everything (EP)
The Everybodyfields
The Everything Card
The Everything Store
The Eye of Every Storm
The Fall of Every Man
The Finale (Everybody Loves Raymond)
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything (film)
The Girl Who Had Everything
The Heart of Everything
The Heart of Everything World Tour
The Hero of Every Girl's Dream
The Invention of Everything Else
The Meaning of Everything
The Michigan Every Three Weekly
The Museum of Everything
The Museum of Everything (museum)
The Nearly Complete and Utter History of Everything
Theory of everything
Theory of everything (disambiguation)
The Phone Rings Every Night
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
The Price of Everything
The Problem with Everything
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (album)
There's a sucker born every minute
There's One in Every Crowd
There's One in Every Family
There Goes My Everything
The Revolution of Everyday Life
There Was Blood Everywhere
The Search for Everything
The Search for Everything: Wave Two
The Search for Everything World Tour
The Sky Is Everywhere (film)
The Smurfs and the Book that Tells Everything
The Sun Comes Out Every Day
The Theory of Everything (2014 film)
The Top 10 of Everything
The Woman Everyone Loves Is You
They'll Do It Every Time
Thievery Corporation
This Changes Everything
This Changes Everything (book)
This World's for Everyone
Thom Van Every
Three (End of Everything album)
Time Changes Everything
Timing Is Everything
Timing Is Everything (album)
To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere
To See Every Bird on Earth
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
Translation Changes Everything
Trouble Every Day
Trouble Every Day (song)
Try Everything
TV Everywhere
Twisted (Everyday Hurts)
Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Universal Everything
Uptight (Everything's Alright)
User:AlbinoFerret/The rules apply to everyone
User:SoWhy/Not everyone is an artist
User:UNHchabo/Not everyone has as much free time as you
Vampires Everywhere!
Viola Kisses Everybody
Wake Up Everybody (song)
We Kill Everything
What Every Woman Knows
What Every Woman Wants
What Every Woman Wants (retail chain)
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July
When Everyone Wore Hats
(When You Fall in Love) Everything's a Waltz
Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Where Has Everybody Gone?
Where Is Everybody?
Whoa Oh! (Me vs. Everyone)
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him)?
Why's Everybody Always Pickin' on Me?
Why Couldn't It Be Christmas Every Day?
Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere
William Levery
William Stephen Devery
Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
With Every Bit of Me
With Every Heartbeat (film)
With Every Heartbeat (Five Star song)
With Everything I Feel in Me
Wonderful Everyday
Wrecking Everything An Evening in Asbury Park
Wrote a Song for Everyone
Xanathar's Guide to Everything
You'll Ruin It for Everyone
You're Everything (album)
You're My Everything
You're My Everything (1931 song)
You're My Everything (The Temptations song)
You're the First, the Last, My Everything
You Are Everything (Dru Hill song)
You Call Everybody Darlin'
You Can't Buy Everything
You, Me, and Everyone We Know
You Mean Everything to Me
You to Me Are Everything
YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind
Z: The Beginning of Everything

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last updated: 2022-02-02 19:22:31
260581 site hits