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object:2.1.3 - Wrong Movements of the Vital
book class:Letters On Yoga IV
author class:Sri Aurobindo
subject class:Integral Yoga
section class:The Vital Being and Sadhana

The Phrase "Wrong Movements"

The phrase [wrong movements] covers pretty nearly everything that is hurtful to spiritual progressmovements of doubt, revolt, egoistic desire or ambition, sexual indulgence are the most common, but there are plenty of others.

It depends on what is meant by a wrong or unnecessary movement [of the vital]. Certain things have to fall off before the establishment [of the higher consciousness] can be complete. Others that are unnecessary have to be put aside if they are incompatible with the full sadhana or the growth of the inner consciousness, but can be continued if the consciousness established is such that doing or not doing makes no difference to it.
Vital Reactions

A vital reaction means a response of the vital to the touch or pressure of an idea, action, event, person or thing.

E.g. if someone speaks something you do not like and you get angry, that is a vital reaction. Or if a woman passes and you feel sexual desire, that is a vital reaction. Or if something unpleasant happens and you get a depression, that is a vital reaction. Most disturbances of the consciousness are due to vital reactions, though the mind may assist by wrong thoughts and judgments and misinterpretations. There can be good vital reactions as well as bad, but the term is usually applied to those that are undesirable and have to be surmounted by the sadhak.

The ideal condition is that of a calm, clear, strong vital free from the reactions of the vital ego and responding with true and high feelings only that are acceptable to the spiritual will and the psychic being.
Vital Suggestions

It would not be at all right to yield to these suggestions which are obviously those of a force that wants to make use of the unease and disappointment of the vital in order to drive you to break your sadhana. These are the usual suggestions that come to all under the stress of this vital condition: I am not fit for this sadhana. I must go, I cannot stay here. The Mother does not love me. I have given up everything and got nothing. The struggle makes me too miserable; let me go. As a matter of fact there is no real foundation for these suggestions. Because an acute struggle has come, it would be absurd to conclude that you are unfit for the sadhana and to give it up after going so far. It is because you have asked the physical-vital to give up certain of its cherished attachments and habits that it is in this condition; unable to resist altogether, miserable at being deprived, it accepts these suggestions as an excuse for escape from the pressure you have put upon it. The acuteness of the struggle is due to the vehemence of the attack, but still more to this vital or a part of it responding to the suggestions; otherwise a less disturbing even if a slower movement would be quite possible. The Mother has in no way changed towards you nor is she disappointed with you that is the suggestion drawn from your own state of mind and putting its wrong sense of disappointment and unfitness on to the Mother. She has no reason to change or be disappointed, as she has always been aware of the vital obstacles in you and still expected and expects you to overcome them. The call to change certain things that seem to be in the grain of character is proving difficult even for the best sadhaks, but the difficulty is no proof of incompetence. It is precisely this impulse to go that you must refuse to admit for so long as these forces think they can bring it about, they will press as much as they can on this point. You must also open yourself more to the Mothers Force in that part and for that it is necessary to get rid of this suggestion about the Mothers disappointment or lack of love, for it is this which creates the reaction at the time of Pranam. Our help, support, love are there always as beforekeep yourself open to them and with their aid drive out these suggestions.

The feelings and movements of the past always return at night in sleep. It is only when the consciousness that generated them is changed and cleared in the waking state, that afterwards one can clear them out of the sleep also.

You are listening too much to the suggestions of the outer consciousness, not being able, etc. etc. Since you did begin to open a little for a time, it shows that you are able. You have to get back to that movement; for that you must persuade this outer vital not to go on repeating, I am not able, my efforts cannot succeed, I am too crooked etc.or if it goes on, you must not listen to it. You must affirm and concentrate on the possibility that was shown you and not on the supposed impossibility.

But how is it that any part of you gives any value to the suggestions? If no part gives any value then surely they must seem to you too laughable and contemptible to have any effect or power to make you revolt.

If you attach no value to the suggestions, then there may be the inertia still but not this.

The fact that your vital goes out of the poise and accepts them [ego, demand and desire] means that you keep yourself open to them. The sign that these things are no longer admitted is when the inner vital rejects them so that they become suggestions only and nothing else. There may arise a surge of suggestions or waves from the general nature, but they cannot get admission. It is only then that a will can be kept in which one is untouched by the general atmosphere.

It is not the mind, but the psychic being that made the suggestion through the mind. There is a part of the mind that is under the influence of the Truth and can be the channel of the psychic beings knowledge or feeling; there is another part that answers to the vital and expresses and supports the difficulties and oppositions in the nature. If the whole mind refuses to respond to the vital or accept or support its suggestions then much of the force of the vital attack disappears and one is more able to put a pressure on the vital and oblige it also to listen to the psychic and change.

What happened in your case was that the whole vital difficulty the main one of the familymassed itself together and rose. When an attack like that is overcome, there is always a clearance of the inner atmosphere. It must not be allowed to gather force again and for that the mind must always follow the psychic suggestion and refuse at once to harbour the opposite suggestions and at the same time keep itself open to the Mother, so that the Mothers Force may come down into it and occupy it and work there.
Vital Restlessness

I have no idea why he wants to change [his work]. If he wants to make himself some day fit for the spiritual life, the first thing to be avoided is vital restlessness. To do the work one has to do with a quiet mind, making an offering of it to the Divine and trying to get rid of egoism and vital desire, is the best way to prepare oneself.

The bitterness you feel is that of a restless and dissatisfied vital which did not get what it desired because it could not desire anything strongly and persistently. Otherwise it could have all the vital desiresmarriage, friends, position etc.but it could stick to nothing owing to a kind of weak restlessness. In the Yoga it has shown the same restless weakness,otherwise it could by this time have attained something, and besides there was the sex-impulse which it would neither satisfy nor leave. You must know what you want and want it with your whole willit is only so that there can be an end of this restlessness and failure.

As for the other thing it is the struggle between the mind and psychic which see the right thing to do and the restless vital. It is not something wrong in the head, on the contrary the head is getting more and more to see what is right; it is only that the vital restlessness is not dominated by the mind and wants to follow its own feeling. That happens to everybody so long as the vital is not properly under our control. Even in ordinary circumstances and in ordinary life the vital is always carrying away the being to do what the mind disapproves, but there it is felt to be something normal, especially as the vital very usually persuades the mind to find arguments and justify its mistakes. You have to persist until the understanding mind and psychic in you become normally stronger than this part of the vital that does not want to be quiet and concentrated or see things rightly. Then you will not be so much troubled by this disagreement between two parts of the being.

It is mostly when the sadhana condition is interrupted that the vital becomes agitated or impatient and restless. Instead of remaining quiet and waiting or calling down the real push from above, it begins to get vexed and restless and begins to ask questions: Why this? why that? These things do not mean that you are going astrayit means only that these defects are still not worked out, that is all. Also the old vital mental egoism rises up and if the answers do not please it, it becomes challenging, disputatious, insistent on its own point of view. These are old defects which are part of the external nature and therefore difficult to root out. You must learn to recognise them and get rid of them by a quiet rejection and disuse.

It is not true that you cannot or will never be put right. It is what appears to you when your lower vital is restless or else your physical mind comes uppermost. Only it is true that if you could keep yourself always in that part of you which is in contact, the thing would be done sooner and with much less difficulty and trouble.

If you reject the restlessness of the vital always, the whole being will be at peace and being at peace receive the divine Ananda. Only you must not let the Ananda go out in speech or action nor let it turn into outward vital joy. If you keep it silently within, it will work in you for the transformation.
Vital Dryness

The feeling of the desert comes because of the resistance of the vital which wants life to be governed by desire. If that is not allowed, it regards existence as a desert and puts that impression on the mind.

It is the resistance of the vital that takes the form of this drynessa form of passive resistance, just as revolt or an excited activity of desire is its active form of resistance. But you should not be discouraged these phases are normal and almost everybody has to face them. It is not really a sign of failure or inability, but a trying part of the process of change. Hold fast and aspire always for the love and the opening. The inner heart is there and that will receive an answer to the aspiration and one day quickly open the outer and make it also receive. To call to the Mother always is the main thing and with that to aspire and assent to the light when it comes, to reject and detach oneself from desire and any dark movement. But if one cannot do these other things successfully, then call and still call.

The Mothers force is there with you even when you do not feel it. Trust to it, remain quiet and persevere.

Yes, dryness comes usually when the vitalhere certainly the vital physicaldislikes a movement or condition or the refusal of its desires and starts non-cooperation. But sometimes it is a condition that has to be crossed through, e.g. the neutral or dry quietude which sometimes comes when the ordinary movements have been thrown out but nothing positive has yet come to take their place (e.g. peace, joy, a higher knowledge or force and action).

The ordinary freshness, energy, enthusiasm of the nature comes either from the vital, direct when it is satisfying its own instincts and impulses, indirect when it cooperates with or assents to the mental, physical or spiritual activities. If the vital resists, there is revolt and struggle. If the vital no longer insists on its own impulses and instincts but does not cooperate, there is either dryness or a neutral state. Dryness comes in when the vital is quiescent but passively unwilling, not interested, the neutral state when it neither assents nor is unwilling,simply quiescent, passive. This however, the neutral state, can deepen into positive calm and peace by a greater influx from above which keeps the vital not only quiescent but at least passively acquiescent. With the active interest and consent of the vital the peace becomes a glad or joyful peace or a strong peace supporting and entering into action or active experience.

The dryness is usually only a passage of neutral quiet,the vital withdrawing its stimulus gives to the neutrality a colour of dryness. To live in the peace is the natural condition of the Self and therefore the basis of the Yogic consciousness it is possible when the peace has so deepened and generalised itself that even a vital attack cannot cover it up or penetrate it.

The slight dryness must have been the reaction caused in the physical vital by the uninterest in external thingsbecause the physical vital depends very much on this external interest. When it gets more accustomed to the silence, then the dryness disappears.

The feeling of loneliness, udsnat, dryness and lack of rasa come very usually when the vital part is disappointed in its desires or tries to give them up but has not yet attained a quiet indifference towards them. It is necessary to replace this condition by the true quietude which will allow the psychic being to become again active and reopen the doors of inner experience, and we shall try to get this done.

I do not know that sadness has the power to cure [dryness in the vital]. I have myself followed the Gitas path of equanimity but for some the psychic sadness may be necessary. But I think it is more an indication of a mistake than a cure.
Vital Resistance

The resistance and the contrary suggestions come from the vital nature which is in all men obscure and attached to ordinary ideas and aims and easily listens to such ideas and suggestions as those you mention. Faith and devotion come from the soul and it is only when the vital has entirely submitted to the soul that one can truly lead the spiritual life.

It is normal that when a special pressure is put on a vital movement, a resistance whether in the vital itself (here vital-physical) or in the subconscient should manifest itself. It is sometimes a real resistance, sometimes it is only the pravtti presenting itself for purification.

Why should you suppose it [the effort of sadhana] is vain? The purification of the vital takes a long time because until all the parts are free, none is quite free and because they use a multitude of movements which have to be changed or enlightened, and moreover there is a great habit of persistence and resistance in the habitual movements of the nature. One therefore easily thinks that one has made no progress,but all sincere and sustained effort of purification has its result and after a time the progress made will become evident.

You should not allow yourself to be invaded by this suggestion of not being fit or able to go through. The vital is the most difficult part of the being to change or control and even sadhaks who have advanced far have to struggle with it at times. But its more fundamental resistances can be overcome more quickly, and you have only to persevere in aspiration and opening to the Mother and this kind of denial will after a time come no more.

It is this idea that you are helpless because the vital consents to the wrong movement that comes in the way. You have to put your inner will and the Mothers light on the vital so that it shall change, not leave it to do what it likes. If one is to be helpless and ruled by any part of the instrumental being, how is change possible? The Mothers force or the psychic can act, but on condition that the assent of the being is there. If the vital is left to do what it likes, it will always go after its old habits; it has to be made to feel that it must change.

I suppose it is the nature of the vital which, when a thing is forbidden to it whether by the mind or by circumstances, runs after it more. But I suppose if you remain firm, this will pass.

When the vital takes hold of a thing it is often like thatit fixes it continually on the mind till it is either satisfied or the hold thrown off.

The one thing you have to avoid is losing patience; for that only prolongs the vital trouble. There is no reason for it. When the vital is to be changed (fundamentally) it always gives constant trouble like this until one can seat oneself fixedly in the calm of the inner consciousness and keep the vital movements quite on the surface.

It is always better to have peace. As for the vital, there is always something in it that resists and tries to retard, but if the inner being opens sufficiently and you can live in the inner being, peace can descend and establish itself there in such a way that the vital movements of the surface may be there but will not be able to break the inner peace.
Vital Dissatisfaction and Non-Cooperation

It is because the vital was very much under the grip of its desires and so, now that it is separately active, not controlled by mental will, it kicks and cries whenever its desires are not satisfied. That is an ordinary movement of the human vital when not dominated and kept in its place by the mental will.

It is an oscillation due to something in the resistant part (not the whole of it) being still dissatisfied at the call to change. When any vital element is disappointed, dissatisfied, called or compelled to change but not yet willing, it has the tendency to create non-response or non-cooperation of the vital, leaving the physical dull or insensible without the vital push. With the psychic pressure this remnant of resistance will pass.

There are two conditions in which it [the vital] becomes like that [non-cooperative]: (1) when its ordinary (ego) actions or motives of action are not allowed to it, (2) when one goes very much down into the physical, the vital sometimes or for a time becomes inert unless or until there is the Force from above.

The nervous being is under the influence of the vital forces; when they are denied or pushed out, it becomes depressed and wants to call them back for it is accustomed to get the pleasure and strength of life from the vital movements and not from the spiritual or divine Force above.

The vital can be all right when things are going on swimmingly, but when difficulties become strong, it sinks and lies supine. Also if a bait is held out to the vital ego, then it can become enthusiastic and active.

It seems to be some tamas or inertia coming down on the system. It is sometimes like that when the vital gets dissatisfied with the conditions or with what has been attained and initiates a sort of non-cooperation or passive resistance, saying, As I am not satisfied, I wont take interest in anything or help you to do anything.

It may be because I asked you to stop meditating and to wait. The vital does not like waiting. But I had to tell you that because of the burning of the centres, the disturbance of sleep and the restthese must go before you can meditate in the right way and with success. If you meditate at all now, it should be only in calm and peace with a very quiet aspiration for the divine calm and peace to descend into you.

It is also perhaps due to your penchant for Nirvana. For the desire of Nirvana easily brings this kind of collapse of the energies. Nirvana is not the aim of my Yoga but whether for Nirvana or for this Yoga, calm and peace in the whole being are the necessary foundation of all siddhi.

For the dissatisfaction of the vital, the only remedy is rejection and refusal to identify yourself with it. For the inertia the remedy is not to absorb yourself in thoughts about it, but to turn upwards and call the Light and Force to come into it.
Vital Disturbance and Revolt

The exacerbation of certain vital movements is a perfectly well-known phenomenon in Yoga and does not mean that one has degenerated, but only that one has come to close grips instead of to a pleasant nodding acquaintance with the basic instincts of the earthly vital nature. I have had myself the experience of this rising to a height, during a certain stage of the spiritual development, of things that before hardly existed and seemed quite absent in the pre-Yogic life. These things rise up like that because they are fighting for their existence they are not really personal to you and the vehemence of their attack is not due to any badness in the personal nature. I dare say seven sadhaks out of ten have a similar experience. Afterwards when they cannot effect their object which is to drive the sadhak out of his sadhana, the whole thing sinks and there is no longer any vehement trouble. I repeat that the only serious thing about it is the depression created in you and the idea of inability in the Yoga that they take care to impress on the brain when they are at their work. If you can get rid of that, the violence of the vital attacks is only the phenomenon of a stage and does not in the end matter.

What you have noticed about the disturbances is true. There are now two consciousnesses in you, the new one that is growing and what is left of the old. The old has something in it which is a habit of the human vital,the tendency to keep any touch of grief, anger, vexation etc. or any kind of emotional, vital or mental disturbance, to make much of it, to prolong it, not to wish to let it go, to return to it even when the cause of disturbance is past and could be forgotten, always to remember it and bring it up when it can. This is a common trait of human nature and a quite customary movement. The new consciousness on the contrary does not want these things and when they happen throws them off as quickly as possible. When the new consciousness is fully grown and established, then the disturbances will be altogether rejected. Even if the causes of them happen, there will be no response of grief, anger, vexation etc. in the nature.

The one thing necessary is to arrive at a fixed and definite choice in the mind which one can always oppose to the vital disturbance. Disturbance in the vital will always come so long as the full peace has not descended there, but with a fixed resolution in the mind kept always to the front the acuteness of the disturbance can disappear and the road become shorter.

Usually the vital tries to resist the call to change. That is what is meant by revolt or opposition. If the inner will insists and forbids revolt or opposition, the vital unwillingness may often take the form of depression and dejection accompanied by a resistance in the physical mind which supports the repetition of old ideas, habits, movements or actions which the body consciousness suffers from an apprehension or fear of the called for change, a drawing back from it or a dullness which does not receive the call.

It is these things you have to get rid of. But a sorrowful or despondent mood is not the proper condition for doing that. You have to stand back from the feeling of suffering, anguish and apprehension, reject it and look quietly at the resistance, affirming always to yourself your will to change and insisting that it shall be done and cannot fail to be done now or later with the divine help, because the divine help is there. It is then that the strength can come to you that will overcome the difficulties.

It was the dissatisfaction of the soul with the superficial vital life that brought you away from the outer world and it is the same dissatisfaction a hundred times increased and accompanied with an intense psychic sorrow that would come on you if you went away from the Yoga.

Your vital mind (which is the one which revolts and doubts) has strange misconceptions about the spiritual state. There is no grimness in being an instrument of the divine Willit is the happiest and most joyous condition possibleit brings not only peace but an intense Ananda. Anyhow, the hold of the Yoga-force is increasing in spite of everything and you have only to go on for it to solve the struggle between the outer man and the inner Spirit.

This part of the vital [which wants to revolt] has no precise reasons to support itself withit takes hold of any mood of disappointment or strong sense of difficulty. It is a factor in all human natures,restless, desiring, eager, despondent, unstable. Stand back from it and do not allow it to govern or move you. There is a right part of the vital which must be usedardent, sensitive to the higher things, capable of great love and devotion. Streng then that and support it on the psychic and on the peace and wideness that comes from above.

Tell the vital that complaining and revolting only hampers you from getting what it wantsit is only when it is calm and confident that things can be done.

The outward revolt is the refusal of discipline and obedience the inward revolt is of many kinds, it may take many forms, e.g. a revolt of the vital against the Mother, a revolt of the mind against the Truth, a rejection of the spiritual life, a demand to enthrone the ego as the Divine or to serve something that flatters the vital ego and supports its demands and call that the Divine, a response to vital suggestions of distrust, despair, self-destruction or departure and many others.

The difficulty must have come from distrust and disobedience. For distrust and disobedience are like falsehood (they are themselves a falsity, based on false ideas and impulses), they interfere in the action of the Power, prevent it from being felt or from working fully and diminish the force of the Protection. Not only in your inward concentration, but in your outward acts and movements you must take the right attitude. If you do that and put everything under the Mothers guidance, you will find that difficulties begin to diminish or are much more easily got over and things become steadily smoother.

In your work and acts you must do the same as in your concentration. Open to the Mother, put them under her guidance, call in the peace, the supporting Power, the protection and, in order that they may work, reject all wrong influences that might come in their way by creating wrong, careless or unconscious movements.

Follow this principle and your whole being will become one, under one rule, in the peace and sheltering Power and Light.
Rejection of Wrong Vital Movements

It is quite true that rising into a higher consciousness than the ordinary human consciousness is the right way towards transformation. Merely to remain in the ordinary lower consciousness and try to reject from there the wrong movements can produce no permanent or complete result. But there are several points here which you must note or this perception may be accompanied by an error.

(1) As you have yourself subsequently seen, all the parts and personalities that constitute the being must share in the higher consciousness, otherwise the old movements under various pretexts will continue.

(2) You speak of rejecting the lower vital, but it is only the unregenerated lower vital movements that can be got rid of; you cannot get rid of the lower vital itself, for it is a necessary part of the manifested nature, like the higher vital or the mind. It has to be changed in the power of the higher consciousness, not left to itself or dropped from you.

(3) If you do not so change it, if you simply remain content by living in the psychic or other higher consciousness internally then you raise the risk of doing like those who are satisfied to have experiences and some inner quietude or Ananda, but leave the external nature and surface active movements unchanged, either thinking them of no importance or justifying them under the plea that there is the psychic or spiritual consciousness behind them.

I asked you to look for the cause of the abatement of energy or zeal (utsha), because it is evident that there must be some resistance somewhere, otherwise there would not be these constant headaches and this less intense condition. If the physical consciousness is open the headaches should disappear or at least diminish in frequency and force, and if the lower vital is all right, the intensity ought to continue.

But what do you want to do with all these obscure and useless vital movements that torment you, these wrong thoughts, suggestions, confusions, inabilities etc.? You seem to write as if you thought they must be kept and changed? But why kept and how changed? What would be the use? But precisely what you have got to do is to shut them out, to reject, refuse to keep them, refuse to have them. It is precisely to see in another way, to see in the true way, that the Force is pressing on you. It would indeed be a great blessing if you could forget these other wrong things altogether. Again, why do you want to keep and change the wrong things as you yourself call them? If you have an illness, do you want to keep and change the pains, the sickness and all the rest of it? It is to throw out the illness that you want, for the body to forget it, not to keep any impression of it, to lose even the possibility of having it again, to live and feel in quite another way, the way of health. It is just the same here.

These wrong movements [doubt, depression, sadness, hostility towards the Mother] belong to the universal vital Nature, but the vital of man also shares in them, makes itself a centre and field of the play of these wrong forces: in that sense they are in you. But by constant rejection they are pushed out; you feel them no longer rising in you but coming from outside. The vital still admits them because it is not yet pure of the old habit of response. You have to persist till they are entirely foreign to your nature and no longer get admittance.

Keep your resolution firm in your mind. It is the vital that is invaded by something foreign from the outside (universal) Nature; it is not your own feeling. If you keep your resolution firm, the vital also will begin to throw out this foreign matter.

After each crisis there is something gained, if there has been a victory and rejection. The gain is to externalise the vital disturbance, so that even if it returns it will be felt so much an outside force that the observing consciousness (mental, higher vital) cannot be disturbed. If you keep that, it will be an immense advance.
Return of Vital Movements after Rejection

It was evidently not the action of something that is rooted still within, but an old movement returning from outside (from the universal Nature) to which something in the vital still responds by force of habit, force of accustomed recurrence. This is shown by the fact that you felt nothing at the timeonly afterwards; also by the alternations of quiet and unrest after calling the Force, as if of something losing its hold and then trying to get it back and hold on still. Things thrown out always come back like that relying on the old habit of response in the stuff of the nature,the old vibration. By throwing it out whenever it comes, in the end the part which responds begins to understand that it must not and is gradually or quickly liberated from the habit.

What comes back like that is the old vital movements which you used to have and which you have been throwing out. The vital gets disturbed and filled with these thoughts whenever something happens that hurts or displeases it strongly. To get rid of it one must have always a sense of complete reliance on the Mother, of surrender; that brings a calm which refuses to be moved by any outward happening or by what people do or say, a happiness which is not disturbed by any occurrence.

It must be that on that occasion the consciousness got lowered and some vital wave came in from the atmosphere resuscitating the old vibrations of the restless vital which had quieted down. You must separate yourself from them and get the poise of quietude again. They have no longer any real basis in mind or heart, they rely only on the force of repetition that comes up from the subconscient and once started try to keep these old ideas and feelings repeating themselves so as to prevent the consciousness from settling down into quietude. But the poise once obtained is there and has only been covered up and has got to be uncovered again from these cloudings. You must get the habit of keeping quiet somewhere in yourself when these attacks come, of keeping something within that refuses to say ditto to these suggestions or accept them as its own proper thoughts and feelings.

Anyhow the Force will be put to help you; receive it and all that will go.

It is very often when one thinks a particular resistance is finished and is no longer in the vital that it surges up again.

The only way to get rid of these vital movements is to do persistently what he describes himself as doing with the invading forcesi.e. he must be always vigilant, try always at every moment to be conscious, always reject these things, refusing to take pleasure in them, call on the Mother, bring down the descent of the Light. If they return persistently he must not be discouraged; it is not possible to change the nature at once, it takes a long time. If, however, he can keep the psychic consciousness in the front, then it will be much easier and there will be much less difficulty and trouble in the change. That can be done by constant aspiration and abhysa.

The difficulty you have in your vital is not peculiar to you, but is in some degree and in one form or another a fairly general malady. Its constant return, the mechanical irrational return even when all the rest of the nature has rejected it, is due to the obstinacy of the material consciousness always repeating the old movement in the old groove at the least touch from the old habitual forces. It is a question of faith, patience and persistence. One must be more obstinate than the obstinate material nature and persevere until the light and truth can take permanent hold of the parts which are still responsive to the old movements. There can be no doubt that with this perseverance the Truth will in the end conquer.

It would make it easier if you could get rid of certain fixed ideas and of the habitual reaction of depression or despair when these recurrences come. For instance, you ought to throw away once for all this idea of Xs malediction; it is a thing of the past and it is only the physical minds memory of it that gives it some appearance of survival. The difficulties we are now meeting have nothing to do with X; they are part only of the necessity of conquest over the habits of the physical consciousness and he has nothing to do there and no influence of any kind whatever. Also dismiss any question about the possibility of conversion of your vital being; you should see rather that it is certain and not merely possible. This idea of identification with the dark Shakti is also another old notion which you ought to root out without cherishing any least trace of it. It has no meaning on the plane of the physical and vital physical consciousness where the whole work is now going on and to nourish any such ideas can only hamper your progress. Finally, when there are these recurrences, do not allow yourself to be depressed by them, but simply observe and stand back and call in the higher force with the full confidence that these are mechanical recurrences and in substance nothing morehowever strong they may seem in appearance. The principle of mechanical repetition is very strong in the material nature, so strong that it makes one easily think that it is incurable. That however is only a trick of the forces of this material inconscience; it is by creating this impression that they try to endure. If, on the contrary, you remain firm, refuse to be depressed or discouraged and, even in the moment of attack, affirm the certainty of eventual victory, the victory itself will come much more easily and sooner.

All these things are there in human nature, habitual movements, which show their true nature only when the light of the higher consciousness is turned on them. Even after they have been rejected the possibility of a response to such suggestions from outside remains in the grain of the lower vital or vital physical or the subconscient till there is the full supramental enlightenment there.
Alternation of Good and Bad Vital Conditions

When one tries to change something in the vital, then, due to the natures habit of persisting in a movement to which it has been accustomed, there is usually an alternation like this; the new condition persists for some days, then the old forces its way for some time to the surface. If one persists, the old movement begins to lose its force and die out and the new permanently replaces it.

At present I will only say that the alternations you feel are there between your psychic being and the mental and vital parts already submitted to it and the revolted vital parts full of the outcry of the vital ego stressing and increasing by brooding in them its own grievances and sufferings. That is a struggle which every sadhak has to go through with more or less acuteness; but the only way to escape from the suffering and struggle is for the mind to put itself wholly on the side of the soul and bring over the whole vital to the true attitude. It is absurd to think that we know nothing of these things; we know them very well but we know also that the solution lies not in the satisfaction of the revolted vital but in its submission and surrender to the soul within and to the Divine.

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Wikipedia - 100 Beste Plakate -- Graphic design association
Wikipedia - 12 Strong -- 2018 film by Nicolai Fuglsig
Wikipedia - 137th Signal Company -- Signal Company
Wikipedia - 13th Signal Regiment (United Kingdom) -- Specialist signals unit of the Royal Corps of Signals
Wikipedia - 15 cm sIG 33
Wikipedia - 1605 Guangdong earthquake -- Significant earthquake impacting on the Guangdong province in China on 13 July 1605
Wikipedia - 1872 Owens Valley earthquake -- Significant earthquake affecting the Owens Valley, California (March 26, 1872)
Wikipedia - 1910s in comics -- Timeline of significant 1910s comic events
Wikipedia - 1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier -- 1940s class of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - 1976 Tehran UFO incident -- Radar and visual sighting of a UFO over Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - 2001 Mississippi flag referendum -- Referendum for Mississippi to adopt a new flag design
Wikipedia - 2006 O'Hare International Airport UFO sighting
Wikipedia - 2016 clown sightings -- Rash of random appearances of malevolent clowns
Wikipedia - 2016 United States wireless spectrum auction -- Process of reassigning frequency bands for new uses
Wikipedia - 2019 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours -- List
Wikipedia - 20/25TP -- Polish medium tank design.
Wikipedia - 21 21 Design Sight
Wikipedia - 2+1 road -- Design of road
Wikipedia - 21st Century Boy -- 1986 single by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Wikipedia - 2+2 road -- Design of road
Wikipedia - 2,3-sigmatropic rearrangement -- Class of chemical reaction
Wikipedia - 322nd Signal Regiment -- Regiment of the SFR Yugoslav Air Force
Wikipedia - 388th Fighter Wing -- US Air Force unit assigned to the Air Combat Command
Wikipedia - 3MV -- Soviet unmanned probe design
Wikipedia - 418th Flight Test Squadron -- US Air Force squadron assigned to the AF Materiel Command
Wikipedia - 49-Mile Scenic Drive -- Designated scenic road tour highlighting much of San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - 4mat -- British electronic musician, sound designer, and video game composer
Wikipedia - 4Sight
Wikipedia - 4 Signal Group (United Kingdom) -- British Army group
Wikipedia - 7.65M-CM-^W21mm Parabellum -- Pistol cartridge designed by Georg Luger and Hugo Borchardt
Wikipedia - 8vo (design)
Wikipedia - 99designs -- Australian company
Wikipedia - 99% Invisible -- Radio program about design
Wikipedia - 9M-CM-^W19mm Parabellum -- Pistol cartridge designed by Georg Luger
Wikipedia - 9M-CM-^W23mm Winchester -- Pistol cartridge designed by John Ricco and Anthony Valdez
Wikipedia - 9th Reconnaissance Wing -- US Air Force unit assigned to the Air Combat Command
Wikipedia - Aaron Allston -- American science fiction writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Aaron Rasmussen -- American entrepreneur, inventor, and game designer
Wikipedia - Aaron Rhyne -- American video and projection designer
Wikipedia - Aaron's sign -- Referred pain in the epigastrium indicative of appendicitis
Wikipedia - Abaciscus paucisignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Abadie's sign of tabes dorsalis
Wikipedia - Abbas Kaijuka -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Abbey of Rath Melsigi
Wikipedia - ABC Signature -- Television production studio of Walt Disney Television
Wikipedia - Abernethy biscuit -- Food designed to aid digestion
Wikipedia - A+B Kasha -- A French-based interior design firm
Wikipedia - Academy for Science and Design
Wikipedia - Academy of Classical Design
Wikipedia - Accelerate (Christina Aguilera song) -- 2018 single by Christina Aguilera featuring Ty Dolla Sign and 2 Chainz
Wikipedia - Accessibility -- Design principle
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Access to insight
Wikipedia - Access to Insight -- Theravada Buddhist website
Wikipedia - Accidental (music) -- Note whose pitch is not a member of the scale or mode indicated by the most recently applied key signature
Wikipedia - AC/DC receiver design
Wikipedia - Achille Salvagni -- Italian interior designer
Wikipedia - Aclytia signatura -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - ACM SIGACT News
Wikipedia - ACM SIGACT -- Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) special interest group
Wikipedia - ACM SIGARCH
Wikipedia - ACM SIGGRAPH
Wikipedia - ACM SIGHPC
Wikipedia - ACM SIGLOG
Wikipedia - ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data
Wikipedia - ACM SIGMOD
Wikipedia - ACM SIGOPS
Wikipedia - ACM SIGPLAN Notices
Wikipedia - ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award
Wikipedia - ACM SIGWEB
Wikipedia - Acoustic fingerprint -- Condensed digital summary generated from an audio signal
Wikipedia - Acoustic release -- An oceanographic device for the deployment and subsequent recovery of instrumentation from the sea floor, in which the recovery is triggered remotely by an acoustic command signal
Wikipedia - Acoustic signature -- Characteristic combination of sound emissons
Wikipedia - Action camera -- Digital camera designed for recording action while being immersed in it.
Wikipedia - Activity-centered design
Wikipedia - Acton Bjorn -- Danish architect and designer
Wikipedia - Adam Bassett -- British lighting designer
Wikipedia - Adam Kuby -- American sculptor, visual artist and landscape designer
Wikipedia - Adam Stockhausen -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Adam Sulzdorf-Liszkiewicz -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Adaptive web design
Wikipedia - Ada Zanditon -- Fashion designer of London, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ade A. Olufeko -- Technologist, designer and entrepreneur of Ijebu ancestry
Wikipedia - Adejoke Lasisi -- Nigeria fashion designer
Wikipedia - Adele Sigguk -- Inuit artist
Wikipedia - Adeline Andre -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - A Design for Life -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - ADG Excellence in Production Design Award -- ADG Award
Wikipedia - Ad hoc -- Latin phrase signifying a solution meant to address one specific problem or task
Wikipedia - Adi Stern -- Israeli graphic designer
Wikipedia - Adobe InDesign -- Desktop publishing software
Wikipedia - Adobe Sign -- E-signature service
Wikipedia - Adolf Furrer -- Swiss military officer and small arms designer
Wikipedia - Adolf Mwesige -- Ugandan lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Adolphe Sax -- Belgian musical instrument designer and musician
Wikipedia - Adoration of the Shepherds (Signorelli) -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Adriana Degreas -- Brazilian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Adrian Frutiger -- Swiss typeface designer
Wikipedia - Adriano Goldschmied -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Adrienne Wu -- Canadian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Adult movie theater -- Movie theater designed for the exhibition of pornographic films
Wikipedia - Advanced boiling water reactor -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Advanced CANDU reactor -- Canadian third generation nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight -- American series of telescopic sights manufactured by Trijicon
Wikipedia - Advanced electronic signature -- EU-compliant electronic signature system
Wikipedia - Advertising in biology -- Use of displays by organisms to signal for selective advantage
Wikipedia - Aemilia asignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aenne Willkomm -- German costume designer
Wikipedia - Aerojet M-1 -- Largest rocket engine to be designed
Wikipedia - Aeronautical Code signals -- Brevity codes used for aviation
Wikipedia - Aeronautics -- Science involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of airflight-capable machines
Wikipedia - Aeron chair -- Office chair designed by Don Chadwick and Bill Stumpf
Wikipedia - Aeryon SkyRanger R60 -- Canadian drone design
Wikipedia - Affective design
Wikipedia - African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources -- Continent-wide agreement signed in 1968 in Algiers
Wikipedia - African Geodetic Reference Frame -- Project designed to unify the many geodetic reference frames of Africa
Wikipedia - AFRY -- Swedish design and consulting company
Wikipedia - Agathodes designalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aglossa signicostalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agouti-signaling protein -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Ah Fong Village, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Maui County, HawaiM-JM-;i, United States
Wikipedia - Ahlamu -- a group or designation of Semitic semi-nomads. Their habitat was west of the Euphrates
Wikipedia - Ahlatt Lumyang -- Burmese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aidin Ardjomandi -- Iranian designer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Aiea, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Aimpoint CompM2 -- Battery-powered, non-magnifying red dot type of reflex sight for firearms
Wikipedia - Ainu flag -- Flag designed by Bikki Sunazawa
Wikipedia - Aircraft design process -- establishing the configuration and plans for a new aeroplane
Wikipedia - Aircraft engine performance -- Aspect of aircraft design
Wikipedia - Aircraft engine -- Engine designed for use in powered aircraft
Wikipedia - Aircraft registration -- Registration and identification assigned to an individual aircraft by national aviation authorities
Wikipedia - Air-cushioned landing craft -- Military hovercraft designed for landing troops and equipment in amphibious operations
Wikipedia - Air Force One -- Air traffic control call sign of any US Air Force aircraft carrying the president of the US
Wikipedia - Air Force Two -- Air traffic control call sign of any US Air Force aircraft carrying the vice president of the US
Wikipedia - Airhead -- Designated area in hostile territory for landing transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Air India One -- Air traffic control call sign of aeroplane carrying the prime minister or the president of India
Wikipedia - Airliner -- Aircraft designed for commercial transportation of passengers and cargo
Wikipedia - Airwave Wave -- Austrian paraglider design
Wikipedia - Aisha Ayensu -- Ghanaian Fashion Designer
Wikipedia - AIS-SART -- Radio transmitter which sends a location signal
Wikipedia - Aitebar -- 1993 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Ajayan Adat -- Audio engineer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs31 -- Training sailplane designed and built by the Akaflieg Stuttgart in the 1980s.
Wikipedia - Aka Nanitashvili -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Akira Isogawa -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Akira Takeuchi (fashion designer) -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Akira Toriyama -- Japanese manga artist and video game character designer, known for his work Dragon Ball
Wikipedia - Akira Ueda -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Aksel Bender Madsen -- Danish furniture designer
Wikipedia - Alain Manoukian -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alam -- family name, Arabic term, and type of insignia
Wikipedia - Alan Eckstein -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alan Lee (illustrator) -- Illustrator and movie conceptual designer
Wikipedia - Alan Miller (game designer)
Wikipedia - Alannah Hill -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alan Peckolick -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Alaric II -- 5th and 6th-century Visigothic king
Wikipedia - Alaric I -- 4th and 5th-century King of the Visigoths
Wikipedia - Alarm device -- Type of signal (or device) that alerts people to a dangerous condition
Wikipedia - Alarm signal -- A signal made by social animals to warn others of danger
Wikipedia - Alber Elbaz -- Israeli fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alberta Highway 1A -- Designation for two disconnected sections of provincial highway in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Albert Angus Turbayne -- American book designer and bookbinding artist
Wikipedia - Albert Borsig -- German entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Albert Brenner -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Albert Capraro -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Albert Cashier -- American Civil War soldier assigned female at birth but who lived as a man
Wikipedia - Albert Heschong -- United States production designer
Wikipedia - Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser -- German physician
Wikipedia - Albert Sigl -- German sports shooter
Wikipedia - Albert Strange -- artist and yacht designer
Wikipedia - Albin Muller -- German architect and designer
Wikipedia - Aldo Brovarone -- Italian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Aldo Cibic -- Italian designer
Wikipedia - Aldo Novarese -- Italian type designer
Wikipedia - Aldo Signoretti -- Italian make-up artist
Wikipedia - Alec Issigonis -- British car designer
Wikipedia - Alejandro Gomez Sigala -- Venezuelan equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Protic -- Popular Fashion designer in Portugal
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blagonravov -- Soviet and Russian engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Ivanovich Blagonravov -- Soviet engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Shervashidze -- Russian scenic designer
Wikipedia - Alekseyev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau -- Russian aviation company based in Nizhniy Novgorod
Wikipedia - Alessandra Facchinetti -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alessandro Sanquirico -- Italian scenic designer, architect, and painter
Wikipedia - Alexander Charles Vasa -- The fifth son of King Sigismund III Vasa and his wife Constance of Austria
Wikipedia - Alexander Girard -- American architect and designer
Wikipedia - Alexander Isley -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Alexander McQueen -- British fashion designer and couturier
Wikipedia - Alexander Tselikov -- Soviet metallurgist, industrial machines designer, and Hero of Socialist Labor
Wikipedia - Alexander van Slobbe -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alexander Wang (designer) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alexander Wilson (Canadian writer) -- American teacher and landscape designer
Wikipedia - Alexandra Cunningham Cameron -- American curator of contemporary design
Wikipedia - Alexandre Varela Da Veiga -- French-American record producer, sound designer, artist and DJ
Wikipedia - Alexandre Vauthier -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alexey Pajitnov -- Russian video game designer and computer engineer, creator of the video game "Tetris"
Wikipedia - Alexey Sorokin (fashion designer) -- Russian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alex Hutchinson (video game director) -- Australian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Alexis Fleisig -- American musician
Wikipedia - Alexis Lavigne -- French fashion designer and tailor
Wikipedia - Alexis Mabille -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alex Padilla -- U.S. senator-designate from California
Wikipedia - Alex Perry -- Australian fashion designer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alex Steinweiss -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo BAT -- Series of concept cars designed by Bertone in collaboration with Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Caimano -- Concept car designed by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Carabo -- Concept car designed by Bertone
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Iguana -- Concept car designed by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Pandion -- Concept car designed by Bertone to celebrate Alfa Romeo's 100 year anniversary
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Sportut -- Concept car designed by Bertone
Wikipedia - Alfred Cousins -- New Zealand engraver and stamp designer
Wikipedia - Alfred Hirschmeier -- German production designer
Wikipedia - Alfred Pal -- Croatian painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Alfred Roller -- Austrian painter, graphic designer, and set designer
Wikipedia - Alfred Sigurd Nilsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Alfred Thesiger -- British judge and lawyer
Wikipedia - Al Fritz -- American designer
Wikipedia - Algebraic signal processing -- Signal processing in algebra
Wikipedia - Algorithm design
Wikipedia - Algorithms-Aided Design (AAD)
Wikipedia - Al Gurdon -- British broadcast lighting designer
Wikipedia - Alibre Design
Wikipedia - Alice de Lusignan, Countess of Gloucester -- Wife of King Henry III of England
Wikipedia - Alice Estes Davis -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Alice Jacob -- Irish botanical illustrator, lace designer, and design teacher
Wikipedia - Aline Davis Hays -- American clothing designer, textile manufacturer, and arts promoter
Wikipedia - Alisa Jakobi -- Estonian artist, actress and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Alison Eastwood -- American actress, director, producer, model, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Alison Robins -- British naval signals intelligence officer in World War II
Wikipedia - A List Apart -- Website about web design
Wikipedia - Alla breve -- Time signature in Western music notation
Wikipedia - Allan B. Calhamer -- Board game designer
Wikipedia - Allan Fleming -- Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Allegory of Fertility and Abundance -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Allen Boothroyd -- British industrial designer
Wikipedia - AlliedSignal
Wikipedia - Allison Arieff -- American writer on design
Wikipedia - All-pass filter -- Filter that passes signals of all frequencies with same gain, but changes the phase relationship among various frequencies
Wikipedia - Alluaudia insignis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ally Capellino -- Independent British designer brand
Wikipedia - Alma Pihl -- Finnish designer and Faberge workmaster
Wikipedia - Almost Hear You Sigh -- 1990 song by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Alphadi -- Nigerian fashion designer
Wikipedia - AlphaSights -- British information services company
Wikipedia - Alpha Sigma Phi
Wikipedia - AlphaStar (software) -- Software designed to play StarCraft II
Wikipedia - Alphonse Signol -- French playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Alpine Glow in Dirndlrock -- 1974 film by Sigi Rothemund
Wikipedia - Alsigarh -- Village in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Altair 8800 -- Microcomputer designed in 1974
Wikipedia - Altered state of consciousness -- Any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking state
Wikipedia - Alternating sign matrix
Wikipedia - Althea McNish -- textile designer
Wikipedia - Altium Designer
Wikipedia - Alvar Aalto -- Finnish architect and designer (1898-1976)
Wikipedia - Alvin Colt -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Alyona Kiperman -- Ukrainian model and designer
Wikipedia - Amanda Bynes -- American actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - A. Mark Ratner -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Amaya Arzuaga -- Spanish designer
Wikipedia - Ambigram -- calligraphic design
Wikipedia - AMC AMX-GT -- Concept car designed by American Motors Corporation
Wikipedia - AMC Cavalier -- Concept car designed by American Motors Corporation
Wikipedia - AMC Rambler Tarpon -- Concept car designed by American Motors Corporation
Wikipedia - Amelia Greenhall -- American feminist, technology industry blogger, activist, former computer UX/UI designer
Wikipedia - American Craftsman -- American domestic architectural, interior design, landscape design, applied arts, and decorative arts style and lifestyle
Wikipedia - American Institute of Graphic Arts -- Professional organization for design
Wikipedia - American Sign Language grammar
Wikipedia - American Sign Language phonology
Wikipedia - American Sign Language -- Sign language used predominately in the United States
Wikipedia - American Society of Golf Course Architects -- Professional organization of golf course designers in America
Wikipedia - American Viticultural Area -- Designated wine grape-growing region in the United States
Wikipedia - Amilcar de Castro -- Brazilian sculptor, graphic designer, and artist
Wikipedia - Amina Al Jassim -- Saudi fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ampere (microarchitecture) -- GPU microarchitecture designed by NVIDIA
Wikipedia - Amtrak Standard Stations Program -- Train station design effort by Amtrak
Wikipedia - Amy Price -- illustrator and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Ana Ines Jabares-Pita -- Spanish designer
Wikipedia - Anaita Shroff Adajania -- Indian fashion stylist, costume designer and actress
Wikipedia - Analog signal processing
Wikipedia - Analog signal -- Signal where the time-varying feature is an analogous representation of some other time-varying quantity
Wikipedia - Analog signature analysis -- Troubleshooting method for electronic circuits
Wikipedia - Analog television -- Television that uses analog signals
Wikipedia - Analog-to-digital converter -- System that converts an analog signal into a digital signal
Wikipedia - Analog transmission -- Transmission method of conveying voice, data, image, signal or video
Wikipedia - Anamika Khanna -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Andie Airfix -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Andrea Crisanti -- Italian production designer and art director (1936-2012)
Wikipedia - Andrea di Bartolo -- Medieval Italian painter, stained glass designer and illuminator of the Sienese School
Wikipedia - Andre-ani -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Andreas Wolfsgruber -- Austrian vehicle designer
Wikipedia - Andree Putman -- French interior and product designer
Wikipedia - Andre Mare -- French painter and designer
Wikipedia - Andre Mollet -- French garden designer
Wikipedia - Andre Perugia -- French shoe designer
Wikipedia - Andre Ricard Sala -- Spanish industrial designer
Wikipedia - Andrew Gemant Award -- Annually recognizes the accomplishments of a person who has made significant contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics
Wikipedia - Andrew Warren (fashion designer) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Andrew Winch -- Designer and Founder of the award winning British Design studio, Andrew Winch Designs
Wikipedia - Andy Bialk -- American animator and character designer
Wikipedia - Andy Chambers -- English author and game designer
Wikipedia - Andy Collins (game designer)
Wikipedia - Andy Flessas -- American robotics designer
Wikipedia - Andy Truong -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aneran -- Ethno-linguistic term that signifies "non-Aryan"
Wikipedia - An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science
Wikipedia - ANF Les Mureaux 160T -- 1932 design French touring monoplane
Wikipedia - Angela Adams -- American rug designer
Wikipedia - Angela Chan -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Angela Grauerholz -- German-born Canadian photographer, graphic designer, and educator
Wikipedia - Angel of the North -- Sculpture, designed by Sir Antony Gormley
Wikipedia - Angelo Litrico -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Angelo Mangiarotti -- Italian architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Angus Lloyd -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Anina Pinter -- Hungarian-born costume designer
Wikipedia - Anita Beryl -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Anju Modi -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Anna Anthropy -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Anna Asp -- Production designer and art director
Wikipedia - Anna Bjorn -- Icelandic graphic designer, filmmaker, model, and actress
Wikipedia - Anna Jewsbury -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Annamarie Tendler -- American lampshade designer and author
Wikipedia - Anna Petrus -- Spanish sculptor and designer
Wikipedia - Anna Rosling Ronnlund -- Swedish designer
Wikipedia - Anna Sipkema -- Dutch artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Anna Sui -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ann Demeulemeester -- Belgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Anne Cirkel -- Electronic design automation industry executive
Wikipedia - Anne Consigny -- French actress
Wikipedia - Anne Fogarty -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Marchand -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Sigouin -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Anne Quito -- Design reporter and architecture critic
Wikipedia - Anne Sofie Madsen -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Annet van Egmond -- Dutch graphic designer
Wikipedia - Anne Valerie Hash -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Annie Award for Best Production Design in an Animated Feature Production -- United States animation industry award
Wikipedia - Ann Lowe -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ann Margaret Lanchester -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ann Rincon -- American electronic design automation engineer
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Signorelli) -- Painting by Luca Signorelli in Volterra
Wikipedia - Ann Willoughby -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Anouki (designer) -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - ANSI escape code -- Method using in-band signaling to control the formatting, color, and other output options on video text terminals
Wikipedia - Ant Anstead -- English television presenter, motor specialist and designer
Wikipedia - Ant (chair) -- Chair designed by Arne Jacobsen
Wikipedia - Antenna boresight
Wikipedia - Anti-ballistic missile -- Surface-to-air missile designed to counter ballistic missiles
Wikipedia - Anti-discrimination law -- Legislation designed to prevent discrimination against particular groups of people
Wikipedia - Anti-flash white -- Paint designed to reflect some of the thermal radiation from a nuclear explosion
Wikipedia - Anti-IL-6 -- Drugs to suppress IL-6 signalling
Wikipedia - Antikythera mechanism -- Ancient analogue computer designed to calculate astronomical positions
Wikipedia - Antinatalism -- Philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth
Wikipedia - Anti-personnel mine -- Form of land mine designed for use against humans
Wikipedia - Antipope -- Person who holds a significantly accepted claim to be pope, but is not recognized as legitimately pope
Wikipedia - Anti-siphoning laws in Australia -- Laws to prevent pay-TV monopoly over broadcasting significant sporting events
Wikipedia - Anti-siphoning law -- Law to prevent pay-TV monopoly over broadcasting culturally significant events
Wikipedia - Anti-suicide smock -- Garment designed so that it cannot be used to create a noose to commit suicide
Wikipedia - Antoine Bauza -- French game designer
Wikipedia - Antonella Cannarozzi -- Italian costume designer
Wikipedia - Antonov An-148 -- Regional jet designed and built by Antonov
Wikipedia - Antony Blinken -- United States Secretary of State Designate
Wikipedia - ANZAC A badge -- A brass insignia of Australian Imperial force
Wikipedia - Aoife Dooley -- Irish writer, illustrator, designer and comedian
Wikipedia - AP1000 -- American nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - AP600 -- American nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Apartment Therapy -- Interior design blog publisher
Wikipedia - Aperture synthesis -- Mixing signals from many telescopes to produce images with high angular resolution
Wikipedia - Aposematism -- |Honest signalling of an animal's powerful defences
Wikipedia - Apostolic Signatura
Wikipedia - Apple A10 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A10X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A11 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A12 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A12X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A12Z -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A13 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A14 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A4 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A5 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A5X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A6 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A6X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A7 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A8 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A8X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A9 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple A9X -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Bandai Pippin -- Multimedia technology console designed for the Apple Pippin Platform
Wikipedia - Apple-designed processors
Wikipedia - AppleDesign Powered Speakers
Wikipedia - Apple Inc. design motifs
Wikipedia - Apple Industrial Design Group
Wikipedia - Apple M1 -- System on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc. for the Mac
Wikipedia - Apple Pencil -- Stylus Pen designed and marketed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Watch Series 4 -- Smartwatch designed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Watch Series 5 -- Smartwatch designed by Apple, Inc.
Wikipedia - Approximate sign
Wikipedia - APR-1400 -- Advanced pressurized water nuclear reactor designed by the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
Wikipedia - April Ferry -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - April Revolution -- 1960 South Korean uprising that led to the resignation of President Syngman Rhee
Wikipedia - Aprominta designatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Apu Jan -- Taiwanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aquacade (satellite) -- Class of SIGINT spy satellites
Wikipedia - Aqua Claudia -- aqueduct designed to supply water to the city of Rome, built at the time of the Emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution -- Media franchise based on the collectible card game of the same name
Wikipedia - Aquarius (astrology) -- Eleventh astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - AR-15 style rifle -- Lightweight semi-automatic based on the Colt AR-15 design
Wikipedia - Arcevia Altarpiece -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - ARC fusion reactor -- Theoretical design for a compact fusion reactor
Wikipedia - Archducal hat -- Insignia of the Archduchy of Austria
Wikipedia - ArchiCAD -- Computer-aided design software for architecture
Wikipedia - Archistorm -- French architecture, design and contemporary art magazine
Wikipedia - Architectural decision -- Software design decisions that address architecturally significant requirements
Wikipedia - Architectural design competition
Wikipedia - Architectural design values
Wikipedia - Architectural design
Wikipedia - Architectural lighting design -- Field within architecture, interior design and electrical engineering
Wikipedia - Architectural model -- Scale model built to study aspects of an architectural design or to communicate design ideas
Wikipedia - Architecture Analysis > Design Language
Wikipedia - Architecture -- The product and the process of planning, designing and constructing buildings and other structures.
Wikipedia - Architect -- Person trained to plan, design and oversee the construction of buildings
Wikipedia - Archival Disc -- Optical disc designed by Sony and Panasonic meant for data archiving
Wikipedia - Arcology -- Type of design principles for human habitats
Wikipedia - Ardistia Dwiasri -- Indonesian born designer
Wikipedia - Ardi -- Designation of the fossilized skeletal remains of an Ardipithecus ramidus
Wikipedia - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty -- Designated area of countryside in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Area of refuge -- Location in a building designed to hold occupants during a fire or other emergency
Wikipedia - Arena -- Enclosed area designed to host theater, musical performances and sporting events
Wikipedia - Ares Design Project1 -- Limited production coach-built sports car
Wikipedia - Ares I-X -- Prototype and design concept demonstrator rocket
Wikipedia - Argument from poor design
Wikipedia - Ariana Rockefeller -- American fashion designer and equestrian (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Aries (astrology) -- First astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Arik Brauer -- Austrian painter, printmaker, poet, dancer, singer, and stage designer
Wikipedia - Arjun Bhasin -- Indian costume designer and stylist
Wikipedia - Armed merchantman -- Merchant ship equipped with guns, usually for defensive purposes, either by design or after the fact
Wikipedia - Armenian eternity sign -- Ancient Armenian national symbol and a symbol of the national identity of the Armenian people
Wikipedia - Armida Siguion-Reyna -- Filipino actor and singer
Wikipedia - Armin Ganz -- American designer
Wikipedia - Armin Hofmann -- Swiss graphic designer and educator
Wikipedia - Armorial of Spain -- Heraldic visual designs displayed in Spain
Wikipedia - Army Signal Corps
Wikipedia - Arne Norell -- Swedish furniture designer
Wikipedia - Arnold, California -- Census-designated place in Calaveras County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Arnold, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Arrow Development -- Amusement park ride designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca -- Art university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Wikipedia - ArtCenter College of Design -- College in Pasadena, California, United States
Wikipedia - Art Deco stamps -- Postage stamps designed in art deco style
Wikipedia - Art director -- Responsible for leading teams in the artistic design and production of various kinds of visual art works
Wikipedia - Arthur William Savage -- American firearm designer
Wikipedia - Artificial vagina -- Device designed to imitate the female sex organ
Wikipedia - Artificial wave -- Human-made waves usually created on a specially designed surface or in a pool
Wikipedia - Artillery battery -- Artillery unit size designation
Wikipedia - Artmic -- Japanese animation design studio
Wikipedia - Art Paul -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Arts and Crafts movement -- Design movement c. 1880-1920
Wikipedia - Art Sims -- African-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Arusha Accords (Rwanda) -- set of five accords (or protocols) signed in Arusha, Tanzania on 4 August 1993 to end the Rwandan Civil War
Wikipedia - Aryan -- Self-designation used by ancient Indo-Iranian peoples
Wikipedia - Asaminew Tsige -- Ethiopian politician
Wikipedia - ASAP Bari -- American fashion designer and businessman (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Ascendant -- Ascending sign in astrology
Wikipedia - Asemia -- Inability to understand or express any signs or symbols
Wikipedia - Asher Levine -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ashley Biden -- American social worker and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ashley Isham -- Singaporean fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ashley Olsen -- American fashion designer and former actress
Wikipedia - Ashtamangala -- Eight auspicious signs in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism
Wikipedia - Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
Wikipedia - Asigliano Vercellese -- Comune in Piedmont, Italy
Wikipedia - Assignment (computer science)
Wikipedia - Assignment (education)
Wikipedia - Assignment Foreign Legion -- American TV series
Wikipedia - Assignment in Eternity
Wikipedia - Assignment K -- 1968 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Assignment (mathematical logic)
Wikipedia - Assignment operation
Wikipedia - Assignment operator in C++
Wikipedia - Assignment operator
Wikipedia - Assignment - Paris! -- 1952 film by Robert Parrish
Wikipedia - Assignment problem -- Combinatorial optimization problem
Wikipedia - Assignment (programming)
Wikipedia - Assignment statement
Wikipedia - Assignment: Underwater -- American adventure television series from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Assignment: Venezuela -- 1956 American oil industry propaganda film
Wikipedia - Associazione per il Disegno Industriale -- Italian industrial design association
Wikipedia - Astra-Gnome -- Concept car by industrial designer Richard Arbib using a 1955 Nash Metropolitan chassis
Wikipedia - Astrid Aagesen -- Danish-Swedish designer in pewter and silver
Wikipedia - Astrological sign -- Twelve 30M-BM-0 sectors of the ecliptic, as defined by Western astrology
Wikipedia - Asymmetric warfare -- War between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1917 film) -- 1917 American film directed by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1999 film) -- 1999 American film by Irwin Winkler
Wikipedia - Athaulf -- King of the Visigoths
Wikipedia - A Theory of Fun for Game Design
Wikipedia - Athleisure -- Fashion trend featuring clothing designed for athletic activities
Wikipedia - Atmea -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Atomic Age (design) -- Design style from the approximate period 1940-1960, when concerns of nuclear war dominated the West during the Cold War
Wikipedia - At sign -- Typographical symbol
Wikipedia - Atsuji Yamamoto -- Japanese manga artist and character designer
Wikipedia - Atsuko Nishida -- Japanese graphic artist, character designer, and illustrator
Wikipedia - Attack submarine -- Submarine designed to destroy other ships
Wikipedia - Auberge du Soleil -- Restaurant and resort in California, with interiors designed by Michael Taylor.
Wikipedia - Aubrey Powell (designer) -- English album cover designer and film director
Wikipedia - Audio coding format -- Digitally coded format for audio signals
Wikipedia - Audio multicore cable -- thick cable for carrying many audio signals
Wikipedia - Audio plug-in -- Software signal processor or synthesizer module
Wikipedia - Audio signal processing -- Electronic manipulation of audio signals
Wikipedia - Audio signal -- A representation of sound, typically as an electrical voltage
Wikipedia - Audio watermark -- Electronic identifier embedded in an audio signal
Wikipedia - Augmented assignment
Wikipedia - Augusta Bernard -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Auguste Alfred Rube -- French painter and designer
Wikipedia - Auguste-Emile Pinchart -- French painter and designer
Wikipedia - Augustinian theodicy -- Type of Christian theodicy designed in response to the evidential problem of evil
Wikipedia - Aurora James -- Canadian creative director, activist, poet and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aurora Space Station -- Design concept for a commercial space station
Wikipedia - Auslan -- Sign language of the Australian deaf community
Wikipedia - Austin Kimberley -- Leyland Australia-designed front-wheel-drive sedan based on the Austin 1800 platform
Wikipedia - Australia Award for Urban Design -- Urban design award
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal sacred site -- Places deemed significant and meaningful by Aboriginal Australians based on their beliefs
Wikipedia - Australian Army enlisted rank insignia -- About ranks.
Wikipedia - Australian Army officer rank insignia -- Distinguishing symbols worn by various officers in the Australian army
Wikipedia - Australian round fifty-cent coin -- Discontinued Australian coin design
Wikipedia - Australian Signals Directorate
Wikipedia - Australian White Ensign -- Naval ensign
Wikipedia - Austrian knot -- Type of elaborate design on dress uniforms
Wikipedia - Authentic assessment -- The measurement of "intellectual accomplishments that are worthwhile, significant, and meaningful"
Wikipedia - AutoCAD -- Commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application
Wikipedia - Autograph -- Manuscript by author (or) celebrity's signature
Wikipedia - Autoinducer -- Signaling molecules produced in response to cell-population density
Wikipedia - Autoinjector -- Medical device designed to deliver a dose of a particular drug
Wikipedia - Automatic block signaling -- Railroad communications system
Wikipedia - Automatic gain control -- Electronic circuit to automatically adjust signal strength
Wikipedia - Automatic Train Protection (United Kingdom) -- Railway cab signalling system
Wikipedia - Automotive design
Wikipedia - Automotive suspension design
Wikipedia - Autonegotiation -- Signaling mechanism used by Ethernet by which devices choose common transmission parameters
Wikipedia - Autonomic Insignia of Good Services -- Honor awarded by Madeira
Wikipedia - Autonomous building -- Building designed to be independent from public infrastructure
Wikipedia - Autorail a grande capacite -- Category of multiple unit train designed by Bombardier
Wikipedia - AviaBellanca Aircraft -- American aircraft design and manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Aviation -- Design, development, production, operation and use of aircraft
Wikipedia - Avtandil (designer) -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Axel Vervoordt -- Interior designer and antique and art dealer.
Wikipedia - Axiom Orbital Segment -- Planned orbital segment designed by Axiom Space
Wikipedia - Axon -- Long projection on a neuron that conducts signals away
Wikipedia - Azza Fahmy -- Egyptian jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Azzedine AlaM-CM-/a -- French-Tunisian fashion designer
Wikipedia - B330 -- Space habitat designed by Bigelow Aerospace
Wikipedia - Babette Pinsky -- American clothing designer
Wikipedia - Babinski sign
Wikipedia - Baby boom -- Period marked by a significant increase of birth rate
Wikipedia - Baby sling -- Fabric item designed to carry a child on the body
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Grove Cemetery -- Cemetery in suburban Chicago known for its alleged ghost sightings
Wikipedia - Backpack helicopter -- A helicopter system designed to be worn on a person's back
Wikipedia - Badge -- Physical or digital insignia indicating membership, rank or accomplishment
Wikipedia - Badia di Passignano
Wikipedia - Bad Signal
Wikipedia - BAFTA Award for Best Production Design
Wikipedia - Bagman -- A person designated to collect money or run errands
Wikipedia - BagsvM-CM-&rd Church -- Lutheran church in BagsvM-CM-&rd, Denmark, designed by Jorn Utzon
Wikipedia - Bailte Seirbhise Gaeltachta -- State designation of selected urban areas in Ireland
Wikipedia - Baker, California -- Census designated place in California, United States
Wikipedia - Baker, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Bakersfield Sign -- Landmark in Bakersfield
Wikipedia - Balance (game design)
Wikipedia - Ballbot -- Mobile robot design
Wikipedia - Ball Club, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Balloon clock -- Clock design
Wikipedia - Bamako Initiative -- Formal statement adopted by African health ministers in 1987 in Bamako, Mali, to implement strategies designed to increase the availability of essential drugs
Wikipedia - Band-pass filter -- Filter that rejects signals outside a certain range
Wikipedia - Band-stop filter -- Filter that rejects signals inside a certain range
Wikipedia - Bandwidth allocation -- Process of assigning radio frequencies to different applications
Wikipedia - Bandwidth (signal processing) -- Difference between the upper and lower frequencies passed by a filter, communication channel, or signal spectrum
Wikipedia - Bank holding company -- Company with significant ownership of one or more banks
Wikipedia - Barbara Engel -- German fashion designer
Wikipedia - Barbara Lazaroff -- American interior designer and restauranteur
Wikipedia - Barbara Stauffacher Solomon -- American landscape architect and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Barea consignatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Barkha Sharma -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Barrier Treaty -- Series of three Austro-Dutch agreements signed and ratified during or immediately after the War of Spanish Succession
Wikipedia - Bartow, West Virginia -- Census-designated place in West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Bas Brederode -- Dutch designer; senior LEGO designer at LEGO Group
Wikipedia - Baseband -- Signal that has a very narrow frequency range near zero
Wikipedia - Basic fibroblast growth factor -- Growth factor and signaling protein otherwise known as FGF2
Wikipedia - Basic Officer Leaders Course -- Two-phased training course designed to produce commissioned officers in the United States Army
Wikipedia - Basilicas in the Catholic Church -- Ceremonial designation of church buildings
Wikipedia - Baskerville -- Transitional serif typeface designed in the 1750s
Wikipedia - Bassignac -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Bastian-Bruns sign
Wikipedia - Batak architecture -- Architectural traditions and designs of the various Batak peoples of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Bates method -- Ineffective alternative eyesight improvement therapy
Wikipedia - Bath salts -- Water-soluble, usually inorganic, solid products designed to be added to water during bathing
Wikipedia - Bath School of Art and Design -- Art college in England
Wikipedia - Batman (military) -- Soldier or airman assigned to an officer as a personal servant
Wikipedia - Bat-Signal -- Distress signal device to call Batman
Wikipedia - Battalion -- Military unit size designation
Wikipedia - Battle of Bosworth Field -- Last significant battle of the Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Guadalete -- Battle between the Visigothic Kingdom and the Umayyad Caliphate; decisive Umayyad victory leads to the fall of the Visigothic Kingdom and the Umayyad conquest of the peninsula
Wikipedia - Battle of Pollentia -- 402 battle between Romans and Visigoths
Wikipedia - Battle of San Juan Hill -- Significant battle of the Spanish-American War
Wikipedia - Battle of Signal Hill (Vietnam) -- Company size engagement of the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Bauhaus Museum Dessau -- Design museum in Dessau, Germany
Wikipedia - Bayer designation -- Star naming system
Wikipedia - BDP Quadrangle (architecture firm) -- Canadian architecture and interior design firm
Wikipedia - Bean bag chair -- Anatomic chair design
Wikipedia - Bearhawk 5 -- Amateur-built aircraft design
Wikipedia - Beatova siM-EM-^H slavy -- Listing of people who have significantly contributed to Czech rock music
Wikipedia - Beatrice Bulgari -- Italian costume designer
Wikipedia - Beatrice Irwin -- Actress, poet and designer
Wikipedia - Beatrice Looi -- Malaysian Chinese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Beaulieu, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail -- Signals intelligence aircraft
Wikipedia - Beehive Design Collective -- Non-profitable art collective
Wikipedia - Beevor's sign
Wikipedia - Behavioral modeling in computer-aided design -- High-level circuit modeling technique where behavior of logic is modeled
Wikipedia - Behavioral pattern -- Type of software design pattern
Wikipedia - Behavioural design
Wikipedia - Bela Endre -- Hungarian painter and designer
Wikipedia - Belgian UFO wave -- Series of UFO sightings
Wikipedia - Belisha beacon -- Design of lamp
Wikipedia - Bella Freud -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Belle Baby Carriers -- Manufacturer and designer of front baby carriers
Wikipedia - Bell tower -- A tower that contains one or more bells, or that is designed to hold bells
Wikipedia - Ben Brode -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Ben Burtt -- American sound designer, film editor, director, screenwriter, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Bencie Woll -- British sign language specialist
Wikipedia - Ben Drury -- British freelance designer
Wikipedia - Ben Kelly (designer) -- British designer
Wikipedia - Ben Lomond, California -- Census-designated place in Santa Cruz County, California, US
Wikipedia - Ben Terrett -- British designer
Wikipedia - Ben Van Os -- Dutch production designer
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome -- Signs and symptoms due to benzodiazepines discontinuation in physically dependent persons
Wikipedia - Ben Zuckerman -- Romanian-born American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Beorhtsige
Wikipedia - Beriev Be-2500 -- Russian super heavy amphibious transport aircraft currently in design and development
Wikipedia - Berk Cankat -- Turkish actor and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Berkeley RISC -- Research project into RISC-based microprocessor design
Wikipedia - Berkeley Software Design Inc.
Wikipedia - Berkeley Software Design
Wikipedia - Bernard du Bus de Gisignies
Wikipedia - Bernard-Manuel Lusignan -- Naval officer
Wikipedia - Bernt Petersen -- Danish furniture designer
Wikipedia - Berth (moorings) -- Designated location in a port or harbour used for mooring vessels
Wikipedia - Bert Hopwood -- British motorcycle designer
Wikipedia - Bertold Reissig -- German actor
Wikipedia - Bertrand Besigye -- Norwegian writer
Wikipedia - Bert Way -- English golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - Beth Altringer -- Product Designer and Lecturer
Wikipedia - Bethany Yellowtail -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Beton (typeface) -- Slab-serif typeface designed by Heinrich Jost
Wikipedia - Betsy Ross flag -- Early U.S. flag design
Wikipedia - Betty Cooke -- American designer
Wikipedia - Betty Willis (artist) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Between-subjects design
Wikipedia - Beverly Emmons -- Lighting designer
Wikipedia - Beverly Feldman -- American shoe designer
Wikipedia - Beverly Hills, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Beware of the dog -- Common warning sign
Wikipedia - Beyond the Pleasure Principle -- 1920 essay by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Bhanu Athaiya -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Bhavana -- Concept in Buddhism, signifying contemplation and spiritual cultivation
Wikipedia - Bicycle wheel -- Wheel designed for a bicycle
Wikipedia - Biennale of Design -- design exhibition
Wikipedia - Big Bus Tours -- Global operator of hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus tours
Wikipedia - Big Design Up Front
Wikipedia - Bigelow Commercial Space Station -- Private space station designed by Bigelow Aerospace
Wikipedia - Big Lake, Carlton County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Bill Belew -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Billboard -- Advertising signage
Wikipedia - Bill Buxton -- Canadian computer scientist and designer
Wikipedia - Bill Gold -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Bill Hargate -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Bill Harsey Jr. -- American knifemaker and designer
Wikipedia - Billing and settlement plan -- Electronic billing system designed to facilitate the flow of data and funds between travel agencies and airlines
Wikipedia - Bill Williams (game designer)
Wikipedia - Binary signature
Wikipedia - Bing's sign
Wikipedia - Bioelectricity -- Regulation of cell, tissue, and organ-level patterning and behavior as the result of endogenous electrically-mediated signaling.
Wikipedia - Biofact (archaeology) -- Found organic material of archaeological significance
Wikipedia - Biomedical engineering -- Application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare, healthfood and health purposes
Wikipedia - Biophilic design -- Building industry concept
Wikipedia - Biosemiotics -- a field of semiotics and biology that studies the prelinguistic meaning-making, or production and interpretation of signs and codes
Wikipedia - Biosignature
Wikipedia - Bioswale -- Landscape elements designed to remove debris and pollution out of surface runoff water
Wikipedia - Biplob Saha -- Bangladeshi fashion designer and singer
Wikipedia - Birth of John the Baptist (Signorelli) -- tempera on panel painting
Wikipedia - Bisigna procerella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Bitte Kai Rand -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Bjorn Weckstrom -- Finnish sculptor and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Black American Sign Language -- Dialect of American Sign Language
Wikipedia - Black and burst -- Analogue synchronization signal used in broadcasting
Wikipedia - Blackboard (design pattern)
Wikipedia - Black Brant (rocket) -- Family of Canadian-designed sounding rockets
Wikipedia - Black cube art museum -- Art museum designed with digital or installation art in mind
Wikipedia - Black Diamond, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Black Lives Matter Plaza -- Section of 16th Street in Washington, D.C., designated in June 2020
Wikipedia - Blake Debassige -- Native Canadian artist
Wikipedia - Blindness and Insight
Wikipedia - Blindsight
Wikipedia - Blind signal separation
Wikipedia - Blind Stamp -- Image, design or lettering on an art print or book formed by creating a depression in the paper or other material
Wikipedia - BLISS signature scheme
Wikipedia - Block design test
Wikipedia - Blocked Signals -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Bloody Osiris -- American designer
Wikipedia - Blotniak -- A one-man wet cabin underwater craft designed in Poland in 1978
Wikipedia - Blue Edge -- Helicopter rotor design
Wikipedia - Blue law -- Legal restrictions designated for Sunday activity
Wikipedia - Blue Line (New York State) -- Traditional term for the boundaries of the two designated Forest Preserve areas of New York State
Wikipedia - Bluenose one-design sloop -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Blue sign -- Used by inland waterways vessels when performing a special manoeuvre or passing on the starboard side
Wikipedia - Bluetooth Low Energy -- Low-power wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth SIG
Wikipedia - Blum's speedup theorem -- Rules out assigning to arbitrary functions their computational complexity
Wikipedia - BNKC Architects -- Toronto-based design firm
Wikipedia - Bob Bates -- American computer games designer
Wikipedia - Bob Bland -- NYC fashion designer and activist
Wikipedia - Bobby Berk -- American interior designer and reality television personality
Wikipedia - Bobby Love -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Bob Schulz (fashion designer) -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Bobsled roller coaster -- Roller coaster design
Wikipedia - Bob West -- American voice actor and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Bodie Stroud -- American custom automobile designer
Wikipedia - Body bag -- Bag designed to contain a human body
Wikipedia - Body of water -- Any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planet's surface
Wikipedia - Boeing 2707 -- American proposed supersonic airliner design
Wikipedia - Boeing 367-80 -- Prototype aircraft built by Boeing that was base for the design of the KC-135 tanker and the 707 airliner
Wikipedia - Boeing CC-137 -- Designation for Boeing 707 transport aircraft which served with the Canadian Forces
Wikipedia - Boeing RC-1 -- Cargo aircraft design
Wikipedia - Boiler design
Wikipedia - Boiling frog -- Metaphor for the inability of people to properly react to significant changes that occur gradually
Wikipedia - Bojana Sentaler -- Serbian-Canadian fashion Designer
Wikipedia - Bo-Kaap -- Residential area of Cape Town on the slopes of Signal Hill
Wikipedia - Bombardier Aventra -- A British family of electric multiple unit (EMU) passenger trains designed by Bombardier Transportation,
Wikipedia - Bombsight
Wikipedia - Boncompagno da Signa
Wikipedia - Bonnie Cashin -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Book design -- Styling, formatting and designing the layout of a book's contents
Wikipedia - Book of Signs -- Gospel of John presents 7 miracles of Jesus
Wikipedia - Booth's multiplication algorithm -- Algorithm that multiplies two signed binary numbers in two's complement notation
Wikipedia - Bootstrap (front-end framework) -- Web design front-end framework
Wikipedia - Bora Aksu -- Turkish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Boris Kustodiev -- Russian painter and stage designer
Wikipedia - Boris Shpitalniy -- Soviet weapons designer
Wikipedia - Born Under a Bad Neon Sign -- Album by The Flaming Stars
Wikipedia - Borre Olsen -- Norwegian jewel designer
Wikipedia - Borsari's sign -- Dermatologic sign present in scarlet fever
Wikipedia - Bosmansdam High School -- Public English & Afrikaans medium co-educational high school in Bothasig, Cape Town
Wikipedia - Boston Dynamics -- Engineering and robotics design company
Wikipedia - Botanical expedition -- Scientific voyage designed to explore the flora of a particular region
Wikipedia - Bothasig -- A suburban area of the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town
Wikipedia - Botho Sigwart zu Eulenburg
Wikipedia - Bouchra Jarrar -- French haute couture fashion designer
Wikipedia - Bovine viral diarrhea -- Significant economic disease of cattle caused by two species of Pestivirus
Wikipedia - Bowdoin B. Crowninshield -- American yacht designer
Wikipedia - Bower Studios -- Design studio based in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Box-bed -- Enclosed bed generally designed for sleeping in a sitting position, whereby it can be closed with doors or curtains
Wikipedia - Box-Behnken design -- Experimental designs for response surface methodology
Wikipedia - Boyd Coddington -- American hot rod automobile designer
Wikipedia - Boyd's Automatic tide signalling apparatus -- Architectural structure in North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Bradbury Thompson -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Bradford Shellhammer -- American entrepreneur and designer
Wikipedia - Bradley Soileau -- American model, DJ, producer, and designer
Wikipedia - Bragi Sigurjonsson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling -- Technique to detect a suspectM-bM-^@M-^Ys participation in a crime
Wikipedia - Bram de Does -- Dutch graphic and type designer
Wikipedia - Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system -- colored belts signifying a practitioner's skill level in Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Wikipedia - Breakthrough role -- Actor or actress in a performance which contributes significantly to their career
Wikipedia - Breite Oak Tree Reserve -- Nature reserve in Sighisoara, Romania
Wikipedia - Brendan McCarthy -- British artist and designer
Wikipedia - Brendan Q. Ferguson -- American computer game designer, writer, programmer
Wikipedia - Brenda Romero -- American video game designer and developer
Wikipedia - Brett Yasko -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Brevity code -- Radio & telegraph signals encoding longer definitions
Wikipedia - Brian Ackland-Snow -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Brian Allgeier -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Brian Blume -- American game designer, writer
Wikipedia - Brian Eddy -- American game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Brian Fee -- American storyboard artist, animator, prop designer, writer, producer, film director and occasional voice actor
Wikipedia - Brian Reynolds (game designer) -- American videogame designer
Wikipedia - Brian Savegar -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Brian Williams (director) -- Irish graphic designer and advert director
Wikipedia - BricsCAD -- Computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - Brighamia insignis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Brigitte Broch -- German-Mexican production designer
Wikipedia - Brilliner -- Tram designed by the J. G. Brill Company
Wikipedia - Bristol Type 223 -- Early British design for a supersonic transport
Wikipedia - British Aerospace HOTOL -- UK Spaceplane design of 1980s
Wikipedia - British big cats -- Reports of large non-native feline sightings in Britain
Wikipedia - British military aircraft designation systems -- Aircraft type
Wikipedia - British Sign Language
Wikipedia - Brittleness -- Liability of breakage from stress without significant plastic deformation
Wikipedia - Brittney Williams -- Character designer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - BRL-CAD -- Computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - Broadcast call signs -- Unique identifiers assigned to radio and television stations
Wikipedia - Broadcast relay station -- Broadcast transmitter which repeats the signal of a radio or television station to an area not covered by the originating station
Wikipedia - Broadcast signal intrusion -- Type of intentional interference with wireless signals
Wikipedia - Broadcast television systems -- Standards for terrestrial television signals
Wikipedia - Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania -- Census-designated place in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Brodie Neill -- Australian industrial designer
Wikipedia - Broken windows theory -- Criminological theory of the norm-setting and signalling effect of urban disorder and vandalism
Wikipedia - Bronwyn Bancroft -- Australian artist and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen -- Labor union in the United States
Wikipedia - Brownian noise -- The kind of signal noise produced by Brownian motion
Wikipedia - Bruce Borland -- American golf course designer
Wikipedia - Bruce Carver -- Video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Bruce Kirby (yachts) -- Canadian yacht racer and designer
Wikipedia - Bruce McLaren -- New Zealand racing driver, designer and team owner
Wikipedia - Bruce Rickard -- Australian architect and landscape designer
Wikipedia - Bruce Straley -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem -- A nonexistence result for combinatorial block designs
Wikipedia - Brugmansia insignis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Bruno Oldani -- Swiss designer
Wikipedia - Bruno Rossignol -- French conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Bruno Rubeo -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Bruno Schiavi -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Brusi Sigurdsson
Wikipedia - Brutsche Freedom 40 -- American homebuilt aircraft design
Wikipedia - BT.1120 -- Digital interface standard for HDTV studio signals
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix argentisignella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix atrosignata -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Buckminster Fuller -- American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor and futurist
Wikipedia - Buddy Esquire -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Bugatti 18/3 Chiron -- Concept car developed by Bugatti and Italdesign in 1999
Wikipedia - Bugatti EB 118 -- Concept car jointly developed by French automobile manufacturer Bugatti and Italian styling house Italdesign
Wikipedia - Bugatti EB 218 -- Concept car jointly developed by French automobile manufacturer Bugatti and Italian design house Italdesign in 1999
Wikipedia - Building design
Wikipedia - Buki Akib -- British actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Burkey Belser -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Burnham Park (Baguio) -- Historic park at Baguio designed during the American colonial era
Wikipedia - Burton Kramer -- Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Business process redesign
Wikipedia - Butcher Billy -- Brazilian artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Butt plug -- Sex toy that is designed to be inserted into the rectum
Wikipedia - Bwesigye bwa Mwesigire -- Ugandan lawyer and author
Wikipedia - Byron Sigcho-Lopez -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cable television -- Television content transmitted via signals on coaxial cable
Wikipedia - Cab Secure Radio -- British Rail driver/signaller communication system
Wikipedia - Cab signalling
Wikipedia - CAD/CAM -- Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturing
Wikipedia - Cadence Design Systems
Wikipedia - Caitlin Kalinowski -- American product designer, mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Calamus bousigonii -- Species of climbing palm from Asia
Wikipedia - Calcium signaling
Wikipedia - Calendar reform -- Significant revision of a calendar system
Wikipedia - Calibrated probability assessment -- Subjective probabilities assigned in a way that historically represents their uncertainty
Wikipedia - Calibri -- Sans-serif typeface family designed by Luc(as) de Groot in 2002-2004
Wikipedia - California Coastal Commission -- State agency with quasi-judicial regulatory oversight over coastal zone
Wikipedia - California Historical Landmarks in Mendocino County -- Places in Mendocino County that have been determined to have statewide historical significance
Wikipedia - California Historical Landmark -- Buildings, structures, sites, or places in California determined to have historical significance
Wikipedia - Call-sign allocation plan -- Table of allocation of international call sign series
Wikipedia - Call signs in Canada -- Official identifiers assigned to radio and television stations in Canada
Wikipedia - Call signs in the United States -- FCC issued identifiers assigned to radio and television stations
Wikipedia - Call sign -- Unique designation for a transmitting station
Wikipedia - Calvin Klein (fashion designer)
Wikipedia - Calvin Klein -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Came Here for Love -- 2017 single by Sigala and Ella Eyre
Wikipedia - Camiel Fortgens -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Camouflage -- Concealment in plain sight by any means e.g. colour, pattern, shape
Wikipedia - Camponotus essigi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cancer (astrology) -- Fourth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Candice Cuoco -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Candice Olson -- Canadian interior designer
Wikipedia - CANDU reactor -- Canadian heavy water nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Candy Jernigan -- American artist and designer
Wikipedia - Cannabis use disorder -- Continued use of cannabis despite clinically significant impairment
Wikipedia - CannonDesign -- American architecture firm
Wikipedia - Canon de 155mm GPF -- French-designed 155 mm cannon
Wikipedia - Cansiglio -- Plateau in Italy
Wikipedia - Capitulations of Santa Fe -- Signed document between Christopher Columbus and the rulers of Spain
Wikipedia - Capricorn (astrology) -- Tenth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Caproni Ca.9 -- Single-engine monoplane designed and built by Caproni in the early 1910s
Wikipedia - Captain-class frigate -- Designation given to 78 frigates of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Captain Cook, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Captain Midnight broadcast signal intrusion
Wikipedia - Cardarelli's sign
Wikipedia - Cargo spacecraft -- Robotic spacecraft that is designed to resupply a space station
Wikipedia - Carina Cruz -- Colombian actress, model and designer
Wikipedia - Carin Goldberg -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Carl Alberg -- Swedish born yacht designer
Wikipedia - Carla Meninsky -- Lawyer and Atari 2600 video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Carl Benz -- Automotive and engine designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Carl Dau -- German designer
Wikipedia - Carley float -- Liferaft design
Wikipedia - Carl Hewitt -- American computer scientist and designer of Planner programming language
Wikipedia - Carlo Bonzanigo -- Italian and Swiss car designer
Wikipedia - Carlo Borer -- Swiss artist and designer
Wikipedia - Carlo Bugatti -- Italian furniture designer (1856-1940)
Wikipedia - Carlo Leva -- Italian film and costume designer
Wikipedia - Carlo Poggioli -- Italian costume designer
Wikipedia - Carlos Campos (clothing brand) -- Honduran-born fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carlos de Sigenza y Gngora
Wikipedia - Carlos Miele -- Brazilian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carlota Alfaro -- Puerto Rican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carlo Vivarelli -- Swiss designer
Wikipedia - Carl Purington Rollins -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Carl Ritter von Ghega -- Austrian railway designer
Wikipedia - Carl Sigismund Kunth -- German botanist (1788-1850)
Wikipedia - Carmen Brussig -- German judoka
Wikipedia - Carole Hersee -- Costume designer
Wikipedia - Carolina Bucci -- Italian jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Carolina Herrera (fashion designer)
Wikipedia - Carolina Herrera -- Venezuelan-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carolina Santo Domingo -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Caroline Eichler -- German instrument maker, designer and orthopedic technician
Wikipedia - Caroline Neron -- Canadian actress, singer and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Caroline Siedle -- English designer
Wikipedia - Caroline Zoe Schumm -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carol Lim -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carol Padden -- American sign language researcher
Wikipedia - Carol Shaw -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Carolyn Davidson (graphic designer) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Carolyne Roehm -- American author and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carolyn Kriegman -- American jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Carolyn Schnurer -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carpenter pencil -- Pencil designed for use by carpenters
Wikipedia - Car platform -- Similar design and engineering specs shared between multiple cars.
Wikipedia - Carriage dispute -- Disagreement over the right to retransmit a broadcaster's signal
Wikipedia - Carrier-based aircraft -- Military aircraft designed specifically for operations from aircraft carriers
Wikipedia - Carrier current -- Transmission of low-power radio signals through electrical conductors
Wikipedia - Carrier signal
Wikipedia - Carrier wave -- Waveform (usually sinusoidal) that is modulated (modified) with an input signal for the purpose of conveying information
Wikipedia - Carroll Shelby -- American automotive designer, racing driver, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Cartographic design
Wikipedia - Casignana
Wikipedia - Casiguran Dumagat Agta -- Austronesian language spoken in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Cassandre -- Ukrainian-French painter and designer
Wikipedia - Cassie McFarland -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Castell's sign -- Medical sign assessed to evaluate splenomegaly
Wikipedia - Category 4 cable -- Unshielded twisted pair cable used in telephone wiring, designed to reliably carry data up to 16 Mbit/s
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century bishops in the Visigothic Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century people of the Visigothic Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century bishops in the Visigothic Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century people of the Visigothic Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:8th-century Visigothic people
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century Visigothic people
Wikipedia - Category:Airship designers
Wikipedia - Category:American aerospace designers
Wikipedia - Category:American video game designers
Wikipedia - Category:Analysands of Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Category:Architectural design
Wikipedia - Category:Biography with signature
Wikipedia - Category:Book designers
Wikipedia - Category:Computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - Category:Computer-aided design
Wikipedia - Category:Computer designers
Wikipedia - Category:Computers designed in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Computers using bit-slice designs
Wikipedia - Category:Design engineering
Wikipedia - Category:Design researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Design
Wikipedia - Category:Digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Category:Digital signature schemes
Wikipedia - Category:Drugs not assigned an ATC code
Wikipedia - Category:Electronic design automation software
Wikipedia - Category:Electronic design automation
Wikipedia - Category:Electronic design
Wikipedia - Category:English landscape and garden designers
Wikipedia - Category:Evolutionarily significant biological phenomena
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design
Wikipedia - Category:Game design
Wikipedia - Category:Graphic design
Wikipedia - Category:Industrial designers
Wikipedia - Category:Industrial design
Wikipedia - Category:Intelligent design advocates
Wikipedia - Category:Interface designers
Wikipedia - Category:Mechanical designers
Wikipedia - Category:Modular design
Wikipedia - Category:Pennsylvania state historical marker significations
Wikipedia - Category:People from Sigmaringen
Wikipedia - Category:Persons of National Historic Significance (Canada)
Wikipedia - Category:Programming language designers
Wikipedia - Category:Programming language design
Wikipedia - Category:Rhode Island School of Design faculty
Wikipedia - Category:SIGACCESS award winners
Wikipedia - Category:Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Category:Signal processing
Wikipedia - Category:Signals intelligence agencies
Wikipedia - Category:Signatories of the Albanian Declaration of Independence
Wikipedia - Category:Signatories of the Declaration on the Common Language
Wikipedia - Category:Software design patterns
Wikipedia - Category:Software design
Wikipedia - Category:Steve Jackson (American game designer) games
Wikipedia - Category:Translators of Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Category:Urban design
Wikipedia - Category:Web design
Wikipedia - Cat Frazier -- American graphic designer and blogger
Wikipedia - Catherine FitzGerald -- Irish landscape designer
Wikipedia - Catherine Leterrier -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Cath Kidston -- English fashion designer, businesswoman and author
Wikipedia - Cathode bias -- Vacuum tube circuit design technique
Wikipedia - Cat senses -- The ways in which cats experience the world. (Smell, Sight, Touch, Taste, and Hearing)
Wikipedia - Catta Donkersloot -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Cat Tobin -- Irish publisher and game designer
Wikipedia - Cat (zodiac) -- Sign of the Vietnamese zodiac
Wikipedia - Cauchy principal value -- Method for assigning values to certain improper integrals which would otherwise be undefined
Wikipedia - Cave dwellings of Ahlat -- Caves of archaeological significance
Wikipedia - CB Insights -- business analytics platform
Wikipedia - Cecil Beaton -- British photographer, designer, socialite, writer
Wikipedia - Celia Pearce -- American game designer (b. 1961)
Wikipedia - Cell signaling -- System of communication
Wikipedia - Cellular frequencies -- Ultra high frequency radio bands assigned to mobile devices
Wikipedia - Census-designated place (New York)
Wikipedia - Census-designated place -- Statistical concentration of population defined by the United States Census Bureau
Wikipedia - Central America-4 passport -- Common-design passport
Wikipedia - Central School of Art and Design -- Former art college in London
Wikipedia - Central Signal railway station -- Railway station in China
Wikipedia - Ceremony -- Event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion
Wikipedia - Certificate signing request -- Message from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate; lists the public key the certificate should be issued for, identifying information (e.g. domain name) and integrity protection (e.g. digital signature)
Wikipedia - Challenge coin -- Coin or medallion bearing an organizationM-bM-^@M-^Ys insignia or emblem
Wikipedia - Chameria -- Designation of a historical region located in Epirus which was mostly inhabited by Cham Albanians.
Wikipedia - Change the Game -- 2001 single by Jay-Z, Memphis Bleek, Beanie Sigel, Static Major
Wikipedia - Changing (Sigma song) -- 2014 single by Sigma
Wikipedia - Channel wing -- Aircraft wing design
Wikipedia - Charcot's neurologic triad -- Triad of clinical signs associated with multiple sclerosis
Wikipedia - Charles & Co. -- American interior design firm
Wikipedia - Charles Carroll of Carrollton -- American planter and signatory of the Declaration of Independence
Wikipedia - Charles Dwight Sigsbee -- Rear Admiral in the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Charles Eames -- American designer, architect and film maker
Wikipedia - Charles Ernest Nicholson -- British yacht designer
Wikipedia - Charles Franklin -- Irish motorcycle designer and racer
Wikipedia - Charles Frederick Worth -- 19th-century English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Charles Hollis Jones -- American artist and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Charles Jourdan -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Charles-Nicolas-Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt
Wikipedia - Charles Petter -- Swiss firearms designer
Wikipedia - Charles Spalding -- Scottish confectioner and amateur diving bell designer
Wikipedia - Charles Spencer King -- British automobile designer
Wikipedia - Charlie Allen (designer) -- British designer
Wikipedia - Charlie Casely-Hayford -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Charlotte Eskildsen -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Charlotte Woodward Pierce -- Only woman to sign the Declaration of Sentiments and live to see the 19th Amendment passed
Wikipedia - C. Harold Wills -- 20th-century American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Chartered accountant -- Professional designation for accountants
Wikipedia - Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst -- Professional designation in U.S. securities
Wikipedia - Chartered Society of Designers
Wikipedia - Chassignolles, Haute-Loire
Wikipedia - Cher Ami -- Homing pigeon used by the U.S. Army Signal Corps
Wikipedia - Chernihiv -- City of regional significance in Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Cherry 16 -- Lightweight trailer sailer designed by Frank Pelin
Wikipedia - Chersobius signatus -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Cheryl D. Miller -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Cheryl Fuerte -- Filipino web designer
Wikipedia - ChessV -- Computer program designed to play chess variants
Wikipedia - Chetta Chevalier -- Critical node in Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty's "Rome Escape Line" network operating in the Vatican during World War Two
Wikipedia - Cheung-Marks theorem -- Specifies when restoration of a signal by the sampling theorem can become ill-posed
Wikipedia - Chewey, Oklahoma -- Census-designated place in Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Chiasmal syndrome -- Set of signs and symptoms that are associated with lesions of the optic chiasm
Wikipedia - Chicago Athenaeum -- Museum of architecture and design in Galena, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Chicane -- A chicane is extra turns or curves in a road added by design rather than geographical necessity
Wikipedia - Chief design officer
Wikipedia - Child care management software -- administrative software designed specifically for use by child care centers, preschools, and similar child-oriented facilities.
Wikipedia - Childhood gender nonconformity -- Phenomenon in which prepubescent children do not conform to norms expected of their assigned gender.
Wikipedia - Children's television series -- Television programs designed for, and marketed to children
Wikipedia - Chimshang Gyalsig Shuteng
Wikipedia - Chinese Sign Language -- Sign language
Wikipedia - Chintz -- Calico fabric, usually printed with bright floral designs
Wikipedia - Chip Kidd -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Chip Monck -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Choreography -- Art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies
Wikipedia - Chris Bangle -- American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Chris Crawford (game designer)
Wikipedia - Chris Crawford on Game Design
Wikipedia - Chris Klug (game designer)
Wikipedia - Chris Perkins (game designer) -- Canadian American game designer
Wikipedia - Chris Renaud -- American illustrator, film director, storyboard artist, graphic designer, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Chris Roberts (video game developer) -- Computer game designer, game programmer, film producer and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Rorland -- Swedish metal guitarrist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Chris Taylor (game designer)
Wikipedia - Christian Allen -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Christian Audigier -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Cota -- Mexican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Dior -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Espiritu -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Felske -- German car designer
Wikipedia - Christian Lagerwaard -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Liaigre -- French interior designer
Wikipedia - Christian Louboutin -- African fashion designer; specializes in shoes
Wikipedia - Christian Moore -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Christian Siriano -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christine Checinska -- British womenswear designer and art historian
Wikipedia - Christine Jorgensen -- First American to become widely known for having sex reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - Christine Muessiggang -- Austrian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Christine Peterson -- American nanotechnologist and co-founder of Foresight Institute
Wikipedia - Christine Phung -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christophe Decarnin -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christophe Josse -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christopher Chronis -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christopher Guy Harrison -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Christopher Nemeth -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christopher Ross (sculptor) -- American designer and sculptor
Wikipedia - Christopher Simmons -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Christopher Stringer -- British industrial designer
Wikipedia - Christoph Tisch -- German designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Christoph von Sigwart
Wikipedia - Chupacabra -- Legendary creature; first purported sighting in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - CHU (radio station) -- Canadian shortwave time signal radio station
Wikipedia - Church of God with Signs Following -- Pentecostal Holiness churches that practice snake handling and drinking poison
Wikipedia - Church of Our Lady of the Sign, Vilnius -- Church building in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Chushu -- Solar term used in East Asian calendars to signify the end of summer
Wikipedia - Cierva C.6 -- Autogyro designed by Juan de la Cierva
Wikipedia - Cigarette -- Small roll of cut tobacco designed to be smoked
Wikipedia - Cindy Ambuehl -- American actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Cindy Chao -- Taiwanese jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Cini Boeri -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Cioma Schonhaus -- German graphic designer
Wikipedia - Circle of fifths -- Relationship among the 12 tones of the chromatic scale, their corresponding key signatures, and the associated major and minor keys;geometrical representation of relationships among the 12 pitch classes of the chromatic scale in pitch class space
Wikipedia - Circuit breaker design pattern
Wikipedia - Circuit breaker -- Automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit
Wikipedia - Circuit design
Wikipedia - Cisgender -- Gender identity that matches assigned sex at birth
Wikipedia - Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan -- Type of Japanese city
Wikipedia - Citrus Hills, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Citrus Springs, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - City of federal subject significance
Wikipedia - City of Music (UNESCO) -- Designation of a city awarded by UNESCO upon application, for its commitment to music
Wikipedia - City Sightseeing -- International sightseeing tour bus operator
Wikipedia - Civilization (Bob Hilliard and Carl Sigman song) -- 1947 song by Bob Hilliard and Carl Sigman
Wikipedia - Civil parish -- Territorial designation and lowest tier of local government in England
Wikipedia - Claire Dinsmore -- American jeweller, designer and new media artist
Wikipedia - Claire McCardell -- American fashion designer (1905-1958)
Wikipedia - Clare MacKichan -- American engineer and automobile designer
Wikipedia - Clarence Gilbert Taylor -- American aircraft designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Clare Potter -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Classification of finite simple groups -- Massive theorem assigning all but 27 finite simple groups to a few infinite families
Wikipedia - Claude Montana -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Claudio Signorile -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Claw Money -- American fashion designer and artist
Wikipedia - Clean room design -- Reverse-engineering without infringing copyright
Wikipedia - Cliff Johnson (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Climate as complex networks -- Conceptual model to generate insight into climate science
Wikipedia - Clinical coder -- health care professional whose main duties are to analyse clinical statements and assign standard codes using a classification system
Wikipedia - Clinical study design
Wikipedia - Clint Hocking -- Canadian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Clive Christian -- British designer
Wikipedia - Clock of the Long Now -- Mechanical clock designed to keep time for 10,000 years
Wikipedia - Clock signal
Wikipedia - Closed-circuit television -- Use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place on a limited set of monitors
Wikipedia - Clostridium -- Genus of Gram-positive bacteria, which includes several significant human pathogens
Wikipedia - Clothing industry -- Industry encompassing the design, manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing of clothes
Wikipedia - Clyde Cessna -- American aircraft designer
Wikipedia - CMF design
Wikipedia - Coastal warning display tower -- Type of signal station
Wikipedia - Coastal zone color scanner -- A multi-channel scanning radiometer aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite, predominately designed for water remote sensing
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of the Australian Capital Territory -- Heraldic visual design for the territory containing the Australian capital city of Canberra
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Ulster -- Unique heraldic visual design on an escutcheon (i.e., shield), surcoat, or tabard for Ulster
Wikipedia - Coco Chanel -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Cocos Island -- An island designated as a National Park off the shore of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Code signing
Wikipedia - Cognitive remediation therapy -- Treatment designed to improve neurocognitive abilities
Wikipedia - Coital alignment technique -- Sex position designed to maximize clitoral stimulation
Wikipedia - Coke bottle styling -- Automotive body design with a narrow center surrounded by flaring fenders
Wikipedia - Cold Big Bang -- A designation of an absolute zero temperature at the beginning of the Universe
Wikipedia - Coleophora brunneosignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Colin Elgie -- English sleeve designer
Wikipedia - Colin Forbes (graphic designer) -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Colleen Atwood -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Collette Dinnigan -- Australian based fashion designer
Wikipedia - Color scheme -- choice of colors used in design
Wikipedia - Colors of noise -- Power spectrum of a noise signal (a signal produced by a stochastic process)
Wikipedia - Coma (optics) -- Aberration inherent to certain optical designs or due to imperfection in the lens
Wikipedia - Comb filter -- Signal processing filter
Wikipedia - Comb generator -- Signal generator that produces multiple harmonic outputs
Wikipedia - Combinatorial design -- Symmetric arrangement of finite sets
Wikipedia - Combined sewer -- Sewage collection system of pipes and tunnels designed to also collect surface runoff
Wikipedia - Command and control -- Military exercise of authority by a commanding officer over assigned forces
Wikipedia - Commercial minus sign -- Northern European form of minus sign
Wikipedia - Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Wikipedia - Common Database on Designated Areas -- Database of European protected areas
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Isigny-Omaha Intercom -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communication design
Wikipedia - Communication -- Act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and rules
Wikipedia - Community design
Wikipedia - Compact city -- Concept in urban design
Wikipedia - Comparison of computer-aided design editors
Wikipedia - Comparison of computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - Comparison of Material Design implementations
Wikipedia - Comparison of note-taking software -- Comparison of computer software designed for taking notes
Wikipedia - Comparison of synchronous and asynchronous signalling -- Methods for establishing a communications rhythm
Wikipedia - Compass (NASA) -- Conceptual spacecraft design group at NASA Glenn
Wikipedia - Compasso d'Oro -- Italian design award
Wikipedia - CompEx -- Global certification scheme for electrical and mechanical craftspersons and designers
Wikipedia - Compiler design
Wikipedia - Complete Feedback -- Design feature of language
Wikipedia - Complete streets -- Transportation policy and design approach
Wikipedia - Component video -- Video signal that has been split into component channels
Wikipedia - Composite overwrapped pressure vessel -- A vessel consisting of a thin, non-structural liner wrapped with a structural fiber composite, designed to hold a fluid under pressure
Wikipedia - Composite video -- Analog video signal format
Wikipedia - Compressed sensing -- Signal processing technique
Wikipedia - Comptosia insignis -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Computer Aided Design
Wikipedia - Computer-Aided Design
Wikipedia - Computer aided design
Wikipedia - Computer-aided design -- Constructing a product by means of computer
Wikipedia - Computer-aided garden design
Wikipedia - Computer-aided geometric design
Wikipedia - Computer-aided industrial design
Wikipedia - Computer appliance -- Computer with software or firmware that is specifically designed to provide a specific computing resource
Wikipedia - Computer-automated design
Wikipedia - Conceptual design
Wikipedia - Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
Wikipedia - Configuration design
Wikipedia - Confirmation dress -- A dress designed to be worn by girls at Confirmation
Wikipedia - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine -- Religious education programs of the Catholic Church normally designed for children
Wikipedia - Conospermum sigmoideum -- Species of Australian shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Conrad von Borsig -- German entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Conservation designation -- Name and/or acronym which explains the status of an area of land in terms of conservation or protection
Wikipedia - Consigliere -- Position within the leadership structure of the Mafia
Wikipedia - Consiglio Nazionale delle Donne Italiane -- Italian women's organization
Wikipedia - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Wikipedia - Consolata Boyle -- Irish costume designer based in Dublin
Wikipedia - Contextual design
Wikipedia - Continuous design
Wikipedia - Control city -- A city on traffic signs
Wikipedia - Control engineering -- Engineering discipline that applies automatic control theory to design systems with desired behaviors
Wikipedia - Controlled-access highway -- Highway designed exclusively for high-speed vehicular traffic, with all traffic flow and ingress/egress regulated
Wikipedia - Conus cossignanii -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convenience food -- Processed food designed for ease of consumption
Wikipedia - Convention over configuration -- Software design paradigm
Wikipedia - Converter/descrambler -- Device that decodes a Cable TV signal
Wikipedia - Convolution theorem -- Theorem that under suitable conditions the Fourier transform of a convolution of two signals is the pointwise product of their Fourier transforms
Wikipedia - Conway's law -- Adage stating that organizations design systems that mirror their own communication structure
Wikipedia - Cooperative pulling paradigm -- Experimental design
Wikipedia - Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum -- Design museum in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - COP9 signalosome
Wikipedia - Copper Coast Geopark -- Designated area in County Waterford, Ireland
Wikipedia - Copper Mountain, Colorado -- Census-designated place in Colorado, US
Wikipedia - Copyright assignment
Wikipedia - Core-and-pod -- Computer network design
Wikipedia - Core drill -- Drill specifically designed to remove a cylinder of material
Wikipedia - Corinne Barker -- American actress and costume designer
Wikipedia - Corinne Jorry -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Corinne Narassiguin -- French politician
Wikipedia - Cornelia Mee -- British textile designer
Wikipedia - Coronal mass ejection -- Significant release of plasma and magnetic field from the solar corona
Wikipedia - Coronavirus packaging signal -- Regulartory element in coronaviruses
Wikipedia - Corporate design -- Graphic design of the logo and name of an organization
Wikipedia - Corps -- Military unit size designation
Wikipedia - Corpus Juris Canonici -- Medieval collection of significant sources of the canon law of the Catholic Church, valid until 1917
Wikipedia - Corrugated box design
Wikipedia - Corsignano
Wikipedia - Corynoptera flavosignata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Cosiguina Volcano Natural Reserve -- Nature reserve
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asignella -- Species of moth from Russia
Wikipedia - Cossiga I Cabinet -- 36th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Cossiga II Cabinet -- 37th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Costume design
Wikipedia - Council of the European Union decisions on designer drugs
Wikipedia - Countersignaling
Wikipedia - Course Setting Bomb Sight -- Vector bombsight
Wikipedia - COVID-19 apps -- Mobile apps designed to aid contact tracing
Wikipedia - CPR-1000 -- Chinese nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - CPU design
Wikipedia - CQ (call) -- Operating signal for "request to communicate"
Wikipedia - Crackme -- Small program designed to test a programmer's reverse engineering skills
Wikipedia - Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design
Wikipedia - Cradle-to-cradle design
Wikipedia - Credit rating agency -- Company that assigns credit ratings
Wikipedia - Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary -- Geological signature marking the boundary between the end of the Cretaceous Period and the beginning of the Paleogene Period
Wikipedia - Crichton-Browne sign
Wikipedia - Crimilda Pontes -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Crinoline -- Petticoat designed to hold out a woman's skirt
Wikipedia - CRISPR/Cas Tools -- Computer software that aids design of guide RNAs for CRISPR gene editing
Wikipedia - Cristina Rodriguez (stylist) -- Spanish costume designar
Wikipedia - Critical design
Wikipedia - Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Costume Design -- Award given by the Broadcast Film Critics Association
Wikipedia - Cross and circle game -- board game design
Wikipedia - Crossed Signals -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional design
Wikipedia - Crucifixion Standard -- C. 1505 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Crucifixion with St Mary Magdalene -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Crusher -- Machine designed to reduce large objects into smaller ones
Wikipedia - Cryptocurrency wallet -- Medium to store public and/or private keys for signing cryptocurrency transactions
Wikipedia - Cryptographic signature
Wikipedia - Crystal Frasier -- American artist and game designer
Wikipedia - Crystal Lawns, Illinois -- census designated place
Wikipedia - CS Alert (1890) -- A cable-laying ship that had a significant role in World War I
Wikipedia - Cuff title -- Military insignia
Wikipedia - Curbed -- News website covering housing and urban design
Wikipedia - Currency sign (typography) -- Typographic character used to denote an unspecified currency
Wikipedia - Curtis Pitts -- American aircraft designer and builder
Wikipedia - Curzon Street Baroque -- Baroque revival interior design style
Wikipedia - Cylindrical algebraic decomposition -- Decomposing n-space into cells in which each of a set of polynomials has constant sign
Wikipedia - Cynesige of Lichfield
Wikipedia - Cynesige -- 11th-century Anglo-Saxon Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - C. Z. Guest -- American actress, author, horsewoman, designer and socialite
Wikipedia - Dacian Draco -- Standard ensign of troops of the ancient Dacian people
Wikipedia - Dadda multiplier -- Hardware multiplier design
Wikipedia - Daena -- Zoroastrian concept representing insight and revelation
Wikipedia - Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser
Wikipedia - Dahir Insaat -- Russian-Turkish design company
Wikipedia - Daiki Suzuki -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Daktronics -- American sign company
Wikipedia - Dakuten and handakuten -- Japanese diacritic signs
Wikipedia - Dale Hennesy -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Dalila Puzzovio -- Argentine fashion designer
Wikipedia - Dal segno -- Musical term meaning "from the sign"
Wikipedia - Damaris Evans -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Dangerous Assignment -- American television series 1949-1953
Wikipedia - Danger Signal -- 1945 film by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - Daniel Adams-Ray -- Swedish rapper, singer, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Daniela Komatovic -- Czech graphic designer, photographer and painter
Wikipedia - Daniel Burnham -- American architect and urban designer
Wikipedia - Daniel Franco -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Daniel Hechter -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Daniella Ohad -- American design historian
Wikipedia - Danielle Bunten Berry -- American game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Daniel Lee (designer) -- English Fashion Designer
Wikipedia - Daniel Pabst -- American furniture designer
Wikipedia - Daniel Weil -- Argentine architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Danilo Donati -- Italian costume designer and production designer (1926-2001)
Wikipedia - Danit Peleg -- Israeli fashion designer of printed clothing
Wikipedia - Dan Perri -- American title sequence designer
Wikipedia - Dan Signer -- Canadian-American television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Dara Huang -- American architect and designer
Wikipedia - D'Arcy Concession -- Concession signed in 1901
Wikipedia - Darcy DiNucci -- Author and designer
Wikipedia - Darfur Peace Agreement -- one of three peace agreements signed between the government of Sudan and Darfur-based rebel groups
Wikipedia - Dario De Toffoli -- Italian board game designer, gamebook author, and elite games player
Wikipedia - Dark Nebula (board game) -- 1980 board game by Game Designers' Workshop
Wikipedia - Dark territory -- Section of railway without signals
Wikipedia - DarM-EM-^[ana -- Auspicious sight of a deity or holy person in Indian religions
Wikipedia - Darnestown, Maryland -- Census-designated place named Darnestown in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Darwin Bromley -- American attorney and game designer
Wikipedia - Database design
Wikipedia - Data Design System
Wikipedia - Datagram Transport Layer Security -- Communications protocol; lets datagram-based applications communicate in a way designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery
Wikipedia - Data signaling rate -- Aggregate rate at which data pass a point in the transmission path of a data transmission system
Wikipedia - Dave Arneson -- 20th and 21st-century American game designer
Wikipedia - Dave Hakkens -- Dutch industrial designer (born 1988).
Wikipedia - Dave Kerzner -- American musician, producer, sound designer
Wikipedia - Dave Shea (web designer)
Wikipedia - David Adams (video game designer) -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon -- English furniture designer, chairman of Christie's UK; son of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; nephew of Queen Elizabeth II
Wikipedia - David A. Smith (designer) -- British designer
Wikipedia - David Carter (industrial designer) -- British designer
Wikipedia - David Chu (designer) -- Chinese fashion designer
Wikipedia - David Cook (game designer)
Wikipedia - David Crane (programmer) -- American video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - David Crank -- Production designer and art director in film
Wikipedia - David Doak -- Northern Irish video game designer
Wikipedia - David Essig -- Canadian folk singer
Wikipedia - David Fox (game designer) -- American multimedia producer
Wikipedia - David Gaider -- Canadian writer and game designer
Wikipedia - David Garside -- British motorcycle designer
Wikipedia - David Hanson (robotics designer)
Wikipedia - David Heinz Gumbel -- Israeli designer and silversmith
Wikipedia - David Koma -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - David Lewis (designer) -- British industrial designer (1939-2011)
Wikipedia - David Marshall Williams -- American murderer and firearms designer
Wikipedia - David McKendrick -- British art director and graphic designer
Wikipedia - David Monn -- American event planner, interior designer, author, and artist
Wikipedia - David Noonan (game designer)
Wikipedia - David Ossman -- American comic writer, member of The Firesign Theatre troupe
Wikipedia - David Passig -- Israeli futurist
Wikipedia - David Plunkert -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - David Rowland -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - David Zinn -- American costume and scenic designer
Wikipedia - DaVinci Resolve -- Video editing application by Blackmagic Design
Wikipedia - Davitt Sigerson -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Day sailer -- Small boat designed for use for one day's sailing, typically has no sleeping accommodation
Wikipedia - DCF77 -- German longwave time signal and standard-frequency radio station
Wikipedia - Deadline-monotonic scheduling -- Priority assignment policy
Wikipedia - Dean Hurley -- American composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Dear John letter -- Letter Written to a man by his romantic partner to signify their relationship is over
Wikipedia - Death by Design -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Debbie Millman -- American writer, educator, artist and designer
Wikipedia - Deborah Adler -- American designer
Wikipedia - Deborah Sussman -- American environmental graphic designer
Wikipedia - Deborah Teramis Christian -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Decaisnina signata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Decibel watt -- SI measurement of signal strength and intensity
Wikipedia - Declarations of State Land in the West Bank -- Designating occupied territory as "state land"
Wikipedia - Decline to State -- A no-party (independent) designation in California voting registration
Wikipedia - Decorrelation -- Process of reducing correlation within one or more signals
Wikipedia - De Courcy Lewthwaite Dewar -- Scottish metalwork designer
Wikipedia - Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana -- Government of India scheme designed to provide continuous power supply to rural India
Wikipedia - Deepali Noor -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Deep learning processor -- A specially designed circuitry
Wikipedia - Deepsea Challenger -- Deep-diving submersible designed to reach the bottom of Challenger Deep
Wikipedia - Deep sulcus sign -- Radiological sign indicating pneumothorax
Wikipedia - Defective by Design
Wikipedia - Defense of the Revolution -- Soldier designation
Wikipedia - Defensive design
Wikipedia - Deficit reduction in the United States -- Taxation, spending, and economic policy debates and proposals designed to reduce the Federal budget deficit in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Definite assignment analysis
Wikipedia - Deirdre Clancy -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - Deivy Vera SigueM-CM-1as -- Peruvian chess player
Wikipedia - Delay calculation -- Calculation of signal delay times in integrated circuits
Wikipedia - Delphine Biscaye -- French mechanical engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Delta Design
Wikipedia - Delta-sigma modulation -- Method for converting signals between digital and analog
Wikipedia - Delta Sigma Phi
Wikipedia - Delta Sigma Theta -- Historically Black sorority
Wikipedia - Demna Gvasalia -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Demodulation -- Process of extracting the original information-bearing signal from a carrier wave
Wikipedia - Dendrite -- Small projection on a neuron that receive signals
Wikipedia - Denes Zsigmondy -- Hungarian violinist
Wikipedia - Denial of the Holodomor -- Claim that the 1932-1933 Holodomor, a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine, did not occur, or diminishing the scale and significance of the famine
Wikipedia - Denise Sigogneau-Russell -- French palaeontologist
Wikipedia - Denis Simachev -- Russian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Dennis Ichiyama -- American graphic designer and artist focusing on woodblock prints
Wikipedia - Dennis L. Montgomery -- Computer software designer
Wikipedia - Densign White -- British judoka
Wikipedia - Deprecation -- Discouragement of use of a technology, feature, design, or practice
Wikipedia - Derek Paxton -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Descartes' rule of signs -- Link between the number of positive roots of a polynomial and the signs of its coefficients
Wikipedia - Design 1047 battlecruiser -- Proposed class of Dutch battlecruisers
Wikipedia - Design A-150 battleship -- Planned Imperial Japanese class of super battleships
Wikipedia - Design and Art Direction -- Organization
Wikipedia - Design and Industries Association
Wikipedia - Design argument
Wikipedia - Design around
Wikipedia - Designated patient
Wikipedia - Designated Player Rule -- Major League Soccer rule
Wikipedia - Designated Survivor: 60 Days -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Designated Survivor (TV series) -- American political thriller television series
Wikipedia - Designation of workers by collar color -- WikGrouGroups of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workps of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workipedia article covering multiple topics
Wikipedia - Design Automation and Test in Europe
Wikipedia - Design Automation Conference
Wikipedia - Design Automation Standards Committee -- Oversees IEEE Standards that are related to computer-aided design
Wikipedia - Design-based learning -- An inquiry-based form of learning
Wikipedia - Designboom -- Web magazine for industrial design
Wikipedia - Design brief
Wikipedia - Design by committee
Wikipedia - Design by Contract
Wikipedia - Design by contract
Wikipedia - Design change
Wikipedia - Design choice
Wikipedia - Design classic
Wikipedia - Design closure
Wikipedia - Design competition
Wikipedia - Design computing
Wikipedia - Design controls
Wikipedia - Design Council
Wikipedia - Design culture
Wikipedia - Design cycle
Wikipedia - Design director
Wikipedia - Design (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Designed by Apple in California
Wikipedia - Design education
Wikipedia - Design elements and principles
Wikipedia - Design > Engineering Methodology for Organizations
Wikipedia - Design engineer
Wikipedia - Designer baby -- Genetically modified human embryo
Wikipedia - Designer drug -- Class of recreational drugs
Wikipedia - Designers Choice -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Designer's World
Wikipedia - Designer toys
Wikipedia - Designer -- Person who designs
Wikipedia - Design fiction -- Design practice
Wikipedia - Design firm
Wikipedia - Design flow (EDA)
Wikipedia - Design for additive manufacturing
Wikipedia - Design for All (inclusion)
Wikipedia - Design for All (in ICT)
Wikipedia - Design for assembly
Wikipedia - Design for behaviour change
Wikipedia - Design for Death -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Design for Living (film) -- 1933 American film
Wikipedia - Design for manufacturability
Wikipedia - Design for Scandal -- 1941 film by Norman Taurog
Wikipedia - Design for Six Sigma
Wikipedia - Design for testing
Wikipedia - Design for X
Wikipedia - Design history
Wikipedia - Design infringement
Wikipedia - Designing Social Inquiry
Wikipedia - Designing Virtual Worlds
Wikipedia - Designing with Web Standards -- Web development book by Jeffrey Zeldman
Wikipedia - Designing Women (film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Designing Women -- American sitcom television program
Wikipedia - Design knowledge
Wikipedia - Design language
Wikipedia - Design leadership
Wikipedia - Design life
Wikipedia - Design load
Wikipedia - Design Management Europe Award -- European design award
Wikipedia - Design management
Wikipedia - Design marker
Wikipedia - Design methods
Wikipedia - Designmuseum Denmark -- Art museum in Copenhagen
Wikipedia - Design Museum -- Art museum in London, England
Wikipedia - Design museum -- Type of museum
Wikipedia - Design of experiments -- Design of tasks set to uncover answers
Wikipedia - Design of plastic components -- Standards and guidelines for designing plastic parts for manufacturing
Wikipedia - Design Orchard -- Shopping Centre in Singapore
Wikipedia - Design paradigm
Wikipedia - Design patent
Wikipedia - Design pattern (computer science)
Wikipedia - Design Patterns (book)
Wikipedia - Design pattern Servant
Wikipedia - Design Patterns
Wikipedia - Design patterns
Wikipedia - Design pattern
Wikipedia - Design predicates -- Method to quantify the complexity of software integrations
Wikipedia - Design quality indicator
Wikipedia - Design rationale
Wikipedia - Design Research Society
Wikipedia - Design research
Wikipedia - Design review
Wikipedia - Design Rivals -- Canadian design show
Wikipedia - Design science revolution
Wikipedia - Design science
Wikipedia - Designs (manga) -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Design smell -- Structures in the design that indicate violation of fundamental design principles and negatively impact design quality
Wikipedia - DesignSpark Mechanical
Wikipedia - DesignSpark PCB Pro
Wikipedia - DesignSpark PCB
Wikipedia - Design specification
Wikipedia - Design sprint
Wikipedia - Design strategy
Wikipedia - Design structure matrix
Wikipedia - Design studies
Wikipedia - Design studio -- Workplace for designers and artisans
Wikipedia - Designs with Strings -- Ballet by John Taras
Wikipedia - Design technology
Wikipedia - Design theory
Wikipedia - Design thinking -- Processes by which design concepts are developed
Wikipedia - Design tool
Wikipedia - Design Web Format
Wikipedia - Design Week -- UK-based website, formerly a magazine for the design industry
Wikipedia - Design -- Drafting of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or of a system; process of creation; act of creativity and innovation
Wikipedia - Design Worldwide Partnership -- Australian architectural and design firm
Wikipedia - Desktop computer -- Computer designed to be used on a fixed location
Wikipedia - Desktop replacement computer -- Larger, bulkier laptop designed to replace a desktop
Wikipedia - Desmond Digby -- New Zealand painter, stage designer and children's book illustrator
Wikipedia - Desmond Heeley -- 20th/21st-century British set and costume designer
Wikipedia - Desmond Muirhead -- English-born American golf course designer
Wikipedia - Dessau-Mosigkau station -- Railway station in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Wikipedia - Destination sign -- Sign mounted on the front, side or rear of a public transport vehicle
Wikipedia - Deva Pardue -- Irish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Developmental signaling center -- Type of group of cells
Wikipedia - Devon, Pennsylvania -- Census-designated place in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Dezeen -- Architecture and design website
Wikipedia - Diana Balmori -- American landscape designer
Wikipedia - Diana Dew -- Fashion designer (b. 1943, d. 2008)
Wikipedia - Diana Vickers -- English singer-songwriter, actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Diane von Furstenberg -- Belgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Diarmuid Gavin -- Irish garden designer and television personality
Wikipedia - Dichagyris signifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dick Teague -- American automotive designer
Wikipedia - Diego Giacometti -- Swiss sculptor and designer
Wikipedia - Diesel multiple unit -- Diesel-powered railcar designed to be used in formations of 2 or more cars
Wikipedia - Dieter Goltzsche -- German painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Dieter Rams -- German designer
Wikipedia - Dieter Rex -- German painter and designer
Wikipedia - Dieudonne Saive -- Belgian firearm designer
Wikipedia - Differential pulse-code modulation -- Signal encoder
Wikipedia - Differentiation under the integral sign
Wikipedia - Diffuse design
Wikipedia - Digital Access Signalling System 1 -- Proprietary protocol providing ISDN services
Wikipedia - Digital electronics -- Electronic circuits that utilize digital signals
Wikipedia - Digital Film Academy -- Art and design college in New York City
Wikipedia - Digital signage -- Sub-segment of electronic signage
Wikipedia - Digital Signal 0
Wikipedia - Digital Signal 3
Wikipedia - Digital signal (electronics)
Wikipedia - Digital Signal Processing (journal)
Wikipedia - Digital signal processing -- Mathematical signal manipulation by computers
Wikipedia - Digital Signal Processor
Wikipedia - Digital signal processor -- Specialized microprocessor optimized for digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Digital signal (signal processing) -- A signal with discrete values in time and amplitude
Wikipedia - Digital signal -- Signal used to represent data as a sequence of discrete values
Wikipedia - Digital Signature Algorithm
Wikipedia - Digital signatures
Wikipedia - Digital signature
Wikipedia - Digital storage oscilloscope -- Oscilloscope that stores and analyses signals digitally
Wikipedia - Digital synthesizer -- Synthesizer that uses digital signal processing to make sounds
Wikipedia - Digital television -- Transmission of audio and video by digitally processed and multiplexed signal
Wikipedia - DIN 1451 -- Sans-serif font, used on german traffic signs
Wikipedia - Diocese of Sigtuna
Wikipedia - Direction, position, or indication sign -- Type of road sign
Wikipedia - Dirk Bikkembergs -- Belgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Disability robot -- Robot designed to help people who have physical disabilities
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Brian Shaffer -- Unsolved 2006 disappearance of 27 year-old American male medical student, last sighted on CCTV, from bar in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Rebecca Coriam -- Unsolved 2011 disappearance of 24 year-old British female crew, last sighted on CCTV, from Disney cruise ship near Mexico
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Steven Koecher -- Unsolved 2009 disappearance of 30 year-old American man, last sighted on CCTV, from Henderson, Nevada near Las Vegas
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Tiffany Whitton -- Unsolved 2013 disappearance of 26 year-old American woman, last sighted on CCTV, from Georgia Walmart at 2:30 a.m.
Wikipedia - Disarmed Enemy Forces -- Redesignation of Prisoners of War to avoid Geneva Convention responsibilities
Wikipedia - Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns -- Campaigns which seek to promote intelligent design creationism
Wikipedia - Discrete signal
Wikipedia - Discrete-time signal
Wikipedia - Discrete transform -- mathematical transform on discrete signals
Wikipedia - Disc tumbler lock -- Finnish lock design
Wikipedia - Displacement field (mechanics) -- Assignment of displacement vectors for all points in a region
Wikipedia - Distillation Design -- Handbook for design of industrial distillation columns
Wikipedia - Distinction (sociology) -- Social force that assigns different values upon different people within a given society
Wikipedia - Distortion-limited operation -- signal-related condition in telecommunications engineering
Wikipedia - Distress signal -- Internationally recognized means for obtaining help
Wikipedia - Distributed algorithmic mechanism design
Wikipedia - Distributed design patterns
Wikipedia - Distributed operating system -- Operating system designed to operate on multiple systems over a network
Wikipedia - District of Alaska -- Governmental designation for Alaska from 1884-1912
Wikipedia - Diver down flag -- Flag signal indicating divers are in the water nearby
Wikipedia - Diverging diamond interchange -- Freeway interchange design
Wikipedia - Divination -- Attempt to gain insight into a question or situation
Wikipedia - Diving flag -- Flag signal indicating divers are in the water nearby
Wikipedia - Diving hand signals -- A form of sign system used to communicate underwater
Wikipedia - Diving line signals -- Standard signals coded in the form of tugs on the diver's lifeline
Wikipedia - Diving suit -- Garment or device designed to protect a diver from the underwater environment
Wikipedia - Diving watch -- A watch designed for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Division insignia of the United States Army -- Cloth emblems worn on the shoulders of US Army uniforms
Wikipedia - Division sign -- Mathematical symbol for division: M-CM-7
Wikipedia - DJS Racing -- Indian formula-student racecar design team
Wikipedia - DNA nanotechnology -- The design and manufacture of artificial nucleic acid structures for technological uses
Wikipedia - Document on Human Fraternity -- Joint statement signed by Pope Francis of the Catholic Church and Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, on 4 February 2019 in Abu Dhabi, meant to be a guide on advancing a "culture of mutual respect".
Wikipedia - Document-oriented database -- A document-oriented NoSQL database, or document store, is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving and managing semi-structured, document-oriented information.
Wikipedia - DocuSign
Wikipedia - Dog (zodiac) -- Sign of Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus siggii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dollar sign
Wikipedia - Dolly Ahluwalia -- Indian actress and costume designer
Wikipedia - Dolphin safe label -- Label used to denote compliance with laws or policies designed to minimize dolphin fatalities during fishing for tuna destined for canning
Wikipedia - Domain-driven design
Wikipedia - DomainKeys Identified Mail -- Email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing
Wikipedia - Dominance signal -- Type of animal communication
Wikipedia - Dominique Aurientis -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Dominique Girard (garden designer) -- French garden designer and water engineer
Wikipedia - Dominique Sirop -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Domitilla Harding -- 21st-century Italian designer and artist
Wikipedia - Donald Aronow -- American designer/builder/racer:famous Magnum Marine/Cigarette/Donzi/Formula speedboats
Wikipedia - Donald Holder -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Donald Roebling -- American philanthropist, engineer, industrial designer, and inventor
Wikipedia - Donald Steel -- English golfer, golf course designer, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Donato Coco -- Italian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Don Birrell -- American graphic designer and museum director (b. 1922, d. 2006)
Wikipedia - Don Chadwick -- American furniture designer
Wikipedia - Don Mitchell (aircraft designer) -- American aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Don't Feel Like Crying -- 2019 single by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Don't Kill My Vibe -- 2017 song by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Don Trousdell -- American graphic designer and artist
Wikipedia - Don Turnbull (game designer)
Wikipedia - Dora (case study) -- Patient of Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Dora Sigerson Shorter -- Irish poet and sculptor
Wikipedia - Dorian Corey -- American drag performer and designer
Wikipedia - Dorit Bar Or -- Israeli actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Dorrit Dekk -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Dortmund Signal-Iduna-Park station -- Railway station in Dortmund, Germany
Wikipedia - Dottie Frazier -- American diver, designer, and dive shop owner
Wikipedia - Double acting ship -- A type of icebreaking ship designed to break heavy ice while going astern
Wikipedia - Double bond -- Chemical bond involving four bonding electrons; has one sigma plus one pi bond
Wikipedia - Double burden -- Workload of people who both earn money and have significant domestic responsibilities
Wikipedia - Double wishbone suspension -- Automotive independent suspension design
Wikipedia - Doug Emhoff -- Second Gentleman-designate of the United States, American lawyer (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Dougie Poynter -- English musician, songwriter, fashion model, clothing designer, author, and amateur actor
Wikipedia - Doug Kraner -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Douglas Consiglio -- Canadian athlete
Wikipedia - Douglas Coupland -- Canadian writer and graphic designer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Douglas Crawford McMurtrie -- American typeface designer
Wikipedia - Douglas Millings -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Douglas Shearer -- Canadian sound designer and recording director
Wikipedia - Douglas Trumbull -- American film director, special effects designer
Wikipedia - Douglas Wilson (interior designer) -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Doug Neubauer -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Downsampling (signal processing)
Wikipedia - DP Architects -- Architecture and urban design practice in Singapore
Wikipedia - Draft:Acharya Prajeeth -- Indian Graphic Designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Afritechie -- Software Developer And Website Design in South Africa
Wikipedia - Draft:Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Allen Lee Hughes -- African American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Bahareh Afshari -- Iranian actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Douglas Lwanga -- Ugandan journalist and graphics designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth -- 2021 popular science book by Avi Loeb
Wikipedia - Draft:Francesca Liberatore -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Hyliion -- American hybrid-electric powertrain designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Draft:Matthew W.F. Senior -- English filmmaker, musician, and fashion designer from Plymouth, UK
Wikipedia - Draft:Niime Tamaki -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Nikhat Mariyam Neerushaa -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Olimex -- Bulgarian embedded electronics designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Draft:Oliver Bonas -- British design company
Wikipedia - Draft:Patricia Miller (fashion designer) -- Co-founder of Vera Bradley fashion
Wikipedia - Draft:Robert Gourley -- Graphic Designer, Product designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Salome Gviniashvili -- Georgian model, designer and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Draft:Sanjana Jon -- Fashion Designer, philanthropist and social activist
Wikipedia - Draft:Senthil Raghavan -- Film production designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Shree Kiyan -- Brand and Design solution
Wikipedia - Draft:Sig Roy -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Sonia Rathee -- Indian Actress and production designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Steven Oo -- Burmese-American TV personality and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:The Dude Designs -- UK illustrator
Wikipedia - Draft:The Wiseman Group -- American interior design firm
Wikipedia - Draft:Ugo Monye (fashion designer) -- Nigeria fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Userfacet -- Bengaluru-based UI UX Design & Development company
Wikipedia - Draft:Vernon Finney -- American contemporary artist, art designer, illustrator, sculptor and philosopher
Wikipedia - Draft:VivaDesigner -- Desktop publishing application
Wikipedia - Dragon (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Scenic Design of a Play -- New York theater awards
Wikipedia - Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Set Design -- New York theater awards
Wikipedia - Dreamachine -- Stroboscopic device designed by Ian Somnerville & Brion Gysin
Wikipedia - Dream board -- Collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation
Wikipedia - Drehmann sign -- Orthopedicclinical test for hip joint.
Wikipedia - Dressing overall -- Decorating a ship with (signal) flags
Wikipedia - Dribbble -- Design website
Wikipedia - Drift Sight
Wikipedia - Driver development program -- System designed for young racing drivers to perfect their racing skills
Wikipedia - Driver location sign -- British road marker post
Wikipedia - Drizzlecombe -- Area in Dartmoor of archaeological significance
Wikipedia - DrM-CM-$ger Ray -- Semi-closed circuit recreational diving rebreather designed to use standard nitrox breathing gas mixtures
Wikipedia - Dropped axle -- Axle bent by design, for stability
Wikipedia - Drug design
Wikipedia - Dual fluid reactor -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Dublin Bay Biosphere Reserve -- Biosphere reserve in Ireland, designated 1981 (former North Bull Island)
Wikipedia - Dubrovnik chess set -- 1950 chess set design
Wikipedia - Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. -- Italian company that designs and manufactures motorcycles
Wikipedia - Ductility -- Material ability to undergo significant plastic deformation before rupture
Wikipedia - Dugan Aycock -- American golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - Duncan Botwood -- British voice actor and video game designer
Wikipedia - Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology -- Creative arts and media third level institution in suburban Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Dunphy sign -- Abdominal pain upon coughing, indicative of appendicitis
Wikipedia - Duple 425 -- Coach design built by Hestair Duple in the late 1980s
Wikipedia - Duress code -- Covert distress signal
Wikipedia - Dusigitumab
Wikipedia - DVD-RAM -- variant of DVD designed with random access in mind
Wikipedia - Dymaxion house -- Prototype house designed by Buckminster Fuller
Wikipedia - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol -- Principal protocol used to assign IPv4 addresses on an IPv4 network
Wikipedia - Dynamic range compression -- Audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds, thus reducing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range
Wikipedia - Dynamic soaring -- A flying technique used to gain energy by repeatedly crossing the boundary between air masses of significantly different velocity
Wikipedia - E5 Project -- Japanese marine design consortium
Wikipedia - Eadsige -- 11th-century Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - Eames Lounge Chair -- Chair designed by Charles and Ray Eames
Wikipedia - Earth observation satellite -- Satellite specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit
Wikipedia - Earthquake-resistant structures -- Structures designed to protect buildings from earthquakes
Wikipedia - East Honolulu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Ebro, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Echelon (signals intelligence)
Wikipedia - ECHELON -- Signals intelligence collection and analysis network
Wikipedia - Ecodesign
Wikipedia - Ecological design -- Design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes
Wikipedia - Ecological engineering -- Use of ecology and engineering to predict, design, construct or restore, and manage ecosystems that integrate "human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both"
Wikipedia - Ecological indicator -- Attributes of ecosystems which signify their health
Wikipedia - Ecological interface design
Wikipedia - Ecological pyramid -- Graphical representation designed to show the biomass or biomass productivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem
Wikipedia - Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Eddie Lau -- Fashion designer from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Eden Roc, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Edgar G. Ulmer -- American film director, set designer
Wikipedia - Edison Chen -- Canadian singer, actor, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Edison Design Group
Wikipedia - Edith M-bM-^@M-^\DithaM-bM-^@M-^] Moser -- Austrian graphic designer (1883-1969)
Wikipedia - Edith Wharton -- American novelist, short story writer, designer
Wikipedia - Edmond Polchlopek -- French cyclist and bicycle designer
Wikipedia - Ed Thrasher -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Edward McKnight Kauffer -- American artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Edward Teshmaker Busk -- British aircraft design pioneer
Wikipedia - Edward Tufte -- American statistician (b.1942) noted for his writings on information design
Wikipedia - Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Edwin Boyd Johnson -- American painter, designer, muralist and photographer
Wikipedia - Egbert Torenbeek -- Dutch aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Ego Death (song) -- 2020 single by Ty Dolla Sign featuring Kanye West, FKA Twigs, and Skrillex
Wikipedia - Eighth Wonder of the World -- Unofficial title sometimes given to places, buildings, structures, projects or designs
Wikipedia - Eiko Ishioka -- Japanese artist and costume designer
Wikipedia - Eileen Evans -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Eileen Gray -- Irish architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Eileen Rose (artist) -- New Zealand artist, designer and teacher (1909-2003)
Wikipedia - Einar Mar SigurM-CM-0arson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Einar Sigurdsson -- Norwegian Earl of Orkney
Wikipedia - Ejiro Amos Tafiri -- Nigeria fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ejner Larsen -- Danish furniture designer
Wikipedia - Elaine Bass -- Film title designer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Elan Lee -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Elbow Lake, Becker County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - El Cerrito, Riverside County, California -- census-designated place in Riverside County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Elder Signs Press -- American book publisher
Wikipedia - Eleanore Ramsey -- American designer bookbinder
Wikipedia - Electrical conduction system of the heart -- Transmits signals generated usually by the sinoatrial node to cause contraction of the heart muscle
Wikipedia - Electrical system design
Wikipedia - Electric guitar design
Wikipedia - Electronic circuit design
Wikipedia - Electronic Design Automation
Wikipedia - Electronic design automation
Wikipedia - Electronic Design (magazine)
Wikipedia - Electronic engineering -- Electrical engineering involved in the design of electronic circuits, devices, and their systems
Wikipedia - Electronics design
Wikipedia - Electronic signature
Wikipedia - Electronic System Design Alliance
Wikipedia - Electro-optical sensor -- Electronic sensors that convert light into electrical signals
Wikipedia - Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis -- Clinical diagnosis using electrical signals
Wikipedia - Ele Keats -- American television, film and stage actress, model, and jewelry designer.
Wikipedia - Elemental tetrad -- Game design conceptual framework
Wikipedia - Elena Benarroch -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elena Velez -- American fashion designer and artist
Wikipedia - Elena Votsi -- Greek jewelry designer
Wikipedia - ElGamal signature scheme
Wikipedia - Eliana Paco Paredes -- Bolivian Aymara fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elie Tahari -- Israeli fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elin Sigvardsson -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Eliot Connors -- American sound designer
Wikipedia - Elisa Palomino -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elisheva Ester Rishon -- Jewish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Colwell -- American printmaker and type designer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hargrave -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hawes -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth McBride -- costume designer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Zimmermann -- Knitting designer and author
Wikipedia - Ellen Lupton -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Wikipedia - El Lissitzky -- Soviet artist, designer, photographer, teacher, typographer and architect
Wikipedia - Elmer Belt -- American urologist, surgeon and pioneer in sex reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - Else Unger -- Austrian designer
Wikipedia - Elsie MacGill -- the girst female aircraft designer
Wikipedia - El Siglo (Argentina) -- Newspaper in San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina
Wikipedia - Elvie Hill -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - EMac -- All-in-one desktop computer designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Computer, Inc.
Wikipedia - Emanuele Nicosia -- Italian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Emanuel Ungaro -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Embassy Theatre, Wellington -- Cinema in Wellington, New Zealand of historical significance
Wikipedia - Emblem of Israel -- Official insignia of the State of Israel
Wikipedia - Embroidery thread -- Any of several types of thread designed for use in embroidery and related crafts
Wikipedia - Emergency Fighter Program -- Fighter aircraft design competition in Germany during WW2.
Wikipedia - Emigre (magazine) -- Defunct US graphic design magazine
Wikipedia - Emilie Louise Floge -- Austrian designer and model
Wikipedia - Emilio Pucci -- Italian fashion designer and politician
Wikipedia - Emilio Usiglio -- Italian composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Emil Rudolf WeiM-CM-^_ -- German graphic designer
Wikipedia - Emil Stepanek -- Austrian set designer and architect
Wikipedia - Emily Care Boss -- Tabletop role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Emily Carr University of Art and Design -- Art school
Wikipedia - Emily Cox (puzzle writer) -- American puzzle designer
Wikipedia - Emily Dreissigacker -- American biathlete
Wikipedia - Emily McVarish -- American writer, designer, book artist and associate professor at California College of the Arts
Wikipedia - Emily Oberman -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Emma Appleton (landscape architect) -- Australian landscape architect and urban designer
Wikipedia - Emma Bormann -- Austrian painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Emma de Sigaldi -- Monegasque sculptor and artist (1910-2010)
Wikipedia - Emma Jacobsson -- Austrian-born, Swedish botanist, art historian, knitwear designer, entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Emmanuelle Khanh -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Emmett McBain -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Emotional Design
Wikipedia - Empathic design
Wikipedia - Employee experience design
Wikipedia - ENAER M-CM-^Qamcu -- Chilean light aircraft design
Wikipedia - Encapsulation (networking) -- Method of designing modular communication protocols in which separate functions are abstracted from their underlying structures
Wikipedia - Enceladus Life Signatures and Habitability
Wikipedia - End-to-end principle -- design principle for computer networking
Wikipedia - Endurance racing (motorsport) -- Motorsport in which races cover extended distances and time periods designed to test durability and endurance
Wikipedia - Enemy of the people -- Designation for political or class opponents of a state
Wikipedia - Energy crisis -- Significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy
Wikipedia - Energy neutral design
Wikipedia - Enforcer (ship design) -- Ship design
Wikipedia - Engare -- 2017 indie puzzle game by Iranian game designer
Wikipedia - Engineering Design and Management v. Burton -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Engineering design process
Wikipedia - Engineering design
Wikipedia - England expects that every man will do his duty -- Signal sent by Admiral Nelson before the Battle of Trafalgar 1805
Wikipedia - Englewood, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Engraving -- Incising designs by cutting into a surface
Wikipedia - Enid Gilchrist -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ennio Capasa -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ennomos subsignaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Enrico Alvino -- Architect and urban designer
Wikipedia - Enrique Nosiglia -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Ensemble Signal -- Classical music ensemble
Wikipedia - Ensignbus -- bus and coach operator and dealer in Purfleet, England
Wikipedia - Ensign (LDS magazine)
Wikipedia - Ensign Manufacturing Company -- Rolling stock manufacturer
Wikipedia - Ensign Racing -- Auto racing team
Wikipedia - Ensign (rank) -- Lowest ranking commissioned officer, etymologically the carrier of the ensign flag
Wikipedia - Ensign -- Maritime flag used for national identification of ships
Wikipedia - Entasis -- Architectural design principle
Wikipedia - Entertainment Software Rating Board -- North American self-regulatory organization that assigns age and content ratings for video games
Wikipedia - Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice (Signac) -- Painting by Paul Signac
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship -- Process of designing, launching and running a new business
Wikipedia - Envelope detector -- Electronic circuit that takes a high-frequency amplitude modulated signal as input and provides an output which is the envelope of the original signal
Wikipedia - Environmental design and planning
Wikipedia - Environmental Design Research Association
Wikipedia - Environmental design
Wikipedia - Environmental impact design
Wikipedia - Envy -- Pain at the sight of another's good fortune
Wikipedia - Enzo Mari -- Italian furniture designer
Wikipedia - Eois insignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eois oressigenes -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eois signaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eotettix signatus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Epibenthic sled -- An instrument designed to collect benthic and benthopelagic faunas from the deep sea
Wikipedia - Epinotia signatana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epsilon Sigma Alpha -- collegiate and service organization
Wikipedia - Equal sign
Wikipedia - Equals sign
Wikipedia - Erdem MoralioM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ergonomics in Design
Wikipedia - Eric A. Meyer -- Web design consultant and author
Wikipedia - Eric Gill -- English sculptor, typeface designer, and printmaker
Wikipedia - Eric Holmes (video game designer) -- Scottish video game designer
Wikipedia - Erick Wujcik -- American role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Eric Landon -- Danish-American ceramics artist and designer
Wikipedia - Eric Scott Raymond -- American aircraft designer and pilot
Wikipedia - Erik Aaes -- Danish set designer and art director
Wikipedia - Erik Bruun -- Finnish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Erik Magnussen (silversmith) -- Danish silversmith and designer
Wikipedia - Erik Mona -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Erik Nitsche -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Erik Rud Brandt -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Eri Matsui -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ermenberga -- Wisigoth princess, wife of Theodoric II
Wikipedia - Erna Signe -- yacht
Wikipedia - Ernest Lesigne
Wikipedia - Ernest Thesiger -- Actor
Wikipedia - Ernst Borsig -- German industralist
Wikipedia - Errol Arendz -- South African fashion designer
Wikipedia - Error-tolerant design -- Design that does not penalize user errors
Wikipedia - Erte -- Russian-born French artist and designer
Wikipedia - Erwin Komenda -- Austrian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Escuela de Artes Plasticas y DiseM-CM-1o de Puerto Rico -- School of Visual Arts and Design of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Es Devlin -- British stage designer (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Esigodini -- Zimbabwean town
Wikipedia - Esko, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Esoteric programming language -- Programming language designed to test boundaries or as software art
Wikipedia - Essex, Maryland -- Census-designated place in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Essig, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Esther Berlin-Joel -- Israeli painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Estrella Archs -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Etowah, North Carolina -- Census-designated place in Henderson County, North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Eugene Lee (designer) -- American set designer
Wikipedia - Eugene Stoner -- American firearms designer
Wikipedia - Eugenio Caballero -- Mexican production designer
Wikipedia - Eugenio De Signoribus -- Italian poet
Wikipedia - Eugenio Gerli -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Eugraphe sigma -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eulitoma insignis -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Eupithecia inassignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia insigniata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia insignifica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia praesignata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia signigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia trisignaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupterote naessigi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - EuResist -- International project designed to improve the treatment of HIV patients
Wikipedia - EURion constellation -- Pattern of symbols incorporated into a number of banknote designs
Wikipedia - European Capital of Culture -- cities recognized by the European Union as culturally significant for Europe
Wikipedia - European Design Award
Wikipedia - European Film Award for Best Production Designer -- Annual award given for cinematic achievements in production design
Wikipedia - European Inventor Award -- Annual award to inventors who have made a significant contribution to innovation in Europe
Wikipedia - Eusignius of Antioch -- 4th century Roman soldier and Christian martyr
Wikipedia - Evaluation -- A systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance,
Wikipedia - Eva McKee -- Irish craftswoman and designer
Wikipedia - Evan Wells -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Evelyn Gleeson -- Anglo-Irish embroiderer, designer and co-founder of the Dun Emer Press
Wikipedia - Event Communications -- Museum exhibition design firm
Wikipedia - Event-related optical signal
Wikipedia - Everaldo Coelho -- Brazilian graphic designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Evert Endt -- French designer
Wikipedia - Everysight
Wikipedia - Everything -- Term from metaphysics designating all that exists
Wikipedia - Evgenia Kosigina -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Evidence-based design
Wikipedia - Evisu -- A Japanese designer clothing company
Wikipedia - Evolution of the eye -- Origins and diversification of the organs of sight through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution window -- A narrow band of mutation step size that is conducive to significant evolutionary progress
Wikipedia - Evolved antenna -- Antenna designed by an evolutionary computer algorithm
Wikipedia - Executive Order 12968 -- 1995 US executive order signed by Bill Clinton
Wikipedia - Executive Order 13765 -- Executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Executive Order 13767 -- Executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Executive Order 13768 -- Executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Exercise book -- Type of notebook designed for writing schoolwork and study notes
Wikipedia - Exhibit Columbus -- Annual exploration of architecture, art, design, and community in Columbus, Indiana
Wikipedia - Exhibit design -- Process of developing an exhibit
Wikipedia - Exhibition designer -- Professional who creates fixtures and display stands for events
Wikipedia - Exit number -- Number assigned to a road junction
Wikipedia - Expensive (Ty Dolla Sign song) -- 2020 single by Ty Dolla Sign featuring Nicki Minaj
Wikipedia - Experience design
Wikipedia - Experiential interior design
Wikipedia - Experimental aircraft -- Aircraft designed to test or develop new design or technology
Wikipedia - Experimental design
Wikipedia - Experimental language -- Constructed language designed for linguistics research
Wikipedia - Explicit Congestion Notification -- Extension to the Internet Protocol to signal network congestion
Wikipedia - Exploration Gateway Platform -- Original station design concept of the Lunar Gateway
Wikipedia - Extension (semantics) -- In the context of semantics the extension of a concept, idea, or sign
Wikipedia - Extreme clipper -- Clipper ship designed to sacrifice cargo capacity for speed
Wikipedia - Extreme users -- Design concept
Wikipedia - Eysteinn SigurM-CM-0arson -- Icelandic actor
Wikipedia - Fabless manufacturing -- Semiconductor company which designs and sells chips whose physical manufacturing is outsourced to a foundry
Wikipedia - Factorial designs
Wikipedia - Fairground organ -- Pipe organ designed for use in a commercial public fairground setting
Wikipedia - Fallingwater -- House designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Falsignambia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Farsighted (book) -- 2018 non-fiction book by Steven Johnson
Wikipedia - Far-sightedness -- Eye condition in which light is focused behind instead of on the retina
Wikipedia - FarSight Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Fascist symbolism -- Use of certain images and symbols which are designed to represent aspects of fascism
Wikipedia - Fashion design copyright
Wikipedia - Fashion Design Council of India -- Organization
Wikipedia - Fashion Designer s/o Ladies Tailor -- Film by Vamsy
Wikipedia - Fashion design
Wikipedia - Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising -- Private college in California, United States
Wikipedia - Fashion Law Institute -- Council of Fashion Designers of America
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant design
Wikipedia - Fausto Sarli -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Feature (software design)
Wikipedia - Felipe Oliveira Baptista -- Portuguese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Felipe Varela -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Female urinal -- A urinal designed to be used by women and girls
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Leopold, Count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen -- German nobleman; ruling Count of Hohenzollern-Haigerloch
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Mannlicher -- Austrian firearms designer
Wikipedia - Ferdinand-Sigismond Delamonce -- French architect
Wikipedia - Fern Acres, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Fernanda Canales -- Mexican architect, designer, critic, and curator
Wikipedia - Ferrari Roma -- Grand touring sports car designed and manufactured by Ferrari
Wikipedia - Ferruginous body -- Fnding in interstitial lung disease suggestive of significant asbestos exposure
Wikipedia - Fichte's original insight
Wikipedia - Fidelis of Sigmarengen
Wikipedia - Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Wikipedia - Figueroa at Wilshire -- 53-story skyscraper in Downtown Los Angeles, designed by Albert C. Martin & Associates.
Wikipedia - Fikirte Addis -- Ethiopian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Fil Barlow -- Australian cartoonist and designer
Wikipedia - File signature -- Data used to identify or verify the content of a file
Wikipedia - Filipino Sign Language
Wikipedia - Filippo Cannata -- Italian lighting designer
Wikipedia - Film title design
Wikipedia - Filomena LinM-DM-^MiM-EM-+tM-DM-^W-VaitiekM-EM-+nienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian set designer and painter
Wikipedia - Filter design
Wikipedia - Filter (signal processing)
Wikipedia - Final Frontier Design -- American Aerospace Design Company
Wikipedia - Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico -- US government entity overseeing Puerto Rico's government budget
Wikipedia - Financial signal processing
Wikipedia - Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design -- Architecture book by Roger Trancik
Wikipedia - Fingerpost -- Sign post pointing in the direction of travel
Wikipedia - Finitary relation -- Property that assigns truth values to k-tuples of individuals
Wikipedia - Finite impulse response -- type of filter in signal processing
Wikipedia - Finnish-Swedish ice class -- An ice class assigned to a vessel operating in first-year ice in the Baltic Sea
Wikipedia - Fire proximity suit -- Suit designed to protect from high temperatures
Wikipedia - Firesign Theater
Wikipedia - First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC -- First published description of the logical design of a stored-program computer
Wikipedia - First haircut -- Event with a special significance in certain cultures and religions
Wikipedia - First Period -- American colonial architecture and design time period (1626 - 1725)
Wikipedia - Fisher FP-202 Koala -- ultralight aircraft design
Wikipedia - Fisher Super Koala -- ultralight aircraft design
Wikipedia - Fishing trawler -- Commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls
Wikipedia - Fixer (person) -- Person who carries out assignments or solves problems for others
Wikipedia - Flag and coat of arms of Normandy -- The regional flag and the heraldic visual design symbolising Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Flag of Mars -- Flag or flag design that represents the planet Mars
Wikipedia - Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory -- State flag and ensign of the British Indian Ocean Territory
Wikipedia - Flag semaphore -- Telegraphy system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals
Wikipedia - Flag signals -- Communication using flags
Wikipedia - Flagstaff Tower -- 19th-century signal tower in Kamla Nehru Ridge, Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Flag -- Piece of fabric with a distinctive design
Wikipedia - FLAIM -- Modular tool designed to allow computer and network log sharing
Wikipedia - Flaithbertach mac Loingsig -- High King of Ireland
Wikipedia - Flamethrower -- Ranged incendiary device designed to project a controllable stream of fire
Wikipedia - Flamsteed designation
Wikipedia - Flat design
Wikipedia - Flat network -- Type of computer network design
Wikipedia - Flavio Mogherini -- Italian production designer
Wikipedia - Flip Chip (PDP module) -- Historical electronic module design
Wikipedia - Flora Cheong-Leen -- Hong Kong actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Floral City, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Floral design
Wikipedia - Flora MacKenzie -- New Zealand fashion designer
Wikipedia - Florence Signaigo Wagner -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Floria Sigismondi -- Canadian artist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Fluent Design System
Wikipedia - Fluxus -- International network of artists, composers and designers
Wikipedia - Folake Coker -- Nigerian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Fondazione Sigma-Tau -- Scientific organisation based in Italy
Wikipedia - Fong Leng -- Chinese-Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi -- Fountain in Rome designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Wikipedia - Ford Maya -- 1984 concept car built by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Ford Squire -- estate design car
Wikipedia - Foreign Office Architects -- Architectural Design Studio
Wikipedia - Foresight (futures studies) -- Term referring to various activities in futurology
Wikipedia - Foresight (future studies)
Wikipedia - Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology
Wikipedia - Foresight Institute
Wikipedia - Foresight Nanotech Institute Feynman Prize
Wikipedia - Foresight (psychology)
Wikipedia - Form factor (design) -- aspect of design which defines the size, shape, and other physical specifications of hardware
Wikipedia - Forni della Signoria -- Bakehouse in Malta
Wikipedia - Fornsigtuna -- Building in Upplands-Bro Municipality, Stockholm County, Sweden
Wikipedia - Fort Mercer Flag -- Early U.S. flag design
Wikipedia - Forward compatibility -- Design characteristic that allows a system to accept input intended for a later version of itself
Wikipedia - Fossil Group -- American designer and manufacturer of accessories
Wikipedia - Foundation garment -- Undergarment designed to mold and shape the body to a fashionable silhouette
Wikipedia - Four sights -- Event in the life of the Buddha
Wikipedia - Framatome -- French nuclear reactor design company
Wikipedia - Framework-oriented design
Wikipedia - Francesca Chamberland -- Canadian costume designer
Wikipedia - Francesco Pio Dotti -- Italian architect, painter and designer
Wikipedia - Francesco Rulli -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Francesco Signore -- Italian volcanologist
Wikipedia - Francis Ernest Jackson -- British painter, draughtsman, poster designer and lithographer
Wikipedia - Francis Tresham (game designer) -- British board game designer
Wikipedia - Franco-American Flag -- Flag design
Wikipedia - Francois Chifflart -- French painter, designer and engraver (1825-1901)
Wikipedia - Francois Georges-Picot -- French diplomat who signed Sykes-Picot Agreement during World War I
Wikipedia - Francois Russo -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Franco Lacosta -- Puerto Rican television personality, producer and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Franco Moschino -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Frank Brangwyn -- Welsh artist and designer
Wikipedia - Frank Chadwick -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Frank Coppuck -- British engineer and racing car designer
Wikipedia - Frank Hershey -- American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Frankie Abernathy -- American reality television personality and purse designer
Wikipedia - Frank J. Canova -- American electronics designer
Wikipedia - Frank Matcham -- English theatrical architect and designer
Wikipedia - Frans Molenaar -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Franz Breisig -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - Fraunhofer-Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL -- Research center in Bayreuth, Germany
Wikipedia - Fred Bould -- American product designer
Wikipedia - Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. -- American landscape architect; not to be confused with his father, who designed Central Park
Wikipedia - Frederick Law Olmsted -- American landscape designer, journalist, social critic, and public administrator
Wikipedia - Frederic Luca Landi -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford -- British politician
Wikipedia - Frederic Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford
Wikipedia - Fred Gabourie -- Canadian production designer (1881-1951)
Wikipedia - Free agent -- Player who is eligible to sign with any club or franchise
Wikipedia - Free nerve ending -- Type of nerve fiber carrying sensory signals
Wikipedia - Free-to-play -- Method of video game distribution that give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying, but often with pay microtransactions to access additional content
Wikipedia - French ensigns
Wikipedia - French Sign Language Academy -- Academy in Paris, France
Wikipedia - French Sign Language -- Sign language used predominately in France and French-speaking Switzerland
Wikipedia - Frequency meter -- Meter that displays the frequency of an electronic signal
Wikipedia - Freyr Gauti Sigmundsson -- Icelandic judoka
Wikipedia - Friedreich's sign
Wikipedia - Friedrich Adler (artist) -- German designer
Wikipedia - Friedrich Sigmund Merkel
Wikipedia - Friendship, Anne Arundel County, Maryland -- Census-designated place in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Frigate Ecojet -- Russian wide-body airliner design
Wikipedia - Frits Henningsen -- Danish furniture designer and cabinetmaker
Wikipedia - Frits Tellegen -- Dutch urban designer
Wikipedia - Fritz Losigkeit -- German fighter ace and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Fritz Maurischat -- German production designer
Wikipedia - Fritz Schumacher (architect) -- German architect and urban designer
Wikipedia - Froment's sign
Wikipedia - Frontal release sign -- Primitive reflex reactivated by damage to the frontal lobes
Wikipedia - Fruttero & Lucentini -- Signature of Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini, marked on joint work
Wikipedia - FSO Polonez -- Vehicles designed in Poland and produced by Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych
Wikipedia - Full stop -- Punctuation to signal the end of a sentence
Wikipedia - Fumito Ueda -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Functional design
Wikipedia - Fungie -- Individual dolphin known for sightings in Ireland
Wikipedia - Further (Outasight album) -- extended play by Outasight
Wikipedia - Fuseproject -- Industrial design and branding firm
Wikipedia - Futoshi Nishiya -- Japanese animator and character designer
Wikipedia - F. W. Taussig -- United States economist
Wikipedia - Fyrir Ofan Himininn -- album by Sign
Wikipedia - Gabor Bachman -- Hungarian designer and architect
Wikipedia - Gabriel Cortois de Pressigny
Wikipedia - Gabriel Signoret -- French actor
Wikipedia - Gabriola (typeface) -- Typeface designed by John Hudson
Wikipedia - Gaetano Castelli -- Italian painter and set designer
Wikipedia - Gaetano Genovese -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Gag -- Device designed to prevent speech
Wikipedia - Gail Swanlund -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Gain (electronics) -- Ability of a circuit to increase the power or amplitude of a signal
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Sampsigeramus -- Builder of the mausoleum of Emesa (c. 78/79 AD)
Wikipedia - Gajam Anjaiah -- Indian master handloom designer (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Galina Galadzheva -- Russian art historian, editor, painter and costume designer
Wikipedia - GaM-CM-/a Jacquet-Matisse -- French-American socialite, designer, and model
Wikipedia - Game art design
Wikipedia - Game balance -- Concept in game design
Wikipedia - Game design document
Wikipedia - Game designer
Wikipedia - Game Design Expo -- Recurring event in Vancouver
Wikipedia - Game design -- Game development process of designing the content and rules of a game
Wikipedia - Game engine -- Software-development environment designed for building video games
Wikipedia - Game mechanics -- Construct, rule, or method designed for interaction with a game's state
Wikipedia - Game Research/Design -- Board wargame publisher
Wikipedia - Gaming chair -- Chair designed for the comfort of video game players
Wikipedia - Garbage truck -- Vehicle designed to transport municipal solid waste
Wikipedia - Garden design
Wikipedia - Gardiner's sign list -- Standard reference in the study of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs
Wikipedia - Gareth Hanrahan -- Irish game designer and novelist
Wikipedia - Garth Chester -- New Zealand furniture designer
Wikipedia - Gary Anderson (designer) -- American architect
Wikipedia - Gary Gygax -- American game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Gary Jones (costume designer) -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Gary L. Thomas (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Gary Mull -- American yacht designer
Wikipedia - Gauri Khan -- Indian film producer and designer (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Gauss's Pythagorean right triangle proposal -- Idea for signaling extraterrestrial beings from Earth
Wikipedia - Gautham Sigamani -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Gayathri Ashokan -- Indian poster designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - GB Tran -- American cartoonist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - GCHQ -- British signals intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Geerten Ten Bosch -- Dutch graphic designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Gematria -- Assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters
Wikipedia - Gemini (astrology) -- Third astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Gender dysphoria in children -- Discontent with sex assigned at birth in children
Wikipedia - Gender dysphoria -- Distress due to a mismatch between gender identity and sex assigned at birth
Wikipedia - Gene Hamm -- American golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - Generalized assignment problem -- combinatorial optimization problem
Wikipedia - General-purpose input/output -- User-controllable digital signal pin on an integrated circuit
Wikipedia - Generative design
Wikipedia - Generic programming -- Way of designing and writing programs where algorithms are written in terms of parametric types enabling easy reuse
Wikipedia - GEN H-4 -- Japanese helicopter design
Wikipedia - Genizah -- A storage area in a Jewish synagogue or cemetery designated for the temporary storage of worn-out Hebrew-language books and papers
Wikipedia - Genocide -- The intentional destruction of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group
Wikipedia - Genome-wide significance -- Statistical significance threshold for genetic associations
Wikipedia - Geodesign
Wikipedia - Geoff Lawson (designer) -- British car designer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Kirkland -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Geoff Willis -- Formula One designer
Wikipedia - Geographical indications and traditional specialities in the European Union -- Protected names and designations of agricultural products and foodstuffs
Wikipedia - Geometric algebra -- Algebraic structure designed for geometry
Wikipedia - Geometric design
Wikipedia - George Bomford -- American military officer, inventor, and designer
Wikipedia - George Crouch -- American boat designer
Wikipedia - George G. Eitel -- American surgeon; designed and built Eitel Hospital
Wikipedia - Georgena Terry -- American bicycle designer
Wikipedia - George Nelson (designer) -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - George Oates -- Designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Georges Peignot -- French type designer, type foundry and business owner
Wikipedia - George Strath -- Scottish golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - George Sully -- Canadian fashion designer
Wikipedia - George Thesiger -- British Army general
Wikipedia - George Tscherny -- Graphic designer
Wikipedia - George Washington's resignation as commander-in-chief -- Event on December 23, 1783
Wikipedia - Georg Friedrich Schmidt -- German engraver and designer
Wikipedia - Georgia May Jagger -- English fashion model and designer
Wikipedia - Georgianna Stout -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Georg Luger -- Austrian firearm designer
Wikipedia - Georg Olden (graphic designer) -- African-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Georgy Sergeev -- Russian weapons designer
Wikipedia - Georgy Shpagin -- Soviet weapons designer
Wikipedia - Geosign -- Internet Media Company
Wikipedia - Gerald Genta -- Swiss watch designer and artist
Wikipedia - Geraldine M. Sherman -- Native American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gerard Caron -- French designer
Wikipedia - Gerhard Eichhorn -- German painter and designer
Wikipedia - Gerhard Reisig
Wikipedia - Gerhard Weber (designer) -- German fashion designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Germaine Lecomte -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - German Design Award
Wikipedia - German Sign Language
Wikipedia - Gerrit Rietveld -- Dutch furniture designer and architect
Wikipedia - Gerry Scott -- English television production designer
Wikipedia - Gert Hildebrand -- German car designer
Wikipedia - Gertrude Huston -- American artist and book designer
Wikipedia - Gesche Joost -- German professor specializing in design research
Wikipedia - Ghardaia Sign Language
Wikipedia - Ghastly Funeral Theatre -- extended play by Sigh
Wikipedia - Ghillie suit -- Type of camouflage clothing designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand
Wikipedia - Giacinto Sigismondo Gerdil
Wikipedia - Giannis Kalaitzis -- Greek comics artist and costume designer (1945-2016)
Wikipedia - Giant Killer (call sign) -- Military aviation call sign in the United States
Wikipedia - Gianvito Rossi -- Italian designer
Wikipedia - Gifi Fields -- British fashion designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Gilbert Sigrist -- French pianist
Wikipedia - Giles Cadle -- British set designer
Wikipedia - Gilles Montezin -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gillian Crampton Smith -- British interaction designer
Wikipedia - Gino Levi-Montalcini -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Giorgetto Giugiaro -- Italian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Giorgia Lupi -- Italian information designer
Wikipedia - Giorgio Armani -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Giovanni Battista Piranesi -- Venetian architect, etcher, theorist and designer
Wikipedia - Giovanni Bisignani -- Italian businessman
Wikipedia - Giovanni Buonconsiglio -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Giovanni Maria Quaglio the Elder -- Austrian stage designer
Wikipedia - Gisela Mosig -- German biologist
Wikipedia - Giuliano Calza -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Mario Bellanca -- Italian-American airplane designer
Wikipedia - Gizmodo -- Design, technology, science, and science fiction website and blog
Wikipedia - Glade Interface Designer
Wikipedia - Gladys Peto -- British author and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Glitterball (song) -- 2015 single by Sigma
Wikipedia - Global Design Effort -- Team tasked with designing the International Linear Collider
Wikipedia - Global developmental delay -- Umbrella term used when children are significantly delayed in their cognitive and physical development
Wikipedia - Global Gender Gap Report -- Index designed to measure gender equality
Wikipedia - Global Insight
Wikipedia - Glossary of automotive design -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of experimental design -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms: Aircraft designations -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia -- Hypothesis that decreased glutamatergic signalling is involved in schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Glyn Dillon -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - GM P platform -- Former American car platform designation
Wikipedia - GNU Hurd -- Operating system kernel designed as a replacement for Unix
Wikipedia - Goat (zodiac) -- Sign in the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Golf cart -- Small vehicle designed originally to carry golfers
Wikipedia - Golf course -- Series of holes designed for the game of golf
Wikipedia - Golgi-associated olfactory signaling regulator -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Gompertz function -- Asymmetric sigmoid function
Wikipedia - Good Design Award (Chicago Athenaeum)
Wikipedia - Good Design Award (Japan)
Wikipedia - Good Design Award (Museum of Modern Art)
Wikipedia - Google Chrome Frame -- Plug-in designed for Internet Explorer based on the open-source Chromium project
Wikipedia - Google Insights for Search
Wikipedia - Google Web Designer
Wikipedia - Goran Hongell -- Finnish designer
Wikipedia - Gordon Bashford -- British automobile designer
Wikipedia - Gordon Conway (costume designer) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gordon Coppuck -- British racing car designer
Wikipedia - Gordon Sigurjonsson -- Icelandic athlete and trainer
Wikipedia - Gordon's sign
Wikipedia - Gowers' sign
Wikipedia - G. Prout & Sons -- Designer / manufacturer of the Shearwater III and of cruising catamarans
Wikipedia - Graham Hawkes -- British marine engineer and designer of deep submersibles
Wikipedia - Graham Stuart Thomas -- English horticulturalist and garden designer
Wikipedia - Grand design spiral galaxy -- Galaxy with prominent and well-defined spiral arms,
Wikipedia - Grandwood Park, Illinois -- census designated place
Wikipedia - Grant Featherston -- Australian furniture designer
Wikipedia - Grapefruit knife -- Knife designed specifically for cutting grapefruit
Wikipedia - Graphic design -- Process of visual communication
Wikipedia - GRASP (object-oriented design) -- Guidelines in object-oriented design
Wikipedia - Grease trap -- A type of trap designed to intercept most greases and solids before they enter a wastewater disposal system
Wikipedia - Greater than sign
Wikipedia - Greater-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "greater than"
Wikipedia - Great River Road -- Highway designation
Wikipedia - Great Salinity Anomaly -- A significant disturbance caused by a major pulse of freshwater input to the Nordic Seas
Wikipedia - Greek Sign Language -- Sign language of the Greek deaf community
Wikipedia - Greenfield Belser -- American design firm
Wikipedia - Greg Bennett (graphic designer) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Gregg Barnes -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Greg M. Greeson -- American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Greg Porter (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Gremlin (protein) -- Inhibitor protein in the TGF beta signaling pathway
Wikipedia - Grevillea insignis -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grid (graphic design)
Wikipedia - Griffon Hoverwork -- British hovercraft designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Gropius House -- Modernist home designed by Walter Gropius in Lincoln, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Ground-glass opacity -- Radiologic sign on radiographs and computed tomography scans
Wikipedia - Grumman C-2 Greyhound -- Twin-engined, high-wing cargo aircraft designed for carrier onboard delivery
Wikipedia - Guardian angel -- Angel assigned to watch over and protect a particular person, group, kingdom, or country
Wikipedia - Guardiao (P511) -- Patrol vessel based on the Damen Stan 5009 design
Wikipedia - Guccio Gucci -- Italian businessman and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Guide book -- Book of information about a place, designed for the use of visitors or tourists
Wikipedia - GUI designer
Wikipedia - Guido Marussig -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Guillotine -- Apparatus designed for carrying out executions by beheading
Wikipedia - GuM-CM-0mundur Sigurjonsson -- Icelandic chess player
Wikipedia - GuM-CM-0mundur SigurM-CM-0sson -- Icelandic weightlifter
Wikipedia - Gunnel Nyman -- Finnish glass artist and designer
Wikipedia - Gunpei Yokoi -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Gunsight Limestone Member -- Graham Formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Gunsight
Wikipedia - Gunsmith -- Person who repairs, modifies, designs, or builds firearms
Wikipedia - Gustave Tassell -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gustavo Cadile -- American/Argentinian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gustavo Chams -- Brazilian - Canadian art director, fashion photographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Gustavus Green -- British engineer and designer of early airplane engines
Wikipedia - Guy Laroche -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Guy of Lusignan -- French Poitevin knight and King of Jerusalem by right of marriage (c.1150-1194) (r.1186-1192)
Wikipedia - GvSIG -- Desktop application for working with geographic data
Wikipedia - Gwen Stefani -- American singer, songwriter, record producer, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Gym -- Building designed and equipped for athletics and fitness
Wikipedia - Gyorgy Kepes -- Hungarian-American artist, designer, art theorist, and art educator
Wikipedia - Gyro gunsight
Wikipedia - Haakon Sigurdsson
Wikipedia - HackTool.Win32.HackAV -- DDfinition from Kaspersky Labs for a program designed to assist hacking
Wikipedia - Haden Blackman -- American writer and video game designer
Wikipedia - Hadi Teherani -- German-Iranian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Hafsah Faizal -- American designer and author
Wikipedia - Hafs ibn Albar -- Visigothic Bible translator
Wikipedia - Ha-ha -- Type of wall; recessed landscape design element
Wikipedia - HAIFA construction -- Design method for cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Hainer Hill -- German scenic designer
Wikipedia - Haiyan Zhang -- Designer and engineer
Wikipedia - Hajime Katoki -- Japanese mechanical designer
Wikipedia - Hajime Tsutsui -- Japanese artist and designer
Wikipedia - Halaula, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Halawa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Halite AI Programming Competition -- contest developed by Two Sigma and Cornell Tech
Wikipedia - Halldor Eggert SigurM-CM-0sson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Halston -- 20th-century American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hamburg Notation System -- Phonetic transcription system for sign languages
Wikipedia - Hampton One-Design -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Hanae Mori -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hana Mae Lee -- Korean-American actress, model, comedian, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Handbell -- Bell designed to be rung by hand
Wikipedia - Handheld PC -- Computer that is significantly smaller than a laptop
Wikipedia - Handley Page Hastings -- British troop-carrier and freight transport aircraft designed and built by the Handley Page Aircraft Company for the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Handrail -- Rail that is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or support
Wikipedia - Hand signals -- Motion used to indicate intention in traffic
Wikipedia - Hank Woon -- American author, game designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hannah Beachler -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Hannah Dreissigacker -- American biathlete
Wikipedia - Hannu Leminen -- Finnish director, set designer and broadcasting executive
Wikipedia - Hans Ehrich -- Swedish industrial designer
Wikipedia - Hans Groop -- Finnish yacht designer
Wikipedia - Hans Jurgen Kiebach -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Hans Ledwinka -- Austrian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Hans Makart -- Austrian academic history painter, designer, and decorator (1840-1884)
Wikipedia - Hans Neuburg -- Swiss art critic and designer
Wikipedia - Hans Neugebauer -- German opera director, designer, and singer
Wikipedia - Hans Peter Aglassinger -- Austrian industrial designer
Wikipedia - Hans Rudi Erdt -- German graphic designer
Wikipedia - Hans Sandreuter -- Swiss artist and designer
Wikipedia - Hans Schmeisser -- German weapons technical designer
Wikipedia - Hans Schmoller -- German-born British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Hans Wocke -- German airplane designer
Wikipedia - Harald Belker -- German automotive/product designer
Wikipedia - Harald Christian Nielsen -- Danish designer
Wikipedia - Haraldur Sigurdsson
Wikipedia - Hardware design
Wikipedia - Hardware interface design
Wikipedia - Hardware-software codesign
Wikipedia - Hardy Amies -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hare coursing -- Competitive activity where greyhounds and other sighthounds pursue hares
Wikipedia - Harikumar Madhavan Nair -- Film sound designer
Wikipedia - Harley Earl -- American designer
Wikipedia - Harm Lagaay -- Dutch automobile designer
Wikipedia - Harold Dennis Taylor -- British optical designer
Wikipedia - Harold Johnson (game designer)
Wikipedia - Harris Insights > Analytics
Wikipedia - Harry Beck -- British technical draftsman and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Harry Bentley Bradley -- American car designer
Wikipedia - Harry Marks (broadcast designer) -- British American broadcast designer
Wikipedia - Harry Miller (auto racing) -- American race car designer and builder
Wikipedia - Harry Taussig -- American academic, artist, and guitarist
Wikipedia - Haruhiko Mikimoto -- Japanese anime character designer, illustrator, and manga artist
Wikipedia - Harvard Graduate School of Design -- Academic department of Harvard University
Wikipedia - Harvey Smith (game designer)
Wikipedia - Hashtag -- Metadata tag used on social networks consisting of a number sign followed by a word or phrase
Wikipedia - Hatchcock's sign -- Clinical sign
Wikipedia - Hatmaking -- Manufacture and design of hats and headwear
Wikipedia - Hato Bus -- Japanese sightseeing bus operator
Wikipedia - HauM-JM-;ula, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Havana syndrome -- Set of medical signs and symptoms experienced by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff, reported in Cuba and China.
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Acres, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Beaches, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Ocean View, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Paradise Park, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in the United States
Wikipedia - Hawai'i Sign Language
Wikipedia - Hawi, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hawkins-class cruiser -- Class of five heavy cruisers of the Royal Navy, designed in 1915
Wikipedia - Hazel Rodney Blackman -- Jamaican American Fashion Designer, Quilter
Wikipedia - Hazy-Sighted Link State Routing Protocol
Wikipedia - HBO Signature (Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television network
Wikipedia - Headland -- A landform extending into a body of water, often with significant height and drop
Wikipedia - Headquarters Support and Signal Battalion (Estonia) -- Estonian military unit
Wikipedia - Head-up display -- Transparent display presenting data within normal sight lines of the user
Wikipedia - Health effects of Bisphenol A -- Controversy centering on concerns about the biomedical significance of bisphenol A (BPA)
Wikipedia - Healthy community design
Wikipedia - Heather Martin (designer) -- British interaction designer
Wikipedia - Heat Signature (video game) -- 2017 action stealth video game
Wikipedia - Heaven's Design Team -- Manga and upcoming anime
Wikipedia - Heaven Tanudiredja -- Indonesian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Heavy equipment -- Vehicles designed for executing construction tasks
Wikipedia - Hedgehog signaling pathway -- Embryonic signaling pathway for proper cell differentiation
Wikipedia - Heidi Blomstedt -- Finnish designer
Wikipedia - Heinkel He 277 -- German strategic bomber design during WW2.
Wikipedia - Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart
Wikipedia - Heinrich Jost -- German typographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Helen B. Taussig
Wikipedia - Helene von Taussig -- Austrian artist
Wikipedia - Helen Grimshaw -- British aeronautical engineer and pioneering G-force-pressure suit designer
Wikipedia - Helen Storey -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Helge Palmcrantz -- Swedish firearms designer
Wikipedia - Helical scan -- Method of recording high-frequency signals on magnetic tape
Wikipedia - Heliconius eratosignis -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Heliport -- Airport designed for helicopter use
Wikipedia - Helle Thorborg -- Danish painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - HeM-JM-;eia, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hendrik Wijdeveld -- Dutch architect and graphic designer (1885-1987)
Wikipedia - Henning Koppel -- Danish designer and sculptor (1918-1981)
Wikipedia - Henny Knoet -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - Henri de Miffonis -- A French civil engineer that designed lighthouses in Canada
Wikipedia - Henri Hamm -- French artist, designer, sculptor (1871-1961)
Wikipedia - Henri-Lucien Cheffer -- French engraver, illustrator, painter, banknote and stamp designer
Wikipedia - Henri Sigfridsson -- Finnish classical pianist
Wikipedia - Henry Atkins (designer) -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Henry Cole -- English design advocate (1808-1882)
Wikipedia - Henry Dreyfuss -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Henry Dunay -- American goldsmith and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Henry Herbert Collier -- British motorcycle designer
Wikipedia - Henry Hoare -- British banker, politician, and garden designer, died 1785
Wikipedia - Henry Holland (fashion designer) -- English fashion designer, businessman, and blogger
Wikipedia - Henryk Tomaszewski (poster artist) -- Polish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Henry Steiner -- Austrian logo designer
Wikipedia - Henry Wolf -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Heraldic badges of the Royal Air Force -- Insignia of certain groups and branches within the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Herbert Alexandrovich Yefremov -- Russian weapons designer
Wikipedia - Herbert Bayer -- Austrian-American artist, architect, and designer
Wikipedia - Herbert Niebling -- Designer of lace knitting patterns (b. 1903, d. 1966)
Wikipedia - Herbert Schmeck -- American roller coaster designer
Wikipedia - Herbert Strabel -- German production designer
Wikipedia - Herb Lubalin -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Here We Go Again (Sigma song) -- 2019 song by Sigma featuring Louisa
Wikipedia - Herman A. Blumenthal -- American art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Herman F. Zimmerman -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Hermann Thomaschek -- German opera siger
Wikipedia - Hermann Tilke -- Engineer, racing driver and F1 circuit designer
Wikipedia - Hermitage of Santa Maria de Lara -- Visigothic church near Burgos, Spain
Wikipedia - Hernando, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Hernan Pico Ribera -- Spanish painter, poster designer, and visual artist
Wikipedia - Herve L. Leroux -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Herve Pierre -- French-American fashion and costume designer
Wikipedia - Hester Sigerson Piatt -- Irish writer
Wikipedia - Heterodyne -- Signal processing technique
Wikipedia - Hex sign -- Pennsylvania Dutch folk art symbol
Wikipedia - Hickam Housing, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hickory Signals -- English folk music duo
Wikipedia - Hideo Kojima -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Hierarchical modulation -- Signal processing technique for multiplexing/modulating multiple data streams into one stream, where base- and enhancement-layer symbols are synchronously overplayed before transmission; used in digital TV broadcast for graceful degradation
Wikipedia - Hieroglyph -- Pictographic sign
Wikipedia - High-heeled shoe -- Footwear that raises the heel of the wearer's foot significantly higher than the toes
Wikipedia - High-level design
Wikipedia - High-pass filter -- Filter that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency, and attenuates signals with lower frequencies
Wikipedia - High-speed rail -- Significantly faster advanced rail transport and infrastructure systems
Wikipedia - Highway shield -- Sign denoting the route number of a highway
Wikipedia - Hilary Farr -- British-Canadian designer, businesswoman, television host and actress
Wikipedia - Hilda Lyon -- British aeronautical engineer and airship designer
Wikipedia - Hiller X-18 -- Experimental cargo transport aircraft designed to be the first testbed for tiltwing and V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) technology
Wikipedia - Hill House, Helensburgh -- Home in Helensburgh, Scotland designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Wikipedia - Hilo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Hilversum Town Hall -- town hall in the Netherlands famous for its modernist design
Wikipedia - Hindsight bias -- Tendency to perceive past events as more predictable than they actually were at the time
Wikipedia - Hindsight (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - HIPO model -- Systems analysis design aid
Wikipedia - Hippo signaling pathway -- Signaling pathway that controls organ size
Wikipedia - Hirofumi Suga (Japanese garden designer) -- Japanese garden designer
Wikipedia - Hiroji Kiyotake -- Japanese game designer
Wikipedia - Hiroyuki Owaku -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Historical significance -- Historiographical concept
Wikipedia - Historic Cemeteries of New Orleans -- Historically significant cemeteries
Wikipedia - Historic counties of England -- Geographical designations for areas of England, based on historical traditions
Wikipedia - Historic preservation -- Preservation of items of historical significance
Wikipedia - History of aviation -- History of the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft
Wikipedia - History of CAD software -- Computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - History of fashion design -- History of fashion houses and designers
Wikipedia - History of graphic design
Wikipedia - Hit Different -- 2020 single by SZA featuring Ty Dolla Sign
Wikipedia - HMS A1 -- The Royal Navy's first British-designed submarine
Wikipedia - HNTB -- American infrastructure design firm
Wikipedia - Hockett's design features
Wikipedia - Hodgkin-Huxley model -- Describes how neurons transmit electric signals
Wikipedia - Hoefler & Co. -- Type foundry in New York City, founded and run by type designer Jonathan Hoefler
Wikipedia - Hoffmann's sign
Wikipedia - HOK (firm) -- American design, architecture, engineering and planning firm
Wikipedia - Hokkoku Goshiki-zumi -- Series of five ukiyo-e prints designed by the Japanese artist Utamaro
Wikipedia - Hollywood Sign -- Sign reading "HOLLYWOOD" located in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Holocaust Wall Hangings -- fabric designs by Judith Weinshall Liberman
Wikipedia - Holographic will -- Handwritten and signed will and testament
Wikipedia - Holualoa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Holy Family (Signorelli) -- C. 1490 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Holy grail (web design)
Wikipedia - HomePod -- Smart speaker designed by Apple inc
Wikipedia - Homes & Gardens -- Monthly interior design and garden design magazine
Wikipedia - Homosassa, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Homosassa Springs, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Honalo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Honokaa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Honomu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Hoof boot -- Device designed to cover and protect a horse's hoof
Wikipedia - Hook echo -- Weather radar signature indicating tornadic circulation in a supercell thunderstorm
Wikipedia - Hope Mwesigye -- Ugandan lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Horse (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Hostile architecture -- public-space design to discourage crime or unintended uses
Wikipedia - Hostname -- Label that is assigned to a device connected to a computer network
Wikipedia - Hot 92 -- Broadcast call sign disambiguation page
Wikipedia - HOTAS -- Man-machine interface concept for cockpit design
Wikipedia - Hotel design
Wikipedia - Hotel Room -- 1993 American television film directed by James Signorelli David Lynch
Wikipedia - Hot Girl Summer -- 2019 single by Megan Thee Stallion featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign
Wikipedia - Hot racking -- Practice of assigning more than one person to a sleeping space over a shift rotation
Wikipedia - House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Wikipedia - Howard Ensign Evans
Wikipedia - Howard Ensign Simmons Jr.
Wikipedia - Howard H. Aiken -- Pioneer in computing, original conceptual designer behind IBM's Harvard Mark I computer
Wikipedia - Howard Shoup -- Costume designer
Wikipedia - Howell Binkley -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - How to Design Programs -- Book by Matthias Felleisen
Wikipedia - Hrefna Sigurjonsdottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - H. R. Giger -- Swiss surrealist painter, sculptor, set designer
Wikipedia - Hualong One -- Chinese nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Hubert de Givenchy -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hugh Syme -- Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Hugh Vanstone -- British lighting designer
Wikipedia - Hugh VII of Lusignan
Wikipedia - Hugh XI of Lusignan
Wikipedia - Hugh X of Lusignan
Wikipedia - Hugo Schmeisser -- German firearm designer
Wikipedia - Hugues Bousiges -- French civil servant
Wikipedia - Human-centered design -- Approach to design that considers human needs at every step of development
Wikipedia - Human factors and ergonomics -- Application of psychological and physiological principles to engineering and design
Wikipedia - Human factors in diving equipment design
Wikipedia - Human Factors in Engineering and Design -- Engineering textbook
Wikipedia - Humberto Leon -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Humilis of Bisignano -- Christian saint
Wikipedia - Humphry Repton -- British landscape designer
Wikipedia - Hum Tum (album) -- 1995 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Hunter Bell (designer) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Huntington-Hill method -- Method of assigning legislative seats
Wikipedia - Huntington Station, New York -- Hamlet and census-designated place in Suffolk County, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Huoshaoyun -- Mountain in Xinjiang with significant lead-zinc deposit
Wikipedia - Hussain Almossawi -- Designer
Wikipedia - Hussein Chalayan -- Turkish Cypriot/British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hyblaea canisigna -- Moth species in family Hyblaeidae
Wikipedia - Hyphen Press -- London publisher of books on design and typography
Wikipedia - Hysteric Glamour -- A Japanese designer label
Wikipedia - Ian Callum -- British car designer
Wikipedia - Ian Thomas (dressmaker) -- British dress designer
Wikipedia - IAU designated constellations by area -- List of constellations by area
Wikipedia - IAU designated constellations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - IBM 3800 -- Continuous forms laser printer designed and manufactured by IBM
Wikipedia - IBM 9020 -- Model of IBM mainframe specially designed for use in air traffic control
Wikipedia - Ice class -- A notation assigned by a classification society or a national authority to denote the additional level of strengthening and other arrangements that enable a ship to navigate through sea ice
Wikipedia - Icelandic Museum of Design and Applied Art -- An art museum in GarM-CM-0abM-CM-&r, Iceland
Wikipedia - Icon design
Wikipedia - Idalija BM-DM-^WM-DM-^MienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian interior designer and architect
Wikipedia - Ida Random -- American production designer
Wikipedia - IDC School of Design -- Design Schools in Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Idiot-proof -- Designed to be proof against misuse or error
Wikipedia - IEEE 1164 -- IEEE standard that defines logic values used in electronic design
Wikipedia - IEEE 802.11j-2004 -- IEEE 802.11 variation designed specially for Japanese market
Wikipedia - IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation
Wikipedia - IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
Wikipedia - IEEE Signal Processing Society
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Wikipedia - IF product design award
Wikipedia - Ignazio Gardella -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - IIT Institute of Design
Wikipedia - Ikar v'tafel -- Principle in Jewish law that governs the proper blessing that is assigned to any particular food prior to consumption
Wikipedia - Ilaria Venturini Fendi -- Italian fashion designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Ilse Crawford -- British designer
Wikipedia - Ilse Fehling -- German costume designer
Wikipedia - Il suffira d'un signe -- 1981 song by Jean-Jacques Goldman
Wikipedia - Ilya Oskolkov-Tsentsiper -- Russian social designer and entrepreneur (born 1967)
Wikipedia - IMac G4 -- All-in-one personal computer designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Computer, Inc.
Wikipedia - IMac Pro -- All-in-one desktop computer designed and built by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Image processor -- Specialized digital signal processor used for image processing
Wikipedia - Image sensor -- Device that converts an optical image into an electronic signal
Wikipedia - Immersive design
Wikipedia - Imperial (board game) -- Board game designed by Mac Gerdts
Wikipedia - Imran Chaudhri -- British-American designer and inventor
Wikipedia - Incentive-centered design -- Incentive-centered design is the science of designing a system
Wikipedia - Inclusive design
Wikipedia - Indentation (typesetting) -- Empty space at the beginning of a line to signal the start of a new paragraph
Wikipedia - Independent National Security Legislation Monitor -- Independent oversight body of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority -- UK Parliament expenses oversight body
Wikipedia - Independent Police Complaints Council -- Hong Kong police oversight body
Wikipedia - Indexicality -- Phenomenon of a sign pointing to (or indexing) some object in the context in which it occurs
Wikipedia - India Ferrah -- American drag queen and costume designer
Wikipedia - Indie design
Wikipedia - Industrial Designers Society of America -- Industry non-profit
Wikipedia - Industrial designer
Wikipedia - Industrial design rights in the European Union
Wikipedia - Industrial design right
Wikipedia - Industrial design
Wikipedia - Industrial plasticine -- A modeling material which is mainly used by automotive design studios
Wikipedia - Ineke Hans -- Dutch industrial designer
Wikipedia - Inequality by Design
Wikipedia - Infinity pool -- A pool designed to seem as if it has no edges
Wikipedia - Inflicted insight
Wikipedia - Information design -- Communication and graphic design
Wikipedia - Information Security Oversight Office
Wikipedia - Inger, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Ingo Maurer -- German Industrial designer
Wikipedia - Ingvar Eggert SigurM-CM-0sson -- Icelandic film actor
Wikipedia - Initiative -- Means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote
Wikipedia - Injured reserve list -- Designation used in professional sports leagues for athletes who become injured and temporarily unable to play
Wikipedia - Inkjet paper -- Paper designed for use with inkjet printers
Wikipedia - Innovation (signal processing)
Wikipedia - Insertion loss -- loss of signal transmission power when devices are connected to a transmission line
Wikipedia - Insight (Australian TV program) -- Australian TV series
Wikipedia - Insight Investment -- British asset management company
Wikipedia - Insight learning
Wikipedia - Insight-oriented psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Insight Partners -- American investment manager
Wikipedia - Insight phenomenology
Wikipedia - Insight Productions -- Canadian production company
Wikipedia - Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Wikipedia - Insight (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - InSight -- Mars lander, arrived November 2018
Wikipedia - Insight -- Understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context
Wikipedia - Insignia Systems, Inc. -- American advertising company
Wikipedia - Insignia -- Sign of state, corporative or religious dignity, usually for power and honor
Wikipedia - Instructional designer
Wikipedia - Instructional design -- Process for design and development of learning resources
Wikipedia - Insulin signal transduction pathway -- Human biochemical pathway
Wikipedia - Intangible cultural heritage -- Class of UNESCO designated cultural heritage
Wikipedia - Intangible Cultural Property (South Korea) -- Traditions and customs in Korea designated for official preservation
Wikipedia - Integral sign
Wikipedia - Integrated circuit design
Wikipedia - Integrated circuit layout design protection
Wikipedia - Integrated Design Associates -- Hong Kong architectural firm
Wikipedia - Integrated design
Wikipedia - Integrated topside design
Wikipedia - Intelligence-based design
Wikipedia - Intelligent Design (book) -- 1999 book by William Dembski
Wikipedia - Intelligent designer -- Hypothetical willed and self-aware entity that the intelligent design movement argues had some role in the origin and/or development of life
Wikipedia - Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers -- RaM-CM-+lism book
Wikipedia - Intelligent Design
Wikipedia - Intelligent design -- A pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God
Wikipedia - Intelligent falling -- A parody of intelligent design
Wikipedia - Interaction design pattern
Wikipedia - Interaction design
Wikipedia - Intercity bus service -- Public transport service using coaches to carry passengers significant distances between locations
Wikipedia - Interested Parties Information -- Unique identifying number assigned to each Interested Party in collective rights management
Wikipedia - Interface design
Wikipedia - Interference (communication) -- Anything which modifies, or disrupts a communication signal
Wikipedia - Interferon -- Signaling proteins released by host cells in response to the presence of pathogens
Wikipedia - Inter Insigniores
Wikipedia - Interior Designers Association of Nigeria -- Interior Designers in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Interior Design (magazine) -- American interior design magazine
Wikipedia - Interior design magazine -- Type of magazine
Wikipedia - Interior design psychology
Wikipedia - Interior design
Wikipedia - Interleukin -- Group of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells
Wikipedia - Interlocking machine room -- Component of the London Underground signalling system
Wikipedia - Interlocking -- Arrangement of railway signal apparatus
Wikipedia - International Code of Signals -- Maritime communication method
Wikipedia - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Wikipedia - International Conference on Computer-Aided Design
Wikipedia - International Council of Design -- International organisation
Wikipedia - International Designator -- Alphanumerical designation used to identify spacecraft in or beyond Earth orbit launched since 1962
Wikipedia - International Design School -- Higher education institution based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - International Forum Design
Wikipedia - International human rights law -- Body of international law designed to promote human rights
Wikipedia - International maritime signal flags -- Flag used to communicate something about the ship flying it from a distance
Wikipedia - International Press Institute World Press Freedom Heroes -- Individuals who have been recognized by the Vienna-based International Press Institute for "significant contributions to the maintenance of press freedom and freedom of expression
Wikipedia - International Sign
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Physical Design
Wikipedia - International Typographic Style -- 20th century European graphic design style
Wikipedia - International Year of Planet Earth -- International year designated by the United Nations
Wikipedia - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Wikipedia - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Wikipedia - Interpretation (logic) -- Assignment of meaning to the symbols of a formal language
Wikipedia - Interrogationes Sigewulfi
Wikipedia - Interrupt request (PC architecture) -- Hardware signal sent to a processor to interrupt a running program and handle input
Wikipedia - Interscript -- Rich text document markup language designed by Xerox
Wikipedia - Interstate 296 -- Unsigned Interstate Highway in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 345 -- Unsigned highway in Texas
Wikipedia - Intransigent Party -- Left wing political party in Argentina
Wikipedia - Intrinsic semiconductor -- Pure semiconductor without any significant dopant species present
Wikipedia - Inuit Sign Language -- Indigenous sign language isloate
Wikipedia - Invacar -- Small single-seater vehicle designed for use by disabled drivers
Wikipedia - Inverness Highlands North, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Inverness Highlands South, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Ioana Ciolacu -- Romanian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Iota Sigma Pi -- American honor society for women in chemistry
Wikipedia - IPad (1st generation) -- The line of tablet computers designed by Apple, Inc.
Wikipedia - IP address management -- Methodology implemented in computer software for planning and managing assignment and use of IP addresses and closely related resources of a computer network
Wikipedia - IPhone -- Line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - IPHWR-700 -- Indian nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Ira Schnapp -- Austrian-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Irene Galitzine -- Russian-Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Iris Apfel -- American interior designer and fashion icon
Wikipedia - Irisbus Agora -- Low-floor bus designed and built by Renault
Wikipedia - Irish Fiscal Advisory Council -- Oversight of Irish State budget
Wikipedia - Iris van Herpen -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Irma Sluis -- Dutch sign language interpreter
Wikipedia - Iron Crown of Lombardy -- Italian reliquary and royal insignia
Wikipedia - Iroquois Point, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Irreducible complexity -- Argument by proponents of intelligent design that certain biological systems are too complex to have evolved
Wikipedia - Isaac Broid Zajman -- Mexican architect and designer
Wikipedia - Isabel Marant -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Isamu Kenmochi -- Japanese industrial designer
Wikipedia - Isao Hosoe -- Japanese engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Isis King -- American model, actress, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - ISO 9362 -- ISO standard defining Business Identifier Codes assigned by SWIFT
Wikipedia - Isoken Ogiemwonyi -- Nigerian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Israel Defense Forces insignia -- Uniforms and insignia of the Israel Defense Forces
Wikipedia - Israeli Sign Language
Wikipedia - Issey Miyake -- Japanese fashion designer (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Issigbach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Italdesign Zerouno -- Limited production sports car manufactured by Italdesign Giugiaro
Wikipedia - Italian design
Wikipedia - Italian Greyhound -- Italian breed of sighthound
Wikipedia - Italian Union of Blind and Partially Sighted People -- Italian advocacy organization for the visually impaired
Wikipedia - Italic type -- Font style characterised by cursive typeface and slanted design
Wikipedia - Item response theory -- Paradigm for the design, analysis, and scoring of tests
Wikipedia - Iterative design
Wikipedia - Iti Tyagi -- Indian designer
Wikipedia - Ituen Basi -- Nigerian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ivano Lussignoli -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ivor Arbiter -- British drum designer (b. 1929, d. 2005)
Wikipedia - Iwan Tirta -- Indonesian fashion designer
Wikipedia - J002E3 -- Designation of supposed asteroid that is actually the S-IVB third stage of the Apollo 12 Saturn V rocket
Wikipedia - Jaap Drupsteen -- Dutch graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jabiyah -- Town of political and military significance in the 6th-8th centuries
Wikipedia - Jack Emmert -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Jack Hall (architect) -- American architect and designer
Wikipedia - Jacki -- Indian film Production Designer
Wikipedia - Jack Lenor Larsen -- American textile designer
Wikipedia - Jack Northrop -- Aircraft industrialist and designer, founder of Northrop Corporation
Wikipedia - Jacob & Co -- Privately held jewelry and wristwatch retailer, founded in 1986 by diamond designer Jacob Arabo
Wikipedia - Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen -- Dutch painter and designer of woodcuts
Wikipedia - Jacob Sigismund Beck
Wikipedia - Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation
Wikipedia - Jacob Smith Jarmann -- Norwegian firearms designer and inventor
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Durran -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Quinn -- 20th and 21st-century Irish fashion designer and consultant
Wikipedia - Jacques Adnet -- Designer, architect and interior designer
Wikipedia - Jacques Heim -- 20th-century French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jacques Jarrige -- French sculptor and designer
Wikipedia - Jacques Marsigny -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Jacques Schmidt -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Jacques Sigurd -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jagna Janicka -- Polish film and stage costume and scene designer
Wikipedia - Jaime Levy -- American interface designer and user experience strategists
Wikipedia - Jake Allston -- American sound designer
Wikipedia - Jake Barton -- American museum designer
Wikipedia - Jakobina SigurM-CM-0ardottir -- Icelandic writer
Wikipedia - Jakob Sigismund Beck
Wikipedia - Jale Sigarara -- Fijian politician
Wikipedia - Jama masjid -- A type of mosque designated for Friday noon prayers
Wikipedia - James Acheson -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - James Ayscough -- English optician and designer and maker of scientific instruments
Wikipedia - James Bullough Lansing -- Loudspeaker designer, audio company founder
Wikipedia - James Carpenter (architect) -- American light artist and designer
Wikipedia - James D. Bissell -- American production designer
Wikipedia - James Dyson -- British inventor, industrial designer and founder of the Dyson company
Wikipedia - James Ernest -- American game designer and juggler
Wikipedia - James Faerron -- American set designer
Wikipedia - James Heisig
Wikipedia - James Mejia -- Canadian artist and designer
Wikipedia - James Nuckolls -- American lighting designer, author and educator
Wikipedia - James Portnow -- Writer, game designer and consultant
Wikipedia - James Thompson (designer) -- Northern Irish inventor
Wikipedia - James Treble -- Australian interior designer (born 1969)
Wikipedia - James W. Heisig
Wikipedia - James Wong (ethnobotanist) -- British ethnobotanist, garden designer and television presenter
Wikipedia - James Wyatt (game designer)
Wikipedia - JamFactory -- Design studios in Adelaide with galleries, shops and training facilities
Wikipedia - Jamie Bennett (artist) -- American jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Jamie Chambers -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Jamie Hewlett -- English comic book artist, designer, and director
Wikipedia - Jamie-Lynn Sigler -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Jan des Bouvrie -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - J. Andrew Keith -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Jane Jensen -- American video game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jan FiM-EM-!er -- Czech architect, designer and university professor
Wikipedia - Jan MlodoM-EM- -- Polish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jan van Toorn -- Dutch graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jan V. White -- Czech-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jany Temime -- French-Dutch costume designer
Wikipedia - Japanese Surrendered Personnel -- Designation for captive Japanese soldiers after World War II
Wikipedia - Jaraganahalli Lake -- Lake on Kanakapura main road near Sarakki Signal (Metro pillar No. 75 to 90)
Wikipedia - Jared Morgenstern -- American designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jaroslav Otruba -- Czech architect, urban planner, designer and artist (1916-2007)
Wikipedia - Jasmina Holbus -- Serbian interior designer and poet
Wikipedia - Jasmine Guinness -- Irish model, designer and Guinness heiress
Wikipedia - Jason Castriota -- American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Jason Kottke -- American blogger and designer
Wikipedia - Jason Rohrer -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Jasper Conran -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jasper Morrison -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Javelin -- Type of light spear designed to be thrown by hand
Wikipedia - Jayanthi Ballal -- Indian fashion entrepreneur and designer
Wikipedia - Jay Sigel -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jazz (design) -- 1990s design featured on disposable cups
Wikipedia - Jean Blashfield Black -- American game designer and author
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Suares -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jean Cocteau -- French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Jean de Lattre de Tassigny -- French general
Wikipedia - Jean Muir -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jeanne Lanvin -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jeanne Paquin -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jean Patou -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jean Paul Gaultier -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Dorleac -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Kohut-Svelko -- Production designer, Art director
Wikipedia - Jean-Ralph Thurin -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jeff Clark (designer) -- American poet and book designer
Wikipedia - Jeff Daly -- Architect, museum gallery and exhibition designer
Wikipedia - Jeff Dee -- American artist and game designer
Wikipedia - Jefferson Wood -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jeffery Keedy -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jeff Minter -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Jeffree Star -- American singer-songwriter, make-up artist, fashion designer, internet personality and model
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Anderson (game designer) -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Banks -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Beecroft -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Zeldman -- American entrepreneur and web designer
Wikipedia - Jelani Aliyu -- Nigerian automotive designer
Wikipedia - Jen Beeman -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jennifer Kinon -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jennifer Morla -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jennifer Tipton -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Jenny Gordy -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jenny Kee -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jenny Polanco -- Dominican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jenova Chen -- Chinese video game designer
Wikipedia - Jen Simmons -- Web designer and developer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Hackett -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jerome and Evelyn Ackerman -- American designers
Wikipedia - Jerome Snyder -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jerry Slack -- American golf course designer
Wikipedia - Jesper Kyd -- Danish composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Jessalyn Gilsig -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Jesse Hernandez (artist) -- American tattoo artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jessica Rich (designer) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jessica Weber -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jewellery design -- Art of designing and creating jewellery
Wikipedia - Jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Jewelry design
Wikipedia - Ji Cheng (Ming dynasty) -- Chinese garden designer
Wikipedia - Jim Bambra -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Jim Beesigye Owoyesigire -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Jimmy Choo -- Malaysian Chinese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jim Rimmer -- Canadian graphic designer and letterpress printer (1934-2010)
Wikipedia - Jim Roslof -- American artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jim Ward (game designer)
Wikipedia - JIS semiconductor designation
Wikipedia - JIS tube designation
Wikipedia - Janis Strupulis -- Latvian sculptor and graphical designer
Wikipedia - J. Michael Riva -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Joanna (typeface) -- Typeface designed by Eric Gill
Wikipedia - Joao Signorini -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Joao Zeferino da Costa -- Brazilian painter and designer
Wikipedia - Job design
Wikipedia - Jocelyn Rickards -- Australian artist and costume designer
Wikipedia - Joe Allen Hong -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Joe Bailon -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Joe Casely-Hayford -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Joe Fitzgerald (coin designer) -- American artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Joe Fugate -- Author and game designer
Wikipedia - Joel Billings -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Joe Saba -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Johanna Grawunder -- American architect and designer
Wikipedia - Johanna SigurM-CM-0ardottir -- 20th and 21st-century Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Johannes Boesiger -- Swiss/German scriptwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Johannes Itten -- Swiss painter, designer, and art educator
Wikipedia - Johann Sigismund Kusser -- Baroque composer active in Germany, France, and Ireland
Wikipedia - Johann Sigismund Morl -- German theologian
Wikipedia - Johan Sigismund von Mosting -- Danish banker and politician
Wikipedia - Johan Sigurd Karlsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - John Allison (special effects designer) -- American special effects designer
Wikipedia - John Arnone -- American set designer
Wikipedia - John Astin Perkins -- Architect and interior designer (1907-1999)
Wikipedia - John Bright (costume designer) -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - John Browning -- American firearms designer
Wikipedia - John B. Smeraldi -- Italian-American muralist and furniture and interior designer
Wikipedia - John Crosthwaite -- English race car designer and engineer
Wikipedia - John Cushnie -- British landscape designer, author, journalist, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Donald (jewellery designer) -- British jeweller - designer
Wikipedia - John Ensign -- Former United States Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - John Fluevog -- Canadian fashion designer
Wikipedia - John Gall (designer) -- Graphic designer
Wikipedia - John Garand -- American firearm designer
Wikipedia - John Graysmark -- British production designer
Wikipedia - John Harshman -- Game designer
Wikipedia - John Lee Beatty -- American scenic designer
Wikipedia - John Lloyd (graphic designer) -- British graphic designer, born 1944
Wikipedia - Johnny Dodd -- Lighting designer
Wikipedia - John O'Neill (video game designer) -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - John Pawson -- British architectural designer
Wikipedia - John Pedersen (arms designer) -- American firearms designer
Wikipedia - John Pinkerton (computer designer)
Wikipedia - John Resig -- American software engineer and creator of jQuery
Wikipedia - John Richardson (special effects designer) -- British special effects supervisor
Wikipedia - John Rocha -- Macanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - John Romero -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - John S. Bowen (sound designer) -- American sound designer
Wikipedia - John S. Detlie -- American art director and set designer
Wikipedia - John Shaw Billings -- Librarian, building designer and surgeon
Wikipedia - John Sigismund Unitarian Academy
Wikipedia - John Siguria -- Papua New Guinean athlete
Wikipedia - John Tobias -- American artist and video game designer
Wikipedia - John Truscott -- Production designer
Wikipedia - John Varvatos -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Joint Assault Signal Company (JASCO) -- Joint service unit in the United States armed forces
Wikipedia - Joint Electronics Type Designation System -- Unclassified designator for United States military electronic equipment
Wikipedia - Joint Requirements Oversight Council
Wikipedia - Jolene Yazzie -- Navajo graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jole Veneziani -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jonas Boesiger -- Swiss snowboarder
Wikipedia - Jonas SigurM-CM-0sson -- Icelandic singer
Wikipedia - Jonatan Soderstrom -- Swedish video game designer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Blow -- American game designer (Braid, The Witness) and programmer (Jai language)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Hoefler -- American typeface designer
Wikipedia - Jon Bannenberg -- Australian yacht designer
Wikipedia - Jon Buscemi -- Italian-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jon Crossland -- British designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jon Drezner -- American architect and designer
Wikipedia - Jon Ekstrand -- Swedish composer and film sound designer
Wikipedia - Jon Freeman (game designer)
Wikipedia - Jon Hare -- English computer game designer
Wikipedia - Jon Hicks (designer) -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Jon SigurM-CM-0sson (politician, born 1946) -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Jony Ive -- English designer
Wikipedia - Jordan Weisman -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Jorge Consiglio -- Argentine poet, novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Jos Buivenga -- Dutch typeface designer
Wikipedia - Josef Ekberg -- Swedish designer
Wikipedia - Josefin M-CM-^Esberg -- Swedish art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Joseph Altuzarra -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Joseph Bartholomew (golf course designer) -- American golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - Joseph C. Panjikaran -- Indian Catholic monsignor, historian, theologian and journalist (1888-1949)
Wikipedia - Joseph-Martin Cabirol -- French engineer and designer of diving equipment
Wikipedia - Josephus Thimister -- Belgian interior designer
Wikipedia - Josh Mosqueira -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Jotaro Saito -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jotham Tumwesigye -- Ugandan Supreme Court Justice
Wikipedia - Joyce Ababio -- Ghanaian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Joyce Wang -- Interior designer
Wikipedia - Joyce Weisbecker -- American engineer and early video game designer
Wikipedia - JQuery -- JavaScript library created by John Resig in 2006
Wikipedia - JSONM-bM-^FM-^RURL -- Text-based data interchange format designed for use in a URL query string
Wikipedia - JSON -- Text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange
Wikipedia - J. Todd Coleman -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Juan Ignacio Baixas Figueras -- Chilean architect and designer
Wikipedia - Juan Kouyoumdjian -- Argentine yacht designer
Wikipedia - Juan Montoya (interior designer) -- Colombian-born American archtitect and interior designer
Wikipedia - Judy Dearing -- American designer
Wikipedia - Judy Moorcroft -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - Jules De Bruycker -- Belgian artist, graphic designer and painter
Wikipedia - Jules Fisher -- American lighting designer and producer
Wikipedia - Julia Martin -- American game designer and editor
Wikipedia - Julia Sigmond -- Hungarian-Romanian puppet actor, Esperanto writer and editor
Wikipedia - Julia Trevelyan Oman -- set designer
Wikipedia - Julie de Libran -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Julie Skarland -- Norwegian artist and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Juli Grbac -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jump bidding -- Auction signalling strategy using seemingly irrational bids
Wikipedia - Jun Ashida -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - June Kirby -- American actress and costume designer
Wikipedia - Jun Takahashi -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Junya Watanabe -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Juste-Aurele Meissonnier -- French goldsmith, sculptor, painter, architect, and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Justina Blakeney -- American designer and author
Wikipedia - Justus Oehler -- German graphic designer
Wikipedia - Kabura-ya (Japanese signal arrow)
Wikipedia - KahaluM-JM-;u, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in HawaiM-JM-;i, United States
Wikipedia - KahaluM-JM-;u-Keauhou, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kahuku, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kaila Methven -- American fashion and lingerie designer
Wikipedia - Kailua, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kailua-Kona, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kalaeloa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kalani Hilliker -- American dancer, actress, model, fashion designer and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Kalaoa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kali Nikitas -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - KaM-EM-^M -- Stylized signature used in parts of Asia
Wikipedia - Kamiar Rokni -- Pakistani fashion designer
Wikipedia - KaM-JM-;aM-JM-;awa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in the United States
Wikipedia - Kaneohe, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kankoh-maru -- Japanese orbital vehicle design
Wikipedia - Kansai Yamamoto -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kapolei, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Kappa Sigma
Wikipedia - Karachi Agreement -- Agreement signed by India and Pakistan in 1949, supervised by the UN Commission for India and Pakistan, establishing a ceasefire line in Kashmir following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947, which has been monitored by UN observers since then
Wikipedia - Karel Willemen -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - Karen Chekerdjian -- Lebanese-Armenian designer and artist
Wikipedia - Karen Strand -- Danish jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Karen Walker (designer) -- New Zealand fashion designer
Wikipedia - Karim Rashid -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Karin Erskine -- Swedish costume designer
Wikipedia - Karl Davis -- African-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Karl Lagerfeld -- German creative director, fashion designer, artist, photographer, and caricaturist
Wikipedia - Karl Sigmund
Wikipedia - Karl Sigurbjornsson -- Icelandic prelate
Wikipedia - Karl von Appen -- German stage designer/member:Association of Revolutionary Visual Artists.
Wikipedia - Karsten Solheim -- golf club designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Kart circuit -- Race track designed for kart racing
Wikipedia - Katalin zu Windisch-Graetz -- Hungarian designer
Wikipedia - Kate and Laura Mulleavy -- American fashion designers
Wikipedia - Kate Spade New York -- American fashion design house
Wikipedia - Katherine McCoy -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Kathleen Ankers -- American scenic designer
Wikipedia - Kathleen Dillon -- British dancer and theatre designer
Wikipedia - Kathleen Le Rossignol -- British diver
Wikipedia - Kathryn Aalto -- American landscape designer
Wikipedia - Kati Zsigone -- Female Hungarian fine artist
Wikipedia - Katja K -- Danish pornographic actress, actress, singer and fashion designer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Katja Pettersson -- Swedish designer
Wikipedia - Katrin Lea Tag -- German costume and scenic designer
Wikipedia - Katsuyoshi Yatabe -- Japanese screenwriter, anime director and sound designer
Wikipedia - Kavimani Desigavinayagam Pillai -- Indian writer
Wikipedia - Kawela Bay, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - KBSD-DT -- CBS affiliate in Ensign-Dodge City, Kansas
Wikipedia - Keaau, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kealakekua, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kedar Sigdel -- Nepali politician
Wikipedia - Keith Baker (game designer)
Wikipedia - Keith Wilson (production designer) -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Kellee Santiago -- Venezuelan American video game designer and producer
Wikipedia - Kelly Bailey (composer) -- Composer, musician, game designer, sound designer, conceptual artist, and programmer
Wikipedia - Kelly Osbourne -- English actress, singer, model and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kelton Flinn -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Ken Adam -- British designer
Wikipedia - Ken Billington -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Kenichi Sonoda -- Manga artist and animation character designer
Wikipedia - Kenji Eno -- Video game composer and designer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Barden -- British architect, mural designer and painter
Wikipedia - Kenneth Brown (interior designer) -- American interior designer and decorator
Wikipedia - Kenneth Cobonpue -- Filipino industrial designer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Segal -- Israeli Industrial designer
Wikipedia - KenzM-EM-^M Takada -- Japanese-French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kerala State Institute of Design -- Design school, located in Kollam, Kerala
Wikipedia - Kermit Love -- American designer
Wikipedia - Kernig's sign
Wikipedia - Keti Chkhikvadze -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kevin Adams -- American theater lighting designer
Wikipedia - Kevin Gillespie (Monsignor) -- Irish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Kevin Reagan -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Keyline design
Wikipedia - Keysight -- American technology company
Wikipedia - Key signature -- Set of musical alterations
Wikipedia - Keystone Pronto -- 1920s US mail plane design
Wikipedia - Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi (fashion designer) -- Emirati fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kia Asamiya -- Japanese character designer and manga artist
Wikipedia - Kidada Jones -- Actress, model, fashion designer, wardrobe stylist
Wikipedia - Kid Pix -- Bitmap drawing program designed for children
Wikipedia - Kim Sigler -- American politician
Wikipedia - Kim Swift -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Kipsigis language -- Kenyan language
Wikipedia - Kitchen stove -- Kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food
Wikipedia - Kitty Black Perkins -- Toy fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kitty MacCormack -- Irish designer and owner of the Dun Emer Guild
Wikipedia - Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- U.S. court case about public school teaching of intelligent design creationism
Wikipedia - Kizza Besigye -- Ugandan politician
Wikipedia - Knud Holscher -- Danish architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Koji Igarashi -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Konstantin Kalinin -- World War I aviator and Soviet aircraft designer (1889-1938/1940)
Wikipedia - Ko Olina Resort -- Census-designated place in the United States
Wikipedia - Korean Sign Language -- Deaf sign language
Wikipedia - Korosh Ghazimorad -- Graphic designer
Wikipedia - Koshino Shu*Kura -- Sightseeing train in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Kotaro Hayashida -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Kreishauptmannschaft -- Designation for an administrative territorial entity
Wikipedia - Kris Burm -- Belgian game designer
Wikipedia - Kristine Crabb -- New Zealand fashion designer and artist
Wikipedia - Kristin Sigurdsdatter
Wikipedia - Kruttika Susarla -- Indian comic book writer, illustrator and graphics designer
Wikipedia - KSIG (AM) -- Radio station in Crowley, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Kubutz and Shuruk -- Hebrew signs respectively representing a short and long u
Wikipedia - Kukuihaele, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kumamoto -- Designated city in Kyushu, Japan
Wikipedia - Kunibert Randewig -- German Signals officer before and during World War II
Wikipedia - Kurtistown, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Kyle Cooper -- American designer
Wikipedia - L 20e M-NM-1-class battleship -- Kaiserliche Marine battleship design, 1917
Wikipedia - La Bastide-de-Bousignac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Laboratory school -- School designed to facilitate experimentation and development in education
Wikipedia - Lafayette Towers Apartments West -- Apartment building in Detroit designed by Mies van der Rohe
Wikipedia - Laguna College of Art and Design
Wikipedia - Laie, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Laila Aziz -- Moroccan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lainey Keogh -- Irish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lake County wine -- Appelation that designates wine in Napa Country, CA
Wikipedia - Lako Bukia -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lalit Dalmia -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lamborghini Cala -- Evolution of the P140 prototype automobile envisioned by Italian design house Italdesign as a potential successor to the Jalpa
Wikipedia - Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Signorelli) -- 1502 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Lamport signature
Wikipedia - Lance Wyman -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Lancia Florida -- Series of concept cars designed by Pinin Farina in collaboration with Lancia
Wikipedia - Lancia Medusa -- Concept car designed by Italdesign and built by Lancia
Wikipedia - Lancia Megagamma -- Concept car designed by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Lancia Sibilo -- Concept car designed by Bertone
Wikipedia - Landing Craft Mechanized -- Landing craft designed for carrying vehicles
Wikipedia - Landing Craft Utility -- Type of boat designed for transporting amphibious forces and cargo to shore
Wikipedia - Landing party -- Ship's crew assigned to take ground ashore
Wikipedia - Landmark Entertainment Group -- Design company
Wikipedia - Landmark sites in Singapore -- areas selected for greater design and planning flexibility
Wikipedia - Landover, Maryland -- Census-designated place in Maryland, US
Wikipedia - Landscape design
Wikipedia - Lane centering -- Mechanism designed to keep a car centered in the lane
Wikipedia - Languages with official status in India -- The Constitution of India designates 2 official and 22 scheduled languages for the Government of India
Wikipedia - Language -- Capacity to communicate using signs, such as words or gestures
Wikipedia - Lara Falk -- Australian skier and sighted guide
Wikipedia - Large numbers -- Numbers that are significantly larger than those used regularly
Wikipedia - Larry Bond -- American author and wargame designer
Wikipedia - Larry Kaplan -- American video game designer and programmer
Wikipedia - Larry LeGaspi -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lars Hillingso -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Larson International -- American amusement ride designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Lars Sigmundstad -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Lars Sigurd Bjorkstrom -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Lascurain Aura -- Mexican-designed regional airliner
Wikipedia - Late model -- Car that has been recently designed or manufactured
Wikipedia - Laupahoehoe, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Laura Dahl -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Laura Mako -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Laurel Frank -- Australian costume designer
Wikipedia - Lauren Bowker -- English designer
Wikipedia - Lauren Bush -- American model and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Laurence Rossignol -- French politician
Wikipedia - Lauren Conrad -- American television personality, author, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lauren Elder -- American artist and designer
Wikipedia - Lauren Elliott -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Law of Demeter -- Design guideline for developing software
Wikipedia - Lawrence G. Paull -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Lessig -- American academic, political activist
Wikipedia - Lawrence Whitaker (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Lazarus sign
Wikipedia - Lazy loading -- Design pattern in computer programming
Wikipedia - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design -- Standard for green building design
Wikipedia - Lead frame -- Metal structure inside a chip package that carries signals from the die to the outside
Wikipedia - Leah Hirsig
Wikipedia - Leaky transform fault -- A transform fault with volcanic activity along a significant portion of its length producing new crust.
Wikipedia - Lean Six Sigma -- Methodology of systematically removing waste
Wikipedia - Lecanto, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Lecithocera crypsigenes -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera obsignata -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera sigillata -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera signifera -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Le Corbusier -- Swiss-French architect, designer, urbanist, and writer (1887-1965)
Wikipedia - Lee Sigelman -- political scientist
Wikipedia - Leibniz integral rule -- Differentiation under the integral sign formula
Wikipedia - Leighton Radio Telescopes -- Type of dish antenna designed in the 1970s
Wikipedia - Leilani Estates, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - LeM-CM-/la Menchari -- Tunisian designer
Wikipedia - Lena Himmelstein -- American clothing designer and retailer
Wikipedia - Leo (astrology) -- Fifth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Leofsige
Wikipedia - Leo Goossen -- American draftsman, engineer, designer.
Wikipedia - Leonard Fryer (designer) -- British artist, stamp and banknote designer
Wikipedia - Leonardo's robot -- Humanoid automaton designed by Leonardo da Vinc
Wikipedia - Leon Friend -- American graphic design educator
Wikipedia - L'Eplattenier helmet -- Prototype military helmet designed for the Swiss Army by Charles l'Eplattenier in 1916
Wikipedia - Le Sentier des Douanes -- Painting by Paul Signac
Wikipedia - Les Harris (businessman) -- British motorcycle designer
Wikipedia - Leslie Dilley -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Less than sign
Wikipedia - Less-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "less than"
Wikipedia - Lester W. Smith -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Letter of resignation
Wikipedia - Level designer
Wikipedia - Level design
Wikipedia - Lev Taussig -- Czech chess player
Wikipedia - Leyla Piedayesh -- German fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lez Brotherston -- British set and costume designer
Wikipedia - Lhermitte's sign
Wikipedia - Liberty Point Resolves -- Resolution signed by fifty residents of Cumberland County, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Liberty (rocket) -- Launch vehicle design
Wikipedia - Libra (astrology) -- Seventh astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - LibreCAD -- Computer-aided design software
Wikipedia - Lida Baday -- Canadian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lifebuoy -- Buoy designed to be thrown to person in water, to prevent drowning
Wikipedia - Liffa Gregoriussen -- Faroese women's organizer and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lifting body -- Aircraft configuration in which the fuselage produces significant lift
Wikipedia - Light-gas gun -- Highly specialized gun designed to generate very high velocities
Wikipedia - Lighthouse Design -- American software company
Wikipedia - Lighthouse -- Structure designed to emit light to aid navigation
Wikipedia - Lighting designer
Wikipedia - Lilian von Trapp -- German jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Lilly BrM-CM-&ndgaard -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lilly Kilvert -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Lilly Pulitzer -- an American socialite and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Limerick School of Art and Design -- Art college, constituent school of Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland
Wikipedia - Limi Feu -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Limor Fix -- Israeli electronic design automation engineer
Wikipedia - Linas Garsys -- Graphic designer
Wikipedia - Linda Barker -- English interior designer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Lindka Cierach -- British couturier and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Line and Space -- Architectural design firm
Wikipedia - Linear predictive coding -- Audio signal processing method
Wikipedia - Line of sight (gaming)
Wikipedia - Line-of-sight propagation
Wikipedia - Line of sight (video games)
Wikipedia - Linguistic sign
Wikipedia - Lin Utzon -- Danish designer
Wikipedia - Linzer torte -- Shortcake pastry topped with fruit preserves, sliced nuts and a lattice design, named after Linz, Austria
Wikipedia - Lionrai Gaeilge -- Formally designated Irish language-relevant areas
Wikipedia - Lirika Matoshi -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - LISAA School of Art & Design -- French educational institution
Wikipedia - Lisa Evers -- American general assignment reporter
Wikipedia - Lisa Gorman -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lis Ahlmann -- Danish designer
Wikipedia - Lisa Ho -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lisa Mandemaker -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - LisaRaye McCoy -- American actress and designer
Wikipedia - Lisa Sigal -- American painter and sculptor (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Lisa Thon -- Puerto Rican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lisette Titre-Montgomery -- American video game artist and designer
Wikipedia - Li Siguang
Wikipedia - List of aircraft type designators -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alpha Chi Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alpha Sigma Kappa chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alpha Sigma Phi chapters, colonies, and interest groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alpha Sigma Tau chapters and colonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of alumni of the Central School of Art and Design -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KA-KF) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KG-KM) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KN-KS) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KT-KZ) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WA-WF) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WG-WM) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WN-WS) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WT-WZ) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of architectural design competitions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ArtCenter College of Design people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of assigned /8 IPv4 address blocks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bad luck signs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bra designs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings designed by W. H. Weeks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cabinet ministers in Finland who have resigned from their office -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of camouflage methods -- List of ways of hiding objects or animals in plain sight
Wikipedia - List of canceled launch vehicle designs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cars with non-standard door designs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census-designated places in Massachusetts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census-designated places in Minnesota -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census-designated places in New York -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census-designated places in Pennsylvania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census-designated places in Washington -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of City of Pittsburgh historic designations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of City of Santa Monica Designated Historic Landmarks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of colossal squid specimens and sightings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Sigismond Thalberg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of County-Designated Highways in Michigan -- list article
Wikipedia - List of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Aargau -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Geneva -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubunden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delta Sigma Phi chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delta Sigma Pi alumni chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delta Sigma Pi chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delta Sigma Theta chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delta Sigma Theta sisters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of designated places in Alberta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Designated Survivor episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of designated terrorist groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of designations under the Protection of Wrecks Act -- All sites designated under the UK Protection of Wrecks Act
Wikipedia - List of design awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of design colleges and institutes of India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of designer drugs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Designing Women episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dutch urban designers and planners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English inventors and designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of eponymous medical signs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fashion designers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of file signatures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fire-retardant materials -- Materials designed with burn slowly or withstand high temperatures
Wikipedia - List of flags by design -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KA-KC) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KD-KF) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KG-KJ) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KK-KM) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KN-KP) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KQ-KS) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KT-KV) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters KW-KZ) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WA-WC) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WD-WF) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WG-WJ) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WK-WM) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WN-WP) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WQ-WS) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WT-WV) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letters WW-WZ) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of footwear designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Friday mosques designed by Mimar Sinan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of furniture designers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of game designers -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Gamma Sigma Delta chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of giant squid specimens and sightings (20th century) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of giant squid specimens and sightings (21st century) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of giant squid specimens and sightings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of golf courses designed by A. W. Tillinghast -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of golf courses designed by Donald Ross -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grade I historic buildings in Hong Kong -- List of buildings of very high historical significance in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - List of Grade II historic buildings in Hong Kong -- List of buildings of high historical significance in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - List of Grade III historic buildings in Hong Kong -- List of buildings of medium historical significance in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - List of Grand Designs Australia episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grand Designs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of graphic designers
Wikipedia - List of Greek Protected Designations of Origin cheeses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of .hack//Sign episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historically significant English cricket teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian massacres in North America -- Incident wherein a group of people deliberately kill a significant number of relatively defenseless people, usually involving European descended peoples and Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - List of In Plain Sight cast members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of In Plain Sight characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of In Plain Sight episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian designers
Wikipedia - List of Italian products with protected designation of origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of jewellery designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kappa Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kappa Sigma members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kia design and manufacturing facilities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of kings of Sigave -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lambda Sigma Upsilon chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of largest census-designated places in California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lens designs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lighting designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of locally designated landmarks by U.S. state -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of medically significant spider bites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of megamouth shark specimens and sightings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of miscellaneous designer cannabinoids
Wikipedia - List of musical works in unusual time signatures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national flags by design -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York City Designated Landmarks in Manhattan on smaller islands -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Zealand designers and artisans -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nu Sigma Nu chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Old Norse exonyms -- Names that speakers of Old Norse assigned to foreign places and peoples.
Wikipedia - List of on-air resignations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of operas by Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organisations designated as terrorist organisations by the European Union -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Parsons School of Design people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of peaks named Signal Mountain
Wikipedia - List of peaks named Signal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Beta Sigma brothers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Beta Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Kappa Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Sigma Kappa brothers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Sigma Kappa chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Sigma Pi collegiate chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phi Sigma Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of professional designations in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs produced by ABC Signature -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public signage typefaces -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of radio station callsigns in New South Wales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of reported UFO sightings -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of resignations from government -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rhode Island School of Design people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RLM aircraft designations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of role-playing game designers -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Rounder Records artists -- List of artists signed to Rounder Records
Wikipedia - List of schools in Pasig -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sd.Kfz. designations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of shop signs in Boston in the 18th century -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sightings episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sights in Berlin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sigils of demons -- List of attributed sigils of demons
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Alpha Epsilon members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Alpha Mu brothers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Alpha Mu chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Chi alumni chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Chi chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Chi members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Delta Tau chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Kappa chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Kappa sisters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Lambda Beta chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Lambda Gamma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Nu chapters and colonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Phi Delta chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Phi Epsilon brothers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Phi Epsilon chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Pi brothers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Pi chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Sigma Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Tau chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sigma Tau Gamma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signature songs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signed parish roads in Louisiana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signers of the Georgia Ordinance of Secession -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of significant families in British horse racing -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of significant religious sites
Wikipedia - List of Signing Time! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sign languages by number of native signers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sign languages -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders -- The signs and symptoms of physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
Wikipedia - List of Sigourney Weaver performances -- List article of performances by actor Sigourney Weaver
Wikipedia - List of Silver Slugger Award winners at designated hitter -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of single sign-on implementations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Six Sigma companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Six Sigma software packages -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sound designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stewards of the Chiltern Hundreds -- Wikipedia list article of resigned Members of British Parliament
Wikipedia - List of symbols designated by the Anti-Defamation League as hate symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tau Beta Sigma chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter K) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter W) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of three-letter broadcast call signs in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of treaties unsigned or unratified by the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Trump administration dismissals and resignations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of type designers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of typefaces designed by Morris Fuller Benton -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of types of formally designated forests -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unions designated 1199 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Upsilon Sigma Phi members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of URI schemes -- Namespace identifier assigned by IANA
Wikipedia - List of USAF Fighter Wings assigned to Strategic Air Command -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of USAF Strategic Missile Wings assigned to Strategic Air Command -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of USAF Strategic Wings assigned to the Strategic Air Command -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Army fire control and sighting material by supply catalog designation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Army weapons by supply catalog designation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. cities with significant Chinese-American populations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. DoD aircraft designations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. military vehicles by supply catalog designation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Signal Corps vehicles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state, district, and territorial insignia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video game designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Visigothic queens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works designed with the golden ratio
Wikipedia - List of works on intelligent design -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WWE personnel -- Listing of all current personnel signed by WWE
Wikipedia - List of Xi Sigma Pi chapters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yamaha signature instruments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of resignations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lisy Christl -- German costume designer
Wikipedia - Lita Talarico -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Little green men (Ukrainian crisis) -- Troops without insignia, participated in the 2014 Crimean crisis
Wikipedia - Little Rock, Beltrami County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Livspace -- Indian interior design firm
Wikipedia - Liz Claiborne -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Liz Collins -- American fibers fine artist and fashion designer.
Wikipedia - Liz Davenport -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lizzie Clachan -- British theatre designer
Wikipedia - LLM01 -- Light or laser sight module
Wikipedia - Lloyd Austin -- Retired American military officer, Secretary of Defense designate
Wikipedia - Lluis Juste de Nin -- Catalan fashion designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Barsacq -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Lobsigensee -- Lake in the canton of Bern, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Local Mitigation Strategy -- A local government plan designed to reduce or eliminate risks to people and property from natural and man-made hazards
Wikipedia - Local nature reserve -- designation for nature reserves in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Lockheed EP-3 -- Signals reconnaissance aircraft of the US Navy
Wikipedia - Lockheed L-2000 -- Proposed US supersonic airliner design
Wikipedia - Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA -- Conceptual aircraft design by Lockheed Martin
Wikipedia - Locust Valley, New York -- Hamlet and census-designated place in New York, US
Wikipedia - Logical database design technique
Wikipedia - Logic analyzer -- Electronic test instrument that measures multiple signals from a circuit
Wikipedia - Logic design
Wikipedia - Logic level -- one of a finite number of states that a digital signal can inhabit
Wikipedia - Logo sign -- Road sign
Wikipedia - Lone Signal -- Crowdfunded project to send interstellar communications to extraterrestrials
Wikipedia - Longdog -- dog of sighthound type, usually cross-bred
Wikipedia - Longitudinal design
Wikipedia - LongPen -- Remote signing device
Wikipedia - Lord of the Rings (board game) -- Game designed by Reiner Knizia
Wikipedia - Loren B. Kreiss -- American Interior designer and artist
Wikipedia - Loren Wiseman -- American role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Baraldi -- Italian costume designer and film producer
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Quaglio -- German stage designer
Wikipedia - Loris Abate -- Italian jewelry designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Lori Sigurdson -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Lorraine Wild -- Canadian-born American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Los Alamos, New Mexico -- Census-designated place in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument -- Heritage designation of the city of Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Losing sight of shore -- 2017 documentary film by Sarah Moshman
Wikipedia - Los signos del zodiaco -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Loss of significance -- Undesirable effect in arithmetic
Wikipedia - Lotta Nieminen -- Finnish illustrator and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Lotti Lobsiger-Schibli -- Swiss painter
Wikipedia - Loudspeaker -- Electroacoustic transducer that converts an electrical audio signal into a corresponding sound
Wikipedia - Louisa Pesel -- British textile designer
Wikipedia - Louis Castle -- American video games designer
Wikipedia - Louis Comfort Tiffany -- American stained glass and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Louis Delagarde -- French automotive designer
Wikipedia - Louise Campbell (designer) -- Danish furniture designer
Wikipedia - Louise Kennedy -- Irish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Louise Sandhaus -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Louis Massignon
Wikipedia - Louis Nelson (artist) -- American industrial designer and graphic artist
Wikipedia - Louis Raymond (horticulturalist) -- American landscape and garden designer (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Louis Silverstein -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Louis Versiglia
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (Kylie Minogue song) -- 2002 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Love at first sight
Wikipedia - Love at Second Sight (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Hugo GM-CM-)lin
Wikipedia - Love Sign (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Low-energy house -- House designed for reduced energy use
Wikipedia - Low-level design
Wikipedia - Low-pass filter -- Type of signal filter
Wikipedia - Low-set ears -- Clinical sign of congenital conditions
Wikipedia - Low-voltage differential signaling
Wikipedia - L. Ross Babcock III -- Game designer
Wikipedia - Lubov Azria -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Luca Signorelli -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Luc Bernard -- British game designer and artist
Wikipedia - Luciana Arrighi -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Luciano Ricceri -- Italian production designer (1940-2020)
Wikipedia - Luciano Soprani -- fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lucida -- Typeface family designed by Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes in 1984
Wikipedia - Lucien Lelong -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lucien Pellat-Finet -- French designer
Wikipedia - Lucille Tenazas -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Luckett & Farley -- American architecture, engineering, and interior design firm
Wikipedia - LuckyMe (record label) -- British record label and design studio
Wikipedia - Lucky Morani -- Indian fashion designer, model, and actress.
Wikipedia - Lucy Nagle -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lucy Scarborough Conant -- American artist, costume, and set designer
Wikipedia - Lucy Tammam -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ludmilla Radchenko -- Russian fashion designer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Luigi Caccia Dominioni -- Italian architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Luigi Colani -- German industrial designer
Wikipedia - Luigi Scaccianoce -- Italian production designer (1914-1981)
Wikipedia - Luigi Versiglia
Wikipedia - Luisa Sigea de Velasco -- Spanish poet
Wikipedia - Luke Anthony -- Australian born actor, writer, director and production designer
Wikipedia - Lulu Brud -- American actress and interior designer
Wikipedia - Lulu Guinness -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Luly Yang -- Taiwanese-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Lunar module -- Lunar lander designed for human spaceflight
Wikipedia - Lusigny-sur-Barse -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Lusitanops sigmoideus -- species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk -- Senior government official in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Luxury trains -- Special train, designed for elegance and comfort
Wikipedia - Lviv -- City of regional significance in Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Lydia Sigourney bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Lyle Rains -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Lynden Miller -- American landscape designer (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Lyre arm -- Design motif emulating the shape of a lyre
Wikipedia - M-155 (Michigan highway) -- Unsigned state highway in Livingston County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - M-331 (Michigan highway) -- Former unsigned state highway in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Maarten Baas -- Dutch furniture designer
Wikipedia - Mabel Addis -- First woman computer games designer
Wikipedia - MAC address -- Unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment
Wikipedia - Macaria signaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Maccreanor Lavington -- Architectural design firm
Wikipedia - Macewen's sign
Wikipedia - Mac Fhirbhisigh
Wikipedia - Machado and Silvetti Associates -- Architecture and urban design firm
Wikipedia - Machine translation of sign languages
Wikipedia - Maciej Szymon CieM-EM-^[la -- Polish artist and designer
Wikipedia - Macintosh -- Family of personal computers designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Mackey Saturday -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Mackinac Wilderness -- Designated area within the Hiawatha National Forest in Mackinac County, Michigan
Wikipedia - Maddalena Buonsignori -- 14th-century law professor
Wikipedia - Madeleine Charnaux -- French war correspondent, sculptor, designer and aviator.
Wikipedia - Madeleine Vionnet -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Madeline Fontaine -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Madonna and Child (Signorelli) -- C. 1492 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Madonna and Child with Ignudi -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Madonna and Child with the Holy Trinity and Two Saints -- 1510 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Madonna and Child with Two Saints (Signorelli) -- c. 1492 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Mae West Lips Sofa -- Sofa designed by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - Magdeburg hemispheres -- Pair of copper hemispheres designed to demonstrate the power of atmospheric pressure
Wikipedia - Maggie Baylis -- American garden writer, architect, and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Magical Negro -- Stock character; black man with special insight or mystical powers coming to the aid of the white protagonist
Wikipedia - Magnus Walker -- British fashion designer and car collector
Wikipedia - Magsig Rampart -- Outcropping of rock forming a buttress or rampart on the west flank of the Stanford Plateau
Wikipedia - Mahjoub Ben Bella -- Algerian-born French painter and designer
Wikipedia - Mahlet Afework -- Ethiopian fashion designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Mahnomen, St. Louis County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Mahtowa, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Maija Isola -- Finnish textile designer for Marimekko
Wikipedia - Main battle tank -- Tank designed for all primary combat roles
Wikipedia - Maja Gunn -- Swedish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Major non-NATO ally -- Designation given by the United States government to close allies
Wikipedia - Major town houses of the architect Victor Horta (Brussels) -- Four houses in Brussels, Belgium, designed and built by Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta
Wikipedia - Makakilo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Makisig Morales -- Filipino actor and singer
Wikipedia - Mak Tumang -- Filipino fashion designer
Wikipedia - Malan Breton -- Taiwanese Fashion designer, actor, director, model, producer, singer - songwriter, and columnist
Wikipedia - Malar flush -- Medical sign
Wikipedia - Malcolm Garrett -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Malcolm Harrison -- New Zealand clothing designer and textile artist
Wikipedia - Male bra -- Brassiere designed for men
Wikipedia - Malene Birger -- Danish fashion designer
Wikipedia - M. Alice LeGrow -- Alternative comics artist, writer, and costume designer
Wikipedia - M & Co. (design firm) -- American design firm
Wikipedia - Manoa Rasigatale -- Fijian politician and television personality
Wikipedia - Man-to-man defense -- Defensive tactic in sports emphasizing 1-on-1 coverage assignments
Wikipedia - Manually coded language -- Signed phonetic representations of verbal languages
Wikipedia - Manuel Bartual -- Spanish cartoonist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Manuel Cuevas -- Mexican fashion designer
Wikipedia - MAPK/ERK pathway -- Cell signaling pathway
Wikipedia - Marc Bohan -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marc Brickman -- American designer (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Marc Ecko -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marcel Breuer -- Hungarian-American architect and designer
Wikipedia - Marcelle Chaumont -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marcelline Basigayabo -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Marcel Vertes -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Marching percussion -- Specially designed percussion instruments
Wikipedia - Marcio Piancastelli -- Automobile designer
Wikipedia - Marc Jacobs -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marc Miller (game designer) -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Marc Newson -- Industrial designer
Wikipedia - Marco Coretti -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marco Donadoni -- Italian game designer
Wikipedia - Marconi-Osram tube designation
Wikipedia - Marco Zanini -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marc Sylvan -- English composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Marcus Notley -- Irish industrial designer
Wikipedia - Marek Djordjevic -- Serbian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Margaret Calvert -- British typographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Margaret Ensign Lewis -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Margaret Howell -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Margaret Neilson Armstrong -- American designer, illustrator, and author.
Wikipedia - Margaret Olofsson Bergman -- American weaver, teacher and designer
Wikipedia - Margeaux -- Canadian singer, songwriter, fashion designer and television personality
Wikipedia - Margery Hoffman Smith -- American painter, craftsperson, interior designer, and lecturer
Wikipedia - Marget Larsen -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Maria Antonelli (fashion designer) -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Maria Barros -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Maria Cornejo -- Chilean fashion designer based in New York
Wikipedia - Maria Galitzine -- Russian interior designer
Wikipedia - Mariagroup -- Multinational architecture and design firm
Wikipedia - Mariah O'Brien -- American actress, model and interior designer
Wikipedia - Maria Martins (artist) -- Brazilian sculptor, designer, writer, painter, writer and musician
Wikipedia - Marianne Alvoni -- Swiss fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marianne Brandt -- German artist and designer
Wikipedia - Marian Sigman -- American developmental and child psychologist
Wikipedia - Marie Guerlain -- French artist, designer, nutrition health coach
Wikipedia - Marie Karsten -- Norwegian interior designer
Wikipedia - Marie-Louise Bruyere -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marie-ThM-CM-)rese Assiga Ahanda -- Cameroonian writer, chemist, paramount chief of the Ewondo people
Wikipedia - Mari Funaki -- Australian jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Mari Kinsigo -- Estonian chess player
Wikipedia - Marina Toybina -- American costume and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marine Corps Installations West -- Support and oversight of seven United States Marine Corps installations on the West Coast
Wikipedia - Marine Serre -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mario Bellini -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Mario Chiari -- Italian production designer
Wikipedia - Mario Davignon -- Canadian costume designer
Wikipedia - Mario Garbuglia -- Italian set designer (1927-2010)
Wikipedia - Maritime flag -- Flag designated for use on ships or at sea
Wikipedia - Maritime Mobile Service Q Codes -- Operating signals for abbreviated maritime communications
Wikipedia - Maritime patrol aircraft -- Military aircraft designed to reconnoiter oceans and other bodies of water
Wikipedia - Maritza Sayalero -- Venezuelan model, designer, and beauty queen, Miss Universe 1979 winner
Wikipedia - Mariupol -- City of regional significance in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Mark Allen (software developer) -- American software engineer, game programmer, and game designer
Wikipedia - Mark and space -- States of a communications signal
Wikipedia - Mark Cerny -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Mark Dziersk -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Mark Ellis (yacht designer) -- Sailboat and power boat designer
Wikipedia - Mark Henderson (lighting designer) -- British lighting designer
Wikipedia - Mark Jacobs (video game designer)
Wikipedia - Mark Kern -- video game designer
Wikipedia - Mark McLachlan -- Product and game designer (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Mark Randel -- American computer game designer
Wikipedia - Marksboro, New Jersey -- Census-designated place in Warren County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Mark Severin -- Belgian artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Mark Simonson -- American typeface designer
Wikipedia - Mark Vanco -- American designer
Wikipedia - Mark XIV bomb sight -- Bombsight used by the RAF during World War II
Wikipedia - Mark Zunino -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marla Berkowitz -- American Sign Language interpreter
Wikipedia - Marlies Dekkers -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marlton, New Jersey -- Census-designated place in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Marly van der Velden -- Dutch actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Marquee (sign)
Wikipedia - Marrakesh Agreement -- April 1994 international free trade agreement signed in Marrakech, Morocco
Wikipedia - Marrie Bot -- Dutch photographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Mars Design Reference Mission -- Conceptual design studies for crewed missions to Mars
Wikipedia - Marsh Aviation -- US aircraft engineering, design, maintenance and re-manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Marshmallow sofa -- Sofa designed by Irving Harper
Wikipedia - Marta Ferri -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Martha Sturdy -- Canadian artist and designer
Wikipedia - Marthe Armitage -- British wallpaper designer
Wikipedia - Marti GuixM-CM-) -- Spanish designer
Wikipedia - Martine Rose -- British-Jamaican menswear designer
Wikipedia - Martine Sitbon -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Martin Fischer (automobile designer) -- Swiss automobile designer
Wikipedia - Martin Kenwright -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Martin Lambie-Nairn -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Marty Essig -- Canadian sailor
Wikipedia - Martyn Bal -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Signorelli) -- 1498 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Mary Alcorn -- Interior designer
Wikipedia - Mary Card -- Australian designer and educator
Wikipedia - Mary Douglas Drysdale -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Mary Featherston -- Australian interior designer
Wikipedia - Mary Heisig -- American artist
Wikipedia - Mary-Kate Olsen -- American fashion designer and former actress
Wikipedia - Maryland Institute College of Art -- Private art and design college in Baltimore, Maryland & a United States historic place
Wikipedia - Mary Quant -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mary Reynolds (landscape designer) -- Irish gardener, landscape architect and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Mary Zophres -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Marzia Kjellberg -- Italian Internet personality and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Masaba Gupta -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Masahiro Sakurai -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Masashi Ando -- Japanese animator and character designer
Wikipedia - Mason at sight -- Qualification in Freemasonry
Wikipedia - Mason Ewing -- Cameroonian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mason Pearson Brushes -- British manufacturer of signature hairbrushes since 1885
Wikipedia - Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Wikipedia - Massignieu-de-Rives -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Massively parallel signature sequencing
Wikipedia - Master of Design
Wikipedia - Master of the Virgo inter Virgines -- Early Netherlandish painter and designer of woodcuts
Wikipedia - Matali Crasset -- French industrial designer
Wikipedia - Matchbox sign -- Psychiatric finding. Patients with delusional parasitosis (DP) often arrive at the doctor's office with this medical sign
Wikipedia - Material Design -- Design language developed by Google in 2014
Wikipedia - Materiality (law) -- Significance of facts to the matter at hand
Wikipedia - Materials science -- Interdisciplinary field which deals with discovery and design of new materials, primarily of physical and chemical properties of solids
Wikipedia - Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Wikipedia - Mathe's sign -- Medical sign for perinephric abscess
Wikipedia - Matt Bowden -- New Zealand musician, designer drug creator, and activist
Wikipedia - Matt Ford (lighting designer) -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Matt Harding -- American traveler, video game designer and Internet celebrity
Wikipedia - Matthew Carter -- British type designer
Wikipedia - Matthew Christopher -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Matthew Dent (designer) -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Matthew Haughey -- American programmer, web designer, and blogger
Wikipedia - Matthew Sigman -- American chemist
Wikipedia - Matthew Sprange -- Game designer
Wikipedia - Matt Jones (interaction designer)
Wikipedia - Maunawili, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Maurice Binder -- American film title designer
Wikipedia - Maurice Carter (film designer) -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Maurice FitzGerald, 9th Duke of Leinster -- Irish nobleman and landscape designer
Wikipedia - Maurice Noble -- American animation production designer, background artist and layout designer
Wikipedia - Mauricio Amster -- Chilean designer
Wikipedia - Mauri -- Latin designation for the Berber population of Mauretania
Wikipedia - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing -- Application software program designed to teach touch typing
Wikipedia - Max Azria -- French-Tunisian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Max Bruckner (artist) -- German artist and set designer
Wikipedia - Max Clendinning -- Architect and designer from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Max Headroom signal hijacking -- Chicago television hijacking incident
Wikipedia - Maxime SimoM-CM-+ns -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Max Siedentopf -- Namibian-German artist, designer, publisher and director
Wikipedia - May 17 Agreement -- Peace treaty between Israel and Lebanon signed on the 17 May 1983
Wikipedia - Maya Bash -- Israeli fashion designer
Wikipedia - Maybach Foundation -- Non-profit organization showcasing Maybach engineering and design
Wikipedia - Mayday -- Emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal
Wikipedia - Maynard tape primer -- Primer system designed by Edward Maynard
Wikipedia - McLaren 12C -- Sports car designed and manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren Automotive
Wikipedia - McLaren 650S -- Sports car designed and manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren Automotive as a successor to the 12C from 2014-2017
Wikipedia - McLaren 720S -- Sports car designed and manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren Automotive as a successor to the 650S
Wikipedia - McLaren Elva -- Sports car designed and produced by McLaren Automotive
Wikipedia - McLaren GT -- Grand-touring sports car designed and manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren Automotive
Wikipedia - McLaren MP4-21 -- Formula One car designed by Adrian Newey
Wikipedia - McLaren Senna -- Sports car designed by McLaren Automotive
Wikipedia - McLaren Speedtail -- Sports car designed and produced by McLaren Automotive
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Asgeir Sigurgeirsson -- Icelandic sport shooter
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Aslaug Arna Sigurbjornsdottir -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - M-CM-^er die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der WM-CM-$rme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flussigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen -- Scientific article (publication date: May 1905)
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Flfsige (Bishop of St Cuthbert) -- 10th-century Bishop of Lindisfarne
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Flfsige -- 10th-century Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Sskar Sigurpalsson -- Icelandic weightlifter
Wikipedia - Meaning of life -- Philosophical and spiritual question concerning the significance of living or existence in general
Wikipedia - Measurement and signature intelligence -- Technical branch of intelligence gathering
Wikipedia - Measurement -- Process of assigning numbers to objects or events
Wikipedia - Measuring receiver -- Radio receiver used to measure radio signals
Wikipedia - Mechanical design
Wikipedia - Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing -- Subfields of building design and construction
Wikipedia - Mechanical filter -- Type of signal processing filter
Wikipedia - Mechanism design
Wikipedia - Media processor -- Microprocessor-based system-on-a-chip which is designed to deal with digital streaming data such as images and video in real-time
Wikipedia - Mediator pattern -- Software architecture design pattern
Wikipedia - Medical diagnosis -- Process to determine or identify a disease or disorder, which would account for a person's symptoms and signs
Wikipedia - Medical sign -- Objective indication of a medical fact or characteristic
Wikipedia - Medium bomber -- Aircraft class designed to attack ground targets with medium-size bomb loads over medium distances
Wikipedia - Megachile decemsignata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile insignis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile octosignata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megan Jill Russell -- Biomedical engineer who designed an artificial larynx
Wikipedia - Meguey Baker -- American roleplaying game designer
Wikipedia - Mehmood Bhatti -- Pakistani French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Melanie Greensmith -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mel Birnkrant -- American toy designer and collector
Wikipedia - Mel Bourne -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Mel Byars -- American design historian
Wikipedia - Melina DM-EM->inovic -- Serbian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Melissa Bell (actor) -- Australian actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Melissa Curry -- Irish jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Melissa McCarthy -- American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Melly Still -- British director, designer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Mel Shaw -- American animator, design artist, writer, and artist
Wikipedia - Melvin Chee -- Singaporean designer, artist and painter
Wikipedia - Memory card -- Small, thin and removable digital data storage device, often designed to be semi-permanently installed inside a larger device
Wikipedia - Memphis College of Art -- private college of art and design in Memphis, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Mercury vacuum -- Vacuum cleaner specifically designed to collect mercury
Wikipedia - Meritocracy -- Political system in which capital is assigned on the basis of expertise
Wikipedia - Merkle signature scheme
Wikipedia - Merle Armitage -- American author and book designer
Wikipedia - Metadesign
Wikipedia - Method (Experience Design Firm) -- Design firm with offices in San Francisco, New York City, and London
Wikipedia - Metoidioplasty -- Female-to-male sex reassignment surgery, creating a penis-analogue from the clitoris
Wikipedia - Metro (design language)
Wikipedia - Metropolis -- A large and significant city or urban area usually with millions of inhabitants
Wikipedia - Meyer Davis -- Interior design boutique (e. 1999)
Wikipedia - Meyric R. Rogers -- Anglo-American curator and design historian
Wikipedia - MG HS -- British designed and engineered automobile
Wikipedia - Mia Cranwill -- Irish designer and metal artist
Wikipedia - Michael Azzopardi -- Maltese UX/UI designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Michael Bastian -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michael Behe -- American biochemist, author, and intelligent design advocate
Wikipedia - Michael Berlyn -- American video game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Bierut -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Michael Bonsignore -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Michael Brough (game designer) -- New Zealand-born game designer
Wikipedia - Michael Cinco -- Filipino fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michael Condrey -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Michael Curry (puppet designer) -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Michael David Kirchmann -- American real estate developer, architect, and designer
Wikipedia - Michael Ellis (designer) -- American transportation designer
Wikipedia - Michael Ensign -- American actor
Wikipedia - Michael Gericke -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Michael Graves -- American architect and designer of consumer products
Wikipedia - Michael Hertz Associates -- American design firm
Wikipedia - Michael Hicks (game designer) -- American video game developer and musician
Wikipedia - Michael Kors -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michael Kuluva -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michael Lax -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Michael Mauer -- German automobile designer
Wikipedia - Michael Okuda -- Graphic designer known for working on Star Trek
Wikipedia - Michael Rock (graphic designer) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Michael Seymour (production designer) -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Michael Taussig
Wikipedia - Michael Vanderbyl -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Mich Dulce -- Filipina fashion designer, reality show actor, and musician
Wikipedia - Michel Ancel -- French video game designer
Wikipedia - Michelangelo Signorile -- American journalist, author, and talk radio host
Wikipedia - Michele Valori -- Italian urban designer and architect
Wikipedia - Michel Klein -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michelle Amos -- American electronics design engineer
Wikipedia - Michelle Rossignol -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Michelle Smith (fashion) -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Michel Lysight -- Belgian composer
Wikipedia - Michiko Koshino -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Microgenetic design
Wikipedia - Micrographia (handwriting) -- Abnormally small, cramped handwriting as a clinical sign
Wikipedia - Microphone -- Device that converts sound into an electrical signal
Wikipedia - Microsoft InfoPath -- Microsoft Office suite application to design rich XML-based forms
Wikipedia - Microsoft SharePoint Designer -- Web design tool
Wikipedia - Mid-century modern -- Architectural, interior, product, and graphic design of the mid-20th century
Wikipedia - Midway, Mahnomen County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Mieczyslaw Wasilewski -- Polish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Miguel Adrover -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mike Bithell -- British video game designer and developer
Wikipedia - Mike Dempsey -- British practising graphic designer
Wikipedia - Mike Drummond -- New Zealand sailor and yacht designer
Wikipedia - Mike Matas -- American user interface designer and icon artist
Wikipedia - Mike Nystul -- American role playing game designer
Wikipedia - Mike Pohjola -- Finnish writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Mike Pondsmith -- Game designer
Wikipedia - Mikhail Gurevich (aircraft designer) -- Soviet aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Mikhail Kalashnikov -- Soviet and Russian small arms designer
Wikipedia - Mikhail Koshkin -- Soviet tank designer
Wikipedia - Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 -- Experimental interceptor designed by Mikoyan-Gurevich
Wikipedia - Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-150 family -- Prototype interceptor series designed by Mikoyan-Gurevich
Wikipedia - Miles Cahn -- American designer
Wikipedia - Mililani Mauka, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Military aircraft -- Aircraft designed or utilized for use in or support of military operations
Wikipedia - Military engineering -- Practice of designing and building military works and maintaining lines of military transport and communications
Wikipedia - Military ranks of Nepal -- Military insignia of Nepal
Wikipedia - Military transport aircraft -- Aircraft designed to carry military cargo and personnel
Wikipedia - Miljen Kljakovic -- Serbian production designer
Wikipedia - Millennium site -- Site of cultural and historical significance in Norway
Wikipedia - Millia Davenport -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Milton Bradley -- American publisher and game designer
Wikipedia - Milton Glaser -- American graphic designer (1929-2020)
Wikipedia - Milwaukee Project -- Program designed to improve IQ and scholastic achievement of at-risk children
Wikipedia - Mimi Fayazi -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mimischnia ochreosignata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mimmo Cozzolino -- Australian graphic designer and artist
Wikipedia - Mimotriammatus nigrosignatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Minarc -- Design studio
Wikipedia - Mind sport -- Game of skill where the mental exercise component is more significant than the physical
Wikipedia - Mindy Seu -- American designer
Wikipedia - Mine countermeasures vessel -- Naval ship designed for the location of and destruction of naval mines which combines the role of a minesweeper and minehunter in one hull
Wikipedia - Ming Cho Lee -- Chinese-American set designer
Wikipedia - Minimalism -- Movements in various forms of art and design
Wikipedia - Minimum Intelligent Signal Test
Wikipedia - Minister (government) -- Politician who holds significant civil public office in a national or regional government, generally heading a ministry
Wikipedia - Minister of State -- Junior minister assigned to assist a specific cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Minivan -- Type of van designed for personal use
Wikipedia - Minju Kim -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Minol Araki -- Japanese painter and interior designer
Wikipedia - Minor loop feedback -- a classical method used to design feedback control systems
Wikipedia - Minor planet designation -- Number-name combination assigned to minor planets
Wikipedia - Minus sign
Wikipedia - Miranda Vidak -- Croatian-American designer
Wikipedia - Miriam Buether -- German stage designer
Wikipedia - Mirra chair -- Chair design
Wikipedia - Mir Suhail Qadri -- Indian cartoonist and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mise-en-scene -- Visual and design aspects of a theatre production
Wikipedia - Misha Black -- British architect and designer
Wikipedia - MIT Art, Design and Technology University -- Design school, located in Pune, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Mitchellville, Maryland -- Census-designated place in Maryland
Wikipedia - Mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Mitra personal mover -- Personal transporter designed in India
Wikipedia - Mitsubishi APWR -- Japanese nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Mitzy (fashion designer) -- Mexican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Miuccia Prada -- Italian fashion designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Mixed-signal integrated circuit
Wikipedia - M-JM-;Ewa Beach, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - M-JM-;Ewa Gentry, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - M-JM-;Ewa Villages, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - M-JM-;M-DM-^@huimanu -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - M-JM-;M-DM-^@inaloa -- Census-designated place in Hawai{{Okina
Wikipedia - Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle -- American selective fire military designated marksman rifle
Wikipedia - MKER -- Russian nuclear reactor design based on the RBMK reactor design
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)nage problem -- Assignment problem in combinatorial mathematics
Wikipedia - Maili, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Makaha, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Makaha Valley, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Mobile app -- Software application designed to run on mobile devices
Wikipedia - Mobile browser -- Web browser designed for use on mobile devices
Wikipedia - Mobile hospital -- Type of hospital designed to be moved to crisis zones
Wikipedia - Modal bandwidth -- maximum signaling rate for a given distance
Wikipedia - Model 1913 Cavalry Saber -- Cavalry sword designed for US military
Wikipedia - Model 3107 chair -- chair designed by Arne Jacobsen
Wikipedia - Model 60 stacking stool -- Wooden stool designed by Alvar Aalto
Wikipedia - Model-based design
Wikipedia - Model-view-viewmodel -- Software architecture design pattern
Wikipedia - Modem -- Device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information
Wikipedia - Modern didgeridoo designs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Modified discrete cosine transform -- Mathematical transform using in signal processing
Wikipedia - Modular design
Wikipedia - Modulated ultrasound -- Technology for transmitting signals through water
Wikipedia - Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi -- Former Prime Minister-designate of Iraq
Wikipedia - Moki Cherry -- Swedish interdisciplinary artist and designer (1943-2009)
Wikipedia - MokulM-DM-^Sia, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Molecular design software
Wikipedia - Molly Wright Steenson -- American professor of design
Wikipedia - Monad (functional programming) -- Design pattern in functional programming to build generic types
Wikipedia - Moniz sign
Wikipedia - Monkey (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Monokini -- Topless swimsuit designed by Rudi Gernreich
Wikipedia - Monolingual learner's dictionary -- Type of dictionary designed to meet the reference needs of people learning a foreign language
Wikipedia - Monotype Imaging -- American typesetting and typeface design company founded in 1887
Wikipedia - Monsignor Bonner High School
Wikipedia - Monsignor Farrell High School
Wikipedia - Monsignor Gerard Mitchell -- Catholic priest and university administrator (d. 1990)
Wikipedia - Monsignor Scanlan High School
Wikipedia - Monsignor -- Honorific form of address for certain Catholic clergy
Wikipedia - Montana of 300 -- American rapper, signer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Montebello Design Centre -- Non-profit art space in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Montpelier railway station, Jamaica -- The list of designated National Heritage Sites in Jamaica
Wikipedia - Montreux Document -- Agreement between signature countries obligations regarding private military and security companies in war zones
Wikipedia - Moore College of Art and Design -- Private art and design college in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Morris Fuller Benton -- American typeface designer
Wikipedia - Morten Sigval Bergesen -- Norwegian ship-owner
Wikipedia - Moscow Peace Treaty -- Peace treaty signed by Finland and the Soviet Union on 12 March 1940
Wikipedia - Moskal -- Historical or pejorative designation for Russians
Wikipedia - Mosquito coil -- Incense coil designed to repel mosquitoes
Wikipedia - Mossimo Giannulli -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Motion graphic design
Wikipedia - Motorcycle design
Wikipedia - Motor Development International -- Is a French company designing compressed air car prototypes
Wikipedia - Mountain View, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Mowalola Ogunlesi -- Nigerian-born fashion designer
Wikipedia - MPEG-3 -- Designation for a group of audio and video coding standards
Wikipedia - MRS agar -- Selective culture medium designed to favour the luxuriant growth of Lactobacilli for lab study
Wikipedia - Mrs Eaves -- Transitional serif typeface designed by Zuzana Licko
Wikipedia - Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams -- Manga series by Naoki Urasawa
Wikipedia - Muller's sign -- Pulsation of the uvula during systole
Wikipedia - Multicore cable -- Combines multiple signals into a single jacketed cable
Wikipedia - Multi-dimensional model of Maori identity and cultural engagement -- Questionnaire designed to assess and evaluate Maori identity in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Multidisciplinary design optimization
Wikipedia - Multidistrict litigation -- Special federal legal procedure designed to speed the process of handling complex cases
Wikipedia - Multi-field dictionary -- Specialized dictionary that has been designed and compiled to cover the terms within two or more subject fields
Wikipedia - Multi-messenger astronomy -- Coordinated observation and interpretation of disparate "messenger" signals, created by different astrophysical processes
Wikipedia - Multiple-channel architecture -- Type of wireless network design
Wikipedia - Multiplication sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-CM-^W
Wikipedia - Multiplicative noise -- Signal processing phenomenon
Wikipedia - Multi-scale signal analysis
Wikipedia - Multisensory integration -- Study of how information from the different sensory modalities, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, self-motion and taste, may be integrated by the nervous system
Wikipedia - Multi-spectral camouflage -- Camouflage designed to work at multiple frequencies, not just visible light
Wikipedia - Munsigang Union -- Union in Khulna, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Murat Gunak -- Turkish car designer
Wikipedia - Murcyleen Peerzada -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Muriel Brandolini -- French-Vietnamese interior designer
Wikipedia - Museo ABC -- Museum of drawing and graphic design in Madrid
Wikipedia - Museum of Contemporary Art and Design -- Costa Rican museum
Wikipedia - Museum of Design, Zurich -- Museum in Zurich (Switzerland)
Wikipedia - Musical note -- Sign used in musical notation, a pitched sound
Wikipedia - Music Under New York -- Part of the Arts & Design program by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wikipedia - Mu Sigma Phi (medical fraternity) -- Fraternity in the University of the Philippines College of Medicine
Wikipedia - Mustafa Aslanturk -- Turkish Cypriot fashion designer
Wikipedia - Mwesigwa Rukutana -- Ugandan lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Mycetophila sigmoides -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Myerson's sign
Wikipedia - My Mind Right -- 2000 single by Jay-Z, Memphis Bleek, Beanie Sigel
Wikipedia - Mystery airship -- Wave of UFO sightings in the USA in 1886/87.
Wikipedia - My Stroke of Insight
Wikipedia - Naalehu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Naan Sigappu Manithan (1985 film) -- 1985 film by S. A. Chandrasekhar
Wikipedia - Naan Sigappu Manithan (2014 film) -- 2014 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film
Wikipedia - Nachiket Barve -- Indian fashion designer of Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Nadege Vanhee-Cybulski -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Nadia Hussain -- Pakistani television actress, host, model entrepreneur and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Nadieh Bremer -- Data scientist and data visualization designer
Wikipedia - Nakajima G10N -- Planned Japanese ultra-long-range heavy bomber designed during World War II
Wikipedia - Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament -- Designations for Jesus used in the New Testament
Wikipedia - Nanawale Estates, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Nancy Skolos -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Nancy Zieman -- author and designer
Wikipedia - Naoto Fukasawa -- Japanese industrial designer
Wikipedia - Napoca insignis -- Species of jumping spider
Wikipedia - Narendra Rocherolle -- American entrepreneur, designer, and software engineer
Wikipedia - NarusInsight
Wikipedia - NASA insignia -- Logo designs used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Wikipedia - Nashville Community Oversight Board -- Police oversight board in Nashville, Tennessee, US
Wikipedia - Nasir Gebelli -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Nasmyth telescope -- Three-mirror telescope design
Wikipedia - Nasri Khattar -- Lebanese architect and type designer
Wikipedia - Natacha Marro -- French shoe designer
Wikipedia - Natacha Rambova -- 20th-century American film personality and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Natalia Fedner -- American fashion designer and actress
Wikipedia - Natali Germanotta -- American fashion designer and stylist
Wikipedia - Nate & Jeremiah by Design -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Nathalie du Pasquier -- French designer
Wikipedia - Nathalie Lawhead -- Net artist and independent game designer
Wikipedia - Nathan Crowley -- British film production designer
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Borenstein -- American computer scientist and designers of the MIME protocol
Wikipedia - Nathan L. Good -- American architect, sustainable building designer
Wikipedia - National Academy of Design -- professional honorary organization with a school and museum
Wikipedia - National Association of Schools of Art and Design -- US organisation for accreditation of schools, colleges and universities
Wikipedia - National Aviation Heritage Area -- Federally designated National Heritage Area in the Dayton, Ohio area
Wikipedia - National College of Art and Design -- Art institution in Dublin, Ireland (1746-)
Wikipedia - National day -- Designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation
Wikipedia - National Defence Radio Establishment -- Swedish signals intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Nationale SIGINT Organisatie
Wikipedia - National Heritage Area -- Designation by the U.S. to encourage preservation
Wikipedia - National Historic Landmark -- Formal designation assigned by the U.S. federal government to historic buildings and sites in the U.S. and its territories
Wikipedia - National Institute of Design, Andhra Pradesh -- Design school in Guntur , India
Wikipedia - National Institute of Design, Haryana -- Design school, located in Kurukshetra, India
Wikipedia - National Institute of Design, Madhya Pradesh -- Design school, located in Bhopal, India.
Wikipedia - National Institute of Design -- Design school, located in Ahmedabad, India.
Wikipedia - National Institute of Fashion Technology -- College of Designing in India (fashion, textile,leather, accessories,Knitwear,apparel etc)
Wikipedia - National Mathematics Year -- Designation for 2012 in India and Nigeria
Wikipedia - National monument (Ireland) -- Monument assigned national importance in Ireland
Wikipedia - National monument (United States) -- Monuments assigned protected status by Presidents of the US
Wikipedia - National Research Council Time Signal -- Canadian radio time signal
Wikipedia - National Reserve -- Land designation for protecting conservation values
Wikipedia - National Security Agency -- U.S. signals intelligence organization
Wikipedia - National shrine -- Designation given to a Catholic church or a sacred place to recognize its special historical, cultural, or religious significance
Wikipedia - National Wildlife Refuge -- designation for certain protected areas of the United States managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Wikipedia - Native American flute -- Flute designed by Native American peoples
Wikipedia - Nats Getty -- American model, socialite, designer, artist and LGBTQ rights activist
Wikipedia - Natural history museum -- Institution that displays exhibits of natural historical significance
Wikipedia - Natural mapping (interface design)
Wikipedia - NatureServe conservation status -- Conservation status assigned by the NatureServe
Wikipedia - Naval architecture -- Engineering discipline dealing with the design and construction of marine vessels
Wikipedia - Naval flag signalling -- Flag signalling, such as semaphore or flaghoist, used by various navies
Wikipedia - Naytahwaush, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - NCHA Triple Crown -- Culmination of winning all three designated aged events, included the NCHA Futurity, Derby and Super Stakes.
Wikipedia - Near-infrared signature management technology
Wikipedia - Nearside streetcar -- Tram designed by Thomas E. Mitten
Wikipedia - Near-sightedness -- Problem with distance vision
Wikipedia - Neeraja Kona -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Neil Druckmann -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Nendo (design firm) -- Japanese design firm
Wikipedia - Neo-futurism -- Late-20th- to early-21st-century movement in the arts, design, and architecture
Wikipedia - Neo-Gaeltacht -- Area, not formally designated, where Irish a strong presence as a spoken language
Wikipedia - Nepali Sign Language -- Main deaf sign language of Nepal
Wikipedia - Nepenthes insignis -- Species of pitcher plant from New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nett Lake (CDP), Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Network planning and design
Wikipedia - Neue Grafik -- Defunct quarterly graphic design journal
Wikipedia - Neural Designer
Wikipedia - Neurotrophic electrode -- Intracortical device designed to read the electrical signals of the brain
Wikipedia - Neuso Sigauque -- Mozambican judoka
Wikipedia - Neutrino detector -- Physics apparatus which is designed to study neutrinos
Wikipedia - Nevada State Route 11 -- Former designation of multiple highways in Nevada
Wikipedia - Neville Brody -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Neville Quist -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - New Austrian tunnelling method -- Method of modern tunnel design and construction
Wikipedia - NewHope -- Cryptographic protocol designed to resist quantum computer attacks
Wikipedia - Newline -- Special character in computing signifying the end of a line of text
Wikipedia - New normal -- Significant change of the prevailing situation
Wikipedia - News design
Wikipedia - Newton Thomas Sigel -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - Newtsuit -- Atmospheric diving suit designed by Phil Nuytten.
Wikipedia - New Urbanism -- Urban design movement promoting environmentally friendly habits
Wikipedia - New Wave (design)
Wikipedia - New Zealand Infrastructure Commission -- National oversight and planning agency
Wikipedia - New Zealand White Ensign -- Naval ensign
Wikipedia - Next Unit of Computing -- Small form factor PC designed by Intel
Wikipedia - NHS England -- Oversight body for the National Health Service in England
Wikipedia - Nibley House, North Nibley -- House of historical significance in Gloucestershire, England
Wikipedia - Nicaraguan Sign Language
Wikipedia - Nicholas Benson -- American stone carver and typeface designer
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fortugno -- American game designer and educator
Wikipedia - Nick Ahrens -- American designer and art director
Wikipedia - Nick Bax -- British designer
Wikipedia - Nicklaus Design -- Golf course design and construction company
Wikipedia - Nicola Finetti -- Italian Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Nicolaj Siggelkow -- American economist
Wikipedia - Nicolas Ghesquiere -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Nicolas Jenson -- 15th century French engraver, printer and type designer
Wikipedia - Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol -- French politician
Wikipedia - Nicolas Sidjakov -- American graphic designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Nicole Richie -- American television personality, fashion designer, and actress
Wikipedia - Niels Siggaard Andersen -- Danish and Norwegian male curler
Wikipedia - Nieves-Rodriguez v. Peake -- Significant Court of Appeals for Veterans Claim opinion
Wikipedia - Nigel Cabourn -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Night bomber -- Type of bomber designed to operate at night
Wikipedia - Niharika Khan -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Nike Davies-Okundaye -- Nigerian batik and textile designer
Wikipedia - Niki Smart -- British car designer
Wikipedia - Nikola Corporation -- American hydrogen-electric vehicle designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Nikolai Afanasyev -- Russian weapons designer
Wikipedia - Nikolai Prusakov -- Russian poster and stage designer
Wikipedia - Nikolsky's sign
Wikipedia - Nima Bavardi -- Iranian industrial designer
Wikipedia - Nina K. Mirembe -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Nina Petronzio -- American interior & furniture designer
Wikipedia - Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland -- Permitted the State to sign the Good Friday Agreement
Wikipedia - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 -- 2008 video game for PlayStation 3
Wikipedia - Niqqud -- System of diacritical signs used to represent vowels or distinguish between alternative pronunciations of letters of the Hebrew alphabet
Wikipedia - Nanakuli, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Nobuyuki Siraisi -- Japanese-American artist and designer
Wikipedia - Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition -- Annual mechanical puzzle competition
Wikipedia - Nodal signaling pathway -- A signal transduction pathway important in regional and cellular differentiation during embryonic development
Wikipedia - No Date, No Signature -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Nod factor -- Signaling molecule
Wikipedia - Noel Martin -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Noguchi table -- Modernist table design
Wikipedia - Noise (electronics) -- Random fluctuation in an electrical signal
Wikipedia - Noise floor -- Level of background noise in a signal
Wikipedia - Noise (signal processing) -- In signal processing, unwanted modifications to a signal
Wikipedia - Noma Copley -- American art collector and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - NoM-CM-)mi Raymond -- French-born American artist and designer
Wikipedia - Non-measurable set -- Set which cannot be assigned a meaningful "volume"
Wikipedia - Nono Maldonado -- Puerto Rican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Noon Gun -- Historic time signal in Cape Town, South Africa since 1806
Wikipedia - Nor Aini Shariff -- Malaysian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Norden bombsight
Wikipedia - Nordic cross flag -- flag bearing the design of the Nordic or Scandinavian cross
Wikipedia - Nordic walking -- Physical activity or sport involving cross-country walking with specially designed walking poles similar to ski poles
Wikipedia - Noritaka Tatehana -- Japanese shoe designer
Wikipedia - Norman Garwood -- English production designer
Wikipedia - Norm Cox (designer) -- American interaction designer
Wikipedia - Norm (graphic design group) -- Swiss graphic design team
Wikipedia - North American DC-3 -- NASA Space Shuttle design candidate
Wikipedia - North American Free Trade Agreement -- Trade agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States
Wikipedia - North American NAC-60 -- Proposed supersonic airliner design
Wikipedia - North American railway signaling -- Railway signaling in North America
Wikipedia - North American X-10 -- Experimental missile to test design features of the SM-64 Navaho missile
Wikipedia - North Christian Church -- Eero Saarinen-designed church in Columbus, Indiana
Wikipedia - North Edwards, California -- Census-designated place in California, United States
Wikipedia - North Koolaupoko, Hawaii -- An area of a census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - North Potomac, Maryland -- Census-designated place named North Potomac in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - North Yemen -- Generic term designating the north-western part of the state of Yemen
Wikipedia - Nostra Signora delle Grazie e Santa Maria Goretti
Wikipedia - NOTCH2NL -- Family of Notch signalling genes
Wikipedia - Notch signaling pathway
Wikipedia - Notch signaling
Wikipedia - Not equal sign
Wikipedia - Note value -- Sign that indicates the relative duration of a note
Wikipedia - Notron -- British-designed MIDI step sequencer
Wikipedia - Nottingham Trent University, School of Art and Design -- Art school in Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - Novel coronavirus -- Provisional name given to any recently discovered coronavirus of medical significance
Wikipedia - Novus homo -- Political designation in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - NTRUSign
Wikipedia - Nuclear weapon design
Wikipedia - Nucleic acid design
Wikipedia - Number sign -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Numerically-controlled oscillator -- Digital signal generator
Wikipedia - Numero sign -- Typographic abbreviation of the word "number(s)"
Wikipedia - Nur YerlitaM-EM-^_ -- Turkish fashion designer
Wikipedia - NuScale Power -- Private company that designs and markets small modular reactors (SMRs)
Wikipedia - Nu Sigma Beta -- Puerto Rican fraternity
Wikipedia - Nu Sigma Nu -- International fraternity
Wikipedia - Nuvistor -- Late vacuum tube design designed to compete with transistors
Wikipedia - O3b MEO -- Satellite constellation designed for telecommunications and data backhaul from remote locations
Wikipedia - Oakport, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Oana Botez -- Romanian-American theatre, opera, dance and film designer, artist and activist
Wikipedia - Object Design, Incorporated
Wikipedia - Object-oriented analysis and design
Wikipedia - Object oriented design
Wikipedia - Object-oriented design
Wikipedia - Oblique icebreaker -- Icebreaker designed which can break ice obliquely to open a wide channel
Wikipedia - Observation deck -- Elevated sightseeing platform
Wikipedia - Obturating ring -- Ring of soft material designed to obturate under pressure
Wikipedia - Occupational exposure banding -- Process to assign chemicals into categories corresponding to permissible exposure concentrations
Wikipedia - Ocean liner -- Ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another
Wikipedia - Ocean Pointe, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in the United States
Wikipedia - Ocsigen
Wikipedia - Odette Barsa -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Office of Inspector General (United States) -- Oversight division of a United States federal or state agency
Wikipedia - Off-the-grid -- System and lifestyle designed to help people function without a remote infrastructure, such as an electrical grid
Wikipedia - Oil tanker -- Ship designed for the bulk transport of oil
Wikipedia - OKB Gidropress -- Russian state-owned nuclear reactor designer
Wikipedia - OKMO -- Soviet tank design bureau of the 1930s
Wikipedia - Okrug -- Slavic language designation for an administrative territorial entity
Wikipedia - Olaf Altmann -- German scenic designer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Olav Sigurd Carlsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Olcay Gulsen -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Old French Sign Language -- Attested sign language
Wikipedia - Old-growth forest -- Forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance
Wikipedia - Oleg Antonov (aircraft designer) -- Soviet aeroplane designer
Wikipedia - Oleksandriia -- City of regional significance in Kirovohrad Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Ole Sigmund -- Danish Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Wikipedia - Olga di GrM-CM-)sy -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Olive Ashworth -- Australian artist, textile designer and photographer
Wikipedia - Oliver Goldsmith (company) -- British eyewear design company
Wikipedia - Oliver Katwesigye Koyekyenga -- Ugandan Legislator
Wikipedia - Oliver Winterbottom -- British automotive designer
Wikipedia - Olivier BM-CM-)riot -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Olivier Rousteing -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Olmsted Brothers -- Landscape design firm
Wikipedia - Olszewski tube -- A pipe designed to bring oxygen-poor water from the bottom of a lake to the top
Wikipedia - Olu Esigie -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Omega Chess -- Commercial chess variant designed by Daniel MacDonald played on a 10M-CM-^W10 board with four extra squares at the corners
Wikipedia - Omega Tau Sigma -- Veterinary medicine professional fraternity
Wikipedia - Ommo Clark -- Software designer
Wikipedia - Oncotype (Denmark) -- interactive design group
Wikipedia - ONG&ONG -- Architecture and urban design company in Singapore
Wikipedia - Onshape -- Computer-aided design software system
Wikipedia - OP-20-G -- WWII US Navy signals intelligence group
Wikipedia - Opashona Ghosh -- Indian illustrator and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Opel Insignia -- mid-size/large family car manufactured by Opel
Wikipedia - Opel Signum -- German car model
Wikipedia - Open Compute Project -- Organization that shares designs of data center products
Wikipedia - Open Design Alliance
Wikipedia - Open-design movement -- movement for product development with publicly shared designs
Wikipedia - Open design
Wikipedia - Open Hardware and Design Alliance
Wikipedia - Open ocean diving -- Diving in deep water out of sight of land
Wikipedia - Open-source appropriate technology -- appropriate technology from the open-design movement
Wikipedia - Open-source hardware -- Hardware from the open-design movement
Wikipedia - Open top buses in the United Kingdom -- Open top buses are used in the United Kingdom for sightseeing and seasonal summer services.
Wikipedia - Open world -- Type of computer game design
Wikipedia - Operating signals -- Signals for management of telegraph circuits
Wikipedia - Operating Systems: Design and Implementation -- Computer science textbook
Wikipedia - Operation Warp Speed -- American public-private partnership designed to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine development
Wikipedia - O'PlM-CM-)rou -- Ivorian artist, illustrator and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Oppenheim's sign
Wikipedia - Optimal design
Wikipedia - Opto-isolator -- Insulates two circuits from one another while allowing signals to pass through in one direction
Wikipedia - Orbital Insight -- Geospatial analysis company based in Palo Alto
Wikipedia - Orbiter Vehicle Designation -- Names of NASA Space Shuttle
Wikipedia - OrCAD -- Electronic design automation software
Wikipedia - Orchidlands Estates, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Oreta insignis -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Organization design
Wikipedia - Oriel Sea Salt -- Protected designation of Irish sea salt
Wikipedia - Origami Polyhedra Design
Wikipedia - Original design manufacturer -- Company that manufactures a product, that is rebranded by another firm for sale
Wikipedia - Original Signal Recordings -- American Record Label
Wikipedia - Orla Kiely -- Irish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Orla Molgaard-Nielsen -- Danish architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Orry-Kelly -- Australian-American Hollywood costume designer
Wikipedia - Ortal Ben Dayan -- Jewelry designer, Mizrahi feminist, sociologist
Wikipedia - Orthotics -- Medical specialty that focuses on the design and application of orthoses
Wikipedia - Osaka -- Designated city in Kansai, Japan
Wikipedia - Osbert Lancaster -- English cartoonist, historian, stage designer and author (1908-1986)
Wikipedia - Oscar de la Renta -- Dominican-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Oscar Widmann -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Oskar Glockler -- German medal designer
Wikipedia - Oskar Metsavaht -- Brazilian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Oskar Pihl -- Finnish silversmith and designer
Wikipedia - Osvaldo Borsani -- Italian architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Oswald Bruce Cooper -- American type and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Oswald Sigg -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Oswald the Lucky Rabbit -- Animated cartoon character who was Walt Disney's signature character before Mickey Mouse
Wikipedia - Otis College of Art and Design -- Art school in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Otl Aicher -- German graphic designer and typographer
Wikipedia - Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion -- International agreement signed at the First International Conference on Health Promotion
Wikipedia - Ottoman clothing -- Style and design of clothing worn by the Ottoman Turks.
Wikipedia - Otto Steiger (engineer) -- Swiss engineer (1858-1923), designer of the Millionaire calculator
Wikipedia - Our Lady of Mercy with Saints and Angels -- Painting by Lucas Signorelli
Wikipedia - Our Saviour New York -- Francis H. Kimball designed church building in Manhattan, United States of America
Wikipedia - Outline of design
Wikipedia - Outline of web design and web development
Wikipedia - Outrage porn -- Media designed to evoke outrage for online attention
Wikipedia - Outstanding Natural Area -- Protected area designation in the United States
Wikipedia - Oversight of United States covert operations -- Groups or departments set up to monitor US undercover operations
Wikipedia - Owen Maddock -- British engineer and racing car designer
Wikipedia - Owen Paterson (production designer)
Wikipedia - Owe Sandstrom -- Swedish zoologist and costume designer
Wikipedia - Owings Mills, Maryland -- Census-designated place in Maryland, US
Wikipedia - Ox (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Paauilo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Pablo Picasso -- 20th-century Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer
Wikipedia - Pacific Design Center -- Multi-use facility in West Hollywood, California, USA
Wikipedia - Paco Rabanne -- Basque fashion designer (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Page layout -- Part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement of visual elements on a page
Wikipedia - Pahala, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Pahoa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Paige Jansen-Nichols -- American jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Paisley (design)
Wikipedia - Palenville, New York -- Hamlet and census-designated place in New York, US
Wikipedia - Palesa Mokubung -- South African fashion designer
Wikipedia - P. Allen Smith -- American TV host, designer, and gardening expert
Wikipedia - Pallet racking -- Material handling storage aid system designed to store materials on pallets
Wikipedia - Pamela Crawford -- Stage designer (1921-1997)
Wikipedia - Panasonic M2 -- Video game console design
Wikipedia - Pandemic Response Accountability Committee -- United States independent oversight committee for $2.2 trillion in government funds for coronavirus aid
Wikipedia - Panobacumab -- Monoclonal antibody designed as an antibacterial against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Wikipedia - Panopticon -- Prison design
Wikipedia - Pan-pan -- distress signal used in radiotelephone communications
Wikipedia - Paola Hernandez -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Paolo Buffa -- Italian architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Paolo Schianchi -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Papaikou, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Papal regalia and insignia -- Official items of attire and decoration proper to the Pope
Wikipedia - Papal renunciation -- Resignation of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Papal resignation
Wikipedia - Papercutting -- The art of paper designs
Wikipedia - Paper embossing -- Process of creating either raised or recessed relief images and designs in paper and other materials
Wikipedia - Para-alpine skiing classification -- Designed to insure fair competition
Wikipedia - Parabangalaia flavosignata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Paradise, Pennsylvania -- Census-designated place in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Parallax -- Difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight
Wikipedia - Parallel Ocean Program -- A three-dimensional ocean circulation model designed primarily for studying the ocean climate system
Wikipedia - Parallel RAM -- Abstract computer for designing parallel algorithms
Wikipedia - Parametric design
Wikipedia - Paramulciber flavosignatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Paris Peace Treaties, 1947 -- Treaties signed in Paris on 10 February 1947
Wikipedia - Parking space -- Designated location for parking a vehicle
Wikipedia - Parquetry -- Ornate wooden floor design
Wikipedia - Parsons School of Design -- Private art and design college in New York
Wikipedia - Parte Guelfa Holy Family -- C. 1490 painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Partially sighted
Wikipedia - Participatory design
Wikipedia - Pasatiempo, California -- Census-designated place in California, United States
Wikipedia - Pascal Lecocq -- French painter and set designer
Wikipedia - Pascual Sigala -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Pasig City
Wikipedia - Pasigraphy -- Writing system wherein each symbol represents a concept
Wikipedia - Pasig -- City in Metro Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - Passive solar building design
Wikipedia - Patach -- Hebrew niqqud vowel sign
Wikipedia - Patch (computing) -- Piece of software designed to update a computer program to fix or improve it
Wikipedia - Patchwork -- Form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design
Wikipedia - Pat Collins (lighting designer) -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Pat Denner -- American designer most famous for Vegas Vic
Wikipedia - Pat Nebo -- Nigerien production designer
Wikipedia - Patriarch of Alexandria -- Archbishop of Alexandria, Egypt; includes the designation "pope"
Wikipedia - Patricia Moore -- American designer and gerontologist
Wikipedia - Patrick Eggle -- British guitar designer and luthier
Wikipedia - Patrick Gallagher (designer) -- American museum designer
Wikipedia - Patrick Piemonte -- American interface designer and computer scientist
Wikipedia - Patristics -- Study of the early Christian writers who are designated Church Fathers
Wikipedia - Pattern coin -- Sample coin to demonstrate the design of a coin
Wikipedia - Paukaa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Paula Stafford -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Paul Bacon (designer) -- American designer
Wikipedia - Paul Bangay -- Australian landscape designer
Wikipedia - Paul Berthon -- French designer and lithographer, often confused with the painter Paul Emile Berton, born in Chartrettes
Wikipedia - Paul Brainerd -- American computer programmer in the field of computer-aided editing, design and publishing.
Wikipedia - Paul Costelloe -- Irish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Paul Daly (sculptor) -- Irish sculptor and designer
Wikipedia - Paulding Farnham -- American jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Paule Constable -- British lighting designer
Wikipedia - Paul Flechsig
Wikipedia - Paul Fortune -- British-American, L.A. based interior designer
Wikipedia - Paulina Moran -- Mexican interior architect and designer
Wikipedia - Pauline Boutal -- Canadian artist, theatrical designer, actress and educator
Wikipedia - Paul Jr. Designs -- American motorcycle customizer and clothing company in Montgomery, NY
Wikipedia - Paul Markwitz -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Paul Mausner -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Paul Philippe Cret -- French-American architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Paul Poiret -- French fashion designer (1879-1944)
Wikipedia - Paul Rand -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Paul Sahre -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Paul Shaw (design historian) -- American graphic designer and historian
Wikipedia - Paul Signac
Wikipedia - Paul Soulellis -- American graphic designer, artist, and educator
Wikipedia - Paul Tazewell -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Paul Teutul Jr. -- American motorcycle designer and builder
Wikipedia - Paul Vasileff -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Paul von Joukowsky -- German scenic designer
Wikipedia - Pavillon de l'Esprit Nouveau -- A model home designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret
Wikipedia - Payback 2 -- Video game by Apex Designs
Wikipedia - Peace of Munster -- Treaty between the Dutch Republic and Spain signed in 1648
Wikipedia - Peace of Nikolsburg -- Peace treaty signed on 31 December 1621
Wikipedia - Peace of Ryswick -- Series of treaties signed in late 1697 ending the Nine Years' War between France and the Grand Alliance
Wikipedia - Peaked cap -- Form of uniform headgear with a short visor, crown, band, and insignia
Wikipedia - Peak signal-to-noise ratio
Wikipedia - Pearl City, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Pearson Ensign -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Pecorino Romano -- Hard, salty Italian cheese, protected designation of origin
Wikipedia - Pedestrian crossing -- Place designated for pedestrians to cross a road, street or avenue
Wikipedia - Pedro del Hierro -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Peggy Hamilton -- American fashion and costume designer
Wikipedia - Peggy Hay -- New Zealand designer
Wikipedia - Pellet (air gun) -- Non-spherical projectile designed to be shot from an air gun
Wikipedia - Pen & Pixel -- American graphic design company
Wikipedia - Peninnah Tukamwesiga -- 21st-century Ugandan lawyer
Wikipedia - Peninsula Shale Renosterveld -- Vegetation type that is endemic to the slopes of Signal Hill and Devil's Peak in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Pentagram (design firm) -- International design studio
Wikipedia - Pentawards -- Annual awards in package design
Wikipedia - Pepeekeo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Peppered moth evolution -- significance of the peppered moth in evolutionary biology
Wikipedia - Pepper LaBeija -- American trans woman of colour and fashion designer.
Wikipedia - Per Arnoldi -- Danish designer and artist
Wikipedia - Percent sign -- Mathematical symbol used to indicate a percentage
Wikipedia - PERISCOP -- A pressurized recovery device designed for retrieving deep-sea marine life
Wikipedia - Personal protective equipment -- Equipment designed to help protect an individual from hazards
Wikipedia - Persons of National Historic Significance -- designation given to historic Canadian people
Wikipedia - Pete Nash (game designer) -- Role-playing game designer
Wikipedia - Peter Alexander (fashion designer) -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Peter Bergman (comedian) -- American comedian, founder of The Firesign Theatre troupe
Wikipedia - Peter BiM-DM->ak -- Slovak graphic and type designer
Wikipedia - Peter Farnan -- Australian composer, sound designer, musical director and guitarist
Wikipedia - Peter Kassig -- American aid worker
Wikipedia - Peter Larkin (production designer) -- American stage designer
Wikipedia - Peter Milne (boat designer) -- British boat designer
Wikipedia - Peter Molyneux -- English video game designer and game programmer
Wikipedia - Peter Mui -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Peter Oliphant -- American actor and video game designer
Wikipedia - Peter Saville (graphic designer) -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Peter Seitz -- German graphic designer
Wikipedia - Petition -- Formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority in respect of an particular cause
Wikipedia - Petra Blaisse -- British-born Dutch designer
Wikipedia - Petro Balabuyev -- Ukrainian aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Petrol engine -- Internal combustion engine designed to run on gasoline
Wikipedia - Petter Fladeby -- Norwegian film designer
Wikipedia - Peyton M. Magruder -- American aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Phase detector -- Circuit that generates a voltage signal which represents the difference in phase between two signal inputs
Wikipedia - Phase modulation -- Modulation pattern for conditioning communication signals for transmission
Wikipedia - Phaser (effect) -- Audio signal processing technique
Wikipedia - Phenome-wide association study -- Study designed to associate genetic variants with a large number of phenotypes
Wikipedia - Phenylacetylindole -- Class of cannabinoid designer drugs
Wikipedia - Phesatiodes fuscosignatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Phi Beta Sigma -- Historically African-American fraternity
Wikipedia - Philip B. Meggs -- American graphic designer and author
Wikipedia - Philip Gips -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Philip Hickie -- Australian set designer
Wikipedia - Philippe Keyaerts -- Belgian board game designer
Wikipedia - Philippe Neerman -- Belgian industrial designer
Wikipedia - Philippe Starck -- French architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Philippine peso sign -- Currency symbol
Wikipedia - Philippine Women's University - School of Fine Arts and Design -- Philippine women's fine arts school
Wikipedia - Philipp Mohr -- Architect and industrial designer
Wikipedia - Philip Trevino -- American Lighting and Scenic Designer
Wikipedia - Philosophy of design
Wikipedia - Phil Trumbo -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Phi Sigma Alpha -- Puerto Rican fraternity
Wikipedia - Phoebus of Lusignan -- Lord of Sidon
Wikipedia - Pholiota (house) -- House designed by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Phone connector (audio) -- Family of connector typically used for analog signals
Wikipedia - Photographic lens design -- Design of lenses for use in cameras
Wikipedia - Photovoltaic system -- Power system designed to supply usable electric power from solar energy
Wikipedia - Phreatophyte -- A deep-rooted plant that obtains a significant portion of the water that it needs from the phreatic zone
Wikipedia - Phyllis Dalton -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - Phyllonorycter insignitella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Physical design (electronics)
Wikipedia - Physical examination -- Process by which a medical professional investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease
Wikipedia - Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza -- Public space
Wikipedia - Pie in American cuisine -- History and cultural significance of pies in American cuisine
Wikipedia - Piem (cartoonist) -- French designer
Wikipedia - Piero Lissoni -- Italian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny -- French composer
Wikipedia - Pierre Authier -- French car designer
Wikipedia - Pierre Balmain -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Pierre Brizard -- French furniture designer
Wikipedia - Pierre Cardin -- French fashion designer (1922-2020)
Wikipedia - Pierre Cassignard -- French actor
Wikipedia - Pierre Hardy (fashion designer) -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Pierre Robin (designer) -- French aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Piet Hein Eek -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - Pig (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Pilgrimage -- Journey or search of moral or spiritual significance
Wikipedia - Pilgrim Congregational Church (Redding, California) -- Church building in California designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Wikipedia - Pilot Point Post-Signal -- Weekly newspaper in Pilot Point, Texas, US
Wikipedia - -- German documentary series, which provides a detailed insight into the cockpit of airliners
Wikipedia - Pine Bend, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Pine Point, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Pine Ridge, Citrus County, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Pink noise -- Type of signal whose amplitude is inversely proportional to its frequency
Wikipedia - Piotr Potworowski -- Polish painter and designer
Wikipedia - Pip Edwards -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Pipelight -- Compatibility layer that allows NPAPI plugins designed for Windows to run on Linux
Wikipedia - Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality
Wikipedia - Pirsig's metaphysics of Quality
Wikipedia - Piru Mansion -- Queen Anne Style home designated Ventura County Historical Landmark #4 in Piru, California.
Wikipedia - Pi Sigma Alpha -- American honor society
Wikipedia - Piskacek's sign -- An indication of pregnancy
Wikipedia - Pi Tau Sigma -- International mechanical engineering honor society
Wikipedia - Pixel (1st generation) -- 2016 Android smartphone designed by Google
Wikipedia - Pixel 2 -- 2017 Android smartphone designed by Google
Wikipedia - Pixel 3a -- 2019 Android smartphone designed by Google
Wikipedia - Pixel 3 -- 2018 Android smartphone designed by Google
Wikipedia - Pixel 4a -- 2020 Android smartphone designed by Google
Wikipedia - Pixel 4 -- 2019 Android smartphones designed by Google
Wikipedia - Placement (electronic design automation)
Wikipedia - Plain language radio checks -- Operating signals for radio signal quality
Wikipedia - Plain language -- Writing designed to ensure the reader understands as quickly, easily, and completely as possible
Wikipedia - Plains Indian Sign Language -- Once the lingua franca across North America
Wikipedia - Planet Simulator -- Machine designed to study life in the universe
Wikipedia - Planned obsolescence -- Policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life
Wikipedia - Plarium -- International software company that designs both mobile and browser games
Wikipedia - Platform-based design
Wikipedia - Plaxton Supreme -- Design of coach bodywork built by Plaxton
Wikipedia - Playground -- Place with a specific design for children to be able to play there
Wikipedia - Playtest -- Process of testing in game design
Wikipedia - Pluralsight
Wikipedia - Plus and minus signs
Wikipedia - Plus-minus sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-BM-1
Wikipedia - Plus sign
Wikipedia - PM-EM-+pM-EM-+kea, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Pnina Tornai -- Israeli fashion designer and reality television personality
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Trading Figure Game -- Game designed by PokM-CM-)mon USA
Wikipedia - Polar Class -- The ice class assigned to a ship by a classification society based on the Unified Requirements for Polar Class Ships
Wikipedia - Police accountability -- Complaint procedures and oversight for police behavior
Wikipedia - Policy-based design
Wikipedia - Polish Sign Language
Wikipedia - Polysemy -- Capacity for a sign to have multiple related meanings
Wikipedia - PolyU School of Design -- The School of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Wikipedia - Ponemah, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Ponton (car) -- 1930s-1960s car design genre
Wikipedia - POP (Point of Purchase typeface) -- Typeface designed to effect the look of handwritten Kanji
Wikipedia - Pop Shop -- Store selling memorabilia of artist Keith Haring's designs
Wikipedia - Porsche Tapiro -- Concept car designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro
Wikipedia - Portable stove -- Cooking stove specially designed to be portable and lightweight
Wikipedia - Porterfield Aircraft Corporation -- American Aircraft Design and manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Portland Pattern Repository -- American software design pattern repository
Wikipedia - Port Murray, New Jersey -- Census-designated place in Warren County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Portrait of monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi -- Painting by Annibale Carracci
Wikipedia - Portrait of NiccolM-CM-2 Vitelli -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Portrait of Vitellozzo Vitelli -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Port scanner -- Application designed to probe for open ports
Wikipedia - Postage stamp design
Wikipedia - Postmodern feminism -- Form of feminism designed to destabilize patriarchal norms.
Wikipedia - Postscript -- Afterthought, thought of occurring after the letter has been written and signed
Wikipedia - Potrero, California -- Census-designated place in San Diego County, California, United States
Wikipedia - PowerDesigner
Wikipedia - Power Mac G5 -- A line of tower computers designed and manufactured by Apple.
Wikipedia - Power MOSFET -- MOSFET that can handle significant power levels
Wikipedia - Power network design (IC)
Wikipedia - Power-on reset -- Peripheral that generates a reset signal when power is applied
Wikipedia - Prabal Gurung -- Nepalese-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Prague Declaration -- A declaration signed on 3 June 2008
Wikipedia - Pramod Thomas -- Audio engineer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Preservative -- Additive designed to prevent decomposition
Wikipedia - Pressure vessel -- A container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure
Wikipedia - Pressurized heavy-water reactor -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Prevention through design -- Reduction of occupational hazards by early planning in the design process
Wikipedia - Prime Design/Time Design -- 1985 live album by American jazz composer Ornette Coleman
Wikipedia - Prime Minister's Resignation Honours -- Honours granted at the behest of an outgoing British prime minister
Wikipedia - Prime signature -- Multiset of prime exponents in a prime factorization
Wikipedia - Prime (symbol) -- Character (M-bM-^@M-2), used to designate units and for other purposes
Wikipedia - Prince Egon von Furstenberg -- Fashion designer (1946-2004)
Wikipedia - Prince Philip Designers Prize
Wikipedia - Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1864-1866) -- Prussian prince
Wikipedia - Principle of least astonishment -- Principle in computer system design
Wikipedia - Principles of Compiler Design
Wikipedia - Principles of user interface design
Wikipedia - Print design
Wikipedia - Priority signs -- Indication of the order in which vehicles should pass intersection points
Wikipedia - PRISM (reactor) -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Wikipedia - Privacy by design -- Framework for systems engineering
Wikipedia - Private Use Areas -- Unicode three ranges of code points that not be assigned characters by the Unicode Consortium
Wikipedia - Privilege sign -- Advertising sign
Wikipedia - Priya Sigdel -- 21st-century Nepali beauty pageant contestant
Wikipedia - Probabilistic design
Wikipedia - Problem-solving courts in the United States -- Specialty courts designed to address offenders' criminogenic needs
Wikipedia - Process architecture -- Structural design of general process systems
Wikipedia - Process-centered design
Wikipedia - Process design (chemical engineering)
Wikipedia - Process design
Wikipedia - Processor design
Wikipedia - Prodrome -- Premonitory signs or symptoms of disease
Wikipedia - Product design specification
Wikipedia - Product design -- Process that leads to new products
Wikipedia - Production designer
Wikipedia - Production design
Wikipedia - Professional certification -- Designation earned by a person to assure qualification to perform a job or task
Wikipedia - ProgramByDesign
Wikipedia - Programming Language Design and Implementation
Wikipedia - Prohibition of Gang Insignia in Government Premises Act 2013 -- Act of Parliament in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Project Icarus (interstellar) -- 2009 project to update design of Project Daedalus
Wikipedia - Project Longshot -- Design for a 400 tonne nuclear pulse propelled unmanned probe to reach and orbit Alpha Centauri
Wikipedia - Project Runeberg -- Digital cultural archive initiative that publishes free electronic versions of books significant to the culture and history of the Nordic countries
Wikipedia - Project Sign -- U.S. government study of UFOs
Wikipedia - Proletariat -- A class of wage-earners in an economic society whose only possession of significant material value is their labour-power
Wikipedia - PROMESA -- United States law and oversight board on Puerto Rico's debt crisis
Wikipedia - Propagation delay -- Time for a signal or other quantity to reach its destination
Wikipedia - Prop and Wings -- Military insignia used to identify various aviation-related units in the United States military
Wikipedia - Property designer
Wikipedia - ProSight Specialty Insurance -- American insurance company
Wikipedia - Prosigns for Morse code -- Predefined Morse code patterns with meanings distinct from the letters the patterns normally represent
Wikipedia - Prosigoj
Wikipedia - Prosoplus signatoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Protein design
Wikipedia - Proteus Design Suite
Wikipedia - Protocol ossification -- Reduction in the flexibility of network protocol design due to middleboxes
Wikipedia - Proust and Signs -- 1964 book by Gilles Deleuze
Wikipedia - Provisional designation in astronomy -- Designation of an astronomical body after its discovery and before its official name
Wikipedia - Prue Acton -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Prue UHP-1 -- Glider designed by Irving Prue
Wikipedia - P. Scott Makela -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Pseudolaw -- Statements, beliefs or practices allegedly based on accepted law or jurisprudence, but which differ significantly from most traditional legal views
Wikipedia - Pseudolophia nigrosignata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Psychoanalysis -- psychological theory and therapy established by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Psycho (Post Malone song) -- 2018 single by Post Malone featuring Ty Dolla Sign
Wikipedia - Pterophorus aliubasignum -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Puako, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Publication bias -- Higher probability of publishing results showing a significant finding
Wikipedia - Public Company Accounting Oversight Board -- American overseer of audits of public companies
Wikipedia - Public interest design
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico (board game) -- German-style board game designed by Andreas Seyfarth
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Constitution Day -- Commemorates the day the Constitution of Puerto Rico was signed into law
Wikipedia - Pulse-amplitude modulation -- Form of signal modulation where information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of pulses
Wikipedia - Pulse-code modulation -- digital representation of sampled signals
Wikipedia - Pulse (signal processing)
Wikipedia - Punaluu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Purinergic signaling
Wikipedia - Purinergic signalling -- Signalling complex involving purine nucleosides and their receptors
Wikipedia - Purity ring -- Ring worn to sign chastity
Wikipedia - Push Pin Studios -- American graphic design studio
Wikipedia - Puy-Malsignat -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Qamutiik -- Sled designed to travel on snow and ice
Wikipedia - Q code -- A type of Morse code operating signal
Wikipedia - QN Signals -- A Morse code operating signal for Amateur radio messages
Wikipedia - QSA and QRK radio signal reports -- A Morse code operating signal for signal quality reports
Wikipedia - Quadratic assignment problem -- combinatorial optimization problem
Wikipedia - Quantization (signal processing) -- Process of mapping a continuous set to a countable set
Wikipedia - Quasi-experimental design
Wikipedia - Questionnaire construction -- Design of a questionnaire to gather statistically useful information about a given topic
Wikipedia - Rabbit (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Rabih Kayrouz -- Lebanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rachel Antonoff -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rachel Binx -- American data visualizer, developer, and designer
Wikipedia - Rachel Roy -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Racing shell -- Rowing boat designed for sport
Wikipedia - Radboud van Beekum -- Dutch furniture designer
Wikipedia - Rad Hourani -- Canadian fashion designer and artist
Wikipedia - Radial keratotomy -- Refractive surgical procedure to correct myopia (nearsightedness
Wikipedia - Radial tire -- Particular design of vehicular tire
Wikipedia - Radia Perlman -- American software designer and network engineer
Wikipedia - Radio control -- Use of radio signals to remotely control a device, vehicle or drone
Wikipedia - Radio direction finder -- Radio navigation system which operates by finding the bearing of a radio signal
Wikipedia - Radio masts and towers -- Tall structure designed to support antennas
Wikipedia - Radio over fiber -- Light modulated by a radio frequency signal and transmitted over optical fiber
Wikipedia - Radio receiver -- Radio device for receiving radio waves and converting them to a useful signal
Wikipedia - Radiotron Designer's Handbook
Wikipedia - RAF Troodos -- Royal Air Force signals station in the Troodos Mountains
Wikipedia - Raid on Bungeling Bay -- 1984 video game designed by Will Wright
Wikipedia - Rail Alphabet -- Typeface designed by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert for British Railways
Wikipedia - Railcar -- self-propelled railway vehicle designed to transport passengers
Wikipedia - Railway semaphore signal -- Form of fixed railway signal
Wikipedia - Railway signalling -- The principle of signals used to control railway traffic
Wikipedia - Raimonda Gaetani -- Italian set and costume designer
Wikipedia - Raimund Marasigan -- Filipino musician
Wikipedia - Ralf Metzenmacher -- German artist, designer and painter
Wikipedia - Ralph Alswang -- American designer
Wikipedia - Ralph Appelbaum Associates -- Museum exhibition design firm
Wikipedia - Ralph Caplan -- American designer
Wikipedia - Ralph Guggenheim -- American video graphics designer and film producer
Wikipedia - Ralph Hammeras -- American designer
Wikipedia - Ralph Lauren -- American fashion designer and executive
Wikipedia - Ralph McQuarrie -- American conceptual designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Ralph Pucci -- American mannequin designer, gallery owner and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Ralph Stock -- German game designer
Wikipedia - Ramona Brussig -- German judoka
Wikipedia - Ramsar site -- Wetland site as designated by the Ramsar Convention
Wikipedia - Rancho Santa Fe, California -- Census-designated place in California, United States
Wikipedia - Random assignment
Wikipedia - Randy Pausch -- American professor of computer science, human-computer interaction and design
Wikipedia - Ranger 33 -- American sailboat designed by Gary Mull
Wikipedia - Ranks and insignia of St John Ambulance (England) -- Ranks and insignia of St John Ambulance in England
Wikipedia - Ranks and insignia of the Nazi Party
Wikipedia - Raoul Pene Du Bois -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Raph Koster -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Rasigan -- 1994 film by S. A. Chandrasekhar
Wikipedia - Ratahi Tomuri -- Floral designer from New Zealand
Wikipedia - Rath Melsigi
Wikipedia - Rational design
Wikipedia - Rational drug design
Wikipedia - Rat (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Rautatalo -- Office building in Helsinki, Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto
Wikipedia - Ravi Sawhney -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Ray Brown (designer) -- Australian tailor and clothing designer
Wikipedia - Ray Eames -- American artist, designer, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Raymond Loewy -- French-born American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Raymond Templier -- French designer
Wikipedia - Reassurance marker -- Type of traffic sign that confirms the identity of the route being traveled
Wikipedia - Rebate plane -- Hand plane designed for cutting rabbets in wood
Wikipedia - Reccared I -- Visigothic King
Wikipedia - Recombination signal sequences -- Noncoding DNA that are recognized by the RAG1/RAG2 enzyme complex during V(D)J recombination in immature B cells and T cells
Wikipedia - Reconnaissance aircraft -- Aircraft designed to observe enemy forces and facilities and maintain area surveillance
Wikipedia - Recycling symbol -- Symbol used to designate recyclable materials
Wikipedia - Red Ensign of Singapore -- Maritime flag of Singapore
Wikipedia - Red Lake, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Red letter day -- Any day of special significance or opportunity
Wikipedia - Redmond A. Simonsen -- American board game designer
Wikipedia - Reem Alasadi -- Iraqi-born British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Reentry (neural circuitry) -- Ongoing bidirectional signalling between two or more brain areas
Wikipedia - Reference -- Relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object
Wikipedia - Reflections of signals on conducting lines -- Signal phenomenon
Wikipedia - Reflector sight -- Optical device for aiming
Wikipedia - Reflex (building design software) -- Software
Wikipedia - Refrigerator car -- Railroad car designed to carry perishable freight at specific temperatures
Wikipedia - Regenerative design
Wikipedia - Regine Chevallier -- Haitian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Regional designations of Montana -- Overview of the Regional designations of Montana
Wikipedia - Register (art) -- Part of a visual design
Wikipedia - Registered sign
Wikipedia - Register of Culturally Significant Property -- U.S. Department of State's registry of properties
Wikipedia - Rehn Dudukgian -- American milliner and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Reid Miles -- American photographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Rei Kawakubo -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Relapse -- The return of a sign, symptom, or disease after a remission
Wikipedia - Religious tourism -- Travel to religious sites, whether spiritual or sightseeing
Wikipedia - Remaking Cities Institute -- Urban design research center
Wikipedia - Remnant natural area -- Flora and fauna that has not been significantly disturbed
Wikipedia - Remote sensing -- Acquisition of information at a significant distance from the subject
Wikipedia - Rena Koh -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Renatha Francis -- American judge, Justice-Designate of the Florida Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Renato Balestra -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Renault Frendzy -- Concept leisure activity vehicle designed by Renault
Wikipedia - Renganaath Ravee -- Indian sound designer
Wikipedia - Ren Klyce -- American sound designer
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Benko -- Businessman; CEO and Chairman of Signa Holding
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-)e April -- Canadian costume designer
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Lalique -- French glass designer
Wikipedia - Renu Desai -- Indian actor and costume designer
Wikipedia - Reorder tone -- an audible signal to the caller indicating that the call cannot be processed through the network
Wikipedia - Repeated-measures design
Wikipedia - Repeated measures design -- Type of research design
Wikipedia - Repeat sign -- Musical notation indicating repetition
Wikipedia - Representation (arts) -- Signs that stand in for and take the place of something else
Wikipedia - RepTrak -- Research and insights company, Boston
Wikipedia - Research-based design
Wikipedia - Research Design and Standards Organisation -- Indian Railways organisation
Wikipedia - Research design
Wikipedia - Research vessel -- A ship or boat designed, modified, or equipped to carry out research at sea
Wikipedia - Residual carrier -- in TV broadcasting the portion of radio frequency signal when it is fully modulated
Wikipedia - Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI -- 2013 resignation of the pope
Wikipedia - Resignation
Wikipedia - Resilience (engineering and construction) -- Infrastructure design able to absorb damage without suffering complete failure
Wikipedia - Resource allocation -- Assignment of resources among possible uses
Wikipedia - Responsibility assignment matrix
Wikipedia - Responsibility-driven design
Wikipedia - Responsive computer-aided design
Wikipedia - Responsive Web Design
Wikipedia - Responsive web design -- Approach to web design for making web pages render well on a variety of devices
Wikipedia - Retail design -- Commercial
Wikipedia - Retina UK -- UK sight loss charity
Wikipedia - Retinitis pigmentosa -- Gradual retinal degeneration leading to progressive sight loss
Wikipedia - RETMA tube designation
Wikipedia - Retrobulbar bleeding -- Sight-threatening emergency
Wikipedia - Reusable launch system -- Launch system designed for repeated use and reusability
Wikipedia - Reusable spacecraft -- Spacecraft designed for repeated use and reusability
Wikipedia - Revelation 12 sign prophecy
Wikipedia - Reverse engineering -- Process of extracting design information from anything man-made
Wikipedia - Reynard 94I -- Racing car designed and built by Reynard Racing Cars
Wikipedia - Reynold Ruffins -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Reza Abedini -- Iranian graphic designer and a professor
Wikipedia - Reza Shariffi -- Costume designer
Wikipedia - Rhode Island School of Design -- Private art and design college in Providence, Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Rhodopteriana insignifica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Rhyming dictionary -- Specialist dictionary designed for use in writing poetry and lyrics
Wikipedia - Ria Keburia -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - RIAS (Remote Infrared Audible Signage)
Wikipedia - Riccardo Tisci -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rice Lake (CDP), Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Richard Adolf Zsigmondy
Wikipedia - Richard Arbib -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Richard Baker (game designer) -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Beggs -- American sound designer
Wikipedia - Richard Borg -- American board game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Cawley -- English food writer and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Richard Chai -- Korean American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Richard Dial -- African-American sculptor and designer
Wikipedia - Richard Divila -- Brazilian motorsports designer
Wikipedia - Richard Garfield -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Richard Nixon's resignation speech -- Address given by the President of the United States in 1974
Wikipedia - Richard Schultz -- American furniture designer
Wikipedia - Richard Starkings -- British font designer
Wikipedia - Richard Sylbert -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Richard Throll -- German painter and designer
Wikipedia - Richard Tyler (designer) -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rick Dyer (video game designer) -- American video game designer and writer
Wikipedia - Rick Fisher (lighting designer) -- American lighting designer
Wikipedia - Rick Loomis -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Rick Valicenti -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Ricsige of Northumbria
Wikipedia - Rifat Ozbek -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rigid designator
Wikipedia - Rinat Brodach -- Israeli American fashion designer (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Ring (diacritic) -- Diacritic sign
Wikipedia - Ringing (signal)
Wikipedia - Ring signature
Wikipedia - Rita McGhee -- American costume designer for film and television
Wikipedia - Rita Ryack -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Ritu Beri -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ritu Kumar -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ritz Fizz -- Signature cocktail of the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain
Wikipedia - River icebreaker -- An icebreaker designed to operate in shallow waters such as rivers and estuaries
Wikipedia - Riverland, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - R. J. Palacio -- American author and graphic designer
Wikipedia - RLWE-SIG
Wikipedia - RMA tube designation
Wikipedia - Road signs in Canada -- Signage used on roads and highways in Canada
Wikipedia - Road signs in Estonia -- Traffic signals
Wikipedia - Road signs in the Philippines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Road signs in the United States -- Road / traffic signs utilized in the United States
Wikipedia - Roads of National Significance -- Name given by the 5th National Party Government
Wikipedia - Rob Daviau -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Robert Abbott (game designer) -- Game inventor
Wikipedia - Roberta Sigel -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Roberta Williams -- American video game designer, writer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Robert Ballagh -- Irish artist, painter and designer
Wikipedia - Robert B. Harris -- American sailboat designer
Wikipedia - Robert Blackman -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Robert Blakeley -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Robert Brunner -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Robert Cary-Williams -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Robert Clergerie -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Robert de Sigello
Wikipedia - Robert Heinich -- American instructional designer
Wikipedia - Robert J. Marks II -- American electrical engineering researcher and intelligent design advocate
Wikipedia - Robert Kurvitz -- Novelist, musician, and game designer
Wikipedia - Robert LeM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Robert Maillart -- Swiss civil engineer and bridge designer
Wikipedia - Robert Mallet-Stevens -- French architect and designer
Wikipedia - Robert Marnock -- British horticulturalist and garden designer
Wikipedia - Robert Massin -- French graphic designer
Wikipedia - Robert M. Pirsig
Wikipedia - Roberto Capucci -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Roberto Cavalli -- Italian fashion designer and inventor
Wikipedia - Roberto Faraone Mennella -- Italian jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Roberto Sighel -- Italian speed skater
Wikipedia - Robert Pirsig
Wikipedia - Robert Potter (American politician, died 1842) -- Legislator, cabinet member, and signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence
Wikipedia - Robert Recorde -- Welsh mathematician and inventor of the equals sign
Wikipedia - Robert Thelen -- German aviation pioneer and designer
Wikipedia - Robert van 't Hoff -- Dutch architect and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Robert W. Laing -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Robert Zsigo -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Rob Forbes -- American designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Robin Lovejoy -- director, actor and designer
Wikipedia - Robin Walker (game designer) -- Video game designer
Wikipedia - Robotics -- Design, construction, operation, and application of robots
Wikipedia - RoboTuna -- Investigation into design of autonomous underwater vehicles
Wikipedia - Rob Roy Kelly -- American graphic design educator and wood type collector (1925-2004)
Wikipedia - Rob Sheridan -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Robustness principle -- design guideline for software
Wikipedia - Rocco DiSiglio -- American boxer and gangster
Wikipedia - Rocketdyne -- American rocket engine design and production company
Wikipedia - Rod Beattie (swimwear designer) -- American swimwear designer
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Frascoli -- Italian motorcycle designer
Wikipedia - Rodolphe Menudier -- French shoe designer
Wikipedia - Roger Black (graphic designer) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Roger Ferriter -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Roger Hazard -- American designer and television personality
Wikipedia - Roger Vivier -- French shoe designer
Wikipedia - Roksanda IlinM-DM-^Mic -- Serbian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Roland Mouret -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rolex -- Swiss luxury watch designers and manufacturers
Wikipedia - Rolf Muller (designer) -- German designer
Wikipedia - Rolf Zehetbauer -- German production designer
Wikipedia - Roll-on/roll-off -- Vessels designed to carry wheeled cargo that are driven on and off the ship on their own wheels
Wikipedia - ROMA Design Group -- Firm based in San Francisco, California, US
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Pasig
Wikipedia - Romanesque secular and domestic architecture -- Period of architectural design
Wikipedia - Romek Marber -- Polish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Ron Allum -- Submarine designer, cave diver and inventor.
Wikipedia - Ronen Chen -- Israeli fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ron Finley -- American fashion designer and urban gardener
Wikipedia - Ron Hickman -- Ron Hickman was a South African inventor and automobile designer (b.1932 d.2011)
Wikipedia - Ron Holland -- New Zealand yacht designer
Wikipedia - Ron LoVece -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ronnie Fieg -- American shoe designer
Wikipedia - Ron Smith (firearms designer) -- American firearms designer
Wikipedia - Rooster (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Roscoe Conkling Ensign Brown -- American editor
Wikipedia - Rosenthal fiber -- Sign of a few neurodegenerative disorders
Wikipedia - Rosette (schizont appearance) -- General symptoms and signs in medicine
Wikipedia - Roshni Dinaker -- Indian costume designer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Rosignano Marittimo -- municipality in Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - Rosignol -- Village in Guyana
Wikipedia - Rossignols -- French family of cryptologists and mathematicians
Wikipedia - Rossignol Wood Cemetery -- Cemetery located in Pas-de-Calais, in France
Wikipedia - Rossolimo's sign
Wikipedia - Rostislav Alexeyev -- Russian designer of highspeed shipbuilding
Wikipedia - Rota (papal signature)
Wikipedia - Roundel -- Identification symbol, commonly used in aircraft insignia and heraldry, usually of circular design
Wikipedia - Route number -- Number or alphanumeric characters assigned to a stretch of public roadway often dependent on the type of road
Wikipedia - Routing (electronic design automation)
Wikipedia - Rover (space exploration) -- Space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of a planet or other celestial body
Wikipedia - Royal Air Force Ensign -- Official flag of the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Royal Australian Air Force Ensign -- Flag of the Royal Australian Air Force
Wikipedia - Royal College of Art -- Postgraduate art and design university in London, UK
Wikipedia - Royal Corps of Signals -- Combat support arm of the British Army
Wikipedia - Royal forest -- Type of formally designated woodland in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Royal insignia -- Military insignia of the King of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Royal Kunia, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Royal Signals and Radar Establishment
Wikipedia - Roy Brown Jr. -- American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Roy Diblik -- American garden designer
Wikipedia - Roy Fleetwood -- British architect and designer
Wikipedia - Roy Kuhlman -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Roy Lake, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Roy Pomeroy -- Special effects designer
Wikipedia - Roy Walker (production designer) -- Production designer
Wikipedia - R-S-T system -- A brevity code for Ham radio signal reports
Wikipedia - Rubanda-Mayonza -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rubin Design Bureau -- Russian submarine designer
Wikipedia - Ruble sign -- Currency sign
Wikipedia - Ruchika Pandey -- Indian actress and designer
Wikipedia - Rudi Bass -- American art director and designer
Wikipedia - Rudi Sigl -- German sports shooter
Wikipedia - Rudolf Gruttner -- German stamp designer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Rudolf Heinrich -- German stage designer
Wikipedia - Rudolf Koch -- German type designer and calligrapher
Wikipedia - Rudolf Modley -- Austrian-American executive and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Ruellia insignis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Rule of tincture -- Rule of color composition in heraldic design
Wikipedia - Ruma Devi -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rushka Bergman -- Stylist and costume designer
Wikipedia - Russell Ginns -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Russel Wright -- American industrial designer
Wikipedia - Russian Signal Troops -- Signal corps of the Russian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Russian tube designations
Wikipedia - Russ Wetmore -- American computer programmer and video game designer
Wikipedia - Rustam Mustafayev -- Azerbaijani scenic designer and painter
Wikipedia - Rus Yusupov -- American designer and tech entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Ruth Ansel -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Ruth Chao (designer) -- Creative Director, Graphic Designer & Artist
Wikipedia - Ruth Clement Bond -- African-American educator, civic leader, and quilt designer
Wikipedia - Ruth Sacks Caplin -- American screenwriter and fashion designer (1920-2014)
Wikipedia - Ruth Sobotka -- Austrian-born American dancer, costume designer, art director, painter, and actress
Wikipedia - Ruth Tarvydas -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ryan Church (concept artist) -- American concept designer
Wikipedia - Ryan Clark (musician) -- American graphic designer and musician
Wikipedia - Ryan McNaught -- Australian Lego designer
Wikipedia - S/2004 S 3 -- Provisional designation of an unconfirmed object seen orbiting Saturn
Wikipedia - S/2004 S 4 -- Provisional designation of an unconfirmed object seen orbiting Saturn
Wikipedia - S2o design and engineering -- Engineering company in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Saab H engine -- Automobile engine; redesign of the Saab B
Wikipedia - Sabine Getty -- Swiss-English jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Sack of Rome (410) -- Visigoth siege and looting of Rome in 410
Wikipedia - Sacrament -- Christian rite recognized as of particular importance and significance
Wikipedia - Sacred bundle -- Wrapped collection of sacred items, held by a designated carrier, used in indigenous American ceremonial cultures
Wikipedia - Sacred tree -- Tree which a community deems to hold religious significance
Wikipedia - Safe-life design
Wikipedia - Safeword (sports) -- Safety signal used in contact sports
Wikipedia - Safeword -- Safety signal used in BDSM
Wikipedia - Sagittarius (astrology) -- Ninth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - SAI Ambrosini -- Italian aircraft manufacturer established in Passignano sul Trasimeno (1922-1992)
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's Mistral One Design -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata (van Eyck) -- Two unsigned paintings completed around 1428-1432 attributed to Jan van Eyck
Wikipedia - Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design -- Academic organization in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Saint Sigrada
Wikipedia - Sait Maden -- Turkish translator, poet, painter and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Sakai -- Designated city in Kansai, Japan
Wikipedia - Salin Supaya -- Chief queen designate of Burma
Wikipedia - Sally Dominguez -- Australian designer
Wikipedia - Sally Jacobs -- Stage and costume designer
Wikipedia - Sally Milgrim -- American fashion designer and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Sally Storey -- British architectural lighting designer
Wikipedia - Salsigne -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Salvatore J. Cesarani -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sam Barlow (game designer) -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Samira Rathod -- Indian architect and designer
Wikipedia - Samir Bhamra -- British actor, costume designer, director, playwright and producer
Wikipedia - Sam Michael -- Australian Formula One designer
Wikipedia - Sample (signal)
Wikipedia - Sampling (signal processing)
Wikipedia - Sandhya Raman -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Sandra Mansour -- Lebanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sandy Collora -- American film director and design artist
Wikipedia - Sandy Powell (costume designer) -- British costume designer
Wikipedia - San Giovanni Sacristy -- Frescoes by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Sans forgetica -- Font designed to aid retention of the content written using it
Wikipedia - Santa Anzo -- Ugandan model and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sara Arai -- Chinese-Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sara Berman (fashion designer) -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sara B. Hill -- American bookplate designer
Wikipedia - Sarah Burton -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sarah Greenwood -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Sarah Monfort -- French costume designer
Wikipedia - Satellite navigation -- Use of satellite signals for geo-spatial positioning
Wikipedia - Satoru Iwata -- Japanese video game designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Satoshi Kondo -- Director and head designer for a Japanese fashion brand Issey Miyake.
Wikipedia - Satoshi Nakamoto -- Designer and developer of bitcoin
Wikipedia - Saul Bass -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Sauna -- A small room or building designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions
Wikipedia - Saved (Ty Dolla Sign song) -- 2015 song
Wikipedia - Savitha Nambrath -- Indian sound designer
Wikipedia - Say You Do (Sigala song) -- 2016 single by Sigala
Wikipedia - Scaled Composites Stratolaunch -- Mother ship aircraft designed to launch spacecraft
Wikipedia - Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States -- 1940 painting by Howard Chandler Christy
Wikipedia - Scenic design -- Creation of theatrical or film scenery
Wikipedia - Scenic route -- Specially designated road or waterway of interest
Wikipedia - Scenography -- Theatre design including lighting, sound, set, and costume design
Wikipedia - Scheduled Areas -- Geographical designation in India
Wikipedia - Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes -- Official designations given to various groups of indigenous people in India
Wikipedia - Schmidt-Lademann House -- Historic building in Floreat, Australia designed by Iwan Iwanoff 1958
Wikipedia - Schnorr signature -- Digital signature scheme
Wikipedia - Schofield Barracks -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - School of the Art Institute of Chicago -- University and independent school of art and design
Wikipedia - Schule fur Gestaltung Basel -- SwitzerlandM-bM-^@M-^Ys school of design which shaped international design
Wikipedia - Science park -- Area designed to promote science or technology business development
Wikipedia - Scilla Andreen -- American filmmaker and costume designer
Wikipedia - Sciota insignella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scntfc -- American composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Scopula dentisignata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula obliquisignata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula praesignipuncta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula rubrosignaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula unisignata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scorpio (astrology) -- Eighth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Scott Adams (game designer)
Wikipedia - Scott Cawthon -- American independent video game designer
Wikipedia - Scott Eaton (artist) -- American artist, designer, and photographer
Wikipedia - Scott Sigler bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Scrambler -- Telecommunications device used to make a signal unintelligible to unintended recipients
Wikipedia - SDS Sigma 5
Wikipedia - SDS Sigma 7
Wikipedia - SDS Sigma series
Wikipedia - Seabee combat warfare specialist insignia -- Warfare qualification of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Sean Ensign -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Search engine -- Software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web
Wikipedia - SeaWiFS -- A satellite-borne sensor designed to collect global ocean biological data
Wikipedia - Sebastian Conran -- British designer
Wikipedia - Second messenger system -- System of signaling molecules within a cell
Wikipedia - Second Sight Medical Products
Wikipedia - Second sight
Wikipedia - Section sign
Wikipedia - Secure by design
Wikipedia - Security detail -- Protective team assigned to an individual or group
Wikipedia - Security through obscurity -- Reliance on design or implementation secrecy for security
Wikipedia - Segal Design Institute
Wikipedia - Segeric -- Visigothic king
Wikipedia - Seiichi Ishii -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Selena -- Mexican-American singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Semantic Application Design Language
Wikipedia - Semiotic elements and classes of signs (Peirce)
Wikipedia - Semiotic elements and classes of signs
Wikipedia - Semiotic Society of America -- Study of signs and sign-systems
Wikipedia - Semiotics -- The study of signs and sign processes
Wikipedia - Sender Policy Framework -- Simple email-validation system designed to detect email spoofing
Wikipedia - Sensor -- converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal
Wikipedia - Sensory design
Wikipedia - Sepoy -- Designation given to an Indian soldier
Wikipedia - Sequence motif -- Nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance. For proteins, a sequence motif is distinguished from a structural motif
Wikipedia - Sergei Alekseevich Savateev -- Russian interior designer
Wikipedia - Sergei Korolev -- Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer (1907-1966)
Wikipedia - Serge Lindier -- French designer
Wikipedia - Sergey Shukalov -- Soviet weapons designer
Wikipedia - Sergio Asti -- Italian designer and architect
Wikipedia - Sergio Coggiola -- Italian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Sergio Rossi (shoe designer) -- Italian shoe designer
Wikipedia - Sergio Rossi -- Italian shoe designer
Wikipedia - Serial number -- Unique code assigned for identification of a single unit
Wikipedia - Series A round -- First significant round of venture capital financing
Wikipedia - Serious Incident Response Team -- Canadian police oversight agency
Wikipedia - Servant (design pattern)
Wikipedia - Service design sprint -- Design project type
Wikipedia - Service design
Wikipedia - Service-oriented architecture -- Architectural pattern in software design
Wikipedia - SETI@home -- Internet-based public volunteer project searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence
Wikipedia - Sex assignment -- Sex and gender assigned at birth
Wikipedia - Sex reassignment surgery (female-to-male) -- Variety of procedures
Wikipedia - Sex reassignment surgery (male-to-female) -- Sex reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - Sex reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - Sex-reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - Sex reassignment therapy
Wikipedia - Sexual reassignment surgery
Wikipedia - SHA-2 -- Set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the NSA
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Programming Language -- esoteric programming language designed by Jon M-CM-^Eslund and Karl Hasselstrom
Wikipedia - Sha Lek Highway -- Designated expressway, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Shannon M. Kent -- Navy chief cryptologic technician (interpretive) who was killed while assigned to an active combat zone in Manbij, Syria
Wikipedia - Sharen Davis -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Shawn Green (game designer)
Wikipedia - Sheila Bridges -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Sheilagh Brown -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sheila Sri Prakash -- Indian architect and urban designer
Wikipedia - Shepard Fairey -- American contemporary street artist, graphic designer activist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Sheridan Barnett -- British former fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sheri Moon Zombie -- American actress, fashion designer, model, and dancer
Wikipedia - Shift work -- Employment practice designed for 24 hours per day / 7 days per week
Wikipedia - Shigeru Miyamoto -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Shigetaka Kurita -- Japanese interface designer and inventor of the emoji
Wikipedia - Shirley Prendergast -- US theater lighting designer
Wikipedia - Shivaji Dutta -- Indian fashion designer based in Kolkata
Wikipedia - Shoot on Sight -- 2007 film by Jag Mundhra
Wikipedia - Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Showers Skytwister Choppy -- American helicopter design
Wikipedia - Shrouk El-Attar -- Egyptian LGBTQI activist and design engineer
Wikipedia - Shuttle (weaving) -- Tool designed to neatly and compactly store a holder that carries the thread of the weft yarn while weaving with a loom
Wikipedia - Shymkent -- City of republican significance, Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Siavash Fani -- Iranian-Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Sid Meier -- Canadian-American game programmer and designer
Wikipedia - Sidney Sladen -- Kenya-born fashion designer
Wikipedia - SIGACCESS
Wikipedia - SIGACT News
Wikipedia - SIGACT
Wikipedia - Sigadam railway station -- Railway station in Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - SIGAI
Wikipedia - Sigai -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Sigal Avin -- American-Israeli writer and director
Wikipedia - Sigala -- English DJ, record producer and remixer
Wikipedia - Sigale -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Sigal Gottlieb -- Applied mathematician
Wikipedia - Sigalovada Sutta
Wikipedia - Sigamani Ramamani -- 2001 film directed by Visu
Wikipedia - Sig Anderman -- American businessman, attorney and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Siganus insomnis -- Species of rabbitfish
Wikipedia - Sigappukkal Mookkuthi -- 1979 film by Valampuri Somanathan
Wikipedia - Sigappu Rojakkal -- 1978 film by P. Bharathiraja
Wikipedia - Sigappu Thali -- 1988 film by Ramamurthy Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Sigaram -- 1991 film by Ananthu
Wikipedia - SIGARCH
Wikipedia - Sigar of Wells -- 10th-century Bishop of Wells
Wikipedia - Sigaus australis -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sigaus childi -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sigaus homerensis -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sigaus minutus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sigaus villosus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sigaus -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Sigbert Prais
Wikipedia - Sigbert Wagener
Wikipedia - Sigbin -- Philippine mythical creature
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Eriksen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Gjelsvik -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Holmebakk -- Norwegian author
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Johnsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigbjorn Larsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigbjrn Obstfelder
Wikipedia - Sigbritt Karlsson -- Chemical engineer
Wikipedia - SIGCHI
Wikipedia - SIGCHLD
Wikipedia - SIG Combibloc Group -- Swiss manufacturing company
Wikipedia - SIGCOMM Award
Wikipedia - SIGCOMM
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - SIGCSE
Wikipedia - SIGDA
Wikipedia - SIGDOC
Wikipedia - Sigean -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Sigeberht of East Anglia -- East Anglian king and saint
Wikipedia - Sigeberht the Good
Wikipedia - Sigebert Buckley
Wikipedia - Sigebert III
Wikipedia - Sigebert II
Wikipedia - Sigebert I
Wikipedia - Sigebert of Gembloux
Wikipedia - Sigebert
Wikipedia - Sigeferth of Selsey -- 8th-century Bishop of Selsey
Wikipedia - Sigehelm
Wikipedia - Sigekatu Kuroda -- Japanese mathematician
Wikipedia - Sigel Township, Brown County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Sigeric the Serious
Wikipedia - Siger of Brabant
Wikipedia - Sigeru Mizohata -- Japanese mathematician
Wikipedia - Sigerus of Brabant
Wikipedia - Sigfred From -- Danish chess player
Wikipedia - Sigfred Johansen -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Sigfrid Hylander -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Wikipedia - Sigfrid Larsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Sigfrid Mohn -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigfrid of Sweden
Wikipedia - Sigfrido Vogel -- Argentine sports shooter
Wikipedia - Sigfried Bethke -- German physicist and science manager
Wikipedia - Sigfried Giedion
Wikipedia - Sigfried Piscator
Wikipedia - Sigfrith
Wikipedia - Sigfus SigurM-CM-0sson (athlete) -- Icelandic athlete
Wikipedia - Sigge Eklund -- Swedish writer (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Sigge Furst -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Sigge Johannessen -- Norwegian gymnast
Wikipedia - Siggi Wilzig -- American businessman and Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Sigglesthorne railway station -- Disused railway station in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - SIGGRAPH -- Conference series revolving around 3D computer graphics
Wikipedia - Sighere of Essex
Wikipedia - Sighnaq -- Capital of Uzbek and Kazakh khanates
Wikipedia - Sight for Sore Eyes -- 1994 single by M People
Wikipedia - Sight glass
Wikipedia - Sighthound -- Type of dog
Wikipedia - Sightings of Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - Sightline Media Group -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - Sightline -- An unobstructed line between an observer and a subject of interest
Wikipedia - Sight reading
Wikipedia - Sight-reading
Wikipedia - Sightseeing Through Whisky -- 1907 film by Georges MM-CM-)lies
Wikipedia - Sight > Sound
Wikipedia - SightSpeed -- Videoconferencing company
Wikipedia - Sight word
Wikipedia - Sigi Feigel -- Swiss lawyer (1921-2004)
Wikipedia - Sigifredo Najera Talamantes -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Sigifredo Solis Solis Hydroelectric Center -- Hydroelectric power center in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sigi Holzbauer -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Sigil (application) -- EPUB e-book editing software
Wikipedia - Sigil (computer programming) -- Symbol affixed to a variable name
Wikipedia - Sigil (Dungeons > Dragons)
Wikipedia - Sigillion -- Type of legal document publicly affirmed with a seal
Wikipedia - Sigillographer
Wikipedia - Sigillum Dei
Wikipedia - Sigil (magic)
Wikipedia - Sigil (mod) -- 2019 Doom mod created by John Romero
Wikipedia - Sigil
Wikipedia - SIGINT Activity Designator -- Identifier for a collector of signals intelligence
Wikipedia - SIGINT
Wikipedia - Sigiriya -- Ancient rock fortress near Dambulla, Sri Lanka.
Wikipedia - Sigi Schmid -- German-American soccer coach
Wikipedia - Sigisfredo Mair -- Italian luger
Wikipedia - Sigismondo d'India -- Italian composer (c1582 - before 1629)
Wikipedia - Sigismondo Malatesta
Wikipedia - Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
Wikipedia - Sigismond Thalberg
Wikipedia - Sigismund, Archduke of Austria
Wikipedia - Sigismund Bell
Wikipedia - Sigismund, Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - Sigismund Ernst Richard Krone -- German naturalist
Wikipedia - Sigismund Freyer -- German equestrian
Wikipedia - Sigismund Gelenius -- Czech humanist, translator and science writer
Wikipedia - Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor -- 15th century Holy Roman Emperor of the House of Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Sigismund II Augustus
Wikipedia - Sigismund III Vasa -- King of Poland, King of Sweden, Grand Duke of Lithuania and Finland
Wikipedia - Sigismund I the Old
Wikipedia - Sigismund Mendl -- British politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Sigismund of Burgundy
Wikipedia - Sigismund of Luxemburg
Wikipedia - Sigismund Payne Best
Wikipedia - Sigismund Stern -- Cotton merchant in Britain (1807-1885)
Wikipedia - Sigismunds Vidbergs -- Latvian artist
Wikipedia - Sigismund
Wikipedia - Sigiswanger Horn -- Mountain in Germany
Wikipedia - Sigita BurbienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Sigi -- Deity
Wikipedia - SIGKDD
Wikipedia - Siglas poveiras -- Proto-writing system
Wikipedia - Sigla
Wikipedia - Sigleif Johansen -- Norwegian biathlete
Wikipedia - Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road -- Toll road in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Siglind Bruhn
Wikipedia - Siglo Veintiuno
Wikipedia - Siglo XXI (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Sigma 150mm f/2.8 APO Macro EX DG HSM lens -- Telephoto lens for photographic camera
Wikipedia - Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC Macro lens -- Zoom lens for photographic camera
Wikipedia - Sigma-1 receptor
Wikipedia - Sigma1 Ursae Majoris -- Star in the constellation Ursa Major
Wikipedia - Sigma-2 receptor
Wikipedia - Sigma2 Ursae Majoris -- Binary star in the constellation Ursa Major
Wikipedia - Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM lens -- Lens for photographic camera
Wikipedia - Sigma-Aldrich -- Chemical, life science and biotechnology company
Wikipedia - Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Wikipedia - Sigma Alpha Mu
Wikipedia - Sigma Botis
Wikipedia - Sigma Canis Majoris -- Variable star in the constellation Canis Major
Wikipedia - Sigma, Capiz -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Capiz
Wikipedia - Sigma Capricorni -- Star in the constellation Capricornus
Wikipedia - Sigma Cassiopeiae -- Star in the constellation Cassiopeia
Wikipedia - Sigma Chi -- North American social fraternity
Wikipedia - Sigma-class design -- Ship class
Wikipedia - Sigma coordinate system -- A coordinate system used in computational models for oceanography, meteorology and other fields where fluid dynamics are relevant
Wikipedia - Sigma Corporation -- Japanese camera and camera lens manufacturer
Wikipedia - Sigma (DJs) -- English drum and bass duo
Wikipedia - Sigma fp -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Sigma Gamma Rho -- Historically Black sorority
Wikipedia - Sigma Geminorum -- Star in the constellation Gemini
Wikipedia - Sigmagraptidae -- Extinct family of graptolites
Wikipedia - Sigma Kappa
Wikipedia - Sigma Librae -- Star in the constellation Libra
Wikipedia - Sigma model -- Field theory of a point particle confined to move on a fixed manifold
Wikipedia - Sigma Nu -- Undergraduate college fraternity founded at the Virginia Military Institute
Wikipedia - Sigma Octantis -- Star in the constellation Octans
Wikipedia - Sigma Pegasi -- Star in the constellation Pegasus
Wikipedia - Sigma Phi Epsilon
Wikipedia - Sigma Piscium -- Star in the constellation Pisces
Wikipedia - Sigma Pi Sigma
Wikipedia - Sigma Pi
Wikipedia - Sigma Psi Zeta
Wikipedia - Sigma receptor
Wikipedia - Sigmar Gabriel -- German politician
Wikipedia - Sigma Rho Fraternity -- Fraternity in the University of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Sigmaringen enclave -- French World War II government-in-exile
Wikipedia - Sigmaringen
Wikipedia - Sigma Sagittarii -- Star in the constellation Sagittarius
Wikipedia - SigmaStat
Wikipedia - SigmaTel -- 1993-2008 American system-on-a-chip company
Wikipedia - Sigma TV -- Commercial television network in Cyprus
Wikipedia - Sigma -- Letter in the Greek alphabet
Wikipedia - Sigma Xi
Wikipedia - SigmaXL
Wikipedia - SIG MCX -- 2010s multi-configuration firearm family by SIG
Wikipedia - SIGMETRICS
Wikipedia - SIGMM
Wikipedia - SIGMOBILE
Wikipedia - SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
Wikipedia - SIGMOD
Wikipedia - Sigmoideomycetaceae -- Family of fungi
Wikipedia - Sigmoid function -- Mathematical function having a characteristic "S"-shaped curve or sigmoid curve
Wikipedia - Sigmund Exner -- Austrian physiologist
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud Archives
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freudenberger -- Swiss painter
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud Institute -- Research psychoanalysis institute in Frankfurt
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna)
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud Prize
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud's views on homosexuality
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud's views on religion
Wikipedia - Sigmund Freud -- Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis
Wikipedia - Sigmund Friedl -- Austrian philatelist
Wikipedia - Sigmund Hagen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigmund JM-CM-$hn -- East German cosmonaut
Wikipedia - Sigmund Kroslid -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigmund Kvaly Setreng
Wikipedia - Sigmund Neufeld -- American film producer
Wikipedia - Sigmund Oehrl -- German philologist
Wikipedia - Sigmund Pritchard -- Bahamian sailor
Wikipedia - Sigmund Romberg -- Hungarian-born American composer (1887-1951)
Wikipedia - Sigmund Schenkling
Wikipedia - Sigmund Selberg -- Norwegian mathematician
Wikipedia - Sigmund Softeland -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigmund Sommer -- building contractor and racehorse owner
Wikipedia - Sigmund Sternberg
Wikipedia - Sigmundur DaviM-CM-0 Gunnlaugsson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Sigmundur Gudmundsson -- Icelandic-Swedish mathematician
Wikipedia - Sigmund -- Mythological figure
Wikipedia - Sigmund Zois -- Slovenian scientist
Wikipedia - Signage -- Design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message
Wikipedia - Signal 30 -- 1959 social guidance film
Wikipedia - Signal Alliance -- Nigerian IT Company
Wikipedia - Signal compression
Wikipedia - Signal (computing)
Wikipedia - Signal Corps Band -- U.S. Army military band
Wikipedia - Signal detection theory
Wikipedia - Signal-detection theory
Wikipedia - Signal du Petit Mont-Cenis -- Mountain in France
Wikipedia - Signal (electrical engineering)
Wikipedia - Signal Entertainment Group -- South Korean company
Wikipedia - Signal (EP) -- Extended play by Twice
Wikipedia - Signal-flow graph
Wikipedia - Signal handler
Wikipedia - Signal Hill Battery -- Coastal defence fortification in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Signal Hill (Cape Town) -- Hill in Cape Town
Wikipedia - Signal Iduna -- German financial services company
Wikipedia - Signal (information theory)
Wikipedia - Signaling cascade
Wikipedia - Signaling game
Wikipedia - Signaling pathways
Wikipedia - Signaling System 7
Wikipedia - Signaling (telecommunications) -- the electronic exchange of information required to set up a telecommunications connection
Wikipedia - Signaling
Wikipedia - Signal Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Signal (IPC) -- Form of inter-process communication in computer systems
Wikipedia - Signalling pathway
Wikipedia - Signalling System No. 7 -- ITU-T recommendation
Wikipedia - Signalling (telecommunication)
Wikipedia - Signalling theory -- Theory of animal signalling for evolutionary advantage
Wikipedia - Signalman (comics) -- Fictional supervillain
Wikipedia - Signal Messenger -- Open source software organization
Wikipedia - Signal Mountain
Wikipedia - Signal noise
Wikipedia - Signal/One -- American radio communications manufacturer
Wikipedia - Signal Over the City -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Signal passed at danger -- Train passing stop signal without authority
Wikipedia - Signal patch -- Patch of a protein which determines its final location in the cell
Wikipedia - Signal Processing
Wikipedia - Signal processing -- Academic subfield of electrical engineering
Wikipedia - SIGNAL (programming language)
Wikipedia - Signal Protocol -- Non-federated cryptographic protocol
Wikipedia - SignalR
Wikipedia - Signal separation -- Separation of a set of source signals from a set of mixed signals
Wikipedia - Signals Intelligence Agency -- U.A.E. signals intelligence organization
Wikipedia - Signals intelligence by alliances, nations and industries
Wikipedia - Signals intelligence in modern history
Wikipedia - Signals intelligence operational platforms by nation
Wikipedia - Signals intelligence -- Intelligence-gathering by interception of signals
Wikipedia - Signals of Belief in Early England -- Book by Martin Carver
Wikipedia - Signal (software) -- Free encrypted communications app
Wikipedia - Signal (South Korean TV series) -- 2016 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Signal strength and readability report -- Quality rating of radio communications
Wikipedia - Signals
Wikipedia - Signal-to-noise ratio -- Ratio of the desired signal to the background noise
Wikipedia - Signal transducer
Wikipedia - Signal transduction
Wikipedia - Signal (Twice song) -- 2017 single by Twice
Wikipedia - Signal -- Varying physical quantity that conveys information
Wikipedia - Sign-and-magnitude
Wikipedia - Signare -- Historical demographic
Wikipedia - Signature Aviation
Wikipedia - Signature block
Wikipedia - Signature (computer science)
Wikipedia - Signature in the Cell -- 2009 book by Stephen C. Meyer
Wikipedia - Signature Island -- Indian luxury development project
Wikipedia - Signature (logic)
Wikipedia - Signature Move -- 2017 film by Jennifer Reeder
Wikipedia - Signature Sounds Recordings -- Independent record label specializing in Americana & modern folk musici
Wikipedia - Signature Theatre (Arlington, Virginia) -- Theater in Arlington, Virginia
Wikipedia - Signature -- Handwritten mark made as a proof of identity and intent
Wikipedia - Sign bit
Wikipedia - Signcryption
Wikipedia - Signe Asmussen -- Danish mezzosoprano singer
Wikipedia - Signe Brander -- Finnish photographer
Wikipedia - Signe Brunnstrom -- Swedish-American physiotherapist, scientist and educator.
Wikipedia - Signe Danning -- Norwegian actress
Wikipedia - Signed French -- Manually coded language
Wikipedia - Signed graph
Wikipedia - Signed language
Wikipedia - Signedness
Wikipedia - Signed number representations
Wikipedia - Signed overpunch
Wikipedia - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours -- 1970 single by Stevie Wonder
Wikipedia - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (TV series) -- American-Canadian drama/romantic comedy television series
Wikipedia - Signed zero -- Differentiating positive and negative zero
Wikipedia - Signe (Finnish princess) -- Legendary Finnish princess
Wikipedia - Signe Hasso -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Signe HM-CM-$ggman -- Finnish pedagogue
Wikipedia - Signe Hornborg -- Finnish architect
Wikipedia - Signe Johansson-Engdahl -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Signe Klinting -- Danish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Signe Krogstrup -- Danish economist
Wikipedia - Signe Livbjerg -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Signe Marie Stray Ryssdal -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Signe M-CM-^Xye -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Signe Normand -- Danish biologist
Wikipedia - Signe Rink -- Greenlandic Danish writer and ethnologist
Wikipedia - Signe Soes -- Danish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Signetics
Wikipedia - Signet Jewelers -- Jewellery retailer
Wikipedia - Signet ring
Wikipedia - Signe Trosten -- Norwegian biathlete
Wikipedia - Signe Weisert -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Signe Wirff -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Sign flag
Wikipedia - Sign Gene -- 2017 superhero film by Emilio Insolera - deaf film
Wikipedia - Sign Guy Dudley -- American marketing professional
Wikipedia - Signhildsberg
Wikipedia - Signifiant
Wikipedia - Significance (magazine)
Wikipedia - Significand -- Part of a number in scientific notation
Wikipedia - Significant digits
Wikipedia - Significant digit
Wikipedia - Significant figures -- Any digit of a number within its measurement resolution, as opposed to spurious digits
Wikipedia - Significant form -- Art theory developed by Clive Bell
Wikipedia - Significant other
Wikipedia - Significant wave height -- The mean wave height of the highest third of the waves
Wikipedia - Significs -- Linguistic and philosophical term
Wikipedia - Signified and signifier
Wikipedia - Signified
Wikipedia - Signifier and signified
Wikipedia - Signifier
Wikipedia - Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence -- none
Wikipedia - Sign In with Apple
Wikipedia - Sign in with Apple -- Apple Inc. single sign-on provider
Wikipedia - SIGNIS
Wikipedia - Sign language glove -- Communications device
Wikipedia - Sign language -- Language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning
Wikipedia - Sign (linguistics)
Wikipedia - Sign of contradiction
Wikipedia - Sign of Moe Pan Pwint -- 2018 film by Ko Pauk
Wikipedia - Sign of the Beast -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Sign of the Cross
Wikipedia - Sign of the cross
Wikipedia - Sign of the horns -- Hand gesture
Wikipedia - Sign of the times (Catholic Church)
Wikipedia - Sign of the Times (Harry Styles song) -- 2017 Harry Styles song
Wikipedia - Sign of the Wolf -- 1941 film by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Sign-on and sign-off -- Beginning and ending of operations for a radio or television station
Wikipedia - Signora Giveret Synagogue -- Synagogue in M-DM-0zmir, Turkey
Wikipedia - Signor Blitz -- British magician and performer
Wikipedia - Signor Brocolini -- American opera singer, actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Signorelli parapraxis -- Concept in classical psychoanalysis
Wikipedia - Signoria of Venice
Wikipedia - Signoria
Wikipedia - Signorinette -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Signorini problem -- Elastostatics problem in linear elasticity
Wikipedia - Sign process
Wikipedia - Sign relational complex
Wikipedia - Sign relation -- Concept in semiotics
Wikipedia - Signs (2002 film)
Wikipedia - Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS -- The signs and symptoms of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Wikipedia - Signs and Wonders (film) -- 2000 film by Jonathan Nossiter
Wikipedia - Signs and Wonders -- Miracles are perceived to be normative in Christian experiences
Wikipedia - Signs (Bloc Party song) -- 2009 single by Bloc Party
Wikipedia - Sign (semiotics)
Wikipedia - Signs (Five Man Electrical Band song) -- 1971 single by Five Man Electrical Band
Wikipedia - Signs Gospel -- Hypothetical gospel account of the life of Jesus Christ which some scholars have suggested could have been a primary source document for the Gospel of John
Wikipedia - Signs (journal)
Wikipedia - Signs of Life (1968 film) -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Signs Of LIfe Detector -- Spacecraft instrument to detect biosignatures
Wikipedia - Signs of the zodiac
Wikipedia - Signs (Snoop Dogg song) -- 2005 single by Snoop Dogg
Wikipedia - Signs (TV series) -- 2018 Polish-language television series
Wikipedia - Sign Systems Studies
Wikipedia - Sign systems
Wikipedia - Sign system -- Key concept in semiotics used to refer to any system of signs and relations between signs
Wikipedia - Sign test
Wikipedia - Signum function
Wikipedia - Signum manus
Wikipedia - Signum Research -- Mexican financial analysis firm
Wikipedia - Sign
Wikipedia - Signy Island -- Island of Antarctica
Wikipedia - Sigolena of Albi -- French deaconess and saint
Wikipedia - Sigolsheim -- Part of Kaysersberg-Vignoble in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award
Wikipedia - Sigourney Weaver -- American actress
Wikipedia - SIG P210 -- Swiss semi-automatic pistol
Wikipedia - SIGPLAN Notices
Wikipedia - SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award
Wikipedia - SIGPLAN
Wikipedia - Sigrid Agren -- French model from Martinique
Wikipedia - Sigrid Behrenz -- German speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigrid Bernson -- Swedish singer and professional dancer
Wikipedia - Sigrid Brattabo Handegard -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff -- German chemist
Wikipedia - Sigrid Grabner -- German writer (born 1942)
Wikipedia - Sigrid Holmquist -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Sigrid Kaag -- Dutch politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Sigrid Kahle
Wikipedia - Sigrid Lang -- German sports shooter
Wikipedia - Sigrid LehrbM-CM-$ck -- Finnish painter
Wikipedia - Sigrid Lutken -- Danish sculptor
Wikipedia - Sigrid Maurer -- Austrian politician
Wikipedia - Sigrid Neef -- German musicologist
Wikipedia - Sigrid OnM-CM-)gin -- Franco-German operatic contralto
Wikipedia - Sigrid Oulasmaa -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Sigrid Persoon -- Belgian gymnast
Wikipedia - Sigrid Quack -- German social scientist
Wikipedia - Sigrid Rausing -- Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist and publisher
Wikipedia - Sigrid Rissler -- Swedish botanist (1886-1918)
Wikipedia - Sigrid Romero -- Colombian archer
Wikipedia - Sigrid Rondelez -- Belgian windsurfer
Wikipedia - Sigrid Schmitz
Wikipedia - Sigrid (singer) -- Norwegian singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Sigrid Smuda -- German speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigrid Sundby -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigrid the Haughty
Wikipedia - Sigrid Thornton -- Australian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Sigrid Undset
Wikipedia - Sigrid Utkilen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigrid Weigel
Wikipedia - Sigrid Wienke -- East German speed skater
Wikipedia - SigriM-CM-0ur Anna M-CM-^^orM-CM-0ardottir -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - SigriM-CM-0ur Duna Kristmundsdottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - SigriM-CM-0ur Hagalin -- Icelandic actress
Wikipedia - SigriM-CM-0ur M-CM-^A. Andersen -- Icelandic politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - SigriM-CM-0ur Sigurjonsdottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - Sigrn
Wikipedia - Sigrud Kummer -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Sig Ruman -- German-American actor
Wikipedia - Sigrun AM-CM-0albjarnardottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - Sigrun Eng -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigrun Klara Hannesdottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - Sigrun Magnusdottir -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - SIGSALY
Wikipedia - SIGSAM
Wikipedia - SIG Sauer M17 -- US military service pistol
Wikipedia - SIG Sauer P365 -- Polymer frame semi-automatic handgun
Wikipedia - SIG Sauer SSG 2000 -- Type of Sniper rifle
Wikipedia - SIG Sauer System -- Type of action found in self-loading handguns
Wikipedia - SIG SG 510 -- Swiss battle rifle of 1957
Wikipedia - SIG SG 550 -- Swiss assault rifle of 1990
Wikipedia - SIGSIM
Wikipedia - SIGSOFT
Wikipedia - SigSpoof -- Security vulnerabilities that affected GNU Privacy Guard
Wikipedia - Sigtrygg Silkbeard -- Hiberno-Norse King of Dublin
Wikipedia - Sigtryggur Baldursson -- Icelandic drummer and singer
Wikipedia - Sigtuna
Wikipedia - SIGUCCS
Wikipedia - Sigueme y Te Sigo -- 2015 single by Daddy Yankee
Wikipedia - Siguer -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Wikipedia - Siguiriyas -- Style of flamenco music
Wikipedia - Sigulda Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Sigulda Parish -- Administrative unit in Latvia
Wikipedia - Sigurbjorn Einarsson -- 20th-century Icelandic Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Sigurd Abel -- German historian
Wikipedia - Sigurd Bergmann -- German-Swedish theologian
Wikipedia - Sigurd Christensen -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Christian Brinch -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Einbu -- Norwegian astronomer
Wikipedia - Sigurd Eysteinsson
Wikipedia - Sigurd Forchhammer -- Danish sculptor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Grytten -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Halvorsen Johannessen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Herbern -- Norwegian sailor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Hogaas -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Holemark -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Holter -- Norwegian sailor
Wikipedia - Sigurd II of Norway
Wikipedia - Sigurd I of Norway
Wikipedia - Sigurd Jorgensen -- Norwegian gymnast
Wikipedia - Sigurd Jorsalfar
Wikipedia - Sigurd JuslM-CM-)n -- Finnish sailor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Kalheim -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Kander -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Kielland Brandt -- Danish painter
Wikipedia - Sigurd Kohn -- Norwegian jazz musician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Langberg -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Sigurd Lersbryggen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Lewerentz -- Swedish architect
Wikipedia - Sigurd Lunde (architect) -- Norwegian architect
Wikipedia - Sigurd MannerM-CM-%k -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Marcussen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Mathisen -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigurd Moen -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigurd Osberg -- Norwegian bishop
Wikipedia - Sigurd Pedersen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd Ring -- King of the Swedes and later Denmark
Wikipedia - Sigurd Risting -- Norwegian writer
Wikipedia - Sigurd RydM-CM-)n -- Swedish male curler
Wikipedia - Sigurd Senje -- Norwegian writer
Wikipedia - Sigurd Smebye -- Norwegian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Sigurd Svensson -- Swedish equestrian
Wikipedia - Sigurd Swane -- Danish painter
Wikipedia - Sigurd Syr
Wikipedia - Sigurd the Crusader
Wikipedia - Sigurd the Stout
Wikipedia - Sigurdur Thorarinsson
Wikipedia - Sigurd Verdal -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigurd WallM-CM-)n -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Sigurd -- Fictional character in Germanic and Norse mythology
Wikipedia - Sigurd Zienau
Wikipedia - Sigurgeir Gislason -- Icelandic chess player
Wikipedia - Sigurjon Kjartansson -- Icelandic writer and producer
Wikipedia - Sigurlaug M-CM-^Arnadottir -- Icelandic figure skater (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir -- Icelandic engineer and video games specialist
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0sson -- Surname list
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur Bergmann -- Icelandic judoka
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur Eggerz -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur GuM-CM-0mundsson -- Icelandic photographer
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur Helgason (mathematician) -- Icelandic mathematician
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur Ingi Johannsson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - SigurM-CM-0ur SigurM-CM-0sson -- Icelandic athlete
Wikipedia - Sigur Ros -- Icelandic band
Wikipedia - Sigvald Asbjornsen -- American artist
Wikipedia - Sigvald Berg -- American architect
Wikipedia - Sigvald Svendsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigvard Andersen -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Sigvard Ericsson -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Sigvard Gundersen -- Norwegian actor
Wikipedia - Sigvard Hultcrantz -- Swedish sport shooter
Wikipedia - Sigvard Johansson -- Swedish canoeist
Wikipedia - Sigvard Kinnunen -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Sigvard Sivertsen -- Norwegian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Sigvart Dagsland -- Norwegian singer, pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Sigvart Grini -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Sigvart Johansen -- Norwegian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Sigve Lie -- Norwegian sailor
Wikipedia - Sigyet khauk swe -- Burmese cuisine dish
Wikipedia - Sigyn -- Mythical wife of Loki
Wikipedia - Silhouette sign -- Radiologic sign
Wikipedia - Siluro San Bartolomeo -- Italian manned torpedo design of late WWII
Wikipedia - Silver fern flag -- Flag design often associated with New Zealand
Wikipedia - Simon Bowles -- British production designer
Wikipedia - Simon Brattel -- British hardware and software designer
Wikipedia - Simon Cox (car designer) -- British car designer
Wikipedia - Simone Rocha -- Irish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Simone Signoret -- French actress
Wikipedia - Simonetta Stefanelli -- Italian actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Simon Oxley -- British graphic designer (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Simon Quaglio -- German-Italian stage designer
Wikipedia - Simple Kapadia -- Indian actress and costume designer
Wikipedia - Simpson Design -- Automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Simultaneous substitution -- Practice of substituting local signals over foreign ones for the same programming in Canada
Wikipedia - S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications -- Communications school at Syracuse University offering programs in print and broadcast journalism; music business; graphic design; advertising; public relations; and television radio, and film
Wikipedia - Single-field dictionary -- Specialized dictionary that has been designed and compiled to cover the terms of one particular subject field
Wikipedia - Single-point urban interchange -- Highway interchange design
Wikipedia - Single sign-on -- computer log in
Wikipedia - Sisebut -- King of the Visigoths 612–621
Wikipedia - Sisig -- A Filipino dish that consists of pork scraps
Wikipedia - Sisilia Nasiga -- Fijian judoka
Wikipedia - Sister ship -- Ship of the same class or design as another
Wikipedia - Site of Special Scientific Interest -- Conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Six Sigma Plus -- Film company
Wikipedia - Six Sigma
Wikipedia - Six Significant Landscapes -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - S. John Ross (game designer)
Wikipedia - Skate shoe -- Type of footwear designed for use in skateboarding
Wikipedia - Skull and crossbones (symbol) -- Poison warning sign
Wikipedia - Skylark (rocket) -- British sounding rocket design
Wikipedia - Skyspace -- Architectural design by James Turrell
Wikipedia - Slippery slope -- Logical fallacy in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect
Wikipedia - Slobodan Pavicevic -- Serbian production designer
Wikipedia - Slot time -- time it takes to send a designated amount of data from one network host to another
Wikipedia - Slow design
Wikipedia - Small sword -- Light one-handed sword designed for thrusting
Wikipedia - Smart gun -- Concept firearm designed to reduce the misuse of firearms
Wikipedia - Smart motorway -- Designation of roads in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)bastien Meunier -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - SM-CM-$hkotalo -- Office building in Helsinki, Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto
Wikipedia - Smoke Signals (film) -- 1998 film by Chris Eyre
Wikipedia - Smoke signal
Wikipedia - Smrita Jain -- Indian artist, author and design educator
Wikipedia - Snake (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Snow Flurry (design) -- Mobile design by Alexander Calder
Wikipedia - SOAR (spaceplane) -- A 2015 Swiss spaceplane concept based on the Hermes design
Wikipedia - Social design
Wikipedia - Sofia Achaval de Montaigu -- Argentine fashion designer and stylist
Wikipedia - Softex-Aero V-51 -- Ukrainian helicopter design
Wikipedia - Software design description
Wikipedia - Software design document
Wikipedia - Software design pattern -- Reusable solution to a commonly occurring software problem
Wikipedia - Software design
Wikipedia - Solange Azagury-Partridge -- British jewellry designer
Wikipedia - Solar Designer
Wikipedia - Solar mirror -- Type of mirror designed for sunlight
Wikipedia - SOLID (object-oriented design)
Wikipedia - Somatization disorder -- Mental disorder characterized by recurring, multiple, and current, clinically significant complaints about somatic symptoms
Wikipedia - Sonar -- Arts, design, and electronic and advanced music festival in Barcelona, Spain (European Union)
Wikipedia - Sonata (building design software)
Wikipedia - Sonia Grande -- Spanish costume designer
Wikipedia - Sonic interaction design
Wikipedia - Sonny Levi -- Boat designer
Wikipedia - Sonomicrometry -- Measurement of small distances using acoustic signals
Wikipedia - Sophia Kokosalaki -- Greek fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sophia Tolli -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sophie Wachner -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Sosigenes of Alexandria
Wikipedia - Sosigenes the Peripatetic
Wikipedia - Souda (company) -- Design studio based in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Soudan, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Soundbase -- Type of loudspeaker enclosure designed for a television to stand on
Wikipedia - Sound designer
Wikipedia - Sound design -- Sound track creation
Wikipedia - Sound recognition -- Pattern recognition for audio signals
Wikipedia - Soundwave tattoos -- Type of tattoo design
Wikipedia - South Australian School of Design -- School in Australia
Wikipedia - South End, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - South Milton Ley -- Devonian wetland, designated a SSSI
Wikipedia - Soviet-Lithuanian Peace Treaty -- Signed between Lithuania and Soviet Russia on 12 July 1920
Wikipedia - Soyuz (spacecraft) -- Series of spacecraft designed for the Soviet space programme
Wikipedia - Spacecraft design
Wikipedia - Spacecraft -- Crewed or uncrewed vehicle designed to fly in outer space
Wikipedia - Space Exploration Vehicle -- Conceptual design for pressurized spacecraft
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle design process -- Development program of the NASA Space Shuttle
Wikipedia - SpaceX Red Dragon -- Modified SpaceX Dragon spacecraft design for a proposed sample return mission to Mars
Wikipedia - Sparkling wine -- Wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide
Wikipedia - Spatial design
Wikipedia - Special Code: Assignment Lost Formula -- 1966 Italian-Spanish-French Eurospy film by Pino Mercanti
Wikipedia - Special Interest Group on Design Automation -- Association for Computing Machinery special interest group
Wikipedia - Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List -- US sanctions list
Wikipedia - Specially Designated Terrorist -- Designation under U.S. law
Wikipedia - Special routes of U.S. Route 66 -- Portions of U.S. Route 66 that are or have historically been designated special routes
Wikipedia - Specification and Design Language
Wikipedia - Specification pattern -- Software design pattern
Wikipedia - Spectral sensitivity -- Relative efficiency of detection of a signal as a function of its frequency or wavelength
Wikipedia - Spectral signature -- The variation of reflectance or emittance of a material with respect to wavelengths
Wikipedia - Spectrogram -- Visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies of a signal as it varies with time
Wikipedia - Speleonaut -- Diver propulsion vehicle designed for cave exploration by a disabled diver
Wikipedia - Sphingosine-1-phosphate -- Signaling sphingolipid
Wikipedia - Spicy (Ty Dolla Sign song) -- 2020 single by Ty Dolla Sign featuring Post Malone
Wikipedia - Spinnaker Tower -- Sightseeing Tower
Wikipedia - Spinnaker -- Sail designed for sailing off the wind
Wikipedia - Spirito Santo Banner -- C. 1494 paintings by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - Spite house -- House designed to annoy neighbors
Wikipedia - Split attention effect -- Learning effect inherent within some poorly designed instructional materials
Wikipedia - Sport coat -- Men's smart casual lounge jacket designed to be worn on its own without matching trousers
Wikipedia - Spreckels Organ -- Pipe organ designed by Ernest M. Skinner
Wikipedia - Spring, Texas -- Census-designated place in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Spyros Vassiliou -- Greek painter, printmaker, illustrator, and stage designer
Wikipedia - Sreelakshmi Suresh -- Indian web designer
Wikipedia - SS Californian -- Steamship that ignore Titanic distress signal
Wikipedia - Staatliche Fachakademie fur Fotodesign Munchen -- German state tertiary photography academy
Wikipedia - Stadio di Corso Marsiglia -- Former multisports stadium in Turin, Italy
Wikipedia - Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act -- US law designed to bring an orderly and systematic means of federal disaster assistance
Wikipedia - Staib Helicopter -- Homebuilt aircraft design
Wikipedia - Stairs -- Construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into steps
Wikipedia - Stanford, California -- Census-designated place in Santa Clara County, California, US
Wikipedia - Stanford torus -- Proposed NASA design for space habitat
Wikipedia - Stan Herman -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Rogalski -- Polish aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Stanley Piltz -- American photographer and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Starsight -- Young adult Brandon Sanderson novel
Wikipedia - Start signal -- signal
Wikipedia - Statcheck -- Software tool designed to detect statistical reporting errors
Wikipedia - State funeral -- Public funeral ceremony held to honour people of national significance
Wikipedia - State pattern -- Software design pattern
Wikipedia - State Sponsors of Terrorism (U.S. list) -- U.S. designation applied to certain countries
Wikipedia - Static single assignment form
Wikipedia - Station numbering -- Sign system used by some railway companies in Japan
Wikipedia - Statistical signal processing
Wikipedia - Statistical significance -- | Concept in inferential statistics
Wikipedia - Statue of Sigmund Freud, Hampstead
Wikipedia - Statues of Saints Norbert, Wenceslaus and Sigismund
Wikipedia - Stefan Diez -- German designer and studio owner
Wikipedia - Stefan Feld -- German-style board game designer
Wikipedia - Stefania Follini -- Italian interior designer
Wikipedia - Stefanie Posavec -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Stefano Marzano -- Italian Architect and Designer
Wikipedia - Steingrimur J. Sigfusson -- Icelandic politician
Wikipedia - Steinunn SigurM-CM-0ardottir (designer) -- Icelandic fashion designer
Wikipedia - Steinunn SigurM-CM-0ardottir -- Icelandic poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Stella Atal -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Stella McCartney -- British fashion designer, daughter of Paul and Linda McCartney
Wikipedia - Stella Tennant -- British model and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Stellwag's sign -- Medical sign in the eyes
Wikipedia - Stemnitsa Silver-Gold Smithery School -- Design school in Greece
Wikipedia - Stencil -- Thin sheet of material, with letters or a design cut from it, used to produce the letters or design on an underlying surface
Wikipedia - Stephanie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Wikipedia - Stephanie Sigman -- Mexican-American actress
Wikipedia - Stephanie Wells -- American jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Stephen B. Grimes -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Stephen Cosgrove (writer) -- American author and toy designer
Wikipedia - Stephy Zaviour -- Indian costume designer
Wikipedia - Stepless cockpit -- Aircraft design feature in which the cockpit shares its contour with the nose
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson (British game designer) -- British game designer
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson (US game designer)
Wikipedia - Steve Madden -- American fashion designer and businessman
Wikipedia - Steve Moraff -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Steven Brower -- American graphic designer, and writer
Wikipedia - Steve Peters (game designer)
Wikipedia - Stian Hole -- Norwegian graphic designer, illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Stigmella basiguttella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stigmella dorsiguttella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane Rolland -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Stochastic resonance -- Signal boosting phenomenon using white noise
Wikipedia - Stock market crash -- Sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market
Wikipedia - Stoo Cambridge -- British video game designer
Wikipedia - Stop signal -- signal
Wikipedia - Stop sign -- Traffic signal alerting drivers to stop
Wikipedia - Stopwatch -- Handheld timepiece designed to measure an amount time
Wikipedia - Stora Enso HQ -- Office building in Helsinki, Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto
Wikipedia - St. Paul College, Pasig -- Private Catholic girls school in the Philippines
Wikipedia - St Peter and St Sigfrid's Church -- Church in Stockholm, Sweden
Wikipedia - Strangers (Sigrid song) -- 2017 song by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Strategic bomber -- Type of heavy bomber aircraft designed to drop large amounts of ordnance
Wikipedia - Strategic design
Wikipedia - Strategic fighter -- Military aircraft designed particularly for long-range combat missions
Wikipedia - Strategic foresight
Wikipedia - Strategy pattern -- Software design pattern
Wikipedia - Streamline Moderne -- Late type of the Art Deco architecture and design
Wikipedia - Street name sign -- Type of traffic sign used to identify named roads
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia affinis -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia diluta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia kerbau -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia nigrimaculata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia paludicola -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia placida -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia quadripunctata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia robusta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Strmpell's sign
Wikipedia - Structure-based drug design
Wikipedia - Structured Analysis and Design Technique
Wikipedia - Structured analysis and design technique
Wikipedia - Structured Design
Wikipedia - Structured design
Wikipedia - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Wikipedia - Structured systems analysis and design method
Wikipedia - Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
Wikipedia - Student design competition
Wikipedia - Studied Space Shuttle designs -- Launch vehicle study
Wikipedia - Studio Lotus -- Design company
Wikipedia - Studio Signpost -- Japanese animation studio
Wikipedia - Style guide -- Set of standards for the writing and design of documents
Wikipedia - Style sheet (web development) -- Form of separation of presentation and content for web design
Wikipedia - Subclinical seizure -- Seizure without clinical signs or symptoms
Wikipedia - Sub-field dictionary -- Specialized dictionary that has been designed and compiled to cover the terms of one sub-fields of a particular subject field
Wikipedia - Submersible pump -- Pump designed to work submerged in fluid
Wikipedia - Subwoofer -- Loudspeaker designed to reproduce low-pitched audio frequencies
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (Sigrid album) -- 2019 album by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (song) -- 2018 song by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Sud Aviation Super-Caravelle -- Early French design for a supersonic transport
Wikipedia - Sue Reidy -- New Zealand author and designer
Wikipedia - Sugarmill Woods, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, US.
Wikipedia - Sujan Mahmud -- Bangladeshi film editor and sound designer
Wikipedia - Suki Lee -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Sultanna Frantsuzova -- Russian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sumarlidi Sigurdsson
Wikipedia - Sumner Stone -- American typeface designer and graphic artist
Wikipedia - Sundberg-Ferar -- Industrial design company in Michigan
Wikipedia - Sunny Fong -- Canadian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Sun outage -- Interruption in or distortion of geostationary satellite signals caused by interference from solar radiation
Wikipedia - Supercavitating propeller -- Marine propeller designed to operate with a full cavitation bubble
Wikipedia - Superheterodyne receiver -- Common type of radio receiver that shifts the received signal to an easily-processed intermediate frequency
Wikipedia - Superintendent (education) -- Administrator in charge of multiple schools, a school district or entity with school oversight
Wikipedia - Surface-to-air missile -- Ground-launched missile designed to attack aerial targets
Wikipedia - Surgical instrument -- Tools designed for use during surgery
Wikipedia - Susan Kare -- American artist and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Susien Chong -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Susmita Mohanty -- Indian spaceship designer and space entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Sustainable architecture -- Architecture designed to minimize environmental impact
Wikipedia - Sustainable city -- city designed with consideration for social, economic, environmental impact
Wikipedia - Sustainable design
Wikipedia - Sustainable fashion -- Part of design philosophy and trend of sustainability in fashion
Wikipedia - Sustainable furniture design
Wikipedia - Sustainable sanitation -- Sanitation system designed to meet certain criteria and to work well over the long-term
Wikipedia - Suttirat Anne Larlarb -- American costume designer, art director, and production designer
Wikipedia - Svatopluk Pitra -- Czech graphic designer, illustrator, cartoonist, designer of animated films and painter (1923 - 1993)
Wikipedia - Svefn-g-englar -- Single by Sigur Ros
Wikipedia - Sven Ivar Dysthe -- Norwegian furniture designer
Wikipedia - Swannanoa, North Carolina -- Census-designated place in North Carolina, US
Wikipedia - Sweet Grass, Montana -- Census-designated place in Montana, United States, along the Canadian border
Wikipedia - Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Sweetheart of Sigma Chi -- College fraternity song
Wikipedia - Sweet Home, Arkansas -- census-designated place in Pulaski County, Arkansas, USA
Wikipedia - Switch-reference -- Any clause-level morpheme that signals whether certain prominent arguments in 'adjacent' clauses are coreferential
Wikipedia - Sylvain Bellemare -- Canadian sound editor and sound designer
Wikipedia - Sylvia Crowe -- British landscape architect and garden designer
Wikipedia - Sylvia Harris -- African-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Symmoca signatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca signella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symposium on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical Design
Wikipedia - Sympson the Joiner -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Syntactic sugar -- Programming language syntax designed for ease of use
Wikipedia - System 80 -- American nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Systematic element name -- Temporary name assigned to predicted chemical elements
Wikipedia - Systematic risk -- Vulnerability to significant events that affect aggregate outcomes
Wikipedia - System design
Wikipedia - Systemic design
Wikipedia - Systems Design Engineering
Wikipedia - Systems design
Wikipedia - Systems engineering -- Interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles
Wikipedia - Systems-oriented design
Wikipedia - T20 Medium Tank -- Series of armored fighting vehicles designed by the United States
Wikipedia - Tabitha Simmons -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tableless web design
Wikipedia - Tachyonic antitelephone -- Hypothetical device in theoretical physics that could be used to send signals into one's own past
Wikipedia - Tadaoto Kainosho -- Japanese actor and costume designer
Wikipedia - Tadashi Shoji -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tail code -- US military aircraft markings in the vertical tail to identify the unit and/or base assignment
Wikipedia - Tairov OKO-4 -- An attack aircraft designed in the Ukrainian SSR
Wikipedia - Taiwanese Sign Language
Wikipedia - Taizo Kawashima -- Japanese production designer
Wikipedia - Takashi Iizuka (game designer) -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Takeo Kikuchi -- Japanese designer
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kitano -- Japanese film director, comedian, singer, actor, film editor, presenter, screenwriter, author, poet, painter and video game designer
Wikipedia - Tako Mekvabidze -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tali Darsigny -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Talita von Furstenberg -- American socialite, designer, model, and German princess
Wikipedia - Tamara Al-Gabbani -- Emirati fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tamar Abakelia -- Georgian sculptor, theater designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Tamara Mascara -- Austrian drag queen, DJane, fashion designer, presenter
Wikipedia - Tamas SzM-CM-)n Molnar -- Hungarian interior designer and architect
Wikipedia - Tami Erin -- American actress, model, singer, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tammis Keefe -- American textile designer
Wikipedia - Tan France -- British-Pakistani fashion designer and television personality
Wikipedia - Tania de Bourbon Parme -- French designer
Wikipedia - Tank car -- Rolling stock designed to transport liquid and gaseous commodities
Wikipedia - Tantaliana signifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tapani Aartomaa -- Finnish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Tapio SaramM-CM-$ki -- Finnish pioneer in digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Tapio Wirkkala -- Finnish designer and sculptor
Wikipedia - TAS classification -- System to assign names to many common types of volcanic rocks based upon the relationships between the combined alkali content and the silica content
Wikipedia - Tata Research Development and Design Centre
Wikipedia - Tattoo (bugle call) -- Signal played at dusk and ceremonies
Wikipedia - Tattoo -- Skin modification using ink to create designs
Wikipedia - Tatuna Nikolaishvili -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tau Capricorni -- Bayer designation
Wikipedia - Taurine -- Biologically significant aminosulfonic acid
Wikipedia - Taurus (astrology) -- Second astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Tayuka Nakanishi -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Teach the Controversy -- Discovery Institute campaign to promote intelligent design
Wikipedia - Technical pen -- Writing implement designed to make lines of constant width
Wikipedia - Technology aware design
Wikipedia - Technosignature -- Property that provides scientific evidence for the presence of technology
Wikipedia - Ted Alspach -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Ted Gozzard -- British yacht designer
Wikipedia - Ted Haworth -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Ted Lapidus -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ted Richards (artist) -- American web designer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Ted R. Smith -- American aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Ted Supalla -- American linguist and sign language researcher
Wikipedia - Telephone numbering plan -- numbering scheme to assign telephone numbers to telephones
Wikipedia - Teleprinter -- Device for transmitting messages in written form by electrical signals
Wikipedia - Telescopic sight -- Sighting device for firearms
Wikipedia - Telfar Clemens -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Template processor -- Software designed to combine templates with a data model to produce result documents
Wikipedia - Template talk:CarDesign nav
Wikipedia - Template talk:Design Patterns patterns
Wikipedia - Template talk:Design
Wikipedia - Template talk:Digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Template talk:Game design
Wikipedia - Template talk:Original Macintosh Design Team
Wikipedia - Template talk:Sigma receptor modulators
Wikipedia - Template talk:Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Template talk:Six Sigma tools
Wikipedia - Tengiz Sigua -- Prime Minister of Georgia
Wikipedia - Teona Gardapkhadze -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - TEPREL -- A family of rocket engines designed and built by Spanish company PLD Space
Wikipedia - Terebra cossignanii -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Terence Conran -- British restaurateur and designer
Wikipedia - Terminal (telecommunication) -- Device which ends a telecommunications link and is the point at which a signal enters and/or leaves a network
Wikipedia - Ternopil -- City of regional significance in Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - TerraPower -- Nuclear reactor design company
Wikipedia - Terry de Havilland -- Shoe designer
Wikipedia - Terry Irwin (designer) -- An American designer
Wikipedia - Tesla (microarchitecture) -- GPU microarchitecture designed by NVIDIA
Wikipedia - Tesla valve -- Valve design
Wikipedia - Test card -- Signal test used in television broadcasting.
Wikipedia - Test design
Wikipedia - Test-driven development -- Software design using test cases
Wikipedia - Tethea longisigna -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Tetsh (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Ujhel-Siget Hasidic dynasty
Wikipedia - Tetteh Adzedu -- Ghanaian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Texas Instruments signing key controversy -- Refers to Texas Instruments' response to a project to factorize cryptographic keys.
Wikipedia - Texas Instruments -- American semiconductor designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Textile design
Wikipedia - Textile industry -- Industry related to design, production and distribution of textiles.
Wikipedia - Text (literary theory) -- Any object that can be "read", whether this object is a work of literature, a street sign, an arrangement of buildings on a city block, or styles of clothing
Wikipedia - TGF beta signaling pathway -- Signaling pathway involving transforming growth factor beta proteins
Wikipedia - Thacker Pass lithium deposit -- The most significant lithium- hectorite clay deposit in the US
Wikipedia - Thai Nguyen (fashion designer) -- Vietnamese-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Thalamus -- Part of the brain responsible for relaying sensory signals and the regulation of consciousness, sleep, and alertness
Wikipedia - Thayaht -- Italian artist and designer
Wikipedia - The Art Assignment -- Web series
Wikipedia - The Art of the Motorcycle -- 1998 exhibition designed by Frank Gehry
Wikipedia - Theater drapes and stage curtains -- Large piece of cloth designed to mask backstage areas of a theater from spectators
Wikipedia - The Block Signal -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Bridge of Sighs (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Bridge of Sighs (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - The Clarret Drinkers Song: Or, The Good Fellows Design -- Song
Wikipedia - The Cock sign -- Street sign and lamp post in Sutton, London
Wikipedia - The Coles -- Video game designers
Wikipedia - The Danger Signal -- 1915 silent film by Walter Ewin
Wikipedia - The Design and Evolution of C++
Wikipedia - The Design of an Optimizing Compiler
Wikipedia - The Design of Design
Wikipedia - The Design of Everyday Things
Wikipedia - The Design of Experiments -- Book by Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Wikipedia - The Design Society
Wikipedia - The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife -- Woodcut design by Japanese artist Hokusai
Wikipedia - The Education of Pan -- Lost painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - The Fatal Sign -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Firesign Theatre -- American surreal comedy group
Wikipedia - The Foresight Institute
Wikipedia - The Fruit is Ripe -- 1977 film by Sigi Rothemund
Wikipedia - The Future of an Illusion -- 1927 book by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - The Grand Design (book) -- 2010 popular science book by Stephen Hawking
Wikipedia - The High Sign -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Hollywood Sign (film) -- 2001 film by Sonke Wortmann
Wikipedia - The Iconfactory -- Software and graphic design company
Wikipedia - The Interpretation of Dreams -- 1899 book by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun -- Tolkien
Wikipedia - The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud -- 1953-1957 book by Ernest Jones
Wikipedia - THeMIS -- Unmanned ground vehicle designed by Milerem Robotics in Estonia
Wikipedia - The Nearsighted School Teacher -- 1898 short silent film
Wikipedia - The New Moon -- 1927 operetta with music by Sigmund Romberg and a book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and others
Wikipedia - Theodore Cohen (designer) -- American exhibition designer
Wikipedia - Theo Fennell -- British jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Theoni V. Aldredge -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - The Preaching of the Antichrist -- Fresco by the Italian Renaissance painter Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - The Psychopathology of Everyday Life -- 1901 book by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - The Rainbow Sign -- African-American cultural center in Berkeley
Wikipedia - The Ranch, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Therapeutic food -- Foods designed for specific therapeutic purposes
Wikipedia - The RealReal -- American consignment company
Wikipedia - Therefore sign
Wikipedia - The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries
Wikipedia - Theresia Kyalo -- Kenyan lawyer, jewellery designer and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Thermal design power
Wikipedia - Thermal mass -- Use of thermal energy storage in building design
Wikipedia - The Runaways (2010 film) -- 2010 film by Floria Sigismondi
Wikipedia - The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War -- 2016 Japanese anime TV series
Wikipedia - The Shyft Group -- American automobile design company
Wikipedia - The Sight > Sound Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time
Wikipedia - The Sights -- Rock and roll band
Wikipedia - The Sigismund Bell -- large bell located in Wawel Cathedral, Krakow. Major Polish national symbol.
Wikipedia - The Sigma Protocol -- Novel by Robert Ludlum
Wikipedia - The Signal (2014 film) -- 2014 film by William Eubank
Wikipedia - The Signal Box Inn -- Public house in Cleethorpes, UK
Wikipedia - The Signal Tower -- 1924 film by Clarence Brown
Wikipedia - The Sign and the Seal -- 1992 book by Graham Hancock
Wikipedia - The Significance of Monuments -- Book by Richard Bradley
Wikipedia - The Sign of Four (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Sign of Four (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Sign of Four (1983 film)
Wikipedia - The Sign of Four (2001 film) -- Canadian television film
Wikipedia - The Sign of Love -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - The Sign of the Cactus -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Sign of the City -- 2007 film directed by Carlos Alberto Riccelli
Wikipedia - The Sign of the Cross (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Sign of the Four
Wikipedia - The Sign of the Malay -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Sign on the Door -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Signpost -- English Wikipedia's monthly newspaper
Wikipedia - The Sign (song) -- 1993 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (film) -- 1933 film directed by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - The Tales of Ensign StM-CM-%l -- Epic poem by Finland-Swedish author Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Wikipedia - The Turning (2020 film) -- 2020 film by Floria Sigismondi
Wikipedia - The Very Hungry Caterpillar -- Children's picture book designed, illustrated, and written by Eric Carle
Wikipedia - The Villages, Florida -- Census-designated place in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - The Warning Signal -- 1926 silent film
Wikipedia - The Zen of CSS Design -- Book by Dave Shea
Wikipedia - ThM-CM-)o Ballmer -- Swiss artist, graphic designer and photographer
Wikipedia - Thomas Brussig -- German writer
Wikipedia - Thomas E. Sanders -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Thomas Feichtner -- Austrian industrial designer
Wikipedia - Thomas F. McManus -- American yacht designer
Wikipedia - Thomas Heatherwick -- English designer and architect
Wikipedia - Thomas Miller (visual artist) -- African-American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Thomas Pheasant -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Thomas Thwaites (designer) -- British designer
Wikipedia - Thomas Wagner (designer) -- German video game designer, entrepreneur and academic
Wikipedia - Thom Browne -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Thom Filicia -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Thorfinn Sigurdsson, Earl of Orkney
Wikipedia - Thota Tharani -- Indian art director and production designer
Wikipedia - Thrainn Sigurdsson -- Icelandic chess player
Wikipedia - Three-player chess -- Family of chess variants specially designed for three players
Wikipedia - T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Throwing knife -- Knife designed to be thrown
Wikipedia - Thrust-specific fuel consumption -- Fuel efficiency of an engine design with respect to thrust output
Wikipedia - Tibor Kalman -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Tide clock -- Specially designed clock that keeps track of the Moon's apparent motion around the Earth
Wikipedia - Tideland Signal -- Manufacturer of marine navigational aids
Wikipedia - Tie signs -- Clues pointing to a relationship
Wikipedia - Tiger Woods Design -- Golf course design company owned by Tiger Woods
Wikipedia - Tiger (zodiac) -- Sign of the Chinese zodiac
Wikipedia - Tilly Walnes -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tim Coppens -- Belgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Timeline of English history -- List of significant events in the history of England
Wikipedia - Timeline of Irish history -- List of significant events in the history of Ireland
Wikipedia - Timeline of Scottish history -- List of significant events in the history of Scotland
Wikipedia - Timeline of the development of tectonophysics (after 1952) -- Chronological listing of significant events in the history of tectonophysics
Wikipedia - Timeline of the development of tectonophysics (before 1954) -- Chronological listing of significant events in the history of tectonophysics
Wikipedia - Timeline of Welsh history -- List of significant events in the history of Wales
Wikipedia - Timeline of World War II (1939) -- List of significant events occurring during World War II in 1939
Wikipedia - Timeline of World War II -- List of significant events occurring prior to and during World War II
Wikipedia - Time lock -- A timer designed to prevent the opening of the safe or vault until it reaches the preset time.
Wikipedia - Time signal -- Signal used as a reference to determine the time of day
Wikipedia - Time signature -- Specification of beats in a musical bar or measure
Wikipedia - Timo Pieni Huijaus -- Finnish rapper and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Timothy Brown (game designer) -- American game designer and editor
Wikipedia - Tinagma signatum -- Moth species in family Douglasiidae
Wikipedia - Tina Knowles -- American businesswoman and fashion designer
Wikipedia - TINA (program) -- Electronics design and training software
Wikipedia - Tina Roth-Eisenberg -- Swiss designer
Wikipedia - Tincture (heraldry) -- A metal, colour, or fur used in heraldic design
Wikipedia - Tinel's sign
Wikipedia - Tiny BASIC -- BASIC programming languages designed for under 4Kb
Wikipedia - Tipperary Crystal -- Irish design company
Wikipedia - Titi Ogufere -- Nigerian Interior Designer
Wikipedia - Titular church -- Church in Rome that can be assigned to a cardinal of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Titus Brian Ahumuza -- Ugandan fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tjurunga -- An object of religious significance by Central Australian Aboriginal people of the Arrernte (Aranda, Arunta) groups.
Wikipedia - T. Muthuraj -- Film production designer
Wikipedia - Tobi trousers -- Style of Japanese trousers designed to be worn with split-toed boots
Wikipedia - Toby Fox -- American video game designer and composer
Wikipedia - Todd Howard -- American video game designer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Todd Sanders -- American neon sign artist (b. 1967)
Wikipedia - Token (railway signalling) -- Method of controlling single line railways
Wikipedia - Tokyo Big Sight Station -- Railway station in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Tomas Maier -- German-born designer
Wikipedia - Tomb of Sampsigeramus -- 1st century AD mausoleum that formerly stood in the necropolis of Emesa
Wikipedia - Tom Braunlich -- American CCG designer
Wikipedia - Tom Ford -- American fashion designer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Tom Gilbey (designer) -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tom Hautekiet -- Belgian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Tom Hingston -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Tommy Hilfiger -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tomonobu Itagaki -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Tom Schnackenberg -- New Zealand sailor and yacht designer
Wikipedia - Tom Strala -- Swiss artist, designer and architect
Wikipedia - Tom Wishon -- American golf club designer and researcher
Wikipedia - Ton HiM-aM-:M-?u Anh -- Vietnamese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Toni MatiM-DM-^Mevski -- Australian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tony Award for Best Scenic Design -- American theatre award
Wikipedia - Tony Burrough -- Production designer
Wikipedia - Tony Chi -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Tony Cisek -- Scenic designer for theater
Wikipedia - Tony Fisher (puzzle designer) -- British puzzle designer
Wikipedia - Top-down and bottom-up design
Wikipedia - Toro y Moi -- American singer, songwriter, record producer, and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Torrijos-Carter Treaties -- Two treaties signed by Panama and the United States in 1977, concerning the Panama Canal
Wikipedia - Tor Sigbjorn Utsogn -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Tortoise heavy assault tank -- British assault gun design/prototype
Wikipedia - Tory Burch -- American fashion designer, businesswoman, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Toshiba 4S -- Nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Total harmonic distortion -- The distortion produced by an amplifier, as measured in terms of the harmonics of the sinusoidal components of the signal that it introduces.
Wikipedia - Totem and Taboo -- 1913 book by Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia - Toufic H. Kalil House -- House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Tough Assignment -- 1949 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Tour bus service -- Sightseeing bus service for tourists
Wikipedia - Touring (card game) -- Specialty card game designed in 1906
Wikipedia - Tourist trap -- Establishment designed to attract tourists and their money
Wikipedia - Tour Signal -- Proposed French skyscraper
Wikipedia - Township -- Designation for types of settlement as administrative territorial entities
Wikipedia - Tractor -- Engineering vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort
Wikipedia - Tracy Negoshian -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Traffic light -- Signaling device to control competing flows of traffic
Wikipedia - Traffic sign design
Wikipedia - Trail blazing -- Practice of marking footpaths by leaving signs that indicate the route
Wikipedia - Trail to Gunsight -- 1944 film by Vernon Keays
Wikipedia - Trainer aircraft -- Aircraft designed for training of pilots and aircrew
Wikipedia - Train whistle -- Audible signaling device on a steam locomotive
Wikipedia - Transformation design
Wikipedia - Transgenerational design
Wikipedia - Transignification -- Explanation of transubstantiation
Wikipedia - Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite -- NASA space telescope designed to search for exoplanets
Wikipedia - Trans man -- Man assigned female at birth
Wikipedia - Transmission curve -- Transmission of a signal or filter as a function of frequency or wavelength
Wikipedia - Transmission Voie-Machine -- Railway cab signaling technology used on high-speed rail
Wikipedia - Transmitter station -- Installation used for transmitting radio frequency signals
Wikipedia - Transponder -- device that emits an identifying signal in response to a received signal
Wikipedia - Transport (typeface) -- Road sign typeface used in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Transsexual -- People experiencing a gender identity inconsistent with their assigned sex
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 13: Signal GK -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Travis Banton -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Travis Keisig -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Travis Vengroff -- American sound designer, editor, producer, actor, writer, musician, and businessman
Wikipedia - Treaties of Nijmegen -- Series of peace treaties signed in the Dutch city of Nijmegen between August 1678 and October 1679
Wikipedia - Treaty 8 -- Agreement signed between Queen Victoria and various First Nations of the Lesser Slave Lake area in Western Canada
Wikipedia - Treaty of Berlin (1878) -- a peace treaty signed on 13 July 1878
Wikipedia - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -- Separate peace treaty that the Soviet government was forced to sign on March 3, 1918
Wikipedia - Treaty of Hopewell -- Any of three different treaties signed at the Hopewell Plantation
Wikipedia - Treaty of London (1839) -- Treaty signed on 19 April 1839 over Belgium and Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Treaty of M-CM-^Sfalu -- A peace treaty signed by the Kingdom of Poland and the Kingdom of Hungary in 1474
Wikipedia - Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919) -- Treaty signed on 10 September 1919 by the victorious Allies of World War I and the Republic of German-Austria
Wikipedia - Treaty of Windsor (1175) -- Short-lived treated signed during the time of the Norman invasion of Ireland
Wikipedia - Treaty of Zamora -- Treaty recognising Portuguese independence from the Kingdom of Leon, signed on October 5, 1143
Wikipedia - Trees in mythology -- Significance of trees in religion and folklore
Wikipedia - Trelise Cooper -- New Zealand fashion designer
Wikipedia - Trevor Johnson (designer) -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Tridrepana sigma -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Triple Kirks -- 1843 building designed for three churches
Wikipedia - Trish Gregory -- New Zealand fashion designer and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Triton Submarines -- Florida-based (USA) company that designs and manufactures private submersibles
Wikipedia - Troy Christensen -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Truce of Ulm (1647) -- Peace treaty signed in Ulm (14 March 1647) between France, Sweden, and Bavaria
Wikipedia - Truesight -- Young adult and science fiction novel, by American author David Stahler Jr.
Wikipedia - Truth assignment
Wikipedia - TSIG
Wikipedia - Tsukasa Dokite -- Japanese animator and character designer
Wikipedia - Tsumori Chisato -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Tuesday Bassen -- American illustrator and designer
Wikipedia - Tughra -- Calligraphic monogram, seal or signature of a sultan
Wikipedia - Tuned mass damper -- Device designed to reduce vibrations in structures
Wikipedia - Turbofan -- Airbreathing jet engine designed to provide thrust by driving a fan
Wikipedia - Turning points during World War II -- Points during World War II when the momentum of the war significantly shifted
Wikipedia - Tver -- City of oblast significance in Tver Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Twin Lakes, Mahnomen County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Twin pattern -- Software design pattern
Wikipedia - Twin Tower -- Hong Kong residential block design
Wikipedia - Two Sigma -- Investment firm
Wikipedia - Two-way radio -- A radio that can both transmit and receive a signal, used for bidirectional voice communication
Wikipedia - Ty Dolla Sign discography -- artist discography
Wikipedia - Ty Dolla Sign -- American singer, record producer, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Tyler, the Creator -- American rapper, record producer, fashion designer, and director from California
Wikipedia - Type designer
Wikipedia - Type design
Wikipedia - Typeface -- Set of characters that share common design features
Wikipedia - Type signature
Wikipedia - Type-X (unmanned ground vehicle) -- Robotic combat vehicle designed by Milrem Robotics in Estonia
Wikipedia - Tyranny of small decisions -- Phenomenon of a series of small rational decisions leading to a significant unwanted consequence
Wikipedia - Tzaims Luksus -- American artist and fashion designer
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design
Wikipedia - UFO sightings in New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Ugo Correani -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - UHF television broadcasting -- Use of ultra high frequency radio to transmit television signals
Wikipedia - Ulm School of Design
Wikipedia - Ulpiano Checa -- Spanish painter, sculptor, poster designer and illustrator (1860 - 1916)
Wikipedia - Ultra -- Designation adopted by British for military intelligence from broken enemy codes
Wikipedia - Ulysses pact -- Freely made decision designed and intended to bind oneself in the future
Wikipedia - Umberto Bassignani -- Italian sculptor
Wikipedia - Umbrella -- Canopy designed to protect against rain or sunlight
Wikipedia - Umwelt -- Biological foundations central to the study of communication and signification
Wikipedia - Unassigned Lands -- lands in Oklahoma that were not assigned to any native tribes
Wikipedia - Uncle BrM-CM-$sig -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Uncompressed video -- High-fidelity digital video signal
Wikipedia - UNESCO Global Geoparks -- UN-designated outstanding geological sites and landscapes
Wikipedia - Uniform Service Diver Insignia (United States) -- Qualification badges of the uniformed services of the United States which are awarded to servicemen qualified as divers
Wikipedia - Unihertz Jelly -- Smartphone designed by unihertz
Wikipedia - Unintelligent design
Wikipedia - Uniqlo -- Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer
Wikipedia - Unique citizenship number -- Numbers assigned to each Bulgarian citizen
Wikipedia - United States Adopted Name -- Unique nonproprietary names assigned to pharmaceuticals marketed in the United States
Wikipedia - United States Department of State list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations -- U.S. government list of designated entities
Wikipedia - United States House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations -- Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee
Wikipedia - United States House Committee on Armed Services -- Standing committee of the United States House of Representatives responsible for funding and oversight of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the United States armed forces, as well as substantial portions of the Department of Energy.
Wikipedia - United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform -- Standing committee of the United States House of Representatives
Wikipedia - United States Intelligence Community Oversight
Wikipedia - United States license plate designs and serial formats -- Layout of United States vehicle license plates
Wikipedia - United States Marine Corps rank insignia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - United States National Marine Sanctuary -- Zone in US waters designated for special protection
Wikipedia - Unite For Sight
Wikipedia - UnitM-CM-) d'habitation -- 1940s modernist residential housing design principle by Le Corbusier and Nadir Afonso
Wikipedia - UNIVAC I -- General-purpose computer design for robot business application first produced in the United States in 2551
Wikipedia - Universal design for instruction
Wikipedia - Universal Design for Learning
Wikipedia - Universal design
Wikipedia - Universal Instructional Design
Wikipedia - University of Kentucky College of Design -- College of Design and Architecture of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, USA
Wikipedia - University of Sydney Design Lab -- Research centre in the University of Sydney
Wikipedia - University of Waterloo Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business -- Satellite campus of the University of Waterloo
Wikipedia - University of Wisconsin Experimental College -- Two-year college designed and led by Alexander Meiklejohn
Wikipedia - Unix signal
Wikipedia - Uno Kanda -- Japanese model, actress, tarento, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Unsigned highway -- Highways that do not identify the route number
Wikipedia - Up-and-Down Designs
Wikipedia - Upsilon Cancri -- Bayer designation
Wikipedia - Upsilon Sigma Phi -- Fraternity in the University of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Urban design
Wikipedia - Urban heat island -- Urban area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities
Wikipedia - Urban-type settlement -- Official designation for an urban locality in some countries of the former Soviet Union
Wikipedia - U R Rao Satellite Centre -- Indian satellite design center
Wikipedia - Usage-centered design
Wikipedia - U.S. Army hand and arm signals -- Non-verbal communication
Wikipedia - USBKill -- Anti-forensic software designed to react to unfamiliar USB devices
Wikipedia - Use-centered design
Wikipedia - User-centered design
Wikipedia - User experience design -- Field of design focusing on the creation of user centered products and services
Wikipedia - User Interface Design
Wikipedia - User interface design
Wikipedia - User research -- The process of understanding the impact of design on an audience
Wikipedia - User talk:RandomSigma
Wikipedia - USS A. Brook Taylor -- Planned designation for a fishing vessel the United States Navy
Wikipedia - USS Constellation (1854) -- Last sail-only warship designed and built by the United States Navy
Wikipedia - USS Pasig (AW-3) -- Water distilling ship
Wikipedia - Utility station -- Radio station broadcasting signals not intended for the general public
Wikipedia - Uwe Kreyssig -- German opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Uwe Meffert -- German puzzle designer and inventor
Wikipedia - Vaccine Information Statement -- Document designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide information to a patient receiving a vaccine in the United States
Wikipedia - Vacuum truck -- tank truck with a pump designed to load material through suction lines
Wikipedia - Valdis Celms -- Latvian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Valentin Manheimer -- German businessman and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Valentino (fashion designer) -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Valerian Rybar -- American interior designer
Wikipedia - Val Lewton (visual artist) -- American painter and designer
Wikipedia - Value-driven design
Wikipedia - Value sensitive design -- Design method that accounts for human values
Wikipedia - Vanda Sigurgeirsdottir -- Icelandic multi-sport athlete
Wikipedia - Vanessa Alfaro -- Bolivian designer, entrepreneur, model and actress based in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Vanessa Bell -- British painter, designer and member of the Bloomsbury Group
Wikipedia - Vanessa Seward -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Vanja Vukovic -- German fine-art photographer and photo-designer
Wikipedia - Varangians -- Slavic and Greek designation of Vikings
Wikipedia - Variable-message sign -- Electronic traffic sign with changeable messages
Wikipedia - Variable star designation
Wikipedia - Varieties of American Sign Language -- Dialects and descendants of American Sign Language
Wikipedia - Vasily Bakalov -- Soviet and Russian engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Vasily Degtyaryov -- Russian and Soviet weapons designer
Wikipedia - Vastu shastra -- Architecture and design-related texts of India
Wikipedia - Vaughan Oliver -- British graphic designer
Wikipedia - Vav (protein) -- Proteins involved in cell signalling
Wikipedia - V-by-One HS -- Electrical digital signaling standard
Wikipedia - V-by-One US -- Electrical digital signaling standard
Wikipedia - V(D)J recombination -- The process in which immune receptor V, D, and J, or V and J gene segments, depending on the specific receptor, are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS).
Wikipedia - Vector field -- Assignment of a vector to each point in a subset of Euclidean space
Wikipedia - Vector Launch -- A defunct launch vehicle designer and launch service provider
Wikipedia - Vegan design -- The use of vegan products in design
Wikipedia - Vegas Vic -- Neon sign of a cowboy in Las Vegas, Nevada
Wikipedia - Veil -- Fabric smooth cloth that is hanged over head to cover significant portion of person parts
Wikipedia - Velocity : Design : Comfort -- album by Sweet Trip
Wikipedia - Veniero Colasanti -- Italian costume designer
Wikipedia - Ventura Lambrate -- International design show
Wikipedia - Vera Bradley -- American luggage and handbag design company
Wikipedia - Vera Wang -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - VeriSign
Wikipedia - Verisign -- American Internet company
Wikipedia - Vermiculite -- A hydrous phyllosilicate mineral which expands significantly when heated
Wikipedia - Vermund Larsen -- Danish furniture designer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Veronica Hughart -- Rtist, architectural designer and journalist
Wikipedia - Veronica Miele Beard -- American entrepreneur and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Vertical interval timecode -- Type of timecode in a video signal
Wikipedia - Vexillography -- The art and practice of designing flags
Wikipedia - Vicke Lindstrand -- Swedish designer
Wikipedia - Vicky Tiel -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Vicor Corporation -- Company that designs, manufactures and markets modular power components
Wikipedia - Victor Antoine Signoret
Wikipedia - Victor Costa -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Victor de Sigaldi -- Monegasque sailor
Wikipedia - Victoria Beckham -- English fashion designer and singer
Wikipedia - Victory Bomber -- British strategic bomber design of WW2.
Wikipedia - Videocassette recorder -- Device designed to record and playback content stored on videocassettes, most commonly VHS
Wikipedia - Video design
Wikipedia - Videodisc -- Laser- or stylus-readable random-access disc that contains both audio and analog video signals recorded in an analog form
Wikipedia - Video game designer
Wikipedia - Video game design
Wikipedia - Video line selector -- Electronic device used to select between different analog video signals
Wikipedia - Videometer -- European designed automatic docking system
Wikipedia - Video sender -- Device for transmitting audio and video signals wirelessly
Wikipedia - Video tape recorder -- Tape recorder designed to record and play back video and audio material on magnetic tape
Wikipedia - Videotelephony -- Reception and transmission of audio-video signals by users at different locations
Wikipedia - Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals -- Multilateral treaty to standardise road signs internationally
Wikipedia - Village sign -- Term in England for a sign at the entrance to a town or village
Wikipedia - Villa Wolf -- Architecturally significant building in Gubin, Poland
Wikipedia - Vilmos Zsigmond -- Hungarian-American cinematographer
Wikipedia - Vinka Lucas -- New Zealand fashion designer
Wikipedia - Virgil Abloh -- American fashion designer, entrepreneur, artist and DJ
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 700 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 701 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 702 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 703 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 704 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 705 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 706 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 707 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 708 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 709 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 710 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 711 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 712 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 713 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 714 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 715 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 716 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 717 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 718 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 719 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 720 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 721 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 722 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 723 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 724 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 725 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 726 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 727 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 728 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 729 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 730 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 731 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 732 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 733 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 734 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 735 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 736 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 737 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 738 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 739 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 740 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 741 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 742 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 743 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 744 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 745 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 746 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 747 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 748 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 749 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 750 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 751 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 752 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 753 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 754 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 755 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 757 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 758 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 759 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 760 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 761 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 762 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 763 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 764 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 765 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 766 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 767 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 768 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 769 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 770 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 771 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 772 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 773 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 774 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 775 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 776 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 777 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 778 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 779 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 780 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 781 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 782 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 783 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 784 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 786 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 787 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 788 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 789 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 790 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 791 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 792 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 793 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 794 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 795 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 796 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 797 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 798 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 799 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia von Furstenberg -- Italian designer
Wikipedia - Virginie Viard -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Virgo (astrology) -- Sixth astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Virtual home design software
Wikipedia - Virtue signalling -- Conspicuous expression of moral values
Wikipedia - Visigothic art and architecture
Wikipedia - Visigothic Kingdom -- Post-Roman kingdom in Iberia
Wikipedia - Visigothic kings
Wikipedia - Visigothic king
Wikipedia - Visigothic legislation
Wikipedia - Visigothic
Wikipedia - Visigoths -- Gothic tribe
Wikipedia - Visigoth
Wikipedia - Visitor (design pattern)
Wikipedia - Visitor pattern -- Software design pattern
Wikipedia - Visual design
Wikipedia - Visual system -- Body parts responsible for sight
Wikipedia - Vita Kin -- Ukrainian fashion designer (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Vital Signs 1 -- 1989 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Vital Signs (2009 film) -- 2009 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Vital Signs 2 -- 1991 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Vital Signs (band) -- Pakistani band
Wikipedia - Vital Signs (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Vital signs -- Group of the 4-6 important medical signs that indicate the status of the bodyM-bM-^@M-^Ys vital functions
Wikipedia - Vito Acconci -- American designer, landscape architect, performance and installation artist
Wikipedia - Vitra Design Museum -- Museum in Weil am Rhein
Wikipedia - Vivian Beer -- American designer of metal furniture
Wikipedia - Vkhutemas -- Russian design school
Wikipedia - Volcano, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Volkmar Sigusch
Wikipedia - Volta (microarchitecture) -- GPU microarchitecture designed by NVIDIA
Wikipedia - Von Neumann cardinal assignment
Wikipedia - Vorkosigan Saga
Wikipedia - V sign
Wikipedia - VVER-TOI -- Russian nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - VVER -- Series of Soviet (and later Russian) nuclear reactor designs
Wikipedia - Vympel Design Bureau -- Russian ship design company
Wikipedia - W62 -- American thermonuclear warhead designed in the late 1960s
Wikipedia - Wahiawa, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Waialua, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Waianae, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, Honolulu
Wikipedia - Waikele, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, Honolulu
Wikipedia - Waikoloa Village, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Waimalu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Waimanalo Beach, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in the United States
Wikipedia - Waimea, Hawaii County, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Waimanalo, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Wainaku, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, U.S.
Wikipedia - Waipahu, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - WaipiM-JM-;o Acres, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Waipio, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Wake-on-ring -- A signal that activates a device via a telephone connection
Wikipedia - Waldo Stakes -- American general contractor and designer of high speed vehicles
Wikipedia - Wales Institute for Research in Art and Design -- Collaborative venture in Wales
Wikipedia - Wallacea -- Biogeographical designation for a group of mainly Indonesian islands separated by deep-water straits from the Asian and Australian continental shelves
Wikipedia - Wallace E. Cunningham -- American architectural designer
Wikipedia - Walter Bradley (engineer) -- American engineering professor, author, and advocate of the concept of intelligent design
Wikipedia - Walter Landor -- American designer
Wikipedia - Walter Milliken -- Writer and game designer
Wikipedia - Walter Plunkett -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Walter Rethel -- German aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Walter Sigel -- German officer and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Walter Van Beirendonck -- Belgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - War against Sigismund
Wikipedia - Wards of Japan -- Subdivision of cities designated by government ordinance in Japan
Wikipedia - Warhammer Age of Sigmar -- Miniature wargame
Wikipedia - Warlords of Sigrdrifa -- 2020 anime television series
Wikipedia - Warning sign -- Sign that warns people about something.
Wikipedia - Waste stabilization pond -- Ponds designed and built for wastewater treatment
Wikipedia - Watchmaker analogy -- Teleological argument which states that a design implies a designer
Wikipedia - Water buffalo (zodiac) -- Sign of the Vietnamese zodiac
Wikipedia - Water transfer printing -- method of applying printed designs to three-dimensional surfaces
Wikipedia - Watts & Co. -- English architectural and interior design company
Wikipedia - Wave base -- The maximum depth at which a water wave's passage causes significant water motion
Wikipedia - Wayne Ison -- Aircraft designer
Wikipedia - Weathering steel -- Group of steel alloys designed to form a rust-like finish when exposed to weather
Wikipedia - Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor
Wikipedia - WebAssign -- US online homework system provider
Wikipedia - Web colors -- Color used in designing web pages
Wikipedia - Web design program
Wikipedia - Web design -- Creation and maintenance of websites
Wikipedia - WebsterX -- American fashion designer and artist (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Wei Yang (urban designer) -- Chinese-British town planner and urban designer, born 1974
Wikipedia - Wendell Rodricks -- Indian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Wendover Will -- Casino sign in Nevada
Wikipedia - Wendy Cork -- Australian costume designer
Wikipedia - Wendy Maruyama -- American educator and furniture designer
Wikipedia - Werner Aisslinger -- German furniture designer
Wikipedia - Wes Gordon -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Western Design Center
Wikipedia - Western Design -- Cromwellian expedition to the Caribbean
Wikipedia - West Freehold, New Jersey -- Census-designated place in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - West Loch Estate, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - West Roy Lake, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - We Trisig Shangnyen
Wikipedia - Wetsuit -- Garment for water activities, providing thermal insulation but not designed to prevent water entering
Wikipedia - When I Grow Too Old to Dream -- Pop song by Sigmund Romberg and Oscar Hammerstein II
Wikipedia - Whisper X350 Generation II -- South African kit aircraft design
Wikipedia - Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design -- Private art school in Auckland, New Zealand
Wikipedia - White clothing -- Significance of white clothes
Wikipedia - White Earth, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - White Marc Bouwer dress of Angelina Jolie -- Dress designed by Marc Bouwer
Wikipedia - White noise -- Random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density
Wikipedia - Whitmore Village, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Wicked Bible -- 1631 edition of the King James Bible with a significant printing error
Wikipedia - Widescreen signaling -- Aspect ratio signaling in an analog television signal
Wikipedia - Wieslaw Walkuski -- Polish graphic designer
Wikipedia - Wigner quasiprobability distribution -- The Wigner distribution function in physics as opposed to in signal processing
Wikipedia - Wigwag (flag signals) -- Method of flag signaling
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Editors who may be confused -- List of editors with names or signatures easily confused
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Oversight -- Wikipedia project page about the Oversight permission
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Signatures -- Wikipedia behavioral guideline
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:User page design center -- historical document
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Village pump (WMF) -- Discussion page for matters of significance to both the community and the foundation
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2020-08-30/Special report -- Article about Wikidata in The Signpost
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/About -- The Signpost's "About" page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Newsroom -- Newsroom for the Wikipedia Signpost
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WPCleaner -- Tool designed to help with various maintenance tasks
Wikipedia - Wilbert Das -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Wikipedia - Wilfred Thesiger -- British military officer, explorer, and writer.
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Brenneke -- German weapon designer
Wikipedia - Willard T. Sears -- Designer of several important New England and American buildings.
Wikipedia - Willem Marinus Dudok -- Dutch modernist architect best known for his design of Hilversum Town Hall
Wikipedia - Willem Thibaut -- Dutch painter and stained glass designer (1524-1597)
Wikipedia - Will Holder (designer) -- English typographer
Wikipedia - William Blount -- Signer of the United States Constitution
Wikipedia - William Burges -- English Gothic revival architect and designer (1827 - 1881)
Wikipedia - William Butler (sound designer) -- British/Canadian musician, composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - William Dudley (designer) -- British theatre designer
Wikipedia - William E. Parsons -- American architect and designer of the Gabaldon school buildings
Wikipedia - William Frater -- British-born Australian painter and stained-glass designer
Wikipedia - William Haines -- American actor and interior designer
Wikipedia - William Julius Champion Jr. -- American game designer
Wikipedia - William Morris -- Textile designer, novelist, and socialist activist (1834-1896)
Wikipedia - William Preston (Virginia soldier) -- One of the signers of the Fincastle Resolutions
Wikipedia - William Pugh (game designer) -- Indie video game developer
Wikipedia - William Stokoe -- Scholar of American Sign Language
Wikipedia - William Walmsley -- British automobile designer
Wikipedia - William Worrall -- English fabric and glass designer
Wikipedia - Willi Smith -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Will Wright (game designer) -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Willy Chavarria -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Willy Holt -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Willy warmer -- Man's novelty garment designed to fit over the penis
Wikipedia - Windbreaker -- Thin coat designed to resist wind chill and light rain
Wikipedia - Wind turbine design -- Process of defining the form of wind turbine systems
Wikipedia - Wine route -- Specially designated road or waterway that travels through a wine-producing area
Wikipedia - Wingsuit flying -- Variant of skydiving activity involving a specially designed suit which offers control surfaces
Wikipedia - Winnie (feline) -- Supposed big cat sighted in the Veluwe region of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Wire signal -- A type of Morse code operating signal used by Western Union
Wikipedia - Wisdom -- The ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight
Wikipedia - Wish You Well (Sigala and Becky Hill song) -- 2019 single by Sigala and Becky Hill
Wikipedia - Wizard (2005 video game) -- Video game designed by Chris Crawford in 1980 for the Atari 2600 but released in 2005
Wikipedia - Wlodzimierz Mucha -- Polish architect and designer
Wikipedia - Wnt signaling pathway -- Group of signal transduction pathways involved in embryonic development
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Baur -- American game designer
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Heisig -- German pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Joop -- German fashion designer
Wikipedia - Woman's Exchange Movement -- System of benevolent consignment stores
Wikipedia - Women's School of Planning and Architecture -- The Women's School of Planning and Architecture (WSPA) was an educational program for women interested in architecture, planning, and environmental design that presented sessions and symposia based on principles of the women's liberation movement between 1976 and 1981
Wikipedia - Wong Tung & Partners -- Hong Kong architecture and design firm
Wikipedia - Woody Pirtle -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Workstation -- High-end computer designed for technical or scientific applications
Wikipedia - World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
Wikipedia - World Heritage Site -- Place listed by the UNESCO as of special cultural or natural significance
Wikipedia - World Tuberculosis Day -- World day designed to build public awareness about tuberculosis
Wikipedia - World University of Design -- Private university in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Wow! signal -- 1977 narrowband radio signal from SETI
Wikipedia - Wray Serna -- American fashion designer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy -- Award to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States
Wikipedia - W. Scott Neal House -- Historically significant home in Boise
Wikipedia - Wulfsige (Bishop of Lichfield)
Wikipedia - Wulfsige III
Wikipedia - Wulfsige II
Wikipedia - Wulfsige of Lichfield
Wikipedia - Wulfsige of London -- 9th and 10th-century Bishop of London
Wikipedia - Wulfsige of Sherborne
Wikipedia - Wulfsige of York -- 9th-century Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - WWVB -- Time signal radio station in the United States
Wikipedia - WWVH -- Radio time signal station in Kekaha, Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - WWV (radio station) -- Shortwave radio station broadcasting time signals
Wikipedia - Wyckoff positions -- Designation of positions within a crystallographic space group
Wikipedia - Wynsige of Lichfield
Wikipedia - Wynsige -- 10th-century Bishop of Dorcester
Wikipedia - Xanthorhoe designata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Xara Photo > Graphic Designer
Wikipedia - Xar (graphics) -- Vector graphics file format of Xara and Xara Photo & Graphic Designer
Wikipedia - Xbox Adaptive Controller -- Video game controller designed by Microsoft for people with disabilities
Wikipedia - Xenia Sackville, Lady Buckhurst -- British jewellery designer
Wikipedia - Xerox Sigma 9
Wikipedia - XHSIG-FM -- Radio station in Los Mochis, Sinaloa
Wikipedia - Ximena Valero -- Mexican fashion designer
Wikipedia - XML Signature -- XML syntax for digital signatures
Wikipedia - Yahya Al Bishri -- Saudi fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yakovlev Yak-60 -- Experimental helicopter design
Wikipedia - Yakov Rekhter -- network protocol designer and software programmer
Wikipedia - Yamamoto ShM-EM-^Mun -- Japanese print designer, painter, and illustrator
Wikipedia - Yang Sung-chun -- South Korean designer
Wikipedia - Yang Wei (aircraft designer)
Wikipedia - Yannis Tseklenis -- Greek fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yasemin Akat -- Turkish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yasushi Nirasawa -- Japanese illustrator, character designer, and model maker
Wikipedia - Yemi Osunkoya -- Nigerian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yeomanry -- Designation used by a number of units or sub-units of the British Army Reserve
Wikipedia - YESCO -- American manufacturer of electric signs
Wikipedia - Yield sign -- traffic sign
Wikipedia - Yoann Lemoine -- French music video director, graphic designer and musician
Wikipedia - Yohji Yamamoto -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yolanda Hadid -- Dutch television personality, model, and interior designer
Wikipedia - Yona -- Term used to designate Greek speakers in ancient India
Wikipedia - Yoon Ahn -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yorke Island (Queensland) -- Island in Torres Strait in Queensland, Australia, known as Masig in the indigenous language
Wikipedia - York Region Police Services Board -- Canadian police oversight organisation
Wikipedia - Yosemite Valley, California -- Census-designated place in California, United States
Wikipedia - Yoshiaki Koizumi -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Yoshihiko Matsuo -- Japanese automobile designer
Wikipedia - Yoshiyuki Konishi -- Japanese fashion designer
Wikipedia - Y service -- British signals intelligence collection sites during WW1 and WW2
Wikipedia - Yuri Suzuki (designer) -- Japanese designer
Wikipedia - Yu Suzuki -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Yvan Darsigny -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Yves Saint Laurent (designer) -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Yves Saint Laurent Museum in Marrakesh -- Museum dedicated to the fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent
Wikipedia - Yvonne Wood -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Zac Posen -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Zahia Dehar -- French-Algerian fashion and lingerie designer
Wikipedia - Zanzottera MZ 301 -- Aircraft engine designed for ultralight aircraft
Wikipedia - Zarya (spacecraft) -- Soviet orbital vehicle design
Wikipedia - Z code -- A Morse code operating signal of the US Army
Wikipedia - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance -- book by Robert M. Pirsig
Wikipedia - Zeng Liansong -- Chinese economist who designed the flag of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Zero crossing -- Point where a function crosses an axis and changes sign
Wikipedia - Zero reference pulse -- A signal transmitted for test purposes in TV transmitters
Wikipedia - Zero-waste fashion -- Sustainable clothing design
Wikipedia - Zero waste -- Philosophy that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused
Wikipedia - Zesiger sports and fitness center
Wikipedia - Z flag -- International maritime signal flag
Wikipedia - Zip bomb -- Malicious archive file designed to crash or render useless the program or system reading it
Wikipedia - Zodiac (cipher) -- Block cipher designed in 2000 by Chang-Hyi Lee
Wikipedia - Zodiac -- Area of the sky divided into twelve signs
Wikipedia - Zolotarev's lemma -- Ties Legendre symbols to permutation signatures
Wikipedia - Zomet Institute -- Israeli high-tech non-profit organization specializing in IT equipment and electronic appliances designed to meet Halakha
Wikipedia - Z-plan castle -- Form of castle design common in England and Scotland
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Barasz -- Hungarian chess player
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Czako -- Hungarian actor and playwright
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Jarai -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl -- Hungarian sculptor and artist
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Kunfi -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Nagy -- Hungarian shot putter
Wikipedia - Zsigmond PerM-CM-)nyi (1870-1946) -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Szathmary -- Hungarian musician
Wikipedia - Zsigmond Villanyi -- Hungarian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Zsigmondy's theorem -- On primes dividing the difference of nth powers of coprime integers, but not if power < n
Wikipedia - Zuilma Gabriela SigurM-CM-0ardottir -- Icelandic academic
Wikipedia - Zuzana Licko -- Slovak-born American type designer
Wikipedia - Zwelonke Sigcawu -- South African royal
Issey Miyake ::: Born: April 22, 1938; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Isaac Mizrahi ::: Born: October 14, 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Marc Newson ::: Born: October 20, 1963; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Robert M. Pirsig ::: Born: September 6, 1928; Died: April 24, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
Miuccia Prada ::: Born: May 10, 1949; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Mary Quant ::: Born: February 11, 1934; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Oscar de la Renta ::: Born: July 22, 1932; Died: October 20, 2014; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Nicole Richie ::: Born: September 21, 1981; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rachel Roy ::: Born: January 15, 1974; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Jil Sander ::: Born: November 27, 1943; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Elsa Schiaparelli ::: Born: September 10, 1890; Died: November 13, 1973; Occupation: Fashion designer;
L'Wren Scott ::: Born: April 28, 1964; Died: March 17, 2014; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Beanie Sigel ::: Born: March 6, 1974; Occupation: Rapper;
Simone Signoret ::: Born: March 25, 1921; Died: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
Hedi Slimane ::: Born: July 5, 1968; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Anna Sui ::: Born: August 4, 1964; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Ken Thompson ::: Born: February 4, 1943; Occupation: Computer Designer;
Manolo Blahnik ::: Born: November 28, 1942; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigrid Undset ::: Born: May 20, 1882; Died: June 10, 1949; Occupation: Novelist;
Donatella Versace ::: Born: May 2, 1955; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Gianni Versace ::: Born: December 2, 1946; Died: July 15, 1997; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Alexander Wang ::: Born: December 26, 1983; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Vera Wang ::: Born: June 27, 1949; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigourney Weaver ::: Born: October 8, 1949; Occupation: Actress;
Vivienne Westwood ::: Born: April 8, 1941; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rachel Zoe ::: Born: September 1, 1971; Occupation: Designer;
Alber Elbaz ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Howard Aiken ::: Born: March 8, 1900; Died: March 14, 1973; Occupation: Designer;
Eva Zeisel ::: Born: November 13, 1906; Died: December 30, 2011; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Jeff Kinney ::: Born: February 19, 1971; Occupation: Game designer;
Tibor Kalman ::: Born: July 6, 1949; Died: May 2, 1999; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Iris Apfel ::: Born: August 29, 1921; Occupation: Interior designer;
Igor Sikorsky ::: Born: May 25, 1889; Died: October 26, 1972; Occupation: Aircraft designer;
Raymond Loewy ::: Born: November 5, 1893; Died: July 14, 1986; Occupation: Industrial designer;
George Nelson ::: Born: May 29, 1908; Died: March 5, 1986; Occupation: Designer;
Lydia Sigourney ::: Born: September 1, 1791; Died: June 10, 1865; Occupation: Poet;
Hubert de Givenchy ::: Born: February 21, 1927; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Zac Posen ::: Born: October 24, 1980; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sarah Burton ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Otl Aicher ::: Born: May 13, 1922; Died: September 1, 1991; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Dieter Rams ::: Born: May 20, 1932; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Valentino Garavani ::: Born: May 11, 1932; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Cristobal Balenciaga ::: Born: January 21, 1895; Died: March 23, 1972; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Pierre Cardin ::: Born: July 2, 1922; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Stella McCartney ::: Born: September 13, 1971; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Bruce Oldfield ::: Born: July 14, 1950; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Madeleine Vionnet ::: Born: June 22, 1876; Died: March 2, 1975; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Edwin Schlossberg ::: Born: July 19, 1945; Occupation: Designer;
Freeman Thomas ::: Born: August 20, 1957; Occupation: Designer;
Paul Smith ::: Born: July 5, 1946; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigurd F. Olson ::: Born: April 4, 1899; Died: January 13, 1982; Occupation: Author;
Roberto Cavalli ::: Born: November 15, 1940; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Coco Chanel ::: Born: August 19, 1883; Died: January 10, 1971; Occupation: Fashion designer;
William McDonough ::: Born: February 21, 1951; Occupation: Designer;
Georgina Chapman ::: Born: April 14, 1976; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Paul Signac ::: Born: November 11, 1863; Died: August 15, 1935; Occupation: Painter;
Yohji Yamamoto ::: Born: October 3, 1943; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Ann Demeulemeester ::: Born: December 29, 1959; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rei Kawakubo ::: Born: October 11, 1942; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Dries van Noten ::: Born: May 12, 1958; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Raf Simons ::: Born: January 12, 1968; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rick Owens ::: Born: November 18, 1962; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Aaron Allston ::: Born: 1960; Died: February 27, 2014; Occupation: Game designer;
Tory Burch ::: Born: June 17, 1966; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Eileen Gray ::: Born: August 9, 1878; Died: October 31, 1976; Occupation: Designer;
Vito Acconci ::: Born: January 24, 1940; Died: April 28, 2017; Occupation: Designer;
Cecil Balmond ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Designer;
Alexandra Byrne ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Costume designer;
Sigmund Jahn ::: Born: February 13, 1937; Occupation: Pilot;
Nicolas Ghesquiere ::: Born: May 9, 1971; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigbjørn Obstfelder ::: Born: November 21, 1866; Died: July 29, 1900; Occupation: Writer;
Sigbjørn Obstfelder ::: Born: November 21, 1866; Died: July 29, 1900; Occupation: Writer;
Verner Panton ::: Born: February 13, 1926; Died: September 5, 1998; Occupation: Designer;
Patricia Urquiola ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Designer;
Marcel Wanders ::: Born: July 2, 1963; Occupation: Designer;
Naoto Fukasawa ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Ross Lovegrove ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Designer;
Riccardo Tisci ::: Born: August 1, 1974; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Stefano Pilati ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Jessalyn Gilsig ::: Born: November 30, 1971; Occupation: Actress;
Giuseppe Zanotti ::: Born: April 17, 1957; Occupation: Shoe designer;
Karim Rashid ::: Born: September 18, 1960; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Bill Moggridge ::: Born: June 25, 1943; Died: September 8, 2012; Occupation: Designer;
Kate Spade ::: Born: December 24, 1962; Occupation: Designer;
Herbert Bayer ::: Born: April 5, 1900; Died: September 30, 1985; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Francesco Cossiga ::: Born: July 26, 1928; Died: August 17, 2010; Occupation: Italian Politician;
Prabal Gurung ::: Born: March 31, 1979; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Michelangelo Signorile ::: Born: December 19, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Giambattista Valli ::: Born: June 27, 1966; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Neri Oxman ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Designer;
Junya Watanabe ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Christian Dior ::: Born: January 21, 1905; Died: October 23, 1957; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Bob Gill ::: Born: January 17, 1931; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Paula Scher ::: Born: October 6, 1948; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Andree Putman ::: Born: December 23, 1925; Died: January 19, 2013; Occupation: Production Designer;
Naeem Khan ::: Born: May 21, 1958; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Ralph Rucci ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Narciso Rodriguez ::: Born: January 27, 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Thierry Mugler ::: Born: December 21, 1948; Occupation: Fashion designer;
John Pawson ::: Born: May 6, 1949; Occupation: Designer;
Storm Thorgerson ::: Born: February 28, 1944; Died: April 18, 2013; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Jean Patou ::: Born: September 27, 1887; Died: March 8, 1936; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Paco Rabanne ::: Born: February 18, 1934; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Gianfranco Ferre ::: Born: August 15, 1944; Died: June 17, 2007; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigmar Polke ::: Born: February 13, 1941; Died: June 10, 2010; Occupation: Painter;
Sigfried Giedion ::: Born: April 14, 1888; Died: April 10, 1968; Occupation: Architect;
American McGee ::: Born: December 13, 1972; Occupation: Game designer;
Emory Douglas ::: Born: May 24, 1943; Occupation: Designer;
Vilmos Zsigmond ::: Born: June 16, 1930; Died: January 1, 2016; Occupation: Cinematographer;
Paul Poiret ::: Born: April 20, 1879; Died: April 30, 1944; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Thom Browne ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Loulou de la Falaise ::: Born: May 4, 1948; Died: November 5, 2011; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Gareth Pugh ::: Born: August 31, 1981; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Emilio Pucci ::: Born: November 20, 1914; Died: November 29, 1992; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Elie Saab ::: Born: July 4, 1964; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Seymour Chwast ::: Born: August 18, 1931; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Philip Treacy ::: Born: May 26, 1967; Occupation: Designer;
John Ensign ::: Born: March 25, 1958; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Gustav Stickley ::: Born: March 9, 1858; Died: April 21, 1942; Occupation: Furniture Designer;
Philippe Starck ::: Born: January 18, 1949; Occupation: Designer;
Stephen Sprouse ::: Born: September 12, 1953; Died: March 4, 2004; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Hideo Kojima ::: Born: August 24, 1963; Occupation: Video Game Designer;
Ben Burtt ::: Born: July 12, 1948; Occupation: Sound Designer;
Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon ::: Born: June 13, 1863; Died: April 20, 1935; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Frida Giannini ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Designer;
Phoebe Philo ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Jennifer Tipton ::: Born: September 11, 1937; Occupation: Lighting Designer;
Robert Edmond Jones ::: Born: December 12, 1887; Died: November 26, 1954; Occupation: Costume designer;
Sigmund Brouwer ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
Wilfred Thesiger ::: Born: June 3, 1910; Died: August 24, 2003; Occupation: Writer;
Jason Wu ::: Born: September 27, 1982; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Rudi Gernreich ::: Born: August 8, 1922; Died: April 21, 1985; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Pierre Balmain ::: Born: May 18, 1914; Died: June 29, 1982; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Nate Berkus ::: Born: September 17, 1971; Occupation: Interior designer;
Tom Ford ::: Born: August 27, 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigrid Agren ::: Born: April 24, 1991; Occupation: Model;
Johanna Sigurðardottir ::: Born: October 4, 1942; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Iceland;
Johanna Sigurðardottir ::: Born: October 4, 1942; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Iceland;
Sigmund Freud ::: Born: May 6, 1856; Died: September 23, 1939; Occupation: Neurologist;
Diane von Furstenberg ::: Born: December 31, 1946; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Sigmar Gabriel ::: Born: September 12, 1959; Occupation: Former German Federal Minister of the Environment;
John Galliano ::: Born: November 28, 1960; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Giorgio Armani ::: Born: July 11, 1934; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Susan Kare ::: Born: April 6, 1954; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Jean Paul Gaultier ::: Born: April 24, 1952; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Paloma Picasso ::: Born: April 19, 1949; Occupation: Jewelry designer;
Christopher Bailey ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Designer;
Jamie Lynn Sigler ::: Born: May 15, 1981; Occupation: Actress;
Don Mattrick ::: Born: February 13, 1964; Occupation: Video Game Designer;
Milton Glaser ::: Born: June 26, 1929; Occupation: Graphic Designer;
Alice Temperley ::: Born: July 22, 1975; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Isabel Toledo ::: Born: April 9, 1961; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Elizabeth Hawes ::: Born: December 16, 1903; Died: September 6, 1971; Occupation: Clothing designer;
Brunello Cucinelli ::: Born: September 3, 1953; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Anya Hindmarch ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Catherine Martin ::: Born: January 26, 1965; Occupation: Costume designer;
Martin Margiela ::: Born: April 9, 1957; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Hussein Chalayan ::: Born: August 12, 1970; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Ken Adam ::: Born: February 5, 1921; Died: March 10, 2016; Occupation: Production Designer;
Edith Head ::: Born: October 28, 1897; Died: October 24, 1981; Occupation: Costume Designer;
Carolina Herrera ::: Born: January 8, 1939; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Charlotte Ronson ::: Born: August 7, 1977; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Yves Behar ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Designer;
Norman Hartnell ::: Born: June 12, 1901; Died: June 8, 1979; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Jonathan Ive ::: Born: February 27, 1967; Occupation: Designer;
Tadashi Shoji ::: Born: January 15, 1948; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Marc Jacobs ::: Born: April 9, 1963; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Giles Deacon ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Betsey Johnson ::: Born: August 10, 1942; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Luigi Colani ::: Born: August 2, 1928; Occupation: Industrial designer;
Donna Karan ::: Born: October 2, 1948; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Michael Kors ::: Born: August 9, 1959; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Christian Lacroix ::: Born: May 16, 1951; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Karl Lagerfeld ::: Born: September 10, 1933; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Ralph Lauren ::: Born: October 14, 1939; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Yves Saint Laurent ::: Born: August 1, 1936; Died: June 1, 2008; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Barbara Hulanicki ::: Born: 1936; Occupation: Designer;
Lawrence Lessig ::: Born: June 3, 1961; Occupation: Political activist;
Phillip Lim ::: Born: September 16, 1973; Occupation: Fashion designer;
Christian Louboutin ::: Born: January 7, 1963; Occupation: Designer;
Geoff Lawton ::: Born: December 10, 1954; Occupation: Designer;
Stefano Gabbana ::: Born: November 14, 1962; Occupation: Designer;
Patricia Field ::: Born: February 12, 1941; Occupation: Costume designer;
Alexander McQueen ::: Born: March 17, 1969; Died: February 11, 2010; Occupation: Fashion designer;\\\\\
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Integral World - A Deeper Significance: Resolving the Riemann Hypothesis, Peter Collins
Integral World - (W)Hole Being, The Subject of (Non-)Duality, Brahman and the Signifier, John J. Connolly
Integral World - Visual Foresight and the Delphic Oracle, Kelly Lane
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wiki.auroville - Auroville_Design_Consultants
wiki.auroville - Category:Flowers_(spiritual_significance)
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wiki.auroville - Interview_with_Sigrid_Lindemann_(Radio_program)
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wiki.auroville - Upasana_design_studio
Dharmapedia - File:Swami_Vivekananda-1893-09-signed.jpg
Psychology Wiki - American_Sign_Language
Psychology Wiki - Blindsight
Psychology Wiki - Category:Intelligent_design_advocates
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Psychology Wiki - Insight
Psychology Wiki - Psychology_Wiki:Community_Portal#Move_to_formal_signatures
Psychology Wiki - Psychology_Wiki:Community_Portal#New_Design_for_the_Main_Page
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Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Beckoning_sign
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Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Cuckoo_sign
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Curwen_.28Kod.C3.A1ly.29_hand_signs
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Drinking_sign
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Fig_sign
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#I-love-you_sign
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Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Social_significance
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#V_Sign
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#V_sign
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - rigid-designators!,_seen_holding_a_Qanon_sign_(cropped).jpg,_July_2,_1964.jpg,_1962-_President_Kennedy_signs_Proclamation_3504,_authorizing_the_naval_quarantine_of_Cuba.jpg,_June_30,_1961.jpg,_07_October_1963.jpg,_patrol_south_clearing_every_house_on_their_way_through_Fallujah,_Iraq,_during_Operation_Al_Fajr_(New_Dawn).jpg,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Sealed,_Delivered_(TV_series)!
Family Guy (1999 - Current) - Created by Seth MacFarlane, "Family Guy" shows the daily misadventures of the dysfunctional Griffin Family who live in Quahog, RI. Packed full of religiously and ethnically themed jokes you can't help but laugh at one more signature element of the show is its signature "cutaway gags" where the on-sc...
The Amanda Show (1999 - 2002) - The Amanda Show is another series that was spun off of "All That" for another of its breakout stars. It's a skit show with some of the characteristics of "All That" but with different characters. In spite of being designed as a sketch comedy television program, the series is set in a fictional unive...
Reading Rainbow (1983 - 2006) - The show is designed to encourage reading amongst youth. Using no puppets or gimmicks, this sincere, evenly paced show remains popular among children and educators. It is hosted by LeVar Burton, well known for his role in Roots and in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Wild & Crazy Kids (1990 - 1992) - Wild & Crazy Kids was simply that: wild and crazy kids. It features teams of kids who would perform picnic like games in order to win for their team assigned by color. Usually, there would be Blue, Red, Yellow, and Pink. The hosts of the game were Omar Gooding (younger brother of Academy Awarding Wi...
Airwolf (1984 - 1987) - Airwolf is the most sophisticated helicopter imagainable (flies half way around the world, out runs jet planes). Stringfellow Hawk is it's pilot, essentially blackmailing a secret US agency into finding his brother (lost in Vietnam) while he flies dangerous assignments for the Firm, with orders comi...
Mork & Mindy (1978 - 1982) - Mork is a bumbling alien from the planet Ork sent to Earth, in his egg, to study its inhabitants. He will report to his unseen superior, Orson, until reassigned. On Earth, he meets Mindy McConnell, an average woman who takes him in and shelters him. On befriending Mork, she signs herself up for some...
Miami Vice (1984 - 1989) - The adventures of James "Sonny" Crockett, a veteran undercover detective in the Miami Police Department. Crockett lives the life of his undercover identity, smuggler Sonny Burnett, and lives on a department owned sail boat in the Miami marina with his pet aligator "Elvis", dresses in designer clothe...
Sigmund & the Sea Monsters (1973 - 1975) - Two boys, Johnny and Scott, were playing on the beach one day when they "meet" Sigmund, a green sea monster with tentacles who looks like moving seaweed. As it turns out, Sigmund got tired of his family who wanted him to become a "proper" sea monster (i.e., scaring people etc), and as a result, he r...
Out of Control (1984 - 1988) - Cut-it-out! This was a super fun variety show on Nickelodeon with some very colorful characters. It taught many valuable lessons on how NOT to do things. Comedian Dave Coulier stars as the even-keeled host Dave, whose signature catchphrase was "Cutitout!"; which was a catchphrase Coulier would lat...
Johnson and Friends (1991 - 1995) - Johnson and his friends, which include McDuff, a concertina, Diesel, a truck, Alfred, a hot water bottle, and Squeaky, a robot, are toys that belong to a boy named Michael, unseen except for asleep in his bed. They reside in his bedroom, and but do not move or show any signs of life until he has lef...
Swan's Crossing (1992 - 1992) - This show follows the lives of a group of teenagers in a town called Swans Crossing. Designed to be a soap opera aimed at the preteen age group, it provides storylines that are found in your typical "grown-up" soap opera - love triangles, innocent first love, the possibility of being switched at bir...
Big Guy & Rusty the Boy Robot (1999 - 2001) - Robotic duo, one a mechanical colossus designed to defend the world, and a robot with emotions.
V.I.P. (1998 - 2002) - Blonde bombshell Valerie Irons starts an protection agency to serve everyone from high-class celebs to the most desperate victims. Most of their job start out as simple assignments but they turn into all out fights before all is said and done.
Sightings (1992 - 1997) - This was a show like unsolved mysteries but it was more focused on ghosts,aliens,ufos and other spiritual occurrences.It also had interviews with eye witness who either where abducted or had captured all of this on video.
Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991) - From the strange mind of director David Lynch came Twin Peaks, a murder mystery with his signature surreal and deranged twists detailing FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper's (Kyle MacLachlan) search for the killer of high school homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the quirky town of Twin Peaks....
Designing Women (1986 - 1993) - Julia Sugarbaker Mcellroy-(Dixie Carter) owns an interior design studio named "Sugarbakers" in Atlanta Gg]eorgia.Among the people working with her are her former beauty queen sister Suzanne Sugarbaker Goff Dent Stoencipher -(Delta Burke), sweet and meek May Jo Shively-(Annie Potts) and the book kee...
Spider-Man (1981 - 1982) - This series was one of the first ventures of Marvel Productions and only the second animated series to star the wall crawler. The show followed Peter Parker as Spider-Man during his college years and featured many classic Spider-man villians. Many of the character designs and voice actors were later...
Touched by an Angel (1994 - 2003) - Angels are dispatched from heaven to inspire people who are at a crossroads in their lives. Monica, an angel who at times still needs some guidance with her earthly assignments, reports to Tess, her tough, wise, and always loving supervisor. Joining them is Andrew, who, in addition to his duties as...
Out of the Blue (1979 - 1979) - Often thought to be a "Happy Days" spin-off, which it was, this series featured an Angel named Random (Jimmy Brogan) who came to Earth to help an aunt (Dixie Carter, "Designing Women") deal with the gaggle of nieces and nephews she got stuck with after their parents died. Eileen Heckart ("The Bad S...
Super Robot Metalder (1987 - 1988) - During World War II, robotics expert Professor Koga was assigned by the Japanese military to create robotic soldiers, which would be turned loose against the allies. That is, until he got word that his son, Takao Koga, had been killed in battle. He then washed his hands clean of the whole thing, loc...
T.J. Hooker (1982 - 1986) - T.J. Hooker is a veteran cop, who rose to the rank of detective but when his partner dies in his arms, Hooker decides to give up being a detective to be a patrolman again. He starts a program wherein rookies are given practical training and the rookie he is assigned is Vince Romano, a cocky kid. And...
The Wild Wild West (1965 - 1969) - James West and Artemus Gordon are two agents of President Grant who take their splendidly appointed private train through the west to fight evil. Half science fiction and half western, the Artemus designs a series of interesting gadgets for James that would make Inspector Gadget and James Bond proud...
Herman's Head (1991 - 1994) - Herman worked in an office and the four parts of his psyche (sensitivity, lust, anxiety, and intellect) were played by four actors, giving the viewer insight into what was going on inside Herman's head.
McCloud (1970 - 1977) - A television series that was loosely based on a 1968 Clint Eastwood Movie titled "Coogan's Bluff. Dennis Weaver starred as Marshal Sam McCloud of Taos New Mexico. He is on temporary assignment with the New York City Police Department. New York City is the open range for our hero and he also gets a...
Three's a Crowd (1984 - 1985) - This series continues where Three's Company ended. Jack Tripper met Vicky Bradford and fell in love with her at first sight. In the last episode he proposed marriage but due to her parents' divorce, she doesn't believe or want, but is willing to live with him. So, they move into the apartment above...
Reasonable Doubts (1991 - 1993) - Chicago police detective Dicky Cobb turns in some crooked cops and finds himself persona non grata in the department. He is reassigned as an investigator for assistant D.A. Tess Kaufman, partly due to the fact that she is deaf and he can sign. Tess works for District Attorney Arthur Gold, a slick op...
Bertha (1985 - 1986) - Bertha is a big green engineering machine, a marvellous mechanical production engine with a big toothy face who could be programmed to manufacture just about anything you wanted. She was housed at the busy Spottiswood Factory, owned by Mr Willmake. Her Chief Designer was Mr Sprott. Sprott was ably a...
Porridge (1973 - 1977) - The first episode of Ronnie Barker's Comedy Playhouse-like Seven Of One introduced the northern shopkeeper Arkwright, who went on to become a firm TV favourite in Open All Hours. But the following week's edition, Prisoner And Escort, provided viewers with their first sight of the Londoner lag Norman...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (1991 - 1992) - This series continues to prolong the popularity of the Gundam craze! After the One Year War, Peace was signed between Zeon and the Earth Federation. Three years later, however, some remaining forces of Zeon who never gave up steal the new Federation mobile suit Gundam Unit 2, capable of Nuclear Stri...
WNBC-TV Newscasts (1941 - Current) - WNBC-TV, NBC affiliate in New York City, had been enjoying success with it's news department with it's newscasts since the station first sign-on the air on July 1, 1941
WCW Saturday Night (1992 - 2000) - WCW Saturday Night was the weekly Saturday night TV show on TBS, produced by World Championship Wrestling. The show featured a hi-tech, futuristic design with a unique entry way of slide-open doors and billowing smoke as the performers made their way to the ring.
Ich bin Boes (1987 - 1988) - Boes is designed in Japan, but created in the Netherlands by Wil Raymakers and Thijs Willems.
Dengeki Sentai Changeman (1985 - 1986) - After already conquering hundreds of planets, the Great Star League Gozma sets its sights onto Earth. To defend the lands in such a great crisis, the military begins a special branch known as the Earth Defense Force, comprised of elite members from all areas of the military. Under the supervision of...
Broken Badges (1990 - 1991) - BROKEN BADGES follows the humorous escapades of Cajun cop Beau Jack Bowman and his unorthodox crime fighting unit, comprised of local police talent from the TARP section (Temporary Assignment of Restricted Personnel) who have exhibited stress or related psychological aberrations that have required t...
7 Days (1998 - 2001) - This TV science fiction action drama is based on the familiar fantasy notion: what if it were possible to go back and do it all over again, minus mistakes? Ex-CIA agent Frank Parker (Jonathan LaPaglia) is yanked from a mental institution and assigned to a top-secret project engineered from a Roswell...
Police, Camera, Action! (1994 - 2002) - An ongoing series that uses original police footage to give us a fascinating insight into the often bizarre and terrifying behaviour of the world's motorists. This smash hit series became the most popular factual programme on British television.
One West Waikiki (1994 - 1998) - Forensics expert, Dr. Dawn 'Holli' Holliday (Cheryl Ladd) is hired away from the Los Angeles Coroner's office to be the State of Hawaii's new Medical Examiner. With a jurisdiction which stretches from the Hawaiian Islands to American Samoa and all points in between, it is a dream assignment, pitting...
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (1995 - 2009) - The nightly news show on PBS. After the resignation of co-anchor Robert MacNeil in 1995, the show was re-named The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. The series featured extra-length interviews with people that the other network's shows did not feature. After Lehrer retired in 2009 the show was renamed the P...
Divine Design (1999 - Current) -
The Wire (2002 - 2008) - Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene. It starts as mid-level drug dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale beats a murder rap. After a conversation with a judge, Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint homicide and narcotics team, in order to bring down drug kin...
Turn A Gundam (1999 - 2000) - Gundam's "Big Bang" 20th Anniversary work, signifying creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's return to the Gundam franchise. The year is Correct Century 2345. The civilization of Earth is at about the level it was during World War I. Long ago, humanity traveled through space, but the people of Earth have long...
NBA on ABC (1965 - Current) - The NBA on ABC is a presentation of National Basketball Association (NBA) games produced by ESPN, and televised on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). ABC originally broadcast NBA games from 1965 to 1973. In 2002, NBA games returned to the network as part of a contract signed with the league, a...
KPRC-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - The newscasts are produced locally by KPRC-TV Channel 2 in Houston, Texas, 39 and a half hours each week. The Newscasts of KPRC-TV has been produced locally since the station was signed on the air on New Year's Day 1949.
WFAA-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - WFAA-TV Channel 8, ABC affiliate station in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, deliver broadcasts 36 hours of locally produced newscasts each week, and they've been doing that since the station sign-on the air on September 17, 1949.
WRC-TV Newscasts (1947 - Current) - WRC-TV, NBC Affiliate station in Washington, D.C. has been presently broadcast locally-produced newscasts since the station was signed on the air on June 27, 1947.
Amigos (1989 - 1991) - The bilingual series for families and children is designed to promote appreciation of Spanish language and Latino culture. The stories, over two seasons, revolve around Seorita Fernandez's "fonda," a place where Perro Pepe and the neighborhood children congregate. Each episode introduces Spanish la...
Once Upon a Time... Man (1978 - 1978) - The series explains world history in a format designed for children. The action focuses around one group. The same familiar characters appear in all episodes as they deal with the problems of their time.
Corduroy (2000 - 2001) - Based on two of author/illustrator Don Freeman's best-selling children's books, Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy, this animated show follows Corduroy and his best friend Lisa. Together, they experience the world from the point-of-view of urban children, with the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and...
Comic Party (2001 - 2004) - Early April, Kazuki Send is invited by his friend, Taishi Kuhonbutsu, to come with him to Tokyo Big Sight. He is surprised to see thousands of people waiting in line to get in. Apparently they are at Comic Party, a giant djinshi convention. Once inside, Kazuki meets some of the djinshi artists an...
Dooby Duck's Disco Bus (1989 - 1992) - a children's puppet show presented by Dooby Duck (created by Alan Hausrath and Harry Stuart), a puppet duck with a shiny showbiz jacket, and a pink bow-tie who introduced puppets singing contemporary songs of the day. Dooby signed off each show laughing and saying 'Dooby Dooby Dooby Dooby Dooby Quac...
Doodle Do (2006 - 2010) - a British television programme designed for pre-school children. It aired on the CBeebies channel between 2006 and 2010. [1] The programme features three "Doodle Doers" puppets called "Dib-Dab", "Scribble" and "Stick" who interact with a human presenter, Chris (played by Chris Corcoran, a Welsh...
Hanasaku Iroha (2011 - Current) - lit. "The ABCs of Flower Blooming" or "The Blooming Colors"),[3] or Hanairo for short,[4] is a Japanese 26-episode anime television series produced by P.A.Works and directed by Masahiro And. The screenplay was written by Mari Okada, with original character design by Mel Kishida. P.A.Works produced...
Elmo's World (1998 - 2017) - a five minute-long segment shown at the end of the American children's television program Sesame Street. It premiered on November 16, 1998, as part of the show's structural change and originally ran fifteen minutes at the end of each episode until 2009. It was designed to appeal to younger viewers a...
Insight (1960) (1960 - 1985) - This American religious-themed weekly anthology series about illuminating the contemporary search for meaning, freedom, and love.
Ghost Hound (2007 - 2008) - is an anime television series, created by Production I.G and Masamune Shirow, noted for being the creator of the Ghost in the Shell series.[2] The original concept and design was first developed by Shirow in 1987.[3] It is Production I.G's 20th anniversary project and was first announced at the 2007...
That's So Raven (2003 - 2007) - an American supernatural sitcom that originally ran on Disney Channel from January 17, 2003 to November 10, 2007. Set in San Francisco, the series starred Raven-Symon as Raven Baxter, a teenager with psychic abilities who draws on her ingenuity, talent as a fashion designer, and a variety of disgui...
Code Geass (2006 - 2016) - Lelouch of the Rebellion ( Kdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurshu), often referred to as simply Code Geass, is a Japanese anime series created by Sunrise, directed by Gor Taniguchi, and written by Ichir kouchi, with original character designs by manga authors Clamp. Set in an alternate ti...
Green Screen Adventures (2009 - Current) - a children's television series which premiered in 2007. The series was originally produced for local broadcast on WCIU-TV (Channel 26) in Chicago, which is the flagship station of Weigel Broadcasting, and is designed to fit the FCC's educational and information programming requirements while also be...
Quigley's Village (1987 - 1992) - a collection of American-made Christian children's videos designed to teach children "sound Biblical values" in a fun and exciting way. A combination of live action and puppets, it was very similar in style to Sesame Street but with a biblically-based rather than humanistic approach to communicating...
WSYR-TV Newscasts (1962 - Current) - The news on WSYR-TV Channel 9 has been providing news, weather, traffic and sports all over Syracuse and the rest of Central New York, since the station's first sign-on the air on September 9, 1962.
Dude, That's My Ghost! (2013 - Current) - a 2013 French/British animated television series produced by French production company Gaumont Animation that airs in English on Disney XD in the United Kingdom and BBC Kids in Canada.[1] The series was created and designed by Jan Van Rijsselberge, creator of X-DuckX and Robotboy. Dude, That's My Gh...
Tamagotchi! (2009 - 2015) - a 2009 Japanese fantasy slice of life anime series produced by OLM's Team Kamei division, officially based on the Tamagotchi digital pet jointly created by Bandai and WiZ. It is directed by Jji Shimura (Pokmon) and written by Aya Matsui (Boys Over Flowers), with character designs done by Sayuri Ic...
Figure 17 (2001 - 2002) - (17 Figyua Sebuntn Tsubasa ando Hikaru) is an original anime series created by Genco and OLM, Inc. and directed by Naohito Takahashi. The series featured character designs by Yuriko Chiba and music by Toshihiko Takamizawa (of the rock band The Alfee). The series is unusual due to it hav...
Last Exile (2003 - 2012) - a Japanese animated television series created by Gonzo. It featured a production team led by director Koichi Chigira, character designer Range Murata, and production designer Mahiro Maeda. The three had previously worked together in Blue Submarine No. 6, one of the first CG anime series. Last Exile...
Kira Kira Happy Hirake! Cocotama (2018 - Current) - a fantasy slice-of-life anime series produced by OLM, Inc., based on both the series of toys and Media Franchise created by Bandai Namco Holdings. The series was directed by Norio Nitta and written by Michihiro Tsuchiya (Mirmo De Pon!, PriPara, Cross Game) with character designs by Shinobu Ookawa. T...
Scrapped Princess (2003 - Current) - a Japanese light novel series by Ichiro Sakaki and illustrated by Yukinobu Azumi, also known as the popular adult djin artist Nakayohi Mogudan. In 2003, it was adapted into an anime series produced by Bones. The character designs in the anime are by Takahiro Komori, who is also known for the design...
Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge (2014 - Current) - an American reality television game show on the Syfy cable network. It premiered on March 25, 2014. The first season ended on May 13, 2014.Despite the high premiere ratings, the show only ran for one season.A group of Creature Designers compete against each other to create puppets and animatronics s...
Space Emperor God Sigma (1980 - 1981) - a mecha anime television series aired from 1980 to 1981. It ran for 50 episodes. It is also referred to as "God Sigma, Empire of Space" and "Space Combination God Sigma".Space Emperor God Sigma was created by Toei's Television Division, under the name "Saburo Yatsude" and produced by Academy Product...
Zeke and Luther (2009 - 2012) - Zeke and Luther is an American Disney XD sitcom about two best friends setting their sights on becoming the world's greatest skateboarders.
Heavy Metal L-Gaim (1984 - 1985) - ( Jsenki (Heb Metaru) Erugaimu, literally "Heavy Fighting Machine L-Gaim") is a mecha anime television series,[1] begun in 1984, which was directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. Its characters and mecha were designed by Mamoru Nagano, who would later go on to create The Five Star Stories. H...
Yuri on ice (2016 - Current) - a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating. The series was produced by MAPPA, directed by Sayo Yamamoto and written by Mitsur Kubo. Character design was by Tadashi Hiramatsu, and its music was composed by Taro Umebayashi and Taku Matsushiba. The figure skating was choreographed...
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (2016 - Current) - ( Ktetsuj no Kabaneri) is an anime series by Wit Studio. The series was directed by Tetsur Araki and written by Ichir kouchi,[5] with music by Hiroyuki Sawano and original character designs by Haruhiko Mikimoto. The series premiered on Fuji TV's Noitamina block on April 8, 2016 and ende...
Rainbow (2010 - 2010) - Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami has just arrived at Shounan Special Reform School along with five other teenagers who have been arrested on serious criminal charges. All assigned to the same cell, they meet older inmate Rokurouta Sakuragia former boxerwith whom they establish a close bond. Under his g...
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime (2005 - 2007) - Twin Princess of Wonder Planet) is a 2005 Japanese animated television show directed by Shgo Kawamoto and with Jun'ichi Sat as chief director and character designs by Birthday.[1] Following Birthday's original concept in 2003, it was taken by Nihon Ad Systems, and TV Tokyo and was reproduced into...
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (2004 - 2005) - Cosmic Era 73. Though the signing of a peace treaty brought the war between the Naturals and Coordinators to an apparent close, tensions fueled by the continued threat of Blue Cosmos continue to run high. During a conference between PLANT chairman Gilbert Dullindal and Orb representative Cagalli Yul...
Great Teacher Onizuka (1999 - 2000) - Onizuka is a reformed biker gang leader who has his sights set on an honorable new ambition: to become the world's greatest teacher... for the purpose of meeting sexy high school girls. Okay, so he's mostly reformed.
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (2002 - 2002) - Seina is unlucky, so unlucky that when he stumbles upon a recruiter looking for his senpai Tenchi he gets taken instead. Forced into the Galaxy police, his luck begins to change. A natural to randomly jumping near pirates, he is assigned his own decoy to draw out pirates. His luck brings him into th...
Armored Police Metal Jack (1991 - 1991) - Twenty years into the future, a city now called "Tokyo" has developed into one of the few world-class high-tech centers, "Tokyo City." The main character, Ken Kanzaki, is a young investigator assigned to the criminal investigation section of the Metropolital Police. He is one of the finest sharp sho...
Full Metal Panic! (2002 - 2002) - Sousuke Sagara, a seventeen year old military specialist working for the secret organization MITHRIL, has been assigned to protect the latest "Whispered" candidate Kaname Chidori. To complete this task Sousuke will have to deal with enemies from his past as well as the occasional panty thief. Unfort...
Animal Jam (2003 - Current) - a children's television show created by John Derevlany (who also wrote most of the episodes) and produced by Jim Henson Television which first aired on February 24, 2003.The show featured many innovations in puppet design and production from the Jim Henson Company. It aired on TLC for several years,...
Angel beats (2010 - 2015) - a 13-episode Japanese anime television series produced by P.A.Works and Aniplex and directed by Seiji Kishi. The story was originally conceived by Jun Maeda, who also wrote the screenplay and composed the music with the group Anant-Garde Eyes, with original character design by Na-Ga; both Maeda and...
.hack//Sign (2002 - 2003) - an anime television series directed by Kichi Mashimo and produced by studio Bee Train and Bandai Visual, that makes up one of the four original storylines of the .hack franchise. Twenty-six original episodes aired in 2002 on TV and three additional bonus episodes (Intermezzo, Unison, and Gift) were...
Hime-chan's Ribbon (1992 - 1993) - a 61 episode anime series, produced by Studio Gallop, that aired from October 2, 1992 to December 3, 1993. Hajime Watanabe's first project as a character designer was with Hime-chan no Ribbon. The manga series was collected into ten volumes in Japan, where it received a full anime DVD release.[1] A...
Connie the Cow (2001 - 2007) - a Spanish-German children's television series created by Josep Viciana, and designed by Roman Rybakiewicz.[5] In the United States, the series aired on Noggin (now Nick Jr.) from September 8, 2003[4] to April 1, 2007. As of 2017, the series is currently airing reruns on Starz.A curious young cow nam...
Significant Mother (2015 - 2015) - This American sitcom television series created by Erin Cardillo and Richard Keith.
Petite Princess Yucie (2002 - 2003) - Puchi Puri Ysh) is an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. The story centers on Yucie, a 17-year-old who is trapped in a 10-year-old's body, the story follows her and her friends, all of whom are designated as Platinum Princess candidates. A...
Steel Angel Kurumi (1999 - 2001) - anime series following the adventures of its titular character created by Kaishaku. Directed by Naohito Takahashi, animated by Oriental Light and Magic and produced by Pony Canyon with character designs by Yuriko Chiba and Yuji Ikeda and music by Toshihiko Sahashi, it has been translated and release...
Fresh Pretty Cure! (2009 - 2010) - a Japanese anime series and the sixth in the Pretty Cure metaseries by Izumi Todo. Produced by Toei Animation, the series was directed by Junji Shimizu (who also directed Jigoku Sensei Nube The Movie) and written by Atsushi Maekawa (writer for Bakugan Battle Brawlers and Jewelpet). Character designs...
Maho Girls PreCure! (2016 - 2017) - lit. "Witch Pretty Cure") is a 2016 Japanese anime television series by Toei Animation and the thirteenth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries.[1] The series, which is being directed by Masato Mitsuka and written by Isao Murayama with character design by Emiko Miyamoto,[2] aired on ANN...
Smile PreCure! / Glitter Force (2012 - 2013) - lit. "Smile Pretty Cure!"), is a 2012 Japanese anime television series by Toei Animation and the ninth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries.[5] The series is written by Shji Yonemura, who is best known as the head writer of Glass Fleet and Kamen Rider Kabuto. The character designs wer...
Suite PreCure (2011 - 2012) - a Japanese anime series and the eighth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries. Produced by Toei Animation, the series is directed by Munehisa Sakai, who directed the One Piece anime series. Character designs were by Akira Takahashi, who previously worked on Kaidan Restaurant. The series...
HeartCatch PreCure! (2010 - 2011) - a Japanese anime series and the seventh installment in the Pretty Cure metaseries by Izumi Todo. Produced by Toei Animation, the series is directed by Tatsuya Nagamine (Beet the Vandel Buster) and written by Takashi Yamada (Ojamajo Doremi). Official character designs were done by Yoshihiko Umakoshi...
Sweet valerian (2004 - 2005) - five-minute anime episodes. The anime is produced by Madhouse Production, but the character design is under the responsibility of Clamp.The series features three girls, Kanoko, Kate, and Pop, who live in the city of Asialand. Asialand looks like a normal city, but it is always under attack from evil...
The Early Show (1999 - 2012) - The former daily news and talk show on CBS. Designed as a competitior to ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today, the show debuted in 1999 replacing the original version of "CBS This Morning". It was originally hosted by Bryant Gumbel and Jane Clayson, who achieved notoriety after her confrontati...
StreetHawk (1985 - 1986) - This is Jesse MAch An ex motorcycle cop injured in the line of duty, now a police trouble shooter he's Been hired by a Top Secret Government Mission to Ride StreetHawk An all terain attack motorcycle, Designed to fight Urban crime, capable of incredible speeds Upto 500 Miles an Hour And Immense fire...
Out of the Blue (1979 - 1979) - Often thought to be a "Happy Days" spin-off, this series featured an Angel named Random (Jimmy Brogan) who came to Earth to help an aunt (Dixie Carter, "Designing Women") deal with the gaggle of nieces and nephews she got stuck with after their parents died. Eileen Heckart ("The Bad Seed," "Butterf...
Women of the House (1994 - 1994) - Women of the House was a spinoff of "Designing Women" that aired on CBS starring Delta Burke as Suzanne Sugarbaker with Teri Garr, Patricia Heaton, Valerie Mahaffey, Lisa Rieffel, and William M. Newman. 13 episodes were produced but only 9 aired on CBS--Lifetime aired all thirteen episodes in syndi...
Longstreet (1971 - 1972) - Mike Longstreet was a New Orleans insurance company investigator. While on a case he had the double misfortune of having his wife killed and his eyesight destroyed by people determined that he not solve the case. Despite his injury, Mike refused to quit the business and with the help of his canine g...
Mann & Machine (1992 - 1992) - The short lived series starred Sergeant Eve Edison, a beautiful Gynoid(humanoid robot designed to look like a female)she had little emotion and throughout the series learned to be more and more human.She was teamed with a human partner Detective Bobby Mann,an officer who does not really like robots...
Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997 - 2004) - Utena Tenjou's parents died when she was a little girl. At that time, a prince appeared to her and gave her a signet ring with a rose crest. He told Utena to keep the ring and promised that they would meet again someday. Utena was so impressed by him that she decided to become a prince herself! Uten...
Marine Boy (Kaitei Shounen Marine) (1969 - 1971) - Marine Boy is the son of Dr. Mariner and is part of the the Ocean Patrol headquarters. His Marine suit is designed as bulletproof, and his ability to use his propelled boots. He also uses his electric boomerang to paralyze enemies and oxy-gum to breathe underwater without any diving gear.
Mucha Lucha (2002 - 2005) - The show is set in a town centered around Lucha libre (nearly everyone in the town has a mask and costume and a signature move) and is essentially about the adventures of three children, Rikochet, Buena Girl, and The Flea, as they struggle through the world-famous school of wrestling where they stud...
TGIF (1989 - 2005) - TGIF was a Friday night block of sitcoms on ABC. The block was designed by ABC as a family-friendly alternative to other channels. ABC was known for featuring family-friendly Friday night programming since the 1950s. When Jim Janicek became president of ABC, he envisioned a new programming block to...
Unscripted with Chris Connelly (2001 - 2002) - Unscripted with Chris Connelly is a half-hour daily interview program that aired on ESPN from October 22, 2001 until June 25, 2002. Originating live Monday through Friday at 5PM ET from the ESPN Zone at Downtown Disney in Anaheim, California, and hosted by Chris Connelly, Unscripted was designed to...
NBA on USA (1979 - 1984) - The NBA on USA is the de facto name for the USA Network's National Basketball Association television coverage. When the USA Network signed a three-year (running through the 1981-82 season), $1.5 million deal, it marked the first time that the NBA had a cable television partner. USA would extend thei...
Soccer on ESPN (1981 - Current) - Soccer on ESPN is a number of programs that currently airs Association football matches in the United States. ESPN would sign with the North American Soccer League in 1981 and would broadcast its games exclusively. The first soccer game series ESPN aired was the 1986 FIFA World Cup and would air eve...
KTTV-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - KTTV-TV in Los Angeles presently broadcasts 49 hours of local newscasts each week. When KTTV was first sign-on in 1949, it had its news title: "KTTV Newsreel". Newscasts on KTTV began in 1951 with newscast title: "The George Putnam News." Newscasts were not on KTTV from 1964 until returning in th...
Blue's Clues & You! (2019 - Current) - Similar to the original 1996 series, this series has a live-action host in an animated world. The series features new production designs and the characters (aside from the host) are animated digitally, though the visual style remains similar to the style used in the original series.
Without a Trace (2002 - 2009) - As any detective can tell you, investigating missing property or deaths is comparatively easy compared to elusive missing people. However in New York City, there is a special unit of the FBI that is designed to find them. Using the vast resources of their bureau, the team, lead by Agent Jack Malone,...
The Academy of Country Music Awards (1972 - Current) - The Academy of Country Music Awards, also known as the ACM Awards, were first held in 1966, honoring the industry's accomplishments during the previous year. It was the first country music awards program held by a major organization. The Academy's signature "hat" trophy was first created in 1968. Th...
Mi Recinto (2001 - 2014) - Mi Recinto is an Ecuadorian folkloric comic series of situation that has been transmitted since 2001 by the signal of TC Televisin. The series originated from a sketch of the comic parody program, Ni en Vivo Ni en Directo, where originally it was called Paja Toquilla and shortly after Nuestro Recin...
Crystal Tipps and Alistair (1971 - 1974) - British cartoon series about the adventures of a frizzy haired girl and her dog, Alistair. They also meet up with their friends Birdie and Butterfly. The stories are told without dialogue but have a musical score and Pop-Art design.
The Little Mermaid(1989) - This movie is the tale of Ariel, a young mermaid who dreams of life beyond the sea. Her emotions are stirred by the sight of a handsome man named Prince Eric. To meet him, she'll pay any price...And the evil sea witch Ursula is willing to trade goods. She gains legs and loses her voice. Now on land,...
Friday the 13th(1980) - In this legendary horror film, a man named Steve Christy sets out to re open his families old summer camp despite years of mysterious retaliation against prior attempts. Several anxious young counselors arrive at Camp Crystal Lake only to find out that Mr Christy has also assigned them the jobs of h...
The Care Bears Movie(1985) - In a film designed to bring smiles to the post-toddler set on up to perhaps their seven-year-old siblings, this animated story by Arna Selznick (only the third woman in cinematic history to direct a full-length animated feature) is about the popular Care Bears. These loving creatures inhabit a realm...
Antz(1998) - In this animated hit, a neurotic worker ant in love with a rebellious princess rises to unlikely stardom when he switches places with a soldier. Signing up to march in a parade, he ends up under the command of a bloodthirsty general. But he's actually been enlisted to fight against a termite army.
Small Soldiers(1998) - Alan, son of a Toy Store owner, tries out some new action figures: The Commando Elite vs. The Gorgonites. What he does not know, is that both sets of toys were designed to move, talk and play back. The Commando Elite's purpose is to destroy the Gorgonites. Unfortunately, the toy designer who was res...
Spice World(1997) - Big-screen shenanigans from the Spice Girls, who cavort harmlessly in backstage vignettes whilst changing costumes, mugging in the kitschy environs of their Union Jack tour bus (piloted by no less significant a personage than Meat Loaf), and evading a bothersome paparazzo. Trashy, guilty fun, litter...
Akira(1988) - Akira is a 1988 Japanese animated film co-written and directed by Katsuhiro tomo based on his manga of the same name. The film is set in a neon-lit futuristic post-apocalyptic Tokyo in 2019. While most of the character designs and basic settings were directly adapted from the original 2,182 page...
101 Dalmatians(1996) - There are more puppies than you can shake a rolled up newspaper at in this live-action remake of the Disney animated favorite 101 Dalmatians. Roger (Jeff Daniels) is a designer of computer games who shares his home with his pet dalmatian, Pongo. One day, Roger takes Pongo for a walk in the park and...
Dazed and Confused(1993) - It's the last day of school at a high school in a small town in Texas in 1976. The upperclassmen are hazing the incoming freshmen, and everyone is trying to get stoned, drunk, or laid, even the football players that signed a pledge not to. The film launched several prominent film careers including,...
The Waterboy(1998) - As with his previous films, comedian Adam Sandler and writing partner Tim Herlihy have conceived a simple premise, character, and title, and peppered their creation with visual sight gags. The story concerns Bobby Boucher, a Louisiana-born-and-bred kid living in the swamps with his overbearing, alli...
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!(1978) - One of the first films ever to be designed specifically to become a cult movie, this silly low-budget comedy has tomatoes growing to giant size and terrorizing screaming '70s types. It's really bad on purpose, with awful effects and a dumb script, in hopes of luring fans of campy old movies like Pla...
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers(1988) - Angela Baker has undergone years of therapy, electro-shock and sexual reassignment surgeries, and finally landed herself a job in the last place she should be working - camp rolling hills. She has an old fashioned approach as to how camp should be, and an old familiar deadly way of making sure that...
A View To A Kill(1985) - A newly developed microchip designed by Zorin Industries for the British Government that can survive the electromagnetic radiation caused by a nuclear explosion has landed in the hands of the KGB. James Bond must find out how and why. His suspicions soon lead him to big industry leader Max Zorin. Th...
Rambo III(1988) - John Rambo's former Vietnam superior, Colonel Samuel Trautman, has been assigned to lead a mission to help the Mujahedeen rebels who are fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Buddhist Rambo turns down Trautman's request that Rambo help out. When the mission goes belly up and Trautman...
The Mummy(1999) - Loosely adapted from the classic 1932 horror film starring Boris Karloff, The Mummy is set in Egypt, where over 3,000 years ago the high priest Imhotep (played by Arnold Vosloo) was given the all-important assignment of preparing the recently dead for their journey into the afterlife. However, Imhot...
Midnight Run(1988) - Bounty hunter Jack Walsh (Robert Deniro) has been assigned to a midnight run (a bounty hunting term meaning "a piece of cake"), his latest quarry is Jonathan Mardukas (Charles Grodin) a.k.a. The Duke. Mardukas is on the run for embezzling almost millions of dollars from the Mob and Walsh has been se...
Rambo: First Blood Part II(1985) - John Rambo is removed from prison by his former superior, Colonel Samuel Troutman, for a top-secret operation to bring back POW's still held in Vietnam. Rambo's assignment is to only take pictures of where the POWs are being held, but Rambo wants to get the POWs out of Vietnam. Teamed up with female...
The Skateboard Kid(1993) - No one could be more bored than Zack, the new kid in town with no friends in sight. When a gang of hip, skateboarding thrashers start cruising his neighborhood, Zack hopes his luck will change. But they want nothing to do with him. Then Zack makes the discovery of his life: a talking wisecracking,...
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore(1983) - Eeyore, the melancholy donkey, thinks everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood has forgotten his birthday. When Winnie the Pooh and his friends realize their oversight, they prepare a huge celebration with chocolate cake and a birthda
Once Bitten(1985) - Over the course of the centuries, the countess has collected a stable of young men and women who will accompany her on her journey through eternal night. While the high school prepares for a Halloween dance, she sets her sights on the teenager that will give her the additional years of life that she...
Mr. Magoo(1997) - Action-adventure director Stanley Tong (Supercop, Rumble in the Bronx) did a change of pace by directing this live-action adaptation of UPA's bumbling, near-sighted Mr. Magoo the animated-series character created during the '40s by John Hubley and others for the cartoon short Ragtime Bear (1949). Mi...
Hot Shots!(1991) - From director Jim Abrahams, one of the minds behind the Airplane! and Naked Gun films, comes another parody. This time around, Abrahams has his sights set on the action-adventure genre, specifically Top Gun. Charlie Sheen stars as Topper Harley, a maverick air force pilot who constantly lives in the...
Wolfen(1981) - a frightening horror movie based upon a novel by Whitley Strieber, is an absorbing update on the werewolf legend. Detective Dewey Wilson (Albert Finney) is assigned to investigate the strange murder of a millionaire and his wife in a downtown park. Wilson and his friend, city coroner Whittington (Gr...
Scrooge(1970) - Scrooge was designed as a follow-up to 1968's Oliver, the Oscar-winning musicalization of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist. The umpteenth musical version of Dickens' 1843 novelette A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is blessed with several sprightly Leslie Bricusse songs, including the bonafide hit Thank You V...
A Chipmunk Celebration(1995) - The Chipmunks celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. They are also involved in a Thanksgiving play. But instead of getting the jobs they normally would be good at, the teacher decides to try something new with them. She gives the job of costume designer to Alvin, set technician to Theodore, and the...
Steel(1997) - Low-rent, poorly-lit superhero action is the order of the day in this film from television director Kenneth Johnson who makes several references to his series Alien Nation throughout the course of the movie. NBA basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal stars as John Henry Irons, a weapons designer a...
Phantasm IV: Oblivion(1998) - The concluding installment of the popular horror series brings back the principal heroes Reggie, Mike, and Jody (Reggie Bannister, Michael Baldwin, and Bill Thornbury) for their final battle against the evil Tall Man (Angus Scrimm). Mike is trying to escape the Tall Man's designs on turning him into...
Corvette Summer(1978) - Ken loves to design and build exotic cars. When the High School shop class project car, a fully tricked out dream Corvette, is stolen, he begins searching for it. His search leads him to Las Vegas, where Vanessa, a teenaged prostitute wannabe, helps him try to track it down.
1492: Conquest of Paradise(1992) - This, the second of 1992's 500th anniversary Christopher Columbus films (the first being Warner Bros. Christopher Columbus: The Discovery), adheres to the historical facts of Columbus's (Gerard Depardieu) possessed quest to discover the New World, and his solicitation of Queen Isabella (Sigourney We...
Ms. 45(1981) - A young, mute fashion designer (Zoe Tamerlis) is raped twice in one day. Disturbed by what happened to her, she starts shooting down perverted thugs with a 45. It was another controversial movie from Abel Ferrara, who would later go on to bring us movies such as "Fear City" and "Bad Lieutenant"....
Smoke Signals(1998) - Independent Spirit Award winner, Best Debut Performance. The first movie written, directed, co-produced and starring Native Americans, this easy-going road movie partners the silent, stoic Victor with the geeky, talkative Thomas who are headed by bus to Phoenix to pick up the ashes of the alcoholic...
State of Grace(1990) - This directorial effort from Phil Joanou stars Sean Penn as an Irish-American undercover cop working the Hell's Kitchen beat. Penn is ostensibly on a sentimental journey to his old neighborhood. Actually he's been assigned to infiltrate a criminal gang led by Ed Harris, the brother of Sean's best fr...
Joe Versus the Volcano(1990) - Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Patrick Shanley's first foray into the director's chair is a quirky romantic fantasy, featuring Bo Welch's signature production design. Tom Hanks plays Joe Banks, a man who hates his job, thinks the overhead fluorescent lights are making him sick, and quakes a...
Arachnophobia(1990) - Referring to the fear of spiders, Arachnophobia features a particularly deadly species of spider that manages to make its way from the Venezuelan rain forest to a small California town, thanks to the many oversights of entomologist Julian Sands. Yuppie doctor Jeff Daniels, fed up with the dangers in...
A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark Animation(1997) - Tsui Hark is the executive producer, production designer, and screenwriter of this 82-minute Chinese animated feature displaying a full panoply of magical supergods, vexing spirits, and mere mortals. After debt collector Ning (voice of Jan Lam) loses his girlfriend Siu Lan (Lasi Suiyan), he beckons...
Event Horizon(1997) - In this sci-fi/horror scarefest, Dr. William Weir (Sam Neill) is a scientist who has designed a spacecraft called Event Horizon which will explore the outer reaches of space past the planet Neptune; the ship employs a special transport mechanism that, in effect, creates a black hole that the ship ca...
U.S. Marshals(1998) - Tommy Lee Jones returns as United States Marshall Sam Gerard, the role that earned him an Academy Award, in this sequel to the 1993 blockbuster The Fugitive. Gerard has been assigned to escort a federal prisoner to a maximum security prison in Missouri. On the same flight is Mark Sheridan (Wesley Sn...
Marked for Death(1990) - In Marked for Death, Steven Seagal is told to "try to find the gentle person inside yourself." But he doesn't spend too much time looking, preferring instead to crack the spines of his victims. Seagal plays John Hatcher, a burned-out narcotics agent who resigns from the Drug Enforcement Administrati...
8MM(1999) - Tom Welles (Nicolas Cage) is a surveillance expert on the rise. He's living the American dream with a wife, Amy (Catherine Keener), infant daughter, and a house in the suburbs of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. After the completion of an assignment for a U.S. Senator, Welles is summoned to the house of a...
TerrorVision(1986) - A civilization on a distant planet has found a way to solve its garbage problem: turning it into energy and beaming it into outer space. A flaw in this system is found when the signal is accidentally picked up on Earth by the Putterman Family's home satellite dish. While this would ordinarily be jus...
Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo(1977) - Driver Jim Douglas, mechanic Wheeley Applegate, and Herbie, the magical little Volkswagon, enters a spectacular road race from Paris to Monte Carlo. One of the competing cars is a beautiful powder blue Lancia named Giselle. For Herbie it is love at first sight. Jim falls for the Larcia's pretty driv...
Magnum Force(1973) - San Francisco Police Inspector `Dirty' Harry Callahan and his new partner, Early Smith have been temporarily reassigned from Homicide to Stakeout Duty. Meanwhile, those of the city's criminals who manage to avoid punishment by the courts are nevertheless being killed by unknown assassins. Callahan b...
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla(1974) - The King of the Monsters faces his greatest challange ever. A robot designed to be just like him in every way! Built by a race of alien gorilla people who want the Earth for themselves. Does Godzilla stand a chance? Even with the Azumi Royal Guardian King Ceasar at his side?
Death Wish 5: The Face of Death(1994) - In this final film in the Death Wish series, Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) returns to New York City, where he attempts to resume a normal life by proposing to his girlfriend Olivia (Lesley-Anne Down), a fashion designer. However, Olivia runs afoul of her ex-husband Tommy O'Shea (Michael Thomas Parks...
City Slickers(1991) - City Slickers blends sight gags, one-liners, and sincerity, with both humor and drama arising from the characters and their situations. Mitch (Billy Crystal) is a radio station sales executive who finds himself in the throes of a mid-life crisis; accompanied by two friends, Phil (Daniel Stern) and E...
Goldeneye(1995) - Bond, while on holiday, meets the beautiful but deadly Xenia Onatopp, a member of a Russia mafia group and attempts to stop Xenia and another person taking the 'Tiger' helicopter, a new design and protected against any form of jamming. Meanwhile, Natalya Siminova, a Russian computer programmer is sh...
An Officer and a Gentleman(1982) - Zack Mayo is a young man who has signed up for Navy Flight School. He is a Navy brat who ha
Angel Heart(1987) - Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) is a detective who hasn't been having that much luck lately. A man named Louis Cyphre (Robert De Niro) has an assignment for him. Louis wants Harry to find a singer named Johnny Favorite. The job won't be all that easy or all that normal.
Secret Admirer(1985) - In the brief flower of his teen idolhood, C. Thomas Howell starred in this unexpectedly mature teen comedy. High school loser Michael (Howell) receives an unsigned love note and hopes it's from the queen of the social scene, Debbie (Kelly Preston). When Debbie brushes him off, his best friend Toni (...
My Girl 2(1994) - Vada Sultenfuss has a holiday coming up, and an assignment: to do and essay on someone she admires and has never met. She decides she wants to do an assignment on her mother, but quickly realises she knows very little about her. She manages to get her father to agree to let her go to LA to stay with...
Licence To Kill(1989) - When a south american drug dealer brutally attacks a friend of James Bond. Agent 007 is adamant to bring his friend's assailant, but when MI6 forbids him from getting involved, he resigns and becomes a rogue agent with a personal vendetta. fortunately Q comes to 007's aid to stop the drug dealer and...
Flashback(1990) - A yuppie and a hippie are the offbeat pairing of this character comedy in the tradition of earlier mismatched buddy films such as Midnight Run (1988). Kiefer Sutherland is uptight, 26-year-old FBI agent John Buckner, who's been assigned to escort an aging counterculture radical named Huey Walker (De...
Stand-Ins(1997) - The actress Peg Entwistle (aka Lillian Millicent Entwistle) appeared as Hazel in David O. Selznick's Thirteen Women (1932), and tragically, on September 18, 1932, she leaped from the letter "H" of the Hollywood sign. An opening re-creation of Peg Entwistle's fatal plunge establishes the mood for thi...
National Lampoon's Golf Punks(1998) - In this comical outing, an ex-golf pro is assigned to teach the world's unlikeliest bunch of kids to become expert players.
Knock Off(1998) - Hong Kong action genre craftsman Tsui Hark directed this martial arts tale, his second collaboration with actor Jean-Claude Van Damme after Double Team (1997). Van Damme stars as Marcus Ray, a Hong Kong fashion designer who specializes in "knock-offs," cheaply produced jeans and sneakers meant to lo...
Death Warrant(1990) - Canadian Mountie Louis Burke (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is assigned to a bizarre case where prison inmates are being murdered. Sent to the jail to investigate while undercover as a prisoner, Burke is hot on the trail until one of his former busts, the Sandman (Patrick Kilpatrick), is transferred to the...
Cutaway(2000) - Vic Cooper (Stephen Baldwin) is an undercover agent with U.S. Customs who is dedicated to his job, but has a bad habit of getting too close to his adversaries for his own good. Back on the force after a suspension, Cooper is assigned to infiltrate a group of nomadic sky-diving enthusiasts led by Red...
The Quick and the Dead(1995) - Ellen, an unknown female gunslinger rides into a small, dingy and depressing prairie town with a secret as to her reason for showing up. Shortly after her arrival, a local preacher, Cort, is thrown through the saloon doors while townfolk are signing up for a gun competition. The pot is a huge sum of...
Nirvana(1997) - A computer virus endows Solo, the hero of a virtual reality game, with human consciousness thereby creating all kinds of headaches for his creator Jimi. The trouble begins in the futuristic metropolis of Northern Agglomerate three days before Christmas. With little time left, video-game designer Jim...
Lost Angels(1989) - Adam Horovitz, of Beastie Boys fame, plays a troublesome teen who is shipped off by his wealthy parents to an institute for "problem" youths. This is the sort of place where any sign of rebellion is dealt with in draconian fashion. The strapped-down Horovitz tells his life story to psychiatrist Dona...
Cannonball(1976) - Ex-con-turned-race car driver Coy "Cannonball" Buckman signs up for the annual Trans-American Grand Prix, an illegal outlaw road race that starts at the Santa Monica Pier in California and ends in a garage in the lower west side of New York City. His girlfriend, who's also his parole officer, refuse...
Revenge of the Pink Panther(1978) - The sixth Pink Panther comedy was the last to star Peter Sellers (the following film in the series incorporated previously unseen footage), and it was also the last in the series to show any signs of genuine inspiration. It's a weak entry in the Panther pantheon, involving a rather mundane plot abou...
Project: Shadowchaser(1992) - In this exciting sci-fi thriller, a newly designed and extremely expensive android with plenty of strength but neither emotions nor a conscience busts out of a secret government lab and ends up in the hands of terrorists who commandeer the top story of a hospital and hold the daughter of the Preside...
Killer Tomatoes Strike Back(1991) - This third entry in the dumbfoundingly silly "Killer Tomatoes" series continues the low-budget franchise's tradition of bombarding audiences with endless inane sight gags, horror movie in-jokes, and "nudge-nudge, wink-wink" comic asides. This installment finds flamboyant mad scientist Professor Gang...
Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach(1988) - America's most inept law enforcement team mixes business with pleasure as they head to sunny Florida in this comedy. The aging and often-confused head of the Police Academy, Commandant Lassard (George Gaynes), has reached mandatory retirement age, much to the pleasure of the devious Capt. Harris (G....
Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment(1985) - In this weak, undistinguished sequel to the successful Police Academy, Mahoney and his cohorts have now graduated from their police training and are ready to tackle real criminals. The first assignment for the enthusiastic former cadets is to halt the graffiti-scribbling antics of a local gang of ma...
Blue Chips(1994) - Blue Chips examines greed, cheating, and "winning at all costs" in the world of college basketball. Nick Nolte plays the stressed-out coach on the verge of his first losing season, who hits the road in search of new players not already signed by a bigger school. He finds three prospects: a precision...
Bull Durham(1988) - Veteran minor-league catcher Crash Davis is assigned to the Class A Durham Bulls to handle the team's star rookie, wild pitcher "Nuke" LaLoosh. Team groupie Annie Savoy romances both players, creating a comic triangle.
Volunteers(1985) - Lawrence is a rich kid with a bad accent and a large debt. After his father refuses to help him out, Lawrence escapes his angry debtors by jumping on a Peace Corp flight to Southeast Asia, where he is assigned to build a bridge for the local villagers with American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle a...
Only You(1992) - The feature film directing debut of actress Betty Thomas, this romantic farce attempts to mimic the screwball comedies of the 1930s. Andrew McCarthy stars as Cliff Godfrey, a doll house designer and perpetual loser in love who is dumped by his fiancee on the eve of their pre-nuptial vacation to Mexi...
Rush(1991) - Raynor is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and good-looking Kristen.Their ultimate target is Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction and fall in love...
Sniper(1993) - In this fast-paced military thriller, Tom Berenger is Thomas Beckett, a tough, grizzled, U.S. Marine Corps veteran sharpshooter who goes through target-spotter partners faster than bullets on his ultra-dangerous missions. The National Security Council secretly assigns Beckett to assassinate a Panama...
Year Of The Comet(1992) - In this film, young, headstrong Margaret Harwood (Penelope Ann Miller) is entrusted with a business assignment by her wine merchant father. While taking an inventory of the contents of the wine cellar of a Scottish estate, Margaret discovers an almost-priceless bottle of wine from the "year of the c...
The Devil And Max Devlin(1981) - To save his soul, minor league sinner Max Devlin makes a deal with the devil's right-hand man, Barney; within two months he must convince three innocent people to sell their souls. Max makes his victims' dreams come true, and tricks them into signing a "contract". At the last moment, Max learns that...
: The Final Insult(1994) - Based on the short-lived primetime series "Police Squad!", the danger never ends for Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen). After many years on the force, he's finally retired Or so he thinks. A trio of terrorists have set their sights on the Oscars, and now Frank has to infiltrate them. On top of that, h...
The Year of Living Dangerously(1983) - Australian reporter Guy Hamilton (Mel Gibson) has been assigned to cover Jakarta in 1965. With the assistance of his cameraman Billy Kwan (Linda Hunt...Yes, a woman playing a man's role), he becomes an eyewitness to the rise of Indonesian dictator Sukarno. Along the way, he falls in love with Britis...
The Seventh Sign(1988) - Abby Quinn (Demi Moore) is in the late stages of her pregnancy. As she tends to her business, slowly, but surely, the Apocalypse is coming. The signs of it are happening all over the world, and now the end, which could go either way, is dependent on her.
The Bachelor(1999) - Meet Jimmie Shannon, who loves his carefree bachelor lifestyle and his equally independant girlfriend, Anne. But after seeing his friends get married, he feels none too worried...until she catches a bridal bouquet -- a sign that his mustang days are ending. Unfortunately, he blows his marriage pro...
Tightrope(1984) - Emotionally and sexually troubled New Orleans police officer Wes Block (Clint Eastwood) is assigned to investigate a series of kinky murders. He has to face not only a killer, but also his own sexual demons.
Tucker: The Man And His Dream(1988) - Preston Tucker (Jeff Bridges) was just your everyday car enthusiast. When the government recruited him to create some vehicles for combat, he came up with designs so revolutionary that the auto industry is set on edge.
Solo(1996) - Solo is an android designed as a military killing machine. He is sent to Central America by General Haynes to battle guerrilla insurgents, but a flaw develops in his programming and he develops a conscience and compassion. His developers try to take him back for deprogramming, but he flees to the ju...
Lovesick(1983) - Psychologist Saul Benjamin (Dudley Moore) is in an unusual predicament. He's fallen in love with one of his patients, a beautiful young girl named Chloe Allen (Elizabeth McGovern). In his puzzlement, he's given advice by the ghost of Sigmund Freud (Alec Guiness).
Blood Vows: The Story Of A Mafia Wife(1987) - A fashion designer named Marian (Melissa Gilbert) finds that her supposedly do-gooder husband Edward Moran (Joe Penny) is part of a family of a dangerous kind.
Screamers(1995) - (SIRIUS 6B, Year 2078) On a distant mining planet ravaged by a decade of war, scientists have created the perfect weapon: a blade-wielding, self-replicating race of killing devices known as Screamers designed for one purpose only -- to hunt down and destroy all enemy life forms.
Chrono Trigger: Dimensional Adventure Numa Monjar (1996) - Chrono Trigger anime which was broadcast at the Japanese V-Jump Festival of July 31, 1996. It was created by Production I.G, and written by Hiroshi Izawa and Akihiro Kikuchi, while Itsuro Kawazaki served as director, Tensai Okamura as animation director, and Riho Nishino as character designer. It wa...
The Gauntlet(1977) - A cop (Clint Eastwood) is assigned to move a prisoner from vegas to arizona, but the mob has other plans.
The Good Son(1993) - A Young Boy Stays With His Aunt And Uncle And Befriends His Cousin Who's The Same Age, But His Cousin Begins Showing Increasing Signs Of Psychotic Behavior.
Deadly Blessing(1981) - A former Hittite (a member of an Amish-like sect) dies in a mysterious tractor "accident", and his widow is left to face the frightening Hittites who view her as "the incubus" and may have sinister designs on her.
Wildcats(1986) - Molly McGrath (Goldie Hawn) is a track teacher at a high school. She also really enjoys football as well. When the football coach's job becomes vacant, Molly decides to sign up and give it a go. Of course, things go wrong, but eventually they righ
Illegally Yours(1988) - Richard Dice (Rob Lowe) faces something that annoys many of us: Jury duty. Things get interesting when the murder case he's assigned to involves a woman named Molly Gilbert (Colleen Camp), whom he pined for back in his school days. Dice feels something is askew about the whole case, and takes it upo...
Konrad(1985) - A middle-aged woman(Polly Holiday) becomes a mother when a package gets delivered to her door unknown to her that when she signs for the package that an 8 year old boy (Huckleberry Fox) a.k.a. Konrad will come into her life and flip it upside down. Unbeknownst to her that Konrad is from a place c...
Fraternity Vacation(1985) - A nerd gains the friendship of two of his frat brothers when his dad offers them his condo for the week in Palm Springs, and also offers the fraternity a hot tub and jacuzzi if they can help his son find a girl. They meet two guys from a rival fraternity, and make a bet on who can nail the Designate...
Windrunner (1995)(1995) - "A high school boy unwillingly moves to Southern Utah with his mother in this inspirational family feature. In Utah, the boy visits his imprisoned father, he meets a girl, he makes the school football team, and most significantly, he meets Wa To Huck. Wa To Huck is a Native American Indian who is sa...
A Few Good Men(1992) - In this military courtroom drama based on the play by Aaron Sorkin, Navy lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) is assigned to defend two Marines, Pfc. Louden Downey (James Marshall) and Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson (Wolfgang Bodison), who are accused of the murder of fellow leatherneck Pfc. William Sant...
Grosse Pointe Blank(1997) - Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to muff a couple of routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he attends his 10th year High School reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Dust to Dust(1994) - When a power struggle between a greedy Texas mayor and a sympathetic lawyer threatens to render a band of desperate orphans homeless, a notorious gunslinger is called in to resolve the matter in this Western starring Robert Vaughn and Willie Nelson. As a powerful railroad company sets its sights on...
Out of Sight(1998) - Steven Soderbergh directed this crime caper adapted from the novel by Elmore Leonard. When ex-con Jack Foley (George Clooney) robs a bank, his car goes dead, and Foley lands in a Florida prison. His escape from prison doesn't go as planned, since it's witnessed by deputy federal marshal Karen Sisco...
Second Sight(1989) - A detective hires a psychic to help find a kidnapped woman.Starring John Larroquette and Bronson Pinchot.
Road Games (1981) - A trucker assigned to deliever a shipment of meat across Australia's Nullarbor plain to Perth,keeps noticing a suspicious green van.When the trucker hears of a serial killer at large,he begins to suspect the driver of this van.Starring Stacy Keach,Jamie Lee Curtis,and Grant Page.
American Pop(1981) - Journey into an explosion of sight, sound, song and superb storytelling as brilliantly conceived by animation innovator Ralph Bakshi (Fritz the Cat, The Lord of the Rings, Wizards). From a turn-of-the-century immigrant vaudevillian to a rock superstar, American Pop is the story of four generations w...
Crimes Of Passion(1984) - Joanna Crane (Kathleen Turner) lives two lives. By day, she's a repressed fashion designer. By night, she's a hooker named China Blue. A young man with a troubled marraige named Bobby Grady (John Laughlin) develops an infatuation with her that extends beyond the hooker-and-john relationship. At the...
Vital Signs(1989) - This is another 1990 movie with a 1989 copyright date...As such, I'm including it in the 80
Heartbeeps(1981) - Val Com 17485 (Andy Kaufman), a robot designed to be a valet with a specialty in lumber commodities, meets Aqua Com 89045 (Bernadette Peters), a hostess companion robot whose primary function is to assist at poolside parties. At a factory awaiting repairs, they fall in love and decide to escape, ste...
That Old Feeling(1997) - When an inimically divorced couple meets up again at the formal wedding of their somewhat humiliated daughter, their animosity is rekindled on sight. But that spark quickly snowballs into an old flame, as the energies they expend on insults and other inflammatory incivilities quickly translates into...
Goldfinger(1964) - James Bond has been asigned to investigate billionaire Auric Goldfinger, who is suspected of smuggling gold. Soon enough, Bond learns that Goldfinger is planning to detonate an atomic bomb inside Fort Knox, in order to contanimate it's gold reserve, thus increasing the value of Goldfinger's own gold...
Shaft in Africa(1973) - the third movie in the shaft trilogy floowes jhon shaft privite detective from harlem on a trip to africa were he must agian bust a crime ring of some sort. the movies budget was significanly higher then the other two but grossed a lot less so metro golwin meyer quickly sold the rights to television...
Cleopatra Jones(1973) - Cleopatra Jones is a United States Special Agent assigned to crack down on drug-trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. After she burns a Turkish poppy field, the notorious drug-lord Mommy is furious at the loss of her supply and vows to destroy Cleopatra Jones. Mommy uses her connections with bad cops...
Dr Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine(1965) - A mad scientist(Vincent Price)invents an army of bikini clad female robots to con wealthy men into signing away their assets.
Tekkonkinkreet(2006) - In Treasure Town, life can be both peaceful and violent. This is never truer than for our heroes, Black and White - two street kids who claim to traverse the urban city as if it were their own. But in this town, an undercurrent of evil exists and has its sights set on the pair of brothers, forcing t...
Sign o' the Times(1987) - Sign o' the Times (styled Sign "" the Times) is a 1987 American concert film written and directed by Prince. In 1987, to capitalise on his growing success in Europe, Prince toured extensively to promote the album of the same name and sales increased accordingly. However the U.S. remained resistant...
Gulliver's Travels(2010) - Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) works in a mailroom at a city newspaper. While he is on an assignment in the Bermuda Triangle, a vortex transports him to a magic land of tiny people. His newfound comrades use his enormous size to help defend the land of Lilliput from warring rivals.
Van Helsing: The London Assignment(2004) - In this animated prequel to the Van Helsing movie, Van Helsing travels to London to deal with the mischievous Dr. Jekyll.
Elopement(1951) - An industrial designer(Clifton Webb) and his wife try to stop their daughter(Anne Francis)from marrying a college professor.
Insignificance(1985) - Four 1950s icons meet in the same hotel room and two of them discover more in common between them than they ever anticipated.
True Confessions(1981) - A worldly ambitious monsignor clashes with his older brother, a cynical L.A.homicide detective investigates the brutal murder of a young prostitute.
The Beach Girls(1982) - School is out, and three girls head to the beach for vacation. Two of the girls are world-wise party-goers who attempt to loosen up their naive, virginal friend, whose uncle has allowed the girls to stay at his beach house. When the near-sighted, drug smuggling Captain Bly dumps his cargo of marijua...
Miss Congeniality(2000) - FBI agent Gracie Hart is neither graceful nor ladylike but she is a smart & capable at her work. When faced with disciplinary action for a bungled operation, Gracie is recruited to go undercover for an assignment to take down a terrorist coined "The Citizen" whose next target is the Miss United Stat...
Wadjda(2012) - An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school's Koran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle that has captured her interest.
Another Woman's Husband(2000) - Johnny Miller (Dale Midkiff) wants to take his wife, Susan Miller (Gail O'Grady) on a vacation to the Bahamas, but a traumatic childhood incident has left Susan with a mortal fear of swimming or even going anywhere near the ocean. As a means of curing herself, Susan signs up for swimming lessons, an...
Cause Of Death(2001) - A deputy-district attorney, assigned to investigate the murder of the mayor's cousin, finds himself falling for the victim's wife.
Children Of A Lesser God(1986) - James is a new speech teacher at a school for the deaf. He falls for Sarah, a pupil who decided to stay on at the school rather than venture into the big bad world. She shuns him at first, refusing to read his lips and only using signs. Will her feelings change over time?
The Little Drummer Boy Book II(1976) - Greer Garson returns as storyteller in the sequel to the classic Rankin-Bass animated special. Shortly after the events of the first film, a bellmaker creates four large silver bells which will ring to signify the birth of the newborn king. After Roman soldiers seize the bells, Aaron, his drum, Melc...
Mankillers(1987) - A female CIA agent is assigned to train and lead an all-female squad to Colombia to stop a renegade agent who has hired himself out to a drug cartel.
Born to be Wild(1995) - A young female gorilla is captured in the mountains of Africa and flown to California, where behavioral researcher Margaret Heller (Helen Shaver) begins teaching her sign language. Heller's moody teenage son, Rick (Will Horneff), bonds with the primate, now nicknamed Katie. When cynical circus owner...
9(2009) - When 9 (Elijah Wood) springs to life, it finds itself in a post-apocalyptic world where humans no longer exist, and the only signs of life are sentient rag dolls like itself and the machines that hunt them. Though it is the youngest of the group, 9 convinces comrades that the only way to survive aga...
WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3(2002) - When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal conne...
Road to Bali(1952) - In this musical, Harold (Bob Hope) and George (Bing Crosby) are two vaudeville performers in Australia. After they realize their local gal pals intend to marry them, they sign up for a diving expedition led by the local island prince, Ken Arok (Murvyn Vye). They soon meet the prince's sister, Lalah...
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows(2011) - When Austria's crown prince is found dead, evidence seems to point to suicide. However, detective Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) deduces that the prince was murdered and that the crime is but a piece of a puzzle designed by an evil genius named Moriarty (Jared Harris). Holmes and his friend Dr....
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence(2004) - With Major Motoko Kusanagi missing, Section 9's Batou is assigned to investigate a string of gruesome murdersseemingly at the hands of faulty gynoids, or sex robots. But when a faulty gynoid leaves Batou a cryptic message, he begins to question the cause of their malfunctions. Suspicions of politic...
Appleseed(1988) - Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased ph...
Men In Black II(2002) - In 2002, five years after the first Men in Black, Agent J is now the top operative for the MIB, the self-funded New York City-based agency that secretly monitors and regulates extraterrestrials' activity on Earth. J has no permanent partner since his trainer-mentor K resigned, and Agent L (from the...
Christmas with the Kranks(2004) - Nora and Luther Krank are in for a Christmas alone this year. Their daughter Blair is going away on a Peace Corps assignment in Peru over the holidays. After looking at how much money was spent last Christmas, the two decide to skip Christmas and instead attend a ten-day cruise over the holidays. Th...
The Beast Must Die(1974) - When his castle is exorcised, Dracula plots his revenge against the Monsignor who performed the rites by attempting to make the holy man's young neice his bride.
Dracula Has Risen From The Grave(1968) - When his castle is exorcised, Dracula plots his revenge against the Monsignor who performed the rites by attempting to make the holy man's young neice his bride.
Aroused(1966) - In Manhattan, prostitutes are being murdered by a psycho. A detective is assigned to track him down and bring him in.
Designing Woman(1957) - When Mike Hagen and Marilla Brown marry after a whirlwind romance on the west coast, they return to New York to find that they don't have much in common. She is a clothing designer who lives in a swanky apartment and whose friends are actors, artists and the like. He is a sports writer who likes to...
Jeremy(1973) - Jeremy Jones is learning Cello at an arts school in New York. At school he spots Susan Rollins, who practices for a ballet audition, and he falls in love on first sight. He's very diffident in nearing her, so he gets some help of his experienced friend Ralph. Susan's first impression isn't great, un...
Big Fat Liar(2002) - A take on the classic tale 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', this is the story of a 14-year-old boy named Jason Shephard who lies for the fun of it. He loses an important story assignment entitled 'Big Fat Liar' in movie producer Marty Wolf's limo, which Wolf then turns into a film. When Jason sees a movie...
Delinquent School Girls(1975) - Three mental patients (a bad impersonator, a baseball player, and a gay fashion designer) escape their asylum and sexually assault their way into a girl's private school. The girls education includes wrestling and karate, so the three mad men will find stern opposition when they least expected.
Only When I Laugh(1981) - A boozy Broadway actress comes out of a 12-week cure to face the problems of her best friends as well as her needy daughter. She tries to balance the terrors of returning to work with the demands of all around her with humor and insight, while staying off the booze.
Yours, Mine, and Ours(2005) - A remake of the classic 1968 film. High school sweethearts Frank Beardsley, a widowed Coast Guard Admiral and Helen White, a widowed handbag designer, get re-united after Frank and his family of eight kids move into the neighborhood. Even with Helen and her ten kids, some biological and some adopted...
Blue Thunder(1983) - Blue Thunder is a specially modified helicopter. It is for police work, but is armed and designed to counter street insurgencies. It's makers want to show what it will do, but have to train a Los Angeles Police pilot Frank Murphy, to fly and use it in order to allow it to operate in the city. Murphy...
Leave it to Beaver(1997) - Beaver gets his heart set on a bicycle in the store window, but does not think his parents will shell out that money for it. Eddie Haskell tells him that if he sucks up to his father, by signing up for football, he will be sure to get the bike on his upcoming birthday. Beaver enrolls on the football...
Stripped To Kill(1987) - When Detective Cody Sheehan discovers the body of a stripper from the Rock Bottom dance club, she wants the case. Her partner, Detective Heineman, is equally anxious to make the jump to the prestigious homicide division, but the only way Cody can get the assignment is to go undercover - uncovered -...
Vice Academy(1988) - This tale wavers on the fine line between erotic comedy and soft-core porn with a definite leaning toward the latter as it tells the story of female police cadets training to join the Hollywood vice squad. During training, the toothsome rookies are assigned to infiltrate a kiddy porn operation. Next...
Monsignor(1982) - An ambitious priest seduces a nun and leads the Vatican into shady business during and after World War II.
Limitless(2011) - Out-of-work writer Eddie Morra's rejection by girlfriend Lindy confirms his belief that he has zero future. That all vanishes the day an old friend introduces him to NZT, a designer pharmaceutical that makes him laser focused and more confident than any man alive. Now on an NZT-fueled odyssey, ever...
Winnie The Pooh(2011) - A movie designed to span the generations, Winnie the Pooh contains a few new stories based on the classic children's book by A. A. Milne. From the original "Winnie the Pooh" storybook, we have the stories of "In Which Eeyore Loses A Tail and Pooh Finds One", and "In Which Piglet Meets a Heffalump"....
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed(2008) - Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a 2008 documentary film directed by Nathan Frankowski and hosted by Ben Stein. The film contends that the mainstream science establishment suppresses academics who believe they see evidence of intelligent design in nature and who criticize evidence supporting Dar...
MVP: Most Valuable Primate(2000) - The plot revolves around an ape playing sports. Jack is a three-year-old chimpanzee who is the subject of an experiment involving sign language that is performed by Dr. Kendall. However, Dr. Kendall loses funding for his research and Kendall's boss, Mr. Peabody, sells Jack to a medical research lab,...
A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Swan III(2012) - A graphic designer's enviable life slides into despair when his girlfriend breaks up with him.
Catwoman(2004) - Artist and graphics designer Patience Phillips works for a cosmetics company called Hedare Beauty, which is ready to ship a new skin cream called Beau-Line, that is able to reverse the effects of aging. However, as Patience visits the factory where it is being manufactured, she overhears a discussio...
There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown(1973) - There are three months of school left and all of the Peanuts gang are under pressure from too many tests and homework assignments. They now have to make preparations to write a report on a field trip to an ar
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown(1969) - School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, playing baseball, and playing classical music. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate...
The Business of Being Born(2008) - Inspired by their own unique birthing experiences, executive producer Ricki Lake and director Abby Epstein team up for this documentary that provides a nation of mothers-to-be with insight into the process of childbirth and the various options available when preparing for the miraculous event of lif...
Windtalkers(2002) - Two U.S. Marines In WWII Are Assigned To Protect Navajo Marines Who Use Their Native Language As An Unbreakable Radio Cypher.
Crush(1992) - On the way to interview a novelist, Lane and Christina are involved in a car crash which leaves literary critic Christina brain-damaged. Lane undertakes the assignment and becomes attracted to the novelist's 15 year old daughter, leading to stormy emotions.
Tron: Legacy(2010) - The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world.
Steam: The Turkish Bath(1997) - Francesco and Marta are husband and wife running a small design company in Rome. When Francesco's long forgotten Aunt Anita dies in Istanbul, he travels there to look after the sale of the hamam (one of a few traditional Turkish baths left) he inherited. There he meets the family running the hamam,...
Malcolm(1986) - A mentally retarded man who has been sacked from his job on Melbourne's trams and has a talent for designing mechanical gadgets takes in a criminal who has just been freed from prison together with the latter's girlfriend as boarders. The criminal then makes use of his mechanical gadgets to commit b...
The Dirty Dozen(1967) - A US Army Major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead them into a mass assassination mission of German officers in World War II.
Valiant(2005) - In May 1944, 5 years since the declaration of World War II, three Royal Homing Pigeon Service war pigeons are flying across the English Channel with the White Cliffs of Dover in sight, carrying vital messages to Great Britain. Despite the poor weather conditions the pigeons have nearly reached their...
What Waits Below(1985) - The U.S. government has been using deep caves in Central America as bases for a special type of radio transmitter used for communicating with submaries. When the signal from one of these transmitters suddenly disappears, a team of soldiers and cave specialists is sent in to find out what happened. A...
The Illustrated Man(1969) - A man, whose body is almost completely covered in tattoos, is looking for the woman who drew all the intricate designs on him. Each tattoo hides a futuristic story, which you experience when you stare at it. Written
The Brides Of Dracula(1960) - Vampire hunter Van Helsing returns to Transylvania to destroy handsome bloodsucker Baron Meinster, who has designs on beautiful young schoolteacher Marianne.
Rush Hour 2(2001) - When James Carter goes on a vacation to Hong Kong to visit his good friend Chief Inspector Lee planning to just have a good time, a bomb soon explodes at the United States Consulate General. Inspector Lee is assigned to the case and soon finds out that Rocky Tan, the friend of his officer father may...
Austin Powers in Goldmember(2002) - Dr. Evil returns in 2002 with a new lair behind the Hollywood sign where he reveals a new plan for world domination: He plans to go back to 1975 and kidnap Johan van der Smut, better known as "Goldmember" who has developed a cold fusion unit for a tractor beam. Dr. Evil plans to use the tractor beam...
Love At First Sight(1977) - A young, blind man falls in love with a sweet,natured young woman.Unfortunately,the woman's overprotective father tries thwart his daughter's happiness.Starring a pre-"Saturday Night Live"Dan Aykroyd.
I Do & I Don't(2007) - A screwball comedy about a young couple that must endure pre-marital counseling and the horrific married couple they are assigned to.
The Absent-Minded Professor(1961) - Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to en...
Love Liza(2002) - Following the unexplained suicide of his wife Liza, a web designer turns to gasoline fumes and remote-control airplanes while avoiding an inevitable conflict with his mother-in-law.
Headhunter(2005) - Ambitious young go-getter Ben Caruso signs on with sexy corporate headhunter Sarah Tierney. Sarah gets Ben a new job with great pay working the graveyard shift. However, Ben soon discovers that Sarah is a witch and his coworkers are the tormented souls of Sarah's previous conquests. If Ben doesn't f...
Nine Deaths Of The Ninja(1985) - Two anti-terrorist agents are assigned to free a busload of American schoolchildren in the Philippines who are taken hostage by terrorists.
The Interpreter(2005) - Political intrigue and deception unfold inside the United Nations, where a U.S. Secret Service agent is assigned to investigate an interpreter who overhears an assassination plot.
Prime Target(1991) - John Bloodstone is a cop who is put on suspension after he uses a blow torch to stop a group of hostage takers. Bloodstone's next assignment begins when his boss, Commissioner Garth, calls him in and introduces him to FBI agent Harrington, and Garth and Harrington assign Bloodstone to transport a mo...
It Might Get Loud(2008) - A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of three significant rock musicians: The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White.
Blast Off!(1967) - In Victorian England, an American showman uses a wealthy Frenchman's finances to build a German explosives expert's giant cannon designed to fire a people-filled projectile to the Moon but spies and saboteurs endanger the project.
Assassination (1987)(1987) - This American action thriller film about U.S. Secret Service senior member Jay Killian (Charles Bronson) who is assigned to protect the First Lady of the United States, Lara Royce Craig (Jill Ireland).
The High Commissioner(1968) - An Australian outback police detective is sent on a special assignment to the UK, to return an Australian citizen accused of murder. Only this is not an ordinary man, he is a UN high commissioner for peace talks taking place in London.
Sidewinder 1(1977) - A veteran motorcycle racer does a deal with a rich industrialist to ride his specialized custom designed bike, Sidewinder 1.
Mooncussers(1962) - A boy discovers a group called the Mooncussers, who are pirates that send out false homing signals to ships at sea during the evenings to lure them to go off course and crash on the shore, where they are looted by the Mooncussers.
Annabelle: Creation(2017) - Annabelle: Creation is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by David F. Sandberg, written by Gary Dauberman and produced by Peter Safran and James Wan. It is a prequel to 2014's Annabelle and the fourth installment in the Conjuring Universe franchise. The film stars Stephanie Sigman, Ta...
Fast Five(2011) - Dominic Toretto and his crew of street racers plan a massive heist to buy their freedom while in the sights of a powerful Brazilian drug lord and a dangerous federal agent.
Freshstart: 21 Days To Stop Smoking(1985) - This was a video designed to help you quit smoking.
Madea Goes to Jail(2009) - Madea Goes to Jail is a 2009 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Tyler Perry, which was based on his 2006 play. The play and the film deal with Perry's signature character Madea going to prison for her uncontrollable anger management problems.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood(2019) - Lloyd Vogel, a troubled journalist working for Esquire Magazine has been assigned to profile children's TV host Fred Rogers, and he may find by developing a friendship with him that there is more to life than negativity and cynicism.
The Oath(2018) - Ike Barinholtz makes his directorial debut as well as playing a starring role in this black comedy film that shows how even the greatest of division will still not be enough to drive a family apart. In the near future, American citizens are asked, though not required, to sign a legal document sweari...
The Elf on the Shelf presents: An Elf's Story(2011) - Chippy the elf is assigned to a family that includes a boy who is questioning the magic of Christmas. When Chippy finds the assignment a bit challenging, his good friends, Santa, and an unexpected child help him remember why his job is important.
Pink Panther in "Pink at First Sight"(1981) - It is Valentine's Day and the Pink Panther is lonely and has no money except for seven cents. After receiving another person's Valentine gift package by mistake, he goes to the messenger service for a job but messes his rehearsal up. He then goes to a store, buys a cassette player and pre-recorded c...
Joyeux Noel(2005) - In December 1914, an unofficial Christmas truce on the Western Front allows soldiers from opposing sides of the First World War to gain insight into each other's way of life.
The Caine Mutiny(1954) - When a U.S. Naval captain shows signs of mental instability that jeopardizes the ship, the first officer relieves him of command and faces court martial for mutiny.
The Internship(2013) - When Billy McMahon's sales firm goes out of business he and his friend Nick Campbell sign up to become interns at Google despite their lack of experience in the field. They must now spend the summer engaged in a series of tasks along with other prospective interns where the winners of the contest of...
Travels Of Marco Polo(1972) - Explorer Marco Polo is assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to China, to try to convert the "pagan" Kublai Khan to Christianity. However, on a dangerous trek through the mountains, the priests decide they don't believe that China even exists, and when Marco tries to argue the point, they a...
42(2013) - A deep look into the life of Jackie Robinson, the first African American player to play in Major League Baseball. Signing in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers, a young Robinson is just pushing to be seen as equal as every other player in the league during a time when American society feverishly argued...
The Weird Adventures of Mutt & Jeff and Bugoff(1973) - USA government agents Mutt and Jeff have been assigned to track down SMOGPOOs top secret agent Bugoff, a master of disguise attempting to steal secrets all across th
Big Time Movie(2012) - Big Time Rush are going international for the first time as they take their own private plane to London at the start of a major world tour. When they get their they meet up with a secret agent codenamed "Moon" who has a plan to jam the world's radio signals to stop the success of upstart bands such... -- Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Music, Super Power, Supernatural, Romance, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi -- -- -- -- Sci-Fi, Adventure -- Music, Romance, Fantasy -- Action, Military -- Slice of Life, Comedy, Fantasy, Seinen -- Action, Space, Mecha -- Action, Military -- Game, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mystery, Magic, Fantasy -- Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Seinen -- Slice of Life, Comedy, School, Seinen
12 Strong (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Action, Drama, History | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- 12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban. Director: Nicolai Fuglsig Writers:
16 Blocks (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 March 2006 (USA) -- An aging alcoholic cop is assigned the task of escorting a witness from police custody to a courthouse 16 blocks away. There are, however, chaotic forces at work that prevent them from making it in one piece. Director: Richard Donner Writer:
1917 (2019) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama, Thriller, War | 10 January 2020 (USA) -- April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap. Director: Sam Mendes Writers:
42 (2013) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 12 April 2013 (USA) -- In 1947, Jackie Robinson becomes the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era when he was signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers and faces considerable racism in the process. Director: Brian Helgeland Writer:
633 Squadron (1964) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 42min | Drama, War | 11 July 1964 (Japan) -- An RAF squadron is assigned to knock out a German rocket fuel factory in Norway. The factory supplies fuel for the Nazi effort to launch rockets on England during D-Day. Director: Walter Grauman (as Walter E. Grauman) Writers: James Clavell (screen play by), Howard Koch (screen play by) | 1 more credit
Abstract: The Art of Design ::: TV-14 | 45min | Documentary | TV Series (2017 ) -- A look beyond blueprints and computers into the art and science of design, showcasing great designers from every discipline whose work shapes our world. Stars:
A Company Man (2012) ::: 6.7/10 -- Hoi-sa-won (original title) -- A Company Man Poster -- When a change of heart moves a well-trained hitman to tender his resignation to his employers, no good comes of it for anyone. Director: Sang-yoon Lim Writer:
Action in the North Atlantic (1943) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 2h 6min | Action, Drama, War | 12 June 1943 (USA) -- An American tanker's sunk by a German U-boat and the survivors spend 11 days at sea on a raft. Their next assignment; bound for Murmansk through the sub-stalked N. Atlantic. Directors: Lloyd Bacon, Byron Haskin (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers:
A Dangerous Method (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2011 (Germany) -- A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: Christopher Hampton (screenplay), Christopher Hampton (play) | 1 more
Alien: Harvest (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- 9min | Short, Horror, Sci-Fi | 26 April 2019 (USA) -- The surviving crew of a damaged space harvester has a motion sensor as their only navigation tool leading them to safety, while a creature in the shadows terrorizes them. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight. Director: Benjamin Howdeshell Writers: Craig Dewey, Dan O'Bannon (based on characters created by) | 1 more credit
All the President's Men (1976) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 2h 18min | Biography, Drama, History | 9 April 1976 (USA) -- "The Washington Post" reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that leads to President Richard Nixon's resignation. Director: Alan J. Pakula Writers:
Alpha Dog (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 12 January 2007 (USA) -- Johnny and a couple pals kidnap Jake's 15-year-old brother, Zach, then assigns his buddy Frankie to be Zach's minder. They develop a brotherly friendship. Zach parties with his captors as things begin to spin out of control. Director: Nick Cassavetes Writer:
American Crime ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20152017) -- Seasonal anthology series. Season 1: The lives of the participants in a trial with significant racial motives are forever changed during the legal process. Creator:
Angels & Demons (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 15 May 2009 (USA) -- Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works with a nuclear physicist to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican during one of the significant events within the church. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
Annihilation (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Adventure, Drama, Horror | 23 February 2018 (USA) -- A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don't apply. Director: Alex Garland Writers: Alex Garland (written for the screen by), Jeff VanderMeer (based on the
Ayla: The Daughter of War (2017) ::: 8.4/10 -- 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, History | 27 October 2017 (Turkey) -- In 1950, amid-st the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Sleyman stumbles upon a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight. Frantic, scared and on the verge of death, ... S Director: Can Ulkay Writer:
Barcelona (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 1994 (USA) -- An American working in Barcelona, having sworn off beautiful women, is forced to be host to his playboy cousin in this witty comedy of good intentions and mixed signals. Director: Whit Stillman Writer:
Beautiful Boxer (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- Unrated | 1h 58min | Action, Biography, Drama | 29 April 2004 -- Beautiful Boxer Poster -- Biopic of transgender Muay Thai boxer Parinya Charoenphol who pursued the sport to pay for her gender reassignment surgery. Director: Ekachai Uekrongtham Writers:
Beyond Silence (1996) ::: 7.4/10 -- Jenseits der Stille (original title) -- Beyond Silence Poster -- Since the earliest days in her childhood Lara has had a difficult but important task. Both her parents are deaf-mute and Lara has to translate from sign-language to the spoken word and vice... S Director: Caroline Link
Blackthorn (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Adventure, Western | 1 July 2011 (Spain) -- In Bolivia, Butch Cassidy (now calling himself James Blackthorn) pines for one last sight of home, an adventure that aligns him with a young robber and makes the duo a target for gangs and lawmen alike. Director: Mateo Gil Writer:
Branded to Kill (1967) ::: 7.4/10 -- Koroshi no rakuin (original title) -- Branded to Kill Poster After a badly done assignment, a hitman finds himself in conflict with his organisation, and one mysterious and dangerous fellow-hitman in particular. Director: Seijun Suzuki Writers: Hachiro Guryu (screenplay), Hachiro Guryu | 3 more credits
Bull Durham (1988) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Romance, Sport | 15 June 1988 (USA) -- A fan who has an affair with one minor-league baseball player each season meets an up-and-coming pitcher and the experienced catcher assigned to him. Director: Ron Shelton Writer:
Camp X-Ray (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Drama, War | 17 October 2014 (USA) -- A soldier assigned to Guantanamo Bay befriends a man who has been imprisoned there. Director: Peter Sattler Writer: Peter Sattler
Chuck ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20072012) -- When a twenty-something computer geek inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain, the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. assign two agents to protect him and exploit such knowledge, turning his life upside down. Creators:
City Lights (1931) ::: 8.5/10 -- G | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 March 1931 (USA) -- With the aid of a wealthy erratic tippler, a dewy-eyed tramp who has fallen in love with a sightless flower girl accumulates money to be able to help her medically. Director: Charles Chaplin Writer: Charles Chaplin Stars:
Coco Chanel (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 19min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 13 September 2008 -- The life story of legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel. Director: Christian Duguay Writers: James Carrington (screenplay), Carla Giulia Casalini | 3 more credits Stars: Daria Baykalova, Barbora Bobulova, Brigitte Boucher | See full cast &
Cold Case ::: TV-14 | 44min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20032010) -- The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she's assigned "cold cases", older crimes that have never been solved. Creator:
Crimes of Passion (1984) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | 19 October 1984 (USA) -- A mysterious woman, fashion designer by day and prostitute by night, is hounded by two men: a married father of two children and a sexually repressed preacher. Director: Ken Russell Writer: Barry Sandler Stars:
Cronos (1993) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Fantasy, Horror | May 1994 (USA) -- A mysterious device designed to provide its owner with eternal life resurfaces after four hundred years, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writer:
Dances with Wolves (1990) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 1min | Adventure, Drama, Western | 21 November 1990 (USA) -- Lieutenant John Dunbar, assigned to a remote western Civil War outpost, befriends wolves and Indians, making him an intolerable aberration in the military. Director: Kevin Costner Writers:
Designated Survivor ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162019) -- A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession. Creator:
Design for Living (1933) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Comedy, Romance | 29 December 1933 (USA) -- A woman cannot decide between two men who love her, and the trio agree to try living together in a platonic friendly relationship. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Nol Coward (play) (as Noel Coward), Ben Hecht (screenplay)
Designing Woman (1957) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Comedy, Romance | 16 May 1957 (Australia) -- A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: George Wells, Helen Rose (story suggested by)
Designing Women ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19861993) -- The misadventures of four women and their handyman running a design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Creator: Linda Bloodworth-Thomason
Detachment (2011) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Drama | 1 February 2012 (France) -- A substitute teacher who drifts from classroom to classroom finds a connection to the students and teachers during his latest assignment. Director: Tony Kaye Writer: Carl Lund
Dirty Harry (1971) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 23 December 1971 (USA) -- When a madman calling himself "the Scorpio Killer" menaces the city, tough-as-nails San Francisco Police Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan is assigned to track down and ferret out the crazed psychopath. Director: Don Siegel Writers:
Dollhouse ::: TV-14 | 44min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20092010) -- A futuristic laboratory has erased the identities of lost young people, and now imprints them with the temporary identities they need to fulfill assignments for clients. Creator:
Dollhouse ::: TV-14 | 44min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2009-2010) Episode Guide 27 episodes Dollhouse Poster -- A futuristic laboratory has erased the identities of lost young people, and now imprints them with the temporary identities they need to fulfill assignments for clients. Creator:
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 6 February 1969 (USA) -- When Castle Dracula is exorcised by the Monsignor, it accidentally brings the Count back from the dead. Dracula follows the Monsignor back to his hometown, preying on the holy man's beautiful niece and her friends. Director: Freddie Francis Writers:
Dumplin' (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 7 December 2018 (USA) -- Willowdean ('Dumplin'), the plus-size teenage daughter of a former beauty queen, signs up for her mom's Miss Teen Bluebonnet pageant as a protest that escalates when other contestants follow her footsteps, revolutionizing the pageant and their small Texas town. Director: Anne Fletcher Writers:
Earth 2 ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Sci-Fi | TV Series (19941995) -- Colonists, crash-landed on an alien planet, begin the long trek to their originally designated landing place, facing alien and human threats. Creators:
Electra Glide in Blue (1973) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 4 October 1973 (France) -- Bored with his highway traffic duties, Arizona motorcycle patrolman John Wintergreen is assigned to Homicide where his polite investigative style irks his macho boss. Director: James William Guercio Writers:
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Horror | 30 September 1988 (USA) -- Upon arriving in a small town where she has inherited a rundown mansion, a famous horror hostess battles an evil uncle, and townspeople who want her burned at the stake. Director: James Signorelli Writers:
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Music | 26 June 2020 (USA) -- When aspiring musicians Lars and Sigrit are given the opportunity to represent their country at the world's biggest song competition, they finally have a chance to prove that any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for. Director: David Dobkin Writers:
Executive Protection (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- Livvakterna (original title) -- (Sweden) Executive Protection Poster After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy ... S Director: Anders Nilsson Writers: Anders Nilsson, Joakim Hansson
Executive Protection (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- Livvakterna (original title) -- (Sweden) Executive Protection Poster After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy ... S
eXistenZ (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 23 April 1999 (USA) -- A game designer on the run from assassins must play her latest virtual reality creation with a marketing trainee to determine if the game has been damaged. Director: David Cronenberg Writer:
Fast Five (2011) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 29 April 2011 (USA) -- Dominic Toretto and his crew of street racers plan a massive heist to buy their freedom while in the sights of a powerful Brazilian drug lord and a dangerous federal agent. Director: Justin Lin Writers:
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Biography, Drama, History | 20 October 1989 (USA) -- This film reenacts the Manhattan Project, the secret wartime project in New Mexico where the first atomic bombs were designed and built. Director: Roland Joff Writers: Bruce Robinson (story), Bruce Robinson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Fisherman's Friends (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 10 July 2020 (Canada) -- Ten fisherman from Cornwall are signed by Universal Records and achieve a top ten hit with their debut album of Sea Shanties. Director: Chris Foggin Writers: Nick Moorcroft, Meg Leonard | 1 more credit
Flawless (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 24 November 1999 (USA) -- An ultraconservative security guard suffers a debilitating stroke and is assigned to a rehabilitative program that includes singing lessons, with the drag queen next door. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer:
Ford v Ferrari (2019) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Biography, Drama | 15 November 2019 (USA) -- American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference and the laws of physics to build a revolutionary race car for Ford in order to defeat Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966. Director: James Mangold Writers:
For Your Eyes Only (1981) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 2h 7min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 26 June 1981 (USA) -- James Bond is assigned to find a missing British vessel, equipped with a weapons encryption device and prevent it from falling into enemy hands. Director: John Glen Writers:
Frida (2002) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 22 November 2002 (USA) -- A biography of artist Frida Kahlo, who channeled the pain of a crippling injury and her tempestuous marriage into her work. Director: Julie Taymor Writers: Hayden Herrera (book), Clancy Sigal (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 15 January 1988 (USA) -- In 1965, an unorthodox and irreverent DJ named Adrian Cronauer begins to shake up things when he is assigned to the U.S. Armed Services radio station in Vietnam. Director: Barry Levinson Writer:
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama | 30 March 1984 (USA) -- A missing heir of respected Scottish family, raised in African jungles by animals, finally returns to his estate only to realize that difference between the two worlds is really significant. Director: Hugh Hudson Writers: Edgar Rice Burroughs (novel), Robert Towne (as P.H. Vazak) | 1 more credit
.hack//SIGN ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2002-2003) Episode Guide 28 episodes .hack//SIGN Poster -- A strange boy named Tsukasa appears in the online video game "The World". He claims to be alive, and without a computer. Stars: Megumi Toyoguchi, Kazuhiro Nakata, Amanda Winn Lee | See full cast &
Hatchet for the Honeymoon (1970) ::: 6.4/10 -- Il rosso segno della follia (original title) -- Hatchet for the Honeymoon Poster A cleaver-wielding bridal designer murders various young brides-to-be in an attempt to unlock a repressed childhood trauma. Director: Mario Bava Writer: Santiago Moncada (screenplay) Stars:
Heartbreaker (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- L'arnacoeur (original title) -- Heartbreaker Poster -- Alex and his sister run a business designed to break up relationships. They are hired by a rich man to break up the wedding of his daughter. The only problem is that they only have one week to do so. Director: Pascal Chaumeil Writers:
Hemlock Grove ::: TV-MA | 46min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (20132015) -- Secrets are just part of daily life in the small Pennsylvania town of Hemlock Grove, where the darkest evils hide in plain sight. Creators: Brian McGreevy, Lee Shipman
Her (2013) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 10 January 2014 (USA) -- In a near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need. Director: Spike Jonze Writer: Spike Jonze
Honest Trailers ::: TV-14 | 5min | Comedy | TV Series (2012 ) In this web series the Screen Junkies crew picks out everything that is wrong with a movie and then makes an "honest trailer". Creators: Andy Signore, Brett Weiner Stars:
Human Nature (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 12 September 2001 (France) -- A woman is in love with a man in love with another woman, and all three have designs on a young man raised as an ape. Director: Michel Gondry Writer: Charlie Kaufman
Human Nature (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 12 September 2001 (France) -- A woman is in love with a man in love with another woman, and all three have designs on a young man raised as an ape.
I Am Mother (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 53min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 7 June 2019 (USA) -- In the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news. Director: Grant Sputore Writers:
In Plain Sight ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20082012) -- U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon must hunt down witnesses for federal cases in the witness protection program while also managing a rather dysfunctional family and her own personal life. Creator:
Insignificance (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy | 2 August 1985 (USA) -- Four 1950s icons meet in the same hotel room and two of them discover more in common between them than they ever anticipated. Director: Nicolas Roeg Writer: Terry Johnson (screenplay) Stars:
Inspector George Gently ::: TV-MA | 1h 29min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20072017) -- With the help of DS John Bacchus, Inspector George Gently spends his days bringing to justice members of the criminal underworld who are unfortunate enough to have the intrepid investigator assigned to their cases. Creator:
I Was a Male War Bride (1949) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 45min | Comedy, Romance, War | 7 September 1994 (Canada) -- After marrying an American lieutenant with whom he was assigned to work in post-war Germany, a French captain attempts to find a way to accompany her back to the States under the terms of the War Bride Act. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
Jane by Design -- 44min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2012) ::: A case of mistaken identity has a dateless high school outsider living a double life as a twenty-something career girl in the fashion world. Creator: April Blair
Joan of Arcadia ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20032005) -- A teenage girl is visited by God, disguised as everyday people, and is given assignments and tasks that eventually have a positive outcome on people's lives. Creator:
Journey to Italy (1954) ::: 7.4/10 -- Viaggio in Italia (original title) -- Journey to Italy Poster -- An unhappily married couple attempts to find direction and insight while vacationing in Naples. Director: Roberto Rossellini Writers:
Joyeux Noel (2005) ::: 7.7/10 -- Joyeux Nol (original title) -- Joyeux Noel Poster -- In December 1914, an unofficial Christmas truce on the Western Front allows soldiers from opposing sides of the First World War to gain insight into each other's way of life. Director: Christian Carion Writer:
Justified ::: TV-MA | 44min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102015) -- U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is reassigned from Miami to his childhood home in the poor, rural coal mining towns of eastern Kentucky. Creator: Graham Yost
Kill List (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Action, Crime, Horror | 2 September 2011 (UK) -- Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness. Director: Ben Wheatley Writers:
Kolchak: The Night Stalker ::: TV-PG | 51min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (19741975) -- Carl Kolchak is a reporter for a Chicago newspaper. Through more accident than design he ends up investigating homicides, many of which involve supernatural forces. Ultimately, rather than reporting on the crimes, he solves them. Creator:
Land of the Pharaohs (1955) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 46min | Adventure, Drama, History | 24 June 1955 (USA) -- A captured architect designs an ingenious plan to ensure the impregnability of the tomb of a self-absorbed Pharaoh, obsessed with the security of his next life. Director: Howard Hawks Writers: William Faulkner, Harry Kurnitz | 1 more credit Stars:
Layer Cake (2004) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 June 2005 (USA) -- A successful cocaine dealer gets two tough assignments from his boss on the eve of his planned early retirement. Director: Matthew Vaughn Writers: J.J. Connolly (screenplay), J.J. Connolly (novel)
Love at Second Sight (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- Mon inconnue (original title) -- Love at Second Sight Poster -- A man tries to make his wife fall in love with him again, after waking up in an alternate reality where she never knew him. Director: Hugo Glin Writers:
Love Liza (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 31 January 2003 (UK) -- Following the unexplained suicide of his wife Liza, a web designer turns to gasoline fumes and remote-control airplanes while avoiding an inevitable conflict with his mother-in-law. Director: Todd Louiso Writer:
Love! Valour! Compassion! (1997) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 May 1997 (USA) -- Gregory invites seven friends to spend the summer at his large, secluded 19th-century home in upstate New York. The seven are: Bobby, Gregory's "significant other," who is blind but who ... S Director: Joe Mantello Writers:
Man Hunt (1941) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Drama, Thriller, War | 20 June 1941 (USA) -- British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman. Director: Fritz Lang Writers: Geoffrey Household (novel), Dudley Nichols (screenplay) Stars:
Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes (2015) ::: 7.8/10 -- 28min | Action, Drama, History | TV Movie 26 December 2015 -- Featurette 2:19 | Featurette -- Before he lost his sight. Before he pledged his service to Kublai Khan. Hundred Eyes saw what made him into the deadly assassin who trains Marco Polo. Director: Alik Sakharov Writers:
Metallica Through the Never (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Music | 4 October 2013 (USA) -- Trip, a young roadie for Metallica, is sent on an urgent mission during the band's show. But what seems like a simple assignment turns into a surreal adventure. Director: Nimrd Antal Writers:
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 21 November 1997 (USA) -- A visiting city reporter's assignment suddenly revolves around the murder trial of a local millionaire, whom he befriends. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers: John Berendt (book), John Lee Hancock (screenplay)
Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2020 ) -- The owner of a successful video game design company and his troubled staff struggle to keep their hit game 'Mythic Quest' on top. Creators: Charlie Day, Megan Ganz, Rob McElhenney
Nathan for You ::: TV-14 | 30min | Documentary, Comedy | TV Series (20132017) -- Nathan Fielder uses his business degree and life experiences to help real small businesses turn a profit. But because of his unorthodox approach, Nathan's genuine efforts to do good often draw real people into an experience far beyond what they signed up for. Creators:
Neverwas (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 4 August 2006 (Bulgaria) -- A psychiatrist searches for insight into the life of his father, who was an acclaimed children's author. But he is shocked when his journey leads him to believe that the fantasy-land his father wrote about might actually exist. Director: Joshua Michael Stern Writer:
New Police Story (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- San ging chaat goo si (original title) -- New Police Story Poster A hero cop accidentally leads his team into a trap from which he is the only survivor. Drowning his guilt in booze, he is eventually assigned a new younger partner who turns out to have his own secrets. Director: Benny Chan Writer: Alan Yuen (screenplay)
Nighthawks (1981) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 10 April 1981 (USA) -- When one of Europe's most lethal terrorists shows up in New York, an elite undercover cop is assigned to take him down by any means necessary. Directors: Bruce Malmuth, Gary Nelson (uncredited) Writers:
No Way Out (1950) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | September 1950 (USA) -- A black doctor is assigned to treat two white racist suspects who are brothers, and when one dies, it causes tension that could start a race riot. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers:
Oblivion (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 4min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 19 April 2013 (USA) -- A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question what he knows about his mission and himself. Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers: Karl Gajdusek (screenplay), Michael Arndt (screenplay) (as Michael
Official Secrets (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 30 August 2019 (USA) -- The true story of a British whistleblower who leaked information to the press about an illegal NSA spy operation designed to push the UN Security Council into sanctioning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Director: Gavin Hood Writers:
O Lucky Man! (1973) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 20 June 1973 (USA) -- An apprentice coffee salesman has a series of improbable and ironic adventures that seem designed to challenge his naive idealism. Director: Lindsay Anderson Writers: David Sherwin (screenplay), Malcolm McDowell (based on an original idea
Othello (1951) ::: 7.6/10 -- The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice (original title) -- Othello Poster The Moorish General Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his Lieutenant Michael Cassio when in reality, it is all part of the scheme of a bitter Ensign named Iago. Director: Orson Welles Writer: William Shakespeare (based on the play by)
Othello (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Romance | 19 January 1996 (USA) -- The Moorish General Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his Lieutenant Michael Cassio, when in reality, it is all part of the scheme of a bitter Ensign named Iago. Director: Oliver Parker Writers:
Out of Sight (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 26 June 1998 (USA) -- A career bank robber breaks out of jail, and shares a moment of mutual attraction with a U.S. Marshal he has kidnapped. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: Elmore Leonard (novel), Scott Frank (screenplay)
Patriot ::: TV-MA | 58min | Comedy, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20152018) -- Follows the complicated life of intelligence officer John Tavner, whose latest assignment - to prevent Iran from going nuclear - requires him to forgo all safety nets and assume a perilous non-official cover. Creators:
Planescape: Torment (1999) ::: 9.4/10 -- Adventure, Fantasy | Video game released 12 December 1999 -- In the city of Sigil, the only place from which all realities of the Planescape universe can be reached, an immortal amnesiac, the Nameless One, must uncover his past, the mystery of his immortality as well as who's trying to kill him. Writers: Chris Avellone, Colin McComb Stars: Michael T. Weiss, Rob Paulsen, Jennifer Hale
Police Squad! ::: TV-PG | 24min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (1982) Sight gags and non-sequiturs dominate this spoof of police dramas. The six episodes formed the basis for the very successful "Naked Gun" film franchise. Creators: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker Stars:
Predestination (2014) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 9 January 2015 (USA) -- For his final assignment, a top temporal agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time. The chase turns into a unique, surprising and mind-bending exploration of love, fate, identity and time travel taboos. Directors: Michael Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers), Peter Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers)
Project Runway ::: TV-PG | 1h | Game-Show, Reality-TV | TV Series (2004 ) -- Aspiring fashion designers compete for a chance to break into the industry in this reality competition. Each week, a designer is eliminated from the competition after exhibiting their work in front of a judges' panel. Stars:
Rainbow (2015) ::: 8.0/10 -- Dhanak (original title) -- Rainbow Poster -- Believing actor and goodwill ambassador Shah Rukh Khan can help her brother get an operation to restore his sight, a 10-year old girl takes her blind 8-year old brother on a trek across Rajasthan in search of the superstar. Director: Nagesh Kukunoor
Red Dragon (2002) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 4 October 2002 (USA) -- A retired FBI agent with psychological gifts is assigned to help track down "The Tooth Fairy", a mysterious serial killer. Aiding him is imprisoned forensic psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter. Director: Brett Ratner Writers:
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 5 August 2011 (USA) -- A substance designed to help the brain repair itself gives advanced intelligence to a chimpanzee who leads an ape uprising. Director: Rupert Wyatt Writers: Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver
Rocky Handsome (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 25 March 2016 (USA) -- A reclusive pawn shop owner sets his sights on revenge when vicious gangsters kidnap his drug-addicted neighbor's young daughter. Director: Nishikant Kamat Writer: Ritesh Shah (adapted by)
Rush (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Crime, Drama | 17 January 1992 (USA) -- Two small-town Texas cops go undercover to catch a major drug dealer and are sucked into the drug culture, compromising their assignment. Director: Lili Fini Zanuck Writers: Kim Wozencraft (book), Peter Dexter (screenplay) (as Pete Dexter)
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 June 2012 (Canada) -- Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified advertisement seeking a companion for time travel. Director: Colin Trevorrow Writer:
Secret Agent (1936) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 26min | Mystery, Thriller | 15 June 1936 (USA) -- After three British Agents are assigned to assassinate a mysterious German spy during World War I, two of them become ambivalent when their duty to the mission conflicts with their consciences. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Campbell Dixon (play), W. Somerset Maugham (novel) | 3 more credits Stars:
See ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 11 episodes See Poster -- Far in a dystopian future, the human race has lost the sense of sight, and society has had to find new ways to interact, build, hunt, and to survive. All of that is challenged when a set of twins is born with sight. Creator:
See ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019 ) -- Far in a dystopian future, the human race has lost the sense of sight, and society has had to find new ways to interact, build, hunt, and to survive. All of that is challenged when a set of twins is born with sight. Creator:
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1942) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 8min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | 12 February 1943 (USA) -- Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson must protect a Swiss inventor of an advanced bomb sight from falling into German hands. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Edward T. Lowe Jr. (screenplay) (as Edward T. Lowe), Scott Darling (screenplay) (as W. Scott Darling) | 4 more credits Stars:
Sightseers (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 10 May 2013 (USA) -- Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn. Director: Ben Wheatley Writers:
Signs (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 2 August 2002 (USA) -- A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come. Director: M. Night Shyamalan Writer: M. Night Shyamalan
Sir (2018) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Drama, Romance | 13 November 2020 (USA) -- A prosperous young Indian man falls in love with his servant, a widow with the dream of becoming a fashion designer. Director: Rohena Gera Writer: Rohena Gera
Sleeper Cell ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20052006) -- An American undercover FBI agent is assigned to infiltrate a terrorist sleeper cell that is planning an attack in Los Angeles. Creators: Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris
Smallfoot (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 28 September 2018 (USA) -- A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as "humans" really do exist. Directors: Karey Kirkpatrick, Jason Reisig (co-director) Writers: Karey Kirkpatrick (screenplay by), Clare Sera (screenplay by) | 4 more
Smoke Signals (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 29min | Comedy, Drama | 27 November 1998 (Iceland) -- Arnold rescued Thomas from a fire when he was a child. Thomas thinks of Arnold as a hero, while Arnold's son Victor resents his father's alcoholism, violence and abandonment of his family. Director: Chris Eyre Writers:
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Romance | 30 July 1993 (USA) -- A San Francisco poet who fears commitment suspects his girlfriend may have a knack for killing off her significant others. Director: Thomas Schlamme Writer: Robbie Fox
Stand Up Guys (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 1 February 2013 (USA) -- A pair of aging stickup men try to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of the guys takes his last assignment - to kill his comrade. Director: Fisher Stevens Writer:
Star-Crossed ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2014) -- About an epic romance between a human girl and an alien boy when he and others of his kind are integrated into a suburban high school 10 years after they landed on Earth and were consigned to an internment camp. Creator:
Sudden Impact (1983) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 9 December 1983 (USA) -- A rape victim is exacting revenge on her aggressors in a small town outside San Francisco. "Dirty" Harry Callahan, on suspension for angering his superiors (again), is assigned to the case. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 54min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | January 1960 (USA) -- A surgeon is assigned the case of a young woman whose aunt wants her lobotomized to cover up a family secret. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers: Tennessee Williams (play), Gore Vidal (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Sun Alley (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- Sonnenallee (original title) -- Sun Alley Poster A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The ... S Director: Leander Haumann Writers: Thomas Brussig (screenplay), Leander Haumann (screenplay) | 3 more
Tales from the Loop ::: TV-MA | 50min | Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- The townspeople who live above "The Loop," a machine built to unlock and explore the mysteries of the universe, experience things previously consigned to the realm of science fiction. Creator:
That Darn Cat! (1965) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 56min | Comedy, Crime, Family | 2 December 1965 (USA) -- After a kidnapped bank teller uses a neighbor's wandering cat to send an S.O.S., the F.B.I. assigns a cat-allergic Agent to the case. Director: Robert Stevenson Writers: Gordon Gordon (screenplay) (as The Gordons), Mildred Gordon (screenplay) (as The Gordons) | 3 more credits Stars:
The Aftermath (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 March 2019 (USA) -- Post World War II, a British colonel and his wife are assigned to live in Hamburg during the post-war reconstruction, but tensions arise with the German who previously owned the house. Director: James Kent Writers:
The Assignment (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 26 September 1997 (USA) -- An American naval officer is recruited for an operation to eliminate his lookalike, the infamous terrorist Carlos The Jackal. Director: Christian Duguay Writers: Dan Gordon, Sabi H. Shabtai
The Awakening (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Horror, Thriller | 11 November 2011 (UK) -- In 1921, England is overwhelmed by the loss and grief of World War I. Hoax exposer Florence Cathcart visits a boarding school to explain sightings of a child ghost. Everything she believes unravels as the 'missing' begin to show themselves. Director: Nick Murphy Writers:
The Beauty Inside (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- Byuti insaideu (original title) -- The Beauty Inside Poster -- A South Korean has a different person's body, changing every morning to a body "borrowed" for a day - man, woman, old, child and sometimes a foreigner. "He" works as furniture designer. He loves a girl. She loves him for the beauty inside. Director: Jong-Yeol Baek
The Brides of Dracula (1960) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 25min | Horror | 5 September 1960 (USA) -- Vampire hunter Van Helsing returns to Transylvania to destroy handsome bloodsucker Baron Meinster, who has designs on beautiful young schoolteacher Marianne. Director: Terence Fisher Writers:
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 51min | Drama, Music, Romance | 10 October 2012 -- The Broken Circle Breakdown Poster -- Elise and Didier fall in love at first sight, in spite of their differences. He talks, she listens. He's a romantic atheist, she's a religious realist. When their daughter becomes seriously ill, their love is put on trial. Director: Felix van Groeningen
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- An insight into the turbulent lives and loves of a gay clique based in Los Angeles. Director: Greg Berlanti Writer: Greg Berlanti
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- An insight into the turbulent lives and loves of a gay clique based in Los Angeles.
The Browning Version (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama | 12 October 1994 (USA) -- On the verge of forced resignation, a strict old-fashioned teacher rethinks his life. Director: Mike Figgis Writers: Terence Rattigan (play), Ronald Harwood Stars:
The Butterfly Effect (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 23 January 2004 (USA) -- Evan Treborn suffers blackouts during significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life by reading his journal. Directors: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber Writers:
The Caine Mutiny (1954) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 4min | Drama, War | 24 June 1954 (USA) -- When a U.S. Naval captain shows signs of mental instability that jeopardizes the ship, the first officer relieves him of command and faces court martial for mutiny. Director: Edward Dmytryk Writers:
The Dirty Dozen (1967) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 30min | Action, Adventure, War | 22 October 1967 (UK) -- During World War II, a rebellious U.S. Army Major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead them into a mass assassination mission of German officers. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers:
The Discovery of Heaven (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- 2h 30min | Drama, Fantasy | 25 October 2001 (Netherlands) -- God is disappointed with the human race and wants his stone tablets back. An angel is given the assignment and, with Gabrils help, tries to manipulate several humans on earth to get his ... S Director: Jeroen Krabb Writers: Harry Mulisch (novel), Edwin de Vries Stars:
The Driver (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 2 August 1978 (USA) -- A getaway driver becomes the latest assignment for a tenacious detective. Director: Walter Hill Writer: Walter Hill Stars:
The DUFF (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- The Duff (original title) -- The DUFF Poster -- A high school senior instigates a social pecking order revolution after finding out that she has been labeled the DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend - by her prettier, more popular counterparts. Director: Ari Sandel Writers:
The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 22min | Adventure, Drama | 15 December 1965 (USA) -- After a plane crash in the Sahara, one of the survivors says he's an airplane designer and they can make a flyable plane from the wreckage. Director: Robert Aldrich Writers: Lukas Heller (screenplay), Trevor Dudley Smith (novel) (as Elleston
The Football Factory (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Crime, Drama, Sport | 14 May 2004 (UK) -- An insight on the gritty life of a bored male, Chelsea football hooligan who lives for violence, sex, drugs & alcohol. Director: Nick Love Writers: John King (novel), Nick Love Stars:
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice. Director: Shekhar Kapur Writers:
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice.
The Gauntlet (1977) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 21 December 1977 (USA) -- A hard but mediocre cop is assigned to escort a prostitute into custody from Las Vegas to Phoenix, so that she can testify in a mob trial. But a lot of people are literally betting that they won't make it into town alive. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
The Good Liar (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 15 November 2019 (USA) -- Consummate con man Roy Courtnay has set his sights on his latest mark: the recently widowed Betty McLeish, worth millions. But this time, what should have been a simple swindle escalates into a cat-and-mouse game with the ultimate stakes. Director: Bill Condon Writers:
The Good Son (1993) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Drama, Thriller | 24 September 1993 (USA) -- A young boy stays with his aunt and uncle and be friends with his cousin, a boy of the same age who shows increasing signs of violent and psychopathic behavior. Director: Joseph Ruben Writer:
The Guns of Navarone (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-PG | 2h 38min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 28 April 1961 (UK) -- A team of allied saboteurs are assigned an impossible mission: infiltrate an impregnable Nazi-held island and destroy the two enormous long-range field guns that prevent the rescue of 2,000 trapped British soldiers. Director: J. Lee Thompson Writers:
The Hurt Locker (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Drama, Thriller, War | 31 July 2009 (USA) -- During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work. Director: Kathryn Bigelow Writer:
The Interpreter (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 8min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 22 April 2005 (USA) -- Political intrigue and deception unfold inside the United Nations, where a U.S. Secret Service agent is assigned to investigate an interpreter who overhears an assassination plot. Director: Sydney Pollack Writers:
The Martian (2015) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 24min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | 2 October 2015 (USA) -- An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
The Musketeers ::: TV-14 | 55min | Adventure, Drama | TV Series (20142016) -- Set on the streets of 17th-century Paris, "The Musketeers" gives a contemporary take on the classic story about a group of highly trained soldiers and bodyguards assigned to protect King and country. Creator:
The New Scooby-Doo Movies ::: TV-G | 1h 23min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Series (19721973) -- The Mystery Inc. gang investigate more supernatural sightings with various guest stars and characters. Stars: Nicole Jaffe, Casey Kasem, Don Messick
The Nile Hilton Incident (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 5 July 2017 (France) -- A maid witnesses a murder at an upscale hotel and a policeman is assigned to the case, but it soon becomes clear that important people don't want the case solved. Director: Tarik Saleh Writers:
The Nutty Professor (1963) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi | 7 June 1963 (USA) -- A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times. Director: Jerry Lewis Writers:
The OA ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20162019) -- Having gone missing seven years ago, the previously blind Prairie returns home, now in her twenties with her sight restored. While many believe she is a miracle, others worry that she could be dangerous. Creators:
The Odessa File (1974) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Drama, Thriller | 18 October 1974 (USA) -- Following the suicide of an elderly Jewish man, a journalist in possession of the man's diary investigates the alleged sighting of a former S.S. Captain, who commanded a concentration camp during World War II. Director: Ronald Neame Writers:
The Outer Limits ::: TV-PG | 51min | Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi | TV Series (19631965) -- An anthology series of insightful science fiction tales. Creator: Leslie Stevens
The Runaways (2010) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama, Music | 8 April 2010 (Malaysia) -- A coming-of-age biographical film about the 1970s teenage all-girl rock band The Runaways. The relationship between band members Cherie Currie and Joan Jett is also explored. Director: Floria Sigismondi Writers:
The Sand Pebbles (1966) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 2min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 20 December 1966 (USA) -- In 1926, a U.S. Naval engineer gets assigned to a gunboat on a rescue mission in war-torn China. Director: Robert Wise Writers: Richard McKenna (novel), Robert Anderson (screenplay)
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | May 1977 (UK) -- To treat his friend's cocaine induced delusions, Watson lures Sherlock Holmes to Sigmund Freud. Director: Herbert Ross Writers: Nicholas Meyer (screenplay), Nicholas Meyer (novel) | 1 more credit
The Signal (2014) ::: 6.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 July 2014 (Germany) -- On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare. Director: William Eubank Writers:
The Sign of Four (1987) ::: 8.1/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 43min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 27 October 1988 -- The disappearance of a young woman's father and a mysterious note years later after the strange regular annual delivery of valuable pearls to her puts Sherlock Holmes on the case. Director: Peter Hammond Writers: Arthur Conan Doyle (by) (as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), John Hawkesworth (dramatised by)
The Spirit of St. Louis (1957) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 15min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 20 April 1957 (USA) -- Charles 'Slim' Lindbergh struggles to finance and design an airplane that will make his New York to Paris flight the first solo transatlantic crossing. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama, History | 17 July 2015 (USA) -- In 1971, twenty-four male students are selected to take on randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez Writers:
The Surprise (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- De surprise (original title) -- The Surprise Poster After both signing an agreement with a company that offers to end their lives when they least expect it, a dejected millionaire and a disheartened young woman fall in love and have to find a way to get out of their binding contracts. Director: Mike van Diem Writers: Mike van Diem (screenplay), Mike van Diem (screen story) | 2 more
The Trip to Spain (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- Unrated | 1h 48min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 11 August 2017 (USA) -- Actors Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon embark on a six-part episodic road trip through Europe. This time they're in Spain, sampling the restaurants, eateries, and sights along the way. Director: Michael Winterbottom Stars:
The Vanishing (1988) ::: 7.7/10 -- Spoorloos (original title) -- (Netherlands) The Vanishing Poster -- Rex and Saskia, a young couple in love, are on vacation. They stop at a busy service station and Saskia is abducted. After three years and no sign of Saskia, Rex begins receiving letters from the abductor. Director: George Sluizer
The Wind Rises (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- Kaze tachinu (original title) -- The Wind Rises Poster -- A look at the life of Jiro Horikoshi, the man who designed Japanese fighter planes during World War II. Director: Hayao Miyazaki Writers:
Thunderheart (1992) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 3 April 1992 (USA) -- A young mixed-blood FBI agent is assigned to work with a cynical veteran investigator on a murder on a poverty-stricken Sioux reservation. Director: Michael Apted Writer:
THX 1138 (1971) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 11 March 1971 (USA) -- In the 25th century, a time when people have designations instead of names, a man, THX 1138, and a woman, LUH 3417, rebel against their rigidly-controlled society. Director: George Lucas Writers:
Tiny House Nation ::: TV-PG | 43min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 90 episodes Tiny House Nation Poster -- Tiny House Nation takes renovation experts John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin across America to help design and construct tiny dream homes in spaces under 500 square feet. Tiny House Nation ... S Stars:
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan ::: Jack Ryan (original tit ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2018 ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 -- An up-and-coming CIA analyst, Jack Ryan, is thrust into a dangerous field assignment as he uncovers a pattern in terrorist communication that launches him into the center of a dangerous gambit.
Triage (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, War | 13 November 2009 (Spain) -- The wife of a photojournalist sets out to discover why he came home from a recent assignment without his colleague. Director: Danis Tanovic Writers: Danis Tanovic, Scott Anderson (book)
TRON: Legacy (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- Tron (original title) -- TRON: Legacy Poster -- The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world. Director: Joseph Kosinski
Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 12 August 1988 (USA) -- The story of Preston Tucker, the maverick car designer and his ill-fated challenge to the auto industry with his revolutionary car concept. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers:
UHF (1989) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Sci-Fi | 21 July 1989 (USA) -- An unemployed visionary becomes the manager of a local television station. The station becomes a success, with all sorts of hilarious sight gags and wacky humor. Director: Jay Levey Writers:
Ulzana's Raid (1972) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Adventure, Western | 27 October 1972 (USA) -- After fierce war chief Ulzana and a small war party jump the reservation bent on murder and terror, an inexperienced young lieutenant is assigned to track him down. Director: Robert Aldrich Writer: Alan Sharp Stars:
U.S. Marshals (1998) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 11min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 6 March 1998 (USA) -- U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard and his team of Marshals are assigned to track down Sheridan, who has been accused of a double-murder. Director: Stuart Baird Writers: Roy Huggins (characters), John Pogue
Violet Evergarden ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 14 episodes Violet Evergarden Poster -- In the aftermath of a great war, Violet Evergarden, a young female ex-soldier, gets a job at a writers' agency and goes on assignments to create letters that can connect people. Stars:
Walk on Water (2004) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 29 April 2005 (USA) -- Following the suicide of his wife, an Israeli intelligence agent is assigned to befriend the grandchildren of a Nazi war criminal. Director: Eytan Fox Writer: Gal Uchovsky (screenplay)
Warehouse 13 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20092014) -- Pete and Myka, U.S Secret Service agents, are deployed in South Dakota's Warehouse 13 with a new assignment from an authority above and outside the government. Creators:
Wicked City (1987) ::: 6.8/10 -- Yj toshi (original title) -- (USA) Wicked City Poster Two agents, a lady-killer human and a voluptuous demon, attempt to protect a signatory to a peace treaty between the human world and the demon world from radicalized demons. Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri Writers: Hideyuki Kikuchi (novel) (as Hideyuki Kikuti), Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Will & Grace ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (19982020) -- Gay lawyer Will and straight interior designer Grace share a New York City apartment. Their best friends are gleeful and proud gay Jack and charismatic, filthy-rich, amoral socialite Karen. Creators:
Youth in Revolt (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- While his trailer trash parents teeter on the edge of divorce, Nick Twisp sets his sights on dream girl Sheeni Saunders, hoping that she'll be the one to take away his virginity. Director: Miguel Arteta Writers:'s_Orgasm's_Early_Resignation's_Design_Team,_But_Interpretations_Are_Illimitable,_But_Interpretations_Are_Illimitable,_una_industria_del_siglo_XXI's_Lab:_Last_Signs_of_Life's_Consigliere's_Friend?

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